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Espanol-Ingles t Ingles- Espand
DE Appleton







Spanish- English and English- Spanish







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In" the compilation of this work the endeavour has been to

produce in a compact volume that may be conveniently used by
students, travellers, and business men, a complete and accurate
vocabulary of the Spanish language.
With this end in view, and for the purpose of including all
the modern words with which the language has been enriched
through a general advancement in human knowledge and activ-
ity,the thirteenth edition (1899) of the Dictionary of the Koyal

Spanish Academy which is the latest and highest authority in

Spanish lexicography has been adopted as a ground-work, and
every word, every acceptation, every idiom contained in that
dictionary, with the exception of those that have become archaic,
is defined in this volume.

Furthermore, many words and acceptations have been added,

which, while not purely Castilian, are in general use in Spanish-
American countries and in the Philippine Islands, and also a
great number of technical terms that are frequently used in
commercial intercourse between Spanish- and English-speaking
countries. Indeed, this rapidly increasing intercourse, and the
ties that now bind to the United States several million people
whose vernacular is the Spanish language, have been kept
steadily in view during the preparation of the work, which is in-
tended to be as helpful to the American or English student of
Spanish as to the great number of Spaniards who are now study-
ing English.
To accomplish this purpose, a radical departure has been
made from the practice adopted in many dictionaries of giving
long explanations in English of the meaning of a Spanish word,
instead of supplying the student with the English equivalents.
A bilingual dictionary, like a good rule, should work both ways,
and to do this it should give equivalents rather than definitions.

Numberless examples might be cited here to show the labori-

ous task implied in the search for correct equivalents, especially
as regards technical terms, many of which are either omitted or
erroneously translated in other dictionaries.
All the dictionaries of the Spanish and English languages,
and especially those by Velazquez, Gray and Iribas, Lopes and
Bensley, Ponce de Leon, Bustamante, Tolhausen, Wellesley and
Girones, have been frequently consulted and compared in the
course of compilation, and acknowledgment is hereby made for
valuable suggestions found in them.
Many new features, however, and thousands of words and ac-
ceptations not found in any similar work, have been introduced
here, as any one may verify by careful comparison of a single
page of this book with the corresponding page in any other dic-
tionary. As illustrative examples of the exhaustiveness of this
compilation, the reader is referred to such words as a, de, con,
por, que, le, se, nos, ese, uno ; dar, hacer, coger, estar, correr,
echar, ser, salir, seguir, poner, tirar, ver, venir ; Have, medio,
fuerza, ropa, tiro, titulo, viga, vida.

One no doubt commend itself to students

special feature will
as a helptoward the proper use of irregular verbs. The funda-
mental tenses of such verbs, from which other modes are formed,
are given with each infinitive, as well as the literal mutations
that some regular verbs undergo in some tenses.
In order to save space for more important matter, the pro-
nunciation usually given for each word has been dispensed with,
except in a few cases where some difficult word occurs but as

the Spanish pronunciation is simple, the few rules given in the

following pages, explanatory of a comprehensive key placed at
the foot of each page, should enable the student to pronounce
any word correctly.
Arturo Cuyas.
New York, July, 1902.

The Spanish vowels are a, e, i, o, u, and occasionally y.
Each vowel has one invariable sound.
The sound of a is full, open, as in far father^ farm^ alarm.^

The sound of e is an intermediate sound between long a in

mate and short e in met,, as in eli ! weight.
The sound of i is the same as in police^ machine.
The sound of o is as in /or, order^ lord, form.
The sound of u is the same as short oo in wool, or u in bull,
pull, push.
All vowels should be clearly and distinctly sounded in all

cases, except u in the syllables gue, gui, que, qui, when it is

usually silent. When sounded in gue, gui, it is marked with a
dieresis, thus : giie, gili.


B, b, has a softer sound than in English, produced by joining

the lips, without pressure.
C, 0, before a, o, u, or before another consonant, has the
sound of the English k, as in carro (car), costo (cost), cubo
(cube), close (class), crema (cream), acto (act).
C, c, before e, 1, has the sound of th in theft, thin, as in
Ciceron (Cicero), pronounced thie-thay-ron'.
Ch, ch, like the English oh in cheese, riches. It never has
the sound of k, nor of ch in machine.
D, d, is softer than in English. It is sounded by touching
the edge of the upper teeth with the tip of the tongue, and the
sound resembles that of th in this, that.
F, ff the same as in English.
G, g, before a, o, u, or before a consonant, has the sound of
English g, as in gas (gas), goma (gum), guano (guano), gloria
Iglory), gracia (grace), ignorante (ignorant), etc.

Before e, i, it has a harsh aspirate sound, as that of English

h in hey, he ; as geologia (geology), pronounced hey-o-lo-he'-a.
H, h, is always silent.

J, j, has the harsh aspirate sound of English h in hat, hot,

hood: same as Spanish g before e, i.

K, k, as in English.
L, 1, as in English.
U, 11, is a Spanish digraph, and sounds always like the Eng-
lish 11 in million, brilliant.
M, m, as in English.
N, n, as in English.
N, n, like ny in caiiyon^ ronyon.
P, p, as in English.
d, q, as in English.
E, between two vowels has the sound of English r in

caramel. When it begins a word, or is preceded by 1, n, s, or

when doubled, rr, it has a rolling or trilling sound, produced by
vibrating the tip of the tongue by a strong expulsion of breath.
S, s, has the sound of English s in sassafras, and no other.

T, t, differs from the English sound of t in that it is sounded

by placing the tip of the tongue between the teeth.
V, V, as in English.
X, X, sounds as ks or gs, never as sh. In some old Spanish
words it is pronounced as Spanish j (aspirate h), as Mexico,
pronounced May'-he-co.
Y, y, when a consonant, sounds as in the English word year,
young. When it stands alone as a conjunction (meaning and),
or is at the end of a word, it is a vowel, and has the sound of
Spanish i (English long e).

Z, z, has the sound of th in thick, thatch, thought : same as

Spanish c before e, i.

The Key to Peonunciation

In a line at the foot of each page will be found a key giving
the sounds of letters in Spanish that differ most from the equiv-
alent English letters. Those who make themselves thoroughly
conversant with the simple rules given above will find little
difficulty in pronouncing Spanish words. When a word occurs
that is not covered by the Key, the pronunciation is given in

EuLES FOR Spanish Accentuation

1. Place the inflection on every vowel that has the graphic
accent ; e. g., cantara, cantara, haul, corazon, alegria, esdrujulo,

pagaselo, castiguesemele.
2. On words not accented, ending with a vowel, or with an n
or s, place the inflection on the penultimate syllable ; e. g., can-
tara, cataclismo, ordinario, caramelos, contradicen (accent thus
•janta'ra, cataclis'mo, ordina'rio, carame'los, contradi'cen).
3. On words not accented, ending with a consonant (except
a or s), plav^e the inflection on the last syllable; e. g., principal,
contemplad, conocer, albornoz, occiput (accent thus : principal',
contemplad', conocer', albornoz', occiput').

Irregular Verbs
The fundamental modes of irregular verbs are given with
each infinitive, and likewise the mutations of letters occurring
in —
some regular verbs a feature not heretofore presented in
any dictionary of the Spanish language.
a. . . adjective. . machinery.
adv. adverb. . masonry.
agriculture. . mathematics.
algebra. mechanics.
\ ( Spanish) Americanism.

(api.) . apiculture. . Mexico.
(arch. ) architecture. . military.
(arith.). arithmetic. . milling.
(arm.) . armour, . mining.
art. . . article. . mineralogy,
(arti.) . artillery. . music.
(ast.) . astronomy. mutation of letters.
(astrol.) astrology. . metal work.
aug. . . augmentative. . nautical.
(b. b.) . book-binding. . neologism.
(biol.) . biology. . neuter.
(bot.) . botany. . obsolete.
(C. A.), Central America. . optics.
(car. ) . carriage-building. . ordnance.
(carp.) . carpentry. . ornithology, birds.
cf. . . confer (compare). present participle (active),
ichem. chemLstry. . paper-making.
coll.) . colloquial. . personal.
com.) . commerce. . pharmacy.
comp, , comparative. . Philippine Islands.
conj. . . conjunction. . philosophy.
tontr. contraction. . photography.
(cook.), cookery. . physics.
(cut.) . cutlery. . physiology.
(daBc). dancing. . pictorial art.
def. . . definite. plural.
d^ect. . defective. . poetry.
(dent) . dentistry. . politics.
dim. . . diminutive. . Porto Rico.
(dipl.) . diplomacy. possessive.
(eccl.) . ecclesiastical term. . past participle.
(elec.) . electricity. . preposition.
(eng.) . engineering. . preterit.
(ent.) . entomology. . printing.
feminine. . pronoun.
(f/a.) : fine arts. . provincial.
(falc.) . falconry. . pyrotechnics.
(far.) . farriery. . reptile.
(fenc.) . fencing. . rope-making.
(fort.) . fortification. , railway.
(found.) foundry. . South America.
fut. . . future. . saddlery.
(geog.). geography. . sewing.
(geoL) . geology. . shoemaking.
(geom.). geometry. . singular.
(gl.). . glass. . Spanish America.
(gram.), grammar. . subjunctive.
(hat.) . hat manufactory. . superlative.
(her.) . heraldry. . surgery.
(hum.) humorous. . tailoring.
(hyd.) . hydraulics. . tannery.
(icht.) . ichthyology, fishes. . telegraph.
imp. . . imperfect. . theatre.
impers. . impersonal. . theology.
ind. . . indicative. . Vide, see,
indef. . indefinite. , verb.
inf. . . infinitive. va. . . . verb active (transitlTe).
interj. . interjection. ( Venez. . Venezuela.
(iron.) .. ironically. Vd. . . , (usted) you.
irr. . . irregular or irregalarity. (vet.) . , veterinary.
(jeweL jewelry. . verb neuter (intraMsitiye).
(joum. journalism. . verb reflexive.
(Xat.) . Latin. (vulg.) . vulgar, low.
(lith.) . lithography. W.I.) . West Indies.
(log.) . logic. (zool. . zoology.

espa:n'ol t inglEs
a, first letter invariably pronounced as Eng-
; abalaustrado, da, a. v. balaustrado.
lish a in alarm. abaleador, ra, a. grain cleaner or separa-
ii,prep. to, at, on, by, in, up to, according to, tor.
as, like, if, for, against, with, toward, upon, abalear, va. to clean or separate grain from
until, of, etc. according as it denotes ac-
; chaff after winnowing.
tion, motion, direction, limit, manner, time, abaleo, m. (agr.) act of cleaning or separat-
place, number, height, etc., i. e.: escribo 4 ing grain.
mi madre, I write to my mother & mediodia, : abalizar, va. {pret. abalic^: suhj. :

at noon : & la paerta, at the door : & pie, on (naut.) to lay down buoys. vr. (naut.) to
foot & bordo, on board, aboard paso k paso,
: : take bearings.
step by step i sangre y faego, by fire and
: abaloriO, m. glass bead bead-work. ;

sword k oscuras, in the dark 4 pesar de, in

: : aballestar, va. (naut.) to haul a cable.
spite of: con agua & la cintura, with water abauar, va. to ventilate with fans.
up to the waist i ml gusto, according to my
: abandalizar, va. V. abanderizar.
taste i lo que parece, as it seems
: sabe 4 : abanderadO, m. colour-sergeant; standard-
limdn, it tastes of lemon & ser cierto, if it : bearer.—^/), of ABANDERAR.
be true: k beneflcio de, for the benefit of: abanderar, va. to register a ship.
adosado k la pared, placed against the wall abanderizador, ra, m. &f. ringleader.
k disgusto, with displeasure: fueron k il, abanderizar, va. {pret. abanderice: subj.
they went toward him k fe mla, upon my : abanderice) to organize in bands. vr.
honour; used also in adverbial forms: 4 band together.
sabiendas, knowingly 4 hurtadillas, stealth- : abandonadO, da, a. helpless ; forlorn ;
ily 4 la verdad, truly
; it coalesces with ; ligate; slovenly.—jap. of abandonar.
article el, forming al, viz. al hombre, to : abandonamientO, m. forlornness ; sloven-
the man. lewdness, debauchery.
liness ;

aa, contraction for autores, authors and A. ; abandonar, va. to leave forsake ; to give ;

for Alteza, Highness, or for approval. up. vr. to despond ; to give one's self up to-
Aar6n, m. V. barba. abandono, m. v. abandonamiknto.
ababa, /. ababol, m. red poppy. V. ama- abanlcar, va. {pret. abaniqu:i& : subj. abani-
POLA. que) to fan.
abac^, m. (hot.) pla'it of the banana family, abanicazo, m. stroke with a fan.
common in the Philippines fiber of this ; abaniCO, m. fan anything fan-shaped, as a

plant, called Manila hemp stuflFmade with ; peacock's tail; (coll.) sword: en abanlco,
the said fiber. fan-shaped; (naut.) derrick; crane; sprit-
abaceria,/. retail grocery. sail: (arch.) fan-light; (min.) ventilator.
abacero, ra, m. &f. retail grocer. abaniquerO [ahbah-nee-kay'-ro], m. fan-maker;
abacial, a. abbatial. fan-dealer.
&baC0, m. (arch.) abacus, plate on a capital abano, m. fan hanging-fan ventilator.
; ;

calculating frame; (min. ) washing-trough. abanto, m. African vulture.

abad, m. abbot. abaratar, va. to cheapen to abate. vn. ; to
abada,/. female rhinoceros. V. bada. fall in price.
abadejo, m. codfish pollack. V. bacat^ao. ; abarca, /. sandal worn by Spanish peasants.
Spanish fly or blistering beetle ;
(orn.) king- abarcado, da, a. sandaled embraced, con- ;

let orgolden-crested wren. tained.—pp. of abarcar.

abadengo, ga, a. abbatial. abarcador, ra, m. &f. clasper monopolist. ;

abadernar. va. (naut.) to fasten with the abarcadura, /. v. abarcamiento m. em- ;

rope called baderna. bracing, comprising.

abadesa,/. abbess. abarcar, va. {pret. abarqu^ : subj. abak-
abadia,/. abbey. que) to clasp, embrace, contain ; to com-
abadiatO, m. dignity of an abbot. to monopolize.
prise ;

abajadero, m. down-hill, slope. abarc6n, m.. a pole-ring in carriages ; large

abaiador, m. stable-boy in mines. iron clamp.
abajefl.0, ila, a. (Amer.) lowlander. abarloar, va. (naut.) to bring alongide a ship
abajO, adv. under, underneath, below : venlrse or wharf.
abajo, to fall. abarqii6, abarquemos {irr. from abarcar).
abalanzar, va. {pret. abalanc^ subj. aba- : abarquero, ra, «. maker or seller of abarcas.
lanck) to balance to dart impel. vr. to ; ; abarquilladO, da, a. rolled up curled up. ;

rush impetuously ; to venture. abarquUlamientO, m. curling up into a roll.

a as in far ; e in eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; u bull

in ; c (before and z as th In thick
e, i) b and d, soft ; ;

S (before e, 1) and J as h in hot ; h. silent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trlUed ; s, hissed.
abaXqUillaX [ah-bOT-keel-lyar'], va. tO CUrl Up; abellotado, a. in the form of an acorn,
shape into a roll. aberenjenado, da, «. having the colour or
Abarracarse, vr. to go into barracks. form of the egg-plant ; lilac.
abarraganarse, vr. to live in concubinage. aberracibn, /. aberration deviation ; ; wan-
abarrancadero, m. heavy road precipice ;
dering away (ast.) aberration. ;

difficult business. aberrugado, da, a. full of warts,

abarrancamientO, m. fall into a pit ; em- abertal, a. earth easily cleft.
barrassment. abertura, /. aperture; outset; opening/
abarrancar, va. {prei. abarranqu^ mbj. : cleft ; crevice ; fissure ;
abakranquh) to aitch form a ravine. vr. ; abestiadO, da, a. beast-like.
to become embarrassed.
to fall into a pit ; abetal, m. place covered with silver firs.
abarredera, broom, carpet-sweeper any-
/. ; abete, m. hook for holding cloth while sheart
thing that sweeps and cleans. ing it ;
(hot.) silver fir-tree.
abarrotar, va. to bar to strengthen with ; abetinote, m. fir-tree rosin.
bars (naut.) to stow a cargo to overstock.
; abeto, m. (hot.) silver-tree; yew-leaved fir*
abarrote, m. (naut.) a small package for fill- spruce ; hemlock.
ing up stop-gap (Mex.) retail grocery.
; ; abetuna, /. fir-tree sprout.
abarrotero, ra, m. &/. (Mex.) retail grocer. abetunado, da, a. resembling bitumen,
abarse, vr. {defective, used only in the impera- abetunar, va. v. embetunar.
tire : ABATE ABAOs) to go move aside ; ; ; abey, m. (Cuba) hard-wood tree, jacaranda.
get away. abiertamente, adv. frankly, openly.
abastamientO, m. providing; supplying abiertO, ta, a. open, clear sincere, candid, ;

with provisions, stores, etc. frank, outspoken full-blown.—^^. irr. ol ;

abastar, va. v. abastecer. abrir.

abastecedor, ra, m. & f. caterer, provider, abigarrado, da, a. variegated, motley.—pp.
purveyor. of ABIGARRAR.
abastecer, va^ {ind. abastezco subj. abas- : ablgarrar, va. to paint with various ill-
tezca) to purvey supply. ; matched colours to fleck. ;

abastecimientO, m. providing, provisions, ablgeatO, m. (law) theft of cattle.

siiltplies. ablgeo, in. (law) cattle-thief.
abastionar, va. (fort.) to construct bastions. abigotado, da, a. having a heavy mustache.
abastO, m. supply of provisions (met.) any- ; abiniclo (or ab initio, Lat.), from the begin-
thing abundant (com.) supply. ;
abatanar, va. to beat or full cloth. abintestato, a. (Lat.) intestate.
abate, m. abbe. abiselar, va. to bevel.
abatidamente, adv. dejectedly. abislnlo, a, Abyssinian. a.
abatido, da^ a. dejected; spiritless ; faint; dis- ablsmado, da, a. dejected, depressed; ab-
mayed ; discouraged ; crestfallen ; abject, sorbed in profound meditation.
mean ;
(com. ) knocked down.—^^pp. of aba- abismal, a. abyssal. m. clasp nail, shingle
TIR. nail.
abatimientO, m. depression, low spirits. abismar, va. to depress, humble, destroy.
abatir, 'a. to throw down, overthrow, knock vr. to think or feel deeply.
down undo flatten to humble, debase
; ; ; ; abismo, m. abyss; gulf; immense depth; hell.
overwhelm; discourage, dishearten; (mech. abltadura, /. (naut.) a turn of tne cable
to depress ; lower ; lay down ; demolish. around the bitts.
to descend stoop.
t'w. vr. to be disheart- ; abitaque, m. rafter or joist.
ened dismayed; depressed; (naut.) to
abitar, va. (naut.) to bitt.
have leeway. abitas, (naut.) bitts: abitas del moU-
abaz6n, m. cheek-pouch of baboons. nete, carrick-bitts.
abdicacidn,/. abdication. abitones, m. pi. top-sail sheet-bitts.
abdicar, fo. {pret. abdiqu^: subJ. abdique) abizcochado, da, a. in the form of a biscuit.
to abdicate. abiuracion,./'. abjuration, recantation.
abdomen, m. abdomen. abmrar, m. to forswear.
abdominal, a. abdominal. ablaclon !aii-i.iaii-tiieH)u'i,/. ablation.
abdUCCibn, /. (logic) abduction ;
(anat.) ab- ablandabrevas, m. &/. (coll.) a good-for-
duction. nothing person.
abductor, m. (anat.) abducent muscle. ablandador, ra, m. &f. mollifier.
abec6, m. the alphabet. ablandahigos, m. & f. (coll.) l'. ablanda-
abecedario, m. alphabet spelling-book, ; brevas.
primer, ablandamlento, m. softening, mollification.
abedul, m. birch-tree ; birch. ablandar, ra. & vn. to soften, mellow, relent
abeja, /. bee abeja maestra 6 madre, the: to loosen ; to assuage, mitigate, melt, soothe.
queen or queen-bee abeja machlega, breed- : ablandativo, va, a. mollifying.
ing-bee abeja obrera, a worker-bee.
: ablanedo, m. hazel-nut or filbert plantation.
abejar, m. bee-hive. V. colmenar. ablano, m. filbert-tree.
abejarr6n, abejorro, m. bumble-bee. ablativo, »«. (gram.) the sixth case ; ablative.
abejaruco, abejeruco, m. bee-eater, a bird. ablucidn [aii-bioo-tiie-on'], /. ablution, lotion,
abejera hu i)u,v-hay -rah], /. bee-hive balm- ; cleansing.
nun t or bee- wort. abnegacion,/. abnegation, self-denial.
abejero, m. bee-keeper. abnegar, va. (ind. abniego mbj. abniegue) :

abejilla, ita, juela, /. dim. little bee. to renounce, to deny one's self anything.
abei6n, m. drone rustic game. ; abobado, da, a. stultified, silly.—^. of abo-
abe orro, m. v. abejakron. BAU.
abe, uno, na, a. relating to the bee. abobamiento, m. stupefaction, stupidity.
abelmosco, m. (hot.) abelmosk; musk-okra. abobar, va. to stupefy. V. EMBOBAR. vr. to
abellacado, da, a. mean-spirited.—jip. of grow stupid.
AHRLLACAKSE. abocado, c mild, agreeable : applied to wine.
abellacarse, vr. to degrade one's self. —pp. of ABOCAR.
a ai in far ; e in eb I ; i in poILce : o in for ; a in bull ; c (before e, i) and z ai th in tbick -, b and d, soft
a'bocajniento, >». meeting, interview. aborrecedor, ra, m. &/. detester, hater.
aT)OCar, va. {pret. ABOQUE snhj. aboque) to : aborrecer [ah-boi^ray-therr'], va. {irr. ind. ABO-
take or catch with the mouth abocar arti- : RREZco subj. aborrezca) to hate, abhor ;

lleria, to bring the guns to bear abocar tin : to desert (of birds).
estrecho, to enter the mouth of a channel or abOrreCible [ah-bor-ray-thee'-blay], a. hateful ;
strait. vr. to meet by agreement. detestable, forbidding.
abocardado, da, a. wide-mouthed, like a aborrecimientO, m. abhorrence ; detest^c
trumpet. tion, dislike, hate, grudge.
abocardar, va. to countersink to widen the ; aborrezco {irreg. V. aborrecer).
mouth. abortamiento, m. abortion,
abocardo, m. (min.) countersinking drill. abortar, miscarry, abort to fail.
va. to ;

abocliornado, da, a. out of countenance, abortivamente, adv. abortively untimely.- ;

flushed, mortified.—p/». of abochornar. abortive, va, a. abortive ; producing abor:

abOChomar, va. to overheat; to shame. tion.
vr. to blush. abortO, m. miscarriage, abortion a monster. ;

abofeteador, ra, m- &f. buflFeter, one who abort6n, m. the abortion of a quadruped
insults. unborn lamb's skin.
abofetear, va. to slap to insult. ; abomjar, va. to make lumps. vr. to muffle^
abogacia,/. profession of a lawyer or advo- up.
cate. abotagarse, vr. to become swollen, inflated.
abogada,/. mediatrix; counsellor's wife. abotinado, da, a. shaped like a gaiter.
abogadear, vn, to play the advocate : used abotonador, m. button-hook.
in contempt. abotonar, va. to button. vn. to bud ger- ;

abogado, m. lawyer, advocate, counsellor, minate.

barrister mediator.—^, of abogar.
; abovedado, da, a. arched, vaulted.—;fip. of
abOgar, vn. {pret. abogu^: subj. abogue) abovedar.
to advocate, plead to intercede. ; abovedar, va. to arch, to vault.
aboleZLgO, m. ancestry, lineage inheritance. ; aboyado, da, a. farm rented, with oxen for
abOlicion, /. abolition, abrogation, extinc- ploughing.—^, of ABOYAR.
tion. aboyar, va. (naut.) to lay down buoys.
abolicionista, vi. abolitionist. abozalar, va. to muzzle.
abolir, va. and defective {only those modes and abra, /. bay, haven; cove, creek; dale, val-
persons are used having the letter i in their ley ; fissure, gorge.
terminations) to abolish, annul, revoke, re- abrac6 abrazar).
{irr. v.
peal, abracijO, w. dim. (coll.) an embrace, a hug..
abOlsadO, da, a. puckered, purse-shaped. abrahonar, va. (coll.) to hold one fast by'
aboUado, a. & m. V, alechugado.—^j?. of the garment.
ABOLLAR. abrasador. ra, m. &f. burner inflamer. ;

abolladura, /. unevenness, dent, emboss- abrasamiento, m. act of burning; inflam-

ment, bruise. mation; excess of passion.
abollar, va. to emboss to dent to stun and ; ; abrasar, va. to bum fire to squander to ; ; ;

confound to bruise. ; provoke. vr. to glow ; to be agitated by

aboUonar, ra. to emboss. any violent passion.
abominable, a. detestable, execrable, odious. abrasiladO, da, a. Brazil-wood, colour.
abominacibn, /. abomination, detestation, abrazadera, /. clasp, clamp, band, cleat;
execration. (print.) brace or bracket {. a. V. sierra —
abominar, va. to detest, to abhor. ABRAZADERA.
abonado, da, m. & f. subscriber, commuter, abrazador, ra, m. & f. embracer ; bolster
holder of a season-ticket. a. creditable, used in the Philippines.
rich; fit.—pp. of abonar. abrazamlentO, m. embracing.
abonador, ra, m. &f. person who goes bail abrazar, va. {pret. abrao6 subj. abrace) :

or surety. to embrace, nug, caress ; to clasp, clamp,

abonamiento, m. V. abono ;bail, security. cleat to contain, comprise, surround ; to

abonanzar, vn. {impersonal verb : subj. abo- accept, follow, take charge of.
xanck) to grow calm clear up. ; abrazo, m. hug, embrace.
abonar, va. to bail to insure to improve
; ; kbregO, m. south-west wind.
to guarantee, indorse, answer for to ma- ; abrenunciO, int. (Lat.) far be it from me;
nure to give credit; allow; (com.) to in-
; fie!
demnify, compensate, pay. vr. to subscribe abrevadero, m. watering-place for cattle
to; to buy a season-ticket (for a theatre, drinking-trough.
etc.).—^n. V. ABONANZAR. abrevador,m. he who waters cattle waterer. ;

abonar6, m. promissory note due-bill. V. ; V. abrevadero.

PAGAR^. abrevar, va. to water cattle to irrigate to ; ;

abonO,m. security, guarantee; subscription ;

soak skins.
allowance, discount, receipt, voucher mar ; abreviaci6n, abbreviation abridgment
/. ;

nure, fertilizer. shortening contraction ; reduction ac- ; ;

aboque, etc. {irr. from abocar). celeration hastening.;

abordador, m. (naut. ) boarder intruder, ; abreviadamente, adv. briefly, in short.

abordaje, TO. (naut.) the act of boarding a abreviador, ra, «. one who abridges or
ship. shortens. m, pontifical oflScer who issues
abordar, va. (naut.) to board a ship to run
; briefsand bulls.
foul of a ship. vn. to put into a port. abreviaduria, abreviaturia, /. office of
abordo, m. v. abordaje. the pontifical abbreviator.
aborigenes, m. pi. aborigines, the earliest abrevlamiento, m. V. abreviaci6n.
native inhabitants of a country. abreviador, ra, m. &/. abridger breviator ; ;

aborrachado, da, a. high-coloured, flushed, pontifical officer.

aborrascarse, vr. to become tempestuous or abrevlar, va. to abridge, cut short, contract,
stormy. reduce ; to accelerate, hasten.

g (before e, i) and j as h in hot; b, silent; 11 in brilliant; 1, ny in casyon; r (initial) and rr triUed; a, hissed.
abrevlatura, /. abbreviation
contraction ; ; absorbente, m. (med.) absorbent.—^, ol
shorthand : en abreviatura, in abbreviation ;
(coll.) hastily. absorber, va. (pp. absorbido, absorto) to
abribanaxse, become lazy, to loa£
vr. to absorb ; imbibe. V. empapar.
abridero, m.. sort of freestone peach.—a. absorto, ta, a. amazed absorbed in thought. ;

easily opened ; freestone, freeshell. —pp. irr. of ABSORBER.

abridor, m. (hot.) nectarine, peach-tree; abstemiO, mla, a. abstemious,
opener, grafting-knife: abridor de liminas, abstenclbn,/. forbearance, self-denial
engraver : abridor es haeco, die-sinker abstenerse, vr. {ind. me ap.stengo prvL MK :

abridor de guantes, glove-stretcher : abridor ABSTUVE subj. ME abstekga) to a'fls'wdn,


de latas, can-opener. forbear.

abrigadero, m. sheltered place. abstergente, abstersivo, va, a. detergent;
abriga.tiO, m. shelter for cattle. cleansing ; abstergent.
abrigar, m. to shelter, protect to cover ; to ; absterger, va. to cleanse to sterilize. ;

warm: to lodge; to patronize; (met.) to abstersi6n,/. abstersion, purification,

nourish ; to cherish. vr. to take shelter ; abstinencia [abs-te-nen'-the-hai/. forbearance,
to put on a wrap. abstinence : dia de abstinencia, fast-day.
abrigO, m. shelter ; protection overcoat, ; abstinente, a. abstinent, abstemious,
wrap; aid, support; cover; (naut.) har- abstracclbn [abs-trac-the-on'j /. abstraction,
bour, haven. concentration.
abril, m. April.—j?/. (met.) years: nifia de abstractivo, va, a. abstractive.
diez y seis abriles, sweet sixteen. abstractO, ta, a. abstract.—^, irr. of abs-
abrillantar, va. to cut a diamond into fac- TRAER.
ets to make sparkle to impart brilliance ;
; ; abstraer, va. {pp. abstraido, abstracto:
to glace, polish, brighten. ind. abstraigo pret. abstraje subj. : :

abriSnienio, m. opening. abstraiga) to abstract. vn. abstraer de,

abrir, va. {pp. abierto) to open, unlock, to do without, leave aside. vr. to con-
unfasten, uncover^ unseal to begin, in- ; centrate one's mind.
augurate to remove obstacles to engrave
; ; ; abstraido, da, a. retired.—«p. of ABSTRAER
to expand, separate, distend ; to cut open, abstraigo, yo abstraje (irr. from abs-
cleave, rend, dig. vn. to open unfold ; traer).
unclose extend display. vr. to open, ex-
; ; abstruso, sa, a. abstruse, difficult
pand; to chink, crack, cleave, yawn (met.) ; absuelto, ta, a. acquitted.—^, irr. of ab-
unbosom one's self.
to communicate, solver.
abrocbador, m. buttoner button-hook. V. ; abSUelVO {irr. from absolver).
ABOTONADOR. absurdo, m. absurdity, nonsense.
abrochadura,/. abrochamlento. m. lacing absurdo, da, a. nonsensical, absurd,
or buttoning on. abubilla, /. (orn.) hoopoe.
abrochar, va. to clasp, buckle, button on, abuela,/. grandmother.
fa.stcn with hooks and eyes. abuelO, m. grandfather ancestor, ;

abrogacldn,/- abrogation, repeal. abllltado, da, a. bulky, massive, \Ag.—pp. ol

abrogar, va, (pret. ABROGuft subj. abrogue) : ABULTAR.
to abrogate, annul, repeal. abultar, va. to augment to enlarge. vn, to ;

abrojal, m. thistly ground. be bulky or large.

abroiO, m. (bot.) thistle, thorn, prickle; abundamiento, m. v. abundancia.
frnil.) caltrop crowfoot; thorny appendage
; abundancia, /. abundance, fruitfulness
to a scourge.—p/. hidden rocks in the sea. opulence, plenty.
abromado, da, a. (naut.) hazy, foggy; abundante, a. abundant, plenty.
worm-eaten.—;W>. of abromarse. abundantemente, adv. abundantly.
abromarse, rr. (naut.) to be worm-eat«n. abundar, m. to abound, to have plenty.
abroquelar (ah-broi.-kay-iar'], va. (naut.) to abundosamente, adv. abundantly, plenti-
boxhaul.— rr. to shield one's self. fully.
abrotano, m. (bot.) southernwood. abundOSO, sa, a. abundant, plentiful.
abrumado, da, a. weary, abufiolado, da, abu&uelado, da, a. fried
abrumador, ra, a. teaser ; oppressor ; weari- eggs turned over shaped like a fritter. ;

.some. abufluelar, va. to turn eggs over in frying;

abnimar, crush, overwhelm, oppress ;
va. to to shape like a fritter.
to weary, annoy. vr. to become foggy ; to abur, interj. V. agvr.
worry. aburar, va. to bum scorch. ;

abrupto, ta, a. craggy, rugged, aburelado, da, a. dark red.

abrutado, da, a. brutish, bestial, aburricibn, /. v. aburrimiento.
absceso ai^-thay'-so], m. absccss. aburrido, da, a. weary.—/jp. of aburbir.
absclsion,/. (med.) incision, aburrimiento, m. annoyance tediousness ; ;

absentlsmo, m. absenteeism, weariness.

^bside, m. &f. (arch.) presbytery, aburrir, va. to vex, annoy, tire, perplex,
absit. inter}. (Lat.) God forbid! weary, bore to venture, hazard, spend.—

absolucldn la^so-ioo-tue on], /. absolution, vr. to grow tired, weary of- to l^e bored.
pardon, acquittal, aburujado, da, d. pressed together ;
absoluta,/". dogma, universal proposition, pp. of ABURt'JAR.
absolutamente, adv. absolutely, aburiljar, ra. &. vr. to make lumps to clot ;

absolutismo, m. despotism, aburujarse, vr. to muflfle up.

absoluto, ta, a. absolute, unconditional, im- abusar, vn. to abuse ; impose upon,
perious, despotic. abusibn,/. abuse; superstition.
abSOlutoriO, a, a. absolutory, absolving, abusionero, ra, a. superstitious ; fortune"
absolver, va. (pp. absuelto: ind. ABsuEiy- teller.
vo stihj. absuelva) to absolve to acquit
: ; abusivamente, adv. abusively,
absorbcCSn,/. imed.) absorption, abusivo, va, a. abusive.
absorbencla, / absorbing. abUSO, m. misuse, abuse.
a M in far ; « in eh I ; i in police : O in for ; • in bnll ; c (before e, i) and S as til iu thick ; b and d, soft;
AbyecCivlXl [ab-yek-thton'j, /, abjection, abject- acanalador, m. chamfering-plane, grooving.
ness. plane.
abyecto, ta, a. abject, dejected. acanaladOS, m. pi. ridge of a horse's back,
aca, adv. here, hither, this way, this side acanalar, va. to make a channel to flute, ;

ide cuando ac4? since when? vcn ac&, come corrugate, groove, chamfer.
here ac4 y all4, here and there.
: acandllado, da, a. shaped like a three-cor-
acabable, a. what may be finished, achiev- nered hat ; dazzled.
able. acaneladO, da, a. cinnamon colour.
acabadamente, adv. completely, perfectly. acanillado, da, a. ribbed, striped cloth.
acabado, da, a. perfect, complete, fault- acantalear, vn. d^. to hail large hailstones.
less ; old ; ill-dressed ; dejected.—^p. of aca- acantilado, da, a. bold, steep costa acan- :

BAR. tilada, approachable coast.

acabador, ra, m. &f. finisher, completer, acantO, m. (bot.) prickly thistle; (arch.)
acabaJar, va. to complete, to finish. acanthus leaf.
acaballadero, m. time and place when horses acantonamientO, m. cantonment
cover mares. acantonar, va. to quarter troops.
acaballado, da, a. like a horse.—pp. of aca- acafiaverear, va. to wound with sharp-
BALLAR, covered. pointed canes.
acaballar, va. to cover a mare. acailonear, va. to cannonade.
acaballerado, da, a. gentleman-like.—f>p. of acaparador, ra, a. monopolizer.
ACABALLERAR, acaparar, va. to monopolize to corner, coa- ;

acaballerar [ah-cah-bal-lyay-rar'l, va. tO render trol the market. V. acopiar.

genteel to make a person behave as a gen-
; acaparrarse, vr. to close a bargain.
tleman. acaparrosado, da, a. copperas-hued.
acabamiento, m. end, completion, death, acapizarse, vr. (coll.) to grapple; clinch,
consummation. acaponado, da, a. capon-like.
acabar, ta. & vn. to finish, end, conclude, com- acaracolado, da, «. spiral-shaped,
plete, make up, achieve to determine, re- ; acaramelado, da, a. (coll.) spoonj.—pp.
solve to harass, exhaust acabar con, to ob-
; : acakamelar.
tain to destroy
; acabar en, to terminate : acaramelar, va. to make caramels.
or end in to die consume extinguish
; ; ; ; acarar, or acarear, va. to confront ; to face
lail acabado de salir, just fresh from. vr.
: to brave.
to grow feeble or less to diminish se acaba ; : acardenalar, va. to beat black and blue. vr.
el pan, we are short of bread. to be covered with wales,
acabellado, da, light chestnut colour.
a. acareamiento, faciug; confronting
acabestrillar, vn. to fowl with a stalking- acariciador, ra, m. &f. one who fondles and
horse or ox. caresses.
acabildar, va. to unite persons by persuasion acariciar, va. to fondle, caress, hug; to
to do something. cherish.
acacia,/, acacia. acarnerado, da, a. said of horses having the
acadeniia,/. academy; university; literary head shaped like sheep.
society : Diccionario de la Academia, Dic- &caro, m. (zool.) acarus: icaro de queso,
tionary of the Royal Academy of Madrid ;
cheese mite.
nude study from
lature. acarralar, va. to skip a thread in weaving.
acad^micamente, adv. in an academic sense. acarrarse, vr. to seek the shade applied to :

academiCO, m. academician. a. academical. sheep.

acaecedero, ra, a. eventual, contingent. acarreadizo, za, a. portable.
acaecer, vn. def. {subj. acaezca) to happen, acarreador, ra, m. &/. carrier; porter.
to come to pass. acarreamlento or acarreo, m. carrying,
acaeclmiento, m. event, incident. cartage. —
pi. supplies cosas de acarreo, :

acahual, m. (Amer.) (bot.) sunflower. freight.

acal, m. Mexican canoe. acarrear, con-
va. to carry, cart, transport,
acalabrotar, va. (naut.) to make a cable by vey, forward; (met.) to occasion, cause.
intertwining three ropes containing each bring upon one's self.
vr. to
three strands. acartonado, a. pasteboard-like.
acalenturarse, vr. to be feverish. acartonar, va. to give a thing the appear-
acalia,/. (bot.) marshmallows. ance or consistence of pasteboard.— o-.
acaloradamente, adv. warmly. (coll.) to become dried up by age.
acaloramiento, m. ardour, 'heat, excite- acasamatadO, da, a. (fort.) having or re-
ment. sembling a casemate.
acalorar, warm
to inflame, overheat
va. to ; acaso, m. chance, casualty. adv. bv chance,
to urge on ; to forward, promote. vr. to by accident may be, mayhap, perliaps.

grow warm, excited. acastorado, da, a. beavered.

acallar, va. to quiet, hush ; to mitigate, acatable, m. &/. worthy of respect.
assuage. acatadamente, adv. respectfully.
acamar, va. to lay plants flat by storm. acatamientO, m. esteem, veneration, re-
acaxnado, da, a. laid flat. spect, reverence ; obeisance.
acambrayado, da, cambric-like.
a. acatailte,i>a. one who respects.
acamellado, da, a. camel-like. acatar, va. to respect, revere, do homage.
acampamentO, m. (mil. encampment, camp. ) acatarrarse, vr. to catch cold.
acampanado, a, a. bell-shaped. acaudalado, da, a. rich, opulent.—^, of
acampanar, va. to shape like a bell. ACAUDAI.AR.
acampar, va. to encamp. acaildalar, va. to hoard up riches (met.) ;

acampo, m. common pasture. to acquire a reputation.

d.cana,/. a hard reddish wood of Cuba. acaudlllador, m. commander of troops,
acanaladO, da, a. passing through a chan- acaudillamiento, act of commanding
nel striated, fluted, corrugated.
pp. oi troops.
acanalar. acaudillar, va. to command troops.

g (before e, I) and j as h In hot; b, eHent ; 11 In brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled; «,
acaule, m. &f. (bot.) short-stemmed. aceiteria,/. oil-shop.
accedente, j>a. accediug. aceitero, ra, m. & /. oiler, oil-seller ; oil-
acceder, vn. to accede, agree, consent. horn.
accesible, o. accessible; attainable; ap- aceitillO, m. (hot) satin-wood.
proachable. aceitdn, m. lubricating olive-oil.
accesi6n, / accession ; accessory ;
(med. aceitOSO, sa, a. oily, greasy.
paroxysm of a fever. aceituna, /. olive aceltuna gordal or de la

acceso, m,. access; carnal communication; Eeina, Queen olive: aceituna manzanilla,
accession; (med.) access. manzanilla olive aceituna zorzalena o\ plcu-

accesoria, /. outbuilding. dilla, crescent olive aceituna zofair6n, baby


accesoriamente, adv. acct Queen olive aceituna zapatera,

: stale olive.
accesorlO, a, accessory, additional : obras
a. aceitunado, da, a. olive colour.
accesorias, (fort.) outworks of a fortress, aceltunero, m. olive-dealer.
accessit m. (Lat.) second prize or award, aceituni, m. arabesque work.
accldentado, da, a. affected with fits.—^. aceitunil, a. olive-coloured.
of ACCIDENTARSE. aceitunillo, m. (hot.) satin-wood. V. ACEI-
accidental, «. accidental, casual, fortuitous, TILLO.
coutingeut. aceituno, m. (bot) olive-tree. F, olivo.
accidentalmente, adv. accidentally. acelajado, da, a. showing clouds of various
accidentarse, vr. to be seized with a fit hues.
accidente, m. accident, chance, hap-hazard aceleraci6n,/. acceleration, haste.
sudden fit casualty. ; aceleradamente, adv. speedily, swiftly,
acclbn, /. action feat lawsuit gesticula- ; ;
tion, gesture battle action in drama,
; ; aceleramiento, m. V. aceleraci6k.
plot; (art) posture; (com.) stock, share: acelerar, va. to accelerate, hasten, hurry,
acci6n de gracias, thanksgiving. rush, expedite.
accionar, va. to gesticulate. aceleratriz, /. a. fuerza aceleratriz, accel-
acclonista, m. stockholder, shareholder. erative power.
acebadamiento, m. disease of animals sur- acelga,/. (bot.) salt-wort
feited with barley. ac6inila,/. mule, beast of burden.
acebadar, encebadar.
va. v. acemilar, a. belonging to mules and mule-
acebal, m. acebeda, /. acebedo, m. plan- teers.
tation of holly-trees. acemileria,/. mule-stable.
acebo, m. (bot.) holly-tree. acemilero, ra, m muleteer.
acebollado, da, a. tree or plant damaged by acemita,/. bran bread, Graham bread,
acebolladara. acemite, m- tine bran, middlings pottage. ;

acebolladura, /. damage to a tree from splity- acendradO, da, a. purified, refined, staix/'
tiug of the woody layers. \e&s.^pp. of acendrar.
acebuchal, m. plantation of wild olive-trees. acendrar, va. to purify or refine metals to
— a. belonging to wild olives. free from stain or blemish.

acebuche, m. (bot.) wild olive-tree. acensuar, va. to tax a property,

acebucheno, na, a. belonging to the wild acento lah-then'-to], TO. accent, inflection ; or«
olive. thoepic mark.
acebuchlna, /. wild olive. acentuacidn,/. accentuation.
aceclnar, va. to salt and
dry meat. vr. to acentuar va. to accentuate,
grow old, dry, withered. acefla,/. water-mill.
acecbador, ra, m. & /. one who lies in am- acefiiero, m. water-mill keepei-.
bush observer, lookout intruder, prier.
; ; acepar, vn. to take root
acecbar, va. to waylay, lie in ambush, lurk ; acepcion,/. acceptation, meaning,
to pry. acepilladura,/. planing; wood shavings.
acecbo, m. waylaying, lying in ambush : al acepillar [ah-thay-iHl-lyar], va. tO plane, t«
acecho or en acecbo, a. in wait, in ambush. brush to polish.

acecb6n, na, m. &f. (coll.) V. acechador. aceptabilidad,/. acceptability,

acedamente, adv. sourly, bitterly. aceptable, a. acceptable, admissible,
acedar, va. to sour ; to displease, vex. aceptablemente, adv. acceptably.
acedera,/. (bot.) sorrel. aceptaci6n lau thep-tah-tiie-on'], /. acceptation
acederaqiie, m. (hot.) bead-tree. approbation; (com.) acceptance of a draft
acederilla,/. (bot.) wood-sorrel. aceptador, ra, /«. &f. acceptor.
acederbn, m. (bot) variety of sorrel. aceptante,/>a. he who accepts.
acedia, /. acidity, heart-burn, sourness; aceptar, va. to accept aceptar una letra, :

roughness asperity of address.

; (com.) to accept or honour a bill.
acedO, da, a. acid, sour harsh, unpleasant. ; aceptO, ta, a. acceptable, agreeable.
acefalia, /. acefalismo, m. acephalism: acequia (aii-ttiay'-kia', /. canal, trench, drain,
lack of a head. dike.
ac6falO, la, a. headless, acephalous.—^pZ. acequiado, da, a. intersected by canals.
ACEPHALl. pp. of acequiar.
aceitada, /. oil spilled : cake kneaded with acequiador, m. canal or dike-maker,
oil. acequiar, va. to construct canals or drains,
aceitar, va. to oil to rub with oil. ; acequiero, m. canal or dike-keeper.
aceitazo, m. aug. V. aceit6n. &cer, in. (bot.) maple-tree.
aceite, m. oil essential oil aceite de comer,
; : acera, /. sidewalk row of houses on either

olive, sweet-oil aceite de ballena, train-oil

: side of a street.
aceite de palo, balsam copaiba aceite de car- : acerado, da, a. made of steel.—pp. of ace-
b6n, aceite mineral, coal-oil, petroleum ra r.
aceite secante, seccative oil : aceite de vi- acerar, va. to steel to impregnate liquors ;

trlolo, sulphuric acid. with to strengthen.

steel :

aceitera, /. woman who sells ail oil-jar, : oil- acerbamente, adv. cruelly, rigorously, se.
cruet, oil-horn.—p/. aceiteras, casters. verely, harshlj'.

a M In far : e in eb I ; i in police ; o in for ; n in bull ; c (before e, i) and z as tb in thick ; b anU d, toft]

acerbidad, acerbity, asperity, harshness ;
/. acldificacibn,/. (chem.) acidification.
rigour, crueltj acidificar, va. to acidify,
acerbo, ba, a. t^rf , Harsh, severe, cruel. acldo, m. (chem,) acid, a. acid, sour, tart;
acerca, prep, about, concerning acerca de, : harsh.
with regard to. acidular, va. to acidulate, make sour.
acercamiento, m, approximation, acidulo, la, a. (chem.) acidulous, tart,
acercar, va. {fret, acerque suhj. acer- : acierto [au-the-er'-ro], m. a good hit ability ;

QiE) to approach. vr. to accost, to come tactknack dexterity,

; ;

near to. acierto,yo acierte {irr. from acertar).

JLCere, m. maple-tree. aciguatadO, da, a. jaundiced.-^fip.of acigua-
acerico, acerlllu, in. pin-cushion ; small TARSE.
pillow. aciguatarse, vr. to be seized with jaundice.
acerino, na, «. (poet. ) steel-like or of steel. acijado, da, a. copper-coloured ; of the colour
acero, m. steel sword pointed or edged ami. of acije.
— ;

pi. (met.) spirit, courage; appetite: acero


acije, m. V. caparrosa.
fundido, cast steel. acQosO, sa, a. brownish.
acerola,/. azarole, haw. acimbOga,/. citron-tree.
acerolO, m. (bot.) hawthorn. acidn,/. stirrup-leather.
ac6rrimamente, adv. vigorously ; strongly. acionero, m. maker of stirrup-leathers.
ac^rrimo, ma, a. sup. very vigorous and acipadO, da, a. well-milled said of woollens. :

strong. acirate, m. landmark, boundary.

acerrojar, ta. to bolt ; to lock. acitara, /. zither partition wall rail of ;

acertadamente, adv. opportunely, fitly. bridge ; chair or saddle cover.

acertado, da, «. fit, proper.—j:;^. of acertar. acitr6n, m. candied citron,
acertador, ra, m. &f. right guesser, aclaxaacion, /. acclamation: por aclamacldu,
acertar, va. {ind. acierto subj. acierte) : unanimously.
to hit the mark to hit by chance to suc-
; ; aclamador, ra, m. & f. applauder.
ceed to conjecture right. vn. acertar &, to
; aclamar, va. to shout, applaud, acclaim.
happen unexpectedly (agr.) to take root. ;
aclaracibn, /. illustration, explanation.
acertljO, m. riddle, conundrum. aclarador, ra, a. explanatory. m. comb in
aceruelO, m. small pack-saddle. looms.
acervo, m. a heap undivided estate. ; aclarar, va. to make clear to illustrate ; ; ex-
acescencia iahtiiayg-tiiane'-thie-ahj,/. acescence plain to widen ; to clarify
; to rinse. ; vn.
inclination to acidity. to clear up ; to recover brightness.
acet^bulO,"i. cruet; Roman measure; (anat.) aclaratorio, ria, that makes clear. a.
acetabulum. aclimataci6n, /, acclimation acclimatiza- ;

acetatO, m. acetate. tion.

ac^tico, ca, a. acetic. aclimatar, va. & vr. to acclimatize,
acetin, m. (bot.) satin-wood. aclocado, da, a. stretched.—^, of aclo-
acetificar, va. to acetify, CARSE.
acetileno, m. gas acetlleno, acetylene gas. aclocar, vn. (ind. ACLUECO : pret. ACLOQU^ :

acetimetro, m. acetimeter. subj. aclueque)

to brood, to hatch eggs.
acetona,/. acetone. stretch one's self, lie down.
vr. to
acetosa,/. (bot.) sorrel. acobardar, va. to daunt, intimidate, ter-
acetOSidad,/. acidity; acetosity. rify.
acetosilla,/. v. acederilla. acobrado, da, a. copper-hued.
acetoso, sa, a. acetous, acoceador, ra, a. horse that kicks kicker. ;

acetre, m. small bucket holy-water j)Ot. : acoceamiento, m. kicking.

acezar [ah-thay-tliar'j, vn. {pret. ACECK : Subj. aCOCear [ah-co-thay-ar'l, va. tO kick, wince,
acece) to pant. flinch ; to oppress, ill-treat, debase.
aCeZO [ah-thay'-thawl, m. pant. acocotar, va. v. acogotar.
acezOSO, sa, a. panting. acOCOte, m. lon^ gourd, used in Mexico for
aclagO, ga, a. unfortunate, melancholy, sad, extracting the juice of the maguey.
acial, aciar, m. barnacle, twitch. acocharse, vr. to squat stoop down. ;

aciano, m. (hot.) corn-flower. aCOChinar, va. (coll.) to murder, I

acibar, m. aloes aloe-tree harshness,; ; bit- nate to humble to corner a checker.

; ;

terness displeasure.
; acodado, da, «. elbowed.
acibarar, va. to put aloes into anything to ; acodadura, /. bending the elbow; (agr.)
imbitter. layering.
aciberar, va. to grind very fine. acodalamientO, m. (arch.) propping; stay-
acicalado, m, act of polishing any weapon ; ing.
polish. acodalar, va. to prop to shore to ; ; stay.
acicalador, ra, a. polisher, burnisher, fur- acodar, va. to lean the elbow upon to plant ;

bisher.—m. burnishing tool. cuttings; to implant; (arch.) to prop;

c-cicaladura,/. acicalamieuto m. burnish- to stay (carp.) to square timber.

ing; polish, glossiness. acoderamlento, m. (naut.) bringing the

acicalai', va. to polish, burnish to dress, ; broadside to bear.
adorn, embellish. rr. (met.) to dress in acoderar, va. (naut.) to put a spring on a
style, to make an elaborate toilet. cable ; to bring the broadside to bear.
acicate, m. long-pointed Moorish spur in- ; aCOdlciar lah-co-de-tlie-ar'l, va. tO long for, CO-
ducement. vet something. vr. to become covetous.
acicular, a. aciculate;. needle-shaped. acodillar, va. to bend into an elbow or angle.
aciche, m. paving-hammer brick hammer. ;
— vr. to sink down under a burden.
acidez [ah-thie-death'], /. acidity, soumess, tart- acodo, m. a shoot, scion.
ness. acogedizo, za, o. collected or gathered pro-
acidia,/. laziness; weakness, miscuously.
acidimetro, m. acidimeter. acogedor, fa, m. &f. harbourer, protectoi.
acidiOSO, sa, «. lazy weak lax. ; ; aCOger, va. {ind. ACOJO stibj. acoja) to re- :

g (Jbefore e, J) and J as li in hot; h. silent •

11 in brilliant: ft, ny in canyon; r (Initial) and rr trilled; «,
ceive, accept: (met) to protect, shelter. acompasadamente, adv. rhythmically.
vr. to take refuge, resort to. acoxapasado, da, «. measured by the com-
acogeta,/. shelter, cover, place of safety. pass (coll.) monotonous and slow in tone;

acogida,/. reception; place of meeting, con- of fixed, regular habits.

fluence asylum dar acogida k una letra,
; : acompasar, va. v. compasar.
(com.) to honour a draft. acomplexionado, da, a. of good complex-
acogido, m. collection of breeding mares ion.
fiven to the owner of the principal steed, to acomunarse, vr. to confederate to league ;

eep them at a certain price temporary ; for a common purpose.

admission of flocks into pasture-ground, aconchabarse, t7-. (coll.) V. acomodarse.
pp. of ACOGER. aconchar, push to a place of shelter
va. to ;

acogimlento, m. V. acogida. run aground.

(naut.) to
acogollar, va. to cover up plants. vn. to bud acondlcionadO, da, a. of good (or bad) dis-
forth. position (persons), or condition (goods).
acogombradura, /. hilling of plants, vege- pp. of acondicionar.
tables, etc. acondicionar, va. to dispose, prepare, ar-.
acogombrar, va. to cover plants with earth, range, fix.— rr. to acquire a certain quality
V. or condition.
acogotar, va. to by a blow on the neck. kill acongdjadamente, adv. with sorrow and
aconombrar, v. aporcai;. a. (agr.) afHictlon.
acojlnamiento, m. (mech.) cushioning of aconi^ojar, ra. to vex, to oppress, to afflict.
the piston. acbnito, m. (bot.) aconite.
acoiinar, va. (Mex.) to quilt. aconse^able, advisable. a.
acolar, va. (her. ) to unite two coats of
arms aconsejador, ra, w. &f. adviser, counsellor.
under the same crown, shield, etc. aconsejar, va. to advise, to counsel. vr. to
acolchar, va. to quilt (naut.) to intertwine. ;
take advice.
acdlttO, ni. acolyte, assistant. aconsonantar, va. to make a word rhyme
acolladores, m. ;>;. (naut.) lanyards. with another ; to use rhymes in prose. vn.
acollar, va. Und. ACUELLO subj. acuelle) : to rhyme.
(agr.) to hill up earth around the base of a acontecedero, ra, a. eventual, probable.
trunk (naut.) to caulk a ship.
acontecer, v. impers. {subj. acoxtezca) to
aCOllarado, da, a. pi^jaroB acollarados, birds happen, come about, fare.
having about their necks a ring of feathers acontecimiento, m. event, incident, casual-
of a different colour. ty, occurrence.
acollarar, va. to yoke or harness horses, acontezca {irr. V. acontecer).
oxen, etc.; to couple hounds. acopado, da, a. shaped like a cup or vase.—
acollonar, va. (coll.) v. acobardar. pp. of ACOPAR.
acombar, va. to bend ; to warp. acopar, vn. to trim a tree in cup form ; to
acometedor, ra, aggressor enterpriser. a. ; hollow.
acometer, va. to attack, assault to under- ; acopetado, da, «. tufted.
take to overtake.
; acopiador, m. (com.) one who comers up
acometida, /. acometimiento, m. attack, goods.
assault ;
outlet in a sewer. acopiamiento, m. gathering goods.
acomodable, a. easily arranged. acoplar, va. to gather, store up, forestall,
acomodaclbn,/. accommodation. corner up, garner.
acomodadamente, adv. commodiously, suit- acopio, m. gathering, storing, assortment.
ably. acoplado, da, a. fitted, adjusted coupled ;

acomodadiZO, za, a. accommodating. scarfed.—p/>. of acoplar.

acomodado, da, convenient, fit; rich, a. acopladura, /. (carp.) coupling; junction ;
wealthy fond of comfort moderate, rea-
; ; scarfing.
sonable. pp. of ACXiMODAR. acoplar, va. to accouple, join, adjust, fit,
acomodador, ra, m. & /. one who accom- connect ; to hitch, yoke to frame timber;

modates usher in a theatre. : to settle differences. vr. to make up mat-

acomodamlentO, m. accommodation. ters, to be agreed.
acomodar, va. to arrange, to accommodate ;
acoqulnamientO, m. intimidation.
to set to rights, to place to reconcile, ; acoquinar, va. to intimidate; terrify. vr.
compound, compromise; to furnish, sup- to be afraid, timorous.
ply to take in, shelter, lodge. vn. to fit, to
; acorar, va. to afliict, to cause grief.
suit. vr. to condescend, to conform one's acorazado, m. armoured ship ironclad, ;

self, to put up with. acorazamiento, m. armouring,

acomodaticio, Cla, a. accommodating, com- acorazar, va. ( prei. acorack subj. acopace) :

pliant. to armour.
acomodo, m. employment, place, situation ;
acorazonado, da, a. heart-shaped,
loiigiugs. acorchaniiento, m. shriveMing.
acompa&adO, da, a. accompanied, fre- acorcliarse, vr. to shrivel to become stale ;

quented. m. assistant judge, surgeon, phy- (fruits) to become torpid.


sician, etc.—pp. of acompaSar. acordada,/. (for.) resolution, decision,

acompa&ador, ra, m. &/. chaperon, attend- acordadanieilte, adv. by common consent,
ant; companion; (mus.) accompanist. jointly with mature deliberation.

aCOnipafi.aJIlieiltO, m. attendance retinue ; acordadO, da, a. agreed done with mature ;

(mus.) accompaniment; supernumeraries deliberation.—pp. of acordar.

at a theatre (tier.) ornament around a es-
; acordar, va. {ind. acuerdo subj. acuerde) :

cutcheon. to resolve by common consent to agree ;

acompaflante, pa. v. acompaSador. to remind to tune musical instruments


acompallar, va. to accompany, attend, con- to dispose figures in a picture; to make

duct, follow ; to lead along; to join, unite, flush, level, smooth. tm. to agree, level.
enclose (mus. to play an accompaniment. vr. to remember, recollect to come to an
— vr.

to hold a consultation.


a M in tar ; e in «h t ; 1 in police ; O in for ; n in bull ; c (before e, i) and S aa th in thick ; b and d, noft*

acorde, a. cojformable, according; coincid- acribadura/. sifting.—pz. siftings.
ing in opinion.—7«. chord harmony of ; acribar, va. to sift | to pierce like a sieve.
sounds or colours. acriblllar, va. to pierce like a sieve; (met.)
acordelar, va. to measure with a cord. to molest, to torment.
acordemente, adv. by common consent. acriminacibn, /. crimination, accusation,
acorde6n, m. accordion. acriminador, ra, m. &/. accuser, informer.
acordonado, da, a. surrounded in the form ; acriminar, ra. to accuse, to impeach, to im-
of a cord.—pp. of acordonar. pute ;
(law) to aggravate.
acordonamiento, m. act of lacing ; milling acrimonia, /. acrimony, sharpness, sour-
cording shirring. ; ness ;
(met.) asperity.
acordonar, va. to lace (shoes, corset, etc.) ; acrisoladamente, adv. in a pure way.
to mill a coin ; to cord, shirr, twine ; to acrisolar, va. to assay metals to refine, to ;

surround. purify, to cleanse (met.) to make evident ;

acores, m. pi. (med.) achor, scald-head. by proof or witnesses.

acornar, or acornear, r«. to butt. acristianar, va. (coll. ) to baptize, to christen.
acorneador, ra, a. butting beast; a but- acritud,/. v. acrimonia.
ter. acr6bata, m. &/. acrobat.
acoro, m. (hot.) sweet flag. acrobatico, ca, a. acrobatic.
acorralamienio, m. corralling. acromatico, ca, a. (opt.) achromatic.
acorralar, ra. to shut up cattle ; to corral acromatisnw), m. achromatism.
to surround ; to intimidate ; to silence. acromatizar, va. to achromatize.
acorrer, va. to help, succour. vn. to run to ;
acromio, TO. (auat. ) acromion.
hasten. vr. to take shelter. acrdnico, ca, a. acronycal.
acorrucarse, vr. v. acurrucarse. acr6poliS, TO. (mil.) acropolis.
acortamiento, m. shortening; (ast.) differ- acr6stiC0, ca, a. acrostic.
ence in the distance frohi the centre of the acrostollo, to. (naut.) acrostolium.
globe to the ecliptic and centre of a planet acrotera,/. (arch.) acroterium.
in its orbit. acta,/, act or record of proceedings ; certifi-
ACOrtar, va. to shorten lessen reduce to ; ; ; cate of election.—/>/. the acts or records of
obstruct acortar la vela, (naut. ) to shorten
: communities, chapters, councils papers, ;

sail.—tT. to shrivel contract shrink to ; ; ;

file, etc. libro de actas, minute-book
: acta :

be bashful to fall back. ; notarial, notarial certificate levantar acta, :

acorullar, va. (naut.) to bridle the oars. to draw up and execute an afl[idavit or cer-
acorvar, va. V. encorvar. tificate.
acosador, ra, m. &f. pursuer, persecutor. actinlCO, ca, a. actinic.
acosamlento, m. persecution, molestation. actinio, to. actinium, metallic element.
acosar, va. to pursue close to vex, molest, ; actinom^trico, ca, a. (opt.) actinometric.
harass. actinbmetro, TO. (opt.) actinometer.
acostado, da, a. stretched, laid down, retired actitud,/. attitude, position, posture.
in hed.—pp. of acostar. activamente, adv. actively.
acostamiento, m. stretching or laying down activar, va. to push, make brisk, hasten,
emolument. hurry rush. ;

acostar, va. {ind. acuesto subj. acueste) : actividad, /. activity, quickness, liveliness,
to lay down, to put one in bed to approach ; ;
nimbleness, hustling : en actividad, in opera-
(naut.) to stand inshore; (naut.) to lie tion.
along to have a list. vr. to lie down ; to go activo, (com.) assets, outstanding claims.
to bed.

a. active, quick, diligent.
acostumbradamente, adv. customarily. acto, TO. act or action public function com- ; ;

acostumbrar, va. to accustom, to use. vn. mencement in colleges, etc. act of a play ;

to be accustomed, to habituate. vr. to get thesis defended in universities carnal com- ;

used to. munication acto continue, immediately


acotaci6n /. bounds, limit ; annotation, afterward en el acto, at once.


marginal note. actor, TO. performer, player plaintiff, claim- ;

acotamiento, m. limitation. ant proctor, attorney.


acotar, va. to limit, set bounds to fix, to ; actora,/. parte actora, prosecution plaintiff. ;
mark, make marginal notes; to accept for actriz,/. actress.
a certain price to witness to prune trees. ; ; actuacibn,/. actuation, moving.
acotillo, TO. sledgehammer. actuadO, da, a. actuated skilled, experi- ;

acoyundar, va. to yoke oxen. enced.—2:>/). of ACTUAR.

acre a. sour acrimonious tart hot mor-
; ; ; ; actual, a. actual, present.
dant keen. rn. an acre.
; actualidad,/. the actual or present state of
acrecencia, /. acrecentamiento, m. in- things.
crease, augmentation, growth. actuaimeilte, adv. actually, at present.
acrecentador, ra, m. &/. one that increases. actuante, pa. defender of a thesis in col-
acrecentar (ind. acreciexto: subj. acre- leges.
ciENTE), acrecer, ra. (ind. acrezco: .subj. actuar, vn. to act, to perform or discharge a
acrezca) to increase to promote, advance. ; duty ; to perform judicial acts to take the ;

acredltado, da, «. accredited, distinguished. aflSrmative side in a university debate. va.

—pp. of ACRKDITAR. to put a thing in action.
acreditar, va. to assure, affirm to verify, ; actuario, to. clerk of a court of justice.
prove; (com.) to credit, to recommend, to acuadrmar, ra. to collect or head a band of
answer for, to guarantee; to accredit, to au- armed men.
thorize ;
prove. acuantiar, ra. to determine a quantity.
acreedor, ra, a. meritorious, deserving. -^m. acuarela,/. painting in water-colour.
creditor.—/, creditrix, creditress. acuarelista, m. painter in water-colours.
acremente, adv. sourly, bitterly. aCUarlO,TO. Aquarius (in zodiac) aquarium. ;

acrezca, co (irr. v. acrecer). acuarteladO, da, a. (her.) divided into quar-

acrlbador, ra, a. one who sifts. ters.^^. of ACUARTELAR.
g (before e, i) aud J as h In hot ; h, silent ; 11 In brilliant ; S, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trlUe i ; ,
acuaxtelamiento, m. quartering the troops ;
acknowledge the receipt of; at cards, to hht
quarters. uounce in due time that one holds certain
acuartelax, va. to quarter troops : acnartelar cards that win so many points. vr. to
las velas, (naut.) to flat in the sails. acknowledge sins to a confessor.
acuartillar, imAo bend in the Quarters un- acusatlvo, »*. accusative, fourth case of La-
der a heavy load (beasts of buraen). tin nouns.
acu^tico, ca, acuitil, a. aquatic. acusatorio, ria, a. accusatory.
acubado, da, a. resembling a pail or bucket. acuse, m. at cards, each of the cards duly an-
acucla [ttb-coo'-the-ah], /. zeal, diligence, haste; nounced in certain games. V. acusar.
longing, eagerness. acnse de recibo, acknowledgment of receipt-
acuciador, ra, va. stimulator. acusdn, na, a. (coll.) one who habitually
acuciamientO, m. stimulating, urging, has- accuses or denounces.
tening. acustlca,/. acoustics.
acuciosamente, adv. actively ; diligently ; acustico, ca, a. acoustic.
eagerly. acutangulo, cr. (geom.) acute-angled.
acuciar [ah-coo-the-ar'], va. to stimulate, to has- achacar, ra. to impute to blame. ;

ten. F. CODICIAR. achacosamente, adv. sickly.

acucioso, sa, a. zealous, hasty, eager. achacoso, sa, «. sickly, unhealthy.
acuclillado, da, a. cowering, squatting. achaflanar, va. to chamfer, bevel.
acuclillarse, vr. to crouch, squat. achantarse, vr. (low) to hide during danger.
acucharado, da, a. spoon-like. achaparrado, da, a. shrub-sized tree : hoxn-
acuclllllado, da, a. slashed, stabbed (met.) ;
bre achaparrado, short and lusty man.
schooled by practice and experience achaque m. habitual indisposi-
slashed, applied to garments.—f>p. of acu- tion monthly courses pregnancy sub-
; ;

CHILLAR. ject matter excuse, pretext frequent lapse

; ;

acucMllador, ra, m. &f. a slasher a bully. ; or failing.

acucMllar, va. to cut, hack, slash, cut open. achaquiento, ta, a. V. achacoso.
IT. to fight with knives or swords. acharolado, da, a. resembling enamel or
acudimiento, m. aid, assistance. japan.
acudir, va. to assist, attend to succour, sup- ; acharolar, va. to japan enamel, ;

port to run to, repair to ; to apply to.

; achatamiento, m. flattening.
acueducto, m. aqueduct. achatar, va. to flatten.
acuellO {irr. from acollar). acMcadO, da, a. diminished. V. aniSado,
^cueo, a., a. watery. childish.—p/>. of achicar.
acuerdado, da, a. constructed by line or acMcador, ra, m. &f. diminisher reducer ; ;

rule. (naut. ) scoop for baling boats.

acuerdo, resolutionm. determination ; ; acnlcadura, /. diminution, reduction
opinion, report, advice remembrance, rec- ; (naut.) baling.
ollection concurrence, accord body of the
; ; acMcamiento, m. v. achicadura.
members of a tribunal assembled in the achicar, va. to diminish,
lessen to hum- ;

form of a court: de acuerdo, unanimously. ble, belittle boat or drain a

to bale a

acuerdo, yo acuerde {irr. from acordar). mine achicar nn cabo, to shorten a rope

acuesto, yo acueste {irr. from acostar). achicar el agna del navio, to free the ship.
acuitar, va. to atflict, to oppress. vr. to vr. to humble one's self; to feel small.
grieve. acMcoria,/. (hot.) chicory.
acular, va. (coll. ) to make a horse back up. achicharrar, va. to fry meat too much to ;

aculebrlnado, da, a. in the form of a cul- over-heat.

verin. achicMnque [a-chi-chin'-kei, VI. (min.) scooper.
aculla, adv. on the other side, vonder ; oppo- acllinar, ra. (coll.) to intimidate; terrify.
site aqui y acalli, here and there.
: acMnelado, da, a. slipper-shaped.
acumulacibn,/. accumulation, gathering. achiote, achote, m. (hot.) amotto-tree;
acumulador, ra, m. &f. accumulator; elec- (com.) annatto.
tric storage battery. acnique, m. scooping, baling or draining.
acumular, va. to accumulate, hea^ together, acMspado, da, a. tipsy.
treasure up, hoard, lay up
to impute, to acMspar, va. (coll.) to make a person tipsy.,
upbraid with a fault to ; records.

— vr. to get tipsy.

acumulativamente, adv. (law) by way of achocadura,/. knock against an object.
prevention by way ; of precaution ; jointly, achocar, va. to throw one against the wall
accumulatively. to knock asunder (coll.) to hoard monev.

acullaci6n, /. coining, milling, minting; acholado, da, adj. half Indian half-breeiJ. ;

wedging. achorlzado, da, a. slashed made into sau- ;

acu&ador, ra, m. & /. coiner ; wedger sages.

(print.) shooting-stick. achubascarse, vr. (naut.) to get squally and
acufiar, va. to com, mint to wedge, or fasten ; showery.
with wedges to key, lock (print. ) to quoin,
; achuchar, achuchurrar, va. (coll. ) to crush
acuosidad,/. wateriness. with a blow ; to thrust ;
push roughly
acuoso, sa, a. watery, aqueous, jostle.
acupimtura, /. (surg. ) acupuncture, achucllbn, m. (coll.) a push, a squeeze.
acurrucarse, vr. to fold one's self up, from achulado, da, a- (coll.) rough ; tough.
cold, fear, etc. adacilla,/. (hot.) variety of the panic-grass,
acusacibn, /. accusation, impeachment, adafina,/, stew used by the Jews in Spain.
charge. adagio, m. proverb maxim saying; (mu.s.) ; ;

acusado, da, a. defendant, adagio, slow time.

acusador, ra, m. & /. accuser ; informer ;
adala,/. (naut.) pump-dale.
prosecutor. adalld, m. chief, chieftain, commandes,
acusante, pa. accusing, prosecuting, champion, leader.
acusar, va. to accuse, blame, criminate, adamadO, da, a. effeminate.
charge, denounce, prosecute, indict; to adamantino, na, a. adamantine.
It u la far ; e in eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; a in boll ; c (before e. i) and z aa th In thick ; b and d, toft ;
adamarse, vr. to become effeminate. to taper; (met.) to discuss with subtil ty.
adamascado, da, a. damask-like.—^;>. of vr. to become slender.
ADAMASCAR, adema, /. ademe, m. (min. ) shore ; strut
adamascar, va. to damask. prop.
adamiCO, ca, a. said of sand accumulated by ademador, m. (min,) mine carpenter who
the tide. places props.
adamita, m. adamite. adem^n, m. gesture, look, manner ; attitude.
Adan, -ni. Adam slovenly man. ; ademar, va. (min.) to shore.
adaptable, a. capable of being adapted, ^
adem&S, adv. moreover, likewise, further
adaptacion,/. accommodation, adaptation. short of this ; besides.
adaptadamente, adv. fitly, justly adapted, adenitis, /. adenitis.
adaptante, i>a. adapter. adenologia, /. (anat.) description of the
adaptar, va. to adapt, fit, apply ; to fash- glands.
ion. to adapt one's self to ; get used to.
vr. adenoso, sa, a. glandular,
adara^a, /. (arch.) projecting stones left to adentellar, va. to bite, to catch with the
continue a wall. teeth adentellar una pared, to leave tooth-

adarce, m. dry sea-froth. ing-stones or bricks to continue a wall,

adarga,/. oval shield made of leather. adentro, adv. within, internally, inside.—^/,
adargar, *'«. to shield, protect, defend. the innermost thoughts.
adarguilla,/. small shield. adeptO, 7)1. adept ; initiated.
adarme, m. half a drachm, sixteenth part of aderezamiento, A', embellishing; dressing.
an ounce, 179 centigrams. aderezar, va. {pret. aderec^ : subj. adere-
adarvar, va. to stun to bewilder. ; ce) to dress, embellish, adorn to prepare ; ;

adarye, m. flat top of a wall. to cook, season to dress salad to clean ; ;

adatar, va. to open an account to credit, ; repair to mix drinks

; to blend wines ;

adaza,/. (hot.) panic-grass. to gum silk •

to size stuffs.
adecenamlento, m. forming by ten. aderezo, m. dressing and adorning finery ;

adecenar, va. to form by ten abreast; to gum, starch, used to stiffen cloth with set ;

count by tens. of jewelry trappings or caparisons of a


adecentar, va. to render decent. saddle-horse furniture hilt, hook, and

; ;

adecuaci6n,/. fitness. other appendages of a sword,

adecuadamente, adv. fitly, properly. aderra,/. rush rope.
adecuado, da, a. adequate, fit, competent. adestrado, da, «. (her, ) on the dexter side
pp. of ADECUAR, of the escutcheon,—^^, of adestrar,
adecuar, va. to fit,
to accommodate, adestrador, ra, m. & /. teacher; censor,
adefagia,/. voracity, critic.
ad^fagO, ga, a. voracious. adestramiento, m. v. adiestramiento.
adefeslo, m. (coll.) nonsense, absurdity; adestrar, va. {ind. adiestro subj. ames- :

queer person, a guy ridiculous attire, tre) to guide, to lead; to teach; to train.
adeflna,/. v. adafina.

— JT. to exercise one's self.

adehala,/. gratuity, perquisite, tip. adeudado, da, a. indebted.—pp. of adeu-
adehesado, m. place converted into pasture. DAR.
—^p. of ADEHESAR. adeudar, va. to owe ; to be dutiable ; (com.)
adenesamiento, m. pasturage. to charge ; debit. vr. to run into debt.
adehesar, va. to convert land into pasture. adeudo, m. custom-house indebtedness ;

adelantadamente, adv. beforehand. duty; (com.) debit; charge.

adelantado, m. an appellation formerly adherencia, /. alliance adherence rela- ; ;

given to the governor of a province. a. tionship ; friendship.

anticipated, advanced, precocious, bold, adherente, a. adhesive, adherent. m. fol-
forward early fruit or plants.—pp, of
; lower.
ADELANTAR. adherir, vn. {ind. adhiero suM. adhiera) :

adelantador, ra, m. &f. one that advances, to adhere, to stick to. vr. to stick fast.
extends, or amplifies. adliesidn, /. adhesion ; cohesion, attach-
adelantajnlento, m. progress, improvement, ment.
increase growth, furtherance cultivation;
; ; adhesivo, va, a. adhesive.
anticipation betterment, promotion.
; adhiero, yo adhiera (from adherir).
adelantar, va. & vn. to progress, advance, ad hoc, (Lat.) expressly.
accelerate, forward to grow, to keep on ; adiafa, /. tip given to seamen at end of a
to anticipate to pay beforehand
; to im- ; voyage.
prove to go fast. vr. to take the lead, to
; adiamantadO, da, a. adamantine.
overrun, to oome forward to excel, outdo. ; adicibn, /. addition, extension; remark or
adelante, adv. ahead; farther off; higher note put to accounts: adici6n de la heren-
up; forward, onward: en adelante, de hoy cia, acceptance of an inheritance.
•en adelante, or de aqui en adelante, hence- adicionaaor, ra, m. &f. one who adds.
forth, in future, or for the future adelan- :
i adicional, a. supplementary, additional.
te go on or I understand, or come in,
! ; adicionar, va. to make additions, to add to
adelantO, m. advance, progress (com.) ad- ;
to extend, prolong.
vance peyment. adicto, ta, a. addicted, attached.
adelfa,/. (hot.) rose-bay. adiestrador, ra, «. v. adestrador.
adelfal, m. plantation of rose-bay trees. adiestrar, va. V. adestrar.
adelgazado, da, a. made slender or thin, adiestro, yo adiestre {irr. from ades-
pp. of ADKT.GAZAR. trar).
adelgazador, ra, m. & f. one that makes adietar, va. to diet.
thin or slender. adinamia,/. debility, prostration.
adelgazamiento, m. slendemess, thinness. adinerado, da, a. rich, wealth v.
adelgazar lah-d«l-g«h-thar'], va. (pret. ADEL- adintelado, da, a. (ar«h.) falling from an
GACT&: subj. adelgace) to attenuate, to arch gradually into a straight line.
make thin^ slender; to lessen; to refine; adids, interj. good-bye, adieu.

g (before e, I) and J as h In hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (inltUi) and rr trilled ; , bisMd
adipocira,/. adipocere. admlsl6n,/. admission, acceptance.
adipOSidad,/. adiposity. admltlr, va. to receive to concede ; ; to ac-
adiposo, sa, a. (med.) fat, adipose: tcjido cept to admit to permit.
; ;

adipoBo, adipose tissue. admonlclbn, /. admonition, warning, coun-

adlr, va. to accept an inheritance. sel, advice.
adltamentO, m. addition. admonltor, m. monitor, in some religious
adiva,/- adive, w. jackal.—pi. adlvas, (vet.) communities.
vives, fives. adnata,/, (anat.) adnata, the external white
adlyiiiaci6ii, /. divination. membrane of the eye.
adivinador, ra. m. &/. diviner, soothsayer. adnato, ta, a. adnate.
adlvinaja,/. riddle, puzzle, conundrum. adobado, m. pickled pork. a. pickled cur- ;

adivinajnlento, m. V. adivinaci6n. ried, dressed.—/ip. of adobar.

adiyinanza, /• prophecy, prediction; enig- adObador, ra, m. &f. dresser, preparer.
ma, riddle, conundrum guess. V. adivi- ; adobar, va. to dress, to prepare to pickle ;

NAC16N. pork or other meat to cook to tan hides. ; ;

adivlnar, va. to foretell future events, to adobe, m. unburnt brick dried iu the sun.
soothsay to conjecture, divine, guess
; to ; adobera,/. mould for making bricks Mexi- ;

solve a riddle. can cheese.

adivlno, na, rn. & f. soothsayer foreboder, ; adOberia,/. brick-yard. V. TENERfA.
fortune-teller; wizard- guesser. adobio, m. front wall of a blast-furnace.
adjetivaci6n,/. concordin^, aidobo, m. repairing, mending pickle-sauce ; ;
ad etivadamente, adv. adjectively. dressing for seasoning ingredients for ;

ad, etival, a. adjectival. dressing leather or cloth pomade, cos- ;

ad etivar, va. to concord. metic.

adjetivo, va, a. (gram.) adjective. m. nom- — adocenado, da, a. common, ordinary, y\i\-
bre adjetivo, noun adjective
verbo adjetivo, : ga.T.—^jp. ADOCENAR.
any and all Spanish verbs, except ser: ad- adocenar, va. to count or sell by dozens 10 ;

jetivo calicafttivo, qualifying adjective: ad- depreciate, underrate.

jetivo comparativo, comparative adjective: adoctrinar, va. to instruct. V. doctrinar.
adjetivo gentilicio, proper adjective adjetivo : adolecente, adOleclente, pa. sutferer pa- ;

determinatlvo, limiting adjective. tient.

adjudicacldn,/. adjudgment, adjudication. adolecer, vn. {ind. adolezco : subj. adolez-
adjudicador, ra, a. adjudger, adjudicator. ca) to be seized with illness; to suffer; be
adjudicar, ra. to adjudge, adjudicate. vr. subject to. vr. to condole.
to appropriate to one's self. adolescencla,/. adolescence.
adjudlcativo, va, a. adjudicative. adolescente, a. adolescent, young.
adjudicatario, ria, m. &f. grantee. adolezco {irr. from adolecer).
adluncidn,/. (law) adjunction. adolorado, adolorldo, a. v. dolorido.
adjunta,/. (com.) letter inclosed in another. adomlcillarse, va. V. domiciliarse.
adjunto, ta, «. joined, annexed, inclosed, Adonai, «. one of the names of Deity.

adjunct. »n. adjective ; addition. adonde,arft'. whither? to what place? where^
adjutor, ra, a. & n. adjuvant helper, as- ; adondequlera, adv. wherever.
sistant. addnlCO, adonlo, m. a Latin verse consist-
adminicular, t-a. (law) to increase the power ing of a dactvl and a spondee.
of a thing by collateral aids. Adonis, vt. Adonis, handsome youth.
admlniculo, m. prop, support, aid, adopclbn,/. adoption.
administraclbn, /. administration, man- adopclonlsmo, m. adoptionism, ancient.
agement office of an administrator admi-
; : Spanish sect.
alstracidn milltar, commissariat : administra- adopcionlsta, a. adoptionist, sectarian.
ci6n econdmica, treasury department : admi- adoptable, a. adoptable.
niitracidn pdblica, public administration adoptador, ra, m. &/. adopter.
por adminiitracidn, by the government: en adoptante, pa. adopter.
administraclin, in trust. adoptar, m. to adopt, to father to embrace ;

admlnlstrador, ra, m. & /. administrator, an opinion ; adopt a resolution.

manager; steward, director, trustee: admi- adopt!vo, va, a. adoptive.
nlBtrador de adnanai, collector of the customs. adoquin, m. paving-stone.
admlnlstrador ClllO, m. dim. a petty man- adoqulnado, m. pavement.
ager. adoqulnar, va. to pave.
admlnlstrar, va. to administer, govern, ador, 7n. time for watering land, where water -

manage to serve an office to apply a rem-

; ; is othcially distributed.
edy. adorable, a. adorable, worshipful.
admlnlstratlvamente, adv. administra- adoracldn,/. adoration, worship.
tively. adorador, fa, m. &f. one who adores ; wor-
admlnlstratlvo, va, a. administrative; shipper.
managerial. adorer; worshipper.
admlnlstratorlo, rla, a. (law) belonging to adorar, t-c. to adore, worship, idolize, idola-
an administration or administrator. trize ; to love excessively.
admirable, a. admirable, excellent. adoratorlo, m. temples of idols in America ; .

admirablemente, adv. admirably. teocalli.

admiracl6n,/. admiration, wonder point of ;
adoratrlz, /. nun of a religious order that
exclamation, i !. befriend reformed women.
admirador, ra, m. &f. admirer. adormecedor, ra, a. soporiferous, soporific.
admlrando, da, a, worthy of admiration. adormecer, vr. {ind. adormezco subj. ador- :

admlrar, va. to admire, marvel, contem- mezca) to cause drowsiness or sleep to lull ;

plate.—rr. to wonder. asleep; to calm, lull. vr. to fall asleep; to

admlratlvamente, adv. admiratively. grow benumbed (met.) to persist in vice.;

admlratlvo, va. a. admiring, wondering. adormecldo, da, a. mopish; sleepish, drow-

adnxlsible, a. admissible. sy.—/>/». of ADORMECER.
« u in far ; • in eb 1 ; i In p«lice ; o in for ; u in bnll ; c (before e, 1) and s m tb in thick ; b and d, wfl
AdorxnecilOieiltO, m, drowsiness, slumber, adulterador, ra, m. & /. one who adulter-
sleepiness, numbness, mopishness. ates ; falsifier.
adormezco {irr. from adormecer). adnlterante,pa. adulterating,
adormidera,/. (bot.) poppy. adtllterar, va. to adulterate; to corrupt.
adormilarse, vi: v. adormitarse. vn. to commit adultery.
adormir, vn. to fall asleep. adulterinamente, adv. in an adulterou.s
adormitarse, vr. to doze, drowse. manner.
adornado, a, a. ornamented, adorned. adulterino, na, adulterous begotten in a. •

adornador, ra, m. &f. adorner, decorator. adultery adulterated, falsified, forged.


adornamiento, m. embellishment. adulterio, m. adultery.

adornante, pa. one who adorns or embel- adiiltero, ra, m. &f. adulterer,
lishes. adultO, ta, a. adult, grown up.
adomar, va. to beautify, embellish, grace, adulzar, va. to render metals more ductible,
decorate, ornament; to furnish, garnish; adumbracibn, /. adumbration, shade in a
to accomplish adorn with talents.
; picture,
adornista, m. painter, decorator. adunar, va. to unite, join unify, ;

adomo, m. adorning, accomplishment orna- ; adunco, ca, a. aduncous curved ; ; warped,

ment, finery, decoration, habiliment gar- ;
adunia, adv. abundantly.
niture, furniture. adustO, ta, «. gloomy, austere, untractable,
adquirente, adquiriente, a. p. acquirer. sullen,
adquiridor, ra, m. &/. acquirer, aduzco, aduzca, aduje (irr. from aducir).
adquirir, va. {ind. adquiero subj. adquie- : advenedizo, za, a. foreign, stranger, new-
ra) to acquire, to obtain, to get. comer, immigrant parvenu. ;

adquisicibn [ad-key-see-thie-on'],/. acquisition ; advenidero, ra, a. v. venidero.

attainment. advenimiento, m. arrival advent. ;

adquisidor, ra, «. v. adquiridor. advenir, V7i. to come, to arrive.

adqulsitiVO, va, adj, acquisitive. adventicio, Cia, adventitious, accidental a.
adra,/. turn, time, successive order; portion (law) acquired by industry.
of the inhabitants of a town. adverbial, a. adverbial.
adragantO, m. tragacanth. adverbialmente, adv. adverbially.
adrales, m. pi. hurdles in carts. adverbiO, m. adverb,
adrazo, m. alembic for distilling sea water, adversameute, adv. adversely, unfortu-
adrede, adredemente, ado. purposely, nately,
adrian, m. bunion nest of a magpie. : adversariO, m. opponent ; antagonist ; foe.
adrizar, tja, (naut.) to right. adversativo, va, a. (gram.) adversative,
adscribir, va. (pp. adscripto) to appoint a adversidad,/, calamity, misfortune,
person to a place or employment. adverso, sa, a. adverse, calamitous, afflic-
adscripcibn, /. nomination appointment ; tive opposite, averse.

adscnption. advertencia, /. admonition, warning, ad-

adscripto, ta, irr. pp. adscript. vice ; remark, notice.
aduana,/. custom-house arancel de adtianas, : advertidamente, adv. advisedly, delibei^-
tariff": corredor de aduana, custom-house ately.
broker derecho de aduana, duty.
: advertidO, da, a. noticed ; skilful ; intelli-
aduanar, va. to enter goods at' the custom- gent ; expert ; advertir.
clever.—^/), of
house to pay duty.
; advertimlento, m. advertencia.
aduanero, ra, a. belonging to the custom- advertir, va. {ind. advierto subj. AD- :

house. m. custom-house oflScer revenue ; VIERTA :pre<. kl advirti6) to take notice of,
officer. to observe ; to instruct, advise, give notice
aduar, m. horde, a migratory crew ; village or warning ; to acq-uaint ; to mark, to note.
of Arabs ; horde of gipsies. adviento, m. advent, the four weeks before
aducar, m. coarse sort of silk from outer part Christmas.
of cocoon ; the stuff made from that silk. advierto, advierta, 61 advirtid {irr. from
«,dUCCi6n,/. adduction. advertir).
aducir, va. (ind. ADUZCO : subj. ADUZCA ipret. advocacibn, /. appellation given to a church,
aduje) to adduce, to cite. chapel, or altar, dedicated to the holy Vir-
ftductor,«i. (anat.) adductor (muscle). gin or a saint.
aduendado, da, a. ghost-like. adyacente, a. adjacent contiguous. ;

adueSiarse, vr. to take possession of, to seize. aechadero, m. place where grain is sifted,
adufe, m. timbrel or tambourine. aecbador, ra, m. &/. sifter; sieve.
adufero, ra, m. &f. tambourine-player. aechaduras, /./>/. the refuse of grain, chaff,
adugadas, adujas, /, pi. (naut.) coil or a aecbar, va. to sift grain.
coiled cable, aecbo. m. sifting of grain.
adular, va. (naut.) to coil a cable. aeracibn,/. (chem.) aeration, charging with
adma,/. v. dui-a. gas or with air; (med.) action of atmos-
adulaci6n,/. flattery, fawning, coaxing. pheric air in the treatment of disease.
adulador, ra, m. & f. flatterer, fawner, aereo, rea, a. aerial (met.) airy, fantastic ;

soother. aerifero, a, a. air-conducting.

adtQar, va. to flatter, soothe, coax, court, aerlficar, va. (chem.) to gasify, aerify.
compliment to fawn, creep, crouch, grovel.
; aeriforme, a. (chem.) aeriform, gaseous.
adulatoriO, ria, a. flattering, honey- aerodln^mlca, /. aerodynamics.
mouthed. aerdforo, a, a. air-conducing.
adulero, m. v. dulero. aerografla,/. aerography.
adul6n, na, a. gross flatterei'. aeroiitO, m. aerolite, meteoric stone.
adultera,.f. adulteress, aerologia,/. aerology,
adulteraci6n, /. adulteration, sophistica- aeromancla,/. aeromancy,
tion. aerom&ntlCO, m. professor or student of
adulterado, da, a. sophisticated, adulter- aeromancy,
ated.—^j). of ADULTERAR. aerometria,/. aerometry.
g (before e^ 1) and J as h In hot ; b, silent ; 21 in brilliant ; ft, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; «,
A£B 14 AFL
aerbmetro, m. (chem.) aerometer. fnaut.) to furl, to moor, to anchor. it.
aeronauta, m. aerouaut. (naut.) to grasp one another strongly;
aeronautica,/. aeronautics. (met.) to persist obstinately in an opinion.
aeronautico, ca, «. aeronautic. aferruzadO, da, a. angry, irate.
aeroscopia,/. aeroscopy. afestonado, a, a. festooned.
aerostacion,/. aerostation. afianzamlentO, m. security, guarantee, bail
aerostatica,/. aerostatics. prop, support.
aerostaticOjCa, a. aerostatic. afianzar, va. {pret. afiance : suhj. afiance)
aer6statO, >n. aerostat, air balloon. to become bail or security, to guarantee to ;

aeta, »i. tribe of mountaineers in the Philip- prop to make fast, clinch.

pines ;
their language. aficion [ah-fe-thie-on'], /. affection, fondness
afabilidad, /. affability, graciousness, cour- eagerness, attachment,
teousness. aficionadamente, adv. fondly, with liking,
afable, «. affable, agreeable, courteous, civil. amateurishly.
afablemente, adv. aff"ably, good-naturedly. aficionado, da, m. & /. an amateur.—pp. of
afaca,/. (bot.) yellow vetch. AFICIONAR.
afamado, da, a. celebrated, noted, famous. aficlonar, va. to cause or inspire affection or
af&n, in. anxiety, solicitude, eagerness. fondness. vr. to fancy, to grow fond of.
afanadamente, afanosamente, adv. anx- afijO, ja [ah-fee'-hoe], a. (gram.) affix, suffix,
iously, laboriously, eagerly. prefix.
afanador, ra, m. &f. eager for riches ;
pains- afiladera,/. whetstone.
taker; hustler. afiladisimo, ma, a. sup. extremely sharp.
afanar, vn. & vr. to toil, to labour ; to be over- afilado, pp. of AFiLAR. a. sharp, keen.
solicitous. vr. to toil, etc., too much. afiladura,/. sharpening, whetting.
afanita,/. v. anfibolita. afilamlento, m. slenderness of the face, nose,
afanoso, sa, a. solicitous ; laborious, pains- or fingers. V. afiladura.
taking. afilax, va. to whet, grind to render keen ;

afarallonado, da, a. steep, cliffy. to taper, sharpen. vr. to grow thin.

afasia,/. aphasia. afiliado, pp. & a. affiliated adopted. ;

afeador, ra, m. &/. one vrho or that which afiliar, va. to adopt to affiliate. vr. to join;

deforms or makes ugly. a bodj"^ or society.

afeamientO, m. defacing ugliness. ; afiligranadO,da,«. filigree, fillgreed; (met.)
afear, va. to deform, disfigure, deface, to mis- slender, thin, delicate, neat.
shape to make look ugly to decry, to con-
; ; afillgranar, va. to make filigree work; (met.
demn. to polish, embellish.
afeblecerse, feeble or delicate.
vr. to grow afilO, la, a. (bot.) leafless.
afeccibn taii-fec-twe-on'l, /. affection, inclina- afildn, m. steel, knife-sharpener, razor-
tion, fondness; (med.) chronic disease. strop.
afectacidniati-fec-ta-thie-on'],/. affectation, arti- afilOSOfadO, da, a. applied to the person who
ficial appearance, daintiness, finicalness. sets up as a philosopher or savant.
afectadameute, adv. affectedly. aflll; a. close by, contiguous, adjacent. m. re-
afectado, da, a. affected, formal, conceited, lation by affinity.
finical, foppish.—^j?. of afectar. afinaCibn [ah-fe-na-tliie-on'], /. completion, last
afectador, ra, m. &f. one who acts affectedly. touch, refining ; tuning of instruments.
afectar, va. to make a show of something, to afinadamente, adv. completely, perfectly.
feign, to affect, influence, make an impres- afinado, da, a. well-finished, perfect, com-
sion (law) to charge, impose, encumber.
plete ; well tuned. pp. of afinar.
IT. to be moved, to reel some emotion. afinador, ra, m. & f. finisher ; piano-tuner
afectjvo, va, a. affective. tuning key.
afecto, m. affection, love, fondness, fancy, afinadura, m. V. afinaci6n.
concern afectos desordenados, inordinate de-
: aflnamiento, m. r. afinaci6n. Refinement.
sires. a. affectionate, fond, inclined ; (law) V. FINURA,
subject to some charge or encumbrance. afinar, va. to complete to polish to trim ; ;

afectuosamente, adv. fondly, affectionately. (binding) to tune afinar los metales, to re-
; :

afectuosidad,/. fondness. fine metals. vr. to become polished, civi-

afectuoso, sa, «. loving, fond. lized.
afeitar, va. to shave to beautify, embellish, ; afincar, va. to buy up real estate.
make up to trim a plant or tree to trim
; ; afine, a. related, affinal, adjoining.
the tails and manes of horses. vr. to shave afinldad, /. analogy^ resemblance ; relation-
one's self; to use paints or rouge. ship (chem.) affinity.

afeite, m. paint, rouge, cosmetic. afino, TO. refinement of metals.

afelio, m. (ast.) aphelion. aflrmacidn, /. affirming, assertion.
afelpado, da, a. plush or velvet-like. afirmadamente, adv. firmly.
afeminaci6n, /. effeminacy, emasculation. afirmador, ra, m. &/. one who affirms.
afeminadamente, adv. effeminately. aflnnante,/>«. the person who affirms.
afeminado, da, a. effeminate.—^p. of afe- afirmar, va. to make fast, secure, clinch ; to
MIXAR. affirm, assert, contend. vr. to hold fast>
afemlnamlento, m. v. afeminaci6n. make fast to maintain firmly.

afeminar, va. to effeminate, to unman, afirmativa,/. v. afirmaci6n.

aferesis,/. (gram.) aphaeresis. aflrmativamente, adv. affirmatively.
aferrado, da, a.headstrong.—pp.of aferrar. afirmativo, va, a. affirmative.
aferrador, ra, m. & f. one that grapples or afistolar, render fistulous.
va. to
Krasps. aflechada, a. arrow-shaped said of leaves. ;

aferramlentO, m. grasping, grappling, seiz- aflicclbn/. affliction, sorrow, grief, anguish.

ing or binding aferramiento de las velaa,
: afllctiVO, va, a. afflictive, distressing, griev-
(naut.) the furling of the sails headstrong- ; ous pena afllctiva, corporeal punishment.

ness. afllctO, ta, pp. irr. of afligir.

aferrar, va. to grapple, to grasp, to seize afligidainente, adv. grievously.
a as in far ; e in eh I ; i In police ; o in for ; n in bull : c Cbefore «. i) and i as th In thick. ; b and i, son ;
Afli^ixaiento, m. aflicci6n. V. f. pi. suburbs, environs; lafaeral clear the
Afligir, Id. {ind. AFLIJO: s-iibj. aflija) to wav.
afflict, to cause pain. vr. to grieve, lan- afufa,/. (coll.) flight.
guish, repine. afufar, vn. amfarse, vr. (coll.) to run away,
anojadura, /. aflojamiento, m. relaxation, to escape.
loosening or slackening. afusidn,/. affusion, shower-bath.
aflOjar, va. to loosen, slacken, relax, let afUSte, m. gun-carriage: afuste de mortero.
loose; to relent, debilitate: (naut.) afloJar mortar-bed.
loB obenqnes, to ease the shrouds. vn. to agachadiza, /. (zool.) snipe: hacer la aga-
grow weak, to abate. vr. to grow cool in chadiza, (coll.) to conceal one's self.
fervour or zeal ; to lose courage. agachar, va. to lower, bow down. vr. to
aflorado, «. v. floreado. stoop, squat, crouch, cower: agachar las
afloramiento, »J. (min.) cropping out, orejas, (coll. ) to be humble ; to be dejected,
aflorar, vn. to crop out. dispirited, chopfallen.
afluencia,/. plenty, abundance fluency, vol- ; agalbanado, da, a. v. galbanoso.
ubility. agalerar, va. (naut.) to tip an awning.
afluente, aflluent, copious, abundant
a. agMocO, m. (Dot.) aloes wood,
loquacious. m. affluent, a tributary. agalla, /. (hot.) gall-nut: agalla de cipris,
afluir, va. {ind. afluyo subj. afluya) to : cypress gall tonsils; wind-gallsof a horse :

congregate, assemble ; to discharge into an- beaks of a shuttle the side of the head of

other stream. birds corresponding to the temple.—pZ.

aflujo, ni. (med.) afflux, Effluxion. courage, cheek, gall.
afogarar, va. v. asukar. agalladO, da, a. steeped in an infusion of
afollar, va. to blow with bellows. galls.
afondar, va. to put under water; (naut.) to agallato, m. gall ate.
sink, to founder. agalliCO, a. gallic.
afonia,/. (med.) loss of voice. agall6ll, TO. large gall-nut: agallones, pi.
af6nlco, ca, afono, na, a. aphonic. strings of hollow silver beads wooden ;

aforado, a. privileged person.—pp. of afo- beads put to rosaries.

rar. agalluela,/. dim. small gall-nut.
aforador, m. ganger, appraiser. agamitar, va. to imitate the voice of a fawn,
aforamientO, m. gauging appraisement. ; agamuzado, da, a. chamois-coloured,
aforar, va. to gauge, measure vessels or agangrenarse, vr. to gangrene.
quantities ; to appraise ; to give privileges. agarbado, da, a. V. garboso.—?>p. of agar-
aforisma, /. (farr.) swelling in the arteries BARSE.
of beasts. agarbarse, vr. to bend, stoop down, crouch.
aforismo, m. aphorism, maxim. agarbillar, v. agavillar.
aforistiCO, ca, a. aphoristical. agareno, na, a. Mohammedan.
aforo, m. gauging; appraisement. ag^rico, m. (bot.) agaric, fungus.
aforrador, ra, m. &/. one who lines clothes. agarrada,/. (coll.) altercation, wrangle.
aforrar, va. to line clothes aforrar una casa, : agarradero, m. hold, haft, handle; (coll.)
to ceil a house (naut.) to sheathe ;
aforrar : protection, Wtronage (naut.) anchorage.' ;

un cabo, (naut.) to serve a cable. vr. to put agarrado, da, a. miserable, stingy, close-
on heavy underclothing to gorge. ; fisted.—pp. of AGARRAR.
aforro* m. lining; (naut.) sheathing; (naut). agarrador, ra, a. one that grasps or seizes.
waist of a ship. —m. sadiron-holder ; catch-pole bailiff. ;

afortunadamente, adv. luckily, agarrafar, va. (coll.) to grapple hard in a

afortunado, da, «. fortunate, happy, lucky. scuffle.
—pp. of AFORTUNAR. agarrama, /. v. garrama.
afortunar, va. to make happy. agarrar, to grasp, seize, lay hold of;
afosarse, vr. (mil.) to defend one's self by (coll.) obtain; to come upon. vr. to
making a ditch, clinch, grapple, hold on.
afoscarse, vr. to become hazy, agarro, m. grasp.
afrailar, va. (agr.) to trim trees, agarrochador, to. pricker, goader.
afrancesado, da, a. Frenchified, French-like. agarrocbar, agarrocbear, va. to prick
pp. of AFRANCESAR. with a pike or spear to goad. ;

arrancesar, m. to Gallicize, to give a French agarrotar, va. to compress bales with ropes
termination to words. vr. to imitate the and cords.
French to be naturalized in France.
; agasajador, ra, to. & /. officious, kind, ob-
afrecho, m. bran. liging person.
afrenillar, vn. (naut.) to bridle the oars. agasajar, treat kindly ;
va. to receive and
afrenta, /. affront, dishonour, outrage, in- to fondle ; to regale ; to entertain.
sult, abuse, infamy, disgrace, stigma. agasajo, to. graceful and affectionate recep-
afrentar, va. to affront, to insult. vr. to be tion attention shown
; friendly present ;

affronted ; to blush. afternoon refreshment or collation,

afrentosamente, adv. ignominiously. d.gata, /. agate, a precious stone.
afrentOSO, sa, a. ignominious, outrageous. agavanzo, to. or agavanza, /. (bot.) V. es-
afretar, va. to scrub and clean the bottom of CARAMUJO.
a vessel. agave, to. v. pita.
afrlcano, na, or afro, a. African. agavillar, va. to bind or tie in sheaves. vr.
ifrico, m. the south-west wind. V. abrego. (coll.) to associate with a gang of sharpers.
afrisonado, da, a. resembling a Friesland agazapar, va.{ coll.) to nab a person. vr.
draught-horse. to hide one's self.
afrodisiaco, «. aphrodisiac. agenda, /. agency ministration, commis-

afrontar, vn. to confront to ; face. sion ; agent's bureau, office diligence. ;

afta,/. (med.) aphthae, thrush. agenciar, va. to solicit, promote, negotiate,

aftOSO, sa, «. (med.) aphthous. agencioso, sa, a. diligent, active.
afuera, adv. outside, outward, in public. agenda, /. note-book ; memorandum.
g (before e, j) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; n, ny in canyon ; r (initUl) and rr triUed ; s, hisseC
agenesia,/, (med.) impotence. I
agorar, ra. to divine, to prognosticate.
agente, m. ageut, actor, ininisterj solicitor, agorero, ra. m. & /. diviner.
attorney agente de cambios, bill-broker
: agorgojarse, vr. to be destroyed by grubs.
agente de negocios, promoter agente fiscal, : applied to corn.
assistant attorney agente de policia, police
: agOStadero, nu summer pasture.
officer, detective. agOStamientO, m. parching up.
agerasla, /. old age free from indispositions. agOStar, ca. to parch. vn. to pasture cattle
ag^ratO, m. (bot. ) sweet milfoil or maudlin. on stubbles in summer.
agestadO, da (blen 6 mal), a. well or ill fea- agostero, m. harvest-man ; religious men-
tured. dicant who
begs corn in August.
agibillbUS, m. (coll.) application and in- agOStiZO, za, a. person born in August colt ;

dustry to obtain the conveniences of life. foaled in that month weak. ;

ag^ble, a. feasible, practicable. agOStO, m. August harvest-time, harvest.


agigantado, da, a. gigantic, extraordinary, agotable, a. exhaustible.

uncommon. agOtamientO, m. exhaustion.
agil, n. nimble, ready, fast, light. agotar, va. to drain off waters; (met.) to
agilidad, /. agility, nimbleness, activity, oeat out one's brains to run through a for- ;

lightness, liveliness, sprightliness. tune to exhaust agotar la paciencia, to

; :

agilitar, va. to render nimble ; make active. tire one's patience.

agilmente, adv. nimbly, actively. agracejO [aii-grah tiiay'-hoel, w. unripeued grapc;
agio, agriotaje, m. (com.) exchange of paper unripe olive that falls a kind of shrub. ;

money for coin, or coin for bills premium ; ;

V. MAROJO, a Cuban tree.
stock-jobbing ; usury jobbing. ; agrace&O, fla, laU-Kraii-thay'-nyo], a. resembling
agiotador, »«. v. agiotista. verjuice.
agiotista, m. money-changer , bill-broker, a^acera, /. verjuice cruet. a. vine yield-
stock-jobber ; usurer. ing unripening fruit.
agitable, a, agitable that can be shaken. ; agraciado, da, a. graceful, genteel.—/tj?. of
agitaci6n, /. agitation, flurry, flutter, fluc- AGRACiAR.— ju. a grantee.
tuation, fidget, fretting, excitement. agn^aciar, va. to adorn, embellish ; to favour
agitador, ra, m. &f. fretter, agitator. to grace to give employment.

agitanado, da, a. gipsy-like, bewitching. agracillo, m. v. agracejo.

agitar, ra. to agitate, shake up, ruffle, dis- agradabilisimo, ma, a. sup. most agreeable.
cuss. —
;;•. to flutter, palpitate. agradable, «. agreeable, pleasing, pleasant,
aglomeracidn, /. agglomeration, heaping up. enjovable.
aglomerado, m. brick made with coal-dust agradablemente, adv. agreeably.
and tar, used for fuel. agradar, va. to please, gratify, humour ; to
aglomerar, va. to heap upon. like. vr. to be pleased.
aglutinacibn, /. agglutination. agnradecer, {md. agradezco subj. agra-
va. :

aglutinante, a. agglutinating.—;ja. of AGLU- dezca) to acknowledge a favour to thank ;


TiNAR. m. (med.) sticking-plaster. show gratitude.

aglutinar, va. to glue together, to aggluti- agradecido, da, a. acknowledged ;
nate. thankful.—p/». of agradecer.
aglutinatiVO, va, a. agglutinative, agradecimiento, m. gratefulness.
agnaci6n, /. (law) relation by blood on the agrradezco (*>?•. from agradecer).
father's side ; from male issue. agrado, w«. affability, agreeableness, pleasure,
agnado, da, a. (law) related to a descendant liking esto no es de mi agrado, that does not

of the same paternal line. please me.

agnaticiO, Cia, «. belonging to the agnado. agramadera, /. brake scutch. ;

agnici6n, /. (rhet.) recognition of a person agramador, ra, m. &f. flax or hemp breaker.
in a poem or drama ; agnition. agramar, ca. to dress flax or hemp with a
agnocasto, m. v. sauzgatillo. Drake.
agnosticismo, m. agnosticism. agramllar, va. to point and colour a brick
agnbstico, ca, adj. agnostic. wall.
agnus-dei, m. agnus, wax cake blessed by agramiza, /. the stalk of hemp hemp, tow. ;

the Pope part of the service of the mass

; agraudamientO, m. enlargement.
ancient Spanish coin, of smallest value. agrandar, ca. to enlarge, aggrandize, in-
agobiar, va. to bend the body down ; (met.) crease.
to oppress, grind. vr. to bow to couch. ; agranujado, da, a. grain-shaped ; filled with
agobio, m. bending down (met.) oppression, ;
dejection, load. agrario, ria, agrarian, rustic.
agojia, /. water outlet in mines. agravacidn, f. aggravation.
agolar, va. (naut.) to furl the sails. V. agravador, ra, »«. &/. oppressor.
amainar. agravamiento, m. the act of aggravating.
agolpamiento, m. crowding, a rush. agravantemente, adv. aggravatingly ; with
agolparse, vr. to crowd, to rush. ourden.
agonales, a. pi. games in honour of Janus. agravar, vn. to add
to oppress
to a load ;

agonia, /. agony, pangs of death violent ; with taxes and public burdens ; to aggrieve;
pain of body or mind vehement desire. j
to exaggerate. vr. to become "Jnore grave.
agonioso, sa, adj. anxious, eager. agravatoriO, rla, a. (law) compulsory, ag-
agonistica, /. athletics science of combat. ; gravating.
agonizante, pa. a dying person; a monk agraviadainente, adv. injuredly; in an
who assists a dyin^ person in some univer- ; offeuded manner.
he who assists students in their ex-
sities, agraviador, ra, m. & f. injurer, wronger,
aminations. offender.
agonizar, va. to assist dying persons (met.) ; agraviamiento, m. wrong, offence, injury.
to annoy, to importune. vn. estar agonizan- agraviante, pa. aggravating, ofteuding.
do, to be in the agony of death. agfravlar, va. to wrong, offend, injure, narm.
&gOra,/. agora, public place in Greek cities. —
vr. to be aggrieved, piqued.

a M In far ; e in eh I ; i in volice : o <n for ; q in ball ; c (before e, l) and z as th in thick ; b and d, aofti
agraviO, m. oflfence, insult, aflTront, injury, tree and its fruit; alligator-pear; pear-shaped
damage, harm. emerald.
AgraviOSO, sa, «. offensive, insulting, aggra- agnacatillO, m. (bot.) variety of the avocado-
vating. tree.
agraz, m. unripe verjuice grape ;
grape agruacero, m. heavy shower.
(coll.) displeasure, disgust; (bot.) red-ber- aguacibera, /. ground sowed when dry and
ried mistletoe en agraz, adv. unseasonably.
: then irrigated ; water used for such irrigar
agrazada,/. 7erjuice-water, with sugar. tion.
agrazar, vn. to taste sour. va. to disgust, vex. aguachar, m. pool puddle. ;

agraz6n, m. wild grape; (bot.) gooseberry- aguachar, aguacliaruar, aguacMnar, va.

bush; (coll.) displeasure, resentment. r. ENAGUACHAR.
agrecillo, m. v. agracillo. aguachirle, /. inferior wine ; slipslop ; any
agregacion, /. aggregation, collection. Dad liquor.
agregado, m. aggregate congregation ; ; as- aguada,/. watering-station ; flood in a mine
sistant supernumerary attache.
; ;
(naut.) water on board a ship: hacer agua-
agregar, va. to aggregate, collect, heap to- da, towater (art) water-colour aquarelle.

to nominate, appoint.
gether ; aguaderas, /. pi. frames for jars of water
agremiar, va. & «?•. to form a guild. carried by horses.
agresibn, /. aggression, attack, assault. aguadero, m. watering-place for cattle or
agresivamente, adv. aggressively. ships.
agresiVO, va, a. aggressive. aguadija, /. humour in pimples or sores.
agresor, ra, a. aggressor, assaulter (law) ;
aguado, da, a. watered abstemious, like a ;

oue who tramples upon another's rights. teetotaller.—py). of aguak.

agreste, a. rustic, country-like, wild (met.) ;
aguador, ra, m. & f. water-carrier: (mil.)
rude, uncultured, uncouth. aguador del real, sutler ; water-wheel bucket.
agrete, «. sourish, tartish. aguaducllO,m. water-course ; stall for selling
agriamente, adv. harshly, tartly, bitterly, se- water.
verely. aguadura, /. surfeit of water in cattle.
agriar, va. to make sour or tart ; (met. ) to aguafiestas, m. &f. one who mars another's
irritate, exasperate. vr. to sour, turn acid. pleasure.
*agriaz, m. (bot.) bead-tree. aguagoma,/. gum-water.
agricola, a. & n. agricultural agriculturist. ; aguaitar, va. to spy, watch, detect.
agnriCHltor, m. husbandman, farmer. aguajaque [aii-gwah-iia'-kay], m. a sort ot am-
agricultora, /. the woman who tills the moniac gum.
ground. aguajas, /. pi. ulcers above the hoofs.
agricultura, /. agriculture. aguaje [ah-gwah'-iiay], m. tidal wave; (naut.)
agridulce, a. bitter sweet. sea current or stream wake of a ship. ;

agrietado, da, «. cracked, defective. aguamanil, m. water-jug, laver wash-stand. ;

agrietarse, vr. to be filled with cracks. aguamanos, m. water for washing the
agrifoliO, m. (bot.) holly-tree. liands wash-stand.

agrilla,/. (hot.) v. acedera. aguamarina, /. precious stone, pale green

agrillarse, w. V. grillarse. beryl.
agrillO, 11a, a. dim. sourish, tartish. aguamelado, da, a. washed over with water
agrimensor, m.. land surveyor. and honey.
agrimensura, /. art of surveying land. aguamiel, /. hydromel, honey and water,
agrimonia, /. (bot.) agrimony, liverwort. mead unfermented juice of the maguey.

agrio, ria, a. sour, acrid (met. ) rough, ap- ;

aguana, /. wood used in canoe-making in
plied to a road (met. ) sharp, rude, un- ;
South America.
pleasant una respvesta agria, a tart reply
aguanieve, /. magpie ; sleet, snow.
brittle, unmalleable applied to metals. : aguanosidad, /. serous humours.
agrlO, m. acidity of some fruits.—j>/. agrios, aguanoso, sa, a. extremely moist.
sour fruit-trees. aguantar, va. to sustain, suffer, bear, en-
agridn, m. (far.) callosity in a horse's knee, dure, abide; to maintain ; (naut.) to carry
agrisadO, da, a. grayish. a stiff sail. vr. to forbear.
agrisetado, da, a. flowered silks. agruante, m. fortitude, firmness patience, ;

agronomia, /. theory of agriculture. tolerance: (naut.) navio de aguante, a stiff

agrbnomo, m. a writer on agriculture. ship.
agropilaj yn. German bezoar. aguafl6n, wi. constructor of hydraulic ma-
agrupacibn, /. cluster, crowd group. ;
agrupar, va. to group, to cluster. aguapi^, m. small wine. V. aguachirle.
agrura,/. acidity, acerbity ; orchard of sour aguar, va. to dilute with water; (met.) to
fruit-trees. mar pleasure. vr. to be filled with water.
agua, water, liquid, fluid, rain ; the sea
/. aguardar, va. to expect, await; to grant
(chem.) liquor distilled from herbs, flowers, time, extend^ e. g. to a debtor.
or fruit; lustre of diamonds; (naut.) leak- aguardenteria, /. liquor-shop.
(arch.) slope of a roof: agua rica, scented aguardentero, ra, m. &f. retailer of liquors.
water, in Peru agua llovediza, rain-water
: aguardentOSO, sa, a. mixed with liquor
aguadulce, fresh, drinking water agua fuer- : narsh (said of the voice).
nitric acid ; an etching
te, agua da nieve, : aguardiente, m. spirituous liquor: aguar-
ice-water agua viva, running water : ; hom-
: diente de cana, rum : aguardiente de cabeza,
bre al agua man overboard.—^/, mineral
! the first spirits drawn from the still.
waters in general clouds in silk and other ; aguardo, m. lurking-place for a sportsman.
stuffs gloss in feathers, stones, etc.; urine;
; aguarr^S, m. oil of turpentine.
tide; (naut.) agua del pantoque, bilge-wa- aguatocha, /. pump.
ter agua del timon, wake of a ship : agua
: aguaturma, f. (bot.) Jerusalem artichoke.
de cepas, (coll.) wine. aguavientos, m. (hot.) yellow sag©-tree.
aguacatal, m. plantation of aguacates. aguaza, /. aqueous humour sap from trees. ;

aguacate or agualate, m. (bot. ) the avocado- aguazal, m. marsh, fen. V. pantano.

g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, client ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; •,
aguazarse, vr. to become marshy. agUZadero, m. haunt of wild boars.
aguazo, painting in gouache. aguzado, da, «. sharp, pointed, keen.—f»p,
aguazoso, sa, «. aqueous. AGUZAR.
agruazur, m.. kind of dark green large-leaved aguzador, m. a. sharpener.
barilla plant. agruzadura, /. whetting or sharpeniag.
agudeza, /. sharpness, acuteness, subtilty, aguzanieve, wagtail, a small bird. j'.

fineness ; witty saying, repartee ; smart- aguzar, va. {pret. aguce: subj. aguce) to
ness. whet or sharpen; (met.) to stimulate, ex-
agudo, da, «. sharp-pointed, keen-edged aguzar el ingenio, to sharpen the wit
cite :

smart, sharp high-pitched (met. ) acute,

aguzar las orejas, to cock up the ears agu- :

witty; brisk, ready, active; (med.) acute, zar la vista, to sharpen the sight.
of rapid development palabra aguda, word : aguzonazo, m. v. hurgonazo.
accented on the last syllable. jah fall i)i/f>rj. ah
! , V. AY !

agtiera, /. trench for irrigation. ahetirado, da, a. thread-like, fibrous.

agliero, m. augury, prognostication, omen. ahelear, va. to gall, embitter. vn, to taste
agriiero, yo agiiere {irr. from agorar). bitter.
aguerrido, da lah-gay-rree'-cioc', a. inured to aherro:)amiento, to. putting in irons.
war; veteran.^pp. of aguerrir. aherrojar, va. to chain, put in irons.
agUerrir [ah-gay-rreer'], va. (defective) tO aCCUS- alierrumbrar, va. to impart the taste and
tom to war. colour of iron. vi: to have the taste and
agUijada lah-gle-ha'-dah], /. spur, goad. colour of iron (as water) to be ferru- ;

aguijador, ra, m. & f. one that goads or ginous ; to rust.

stimulates. ahervorarse, vr. to be heated.
aguiiadura, /. spurring the act of exciting, ; aM [ah-ee'] adv. there, in that place ;
aguijar [aii-Kie-har'i, va. to prick, spur, goad ahidalgadO, da, «. gentlemanly.
to incite, stimulate. vn. to march fast. ahijadO, a, m. &/. godchild protege. ;

aguijatorio, ria, (law) stimulating. a. aMjadOr, to. one who puts a young animal to
aguljdn Sting of a bee, wasp,
[aii-gie-hon'], TO. suck.
etc.; prick, spur, goad; (met.) stimulus: Sibi^&T, va. to adopt; (met.) to impute. vn.
dar coces contra el aguijdn, to kick against to bring forth young ; to bud ; shoot out.-
the spur or goad. ahilarse, vr. to be faint, weak to grow sour ; ;

agUljOnaZO [ah-gle-hoe-nah'-thaw], TO. thrust with to grow thin.

a goad. ahilo, TO. faintness, weakness.
aglUJOneadOr, ra [ah-gie-hoe-nay-ah-dor'], TO. & aMncO, to. earnestness, eagerness, ardoui.
f. one who pricks or goads. ahitar, va. {pp. aiuto) to surfeit, cloy, sa-
agUljOnear [ah-gle-hoe-nay-ai-'j, va. tO prick, tiate. vr. to be surfeited.
thrust. V. AGUIJAR, to incite. ahitera,/. (coll.) violent or continued indi-
^guila [ah'-gie-iah], /. eagle ; Roman emblem gestion.
a gold coin ;
(astr.) constellation. amtO, ta, «. gorged, satiated, full; (met.)
aguilando, to. v. aguinaldo. disgiisted, bored. pp. irr. of ahitar.
agllileflO,na[ah-gie-iay'-nyo],a. aquiline; hawk- aMtO, TO. indigestion, surfeit, repletion.
nosed. ahOCicar, vn. (naut.) to pitch or plunge.
agUllilla [ah-gle-le«l'-lya], /. dim. V. CABALLO sihocinarse. vr. to run precipitately (a
aguillila. stream).
agnildn, to. boom of a crane. aug. of Iguila. ahogadero, m. hangmay's rope ;
place diffi-
aguilucno, to. young eagle, eaglet. cult to breathe in ; throat-band ; halter.
aguinaldo [ah-gie-uai'-<ioe], TO. New-year's gift, ahogadizo, za, o. harsh, unpalatable: cam*
Christmas present reed (Cuba). ; ahogadiza, flesh of drowned animals.
aguja [ah-goo'-hah], /. needle, bodkin, hat-pin ; ahogado, da, «. suffocated drowned ; close, ;

spire, steeple; needle-fish, horn-fish; needle- unventilated carncro ahogado, stewed mut-

shell ; hand of a watch ; style of a dial ton estar ahogado or verse ahogado, to be

switch-rail (r. w.) ; spindle; pin (in typog- overwhelmed with business or trouble.—/»jo.
raphy and in artillery) a brad ; graft.—pf. ;
of ahogar.
ribs of an animal. ahogador, ra, to. &/. hangman,
agujazo, »»• prick with a needle. ahogamlento, to. suffocation. V. ahogo.
agH erar, va. to pierce. V. AGUJEREAR. abOgar, va. {pret. AHOGU^ subj. ahogue) to :

agu; erear, va. to pierce, bore, prick. choke, throttle, smother; to drown; (met.)
agUjeriCO, illO, to. dim. small hole. to oppress (met.) to quench, extinguish to

agujero ah-goo-hay'-roi, TO. hole needle-maker water plants to excess; (naut.) to founder.
needle-seller; dug-out.

— vr. to be suffocated to drown one's self, ;

agrujeta, /. lace, string or latchet, tipped with be drowned.

ferrules.—/>/. tip given to post-boys or driv- ahogo, TO. oppression ; anguish ;
pain ; severe
ers pains from fttigue.
agujeteria, /. shop where agtjjetai are made ahoguijo [ah-o-gie'-ho], TO. (vet. ) quinsy, swelled
or sold. throat.
agujetero, ra, m. & /. maker or seller of ahoguio [ah-o-gie'-oii], to. oppression in the
agojetai. breast.
agu16n, TO. aug. a large needle. ahombradO, da, a. (coll.) mannish. V. HOM-
agujuela, brad. ./". BRUNO.
aguosidad, /. lymph. ahondar, va. to sink. vn. to go deep, pene-
agUOSO, sa, a. aqueous. trate; (met.) to advance in knowledge; to
agrur, adv. (coll.) adieu, farewell, good-bye. investigate.
agusanarse, vr. to be worm-eaten. ahonde, to. act of sinking; depth to which a
agustlniano, na, m. & /. v. agustino, be- mine ought to reach to acquire title.
longing to the order of St. Augustin. ahora, «<". now, at present por ahora, fof :

agusiino, na, to. & f. monk or nun of the the present ahora bien, now, then hasta
: :

order of Augustine.
St. ahora, hitherto. conj. whether, or.
aguzadera, /. whetstone. ahorcadO, to. hanged man. pp. of AHORCAB.
a ab iu far ; e in eh I ; i in police ; o ia for ; u In bull ; c (before e, i} aii<i z a» th In thick ; b and d. •ofl»

aliorcadura, /. tbe act of hanging. alsladO, da, a. isolated.—p^, of AISLAR,

ahorcajarse, vr. to sit astride. aislador, ra, «. insulator.
ahorcar, va. (pret. ahorque subj. ahorque) : aislamiento, m. isolation (met.) loneliness. ;

to kill by hanging. aislar, va. to surround with water to iusu. ;

abormar, va. to fit, shape, adjust to break ; late.

in shoes (met.) to bring one to a sense of
; 1aja interj. aha also ajaji
! !

his duty. ajada, /. garlic sauce.

ahornagarse, vr. to get parched or burned : aqado, da, a. garlicky.—pp. of ajar.
said of young leaves. ajamiento, m. disfiguration, crumpling,
ahomar, put in an oven. rr. to be
va. to rumpling.
scorched in the oven without being baked. ajaquecarse [ah-iia-kay-car'-say], vr. to have a
allOrqUilladO, da [ah-or-kee-lya'-doe a. forked. ,
'—pp. ofAHORQUILLAR. a^ar, m. garlic-field.
ahOrquillar [ali-or-kee-lyar'], va. tO Stay, tO Jjrop ajar, va. to spoil, crumple, rumple ajar la va- :

up with forks. vr. to become forked. nidad k alguno, to pull down one's pride,
ahorrado, da, «. unencumbered.—/>7J. of aho- ajarafe, m. table-land. V. azotea.
RRAR. aje, i>i. chronic complaint.
ahorrador, ra, m. &f. emancipator. ajea,/. brushwood for fuel.
ahorramientO, m. emancipation, enfran- ajear, va. to cry like a pursued partridge.
chisement. ajedrea,/. (bot.) winter savory.
ahorrar, va. to enfranchise, emancipate, free ajedrez [aii-iiay-<ireth'], m. chess ; (naut.) net-
a slave to economize, save, spare to shun
; ; ting, grating.
labour, danger, or difficulties. ajedrezado, da, «. checkered,
ahorrativa, /. (coll.) v. ahorro. ajenabo, m. (bot.) wild mustard,
allOrrativO, va, a. frugal, thrifty, saving. ajenable, a. alienable.
ahorro, m. parsimony, economy, saving: a^en^ibre, m. v. jengibre.
banco or caja de ahorros, savings-bank. ajenjo, vi. (bot.) wormwood; absinth.
ahoyadura, /. making holes in the ground. ajeno, na, a. another's foreign, strange ab- ; ;

ahoyar, va. to dig holes for trees. horrentj contrary to, remote ignorant ;

ahucliador, ra, m. &f. hoarder, miser. (met.) improper: aJeno de verdad, void of
ahuchar, va. to hoard up. truth.
ahuecamlento, m. hollowing. ajenuz, m. (bot.) field fennel-flower,
ahuecar, va.{prei. ahueque: subj. ahueque) ajeo, m. perro de ajeo, setter-dog.
to make hollow scoop out ; to inflate ; ; to ajero, m. vender of garlic.
loosen close pressed or matted things. vr. aiesuitado, da, a. Jesuitical.
to grow haughty, proud. a^ete, m. young garlic leek garlic sauce. ;

aliue]iu6 or ahuenuete (hot. ) tree of Mex- ajetrearse [ah-lmy-tray-ar'-say], vr. tO become

ico. bodily fatigued to fidget. ;

ahmnadO, da, a. smoky, smoked.—/, smoke ajetreo, m. fatigue, agitation,

signal from the coast ; sea-fish. aji [ah-hee'J, m. red dwarf pepper. V. chile,
ahmnar, va. to smoke ; to cure in smoke. capsicum ; sauce made of the aji-pepper.
vn. to fume ; to emite smoke. vr. to be ajiaceite [ah-he-ah-thay'-e-tayl, m. mixture of
smoked to look smoky. ; garlic and oil.
ahusado, da, a. spindie-shaped.—^I?. of ahu- ajiaco w. dish made of boiled
sar. meat and vegetables sauce made with aji. ;

ahusar, va. to make slender as a spindle. ajiCOla, /. glue made of kid-skin boiled with
vr. to taper. garlic.
ahuyentador, ra, m. &f. scarecrow. ajllimoje [ah-he-lee-mo'-hay] or ajilini6jili [ah-
ahuyentar, va. to drive away, put to flight ;
m. sauce of pepper and garlic,
iie-iee-nio' -he-lee],
(met. to overcome a passion banish care.
) ; a^illo tender young garlic.

aijada, /. goad. V. aguijada. ajimez [au-he-meth'], m. arched window, with

airadamente, adv. angrily, in an angry pillar in centre.
manner, hastily. ajipuerro, m. leek. V. puerro.
airado, da, a. angry, wrathful, furious. ajironar, va. to put coloured pieces in cloths.
airamiento, m, wrath, anger. ajo [ah'-ho], m. (hot. ) garlic garlic sauce for ;

airar, va. to anger, to irritate, vr. to grow meat; (met.) paint for ladies; (coll.)
angry. crooked affair.
Vire, m. air, atmosphere, wind briskness ; a^Obar, va. to carry back-loads.
(of a horse); (met.) air, carriage, demean- ajobilla,/. common sea-shell.
our, gait, aspect, countenance, look musi- ; ajobo, m. a heavy load or burden,
cal composition frivolity aire colado, a ; : a^ofaina, f. V. aljofaina.
cold draught creerse del aire, to be credu-
: ajolote, m. amphibian of Mexico axolotl. ;

lous al aire libre, in the open air, outdoors

: ajomate, m. (hot.) variety of sea-weed,
4 qui aires le traen & Vd. por ac& 1 what ajonje, m. bird-lime.
good wind brings you here? tomar el aire, ajonjera [ah-iion-hay -raw, /. ajoiijero, in. (bot.)
to take a walk en el aire, in suspense. : the low carline thistle.
airear, va. to give air, ventilate to aerate ; ajonjoli [ah-hon-ho-iee'i, aljonjoli, m. (bot.)
charge with gas. vr. to take the air ; to cool benne, sesame.
one's self. ajoqueso [ah-ho-kay'-soi, m. dish made of garlic
aireciCO, llO, to, m. dim. a gentle breeze. and cheese.
airdn, m. aug. violent gale ornament of ; ajorca, /. Moorish bracelets and anklets.
Slumes crest the crested heron, egret
; ; ajornalar, va. to hire by the day.
eep Moorish well. ajuagas [ah-hoo-ah'-rasi, /. pi. malanders or ul-
airosamente, adv. gracefully, lightly, cers over the hoofs. V. esparavan,
airosidad, /. graceful deportment. ajuanetado, da, a. bunion-like.
%iroso, sa, a. airy, windy graceful, genteel ; a]Uar [ah-hoo-ar'], m. bridal apparel and furni-
lively ; successful. ture trousseau household furniture.

aisladamente, adv. isolately^ singly. ajudiado, da, a. Jewish Jew-like. ;

K(befo i) and j as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial ) and rr trilled ; •,
ajuiciado, da, «. judicious, prudent.—^. alacranera, (bot.) scorpion-grass,

AJUIOIAB. alacridad, /. alacrity.

ajuiclar [ah-Jioo-e-thie-ar'], vn. to become pru- alacba, alacbe,/. anchovy, v. haleche.
deut. alada, /. fluttering of the wings.
ajustadamente, adv. justiv, rightly. aladares, /«. pi. forelocks, over the ten*
ajustado, da, exact, right.; stingy close,a. ; pies.
tit,—pp. of AJUSTAR. aladierna, v. alaterno.
ajustador, m. close waistcoat, jacket in a ; alado, da, a. winged, feathered,
printing-office, justitier (mech.) adapter, ;
aladrada,/. (prov.) furrow,
titter, adjuster, coupler, adjusting tool. aladrar, va. (prov. ) to plough the ground.
ajUStamientO, m. agreement settling of ac- ; aladro, m. plough ploughed land, ;

counts receipts. ; aladroque [aU-la-dro'-kayJ, m. (prov.) UU^salted

ajustar [aii-iioos t«r'], va. to regulate, adjust, fit, anchovy.
accord, compose, guide, measure to justify ; alafia, pedlr alafia, to beg pardon.
/. (coll.)
type to concert, make an agreement, bar-
; /. a species of yellow wheat,
gain to reconcile, heal
; to examine ac- ; alagar, va. to make ponds or lakes.
counts ; to settle a balance to press close, ; alagartadO, da, a. variegated, motley.
oppress; to fit, fashion, accommodate; to alaju, m. paste made of almonds, walnuts,
adapt to size, make true to trim to en-
; ; ; honey, etc.
gage (as an artist). it. to settle matters alamar, m. frog and braid trimming.
to conform, combine to approach to en- ; ; alamblcadamente, adv. with subtiity.
gage one's self; to be engaged. alambicado, da, a. distilled pedantic, eu- ;

ajuste, m. proportion of the constituent parts phuistic (met.) given with a sparing hand.

of a thing adjustment, fit agreement, con-

; ; —pp. of alambicar.
tract, covenant, accommodation engage- ; alambicamiento, m. distillation subtiity, ;

ment settlement.—pZ. couplings.

; euphuism of language.
ajUStiClar lah-hooe-tea-thie-ar'], va. tO execute, alambicar, va. to distil; to investigate
put to death. closely.
a,l, art. (contraction of 4 and el) to the (fol- alambique [ah-lam-be'-kay], m. still : por alam-
lowed by a masc noun) used also with the ; bique, sparingly.
Infinitive of verbs e. g. al amanecer, at the : alambor, m. (arch.) face of a hewn stone;
dawn of day. (fort.) inside slope.
ala, /. wing; row, file; (mil.) flank, wing; alamboradO, da, a. having alambor.
brim of hat auricle of the ear alas del co-
; : alambrado, m. wire netting, wire screen
razon, (anat.) auricles of the heart; fin of wire cover electric wiring.

fish ; leaf of a door, of a table : ala de me- alambre, m. wire; in olden times copper,
ana, (naut.) a driver.—pi. (naut.) upper bronze : alambre de laton, brass wire ; sheep
studding-sails : ala de gavia, main-top stud- bells.
ding-sails: ala de velacho, fore studding- alambrera, /.wire netting; wire screen;
sails : ala de sobremesana, mizzen-top stud- wire cover ;
(agr.) wire trellis.
ding-sails ala de proa, head of the ship.—p/.
: alameda, /. grove of poplar-trees; public
alas, protection, boldness : cortar las alas, walk, mall.
to take one down a peg (poet.) velocity. ; alamin, m. clerk appointed to inspect weights
Alii, in. Allah, Arabic word for God. and measures surveyor of buildings ; ;

alabadO, m. hymn in praise of the sacra- (prov.) farmer appointed to superintend

ment. -—pp. of ALABAR. irrigation,
alabador, ra, m. &f. applauder, commender. alanuna, /. fine paid by potters for trans-
alabamiento, m. praise. gressing the law.
alabancioso, sa, a. (coll.) boastful, ostenta- alaminazgo, m. office of the alamin.
tious. alamirr^, m. musical chord.
alabandilia» /. manganese sulphide ; alaban- ^laniO, in. ilamo bianco, white
(hot.) poplar:
dine, spinel ruby. poplar ilamo temblbn, aspen-tree.

alabanza, /. praise, commendation, glory. alampar, va. alamparse, vr. (coll.) to long
alabar, to. to praise, extol, glorify, com- for; to crave,
mend.— yr. to praise one's self. alamud, m. square bolt for a door.
alabarda, /. halberd. alanc«ador, vi. lancer,
alabardado, da, a. halberd^shaped. alancear, va. to dart to spear, ;

alabardazo, m. a blow with a halberd. alandrearse, vr. to become dry, stiff, and
alabardero, m. halberdier clapper, hired to ; blanched (silk-worms).
applaud in a theatre (recent). alan6s, m. kind of stag in New Mexico.
alabastrado, da, a. alabasWr-like. alano, m. large mastiff.
alabastrlna, .f. thin sheet of alabaster. alano, na, a. belonging to the Vandals,
alabastrine, na, a. (poet.) alabastrine. alanzar, va. to throw lances,
alabastro, m. alabaster. alaqueca [ah-u-kay'-kah], /. bloodstone.
&labe, rn. drooping branch of an olive or alaqUeqUeS [ah-la-kay-kaysj, TO. pi. V. ALA-
other tree bucket, flier of a water-wheel
mat used in carts cam. ; alar, m. overhanging roof. V. alero snare ;

alabearse, vr. to warp. of horse-hair.

alabega, /. (bot.) sweet-basil. V. albahaca. alar, va. (naut.) to haal. V. halar.
alab«0, m. warping. alkrabe, alarbe, m. Arabian an unman- ;

alablado, da, a. lipped or ragged coins. nerly person.

alacena, /. cupboard, closet; (naut.) locker. alard*, m. review of soldiers, muster, parade ;
alaclar, vn. v. enlaciae. ostentation, boaiitiug, vanity hacer alarde, :

alacrkn, in. scorpion ring of the bit of a ; to boast or brag maaifestation. ;

bridle stop or hook, in organ-bellews

; alard«ar, vn. to brag.
chain or link of a sleeve-button swivel. ; alardOB«, sa, a. ostentatious, boastful.
alacranado, da, a. bit by a scorpion (met. ; alarg«.4era, /. (chem.) nozzle, adapter;
infected with some vioe. lengthening tube.
a u Ir far : • in eh I : i !u police ; o in for ; a in biQl : e (befure , 1) Md i at th in tklek ; b and d, •<»
alargador, ra, m. & f. one who delays, or albardllla, /. small
pack-saddie; coping;
lengthens out a thing. border of a garden-bed wool-tuft bard, ; ;

alargamiento, m. lengthening out, prolong- albardin, m. (bot.) mat-weed,

iug. albardbn, m. pannel large pack-saddle- ;

alargar, va. (pret. alakgue: sxibu alar- albardoncillo, «*. dim. small pack-saddle.
«ue) to lengtnen, expand, extend (met.) ;
albarejo, albarigo, vu species of wheat. V.
to protract, nrolong to increase to reach ; ; candkal.
or hand a thing to another: alargar el cabo, albarela,/. (bot.) species of edible fungus.
(naut.) to pay out the cable. vr. to be pro- albareque [al-bah-ray'-kay^ m. fislling-net.
longed se alargan los dia*, the days grow
: albaricoque lai baii-re-co'-kay], m, apricoL
longer to drag, go beyond.
; albaricoquero, m. apricot-tree,
alarguez [ah-iar-Kctii'', m. (bot.) dog-rose. albarillo, m. a tune on the guitar; white
alarla,/. potters' flat-iron plat cnisel. ;
alarida,/. hue and cry. albarino, m. white cosmetic.
alaildo, m. outcry, shout, howl. albarrada, /. dry wall earth fence ; ; ditch
alarifazgo, m. (obs.) oflSce of alarife. for defence.
alarife, OT. (obs.) architect, builder (Arab.). albarrana, /. (bot. ) cebolla albarrana, squill
alarijes, /. pi. large sort of grapes, V. arije. torre albarrana, watch-tower.
alarma, m. (mil.) alarm, notice of danger. albarranilla, /. blue-flowered variety of
alarmar, va. to alarm to call to arms. ; onion.
alarmista, m. an alarmist. albarraz, ^.(bot.) v. albarazo louse-wort, ;

alastrar, va. to throw back the ears. V. albatoza,/. small covered boat,
AMUSGAR (naut.) to ballast. vr. to squat
albatros, m. albatross.
close. albayaldado, da, a. cerused.
alaterno, m. (hot.) mock-privet. albayalde, m. white-lead, ceruse,
alatinadamente, adv. according to or in albazano, na, a. of dark chestnut colour,
conformity with the Latin language. albear, va. to whiten, v. blanqueab.
alatrdn, m. froth of saltpetre. Afronitro. albedrio, m. free-will,
alavanco, m. v. lavanco. albeitar^ m. farrier veterinary surgeon, ;

alavense, alav^s, a. of Alava, Alavese. albeitena,/. farriery veterinary surgery. ;

alaz^n, na, a. sorrel-coloured. albell6n, m. V. alban'al.

alazo, rn. a stroke with the wings. albenda,/. hangings of white linen.
alazor, m. (hot.) bastard saffron. albendera,/. woman -who makes hanging?
alba, / dawn of day alb, white gown worn ; (met.) gaading woman.
by priests al alba, at daybreak.
: albengala,/. sort of gauze worn in turbarn*.
albacara,/. (fort.) round tower. alb^ntola,/. fine fishing-net.
albacea, m. testamentary executor.—/, exec- alberca, S. pond or pool reservoir, tan)i, ;

utrix. V. TESTAMENTARIO. mill-pond, vat.

albaceazgO, m. executorship. albercbn, m. aug. large pool or pond.
albacora, /. fish resembling a tunny ; large alb6rcliiga or alb^rchlgo, m. & /. peach,
fig. V. BREVA. alberchigueroiai bair cjii-Kay'-ro, jH.pea<;h-tree.
albada,/. v. alborada; (Mex.) an attack at albergador, ra, m. &/. one who shelters.
daybreak. albergar, va. {pret. at,bkrgve subj. alber- :

albahaca,/. (bot.) sweet^basil. GUE) to lodge, shelter, harbour; to keep

albahaquero [aibah-ah-kay'-ro], m. a flower-pot lodgers. vn. to take a lodging.
a vender of sweet-basil. albergue [ai-bair'-ghe], TO. lodging, shelter,
albahaqUilla (de rio) [al-bah-ah-kee'-lya], /. V. den ;
orphan asylum.
PARIETARIA. albergUeria [al-bair-gay-ree'-al.], /. pOOr-bOUSe,
albaida, /. (bot.) the shrubby gypsophila. sheltering place. V. posada.
albaljl, m. & f. (obs. ) royal letters patent a ; alberiCOqUe [al-bay-re-co'-kay], apricOt.
public instrument. albero, m. whitish earth ; dish-cloth.
aluanega, /. hair net ; net for catching par- alberquero [ai-ber-kay'-ro], m. tender of soakinp
tridges or rabbits. flax.
alban68, esa, a. Albanian. alberquilla [ai-ber-kcei-iyah],/. dim. little pool-
albafial, albafLar, m. common sewer, gully- albicante, a. whitening, bleaching.
hole. albOiar, m. (bot.) ox-eye.
albaflil, tn. mason, bricklayer. albilla, /. alblllo, to. early white grape.
olbaflileria, /. masonry. albillO, a. wine of white grape.
albaquia [ai-bah-kee-ah], /. remnant. albin, TO. bloodstone carmine pigment. ;

albar, «. white. al^^na, /. marshy ground covered with nitra

albarto, m. placard of apartments to let albino, na, a. albino.
note of hand or other private instrument. Albi6n,/. Albion, ancient name of England,
albarazada, /. marble-coloured grape. albls, (met.) qucdane en alblB, to be disap
albarazado, da, «. affected with white lep- pointed.
rosy pale, whitish; (Mex.) issue
: from albitana,/. fence to inclose plants; fnaut.)
Chinese and half-breed parents. an apron albitana del codaste, (naut.) innei

albarazo, m. white leprosy. post.

albarca, /. v. abarca. albo, ba, a. very white (poetic).
albarCOqUe [al bar-c«-k«y],m. r. ALBARICOQUE. alboaire, m. glazed tile work.
albarcoquero [ai-bar-co-kay'-ro], m. apricot-tree. albOffalla,/. a kind of gall-nut.
albarda, /. pack-saddle. albogue, to. pastoral flute martial music. ;

albardado, da, a. different-coloured skin at alboguero, ra taibo-gay'-roi, to. &f. maker or

the loins.—^. of albardar. plaver of albognes.
Albardar, va. to put 'on a pack-saddle; to alboliol, TO. (bot.) red poppr.
lard fowls. albdndij^,/. ball of forced meat with eggs
albardela,/. small saddle. and spice.
albarderia, /. a pack-saddle shop or trade. alboai«ligUllla{«l-bon-<le-se«l'-Iy«h1,/. dim. small
albaZ'dero, vi. pack-saddle maker. ball offorced meat.

C (b«fot« e, i) aDd J as b iti hot ; h, eUent ; U In brilliant , ft. ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trC'o'i : s. btiww*
albor, vi. (poet. ) whiteness dawn. ; alcaide, m. governor of a castle, jailer, war.
alborada,, /. dawn of day; (rail.) action uen.
fougnt at dawn of day reveille morning ; ; alcaidesa, /. wife of a governor or jailer.
watch. V. ALBADA. alcaidia, /. office of a governor, warden, or
alborear, vn. to dawn. jailer duty for passage of cattle,

alborga,/- mat-weed sandal. alcaldada, / abusive action of an alcalde.

albornia,/. large glazed jug. alcalde, m. mayor, justice of the peace
albomo, m. (bot.) alburnum. leader game ;
at cards : alcalde de barrio,
albornoz, m. coarse woollen stuff; Moorish select-man.
cloak burnoose.
; alcaldear, vn. (coll.) to play the alcalde.
alboronia, /. dish of egg-plant, tomatoes, alcaidesa, /. the wife of an alcalde.
pumpkins, and pimento. alcaidia, /. office and jurisdiction of an al-
alDOroque ;ai bo-n/kayj, m. treat at the con- calde.
clusion of a bargain. alcalescencia, /. (enem.) F. alcalizaci6n.
alborotadamente, adv. noisily, confusedly. alcalescente, a. (chem.) of alkaline prop-
alborotadlzo, za, a7ui alborbtado, da, a. erties.
restless, thoughtless, agitated, restive, ex- ^Icali, m. (chem.) an alkali.
cited, turbulent.—j9/>. oialborotar. alcalificable, a. changeable into an alkali.
alborotador, ra, a. agitator, rioter. alcaligeno, na, a. alkaligenous, producing
alborotapueblos, in. mover of sedition; alkali.
(coll.) good-natured person; promoter of alcalimetro, m. alkalimeter.
gaieties. alcalinidad, /. alkalinity.
alDorotar, va. to disturb, agitate, excite. alcalino, na, alcalizado, da, a. alkaline ai- :

vr. to get excited ; fuss ; riot. calizado, d&, pp. of alcalizar.

alborotO, »». disturbance, tumult, riot ; out- alcalizacibn, /. (chem.) alkalization.
cry, clatter, noisiness, hubbub. alcalizar, va.'{pret. alcalice: subj. alca-
alborozador, ra, m. &f. promoter of mirth. lice) (chem.) to render alkaline.
alborozar, va. {pret. alborock subj. albo- : alcaloide, m. alkaloid, an organic base.
roce) to exhilarate, promote mirth. alCaller [al-kaliMyen-'l, m. potter.
alborozo, m. merriment, exhilaration, gai- alcam, m. (hot.) bitter apple.
ety, Joy. alcamonias, /. pi. various aromatic seeds for
albotm, m. V. terebinto. seasoning. m. V. alcahuete,
albricias, /. pi. reward for good news alcana,/, v. alheSa.
(Mex.) top-holes in casting-moulds: al- j alcance, m. reach overtaking balance ; ; ;

bricias {inierj. ) joy joy

I ! ! arm's length range of fire-arms capacity
; ;

albudeca,/. (bot.) watermelon. V. sandIa. ability fathom ; compass supplement,

; ;

albufera,/. large lagoon by the sea, extra edition; postscript; (print.) copy.
albugineo, nea, a. entirely white; (anat.) alcancia,/. money-box^ earthen balls stuffed
albuminous. with flowers for missiles; (mil.) inflamed
albugo, m. leucoma, a disease of the eye. combustible balls.
albunera, /. fresh-water lake or reservoir. alcanciazO, m. blow with an alcancia.
^bum, m. album. alcandia,/. (bot.) Turkey millet. V. zahina.
albumen, m. albumen, (bot.) alcandiai, m. ground sown with millet,
albtunina. /, (chem,) albumin, alcandora, /. beacon, bonfire white tunic, ;

albumlnoideo, a, adj. albuminoid. alcanfor, m. camphor,

albuminOSO, sa, a. albuminous. alcanforada, /. (oot.) a shrub that smells ol
albur, m. dace, river fish first draw at ; camphor.
" monte" (meL) risk, chance corremn al- : alcanforado, da, a. camphorated.

bnr, to venture, chance, risk.—pi. albures, a alcanforar, va. to camphorate.

game at cards, alcanforero, m. camphor-tree.
albura,/. whiteness; (bot.) V. alborno, alc^ntara, /. cover for velvet in the loom.
alburero, m. player at albures. alcantarilla, /. small bridge; culvert; a
albumo, m. (hot.) v. alborno, drain sewer under ground.

alca, /, razorbill, a bird. alcantarilladO; m. sewerage.

alcaoala,/. excise alcabala del vlento, duty : alcantarillar, va. to make sewers,
paid by a visiting merchant, alcanzadizo, za, a. easily reached.
alcabalatoriO, m. book of alcabala rates; alcanzado, da, a. necessitous, impecunious.
tax-register. —
pp. of alcanzar.
alcabalero, m. tax-gatherer, revenue officer. alcanzador, ra,"wi. &f. a pursuer.
alcacel, alcacer, m. green barley. alcanzadura,/. (vet.) tumour in the pastern.
alcachofa, /. (bot.) artichoke; instrument alcanzar, va, {pret. alcance subj. ALCANCE) :

to stop blood fluted mallets.; to follow overtake, come up to reach to

; ; ;

alcacbofado, da, a. like an artichoke.—m, acquire, obtain, attain to comprehend to ; ;

dish of artidaokes. be creditor of a balance to be contempora- ;

alcachofal, m. artichoke-bed. neous. vn. to share to suffice to reach.— ; ;

alcachofera, /. artichoke-plant. vr. to wound the pasterns with the feet.

alcacbofero, ra, a. producing or selling ar- alcaparra, /. alcaparro, m. (bot.) caper-
tichokes. busn, caper.
alcabaz, m. large bird-cage. alcaparrado, da, a. dressed with capers,
alcabazada, /. number of birds in a cage. alcaparral, m. caper-field,
alcabazar, ra. to shut up birds in the alcahaz. alcaparrbn, m. aug. large caper,
alcahuete, ta, m. &f. pimp, procurer, bawd. alcaparrosa, /. v. caparrosa,
alcabuetear, va. t» bawd, pander to pro- ; alcarav&n, w. (orn.) bittern,
cure wmnen. alcaravanero, m. havrk trained to pursu*
alcahueteria,/. bawdry, concealing persons; the bittern.
(coll.) dodge. alcaravea,/. (bot.) caraway-.seed,
alcalceria, /. raw silk exchange. alcarce&a,/. (bot.) bitter-vetch.
alcaico, a. (poet ) alcaic verse in Latin, alcarcefial, w. officinal tare-field.

• u in far •(•hi; : 1 in police ; o in for ; n in ball : c (before e. i) and s as tb in thick : b and 4, aeft}
alcarracerb, ra, m. & f. potter ; shelf for aldeaniegO, ga, a. belonging to a hamlet
earthenware. aldeano, m. villager, a countryman, —a.
alcarraza,/. unglazed and porous jar, rustic, uncultured.
alcartaz, m. v. cucurucho. Aldebar^n, m. (ast.) Aldebaran or Bull's*
alcatJfa,/. fine carpet or rug layer of earth. ;
Eye, a fixed star.
alcatraz, m. pelican. V. CUCURUCHO. ald'ehida, /. aldehyde,
alcaucil, m. wild artichoke. V. alcachofa. aldehuela, aldeilla,/. dim. little viJage.
alcayata,/. spike, v. escarpia. aldeorriO, ?«. small, unpleasant village.
alcSiZar, wi. castle ; fortress; (naut.) quarter- aldiza, /. small reed without knots.
deck. aldran, m. one who sells wine to shepherds.
alcazuz, m. v. orozuz, licorice. aleacidn, /. art of alloying metals ; alloy.
alee, m. (zool. ) elk or moose "cut," at cards. ; aleador, m. alloy er.
alcino, m. (bot.) wild basil. alear, vn. to flutter to move the arms quick' ;

alci6n, m. Chinese swallow. V. martin pes- ly to recover from sickness or fatigue.-^


CADOR. ra. to alloy.

alcista,/. bull (stock speculator). alebradO, da, a. hare-hearted.—p;i. ol ale-
alcoba, /. alcove bed-room case for the
; ;
tongue of a balance; place for public alebrarse, alebrastrarse, alebrestarse.
weighing. rr. to squat ; to cower.
alcobilla, ita,/. dim. small alcove. alebronarse, vr. to be dispirited.
alCOCarra,/. gesture, grimace. aleccionar, va. to teach, instruct, coach.
alcohol, m. antimony galena alcohol' spirit ;
; alece, )n. ragout offish-liver.
of wine cosmetic for pencilling eye-brows.
; alecrin, m. (Cuba) a fish.
alCOllOlaaO, da, a. of a darker colour around alectoria, /. stone in a cock's liver.
the eyes. ^pp. of alcohot^ar. alechigar, vr. to turn milky.
va. to soften.
alCOhOlador, ra, m. &/. rectifier of spirits. alechugado, da, curled like lettuce; a.
alCOholar, va. to paint or dye with antimony fluted, plaited.—jop. of alechugar.
to rectify spirits ; to pulverize. alecbugar, va. to curl like the leaf of let-
alCOholera,/. vessel for antimony or alcohol. tuce, to plait, flute.
alcohblico, ca, a. alcoholic, aleda, /. cera aleda, propolis or bee-glue.
alcoholimetro, m. alcoholimeter. aledafLo, m. & a. common boundary, border,
alcoholismo, m. alcoholism. limit.
alcoholizacidn, / (chem. ) alcoholization. alefanglnas, /. pi. purgative pills of spices.
alcoholizar, va. (pret. alcoholice: siibj. alefris, alefriz, m. mortise, rabbet.
alcoholice) to alcoholize. V. alcoholar. alefrizar, va. {pret. alefrice: subj. ALE-
alcor, m. V. cerro, hill. FRiCE) to rabbet, mortise.
Alcoran, w. the Koran, alegacidn,/. allegation, argument.
alcoranista, m. a Koran expounder, alegar, va. {pret. aleguk: subj. alegue) to
alcornocal, m. plantation of cork-trees, allege, affirm, quote, maintain, adduce.
alcornoque ai-cor-no'-kay), m. (bot.) cork-tree; alegatO, m. (law) allegation.
(met.) blockhead. alegoria, /. allegory.'
alCOrnOqueiiO, fiia [al-cor-no-Uay'-nyo], a. be- aleg6rlcamente, adv. allegorically.
longing to the cork-tree. aleg6rico, ca, a. allegorical. , ,

alcorque [ai-cor'-kay], m. cork-wood clogs or alegorista, m. allegorist.

soles hollow for water around trees.
; alegorizar, va. {pret. alegorice tiibj. alk :

alcorza, /. sugar paste for frosting. gorice) to turn into allegory.

alCOrzar, va. to frost with sugar. alegrado, da, a. delighted.—j^p. of ai.egrar.
alcotan, m. lanner, bird of prey, alegrador, ra, m. &/. who or what causes
alcotana. /. pickaxe, gurlet, mattock, merriment ; slip of paper to light cigars
alcotancillo, m. dim. young lanner. (mech.) reamer, riming bit.
alerebite, m. sulphur, v. azufre. alegrrar, va. to make merry, gladden, com-
alcrlbis, m. tuyere ; tweer. fort, exhilarate; (met.) to enliven, to beau-
alcubilla, /. reservoir; basin, mill-pond, tify (mech.) to round, make a bore, reara^

alcucero, ra, m. &/. maker of tin oil-bottles, widen. vr. to rejoice, congratulate to ;

cruets, etc. a. belonging to an oil-bottJe. exult to get tipsy. ;

alCUCilla, /. dim, small oil-can. alegre, a. merry, joyful, content, light-

alcuaa, alcurnia, /. ancestry, lineage. hearted, full of gaiety, gleeful lightsome, ;

alcuza, /. oil-bottle or cruet oil-can, oiler. = ; comic, ludicrous, facetious; gay, showy,
A CK ITER A. fine an cielo alegre, a clear, beautiful sky ;

alcuzada, /. oil contained in a full cruet. brilliant, pleasing applied to colours :

alcuzazo, m. blow with an oil-can. lucky, fortunate, genial.

alCUZCUZ, m. balls of flour, water, and honey. alegremente, adv. merrily, gladly, gaily
alcuz6ll, m. aug. large oil-can. facetiously, mirthfully, laughingly, good-
aldaba, /. knocker, clapper door-handle, ; humouredly,
latch cross-bar to secure doors and win-
; ale^ria, /. mirth, merriment, exhilaration,
dows. gaiety, glee, rejoicing, festivity, lightsome-
aldabada, /. rap with the knocker sudden ; ness, ecstasy, joy, pleasure (bot.) sesamum, ;

fear stings of conscience.

; oily grain, paste of sesamum and honey.—
aldabazo, aldabonazo, m. knocking. pi. rejoicings, public festivals.
aldabear, vn. to rap or knock at the door. alegrlllo, a. sprightly, gay.
aldabia, /. horizontal cross-beam. alegro, m. (mus.) allegro, a sprightly motion ;
aldabilla,/. dlTn. small knocker, latch. a movement or division of a sonata.
aldab6n, m. aug. large knocker iron trunk- ; alegrbn, m. (coll.) sudden, unexpected joy ;
handle. a flash.
aldea, /. small village, hamlet. alejamientO, m. elongation, removal to a
aldeana,/. villager, countrywoman, lass. distance, distance, strangeness.
aldeanamente, adv. in village style, coun- alejandrino, na, a. veno al^andrlno, Alexaa-
try fashion. drine.

g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ii, ny in canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled ; s, hiss**-
Alejar, va. to remove to a distance ; to sepa- alfi,bcga,/. albahaca. r.
rate. alfab^ticamentc, adv. alphabetically.
alejijas. f. pi. porridge made of barley, alfab6tiC0, ca, a. alphabetical.
cleaaed and roasted. alfabe'''>ista, m. one that studies the alphabet.
alelarse, vr. to become stupid. alfabetO, m. alphabet.
aleli, »'• (bot.) the winter gilliflower; name alfaguara,/. copious stream,
for violets. alfanar, ^..Ifabarero, v. alfar, alfarero.
aleluya, /. hallelujah, joy, merriment, East- alfahareria, r. alfar, ALFARERfA.
er-time.—ju/. small prints thrown among alfajia,/. wood frame for windows and doors,
the people on Easter-eve; (bot.) wood-sor- alfajor, m. v. alaj^j.
rel. V. ACEDERILLA.—p/. (coll.) dull, pOOr alfalfa./, alfalfe, m. (hot.) lucerne, alfalfa.
verses, doggerel. alfalfal, alfalfar, -n. lueeme-field.
alema, /. allotted quantity of water for irri- alfana,/. strong and spirited horse.
gating. alfaneque [ai-rah-nay'-kay], m. white eagle ; tent
alemim, na, «. & m. German ; German lan- or booth.
guage. alfanjado, da, a. shaped as a
alemana or alemanda, /. ancient Spanish |e> m. hanger, crtlass.
dance of German origin. ieie, m. dim. small cutlass.
alemanisco, ca, a. Germanic cloth made in ; azo, ni. wound with a cutlass.
Germany huckaback damask table-linen.
; ; |6n, m. aug. large hanger or cutlass.
alenguamientO, m, agreement relative to Jonazo, w. a cut with a large hanger.
pasture. alfaqUC, [al-fah'-kay], m. shoal or bar.
alenguar, va. to agree respecting sheep-walks alfao[Ui, lai-fah-kee'j, m, a Mussulman doctor of
or pasturage. laws.
alentada, /. a long breath. alfar, m. pottery. V. arcilla. a. horse —
alentadamente, adv. bravely, gallantly. that raises the head too much.
alentado, da, a. spirited, courageous, valiant. alfar, vn. to raise the forehead too much,
—pp. of ALKNTAR. alfaraz, a. Moorish horse for light cavalry.
alentador, ra, m. & f. one who inspires alfarda,/. (prov.) duty paid for the irriga-
courage. a. encouraging, cheering. tion of lands ; thin beam.
alentar, vn. {ind. aliento : subj. aliente) to alfardero, m. (prov.) collector of duty for
breathe. va. to animate, encourage, com- irrigation.
fort, cheer. alfardilla, /. silk, now called galloon (dim. ;

alepin, m. kind of bombazine. prov.) small tax for cleaning culverts.

alerce, m. (bot.) larch-tree. alfardon, m. (prov. ) washer of a wheel ; duty
alero, m. projecting part of a roof; eaves, paid for irrigation.
gable-end, corona; hood moulding; water- alfareria,/. the art of a potter pottery. ;

table splash-board of a carriage.—j»/.

; alfarero, m. a potter.
snares for partridges. alfarje, in. lower stone of an oil-mill ; ceiling
alerta, /. (mil.) watchword. adorned with carved work waiuscot. ;

alerta, alertamente, adv. vigilantly, care- alfarjia [al-far-hee'-ahi, /. V. ALFAJIA

fully estar alerta, to be on the watch.
: alf6izar, m. splay of a door or window ; em
alertar, va. to render vigilant; to put on brasure.
guard. alfe&icado, da, a. weakly, delicate,
alerto, ta, a. vigilant, alert, guarded. alfefiicar, va. to frost with sugar.
alesna, /. awl. v. lesna. alfe&lcarse, vr. to become thin; (coll.) to
alesnado, da, a. awl-shaped, pointed. aftect peculiar delicacy.
aleta, /. dim. small wing, fin of a fish aletas, : alfefLique [al-fay-nyee'-kay], m. Sugar paste J
inaut.) fashion pieces; (arch.) aletta; (met. ) delicate i)erson.
mech.) leaf of a hinge, teeth of a pinion : aiferecia,/. epilepsy.
sleta de la h^lice, blade of the screw. alf6rer, m. ensign.
aletada, /. motion of the wings. alfll, m. bishop in the game of chess.
aletargado, da, a. lethargic—p/i. of ale- alfiler, m. pin, scarf-pin, jeweller's brooch :

ta rg a rsk. de gancho, hair-pins alfileres, pin-

.-".Ifilcres :

aletargamiento, m. lethargy. money

de veinte y cinco alflleres, in full

aletargarse, vr. to fall into lethargy. dress, dressed in style.

aletazo, m. stroke of the wing, flapping. alfilerazo, m. prick of a pin large pin. ;

aleteado, da, a. finlike, finned.-^_p. of ale- alfllerera, /. alfileria, seed of the geranium.
tear. alfilerero, m. maker or seller of pins.
aletear, vn. to flutterj flap wings, flit. alflletero, m. pin-case, needle-case, pin-
aleteo, m. clapping of wings. cushion.
aletO, m. (orn.) (Peru) falcon. V. halieto. alfitete, m. past« made of coarse wheat flour.
aletdn, m. aug. largo wing. alfoli, m. granary magazine of salt. ;

aletria, m. (prov.J vermicellL V. fideos. alfolicro, alfolinero, m. keeper of a granary

aleudarse, to become fermented.
vr. or magazine.
aleve, a. treacherous, perfidious, guileful. alfombra, /. floor-carpet* (poet.) field
alevilla, a. white motn resembling the silk- adorned with flowers (med.) measles. ;

worm. alfombrar, va. to spread with carpets.

alevosa,/. tumour under the tongue
(vet.) alfombrero, ra, m. &/. carpet-maker.
of beasts. V. rInula. alfombrllla, /. small carpet, rug; (med.)
aleyosamente, adv. treacherously, guile- measles. V. alfombra.
fully. alfbncigO, m. pistachio pistachio-tree. ;

alevosia,/. perfidy, breach of trust. alfondoque, w. paste made with molasses,

Alevoso, sa, a. treacherous. cheese, and ginger.
aleXif&rmaCO, ca [ah-lex-«-fsr'-mah-co], a. alfonsearse, vr. (coll.) to mock, banter.
(med.) antidotal. alfbnsiETO, m. v. alf<5ncigo.
alfa,/. alpha, first letter of the Greek alpha- alfonsin, no, na, «. belonging to the Span-
bet; (met.) the beginning. ish kings called Alphonso.

« as in far ; e in eh I : 1 in police ; O in n In bull ; c (before e, I) and S as tki in thick : b and d. soft ;

ALF 25 ALl
Alfonsina, /. solemn act held in the Alphon- aUiaraca, /. clamour angry vociferation, ;

sine college of Alcala. alliaraquiento, ta [ai-ah-rah-ue-en'-toe], o. noisy,

alforf6n, m. buckwheat. clamorous, grumbling.
alforia,/. saddle-bag, knapsack. aUi^rgama, alliarma,/. (hot.) wild rue.
alforjero, m. maker or seller of saddle-bags ;
albasa, /. hydroa, disease of the skin.
lay brother who begs alms one who carries ; albeli [al-a-lee'], V. ALELI, gilliflower.
the bag with provisions sportsman's dog. ; alhe&a [ai-a'-nya], /. (bot.) privet, flower of
alforjilla, ita, uela, /. dim. small saddfle- privet privet powder.
V. azumbar ; the
bag small knapsack.
; blasting of corn. V. roya.
alforza,/. plait, tuck., va. to dye with
privet. vr. to be
alga,/, (bot.) sea-weed, sea-wrack. mildewed applied to corn. V. arroyarsk.

algadonera, /. (bot.) cudweed. albola [ai-o'-ha],/. bird resembling a lark.

algaida, f. ridge of shifting sand sand-dune. ; alholva,/. (bot.) fenugreek.
algaido/ac, a. (prov.) thatched. alll6lldiga, /. public granary. V. p6sito.
algalaba,/. (bot.) white briony, wild hops. aUlOndiguerO, m. keeper of a public gran-
algalia,/. civet, a perfume; catheter. ary.
algaliar, va. to perfume with civet. alhorma, /. Moorish camp or royal tent.
algara, /. thin integument which covers an alhorre [ai-or'-ray], m. meconium, first dis-
foraging party of cavalry.
egg, onion, etc. ; charge from an infant's bowels eruption ;

algarabia,/. the Arabic tongue (met.) gab- ;

in the skin of infants.
ble, jargon; (met.) confused noise; (bot.) alhOZ [ai-oth'j, m. limit or lot of land.
centaury. albucema [au-ioo-thay'-mah], /. (bot.) lavender.
al^arada, /. loud cry ; sudden attack ; an- V. ESPLIEGO.
cient battering-ram. aUmmajo [ah-ioo-mah'-ho], TO. pine-needles.
algarero, ra, a. prating, chattering, talka- allabierto, ta, a. open-winged.
tive. aliac^n, m. jaundice. V. ictericia.
algarrada, /. driving bulls into the pen aliacanado, da, a. jaundiced.
bull-baiting; battering-ram. ali^ceo, a, a. aliaceous like garlic. :

algarroba,/. (bot.) carob bean* the honey- aliado, da, a. &, n. ally, allied, confederate,
mesquit. leagued.—^, of aliarse.
algarrobal, m. carob-tree plantation. allaga,/. (bot.) furze, whin.
algarrobera, /. algarrobo, m. (hot.) carob- aliagar, m. place covered with furze.
tree. alianza, /. alliance, league, coalition, con-
algazara,/. huzza shout of a multitude. ; federacy, consociation, agreement, conven-
algazul, m. sea-weed which produces barilla. tion, covenant alliance by marriage.

Algebra,/, algebra; art of setting joints. aliara, /. goblet made of a cow's horn.
algebra! CO, ca, a. algebraic. aliaria, /. (hot.) garlic hedge-mustard.
algebrista, m. algebraist bone-setter. ; aliarse, vr. to be allied, leagued, or coalesced^
algidez,/. (med.) icy coldness. alias, adv. (Lat.) otherwise, alias.
^IgidO, da, a. algid, icy. alible, a. nutritive, nourishing.
algO,/^/o. somewhat, something, aught. alica, ta, /. dim. small wing.
algO, adv. somewhat. alica,/. pottage of corn, wheat, and pulse.
algOdbn, m. cotton (bot.) the cotton-plant: ; alicaido, da, a. drooping, weak, extenuated
algodon en rama, raw cotton algodones, V. : (met.) discouraged, depressed.
CEN dales; alic&ntara,/. alicante, m. venomous snakit
algodonado, da, a. filled with cotton. alicantina, /. (coll.) artifice, stratagem, cuu
algodonal, m. cotton-plantation. ning.
algodonar, va. to cover or fill with cotton. alicantino, na, a. of Alicante.
algodoneria, /. cotton-factory cotton-trade. ; alicatado, to. work inlaid with Dutch tiles,
algodonero, m. cotton-plant cotton-dealei ;
; alicates, to. pi. pliers.
the Cottonwood poplar. alicientc, to. attraction, incitement, induce-
algodonoso, sa, a. cottony, covered with ment.
thick down woolly tasteless (of fruits).
; ; alicuanta, a. aliquant.
algorin, m. place in oil-mills for receiving aliCUOta, a. parte alicnota, aliquot number,
olives. alidada,/. alidade, index of a quadrant,
algorltmo, m. algorithm ; arithmetic. alienacibn, /. alienation (of mind) transfet ;

algOSO, sa, a. weedy, full of sea-weeds. of title to property.

alguacil, m. constable, peace ofl[icer, bum- alienar, va. v. enajenar.
bailiff; short-legged spider. alienista, to. alienist.
alguacilazgO, m. office of an alguacil. aliento, to. breath, vigour of mind, spirii
alguarin, m. store-room flour-mill bucket. ; manfuiness, courageousness: de un aliento',
alguaza,/. (prov.) hinge. in a single breath.
alguien lar-gie-en], pro. somebody, some one. aliento, aliente {irr. from alentar),
al^tm, pro. V. ALGUNO algan tiempo, some- : alicr, TO. (naut. ) a rower marine on watch, ;

time algtn tanto, a little, somewhat.

: alifaie, to. callous tumour on a horse's buck j
jiguno, na, «. some person, something, any (coll. ) chronic complaint.
one alguna vez, sometimes, now and then.

alifar, va. fprov.) to polish, to burnish,
Silll&bega, /. (prov.) V. albahaca. alifara, /. (prov.) collation, luncheon.
9lliadidia, /. (chem.) saffron or burnt copper. alifero, ra, a. aliferous, bearing wings.
V. MALAQUITA. aliforme, a. aliform, wing-shaped.
alhaja [ai-ah-ha], /. jewel, gem showy furni- ; aligacibn,/. alligation, tying together,
ture. aligamientO, to. alligation, binding together.
albajar, va. to adorn, to furnish, fit up. aligar, va. {pret. aligue: stibj. aligtje) to
alhajuela,/. dim. little jewel. tie ; to unite ;
to lie down.
(met. ) to oblige :

albamel, m. (prov.) a beast of burden ; a aligeramientO, alleviation, lightening,

muleteer. ; aligerar, va. to lighten
(met.) to alleviate,'
amana,/. alhanna, Tripoli earth. to ease ; to hasten to shorten, ;

albandal, m. (phami.) coloeynth, apple. aligero, ra, a. (poet.) winged, fast, fleet.
g (before e, i) and J as h in hot; h, Bilent; 11 in brilliant; fi, n/in canyon; r (Initial) and rr triUed; M, blM««V
tUjador, ra, m. &/. smuggler; (naut.) one allteracl6n, /. v. paronomasia.
M'ho lightens lancbdn alljador, a lighter he
: ; allvlador, ra, m. &/. assistant; labour-sa\^-
who separates the seed from cottcn. ing, helper spindle to raise or lower the

telljdX, va. (naut.) to lighten ;

to separate cot- running mill-stone.
ton from the seed to smuggle. ; alivlar, va. to lighten, help, loose; (met.) to
alijar, m. waste, stony ground. assuage, soothe, relieve, exonerate to has- ;

alJoa-rar, va. to divide waste lands for culti- ten to move with swiftness.

vation. alivlO, m. alleviation, ease mitigation of ;

alljarero, m. sharer of waste lands to till. pain relief, improvement, comfort.


alijares, m. pi. royal pleasure resort of Gra- allzace, m. trench for foundations.
nada. alizar, m. dado or wainscotting of tiles.
alijariegO, ga, o. relating to waste lands. aliaba,/. quiver.
al^O, m. (naut.) lightening of a ship: embar- aljafana,/. v. aljofaina.
cacidn de alijo, (naut.) lighter; alleviation; aljama, /. assembly of Moors or Jews ; syna-
smuggled goods. gogue.
alilla, /. dim. a small wing; fin of a fish. allamia, /. (obs.) corrupted Arabic spoken
allmafi.a, /. animal which destroys game. by the Moors Moorish name of the Spanish

alimentaclbn, /. act of nourishing nutri- ; language.

tion. aljarafe, m. roof or terrace.
alimentar, va. to feed, nourish, nurse, fat- aJjarfa, /. aljarfe, m. aljerlfe, m. tarred net
ten to supply a person with the necessaries
with small meshes.
of life to nurture, fondle, sustain, foment,
; a]j6vena,/. (prov.) v. aljofaina.
cultivate, tend, encourage. alqez, m. crude gypsum, plaster of Paris.
alimentario, alimentista, m. & /, one who alqezar, m. pit of gypsum. V. YESAR.
enjoys a maintenance. aljezdn, m. gypsum, plaster of Paris. V.
alimenticio, cia, a. nutritious. yes6n.
alimentO, m. nourishment^ food, nutriment aljlbe, m. cistern, reservoir of water (naut. ;

(met.) encouragement, incentive.—^/, al- tank-boat for supplying vessels with water.
lowance, pension, alimony. aljlbero, m. one who' takes care of cisterns.
alimentOSO, sa, «. alimentary, nutritious. al; Imlerado, a. shaved, trimmed.
alimo, m. (hot.) V. orzaga. al; Ofalna, /. wash-bowl, basin.
alimoche, m. bird of prey. alj6far, m. misshapen pearl (met. poet. ;

alimonarse, vr. to turn yellowish from dis- drops of water or aew.

ease, said of tree leaves. aljofarado, da, a. (poet. ) full of little drops
alindado, da, a. affectedly nice or elegant. or jpeaxls.—pp. of aljofarar.
np. of ALINDAR. aljoiarar, va. to adorn with pearls ; to imi-
alindar, va. to mark limits ; to embellish tate pearls.
adorn. V. lindar. al Ofifa, /. mop for floors.
allude, m. (obs. ) quicksilver for mirrors, al, Ofifar, va. to rub with a cloth, to mop.
alllieacl6ll, m. laying out a line. al, onle, m. V. ajonje.
allnear, va. to lay out by line to fall in line. ; al on, era, /. v. ajonjera.
allflador, ra, m. & f. one who embellishes aljon, ero, a. v. ajonjero.
one who prepares, seasons, dresses victuals. aljoiuoli, m. V. ajonjoli.
allflar, va. to arrange, adorn to dress or ; al or, m. gypsum in its crude state.
cook victuals to season. ; aljorozar, va. to level, render smooth ; to
allflO, m. dresSj ornament, decoration, clean- plaster.
liness dressing or seasoning for victuals
; ;
aljorra, (Cuba) a very small insect which,
preparation. carried by the wind, destroys plantations.
almoso, sa, a. dressed, decked out, deco- aljuba, /. Moorish garment.
rated. alina, /. soul, spirit, mind human being ;

alioli, m. (proT.) V. ajiaceite. vigour and strength substance, main ;

allonln, m. the blue-feathered duck. point, staff, frame; (mech.) attic ridge,
allpata, m. tree in the Philippines whose scaffolding pole; (arm.) bore; core (ol
shade is harmful. rope, of a casting) (naut.) body of a mast

alipede, a. (poet.) with winged feet, swift, ghost, phantom, apparition sounding-post ;

nimble. m
a fiddle, etc. alma mia, mi alma, my dear,

alipedO, da, a. (zool.) cheiropterous. my love alma de c&ntaro, silly fool alma
: :

allquebrado, da, a. broken-winged ; de- de Dios, good-hearted person romperse el :

jected. alma, to break one's neck in a fall.

allsador, ra, m. & f. polisher, planisher, almac6n, m. store, shoo, warehouse maga- ;

smoothing-iron silk stick tool to make

; ; zine, naval arsenal, or aock-yard (naut. ) al- ;

waxcandles round and tapering. macto de agna, water-cask (naut.) almac^n ;

4llsadura,/. planing, smoothing, polishing. de una bomba de agua, chamber of a pump.

allsaduras, /. pt. shavings, cuttings. almacenado, da, a. warehoused, stored,
alisar, va. to plane, make smooth, polish, bonded.
burnish, mangle. almacenador, m. warehouseman.
{lllsar, m. allseda, f. plantation of alder- almacenaje, m. warehouse rent, storage.
trees. almacenar, ra. to lay up, hoard to store. ;

allslos, m. pi. east winds, trade- winds. almacenero, m. warehouse-keeper.

alisma,/. (hot.) water-plantain. almacenista, m. warehouse owner sales- ;

allso, m. (hot.) alder-tree. man (Cuba) wholesale grocer.


alistado, da, a. enlisted striped.—j^p. ; of alm^clga, /. mastic nursery of trees. ;

alistar. almacigado, da, a. perfumed with mastic.

allstador, m. one who enrols or enlists. almacigar, ra. to perfume with mastic.
AllstamientO, m. enrolment, conscription, collection of plants for trans*
almacigo, m.
levy. planting
mastic-tree. ;
V. lentisco.
alistar, va. &vt. to enlist, enrol, recruit ; to alinaciguero, ra. a. relating to mastia
get ready. almadana, ena, ina,/. stone-hammer.

M in t»T ; e in eh I ; i in police ; • in for :'

n in boll ; c (before e. 1) and t as th In thick : b and d, aoft
almad6n, m. mine or mineral. almendrada, /. almond milk.
almadia, /. canoe used in India ; raft. almendrado, da, a. almond-like.
almadiero, m. a raft-pilot. almendradO, m. macaroon.
almadraba, tunny-fishery net used in
' almendral, m. plantation of almond-tr-ies.
the tunny-tishery (obs.) brickyard. ;
V. almendro.
almadrabero, m. tunny-fisher. V. TEJERO. almendrera, /. almendrero, m. V. alm^n.
almadraoLue ai-mah-arair-kayj, TO. (obs.) quilt- DRO.
ed cushion, mattress. almendrero, ra, a. almond salver.
almadre&a, /. wooden shoes or sabots. V, almendrica, ilia, ita,/. dim. small almond.
ZUECO. almendrilla, / almond-shaped file: alnen-
almaganeta, /. v. almadana or almadena. drillas, almond-shaped diamond ear-rings.
almagesto, m. almagesta. almendro, m. almond-tree.
almagra,/. v. almagre. almendrdn, m. a Jamaica tree and its fruit.
almagrral, m. place abounding in ochre. almendruco, m. green almond.
almagrar, va. to colour with red ochre almenilla, /. dim. small merlon merlin- ;

(low) to draw blood. shaped fringe.

almagre, m. red ochre, red earth, Indian red. almete, m. a helmet soldier wearing a hel- ;

alTTiar73.I, aJmaizar, m. gauze veil worn by met.

Moors sash worn by priests.
; almez, almezo, m. lote-tree or Indian n( ttle-
alma1aneq.ue, m. (mil. battering-ram. ) tree.
almajara, /. (prov.) forcing-bed, hot-bed. almeza, /. (bot. ) fruit of the lote-tree.
almajO, m. sea^weed yielding barilla. almlar, m. haystack,
almaleque [ai-mah-iay'-kay],/. long robe worn almibar, m. simple sirup : almibares, pre-
by Moors. served fruit.
alinaiiac, almanaque [ai-mah-nah'-kay],,m. al- almlbarado, da, a. (met.) soft, endearing,
manac, calendar: hacer almanaques, (met.) effeminate.—pp. of almibarar.
to muse, to be pensive. almibarar, va. to preserve fruit in si/gar;
almanaquero [ai-mah-nah-kay'-ro], m. maker (met.) to conciliate with soft words.
and vender of almanacs. almicantAradas, /. i>/. (ast.) circles pai illel
almancebe, m. fishing-net. to the horizon.
almandina, /. (min.) red garnet; alman- almlddn, m. starch amylum, fecula. ;

dine. almidonado, da, a. starched (met. ) dressed ;

almanguena, /. v. almagre. with affected nicety ; spruce ; stiff.—y^. of

almanta,/. space between rows of vines and almidonar.
olive-trees ridge between two furrows.
; almidonar, va. to starch.
almarada, /. triangular poniard needle for oil-tank (in the Almaden mines).
making rope sandals.
arero, m. keeper of the almijara.
almarcna, /. town on marshy ground. la, /.under waistcoat; short militaiy
almario, m. v. arm arid. jacket tenon breast of pork.
; ;

almarial, m. plantation of glass-wort; almimbar, «i. pulpit of a mosque.

marsny ground. alminar, w. minaret, turret of a mosqu \
almarjO, m. (hot.) glass-wort. almiranta, /. (naut.) vice-admiral's ship,
almaro, m. (bot. ) common clary. flag-ship admiral's wife.

almarr^, m. cotton-gin. almirantazgo,

•antazgo, m. (naut.) board of admiral
almarraja, almarraza, /. sprinkling glass ty admiralty
; •alty court ; admiral's dues ; duty
bottle. of an admiral.
alm^rtaga, alm^utega, alm^rtiga, /. almirante, m. admiral, commander off fleet
litharge ; a sort of halter
massicot. ; contraalmirante, rear-admiral headgear for ;

alnUlStlga, /. v. almaciga, mastic. women ; swimming-master species of shell. ;

almastlgado, da, a. containing mastic. almlrez, m. brass mortar wood-engraver's ;

almatrero, m. one fishing with shad-nets. tool of tempered steel.

almatriche, m. canal for irrigation. V. re- almir6n, m. wild chicory.
GUERA. almizclar, va. to perfume with musk.
almazara, /. (prov. ) oil-mill. almizcle, m. musk.
almazarero, m. oil-miller. almizclefia, /. (bot.) musk, grape-hyrx:inil.
almazarrbn, m. V. almagre. almizclefiO, fla, a. musky.
almea,/. Oriental poetess and dancer; bark almizclera, /. musk-rat.
of the storax-tree ;
(bot.) star-headed water- almizclero, ra, a. musky. m. musk-deer.
plantain. almo, ma, a. creating, vivifying ; venorablt^
annear, m. stack of hay, corn, or straw. holy.
almeja, /. mussel, shell-fish. almocad6n, m. commander of a troop o^
almejar, m. mussel-bed. militia.
almejia,/. small cloak used by poor Moors. almocafrar, ra. to dibble.
almena, /. merlon of a battlement. almocafre, m. gardener's hoe, dibble.
almenado, m. v. almenaje. almocirabes, almocarbes, m.pi. (arch, and
almenado, da, a. embattled.—jip. of alme- carp. ) bow-shaped ornaments.
na r. almocatracia, /. duty on broadcloths and
almenaje, m. series of merlons battlement. ; woollens.
almenar, va. to crown with merlons. almoceda,/. impost on water for irrigation ;
almenar, m. cresset. right of irrigation upon fixed days.
almenara, /. beacon channel which conveys ; almocela, /. ancient hood.
back the overplus water in irrigation. almocrate, m. sal ammoniac.
almendra, /. almond ; kernel ; almond- almocri, m. reader of the Koran in a mosque.
shaped diamond cut ; glass drop ; fine co- almodi, m. v. almudI.
coon almcndras
: garapinadas, sugar al- almod6n. m. baking flour.
monds almendras confitadas, pralines al-
: : almodrote, m. sauce for the egg-plant
mendraa de cacao, cocoa beans chocolate ; hodge-podge.
nuts. almofar, m. mail head-cover under helmet.
g (before e, 1) and t as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, &y in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; «. lUMed.
almofia,/. v. aljofaina. almunia, /. orchard, vegetable-garden.
almofrej, m. travelling canvas or leather bag almutazaife, m. (prov.) v. ALuoTAciN.
for mattress. alnabi, m. Moorisn pr jphet.
almogama, /. (naut.) stern-post of a ship. alnado, da, m. &f. step-child. V. HijASTRa
almogirabe, almogavar, yn. expert for- alo, m. (Mex.) large cockatoo.
ager almogivares, ancient light troops who
: aloarla, f. vault, v. pechina.
harassed the Moors. alobadado, da, n. bit by a wolf; (vet.) la'
alzaohada, /. pillow, bolster, cushion; pillow- bouring under morbid swellings.
case (naut.) piece of timber on which the
alobtmado, da, a. resembling a wolf lu
bowsprit rests dar almohada, court function : colour.
when a lady of rank is presented to the alocadamente, adc. rashly, inconsiderately
queen. alocado, da, a. half-witted, cranky, wild.
AUnoliadilla, /. dim. small bolster or pillow ; alOCUCion, /. allocution, address, speech,
working case sewing cushion pads of a ;
harness projecting wall-stone callous ex-
; ; alodial, a. (law) allodial, free, exempt.
crescence on the backs of mules. alodio, m. possession not held by tenure.
almohadUlado, da, «. cushioned. moe, m. (hot.) aloes-tree, aloes; palo &loe.
ftlmoliadbll, m. aug. large cushion. aloes-wood.
almohatre, almojatre, m. sal ammoniac. alo6tico, ca, a. aloetic.
almohaza, /. curry-comb. alolna, /. aloin, active principle of aloes,
almohazado, da, a. curried.—f>p. of almo- aloia, /. metheglin, mead.
haza r. alo^amlento, m. lodging, quartering sol-
almoliazador, m. a groom. diers; (naut.) steerage.
alxaohazar, va. to curry with a curry- alojar, va. to lodge, let lodgings; to dwell,
comb. reside; to quarter troops. vr. (mil.) to
almojabana, /. cake made of cheese and station.
flour ;
cruller. alojeria, /. metheglin canteen.
almojarifadgo, almojarifalgo, or almo- alojero. m. metheglin mixer and seller ; box
JanfazgO, m. ancient duty on imports or near the pit in theatres.
exports. alomado, da, a. having a curved back.—pp.
almojarife, m. tax-gatherer for the king; of ALOMAR.
custom-house officer. alomar, va. to distribute equally the load on
almojaya, /. putlog. a horse ; to cover with a seed-ploujih. vr.
almona, /. public stores ; shad-fishery ; soap- grow strong and vigorous.
(far.) to
manufactory. al6n, m. plucked wing of any fowl,
almbndiga, almondiguilla, /. V. alb6n- alondra,/. (orn.) a lark,
DIGA and ALBONDINGUILLA. alongadero, a. dilatory. V. LARGA.
almoneda, /. public auction. alongamiento, m. delay,
almonedear, va. to sell by auction. alongar, va. to enlarge, prolong, stretch, ex«
Almoradux, m. (hot.) sweet marjoram, tend.
almoravldes, a. pi. ancient Moorish tribe. alonso, a. trigo alonso, bearded wheat,
almorejo, m. species of grass. aldpata, m. allopath (ist).
almori, almuri, m. sweetmeat or cake. alopatia, /. allopathy.
almoronia, /. v. ALBORONfA. alop&tico, ca, a. allopathic.
almorranas, /. J?/, (med.) piles. alopecia,/, (med.) alopecia, baldness,
almorraniento, ta, n. suffering from piles, alopiado, da, a. opiate.
almorrefa, /. triangular tile, aloque [ah-io'-kay], a. clear white wine, or mix
almorta,/. (hot.) blue vetch. ture of red and white,
almorzada, /. as much as may be contained aloquin [ah-io-keen], m. stone inclosure in s
in the hollow of both hands placed together. wax bleachery.
V. alosa,/. shad. V. siBALO.
almorzado, da, a. one who has breakfasted. alosna,/. (hot. prov.) wormwood,
—pp. of ALMORZAR. alotar, va. (naut.) V. arrizar: alotar lai
almorzador, m. breakfast-case. anclas, (naut.) to stow the anchors.
Hlmorzar, va. {ind. ALMUERZO: pret. al- alOtropia/. (chem.) allotropy.
MORCK subj. almuerce) to breakfast.
: al0tr6plC0, ca, a. (chem.) allotropic.
Almotac^n, m. inspector of weights and alpaca or alpaga, /. alpaca and llama
measures ; inspector's office. febric made from the wool of this animal •

almotacenazgo, m. office of an inspector, alloy, white metal.

almotacenia, /. fee paid to the market-clerk alpaflata, /. piece of chamois-skin,
or insi>ector. alpargata, /. alpargate, m. sandals made
aimozarabe, m. Christian subject to the of hemp.
Moors. alpargatadO, da, a. wearing hempen san-
almud, m. measure of grain and dry fruit dals.—/)/), of ALPARGATAR.
almnd de tierra, about half an acre, alpargatar, va. to make hempen sandals,
almudada, /. ground which takes one almnd alpargatazo, m. blow with an alpargata.
of seed. alpargateria, /. manufactory of hempen
almudejo, m. each of the weights kept by the sandals.
alsudero. alpargatero, m. manufacturer of hempen
almudero, m. keeper of weights for grains, sandals.
almudl, almudin, m. (prov. ) V. alhondiga ; alpargatilla, /. dim. small hempen sandal
mea.surR containing six cahic«i or bushels, (met.) crafty, designing fellow.
almuecin or almuedano, m. muezzin. alpecMn, m. juice which oozes from a heap
almil6rdagO, m. bird-lime. V. MUibRDAGO. of olives.
almuertas, /. p/. duty on cereals sold. alpende, m. shed for mining tools,
almuerza,/. double-handful. alpestre, alpino, na, a. Alpine.
almuerzo, almuerce (from almorzar). alpiCOla, «. growing in the Alps.
almuerzo, m. breakfast, breakfast-cover. alpiCOZ, m. (prov.) V. alficoz.
-« as in far : e is eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; n in bull ; C (before e, i) and s as th in thick ; h and d, •oft{
aljpiste, m. canary-seed : quedarse alpiste, to altarero, m. altar maker or dresser,
be disappointed. altarreina, /. v. milenrama.
elpistela, alpistera, /. cake made of flour, altea,/. (bot.) marsh-mallow.
eggs, sesamum, and lioney. altearse, vr. (naut.) to rise above the sur«
alpistero, m. sieve for canary-seed. rounding land.
alcLuequenje [ai-kay-kane'-imy], m. Barbadoes alterabilldad, /. changeableness, mutabil"
winter-cherry, used as diuretic, ity.
alqueria [ai-kay-ree'-ah],/, grange, farm-house. alterable, a. changeable, alterable.
alquenues [ai-ker'-mes', m. kermes, cordial alteracibn, /. alteration, mutation; uneven*
(pharm.) medicinal sirup. ness of the pulse strong emotion disturb-
; ;

alquerque [ai-ker'-kay], m. place in oil-mills for ance, tumult, commotion.

laying the bruised olives. alteradO, da, a. alterative: caldo alterado,
alQUez [ai-keth'i m. wine measure containing medicated broth.—^pp. of alterar.
twelve cintaras. alterador, ra, m. &f. alterer,
alqulbla [ai-kee'-biaiii, /. point toward which alterante, ^Jrt. (med.) alterative.
Mohammedans look when praying. alterar, va. & vr. to alter, change, trans-
alquicel, alqulcer [ai-ke-theri, m. Moorish form to disturb, stir up.

cloak cover for bencheSj tables, etc.

; alterative, va, a. alterative.
alquifol [ai-ke-forj, m. (mm.) alquifou, pot- altercacidn, /. altercado, m. controversy,
ter's ore. contest, strife, quarrel, wrangle.
alqUiladlZO, Za [al-ke-Uh-dee'-tho], a. that which altercador, ra, m. &f. one who argues ob-
may be let or hired, stinately.
aquiiador, ra [ai-ke-uh-dor'], m. & f. one who altercar, va. to contend, dispute obsti
lets coaches on hire hirer. ; nately, debate, quarrel, bicker, expostulate,
jdqUilamlentO [al-ke-Uh-me-en'-to], m. the act wrangle.
or hiring or letting. alteniaci6n, /. alternation.
llquilar [ai-ke-iar"], va. to let, hire, rent to fee. altemadamente, adv. v. alternativa-

vr. to serve for wages.

alqililate [ai-ke-uu'-tay], m. duty paid in Mur- altemar, perform by turn*
va. to alternate
cia on sales. change one for another. rw. to succeed rv —

!Ll(miler lai-ke-ierr"], m. wages or hire the act ; ciprocally.

of hiring or letting : alquiler de una casa, alternativa, /. alternative, option, choice;
house-rent, rental. service by turn.
Olquildn, na [ai-ke-ione'], a. that which can be altematlvamente, adv. alternatively.
let or hired. altematiVO, va, a. —
alternate. m. rotation
al(]^Ullona [ai-ke-io'-nah), /. woman hired occa^ of crops.
sionally for odd work. altemo, na, a. alternate.
alqUimialal-kee'-me-ah],/. alchemy. alteza, /. highness,
elevation, sublimity,
alquimiCO, ca [ai-kee'-me-co], a. relating to al- height highness, a title.

cnemy. altibajo, TO. embossed velvet downright ;

alquimila [ai-ke-mee'-iah], /, (bot. ) ladies' man- blow in fencing.—p/. uneven ground (met.) ;

tle. vicissitudes.
alqUimlSta [al-ke-mees'-teh], to. alchemist. altillo, 11a, a. dim. rather high. m. hillock.
alquinal [ai-ke-nahr], TO. veil or head-dress for altilOCUencia, /. grandiloquence,
women. altilocnente, a. (poet. ) pompous in language,
alqUitara [al-ke-tah'-rah]/. V. ALAMBIQUE. altimetria, /. art of measuring heights.
alquitarar [al-ke-tah-rar'l, va. to distil. altimetro, tea, a. relating to altinietry.
alqUitlra [al-ke-tee'-rah],/. tragacauth. altisimo, ma, a. aug. extremely lofty.
alquitr^n [ai-ke-trahn'l, TO. tar Or liquid pitch ; Altisimo, to. the Most High, God.
(naut.) stuff composed of pitch, grease, res- altisonante, altisono, na, a. high-sounding,
in, and oil alquitr&n mineral, coaKtar.
: altitonante, a. (poet.) thundering,
alqUitranadO [al-ke-trah-nah'-doi, TO. (naut.) altltud,/. (geog.) V. altura, elevation,
tarpaulin, tarred cloth cabos alqnitranados, : altivamente, adv. highly, loftily, haughtily,
(naut.) black or tarred cordage: alquitra- altivarse, vr. to put on airs.
nado, da, pp. of ALQUITRANAR. Sdtivez, altlveza,/. haughtiness, arrogance,
alqUltranar [al-ke-trah-nar] va. to tar. pride.
alrededor, adv. around alrededor de, about. -.
altivo, va, a. haughty, proud, arrogant,
alrededores, to. pi. environs. lofty ; high-minded overbearing. ;

alrota,/. coarse tow. V. arlota. altO.'ta, a. high, elevated: alta mar, (naut.)
alsaciano, na, a. Alsatian. high seas; tall; (met.) arduous, difficult;
alsine, m. (bot.) scorpion-grass. (met. ) eminent enormous deep late :
; ; ;

alta, /. sort of court dance dancing exer- ; altai horas, late at night,
cise fencing bout
; return of the effective
; alto, TO. height, elevation, hill, terrace story ;

men of a regiment ; certificate of discharge caia de tres altoB, three-story house (naut.) ;

from a hospital, as being cured depth or height of a ship (mil.) halt ; com- ;

altabaque [ai-tah-bah'-kayj, 771. needle-work bas- mand to stop place or time of rest pasai

ket. por alto, to overlook,

altabaqUlllO [al-tah-bah-keer-lyo], TO. (bot.) alto, inteH. alto ahi, stop there : alto de aqui
small bind-weed. V. correhuela. move off.
altamente, adv. highly, strongly (met.) in ; alto, adv. loud high de lo alto, from above
; :

a distinguished manner. se me pasi por alto, I forgot.

altaneria, /. hawking (met.) haughtiness, ; altozano, m. height or hill.
loftiness, contcmptuousness. altramuz, to. (hot.) lupine: altramuces, vot
altanero, ra, a. soaring, towering; (met.) ing black balls.
haughty, arrogant, proud. altiura, /. height, loftiness; summit; altir
altar, to. stone for sacrifices altar, commu- ; tude, tallness, stature (naut.) the latt ;
nion taWle altar mayor, main altar (ast.)
tude; (met.) exaltation of spirits: altoraf
-southern constellation. the heavens.
It (before e. i) and 4 as b In kot; h. lilent: 11 In brilliant; ft, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; a, biaaed
aluar or tomarpor la lua, vn. (naut.) to alzapuertas, m. dumb player ; supemumo
bring under the lee. rary.
alubia,/. (bot.) French bean. V. JUDfA. alzar, suhj. alce) <o raise,
va. {pret. ALC]& :

aluciar, va. to polish, burnish, brighten. lift up, heave to erect, construct ; 1o repeal

alucinacidn,/. alucinamiento, w. halluci- a decree of excommunication to recall n-om ;

nation. banishment to carry off; to hide, lock up


alucinadamente, adv. erroneously. to cut the cards ; to gather up and arrange

aluclnar, va. to deceive, fascinate, delude. in order the printed sheets lor the binder
aluc6n, m. the barn owl. to elevate the host, in mass; (naut.) to
alud, m. avalanche. heave alzar cabeza, to recover from a

aluda, /. (ent. ) winged ant or emmet. calamity or disease alzar el codo, to drink :

aludei, in. (chem. ) subliming pots. much wine or liquor: alzar la casa, to
aludlr, vn. to allude, refer to. break up house: alzar velas, (naut.) to set
aludo, da, a. winged, large-winged. the sails ; (met.) to move off. vr. to rise in
stluengar, va. v. alongar. rebellion to rise from kneeling ; to make ;

alumbrado. da, a. aluminous, relating to a fraudulent bankruptcy ; to appeal al- :

alum; (coll.) flustered with vrine.—pp. of zarse con el dinero, to abscond.

ALUMBRAR. alzatirantes, harness straps to suspend
alumbradO, m. illumination : alnmbradoi, the traces.
illuminati, a sect. all&, adv. there, in that place thither, or to ;

alumbrador, ra, m. &f. lighter link-boy. ; that place anciently, of old. ;

alumbramientO, m. supplying with light allanador, m. leveller gold-beater's book. ;

(met.) child-birth. V. parto. allanamiento, m. levelling acceptance of ;

alumbrar, va. to light, shed light, illuminate judicial finding; (met.) aifability : suavity.
to enlighten, instruct among dyers, to dip ; aHanar, va. to level, make even, flatten | to
cloth into alum-water to dig about the ; remove or overcome diflSculties to pacify, ;

roots of vines. vr. (coll.) to get tipsy. subdue allanar la casa, to break into a

alumbre, m. alum alumbre catino, alkali

: house. vr. to abide by, acquiesce, conform
from glass- wort : alumbre de rasurai, salt of allegadlZO, za, a. collected without choice.
tartar alumbre sacarino, alum-whey,
: allegado, da, a. near, conjunct, related. m,
alumbrera, /. alum-mine : alumbrera artifi- friend, ally.—pp. oi allegar.
cial, alum-works. allegador, ra, m. &f. one who gathers or col-
alumbrOSO, having alum. sa, a. lects ; board for gathering thrashed wheat
alumina,./', (chem.) alumina or alumine, poker.
aluminado, da, «. (chem. ) mixed with alum. allegamientO, m. collecting, uniting, gather-
alumlnio, m. aluminium or aluminum. ing; close friendship, union, relationship.
aluminita, /. aluminite. allegar, va. (pret. allegu^ subj. allegue) :

aluminoso, sa, a. aluminous. to gather, collect, unite to gather thrashed ;

alunmo, na, m. & f. foster-child ; disciple, corn or wheat; to solicit, procure. vr. to
pupil, scholar, student. come near, to approach.
^lunado, da, a. lunatic ; spasmodic, jerky, allende, adv. beyond.
from constipation (of horses) long-tusked
; alii, adv. there, in that place, thereto : de alii.
vboar) ; tainted (meat). thence, from that place ; at that moment.
llusidn, allusion, reference, hint.
/. alloza, /. green almond. F. almendruco.
alusivamente, adv. allusively. allOZO, m. (bot. ) wild almond-tree.
alusivo, va, a. allusive, hinting at. alludel, m. earthen water-pipe. V. aludki^
alustrar, va. to five lustre to anything. ama, /. mistress of the house, landlady,
alutaci6n,/. (min.) stratum of grains of gold. owner ama de Haves or de gobiemo, house*

alutrado, da, a. otter-coloured. keeper ama de leche, wet-nurse.


aluvial, a. alluvial. amabilidad, /. amiability, affability, loveli-

aluvidn,/. alluvion, wash-out, ness.
alveario, m. (anat.) alveary. amable, amiable, pleasing, lovely.
alveo, m. bed of a river. amablemente, adv. amiably, lovely.
alveolar, a. alveolar amacayo, m. (Amer.) flower de luce.
alvbolo, m. alveolus, alveole, small cavity. amacena,/. (hot.) damson plum.
alverja, alverjana,/. (bot.) common vetch. amaceno, na, a. Damascene.
alvino, na, a. (med.) alvine. amacollarse, vr. to throw out shoots.
alza, /. piece of leather put round the last to amacrktiCO, ca, a. amacratic.
make the shoe wider; instrument used in amacbetear, va. to strike and cut with «
rope-walks advance, rise in price ; (typ.
; machete.
overlay, frisket sheet. amador, ra, m. &f. lover, sweetheart, suitoi-.
alzacuellO, m. neck-stock. amadrlgar, va. {pret. amadrigu^ subj. ama- :

alzada, /. height, stature (of horses) ap- ; drigue) to receive well, especially one not
peal Jnez de alzadat, judge in appeal causes.
: deserving. vr. to burrow ; (met.) to seclude
alzadamente, adv. for a lump sum. one's sell.
alzado, m. (arch. ) plan of a front elevation ; amadrinar, va. to couple ; yoke together
lump sum ; fraudulent bankrupt.—pp. oi (naut.) to join one thing to another; to act
AIvZAR. as godmother or bridesmaid.
alzadura, /. elevation. amadrOfiadO, da, a. resembling madr*fios.
alzamlento, m. lifting or raising up ; higher amaestrado, da, a. taught, tutored, schooled,
]>ul. trained, experienced caballo amaestrado, :

alzapafl.0, m. curtain sash. horse completely broken in.—pp. of amaes-

alzapi6, m. snare, TRAR.
alzaprima, /. lever wedge ;
(naut.) heaver amaestrar, va. to instruct, break in, lead,
(mech.) fulcrum. train, coach.
alzaprimar, va. to raise by means of a lever amagar, va. to threaten ; to show Bymptoma
(naut.) to move with handspikes ; to incite, of a disease; (met.) to design, feign.—^r.
spur on. (aoll.) to hide.

» M In far ; e iu eh I ; i in police ; e in for ; a in ball ; o (before e, i) and i as th in thick : b and d, wtttt

amagO, m. act of threatening doing or say- ; amaxillo, m. jaundice; a disease of silk
ing something not realized symptom of ; worms.
disease which does not follow. amarlnar, va. v. marinar.
djnsigo, m. bitter stuff found in some bee- amariposado, da, a. (bot.) papilionaceous;
cells ;
(met.) nausea, loathing. butterfly-like.
amainar, va. (naut.) to lower the sails; to amaro, m. (bot.) common clary.
relux. amarra, /. cable martingale ;
amarra : ; !

a-Tnaitlnar, va. to observe attentively. (naut.) word of command, corresponding to

amajadar, vn. to seek shelter in a sheep-fold the English belay, lash, or fasten.
to secure sheep. amarradero, m. post to which anyt^hing i»
amaleclta, m. Amalekite, made fast; (naut.) mooring terth.
amalgama, /. amalgam. amarrar, va. to tie, fasten, lash.
amalgamacidn,/. amalgamation. amarrazones, pZ. (naut.) ground-tackle.
amalgamar, va. to amalgamate. amarrldo, da, a. dejected, gloomy, melan-
amamantar, va. to nurse, to give suck. choly.
amancebamlento, m. concubinage. amartelar, va. to enamour, court, make love
amancebarse, vr. to live in concubinage. to love devotedly. vr. to fall in love.
amancillar, va. to stain, pollute to offend, ; amartillar, va. to hammer, knock in ; t»
injure ;
(met.) to tarnish one's reputation. cock a gun or pistol.
amanecer, vn. {ind. amanezco : subj. ama- amasadera,/. a kneading-trough.
nezca) to dawn to arrive at break of day
; : amasador, ra, m. &/. kneader.
alamanecer, at the break of day (met.) to ;
amasadura, /. act of kneading.
begin to appear. amasamientO, m. the act of uniting or join'
amanerado, da, a. full of mannerisms. ing. V. amasadura.
amanerarse, vr. to adopt a mannerism ; to amasar, va. to knead; to mould; (met.) to
become affected. arrange matters for an end.
amanojar, va. to gather by handfuls. amasijO, m. dough the act of kneading;

amansador, ra, m. & /. tamer, subduer, quantity of mortar or plaster (met.) med- ;

soother, appeaser. ley task, plotting agreement place where

; ;

amansamiento, m. the act of taming. dough is made.

amansar, va. to tame, domesticate, subdue amate, m. (Mex.) fig-tree, the milky juice of
(met.) to soften, pacify. which is used as a resolvent.
amantar, va. (coll.) to cloak. amatlsta,/. (min.) amethyst.
amante, pa. & n. loving, lover, sweetheart. amatividad, /. amativeness (phrenology).
pi. (naut.) ropes which form part of the amatoriO, ria, a. amatory.
running rigging of a ship. amaurosis,/, blindness from disease of the
amantillar, va. (naut.) to top the lifts. optic nerve.
amantillo, m. (naut.) lift. amaurbtlCO, ca, a. amaurotic.
amanuense, m. amanuensis, clerk. amauta, m. a sage (among ancient Peru-
amafiiar, va. to do a thing cleverly. vr. to be vians).
handy. amayorazgado, da, a. entailed.
ainaflO, m. clever way of doing a thing.—pZ. amayorazgar, va. to entail.
tools or implements (met. ) intrigue or ; amazacotado, da, a. heavy, thick; (met.)
machinations. dull, heavy, clumsy (said of literary com-
amapola,/. (bot.) poppy. positions).
amar, va. to love, esteem, cherish, fancy. amazona,/. amazon; mannish woman large;

amaracino, a. angUento amaraclno, ointment parrot of Brazil ; lady rider ; riding-habit.

of marjoram. amaz6nlC0, ca, a. amazonian.
am^raco, m. (hot.) marjoram. V. mejoraka. amazorcado, da, a. flowers terminating in
amarantO, m. (bot.) amaranth. different colours.
amargado, da, a. embittered.—^jp. of amar- amba,/. (bot.) fruit of the mangrove.
GAR. ambajes, m. pi. circuit circumlocution. ;

amargaleja, /. bitter or wild plum. V. en- ambagioso, sa, a. ambiguous.

DRINA. ^mbar, m. amber.
amargamente. adv. bitterly. ambarar, va. to perfume with amber.
amargar, va. (pret. amargu:^ : subj. amar- ambariba,/. (bot.) sweet centaury.
gue) to make oitter (met.) to exasperate,
; ambarilla,/. (bot.) amber-seed.
offend. vn. to be bitter or acrid. ambarina,/. v. algalia.
amargO, ga, a. bitter, acrid ; painful. ambarlno, na, a. relating to amber.
amargo, m. v. amargor ; sweetmeat made ambicibn, /. ambition covetousness. ;

up of bitter almonds.—pZ. bitters. amblcionar, va. to pursue with anxiety t« ;

amargdn, m. (bot.) dandelion, covet.

amargor, m. bitterness, sorrow, vexation, ambiciosamente, ndr. ambitiously.
amargosamente, v. amargamente. ambiciOSO, sa, a. ambitious, aspiring ; cor-
amargoso, sa, a. bitter. V. amargo. etous, greedy.
amargruillo, lla, dim. somewhat bitter.
a. ambldextro, tra, a. ambidextrous.
amargura, /. bitterness, acerbity sorrow. ; amblente, m. the ambient air.
amaricado, da, a. (coll.) effeminate. ambigr^, m. luncheon, collatioa, spread.
amarilis,/. amaryllis. ambiguamente, adv. ambiguously.
amarilla, gold coin, especially the onza
/. ;
ambigliedad, /. ambiguity, double mean-
vat liver disease of woolly flocks.
; ing.
amarillazo, za, a. of a pale' yellow colour, ambigUO, gua, a. ambiguous, doubtful.
amarillear, vn. to incline to vellow. d.mbitO, m. circuit, circumference, compass.
amarillejo, ja, a. dim. yellowish. amblar, va. to amble to pace. ;

amarillento, ta, a. yellowish, golden, ambleo, w. short, thick wax-candle candle- ;

amarillez,/. yellow colour of the body, stick for the same.

amarillito, ta, a. dim. v. amarillejo. ambligonlo, m. obtuse-angled. V. triIn-
amarillo, lla, a. yellow gold-colour. ;

a/beforee.DandJ as h in hot; h, Bllent; H In brilliant; ft, ny In canyon; r (Initial) and rr trlUed; . bisseO.
ambliopia,/- weakness of sight. amigable, a. friendly (met.) fit, suitable. ;

ambo, in. combination of two numbers in amigablemente, adv. amicably.

loto. amigdala,/. tonsil.
ambbn, m. pulpit on each side of the high amigdallna, /. amygdaline (chem.)
altar. amigdalitis, /. tonsilitis.
ambOS, bas, a. both: ambos k dos, both or amigo, ga, m. & /. friend ; comrade ; lover /
both together. fond.
ambrosi^,/. ambrosia; (met.) any delicious amigo, ga, a. V. amistoso and amigable, «
viand or liquor: (bot.) ambrosia campestre,- amigote, m. aug. (coll.) dear old friend,
buckthorn. amilaceo, a. starchy,
ambroslano, na, a. belonging to St. Am- amilanamiento, m. spiritlessness.
brose. amilanar, va. to frighten, terrify stupefy j ;

ambuesta,/. V. almorzada. to cow. vr. to flag.

ambulancia, /. field hospital ambulance. ; amillaramiento, m. assessment of a tax.
ambulante, a. ambulant; shifting; roving. amillarar, va. to assess a tax.
ambulativo, va, a. of a roving turn shift- ; amillonadO, da, a. very rich. m. a miL
ing ;
ambulatory. liouaire.
ambulatorio, ambulatory. a, a. amimar, va. v. mimar.
amebeo, bea, «. dialogue in verse. aminorar, va. to lessen to enfeeble. ;

amechar, *o. to put wick in lamps, etc. amir. m. Ameer.

amedrentador, ra, m. &. /. threatener, dis- amistad, /. amity, friendship; commerce;
courager. a. terrilying, frightening. gallantry; civility; favour; concubinages
amedrentar, va. to frighten, deter, dis- hacer las amlstades, to make up.
courage, intimidate. amistar, va. to befriend. vr. to reconcile,
amelga, /. ridge between two furrows. amistosamente, adv. friendly, familiarly,
amelgado, m. (prov.) mound to mark bound- amistoso, sa, a. friendly, amicable, cordial,
aries. -^jj. of AMELGAR. amito, m. amice, part of a priest's garment,
amelgar, va. to open furrows ; to mark amnesia, /. loss of memory,
boundaries with mounds. amnios./, amnion, fcetal envelope.
auielO, m. (bot.) golden star-wort. amnidtlCO, ca, a. amniotic,
amelonado, da, a. shaped like a melon. amnistia,/. amnesty.
ani^Il, in. amen, so be it: amin de, (coll.) amnistiar, va. to grant pardon, to amnesty.
besides. — vr. to receive amnesty.
amenaza, f. threat, menace. amo, m. master of a house, lord, proprietor
amenazador, ra, m. &f. one who threatens. foster-father overseer (vulg. ) boss.

— a. threateninq;. amoblar, va. v. moblar = amueblar.


amenaTSante, pa. menacing, threatening, amodita, /. horned serpent. V. alicante.

impending, amodorrado, da, a. drowsy, sleepy.—/jp. of
amenazar, va. {prei. amekac^: subj. ame- AMODORRARSE.
nace) to threaten, menace ; to be impend- amodorrarse, vr. to get drowsy,
ing. amodorrido, da, a. v. amodorrado.
amencia,.?'. (ant. and Amer.) dementia. amogotado, da, a. steep mountain with d
amenguainientO, m. diminution, shortage. fiat crown.
amenguar, va. to diminish gro# short or ; amohecerse, amohezco
vr. {ind. : subj. amo-
less ; lo defame, vilify, disgrace. hezca) to grow mouldy or rusty. V. enmo-
amenidad,/. amenity, agreeableness; (met.) hecerse.
pleasant strain of language. amohinar, va. to irritate, annoy.
ameuizar, va. {pret. amenic^: subj. ameni- amojamado, da, a. tasting like tunny-fish.
ce) to render pleasant or agreeable. amojamar, va. to dry and smoke ttinny-tisli.
ameno, na, «. pleasant, delicious; delight- amojonador, m. one who sets landmarks.
ful, elegant. amojonamiento, m. setting landmarks.
amenorrea, /. suppression of the menses. amoionar, va. to set landmarks.
amentaceo, cea, a. (bot.) amentaceous. amoladera,/. whetstone, grindstone.
amentar, va. to lace shoes. amolador, m. grinder, whetter.
amento, m. (bot.) ament. V. amiento. amoladura,/. whetting or grinding.
amerar, va. to mix wine or liquor with wa^. amolar, va. {ind. ^.muelo stibj. amuele) : to
ter. vr. to percolate ; soak. whet, grind, or sharpen.
amerengado, da, a. or having,
like, me- amoldador, ra, m. &./. moulder.
ringue ;
(coll.) nice, prudish. amoldar, va. to mould, fashion, figure
americana,/. sack-coat. (met.) to adjust; (obs.) to brand cattle.
americanismo, m. Americanism. amole, m. soap-root (Mex.)
americanista, m. & f. person who studies amollador, ra, m. &f. one who plays an in-
and cultivates the languages and antiquities ferior card, having a winning one.
of America. amoUar, va. (naut._) to ease off; to play an
americano, na, American, native of or a. inferior card, having a winning one.
belonging to the World. New amolletado, da, a. shaped like a French .roll.
ametalado, da, having the colour of brass.
«. amomo, m. (bot.) grain of paradise.
ametista, /. ametisto, »». v. amatista. amondongado, da, a. (coll.) sallow, coarse,
ametralladora,/. rapid-fire gun. stout.
ametrallar, va. to shoot with grape-shot. amonedacidn, /. monetization.
amia,/". lamia, white shark. amoncdar, va. to coin.
amiantO, m. (min.) amianthus ; asbestos. amonestacibn, /. advice, admonition, warn-
amlcislmo, ma, a. sup. most friendly, fond- ing; marriage banns: correr las amonesta-
est. ciones, to pul)lish the banns.
amiento, m. leather strap to secure helmet amonestaaor, ra,.m. &/. monitor, admon*
shoe-lace ; leather string. isher.
amiga, female friend
/. school-mistress ; amonestar, va. to advise, admonish, correct
kiudergarten concubine, mistress. ; to publish banns.

* arin far ; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in : XL in bull ; C (before e, I) »nd z as th In thick ; b and d, soft

AMO 33 ANa
aznonlacal, a. ammoniacal. ampac, m. (hot.) champak.
jtmoniaco, m. ammonia, NH3 ; ammoniac; ampara,/. (law) seizure of chattels.
gum-resin. amparador, ra, m. &f. protector ; shelter.

amonita,/. (zool.) ammonite. m. Ammonite amparar, va. to shelter, protect, help, sup-
tribe. port, guard, assist. vr. to claim or enjoy
amontarse, vr. to flee to the mountains. protection ; to defend one's self ; to seek
amontonador, ra, m. & /. heaper, accumu- shelter.
lator. amparo, m. favour, aid, protection,- guard-
amontonamlentO, m. heaping, accumulat- ship, refuge, asylum, shelter.
ing, hoarding, gathering lodgment. ; ampelita, /. eannel-coal.
amontonar, va. to heap, pile up, accumulate, amperimetro, m. (electr.) ampermeter.
gather ; hoard, lay up, congest. vr.
to amperio, m. (electr.) ampere.
(coll.) to fly into a passion. ampliacibn, /. enlargement.
iftinor, m. love, tenderness, affection, fancy ;
ampliador, ra, m. &f. amplifier.
the object of love a word of endearment ; ampliamente, adv. largely, copiously, plen-
por amor de Bios, for God's sake amor pro- : tifully.
pio, self-love, conceitedness. m. & f. pi. ampliarj va. to amplify, enlarge, extend.
gallantry amours de mil amores, adv. with
: ampliatlVO, va, a. amplifying, enlarging.
all my heart. ampliflcacidn, /. enlargement (rhet.) am- ;

amoratado, da, a. livid. plification.

amorcillo, m. dim. slight love, kindness. amplificador, ra, m. &/. amplifier, expa-
amordazar. va. {pret. amordac^: subj. tiator. enlarger.
AMORDACE) to gag, muzzle (naut. ) to fasten ;
amplincar, va. to amplify, enlarge, extend,
with bitts (met. ) to deprive of the liberty
expand to dilate, expatiate.

of speaking or writing. ampllO, 11a, a. ample, plentiful, roomy, ex-

amofes, m. (hot.) red valerian. tensive, large handsome absolute. ; ;

amorfia, f- organic deformity. amplitud, /. extent, greatness, largeness,

amorfo, amorphous.
fa, a. fulness (ast. ) amplitude.

amorgado, da, a. stupefied from eating mor- ampO de la nieve, snow-white. V. LAMPO.
ga or alpecUn. ampolla, /. blister on the skin ; decanter,
amorgar, va. to stupefy fish with morga or cruet ; water-bubble.
alpechin. ampollar, va. to blister to ; make hollow,
amoricones, (coll.) love-looks, flirta- excavate. vr. to bubble up.
tions. ampollar, a. resembling a blister, decanter,
amorio, w. love-making. or bubble. ^

amoriscado, da, a. resembling the Moors. ampolleta, dim. small vial, cruet, hour-
amormado, da, a. having the glanders. glass; (naut.) watch-glass.
amorosamente, adv. lovingly. amprar, vn. (prov. ) to borrow.
amoroso, sa, a. affectionate, kind, loving, ampulOSidad,/. verbosity.
pleasing, gentle, mild, serene. ampulOSO, sa, a. pompous, bombastic.
amorrar, vn. (coll. ) to be sullen ; to muse. amputacibn,/. amputation.
— vr. sulk. amputar, va. to amputate.
amortajar, va. to shroud a corpse. amuchacliado, da, a. boyish, childish.
amortecer, va. {ind. amortezco : subj. amor- amueblar, va. to furnish a house or a room.
tezca) to deaden. vr. to faint, to swoon. amueblo, amueble {irr. from amoblar).
amortecimiento, m. swoon, fainting. amuelo, amuele, etc. {irr. from amolar).
amortezco (m-. from amortecer). amugamiento, m. V. amojonamiento.
amorti^acibn, /. amortiguamiento, m. amugronador, ra, a. layer of vine-shoots.
mortification. amugronar, va. to lay the shoot of a vine.
amortiguar, va. to mortify, deaden ; to tem- amujerado, da, a. effeminate.
per ; to soften colours. amuieramiento, m. v. afeminaci6n.
amortizaci6n, /. mortmain ;
payment of amularse, vr. to become sterile (mares).
debts : fondo de amortizacion, sinking fund. amulatado, da, a. coloured like a mulatto.
amortizable, a. inalienable ; redeemable, amuleto, m. amulet.
payable. amunicionar, va. to ammunition.
lUnortizar, va. {pret. amortick subj. AMOR- : amuflecado, da, a. puppet-like.
tice) to render inalienable to entail to ; ; amura, /. (naut.) beam of a ship at one-
refund to provide a sinking fund to pay
; ; eighth of its length from the bow part at ;

debts amortizar ana renta, to sink a fund.

: each side of the ship that corresponds to
amoscar, va. {pret. amosquk: subj. amos- that section tack of a sail. ;

que) to flap flies. vr. to shake off the flies ; amiirada, /. (naut.) interior side of a ship.
to become irritated. amurallar, va. to wall. v. murar.
amosquiladO, da, a. tormented with flies. amurar, va. (naut.) to haul the tack aboard.
amostachado, a. wearing mustaches. amurcar, va. to gore with the horns.
amostazar, va. {pret. \uost\c± subj. AMos- : amurco, m. blow or stroke with the horns.
tace) (coll.) to exasperate, provoke. vr. to amurillar, va. (agr.) to earth up.
be vexed, irritated. amusco, a. brown.
amotinadamente, adv. mutinously. •
amusgar, va. to throw back the ears ; to con-
amotinado, da, a. mutinous, rebellious. tract the eyes to see better.
pp. of AMOTINAR. ana, /. aune, kind of fox ; abbrevia-
an ell ;

amotinador, ra, m. &f. mutineer. tion meaning equal parts.

amotinamiento, m. mutiny, revolt, riot, anabaptismo, m. anabaptism.
amotlnar, va. to excite rebellion (met.) ;
to anabaptista, m. anabaptist.
disorder the mind. vr. to riot. anacarado, da, a. like mother-of-pearl.
amover, remove, to discharge.
va. to anacardina,/. anacardic preparation.
amovibilidad,/. possibility of being re- anacardlno, na, «. anacardic.
rnoved or revoked. anacardo, m. (bot.) cashew-tree; cashew-
amovlble, a. removable. fruit.

T (before e, i) and J as li in hot ; h, silent ; U in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; », biMeA
^/LB.Ct.'n. dress of Indian women in Peru to draw carefully the bones and muscles in
and Bolivia; in Ecuador their hair-dress- statues and figures.
ing, a single braid. anavajado, da, a. having knife scars,
anacoreta, m- anchorite, hermit. anca, /. haunch,
anacoretico, ca, a. anchoretical. ancado, m. (vet.) contraction of muscles oi
anacreontiCO, ca, a. anacreontic. the hind legs.
anacr6nicO, ca, a. anachronistic. ancianldad, /. old age; antiquity,
anacronismo, m. anachronism. anciano, na, n. old, stricken in years,
iLnade, m. &/. duck by extension, goose. ; ancla, /. anchor: echar anclag, to anchor:
anadear, vn. to waddle. levar anclas, to weigh anchor: ancla de la
anadeja,/. dim. duckling. esperaaza, sheet-anchor.
anadino, na, m. &f. young duck. ancladero, m. (naut.) anchorage, anchoring-
aiiad6n, m. mallard. place.
anadoncillo, m. dim. grown duckling. anclaje, m. casting anchor anchoring- ;

anafalla or anafaya, /. thick corded silk. ground derecho de anclaje, anchorage

anafe or anafre, m. portable furnace. anclar, vn. to anchor.
an^fora, / anaphora. anclote, m. stream-anchor, kedge.
anafrodisia, /. anaphrodisia. anclotillo, m. kedge-anchor.
anafrodisiaco, ca, «. anaphrodisiac. anc6n, m. anconada,/. open road, a bay.
anafrodita, <t. abstainer from sexualism. ancora, v. ancla.
an^glifo, '". vase, vessel with relief figures. ancoraje, m. V. anclaje.
anagndrisis,/. v. agnici6n. ancorar, v. anclar.
anagoge, m. anagogia,/. anagoge. ancorca,/. yellow ochre,
anag6giC0, ca, a. anagogical. ancorel, m. large stone to secure nets,
anagrama, .^'. anagram. ancoreria,/. anchor-forge.
anagramatizador, m. anagrammatist. ancorero, m. anchor-smith,
anal, a. relating to the anus. ancusa, /. (bot. ) common alkanet.
analectas,/. p/. analects. anchamenie, adv. widely, largely.
anal6ctiC0, ca, a. analectic. ancharia,/. (obs.) width of cloth.
anal6ptiC0, ca, a. (med. ) restorative, ancheta,/. small amount of goods rentured
analepsla,/. (med.) analepsis. in trade ;
profit in a bargain,
anales, m. pi. annals. anchlcorto, ta, a. wider than long,
UialfabetO, m. illiterate person analphabet. ; ancho, Cha. a. broad, large,
an^llsis, m. &f. analysis; (gram.) parsing. ancho, anchor, m. V. anchura
analista, m. annalist. anchoa, anchova,/. anchovy.
analiticamente, adv. analytically. anchuelO, la, a. dim. somewhat wide.
analitico, ca, a. analytical. anclXUra,/. width, largeness, extensiveness ;
analizable, a. capable of analysis. latitude ; laxity.
anallzador, m. analyzer. anchliroso, sa, a. large, spacious, extensive,
analizar, va. {pret. analic^ subj. analice) : broad, wide.
to analyze ;
(gram.) to parse. anchusa,/. (bot.) alkanet.
anUogamente, v. anal6gicamente. and6,l)ata, m. andabata.
analogia, /. analogy ; resemblance ;
part of andada,/. track, trail, pathway ; thin, hard-
grammar. baked cake andadas, trail of game.

analbgicamente, adv. analogically. andaderas,/.i>/. go-carts.

analbgico, ca, an&Jogo, ga, a. analogous. andadero, ra, a. easy ground runner. ;

anamorfOSis, anamorphosis. f. andadO, m. step-child. V. ALNADO.

anana,.r". or ananas, (bot.) pine-apple. andado, da, a. beaten, trodden worse foi ;

anapelo, m. (bot.) wolfs-bane. use, threadbare common, ordinary ;

anapestO, m. anapaest, a Latin verse, ^-'v^ — elapsed.—jsp. of andar.


anaquel [ah-nah-kei'], m. shelf or board to place andador, ra, a. fast walker or runner J
things on. messenger of a court; (naut.)
swift. m.
anaqueleria,/. shelving, case of shelves. leading-string garden-walk.
fine sailer ; ;

anaranjado, da, a. orange-coloured. andadura, /.

gait pacing amble, ;

anarquia [ah-nar-kee'-ah],/. anarchy. andaluz, za, a. Audalusian.

an^rqulCO, ca [ah-nar'-ke-co], a. anarchical. andaluzada, /. boasting; exaggeration;
anarquismo lah-nar-keys'-mo], m. anarchism. (coll.) fish story, yarn,
anarquista lah-nar-kees'-tah], m. anarchist. andamiada, /. scaffolding.
anasarca,/, (med.) general dropsy. andamlo, m. scaffold, platform, footgeai j
anascote, m. woollen stuff like serge. (naut.) gang-board.
anastasia, /. v. artemisa. andana,/. row, line, tier: llamarse Andana,
anastomosis, /. (anat.) anastomosis. (coll.) not to fulfil a promise.
ankstrofe, m. (rhet.) inversion of words. andanada, /. (naut.) broadside; grand
anata, /. annats, yearly income. stand for spectators ; reproof, reprimand
anatema, anatematfsmo, m. & f. excom- tirade.
munication ; malediction, imprecation. andaniflo, m. go-cart in which children learn
anatematizar, va. {pret. anatematic^: to walk. V. pollera.
»ubj. an'atkmatice) to anathematize, ex- andante (pa. of andar) m. walking; (mus.) ,

communicate ; to curse. andante.

anatista, rn.the half-year's annats.
officer for andantesco, ca, a. belonging to knight-er-
anatomia, /. anatomy; (med.) vivisection; rants.
(art) study of the structure of the human andantino, m. (mus.) andantino.
frame. andanza,/. (obs.) occurrence, event: bnena
anatdmicamente, adv. anatomically. or mala andanza, good or bad fortune.
anat6mico, ca, a. anatomical. andar, va. {pret. anduVe: mbj. imp. 2d and
anatomista, m. anatomist. 3d ANDUVIERA, ANDUVIESE /«<. ANDUVIE- :

anatomizar, va. {pret. anatomic^: subi. re) to walk, pace, go, come, move along;
ANATOMicE) to anatomize or dissect ;
(art) to act, behave; transact; to elapse, pass;

a M In far ; e in eh t ; 1 la police ; o in for ; n )a bnll : c (before e. i) and % as th in thick ; b and d, loft ;

to ivn (machines) ; to be; to get along; anestesla,/. anaesthesia.
andar en coche, to ride. anest^SiCO, ca, a. anaesthetic.
andar, m. V. andadura. aneurisma, m. &. f. (med. ) aneurism.
I andar ! interj. all right, go ahead. anexar [ah-uek-sar'], va. to annex, join, unite.
andaraje, m. the wheel of a well. aneXidadeS [ah-nek-Bee-dah'-<ieB], /. pi. annexes,
andariegO, ga, a. restless, roving ; fast belongings.
walker, runner. anexl6n [ah-nek-seon'],/. annexion, union ; an-
andarin, m. professional walker, runner. nexation.
andarivel, m. ferry-cable; safety-ropes on anexionista, m. annexationist.
board ships. aneXO, xa [ah-nek'-8<)\ a. V. AKEJO, JA.
andarriO, m. (om.) the white wagtail. anfibio, bia, a. amphibious.
'eindas, stretcher, litter, bier with shafts.
/. pi. anfibOlOgia,/. amphibology.
and^n, m. horse-path in a mill or canal ; side- anfibOl6gicamente, adv. amphibologically
walk by a road, wharf, or bridge ; platform anfibOl6giCO, ca, a. amphibological.
of a railway station. anfibraco, m. (poet.) amphibrach, --^ v_-. —
andero, m. litter-bearer, bier-bearer. anfimacro, m. (poet.) amphimacer, -_^ ^ — —
andilll, m. shoemaker's burnishing-stick. anfi6n, m. opium.
andino, na, «. of or belonging to the Andes. anfisbena, anfislbena,/. amphisbaena.
^nditO, m. gallery or path around a building. anflSCiOS, m. i^^ amphiscli.
andolina, andorina, andarina, /. v. go- anfiteatro, m. amphitheatre.
LONDRINA. anfitri6n, m. (met.) host.
andorga, /. (coll.) belly: llenar la andorga, anfitrite,./". amphitrite (poet, and zool.).
to gorge. knfora/. amphora. pi. cruets.
andorra, andorrera,/. street-walker. anfractUOSidad, /. crookedness.—/, (anat.)
andorrear, vn. to gad about. anfractuosity.
andorrero, m. gaddish, rover, tramp. anfractuOSO, sa, a, sinuous unequal. ;

andOSCO, ca, a. two years old (sheep). angaria, /. ancient servitude forced delay ;

andrajero, ra, m. &/. rag-picker. in the sailing of a ship.

audrajO, vi. rag, tatter; despicable person. angarillas, hand-barrow; panniers;
/. pi.
audrajosamente, adv. raggedly. cruet-stands. aguaderas. V.
andrajOSO, sa, a. ragged, in tatters. angarill6n, m. large wicker basket; large
andrlna,/. sloe. V. endrina. hand-barrow.
andrino, m. (hot.) sloe-tree, blackthorn. angaripola, /. calico : angarlpolas, gaudy or-
andr6ginO, m. hermaphrodite, androgyne. naments on clothes.
androide, m. automaton, shaped as a man. d.ngarO, m. beacon.
andr6mina,/. (coll.) trick, fraud, artifice. ^ngel, m. angel, spiritual being fish resem- ;

androsemo, m. (bot.) parkleaves. bling a ray &ngel custodio or de la guarda,


andularlOS, m. pi. (coll.) long wide gown. guardian angel good, kind, benevolent per-

andullO, m. (naut.) canvas shield on harp- son pretty girl.


ings and blocks; plug tobacco (Cuban). angelica, /. (bot. ) garden angelica angelica :

andnrriales, m. pi. by-roads, retired places. carlina, (bot.) carline thistles: angelica pa-
anduve, anduvlera, etc. (im from andar). wild angelica; (pharm.) purgative
anea,/. (hot.) cattail. V. ESPADANA. mixture.
aneaje, m. alnage, ell measure. angelical, ang61iC0, ca, a. angelical or an-
anear, va. to measure by ells. gelic heaven-born kind, benevolent.
; ;

aueblar, va. {ind. anieblo: subj. anieble) angelicalmente, adv. angelically.

to cloud, darken, obscure. anf elico, itO, m. dim. little angel.
an6cdota,/. anecdote. angel6n, angalonazo, angelote, m. aug.
anegacl6n,/. overflowing, inundation. large figure of an angel placed oa altars;
anegadizo, za, a. liable to be overflowed. fat child.
anegadO, da, a. overflowed : navio anegado, &ngelU8, m. the angelus.
(naut.) water-logged ship.—pp. of anegar. angina,/ pharyngitis,
anegamlento, m. v. anegacion. angla,/. cape (of land),
anegar, va. to inundate, flood ; to submerge ; anglicanismo, m. Anglicanism.
drown. vr. to be inundated ; to drown, sink. anglicanO( na, a. Anglican igleslaanglicana, :

anegoclado, da, a. full of business. the established church of England,

anejln or anejir, m. popular proverb which anglicismo, m. Anglicism.
may be sung. anglO, gla, a. Angle English. ;

anejo, m. church depending on another. a. angloamericano, na, a. Anglo-American.

annexed, joined. V. anexo, xa. anglomania,/. Anglomania.
anel6ctrlco, ca, a. non-electric angl6mano, m. Anglomaniac.
an^lido, m. (zool.) anelid. anglosajbc, na, a. &. n. Anglo-Saxon.
anemia,/, (med.) anxmia. angol&n, m. (hot.) alangium, East India tree
an^miCO, ca, a. anaemic. angOStamente, adv. narrowly.
anemografla,/. anemography. angostar, va. to narrow, to contract.
anemogriflco, ca, a. anemographic. angOStO, ta, a. narrow, close insufiicient. ;

anem6grafo, m. one who studies anemog- angostura,/ narrowness: strait; distress.

raphy ; anemoscope. angra,/. small bay, cove.
anemometria,/. anemometry. angrelado, o. (her.) ingrailed, serrated.
anem6metro, m. anemometer. anguarina./ loose coat with long sleeves.
an^mona or anemone, /. (bot) anemone anguila,/. (zool. ) eel anguila de cabo, (naut.)

or windflower. port-rope to flog sailors angnilas, launch- :

anemoscqpio, m. anemoscope. ing ways.

aneplgr&nco, ca, a. without title or inscrip- anguilazo, m. stroke with a port-rone.
tion. V. medalla. anguilero, ra, m. &f. basket for eels.
anequin (6,) or de anequin [«h-n«y-veen'], anguina,/ (vet.) the vein of the groins.
adv. so much a head (shearing of sheep). angula,/. the brood of eels.
aneroide, a. &m. aneroid ; barometer. angulado, da, a. having angles.
f (belbre e, i) and J at h In hot; b, ailect; U in brilliant; fl, ay in canyon; r (iultial) and rr Crtllea: B, l><*«t^
anjftQAT, a. angular : piedra angular, corner- anlfiado, da, childish. n.
stone. anlflarse, vr. to grow childish.
angularmente, adv. angularly. aniqullable LHi'-i'ee-kee-uii';, a. annihllable,
anfftilema, /• hemp stuff.—pi. (coll.) fulsome destructible.
flatteries. V. ZALAMERfAS. aniqullacidn [at.-me-kee-lah-the-on'],/. annlhUa*
^gulo, m. angle ;
corner, nook. tion, extinction.
angulOSO, sa, «. angular, cornered. aniquilador. ra, m. &f. destroyer,
angustia, / anguish, afliiction, pang. aniquilamiento, m. v. aniquilaci6n.
angustiadamente, adv. painfully. aniquilar lah-nee-kee-lnrr'], va. tO annihilate,
angustiado, da, «. painful, worried, sorrow- destroy, overthrow, crush, ruin. vr. to de*
ful narrow-minded, miserable.—p/>.
(iiK't. ) cline decay humble consume.
; ; ;

of AMGUSTIAR. anis, m. (bot.) anise, anise-seed; sugar-

angustiar, va. to cause anguish, afliict, wor- coated anise-seed.
ry, distress. anisadO, da, a. anise-seed spirit agiiardient« :

angUStiOSO, sa, a. full of anguish causing ; anisado, cordial. pp. of anisar.

anguish or worry. anlsar, va. to tincture with anise. m. patch
anhelacWn,/. panting; longing. sowed with anise-seed.
anhelar, vn. to breatne with difficulty ; to anisete, m. anisette.
desire anxiously, long, covet. aniversariO, ria, a. annual, yearly.—m. an-
anhelitO, m. difficult respiration. niversary holiday annual funeral service.
; ;

anhelo, m. vehement desire eagerness. ; anjeo, m. coarse linen.

anlielOSO, sa, «. anxiously desirous. ano, m. the anus.
anhidrico, ca, a. v. anhidro. anoche, adv. last night.
anhldrlta, /. anhydrite. anochecedor, ra, a. person who retires lat<.'
anMdro, dra, a. anhydrous. at night.
anhlnga,/. (orn.) aquatic bird, called darter. anocliecer, vn. {ind. anochezco : subj. ano
ani, m. (orn.) (S. A.) pretty creeping bird. chezca) to grow dark : al anochecer, at
anidar, vn. to nestle; (met.) to dwell, re- nightfall. vr. (poet. ) to grow dark.
side : to cherish shelter. ; aXLOCheclda, /. dusk, nightfall.
aniebiar, va. to darken, obscure ; mystify. anodinar, ?'a. to administer an anodyne.
anilina,/. (chem.) aniline. anodino, na, «. (med.) anodyne.
anilla,/. curtain ring- hoop. ^nodo, m. (electr.) positive pole of a bat-
anilladO, da, a. annulated.—p^. annelids. tery.
anillar, va. to form rings or hoops ; to fasten anomalia, /. anom'*ly; (ast.) distance of a
with rings. planet at its aphelion.
anillejo, anillete, m. dim. small ring. an6inalO, la, (gram. ) anomalous.
anillO, m. small hoop, finger ring circlet ; an6n, w. (bot.) custard apple-tree.
ring of a turbine; circular band; (naut.) anona, /. annona or custard-apple ; store of
hank or grommet venir como anillo al dedo, : provisions.
to come in the very nick of time; (arch.) anonadacl6n, /. anonadamiento, m. an-
astragal. nihilation ; self-contempt.
inima,/. soul. v. alma (mech.) bore of a ; anonadar, annihilate; (met.) to
va. to dU
gun anlmas, ringing of bells at sunset.
: minish. vr. to humble one's self.
anlmable, a. susceptible of animation. an6nimain.ente, adv. anonymously.
antxnacidn,/. animation bustle. ; andnimo, ma, a. anonymous nameless. ;

anlmado, da, a. lively, animated ; manful. anormal, a. aonormal.

—pp. of ANIMAR. anotaci6n,/. annotation, note.
animador, ra, m. &f. one who animates or anotador, ra, m. &f. commentator.
enlivens. anotar, va. to write notes to comment. ;

anlmadyersl6n, /. animadversion, remark. anquera [an-kay'-r«hi,/. (Mex.) round cover-

animal, m. animal, rational or beast ing for the hind quarter of a horse.
brute : (met.) dunce, blockhead. a. animal, anqueta [an-Uay'-taU] : estar de media anqneta^
anlmalizacion, /. animalization. to be incommodiously seated.
anlmalizar, va. to animalize. anqulalmeildradO,da,a. having an almond-
animalazo, anlmalote, m. aug. big animal. shaped croup.
anlmalejO, iCO, illO, m. dim. small animal, anquiboynno, na [an-ke-bo-yoo-no], a. having
animalcule. a croup like an ox.
animalucllO, m. nglj, hideous animal, anquilosis [an-ke-io'-eis],/. fanat.) stiff joint.
anlmar, va. to animate, enliven, comfort, anqulrredondo, da, a. navlng a rounded
to incite, excite to give power or
revive ;
vigour to Inanimate things. vr. to grow anqniseco, ca [an-ke-8*y'-coi, a. lean crouped.
lively to feel encouraged, energetic.
; ansa, /. commercial bond among the free
anime or goma anime,/. resin resembling cities of Germany.
myrrh. ^nsar, m. goose iniar macbo, gander. :

aniinero, m. one who asks charity for the ansareria,/. place where geese are reared.
souls in purgatory. ansarero, m. goose-herd.
animismo, m. animism, Stahl's doctrine, ansarino, na, a. (poet.) belonging to geese.
^mimo, m. spirit courage, valour, fortitude, ; —m. gosling.
manfulness hardiness mind, intention,
: ; ansaron, m. v. Insar.
meaning, will thought, attention 4iiimo! anse^tlco. ca, a. Hanseatlc.
— inter), cheer up
; : \

ansi, (obs.) V. Asf.

animosamente, adv. courageously, ansia, /• anxiety, anguish, eagerness, ardent
animosldad, /. animosity, valour, courage; desire longing, hankering greediness.
; ;

active enmity. ansladamente, adv. anxiously, earnestly.

anlmoso, sa, a. brave, spirited, courageous, ansiar, va. to desire anxiously ; to long ; to
gallant. hanker.
amfladamente, adv. in a childish, puerile ansledad, f. state of anxiety. V. ansia.
manner. ansiosamente, adv. anxiously, eagerly.
a aa m far ; e in eh I ; 1 In police ; o in for : n in ball : c (before e, i) and z as th in thick : b and d, soft |
AnsiOSO, sa, a. anxious, eager, greedy hot. ; antepentiltimo, ma, a. antepenultimate,
anta, /• elk; obelisk; needle.—pi. (arch.) anteponer, va. {for irr. v. poner) to prefer j
antes, pillars of a building. to place before.
a,ntaceo, m. (icht.) large sturgeon. anteportada, /. fly-leaf bearing the title
antagallas,/./>/. (naut. ) sprit-sail reef-bands. only of a book.
antagoniCO, ca, a. antagonistic. anteportal or antep6rtico,?rt. vestibule or
antagonismo, w. antagonism, antipathy. porch.
jMltagOnista, m. antagonist, opponent ; com- anteproyectO, m. preliminary plans for aa
petitor opposer, foeman.
architectural or engineering work,
B-ntana, llamarse antana, V. ANDANA. antepuerta, /. portiere; (fort.) anteport.
antaflazo, adv. (coll.) a long time since. antepuertO, in. (naut.) anteport.
antaflO, adv. last year long ago. ; antera,/. (bot.) anther.
antartico, ca, a. antarctic. anterior, «. anterior, former.
ante, m. elk. V. ANTA dressed buck or buf- ; anterioridad, /. priority preference,;

falo skin, buckskin, chamois spicy bev- ; anterlormente, adv. previously.

erage in Peru first dinner course.
; antero, m. worker in buckskin.
ante, prep, before ante mi, before me, in my
: antes, prep, before, ahead of: antes de or antes'
presence ante todo, above all.
: que, before, prior to.
anteado, da, a. buff-coloured, antes, a*>. first, before, beforehand ; hereto-
antealtar, m. chancel, fore : antes que, sooner than, rather than,
anteanoche, adv. night before last. antesacristia, /. room before the sacristy,
anteanteanoclie, adv. three nights ago. K antesala, /. antechamber: hacer antesala, to
TRASANTEAKOCHE. dance attendance in an antechamber,
anteanteayer or anteantier, adv. three antestatura, /. (mil.) small intrenchment
days ago. V. teasanteayEr. of palisadoes and sandbags.
anteayer, adv. day before yesterday. antetemplO, m. portico of a church,
antebrazo, m. fore-arm. antever, va. (for irr. V. ver) to foresee,
antecama, /. carpet laid in front of a bed. antevispera,/. two days before.
antecamara, /. antechamber lobby ; ; hall. a:itia,./'. mutton-fish. V. LAMPUGA.
antecapilla, /. room before a chapel. antiafrodisiaco, ca, a. anaphrodisiac.
antecedente, m. antecedent. antiapoplectico, ca, a. antapoplectlc.
antecedentemente, adv. previously, before- antiapbstol, m. &f. antiapostle.
hand. antiaro, m. the upas-tree.
anteceder, va. to precede, go before. antiartritiCO, ca, a. (med.) antiarthritic.
antecesor. ra, m. & f. predecessor, forefa- antiasmiitlCO, ca, «. (med. ) antasthmatlc.
ther : antecesores, ancestors. antlbaquiO, m. antibacchic, poetic foot.
anteco, ca, a. antlscii. antlbillOSO, sa, a.antibillous.
antecoger, ta. (ind. anteco jo: subj. ante- anticardenal, m. schismatic cardinal,
coja) to forereach to gather in too soon.
; anticimico, ca, a. antizymotic.
antecolumna, /. (arch.) column of a porch. anticipaci<in,/. anticipation, foretaste,
antecoro, m. entrance leading to the choir. anticipada, /. (fenc.) unexpected thrust,
AntecristO, m. Antichrist. anticipadamente, adv. prematurely,
antedata, /. antedate. anticipador, ra, m. &f. anticipator,
antedatar, va. to antedate. anticipamiento, w. V. anticipaci6n.
antedecir, va. (for in: v. decir) to predict, anticipante, pa. (med.) anticipant. m.
foretell. forestalled
antedicho, cha, a. foresaid. anticipar, va. to anticipate, forestall, take
ante diem, (Lat.) the preceding day. up beforehand, advance.
antediluviano, na, a. antediluvian. anticipo, m. advance money lent ; advance

anteflrma, /. address before the signature. payment.

anteiglesia, /. porch of a church ; parochial anticlimax, TO. &/. (rhet.) anticlimax,
church and district in Biscay. anticonstitucional, a. unconstitutional.
antelaci6n, /. precedence in order of time. anticosm6tico, ca, a. anticosmetic.
antemano, adv. de antemano, beforehand. anticresis, /. agreement to yield the fruit*
antemeridiano, na, a. in the forenoon. of a farm until a debt is paid,
antemural, m. antemuralla, /. or ante- anticresista, m. the creditor in anticresis.
muro, m. fort, rock or mountain, which anticristiano, na, a. antichristian.
serves for the defence of a fortress ; (met. anticritiCO, m. an opponent to a critic,
a safeguard. anticuado, da, a. antiquated, out of use.—
antena,/. (naut.) lateen yard (ent.) antenna ; pp. of ANTICUAR.
or feeler of insects.—;?/, antennae. aniicuar, va. to antlquate, outdate.
antenallas, /. pi. pincers. anticuario, to. antiquarian.
antenoche, adv. night before last. antldisent6rico, ca, a. antldysenteric.
antenombre, m. title before a proper name. antidoral, a. (law) v. remuneratorio.
antenula,/. antennule. antidotario, to. pharmacology; place in a
antenupcial, a. before marriage, pharmacy for antidotes,
anteojera,/. spectacle-case; eye-flap. antidote, m antidote, counterpolson ; (met.)
anteojero, m. spectacle-maker. preventive against vice or error.
anteojo, m. spy-glass eye-glass telescope ; ; ; antiem6tiC0, ca, a. (med.) antemetic.
opera-glass.—^/, spectacles goggles ; ,wink- ; antiepileptico, ca, a. (med.) antepileptic.
ers. antier, adv. (coll.) day before yesterday; a
antepagar, va. to pay beforehand. contraction of anteayer.
antepasado, da, a. passed, elapsed. antiescorbutico, ca, a. antiscorbutic,
antepasadOS, m. pi. ancestors, predecessors. antiescrofuloso, sa, a. antiscrofulous.
antepecho, m. balcony, bridge-rail, sill, rail- antiespasmbdico. ca, a. antispasmodic,
ing ; breastwork, parapet, battlement : foot- antifaz, m. veil which covers the face ; mask,
step of a coach poitrel (harness) ; breast
; antifebril, a. (med.) antifebrile,
roller of a loom. antifebrlna, /. antifebrine.
% (belore e, i) and J m h in hot; h, silent; 11 In brilliant: ft, oy In canyon; r (inltUl) and rr trlUed; , hisawl
antiflOgistlCO, ca, a. (med.) antfphlogistic. antOJO, m. whim, caprice, fancy, vehement
antifona,/. antiphony, authem. desire, longing, hankering surmise, ;

antifonal, antifonarlo, m. antiphonai, antojuelo, m. dim. slight desire,

book of anthems. antologia, /. anthology.
antlfoiiero, m. precentor. antonomasia, /. (rhet.) antonomasia.
antifrasis,/. antiphrasis. ailtOnoiS^StiCO, ca, a. antonomastic.
antigualla, /. monument of antiquity an- ; antor, m. (law) vender of stolen goods.
tique antiquity; ancient custom or object.
; antorclia, /. torch, flambeau, taper; cresset
antiguamente, adv. anciently, formerly, antor chero, m. cresset.
heretofore. antoria, /. (law, prov.) right against th«
antiguar, vn. to obtain seniority. seller of stolen goods.
antigiiedad, /. antiquity, oldness ; ancient antracita,/. anthracite coal.
times ;
the ancients j
antique. ^ntrax, m. (med.) anthrax,
antigUO, glia, «. antique, ancient, old. antro, m. (poet.) cavern, den, grotto; (med.)
antlgUO, m. aged member of a commun- autruni.
ity senior of a college antiguos, the an-
; : antropofagia, /. anthropophagy.
cients. antrop6fagO, m. a cannibal.
antilielinintico, ca, a. anthelminthic. antropografia, /. anthropography.
antilierpetico, ca, a. (med.) antiherpetic. antropologia, /. anthropology.
antillisteriCO, ca, a. (med.) antihysteric. antropolbgico, ca, a. anthropological,
antilogia, /. apparent contradiction. antropologo, m. anthropologist,
antildgiCO, ca, a. illogical. antropomorflsmo, m. anthropomorphism,
antilope, m. antelope. antropomorfita, «t. &/. authropomorphite.
antlllano, na, a. native of or relating to the antropomorfo, la, a. anthropomorphous,
Antilles. antroposofia, /. anthroposopny.
Antillas,/. pf. West
Indies, Antilles. aiLtruejar, va. (prov. ) to play carnival tricks,
antiministerial, antiministerial. a. antruejo, m. the three days of carnival,
antimon^rquiCO, ca, «. antimonarchical. antuerpiense, m. &/. from Antwerp,
antimonial, a. antimonial. antuviada,/. (coll.) blow or stroke,
antimoniO, m. antimony. antuvlar, t'a. to forestall, anticipate; to oe
antinacional, «. antinational. first in striking or attacking.
antinefritico, ca, a. (med.) antinephritic. antuvidn, m. (coll.) sudden, unexpected
antinomia, (law) conflicts between laws or
./". stroke or attack : d^ antuyi6n, unexpectedly.
parts of a law. anual, a. annual, yearly.
antipapa, m. antipope. anualldad, /. annual recurrence annuity, ;

antlpapado, m. unlawful dignity of anti- yearly pension or rent.

pope. anualmente, adv. annually, yearly.
antipapal, a- antipapal. anuario, m. year-book trade directory, ;

antipara, /. screen; legging covering the anubada, /. v. anOteba.

front part of leg and foot. anubarrado, da, a. clouded.
antiparras, /. p^. (coll.) spectacles. anublado, da, a. overcast, clouded, dim,
antipatia,/. antipathy. mistful.—jap. of anublar.
antlp^tiCO. ca, a. repugnant, displeasing. anublar, va. to cloud, darken, overcast; to
antiperistaltiCO. cd, a. antiperistaltic. obscure. v?'. to be blasted, withered, mil-
antiperistasis, / antiperistasis. dewed to fall through, fall off.

antiperist6,tiC0, ca, a. belonging to anti- anublo, m. V. aSublo.

peristasis. anudar, va. to knot; to join, unite. vn. t«
antipestilenclal, a. (med.) antipestilential. wither, fade, pine away anudarse la t«z, :

antlpirina, /. antipyrine. (met. ) to be speechless.

antipoca, /. (law, prov. ) agreement to lease. anuencia,/. compliance, consent.
antlpocar, va, (law) to execute a lease. anuente, a. condescending.
antipodas, m. pi. antipodes; (met.) persons anulable, a. that can be annulled.
of contrary dispositions. anulaci6n,/. cessation, abrogation.
antiputrido, da, a. antiseptic. anulador, ra, m. &/. repealer.
antiquislino, ma
[an-te-kee'-se-mo], a. sup. very aniQar, va. to annul, make void, frustrate
ancient. to cancel ; rescind.
antlrrevolucionarlo, ria, a. antirevolu- anular, a. ring-shaped : dedo anular, the ring
tionary. or fourth finger.
antlrrlno, m. (bot.) snap-dragon. aniQatiVO, va, a. having the power of mak-
antisepsia, /. (med. ) antisepy. ing void.
antis6ptlco, ca, a. antiseptic. anmoso, sa, a. annular.
antlsinlitiCO, ca, a. antisyphilitic. anunciacibn, /. announcement; annuncia-
antisocial, a. opposed to society and order. tion. Catholic festivity.
antisocialista, m. an anarchist. anunciador, ra, m. &/. announcer.
antistrofa, /. antistrophe. anunciar, va. to announce, proclaim ; to
antitesis, /. (rhet.) antithesis; (phil.) oppo- forebode ; to advertise.
sition in assertions.two aniincio, m. announcement, notice omen, ;

antit^tico, ca, a. antithetical. forerunner; advertisement; (com.) advice.

antit6xico, caL, a. (med.) preventing poison. anuo, ua, a. V. anual.
antitrinitario, m. antitrinitarian. anuteba, /. V. anCbada, call to war.
antdfaffO, ga, a. anthophagous. anverso, m. obverse.
antojadizo, za, a. capricious, whimsical, anvlr, m. (South Amer.) liquor from fer-
fickle. mented leaves of tobacco.
antojado, da, a. anxious, longing.—^, of anzolero, m. fish-hook maker or dealer.
AirtOJARSE. anzuelo, m. fish-hook; (met.) allurement,
antojarse, vr. to long, fancy, desire ear- incitement; fritters: caer en el anzuelo, to
nestly ;
(met.) to imagine, l)e tricked or defrauded tragar el anzuelo, :

antojera,/. V. anteojera. to swallow the bait.

a M In far ; e in ell I ; i in police ; O in for ; U in bull ; C (before e, i) and E as th in thick ; b and d.

afi.a,/> hyena. apacible, «. affable, meek, gentle, inoffen-
afl.acal, «*. wheat-carrier t« mills; baker's sive ;
placid, still, quiet ;
pleasant, calm.
board to carry bread. apaciblemente, adv. mildly, gently.
afi.ada, /. good or bad season in a year; apaciento, apaciente (from apacentar).
moiety of arable laud. apaciguador, ra, m. &f. pacifier.
afLadidO, m. hair-switch. apaciguamiento, m. pacification.
aaadidura, /. afladimiento, m. addition. apaciguar, va. to appease, pacify, calm,
afiadir, va. to add, join to exaggerate, ;
compose. vn. (naut.) to abate.
afl.afea,/. papel de anafea, brown paper. apacbeta, /. (Amer.) devotional heap of
m. Moorish musical pipe.
afl.afi.1, stones on hills hacer an apacheta, to have

afLafilerO, m. player on the anafil. made a fortune to make one's " pile."

aflagaza [aii-nyah-gah'-tiiaii], /. call, hire, or de- apacburrar, va. (Amer.) to crush, squeeze,
coy (met. ) allurement, enticement.
flatten. V.
a&al, «. annual cordero anal, yearling lamb.
: apadrinador, ra, m. & /. patron, defender,
aflal, m. anniversary funeral. protector second, in a' duel.

a&alejO, m. ecclesiastical almanac. apadrinar, va. to act as second in a duel to ;

a&ascar, va. (
pret. anasquk : subj. anasque) act as godfather (met.) to support, favour ;

(coll.) to collect by degrees small trinkets. patronize, protect.

a&ejax, va. to make old. vr. to grow old to ; apagable, a. extinguishable, quenchable.
become stale. apagado, da, a. humble-minded, submis-
a&ejo, ja [ah-nyay'-ho], a. old. Stale, musty. sive, pusillanimous; dull, faded (colours)
aMcos, m. pi. bits or small pieces of any- —pp. of apagar.
thing: haccrse anlcos, to take too much apagador, m. one who extinguishes dampei ;

painR. extingui.sher damper (in pianos). :

afi.ll, (hot.) indigo plant; indigo dyestuflf;

ra.. apa^aiUCendlOS, m. fire-engine, fire-extin-
ina?50 blue ball-blue. ; guisher.
afiilar, va. to blue laundry clothes. apagamientO, m. extinguishment.
afiilena, /. indigo plantation. apagapenoles, m. pi. (naut.) leech-ropes,
afilnero, m. dealer in lambskins. leech-lines.
SLfiinos, m. pi. the fleecy skins of yearling apagar, va. {pret, apague: subj. apague)
lambs lamb's wool.
; to quench, put out, extinguish (met. ) to ;

afiO, m. yean- cavalier valentine drawn by

; ; efface, destroy ; (art) to soften coL^urs
lot on New-year's day crop.—p/. birthday ; ; (mech.) to deaden: apagar la cal, to*slake
long ago old age ano bisiesto, leap-year
; : lime : apagar la voz, to put a mute on musi-
ano economico, fiscal year : estar de buen ano, cal instruments apagarse la lumbre, la luz, :

to be healthy and fleshy. to go out.

afiojal, m. fallow land. apag6giC0, ca, a. apa^ogical.
afiOJO, ja, m. &f. yearling calf. apainelado, da, a. elliptical arch.
afioranza, /. homesickness. apaisado, da, a. painting or frame broader
afiOSO, sa <^- old, stricken in years. than it is high.
afiubladO, da, a. blindfolded.—/>p. of aSu- apalabrar, ra. to agree by word of mouth ;

BLAR. to bespeak, to engage beforehand.

afiublar, afiublarse, v. anublar. apalancar, va. {pret. apalanqu^: subj.
afiublo, m. mildew. V. tizon. apalanque) to move with a lever.
afiudador, ra, m. &/. one who knots or ties. apaleador, ra, m. &/. cudgeller.
afi.Udar, va. v. anudar, to make fast, knot, apaleamiento, m. drubbing, beating.
unite, tie close. apalear, va. to cane, drub, cudgel, maul,
afiUSgar, vn. to choke; (met.)' to be dis- Deat ; to horsewhip.
pleased, vexed. apaleo, m. moving or shovelling grain.
aojado, da, a. bewitched, hoodooed.—pp. of apalmada, a. (her.) mano apalmada,
AOJAR. stretched palm of the hand.
aojador, ra, m. &f. hoodoo, evil-eyed. apanalado, da, a. honeycombed.
aojadura, /. aojamiento, vi. witchcraft, apancora, /. the sea-hedgehog.
lascination, evil-eye. apandar, ra. (coll.) to pilfer, to steal, rob.
aojar, va. to charm, bewitch, hoodoo. apandlllar, va. & vr. to form a league, a
aojO, m. bewitching, fascination, evil-eye. party, or a faction.
aoniO, nla, a. relating to the Muses. apanojado, da, a. (hot.) paniculate.
aoristO, m. (gram.) aorist, past tense. apantanar, va. to flood to inundate. ;

aorta,/, (anat.) aorta, apantuflado, da, a. shaped like a slip-

aorteurlsmo, m. aneurism of the aorta. per.
a6rtico, ca, a. aortic. apafiado, da, «. resembling woollen cloth In
aovado, da, a. oviform, in the shape of an Dody dexterous, skilful; (coll.) suitable.

egg.—pp. of AOVAR. —pp. of apaSar.

aovar, va. to lay eggs. apafiador, ra, m. & f. one who grasps or
aovillarse, vr. to crumple one's self up into seizes ;
a knot or like a clew. apafiadura,/. the act of seizing, snatching;
apabllar, va. to trim the wick of a candle. trimming on counterpanes.
apabullar, va. (coll.) to flatten, crush. apaflamlento, m. v. apano.
apacentadero, m. pasture,, va. to grasp or seize;
(met.) to carry
apacentador, m. herdsman. away
to pilfer ; to dress, clothe ; to fit

apacentamlento, m. the act of tending graz- close, wrap;

to patch, mend. vr. (coll.) to
ing cattle ;
pasturage. be handy at something.
apacentar, va. (ind. apaciento: stibj. APA- apafi.0; m. act of seizing or grasping ; knack
ciente) to tend grazing cattle; to graze; of doing a thing ; patch, mending, repair.
(met.) to t«ach, instruct spiritually ; to in- apafiuscador, ra, m. & /. (coll.) one who
flame the passions. crumples a thing.
apacibllidad, /. affability, mildness, meek- apafl.U8Car, va. {pret. APASusQtrfi svij. apa- :

ness. nusque) to rumple, crush, crumple.

g (before e, 1) and J as b In hot : h. silent : 11 lu brilllaat ; fi, ny in canyon : r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hissed
apapagayado, da, a. parrot-like ; aquiline distant, retired place or room apartment, ;

nose. flat, habitation ; formal renunciation of a

aparador, m. side-board, cupboard, dress- claim, right, or action.
er workshop of an artisan show-window.
; ; apartar, va. to part, separate, divide ; to dis-
aparadura, /• (naut.) garbel, garboard- suade to remove, to dislodge to sort let-
; ;

plank. ters. vr. to withdraw, hold off; to divorce;

aparar, va. to stretch out the hands or skirts to desist from a claim, action, or plea.
for catching anything (agr. ) to dress ;
aparte, m. break in a line, paragraph;
plants (shoe) to close the uppers to pre-
; (theat.) an aside.
pare, arrange to dress with an adze, dub ; aparte, adv. separately ; aside (on the stage).
aparar un navio, (naut.) to dub a ship. aparvar, va. to heap grain for thrashing.
aparasolado, da, a. (hot.) umbelliferous. apasionadamente, adv. passionately.
aparatado, da, a. prepared, disposed. apasionado, da, a. passionate affected with ;

aparatO, m. apparatus preparation ; pomp, pain devoted, passionately fond. pp. of

ostentation, show circumstance signs, •


admirer. — m.
symptoms elaborate scenic display ; appli-
; apaslonamiento, m. inspiring or suffering a.
ance, engine, machine collection of surgical ;
instruments number of associated organs. ; apasionar, va. to inspire a passion.— rr. to
aparatOSO, sa, a. pompous, showy. Decome passionately fond apasioaarse de, :

aparceria,/. partnership. to dote upon.

aparcero, m. partner, associate. apasturar, va. to pasture, forage.
apareamiento, m. matching, mating. apatan, m. (Philip.) dry measure, .094 litre.
aparear, va. to match, mate, form couples.— apatia,/. apathy.
be paired, matched, mated,
vr. to apatiCO, ca, a. apathetic, indifferent.
aparecer, vn. & vr. {md. aparezco: subj. apatUSCO, m. (coll.) ornament, dress.
aparezca) to appear, show up, turn up. apea, f. rope fetter for horses.
aparecidO, m. ghost. aparecldo, da, pp. of apeadero, m. landing, alighting-place, horse-
small railway station.

apareclmientO, m. apparition, appearing. apeador, m. land surveyor.

aparejado, da, a. apt, fit, ready.—^ja. of apa- apeamiento, m. V. apeo.
REJAR. apear, va. to alight, step down, dismount to ;

aparejador, ra, m. &/. one who prepares or measure lands, tenements, buildings to set ;

gets ready ; overseer of a building ; (naut. landmarks to fell a tree to block or scotch
; ;

rigger. a wheel ;
(arch.) to prop a building to take- ;

aparelar, va. to get ready to saddle or har- ; a thing down from its place to dissuade ;

ness norses; (naut.) to rig a ship; to fur- (met.) to remove difficulties; to shackle a
nish to size ; work before painting or gild- horse. vr. to alight.
.ing to prepare the timber and stones for a
; apechugar, va. {pret. apechuguS: subj. ape-
building. vr. to get ready, to equip. chugue) to pusn with the breast ;
(met.) to
aparejO, m. preparation, disposition ; har- undertake with spirit.
ness, gear; (pict.) sizing canvas or board ; apedazar, va. {pret. apedac^ : subj. apeda-
(naut.) tackle and rigging on a ship ; furni- ck) to patch, mend, repair.
ture apareJo real, main-tackle pack sad-
; apedemalado, da, a. flinty.
dle.—p^. apparatus, tools, instruments or apedreadero, m. place where boys stone each
materials necessary for a trade. other.
aparejiielo, m. dim. small apparatus. apedreado, da, «. stoned, pelted; variegated;
aparentar, va. to make a false show. pitted with the small-pox.—/>p. of ape-
aparente, a. apparent, not real convenient, ; drear.
fit, suited conspicuous, evident.
; apedreador, m. thrower of stones.
aparentemente, adv. apparently, outwardly. apedreamiento, m. lapidation.
aparlcl6n, /. apparition. apedrear, va. to stone to kill with stones. ;

aparlencla, /. appearance, outside; face, ^—vn. to hail. vr. to be injured by hail.

looks, likeness, resemblance vestige ; out- ; apedreo, rn. stoning.
ward show pageant ; probability, Conjec- ; apegadamente, adv. devotedly,
ture'.— o/. scenic effects. apegarse, vr. to attach one's self to.
aparrado, da, shrubby, vine-like. a. apegO, m. attachment, fondness,
aparroq,UladO, da, a. parishioner.—;)p. of apelable, a. appealable,
APARROQUIAR. apelacion,/. appeal.
aparroquiar, va. to bring customers. apelado,da, a. (law) successful in an appeal :
aparta^6n,/. (chem.) separation of compo- of the same coat or colour (horses).—^, of
nent parts. APELAR.
apartadamente, adv. privately, apart. apelambrar, va. to steep hides in lime-water.-
apartadero, m. parting-place, cross-roads, apelailte,pa. appellant.
crossway, side-track, siding, railroadswitch apelar, m. to appeal, have recourse to to be ;

shunting sorting-room. ; of the same colour to match a pair of horses.


apartadljo, m. small part, share, or portion. apelativo, a. (gram.) nombre apelativo, ap-
apartadlZO, m. recluse small room parti- ; ;
pellative name.
tion. apeldar, vn. (coll.) to flee, run away.
apartado, da, separated distant, retired a. ; ; apelde, m. (coll.) flight, escape.
distinct, different.—/)p. of apartar. apelmazado, da, a. compressed, compact.—
apartado, m. retired room smelting-house ; ;
jrj). of APELM.\ZAR.

mail separated for early or special delivery : apelmazamiento, m. compactness.

P. O. letter-box separation of cattle board ; ; apelmazar, va. {pret. apelmac6 :*?(&/. apel-
of cattle ranchers. MACE) to compress to render less spongy, ;

apartador, ra, m. &f. one who divides or apelotonar, va. & vr. to form ballb.
separates sorter in paper-mills separator
; ; apellar, ra. to dress leather,
of cattle apartador de metales, smelter.
: apellidado, da, a. named.—^p. of apelli-
apartaxnientO, m. separation retirement ; ;
a as in far ; e In eh t ; i in police ; o In for ; v in ball ; e (before e, i) and z aa til in tUck ; » and d, toft;
APE 41 lPL

apeUidamieiltO, m. giving a name. "- -tit

JtOSO, sa, a. savoury, palatable.
apoUidar, va. to call one by his name ; to .^. h}
.Ox. tnado, da, a. nipple-shaped.
proclaim to call to arms.
oe (iflar, vn. to tread firm on the hoof.
apellidO, m. surname peculiar ;
name given a,^.'.;:dador, ra, m. &f. one who pities.
to things nickname, epithet.
; apiadarse, vr. to pity, have mercy.
apenar, va. to cause pain, grief, sorrow. vr. apiaradero, m. shepherd's account of the
to grieve. sheep.
apenas, adv. scarcely, hardly ; with trouble apiario, a, a. bee-like.
no sooner than, as soon as. apicarado, da, a. roguish, knavish, impu-
a.peiicar, vn. {pret. apexque : subj. apenque) dent.
to accept with repugnance. apicararse, roguish.
vr. to become
ap6ndlce, m. appendix^ supplement. ^pice, in. apex, summit, utmost height, top,
apenino, na, a. Apennme. pinnacle, ascent; (met.) small thing, insig-
apeo, m. survey, mensuration of lands or nificant point most intricate and pointed

buildings; props, stays, etc., put under a part of a question.

building during repairs. apiculO, m. small, keen point.
apeonar, va. to walk or run swiftly (birds). apilador, m. piler of the wool at shearing.
apepsia,/. (med.) apepsy, indigestion. apilar, va. to heap up, pile up.
aperadof, m. farmer; wheelwright; foreman apimpollarse, germinate.
vr. to
in a mine. t«,pinadO, da, a. pyramidal, pine-shaped.
aperar, va. to carry on the trade of a wheel- ]jp. of apinar.
wright. apifladura, /. apiflamiento, m. pressing
apercibimiento, m. the act of providing or together, crowd, jam.
getting ready ; arrangement; order, advice, api&ar, va. to press together, join, unite. vr.
warning; summons. to clog to crowd. ;

apercibir, va. to provide get ready to ; ; apiO, m. (bot.) celery.

warn; advise; (law) to summon. aplolar, va. to gyve a hawk to tie beasts by ;

aperci6n,/. opening. V. abertura. the legs (met. coll. ) to seize, apprehend

; ;

apercollar, va. (coll.) to collar to snatch. ; to kill, murder.

aperdigar, va. V. perdigar. apiparse, vr. (coll.) to gorge.
apergaminado, da, a. dry and yellow like apiretiCO, ca, a. apyretic.
parchment. apirexia,/. apyrexia.
aperitive, va, a. aperitive. apisonar, va. to ram with a rammer,
apernador, m. dog which seizes the game by apitonamiento, m. putting forth the tender-
the legs. lings passion, anger.

apernar, va. {ind. apierno subj. apierne) : apitonar, vn. to put forth the tenderlings
by the ham.
to seize to bud, germ. va. to break with bill or
apero, m. implements used on a farm ; tools horn shell. vr. to abuse each other.

necessary for a trade ; sheep-fold. apizarrado, da, a. slate-coloured,

aperreadO, da, a. harassed.-^, of ape- aplacable, a. placable.
rrear. aplacacion, /. aplacamiento, m. appeas-
aperreador, ra, m. &f. (coll.) importunate ableness. m. stay of execution.
intruder. aplacador, ra, m. &/. one who appeases.
aperrear, va. to throw to the dogs. vr. to aplacar, va. {pret. aplaque subj. api^aque) :

toil, overwork. to appease, pacify, mitigate, calm down,

apersogar, va. (Mex. ) to tether. aplacer, va. {for irr. V. placer) to please.
apersonarse, vr. (law) V. comparecer. aplacerado, da, a. (naut.) level and not
apertura, /. calling to order of assemblies, very deep (Amer.) open, cleared of trees,

corporations, etc. ; reading of a will. aplacible, a. pleasant,

apesadumbrado, da, a. anxious, vexed, aplaciente, pa. appeasive.
mourn (ul.^pp. of apesadumbrar. aplacimiento, m. pleasure,
apesadiunbrar, va. to vex to cause ; afflic- aplanadera, /. roller for levelling ; beetle,
tion. vr. to grieve. rammer.
apesaradamente, adv. mournfully, griev- aplanador, m. leveller; (mech.) battledoor, ,

ously. orusher, riveter ingot hammer ; cylinder ;

apesarar^ va. V. apesadumbrar. roller ; (typ. ) planer, planishing mallet,

apesgamiento, m. sinking under a burden. aplanamiento, m. levelling.
apes|;ar, va. {pret. apesgu6: subj. apesgue) aplanar, va. to level, make even, flatten ; to
to sink under a load. vr. to be aggrieved. terrify or astonish. vr. to tumble down ; to
apestado, da, a. pestered, annoyed sati- ; weaken dismay, ;

ated, full, overstocked.—^, of apestar. aplan^tico, ca, a. aplanatic.

apestar, va. to infect with the plague. vn. aplancbado, m. V. planchado.
emit an offensive smell; (met.) to cor-
to aplanchadora, /• v. planchadora.
rupt, turn putrid ; to pester, cause displeas- aplancbar, va. to iron linen,
ure, sicken, nauseate. aplantillar, va. to adjust or fit stones,
apestOSO, sa, a. foul-smelling, sickening, aplastado, da, a. caked dispirited.—f»p. of ;

nauseating. aplastar.
apetalo, la, a. (bot.) apetalous. aplastar, va. to cake, flatten, crush, smash j
apetecedor, ra, m. &/. one who longs for a to floor an opponent. vr. to become flat,
thing. aplaudidor, ra, a. one who applauds,
apetecer, va. {ind. apetezco : subj. apetez- aplaudir, va. to applaud, extol.
ca) to long for crave, hanker. ; aplauso, m. applause, approbation, praise,
apetecible, a. desirable, aplayar, vr. to overflow the banks.
apetencia, /. appetite, hunger desire, ; aplazamientO, m. convocation, citation de- ;

apetezco, ca {irr. from apetecer). ferring, postponement.

apetite, m. sauce, appetizer, inducement. aplazar, va. (pret. aplac6 : subj. aplace) to
apetitivo, va, a. appetitive. convene, invest, concert, summon ; to dfv-
apetito, m. appetite, hunger desire. ; fer, adjourn, postpone.

t^ (before e, i) and J as h in hot; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; n, ny in canyon r ; (initial) and rr trilled; ,

aplegar, va. {pret. apleguk : subj. aplegue) aporracear, va. (prov.) to pommei.
(prov.) to join, unite, aporrar, vn. (coll.) to stand mute.—;/-. (coll.|
aplicable, a. applicable. to become importunate.
aplicaci6ll, /. application, assiduity, labori- aporreado, da, a. cudgelled dragged along ;

ousuess, close study. —in. Cuban dish.—yyv. of aporrk.\r.

aplicado, da, «• studious, industrious, labo- aporreamientO, m. beating or pommelling.
rioUS.^pp. of APLICAR. aporreante, ;v'/. (coll.) cudgeller.
aplicar, va. (pret. APLiQui subj. aplique) : aporrear, v<i. to beat, cudgel, knock, mauL
to apply to clap (met. ) to attribute or im-
; ;
—(•/•. to study with intense application.
pute (law) to adjudge. vr. to study assid-
: aporreo, m. the act of beating, pommelling,
uously. or cudgelling.
aplomado, da, a. of the colour of lead, lead- aporillarse, vr. to swell in the joints.
enheavy, dull, lazy.^pp. of aplomar.
; aportadera, /. chest for stores on a horse.
aplomar, va. to overload, crush. vn. to aportadero, m. place where a ship or person
plumb. vr. to tumble, fall to the ground. may stop.
aplomo, >n. tact, prudence, self-possession ; aportar, vn. to make a port, to arrive to ;

(mus.) exactness in time; (pict.) due pro- reach an unexpected place; (law) to con-
portion.— a. plumb, perpendicular. tribute as a share to a sooial capital.
apnea, /. want of respiration. aportillar, va. to breach a rampart to break ;

apocado, da, a. pusillanimous, mean-spirit- down, break open. vr. to tumble aown.
ed, cowardly of ; mean, low extraction. aposentador, ra, m. &f. one who lets lodg-
pp. of APOCAR. ings usher in a theatre.

apocador, ra, m. &f. lessener, dirainisher. aposentamiento, m. the act of lodging.

apocalipsl, apocalipsis, m. Apocalypse, aposentar, va. to lodge. vr. to take lodg-
apocaliptico, ca, «. apocalyptical, ing.
apocamiento, >». bashfulness, diffidence. aposentO, m. room or apartment; temporary
apOCar, va. {pret. APOQUK : subj. apoque) to habitation inn box in the play-house.
; ;

lessen to cramp, contract. vr. to humble,

; aposesionar, va. to give possession. vr. to
undervalue one's self. take possession.
apbcema, apdclma, /. (med. ) apozem. apOSici6n,/. (gram.) apposition.
apOCOpar, va. to employ apocope. apdsito, m. external medicinal application.
apocope,/, (gram.) apocope. aposta, apostadamente, adv. designedly,
apdcruamente, adv. apocryphally. on purpose. V. adrede.
ap6crifO, fa, a. apocryphal. aposiadero, m. station for soldiers; (naut.)
apocrlsiarlo, m. Greek ambassador. naval station.
apodador, m. wag, scoffer. apostador, m. one who bets.
apodar, va. to give nicknames, scoff. apostal, m. good fishing-place in a river.
apodencado, da, a. pointer-like. apost&leos, m. pi. (naut.) thick planks foi
apoderado, aa, a. empowered, authorized. gun platforms.
^iw. of APODERAR. m. proxy, attorney. apostar, va. {ind. APUESTO subj. apueste) :

apooerar, va. to empower to grant power ; to bet, lay a wager to place relays to post ; ;

of attorney. vr. to possess one's self of a soldiers. vr. to emulate, rival, compete.
thing. apostasia,/. apostasy.
apodictiCO, ca, a. convincing. apostasis, /. (med.) metastatic abscess; ex-
apodo, m. nickname. foliation of bone.
apodo, da, a. (zool. ) apodous, without feet. apbstata, m. apostate.
apbdOSiS,/. (rhet.) apodosis. apostatar, vn. to apostatize, abjure, forsake.
apbfise, ap6fisis, /. (med. ) prominent part apostema, /. abscess, tumour.
of bones. apostemacibn, /. (med.) forming an abscess.
apoflegmAtlCO, ca, a. apophlegmatic. apostemar, va. to form an abscess. vr. to
apogeo, m. apogee highest degree of gran- ; get an abscess.
deur, power, etc., m. bistoury.
apdgrajO, m. apograph, transcript. apostemilla, /. dim. small abscess, gum-boil
apoilllado, da, a. moth-eaten, worm-eaten. apostemoso, sa, a. relating to abscesses.
—pp. of APOLILLAR. apostilla, /. marginal note, annotation. -

apolllladura, /. hole eaten by moths. apostillar, va. to make marginal notes. vr.
apolillar, va. to gnaw or eat clothes. vr. to to break out in pimples.
oe moth-eaten. apbstol, m. apostle.—^/, (naut.) hawse-pieces.
apolinar, apolineo, nea, a. (poet.) belong- apostolado, m. apostleship the twelve apow ;

ing to Apollo. ties.

apolinarista, m. Apollinarian. apostdlicamente, adv. apostolically.
apolog^tiCO, ca, a. apologetic, excusatory apostblico, ca, a. apostolical, apostolic.
apologia,/- apology, defence, eulogy. apostrofar, va. to apostrophize.
apol6glCO, CS^ a. relating to an apologue. ap6strofe, /. (rhet.) apostrophe.
apologlsta, m. an apologist. apbstrofO, m. apostrophe.
ap610gO, m. apologue, fame, moral story. apostura, /. gentleness, neatness.
apoltronarse, vr. to grow lazv to loiter. ; apotegma, m. apothegm, maxim.
apomazar, va. {pret. apomace: subj. apoma- apoteosis,/. apotheosis, deification.
CE) to glaze ;
burnish with pumice-stone. apotrerar, va. to take horses to pasture.
aponeurosis,/, (med.) aponeurosis, fascia. apoyadero, m. prop, support.
aponeurbtico, ca, a. aponeurotic. apoyadura,/. now of milk in nursing.
apoplelia,/. apoplexy. apoyar, va. to favour, protect, patronizo,
apoplelico, ca, a. apopletic. abet, countenance to bear upon tne bit tt ; ;

aporcadura,/. hilling around plants. confirm, prove, corroborate, hold Uft

aporcar, va. {ind. apuerco: pret. APORQufi: ground, found. vr. ^o lean upon.
subj. apuerque) to hill plants. apoyatura,/. (mus.) appoggiatura.
aporisma, m. (surg. ) ecchymosis. apoyo, /«. prop, stay, support, fulcrum j
aporismarse, vr. to become an ecchymosis. protection, patronage', help, maintenance.

a M Id fftr : e in eh I ; 1 In police : o in for : n In bull ; c (before e, i) and z aa tb In tblrk ; b and d, tott,

APE 43 APli

apreciable, valuable, respectable, worthy

a. apretura,/. crowd, crush narrowness dis ; ;

of esteem that can be priced saleable.

; ;
tress, anguish straits. ;

apreclacl6n, /. estimation, valuation, appre- aprlesa, adv. in haste, in a hurry.

eiatiou. aprieto, m. crowd, crush stringency, diffi- ;

Apreciadainente, adv. valuably. culty cramp, gripe. ;

apreciador, ra, »». &/• estimator, appraiser. aprieto, apriete {irr. from apretar).
l,preciarLah-pray-the-ar':, va. to appreciate ; ap- aprisa, adv. swiftlv, promptly, fast.
praise, estimate, price, value to esteem. ; apriscar, va. to collect the sheep in the fokl
'ipreciativo, va, a- appreciative. apriSCO, m. sheei^fold.
apreclO, m. appraisement, appreciation, val- aprisionar, va. to confine, imprison to bind. ;

uaiion esteem, approbation, regard.

; aproar, vn. (naut.) to turn the prow.
aprehender, va. to apprehend, seize to ; aprobacidn, /. approbation, concurrence
fancy, conceive, imagine. consent, approval.
/ipreliensi6n, /. seizure, capture, apprehen- aprobador, ra, m. &/. approver.
sion, aciiteness; fear, misapprehension. aprobante, pa. approver, examiner.
fipreliensiVO, va, a. apprehensive. aprobar, va. {ind. apruebo subj. apruebe) :

Aprehensor, ra, m. & f. one who appre- to approve ; to like.

hends. aprobatorio, ria, a. approbative, approving.
upremiador, ra, m. &f. compeller. aproches, (mil.) approaches.
apremiante, a. urgent, pressing.—^a. of aprontar, va. to prepare with despatch.
APRKMIAR. apropiaci6n, /. appropriation.
apremlar, va. to press, urge, compel, oblige. apropiadamente, adv. fitly, properly.
ApremiO, m. pressure, constriction, con- apropiado, da, a. appropriate, tit.—^. oi
(law) judicial compulsion.
straint ;
jiprendedor, ra, a. one who learns. apropiador, m. appropriator.
aprender, va. to learn. apropiar, va. to appropriate, assume to ac- ;

aprendiz, za, m. &f. apprentice. commodate, fit, apply. vr. to possess one's
ftprendizaje, m. apprenticeship. self of.
aprensador, m. presser or calenderer. apropincuaci6n,/. approach.
uprensar, va. to dress, press, calender; to apropincuarse, vr. (coll.) to approach.
(naut.) to stow.
vex, crush, oppress ;
aprovechable, a. profitable, serviceable.
aprensibn, /. apprehension, scruple ; un- aprovecbado, da, a. improved made of ;

founded fear of contracting disease mis- ; sparing, parsimonious.-^pp. of aprovechar.

trust, suspicion. aprovecbamiento, m. profit, utility, advan-
ApreusivO, va, a. apprehensive, fearing ill- tage progress
: aprovechamiento de aguai,
ness. water-supply. V. propios.
apresador, ra, m. & /. privateer, cruiser aprovecbar, vn. to become useful, profita-
captor. Dle to progress favourably.
; va. to profit
apresamlentO, m. capture clutch, hold. ; by ; make good
use of. vj: to avail one's
apresar, v-a. to seize, grasp; (naut.) to cap- self of a thing.
ture an enemy's ship. aprOXiinaci6n, /. approximation.
aprestar, va. to prepare, make ready. aproximadamente, adv. nearly, about.
apresto, m. preparation, accoutrement. aproximar. va. to approximate,' approach.
apresuracidn, /. acceleration, haste. aproximativo, va, a. approaching.
apresuradamente, adv. hastily. apruebo, apruebe {irr. from aprobar).
apresurado, da, a. brief, hasty, acting aptamente, adv. fitly, aptly.
(]Uickly. pp. of APKESURAR. d,pterO, ra, a. (ent.) wingless.
apresufamiento, m. eagerness, hastiness, aptitud, /. aptitude, fitness, ability.
forwardness. V. apresuracion. aptO, ta, a. apt, fit, able, capable, competent.
apresurar, va. to accelerate, hasten, hurry, apuerco, apuerque {irr. from aporcar).
forward. vr. to make
haste, apuesta,/. oet, wager.
apretadamente, adv. tightly, closely, fast. apuesto, ta, a. elegant, genteel, spruce.
%pretadera, /. strap or rope to tie with apuesto, apueste {irr. from apostar).
tpretaderas, pressing remonstrances. apulgarar, va. to force with the thumb.—i-r.
apretadero, m. truss for ruptures. V. BRA- to be spotted by moisture (linen).
(iUERO. apuncbar, cut out the teeth of a comb.
va. to
apretadillO, 11a, a. dim. somewhat con- apuntacidn, /. annotation, note, memoran-
strained ; in danger. dum, memorial musical notation. ;

apretadizo, za, a. easily compressible. apuntado, da, a. pointed at both ends.—pp.

apretado, da, a. tight, difficult, dangerous of APUNTAR.
mean, close-fisted.—;)p. of apretar. apuntador, m. observer, one who notes or
apretador, m, one who presses presser, ;
marks; (naut. ) gunner prompter. ;

rammer, quoin-wedee waistcoat soft stays ; ; apuntalamiento, m. propping up.

for children broad bandage for infants
; apuntalar, va. to prop; (naut.) to shore a
hair-net. vessel.
apretadura, /. compression. apuntamiento, m. note, abstract, summary,
apretamiento, m. crowd, jam, crush ; con- judicial report.
flict ; closeness. apuntar, va. to aim, level; point out, mark ;
apretar, va. ( ind. aprieto mbj. apriete) to : to note ; to hint to sketch ; to stitch to ; ;

compress, tighten, press down, crowd, con- begin to appear ; to sharpen to prompt. vr. ;

strict, contract to constrain, clutch

; to ; to oegin to turn (wine).
distress, harass, vex ; to act with more apunte, m. v. apunxamiento ; annotation,
vigour to urge.
; memorandum rough sketch prompt-book
; ;
apret6n, m. pressure ; struggle, conflict stake in games.
short run gripes. ; apufiadar, va. (prov.) to strike with the
apretuiar, va. (coll.) to squeeze, press re- fist.
peatedly. apufialado, da, a. shaped like a dagger.
apretlljbn, m. tight pressure. apu&aJar, va. to thrust with a dagger.

( (.before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 iu brlUiant ; n, ny in canyon ; r (initial ) and rr trilifd ; >,
apuiiar, va. to seize with the fist. n. to wa.sher, axle-guard; rivet-plate,
tighten the fist. collar-plate guard around the statt of s»

ap'QL&eax, va. (coll.) to strike with, the fist. lance nave-box of a gun-carriage (naut.)
; ;

apuracasOS, m. caudle-safe save-all. ; half-ports glass candelabrum.


apuracldn, /. investigation. V. apuro, arandlllO, m. bird (prov.) hip pad. ;

trouble, misfortune. aranero, ra, a. deceitful, tricky.

apuradamente, (uiv. at the nick of time, aranzada, f. measure of land.
punctuallv, exactly with difficulty. ; arafla,/. (ent. ) spider (zool.) common wea- ;

apuradO, da, a. needy, exhausted ; difficult, ver; chandelier, girandole, sconce; (bot.)
dangerous.—/)/), of apurar. crowfoot.
apurador, m. refiner, purifier candle-safe. ; araflador, ra, m. &/. scratcher, scraper.
apuramientO, m. research, inquiry, verifica- ara&amientO, m. the act of scratching.
tion, purification. ara&ar, va. to scratch, claw, scrabble to ;

apurar, va. to purify to clear up, verify, in- ;

scrape up (as money).
vestigate minutely to consume, drain, ex- ; araiiazo, /«. aMg. long, deep scratch.
haust to tease, push, hurry, annoy. vr. to
; arafi.0, m. scratch, nipping.
worry, fret, grieve to exert one's self. ; arafl.uela,/. dim. small spider flower plant. ;

apurativo, a. (med.) detersive. arafLuelO, m. small spider fold-nei. ;

apuro, m. want, strait, stringenQy;, anguish, arapende, m. ancient measure 120 sq. feet* :

affliction ;
gripe. arar, va. to plough, labour.
aquejar i«ii-kay-har'], va. to complain, lament, arar, m. African coniferous tree.
grieve ; to fatigue, afflict. araucaria, /. araucaria, a tall pine.
aquel, m. aquella, /. aquello, neul [ah-ker, arau^a,/. (Brazil) creeping plant.
ati-kel'-ly«h, ali-kel'-lyol, pron. derti. he, she, araza, m. (Uruguay) fruit-tree.
that.—/)/, aqnelloi, m.,»<iu«llaB,/. those. arbalestrllla, /. surveying instrument.
aquelarre [ah-kei-iar'-rayi, m. witches' Sabbath. arbelldn, m. (prov.) gutter to drain roads.
aquende [aii-ken'-day], adv. on this side. arbitrable, a. arbitrable.
aqUerenCiarse [»h-kay-ren-the-ar'-8«y], vr. to be- arbitraclbn, /. arbitration.
come fond of a place or person. arbitrador, ni. arbitrator, umpire, referee.
aquese, m. aquesa,/. aqueso, neut. [ah-kay- arbitradora, .r. arbi tress.
»<iiy, etc.', pron. dem. that.—pi. aquesos, m. arbitraJe, arbitramento, arbitramien-
aqnesas,/. those. to, m. arbitration, arbitrament.
aqueste, m. aquesta, /. aquesto, mut. [ah- arbitral, a. v. arbitratorio.
kess'-tay, etc.i, pron.
this, that,—/?/, dem. arbitrar, va. to arbitrate, adjudge to aet ;

aqueatoi, m. aquestas,/. these. unharaplered ; to contrive ways and means,

aqui [aii-kee'l, odv. here, hither ; now then. ; arbitrariamente, adr. arbitrarily.
aqUieSCencla [ali-ke-es-then'-the-ahj,/. (law) ac- arbitrariedad, /. arbitrariness.
quiescence, consent. arbitrario, ria, arbitrativo, va, a. arbi-
aquietar iah-ke-ay-tar'], I'fl. to quiet,1ull, pacify, (law) arbitral arbitrative.
trary ;

hush, allay. vr. to grow calm. arbitratorio, ria, a. arbitral.

^quila-alba,/. corrosive sublimate. arbitriO, m. free will means, expedient ; -^

aquilatar, va. to assay to examine closely. : arbitration, bond, compromise. pi. arbl-
aquileaah-ke-iay'-ah],/. milfoil, yarrow. (W.) trios, excise taxes.
aqUllefl.a[«h-ke->ay'-nyahl,/. (bot.) columbine. arbitrista, m. schemer, projector, contriver.
aquilifero, m. Roman standard-bearer, Iirbitro, m. arbitrator, arbiter.
aquillno, na [ah-ke-iee'-no], a. aquiline. krbol, )". (bot. ) tree (uaut.) mast. V. palo ;

aqtlil6n [ah-ke-ion' m. north wind, north point.

I, in machines, upright post; (mech.) arbor,
aqUllOnal, aqUilOnar (ah-ke-lo-naW, ah-ke-lo- upright shaft, wheel, .spindle, drill body ;

iiar'i, a. northern, northerly. of shirt crown post of winding stairs.


aquillado, da lah-keeiiyatr-doi, a, keel-shaped, arboladO, da, a wooded woodland mast- ;


aquistar (au-kees-tar", va. to acqliire. ed.—/)/), of ARBOLAR. m. Woodland.

ara,/. altar, communiou table. arbOladura, /. (naut.) masts and spars.
iralie, arkblgO, m. Arabic, Arabian, arbOlar, va. to hoist set upright arbolar el ; :

arabesco, m. arabesque, moresquer^oyk. navio, (naut.) to mast a ship. vr. arbolarse,

ar^blco, ca, w
go, ga, a. Arabi»o.^ on the hind feet.
to rear
arabiga,/. stone resembling spotted ivory, arbolario, m. v. hkrbolario, madcap.
arablsxno, m. Arabism. arbolecico, arbolecillo, arbolico, arbo-
arabista, m. &f. Arabian scholar^ litc, m. dim. arboret, small tree.
aracacha, /. plant of Colombia having an arboleda,/. grove, plantation of trees.
edible root. arb0l6l0, m. dim. small tree.
aracnidO, da. a. (zool.) arachnid, arbolete, »«. branch to fasten lime-twigs on,
aracnoides,/. (anat.) arachnoid membrane, arbolillo, »i. side of a blast-furuace.
arada,/. (agr.) ploughed ground, husbandry. arbOlista, »». arborist.
arado, m. plough. arbOll6n, m. flood-gate, sluice, outlet.
arador, m. ploughman (ent.) harvest mite. ; arb6reO, rea, a. relating to trees.
aradro, m. (prov.) v. arado. arborescencla, ./. arborescence.
aradura, f. the aet or practice of ploughing arborescente, a. arborescent.
land ploughed in a day. arboricultura, /. cultivation of trees.
aragonds, esa. a. Aragonese. arboriforme, a. tree-like in shape.
aragonitO, m. aragonite. arborizado, da, a. stones having the appear-
arambel, m. rag, tatter. ance of foliage.
arana,/. imposition, trick Cuban grass. ; arbotante, «». vault-supporting arch.
aranata,/. prairie dog. arbUStO, m. shrub.
arancel, m. tariff of duties, fees, etc. arbUStillO, m. dim. small shrub.
arancelarlO, ria. «. referring to the tariff. area,/, chest, safe, coffer tempering oven for ;

arandanedo, m. cranberry patch. blown glass area cerrada, a reserved per-


ar^dano, >n. (hot.) cranberry. son area de agna, reservoir, cistern.


arandela,/. the socket-pan of a candlestick ; arcabucear, ra. to shoot a criminal.

a M In far ; • in eh I ; 1 In police ; o in for ; n in bnll ; c (before e, 1) and z •« th in thick : b and d, Xk;

arcabuceria,/. troop of harquebusiers num- ; arel, m. large sieve.
ber of harquebuses fusillade of harque- ; arelar, va. to sift corn with the arel.
buses ; factory of harquebuses. arena,/, sand, grit; arena, circus.
axcabucero, m. harquebus-maker. arenaceo, ea, «. arenaceous, gravelly.
arcabuco, m. (Amer.) craggy spot. arenal, »*. sandy ground, sandy beach.
arcabUZ, m. harquebuse. arenalejO, m. dim. snmll sandy place.
arcabuzazo, m. harquebus-shot, anc. the arenar, va. to sand to rub with sand. ;

wound intiicted. arencar, va. (prel. arenque :*«6/. arenque)

arcacil, m. (bot.) species of wild artichoke. to salt and dry sardines, etc.
arcada,/. retching; (arch.) row of arches. areiic6ll, m. aug. large herring.
arcade, a. Arcadian. arenero, m. dealer in sand sand-box. ;

arcadio, dia, a. Arcadian. arenga,/. harangue, speecu, address.

arcaduz, m. conduit or pipe bucket (met.) ; ; arengador, »t. speech-maker.
. channel for obtaining a thing. arengar, vn. {pret. arenguk: mbj. AREK.>
arc&iCO, ca, a. archaic, ancient, antiquated. GUE) to harangue, deliver a speech,
arcaismo, m. archaism. arenilla,/. moulding sand: powder to dry
arcaizar, it. to use archaisms. writing.-^/, granulated saltpetre,
arcaugel, rn. archangel. arenisca, /.(miner.) sandstone.
arcang^lica, a. archangelical. arenisco, ca, arenoso, sa, a. sandy, grav-
arcano, m. arcanum. a. secret, recondite. elly, gritty.
arcar, va. v. arquear. arenque [aii-reir-kay], m. herring.
arcaza/. aug. large chest. ar6ola,/. areola, circle around the aipple.
arcazon, m. arbuscle, osier, willow-plot. aredmetro, m. areometer.
arce, m. (bot.) maple-tree. areopagita, m. Areopagite.
arcedianatO, m. archdeaconshlp. areopagO, m. Areopagus.
arcediano, m. archdeacon. are6stiIo, m. arseostyle.
arcedo, m. maple-grove. areotect6nica, /. areotectonics.
arcen, »i. borcfer, brim, edge. arepa,/. (Amer.) griddle-cake- pancake.
arcilla,/. argil, clay. arepita, /. (Amer.) maize and cheese pan-
arcilloso, sa, a. clayey, argillaceous. cake.
arciprestazgo, m. archpriesthood. arestin, m. (vet.) fmsh.
arcipreste, m. arch priest. arestinado, da, a. afflicted with frush.
arco, m. arc, arch, bridge bow, fiddle-bow ; ;
arete, ear-drop, ear-ring.
hoop arco Iris, rainbow.
: arfada,/. (naut.) pitching of a ship.
arcbn, m. aug. large chest, bin, bunker. arfar, vn. (naut. j to pitch (a ship).
archi-, arch-, a prefix. argadijO, argadlllO, m. reel, bobbin, wind-
archicofradia,/. privileged brotherhood. er. V. DEVANADERA ;
(met. ) blustering,
arcbidiacono, m. archdeacon. noisy, restless person ; large wicker basket.
archiducado, m. archdukedom, archduchy. argado, m. prank, trick, artifice.
arcbiducal, «. archducal. argal, m. argol, crude tartar.
arcbidiiq.ue iar-che-doo'-kay], m, archduke. argalia,/. v. algalia.
archiduquesa,/. archduchess. argallera, /. saw for cutting grooves ; fork-
archilaud, //*. large lute. staff plane, reed-plane.
arcbimandrita, m. Oriental abbot. argamandel, m. rag, tatter.
arcbimillonario, ria, a. multimillionaire. argamandijo, m. collection of trifling im-
arcbipampano, m. imaginary dignity. plements.
arcbipielago, m. archipelago. argamasa, /. mortar, cement for building.
arcbivar, va. to file deposit in an archive. ; argamasar, va. to make mortar to cement. ;

arcbivero, archivista, ~^. archivist. argamasdn, m. large dry piece of mortar.

arcbivo, m. archive, archives. argamula,/. (bot. prov.) golden starwort.
arda, /. squirrel. V. ardilla. ^rgana,/. £rgano, m. (mech.) crane.
ardalear, va. to make thin. V. ralear. arganas, /. pi. wicker baskets on a horse.
ardea,/. bittern. V. alcaravan. arganel, m. ring in an astrolabe.
ardentia,/. heat phosphorescence; blink. ; arganeo, m. (naut.) anchor-ring.
ardeola,/. small kind of heron. argano, m. monk's woollen cloak.
arder, vn. to burn, blaze, glow to be agitated ; argel, a. horse whose right hind foot is white,
by any passion. argelino, na, a. Algerine.
ardero, ra, a. squirrel-hunter, do^. argema, argembn, m. (med.) argema.
ardld, /». stratagem, artifice, cunning. argemone, / (bot.) prickly or horned poppy.
ardido, da, a. heated.—jo;?. of ARDER. arg^n, m. (her.) white or silver colour, ar.
ardiente, pa. & a. ardent, flagrant, burning, gent.
passionate, hot, fervent, fiery, feverish. argentada,/. ladies' cosmetic.
ardientemente, adv. ardently, flagrantly, argentado, da, a. silvered slashed shoes.— ;

fervidly fearlessly. ; pp. of argentar.

ardilla,/. (zool.) squirrel. argentador, m. silversmith.
ardimiento, m. conflagration ; undaunted argentar, va. to plate, to adorn with silver ;
courage. to polish like silver.
ardincillO, m. (vet.) inflamed swelling on argentario, argentero, m. silversmith,-
the back. master of the mint.
ardite, m. ancient coin of little value. arg6nteo. a, a. silvery silver-plated. ;

ardor, m. great heat, hotness, flagrancy ; argenteria, /. embroidery in gold or silver.

valour, vigour fieriness, fervency life.
; ; argentifero, ra, a. silver-bearing.
ardoroso, sa, a. fiery, restless. argentlfodina,/. silver-mine.
arduamente, adv. arduously. argentina,/. (bot.) satin cinquefoil.
arduo, dua, arduous, difficult.
a. argentlno, na, a. silvery, argentine belong- ;

d.rea, area are, square decametre.

/. ; ing to the Argentine Republic. m, Argen-
areca, /. palm-tree of the Philippine Islands, tine gold coin.
arefaccion, /. act of drying extenuation. ; argento, m. (poet.) silver.

g (before e, i) and J ae h in hot ; b, silent ; U In >>Tilliant ; fi, ny in canTon ; r (initial) and rr trilled hun**
argentOSO, sa, a. mixed with silver. arma, /. weapon, arms; (rail.) technical di.
argila, argilla,/. clay. V. arcilla. vision of military forces; arma de infanteria,
argiritas, m- pi. marcasites, white pyrites, infantry arma de caballeria, cavalry, etc.

argolla, large ring,

;". collar, staple, hoop arma false alarm
falsa, arma arrojadiza, :

riug iu bowling game pillory, ;

missile weapon arma de fuego, fi re-arm s_

argolleta, ica, ita, /. dim. small staple, gun arma bl.inca, steel arms.—p/. troops',

small ring. armies; annorial ensigns, coat of arms:

argoUdn, m. aug. very large ring, large staple. armas de agaa, (Mex.) water-proof skins for
irgoma,/. (bot.) furze. V. aulaga. riding hombre de armas, military man

argomal, m. furzen plantation. maestro de armas, fencing-master pasar por :

argombn, m. aug. large prickly furze, gorse. las armas, to shoot a criminal; (met.)
argonauta, m. one of the Argonauts. means, power, reason.
ArgOS, in. (myth.) Argus; (met.) a very ob- armada, /. the navy ; fleet, squadron.
servant person. armadera, /. (naut.) main timber of a ship
argUCia./. subtilty, sophistry. armadia,/. raft, float.
argiie ar'-gway], m. windlass, capstan. armadijO, ni. trap, snare for game.
argiiellarse, vr. (prov.) to be emaciated. armadillo, m. (zool.) armadillo.
argtiello ar-swa\ r-iyoi, m. lack of health. armado, da, a. weaponed, armed; (mech.|
arguenas, argue&as,/. jp^. v. angarillas. mounted, set.—pp. of armar.
arguerita lar-gay-ree'-tah;,/, (miner.) argyrite armado, m. man in armour in processions.
or argeutite. armador, m. outfitter, ship-owner priva- ;

argiilr, vn. {ind. arguyo : stibj.arguya) to teer, cruiser ; one who outfits whale-boats
argue, dispute, oppose. va. to infer, imply. (mech.) framer, adjuster, jacket. fitter,
argumentacl6n, /. argumentation. armadura,/. armour ; framework, shell of a
argumentador, ra, m. &/. arguer, reasoner. building; (mech.) setting, fitting; truss;
argumentar. vn. to argue, dispute. armature (elec.) ; skeleton, frame of a roof;
argumentativo, va, «. argumentative. framing, mounting, trestle.
argumentillo, >n. dim. slight argument. armajal, m. moor, bog. v. almarjal.
argumentO, m. argument plot of a play ; armamento, m. armament, warlike prepara-
summary indication, sign, token.
; tion, equipment, accoutrements.
arguyente, pa. arguer opponent. ; armar, va. to arm to man (carp.) to bind ; ; ;

aria,/, (mus.) song for a single voice. mount; truss; put together; (mech.) toad-
aribar, va. to reel yarn into skeins. just, set, frame, piece, mount, make true,
aribO, m. reel for making skeins. rig up ; (naut.) equip, fit out, put a ship in
aricar, va. to plough across sown ground. commission armar en corso, to privateer

arldecer, va., vn. & vr, {ind. aridezco : subj. armar caballero, to knight. vr. to prepare
aridezca) to render or become arid. one's self; to arm one's self: armarse de pa-
arldez,/. drought; barrenness, aridity. ciencia, to prepare one's self to sutfer.
^rldO, da, a. arid, dry, barren. armario, m.. clothes-press, cabinet, book-
arienzo, m. an old coin of Castile. case, wardrobe, closet.
Aries, m. Aries, sign of the zodiac. armatoste, «t. hulk; unwieldy machine;
arieta,/. dim. (mus.) arietta, short tune. cumbersome piece of furniture. V. arma-
ariete, m. battering-ram. DiJO ; corpulent, worthless person.
arietlno, na, a. resembling a ram's head. armaz6n, /. framework, skeleton, frame
arlgue lah-ree'-gayj. m. Philippine timber. hulk of a ship. m. skeleton of body. —
arijO, ja, a. (agr.) light, easily tilled. armelina,/. ermine skin.
arulo, m. dim. ear-ring neck-stock frame. ; armella, /. staple, box staple, screw-eyes.
arlmez, m. extension oi a building. armelluela,/. dim. small staple or ring.
arindajo, m. (om.) jay. armenio, nia, a. >xmenian.
ario, ia, a. Aryan. armeria, /. armory, arsenal gunsmith trade ;

arisblanco, ca, a. white-bearded wheat. or shop.

arisaro, m. (bot.) wake-robin. armero, armorer, gunsmith keeper of
«». ;

arisco, ca, a. churlish, shy, cross, surly. arms (mil.) rack or stand for fire-arms.

sirisnegro, arlsprieto, a. wheat with black- armifero, ra, armigero, ra, a. warlike.
ish beard. armilar, «. esfera armllar, annillary sphere.
arista, /. beard or awn grains; (geom.) in- armilla,/. part of the base of a column.
tersection. pi. (mil.) salient angles. armiflado, da, a. trimmed or lined with er.
aristado, da, a. awned, bearded. mine fur ermine-white. ;

aristarco, m. severe censurer. armiliO, m. (zool.) ermine.

aristocracia, /. aristocracy. armlpotente, a. (poet. ) mighty in war.
aristdcrata, m. aristocrat. armlsticio, m. armistice.
aristocrktico, ca, a. aristocratical. armoisin, m. thin silk or taffety.
aristoloquia, /. (hot.) birth wort. arm6n. m. (ordn. ) limber.
aristOSO, sa, a. having many beards or awns. armonia,/. harmony; number, chord, con-
ari8tOt61iCO, ca, a. Aristotelian. cordance, concord, peace, friendship.
aritmancia, /. arithmancy. arm6niC0, ca, a. narmonical. harmonious,
aritm^tica, /. arithmetic. proportionate, musical, rhythmical.
aritm6ticamente, adv. arithmetically. armoniO, m. harmonium, reed organ.
aritm^tiCO, m. arithmetician, accountant. armoniosamente, adv. harmoniously.
aritm6tiC0, ca, a. arithmetical. armoniOSO, sa, a. harmonious, sonorous,
aritmo, a. (med.) arrhythmic. pleasing to the ear, consonous.
aritm6metro, m. calculating machine. armonlsta,/. harmonist.
axior^, m. (bot.) V. ciclamor. armonizacidn, /. harmonization.
arlequin, m. harlequin, buffoon mixed ice- ; armonlzar, va. {prei. armonic£: suhj. ar.-
cream, called Neapolitan. MONICE) to harmonize.
irlequinada, /. harlequin's trick or joke. armuelle, m. (bot.) orach.
rlo, m. (bot.) barberry. ama, /. (prov. bee-hive. )

iXlOta, /. tow of flax or hemp. amachO, w». (bot.) rest-harrow. T. gatuSa.

m In far ; • in eli I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; u in bull ; c (before e, 1) and z aa th in thick -
b and d, soft;
arn6s, m. harness coat of mail, armour.—;)/,
; arracimado, da, a. clustered.—p/.. of arsa.
arne-as, harness, trappings necessary tools, ; CIMARSE.
iite_.^ils, etc. arracimarse, vr. to cluster.
Arnica, /. arnica, medicinal plant, arracl^n, m. v. aliso, aider-tree.
arnilla, /. dim. (prov.) small bee-hive. arr&ez, m. captain or master of a ship.
aro, ni. hoop of wood or metal, staple, hoop- arraigadamente, adv. fixedly, securely.
poles (hot.) V. YARO.
arraigadas, /. i>;. (naut.) futtock-shrouds.
aroma,/, flower of the aromatic myrrh-tree. arraigadO, da, owning real estate; fixed,

m. (chem.) volatile spirit of plants; any inveterate ; rooted.
aromatic gum, balsam, wood, or herb per- ;
arraigar, vn. to root; to pledge land. m
fume, fragrance. to settle down.
aromaticidad,/. aromatic quality, perfume. arraigO, m. settling in a place landed prop- ;

aromatiCO, ca, a. aromatic, fragrant. erty.

aroiIiatizaci6n, /. aromatization. arraJar, vn. V. ralear.
aromatizador, >n. aromatizer, atomizer. arraiublar,f a. to cover with sand and gravel;
aromatizar, va. {pref. aromatice: subj, to sweep away.
aromatice) to aromatize, perfume. arranca-clavos, m. nail-puller. •
aromo, m. (bot.) aromatic myrrh-tree. arrancada, /. (coll.) sudden departure, vio-
aromoso, sa, a. aromatic, fragrant. lent sally.
aroza, //'. foreman in iron-works or forges. arrancadera,/. leading bell for cattle. \

arpa,/. (mus.) harp, lyre. arrancadero, m. starting-point; thickest

arpado, a. serrated, toothed; (poet.) singing part of a gun-barrel.
bird.^yp. of arpar. arraucadO, da, a. poor, penniless.—jo/>. of
arpador, m. v. arpista. ARRANCAR.
arpadura,/. v. arano. arrancador, ra, m. &f. extirpator.
arpar, va. to tear to pieces, rend, claw. arrancadura,/. arrancamiento, TO. extir-
arpegiO, m. (mus.) arpeggio. pation, pulling out.
arpella,/. (orn.) harpy. arrancapinOS, m. nickname for little per-
arpeo, m. (naut.) grappling iron. sons.
arpia, (poet.) harpy; fiend; ugly shrew.
.f". arrancar, va. (pret. arranqu^: subj. arran-
arpillador, m. (Mex. ) packer. que) to root out, extirpate, force out, wrest,
arpilladura, / packing with sack-cloth. pull out, draw out, carry off"; to force up;
arpillar, va. (Mex.^ to pack with sack-cloth. to start, begin (naut.) to set sail.

arpillera, /. sack-cloth. arrancasiega, /. poor grain half mowed,

arpista, /". (mus.) harper, harpist. half pulled up quarrel or dispute.

arp6ll, m. harpoon, harping-iron. arranciarse, vr. to grow rancid.

arpouado, da, a. harpooned. arrancharse, vr: to mess together.
arponear, va. to throw the harpoon. arranque [ar-raim'-kay],??j. extirpation, wrench;
aponero, w. harpooner. fit of passion, impetuousness sudden start, ;

arqueada [ar-kay-ali'-dah], /. stroke with the sudden impulse springer of an arch.


fiddle-bow. arrapar, va. (low) to snatch away, carry off.

arqueador [ar-kay-ah-dor'l, m. shlp-gauger ;
wool-beater. arrapiezo, arrapo, m. tatter or rag; (met.)
arqueaje rar-kay-ah'-hayl, m. gauging of a ship. worthless youngster.
arqueamlento, m. v. arqueo. arras,/, pi. consideration of a contract coins ;

arqnear [ar-kay-ar'i, va. to arch ; to beat wool which the bridegroom gives to the bride at
(naut.) to gauge ships. thewedding; dowry; earnest-money, pledge,
arqueo iar-kay'-oi, m. the act of arching; (naut. handsel arras de la bodega, (naut. ) wings

tonnage or burden of a ship (com.) verifica- ;

of the hold.
tion of money and papers in a safe. arrasado, m. satin-face stuff.—^. of arra-
arqueologia [ar-kay-o-io-hee'-au],/. archaeology. SAR. V

arqueblogo :ar-kayo'-io-go], m. archaeologist. arrasadura, /. v. rasadura.

arqueria lar-kay-ree'-ah], /. series of arches arras amiento, m. demolition, levelling.
(Mex.) aqueduct. arrasar, va. to level ; to destroy, raze, de-
arquero [ar-kay'-roi, m. treasurer, cashier molish ; obliterate ; to fill up to the brim.
archer, bow-maker. vn. &
vr. to clear up.
arqueta dim. small chest.
Jar-kay'-tah],/. arrastradamente, adv. imperfectly ; pain-
arquetipo lar-kay-tee'-poi, m. archetype. fully, wretchedly.
arquet6ll ^a-.-kay-tone'], m. aug. large chest. arrastraderas,/.^/. (naut.) lower studd'ng-
arquibanCO [ar-ke-bahn'-co], m. bench with sails.
drawers. arrastradero, m. (naut.) careening-place
arqUlepiSCOpal [ar-ke-ay-pls-co-pahr], a. archi- road by which logs are dragged spot whence ;

episcopal. V. arzobispal. dead bulls are taken off.

arquifi.l6sofO, m. archphilosopher. arrastrado, da, a. dragged along rascally, ;

arquilla, ita lar-keer-iyahi,/. dim. little chest. knavish; destitute; (coll.) harlot.—f>p. of
arqulllo [ar-keer-iyo], m. dim. small bow. arrastrar.
arqulmesa [ar-ke-may'-sah], /. (prov. ) Writing- arrastramiento, m. dragging along.
desk, escritoire. arrastrante, m. claimant of a degree in col-
arqUisinagOgO [ar-ke-se-nah-go'-go], m. princi- leges.
pal in the synagogue. arrastrar, va. & vn.
to creep, crawl ; to drag
arquitecto ;ar-ke-tec'-toi, m. architect. along ; to convince ; to lead a trump.
ar quite ctbnico, ca, a. architectural. arrastre, m. dragging, haulage, drayage;
arquitectura [ar-ke-tec-too'-rau],/. architecture. leading a trump slope in a mining shaft

arquitrabe ai-ke-trah'-bay], m. architrave. claiming a degree (Amer.) mining mill. ;

arrabal, m. suburb.—^/, environs. arrate, m. pound of sixteen ounces.

arrabalero, ra, a. suburban ill-bred. ; arratonadO, a. gnawed by mice.
arrabio, m. cast-iron fused for making steel. arraykn, m. (hot.) myrtle.
arracada, /. ear-ring with pendant. arrayanal, m. plantation of myrtles.
g t.betore e, i) and j as h In hot; h, silent; 11 In brilliant; ii, ny !» canyon; r (inUi-l) and rr triUed; «, Wsbb*
ARE 48 ARk
Iaxre interj. gee, get up
! ! arremangar, ra. {pret. arremangue: mbj.
arreador, m. muleteer. arremakgue) to tuck up the sleeves or
arreala,/- herdiug the grazing flock. petticoats.— r/-. to be determined.
arrear, va. to drive horses, mules, etc. arremangO, m. tucking up the clothes,
arrebaflador, ra, m. &f. gleaner, gatherer. arremetedero, m. place through which a
arrebanadura,/. gleaning, picking up. fortress may be attacked.
arrebafiar, ra. to glean, gather, scrape up. arremetedor, //*. assailant, aggressor.
arrebatadamente, adv. precipitately, head- arremeter, ra. to assail, attack. vn. to
long ; violently. launch forth to shock. ;

arrebatado, da, a. rapid, violent ;

precipi- arremetida, /. attack, assault, invasion
impetuous. ^fi;>. of arrkbatar.
tate, rash, start of horses.
arrebatador, ra, rn. &f. violent snatcher. arxemolinado, da, a. whirled.
arrebatamientO, m. carrying away by vio- arremolinar, ra. & vr. to eddy ; to form 3
lence; fury, rage; rapture, ecstasy. crowd.
arrebatar, va. to carry off: snatch; to at- arrempujar, va. (obs.) v. rempujar.
tract (as the attention, etc.). vr. to be led arrendaDle, a. rentable,farmable,tenautable
away by passion. arrendaci6n, /. renting, lease.
arrebatma, /. struggle of several persons to arrendadero, m. ring to tie horses to.
snatch a thing, sculfie. arrendadO, da, a. obedient to the reins ^
arrebatO, /«. surprise, sudden attack, par- rented, leased.—jop. of arrendar.
oxysm, lit, rage rapture. : arrendador, m. landlord, lessor, hirer, ten-
arrebol, m. red sky or clouds rouge. ; ant, lessee, holder farmer. V, arrenda- ;

arrebolar, va. to paiut red. vr. to rouge. dero.

arrebolera, /.rouge-box rouge-seller; (bot.) ; arrendadorcillo, m. dim. petty tenant.
four-o'clock or marvel of Peru. arrendaJO, m. mocking-bird (coll. ) mimic. ;

arrebollarse, vr. to precipitate; fall head- arrendamlentO, m. renting, letting, hiring,

long. lease, rental.
arrebozar, va. ( pret. arreboc^ : subj. ARRE- arrendante, pa. lessor, renter.
boce) to overlay meat with jelly. vr. to arrendar, va. {ind. arrien^o mbj. arriex- :

muffle or wrap one's self up ; to swarm. de) to rent,

let, lease, hire ; to bridle, tie a
arrebozo, m. v. rebozo. to train a horse ; to mimic.
horse ;

arrebujadamente, adv. confusedly. arrendatario, ria, m. &/. lessee, tenant.

arrebujar, va. to jumble together ; to huddle. arrentado, da, receiving large rental.
—vr. to wrap one's self up. arreo, m. dress, ornament, decoration.—/j/.
arreclar, vn. to increase in strength or in- appendages, trappings.
tensity. vr. to grow stronger. arreo, adv. successively, uninterruptedly,
arreciie, m. road paved witn stone; (naut.) arrep^palO, m. sort of fritters or buns.
reef of rocks. arrepentida, /. reformed, penitent woman.
arreclrse, vr. to grow stiff" with cold. arrepentido, da, a. repentant.—/>p, of arre-
arrecbucno, m. tit of anger sudden and ; PENTIRSE.
passing indisposition. arrepentlmientO, m. repentance, contrite-
arredllar, va. to fold the sheep. compunction; lock of hair.
arredomado, da, a. v. kedomado. arrepentirse, vr. {ind. me arrepiento:
arredondar, arredondear, va. to round. subj. me arrepiexta pret. el se arrepix- :

arredramlentO; m. removing to a greater Tio: subj. imp. me arrepintiera, tiesk,

distance backing out fear.
; ; tiere) to repent, rue, regret.
arredl'ar, va. to remove, separate to terrify. arrepistar, va. to grind rags into pulp.
— 17-. V. atemorizarse. ;

arrepistO, m. grinding or pounding rags.

arregazado, da, a. with the point turned up. arreptlcio, cla, a. possessed by the devil. '

—pp. of arregazar. arrequeSOnarSe [ar-ray-kt-y-so-uar'-say], vr. to

arregazar, va. {pret. arregack subj. arre- : curdle.
GACK) to tuck up the skirts. arrequife [ar-ray-kee'-feyj, TO, singelog-iron Id
BTregladamente, adv. regularly, orderly.. cotton gins.
arreglado, da, a. regular, moderate.-^f»p. of arrequiveS [ar-ray-kee'-ves^ m. pi. dreSS trim^
ARKEGLAR. mings ; ornaments adornments ; circum-
arreglador, m. (com.) surveyor, valuer (of stances
requisites. ;

averages). arrestado, da, a. intrepid, bold, audacious.

arreglar, va. to regulate, guide ; frame —pp. ARRESTAik,.
(com.)to arrange, settle, adjust. vr. to arrestar, va. to arrest, confine, imprison.—
conform to law. be bold and enterprising,
vr. to
arreglo, m. rule, order ; (com.) arrangement, arresto.wi. detention (mil.) prison, arrest ;

settlement con arreglo i, according to.

: spirit, enterprise,
arregostarse, vr. to relish a thing. arretin, m. v. filipichin.
arrejaca, /. v. arrejaque. arrezafe, »*. place full of brambles.
arrejacar, va.{pret. arrejaqu^ suhf. arre- : arrezagar, va. to raise, v. arrehakoar.
jaque) to plough across for clearing weeds. arria, 7. drove of beasts.
arrejaco, m. (om.) swift, martin. V. ven- arriada, /. (prov. ) flood, wash-out.
CEJO. arrianismo, m. Arianism.
arrelada,/. (agr.) paddle of a i)lough. arriano, na, a. Arian.
arrejaq.Ue lar-ray-hacU'-ay], TO. fishing-fork with arrlar, va. (naut.) to lower, to strike »rrl»r :

three prongs. la bandera, to strike the colours. vr. to l)«

arrejerar, va, (naut.) to make a ship fast by flooded.
casting two anchors fore and one alt. arriata, /. or arrlate, vi. border, edge in
arrel, arrelde, m. weight of four pounds. ' gardens trellis causeway, ; ;

arrellanarse, vr. to sit at ease to be satis- anriaz, arrial, m. hilt-bar of a sword.


fied with (H)e's employment. arriba, adv. above, over, up, high, on high,
arremangado, da, a. lifted upward.—f>p. of overhead upstaifs (naut.) aloft de arriba ; ;

arremangar. abajo, from head to foot.

a M lu rar ; • in eh I ; i in ooltce ; o in for ; v in boll ; c (t>efore e, i) and s aa th In t^^k ; b and d. loft

arribada, /. arrival: (naut.) de arribada, arrodajarse, rr. (Costa Eica) to sit upon the
putting into a port by stress. ground.
arribaje, m. (naut.) arrival. arrodelado, da, m. of arrodelarse, bear-
arribar, vn. to arrive (naut.) to put into a ;
ing a round shield or buckler.
harbour in distress to fall off to leeward ; ;
arrodelarse, vr. to be armed with a buckler.
to reach ;
recover, convalesce. arrodilladura, /. arrodillamiento, m.
arribe&O, fia (Mex. ) highlanders. kneeling.
arrlbO, m. arrival. arrodillar, m. to make one kneel down. vr.
arricete, m. shoal, sand-bank. to kneel down.
arriceses, m. pi. buckles of the stirrup- arrodrigar, arrodrigonar, va. to prop
straps. vines.
arriendo, m. v. arrendamiento. arrogacibn, /. arrogation child adoption. ;

arriendo, arriende {irr. from arrendar). arrogador, m. one who claims arrogantly.
arrieria./. driving of mules. arrogancia, a. arrogance, haughtiness
arrierico, illo, ito, m. dim. of arriero. valour, courage stately carriage.

arriero, m. muleteer. arrogante, a. spirited, haughty, proud.

arriesgadamente, adv. dangerously, haz- arrogantemente, adv. arrogantly, proud-
ardously. ly-
arriesgado, da, a. perilous, dangerous, haz- arrogar, va. {pret. arroguk: subj. arro-
ardous, risky ; daring.—jap. of arriesgar. gue) to adopt to arrogate. vr. to usurp.

arriesgar, va. {pret. arriesguk subj. : arrojadamente, adv. audaciously, boldly.

arriesgue) to risk, hazard, jeopard, jump. arrojadizo, za, a. easily thrown or darted",
— vr. to be exposed to danger to dare. ; missile.
arrimadero, m. scaffold, stool, stand. arrojado, da, a. rash, forward, dashing, bold,
arrimadillO, m. mat, wainscot, dado. fearless.—pp. of arrojar.
arrimadizo, za, «. designed to be placed arroiador, m. thrower, flinger.
against or joined to a thing ; sponger. arrojar, t^a. to dart, launch, fling, hurl, jerk,
arrimado, da., pp. of arrimar. dash; to shed, emit; to shoot, sprout;
arrimador, »i. oack-log in a fire-place. (naut.) to drive or cast on rocks to make ;

arrimadura, /. approaching. red-hot to turn away, dismiss. vr. to


arrimar, vn. to approach, place near, join launch to throw one's self; to venture.

one thing to another f (naut.) to stow; arroje, m. man who drops as counterweight
(met.) to lay a thing aside, put by, reject to raise the curtain in a theatre.
to lay downto fling, dismiss.
; vr. to lean arroiO, m. intrepidity, fearlessness.
against to join others.
; arrollador, m. roller.
arrime, m. proximity to the goal in bowling. arrollar, va. to roll up, roll round, wrap,
arrimo, m. joining 'one thing to another ; twist to carry off, sweep away to defeat,
; ;

staff, stick, crutch ;

(met.) protection ; sup- rout, confound.
port, help idle wall. ; arromadizarse, vr. to catch cold.
irrim6n, ?». loafer, idler who leans against arromar, va. to blunt to dull. ;

a wall estar de arrim6n, to keep watch.

: arronzar, va. {pret. arronc^: subj. aerok-
arrlnconado, da, a. distant, out of the way ;
ce) (naut.) to haul a hawser.
neglected, put away, forgotten.—pp. of arropado, da, a. mixed with must.—^. of
arrinconar, va. to corner, lay aside, put arropamientO, m. wrapping, covering, dress-
away, reject ; to remove one from a trust ing mixing with boiled wine.

to neglect, forsake. vr. to live secluded. arropar, va. to cover, wrap, clothe, dress to ;

arrifionadO, da, a. kidney-shaped, mix with boiled wine.

arriostrar, ra. to brace a frame, arrope, m. grape juice boiled to a sirup;
arriscadamente, adv. boldly, audaciously. boiled honey.
arriscado, da, «. forward, bold, brisk, easy, arropea,/. irons, fetters, shackles.
free craggy ground.—;pp. of arriscarse.
; arropera,/. vessel for boiled must, etc.
arriscador, m. (prov.) olive-gleaner. arropia,/. taffy, v. melcocha.
arriscar, t;a. {pret. arrisquk: subj. arris- arropiero, m. maker or seller of arropia.
que) to risk. vr. to be vain, conceited to ; arrostrar, va. to set about dauntlessly to ;

plunge over a cliff (flocks). encounter—tr. to fight face to face.

arritranca, .f. v. retranca. arroyada,/. arroyadero, m. valley chan- ;

arrlzafa,/. v. ruzafa. nel of a stream.

arrlzar, va. {pret. arriciS: siibj. arrice) arroyar, va. to inundate sown ground. vr.
(naut.) to reef, stow, lash. to be affected with rust.
arroba, /. weight of twenty-five pounds a ; arroyico, arroyuelo, m. dim. rill, brook.
quarter = 11.5 kilos liquid measure, thirty- ; arroyo, m. rivulet, small stream, gutter.
two pints, about four gallons. arroz, m. rice.
arrobadizo, za, a. (coll.) feigning ecstasy. arrozal, m. field sown with rice.
arrobado,pp. of arrobar. arrozar {pret. arroce stibj. arroce), to ic^ :

arrobador, ra, a. enchanting, entrancing, a liquid.

arrobamiento, m. ecstatic rapture, bliss, arruar, vn. to grunt like a wild boar.
trance, ravishment, amazement, arrufado, da, pp. of arrufar, sheered^
arrobarse, vr. to be enraptured, entranced, curved.
arrobero, ra, m. & f. weighing an arroba arrufadura,/. (naut.) sheer of a ship.
))aker for a community. arrnfaldado, da, a. with clothes tucKed up.
arrobo, m. v. arrobamiento. V. ARRUFIANADO.
arrocabe, m. wooden frieze. arrufar, va. (naut.) to incurvate, to form the
arrocero, m. rice planter or dealer. sheer. vr. to snarl,
arrocinado, da, a. hack-like worn-out ; amifianado, da, a. ruffianly, impudent.
horse.—pp. of arrocinarse. arrufo, m. v. arrufadura.
arrocinar, ra. to brutify. vr. to become arruga /. wrinkle, corrugation, rumple, fold,
foolishly enamoured to become stupid. ;

g (before e,l) and J as bin hot; b.sUent; 11 in brilliant ; 2, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hissed.
arrugacidn,/. axrugamiento, m. corruga- artlClQar, *«. to unite, join; to articulate;
tion, wrinkling. pronounce distinctly (law) to question, ;

amigar, va. {prel. arruguk stibj. ARRU- : interrogate, examine.

GUE) to wrinkle, corrugate, constrict, crum- articular, artlculario, ria, a. articular.
ple to
rumple, fold, gather, crease, pleat artiCUlista, m. &/. writer of articles.
arrngar la frente, to frown. articnlO, m. article, section, clause, coudi-
arrugia,/- (min.) goldmine. tion, stipulation word soj>arately defined

amigbn, m. decoration of carved work. in a dictionary plea; essay ;

(gram.) arti- ;

arruinaaor, ra, m. & /. ruiner, demolisher, cle; (bot.) genicuiation (anat.) joint.—/.'. ;

destroyer. articles, things.

arruinamientO, m. destruction, ruin. artifice, >n. artificer, artisan, maker.
amiinar, va. to demolish, ruin, destroy. artificial, «. artificial.
arrullador, ra, rocker, flatterer.
a. luller, artificialmente, odr. artificially.
arrullar, va. to lull to court, coo and bill.; artificio, //*. workmanship, craft ; artifice,
arrullo, '«. cooing and billing; lullaby. euuniug, cinitrivauce, device, trick, guile.
arruinaco, m. caress, fondling demonstra- artificiosamente, adc. artificially, craftily.
tion. artificiOSO, sa, «. skilful, ingenious artful, ;

arrumaje, m. (naut.) stowage of the cargo. crafty, cunning.

arrumar, va. (naut.) to stow cargo. artiga,.r'. land newly broken up.
arrumazbn, /. (naut.) stowing horizon ; artigar, ra. to break and level land.
overcast. , artillar; ra. to mount cannon.
arrnmbadas, /. pi. (naut.) wales of a row- artillena, /. gunnery, artillery, cannon
galley. ordnance army corps. ;

arrum'bad.or, ra, m. & f. heaper, piler artillero, >». gunner, artillery-man.

steersman. artimafia,./. trap, snare, device, stratagem.
amunbamlentO, m. (naut.) relative bear- artimdn, m. (naut.) mizzen-mast.
ing. artina,/. fruit of the box-thorn.
amimbar, va. to put away
to range casks ; artista, m. artist, artisan, tradesman, crafts
of wine in a cellar to refute to remove ; ; master, art student.
one from a trust (naut.) to steer the proper
; artisticamente, adr. artistically.
course. vr. (naut.) to take bearings. artistiCO, ca, a. artistic.
arnuiflarse, vr. to have a flush of cards. artolas,/. p/. padnier; pack-saddle.
arrurruz, m. arrow-root. art61itOS, m. concave spongy stone.
ars^fraga,/. v. bkrrera. artOS, m. species of thistles box-thorn. ;

arsenal, m.ship-yard, dockyard, navy-yard ; artritiCO, ca, a. arthritic, arthritical.

arsenal. artritiS, m. (med. ) arthritis, gout.
arseniato, m. (chem. ) arseniate. artrografia, /. description of the joints.
arsenical, «. (chem.) arsenical. artrologia, /. (anat.) arthrology..
ars^nico, m. (chem.) arsenic; ratsbane. artufia,/. ewe whose lamb has perished.
arsenlOSO, a. arsenious. Arturo, m. (ast.) Arcturus, fixed star.
arsenitO, m. arsenite. arugas,/. (bot.) v. Matricaria.
arsolla,/. v. arzolla. irula,/. dim. small altar.
arta,/. (bot. ) English plantain rib-wort. ; arufiar, ra. v. aranar.
artalejo, m. artalete, m. a sort of tart. arufiazo, m. V. araSazo.
artanica, artanita,/. (bot.) sow-bread. anifio. m. V. araSo.
arte, m. &,/. art, skill, craft, cunning trade, ; ardspice, m. augurer, soothsayer.
profession artifice,
; machine intrigue ; aruspicina, /. aruspicy.
fishing-net: bellas arteB, fine arts. arveja,/. (bot.) carob-tree: the fruit.
artefacto, m. manufacture, handiwork. arvejal, arvejar, m. field of carob-trees.
artejo, m,. joint or knuckle of the fingers. arve, O, m. (bot:) bastard chick-pea.
artemlsa, artemlsla,/. (bot.) mug-wort. arve] 6n, m. (bot.) chickling-vetch.
artena,/. aquatic fowl. arvejona,/. v. arveja. v. algarroba.
artera,/. iron bread-stamp. arvense, «. any plant growing in sown fleldn
arteramente, adv. craftily, fraudulently. arza,/. (naut.) tall of a tackle.
arteria,/. (anat.) an artery. arzobispadO, m. archbishopric.
arteria,/. artifice, stratagem, cunning. arzobispal, a. archiepiscopal.
arterial, a. arterial. arzobispo, m. archbishop.
arteriografia,/. description of the arteries, arzolla, /. (bot. ) lesser burdock milk-thistle. ;

arteriola,/. dim. small artery arteriole. ; arz6n, m. saddle-tree.

arterioso, sa, a. v. arterial. as, m. ace Roman copper coin.

arteriotomia, f. (anat.) arteriotomy. asa,/. handle, haft juice from certain plants*

artero, ra, a. dexterous, cunning, artful. asa dalce, gum benzoin.

artesa,/. kneading-trough canoe. ; asacibn,/. (pharm.) decoction.
artesano, m. artisan, mechanic. asadero, ra, a. fit for roasting.—wi. (Mex.)
arteslano, a. pozo arteslano, artesian well. small, flat cheese.
artesilla, /. trough at a draw-well game on ; asado, da, a. roasted dressed.—p;>. of asar.;

horseback. asador, m. spit, roasting-jack.

artesdn, m. kitchen tub; (arch.) carved asadura, /. entrails, chitterlings asadnra d« :

panel on ceiling. pnerco, haslet.

artesonado, da, a. panelled (ceiling). asaeteador, m. archer, bow-man.
artesuela,/. dim. small kneading-trough. asaetear, va. to attack, kill with arrows.
art^tico, ca, a. arthritic. asaetinado, da, a. like satin,
irtico, ca, a. (ast.) arctic, northern. asaf^tida,./' asafoetida.
articulacl6n, /. articulation ; ioint ; distinct asainetado, da, a. farcical,
pronunciation; (bot.) genicuiation. asalariar, ra. to fix a salary.
artiCUladamente, adv. distinctly, articu- asalmonado, da, «. v. salmonado
lately. asaltador, m. assailant, assaulter ; Highway
artiCUladO, da, a. articulate.

A M Id far ; • iu eh 1 ; 1 In police ; o in tor ; n in bull ; c (before e, 1) and s an th in thick ; L .nd d. otb

ASA 51 ASl
asaltar, va. to assault, storm, assail, surprise asenso, m. assent, consent credence, ;

to occur suddenly. asentada,/. session sitting. ;

asaltO, m. assault, violence: asalto de armas, asentaderas,/. p/. buttocks, v. nalgas.

I'eucing bout sudden gust of passion.
; asentadillas, /. pt. k asentadillas, adv.
asamblea, /. assembly, meeting, congress, riding woman-fashion.
junta, congregation, convention, gathering, asentadO, da, a. seated settled perma- ;

asar, va. to roast. vr. to be excessively hot. neni.^pp. of asentar.

asarabacara, asaraca,/. (bot.) asarabacca. asentador, m. razor-strop turning chisel. ;

asarero, //*. (bot.) K endrino. asentadura, / asentamiento, m. (law)

asargado, da, a. serge-like, twilled. possession of goods given by default ; estab-
asarina,/. (bot.) bastard asarum. lishment, settlement, resideace.
asaro, //«. (bot.) asarum. asentar, va. {pp. asentado ind. asiento ; :

asatiVO, va, «. (pharm.) dressed or boiled in subj. ASiENTE) to seat, place, fix, secure,
its own juice. affirm adjust ;to stop at settle
; note ; ;

asaz, adv. (poet.) enough, abundantly. down strike found establish hone es-
; ; ; ; ;

asbestino, na, a. belonging to asbestos. timate. vn. to fit sit down settle. vr.;

asbesto, m. asbestos. (arch.) to sink settle. ;

ascalonia,/. (bot.) shallot. asentii]^ento, m. assent, v. asenso.

asc^rides,/. i)/. ascarides. asentir, vn. {ind. asiento mbj. ASIENTE) :

ascendencia,/. line of ancestors, origin. to coincide, acquiesce, concede.

ascendente, m. ascendant, ascending. asentista, m. contractor.
ascender, vn. {ind. asciendo: subj. ASCIEN- aseo, m. cleanliness, neatness,*tidiness.
DA) to ascend, mount, climb; to be pro- asequible, a. attainable, obtainable.
moted ascender k, (com.) to amount to.
: aserci6n,/. assertion, affirmation.
ascendiente, m. & /. ancestor, forefather. aserradero, m. saw-mill, saw-pit, saw-horse,
m. ascendency, influence, power. aserradizo, za, proper to be sawed.
ascensi6n,/. ascension. Catholic feast, exal- aserrado, da, «. serrate, serrated, dented.
tation. pp. of ASERRAR.
ascensional, a. (ast.) ascensional. aserrador, m. sawer or sawyer.
ascenso, m. promotion. aserradura, /. sawing, kerf: aserradnras,
ascensor, m. lift, hoist, elevator. saw-dust.
asceta, m. ascetic, hermit. aserrar, va. {ind. asierro : mbj. asierre)
asceticismo, ascetlsmo, m. asceticism. to saw.
ascetico, ca, a. ascetic. aserrin, m. saw-dust.
asciendo, ascienda (irr. from ascender). asertivamente, adv. affirmatively.
asciOS. (geog.) ascii.
i/ asertivo, va, a. assertive. V. afirmativo.
asciro, (bot.) St. Andrew's cross.
/'*. aserto, vi. assertion, affirmation.
ascitis,/, (med.) ascites. asertorio, a. V. juramento, affirmatory.
ascitico, ca, a. (med.) ascitic. asesar, vn. to become prudent, brainy.
asclepiada, /. (bot.) swallow-wort. asesinar, va. to assassinate, to murder.
asclepiadeo, m. Latin verse of four feet. asesinato, m. assassination, murder.
asco, III. nausea, loathing; despicable thing. asesino, m. assassin, murderer, cut-throat.
ascua,/. red-hot coal. FI brasa. asesor, ra, m. &f. counsellor, legal adviser.
iascuas interj. (joe.) how it pains
! ! asesorar, va. to give legal advice. vr. to take
aseadamente, adv. cleanly, neatly, tidy. legal advice, consult.
aseado, dag a. clean, ofneat, tidy.—pp. asesoria, /. office, pay and fees of an as-
asear. sessor.
asear, va. to adorn, embellish, polish, clean. asestador, m. gunner.
asecbador, rw. insnarer, wavlayer. asestadura, /. taking aim.
asecbamiento, m. asecbanza, /. waylay- asestar, va. to aim, point to strike ; ; to dis-
Jg, artifice, snare, trap, stratagem. charge, to fire.
asecbar, va. to waylay watch insidiously ;
; aseveraci6n,/. solemn affirmation.
to ambush. aseveradamente, adv. affirmatively.
asecboso, sa, a. waylaying, intriguing. aseverar, va. to asseverate, affirm, assert.
asedado, da, o. silky.—pp. of asedar, asfaltar, va. to asphalt.
asedar, va. to work flax soft as silk. asfaltico, ca, a. of asphaltum bituminous. ;

asediador, ra, m. &f. besieger. asfaltO, 7n. asphaltum kind of bitumen. ;

asediar, va. to besiege, blockade. asfictico, ca, a. asphyxial or asphyctic.

asediO, m. siege, blockade. asfixia,/. (med.) asphyxia.
aseglararse, vr. to secularize himself. asfixiar, va. to asphj'xiate, suffocate.
asegundar, va. to repeat an act. asfddelo, w. asphodel, day-lily. V. gam6n.
asegurable, a. insurable. asgo, tu ases, yo asga {irr. from asir).
aseguracidn,/. insurance. asi, adv. so, thus, in this manner therefore, ;

asegurado, da, a. assured, guaratnteed, de- so that, also, equally asi, followed by h :

cided, fixed, anchored. —m. the insured. verb in the subjunctive mood, is translated,
asegurador, ?«. insurer, underwriter. would that: asi, asi, so so; middling: asi
aseguramientO, m. securing, security ; in- qne, as soon as asi como asi, any way.

surance. asiatico, ca, a. Asiatic.

asegurar, to. to secure, insure, fasten, fix asidero. m. handle occasion, pretext aii- ; :

to aftirm, assert; (com.) to insure.— it. to deros, (naut. ) tow-ropes.

verify make sure hold fast get insured.
; ;
; asidO, da, pp. of asir seized, grasped. a ;

aseidad!, /. self-existence, attribute of God. fastened, tied, attached.

asemeiar, va. to assimilate ; to copy ; to re- asiduamente, adv. assiduously.
senibft. asiduidad,/. assiduity, assiduousness.
asendereado, da, a. beaten frequented.— ; asidUO, dua, «. assiduous, laborious.
pp. of ASENDEREAR. asiento, m. chair, stool, bench, seat; spot^
asenderear, va. to open a path to persecute, ; site solidity settling
; bottom sediment
; ; ;

asengladura,/. F. singladura. treaty ; contract ; entry ; registry judg- ;

< (before e, i) ami J »8 h in hot; h, Bilent; 11 ia brilliant; fi, ny in canron; r (initial) and rr trilled; •, bisMd.

ment, prudence ;
stability ; ; asolanar, va. to parch, dry up.
mining district in South America; list, asolar, va. {ind. ASUELO : subj. asuelk) to
roll ; collar and cuff-band ;
indigestion, level, destroy, waste, harrow, pillage, devas-
aslento, yo aslenta {irr. from asentir). tate. vr. to settle, get clear (wine).
asiento, yo aslente {irr. from asentar). asoldar or asoldadar, va. (ind. asvfa.voi
aslerro, yo asierre [irr. from askrrar). gubj. ASUELDE) to hire to fix wages. ;

asignable, a. assignable. asolear, va. to sun. it. to be sunburnt.

asigaacl6n, /. assignation ; distribution, asomadia, /. appearance, apparition, first
partition ;
destination. point of view.
asignadO, m. assignat.—^p. of asignar. asomado, da, «. fuddled.—pp. of asomab.
asignar, vo. to assign, devote, appoint asomar, vii. to begin to appear, peep. va. to
ascribe. show, put out. vr. to be flustered with
aslgnatura,/. curriculum, course of study. wine.
asilO, >n. asylum, refuge, harbour; (met.) asombradizo, za, a. timid, shy.
protection, shelter, asombrador, ra, a. shader; frightener;
asilla, /. dim. small handle ; slight pretext. wondrous.
—pi. collar-bones, asombramiento, m. V. asombro.
asiiaieilto, m. grasp attachment, affection, ; asombrar, ra. to shade, darken, obscure;
aslmilable, a. capable of assimilation, to frighten, terrify to astonish, amaze.— i-r.

asimilacibn, /. assimilation, to wonder.

aslmilar, rn. to resemble.— ra. to assimilate. asombro, m. dread, fear, terror, amazement j
asimllatiVO, va, «. assimilating. astonishment, wonderment.
asimlsmo, adv. exactly so likewise. ; asombrosamente, adv. amazingly, wonder-
aslmpladO, da, a. like a simpleton. fully, marvellously.
asinaeton, m. (rhet.) asyndeton. asombroso, sa, a. wonderful, wondrous,
asinlno, na, a. asinine ass-like. ; astonishing, marvellous.
asintOta,/- (geom.) asymptote, asomo, m. indication, sign, conjecture.
asir, va. & vn. {ind. asgo subj, asga) to : asonada./. tumultuous crowd.
grasp or seize to hold to take root. vr. ; ; asonancia, /. assonance, consonance, har-
to dispute to avail one's self of.
; mony ; peculiar kind of rhyme.
asirlano, na, or asirio, ria, «. Assyrian. asonantar, ra. (poet.) to mix assonant with
aslstencia, /. actual presence reward as- ; ; consonant verses compose agonaates. ;

sistance, favour, aid, help asiBtencias, al- : asonante, a. assonant word or verse.
lowance alimony. ; asonar, {ind. asueno : subj. ASUENE) to
asistenta, /• handmaid ; servant-maid to be assonant ; to accord.
court ladies. asordar, va. to deafen with noise.
aslstente, pa. & chief m. assistant, helper ; asosegar, va. asosegarse, vr. v. sosegar.
officer of justice at Seville orderly. ; asctanar, va. to vault ; make cellars.
aslstir, vn. to be present to assist ; to follow ; aspa, /. cross ; reel ; wings of a wind-mill
suit (cards). va. to accompany ; minister, cross-stud.
serve to attend a sick person.
; aspadera,/. (mech.) reel.
asma, /. asthma. aspado, da, a. having both arms extended
asm^tico, ca, a. asthmatic. —pp. of ASPAR.
asna,/. she-ass, jenny.—jjZ. ^carp.) rafters. aspador, ra, m. &/. reeler.—m. reel.
asnacho, m. (hot.) v. gatuna. aspalato, m. (bot.) rosewood.
asnada, /. foolish action. aspalto, m. V. ESPALTo.
asnado, m. side-wall timber in mines. aspar, va. to reel to crucify (met.) ;
to vex
asnal, «. asinine; beastly. aspavlento, m. exaggerated dread, aston.
asnalmente, adv. foolishly ; mounted on an ishment, wonder.
ass. aspecto, m. sight, appearance, look, aspect,
asnallo, m. (bot.) V. gatuSa. countenance; (arch.) outlook; (ast.) rela-
aanaU3llO, m. sharp pepper of South America. tive position.
asneria, /. stud of asses foolish action. : Itsperamente, adv. rudely, harshly, gruffly.
asniCO, ca, m. &f. dim. little ass. asperear, r?*. to taste acrid.
asnilla,/. stanchion or prop. asperete, m. v. asperillo.
asnlllO, 11a, m. & /. dim. little ass (zool.) ;
aspereza, asperidad,/. asperity, acerbity,
lield-crioket. gall ; keenness ; roughness, ruggedness,
asnlno, na, a- resembling an ass ; asinine. gniffness, harshness, snappishness.
asno, m. an ass (met.) ounce. ; asperges, m. aspersion or sprinkling.
asobarcar, va. {pret. asobarqu6: subJ. ASO- asperiegO, ga, a. sour pippin.
harqite) to take a bundle under the arm asperilla,/. (hot.) perennial plant.
totuck up the skirts. asperillo, w. sourish taste of unripe fruit.
asoblnarse, vr. to fall down with the head asperillo, 11a, a. dim. tart, sourish.
between the fore feet. asperjar, va. to sprinkle.
asocarronado, da, a. crafty, cunning, wag- &spero, ra, a. rough, rugged, craggeo^
gish. grained, knotty, harsh, severe, rigid, gruff.
asoclacidn, /. aBOCiamiento, m. associa- asper6n, m. grind-stone flag-stone. ;

tion, fellowship, copartnership, union. asp^rrimo, ma, a. svp. of jtsPERo.

asociadO, m. associate, comrade, partner. aspersibn./. aspersion; sprinkling.
pp. of ASOCIAR. aspersorio, m. water-sprinkler.
asoclar, va. to associate, take a partner, con- 6,spid, aspide, m. asp, aspic.
join. vr. to accompany, consociate, join, aspillera.y'. loophole, embrasure, orenel.
form a partnership. aspiracibn, /. aspiration desire inspira^ ; ;

asolacibn, asoladura, /. desolation, devas- tion ;

(miis.) short pause.
tation. aspiradamente, adv. with aspiration.
asolador, ra, m. &f. destroyer, desolator. aspirante,i>a. aspirant, neophyte,
asolamiento, m. depopulation, destruction, aspirar, ra. to inspire, draw breath ; aspire ;
havoc. covet ; a.spirate.

far ; • in eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; u in bull ; c (before t, i) and i • th In thick ; b and d, •oft«.

ASQUear [ao-Kay-ar'], va. to loathe, to be nau- asurarse, vr. to bum in the pan ; to become
seated. parched.
aSqUerOSamente [as-kay-ro-sah-men'-tay], adv. asurcano, na, a, neighbouring.
nastily, nauseously, foully. asurcar, va. {pret. asurquj^ subj. asurqueV :

aSq,UerOSidad [as-kay-ro-se-dahd'], /. filthiness, to furrow to plough.


foulness fulsomeness, mawkishness.

; asustadiZO, za, a. easily frightened,
aSC[Uer080, Sa [as-kay-ro'so], a. nasty, filthy, asustar, va. to frighten, scare; to terrify.—
nauseous, loathsome, disgusting, vr. to be frightened.
asquiaiahs'-ke-ah],/. (icht.^ fresh-water fish. atabaca, /. (bot.) groundsel. V. olivard^
asta, /. lance; staff, pole, flagstaff; horn, atabacado, da, a. tobacco-colour.
antler; shank shaft, spindle. •
atabal, m. kettle-drum.
kstaCO, m. crayfish or crawfish. atabalear, vn. to clatter like kettle-drums.
astado, astero, m. Roman pikeman. atabalejo, atabalete, atabalillo, m. dim^
astatico, ca, a. astatic. small kettle-drum.
astenla,/. (med.') asthenia. atabalero, m. kettle-drummer.
ast^nlco, ca, a. (med.) asthenic, atabanado, da, a. spotted white.
asteria,/. star-stone; cat's-eye. atabardilladO, da, a. of the nature of spotted
asteriaco.yn, asterisk (*) (hot.) oxeye. ;
asteroide, m. asteroid.", m. small vent in water-pipes.
astll, handle of a tool shaft beam of a ; ; atSbbemadO, da, a. retailed in taverns.
balance. atabillar, va. to fold cloth with seivages out.
astilejos, m. pi. v. astillejos. atabladera, /. roller to level sown land.
astilla,/. chip, splinter. atabl&r, va. to level sown land.
astillar, va. to chip. atacadera,/. blaster's rammer.
astillazo, m. blow ; stroke of a flying chip a. (met.) irresolute, undecided;
atacaxio, da,
damage, injury, miserable.—^, of atacar.
astillejos, m. pi. (ast.) Castor and Pollux. atacador, m. aggressor ramrod or rammer. ;

astillero, m. rack for lances, spears, pikes, atacadnra,/. atacamiento, m. tightening.'

etc. ship-yard, dockyard.
; atacamita, /. (min. ) native oxychloride of
astillOSO, sa, a. wood easily splintered. copper.
astrd,galO, m. (arch.) astragal; (mil.) atacar, va. {pret. ataqu^: subj. ataque) to :

moulding on a cannon; (bot.) milk-vetch; button, close,fit tight; to ram, attack, as-
(anat.) astragalus round moulding; beads.
; provoke to corner.
sail, ;

astral, a. astral. atacir, m. (astrol.) divisioa of the celestial

astrancia, f^ (hot. ) master-wort. arch into twelve parts.
astriccl6n, astringencia,/. astriction. ataderas,/. pi. ataderos, m. pi. garters.
astrlctlVO, va, «. astrictive, styptic. atadero, m. cord or rope place or object ;

astrictO,ta, a. contracted determined.—^. ; where a thing or an animal is tied to.

irr. of ASTRINGIR. atadijo, itO, m. dim. (coll.) ill-shaped parcel,
astrifero, ra, (poet.) starry. atadO, m. bundle, parcel. a. pusillanimous,
astringencia,/. astringency, constriction. good for nothing. --pp. of atar.
astringente, a. astringent. a'to.dor, m. tier, binder j bonnet-string.
astringir, a. (ind. astrinjo : subj. astrin- atadnra, /. tie, fastening, binding; union,
ja) to astringe, contract, compress. connection ; knot, loop, lace.
astro, m. heavenly body, sun, moon, star. atafagar, va. to stupefy: to tease.
astro^afia, /. astrography. atafetanado, da, a. taffeta^like.
astroite, m. astroite, radiated fossil. atabarre, m. broad crupper of a pack-saddle.
astrolabio, m. astrolabe, sextant. atabona,/. v. tahona.
astrolOgia,/. astrology. ataborma,/. (om.) osprey.
astrolbgico, ca, go, ga, a. astrological. ataifor, m. deep di^h Moorish round table. ;

astr61Og0, 771. astrologer. atairar. vc^ to mould panels and frames.

astrolbgicamente, adv. astrologically. ataire, n> moulding in panels and frames.
astronomia,/. astronomy. atajadero m. sluice-gaie.
astron6micamente, adv. astronomically. atajadizo, m. partition.
astrondmico, ca, a. astronomical. atajador, m. intercipient (mil.) scout; ;

astrOnomo, m. astronomer. (min.) lad who tends the work-horses.

astrosamente, adv. slovenly, sluttish. atajar, vn. to go the shortest way. va. to in-
astroso, sa, a. vile, loathsome. tercept, stop, overtake to partition off.— ;

astucia, /. cunning, craft, finesse, sly- vr. to be confounded with shame or fear.
ness. atajea, atajia,/. v. atarjea.
astucioso, sa, a. v. astuto. atajo, TO. short cut interception, stoppage.

astxir, ra, or asturiano, na, a. Asturlan. atalajar, va. to harness and hitch horses to
asturidn, m. pony; (zool.) V. SOLLO. a carriage.
astutamente, adv. cunningly, craftily. atalaje, m. breast harness ; draft.
astute, ta, a. astute, cunning, sly, crafty. atalantar, v. aturdir.
asubiar, vn. to guard against the rain. atalaya, /. watch-tower height.—m. guard ; ;
asueldo, yo asuelde (17^. from asoldar), lookout,
asuelo, yo asuele {trr. from asolar). atalayador, ra, m. &f. guard, sentry, look-
asueno, yo asuene {irr. from asonar). out, prier.
asueto, m. school holiday, vacation. atalayar, va. to watch, guard to spy or pry. ;

asumir, va. to assume ; to raise, elevate. V7: atalayero, m. advance scout.

V. arrogarse.
atalYina. /. v. talvina.
asunci6n,/. assumption; elevation, ascent; atamienio, m. pusillanimity, meekness.
postulate. atanasia,/ (hot.) costmary or alecost type ;

asuntO,77i. subject affair, businesg.—pf, asun-

; named English (14-point).
tos, effects, business, stock.
atanor, m. siphon, water-tube.
asnramiento, m. burning food when cook- atanquia, /. depilatory silk refuse. ;
ing ;
parching. ata&er, v. imp. to belong, appertain.
X (b^ore e. O and j as h In hot ; h, silent ; U in brilliant ; fi, n^ in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trlHed ; , hisMd
ATa 54 ATI
AtaQUe fah-tah'-kayi, TO. attack, ODset ; trenches ;
ATTJVE subj. me atenoa) to stick to; t«

tit (of illness); wrangle. abide by.

ataquiza i«ii-tah-kee'-thahj, /, layering or lay- atenta,/. (com.) »u atenta, your favour.
ing a vine. atentacion, /. (law) illegal'procedure
ataquizar (ah-tah-ke-thar'i, va. to lay a vine. atentadamente, adv. contrary to law.
atar, va. to tie, bind, fasten, knot, lace to ; atentado, da, a. discreet, prudent, moder-
deprive of motion, stop. vr. to be embar- atenoiseless.—pp. of atentar.

rassed. atentado, m. (law) unwarranted proceeding,

ataracea,^'. marquetry, inlaid work. transgression, offence.
ataracear, oa. to checker inlay. ; atentamente, adv. attentively politely. ;

atarantado, da, a. bitten "by a tarantula; atentar, ra. ( i?trf. atiento subj. ATIEXTEi :

wild astonished, amazed.

restless ; ; to attempt a crime to proceed illegally. ;

a.tarazaiia,/- arsenal; spinner's shed. atentatorlo, ria, «. contrary to the laws.

atarazar, va. to bite wound with the teeth. ; atento, ta, «. attentive, listful, heedful po- ;

atareado, da, a. busied, occupied.—^, of lite, civil, courteous.—pp. irr. of atender.

ATAKKAK. atenuaclbn, /. attenuation, extenuation, di-
atar ear, task exercise. vr. to be ex- ; minution ;
(rhet.) litotes.
ceed ugly busy.
i atenuante, a. attenuating ; extenuating (cir-
atarjea,/. culvert; conduit; small sewer. cumstances).
atarO[Ulaar, va. to bemire. vr. to be covered atenuar, va. to attenuate, extenuate, dimin^
with mire. ish, lessen ; make lean.
atarraga,/. (bot.) v. olivarda. ateO, TO. V. ATEISTA.
atarragar, va. (farr.) to fit a horse's shoe. atepocate, TO. (Mex.) frog spawn.
atarrajar, va. to form the thread of a screw. atercianado, da, a. afflicted with tertiaa
r. ATERRAJAR. fever.
ataxraya,/. cast-net. aterciopelado, da, a. velvet-like.
atanigado, da, a.^pp. of atarugar. aterido, da, a. stiff with cold.—pp. of atk-
atarugamiento, m. wedging. RIRSE.
atarugar, va. {pret. atarugue subj. ATARU- : aterimientO, m. growing stiff with cold.
GUE) to fasten; wedge; to plug, bung; aterino, to. atherme, sand-smelt.
(coll.) to silence. aterirse, vr. {ind. me ATIERO subj. me atie- :

AtasaJadO, da, a. stretched across a horse. ra) to grow stiff with cold.
pp. of ATASAJAR. aternerado, da, a. calf-like.
atasajar, va. to "jerk" beef. ateroma,/. atheroma.
fttascadero, atascamlento, m. deep miry aterrador, ra, a. frightful, terrible, dread-
place; obstruction; impediment, ful.
atascar, va. {pret. atasque subj. atasque) : aterrajar, va. to thread a screw ; to tap with
to stop a leak ; to stop up, obstruct. vr. to tne aie.
stick in mire ; to get stopped up ; to lose aterramientO, ruin, destruction, terror;
the thread of a speech. (naut. ) landing-place.
Atasco, in. barrier, obstruction. atierrar, va. {ind. atierro subj. atierre) :

ataud, m. coffin, casket grain measure. ;

to destroy pull down, demolish. vr. (naut.

ataudado, da, «. coffin-shaped. to stand inshore.

ataujia, /. damaskeening. aterrar, va. {this verb is regular in the follow-'
ataujiaido, da, a. damaskeened. ing acceptations) to terrify, to awe, to ap-
ataviado, da, a. ornamented, decked.—pp. pal. vr. to be tilled with terror, to be awed
of ATAVIAR. or appalled.
ataviax, va. to dress out deck trim adorn ; ; ; ;
aterronar, va. to clod.--vr. to grow lumpy.
eml>ellish. aterrorizar, va. to frighten, terrify.
ax^aviCO, ca, a. relating to atavism. atesador, to. (meoh.) stretcher, line-tighten-
atavlO, m. dress finery, gear. ;
er, tensor, take-up ; brace-pin.
atavlBmo, m. atavism. atesar, va. {ind. atieso: subj. atikse) to
Ataxia,/, (med.) ataxia, ataxy. brace, tighten ;
(naut.) to haul taut.
atAxlcO, ca, a. ataxic. atesorador, to. hoarder.
atedlar, va. to disgust. vr. to be bored. atesorar, va. to treasure, hoard up, possess.
ateismo, m. atheism. atestacibn, /. attestation, testimony, affida-
aieista, m. atheist, infidel. vit.
atele, m. hardwood tree (Cuba). atestado, da, a. attested, witnessed. V. tes«
atelaje, v. atalaje; also a team. TARUDO.—pp. of ATESTAR.
atemorizar, va. {pret. atemoric^: subj. atestados, to. pi. certificates, testimonials,
A tkmorick) to cause fear to daunt. ; atestadura, /. cramming or stuffing must ;

atemperaci6n,/. tempering. for soaking casks.

atemperante, a. tempering, mollifying, atestamiento, to. cramming, stuffing.
soothiiif?, cooling. atestar, va. {ind. atiesto subj. ATIESTE) to :

atemperar, va. to temper, soften, mollify, cram, stuff, crowd; to fill up wine casks;
assuage, cool ; accommodate. attest, witness.
atenacear, atenazar, va. to tear off the atestiguacl^n,/. atestiguamiento, m. affi'
flesh with nippers. davit.
atenci6n,/. attention, heed; clyility ; kind- atestiguar, va. to depose, witness, attest;
ness deal in wool.—p/.
; affairs, busi- give evidence.
ness. al^tado, da, a. mammiform.—pp. of atetak.
Atender, vn. ( pp. atendido and atento : atetar, va. to suokle.
'nd. ATlENDo: subj. atienda) to attend, atetillar, va. to trench around roots.
mind, heed, hearken to take care of. ; atezado, da, black.—pp. of atezar.
Atendible, a. meriting attention. atezamiento, to. bl-ackenia^
ateneo, m. athenieum. atezar, va. { pret. atec6 "subj. atece) to

ateneo, a, or ateniense, adj. Athenian. blacken. vr. to grow black.

atenerse, vr. {ind. me atengo pret. me : atlborrar, va. to stuff, cram, gorge.

* aa iB far ; e in eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; u in bull ; c (before e, i) and c m th in thick ; b sad d, soft-*

atlcismo, m. Atticism witticism, joke. ; atontado, da, a. mopish, foolish, stupid.—
atiCO, ca, «. Attic, elegant. m. attic. pp. of ATONTAR.
atiendo, yo atienda {irr. from atender). atontamiento, m. stupefaction.
atiento, yo atlente (tVr. from atentar). atontar, va. to stun, stupefy, confoundf
atierre, m. deals caving in ; run (mining) ; ;
confuse. vr. to grow stupid, dull.
attle, heap of waste ore. atorar, va. to obstruct to jam to choke ; ;

atierro, yo atierre (i/r. from aterrar). to cut branches for fuel. vr. to stick in the
atiesar, va. to stiffen. , mire ; fit the bore closely choke.

atifle, ni. potter's trevet. atoimentadameute, adv. anxiously, tor-

atigradO, da, a. tiger-coloured. meuiiugly.
atildadura, /. atudamiento, m. punctua- atormentado, da, a. painful, beset with af-
tion, censure, tidiness, nicety. fliction.—/>p. of ATORMENTAR.
atildar, va. to put a dash or tilde over a let- atormentador, ra, to. & f. tormentor.
ter ; to censure to adorn. ; atormentar, va. to torment, give pain, cause
atL'aadamente, adv. cautiously ; pertinently. affliction, harass, rack,
atinar, vn. to hit the mark ; guess ; find out. atornlllar, va. to screw.
atincar, m. tincal, borax. atorozonarse, vr. to suffer gripes or colic,
atinconar, va. (min.) to prop the side walls. atortolar, va. to confound, intimidate. vr.
atiplar, va. to raise the pitch of a musical to be intimidated.
instrument. vr. to grow very sharp. atortorar, va. (naut^) to frap a ship,
atirantar, va. (arch. ) to truss, to stay. atortujar, va. to squeeze, make flat.
atiriciarse, vr. to grow jaundiced. atosigador, w. poisoner.
atisbadero, m. peephole. atosigamiento, to. poisoning.
atisbador, ra, m. &f. prier, observer. atOSigar, va. {pret. ATOSiGufe : subJ. ATOSI-
atisbaidura,/. prying, observing cautiousjy, gue) to poison, harass, press.
atisbar, va. to scrutinize pry, watch. ; atOXicar, va. to poison.
atisbO, m. V. atisbadura. atbxiCO, ca, a. poisonous.
atisuado, da, a. tissue-like. atrabancar, va. {pret. atrabanquk : stibj.
atizadero, m. atizador, ra, m. &/. inciter atrabanque) to huddle perform ;
in a
poker snuffer feeder.
; ; hurry.
atizar, va. {pret. ATicfe: subj. atice) to atrabancO, m. huddling, acting hurriedlv.
poke; snuff; dress; trim; rouse; incite. atrabiliario, rla, atrabilioso, sa, a. atra-
atizonar, va. to riprap. vr. to be smutted. bilarious.
atlantes, m. (arch.) atlantes or telamones. atrabilis,/. black bile.
AtliintICO, a. Atlantic. atracable, «. approachable.
atlas, TO. atlas, book of maps; (anat.) first atracadero, TO. (naut.) landing-place.
cervical vertebra (com.) rich satin. ; atracar, va. {pret. atraquk subj. atraque) :

atleta, m. athlete, wrestler, gymnast. (naut.) to overtake, approach; to cram;

atletiCO, ca, a. athletic ; robust. pamper. vr. to be pampered.
atlll6sfera,/. atmosphere, the air; space of atraccidn,/. attraction.
influence measure of force.
; atracdn, to. over-eating, gluttony.
atmosferiCO, ca, a. atmospherical. atractivo, va, a. attractive, magnetic, en-
atoaje, to. towage, warping. —
gaging. TO. charm, grace, inducement.
atoar, va. (naut.) to tow a vessel. atractrlz, a. fuerza atractriz, attractive power.
atocinado, da, a. corpulent, fat, fleshy.—pp. atraer, va. {Ind. atraigo pret. atraje : -.

of ATOCINAR. subj. atraiga) to attract, draw, allure, in-

atocinar, va. to cut up a pig j make bacon ;
vite, charm.
assassinate. vr. to swell with anger and atraiiagadO, da, a. much occupied labori- ;

rage become violently enamoured.

; ous.—pp. of atrafagar; fidgety.
atOCha,/. tough feather-grass, bass-weed. atrafagar, vn. to toil, work hard. vr. to fid-
atochal, atocnar, m. bass-weed field. get, fuss.
atocliar, va. to fill with bass-weed. atragantarse, vr. to choke ; to be cut short
atochdn, to. panicle of tough feather-grass. in conversation.
atole or atol, to. gruel made of corn flour. atraible, a. attractable.
atoleria,/. place where atole is sold. atraldorado, da, a. treacherous, perfidious.
atolero, ra, a. maker and vender of atole. atraigo, atraje, atraiga {irregular from
atolondrado, da, a. hare-brained, thought- atraer).
less, giddy, careless.—:pp. of atolondrar. atraillar, va. to leash ; to follow game guid-
atolondramiento, to. confusion, perplex- ed by a dog in leash.
ity, giddiness. ;
atramento, to. black colour.
atolondrar, va. to confound, confuse, atramparse, vr. to be trapped, snared;
amaze, perplex, rattle. vr. to be confused, locked out choked blocked up involved
; ; ;

giddy, rattled. in difficulties.

atoUadero, to. deep miry place ; obstacle, atramuz, to. (bot.) lupine. ALTEAMuz. II
impediment. atrancar,t'a. {pret. atranquf. subj. atran- -.

fall into the mire

atollar, vn. to ; to stick in que) to bar a door ; to obstruct ; to stride ;
themud. vr. to be involved in difficulties. to read hurriedlv.
atbmico, ca, a. atomic. atrapa-moscas,/. (bot.) Venus' s fly-trap.
atomismo, to. atomism. atrapar, va. to overtake, nab, catch, grab ;
atomista, m. atomist. to trap, insnare, deceive.
atomiatico, ca, a. atomical. atris, adv. backward, behind, back ;
^tomo, TO. atom corpuscle ace ; ; ; mote ;
hacerse atr&s, to fall back.
anything extremely small. atrasado, da {pp. of atrasar), «. short of
atondar, va. to spur a horse. means, poor behind. ;

atonia,/. (med.) atony; debility. atrasar, va. to retard, delay, detain. vn. to
atbnlto, ta, a. astonished, amazed. go slow (as a watch). vr. to remain behind ;
^tono, na, a. unaccented a-tonic. ; to be in debt,
atontadamente, adv. foolishly, stupidly. atraso, to. backwardness.—^;, arrears.
g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; n, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hissed.
aTE 56 AUM
atravesadO, da, a. squint-eyed ; oblique ; atropellamientO, m. trampling under foot;
mongrel.^^>p. of atkavesak. confusedness.
atravesador, m. traverser. atropellar, va. to trample under foot knock ;

atravesafio, m. cross-timber ; cross-piece. down push through insult to violate the

; ; ;

atravesar, va. {ind. atbavieso : stibj. atra- law. vr. to be very hasty.
viesk) to place across, lay athwart to run ; atropellO, m. trampling, upsetting; abuse,
through, pierce; to cross over, go over, go insult, outrage.
through to bet, wager (naut.) to lie to.
; ; atropina,/. atropyie.
vr. to be thrown, placed amongst or across ; atrOZ, a. atrocious, cruel, inhuman, heinous;
to interfere, interrupt, mingle, dispute huge, vast, enormous.
(naut. ) to cross the course of another vessel. atrozar, va. (naut. ) to truss a yard,
atravleso {Irr. from atravesar). atrozmente, adv. atrociously excessively, ;

atrayeilte,i>«. atrahent, attractive. atruendo, atuendo, m. pomp, ostentation,

atreguado, da, a. foolish, deranged ; under atruhanado, da, a. scurrilous, rascally.
truee. atrueno, atruene {irr. from atronar').
atreguar, va. to conclude a truce; give an atufadamente, adv. peevishly, morosely.
extension. atufar, va. to vex, irritate, plague. it. to
atrenzo, m. conflict, difficulty. fret (liquors) to be angry.;

atresia, f. (med.) atresia. atufo, m. vexation, annoyance.

atresnaiiar, va. to collect sheaves into heaps. atun, m. tunny-fish.
atreverse, vr. to dare to venture. ; atunara, /. place where tunny-fishes are
atrevidaiueilte, adv. audaciously, daringly, caught.
boldly. atunera,/. tunny-fish hook.
atrevidO, da, a. bold, audacious, daring, fear- atunero, m. tunny fisherman or dealer.
less forward, insolent. -pp. of atreverse.
; aturar, va. to act judiciously to close tight, ;

atrevimiento, m. boldness, audacity, effront- aturdido, da, a. hare-brained, giddy, rat-

ery, insolence. tled.—;«>. of ATURDIR.
atrlbucibn,/. attribution; attribute. aturdimiento, w. bewilderment, confusion,
atribuir, va. {ind. atribuyo pret. 61 atri- : amazement.
BUYO : subj. atribuya) to attribute, ascribe, aturdir, va. to perturb, confuse, bewilder,
impute. vr. to assume. amaze, rattle, perplex, stun. it. to be
atribular, va. to vex, afflict. vr. to suffer dazed, bewildered, rattled, stunned.
tribulation. aturrullar, va. to confound, confuse, per-
atributivo, va, a. attributive. plex, bewilder.
atributO, m. attribute. atusador, m. hairdresser ; one who trims
atribuyo, ya {irr. from atribuir). plants.
atrici6n, /. contrition grief for sin ; ;
(farr.) atusar, va. to cut and trim the hair or the
contraction. plants ; to comb and smooth the hair. vr.
atril, m. lectern, music-stand. to dress one's self with too much care.
atrilera,/. ornamental cover for a lectern. atutia,/. tutty.
atrincheramiento,m.intrenchment,mound. auca, /. goose. V. oca.
atrincherar, va. to intrench, mound. vr. to audacia,/. audacity, boldness.
intrench one's self. audaz, a. bold, audacious, fearless.
atrio, m. porch, portico, courtyard. audible, a. audible.
atripedo, da, a. (zool.) black-footed. audiencia, /. audience, hearing, reception ;

atrirrostro, tra, a. black-beaked. audience-chamber court of oyer and ter« ;

atrltO, ta, «. contrite through fear. miner.

atro, ra, a. (poet.) dark, black, obscure. auditivo, va, a. auditive, auditory.
atrocidad, /. atrocity, atrociousness, hein- auditor, m. judge.
ousness, cruelty, wickedness, excess. auditoria,/- place and office of an auditor,
atrochar, vn. to go by cross-paths. auditorio, m. auditory, audience.
atrofia,/. atrophy. auditorio, ria, a. auditory, v. AUDITIVO.
atrofiarse, vr. to waste away. auge, m. acme (ast.) apogee. ;

atr6fi.C0, ca, a. affected with atrophy. augur, in. augur, augurer.

atrojarse, vr. (Mex. coll.) to be stumped. auguraci6n,/. auguration.
atrompetado, da, a. trumpet-like. augural, a. augurial.
atronadamente, adv. precipitately. augurar, va. to augur.
atronado, m. blunderer wild. a. ; precipi- augiirio, m. V. agOero.
tate.—^^yj. of ATRONAR. augusto, ta, a. august, magnificent.
atronaaor, ra, m. &/. thunderer. aula,/, lecture-hall; (poet.) palace.
atronadura,/. crack or split in wood ;
(farr.) aulaga, /. furze, whin, gorse.
tumour iu the pastern. &ulico, ca, a. aulic.
^.tronaiuieilto, m. thundering, stupefaction ; aulladero, m. place where wolves howl.
(farr.) crepane or ulcer. aullador, ra, »«. &/. howler.
fctronar, va. (ind. atrueno subj. atruene) : aullar, vn. to howJ, yell, cry.
to thunder, stun, stupefy stop the ears of ; aullido, auUo, m. howl, cry of horror.
horses to kill a bull. vr. to be thunder-
; aumentable, a. that may be augmented.
struck. aumentacibn, /. augmentation, increase;
Ittronerar, va. to make embrasures. (rhet. ) climax.
atropado, a. grouped, clumped.—pp. of atro- aumentado, da, a. increased, augmented. -« .

PAR. pp. of aumentar.

atr.opar, va. to assemble in groups, aumentador, ra, a. enlarger, amplifier.
atropelladamente, adv. tumultuously, hel- aumentar, *a. & vr. to augment, increase,
ter-skelter. enlarge.
atropellado, da, a. hasty, precipitate.—pp. aumentatiVO, va, a. increasing, enlarging.
of ATKOPKLLAR. aumentO, m, augmentation, increase, en-
atropellador, ra, m. & f. trampler, trans- largement access, accession growth
; ;
: »«•
gressor, violator. mentoi, promotion, advancement.

« M In far ; e in eh t ; i in police ; o in for ; n Iu bull ; c (before e, 1) and K as th in thick ; b and d, uottt

aim, adv. yet, as yet, nevertheless, notwith- autoplastic/, (surg.) autoplasty.
standing. V. TODAvfA and tambi^n ; still, autopsla,/. autopsy, post-mortem.
even, further. autdpsldO, da, a. having a metallic lustre.
aunax, va. to unite, join ; assemble incor- ; autor, m. author, inventor, maker, composer,
porate ; —
mix. I'r. to be united or confed- writer theatrical manager
(law) perpe*
erated. trator or abettor of a crime,
aunque, adv. though, notwithstanding, how- autora,/. authoress.
soever. autorciUO, m. dim. bad writer.
aupa, up, up (to children). autoria, /. business management of a theatre.
aupar, va. to help a child get up. autorldad,/. authority, power, merit, credit
aura, /. vulture of Mexico and Cuba ;
gentle ostentation, display ;
breeze : aura popular ,
popularity ;
(med. autoritariO, ria, a. assuming authority, or
epileptic, aura. upholding it.
aurancl^ceo, ea, a. orange-like. autorizable, a. that can be authorized,
&ureO, m. ancient gold coin weight ; ot four autorlzacibn, /. authorization.
scruples. autorizadamente, adv. authoritatively.
&TireO, rea, a. golden, gilt, gold: iureo nu- autorizado, da, a. respectable, commend'
mero, golden number, the lunar cycle. able.—pp. of AUTORIZAR.
atireola or aureola,/, aureola. autorlzador, ra, a. authorizer.
auricalCO, m. aurichalcum brass. ; autorizamiento, m. v. autorizaci6n.
auricula,/, auricle; (bot.) bear's-ear. autorizar, va. {pret. autoric^: subj. AUTOr
auriciQar, a. auricular auricularis. ;
rice) to authorize, empower; to attest
auriculato, ta, a. auriculate. legalize ; prove bv quotation ; approve
aurifero, ra, aurigero, ra, a. auriferous. qualify, exalt, extol.
auriga, m. coachman; (ast.) charioteer. autorzuelo, m. v. autorcillo.
aurivoro, ra, «. avaricious of gold. autumnal, a. autumnal.
aurista, m. aurist, specialist. auxiliador, ra, a. helper, protector, saver.
aurora, /. dawn of day first appearance ; ; auxiliante, pa. helping, aiding.
beverage; roseate hue; (naut.) morning auxiliar, va. to aid, help, assist; attend a
watch-gun. dying person.
aurragado, da, a, badly tilled and culti- auxiliar, a. auxiliar, auxiliatory, helping^.
vated. assistant.
auruspice, v. artjspice. auxiliatoriO, ria, a. (law) auxiliary.
auscultaci6n,/. (med.) auscultation. auxilio, m. aid, help, assistance.
auscultar, va. (med. ) to auscultate. ava-ava,/. (bot.) kava.
ausencla,/. absence. avacado, da, a. cow-like.
ausentarse, vr. to absent one's self. avadarse, vr. to become fordable.
ausente, a. absent, distant. avahar, va. to warm with breath or vapotw-
ausplcio, m. presage, prediction ;
protection, —vn. to v?pour, fume.
patronage. aval, m. (com ; indorsement.
austeramente, adv. austerely, frowningly. avalcntado, da, a. bragging, boasting.
austeridad,/. austerity, severity. avalentonado, da, a. braggart.
austero, ra, a. harsh, astringent, acrid; re- avalO, m. slight movement; earthquake.
tired, mortified, and penitent ; severe, rigid. avalorar, va. to estimate, value, price to ; in-
austral, austrino, na, a. austral. spirit, encourage.
austriaco, Ca, a. Austrian. avaluacidn,/. valuation, rate, appraisement.
austro, m. south wind notus. ; avaluar, va. to value, appraise, estimate.
aut6ntica,/. a certificate, attestation. avalUO, m. valuation, appraisement.
autenticaci6n. /. authentication. avambrazo, m. armlet.
autenticamente, adv. authentically. avampi^S, m. spatterdashes.
autenticar, va. (jpret. autentiquk : subj. avance, m. advance, attack, assault (com.) ;

autentique) to authenticate ; attest. payment in advance balance-sheet. ;

autenticidad,/. authenticity. avantr^n, m. limbers of a gun-carriage.

aut6ntlC0, ca, a. authentic, genuine. avanzaAa,/. outpost, reconnoitring body.
autillo, m. particular decree of the Inquisi- avanzado, da, a. advanced, onward.—/m>. oi
tion (orn.) the barn-owl.
auto, ra. judicial decree or sentence writ, ; avanzar, vn. {pret. avanc^ subj. avance) :

warrant edict, ordinance auto de fe, pub-

; : to advance; attack; (coll.) vomit; have a
lit punishment by the Inquisition auto : balance in one's favour. va. to advance,
sacramental, allegorical or religious play. push forward,
pi. autos, proceedings in a lawsuit. avanzo, m. (com.) balance-sheet,
autObiOgrafia,/. autobiography. avaramente, adv. avariciously, miserably,
autobiograflco, ca, a. autobiographical, avaricia,/. avarice, cupidity,
autocracia,/. autocracy. - avariciosamente, adv. greedily, covetously,
aut6crata, m. autocrat. avaricioso, sa, a., v. avariento.
autocratico, ca, a. autocratical. avariento, ta, a. avaricious, niggard, miser*
aut6ctono, na, a. autochthonous. ly, miserable, close.
autografia,/. autography. avaro, ra, a. V. avariento.
autogr^fico, ca, a. autographical. avasallar, va. to subdue, subject, enslave.—
aut6grafO, m. autograph. vr. to become a subject, vassal.
autbmata, m. automaton weak person. ; ave, /. bird, fowl: ave de rapifta, bird (A
automatico, ca, a. automatical. prey.
automotor, ra, triz, a. & n. self-motor. avecica, ilia, ita,/. dim. small bird,
autombvil, m. automobile. avecinar, va. & vr. to get near, approach,
autonomia./. autonomy, home-rule. avecindamiento, m. citizenship.
autonbmico, ca, a. autonomic. avecindar, va. to make a denizen vr. to
autonomista, m. & /. autonomist. become a denizen ; to approach ; be neigh-
autbnomo, ma, a. autonomous, free. bourly.

g (before e, 1) and J as h in hot; h, eilent; 11 In brilliant; ft, ny In canyon; r (initial) and rr triUed; , hlasedi ,
avecllUCllO, m. ugly bird ; sparrow-hawk gOence) to shame, abash, confound.—rr.
ragamuffin. to shame, blush for.
avejentado, a. old in appearance.—pp. of averia, /. aviary, poultry-yard; damage;
AVEJENTAR. average : averia grueia, general average.
avejentar, va. & vr. to appear old. averiado, da, a. averaged, damaged.—pp. of
aveligar, i^a- to produce pimples ; blister, averiarse.
avellajia, / filbert, hazel-nut. averlarse, vr. to sustain damage.
avellanadO, da, o. nut-brown : coco avella- averiguable, a. investi^able.
nad*, dry cocoanut.^pp. of averiguaci6n, /. investigation, inquiry, in-
ayellanador, m. countersink bit, rose-bit quest.
rimer. averiguadamente, adv. certainly, surely.
avellanal or avellanar, m. plantation of averiguador, ra, a. investigator, inquirer.
ha'els. averiguamiento, m. v. averiguaci6n.
avellanar, va. to countersink. averiguar, va. to inquire, investigate, ascer-
avellanarse, vr. to shrivel. tain, find out.
avellaneda, /. avellanedo, m. plantation averio, m. flock of birds, aviary.
of hazels. avemo, m. (poet.) hell.
avellanera, /. V. avellano. averrugadO, da, a. having many warts.
avellanero, ra, m. &/. dealer in filberts. averrugarse, vr. to show warts.
avellanica, /. dim. small filbert. aversi6n,/. aversion, opposition, dislike, ab-
avellano, m. hazel-nut tree filbert-tree. ; horrence, loathing.
avemaria, /. Ave Mary, the angel's saluta- avestruz, m. (orn.^ ostrich.
tion ; rosary bead : al avemaria, at
dusk. avetado, da, a. veined, streaked.
i Ave Maria ! interj. gracious goodness ! avetarda,/. v. avutarda.
avena,/- oats; (poet.) pastoral pipe. avezar, va. {pret. avec6 subj. avece) to ac- :

aven^ceo, cea, a. oat-like. custom, habituate.

avenado, da, a. relating to oats lunatic. ; aviado, m. (Amer.) one supplied with money
—^p. of avenar. to work a mine.
avenal, m. oat-field. aviador, m. provider calking-auger one ; ;

avenamlento, »«. draining off water. who money to work mines.

avenar, va. to drain or draw off water. aviar, provide articles for a journey,
va. to
avenate, m. oatmeal-gruel fit of madness. ; accoutre, prepare, furnish money to has- ;

avenenar, va. v. envenenar. ten. vr. to get readv.

avenencia, /. agreement, compact, bargain ; aviciar, va. to give bloom to plants.
conformity ; compromise. avldez,/. covetousness, avidity.
aven^o, yd avine {trr. from avenir). 4vid0, da, a. eager, anxious, covetous.
aveniceo, cea, a. oaten. aTiiejarse, vr. to grow old.
avenida,/. flood, inundation, freshet; coun- aviento, m. pitchfork. V. BIELDO.
road or lane
try concurrence, agree- ; aviento, aviente {irr. from aventar).
ment. aviesamente, adv. sinistrously, perversely.
avenido, da, a. agreed.—w>. of avenir. avieso, sa, a. crooked, irregular ; mischiey
avenidor, ra, »*. &/. mediator. ous, perverse.
avenimientO, m. convention agreement. ; avigorar, va. to invigorate revive. ;

avenir, va. {ind-. avengo : pret. avine : subj. avilantez, avilanteza,/. forwardness, bold-
avenga) to reconcile. vr. to settle differ- ness, audaciousness insolence. ;

ences ; to join, unite, accord, agree ; com- avillanado, da, a. rustic, clownish, mean.
promise. pp. of AVILLANAR.
aventadero, m. winnowing-place. avulanar, va. to viUanize debase. vr. to ;

aventado, da, a.—pp. of aventar. grow mean degenerate. ;

aventador, m. fanner, blowing fan, venti- avinadO, da, a. wine-coloured bibulous, ;

lator ;
(arch.) scutcher; (gas) bat-wing; avinagradamente, adv. harshly.
(agr. ) winnower; pitchfork. avlnagrado, da, a. harsh, crabbed, peevish.
aventadura, /. (vet.) wind-gall: aventadu- —pp. of AVINAGRAR.
ra de estopa, (naut.) a leak. avinagrar, va. to sour, acidulate.
aventajadamente, adv. advantageously, avio, m. preparation, provision money ad- ;

conveniently, exceedingly well. vanced for working mines.—p/. avios de pea-

aventajado, da, a. advantageous, profit- car, fishing-tackle: |al avio interj. make I

able, notable, remarkable; bettered.—pp. ready; hurry up!

of AVENTAJAK. avidn, «i. (orn.) martin, martlet, swallow.
aventajar, va. & vr. to surpass, excel, ex- avisadamente, adv. prudently.
ceed to advance ; to give advantages, me-
; avisado, da, a. prudent, cautious, sagacious,
liorate, improve. clear-sighted: mal aviiado, ill-advised.—pp.
aventamientO, m. winnowing, fanning. of AVISAR.
aventar, va. {ind. aviento : subj. aviente) avisador, m. adviser, adraonisher announ- ;

to fan, air, winnow, expel. tm. to breathe cer, informer.

hard. — vr. to be inflated or puffed up avlsar, va. to inform, announce, give no-
escape, run away ; be tainted. tice warn, advise^ counsel, admonish.

aventura, /. adventure, event, incident, aviso, m. information, intelligence, notice,

casualty, chance, venture, hazard, risk. announcement advice, warning prudence,

aventurado, da, pp. of aventurar. care, attention ;

(naut.) advice-boat.
aventurar, venture, hazard, risk.
va. to avispa,^/". wasp.
aventureramente, adv. by chance. avispado, da, a. lively, brisk, clever.—pp.
aventurero, m. adventurer knight-errant ; of AVISPAR.
free-lance. avispar, va. to spur, lash, incite, rouse.—
aventurero, ra, a. voluntary, undisciplined, rr. to fret, worry.
adventurous. V. advenkdizo. avispero, m. wasp's nest, comb ;
(med.) car-
avergonzar, avergoflar, va. (ind. aver- buncle.
gCenzo pret. AVEROoNcfe : subj. aver- : avisp6n, m. hornet.
. ft M In far : e in eb I ; i iu police ; o in for ; « lu ball ; c (before e, i) and Z as th in tbick ; b and A, loftj
avistar, va. to descry at a distance. vr. to ayuste, m. (naut.) splicing; scarf, scarfing,
have a business interview. azabachado, da, a. black as jet.
avitar, va. (naut.) to bitt the cable. azabache iah-tiiah-bah'-chayj, TO. jet : azabachei^
avitelado, a- vellum-like. trinkets of jet.
avituallar, t'a. (mil.) to victual. azabara,/. common aloe,
avivadamente, adv. lively, briskly. azacan, m. water-carrier,
avivador, ra, m. & /. enlivener hastener ;
azacaya,/. (prov.) water-pipe,
rabbet-plane fluting-plane perforated pa-
; ;
azache, a. inferior silk,
per for raising silk-worms (arch.) quirk. ; azada [ah-thah'-dah], /. (agr.)hoe; spade.
ayivamiento, m. enlivening, quickness. azadada,/. blow with a hoe.
avivar, va. to quicken, enliven encourage ; ;
azadica, ma, ita,/. dim. small hoe.
hasten to heat, inflame
; to vivify, re- ; azad6ll iah-tuah-don'], TO. large hoe azadon d« :

vive to heighten colours to rabbet. in.

; ;
peto 6 de pico, pickaxe.
to revive cheer up avivar
; el ojo, to be : azadonada, /. blow with a hoe.
watchful. azadonar, va. to hoe, to dig with a hoe.
avizor, adj. ojo avlzor, sharp lookout, m. azadonazo, m. stroke with a hoe.
one who watches. aZadOnCillO (ah-thah-don-thier-lyol, TO. dim. Small
avizorador, ra, a. one who watches. hoe.
avizorar, va. to watch keep a sharp look- : azadonero, to. digger.
out to spy.
; azafata,/. lady of the queen's wardrobe,
-avo, va,TO. &/. termination denoting a frac- azafate, m. low, flat basket, tray.
tion, as quinceavo, one-fifteenth. azafr^, to. (bot.) safifron azafr&n del tim6ii, :

avocaci6n, /. avocamiento, m. (law) re- (naut.) after-piece of the rudder.

moving a lawsuit to a superior court. azafranado, da, a. saffron-like.—/jp. of aza-
avocar, va. {pret. AVOQU^: subj. avoque) FRAJJAR.
(law) to remove a lawsuit to a superior azafranal, m. saffron plantation.
court. azaftanar, va. to dye with saffron.
avoceta,/. avocet, a wading bird. azafranero, to. dealer in saffron.
avolcanado, da, a. volcanic. azagador, to. path for cattle.
avucasta,/. widgeon, wild duck. azagaya, /. javelin, spear, half-pike.
avugO, m. very small, early pear. azagayada,/. cast of a javelin,
avuguero, m. kind of pear-tree. azanar, to. orange or lemon flower agaa de :

avulsibn,/. (surg.) forcible separation. azahar, orange-flower water.

avutarda,/. bustard, wild turkey. azainadamente, adv. perfidiously.
avutardado, da, a. bustard-like, azal^, m. Mohammedan prayer.
axil [ak-eedrj, a. (bot.) axial (zool.) axillary. azalea,/, (bot.) azalea,
—m. axil.

azamboa, /. kind of citron.

axila[ak-8ea'-iah],/. armpit; (bot.) axilla. azambOO, boero, m. zamboa-tree ; citron.
axilar [ak-sea-iahr'], a. axillar ;
(bot.) axillary. azanahoriate, m. preserved carrot.
axinita [ak-sea-nee'-tah],/. axinite. azanca, /. subterranean spring.
axloma [ak-sea-oh'-mRh], m. axiom, maxim. azanorla, azenoria, /. carrot, v. zanaho-
axi01IlktiC0,ca[ak-fle-o-mah'-te-co], a. axiomatic. RIA.
axibmetro [ak-eea-oh'-may-tro], TO. (naut.) axi- azar [ah-thar"], TO. unforeseen disaster acci- ;

ometer. dent disappointment losiug card or throw

; ;

axis (anat.) second vertebra;

[ak'-sigi TO. at dice impediment hazard, chance cush-


(zool. ) Indian deer. ion sides of a billiard-pocket.

i ay
! interj. alas ay de mi woe is me 1
! | I azarado, da, a. & pp. of azarar, coufused,
aya,./". governess, instructress. rattled.
ayate, m. stuff made of pita. azarar, va. to confuse, stagger, bewilder,
ayer, adv. yesterday, lately. rattle. vr. to get rattled, bewildered.
i ayni6 ! inteTj. V. j ay de Mf azarbe, m. trench for irrigation,
ayo, rn. tutor or governor teacher. ; azarbeta, dim. small trench for irrigating.
ayocote, (Mex.) kidney-bean. azarcbn, to. minium orange-colour. ;

ayocuantoto, to. mountain bird of Mexico. azaria,/. kind of coral.

ayuda,/. help, aid, assistance, support, suc- azarja [ah-thar'-ha], /. instrument for winding
cour ayuda de parroqaia, chapel of ease
: raw silk,
injection, enema, or clyster; syringe; azarolla,/. (bot.) V. acerola.
(naut.) preventer-rope: aynda de c4mara, azarollO, to. true service-tree.
valet. azarosamente, adv. unfortunately.
ayndador, ra, m. &f. assistant, helper. azaroso, sa, a. unlucky, unfortunate.
ayudante, m. assistant; (mil.) adjutant, azcdn, to, azcona, /. dart, javelin,
aide-de-camp. ^zimo, ma, a. azymous, unleavened,
ayudar, va. to aid, help, favour, assist. vr. azimilt, TO. (ast,) azimuih,
to adopt measures to obtain success. azimiltal, a. relating to the azimuth, ,

ayuga,/. (hot.) ground-pine. aznacbo, aznallo, to. Scotch fir species o1 ;

ayimador, ra, a. ayunante, pa. faster. rest-harrow.

ayunar, vn. to fast. azoato, TO. nitrate,
ayunas (en), adv. fasting before breakfast; azoe, m, (chem.) nitrogen.
without knowledge quedarse en asrunas, to : azofaifa,/, v. azufaifa,
miss the point. azbfax, to. brass, latten, V. lat(5n.
ayuno, na, a. fasting, abstemious; unin- azogadamente, adv. quickly, restlessly.
formed. m. fast, abstinence. azogado, da, a. restless, trembling.
ayunque iahyoon'-kayl, to. anvil. V. YUNQUE. azogasiientO, to. overlaying with quicksil-
aytmtable, a. joinable. ver

ayuntamientO, to. municipal government; azogar, va. {pret. AZOGui : snhj. azogue) t<?
carnal copulation : casa de ayontamiento, overlay, coat with quicksilver: azogar lb
city hall, town-hall, cal, to slake lime. vr. to undergo a saliva-'
ayustar, ra. (naut.) to splice. tion become agitated.

f (before e, i) and J as h Id hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; 2, ny in canvon : r (initial) and rr triUed; . hlsii^
azogue m. mercury, quicksilver
[ah-tho'-geh], : azulear, vn. to have a bluish oast.
azogues, ships whick carry quicksilver aZUlejado, da [ah-thoo-lay-hah'-<lo], a. tiled.
market-place. aziQejO, TO. little bluebird ;
glazed tile ;
azogUQJO [ah-tho-geb'-ho], m. small market- blue-bottle.
place. azulencj, ca, a. v. azulado.
azogueria/. amalgamating works. azulete, to, blue lining.
azoguero [ah-tiio-geii'-ro], TO. dealer in quick- azulino, na, a. bluish.
silver; amalgamator. azumar, va. to dye the hair,
az6ico, ca, o. nitric (geol.) azoic. ;
azumbrado, da, a. measured by azumbres-,
azolar, va. {ind. AZUELO : subj. azuele) to (coll.) tipsy,
dress or hew
timber. azumbre,/. measure of liquids, half-gallon.
azolvar, va. to obstruct water-conduits. azur. a. (her,) azure,
azolVO, TO. blocking of water-pipes. azurita,/. azurite.
azomar, va. to bait animals. azutero, to. sluice-master.
azor, m. (orn.) goshawk. azuzador, ra, m. & /. instigator.
azoramlento, to, trepidation, confusion. aZUZar [ah-thoo-tharr'l, va. {pret. AZVCil SUbj.
azorar, va. to terrify, confound. vr. to be AZUCE) to set on dogs ; incite.
azorrado, da, a. drowsy, sleepy. pp. of
AZORRARSE (naut.) water-loggcd.

azorramlento, m,. heaviness ot the head, B

azorrarse, vr. to be drowsy from heaviness.
azotacalles, to, street-lounger, idler, baba,/. drivel, slaver, spittle.
azotado, to. variegated criminal publicly ; bababui, to, mocking-bird.
whipped; penitent,—po. of azotar, babada,/. v. babilla.
azotador, ra, m. & j. whipper. babaderb, babador, to. bib, chin-cloth.
azotalna, azotina, /. drubbing, flogging, babaza, /. slime Umax slug, : ;

spanking. babazorro, w. clown, ill-bred man.

azotalengua,/. goose-grass. babear, V7i. to drivel, slaver court, woo. ;

azotamiento, to, whipping, flogging, babeo, to. drivelling or slavering.

azotar, va. to whip, lash, horsewhip to ; flag- babera,/. beaver ©fa helmet; bib.
ellate, strike repeatedly. babero, m. v. babador,
azotazo, to. aug. severe lash or spanking. baberol, to. beaver. V. babeea.
azote, m. whip, lash with a whip, spanking babia,/. estar en babia, to be absent in mind
(met.) calamity, affliction. bableca, m. ignorant, stupid fellow idiot. ;

azotea, /. flat roof of a house. babilla,/. muscles about the flank of a horse.
az6tico, a, (chem.) azotic. babllonia,/. crowd, uproar, confusion.
azre [ath'-rrayl, TO. maple-tree. babil6nico, ca, or onio, nia, a. Babylonian.
AZteca, o. & TO, Aztec. bable, to. Asturian dialect.
azua, /. beverage from corn. babor, to. (naut,) port, larboard: k babor
SLZUCar, to. sugar azucar de pllon, loaf-sugar
: head a-port
todo, de babor i estribor, :

azucar candi, rock-candy azucar mascabado, : athwart ship.

muscovado: aaucar quebrado, brown sugar: babosa,/. slug, limax young onion. :

azucar prieto or negro, coarse brown sugar babosear, va. to drivel, slaver.
azucar tereiado or moreno, brown sugar babOSllla,/, dim. small slugv
azAcar de plomo, calcined sugar of lead azu- : babosillo, ilia, uelo, uela, a. dim. some-
car y canela, sorrel-gray. what drivelling or slavering spooney. ;

B.ZUCaradO, da, o, sugared, sugary, sugar- babOSO, sa, «. drivelling, slavering, silly i
coated affable, pleasing,—;>p, of azucarar.
: spooney, over-affectionate,
azucarado, to. cosmetic for ladies. baDUCba,/, slipper, baboosh.
azucarar, va. to sugar, sweeten soften coat ; ; baca, /. top of a stage-coach ; leather cover
or ice with sugar. for' stage-coach,
azucarero, to. sugar-master ; sugar-bowl bacalao or bacallao, m. ling, poor-jack,
confectioner. a. relating to sugar. codfish, V. ABADEJO.
azucarlllo, to. sweetmeat of egg-white, sugar, bacanales, /. pi. bacchanals.
and a flavour. bacante,/. bacchante,
azucena, /. white lily. b^cara, biicaris,/, great flea-bane,
azuche, to, pile shoe, pile ferrule. bacelar, to. arbor with grape-vines.
azud, azuda, /, dam with a sluice ; irriga- bacera,/. (vet.) swelling of the belly.
tion water-wheel, baceta,/, stock (card-playing),
azuela,/. adze: azuela de constmccibn, ship- bacia [bah-twe-ah], /. metal basin, wash-pot;
wright's adze: azuela curva, hollow adze, shaving-dish.
azufaifa,/. jujube or jujubes. bd,ciga,/. game played with three cards.
azufaifo, "azufelfo, to. jujube-tree. bacilar, m. &J. (mm.) of coarse fibre,
azufrado, da, «. fumigated with sulphur, sul- bacilO, TO. bacillus, bacterium.
phureous, Bulphur-hued.—-wp, of azufras, baclllar [bah-thie-iyar'L TO. new vineyard.
azufrador, to. machine for drying linen ; in- bacin [bah-thin'j, TO. high chamber-pot; des-
strument for sulphuring vines. picable man.
azufrar, va. to bleach to sulphur. ; bacina, /. poor-box, v. BAcf a.
azufre, m. sulphur, brimstone. bacinada~/. filth thrown from a close-etool
azufrera, /. sulphur-mine, despicable action.
azufr6n, to. pyrites in powder. bacinejo, to. dim. small chamber-pot.
azufroso, sa, a. sulphureous, bacinero, ra, m. & /. person who carries
azul, a. blue: azul celeite, sky-blue: azul about the poor-box in a church,
turqui, indigo. bacineta, /, small, poor-box bacineta d* :

aztQado, da, pp. of azular. azured, bluish. arma de fuego 'pan oi a gun-lock,
azulaque laii-thoo-un'-kavi. to. v. zulaque. bacinete, to. head-piece worn by warriors;
azular, va. to dye or colour blue. cuirassier.

» •• in far ; • In ek I ; 1 In police r e in for ; u In boll ; C (before e, 1) «nd 2 as th in thick ; b »Qd d, aofti

baclnica, / small chamber-pot. bajada, /. descent ; slope; inclination of an
bacinilla,/- chamber-pot; alms-basia. arch.
bactriS, m. palm of South America. bajado, da, pp. of bajar.
baculO, m. walking-stick, staff; support, re- bajalato, m. omce of a pasha,
lief, b&culo pastoral, bishop's crosier.
aid : bajamar, /. low water, low tide,
baehe, m. deep hole in the street or road bajamente, adv. basely, meanly, lowly,
sweating-place for sheep. bajar ibah-harr'], vn. to descend, come ddwa,
bacbiller, w. bachelor (first degree) bab- ;
fall lower, lessen, diminish. va. to lower,

bler, prater. a. garrulous, loquacious. let down reduce the price ; humble. vi;

bacbillera, a. loquacious woman ; blue- to crouch, grovel.

stocking. bajel, ni. (naut.) ship, boat, vessel.
bacbilleramiento, m. conferring or obtain- baielero, m. owner or master of a vessel.
ing the degree of bachelor. bajero, ra, a. lower, under, as s&bana bajera,
bacbillerar, va. to confer the degree of bache- under sheet.
lor. vr. to graduate as bachelor. bajete, m. dim. short person (mus. ) bary« ;

bachillerato, m. baccalaureate. tone counterpoint exercise.


bachillerear, vn. to babble, prattle. baieza,/. meanness; lowliness, lowness.

bacbillerejo, m. dim. talkative little fel- ba' ial, m. marshy place.
low. bajillo, m. stand-cask for wine.
bacbilleria, /. babble, prattle. bajiO, m. shoal, sand-bank, flat; obstacle.
badalada, /. stroke of the clapper ; idle talk. bai ista, m. (com.) bear, in stocks.
badalazo, m. aug. large clapper. bajO, ja [bah'-ho], a. low short abject, des= ; ;

bada; ear, vn. to talk nonsense. picable; common, humble; dull, faint
bada] 0,m. clapper of a bell idle talker. ; coarse, vulgar ; downcast.
badamelO, m. dim. small clapper. bajO, adv. under, underneath, below. V.
badal, m. muzzle shoulder and ribs of; ABAJO and DEBAJO low humbly baJo ; ; :

butcher's meat (surg. ) mouth-opener.

mano, underhand, secretly.
bad^n, m. trunk of a body. bajO,»i. ^mus.) bass (voice, score, singer, play-
badana, dressed sheep-skin znrrar la ba-
/. : er and instrument) shoal sand-bank baJo ; ; :

dana, to give one a flogging. relieve, (sculp.) bass-relief.—p/. under-pet

badazas, /. pi. (naut.) keys of the bonnets. ti coats ; noofs.
bftdea, /. water-melon ; insipid musk-melon ; bajoca, /. string-bean dead silk-worm. ;

dull, insipid fellow. baj6n, m. (mus.) bassoon bassoon player. ;

bad^n, m, channel made by rainfall ; catch- bajoncillO, w. counter-bass.

water, conduit. bajonista, m. bassoon player,
badiana,/. Indian anise-seed, badiana. bajorrelieve, m. bass-relief.
badil, m. badila,/. fire-shovel. bajovientre, m. hypogastrium.
badilazo, m. blow with a fire-shovel. baiuno, na, a. vile, low, contemptible.
badlna,/. puddle. bala, /. ball, bullet, shot; bale; wax ball;
badomia,/. nonsense, absurdity. printer's inking-ball: bala rasa, cannon-ball.
badulacada,/. (Peru) V. calaverada. balada or balata,/. ballad, song.
badulaque [baii-doo-iah'-keh], m. cosmetic; ra- baladi, a. weak, frail, worthless.
gout or stewed livers unreliable fellow. ; balador, ra, m. & /. bleating animal,
baga, /. rope to tie burdens on the back of baladrar, vn. to cry out, shout.
beasts little head of flax.
; baladre, m. (hot.) rosebay.
bagaje [bah-gah'-iiay], m. beast of burden ; bag- baladrero, ra, a. shouter, crier,
gage of an army. baladro, m. shout, outcry, clamour.
bagajero [bah-gah-hay'-ro], m. driver of military baladr6n, m. boaster, bragger, bully.
baggage. baladronada, /. boast, brag, bravado ; rho-
bagar, vn. to yield the seed said of flax. : domontade.
bagasa,/. prostitute, harlot. baladronear, vn. to boast, brag, bully.
bagatela,/. bagatelle, trifle. balagar, m. haystack, hayrick.
bagazo [bah-gaii'-thaw], m. bagasse ; oil-cake. bklagO, m. grain-stalk, straw soap-ball. ;

bagre, m. delicious fish. balaguero ibah-iah-gay'-ro], m. rick of straw. .

baguio [bah-gie -oh], m. (Philip.) hurricane. balaj ibah-iach'], m. balass, spinel ruby.
I bah !bahinterj. ! balance [bah-iahn'-thay], m. oalanciug, fluctua>
bahari, m. sparrow-hawk. tion, oscillation, rolling, recking, swing-?
bahia,/. bay, harbour. ing, see-saw; equilibrium; balance-sheet;
bahorrina,/. slops; rabble. (Cuba) rocking-chair.
bahuno, na, a. base, vile. V. bajuno. balancear [bahlan-thay-ar'], Vffl., vn. & vr. tO
baila,/. (icht.) sea-trout. balance, oscillate, poise, roll, rock, waver;
bailable, a. danceable. m. ballet. (com.) settle accounts.
bailadero, m. public dancing-place. balanceo, m. balancing, oscillation, rocking
bailador, ra, m. &f. dancer. balancero, m. V. balanzario.
bailar, vn. to dance, spin. balancin [bah-ian-theen'i^ m. splinter-bar swing! ,

bailarin, na, m. Scf. dancer, caperer. bar whipple-tree, single-tree, whiffle-tree


baile, m. dance, ballet, ball ; rout ; bailiff. (mech.) walking-beam, balance-beam}

bailete, m. short ballet. minting mill poy, a repe-dancer's pole

ballia, /. bailiaago, m. bailiwick. balancines, (naut.) lifts: balanciaes de la

bailiaje, m. commandery in the order of brnjula, (naut.) brass rings of the compass.
Malta. balandra,/. (naut.) bilander; sloop.
ballio, m. knight commander of Malta. balandr^n, m. cassock.
bailotear, vn. (coll.) to dance frequently. balandro, m. (Cuba) fishing-smack.
balloteo, m. ungraceful dancing. balano, m. (anat.) balanus.
baivel, m. bevel with a curved leg. balante, pa. (poet. ) bleating.
baj^, m. pasha, bashaw. balanza [bah-iahn-thah], /. scale; balance?
liaja [i«ar-hah], /. fall of price casualty ; var- ; comparative estimate, judgment.
cancy. balanzario, m. weigh-m aster in the mint.
% (before e, 1) and J m h In hot ,-
h, nilent ; 11 in brilliant ; &. K" in o nyon : r ( ( nitinO and rr trilled ' a.
balanzOn, m. (jewel.) eleaning-pan. balsar, to. marshy ground with brambles.
balar. vn. to bleat : balar por, to crave. balsear, va. to ferry on rafts.
balasiar, va. to ballast a track. balsero, to. ferry-man.
balastO, m. ballast, layer of gravel. balSO, TO. rope with loops for raising men or
balata, /. dancing song. goods on board ship sling. ;

balate, "*. terrace border of a trench ; ; slug, balsopeto, to. large pouch carried neht the
balaustra, tria,./". wild pomegranate, breast bosom. ;

balaustrada, balaustreria, /. balustrade, Biltico, TO. the Baltic Sea.

balaustrado, da, tral, a. balustered, b^lteo, TO. oflScer's belt.
balaustre, >n. baluster. baluairte, to. bastion, bulwark defence, ;

balay .uh-iie-], m. wicker basket. balumba,/. bulk, heap.

balazo [bau-lah'-thawj, TO. shot gunshot wound. ; baliunbo, balume, m. huge heap of things,
balbucear [bai-boo-tiiay-«r'], vn. to speak indis- ballena, /. M'hale train-oil ; whalebone ; a ;

tinctly ; stutter, stammer. northern constellation.

balbUCenCla Ibal-boo-then'-the-ahl, /, stuttering ballenato, to. young whale,
speech. ballener, to. ancient vessel,
tialbaciente [bai-boo-the^n'-tay], a. stammering, ballesta/. cross-bow ballista ;

stuttering. ballestada,/. shot from a cross-bow.

balbUCir Ibal-boo-theer'], vn. V. BALBUCEAR. ballestazo, w. blow from a cross-bow.
balcdn, m. balcony open gallery. ; ballesteador, to. cross-bowman, arballster.
balconaje, m. balconeria, /. range of bal- ballestear, va. to shoot with cross-bow.
conies. ballestera, /. loopholes for cross-bows.
balconazo [bai-co-nah'-tiiaw], m. aug. large bal- ballesteria, /. archery number of cross- ;

cony. bows or bowmen armory for cross-bows. ;

balCOncillO [bal-con-theer-lyo], TO. dim. small ballestero, to. archer, arbalister, cross-bov-
balcony. man cros.s-bow maker king's armorer ;
; ;

balda,/ trifle. mace-bearer king's porters. ;

baldadura,/. or baldamiento, m. the effect ballestilla, /. cross-bow small whiflae-tree ;

of being crippled. fleam cross-staff; (naut.) fore-staff.


baldaquin, baldaquino [bai-dah-keen'i, m. ballest6n, w. aug. large cross-bow, arbalet.

canopy, dais. ballestrinque, to. (naut.) clove-hitch.
baldar, va. to cripple trump obstruct. ; ; ballico, (bot.) rye-grass. TO.,

balde, ni. bucket balde (de), adv. gratis, free

: ballueca, /. wildoats.
of cost: ea balde, in vain, to no purpose. bambalear, bambanear, vn. v. bambo-
bmldear, vn. (naut. ) to wash the deck. LKAR.
baldeo, «». (naut.) washing the decks. bambalina, /. fly in theatrical scenerv.
bald6s, m. soft dressed skin for gloves, etc. bambarria, to. lucky stroke at billiards;
baldiamente, adv. vainly. fool, idiot.
baldio, dia, a. untilled, uncultivated ; unap- bambocbada, /. painting representing a
firopriated los baldioa, the commons ; waste
: spree.
and idle, lazy vagabond.
; ; bambocbe, to. (coll.) thick, short person with
bald6n, m. affront, reproach, insult. bloated face.
baldonar, baldonear, va. to insult, affront, bambolear, bambonear, vn. to reel, stag-
stiematize. ger, totter.
baldosa, ancient string instrument fine
.f- ; bamboleo, bamboneo, m. reeling, stagger-
square tile flat paving-stone, flag.
; ing, tottering.
baldoein, m. small square tile. bambolla, /. (coll.) ostentation, boast, hum-
baldnqne [bai-doo'-kay], m. narrow red tape. bug, sham.
bale^co, ca, baleario, ia, a. Balearic. bambtl or bambUC, m. bamboo.
baleOj TO. round mat. bambuco, m. a popular dance in Colom-
balexia,/. (arti.) pile of balls or shot. bia.
balero, m. ball-mould. banana,/, banano, to. v. plXtano. v. cam-
baleta, /. dim. small bale of goods. bur. V. GUINEO.
balido, m. bleating, bleat. banas,/. pi. (Mex.) matrimonial banns.
balin, m. small bullet. banasta, /. large basket.
balines, m. pi. mould-«hot, buckshot. banastero, to. oasket-maker or dealer.
baUsta,/. ballista. banastO, m. large round basket.
balistlca,/. (avti.) ballistics. banca,/. form, oench banoa dt plaza, mar- :

balitadera, /. call, reed instrument for call- ket-stand washing-box Philippine canoe ;
; ;

ing fawns. game of chance at cards (com.) banking. ;

baliza, /. buoy. bancada,/. bench in cloth factories piece o£ ;

OalnearlO, riEL, a. pertaining to baths. masonry.

bal6ll, m. large foot-ball game of foot-ball ; bancal, m. oblong orchard or garden plot;
large bale bale of paper (24 reams).
; terrace ; bench-cover.
balota, /. ballot. bancalero, m. weaver of bench-covers.
balotada, /. balotade, leap of a horse. bancariO, ria, a. banking; financial.
balotar, <•«. to ballot. bancarrota./ bankruptcy, failure. •

balsa,/, pool; pond; (naut.) raft or float; bancaza,/. bancazo, m,aug. large bench.
ba!f a butt of wine. banco, to. form, bench settee pew (mech.) ; ; ;

balsadera, f. balsadero, to. ferry, bed, table, frame, horse ; planing-bench ;

balsamera, /. flask for balsam, bench for rowers ; cheeks of the bit of a
balsamerita, /. small flask for balsam, bridle pedestal ; school of fishes ; shoal

bals^unico, ca, c balsamic, balmv. (com.) bank : banco de liqaidaci6n, clearing-

balsamina, / 0>ot.) balsam-apple, house.
balsamita mayor, (bot.) V. atanasia: bai- banda, /. sash, scarf, ribbon band, party, ;

Bamit» menor, (bot.) maudlin, tansy. gang, crew military band brass band ;
; ;

bUsamo, »«. balsam, balm (raed.') purest ;

covey; bank, border, edge side of a ship; ;

part of the blood. felloe, of wheel; cushion (billiards).

a aa hi far ; • in eh t ; i in police ; o in for ; « in bnll ; c (before e, 1) and Z as th In thick ; b and d, aoft |

bandada,/. covey flock of birds. ;
baquetaZO m. blow with th«
bandarria,/. (naut.) iron maul. ramrod.
bandazo, m- (naut.) breaking of a wave on baqiieteado, da [bah-keh-teh'-ah-do], a. inured,
the side of a ship. habituated.—7>p. of baquetear.
bandeado, da, a. striped. baquetear [bali-keh-teli-ar], va. to inflict tht-
bandear, va. to conduct. —rn* to band. vr. punishment of the gantlet to vex. ;

to shift for one's self. baquiano, na, a. mountain and road guide.
bandeja,/. waiter, tray. b^quiCO, ca ibaii'-ke-co;, a. bacchanal.
bandera, banner, standard, flag, ensign,
/. baquiO [bah'-key-o], TO. (poet.) metrical foot.
colours of a regiment infantry bandera de ; : bara1a[bah-rah'-hah],/. complete pack of cards
popa, (naut.) ensign: bandera de proa, decK ; game of cards.
(naut.) jack: bandera blanca or de paz, flag bara^adura,/. shuffling of cards ; dispute.
of truce arriar la bandera, to strike the col-
: "bSXa^AT va. to shufile the carda
ours surrender con banderas desplegadas,
: jumble together
entangle. ;

with flying colours. baranda, /. railing, banister; cushion of

bandereta, /. dim. banneret, small flag: billiard-table ecbar de baranda, to exagjjer- :

banderetas, (mil.) camp colours. ate boast.;

banderia, /. band, faction. barandado, daje, m. balustrade.

banderica. ilia, dim. banneret, small flag. barandal, m. upper and under-piece of a bal-
banderilla,/. small dart with a bannerol for ustrade ; railing.
baiting bulls poner & uno una banderilla, to
: barandllla, /. dim. balustrade, small railing.
taunt, revile, vex. baraXLgay [bah-rau-guy'J, Filipino vessel,
banderillear, va. to put banderlUas on bulls. worked with oars ward of fifty families* ;

banderillero, m. he who sticks banderlllas into which a Philippine village is divided.

in a bull's nape. barangay&n, to. v. guban.
banderin, m. camp colours ; flag ; railway barata, /. barter reduction sale bargain. ; ;

signal recruiting post.

: baratador, m. barterer.
banderizar, va. v. abanderizar. baratar, va. to barter, traflSc.
banderizo, za, a. factious, given to party. baratear, vn. to cheapen, undersell.
banderola, /. bannerol camp colours ; ; barateria,/. barratry, fraud, deception.
streamer, pennant. baratero, m. he who obtains money from
bandido, m. bandit, highwayman, outlaw, winning gamblers.
bandin, m. (naut.) seat in a row-galley. baratiias, /. pi. trifles, toys, trinkets.
bandO, m. proclamation, edict faction, ; baratulero, m. peddler seller of second- ;

party : echar bando, to publish a law. hand goods or articles.

bandola, /. bandolin, m. pandore, mando- baratiUO, m. second-hand shop cheap John ;

lin; (naut.) jury-mast. bargain counter heap of trifling articles, ;

banaolera, /. bandoleer bandit's wife. ; baratista, m. barterer, tralficker.

bandolero, m. highwayman, robber. barato, ta, a. cheap, low-priced de barato, :

bandolina,/. bandoline, hair fixative. gratuitously.

bandol6n, m. mandola. barato, m. reduction sale bargain sale ;

bandullo, m. (vulg.) belly the bowels. ; money given by winning gamblers to the
bandurrla, /. banaurria, bandore. bystanders. adv. cheaply.
b^nova,/. bed-quilt, bed-cover. baratro, m. (poet. ) hell, sheol abysm. ;

banquera (prov.)
[ban-keh' rahi, /. open bee- baratura, /. cheapness, little value.
house ; frame for bee-hives. baratmda, /. noise, hurly-burly, confus-on.
banCLUero [ban-keh'-ro], m. banker, exchanger. barba,/. chin beard ; goat's whiskers first
; ;

banqueta [ban-keh'-tahi, /. three-legged stool, swarm of bees ; top of bee-hive ;

player who
foot-stool banquette or footbank
(mil. ) acts old men's parts: barba cabruna,
sidewalk: banqueta de cnrena, (arti.) gun- yellow goat's-beard barba de Aaron, (bot.) :

carriage bed: banqueta de calafate, (naut.) green dragon arum : barba & barba, face to
calking-stool. face : en «ub barbas, to his face por barba, a :

banquete [ban-keh'-tehi, m. banquet. head, apiece.^9^. head of a comet ; slender

banquetear, vn. to banquet, to feast. roots • fibres rough edges of paper vanes of
; ;

banqulUO [ban-Ueer-lyo], m. dim. little stool. a quill barbas de ballena, whalebone barbai
: :

banqUitO dim. stOOl, footstool.

[ban-kee'-to], TO. de gallo, wattle barbaa honradas, honoura- :

banzo, m. cheek of an embroidering-frame. ble man hacer la barba, to shave subirse 4

: :

bafladera,/. (naut.) skeet; bath-tub. las barbas, to fly in one's face tener pocat :

bafladero, m. puddle ; bathing-place. barbas, to be young or inexperienced.

ba&ado, m. v. bacin.—/)p. of banar. barbacana, /. (mil.) barbican; a church-
bafi.ador, ra, m. & f. one who bathes bana- : yard wall.
dor, m. dipping-tub for candle-makers. barbacoa,/. (Amer.) barbecue.
bailar, va. to bathe, wash, lave, water, irri- barbada, /. jaw of a horse bridle-curb dab, ; ;

gate dip glaze, coat, ice with sugar.

; : small flat fish.
bafiera,/. bath-tub. barbadamente, adv. strongly, vigorously.
bailero, m. bath-owner bath-keeper. ; oarbado, da, a. bearded, barbed, barbated.
baflil, TO. pool in which cattle bathe. —pp. of BARBAR.
baflista, m. bather in mineral waters. baroadO, m. full-grown man ;
vine or tree
ba&O, m. bath bathing bathing-place
; ; transplanted ; shoot ; sucker.
bath-tub, foot-tub coat of sugar, wax, ; barbaja,/. (bot.) cut-leaved viper's grass.—
paint, silver, etc. (chem.) bath. ; pi. (agr.) first roots of plants.
ba&uelO, to. dim. little bath. barbar, vn. to grow a beard; to rear bees;
bao, m. (naut.) beam, cross-timber. to strike root.
baptlsteriO, m. baptistery. b^bara, /. santabirbara, (naut.) powder--
baque [bah'-kehi, TO. blow in falling thud. ; magazine.
baqueta [bah-keh'-tah], /. ramrod switch used ; b^rbaramente, adv. barbarously, savagelyj.
in breaking in young horses.—pi. drum- rudely, coarsely.
sticks gantlet. ; barb^icamente, adv. like barbarians.

* (beiora e, 1) and J as h in hot ; h, ellent ; 11 In brilliant ; &, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; , blM«vli
barb^iriCO, ca, barbarous, barbarian. a. barcia,/. chaff".
barbaridad, /. barbarity, barbarism, cruel- barclna,/. grass net ; large truss of straw.
ty ; rashness, temerity ; rudeness ; wild ex- barcinar [Uar-the-nar'], va. to load with sheaves.
pression or action. barcino, na [bar-thee'-noj, a. ruddy, auburn.
barbarie,/. barbarousness, incivility of man- barco, m. boat, barge, vessel, ship; hot*
ners rusticity cruelty.
; ; tom.
barbSTismO, in. barbarism barbarousness. ; barcolongo, barcoluengo, m. oblong boat
V. barbakie; (poet.) crowd oi" barbarians, with a round bow.
barbarizar, va. {nret. barbaric]^ subj. BAR- : barc6n, barcote, m. aug. large boat.
babice) to baroarize. vn. to make wild barcMlla,/. measure for grain,
statements. barcbildn, m. hospital nurse.
bdxbaro, ra, a. barbarous, barbarian, fierce, barda, /. bard, horse-armour; thatch; reed
cruel rash, rude, unpolished.
; bardado, da, a. barded, caparisoned.
barbarote, m. aug. great barbarian. b^dagO, m. (naut.) pendant.
barbato, ta, a. bearded comet. bardaguera [bRr-<iah-geh'-rah], /. willow.
barbaza,/. aug. long beard. bardal, m. thatched wall or fence,
barbear, vn. to reacn with the chin ; to be bardana,/. burdock.
almost as high. bardanza [bar-dainr-thah],/. andar de bardamz%
barbechar, va. to fallow. to go here and there.
barbecbera, /. ploughings series of ; fallow- bardar, thatch fences.
va. to
ing season act of ploughing. ; bardilla,/. dim. small brushwood.
barbecbo, m. fallow. bardiota, a. & m. Byzantine soldier.
barbera,/. barber's wife. bar do, m. bard, poet.
barberia, /. barber's shop or trade. bardoma, /. filth, mud.
barberil, a. pertaining to a barber. bardoinera,/. brush carried off" by a stream
barberito, illo, m. dim. little barber. bariO,OT. (chem.) barium.
barbero, m. barber mutton-fish. ; barita,/. (chem.) baryta or barytes.
barbeta, /. (naut.) rackline, gasket; (artL) baritel, m. v. malacate.
barbet-battery. baritlna,/. barium sulphate, heavy spar.
barbiblanco, ca, a. gray or white-bearded. baritono, m. (mus.) barytone.
tarbicacllO, m. ribbon tied under the chin. barluleta, /. knapsack, haversack, tool-bag.
barbicano, na, a. gray beard. barloar, vn. (naut.) to grapple for the pur-
barbiespeso, sa, a. having a thick beard. pose of boarding = abarloar. ;

barbibechO, Cba, a. fresh shaved. barloas,/. pi. (naut.^ relieving tackles.

barbilajnplfLO, fi.a, «. smooth-chinned. barloventear, vn. (naut.) to ply to wind*,
barbilindO, da, a. well-shaved and trimmed ;
ward beat about ;

effeminate and pretty. barlovento, 7H. (naut.) windward: costa d*

barbilucio, Cia, a. smooth-faced, pretty, toarlovento, weather shore costado de barlo< :

gejrteel. vento, weather side ganar el barlovento, to


barbilla,/. point of the chin; (carp.) rab- get to windward.

bet (vet.) tumour under the tongue.
: barnacla, m. barnacle^ sea-goose.
barbillera, /. tuft of tow chin bandage. ; bamlz, in. varnish; japan, lacquer, gloss,
barbineg^O, gra, a. black-bearded. cosmetic for the face printer's ink.
glaze ; ;

barbiponiente, a. having the beard grow- bamizador, ra, c. vamisher.

ing: apprenticed. bamizar, va. {pret. barnici£: subj. barni*
barbiauejo li)ar-be-keh'-ho], m. bonnet-string ce) to varnish, gloss, lacquer, glaze.
guard-riobon for a hat ; curb-chain ; (naut.) barom6trlCO, ca, a. barometrical
bobstay. bar6metrO, m. barometer.
barbirrublo, bla, a. blond-bearded. bar6n, m. baron: barones del tiin6ii, (naut)
barbimiciO, cia, a. gray-bearded. rudder pendants and chains.
barbitabeilo, ila, a. having a rough beard. baronesa,/. baroness.
barblteaido, da, a. having a dyed beard. baronia, /. barony baronage. ;

barbo, /«. (zool.) barbel, river fish. baroto, m. small boat in the Philippines.
barbbn, »i. full-bearded man Carthusian ; barquear, vn. to go about in a boat.
lay brother ; buck. barquero [bar-keh'-ro], TO. bargeman, water*
bar'boquejO [bar-bo-keti'-uo], m. chin-strap, hat- man, boatman, ferryman.
guard! barqueta ibar-keh-tah], /. barquete, to. dim,
barbotar, vn. to mumble, mutter. small boat.
barbate, m. beaver of a helmet. V. babera. barqilicbuelO [bar-ke-choo^h'-lo], TO. dim. small
barbudo, da, a. having a long beard. m. bark or boat.
vine transplanted with the roots. barquilla [iwr-keei'-iyah], /. conical mould for
barbulla,/. loud, prattling noise. wafers little boat, wherry : barqailla de la

barbullar, vn. to talk loud and fast. corredera, (naut.) the log.
barbullon, na, a. loud, fast prattler. barquillero (bar-keei-iyeh'-roi, TO. maker Or sell-
barca, /. (naut.) boat, barge, bark: barca er of rolled wafers ; wafer-mould.
chata, ferry-boat. barqulllo [bar-keer-iyo], m. cock-boat ; thin
barcada, /. passage in a ferry-boat ; boat- rolled wafer.
load. barqUin [bar-keen'l, TO. baroUinera [tar-ko-
barca,1e [bar-cah'-h«y], TO. ferriage. nay'-rah],/. large bellows for furnaces.
barcal, m. wooden vesseL barqUlnaZO lUr-ke-nah'-thol, TO. V. BATACAZO.
barcarola, /. barcarolle. barquinero [»>ar-ke-neh'-roi, TO. bellows-maker.
barcaza,/- barge, lighter; privilege of load- barqUlnO lbar-ke«'-iio], TO. wine-bag. V. ODRE.
ing and unloading. barra, iron crow or lever metal bar or
/. ;

barcelonds, sa [bar-tbay-lo-Qess'], a. of Barce- ingot sand-bank at the mouth of a har-


lona. bour gross-spun thread in cloth

mould ;

barceno, na, a. v, barcino. for small candles (mech.) lever, rod, cross-

barceo [b«r-ttiay'-o], m. dry bass or sedge for bar shaft of a carriage, thill
; ;

mats, ropes, eta (her.) third part of a shield country gamo ;

» ai In far ; • In «b I ; i In police ; 3 in for ; n in bull ; c (before e, i) and t as th in tliick ; b and d, toftf

in Spain (naut.) spar railing in a court-
; ; barrig6n, na, barrlgudo, da, «. big-belUed
r«ova.—pi. mining shares. pot-bellied.
barrabasada, /. serious mischief bold ac- ; barrlguilla, /. dim. little belly.
tion. barril, m. barrel jug; (naut.) water-cask.

barraca,/. barrack, cabin, hut. barrllame, m. barrueria, /. stock of casW

barraco, m. boar spume of fermenting ; or barrels
barrel factory. ;

must ancient ship gun snag.

: ; barrilejO, m. dim. rundlet, small barrel.
barrado, da, a. corded ribbed striped ; ; barrilero, m. barrel-maker, cooper.
(her.) barred.-^pp. of barrar. barrilete, m, holdfast, dog, clamp; (naut.)
barrag^n, barracan, camlet; waterproof
7«. mouse; (zool.) crab covered with prickles
woollen stuff; waterproof overcoat. keg kite piece of a clarinet.
; ;

barragana,/. concubine; morganatic wife. barrilico, illo, ito, m. dim. keg, rundlet,
barraganeria, /. concubinage. small barrel, firkin.
barraganete, m. (naut.) top-timber, fut- barrilla,/. little bar; rod; (hot) salt-wort,.
tock. glass-woTt.
barral, m. large bottle containing twenty- barrillar, m. barilla plantation barilla-pits. ;

five pints. barrio, m. city district or ward suburb. ;

barranca, /. barrancal, m. deep hollow barrita,/. dim. small bar.

gorge, ravine. barrlzal, m. clay-pit, muddy place.
barranco, m. V. barranca; cleft, gorge, barro, m. clay, mud earthenware drink- ; ;

ravine ;
great difficulty. ing-vessel made of sugar-clay barro oocido, :

barrancoso, sa, a. broken, uneven, full of terra-cotta.—p/. pimples in the face ; (vet.)
breaks and holes. fleshy tumours.
barranquera [bar-ran-keh'-rah], /. V. BARRAN- barrocbo, m. v. birlocho.
CA obstruction, embarrassment.
; barroso, sa, a. muddy, full of mire ;
barraquillo [bai-rah-keei'-iyoi, m. (arti.) short pled
reddish. ;

light field-piece. barrote, m. short ;

and thick iron bar
barrar, va. to daub, smear bar, barricade. ; brace: barrotes, (naut.) battens, scantlings.
barrate, m. little joist or rafter. barrotines, m. pi. barrotlnes de los baos,
barrear, va. to bar, barricade to cancel, ; (naut.) carlines: barrotines de la toldilla,
cross off. vn. to graze a knight's armour (naut.) carling knees.
with a lance. vr. V. atrincherarse. barrueco, m. pearl of irregular form.
barreda, /. v. barrera. barmmbada,/. extravagant expense ; boast-
barrederas,/. pi. (naut.) studding-sails. ful saying.
barredero, ra, a. that drags along redbarre- : barruntador, ra, m. &/. conjecturer.
dera, drag-net. m. baker's mop. barruntamiento, m. conjecturing, guessing.
barredura, /. sweeping.—pZ. sweepings, re- barruntar, va. to foresee, conjecture, guess.
mains, residue, refuse, chaff. baminto, m. conjecture.
barrena, /. barrena grande, auger, borer bartola,/. & la bartola, carelessly.
barrena peque&a, gimlet barrena de gusano, : bartO''illO, m. three-cornered little meat pie,
wimble ; rock-drill barrena de diminnci6n, : b^rtulOS, m. pi. household goods tools. ;

taper auger barrena de guia, centre-bit.

: baruca,/ artifice, cunning, deceit.
barrenado, da, a. pp. of barrenar. barul^, m. upper part of the stockings roUecl
barrenador, m. (naut.) auger or borer. over the knee.
barrenar, va. to bore, auger, drill barrenar : barnllo, m. confusion, disorder, tumult.
nn navio, (naut.) to scuttle a ship barrenar : barz6n, m. idle walk ring of a yoke. ;

ana roca or mina, to blast a rock or a mine barzonear, vn. to loiter about.
to defeat one's intentions. basa, /^ pedestal, base basis, foundation. ;

barrendero, ra, m. &f. sweeper, dustman. basada,/. stocks for snip-bulldicg.

barrenero, m. maker or seller of augers and basacula,/. locker of the thumb-plate in a
drills ; blaster, driller, stocking-frame.
barrenillo, m. insect that gnaws through the basaltico, ca, a. basaltic, of basalt.
bark of trees. basalto, m. basalt, basaltes.
barreno, m. large borer or auger; bored basamentO, m. (arch.) base and pedestal.
hole, blast-hole vanity: dar barreno, (naut.)
; basar, va. to fix, establish upon a base rest ;

to sink a ship. upon set up a theory start from a fixed

; ;

barrefia, /. barreflo, m. earthen pan tub. ; base-line.

barrer, va. to sweep, carry off everything bas^Ulde, /. (Mex.) bassaris, species of ra-
(naut.) to rake: al barrer, (com.) on an coon. V. cacomixtle.
average. basca,/. squeamishness, nausea; swoon.
barrera,/. barricade, barrier, parapet, fence bascosidad, /. nastiness, filth.
clay-pit mound of earth cupboard for
; ; bascula,/. platform-scale.
crockery bar, toll-gate, turnpike.
; base, /. base, basis; ^ound, foot, footing;
barrero, m. potter eminence ridge of hills ; ;
groundwork; base-line; (chem.) electro-
clay-pit. positive element.
barreta,/. small bar; shoe lining. basilica,/, royal palace public hall ; (anat.) ;

barretear, va. to fasten with bars ; line a basilica privileged church.


shoe. basilic6n, m. (med.) basilicon, ointment.

barretero, m. in mining, one who works with basiliO, lia, a. basihan monk or nun.
a crow, wedge, or pick, basiliSCO, y.i. basilisk, cockatrice; ancient
barrlada, /. city ward, district, precinct, cannon.
suburb. •
basquear [bas-keh-ar'], vn. to be squfcftmish or
barrial, m. v. lodazal ; muddy spot. nauseated.
barrlca, /. cask containing sixty gallons, basquilla [bas-keei'-iyah], /. disease in sheep.
barricada, /. barricade. baSqUiHa [bas-kee'-nyah], /. Upper skirt.
barrido, m. sweep.—^. of barrer. basta, adv. enough halt, stop. ;

barriga, /. abdomen, belly pregnancy ;

basta,/. basting: bastas, mattress tufting
belly of a flask. bastaje [bas-taii'-hay], m. portcr, carrier.
g (before e, i) and / as h in bot; h, eUent; 11 in brilliant; ft, ny In canyon; r (inlUal) and rr trlUed; >, hlsaed
bastante, adv. sufl&cient, enough ; compe- bitavo, va, a. Batavian.
'teul; not a little. batayola,/. (naut.) rail.
bastailtear, (law) to acknowledge the
va. batea, /. painted tray; foot-tub; flat-bot.
validity of a power of attorney. tomed boat, punt.
bastantemente, adv. sufficiently. batebuela,/. dim. small hamper or tray.
bastanteo, m. acknowledging a power of at- batel, m. small vessel.
torney. bateo, m. V. bautizo.
lt)aa*tantero, m. (law) officer who examines batena,/. battery: bateria 4 barbeta, barbette
powers of attorney. battery bateria enterrada, sunk battery
: :

bastar, vti. to suffice ; to be enough. bateria 4 rebote, ricochet battery bateria :

bastarda,/- bastard file ; piece of ordnance ; cmzante, cross battery: bateria *de cocina,
(iiaut.) lateen main-sail. kitchen metal utensils; (naut.) range of
bastardear, vn. to degenerate : bastardize. guns, broadside; (met.) repeated importu-
bastardelO, m. notary's draft-c)ook ; blotter. nities ; battering.
bastardia,./*. bastardy; meanness. batero, ra, m. & /. mantaarmaker, dress-
bastardilla, f. kind of flute (print. ) italic. ;
maker, laaies' tailor.
bastardO, da, a. bastard, spurious, illegiti- batey, m. (Cuba) sugar-house and machin-
mate (print. bastard type.
) ery.
bastardO, m. bastard a kind of snake ; kind ; batlborrillo, m. V. baturrillo.
of saddle (naut.) parrel rope.
; baticola,/. crupper.
baste, m. stitch saddle-pad. ; batida, /. hunting-party battue. ;

bastear, va. to baste. batldera, /. beater, in masonry ; stirrer in

bastero, m. maker or seller of pack-saddles. glass-making batlet batting arm scutch- ; ; ;

bastida, /. ancient warlike engine. er flap of a churn instrument for cutting

; ;

bastidor, rn. embroidery-frame stretcher ; honey-combs.

for canvas wing of stage scenery window-
; ; batidero, m. continuous striking or beating
sash ; frame of a screw propeller (phot.) ;
collision craggy ground (naut. ) wash-
; ;

plate-holder.—pZ. bastidores, (naut.) frames board.

ft>r canvas bulkheads. batido, da, chatoyant (silks) beaten,
a. shot, ;

bastilla,/. hem. trodden, as roads.—-«p. of batir.

bastillar, va. to hem. batido, m. batter of flour, eggs, etc.
bastimentar, va. to victual to provision. ; batidor, m. beater scout ranger life- ; ; ;

bastlmentO, m. supply of provisions build- ; guard rider before a royal coach out- ;

ing, structure; mattress tufting; (naut.) rider ; leather-beater ; stirring-rod hair- ;

vessel. comb hemp-dresser; : batidor de oro 6 plata,

bastibn, »». v. baluarte. gold or silver beater.
basto, m. pack-saddle; pad; ace of clubs: batlente, »». jamb or post of a door leaf of ;

bastos, clubs (cards). a door port-sill damper of a pianoforte


basto, ta, a. coarse, rude, unpolished ; gross ;

spot where the sea beats against the shore
home-spun. batlente de la bandera, (naut.) fly of an
bast6n, m. cane, stick, gad, truncheon ; staflf ensign batlente de un dique, apron of a

of command ; roller of a silk-frame. dock.—pa. of BATIR.

bastonada, /. bastonazo, m. bastinado. batifolla, m. v. batihoja.
bastonclllo, m. small cane or stick narrow ; batiboja, m. gold-beater artisan who works ;

trimming lace. metals into sheets warp. ;

bastonear, va. to stir must with a stick. batiaiento, m. beating.

bastonero, m. cane-maker or seller; man- batin, m. smoking-jacket.
ager of a ball ; cotillon leader ; assistant batlntin, m. Chinese gong.
jailer. bationdeo, m. fluttering of a banner or cur-
basura, /. sweepings, manure, ordure, refuse. tain.
basurero, m. dustman dust-pan dunghill. ;

batiportar, va. (naut.) to house a gun.
bata, /. dressing-gown smokmg-jacket ; batlportes, m. pi. port-siiis.
wrapp<»r woman's frock refuse or silk.
; ; batir, dash, strike, clash, clout,
va. to beat,
bata, ni. (Philip.) half-breed minor. clap demolish, raze, pull down
; flap ;

batacazo, m. violent contusion from a fall. pound stir comb adjust reams of pa-
; ; ;

batabola, /. hurly-burly, bustle, clamour, per vanquish ; reconnoitre roll a drum :

; :

clutter, hubbub. batlr banderaa, to salute with the colours

batalla, /. battle, contest, conflictj engage- batlr moneda, to coin money batir lai olaa, :

ment, struggle, fight, combat fencing bout ; to ply the seas: batlr hoja, to foliate. it.
joust, tournament; (art) battle-piece. to fight engage in a duel ;lose courage ; ;

batallador, ra, w. & f. battler, combatant, decline in health. V. abatirse.

warrior, fighter, fencer. batista, /. batiste, finest cambric.
batallar, vn. to battle, fight, combat, strug- IsatO, m. rustic, simpletoo.
gle, fence, contend, argue, dispute. batojar, va. to beat down the fruit of a tree.
batallola,/. (naut.) v. batayola. batOlOgia,/. battology, needless repetition.
batallbn, m. oattalion, formerly troop. batraciOS, m. pi. batrachians.
batallona, /. a. caestlon batallona, much de- batnda, /. spring-board jumping contest
bated question. baturrillo, m. hodge-podge, mash, salma-
batim, wi. fulling-mill batanei, boyish play. : gundi pot-pourri medley. ; ;

batanado, da, a. fulled, milled.—;>p. of ba- batuta, /. conductor's wand baton Ucvar ; :

tanar. la batata, to lead preside: manage. ;

batanar, va. to full cloth. batll, m. trunk, chest belly bail maado, ; :

batanear, va. to drub, thrash, beat. Saratoga trunk.

batanero, m. fuller, clothier. baulito, m. dim. small trunk.
batansa, /. bamboo outrigger In boats in the bauprds, m. (naut.) bowsprit.
Philippine Islands. baUB&n, na, m. & f. manikin, effigy; fool,
l^atata, /. sweet potato. idiot.
latatin, m. dim. small sweet potato. bautismal, a. baptismal.

'•• in far ; • in ek I ; i in police ; s in for ; n in bull ; c (.before e, 1) and s u th in tbick ; b and d, soft ',
bautismo, m. baptism, christening. beborrotear, va. to sip often.
bautisteriO, m. baptistery. beca,/. collegian's sash worn over the gown •

bautizante, pa. baptizer or christener. fellowship pension fellow, alumnus, colle-

; ;

bautizar, va. {pret. bautick bautice)

: subj. gian tippet worn by dignitaries of the

to baptize, christen ; mix water with wine. church beca de merced, scholarship becas,
: :

bautiZO, m. baptism, christening party. velvet or satin facings of cloaks.

bavaro, ra, a- Bavarian. becabunga,/. (bot.) brook-lime.
baya, /. berry, any small globular fruit. becada, j. woodcock, v. chocha,
bayadera, /. Oriental dancer. becafigO, m. (om.) fig-pecker becafigo raro, :

bayal, a. nax not steeped or soaked. (om.T red-headed linnet. V. papafigo,

baySjil, m. lever used in raising mill-stones. becardbn, m. snipe. V. agachadiza.
bayeta, /. baize, thick flannel blanket in ; becerra,/. (bot.) snap-dragon.
typography arrastrar bayetas, to claim a
: becerril, a. bovine calf, as adjective. ;

degree in superior colleges. becerrillo, ilia, ito, ita, m. &f. dim. calf.
bayetdn, m. coating, cloth for coats. becerro,raibeh-therr'-ro], m. &/. yearling calf
bayo, ya, a. bay, yellowish white (horse). calf-skin tanned and dressed church reg- ;

VI. silk-worm butterfly used in angling. ister various books in Spain, bound ia

bayOCO, m. Italian copper coin unripe or ; calf-skin : becerro marino, sea-calf, the seal.
withered fig. becoquin [ijeh-co-keen'J, m. cap tied under th«-
bayon, m. (Philip. ) sack of matting for baling, chin.
bayoneta, /. bayonet bayoneta calada, fixed : becnadradO, m. first property in plain song;,
bayonet. or Gregorian mode.
baybnetazo, m. bayonet thrust. becuadro, m. (mus.) the sign t[, deaoting ai
bayoque Ibah-yo'-kay], m. V. BAYOCO. natural tone.
bayuca, /. tippling-nouse, tavern. bedel, m. beadle, warden.
baza Ibah'-thah],/. trick at Cards no dejar meter : bedelta,/. beadleship, wardenship.
baza, not to let one put in a single word. bedelio, m. bdellium, an aromatic gum,
bazar [bah-thar'j, bazaar, market-place. bedulno, na, a. Bedouin harsh, uncivil. ;

bazo bah'-thoi, m. spleen or milt. befa,/. jeer, scoff, mock, taunt.

bazo, za, a. brown inclining to yellow pan : befabemi, m. musical sign.
bazo, brown bread. befar, va. to mock, scoff, ridicule, jeer,
bazofia,/. offal, waste meat, refuse, remnants, laugh at to move the lips, and endeavour

hogwash. to catch the chain of the bit (horses).

bazucar, bazuqu]£ suhj. bazu-
va. {pret. : befo, fa, a. blubber-lipped knock-kneed. ;

que) by shaking to dash.

to stir liquids ; befO, m. lip of a beast kind of monkey. ;

bazudueo [bah-thoo-kay'-o], m. Stirring liquids begardO,aa,7n. &f. Beghard, ancient heretic.

by shaking jumble. ; begonia,/, (hot.) begonia.
be, m. baa, cry of sheep.—/. name of the sec- begoniitceo, a, a. relating to the begonia.
ond letter, B. beguino, fia, m. &/. Beguin, ancient heretic.
beata, /. woman engaged in works of charity benetlla, /. town whose inhabitants were
pious, devotee, bigot, fanatic, hypocrite. free from the subjection of any lord confu- ;

beateria, /. act of affected piety oigotry. ; sion, disorder.

beaterio, w. house inhabited by pious bejin, m. (hot.) common puff-ball, fuzz-ball
women, whining, peevish child.
beatiflcacldn, /. beatification. bejinero, m. one who extracts oil from th«
beatificamente, adv. beatifically. lees,
beatlficar, va. to beatify to render respect- ; bejucal, m, place where reeds grow.
able to make happy.
; bejUCO, m. tnin or pliable reed rattan fila- ; ;

beatiflco, ca, a. (tlieology) beatific. ments growing on some trees in America.

beatJlla, /. sort of fine linen. bejUquillO [bay-hoo-key'-Iyo1, Mt. gold chain
beatisimo, ma, «. sup. beatlsimo padre, most made in China; (bot.) ipecacuanha; thin
holy father (the Pope). rattan.
beatitud, /. beatitude, blessedness, holiness. belchO, m. (bot.) horsetail-tree.
beatO, ta, a. happy, blessed beatified wear- ; ; beldad, /. beauty una beUad, a beauty, a :

ing a religious habit for piety devout. m. ; belle,

& f. pious person one who lives in pious ; belemnita, /. belemnites, arrow-head or fin-
retirement. ger-stone,
beat6u, na, m. &f. hypocrite, bigot, Bel6n, m. Bethlehem group of figures repre- ;

bebedero, m. drinking vessel for domestic senting the birth of the infant Jesus for cele-
animals trough for beasts spout place
; ;
brating Christmas confusion, bedlam. ;

whither fowls resort to drink.—;p/. strips for bele&O, m. (bot.) henbane, poison.
lining clothes ; facing. bel6riC0, m. (bot.) kind of myrobalan.
bebedero, ra, bebedizo, za, a. drinkable. beleZ, /. beleZO, m. [bay-leth', bay-Uy-tho'], jar
bebedizo, m. medicinal potion draught ; for oil or wine furniture. ;

philter or love potion ;

poisonous draught. belfo, fa, a. blob-lipped or blubber-lipped.
bebedo, da, a. drunk, intoxicated. belfo, m. thick under lip of a horse.
bebedor, ra, m. &/. tippler, toper. belga, m. &/. Belgian.
beber, va. & vn. to drink, swallow pledge, ;
b61glC0, ca, a. Belgic, Belgian.
toast beber i. la salad de algnno, to drink to
: b61lC0, ca, a. warlike, martial, military.
another's health beber los pensamientos k
: beliCOSidad, /. warlike state.
algnno, to anticipate one's thoughts beber : bellcoso, sa, o. warlike, martial, military ;
lo8 vientoi, to solicit with much eagerness : quarrelsome, pugnacious, aggressive.
beber como una cuba, to drink as a fish. beligerante, a. belligerent.
bebible, m. &/. pleasant to drink. beligero, ra, a. (poet. ) warlike, belligerent,
bebida, /. drink, beverage, potion time al- ; belisono, na, a. with martial, warlike sound,
lowed to workmen for drinks. belitre,«. low, mean, vile, vulgar roguisk.
bebido, da, pp. of beber. a. intoxicated. — bellacada, /. nest of rogues knavish act. ;

bebistrajo, m. queer mixture of drinks. bellacamente, adv. knavishly, roguishly.

g (before e, i) and J as ta in hot; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed; 8. hia
liellACO, ca, a. artful, sly, cunning, roguish, nemirito de la patria, well-deserving of the
deceitiul. m. rogue, villain, swindler, country.
knave, beneplacitO [bay-nay-plah'-the-to], TO. goodwill,
feellacbn, na, bellaconazo, za, m. &f. aug. approbation, consent.
great knave, arrant rogue. beneVOlenCia Ibay-nay-vo-len'-the-ah], /. benev-
beUacuelO, m. dim. artful, cunning little oleuce, goodwill, kindness.
fellow. ben6volO, la, a. benevolent, kind, gentle,
belladama, belladona, /. (bot.) deadly kind-hearted.
nightshade, belladonna, dwale. bengala,/. Bengal, tMn slight stuff; cane:
beUamente, adv. prettily, gracefully, fairly. luz de bengala, red liglit.
bellaauear, vn. to cheat, swindle ; play bengali, m. native of Bengal, Bengalee.
knavish, roguish tricks. benignamente, adv. kindly, benevolently,
bellaqueria lbel-lyah-ka>-ree'-ah], /. knavery, favourably, graciously.
roguery, cunning vile act or speech. ; benignidad,/. benignity graciousness, kind- ,

'belleza, /. beaptyj fairness, handsomeness ness, piety ; mildness of the weather.

decoration, ornament.
flourish ; benlgno, na, benign, merciful, gracious,
bello, Ua, a. beautiful, handsome, fair, fine ;
kind; mild, temperate, gentle.
perfect. benitO, ta, a. Benedictine friar or nun.
bellorio, ia, a. mouse-coloured, benjui, to. benzoin or benjamin.
bellorita, /. (bot.) primrose, cowslip. beodez, /. drunkenness, intoxication.
bellota, /. acorn ; carnation bud ; perfume beodo, da, a. drunk, drunken.
box. beori, w. American tapir.»
bellote, m. large round-headed nail. beque [bay'-kay], TO. (naut.) head of the ship.
bellotear, vn. to feed upon acorns. bequebo [bay-Uay'-boi, m. woodpecker.
bellotera, /. season for gathering acorns. berberechO, to. bivalve moUusk (Gallcia).
bellotero, ra, m. & /. one who gathers or berberi, isco, or bereber, a. belonging tc
sells acorns. m. oak tree. Barbary, Berber.
bellotica, ilia, Ita, /• dim. small, acorn. berberis, to. (bot.) barberry, piperidge-bush.
bemol, ni. (mus. ) flat; the sign \}. berbero, m. confection made of barberry.
'bemoladO, a. flat(ted), lowered a semitone. berbi, to. sort of woollens.
bemolar, va. (mus.) to flat. berbiqui [ber-be-kee'j, in. carpenter's brace J
ben, bell6ll, m. fruit of the size of a filbert wimble.
which yields a precious oil. berceria [ber-tuay-ree'-ah], /. green-market.
benarri'za, savoury bird, ./".
bercero, ra [ber-thay'-ro', m. &
/. green-grocer.
benclna,/. benzine. berenjena,/. egg-plant.
bendecidor, ra, a. one who blesses. berenjenado, da, a. of the colour of an egg-
bendeCir iben-<leh-th8er'J, va. {pp. BENDITO and plant.
BENDECIDO ind. BKNDIGO pret. BENDIJE: : : berenjenal, to. bed of egg-plants; (met.)
imp. bendice: subj. bendiga") to bless, difliculties, troubles.
praise, exalt to consecrate. ; berenjenaZO [bay-ren-hay-nah'-tho], TO. bloW with
bendicidn [ben-de-the-on'],/. benediction, bless- an egg-plant.
ing. pi. marriage ceremony. bergamota, to, bergamot (frnit, essence,
bendigo, bendije, bendiga {irr. from ben- snuflT).
decir). bergamote, bergamoto, to. (bot.) berga-
bendito, ta, a. sainted, blessed; simple, mot-tree.
silly ei an bendito, he is a simpleton pray-
; bergante, m. brazen-faced villain, rufllan,
er.—pp. in*, of BENDECIR. rascal.
beneaicite, m. (Lat.) permission solicited bergantin, to. (naut.) brig or brigantine.
by ecclesiastics with this word. bergantinejo, to. dim. small brig.
benedicta, /. benedict, electuary. bergant6n, na, to. & /. aug. brazen-faced,
benedictinb, na, a. Benedictine. impudent person.
benefactor, m. benefactor. V. bienhechor. bergantonazo, m. aug. most impudent ruf-
beneflCenCia [bay-nayfe-then'-the-ah], /. benefi- fian.
cence, kindness, charity. berilo, to. beryl, precious stone.
benefiCiacidn [bay-nay-fe-the-ah-the-on'], /. bene- berlina,/. coupe, closed carriage front com- ;

faction. partment of a stage-coach or a railway car-

benefiCiadO [bay-nay-fe-the-ah'-do], m. Curate, riage.
beneficiary. berimes, sa, a. from Berlin.
benefiCiadbr, ra (bay-nay-fe-the-ah-dor"], m. & f. berlinga, /. clothes-line post ;
(naut.) round
benefactor ; improver. timber.
beneficial b«.v-nay-fe-the-ahi'], o. relating to ben- berma,/. (mil.) berm, ground at the foot o£
efices or ecclesiastical livings. the rampart.
beneficiar [bay-nay-re-tiie-ar'], va. to benefit; bermejear, bermejecer [ber-may-hay-ar*, ber-
cultivate ; work and improve mines ; confer may-hay-tberr], vn. to be of a reddish colour.
a sinecure purchase a place or employ.
; bermeJiZO, za (ber-may-hee'-tho , a. reddish.
IT. to make a profit. berme O, ja, a. of a bright reddish colour,
beneficiariO, m. beneficiary. berme 6n, na, a. reddish. V. bermejo.
beneficio [bay-nay-fee'-the-o], TO. benefit, favour, bermejuela, /. (zool.) red gurnard; (bot.)
kindness, benefaction right belonging to ; heather.
one either by iaw or charter labour and ; bermejuelo,la, n. dim. little reddish,
culture utility, profit : beneficio bruto, gross
; bermemra,/. reddishness, ruddy colour,
profit beneficio neto, clear profit ; benefice,
: bermellbn. bermill6n, to. vermilion,
ecclesiastical living. bermudiana, /. (bot.) gra.s»-flower.
benefiCiOSO, Sa [bay-nay-fe-the-o'-«o], a. benefi- bernardina,/. fanfaronade; boast.
cial, advantageous, profitable. bernardo, da, «. Bernardine monk or nun.
ben6flC0, ca, a. beneficent, kind, chari- bernegal, to. cup with scalloped edges.
table. bern6s, sa, «. relating to Berae.
benem^ritO, ta, a. meritorious, worthy : be' bernia, /. rug cloak made of rug.

» as in far • in eh I : i in police ; o in for ; U in boll ; C (before e^ i) and e aa th in tUck ; b and d. ttAk.

"berra, strong water-cress plant.
/. b^tico, ca, a. Andalusian.
"berraza [bei-rah'-tiiaii', /. water-parsnip. betlemita, m. (Sp. Am. ) Bethlemite, friar,
"berrear, vn. to cry like a calf, low, bellow. betbn, m. hydraulic cement.
1)617611011111, m. foaming, grunting of a wild betdnica,/. (hot.) betony.
boar cry of wayward children.
; betim, m. bitumen, pitch, cement; shoe*
berrendearse, vr. to grow yellow (as wheat) blacking; coarse wax: betiin Judaico, V. AS-
to be tinged with two colours. FALTO.
"berrendO, da, a- tinged with two colours ;
betunar, va. to pitch, tar.
ripe wheat duskish Drown silk-worm.
; beuna, /. gold-coloured wine, made of a red
berr6ra,/. (bot.) V. berraza comun. grape of the same name.
"berrido, m. bellowing of a calf. b6y, TO. bey, Turkish governor.
"berrin, m, child in a violent passion. bezaar, bazar, to. v. bezoar.
berrinche, m. anger, passion ; sulkiness, ap- b€Zant6 [bay-thahn'-tayl, TO. (her.) bezant.
plied to children. b6Z0 [bay'-tho], TO. blubber-lip proud flesh ;
berrinchudo, a. passionate, sulky. a wound.
berrlzal, m. place full of water-cresses. bezoar [bay-thr,-ar'], TO. bezoar.
berro, m. (bot.) water-cress. beZQ^iCO, ca [bay-tlio-ah'-re-co], a. bezoaric.
berrocal, m. craggy or rocky place. bezote Ibay-tho'-tay], TO. ring worn by Indians
b6IT0qU€fLa [ber-ro-kay'-nyah], a. piedra toerro- in their under lip.
4ue&a, granite. bezudo, da [bay-thoo'-do], a. blubber-lipped or
b6rnieC0, m. rock pin disease of the eye. ; ;
berta, /. kind of cape called bertha. biangular, a. biangulated, biangulous.
berza [behr'-thah], /. (bot.) Cabbage: berza or biazas [be-aU'-thas], / pi. saddle-bags.
col coman. Savoy-cabbage berza lombarda, : bibaro, to. beaver, castor.
red cabbage berza de perro, dog's-cabbage.
: bibero, to. sort of linen, from Galicia.
b6rzaza Ibehr-thah'-thah], /. aug. large head of biberdn, to. nursing-bottle for infants.
cabbage. Biblia,/. Bible,
b68ador, ra, m. &f. & a. kissing; kisser. biblico, ca, n. biblical.
b6SalainailO, m. note with the abbreviation bibli6fi.lO, TO. book-lover, bibliophile,
B. L. M. in the third person and unsigned. bibliografia,/. bibliography.
besamanOS, m. levee or court-day ; salute bibliOgT^CO, ca, a. bibliographical, biblio-
performed with the hand. graphic.
besana,/. first furrow with a plough; series biblibgrafO, bibliographer. to.
of parallel furrows. bibliomania, /. bibliomania.
b6Sailte, TO. ancient Byzantine coin. biblidmano, na, to. &/. bibliomaniac.
besar, va. to kiss to touch closely applied
; : biblioteca,/. library collection of authors. ;

to inanimate things besar la mano or los : bibliOtecariO, to. librarian, bibliothecary.

pies, expressions of courtesy and respect. bica,/. unleavened cake of maize,
vr. to strike heads or faces together acci- bicapsular, a. (bot.) bicapsular.
dentally. bicarbonatO, to. bicarbonate.
b6SiC0, SillO, SitO, m. dim. little kiss besi- : biceps, TO. (anat. ) biceps muscle.
cos de monja, (bot.) V. FAROLILLO. bicerra, /. wild or mountain goat.
beso, m. kiss collision of persons or things
; ;
biCiCleta [be-thle-clay'-tah], /. bicycle.
among bakers, kissing-crust. biCiCletiSta, biCiCliSta [be-thie-clay-tees'-tah,
bestezuela, /. dim. little beast. be-thie-clees'-tah], 7«. &f. bicyclist.
bestia, /. beast, quadruped gran bestia, elk ; : biciclO, TO. bicycle.
(met. ) dunce, idiot, ill-bred fellow. bicoca,/. small fort valueless trifle. :

bestiaje, bestlame, m. assembly of beasts biCOlor, a. of two colours.

of burden. bicbncavo, va, a. biconcave.
bestial, a. bestial, brutal. biconvexo, a, a. double convex.
bestialidad, /. v. brutalidad. biCOqUete [be-co-Uay'-tay], TO. biCOquin [be-co-
bestialmente, ad", bestially, brutally. double-pointed skull-cap.
keen'], TO.
bestiaza, m. aug. great beast big idiot. ; bicome, bicornuous, bicom.
a. (poet.)
b68tiecica, cilia, cita, bestiezuela,/. dim. bicorp6reo, rea, a. bicorporal.
little beast ignorant person.
; biCOS, TO. pi. gold trimmings on skullcaps.
bestidn, m. aug. large beast. bicromatO, to. bichromate or dichromate.
b^stola, /. paddle for cleaning the coulter of bicuento, TO. (arith.) billion.
the plough. bicuadr^tico, a. (alg.) biquadrate.
b6sucador, ra, m. &f. kisser. bicha,/. (arch.) fantastic caryatid.
b6BUCar,va. {pref. besuque subj. besuque) : bichero, TO. (naut.) boat-hook.
to kiss repeatedly. bicho, TO. general name for small grubs or
b6suc6n, na, «. one who kisses repeatedly. insects ; ridiculous fellow.—pi. vermin.
b6SUgada,/. luncheon of sea-breams. bid6, TO. bidet, wash-tub.
besu^O, TO. (icht. ) sea-bream or red gilthead. bidente, to. &f. having two teeth or prongs.
besu^uera,/. pan for dressing besugos. —
TO. two-pronged spade sheep. ;

b68Uguero, ra, «. fishmonger who sells biela, /. brace-strut ; axle-tree, connecting-

breams. to. fishing-tackle for breams. rod.
besugnete, m. (zool.) red sea-bream. bielda, /. pitchfork with six or seven prongs,
besuquear, va. to kiss repeatedly. and a rack.
besuqueo [bay-Boo-kay'-o], TO. hearty and re- bieldar, va. to winnow corn by means of %
peated kissing. bieldo.
b6ta, /. bit or line of thread, tape ; beta, bieldO, bielgO, to. winnowing-fork.
second letter of the Greek alphabet betas, : biempareciente, &/. good-looking.
(naut.) pieces of cordage for all sorts of bien, to. supreme goodness ; object of love
tackle. good, utility, benefit, welfare el bien de la :

betarraga, betarrata,/. (bot.) beet. patria, thepublic weal.—p/. bienes, property,

bet6l, TO. betel, Indian shrub. fortune, riches, land, estate: bienes muebles,
Bitica,/. ancient name of Andalucia. goods and chattels bienes de fortnna, world-

g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h. silent: 11 in brilliant ; u, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; », bltseA.
ly treasures bienes dotales, dower bienes
: : breast ; folding seat in front of a Chariot f
r«icea, real estate bienes semovientes, cattle. : bow compass.
blen, adv. well, right, uprightly, happily, blgotudo, having a large mustache,
prosperously, willingly, readily, heartily: blja, /. (but.) arnotto-tree (com.^ anoattc ;

no bien, as soon as (just as) bien que, al- : V. ACHIOTE.

though si bien, though ahora bien, now
: : bilateral, a. bilateral.
then mis bien, rather i y bien ? well, what
: : biliario, ria, a. biliary.
of that? Joined to adjectives or adverbs it bilbaino, na, a. of Bilbao.
is equivalent to very, as bien rico, very rich ; bilingiie, a. bilingual.
and to verbs, much, as 61 bebi6 bien, he : biliOSO, sa, a. bilious.
drank much tener k bien, to be kind : bUis,/. bile.
enough. bilitero, ra, a. of two letten..
bienal, «• biennial. bilocarse. vr. {pret. biloqu^: subj. BILO-
bienamado, da, a. dearly beloved. QUE) to be in two different places at the
bienandante, a. happy, prosperous. same time.
bienandanza, /. felicity, prospeTity, success. biltrotear, vn. to gad.
bienaventuradamente, adv. fortunately, biltrotera, /. gadder, gossiping woman.
happily. billa, /. pocketing a ball after it has struck
bienaventurado, da, a. blessed ; happy another.
fortunate, successful ;
(iron.) simple, silly, blllalda or blllarda,/. children's play. .
harmless. billar, m. game of billiards billiard-table. :

bienaventuranza, /. beatitude prosperity, ; billete, m. anciently, an order of the king;

human felicity.—p<. the eight beatitudes. note, brief letter love-letter theatre or; ;

bienestar, m. well-being, comfort. railwav ticket lottery ticket billete de

; :

bienfortunado, da, a. fortunate, successful. banco, "bank-note.

biengranada, /. (hot.) curl-leaved goose- billetlco, m. dim. billet, love-letter.
foot. blll6n, m. billion.
bienhablado, da, a. well and civilly spoken. billonisimo, ma, m.&f.& a. billionth, on*
bienhadado, da, a. lucky, fortunate, happy. of a billion equal parts.
bienlieclio, cha, a. well-shaped, well-per- bimano, na, m. &f. & a. bimanous.
formed. bimembre, a. having two members.
bienbecbor, ra, m. &f. benefactor. bimestral, a. lasting two months.
bienlntencionado, da, «. well-meaning. bimestre, a. two months' duration.—m. two
bienio, rn. term or space of two years. months' rent, pension, salary, or leave of t

blenmandado, da, a. obedient, submissive. absence.

bienmesabe, m. meringue batter. bina, /. second ploughing or digging.
bienquerencia [b«-en-kay-ren'-the-ah], /. good- binador, m. digger, he who digs the same
will, affection, fondness. ground again weeding-fork. ;

bienduerer il)e-en-kay-rerr'l, va. {irr. like QUE- buiar, va. to dig or plough ground the second
•RER) to wish the good of another, to esteem. time.
blenquerer, m. esteem, attachment, good- binariO, ria, a. binary.
will. biuaz6n, /. digging or ploughing a second
bienqueriente, a. p. well-wisher. time.
blenquistar [be-«n-kee8'-tari, va. to reconcile. binocular, a. binocular.
bienquisto, ta [be-en-keeB'-to^, a. generally es- bindculo. m. binocle, dioptric telescope j ma-
teemed and respected.—/)p. of bienquis- rine or held glasses.
TAR. . binomia, /. & a. binomial : raiz binomia, bi-
bienteveo, m. v. candklecho. nomial root.
bienvenida, /. safe arrival welcome. ; binza, /. pellicle, lining of the shell of aD
bienvlyir, vn. to live in comfort to ; live egg any thin membrane.

uprightly. biodin^unica, /. biodynamics.

biforme, «. biformed, biform. biOgrafla, /. biography.
bifronte, a. (poet.) double-fronted or double- biOgr&fiCO, ca, a. biographical
faced. bi6grafO. m. biographer.
biftec, m. beefsteak. biOlOgia,/. biology.
blforcacidn, /. branch railroad ; junction ; bi6l0g0, m. biologist.
bifurcation, forking. biombO, m. screen.
bifurcadO, da, a. forked, branched, bifur- bi6xido, m. bioxide.
cate. bipartido, da, a. (poet.) bipartite.
bifUTCarse, vr. to branch off, as a river or bipedal, a. bipedal.
railway. bipede or bipedo,
biped. «.
biga,/. (poet.) team a biga. ; bip6talO, la, a. (bot.) bipetalous.
blgamia,/. bigamy, second marriage. biribis, m. v. bisbis.
bigamo, m. bigamist; (law) bigam, twice biriCU, m. sword-belt.
married. birimbao, ni. (mus.) Jews harp.
bigardear, vn. to live licentiously ; to gad. birla,?. birlO, m. bowl for playing.
blgardia,/. jest, fiction, dissimulation. birlador, m. one who makes a strike at bowl-
DigardO, m. licentious friar a lubber. ; ing pilferer.

bigarrado, da, a. v. abigarrado. birlar, va. to bowl a second time from the
bigaro or bigarro, m. large searsnail. >same place to knock down at one blow ; to

blgato, ta, a. ancient coin. kill at one shot to snatch away an employ-

blgometa, /. dim. small anvil. ment or sweetheart from another; to rob,

bigomia,/. anvil. pilfer.
bigotazo, m. aug. large mustache. burlibirloque, m. por arte de birlibirloqve,
blgote, m. nustaohio, mustache block ; ;
(coll.) by occult and extraordinary means.
(typ.) dash rule. blrlOCha, /. paper kite.
bi^otera, /. leather cover for mustacbios ;
birlocho, m. two-seat light waggon without
ribbon ornament worn by women on the top.

a M ta far ; • in ch I ; i in police ; o in for ; « in boll ; c (before e, i) and i u th In thick ; b and d, soft;

6lrl6% TO. jack pin in bowling. biZCOtela, /. light biscuit with sugar icing.
birlonga, /. mode of playing ombre : i. la bizma [beetir-mah], /. cataplasm, poultice.
birlonga. carelessly. blzmar [wth-mar'], va. to poultice, to apply a
"birrectAngulO, a. having two rectangles. cataplasm.
birreme, «. two-oared applied to a bireme. : blzna [beeth'-nah], /. zest, membrane which
birreta, /. cardinal's red cap. quarters the kernel of a walnut.
birrete, ni. cap. V. gorro or bonete, biznaga [wth-nah'-gah], /. (bot.) carrot-llkfl
birretina,/. grenadier's and hussar's cap. ammi, with sprigs used as tooth-picks ; use-
bia, f>iJ!, Latin word meaning twice. worthless thing.
bisabuela, /. great-grandmother. biznieta,/. great-granddaughter.
bisabuelO, m. great-grandfather. biznieto [buh-ne-a-to], TO. great-grandson.
bisaf^a, /. hinge shoemaker's box-wood ; biZ<l'aear IbUh-kay-ar'], vn. to squint.
polisher bisagras y pernos, hooks and
: blanca, /. old copper coin mite no tener ; :

hinges. blanca, to be penniless; (orn.) magpie:

bisanuo, nua, a. (hot.) bisannual. blanca morfea, (vet.) alphos, white scurf,
bisayo, ya, a. native of or pertaining to the tetter, or ring-worm.
Bisayas Islands in the Philippines, blanca-esplna,/. hawthorn, white-thorn.
bisbis, m. game resembling baccarat. blancal, a. & m. white wheat,
bisblsar, va. to mutter. blancazo, za, a. whitish.
biseccidn, /. bisection. bianco, ca, a. white, blank, hoar, hoary
bisector, triZ, a. (geom.) bisecting. fair honoured, respected.

bisel, m. bevel, bevel edge, chamfer; (coop.) bianco, to. white star or spot in horses ; tar-
sloping tool. get dar en el bianco, to hit the mark blank
: ;

bisextil, bisiesto, a. bissextile. writing; aim, goal- (print.) blank

left in
bisilabo, ba, a. consisting of two syllables. form ; interlude, interval white page ;

)islingua, /. (bot.) butcher' s-broom. (her. ) argent sizing bianco de ballena,

; :

bismuto, m. bismuth. spermaceti ropa blanca, linen de punta en

: -.

bisnieto, ta, m. &f. v. biznieto. bianco, cep-5-pie in full regalia quedarse ; :

bisojO, ja, «. squint-eyed, cross-eyed. en bianco, to be frustrated, disappointed.

bisonte, m. bison. blancor, to. blancura,/. whiteness, freedom
biSOftaaa, biSOfleria, /. rash and incon- from colour, hoariness blancura del ojo, :

siderate speech or action. (vet.) white film on the eye.

bisoilO, iia, «. raw. undisciplined recruit, blandamente, adv. softly, mildly, sweetly,
novice, tyro. smoothly.
bisp6n, m. roll of oil-cloth. blandeador, ra, to. &/. softener.
bistOla, /. V. BESTOLA. blandear, va. to soften, render mild ; make
bistorta, /. (bot.) great bistort, snake-weed, one change his mind brandish, flourish. ;

bisturi, m. (surg.) bistoury. vn. to slacken, yield blandear con otro, to :

bisulco, ca, «. bisulcous, cloven-footed, fall in with another's opinion.

bisunto, ta, a. dirty or greasy. blandengue, to. soldier, armed with spear la
bitacora,/. (naut.) binnacle.' Buenos Ayres.
bitadura, /. (naut.) cable-bitt ; a turn of the blandiente, a. swaying, brandishing.
cable, blandir, va. &vr. to brandish, flourish, sway,
bitas,/. pi. (naut.) bitts: contrabitas, stand- swing, wave, hurtle, whirl round.
ards of the bitts. blandO, da, a. soft, pliant, smooth, cottony,
bitones, m. pi. (naut.) pins of the capstan. tender, mild, bland, gentle, grateful, pleas-
bitongo, a. m. overgrown boy. ing, moderate, delicate, tractable, good-na-
bitoque [be-to'-kay], m. bung, stopple. tured, kindly.
bitor, m. (orn.) rail, king of the quails. blandbn, to. wax taper; large church can-
bltuminOSO, sa, a. bituminous. dlestick.
bivalvo, va, a. bivalve, bivalvular. blandoncillO, to. dim. small candlestick for
biza [bee'-thah], /. fish belonging to the family wax tapers.
of tunnies.bonito. V. blanducho, cba, Jo, ja, a. flabby, loose,
bizantlno, na, Byzantine, a. soft.
bizarramente, adv. courageously, gallantly. blandura, /. softness, litheness, daintiness,
bizarrear, vn. to act spiritedly, gallantly. delicacy, gentleness ; emollient application
bizarria ibe-thar-ree'-ahi, /, gallantry, valour, soft,endearing language; blandishing;
mettle, liberality, generosity, splendour. white cosmetic mild temperature. ;

bizarro, rra [bo-thahr'-ro], a. gallant, brave, blandurilla, /. sort of fine pomatum.

high-spirited, generous, liberal. blanqueacidn, /. blanching metals bleach- ;

bizaza li^-thah'-thah], /. saddle-bag. ing whitewashing.


bizcacha [wtii-cah'-chah], /. rabbit-like animal blanqueador, ra, to. &f. blancher, whitea-
in Peru. er, bleacher, whitewasher, kalsominer.
bizcar [buh-cai'], vn. {pret. bizque mbj. biz- : blanqueadura, /. blanqueamiento, m.
que) to squint. V. blanqueo.
biZCO, ca Ibeetn -co], a. V. bisojo. blanquear [bian-kay-ar'], va. to bleach, whiten,
bizcochada ibitb-oo-chah'-<iahi, /. biscuit boiled blanch, whitewash, kalsomine; to blanch
in milk ; long French roll. metals to give coarse wax to bees in win-

biZCOCbar [wtu-co-char'], va. to bake bread a ter. vn. to show whiteness.

second time. blanqueCedOr [Wan-kay-thay-dor'], TO. One who
biZCOCberO (bltU-co-chay'-roi, m. biscuit-cask polishes coin in the mint.
one who makes or sells biscuits. blanquecer [bUn-kay-therr'l, va. {ind. BI.AN-
bizCOCbitO, m. dim. small bisciiit. QUEZco subj. blanquezca') to blanch coin,

bizcocbo [bith-co'-choi, m. biscuit, hard-tack blanqneclmiento, to. blanching.

sponge-cake whiting made of old plaster
; ; blanquecinO, na [Wan-kay-thee'-no], a. whitish,
bisque. hoary.
biZCOCbuelO [bith-co-choo-ay'-io], m. dim. sponge- blanqueo [Wan-kay'-o], TO. whitening, bleach-
cake. ing, whitewash, kalsomining.

g (before e, I) and J as li in hot ; h, silent ; 11 In brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon : r (initial) and rr trilled ; b, hissed.
blanqueria, bleaching-place, bleach-field.
/. boberia,/. foolish speech or action ; foolery,
blanCLUeta iwan-kay'-teh],/. coarsB blanket, folly, foolishness. pi. idle conceits.
blanauete [Wan-kay'-uyj, TO. whitewash paint ; b6billS, adv. de bobilir. bobilis, without pail
used by women. or merit.
blanqUiCibn [Wan-ke-the-on'], /. blanching of bobillo. ilia, ItO, ita, to. &/. dim. little dolt
metals. or fool.
blanquilla [Wan-keer-iyah], /. doit, Small coin ; bobillo, TO. big-bcHied jug with one handle
long yellowish plum ; white grape, modesty-piece, a frill or lace formerly worn
blanquillO, 11a [Wan-keer-lyo], a. dim. whitish, by women around the tucker.
somewhat white. m. fish of California, bobina,/. bobbin.
blanquimiento, m. bleaching-solution. bobisimamente, adv. most foolishly.
blanquinoso, sa, «• ^- blanquecino. bobo, ba, to. & /. dunce, dolt, fool, simple^
blanqnizal or blanquizar [bian-ke-thahi], m. ton, ninny easily cheated ruff formerly
; ;

whitish clay, pipe-clay. V. gredal. worn by women; (orn.) booby: 4 bobas,

blanqUiZCO, Ca [Wan-keeth'-co], a. whitish. foolishly.
blao, a. (her.) azure, bOb6ll, na, to. & /. aug. big dolt, great fool.
blasfemable, a. V. vituperable. bobote, TO. aug. great idiot or simpleton.
blasfemador, ra, m. &/. blasphemer. boca,/. mouth entrance, opening, hole, noz- :

blasfemamente, adv. blasphemously. zle muzzle;' bung-hole pincers of cray-

; ;

blasfemante, ap. one who blasphemes. fish cutting part of edge-tools taste, fla-
; ;

blasfemar, vn. to blaspheme to curse, ; vour, relish instrumento de boca, wind-in-


swear, vituperate. strument: boca del estomago, pit of the

blasfematorio, rla, a. blasphemous. stomach boca de fuego, fire-arm andar de
: :

blasfemia, /. blasphemy blaspheming ; boca en boca, to be the talk of the town 4 :

gross verbal insult. boca de jarro, drinking without measure

blasfemo, ma, o. blasphemous.—m. & f. very near bablar por boca de ganso, to say

blasphemer. what any other person has suggested n« :

blas6n, m. heraldry, blazon, blazonry ; ar- decir esta boca es mia, to keep a profound
morial ensigns ; honour, glory. silence: panto en boca, mum, not a word:
blasonador, ra, m. & /. boaster, bragger. boca arriba, reversed, on one's back boca :

blasonante, pa. vainglorious boaster. ; abajo, face downward & boca llena, per- :

blasonar, va. to blazon to draw armorial ; spicuously, openly h. pedir de boca, accord- :

ensigns to boast praise one's self.

; ;
ing to one's desire de manos & boca, unex- :

bld,ste2na, m. (biol.) blastema. pectedly.

blavo, va, a. yellowish gray and reddish bocabarra,/. (naut.) bar-hole in a capstan.
colour. bocacalle,/. entry, end or opening of a street.
ble, m. hand-ball game. V. ple. bocacaz, m. opening left in a dam, sluice, or
bleao, TO. (bot.) wild amaranth: no me im- flood-gate.
porta un bledo, I don't care a straw. bocaci, bocacin, to, fine glazed buckram.
blefarltis,/. (med.) blepharitis. bocadear, va. to divide into bits or morsels.
blefaroplastia, /. (med.) blepharoplasty. bOCadiCO, illO, itO, to. dim. morsel, bit.
blenda,/. (min.) blende. bOCadillO, to. thin, middling sort of linen ;
bleno, blino, m. (zool.) hake, blenny. narrow ribbon or tape, gimp; morning
blenorragia, /. (med.) blennorrhagia. luncheon given to labourers in the field;
blenorrea, f. (med.) blennorrhoea, gleet. guava paste wrapped in banana leaves.
blinda,/. biindas,;?/. (fort.) blindage. bocado, TO. morsel, mouthful, gobbet, bite,
blindado, da, a. & m. iron-clad, armoured. bit; modicum; bitof a bridle con el bocado :

blindar, va. to apply plates or armour to ; en la boca, immediatelj' after eating no tener :

armour to protect with blindage.

; para an bocado, to be in extreme distress.^
^llndaje, TO. (mil.) blind, blindage; (naut.) pi. slices of quinces, apples, pumpkins, etc.,
armour-plate. made up into conserves.
blocao, TO. (mil.) block-house. bocal, TO. narrow-mouthed pitcher; mouth«
blonda, /. broad silk lace, blond lace. piece (naut) narrows of a harbour.

blond^a, /. narrow silk lace, narrow blond bocamanga, /. part of a sleeve near th«
lace. wrist.
blondo, da, a. flaxen, light, blond, bocanada,/. mouthful of liquor; whifF,puft
bloque [Wo'-kayi, TO. block of stone. of smoke: bocanada de gente, crowd, 7ush
bloqueador, ra, a. blockader. jam bocanada de viento, sudden blast oi

bloquear [bio-kay-ar'], va. (mil.) to lay siege; wind.

(naut.) to blockade. bOcarOn, to. wind-chest of an organ ; wind-
blotueo [bio-kay'-o], TO. blockade, trunk.
blusa,/. blouse. bocarte, w. ore-crusher, stamp-mill.
boa [bo'-ahi, /. boa, large serpent ; tippet, bocatela,/. front tile of each line of tiling;
boalaje, m. pasturage of cattle. bocatljera,/. socket for a carriage pole.
boaroilia,/. v. buhardilla. bocaza,/. aug. large, wide mouth.
boato, TO. ostentation, pompous show ; shout bocazo, TO. fizzle in blasting.
of acclamation. bocear, va. (vet.) v. bocezar.
bobada,/. v. BOBERfA. bocel Ibo-thei'] TO. (arch.) bowtel, solid cylin-
bobalias, to. very stupid fellow, dolt. drical moulding tool for making bowtels ;

bobalicbn.; bobazo, to. great blockhead caarto bocel, astragal : medio bocel, torus.
stupid ; simpleton. bocelar, va. to make cvlindrical mouldings.
bObamente, adv. foolishly, stupidly ; with- bocelete, to. dim. small moulding-plane.
out trouble or care. bOCel6n, to. dug. large moulding-plane.
bobarr6n, na, a. big fool. bocera, /. whatever, sticks to the lip after
bobatel, to. simpleton. V. bobo. eating or drinking.
bOb&tiCO, ca, a. silly, foolish, stupid. boceto, TO. sketch, delineation, cartoon.
bobear, va. to act or talk foolishly ; to dally, bocezar (bo-thay-thar'l, va.(vet.) to move the
fribble. lips from one side to another (as horses).

a M In far ; e in eh I ; 1 in police : • in tor ; n in boll ; « (before e, i) and 8 u th in thick ; b and d, aoft j

BOC 73 .
bocin [bo-theen'l, m. round piece of bass mat bofetoncillo, m. dim. slight box dr slap oil
put about the nave of a cart, as a cap of de- the face.
fence feed-pipe of an overshot wheel.
; boga, /. ox-eyed cackerel, mendole:
bOCina [bo-thee'-nah], /. large trumpet, bugle- act of rowing stroke small two-edged
; ;

horn, megaphone, fog-horn, huntsman's knife. m. rower eitar en boga alguna cosa, :

horn (naut.) speaking-trumpet, hearing-

to be fashionable to be commonly used. ;

trumpet kind of shell constellation called

; ; bogada, /. rowing-stroke bucking of clothes ;

Ursa Minor (mech.) bushing, wheel-hoop.

with lye.
bocinar, va. to sound the trumpet, bugle- bogador, m. rower.
horn, or huntsman's horn. bogante, pa. rower rowing. ;

bOCinero, m. trumpeter, horn-blower. bogar, vn. {pret. BOGUifi: subj. bogue) to

bOC6n, m. wide-mouthed person, braggart. row.
bOCOy, m. hogshead.—p^. bocoyes abatidos, bogavante, m. (naut.) strokesman; large
shocks of hogsheads. lobster.
bocudo, da, a. large-mouthed, bogotano, na, a. of Bogota.
bocba, /. bowl, wooden ball for playing at bonardilla,/. v. buhardilla.
bowls fold or bag in misfit clothes.
; bobemlano, na, mio, mia, mo, ma, a. Bo-
bocbar, va. to dislodge a ball, in bowling. hemian.
bochazo, m. stroke of one bowl against an- b0b6miC0, ca, a. belonging to Bohemia.
other. bobemio, m. short cloak fonnerly worn by
bOChe, m. cherry-pit or chuck-hole ; disap- the guard of archers. V. gitano.
pointment. bobena, bobefla,/. pork sausages.
bOChin, m. (obs.^ hangman. bobio, m. (Sp. Am.) Indian hut, hovel, cabin.
bOCMnclie, m. (Amer.) tumult, uproar, up- bobordar, va. to throw wands, called bohor>
rising. tournaments.
dos, in
bochincbero, ra, a. (Amer.) disturber of bobordo, in. blade of flag, water-plant ; short
peace and order. spear dart used in tournaments
bocbista, m. good bowler. scape.
bocbomo, m. hot, sultry weather, scorching boil, m. ox-3tall. V. boyera.
heat; rush of blood to the head; blush, bolna, /. flat, round woollen cap generally
flushing. worn in Navarre and Biscay.
bochornOSO, sa, a. shameful, reproachful boj, m. box-tree, box-wood shoemaker's box- ;

sultry. wood tool.

boda, /.marriage, nuptials, wedding : boda boja,/. southern-wood. V. abrotano.
de negroB, said of a boisterous feast. bOjar or bojear, va. (naut.) to sail round
bodaquera ibo-dau-kay'-rau], /. blow-gun in and measure an island or cape scrape off ;

South America. the stains of leather. vn. to measure

bode, m. (zool.) buck. around contain. ;

bodega, /. wine-vault, cellar abundant vin- ; bojedal, m. plantation of box-trees.

tage; store-room, warehouse; retail grocery; bojeo, bOJO, m. (naut.) sailing round and
(naut.) hold of a ship. measuring an island or head-land.
bodeg6n, w. mean chop-house, eating-house ; bojeta [bo-hay'-tah], /. kind of herring.
tippliug-house painting representing still
; bOliganga, .f. company of strolling players.
life, principally edibles. bol, m. punch-bowl Armenian bole, red earth. ;

bodegoncillo, m. dim. low chop-house. bola, /. ball, globe, pellet; marble, bolus;
bodegonear, %^a. to run from one tippling- game of bowling; (coll.) lie, falsehood,
house to another. humbug, hoax, fib (naut.) truck, ball for ;

bodegonero, ra, m. &/. one who keeps a low signals; blacking for shoes; billiard ball:
chop-house or tippling-house. ruede la bola, let well enough alone: bola
bodeguero, ra, m. & /. butler, one who has de Jab6n, wash-ball bacer bola, to play :

the care of a cellar (Cuba) retail grocer. ; hookey.

bodeguilla, /. dim. small cellar or vault. bolada,/. stroke in billiards.
bOdlgO, m. manchet, presented as an oflfering bOladO, m. V. AZUCARILLO.
in tne church. bolazo, m. violent blow with a bowl : de bo-
bodijo, m. unequal match, hedge-marriage lazo, a. hurriedly.
with little ceremony. bolear, vn. to play, practise games at bil-
bodocal, a. kind of black grapes. liards to bowl ; to boast, lie, fib. va. to
bodocazo, m. stroke of a pellet shot from a dart, launch.
cross-bow. boleo, m. bowling bowling-green, place ;

bodoUo, m. pruning-knife, pruning-hook. where balls are thrown.

bodoque m.
(bo-do'-kayl, pellet, ball of clay bolera, /. bowling-alley dancer of bolero. ;

shot from a cross-bow ; dunce, idiot. bolero, m. Andalusian dance the person ;

bodoquera [bo-do-kay'-rahj, /. mould for clay who dances it on the sta^e.

pellets; cradle of a cross-bow ;
pea-shooter. bolero, ra, a. truant, fibbing, lying.
bodoquUIO [bo-<iokeei'-iyo], w. dim. clay pellet. boleta, /. admission ticket lodging billet ;

bodorrio, m. v. bodijo. pay order small package of tobacco.


bodrio, m. soup of broken meat and garden- boletar, va. to put up packages of tobacco.
stuff; hodge-podge mixture of hog's blood ; boletero, m. ticket-agent.
and onions for sausages. boletin, m. pay warrant pay-bill lodging ;

boezuelO, m. stalking-ox, which serves to admission-ticket bulletin, of news

billet : ;

screen fowlers. (com.) price-list; price-current.

bofe, m. lung, lights echar : el bofe or los bofes, bolicbada, /. game of bollche fish caught in ;

to labour very hardly. a net: de una bolichada, by chance at one

bbfeta, /. thin, stiff cotton stuft. throw.
bofetada, /. slap, buffet, box, blow on the bollcbe, m. jack; small ball for bowling,
face with the hand. small drag-net small fish caught in a drag-

bofet6n, m. cuff or violent blow with the net near the shore juego de bollche, pigeon- :

hand upon the face revolving door trick. ; holes, old game troll-madam bolichet, ; :

g (before e, i) and J as b in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, n; in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; , biased
(naut.) fore-top bowlines aud top-gallant force-pump bomba centrifuga, centrifugal

bowlines furnace for lead-smelting

; toy ; pump bomba rotatorio, rotary pump bomba
: :

called cup aud ball. deguimbalete, (naut.) common pump bomba :

bolichero, ra, «»• & f. one who keeps a de carena, bilge-pump: cargar la bomba, to
pigeon-hole or troll-madam table. fetch the pump dar k la bomba, to pump :

bolidO, m. fiery meteor, shooting-star. ship shell, bomb-shell

; carcass bomba ; :

bolilla!,/. dim. small ball. marina, water-spout piece of wind-instru- ;

bolillO, m. bobbin for lace-making iron pin ; ments lamp globe earthen jar or firkin for
; ;

game of trucks mould for stiffening

in the •
skimming oil from water : ; bomba 1 listen !

bone joined to skull of horses.

lace cuffs; calling attention to a toast.
paste-nuts starched lace cuffs.
pi. ; bombacbO, a. pantal6n bombacho, wide, bal-
bOlin, TO. jack small bowl de bolin, de bol4n,
; : loon trousers.
at random, taoughtlessly. bombarda,/. bombard, ancient thick piece
bolines, (Amer.) mould-shot. of ordnance; (naut.) bomb-ketch or bomlj-
boUna,/- sounding-line punishment on ship- ;
vessel ancient wind-instrument; stop of a

board noise, turmoil; (naut.) bow-line:

; pipe-organ.
navegar de bolina, to sail with bowlines bombardear, va. to bombard.
hauled: cchar de bolina, (met.) to make idle bombardeo, to. bombardment.
boasts. bombardero, to. bombardier.
bolinear, va. to haul up the bowline. bombasi, m. bombazine, dimity.
bolisa, /. embers, hot cinders. bOIUbazo, m. report of a bursting bomb.
bolivar, m. silver coin of Venezuela. bomb^, TO. light two-wheeled carriage open
boliviano, m. silver coin of Bolivia, a. of or in front.
pertaining to Bolivia. bombear, va. v. bombardear.
bolo, TO. one of the nine-pins cushion for ; bombero, to. fireman pumper howitzer. ;

lace-making; axis or core of a winding bombilla, /. (Amer.) small tube for drink-
staircase idiot, stupid
; bolus, large pill ;
ing the mate ;
(naut.) hand-lantern.
game of nine-pins or ten-pins large knife, ; bombillO, to. lamp chimney water-closet ;

like a machete, used in the Philippines. trap ; small pump sample or thief-tube.

bolones, (naut.) square bolts or mor- bombo, TO. large drum player on bass-drum ; ;

tar-bed pintles. (naut.) barge or lighter; leather pouch in

bolonio, TO. ignorant, rattle-brained fellow. billiards, for numbered balls.
bOlOfl.6s, esa, a. Bolognese of Bologna, ; bombo, ba, a. astonished; (Amer.) tepid.
bolsa, /. purse, money, exchange. V. lonja ; bombdn, to. bonbon, candy vase or cup ;

pouch, game-bag, hair-bag, foot-bag in a ; made of cane in the Philippines carboy. ;

gold-mine, pocket; (med.) morbid swelling bombonaje, to. screw-pine.

full of matter; (anat.) scrotum: bolsa de bombonera, /. box for bonbons.
pastor, (hot.) shepherd' s-purse. bonachbn, na, a. good-natured, kind.
bolsear, vn. to purse up, pucker. bonaerense, a. of Buenos Ayres.
bolsera, /. hair-bag or net for ladies. bonancible, moderate, calm, fair, serene.
bolseria, /. place where purses or bags are bonanza, /. weather prosperity, suc-fair ;

made or sold. cess ir en bonanza, to be prosperous.


bolsero, to. manufacturer or seller of purses. bonaparbismo, to. Bonapartism.

bolsica, ita, Ula, /. dim. small purse. bonapartista, a. Bonapartist.
bolsico, TO. poke, pocket. bonazo, za, a. good-natured, kind-hearted.
bolslllO, TO. dim. purse, pocket money. ; bondad, /. goodness, excellence, kindne.s8,
bolsin, TO. gathering of brokers out of ex- kindliness, goodwill, graciousness, clemen-
change hours. cy, frankness, courtesy, suavity.
bolsista, TO. stock-broker, speculator. bondadOSO, sa, a. kind, generous, bounti-
bolso, m. purse of money, money-bag. ful.
bolsdn, m. aug. of bolso large purse large ; ; boudoso, sa, a. v. bondadoso.
iron ring to hold braces of arches in oil- ; bonetas,/. pi. (naut.) bonnets.
mills, board lining of the oil-reservoir. bonetada, /. salutation made by taking «f{
bolla,/. duty on woollens and silks formerly the hat.
levied in Catalonia; tax on the manufac- bonete, to. bonnet, college cap; secular
ture of nlaying-caras in South America, ; clergyman bonnet of a fortress preserve
; ;

great ricnness of an ore. jar; reticulum, of ruminants.

bolladura,/. v. abolladura. boneteria, /. bonnet or factory shop.
bollar, va. to put a leaden seal on cloths to bonetero, ra, to. &/. one who makes or sells
indicate their manufactory to emboss, ; bonnets; (hot.) prick-wood, gatheridge.
raise figures. bonetillo, to. small cap or bonnet ornament ;

bOlleria,/. bakerv, pastry-shop. which women wear over their head-dress.

bollero, ra, to. & /. pastry-cook, seller of bonga,/. palm in the Philippines. V. aeeca.
sweet cakes. bongo, HI. canoe used in Central America.
bolllCO, itO, TO. dim. small loaf or roll. boniatO (bunlato or moniato), m. sweet potato.
bOllO,TO. small loaf or roll, penny loaf; small bonicamente, adv. prettily, neatly, slyly.
biscuit or cake; puff in dress tuft in uji- ; bonico, ca, a. dim. of BUENO.
holstery bruise made in metal bollo mai-
; : bonificacibn, /. (com.) allowance, discount,
m6n cake filled with sweetmeats morbid ; bonus.
swelling; lump; in Peru, bars of silver: bonificar, ra. {pret. B0NIFIQU6: siihj. BONI-
bollos de relieve, embossed or raised work. fique) to credit to meliorate to improve. ; ;

boll6n, TO. brass-headed nail button or bud ; bonina,/. (hot.) ox-eye chamomile.
on a plant, vine-bud j button ear-ring. bonisimo, ma, a. sup. of bueno, very good.
bollonado, da, a. having brass-headed nails. bonitalo, to. v. bonito, a fish.
bolluelo, TO. dim. of bollo. bonitamente, orfr., prettily, neatly.
bomba, /. pump, pumping-engine, fire-en- bonitillO, iUa, «. dim. somewhat pretty.
gine bomba alimenticia, l^ed-pQmp bomba
: : bonito, TO. sea-fish, striped tunny.
aspirante, suction-pump : bomba impelente. bonito, ta, a. dim. of BLENO, "pretty good.

« u la far ; e in <)h I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; U in ball ; C (before c, i) and z as tb in thick ; b aud d. soft;
pretty, graceful, minion, elegant, bOrcegUi [bor-thay-gee'l, TO. buskin, half-boot ,'

nice, dainty.
i>eat, laced shoe.
l)Onizal, m. corn-lield. bOrCegrUlneria shop
[bor-thay-gee-nay-ree-ali], /.
"bonJZO, m. corn grown wild in Asturias. where laced shoes are made or sold.
bono, m. (com.) bond, certificate, due-bill. bOrCegUlnerO, ra [bor-thay-gee-nay'-i-o], m. &.J.
bonote, m. cocoanut fibre; (naut. ) coir. maker or retailer of laced shoes.
bonzo, m. bonze, a priest of Buddha. borcellar [bor-thei-iyar'], TO. brim of a vessel.
bOlLlga, /. cow-dung, casings. borda, /. hut, cottage; (naut.) gunwale.
bOfilgar, rt. kind ot round white fig. bordada, /. (naut.) board, tack: dar una
bOOtes, m. Bootes, a northern constellation. bordada, to tack (met.) to promenade. ;

bOqueada [bo-kay-aU'-aah], /. gasp, gasping. bordadlllO, to. double-flowered tatfeta.

boquear [bo-kay-ar'i, vn. to gape, gasp; to bordado, to. embroidery.—pp. of bordar.
brea*.he one's last; to expire; (met.) to bordador, ra, to. &/. embroiderer.
end, terminate. va. to pronounce ; to utter. bordadura, /. embroidery (her.) border of ;

boquera [bo-kay'iahl, /. sluice made in a canal an escutcheon.

for irrigating lands ; door of hayloft ; open- bordaje, m. (naut.) side planks of a ship.
ing in inclosures for cattle ; cesspool ; ex- bordar, va. to embroider to perform a thing ;

coriation of the angles of the lips ; ulcer in prettily and artistically bordar & tambor, :

the mouth of beasts. to tambour.

boqiier6n [bo kay-rone'l, TO. wide opening, large borde, w. border, outer edge, margin, verge,
h«le ;
(icht.) anchovy. fringe, ledge hem of a garment brim of a


boquete [bo-kay'-tay], TO. gap, narrow entrance. vessel board, the side of a ship k borde,
; :

lX>4Ulabiert0, ta [bo-ke-ah-b«-err-toj, a. with on the brink on the eve. a. wild, savage,

; —
open mouth gaping. ;
uncultivated bastard. ;

boquiancb.0, cna Ibo-ke-ahn'-cUo], a. wide- bordear, vn. (naut.) to ply to windward.

mouthed. bordel^S, sa, a. of Bordeaux.
boquiangosto, ta [bo-ke-«n-go8'-to], a. narrow- bordo, m. board, the side of a ship border, ;

mouthed. outer ^dge tack 4 bordo, on board ship al

; : :

bOqUiCOnOJUHO, na [bo-ke-co-nay-hoo'-Ho], a. bordo, alongside the ship de alto bordo, large :

rabbit-mouthed; hare-lipped (as horses). sea-going vessel dar bordos, to tack rendir : :

boquiduro, ra [bo-ke-doo'-ro], a. hard-mouthed. el bordo en, to arrive at.

boquifresco, ca [bo-ko-fies'-co', a. fresh- borddn, to. Jacob's staff, pilgrim's staft"; bass-
mouthed (horses); frank, outspoken. string bass of an organ vicious repetition
; ;

boquifnmcido,da[bo-ke-froon-thee'-do], a. puck- of words refrain, burden of a song (met.


ered mouth. staflf, guide, or support of another bordones, :

bOqUlhendidO, da [bo-ke-en-dee'-do], a. large- (naut.) shores, out-riggers.

mouthed, Hewed. bordoncico, illo, to. dim. small staflf,
bOqulIlUndidO, da [bo-ke-oon-dee'-do], a. having bordoneado, da.i>i>. &a. (her.) pommelled.
a sunken mouth. bordonear, vn. to try the ground with a staff
boquilla [bo-keer-iyah], /. divi. little mouth or stick ; to beat, club, cudgel ; to rove or
opening of breeches at the knees ; opening wander about.
in a canal for irrigating lands ; chisel for bordoneria,/. wandering idly about, on pre-
mortising mouth-piece of a wind-instru-
; tence of devotion.
ment cigar-holder; (mas.) verge, course;
; bordonero, ra, to. & /. vagrant, vagabond,
(mech.) bushing, bush; bomb-hole; gas- tramp.
burner mouth of a scabbard.
; bordura,/. (her.) V. bordadura.
boquimuelle [bo-ke-moo-ei'-iyay], a. tender- boreal, a. boreal, northern.
mouthed ; unwary, easily imposed upon. b6reas, to. boreas, the north wind.
boquin [i)o-keen'], ni. coarse sort of baize. borgOfi.a, to. Burgundy wine.
boqulnatural [bo-ke-nah-too-rahr], a. well- borgOfiiin, na, a. of Burgundy.
mouthed. borgO&Ota, /. sort of ancient helmet: i la
boquinegro, gra [bo-ke-iiay'-gro\ a. black- borgoBota, in the Burgundy fashion.
mouthed. — TO. &f. blackish sort of snail. bbllCO, ca, a. boric.
bOqUirraSgadO, da [bo-keer-ras-gah'-do], a. deep- Borinquen, /. applied to the island of Port*
mouthed. Rico.
boquirroto, ta [bo-keer-ro'-to\ a. loquacious, borinque&o, fla, a. of or belonging to the
garrulous. island of Porto Rico.
bOquirrUbiO, bia [bo-keer-roo'-be-o], a. simple, borla, /. tassel, tuft, lock, flaunt in univer- ;

artless ; conceited youth. sities, doctor's bonnet, doctorship tomarla :

boquiseCO, ca [bo-ke-say'-c^], a. dry-mouthed. borla, to graduate.

bOqUlSUmidO, da [bo-ke-soo-mee -do], a. V. BO- borllca, ilia, ita,/. dim. small tassel.
QLIIHUNDIDO. borlilla,/. (bot.) anther.
boqilita [bo-kee'-tah], /. dim. small mouth. borldn, m. aug. large tassel napped stuff, ;

boquitorcldo, da, boquituerto, ta [bo-ke- made of thread and cotton yarn.

toi-thee'-do, bo-ke-too-err'-to], a. wry-mouthed, borne, to. end of a lance; (bot.) cytissus
having a crooked mouth. binding-i>ost of an electrical apparatus.
boraclco, ca, a. boraclc. V. b6rico. bomeadero, m. (naut.) berth of a ship at
borato, m. borate. anchor ; swinging berth.
b6rax, m. borax sodium biborate. ; bomeadizo, za, a. pliant, easily warped.
borbollar, borbollonear, vn. to bubble out, bomear, va. to bend, turn, twist; (arch.) to
gush out. model and cut pillars all round to ; hoist,
borboll6n, borbotdn, to. bubbling, gushing move, and set down building blocks, etc.
up of water flash (met. ) k borbollones, im-
; : warp, turn; (naut.) to
vn. to edge, sidle,
petuously. swing round the anchor.
borbdniCO, ca, a. relating to the Bourbons. bomeo, to. turning or winding a thing;
borborigmo, to. rumbling in the bowels. swinging motion in dancing (naut. ) swing- ;

borbotar, vn. to gush out with violence ; to ing round the anchor.
boil over. bornera, a. blackish mill-stone.
% (before e, i) and J as h la hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s,
bornero, ra, ground by a bomera. «• boruca,/. noise, hubbub, uproar.
borni, m. (om.) lanuer, kiud of falcon. borujO, m. pack, bundle bagasse of ; olive*
boro, tn. boron, one of the chemical elements. pits ; oil-cake.
borona, /. grain resembling Indian corn boruj6n, m. V. buruj«5n.
bread made from this grain. borusca, /. withered leaf. V. seroja.
boronia, /. dish of apples, jpumpjcins, and boscaje [bos-cah'-hay], TO. boscage, cluster of
green pepper. V. alboronia. trees, grove ;
(pict.) boscage, landscape.
borra, /. yearling ewe ; thick wool, goat's b6sforO, TO. Bosphorus, channel by which two
hair nap floss, burl tax on sheep lees,
; ; ; ; seas communicate.
sediment, waste idle talk borax borra de ; ; : bosque Ibos'-kay], TO. wood, forest, grove.
lana, flock wool borra de seda, floss silk. : bOSquecillO [bos-kay-theer-lyo], m. dim. small
borracba, /. (coll.) leather bottle for wine. wood, coppice, grove.
borrachear, vn. to be often drunk. bosquejar iboa-kay-har'j, va. to make a sketch of
borrachera, borracberia, /. drunkenness a painting to plan, draw, design or project

hard-drinking, carousal, revelry, drunken to explain a thought or idea in a rather ob-

madness, great folly.
feast; (met.) scure manner to make a rough model of a ;

borracbero, m. shrub of South America the : figure, or bas-relief.

seed ingested causes delirium. bOSI^ejO [bo8-kay'-ho], TO. sketch of a painting
borrachez, /. intoxication ; perturbation of any unfinished work, writing or composi-
the judgment or reason. tion en hoiqucjo, in an unfinished state.

borracbO, Cba, a. drunk, intoxicated; (met.) bosquete [bos-kay'-tay], TO. artificial grove.
inflamed by passion ; applied to fruits and bOSta,/. dung, manure.
flowers of a violet colour sopa borracLa, : bostezador, ra, to. &/. & a. gaper, yawner.
wine cake. bOStezante, pa. gaping, yawning.
borracb6n, borracbonazo, m. aug. great bOStezar [boa-tay-thar'], vn. {pret. BOSTECi
tippler. subj. bostece) to yawn, gape.
borrachuela, /. (bot.) bearded darnel, bostezo [bos-tay'-thol, m. yawn, yawning.
borrachuelo, la, w. &/. dim. little tippler. bOta, /. small leather wine-bag butt or pipe ;

borrador, m. rough draft ; blotter. for wine or other liquids; liquid measure
borradura,/. erasure, scratch. equal to about 125 gallons boot bota de ; :

borra^, m. v. atincar and borax. montar, riding boot (naut.) water-cask. ;

borraja,/. (bot.) borage. botabala,/. kind of ramrod.

borrajear, vn. to scribole, scrawl. botador, m. thrower, pitcher punch, instru- ;

borrajo, m. V. rescoldo. ment for driving out nails nail set dent- ; ;

borrar, va. to cross out, strike out; scratch, ist's crow's bill or pelican (naut.) starting- ;

blot, efface, erase, rub out, obliterate ; (met.) pole, boat-hook; (mech.) furnace-bar, fire-
to cloud, darken, obscure. iron; bolt-driver; (med.) refractor.
borrasca, /. storm, tempest, squall ; barren botafuego, TO. linstock, match-staff; irri-
(met.) hazard, danger, obstruction.
rock ;
table, quick-tempered person.
borrascOSO, sa, a. stormy, boisterous, gusty, botague&a [bo-taii-gay'-nyah], /. sausage made
tempestuous. of pigs' haslets.
bOrrasqUerO, ra [bor-ras-kay'-ro], a. reveller. bOtalbll, TO. (naut.) boom: botal6n del foqne,
borregada, /. large flock of sheep or lambs. jib-boom.
borrego, ga, tn. A/, lamb not yet a year old ; botamen, to. (naut.) all the water-casks on
(met.) simpleton. board a ship all the pots and jars in a drug- ;

borreguero [bor-ray-gay'-roj, m. shepherd who store.

tends lambs. botana, plug to stop up a hole in wine
bOrregHltO [bor-ray-gee'-to], m. dim. little lamb. leather bag or cask; plaster on a wound;
borr6n, vi. saddle-tree. scar.
borrica, /. she-ass ignorant woman, ; botanica, /. botany.
borricada, /. drove of asses cavalcade on ; botanico, ca, «. botanic, botanical.
asses silly or foolish word or action.
; botanico, botanista, to. botanist.
borriCO, m. ass, jument fool (carp.) trestle- ;
; bOtanomancia, /. botanomancy, supersti-
horse. tious divination by herbs.
borrlc6n, borrlCOte, m. aug. large jackass ; botantes, (naut.) shores, out-riggers.
plodder, laborious man sawyer's horse. ; botar, va. to cast, pitch, throw, fling, launch ;

borrllla, /. downy matter enveloping fruits. to bound, rebound (Amer.) to squander, ;

bOrXlque&O, fta [bor-re-kay'-nyol, a. asinine. misspend (naut.) to shift the helm botar

borriquero [bor-re-kay'-roj, m. One who keeps al agua, (naut.) to launch a ship.

or tends asses. botaratada,/. rash, thoughtless action.
boiTiquete [bor-re-kay'-tay], m. (carp.) trestle- botarate, a. & m. (coll. ) madcap, thoughtless,
horse : (naut.) de proa, foretop-mast. blustering person.
bOrriquillO, ilia, itO, ita [bor-re-keer-lyo], m. botarel, to. (areh.) buttress, abutment, spur,
&/. dim. little ass. counter pillar.
borrlqulllos [bor-re-keer-iyoe], m. pi. cross-bars botarga, /. loose breeches, galligaskins mot- ;

of a table-frame. ley dress harlequin, buffoon kind of large

; ;

borro, TO. wether not two years old (coll. ;

sausages. V. dominguillo.
dolt duty on sheep,
; botaslua,/. (mil.) bugle signal for the cav-
borrdn, to. blot of ink, blur; rough draft; alry to saddle.
first blemish, stigma.
sketch ; botavante, m. (naut.) boarding pike.
borronazo, m. aug. great blot or blur. bOtavara, /. (naut. ) small boom or pole, gaff,
borroncillo, to. dim. small blot or stain. sprit ; boat-hook : botavara de cangreja, gaff-
borronear, va. to sketch to waste paper by ; sail boom.
scribbling on it. b0t6, m. l|irust with a pike, lance, or spear;
borroso, sa, a. full of dre^, thick, muddy rebound of a ball frolicsome bound of a ;

letra borrosa, illegible writing, horse gallipot ;

toilet-box pot or jar ;

borrufalla,/. empty sounds or words. chuck-farthing bote de tabaco, snuff-canis- :

bomunbada,/. v. barrumbada. ter (naut.) boat: bote de la«tre, bailast-


a u la far ; e in eh t ; i in police ; o In for ; a la ball ; c (before e, i) and i as tli in thick : b and d, aoA i
lighter estar de bote en bote, to be full of
: boy ante, pa. buoyant, floating. a. (naut.)
people de bote yvoleo, instantly.
: light, sailing well prosperous, successful. ;

bOteciCO, illO, itO, m. dim. canister skiff. ; boy ar, vn. (naut. ) to buoy to float. ;

botella, /. bottle, tiask ; also the liquor con- boyazo, m. aug. large ox.'
tained in a bottle. boy era, boyeriza, /. ox-stall, cow-house.
Iiotellazo, m, blow with a bottle. boyero, to. oxherd, ox-driver, cowherd.
1301611611, m. demijohn. boyezuelO, to. dim. young or small ox.
bOteqUin [bo-tay-Ueen'J, OT. (naut.) COg, SCUll. boytino, na, a. bovine.
boteria, /• in ships, collection of casks of boza, /. (naut.) rope with one end fast in a
wine. bolt-ring: bozas, (naut.) stoppers.
botero, m. one who makes leather bags and bozal, TO. muzzle bells on a harness.

bottles for wine; boatman, wherryman. bOZal, a. applied to negroes lately imported
botica, /. apothecary's shop medicine in ; novice, inexperienced, greenhorn stupid, ;

general. foolish wild, not broken in, untamed.


boticaria,/. apothecary's wife, bozalejo, to. small muzzle.

boticario, m. apothecary. bozo, TO. down, which precedes the' beard;
bOtiga, /. (prov. ) shop. mouth around the lips head-stall of k horse. ;

botiguero, m. (prov.) shopkeeper. brabante, to. Brabant or Flemish linen.

bOtigU.ilia[bo-te-{,'eer-lyali),/. dim. of BOTIGA. brabanzbn, a. native of Brabant.
botlja, /. earthen round, short-necked jug; braceada, /. violent extension of the arms.
fat person. braceaje [Uiah-thay-ah'-hay], TO. coinage beat- ;

botijero, m. one who makes or sells jars. ing the metal for coining in the mint;
bOtyilla, juela,/. dim. small jar. (naut.) bracing of the yards; depth of
bOtijO [bo-tee'-iio), m. round earthen jar with a water.
spout and a handle plump little child. ; bracear [braU-thay-ar'], vn. to move or swing
botiibn, m. aug. large earthen jar fat child. ; the arms. va. (naut.) to brace ; to measure
bOtUla, /. dim. small wine-bag; woman's by fathoms.
half-boot. braceo, to. repeated swinging of the arms.
botiller, m. V. botillero. braCerO [brah-tlmy'-ro], TO. one who Oft'crs his
botilleria, /. ice-cream saloon ;
(naut.) stew- arm to a lady ir de bracero, to walk arm in

ard's room and stores. arm; day-labourer; strong-armed man. a.

botillero, m. one who prepares or sells ice- said of weapons thrown, as a dart.
cream and refreshments. bracete adv. de bracete, arm in arm.
botillo, m. dim. small leather wine-bag. braciUo, itO, to. dim. little arm.
bOtln, TO. buskin, half-boot; spatterdash, bracillO [braii-theer-iyo], TO., branch of the
leggings booty, spoils of war.
; mouth-bit of a horse's bridle.
botina,/. modem gaiter woman's boot. ; bracnid.n, to. Brahmin, Hindu priest.
botinero, m. cattle having black feet shoe- ; braco, ca, a. perro braco, pointer dog pug- ;

maker soldier who takes care of and sells

; nosed.
the booty. brictea,/. (bot.) bract.
bOtlniCO, illO, itO, m. dim. little gaiter or bract6ola, /. bractlet.
spatterdash. bradipepsia, /. slow digestion.
botlquln [bo-te-keeii'], TO. travelling medicine- brafonera, /. rerebrace brassart. ;

chest. braga, /. breeches, knickerbockers ; child's

botito, gaiter with elastics or buttons.
TO. clout, diaper ; hoisting-rope ;
(mil.) breech-
bOtiVOleO) m,. recovering a ball at the re- ing, lashing-rope.
bound. bragada, /. flat of the thigh in beasts, from
boto, ta, a. blunt dull of understanding.
; the flank to the hough.
TO. wine-skin large gut fillegl with butter.
; bragadO, da, a. having the flanks of a dif-
b0t6n, TO. sprout, bud, gem; button; (feu.) ferent colour from the rest of the body
tip of a foil knob of doors or windows an-
; ; (met.) ill-disposed, of depraved senti-
nulet of balusters, and of keys piece of ;
ments energetic, firm.

wood which fastens a fowling-net; crank- bragadura,/. part of the body where it be-
pin dowel handle boton de fuego, cautery
; ; : gins to fork, crotch fork of a pair of ;

in the form of a button bot6n de oro, (bot.) : breeches flat of the thigh in beasts.

creeping double-flowered crow-foot bragazas,/.p;. aug. wide breeches. m. (met.)

botonadura,/. set of buttons. maneasily ruled hen-pecked. ;

botouazo, TO. (fen.) thrust given with a foil. braguero [braii-gay'-ro], TO. truss, bandage for a
botoncito, to. dim. small button. rupture, brace: braguero de can6n, (arti.)
botoneria, /. button-maker's shop. breeching of a gun (Peru) martingale. ;

botonero, ra, m. &f. button-maker button- ; bragueta Ibrah-gay'-tah],/. front Opening or flap
seller. of Dreeches.
bototo, TO. gourd or calabash to carry water. braguetero [brah-gay-tay'-ro], TO. (low) lecher.
botuto, TO. stem of the papaw fruit; war- —
a. lecherous.
trumpet of the Orinoco Indians. bragUillaS [brah-geer-lyasl, /. pi. dim. little
bou, TO. joint casting of a net by two boats. breeches child breeched for the first time

bovage, bovd.tl00, to. ancient duty on ugly, dwarfish person.

horned cattle. Brama,/. Brahma, deity of the Hindus.
bbveda, /. arch or vault cave or cavern ;
brahman or bramin = bracman.
vault for the dead in churches. brahmanismo, Brahminism. to,.

bovedllla, /. (arch.) small vault, cove.—pi. brabbn, m. fold which, in ancient apparel^
(naut.) counters : subirse & las bovediUas, to surrounded the upper part of the arm.
be nettled. brama,/. rut, the season of copulation of
bovino, na, a. belonging to cattle. deer and other wild animals.
box, TO. (bot.) V. BOJ. bramadera./. rattle; call or horn used by
boya, /. (naut.) beacon; buoy; net-float. shepherds and keepers of plantations.
boyada, /. drove of oxen. bramadero, to. rutting-place of deer and
boyal, a. relating to cattle. other wild amimals.
g(b«foree.l)andJ as b ia hot; h. silent; U in brilliant: fi. ny in can^'on ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; •, Mssed.
bramador, ra, m. &f. roarer, brawler. brazalete, m. armlet, bracelet. V. Manilla,
bramante, m. pack-thread, hemp-cord, PULSERA.^)/. (naut.) brace pendants.
twine ; bramant linen,—pa. roaring. brazazo, m. aug. large or long arm.
bramar, vn. to roar, groan, bellow, storm, brazo, m. the arm by extension, arm of a ;

bluster (met.) to fret, rage, cry.

lever, of a balance beam ; each half of a
bramidO, m. cry uttered by wild beasts yard, etc.: fore leg of a quadruped ; branch
howl tempestuous roaring of the elements.
; of a chandelier arm of a chair bough of a


bramil, m. chalk-line used by sawyers. tree; (met.) valour, strength, power: brazo
bramin, m. v. bracman. de mar, arm of the sea & brazo partido, with- :

bramona, /. soltar la bramona, to use foul out weapons arm to arm hecho un brazo d6
; :

language. mar, gorgeously attired.

bran de Inglaterra, m. ancient Spanish brazolas,/.^}/. (naut.) coamings of the hatch-
dance. ways.
branca, /. point of a horn. brazuelO, m. dim. small arm shoulder o^ ;

brancada, /. drag-net or sweep-net. fore thigh of beasts branch of the mouth ;

brancauTsina, /. (bot.) bear's-breech. bit of a bridle.

brancbas,/. pi. gills of a fish. brea, /. pitch, tar coarse canvas sackcloth.; ;

brandales, m. pi. (naut.) back-stays, lad- brear, va. to pitch, tar vex, plague, thwart; ;

der-ropes. (met.) to cast a joke upon one.

brandis, m. great-coat used formerly. brebaje, m. -beverage, potion, draught, medi
branque, m. (naut.) stem. cine; (naut.) grog.
branqUia Ibrahn'-kee-ah],/. gill of a fish. breca, /. bleak or blay river fish. V. albur. ;

branquiado, da [bran-ke-au'-do], a. branchiate. br6coi, m. brecolera,/. (bot.) broccoli

branquial bran-ke-ahi'], a. branchial. brecha, /. breach, opening; (met.) impres-
branqulfero, ra, a. gill-bearing. sion made upon the mind batir en brecha, :

brafla,/. summer pasture brushwood. ; (fort.) to batter a breach to persecute. ;

braqulal, a. brachial, belonging to the arm. brega, /. strife, contest, affray (met.) pun> ;

brasa, f. live coal red-hot coal or wood ; : jest, or trick dar brega, to play a trick

estar hecho anas brasas, to be red-faced es- : andar i, la brega, to work arduously.
tar en brasas, to be on pins and needles. bregar, vn. {pret. breguk: subj. bregue)
braseritO, m. dim. small pan to hold coals. to contend, struggle; (met.) to struggle
brasero, m. brazier, pan to hold coals fire- ; with difficulties. va. to work dough with a
Ean place where criminals were burnt
earth, fire-place (Mex.). bren, m. bran. V. salvado.
brasil, m. (bot.) braziletto: palo brasil. Bra- brenca, /. (bot.) maiden-hair; sluice-post.
zil-wood rouge, used by ladies.
; brenga,/. nlament, one of the three cristated
brasiladO, da, a. of a red or Brazil-wood anthers of saffron.
colour ruddy. ; brefia, /. breflal, breflar, m. craggy and
brasilefLO, lla, a. Brazilian. brambled ground.
brasilete, m. Jamaica-wood, braziletto. bre&OSO, sa, a. craggy and brambled.
brasilina, ./. braziliu. breqae [bray'-kay], TO. small river fish, bleak,
brasmologla, /. science which treats of the bresca,/. honeycomb.
tides. brescar, va. (pret. bresqu^: subj. bresque)
brayamente, adv. bravely, gallantly ; cruel- to extract honeycombs from a bee-hive.
ly, barbarously ; finely, extremely well bretador, m. call, whistle, or pipe to call birds,
plentifully, copiously. bretaiia, /. fine linen made in Brittany
bravata, /' bravado, boast, brag. (bot.) hyacinth,
braveador, ra, m. &f. bully, hector. brete, m. fetters, shackles ;
perplexity, diffi-
bravear, vn. to bully, hector, menace. culties estar en un brete, to be hard put to

bravera, /. vent or chimney of ovens. (Philip.) a food made of leaves of betel.

braveza,./". bravery, valour, vigour, ferocity ; bret6n, m. Briton; (bot.) borecole, kale,
lurv of the elements. breva,/, early fruit of a fig-tree ; early largfe
bravillo, ilia, o. dim. rather wild, not yet acorn ; choice cigar, rather flat; (coll.) any
lamed. valuable thing obtained easily.
bravio, via, a. ferocious, savage, wild, un- breval, m. (bot.) early fig-tree.
laraed ; not cultivated, coarse, unpolished. breve, m. apostolic brief.—/, breve, longest
DraviO, m. fierceness or savageness of wild note in music,
ueasts. breve, a. brief, short, concise, laconic, com
Dravo, va, brave, valiant, strenuous, man-
a. pact, compendious, close en breve, shortly :

lui. hardy, fearless;

bullying,hectoring; sav- in a little time.
age, wild, fierce; severe, untr actable
rude, ; brevedad, /. brevity, briefness, shortness
unpolished, uncivilized sumptuous, expen- ; conciseness, compendiousness.
sive excellent, fine
; bravo interj. bravo :
I ! brevemente, adv. briefly, concisely, shortly
bravonel, m. brave hector, braggart. ; brevete. m. v. membrete.
bravosidad, / v. gali.ardia. breviariO, m. breviary abridgment, ; epit
bravucbn, na, o. boastful, braggart. ome ; brevier, small size of type.
bravura, /. ferocity, fierceness courage, ; brezai, m. heath, place planted with heathfS.
manliness ; bravado, boast, brag. breZO [bray'-thaw], TO. (bot. ) heath, heather,
braza li>rair-thaii], /. fathom, measure of six briaga,/. rope made of bass-weed,
feet; (naut.) brace. brial, m. rich silken skirt.
brazada, /. uplifting of the arms armful, ; briba,/. truantship, idleness.
brazadO, m. an armful. bribar, t>n. to lead a vagabond life.
brazaje [bmh-thah'-hay], m. (naut.) depth of brlbia, /. beggar's tale of woe echar la brJ :

water. V. braceajr. bia, to go a-T^gging.

brazal, m. bracer, brassart bracelet ditch ; ; bribdn, na, m. A..f. & a. vagrant, impostoi
from a river or canal, to irrigate lands knave, scoundrel, rascal.
;scoop-like armlet for playing balloons
brlbonada, /. knavery, petty villainy, mi»
(naut.) rail, chievous trick or practice.
* AS in far : e in eh I i in police o in for ; n in ball ; o (before e, i) and e as th in thick ; b and d, soft
bribonazo, m. aug. great cheat, impudent briscado, da, silk appliec] a. mixed with ;

impostor, big rascal. to gold and silver twist.—pp. of briscar.

briboncillO, m. dim. little gull, young im- briscar, va. to embroider with gold or silver
postor, little rascal. twist.
brlbonear, vn. to loiter about ; to loaf. brisera, /. brisero, m,. glass screen for the
briboneria, /. life of a vagrant or vaga- candle.
bond. britltnica, /. (bot.) great water-dock.
bribonzuelo, m. dim. v. briboncillo. britano, na, a. Briton.
brlcho, m. spangle, used in embroidery. brizar, va. to rock the cradle.
brlda, /. bridle of a horse reins of a bridle ; ; brizna,/. fragment, filament, splinter, chip.
horsemanship curb, restraint, check rail ; ; briznoso, sa, a. full of fragments or scraps.
coupling tisn-plate flange clamp, staple
; ; ; briZO, m. cradle which is rocked.
(watch-making). broa, /. biscuit or cracker used in the Philip^
bridecu, m. v. biricC, sword-belt. pines; (naut.) cove of shallow depth.
bridda, m. horseman ridiug a bur-raddle ;
broca,/. reel for twist, silk, or thread drill ;

horse accoutred with a bur-saddle ; small for boring holes in iron shoemaker's tack. ;

bridle ;
(poet. ) fine horse. brocadillo, m. brocade of inferior quality.
brigada, /. brigade ; a certain number of brocado, m. gold or silver brocade. a. em-
soldiers beasts of burden for an army.
broidered, like brocade.
brigadero, m. man who tends beasts of bur- brocal, m. curb-stone of a well metal ring ;

den in the army. of the scabbard of a sword brocal de bota, :

brigadier, m. (mil.) brigadier or general of mouth-piece of a leathern wine-bottle.

brigade otficer of the navy, who commands
; brocamantdn, m. diamond brooch worn by
a division of a fleet. ladies.
brigola,/. (mil.) battering-ram. brocatel, m. stuff made of hemp and silk ;
5rijd.Il, m. saber a&s que BrJij&n, to be very Spanish marble with white veins.
wise and cautious. broculi, m. broccoli, a sort of cabbage.
brillador, ra, a. brilliant, sparkling, radi- brocha,/. painter's brush cogged dice used ;

ant, glittering. by gamblers de brocha gorda, painting poor-


brillante, a. brilliant, bright, shining, spark- ly done painter of doors and windows.

ling, radiant, fulgent glossy, resplendent, ;

brochada, /. each stroke of the brush made
golden, lustrous, light, lucid, glittering, in painting.
gaudy, gorgeous, gay, grand. m. brilliant, broc^ado, da, «. relating to brocade.
a diamond cut in triangular faces. brocbadura, /. set of hooks and eyes.
brillantemente, adv. brilliantly, brightly, brochazo, m. v. brochada.
resplendently, splendidly. broche, m. clasps hooks and eyes locket ; ;

brillantez,/. brilliance. V. BRILLO. hasp; brooch.

brillar, vn. to shine, sparkle, glisten, glitter, brocueta,/. (cook.) skewer.
gleam, flare, ^lare (met.) to outshine in ;
brocbdn, m. aug. large brush, whitewash-
talents or merits. brush.
brillO, m. brilliancy, brilliantness, bright- brochuela,/. dim. small brush.
ness, luminousness, lustre, splendour, glit- brodio, m. v. bodrio.
ter, resplendence. brodista, m. poor student who comes for his
brin, m. (prov. ) fragments of the stamens of portion of bodrio or hotch-potch.
sSaff"ron ; sail-cloth. broma, gaiety, jollity, merriment ; noisy
brincador, ra, m. & f. leaper, jumper, gathering jest ; ship-worm ; oatmeal-

brincar, vn. {pret. brinque: subj. brinque) gruel (mas.) riprap.


to leap, jump, frisk, skip, gambol, hop, bromado, da,i>p. & «. worm-eaten bottom.
bounce (met.) to step over others in point
bromar, va. to gnaw, like the ship-worm
of promotion omit a subject on purpose
; called wood-borer.
and pass to another; fling, flounder, flounce; bromato, w. (chem. ) bromate.
to fret ; to fly into a passion. bromico, a. (chem.) bromic.
brincho, m. mode of playing at a game of bromear, vn. to droll, joke, make fun, jest.
cards called reversi. bromista, m. merry fellow; practical joker.
brinco, m. hop, jerk,
leap, jump, frisk, bromo, m. bromine, one of the elements
bounce, bound small jewel fastened to a ; ( bot. ) brome grass.
spring, worn by ladies in their head-dress. bromuro, w. (chem.) bromide.
brindar, vn. to drink one's health to toast, ; bronca,/. practical joke wrangle, quarrel. ;

offer cheerfully, invite, allure, entice. broncamente, adv. peevishly, morosely.

brindls, m. drinking the health of another ;
bronce [bron'-thay], m. bronze, brass; (poet.)
a toast. trumpet, bell, or cannon ; anything strong
brinqu^ {irr. from brincar). and hard.
brinquillo, brinquiflo, m. gewgaw, small bronceado, m. brassiness bronzing. ;

trinket sweetmeat from Portugal.

; bronceado, da, pp. &a. brass-paved, brazen.
brinza,/. blade, slip, sprig, shoot. bronceadura, /. v. bronceado.
brio, m. strength, force, vigour, manliness, broncear, va. to bronze to adorn with ; brass.
spirit, resolution, courage, mettle. bronceria, /. collection of bronze or brass
brlol, m. (naut.) bunt-line. articles.
briolin, n*. (naut.) slab-line. broncineo, a, m. &f. resembling bronze.
brionia,/. (hot.) briony. broncista, m. worker in bronze.
bri6s, voto & bri6« interj. by the Almighty
i ! ! bronco, ca, a. rough, coarse, unpolished
briosamente, adv. spiritedly, courageously, J
fcrusty ; sturdy; morose, crabbed; rude ;

vigorously, lively. hard ; abrupt, harsh hoarse. ;

briOSO, sa, a. vigorous, spirited, high-mind- broncotomia, /. (surg.) bronchotomy.

ed, courageous, lively. broncba, /. short poniard jewel white- ;

brisa, /. hreeze, light wind bagasse of ; washing brush.

l>ressed grapes. V. orujo. bronquedad, /. harshness, roughness, rude-
brisca, /. game at cards. ness ; brittleness.

g (before e, anU J aa h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 Id brlUiant ; n, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; .

bronC[Uial [bron-ke-ahri, a. (anat.) bronchial. bruscate, m. hash made of milt and lambs'
'broiiq.uina [bron-kee'-uah], /. dispute, conten- livers.
tion, quarrel. bmsco, TO. (hot.) kneeholly, butchers's*
bronquiO (anat.) bronchus.
[bron'-ke-o], OT. broom trifling remains retuse shearings.
; ;

bronquitiS [bron-kee'-ti*!, /. bronchitis, bruSCO, ca, a. rude, peevish, forward, rough.

broquel [broker], m. shield or buckler ; (met.) brusela,/. (hot.) lesser periwinkle.
support, protection. brutal, a. brutal, brutish, churlish, currish,
broquelazo m. stroke with a
[bro-kay-iah'-tho], savage, ferocious. — »/i. brute.
shield or buckler; (aug.) large shield or brutalldad,/. brutality, savageness, brutish-
buckler. ness- brutal action roughness, hcggishness. ;

broquelero [bro-kay-iay'-ro]. m. one who makes brutalmente, adv. brutally, churlLshly, bru-
or wears shields or bucklers : wrangler, dis- tishly, ferociously.
putes brutesco, ca, a. grotesque.
broquelete, m. dim. small buckler. bruteza, /. roughness, want of polish bru- ;

brOqUelillO Ibro-kay-leel-lyo], m. dim. small tality.

shieldsmall ear-rings.
; brutO; TO. brute, beast (met. ) ignorant, rude, ;

broqueta [bro-kay'-tahj, /, skew. V. BROCHETA. and immoral person.

brosqull Lbro«-keei'], TO. sheep-fold, sheep-cote. brutO, ta, a. coarse, beastly, brutish, gross,
brota, /. vine-bud. V. brote. unpolished, rough en bruto, in a rough :

brotadura, /. budding. state diamante en bruto, rough diamond :


brbtano, m. (hot.) southern-wood. peso bruto, gross weight.

brotar, vn. to bud, germinate, put forth bruza, /. horse-brush stove-brush ; ; scrub-
shoots or germs ; come out, gush, flow or bing-brush printer's brush.

rush out issue, break out, appear.

; bruzar, va. to orush with a bruza.
brote, broto, m. germ of vines ; bud of trees ; bu, TO. word used to frighten children.
fragment, crumb, bit. bua,/. pustule. V. BUBA.
brot6ll, m. lar^e clasp shoot, tender twig.
; buaro, buarillO, m. (orn.) buzzard.
broza. /. remains of leaves thicket, brush- ; buba,/. pustule, small tumour.—p/. buboes.
wood chaflf, rubbish, farrago;
(print.) bubalO, TO. bubaliS, African antelope.
brush. bub&tlco, ca, «. having buboes or glandular
brozar, va. (print.) to brush the types. tumours.
brOZOSO, sa, a. full of rubbish. bubilla, /. dim. small pustule, pimple.
brucero [broo-thay'-ro], TO. brush and broom bubdn, TO. morbid tumour, full of matter.
maker or seller, bubbniCO, ca, a. bubonic.
bruces [broo'-thes], adv. k braces or de bruces, bubOSO, sa, a. afflicted with pustules or bu-
with the mouth downward caer de bruces, : boes.
to fall headlong. bucal, a. relating to the mouth, buccal.
brucita,/. fmiu.) brucite, bucaral, m. plantation of bncares.
go, m. vine-grub, plant-louse, bUCardJl, m. buckram. V. bocaci.
la,/, witch, hag, sorceress; owl. bucare, to. tree iniVenezuela planted to shade
jear, vn. to practise witchcraft. coffee and cocoa plants.
jeria[broo-hay-ree'-ah], /. witchcraft, hagship. bucarlto, to. dim. small earthen vessel of
jldor [broo-he-dor'], TO. glaziers' nippers, odoriferous earth.
jidura, /. bewitching, casting spells. bticaro, to. vessel made of an odoriferous
_ Jir [broo-heer'], v(u to pare off the corners earth of the same name.
and edges of panes of glass. buccino, to. buccinum, whelk.
brujO [broo'-ho], TO. sorcerer, conjurer, wizard. bucear [boo-thay-ar'], vn. to dive, to go unde*
brUjUla [broo'-hoo-iah], /. magnetic needle water in search of anything.
(naut.) sea-compass; sight, small hole to buc^falo, [boo-tiiay'-faii-io], to. bucephalus i
point a gun, peep-hole, (met.) stupid, dull man.
brujulear [broo-hoo-uy-ar"], va. at cards, to ex- buceo [boo-thay'-o], TO. diving ; searching under
amine one's hand by the top of cards water.
(met.) to discover by conjectures. bucero, ra [boo-thay'-roi, a. black-nosed (ap*
brnjuleo [broo-hoo-uy'-o], TO. examining one's plied to a dog).
hand by the top of cards; close examina- bucle, m. rin^et, curl, lock of hair.
tion guess, conjecture.
; bUCO, TO. opening, aperture, gap; (zool.) buck.
brulote, to. (naut.) fire-ship; warlike ma- bucbllca,/. bucolic, pastoral poetry food. ;

chine of the ancients, bUC611C0, ca, a. bucolic, relating to pastoral

bruma, /. mist rising from the sea, haziness. poetry.
brumador, ra, a. v. abrumador, bUChada,/. mouthful, v. bocanada.
brumal, a. brumal, foggy. bucbe, m. craw or crop maw stomach ; ;

brumamiento, to. weariness, lassitude. mouthful of a fluid young sucking ass, ;

brumar, va. V. abrumar. purse, wrinkle, or pucker in clothes

foal ;

brumazdn, to. thick fog or mist at sea. bosom, the place where secrets are pretendeq
bnuno, m. refined wax, for polishing tapers. to be kept.
brumoso, sa, a. foggy, hazy, misty, buchete, to. cheek puffed with wind.
bruno, na, a. dark brown, blackish. budare, to. (Venez.) large baking-pan.
brnno, m. black plum plum-tree. ; budiCO, ca, a. Buddhic, Buddhistic
bruflido, TO. polish, burnish.—p/). of bruSir. budln, to. pudding.
bniflidor, ra, a. burnisher, polisher. m. budibn, m. (icht. peacock-fish. )
burnisher: (shoe.) collish. budismo, to. Buddhism.
bruflimlento, m. polishing or burnishing budista. TO. &f. Buddhist.
polish. buega, /. landmark.
bru&ir, va. to burnish, polish ; (coll.) to put buen, a. contr. of bueno, good used only ; be^
on rouge to fard. ; fore a substantive masculine, as buen hombre,
brusca,/. (naut.) bevel, sweep, or rounding good man, and )>efore a verb in the infini-
of masts brushwood.
; tive, used as a substantive, as el buen decir,
bruscamente, adv. abruptly, peevishly. the correct way of si>eaking.

• MiDiar; ftlnehl; iln police ; o in for ; n in bull ; e (before «. 1) and s m tb In thick : b and d, soli;
buenaboya, m. seaman who volunteered to bujC) "i- axle-box, bush-box, iron ring ;
serve on board a galley.
buenamente, adv. freely, spontaneously bnjeda, /. bnjedal, bujedo, m. plantation
conveuieutly, easily, commodiously. of box-trees.
buenandanza, /. v. bienandanza. bnjeria,/. gewgaw, bauble, toy, knick-knack.
buenaventura, /. fortune, good luck ;
pre- bujeta, /. box made of box-wood perfume- ;

diction of fortune-tellers. box case for smelling-bottle.


bueno, na, «. good, kind upright virtuous ; ;

bulla [boo-iiee'-ah], /. wax-candle stearine can- ;

simple fair plain fit or proper for some-

; ;
dle ; candlestick.
thing useful, serviceable sociable, agree-
; bujieria, /. office at court where wax-candles
able, pleasant, loving, gracious great, ;
are kept.
strong, violent sound, healthy savoury,
; ; bula, /. papal bull.
palatable, delicious: bnenos dias, good-day, bulailo, TO. collection of papal bulls,
good-morning: buenas tardea, good-after- bulbo, TO. (bot.) bulb.
noon or evening buenas noches, good-night : bulboso, sa, a. bulbous.
j,& donde bueno ? where are you going? ide bulero, to. one charged with distributing
donde bueno 7 where do you come from ? de bulls of crusades.
buenas & primeras, suddenly & buenas, will- : buleto, TO. brief granted by the Pope, or by
ingly. his legate.
dueno, adv. enough, sufficiently. bulgaro, raj Bulgarian, a.
buenparecer [boo-en-pah-ray'-therr], m. pleasing bull, TO, (Philip.) palm-tree. V. burL
aspect. bulimia,/, (med.) voracious appetite.
buenpasar, m. independent situation, com- bultltO, TO. dim. little lump ; small bundle.
fortable subsistence. bulto, TO. bulk, anything which appears
buera, /. pustule or pimple in the mouth. bulky any oDject not clearly seen pro-

buey, m. ox, bullock buey marine, sea-calf : tuberance tumour, swelling massiness
; ;

buey de caza, stalking-ox. bust bundle, parcel, package pillow-case j


bueyazO, m. aug. big ox. flgura 6 imagen de bulto, figure or image in

bueyecillo, bueyezuelo, m. dim. little ox. sculpture
; high-relief: & bulto, indistinctly,
bueyuno, na, «. belonging to neat cattle. at guess-work escurrir el bulto, to run away.

bufado, da, a. blown, applied to glass drops bululu, TO. strolling comedian.
blown extremely ihm.—pp. of bufar. bulla, /. noise, bustle, fuss, clatter, shout
bufalino, na, «. belonging to buffaloes. noisy stir, crowd, mob : meterlo k bulla, to
bufalO, m. buffalo. carry off the matter with a joke meter bu- :

bufanaa,/. muffler, comforter. lla, to make noise.

bufar, vn. to puff and blow with anger ; to bullaje, noisy crowd. TO.
snort. bullanga,/. tumult, riot.
bufete, m. desk or writing-table; lawyer's bullangUerO, ra [bool-lyan-gay'-ro], TO. & f.
office bureau side-board.
; ; rioter, turbulent person.
bufetillo, m. dim. small desk or writing-table. bullar, va. V. bollar.
bufi, m. kind of watered camlet. bullebulle, to. busybody, bustler, hu?tler.
bufido, m. bellow, roar, snort. bulllcio [booi-iyee'-the-o], TO. bustle, noise, tu-
bufO, fa, a. comic, farcical opera bnfa, comic : mult, uproar sedition heat. ; ;

opera. m. &/. comic singer. bulllclosamente; adv. noisily, tumultuous-

bufbn, m. peddler, street vender; buffoon, ly, merrily.
harlequin, merry-andrew, mimic, fool, blQllclOSO, sa [booi-iye-the-oh'-8o], a. lively, rest-
clown, jester. less, merry, playful, noisy, clamorous, busy;
buf6n, na, «. funny, comical. seditious, turbulent, boisterous (the sea),
bufonada,/. buffoonery, waggery, jest, mim- bullldor, ra, a. v. bullicioso.
icry, raillery. bullir, vn. to boil, bubble up ; move about,
bufonazo, m. aug. great bliffoon. va. to move, stir.
bustle, hustle, fluster.
bufoncillo, m. dim. little merry-andrew. bull6n, dye bubbling up in a boiler;
bufonearse, vr. to jest ; to turn into ridicule. metallic ornament for large books puff in ;

bufoneria, / V. bufonada. sewing.

bugada,/. v. bogada. bunetO, m. (om.) hedge-sparrow.
bugalla,/. gall-nut growing on oak leaves. bungo, TO. Nicaraguan flatboat,
buglosa, /. (bot.) alkanet bugloss. ; buniato, to. v. boniato.
bllharda, /. dormer-window garret. ; bunio, m. sort of earth-nut or pig-nut.
buhardllla,/. dim. small garret. buftolada, /. platter of bans or waffles*,
bubarro, m. (om.) eagle-owl. botch work.
buhedera,/. embrasure, loop-hole. buAoleria, /. bun-shop.
buhedo, m. marl, kind of calcareous earth. buflolero, ra, to. &/. maker or seller of crul-
bubero, m. owl-keeper. lers or waffles.
bnblo, m. boh!o. V. bufluelo, TO. fritter, pancake, bus, cruller,
buho, m. (orn.) owl (met.) unsocial man. ; waffle anything poorly done or spoiled a
; ;

buhoneria, /. peddler's box peddlery. ; failure.

buhonero, m. peddler, hawker. buque w. (naut.) bulk, capacity, or
buir, va. to polish, burnish. burden of a ship hull of a ship vessel, ; ;

buitre, m. vulture. ship buque de guerra, man-of-war.


buitrera, /. place to catch vultures. burato, m. Canton crape cyprus, worn for ;

buitrero, m. vulture-fowler. mourning tran.sparent veilif of light silk,


buitrero, ra, a. vulturine. burba, /. African coin of small value.

buitr6n, m. osier basket to catch fish par- ; burbuja,/. bubble, bleb.
tridge-net; furnace where silver ores are burbujear, vn. to bubble.
smelted snare for game.
; burbujita,/. dim. small bubble.
buja [boo'-hah], /. chuck (in watch-making), burcbaca,/. v. burjaca.
bularasol, m. fig of reddish pulp, burche, m. tower (fort).
bujarrdn, w. (vul.) V. sodomita. burcbo, TO. (naut.) large sloop or barge.
B (before e, 1) and J as h In hot ; h, silent ; 11 In brilliant ; ft, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; «,
burdas, /. pi. (naut.) back-stays. matter ;
parcel, package ; bagasse frojB
burd^gano, »». hinny, mule. olives, grapes, etc.
burdel, m. brothel, brothel-house. libidi- burujbll, in. lump in the head caused by «
nous. blow badly made parcel.

sprit-top-sail-stay. burujoncillb, //*. dim. little lump or bundle.

burdinalla,/. (naut.)
burdo, da, coarse, common, ordinary,
«• busardas, /. pi. (naut.) breast-hooks, com«
burel, m. (her.) bar, the ninth part of a pass-timbers.
shield; (naut.) tid, marline-spike.—/)/. bUSCa, /. search, research pursuit; terrier j ;

(uaut.) pointed wooden rollers. hunting-party.—/*/, perquisites.

burengue, w*. mulatto slave. buscada,.f'. search, research.
bureo, »«. court of justice ; entertainment, buscador, ra, «. searcher, investigator. m.
amusement, diversion, spree. fiuder, an optical appliance.
bureta,/. burette, drop-measurer. buscapl^, "I. (met.) hint dropped in conver-
burga, / spa, hot springs. sation or in writing to lead to a research.
burgal6s, m. native of Burgos ; ancient coin bUSCapi^B, m. sing, squib-cracker; serpent
made at Burgos. lire-cracker.
burgu6s, sa [i)oor-Kes8'], a. burgess, citizen of buscar, va. {pref. BUSQUK: subj. busque) to
a town of the middle class. seek, search, look after, look fbr, look out.
bUrgUeSia Ibooi-Kay-see'-ah], /. burgess-ship ;
hunt after buscar tres pies al gato, to pick a

yeomanry quarrel. r?: to bring upon one's self.

m. (^Philip.) palm-tree.
buri, m. buscarruidos, m. &f. (coll. ) restless, quarrel-
I, a. reddish, dark red.
buriel, some ]>ersou.
buriel, m. kersey, coarse cloth rope-walk. ; buscavidas, m. & f. busybody, gossip-mon-
buril, in. burin, engraver's tool graver. ;
ger ; hustler ; thrifty person.
burllada,/. line or stroke of a burin silver ; bUSCO, m. threshold of a sluice-gate.
taken by "an assayer for testing. buscbn, na, m. &/. searcher cheat •,
buriladura, /. engraving with a burin. filcher, petty robber.
burilar, va. to engrave with a graver. bUSlliS, m. (coll.) question, knotty point,
iDUTJaca,/. pilgrim's leather bag. riddle dar en el busllls, to hit the mark.

buria, /. scoff, flout, mockery, fling, sneer ; busqud {irr. from buscar).
jest, fun, trick; jeer, gibe, hoax; deceit, busqueda, /. search. V. blscada.
cheat: burla pesada, biting jest: burl* bur- bUStO, m. (art) bust.
lando, in an easy way, without effort burlas : bustrbfedon, m. method of writing contin-
aparte, joking aside de burlas, in jest. : uously from left to right, and back vice
burladero, m. narrow doorway in the bull- versa, and so on, like the trail of oxen
ring, for escape of the fighter." ploughing.
burlador, ra, m. & /. wag, jester, scoffer, butaca, /. arm-chair, easy-chair, orchestra-
mocker, jeerer, practical joker libertine, ; chair in a theatre.
seducer conjurer's cup.
; butifarra, /. sort of sausage made in Cata-
burlar, va. to ridicule, mock, scoff, hoax, lonia gaskins, gallikins ; in Peru, ham

gibe, abuse, deceive, frustrate, disappoint, sandwic'li.

evade. rr. to jest, laugh at, make fun of, butifarrero, TSl. a. maker and seller of bati-
gibe, dally, chaff, banter, take off. farras.
burleria,.'. fun, pun, artifice ; drolling; fish- butiondO, a. fetid, goatish, lustful.
story, yarn, fairy-tale; deceit, illusion ; de- butiriceo, cea, '. butyraceous.
rision, reproach ; chaff, banter, ridicule. butirico, ca, «. butyric.
burlescamente, adv. comically, ludicrously. butrino, butr6n, m. fowling-net.
burlesco, ca, «. burlesque, jocular, ludicrous, butUCO, in. thick, stumpy plantain.
comical, funny. buyador, m. brazier. F. latonero.
burleta, /. dim. little trick, fun, or joke. buyo, m. (Philip.) compound of bonga-fruit,
burlete, m. weather-strip. betel-leaves, and lime, for chewing.
burldn, na, a. banterer, jester, scoffer, buz, m. kiss of respect and reverent regard:
mocker. hacer el buz, to do homage or pay respect.
buro, »t. (prov.) chalk, marl. buzamientO, m. (geol.) dip of a stratum.
buro, w. bureau, writing-desk. buzano, m. diver kind of culverin. ; a
burooracia, /. bureaucracy political influ- ; buzar, ra. (geol.) to dip downward.
ence. buzardas, /. p/. (naut.) breast-hooks, fore-
burocr^tlCO, a. bureaucratic. hooks.
burra, /. she-ass dirty, ignorant, and un-
; bUZCOrona,/. blow on the head in fun while
teachable woman ; laborious woman of much kissing the hand.
patience. bUZO [boo'-tiioi, m. diver ancient kind of shin ;

burrada, /. drove of asses stupid or foolish ; buzdn [i>oo-thone'\ m. (arch.) conduit, canal-
action or saying; play contrary to rule in letter-drop, letter-box, drop-box ; lid or
the game of burro. cover of cisterns, ponds, jars, etc. ; in
burrajO, m. dry stable-dung for fuel. foundries, hooks to take off the lids of
burrazo, za, m. &/. aug. large or big ass. melting-pots; sluice of a mill.
burrero, »*. ass- keeper, who sells asses' buzonera,/. drain or gutter in a courtyard.
burrillo, m. (coll.) V. aSalejo.
burrito, >«. dim. little ass.
burro, m. ass, jument a stupid, ignorant ;

being sawyer's jack or horse wheel of a

; ;

reel game at cards windlass burros de la

; ; : C [thay], third letter of the alphabet before ;

mesana, (naut.) mizzen-bowlines. and i has the sound of the English th it.
burrumbada, ./ v. b.vrrumbada. thick ; before a, o, m, /, and r it sounds like
bursktil, «. relating to the c- ex- A ; it is also a numeral, as C, 100 Ij, 500 ;

change. and CIo, 1,000.

burujo, w». lump of pressed wool or other ca, conj. (obs.) because, for.

-^aainftur; e\nehl: iin police ; o In for : n In boll ; e (before e, i) ana B as th In thick ; b snd d, m0 ;
K.A. 83 CAB
( C& ! inferj. oh, no, indeed noV. quia
I ! \
! caballerote, m. (coll.) graceless, unpolished
cabal, a. just, exact ; perfect, complete, ac- gentleman.
complished, full, faultless, consummate, caballeta,/. (ent.) field cricket.
clever: por bus cabales, exactly, perfectly, caballete, m. ridge of a gable-roof; carpen-
according to rule aud order. horse, trestle-horse, bench, trestle
Cd.bala, /. cabala, superstitious divination ;
horse, an instrument of torture brake, for ;

secret science of the Hebrew rabbins; ca- dressing hemp and flax ridge between fur- ;

bal, intrigue, complot, combination, con- rows cap of a chimney bridge of the nose
; ;

federacy, junta. gallows of a printing-press caballete de ase- :

cabaJgada, /. foray, cavalcade booty. ;

rrar, saw-buck, saw-horse caballete de col. :

Cabalgadero, "i. mounting-block. char cabos, (naut.) rope-laying truss, a

cabalgador, m. rider, horseman in proces- stake-head (art) painter's easel.

siou ;
horse-block. caballiCO, itO, m. dim. little horse, pony
cabalgadura, / sumpter, beast of burden. hobby-horse, rocking-horse.
Cabalgar, vn. {pret. cabalguk: subj. CA- caballista, m. horseman, connoisseur oi
balgue) to horse ; to get on horseback to ; horses, good rider.
mount on horseback ; to ride ;to parade on caballo, m. horse caballo : padre,
horseback to go in a cavalcade. ; ua. to caballo de montar or de silla, saddle-horse: ca-
cover a mare. ballo de carga, pack-horse : caballo castrado
cabalgata, /. cavalcade. or capado, gelding caballo frison, draught- :

cabamuste, »«. ancient saddle with high horse caballo de guerra, charger caballo de
: :

semicircular pommel and cantle. albada or de regalo, sumpter or state horse :

Cabalista, m. eabalist. caballo de batalla, battle horse, charger*

CabalistiCO, ca, a. cabalistic. hobby, a favourite idea special accomplish- ;

cabalmente, adv. exactly, completely, per- n^ient leading topic

; caballo de caza, hunt :

fectly, fully, precisely. er caballo de carrera or corredor, race-horse


caballa, /. horse-mackerel. caballo rabon, docked horse caballo de es- :

caballaje, m. place where mares and she- cuela, horse well broken in at the man&ge :
asses are served by stallions or jackasses caballo de vara, shaft-horse caballo agui- :

money paid for that service. lilla, (Sp. Amer.) a very swift horse caba- :

caballar, a. belonging to or resembling llo de alquiler, hack, hackney caballo de :

horses, equine. tiro, draught-horse caballo de mano, led :

caballear, va. to ride horseback often. horse : caballo de posta, post-horse : caballo
caballejO, m. dim. little horse, nag; (farr.) espantadizo'ormedroBo, skittish horse : caballo
shoeing-frame. bayo, bay horse caballo bayo castafio, chest-

caballerato, m. ecclesiastical benefice nut bay horse caballo bayo dorado, bright bay

granted by the Pope to a married layman ;

horse : caballo picazo, pied horse caballo :

privilege of gentleman or esquire, in Cata- moro, piebald horse caballo mcio rodado, :

lonia. dapple gray horse caballo tordo rodado, dap-


caballerear, vn. to set up for a gentleman. ple bay horse caballo pardo, gray horse

caballerescamente, adv. knightly, cavalier- caballo alaz&n, sorrel horse : caballo alaz&n
ly, toBtado, dark sorrel horse caballo overo, :

caballeresco, ca, a. knightly, chivalrous white and red spotted horse caballo rubi- :

belonging to or having the appearance of a c&n, speckled white horse caballo retinto, :

gentleman. shining black horse caballo matado, a galled :

Caballerete, m, dim. (coll.) spruce young horse : caballp deBbocado, runaway horse :
gentleman. ik caballo, on horseback caballo ke frisia, :

S^alleria, /. riding beast : caballeria mayor, (mil.) chevaux-de-frise, hersillon caballo :

saddle-horse or mule caballeria menor, ass :

de palo, any vessel fit for sea ; rack for crim-
cavalry, horse-troops art of riding, horse- ; inals ; (tannery) tanner's beam caballo :

manship chivalry, order of knights, mili-

; marino, river-horse ; pipe-fish, sea-horse
tary order, knighthood, martialism share ; caballo de vapor, horse-power figure on ;

of spoils given to a knight (Cuba) tract of ;

horseback, equivalent to the queen, in a
land about thirty-three and one-third acres : Spanish pack of cards trestle, for masons ;

libros de caballeria, books of knight-errant- and plasterers knight in the game of chesB.

ry caballeria andante, knight-errantry.

: —pi. caballoB, horse, cavalry bubo, tumour ;

CaballeritO, m. dim. young gentleman. in the groin.

Caballeriza, /. stable number of horses, ; caballdn, m. large, clumsy horse ridge be- ;

mules, etc., standing in a stable stud of ; tween two furrows.

horses; staff of grooms, hostlers, etc. CaballuelO, m. dim. little horse.
caballeriZO, m. head groom of a stable caballuno, na, a. belonging to a horse.
caballerizo del rey, equerry to the king caba- : caba&a, /. shepherd's hut, cottage, cot, cabin,
Uerizo mayor del rey, master of the horse to hole, hovel, mean habitation flock of ewe» ;

the king. or breeding sheep drove of mules for car- ;

caballero, m. knight, cavalier, nobleman, rying grain balk-line in billiards.


gentleman rider, horseman a sort of for- ; ; caoa&aJ, a. applied to the road for flocks of
tification old Spanish dance; (orn.) red-
; travelling sheep and droves of cattle a vil- ;

legged horseman, gambet caballero andan- : lage of huts.

te, knight-errant caballero de indnstria, a : cabafLeria, /. rations for a week allowed to
defrauder, a knave. shepherds.
«aballero, ra, n. riding. Cabailero, ra, a. belonging to a cabana, in any
Caballerosamente, adv. generously, nobly, of its acceptations. m. a keeper of a cabafta.
in a gentl(Muan-like manner, knightly. Cabafiil, a. belonging to a shepherd's hut.
taballerosidad, m. & f. condition, quality m. man in charge of a cabafia of mules.
of a gentleman, nobleness, honourable be- Cabafluela, /. dim. small hut or cottage
haviour, generosity. weather prognostication made in Au^ist
Caballeroso, sa, a' noble, generous, gentle- for the following year cabafinelas, festival :

man-like, urbane, polished. of the Jews of Toledo.

[ (befure e, i) auU J as h in hot; h, silent; 11 in brilliant ; n, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; 8. hissed.
cabe, stroke given by balls, in the game of
rn. perder la cabeza, to lose one's senses ; to be
argoUa: dar «n cabe al boliiUo, (met.) to rattled poner las cosai piet con cabeza, to

hurt one in his business, fortune, etc. jumble things together to put them topsy- ,

cabe, p^ep. (poet.) near, nigh, by. turvy de cabeza, from memory headlong.

cabeceafniento, m. v. cabeceo. cabezada./. headshake stroke or butt given ;

cabecear, vn. to nod in sleep; to nod in as- with the head, or received upon it nod ;

sent to shake the head in disapprobation

; ;
halter, collar head-stall of a bridle pitch-
; ;

to raise or lower the head, applied to horses ;

ing of a ship head-band of a book instep
; :

to incline to one side, to hang over, applied of a boot dar cabezadas, to nod in sleep.

to a load (naut.) to pitch to lurch, used

; cabezai, m. small pillow compress used by ;

of carriages. va. in writing, to give the let- surgeons long round bolster
; post of • ;

ters a thick loop ; among bookbinders, to door ; fore part of a carriage narrow maU ;

put the head-band to a book ; to bind cloth tress used by labourers.

or rugs to cauterize a vein ; to head wine.
; cabezalejo, ico, illo, ito, m. dim. little piW
cabeceo, m. nod of the head; (naut.) pitch- low or bolster small compress. ;

ing. cabezalero, ra, a. executor of a will.

CabeCera beginning Or
[cah-bay-thay'-rahl /. cabezazo, m. stroke with the head.
principal part of something; upper end; cabezo, to. summit of a mountain, hill ; reef >
nead or head-board of a bed seat of hon- ;
shirt-collar or falling-band.
our head-waters
capital of a province, ; Cabez6n, na, a. big-headed obstinate. m, ;

district, or nation fortified point of a ; tax-list or register collar of a shirt open- ; ;

bridge head-piece or vignette each ex-

; ; ing of a carmen t for the head ; cavesson or
tremity of the back of a book ; pillow or nose-band, used in breaking in a horse.
bolster. cabezorro, m. aug. large disproportioned
cabeciancbo, clia, a. broad-headed. head.
cabecica, ita, /. dim. small head. Cabezota, m. & /. nug. (coll.) big-headed,
cabecilla !cah-ba.v-theer-iy«h], m. wrong-headed club-headed, obstinate person.
person ; leader of rebels ; ringleader. cabezudO, to. (icht.) chub, mullet.
cabellar, vn. to hair to put on false hair. ; cabezudo, da, a. large-headed ; headstrong,
cabellejO [cah-bei-iyay'-hoe], TO. di7n. little hair. obstinate, stubborn.
cabellera, /. long hair ; switch of hair tail ; Cabezuela, /. dim. small head coarse flour ;

of a comet. rose-bud from which rose-water is distilled ;

CabellO, m. hair of the head aiirse de nn : hare-brained fellow, simpleton (hot.) ervp.- :

cabello, to adopt the slightest pretext.—pZ. go, ragwort^leaved centaury.

large sinews in mutton corn-silk cabe'ioi ; : caibezuelo, m. dim. of CABEZO, little head or
de 4ngel, sweetmeat made with cidracayote : top of anything.
traer alguna cosa por los cabellos, to say Cabida,/. content, space, capacity ; influence,
something inappropriate or illogical. cabidO, TO. landmark.—pp. of CABE»t.
CabelludO, da, a. hairy fibrous. ; cabildada,/. hasty, ill-advised prf»ceeding oJ
cabelluelo, m. dim. thin and short hair. a corporation.
caber, wi. {ind. quepo, cabe, cabemos pre/. : Cablldear, vn. to lobby ; to influence or win
CUPE subj. QUEPA^ QUEPAMOS) to be able
; votes in a corf>oration.
or capable to contain, or to be contained to ; cabildeo, m. lobbying.
fit to have room, or right of admission to
; ; cabildero, a. lobbyist.
be entitled to a thing to fall to one's share ; cabildo, m. chapter of a cathedral or col-
no caber de gozo, to be overjoyed no caber de : legiate church meeting of a chapter place ; ;

piea, to have no room to stand no caber en : where the meeting is held corporation of m ;

tl, to be very conceited todo cabe, it is all : town.

possible todo cabe en falano, he is capable
: cabilla, /. (naut.) dowel; tree-nail; belays
of anything: no cabe m&s, nothing more to ing-pin.
be desired. va. to contain comprise, in- ; cabUleJO, to. dim. (hot.) partial flower stalk.
clude. cabillO, TO. (hot.) flower-stalk ; fruit-stem.—
cabero, m, maker of handles for tools. dim. small end of a rope.
cabestraje, m. halter fee paid to a drover. ; cabimlento, to. right of claiming a com-
cabestrante, w. v. cabrestante. mandery in the order of Malta. V\ cabida.
cabestrar, va. to halter. vn. to fowl with a cablO, TO. flooring joist ; breastsummer of a
stalking-ox. chimney.
cabestrear, vn. to follow one who leads by a cabio, TO. top and bottom pieces of a window
halter, applied to beasts. or door frame kind of rafter. ;

cabestreria, /. shop where halters and col- cabitO, TO. dim. the small end of a candle or
lars are made and sold. butt of a cigar. V. cabo, cabillo.
cabestrero, m. halter and collar-maker or cablzbajo, ja, a. crestfallen thoughtful, ;

seller. a. so tame as to be led by a halter. pensive melancholy. ;

cabestrlllo, m. sling: gold or silver chain. cable, TO. cable; cable's length, measure of
cabestro, m. halter oell-ox. ; 120 fathoms.
cabeza icah -bay'-thah], /. head, extensively ap- cablear, c&blegrafiar, va. (neo.) to cable.
plied also to persons chief, leader under- ; ; cablejgrafiCO, ca, pertaining to the aub- a.
standing, mind, judgment talents begin- ; ; marine telegraph cablegrammic. ;

ning; extremity: topor upper part of many cablegrama, to. (neo.) cablegram.
things principal town of a province, dis-
; cabo, m. extreme, extremity tip bit stub,, ; ; ;

trict,etc. head of cattle cabeza mayor,

; : stump; cape, headland, foreland; handle,,
head of neat cattle cabesa menor, head of : haft, holder rope, cord thread lowest
; ; ;

sheep, goats, etc. (naut.) head of a ship. ;

card in the game called revertno chief, ;

pi. cabezai, principal parts of a vessel an ; head, commander end, termination, fin- ;

equestrian game hacer cabeaa, to be the : ish at the custom-house, a parcel or packagt

leader: levantar cabeza, to retrieve one's smaller than a bale.—p/. tail and mane oi
health or fortune: no tener piea ni cabeza horses loose pieces of apparel, as stockings,,

algnna cota, to have neither head nor tail shoes, nats, etc. divisions of a discourse .-;

« OS In far ; e In eh I ; 1 ia police ; o In for ; a In ball ; c (before e, I) an>l z • th In tbick ; b »oJ d. soft.*

j»bo de afio, annirersary funeral cabo de : cacao, TO. (hot.) cacao-tree; cacao-nut, ch(v
escnadra, (mil.) corporal: cabo de presa, colate-nut manteca de cacao, cocoa-butter,

prize-master segnndo cabo, second military : cacaotal, m. cacao orchard.

chief of a province cabo de maestranza, fore- . cacarafi.a, /. pit caused by the small-pox.
man of a workmen's brigade atar cabos, to : cacarailado, da, a. pock-marked, pitted.
collect and examine together di ers circum- ' cacareador, ra, m. & /. cackler cock tha* ;

stances bearing on a case cabos negros, black : crows hen that cackles boaster, braggart.
; ;

hair, eyes, and eye-brows of a woman al : cacarear, vn. crow, cackle brag, ;

cabo, at last dar cabo 4 alguna cosa, to fin-

: cacareo, m. crowing, cackling; boast, brag,
ish a thing de cabo 4 rabo, from head to
: cacarizo, za, a. (Mex.) pock-marked,
tail cstar al cabo de, to be thoroughly con-
: cacatua,/. (om.) cockatoo.
versant with, or well-informed. cacaxtle [kat-kacs'-tiay], TO. (Mex.) crate to
cabotaje, '«. (naot.) coasting-trade; pilotage. carry fruit.
cabra,/. goat engiue formerly used to throw
; CacaXtlerO [kah-kacs-tlay'-ro], TO. (Mex.) Indian
stones cabra monies, wild goat.—pi. small
: who carries a cacaxtle on his shoulders.
white clouds piel de cabra, goat-skin. . uacear, va. to stir with a dipper or ladle.
Cabrahigadura, r. eaprificatlon. cacera, /. irrigating canal channel, conduit* ;

cabranigal, cabraMgar, m. grove or plan- Caceria [cah-thay-ree -ah], /. hunting party.

tation of wild fig-trees. cacerilla, dim. small drain or canal.
cabrahigar, va. to caprificate. cacerina, /. cartridge-box or pouch.
cabrablgO, m. the male wild fig-tree ; its cacerola [cah-thay'-ro-uh], /. stew-pan, sauce-
fruit. pan,
cabreria, /. herd of goats goat's milk dairy. ;
Caceta, /. dim. small pan used by apothe-
cabreriza, /. hut for goatherds goatherd- ;
ess. cacica [cah-thee'-cah], /, wife Or daughter of a
cabreriZO, za, a. goatish, hircine. m. goat- cacique.
herd. CacicatO or cacicazgO, m. dignity of a chief
cabrero, ra, m. goatherd.—/, goatherdess. or cacique and his territory.
cabrestante, m. (naut. ) capstan. cacillo, itO, /". dim. small dipper or ladle.
cabria, '. crane, wheel and axle, winch, wind- cacimba, /. hole dug on the sea-shore for
hoist; axle-tree; (naut.) sheers.
lass, drinking water.
cabrllla, /. </'/». little goat; (zooi.) a fish; cacique icah-tiiee'-kayi, TO. cacique, Indian chief;
saw horse saw-huc'iv.^u/. (ast. ) Pleiades, a
; political leader or " boss."'
constellation marks on the legs, produced ; CaCiqUismO [cah-tWe-keys'-ino], m. political boss-
by being coutiiuially too near the fire ism.
(naut.) whitecaps ou the water. cacle, TO. (Mex.) leather sandals worn by
cabrlllear, v«. to form whitecaps. Indians, and soldiers.
cabrilleo, m. the lapping of the waves form- caco, pickpocket coward poltroon.
TO. ;

ing whitecaps. cac6fag(^ ga, a. cacophagous.

CabriO, m. (carp.) bridging-joist. cacofOQla, /. cacophony, harsh sound.
cabrio, a. goatish, hircine. m. herd of cacofbnico, ca, a. having a harsh sound.
goats macho cabrio, buck.
: cacografia, /. bad spelling.
cabriOla, f. caper nimble leap, hop, jump, ; cacomite, to, Mexican plant which produc(*<
gambol, skip. handsome flowers.
cabriolar, cabriolear, vn. to caper or cut cacomixtle, TO. (Mex.) cacomistle.
capers to jump, curvet, frisk.
: CaCOqUimia [cah-co-kee'-me-ah], /. cacochymy.
cabriole, m. kind of cloak, without sleeves ; CaCOqUimiCO, ca [cah-co-kee'-me-col, a. CacC
cabriolet, a kind of open carriage. chymical.
cabrita, y. dim. little she-kid. CaCOqUiZnlO [cah-co-kee'-me-ol, TO. he who sufFerji
cabritero, «*. dealer in kids. melancholy a cacochymic.;

cabritilla, /. dressed lamb or kid-skin. C^CteO, ea, a. cactaceous, relating to cactL •

cabritillo, »*. -/' ". kid. cactO, TO. (bot.) cactus. «
cabritO, m. kid, kidling, not one year old. cacumen, to. top, height head, understand- ;

cabrituno, na, of the goat kind. ing, acumen.

sabrbn, '". buck, he-goat cuckold. ; cacha, /. each of the two leaves of a razor
cabronada, (low) mfamous action which
. or knife handle hasta las cachas, up to the

a man peniiis iigainst his own honour ;

great aiinoya > luisance. cachada, /. stroke of one top against another,
cabronazo, '. a -k no wledged cuckold. when boys play at tops.
cabronciUo, aelO, m. dim. easy hus- cacbalOte, to. the sperm whale.^
band fetid ;
li cachamarin, to. v. cachemarik.
cabruno, na, - '-b, goat-like, hircine. cacbapa,/. (Venez.) corn-bread with sugar,
Cabruilar, «. i" );»rpeu a scythe by ham- •
cacbar, va. to break in pieces to divide a ;

mering the edge. plank in two lengthwise by a saw or axe.

cabmfi.0, m. sharpening the scythe. cacbarpari, to. (Peru) farewell supper.
cabu16n, m. rough, unpolished ruby. cacharreria, /. crockery-store; collection ol
Cabnila,/'. (hot.) cotuinun American agave ;
earthen pots.
aloe-plant sisal lu'uip cord or rope made
; ; cacbarrero, ra, to. & f. maker or seller of
of hemp : dar
bind. cabt^lla, to tie, to crockery.
cabullero, m. (Amer.) ship-chandler. cacbarro, coarse earthen pot also a piece
to. ;

cabulleria, /. (Amer.) ship-chandlery. of it useless, worthless thing,


caca, excrements of a child word used by

; cachava, /. children's sport resembling
children who wish to go to stool fault de- ; ; hockey or golf stick for driving the ball.

fect vice scandal dishonesty.

; ; ; cacbavazo, to. stroke of the cachava in drivi
Cacabual, cacaotal, m. cacao plantation. ing the ball.
cacahuate, cacabu^, cacahuete. or caca- cachaza, /. slowness, tardiness ; forbear.
buey, m. (bot.) peanut. V. man!. ance; (Amer.) rum; first froth on can©«
Cacalote, m. (Mex.) raven. juice when boiled to make sugar.
fbefore e. i) and J as h ia hot ; h. silent ; 11 ia brilliant ; i., ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; s, his* a
CAC 86 CAa.

cachazudO, da, a. slow, calm, phlegmatic. C&ddi, pron. every, every one, each cada unp :

cachemarin, m. v. qi;echemarin. or cada cual, every one, each cada vez, :

cachemlr, m. cachemira,/. cashmere. every time cada vez que, every time that:

cacheo, »«. search for arms and Aveapons in cada y cuando, whenever, as soon as.
prisons. cadahalso, m. shed, cabin, shanty.
cacliera,/. coarse shagged cloth or baize. cadalecho, m. bed made of branches of trees.
cachetas, /. pi. teeth or wards in a lock. cadalSO, m. j)latform, stage, stand scatt'old ;

cachete, m- olow on the face with the palm for capital punishment.
of the hand fat cheek. ; cadaflal, fiego, ga, flero, ra, annual mu. a. :

cachetero, >«. short poniard bull-fighter ; jer cadanera, woman who bears every year.
who kills the bulls with the poniard. cadarzo, rn. coarse, entangled silk, which
cachetina, /. hand-to-hand tight. can not be spun cover of the cocoon nar- ;

cachetudo, da, «. plump-cheeked, fleshy. row silk ribbon.

cadncamo, m. (Amer. ) armadillo. Cildava,/. burnt stump of furze.
cacMc^, m. overseer of a farm; smart, cadavai, m. place where many c4davas re«
clever man. main standing.
cachlcuerno, na, a. having a handle or haft cadaver, m. corpse, cadaver.
of horn. cadav^riCO, ca, a. cadaverous, cadaveric.
cachidiablo, m. hobgoblin one disguised in ; cadejO, m. entangled hair small skein ; :.

a devil's mask. threads put together to make tassels.

cachifoUar, va. (coll.) to disappoint, vex, cadena,/. chain, series of joined links ; bond •
humble, banter, sit upon. tie; fetters; series of events ; number of
cachigordete, eta, ito, ita, a. squat, thick, malefactors chained together to be con-
and plump. ducted to the galleys imprisonment for ;

cacMllada,/. litter. V. lechigada. life ; (arch.) buttress cadena de rocas, ledge :

caclilmba, /. cacMmbo, m. (Amer.) smok- or ridge of rocks : cadena de puerto, boom of

iug-pipe : chupar cachimba, (Venez.) to a harbour: cadena de montaiias, range of
smoke a pipe to suck one's thumb.
; hills : balas de cadena, chain-shot.
cacMpolla, /. (ent.) day-fly or May-fly. cadencla, /. cadence fall of the voice ;

cachiporra, /. cachiporro, m. stick with a rhythm measure flow of verses or periods

; ; ;

big knob club, cudgel. ; in dancing, harmony of motion and music

cacMporrazo, m. blow with a club. (mus.) cadenza.
cacMnilO, m. earthen, glass, or tin pot for CadenclOSO, sa, a. rhythmical.
preserving brandy or other liquors head •,
cadeneta,/. lace or needle-work wrought iu
ornament formerly worn by women (Mex.) ;
form of a chain chain-stitch work put ; ;

lining of cloth or chamois placed in the seat upon the heads of books for security of the
and legs of trousers for riding small three- ; sewing.
masted vessel. cadenilla, ita, /. dim. small chain ;
pearls ol
Cacllivaclie, m. pot, ut«nsil stuff, trash j ; a certain size.
broken crockery trumpery ; worthless fel-; cadente, decaying, declining; going to
low. ruin rhythmical.;

CacMzO, a. madero cacMzo, log. cadera, /. hip, the joint of the thigh.
cacho, m. slice, piece ;
game at cards ;
(icht.) caderillas,/. i^/. bustle.
surmullet; (Amer.) horn. cadetada, /• injudicious, thoughtless action
cacho, Cha, a. bent, crooked, inflected. cadete, m. (mil.) cadet.
cacholas, /. ;.»/. (naut.) cheeks of the masts. cadi, m. cadi, magistrate among the Turks
cacll6ll, ni. a breaker ; small waterfall. and Moors.
cachondez, /. sexual appetite. cadillar, m. place where bur-parsley grows.
cachondo, da, o. ruled by sexual appetite cadillo, m. (bot.) great bur-parsley ; prickly
in heat, rutting. bur-weed common burdock. ;

Cachones, 7/1. pi. breakers fwaves). cadillOS, pi. m. thrum warp-ends. ;

CacllOpO, m. (naut. )»gulf dry trunk, stump. ; cadmia,/. calamine, V. calamina ; tutty
cachorrenas, /. pi. (prov.) sort of soap, cadmio, m. (chem.) cadmium.
made of oil, orange, bread, and salt, cado, m. ferret-hole. V. huronera.
cachorrillo, ito, m. dim. little cub or whelp ; cadoce, m. (icht. prov.) gudgeon.
pocket pistol. cadOSO, cadOZO, m. deep place in a river
cacliorro, ra, m. & f. whelp or puppy, cub ; caducamente, adv. weakly, feebly.
pocket pistol, caducante, pa. doting, one who dotes.
cachu, 711. catechu, cutch, V. cato. caducar, vn. to dote to be worn out by serv' ;

cachaa, /. Indian dance in Peru, Bolivia, etc. ice ; to fall into disuse to become super- ;

cachucha, f. row-boat man's cloth or fur ; annuated ; extinct (com.) to lapse. ;

cap Spanish dance in triple measure.

; cadnceador, m. king at arms, who proclaims
cacnuchero, ra, a. maker or seller of caps ; war and peace.
maker or seller of pin or needle cases. caduceo or caduceo, m. caduceus or caduce,
cachncllO, m. oil-mea:, containing the caducidad, /. (law) caducity, decrepitude.
sixth part of a p^nnd ; pin or needle case ; caduco, ca, a. worn out senile enfeebled by : ; earthen pot. age ; decrepit ;

perishable frail. ;

cachuela, / fricassee oi rabbits' livers and caduquez [caii-doo-ketii'],/. caducity, senilitv.

lights gizzard.
; caedizo, za, a. ready to fall; (bot.) deciiJu-
cacnuelO, m. (icht., small river fish resem- ous.
bling an anchovy caedlira, /. loose threads dropping from the
cactiulera, /. cavern .'Jing-place. loom.
cachumbo, m. har^ shei.. of cocoanut and caer, m. Hnd. CAIGO pret. ^1 cay6 mbj. : :

other fruit. caiga) to fall, drop, tumble down lighten ; ;

cachunde,/. aromatic pasTf. munched by the fall off; hang down, droop; fitj become;
Chinese cachou, cachunde.
; lose one's situation, fortune, or influence,
caclllipin, «». Spaniard who settles in Mexico fall into an error or danger deviate from ;

or South America. V. gachupin. the right path fall due decrease, decline
; ;

as iu far : • in eh I ; i la police ,
' for ; n in bnll ; c (before e, i) and z aa th in thick ; b and d. soft
fall to one's lot befall, happen to come to ; ;
la caida de la tarde, at the close of the even-
pass; die; (mil.) to fall, yield, surrender: ing k la caida del sol, at sunset.—y/. coars«

caer k esta parte, to be situated on this side : wool cut off the skirts of a fleece ; witty re>
las yentanas caen al rio, the windows over- marks repartee ;' (sew) re vers.

look the river: caer el plazo, to arrive (the caido, da, pp- & a. languid downfallen. ;

fixed time) caer en la cuenta, to bethink

: caidOS, arrears of taxes or rents s,\o\r ;

one's self; to see the point caer bien, to fit, : ing lines to show the proper slant In writ*
to suit, to become caer de la gracia de al- : ing.
gtino, to lose one's favour caer ea cama or : caigo, caiga (*>?•. from caer).
caer enfermo, to become sick caer en alguna : caiman, m. cayman, alligator, American croc-
cosa, to remember or understand a thing odile cunning man.

caer en falta, to fail in the performance of caimientO, m. fall, drop; droop, lowness of
one's engagements caer en gracia, to please, : spirits, languidness.
lio be agreeable al caer de la hoja, at the : caique [cah'-ee-kay],TO. (naut.) skiff, small boat.
fall of the leaf. vr. {h,^ all the meanings of cairel, to. false hair or wig worn by wome»
the active form) cadfsele k uno la cara de to embellish their head-dress fringe trim ;

vergiienza, to blush deeply with shame ming of a dress silk threads to which wi| • ;

caerse uno redondo, to fall senseless caerse : makers fasten the hair of wigs.
muerto de risa, de sueno, etc., to shake with cairelado, da, a. fringed.—pjj. of cairelar.
laughter to be very sleepy : caerse (una
; cairelar, va. to fringe.
cosa) de su peso, to be evident. caja,/. box or case coflSin. V. ataud chest, ;

caS6 [cah-fay'], m. cofifee (tree, berry, and bev- cash-box or safe (com.) cash, funds cash- ; ;

erage) coffee-house, cafe.

ier's otfice sheath socket frame drum :
; ; ;

cafeina,/. caffeiu. printer's case portable writing-desk well ; ;

caferia,/. village, or cavity in which a staircase is raised;

cafetal, m. plantation of coffee-trees. wooden case of an organ caja alta, caja :

cafetera, /. coffee-pot woman who gathers ; baja, (typ. ) upper case, lower case caja de :

coffee-berries woman who makes andserves ;

ahorros, savings-bank cajas en ternos, nest :

coffee. of boxes caja de escopeta, stock of a fire-


cafetero, m. one who makes or sells coffee lock caja de brasero, wooden stand for the

(bot.) coffee-tree. brasier caja de coche, body of a coach caja

: :

cafetin, m. small cafe. de agua, (naut.) manger of a ship: caja de

cafeto, m. coffee-tree. balas, shot-locker libro de caja, cash-book :

cafetucho, m. small and untidy cafe. caja del cuerpo, thorax echar con cajas des- :

cafila, m. multitude of people, animals, or templadas, to turn away in a harsh manner:

things caravan. ; no estar en caja, to feel out of sorts.
cafre, a. savage, inhuman, belonging or relat- cajel, a. naranja cajel, blood orange.
ing to the Caffres clownish, rude, uncivil. : cajeras,/. pi. cavities in blocks which contain
cagaaceite, m. little bird whose excrements the sheaves.
are oily. cajero, to. box-maker ; cashier, treasurer,
cagachin, m. small reddish mosquito. cash-keeper reservoir in irrigation canals.

cagada,/. excrement; ridiculous action. cajeta, /. little box poor-box cajetas, ;


cagadero, m. public water-closet latrine. : (naut.) caburns; (Mex.) box of jelly.

cagadillo, m. dim. sorry little fellow. cajetazo, to. blow with a cajete.
cagado, a. mean-spirited, chicken-hearted cajete, to. (Mex.) flat earthen pulque bowl.
fellow : cagado, da., pp. of cagar. cajetiila,/. package of cigarettes.
cagafierro, m. scoria, dross of irbn. cajetin, to. dim. very small box; (typ.)
cagaj6n [cahgaii-hone'], TO. horse-dung dung ; fount-case, letter-case.
of mules or asses. cajilla, ita, /. dim. small box ;
(bot.) capsule.
cagalaolla, m. masquerader who dances in cajiga, /. cajigal, to. v. quejigo, quejigau
processions. cajista, to, compositor (in printing).
cagalar, TO. F. tripa; (anat.) csecum. cajo, TO. bookbinder's groove.
cagalera,/. looseness of the body, diarrhoea. Caj6n, TO. box, case, chest, drawer, till, locker,
cagar, va. (prel. CAGUE subj. cague) to go : money-drawer mould for casting space ; ;

to stool to soil, stain, defile make a botch

; ; between the shelves of a bookcase wooden ;

of a thing. stand or shed for selling provisions (Mex. } ;

cagarrache, to. one who washes the olive- dry-goods store crib, caisson ser de cajon, ; :

pits in an oil-mill bird. I', cagaaceite.

; to be a matter of course cajon de sastre,. :

cagarria, /. edible mushroom, called St. confused mass odds and ends. ;

George's agaric. cajonada,/. (naut.) lockers.

cagarropa, m. V. cagachin. cajoncito, to. dim. small box or drawer.
cagarruta, /. dung of sheep, goats, and mice. cajonera, /. chest of drawers in a vestry.
cagatinta, m. pettifogger nickname given ; cajoneria, /. set of drawers in a. piece of fur-
in contempt to attorneys' clerks. niture, tall-boy or chiffonier.
cagatorlo, to. v. cagadero. Ca^Uela,/, dim. small box.
cagdn, na, to. & f. person afflicted with cal,/. lime cal viva, quick or unslaked lime r

diarrhcea cowardly, timorous person.

; pared de cal y canto, wall of rough stone and
cahiz, TO. nominal measure of twelve bushels. mortar ser de cal y canto, (met.) to be very

Cahizada,/. land suflScient for one cahiz of strongly built cal hidriulica, cement. :

seed. cala, /. cove, small bay lishing-ground ;

Caida, f. fall ; falling ; tumble ; downfall ; small piece cut out of a melon or other fruit
lapse ; drop ; falling off droop • diminu- ; to try its flavourhole made in a wall to try ;

tion declination
; declension dedivity ; ;
its thickness; (med.) suppository; (naut.)-
descent (geol.) dip landslip interior gal-
; ; ; hold of a ship (bot.) calla-lily. ;

lery iii houses of Manila, with views upon calaba, to. calaba-tree. V. calambuco.
the court yard (naut.) caida de una vela, : calabacera, /. (hot.) pumpkin or gourd-
aepth or crop of r sail Ir or andar de capa : plant. V. CALABAZA.
"aida. to deo.lne in icrtune and credit i. : calabacero, w. retailer of pumpkins.
''befor. M)an * as ii hot; h, -^t: 11 in brilliant; fi, ny in canyon -
r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hisseii
^al&bacica, ilia, ita,/. dim. small pumpkin. cUamo, m. (bot.) sweet-flag; (poet.) pen;
C&labacllla, /. core of gourd-shaped tassel ancient flute.
ear-ring made of pearls in the shape of a calamocano, a. fuddled tipsy unsteady. ; ;

gourd. calamoco, m. icicle.

CSdabacin, m. small, young, tender pump- calambn, m. (orn. ) purple water-hen or gal«
kin ;
dolt, silly person, linule; round-headed nail stay ; which sup*
calabacinate, m. fried pumpkins, ports the beam of an oil-mill.
-calabacino, m. dry gourd, calabash bottle. calamorra, /. (coll.) the head.
-ealabaza. /. (bot.) pumpkin, squash, gourd ; calamorrada, /. butt of horned cattle.
^met.) a stupid, ignorant person: ealabaza calamorrar, va. to butt.
vinatera, bottle gourd or calabash : dar cala- calandraca,./. (naut.) mess of hard-taek.
bazas, to reprove, in examination ; also to calandrajo, in- rag hanging from a garment;
give the mitten. ragamuttin.
Ciuabazada, f. knock with the head against calandrla, /. (orn.) bunting, calendar lark ;
something: darse de calabazadas, (met.) to calender ; clothier's press ; oeetle mill ; roll-
labour in vain to ascertain something. ing-press ; mangle.
Calabazar, m. pumpkin orchard. C&lanis, m. (bot.) sweet-flag.
calabazate, m, preserved pumpkin candied ;
CSllafi.a, /. sample model, form ; ;

piece of a pumpkin steeped in honey. character quality. ;

ralabazazo, m. blow with a pumpkin. calaa.6s, G. native of Calanas ; sombrero cala<

2alabaz6n, m. aug. large winter pumpkin. Andalusian hat.
ealabobOS, m. drizzle mizzle. ; cMao, m. large bird with serrated bill in the
Salabocero, m. jailer warden, I
Philippines feeds on small birds.:

calabozaje, m. fee paid by prisoners to the calapatillO, m. (zool.) weevil, or its grub.
jailer. calar, va. to penetrate, soak through, perme-
calabOZO, m. dungeon ; cell ; calaboose ;
ate, drench go through, pierce, perforate,

pruning-hook or knife.
jail ;
plug; (met.) to discover a design, compre-
Calabr^S, sa, a. Calabrian. hend ; make open-work in metal, wood,
calabrlada, /. mixture of different things ; linen, or paper (mech.) to wedge calar el

mixture of white and red wine balderdash. ; melon or la sandia, to tap (or plug) a water-
calabrote, »i. (naut. ) stream-cable. melon to try its flavour calar el puente, to :

<:alacanto, wt. (bot.) flea-baue. let down a drawbridge : calar la bayoneta,

<ialacuerda, /. beat of drums summoning to (mil.) to fix the bayonet: calar el sombrero,
attack the enemy resolutely. to press the hat down calar tantos pies, :

Oalada, soaking wetting through ; rapid

f. ; (naut.) to draw so many feet.— rr. to enter,
prey reprimand.
flight of birds of : introduce one's self, insinuate one's self
CaladiO, m. (hot.) caladium. into ; to be wet through, soak, imbibe
calado, m. open work in metal, stone, wood, stoop dart down on prey.

or linen; fretwork; (naut.) draught of a calar, a. calcareous.

vessel: calados, lace. — ^/>. ofcALAR.
one who
calato, ta, a. (Peru) nude, naked.
\;alador, m. perforator ; borer ; calavera,/. skull; madcap, hot-brained fel-
makes open-work; (naut.) calking-iron low,
surgeon's otfice. calaverada, /. ridiculous, foolish, or ill-
caladre,/. bird of the family of larks, judged action tomfoolery, ;

calafate, calafateador, m. calker. calaverear, vn. to act foolishly, and without

calafateadura, /. calking. judgment or prudence.
calafatear, calafetear, to. (naut.) to calk. calaverillii, ita, /. dim. little skull.—«i.
Calafateo, m. calking. youth who sows his wild oats.
calafateria, /. the act of calking, calaverdn, m. aug. a dissipated man, a d&>
calafetin, m. calker' s boy or mate, bauchee.
calafraga,/. (bot.) saxifrage. calcado, m. counter-drawing, tracing.
calagOZO, m. bill or hedging-hook. calcamar, m. sea-fowl on the coast of BraziL
calagra&a, /. table grape, not fit for wine. calcaflal, calca&ar, m. heel, heel-bone.
calaguala,/. (Peru, botj calaguala. calckneo, m. (anat.) calcaneum.
calanorra, /. public office where bread is calca&uelo, m. disease of bees.
distributed in times of scarcity. calcar, va. {pret. CALQu6 subj. calque) to :

calaita, /. turquoise. counter-draw, trace trample on. ;

calaie, m. chest, trunk, or coffer. calckreo, rea, a. calcareous.

calaluz, m. (naut. Philip.) kind of vessel. calce, m. tire of a wheel piece of iron or ;

calamaco, m. calamanco, woollen stuff. steel added to the coulter of a plough, when
calamar, m. calamary, squid, or sea-sleeve. it is worn ; wedge ; wheel-shoe, form of
calambac, m. (hot.) calamba; eagle-wood. brake; (^naut.) top.
calambre, m.. spasm, cramp. calcedoma, /. chalcedony.
calambuco, m. (bot.) calaba-tree. a. (Cu- — calces, m. (naut.) mast-head.
ba) Pharisaical, hypocritical. calceta, /. hose, stocking; (met.) fetters
calamento, m. calamlnta, /. (bot.) moun- worn by criminals hacer calceta, to knit. :

tain balm or calamint. calceteria, /. hosier's shop and trade ; hO'

Calamidad,/. misfortune, calamity, misery, siery.
grievousness. calcetero, ra, m. &f. one who makes, mends,
calamillera, /. pot-hook «f a crane. or sells thread stockings hosier. ;

calamina or pi«dra calamlnar, /. cala- CalCetin [cal-thay-teen'], WJ. half-hose, SOck.

mine. calcet6n [c«i-tha.v-tone'], m. aug. cloth stocking
calamita, /. loadstone magnetic needle. ; worn under boots.
calamlte, m. the little green tree-frog. CklCiCO, ca, a. belonging to calcium,
calamitosamente, adv. unfortunately, dis- calcina rai-the«'-niih ,/. mortar.
astrously. calcinacidn, /. (chem.) calcination.
CalamltOBO, sa, a. calamitous, unfortunate, Calcinar, va. & vr. to calcine.
wretched. calCinatoriO, a. calciuatory.
•- M In far ; • in •& t ; i in police : o in for ; a in bull ; o (bei»re e, i) and s u th in thick ; b and AjtiOtx

calciO (cahi'-the-o], m. calcium. calentura,/. fever.

calCO, m. counter-drawing a tracing. ; calenturiento, ta, a. feverish.
calCOgrafla, /. chalcography ; place where calenturilla, /. dim. slight fever.
engravings are engraved. calenturbn, m. aug. violeilt fever.
Calc6graf0, m. engraver. calenturoso, sa, a. feverish.
calcomania, /. decalcomania. calepino, m. (coll.) Latin dictionary.
calculable, a. calculable. calera, /. lime-kiln lime-pit fishing smack^
; ;

calculaci6ll,/. calculation, estimation, com- iu Biscay.

putation. caleria,/. house or place where lime is burnt
calculador, m. calculator, accountant. and sold.
-calcular, va. to calculate, reckon, compute, calero, ra, a. calcareous. m. lime-burner,
count, estimate. lime-maker, or seller.
calcullsta, m.. schemer ; rapid accountant. calesa, /. two-wheeled calash, chaise.
C&lCUlO, m. calculation, computation, esti- calesera,/. bolero-jacket.
mate, count, account; conjecture j (med.) calesero, to. driver of a calash.
calculus, gravel, stone. calesin, m. light chaise.
calCUlOSO, sa, a. calculose, calculous. calesinero, to. owner or driver of a calesin.
calda,/. act of warming or heating: caldas, caleta, /. (naut.) cove, creek, small bay o»
natural hot mineral-water baths. inlet; (Venez. ) trade of carriers.
caldaico, ca, a. v. caldeo. caletero, TO. (Venez. ) a carrier.
caldaria, /. ley caldarla, water ordeal. caletre, to. understanding, judgment, dis-
caldear, va. to warm, heat; to weld. iron. cernment, acumen.
caldeo, a, a. Chaldaic. call, TO. (chem. ) V. Ilcali,
Caldera,/. caldron, boiler, sugar-kettle cal- : calibeado, da, a. (med.) chalybean ; chaly-
dera de vapor, steam boiler caldera tubular, : beate.
tubular boiler brass shell of a kettle-drum.
; calibrar, examine the calibre of a ball
va. to
calderada, /. caidronful. or fire-armto gauge, size.

caldereria, /. brazier's shop and trade. calibrador, calibre-gauge.

calderero, m. brazier ; coppersmith ; boiler- calibre, to. calibre, capacity ; quality, sort.
maker ; tinker. callcantO, to. (bot.) allspice.
Calderetar/- dim. small caldron, kettle, pot calicata,/. (min.) trial-pit
holy-water pot stew of fish lamb stew ; ;
calic6, TO. V. PERCAL.
(Mex.) chocolate-pot; (C. Amer.) thunder- caliCUd, caliCUt, /. silk stuff from India.
storm. caliche, to. pebble burnt in a brick crust ot ;

calderico, ica, illo, ilia, m. &/. dim. small lime which flakes from a wall (Peru and ;

kettle. Chile) native saltpetre.

calderilla,/. holy-waterpot; any copper coin. calidad, /. (juality, condition, character;
caldero, m. semi-spherical caldron or boiler kind or particular nature nobility rank ; ;

a copper a caidronful. ; stipulation requisite.—p/. calidades, condi-


calderdn, m. copper, large caldron or kettle tions in playing a game ; personal qualifica-
"'"- '-
mark of a thousand 3 (print. ) paragraph ^ ; ;
tions; gifts, parts.
(mus. ) a sign (T) denoting a pause hold. ; c^lido, da, a. warm ; hot ; piquant ; calid
calderuela, /. dim. small kettle dark-lan- ; crafty, artful.
tern, used by sportsmen to drive partridges calidoscopio, m. kaleidoscope.
into the net. callente, a. warm, hot, calid, scalding fiery: ;

caldillo, caldito, m. sauce of a ragout or feverish vehement hierro callente, red-hoi

; :

fricassee light broth. ; iron en callente, piping hot immediately;

: ;

caldo, m. broth beef-tea ; bouillon ; salad ; estar callente, to be in heat, rut.

dressing sauce gravy caldo de came, con-
; ;
: caliento, yo caliente (from oalentar).
somme : caldos, (com.) wine, oil, and all califa, TO. caliph.
spirituous liquors. califatO, to. caliphate.
caldOSO, sa, a. having plenty of broth, thin. calificable, m. &/. qualifiable.
Calducho, m. ill-seasoned broth ; hog-wash. calificaci6n, /. qualification; judgment,
calecer, va. to become heated, censure; proof; habilitation.
caleciCO, m. dim. small chalice. calificado, da, a. qualified, authorized, com-
calefaciente, a. (med.) heating. petent.—pp. of CALIFICAR.
calefaccibn, /. calefaction, heating. calificador, to. qualifier censor. ;

calefactorio, m, place in convents for warm- calificar, va. {pret. CALIFIQU^ subj. califi- :

ing. que) to qualify; discriminate; determine

calenda, part of the martyrology which
/. the quality of a person or thing authorize ;

treats of the acts of the saints of the day : empower; certify, attest; illustrate, en-
calendas, calends calendas griegas, never. : noble. vr. to prove one's noble birth and.
salendario, m. almanac; calendar: hacer descent according to law.
calendarioB, (met.) to muse. califlcatiVO, va, a. (gram.) qualifying.
Cal6ndula,/. (hot.) marigold. calif6riliC0, ca, a. relating to California.
isalentador, m. heater ; warming-pan (coll.) ; californio, ia, a. native of California.
large, clumsy watch. ckliga,/. sandals worn by Roman soldiers^
CalentamientO, calefaction, warming,
to. caligine, /. mist, obscurity, darkness.
heating ; disease incidental to horses. caliginoso, sa, a. caliginous dark dinu ; ;

Oalentar, va. {ind. caliento sub). CALIEN- : Caligrafia, /. caligraphy, penmanship.

TE) to warm, heat, glow, calefy to roll ; caligrd,fiC0, ca, a. relating to caligraphy.
and heat a ball in one's hand before it is caligrafO, to. expert penman.
played to urge press forward despatch
; ; ; calilla,/. dim. a slight suppository.
speedily. vr. to be in heat, rut to mow- ; calima, calina, /» thick vapour; ligh*
burn to grow hot become angry dispute
; ; ; mist,, haze,
warmly. calinda,/. (Cuba) a popular creole dance.
ealentdn, m. darge un calent6n, to taks a bit calinOSO, sa, a. vapoury, misty, hazy,
of a warming. calio, m. kalium or potassium.

g (before «, IJ and J as h In hot : h, sUent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled : S, hU**»«.
calipedes, w. slow-paced animal. calvatrueno, m. baldness of the whole head ;
calisaya,/. (bot.) calisaya. a wild jierson.
C^liZ, in- chalice communion cup bitter cup ; ; calvaza, /. aug. large bald pate.
of grief and afttfction (bot.) calyx. ;
caJverizo, za, a. having many barren or bare
callza, /. calcium carbonate. spots.
caliZO, za, «• calcareous limy calc (spar). ; ; calvero, calvljar, calvitar, m. barreu
calma, /. (naut.) a calm calmness, tran- ; ground among fruitful lauds bare spot in a ;

quility composure slowness

tardiness ; ;
suspension of business cessation
stillness ; ; caJvete, m. dim. little bald pate, when only
of pain calma chicha, (naut.) dead calm.
: part of the head is bald.
^almadamente, a^v. quietly, calmly. CalveZ, CalViCie [cal-vetir, cal-vee'-thie-eh], /.
calmado, da, «. quiet, calm.—pp. of calmar. baldness.
calmante, pa. & m. & f. mitigating, miti- calvliar, m. v. calvero.
gaut; (med.) narcotic, anodyne, sedative. calvllla, /. dim. little baldness.
calmar, va. to calm, quiet, compose, pacify, calvinismo, m. Calvinism.
still, hush alleviate, allay, mitigate, lull, calvinista, m. Calvinist.

moderate, soothe, soften. rn. to mil calm — ; calvo, va, a. bald, without hair barren, un- ;

to be tnecalmed. vr. to be pacified. cultivated threadbare. ;

;aIino, ma, a. uncultivated, untilled; tree- calza, /. long, loose breeches, trousers hose, ;

. less ; barren. stockings garter or ribbon tied on some


calmOSO, sa, a. calm ;

slow ; tardy ; tran- animals wedge.—pZ. fetters calza de arena,
; :

quil ; soothing. sand-bag calzas acuchilladas, slashed trou-


caimuco, m- kalmuck. sers medias calzaa, stockings reaching to the


oal6, m. cant, slang of gipsies and ruflBans. knees tomar : las calzas de Villadiego, to make
calOC6falO, la, a. liaviug a beautiful head. a precipitate flight or escape.
calofilo, la, a. having handsome leaves. calzacaJzbn, m. galligaskins.
calofriado, da, a. chilly, shivering with calzada, /. causeway paved highway, high- ;

cold.—pp. of CALOFRIARSE. road, avenue.

calofriarse, calosfrlarse, vr. to shiver with calzadera, /. hempen cord net twine. ;

cold ; to feel a chill. caJzadillO, itO, m. small shoe.

calofrio, calosfrio, m. chill, shiver. calzado, da, pp. & a.calceated, shod.
calomel or calomelanos, m.pi. (med.) calo- calzado [cai-tiiah'-<io], m. footwear of all kinds ;

mel. horse with four white feet.

damages for slander.
'ialofla,/. fine or calzador, m. shoeing leather shoe-horn. ;

3al6ptero. ra, a. handsome-winged. calzadnra, /. act of putting on the shoes ; tip

calor, m. heat, hotness, calidity, glow ex- ; for this service felloe of a cart-wheel.

candescence, warmth, ardour, fervour, fieri- CalZar [cal-thar'], va. (pret. CALCE subj. cal- :

ness fever, excitement, feeling; brunt of a

; ce) to put on shoes ; to put, on gloves, spurs,
battle favour, kind reception.
etc. to strengthen with iron or wood to
; ;

caloria, /. unit of heat, calory. scot or scotch a wheel to carry a ball of a :

calbrico, m. (chem.) caloric. determined size, applied to lire-arms to ;

calorifero, ra, a. giving heat. wedge, chock, key (typ.) to overlay, raise, ;

calorifero, m. stove, heater, furnace calori-

: underlay calzar las berramientas, to put a

fero de aire, hot-air register: calorifero de steel edge to iron tools calzar el ancla, :

vapor, steam radiator. (naut. ) to shoe the anchor.

calorlficacidn, /. calorification. calZO, m. V. CALCE (typ.) frisket-sheet, over- ;

CalOriflCO, ca, a. calorific. lay (r. w.) block, brake-shoe;

calorimetria, /. calorimetry. wedge, quoin; shoe of a felloe; (naut.)
calorimetrico, ca, a. calorimetric. skid, chock, bed, shoe.
caJorimetro, m. (chem.) calorimeter. Calz6n [cai-thone'i, m. ombre, a game of cards ;

calorosamente, adv. v. calurosamentk (Mex.) disease of the sugar-cane from lack

caloroso, sa, a. v. caluroso. of irrigation.—^/, breeches, trousers; (naut.)
CalOStro, >n. colostrum. awse-wings calzon corto, knee-breeches, ;

caloyo, m. unborn Iamb or kid. zonazos, m. aug. big pair of breeches e» :

calpamulO, la, a. (Mex.) half-breed. un calzonazos, (met.) he is a weak, soft fellow.

calplsque, calpixque, or calpizque [cai- CalZOnclllOS[cal-thon-theel'-lyoB], drawers,
iK-ftii -kiiv!, m. (Mex. ) rent-gatherer, a steward. underdrawers.
calseco, ca, a. cured with lime. calzoneras, /. /»/. (Mex.) trousers buttoned
calta,.'' caltha, marsh marigold. down both sides.
calumbarse, plunge, dive. vr. to calzorras, m. v. calzonazos.
calumbO, m. plunge, divmg. Callada, /. dish of tripe silence, employed ;

calumnia, /. calumny, slander. only in certain phrases k las calladas of de :

calumniador, ra, m. &/. calumniator, slan- dallada, privately, on the quiet dar la ca- :

derer. llada por respuesta, to answer by silence.

calumniax, ra. to caluminate, slander. calladamente, adv. silently, tacitly, secret-
calumnlosamente, adv. calumniously, slan- ly, privately.
derously. callado, da, a. silent, reserved, noiseless
calumniOSO, sa, a. calumnious, slanderous. discreet.—pp. of callar.
calurosamente, adv. warmly, ardently, callandiCO, itO, adv. in a low voice, silently,
hotly excitedly, pa.ssionately.
; without noise, slyly, softly.
caluroso, sa, a. warm, hot; heating, ardor- callar, m. & vr. to'keep silence to be silent ;

ous, excited vehement, enthusiastic. ; to omit speaking of a thing, conceal, hush;

oalva, bald crown of the head, bald pate
/. ;
to cease talking, plaving, or singing to dis- ;

game among country people bare spot in a ; semble (poet.) to abate, become moderate

grove calva de alme'te, crest of a helmet.

: grow calm callar su pIco, to hold one's :

calvar, va. to hit a stone in the game of calva. tongue qnien calla otorga, silence implies

calyarlo, m. Calvary, Golgotha debts tally ; ; consent.

score. calle, / street, paved way, lane, alley ;

A as tn far ; • Id ell t ; 1 In police ; O in for ; U in boll ; c (befbre e, i) knd % as tb in tblck ; b and <l. «oft
in a garden : calle hita, from house to camarancli6n, m. garret attic. ;

hoase dejar k uno

: en la calle, to leave one camarera, / head waiting-maid in great
destitute hacer calle, to clear the passage
: : houses; keeper of the queen's wardrobe:
rondar la calle, to flirt on the street. interj. chamber-maid ; waitress in hotels and
strange wonderful also make way
! ! 1 steamers.
callear, ra. to clear the walks in a vineyard. camareria, place and employment of a
calleja, /. v. callejuela. waiting-maid ancient perquisite of the ;

callejear, vn. to walk or loiter about the lord chamberlain.

streets to gad ; to ramble.
; camarero, m. chamberlain steward or ;

Callejero, ra, «. loiterer, gadder. keeper of stores waiter; valet. ;

CallejO, calleyO, m. pit into which game camareta,/. dim. (naut.) small cabin ; deck-
falls when pursued. cabin midshipmen's cabin.

calleibn, m. narrow long lane between two camarleutO, ta, a. troubled with diarrhoea.
walls narrow pass.
; camarilla, /. dim. small room coterie of ;

callejoncillO, m. dim. little narrow passage private advisers of the king coterie or ring ;

or lane. of influential persons.

callejuela,/. dim. small street, lane, or nar- camarin, m. place behind an altar where the
row passage shift, subterfuge, evasion. ; images are dressed, and the ornaments des-
callejuca, /. dim. small, narrow street. tined for that purpose are kept; closet;
callialto, ta, «. horse-shoes having- swelling dressing-room in a theatre.
welts or borders. camarista, m, member of the supreme coun-
callista, m. &/. corn-doctor, chiropodist. cil (Mex.) valet in a hotel.—/, maid of

callizo, m. V. CALLEJoN and callejuela. honour to the queen and the infantas of
callO, m. corn, callousness on the feet wen ;
(surg. ) callus extremity of a horse-shoe. ; camarita, /. dim. small chamber, room, or
m. &f. pi. tripes. cabin.
callosidad, /. callosity, callousness. camarlengO, m. lord of the bed-chamber of
callOSO, sa, a. callous ; corny, corneous, the kings of Arag6n ; cardinal who presides
horny. over the Apostolic Council at Rome.
cama, /. bed ; couch ; bedstead ; bed hang- Ckmaro and camardn, m. common prawn,
ings and furniture seat or couch of wild : shrimp-like crustacean.
animals floor or body of a cart part of a
; ; camaronera, /. woman who sells prawns.
Elough which connects the share with the camaronero, m. man who sells prawns.
eam, the sheath: part of a melon which camarote, m. (naut.) stateroom berth. ;

touches the ground litter, straw laid under ; camasquince, m. meddlesome person.
animals or on plants slice of meat put upon ; camastro, m. poor, miserable bed.
another when cooking felloe of a wheel ; caiuastr6n, m. sly, artful, cunning fellow.
check of a bridle V-shaped piece in a cloak ; ; camastronazo, m. aug. great impostor, hyp-
garden-bed (mech.) cam cog; catch;
; ; ocrite or dissembler.
tooth; bed-plate; base; (geol.) layer, stra- camastroneria, /. cunning, artifice.
tum hacer cama, to be confined to one's
: camatones, m. pi. (naut.) iron fastenings of
bed haeer la cama, to make up the bed ha-
: : the shrouds.
cerle la cama & alguno, to injure a person camba,/. check of a bridle ; felloe; V-shaped
secretly. piece in garments.
camada, /. brood of young animals, a litter ;
cambalache, m. (coll.) barter.
band of thieves. cambalachear, va. to barter.
camafeo, m. cameo. Cambalachero, m. barterer.
hempen halter camail.
caxnal, m. ; cambaleo, m. strolling troupe of players.
Camale6n, m. chameleon person ;
who cambaro, m. crab, a crustacean.
changes his opinions to suit his interest. cambiable, a. fit to be bartered or ex-
Camalote, m. river plant in S. Amer. resem- changed.
bling a floating island. cambiador, m. barterer money-changer. ;

camama,/. (coll.) sham, humbug. cambial, of exchange.m.. bill

camamila, camomila, /. (bot.) common cambiamano, /. railroad switch.
chamomile. V. manzanilla. cambiamientO, m. change, alteration.
camandula, /. chaplet or rosary of one or cambiante, a. bartering, exchanging.—wfc.
three decades tener muchas cam&ndnlas, to : banker, exchanger iridescence fabrics ; ;

be very tricky. changeable in hues under the light.

Camandulense, a. belonging to the religious camblar, va. to barter, commute, exchange
order of Camandula or reformed Benedic- change, alter, remove, transfer, replace ti/ ;,

tines. give or take money on bills negotiate bills ;

Camanduleria,/. hypocrisy, insincerity, dis- and exchange them for money (naut.) to ;

simulation. change the course. vn. to shift, change.

camandulero, ra, a. & n. full of tricks and C^mb^a, /. reservoir, basin of water.
dissembling, hypocritical.
artifices, cambio, m. barter commutation exchange ; ; ;
C&mara, /. hall parlour chamber each of ; ; ; giving or taking of bills of exchange pre- ;

the two houses of a legislative body c&mara : mium paid or received for negotiating bills ;
alta, senate, House of Lords, upper house relative value of money in different coun-
ciimara baja, Houseof Commons, lower house, tries rise and fall of the course of ex-

chamber of deputies cikmara de comercio, : change public or private bank alteration,

; ;

chamber of commerce chamber of a fire- ; change return of a favour recompense

; ;

arm chamber in a mine cabin of a ship

; ; ;
libre cambio, free trade cambio minuto. :

granary mow stool evacuation by stool

; ; ;
small change en cambio, in lieu of; instead.

laxity photographic camera c&mara ple-

: Camblsta, m. banker, money-broker.
gadiza, folding camera. cambray, m. cambric, fine linen.
Camarada, m. comrade partner compan- ; ; cambrayadO, da, a. resembling cambric.
ion ; fellow crony, chum. ; cambraybn, m. coarse cambric.
Camaraje, m. rmt for a granary. cambrdn, m. (hot.) buckthorn bramble. ;

C (before e, i) and J as h In hot ; h, eilent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, ny in canyon ; v (initial) a)ici rr trilled ; ». blisetV
CSUnbronal, m. thicket of briers, brambles, camiseria, /. shirt-store, haberdashery.
and thorns. camlsero, shirt-maker, haberdasher.
cambronera, /. (bot.) box-thorn. camiseta, /. undershirt. V. ELASTICA shor* ;

cambuj [cam-booh'], m. child's Cap tied close to shirt or shift with wide sleeves ; chemisette.
head to keep it straight mask.
its ; Camisilla,/. dim. small shirt.
cambuiO, ja, a. Indian mestizo; half-breed. CamlSOla, /. ruffled shirt dicky. ;

cainbull6n, m. (Peru) imposition, swindle. camisolin, m. shirt-front tucker wimple. ; ;

oambur, m. one of the family of banana-trees camls6ll, m. aug. long and wide shirt night< :

and its fruit: cambur amarillo or criollo, (Amer. ) gown (Cuba) chemise.
shirt ; ;

yellow or Johnson banana cambur higo or : camiSOte, w. ancient hauberk.

titiaro, very small and tine variety of ba- camita, /. dim. small bed, pallet, cot.
nana cambur manzano, small and fine ba-
: camomila, /. v. manzanilla, chamomile. -

nana with apple flavour cambur morado, red : Cam6ll, «4. aug. large bed portable throne ; j

banana. V. banana, guineo, and platano. glass partition oriel window.—^p/. round ;

cambuy, m. American myrtle-tree. pieces forming the frame of a water-wheel

<5amedame,/. (bot.) dwarf-bay. oak tires of cart-wheels lath frame of au ;

camedrlo and camedris, m. (hot.) wall arch.

germander. camonclllo, m. seat in a drawing-room.
camelar, va. to flirt pay attentions, court, ;
camorra, /. quarrel, dispute, wrangle.
woo seduce, deceive.
: camorrear, vn. to dispute often.
cameiea, /. (hot.) widow-wail, a shrub. Camorrista, com. noisy, quarrelsome person.
camelete, m. (obs.) kind of great gun. camote, m. (hot. Mex.) variety of sweet po-
camella,/. (bot.) camellia. tato.
camelo, m. flirtation, gallantry, courtship; campal, a.belonging to the field and encamp'
joke, jest; disappointment; deceit. ments : batalla campal, pitched battle.
camelote, m. camlet ; (hot.) tropical weed. campamento, m. encampment ; camp.
camelotillos, camelloncillos, m. light or campana, f. bell anything bell-shaped ;

thin camlets. (met.) parish church, parish bottom of a ;

camella, /. she-camel ; ridge in ploughed well shaped as a bell (arch.) drum, corbel ;

land; milk-pail; yoke. campana de chlmenea, mantel of a chimney :

camellejO, m. dim. small camel. campana de buzo, diving-bell campana de :

camelleria, /. stable or stand for camels; rebato, alarm-bell olr campanas y no saber :

employment of a camel-driver. donde, to have heard of a fact, but not to be

camellero, m. keeper or driver of camels. well informed of its true nature.
camellO, m. camel; ancient cannon engine ; campanada,/. stroke of a l)ell ; (met.) scan-
for setting ships afloat in shoal water: ca- dal sensational report.
, ;

mello pardal, V. girafa. campanario, m. belfry noddle, head rack ; ;

'Camellbn, m. ridge turned up by the plough in looms.

or spade drinking-t rough for cattle car-
; ; campanear, va. to ring the bell frequently ;
penter's horse bed of flowers; camlet. ;
chime divulge noise about. ; ;

-camero, m. upholsterer one who lets beds ; campanela, /. fancy step in dancing.
on hire. a. belonging to a double bed. campaneo, m. bell-ringing ; chime. V. con-
Camilla) /• dim. small bed, pallet, cot lit- ; ton eo.
ter, stretcher; clothes-horse; cloth-shear- campanero, m. bell-founder bellman bird ; ;

er's frame. of Venezuela.

caminada,/. (obs.) V. jornada. campaneta,/. dim. small bell.
•caminador, m. good walker. campanil, m. small belfry. c. metal campa- —
oamlnante, traveller, walker. m,. nll, bell-metal.
camlliar, to travel, walk, go, march,
vn. campanula, /. dim. small bell
; hand-bell

move along act caminar con pies de plomo,

; : small bubble; (anat.) uvula; little tassel
to act with prudence: caminar derecho, to for ladies' gowns ; (naut.) cabin-bell (bot.) ;

act uprightly. bell-flower.

caminata, /. long walk for exercise ; prome- campanillazo, m. violent ringing of a bell
nade excursion, jaunt, outing.
sitciiul <riven with a bell.
•camino, m,. beaten road, high-road, way, campanillear, va. to ring a small bell often.
path, pass passage, trip, journey profes-
; ;
campanillero, m. bellman public crier. ;

sion, station, calling ; manner or method of campante, ;>a. excelling, surpassing ; buoy-
doing a thing; (min.) drift, gait; (naut.) ant, cheerful, contented.
ship's way, rate of sailing camino cnbierto, : campanudo, da, a. puffed up bell-shaped ; ;

(mil. ) covert-way camino de heiradnra, : (bot.) campanulate pompous, lofty, high- ;

path, bridle-road camino carretero, road for : sounding.

carriages and wagons camino vecinal, coun- : campa,nula, /. (hot.) bell-flower.
try road camino real, high-road, highway
: : campanulado, da, a. (hot.) campanulate.
camino de hierro, railway ponerse en ca- : boll-shapod.
mino, to set out, start off. campa&a,/. campaign level country cam- ; ;

^aml6n, m,. dray, truck. paign of au army: campafta naval, (naut.)

'Camlsa, /. shirt, shift, chemise thin skin of ; cruise: vlveres de campana, (naut.) sea pro-
almonds and other fruit coat of whitewash ;
visions, stores batlr or correr la campafia, : .

slough of a serpent; (mil.) chemise; (obs.) to reconnoitre.

catamenia jacket, case, casing, in steam-
campafiola, /. water-rat.
engines internal lining of a furnace
; ca- : campar, ru. to excel in ability, talent, or posi-
mlsa alquitranada, embreada or de fuego, tion to surpass to encamp
; to be en- ; ;

(naut.) fire-chemise: camlsa de fuerza, camped.

strait-jacket: camlsa de una vela, (naut.) campeador, m. surpassing in valour.
body of a sail meterse en camlsa de once : campear, wt. to be in the field; pasture*
varas, to interfere in other people's affairs frisK about to crop out ;
grow ; to b€
no Uegarle 4 uno la camlsa al cuerpo, to be eminent excel. ;

frightened ; to be anxious. CampeciCO, illO, ItO, m. dim. small field.

•• M in far ; e in eh t ; i in police : O In for : « in bull ; c (before e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, soA

CAM 93 CAl^

caBipechano, na, a. frank hearty ; ;

cheer- canaria, /. female canary-bird.
ful ;
generous ; native of or belonging to canariense, a. canario, ria, m. &, /. of oi
Campeche. belonging to the Canary Islands.
campeclie, m. Campeehe-wood, logwood. canario, m. canary-bird dance introduced ;

uampedn, m. champion combatant defend- ; ; into Spain by natives of the Canaries,*

er ; hero. (naut.) barge used in the Canary Islands;
fampero, ra, a. exposed to the weather canario interj. zounds
1 I !

in the open field ;

(Mex.) having a gait like canasta,/, basket, hamper (com.) crater; ;

gentle trotting, pacing. m. friar who super- olive-measure.

intends a farm field-guard. ; canastero, ra, m. &f. basket-maker.
campesino, na, campestre, a. rural canastilla, /. dim. small basket gift to ;

campestral ; rustic. m. & f. countryman ;

ladies of the court; an infant's basket;
countrywoman. wardrobe for a baby.
Campil^U, m. long, straight sabre used in the canastillO, m. small tray; pannier; smaU
Philippines, broadening toward the point. basket maund, a hand-basket.

campillo, m. dim. small field. canastO, canastro, m. large basket: ica-

Cainpifi.a, /. flat tract of arable land, field ;
n&atoB inierj. denoting surprise or annoy-

country landscape. ;
kiampo, m. country any tract of flat and ; C^ncamO, m. rare gum, resembling myrrh;
even country field space range of things ; ; ; ;
(naut.) bolt-ring c&neamos de argolla, ring- :

crops trees, plantations ;

ground of silks ;
bolts c4ncamoB de gancho, hook-bolts c&n-
: :

and other stuffs camp, ground on which ; camos de ojo, eye-bolts.

an army is drawn up ground of a painting ;
cancanmrria, /. (coll.) sadness, melancholy.
campo santo, burial-ground, cemetery cam- : cancamusa, /. (coll.) trick to deceive.
po abicrto, plain, an open country batir or : Cancana,/. cricket, penance stool for boys ;

descnbrir el campo, to reconnoitre the enemy's kind of spider.

camp to investigate k campo raso, in the
; : c^ncano, w. (coll.) louse.
open field, outdoors hombre del campo, a : cancel, w. wooden screen glass-case in cha- ;

countryman ir i campo travieso, to make : pel for the king.

a short cut dar campo 4 la fantasia, to give : cancela, front-door grating or screen in
free range to one's fancy quedar en el cam- : Spanish houses.
po, to be killed salir al campo, to go out to : cancelacidn, canceladura,/. cancellation,
fight a duel campo i. campo, (mil.) force to : expunging, obliteration, closing up.
force. cancelar to cancel or annul
[can-tkeiiiar'], va.
camuesa,/. pippin, an apple. a writing from the memory.
; to efface
camueso, m. (bot.) pippin-tree; dunce, fool. cancelaria, canceleria, /. papal chancery.
camunas,/. pi. all seeds, except wheat, bar- cancelario, m. chancellor in universities who
ley, and rye. grants degrees.
camuza, /. chamois goat. V. gamuza. Cancer [caim'-ther], m. cancer, virulent ulcer
camuzdn, m. aug. large chamois-skin. one of the signs of the zodiac.
can, m. dog (arch.) bracket shoulder mo- ;
; ; cancerarse, vr. to be afflicted with a can-
dillion corbel; (ast. ) dog-star.; V. cani- to cancerate or become a cancer.
cer ;

CULA trigger of guns, etc. ancient piece of

; ; CancerberO; m. (myth.) Cerberus; (met.)
ordnance. severe and incorruptible guard.
Cana,/. gray hair; long measure, about two canceroso, sa, a. cancerous.
ells peinar canas, to be old echar nna cana
: : cancilla,/. wicker-door or wicker-gate.
al aire, to drive dull care away. CanCiller [kahn-tliiel-lyerr'], vi. chancellor.
'.anadlense, a. Canadian. cancilleresco, ca, a. belonging to the writ-
canal, m. channel, canal, any artificial wa- ing characters used in chancery business.
terway inlet, strait.—/, natural waterway
; CanCllleria [can-theel-lyeh-ree'-ah], /. oflice of a
under earth long and narrow dell gutter, ; ;
conduit, duct, leader, pantile any duct of ; canci6n [kahn-thie-ohn'], /. song, lyric poem, a
the human body body of an animal killed ; lay, ballad.
and dressed for food comb of the loom ;
; cancioncica, iUa, ita,/. dim. canzonet, lit-
hemp once hackled front edge of a book ; ;
tle song.
drinking-trough crease, slot in metal- ; cancionero, m. song-book song-writer. ;

work bed of a hot-press; (tel.) copper

; cancioneta,/. dim. little song, canzonet.
pole abrir en canal, to cut from top to bot-
: cancionlsta, m. author or singer of sungs,
tom canal de la Mancha, British Channel.
: songster, ballad-singer.
<lanalado, da, a. v. acanalado. cancriforme, a. cancriform.
canaleja, /. dim. small drinking-trough cancrinita,/. cancrinite.
mill-spout ;
priest's hat. cancro, m. V. cancer (bot.) sore in ;
canalera, /. gutter, leader. cancr6fagO, ga, a. crab-eating.
canalete, m. single or double bladed pad- cancroldeo, ea, a. cancroid, cancriform.
dle for canoeing. cancha, /. roasted corn or beans, in South
canalita, /. dim. small channel or gutter. America cock-pit ball-grounds.
; ;

canalizaci6n, /. canalization. canchal, m. bouldery ground.

canalizar, va. to construct channels or ca- canchalagua, canchelagua, canchila-
nals ; to canalize. gua,/. (bot. Peru) medicinal herb.
canalizo, m. narrow channel between two cancho, m. big boulder or rock.
islands or sand-banks. candadiCO, iUO, itO, m. dim. small padlock.
canal6n, m. aug. big gutter, leader, or spout candadO, m. padlock pendant ear-ring. ^> ;

gargoyle. pi. candados, cavities around the frog of

Canalla,/. mob, rabble. m. a scoundrel. norses' feet.
caname&O, m. travelling hammock (Cent. Candamo, m. ancient rustic dance.
Am.). candar, ?w. to lock, shut.
canana, /. cartridge-belt. C^ndara,./"- sifting screen, sieve.
canap6, m. couch settee ; ; lounge. cande, «. "sugar-candy.
9 fbnfora n. i) and J u h in hot ; h, atlent ; U in brilliant ; fi, nj in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled : s, hiaaad.
eandeal, a. trlgo candeal, white wheat, sum- candorOSO, sa, a. candid, ingenuous, frank.
mer wheat pan candeal, bread made of the
: can6, m. low game of chance at cards,
white wheat. caneca,/. glazed stone bottle for gin and cor.
jandela, /. candle, taper; flower or blossom dials.
of the chestnut-tree inclination of the ; canecillo, m. (arch. ) corbel, modillion, truss,
balance-needle to the thing weighed (coll. ;
cantilever ; console.
light, fire: arrimarse i, la candela, (prov.) to can6fora,/. canei)hore.
draw near the fire en candela, (naut.) in a : canela,/. (hot.) cinnamon; (coll.) anything
vertical position, said of masts. exquisitely fine,
vandelabro, m. candelabrum bracket. ; canelado, da, a. v. acanelado.
candelada, /. v.hoguera. canelo, m. (bot.)cinnamon-tree or cinnamon
candelaria, /. Candlemas; (bot.) mullein. laurel. a. cinnamon-hued.
r. caiiel6ll, m. gargoyle. V. canal6n icicle ;

candelecho, m. hut built on piles for watch- tubular fringe ; cinnamon candy. -^Z. caue-
ing a vineyard. lones, end of a cat of nine-tails, thicker and
candelerazo. m. blow with a candlestick. more twisted than the rest.
candelero, m. candlestick student's lamp ; canequt, m. V. caniqui.
fishing-torch: estar en candelero, (met.) to be canestl, m. corset-cover yoke of a shirt ;
high in office to hold an exalted station.
; caney, m. log-cabin (Cuban) bend of 9 ;

pi. candeleros, (naut.) stanchions or crotches. river a bight.


caudelica, ilia, ita,/. dim. small candle. cangllon, m. earthen jar or pitcher meta; ;

candelUla,/'. (surg.) bougie, catheter; blos- tankard for wine bucket of a water-wheel ;

som of poplars and other trees catkin, ; each fold of a frilled collar.
anient: le hacen candelillas los ojos, (coll.) Can^^reja, a. vela cangreja, (naut.) boom-sail,
his eyes sparkle with the fumes of wine. brig-sail, or gaflF-sail.
candelizas,/. jp/. (naut.) brails. cangrejal, m. (Amer.) spot frequented by
candelizo, m. (coll.) r. carambano. crabs or cray-fishes.
candencia,/. incandescence, white-heat. Cangrejero, ra, a. one who sells cray-fish or
candente, «. incandescent, red-hot caesti6n : crabs.
candente, burning question. cangrejo [can greh'-ho], TO. (zool.) fresh-water
candi, a. aztcar candi, sugar-candy, rock- lobster or craw-fish : cangrejo de mar, crab,
candy. cambaro.
candial, v. candea/,. a. CangrejuelO, m. dim. small craw-fish,
c^ndidamente, adv. candidly. caugrena, /. gangrene. V. GANGRENA.
candldato, m. candidate. cangrenarse, vr. to be afflicted with gan-
candidatura, /. candidacy ; list of candi- grene or mortification. V. gangrekarse.
dates ;
(U. S. pol.) slate. cangreuoso, sa,' a. gangrenous, mortified.
candidez, /. whiteness candour, sincerity, ; V. gangrenoso.
candidness, ingenuousness, simplicity. canguelO, »i. (coll.) fear: tener cangnelo, to
C^ndldO, da, a. white, snowy ; candid, guile- show the white feather.
less, simple. cangueso, m. (zool.) sea fish,
candiel, m. sweetmeat of white wine, eggs, canguro, to. (zool.) kangaroo,
sugar, etc. cania,/. (bot.) small nettle.
uandil, m. kitchen or stable oil-lamp Greek •
canibal, to. cannibal, a man-eater,
lamp; (coll.) cock of a hat; (coll.) long canlbalismo, m. cannibalism.
irregular fold in petticoats; (Mex.) chan- canlcle [ca-nee'-the-ayl,/. whiteness of the hair.
delier top of a stag's horn baile de candil,
; : canicula, /. (ast.) dog-star; dog days.
a ball by the light of a poor lamp puede : canicular a. canicular, belonging to
canicula the
arder en an candil, said of a strong wine, or dog-star.
of a smart person or saying. caniculares, d
to. pi. dog-days.
)S, TO.
candilada,/. (^coll.) oil spilt from a lamp. caniculario, bead
m. beadle
,0, TO. who drags dogs out
candllazo, »i. blow with a kitchen lamp. of church.
candileja, /. oil receptacle of a lamp.—^/. canido, to. kind of parrot.
foot^lights of a theatre ;
(bot.) willow-herb, caniio, ja, a. (coll.)weak, infirm, sickly.
deadly carrot. canu, coarse bread, dog's bread.
candilejo, m. dim. small kitchen la^np (bot. ; canilla,/. long bone of eitner extremity : ca-

V. LUCKR.XULA. nilla de la pierna, shin-bone : canilla del bra-

candilera,/. (hot.) lamp-wick. zo,anu-bone any of the principal bones of

candUbn, m. aug. large open lamp. the wing of a fowl stop-cock, faucet, spig- ;

candiOta, »i. &. f. of or belonging to the is- ot reel, bobbin, spool unevenness of the
; ;

lan<i of Candia.—/. barrel or keg for carry- woof, in thickness or colour.

ing wine large earthen jar for wine.
; canillado, da, a. v. acanillado.
candiotera, /. wine-cellar ; storage place of canillalre, to. v. canillero.
casks, tuns, etc. canillera,/ ancient armour jambes wom- ; ;

candiotero, m. cooper who makes candiotas. an who makes reels.

candonga, /. (coll.) artful flattery or caress canillero, to., small tap in a cask or vat;
intended to deceive (coll.) merry, playful ;
weaver's quill-winder.
trick; practical joke draught-mule. ; canina, /. excrement of dogs.
CandongO, ga, a. (coll.) cunning, fawning caninamente, adv. in a passionate, snarling
person. manner.
candonguear, vn. (coll.) to jeer, sneer, tease ; CaninerO, m. one who gathers canina for the
to play practical jokes ; (coll.) to shirk work. use of tan-yards.
candOB^guero, ra, a. (coll.) a deceiver by caninez, /. inordinate appetite.
fatter/ ; a practical joker. CaninO, na, a. canine hambre canina, canine :

candor, m. supreme whiteness ; candour, appetite, inordinate hunger dientes caninoa, :

purity of mind, ingenuousness, sincerity, eye-teeth or canine-teeth.

frankness. caniqui [ca-ne-uee'], III. cauuequin, Indian fine
vandorosamente, adv. candidly. muslin.

fc u in ttJt ; • in eh I i In police ; o in for : n in buU ; c (before e, 1) and z as til in tUck ; b and d, soft

Cftnje. t». (mil., dip]., com. and journ.) ex- cantlirida, /. cantharis, Spanish-fly; blis4ei>
change. ing plaster made with the blLstering fly
canjeable, m. &f. that can be exchanged. blister, raised by the blistering plaster.
Canjeax, va. to exchange prisoners of war, cantarlllo, »«. dim. small jar or pitcher y
treaties, credentials, or newspapers. (bot.) oval-leaved androsace.
cano, na, «. hoary, hoar, frosty, gray- cantarin, ^i. (coll.) songster; professionil
haired old ancient; (poet.) white.
; ; singer.
canoa,/. canoe, Indian boat. cantarina, /. songstress.
canoero, w. one who conducts a canoe. cantaro, //'. large, narrow-mouthed pitcher,
canoi, '». (Amer.) basket used by Indians on and the liquid contained in it wine meas- ;

a fishing party. ure vessel into which votes are put Hover
; :

cauoita, m. dim. small canoe. & cAntaros, to rain by bucketfuls, to pour.

canon, m. canon, rule, precept catalogue of ; cantata,/, cantata.
the books which compose the Holy Scrip- cantatriz,/. v. cantarina.
tures catalogue, list part of the mass
; ; ;
cantazo, m. wound given by flinging a stone.
(law) fee paid in acknowledgment of supe- canteles, m. pi. (naut.) ends of old ropes put
riority in a higher lord (mus. ) canon ; ;
under casks to keep them steady.
f print.) canon, large sort of type.—pi. cano- cantera, /. quarry talents or genius. ;

nea, canons or canonical law, canteria, /. art of hewing stone building ;

canonesa,.^- canoness. made of hewn stone ;

parcel of hewn stone.
canbnica, f. canonic life in a convent. cantero, m. stone-cutter; extremity of &
canonical, canonical, relating to canons.
a. hard substance which can be easily sep-
Can6nicamente, adv. canonically. arated from the rest cantero de pan, crust :

canonicato, m. V. canonjIa. of bread cantero de heredad, piece of ground.


canbnico, ca, a. canonical, canonic. canticio, m. (coll.) constant or frequent sing-

can6niga,/. (^coll.) siesta or nap taken be- ing.
fore dining. C&ntiCO, m. canticle.
canbnigO, m. canon or prebendary. cantidad, quantity amount measure
/. ; ; ;;

canonista, m. canonist. number

(gram.) time used in pronouncing,

canonizable, a. worthy of canonization. a syllable sum of money large portion ;

; ;

CanOniZaCibn [ca-no-ne-thah-the-on], /. canoniza- cantidad continua, continued quantity can- :

tion, consecration. tidad discreta, distinct or separate quantity^

canonizar, va. to canonize consecrate ; ;
cantiga,./*. poetical composition for a song.
(met.) to applaud or praise. cantil, m. steep rock.
canonjia, /. canonry, canonship, canonicate. cantilena,/, v. cantinela.
canoro, ra, a. canorous, musical, melodious. cantiinplora,/. siphon water-cool«r. ;

^anoso, sa, a. hoary, hoar, frosty, gray- cantina, /. wine-cellar canteen case used ; ;

haired. to cool wine on a journey.

cansadamente, adv. importunely, trouble- cantinela, .f. ballad irksome repetition of a ;

soraely. subiect.
cansado, da, a. weary, wearied, exhausted, cantinera,/. yivandifire.
tired, spent worn out
tedious, tiresome,
; ; cantinero, m. butler sutler. ;

troublesome. m. a bore.—p^. ofCANSAR. cantifla,/. (coll.) popular song.
cansancio, m. weariness, lassitude, fatigue. cantizal, m. stony ground, place full of
cansar, va. to weary, tire, fatigne, over- stones.
come to tease, harass, molest, bore (agr.)
; ; canto, m. singing; short poem, of heroic
to exhaust land. vr. to tire one's self; be type canto, division of a long poem chant
; ;

fatigued grow weary.;

or canticle: al canto del gallo, (coll.) at the
cansera,/. (coll.) fatigue, weariness. break of day; end, edge, border extremity, ;

cansino, na, a. worn by work, said of beasts. point crust (of a loaf) thickness of any-
; ;

cantable, a. tunable that may be sung ; thing back of a kniie ; front edge of a ;

(mus.) to be sung slowly. m. (mus.) a book dimension less than square i. canto,
; :

song with a slow tempo. very near al canto, by the side of de canto,
: :

cantabrico, ca, c&ntabro, bra, a. Canta- on edge stone, pebble game of throwing

brian, of Cantabria. the stone (duck on a rock); quarry-stone>

cantada, /. cantata, musical composition. block, dressed ashlar: canto rodado, bould'
cantador, m. & /. singer of popular Anda- er con nn canto k los pechos, with pleasure,

lusian songs. with alacrity.

cantal, m. block of stone. cant6n, m. corner canton, region. ;

cantaleta, /. charivari; tin-pan serenade: cantonada, /. corner dar cantonada, to dis- :

dar cantaleta, (coll.) to deride; laugh at; appoint or evade a person.

turn into ridicule. cantonal, a. cantonal.
cantante, m. & f. singer. Cantonalismo, m. (pol.) cantonalism.
cantar, ?«. song set to music Cantar de Iob : cantonar, va. V. acantonar.
cantares, Canticles or Song of Solomon can- : cantonearse, vr. v. contonearse.
tares de gesta, old legendary romances. cantoneo, m. v. contoneo.
cantar, va. to sing (poet.) to compose or re-
; cantonera, /. plate nailed to the corners of «
cite ; (coll.) to creak, make a harsh, grind- chest, etc. ; corner-plate, clip; angle-iron,
ing noise; (coll.) to divulge a secret; at corner bracket ; wench, a street-walker.
cards, to announce the trump cantar de : cantonero, ra, a. loafer.
piano, to make a full confession. cantor, ra, m. & /. singer minstrel ; ; on&
C&ntara, /. large, narrow-mouthed pitcher. who composes hymns or psalms small ; sing>-
V. CANTAROj wine measure (32 pints). ing-bird.
cantarcico, illo, ito, m. dim. little song. cantorcillo, m. dim. petty, worthless singer
•cantarera, /. shelf for jars, pitchers, etc. cantorral, m. stony ground.
cantareria, /. shop where cintaros arc sold. CantOSO, sa, a. stony ground.
cantarero, ra, m. &/. dealer in earthen jars, cantuariense, a. of or belonging to Catit«i>
pitchers, pans, etc. bury.

g (before e, l) itv^ J an h in hot ; h, silent ; in brilliant ; ft. ny in canyon : r (initial) and rr triUed ; s.
cantueso, "'. (bot.) French lavender, spike. cafllZO, m. hurdle, frame for rearing silk-
canturia, /. vocal music musical composi- ; worms hurdle, used by hatters for shear-

tion monotonous singing method of per-

; ; ing hats (naut.) flake. ;

forming musical compositions. cafi.0, TO. tube, pipe common sewer, gutter ;

canturrear, canturriar, vii. to hum, sing in spring, spout, conduit cellar or otner pla(.-e ;

a low voice. for cooling water tubes or pipes of an or- ;

C&nula, /• (med.) canula. gan (naut. ) channel at the entrance to sea-


canutero, m. v. canutero. ports.

canutillo, m. v.caSutillo. Cail6n, to. cylindrical tube or pipe tube or ;

canuto, m. V. caSuto. pipe for blowing glass quill down or soft ;


cafla, /. cane, reed, bamboo stem, stalk: ; feathers leg or sleeve of a garment part

walking-sticK, cane cana comun, cultivated : of the beard next to the root cannon, gun ; ;

reed cana dulce or de azucar, sugar-cane

: (min. ) gallery (mech. ) socket gorge, ra- ; ;

bone of arm or leg subterraneous passage ; vine, canyon. V. caSada bit of a bridle ;

in mines shaft of a column or pillar mar-

; ; canon de chimenea, flue of a chimney cafi6& :

row ; (naut.) helm, tiller la cana & babor :

I de escalera, well of a staircase.
f»ort the helm lever drill ; ratchet drill ! cafionazo, m. cannon-shot report of a gun. ;

ong and narrow tumbler for manzanilla cafLonciCO, illO, itO, m. dim. small cannon ;
wine Andalusian song flaw in a sword's
; ; small tube or pipe.
blade; glass-blower's pipe; (carp.) shank; cafloiiear, va. to cannonade. vr. to cannon-
reed of wind-instruments cana de la media, : ade each other.
leg of a stocking caila de pescar, fishing- : cafLoneO, m. cannonade.
rod cana de un cafion, chase of a gun canaa
: : cailonera, /. embrasure for cannon ; large
de cebadera, (naut.) sprit-sail sheet-blocks: tent; holster; (naut.) gunboat.
canas, haber or correr ca&as, equestrian ex- ca&oneria, /. collection of organ-pipes ;
ercises with reed spears. number of cannons collectively.
ca&ada, /. glen or dale between mountains cafLonero, ra, a. (naut.) mounting cannon.
glade, dell sheep-walk for flocks ; measure
; —
TO. gunboat.
of wine (Amer.) rivulet, brook. ;
caflota,/. (bot.) panicled sorghum.
cafladllla, /. edible mollusk, variety of pur- caiLucela,/. slender cane or reed.
ple murex. cafluela, /. dim. small reed; (bot.) fescue-
cafiafistula, /. cassia fistula. grass.
CaflaflStTllO[can-iiyah-fee8'-toolo], TO. (bot.) purg- ca&utazo [cah-nyoo-tah'-thaw], TO. (coU.) infor-
ing cassia-tree ; cassia fistula. mation, gossip, tale.
ca&aheja, cailaheria, cafLajelga, /. (bot.) ca&uteria,/. collection of organ-pipes.
common fennel-giant. cafLutillO, m. dim. small tube or pipe bugle ;

cailahuate, m. species of lignum-vitae which for fringes, tassels, etc.; quill of gold or sil-
grows in Colombia. ver twist for embroidery mode of graft- ;

CS^al, m. cane or reed plantation weir or ; ing.

wear for fishing, made of canes or reeds CaiiutO, tn. part of a cane, internode ; small
small sluice or channel, for catching fish. pipe or tuoe informer, tale-bearer ca&n- ; :

C&fiama, /. assessment of taxes. tos beladoB, (Mex.) small ice-cream cylin-

ca&amar, m. hemp-field. ders.
ca&ainazo, m. coarse canvas canvas for em- ; caoba, caobana, /. (bot.) mahogany-tree,
broidery embroidered canvas burlap. ; ; mahogany wood.
caflamelar, m. plantation of f ugar-cane. caobo, m. (^bot.) mahogany-tree.
caflameno, fla, a. hempen, made of hemp. caolin, to. kaolin, china-clay.
caflamiel, /. (bot.) sugar-cane. caOS [kah'-o88', TO. chaos confusion. ;

CallamiZa [cah-nyah-mee'-thah], / bagasse Of ca6tiC0, ca, a. chaotic in disorder ; and con-

hemp bun. V. argramiza.
; fusion.
CdjQ.aniO, TO. (bot.) hemp; cloth made of capa, cloak, mantle, cape; layer, strata,
hemp cinamo en rama, undressed hemp.
: lamina; cover* (met.) cloak, pretence,
caiLamdn, to. hemp-seed. mask, cover colour of the skin of beasts

caflar, to. v. caSal. hider, harbourer; property; fortune; (com.)

ca&areja, /. v. caSaheja. primage; an American rodent; the spotted
cailarlegO, ga, a. pellcjoa caaarlegos, skins of cavy. V. PACA third mould used in cast- ;

sheep that die on the road. ing bells coat of paint bed, stratum, vein,
; ;

cailarroya, /. (bot.) pellitory, wall-wort. seam, ledge; (mas.) bed, course; wrapper
ca&avera, /. reed-grass. (bot. ) common for tobacco: capa del cielo, canopy of heaven
-ca&averal, m. plantation of canes or reeds. capa magna, pontifical cope worn by oflftciat-
cafLaverear, va. V. acaSaverear. ing bishops capa pluvial, pluvial or choir- :

'Caflayereria, /. place where reed-grass or cope capa del tim6n, (naut.) rudder-coat:

reeds are sold. capa de fogonaduras, (naut.) mast-coat: ca-

oa&averero, m. retailer of canes or reeds. pa rota, (met.) secret emissary: andar or ir
caCazO, m. blow with a cane dar cailazo, to : de capa caida, to be down in the mouth,
confound one; rum (Peru). seedy, crestfallen defender k capa y eipada, :

ca&edo, m. v. caSavkral. to defend with all one's might echar la ca- :

<ia&eria, /. aqueduct, water-pipe; water- pa al toro, (met. ) to risk all on a last effort
main. ik la capa, (naut.) lying to de capa y gorra. :

Cafiero, m. conduit-maker, director of water- unceremoniously, informally.

works ; angler. cap&, m. capa, tree in Cuba and Porto Rico,
€afi.ete,in. dim. small tube. much used in building vessels.
cafiilavado, da, a. small-limbed. capacete, to. helmet, casque.
cafUlla, Ita, /. dim. small cane or reed. capacidad [cah-i)ah-tiiie-<jahd'], /. capacity, ex-
caflillera, /. ancient armour for the shin- tent, opportunity^ means, talent, genius,
bone, jambes. ability, capability ; (naut.) bulk or burdex
tafliza,/. coarse linen. of a ship.
caflizal, cafllzar, m. v. Canaveral. capacba), /. frail, hamper. V. capacho.
•M tn far ; e iu eh I ; 1 in police ; o In for ; n in boll : o Cbefore e, i) And S m til in tUok : b and d, son
Capachazo, m. blow given with a basket. caplbara, m. capybara, large S. Americaa
capachero, m. he who carries things in bas- rodent.
kets. capichOla, /. ribbed silk stuff.
capachO, m. frail, hamper, large basket ca- : capicholado, da, a. resembling capichola.
pacho de albafiil, bricklayer's nod hempen ; capideugue, m. small cloak worn by la-
pressing-bags in oil-mills; (orn.) common dies.
owl, barn-owl. capigorrista or capigorrdn, m. (coll.) vag-
capada, /. (coll.) anything car^ried in a per- abond sloven fellow student who never
; ;

son's cloak a cloakful. ; takes a high degree.

capador, m. gelder, castrator whistle used ; capilar, a. capillary.- I. capillary blood-
by gelders. vessel.
capadura,/. castration scar which remains ; capilaridad,/. capillarity, capillary attrac-
after castration leaf of tobacco of the sec-
; tion.
ond cutting, used for tilling or wrappers. capilla, /. hood- cowl of a monk or friar;
capar, va. to geld, castrate (coll.) to curtail, ;
chapel small church ; priests and others- ;

diminish one's authority, income, etc. employed in chapel service band of nnisi- ;

caparazbn^ m. caparison, saddle-cover, dil- cians of a church chapter or assembly of ;

cToth carriage cover, piano cover hempen ; collegians- (print.) author's proof-sheets;
feed-bag, nose-bag ; carcass of a fowl ; shell portable chapel for military corps caja de :

of insects and crustaceans. capilla, (naut.) chest for chapel ornaments

caparra,/. sheep-louse. V. garrapata, capilla ardiente, lighted room where a dead
caparriUa, /. dim. small tick, which molests body lies in state estar en capilla, to pre- :

bees. pare for death, spoken of criminals (coll.] ;

caparrbs, m. (prov.) r. caparrosa, to await with impatience the issue of an afv

caparrosa,/. copperas. fair.
capataz, m. overseer, foreman, superintend- capillada, /. hoodful of anything ; blow
ent, steward, warden, conductor; (eng.) given with a hood.
assistant; (met.) leader. capilleja, ita,/. dim. small chapel.
Capaz, a. capacious, ample, spacious, roomy, capillejO, m. dim. small hood ; skein of sew-
wide fit, apt, suitable, competent
large, ; ing-silk.
learned, ingenious, capable, clever. capiller, capillero, m. clerk or sexton of a
capaza,/. (prov.) v. capacho. cnapel churchwarden. ;

capazmente, adv. capaciously, amply. capilleta, ita, /. dim. small chapel chap» ;

capazo, m. large frail, hempen basket; es- let shrine niche.

; ;

parto mat blow with a cloak.

; capillO, TO. child's cap christening fee bap- ; ;

Capaz6ll, m. aug. very large esparto frail. tismal cap ancient hood for women bud
; ;

capciosamente, adv. insidiously, captiously, of a rose toe-piece lining cap of distaff.

; ;

artfully, cunningly. V. ROCADERO ; net for catching rabbits

capciOSO, sa, a. captious, insidious, artful, colander for wax silk cocoon. V. capu- ;

cunning. LLO cloth which covered offering to the


capeador, m. bull-fighter who challenges the church the prepuce. ;

bull with his cloak ; cloak-stealer. capilludO, da, a. resembling the hood or
Capear, va. to strip or rob one of a cloak in cowl of a monk.
an inhabited place ; to challenge a bull with Capirotada, /. sort of batter made of herbs,
a cloak (naut.) to try or lay to.
eggs, etc.
Capeja,/. («m. of depreciation, small shabby capirotazo, to. blow on the nose with the
cloak or cape. finger ; a fillip.
capelina,/. (surg.) capeline. capUrote, said of cattle having the head
Capelo, m. dues received in ancient times by of a different colour. m. hood half-gown ;

bishops from their clergy cardinal's hat ; worn by collegians sharp-pointed cap worn ;

cardinalate (Amer.) glass bell.

in processions hood of a hawk tonto de ; :

capellada, /. toe-piece of a shoe. capirote, blockhead, ignorant fool capirote :

Capellan, m. chaplain, clergyman capellin : de colmena, cover of a bee-hive.

castrenae, chaplain of the army capell&n de : capirotero, a. accustomed to carry a hood,
navio, chaplain of the navy capellin de al- : applied to a hawk.
tar, priest who assists at the mass capellin : capiruclio, TO. (coll.) F. capirote.
de honor, the king's private chaplain cape- : capisayo, to. garment worn as a cloak vest- ;

llin mayor de loa eJ6rcitos, vicar-general of ure proper to bishops.

the army. capiscol, TO. the precentor sub-chanter. ;

capellanla, /. chaplaincy, capiscolia, /. office and dignity of a precen-

Japellar, m. Moorish cloak. tor.
oapellina,/. head-piece of a helmet or casque capita,/, dim. small cloak.
hood worn by country people trooper armed ; capitacibn,/. poll-tax, head-money.
with a helmet; (surg.) capeline. capital, TO. capital money put at interest \ ;

Capeo, TO. challenging a bull with a cloak. K>rtune of a husband at his marriage (com.) ;

Cape6n, m. young bull challenged with a capital stock ; (mil.) capital of a oastion.
cloak. /. capital city.
capero, m. priest who carries the cope, or capital, a. capital, relating to the head;
pluvial, in churches ; cloak-rack. principal; leading; essential; great; ex-
caperuceta, ilia,/, dhn. small hood. cellent ; unsurpassed enemigo capital, mor- :

caperuza, /. hood or cap ending in a point tal enemy : pecado capital, deadly sin : pena.
ulster-cap caperuza de chimenea, covering
: capital, capital punishment.
of the top of a chimney dar en caperuza, : capitalidad, /. condition of a city being a
(coll.) to frustrate one's views and designs. capital.
Caperuz6n, m. aug. large hood. capitalista, eom. capitalist.
Capeta, /. short cape. capitalizacibn, /. capitalization.
Capialzado, a. (arch.) arched cap-piece; capitalizar, va. {pret. capitalic6 sxibj. ca- :

back arch. pitalice) to capitalize to add interest or ;

g (betore e, 1) «nd J as li in hot; h, eUent; II 5n brilliant; ft, nv in caUTon : r (Initial) «^ rr trilled; «. hissed
dividends to the capital stock, in order to ing ;
thick cloud or mi&t over a moun-
(coll. )

obtain increased interest. tain dar capote, to leave a guest without


capltalmente, adv. capitally, mortally. dinner, for coming late to win all the tricks ;

capitan, m. (mil.) captain; ringleader of a at cards dije para mi capote, I said to my-

band of robbers leader commander of a ; ; self.

ship of war or merchant vessel capitin de : capotear, va. to trick a bull with a capote to ;

baadera, (naut. ) captain of the admiral's wheedle, bamboozle to evade cleverly diffi- ;

ship: capitin de fragata, navy officer rank- and promises.

ing as lieiitenant^colonel capit4n de navio, : capotero, m. one who makes or sells cloaks.
navy officer ranking as a colonel capitin : capotillo, rn. cape, mantelet capotillo de dot :

general de eJ6rcito, field-marshal capit&n : faldas, short, loose jacket.

general de previncia, commander-in-chief of capotin. m. dim. small cloak or capote.
a military district capitin del puerto, : capotudo, da, a. frowning. V. cknudo.
(naiit.) port-captain; harbour-master. caprariO, ria, a. belonging to the goat.
Papitana,/. admiral's ship captain's wife. ; capricoruio, m. (ast.) Capricorn.
capitanear, tvi. to have the command of an caprichO, m. caprice, whim, fancy, mood-
armed corps to head a troop of people.
humour, conceit great desire (mus. ) irreg» ; ;

capltania, /. captainship, captainry (mil.) ;

ular but pleasing composition (art) inven ;

company commanded by a captain tax •

tion or design of a painting.
paid to the port-captain by ships anchored caprichosamente, adv. fancifully, humor-
in the harbour capitania general, rank of a
: o'usly, moodily, whimsically.
captain-general residence and oflSce of a
; caprici
jnoso, sa, a. capricious, whimsical,
captain-general. fanciful,
capitel, m. (arch.) capital of a column or caprichudo, da, a. obstinate, stubborn, ca-
pilaster spire over the dome of a church.
; pricious.
capitolino, na, a. belonging to the capitol. caprino, na, goatish, v. cabruno.
a. (poet.)
capitOliO, m. capitol any lofty or majestic ; Cd.psula, /. metal cap on bottles; (mil.)
public building. cartridge-shell; (bot., anat., .chem., ana
capitdn, m. (zool.) pollard, chub. pharm. ) capsule.
capitlQa,/. part of the prayers read at divine capsular, a. capsular, capsulary.
service. captar, va. to captivate, attract, win.
Capltulaci6n, /. capitulation, stipulation, captura,/. (law) capture, seizure.
agreement capitalacion de matrimonlo, ar-
: capturar, va. (law) to apprehend to arrest. ;

ticles of marriage (mil.) capitulation, sur- ;

capuana,/. (coil.) a spanking.
render of a place. capucha, /. hood of a woman's cloak cow.' ;

sapltulante, pa. capitulator. or hood of a friar ;

(print. ) circumflex ( ^ ).

capitular, m. capitular, member of a chap- an accent.

ter.— a. capitulary, belonging to a chapter. capucMna, /. Capuchin nun ;
(bot.) nastur
capitular, vn. to conclude an agreement; tium capuchinas, (naut.)
: crotches anti
draw up the articles of a contract com- ; knees; small lamp with extinguisher •,
pound sing prayers at divine service
; fection of yolk of egg.
(law) to impeach.
(mil.) to capitulate. va. capucMnO, m. Capuchin monk.
capitulariO, m. book of prayers for divine capucllino, na, a. relating to Capuchin friars
service. or nuns.
capitularmente, adv. capitulary, according capucho, «). cowl or hood.
to the rules of a chapter. Capucll6n, «t. aug. ofcAPUCHO; lady's cloak
capitulO, wi. chapter of a cathedral meeting ; with hood, short domino.
of the prelates of religious orders, and place capuli, (Mex.) capulin, m. (bot.) American
where they meet meeting of a secular com- ; fruit resembling a cherry.
munity or corporation chapter of a book ; capullitO, m. dim. small pod of a silk-worm ;

or other writing charge, reproof, repri- ; small bud.

mand : capitnlos matrimoniales, articles of capullo, m. cocoon of a silk- worm; flax
marriage. knotted at the end (com.) bunch of boiled ;

capolado, pp. & m. hash, minced meat. germ or bud of flowers coarse stuff
flax ; ;

capolar, va. to hash, mince, or chop meat to ; or spun silk seda de capnllos, ferret-siiik,

behead, decapitate. grogram yarn cup of an acorn bur of i ; ;

capdn, castrated, gelded.— »i. eunuch

a. chestnut prepuce. ;

gelding capon (coll. ) fillip on the head

; ; capuz, m. act of ducking a person. V. cha-
fagot, bundle of brushwood; (naut.) an- puz old-fashioned hooded cloak.

chor-stopper at the cathead. Capuzar, va. capnzar tin bajel, (naut.) to sink
Capona, /. epaulet without fringe shoulder- ; a ship by the head. V. chapuzar.
knot: Have capona, key worn by a lord of CaC[U6ctiC0, Ca [cah-cake'-tea-co], a. cachectical,
the bed-chamb?r. cachectic.
caponado, da, a. tied together, as branches caquexia (med.) cachexia.
[cah-cake'-8ea-rthl, /.
of vines. pp. ofc.\PONAR. car, m. (naut.) larger end of the mizzen-
.faponar, va. to tie up the branches of vines. yard and mizzen.
caponera,/. coop, inclosure to fatten poultry; cara, /. face, visage, mien, countenance;
(coll.) place where one lives well at other base of a sugar-loaf; fac^ade, front, surface,
people's expense; (coll.) a jail; (mil.) ca- facing: buena cara, cheerful mien: mala
jKjnier. V. yegua caponera. cara, frown cara de Pascua, smiling face

<;apOTal, m. chief, ringleader (Mex. ) keeper ;

cara de acelga, pale, sallow face cara de pocoa :

of horned cattle. amigoB, churlish look, froward countenance

'Capota. /• head of the teasel or fuller's thistle ;
cara de vaqueta or de bronce, brazen face •

light bonnet for women's wear ; leather top cara de viernes, sad, lean, meagre face cara ;

of some vehicles cape without a hood. ; de cart6n, wrinkled face cara empedrada, :

tapote, m. sort of raglan or cloak with sleeves apedreada, face pitted by the small-pox A :

to keep off rain short cloak of bright col-

cara deicubierta, openly, plainly cara 4 cara, :

our, used by bull-fighters (met.) browbeat- ;

face to face de cara, opposite, facing: dar k

» M IB far * • In eh t ; i in poUee ; • in fov ; U in bull : c (before e. \) &nd < as th In thick ; b knd d, Mft;
alguno con las pnertas en la cara, to shut the caraguata, /. kind of hemp in Paraguav.
door in one's face jugar a cara 6 cmz, to toss : caraja, /. sail used by fishermen at Vera
up a coin dar en cara, to reproach, upbraid
: : Cruz.
dar el aol de cara, to have the sun in one's face : Caramanchel, m. fixed or movable shed
decirselo en su cara, to tell one to his face over the hatchways of ships.
hacer cara, to face danger: hombre de dos caraniancli6n, m. garret. V. camarax-
carai, double-dealer, insidious, artful fel- ch6n.
low lavar la cara 4 algnno, to flatter gnar-
: :
i caramba! interj. (coll.) hah, strange!—/,
dar la cara, to hide to evade sacar la cara ; : ancient head-gear for women.
por otro, to sustain or defend another no : carambano, m. icicle, a shoot of ice.
volver la cara atr&s, not to flinch. carambanado, da, a. forming icicles,
Ciraba, /. (naut.) vessel used in the Archi- carambillo, «<. (bot.) salt- wort,
pelago. carambola, /. carom, in billiards method ;

carabae, vi. gray buflFalo used as a draught- of playing the game at cards called revesiao ;
beast in the Philippines. (coll.) device or trick to cheat or deceive ;

O^abe, m. amber. (bot.) fruit of the carambola-tree: por ca-

carabela, (naut.) carvel or caravel ; large
/. rambola, (coll.) indirectly.
basket or tray for provisions. carambolO, m. (hot.) carambola-tree.
Carabel6n, m. (naut.) brig or brigantine. carambolear, va. to carom.
carabina, /. fowling-piece carbine or cara- ; carambolero, m. player at carambola.
bine carabina rayada, rifle carabine la ca-
: : carambu, m. (bot.) willow herb.
rabina de Ambresio, a harmless weapon ; a caramel, m. (icht.) kind of pilchard or sar-
worthless thing. dine.
carabinazo, m. report of a carabine ; effect of caramelizaci6n, /. reduction of sugar to
a carabine-shot. candy by heat.
carabinero, m. carabineer internal revenue ; caramelo, m. caramel in the Philippines, ;

guard. azncarillo, q. v.
carabo, m. small Moorish vessel (zool.) sort ; caramente, adv. dearly ; exceedingly, high-
of a crab or cockle ; (orn. ) large horned owl. ly (law) rigorously.

V. AUTILLO. caramlellO, m. kind' of hat worn by women

carabu, m. handsome tree of India. in the Asturias and Leon.
caracoa, /. (Philip.) small row-barge. caramillar, vn. salt-wort plantation.
caracol, m. (zool.) snail caracol marine, peri- : caramilleras,/. pi. pot-hooks.
winkle winding staircase prancing of a
; ; caramlllO, m. flageolet; small flute; (bot)
horse night-dress used by women in Mex-
; salt-wort confused heap of things deceit
; ;

ico cochlea of the ear.

; trick ;
gossip ; tale-carrying.
caracola,/. small snail with a whitish shell caramuzal, m. vessel used by the Moors.
conch-shell used as a horn. carangue, m. caranga, (Amer.) kind ./i of
caracolear, vn. to caracole. flat-fish in the West Indies.
caracolejo, m. dim. small snail or snail-shell. carantamaula, hideous mask or /. (coll.)
caracoleo, m. the act of caracoling. visor ugly, hard-featured person.

caracolero, ra, m. & /. one who gathers or carantOfia, /. (coll.) old ugly woman, who
sells snails. paints and dresses in style.- pi. caresses, .

i caracoles ! inteij. V. caramba. soft words and acts of endearment to whee-

caracolllla, /. dim. small snail-shell. die or coax a person.
caracolillO, m. dim. small snail (hot.) snail- ; carantoflera, /. coquette.
flowered kidney bean veined mahogany ; : caranto&ero, m. flatterer, wheedler, cajoler.
caf6 caracolillo, pea-bean coffee. -pi. cara- carafi.a, /. kind of resinous American gum.
colillos, trimming on the edgings of clothes. car^Ota,.^. (Venez.) bean.
caracolitO, m. dim. small snail. carapa, /. oil of an American nut. said tc
caracter, m. written sign, mark, letter, cure the gout.
handwriting, character, type brand on ; carapacbo, m. carapace, shell, as of turtles,
cattle; character, personal qualities, hu- crustaceans, etc.
mour, manners, temper, nature, disposi- caraquefiO, fLa, a. of or relating to Caracas.
tion loftiness of soul, firmness, energy
; carasol, m. sunny place sun gallery. ;

style of speaking or writing.—^p/. caracteres caratula, /. pasteboard or wire mask title- ;

de imprenta, printing types. page of a book (met. ) the histrionic art.


caracteristlca, /. c-haracteristic (math.) : caratulerOim. one who makes or sells masks.

logarithmic number preceding the period carava,.f. holiday meeting of country people
that divides the decimal fraction ; actress caravana^. caravan ; company of'traders,
who plavs the parts of old ladies. pilgrims, etc ; camel-train m the desert.
Caracteristlcamente, adv. characteristi- caray,TO. tortoise-shell. V. carey (Amer.) ;

cally. interj. V. caramba.

CaracteristiCO, ca, a. characteristic, typi- caraza,/. avg. broad large face.
cal. C^basO, m. kind of fine flax (poet.) ;
sail of
caracterizado, da, pp. & a. characterized, a ship ; ancient tunic.
distinguished ; apt, competent. Carb621,m. carbon, coal, charcoal, fuel, cinder
caracterizar, ra. {pret. caracteric:^ subj. : carbon de piedra, coal or pit-coal carbon vege- :

caracterice) to characterize, distinguish tal,charcoal : carbon de arranque, root char-

by peculiar qualities to confer a distin- ; coal crayon carbon-pencil wheat-rust
; ;

guished employment, dignity, or oflBce to ; black-rust. V. carboncillo.

mark, point out to act a part properly. ; carbonada, /. coal charge into a furnace:
Caracba,/. or earache, m. itch, mange, scab broiled chop or steak ; grillades ; kind of
of the llamas. pancake.
Carado, da, a. faced this adjective is always carbonariO, m. individual of a secret society


joined to the adverbs bien or mal e. g., formed to destroy absolutism.

biencarado, pleasant, cheerful malcarado, :
carbonatadO, da, a. carbonated,
frowning, harsh. carbonato, m. (chem.) carbonate.
^ Cbeiore e, 1) an<f J as kin hot: b, Bllent; 11 In brilliant: ft. nr In c&syon; r (initial) ani* rr trilled; B, hiMe<L
CAR 100
carboncillO, m. dim. small coal ; black ci ay- ter's jack; severe reprimand or censure;
ou carbon-pencil,
(naut.) small vessel like a galley.
carbonear, va. to make charcoal. cardador, ra, a. carder, comber; (ent.) ii
carboneo, m. carbonization charring. ;
carbonera, /. wood prepared for burning Cardadura, /. carding, combing wool,
into charcoal place where charcoal is ;
cardaxnoino, m. (hot.) cardamomum.
made coal-house, coal-hole, coal-cellar,
: cardar, va. to card or comb wool to raist ;

coal-bin; coal-pit, colliery, coal-mine; wom- the nap on cloth with a teasel.
an who sells charcoal. cardelina,/. (orn.) goldfinch, thistle-finch.
carboneria, /. coal-yard, coal-shed; coal- cardenal, m. cardinal; (orn.) Virginian
mine. nightingale, cardinal-bird, redbird; wale
Carbonero, ra, a. relating to coal or char- raised by flogging.
coal. m. charcoal-maker collier, coal-man, ; cardenalato, m. cardinalate, cardinalship.
coal-miner; coal-merchant; (naut.) coal- cardenaliclO, Cia, a. belonging to a cardi-
ship, collier. nal.
carb6nlC0, ca, a. (chem.) carbonic. cardencba, /. (hot.) teasel: cardencha carda'
carbonifero, ra, a. carboniferous. dora, teasel cardencha Bilvestre,
fuller's :

CarbOniZaCibn [car-bo-nee-thah-thle-on'j, /. car- wild teasel

card or comb, ;

bonization. cardencbal, m. place where teasels grow.

carbonizado, da, pp. & a. carbonized. Cardenillo, m. verdigris ; (painting) verdi-
CarbOniZar [car-bo-nee-thar'], va. {pret. CARBO- ter Paris green.

Nicfe: subj. carbonice) to carbonize; char. cardeno, na, a. livid,

carbono, m. (chem.) carbon. carderia, /. cardery.
carbonoso, sa, a. carbonaceous, carbonous, cardero, m. card-maker,
coaly, charry. cardiaca,/. (hot.) common mother-wort.
Carbuncal, a. resembling a carbuncle. cardiaco, ca, a. (med.) cardiac cardiacal; ;

carbunclo, carbunco, m, carbuncle ;

pre- cordial.
gangrenous tumour. V. rubL
cious stone ;
cardialgia, /. (med.) cardialgia, heart-bum.
carbuncoso, sa, a. of the nature of a car- cardialgico, ca, a. belonging to cardialgy.
buncle. cardias, m. the upper or cardiac orifice of the
carbunculo, m. V. rubI. stomach.
carburo, wi. (chem.) carburet or carbide. cardico, illo, ito, m. dim. small thistle.
carcaj, m. v. carcax. cardiUo, m. (hot.) golden thistle. «
carcajada [car-ca-hah'-dah], /. loud laughter, cardinal, a. principal, fundamental.
hearty laughter, cachinnation. cardi6pata, m. & f. (med.) person affected
carcamal, m. (coll.) nickname given to an with heart disease.
old decrepit person. carditis,/, (med.) carditis.
carcaman, m. tub ; a heavy, big, unsea- cardizal, m. land covered with thistles and
worthy vessel. weeds.
C&rcamo, m. (Amer.) a cleated trough. riffle, CardO, m. cardo silvestre or bo-
(hot. ) thistle :, carcaflar, m. heel-bone, calca- rrlqnefio, (hot.) spear-plume thistle: caido

neum. V. calcaSar. aljonjero, stemless, carhne thistle cardo hor- :

CdJCava,/. gully made by torrents of water ;

tense, cardo arrocife, or cardo de coiner, car-
(mil. ) inclosure mound hedge ; ditch ; ; ;
doon artichoke cardo alcachofero, garden :

pit or grave for the dead. artichoke cardo corredor or setero, sea-holly,

carcavina,/. v. cIrcava. field eringo cardo bendito or santo, blessed


C&rcavo, m. hollow in which a water-wheel thistle, centaury, holy thistle cardo hn»o, :

turns. woolly carthamus cardo lecbero or mariano, :

carcavbn, m. large and deep ditch. milk thistle.

carcavuezo, m. deep pit. carddn, m. (hot. ) V. cardencha ; act and
carcax, m. carcaza,/. <juiver sash with a ; effect of carding.
case in which the cross is borne in a proces- Cardona, m. mis llsto qne Cardona, said of a
sion (Amer. ) leathern case for a rifle at the
very smart, clever fellow,
saddle-bow Moorish anklet. V. ajorca.; cardoncillo, m. (hot.) mountain carthamus.
C&rcel, /. prison, jail groove of a sluice- ;
carducba,/. large iron comb for wool,
Sate (carp. ) clamp, clasp, cramp (mech.
; ; cardume. cardumen, m. shoal of fishes,
older; cheek; collar; (print.) cheek of a carduzador, m. cardador. carder. V.
f)rinting-press ; (weav.) cog-reeds of a carduzal, m. V. cardizal.
oom. carduzar, va. {pret. carduc6 subj. cardu* :

carcelaje, carceraje, m. jailel^ fees. ce) to card or comb wool.

carcelario, ria, «. relating to a prison. carear, va. (law) to confront criminals
Carceleria, /. imprisonment bail given for ; (coll.) to compare ; to tend a drove of cattle
the appearance of a prisoner. or flock of sheep. vr. to assemble or meet
carcelero, ra, a. v. carcelario fiador car- : for business to meet face to face. ;

celero, one who is bail or surety for a pris- Carecer, vn. (ind. carezco: subj. carezca)
oner.—»j. jailer, warden. wantto to be in need to lack.
; ;

CdJTCOla,/. treadle of a loom. carena, /. (naut.) careenine or repairing •!

carcoma, wood-borer woodlouse wood-
/. ; ; a ship media carena, boot-nose topping ca*.
: :

tick ;
gribble dust made by the wood-
; rena mayor, thorough repair; (poet.) sliip;
borer ;
anxious concern
grief, a spend- ; dar carena, (coll.) to reprimand in a jocula;
thrift ; a prodigal (med.) caries of bone. ;
way to banter. ;

CarCOmer, va. to gnaw corrode, applied to ; carenar, va. to careen a ship to pay a ship's ;

the wood-borer to consume a thing by de- ; bottOQi aparejo de carenar, careening gear.

grees to impair gradually health, virtue,

; Carencia (cah-ren'-the-ahl, /. waat, need, lack,
etc. vr. to decay, decline to be corroded. ; deprivation.
Carcomldo, da, pp. & a. worm-eaten, con- carenero, m. careerf!ng-place.
sumed decayed, declined impaired.
; ; careo.TO. (law) confrontation of criminals or
carda,/- act of carding teasel card hat- ; ; ; witnesses comparison act of placing or
; ;

• as Id far ; e in eh I ; 1 In police : o in for ; U la bnll ; e (before e, 1) and x as th ia thick ; b and d, soN

meeting face to face ;
(fort.) front of a bas other and put in the oil-press load of pressed ;

tiou or fortress. grapes to be re-pressed total amount of ;

caxero, ra, a. (coll.) selling things dear. what has beea received, in a general ac-
carestia, /. scarcitj^, want, famine, famish- count employment, dignity, office, honour

ment dearness, high price.

ministry cargo concejil, municipal office

careta,/. mask of pasteboard wire cover or ; charge, keeping, care duty or obligatio*;

face-guard worn by bee-keepers, fencers, to perform something; command or man-

etc. quitarle k uno la careta, to unmask, ex-
: agement fault or deficiency in the per-

pose. formance of one's duty; charge, accusation ;

Careto, ta, a. having the forehead marked (law) count: cargo de conciencia, remorse,
with a white spot or stripe (horses), sense of guilt cargo y data, (com.) creditor

carey, m. (zool. ) tortoise-shell turtle or hawk- and debtor (Cr. and Dr.): hacer cargo 4 al-
bill ; tortoise-shell. guno de una cosa, to charge one with a fault,
careeco, carezca {irr. from carecer). to hold him responsible to accuse, to im- ;

Oarga, /. load, burden, freight, lading, car- peach bacerse cargo de alguna cosa, to take

go the lading of a ship charge of a cannon

; ; into consideration to make one's self ac-

©r other fire-arm, and the nozzle of the flask quainted with a thing.
which measures the powder of such charge ; carguiO, m. cargo of merchandise a load. ;

corn measure containing four fanegas or cariacontecido, da, a. sad, mournful, ex-
bushels medical preparation for curing
; pressive of grief.
sprains and inflammation in horses and cariacuchillado, da, a. having the face
mules impost, duty, toll, tax obliga-
; ; marked with cuts or gashes.
tion burden of the mind, heaviness load,

; cariado, da, pp. & a. carious, rotten,
weight, hinde ran c«, "pressure, cumbrance ; cariaguileflo, fla, a. (coll,) long-visaged,
encumbrance bestla de carga, beast of bur-
: with an aquiline or hooked nose,
den (mil. ) charge^ attack upon the enemy
; carialegre, a. smiling, cheerful,
carga concejil, municipal obligatory service cariampollado, da, or cariampollar, a.
echar la carga & otro, to throw the blame round-faced, plump-cheeked.
upon another: volver & la carga, to insist carlancllO, cna, a. broad-faced, chubby,
upon a thing harp on a subject & cargas,; : chub-faced, bull-faced,
abundantly, in great plenty. cariarse, vr. (med,) to grow carious.
cargadas, /. pi. game at cards. caxiktide,/, (arch.) caryatides.
cargadera,/. (naut.) down-hauls, brails. caribal, a. V. canIbal.
cargadero, m. place where goods are loaded carlbe, m. cannibal, man-eater, a savage.—
or unloaded. pi. Caribs, Indians of the Antilles.
cargadilla, /. (coll. ) increase of a debt newly caribito, m. river fish of the bream species.
contracted. caribobO, toa, a. having a stupid look.
cargado, m. Spanish step in dancing. carica, /. sort of spotted kidney beans.
cargado, da, pp. & a. loaded, full fraught ; caricatura, /, caricature,
cargado de espaldas, round-shouldered, stoop- caricaturar, va. to caricature.
ingcargado de vino, full, tipsy,
: caricaturesco, ca, a. caricaturish, carica-
cargador, m. shipper, merchant, freighter, tural.
express-man, carrier, loader, porter ; ram- caricaturista, m. caricaturist.
mer, ramrod large pitchfork for straw ; caricia,/. caress petting endearing expres-

(arch.) post put in a doorway or window. sion.

pi. (naut.) tackles, V. palanquines ; plates cariciosamente, adv. in a fondling or en-
usea in gilding, dearing manner.
cargamento, m, (naut,) carge. cariciOSO, sa, a. fondling, endearing, caress-
cargar, va. & vn. ( pret. CARGu6 subj. car- : ing.
GUE) to load, burden, freight to carry a ; caricuerdo, da, a. having a serene or com-
load to charge ; to attack the enemy to
; ; posed mien,
ship goods for foreign markets ; to load or caridad,/, charity, charitableness, kindness,
charge a gun to overload or overburden ;; goodwill, benevolence, alms refreshment ;

to clog to lay in an abundant stock

; to ; given to travellers at the church-door la :

charge in account to book to impose or ; ; caridad empieza por uno mismo, charity begins
lay taxes to impute, charge, arraign, im-
; athome.
peach ; to incline with the whole body to- caridelantero, ra, a. (coll,) brazen-faced,
ward a point or place to rest, lean upon, ; impudent.
recline for support; to take a charge, a caridoliente, a. having a mournful counte-
duty, or any trust to crowd (coll,) to ;
vex, molest, annoy, pester, bore ; in cards, caries,/, caries, ulceration of bone,
to take a card by playing one higher carlfmncido, da, a. (coll.) having a face
(gram. ) to put more stress or inflection on contracted into wrinkles,
one letter or syllable cargar la mano, to : carlgordo, da, «, (coll.) full-faced,
pursue a thing with eagerness to reproach ; carlnarto, ta, a. round-faced,
with severity ; to extort. vr. to recline, carilargo, ga, a. long-visaged,
rest, lean against anything el viento se ha : cariluciO, Cia, a. (coll.) having a shining or
cargado al norte, the wind has veered to the glossy face,
north to charge one's own account with
; carilla, /. dim. little or small face; face-
the sums received to maintain, support, or ; guard. V. CARETA silver coin in Aragon

take a new duty upon one's self, worth eighteen dineros, or deniers page, ;

cargareme, m. receipt, voucher. V. LLANA and pIgina,

Cargaz6n, /. cargo of a ship cargaz6ii de cabe- : carilleno, na, plump-faced.
a. (coll.)
za, heaviness of the head cargaz6n de tlem- : carillo, 11a, a. dim. rather dear, high-priced.
po, cloudy, thick weather. carimba,/. (Peru) brand on slaves.
cargo, m. act of loading; burden, load, carincbo, m. (S. Amer.) dish resembling
weight load of stones which weighs forty
; chile con came.
arrobas number of baskets piled one on the
; carlnegro, gra, a. of a swarthy complexioH.
% (before e, 1) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant : fi, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilicd v s, hiiT M,
carifLana,/- ancient head-dress like a nun's the evil temptations kin boyish play with ; ;

veil. a hollow bone carne ahogadiza, meat of » :

cariflO, m. lore, fondness, tenderness, affec- drowned animal carne cediza, tainted :

tion, kindness, concern ; soft or endearing meat :carne de membrillo, preserved

expression ; a pet. quinces: carne de pelo, flesh of small quau-
cariAOSamente, adu. fondly, affectionately, rupeds. hares, rabbits, etc. carne de pluma, :

kindly. flesh of fowls carne de gallina, (met.) goose*


cariflOSO, sa, «. affable, affectionate, endear- flesh, goose-skin: carne momia, (toll.)
ing, loving, benevolent, kind, good. choice meat without bouos carne asada en :

cariparejo, ja, a. (coll.) having an impassive homo, baked meat: carne asada en parrillas,
countenance. broiled meat: carne fiambre, cold meat:
carirraidO, da, a. (coll.) brazen-faced, impu- carne moUar or carne magra, lean carne sin :

dent. hueso, (met.) much profit and little trouble :

carixredondo, da, a- round-faced. carne y sangre, flesh and blood, near kin-"
carisma, m. (dlvin.) divine gift or favour. dred carne viva, quick flesh in a wound
: :

carita,/. dim. little or small face. carne trifa, meat cut by a Hebrew butcher :
carlt^, Philip. ) gatherer of tuba.
III- ( echar carnes, (coll.) to grow fat ni es carne :

carltativamente, adv. charitably. ni pescado, (met.) he is neither fish nor flesh,

caritatiVO, va, a. charitable, hospitable. an insipid fellow ser una y carne, (met.) to :

cariucllO, tn. (Ecuador) Indian national dish. be hand and glove, to be intimate or fa-
cariz m. appearance of the sky
[caii-reetii'j, ;
miliar ser carne y hueso de alguno, to be

aspect of the atmosphere or of the horizon, flesh and blood of any one, to be part and
or of a business parcel of the same thing en carnes, naked :

carl^, m. person having certain rights and envuelto en carnes, fleshy, plump, buxom.
jurisdiction of a district. carneceria, carnesceria, /. (obs.) F. car
carlanca, /. mastiff's collar : tener macbas nicerIa.
carlancas, to be very cunning or crafty. carnecilla [rar-neh-theer-iyahi, /. Small excres-
carlancdn, m. (coll.) person very subtle and cence in some part of the body caruncle. ;

crafty. carnerada, f. flock of sheep.

carlania,/. dignity and district of a carlin carneraje, »*. tax or duty on sheep.
in Aragon. carnerario, m. (prov.) charnel-house.
carlear, V7i. to pant. v. jadear. camereamiento, m. poundage, penalty for
carlin, m. ancient silver coin. the trespass of sheep.
carlina,/. (bot.) carline thistle. camerear,va. to fine the proprietor of shjep
carllnga,/. (naut.) step of a mast. for damage done.
carllsmo, m. Carl ism. camerero, m. shepherd. V. PASTOR.
carlista, m. Carlist. cameril, m. sheep-walk, pasture for sheep.
carlovingio, gia, a. Carlovingian. camero, sheep, mutton, flesh of sheep

carmelita, m. & /. Carmelite.—/, flower of dressed for food sheep-skin dressed or ;

the great Indian cress. tanned family vault, burying-place char-

; ;

carmelitano, na, a. belonging to the Car- nel-house carnero manso para guia, bell-

melite order. wether carnero de simiente, ram kept for


carmen, m. country-house and garden ; a breeding carnero cicl4n, ridgil or ridgeling:


villa Carmelite order verse

; a poem. ; ; carnero marine, seal no hay tales carneros^ :

carmenador, m. teaser or teaseller ; teasel- (coll.) there is no such thing.

ling-iiiachine. carneruno, na, «. resembling or belonging
carmenadura, /. act of teasing or scratching to sheep.
cloth, teaselling. carnestolendas, /. vl. three carnival days
carmenar, va. to prick or card wool or silk ; before Ash-Wednesday.
to teasel ; to comb tbf> hair ; (coll.) to pull Carnet, m. bank-book memorandum-book. ;

the hair. V. repelar ; to win another's carniceria,/. meat^market, slaughter-house,

money at play. butcher's shop carnage, havoc, slaughter. ;

carmes, m. kermes, the cochineal insect. carnlcero, m. butcher.

carmesi, m. cochineal powder. m. & a. crim- carnicero, ra, «. carnivorous, applied to ani-
son , bright red/ mals bloodthirsty, sanguinary applied to
; ;

carmin, »». colouring matter of cochineal pasture-grounds for cattle to be slaughtered ;

carmine-colour carmin bajo, pale rose-: (coll.) applied to a person who eats much
colour (bot.) pokeweed, Phytolacca.
; meat belonging to shambles.

carminativo, m. (med. ) carminative, reliev- carnlcol, »». hoot of cloven-footed animals.

ing wind. V. TABA.
carnada,/. bait. carnlficaclbn,/. carnification.
camale, m. salt beef. carnlficarse, rr. to camify to breed flesh. ;

carnal, a carnal,
fleshv, sensual, lustful, CamiVOrO, ra, a. carnivorous.
worldly, earthly; united by kindred primo : carniza, /. (coll.) refuse of meat; cats' or
carnal, cousin-german. m. time of the year dogs' meat decayed flesh. ;

in which meat may be eaten, opposed to carnosidad, /. carnosity,» proud flesh fat- ;

Lent and other fast-days. ness, fleshiness.

carnalldad,/. carnality, lustfulness. camoso, sa, a. fleshy, carnous, fleshed ; fuU
carnalmente, adv. carnally, sensually. of marrow pulpous, applied to fruit. ;

carnaval, m. carnival, feast held before carundo, da, a. r. carnoso.

Shrovetide. V. carnestolendas. carnuza, /. abundance of meat, producing
carnavalesco, ca, a. belonging to or resem- loathing.
bling carnival. caro, ra, a. dear, high-priced, costly dearj ;

camaza, /. fleshy side of a hide or skin ;

beloved, affectionate lo barato es caro, cheap :

abundance of meat.
(coll. ) things are dearest. •

carne, /. flesh, meat or flesh-meat; pap, the caro, adv. dearly, at a High price; at too great
pulp of fruit material part of man, as dis-
; a price.
tinguished from the spiritual flesh, one of ; caroca,/. decoration in public festivities far- ;

a u In far • la eh I : i in police ; o in for ; u in bull ; C (before e, i) and t as th in thick ; b ami d, soft.

cical piece ;
(coll.) caress, endearing action carraspique, 7/i. (bot.) candytuft.
or expression made with a sellish purpose. carrasque&o, fla [car-ia»-keh -nyo], a. belong*
carocha,/. v. carrocha. ing to the pin-oak harsh, sharp- ;

•carochar, va. v. carrochar. carrera, / run, sprint, race, course race- ;

C^rolUS, III. ancient Flemish coin. track high-road;

in Madrid, broad and ;

caromomia, /. the dry flesh of a mummy. long street row of things, ranged in a line ;

carona, /. padding of the saddle, which range of iron teeth in combing-cards line, ;

touches the animars back part of the ani- ;

parting of the hair girder, in a floor ;

mal's back on which the saddle lies esquilar : broken stitch in a stocking course aad du- ;

la carona, to shear the back of a mule, a cus- ration of life career, profession course,
; ;

tom in Spain blando de carona, (coil.) ap-

: method of life conduct, mode of action ;

plied to a person very feeble or lazy, or who course of a pageant or procession route of ;

love easily.
falls in a line of steamers coach or stage line ;

caro&OSO, sa, a. old, galled, and cast off, ap- Spanish step in dancing. V. carrerilla :

plied to beasts of burden. carrera de Indias, trade from Spain to South

caroquero, ra [ca-ro-ueh'-io], a. wheedler, flat- America carrera del imbolo, stroke of the

terer caressing honey-worded.

; ; piston carrera de v&lvula, travel of a valve
: :

carbtida,/. (anat.) the carotid artery. poner & uno en carrera, to provide one with
carOZO, m. core of an apple, pear, etc. ; cob of an employment no poder hacer carrera con :

maize. algnno, not to be able to bring one to rea-

carpa, /. (icht.) carp, fresh-water fish part ;
son & carrera abierta, at full speed de ca-
: :

of a bunch of grapes which is torn off; rrera, swiftly, inconsiderately, rashly ca- :

(Peru) canvas teut. rrera de baquetas, gantlet, a military punish-

carpanel, «i. (arch.) basket-handle arch. ment partir de carrera, (met. ) to act in a

carpanta,/. (coll.) keen appetite, hunger. rash and inconsiderate manner.

carpe, m. (hot.) common horn-beam tree, carrerilla, ta,/. dim. small race, sprint or
witch-hazel. course rapid motion in a Spanish dance

oarpedal, in. plantation of common horn- (mus.) rise or fall of an octave.

beam trees. carrero, m. v. carretero.
carpelO, m. (bot.) carpel. carreta, /. long narrow cart.
sarpeta, /. table-cover portfolio, letter-file, ; carretada, /. cartful, cart-load; fMex.)
case or envelope for filing documents; measure for lime, equivalent to 3,000 pounds.
docket- writing-desk; small curtain or —pi. great quantity: k carretadas, (coll.)
screen oefore the door of a tavern. copiously, in abundance.
-•tarpetazo, m. blow or stroke with a carpeta : carretaje, in. cartage trade with carts. ;

dar carpetazo, to lay by ; to lay on the table carretal, m. rough, ragged ashlar. ^

to j)igeou-hole. carrete, m. spool, bobbin, reel small reed ;

carpintear, V7i. to do carpenter's work. for winding silk or gold and silver twist
carpinteria, /. carpentry, carpenter-shop. reel of a fishing-rod; (elec.) bobbin, wire-
carpintero, m. carpenter, joiner: carpintero coil.
de bianco, joiner carpintero de prieto or de
carretear, va. to cart, to convey in a cart
carretas, cartwright, wheelwright carpin- : to drive a cart. vr. to draw unevenly, ap-
tero de obras de afuera, carpenter who timbers plied to oxen or mules.
or roofs houses carpintero de ribera or de
carretel, m. spool, reel, bobbin fishing-reel, ;

navio, ship-carpenter, shipwright maestro : line-reel (uaut. ) log-reel ; spunyaru winch


carpintero de remos, master oar-raaker: se- rope-walk reel carretel de carpintero, car- :

gundo carpintero, carpenter's mate p^aro : penter's marking-line.

carpintero, (orn.) woodpecker: carpintero carretela,/. caleche, calash.
real, ivory-billed woodpecker. carretera,/. high-road.
carpir, vn. to quarrel, wrangle ; scrape, carreteria, /. number of carts trade of a ;

scratch. carman cartwright's yard wheelwright's

; ;

carpo, m. (anat.) carpus, wrist. shop.

carpob^lsamo, m. carpobalsamum. carretero, m. cartwright carman, ; carrier,
carquesa [rat-keh'-sah], /. in glass-houses, the carter, ox-cart driver, truckman.
annealing furnace. carretil, o. belonging to a cart.
CarqUeXla [car-kek'-se-ah], /. (bot.) specieS of carretllla, /. dim. small cart wheel-barrow, ;

broom-plant. push-cart, trolley cart, hand-cart; (r. w.)

carraca, /. carack, large and slow-sailing truck carretilla de equipaje, baggage truck;

ship of burden rattle ratchet brace ; the

; ; go-cart squib, fire-cracker ; small wheel ;

navy-yard in Cadiz. saber de carretilla, (coll.) to know by heart.

carraco, ca, a. old, withered, decrepit. carretdn, m. cart go-cart carreton de lim- ;

carral, m. barrel, butt, vat pipe for trans- ;

para, pulley for raising or lowering lamps.
porting wine in carts and wagons. carretonciilo, m. dim. small go-cart.
carraleja, /. black beetle with yellow stripes ; carretonero, m. drayman, truckman.
oil-heetle, meloe ; Spanish blistering beetle. carriCOChe, m. ancient cart with a box like
carralero, »». cooper. a coach old-fashioned coach, wagonette

carra6n, m. short-stemmed wheat. muck-cart, dung-cart.

carranque [car-raim'-kehj, m. Peruvian bird re- carricurefla, /. (mil.) carriage of a light
sembling a crane. field-piece.
carrasca, /. carrasco, m. (bot.) pin-oak, carriegO, m. osier fishing-basket rough ;

swamp-oak. V. cx)sco.ta. basket for bleaching flax-yarn.

carrascal, carrascalejo, m. pin-oak plan- carril, m. rut, cart-way, cart-rut; narrow
tation. road furrow rail of a railway.
; ;

carrascdn, m. aug. large pin-oak. carrillada, /. oily or medullar substance of

.carraspada, /. negus, beverage made of red a hog.
wine, noney, and spice. carrillera, /. the jaw chin-stay, chin-strap. ;

carraspera, /. (coll.) hoarseness; frog-in- carrillO, m. dim. small cart; cheek (naut.) ;

the-throat ; sore throat. hoisting tackle.

R (before e, i) and J as h lu hot; h, silent; 11 in brilliant; fi, ay iu canyon; r (initial) ana rr trilled ; B,
e&rrillTUlO, da, a. plump or round cheeked. cartaginense, Carthaginian of Carthage
a. ;

C&rriOla, /. trundle-bed ; small chariot, cur- cartama./. cirtamo, m. (bot.) r. alazor.

ricle. cartapaclO, m. memorandum-book; stu,
canixal, m. land which is full of reed-grass. dent's note-book ; book-satchel.
carriXO, »n. (hot.) common reed-grass. cartapel, m. memorandum tilled with usei
caiTO, w». cart car running gear of a car-

less matter.
riage without the Dody (ast.) the Greater ; cartazo,»«. (coU.) letter or paper containing
Bear, the Dipper (naut.) manufactory for ; a severe reprehension.
cables and other ship cordage measure for ; carteado, da, a. said of a card game when
wood a cart-load bed of a printing-press
; ; : tricks are taken up.
utar (met.) to bribe, to wheedle
el carro, cartear, rn. to play low cards in order tfi try
carro nrbaito or tranria, street car : carro de how the game stands. ra. (naut.) to steer —
riego, sprinkling car: carro de Tolteo, tip bv the sea-chart. vr. to correspond by let-
car, tilt car, dump car. ter.
earroceria, /. shop where carriages are cartel, m. placard, hand-bill, poster; cartel,
made, repaired, or sold. written agreement made by belligerent
carrocilla [car-nvthw-iyml, /. dim. small coach. powers relative to the exchange of prison-
caXTOCin, m. chaise, curricle. ers ; challenge sent in writing.
eaiTOClia, /. seminad substance in bees and cartela, /. slip of paper, piece of wood, oi
other insects ; eggs. other materials on which a memorandum
carrochar, m. to lay eggs, applied to bees is made; (arch.) modillion, console, brack-
and other insects. et ; iron stay, which supports a balcony.
carromatero, m. carter; charioteer; car- cartelera, /. bill-board.
man. carteldn, m. aug. long edict ; show-bill.
CarromatO, m. long, narrow cart with two carteo, m. frequent intercourse by letters.
wheels and tilt, for transporting goods, etc. cartera, /• portfolio writing-case pocket- : ;

carronada, /. (arti) short gun of large book note-book

; letter-case, letter-box; ;

calibre. portfolio, the ofl5ce of a cabinet minister

carro&a, /. carrion, putrid flesh. pocket flap of a coat.
carro&ar. ra. to infect sheep with the scab. carteria, /. employment of letter-carrier
carrofiO, fla, a. putrefied, putrid, rotten. distributing-room in a post-oflice.
carroza,/. large coach superb state coach ; ; carterista, m. pick-pocket.
caroche; (nauL) awning. cartero, m. letter-carrier, postman.
eaznu^e [e«r^«o-iUi'-ii«h], m. ail sorts of Tehicles carteta,/. game at cards. V. parar.
gsthered for a trip ; any kind of a rehicle. cartica, ita,/. dim. small letter or note.
camiajero ftaM^scMifc-beh'-roj,m. carrier, cart- cartila^ineo, a, a. (zool.) cartilaginous.
er, wagoner, driver, coach-driver. Cartilaginoso, sa, a. relating to a cartilage.
carruco, w». small cart used in mountains. cartilagO, m. (anat.) cartilage, gristle,
carrucha./. v. garrucha. parchment. V. tersilla.
carrajado, da [car-nm-hah'-do}, a. corrugated, Cartilla,/. dim. small or short letter or note
wrinkled. T. excarrujado. first book of children, primer certificatt ;

carta, /. letter, epistle (com.) favour; royal ;

of a clergyinan duly ordained leerle 4 aa* :

ordinance; map, chart; card for playing; la cartilla, (met.) to give one a lecture: ne
written constitution, charter : carta de na- saber la cartilla, (met.) to be extremely ig-
r«ar, sea-chairt : carta blanca, carie-blanche, norant. V. aSalejo.
fall powers given to one : carta eertillcada, carto^afia, /. chartography, art of ma{^
registered letter: carta cveata, bill or ac- drawing.
count of sale : carta credeacial or de creen- cartOgrafiCO, ca, a. chartographic.
cia, credentials carta de crMlto, letter of
: cartdgrafO, m. chartographer.
credit : carta de dote, articles of marriage cartomancia, / fortune-telling by cards
carta de eaeomlenda, letter of safe-conduct cart6n, m. pasteboard binders' board met ; ;

carta de esyera or moratoria, (law) letter of al ornament, imitating the leaves of plant-
respite given t« a debtor carta de ftetamea- : cartoon, painting, or drawing on stroii
t«, (com. ) (barter-party carta de gxda, pass- : paper: carton piedra, (art) staff; papier-
port : carta de ezaBen,'license granted to a mach^.
person to exercise his trade or profession : cartonera, /. paper-making wasp; social
carta de horro, letters of enfranchisement wasp. pi. pasteboard oases for filing papers.
carta de libre, (law) guardian's discharge: cartonero, m. one who makes pasteboard.
carta de aatvralesa, letters of naturalization : cartucliera, /. cartridge-box or pouch.
carta d« pago, acquittance, receipt, discharge cartnchO, m. cartouch ; cartridge ; metallic
in fall : carta ordea, mandatory letter carta : cartridge roll of coins ; (Sp. Amer.) paper

de preMBtacite, letter of introduction : carta comet.

de legvrldad, safeguard, protection carta : cartnja, /. Carthusian order.
de uoidad, bill of health carta de venta, bill : cartnjano, na, a. Carthusian.
of sale carta de vaelta, dead-letter carta
: : cart^}0, m. Carthusian monk ; (coU.) a taci-
•B llsta, letter " to be kept till called for " ; turn man, a recluse.
general delivery letter carta receptorla, : cartulariO, m. archives or registry ; archi-
warrant, voucher : carta de veclndad, bur^h- vist coucher, register-book in monasteries.

er-brief carta re^aisltoria, letters requisi-

: cartlllina, /. bristol-board, card^)oard car- :

torial pecar por carta de mis 6 de menoe,

: talina coman, millboard cartnlina en hojae, :

to have either too much or too little carta : sheet-card cartnlina de porcelana, enamelled

caata, it may be proved by written docu- card.

ments: easeftar las cartas, to show one's cartmcula, / caruncle: carAacnla lagrlaaal,
game or purpose. lachrvmal caruncle.
eutabto, m. carpenter's square ; rule ; shoe- carvajal. carrallar, or carvalledo, m.
maker's slide, size-stick ;
quadrant, gun- place where oaks grow.
ner's square. caxvajO or carvallO, m. (hot.) common Brit*
carta^enero, ra, a. of Carthagena. ish oak.

M IB &r : e Ui ek I ; 1 la police : o in for ; « im tall ; • (befon e. ii end a as th in tkiek ; b ead d, Mft:

eaxvi, w. (bot.) common caraway ; caraway- cascaJa^ cascajar, m. place full of grave
seed. and pebbles place in which the husks oi ;

easa, /• house, edifice, building, dwelling grapes are thrown.

home, private dwelling, household family ; cascajo, m. gravel fragments of broken ves> ;

residing in a house; line or branch of a sels rubbish (coll. ) old and useless fur-
; ;

family checkers, or squares of a chess or

; niture dry fruit estar liecho on caaci^e, to
; :

draught-board casa de campo or dc placer,

: be very old and infirm.
country-house ca«a de socorro, emergency : cascaJOSO, sa, a. gravelly.
hospital casa de tocame Roqne, a house
: cascamajar [cas-cab-ma-bar'!, t^. to break,
where many live, not well directed, and in crush, or pound a thing slightly.
consequent disorder ca>a de vecindad, tene- : cascamientO, m. breaking or bruising,
ment : casa de locos, mad-house ; noisy cascanueces m. nut-cracker.
bouse casa de moneda, mint casa de posada,
: : CaSCapiflOneS ;cas-cah-pe-nyo'-ne«], m. one who
cata de huespedes, or casa de pupilos, lodg- shells hot pine-nuts and cleans the seed
ing-house, or lodging and boarding-house: pine-nut cracker.
casa de beneficencia, asylum, poor-house casa : cascar, ra. (pret. CASQCfi subf. casque) to :

de banca, banking house casa de vacas, : crack, burst, break into pieces ; to crunch ;
dairy easa real, royal palace caaa aolarie-
: : (coll.) to lick, beat, strike; (coll.) to talk
ga, manor, ancient mansion-house of a fam- —
much. rr. to be broken open.
ily no tener casa ni hegar, to have neither
: C^cara, /. rind, peel, shell, hull, ©r husk
house nor home poner casa, to begin : of various fruits, etc. ; egg-shell bark of ;

housekeeping: levantar casa, to break up trees lansquenet, game of cards : ciscara


housekeeping. sagrada, (med.) bark of the Californian

casabe, m. cassava. V. cazabe. buckthorn ser de la cascara amarga, to be

casaca, /. coat, dress-coat; (coll.) marriage, sportive, gay, full of mischieC

wedding : Tolver casaca, to become a turn- i Cascaras interj. gadzooks ! !

coat. cascarela, / lansquenet, game at cards.

Casaci6n,/. (law) cassation, abrogation, re- cascarilla, cascarlta, /. dim. small thin
peal. shell Peruvian bark, Jesuit's bark thin
; ;

casacbn, m. great-coat cassock. ; metal shell powdered egg-shell for cos-


casadero, ra, a. marriageable, fit for mar- metic.

riage. cascarillero, m. gatherer of Peruvian bark.
casalicio, m. house, edifice. Caacarbn, »«. aug. egg-shell of a fowl or bird ;
casamata.,/. (mil.) casemate. (arch.) arch or vault ; calotte ; niche for the
oasamentero, ra, &/. match or marriage- »». sacrament in churches trick in lansque- ;

maker, marriage-broker. net (Mex.) egg-shell filled with confettL


casamiento, »<. marriage, marriage con- cascarrablas, com. (coll.) testy, irritable
tract matrimony, match, wedding.
; person. I', paparrabias.

casamuro, »i. (mil.) single wall without a cascarr6n, na, a. (coll.) rou^h, harsh, rude.
terreplein. cascanidO, da, a, hully, having a thick rind
casapuerta, /. porch, entrance of a house. or shell.
casaqnUla,/. kind of sho t jacket, cascaruleta, /. (coll.) noise made by the
casar, «». & vr. to marry va. to marry, to — teeth when chucked under the chin.
join in wedlock, to cour ^e, to unite in mar- casco, m. skull, cranium potshei^, frag- ;

riage (met. ) to match things or colours, to

ments of an earthen vessel quarter of an ;

mate, to suit (law) to repeal, abrogate, an-

orange, lemon, or pomegranate coat or teg- ;

nul (paint.) to blend (typ.) to impose.

; ;
ument of an onion crown of a hat ; helmet, ;

casar. //*. hamlet, small village. casque, head-piece of ancient armour tree ;

casaron, »». aug. large old house. of a saddle ;

(com.) cask, pipe, vat, or other
casatienda, /. tradesman's shop and dwell- wooden vessel in which wine is preserved
ing combined. casco de on navio, (naut) hull or bulk of a
casea,/. skins of grapes after the wine has ship casco y qnilla, bottomry printer's ink-

been pressed out bark for tanning leather ; ing-ball ; sheep-skin stripped of the wool
kind of fruit-cake. hoof of a horse : casco or tapa d« nn barril,
^scabel, wj. hawk-bell, sleigh-bell, jingle; the head of a cask.^p/. cascos, heads of
knob at the eud of the breech of a cannon, sheep or bullocks without the tongues and
eascabel rattle of a rattlesnake
; poner el : brains ligero 6 alegre de cascos, feather-

cascabel al gato, to undertake a riskr thing brained person.

ser un cascabel, to be a rattle-brained fellow. cascol, m. resin of a tree of Guayaquil.
cascabelada, /. jingling with small bells cascolote, m. (Mex.) thick bark of oaks, etc.
(^coll. iuconsiderate speech or action.
cascote, m. rubbish, rubble, ruins of build-
Cascabelear, va, to feed one with vain hopes ; ings.
to bamboozle. m. to act with levity, or cascudo, da, a. large-hoofed.
little forecast and prudence. caseacidn, /. coagulation of milk to form
Cascabeleo, »*. jingling of hawk-bells or cheese.
sleigh-bells. caseina,/. casein.
cascabelero, ra, a. light-wi'tted. caseoso, sa, a. caseous, cheesy.
cascabelUlO, //>. dim. small black plum. casera,/. housekeeper.
cascabillO, m. hawk's bell. V. cascabel ; caseraznente, adv. homely, informally.
glume of cereals, chaff, husk cup of an ; caseria,/. manor's lodge; out-building for
acorn. farm-hands.
cascaciruelas, m. (colK) mean, despicable caseriO, m. series of bouses village, settle- ;

fellow. ment.
cascada, /. cascade, water-fall. casema./. (mil.) casem; barracks.
cascado, da, a. broken, burst, decayed, in- casero, ra, m. A /. landlord ; house agent
firm ; crazy.—pp. of cascar. caretaker.
Cascadura, /. act of bursting or breaking casero, ra, a. domestic, homelv, home-made
asunder. home-bred familiar ; housekeeping b»U«
; :

g (before e, i) and J as h in hot; h, sUeat; 11 in brilliant; &, ny in canyon; r OniUat) aad rr mUed; i. lUnad
eater*,family-dance mujer casera, good : casta, race, generation lineage, par*
/. cast, ;

housewife remedio casero, domestic medi-

: ticular breed, clan; offspring, kindred;
cine pan caBero, home-made bread lienzo
: ; kind or quality of a thing hacer casta, t« :

casero, home-spun linen. get a particular breed of horses or other ani.

caserbn. »«. aug. large, ill-proportioned mals cruzar las castas, to cross breeds.

house. Cast^idas,/. pi. surname of the Muses.

caseta, f. dim. small house, cottage, hut castallO, lia, a. belonging or relating to Casi
caseta de bafios, bathing-house. talia.
casi, adv. almost, nearly, somewhat more or castamente, adv. chastely.
less just ;
casi que or casi casi, very nearly.
: castafla, /. (bot.) chestnut; bottle, jug; jar,
casia,/. (bot.) bastard cinnamon, cassia. in the shape of a chestnut; club ot haii,
casica, Ilia, ita,/. dim. small house, cabin. chignon; abandoned mine; (Mex. ) valise,
caslcontrato, m. (law) V. cuasicontrato. satchel castana pilonga or apilada, driej

casllla, /. ticket-otiice hut of a railway ; chestnut: castana regoldana, wild or hors«>.

guard or flagman keeper's lodge.—p/. pi- ; chestnut: dar k uno la castafta, to play 4
geon-holes ruled columns in accounts
trick on one.
points of a backgammon table checkers of ; castaaal, castaflar, m. grove or plautatiow
a chess-board sacarle & ono de sus casillas, : of chestnut-trees.
(coll.) to make one change his habits: to castafiazo, m. blow from a chestnut.
vex one beyond patience salir de sus casi- : castafieda, castaHedo, m. chestnut-grove.
llas, to forget one's self. castafiera, /. woman who sells chestnuts {
caslller, m. in the royal palace, servant who country abounding with chestnut-trees.
empties the close-stools. castafiero, m. dealer in chestnuts.
caslllero, m. desk or board with pigeon-holes. casta&eta, /. snapping of the fingers casta/ ;

casillO, m. dim. trifling or slight case. net. V. castaSuela.

casimbas, /. pi. (naut.) buckets for baling. CaStafi.etaZO [cas-ta-nyay-tah'-thaw], vi. blow with
casimlr, m. casimira,/. or casimiro, cassi- a Castanet sound of a chestnut bursting in

mere, kerseymere. the fire cracking of the joints.


casino, m. casino, dancing-hall, public resort, castaiLete, m. dim. small chestnut-tree.

club-house social or political club. ; castafieteado, ^. <& m. sound of castanets.
casiopea, /. (ast.) Cassiopeia, northern con- casta&etear, vn. to rattle the castanets to- ;

stellation. clutter the teeth ; to crackle, clack the knees

casiterlta,/. cassiterite, oxide of tin. to cry, applied to partridges.
caso, m. event, case, occurrence, contingency, castailO, m. (bot.) common chestnut-tree;
ca.sualty, accident; occasion, opportunity; chestnut^wood castano de Indias, horse-^

case stated to lawyers, physicians, etc. ;

chestnut-tree castano regoldano, wild chest-

(gram.) case en tal caso, in such a case en

: : nut-tree : pasar de castano oscuro, (coll.) to
todo caso, at all events hacer caso de una : be beyond reason or endurance.
persona, to esteem or respect a person hacer : castafLO, lla, «. hazel, hazelly.
caso de una cosa, to take notice esto no bace : castafi.Ola,/. large Mediterranean sea fish.
or no viene al caso, this is irrelevant: no castafluela, /. castanet; (bot.) round tuber-
hacer caso, not to mind vamos al caso, let us : ous-rooted cyperus estar como unas casta- :

come to the point pongo por caso, let us as- : nuelas, (coll.) to be very gay: castanuelas,
sume, for example caso que, in case that : (naut.) cleats fastened to the'yard-arnis.
dado caso or demos caso, supposing that : de castafLuelO, la, «. dim. of a light chestnut
caso pensado, deliberately. colour, applied to horses.
cas6n, m. aug. large house. castellan, m. castellan, governor or warden
casoiio, 771. (coll.) inconsiderate marriage of a castle.
informal wedding. castellana, /. mistress of a castle stanza in ;

caspa,/. dandruff, scurf. old Spanish poetry.

caspera,/. fine comb for dandruff. castellania, /. castellany, district belonging
caspla, /. core of an apple. to u cattle.
caspiO, "la, a. Caspian. Castellanizar [cas-tel-Iyah-ne-thar'], I'flf. to Castil-
Capita interj. wonderful ! ianize.
casposo, sa, a. full of dandruff; lentiginous. castellano m. the Castilian or
CasqUetaZO [cas-keh-tah'-thaw], m. blow given Spanish language ancient Spanish coin, fif- ;

with the head. tieth part of a gold mark castellan, lord, or ;

Casquete [cns-keh'-teiil, helmet, m. casque, warden of a castle.

skull-cap, cap ; skull, wig, periwig ;
(mech. castellano, na^ a. castilian, applied to a
cap; (arch.) calotte; helmet shell; cata^ mule got by a jackass and a mare 4 la cas- :

plasm to take off the scurf, tellana, adv. in the Castilian fashion.
CaSG[UiaCOpadO, da Icahs-key-ah-co-pah'-doh], O. castellar, vi. (hot.) St. John's wort, tutsan,
cup-hoofed (horses). park-leaves.
CaSqUiblandO, da [cas-keh-blahn'-dob], a. soft- castidad, chastity^ continence, honour.

hoofed. Castigaci6n, /. castigation, punishment re- ;

CaSCLUidOrramadO, da [cas-ke-der-rab-mah'-doh], vision and correction of a written work.

a. wide-hoofed. castigadera, /. strap or rope for tying the-
casquljo [c«»-kee'-hoe], m. gravel ; ballast-ma- clapper of a wether's bell small cord with ;

terial. which the ring of a stirrup is tied to the-

casquilla [ca« keei-yah], /. cell of the queen- girth.
bee. castif ador, ra, vi. &. f. punisher, chastlser.
casqilillo [cas-keei'-iyo], m. dim. little helm ;
tip, cap ferrule, socket iron arrow-head
; ;
; castigar, va. {pret. CASTIGU6: sitbj.CK%T\-
(Amer. ) horse-shoe. GUE) to punish, castigate; to
CasqUiinUlellO, lla [c«»-ke-moo-leh'-nyo], a. nar- scourge, afflict, put to pain, grieve; to re-
row-hoofed like mules, applied to horses. vise and correct proof-sheets or writings.
casquivano, na [cas ke-v«h -no], a. feather- Castillo, m. chastisement, punishment, cor-
brained ; foolishly conceited. rection, penalty, penance censure, auimad- ;

% • in far ; e in eh I ; 1 in poHce ; e in for ; n in bull ; c (before e. i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, •otti

version, reproach alteration or correction ; cata, /. act of trying a thing by the taste;
made in a work castigo de Dios, God's judg- : sample, trial plummet for measuring;

ment castigo ejemplar, exemplary punish-

: heights.
ment. cata, adv. (coll.) mark, beware, lo and be-
Castilla, /. Castile: ancha Castilla, (coll.) as hold I— imp. of CATAR.
you please without hinderance.
; catabre, m. (naut.) sheep-shank.
castillaje, m. castle-toll. V. castillerI a. catacaldos, m. taster of wine, liquors, soup,
castillejo, m. dim. small castle go-cart ;
etc. ; sampler.
scaffolding. Catacllsmo, m. cataclysm, deluge, inunda-
castilleria, /. transit toll over castle prop- tion, upheaval, catastrophe, appalling dis-
erty. aster great social or political turmoil.

Castillo, m. castle, fort ; wooden tower on catacresis,/. (rhet.) catachresis.

the back of an elephant mounting of a ; catacumbas, /. pi. catacombs.
velvet^loom cell of the queen-bee castiUo
; : catacustica,/. catacoustics.
de proa, (naut.) forecastle: castillo roquero, catadi6ptriC0, ca, a. catadioptric.
castle built on a rock hacer castillos en el : catador, m. taster, sampler.
aire, (met.) to build castles in the air cas- ; catadura, /. act of tasting; (coll.) gesture,
tillo de naipes, a flimsy structure castles in ; face, countenance : mala catadura, repulsive
the air castillo de fuego, fireworks.
: face.
castllluelO, m. dim. castlet, small castle. catafalCO, m. temporary cenotaph, cata-
castina,/. (chem. and metal) flux, falque.
castiZO, za, a. of a noble descent of a good ; Catalan, na, Catalan, of or belonging to
breed pure-blooded pure, applied to lan-
; ;
Catalonia. m. the language of Catalonia.
guage caballo castizo, blood-horse : estilo
: catal6ctico, ca, catalecto, ta, a. (poet.:
castizo, a chaste, pure style. catalectic.
castO, ta, a. pure, chaste, honest, modest, catalejO [cau-tah-ieh'-ho], m. telescope.
continent, clean. catalepsia,/. catalepsy, trance.
castor, m. (zool.) castor, a beaver; beaver, catal6ptiC0, ca, a. (med.) cataleptic.
overcoating (Mex. ) fine red baize.
; catalic6ll, m. (pharm.) catholicon, universa
Castor, w. (ast.) a star in the constellation medicine.
Gemini: CAstor y Polux, (naut.) corposant; catalina,/. r. rueda catalina.
Elmo's fire.
St. catalogar, va. to catalogue, list.
CastOrcillO [cas-tor-tbeer-ljo], m. kind of rough catalogo, m. catalogue, inventory, table,
serge like cloth. list, schedule, roll, file.
castorefi.0, fla, o. made of beaver: sombrero catalpa,/. (hot.) catalpa.
castoreno, beaver hat. catalufa,/. kind of floor-carpet.
castoreo, m. castoreum. catdn, m. Indian sabre or cutlass!
castra, /. act of pruning trees or plants catante, pa. one who tastes or looks.
pruning season. cataplasma,/. cataplasm, poultice.
castracion,/. castration, gelding, spaying. catapulta,/. catapult, military engine.
castradera, /. iron instrument with which catar, va. to taste, sample, try by the taste
honey is taken from a hive. • to view, inspect,
inquire, investigate, ex-
castrado, m. eunuch. amine to judge, form an opinion to esteem,
; ;

castrador, m. gelder, castrator. respect to bear in mind ; to cut the combs


castradura, /. castration ; scar which re- out of bee-hives.

mains after castration. catara&a,/. (orn.) sheldrake.
castrametacidn,/. encamping. catarata, /. cataract, water-fall, cascade
castrapuercas, m. sow-gelder's whistle. cataract of the eye abrirse las cataratas del:

Castrar, va. to geld, castrate, spay to cut ;

cielo, to rain heavily, to pour batir la cata- :

away the proud flesh about a wound to ; rata, (surg.) to couch a cataract: tener ca-
prune trees or plants to cut the honey- ; taratas, (coll.) not to understand clearly.
combs from bee-hives. catarral, a. catarrhal.
castrazbn,/. act of cutting honey-combs out catarribera, m. falconer; (joe.) lawyer ap-
of hives; season when it is done. pointed to examine into the proceedings ol
castrense, a. belonging to the military pro- magistrates. .

fession. catarro, m. catarrh: catarro epidimico, in-

castro, m. game played by boys act of tak- ;
ing honey-combs out of hives ; headland ; catarroso, sa, a. catarrhal subject to or ;

hilltop with castle in ruins. troubled with a cold.

Castr6n, m. castrated goat. catartiCO, ca, a- (med.) cathartic, purging.
casual, a. casual, accidental, contingent, catastral, a. relating to the census.
fortuitous, occasional. catastro, m. reyal tax formerly imposed on
casualidad, casualty, hazard,
/. chance, real estate census or list of real property

contingency, accident, coincidence. of a county or state.

casualmente, ndv. casually, accidentally, cat&strofe, /. catastrophe; denouement of a
contingently, haply. tragedy.
CasuarlO, »j." (zool.) cassowary. catavientO, m. (naut.) dog-vane; weather-
casuca, casucha, /. (cgll. ) miserable hut or cock.
cottage ; crib. catavlno, m. small jug or cup for tasting
casucho, m. V. CASUCHA. wine small hole at the top of wine-vesseis

casuista, vi. casuist. for tasting the wine. p/. tipplers who run
casuistica, /. casuistry. from tavern to tavern to drink.
casuistico, ca, a. casuistical. catavlnOS, m. wine-ta.«!ter, expert sampler.
Casulla, /. chasuble, vestment worn by V. catacaldos.
priests. cate, m. a weight, common in the Philippine
3asullero, m. one who makes chasubles and Islands, equivalent to 1 lb. 6 oz. Spanish, or
other vestments for priests. gm. 6.32.60.
casus belli, (Lat.) cause for war. CateClsmO [calMeh-thees'-nio], »». catechism.

•; (betore e, i) aud J as h in hot; h, eileut: ^' in brilliant; n, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled: s, hissed
CAT 108 CAtr
eatec^, m. catechu. CATO. V. cauc^ide, TO. (bot.) v. cadillo.
catecum^nit o, ca, a. catechumenical, cauc&seo, ea, cauc&sico, ca, a. Caucasian.
catecumeno, na, m. & f. catechumen. cauce, TO. bed of a river trench for convey- ;

Cktedra, /. seat or chair of a professor pro- ;

ing water to fields, gardens, etc.
fessorship, professorate branch of study- ; Cauci6n,/. caution, warning, precaution, pre-
taught by a professor; lecture-room in a vention, care security or pledge given for

university c&tedra del Espiritu Santo, pul-

: the performance of an agreement gage, ;

pit c4tedra de San Pedro, the Holy See.

: surety, guarantee; (law) bailbond cauciba :

Catedral, a. &/. cathedral. Juratoria, parole.

catedralidad, /. dignity of a cathedral caucionar, va. (law) to guard against an
church. evil or loss ; to bail.
catedr&tiCO, m. professor in a university, or cauchil,TO. small basin or reservoir ot water,
any other literary establishment ; contribu- caucho, TO. caoutchouc, gum elastic, India--
tion paid to bishops and prelates. rubber.
catedrllla, /. dim. small or poor professor's Cauda,/, train or tail of a bishop's robe.
chair in some universities, lecture by an
; caudal, m. property, fortune, wealth, means,
aspirant to a professorship. fund; capital or principal sum, stock;
categorema, /. (log.) the quality by which plenty, abundance: hacer caudal de algnna
an object is classified in a certain category. cosa, to hold a thing in high estimation.
categoria, /. (phil.) predicament or cate- caudal, a. (zool.) caudal : ignila caudal, re<^
gory class, condition character of a per-
; ; tailed eagle.
son hombre de categoria, a man of rank.
: caudalejO, dim. middling fortune.
categdricamente, adv. categorically. caudalosamente, adv. copiously, abundant,
categ6riC0, ca, a. categorical, categoric. ly, opulently.
catenaria, a. festooned curve. caudalOSO, sa, a. carrying much water; co-
cateauesis [cah-teh-keh'-sis], /. brief and simple pious, abundant rich, wealthy. ;

explanation of a doctrine. caudatariO, m. clergyman who carries the

catequismo catechizing,
[cah-teh-kees'-mo], TO. train of an officiating bishop's robe.
instruction in religious doctrine; art of caudatO, ta, a. having a tail, applied to a
teaching by questions and answers. comet bearded, hairy.

CateqUista'[cah-teh-kee8'-tah], TO. catechist. Caudatr6mula, /. (orn.) the wagtail.

catequistico, ca[cah-teh-kee8'-te-co], a. catechet- caudillO, TO. commander of an armed troop;
ical, catechetic, catechistical. chief, leader, director, head man.
catequizante [cah-teh-ke-thahn'-teh], pa. cate- caud6n, to. bird of prey. V. alcaud6n.
chiser, catechist. caulicolo, cauliculO, to. (arch.) ornament
CateqUizar [cah-teh-ke-thar'l, va. {prei. CATE- of the capital of columns.
QUicE subj. catequice) to catechise to
: ; Cauro, TO. northwest wind.
instruct in the Christian faith ; to persuade, causa, cause, occasion, consideration, mo-
induce. tive, causality; cause, side, party affair in ;

cater6tiC0, ca, a. (med.) erosive, catheretic. which one takes an interest lawsuit, trial, ;

oaterva, /. multitude of persons or things ; a case criminal cause or information cania

; :

swarm, a throng, a crowd. pnblica, public weal : 4 cauia de, consider-

cat6ter, TO. (surg.) catheter. owing to.
cateterismo, to. catheterism. causador, ra, m. & /. occasioner, causator,
cateterizar, va. to catheterize. causer.
catetO, TO. (arch.) cathetus (geom.) each of ; causal, a. causal, ground on which some«-
the sides of a right-angled triangle. thing is done.
catet6metro, to. cathetometer. causalidad,/. causality.
catUinaria, /. said of Cicero's -orations causante.^a. &to. occasioner, causer (law) ;

against Catiline, and, by extension, of any the person from whom a right is derived
severe censure. constituent, principal.
catite, TO. loaf of the best refined sugar. causar, va. to cause, produce, generate, cre»
cato, TO. Japan earth. V. CATECtr. V. cachiJ. ate, gender, make bring about to sue, en-
; ;

catOChe, to. (Mex. coll.) bad humour. ter an action ; to occasion, originate.
catdllcamente, adv. in a catholic manner, causidiCO, to. advocate, counsellor.
catoliclsmo, TO. Catholicism orthodox faith ; causidlco, ca, a. (law) causidical, forensic
of the Catholic church. caus6n, to. burning fever of short duration.
cat611C0, ca, a. catholic, general or univer- C&UStlCO, TO. (med. ) caustic.
; true, infallible no eitar muy catolico, : ckustico, ca, a. caustic, caustical, burning,
(coll.) to feel under the weather. biting, aggressive.
cat61iC0, ca, m. & f. a Roman Catholic. cautamente, adv. cautiously.
m. (chem.) chemical furnace. cautela,.f. caution, care, prudence, foresight,
catollcdn, to. catholicon a panacea, ; prevention, precaution, reserve; heed i
catdn, TO. reading-book for children ; (met.) guard artfulness, craft, cunning.

a severe censor, cautelar, va. to take the necessary precau-

catonlano, na, a. Catonian, relating to Cato. tion, to proceed with prudence.
cat6ptrica,/. catoptrics. cautelosamente, adv. cautiously, warily,
cat6ptrico, ca, a. catoptrical. guardedly.
catorce, a. fourteen fourteenth, ; cautelOSO, sa, a. cautious, heedful, wary.
catorcena, /. the conjunction of fourteen cauteriO to. (med.) cautery cauterio actual, :

units. actual cautery, burning with hot iron cau» :

catorceno, na, fourteenth. V. paSo.

a. terio potencial, potential cautery procured
catorzavo, va, a. one of the fourteen parts by chemicals.
->f a unit, a fourteenth. caiiterizacidn, /. cauterization, cauterizing.
Catre, TO. small bedstead, cot: catre de mar, cauterizador, m. he who or that which cau-
hammock or cot catre de tijera, field-bed. : terizes.
CatriCOfre, to. press-bed which shuts up a ; cauterizante, pa. cauterizing.
folding-bed, bed-lounge. cauterizar, va. {pret. cauteric6: s^ibj. cai> |

M In ff : • to ah t : J in ooU«* i o in for ; n in buU : c (before •, i) aad s m th in thick ; b uid d, acttf

terice) to cauterize to correct or reproach ; cazcarrlento, ta, a. (coll.) splashed, b©-
with severity to reproach to blame.; ; mired.
cautivax, va. to make prisoners of war to ; Cazo, m. dipper, ladle founders' scoop; size- ;

imprison to captivate, charm, subdue.

kettle glue-pot melting-pan.

cautiverio, m. cautividad,/. captivity, con- CaZOleja, eta [cah-thawleli'-hah', /. dim. small

tinement. saucepan pan of a musket-lock perfum-
; ;

OautiVO, va, m. &f. captive among infidels ing-pan.

captive, one charmed oy beauty. cazolero, wi. (coll.) man who does women's
cautO,ta, n. cautious, wary, prudent, heedful. work in the kitchen. V. cominero.
cava,/, digging and earthing of vines; wine Cazoleta, /. pan of a musket-lock boss or ;

cellar in the royal palace. defence of a shield hand-guard or languet ;

cavacote, m. mound made with the hoe. of a sword kind ol perfume. ;

cavadiza, a. dugout of a pit (as sand). cazol6n, m. aug. large earthen pot or stew-
cavador, m. digger. pan.
cavadura,/. digging. cazbn, m. (icht.) dog-fish or small shark.
cav&n, m. measure used in the Philippine cazonal, m. fishing-tackle for the shark-fish-
Islands equivalent to seventy-five quarts. ery.
cavar, va. to dig, excavate; to paw, applied cazonete.m. (naut.) toggle.
to horses. vn. to penetrate far into a thing cazudo, da, a. having a thick back, spoken
to think intensely or profoundly. of knives.
Cavatina, /. (mus.) cavatina. cazuela, /. earthen pan to dress meat in
cavaz6n, /. digging. ste wing-pan, crock meat dressed in an ;

caverna, /. cavern, cave hollow or depth of ; earthen pan ; the gallery of play-houses in
wounds. Spain reserved for women.
cavernilla, /. dim. small cavern. cazumbrar, va. to join staves with hempen
Cavernoso, sa, a. cavernous, caverned. cords.
Cavi, m. Peruvian root, called oca. cazumbre [cah-thoom'-breh], TO. hempen cord to
Cavia, /. circular excavation at the foot of a join staves.
tree to collect water. cazumbrbn, m. cooper.
cavial or caviar, m. caviar, roe of the stur- cazurro, ra, a. (coll.) taciturn, sulky, sul-
geon. len.
cavldad,/. cavity, excavation. CaZUZ ivy.
[cah-thooth'], TO. (bot.)
cavllacibn,/. cavilling. ce [theh], /. name of the third letter of the al-
cavilar, va. to cavil t-hink deeply ; ; find phabet : I ce intei-j. hark, here, come hither

fault. ce por be or ce por ce, minutely, circumstan-

cavilosamente, adv. cavillously. tially : por ce 6 por be, somehow or other.
cavUosidad, /. captiousness, cavilling. cea [theh'-ah], /. thigh-bone. V. cf A.
cavllOSO, sa, a. captious, cavillous. Ce&,tica [theh-ah'-te-cah], /. (med.) sciatica.
cayada, /. cayado, m. shepherd's hook, ce&tiCO, ca, a. (med. ) sciatical. V. ciatico.
crook ; crozier of a bishop ; walking-staff'. ceba [theh'-bahl, /. the fattening of fowls or
cayan, m. v. tapanco awning of matting ; other domestic animals.
in some Philippine boats. Cebada [theh-baU'-dah], /. (bot. ) barley cebada :

cayente,iJa. from caer, falling. perlada, i>earl barley.

Cayeputi, m. cajuput-tree cajuput-oil. : cebadal, m. field sown with barley.
cayo, m. rock, shoal, islet; key. CebadaZO, Za [theh-bah-dah'-tbaw], a. belonging
cayote, m. (hot.) v. cidracayote. to barley.
cajruco, m. (naut.) small fishing-boat used cebadera, /. nose-bag, barley-bin ; (naut.)
in Venezuela. sprit-sail; (metal) furnace-charger.
caz [cathj, TO. canal, trench, ditch, near rivers cebaderia,/. barley-market.
for irrigation ; mill-race, conduit. cebadero, m. place where game or fowls are
Caza [cah'-thAii], /. chase, hunting, fowling, fed breeder and feeder of aawks mule car-
; ;

field-sports; game; (naut.) chase, pursuit rying the feed ; bell-mule (metal) mouth :

of a vessel at sea casa mayor, hunting wild- : for feeding a furnace dealer in barley. ;

boars, stags, wolves, etc. caza menor, shoot- : cebadilla, /. (hot.) Indian caustic barley;
ing or fowling ; chasing hares, rabbits, par- (bot.) sneeze-wort; (bot. prov.) prickly ox-
tridges, etc. : andar & caza de alguna cosa, eye : hellebore powdered and used as snufF.
(met.) to go in pursuit of a thing : alborotar CebadO,pjo. &a. (her.) ravening.
or levantar la caza, to start the game : dar cebador, m. one who fattens animals ;
caza, to pursue; (naut.) to ^ive chase to a ing-horn, powder-horn.
vessel : trompa de caza, hunting-horn : par- cebadura,/. act of feeding or fattening do-
tida de caza, hunting party. mestic animals.
Sazabe, m. (hot.) manioc, cassava; flour of cebar [theh-bar'], va. &. vTi. to fatten animals
the cassava-plant ; the bread made with it. to cram to feed a furnace, a fire, a
stuff", ;

cazadero, m. chase hunting-grounds. ; lamp prime a fire-arm to start a ma^

; to ;

Cazador, m. hunter, huntsman, sportsman, chine or apparatus by hand to light » ;

cazador de alforja, one who sports

cha.ser : rocket or pyrotechnic piece to remagnetize ;

with dogs, snares, and other devices. a needle to excite and cherish a passion or

Cazadora,/. huntress; hunting-jacket. desire ; to bait a fish-hook. vn. to pene-

cazamoscas, TO. (orn.) fly-catcher. trate; take hold of; stick fast. vr. to be
Cazar, va. {pret. CACE : subj. cace) to chase, firmly bent upon a thing; to prey upon;
hunt, fowl (coll.) to attain a difficult ob-
; gloat over a victim.
ject by dexterity and skill (coll.) to charm ; cebelllna,/. (zool.) sable; sable-fur.
and captivate by caresses and deceitful cebO, m. food given to animals, fodder ; fat-
tricks; (naut.) to chase a ship: cazar una tening of fowls and other animals bait for ;

vela, (naut.) to tally a sail: haul the sheet wolves and birds of prey incentive kind ; ;

aft. of monkey. V. cefo cebo de pescar, fish- :

cazcalear, vn. (coll.) to fidget and fuss. ing-bait, bob ; (arti.) priming of guns: cebo
cazcarria,/. splashings of mud on clothes. fulminante, percussion-cap.

ft (before e, 1) and J as li In hot; h. silent; 11 in brilliant; &, ny In canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; I, hisaeA
Cebolla onion bulb of
[thay-bor-iyah],/. (bot.) ; cupation, domicile, etc., of the bearer, and
the oniou every kind of bulbous root;
; to serve for identification cedula ante diem, :

round part of a lamp into which oil is put secretary's summons of meeting to the mem-
ceboUa albarrana, (bot.) squill ccbolla asca- : bers of a society echar cidulas, to draw or :

lonia, (bot.) shallot garlic. cast lots.

CebOUana [tliay-bol-lyah'-nah], /. (bot.) threc- cedulaje [timy-doo-iaii'-heii], TO. fees or dues paid
toothed globularia ; chives. for a cedula.
CebOUar ithay-bol-lyar'J, VI. patch of Onions. cedulilla, ita, dim. small slip of pai>er./.
ceboUero, ra, m. &f. onion-seller. cedulon, m. aug. large bill long edict proc- ;

CeboUeta,/. dim. tender onion. lamation public notice. ;

ceboUino [timy-boi-iyee'-no], m. young onion fit cefalalffla(timy-fah-iahi'-he-ah],/. (med.) cephal-

to be transplanted; onion's seeds; (bot.) algia, headache.
chive or cive. cefalea, /. violent headache, migraine.
Ceboll6ll ftiiay-boi-iyone'], TO. aug. large onion. Cef&,li60, ca, a. cephalic.
CebOlludO, da [thay-bol-lyoo'-doh], a. bulboUS, C6fal0, //*. (zool.) mullet, a kind of perch.
having a big bulb. cefalbpodo, m. (zool.) cephalopod.
Ceb6ll, TO. fattened bullock or hog. cefalotomla,/. cephalotomy.
CebOUCillO [tliay -bon-tlieer-lyo], TO. dim. fatling. cefeo, TO. Cepheus, a constellation.
cebra,/. (zool.) zebra. C6fir0, TO. zephyr.
cebrado, da, a. having stripes resembling cefO, TO. large African monkey.
the zebra. cegajo [thay-ffah'-ho], TO. he-goat, two years old
cebratana,/. v. cerbatana. CegajOSO, sa [thay-gah-ho'-soj, a. blear-eyed.
Cebruno, na, having the colour of deer.
a. Cegar [Umy-garJ, vn. {ind. CIEGO : prei. CEOUfil
CebUrrO .tliay-boor'-rol, a. V. CANDEAL. subj. ciegue) to grow blind. va. to blind •

ceca,/. mint for the coining of money. m. to make blind to darken the light of :

.name of the mosque whicn the Arabs had reason to obfuscate to wall up a door or
; ;

in Cordova, the most venerated after Mecca window to close up a well to stop up chan-
; ;

de Ceca en Meca or de la Ceca 4 la Meca, to and nels, passages, or roads cegar una via d» :

fro, hither and thither. agua, (naut.) to fother a leak.

Cecear [thaytiiay-ar'], vn. to pronounce the s as cegarra, a. coll. for cegato.
c to call one by the word ce-ce to lisp.
; ! cegarrita, to. (coll.) one who contracts the
ceceo [thay-tiiay'-o], TO. lisping, lisp act of call- ; eye to see at a distance k ojos cegarritas, :

ing any one by the word ce-ce, which corre- having the eyes half-shut.
sponds to / say. cegato, ta, a. (coll.) short-sighted.
CeCeOSO, Sa [thay-thay-o'-so], to. & f. lisper. O. — cegatoso, sa, a. v. cegajoso.
lisping. CegUeCillO, CegUeZUelO [thay-Kay-tI.eer-lyo,
Cecial itiiay-the-ahr], TO. hake, haddock, or other blind fellow.
thay-gay-tiioo-a>-'-io], TO. di7n. little
like fish cured and dried. ceguedad [tii«y-gay'-dahdl, /. blindness, igno-
cecina [Uiay-thie'-nahj, /. comed beef, dried rance, intellectual darkness obfuscation. ;

beef, jerked beef, hung beef. V. tasajo. ceguera Ithay-gay'-rah], /. disorder iu the eye >
[tliay-thie-nar'], va. (obs.) V. absolute blindness obfuscation. ;

ceda,/. last letter of the alphabet. V. zeda. ceiba [tiiay'-e-bah], /. (bot.) god-tree, West In-
Cedaceria [tlmy-dali-thay-ree'-ah], /. shop where dies ; silk-cotton-tree sea-moss, alga. ;

sieves or cribs are made or sold. ceja fthay-hah], /. eye-brow edging of clothes ; :

cedacero [thay-dah-thay'-ro], m. maker or seller projecting part, as in the binding of books i

of sieves, cribs, etc. bridge of stringed instruments summit of ;

CedaCillO, itO [th«y-<lah-theel'-lyo], TO. dim. Small a mountain circle of clouds round a hill

sieve. cloud-cap; (arch.) weather-moulding; rim ;

cedazo [thay-dah'-thaw], TO. hair sieve or (carp.) rabbet; (naut.) opening in the
strainer, tamis, flour-sieve, bolting-cloth. clouds dar entre c^a y ceja, to tell one tO'

CedaZUelO [thay-dah-thoo-eh'-lo], TO. dim. small his face unpleasant truths hasta las c^as, :

hair sieve or strainer. to the utmost, to the extreme tener k una :

cedente, pa. ceding, granting. m. conveyer, entre ceja y ceja, to take a dislike to any one ;
assigner, transferrer. quemarse las c^jas, (met. ) to study with in-
ceder, va. to grant, transfer, assign, cede, re- tense application.
sign, yield, deliver up, make over, give up. CejaderO [thay-haU-Uay'-ro], TO. hold-back Strap
— vn. to yield or yield to, submit, comply, of a harness.
five out, give over, give way, come in, go cejar [ti»ay-har'], vn. to retrograde, go back-
ack (mech. ) to sag, slacken to happen,
; ; ward hold back ; ; to slacken, relax.
turn out ill or well to abate, grow less. ; cejljunto, ta [tiiay-iie-hoon'-to], a. having eye-
cedilla [thaydeel'-lyah],/. cedilla. V. ZEDILLA. brows that meet.
cediza [timy-dee'-thah], a. tainted meat. cejo [tiiay'-hoi, TO. fog which rises from rivers ;
cedoarla,/. (herb.) zedoary. cord tied around a bundle of esparto-grass,
Cedras, /. pi. saddle-bags of skin. made of the same.
cedria, /. cedrium, r^sin from the cedar. cejudo, da [thay-hoo'-doh], a. having heavy and
c6drlde, cedrio, m. fruit of the cedar-tree. long eye-brows.
cedrino, na, a. cedrine, cedarn. Celuela dim. Small eve-brow.
[thay-hoo-eh'-lah], /.
cedro, m. (bot.) cedar; Spanish juniper: Celada, /. sallet helmet celada borgonota, ; :

cedro del Libano, cedar of I^ebanon cedro de : helmet without visor ambuscade, ambush ; ;

la India, deodar cedro de las AntiUai, Span-

: snare lurch artful trick part of the key
; ; ;

ish cedar. of the cross-bow horse-soldier with helmet. ;

c6dlQa Ithay'-doo-lah], /. slip ofparchment or Celadilla [thay-iaii-<k>er-iyah:, /. dim. Small hel-

Saper written or to write upon order, bill,
; met.
ecree cedule, a scroll or writing
; lot ; celador, ra [thay-uh-dor", TO. & f. one who
schedule, warrant, share, scrip cidula de : watches, caretaker curator monitor in a ; ;

adoana, permit c^dala de abono, order to re-

: school warden. ;

mit a tax: cMola personal or de.vecindad, celaje |tii«y-iaii'-hi-h' m. aspect of the sky with
oficial document declaring the name, oc- clouds of varied hues cloud scenery cloud ; ;

»M In far : • in eh I ; 1 )d ooUce ; o in for ; a la boll ; C (before e, 1) «nd k as th in thick ; b and A, soft;


effect painting that represents the rays of

celsitud, /. cekitude, elevation, grandeur;
the sun brealcing through clouds presage, ;
(obs.) highness, a title, now expressed by
prognostic sky-light sky of a picture
; ; : alteza.
celaje*. light, swiftly moving clouds scud. ; celta, com. Celt, Celtic—m. the Celtic lan-
celandes, sa, o. of or belonging to New Zea- guage.
land. celtib^rico, ca, celtiberio, ria, celtibero,
^elar, va. k va. to fulfil the duties of an office ra, a. Celtiberian.
with care to watch any person's motions
; celtlCismo, m. Celticism.
from fear to cover, conceal. V. recelar ;
; C^ltiCO, ca, a. Celtic.
to engrave to carve. ; celtista, com. Celtist.
fcelda, /. cell in a convent ; cell in bee-hives C61ula, /. small cell or cavity; (med.) cel-
prison-cell. lule.
{ eldica, ilia, ita, /. dim. cellule. celiilar w celulario, la, a. (med.) cellular
celdilla [thei-deer-iyah], /. cell in bee-hives system of isolation in prisons.
( bot. ) cell ; capsule. Celulilla,/. dim. very small cell or cavity.
celeb^rrimo ina, a. sup. most celebrated. celuloide, m. (chem.) celluloid.
Celebracidn Ithay-Iay-brali-thie-on'], /. celebra- celulosa,/. cellulose, woody fibre.
tion, solemn performance; praise, ap- celulOSO, sa, a. cellulose, containing cells.
plause, acclamation. cellenco, ca, a. (coll.) decrepit.
celebrador, ra, w. &, f. applauder, praiser cellisca, /. v. ventisca fine rain or snow, ;

celebrator. sleet, driven by a heavy wind.

celebrante, m. celebrator; priest celebrating Cellisquear [thel-Iyeeg-keh-ar'l, vn. to sleCt, to
the mass. be squally with fine snow or rain.
<!elebrar, m. to celebrate celebrar misa, to : cello, TO. hoop used in cooperage.
say mass to celebrate, praise, applaud, com-
; CementaCi6n [thay-men-tah-thie-on'],/. cementa-
mend to revere, respect, venerate.
celebre, celebrated, famous, renowned,
a. cementar, (metal) to cement convert
va. ;

noted (coll.) gay, facetious, witty.

to subject to the process of cementation.
C61ebreniente, adv. celebriously,with celeb- cementeriO.TO. cemetery, churchyard, grave-
rity facetiously, merrily.
celebridad, /. celebrity, celebriousness, re- cementO,TO. cement, mastic; (metal) cement,
nown, fame pomp, magnificence, ostenta- ;
substance used in converting metals (min. ;

tion public demonstration, celebration,

cement, binding substance in rocks.
pageant. cena,/. supper by extension, the Lord's last

eelebro, m. skull brain. V. cerebro ; fan- ; supper.

cy, imagination ;
prudence. cenaaoscuras, to. &/. a recluse; a miser.
oelemin, m. dry measure, about an English cenkculo, to. the cenacle.
peck ;
quantity of grain contained in a cele- cenacho, to. basket or hamper for fruit and
min. greens.
celeminada, /. quantity of grain contained cenadero, to. supper-room ; summer-house
in a celemin. in a garden.
c61©re, «. quick, rapid. m. one of the select — cenador, to. one fond of suppers, or who sups
three hundred knights of ancient Reman to excess summer-house in a garden ar-
; ;

nobility. bor, bower open gallery around a court in


Seleridad, /. celerity, velocity, Spanish houses.

celeste, a. celestial, heavenly sky-blue, ; Cenagal, to. slough, quagmire ; arduous, un-
celestial, «. celestial, heavenly, perfect pleasant affair.
agreeable, delightful, excellent; (iron.) silly, cenagOSO, sa, a. muddy, miry, marshy.
sottish: musica celestial, (coll.) nonsense; cenar, va. to sup.
moonshine. cencefLO, fla, a. lean, thin, slender : pan cen-
Celestialmente, adv. celestially, heavenly, cefio, unleavened bread. V. azimo.
perfectly. cencerra,/. v. cencerro.
celestina,/. (min.) celestite; a procuress. cencerrada, /. charivari; tin-pan serenade.
celfO, m. V. CEFO. cencerrear [thane-ther-reh-ar'i, vn. to jingle con-
celia/. beverage made of wheat a beer, ; tinually, applied to wether, mule, or cow
celiaca,/. (med.) celiac artery; coeliac pas- bells ; to play on an untuned guitar to ;

sion. make a din or rattliug noise.

Celiaco, ca, n. (med.) coeliac, relating to the cencerreo [thane-tuer-reh'-o], TO. noise made by
celiac pussion afflicted with the coeliac ;
mule or cow bells.
passion. cencerro [thane-ther'-ro], TO. bell worn by the
iellbatO, rn. celibacy; (coll.) bachelor, sin- leading wether or cow ; ill-tuned guitar
gle man. wood-crow: & ceccerros tapados, pri-
3elibe, »*. bachelor, unmarried person. by stealth.
Calico, ca, a. celestial, heavenly, Cencerr6n, to. small bunch of grapes which
celidonia,/. (bot.) common celandine, swal- remains ungathered.
low-wort. cencido, da, a. unfilled, uncultivated.
<:elindrate„ m. ragout made with coriander- cencro, to. a serpent of Brazil.
seed. cendal, to. light thin stuff made of silk or
Celo, m
zeal, ardour, fervour, piousness, de- thread gauze scarf used by priests in con-
; ;

votion heat, rut.—pZ. jealousy suspicions

; ; : secrating the host barbs of a feather cen- ; :

iar celoB, to excite suspicions pedlr celos, to : dalei, cotton for an inkstand.
be jealous. cendea, /. (prov.) in Navarre, municipal bor-
celosamentt;, adv. with zeal jealously. ;
ough composed of several villages.
Celosla, /. lattice of a window Venetian ; cendra or cendrada,/. bone-dust paste used
blindjealousy. ;
for cupels ser una cendra, (met. ) to be live-

CelOSO, sa, a. zealous jealous suspicious ; ; ;

ly as a cricket.
(naut.) light and swift-sailing. cenefa, /. border band or stripe on the edge ;

celotipia,/. jealousy. of a stuff; middle piece of a priest's chas-

f (before e, 1) and J aa h in hot ; h, ailest : U 5n brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; a, hisaed
uble rim, hangings, valance, flounce, trim-
; centellar, centellear [thane-tei-iyar' thari«'-t«».
ming; (naut.) top rim; paddle-box rim; lyeh-ar'], vn. to Sparkle, flash, twinkle.
awning. centelleo [thane-tei-iyeh'-o], TO. sparkle, scintil-
cent, m. fine brass or bronze. lation.
CenlCerO [thay-ne-theh'-roj, TO. ash-hole, ash-pit, centellica, ita,/. dlvi. small flash or spark.
ash-pan. centellbn, m. aug. large spark or flash.
CenlCientO, ta [thay-ne-thie-en'-tol, a. ash-col- centen, to. Spanish gold coin worth twenty-
oured, cinereous. pesetas (100 reals).
CenlCilla [thay-ne-theer-lyahl, /. V. OIDIUM. centenaittiane-teh'-iiaii], /. hundred, centenary.
Cenit [tliay-neef], TO. (ast.) zenith. Centenadas, adv. k centenadas, by hundreds.
cenltal, a. vertical, relating to the zenith. centenal, »i. a rye field ; centenary.
ceniza ashes, cinders.
[timy-nee-thah), /. V. centenar [timne-teh-nar'j, TO. hundred, cente-
CERNADA ashes, the remains of the dead
; : nary; rye field : & centenares, by hundreds.
cenizas azules, blue paint lapis lazuli : ce- ; centenario, ria ithane-teii-imu'-re-oj, a. cente-
nizas de estafio, putty cenizas de vegetales, : nary secular. m. centennial.

potash cenizas graveladas, weed-ashes.

: CentenaZO, za [ttiane-teh-nair-tlmw], a. belonging
cenizal [thay-ne-tiiahr], TO. heap of ashes. to rye : paja ceutenaza, rye-straw.
cenizo, TO. (hot.) white goose-foot. centeno ttiiane-teh'-no], to. (bot.) common rye.
CenlZO, Za [thay-iiee'-thaw], a. V. CENICIENTO. Centeno, na, a. numeral adjective whick
CeniZOSO, Sa [ttiay-nee-thaw'-eo], a, ashy; COVCred signifies hundred.
with ashes, cineritious. centenoso, sa, a. mixed with rye.
cenoblta, to. Cenobite, a monk. cent6simo, ma [thaue-teb'-se-moj, a. centesimal,
cenobitiCO, ca, a. cenobitical. hundredth.
CenOJil [thay-m>-iieel'], TO. garter. centl&rea [tiiane-te-ar'-eh-ah], /. centiare. Square
cenopeglas [thay-no-peh'-iie-a8],/.jpZ. the feast of metre.
tabernacles among the Jews. centigrade, da [thane-tee'-grah-do], a. centi-
cenotafiO, m. cenotaph, a monument. grade.
cenote, m. deposit of water found in America, centigramo [thane-te-grah'-mo],7n. centigramme,
generally at a great depth in the centre of a about one-sixth of a grain.
cavern. centilitro [tiiane-te-iee'-tro], in. centUitre.
Censal, m. &f. &a. v. censo and censual. centiloquio [th«ne-te-io'-ke-oi. VI. a work divided
censallsta, to. v. censualista. into a hundred parts or chapters.
censatario, censero, to. one who pays an centimano, na ithane-tee'-niai.-no], a. (poet.)
annuity out of his estate lessee. ; having a hundred hands.
censo [thane'-so], to. agreement for settling an centimetro [tiiane-tee'-may-troi, TO. Centimetre,
annuity upon a person annual ground ; about four-tenths of an inch.
rent lease rental income census poll-
; ; ; ; ;
C6ntini0 [thane'-te-moi, TO. copper coin, centime ;

tax among the Romans censo al quitar or : the one one-hundredth part of a monetary
redimible, quit-rent or annuity which can unit, whether real, peseta, escudo, or peso.
be paid at once by a certain sum censo de por :

a. the one-hundredth.
vida, life annuity censo de agua, water-tax.
: CeHtinela com. (mil.) sentry
CenSOntll, CenSOntle [tlien-sou'tlee, then-son'- or sentinel ;
person on watch
centinela de :

tiay], TO. (Mex.j mocking-bird. vista, prisoner's guard

centinela avanzada, :

censor [tJiane-sor'j, TO. censor, critic ; censorious advanced guard centinela i. caballo, vi- :

person. dette, sentinel on horseback centinela per- :

censoriO, ria, «• censorian. xlida, forlorn hope : hacer centinela or estay

censual [thane-soo aiiri, a. belonging to a lease, de centineJa, to stand sentry, to be on guard.
annuity, or rent ; rental ; belonging to law- Centinodia, /. (bot.) knot-grass, persicaria.
ful interest. centiplicado, da, a. centuple, a hundred-
censualista [thane-8oo-<ih-iee8'-tah], TO. lessor, an- fold.
nuitant. centola, centOlla, /. centre-fish, marine crab
Censura censorship, the office
[thane-soo'-rah], /. with spotted scales.
of a censor, and the act of passing upon centdn, to. crazy-quilt; coarse covering o*
books and periodicals before publication warlike machines in ancient times cento, ;

critical review of literary productions cen- ; literary composition.

sure, blame, reproach, reprimand, reprehen- centrado, da, a. (her.) globe placed on the
sion gossiping censure, spiritual punish-
; centre.
ment inflicted by an ecclesiastical judge. central [thane-trahr], a. central, centric.
censurable, a. censurable. centralismo, w. centralism.
censurador, to. censurer, fault-finder. centralista, to. &/. centralist. ^ _
censurante, pa. censurer, censuring. centralizacidn [thane-trah-ie-tiia-thie-oii'i,/. cen* I
censurar timne-soo-rar'], vo. to review, criti- tralization. ".

cise, judge; to censure, blame; to accuse, centralizar, va. (prei. centralic£: subj.
note, reprehend correct, reprove. ; to centralize.
centaura, centaurea, /. (hot.) centaury: centralmente, adv. centrally.
centaurea mayor, great centaury : centanrea c6ntrlC0, ca, a. central, focal.
menor, common erythrsea, centrifuge, ga, a. centrifugal.—/, centrifugal
centauro, m. (myth.) centaur; (ast.) Cen- machine.
taur, southern constellation. centripeto, ta, a. centripetal.
Centavo hundredth part of
(thane-taii'-voj, to. centre [timne'-trol, TO. centre, middle, midst
anything; a cent, as the hundredth of a innermost part, core; nucleus, origin; -j

peso (dollar). (geom.) centre; (mil.) centre of an army;

Centella lightning flash of
[thane-teyr-lyah],/. ; height and depth of a thing; main office, ,

a flint struck with steel, flake of fire; re- headquarters political party whose repre-

mainiiifif spark of passion or discord. sentatives sit in' the centre of the house ; ,

Centellador, ra, a. brilliant, fla.shing. principal object of desire and exertion so- ; j

Centellante [tlmne-tel-ly«»>n'-teh], pa. Sparkling, ciai circle in which a person moves (bot.) ;

flashing. disk of flowers short flannel dress which

; ]

ftMinftt; •laclil; lln police ; o in for ; a In boll ; c (before e, i) and s m til la thick ; b and 4, toftf
/ndian women and half-breeds use in Ecua- cerumen : no hay m&s cera que la que arde,
dor estar en su centro, (met.) to be satisfied
: there is nothing more than what you see:
with one's fate. ser una cera, or como una cera, to be of a pliant
centrobarico, ca, a. centrobaric. or gentle disposition melar las ceras, to fill :

IJentunviratO, m. centumvirate. the combs with honey.

centunviro, m. centumvir. Ceraceo, ea [timy-rah'-tiiay-o], a. of the consist-
centun viral, m, &f. centum viral. ency of wax.
oentupllcar [timue-too-pie-car'j, va. to centupli- ceraci6n [thay-rah-tiiie-on'],/. ceration.
cate. CeraChateS [tlmy-rah-cJmli'-tfs],/. pi. wax-stones.
i6ntuplo, pla, a. centuple. CerafOliO,TO. (bot.) common chervil. V. peri-
centuria ttimue-too'-re-ah], /. century ; among FOLLO.
the Romans, one hundred soldiers. ceramica,/. ceramic art; ceramics.
i;eilturi6n, m. centurion. ceramiCO, ca, a. ceramic, relating to pottery.
centurionazgo, m. office of a centurion. cerapez [thay-rah-petii'j,/. cerate, plaster of wax
cenzalino, na, «. pertaining to a cinzalo. and pitch.
TenZalO Ithane'-tha-lo], m. (CUt.) mOSquitO. cerasina,/. cerasin.
?efl.idO, daitiiay-nyee'-do], a. moderate in pleas- cerasta, /. ceraste, cerastes, m. horned
ure or expense narroTt-waisted ; beelike- ; serpent.
waisted.—p». of cenir. cerastio de granada, TO. (bot.) white mouse-
CefLldor, m. belt, girdle, cest, sash. ear chickweed.
ceMdura, /. act &f girding. cerato [tiiay-raii'-toh], TO. (pharm.) cerate.
cefiiglo, in. (bot.) white goose-foot, summer- cerbatana, /. blow-gun, popgun, pea-shoot-
cypress. er acoustic trumpet for the deaf; small
: [tliay-nyeer'], va. {ind. CiSo : suhj. CINA) culverin.

to gird, surround, circle, girdle ; to environ, certoero, to. v. cancerbero.
hem in ; to reduce, abbreviate, contract cerca [therr'-cah], /. inclosure, hedge.
cenir espada, to wear a sword ce&ir el viento, : cerca, adv. near, at hand, not far off", close
(naut. ) to haul the wind. it. to reduce one's by, nigh preceding a noun or pronoun, it

expenses ; to confine one's self to. demands the preposition de aqui cerca or :

ceilO [thay'-nyo], browbeating su-m. frown ; ; cerca de aqui, just by cerca de, close to, near :

percilious look; ring, hoop, band; (farr.) to, about cerca de un millon, about a mil-

circle round the upper part of a horse's lion tocar de cerca, to strike home embaja-
: :

hoof; (poet.) gloomy aspect, as of the sea, dor cerca de Su Majestad Catolica, ambassador
clouds, etc. to His Catholic Majesty.
Ce&OSO, sa, a. hoof surrounded with rings. cercado, m. garden or field fenced in. inclos- ;

V. CENUDO. ure lock ; cercado, da, a. inclosed, fenced


ce&udo, da [thay-nyoo'-do], a. frowning ; brow- in, walled in.—pp. of cercar.

beating; supercilious; grim, gruff". cercador, to. hed^er, fencer, inclosurer;
ceo, TO. (zool.) doree or dory. iron graver marking-iron ; blunt chisel for

cepa,/. Dutt-end of a tree-stem, underground ;

repousse work.
stump, stub vine-stock stock or origin of
; ; cercanamente, adv. nigh, nighly, nearly.
a family bud or root of the horns and tails
; cercania, /. proximity, neighbourhood, vi-
of animals; (arch.) pier of an arch; (agr.) cinity, environment, surroundings.
sole of a plough (car. ) tongue of a pole. ; Cercano, na [ther-cah'-noj, a. near, close by,
CepacaballO, m. (bot. ) cardoon. neighbouring, adjoining, approximate.
cepeda [thay-peh'-daii] or cepcra, /. land over- cercar, fa. (^reZ. cerque: «M6y. cerque) to
grown with heath. inclose, environ, hem, circle, compass, gird
Cepej6n [timy-peh-hon'i, TO. butt-end of a branch to fence in, hedge in, wall in ; pale ; (mil.)
torn from the trunk. to invest a town, lay siege to; to crowd
Cepell6n, to. earth left around the roots of a about a person.
plant for transplanting. Cerc6ll [ttier-tiiane'] adv. k cerc6n, at the roof.
cepilladura,/. v. acepilladura. cercenadamente, adv. in a clipping manner,
cepillar, va. v. acepillar. with retrenchment.
cepillO [thay-peei'-iyoi, TO. dim. charity-box cercenadera,/. clipping-knife used by wax-
(carp.) plane: cepillo bocel, fluting-plane chandlers.
modelling-plane brush cepillo para ropa, ; : cercenador, to. clipper.
clothes-brush cepillo para la cabeza, hair-
: cercenadura, /. clipping, retrenchment.—
brush cepillo de dienteg, tooth-brush.
: pi. cuttings.
Cepo, TO. bough or branch off' a tree stock of ; cercenar [tiier-thay-narM, va. to pare, retrench,
an anvil; stocks, for punishment; (naut.) clip ; to lop off the ends or extremities to ;

bilboes reel for winding silk trap, snare

; ;
lessen, reauce expenses ; to curtail, cut
charity-box; (mil.) stocks of a gun-carriage; away, abridge.
(mech.) block, socket, clasp, olamp, joining- cercera, /. air-tube of a vault.
press shoemaker's horse (zool.) F. cefo
; ;
: cerceta,/. (orn.) widgeon, garganey, species
cepo del ancla, (naut.) anchor-stock cepo An : of duck.—pZ. first growth of a deer's antlers.
maniguetes, (naut.) cross-piece ot the kevel: cerclllo [ther-theei'-iyo], to. tendril of a vine.
cepo de molinete, (naut.) knighthead of the V. TIJERETA.
windlass.—pZ. cepog, notched cleats : cepos cerciorar [ther-thie-o-rar'i, va. to assure, affirm.
quedos, (coll.) hands off"; stop. — ascertain, make sure.
vr. to
€ep6n, TO. aug. large stub of a tree or vine- cerco, inclosure, that which encompasses ;
stock. hoop or ring rim, border, edge halo (mil.)
; ; ;

Ceporro, to. old vine pulled up for fuel. blockade of a place circular motion ; circle ;

cequi [thay-kee'], TO. ancient gold coin. of people frame or case of a door or win-

Cera [thay'-rah], /. wax, beeswax ; wax-tapers dow poner cerco, to lay siege, blockade;

and candles. ^l. ceras, honey-comb cera : alzar or levantar el cerco, to raise a block*
aleda, propolis, bee-glue cera virgen, virgin : ade.
wax : cera de higos, drum of figs cera de : Cercha [tuerr'-chah], /. flexible wooden rule for
dorar, gold-size cera de los oidoi, ear-wax, : measuring convex or concave objects
% (bafore e, i) and J m h in hot; h, silent; 11 In brilliant: &. ny In canyon ; r (Initial) and rr triUed; a, hissed.
(arch.) skeleton pattern or frame for build- cemadero, m. coarse linen strainer for the
ing vaults or arches; (carp.) each segment lye to buck clothes with thread aud silk ;

of a rim. stuff formerly used for collars.

cerchar, va. v. acodar. Cernedero, m. apron worn in sifting flour:
cerch^n, m. v. cimbria. place for sifting flour.
cerda, / horse's hair, bristle; (zool.)sow; cernedor, m. sifter.
new-mown cereals bundle of flax broken ; uerneja, /. fetlock of a horse.
but not yet hackled cerda de puerco, hog's : cernejudo, da, a. having large fetlocks.
bristle ganado de cerda, herd of swine cer-
: : cerner, va. {ind. cierno: subj. cierxa) t9
das, snares for birds. sift to bolt.
;. vn. to bud and blossom to ;

Cerdamen, m. bristles prepared for making drizzle ; to mizzle. vr. to waggle, wiggle,
brushes. waddle ; to soar.
cerdear, vn. to be weak in the fore-quarter cemicalo, m. (om.) kestrel, sparrow-hawk,
to emit a harsh and inharmonious sound, wind-hover;
person of scanty abilities:
applied to stringed instruments; (coll.) to or pillar un cemicalo, (coll.) to be
decline a request or demand. fuddled, tipsy.
cerditO, m. dim. little pig. cemldillo, /«. mizzle, drizzle short and ;

cerdO, m. hog or pig cerdo de muerte, pig lit : waddling gait.

to be killed cerdo de vida, pig not old enough
: cernido, pp. & to. sifting the flour sifted. ;

to be killed. cernidura,/. sifting.

cerdoso, sa, cerdudo, da, a. bristly, applied cernir, va. v. cerner.
also to men whose breasts are hairy, CerO, TO. zero cipher naught ser un cero or
; ; :

cereal [tim.v-iehaiiri, a. cereal. cereals. un cero 4 la izquierda, to be a mere cipher.

cerebelO, m. (anat.) cerebellum. ceroferario, m. acolyte who carries the
cerebral [tuay-reh-brahr), a. cerebral. cirial.
cerebro, m. cerebrum brain head talent, ; ; ; cerografia, /. cerography.
cereceda, /. v. cerezal. ceroUo, Ua, «. reaped when green and soft.
cerecilla, /. dim. v. guindilla. ceromancia,/. ceromancy.
cerecita ithay-r«h-thee'-tah],/. dim. small cherry. cerbn, m. dross of wax.
Ceremonia [thay-reh-mo'-ne-ali], /. ceremony, cerote. m. shoemaker's wax shoe-blacking^ ;

outward rite, solemnity, pomp, outward (coll.) panic; fear.

show, display formality ceremonious-
; ; ceroto, m. (pharm.) soft cerate of oil aud
ness course compliment gnardar ceremo-
; ; : wax.
nia, to stick to ancient ceremonies and es- cerquillo [ther-keer-iyo], m. dim. Small circle
tablished customs do ceremonia, with all : . or hoop seam or welt of a shoe
; ring ol ;

ceremony or pomp: por ceremonia, out of hair or tonsure hair bangs. ;

compliment. cerC[Uita [ther-kee'-taiil,/. dim. small inclosure.

ceremonial [thay-rehmo-ne-aiii'], TO. book of cer- —
adv. at a small distance very near in ;

emonies for public occasions. a. ceremo- point of time or place aqui cerquita, just by. :

nial, ceremonious. Cerrada, /. hide or skin which covers the

ceremonialmente, adv. with all ceremony. backbone.
ceremoni^ticamente, adv. ceremoniously. cerradera, /. cerradero, m. bolt staple;
ceremoniatico, ca, a. ceremonious. catch of a lock ; catch, clasp; purse-strings.
ceremoniosamente, ailv. ceremoniously. cerradero, ra, a- applied to the place lockedi
ceremonloso, sa, a. ceremonious, polite, and to the thing with which it is locked:
formal. echar la cerradera, to lend a deaf ear ; to re*
C6re0, TO. (hot.) torch-thistle. fuse point-blank.
cereollta,/. soft, waxy-looking lava. CerraaiZO, Za Itlier-rah-dee'-thaw], a. that which
Cereria, /. wax-chand'er's shop chandlery ; may be locked or fastened.
in the royal palace. cerrado, m. v. cercado.
cerero, m. wax-chandler : cerero mayor, royal cerrado, da, a. incomprehensible, obscure,
chandler. occult; close, reserved; dissembling; se-
Cereza [thay-reh'-tiiah], /. cherry cereza garra- : creted, concealed; obstinate; inflexible,
fal, large white-heart cherry, bigaroon. cloudy, overcast thick, dense barba cerra- ; ;

cerezal, m. cherry orchard. da, heavy, thick beard k ojos cerradof, :

cerezo [thay-reir-tho], TO. (bot.) cherry-tree without examination k puerta cerrada, pri- :

cherry-wood: cerezo BllveBtre, dog-cherry vately, secretly.—/>!/). of cerrar.

tree. Cerrador, m. shutter locker lock any con ; ; ;

cergazo, m. (hot.) rock-rose, cistus. trivance that shuts or locks.

C^riCO, ca, a. eerie, relating to cerium. Cerradnra [tlier-rah-<loo'-rah), /. (.losure; act of ,

Cerlflor, /. (hot.) honey-wort, honey-flower. shutting or locking up lock cerradura ds ; :

cerllla [thayr-eeryaui, /. wax tapers in rolls golpe or de muelle, spring-lock cerradura :

wax match kind of cosmetic, cold-cream

; ;
embutida, mortise-lock. j

wax tablet wax of the ear.; Cerraja, /. lock of a door bolt (bot.) com- ;

cerillera,/. lamp-lighter with a taper. mon sow-thistleagua de cerrajas, worthless,


CerillO, »». (Mex.) wax match. useless thing shucks. ;

cerina [timy-ree'-nahi. /. a variety of wax (or cerrajear, vn. to carry on the trade of a
wax-like material) extracted from the cork- locksmith.
tree. cerraleria (tiier-rah-heh-ree'-«h],/, trade of a lock-
cerinto, m. (bot.) wax flower, honey-wort. sraitn locksmith's shop or forge.

cerio, cererlo, m. (chem.) cerium or cere- CerrajerO [tlier-rah-lieti'-ro', TO. locksmith.

rium. Cerraj6n, m. steep, craggy cliff.
cerita,/. (min.) cerite. cerramiento, to. closure, occlusion act ol ;

cerme&a,/. small early pear muscadine. : shuttingor locking up costiveness inclos- ; ;

cerme&O, m. (bot.) muscadine pear-tree. ure (arch. ) roof of a building (mas. ) par-
; ;

cemada, /. cinder leached ashes size on ; ; tition-wall.

canvas for painting; (farr.) plaster of ashes cerrar, va. A
vn. {ind. ciERRO : subj. cikrre)
and other ingredients to close, occlude, shut up, shut, fasten, lock

% • in far ; e in eli 1 ; 1 In police ; O in for ; n in boll : c (before e, l) and z as tli In thick : b and d, eoft;
to stop up obstruct block up blind ; in-
; ; ; cervato, m. a fawn.
close, include, contain; fence in; to ter- Cerveceria [ther-veh-theli-ree'-ati], /. brewhous^
minate, finish a thing; to prohibit, forbid, brewery ; ale-house, beer-saloon.
interdict: cerrar la carta, to fold or seal a cervecero [tiier-veh-their-roj, in. brewer; beer-
letter cerrar la cuenta, to close an account
: seller.
cerrar la boca, to be silent cerrar las oidos, : cerveza [ther-veh'-thah], /. beer or ale, malt
aot to listen to one's proposals cerrar la : liquor.
yuerta, (met. ) to give a flat denial cerrar los : cervicabra, gazelle.

ojoB, to die to sleep to overlook, not no-

; ; cervical, a. (anat.) cervical.
tice al cerrar del dia, at the close of day, at
: cervlgudo, da, a. high or thick-necked.
nightfall.— rr. to remain firm in one's opin- cerviguillo [tiier-ve-gu'-iyo:, m. thick nape ol
ion ; to be shut or locked up to be cica- ; the neck.
trized to grow cloudy and overcast
; to ; cervillera, /. helmet,
close up, applied to the ranks and files of cervino, na, a. resembling a deer,
troops cerrirsele k uno todaa las puertas, to
: cerviz Ither-veeth'i,/. cervix, nape of the neck
find all avenues closed. ser de dura cerviz, to be incorrigible doblar :

terraz6n [tiier-rah-tuone'], /. dark and cloudy or bajar la cerviz, to humble one's self: le-
weather preceding tempests. vantar la cerviz, to be elated, to grow proud.
Berrej6ii, m. hillock. cervuno, na, a. resembling or belonging to %
Cerrero, ra, a. running wild : caballo cerrero, deer of the colour of a deer.

unbroken horse. cesaci6n,/. cesamiento, m. ['],

eerreta, /. (naut.) spar; rough tree. V. cessation, discontiuuance, stopping, pause:
PERCHA. cesacion & divinis, suspension from religious
serril,a. mountainous rough, uneven wild, ; ; functions.
untamed, unbroken puente cerril, small : cesante m. dismissed public officer, in some
narrow bridge for cattle; (coll.) rude, un- cases with pension ; retired official.^^o.
polished, unmannerly. ceasing.
cerrilla, f. die for milling. cesantia,/. the state of being a cesante, and
cerrillar, va. to mill coined metal. the pension he receives.
\ eerrillo, m. dim. little eminence.—p^. cerri- cesar, vn. to cease, stop, discontinue, end ; to
II08, dies for milling. desist,
cerridn, m. icicle. C^sar [theh'-sari, TO. Csesar.
cerro, m. hill or high land neck of an ani- ; Cesd.reO, rea, a. imperial : operaci6n ces&rea,
mal backbone hackled and cleaned flax or
; ; (surg.) Cesarean operation.
hemp cerro enriscado, steep, rugged hill
: cesariano, na, a. relating to the Caesar.
• en cerro, nakedly, barely por los cerros de : cesarismo, m. Csesarism, despotism.
Ubeda, (coll.) foreign to the purpose totally ; cese itiieh'-sayi, TO. cease stop of pension. ;

I different. cesible, a. (law) that which may be ceded.

cerrojillo [ther-ro-heer-iyo], m. (om.) a wagtail, Cesi6n [theii-se-on'], /. cession, transfer, con-
warbler.—^im. small bolt or latch. veyance, assignment resignation conces- ; ;

CerrojO [tiier-ro'-Uol, m. bolt, latch tentar cerro- : sion cesion de bienes, surrender of propertv.

jos, (met.) to try all ways and means to suc- cesionario, cesonarlo, ria, m.&f. cession-
I ceed. ary, grantee, assignee, tra,nsferree.
oerrbn, m. kind of coarse fabric made in Ga- ceslonista m. transferrer, assigner, grantor.
licia. C6sped, c6spede, to. turf, sod, clod, sward,
cerruma, /. weak or defective quarter in grass grass plot, lawn
rind of a vine ;

horses. where it has been pruned.

Certamen, m. literary controversy disputa- ; cespedera, /. field where green sods are cut.
tion competition
; (obs.) duel, battle. ; cespitar, vn. to hesitate.
certero, ra, m. & f. sharpshooter. a. well- cesta., /. basket, pannier, hamper ; scoop or
aimed sure, certain, knowing.
; racket fastened to the arm for playing pelota.
certeza [ther-tei»'-thahj, /. •certainty, certitude, cestada,/. a basketful.
assurance. cesteria, /. basket factory or shop.
certidumbre,/. v. certeza. cestero, m. basket maker or seller.
Certificaddn [ther-f^fe-cah-thie-on'l, /. certifi- cestica, ilia, ita, /. dim. of cesta small ;

cate, athdavit. basket, hand-basket.

certlficado, pp. & m. ceiiifieate, attestation, cestiCO, illo, itO, to. dim. of cesto; little
testimonial. V. certificaci6n. basket.
Certificador, ra, m. &f. certifier. cestiaro, m. Koman pi^ilist who fought with
Certificar, va. {pret. certifiqu^: subj. CER- the cestus.
tifique) to assure, affirm, certify, attest: CestO, TO. hand-basket, maund, hutch ces- ;

certificar una carta, to register a letter tus used by Eoman boxers estar hecho :

(law) to prove by a public instrument, un cesto, (coll. ). to be overcome by sleep or
CertiflcatoriO, ria, a. that which certifies or liquor quien hace un cesto har& ciento, he

serves to certify, that steals a pin will steal a pound ser al- :

Jertisimo, a. sup. of cierto most certain. ; guno un cesto, (coll.) to be ignorant and
Ceruleo. lea, a. cerulean, sky-blue, rude coger agua en cesto, to labour in

cenima,/. (vet.) F. CERRUMA. vain.

cerumen, m. ear-wax, cerumen. cestbn, m. aug. large pannier or basket;
Cerusa,/. ceruse, white-lead. (mil.) gabion.—pZ. corbeils.
Cerval, «. l>elonging to a deer miedo cerval, : cestonada,/. range of gabions.
great timidity. cesura,/. caesura, pause in poetry.
cervantesco, ca, cervS,ntico, a. in the cet^ceo, cea [theh-taii'-tiieu-o], a. cetaceous, of
style of Cervantes. the whale kind.
, Cervantista, a. admiring Cervantes. cetis, TO. old Portuguese coin.
cervario, rla, 't. v. cerval. cetra, /. leather shield formerly used by
eervatica,/. v. lasgost6n. Spaniards.
. tervatico, illo, /«. dim. small deer. cetre, >n. assistant acolyte.
, y(b«fi>ree, t)andj as h in hot; h, silent ; 11 ir brilliant ; fi ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; s. hiase4
eetreria,/. falconry, hawking ; fowling with cicloidal, a. cycloidal.
falcons. Cicloide,/. (math.) cycloid.
cetrero, m. verger, falconer, sportsman. ciclometria,/. cyclometry.
cetrino, na, a. citrine, lemon - coloured ciclometrico, csi, a. cyclometric.
(met.) jaundiced, melancholy; belonging Ciclometro, m. cyclometer.
to citron. Cicl6n [thie-cione'l OT. hurricane, cyclone.
cetro, m. sceptre reign of a prince verge
; ; Ciclope, m. Cyclops.
borne by dignified canons on solemn occa^ Cicl^peo, ea, a. Cyclopean.
aions wand or staff borne by the deputies
; Ciclorama, m. cyclorama,
of confraternities perch or roost for Dirds.
Cicuta (bot.) cicuta; water-hemlock ; spotted
Ceugma,/. (rhet.) zeugma, cowbane.
Cia,/. hip-bone, huckle-bone. Cid [tiieed], 771. word taken from the Arabic
Ciaboga,/ (naut.) putting a row-galley about signifying chief: el Cid, surname of the
with the oars: hacer ciaboga, to turn the Spanish hero Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar.
back, to flee. Cidra,/. (bot.) citron.
Cianita,/. (rain.) cyanite. Cidracayote, /. (bot.) American gourd OT
ciandgeno, m. cyanogen. calabash.
ClanOSiS,/. cyanosis. cidrada, /. preserve made of citrons.
Clanuro, m. (chem.) cyanid. CldraJ, m. plantation of citron-trees.
Ciar, va. to back up, retrograde; (naut.) to cidria, m. v. cedria.
hold water^ to back off, to go astern (met.) ; Cidro, ni. (bot.) citron-tree.
to slacken in the pursuij of an affair. cidronela,/. (bot.) common balm.
Cl&tlca,/. (med.) sciatica. ciegamente, adv. blindly.
Ci&tlCO, ca, a. sciatic, sciatical. CiegO, ga, a. blind obfuscated swayed bj ; ;

ClatO, m. (bot.) tree-fern of tropical regions. violent passion ciego de Ira, blind with :

CibaxlO, ria, a. cibarious, relating to lood. passion choked or shut up, applied to a

Cib61eo, lea, a. (poet.) belonging to the god- passage k ciegas, blindly, in the dark ;

dess Cybele. thoughtlessly. m. & /. blind person.

Cibera,/. quantity of wheat put at once in ciego, m. (anat.) caecum or blind gut large ;

the hopper all seeds or grains fit for animal

; black-pudding. V. morc6n.
subsistence; bagasse of grain and fruit, Ciego, ciegue («r. from cegar).
husks, etc. hopper in a corn-mill.
; cieguecico, ica illo, ilia ito, ita cie^ ; ; ;

Cibica, /• clout hurter of a wooden axle-

; guezuelO, ela, a.&m.& /. dim. little blind
tree ;
(naut.) staple, cramp. person.
ClblCdn, m. large kind of clout. CielitO, TO. tune and dance of South America j
CibOlO, la, m. & f, Mexican bull, apparently endearing term to a child or sweetheart.
the bison. CielO, TO. sky, firmament, heaven (s) atmos- ;

Clbrtl, m. Peruvian name of the cedar-tree. phere, climate heaven, the habitation of ;

Clcatear, vn. (coll.) to be sordidly parsimo- God the supreme power, the sovereign of

nious. heaven roof, ceiling; glory, felicity, para-


Cicateria,/. nigardliness, parsimony. dise cielo raso, flat roof or ceiling el cielo
: :

ClcaterillO, 11a, m. & a. dim. sordid or avari- de la cama, tester or cover of a bed el cielo :

cious little person. de la boca, the roof of the palate Uovido del :

Clcatero, ra, a. niggardly, sordid, parsimo- cielo, agodsend: dormir&cielora8o,tosleep in

nious. the open air escnpir al cielo, bad deeds turn

CicateruelO, m. dim. an avaricious or nig- against those who commit them estar hecho :

gardly little fellow ; little miser a curmud- ; un cielo, to be splendid, brilliant tomar el :

geon. cielo con las manos, (met.) to be transported

ClCatrlCera a woman
[thie-cah-tree-theU'-rahi, /. with joy, grief, or passion venirse el cielo :

who used to follow troops and care for abajo, to pour, to deluge ver el cielo abier- :

wounds. to, to find an unforeseen opportunity.

Clcatrlcilla [thie-cah-tre-theel'-lyah],/. dim. Small Ciempi^S, m. centipede. V. CIENTOPlfe ;

cicatrice or scar. poor literary work.

Cicatrlz Itiiie-cahtreeth'], /. cicatrice or cica- Cien [thie-en'], a. one hundred, used before
trix, scar, gash, mark of a wound, nouns instead of ciento, as, cien hombrei, a
CiCatriZaClOn [thie-tah-tree-thah-thle-on'],/. cica- hundred men cien mnjeres, a hundred:

trization. women. V. ciento.

Cicatrizal, a. belonging to a cicatrice or scar, Ci^naga, /. marsh, moor, a miry place, r.
cicatrizante, pa. cicatrisaut. CENEGAL.
CiCatriZar Ithle-cah-tree-thar], ra. {pret. CICA- Ciencia [thie-en'-thie-ahl, /. science knowledge ;

TRICE: subj. CICATRICE) to cicatrize; to heal. certainty gaya ciencia, art of poetry cien-
: :

cicatrizativo, va, a. cicatrisive. eias exactas, the mathematics k ciencia y :

clc6rcula, clcercha,/. v. almorta. paciencia, by one's knowledge and permis-

Cicero [thie'-Uieh-roi, m. (print.) pica; (print.) sion i ciencii cierta, with certainty, know-

unit of measurement tor type bodies, equiv- ingly.

alent to 12 points. cienmil^simo, ma, a. the hundred thou«
ciceronlano, na [thie-theh-ro-ne-ah'-no], a.Cicero- sandth.
nian, applied to style. cienmilmiUcn^simo, ma, a. the hundred
Clclamor, m. an ornamental tree. thousand millionth.
Cicl&n, m. ridgel, having only one testicle Cienmillon^simo, ma, a. the hundred mil*
cryptorchid. lionth.
Ciclat6n, m. tunic once used by women. Cieno, TO. mud, mire, slime slough, bog. ;

Cicllco, ca, a. cyclical, belonging to a cycle. cientiflcamente, adv. scientifically.

CicUsmO, m. wheeling as a sport. CientificO, ca, a. scientific.
Clcllsta, m. &/. cyclist, rider on a bicycle. ciento, a. one hundred hundredth call*
CicliO, m. cycle, round of time. One Hundredth Street. V. cien. m.
; :

Ciclodiatomla, /. (arti.) calculation of the a hundred un ciento de huevos, a hundred


direction of a projectile. eggs; a hundred-we4ght. V. quintal. pi.

fta*i«ter; einelll: iin poliM ; o in tor ; n in boll ; c (before e, i) and s as th In tbick : b and d. soft 11
tax assessed at so much per cent. ;
piquet, a Cilindrico, ca, a. cylindrio or cylindrical,
game at cards. Cilindro, m. cylinder roller, press-roll ,

cientopi^s, m. (zool.) centipede. chamber.

Cierna, /. the staminate blossom of vines, Cilia [theei'-lyah],/. granary; tithe.
corn, and some other plants. CillazgO [theei-iyath'-go], m. store-house fec8
Cierne : en cleme, in blossom : estar en cierne, paid on tithes.
(coll.) to be in its infancy. Cillerero, m. cellarist or butler of a mon-
cierno, cleme (irr. from cerner). astery.
i Cierra Espailainterj. war-ciy of the an-
! CilleriZa[theel-lyay-ree'-thah],/. nun who directs
cient Spaniards. the domestic affairs of the convent.
Cierre, m. act and mode of closing some CilleriZO [theel-lyay-ree'-tlio], TO. keeper of a
things, as a letter or fan shutting, locking, ; granary.
fastening snap, clasp, plug of a valve.
; Cillero, m. keeper of a granary or store-
Cierro, wi. inclosure cierro de cristales, glass- : house for tithes granary vault cellar ; ; ; ;

covered balcony or veranda. store-room.

cierro, cierre (irr. from cerrar). Cima, /. summit, height, crest, peak top of ;

Ciertamente, adv. certainly, forsooth, surely. trees apex, cap, head

; finish, completion ; ;

MertO, ta, a. certain, doubtless, evident, heart and tender sprouts of cardoons por :

sure, positive ; when used in an indeter- cima, at the uppermost part, at the very
minate sense, as clerto Ingar, certain place, top dar cima, to conclude happily.

it always precedes the substantive : por CimaciO [tine-mah'-tiiie-o], TO. (arch.) cymatium,
clerto or de cierto, certainly, surely ; in gola, ogee.
truth. adv. V. ciertamente. Cimarrbn, na, a. (Amer.) wild, unruly. —m.
Cierva,/. hind, female stag. &/. runaway slave maroon. ;

Ciervo, m. deer, hart, stag. cimbalaria, /. (bot.) ivy-wort,

ciervo volante, m. stag-beetle. Cimbalillo, to. dim. small bell.
Cierzo [thie-ef'-thaw], m. cold northerly wind, CimbalO, m. small bell cymbal. ;

Cifra, /. a numerical character a figure, a ; cimbanillo, to. v. cimbalillo.

number cipher, code, cryptography, cryp-
; cimbara,/. a large sickle.
togram ; monogram, device, emblem ; sum Cimbel, m. decoy-pigeon rope to ; tie decoy-
total ; abbreviation
contraction, music ; pigeons.
written with numbers en cifra, secretly, : cimborio, cimborrlo, to. (arch.) dome. V.
mysteriously, briefly, shortly. CfjPULA.
CiA:ar, va. to write in ciphers to abridge ; Cimbra, cradling; (naut.) cmrva-
/. (carp.)
cifrar en, to place to make a thing depend ; ture bending of a board.

on another. Cimbrado, to. quick movement in a Spanish,

Cigarra,/. (ent.) cicada, harvest-fly. —
dance. cimbrado, da, ^p. of cimbrar.
Cigarral, m. in Toledo, orchard or fruit- cimbrar, cimbrear, va. to brandish shake, ;

garden. sway, bend; (carp.) to place cradlings;

cigarrera,/. woman cigarette-makerorseller; (arch.) to arch cimbrar & algnno, (coll.) to:

cigar-cabinet or show-case pocket cigar- ;

give one a drubbing. vr. to bend vibrate. ;

case. cmibre, to. subterranean gallery or passage,

cigarrero, ra, m. &f. cigar-maker or seller, ciinbrefi.0, fla, o. pliant, flexible.
cigarreria, /. cigar-shop. Cimbreo, m. act of bending, brandishing,
cigarrillo, m. cigarette. swaying, vibrating.
Cigarrista, m. person who smokes many cimbrico, «. Cimbric.
cigars. Ciinbro, bra, a. Cimbriau.
Cigarro, m. cigar : cigarro de papel, cigarette : cimbronazo, w. stroke with the flat of a
cigarro puro, cigar. sword. V. cintarazo.
Cigarr6n, m. aug. of cigarra; large cicada. Ciinentaci6n,/. laying of a foundation.
CigomatiCO, ca, a. zygomatic. CimentadO, pp. &. m. refinement of gold.
cigofial, m. well-sweep. Cimentador, to. he who lays the foundatiou
CigOfLiUO, m. (orn.) young stork. of a thing.
CigOiiuela, /. (orn.) small bird resembling a cimentar, va. (ind. cimiento: subj. ci-
stork. miente) to lay the foundation of a build-
Cigua, /. (hot.) tropical tree. ing to found to ground to establish the
; ; ;

ciguatarse, w. v. aciguatarse. fundamental principles of religion, moral*,

ciguatera, /. (Mex.) kind of jaundice, from and science to refine metals. ;

eating diseased fish. cimenterio, m. v. cementerio.

Ciguato, ta, a. sufiering from ciguatera. CimentO, to. cement. V. cemento.
CigUefia thie-gweh'-nyahi, /. (orn.) white stork, Cimera, /. crest of a helmet, or coat oi
crane bell-crank (mach.) crank, winch.
cigiieflal, m. v. cigoSal. CimeriO, ria, a. Cimmerian.
CigiieflUela 'thiegway-nyway'-lalil, /. dim. Small cimero, ra, a. placed at the height of some
crank or winch cignefinela de la cana del: elevated spot ; apical.
timon, (naut.) goose-neck of the tiller. cimiento, to. foundation of a building;
Cigiiete, /. variety of white grape. ground-work, bed basis base, root, origin : ;

Cija, /. building for sheltering sheep dun- ; cimiento real, royal cement abrir los c^ :

geon granary.
mlentoB, to make the trenches for laying
Cilanco, m. pool left by a river on the shore. foundations.
Cilantro, m. (hot.) coriander. V. culantro. cimiento, cimiente (irr. from cimentar).
ciliado, da, a. ciliated. Cimillo, TO. flexible twig on which a decoy*
Ciliar, «. ciliary. pigeon is tied.
Cilicio (thie-iee'-thie-o], m. cilice or clllclum cimitarra,/. cimeter, falchion.
(mil.) hair-cloth. F. cent6n. cimbfana,/. cymofane, cat's-eye.
CilindradO, pp. of cilindrar rolled cal- ; ; Cimorra,/. (farr.) glanders,
endered. Cinabrio, to. cinnabar, vermilion.
Cilindrar, va. to roll ; calender ; bore. Cin&miCO, a. (chem.) eynamic.
? (heforee. OandJ ar h In hot; h, silent; 11 In brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled; ,
Cinamo/no, m. (bot.) the bead-tree; (Philip- wales or harpings en cinta, under su1:j»a :

pines) privet. tion estar en cinta, to be pregnant.


CillC [think], TO. zinc. Cintadero, to. part of a cross-bow to whicK

Cinca, /. any infraction of the rules of the tlie string is fastened.
game of nine-pins (ten-pins). Cintagoroa,/. coarse net for the tunny-fisii.
Cincel [thin-ther], m. chisel engraver scorper ; j ; ery.
burin drove.
; CintaJOS, to. pi. knot or bunch of tumbled
Cincelador, m. engraver sculptor stone- ; ; ribbons tawdrv ornaments in female dress.

cutter. Cintarazo, to. slap with a sword or some-

dncelar [twn-thay-iar'], va. to chisel, engrave, thing flat.
emboss, carve, chase, sculpture, cut. Clntarear, va. (coll.) to slap with a sword.
CillC6litO, Tti. dim. small chisel. CinteadO, da, a. adorned with ribbons.
Cinco [theen'-co], TO. a. five ; fifth &
el cinco : Cinteria, /. trade in ribbons shop where rib- ;

de mayo, the fifth of May

five-spotted card ; ; bons are sold collection or heap of ribbons.

(Venez.) five-stringed guitar: decir cuintas Cintero, to. one who weaves or sells ribboMS ;

on cinco, to threaten with reproof or pun- belt, girdle, truss ; hoisting rope.
ishment : no Babe cu&ntas son cinco, (coll.) he Cintilla Ithin-teei-iyah], /. dim. small ribbon,
does not know beans.—p/. /. las cinco, five narrow tape.
o'clock. CintillO, TO. hat-band ; ring set with precious
dnccenrama./. (bot.) common cinquefoil. stones.
Clncografla, /. zincography. Cinto, TO. belt, girdle. V. cintura and cIn-
cincomesino, na, a. five months old. GULO, waist.
Cincuenta, m. & a. fifty ; fiftieth calle : cin- Cintrel, to. (arch.) guide-rule or line for
cuenta, liftieth Street. arching.
CincuentavO, a. the one-fiftieth part. cintura, /. waist, girdle, or belt throat of 8 ;

Clncueaten, to. piece of timber, fifty palms chimney: meter en cintura, (coll.) to keep
iu leogth (50 X 3 X 2). one in a state of subjection.
Cincuentena, /. fifty things of a kind. cinturica, ilia, ita, /. dim. gmal) girdie;
cincuenteno, na, a. fiftieth. small or delicate waist.
cincuent6n, na, a. fifty years old. Clntur6n, to. aug. large waist broadsword ;

Cincha, /. girth, cinch. belt, girdle, cest; that which encircles or

Cinchadura, /. cinching, girthing. surrounds.
dnchar, va. to girt, cinch up. CiflO, Ciila, Clfl6, CilLera {irr. from CESfiR).
Clnchera, /. girth-place (farr.) soreness of ; CipaJlSO, m. (poet.) cypress.
the part where mules are girted. Cicayo, to. sepoy.
CinchO, m. belt, girdle, sash or belly-band CipO, TO. cippus, short stone pillar.
iron hoop ; tire of a wheel cheese-mould ; ; Cipr6s, TO. ( Dot. ) cypress-tree baya del cipris, :

(Mex. ) cinch ; (arch. ) transverse rib ; (farr.) cypress nut or berry.

disorder in the hoofs of horses. Cipresal, m. cypress grove.
Cinchdn, m. aug. broad cinch ©r girth, Cipresino, na, a. resembling or belonging to
Cinchuela, /• dim. small cinch or girth ; nar- cypress.
row ribbon. ciprino, na, oiprio, ia, a. Cyprian.
Clneg^tica,/. cynegetics, art of hunting with CiCIUiricata::hie-key-re-cah'-tah],/. (coU.) caress,
dogs. flattery.
Cineg6tiC0, ca, a. cyne^etic. Circasiano, na, a. Circassian.
cinemiitica, /. kinematics. Circense, a. circensial or circensian.
cinematdgrafo, to. kinetoscope. Circo, w. circus; amphitheatre; (orn.) the
clneraci6n, v. incinekaci6n. moor-buzzard.
Clnerarlo, ia, a. V. cin6reo cinerary. ; Circ6n, to. zircon.
cin6reo, cinericio, cia, a. ashy. v. cbni- circonio, to. zirconium.
CIENTO. Circulcidn, /. act of surrounding or encir-
Cingal68, sa, a. of or belonging to Ceylon. cling.
dngaro, ra, to. &/. gipsy, v. gitano. Circulr, va. {ind. ciRCUYO': subj. circuya^
Cingleta, /. rope with a cork to buoy up a to surround, compass, encircle.
net. CircuitO, to. circuit, circle ; extent ; circum-
CinglllO, TO. cingulum, girdle, cordon ; an- ference, compass.
cient military badge. CirCUlaCibn [theei-coo-lah-tlUe-on'], /. circula
Cinicamente, adv. cynically. tion; currency: trafllc; movement.
Cinlco, ca, a. cyiiic, cynical ; satirical ; impu- Circulante, i>a. &a. circulatory, circling, cir-
dent, barefaced. m. a cynic. culating.
Cinife, TO. mosquito. circular [theernjoo-iar'], vn. to circulat-c, travel
Cinismo, TO. cynicism shamelessness, bare- ; round, move on, pass around, go about.
facedness, impudence, ribaldry. circular, a. circular, circulatory, circling:
Cinoc^falO, m. kind of monkey or baboon. carta circular, circular letter.
Clnoglosa,/. (bot) hound's-tongue. circularmente. adv. circularlv.
cinosura, /. (ast.) Cynosure, the Lesser CirCUlatOriO, ria, a. circulatory.
Bear. CirculO [theer'-coo-io], 7?i. circle, orb, circlet •

Cinqu6n, ancient Spanish coin.

to. compass, circumference ring circuit, dis- ; ;

clnqueflo, cinauillo, m. game of ombre, trict ; social circle, club, casino : circulo vi-
played among five persons. cioBo, (log. ) argument in a circle.
Cinta,/. ribbon, tape, band, strip, sash cinta : Circumambiente, a. circumambient, sur-
de seda, ribbon cinta de hilo or algod6n,
: rounding.
thread or cotton tape: cinta de hiladillo, Circumcirca, adv. (Lat.) about, thereabout ^
ferret ribbon strong net used iu the tunny-
; almost.
fishery lowest part of the pastern of a
; Circumpolar, a. circumpolar, near the pole.
horse; (arch.) fillet, belt; first course of circuncidante, to. &pa. circumciser.
floor tiles (top.) measuring tape cintai de
: circuncidar, va. (pp. circunciso) to circum*
navio, (naut.) wales: cintas galimas, bow- cise ; to diminish, curtail, clip, modify.

a a« iu fai : e in eh I ; i in police ; o in for : u in bull : C (before e. i) and 8 as th In thick b and d. aoft;

CirC11IlCiSi6ll [theer-coon-thle-Be-ou'], /. circum- Cisalpino, na, a. cisalpine.
cision, religious festival celebrated on New Cisca, /. reed for roofing huts and cottage^
Year's day. V. CARRIZO.
circunciso, sa, pp. irr. of circuncidar ; cir- Ciscar, va. {pre(. ciSQufi subj. cisque) (coll.) :

cumcised. to besmear, to dirty. vr. to ease nature.

Circundar, va. to surround, circle, compass, Cisco, m. coal-dust, culm, slack; breeze;
circumvest. (coll.) noisy wrangle, hubbub, hue and cry.
CirCUnferencia [theer-coon-feh-ren'-thle-ah],/. cir- Cisi6n, /. incision. V. cisura or incisi6n.
cumference. Cisma, m. schism disturbance in a comma*

Circunferenclal, a. circumferential, circu- nity ; discord.

lar, surrounding cismAtico^ ca, schismatic applied to the
a. ;

circunferencialiaeiite, adv. in a circular author of disturbances in a community.

manner. Cismontano, na, a. living on this s5de of the
ClrcunflejO, la, a. acento circanflejo, circum- mountains.
flex accent ( ^ )- Cisne, m. (orn.) swan; (ast.) Cygnus, the
CirCUnlOCUCidn [tlieer-coon-lo-coo-thle-on'], /. cir- Swan, a constellation good poet or musi- ;

cumlocution, periphrasis, roundabout ex- cian.

pression. Cisoria, a. arte ciBoria, art of cutting open-
CirCUnlOquiO [theer-coon-lo'-ke-o], m. circumlo- work in paper.
cution, circle. Cispadano, na, a. situated between Rome
Circunnavegacidn, /. circumnavigation. and the river Po.
circunnavegar, va. to circumnavigate, sail cisoLuero [tiiies-kay'ro], m. coal-dust seller;
round the world. pounce-bag.
circunscribir, va. {pp. circunscripto and Cistel, clster, m. Cistercian order of St. Ber-
ciRCUNSCRiTO) to circumscribe, inclose, en- nard.
circle. Cisterciense, a. Cistercian.
Circunscripci6n, /. circumscription. Cistema,/. cistern, reservoir, water-tank.
CircunscriptiVO, va, a. circumscriptive, in- CistiCO, a, (surg.) cystic.
closing a superficies. CiStitiS, /. cystitis.
Circunscripto, ta, circunscrito, ta {irr. CistO, m. (bot.) cistus, rock-rose.
from CIRCUNSCRIBIR). Cistotomia, /. (surg.) cystotomy. V. lito-
S).CUnspeCCidn [theer-coons-pec-thle-on'], /. cir- TOMIA.
cumspection, prudence, watchfulness, atten- cisura,/. incisure, incision.
tion, decorousness. cita, /. appointment, engagement, summons,
circunspectamente, adv. circumspectly. assignation, rendezvous; citation, quota
circunspecto, ta, a. circumspect, cautious, tion.
judicious, grave. citable, a. worthy of being cited, quotable.
CirCUnstanCia [th««er-coo»v8-tahn'-tWe-ah], /. cir- Citaci6n[thie-tah-thie-on'J,/. citation, quotation;
cumstance, incident, event position, con- ;
summons, judicial notice.
dition ; state of affairs, particulars, details. citador, ra, m. & /. citer.
circunstanciadamente, adv. circumstan- citano, aa, m. &/. (coll.) v. zutano.
tially, minutely. Citar, va. to make a business appointment
CircunstanciadO, da, a. circtvmstantiated to convoke, convene, cite to quote to sum- ; ;

with all minute details.—pp. of circunstan- mon before a judge to give judicial notice ;

CIAR. citar i junta, to call a meeting.

Circunstancial, m. &/. circumstantial. citar a, /. zither or cithern, musical instru-
Circunstante, a. circumstant, surrounding ment; (mas.) partition-wall of the thick-
present, actually attending, ness of a brick.
circunstantes, m. pi. bystanders, persons Citarilla, /. dim. small zither; (mas.) thin
present. partition-wall.
CirClinvalaCibn [theer-coon-vah-lah-thle-on'], /. Citarista, m. & /. player of the cithern.
circumvallation surrounding a place.
; CitatoriO, ria, a. (law) citatory, applied to
Circimvalar.ta. to surround, encircle; (mil.) a summons.
to circumvallate, surround with trenches. Citerior, a. hither, nearer, toward this part •

CirCUnVeCinO, lia [theer-coon-vay-thle'-no], a. Espafia citerior, the higher or northeastern

neighbouring, adjacent, contiguous. part of Spain.
CirCUnVOlUCidn [theer-coon-vo-loo-thle-on'], /. cir- CitiSO, m. (bot.) shrub-trefoil, cytisus.
cumvolution. CitOla,/. in corn-mills, clack or clapper.
Cirial, m. processional candle-holder. Citote, TO. (coll.) summons, citation.
cirigafia, /. flattery. citramontano, na, a. on this side the moun-
cirineo, m. (coll.) mate, assistant. tains.
CiriO, m. thick and long wax candle: cirlo CitratO, «. (chem.) citrate.
pascual, paschal candle. CitriCO, ca, a. (chem.) citric.
ClXOlerO, m. plum-tree. Ciudad, /. city, town civic body. ;

Cirro, m. (med.) schirrus (hot.) short root- ; ciudadania,/. citizenship.

lets of creepers; (meteor.) cirrus. Cindadano, na, a. of or belonging to a city
! Cirrosis, /. cirrhosis. city-like.
civil ; —
/«. citizen, freeman, in
Cirroso, sa, «. scirrhous, fibrous, cirrhose. habitant of a
Cimela, /. plum, prune: cirnela paia, dried Ciudadela,/. (mil.) citadel, fortress; (Amer.)
plum, a prune cimela verdal, green-gage
: tenement-house.
cimela de fraile, long green plum cimela de : civeta, /. civet-cat. V. gato de algaua.
yema, yellow plum. CivetO, TO. civet, the perfume.
Cimelar, m. large plantation of plum-trees. civico, ca, «. civic, v. dom^stico.
ciruelica, ilia, ita, /. dim. small plum. civil, a. civil, polite, courteous, gentleman-
CimieliCO, illO, itO, m. dim. dwarf plum-tree, like civil, not military or ecclesiastical

CiruelO, m. (hot.) plum-tree. (law) civil, not criminal.
Cinigia,/. surgery, chirurgery. Civilidad, /. civility, politeness, urbanity,
! Cimjano, m. surgeon, chirurgeon. sociability.

C (before e, I) and J as h In hot : h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; , blaaed <
Sivllista, m. attorney skilled in the civil gler ; fine cambric; (orn.) American song
law, especially the Roman law; (Amer.) bird.
partisan of civil government, opponent of Clarinada, /. (coll.) uncalled for, tart re-
militarism. mark.
CiVlllZaCidll [thie-ve-Ie-thalitlne-on'], /. civiliZEr Clarlnado, da, a. (her.) applied to animals
tion, culture, enlightenment. with bells.
CiVllizar [thie-ve-le-thar], va. {pret. CIVILICi clarinero, m. bugler.
civilice) to civilize.
siibj. clarlnete, m. clarinet clarinet-player. ;

Civmnente, adv. civilly, courteously, po- Clari6n, m. white crayon, chalk.

litely according to the common law.
; Clarlsa, /. Clare, nun of the order of St.
Civismo, m. patriotism, zeal for one's coun- Clara.
try. Clarisimo, ma, a. sup. of claro; most illus-
Cizalla [tiue-tiiahr-iyah],/. shears, clipper, plate- trious.
shears tilings, metal clippings.
; Claro, ra, a. clear, bright, transparent, light,
Cizallar, va. to shear metal. nitid neat; pellucid, crystalline, limpid,

OizafLa Itine-thah'-nyah], /. (bot.) darnel; cor- clear, thin ; rare, sparse ; cloudless, serene,
rupting vice discord, disagreement pollu- ; ;
fair ; light, not deeply tinged azul claro, :

tion. light blue ; clear, perspicuous, intelligible ;

Cizafiador, ra, a. one who sows discord or obvious, explicit, evident, manifest, indis-
enmity. putable, apparent : una verdad clara, an un-
cizallar, va. to sow discord, to provoke en- deniable truth; open, frank, ingenuous;
mity. ; sagacious, quick
celebrated, illustrious of
Ciza&ero, ra, a. one who habitually sows thought.
discord. claro, m. sky-light break in a discourse ;

Clac, rii. opera-hat. gap, lacune, void, interval bald spot ;

damar, ra. to utter loud outcries ; to whine ; glade light spot claro otcuro, chiaroscuro
; :

to clamour, vociferate ; to want, require, or claro-obscuro ; (arch.) space between col-

demand. umns ; (naut.) clear spot in the sky poner :

Clilinide, /. short cape, the chlamys of the or sacar en claro, to make plain and clear
Greeks. pasar la noche de claro en claro, to have not a
clamor, m. clamour, outcry, scream, shriek, wink of sleep all night de claro en claro, :

cry, whine, plaint; toll of bells, knell. evidently, manifestly por lo claro, clearly, :

•Olamoreada, /. outcry, shriek, clamour, manifestly, conspicuously : claro esti, in-

whine, plaint. deed; evidently.
clamorear, va. to clamour ; implore assist- claro, adv. V. CLARAMENTE.
ance!, appeal. vn. to toll the passing-bell. claror, m. V. resplandor.
Olamoreo, m. repeated or prolonged clam- Claroscuro, m. combination of fine and
our ; knell ;
(coll.) importunate appeal. heavy strokes in penmanship monochrome, ;

clamorosamente, adv. clamorously. a painting in one colour chiaroscuro, light ;

Clamoroso, sa, a. clamorous, loud, noisy. and shade.

V. VOCINGLERO. Clarucho, Cha, a. (coll.) too watery, too
clandestinamente, adv. clandestinely, se- liquid.
cretly. clase, class, rank, caste ; class in school
clandestinidad, /. clandestinity, privacy, ; order ; classis ; kind, kin
lecture generical

secrecy. set of beings or tnings ; division, cate-

class ;

Clandestino, na, a. clandestine, secret, pri- gory, species, family (com.) sort, descrip- ;

vate. tion, line, quality, rate.

olanga, /. v. planga. cl^sicamente, adv. classically.
clangor, m. (poet.) sound of a trumpet. Clasicismo, m. classic style, classicism. fj^j
Clara,/, white of an egg; piece of ill-woven Clasico, ca. a. classical, classic; principal;
cloth ; bald spot ;
(coll. ) short interval of remarkable : error cl&aico, a gross error
fair weather on a rainy day. autores clisicos, classics.
Claraboya, /. sky-light; bull's-eye; t»-:.a- Claslficaci6n, /. classification.
som. Clasificar, va. {pret. CLASiFiQufi subj. CLASI- :

Claraxnente, openly, mani- adv. clearly, FiQUE) to classify, to arrange, to class.

festly, conspicuously, obviously, fairly. Claudlcacibn, claudication, halting or
clarar, va. v. aclarar. limping, crookedness.
clarea,/. mulled wine, rambooze, mulse. Claudicante, a. &pa. claudicant, claudicat-
Clarear, va. to give light. vn. to dawn, to ing, halting, limping.
grow light, to clear up. vr. to be transpar- Claudicar, vn. {pret. CLAUDlQui subj. CLAU- :

ent, translucent to give one's self away. ; dique) to claudicate, halt, limp to proceed ;

Clarecer, vn. {subj. clarezca) to dawn, to in a bungling manner, without rule or order.
grow light. Claustral, a. claustral.
Clarete, m. claret. a. vino clarete, claret Claustro, m. cloister piazza gallery around ; ;

wine. the court of a convent faculty of a univer- ;

Claridad, brightness, splendour,

/. clarity, sity monastic state.

light clearness, distinctness glory of the

; Cl&USIlla, /. (gram.) period, sentence clause ;

blessed celebrity, fame.—;>/. piece of one's

; of a discourse (law) clause, condition, arti-

mind. stipulation, proviso.

Clarificaci6ll,/. clarification, refining. Clausulado, da, «. (rhet.) written jn short
Clarificar, va. (pret. clarifiqu6 subj. CLA- : sentences.
rifiql'e) to brighten, to illuminate; to Clausular, va. to close a period, terminate a
clarify, purify, retine. speech.
Clarificativo, va, a. purificative or purifi- Clausillilla, /. dim. short or little clause.
catory. clausura, /. cloister, inner recess of a cotfc*
Clarilla,/. lye of ashes. vent, sanctum ; clausure, confinement, re-
clarlxnente, m. ancient lotion used by ladies. tirement ; clotwre, closure : vivir en claaiora,
Clarin, m. bugle, clarion organ-stop bu- ; ; to lead a monastic or retired life.

a M in far : • in eh I ; 1 In polio* ; o In for ; tt in btill ; c (before e, i) and b * th la thick ; b aoa d, soft:

clava,/. club, cudgel (naut. ) scupper. ;
ClereCia [eleh-reh-thie'-ah], /. clergy.
^lavado, da, a. nailed, adorned with nails, clerical, a. clerical.
hobnailed exact, precise venlr clavada una
: Clericalmente, adv. in a clerical manner.
cosa a otra, to tit exactly.—jap. of clavar. ClericatO, m. state and dignity of a clergy-
Clavador, m. nail-driver. man.
Clavadura, /. nailing, driving a nail to the cleric atur a, /. clergy, ecclesiastical state.
quick in horse-shoeing. Cl6rigO, m. clergyman, a cleric, a clerk cl«- :

clavar, w. to nail, to fasten with nails; to rigo de misa, a presbyter clirigo de misa j :

fasten in, drive in, stick in, force in to ;

olla, an unlearned priest.
stick, prick, gore, pin, pierce; to set in gold Cleri^illO [cieh-re-geer-iyo], m. dim. petty cler-
or silver (coll. ) to cheat, to deceive clavar
: gyman, term of contempt.
ik un caballo, to prick a horse in shoeing Clerizbn [cleh-re-thone'l, m. chorister.
clavar la artilleria, to spike, to nail up guns : CleriZOnte [cleh-re-thon'-teh], TO. layman who
clavar los ojos or la vista, to stare, to look wears a clerical dress ill-dressed or ill- ;

with fixed eyes; (mil.) to ground: clavar mannered clergyman.

las armas, to ground the arms, Clero, m. clergy.
clavaria,/. v. clavera. Cleuasmo, »". (rhet.) prosopopoeia.
clavario, m. V. clavero. cliente, m. &f. client.
Clavaz6n, /. set of nails. Clienteia, /. protection or patronage a fol'. ;

clave, m. clavichord.—/, key or code (arch.) ;

lowing, clientele, clientship condition of a ;

keystone of an arch in music, clef: echar ; client.

la clave, to close a speech, an affair. Clima, m. climate, clime.
Clavel, m. (bot. ) pink, carnation. Climat^rico, ca, a. climacteric, climacter-
ClavelitO, m. dim. (hot.) plant which bears a ical ;
(coll.) ill-humoured.
small variety of pink. ClimatOlOgia, /. climatology.
Clavel6n, m. aug. (bot.) marigold. ClimatOl6giCO, ca, a. climatological.
Clavellina,/. (hot.) the pink, carnation : the climax, m. (rhet.) climax.
name comprises several varieties; (mil.) Clin, /. V. cRiN.
vent stopple. Clinica,/. clinic clinic wards of hospitals.
Claveque [ciah-veh'-keh], m. rock crystal, cut Clinico, ca, a. clinic, clinical,
like a clinico, m. (eccl.) clinic.
clavera,/. nail-mould; heading stamp nail- ; clinom6trico, ca, a. clinometric.
hole nail-bore
; screw-hole boundary ; ; clindmetro, m. clinometer.
where landmarks are set up. ClinopodiO, m. (bot.) calamint.
Claveria, /. office and dignity of the key- Cliper, TO. (naut.) clipper.
bearer in military orders (Mex.) treasury ;
Clisado, 7n. stereotyping.
of a cathedral. Clisar, va. to stereotype to make a cliche or ;

Clavero, ra, m. &/. keeper of the keys, treas- stereotype plate.

urer, cashier key-bearer of some military
: Clis6, TO. stereotype plate, cliche; (print.)
orders; (bot.) aromatic clove-tree. cut.
Clavete, m. dim. tack, small nail. clistel, clister, m. clyster. V. ayuda.
Clavetear, va. to nail to garnish with nails ; clitoris, TO. (anat.) clitoris.
to point or tag a lace. Clivoso, sa, a. (poet.) declivous, sloping.
ClavicordiO, m. clavichord, harpsichord. ClO, ClO, TO. cackle of a hen.
Clavicula,/. (anat.) clavicle, collar-bone. cloaca, /. sewer large intestine of fowls.

clavicular, c. (anat.) clavicular. clocar, va. to cluck. V. cloquear.

Clavija [ciah-vee'-hahi,/. pin, peg, tree-nail, nog, Cloque [cio'-kay], TO. (naut. ) grapnel, grappling*
pintle, tack peg of a stringed instrument
iron harpoon,

clavija maestra, the fore axle-tree pintle cloquear [cio-kay-ar'], vn. to cluck, cackle. VOa
apretar & uno las clavijas, to push home an to angle.
argument put on the screws.
; cloqueo [cio-kay'-o], TO. cluck, chuck, cackle.
Clavijera,/. water-hole in walls. ClOquera [clo-kay'-rah], /. State of hatching in
Clavijero, m. bridge of a clavichord. fowls.
Clavillo, ito, m. dim. small nail, spill, brad, Cloquero [cio-kay'-ro], TO. harpooner in thv
tack, pin clavillo de hebilla, rivet of a
: tunny-fishery.
buckle clavillos, cloves.
: Cloral, m. chloral,
clavi6r^ailO, m. clarichord, instrument hav- clorato, TO. chlorate.
ing strings and pipes. ClorllidratO.TO. hvdrochlorate, chlorhydrate.
Clavo, m. nail, spike clavo de herradura, hob- : ClorMdriCO, to. chlorhydric, hydrochloric.
nail clavo trabadero, keyed bolt
: corn, ; ClbricO, a. chloric,
hard and painful excrescence on the feet cloris,/. (orn.) greenfinch.
(surg. ) lint for wounds or sores tent clavo ; : Clorita,/ (min.) chlorite.
de especia, clove (naut.) rudder of a ship ; Cloro, TO. chlorin or chlorine.
severe grief or pain (farr. ) tumour between ; Clordfila, /. chlorophyll, green colouringw
the hair and the hoof of a horse; (min.^ matter of plants.
bunch of rich ore: clavo romano, (Amer.) CloroflliCO, ca, a. chlorophyllaceous, chloro-
curtain knob, picture nail dar en el clavo, : phyllian.
to hit the mark an clavo saca otro clavo, : Clorofdrmico, ca, a. chloroform ic.
one excess cures another. Cl0r0f0rmiZaCi6n [clo-ro-for-me-thah-thie on*], /.
ClenUltide, /. (bot.) traveller's-joy, virgin's- chloroformization.
bower, clematis. ClOrOfOrmiZar [clo-ro-for-me-tliar'l, va. {pret.
clemencia icieh-men'-twe-ah], /. clemency, mer- CLOROFORMIC^ : subj. CLOROFORMICE) tO
cy, forbearance. chloroform.
Clemente, clement, merciful.
«. Cloroformo. chloroform.
clementemente, adv. mercifully, clemently. Clorosis,/. (med.) chlorosis, green-sickness.
Clementina, /. canons of Pope Clement V. clordtico, ca, a. chlorotic.
clementisimo, ma, a. sup. of clemente. Cloruro, to. cnloride.
Clepsidra,/. clepsydra, water-clock. club, TO. club social or ; political association.

t (before e, i) and J u h In hot ; h, silent; U In brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; , bi«e*4i
Clueco, ca, a. broody (coll.) decrepit worn ;
; CObertura,/. cover, wrapper, covering, corer-
out with age.—/, brooding hen. let act of a grandee of Spain covering him-

COa, /. sharp stick used by Indians to till the sell the first time he is presented to the king.
land (Mex. ) a kind of hoe.
CObija [co-be'-hah], /. imbrex-tile short man- ;

COaccibn [co-ac-twe-on'], /. coaction compul- ; tilla: fine feather; cover; (Mex.) shawl,—
sion. pi. (Mex.) bed-clothes.
coacervar [co-ah-ther-var'j, va. to coacervatc, CObilador, ra, a. covering, protective.
heap together. cobijamiento, cobijo, to. act of covering
COactivO, va, a. coactive, coercive, compul- lodging.
sive. CObijar (co-be-iiar'], va. to cover, overspread,
coacusar, va. (for.) to accuse jointly with shelter, protect, lodge.
another or others. cobra, /. rope for yoking oxen ; a number ol
coadjutor ico-ad-hoo-tor'l, TO. coadjutor, assist- mares (not less than rtve) for treading out
ant, associate, coworker. the corn.
coadjutora, /. coadjutrix. cobrable, a. collectable.
coadjutoria [co-ad-hoo-to-ree'-aii],/. coadjuvancy CObradero, ra, a. that which may be recov-
help, assistance ; coadjutorship. ered or collected.
coadministrador, m. coadministrator. cobrado, da, a. & pp. of cobrar.
COadunaclon, /. coadunition. CObrador, ra. collector, receiviag teller ; con-
coadunamieato, to. v. coadunaci6n. ductor (r, w,) : perro cobrador, retriever
COadtmar, va. to join things closely together. (dog).
coadyutor, w. V. coadjutor. CObranza,
obi /. recovery or collection of money
Goadyutorio, ria, a. co-operative, coadju- retrieval of game.
tant. CObrar, va. to recover, collect, receive what is
COadyuvador, fellow-helper, assistant.
to. due, recover what is lost to retrieve, recu- ;

coadyuvante, a. & pa. coadjuvaut, helper, perate, regain to feel, gain to pull, draw ; ;

assistant, co-operative, auxiliary. in ; to win, obtain cobrar 4nimo or corazbn, :

coadyuvar, va. to help, assist, aid, co-operate. to take courage cobrar fuerzas, to gather :

coagente ico-ah-hen-teh), TO. coageut, associate. strength cobrar carnes, to become fat. vr.

coagulable, a. coagulable. to recover to return to one's self.


coagulaci6n, /. coagulation. CObratoriO, ia, a. belonging to collection of

coagulador, ra, a. coagulatory, coagulator, money ; collectible.
coagulative. CObre, to. copper ; kitchen brass utensils
coagulante, pa. coagulant. (mus.) the brass instruments of an orches-
COagUlar, va. to coagulate, to curd. vr. to tra cobre de cecial, pair of dried hake 01

coagulate, condense, clod, curdle. haddock: batir el cobre, (coll.) to pursue

COagUlatiVO, va, a. coagulative. with spirit and vigour.
CO&gUlO, coagulum, coagulated blood,
TO. CObre&O, of copper.
fla, a. made
clot, coagulation body formed by coagula-
; CObrlzO, za [co-bree-thaw' j, a. coppery, cupreous,
tion. copperish.
C0alr6ll, TO. piece of timber. CObro, TO. V. COBRANZA ; receptacle ;
place of
C0allCi6n [co-ah-ie-thie-on'j, /. coalition, confed- safety.
eracy. coca, coca; coca leaves; juice from
/. (hot.)
COalla,/. (orn.) woodcock. V. chocha. the same coca de Levante, moonseed yield-

COap6stol, TO. co-apostle. ing the India fish-berries (prov.) bugbear. ;

C0aptaci6n, /. (surg.) coaptation. V. TARASCA (naut.) sort of small vessel;


COarmador, to. part-owner of a vessel. side-hair of women put back from forehead
COarrendador, to, joint-partner in renting (coll.) head; (coll.) rap with the knuckles
anything. on the head cake. ;

COartacidn, /. (law)
limitation, restriction
; COCador, ra, a. wheedling, coaxing, flatter-
obligation to be ordained within a certain ing.
time. cocaina,/. cocaine,
COartada, /. alibi probar la coartada, to : COCal, TO, coconut grove.
prove an alibi. COCar, va. (coll. ) to coax ; to gain by wheed-
COartadO, da, a. slave who has paid his mas- ling and nattering ; to flirt.
ter a partial sum to obtain freedom. COOiUl, (Peru) breast of a fowl.
COartar, va. to coarct, limit, restrain. COCarar, va. to gather coca-leaves.
coate, ta, «. (Mex.) v. cuate. coccineo, nea tcoc-tiiie'-neii-o], a, of a purple
COautor, ra, to. &/. co-author, joint author. colour.
COba, /. (coll.) funny yarn. C0CCl6ll [coc-tlile-on'1, /. COCtion.
CObaltifero, ra, a. cobalt-bearing, cobaltif- CdCClX [cok'-thicksi, m. (anat.) the coccyx.
erous. coceador, ra ['i, to. &/. kicker. ^
CObaltO, TO. cobalt. coceadura, /. coceamiento, w. kicking.
CObarde, a. coward; timid, fearful, faint- COCear (co-theh-ar' va. to kick, fling out. V, i,

hearted. ACOCEAR (coll.) to repugn, resist.


CObardear, vn. to be a coward ; to be timid COCederO, ra, a. easily boiled.

or fcurful. cocedero, to. place where anything is cooked
cobaxdemente, adv. cowardly. or baked,
CObardia, /. cowardice, dastardy, dastard- COCediZO, za [co-theh'-dee-thawl, a. V. COCEDERO.
ness, abjectness. COcedor, to, boiler of must and new wine;
GObertera, /. cover, pot-lid bawd ; procur- ; baking-oven,
ess ; white water-lily. V. nenCfar.—pi. COCedura,/. act of boiling coctios, ;

coberteras, the two middle feathers of a COCer [co-therr'), va. {ind. CUEZO subj. CUEZA) :

hawk's tail. to boil, cook, dress victuals to bate bricks, ;

CObertlzo lc«-ber-tee'-thaw], TO. shed-roof, shed, tiles, earthenware; to digest. vn. to boil,
hut. cook, ferment; to seethe, ferment, without
CObertor, to. coverlet, bed-«pread, comforter, fire, as wine. it, to suffer intense and con«
quilt, counterpane. tinned pain.

» as in far e in eh I ; 1 in police ; • lu for ; a ia bull ; e (before e, i) aud B as th in thick : b and d, aott ,'
COCidO, da pp. of COCER
[co-thee'-doh], a. & ; COCbinero, ra, «. used of fruits poor in qual*
boiled, baked, cooked came bien cocida, : ity, given to hogs.
meat well done skilled, experienced. m. ; COCblnllla, /. woodlouse, small insect ; coclw
Spanish dish of boiled meat and vegetables. ineal, insect of commercial value.
COCiente, m, quotient. V. cuociENTE. COCbinillO, ilia, m. & /. dim. sucking pigt
COClmientO, m. coction, decoction bath or ; cochinillo de Indias, guinea-pig.
mordant for dyeing, COCbino, na, m. /. dirty, nasty, filthy, &
COCina [co-thie'-nah], /. kitchen, cookerv pot- ;
mean vile person. ;

tage of greens cocina econ6mica, cooking- : cocbino, m. pig. v. puERco,

range. cocbiquera [co-chi-keh'-rah], /. (coll.) hog-sty;
COCiuar, va. to cook or dress victuals ; (coll.) small and filthy room.
to meddle in other people's affairs. cocbite hervite, (coll.) helter-skelter.
cocinero, ra [co-tiiie-neh'-ro], m. &/. cook, chef. COCbltrll, m. (coll.) pig-sty ; filthy room.
COCinilla, ita, /. diin. small kitchen cook- ; COCbura, /. coction; boiling; dough for a
ing-stove fire-place. ; batch of bread.
Cbclea, /. ancient machine for raising water ;
coda, /. tail. V. COLA ;
(mus.) coda, ending,
endless screw. finale.
COClearia, /. (bot.) common scurvy-grass. COdadura,/. layer of an old vine.
COCO, m. (bot.) coconut-tree; coconut; coco- COdal, m. elbow-piece of ancient armour;
nut-shell vessel made of coconut-shell
short and thick wax candle shoot of vine ;

agua de coco, coconut^milk coco nacido, : frame of a hand-saw codales, carpenter's :

sprout coco vano, dry: coco zarazo, rot : square prop, shore, stay, strut stay-bolt.

coco de embarqae, select coco pequeno, cull : COdal, a. cubital, one cubit long palo codal, :

worm or grub bred in seeds and fruit coc- ; stick hung round the neck as a penance.
cus scale insect coccus, a bacterium of
; ; COdaste, m. (naut.) stern-post.
spherical form bugbear for frightening ; COdazo, m. blow with the elbow a hunch, ;

children phantasm cocos, India berries

; ; codear, vn. to elbow.
from which rosaries are made gesture, ;
COdeina, f. codeia, codein.
grimace flattering gesture
; hacer cocob, : COdelincuencia, /. association in crime.
(coll.) to flatter, wheedle, gain one's affec- COdellncuente, m. & /. associate, partner in
tions to flirt, coquet.
; crime, pal.
COCObOlO, VI. (bot.) hardwood-tree cocobolo. ; COdera, /. itch or scabbiness on the elbow
COCOdrilO, m. crocodile. piece re-enforcing the elbows of jackets ;
COCOliste, m. in Mexico, an epidemic fever. elbow-rail (naut.) breastfast. ;

c6cora, m. &f. an impertinent and annoying COdesera, /. spot grown over with hairy
person, a bore. cytisus.
COCOSO, sa, a. worm-eaten gnawed by grubs. ;
COdesO, m. (bot.) hairy cytisus.
COCOtal, m. clump of coconut-trees. C6dlce, m. old manuscript codex. ;

COCOte, m. occiput. V. cogote. COdicia [co-dee'-thie-ah], /. covetousness, cupidi-

COCOtero, m. (bot.) coconut-tree. V. coco. ty, greediness, ardent desire of good things.
COCUyO or cucuyo, m. glow-worm of the West codlclable, a. covetable.
Indies. codiciador, m. coveter.
COClia, /. in mines, small reservoir of water. codiciante, pa. coveting,
COChambre, m. (coll.) greasy, dirty, stink- codiciar, va. to covet.
ing thing. COdicilar, a. pertaining to a codicil.
cochambreria, /. (coll.) heap of filthy COdicilO [co-de-ttiee'-lo], m. COdicil.
things. codiciosamente, adv. covetously, greedily.
cochambrero, ra, cocbambroso, sa, a. COdiciOSO, sa [co-<ie-thte-o'-8o], a. greedy, covet*
(coll.) nasty, filthy, stinking. ous, avaricious, grasping (coll. ) diligent ;

COCbaiTO, m. wooden or stone dish, cup, or laborious thrifty. ;

platter. COdificar, va. {pret. codifiquk: suhj. CODI-

COCbastrO, m. little sucking wild boar. fique) to codify laws to digest. ;

COCbe, m. coach, carriage coche de alqniler : C6dig0, m. code of laws, digest codigo Jniti- :

or coche Biin6n, hack or hackney-coach coche : niano, code of Justinian codigo civil, civil :

de plaza or de punto, hack licensed at a cus- laws c6digo penal, criminal laws codigo de
: :

tomary stand coche de tranvia, street car : : honor, code of honour.

coche salon, parlour car coche dormitorio, ; COdillera, /. (farr. ) tumour on the knee of
sleeping car coche parado, balcony over a
: horses.
street full of persons. COdillO, m. knee of quadrupeds bend el- ; ;

COChear, vn. to drive a coach. bow knee breech angle codille, a term
; ; ; ;

COCbera, /. coach-house ; coachman's wife : at ombre part of a branch of a tree which


paerta cochera, carriage-door. joins the trunk foot-rule stirrup of a sad- ; ;

COCberil,a. (coll.) relating to coachmen. dle Jng&rsela k nno de codillo, (coll.) to


COCbero, m. coachman. a. easily boiled. trick or outwit a person codillos, file used :

C0Cber6n, m. aug. large coach-house engine- ; by silversmiths.

house round-house.
; COao, m. elbow, cubit; (mech.) angle, elbow,
cocbevira,/. lard. knee, breech foot-rule codo real, royal ; :

COcbevis, m. the crested shore-lark. cubit alzar or levantar el codo, to drink too

COCbifrito, m. fricassee of lamb, mutton, etc. much wine comerse los codos It, hambre, to:

COCbigatO,m. bird of Mexico. be starved with hunger dar de codo, to el- :

cocbina, /. sow. bow to treat with contempt hablar por lok

; :

COCbinada,/. herd of swine (coll.) hoggish- ;

codos, to chatter, to prattle.
ness any mean, dirty action.
; C0d6n, m. leather dock of a horse's tail.
cocbinamente, adv. foully, hoggishly, filth- COdomlz,/. (orn.) quail.
ily, nastily, meanly, basely. coeducacidn,/. coeducation.
COChinata,/. (naut.) rider. coeducar, va. to coeducate.
COCbineria, /. dirtiness, foulness, filthiness, coeficiencia,/. coefficiency.
nastiness, meanness, niggardliness. COeficiente, a. coeflicient.

( (before e, 1) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr tillled : s, hifwe^
CX)E 124 COJ
COepisCOpO, VI. contemporary bishop. COgOnal, m. cogon plantation.
COerCer Lc»-er-tlierr'], va. {ind. COEKZO : subj. COgOtazo, m. slap on the back of the neck.
coerza) to coerce, check, restrain. COgOte, TO. occiput, back of the neck crest ;

COercibilidad, /. coercibility, liability to re- at the back of the helmet ser tieso de cogote, :

straint. be haughty, conceited.

(coll.) to
coercible, «. coercible, subject to check. COgUCllO, ni. sugar of coarse quality.
C0erci6n [co-cr-thie-on'], /. coercion, restraint, COgUJada,/. (oru.) crested lark.
check. COgUjbn, m. corner of a mattress or bolster.
COercitivo, va, a. coercive, restraining. COgUjonerO, ra [c<>-Ko<>-ho-neii'-io\ a. pointed, as
COet^neo, nea, a. coetaneous, contemporary. the corners of mattresses or bolsters.
COetemo, na, «. coeternal. COgulla,/. cowl, monk's habit.
COevO, va, «• coeval. coguUada, /. v. papada de puerco.
COeXiStencla [co-ek-sis-ten'-thle-ah], /. coexist- conabltaci6n [co-ah-be-tau-thie-on';, /, cohabita-
ence. tion.
coexistente, pa. coexistent. COhabitar, vn. to cohabit, live together,
COeXiStir co ek-sls-tecr'J, vn. tO COCxist. CObecha [co-a'-chah], /, (agr.) last tillage be-
coextenderse, vr. to coextend. fore sowing the crop.
COfa,/. (nam.) top of the lower masts, CObechador, m. briber, suborner.
COfla,/. hair-uet, cowl, head-dress, head-gear, CObecbar [co-a-char'i, va. to bribe, suborn,
coif die-case in coining.
; hire, daub, fee; (agr.) to plough the last
COfiezuela, /. dim. small hair-net or coif. time before sowing.
COfm, m. small basket for fruit fruit-box. ; CObecbO [co-a'-cho], m. bribery; (agr.) season
COfrade, da, m. &f. confrier, member of any for ploughing the ground.
confraternity or brotherhood. C0b6ll [co-en], m. & f. soothsayer procurer, ;

COfradia, /. confraternity, brotherhood, or pimp.

sisterhood trades union ; association of
; COberedera, /. coheiress, joint-heiress.
persons for any purpose. COberederO, m. coheir, fellow-heir, joint-
COfre, m. trunk for clothes; (mil.) coffer; heir.
(print.) coffin of the imposing-stone. COberencia [co-a-ren'-tiiie-air, /. coherence, con-
COrreclCO, illO, itO, m. dim. small trunk, nection, adhesion of molecules.
COfrero, m. trunk-maker or seller. COberente (c<>-a-ren'-teh], o. coherent, consist-
cofto, ta, a. V. copTo. ent, cohesive.
COgedera rod for gathering
[co-heh-deh'-rah], /. coberentemente, adv. cohesively.
frass-hemp; catching swarming
box for cobesibn [coa-ae-on'], /. cohesion,
ees pole for gathering
fruit. cobesivo, va, a. cohesive.
COgedero, ra, m. &/. ready to be gathered ; CObete [co-a'-tehl, m. rocket or sky-rocket.
handle, haft. CObeteria,/. fire-works shop.
COgediZO, Za [co-heh-dee'-thaw], a. that which CObetero, m. maker or seller of fire-works.
can be easily collected or gathered. CObibicibn [co-«-be-thie-oii'], /. prohibition, re-
COgedor, m. collector, gatherer ; dust-box or straint.
dust-pan ; coal or ash shovel ; box for the CObibir [co-e-Wrr*], va. to cohibit, prohibit, re-
woven velvet strain.
COgedura, /. act of gathering or collecting. CObObacibn,/. (ehem.) cohobation.
COger [co-herr'], va. {ind. COJO : subj. coja) to CObobar, va. to redistil, cohobate.
catch, seiz^, grasp, hold fetch, gather, col- ; cobombral [co-om-braiii'j, m. cucumber-bed.
lect, take to imoibe, soak; to have room ; CObombrillO, m. dim. gherkin.
or capacity; to occupy, take up; to find, CObombro [co-om'-bro', VI. cucumber; fritter
procure; to surprise, attack unexpectedly, cut into pieces like a cucumber.
catch to intercept, obstruct. vn. to fit,
; CObonestar [co-o-nes-tar'J, va. to give an honest
have room, reach. appearance to an action.
COgida, /. (coll.) gathering or harvesting of COborte [coor'-teii],/. cohort.
fruits; (coll.) yield of fruits; (coll.) act of COlma, /. perquisite received by the keeper of
the bull's catching the bull-fighter (fish) ;
a gaming-taole.
catch. COime, COimerO, m. keeper of a gaming-
COgldO, da, a. pp. of COGER. m. fold in table ; scorer at billiards.
women's clothing, curtains, etc. COinCidenCia [co-ln-tlile-den'-tliie-ali], /. coinci-
cogitabundo, da, a. pensive, thoughtful, dence, concurrence.
musing. COincidente, pa. coincident, concurrent,
C0gitaci6n [ocvhe-tah-twe-on'], /. (obs.) reflec- consistent,
tion, meditation, cogitation. COincidir [co-in-tuie-dirr'], vn. to concur, coin-
COgitativo, va, a. cogitative ;
given to medi- cide.
tation. COinqUlnarSe [co-ln-key-nar'-Beh], vr. to be
C0gnaci6n, /. cognation ; kindred, relation- stained. V. mancharsk.
ship. cointeresado, da, a. jointly interested.
COgnado, da, a. cognate ; related by consan- COitO, TO. coition, carnal coi)ulation.
guinity. cola [co' -hah], /. (ooll.) lewd wouiau.
COgnaticiO, la, a. cognatic, COiear [co-hehar'], r?i. to liiup, halt, hobble to ;

cognlcldn,/, V. conocimiento. deviate from virtue.

COgnomentO, m. cognomination, surname. COjcra Ico-heh'-rah], /. lameness, halt, hobble,
cognosclble, a. v. conocible. limp.
COgnOSCltlVO, va, a. cognitive. COJijO [co-hee'-ho\ to. complaint of some slight
COgOlliCO, itO, m. dim. small heart of garden injury grub or insect.

plants. COJijOSO, sa [co-he-ho'-so', a. peevish, irritable.

COgOllO, m. heart of garden plants shoot of ; COjin[ot>-heen'l,j;i. cushion, pillow, saddle pad.
a plant top, summit. ; COJlnete, COjinlUo,' wj. dim. cushionet, small
cogombro, m. v. cohombro. cushion, small pillow, pad; rail chair;
C0g6n, m. (bot.) bamboo used in the Philip- (niech. ) journal bearing shaft bearing pil- ;

pines for thatching. low block.

* •• 1 tax ; e in eb I ; 1 In police ; o in for ; u in ball ; c (before e, 1) and z as tli In thick ; b and d, loit
COJitranco, ca, «. nickname for evil-dis- COlativO, va, «. collative ; that which can
posed lame persons. strain or filter.
COJO, ja lame, cripple, halt.
[co'-hoj, n. & a. C0lc6tar, m. (chem.) colcothar ; rouge ;
coi 6n [co-hone'], m. (low) testicle. F. testiculo. ellers' red,
coi udo, da, a. entire, not gelt or castrated. COlcha,/. coverlet, quilt, counterpane.
COmelO, ela, a. dim. a small cripple. COlchadura, /. quilting (naut.) laying or ;

cok, m. coke. V. coque. twisting ropes.

col, /. cabbage : this name is given to several COlchar, va. to quilt. V. ACOLCHAR : colchar
varieties. cabos, (naut. ) to lay or twist ropes : carro de
cola, /. tail, cue tail end hind portion of ; ;
colchar, rope-maker's sledge.
anything extremity trail of a comet ap-
; ; ; COlchero, m. quilt-maker.
pendage tail of a kite line of people await-
; ; c61chlC0, m. (bot.) colchicum, meadow saf-
ing turn end seat in a row lowest place
; ; fron.
ia a school class (arch.) inside joint cola ;
: C0lcll6ll, m. mattress
pluma, : colchon de
de milano, (carp.) swallow-tail, fan-tail: feather-bed colchon de muelles, spring-mat-

cola de golondrina, (fort. ) horn-work (mus. ;

tress colchon de viento, air cushion, air-bed.

prolonged note at end of a song cola de ca- : COlchonciCO, illO, itO, m. dim. small mat-
ballo, (bot.) horse-tail cola de rata, (mech.) : tress.
rat-tail file: tener or traer cola, (coll.) to be COlcllOIiero, ra, m,. & f. mattress-maker,
followed by serious consequences ; (sew. feather-bed-maker : agnja colchonera, tufting
train of a gown. needle.
<:Ola>, /. glue; cola clara, transparent glue: COlchoneta, /. quilted covering for a lounge.
cola de pescado, isinglass: cola de retazo or COleada, /. wag of the tail; (Sp. Amer.) act
ratal, size used by painters cola de boca, : of felling a bull by a twist of the tail.
lip glue. COleadura, /. wagging of the tail, wriggling.
COlaboracibn, /. collaboration, working to- COleador, m. (Sp. Amer.) man who fells a
gether. bull by twisting its tail.
COlaborador, ra, m. & /. fellow-labourer, COlear, V7i. to wag the tail, wriggle, to wig-
collaborator, coworker. gle-waggle. va. (Mex.) in bull-fights, to
colaborar, va. to collaborate. take the Dull by the tail, while on horseback,
COlacidn [co-iah-thie-on'i, /. collation, critical and, by suddenly starting the horse, to
comparison act of bestowing an ecclesias-
; overturn him (S. Amer.) to fell a bull by ;

tical benefice, orconferring degrees in uni- twisting his tail.

versities ; conference on spiritual affairs C0lecci6ll,/. collection, aggregation, accumu-
slight repast, luncheon ; sweetmeats given lation set suit array gathering.
; ; ;

to servants on Christmas eve ; precinct or COlecta, /. ass<?ssment collect, a prayer col- ; ;

district of a parish : sacar 4 colacion, to lection of voluntary offerings.

make mention of a person or thing : traer & C0lectaci6n, /. levy ; collecting rents, taxes,
colaci6n, (coll.) to produce proofs or reasons ; or other dues. V. recaudaci6n.
to introduce, in conversation, something ir- COlectar, va. to collect taxes. V. recaudar.
relevant. colectivamente, adv. collectively.
colacionar, va. to collate. COlectivldad, /. collectivity mass of people. ;

colact^neo, nea, m. /. foster brother or & COlectiVO, va, a. aggregated (gram.) collec- ;

sister. tive.
COlada,/. wash, buck, bucking; common, an COlector, m. collector, gatherer tax or rent ;

open ground road for cattle over a com- ; gatherer water conduit. ;

non (met.) tap of a furnace; (coll.) a

; COlecturia,/. collectorship oflSice of the col- ;

good sword. lector tax office.;

COladera, /. strainer, colander; wax-chan- COlega, m. colleague, compeer : said by one

dler's sieve (Mex.) perforated sink cover.
journal of another.
COladero, m. colander, strainer, drainer, fil- colegatario, ra, m. & /. collegatary, colega-
tering bag; narrow passage; (min.) hole tee.
for dumping ore. colegiado, a. collegiate.
COlador, m. colander. V. coladero ; col- COleglal, m. collegian, collegiate.—or. colle-
lator ;
(print. ) leach-tub. iglesia colegial, colle^ate church.
gial :

COladora, /. woman who bucks clothes. COlegiala,/. collegian. woman

COladura, /. eolation, straining, filtration COlegiamente, adv. in a collegial manner.
coladuras, wax dregs. COlegiarse, vn to unite in a college those of
COlaire, m. place through which a current of the same profession or class.
air passes. COlegiata,/. collegiate church.
colambre, (tan.) v. corambre.
/. COlegiatura, /. fellowship or establishment
COlanilla,/. small sliding-bolt ; sash-bolt. in a college.
COla&a, /. low partition in stairs or grana- COleglO college, house in which
[co-ieh'-he-o], TO.
ries ;
joist about twenty palms long and six collegians reside, seminary, educational in-
inches broad. stitution ; body of associates or colleagues.
colapez, colaplscis, /. isinglass, v. cola COlegir, va. (ind. COI.IJO : p7'€L el coligio:
DE PESCADO. subj. colija) to collect or gather ; to deduce,
COlapsO, m. (raed.) collapse, prostration. infer.
COlar, va. & vn. (ind. CUELO subj. cuele) to : COlegislador, ra, a. co-legislative (body).
strain, drain, pass through, percolate, filter ; COleO, m. V. COLEADURA.
to bleach clothing after washing to collate ; ; COle6ptero, ra, a. coleopterous. m. p:. the
(coll. ) to spread false news ; to pass counter- coleoptera.
feit money ; to pass through a strait place ; Cblera,/. choler, bile, anger, fury, rage, pas-
(coll.) to drink wine. vr. to strain, be fil- sion montar en c61era, to fly into a passion.
tered; to steal into a place; (coll.) to be — :

m. colera morbo, cholera morbus colera :

displeased with a jest. a8i4tico, Asiatic cholera.

COlateral, a. collateral. colera [co-ieh'-rah], /. Ornament for the tail of
colateralmente, adv. collaterally. a horse.
g (before e, 1) and J as h Jn hot ; h, silent ; U In brilliant ; fi, ny In canyon ; r (Initial) and rr triUed ; s, hiaaed.
COL 126 cOaL-

COl^ricamente, adv. fumingly, passicm- COXIadaBr;. vn-.. to be-eoutiguoue^.tb'be-aiKgesntL

ately. COMuOr "'- sniadl cabbage not taiaoa«>*" t«dL
C0l6riC0, ca, a. choleric, angry, irascible, COlirlO, '«. GoUyrium^, eye-wash,
wrathful. COlisabr/- (aotL..) swivel gun.
coleriforme, a. choleriform. COliseo,."^. theatre, oppTa-house,.plaiy-hou8e->
COlerina,/- choleriae. COlislbn, /. ooUision, jrush, clash;, bnujae.
COleta, /. cue or queue of the hair; (coll.) ehaie, soneuess isow cubbing.; oppositiony
short addition to a discourse or writing, claah oi' ideas,
postscript cortarse la coleta, to quit the pro-
: COliti^^ante,. m. op* ^ carries- on. a^ la.w»uit
fession of bull-fighter. with another..
COletero, m. maker or seller of buff doublets COlmadamenter adv. abundantly,, plentit-
and breeches. fully.
COletilla, /. dim. small cue. COlmado^ <*a,. a^. &Ued,. heaped.r—m^. fine {pM>^
'C0le1iill&, m. dim. small butf doublet. eery. *» oicotM^AR.
^OletO, nu buff doublet or jacket; (coll.) COlxaa" a. tO' iMsujf. upv fill to the- boimi;, ' to-
body of A man interior of a person dlje ; : fulfil jJteup.. V. iA.KS^^^•, tobest-owlib.
para ai c»leto, I said to myself: echarse al erally.
coleto, (coll.) to read through; to eat or colmena, /. bee-hive.
drink something. .
COlmenar, /. apiary,
^Igadero, m. hook or peg to hang things colmenero, m. bee-keeper,, bee^uastes :: oso-
upon hat or coat rack hanger.
; ; colmmero, hooey-eating, bean.
colgadero, ra, a. fit to be hung up. COlmenilla, /. (sot.) morel or mocil,. edfibls
COlgadlzO, m. shed shed-roof brick-bake. ; ; mushroom^
COlgadlzO, za, a. pendent, suspended. COlmillada, /. injury made by an eye«4i(»otlu
COlgadO, da, a. suspended; (coll.) disap- COlmillar, a., belnioging to the eye-tootlu
pointed, left.—p^. of COLGAR. COlmillaZO [colrn»eel-ly«h'-thaw], m. augt. larga
COlgador, m. (prmt.) peel-hanger, y-linteL eye-touth woaud mode by aUi eye-tooih or

COlgadura, /. tapestry, hanging or drapery ;

bunting colgadora de cama, bed-hangings.
: COlnullejO, m... dim. saiaXi eye-t400th^ £aJi^ oc
COlgaJO, m. tatter or rag hanging from tusk.
clothes bunch of grapes or fruit hung up
; ColndBo,,™. eye-tooth, caoine-tootli,. fang^
to be preserved:—p^. the fleshy tissues left in l(Hig tusk eBonpir por eL oomillo,. ^colL ) to>

some amputations. bragr bea&t mostrar los colmiUoB,. (coll. ) toi


colgandero, ra, a. V. colgante. showspixil; and resolution: tenat aalmUlos^

fCOlgante, pa. hanging, pending, clinging; (colL) to. be- qjuick-sighted, not easily im.-
'- -^ V
(mech.) hanger;
{arch.l (jj-op^ pendent; posed upon.
(carp.) king-post.
4>0lgar, CUELGO pret. coLGufi stibj.
- {ind.
olgar, va. ' "
— : :
or tusks ;
a. bavimg eye-teeth, fajig^
sagacious, quick-sighted.
cuelgue) to hang up, suspend, hoist; to COlmOy m. complement finishing, cenif-
heajfk,. ;

adorn with hangings (coll.) to kill by hang- ;

pletion, cro-wii overraiea.sure fill ; thatchedl
; ;

ing. vn. to hang from, to be suspended; roof^ height: llegar k. eolmo,. to reach per-
dangle hover, droop
; flag, : colgar loi li4bi- fection ^.ealsio, abundantly,, pfentifully.

toi, to doff the cassock. COlmo,. ma^ «- heaping full.

^Oliblanca, /. (orn.) an eagle of South COlOcacidn,./. employmient, pl>a«e, office. sit»-
America. ation, position ]. locatiotk,. placement ;, olstiri*
<COliblail<^, ca, a. white-tailed. bution of parts.
COlibre, COlibri, m. (om.) colibri, humming- COlOCar, ta. {pret. cOLOQufi.: subj. coloque)
bird. to arrange, put in due place or ordev ; to
•cblica,/. colic. place, provide one with a situation or em*
tsolicano, na, a. having gray hair in the tail. ployment ; to collocate, locate, lay.
CdliCO, ca, a. (med.) belonging to the colon. COlOCasia,/, (hot.) Egyptian bean.
€61iC0, m. (med.) colic, griping, a disease. colocutor, ra, m. &f. collocutor.
C0liCliacl6n,/. colliquation. COlodl6n, 7n. collodion.
COliCUante, pa. colliquant colliquative. ; COlodra, /. milk-pail a kit ; a pailftil wood- ; ;

COllCuar, va. to colliquate, melt, dissolve. en can for measuring wine drinking can ;

IT. to become liquid.

to colliquate ;
with a handle drinking horn with a cork ;

colicuativo, va, a. colliquative. bottom whetstone ease mf vna colodra.

; :

eolicuecer, va. {ind. colicuezco : subj. coLi- (coll.) to be a toper or tippler.

cuezca) to fuse or melt. COlodrazgO, m. tax on wine sold in small
COliflor, /. (hot.) cauliflower. quantities.
COllgacibn, /. colligation ; binding of things colodrillo, m. occiput, hind part of the bead.
together ; connection, union, alliance. COlof6n, m. (print.) colophon.
COUgadO, da, m. & f. leaguer, covenanter. COlOfonia, /. colophony resin. ;

a. agreed and associated.—pp. of coligarse. COlofonita, /. garnet of a light-green or rosy-

coligadura, /. coligamiento, m. v. ooli- red colour.
gaci6n. COlombiano, na, a. of or belonging to Co-
COllg-arse, vr. to colligate, colleague, confed- lombia.
COlomblno, na, a. pertaining to Columbus or
€0U10, coUla, 61 coligld (Jrr. from colegir). his family.
COmla, /. ttim. small tail ; stub of a cigar or colon, m. colon, the largest of the intestines ;

cigarette. (gram.) principal part or member of a

COlulerO, ra, a. person who gathers cigar period; (gram, and print.) colon (:): colon
stubs for a trade, imperfecto, semicolon (;) a gold coin in C. ;

COlln, a. short-tailed horse. America.

COlina, /. height hill, hillock, ; hummock COlonatO, m. system of colonization.
seed of cabbage. V. colino. COlonche, "). (Mex.) intoxicating drink from
COlinabO, m. (bot.) turnip. the sap of the cactus and sugar.
COllndante, a. contiguous, adjacent. COlonia, /. colony, colonized country a plan- ;

« as iQ far ; e in eh 1 ; i in police ; O In for ; n in boll ; C (before e, 1) and z as th in thick ; b and d, aill|

tation silk riLbou two fingers wide:
meiia COlUSOriO, ria, a. collusory, collusive.
colonia. silk ribbon one finger wide. COlutoriO, TO. (pharm.) gargle.
colonial, a. colonial. COluvle, /. gang of rascals sewer, sink. ;

colonizacibn, /. colonization. colza, /. (bot.) colza, summer rape.

colonizador, ra, «. colonizer. COlzal,/. cole wort-seed.
colonlzar, va. {pret. cx)i.0Nic]6: subj. COLO- COlla, /. collet, piece of ancient armour;
NICE) to colonize, settle. (Philip.) continuous squalls preceding the
COlono, m. color ist, settler, planter, farmer. monsoons a channel of an auger last
; ;

COlofiO, m. load of wood which a person car- oakum placed in a seam.

ries on his back. collaci6n,/. v. colaci6n.
COloquintida, /. (bot.) colocynth or colo- COUadO, m. height, fell, hillock,
quintida ; bitter apple or gourd. collar, TO. necklace chain or cord from ;

COloquiO [co-io'-ke-o], w. colloquy, conversa- which hang certain insignia of honour^

tion, talk. collar, collet.
color, m. colour, hue dye, paint, rouge pre- ; ;
COllarcitO, m. dim. small necklace.
text, pretence, false show or appearance COllaxejO, to. dim. small collar or necklace.
colouring, tint, complexion flush, blush, ; COllarin, m. black neck-stock edged with
aspect color vivo, bright colour color muer-
: : white, worn by the Roman Catholic clergy.
to or quebrado, wan or faded colour sacarle : V. ALZACUELLO collar of a coat. ;

los eolorcB i. una persona, to make a person COllarlnO, m. (arch.) half round, torus. V.
blush 80 color, on pretence, under pretext
de color, coloured colores nacionales, na-
: COllazO [coi-lyah'-thaw], w. ploughman, farm-
tional flag. hand, hired man.
(;Oloracl6ll,/. colouring, coloration, painting. lamb'S-lcttuCC OF
COlleja[«^ol-lyeh'-hah], /. (bot.)
Colorado, da, a. ruddy, florid, red; indeli- corn-salad coUejas, slender nerves in a

cate, smutty coloured, specious ponerse

; : sheep's neck.
Colorado, to blush with shame poner k al- : COllera, /. collar, breast^harness for draught-
guno Colorado, to put one to the blush.—^. cattle horse-collar
; (naut.) stay of the ;

of COLORAR. dead-blocks,
COlorante, pa. colouring. C0ller6ll, m. harness collar, hame.
COlorar, va. to dye, paint, stain, tint, tinge, COlleta, (bot.) small kind of cabbage.
colour, lay on colours. C0ll6n, TO. (coll.) coward, a poltroon, meair
COloratiVO, va, a. colorific, tingeing. fellow.
COlorear, va. to make plausible, palliate, ex- coUonada/. (coll.) cowardliness.
cuse. vn. to redden, grow red. colloneria, /. (coll.) cowardice.
COlorete, m. rouge. coma, /. comma ( , ) ;
(mus.) each of the parts'
COlorido, m. colouring or colour ; pretext, into which a tone is divided.
pretence. coma, TO. (med.)coma, profound insensibility.
COlorido, da, a. colorate.—pp. of colorik. COmadre, /. midwife godmother (coll. ) a ; ;

coloridor, ra, m. & f. v. coix>rista. gossip.

OOlorin, m. (om.) linnet ; bright, vivid, loud comaorear, vn. to gossip, tattle.
colour. comadreja,/. weasel.
COlorlr, va. to colour artistically ; to make comadrero, ra, a. one who gossips from
plausible, V. colorear. house to house.
COlorista, m. colourist. C0madr6n, man-midwife, accoucheur.
COlOSal, a. colossal, huge, gigantic. COmal, TO. (Mex.) flat earthenware pan for
COloSO, m. colossus, a great man ; a mammoth cooking maize cake.
thing. comalia, comalicidn, /. epizootic disease
COlpa, /. whitish sort of copperas a flux. ; among sheep.
c61quiC0 [coi'-ke-co], m. colchicum, meadow comandado, da, pp. & a. (mil. ) officered.
saffron. COmandancla,/. command; office of a com.
COlumbino, na, a. dove-like, innocent, can- mander province or district of a com-

did. mander comandancia militar, military com-


COlumbrar, va. to spy, perceive, discern at a mand Comandancia general de Marina, The

distance, to see afar oft ; to trace a thing by High Court of Admiralty.

conjectures. COmandanta, /. commander's wife.
columelar, m. incisor. COmanda.nte, to. & pa. commander, chief,
COllunna /. column, round pillar, support commandant, leader (mil.) officer of rank ;

supp>orter, protector • pile of things ; column equivalent to the Anglo-Saxon major.

of air or water ; body of soldiers ; newspa- COmandar, va. (mil.) to command, govern.
per column; (arith.) row: colnmna milia- COmandita, /. (com.) silent partnership; ir
ria, milestone eolumna vertebral, spine : co-
: Louisiana called partnership in commen*
lumna salombnica, twisted column. dam.
COlmnnariO, ria, a. columnar, applied to the COmanditariO, a, a. (com.) belonging or re-
money coined in Spanish America, with the lating to a silent partnership.
impressions of two columns. COmanditariO, (com.) silent partner;
to. ii»

columnata, /. colonnade. Louisiana, partner in commendam.

COlumpiar,va. to swing. vr. to swing; (coll.) COmandO, to. (mil.) command. V. mando.
to waddle. COmarca,/. territory, district ; border, boun
COlumpiO, m. a swing meritot. ; dary, limit.
coluna, /. V. column a. comarcano, na, a. neighbouring, near, bor
COlunita, /. dim. small column. dering upon.
COlurlbn, m. (orn.) lesser butcher-bird, comarcar, va. {pret. comarqu^: subj. CO"
flusher. marque) to plant trees in a straight line, sc
COlurO, m. (ast.) colure. as to form walks. vn. to border, to confin*
colusidn,/. collusion. upon.
COlusoriamente, adv. collasively, fraudu- COmatOSO, sa, a. (med.t comatose.
lently. COmba,/. curvature, warp, bend, bulge, bilge,

t (be<ere e, 1) and J as h iv hot ; h, silent ; U in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; , hissed.
convexity play of jumping or skipping
; COmendaticio, Cia, a. commendatory letters
rope the skippiug-rope itsell'.
; giveu by prelates.
COnibadura, /. curvature, convexity, warp- comeudatorio, ria, «. relating to letters of
ing, bending, bulging, belly. introduction or recommendation.
COmbar, va. to bend, to curve. vr. to warp, COmenderO, «*. a beneficiary of the crown.
bulge, sag, jut. COmensal, /«. &/. commensal; member of a
COmbate, m. combat, conflict, engagement, household ; table companion.
fray, fight, battle; agitation of the mind ; COmensalia, /. fellowship of house and table.
struggle. COmentador, ra, m. & f. commentator, ex-
combatible, a. combatable, conquerable. positor, annotator, expounder, glosser.
COmbatidor, m. combatant, champion. COmentar, va. to comment, explain, expound,
COmbatiente, m. &pa. combatant, lighter. gloss.
COmbatir, va. & vn. to combat fight, battle ;
; COmentariO, m. commentary.
to contend, contest ; to attack, dash, en- comentarista, m. & /. commentator.
gage ; to contradict, oppose ; to agitate the COmentO, m. comment, exposition, explana-
mind ; to struggle. tion.
COmbatividad,/. (phren.) combativeness. COmenzante, pa. beginning, beginner.
COmbeneflciadO, m. prebendary of the same COmenzar [co-men-thar'J, va. &vn. {ind. COMIEN-
church as another. zo pi-ei. COMENC^
: : subj. comien'ce) to
combos, m. open space; (uaut.) waist of a commence, begin.
ship, upper deck. comer, vn. to eat, to feed, to dine. va. to eat
COmbinable, a. combinable. food to have an income ; to spend, waste,

COmbinacidn, /. combination aggregate of ; exhaust ; to itch, corrode, consume, gnaw,

words beginning with the same syllable bore ; to take a piece or checker in a game.
concurrence; (cnem.) a compound. — vr. to suppress some letter or syllable in
Combinar, va. to combine, join, unite, con- the pronunciation of words: comer 4 dos
nect; (chem.) to compound. carrilloB, to enjoy two places or benefices at
COmbiliatoriO, rla, a. combining, uniting, the same time comer de mogollon, to live at

compounding. other people's expense comerse los codos de :

COmbleza,/. concubine of a married man. hambre, (coll.) to be starved with hunger:

COmblezO, m. one who lives in concubinage comerse unos k otroB, to be constantly at
with a married woman. drawn daggers comerse 4 nno con los ojos,

combo, ba, a- bent, crooked, warped. to look daggers at any one tener que comer, :

combo, ni. stand or frame for casks. to have a competence ganar de comer, to :

COmburente, a. producing coTubustion. earn a livelihood comer como un sabanon, :

COmbustibilidad, /. combustibility. (coll.) to eat excessively.

combustible, a. combustible.— ;«. fuel. comer, m. eating. V. comida.
30mblistl6ll, /. combustion, burning. comerciable, a. merchantable, marketable ;

combusto, ta, a. burnt. V. abrasado. sociable, social, affable.

comedero, raL a. eatable, edible. m. feed- comercial [co-mer-thie-ahrj, a. commercial,
ing-trough dining-room, eating-place.
<jomedia,/. comedy, play laughable incident ; comer cialmente, adv. commercially.
in real life comedia de capa y espada, cos-
: COmerCiante [co-mer-thie-Rhu'-tehl, m. & pa.
tume play of the seventeeuth century co- : trader, merchant, trafficker.
media de earedo, play with a complicated comerciar ico-m8r-thie-ar'],m. to trade, to traf-
plot comedia de coBtambres, modern society
: fic to commerce have intercourse with.
; ;

play comedia togada, ancient Latin play.

: COmerciO [co-merr'-thie-o], TO. trade, commerce,
COmedianta, /. K actkiz; comedienne. mart; communication, intercourse;
COmediante, m. player, actor, comedian : co- unlawful connection between the sexes
mediante de la legua, strolling player. body of merchants business fection of a ;

COmediar, va. to divide into equal shares, town store, shop game at cards.
; ;

average. comestible, a. eatable, comestible.—/)/, all

comedidamente, adr. gently, courteously, sorts of provisions and food.
civilly, with moderation. cometa, m. (ast.) comet.—/, kite; game at
COmedldO, da, a. civil, polite, gentle, courte- cards.
ous, kind, obsequious, obliging, moderate. cometedor, ra, «. offender, a criminal.
—pp. of COMEDIR.SB. COmeter, va. to commit, charge, intrust to ;

COmedimientO, m. civility, politeness, urban- commit some criminal act or error (com. ;

ity, kindness, obsequiousnes.s, moderation. to order,

COmediO, m. centre of a realm or place ; in- cometido, m. commission, charge, trust,
tcrinediate time between epochs. comezon,/. itch or itching longing desire. ;

COmedion, m. long and tedious comedy. c6micamente, adv. comically,

COmedlrse, vr. {ind. me COMIDO: subj. me comicial.a. comitial.
oomida) to govern one's self; to be mod- COmiClOS [co-mee'-thie-oal, m. pi. COmitla ;
(pol. )
erate, civil, obliging, kind. primaries, district assemblies.
COmedor, ra, m. /. eater, feeder. & m. din- CbmiCO, ca, a. comic, dramatic, relating to
ing-room. the stage comical, ludicrous, funny. m.

COmeJ^n [co-meh-hen'], m. kind of white ant, player, actor, comedian. V. comediante;

very destructive to houses and their con- writer of comedies.—/, actress.
tents la tropical America ; sort of wood- comida, eating food,
./". dressed victuals ;

borer which pierces pipe-staves. dinner, meal, fare feed the board. ; ;

COmejonera, /. nest of comejia; (Venez.) COmidilla, /. dim. slight repast peculiar ;

bad characters.
resort of fancy, fad, or favourite amusement.
COmendador, m. knight commander of a COmidO, da, comido
«. satiate, full to satiety :

military order ;
prefect of religious houses. por servido, meat for work, signifying the
COmendadora, /. superior of a nunnery, small value of any employ. pp. of comer.
COmendatarlO, m. commendator, commen- oomido (me), me comida {irr. from come-

ft M in fftr ; • In eh t ; 1 in police ; O in for ; a in ball ; c (before e, i) and i as th in thick ; b and d, soft

COmienzO [co-me-«n'-thaw], wi. origin, beginning, CdmodO, m. utility, profit, convenience.
initiation, commencement, start. Cbmodo, da, a. convenient, commodious,
comienzo, comience {irr. from comenzar). suitable, comfortable.
comilitdn, m. parasite. V. conmilit6n, COmodoro, ?w. (naut.) commodore.
comilitona, comllona, /. (coll.) splendid compacto, ta, a. compact, close, dense.
and plentiful repast. compadecer, va. & vr. {ind. compadezco:
comil(6n, na, m. &f. great eater, glutton. suhj. compadezca) to pity, condole, sym-
COmilla, /. dim. from coma.—^^. quotation- pathize with to agree with each other, con-

marks (" "). cur, concord, accord, tally, conform.

cominear, vn. meddle in trifles or (coll.) to COmpadraje, m. mutual admiration or co^
occupations belonging to women, operation society, generally used in bad
comlnero, a. meddlesome, officious. n. cot- part.
quean. COmpadrar, vn. to become a godfather or
cominillo, m. darnel. V. joyo. mother ; to contract a spiritual affinity.
COminO, m. (bot.) cumin-plant, cumin-seed: COmpadraZgO [com-pah-drath'-go' m. gossipred
no vale un comino, it is not worth a rush. or compaternity spiritual affinity. ;

COmisar, va. to confiscate, sequestrate, attach. COmpadre, godfather, protector, benefactor,

COmisaria,/. COmisaxlatO, m. commissary- friend, used when casually addressing a
ship, commissariat. person.
COmisariO, m. commissary, delegate, deputy, COmpadreria, /. friendly intercourse be-
manager comisario de entradas, in hospitals,
: tween godfathers, friends, or companions.
the person who keeps an account of the C0mpaginaCi6n [com-pali-he-nah-thie-on'j, /. COm-
patients who enter: comisario de guerra, pagination, union, structure.
(mil. ) reviewing officer comlBario ordenador, : compaginador, m. one who joins, unites, or
(mil.) assistant quartermaster : comisario de couples.
cnartel or de barrio, justice of the peace of a COmpaginar [com-pah-he-nar'], arrange in va. to
ward. order, join, unite, couple, compact, com-
COmisidn, mandate,
/. trust, commission ; paginate.
charge, precept, order; ministration, min- companage, compango, m. cold lunch, cold
istry commission, perpetration.
; cuts.
comlsionado, da, a. & pp. of comisionar, COmpa&a,/. (obs.) family; company.
commissional or commissionary commis- ; compa&erismo, m. harmony, good-fellow-
sioned, deputed, empowered. m. &f. com- ship.
missioner; (com.) agent, proaty, attorney. COmpafLerO, ra, m. & /. companion, friend,
comisionar, va, to commission, depute, em- fellow, mate, consort: companero de cuarto,
power, appoint. chamber-fellow chum, comrade, colleague, ;

COmlsionista, m. commissioner commission ; fellow-member, condisciple, partner, asso-

merchant, commission agent. ciate, coadjutor, follower one thing suited ;

COmiso, m. (law) confiscation of prohibited to another one of a pair. ;

goods the goods when confiscated; (com.)

; compa&ia, /. company, society, assembly,
seizure, attachment. meeting partnership, fellowship
copart- ;

comisorio, ria, a. obligatory for a time or nership, company (mil. ) company, troop, ;

valid for a fixed day. body of soldiers theatrical company com- ; :

comistiOn,/. V. coNMii5Ti6N. pania de la legna, strolling company of play-

comlstrajo, m. (coll.) hod^e-podge, mess. ers society conversation of a companion
; ;

comisura, /. (anat.) commissure; suture. compafiia de Jesus, order of Jesuits.

comital, a. V. condal. COnipafl.611 [com-pah-nyon'], TO. (coll.) testicle.
coinitente,pa. constituent. comparable, a. comparable.
comitiva, /. suite, retinue, followers. comparaci6n, /. comparison, conference
Cbmitre, m. (naut.) boatswain on board a collation, conferring.
galley sea-captain under orders of the ad-
; comparador, m. comparing-rule.
miral of the fleet. comparar, va. to compare, estimate, con'
COmiza,/. (icht.)kind of barbel. front, confer, collate.
COmo, adv. how, in what manner, to what de- comparativamente, adv. comparatively.
gree ; as, in a sense of comparison why ? ; comparativo, va, a. comparative.
in such a manner; in what manner; if, comparecencia,/. appearance before a judge,
like, in the same manner, in the same man- comparecer, vn. (ind. comparezco subj. :

ner as ; so that, such as, that, inasmuch as. comparezca) to appear before a judge.
interj. como I why, is it possible ! i cdmo no ?
\ compare cienie, pa. of comparecer.
why not? COmparendO, m. summons, citation, a^uo-
C6ni0da, /. chest of drawers bureau. ;
nition to appear.
comodable, a. that which can be lent or bor- comparicibu,/. (law) appearance.
rowed. comparsa, /. retinue of personages repre-
'^dmodamente, adv. conveniently, commo- sented on the stage masquerade in carni- ;

diously, comfortably. val. m. &f. figurant on the stage.

comodante, m. (for.) one who lends gratui- COmpartem. &/. (law) joint party or accom-
tously for a limited time. plice in a civil or criminal cause.
COmodatariO, m. (law) borrower; pawn- COmpartimientO, m. compartment; division
broker. of a whole into proportionate parts ; inclo&-
COmodatO, m. (law) loan ; contract of loan ure, department.
and restitution. COmpariir, va. to compart or divide into
comodidad, /. comfort, convenience, accom- equal parts.
modation ; ease, freedom from want leis- ; compos, m. pair of compasses, callipers ter- ;

ure ; opportunity ;
profit, interest, advan- ritory and district assigned to a monastery ;
tage. (mus.) measure, time llevar el comp4s, to :

COmodln, m. (coll.) something of general beat time k compis, in right musical time

utility ; in cards, a card that has different motion of the baton of a conductor space ;

upon the staff between two bars size, com- ;

g (before e, 1) ani^ aahln bot: h, silent; 11 in brilliant; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed; s, liiseed.
pass rule of life, standard, pattern springs
; ; compilar, va. to compile.
of a coach-roof: compJis de mar, mariner's COmpinclie, m. (coll.) bosom-friend, com-
V. brCjula and BiricoRA.
compass. rade, contidaut, chum, crony.
COmpasadamente, adv. by rule and measure. COmpitO, compita {irr. from COMPETIR).
COmpasar, va. to measure with a rule and complacedero, ra, a. V. complaciente.
compass to regulate things in due propor-
; complacencia [com-puh-thane -thie ahi, f. pleas-
tion (mus.) to divide a score into equal
ure, satisfaction, gratification, complacency,
part« compasar una carta de marear, (naut.)
: compliance, condescence.
to prick the chart. COmplaCer [lom-iUali-therr'], va. {ind. COMPLAZ-
COmpasible, a. lamentable, deserving pity ; co : subj. complazca) to please, humour,
compassionate. content, accommodate. vr. to be pleased
COmpasillO, m. (mus. ) quadruple, or | meas- with or take delight in a thing.
ure. complaciente, pa. pleasing, accommodat-
C0inpasi6n, /. compassion, pity, commisera- ing.
tion, .sympathy, mercifulness. complazco, complazca {irr. from COMPLA-
compasivamente, adv. compassionately. CER).
COmpasivo, va, «. compassionate, merciful, complejo, ja, a. complex. V.complexo.
tender-hearted, humane. complementarlo. la, a. complementary;
compaternidad, /. V. compadrazgo. completing ;
compatibilidad, /. compatibility, consist- COmplementO, m. complement ;
perfection ;

ency, conjuncture. accomplishment, completion.

COmpati'ble, a. compatible, suitable to, fit completamente, adv. completely, perfectly,
for, consistent with. entirely, finally.
COmpatrlclO or COmpatrlOta, m. &f. coun- COmpletar, va. to complete, perfect, finish,
tryman or countrywoman, compatriot, fel- accomplish, crown, consummate, make up.
low-citizen. COmpletas,/. p/. completory, compline.
compatrdn, m. v. compatrono. completlvamente, adv. V. completivo.
COmpatronatO, m. common right of patron- completive, va, a. completive, completory,
age absolute.
compatrono, na, rn. & f. fellow-patron or complete, ta, a. complete, perfect, finished,
patroness, joint-patron. concluded, full, absolute.
compeler, va. {pp. compulso) to compel, complexi6n constitution,
[coiii-i)iek-Ree-on'i, /.
oblige, force, constrain. temperament of the body, habit, nature.
COmpendiador, m. epitomizer, abridger. COmplexionadO, da, constituted Wen t a. :

compendiar, va. to epitomize, shorten, mal complexionado, of a good or bad consti*

abridge, reduce, extract, contract, cut tution.
short. COmpleXlOnal fcom-plek-se-o-nahl'], O. COnstitu-
compendiaiiamente, adv. V. compendiosa- tional, temperamental.
MENTE. complexo arduous, difficult,
[coni-]>iek'-8o], a.
compendio, m. compendium, epitome, complicated, complex, not simple; (anat.)
abridgment, summary, abstract. applied to one of the muscles of the head.—
compendiosamente, adv. briefly, compendia m. a complex.
ou.slv, ;oncisely. C0mpllCaCi6n [com-ple-cah-thle-on*],/. complica-
COmpendiOSO, "sa, a. brief, abridged, com- tion, complexure.
j)endioii.s ; laconical; compact. complicadamente, adv. v. complicado.
compendizar, ra. v. compendiar. complicado, da, pp &a. complicate.
compenetracidn, /. compenetration. COmplicar, va. {pret. complique: subj. COiX'
compenetrarse, vr. to compenetrate, per- plique) to complicate, jumble things to-
vade, intermix. gether.
compensable, a. compensable. c6mpllce, com. accomplice, co-operator, as-
compensaci6n, /. compensation, recom- sociate, complice, abetter, accessory.
f)ense, e<juivalent. COmpliCidad [com-i)lea-thie-dahd'), /. accCSSOri-
compensador, m. compensator compensat- ; ness, complicity.
ing pendulum. COmplot, m, plot, conspiracy.
COmpensar, compensate, recom-
va. & vn. to componedor , ra, m. & /. composer, writer,
pense to counterbalance, countervail ; to
; author, contriver, mender, repairer, arbi-
make amends, make up, indemnify. trator. m. (print.) composing-stick.
COmpetencia, /. competition, rivalry, con- COmponenda, /. fees paid for bulls and li-
test, contention competence cognizance ; ; ;
censes arbitration, compromise.

aptitude, titness k competencla, contenti- : COmponente, pa. component.

ously, contestingly. componer, va. (/jp.compuesto: inrf.coMPON-
COmpetente, a. competent, apt, able, capa- Go : pret. COMPUSE : subj. componga) to com-
ble, sutficient, fit for consistent with, ap- ; pose to compound to construct to sum up,
; ; ;

plicable to; adequate. amount to to frame, devise ; to invent to

; ;

competentemente, adv. competently. mend, repair, heal, restore to strengthen, ;

competer, vn. to be one's due to belong to, ; fortify to furnish, trim, fit up, garnish to
; ;

appertain, concern. compose, reconcile, accommodate, adjust ar- ;

COmpeticibn Icom-peh-te-thle-on'], /. competi- bitrate, compromise, settle, compose differ-

tion, eorrivalship. V. COmpetencia. ences to ward off a danger (mus.) to com-
; ;

competldor, ra m. & f. competitor, rival, pose to compile a book to write verses

; ; ;

opponent, contender ; competitrix. (print. ) to compose tyj>es componer el wm- :

COmpetir, nibj. compita)

vn. (ind. COMPITO : blante, to put on a calm or sedate appear-
to vie, contest, contend, strive, compete, ance componer tanto de renta, to have so

race, rival, cope ; to be on a level or par much a year. vr. to clothe one's self; to
with another. compose, calm, quiet one's self: componirse-
Compilaci6n, /. compilation, compilement. ones self: componte, secret
la», to shift for
compilador, ra, m. & /. compiler, compila- order by which an obnoxious person is done
tor, collector. away with.

ft M in far : e in eh t : i In police ; o in for ; » In bull ; e (^fore e, l) and 8 as th in thick ; b and 'd, aolt;
<30M 131 COM
eomponlble, «. •eoaiii;pouiMla:bi<e, suocommoda^ compreso, sa, pp. irr. of comprimir.
ble, meodable. comprimente, pa. oppressing, constraliH
GOXnporta, /- large basket for grapes during ing.
the vintagie. comprimible, a. compressible, repressible.
COmportable, «- supporta-ble^ tolerable. comprimir, va. (pp. comprimido and comi
COmportajnientO, ni. behaviour. preso) to compress, constrain, constringe,
COmportax, va. to suffer, tolerate. vr. to condense to repress, restrain to keep in
; ;

comport, behave one's selfc awe. vr. to subdue one's passion.

COmporte, m. proceeding, behaviour, con- COmprobaci6n, /. comprobation, attestation,
duct, air, niaDDer, carriage. comparison verification of printer's proof

comporteria, /. trade and shop of the com- corrections, •

portero. comprobante, pa, proving ; one who proves
comportero, ra, m. &,/. maker or seller of voucher, schedule, document.
comportas. comprobar, va. {ind. compruebo: subj,
comportilla,/. dim. small basket. compruebe) to verify, confirm by compari-
COnipOSlCi6ll [com-po-«e-ttiie-on'], /. composition, son; to comprobate, compare; to prove,
act of composing, repair, mending, making give evidence.
up, compromise, adjustment, agreement, COmprofesor, m. colleague, member of the
compact literary, scientific, or musical
; same profession.
work (print, ) composition (met. ) com-
; ; comprometedor, ra, a. compromising. m.
posure calm, modest, or sedate appearance.
: & /. jeoparder.
COmpOSltiVO, va, a. compositive, synthetic. COmprometer, va. to compromise, arbitrate
COnipositor, m. composer of musical compo- to engage, bind ; to render one accountable
sitions. or answerable ; to expose, jeopard, jeopard-
eompostura, /- composition, composure ;
ize, endanger, vr. to commit one's self; to
mending or repairing cleanliness, neatness ; become liable; to bind one's self; to com-
of dress ; composition of a difference ; ac- promise one's self; to become engaged, be-
commodation, adjustment, agreement, com- trothed,
pact, compromise modesty, circumspec- ; comprometimiento, m. compromise, com-

tion, sedateness mixture with which some-

; pact, adjustment, jeopardy, embarrassment,
thing is adulterated. predicament.
COmpota, /. preserves, sweetmeats. COmpromlsariO, m. arbitrator, umpire, com-
compotera, /. com po tier. promiser, referee ;
presidential elector.
COmpra,/. purchase, marketing, act of buy- compromise, m. compromise, arbitration
ing ; the article bought. bond, obligation contracted commitment ;

comprable, compradero, ra, compradi- jeopardy, difliculty, embarrassment, prei

ZO, za, a. purchasable. dicament
engagement, betrothal,

comprado, compradillo, m. play in the compropietano, ia m. & /. & a. joint*

game of ombre. owner. V. copropietario,
comprador, ra, m. &f. buyer, purchaser; comprovincial, a. comprovincial, of the
caterer. same metropolitan church,
comprante, pa. buyer, purchaser. compruebo, compruebe {irr. from com-
comprar, va. to buy, purchase, shop, market, probar).
acquire. COmpuerta, /. hatch or half-door lock or ;

compraventa, v. contrato de compba- sluice, flood-gate door curtain of an old-. ;

VENTA. fashioned coach piece of cloth bearing « ;

comprehenslvo, va, a. comprehensive. knight's badge compnerta de marea, (naut.)


comprendedor, ra, m. & f. one who com- tide-gate, tide-race.

prehends or understands. COmpuestamente, adv. regularly, orderly.
comprender, va. {pp. comprendido and COmpuestO, m. compound, commixture, com-
COMPRENSO) to emorace, encircle, compre- position.
hend to comprise, include, contain to
; ; COmpuestO, ta, «. &pp. of componer; com-
comprehend, understand, conceive, know. posed, compound, complex, made up ; fresh
C0inprensl1)ilidad, /. comprehensibleness, repaired orden compnesto, the composite

comprehensibility. order in architecture (gram.) palabra com- :

COmprenslble, a. comprehensible, conceiv- compound word.

able. COmpulsa, /. (law) authentic or attested
COmprensidn, /. comprehension, comprisal, copy of some instrument or writing duly
conceiving, conception, comprehensiveness compared,
act of comprising or containing. COmpulsar, va. (law) to make an authentic
COmprensiVO, va, a. comprehensive ; capar- copy or transcript ; to compare, collate,
ble of understanding ; comprising, contain- compulsion, /. (law) compulsion, forcing,
ing, restraint.
comprenso, i?p. irr. of comprender. compulsive, va, a. compulsive.
comprensor, ra, m. & /. one that under- compulse, S&,pp. irr. of compeler.
stands, attains, or embraces a thing; COmpulsoriO, ria, a. compulsory decree of a
(theol. ) the blessed. court, ordering an authentic copy to be
compresa, /, (surg.) compress. made,
compresbitero, m. a fellow-presbyter or C0mpunci6n, /, compunction, repentance,
priest. contrition.
compresibilidad, /. compressibility. compungido, da, pp. & a. compunctious,
COmpreslble, a. compressible, compungirse, vr. (ind. compunjo: subj.
Compresidn, /, compression, pressing to- compunja) to feel compunction ; to be
gether, compressure ;
(gram.) F, sin6resis. pierced with remorse,
compresivamente, adv. compressibly, con- compungivo, va, a. compunctive, pricking,
tractedly, stinging.
COmpresivo, va, a. compressive, compress- compurgacl6n, /, compurgation.
ing, reducing. COmpurgador, m. compurgator.
I (bffore e, 1) and J ae li <fr bot ; h, ellent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triilecT ; , hies*'
COmpurgax, prove one's veracity or
va. to con, prej).with (when expressing company,
innocence by the oath of another. association, or relations of intimate connec-
COmputacldn, /. computation, calculation. tion, with various motions or emotions of
computador, ra, m. &f. computer. combined or mutual activity also the rela- ;

computar, («. to compute, estimate, calcu- tions of means, instrument, and cause) by ;

late, tigure up. (when i is followed by a verb in the infini-


COmpuuSta, m. computist, computer, ac- tive, i. e. con declarar se ezimio del tormentc,

countant. by confessing he freed himself from the tor-

CdmputO, m. computation, calculation, ac- ture in some cases it means although, i. e.

count, estimate. con ser tan listo, le enganaron, although he is

C0mulacl6n, /. c«n»ulation. V. acumula- so smart they deceived him) in (con empena^ ;

CION. in earnest: esti con dolor, he is in pain) *

COmulgar, va. {pret. comulgue: subj. co- toward (galante con las damas, gallant toward
3fULGUE) to administer the holy Eucharist. the ladies caritativo con los pobres, chari-


vn. to commune, communicate ; to receive table toward the poor) and (in some cases, ;

the sacrament. as pan con manteqailla, bread and butter:

COmulgatoriO, m. communion-altar. caf* con leche, coffee and milk) it is used a? ;

comun, a. common, public: pastos comnnes, a prefix, the n changing to m before b and
common fields common, usual, general, ; p, i. e. contrato, contract
: combate, com- :

customary, ordinary, familiar generally ;

bat composicibn, composition when it com-
: :

received, much used, frequent, current, ha- bines with the pers. pronouns mi, ti, si, these
bitual vulgar, mean, low por lo coman, in
: last are modified and join the preposition,
general, generally en coman, in common : forming the words conmigo, contigo, conrigo :

com&n de dos, (gram.) that applies to both con tal que, etc., provided that: con qne,
genders comun de tres, that applies to mas-
: then, so then: con todo, nevertheless, not-
culine, feminine, and neuter. withstanding.
comun, m. community public water-closet ; COnatO, m. endeavour, effort, exertion ;
el coman de las gentes, the masses. crime attempted but not executed: conato
COmuna, /. main water-pipe. de robo, attempt at robbery.
COmunal, m. commonalty, common people. concadenar, va. to concatenate to chain or ;

— common, commonable.
a. link together.
COmimero, ra, a. popular, common, pleasing concamoio, m. exchange. V. cambjo.
to the people commoner, one of the common
; COncanbnigO, m. fellow-canon.
people, as distinguished from the nobility. concatedralidad, /. union of two cathedral
COmunerO, m. joint holder of a tenure of churches.
lands individual of the party that upheld
; COncatenaciOn, /. concatenation.
Spanish liberty against the encroachments COncausa, /. concause, joint cause.
of Charles V. c6ncava, concavidad, /. concavity, hollow
Comunicabflldad, /. communicability. ness, hollow.
COmunicable, a. communicable, sociable,- cdncavo, va, a. concave, hollow.
affable. Cbncavo, m. concavity. V. CONCAVIDAD.
COmunlcacibn, /. communication, inter- concebi'ble, a. conceivable.
course, converse junction or union of one : COncebir, va. & vn. {ind. CONCIBO : subj. CON-
thing with another official despatch.—p/. ; ciba) to conceive, to become pregnant; to
means of communication, as railroads, mail, imagine, have an idea of; to comprehend,
telegraph, etc. think, understand to express an idea. ;

COmunicadO, m. article of a personal nature concedente, pa. conceding; one who con-
sent to a periodical for publication.
COmunicailte, pa. communicant. conceder['], va. to give, grant, be-
comunicar, va. {pret. comuniqu6 subj. co- : stow, concede, allow, admit.
MUNiQUE) to communicate, impart, extend, concedido, da, a. & pp. of conckder con- ;

discover or make known; to have inter- ceded, granted.

course by word or writing to advise, in- ; •concejal [con-theh-iwhr], m. member of a coun-
form, announce; to consult or confer upon cil or board.
a subject. vr. to be joined, united, or con- COncejil, a. relating to the municipal council
tiguous to each other comanlcarse entre si, : common, public, belonging to the public;
to interchange sentimen,ts or ideas. foundling (littl. us.).
COmunicatiVO, va, a. communicative, lib- COnceJO [con-tiieii'-hol, m. civic body of a small
eral, open-hearted ; not reserved, approach- town municipal council
; town-hall in ; ;

able, accessible. Asturias, a district composed of several par-

COmunidad, /. commonness commonalty, ; ishes with one common jurisdiction ; found-
the common people; community, corpora- ling.
tion, guildj society de comanidad, conjoint- : COncentO, m. concert of voices, harmony.
ly, collectively.—p/. the cities of Castile, C0ncentraci6n [con-thane-trah-tliie-on'l, /. con-
which rose in support of Spanish liberty centration.
against the government of Charles V. COncentrado, da, a. concentred, concentrate.
SOmunidn, /. communion, fellowship, com- —pp. of CONCENTRAR.
mon possession familiar intercourse act ; ; concentrar [con-thane-trai-'i, va. to concentrate,
of receiving the blessed sacrament congre- ; concentre. vr. V. reconcentbarse.
gation political party.
; COnc^ntrico, ca, a. concentric, concentri-
comunismo, m. communism. cal.
COmunista, m. communist. concepcl6n[cou-thei>-tiiie-on'i,/. conception, act
comunmente, adv. commonlv, customarily, of conceiving ; idea, comprehension, con-
usually, generally ; frequently, often. ceit, fancy ; among Catholics, the immacu-
COniUfl.{L /. mixed wheat and rye, mashlim, late conception of uie Holy Virgin ; religious
or meslin in Asturias, equal share of the
; feast on Dec. 8 picture representing the ;

produce of lands comafias, seeds. V. ca- : Holy Virgin la Concepcl6n de Morillo, Mu-

MUNAS. rillo's Madonna.

% as :d far ; • In eh I ; i tn police ; O in for ; a ta boll ; e (before e, 1) and z as th In thlr.lL ; b and d, soft ;
COnceptear, m. to give smart repartees. tion act of settling disputes affinity ; act
; ;

COnceptible, «. couceivable, that may be of obtaining esteem, friendship, or favour.

imagined. COnciliador, ra, m. & /. conciliator, peace-
^Onceptlsmo, m. literary style abounding maker, iiRconciler.
in witty sentences and epigrams. COncillar, va. to conciliate or compose differ-
COnceptista, m. a epigrammatizer. wit, ences to conciliate, gain, win the affection

eoncepto, m. conceit, thought, idea, or con- or esteem of others reconcile to accord ; ;

ception expressed in words sentiment ; ; reconcile two or more doctrines or proposi-

pithy sentence, epigram, flash of wit, pun, tions seemingly contraries conclliar el sueno, :

judgment, opinion, estimation, favourable to induce sleep conclliar las amlstades, to


opinion. make friends.

COnceptualismo, m. conceptualism. conclliar, a. conclliar, relating to councils.
•COnceptualista, «.conceptualist. m. member of a council.
COnceptuar, va. to conceive, judge, tbuiK, COnciliativO, va, a. conciliatory.
form an opinion. COnciliO, m. council, meeting, congress as- ;

couceptuosamente, ado. ingeniously, wit- sembly of bishops collection of decrees.


tily, pithily COncisamente, adv. concisely, briefly, short-
COnceptuoso, sa, a. witty, sententious, epi- ly, laconically.
grammatic. COncisibn, /. conciseness, brevity, terseness.
COncernencia, /. concernment, relation, in- COnciSO, sa, a. concise, brief, short, laconic.
fluence. COnCitaCibn [con-tliie-tah-thie-on'],/. COncitation,
COnCemiente [con-ther-ne-en'-teh], pa. concern- act of stirring up.
ing. COncitador, m. instigator, inciter.
COncemir, v. def. {ind. ello CONCIERNE : subj. COncitar, va. to excite to stir up commo- ;

ello co»^cierna) to regard, concern, belong tions.

or appertain to. V. ataner. COncitatiVO, va, a. inciting; stirring up
COncertadamente, adv. regularly, orderly, commotions.
methodically, concertedly by agreement ; conciudadano, m. fellow-citizen, townsman,
or appointment. countryman.
COncertador, m. regulator, adjuster, expe- conclave or c6nclave, m. conclave place in ;

diter. which the cardinals meet to elect a pope

COncertante, a. (mus.) concerted, arranged meeting held by the cardinals close meet- ;

for two or more voices or instruments. ing or assembly.

COnCertar [con-ther-tar], va. {ind. CONCIERTO : COnclavista, m. conclavist; domestic of a
subj. concierte) to concert, arrange by cardinal.
agreement, adjust, harmonize, accord ; to concluir, va. (pp. concluido and concluso:
settle the price of things to bargain, cove-
; ind. CONCLUYO: subj. cx)NCLuya) to con-
nant, conclude an agreement, close a deal ; clude, end, terminate, finish, close, com-
(mus.) to harmonize musical instruments ;
plete, make up, despatch to convince with ;

to compare, estimate the relative qualities reason, make evident, silence by argument
of things to beat about the bush start or
; ; to decide finally, determine to infer, de- ;

rouse the game. vn. to agree, accord, suit duce; to close judicial proceedings; to sub-
one another. vr. to go hand in hand to ; mit to a final decision (fenc.) to disarm an ;

concert, covenant, contrive, design. adversary by engaging the guard of his

COncertista, m. &/. person who manages or sword.
performs in concerts. COnclUSidn,/. conclusion, end close or clos- ;

50ncesi6n [con-tiieh-se-on'], /. concession, grant, ure date issue conclusion of the proceed-
; ; ;

acknowledgment. ings in a lawsuit conclusion, inference, de-


COncesionariO, m. (law) grantee, conces- duction, consequence ; thesis in schools en :

sionary. conclusion, finally.

COncia,/. prohibited part of a forest. COnclUSiVO, va, a. conclusional, conclusive,
concibo, conclba {irr. from concebir). final.
conclencla [con-tiue-en'-twe-Rh], /. conscience, COnclUSO, sa, a. concluded, closed, termi-
scrupulosity, conscientiousness, conscious- nated.—p^. irr. of CONCLUIR.
ness k conciencia, conscientiously en con-
: : COncluyente, pa. concluding, concludent,
clencla, in good earnest, in truth ancho de : conclusive, conclusional.
conclencla, not overscrupulous, not too con- concluyentemente, adv. conclusively.
scientious eatrecho de conciencia, overscru-
: concluyo, concluya (irr. from concluir).
pulous, narrow-minded. COncofrade, m. he who belongs to the same
concienzudamente, adv. conscientiously, brotherhood with another.
scrupulously. COncoideo, a, a. conchoidal, resembling a
COncienzudO, da [con-thle-en-thoo'-doh], a. con- shell.
scientious, scrupulous, exactly just ; assidu- COncolega, m. fellow-collegian.
ous. concomerse, vr. (coll.) to shrug the shoul-
COnciertO [con-thie-err'-toh], m. good order and ders.
arrangement of things concert bargain ; ;
concomimiento, concomido, m. (coll.)
agreement contract, accommodation act
; ; shrugging of the shoulders.
of beating the wood with hounds to start COncomitancia, /. concomitance, circum-
the game musical concert
; concerto, a ; stantial evidence.
musical composition de conclerto, by agree- : COncomitante, pa. concomitant, concurrent-
ment. acoom))anying, accessory.
concierto, concierte (irr. from concer- COncordable, a. concordant, conformable,
tar). agreeable, accommodable, consistent with.
COnclliable, a. reconcilable, capable of con- COncordacibn, /. co-ordination, combina-
ciliation. tion, conformation, conformity.
COnclllAbulO, m. conventicle unlawful as- ; COncordador, m. conciliator,' peacemaker,
sembly or meeting. moderator.
C0IlCiliaCl6n [con-thie-le-ah-tliie-on'], /. concilia- COncordancia, /. concordance, concord,

f (before e, 1) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny iu canyon ; r (liMtUl) and rr triUed ; I, Ufi-seO.

agreement, conformity harmony, concord ; the spike of Indian corn concha de cabrei- :

of sounds concordance of text or words

; ;
tante, (naut.) socket of the capstan: con-
grammatical concord.—p/. index. chas de escobenes, (naut.) navel-woods or na-
COncordante, pa. concordant, agreeing. vel-hoods tener muchas conchas, to be very

COncordar, va. Mnd. concuerdo subj. CON- : reserved, artful, cunning meterse en sn con- :

cuerde) to accord, regulate ; to make agree, cha, to become a recluse.

compromise. vn. to accord, agree, comport, concnabanza [con-cimh-bahn'-thah], /. manner
conform, comply, tally, concord ; to be con- of making one's self easy and comfortable
genial, be in accord. (coll.plotting, conspiracy.

concordata, /. concordato, m. concordat, COnchabar, va. to join, unite, meet ; to mix

covenant made by a government with the inferior wool with the superior at shearing-
Pope. time. vr. to unite for some evil purpose ; to
Concorde, a. concordant, agreeable, agreeing, plot, conspire.
tallying. conchado, da, a. scaly, crustaceous, shelly.
ccncordemente, adv. with one accord. a. v. seda conchal.
Concordia, concord, conformity, union,
/• conchil, m. rock-shell murex. ;

narmouy agreement, settlement out of

; conchilla, ita, /. dim. small shell.
court : de concordia, jointly, by common con- COnchudO, da, a. shelly, scaly, crustaceous,
sent. ostraceous cunning, crafty, close, reserved.

concorpdreo, rea, «. concorporeal, of the conchuela,/. dim. v. conchilla.

same body. COndadO, m. earldom, county dignity of a ;

concreci6n, /. concretion. count or earl.

concreclonar, vn. to fonn concretions. COndal, «. relating to the dignity of an earl
OOnCreSCenCia [con-cres-thane'-thle-ah],/. (phys. or count.
concrescence. conde, m. earl, count ; overseer ; elected head
concretamente, adv. concretely. or chief of the gipsies.
COncretar, va. to combine, unite, concrete. condecente, a. convenient, fit, proper.
rr. to be reduced to speaking or treating of COndecoraci6n, /. decoration, embellishing
one subject only. or decorating jewelled insignia of knight-

COncretO, ta, a. (logic) concrete, not ab- hood, medal, badge.

stracted. m. concrete, formed by concre- COndecorar, va. to ornament, adorn, embeK
tion. lish ; to honour, reward ; to bestow a medal
concubina, /. concubine, mistress. or insignia ; to knight.
concubinaiio, m. one who keeps a mistress. COndena, /. the clerk of the court's attesta-
concubinato, m. concubinage. tion of the sentence of a condemned crimi-
COncubitO, m. coition. nal ; sentence, term of imprisonment, pen-
concuerdo, concuerde {irr. from concor- ance.
DAR). COndenable, a. condemnable, blamable, cul-
conculcar, va. {pret. conculquk: subj. con- pable, damnable.
culque) to trample under foot. C0ndenaci6n, /. condemnation, sentence to
COncu&adO, da, m. & /. brother or sister-in- nunishmeut punishment, mulct, fine eter-

law, term confined to persons who are mar- nal damnation.

riea to two brothers or sisters. condenado, da, m. & /. one condemned to
COnCUplSCenCia [con-coo-pis-thane'-thle-ahlj/. con- eternal punishment.
cupiscence, lust, cupidity ; avarice, inordi- condenado, da, a. & pp. of condenar con ;

nate desire. demned, damned, sentenced.

concuplscible, a. concupiscible, impressing COndenador, ra, m. &/. cocdemner, blamex
desire. censurer.
COncurrencia, /. convention or assembly of COndenar, va, to sentence, pronounce judg
persons ; concurrence, coincidence ; compe- ment; to damn, to condemn, censure, blame,
tition in trade. to refute, disapprove to nail or wall up a ;

COncurrente, pa. concurrent, coincident. door, window, or passage to condemn a ;

COncurrir, vn. to concur; to meet in one structure as unsafe. vr. to condemn one's
point, time, or place ; assist, attend ; to con- acknowledge one's fault; to incur eter-
tribute ; to coincide, agree with or agree to- nal punishment.
gether to compete in trade.
; COndenatoriO, ria, a. condemnatory, dam-
COncursar, va. (law) to lay an injunction on natory.
the goods and chattels of an insolvent debtor. COndensabUldad, /. the quality of being
COncursO, nu concourse, confluence of per- condensable.
sons; conflux, crowd, congregation, assem- condensable, a. condensable.
bly; aid, assistance competitive contest be- ; C0ndensaci6n,/. condensation, compression.
tween candidates for a professorship, curacy, COndensador, ra, »». & f. condenser, air-
etc. concorio de acreedores, meeting of cred-
: compressor condensador de faerzaa, accumu-

itors. lator : condensador eUctrico, storage batt«ry.

COncusidn, concussion, shaking, shock
/. COndensante, i>a. condensing, compressing.
exaction, extortion, blackmailing: concuil6n COndensar, va. to thicken, condense, com-
violenta, concussation. press.— cr. to be condensed ; to gather.
COncusionariO, ia, a. concussive, shaking condensativo, va, a. condensative.
extortioner, blackmailer. COndensidad, /. condensity, condensation.
concha, /. shell, case, carapace ; a mollusk, COndesa, countess, heiress to an earldom.

shell-fish, oyster tortoise-shell any object ; ; COndeSCendencia [con-des-tliaue-den'-thle-aJi), /.

that has the shape of a shell prompter's ; condescendence, condescension, condescend-
box bay in the shape of a horse-shoe basin

; ing, compliance, complacency.
fixed grindstone in mills ancient copper ; C0ndeBCender[con-<le8-then-deiT'], va. {ind. CON-
coin, worth about three farthings: concha descienuo : xubj. cokdescienda) to conde-
de nicar, mother-of-pearl shell (arch.) vol- ; scend, yield, submit, comply.
ute conch the external ear
; shell of a
; ; condescendiente, ». &pa. complacent, com-
dagger or cutlass shell-shaped covering of ; pliant, acquiescent, condescending.

• u tu far : e in eb '
; i in police ; O in for ; n in bull ; C (before e, i) and 2 m th in thick ; b and A, soft}
CON" 135 CON
eondesciendo, condescienda {irr, from COnductiVO, va, conductive. a.
condkscender). COnductO, m. duct, conduit, sewer, drain,
COndesita, /. dim. little or young countess. sink, spout, water-main, steam-pipe; chan-
condesito, m. dim. little earl little count. ; nel through which any business is conduct-
COndesil, a. (coll.) belonging to a count or ed or managed mediator person through
; ;

countess. V. condal. whom anything is accomplished salvo-con- :

COndestable, m. constable, lord high consta- ducto, safe-conduct.

ble (naut.) master gunner.
; conductor, m. conductor, leader, usher, con-
eondestablia, /. constableship. duct, guide, conveyer, any conducting me-
COndicidn'J,/. condition, quality, dium conductor eUctrico, electric-rod.

state footing habit, disposition, temper

; ; COnductora,/. conductress, directress mov- ;

constitution quality, rank, class; fashion ;

clause, stipulation, specification. conduelo, conduela {irr. from condoler).
COndicionadO, da, a. conditioned. V. COK- COnduefi.0, m. (com.) joint-owner.
DICIONAL.—pp. of CONDICIONAK. COndumiO, m. (coll. ) meat dressed to be eaten
COndicional, a. conditional, not absolute. with bread plenty of food.

COndicionalmente, adv. conditionally hy- ; C0nduplicaci6n, /. (rhet.) reduplication.

pothetically. COndutal, m. (mas.) leader, gutter. V, ca-
COndicionar, vn. to agree, accord, condition. nal.
eondiciOZLCilla, ita, /. dim. hasty temper ; conduzco, conduzca ("t. from conducir).
small clause or stipulation. COnectar, va. (mech.^ to connect, couple up.
COndlgnamente, arfv.condignly, deservedly. COneja, /. female raboit.
condigno, na, a. condign, suitable, deserved, COnejal, COn^ar, m. rabbit-warren.
merited. COUeJera, /. warren for breeding rabbits;
C6ndll0, m. (anat.) condyle. burrow; brothel; (coll.) den or cavern in-
COndimentar, va. to dress or season victuals. habited by poor people or frequented by
COndimentO.m. condiment, seasoning, sauce. bad characters.
COndiscipulO, m. con disciple, school-fellow, COnejerO, m. warrener, keeper of a rabbit-
fellow-scholar or fellow-student, warren. a. that which hunts rabbits, com-
SOndOlerse, vr. {ind. conduelo subj. CON- : monly applied to a dog.
duela) to condole, to be sorry for, to sym- Bjito, m. dim. little rabbit.
pathize with, to regret BjO, a. alambre conejo, rabbit-wire, copper^
COndominiO, m. joint-ownership. wire.
COndbmino, m. joint-owner. conejo, Ja, m. &f. (zool.) rabbit.
COndonacidU,/. condonation, pardoning, for- COnejuna, /. rabbit down or fur.
giving. COnejuno, na, a. relating to the rabbit kind.
£Ondonar, va. to pardon, forgive, remit. COneXidadeS [co-nek-se-dah'-des], /. pi. rights an~
COndonante, pa. condoning, forgiving, re- nexed to the principal.
mitting. COnexidn connection, conjunc-
S6lldor, m. (om.) condor; Chilean and Co- tion, union, conjuncture, cohesion, close-
lombian gold coin worth ten dollars. ness, coherence.
JOndrila, /. (hot.) common gum-succory. COnexiVO, va [co-nek-sep'-vo], a. connective.
lOndrin, m. weight for precious metals in the COnexo, xa [co-uek'-so], a. connected, united.
Philippines = 0.3768 gramme, or about one- C0nfabulaci6n, /. confabulation, easy con-
fourth a pennyweight. versation, chat; leaguing, conspiracy, plot,
SOndrografia,/. description of cartilages. collusion.
condrograflco, ca, a. chondrographic. confabulador, ra, m. & /. story-teller, gos-
COndroIOgia,/. chondrology. sijx schemet-.
C0Ilducci6n [con-dooc-thie-on'], /. conveyance COniabular, vn. to confabulate ; talk easily
carriage cartage, transportation, transmis-
; together, chat. vr. to league, enter into
sion act of conveying or conducting, lead-
; conspiracy.
ing, guiding ; conduct stipulated rate or ; COnfalbn, m,. gonfalon, standard, ensign.
charge for transportation. confalonler, confaloniero, m. gonfalonier,
COndUCencia, /. conducing to or promoting chief standard-bearer.
any end conducement. ; confarreacidn [con-far-ray-ah-thie-on'],/. confar-
conducente, a. &pa. conducive, conducent, reation.
conducible ; official. C0nfecci6n [con-fec-thie-on'], /. any handwork,
COndUClr [con-doo-theer'l, va. &
vn. (ind. CON- fancy work, ready-made article; (phami.)
Duzco pret. conduje : :subj. conduzca) to confection,compound remedy, electuary.
convey, carry, conduct guide, direct, show ;
confecclonador, ra, m. & f. one who makea
the way, lead along to direct, manage, con- ; up articles of dress or any handwork.
duct adjust any affair or business. n, to
; COnfeCCiOnar [con-fec-thie-o-nar'], va. to make,
conduce, contribute, favour; be fitted for; prepare, put together, complete, make hand-
lead to.—vr. to behave, act, conduct one's work, elaborate to confect, compound, put

self. up medicaments or prescriptions.

COndUCta, transportation, conveyance ;
/. COnfederacldn,/. confederacy, league, union,
conduct, convoy property convoyed gov- ; ;
confederation, federation, coalition ; inter-
ernment, command, direction conduct, ; national treaty or convention.
management, course, manner of proceed- confederado, da, a. & m. & /. confederate,
ing behaviour, comportment, conduct
; allied, federate, covenanter, federary, con-
party of recruits conducted to the regiment sociate.—^j9. of confederar.
contract made by a town or village with a COnfederar, va. & vr. to confederate, join in-
physician to attend their sick. a league.
COnductero, m. one in charge of a convoy. COnferenCia [con-feh-ren'-tUie-ah], /. conference,
COndUCtibllidad [con-dooc-te-be-le-dalid'], /. COn- meeting, conversation, interview, coUocu-
dsctibility. tion, congress daily lecture in universi-

conductible, a. conveyable, conductible. ties public lecture.


conduct!Vidad,/. conductivity. conferenciante,i>a. public lecturer.

ti (before e, 1) and J as h in bot ; b, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; , biased.
COnferenclax, consult together,
va. to confer, tion, attestation, evidence, additional proof;
take counsel, hold an interview to give a ; (eccl.) confirmation, a sacrament.
public lecture. COnfirmadamente, adv. firmly, safely, as-
COnferir, {ind. confiero : subj. CONFIE-
va. suredly.
ra) to confer ; to compare, deliberate, com- conflrmador, ra, m. & f. confirmator, at-
mune ; to give, bestow, confer, award. tester, confirmer.
COnfesa, nun who was a widow.
/. COnfirmante, pa. confirmer.
confesado, da, a. & pp. of confesar ; con- COnfirmar, va. to confirm, corroborate, for-
fessed. m. &f. (coll.) penitent. tify, verify; to strengthen, support, ratify ;
confesante, pa. he who confesses before a to confirm, as a Christian, by tne solemn im-
judge. position of hands.
confesar, va. {pp. confesado and confeso : confirmativamente, adv. confirmingly.
. ind. confieso stibj. confiese) to manifest : COnfinnatOriO, ria, a. confirmatory, con-
or assert one's confess, ac- opinion ; to firmative.
knowledge, own, avow, grant to confess, ; confiscable, «. confiscable, forfeitable.
hear or receive confessions to confess to ; C0nfiscaci6n,/. confiscation, forfeiture.
the priest confesar de piano, to confess
: COnfiscadO, da, a. & pp. of confiscar con- ;

plainly or openly. vr. to confess or make fiscate, confiscated.

confession to shrive. ; confiscar, va. {pret. cONFlSQui: sulyj. CON-
C0llfesi6n, /. confession, avowal, acknowl- FisQUE) to confiscate.
edgment confession to a priest; plea of
; COnfitar, va. to confect, candy with melted
guilty or not guilty by a defendant. sugar to make up into sweetmeats, to make

C(mfesionariO, m. treatise with rules for con- preserves (met.) to dulcify, to sweeten.

fessing confessional. ; COnfite, m. comfit, sugar-plum morder en nn :

confeslonera or confesionariera, /. nun confite, to be hand and glove, to be intimate

having the care and keys of confession- and familiar confitei, dainties, sugar-

als. plums, bonbons.

confesionista, m. a Lutheran. confitente, a. v. confeso.
confeso, sa, m. &/. (law) one who confesses confitera, /. vessel for comfits, box for can-
a crime converted Jew. m. lay-brother.
; dies.
pp. irr. of confesar. COnfiteria, /. confectionery ; confectioner^s
COnfesonariO, m. confessional. shop.
COnfesor, m. father confessor* title given to confitero, ra, m. & /. confectioner tray for ;

holy men by the Roman Catholic Church. sweetmeats.

COnfiable, a. trusty. COnfitiCO, illO, itO, m. dim. small comfit;
COnfiadamente, adv. confidently, safely. caraway comfit.—p/. ornaments in the shape
COnfiadO, da, a. confident, secure, unsus- of comfits wrought on coverlets.
f)icious, trusting; presumptuous, arrogant, confitura, /. confiture, confection, sweet-
brward.—^. of confiar. meats, candied fruit, preswve.
COnflador, m. (law) joint-surety, fellow- C0nflaci6n, /. fusion, melting metal?, smelt-
bondsman. ing.
COnfianza, /. confidence, trust, reliance, firm COnnagracibn, /. conflagration ; sudden and
belief, courage, honest boldness,
faith ; violent perturbation of towns and nations.
firmness of opinion presumptuousness, for- ; COnfiitil, a. fusible.
wardness, assurance familiarity, intimacy: ; COnflictO, m. conflict, struggle, strife, combat
en conflanza, privately, secretly, confiden- or contest (met.) struggle, agony, pang.

tially de conflanza, informally, unceremo-

: COnfiuencla, /. confluence, conflux, nux.
niously. confiuente, pa. confluent.
confiar, vn. to hope, to feed with hope ; to COnfiuir, vn. {ind. 61 CONFLUYE : prel. CON-
confide, to trust in. va. to confide, intrust, FLUY6 subj. confluya) to join or meet, ap-

credit commit to the care of another.

Slied to rivers and sea currents to assem- ;

COnfidencla, /. trust, confidence. V. con- le in one place.

secret information.
; conformacibn, /. conformation.
confidencial, a. confidential. COnformador, m. shaper hat conformator ;

confidenclalmente, adv. confidentially. boot crimper.

confidence, m. confident, intimate, counsel- COnformar, conform, adjust, fit.—tn.
va. to
lor detective, informer, secret agent, spy
; ;
to suit, fit, conform, cohere, level. vr. to
settee for two persons, t6te-d-t6te. a. true, comply with, to agree, to yield, submit, re^
faithful, trusty. sign one's self.
confidentemente, adv. confidently, fiducial- COnfonne, a. alike, corresponding, coaform-
ly, faithfully. correspondent, suitable, congruent,
confiero, confiera (irr. from conferir). consonant, convenient, accordant eonsit^t^ ;

confieso, confiese {irr. from confesar). ent, similar compliant, resigned conforme
; :

C0nfiguraci6n,/. configuration. A, consistent with, agreeable to.

configurado, da, pp. & a. configurated. conforme, adv. in due proportion agreeably, ;

COnfigurar, va. to configure, conform ; to according to.

configurate. COnformemente, adv. conformably, unani-
COnfLn, m. limit, boundary, confine, border. mously, ct)rrectly, agreeably.
COnfin, COnfinante, a. bordering upon, con- COnformidad, /. similitude, resemblance,
terminous, limitaneous. conflnante, pa. of — likeness, conformity agreement, consist- ;

CONFINAR. ence, consonance, congruence; union, con-

COnfinar, va. & vn. to banish, exile to con- ; cord, concordance symmetry close at- ; ;

fine, imprison oi> immure to border upon, ; tachment of one person'to another affinity ; ;

abut. submission, acquiescence, patience, resigna-

COnflnglr, va. {ind. CONFINJO: subj. CON- tion de conformldad, by common consent

finja) (pharm. ) to mix ingredients into one correctly en conformldad. agreeably, suita-

mass. bly, according to.

C0nfirmaci6n, /. confirmation, corrobora- COnfermlsta, m. conformist.
a M In far ; e in eh t ; i in police ; e In for ; n in bull ; c (before e, t) and z m th in tUck ; b and d, soft
CON 137 CX)N

€Onfortacl6n, /. comfort, consolation, en- COnglutlnar, va. to conglutinate, cement, re-

couragemeut. unite. vr. to conglutinate.
confortador, ra, m. &f. comforter, consoler, conglutinatlvo, va, conglutinoso, sa, a.
strengthener. viscous, glutinous.
OOnfortamientO, m. comfort, consolation, COngOJa,/. anguish, dismay, anxiety of mind.
encouragement. COngOjar, va. to oppress, afflict. V. acongo-
COnfortante, pa. comforting, soothing.— -m. JAR.
calmative, stomachic—pZ.
mitts. COngOJOSamente, adv. anxiously, painfully.
COnfortar, to comfort, strengthen, en-
va. COngOJOBO, sa, a. afflictive, painful, torment-
liven, invigorate; to encourage, console, ing, distressing, afflicted.
cheer, solace. COngolefiO, fla, «. of or relating to the Congo.
eonfortatlVO, va, «. comfortable, corrob- COUgOStO, m. narrow pass, canyon.
orative, cordial; encouraging, cheering, COngraciador, ra, m. &f. flatterer, fawner,
strengthening. wheedler, congratulator.
conforte, m. v. confoktaci6n. congraciamlento, m. flattery, false praise,
COnfraccion,/. fraction, breaking. mean obsequiousness.
COnfraternidad, /. confraternity, brother- COngraciar, va. to ingratiate, flatter.— t-r. to
hood. get into one's good graces.
COnfricacldn,/. rubbing, friction. C0ngnratulacl6n, /. congratulation, gratular-
confricar, va. to rub, tion, felicitation.
COnfrontaclbn, /. confrontation, confront- COngratular, va. to congratulate, compli-
ment comparing one thing with another
; ment, greet. vr. to congratulate one's self,
sympathy, natural conformity. rejoice.
COnfrontante,i>a. confronting; confronted congratulatorio, ria, a. congratulatory,
COnfrontar, va. to confer, collate, confront congratulant.
to compare one thing with another. vn. to C0ngfegaci6n, /. congregation, meeting, as-
agree in sentiments and opinion to border ; sembly ; fraternity, brotherhood assembly ;

upon. met to .worship God: congregacion de los

confundlr, va. {pp. confundido and con- fleles, the catholic or universal church.
Fuso) to confound, jumble to perplex, con- ; COngregacionalismo, m. Congregational-
fuse, darken, throw into disorder; to con- ism.
fute by argument to abase, humiliate. vr. ; COngregacionalista, com. Congregational-
to be bewildered, perplexed, confounded, ist.
rattled, mixed up ; to be ashamed and COngregante, ta, m. &f. member of a con-
humbled. gregation, fraternity, or brotherhood.
COnfasamente, adv. confusedly, mingledly, COngregar, va. (pret. congregue subj. CON- :

helter-skelter. GREGUE) to assemble, meet together, con-

COnfuslbn, confusion, tumult, disorder,
/. gregate, collect, gather.
misrule perplexity, perturbation, entan-
; COngresO, m. congress, consistory, conven-
glement, confusedness obscurity humilia- ; ; tion, assembly carnal union of man and

tien, shame, ignominy, reproach. woman Congreso de los Diputados, in Spain


COnfUSO, sa, a. confused, mixed, confounded, and some Spanish American republics, the
jumbled together; obscure, doubtful, un- House of Representatives.
intelligible blurred, indistinct
; fearful, ; COngfllO, m. (zool.) conger-eel or sea-eel.
timorous, perplexed: en confaso, confused- COngma,/. competent sustenance to one who
ly- is to be ordained a priest.
COnfutaclbn,/. confutation, disproof. COngruamente, adv. conveniently ; becom-
COnfatar, va. to confute, disprove, falsify, ingly.
convict. COngfuencia, /. convenience ; fitness ; con-
congelable, a. congealable. gruence.
C0ngelaci6n, /. congelation, freezing, con- COngruente, a. congruent, agreeing, corre-
gealing; couglaciation, congealment. sponding.
OOngelador, m. freezer. COngruentemente, adv. suitably, congru-
congelamiento, m. v. congelaci6n. ously.
COngelar, va. & vr. to congeal, to freeze. COngruismo, m. congmism, a religious doc-
COngelatiVO, va, a. having the power of con- trine.
gealing. COngrulsta, m. supporter of congruism.
cong6nere, congen6rico, ca, a. congeneric, COngruo, ua, a. congruous, apt, fit, suitable.
of like kind. con£orte, m. v. conforte.
congenial, «. congenial, analogous. COnicidad,/. conicity.
congenlar, vn. to be congenial, to sympa- c6niC0, ca, a. conical or conic.
thize. COniferO, ra, a. (hot. ) coniferous.
COng^nitO, a. congenital, connate. COniforme, a. conical, coniform.
COngerie,/. congeries, heap, mass. COnivalVO, va, a. (zool.) having a conical
COngestibn, /. (med.) congestion. shell.
COngiariO, wi. congiary. COniza [co-nee-tiiaii'], /. (bot.) great flea-bane.
COngiO, m. ancient Roman liquid measure. V. ZARAGATONA.
C0ngl0baci6n, /. conglobation, acquired COnjetnra,/. conjecture, surmise, guess.
sphericity mixture and union of immate-
; COnjetlirable, a. conjecturable.
rial things ;
(rhet.) accumulation of proofs. conjeturador, ra, m. & /. conjecturer,
COnglObar, va. to conglobate, heap together. guesser.
COnglomeracibn, /. conglomeration, hetero- COnJetural, a. conjectural.
geneous mixture, COnjeturalmente, adv. conjecturally, guess-
conglomerado, da, pp. & a. conglomerate. ingly-
COnglomerar, va. to conglomerate. conjeturar, va. to conjecture, to guess.
COnglutinacibn, /. conglutination, glutina- conjuez [coTi-iioo-eth'i, m. a cojudge.
gluing together.
tion ; C0n]UgaCi6n [con-hoo-gah-thie-onj, /. conjuga-
conglutinado, da, pp. & a. conglutinate. tion.

g (before e, i) and J as h in bot; h, silent ; U In brilliant ; ft, ny \a canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled;
com 138 CON
COnJUgadO, da pp. of
[oon-hoo-gah'-do], a. & COnmovedor, m. disturber, fretter; affect*
CONJUGAR ; conjugated, inflected, connect- ing, harrowing.
ed; germinate: nerrioB conjugadoi, (anat. conmover, conmuevo: subj. cox-
va. (inrf.
conjugate nerves: eje conjagado, conjugate mueva) to commove, disturb, affect.
or minor axis of an ellipse. conmutabilidad, /. commutability.
CODjUgar [cou-hoo-gar'], va, {pret. CONJUGUE : COnmutable, «. commutable.
subj. conjugue) (gram.) to conjugate or C0nmutaci6n,/. commutation, exchange.
inflect verbs. COnmutador, yn. commuter, electric switch,
COnJunCidn. [con-hoon-thie-on'l, /. conjunction, telegraph key, cut-out, commutator.
union, association, league ; couju^atiou ;
COnmutar, va. to commute, exchange, barter.
copulation act of coupling or joining to-
; COnmutatiVO, va, a. commutative.
gether; consolidation (gram.) conjunction, ;
connatural, a. connatural, inborn.
a part of speech ; (ast.) conjunction of two C0nnaturalizaci6n, /. naturalization, ac-
planets. commodation to new conditions, acclimati-
COnjuntamente, adv. conjunctly, jointly. zation.
COSjuntiva, /. conjunctiva, mucous mem- connaturalizarse, vr. to accustom one's
brane of the eye. self to labour, climate, or food; to inuk^j
conjuntivo, va, a. conjunctive, copulative, to become acclimated.
connexive. COnnaturalmente, adv. connaturally.
COnjuntivitiS, /. (med.) conjunctivitis. connivencia [ton-ne-i-n'-thie-aii],/. connivance,
CODJuntO, ta, a. to conjunct; united, con- act of plotting.
nected, conjunctive, contiguous allied by ; COnnotacidn, /. connotation, distant rela-
kindred or friendship mixed or incorpo- ; tionship.
rated with another thing. m. the whole, COnnotadO, pp. & m. relationship, kindred.
aggregate, entirety, ensemble. COnnotante, pa. connotative.
CO^jUra, COnJUraCidn [con-hoo-rah-tWe-on'], /. COnnotar, va. to connote, imply.
conspiracy,conjuration, plot, complot, COnnotatiVO, va, a. (gram.) connotative 01
machination. connotive.
conjiirado, da, m. &/. conspirator, leaguer, COnnOViciO, Cia, m. & f. fellow-novice.
covenanter. pp. of conjurar. connubial, a. connubial, matrimonial, con-
COBJurador, m. conspirator ; conjurer, exor- jugal.
cist. COnnubiO, m. (poet.) matrimony, marriage,
conloramen'Uu:, va. to take au oath to an- wedlock.
other. vr. to bind one's self by an oath. V. connumerar, va. to enumerate, include in a
COnlliraitte, pa. conjuring conspiring. ; cono, m. (geom.) cone; (bot.) cone, fruit of
conjurar fcon-hoo-rar'], vn. to conjure ; con- the pine family.
spire, plot ; to hatch or concert treason ; to COnocedor, ra, m. &f. connoisseur, judge or
join in a conspiracy. va. to exorcise ; to critic in matters of taste, expert ; chief
conjure: to entreat, implore; avert, ward herdsman.
off. COnocer, va. {ind. CONOZCO : subj. conozca)
COnJuro, in. conjuration ; exorcism, incanta- to know to experience, observe, perceive,

tion ; entreaty. comprehend ; to be acquainted with to ;

conllevador, m. helper, assistant. conjecture, sui-mise ; to know carnally:

COnllevar, va. to aid or assist another in his (law) conocer de nna causa or pleito, to try a
labours to bear with any one.
; cause, applied to a judge. vr. to know each
COnineinoraci6n,/. remembrance, commem- other to appreciate one's ow^n good or bad

oration ; anniversary. qualities.

conmemorar. commemorate. va. to conocible, a. cognoscible, knowable.
coninemoratiyo, va, a. commemorative. COnOCldamente, adv. knowingly, evidently,
conmemoratorio, ria, a. commemoratory. confessedly.
COnmensal, m. messmate, fellow-boarder. conocido, da, m. &/. acquaintance. —a. emi-
conmensalia, /. commensality. nent, well known.—pp. of conocer.
eonmensurabilldad, /. commensurability. COnOCimientO, m. knowledge, understand-
conmensurable, a. commensurable. ing, skill, cognition, cognizance, compre-
COnmensuracibn,/. commensuration. hension, notice, experience, expertness, ac-
conmensurar. va. to commensurate. quaintance, person with whom we are ac-
COnmensurativO, va, a. commensurable. quainted ; slight friendship ; (com. ) bill of
COnmic^O, pron. pers. with me, with myself. lading note of identification, voucher

conmilitdn, m. comrade, fellow-soldier. (Amer.) a check for baggage.—pi. accom-

COnmlnacldn, /. commination, threat. plishments, science: venir en conocialento
COnminar, fa. to threaten ;
(law) to de- de una co»a, to learn of something.
nounce punishment. COnOidal, a. conoidal, conoidical.
conminatorlo, ria, a. comminatory, denun- conoide, /. conoid.
ciatory, threatening. COnopial, COnopiO, m. (arch.) ogee arch.
conminuta, a. comminuted.
(surg.) V. conozco, conozca from conocer). (irr.
FRACTURA. COnque [con-keh'],, then ; so then ;

conmiseraclbn,/. commiseration, pity, sym- well, then. m.

wherewithal. (coll.)
pathy, compassion. COnqUifOrme [con-ke-for'-meh], a. conchifomi.
conmlBtibn, conmlstura,/. commixion. COnqulliOlOgria [con-key-leoh-lo-he-ah], /. (zool.)
conmisto, ta, or conmixto, ta, a. mixed, conchology.
mingled, incorporated. COnquista [con-UeeB'-tah], /. conquest, subjec-
COmnocion [con-mo-thie-on'], /. commotion, ex- tion, acquisition by victory the thing ;

citement, stirring up, flurry, fretting, tu- gained act of winning another's affections.

mult, disturbance, convu-lsion. COnqulstable [con-kee«-tah'-biehJ, a. conquera-

COnmonitoriO, m. written narration of an ble, attainable, accessible.
event; (law) reminder from a superior to conquistador, ra [con-kee«»-uii-dor'], a. con-
an inferior judge. queror.

a * (q far : e la eh I ; 1 in police ; «.1d for ; « In to«U ; C (b«for« e, l) and s as th in thick ; b and d, soft.;
COnquistaxrcon-kees-tar'JiVa. to conquer, over- compliance, acquiescence, concurrence, con-
come, subdue; to acquire, win another's senting, acknowledgment; (med.) consent.
affections. consentix, va. {ind. consiento: subj. con-
COnrear, va. in manufactories, to grease sienta) to consent, agree, allow, permit,
wool ; (agr.) to hoe the soil. V. bixar. tolerate, comply, acquiesce, accede, conde-
COnregnaute, «. reigning with another. scend to believe for certain, rely, depend,

COnreUiar, m. to reign with another. accept, admit, suffer; to concur; to coddle,

COnsabldO, da, a. already known, alluded spoil, overindulge children or servants.
to, in question, before mentioned, afore- V7i. (mech. ) to flag, give way, relax, weaken,
said.—-po. of CONSABKK. become loose. vr. to spring, crack, begin to
COnsabldor, ra, m. & /. one who possesses break.
knowledge jointly with others. conserje, m. keeper or warden of a royal
COnsagracibn, /. consecration. palace, castle, or public building; janitor.
consagrado, da, a. &, pp. of consagrak; COnserjeria, /. wardenship of a royal palace
consecrate, consecrated, sacred, devoted. or castle warden's dwelling, janitor's office.

COnsagrante, m. &pa. consecrator. COnserva,/. conserve, preserve, jam, marma-

COnsagrrar, va. to consecrate, hallow, make lade pickles ; fleet of merchantmen under

sacred among the Romans, to deify their

: convoy of a ship of war: navegar en con-
emperors to consecrate, devote, dedicate ;
serva, to sail under convoy.—^/, conservas
to erect a monument. alimenticias, canned goods.
consanguineo.uea, a. consanguineous, cog- C0nservaci6n, /. conservation.
nate, kindred. COnseryador, to. conservator, preserver, cu-
GOnsangUlnidad [con-san-gee-ne-daUd'], /, con- rator juez conservador, person appointed to

sanguinity. defend the rights of a community : partido

consclente [cons-thie-en'-teh], a. conscious ; of conservador, conservative party.
sound mind compos mentis. ; conservadora,/. conservatrix.
conscientemente, adv. consciously. conservaduria, /. dignity in the order of
eonscriptO, a. padre conscripto, conscript Malta.
father ; a Roman senator. COnservante, pa. conserving, conserver.
COnsectariO, m. corollary. a. consectary, COnservar, va. to conserve, maintain, pre-
consequent. serve, keep, hold, take care of; to guard,
consecucidn [con-seh-coo-thie-on'], /. attainment observe, continue; to preserve or pickle
of a desirable object. fruit ; to can goods.
COnSeCUencla [con-seh-coo-en'-thle-ah], /. conse- conservativo, va, a. conservative, preserva-
quence, conclusion, inference: en conse- tive.
cuencia, consequently, therefore, in conse- COnservatoria, /. place and office of a Juez
quence of: por consecuencia, therefore; re- conservador ; grant to communities to choose
sult or effect of a cause, issue consistence, ; their own conservators conservatorias let- :

firmness, coherence guardar consecuencia,

: ters patent granted by conservatory judges.
to be consistent consequence, importance,
; COnservatoriO, m. conservatory ; place for
moment, concern, matter, consideration, instruction in the fine arts.
note ser de consecuencia, to be very impor-
: COnservatoriO, rla, a. conservatory ; having
tant. a preservative quality.
COnsecuente, m.' (logic and math.) effect, conservero, ra, m. &/. conserver, a preparer
issue, consequent, consequence. a. conse- of conserves.
quent, following, consistent, coherent. considerable, a. considerable, great, large,
consecuentemente, adv. consequently, by plentiful.
consequence, necessarily, inevitably. considerablemente, adv. considerably.
consecutlvamente, adv. consecutively. COnsideracidn, /. consideration, regard, no-
COnsecutiVO, va, a. consecutive, consequen- tice,sake, account; reflection, contempla-
tial. tion,meditation importance, claim to no-

CQnsegUiinieiltO [con-seh-gee-me-en'-to], m. at- tice, worthiness of regard urbanity, re- ;

tainment, obtainment. V. consecuci6n. spect: ser de consideraci6n, to be of great

COnSegUir Icou-seh-geer'], Va. {ind. CONSIGO : moment: en consideracidn, considering, in
subj. consiga) to attain, get, gain, obtain, consideration, in proportion.
succeed. consideradamente, adv. considerately,
COnseja, /. story, fairy-tale, fable. calmly.
consejera, /. counsellor's wife ; woman who COnsideradO, pp. & a. prudent, considerate
gives advice. esteemed, respected, distinguished.
COnseJero, m. counsellor, member of a coun- COnsiderador, ra, w. & f. considerer, con-
cil, adviser anything which may give warn-
; siderator.
ing conseJero de la corona, crown minister.
: COnsiderante, pa. considering.
COnsejO counsel, advice, opin-
[con-seh'-ho], TO. COnsiderar, va. to consider, meditate, cogi-
ion, monition; council, court, assembly of tate,think over ; to treat with urbanity, re-
magistrates, advisory board, consulting spect, consideration.
body ; council-house conseJo de ministros, : consciento, conscienta {irr. from consen-
in Spain, cabinet of ministers: presidente tir).
del conseJo, prim* minister: conseJo de COnslervO, m. fellow-slave.
guerra, court-martial; council of war. COnsigna,/. (mil.) watch-word, countersign.
COnsenciente, />a. consenting; conniver. C0nsignacl6n, /. consignation, assignationf
COnsenso, m. general assent; agreement of apportionment; (com.) consignment, cargo
opinion, consensus. of goods.
consensual, a. (law) consensual. COnsignador, TO. (com.) consignor.
COnsentidO, «. applied to a spoiled child ; ap- COnsignar, va. to consign, assign, make
plied to a cuckold by his own consent.^-con- over ; to set apart, devote ; to yield, intrust,
sentido, da, pp. of COXSENTIR. , lay to ; to state in writing ; to lay by, to de-
OOnsentidor, ra, m. &/. compiler, conniver. posit; (com.) to consign goods or merchan-
COnsentimientO, ««. consent, connivance, aise ; (law) to deposit in trust.

<hCl>efore e, i) and J a? b la hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; 8, hissed.
COnslgnatariO, m. trustee; (law) mortga- COnsonantemente, adv. consonantly, agree-
gee, who enjoys the property mortgaged un- ably.
the debt 'be paid out of the proceeds
til ; consonar, m. (ind. consuexo subj. coN> :

(com.) consignee. SUENE) (mus.) to make harmonious sounds ;

COnslgO, pro. pers. with one's self, with him- (poet.) to rhyme; to agree, resemble, har-
selfTnerself, themselves, yourself, or your- monize.
selves consigo mismo, consigo propio, or
: c6nsones, m. pi. (mus.) concordant sounds^
conaigo »olo, alone, by one's self. chords.
consigo, conslga {irr. from conseguir). c6nsono, na, a. consonous, harmonious, con-
COnSigUlente Icon-se-Kee-en'-telil, 7ft. (log.) COn- .sonant.
sequeuce, result. a. consequent, consecu- COnsorciO, m. consortion, partnership, so-
tive, consequential de consigaiente, por con- : ciety marital union friendly intercourse ;
; ;

iguiente, or por el consigiiiente, consequent- mutual affection.

ly, by consequence, pursuantly aer consi- : COnsorte, com. consort, companion, partner,,
guiente, to be consistent. mate one who enters or defends an action

consiguientemente, adv. consequently. jointly with another.

COnsinariO, /». counsellor assistant to head ; COnsplbuo, CUa, «. conspicuous, obvious, evi-
of a corporation. V. consejero. dent, visible, notorious eminent, famous^

COnsintiente, pa. consenting, agreeing. distinguished.

COnsistencia, /. consistence, consistency ; Conspiraci6n, /. conspiracy, plot, complot,
stability duration coherence conformi-
; ; ; conjuration, conspiration.
ty firmness, solidity.
; consplrado, pp. & m. V. conspirador.
COnsistente, a. consistent, firm, solid. COnsplrador, m. conspirator, complotter,
COnsistir, vn. to consist, subsist, continue traitor.
fixed lie to be comprised, contained to
; ; ; COnsplrante, ^a. conspiring: faerzas conspi-
be made of, composed of: conslatir en, to rantes, conspiring powers.
consist in. COnspirar, m. to conspire, plot, complot ; to
COnslstorial, a. consistorial, belonging or agree together, co-operate, combine.
relating to an ecclesiastical court casa con- : constancla, /. constancy, steadiness, imrnu-
sistorial, senate-house, guildhall, town-hall, tability.
court-house. COnstante, a. constant, firm, unalterable, im-
COnsiStOrialxnente, adv. in or by a consis- mutable; loyal, constant, manifest, appar-
tory. ent, clear. m. & f. one who is constant.
COnslstoriO, m. consistory, ecclesiastical pa. composed of, consisting in.
court pontifical senate in some Spanish
; constantemente, adv. constantly, firmly,
towns the municipal council, and the town- unalterably evidently, undoubtedly.

house or town-hall consistorio divlno, the : constantinbpolitano, na, a. of or belonging

tribunal of God. to Constantinople.
COnsOCiO, m. partner, associate, companion, COnstar, v. imp. to be clear, evident, certain ;
fellow-partner. to be recorded, entered, registered to be ;

COnsol, m. (Peru) V. consola. composed of, to consist in of verses, to have ;

COnsola,/. console pier-table; bracket-shelf. the proper measure and accent.

COnsolable fpon-so-iah'-biehj, a. cousolable, re- C0nstelacl6n, /. constellation, cluster of
lievable, comfortable. fi.ved stars climate, temperature
; corre tin* :

COnsolablemente, adv. consolably, comfort- constelacion, an epidemic prevails.

ably. C0nsternaci6n, consternation,
/. amaze.
COnsolaci6n,/. consolation, comfort; in some nuMit, liorrur, distress, panic.
card games, a forfeit. COnsternar, ra. to terrify, strike with horroj
COnsoladO, da, pp. & a. consoled, comforted. or amazement to cause a panic. ;

COnsolador, ra, m. & /. consolator, com- C0nstlpaci6n, /. a cold constlpaclon de Tien- :

forter, soother. constipation, costiveuess.

COnsolante, pa. comforting, consoling, com- constipado, pp. & m. a cold.-
fortable, soothing. constipar, ra. to cause a cold to obstruct ;

COnsolar, va. {ind. CONSUELO snbj. CON- : the perspiration. vr. to catch cold consti- :

SUELE) to console, comfort, cheer, soothe. parse el vientre, to be costive.

consolatlvo, va, consolatoiio, ria, a. con- constipativo, va, a. constrictive.
solatory, comfortable. C0nstltuci6n [conH-te-too-tiiie--oti!, /. constitu-
C0ns611aa,/. (bot.) V. consuelda: consollda tion, corporeal frame, temper established ;

real, larkspur. form of government system of laws and ;

consolidaci6n, /. consolidation. customs; particular law or established usagf;

consolidado, da, p/». & a. consolidated.—p/. rules and by-laws of a corporation statute. ;

consolidated annuities, consols, government COnstitUCional, m. constitutionalist, consti-

securities. tutionist. (I. constitutional.

COnsOlldar, va. to consolidate, compact, close, constitucionalidad,/. constitutionality.

harden, strengthen. vi\ to consolidate, grow constitucionalismo, //*. constitutionalism.
firm, hard, or solid (law) to unite the in- ; COnstitUCionalmente, o<lr. lonstitutionally.
terest with the principal. COnstituir, va. (ind. CONSTITUYO suhj. :

COnsolidatiVO, va, a. consolldant, consoli- coNSTiTrvA) to constitute, produce; to

dative. make, create, ordain to
erect^ establish, ;

COnsonancla, /. consonance, harmony, ac- appoint, depute. rr. constituirse en oblifta-

cord of .sound, rhyme consistency, congru- ; ci6n de algnna cosa, to bind one's self to per-
ence, consent conformity. ; form anything.
COnsonante, ««. word that rhymes with an- COnstitUtlVO, va, a. constitutive, essential,
other (mu.s.) consonous or corresjwndiug
productive, formal, hyix>statical.— /«. A /.
sound.—/, (gram.) a consonant. constituent.
COnsonante, pa. & a. consonant, agreeable, cojistituyente, m. constituent, i'. <omi-
consistent, concordant, conformable: letras TENTK. a. con.stituent that which makes ;

consonantes, the consonants. a thing what it is.—pa. of constitlir.

a u in for ; e in eh I ; i in police ; « i« fw; a ia bull ; c (before e, I) «nrt s as tk ia tUck ; b mad d, soft;
CON 141 COis

constrefLidamente, adv. compulsirely. end, completion, finishing, accomplish-

COnstrefiimientO, m. constraint or compul- ment; destruction, suppression, total extinc-
sion. tion consumacion de
: los siglos, the end of the
constrefiir,va. {ind. constrino subj. cons- : world.
trina) to constrain, compel, force, con- consumadamente, adv. perfectly, com-
strict (med.) to bind or make costive, ap-
pletely, consummately.
plied to food. consumado, da, pp. & a. consummate, com-
COnstrlCCidn [cons-tric-tiiie-otr], /. constriction, plete, perfect, accomplished, exquisite.
contraction. consumado, m. jelly-broth, consomme.
COnstrictivO, va, a. binding, astringent, COnsumador, ra, m. &f. finisher one who ;

constringent. consummates, perfects, or finishes.

constrictor, m. &. a. constrictor. COnsumar, va. to consummate, finish, per-
COnstringente [cong-tiin-heu'-teii], a. &pa. con- fect, complete.
stringent, constrictor. COnsumativO, va, a. consummate that ;

constrino, constrifLa (*>/•. from constre- which consummates or completes, applied

NIR). to the sacrament.
C0nstrucci6n [cons-trooc-thie-<>n'', /. construc- consuniici6n, /. (com.) F. consumo.
tion act and art of constructing
; archi- ; COnsumidO, da., pp. & a. (coll.) lean, meagre,
tecture building
; fabrication construc- ; : exhausted, spent, easily afflicted.
cion de buqnes, ship-building, naval archi- COnsumldor, ra, m. & /. consumer ; de-
tecture (gram.) syntax.
<iOnstructor, ra, a. builder, framer, fabri- COnsumlmientO, m. consumption.
cator, maker: (naut.) constructor de buques, consumir, va. (pp. consumido and consun-
ship-builder. TO) to consume, destroy, waste, spend,
'onstruir, va. {ind. CONSTRUYO : subj. CONS- squander, wear out, eat up, burn out, ex-
truya) to form, build, construct, fabricate, haust, extinguish, extirpate, obliterate,
frame; to translate literally; (^ram.) to melt in the sacrifice of the mass, to swal-

construe, to range words in their natural low tne elements of bread and wine in the
order. Eucharist. vr. to be spent, exhausted to ;

"^Onstuprador, m. debaucher, defller, cor- fret; to be uneasy, vexed; to wear away,

rupter. waste away, pine, languish, consume, linger,
bonstuprar, va. to constuprate, defile, de- fail.
flower. consume, m. consumption of provisions and
:0nSUbStanCiaCi6n [con-soobs-tan-thie-ah-thle- merchandise.—/;'/, consumos, excise tax.
on'], /. consubstantiation. C0nsunci6n,/. consumption, wast«, decline ;

consubstancial, a. (theol.) consubstantial. (med.) consumption, phthisis.

COnSUb StanCialidad [con-goobs-tau-thle-ah-le- consuno (de) adv. v. juntamente.
dahrt'T, /. (theol.) consubstantiality. COnsuntiVO, va, a. having consumptive
-COnsuegrar, vn. to become joint fathei^ or power.
mothers-in-law. consunto, ta, pp. irr. of CONSUMIR.
SOnsuegrO, gra, m. &f. the fathers or moth- C0nSUStanciaCl6n [con-sooe-tan-thie-ah-thie-on'],
ers who marry their children together. /. V. c•o^'suBsTA^•cIACI6^;.
consuelda, /. (bot.) comfrey. consustancial, a. v. consubstancial.
COnsiielO, m. consolation, comfort, relief, COntabilidad,/. caleulability book-keeping, ;

comfortableness; joy, merriment: (coll.) art of keeping accounts.

sin consuelo, out of rule or measure, to ex- COntactO, m. contact, touch, union; tan-
cess. gency, impact soft iron guard for bar-mag- ;

consuelo, consuele, irr. from coNsoLAR. nets intersection of two lines.


consueno, consuene, irr. from consonar. COntadero, ra, a. countable, numerable. m. —

'JOnsueta, m. & /. stage prompter; (prov.) narrow passage where sheep or cattle are
directory for divine service.^p^. consuetas, counted salir or entrar por contadero, to go

short prayers. in or out through a narrow passage.

COnsuetudinariO, ria, a. customary, gen- COntadO, da, a. scarce, rare, uncommon, in-
erally practised; (theol.) in the habit of frequent: de contado, instantly, immedi-
sinning. ately ; in hand al contado, with ready

Cdnsill, m. consul. money, for cash por de contado, of course.


COnsilladO, m. consulate, consulship term ; pp. of CONTAR.

of office as consul tribunal of commerce. ; COntador, ra, m. & f. purser, paymaster,
consular, a. consular. cashier computer, reckoner, accountant

COnsulta, /. question proposed, or the answer numberer, numerator, ^vutomatic counter

given in writing consultation, conference,
; tell-tale meter for gas, water, or electric-

meeting for deliberation report made and ; ity cash-register, counter table or bench
; ;

advice given to the king in council. in a business office, desk ; (law) auditor, re-
COnsnltable, a. worthy or necessary to be ceiver.
deliberated upon. COntaduria, /. accountant's or auditor's
COnsultacibn, /. consultation, conference, office at the exchequer auditorship office ; ;

meeting, of a cashier, paymaster, or treasurer box- ;

consultants, pa. consulting; consulter office, in a theatre.

ministro consultante, minister who lays COntagiar, va. to infect, communicate dis-
before the king the opinion of his council. by contagion to corrupt one's
ease, spread ;

COnsultar, ra. to consult, ask, or take an- morals, pervert.

other's advice to advise.^ to deliberate,
; COntagiO, m. infection, contagion, any infec-
take counsel together. tious disease corruption of morals. ;

COnsultiVO, va, a. consultative, oonciliary, COntagidn, /. progressive malignity of a dis«

advisory. ease, as cancer propagation of vice and evil ;

COnsultor, ra, m. & /. consulter, adviser, habits.

counsel, counsellor. COntagiOSO, sa, a. contagious, malign, in-
C0n8Umacl6n, /. consummation, perfection, fectious ;

g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; U in brilU«nt , ft, ny in canyon ; r (Initial) and rr triUeU : n, biased.

COntal, m. string of beads for counting or COntentadiZO, Za, a. blen contentadizo, easily
'•eckoning. contented : mal contentadizo, hard to please.
contaminacidn,/. contamination, pollution, contentamlento, m. contentment, joy, sati*.
detilenient, stain, blot. faction, content.
contaminado, da, of contaminar ; a. & pp. COntentar, ta. to content, satisfy, gratify,
contaminated, corrupted, polluted. please, fill ; (com.) to indorse. V. endosar.
COntamlnar, va. to contaminate, defile, pol- — vr. to be contented, pleased, or satisfied :
lute, pervert, corrupt, stain to infect by ;
ser de buen 6 mal contentar, to be easUy
contagion to corrupt, vitiate, or destroy the
pleased, or difiicult to be pleased.
integrity of a text or original to profane, ; COntentible, a. contemptible.
violate anything sacred. COntentiVO, va, a. containing, comprising.
COntante, m. ready money, cash contante y : COntentO, ta, a. glad, pleased, full of joy,
sonante, ready cash in coin. mirthful ; contented, satisfied, content.
COntar, va. {ind. CUENTO : subj. cuentk) to COntentO, m. contentment, joy, satisfaction^
count, reckon, number, enumeratej calcu- content, mirth; (law) release, discharge:
late, to compute ; to relate, mention to ; 4 contento, to one's satisfaction : no caber d«
book ;to place to account ; to class, to range ;
contento, to be overjoyed.
to rate ; to consider, look upon ; to depend, COntera, /. ferrule of a cane or umbrella:
rely. chape of a scabbard button of the cascabel ;

C01lteinperante,i>a. tempering, moderator. of a gun refrain of a song por contera, ul-

; :

contemperar, va. to temper, moderate. V. timately, finally.

ATEMl'KKAR. Cont6rmino, na, a. contiguous, bordering
contemplacidn, /. contemplation, medita- upon.
tion compliance, complaisance,
; conterraneo, nea, m. & f. countryman,
contemplador, m. contemplator, countrywoman.
contemplar, va. to contemplate, examine, contertiiliano, na, or oontertulio, lia, a.
study to view, behold, look upon to med-
; ; belonging to the same social circle, of the
itate, muse to be lenient or condescending.
: same set.
contempla-tiyamente, adv. attentively, contestable, a. contestable, disputable, con-
thoughtfully. trovertible.
contemplativo, va, a. contemplative, stu- COntestacidn, answer, reply; contestation,
dious lenient condescending vida con-
; : the act of contesting, debate, strife, alterca-
templativa, life spent in study. m. contem- tion, disputation, contention.
plator ;
pious devotee. COntestar, va. to answer, to reply to con- ;

contemporaneamente, adv. at the same firm the deposition of another; to prove;

time, contemporaneously. to attest to plead to an action.
; vn. to
contempor^eo, nea, a. contemporary, co- agree, to accord.
etaneous, coeval. COnteste, a. (law) confirming the evidence
COntemporizaci6n,/. temporizing, compli- of another.
ance. COntextO, m. intertexture ; context of a dis-
contemporizador, m. compiler. V. tempo- course.
RIZADOK. contextura, /. contexture context ; ; frame
contemporlzar, vn. {pret. contemporic^ : and structure of the human body.
subj. contemporice) to temporize, comply COnticlniO, m. dead of the night.
with the will and opinion of another. COntlenda, /. contest, dispute, debate, ex-
COntencibn, /. contention ; emulation ; con- postulation, conflict, contention, clashing,
test, dispute, striie, struggle. strife, fray, struggle, battle, fight, jarring.
contencioso, sa, a. contentious, concerta- contiendo, contienda (irr. from conten-
tive, contradictious, quarrelsome, disputa- der).
tious (law) being tne object of strife or dis-
; C0ntignaci6n,/. (arch.) contignation.
pute, contestable, litigious. COniigO, pron. vers, with thee.
contendedor, m. V. contendor. contiguamente, adv. contiguously, closely.
contender, vn. (ind. contiendo s^ibj. cx)n- : contigUidad [con-te-goo-e-dadj, /. contiguity,
tienda) to fight, combat, contend, strive, closeness.
struggle, contest, conflict, debate, litigate, COntigUO, gua, a. contiguous, close.
dispute to argue, discuss, expostulate.
; contlnencia, /. continence, self-command
COntendiente, pa. fighter, disputant, liti- abstinence from carnal pleasures modera- ;

gant. tion in lawful pleasures graceful bow in a ;

contendor, m. fighter, contender, antago- dance act of containing contlnencia de la

; :

nist, opponent. causa, (law) unity which should exist in

contenedor, ra, m. & f. holder, a tenant. every judgment or sentence.
contenencia, /. suspension in the flight of continental, a. continental.
birds ;
peculiar movement in the Spanish COntinente, m. continent; that '^jhich con-
dance (law) demurrer. ;
tains anything countenance, air, mien,;

contener, va. {ind. contengo: pret, CON- gait continent, large extent of land, main-

TUVE: sufyj. CONTENGA) to contain, com- land. a. continent, chaste, abstinent, mod-
prise, hold, embrace, inclose, comprehend ;
erate in pleasures, abstemious.
to refrain, curb, restrain, coerce ; to repress, contineniemente, adv. moderately, abste-
check, stop, detain. vr. to keep one's tem- miously, chastely.
per, refrain, hold. contingencia, /. contingence or contingency,
Contenido, da, a. moderate, prudent, tem- possibility, risk.
perate, modest.—p/>. of contener. contingente, a. contingent, fortuitous, a<!ci-
contenido, m. tenor, contents, context in- ; dental.
closure. contingente, contingent, a proportion
conteniente, pa. containing, comprising. that falls to any person upon a division.
COntenta, /. (com.) indorsement. V. endo- contingentemente, adv. casually, acciden-
so ; satisfactory treat or present; (mil.) tally, contingently.
certificate of good conduct. COntingible, a. that may happen, possible.
a M in far ; e in eh I : i in police ; o in for ; a lu bull ; c (before e, i) and z as tb iu tbick ; b and d,
C01lt}llliaci6ll, /. continuation, protraction, COntrabandista.wi. smuggler, contrabandist
prolongation, lengtiiening, continuity, con- COntrabandO, m. prohibited commodity;
tinuance, stay. contraband trade, smuggling any unlawful ;

continuadamente, adv. continuedly. action Ir or venir de contrabaado, to go or


COntinuador, m. continuer, eontinuator. come by stealth contrabando de guerra, con-


COntinuamente, adv. continually. traband of war.

COntinuar, va. & vn. to continue, pursue, contrabarrado, da, a. (her.) shield counter-
protract, carry on to remain in the same ; barred.
hold to last, endure to prolong.
state, ; ; contrabarrera,/. second or inner barrier iu
COntixiuativo, va, a. continuative. a bull-ring.
COntlnuidad, /. continuity, cohesion, con- contrabasa, /. (arch.) V. pedestal.
tinuance. contrabateria, /. counter-batter v.
eontinuo, nua, a. continuous, uninter- COntrabatlr, va. to fire upon the enemy's
rupted, prolonged,
continual, constant, batteries.
lasting assiduous, steady, persevering
; contrabitas, (naut.) standards of the
(mech. ) endless & la continaa or de conti-
: bitts.
nno, continually papel continuo, printing : COntrabOlina, /. (naut. ) preventer-bowline.
paper in rolls movimlento continao, per-
: contrabovedilla, /. (naut.) second counter,
petual motion. upper counter.
^Ontlnuo, in. a whole, composed of united contrabracear, va. (naut.) to counter-brace,
parts yeoman of the crown,
contrabraceo, m. (naut. ) counter-bracing.
0Ontonearse, vr. to walk with an affected air COntrabranque, m. (naut.) stemson, apron.
or manner, to strut. COntrabraza,/. (naut.) preventer-brace.
^30ntoneo, m. affected gait or manner of contrabrazola,/. (naut.) head-ledge.
walking, strut. contracambiada, /. changing of the for*
eontorcerse, vr. {ind. contuerzo: suhj. foot by a horse.
coxtuerza) to distort, twist or writhe one's contracambio, m. (com.) re-exchange;
body. (met.) V. equivalente.
eOntOrCidn [con-tor-thie-on'], /, V. RETORCl- contracanal, m. counter-channel.
MIENTO and CONTORS16N. COntracarril, m. check-rail, guard-rail,
COntomadO, a. (her.) applied to the heads safety-rail, wing-rail,
of animals turned toward the sinister side
; contraccibn [con-trac-thie-on'], contraction,/.
of the shield. contomado, da, pp. of CON- shrinking, shrivelling, contractedness. -

TORNAR, constriction ; corrugation abbreviation

contomar, contornear, go around va. to abridgment.

to trace the contour or outline of a figure. contracebadera, /. (naut.) sprit-top-sail.
contorneo, m. v. rodeo. oontrac6dula,/. counter-decree,
COntomo, m. environs or vicinity of a place ;
contracifra, /. countercipher.
contour, outline en contorno, round about. : COntraclave, /. (arch.) voussoir next to the
COntOrslbn,/. contorsion, twist, wry motion, keystone.
grotesque gesture. contracodaste interior, m. (naut.) innev
contra, prep, against, across, athwart, in op- stern-post: contracodaste exterior,' (naut.)
position to, counter, contrary to, opposite back of the stern-post.
to used as a prefix in many words given
; contracorriente, /. (naut.) counter-current,
below en contra, against or in opposition
: stop-water.
to another thing. COntracosta, /. coast opposite to another.
contra, m. opposite sense, as in el pro y el COntr^Ctil, a. contractile, contractible.
contra, the pro and the con (mus.) pedal of ;
COntractilidad, /. contractility, contracti-
an organ.—/?/, (mus.) organ pipes forming bility.
the lowest bass.—/, difficulty, obstacle contract©, ta, pp. i'T. of contkaer ; con-
counter, in fencing (Amer.) a trifling ;
thing or article given to the buyer for his COntractura,./". (med.) contracture.
custom. V. NAPA. Qontracuartelado, da, a. (her.) having the
contraabertura,/. (surg.) contrafissure. quarters opposed in metal or colour.
contra^bside, m. & f. western absis. COntracuerdas,/. p/. (naut.) outward deck-
COntraaletas, /. p/. (naut.) counter-fashion planks or platforms.
pieces. contradancista, m. leader of a cotillon.
contraalmirante or contralmirante, m. contradanza, /. quadrille, cotillon.
rear-admiral. contradecir, va. {pp. contradicho: ind.
contraamantillos, /. p^. (naut.) preventer- contradigo pret. contradije fut. CON-
: :

lifts, counter-braces. tradir:^ subj. contrajiga) to contradict,


contraamura, /. (naut.) preventer-tack. gainsay.

contraaproches, m. pi. (fort.) counter-ap- C0ntradiCCi6n [con-trah-dlc-thie-on'], /. contra-
proaches. diction, opposition, gainsaying; contro-
contraarmlilos, m. pi. (her.) black field and versy, clashing, hostile resistance; inconsist-
white spots. ency, incongruity espiritu de contradiccion,

tOntraataqueS [con-tran-ah-tah'-kes], m. pi. contradictory temper.

(mil.) counter attacks. contradicbo, ch.K, jyp. irr. of contradecir.
COntrabajO [con-trah-bah'-ho], m. (mus.) contra- contradictor, ra, m. &f. contradictor, gain-
bass ; contrabass viol ; contrabassist, contra- sayer.
basso. contradictoria, /. (log.) contradictory.
contrabalancear, va. to counterbalance, contradictoriamente, adv. contradictorily,
counterpoise. inconsistently.
contrabalanza, /. v. contrapeso and con- contradictorio, ria, a. contradictory.
TRAPOSIC16N. contradigo, contradije, contradiga {irr.
Contrabanda, /. (her.) hand divided into from contradecir).
Iwo of different metals, one coloured bend ; contradique [con-trah-dee'-keu], m. counter-
sinister. dock, counter-dike.

g (before e, 1) and J as b in hot ; h, silent ; II in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; 1, hissed.
COntradrlza, /. (naut.) second halliard. COntrahilO, m. 4 contrahllo, cross grain.
contradiirmente, contradurmiente, m. COntrahoradar, va. to bore on the opposite
(naut.) clamp. side.
COntraeje [cdu trau-eii' Uohj, m. counter-shaft, COntrahuella, (arch.) riser of a stair.

contraemboscada,.^. counter-ambuscade. contralgo, contraje, contraiga {irr. from

COntraemergente Icon-trali-eli-nier-lieu'-tehj, a. CONTRAER).
(her.) counter-salient. contraindicaci6n, /. (med.) contra-indica-
contraempufLadura ,
/. (naut.) preventer tiou.
ear-ring. COntralndicante,m. (med.) contra-indicant.
contraendosar, va. to reindorse, indorse contraindlcar, va. (prei. contraindiqi i
back. subi. contraixdique) (med.) to contra-
contraer, va. & vn. {pp. contraido and coN- indicate.
TRACTO ind. contraigo prei. COXTRAJE
: : COntralechO, m. k contralecho, (arch.) cros^
subi. contraiga) to contract, tighten, join, bond.
unite to incur, acquire ; to reduce.
vr. to COntralizo, m. (weav.) back leash.
contract, diminish ; to shrink up, as nerves, COntralor, m. comptroller, inspector,
etc. ; to reduce a discourse to an idea or contraloria, /. comptroUership.
phrase contraer deudas, to run in debt
: contralto, m. contralto.
contraer enfermedad, to contract a disease COntraluz,/. counterlight.
contraer matrimonio, to marry. COntramaestre, m. overseer, foreman >

contraescarpa, /. (mil.) counterscarp. (naut.) boatswain.

COntraescota, /. (naut.) preventer-sheet. contramalla, contramalladura, /. double
COntraescotin, m. (naut.) preventer top-sail net for catching fish.
sheet. COntramallar, va. to make nets with double
contraescritura, /. counter-deed. meshes.
COntraestay, m. (naut.) preventer-stay. COntramandar, va. to countermand,
contrafajaao, da, a. (her.) shield having contraman^as, /. pi. oversleeves,
faces opposed in metal or colour. contramaniobra, /. counter-manoeuvre,
COntrafallar, va. at cards, to trump after an- contramarca, /. countermark duty to be ;

other. paid on goods which have no custom-house

COntrafallo, m. trumping after another, at mark.
cards. contramarcar, va. {pret. contramarqu6 «

COntrafaz, /. the reverse of every face. subj. contramarque) to countermark.

contrafianza, /. indemnity-bond. COntramarco, m. (carp. counter-frame. )

COntraifigura, /. person or dummy which COntramarcha, /. countermarch, retroces-r

imitates a personage in the theatre. sion ;
partof a weaver's loom. 1'. vi.^dera ;
COntrafilO, m. (arm.) back edge (near the (rail, and naut.) evolution.
point). COntramarchar, va. to countermarch.
COntraflrma, /. (law) inhibition of an an- contraroarea, /. (naut.) counter-tide.
terior decree. contramesana, /. (naut.) mizzen-mast.
contrafirmante, pa. (law) party who ob- COntramina, /. countermine; (min.) drift-
tains an inhibition or injunction. way, heading.
COntraflnnar, va. (law) to obtain a counter- COntramlnar, va, to countermine, to coun-
manding decree or inhibition. ter-work.
COntrafloradO, da, a, (her. ) having flowers COntramolde, m. counter-mould.
opposed in colour and metal. COntramotivo, ?». (mus. ) counter-subject.
contrafoque [oon-tr«h-fo'-keh], m. (naut.) fore- COntramufelle, m. (mech. ) duplicate spring.
top stay-sail. contramuralla, /. contramuro, m. (mil.)
COnvrafOSO, m. (fort.) avantfosse or outer countermure, low rampart.
ditch. COntranatural, a. counternatural, contra-
COntrafuero, m. infringement or violation of natural, utinatural.
a charter or privilege. contraorden,/. countermand.
^ontrafuerte, m. strap of leather to secure contrapalanquin, /n. (naut. ) preventerclew-
the girths on a saddle-tree stiffener of a ; garnet.
shoe; (fort.) counter-fort; (arch.) abut- COntrapares, m. pi. (arch.) counter-rafters
ment, buttress, spur. COntraparte,/. counterpart, duplicate copy
{ontragolpe, m. (med.) counter-stroke (con- of a deed.
trecoup). COntrapks, m. step in dancing.
contraguardia, /. (fort.) counter-guard. contrapasamlento, m. act and eflfect of pass-
COntragUia [coii-trah-eee'-ahl, /. in a team, the ing to the opposite side or party.
near or left-hand animal. COntrapasar, vn. to join the opposite party.
COntrahacedor, ra, vi. & f. imitator, coun- COntrapaso, m. back step; (mu.s.) counter-
terfeiter. note.
contraJiacer, va. {pp. contrahecho: ind. COntrapelO (i), adv. against the grain.
CX)NTRAUAGO ! prct. CONTRAHICE : SUbj. CON- COntrapesar,va. to counterbalance; tocouu^.
trahaga) to counterfeit, falsify, forge ; to tervail, offset.
imitate, copy to pirate the works of an
; COntrapesO, m. counter-weight, counterpoise,
author to mimic.
; equiponderance,
counterbalance, counter-
contrahaz, m, wrong side of cloth and other plummet, balance-weight poy, rope-
vail ; ;

Situffs. dancer's pole equipollence, equivallence of


contrahecho, Cha,
de- a. humpbacked, power; addition of inferior quality thrown
formed counterfeit, counterfeited, spuri-
; to complete the weight of meat, fish, etc.
ous, fictitious.—pp. of CONTRAHACER. COntrapeste, m. remedy against pestilence.
contrahierha, /. (bot) Dorstenia contra- COntrapilastra, /. (arch.) counterpilaster ;
yerva, South American medicinal plant; (carp. ) door-strip.
antidote. contraponedor, m. he who compares on*
COntrahllera, /. second line formed to de- thing with another.
fend another. contraponer, va. {pp. contrapuksto : imL

• M in far ; « in efc I ; t In police ; o In for ; U in bull ; c (before e, i) and z as th tn tbick ; b and d, aoft'
CONTRAPONGO : prct. CONTRAPUSE subj. : COntrasentldO, m. counter-sense, opposed
contraponga) to compare ; to oppose. meaning deduction opposed to the logical

COntraposici6n,/. contra-position counter- ; antecedents.

view contrast.
; COntrase&a, /. countersign or counter-mark ;

COntrapozo, v/i. (fort.) counter-blast. (mil.) watchword.

C0ntrapresi6n, /. counter-pressure, back- COntrasol, m. sunshade.
pressure. COntrastable, a. contrastable.
centraprineipio, m. assertion contrary to a COntrastar, va. to contrast, place in opposi-
principle known as such. tion, oppose ; to resist contradict ; to assay

coiitrapro<lucente,«. or contraproduc6n- and stamp metals ; to examine measures

tem, (Lat.) thing alleged contrary to what and weights. vn. to contrast, be different.
it is designed to prove. COntraste, m. counterview, contrast oppo- ;

COntraprop08ici6n, /. counter-proposition. sition and strife between persons and

contraprueba, /. (print.) counterproof; things; contrast, opposition, and dissimili-
counter-drawing. tude of figures assayer of the mint as- ; ;

COntrapuerta, /. inner large door after the sayer's office ; assay ; mark of assay assayer ;

street door. of weights and measures ;

public office
contrapuesto, ta, a. «& pp. irr. of contra- where raw silk is weighed ;
(naut.) sudden
PONER compared. ; change of the wind, by which it becomes
contrapuntante, m. he who sings in coun- foul or contrary.
terpoint. COntrata,/. contract; deed in which the
OOntrapuntear, va. (mus. ) to sing in coun- terms of a contract, bargain, or agreement
terpointto taunt to revile. ;vi: to treat ; are set forth.
one another with abusive language to ; COntratacibn, /. trade, commerce, traffic;
wrangle, dispute. enterprise, undertaking business transac- ;

contrapuntista, m. (mus.) contrapuntist, tion.

one skilled in counterpoint. COntratante, pa. contracting; contractor,
COntrapuntO, m. (mus.) counterpoint, har- one of the parties to a contract.
mony. COntratar, va. to trade, traffic to deal to ; ;

C0ntrapunz6n, m. puncheon for driving in contract or bargain ; to stipulate ; cove-

a nail counterpunch gunsmith's counter-
mark on guns. COntratela, /. among hunters, second inclos-
contraquerella, /. cross-complaint. ure of canvas to shut up game.
contraquilla :coii-trah-keei'-iyah],/. (naut. ) false COntratiempo, m. disappointment misfor-i- ;

keel. tune, mishap, calamity.

COntrariamente, adv. contrarily, contrari- COntratista, m. contractor lessee paten- ;

ously. tee ;
grantee ;

COntr'ariar, ra. to contradict, oppose, coun- COntratO, m. contract convention mutual ; ;

teract, thwart, run counter, counter-work ;

agreement, pact stipulation covenant ; ;

to disappoint, vex, upset. (law) indenture setting forth the tenns of a

COntrariedad, /. contrariety, repugnance, contract contrato 4 la gruesa or & riesgo

opposition, contradiction, disappointment, maritimo, respondentia contrato aleatorio, :

inconvenience, impediment, obstacle. aleatory contract contrato de compraventa :

COntrariO, m. opponent, antagonist, com- or de compra y venta, contract of bargain

petitor, rival. and sale contrato de locacion y conduccion,

tSOntrariO, rla, a. contrary, repugnant,, op- agreement to let one enjoy the use of prop-
posite, dissimilar, contriadictory, contrari- erty for a price or service contrato de retro- :

ous ; loath, adverse, abhorrent, cross un- ; vendendo, reversion clause of bargain and
favourable, antagonistic; hurtful; mischiev- sale contrato enfltiutlco, emphyteusis.

ous: tiempo contrario, (naut.) foul weather : COntratrancaniles, m. pi. (naut.) inner wa-
al contrario or por el contrario, on the con- terways.
trary en contrario, against, in opposition
: contratreta,/. counterplot.
to: llevar la contraria, to contradict, go contratrinchera, /. (mil.) counter-trench.
counter. COntravalacidn, /. (mil.) contravallation.
«OntrarregistrO [con-trar-reh-hees'-tro], m. con- COntravalar, va. to form a line of contraval-
trol ;
regi.ster. lation.
COntrarregUera [con-tmr-reh-geh'-rah], /. lateral COntravalor, m. (com.) counter-value, equiv-
drain. alent.
contrarr^plica, /. rejoinder, reply to an C0Iltravenci6ll, /. contravention, violation
answer rebutter. ; of a law.
contrarrestar, va. to resist, oppose, check, COntraveneno, m. countor-poison, antidote ;

counter-oheck, counter-work to strike ; precaution taken to avoid some infamy or

back a ball, to counter-buflF. mischief
tontrarresto, m. check, opposition, contra- COntravenir, va. (Ind. contra vengo: prel.
diction player who is to strike back the
CONTRA VINE : subj. contravenga) to con-
ball. travene, transgress, violate a law ; to oi>-
COntrarreV0lUCi6n [con-trar-reU-vo-loo-tWe-on'], pose, obstruct, baffle, countermine.
/. counter-revolution. contraventana, /. window-shutter, outside
contrarrevolucionarlo, ria, m. & f. & a. shutter.
counter-revolutionist, belonging to a coun- COntraTentor, ra, m. & f. transgressor, of-
ter-revolution. fender ; contravener, he who opposes an-
contrarroda, /. (naut.) stemson, other.
contrarronda, /. (mil.) counter-round. contravidrlera,./'. second glass window, to
contrarrotura, /. (farr.) pla.ster or poultice keep off cold or heat.
applied to fractures or wounds. COntravlrar, va. to turn in the opposite di-
contrasalida,/. counter-sally. rection.
COntrasalva, /. (mil.) counter-salute. contra VOluta, /. (arch.) inner volute.
COntrasellar, va. to counter-seal. COntray, m. sort of fine cloth.

g (before e, i) and j as h in hot ; h. illent ; 11 In brilliant ; fl, ny In p (inltlaO and rr trilled; ,

CON 146 CX)N

COntrayente, pa. contracting, used of mat- COnvalidar, ra. (law) to confirm.

rimony only. COnvecinO, na, a. neighbouring.
COntrechO, Cha, a- crippled, maimed. convelerse, vr. (med. ) to twitch ; to be eon*
COntrete, m. (naut.) breast-shore; crochet; tracted.
angle-iron stay gusset ; face wheel in ;
; convencedor, ra, m. &/. conviucer.
watches. COnvencer [con-ven-therr'], va. {pp. CX)NVEN-
COntribUCibn [con-tree-boo-thle-on'l, /. contribu- ciDO and convicto: tnrf. convenzo: subj.
tion tax, impost : contribucion territorial, convenza) to convince, convict, demon-
land tax.

strate. — IT. to be assured.

contrlbuidor, ra, m. &/. contributor. COnvencible, «. convincible, convictible.
contribuir, va. {ind. contribuyo subj. : convencido, da, pp. & a. convinced.
coxtribuya) to contribute to pay tax to ; ; convencimiento, m. conviction.
give, furnish, supply in aid of some object convencibn [con-ven-thie-on'], /. convention,
to bear a share of expenses, or in eflFecting a contract, agreement, pact, composition
result. convenience, conformity ; convention, con-
contribulado, da, a. grieved, afflicted. gress, assembly.
COntributariO, m. contributor, tax-payer. convencional [con-ven-thie-o-naw], a. conven-
COntribuyente, pa. contributing contribu- ; tional, couventionary.
torco-operative contributory.
; ; convencionalmente, adv. conventionally.
COntrlcibn, /. contrition, penitence, com- convengo, convenga {irr. from convenir).
punction. COnvenible, «. docile, tractable, compliant.
COntrin, m. weight used in the Philippines, convenido, da, a. & pp. of convenir set- ;

0.39 gramme, about six and a half grains. tled by consent, agreed, done.
COntlincante, m. competitor, rival, oppo- COnveniencia, /. conformity, congruity, con-
nent. sistence ; utility, profit, advantage, comfort
COntristar, va. to afflict, to sadden. Xement, convention, adjustment; em-
COntritO, ta, a. contrite, compunctious, peni- . , service a servant's place ia a house

tent. or family ; convenience, ease, commodious-

controversial/, controversy, debate. ness,accommodation, commodity fitness, ;

COntroverslsta, w. controversialist, dispu- expedience.—p^. conveniencias, emoluments,

tant, coutrovertcr. perquisites ; income, property.
controvertible, «. controvertible, disput- COnveniente, a. useful, profitable, advanta-
able, litigious. geous, good accordant^ conformable fi,t,
; ;

controvertir, va. {ind. controvierto

subj. : suitable, agreeable convenient, expedient, ;

CONTROVIERTA^ to coutrovcrt, dispute, dis- correspondent, opportune ; commodious

cuss, argue against. timely decent, discreet.

COntubemiO, m. cohabitation, rooming to- convenientemente, adv. conveniently, fitly,

gether, concubinage. suitably, expediently.
contumaciam/, obstinacy, perverseness, stub- COnveniO, m. convention, contract, agree-
bornness (law) contumacy, non-appear-
ment, pact, concert, consent contrivance. ;

ance, contempt of court ; default. convenir, vn. {ind. convengo: pret. con-
COntuinaz [con-too-math'], a. obstinate, stub- vine subj. convenga) to agree, coincide,

born, perverse ; contumacious, disobedient. to agree, fit, harmonize, comport,


COntumazmente, adv. contumaciously, ob- to correspond, belong to to assemble,

suit ; ;

stinately. v. imp. to suit, to be to the pur-

contumelia, /. contumely, reproach, contu- pose, to be meet. vr. to compound, agree.
meliousnesif, jiersonal abuse. close, make a deal, suit one's interests con* :

contumeliosamente, adv. contumeliously, viene & saber, that is, to wit.

reproachfully. COnventazO, m. aug. large convent or mon-
contumelioso, sa, a. contumelious, reproach- astery.
ful, sarcastic conventico, illo, ito, m. dim. (coll.) tene-
COntundente, pa. producing a contusion, ap- ment inhabited by persons of ill repute.
Slied to weapons ; impressing the mind conventicula,/. conventiculo, m. conven-
eeply : argumeato contundente, clinching ar- ticle.
gument. COnventO, m. convent of monks or nuns,
contundir, {pp. contuso) to contuse,
va. monastery, nunnery community of relig- ;

contund, bruise, pound, ious men or women.

conturbacidn, /. perturbation, uneasiness conventual, a. conventual, monastic. m.
of mind. conventual, a monk; member of landed
COnturbadO, da, a., turbulent, troublesome. Franciscan order.
—pp. of CONTURBAR. COnventualidad, /. state of living in a con-
COnturbador, w». perturber, disturber. vent or monastery assignment of a ; monk
conturbar, va, to perturb, disquiet, disturb, to adetermined convent.
trouble, conventualmente, adv. monastically, re-
conturbativo, va,a. that which perturbs or elusely.
disquiets, troublesome. convenzo, convenza {irr. from conven-
COntU8i6n,/. contusion, bruise. cer).
contuso, sa, a. bruised.—^, irr. of contun- convergencia [con-ver-hen'-the-«h], /. conver-
dir. gence.
contutor, m. assistant tutor, fellow-tutor. convergente, a. convergent, converging.
COnuCO or cimuCO, m. (Amer.) patch of converger, convergir [con-ver-heer'j, vn. to
ground given to slav&s maize-field. ; converge ; to agree in opinions.
convalecencia, /. convalescence, recovery conversable, a. conversable, sociable, tract-
from able.
convalecer, vn, {ind. convalezco subj. : Conversaci6n fcon-ver-«ah-the-on'i, /. conversa-
convalezca) to recover from sickness; to tion, easy talk, chat, converse, conference,
recover lost prosperity and power. communication, colloquy ; commerce, inter-
convaleciente, pa, convalescent. course, society, company ; illicit intercourse.

ft M In for ; • in ch t ; 1 in police ; o in for ; a in ball ; e (before e, i) pnd s m tli in tlUck ; b and d, aeA;
COnversar, vn. to converse, discourse famil- C6nyuge8, m. pi. married couple, husband
iarly, commune, talk together to live to- ; and wife.
gether in the company of others to have so- ; cooperaci6n [c<vo-i)eh-rah-thie-on'], /. co-opera-
cial intercourse; (mil.) to change front, tion, coetiiciency.
wheel. cooperador, ra,'^. &f. co-operator.
COnversibn, /. conversion, change, transfor- COOperante, pa. & a. co-operating co-oper« ;

mation, reform (rhet.) apostrophe; (mil.)

ator co-operative ; coactive, contributive.

wheel, wheeling: cuarto de conTersion, quar- COOperar, va. to co-operate, labour jointly,
ter-wheeling. concur.
COnversiVO, va, a. having the power of con- cooperario, m. V. cooperador.
verting or changing one thing into another, cooperativamente, adv. coefficiently.
converse, m. convert ; lay-brother.—^j). in: cooperative, va, a. co-operative.
of CONVERTIR. COOpositor, m. he who is a candidate with
convertibilidad, /. convertibility. another for a professorship, etc., to be ob-
convertible, a. convertible ; movable, trans- tained by competition.
ferable. COOrdenado, da, a. (math.) co-ordinates.
convertido, da, a. & pp. of convertir ; con- coordinaci6n, /. co-ordination, classifica-
verted, changed, transformed. tion, collateralness.
Convertir, va. {pp. convertido and con- coordinadamente, adv. co-ordinately.
verso : i?ld. CONVIERTO : subj. convierta) COOrdinadO, da, pp. & a. co-ordinate.
to convert, change into another substance, coordinamiento, m. v. coordinaci6n.
transform permute ; to change from one
COOrdinar, ta. to co-ordinate, arrange, ad-
religion or opinion to another to reform ; just, class, classify.
from a bad to a good life ; to apply things to COpa, /. goblet, wine-glass, vase, cup ; liquid
a use fior which they were not intended to ; contained in a glass branches and foliage ;

direct appropriate. vr. to be converted,

; of a tree; a bower crown of a hat brasier, ; ;

reformed. fire-pan roof or vault of an oven or fur-


COnVeXldad [con-vek-se-dahd'], /. COnvexity. nace gill, liquid measure, teacupful each


COnvexO, xa [con-rek'-so!, a. convex, convexed. of the cards with a heart. pi. hearts, one of
convlccibn [con-vic-the-on'i, /. conviction, con- the four suits at cards bosses of a bridle. ;

vincement. copada,/. v. cogujada.

convicto, ta, pp. irr. of convencer; (law) copado, da, a. tufted, copped, abundant in
convicted, guilty. foliage.-^j9. of COPAR.
COnvlctor, m. (prov.) boarder; pensioner in copaiba,/, (hot.) copaiba-tree; balsam copai-
a college. ba.
COnvlctorio, m. among the Jesuits, college of copal, TO. copal, transparent resin.
pensioners. COpaljOCOl [co-pai-ho-cohi'i, m. (bot.) tree in
Convidada, /. invitation to drink, treat. Mexico resembling a cherry-tree.
COnvidante, m. &f. one who invites; host. copanete, c6pano, m. small boat
COnvldadO, da, a. & pp. of convidar; in- COpar, va. in monte, to put on a card a sum
vited. m. invited guest. equal to what there is"in the bank; (coll.)
tjonvldador, ra, m. &f. inviter. to corner; (mil.) to surprise, cut off the re-
convidar, va. to invite, bid, treat ; to stand treat of a military force, making it pris-
treat ; to allure, entice, offer, induce. vr. oner : to corner, to grab.
to offer one's services spontaneously. COpariicipe, m. &f. participant, copartner.
convierto, convierta (from convertir). COpaza, J. nug. large cup or glass with a
COnvincente, a. convincing, convincible. foot.
convincentemente, adv. convincingly, con- COpazo, TO. aug. large fleece of wool; large
victively. flake of snow.
COnvite, m. invitation ; feast to which per- COpela, /. cupel or coppel.
sons are invited ; treat. COpelacidn, /. cupellation, act of refining
convivencia, /. act of living together. metals.
conviviente, a. living together. COpelar, va. to refine or purify metals.
C0nV0Caci6n, /. convocation. COpera, /. cupboard, side-board, closet for
COnvocador, ra, m. &/. convener, convoker. glassware.
COnvOCar, va. {pret. convoquk: gubj. CON- COperillO, to. dim. little cup-bearer.
voque) to convene, convoke, call together, COpernicano, a. Copernican.
summon, congregate to shout in triumph ; copero, TO. cup-bearer side-board, ; buffet,
or exultation. glass-rack.
convocatoria, /. letter of convocation, edict, COpeta, /. dim. small cup or drinking vessei.
summons; notice of meeting. COpete, TO. toupee, tuft, 'jiompadour, aigret,
convocatorio, ria, a. that which convokes. plumicorn forelock of a horse crown-
; ;

C0nv61ut0. ta, a. convolute. work of a piece of furniture top of the ;

COnvolvulaceO, cea, a. convolvulaceous. shoe which rises over the buckle top, ;

COnvblvnlO, m. vine-inchworm (hot.) con- ;

summit projecting top or cop of sherbets

volvulus. or ice-creams hombre de copete, man of re-


convoy, m. convoy, conduct, escort or spectability and character tener macho co- :

guard property under convoy ; (coll.) reti-

pete, to be lofty and haughty asir la ocasidn :

nue railway train.

; por el copete, to profit by tlie opportunity.
convoy ante, ija. convoying. COpetudO, da, a. copped, tufted ; rising to a
convoy ar, va. to convoy, escort, guard. top or head ; high, lofty.
COnvulsibn, /. convulsion. COpey, TO. American tree of excellent wood
convulsivamente, adv. convulsively. K)r engravinij bitumen found in Ecuador.

COnvulsivo, va, a. convulsive. COpia,/. copiiiusness, plenty, abundance, ful-

COnvulsO, sa, n. convulsed. ness fertility; copy, transcript, counter-

COnyugal, >i. cocjugal, connubial. part, duplicate, imitation ; taking up ; re-

COnyugalmente, adv. conjugally, matri- production copy of a picture rate or val-
; ;

mouiallv. uirtion of tithe; (gram.) list of nouns and

g (before e, i) aud J as h ia hot ; h, sileut ; 11 ia brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r Claltial) and rr trilled^' s, hissed
verbs, and the cases they govern; (poet.) coriceo, cea, a. v. coriIceo.
couple. coracero, »«. cuirassier; (coll.) poor cigar.
COpiador, m. copyist, copier, transcriber COraciUa,/. dim. small coat of mail.
(com. ) libro copiador, letter-boolc. COracina,/. small breast-plate.
COpiante, rii. copyist, copier, imitator. coracora, /. (Philip.) coasting vessel.
COpiar, va. to copy, duplicate, reproduce, coracha, /. leather bag.
transcribe, exemplify ; to imitate, draw COrachin, m. dim. small leather bag.
after life take up ; ape ; (poet.) to describe,
; COra]e [co-rah'-ueh], m. couragc, bravery, forti*
depict copiar del natural, to copy from life.
: tude, mettle ; anger, passion.
COpUador, »«• compiler, collector. V. com- COra^UdO, da, a. angry, passionate.
PILADOR. coral, m. coral; (Veuez.) poisonous snake.
copllar, va. to compile, to collect. V. com- pi. corales, strings of corals. a. choral, be-
PILAR. longing to the choir gota coral, epilepsy.

copilla,/. dim. of CO pa; ci^ar-lighter. COralerO, m. worker or dealer in corals.

COpin, m. in Asturias, a grain measure equal COralifero, ra, a. coral-bearing.
to half a celemin. COrallllO, m. venomous coral-coloured snake.
copina,/. (Mex.) skin taken off whole. COralina, /. coral insect, sea-corallina; any
COpinar, va. to remove a skin entire. sea^animal resembling coral.
copiosamente, adv. copiously, abundantly, corallno, na, <4. of or resembling coral ; cor'
plentifully, largely. alline.
copioso, sa, a. copious, abundant, full, fruit- corambre, /. hides, skins, dressed or un-
mi, plentiful, fluent, large. dressed ;
COplsta, m. copyist, transcriber ; copying- corambrero, m. dealer in hides and skins.
machine. Cor^n, TO. Koran. V. alcorIn.
COpita, /. dim. small glass or drinking vessel. coranvobis. m. (coll.) a corpulent person,
COpito, m. dim, small fleece or flake. strutting about with affected gravity.
COpla, /. couplet popular song, ballad, stan-
; coraza, /. cuirass, armour-plating ; shell or
za sarcastic hint or remark lampoon.
; ; carapace of a turtle, etc.
COplear, vn. to compose or sing ballads. COrazuada pith of a pine-
[co-rath-nah'-<iaiii, /.

COpleja, /. dim. little ballad. tree fricassee of the hearts of animals.


coplero, ra, a. ballad-seller. m. poetaster. COrazdn [co-raii-thone'j, m. heart, core, pith;

copllca, iUa, ita,/. dim. little ballad. love, benevolence, affection, spirit, courage,
coplista, m. V. COPLERO. will, mind ; middle or centre of anything
C0pl6n, m. aug. low, vile poetry; generally in a loom, cam corazon de un cabo, (naut.)

used in pi. coplones. heart-strand : de coraz6n, adv. heartily, sin-

COpo, m. small bundle of cotton, hemp, flax, cerely : decir or anunciar el corazon, to have
or silk, put on the distaff to be spun snow- ; a presentiment.
flake lx)ttom of a purse-seine ; nauling
; corazonada,/. courage^ impulse of the heart,
with a purse-seine cornering, surprise ; presentiment, foreboding; (coll.) entrails.
grab. COraZOnaZO [co-raU-thaw-nah'-thaw], m. aug,
C0p6n, m. ang. large cup or drinking vessel great heart.
cibary, ciborium. COraZOnciCO, lllO, itO tco-rah-thon-thle'-co], n\
COPOSO, sa, a. V. COPADO. dim. little heart ; a faint-hearted person.
copra, /. dried kernel of the coconut, copra. COraZOnclllO [co-rah-tlion-thler-lyo], m. (bot.)
COpropietariO, la, a. joint-owner, coproprie- perforated St. John's-wort.
tor. COrbachada, /. lash with a corbacho.
c6ptlco, ca, a. Coptic. COrbacbO, m. cowhide, whip.
copto, m. Coptic, the language of the Copts. COrbata, /. cravat, necktie, scarf, neckcloth
COpudO, da, a. tufted, bushy, thick-topped sash or ribbon badge tied to banners ; ril
tree. bon, insignia of an order. m. magistrat
C6pula, /. joining, coupling two things to- not brought up to the law.
gether connection ; copulation, carnal un-
; COrbatin, m. cravat, tie stock. ;

ion (arch.) cupola. V. cCpula; (log.) co-

; COrbatO, m. cooler, worm-tub of a still.
pula. COrbatdn, m. (naut.) small knee, bracket.
copularse, copulate. vr. to COrbe, m. ancient measure for baskets.
copulativamente, adv. jointly. COrbeta, /. (naut.) corvette: corbeta de ga*«
copulative, va, a. joining or uniting togeth- rra, sloop of war.
er ;
(gram.) copulative. corcel [cor-thei'l, TO. steady horse, charger.
coque ico'-keh], m. coke. COrcesca,/. ancient barbed spear.
COquera [co-keu'-rahi, /. head or handle of a top COrcinO, to. small deer.
small concavity in a stone ; coke-scuttle. corcova,/. hump, crooked back, hunch, pro-
coquero, m. dealer in coconuts. tuberance, curvature.
COqueta[co-keh'-tah],/. coquette, flirt ; feruling corcovado, da, a. humpbacked, gibbous,
or blow with a ferule on the hand by school- crooked.—pp. of coroovar.
masters ; small loaf or roll. corcovar, va. to crook.
COqUetear [co-keh-teli-arr'], vn. to COquet, to corcovear, vn. to curvet, cut capers.
flirt. COrcoveta, /. dim. small hump (colL ) crook- ;

coqueteo, w. coquetting, flirting. backed person.

COqueteria [ro-keh-teh-ree'-ah], /. coquetry, flir- COrcovo, TO. spring, curvet, made by a horse
tation, aflectation. on the point of leaping (coll. ) crookedness,

C0quet6n, m. male flirt, lady-killer. wrong step, unfair proceeding.

COquimbO, m. (S. Amer.) burrowing owl. COrcusidO, da, a. clumsily mended or sewed
COqulna fco-kee'-nahi,/. cockle, edible bivalve ;
on.—pp. of coRCi'siR.
the shell of a cockle ; soft shelly stone. COrcuSU:, va. (coll.) to dam clumsily.
coquinero, ra [co-ke-neh'-ro], a. cockle-seller. COrcba, /. cork-bark wine-cooler (naut.) ; ;

COquitO [co-kee'-to', m. dim. small coconut laying of a rope.

grimace to amuse children turtle-dove of ; COrchax, va. (naut.) to lay strands of ropes.
Mexico tall Chilean palm-trae.
; COrcbe, m. cork-soled sandal or clog.
a aH in far ; e in eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; u In bull ; c (before e, () and z as th In thick ; b and d, soft ;
UOrchea,/. (mus.) quaver, an eighth note. C0rd6n, w. cord, twist, round cord; girdle
COrchear, ixi. among curriers, to grain leather with which monks tie up their habits mili- ;

with a cork. tary cordon, formed by a line of troops;

•JOrchera, /• wine-cooler made of cork. (naut.) strand of a cable or rope; (fort.)
COrclieta, /. eye of a hook or clasp ; (carp. cordon; (arch.) torus moulding; string
rabbet in a door or window-frame. course, V. bocel; milled edge of coined
;orcliete, m. clasp, hook, hook and eye {pi. metal.—«/. (mil.) aglets or aiguillettes ; har-
corchetes, hooks and eyes) ; crotch ; snap- ness-coras of a velvet-loom.
lock, catch (coll.) constable
brace to con- ; COrdonazO, m. aug. large cord stroke with a. ;

nect lines in writing or printing ( ); (carp. }- cord or rope cordonazo de San Francisco,

bench-hook. first storm in October.

SOrchO, m. cork ; bark of the cork-tree ; wine- COrdonciCO, illO, itO, m. dim. small cord.
cooler. V. CORCHERA ; bee-hive. V. col- COrdoncillO, m. twisted cord, round lace,
MENA ; cork, stopple of a bottle, flask, or jar ;
lacing, braid; milling round the edge of
box made of cork, for carrying eatables coin.
cork mat cork-soled sandal or clog ; float of
; COrdoneria, /. work of twisters ot lace-mak-
a fishing-line (mil.) guntompion.
ers ; lace-maker's shop.
DOrchOSO, sa, a. cork-like. COrdonerO, ra, m. & f. lace-maker, lace-man
COrda[cor'-(iahi,/. estar i. la corda, (naut.)tobe or woman ; rope-maker.
close-hauled or lyin^ to. cordula,/. v. cordilo.
COrdale, m. (oaut.) rigging, cordage. COrdura, /. prudence, practical wisdom,
COrdai, m. double-tooth string-bar at the ; sanity.
bottom of stringed instruments: cordales, COrea,/. dance, accompanied with a chorus j
grinders. (med.) chorea, St. Vitus's dance.
CordatO, ta, a. prudent, discreet, juaicious. COrear, va. to compose chorus music music* :

COrdel, m. cord, small rope; (naut. ) aline; coreada, chorus music.

length of five steps ; superficial measure in COreciCO, illO, m. dim. of cuero ; V. CORK-
Cuba equal to 22^ yards: 4 cordel, in a ZUELO.
straight line : cordel de corredera, log-line coreo, m. foot in Latin verse a trochee con- ; ;

mozo de cordel, porter. nected harmony of a chorus.

eordelado, da, a. twisted silk for ribbons or COreOgfrafia, /. art of dancing choreogra- ;

garters. phy, writing dance-music.

COrdelazo, m. stroke or lash with a rope. COreogrd,fiCO, ca, «. choreographic.
COrdelejO, m. dim. small rope; fun, jest: COrebgrafO, m. choreograph.
dar cordelejo, to banter. COrezuelO, m. dim. small hide ; sucking pig;
cordeleria, /. cordage; rope-walk; (naut.) small roasted pig.
rigging. COri, m. Montpellier cons, St. John's-wort.
COrdelero, ra, a. rope-maker, cord-maker. COrikceO, cea, a. coriaceous, leathery.
COrdelltO, m. dim. small rope, cord, or line. COri^mblCO, ca, a. Latin verses written witl"
COrdellate, m. grogram, sort of stuflF. coriambics.
cordera, /. ewe lamb meek, gentle, or mild ; COriambO, m. coriambic, a foot of prosody.
woman. COriandro, m. (hot.) coriander.
Corderia, /. cordage ;
place where cordage is COribante, m. Corybantes, priests of Cybele.
kept. COribantismo, m. kind of frenzy accompa-
COrdexlca, Ilia, ita,/. dim. little ewe lamb. nied by many contortions.
COrderlCO, illO, itO, m. dim, young or little Corifeo, m. Corypheus, leader of the ancienf
lamb. dramatic chorus ; leader of a sect or party.
COrderillO, m. lambskin dressed with the COrimbC, m. (bot.) corymb.
fleece. C0rind6n, m. corundum.
corderina, /. lambskin. COrintiO, tia, a. Corinthian.
COrderino, na, a. of the lamb kind, belong- COrion, m. (anat. ) chorion.
ing to lambs. COrista, m. &/. chorister, chorus singer.
COrdero, m. lamb dressed lambskin ; ; meek, COritO, a. naked ; timid, pusillanimous. m,
gentle, or mild man our Saviour. ; workman who treads grapes in the wine-
30rderuela, /. dim. little ewe lamb. press.
COrderuelO, m. dim. young lamb. COriza [co-ree'-thaii], /. leather sandal worn by

COrderuna,/. lambskin. peasants in some parts of Spaiu coryza. ;

COrdeta, /. small bass-weed rope. V. romadizo.

cordezuela, /. dim. small rope. corladura, /. gold-vamlsh.
Gordiaco, ca, a. v. cardxaco. COrlar, COrlear, va. to put on gold-varnish.
cordial, a. cordial, hearty, affectionate, sin- COrma,/. the stocks ; trouble, unejisiness.
cere ; invigorating, reviving. m. cordial ; a COrnaC or COmaca, m. keeper of domesti.
tonic. cated elephants.
COrdialidad, /. cordiality, heartiness, sin- COrnada,/. thrust with ahora upward thrusi ;

cerity. with a foil, in fencing.
COrdialmente, adv. cordially, sincerely, af- COmadillO, m. dim. small coin.
fectionately, heartily. COmadO, m. old copper coin, mixed with a
COrdiforme, a. shaped like a heart. little silver : no vale tin cornado, not worth
COrdlla,/. spawn of a tunny-fish. a farthing.
COrdllO, VI. amphibious animal resembling a cornadura,/. horns.
crocodile. COrnal, m. strap or thong with which oxen
COrdilla, /. guts of sheep given to cats to eat. are tied to the yoke by the horns.
Cordillera,/, chain or ridge of mountains. COmalina, /. (miu.) cornelian.
COrdob6,n, m. cordovan, Spanish leather COmaxaenta, /. homs of auy animal.
tanned goat-skin. COmamusa, cornemuse.'sort of bagpipe ;

COrdObana, /. nakedness, nudity andar & la : (mus.) sort of brass horn; (naut.) belaying
go stark naked.
cordol>ana, to cleat.
COrdob6s, sa, /. of or belonging to Cordova. COmatillO, m. kint of olive.

t (befora e, i) and j as h in hot; h. sUent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, ny in canyon r ; (initial) and rr trilled ; k. hteaed.
Cdmea, /• (anat.) cornea: cornea opaca, the COrolariO, m. corollary, inference, dedao»
sclerotic. tion.
COmeador, ra, m. &/. butting animal, corona, /. crown, diadem, wreath, garland
comear, va. to butt v. acorneak. for the head halo aureola of saints ; coro-
; ;

COmeclCO, illo, ito, m. dim. cornicle, small net top of the head ; clerical tonsure old
; :

horn. Spanish gold and silver coin crown, Eng- ;

COrneja,/. (orn.) crow; fetlock; dow. lish silver coin Portuguese coin crown, ; ;

COrnejal, m. collection of dogwood-trees. regal power, royalty, sovereignty king- ;

COmejalejO [cor-neU-hah-leU'-hoJ, m. kind of pod dom, monarchy reward, distinction, hon- ;

in which is contained some seed or fruit. our splendour, ornament, decoration end
; ;

comejo [cor-neh'-ho], 7/1. (bot.) hound-tree or of a work ; glory, triumph rosary of seven ;

cornel-tree, dogwood. decades; (asi.) corona; (naut.) pendant;

comelina or cornerina, /. V. cornalina. (bot.) corona, crown; (mil.) crown-work;
c6rneo, ea, a. horny, corny, callous. (arch.) corona, crown; (geora.) crown;
COmerO, ?». corner© de pan, crust of bread. (farr.) pastern of horses: corona de ft-aile,
COmeta,/. bugle horn used by swine-herds ; : (hot.) three-toothed globularia. V. cabo-
cornet, ensign of horse banderole carried ; llana: corona de rey, (bot.) common meli-
by horse troops; troop of horse; (naut.) lot trefoil: corona real, (bot.) annual sun-
broad pennant rear-admiral's flag come-
; : flower.
ta de posta, post's horn corneta de monte, :
coronaci6n [co-ro-nah-thie-on'], /. coronation J
ijuntsman's horn corneta de Haves, cornet. : end of any work (arch.) crown. ;

—m. bugler. COronadO, pp. & m. Roman Catholic clergy-

COmete, m. dim. small bugle-horn. man whohas received the tonsure.
COrnetlUa,/. dirn. plmlento de cornetiUa, chili. COronador, ra, m. & f. crowner, finisher.
COmetin, m. dim. cornet cornettist. ; coronal, m. &f.&a. (anat.) frontal bon^,
COrnezuelO, m. dim. ergot of rye (farr.) in- ;
belonging to the frontal bone.
strument for bleeding horses ; (bot.) V. COronamientO, m. end of a work (arch.) :

CORNICABRA. top ornament, capping; (naut.) talFrail.

COmlablertO, ta, a. having wide-spread COronar, va. to crown •
to cap, to top ; to
horns. complete, perfect to decorate the top of % ;

COmlal, a. in the shape of a horn. builaing to crowd on a roof or on the ton


eorniapretado, da, a. having horns close- of a hill.

set. coronaria,/. crown-wheel of a watch.
COrnlca'bra, /. (bot. ) turpentine-tree, pista- COronariO, ria, a. coronary; (bot.) coro-
chio-tree, wild fig-tree; sort of crescent nary extremely refined gold.

olives. corondel, m. (print.) column-rule; reglet;

COmiforme, a. horn-shaped. water-mark in paper.
COmlgachO, Cha, a. having the horns COronel, m. colonel; top-mouldiag ; (her.)
turned slightly downward. crown.
COmigero, ra, a. (poet.) horned, comiger- coronela, /. colonel's wife. a. applied to the
ous. company, flag, etc. supposed to belong to the ,

COrnlJa, /. (arch.) cornice. colonel of a regiment.

COrnljal, m.. angle
or corner of a mattress, coronelia,/. coionelship. v. regimiento.
building, etc. COronilla, /. dim. small crown top of the ;

cornyamento, comljamlento, m. (arch.) head coxcomb cap chaplet ear of a bell

; ; ; ;

V. (bot.) coronilla: coronilla joncal, rush coro-
C0mij6n, cornis6n, m. (arch.) entablature; nilla : coronilla de rey, niue-leaved coronilla
street corner of a building. coronilla de ftaile, French daisy.
'Cornil, w. V. coRNAL. coroza, /. cone-hood of pasteboard worn as
COmiOla, /. V. CORNALINA. a mark of infamy straw cape used by ;

•COrnisa,/. (arch.) cornice, farmers.

cornisamento, comisamiento, m. (arch.) C0rpancll6n, COrpazo, m. mtg. very big
entablature. body or carcass corpanchbn de ave, carcass :

comlsica, ilia, ita, /. dim. small cornice. of a fowl.

corniveleto, ta, a. having horns turned corpecico, illo, ito, corpezuelo, m. dim.
strongly upward. littleor small body, or carcass; under-
cornizo, corno, m. v. cornejo. doublet waist ;

cornucopia,/, cornucopia, sconce, pier-glass. COrpi&O, COrpineJO, m. dim. small body;
cornudico, illo, ito, m. dim. little cuckold. under-doublet ; waist corset-cover. ;

COrnudO, da, a. horned. m. cuckold. COrporacibn, /. corporation, guild; com-

corntipeta, a. (poet.) attacking with the munity.
horns. corporal, corporal, belonging to the body
COro, m. choir chorus in old tragedy sing-
; ; castigo corporal, corporal punishment. m.
ing chorus assembly unanimous in senti-
; (eccl.) corporal-cloth.
ment ; choir of angels
choir-loft ; ; memory : corporalidad, /. corporality ; any corporeai
de coro, from memory, by rote : hablar 4 suDstauce.
speak alternately.
coroB, to corporalniente, adv. corporally, bodily.
COrocna, /. vine-fretter or vine-grub ; ancient corporativo, va, «. corporate.
loose coat. corpbreo, rea, «. corporeal, corporeotis.
COrOgrafLa,/. chorography. corps, m. {Ft.) corps: guardias ae corps, life-
corogr^flcamente, ddv. choro^aphically. guards : samiller de corps, lord chamberlain.
corogr&fico, ca, «. chorographical. COrpudO, da, a. corpulent, bulky.
C0r6graf0, m. chorographer. COrpulencia, /. corpulenc*, corpulency,
coroideo, a, «. choroid. COrpulentO, ta, «. corpulent, fleshy, fat.
coroides,/. the choroid coat of the eye. Corpus, Corpus Christi, ^religious festival

corojo, m.'tropical palm bearing an oily nut and j)roc'ession.

the nut itself. corpuscular, «. corpuscular.
COrola,/. (bot.) corolla. COrpuscullsta, m. atomist.
» M tn far ; e In eh 1 ; 1 In police ; o in for ; a in bull ; C (before e, i) and Z as th In thick ; b and d, son ,
COrpilSCUlO, m,- corpuscle, atom, molecule. CORRECTO: tnrf. CORRTJO: 5«6;'. corrija) tc
corral, m. corral, yard, iuclosure poultry- ;
correct, amend, mend, rectify, set straight?
yard, pen, fold, stock-yard lish-pond an- ; ; to remove, destroy remedy to reprehend ; ;

cient play-house blank left by students in ; admonish to punish to temper, mitigate

; ;

writing the lectures corral de madera, tim- : corregir praebas, (print.) to read proofs •

ber-yard hacer corrales, to play hooky.

: corregir el cnerpo, (coll.) to go to stool. vtt
COrridera, /. Andalusian song and dance; to mend.
brazen-faced, impudent woman. corregiiela or correhiiela, /. dim. small
COrralerO, m. keeper of a dung-yard, strap child's play with stick and strap ;

COrralillO, itO, m. dim. small yard. (bot.) bindweed.

corraliza, /. yard, court. COrreinante, a. reigning jointly with air
COrralbn, m. aug. large yard. other.
COrrea, /. leather strap tether, leash flexi- ; ; correlel, m. sole leather.
ble toughness of some things; (mech.) COrrelacidn [cor-reh-lah-tWe-on'], correlation
leather belting hand-strap.—jj/, correas,
; analogy.
duster made of straps: correa de zapatos, COrrelativamente, a4v. correlatively.
shoe-string, lace, latchet: besar la correa, COrrelativO, va, a. correlative.
(coll.) to be obliged to humble one's self to correligionario, ia, a. of the same religion,
another: tener correa, to bear wit or rail- fellow-believer ; of the same politics.
lery without irritation ; to be strong and correncia [cor-ren'-thie-ah], /. (coll. ) looseness,
hardy. diarrhoea.
COrreaJe, m. heap of leather straps or thongs. correndilla,/. (coll.) short run.
correal, m. dressed deer-skin, reddish. COrrentia, /. artificial irrigation of stubble-
COrrear, va. to draw out wool and prepare it ground.
for use. COrrentiar, va. to irrigate stubble-ground.
COrreazO [cor-reh-ah'-thaw], m. blow with a leath- COrrentiO, tia, a. current' running; (coll.)
er strap or thong. light, free, unerabarrassea.
C0rrecci6n [coi-rec-thie-on'], /. correction, repre- COrrentdn, na, a. gadder, man about town j
hension, lecture, amendment emendation, ; gay, pleasant, cheerful.
correctness, proper demeanour. COrreO, m. post, poster, express or courier;,
correcclonal [coi^rec-tiiie-o-naiii'], a. correction- letter-carrier the mails post-office corre*
; ;

al, corrective. maritime, packet-boat ; (law) accomplice.

correccionalmente, adv. correctively. COrredn, m. aug. large leather strap.
correctamente, adv. correctly. COrreOSO, sa, a. ductile, flexible, easily bent,
corrective, va, a. corrective. m. corrective. COrrer, vn. to run, to race, sprint, speed ; IQ
COrrectO, ta, a. exact, correct, conformable flow, stream, glide to blow to pass away ; ;

to the rules.—pp. irr. of corregir. to hasten to take the proper course to

; ;

corrector, m. corrector, amender ; (print.) extend, expand ; to arrive become due to ; ;

proof-reader ; superior, or abbot, in the con- go on, continue to flourish, prevail for the ;

vent of Francis de Paula.

St. time ; to pass, be accepted or admitted, be
corredentor, ra, rn. & f. one who redeems current to be said, be common talk fol-
; ;

from captivity, jointly with another. lowed by con, to cnarge one's self wi^h a
COrredera, /. race-ground small wicket or ; matter, take care of. va, to cause to run or
back-door runner or upper grinding-stone
; move swiftly ; to race a horse to pursue ; ;

in a corn-mill street procuress ; (naut. ; ;

to move, push, draw aside, draw to meet ;

log or log-line echar la corredera, to heave

: with ; to go over, travel to sell at auction ; ;

the lead roller, metal cylinder for rolling

; (coll.) to snatch away ; to disconcert, rattle,
plate-glass : cockroach. V. cucakacha ;
make a person blush. vr. to file right or

(St. -engine) slide-valve; (print.) track, left ; to slide, go through easily to spread ;

slide, rail ; (mech.) tongue, rail, guide, run- itself; to melt, run out, run over ^eoll.) to ;

ner (mint) milling-machine.

be very generous corrcr nn velo, to draw a :

COrredlzo, za [cor-reh-<iee'-thaw], a. running ;

veil over : correr la cortina, to draw the cur-
easy to be untied, like a running knot. tain : to discover anything to conceal, ;

COrredor, ra, m. & /. runner race-horse ;

quasn : correr k rieada suelta, to ride full
applied to birds like the ostrich corridor, ;
speed ; to give loose reign to passion corre :

gallery; (fort.) covert-way; (mil.) scout, la voz, it is reported, it is said correr monte, :

forerunner broker corredor de cambios or

; : to go hunting correr baquetas, to run the:

de oreja, exchange-broker ;
(coll.) tale-bear- gantlet & m&s correr, k todo correr, as swift-

er procurer, procuress.
ly as possible correrla, to go on a spree:

<COrredorclllO, m. dim. small corridor ; petty correr mando, to travel . correr el gallo,
broker. (Mex.) to pass the night carousing in the
Borredura,/. overflowing. streets.
COrreduria, /. broker's oflice, brokerage. COrreria,/. hostile incursion, foray pleasure ;

COrreeria [cor-ren-eh-ree'-ah], /. trade and shop trip, excursion leather strap.—f»A youthful ;

of a strap-maker. escapades; travels.

COrreero [coi^reh-eh'-ro], m. strap-maker or COrrespondencia, /. correspondence, rela-
seller. tion, fitness, agreement; commerce, inter-
COrregenCia [cor-reh-hen'-thie-ah],/. CO-regency. mail friendship, interchange, re-
course ; ;

corregente [cor-reh-hen'-tehi, m. co-regent. proportion, symmetry, congruity ;

quital ;

corregibilidad, /. correctibleness. consentaneousness, consent.

COrreglble ico-reh-hee'-blehl, a. corrigible. COrresponder, va. & vn. to return a favour ;
COrregidor [cor-reh-he-dor'], m. corrector cor- ; to correspond, answer, fit, suit, belong to,
regidor, Spanish magistrate mayor of a ; regard, concern ; to agree. vr. to corre-
town. spond, keep up intercourse by mail ; to re-
COrregidora, /.wife of a corregldor.- spect or esteem each.other.
corregimlento [cor-reh-ne-me-eu'-to], w. office, COrrespondiente, «. correspondent, con-
and district of a corregldor. formable, agreeable, suitable. to. corre-
corregir [cor-reli-lieer'l, va. {pp. CORREGIDO and spondent. V. CORRESPONSAL.

( (belore e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, eilent ; 11 in brilliant ; ii, ny in canyon ; r (initial) aad XT trilled ; , blsaad.
M^rrespondientemente, adv. correspond- trefaction, corruptness, pollution, filth ; sob-
ingly. rious alteration in a nook or writing "de- ;

COrresponsal, m. correspondent, agent, cor- pravity ; perversion of manners or princi-

respouding clerk. ples ; complete disorganization of any sub-
corretaje [cor-reh-t«ii'-heh], m. brokerage. stance stench. ;

corretear, va. lo walk the streets, rove, ram- COrruptamente, adv. corruptly, viciously.
ble, jaunt, gad, flirt. COrruptela, /. corruptiouj depravation, cor-
corretora,/. mm
who directs the choir. ruptness (law) baa habit or practice con-

correvedile, correveldile, m. (coll.) tale- trary to law abuse, ;

bearer, mischief-maker, procurer, go-be- corruptibilidad, /. corruptibility.

tween. corruptible, a. corruptible.
j9rreyerd,S, m. spring or mechanical toy. corruptive, va, a. corruptive.
corrida, /. course, run, sprint, race ; career : COrruptO, ta, a. &pp. irr. of CORROMPER.
corrida de toros, bull-baiting : de corrida, at corrupter, m. corrupter, misleader ; one who
full speed, swiftly, in haste. taints or vitiates.
corridamente, adv. currently, easily, plain- corrusco, m. (coll.) broken bread. V. men-
ly- DRUGO.
oorrido, da, exceeding in weight or meas-
«. corsario, ria, a. privateer authorized t»
ure, expert, experienced, artful abashed, ; cruise against the enemy. m. corsair, pri-
ashamed.^L>/>. of correr. vateer, pirate.
COrriente,/>a. runner, running. a. current, cers6, corset, stays for women.
present month or year, instant plain, easy :
corsear, va. to cruise against the enemy.
generally received, admitted, uncontra- corsetera, /. woman who makes or sells cor-
dicted; ordinary, regular, common, general; sets.
fluent, applied to style marketable, mer- ; corse, m. cruise, cruising, privateering.
chantable moneda corriente, currency
: : corse, sa, «. Corsican.
cuenta corriente, account current: precios COrta,/. felling of wood said also of reeds. ;

corrientes, price current gineros de consumo : cortabolsas, m. (coll. ) pickpocket, filcher.

corriente, staple commodities.—/, course of COrtadera, /. chisel for cutting hot iron;
rivers, current, flow, running stream, tend- knife used by bee-keepers.
ency, course, progression corriente de aire, : COrtadere, ra, a. cutting readily easily cut. ;

air-draught corriente elictrica, electric cur-

: COrtadillO, m. small drinking-glass, tumbler ;
rent corriente del Golfo, Gulf Stream.—p^.
: liquid measure, about a gill clipped piece ;

sea currents. adv. corriente, all right. of money echar cortadlUos, to speak in an :

corrientemente, adv. currently. affected manner to drink wine. ;

corrijo, corriia {irr. from corregir). certado, da, pp. of cortar.—a. adapted,
corrigendo, da, a. person serving a term in proportioned, accommodated, fit, exact
a reformatory. (her.) parted in the middle; confounded,
COrrillerO, m. idler, lounger, loafer. abashed written in short sentences. m.

COrrillO, m. group of loungers or gossipers. (danc.) caper, cabriole.

COrrimientO, m. act of running, melting cortader, ra, m. & f. cutter that which ;

(med.) running sore landslide; shyness. ; cuts splitter. m. butcher. V. carnicero

; ;

COrrinchO, w. meeting of low, vulgar people. slicing-machine, cutter j (tel.) interrupter;

corrivacidn, /. diversion of brooks and stor- (zool.) scissor-bill. incisor teeth. pi.
ing their water in a reservoir. cortadora,/. cutting-ooard in a velvet loom.
COrro, '«. group of gossipers or spectators COrtadura, /. cut, cutting, abscission, inci-
circular space hacer corro, to clear the way.
: sion, tissure, slit, slash (fort.) parapet with ;

COrroboraci6n, /. corroboration. embrasures and merlons work raised in ;

COrroborante, m. & pa. corroborative, cor- narrow passes.—«/. cortadnras, shreds.

roborant. COrtafriO, vi. cold-chisel cutting-iron. ;

corroborar, va. to corroborate, strengthen, COrtafuegO, m. (agr.) clear space to prevent

fortify, confirm. tire from spreading; (arch.) fire-wall.
corroborative, va, a. corroborative. COrtal^piz, m. pencil-sharpener.
corrobra, /. treat to close a bargain. COrtamente, adv. sparingly, frugally, scant-
corroer, va. to corrode. ily ; curtly.
corrompedor, ra, m. & f. corrupter. certante,prt. cutting, edged, sharp, biting.
corromper, va. {pp. corrompido and co- m. butcher. •

RRUPTO) to corrupt, vitiate, mar to seduce ; cortapapel, m. paper-cutter, paper-knife.

a woraau to bribe.
; vn. to stink. vr. to COrtapies, m. (coll.) thrust made at the legs
rot, become putrid ; to l)eeome immoral. in fencing.
corrompidamente, adv. corruptly. certapisa, /. obstacle, hindrance, impedi-
corrompido, da, a. corrupt, spoiled, un- ment
elegance and grace in speaking re-
; ;

sound. pp. of CORROMPER. which a thing is given.

striction with
COrrOBible, a. corrosible. COrtaplumas, m. penknife, pocket-knife.
C0rrosi6n, /. corrosion, exulceration. cortar, va. to cut, cut up, cut off. cut out,
corrosive, va, a. corrosive, acrid, corrodent, curtail ; to disjoin, separate, hew, sever,
acrimonious. cleave, chop, hack, carve, fell, whittle to ;

COrroyente, pa. corroding, corrodent. dock ; pare, prune ; (mil.) to cut off part of
COrroyera, /. kind of sumac which is em- the enemy's army to cut in card-playing ;

ployed in tanning. to interrupt, stop progress, cut snort; to

COrrUgaCibn [cor-roo-Kah-thle-on'], /. corruga- abridge to take a short cut to suspend,
; ;

tion, contraction into wrinkles. restrain, keep back ; to shape by cutting, as

COrrugador, m. (anat.) corrugater. a garment to pronounce or enunciate to ; ;

COrruUa, /. (naut.) room under deck in a read poetry to cut or trim a quill, make a ;

row-galley. pen t© arbitrate or decide cortar la co-

; :

COrrumpente, a. corrupting, vitiating; rriente, (elec.) to break contact: aire qne

(coll.) teasing, vexatious, wayward. corta, cutting, piercing, or nipping wind ;

COrmpcibn Icor-roop-twe-on'],/. corruption, pu- cortar 4 algnno, (met.) to put one to the

ft M lo far : e in eh ! ; 1 in police ; o in for ; n in boll ; c (before e, 1) and Z as th in thick ; b and d, 'Vt

blush. —
to be daunted, ashamed, con-
IT. COrtindn, to. aug. large heavy curtain.
founded abash to curdle ; to chap ; to
; ; COrtifLa [cor-tee'-nyahj, /. garden plot.
fret ; to fray ; (geom.) to cross, intersect, COrtO, ta, a. short, scanty, narrow, curt,
tsortavapor, m. cut-olr of a steam-engine. small, little, brief; dull, stupid, weak of in-
eortayldriOS; m. glazier's diamond. tellect timid, pusillanimous, shy, bashful,

eorte, m. cutting edge ; exsection, abscission, backward, laconic, concise imperfect, de- ;

act of cutting ; cut, effect of a cutting in- fective corto de vista, short-sighted
: corto :

strument felling of trees arbitration, com-

; ; de oido, hard of hearing corto de alcances, :

promise, settlement; measure, expedient, stupid corto de genio, of a diffident char-


step taken in an affair notch, hack, slot ; acter & la corta 6 i la larga, sooner or later,

in tailoring, cut, fit, also the stuff necessary COrtdn, m. mantis, an orthopterous insect.
lor a garment, as an corte de cbaleco, a vest corulla, /. in galleys, place for the stoppers
pattern un corte de pantalon, the stuff re-
: of cables.
?uired for a pair of trousers edge of a book ;
; corundo, w. V. corind6n.
inin.) shaft; cross opening; (arch.) sec- a. of or belonging to Coruun»-
COrufL^S, sa,
tional view of a building.—/, place where COniacacibn,/. coruscation, brilliancy, flash-
the sovereign resides a monarch's retinue ; ing.
levee retinue, suite ; yard courtship art
; ; ; coruscante, corusco, ca, a. (poet.) corus-
of pleasing, civility corte celestial, heaven : : cant, glittering, brilliant.
hacer la corte, to court, to woo to pay court ; COmscar, va. (poet.) to shine.
in palace stable for cattle ; sheep-fold ;
; COrva,/. bend of the knee, ham, hock ;
ancient tribunal of chancery. pi. f, senate
and congress of deputies of Spain.
— curb.
COrvadura, curvature, crookedness, in-
AiOrtedad, /. smallness, littleness, minute- flexion, gibbousness; (arch.) bend of an
ness dulness, stupidity, want of intellect
; arch or vault.
or instruction pusillanimity, timidity, dif-
; COrval, a. applied to long olives.
fidence, bashfulness cortedad de medios, : COrvatO, to. young crow or rook.
poverty, indigence. COrvaza,/. (farr.) curb,
cortelador, ni. wooer, COrvecitO [cor-veh-thie'-to], TO, dim. young little
COrtejante, pa. courting ; courtier, gallant, crow or rook,
beau. C0rvej6n [cor-veh-hone'], to, gambrel, hock
COrtejar [cor-teh-har'l, va. to accompany, escort, spur of a cock ; (zool,) cormorant.
attend to court, woo, make love cort«jar
; : COrVeJOS [cor-veh'-hos], to, pi. hock-joint of
una dama, to pay one's addresses to a lady. quaarupeds,
COrtejO [coi^teh'-ho], m. court homage paid to ; COrveta, /. curvet, corvetto ; leap or bound
another, courtship ; gift, present gallant, ;
of a horse,
beau, lover, sweetneart paramour. ;
corvetear, vn. to curvet, bound, leap,
COrt^S, a. courteous, gentle, mild, civil, com- COrvillO,TO, hooked bill; pruning-knife shoe- ;

plaisant, complacent, gracious, courtly, maker's paring-knife; small sickle in velvet

mannerly, genteel, polite. looms miircoles corvillo, Ash-Wednesday,

cortesanamente, adv. courteously, politely. COrvilia, /, variety of conger-eel in the Medi-

COrtesanazo, za, a.aug. awkwardly or ful- terranean white sea-bass of California.

somely polite. COrvlno, na, a. rook-like, belonging to a

COrtesania, /. courtesy, civility, politeness, rook.
complaisance, good manners. COrvo, va, a. bent, crooked, arched stingy, ;

COrtesanO, na, a. courtier, court-like, cour- mean.

teous, gentle, mild, obliging, courtly : dama COrvO, TO. (zool.) variety of mullet; pot-
cortesana, courtesan. m. courtier. hook.
COrtesia, courtesy, civility, obeisance,
/. COrzo, za, to. & /.
roe-deer, fallow-deer.
courteousness, good manners compliment ; COrzuelO [cor-thoo-eh'-io], TO. wheat left in the
attention gift, present days of grace for
; husks by the thrashers.
payment mercy, favour hacer una corte-
; : COsa,/. thing, substance, object, article cosa :

sia, to courtesy. de entidad, an important thing cosa de rlsa :

COrt^smente, adv. courteously, civilly, gen- or cosa ridicula, laughing-stock cosa de ver, :

teely, politely, obligingly. a thing worth seeing cosa de oir, a thing :

COrteza [cor-t«h-thaiii, /.bark of a tree; peel, worth hearing: es faerte cosa, it is very
skin, rind, crust of bread, pies, etc. wild ; hard no es cosa, it does not matter, it is a

fowl of the family of widgeons outward ap- ; trifle no hay tal cosa, no such thing no
: :

pearance of things rusticity, want of po- ; vale cosa, it is not worth a rush cosa del :

liteness, crustiness. otro Jueves, a mi/vellous thing or

COrtezdn, m. aug. thick bark, rind, or crust, something out of date: ique cosa? (coll.)
COrtezudO, da, a. corticose, barky rustic, ; what's the matter? poqaita cosa, (coll.) a
unmannerly, unpolished. pusillanimous person.
COrtezuela, /. dim. thin bark, skin, or rind. cosa de, adv. aoout, nearly, little more or
cortical, a. cortical. less cosa de media legna, half a league, mori

cortijada fcor-te-hah'-dah],/. collection of houses or less.

about a grange. COSaco, ca, a. Cossack.
COrtyo [cor-tee'-hoi, TO. farm-house, grange, cosario, to. carrier, expressman huntsman ;

manse alborotar el cortijo, (coll. ) to cause

: by profession.
excitement. cosario, ria, a. belonging or relating to car-
COrtil, m. V. CORRAL. riers ; frequented, applied to roads.
COrtina, /. curtain, shade, screen, portiere ; COSCarana, /. (prov.) cracknel, crisp cake.
(fort.] curtain bot.) cortina. ; coscarse, vr. (coll.) v. concomersk.
COrtinale, m. set o. curtains for a house. COSCOja [co8-co'-hah],/. (bot.) kermes or scarlet-
COrtinal, to. inclosure near a village or farm- oak dry leaves of the kermes oak ring or
; ;

house. knob on the cross-bit of a bridle.

COrtinllla, /. small screen, shade ; carriage COSCOJal, COSCOjar, m. plantation of kerme»
curtain. or scarlet-oaks.

g (belore e, 1) and J as h In hot; h, slleat; II in brilliant; ft, ny In canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; ,
tOSCOJO [coH-co'-ho], w. kerraes herry.—pi. co»- for making adobe walls. a. costal, belong*
cojos, chain of a horse's bridle. ing to the ribs.
.^OSCOn, na, a. crafty, sly. costalada, /. costalazo, m. fall flat on the
coscorron, m. contusion bump on the head. ; ground.
cosecante, m. (geom.) co-secant. COStalejO, w. dim. small sack.
90Seclia, /. harvest, crop, yield harvest- ; COStalero, w. porter, who carries goods.
time harvest gathering reaping
collec- ; ; COStalitO, m. dim. small sack.
tion of immaterial things, as virtues, vices, COStanera,/. slope.—pi. (carp.) rafters.
etc.cosecha de vino, vintage de sn cosecha,
: : COStanero, ra, a. belonging to a coast de- ;

of one's own invention. clivous, sloping: buqne costanero, coasteri

COsechar, va. to crop, reap, gather the har- navegacion costanera, coasting trade.
vest. COStanllla, /. dim. gentle slope j steep street
COSechero, m. owner of the crop or harvest, COStar, vn. (ind. cuesto subj. cueste) to :

harvester. cost, to be had at a price to cause or occa- ;

COSelete, m. corselet, ancient coat of armour sion detriment or loss costar la torta un pan, :

pikeman thorax of insects. ;

(coll.) to pay dear for one's whistle.
COSeno w. (math.) cosine: coseno verso, co- costarriquefio, fla [cos-tar-re-keh -nyo], a. Costa
versed sine. Rican of Costa Rica. ;

COSer, va. to sew, to stitch, join and unite COSte, m. cost, expense, price paid for a
things (naut. ) to lash, nail, fix, frap, seize
thing k coste y costas, at cost, without

coser un moton, (naut.) to lash or seize a profit.

block : coserse con la pared, to stick close to COstear, va. to pay the cost, to bear all
a wall coser & pu&aladas, (coll.) to stab re-
: charges. vr. to pay to produce sufficient

peatedly coser y cantar, to otfer no difficul-

: to repay its cost
(naut.) to coast. ;

ties coserse la boca, not to speak a word.

: COSte&O, barco costefio, small coasting boat.
fOSera,/. piece of ground which can be irri- COStera, .f. side of a bale of goods time of ;

gated at once. fishing for surmullets ; outside quire of a

COSetada, /. race, quick run, sprint. ream slope of a hill.

COSlble, a. that which may be sewed. COStero, m. first plank cut from a pine-tree.
COSita, /. dim. small thing, trifle; (Cuba) COStero, ra, a. belonging to the coast ; out-
luncheon. ward papel costero, outside quires.

eosicosa,/. v. quisicosa. COStezuela, /. dim. slight declivity or slope.

COSidO, T(n. needlework action of sewing ; COStilla, /. rib : costilla falsa, false or floating
cosido de cama, quilt and blankets stitched rib
chop, cutlet (coll.) a wife rung of a ; ;

together cosido, da, pp. of coser, and o.

: chair staveof a barrel (carp.) fur (arch./
; ;

devoted to wedded to. ; rib or a cupola, springer; (coll.) property,

«osiduras, /. p^. (naut.) lashings. support, wealth; (bot.) rib of a leaf.—p/.
DOSm^tiCO, m. cosmetic. (coll.) shoulders, back; (agr.) wooaea
c6siniC0, ca, a. cosmic. strips to which horses are tied in plough-
liosmogonia,/. cosmogony. ing; (mech.) cramp-irons, chimney ties:
COsmog6nlco, ca, a. cosmogonic. medirle k uno las costlllas, to cudgel Slim:
aosmografia, /. cosmography. costillas de un navio, (naut. ) ribs of a ship.
BOSmOgrafiCO, ca, a. cosmographicaL costlllaje, costillar, m. the whole of the
COSm6grafO, m. cosmographer. ribs, and their place in the body ; (naut.)
COSmolOgia, /. cosmology. frame of a ship.
0O3inol6glCO, ca, a. cosmological. COStllludO, da, a. (coll.) broad-shouldered.
COSmopolita, com. cosmopolite. COStino, na, a. belonging to the costus-root.
COSmorama, m. cosmorama. COStO, m. cost, price charges, expense la ; ;

cosmos, m. the universe. hour, fatigue; (bot.) sweet and bitter cos
COSO, m. place or square for bull -fights tus costus-root : k costo y costas, at cost.

or other public entertainments ; timber COStosamente, adv. costly, expensively, ex

" worm. travagautly.
fiOSpeL m. coin blank, in the mint. COstoso, sa, «. costly, dear, expensive diffi- ;

COSpillO, »i. bagasse of the olive. cult to be obtained sad, grievous. ;

COSqUilLaS tickling, titil-

[cos-keel'-lyas], /. pi. COStra, /. crust, scab broken biscuit In- ; ;

lation hacer cosquiUas algana cosa, to be

: crusted part of a wick crust of casting. ;

tickled by anything ; to excite desire, curi- COstrada,/. candied seed-cake.

osity, or suspicion : bnscarle k uno las cos- COStrOSO, sa, a. crusty, covered with crust
quillas, (coll.) to tease and irritate a per- or scab.
son tener malas cosquiUas, (coll.) to be
: COStumbre,/. custom, habit, habitude, usa^e,
easily offended ; to be ill-tempered. fashion, conventional manner catamenia, ;

tiiOSquille)as, /. pi. dim. little tickling. courses.—pZ. customs, characteristic man-

COsquilleo [cos-keei-iyeh'-o], m. sensation of ners and habits of a nation or a person.
ticlcling. COStura,/. sewing, needlework, seam, stitch-
^OSquillOSO, Sa [coe-keel-lyo'-so], a. ticklish ;
ing; (surg.) suture (mech.) cease, ridge, ;

susceptible, easily offended. joint; (naut.) splicing of a rope; (carp.)

eosta,/. cost, price paid for a thing, charge ;
expense, expensiveness labour, expense, ; COSturera,/. seamstress, dressmaker.
fatigue k costa de, at the expense of itoda
: : COSturero, m. lady's work-box or work-table.
costa, at all hazards, at all events k mi : COSturdn, m. aug. big seam coarse suture ;

costa, at my expense coast, shore, beach, ; large scar. ,

strand heel-shiner sole-polisher.—p/. costa
; ; COta, /. coat of mail, coat of arms, t&bard-
of a lawsuit condenar en costa, to sentence: coat (top. ) number indicating the height of

a party to pay the costs. a point above a level quota, share ; back and ;

OStadO, m. side. V. lad(); (mil. ) flank of callous part of a boar's h'de.

a body of troops side of a ship.-
ship.—p/. costa- ; COtana, /. mortise, morti e-hole.
dos, race, lineage, succession of ancestors. cotangente, /. (geom.) jo-tangent.
tfOStal, m. sack or large bag brace of frame ; COtanza,/. sort of linen, medium fineness.
a aa in far ; e ia eb I ; 1 lu police ; o in for ; n In bull l C (before «. i) and S as tb in tbick. ; b and d, soft;
<50tarrera, /. (coll.) gadding woman. cocs-co-hee'-tah], adv. lamely, haltingly, hip*
uotarro, m. charity-nut to shelter beggars pety-hoppety,
side of a pit : andar de cotarro en cotarro, to COXiS [coc'-sees], m, (anat.) the coccyx.
go sauntering about : alborotar el cotarro, to coy [co'-e], m, (naut,) hammock, cot, a sailor's
cause disturbance. bed afuera coys, all hammocks up.

COtejax [co-teh-har'], vu. to compare, confront, coya, /. (Peru) queen, wife, and sister of the
confer. inca.
COtejO [co-teh'-ho], m, comparison, collation, coyote, a. (Amer.) native, domestic: as cldra-
parallel. coyote, indio coyote, m. —
(Mex.) coyote;
COtense, m. (Mex.) coarse brown linen wrap- (coll.) curbstone broker.
per. COyimda, strap for yoking oxen
/. shoe- ;

COti, m. ticking for mattresses. string dominion ; matrimonial union.


cotldianamente, adv. daily. COyimtura, /. joint articulation occasion, ;

COtidiano, na, a. daily, each day ;

quoti- conjuncture, juncture; nick of time; oppor-
dian. tunity.
^*)0tiled6n, m. (bot.) cotyledon, seed-leaf. COZ, /. kick ; drawback ; recoil of a gun
cotlled6neo, ea, a. cotyledonous. flowing back of a flood back of a pistol. ;

COtilla,/. stays, corsets. V, CULATA (coll.) churlishness,

COtillero, ra, a. stay-maker. provoked brusqueness: coz de mast^ero^
COtillO, m. face or flat surface of a hammer. (naut.) heel of a mast.
C0till6n, m. cotillon, cozcojllla, /. V. COXCOJILLA.
COtin, m. back stroke given in the air to a crabrdn, m. hornet.
ball. crameria, /. krameria, rhatany. ,

COtiza [co-tee'-thah], /. (her.) cotise ; (mech.) cran, m. (print.) nick of a type.

dents for the warp (S. Am.) Indian sandal.;
craneo, w. skull, cranium.
COtizable, a. quotable ; valued at. craneolOgia,/. craniology, phrenology.
C0tlzaci6n [co-te-thah-thie-on'], /. (com.) quota- CraneosCOpia, /. cranioscopy.
tion ;
price-current, price-list. Cr^pula, /. inebriation, intoxication, cTapu-
COtlzadO, da, a. (com.) quoted, listed ;
(her.) lence.
cotised. CrapulOSO, sa, a. drunken ; gluttonous*, sur-
COtlZar [co-tee-thar'], va. {pret. coTicfi : stibj. feited dissolute, dissipated.

cotice) to quote prices to cry out the cur- ; crasamente, adv. grossly, rudely.
rent prices in the exchange. crascitar, vn. to crow ; to croak.
COtO, m. inclosure of pasture-grounds ; land- crasiento, ta* a. greasy. V. grasiekto.
mark, boundary, territory combination ; crasitud, /. latness, corpulency, cra?6itude,
among merchants measure of a hand- ; obesity ; ignorance, stupidity, dulnejs.
breadth billiard contest; fine or mulct;
; craso, sa, a. fat, greasy, oily, un^uous;
chub; rate or price limitation; (med.) thick, gross, crass: ignorancia craaa, gross
goitre. V, papera poner coto i. una coBa, : ignorance error craso, gross error.

to put a stop to a thing. crater, m. crater of a volcano.

COtObelO, m. opening in the branch of a cratiCUla, /• small wicket through which
bridle. nuns receive the communion.
C0t6n, m. printed cotton. Crea, /. linen stuff.
COtona, /. (Mex.) chamois jacket. creaole, a. creative, creatable.
COtonada, /. cottonade ; calico, prints. creaci6n [creh-ah-thie-on'], /. creation.
COtOnCillO [co-ton-theel'-Iyo], m. button of a creado, da, pp. &a. created, begotten, made.
maul-stick or painter's staff. Creador, m. the Creator, God.
COtonia, /. dimity, fine fustian. creador, ra, a. one who produces oi' «stalv
COtorra, /• parrot, magpie; (coll.) loqua- lishes.
cious woman. crear, va. to create, make, cause to er^st to ;

COtorrear, vn. to chatter, to gabble. institute, establish ; to compose; to appoint.

COtorreo, m. chattering, gossiping. cr6bol, m. (bot. ) holly-tree. V. acefo.
COtorrera, /. hen-parrot; (coll.) prattling crecedero, ra, «• able to grow, increasable.
woman. Crecer [creh-therr'], vn. {ind. CREZCO : subj.
(COtral, m. old worn-out ox, set to graze. crezca) to grow ; to bud forth to become ;

COtufa, /. (bot,j Jerusalem artichoke; tid- larger or taller ; to increase to swell ; to ;

bits delicate rood : pedir cotnfas en el golfo,

; augment the extrinsic value of money. vr.
to require impossibilities. to swell with pride or with authority.
COtuferO, ra, a. producing tid-bits or deli- creces [creh'-thes], /. pi. .augmentation, in-
cate food. crease, excess ; additional quantity of corn
COtuntO, m. (Cuba) night-bird. by a farmer to a public granary, be-
COturnO, m. cothurnus, buskin. sides what he borrowed from it.
COVacha, /. small cave or hollow under CreCida [creh-thle-dah],/. freshet. V. AVENIDA.
ground grot or grotto.
; crecidamente, adv. plentifully, copiously,
COvaclmela. /. dim. small cave or grot; abundantly.
(coll.) office of a crown minister, formerly crecldltO, ta, a. dim. somewhat grown.
in the vaulted corridors of the royal palace. crecldo, da [creh-thie'-<iohi, a. grown, in-
covachuelista or covacliuelo, m. (coll.) creased; grave, important; large, great,
clerk in one of the covachuelas. swollen.—pp. of crecer,
COVadera, /. (Peru) guano-bed. crecidOS, m. pi. widening stitches in knit-
covanilla, /. covanillo, m. dim. basket for ting,
gathering grapes, creclente [creh-thle-en'-teh], pa. growing, in-
COVeZUela [co-ve-thweh'-lah], /. dim. small cave. creasing, crescent susceptible of increase;

COXalgia [coc-sahi'-he-ah], /. hip-joint disease, (her.) half-moon with points upward,—/,

eoxalgia. swell, freshet of waters ; leaven crescent, ;

COXCOjilla, ita Icox-co-heel'-lyah], /. childr«»^'s the moon in her state of increase credent* :

play, hop-scotch. de la marea, (naut.) flood-tide, flow, flowing.

COXCOJ {k) or COXCOJita (&) [ah oox-coh Ol ah crecimlento [creh-thie-me-en'-to], m. increase or
C (before e, 1) and J as li la hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilUMUt ; &, &y in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilied ; B, hissed
increment, growing, growth crecimiento de
: crestdn, m. aug. large crest; crest of a het
la marejada, (naut. ) swell of the sea; in- met (min. ) outcropping of a vein.

crease of the value of money. creta, /. chalk.

Credencia,/. side-board of an altar. cretd,ceo, cea, o. cretaceous, chalky,
credencial [creh-den-thie-aiir], /. credential, ac- cretense or cr6tico, ca, a. Cretan.
creditation.—p/. credenciales, credentials. Cr6tiC0, )n. verse of three syllables,
credibilidad,/. credibility. cretinismo, m. cretinism.
«r6ditO, rn. acquiescence, assent ; credit, cretino, na, n. cretin.
money accredited credence, belief, faith ;
cretona, /. cotton fabric, cretonne.
reputation, character, name, trust, confi- OTBy&nte, pa. believing, a believer.
dence, esteem note, bill, order for pay-
; crey6n, w*. (Fr.) crayon; charcoal pencil;
ment : cr^ditos activoa, assets creditos pasi- : black chalk.
voB, liabilities dar cridito, to believe ; to
: crezneja [creth-neh-han], /. braid of hair}
give credit dar k cridito, to loan on credit.
: streak of bleached bass-weed.
SredO, m. creed, articles of faith credo poli- : cria, /. act of nursing; brood of animals*
tico, political creed, platform cada credo, : suckling; (coll.) child reared by a nurse.
every moment en un credo, in a trice.: criada, /. female servant, maid or maid-
credijldad, /. credulity-. V. creencia. servant: criada de mano, (Cuba) house-maid;
cr^dulo, la, «. credulous. wash-bat.
creedero, ra, a. credible : tener buenas cree- criadero, m. plantation of young trees place :

deras, to be easy of belief. for breeding animals ; fish-hatchery; (min.)

creedor, ra, a. credulous. seam cocoon-bed.

creencia [creh-en'-thie-ah], /. credence, belief, criadero, ra, a. fruitful, prolific.

credit ; creed, persuasion. criadilla, /. testicle of an animal lamb-fry, •

creer, va. to believe; to

{pret. 61 CREY6) mountain oyster small loaf or roll ; potato

give faith and credit to a thing to credit ; (bot.) truffle.

to receive a thing as probable ver y creer, : criado, m. servant, menial, groom, valet.
to believe only what we see ya lo creo, : criado, da a. educated, instructed, bred.—
(coll.) of course, undoubtedly. pp. of CRIAR. -i^

crehuela,/. sort of linen, osnaburgs. criador, ra, m. &f. rearer, raiser, breeder.—
creible, a. credible, likely. m. the Creator.—/, wet-nurse.
creiblemente, adv. credibly. criadora, a. fruitful, fertile, fecund.
crema, /. cream of milk custard diaere- ; ; criaduelo, la, a. dim. little or young servant.
sis cream, select society ; cold-cream ; cos-
; criamiento, m. renovation and preservation
metic. of something.
3remaci6n, /. cremation, incineration of criandera,/. (Amer.) wet-nurse.
dead bodies. crianza [cre-ahn'-tiiau], /. nursing lactation ; .;

cremallera,/. ratch, rack ; toothed bar. breeding, manners, education nursery ; .

cremar, cremate.
va. to dar crianza, to breed, educate, bring up.
crematistica, /. science of acquiring and criar, va. to create, to breed, procreate, pro-
preserving wealth. duce to rear, nurse, nourish to rear or fat-
; ;

crematologo, m. political economist. ten animals to breed, educate criar cames,

; :

urematologia, /. political economy. to grow fat criar moUeja, to grow lazy.


Crematoldgico, ca, a. economical, relating criatlira, /. creature, foetus, baby, infant,

to political economy. child, being, man es una criatura, he is but

cremon^S, sa, «. of or relating to Cremona. an infant, or like an infant.

cr6nior, m. cr^mor t&rtaro, cream of tartar. Criba, /. cribble, sieve, crib, riddle, screen.
crencha, /. parting of the hair into two CribadO, da, a. sifted, screened.
parts each of these parts.
; cribador, ra, m. &f. sifter.
creosota, creosoto, /. & m. creosote. cribar, va. to sift, sieve, screen, riddle.
crepitacibn,/. crepitation, crackling; (surg.) cribo, m. V. cRiBA.
crepitus of fractures. eric, m. jackscrew, lifting-jack. V. gato.
crepitante, pa. crackling, crepitant. erica, /. trench, fissure; (med.) the female
crepitar, m. to crackle, crepitate. pudenda.
crepuscular, a. crepuscular. crimen, m. crime, misdemeanour, offence,
crepusculino, na, a. crepuscular. guilt; (theol.) mortal sin sala del crimen, :

Crepusculo, m. crepuscule, twilight dawn ;

crimiual tribunal.
dusk. criminaci6n, /. incrimination.
cresa, /. egg or larva of the queen-bee fly- ; criminal, a. criminal.
blow, egg of a fly; maggot. criminalidad,/. criminality, guiltiness.
crespilla, /. an agaric. V. cagarkia. criminallsta, m. criminalist.
crespina,/. hair-net. criminalmente, adv. criminally, guiltily.
crespo. pa, «. crisp, curly, crispy; (bot.) criminar, ra. to accuse, incriminate.
crisp-leaved obscure and bombastic, ap-
; criminoso, sa [cre-me-no'-so], m. & f. delin-
plied to style; (Amer.) a curl angry, dis- ; quent, criminal. a. criminal, guilty.
pleased, vexed. crimno, m. coarse flour-meal.
Cresp6n, m. crape. mane, horse-hair.
crin, /.
cresta, /. comb, cock's-comb, aigrette, tuft crinado, da, crinito, ta, a. crinite, maned,
crest of birds crest of a helmet; wave-crest
; having long hair: cometa crinito, long-beard<
top, brow, crest or summit of lofty moun- ed comet.
tains ; (min.) crop; (mill.) cramp iron: crinifero, ra, a. mane-bearing.
cresta de la explanada, (fort.) crest of the crinolina, /. crinoline.
glacis : alzar or levantar la cresta, to be crio, m. nursing baby.
elated with pride. criollo, 11a, a. &.n. Creole. a. indigenous,
crestado, da, a. crested. domestic.
cresteria,/. (arch.) cresting; (fort.) battle- cripta, /. crypt.
ment. cript6gamo, ma,a. (bot.) cryptogamous.
crestomatia, /. chrestomathy. criptOgrafla,/. cryptography.
a M in far ; * in eh I ; i In police ; o la for ; n In bull ; c (before e, i) and s as th lo thick : b sph d. sor <
cris, m. Malayan dagger,
creese, or kris. the alphabet the alphabet no saber el cris-
; :

crisilida, /. (ent.) pupa, chrysalis. tas, to be very ignorant estar en el cristas, :

crisantemo, m. (bot.) chrysanthemum. to be in the rudiments of anything.

crisis, /. crisis judgment passed after ma-
; crisnela, /. dripping-pan of a lamp.
ture deliberation criterion decisive mo-
; ; criterio, m. criterion judgment, discern- ;

ment: criais ministerial, impending change ment.

of cabinet. critica, /. criticism, critique, critical exam-
crisma, m. chrism.—/, (coll.) the head : rom- ination censure. ;

per la crisma, to break the head. criticable, a. that can be criticised.

crismera, /. chrismatory. criticador, ra, a. critic, censurer.
crisneja, /. v. crizneja. criticar, va. {pret. critique: subj. critique)
criSOberilO, m. chrysoberyl. to criticise to judge ; to censure, blame,

criSOCOla,/. gold solder, gold size. find fault with.

criSOl, m. crucible croslet or crosslet ; cruset
; criticastro, m. animadverter, criticaster.
hearth of a furnace. Crlticismo, m. critical philosophy.
crisolada, /. charge of a crucible. critiCO, m. critic, criticiser; (coll.) affected
criSdlitO, m. (min.) chrysolite: crisdlito orien- refiner of style and language censurer. ;

tal, yedlow topaz. CritiCO, ca, a critical, critic, decisive hyper- ;

crisopacio, m. v. crisopkasa. critical, nicely judicious (med.) critical. ;

crisopeya,/. alchemy. critio6n, m. V. criticastro.

crisoprasa, /. (min.) chrysoprase. critiquizar [cre-te-ke-thar'!, va. {co'A.) to criti-
crispamientO, m. contraction, twitching. cise, censure, find fault ; to abuse.
V.CRISPATURA. crizneja [critii-neir-hahl, /. braid of hair ; trace
crispar, va. to cause muscles to contract con- or rope of osiers or rushes.
vulsively. vn. to twitch. croar, vn. to croak like a frog.
crispatnra, /. (med.) crispation, spasmodic croata, a. Croatian.
contraction. crocante, m. almond or peanut brittle.
crispir, va. to marble, marbleize. crocino, na, a. of crocus, saffron.
crista,/, (her.) crest. crocitar, vn. to crow.
cristal, m. (min. and chem.) crystal; flint- crocodilo, m. crocodile. V. cocodrilo.
glass ; (poet. ) water ; fine
looking-glass ;
crom^tico, ca, a. (mus. and opt.) chromatic.
shining woollen cristal de roca, rock
stuff': cromatismo, m. chromatic aberration.
crystal : cristal tirtaro, cream of tartar. cromato, m. chromate.
cristaleria, /. glassware glass-store. ; crdmiCO, ca, a. chromic.
cristalino, na, a. crystalline, crystal, trans- cromo, m. chromium ; chromo, a chromo-
parent, glassy, pellucid, bright; (anat.) crys- lithograph.
talline lens of the eye. cromolitOgrafla, chromolithograph, col- /.
cristalizable, a. crystallizable. oured lithograph chromolithography. ;

CriStalizaci6n [crls-tah-le-tliah-tlne-on'], /, crys- cromolitografiar, va. to chromolithograph.

tallization. cromolitOgr^fiCO, ca, a. chromolithogra-
cristalizador, m. (chem.) vessel in which phic lithographed in colours.

crystals are made. CromolitbgrafO, fa, m. & /. chromolithog-

CristaliZar [cnstah-le-tliar'], va. & vr. (pret. rapher.
CRiSTALici: subj. CRISTALICE) to Crystal- cromoso, sa, d. chrome, chromous.
lize. cromotipia, /. colour-printing.
cristalografla, /. crystallography. Cromotipografla, /. chromotypography.
criStalOgraflCO, ca, a. crystallographical. Cr6nica, /. chronicle.
cristel, ?/*. clyster. V. clister. cr6niC0, ca, a. (med.) chronic.
cristianamente, adv. Christianly. cronic6n, m. brief chronicle.
Cristianar, va. (coll.) to baptize, to christen. cronista, m. chronicler, annalist.
cristlandad, /. Christianity, Christendom cronografia, /. chronography.
observance of the law of Christ ; mission- cronbgrafO, m. annalist.
ary's flock. cronograma, /. chronogram.
cristianesco, ca, a. applied to Moorish forms CronolOgia, f. chronology.
which imitate the Christian manner. CronOl6gicanient.e, ndr. chronologically.
cristianillO, ilia, m. & /. dim. little Chris- cronolbgiCO, ca, a. chuonological, chrono-
tian nickname given to the Spaniards by
: logic.
the Moors. CronolOgista, cronblOgO, m. chronologist,
Cristianisimo, m. sup. very Christian appel- ;
lation given to the kings of France. cronometria, /. chronometry.
cristianismo, m. Christianity the body of ; crononi6tricO, ca, a. cLronometric, ehro-
Christians christening. V. bautizo.
oristianizar, va. {pret. cristianice: subj. cronometrista, w. chronometer-maker.
cristianice) to Christianize. cron6nietro, m. chronometer.
cristiano, na, a. Christian. m. A/, a Chris- croqueta [cro-keii'-uii', /. croquette, fritter.
tian (coll.) the Spanish language, opposed
croquis icro'-kees;, m. light sketch, rough draft
to Arabic or other foreign tongues; (coll.) croscitar, m. to crow. r. cra.scita*.
a living soul, a person (coll.) watered wine. ;
Cr6tal0, m. Castanet rattlesnake (crotalus). ;

\ cristino, na, a. supporting the Queen Regent Crotorar, V7i. to cry like a crane or stork.
Maria Cristina against the pretender Don cruce [croo'-thehl, m. crossing, cross-roads:
i Carlos. crnce de nna via, railroad crossing.
CristO, m. Christ, Messiah, our blessed Sav- cnicera (croo-tiieir-raii', ./. withers of a horse.—
iour image of Christ crucified mi por un
; : pi. crnceras, bolting pins.
Cristo, by no means, not for the world ha- : cmceria [ci-oo-theh-ree'-ahi, /. Gothic architec-
ber la de Dios es Oristo, to have a grand dis- ture.
pute or quarrel. cmcero arco cracero, (arch.)
fcroo-uieii'-rol, a.
Cri8t0fu6, w. (Venez.) a bird. —
diagonal rib. 7». cross-bearer, in a proces-
cristus, m. cross printed at the beginning of sion crossing of two streets or roads rail-
; ;

g (before e, 1) and J as h in h, Bilent; 11 in brilliant; ft, ny in canyon : r (initial) ar<i *r trilled; s, hisHed.
way crossing; (arch.) transept; (print.) cruz emblem of Christianity;
[crooth],/. cross,
cross-bar of a chase; (carp.) cross-piece; ancient instrument of torture intersection ;

binding-beam; (naut.) cruising station; of two lines badge of honour trial of pa- ; ;

cruiser; (ast.) Cross, constellation. tience toil, trouble, vexation ; tail of a


Cruceta cross-piece : head-

[croo-theh'-tau], /. coin (farr.) withers (print.) dagger obe-
; ; ;

stick; cross-head, cross-tail; (naut.) cross- lisk : cruz de las bitai, (naut. ) cross-tree of
tree trellis-work.
the bitts: cruz y boton, (naut.) frapping ;
CmClata [cn.o-thle-a:i'-tah], /. (bot.) crOSS-WOrt. (ast.) Southern Cross: en cruz, crosswise:
cmciferariO, rn. cross-bearer. cruz y raya, no more of this : de la cruz k la
crucifero [croo-tiiie'-feh-ro], m. (poet.) cross- fecha,from beginning to end.—/)/, crucei,
bearer crutched friar.
wings of a reel.
crucifero, ra, a. cruciferous cross-shaped ; cruzada [croo-thaU'-dah], /. crusade ; tribunal
bearing a cross (bot.) cruciate. ;
of the crusade cross-roads. ;

cruciferas, /. /)/. (bot.) cruciferae, mustard Cruzado, da, pp. & a. crossed, crucial, cross-
family. wise, transverse, twilled estarse con lot :

crucificado, da, pp. of ckucificar ; cruci- brazos cruzados, to be idle. to. old Spanish
fied. m. El Crucificado, Jesus Christ. coin ; Portuguese coin crusader knight of ; ;

CrUClflCar [croo-thie-ree-car'l, va. {pret. CRUCIFI- some military order ; manner of playing on
Qu6 subj. crucifique) to crucify to mo-
: ; the guitar ;figure in dancing.
lest, vex, torment. cruzamen de imavela, to. (naut.) square
CmCifljO [croo-thie-fee'-ho], TO. crucifix. or width of a sail.
CrUCifiXibn [croo-thle-flk-se-on'], /. crucifixion. cruzamiento, to. crossing.
cruciforme cruciform.
[croo-thie-for'-meh], a. CrUZar [croo-thar'], va. {pret. CRUC6 : subj,
crucigero, ra [croo-twe'-heh-ro], a. cruciferous. cruce) to cross to lay, place, pass, or go ;

crucillo Lcrao-thiei'-iyo], TO. push-pin, a play. across ; to honour with a oadge fnaut.) to ;

crudamente, adv. rudely, crudely. cruise to cross the breed to twill cruzar
; ; :

crudelislmo, ma, a. superl. most cruel, la cara algnno, to hack one's face. vr. to

crudeza [ci-oo-deu'-tuah], / crudity, crudeness, be knighted to cross each other.


unrii>eness, rawness ; rudeness, severity, CU [coo], TO. name of the letter q ; ancient Mex>
cruelty; (coll.) vapour, vain boasting.—pZ. ican temple.
crudez»8 del estomago, crudities or indiges- Cuaderna, /. double fours, in backgammon ;
tions of the stomach. fourth part of anything; (naut) frame;
crudo, da, a. raw, crude ; green, unripe cuaderna maestra (naut.) miaship-frame.
rude, cruel, pitiless, grievous; rough, un- cuadernal, to. (naut.) block, tackle.
finished, immature; hard of digestion; cuademalete, to. (naut. ) short double block.
blustering, hectoring person; (med.) un- CUadernillO, to. quire of paper ; clerical di-
ripe, not mature : agua cmda, hard water rectory.
lienzo crado, unbleached linen tiempo cru- : cuaderno, writing-book, memorandum- to.
do, bleak, raw weather : punto crudo, criti- book, composition-book; (print.) four
cal moment or juncture. printed sheets placed within each other;
liniel, a. cruel, hard-hearted, intolerable, in- chastisement of collegians pack of cards ;

sufferable ; hard, oppressive, bloody, vio- cuaderno de biticora, (naut.) log-book.

lent, murderous, merciless, fierce, fiend- Cuadra, /. large hall stable ward in hos- ; ;

like : un frio cruel, an intense cold dolores : pital, barracks, or prison quarter of a mile ;

crueles, severe pains. (Amer.) block of houses (naut.) quarter of ;

Crueldad, /. cruelty, inhumanity, savage- a ship.

ness, mercilessness, ferociousness ; hardness, cuadradamente, adv. exactly, completely.
oppression ; barbarous action, outrage. CUadradillO, to. dim. little cube; block of
Cruelmente, adv. cruelly, mercilessly. sugar quadrille paper. ;

cruentamente, adv. bloodily, with effusion uadrado, da, a. square, quadrate

cuadrado, qu ;
of blood. without defect.—^, of cuadrar.-
cruentO, ta, «. bloody, cruel, inhuman. square, quadrate square ruler clock, in ; ;

crujia [croo-hee'-ah], /. (naut.) midship gang- stockings gusset of a shirt-sleeve die.;

K ;

way of a galley ; large open hall, corridor troquel;

(arith.) square number; (ast.)
or passage in a building, with rooms at quadrate; (carp.) square ; (print.) quadrat,
either sidfe great hall of a hospital aisle
; quad de cuadrado, face to face perfectly.

of a ward in cathedrals, passage between

; cuadragenario, ria, a. forty years old.
rails from choir to altar crnjia de plezaa, : cuadragesima, /. Lent. v. cuaresma.
fligkt of rooms one after another: pasar CUadragesimal [ooo-ah-drah-heh-ge-mahl'], a.
cr^ia, to run the gantlet to suffer great ; quadragesimal, Lenten.
trroubles. CUadragdslmO, ma [coo-ah-drah-heh'-se-mo], a,
Cru^ldero, ra, a. creaking, crackling, rus- fortieth.
tling. cuadral, m. (carp.) angle-brace, truss;
crujldo [croo-hee'-do], m. crack, creak, clash, shoulder-tie.
crackling, rustle; (metal) flaw in a blade. cuadrangular, a. quadrangular.
crujldor, to. glass-trimmer. CUandrangUlO, w. & a. quadrangle.
crujiente, pa. of crujir cracking, creak- ; CUadrantal, a. (math.) quadrantal.
ing, rustling. CUadrante.TO. fgeom.) quadrant; (ast.) quad-
cruju: (oroo-heer'l, vn. to crackle, rustle, cr«ak. rant sun-dial clock face face of a watch ;
; ; ;

cruor, TO. cruor, gore, congealed blood col- ; (law) fourth part of an inheritance ancient ;

ouring-matter of the blood biood-globules. ; copper coin.-—pa. of cuadrar; squaring.

crudrico, ca, a. bloody. cuadrar, va. & vn. to square to form into or ;

crup, TO. (med.) croup, membranous or true reduce to a square to square timbers ;

cronp. Tarith.) to multiply a number by itself;

crupaJ, a. (med.) croupal, croupous. (pict. ) V. cUADRlcui AR to square, fit, tally, ;

cmraJL, a. crural, belonging to the leg. suit, regulate, adjust to please, accommo- ;

crust&ceo, cea, a. crustaceous, shelly. date. vr. (mil.) to salute (coU.) to assume ;

crtistula, f. V. cortezuela. a very serious attitude.

a as in far ; e in eh I ; 1 in p«lice : o In for : n in bull : c Cbefor* «, i) and z as th in thick : b «nd d. soft'

CUadratin, m. (print.) quadrat. lation tencr buen cuajo, to be too dull and.

Cuadratura, /. squaring, square; quadia- patient arranear de cuajo, to eradicate, to*


ture; (ast.) quadrature. tear up by the roots.

CUadxete, m. dim. small square. cuakerlsmo or cuaquerismo, m. Quaker,
CUadricenal, a. done every forty years. ism.
CUadriCUla, /. quadrlcle; quadrille. ciUikero, ra, or cu&quero, ra [coo-ah-keh-ro],
CUadriCUlar, va. (pict.) to graticulate. VI. &/. Quaker.
CUadricular, a. in squares. CVLBI, pron. {pi. caales) which; when it is;
CUadrienal, a. quadrennial, comprising four preceded by the article in any gender or
years. number, it is equivalent to who del cnal, :

cuadrienio, m. time and space of four years. de la cnal, of whom : al cnal, i. la cual, to>
cuadriforme, a. four-faced. whom ; when expressing a question or
Suadriga,/. quadriga. doubt, which when repeated, means some-

CUadril, m. haunch-bone in beasts. one or some people todos dieron, cnal m&s, :

CUadrll^tero, ra, a. quadrilateral. cnal menos, they all gave some more, others- —
Cuadlillteral, a. consisting of four letters. less; in some cases it stands for such as,,
CUadrilongO, ga, a. oblong.—m. right- same, like, such one, other, partly cada ; :

angled parallelogram. cnal, each one. adv. as. interj. how then.
CUadrilla, /. meeting of four or more per- cualesquier, cualquier, q. v.pi. of
sons gang crew herd troop
; band of ; ; ; cualesquiera, j)^. of cualquiera, q. v.
armed men ;
patrol of the Inquisition. CUalidad,/. quality. V. CALiDAD.
CUadrillero, m. chief of a band ;
patrolman CUalltatiVO, va, a. qualitative (chem.) ani- ;

of the Inquisition ;
(Philip.) rural guard. lislB cnalitativc, qualitative analysis.
CUa4rillO, m. dim. small square; Moorish cualquier [coo-ai-ke-eir'], pron, any or any one
dart. used only before a noun, as cnalqnier hombre,
cuadrimestre, m. space of four months. any man.
Cuadringent6simo, ma, c. one four-hun- cualquiera [coo-ai-ke-«h'-rah], pron. any one,^
dredth. some one, either one or tLe other, whichso-
euadrinonilo, m. (alg.) quadrinomial. ever, whoever: nn hombre cnalqniera, any
CuadrinietO, ta, m, & /. great-grandchild. sort of man ser nn cnalqniera, to be of no

Cuadrlpartido, a. quadripartite, divided in account.

four. CUan, adv. contr, of cuanto, how, as: used,
CUadriplicadO, da, a. quadrupled. only before adjectives and adverbs.
CUadrisilabO, ba, a. quadrisyllable. CUandO, adv. when, in case that, if; though,
cuadrivio, m. a quadrivial place ; quadrivi- although, even ; sometimes de cnando en :

um in the Pythagorean system. cnando, from time to time, now and then
CUadrivista, m. expert in the quadrivium. cnando mkn or cnando mncho, at most, at
eUadriyUgO [coo-aU-dree'-yoo-gol, m. cart with best : cnando menos, at least cnando qnlera, :

four horses ;
quadriga, when you please, whensoever : i hasta cn&n-
cuadro, dra, a. V. cuadrado. do? when shall I see you again? literally,
CUadrO, ml square en cuadro, squared, in a : until when ? i de cn&ndo aci ? since when ?
square form picture, painting
picture- ;
CUantia^ /. amount, quantity. V. cantidad ;
frame; window-frame; flower-bed; (mil.) rank, distinction, importfjice, degree.
square body of troops; (print.) platen; CUantiar, va. to estimate, appraise ; to fix s
scene, tableau, division of a play touching ; price.
or impressive spectacle vivid description. ; cuantidad, /. quantity word especially use^ :

CUadruinailO, na, a. quadrumanous, four- by mathematicians. V. cantidad.

handed. m. pi. the quadrumana. cuantim&s, (coll.) V. cuanto mas.
CUadrupedal, a. quadrupedal, four-footed. cuantiosamente, adv. copiously.
cuadrupedante, «. (poet.) quadrupedant. CUantiOSO, sa, a. numerous, copious-, rich.
cuadrupede, cuadrupedo, da, a. quadru- CUantitatiVO, va, a. quantitative, estimable,
ped, having four feet. according to quantity ; (ohem. ) an&UsU
CU4,druple, a. quadruple, fourfold. cnantitatlTO, quantitative analysis.
CUadrupliCaCl6n [coo-ah-droo-ple-cah-thle-on'], /. cuanto, ta, a. containing quantity or relat'
quadruplication. ing to it, susceptible of quantity : i cn&nto T
cuadruplicar, va. to quadruplicate. how much? icnintos? howmaoy? as many
CU4,druplO, pla, «. quadruple, fourfold, as, as much as, the more correlative ot ;

quadripartite : al ca4dniplo, quadruply. tanto cnanto Vd. qnlera, as much as you


cuajada [co<vah-hah'-<jah], /. curd of the milk like; all, whatever; excessive, great ia
separated from the whey. some way. adv. respecting", whilst : cnanta
CUajadillO, m. sort of silk gauze with flowers. antes, immediately, as soon as possible
CUajadO, »». sort of mince pie.—pp. & a. im- cnanto mi.s, moreover, the more as en :

mobile, paralyzed with astonishment. cnanto 4, with regard to, as to, in the mean-
CUajaleCne[coo-ah-hah-leh-cheh],/. (bot.) ycllOW time por cnanto, inasmuch as.

bed-straw cheese rennet.

; CUaquerismO, m. Quakerism.
cuajamiento, m. coagulation. CU&querO, ra, a. Quaker, Quakeress^
Cuajar to coagulate, concrete,
[coo-ah-har'i, va. CUarangO, m. Peruvian bark tree.
curd, curdle, cake ; to ornament or decorate CUarenfa, a. & m. forty, fortieth aensar : lai
with too many ornaments. vn. (coll.) to cnarenta, to give a piece of one's mind.
succeed, obtain, attain ; to please to like, ; CUarentavO, va, a. one-fortieth.
to choose. vr. to coagulate ; to curdle. cuarentena, /. space of forty days, months,
cuajar, m. rennet bag, maw, stomach of a or years fortieth part Lent.
; V. cuarbs- ;

sucking animal crop of a fowl the fourth

; ; MA suspension of assent to anything ; the

stomach, abomasum, of a ruminant. number 40 in general (naut. ) quarantine r ;

CUa)arej0 [coo-«h-hah-reh'-ho], m. V. CUAJAR. haoer cnarentena, (naut.) to perform quar»

cuajarbn [coo-ah-hah-rone'i, m. grume, clot, gore. antine.
CnajO [coo-ah'-ho], m. rennet, runnet, maw cuarentdn, na, a. & m. & /. person forty
curdling, bonny-clabber; concretion, coagu- years old.

( (before e, i) and J ap h In hot; h, silent; 11 in brilliant; ft, ny In canyon; r (initial) and rr triUed; ,
•Cuaxesma,/. Lent, the forty days' fast col- ; paternal or maternal ancestors crack in ;

lection of Lent sermons. horses' hoofs quarter of clothes quartet

; ;

CUaresmaJL, a. Lenten. of animals or of criminals whose body is

CUarta, /. fourth, fourth part, a quarter ;
quartered quarter of an hour each of the
; ;

quadrant, fourth part of a circle; (naut.) moon quarters service in the royal palace.—

quarter, point of the compass sequence of ; pi. cuartoB, cash, money well-proportioned ;

four cards in the game of piquet; (fen.) members of an animal's body cuarto k :

•quart, or carte ; lineal measure, about 8 caarto, in a mean, miserable manner: de

inches quart, liquid measure (mil.) quar-
; ;
tre« al caarto, of little moment poner caarto, :

ter of a company of soldiers (mus.) a ;

to take lodgings to furnish apartments

fourth; (carp.) piece of timber square in caarto principal, first floor; no tener an
section (prov. ) guide-mule ; (Mex. ) short
caarto, not to be worth a farthing: en caar-
whip. to, (print. ^ quarto.
€UartagO, m. nag, pony, hack. CUaxiog^nitO, ta, a. the fourth-bom child.
Cuartal, m. bread weighing the fourth part CUartdn, m. quarter ; large joist or girder a ;

of a loaf ; quarter, dry measure, fourth part beam sixteen feet long; oblong patch of
of a fanega. farming land liquid measure. ;

3Uart^, >n. grain measure (18 litres 8 cen- CUarzO [coo-ar'thaw], m. quartz caarzo citrinOf :

tilitres) ; oil measure (4 litres 15 centili- Occidental topaz.

tres). cuarzoso, sa [coo-ar'-thaw-so], a. quartzose.
cuartana,/. quartan, an ague which returns CUasi, adv. almost. V. CASI.
every four days. cuasicontrato, m. (law) quasi-contract.
cuartanal, «. intermittent. CUasimodO, m. first Sunday after Easter.
cuartanario, ria, a. labouring under a Cuate, m. (Mex.) twin. V. gemeoo eso no :

quartan. tiene cuate, (coll.) that has no match.

CUartar, va. to plough the ground the fourth CUaterna, /. union of four things. V. cua-
time. DERNA ; four points in the game of lotto.
Cuartazo [coo-ar-tah'-thaw], m. aug. large room ; cuaternario, rla, a. quaternary.
(Mex.) blow with a whip. pi. cuartazos, CUaternldad, /. quaternity, quaternary.
coarse, corpulent person. CUaterno, na, a. consisting of four numbers.
Oliartear, va. to quarter, to divide into four Cuatezon, na, a. (Mex. ) hornless ox or sheep.
parts to bid a fourth more at public sales
; cuatralbo, ba, a. having four white feet. m.
to make a fourth person at a game to zig- ; commander of four galleys.
zag up steep places (Mex.) to whip with a ; CUatratUO, ua, a. quadroon.
cnarta. vr. to split, crack, rift. CUatrero, m. horse thief, cattle thief.
CUartel, m. quarter, fourth part district ; cuatriduano, na, a. lasting four days.
ward of a city barracks duty imposed on ; ; cuatrienio, m. V. cuadrienio.
villages for the quartering of soldiers Cuatrillo, m. game at cards, sort of treslllo,
(coll. ) dwelling, habitation, tenement quar- ;
played by four persons.
ter, remission of life granted by victorious Cuatrimestre, a. lasting four months. m.
troops; flower-bed; (poet.) quatrain (her.) ;
the space of four months.
quarter; (naut.) hatch cuartel de la salud, : CUatrin, m. ancient small coin.—pi. caatrines,
. safe place, shelter cnartel maestre general, : (coll.) cash in general.
(mil.) quartermaster-general. CUatrlnca, /. union of four persons or things ;
CUartelar, va. (her. ) to quarter. four cards of a kind in the game of b&ciga.
cuartelero, m. (mil.) soldier who keei>s the cuatrisilabo, ba, a. K cuADRisiLABo.
ward clean. CUatro, a. four, twice two fourth el caatro ; :

CUarteO, m. act of dodging crack, rift, fis- ; de jaIio,the fourth of July. to. character or
sure. figure 4 one who votes for four absent per-

s;uartera, /. dry measure (about 70 litres) ; sons (mus.) quatuor, quartet; card with

surface measure (about 36 ares) piece of ;

four marks.—pi. f. las caatro, four o'clock
square timber. m4B de cuatro, a great number, many.
cuarterada, /. surface measure (about 7 sq. CUatrocientOS, tas, a. four hundred.
metres). cuatrodoblar, va. to quadruple.
cuartero, ra, a. collector of the rents of the CUatropea, /. duty on horse-sales.
grain of farms. CUatropeadO, m. step in dancing.
cuarterola, /. quarter cask. cuatrotanto, m. (coll.) quadruple.
Cuarter6n, m. quartern, quarter, fourth Cuba, /. cask; big-bellied person; (coll.)
part quarter of a pound upper shutter of
; toper, drunkard tub, coop, vat, back, ;

windows (carp.) door or wainscot panel.

guile, trough.
Cuarter6n, na, a. (Amer.) quadroon. cubano, na, Cuban. a.
CUarteta,/. (poet.) quatrain. CUbeba,/. (bot.) cubeb or cubebs.
GUartete, CUartetO, m. (poet.) quatrain; CUberia,/. cooperage, cooper's shop.
(mus.) quartet. cubero, to. a cooper.
CUartllla, /. fourth part of an arroba; grain eubertura,/. cover, covering. V. coBKRTURA.
measure (about L38 litres) liquid meas- ; CUbeta,/. dim. of cuba small barrel or cask, ;

ure (quarter of a cintara^ fourth part of a ; keg, tub, pail, trough, basin, tray cabet* :

large sheet of paper ; (print. ) sheet of copy ;

or bib6n dende se come, (naut.) mess-bucket
pastern of horses. cabeta para alqaitrAn, (naut.) tar-bucket.
CUartillO, m. pint, fourth part of a pottle in CUbetllla, ita,/. dim. small bucket.
liquids fourth part of a peck in grain
; CUbetO, TO. dim. of CUBO small pail, tub, ot ;

fourth part of a real. vessel, li J

CuartiUudo, da, «. horse with lone pasterns. Ctlblca, cubica, fine worsted fabric.
/. .

CUartitO, ?/*. dim. small room, hallroom. cubicacidn, /. measurement of solids, cuba*' j
CUartO, ta, a- fourth, fourth part, quadrant, ture act of cubing.
; ii/>| .

quarter.— m. habitation, chamber, dwelling, ctibicamente, adv. cubically. ..ii-ftl

room, apartment, flat. V. aposento cop- ; CUblcar, va. (math.) to cube; to determi]lt<ii
per coin worth four mt /avedli series of ; the contents of a solid.

« M in far ; e in eh *
; i tn police ; o in for ; a in boll ; O (before e, 1) and z as th in thick, ; b and d. eoA;
CUbichete, m. (naut.) water-boards or CUCUiza [coo-coo-ee'-thah], /. (Amer.) thread oi
weather-boards (mil. ) ^un apron. ;
the agave.
C^biCO, ca, a cubical, cubic, cubiform. CUCUina, /. bread made in Colombia from »
CUblculaxlO, tn. groom, valet-de-chambre. root like yucca.
CUblerta, /. cover, covering, covert en- ; CUCUlla, /. cowl, old-fashioned hood.
vtJlope book-cover; casing, coat, facing;
; CUCUrbita, /. retort, for distilling.
roofing hood of a carriage pretext or pre-
; CUCUrucllO [coo-coo-roo'-cho], TO. paper cone ;.

. tence; (naut.) deck of a ship. cornucopia.

CUbiertaineute, adv. privately, secretly. cucuy, cucuyo, m. V. cocuyo.
CUbiertO, ta, pp. irr. ofcuBKiR. a. vlnocu- CUClia, /. (Peru) V. LAGUNA.
dark-red wine. m. cover, part of a
bierto, CUCliar, va. to fertilize with cueho.
table service roof, shed, covert, coverture, ; CUChar, /. spoon ancient corn measure, ;

cover allcfwance of a soldier

; dinner ; twelfth part of a peck tax or duty on ;

course, table d'hote ponerse 4 cuWerto, to : grain cuchar herrera, iron spoon.

shelter one's self from danger. CUChara, /. spoon, ladle, dipper; (mas.)
CUbil, m. lair or couch of wild beastt». trowel (naut.) pitch-ladle (mil.) gunner'?
; ;

CUbilar, vn. to take shelter, V. ma.iadear. ladle; (naut.) scoop for baling boats: cu-
CUbilete, m. copper pan or mould for kitchen chara de draga, dredging spoon. pi. cu-
use pastry made on it ; dice-box, juggler's
charas, ladle-boards of a water-wheel media :

goblet tumbler, mug. ; cuchara, person of mediocre w^it or skill.

CUblletero, m. juggler paste-mould. ; CUCbarada, /. spoonful, ladleful meter su :

CUbllote, m. cupola smelting furnace, smelt- cucharada, to join in other people's conversa-
ing-pot. tion.
CUbllla, /. CUbillO, m. Spanish fly, blister- cucharadita, /. teaspoonful.
beetle ; water-cooler ; small box near the CUCharal, m. spoon-bag used by shepherds.
stage; (naut.) socket for flagpole: cubillos, cucharazo [coo-chah-rau'-thaw], m. blow with a
buckets of a mill-wheel. spoon.
cubital, a. cubital. CUCbarero, m. maker or seller of spoons.
CUbitO, m. (anat.) ulna. CUCbareta, /. divi. small spoon variety of ;

CUbO, m. (geom.) cube ; wooden pail, bucket, wheat inflammation of the liver in sheep,

tub, vat mill-pond barrel of a watch or

; ; CUCbaretear, vn. (coll.) to stir with a spoon ;

clock; fort, small tower; (math.) cube; to busy one's self with other p>eople's atf'airs.
nave or hub of a wheel bayonet socket ; CUCbareterO, m. maker or retailer of wooden
(mas.) hodful of mixed mortar; (mech. spoons; spoon-rack; petticoat fringe.
tongue-way, socket, shaft-case; (carp.) CUCbarilla, /. liver disease in swine ;
stock (arch.) dado, die.
scoop: cncharilla de barrenero, (min.) scra-
CUbOide, m. (anat.) cuboid bone. per.
CUbrecama, /. coverlet, counterpane. CUCharita, ilia, /. dim. small spoon, tea-
CUbrepdn, m. fire-shovel, used by shepherds. spoon, coffee-spoon.
CUbriente, pa. covering, hiding. CUCbardn, m. aug. large spoon ; soup-ladle
CUbrimientO, m. covering ; roofing. kitchen-ladle, dipper,
cubrir, va. {pp. cubierto) to cover; to CUCbarro, m. (naut.) harping: tablones de
spread over to face ; to coat to envelop ;; ; cucharros, (naut.) serving-planks; watering
to veil ; to shroud ; to screen, hide, consent, vessel made from a gourd,
palliate; to disguise, mask, dissemble, cloak ;
CUCbi, m. (Peru) hog.
to hood, drape, clothe to box up ; to case, ; cucbicbear, vn. to whisper,
incase ; (mil. ) to cover or protect a post CUChicbeO, m. whisper, whispering.
(arch.) to roof a building; to copulate, CUCbicbiar, vn. to call like a partridge,
fecundate ; (com.) to meet a draft ; to cover CUCbllla, /. large choppiug-knife cleaver ;

ft shorta^ or expenses ; to compensate any knife ; ancient poniard (poet.) sword. ;

to indude, comprise cubrir la mesa, to lay : CUCUUlada, /. cut or slash with a knife;
the table cubrir la cnenta, to balance an ac-
: gash, deep wound.—pZ. cuchilladas, slasb^
count. vr. to insure one's self against loss ; cut in cloth ; wrangles, quarrels.
to hedge; to put a place in a state of de- CUObillar, a. belonging or relating to a knifci
fence to be covered ; to put on one's hat
; cucbillela, cucbillejo, m. dim. small knife ;

in fencing, to be well guarded cnbrirsele k : paring-knife (of horse-shoers).

uno el coraz6n, to feel deep grief. CUCbillera, /. knife-case or scabbard.
CUCa, /. root-tubercle of a sedge. V. chufa ; CUCbilleria, /. cutler's shop, cutlery.
Peruvian plant. V. coca ; sort of cater- cucbillero, m. cutler.
pillar. V. cuco ;
(coll. ) gambling woman : CUCblllo, TO. knife; gore, ti 'angular piece in
cuca y matacin, game at cards mala cuca, : a garment; right of governing; any object
(coll.) a wicked person. or place ending in a point or acute angle;
cucamonas, /. pi. (coll.) V. carantonas. (arch.) gable frame; (naut.) cant piece;
CUCafia, /. greased pole to climb for a prize ;
triangular sail; goring of a sail; (carp.)
the sport itself; anything acquired with lit- beam, girder cucbillo de monte, hunter's- :

tle trouble at other people's expense. cutlass pasar & cuchillo, to put to the sword,

CUCafLero, m. (coll.) parasite, hanger-on. —

ffl^. chief feathers in a hawk's wing.

CUCaracha, /. cockroach, croton-bug cochi- ; CUCnilldn, to. aug. large or big knife,
neal hazel-coloured snuff".
; CUCbipanda, /. (coll.) cheerful dinner shared
cucarda,/. v. escarapela. by several persons.
CUClillas (en), adv. in a crouching or squat- CUCbltril, TO. narrow hole or corner; very
ting position sentarse en cuclillas, to squat.: small room hut. ;

CUCllllo, m. (orn.) cuckoo; (met.) cuckold. CUCbO, TO. fertilizer of manure and vegetable
<UCO, ca, a. (coll.) prim, dainty; cunning, matter.
crafty, astute; alert for one's own conven- cucbucbear, vn. v. cuchichear,
ience. m.. sort of caterpillar cuckoo sort ; ; CUCbufletaicoo-choo-fleh'-tah],/. joke, jest, fun.
of game at cards; (coll.) gambler: reloj de CUdria, /. flat woven bass-rope.
cuco, cuckoo-clock. cu6bano, v. cu^vano.

1 (bef*re e, 1) and J as h in hot ; li, Bileut ; 11 In brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr ti iUed ; , hlMed
cvt 162 CUE
'Cu^le'bre, m. v. drag6x. of galley-slaves tied together. ^/. human —
-CUelga, /. cluster of grapes or other fruit nerves cuerdas vocales, vocal chords cuer-
: :

hung up for use cnelga or riitra de ceboUai, : das de las cubiertas, (naut.) deck-streaks or
bunch of onions (coll.) birthday present. ;
strakes por debajo de cuerda or bajo cuerda,

CUelgacapas, m. cloak-hanger, rack. underhand, privately,

cuelgo; cuelgue {irr. from colgar). cuerdamente, adv. prudently, advisedly,
CUelmO, m. can die- wood. V. tea. deliberately.
CUelllCOrtC, ta, a. short-necked. cuerdecica, ilia, ita, cuerdezuela,/. dim.
CUelliergUidO, da [coo-el-lyee-er-gee'-do], a. Stiff- funiele, a small cord.
necked elated with pride. ; Cuerdo, da, prudent, discreet, sensible, a.
cuellilargo, ga, «. long-necked. judicious in his senses, not mad. ;

CUellO, m. neck, throat collar of garments ;

; cuerecico, ItO, m. dim. small hide or skin,
neck of a bottle neck-stock small end of a : ; cuerezuelo, m. sucking pig. V. coREzuE<
wax candle thinnest part of a mast, pole, ; LO.
cane, etc. collar of a beam in oil-mills le-
; : cuerna, /. horn vessel ; stag's or deer's horn ;
vantar el cuello, to be prosperous. sportsman's horn.
ciielo, cuele {irr. from colar). CUemeciCO, illO, itO, m. dim. cornicle.
cuenca, /. wooden bowl socket of the eye ; CUernezuelO, m. dim. cornicle, small horn
basin of a river deep valley. ; farrier's paring-knife.
CUenco, m. earthen bowl sifting basket. ; CUerno, m. horn feeler, antenna of insects ; ;

vClienda, /. end of pack-thread tie of a skein ; ;

pointed end of the moon button of a manu- ;

end of a skein madeja sin cnenda, an en- : script roll; huntsman's horn; (bot.) spur
tangled affair. or outgrowth resembling a horn; (naut.)
Cuenta, / computation, calculation, count, outrigger; (farr. ) disease of horses; cal-
reckoning; account, bill, note; statement, cuerno de ciervo, hart's-horn obra 4
losity : :

narrative, report; obligation, care, duty; cnerno, (mil.) horn-work: cuerno de abun-
a bead of a rosary cuentas de iimbar, amber : dancia, horn of plenty.
beads answerableness, reason, satisfaction :
; CUerO, m. pelt, fell, raw-hide also a tanned ;

consideration, merit, importance: ca&a de skin, leather; goat -skin dressed entire,
cuentas, (bot.) common Indian-shot or In- which serves as a bag to carry wine or oil
dian-reed cuenta corriente, (com.) account : toper, a great drinker: cuero cabelludo, scalp
current: cuenta de venta, (com.) account cuero exterior, cuticle cuero interior, skin : :

sales cuenta simulada, pro forma account

: cuero de suela, sole-leather cueros al pelo, :

por cuenta y mitad, joint account k buena : raw hides, undressed hides de cuero, leath- :

cuenta or 4 cuenta, on account, in part pay- ern en cueros or en cueros vivos, stark naked

ment de cuenta y riesgo de, for account and

: entre cuero y came, between skin and flesh.
risk of 4 esa cuenta, at that rate dar cuenta,
: :

pi. cueros, hangings or drapery of gilded
to answer, report, give account dar cuenta : or painted leather.
de algo, (coll. iron.) to waste or destroy cuerpecico, illo, ito, cuerpezuelo, m.
anything cuentas del Oran Capit4n, account: dim. small body small carcass. ;

overcharged hacer cuentas alegres, to feed : cuerpo, m. body, matter, opposed to spirit
one's self with vain hopes of success: la body of an animal also more narrowly, the ;

cuenta es cuenta, business is business tribu- : trunk figure and build of a person corpse
; ;

nal de cuentas, exchequer tener en cuenta, : corporation, guild; (geom.) body, a solid;
to take a thing in consideration tener cuenta : size, thickness; (arch.) entire part of a
alguna cosa, to answer to be profitable or ; building up to a cornice or entablature
advantageous tomar por su cuenta, to take : volume, book, whole of a book, except pref-
anything upon one's self: vamos 4 cuentas or ace and index; (law) body, collection of
estemos 4 cuentas, let us attend to this en : laws degree of thickness of silks, woollens,

resumidas cuentas, (coll.) in short; in a word. or cottons strength, thickness of liquids :

— interj. cuenta take care, look out \


vino de mucbo cuerpo, strou g-bodied wine col- ;

•CUentadante, m. one who renders an account lective mass; body, in several other senses,
of moneys received. as a body of a musical instrument, of ore, oi
<;'uentaliilos, m. thread counter; linen- scientific or diplomatic persons, etc. cuerpo :

prover weaver's glass. ; de ejercito, main body of an array cuerpo :

•cuentapasos, vi. odometer. de reserva, corps of reserve cuerpo de ba- :

<;uentero, ra, m. &f. & a. V. cuentista talla de una escuadra, the centre division of
•Cuentezuela, /. dim. small account. a fleet: cuerpo del cabrestante, (naut.) bar-
-cuentista, m. tale-bearer, informer. rel of a capstan cuerpo 4 cuerpo, hand to :

CUentO, m. relation of an event, tale, story hand, in single combat: 4 cuerpo descubier-
product of one hundred thousand multi- to, without cover or shelter manifestly ;

f>lied by ten, a million a million of mil- ; en cuerpo de camisa, in shirt-waist en cuer- :

ions fable, fairy-tale : cuento de vlejas, old

; po, without cloak or wrap cuerpo del delito, :

women's stories, idle story ; variance, dis- corpus delicti cuerpo de goardia, guard- :

agreement between friends andar en cuen- : room tratar 4 cuerpo de rey, to feast like a

tos, to fall to to carry tales loggerheads ; king hacer del cuerpo, to go to stool tomar
: :

to breed quarrels articulation of the wing ; cuerpo, to increase, enlarge en cuerpo y :

account number venir 4 cuento, to the pur-

; : alma, (coll), totally, wholly estar de cuerpo :

pose, seasonably, opportunely ; ferrule of a presente, to be actually present also to lio ;

pike, cane, or tool prop, shore, support. ;

in state misa de cuerpo presente, mass said

-cuento, cuente {irr. from contar). while the corpse is in the church.
cuent6n, na, a. story-teller, tale-bearer. cuerria, /. circular space fenced in, wher«
-cuera,/. leather jacket. chestnuts are thrown to ripen,
CUerdSL, /. cord, rope, halter, string (fishing) ; CUerva,/. (om.) crow, rook.
line string for musical instruments com-
; ; cuervecico, illO,'itO, m. dim. little rook.
pass of a voice; (geom.) chord; match for CUervo, »». (orn ) raven, crow, rook ottervc :

firing a gun chain of a watch or clock ; marine, cormorant; (ast.) a southern con-
surface measure in the Antilles number ; stellation.

« as In far ; e in eli I ; 1 iu police : o in for ; u iu bull ;' c (b«fore e, i) and z as th In tUck ; b and d, soft;
CUesCO, m. stone of pulpy fruit mill-stone of ; CUilsal, plantation of sponge-trees.
an oil-mill wind from behind. ; culada, /. stroke with the butt-end of any*
CUesOLUillO [coo-es-keei'-iyo], m. dim. small stone thing. pi. culadas, (naut.) shocks and roll*
of fruit. ings of a ship.
CUesta, /. hill, mount, slope, grade petition ; CUlantrillO, m. (hot.) maiden-hair fern.
or collection of money for charitable or pi- CUlantrO, to. (bot.) coriander.
ou£ purposes cueita abajo, down hill caesta
: : OUlata, /. buttock, haunch breech of a gun, ;

arriba, up hill painfully, with great trouble
butt-end screw-pin, which fastens the

and difficulty 4 cnestas, on one's shoulders

: breech of a gun to the stock rear part of ;

or back to one's charge or care.

; anything.
Cuestacidn, /. petition, solicitation or collec- CUlatada,/. kick recoil of a fire-arm. ;

tion for a charitable purpose. CUlatazo, to. recoil of a gun blow with the ;

CUestero, »«. alms collector. butt-end of a fire-arm.

CUestezuela, /. dim. easy slope, light grade. CUlazo, TO, aug. large backside.
CUestibn, /. question, inquiry, dispute, quar- CUlCUSidO, TO. botch-work.
rel problem, affair, business: cuestion de
CUlebra, /. snake trick, fun, joke, hazing. :

gablnete, state atfair that may cause a V. CULEBRAZO distil worm cock of a fire-
; ;

change in the cabinet. arm sudden disorder in a peaceful assem-


CUestionable, a. questionable^ doubtful. bly sabe m&s que las culebras, (coll.) he is

Cuestionar, va. to question, dispute, argue. very crafty and cunning culebra de casca- :

cuestionario, m. collection of questions. bel, rattlesnake.

CUestor, m. questor solicitor of alms. ; CUlebrazo, m. whipping given by jail prison-
cuesto, cueste {irr. from costar). ers to newcomers hazing. ;

cuestuarlo, ria, cuestuoso, sa, a. lucrar CUlebrear, vn. to wriggle (as a snake) to ;

five, wind (as a rivulet).
CUestura, /. questorship. CUlebrilla, ring-worm cutaneous
/. tetter, ;

cueto, m. (fort.) lofty place, defended tor. disease; rocking-staflf of a loom fissure in ;

CUetzale [coo-et-thah'ieh], m. (orn.) large Mexi- a gun-barrel.

can bird of golden green plumage. V. ClQebrina, /. (mil.) culverin; ondulated
QUETZAL. meteor.
CUeva,/. cave, ^otto, cellar cueva dc ladro- : culebrino, na, a. snaky.
nes, nestof thieves : cueva de fieras, den of ClQebrdn, to. aug. crafty fellow, double
wild beasts. dealer an intriguing woman.

CU^vano, m. basket, hamper; (min.) sump CUlera,/. stain of urine in swaddling-clothes .;

basket. patch on the seat of trousers.

CUevero, m. maker of caves and grottoes. Clllero, TO., clout, diaper, breech-cloth ; dis*
CUeza,/. CUezO, m. mortar-hod. ease in birds.
cuezo, cueza {irr. from cooer). culero, ra, a. slothful, lazy.
cuguiada [coo-goo-hah'-dah], /. (orn.) common CUlinariO, ia, a. culinary.
fiela-lark, sky-lark. CUlitO, TO. dim. small breech or backside.
CUgUlla [coo-gool'-lyah],/. COWl. CUlminaci6n,/. act of reaching the highest
CUlcacoclie,/. (Mex.) song bird. position or degree; (ast.) culmination^
CUida, /. in ladies' seminaries, young lady (naut.) high tide.
who takes care of another of tender age. ddminar, vn. to attain the highest point or
CUidadO, m.. care, solicitude, attention, heed, degree (ast.) to culminate.

heedfulness, keeping, custody, charge, trust, CUlO, TO. breech, backside, rump, buttock
caution, fear, apprehension, anxiety, exact- bottom socket ; anus bottom of anything.
; ;

ness, accuracy, nicety estar de cuidado, to : CUlombiO, to. (elec. ) coulomb.

be dangerously ill estar con cuidado, to be : cul6n, TO. (coll.) retired soldier.
anxious, worrying about something no : culpa, /. fault, offence negligence, failure to ;

paae Vd. cuidado, do not worry. interj. perform one's duty guilt sin. ;

cuidado ! mind ! stop ! beware ! culpabilidad, /. culpability, guilt.
Cllidadosamente, adv. carefully, attentive- CUlpabilisimo, ma, super, guilty or cul- «.
heedfully, mindfully, cautiously, provi-
ly, pable in the highest degree.
dentlv, accurately. culpable, a. culpable, blamable, faulty, coh-
CUldadoso, sa, a. careful, solicitous, vigi- demnable, accusable, guilty.
lant, heeaful, mindful, painstaking, curi- culpablemente, adv. culpably.
ous, observing. CUlpacibn, /. inculpation, blame.
CUldante, pa. of cuidar caretaker. ; culpadamente, adv. culpably.
CUidar, va. to heed, to care to execute with ; culpado, da, n. & a. guilty.- -pp. of cuLPAR.
care, diligence, and attention ; to keep to ; culpar, va. to blame, impeacu, accuse, con-
mind to look after to tend, attend to, as-
; ;
demn, reproach.
sist to nurse a sick person. vn. cuidar de,
; CUltamente, adv. neatly, genteelly, affect-
to take care of. edly, politely with culture. ;

CUidO, m. caretaking. CUlteaad, /."(hum.) affected elegance and

CUita,/. care, grief, aflOiiction, trouble contar : purity of style ; fustian.
SUB cuitas, to tell one's troubles. CUlteranismO, to. high-flown style fustian. ;

euitadamente, adv. slothfully, afflictedly. CUlterano, na, to. & /. purist with affecta-
CllltadO, da; a. unfortunate, wretched, inis- tion ; fustianist. a. relating to fustian.
erable, timid. CUlterO,ra, a. (hum.) using high-flown style.
CUitamlentO, m. bashfulness, timidity. CUltiparlar, vn. to speak with affected ele-
cnja icoo'-hah], /. lance-bucket bedstead. ; gance.
CUjazo [coo-hah'-thaw], m. (Cuba) blow with a CUltiparlista, a. speaking much with af-
withe. fected elegance and purity of language.
cuje [coo'-heh], TO. (Cuba) withe, each of three CUltipicaflO, lla, a. (hum.) speaking witb
twigs, of which a kind of crane is made for affected elegance and in a jeering manner.
suspending tobacco.—pZ. cujes, hop-poles. cultivable, a. cultivable, arable.
CUji) "*• (bot.) sponge-tree. CUltlvaclbn, /. cultivation, culture.

7 (beiore e, i) and J as ii in hot ; h, silent ; U in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed; S, hisM^
eultivador, m. cultivator, tiller husband- ; cumulador, m. v. acumulador.
man, planter light plough hand culti- ; ; CUmular, va. to accumulate.
vator. cumulativamente, adv. in heaps.
CUltivadora, cultivating machine. /. CUmulativO, va, a. cumulative.
CUltivar, va. to cultivate the soilj to farm, to CUUlulO, m. heap or pile congeries ; throng ;

husband, to till, to raise, to improve, to of business, trouble or difficulties cumulus, ;

manure, to labour to dress a garden to ; ; clouds.

nurse a plant to preserve keep up, speak-
; ; CUna, /. cradle foundling hospital place of
; ;

ing of friendship, etc. ; to exercise the mem- birth ; family, lineage origin, sourc«. ;

ory, etc. ; to cultivate the arts or sciences: CUnasiri, m. Peruvian aromatic tree.
tierra sin cultivar, unimproved land. CUncuna,/. caterpillar of Chile.
CUltiVO, wi. cultivation, farming, tillage, im- CimcllOS, VI. pi. indigenous int^ependent race
proving the soil ; cultivation, improvement in Chile.
keeping up an acquaintance or friendship; CUn^dO, TO. provision of oil, vinegar, and
culture of the mind ; elegance of manners. given to shepherds honey or cheese
salt ;

cUltO, ta, o. improved, cultivated nursed ; —

given to boys. cundido, da, m>. of CUNDIR.
(plants) pure, elegant, correct (style and
; CUndi;, *n. to spread, applied to liquids or
language) ; affectedly elegant ; polished, en- news ; to yield abundantly to grow, ex- ;

lightened, civilized. pand, propagate.

cultO, m. worship, adoration, act of rever- CUnear, va. to rock a cradle. vr. to swing
ence to God ; respect or veneration for su- to rock.
perior men ; homage to loftv ideals : culto cuneiforme, a. cuneiform, wedge-shaped.
divino, public worship in cnurches : culto CUneO, TO. (mil.) triangular formation of
externo, external religious demonstrations, troops: space between the passages in an-
processions, sacrifices, offerings, etc. : liber- cient theatres.
tad de coltoB, freedom of worship. CUneO, TO, rocking motion ; (naut. ) rolling,
CUltura, /. cultivation of the soil or of the pitching.
mind ; urbanity, politeness, culture. cunera,/. rocher, woman appointed to rock
culturar, V. CULTIVAR.
va. to cultivate. the infantas ii. the royal palace.
cuma,/. (S. Amer.) godmother; crony, CimerO, ra, to. & /. foundling dipntado cu- :

cumanagoto, ta, a. of or belonging to Cu- nero, (coll.) congressman who owes his elec-
mana (Venez.). tion to the influence of the government.
Ciunaru, m. Tonka bean. CUneta,/. (mil.) small trench; side culvert •
cumb6, m. dance among the negroes. gutter, road drain.
cumbre, cTimbrera,/. top, summit, crest; CUfia,/. wedge, quoin paving stone. ;

peak 01 a mountain acme greatest height ; ; CUfladia, /. kindred by affinity.

of favour, fortune, science, etc. ; (carp.) CUZladO, da, to. &/. brother or sister-in-law.
ridge-pole, tie-beam, roof-tree. cu&ar, va. V. acuSar.
Ciunplase, m. decree or countersign for an CUflete, TO. keg ; firkin.
order or appointment ; term used by the CUflO, TO. coin ; die for stamping money the ;

executive of Spanish- American republics device stamped mark on silver ; (mil. ) tri-

over his signature in approval of an act of angular formation of troops.

Congress. CUOCiente lquo-thie-«n'-teii], m. quotient.
CUmiueaflOS, m. birthday. cuodlibetal, cuodllb^tico, ca, a. quodii-
cumplidamente, adv. completely. betic.
cumplidero, ra, a. that which must be ful- CUOdlibetO, to. argument debatable point ;

filled or executed ; convenient, fit, suit- thesis; subtilty pungent saying.


able, accomplishable. CUOta,/- quota, contingent, fixed share.

CUmplidO. da, a. full, complete, thorough cnpano, to. (Philip.) great tree, the bark
large plentiful, ample ; fulfilled, lapsed,

yielding a ayestuff and the wood fit for
passed due ; polished, courteous.—^, of
CUMPLIR. m. compliment ; attention, cour- CUp6, TO. coup5, cab banquette of a coach. ;

tesy present.

CUpidO, TO. gallant, lover.
cumpiidor, m. one who executes a commis- CUpltel: tirar de cupitel, to throw a bowl arch-
sion or trust. wise.
CUmplimentar, va. to compliment, congrat- CUpo, TO. quota, share tax-rate. ;

ulate, extend some courtesy, fulfil a social CUpbn, TO. (com.) coupon.
duty ; to fill or carry out orders. cupreslno, na, a. (poet.) made of or belong-
cumpltmentero, ra, a. & n. (coll.) full of ing to the cypress-tree.
compliments ; excessively courteous or for- CtipriCO, ca, a. cupric, belonging to copper.
mal : officious, ceremonious. cuprifero, ra, a. cupriferous.
CUmplimientO, m. accomplishment, com- CUprOSO, sa, a. like copper.
pletion, perfection, performance, fulfil- cupnla, /. cupola, dome, vault ; turret of 9
ment, lapse, expiration ; compliment j com- monitor; (bot.) cupule, cup.
plaisance, civility, courtesy ; expression of cupulifero, ra, a. cupuliferous, cup-bearing.
civility, formality, ceremony ; complement. CUpullnO, TO. (arch.) sky lantern.
Cumplir, va. to execute, discharge, perform, CU(lUillO [coo-keel'-lyo], TO. (orn.) CUCkoO. V.
obey, fulfil, comply ; keep a promise: cum- CUCLILLO.
plir a&os, to reach one's birthday hoy cum- : CUra, TO. parish priest, rector, curate any ;

ylo veinte afiot, I am twenty years old to-day. clergyman, priest, or parson.—/, cure, heal-

vn. to perform one's duty to fulfil a ; ing

social engagement cumplir por otro, to per- : curable, a. curable, healable.

form a duty in the name of another to have : curaca, TO. (Peru) governor, potentate ; ma*
served the time reauired in the militia to ; ter, boss.
mature, expire, fall due to behoove to be : ; Ciiracl6n, /. cure, healing.
fit or convenient. vr. to be realized, verified. CUradero, in- bleaching-place.
^imqnlhiiB [c(H»m-kee'-boo«), m. (Lat. coIL) CUradillO, to. (icht.) codfish, ling-fish.
cash ; money possessions. curado, da, w. d pp. of curar; cured,
<^ M iu far ; e iu eh I ; i in itolice ,* o la for : u ia bull ; c (.before e, 1; ana a us tu >u tbic- ; b airl d, soft i
CUR 165 CH
strengthened, restored to health ; hard- principal treatises used in instruction ia
ened, tanned, cured, salted. some branch ; series of methodical proce-
CUrador, m. overseer, caretaker curador de : dure lapse; succession; (com.) current

lienzo, bleacher of linen cloth: curador de T2ite.—pl. laxity or looseness of the body :

bacalao, cod-salter ; healer (law) guardian, ;

cur«o de la corriente, (naut, ) current's way.
. curator, administrator. cursor, m. (mech.) slider, slide.
Curadora, /. curatrix, guardianess ; female CUrtacidn,/. (ast.) curtation.
doctor. CUrtidO, da, pp. of curtir.— a. tanned, cur-
CUraduria,/. guardianship. ried accustomed, expert weather-beaten. ;

CUrandero, m. quack, medicaster, artful and —m. leather


; tanning.
tricking practitioner. CUrtidor, m. tanner, currier, leather-dresser.
CUrar, vn. & vr. to recover from sickness fol- ; cnrtldOS, m. pi. tanned leather.
lowed by de, to take care of. va. to cure, CUrtiduria, /. tan-yard, tannery.
heal, restore to health to administer medi- ; CUrtlente, a. tanning matter.
cines, to prescribe for a patient to salt, ; CUrtlmientO, m. tanning.
cure meat or fish, preserve to bleach fab- ; curtir, va. to tan leather to tan the com- ;

rics to season timber; to soothe, subdue

plexion, commonly used' in its reflective
passion. sense ; to inure to hardships, to harden
curare, m. curare or woorari. estar curtido, (coll.) to be habituated or in-
Curasao, m. cura^oa. ured.
coratela,/. (law) V. cuRAouRfA. CUrtO, ta, a. short, dock-tailed.
CUrativo, va, a. curative. CUru, m. (Peru) clothes moth.
CUratO, m. curacy, parish. curuca, curuja,/. (orn.) eagle-owl.
curbaril, m. (bot.) locust-tree; courbaril. curucuctl, m. disease caused by the bite of a
curculibnido, da, «. curculionid. certain South American snake.
ctircuma,/- (bot.) curcuma, turmeric, curul, a. curule edile. ;

curciun^ceo, cea, a. resembling turmeric. curva, /. curve, curvature, bend; (naut.)

Curcumlna,/. (chem.) curcumin or turmeric knee curva de bao, (naut.) spur.

yellow. curvatbn, m. (naut.) small knee, bracket.

curcusilla, /. v. rabadilla. curvatura, curridad, /. curvature, curva-
CUrdO, da, o. Kurd, Kurdish. tion, curvity, bend, warp, sagging.
Curefia, /. gun-carriage stay of a cross-bow ;
CUrvilineo, nea, a. (geom. ) curvilinear.
gun-stock in the rough k curefia rasa, (mil. ) : curvo, va, a. curve, curved, crooked, bent.
without a parapet or breastwork; (coll.) m. inclosed pasture-ground.
without shelter or defence. cuBCulia,/. V. coscojA.
CUre&aje [coo-reh-nyaU'-heh], m. collection of CUSCUrro, m. end piece of bread.
gun-carriages. CUSCUta, /. (bot.) common dodder.
CUresca, /. shear-wool from the cloth. CUSir, va. (coll.) to sew clumsily.
curia, /. ecclesiastical tribunal bar, the ; C^spide,/. cusp, apex, tip, top, summit, peak
care, skill, nice attention ;
legal profession ; (geom.) vertex.
ancient Roman
division of the people. CUSpideO, dea, a. (bot.) cuspidate.
CUrial, a. curial. m. member of the Roman — CUBtOdia, /. custody, safe-keeping, hold,
curia curialistic agent ; officer of a court
; care, guardianship monstrance custodia ; ;

attorney. shrine guard, keeper, guardian, custodian

; ;

curiana,/. cockroach. V. cucARACHA. tabernacle.

Clirlara,/. (Sp. Amer.) long canoe. CUStOdiar, va. to guard, take care of.
CUriOSamente, adv. curiously, neatly, clean- CUStOdiO, m. guard, watchman, custodian :
ly in a diligent, careful manner.
Angel custodio, guardian angel.
«l£riOSear, vn. to pry into others' affairs. cut&neo, nea, «. cutaneous, of the skin.
CUXiOSidad, /• curiosity, inquisitiveness, cu- cuter, m. (naut.) cutter.
riousnesa ; neatness, cleanliness ; object of CUti, m. bed-ticking, crash.
curiosity, rarity, curio. CUtiCUla,/. pellicle, cuticle, epidermis.
CUrlOSO, Sa, a. curious, inquisitive, meddle- cuticular, a. cuticular. v. cutaneo.
som«, prying neat, clean careful, atten-
; ; CUtiO, in. labour, work dla de cutio, work- :

tive, diligent ; odd, quaint, rare. day.

curried, »«. spinning-tackle. CUtir, va. to knock, strike, pound, beat, ham-
CUiTO, rraj a. (coll.) showy, tawdry, loud, mer.
said of persons ;
(coll.) a native of Cadiz. cutis, m. &f. skin of the human body.
CUrruca,/. (om.) linnet, babbling warbler. CUt6, m. (naut.) dirk.
CUrrutaco, ca, a. ultra-fashionabie, dudish, CUtral, com. old worn-out ox or cow.
affectedly nice, exquisite. CUtre, m. miser.
CUrsadO, da, a. accustomed, habituated, in- CUyO, ya {pi. cuyos, cuyas), pron. pos. «t
ured.—pp. of CURSAR. which, of whom, whose, whereof.
CUrsante, pa. frecpienting assiduous stu- ; ; CUyO, m. (coll.) beau, lover, wooer, sweet-
dent, scholar. heart.
CUrsar, ta. to frequent a place ; to do a thing cuzma [cooth'-mah], /. (Peru) sleeveless shirt.
repeatedly to follow a course of lectures in
; czar [thar], m, V. ZAR.
a college ; to transmit, expedite. CZareVitZ [thah-reh-veeth*], TO. V. ZAREVITZ.
CUrsi, a. pretentious, vulgar, shoddy, shabby- CZarianO, na [than-re-ah'-no], a. V. ZARIANO.
genteel. czarina [thali-i-ee'-naU],/. V. ZARINA.
CUrsillO, m. dim. short course of lectures in
a university.
snrsivo, va, a. letra cursiva, running hand ;
(print.) cursive, script. Ch
CUrsO, m. course, direction, career, progress,
progression turn, run, route, travel, cur-
; Ch fourth letter of the Castilian al-
[chehl, /.
rent ; course of lectures in universities phabet, double in character, single in value
term of tuition in schools ; collection of the sounds always as ch in church.

K (before e, i) and J as h in bot ; h, sUeat ; U ia brilliant i, ny iu canyon; r (iuitial) aad rr trilled: ,

Cha, /. tea, Chinese name preserved in the Chal, m. ladies' shawl.
Philippine Islands. Chala,/. (Peru) green corn-husk.
chabacanamente, adv. bunglingly. ChaladO, da, a. addle-pated, light-witted.
chabacaneria, /. bungle, muddle; vulgar Chal£n, na, m. &/. hawker, huckster, horse-
expression or action. dealer (Peru) horse-breaker.

shauacano, na, a. awkward, clumsy. m. Chalana, /. scow, lighter, wherry.

(Mex. ) variety of apricot. Chalanear, va. to buy or sell dexterously ; to
Chacal, m. jackal. deal in horses (Peru) to break horses.

ch&cara,/. v. chacra. Chalaneria^ /. artifice and cunning used by

chacarero, ra, a. (S, Amer. ) field labourer. dealers in buying and selling.
chacarracliaca,/. loud wrangle. Chalate, m, (Mex.) small, lean horse.
chaclna, /. perk seasoned with spice for chaleco, m. waistcoat, vest.
sausages and balls. chali, m. mohair challis, shalli delaine.
; ;

Cliac6, m. military cap, shako. Chalina,/. cravat, scarf.

Chacoli, m. light red wine made in Biscay. ChalOte, m. (hot.) shallot garlic.
Chacolotear, vn. to clatter, said of a loose Challipa, /. (naut.) sloop, shallop, launch,
horse-shoe. small light vessel, long-boat; (Mex.) small
Chacoloteo, m. clapping of a loose horse- canoe; (Mex. ) corn pancake.
shoe. Chalupero, m. boatman, canoe-man.
Cliac6ll, m. (Philip.) large lizard. Chama,/. (low) barter, trade.
Chacona,/. old Spanish dance, chaconne. Chamada, /. chips, brushwood, brush-fire.
chSLConk, 111. chaconada, /. jaconet. ChamagOSO, sa, a. (Mex.) greasy, filthv ill- ;

CliaCOta, /. noisy mirth echar & chacota, : performed ; applied to things low, vulgar.
(coll.) to carry off with a joke: hacer cha- cnamar, va. (low) to barter, trade off.
cota de alguna cosa, (coll.) to turn a thing Chamarasca, /. brushwood, brush-fire.
into ridicule. chamarillero, ra, m. &/. gambler dealer in ;

ChaCOtear, vn. to indulge in noisy mirth. second-hand goods.

Chacotero, ra, a. (coll.) waggish, ludicrous, chamarilldn, m. bad player at cards.
acting the merry-andrew. Chamariz, m. (orn.) bl"e titmouse.
chacra,/. (Amer.) small isolated farm. Chamarbn, m. (orn.) long-tailed titmouse.
Chacuaco Ichah-coo-ah'-co], m. (Mex. min. ) small Chamarra, /. garment of very coarse frieze,
smeltiug-furnace. — a. (coll.) rustic, boorish, chamarreta, /. short loose jacket.
clownish. chamba,/. v. chiripa.
Chacha, /. (coll.) familiar abbreviation of Chambellin, m. chamberlain,
muchacha, little girl. chamberga, /. long and wide cassock,
CliaClialaCa[chah-cha-lah'-cah],/. (MeX.) grouse, chambergo, a. slouch hat.
bird which cries continually while liying; chambbn, na, a. (coll.) awkward, unhandy ;
(coll.) chatterbox. a. chatterer. bad player of billiards or cards.
Ch^Chara, /. (coll.) prate, prattle, chit-chat, Chamoonada, /. (coll.) blunder made in
idle talk, garrulity. playing any game,
chacharear, vn. (coll.) to prate, chatter, cnambra,/. dressing sack ; matinee.
prattle. Chambrana, /. door-case, jamb-dressing.
chacharera, /. & a. talkative woman, ChamelOte, m. camlet chamelote de agaat, :

chacharero, cliacliar6n, m. & a. prater, clouded camlet.

gabbler, prattler. ChameldtOn, m. coarse camlet.
ChacMtO, ta, m. & /. dim. of CHACHO, -CHA. Cbamicera,/. half-burnt woodland.
ChachO, in. (coll.) pet name, abbreviation of chamicero, ra, a. belonging to scorched
muchacho, little boy stake at the game of
; wood.
ombre. chamiza,/. (bot.) chamiso.
Chafaldetes, m. (naut.) clew-lines, Chamizal, m. chamiso thicket.
Chafaldita, /. (coll.) chaflf", raillery, merry CbamiZO, m. half-burnt log.
jest, banter. chamorra,/. (coll.) a shorn head,
Cliafalditero, ra, a. (coll.) chaffer, person chamorro, ra, a. shorn, with hair cropped;
given to banter. trigo chamorro, (bot.) winter or bearaless
cliafalmejas, m. & f. (coll.) dauber, wheat.
chafalonia,/. (Peru) old plate. Champ^n, m. (naut.) pink-stern,
Chafallar, va. to botch, to mend clumsily. champafia, /». champagne wine,
ChafallO, m. coarse patch, botch, mending champola,/. (Cuba) refreshment made from
clumsily done. guanibana.
chafalldn, na, m. & /, (coll.) botcher. ChampurradO, wi. mixture of liquors; (Mex.
Chafar, va. to flatten grass, plants, pile of chocolate made in atole instead of water.
velvet, etc. ; to crease, rumple, crumple pp. of CHAMPURRAR.
clothing; (coll.) to cut one short in nis cnampurrar, va. (coll.) to mix liquors,
discourse. chamucMna, /. (Peru) populace, rabble,
Chafarote, m. cutlass (coll.) broad-sword, ;
chamuscado, da, tipsy; tinged,
a. (coll.)
chafarrinada, /. blot, spot, or stain, inclined, addicted to vice smitten, scorched. ;

chafarrlnar, va. to blot, to stain. —pp. of CHAMUSCAR.

Cliafarrill6n, m. blot, stain echar an chafa- : chamuscar, va. {pref. chamusqu^: mbj.
rrin«n, (coll.) to disgrace one's family by a chamusque) to singe or scorch to sear. ;

meanor dishonourable action to bespatter ; cbamusco, m. v. chamusquina.

another's reputation. ClianiUSCbn, m. aug. large singe or scorch.
chaflin, m. bevel, chamfer. chamusquina [chah-iii<K>H-kee'-iintii, /. scorching
Chaflanar, va. to bevel to chamfer (carp.) ;
or singeing;(coll.) scolding, wrangling,
to cant. high wordsoler k cttamusqaina, (coll.) said

chagra, m. a rustic in Eksuador. when a dispute threatens to end in a tight.

ChaCTin, m. grained morocco, Chanada,/. (coll.) trick, joke; deceit,
chair [chah-eer'i m. (tan. inner side of a ) skin. Chanate, m. (Mex.) blackbird,
Chaira, /. steel for sharpening. chancaca, /. raw sugar.
a M In far ; e In eh I ; 1 in police :' O in for ; n in bull ; r (before » J) and Z aa th in thick ; b and d, aoft;
chancear [chan-theh-ar'j, vn. & vr. to jest, to chapeta, /. small metal plate ; red spot on the
joke, to fool. cheek.
cnancero, ra, jocose, sportful, merry,
a. chapetbn, na, a. European lately arrived in
cbanciller, »*. chancellor. F. canciller. America. m. V. chapetonada (Mex.) sil* ;

Chancilleria, /. chancery ; right and fees of ver plate on a riding harness.

a chancellor. chapetonada, /. (Peru) disease incident to
'Chancla, /. old shoe with worn-down heel. Europeans before acclimating in America.
<;lia>licleta,/. slipper, v. chinela : a&dar en Chapin, m. woman's clog with a cork sole.
chancleta, to go slipshod. Chapinazo, m. blow with a clog or patten.
chaneletear, vn. to go slipshod. Chapineria,/- shop where clogs and patten»
Xiliaiicleteo, m. clatter of slippers. are made and sold art of making them. ;

ChanclO, m. patten, clog, galosh, overshoe. Chaplnero, m. clog maker or seller.

Chancllllllero, ra, a. trickster, sharper Ch&piro, TO. word used only in the phrases,
smuggler. por vida del ch&piro (verde) ivoto al chA- !

ehancnullO, m. sharp practice, vile trick piro about equal to "good gracious "
! !

(Amer.) contraband. Chapitel, (arch.) spire; capital of a col-

Chanfaina, /. ragout of livers and lights. umn ; (naut.) agate socket of the needle.
dianflbn, na, m. & f. awkward, coarse, Chaple, TO. graver.
gawky. m. copper coin beaten out. Chap6, TO. four-handed billiard game.
Changa, f. (Cuba) jest. V. CHUNGA. Chapodar, va. to lop trees and vines.
Changador, m. (S. Amer.) porter, carrier. Chapodo, TO. lopping, branch lopped off.
Changam^, m. (orm) thrush of Panama, Chap6n, TO. great blot of ink.
change, a, m. &/. (Sp. Amer.) monkey. chapona,/. v. chambra.
ChangOte, m. (min.) bloom iron bloom. ; Chapote, to. black wax for cleaning the teeth.
changuear [chao-geh-ar'], vn. to be jocose with chapotear, va. to wet with a sponge or
others. wet cloth. vn. to paddle in the water, to
Changiii [chan-goo-ee'L TO. (coll.) jest, trick: dabble.
used with dar; (Cuba) country-dance. Chapoteo, m. splash, splatter.
ChanguitO, ta, m. &f. dim. little monkey. Chapucear, va. to botch, bungle, cobble.
ChantadO, «. wall or fence of upright flags. Chapuceramente, adv. fumblingly, clumsi-
Chantar, va. to dress, put on (coll.) to give ;
a piece of one's mind to build a fence with ; Chapuceria,/. bungle, botch clumsy fib. ;

upright flag-stones ; to pave with flag-stones. Chapucero, ra [chaii-poo-theii'-ro], a. rough, un-

ChantO, m. flag-stone. polished, clumsy, bungling, rude, botcher.
Cliantre, m. precentor. —TO. blacksmith, who makes nails, trivets,
Chantria, /. precentorship. shovels, etc. nailer- junk-dealer.

Chanza,/. joke, jest, fun: chanza pesada, sar- Chapurrar, va. to splatter or jabber a lan-
castic taunt, oflensive joke hablar de chan- : guage to speak
;it brokenly to mix liquors. :

za, to joke, to speak in jest. Chapurrear. va. to jabber a language.

^hanzoneta, /. ballad, chansonette; (coll.) chapuz, TO. ducking clumsy performance. ;

joke, jest ; little merry song. pi. chapaces, (naut.) mast pars.
chanzonetero [chan-thaw-ueh-teh'-ro], TO. writer Chapuzar, va. [pret. CHAPUCK : subj. chapuce)
of ballads, petty poet. to duck. vn. & vr. to dive, draggle, duck.
Chapa, /. veneer plate, metal sheet foil
; Chaqu^, m. cut-away coat.
cap leather chape rosy spot on the cheek,
; ; Chaqueta [chah-keh'-tau], /. jacket ; sack-coat
flush rouge transom and trunnion plates
; ; (mech.) case, casing, jacket.
in gun-carriages judgment, good sense
chaquete [ciiah-keh'-teh], TO. game of checkers.
chapas de caoba, mahogany veneers.—^i. Chaquetear, vn. (Cuba) to run away with
game of tossing up coins. fright.
ChapadO, da, a. chapado k la antigua, old- Chaquetbn, m. aug. pea-jacket ;
(Cuba) over-
fashioned. coat.
chapalear, va. v. chapotear. Chaquira [chah-kee'-rah], /. (Peru) fine mock-
chapaleo, m. splash, splatter. pearl or glass beads of all colours.

Chapaleta, /. flap-valve, clack-valve ; cap ;

Charada,/. charade.
clapper. charadrio, m. (orn.) common roller.
Chapaleteo, m. continuous splashing of the Charal, to. (Mex.) lake fish.
waters on the shore. charamusca, (Mex. ) twisted candy
Chapapote, m. (Cuba) mineral tar, variety (Peru) brushwood. V. chamarasca.
of asphalt. CharamUSqUerO [chah-ra-moos-keh-ro], TO.
Chaparra, /. species of oak. V. CHAPARRO (Mex.) seller of twisted ^andy.
ancient low-roofed carriage bramble-bush. ; Charanga,/. military brass band ; fanfare.
chaparrada, /. shower, v. chaparr6n. CharangUerO, ra [chah-ran-seli'-ro], a. clumsy,
chaparral, m. (Amer.) chaparral; planta- unpolished, artless, bungler, botcher. m.
tion of evergreen oaks. peddler, hawker small coast-trading ship.

chaparrear, m. to shower, to pour. Cuarca, /. pool, basin, pond,

chaparreras,/. pi. chaparejos, leather over- CharcO, to. pool, puddle pasar el charco, to :

alls for horseback riders. cross the seas.

Chaparro, m. (bot.) evergreen oak. Charla, /• idle chit-chat or prattle, garrulity,
Chaparrbn, »*. violent shower, downpour. gossip, loquaciousness (orn.) Bohemian ;

Chapatal, m. mire muddy place. ; chatterer, silk-tail.

Chapear, va. to veneer inlay cover with : ; Charlador, ra, m. &f. gabbler, prater, chat-
metal plates. vn. to splash, splatter. terbox, endless talker.
chapelete, m. ancient cover for the head. Charladuria, /. garrulity, gossip, prattle.
chapeo, m. hat. Charlante, m. &pa. gabbler, chatterer.
chapera, /. inelined plane. Charlantin, to. (coll.) mean prattler, gossip.
Chaperia,/. ornament of metal plates. Charlar, vn. to prattle, babble, chatter, prate,
Chaperbn, m. chaperon ancient hood or ; gabble, gossip, jabber, clack, chat.
cap. Charlatiin, na, to. & /. prater, babbler, idle

f (before e, i) and J ae li In bot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; S, hlaaeA
talker, gabbler; charlatan, quack, humbug, Chayotera, /. (Mex.) climbing plant yielding
mountebank. the chayote.
charlatanear, vn. V. charlar. Chaza,/. point where the ball is driven back,
Charlataneria,/. garrulity, verbosity; char- or where it stops, in the game of pelota
latanry, quaokery, humbug. mark where the ball stops; (naut.) be-
charlaianlsnio, m. charlatanry, quackery, tween ports hacer chazas, to walk on the-

empiricism, verbosity. hind feet (horses).

Charneca, /. (bot.) mastic-tree. Chazador, to. person employed to stop the
Cliarnecal, m. plantation of mastic-trees. ball and mark the game.
Cbaraela, /. hinge, chape of a buckle, hinge- Chazar, va. to stop the ball before it reaches
joint, knuckle. the winning point; to mark the point whence-
Cliarneta,/. (coll.) hinge-joint. the ball was driven back.
Charol, m. varnish, japan patent leather. ; Cheira, table steel. V. CHAiRA.
Charolar, va. to varnish, polish, enamel. dielin, to. shilling, English coin.
Charolista, in. gilder, varnisher. Chepa, /. (coll.) hump, hunch.
Charpa, /. leathern belt with compartments cheque, to. (com.) check, sight draft.
for pistols sling for a broken arm (naut.)
; ;
cherna, /. (zool.) ruflle, fish resembling a.
sling. salmon.
Charpar, va. to scarf; to lap, clierva, /. (bot.) castor-oilplant.
Cliarq[Ue Oi- CharqUl [cUar'-keh, char-kee'], TO. cheurrbn, to. (her.) chevron.
jerked beef. V. tasajo. cMa,/. short black mantle, cowl white me- ;

Charquear va. to jerk or dry beef. dicinal earth (bot.) lime-leaved sage.

Charaueo [ciiarkeh'-o], m. (min.) cleaning of cMbalete, to. (print.) cabinet, composing-

the drains ; cleaning holy-water fonts. frame.
CharqUillO dim. small pOol
[char-keer-lyo], TO. cMbclia [cheeb'-chah], TO. dweller in the ele-
or puddle. vated territory about Bogota.
Charrada, /. speech or action of a peasant Chibuqili [che-boo-kee'l, TO. Turkish chibouk.
country-dance; (coll.) tawdriness, tinsel, Chicada, /. herd of sickly kids childish, ;

gaudiness. action.
cnarramente, adv. tawdrily, gaudily, taste- cMcalote, to. Mexican argemone.
lessly, flashy. CMCO, ca, a. little, small.—to. &/. little boy
Charfkn, a. rascally, knavish. or lad, little chap little girl or lass ; dear

charranada, /. knavish, roguish action. lad, dear fellow ; dear lass.

charraiiear, vn. to play the knave. cMcolear, va. (coll.) to compliment a lady.
Charraneria,/. rascality, knavery, roguery. cMcOleo, TO. (coll.) flattering compliment to«
Charrasca, /. (coll. hum.) dangling sword. a lady.
charreria, /. tawdriness, gaudiness. chiooila,/. V. ACHicoRiA.
Charretera, /. strap on tne bottom of trou- chicoiTOtico. ca, llo, 11a, to, ta, a. dim.
sers the buckle of the strap; (mil.) the
; (coll.) very little or small (child).
lower part of trousers to fasten them with a Chicorrotin, a. (coll.) very small.
buckle the buckle
; epaulet charretera
; : Chicotazo, to. (Mex.) blow with a whip.
mocha, shoulder-knot (coll. ) shoulder-pad ;
CMcOte, ta, TO. &/. (coll.) fat strong boy or
for carrying loads. girl (naut.) end of a rope or cable junk ;
; ;

charro, ra, m. & /. churl coarse, ill-bred ; (Mex.) whip; (coll.) cigar.
person tawdry, showy, flashy, loud traje
; : CMcotear, va. (Mex.) to whip.
charro, (Mex. ) showy ridine costume. Chlcozapote, TO. (hot.) sapodilla. V. zapo-
Chascar, vn. to crackle, crack, sputter. TILI.O.
ChascarrillO, to. (coU.) spicy anecdote. ChlCUelO, la, a. dim. little boy ; little girl.
ChasCO, in. practical joke, jest, trick, sham; Chlclia, /. (coll.) meat, used only to chil-
frustration, disappointment dar nn chasco, : dren (Cuba) beverage made of pine-apple

to play a merry trick dar chasco, to disap-

: rinds, sugar, or molasses calma chicha, :

point : Uevarse chasco, to be disappointed. dead calm.

Chasi, photographic plate-holder.
in. cMcliaro,/. (hot.) pea.
Chasponazo, to. mark made by a spent ball. Chicharra, /. harvest-fly, jar-fly, otcada
ChaSQUear (chnskeii-ar'], ra. to crack or snap talkative woman kazoo, a plaything: can-

a whip or lash to fool to play a waggish

; ; tar la chlcharra, (coll.) to be scorching hot.
trick to disappoint, fail, fall short, cheat. cMcarrar, va. V. achich-arrar.
— ;

vn. to crack, as timber at the approach of cMcharrear, vn. to creak to chirp, ; said of
dry weather ; to snap ; to crepitate. the cicada.
chasqai, to. (Peru) post-boy, foot messenger. cMcharrero, ra, w. &/. maker or seller of
ChasquidO [cha»-kee'-doii], TO. crack of a whip kazoos. m. (coll.) very hot place or climate.
or lash crack, noise made by timber when
; CMcharrO, to. young tunny-fish, horse-
it breaks or splits. mackerel.
Chata, /. (naut.) flat-bottomed boat: chata Cllicliarr6n, to. crackling, fried lard-scrap,
alijadora, lighter: chata de arbolar, sheer- cracknel; overroasted meat; (coll.) person
hulk chata de carenar, careening hulk.
: sun-burnt or tanned.
chatedad,/. flatness. cMche, TO. (Amer. ) potted and devilled fish.
ChatO, ta, a. flat, flat-nosed. —
/. (Mex. vulg.) teat of the female.
cliat6xi, TO. bezel that holds a gem ; large Chichear, va. to hiss in sign of displeasure.
gem set in. Chlclieo, TO. act of hissing.
Chatre, a. (Ekjuador) richlv decked out. ChiClierla, /. tavern where chicha is sold.
CbatQ, TO. blue Chinese silk. CMchigUSl [che-chee'-goo-ah], /. (Mex. vulg.j.
Chaval, la, a. among the common people, wet-nurse.
lad, lass. cMcMmeca, to. (Mex.) Chichimec,
or name
Chaveta, /. bolt, forelock, pin, key, pivot: a tribe of aborigines.
perder la chaveta, to become rattled, cMchlmeco, ca, a. belonging to the Chichi-
'^•hayote, m. (Mex.) pear-shaped fruit with a mecs.
large stone. cMchisbeador, to. gallant, wooer.
• M in far ; e In eh I ; 1 In polie* ; o In for ; m In ball ; c (before e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, soft;
chiclilsbear, va. to woo, to court. ChincherO, m. bug-trap made of twigs,
cMcMsbeO, m. court paid to a lady cicisbeo, ; chinchilla,/. Peruvian rodent, and ite fur.
gallant who dangles after a married woman. Chinchin, m. (Cuba) drizzling rain.
Chiclldll, m. bump on the head, bruise. Chinchorreria,/. (coll.) nuisance, vexation;
cMchoncillO, CitO, m. dim. small bump. (coll.) mischievous tale.
ChicllOIiera, /. tumbling-cap wadded hood ; cninchorrero, ra, m. &f. insidious and pes-
worn by children. tering tale-teller.
cMcllOta, /. used only in this phrase sin fal- : Chinchorro, m. small drag-net; smallest
tar chichota, it wants not an iota. rowboat on board a ship.
cMfla, /. whistling, hissing paring-knife. ; ChinchOSO, sa, a. (coll.) querulous, tiresome.
Chiflacayote, /«. large kind of pumpkin, Chinela,/. slipper ;
pattens, chopines, or clogs
cJiifladera, /. whistle. worn by women in dirty weather.
cMfladura, /. hissing, whistling; (coll.) Chinero, m. china-closet, cupboard.
crankiness, whim, crotchet, fad; hobby- Chinesco, ca, a. Chinese relating to China.
horse. — m. pi. chinescos, (mus.) bell-tree.

CMflar, va. to pare leather; to hiss ;

(coll.) chinito, ta, o. (Amer.) endearing term,
to tipple. vn. to whistle. vr. (coll. ) to be- Chino, na, a. of or belonging to China, m.
come mentally unbalanced. Chinese language.
ChlflatO, m. whistle. Chinquirito, m. (Mex,) rum from lee&%f
Chlfle, m. whistle, call instrument to decoy ; sugar.
birds (naut.) priming-horn powder-flask.
; ; Chipichipi, m. (Mex.) mist; drizzle.
CMflete, m. whistle. Chiplr6n, m, calamary,
cMfiidO, m. shrill whistling sound. ChlpriO, a, a. belonging to Cyprus.
ChiflO, III. whistling. ChipriOta or chipiiote, a. native of Cyprus.
Cllifl6n, m. (Araer.) air-draught; (Mex.) chiqueadores [che-keti-ah-doh'-res], m. pi. aisks
water-spout (min. ) caving of loose stone.
of tortoise-shell formerly used in Mexico as
Chilaba, /. Moorish hooded garment. a feminine ornament small plasters for ;

cMlacayote, m. (bot.) bottle-gourd. headache.

cMlanco, m. V. cilanco. cMquero [che-keh'-ro], m. pigpen ; hut for
Chilar, m. spot planted with chillies. goats ;
place where bulls are shut up,
chile, f. (bot.) chilli, red pepper. Chiquichaque m. (coll,) saw-
cMlerio, na, chileflo, fla, a. Chilean. yer ;
noise of things rubbing against each
chilindrina, /. (coll.) trifle, thing of little other.
value (coll.) joke, fun, witticism, anecdote.
ChiquichUite [che-ke-choo«e'-teh], m. (Mex.)
cMlindrlnero, ra, a. (coll.) trifler. willow basket,
cMllndrbn, m. game at cards. CMqUilicnatrO [che-ke-le-coo-ah'-tro], TO, (coll,)
Chilote, m. (Mex.) V. jilote. daobler, meddler, V. chisgarabIs.
Chlltlplquin, m. (Mex. ) small and hot chilli. ChiqUillada tche-keel-lyah'-dah], /. childish
cMUa, /. call for foxes, hares, or rabbits speech or action,
(carp.) clapboard. CmqUilleria [che-keel-Iyeh-ree'-ah], /. (coll.)
CMUadO, pp. & m. roof of clapboards. great number of small children,
Cblllador, ra, m. &f. person who shrieks or ChiquillO, ilia, m. &/, dim. small child.
screams thing that creaks.
; chiquirritico, ica, illo, ilia, ito, ita [che-
Chillante, pa. shrieking, screeching. keer-re-tee'-co], a. dtm. very Small.
cMllar, vn. to screech, scream, shriek; to chiqnirritin, na, chiquitin, na [che-keei-re-
crackle, creak to imitate the notes of birds ;
; teen'l, TO, (coil.) baby boy baby girl, ;

to hiss, to sizz, when frying. chiquitico, ca, chiqiiitiilo, 11a [che-ke-tee'-co],

cMlleras,/. pi. (naut.) shot-lockers for balls a. dim. very small,
row-locks, ChiqnitO, ta [che-kee'-to], a. dim. little: lia-
Chillido, m. screech, scream, shriek, shrill cerse chiqoito, (met, ) to be modest, to con-
sound bawling of a woman or child dar
; : ceal one's knowledge or power andarse en :

Tin chillido, to utter a scream. chiquitas, to be lenient, condescending,

cMUo, m. call. V. chilla. Chiribitas,/. pi. (coll,) particles that wander
cMlldn, m. lath nail chillon real, spike. : in the eyes and obscure the sight.
Cllill6n, na, a. (coll.; screamer, bawler; Chiribitil, to, crib, narrow and low hole or
screechy, shrill, harsh showy, tawdry. ; corner small room,

Chimenea,/. chimney, smoke-stack hearth, ; Chirlgaita, /. kind of gourd.

H re-place kitchen range, cooking stove.
; chirigota,/. (coll.) jest, joke, fun,
Chimpanc^, m. chimpanzee. chirimbolos, TO, pi. (coll.) odds and ends;
china, /. pebble, small stone; (bot.) China- utensils, traps,
root porcelain China silk or cotton stuff:
; ; chirimia, /. (mus,) flageolet.—to, flageolet-
media china, cloth coarser than the china player.
game of shutting the hands, and guessing chirimoya, /. (hot.) cherlmoyer, tropical
which contains the pebble (P. Rico) sweet ;
orange. Chirimoyo, tree that yields the chirimoya.
Chinampa, /, small garden tract in lakes Chirinola, /. bowling, boys' game trifle ;

near Mexico, estar de chirinola, (coll.) to be in good

Chinampero, m. tiller of a chinampa. spirits.
Chinanta,/. (Philip.) common weight (about Chlripa, /. in billiards, fluke; (coll.) fortu-
1:^5 lbs.). nate chance.
chinarro, m. large pebble, Chirlpear, va. to make flukes at billiards.
ChinateadO, m. stratum or layer of pebbles. Chiripero, w. poor player who wins by flakes ;
Chinazo, m. mig. blow with a pebble. lucky person.
chincharrazo, m. (coll.) V. cintarazo. Chirivia, /. (bot.) parsnip; (cm.) wagtatL
Chincharrero, m. place swarming with bed- V. auuzanieve.
bugs; fishing-smack. chirla, /. mussel. V. almeja.
Chinche, /. bed-bug, bug; thumb-tack; chlrlador, ra, to. &/. (coll,) clamorous prat-
(coll.) tedious person, a bore, tler.

g (before e,i) and J as h in hot; h, silent; II In brilliant; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled; s, hissed
chlrlar, vn. to talk fast and loud. Choca, /. part of the game given to a hawk
Chirle, a. (coll.) insipid, tasteless. m. dung soap-boiler's paddle.
of sheep and goats. Chocador, ra, m. &/. one that irritates, as-
cMrlo, rii. large wound in the face and the sailant.
scar it leaves. Chocante, pa. provoking, glaring, shocking.
cMrona, /. (coll.) prison. ChOCar, vn. {pret. CHOQUE: subj. CHOQUE) to
cMrrladero, ra, cnirriador, ra, a. hissing strike, collide, hit, clash to meet, fight,

sizzing, when frying creaking, as a hinge ;

combat. va. to provoke, disgust, shock.
chirper. chocarrear, vn. to joke, act the buffoon.
Chlrrlar, vn. to hiss to sizz to creak, to ; ; Chocarreria, /. buffoonery, coarse jest, vul-
squeak (coll. ) to sing out of tune or time.
Cll^rldO, m. chirping of birds; chattering; choearrero, ra, a. scurrilous, vulgar.
any shrill sound. ChOCllla,/. dim. hut, low cottage.
chirriO, m. creaking noise made by carts. Choclar, vn. in the game of argoUa, to drive
Chirridn, m. tumbrel, muck or dung cart the ball through the rings.
that creaks, chOClO, m. clog, galosn. V. chanclo ;
chlrrionero, m. scavenger, dung-cart driver. (Amer.) green ear of maize.
dxirumeil, m. (coll.) common sense. CllOCl6ll, ni. in the game of argoUa, the driv^
Ichis inierj. hush silence
! ! ! ing of a ball through the rings.
clliscll4s, m. (coll.) clashing of side-arms. ChOCO, TO. small cuttle-fish.
cMs^arabis, m. (coll.) meddler, dabbler; chocolate, m. chocolate.
insignificant, noisy fellow, ChOCOlatera, /. chocolate-pot woman who ;

chisguete Ichis-Keh'-tehl, m. (coll. ) Small draft makes or sells chocolate.

of wine small spout of any liquid, squirt
; ChOCOlateria, /. shop where chocolate is sold.
echar on chisgnete, to drink, ChOCOlatero, ra, o. fond of chocolate; one
chisme, m. tale of a gossip-monger; (coll.) who makes or sells chocolate; (Mex.) stiff
jigger, any household utensil or trifle. north wind.
cMsmear, va. to tattle, gossip. chocolotear, vn. v. chacolotear.
chismero, ra, chismoso, sa, a. tale-bearer, chocha, chochaperdiz, /. (orn.) woodcock,
gossiper, mischief-maker. chochear, vn. to dote.
chismografia, /. (coll.) gossip, tattle. chochera, chochez,/. dotage.
Chlspa, / spark, ember sparkle flake very ; ; ; chOChO, Cha, a. doting.—w. (hot.) lupine.
small diamond small particle of anything
; V. ALTRAMUZ cinnamon candy-stick.—pf.

penetration, acumen, orightness »er una : chochoB, sweetmeats, dainties.

chispa, to be all life and spirit echar chispas, : Chofes, TO. pi. livers and lights ; lungs. V.
(coll.) to be in a passion de cbispas, flint- :

lock : coger ana chispa, (coll.) to get drunk. Chofeta,/. chafing-dish fire-pan foot-stove. ; ;

cMsparse, vr. (Sp. Amer.) V. ACHISPAR. Chofista, TO. one who lives upon livers and
cMspas ! inter), fire and tow ! blazes ! lights.
cMspazO, m. flying off of a spark, damage it ChOlO, la, a. (Amer.) applied by the whites
does; (coll.) tale mischievously circulated. to Indians and servants half-breed. ;

cMspeante, pa. of chispear ;

sparkling, ChOlla,/. (coll.) skull, head; faculty.
Chlspear, vn, to sparkle ; to scintillate ; to Chonta,/. hardwood palm-tree.
rain gently. Chontal, to. grove of chonta-trees (Mex. ;

Chlspero, m. blacksmith spark-catcher ; and Cen. Amer.) Indian with no training.

(coll.) Madrileau ruffian. Chopa, /. (icht.) kind of sea-bream (naut.) ;

Chispero, ra, a. emitting sparks. top-gallant poop.

Chispo, a. (coll.) tipsy. m. short drink. Chopera, /. black poplars grove.
Cllisporrotear, vn. (coll. ) to sputter sparks. Chopo, TO. (hot.) black poplar-tree; (coll.)
Chisporroteo, m. (coll.) sputtering sparks. musket.
ClllspOSO, sa, a. sputtering, sparkling. Choque shock, collision, stroke;
[cho'-keh], TO.
chisiar, vn. to mumble, mutter. clash, dispute; (mil.) skirmish; (naut.)
cMste, m. fine witty saying facetiousness, ; chock, fur, rush (mech.) impact. ;

jest : dar en el chiite, to guess right. choquezuela [cho-keh-tuocHeh'-uh), /. (anat.)

cnistera, /. hand fish-basket (^coll. ) silk hat. ;
CllistOSaniente, adv. facetiously, gaily. chord6n, to. raspberry jam. V. churd6n.
ChlstOSO, sa, a. gay, cheerful, funuv, witty. Choricera, /. woman who makes or sells sau-
Chita, /. ankle-w>ne in sheep and bullocks sages (mech.) sausage-stuffer.

game with this bone: i la chita callando, choricexla, /. v. salchicherIa.

very quietly, by stealth. Chorlcero, to. sausage maker or seller.
chiticalla, m. (coll.) discreet person. ChoriUo, to. (Peru) mill for coarse fabrics.
cMtlcallandO, <uiv. (coll.) quietly Ir or an- : ChoriZO, TO. pork-sausage counterweight. ;

dar chlticallando, to go on tip-toes k la chiti- : ChorlitO, TO. (orn.) curlew or gray plover; j
callando, noiselessly. (orn.) redshank: cabeza de chorlito, hare- I
chlto, m. piece of wood or bone, on which brained. 1
money is put in the game of chita: irae k Chorlo, TO. schorl, tourmalin.
chitoB, (coll.) to lead a debauched life. Chorote, TO. ( Venez. ) poor quality of choco«
i chlto, Clllt6ll inierj. hush not a word
! ! ! late.
CllitdXL, m. moUusk with coat-of-mail shell. ChorreadO, da, a. having striped skin (cat-
cMva,/. kid female goat. ; tle)a kind of satin.—/>;>. of CJIORREAR.

cMyata,/. shepherd's staff. Chorreadura, /. dripping, welling.

cMratO, m. kid between six and twelve chorrear, vn. to spout, to outpour, to drip;
months old : he-goat. to be dripping wet to come out one by one. ;

cUverO, m. (Amer.) puma. ChorreO, to. spouting, dripping.

cMyetero, chivital, chlvitil, m. fold for Chorrera, /. spout or place whence liquids
kids. drop mark left by dripping or running

ChiVO, m. kid, he-goat ;

pit for the lees of oil. water ornament formerly appended te

; ChO ! inierj. whoa ! badges shirt frill. ;

a u la far ; • tn eh I ; i in daUc* ; o In for ; a in bull ; e (before e. And s as th in thick ; h and d. eoa;

Chorretada, /. (coll.) squirt, spurt, jet. low class loud in dress and manners ;
ChorrillO, m. dim. small spout; (coll.) con- a. pretty, nice, graceful, attractive.
tinual coming in and out-going of money. Cbulla, /. slice of bacon,
ChOrritO, m. dim. small spout. Chumacera, /. (mech. ) pillow-block jour- ;

Chorro, m. jet, spurt stream ; ; anything is- nal bearing, cushion; (naut.) row-lock.
suing, entering, flowing, or passing chorro : Cbumbera,/. (hot.} opuntia, prickly pear.
de voz, voice of large volume (coll.) i, cho- ; CbumbO or bigO cntunbO, prickly pear, In-
rroB, abundantly hablar k chorros, to speak: dian tig.
fast, Cbumpipe [choom-pee'-peh], m. (C. Amer.) a tur-
chorroborro, m. (coll.) flood, inundation. key.
Cliorrdn, m. dressed hemp. cbuncaca, /. (C. Amer.) V. CHANCACA.
Chortal, m. fountain or spring. cbunga, /. (coll.) jest, fun, banter: cstar de
ChOta,/ sucking kid heifer calf. ; chunga, to be in good-humour,
Chotacabras, /. (orn.) goat-sucker, churn- Cbunguearse [choon-geh-ar'-geU], vr. (coU.) to
owl. chaff, gibe, jest.
CllOte, m. (Cuba) V. CHAYOTE. Cblipa, /. waistcoat undercoat with sleeves

Cbotear, va. (Cuba, coll.) to banter, gibe. poner k uno como chupa de domine, (coll.) to
CbOteo, m. (Cuba, coll.) chaffing, jeering. ^ipe the floor with a person; (Philip.)
CbOtO, m. sucking kid, calf. liquid measure (0.735 litres) dry measure ;

CbOtuno, na, a. sucking (young goats or (0.37 litres).

kids) poor, starved (lambs) goatish
; ;
: oler Cbupada, /. suck, suction.
ik chotuna, to smell like a goat. cbupaderito or cbupadorcito, m. dim. used
Chova,/. (orn.) jay, chough ;
jackdaw, crow. in the phrase, andarse con or en chupaderitos,
ChOZ,/. stroke, blow ; suddenness. ineffective means for difficult tasks.
CbOZa, /. hut, hovel, cabin, shanty. cbupadero, ra, dor, ra, a. sucking, sucker,
Chozna, /. great-granddaughter. absorbent. m. baby's coral or teething
Cbozno, m. great-grandson. ring; (mech.) suction tube; (Sp. Amer.)
CbOZO, m, small hut or cabin. tippler.
Cbozpar, vn. to gambol, to caper. Cbupado, da,p/>. &a. (coll.) lean, emaciated.
Chozpo, m. gambol, leap. cbupadorcito, m. dim. of CHUPADOR.
ChOZp6n, na, a. frisky, capering. Cbupadura,/, act and effect of sucking.
CbOZUela, /. dim. small hut or shanty. cbupaflores, cbupamiel, cbupamirtos,
Cbual, m. (bot.) pig-weed or goose-foot. m. (orn.) humming-bird.
Cbualar, m. spot abounding in pig-weed. Cbupalandero, m. snail that lives on plants.
Cbubarba,/. (bot.) stone-crop. Cbupar, va. to suck to draw, sip to absorb
; ; ;

Chubasco, m. squall, flurry, shower. to imbibe moisture (vegetables) (coll.) to ;

ChubascOSO, sa, a. squally, gusty. hang upon others for subsistence to fool ;

i;liuca, /. concave part of the knuckles with chuparse los dedos, to eat with pleasure to ;

which children play. be overjoyed: chnpar la sangre, (coll.) to

Cbucero, m. (mil.) pikeman. stick like a leech.
Chucha,/. female dog; (Peru) opossum. CbupatiVO, va, a. of a sucking nature.
Cbucliear, va. to fowl with calls, gins, and Cbupeta, ilia, ita, /. dim. short waistcoat
nets. vn. to whisper. V. cuchicheab. chnpeta, (naut.) round-house.
CbUCheria, /. gewgaw, trinket, small toy, ebupetear, va. to suck gently and by starts.
tit-bit; mode of fowling with calls, gins, Cbupeteo, m. gentle sucking.
and nets. Cbupetin, m. man's inner garment.
Chucbero, ra, a. bird-catcher; (Cuba) switch- Cbupet6n, m. violent suction.
tender. Cbup6n, na, a. (coll.) sponge, human para-
CbucbO, m. dog; (Cuba) whip; rail-
(coll.) site. —
m. (hot.) sucker, shoot; (mech.)
road swit«h, side track. sucker, plunger piston, valve bucket.
CbUCbumeco, m. contemptible little fellow. Cburd6n, m. raspberry jam.
Cbueca,/. head of a bone small ball for play- ; Cburla, /. CburlO, m. serin, seroen ; spice-
ing hockey; the game; (coll.) fun, joke, bag.
trick. V. CHASCO soap-maker's paddle. ; Cbu^rat /• little pin-tailed grouse; heifer
Cbuecazo, m. stroke given to a ball at hockey. one year old.
Cbufa,/. (bot. ) chufa, edible tuber of a sedge Cburrasco, m. (Sp. Amer.) piece of broiled
horchata de chafas, orgeat made from the meat.
chufa granizado de chafas, sherbet of chu-
: cburrascdn, m. act and effect of scorching.
fas : echar chnfas, (coll. ) to act the bully. Cburre, m. (coll.) thick, dirty, oozing or
Chufar, vn. to mock, to burlesque. dripping grease anything dirty and greasy.

Cbuferia, /. place where the orgeat and sher- Cburrea,/. Califomian grouse.
bet of chufas are made or served. cburriburri, m. v. zurriburei.
Cbufero, ra, a. seller of chufas. cburriento, ta, a. greasy.
Cbufeta,/. (coll. ) jest chafing-dish fire-pan. ; ; cburrigueresco, ca, a. (arch.) overloaded,
chufleta,/. (coll.) taunt, scoff. tawdry, loud.
Cbufletear, vn. (coll. ) to show contempt. Cburro, ra, a. applied to sheep that have
ebufletero, ra, a. (coll.) taunting, sneering. coarse wool, ana to their wool.— m. sort of
CblQadSl, /. droll speech or action pleasant ;
conversation action sliowing bad breeding.
; cburruUero, ra, m. &f. tattler, gossip.
Cbulear, va. to jest, to poke fun at. cbnrrupear, vn. to sip.
Cbuleria, /. pleasing manner. cburruscarse, vr. to be scorched.
Cbuleta, /. chop, cutlet; (carp.) chips for Cburrusco, /". bread too much toasted.
filling joints. Cbunuubeia,/. reed instrument resembling
cbulillo, ilia, ito, ita, m. &/. dim. little wag. a flageolet.
CbulO, la, m. & /. punster, jester funny ; cbununen, m. V. chirumen.
person sly, deceitful person.
; m. rascal, — Cburumo, m. (ooll.) juice or substance.
knave man kept by a woman bull-fighter's
; ; CbUS ni mus (coll. no declr chus ni mus, not
: )

assistant butcher's mate.—/, woman of

; to say a word.

( (betore e, i) and J as h ia hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; >.. hissed.
ChUSCada,/. pleasantry, joke. Spanish dance: dama cortesana, courtesan
Chusoamente, adv. in a droll manner. tablero de damas, checker-board (theat. ) pri< ;

ChUSCO, ca, a. pleasant, droll, merry, funny. mera dama, leading lady segunda dama, :

Clmsima, /. crew and slaves of a row-galley ;

walking lady dama Joven, juvenile lady

mob, crowd,
rabble, (min.) plate of a furnace: jnego de damas,
chuspa, /. (S. Amer. ) leather bag for coca. fame of draughts soplar la dama, to hutf a :

CllUZa,/. (Mex.) stroke at billiards knocking ing in the game of draughts (coll. ) to car- ;

all the pins with one ball. ry off and marry a lady who was courted by
Chuzazo, m. large pike blow or stroke with ; another.
a pike. damajuana, /. demijohn.
Chuzo, m. pike; (naut.) boarding-pike: & damas cado, da, a. v. adamascado.
chnzoi, abundantly, impetuously : echar chu- damasceua,/. damson, plum.
zos, (coll.) to brag. damasceno, na, a. Damascene.
ChUZ6ll, na, m. & f. crafty, artful person ; damasco, m. damask, figured silk stuffy
wag, punster, jester. m. aug. large pike or — Brussels apricot ; damson, plum.
spear. damasina, silk stuff resembling damask.

damasqUillO [dah-mas-keel'-lyol, m. silk or wool-

len stuff resembling damask apricot.
D damasquinadO, da [dah-mas-ke-uah'-doe], «.

d [deh] is the fifth letter of the Spanish alpha- damasaulno, na [dah-mas-kee'-nol, a. damas-
bet, fourth of the consonants. For the cor- keened; Damascene: k la damasquina, Da-
rect pronunciation of this letter, see the mascus fashion.
Rules for Pronunciation at the beginning dameria,/. excessive nicety in conduct, pru-
of this book. D. is an abbreviation for don. dery.
dable, a- possible, practicable. damlsela, /• young gentlewoman ;
daca (word formed by the verb da and the courtesan.
adv. aca), give here, give hither, give me. danmlflcar, va. {pret. damnifique subj. :

daciO, Cla, «. Dacian. m. tribute, tax. damnifique) to hurt, to damage, to injure.

dacidn, /. (law) dedition, yielding or giving danchado, da, a. (her.) dentate, indented.
up ; delivery. , danes, sa, a, Danish.
dactillCO, ca, a. dactylic. dkniCO, ca, a. Dane, Danish.
dactilo, m. dactyl, a poetic foot. dangO, m. (orn.) species of eagle.
dactil6grafO, fa, a. type-writer.—w. type- dauta,/. (zool.) tapir.
writing machine. dante, Pfl. giving; he who gives.
dactilologia, /. talking by manual signs. dantelladO, da, «. dentated, serrated,
d^diva,/. gift, gratification, grant, keepsake. dantesco, ca, a. Dantesque.
dadlvosamente, adv. liberally, bountifully. danza, /. dance set, or number of dancers ; ;
dadiVOSidad, /. liberality, magnificence, entangled affair meter en la danza, (coll.) :

bounty. to involve another in some business or dis-

dadlvoso, sa, a. bountiful, liberal, frank. pute danza de espadas, (coll.) quarrel, fight

dado, m. die {pi. dice) block, bushing pivot ; ;

(Cuba and P. Rico) slow dance and its
collar ; coin : dado falso, false dice : dado de tune.
la roldana, (naut.) coke of a sheave; bush danzador, ra, m. &f. dancer.
of a block (arch.) dado. ;
V. keto : dados, danzante, ta, m. &/. dancer; (coll.) active
(mil.) case or grapeshot : dados de las velas, person, hustler; (coll.) fickle, airy person.
(naut.) tablings of the bowline cringles: danzar, vn. {pret. danc6: subj. dance) to
correr el dado, (coll.) to be in good luck: dance; to whirl; (coll.) to introduce one's
estar como un dado, to fit exactly.— m9. of self into any business.
DAR given dado que, conj. provided so
: ; danzarin, na, vi. & f. fine dancer; (coll.)
long as assuming that.
; giddy, meddling person.
dador, ra, m. &/. giver. m. (com.) drawer danzbn, m. (Cuba) slow dance and its tune.
of a bill of exchange bearer (of a letter). ; dailable, «. prejudicial, condemnable.
daga, /. dagger line of bricks in a kiln ; : da&ado, da, a. bad, wicked, eternal^
llegar 4 las dagas, (coll.) to reach the most damned. pp. of danar.
difficult point. da&ador, ra, m. & /. injurious ; one who
dagdn, m. aug. large dagger. hurts or harms.
daguerrotipar, m. to make a portrait by da&ar, t'a. to hurt ; to damage to impair ; ; to
the daguerreotype process. harm, to injure ; to spoil to weaken.

daguerrotipla,/. making daguerreotypes. da&ino, na, «. noxious, mischievous, harm*

daguerrotlpo, m. daguerreotype. ful, hurtful, injurious.
daguilla,/. dim. small dagger. V. palillo. daflO, m. damage, hurt, loss, nuisance, hin^
daifa, /. mistress, concubine. drance danos y perjnlcios, (com.) damages:

dala,/. (naut.) pump-dale of a ship. dafio emergente, (law) damage caused by

idale interj. expressive of displeasure at
! non-payment.
obstinacy. da&osamente, adv. hurtfully, mischievous*
dalla,/. (bot.) dahlia. ly-
dAlmata or dalmatiCO, ca, a. Dalmatian. da&OSO, hurtful, noxious, injurious.
sa, a.
dalmktica, /. dalmatica, wide-sleeve tunic. dar, ra. {ind. DOY pret. Dl subj. dk) to give : :

daltoniano, na, a. colour-blind. to contribute freely to hand, to deliver ; to ;

daltonlsmo, m. colour-blindness, daltonism. confer, to grant to transfer to inspire, to ; ;

dallador, m. grass-mower. suggest; to administer, to apply (as a rem*

dallar, ra. to mow. edy) to supply, to afford to comiuunioat«,
; ;

dalle, '". scythe, sickle. to impart (as news, or advice) to represeni ;

dama,/. lady, dame; noble or distinguished (as a play) to emit (as heat, light)
; to re ;

woman lady courted by a gentleman lady

; ; turn, to render (as thanks) to proffer, ti. ;

of honour at" court mistress or concubine; ; extend (as the hand) to suppose, to as- ;

queen in chess king in checkers old ; ; sume, to consider; to allow, auniit, concede
»i M In far ; e In eb I : i In police ; o in for ; u in ball ; c (hefnre e, I) and z as th in thick ; b and d, soft
DAK 173 DE
(a proposition) ;
yield (as fruit, crops, i^ •
darse maiiia, to manage ably darse prlesa, t<J :

come, etc.); to surrender, submit; to ex- make haste darse una panzada, (coll.) to be

cite, to cause (as pain, sorrow) to hold, ; fed to satiety darse una panzada de escribir,

maintain to deal (cards) to manifest, ex- ; ; (met.) to get a surfeit of writing: no me se

hibit (as signals) to enable, to allow to ; ; da un bledo, I do not care a straw darse por :

paint, to coat when joined to some nouns, ; sentido, to show resentment, to take offence.
it expresses the action implied by the noun dardabasi, m. (orn.) hawk, kite.
as dar saltos, to jump: dar un abrazo, to dardada, /. blow of a dart.
embrace dar un grito, to scream to strike
: ; d^rdauo, na, a. Trojan, Dardanian.
hours (a clock) to entertain with to strike, ; ; dardo, m. light lance fresh-water fish, dart- ;

to affect physically {as pain, cold).— ?;«. fish, dace : dardo de pescador, fishgig, har-
when followed by the prep, en, it expresses : poon.
1, to persist in doing a thing 2, to fall into ; dares y tomares, m. pi. (coll.) quantity
(as an error) 3, to contract, acquire (as a ; given and received; (coll.) disputes.
onstom) ; 4, to guess, find out (as a joke, darsena, /. inner harbour, dock, basin.
puzzle) 5, to hit, to strike (as dar en el
; dasocracia, /. v. dasonomia.
bianco, to hit the mark) when followed by ; dasOCratiCO, ca, a. relating to dasocracia.
the prep, i: to be situated, look toward (as dasonomia, /. science dealing with the culti-
isi ventana da al parque, my window over- vation of forest lands.
looks the park) when followed by the prep, ; dasonbmiCO, ca, a. relating to dasonomia.
de 1, to fall down, to fall on (as dar de es-
: data, /. date, specified day of a month and
paldac, to fall on one's back) 2, to offer, to ; year item in an account outlet of a reser-
; ;

serve (as dar de comer, to feed) followed by ; voir estar de mala data, to be in bad hu-

the prep, con to meet, to find (as per fin di : mour.

con 61, at last I found him) ; followed by the datar, va. to date; (com.) to credit on ac-
prep, contra : to knock or hit against. iv. to — count. vn. to take origin, date from.
yield, surrender, submit ; when followed by dataria,/. dataria.
the prep. & and a noun or a verb in the in- datario, m. datary, papal officer.
finitive, to devote one's self to when fol- ; datil, TO. (bot.) date; (zool.) date-shell.
lowed by the prep, por, to consider (me doy datiladO, da, a. resembling a date.
por perdido, I consider myself as lost). datilera,/. common date-palm.
Phrases dar que hacer, to give trouble : dar
: datilillo, TO. dim. small date.
memorias, to give one's regards dar fiado, : datismo, to. (rhet.) employment of redutt
to give on credit: dar en rostro or en cara, dant synonyms.
to reproach dar licencia, to give leave dar : : dativo, TO. (gram.) dative case.
cuenta de, to account for: darla de, (coll.) dato, TO. datura, fact, truth admitted; title
to brag of, to set up for dar de si, to give, : of high dignity in Oriental countries.—^',
stretch, extend (as cloth, rubber) dar en : datos data.
vacio or en vago, to fail in any attempt dar : daturma,/. daturine. V. ATROPINA.
mal, to have poor luck at cards dar razon, : dauco, /". (hot.) wild carrot.
to give information : dar prestado, to lend : davalar, va. (naut.) to drift.
darculadas, (naut.) to strike repeatedly : dar davidlCO, ca, a. Davidic, of David.
fondo, (naut.) to cast anchor: dar caza, daza,/. (hot.) lucern (bot.) panic-grass. ;

(naut.) to chase dar al traste, to give up a : de,prep. of, sign of possessive case, as la ley
thing to lose, to destroy dar golpe, to as-
; : de Dios, the law of God la casa de mi padre, :

tonish dar garrote, to strangle dar grima,

: : my father's house; denotes the manner in
to strike with terror dar largaa, to prolong : which a thing is done, as comer de pi6, to
an affair dar gana, to excite a desire, to : eat standing se vistio de prisa, he dressed

have a mind to dar punto, (com.) to become : in ahurr-y it describes how a thing is built,

insolvent : dar que sentir, to hurt one's feel- shaped, or fashioned, as casa de tres pisos, a
ings dar que decir, to give occasion to cen-
: three-story house sombrero de copa, high :

sure dar de barato,to allow it for peace' sake

: silk hat It denotes the object or purpose to

dar calle, to clear the way dar k la bomba, to : which a thing is put, as escopeta de caza,
pump: dar el nombre or el santo, (mil.) to fowling gun cuarto de fnmar, smoking-

give the watchword dar el si, to grant any- : room m&quina de coser, sewing-machine

thing to consent to marry dar poder, to em-

; : it denotes the contents of a package or ves-
power, authorize: dar en un bajio, (naut.) sel, as una paca de algodon, a bale of cotton ;

to strike ground, to get on shore dar fiador : it points out the matter of which a thing is
or flanza, to find bail, to give security dar : made vaso de plata, silver cup it is the
: ;

el espiritu, to expire dar guerra, to wage : sign of the ablative case vengo de Boston, I :

war to torment dar Mga, to miss fire

; : come from Boston it is generally used to ;

dar la cara, to go to the defence of some one : determine proper nouns and dates, as el mes
dar los dias, to congratulate one on his birth- de mayo, the mouth of May la ciudad de :

day dar los buenos dias, to wish good-day

: : Mexico, Mexico City it is used by ladies ;

dar parte, to report dar vez, to give one his : before their married name, implying " wife
turn dar voces, to call or scream dar zapa-
: : of," as doila Isabel Perez de Gonzalez, Mrs.
tetas, to leap with joy dar diente con diente, : Isabel Gonzalez, nee Perez placed befoce ;

to shiver with cold d* donde diere. in- : un, uno, una, denotes rapid action, as se bebi6
considerately dar de mano, to depreciate or : el vino de un trago, he drank the wine at a
despise dar & luz, to be delivered of a child
gulp it serves sometimes instead of the

to print, to publish andar en dares y to- : preposition con de intente, on pui'pose it

: ;

mares, to dispute, to dilly-dally dar de baja, : is used in place, of por de miedo, from fear ; :

to dismiss from the army no dar pie con : it is of the same import as desde vamos de :

bola, not to do a thing right darse 4 la vela, : Madrid k Toledo, we go from Madrid to To-
(naut.) to set sail darse & merced, (mil.) to : ledo ;• it sometimes governs the infinitive :

surrender at discretion in hunting, to halt ; hora de eomer, dinner-time it is placed be- ;

fatigued no se me da nada, it gives me no

: fore adverbs of time de dia, by day d» : :

concern darse las manos, to shake hands

: noche, by night sometimes marks an infer- ;

C (before «;.i)au«l J h in hoJt-, h, aileut. 11 In briJUaat; ft, my in canyon; r (initial) aud rr trilled; a, Ueix-^

174 DEC
ence de aqni se infiere, hence it follows in
: ; m. ten-bead rosary. V. camandula ; de-
familiar style it is used to give energy to an cennial, anniversary,
expression el ladr6n del mozo, the rogue of
: decenCia [deh-then'-tlite-ah], f. decency, pro-
a boy ; it is used after many verbs to denote priety, cleanliness, tidiness ; honesty, mod-
a portion, etc. comio del pescado, he ate
: esty.
some fish it is prefixed to many verbs,
; decenio, m. ten years, decennial,
nouns, etc., altering their sense, as from deceno, na, a. tenth, ordinal often.
poner, to put or to place, is formed deponer, decentar, va. {ind. deciento subj. decikn- :

to depose, etc.: de balde, for nothing, gratis. te) to cut off the first slice ; to begin to
d6, irr. imp. &. suhj, from bar. lose that which had been preserved, as th«
dea,/. (poet.) goddess. V. diosa. health. vr. to have bed-sores.
ded.n, m. dean. decente [deh-thane'-tehi, a. decent, just, honest,
deanato, deanazgo, m. deanship. becoming; convenient, reasonable; tidy,
debajO, ado. beneath when it precedes a ; well-behaved, modest, grave, genteel.
noun with which it is connected it is joined decentemente, adv. fairly, honourably,
with de and forms a preposition meaning modestly, comely; (iron.) excessively.
under, beneath, as debaJo de techado, under decenvirato, m. decemvirate.
a roof. decenviro, m. decemvir.
debate, m. debate, altercation, expostulation. decepci6n,/. illusion, humbug,
debatlr, va. to argue, discuss, expostulate. deci, Latin prefix, signifying one-tenth.
debe, m. (com.) debtor side of an account, decible, a. that may be expressed.
debit, Dr. decidero, ra, a. what may be said without
debelacl6n,/. conquering in war conquest. ; inconvenience or impropriety.
debelador, ra, a. conqueror, victor. decididamente, adv. decidedly,
debelar, va. to conquer, subdue, vanquish. decidido,^/*. &a. decided, professed, devoted.
deber, va. to owe must, ought, have to ; decidir, va. to decide, determine, resolve,
debe de ser tarde, it must be late. conclude. vr. to decide, to be determined.
deber, m. obligation, debt hacer sn : deber, to decldor, ra, a. one who speaks with fluency
perform one's duty. and elegance a wit. ;

debidamente, adv. justly, duly, exactly. deciento, deciente {irr. from decentar).
debiente, pa. owing, debtor. declgramo, m. decigramme, one -tenth
d6bil, a. feeble, debilitated,sickly; colourless, gramme.
insipid, fragile (morally or mentally) ; pu- decllitro, m. decilitre, one-tenth litre.
sillanimous. d6cima, /. (poet.) Spanish stanza consisting
debilidad, /. weakness, languor lack of will ; often verses of eight syllables tenth, tithe, ;

power pusillanimity, fondness.

the tenth part.
debilitaci6n, /. debilitation, weakness. decimal [deh-thie-mahf ], a. decimal pertaining ;

debilitadamente, adv. feebly. to tithes.

debilitante, pa. weakening, debilitating. d^cimanovena, /. one of the registers of a
debilitar, va. to debilitate, enfeeble, ener- pipe-organ.
vate. nr. to become feeble. decimetro, m. decimetre, one-tenth of a
d6bilmeilte, adv. weakly, lamely. metre.
d^bitO, m. debt: dibito or d^bito cenyugal, d^Cimo, ma, a. tenth, ordinal of ten.
conjugal duty. d^cimoctavo, va, a. eighteenth,
debitorlO, m. contract of bargain and sale decimocuarto, ta, a. fourteenth,
upon credit, by virtue of a partial payment. decimonono, na, a. nineteenth.
deb6, m. scraper (for skins). d6cimonoveno, na, «. V. decimonono,
deca, Greek prefix, meaning ten. decimoquinto, ta, a. fifteenth,
d^cada,/. decade, ten. decimoseptimo, ma, a. seventeenth,
decadencia, /. decadence, decay, decline ir : decimosexto, ta, a. sixteenth,
en decadencia, to be on the decline. decimotercero, ra, a. thirteenth,
decadents, pa. decaying, declining. decimotercio, cia, a. thirteenth,
dec^edro, m. (geom.) decahedron. deciocbeno, na, a. eighteenth. V. diecio-
decaer, vn. {ind. decaigo subi. decaiga) to : CHENO.
decay, fail, languish, fade ;
(naut.) to fall deCir [deh-theer'J, «a. {gerund, DICIENDO:p/J. DI-
to leeward. CHO ind. digo prel. due fut. dirk stibj
: : : :

decagono, m. (geom.) decagon. diga) to say, utter, speak to assure,

tell, ;

decagramo, m. decagramme. state, assert, afiirm name, to chII to de-

; to ;

decauniento, m. decay, weakness. note, bespeak, indicate, show, b( a sign of;

decalitro, m. decalitre. to say (in writing or in print) as- la Biblia
decd.lOgO, 7n. decalogue, the Ten Command- dlce,the Bible says; todeclareon oath; when
ments. followed by bien, to speak well to harnio- ;

deckmetro, m. decametre. nize.tobebecoming, to blend; when followed

decampar, vn. to decamp. by mal, it denotes the opposite- idlgol I say;
decanato, m. deanship deanery. ; hark : por mejor decir, more properly speak-
decano, m. senior, dean oldest member of a ; ing declr por decir, to talk for the sake of

community or corporation. talking: dlje para mi or para mi capote, I

decantaci6ii,/. pouring off. said in my
sleeve se dice, they say, or it is

decantado, a. boasted, exalted. said ello dir&, we shall see es decir., that is
: :

decantar, va. to cry up, to exaggerate, to to say, or I mean.

putt"; to decant, to draw off liquor. decir, m. a saw, proverbial or familiar say-
decapitaci6n, /. beheading. iag, witty remark, language: el bien decir,
decapitar, va. to behead. elegant style of language el decir de las gen- :

decasilabo, a. having ten syllables. tes, the opinion of ,tne people es nn decir, it :

decena,/. the number of ten (mus.) a tenth. ;

is a mere saying.
decenal, a. decennial, lasting ten years. decisidnideh-thie-se-on'], /. decision, determina-
decenar, m. crew of ten. tion, resolution^ issue; decision, judgment
fleeenario, ria, a. decennary, decennial. by court of justice, verdict by a jury.
ft M In far ; e In eh I ; 1 In police ; O 1» Xor ; « in ball ; C (before e. 1) utd z as th In thick b and d, soft;
decisivamente, adv. decisively. decrepitaci6n, /. (chem.) decrepitation.
decislvo, va, a. decisive, final, conclusive, decrepitante, ;)«. (chem.) decrepitant.
decretory. decrepitar, va. to decrepitate, to expose to a
feclamacldn,/. declamation, harangue, ora- high heat. vn. to decrepitate, to crackle.
tion, discourse oratorial invective ; read- ; decr^pito, ta, a. decrepit, worn with age.
ing, recitation delivery, in reciting. ; decrepitud,/. decrepitude, old age, dotage.
Aeclamador, ra, a. orator, reciter, reader. decretal, /. decretal.—p/. decretales, decre-
declamar, vn. to declaim, harangue, recite, tals. a. decretal.
rant. decretalista, m. decretist.
declamatorio, ria, a. declamatory. decretar, va. to decree, determine, resolve
declaracidn [deii-cuh-rah-thie-on'], /. declara- (law^ to give a decree or a decision in a suit.
tion interpretation, exposition
; avowal ; decretero, m. list of the names and offences
manifestation account ; overture, propo-
; of criminals ; decretal, collection of decrees.
sal (law) deposition.
decretista, m. decretist.
declaradamente, adv. declaredly, avowedly. decreto, m. decree, decision, resolution
declarado, da, a. &pp. declared. royal or oflScial order, law, or ordinance
declarador, ra, a. declarer, expositor, ex- judicial decree.
pounder. decretorio, ria, a. (med.) decretory, criti-
declarante, pa. of declarar, declaring, ex- cal, determining.
pounding. m. declarer, deponent witness. ; decubito, m. (med.) decubitus.
declarar, va. to declare, manifest, make decuplar, decuplicar, va. to multiply hj
known to expound, explain, exemplify
(law^ to determine and decide, to find; d6cuplO, pla, a. decuple, tenfold.
(law) to depose upon oath. vr. to declare decuria,/. ten Roman soldiers under a de-
one's opinion, to explain one's mind ; (coll.) curion assembly of ten students to take

to make a declaration of love. their lessons.

declarativo, va, a. declarative, assertive. decuriato, m. student belonging to a decuria.
declaratorio, ria, a. declaratory, explana- decuri6n, m. decurion, commander of ten
torv. Roman soldiers in schools, the monitor ;

declinable, a. (gram.) declinable. who has the care of ten pupils.

declinaci6n, /. declination, descent, decay, decursas, /. ^/. (law) arrears of rent.
fall, decline, falling; (gram.) declination, decurso, m. course, lapse of time.
declension, inflection; (ast.) declination; decbado, m. sample, pattern, design, stand-
(arch.) deviation: declinacion de la agnja, ard ; linen, on which young girls perform
magnetic declination. several sorts of needlework example, pat- ;

decliuante, pa. declining, bending down. tern, or model of morals or manners.

declinar, vn. to decline, to lean downward dedada, /. portion of some substance, like
or to either side, to bend, slope; to move honey, that can be taken up with the tip of
downward, descend to decline, sink, de- ; the finger dar una dedada de miel, (met.) to

cay, degenerate, abate, diminish (of dis- feed one's hopes.

eases) to approach vhe end; (naut.) to
; dedal, m. thimble; leather finger-stall used
vary from the true magnetic meridian va : by calkers.
declinando el dia, it is near twilight. va. dedalera,/. (bot.) foxglove.
(gram.) to decline a word; (law) to chal- d^dalO, m. labyrinth, entanglement.
lenge a judge to transfer to another tri-
; dedicacidn, /. dedication consecration ; ; in-
bunal. scription.
declinatoria, /. (law) plea that questions dedicante, pa. dedicating, dedicator.
the competency of a judge. dedicar, va. [pret. dedique : subj. dedique)
declinatorio, m. declinator or declinatory to dedicate, devote, consecrate to inscribe ;

(instrument). a literary work to a patron. vr. dedicarse k

declive, decliviO, m. declivity, declination, alguna co8a, to apply one's self to a thing.
dip; down hill, descent, slope, fall; (r. w.) dedicativo, va, a. v. bedicatorio.
gradient, grade: en declive, slanting, sloping. dedicatoria, /. dedication, inscription on a
decliVidad,/. declivity. book or work of art.
decoccibn [deh-coc-thie-ou'i, /. decoction. dedicatorio, ria, a. dedicatory.
decomisar, va. to confiscate, seize, forfeit. dedicibn Ideh-de-twe-ou'], /. unconditional sur-
decomiso, rn. confiscation, forfeiture, seizure. render.
decoracidn, /. decoration, ornament theat- ; dedil, m. thumb-stall of rubber, linen, or
rical scenery act of committing to memory.
; leather. ,

decorado, m. decoration, ornamentation dedillO, itO, m. dim. little finger saber una :

thing committed to memory. cosa al dedillo, to know a thing perfectly.

decorador, m. decorator. dedO, m. finger, toe forty-eighth part of a ;

decorar, to decorate, adorn, embellish

va. ;
Spanish yard, or vara finger's breadth, ;

to bestow a badge of honour ; to exalt ; to small bit dedo gordo or pulgar, thumb

learn by heart; to recite, to repeat. dedo indice or galudador, the index or fore-
decorativo, va, a. decorative. finger: dedo del coraz^n, cordial or de enme-
decoro, m. honour, respect, reverence due to dio, middle finger dedo anular, ring-finger : :

any person circumspection, gravity ; in-

dedo meiiique or auricular, little finger.
tegrity, purity, honesty decorum, decency, ; dedUCCibn, /. deduction, derivation, origin,
civility; (arch.) propriety, fitness. consequence deduction, inference, conclu-

decorosaraente, adv. decently, decorously. sion (mus.) natural progression of sounds.


decoroso, sa, a. decorous, decent. dedUCiente, pa. deducing, inferring.

decorticaci6n, /. decortication. deducir, va. {ind. DEDUZCO: pret. deduje:
decrecer, vn. {ind. decrezco: subj. de- subj. deduzca) to deduce, infer as a conse-
crezca) to decrease, to diminish. quence to fetch, to devise, to draw (law)
; ;

decreciente, pa. diminishing. to allege in pleading, to offer as a plea

decremento, m. decrement, decrease, dimi- (com.) to subtract, deduct, rebate, allow,
nution, declension, wane. discount.

% (before e, i) and J as h In not ; h, sUent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; . hiaM4
deductivo, va, a. deducive. deflagrrador, m. deflagrator, ignitor.
def&Cile, adv. easily. deflagrar, va. to deflagrate.
defacto, cuiv. in fact, actually, effectually. defoliacion, /. defoliation, shedding ol
defalcar, to. v. desfalcar. leaves.
defecacidn, /. defecation, purification, void- deformacidn,/. deformation; defacing.
ing excrement. defonnador, m. one who deforms or dis-
defecadora, /. second boiler (sugar refining). figures.
iefecar, va. {pret. defequk subj. defeque) : deformar, va. to deform, disfigure, misshape.
to defecate, purify, clarify. deformatoriO, ria, a. deforming, disfigur-
defeccidn [aeii-fec-thie-on'], /. defection, apos- ing.
tasy, desertion. deforme, a. deformed, disfigured, hideous.
defectible, a. that which may be faulty or deftormemente, adv. deformedly.
lacking. deformidad,/. deformity, hideousness, ugli-
defectillO, m. dim. slight fault or defect. gross error.
ness ;

defective, va.a. defective, imperfect, lacking. defraudacl6n [deh-frah-oo-dah-thle-on], /. de-

defecto, m. defect, failing, fault, blemish, fraudation, fraud, deceit, usurpation.
imperfection.—p/. (print.) sheets lacking, defraudador, m. defrauder, defaulter.
after a day's work, to complete the full defraudar, va. to defraud, default, to rob or
number. ,
deprive by wile or trick to cheat, to trick, ;

defectuosamente, adv. defectively, faulti- to usurp ; to intercept (light) ; to disturb

ly, deficiently. (sleep).
defectUOSO, sa, a. defective, imperfect, defuera, adv. externally, outwardly, on the
faulty. outside por defuera, outwardly.

defenaedero, ra, a. defensible. deflinci6n, /. death, decease, demise.

defendedor, ra, a. & m. &f. v. defensor. degeneracibn [deii-heh-neh-mh-twe-ou'], /. degen-
defender, va. {ind. defiendo: s^ubj. DEFIEN- eration, degeneracy.
da) to defend, shield, protect, guard to ; degenerado, da, pp. A a. degenerate.
preserve, maintain, vindicate (law) to de- ; degenerar [deh-heb-neh-rar'], vn. to degenerate.
fend, uphold, plead for to prohibit, for- •
deglucidn,/. (med.) deglutition, swallowing.
bid to prevent, retard, delay.
; deglutir, va. to swallow.
defendlble, a. defensible. degollacibn,/. decollation, beheading.
defenecer, va. to close an account. degolladero, m. throttle, windpipe sham* ;

defenecimiento, m. (com. ) settlement. Dies, slaughter-house ; stand with block

defensa, /. defence, guard, shelter, protec- where people were beheaded in ancient the« ;

tion, safeguard, arms; vindication, justi- atres, board that partitions the pit.
fication, apology (law) defence.—pZ. (fort).
degollado, m. low neck cut in a waist.
defences, fortifications- (naut.) skids or degoUador, m. headsman, executioner.
skeeds, fenders (mech.) fender, guard, pad.
; degolladura, /. cutting of the throat (mas. ;

defensi6n, /. safeguard, defence. joint (carp.) slender part of balusters low

; ;

defensiva, /. defensive estar or ponerse k la : neck cut in a waist.

defensiva, to act or stand on the defensive. degoUante, pa. & m. (coll.) a tease, a bore.
defensiVO, va, a. defensive, justificatory, degollar, va. {ind. degOello subj. de- :

• defensory. m. defence, safeguard, preserv- GiJELLE) to behead, decapitate to guillo- ;

ative (med.) compress.

tine to cut a waist low in the neck to de-
; ;

lefensor, ra, defender or keeper, maln- stroy, ruin, annihilate (coll. ) to importune. ;

tainer, conservator, protector, supporter degoUina, /. (coll.) slaughter, butchery.

(law) defensor. de^radacibn [deh-grah-dah-tiiie-on'], /. degrada-
defensoria, /. duty and office of a defensor. humiliation, debasement; fall; de-
defensorio, m. plea, defence, apology. generacy(art) degradation, diminution,

deferencia, /. deference, condescension. blending.

deferente, a. assenting, deferring to the degradante, pa. that which degrades.
opinion of another, deierential. degradar, va. to degrade, debase, humiliate,
deferir, vn. {ind. defiero subj. defiera) : revile.— 17-. to degrade or demean one's self.
to yield, submit. va. to communicate ; to degUello, degiielle {irr. from degollar).
share in jurisdiction or power. degiiello [deii-gweiir-iyo], m. decollation, a^t
defLciencla, /. deficiency, imperfection. of beheading or cutting one's throat; neck
deficiente, a. defective, faulty, deficient. or narrow part of many things destruc- ;

deficit, m. deficit, shortage, deficiency. tion, ruin tiraral degiiello, to endeavour to


defiendo, deflenda (irr. from defender). harm or ruin a person.

defiero, yo defiera {irr. from defeeir). degUStacidn, /. act of tasting anything.
definlble, a. definable. denesa,/. pasture-ground.
definicidn [deh-fe-ne-tiue-on'], /. definition ; de- dehesar, va. to turn into pasture-ground.
cision, determination.—p/. de&niclones, stat- dehesero, m. keeper of a pasture-ground.
utes of military orders. dehiscencia, /. (bot.) dehiscence.
definidO, da, a. definite.—pp. of DEFINIR. deicida, m. deicide slayer of a god. ;

definidor, ra, a. definer.—w. in some relig- deicidiO, m. deicide; murder of Christ.

ious orders, member of the governing com- deldad, /. deity, divinity god, goddess. ;

mittee. deificacldn, /. deification, apotheosis.

definlr, va. to define, describe, explain, in- deificar, va. {pret. deifiquk subj. deifi* :

terpret; to decide, establish, determine. que) to deify ; to exalt or praise extra**,

definltivamente, adv. definitively. gantly.
definitivo, va, a. definitive, determinate, deifiCO, a. deific, deifical, deifying, divine.
conclusive: en deflnitlva, in conclusion. deifonne, a. deiform, godlike.
definitorio, m. governing chapter or a.ssem- Deipara,/- Deipara, the Mother of God.
bly of a religious order house or hall where ; delsmo, m. deism.
such a chapter is held. delsta, m. deist.
deflagracion, /. deflagration, sudden burn- deja, .f. prominence between two fissures or
ing. notches.

ft M in far ; e in eh 1 ; 1 in police : o in for ; U In bull : c (before e. 1) and S aa tk in tUek • b and d, soft,'

4le1a.Ci6ll [deh-hah-thie-on'], /. abandonment, re- deleitabllisizao, ma, a. sup. exceedingly de-
linquishing, giving up, abdication, resigna- lightful.
tion (law) assignment.
deleitable, delectable, delightful.
dejada, /. v. dejaci6n ; relinauishment. deleitablemente, adv. delightfully.
dejadez [deh-hah-deth'],/, slovenliness, neglect, deleitacion,/. delectation, pleasure, delight.
laziness, lassitude. deleltamiento, m. delight, pleasure.
dejado, da, «. slovenly, idle, indolent ; de- deleltante, pa. delighting.
jected, low-spirited.—pp. of dejar. deleitar, va. to delight, please, content. vr.
dejamientO, '/<. act of leaving, relinquishing, to delight, to have delight or pleasure in.
or giving up indolence, idleness, careless-
; deleite, m. pleasure, delight, gratification ;
ness languor, decay of spirits abdication,
; ;
lust, carnal appetite.
resignation ; coolness, indifference, es- deleitosamente, adv. delightfully, pleasant-
trangement. ly, cheerfully.
dejar ideu-har'], va. to leave, to let, let go, re- deleltOSO, sa, a. delightful, agreeable, pleas-
linquish to quit, come from, go from; to
omit saying or doing anything to permit, ; delet^reo, ea, a. (med.) deleterious, poison-
consent, allow, not to obstruct to leave, ; ous.
abandon, withdraw from, forsake, desert deletreador, m. speller.
to yield, produce, bring (as income, profit) ;
deletrear, va. to spell, to read by spelling
to commit, give in charge, intrust to de- ; to decipher or interpret what is obscure.
liver, deposit (as money) to give or leave ; deletreo, m. spelling teaching to read by ;

(as instructions) to nominate to appoint ; ; spelling.

to fling up, to give up ; to lay away to for- ; deleznaole, fragile, slippery,
a. brittle,
bear, leave off, cease to bequeath dejar ; : smooth, frail, perishable.
cargado, to debit dejar dicho, to leave word : d61fiC0, ea, «. Delphic, of Delphi.
or orders dejar escrito, to leave in writing
: delfin, m. (icht.) dolphin; (ast.) Dolphin,
dejar atris, to excel, to surpass dejar en : northern constellation dauphin, formerly ;

cueros, to strip one of his property : dejar the eldest son of the King of France.
fresco & alguno, to frustrate, to baffle dejar : delfina, /. dauphiness.
para manana, to delay, to procrastinate. vr. delgadamente, adv. thinly, delicately;
not to take care of one's self; to allow or acutely, sharply, finely.
suffer one's self to to become languid to ; ; delgadez, /. thinness, tenuity acuteness, ;

abandon one's self to: dejarse alguna cosa, ingenuity slenderness, leanness, smallness.

to leave something behind dejarse querer, : delgadO, da, a. thin, lean, lank, gaunt, slen-
to let one's self be petted or treated dejarse : der, slim light, delicate, tenuous
; acute, ;

ver, to be social dejarse Uevar, to suffer : fine, ingenious, sharp; (agr.) poor, ex-
one's self to be led by another. hausted. m. (naut. ) dead-rise.—p/. delga-
dejillo, m. dim. slight relish or taste which dos, flanks of animals.
remains after eating or drinking. delgaducho, cha, a. thin, lank.
dejO, m. abandonment, relinquishment end, ; deliberacibn,/. deliberation, consideration,
termination negligence, carelessness, lazi-
cogitation, reflection, resolution, determi-
ness relish or taste which remains after
eating or drinking effect, or remains of a ; deliberadamente, adv. deliberately.
ftassion peculiar inflection on the last syl-
deliberar, vn. to consider, deliberate, cogi-
able of words of each province or country. tate, ponder, weigh in the mind to consult ;

del, of the, contraction of the preposition de or take counsel together. va. to determine
and the masculine article el. after mature consideration.
delacl6n, /. delation, accusation, denuncia- deliberative, va, a. deliberative.
tion, information. delicadamente, adv. delicately.
delantal, m. apron, dash-board of a carriage. delicadez [deii-ie-cah deti.'], /. delicateness,
delante, adv. before, ahead, in front delante : weakness of constitution ;
prudery, sensi-
de, prep, before, in front of, ahead of, in the tiveness, softness, scrupulousness.
presence of, facing. delicadeza delicacy,
delantera, /. fore front, fore end, fore part fineness, refinement, suavity, gentleness;
of anything front seats in theatres, etc.
sweetness, sensitiveness, daintiness, tender-
fore skirt, fore part of garments boundary ; ness, softness, nicety, exquisiteness scru- ;

line of a town, village, property lead, ad- ; pulousness, susceptibility subtlety, dex- ;

vance, advantage coger la delantera, to get : terity acuteness of understanding, refine-


the start. ment of wit perspicacity.. ;

delantero, ra, a. foremost, first. m. pos- delicado, da, a. delicate, sweet, gentle, suave,
tilion. refined, pleasing, tender weak, faint, ef- ;

delatable, a. accusable, blamable. feminate, finical, lady-like sensitive, sus- ; informer, accuser. ceptible delicate, exquisite, nice, delicious,


delatar, va. to inform, accuse, denounce, im- dainty, savoury; thin, slender, subtile; frail,
peach. fragile, easily soiled or stained nice, fas- ;

delator, m. accuser, informer, denouncer. tidious, prude scrupulous, honest, up-


dele, nc. (print.) dele, mark of erasure; de- right; arduous, difficult, perplexing, knot-
lete, ;^. ty captious, easy of annoyance, suspicious.

delectacibn,/. delectation, pleasure, delight. dellcia, /. delignt, comfort, satisfaction

delegaci6n,/. delegation, substitution pow- ;
lively sensual pleasure.
er conferred proxy, number of persons ;
deliciosamente, adv. deliciously, daintily,
representing othersoffice of a delegate. ^ delightsomely.
delegado, pp. & m. delegate, deputy, com- dellClOSO, sa, a. delicious, delightful, pleas-
missioner, minister, attorney, proxy. ing.
delegante, pa, constituent, one that dele- deliCUeSCencia [deh-le-coo-ea-thane'-tMe-ah], /.
gates. (cheni.) deliquescence.
delegar, va. (pret. delegu^ : subj. delegue) delicuescente, a. (chem.) deliquescent,
to delegate, to substitute. dellncuencia, /. delinquency, offence, guilt.
ff (before e, 1) aad J as li in hot; h, silent; 11 In brilliant; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled; , litoaad.
dellncuente,pa. delinquent, offender, guiltv. demasiadamento, adv. excessively too. ;

delineacidn, /. delineation, draft, sketch, demasiado, da, a. too, excessive, more than
design. enough.
delineador, ra, m. & f. delineator, drafts- demasiado, adv. enough, suflaciently, excesi
man, designer. sively, too much.
delineamento, delineamiento, ?«. deiinea- demencla, /. dementia, insanity,
ment. V. delineacion. dementar, va. to dementate, to render in
delineante, pa. designing.— w. cartographer. sane. vr. to become demented.
dellnear, va. to delineate, draw, sketch, de- demente, «. demented, mad, distracted, in
sign. fatuated, insane.
dellnquimiento, m. delinquency, transgres- demerito, m. demerit, ill desert; act of de
sion, guilt. meriting.
delinquir [aeh-lln-keer'], vn. {ind. DELINCO demeritorio, ria, a. without merit, un.
subj. delinca) to transgress the law, to deserving.
offend. demisi6n, /. submission, humility.
delio, m. of Delos (applied to Apollo), democracia, /. democracy.
deliquiO [aeh-iee'-ke-oj, m. swoon, fainting-fit, dembcrata, m. democrat,
ecstasy, rapture. democraticamente, adv. democratically,
deUrante, pa. delirious, raving. democratico, ca, «. democratic, popular,
delirar, vn. to be delirious, to dote, to rave democratizar, va. to democratize,
to rant, to talk nonsense. demografia, /. demography.
delirlo, m. delirium, frenzied rapture, aliena- demogr^fiCO, ca, a. demographic.
tion of mind, dotage rant, nonsense. ; demoledor, ra, a. demolisher.
delito, m. transgression of a law fault, crime, ; demoler, va. {ind. demuelo: subj. DEMUE*
guilt, delinquency. la) to demolish, overthrow, tear down,
delta, /. delta, a, fourth letter of the Greek raze, dismantle.
alphabet. m. triangular island at the mouth demolici6n, /. demolition, destruction,
of certain rivers. demonche, m. (coll.) little devil. V. d&
deltoides, a. deltaic, deltoid; (anat.) deltoid MOXTRE.
muscle. demoniaco, ca, a. demoniacal, devilish}
deluslvo, va, a. delusive, fallacious. demonian.
delusoriamente, adv. delusively, deceit- demonio, m. demon, evil spirit, devil : i da-
fully. monio 1 interj. the deuce !

delusorio, ria, a. deceitful, fallacious. demontre, m.. v. demonio; used as an ex-

demacracibn, /. (med.) emaciation, maras- clamation the deuce :

mus. demofLejo, demo&uelo, m. dim. little demon

demacrarse, vr. to waste away.—»a. to cause or devil, imp.
wasting. demora, /. delay, procrastination, protrac-
demagogia, /. demagogism ;
predominance tion, demurrer; (naut.) bearing; (com.)
of the rabble. demurrage; (Amer.) lapse of eight moaths,
demagdgico, ca, a. demagogical. in which Indians are obliged to work in the*
demagogo, m. demagogue. mines sin demora, without delay.

demanda, /. demand, claim, pretension, demorar, va. to delay, retard, hinder. vn. to
complaint, challenge request, petition, the ; delay, tarry, protract; (naut.) to bear: la
act of asking charity gathering charity- ;
; costa demora norte, the coast bears north.
box; image carried about by beggars of demostrable, a. demonstrable, manifestable.
alms question, inquiry enterprise, effort,
; ; demostrablemente, adv. demonstrably.
endeavour; (com.) demand, call; (law) demostracidn,/. demonstration manifesta- ;

claim; (naut.) lookout. tion, evidence; verification; (mil.)

demandadero, ra, m. &f. messenger to run demonstration.
errands in convents or prisons. demostrador, ra, m. &f. demonstrator.
demandado, da, m. & /. (law) defendant.— demostrar, va. {ind. demuestro subj. dk- :

pp. of DEMANDAR. mukstre) to demonstrate, prove, manifest,

demandador, ra, a. one who claims, asks, or make evident to teach.
lav open, ;

begs one who solicits charity for pious

; demostrativamente, adv. demonstratively.
uses (law) claimant, plaintiff.
; demostratiVO, va, a. demonstrative.
demandante, pa. (law) claimant, complain- dem6tico, ca, a. demotic, said of Egyptian
ant, plaintiff. writing.
demandar, va. to demand, ask, petition, re- demudacidn,/. change, alteration.
quest, solicit to wish for, desire ; (law) to
; demudar, va. to alter, change, vary ; to
claim to enter an action.
; cloak, disguise. vr. to be changed ; to
demarcacldn, /. demarcation. change colour suddenly, or the expression
demarcador, n\. designator, surveyor. of countenance.
demarcar, va. to mark out confines or limits, demuelo, yo demuela (»Vr. from demoler).
to survey. demuestro, yo demuestre {in: from de-
demits, a. when preceded by
either of the mostrar).
articles it denotes the rest, the
lo, la, loi, Ui, demulcente, a. & m. (med.) demulcent,
others, the balance.In the plural, however. emollient.
It sometimes drops the article, as Jaan y denante, denantes, adv. (obs.) V. antes.
demis compa&eroi, John and other friends. — denario, m. Roman denarius.
adv. over, besides, moreover : estar demii, to denario, ria, a. tenth, containing ten.
be useless or superfluous por demit, use- : dendrita,/. (min.) dendrite, fossil.
lessly, in vain : por lo dem4>, aside from dendritiCO, ca, a. dendritic.
this, in other respects. dendrografia, /. dendrology.
demasia,/. excess, surplus, su{>erabundance dendrbmetro, m. (math.) dendrometer.
boldness, audacity, insolence; badness, in- denegacibn, /. denial, refusal, denegation.
iquity, guilt affront (min. ) space between
; dene^ar, va. {ind. denieoo prel. DKNEGuft; :

two claims en demaila, excessively.

: subj. deniegue) to deny, reiuse, denegate.

a M iB far ; e in eh 1 ; 1 in police ; o in for ; n (n bull ; c (before e, 1) and S as th In thick ; b and d, soft;

tfene^ecer, va. {ind. denegrezco subj. : dentici6n[cien-te-thie-oii'],/. dentition teething.
denegrezca) to blacken, darken. denticular, a. dentiform, tooth-like, den«
denegrido, da, a. blackened, denigrated. tigerous ; denticulate, toothed.
pp. of DENEORIR. denticulo, m. (arch.) denticle, dentil.
denegrir, va. V. denegrecer. dentifrico, ca, a. dentifrice.
dengOSO, sa, a. finicky, fastidious, jvernice. dentirrostros, m.pi. (zool.) dentirostres.
dengue, m. fastidiousness, prudery sort of ; dentista, m. dentist.
woman's cape with long points boat used ; dentivano, na, a. having long and large
in the sardine-fishery ; dengue, or break- teeth (horses).
bone fever affectation. ; dentOlabial, a. (gram.) dentilabial.
denguero, ra, a. prudish, affected. V. den- dentdn, na, a. (coll.) having large uneven
GOSO. teeth. m. sea-fish of the sparus family.
deniego, yo deniegue {irr. from denegar). dentrambOS, contraction of de entramboB, ol
denigracion, /. denigration, stigma, dis- both, from both.
grace. dentro, adv. inside, within por dentro or por :

denigrar, va. to denigrate, revile, calum- dedentro, in the interior hacia dentro, into :

niate, defame, expose, censure ; to insult, the interior, toward the centre k dentro, :

affront. inside de dentro, from inside with en and

: ;

denigrativamente, adv. injuriously, in- de forms prepositions dentro en, in the in- :

famously. terior of: dentro de, inside of: dentro del

denigratiVO, va, a. blackening, stigmatiz- afio, in the course of the year dentro de poco, :

ing. shortly.
denodadamente, adv. boldly, resolutely. dentudo, da, a. having large uneven teeth.
.ilenodado, da, a. bold, intrepid, audacious. denudacidn, /. (geol.) denudation, laying
.ienominacibn, /. denomination. bare.
^ienominadamente, adv. distinctly, defini- denudar, va. (geol. ) to denude.
tively. denuedo, m. boldness, audaciousness, cour«
ilenomiliador, m. (arith.) denominator. age, intrepidity.
denomlnar, va. to denominate, to give a denuestO, m. affront, insult.
name. denuesto, denueste {irr. from denostar).
denomlnatiVO, va, a. denominative. denuncia, /. denunciation, arraignment, ac-
denostadamente, adv. ignominiously, in- cusation ; announcement, declaration, proc-
sultinglv. lamation ;
(min. ) act of denouncing a mine.
denostador, m. vilifier, railler, reviler. denunclable, a. fit to be denounced.
denostar, va. {ind. denuesto subj. de- : denunciacibn [deh-noon-thie-ah-thie-on'], /. de-
nueste) to insult with foul language, to re- nunciation,denouncement. V. denuncia
vile, to abuse. and delaci6n.
denoiacl6n,/. designation, denotation. denunciador, m. denunciator, accuser, an-
denotar, va. to denote, signify, express ; to nouncer, denouncer.
explain. denunciar [<ieh-nooii-thie-ar'],
va. to advise, give
denotative, va, denoting, denotative. a. notice ; to denounce to prognosticate, lore- ;

densamente, adv. closely, densely. tell to pronounce, denunciate, proclaim,


densidad, /. density, closeness, compactness, publish solemnly to denounce a mine. ;

grossness obscurity, confusion, darkness.

; denunciatoriO, ria, a. denunciatory.
densimetro, m. densimeter. denuncio, m. (min.) denouncement.
denso, sa, a. dense, thick close, compact. : Deo gracias (Lat.),m. salutation on enter-
dentado, da, a. furnished with teeth den- ;
ing a house.
ticulated, dentated, serrated, toothed cre- ; Deo VOlente, or (D. V.) (Lat.) God willing,
nated, indented; cogged, pronged.—^p. of deparar, va. to offer, afford, furnish, pre-
DENTAR. sent.
dentadura,/. set of teeth, false or natural. departamentO, m. department, compart-
dental, dental, belonging to the teeth
a. ment, section, separate part, office, division ;
(gram. ) dental. m. bed to which the plough- branch of the government province, dis- ;

share is fixed (agr. ) teeth of a rake fork,

; ;
subdivision of a country extent of
trict, 01 ;

used to separate the straw from corn. country under the jurisdiction of the admi-
dentar, va. {ind. diento subj. diente) to : ral commanding in chief any of the four
tooth to furnish with teeth, clogs, or
; arsenals in Spain, viz. : Coru&a, Ferrol, Car-
prongs to indent to cut into teeth. vn. to
; ; tagena, and C&diz.
teeth, to cut teeth. departidor, ra, m. & f. one who converses,
dentarla, (hot.) tooth-wort.
./". interlocutor.
denteclllo, m. dim. small tooth. departir, vn. to speak, chat, talk, converse,
dentejbn, m. yoke for oxen. commune.
dentellada, /. gnashing of teeth ; bite, nip, depauperar, va. to depauperate, impover-
seizure with the teeth impression made by , ish ;
(med. ) to debilitate, weaken, exhaust.
the teeth k dentelladas, with the teeth.
: depenaencia [deU-pen-deu'-thie-ahl, /. depend-
dentelladO, da, a. denticulate, deatilated, ence, dependency ; subordination to supe-
dented, serrated, toothed bitten or wound- ; rior power ; branch office ; business, affair,
ed with the teeth.—^. of dentellar. trust, charge ; continuity, connection, close-
dentellar, vn. to gnash, to grind or snap the ness dependence, relation; (arch.) out-

teeth. buildings ; relations by consanguinity or

denteUear, va. to bite, to fix the teeth in any- affinity.—p^ accessories.
thing. depender, vn. to depend, to rely upon.
dentelldn, m. piece of a door-lock; (arch.) dependiente, pa. dependent, subordinate.
dentil. — m. employee, clerk.
dentera,/. tooth edge ;
(coll.) envy dar den-
: dependientemente, adv. dependently. |
tera, to set one's teeth on edge ; to cause great depilatorio, a, a.depilatory.
desire or longing. deplorable, «. 'deplorable, lamentable, car
dentezuelo, m. dim. little tooth. lamitous, iiopeless, mournful.

g (before e, 1) and J as h In hot; h. silent; 11 In brilliant; fi, ny In canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled: B,
deplorablemente, adv. deplorably, mourn- depurar, va. to depurate, cleanse, purify,
fully, sorrowfully. filter.
deplorar, va. to deplore, lament, bewail, be- depuratiVO, va, a. (med.) depurant, depu«
moan, condole, mourn, regret. rative, purifying, antiscorbutic.
deponente, pa. depose r, deponent. — o. deputar, va. v. diputar.
(gram.) deponent. deO|,ue [deh'-kehj, adc. (coll. ) sincc that, imme-
deponer, {pp. va. tepuesto : ind. DEPON- diately that.
GO pret. depuse
: : Jut. depondre : subj. derecera, /. straight way or road to a
deponga) to lay by, separate, put aside to ; place.
depose, remove from oflice (law) to declare,
; derecha,/. right hand, right side ; con.serva-
attest, to take down, remove a
; tive (political) party : k la derecha, to the
thing to evacuate the bowels.
right, on the right-hand side (mil.) right ;

depopulador, w. depopulator, devastator. about : k derechas or i. las derechas, right,

deportacidn,/. deportation, transportation, well done, as it ought to be honestly, right- ;

bauishmeut. ly, justly 4 tuertas 6 derechas, right or


deportar, va. to transport, exile, banish. wrong, inconsiderately.

deporte, m. diversion, amusement, pastiaie, derechamente, adv. directly, full, straight
recreation. rightly, prudently, honestly, Justly, express^
deposicl6ll[(ieh-po-8e-thie-on'],/. declaration, as- ly, formally, legally.
sertion, affirmation ; deposition, degrada- derechera, /. direct or straight road, short
tion from dignity or station ; (law) deposi- cut.
tion, testimony upon oath ; alvine evacua- derechero, m. clerk who collects fees.
tion. derecho, Cha, a. right, even, straight,
depositador, m. depositor. straightforward ; right, opposite to the left
deposltante, pa. depositing, depositor. just, lawful, well-grounded, reasonable, le-
lepositar, va. to deposit, place for safe-keep- gitimate (mech.) standing, upright hecho

ing, give in trust ; to impart, intrust, con- y derecho, perfect, absolute, complete true, ;

fide ; to put a person in a position where he certain without doubt derecha la cafia,
; :

may manifest his will ; to inclose, contain ; (naut.) right the helm.
to place a corpse in a receiving vault ; to lay derecho, m. right, justice, law, equity dere- :

aside, put away ; (chem.) to settle. cho divino, candnico, civil, or municipal, di-
depositaria, /. depository sub-treasury ; ;
vine, canonical, civil, or municipal law;
dignity and office of a depositary trust. ; just claim exemption, freedom, frank, ;

deposltario, ria, a. relating to a deposi- grant, privilege road, path right side of ; ;

tory.— OT. &/. depositary, trustee, receiver. cloth aegan derecho, according to law d»
: :

depdsitO, m. deposit, trust, depository derecho, by right derecho administrativo, :

(com.) store, warehouse, depot (mech.) ;

collection of ordinances, regulations, ^'.c-:
chamber (chem.) deposit, precipitate, sedi-
derecho de gentes, common law, interna-
ment (geol.) deposition: depbsito de agua,
tional law derecho penal, criminal law.

tank, reservoir: en dep68ito, in bond. pi. derechos, fees, dues, tariff duties dere- :

depravaci6n, /. depravation, depravity. choB de aduana, custom-house duties dere- :

depravadamente, adv. depravedly. chos de anclaje, anchorage dues derech*t :

depravado, Clb^pp. & «. bad, depraved, lewd. consulares, consular fees derechos de muelle :

depravador, m. depraver, corrupter. wharfage, pierage derechos de puerto, har- :

depravar, va. to deprave, vitiate, corrupt, bour dues, port dues derechos de remolque, :

contaminate, spoil. towage derechos de deposito or de almace-


deprecacl6ll, j. petition, prayer, request, nage. storage derechos reales, inheritance :

entreaty, deprecation, conjuration. tax duty on transfer of real estate,


deprecahte, pa. supplicating, deprecating, derecho, adv. V. derechamente.

{Heading. derechuelo, m. first seams taught to little
deprecar va. {pret. depreque subj. DEPRE- : girls.
que) to entreat, implore, deprecate. derechura, /. straightness en derechura, by :

deprecative, va, deprecatorio, ria, a. the most direct road as the crow flies. ;

cfeprecative, deprecatory. deriva, /, (naut.) ship's course, deviation,

depreciacl6n, /. depreciation. drift.
depreciar, va. to depreciate, to reduce the derivacidn, /, derivation, descent, deduc-
price- to undervalue. draining of water, turning
tion, inference ;

depredacl6n, depredation, plundering,

/. course; (gram.) derivation.
of its
laying waste, pillage malversation com- ; derlvadO, da, «. (gram.) derivative.
mitted by guardians or trustees. derivar, ^'n. &. vr. to derive, emanate, proceed
depredador, ra, m. &/. robber, destroyer. . from, descend from. vn. (naut.) to drift.
depredar, va. to rob, pillage, depredate. va. to guide, lead, conduct to derive, de- ;

depresibn, /. depression, pressing down ; duce, trace anything from its origin,
(ast. and naut.) depression (com.) dulness, ; derivativo, va, a. derivative.
decline. dermalgia,/. neuralgia of the skin.
depresiVO, va, a. depressive, lowering, dermatitis, f. dermatitis.
depresor, ra, a. depressor, one who or that dermatiologia, /. dermatology.
which abates or humiliates. dermatologico, ca, a. dermatologicaL
deprimir, va. to depress, to humble, depreci- dermatologo, m. dermatologist.
ate, belittle. dermatosis, /. dermatosis.
de profondis, m. the 130th psalm, sung at dermis, derm, dermis, skin.

funerals. derogacibn, /. derogation, annulment, revo-

depuestO, pp. irr. of DEPONER. cation, repeal deterioration, diminution. ;

depurable, a. purifiable, capable of cleans- derogado, da,'«. A pp. of dkrogar; dero-

ing. gated, revoked, repealed.
depui'aci6ll,/. depuration, purification. derogar, va. {pret. derogu^ : subj. derogite)
d3puradO, da, «. depurate, cleansed, puri- to derogate, alwlish, annul, revoke, repeal ;

livd. Jtji. OfDEPUKAK. to reform to remove. ;

a 88 ill far : e in eh t : 1 in pollea : o in ter : h in bull : c (before e, i) and z ai th In thick ; b ami d, soft
ddrogatorio, ria, a. derogatory, annulling, derrlengo, yo derriengue {irr. from de,
repealing. rrengar).
derrabadura,/. wound made in docking the derrito, derrita {irr. from derretir).
tail of an animal. derrocadero, m. rocky precipice.
derrabar, va. to dock the tail. derrocamientO, m. precipitation; over-
derrama, /. apportionment of an assessment, throw.
tax, or contribution. derrocar, va. to precipitate or fling down
derramadamente, adv. profusely, lavishly, from a rock to pull down, demolish ; ta

disorderly, confusedly. pull one down from his station.

derramadero, ra, a. v. vertedero. derrochador, m. prodigal, spendthrift,
derramado, da, «. prodigal, spendthrift. squanderer.
derramador, ra, «. prodigal, waster. derrochar, va. to dissipate, waste, squander.
derramamiento, m. pouring out, wasting, derroche, m. waste, dissipation, destruction,
lavishing, effusion, waste, spilling, shed- squaudering.
ding, overflow, dispersion, scattering, derrota, /. road, path, track; (naut.) ship's
spreading derramamiento de l&grimas, flood
: course; (mill.) rout or defeat of an army;
of tears. overthrow.
lerramar, va. to pour out to leak to spill, ; ; derrotar, va. to dissipate, waste away, wear
scatter, waste, shed to apportion taxes to ; ; away; to ruin one's health or fortune;
publish, to spread news. vr. to overflow, (naut.) to cause to drift (mil.) to route, to :

run over, leak, disembogue to be scattered ; defeat,

to fly abroad.
or spread
; derrote, m. thrust of a bull's horn.
derrame, m. etfusion, overflow, waste, shed- derrotero, w. (naut.) collection of sea-
ding portion of liquor or seed lost in
charts; ship's course; (naut.") navigatioa
measuring; leakage; (arch.) chamfreting, tracks course, way or plan of life, conduct_^

splay; declivity, slope; (naut.) draft of a or action.

sail; outlet of a ravine, driftway; (med.) derrubiar, va. to undermine or wash away r
effusiorr, discharge. river bank.
derramo, m. (arch.) chamfreting, splay, derrubio, m. alluvion, alluvium.
flare, bevel, flanning of a door or window. derruir, va. {ind. derruyo : subj. derruya)
derraspadO, a. beardless (wheat). to demolish, tear down, raze, destroy, ruin.
derredor, m. circumference, circuit: al de- V. derribar.
rredor or en derredor, adv. round about. derrumbadero, m. precipice; craggy, steep,,
derrelicto, ta, pp. irr. of perrelinquir ; and broken ground ; arduous affair.
andabandoned, derelict.
a. derrumbamientO, m. precipitation land- ;

derrelinqulr, va. {pp. derrelicto de- : ind. collapse of a building.

slide ;

RREHNCO : subj. derrklinca) to abandon, derrumbar, va. to precipitate, to throw down

forsake. headlong. vr. to precipitate one's self head-
derrenegar, vn. (for irr. V. negar) (coll.) long; to sink down, crvir^hle away, tumble
to hate, detest, loathe, abhor. down (buildings).
derrengada,/. (prov.) step in dancing. derriimbe.m. tumbling down, collapse; land-
derrengado, da, a. incurvated, bent, crook- slide.
ed lame, crippled.—pp. of derrengar.
; derviche, m. dervish.
derrengadura, /. dislocation of the hip; des, prefix corresponding with the Latin di».
lameness. desabarrancar, vu. {formut. v. abarran-
derrengar, va. {ind. derrienso: subj. de- car) to drag, draw, or puU out of a ditch .
rriengue) to sprain the hip, to strain the to disentangle, to extricate from.
spine, to break the back, to cripple to bend, ; desabastecer, va. {formut. V. abastecer)
make crooked ; to knock the fruit off a not to supply a place with provisions.
tree. desabejar, va. to remove bees from hives.
derrengo, m. stick with which fruits are desabill6, m. dishabille, undress, morning-
knocked off. gown.
derreniego, w. (coll.) V. reniegc. desabitar, va. (naut.) to unbitt.
derretido, da, a. enamoured, deeply in love. desabollador, m. instrument used by tin-
—pp. of DERRETIR plomo derretido, molten : workers tinker, planisher. ;

lead. desabOllar, va. to tinker.

derretimientO, m. thaw, liquefaction, fu- desabonarse, vr. to revoke a subscription.
sion, melting consuming love or passion.
; desabono, m. withdrawal of a subscription ;

derretir, va. {ind. derrito subj. derrita) : prejudice, injury.

to liquefy, to melt, to dissolve, to fuse, to desabor, m. insipidity, want of taste.
smelt, to found, to cast; (coll.) to change desabordarse, vr. (naut.) to get clear of »
money; to cnsume, expend, waste, ex- ship which has run foul of one's vessel.
haust. vr. to be deeply in love to fall in ; desaborido, da, a. tasteless, insipid with- ;

love very easily to liquefy, fuse, melt, deli-

; out substance ;
(coll.) dull, witless.
quate to grow tender, loving, or spoony ;
: desabotonar, va. to unbutton. vn. to blow,
to be full of impatience. to bloom, to blossom.
derribado, a. having round and low but- desabozar, va. (naut.) to unstopper.
tocks (horses). pp. of derribar. desabridamente, adv. without taste or
derribador, m. feller of beeves at abattoirs. flavour.
derribar, va. to demolish, tear down to ; desabrido, da, a. tasteless, insipid sour,. ;

throw down, knock down, fell to over- ; peevish ;

kicking (gun) ; bleak, sharp.
throw, lay flat, lodge, prostrate to strike ; desabrigadamente, adv. nakedly, without
down a bull with a pike on horseback to ; coveringwithout shelter. ;

depose, displace to subject, subdue a pas-

; desabrigado, da, pp. & a. uncovered shel- ;

sion. vr. to tumble down, to throw one's terless harbourless without support.
; ;

self on the grouud. desabrigar, {for mut. v. abriqar) to

derribo, m. demolition, pulling down ; ruins uncover; to strip; to deprive of shelter or
of a demolished building. harbour.
'^before e, <) aud J as h <n hot ; h. silent ; 11 in brilliant : &. ny in canyon ; r (inlttal) and rr trtUed : t, bii
(tesabrlgo, m. nudity, nakedness ; want of lo take down fences to raise or withdraw

shelter or harbour destitution.

; a prohibition ; to withdraw from an agree,
desabrimlentO, m. insipidity, want of taste ment ; among boys, to play without condi-
or flavo"'- . flatness ; asperity of temper, tions or rules ; to reject, refuse.
rudenesg >^ manners despondency, lowness
; desacotO, m. taking fences off a pasture*
of spirit* ; recoil of fire-arms. ground raising a prohibition.

desabrir, va. to impart a bad taste to food desacreditar, va. to discredit to injure the ;

to vex, plague, torment, harass. credit or reputation of; to cry down, to dis-
desabrochax. va. to unclasp, to unbutton, parage.
to unfasten, open ; burst open. vr. to un- desacuerdO, m. discordance, disagreement
bosom, to reveal in confidence, to disclose. error, mistake, blunder ; forgetfulness, ob-
desacalorarse, vr. to cool off. livion mental derangement.

desacatadamente, adv. disrespectfully. desacuerdO, yo desacuerde (irr. from

desacatado, da, a. acting in a disrespectful DESACORDAR).
manner. pp. of desacatar. desacufLador, m. (print.) shooting-stick.
desacatador, ra, m. &f. irreverent, uncivil, desacuflar, va. (print.) to unwedge.
or disrespectful person. desaderezar, va. to ruffle, to disarrange.
desacatamiento, disrespect. /». desadeudar, va. & vr. to pay one's debts,
desacatar, va. to treat in a disrespectful desadorar, va. to cease to worship or love.
manner ; to desecrate, profane, dishonour. desadormecer, va. {for irr. V. adormeceri
desacatO. m. disrespect. Incivility, want of to wake, to rouse from sleep to rouse froK. ;

reverence ; desecration^ profanation. mental stupor.

desaceitado, da, a. lacking oil. desadomar, va. to divest of ornaments oc
desaceltar, va. to take off oil or grease. decorations.
desacerar, va. to unsteel. desadorno, m. want of embellishments and
desacsrbar, va. to temper, sweeten, take charms.
away harshness and bitterness. desadvertldamente, adv. inadvertently, in-
desacertadamente, adv. wrongly, errone- considerately.
ously. desadvertido, da, a. inconsiderate, impru-
desacertado, da, pp. & a. wrong, mistaken. dent unnoticed.—p^. of desadvertir.

desacertar, va. {for irr. v. acertar) to err, desadvertimiento.OT. want of prudence and
commit a mistake. reflection.
desacldificar, va. to remove acidity to neu- ; desadvertir, va. {for irr. v. advertir) \k
tralize an acid. give no heed, not to notice.
uesacierto, m. error, mistake, blunder. desafear, va. to remove or diminish ugiio
desacobardar, va. to remove fear to en- ; ness.
courage. desafeccibn [des-ah-fec-twe-on'], /. disaffecti >n.
desacollar, ra. {for irr. V. acollar) to dig desafecto, ta, disaffected ; opposed. m. dis-
up the ground about vines. affection, disaffectedneas.
desacomodadamente, adv. incommodious- desaferrar, va. (naut.) to weigh anehor; to
ly, inc<»nveniently. unfurl, unmoor, heave out to loosen any- ;

desacomodado, da, destitute of conven- a. thing that was fastened to make one change ;

iences out of employment out of serv-

; ; his opinion.
ice troublesome. ^pp. of desacomodar.
; desafladero, m. private dwelling-grouno
desacomodamlento, m. inconvenience, desafiador, ra, a. challenger, duellisi. one ,

trouble. who dares or defies.

desacomodar, va. to incommode, molest desaflanzador, ra, m. & f. one who with-
to deprive or ease or convenience to dis- ; draws security.
charge, turn out of place. vr. to lose one's desafiar, va. to challenge, to uery, to dare;
place (servants). to rival, oppose, struggle, compete, race.
desacomodO, m. discbarge ; loss of a place or desaficion,/. disaffection.
position. desaficionar, va. & vr. to destroy or lose
desacompaflXJQlieiltO, m. want of company one's desire, wish, or affection for a thing.
or society. desafijar, va. to disown as a son.
^.^sacompaflar, va. to leave the company, to desaflnacidn,/. discordance, effect of being
retire. out of tune.
desaconsejadO, da, inconsiderate, ill-ad- a. desafinadamente, acfi'. dissonantly, discord-
vised, imprudent. pp. of desaconsejar. antly.
-desaconsejar, va. to dissuade, to dehort. desannar, vn. to be inharmonious, to be out
desacoplar, m. to unfasten, disconnect, un- of tune; to speak irrelevantly. vr. to get
couple. out of tune.
desacordadamente, adv. inconsiderately, desafio, m. challenge, duel struggle, eon- ;

unadvisedly. test, combat, rivalry, competition, race.

desacordadb, da, pp. & a. (art) discordant. desaforadamente, adv. disorderly, exces-
desaccrdante, pa. discordant. sively, outrageously, impudently.
desacordar, ra. {for irr. V. acordar) to un- desaforado, da, a. disorderly, lawless, im-
tune said of musical instruments. vr. to
fmdent, outrageous huge, uncommonly ;

be forgetful. arge.—/)p. of de.saforar.

desacorde, n. discordant, disagreed. desaforar, va. to encroach upon one's rights,
desacorralar, va. to let the flock or cattle to infringe one's privileges (mil.) to cash- ;

out of the penfold to bring a bull into the

; ier ; to be outrageous or disorderly.
ring or open field. desaforrar, va. to take off the lining (naut.) ;

desacostumbradamente, adv. unusually. to unserve, to unsheath.

desacostumbrado, da, a. unusual, unac- desafortunado.da, a. unfortunate, unlucky.
customed.— />/?. of DKSACOSTUMBRAR. desafuero, m. excess, outrage, open violence,
desacostumbrar, va. to disuse, to drop or downright injustice, infraction of law.
lose the custom. desagarrar, va. (coll.) to release, to let
desacotar, va. to lay open a pasture-ground ;

r* inSKt : • in eb I : i la police ; O In for : ate bnll ; C (before e, '' vai z as tb In thick ; b and 4. aoft;
desagitadera, /. instrument used in remov- casioned by liquefying their fat througli
ing noney-com b. overheating them.
desagitar, va, to remove honey-combs from desainar, va. to remove the fat of an animal
the hive. to lessen or diminish the thickness or sub-
desagraciado, da, a. ungraceful, inelegant. stance of anything. vr. to lose fat.
—pp. of DKSAGRACIAR. desairadameilte, adv. unhandsomely, grace'
desagraciar, m. to deform, disfigure, make lessly.
ungraceful. desairado, da, a. unhandsome, graceless
desagradable a. disagreeable, unpleasant, disregarded, slighted, unrewarded, unsuc-
uuc<jiuf»jrtable. CeSSful.^pp. of DESAIRAR.
desagradablemente, ado. disagreeably. desairar, va. to disregard, to slight, to take
desagradar, va. to displease, ottend. no notice to disrespect, to rebutF.

desagradecer, va. {Jorin: v. agradecer) to desaire, m. slight, rebuff, disdain, disrespect;

be ungrateful. awkwardness.
desagradecidamente, adv. ungratefully. desaislarse, vr. to cease to be insulated.
desagradecido, da, i^p- ^ «• ungrateful. desajustar [<ie8-ah-iioo«'-tar], va. to mismatch
desagradecimiento, m. ingratitude. unfit, disarrange, disadjust.— vr. to disagree
desagrado, m. discontent, displeasure. to withdraw from an agreement ; to be ou*
desagravlar, va. to give satisfaction, make of order, as a door, a shutter, etc.
amends to indemnify. ; desajuste [des-ah-hoos'-tay], m. disarrangement,
desagraviO, m. relief, satisfaction for an in- lack of adjustment ; disagreement.
jury compensation for damages vindica-
; ; desalabanza, /. vituperation, depreciation.
tion. desalabar, va. to dispraise, to censure, d«
desagregacibn, /. separation, disintegra- predate.
tion, segregation. desalabear, va. (carp.) to straighten a
desagregar, {for mut. V. agregar) to
va. warped plank or board.
disjoin, separate, disintegrate, segregate. desalabeo, «*. (carp.) straightening.
desagrlar, va. to neutralize acidity ; to desaladamente, adv. anxiously, swiftly,
sweeten, mollify to appease. ; eagerly.
desaguadero, m. channel, drain, waste-pipe, desaladura, /. (chem.) v. desalaz6n,
outlet drain of money.
; desalar, va. to cut the wings. vr. to
ofl' run
desaguador, m. small drain for irrigation. or walk swiftly ; to be in great haste ; to
desaguar, va. to drain, to empty to squan- ; long for, to crave ; to take the salt out of
der, waste. vn. to flow, disembogue. vr. to fish, meat, etc. vr. (chem.) to precipitate
discharge by vomits or stools. from solutions (as salts) ; (naut.) to mak©
desaguazar, va. to drain the water from any sea-water drinkable.
part. desalaz6n,/. (chem.) removing the salt from
desagUe, m. drainage ; channel, drain, out- a liquid.
let ;
waste. desalbardar, va. to take off the pack-saddle
desagulsado, da, lawless, illegal, unjust. a. froma beast of burden.
— m. offence, injury, wrong, outrage. desalentadamente, adv. faintly, feebly.
desaherrojar, va. to unchain, unshackle. desalentador, ra, «. dispiriting, discoun
desahijar laes-aii-e-har'], va. to wean ; to sepa- aging.
rate the young from the dams. vr. to breed desalentar, va. {for irr. v. alentar) to put
swarms (bees). one out of breath by labour to discourage, ;

desallitarse, vr. to relieve indigestion. to dismay, to damp. vr. to jade.

desaho^adamente, adv. freely, unobstruct- desalfombrar, va. to take up carpets.
edly in a brazen-faced manner.
; desalforjar, va. to take anything out of a
desahogado, da, a. petulant, impudent, saddle-bag. it. (coll.) to loosen one's gar-
brazen-faced, licentious clear, free, un- ; ments to make one's self easy.

encumbered in comfortable circumstances ;

; desalbajar, va. to strip a room of fine furni-
(naut.) having sea-room. pp. of desaho- ture.
GAR. desaliento, m. dismay, depression of spirits,,
desahogar, va. {for mut. v. ahogar) to ease discouragement, dejection ; faiutness, lan-
pain, to alleviate distress. ?'r. to recover — guor.
from fatigue or disease to unbosom, to dis- ; desaliento. yo desallente {irr. from des-
close one's grief; to give a piece of one's alentar).
mind to express one's feelings to extricate
; ; desallneacldn, /. bad alignment.
one's self from debt. desalinear, va. to destroy the lineation to ;

desahogo, m. ease, alleviation from pain, disarrange the alignment.

work, or affliction unbosoming or disclos- ; desaliiliadamente, adv. slovenly, uncleanly.
ing one's troubles or grief; freedom of desalifiar, va. & vr. to disarrange, disorder,
speech, vent laxity ; comfortable circum-
; ruffle to make one slovenly or dirty.

stances. desallilO, m. slovenliness, negligence of

desahuciadamente, adv. hopelessly. dress disarray
; carelessness, neglect. pL

deSabUCiadO, da ides-ah-oo-tlue-aJi'Kloh], a. de- desalinos, very long ear-rings.

spaired of, hopeless.—pp. of desahuciau. desalivacibn,"/. salivation.
desahuciar [.ifsah-oo-thie-ar'i, va. to take away desalivar, vn. to salivate.
all hopes of obtaining a thing to give over ; desalmadamente, adv. soullessly, inhu«
to declare a patient past recovery ; to dis- manly.
possess or oust a tenant. desalmado, da, soulless, inhuman, niercio
desahUCiO [des-ah-oo'-thie-o], m. dispossession of less impious, profligate.—pp. of desalmar^

a tenant. desalmamientO, m. inhumanity, impiety,.

desahumado, da, a. mild, faded, vapid perversity.
(liquor). pp. of desahumar. desalmar, va. & vr. to long for eagerly, to
desaiiumar, va. to free from smoke, to expel crave.
smoke. desalmenado, da, a. stripped of battlement*
desainadura, /. (farr.) disease in horses, oc- or merlons.

g (before e, 1) and J as b iu hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; 2, ny in canyon r ; (initial) and rr triUed; S. blaaaA
desalmidonax, va. to take the starch out of desanimadamente, adv. spiritlessly.
linen. desanimado, da, pp. & a. (com.) dull. flat,
desalojamiento, m. dislodging. desanimar, va. to dishearten, dispirit, dis*
desalojar [des-afi-io-har'] va. to dislodge, dispos- courage ; to damp, pall, daunt. vr. to jade,
sess, oust, evict, eject. vn. to quit one's desdjlimo, m. discouragement.
lodgings to move out.
; desanudar, va. to untie, loosen a knot; ta
desalquilado, da, a. untenanted, unrented. extricate, disentangle, make clear.
desalqUllar Ides-al-kee-lar'l, va. & vr. tO leave desaiLudadura, /. untying or loosening a
or make leave a room or house for which a knot ; disentanglement.
rent was paid. desa&udar, va. k desanudar.
desalterar, va. to allay, assuage, calm down. desaOJadera [des-ah-o-hah-deli'-rali], /. woman
desalumbradamente, adv. olindly, erro- supposed to cure or dispel charms.
neously. desapacibilidad, /. unpleasantness, dis-
-desalumbrado , da, a. dazzled, rattled, agreeableness.
daze^ ;
groping in the dark. desapacible [des-ah-pa-thie'-bieh], a. disagree-
desalumDramlentO, ra. blindness, want of able, unpleasant.
judgment, foresight, or knowledge. desapaciblemente, adv. disagreeably, un»
desamable, «. not worthy of love. pleasantlv.
desamador, m. one who has ceased loving t desapadrinar, va. to disapprove^ disavow.
one who dislikes persons or things. desaparear, va. to separate a pair.
desamar, va. to love no more to ; hate, to desaparecer, va. (for irr. v. aparecer) to
detest. make disappear. vn. & vr. to disappear.
desamarrar, untie, unbind, unlash
va. to ; desaparecimientO, m. disappearance.
to separate; (naut.) to unmoor a ship; to desaparejar, va. to unharness, unhitch
unbend a rope. vr. to get loose to part. ; (naut.) to unrig a ship.
desamasado, da, a. dissolved, disunited, desaparlci6n, /. disappearance, vanishing,
unkneaded. from sight (ast.) occultation.

desamigado, da, a. unfriendly, uncon- desaparroquiar, va. to remove some one

nected. from his parish. vr. to remove from one
desamistarse, vr. to fall out, to quarrel. parish to another (com. ) to cease to be r

desamoblar, va. V. desamueblar. customer of a shop.

desamoldar, va. to unmould, to change the desapasionadamente, adv. impartially.
form, proportion, or symmetry of a thing; desapa^ionarse, vr. to root out love or fond-
disfigure. ness.
desamor, m. disregard, disaffection lack of : desapegarse, vr. to be alienated from nat-
sentiment and love enmity, hatred. ; ural affection.
desamorado, da, a. loveless, cold-hearted. desapego, m. alienation of love or affection,
—pp. of DESAMORAR. coolness impartiality, disinterestedness,

desamorar, va. to extinguish love. vr. to indifference.

cease loving. desapercibidamente, adv. inadvertently,
desamoroso, sa, a. unloving, destitute of unpreparedly.
regard or love. desapercibido, da, a. unprovided, unpre-
desamorrar, va. (coll.) to cheer up, to make pared, unguarded, careless.
one give up his obstinacy, desapercibimiento, m. unpreparedness.
desamortajar, va. to disenshroud. desapestar, va. to disinfect.
desamortizacidn, /. disentail, desapiadadamente, adv. unmercifully, im<
desamortizador, ra, a. one who disentails. piously.
desamortizar idea ah-mor-te-thar'], va. {for mut. desapladadO, da, a. merciless, impious, in-
V. amortizar) to disentail, human.
desamotinarse, vr. to withdraw from mu- desapiolar, va. to loose the strings with
tiny and sedition. which game is tied.
desamparadamente, adv. helplessly, desaplicaci6n, /. inapplication, indolence.
desamparador, ra, m. &f. one who forsakes desaplicadamentc, adv. indolently.
or abandons. desaplicado, da, a. indolent, careless, neg'
desamparar, va. to forsake, abandon, leave, lectful.
relinquish, desert to quit a place; (naut.) ; desaplomar, va. to put out of plumb.
to dismantle, dismast a ship. desapoderadamente, adv. hastily, impetu-
desamparo, m. abandonment, desertion ously.
want f protection, helplessness, forlorn- desapoderaao, da, a. furious, impetuous
ness ; dereliction. ungovernable. pp. of desapoderak.
desamuetlado, 6a., pp. &a. unfurnished, desapoderamienio, m. seizure of another's
desamueblar, va. to strip of furniture, possessions depriving or divesting of power

desanclar, desancorar, va. ^(naut.) to or authority.

weigh anchor. desapoderar, va. to dispossess, to rob one of
desandadiuu, /. going back over the same his property ; to repeal or revoke a power of
road. attorney.
desandar, va. {pret. desanduve) to retro- desapollllar, va. to free and clear of moths.
grade, to go back over the same road de- :

vr. (coll.) to take the air when it is cold or
sandar lo andado, to undo what has been after a long confinement.
done. desaporcar, va. (for mut. v. aporcar) to
desandrajado, da, a. i^^ged, in tatters. take away from plants earth which had been
desangrajniento, m. bleeding to excess. heaped about them.
desangrar, va. to bleed one to excess ; to desaposentar, va. to dispossess, oust, evict;
draw a large quantity of water from a reser- to expel a thing from one's mind,
voir to exhaust pne's means, to make poor. desaposesionar, ra. to deprive one of his
— vr.

to loose much blood. holdings.

desanidar, vn. to forsake the nest.—vo. to desapoyar, va. to remove the support of any-
dislodge from a post. thing. V. DESAPUNTALAR.

ft as la far ; e In eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; U In boll ; c (befon. e, i) and £ as tli In thick ; b and d. aoft;
desapreciar, to. to depreciate, undervalue, desarreglO, m. disarrangement, disorder,
cry down. confusion, irregularity, mismanagement;
desapreclo, m. depreciation. licentiousness, license, disorder, derange^
desaprender, unlearn.
va. to meut.
desaprensar, take away the gloss of
va. to desarrendar, va. to break up a lease to un- ;

clothes ; to extricate one's self from a press- bridle a horse. vr. to shake off the bridle.
ing difficulty. desarrimar, va. to remove, to separate to ;

desapretar, va. {for irr. V. apretar) to dissuade, to dehort.

slacKen, loosen, loose to ease, free from ; desarrimo, m. want of props or support.
anxiety and uneasiness. desarrollable, a. capable of being unfolded,
desaprisionar, va. to release, to set at lih- developed, or evolved.
erty. —cr. to extricate one's self from diffi- desarrollar, va. to uncoil, unroll, to unfold,
culties or bonds. to unfurl, spread to develop, expand, in-

desaprobaci6n,/. disapprobation, censure. crease, promote, improve to explain, ex- ;

desaprobar, va. (for irr. v. aprobar) to pound ; to work out. vr. to unfold, develop
disapprove, censure, reprove, condemn ; to (seeds, etc.) ; to evolve, grow.
negative. desarroUo, m. unfolding, development, evo»
desapropiamiento, m. alienation, V. ena- lution, spread, expansion, increase.
JENAMIENTO. desarropar, va. to uncover, to undress.
desapropiarse, vr. to alienate to transfer ; desarrugadura, /. taking out wrinkles.
one's right and property to another, to ex- desarrugar, va. {for mut. v. arrugar) to
propriate. take out wrinkles to smooth out folds.

desapropiO, m. alienation, transfer of prop- desarrmuar, va. (naut.) to break out the
erty. hold.
desaprovechadamente, adv. unprofitabiy. desarticulacidn, /. disarticulation.
desaprovechado, da, pp. & a. unprofitable desarticular, va. & vr. to disarticulate;
unimproved backward. ; (naut.) to loose, disconnect.
desaprovecliamiento, m. unimprovement desartillar, va. to take the guns out of a
inapplication, negligence. ship or fortress.
desaprovechar, va. to waste, misspend, fail desarzonar, va. to throw from the saddle, to
to improve, make no use of. vn. to be back- unhorse.
ward, to make little or no progress. desasado, da, a. without handles.
desapruebo, yo desapruebe {irr. from desaseadamente, adv. uncleanly, slovenly.
desaprobar). desaseado, da, pp. & a. slovenly, unclean,
desapuntalar, va. to take away the props or shabby.
supports. desasear, va. to make
dirty or unclean ; to
desapuntar, va. to unstitch, to rip up; to discompose, to disorder.
lose one's aim. desasegurar, va. to loosen, unbrace, make
desaquellarse [(ies-ah-kehi-iyar'-sehi, vr. to be- unsteady. vj-. (Amer.) to cancel life or tire
come disheartened-, dispirited. insurance.
desarbolar, va. (naut.) to unmast a ship; desasentar, va. {for irr. V. to dis- sentar)
(agr.) to cut down trees. agree with, to displease, not to set well. vr.
desarbolo, m. unmasting a ship or laying to stand up.
her up in ordinary. desaseo, m. uncleanliness, dirtiness, care-
desarenar, va. to clear a place of sand. lessness, slovenliness, shabbiness.
desareno, m. clearing a place of sand. desasimiento, m. loosening or letting loose ;
desarmado, da, a. unarmed, defenceless, alienation of affection or love ; disregard,
bare. pp. of desarmar. disinterestedness.
desarmador, m. hammer of a gun. desasir, va. {for irr. V. asir) to loosen, let
desarmadura, /. desarmamiento, m. dis- go, give up. vi\ to disengage or extricate
arming. one's self; to give away, give up property.
desarmar, va. to disarm to prohibit the ; desasnar, va. (coll.) to instruct, polish one's
carrying of arms to undo a thing, to take ; manners.—vr. to grow clever ; become polite.
it apart to disband a body of troops ; to dis-
; desasociable, a. unsociable.
naount a cross-bow to dismount cannon to ; ; desasosegadamente, adv. uneasily.
make a bull butt in the air to pacify, to dis- ; desasosegar, va. {for irr. V. sosegar) to dis-
arm wrath or vengeance (naut.) to lay up. : quiet, to disturb.
desarme, m. disarming or ships or troops. desasosiegO, m. restlessness, want of tran-
dssarraigar, va. {for mut. v. arraigar) to quility, uneasiness.
eradicate, root out ; to dig up a tree to ex- ; desastradamente, adv. wretchedly, disas.
tirpate, destroy, exterminate ; to expel. trously.
desarraigO, m. eradication ; expulsion from desastfadO, da, a. wretched, miserable, un«
a country. fortunate, ragged, tattered.
desarrancarse, vr. to desert, to separate desastre, m. disaster, catastrophe, misfor-
from a body or association. tune.
desarrapado, da, a. ragged. desastrosamente, adv. disastrously.
desarrebozadamente,a</r. frankly, clearly. desastroso, sa, a. unfortunate, disastrous,
desarrebozar, t'a. &vr. to unmume; to lay desatacar, va. {for mut. V. atacar) to
open, manifest, uncover. loosen, untie, unfasten, unbutton, unclasp;
desarrebujar, va. to disentangle to unfold, ; to draw the ramrod from a fire-arm. vr. to
spread out to uncover ; to explain, to ; unfasten one's trousers.
clear up. desatadamente, adv. loosely, freely,
desarregladamente, adv. disorderly. desatado, da, a. loose, unbound, untied.—
desarreglado, da, pp. & a. immoderate, in- pp. of desatar.
temperate extravagant, excessive sloven,
; ; desatador, ra, a. he who or that which uo'
disordered, disarranged lawless, unruly. ; ties or unfastens.
desarreglar, va. to disarrange, derange, dis- desatadura, /. untying, loosening.
order, discompose. desatancar, va. {pret. desatanqu6: subj^

g (btt'^re e, i) and 1 as h in hot; h, silent; 11 in brilliuit; ft, ay in canyon; r (initial) and rr trlUed; s, lUssedr.
desatanque) to clear conduits of obstruc- desaturdir, ra. to rouse from a state of diz«
tions. ziness or stupor.
desatar, va. to untie, undo a knot, unfasten, desautoridad, /. want of authority.
unhitch loose, loosen, or unbind ; to sepa-
; desautorizadamente, adv. without author-
rate, to detach ; t^ let loose ; to liquefy, to ity.
dissolve ; to unriddle, solve, find out, un- des'autorizadO, da, a. unauthorized.
ravel. vr. to give a loose rein to one's desautorlzar, va. {for mut. V. autorizar)
tongue ; to lose all reserve, fear, or bash- to disauthorize.
fulness; to break loose, break out (as a desavabadO, da, a. clear, free from fogs,
storm). clouds, or vapours.—p/). of desavahar.
disatascar, va. {/or mut. V. atascar) to desavauamientO, m. uncovering a hot
pull or draw out of the mud to remove an ;
thing to let it cool.
obstruction from a conduit; to extricate desavahar, va. to expose to the air, to evap-
from difficulties. orate, to let cool off; to air, ventilate. vr. to
desataviar, va. to strip off ornaments and grow lively or sprightly.
decorations. desaveclndado, da, a. deserted, unpeopled.
desataviO, m. uncleanliness, disarray. —pp. of DESAVECINDARSE.
d6Sate, m- glibness, excessive talk, disorderly desaveclndarse, vr. to change one's domi-
proceeding : deaate de vientre, looseness of cile, to move.
the bowels. desavenencia,/. discord, disagreement, mis-
desatenci6n,/. inattention, absence of mind, understanding, misintelligence.
abstraction ; disrespect, slight, discourtesy. desavengo, yo desavenga (irr. from de*
desatender, m. {/or irr. v. atender) to pay AVENIR).
no attention, to be unheedful or unmind- desavenldo, da, a. discordant, disagreeing.
ful ; to disregard, slight, contemn, neglect; —pp. of DESAVENIR.
to take no notice of a person or thing. desavenir, va. {for irr. V. VENIR) to dis-
desatentadamente, adv. disorderly, con- compose, disconcert, unsettle. vr, to dis-
fusedlyinconsiderately, unadvisedly.
agree, to quarrel.
lesatentado, da, a. inconsiderate, unad- desaventajadamente, adv. disadvanta-
vised imprudent, heedless excessive, rig-
; ; geously, unprofitably.
orous, disordered. ^pp. of desatentar. desaventdjado, da, a. disadvantageous, un-
desatentameute, adv. disrespectfully, un- profitable.
civilly. desavlar, va. to mislead, to lead astray ; to
desatentar, va. {for irr. v. atentar) to per- strip of necessaries or conveniences. rr. to
turb the mind, to perplex, confuse, derange. go astray ; to lose the means of acquiring
desatento, ta, a. inattentive, careless, heed- necessaries.
less, thoughtless; rude, unmannerly, dis- desaviO, m. leading or going astray wan*, ;

courteous, uncivil. of necessary means for attaining some

desp,tesorar, spend the treasure. va. to end.
desatiendo, yo desatienda {irr. from des- desavisado, da, a. ill-advlsed, unadvised,
atender). misguided.—pp. of desavisar.
desatibar, va. (min.) V. desatorar. desavlsar, va. to contradict former advice
desatiento, m. tactlessness restlessness, un- ; to countermand.
ea!<iiiess, worr}\ desayudar, va. to prevent one from being
desatierre, m. (min.) dumping-ground. aided.
desatinadameilte, adv. inconsiderately, in- desayunado, da, a. one who has breakfast-
discreetly ; extravagantly, disproportion- ed.—pp. of DESAYUNAR.
ately. desayunarse, vr. to breakfast to have first ;

desatinado, da, extravagant, nonsensical,

a. intelligence.
crazy, foolish, irregular, wild.—pp. of desa- desaynno, m. light breakfast.

tixar. m. &f. idiot, fool, madcap. desazogar, va. {for mut. V. azogar) to take
desatinar, va. to rattle, to confuse, to be- off the quicksilver from a looking-glass. vr.
wilder. vn. to act or talk foolishly, incon- (Peru) to become unquiet, restless.
siderately to get rattled or bewildered ; to
; desaz6n, .f. insipidity, want of taste or fla-
lose one's bearings. vour ; disgust, displeasure ; disquietness.
desatlno, m. lack of tact, adroitness, or ad- uneasiness, restlessness unfitness of a soil ;

dress unwisdom foolish act or expression,

; ; for agricultural purposes.
irrelevancy nonsense, folly, error. ; desazonadO, da, pp. &a. (agr.) unfit for cul-
desatolondrar, va. to bring one to his senses. tivation; peevish, ill-humoured ; indisposed.

(/•. to recover one's senses.
desazonar, va. to render tasteless ; to disgust,
lesatollar, va. to pull out of the or mud vex, ruffle. vr. to become indisposed.
mire. V. des atascar. desbabar, vn. to drivel, to slaver.
iesatontarse, vr. to recover one's self from desbagar, ta. {pret. desbagu6 subj. DES- :

3tuj:>efactiun. bague) to extract the flax-seed from th«

desatorar, (naut.) to break out the hold
va. ;
(min.) to clear a gallerv from rubbish. desballjamieiltO, m. plundering of a port-
desatornillar, ra. to unscrew. manteau.
desatracar, va. (for mut. V. atracar) desbalijar, va. to plunder a portmanteau of
(iKiut.) to sheer off, to bear away. its contents.
desatraer, ra. {for irr. V. TRAER) to disjoin, desbancar, va. {pret. desbanqu* mbj. des- :

separate. banque) to clear a room of benches, etc. ;

desatraillar, uncouple hounds, va. to among gamblers, to break the bank to cir- ;

desatrampar, t'o. to clear a conduit, sink cumvent one in the friendship and affcctiot
or sewer. V. desatascar. of another.
desatrancar, ra. {for mut. V. atrancar) to desbandada, /. disbandment i la desban :

unbar to clear a well or spring,

; dada, in great disorder, helter-skelter.
desatufarse, vr. to go out from a close room ; desbandarse, tT. (mil.) to disband; to <V.«
to grow calm, to allay one's passion. sert the colours.

ft u Id far : e in eli I ; 1 in polica ; o in for ; u in bull ; c (before e, i) and z as th In thiok ; b and d. soft-'
desbarahustar, desbarajustar [des-bah rah- desbragado, da, (coll.) unbreeched very
a. ;

hooB-tar' va. to disorder, confuse, mix things.

desbaranuste, desbarajuste [aes-bau-rah- deSbragUetadO[de8-brah-geh-tah'-dohl, a. having
hoos'-teiil, 771. disorder, confused medley. the fore-part of the breeches unbuttoned
desbaratadamente, adv. brokenly, dispers- and open.
edly. desbravador, ?«. mustang-breaker.
desbaratado, da, a. (coll.) debauched, cor- desbravar, desbravecer, va. to tame, to
rupted.— m>. of DESBARATAR. break in (horses). vn. to lose some part of
desbaratador, ra, m. & /. destroyer, con- the fierceness to diminish the strength or

founder, disturber ; debaucher, force of anything, to mollify, moderate,

desbaratamiento, m. perturbation, commo- abate.
tion, discomposure. desbrazarse, vr. to stretch out the arms
desbaratar, va. to destroy, break to pieces, violently.
smash, spoil, ruin to waste, misspend, dis-; desbrevarse, vr. to evaporate, to lose body
sipate, squander ; to cross, impede, disturb, and strength (wine).
prevent, thwart; (mil.) to disperse, rout, desbridamiento, in. (surg.) dividing bands
break up. vn. to talk nonsense. vr. to be of adhesion.
unbalanced. desbridar, va. (surg.) to divide bands of ad-
desbarate, desbaratO, m. smash, breakage, hesion.
destruction (mil.) rout, defeat waste, dis-
; desbriznar [des-hrith-nar'], va. to chop or mince
sipation desbarate de vientre, loose bowels.
: meat to cut or divide into small parts to
; ;

desDarbadO, da, pp. & a. beardless. pluck the stamens of saffron or the filaments
desbarbar, va. to trim, to cut off filaments ;
of vegetables.
(coll.) to shave. desbroce, desbrozo, m. clippings, cuttings
desbarbillar, t;a. (agr.) to prune the roots from pruning trees; clearing of lands or
which spring from the stems of young vines. trenches.
desbardar, va. to remove thatch. deSbrOZar [deB-bio-thar'], va. {for mut. V. RO-
desbarrar, vn. to throw an iron bar without ZAR) to clear away rubbish.
taking aim to sneak, steal away ; to act
; desbruar, va. to clean cloth of grease, to put
foolishly to say irrelevant things, to talk
it in the fulling-mill.
nonsense. desbrujar, va. v. desmoronar.
desbarretar, va. to unbar, to unbolt. desbuchar, va. to disclose one's secrets ; to
desbarrigado, da, pp. & a. little-bellied. ease the stomach (birds). V. desainar.
desbarrigar, va. (for mui. V. abrigar) desbuUa,/. oyster-shell.
(coll. ) to rip open the belly. desbullar, va. to extract an oyster from its
desbarro, m. foolish action ; nonsensical shell.
talk aimless throw of the bar (sports).
; desca,/. (naut.) tar-pot.
desbastador, m. dressing-chisel, paring- descabal, a. imperfect, incomplete,
tool, hewer. descabalamlento, /. diminution, impair-
desbastadura, /. planing, trimming, hew- ment of a thing.
ing. descabalar, va. to take away some necessary
desbastar, va. to hew, pare, dress, trim, part to chop off, impair, damage, maim^

plane, smooth to waste, consume, weaken

; ;
cripple ; to pilfer.
to educate and polish a rustic. descabalgadura, /. dismounting or alight-
desbaste, m. hewing, rough dressing, trim- ing from a horse.
ming. descabalgar, vn. {for mut. v. cabalgar) to
desbastecido, da, «. unprovided. dismount, to alight from a horse. va. to
desbautizarse, vr. (coll. ) to be irritated, to dismount a gun.
fly into a passion (coll. ) to fall from a ; descabelladamente, adv. without order or
height and break one's head. regularity.
desbazadero, m. humid, slippery place. descabelladO, da, a. dishevelled, disor-
desbeber, va. (coll.) to urinate. dered, disarranged, disproportional out of ;

desbecerrar, va. to wean young animals. all reason, illogical, preposterous, absurd.
desblanqueCidO, da Ldes-Wan-keh-thie'-doli], a. —pp. of DESCABELLAR.
blanched, bleached. descabelladura, /. tossing or dishevelling
deSblanquifi.adO [des-blan-ke-nyah'-dohl, m. V, the hair.
DESBLANQUECIDO. descabellamiento, m. v. desprop6sito.
desbocadamente, adv. impudently, un- descabellar, va. & vr. to disorder and un-
governedly. dress the hair. va. to kill the bull by prick'
desbocado, da., pp. &a. (arti.) wide-mouthed ing it in the back of the neck with the sword,
(cannon); runaway horse; broken-lipped descabello, m. killing the bull properly. V.
or mouthed (as a jar) broken-faced (as a ; dh:scabellar.
foul-mouthed, indecent.
tool) ; descabestrar, va. to unhalter. V. desenc
desbocamiento, m. impertinence, impu- cabestrar.
dence; act of running away (horse). descabezadamente, adv. v. descabellada.
desbocar, va. {pret. desboqu^: subj. des- mente.
boque) to break the brim of a mug, jar, etc. descabezado, da, a. beheaded light-headed,

vn. to disembogue. V. desembocar. vr. — injudicious, void of judgment, giddy.—/jp.

to run away (horse) (coll.) to use injurious ;

of descabezar.
or abusive language. descabezamiento, m. act of beheading;
desbonetarse, vr. (coll.) to take off the cap quandary, puzzling predicament.
or bonnet. descabezar, va. (pret. descabec^: subj.
desboauillar [des-bokeeMyar'i, va. to break a descabece) to behead to revoke an a.ssess-;

mouth-piece or a cigar-holder. ment which towns have made to cut the ;

desbordamiento, m. inundation, overflow- upp" parts or points of some things to


ing. heau, to top; to poll; to lop off; to get

desbordar, vn. to overflow. over the. first difficulty (naut) to break a ;

desborrar, va. to burl (agr. ) to lop off"shoots. ; mast through its neck; (mil.) to have the

f (belore e, I) and J as ll in bot; h, sUent; 11 in brilliant; &, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr triUvd; S, biMOt,
head of a column pass over an obstacle : de»- ure of smuggled goods ; the goods thus
cabezar el Bueno, to take a nap. vn. to ter- seized ; error, blindness ; deviation from
minate, to join a neighbour's property. vr. justice, truth, and reason.
(coll.) to screw one's wits, to batter one's descamlsado, da, a. shirtless, naked, very
brains to shed the grain (cereals).
; —
poor. ?«,. (coll.) ragamuffin.
-descabritar, va. to wean goats. descampado, da, pp. & a. disengaged, free,
^escabullirse, vr. to sneak off, to steal away, open, clear : en descampado, in the open
to scamper ; to elude the strength of an ar- air.
gument. descansadamente, adv. easily, without toil
'descacilar, va. to trim the bricks. or fatigue.
tlescaderar, va. to hip, to sprain or dislocate descansadero, m. resting-place.
the hip. descansado, da, jjp. & a. rested, refreshed
descadillador, ra, a. one who cuts off" the vida descansada, quiet, easy life.
fag-end of the warp. descansar, vn. to rest, to take repose ; to en-
descadillar, va. to cut off the loose threads joy relief or respite to be quiet to rest, to
; ;

or fag-end of the warp. lean upon ; to be satisfied to trust or place ;

descaecer vn. {for irr. V. acaecer) to de- confidence in the power, kindness, activity,
cline, droop, languish, decay ; to grow less etc., of another ; to repose, to sleep to lie ;

by degrees (naut.) to edge away.

at rest (as lands which lie fallow) to sleep ;

4lescaecido, da, a. weak, feeble, languishing. in death. va. to aid or alleviate another in
—pp. of DKSCAECER. labour or fatigue to place or set down on a

4e8caecimiento, descaimlento, m. weak- support or base, to lean.

ness, debility, decay ; despondency, lowness descanso, m. rest, repose, quiet, tranquility,
of spirits, languor. {)eaee, stillness; ease, relief, aid, help; sleep
descaezco (
irr. from descaecer). an ding-place of stairs ; (mech.) seat, bench,
<lescalal)azarse, vr. (coll.) to puzzle one's support (mil. ) parade-rest.

brains, to screw one's wits. descantar, va. to clear from stones.

4escalabrado, da, a. &pp. of descalabrar ; descantear, va. to smooth angles or comers ;
injured; wounded on tne head: salir des- to splay, chamfer, edge.
ealabrado, to be a loser in any suit, game, or descanterar, v. to take off the comers oi
business. ends (as of bread),
<lescalabradara, /. slight wound in the descantillar, descantonar, va. to pare off,
head scar remaining after such wound.
; to chip to subtract part from a total.
descalabrar, va. to break or wound the head descantill6n, m. v. escantillon.
slightly to attack or impeach one's char-
; desca&onar, va. to pluck out the feathers of
acter ; to hurt, to injure ; (naut.) to cause a a bird or fowl; to shave close; (coll.) to
ship considerable damage to occasion losses ; trick one out of his money.
to the enemy. vr. to fall from a height and descaperuzar, va. & vr. to unhood, uncowl.
break one's skull ; (Peru) to be ruined, vio- descaperuzo, w. taking off the cowl, hood,
lently destroyed. or hunting-cap.
4e8calabro, m. calamitous event ; consider- descapillar, va. to take off the hood,
able loss misfortune.
: descapirotar, va. to take off the capirote or
descalandrajar, va. to rend or tear clothes ancient head-cover.
into rags. descaradamente, adv. impudently, saucily,
descalar, va. (naut.) to unship the helm, un- barefacedly.
hang the rudder. descarado, da, a. impudent, barefaced, sau-
descalcador, m. (carp.) ripping-iron, claw; cy, pert, petulant.—^». oi xjescararse.
(naut.) rave-hook. descaramiento, V. descaro.
descalcar, va. {for mut. v. calcar) (naut.) descararse, vr. to behave in an impudent or
to extract oakum from seams. insolent manner, to be saucy.
descalce, m. undermining, unwedging. descarcafLalar, va. & vr. to run down the
4escalcez ides-cai-theth'j, /. nudity of the feet, heel of a shoe.
barefootedness. descarga,/. unburdening, unloading ;
^escalostrado, da, a. having passed the volley,fire, shooting, round, discharge
days of the first milk. (mas.) easement of a wall: descarga de nn
4escalzadero, m. little door of a pigeon- bnqne (com. ) unloading the cargo of a ship
house. (elec.) discharge.
"lescalzado, da, a. &pp. barefooted. descargadero, m. wharf, unloading-place.
descalzador, bootjack crowbar. ; descargador, m. discharger, unloader, light-
leSCalZar [des-cal-thar'], va. {for mut. V. CAIi- erman wad-hook.

ZAR) to pull oflF the shoes and stockings to ; descargadura,/. bone which a butcher takes
take off wedges or chocks to undermine. ; out of meat.
vr. to pull off one's own shoes and stockings ; descargar, va. {for mut. v. cargar) to un-
to lose a shoe (said of horses) deicalzarLe : load, discharge, disburden to ease, to light- ;

loa gnaates, to pull off one's gloves. en to empty, to dump to free or relieve to
; ; ;

descalzo, za, a. barefoot, barefooted, shoe- take off the flap and bones of meat (mil.) ;

less ; barefooted (applied to friars or nuns). to fire, to discharge fire-arms to unload ;

descamanbn, /. (mea.) desquamation. fire-arms, to draw out the charge of powder

descambiar, va. to cancel an exchange or and ball (com.) to unload a cargo (naut.)
; ;

barter. V. destrocar. to brace a lee, to clear the sails or yards ;

iescaminadamente, adv. absurdly, unrea- (elec.) to discharge fas a battery) ; to lay
sonably, out of order. on, inflict (as blows) ; to acquit, to clear
descaminado, da, a. & pp. of descaminar ;
from a charge of guilt ; to exonerate, to lib-
ill-advised, misguided. erate from a charge, obligation, or debt. vn.
descaminar, va. to misguide, mislead, lead to disembogue or disgorge to vent fury, to ;

astray ; to seduce from duty ; to seize upon burst, to strike with violence (as a storm)
smuggled goods. vr. to go astray. — ?T. to resign one's place or employment;
descainillO, m. leading or going astray ; seiz- to shirk duty by transferring it to another

cM ia far ; e lu eh I ; i In police ; o ia for ; u la bull ; c (before e, 1) and z as tU In thick : b aad d.

(law) to free one's self from charges or ac- DO: ind. DESCIENDO: suhj. desctenda) to
cusations. descend, to get or to go down, to walk down-*
descargO, m. unloading, unburdening; ex- ward ; to flow or rua, as liquids ; to descend
oneration, discharge, acquittal; (com.) ac- to, to proceed from, to be derivea from t« ;

quittance, receipt, release, discharge, vouch- stoop, to lower one's self. va. to let down^
er; (law) plea or answer to an impeach- to lower anything, to bring down.
ment or action. descendiente, pa. descending. m. descend'
descaxgue, w. unloading; license to dis- ant, oflfspring.
charge vessels. descendimiento, m. descent, descension^
descariflarse, vr. to withdraw the love or af- lowering.
fection ; to become cool. descensi6n, /. descension, descent.
descarl&O, w. coolness, indifference. descenso [des-thane'-so], TO. descent, descension;
descarnaaamente, adv. plainly ; with ef- lowering, fall, stoop, degradation deBc«n8« :

frontery. del imbolo, down stroke (med.) hernia, rup-


descarnador, m. (dent.) scraper; (tan.) ture ;

prolapse of the womb.
hide-scraper. descentrado, da, a. out of plumb.
descamadura, /. excamification, clearing des CentralizaCidn [<Je8-thane-trah-le-thah-tht«.
from flesh. on'],/, decentralization.
descarnar, va. to excamate, to clear from descentralizador, ra, a. he who or that
flesh ; to take or eat away part of a thing ;
which decentralizes.
to corrode, wash away, abrade, denudate ; descentralizar, va. {for mut. v. centrali-
(tan.) to flesh, to scrape hides or skins ; to zar) to decentralize to grant local auton-

remove one from earthly things. vr. to lose omy.

flesh, emaciate. descentrar, va. to dislocate from a centre
descaro, m. impudence, barefacedness, ef- to get out of plumb.
frontery, sauciness, forwardness, assurance. desceflidura, /. act of ungirding or loosen-
descarriamientO, m. going astray act of ; ing a belt.
making any one lose his way. deSCefiir [des-theh-nyeer'], va. (for irr. V. CE-
descarriar, va. to take out of the right kir) to ungird, to loosen or take oflf (as a
road, to lead astray, to misguide, to mis- belt, a crown).
lead to separate cattle. vr. to be disjoined
; descepar, va. to eradicate, to pull up by the
or separated to deviate from justice or rea-
; roots; to extirpate; (naut.) to remove the
son ; to go astray, to lead a dissipated life. anchor-stocks.
descarrilamiento, m. derailment of cars. descerar, va. to take the empty combs from
descarrilar, va. to derail a train. vn. & vr. a bee-hive.
to run off the track. descercado, da, a. open, unfenced, unde-
descarrilladura,/. act of breaking the jaws. fended.—^>p. of DESCERCAR.
descarrillar, va. to break the jaws. descercador, to. one who forces the enemy to
descarrio, m. act of losing one's way or go- raise a siege.
ing astray. descercar, m. {for mut. v. cercar) to de-
descartar, va. to discard, fling away, dis- stroy or pull down a wall, a fence, etc. to ;

miss, eject, put aside, lay aside, lay away.— raise a siege ; to oblige the enemy to raise a
vr. to discard (at cards) ; to excuse one's siege.
self; to shirk. descerco, m. the act of raising a siege.
descarte, m. cards discarded ; act of discard- descerezar, va. to pulp the coffee-berry.
ing; act of shirking; evasion, subterfuge. descerrajado, da [des-ther-rah-hah'-doh] ^jp. &a.
descasamientO, w. unmarrying, divorce, (coll.) corrupt, vicious, wicked, ill-disposed.
repudiation. deSCerrajadura [des ther-rah-hab^oo'-i-ah],/. tak-
descasar, va. to unmarry, to divorce ; to an- ing off locks or bolts.
nul a marriage to remove or disturb well- ; deSCerrajar [des-ther-rah-har'], va. to take off
mated things (print.) to alter the position
the lock of a door, chest, trunk, etc. to ;

of the pages of a sheet, in order to suitably discharge fire-arms.

rearrange them. descerrumarse, vr. (farr.) to be wrenched
descascar, va. {for mut. V. cascar) to de- or distorted at the joints.
corticate to rodomontade ; to bluster to ; ; desciendo, yo descienda {irr. from des-
mumble. vr. to break into pieces. cender).
descascarador, ra, a. huilerj busker, shell- descervlgamiento, m. act of twisting the
er : descascarador de caf6, cofiee-pulper. neck.
descascarar, va. to peel, decorticate, flay to descervlgar, va. to twist the neck.
shell, to hull, to husk. V. descerezar. — descifrable, a. decipherable.
vr. to peel off, to shell off. desclfrador, to. decipherer.
descascarlllar, va. to decorticate ; to take descifrar, va. to decipher, to unravel, to io-
off the powder from the face. terpret, to unfold, to translate.
descaspar, va. to take dandruff from the descimbramiento, m. (arch.) removing the
head (tan.) to scrape a half-dressed hide.
descasque [dea-cahs'-kehl, to. decortication, descimbrar, va. (arch.) to remove the cen-
particularly of the cork-tree. tring.
descastado, da, a. showing little natural af- descimentar, va. to demolish the founda-
fection towhom it is due. tions of a building.
descastar, va. to lose caste, to deteriorate a descinchar [des-thia-char'], va. to ungirt a
race or lineage to make an end of a caste ; horse.
(applied to ants, bugs, etc.). descinto,pp. irr. of desceSib.
descaudalado, da, a. ruined, penniless, desclavador, to. carpenter's chisel; nail-
descebar, va. to unprime fire-arms, puller, claw-wrench.
descendencia [desthane-den'-thie-ah], /.dcsccnt, desclavar, va. to draw out nails, to unnail,
origin, offspring, extraction, house, to unpeg.
descendente, pa. descending. deSCOagUlable [deg-co-ah-proo-lah'-Wehl, a. redis-
descender [deg-thane-den-'J, vn. {pp. DESCENDI- solvable after coagulation.

Z (beft?; '>. <;^ 'uad J as h ia hot ; h, silent; 11 iu brilliaBt; ft, ny In canyou ; r (initial) and rr trilled; «, hlBs«4.
descoagiilaci6ii, /. solution, liquefaction of descompasadamente, adv. v. descomkdi*
a clot or curd. damkntk. liquefying. descompasado, da, pp. & a. excessive, ex-
desCOafTUlar, va. to liquefy, to dissolve. travagant, beyond rule and measure, dis«
descobajar, va. to pull the stem from a grape. proportionate out of tune or time. ;

descobijar, va. to uncover, to undress. descompa^arse, vr. to exceed all rule and
descocadamente, adv. impudently, boldly, measure, to trangress all bounds and pro^
biazeu-faeedly. portions to be out of tune or time ; to in-

descocado, da, a. (coll.) bold, excessively sult a person.

free and forward.— of descocar. jt>/>. descomponer, vn. {for irr. V. componer) te
descocar, va. {for mut. V. chocar) to clean, discompose, to disarrange, to unsettle, to
to clear trees from insects. vr. (coll.) to b'^ derange, disturb; to disable; to destroy
impudent, saucy, or petulant. harmony, to set at odds, to disconceii to ;

descocedura, /. digestion. decompound ; (chem.) to decompose bodies.

descocer, va. {for irr. V. cocer) to digest, to — vr. to decompose, mortify, become tainted
concoct in the stomach. or putrid ; to be indisposed or out of order
Aesooco, m. barefacedness, impudence, bold- to forget one's self, to lose one's temi)er ; to
ness, sauciness. change for the worse (as weather) to get •

lescodar, va. to rip, to unstitch. out of gear, to get deranged; to become

descoger, va. {for irr. V. coger) to unfold, stale.
extend, spread, expand. descompongo {irr. from descomponer).
descogollar, va. to strip a tree of shoots ; to descomposicidn, /. discomposure, disagree-
take out the heart of vegetables. ment; disorder, confusion, derangement;
descogotado, da, pp.&a. (coll.) low-necked. corruption, mortification; (chem.) decom-
descogotar, va. to cut oflf the horns of a stag. position, analysis.
descolar, va. {for irr. V. colar) to dock or descompostura, /. disagreement, discom-
crop an animal's tail ; to cut off the fag-end posure, disorder, confusion, perturbatioi),
of a piece of cloth ; (carp. ) to unglue. derangement ; slovenliness, uncleanliness ;
descolcbar, va. (naut.) to untwist a cable. forwardness, impu.dence, want of modesty,
descolgar, va. (for irr. V. colgar) to take disrespectful conduct.
down, to let down; to unhang; to take descompuestamente, adv. audaciously, im-
down curtains or tapestries. vr. to come pudently, insolently.
down gently, to slin down (by a rope, etc.), descompuesto, ta, «. audacious, impudent,
to descend ; to make an unexpected remark insolent ; out of temper ; immodest ; out or
or sally ; to come on suddenly (as a cold order.—«7). irr. of descomponer.
snap). descomiUgado, da, a. perverse, nefarious,
descoligado, da, a. not belonging to a league, wicked.—;>/). of descomulgar.
non-union. descomulgador, m. excommunicator. K
descolmar, va. to strike off the heaping corn EXCOMULGA DOR.
in a measure ; to diminish. descomulgar, va. {for mut. V. comulgar)
descolmillar, va. to pull out or break the to excommunicate.
eye-teeth. descomunal, a. extraordinary, monstrous,
descoloramiento, descolorlmiento, m. enormous, huge, colossal.
paleness, discoloration. descomunalmente, adv. uncommonly, im-
descolorar, va. & vr. to discolour, to pale. moderately, extraordinarily.
descolorido, da, a. discoloured, pale, col- descomuni6n, /. excommunication. V. EX-
ourless, pallid. J>D. of DESCOLORIR. COMrNl6N.
descolorlmlento, .... decoloration, discol- desconcertadamente, adv. disorderly, con-
oration, paleness, fading. fusedly, disconcertedly.
descolorir, va. & vr. to discolour, to pale, to desconcertadO, da, pp. & a. disorderly, slov-
bleach, to fade. inconnected, disconcerted, baffled.
enly ;

descolladamente, adv. loftily, haughtily. descbncertador, m. disturber, disconcerter

descollamiento, m. v. descuello. descoucertadura, /. discomposure, disturb-
descollar, vn. & vr. {for irr. V. acollar) to ance, confusion.
overtop, excel, surpass, exceed, outdo. desconcertar, va. {for irr. v. cokcertar)
descombrar, va. to disencumber ; to clear a to discompose, disturb, confound, confuse
place. to disconcert, to thwart, to baffle; to dis-
descombro, m. disencumbrance. joint, dislocate. vr. to disagree; to fail ot
lescomedidamente, adv. rudely, coarsely, an arrangement, to fall through ; to act or
unmannerly; haughtily; excessively, im- speak discomposedly.
moderately. desconcierto, m. disconcert, discomposure,
iescomedido, da, a. excessive, dispropor- disagreement ; disorder, confusion ; de-
tionate, immoderate; rude, impudent, inso- rangement (as of machinery) want of pru- ;

lent.—/.»;*. of DESCOMEDIRSK dence and circumspection maladministra- ;

lescomedimiento, m. rudeness, incivility. tion, mismana«cement flux, or looseness of;

descomedlrse, vr. {for irr. see below) to for- the body.

get one's self; to he rude or disrespectful. desconcierto ytrr. irom desconcertar).
descomer, vn. (coll.) to ease nature, to go to desconcordia, /. discord, disagreement, rtk-
stool. riance, disunion.
descomido, me descomida {irr. from des- desconcliadura, /. removal of varnish,
(•OMKDIKS!;). stucco, etc. ;
peeling, scaling.
descomodidad, /. incommodity, inconven- desconcliar, va. to strip off a surface of var-
ience. nish, stucco, plaster, etc. vr. to peel off,
descompadrar, va. (coll.) to cause estrange- scale off.
njent of friends. vn. (coll.) to disagree, to desoonfiadajnente, adv. diffidently, mis<
fall out with one. trustfullv.
descomp&S, m. excess, redundance, want of desconfia'do, da, a. diffident, distrustl'ulf
measure or proportion. mi.strustful, jealous.—pp. of desconfiaeu

ft fit In far : e In eh I ; i In police ; o In for ; n in bull ; c (before e, 1) and z as th In thick. ; b and d, wft;
desconfianza, /. diffidence, distrust, mis- desconvidar, va. to disinvite, to recall an is.
trust ; discredit, jealousy, suspicious fear. vitation ; to break one's promise.
desconfiar, vn. to distrust, to have no confi- descopar, tu. to lop off the branches of *
dence in to mistrust, to discredit to sus-
; ; tree.
pect, to doubt ; to have little hope of attain- descorazonadamente, adv. dejectedly, spir-
ing an aim. itlessly.
desconformar, vn. to dissent, disagree, differ descorazonamiento, m. lowness of spirits,
in opinion.— 17-. to discord, to disagree, not depression, dejection.
to suit with. descorazonar, va. to tear out the heart ; t«
desconfonue, a. discordant, disagreeing, dishearten, to discourage.
contrary. descorchador, m. uncorker.
desconformidad, /. disagreement, opposi- descorchar, ra. to decorticate a cork-tree 5
tion, contrariety of opinion, nonconformity; touncork to break a bee-hive to
; steal th.?
inequality, dissimilitude, unlikeness. honey to uncork bottles, etc. ;
; to breal
desconocer, va. {for irr. V. conocer) to fail oi)en a chest or trunk.
to recognise to forget what was known to
; ; descordar, va. to uncord an instrument.
deny recognition to disown, to disavow ; descorderar, va. to wean lambs.
to be unacquainted with ; to be ungrate- descornar, va. to dishorn, to knock off the
ful. horns of an animal. it. to break the skull
desconocidamente, adv. ignorantly, un- by a fall.
knowingly ungratefully. ; descoronar, va. to take away the top or
desconocldo, da, a. ungrateful, unthankful crown from a thing.
unknown.—jy/). of DESCONOCER. descorrear, vn. to loosen the skin that covers
desconocimlentO, m. ungratefulness, in- the tenderlings of a deer.
gratitude ; ignorance. descorregldo, da, a. incorrect, disarranged.
desconozco from desconocer). {irr. descorrer, va. to run back over the same
desconsentlr, va. {for irr. V. consentir) to ground to draw (as a curtain). vn. to flow

dissent, to disagree, not to acquiesce. (as liquids).

desconsideradamente, adv. inconsiderate- descorrimiento, m. fluxion of any liquid.
ly, rashly. descort^S, a. impolite, uncivil, unmannerly^
desconsiderado, da, a. inconsiderate, im- ill-bred, coarse, misbehaved, impudent.
prudent, thoughtless, rash. descortesia,/. incivility, impoliteness, chur-
desconsiento {irr. from desconsentir). lishness.
desconsolacibn, /. disconsolateness, grief, descortesmente, adv. uncivilly, discourte*
affliction. ously, rudely.
desconsoladamente, adv. Inconsolably, dis- descortezador, m. one who strips off the
consolately. bark decorticator.

desconsolado, da, a. disconsolate, hapless, descortezadura,/. descortezainiento, m.

comfortless grief-stricken, heart-sick, sor-
decortication, excortication, bark taken off.
rowful, mylaucholy.—;>/>. of desconsolar. descortezar, va. {pret. descortecM:: mbj.
desconsolar, va. {for irr. V. consolar) to descortece) to decorticate to flay take ; ;

afflict, to put in pain, to treat rudely.—-i>r. to off the crust of bread strip off the bark of ;

lose one's cheerfulness ; to become low-spir- trees, etc. ; to hull, to shell (as fruits) to ;

ited or afflicted. rough hew ; to polish or civilize. vr. to be*

desconsuelO, m. affliction, trouble, discon- come and polite.
solateness, mourn fulness ; disoi*der in the descortlnar, va. (fort.) to demolish or de-
organs of digestion. stroy a curtain,
desconsuelO {irr. from desconsqlar). descosedura, /. ripping, unseaming.
descontagiar, va. to purify, to disinfect. descoser, va. to rip, to unseam, to unstitch
descontar, va. {for irr. V. contar) to dis- to separate, to disjoin no descoser los labios, :

count, to deduct, allow, rebate, take off; to keep a profound silence (naut.) to un- ;

to abate, lessen, diminish to detract from ; lash. vr. to give a loose to one's tongue;
merit or virtues.—rr. to miscount. (coll.) V. ventosear.
descontentadizo, za, a. fastidious, too nice, descosldamente, adv. excessively, immod-
articular easily disgusted, discontented,
; erately.
§ ispleased,
squeamish. descosido, da, a. &pp. of descoser ripped, ;

descontentamiento, m. discontentment, unseamed, unstitched disjointed, discon- ;

displeasure, grief. nected, deranged.— ?rt. babbler, teller of s«^

descontentar, va. to discontent, dissatisfy, crets comer 6 beber como an descosido, to eat

displease. or drink immoderately.

descontentO, ta, discontent, dissatisfied, a. descostarse, vr. to draw away from an oil •

uneasy, displeased. m. discontent, uneasi- jeet or a coast.

ness, dissatisfaction, disgust, grumbling. descOStlllar, va. to knock any one on thi
descontinuaclbn, /. discontinuation, dis- ribs to take out the ribs to break the ribs
continuance, cessation. — ;

vr. to fall flat on the ground.


descontinuar, va. to discontinue, leave off, desCOStrar, va. to take off the crust.
cease, suspend, forbear, give over. deSCOtar, va. to remove a restriction from
descontinuo, ua, a. disjoined, discontinued. the use of any road, boundary, or property.
desconvenible, a. discordant, disagreeing, — vr. to expose the neck and shoulders.
dissimilar. descote, m. exposure of the neck and shoul-
desconveniencia, /. inconvenience, incom- ders low cut of a waist.
; V. escote.
modity, disadvantage. descoyuntado, da, pp. of dkscoyuntar;
desconvenlente, pa. inconyenient discord- ; disjointed, disconnected, out of gear.
ing, incongruous. descoyuntamiento, m. luxation, disloca-
desconvenlr, vn. {for irr. V. convknir) to tion, derangement pain or uneasiness in ;

disagree, to discord; to be unlike or dis- consequence of overexertion.

; not to suit, match, or mate. descoyuntar, va. to luxate or disjoint bone.^
desconversable, a. unsocial, retiring. to vex, molest, displease. vr. to experience

g (before e, i) aad J u b In hot; h, sUeut ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canvon ; r (initial) and rr triUee ; i, hisMA
r)ES 192 DES
some violent motion descoyuntarse de risa, : descubridero, m. eminence commanding as
to split one's sides with laughing. extensive view lookout. ;

descoyunto, m, v. descovuntamiento. descubridor, ra, m. & /. discoverer, finder,

descrecencia,/. decrement, decreasing, descrier investigator, searcher, seeker

descrecer, va. & vn. {for irr. V. crecer) to (mil.) scout, spy; vessel on a voyage of
decrease, diminish, grow less to fall, to ; discovery.
subside (tides and rivers) ; to grow short descubrimientO, vi. discovery, find, inven-
(days). tion, disclosure ; country or thing discov-
descreclmientO, m. decrease, diminution, ered.
decrement. descubrlr, va. {pp. descubierto) to dis-
4escr6ditO, m. discredit, loss of reputation. cover, disclose, show, bring to light to un- ;

descrser, va. to disbelieve to deny due ; cover, make visible, expose to view, lay
credit to a person to disown or abjure. ; open ; to discover, to find out, ascertain to :

descreidamente, adv. incredulously. reveal, communicate, make known to find ;

descreido, da, unbeliever, one who has

a. or discover things or places before un-
lost faith ; incredulous, infidel, miscreant. known ; to expose the sacrament to public
—pp. of DESCREER. adoration or worship: (mil.) to overlook
descreimiento, m. infidelity, unbelief, want any place in a fortification descubrlr la- :

of religious faith. tierra, (naut. ) to make the laud descubrlr :

descrestar, take off the crest. va. to el campo, (mil.) to reconnoitre: descubrlr por
descriarse, vr. to weaken to extenuate ; ; to la popa or per la proa, (naut.) to descry
pine with desire or anxiety. astern or ahead descubrlr su pecho, to un-*

describir, va. {pp. descrito, descripto) to bosom, to communicate secrets to another

sketch, design, draw, delineate ; to describe descubrlr el cuerpo, to expose to danger any
to relate rainately. part of the body. vr. to uncover one's self,
descripcibn, /. sketch, draught, delineation, to take off the liat to any one.
design description, word-picture, narra-
descuelgo, yo descuelgue {irr. from des-
tion, account, relavion ; (law) inventory, COLGAR).
schedule. descuello, yo descuelle {irr. from des.
descriptivo, va, a. descriptive. collar).
descripto, ta, pp. iir. of describir ; de- descuello, m. excessive stature or height
scribed. pre-eminence, superiority, loftiness, haugh-
descriptor, ra, m. & y. describer, narra- tiness.
tor. descuento, m. discount, deduction, rebate,
descrismar, t'fl. remove the chrism; to (coll.^ allowance ; diminution, decrease.
to give one a blow on the head. vr. (coll. descuento {irr. from descoxtar).
to lose patience, to lose one's temper. descuernacabras, m. cold north wind.
descristianar, va. v. bescrismar. descuerno, wi. (coll.) slight, affront.
descrito, tSi,pp. irr. of descuibir; described. descuidadamente, adv. carelessly, negli-
descruzar, va. {for mut. V. ckuzar) to un- gently, idly.
cross. descuidadd, da, a. careless, negligent,
descuadernar, to unbind (books) ; to va. thoughtless, heedless, absent, listless, for-
discompose, disconcert, disordo.i. vr. to get getful unprepared slovenly, unclean.
; V, ;

disjointed, loose. DESPREVENIDO.—;;|p. of DESCUIDAR.

descuadrillado, da, jap. &«. sepaiated from descuidar, vn. to neglect, forget, overlook,
the rank or lines.— »i. (vet.) sprain in the lay aside ; to lack attention or diligence
haunch of animals. one's self easy: desculde Vd., make
descuadrillarse, vr. to be sprained in the yourself easy. va. to relieve from care, to
haunches, applied to animals. make easy, to divert one's attention. vr. to
descuajado, da, a. dispirited, disheartened be forgetful of duty, to become negligent.
liquefied. pp. of descuajar. descuido, m. carelessness, indolence, negli-
descuajar, va. to dissolve, to liquefy ; to gence, omission, forgetful ness, heedlessness,
eradicate, to grub ; to extirpate, uproot ; to abstraction, absent-mindedness, oversight,
dishearten, discourage. want of attention ; incivility, coldness, dis-
descuajaringarse, vr. (coll.) to be broken esteem improper or disgraceful action

down by excessive fatigue. imprudence, immodesty : al descuido or al

descuaje, descuajo, vi. (agr.) grubbing up descuido y con cuidado, studiously careless.
>oeds clearing ground of underbrush.
; descuitadO, da, a. living without trouble ot
desct«\rtelar, to remove troops from winter care.
quarters ;
(naut.) to undo the quartering of descular, va. to break the bottom (as of a jar).
the sails. descbuponar, ra. (agr. ) to strip a tree of its
descuartizar, {for mut. V. atizar) tova. shoots or suckers.
(luarter to carve, to cut food at the table.
; desde, prep, from, since, after, as soon as
descubierta, /. pie without an upper crust; desde aqui, hence, from this place desde alii, :

(mil.) reconnoitring; (naut.) scanning of from there, thence: desde luego, thereupon,
the horizon at sunrise and sunset : & la des- immediately : desde entonces, from that time
cubierta, openly, clearly. forward, ever since: desde nino, from or
descubiertamente, adv. manifestly, openly. since one's childhood.
descubiertO, ta, a. patent, manifest, un- desdecir, vn. {for irr. V. decir) to degen-
veiled, bareheaded. m. solemn exposition erate, to fall from its kind ; to differ, to dis-
of the sacrament shortage, deficiency, over- ; unworthy of or unbecoming.
agree ; to he
draft al descubiertO, openly, manifestly
: gainsay, to retract, to recant.
rr. to
en descubiertO, (com.) uncovered; over- desd6n, m. disdain, slight, scorn, contempt,
drawn ; owing a balance : estar or quedar en neglect : al desd6n, affectedly careless.
owe a balance to have
descubiertO, (com.) to ; desdentado, da, a. toothless. m.pi. (zool.)
overdrawn a bank account.—^, of descu- edentates. ^/>/>. of desdentar.
brir. desdentar, va. to draw teetn.
descubretalles, m. small fan. desdeflable, a. contemptible, despicable.

• M <n far ; e In eh t ; 1 in police ; o In for ; n la buU ; O (before e, i^ «nd S v th In tUcll ; b and d, aolt;
desdefladaxoente, adv. disdainfully, scorn- desembarazado, da, pp. & a. free, diseo*
fully. gaged; clear, open, unrestrained: modalet
desdefiador, ra, m. &. f. scorner, one who desembarazados, easy manners.
disdains. desembarazar, va. {for mut. v. embarazar)
desdeiiar, va. to disdain, to scorn. vr. to be to disembarrass, to free, to ease to disen- ;

disdainful ; to loathe to do a thing. gage, to remove an impediment, obstruction,

desde&OSamente, adv. disdainfully, con- or encumbrance to clear, to extricate to
; ;

temptuously. unburden, disencumber, expedite. vr. to

desdellOSO, sa, a. disdainful, fastidious, con- overcome difhculties or embarrassments.
temptuous. desembarazo, m. disembarrassment, di*
desdevanar, va. to unwind or undo a clew. encumbrance, extricatiou disengagement; ;

desdibujado, da, a. (art) drawn faultily, out freedom or liberty to do anything; ease^
of proportion or perspective. forwardness.
desaibujo, m. faulty sketch, desembarcadero, m. landing-place, dock,
desdicha, /. misfortune, calamity, unhappi- quay: platform.
ness, ill-luck, misery, infelicity. desembarcar, {for mut. V. embarcar)
desdichadamente, adv. unfortunately, un- to unship, put ashore, debark.— r/i. to land,
happily. debark, go ashore; (coll.) to alight from a
desdichado, da, a. unfortunate, unhappy, coach ; (coll. ) to be delivered of a child ; to
unlucky, distressed, wretched, miserable, end at a landing-place (as a staircase).
calamitous: es un desdichado, (coll.) he is a desembarco, m. landing, debarkation, un-
sorry, pitiful creature; he is a good-for- shipment ; landing-place at the top of stairs.
nothing fellow. desembargadamente, adv. freely.
desdicb.0,cha {w. irr. of desdecir). desembargador, m. chief magistrate and
desdigo, yo desdiga {irr. from desdecir). privy councillor in Portugal.
desdoblar, va. to unfold, to spread open. desembargar, va. {for mut. V. embargar)
desdorar, va. & vr. to take off or lose the to remove impediments, or clear away ob-
gilding of a thing ; to tarnish or sully one's structions ; (law) to disembargo.
reputation. desembargo, m. (law) the act of raising an
desdoro, m. dishonour, blemish, blot, stigma. embargo.
deseable, a. desirable. desembarque [cies-em-bar'-keh], m. landing, de-
deseablemente, adv. desirously. barkation.
deseador, ra, m. &. /. desirer, wisher. desembarrancar, va. v. desabarrancar.
desear, va. to desire, desiderate, wish, long desembarrar, va. to clear a thing from mud
for, covet. or clay.
desecaci6n, /. desiccation, exsiccation. desembaular, va. to empty a trunk, to take
desecado, da, a. dry, desiccated. out its contents ; to empty a box, bag, chest,
desecador, m. drying-room dryer. ; etc. : (coll. ) to speak one's mind freely ; to
desecamiento, m. desiccation. disclose one's thoughts.
desecante, pa. &m. &f. drying, dryer ; de- desembebecerse [.les-em-behbeh-tl.err'-seh], IT.
siccant, desiccative. {for irr. V. embebecer) to recover one's
desecar, {for mut. v. secar) to dry ; to
va. senses.
desiccate to drain, to draw.
; desembelesarse, vr. to recover from amaze-
desecatjivo, va, a. desiccative, exsiccant. ment or abstraction.
m. healing plaster. desembocadero, m. desembocadura, /.
desechadamente, adv. vilely, despicably. exit, outlet mouth of a river or canal,

desechadO, da, a. & pp. of desechar ; re- lade, disemboguement.

fused, excluded, expelled, rejected ; outcast. desembocar, vn. {for mut. v. embocar) to
desechar, va. to exclude, reprobate ; to de- disembogue, to flow out: desembocar 1%.
preciate, undervalue, disesteem ; to re- calle, to go from one street into another.
nounce, decline, refuse ; to put aside sorrow, desembOjadera, /. woman who takes the
fear, etc.; to lay aside, cast away, not to use cocoons of silk-worms from the southern-
or wear ; to reject ; to vote down. wood.
desechO, m, residue, overplus, remainder desembojar [(les-em-bo-harM, va. to remove silk-
d6bris, rubbish, refuse, offal; rejection; cocoons from the southern -wood.
disregard, contempt. desembolsar, va. to empty a purse ; to dis-
desedificaci6n, /. scandal, bad example. burse, to expend, to lay out.
desedlficar, va. {for mut. v. edificar) to desembolso, m. disbursement, expenditure^
scandalize to set a bad example.
; desemboque, m. V. desembocadero.
deseguida, a. lewd woman. desemborracbar, va. to sober, to make so-
deselladura, /. unsealing or taking off the ber, to cure of intoxication. vr, to grow
seals. sober.
desellar, va. to unseal, to take off the seals. desemboscarse, w. to get out of the woods
desembalaje, m. unpacking, opening of to get clear of an ambuscade.
bales. desexnbotar, va. to remove dulness from a
desembalar, va. to unpack, to open bales of cutting edge ; to sharpen (as wits).
goods. desembozar, va. &
vr. {for mvt. v. embo-
desembaldosar, va. to take away the flag- zar) to unmuffleor ancover the face ; to un-
stones or tiles ; to unpave. mask, show one's self in one's true colours.
desemballestar, va. (falc.) to dispose to a desembozo, m. uncovering or unmuflling
descent. the face.
desembanastar, va. to take out the contents desembragar, va. {for mut. v. bragar) to
of a basket to talk much and at random
unbind from the cable; (mech.) to ungear,
(coll.) to draw the sword. vr. to break out disconnect. pp. desembragado, out of gear.
or break loose ; (coll.) to alight from a car- desembravecer, va. {for irr. v. embrave>
riage. ckr) to tame, to domesticate.
desembarazadamente, adv. freely, with- desembravecimiento, m. taming or re-
out embarrassment. claiming from wildness.

g (beioree. iWndJ as h in hot; h, silent; 11 in brilliant; &, ny in canyon: r (initial) and rr triUed; ,
desembrazar, va. {/or mut. v. abrazab) desemperezar, vn. {for mut. v. euperezar)
to takeanything off the arms to dart or ; to relinquish habits of laziness and indo-
throw weapons to throw from the arms.
; lence.
desembrlalrajr, ^a- Uor mut. v. embria- desempernar, va. to take out the bolts or
GAR) to sober, to cure from intoxication.— spikes.
vr. to grow sober, to recover from drunken- desemplomar, va. to remove a leaden seal
ness. placed on goods (by custom-house or other-
desembridar, va. to unbridle a horse. wise).
desembroUar, va. to unravel, to disentan- desemplumar, va. v. desplumar.
gle, to clear, to extricate. desempobrecer, va. {for irr. v. empobre-
desembrozar, va. v. desbrozar. CER) to relieve from poverty. vr. to extri-
desembuchar, va. to disgorge, to turn out of cate one's self from poverty.
the maw
(birds) (coll.) to unbosom, to dis-
desempolvar, va. to remove dust or powder.
close one's sentiments and secrets. desempolvoradura, /. dusting.
desemeiante, a. dissimilar, unlike. desempolvorar, va. to dust, to remove dust.
desemejantemente, adv. dissimilarly. desemponzofiar, va. to heal from the effects
desemejanza, /. dissimilitude, unlikeness, of poison, to expel poison.
dissimilarity. desempotrar, va. to remove the stays or
desemejar. In. to be dissimilar or unlike. props which support anything.
va. V. DESFIGURAR. desempulgadura, /• unbending of a bow.
desempacar, va. {for mut. v. empacar) to desempulgar, va. {for mut. V. comulgar)
unpack. vr. (coll.) to grow calm, to be ap- to unbend a bow.
peased. desenalbardar, va. to take off a pack-saddle.
desempachar, the stomach dis-
va. to make desenamorar, va. to destroy love or affec-
<;harge crudities or undigested material. tion. to lose love or affection.
vr. (coll.) to grow bold, to lose all bashful- desenastar, va. to remove the handle or haft
ness. of a tool or weapon.
desempacllO, m. ease, forA'ardness. desencabalgar, va. {for mut. V. cabal-
desempalagar, va. & vr. {for mut. V. empa- gar) (mil.) to dismount cannon.
lagar) to remove nausea or loathing, to re- desencabestradura, /. disentangling of a
store the appetite. va. to clear a mill of beast from the halter.
stagnant or detained water. desencabestrar, va. to disentangle the feet
desempaliar, to clean a glass, looking-
va. of a beast from the halter.
glass, or anything which is tarnished ; to desencadenar, va. to unchain, to break the
take away the clouts and swaddling-clothes chain, to break loose (met.) to dissolve all ;

of children. bonds, ties, connection, or obligation. vr.

desempapelar, va. to unwrap, to unfold any- to break loose, free one's self from chains
thing wrapped in paper ; to take paper- to become infuriated, said of persons, pas-
haugings on a wall. sions, and the elements.
desempaque, m. act of unpacking. desencajadO, da, «. having a changed coun-
desempaquetar [.Jes-em-pah-keh-tar'j, va. to un- tenance.—/)/;, of desencajar out of joint, ;

pack, to open a packet. out of gear.

desemparejar Itles-em-pah-i-eh-har'], va. to un- desencajiadura, /. unjointing, disjointed-
niatch, to make things unequal or uneven. ness, disconnection.
desemparentado, da, «. without relatives. desencajamiento, desencaje, m. disjoint-
desemparvar, t«. to gather mown wheat in eduess ; luxation.
heaps. desencajar [des-en-cah-har'J, va. to disjoint, tO
desempastelar, va. (print.) to distribute pi unjoin, to disconnect, to throw out of gear ;
or mixed letters. to disarticulate to luxa^«. ; vr. to change
desempatar, va. to make unequal or un- countenance to get disjointed, disconnect-

even to decide a tie-vote to run, play, or

; ; ed, out of gear.
shoot off a tie. desencajonar, va. to unpack, to take out of
desempedrador, m. one who unpaves. a box.
desempedrar, va. {for irr. v. empedrar) desencalabrlnar, va. to remove dizziness ;

to unpave: ir deaempedrando la calle, (coll.) to free from stupidity; to remove wrong

to go very rapidly. impressions.
desempegar, va. {for mut. V. pegab) to un- desencalcaX; va. {for mut. v. calcar) to
glue ; to take off the pitch. loosen or dissolve what was caked, or close
desempeflado, da, a. & pp. of desempeSar :
freo or clear of debt. desencallar, va. (naut.) to set a ship afloat,
desempeflar, va. to redeem, to recover what desencaminar, va. to misguide, mislead,
wa:* pledged, to take out of pawn to clear ; lead astray.
or extricate from debt to perform any duty ; desencantamiento, m. V. desencanto.
or promise, to discharge (as an office), to desencantar, va. to disenchant, disillusion,
transact to accomplish, to carry out (as an
; counter-charm, to break a spell.
undertaking) to act (as a part in a play)
; ; desencantaraci6n, /. act and effect of draw-
to acquit, to freefrom an obligation to dis- ; ing lots or balloting for anything.
engage from a difficult or arduous affair. desencantarar, va. todraw lots for candi-
rr. to extricate one's self from debt, to pay dates out of a c&ntaro to withdraw a name

all in bull-fighting, to disengage
; on account of incapacity or privilege.
one's self from the attack of a bull desem- : desencanto, m. disenchantment, disillusion.
pefiarse de la tierra or costa, (naut.) to claw desencapillar, va. (naut.) to unrig, to take
off, to stand off shore. ort' the rig^Miig.
desempe&O, m. the act of redeeming apledge desencapotadura, /. stripping off a cloak
performance of an obligation or promise ;
or a great-<-oat.
flilfilmcnt, discharge; acting of a part. desencapotar, va. to strip one of his cloak
desempeorarse, rr. to recover from sick- or great-coat; (coll.) to uncover, to make
ness, to regain health and vigour. manifest ; to raise and keep up the head of
a aa In far ; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; n in bull ; c (before e, I) and x aa th in thick ; b and d, soft ;
a horse. vr. to clear up (the sky) to lay ; desenfardar, desenfardelar, va. to unpack
aside frowns to put on a pleasing counte-
bales of goods.
nance. desenfllada, (mil.) under cover from fire.
desencaprichar, va. to dissuade from error —
/. (fort.) defilading.
or prejudice to cure one of conceit. vr. to
; desenfilar, va. to put the troops under coTer
desist, yield, get over a whim. from flank fire ; (fort.) to defilade.
desencarcelar, va. to disincarcerate, release desenfrailar, vn. to leave the monastic life,
from confinement, set at liberty. become secularized; (coll.) to come out
desencarecer ['les-en-cah-reh-therr'], va. {forirr. from subjection ; to rest from business for a
V. CARECER) to reduce, to lower the price. time.
desencarnar, va. to prevent dogs from eat- desenfrenadamente, adv. ungovernably,
ing game to lose an affection for anything,
or to divert the mind from it. desenfrenado, da, a. & pp. ungoverned,
desencastillar, va. to expel or drive out of unbridled, outrageous, licentious, wanton.
to manifest, make appear, reveal.
a castle ; desenfrenamiento,™. unrullness, ra.shness,
desencepar, va. (naut.) to clear the anchor. wantonness, licentiousness, boundless lib-
desencerrar [des-en-ther-rar], va. {for irr. V. erty or license libidinousness. ;

cerrar) to free from confinement to open, ; desenfrenar, va. to unbridle. vr. to give
to unclose ; to disclose what was hidden or loose rein to one's passions and desires to* ;

unknown. fly into a violent passion to be mad or ;

desencintar, va. to untie, loosen, take oflf wild.

the ribbons. deseufreno, m. v. desenfrenamiento des- :

desenclavar, va. to draw out nails. V. DES- enfreno de vientre, sudden and violent loose-
CLAVAR to put one violently out of his
; ness.
place. desenfundar, va. to take out of a bag, bol-
deSenclaVljar [des-en-clah-ve-har'l, va. to take ster, pillow-case, sheath, etc.
out pins or pegs (as of a musical instrument). desenfurecerse, vr. to grow calm or quiet,
deSenCOger [des-en-co-hen'], va. (for irr. V. to lay aside anger.
coger) to unfold, to spread open. vr. to desengalanar, va. to remove trappings or
lay aside bashfulness or reserve, to grow adornments.
bold. desenganchar, va. to unhook, unclasp, un-
desencogimiento, m. disembarrassment, pin, unfasten; to disengage; to unhitch,
freedom from perplexity, ease. unharness.
desencoladura, /. act or effect of ungluing. desengafiadamente, adv. truly, clearly, in-
desencolar, va. to unglue, to unsize. genuously ; awkwardly, without care or ad-
desencolerizarse, vr. to grow calm, to be dress, scurvily.
appeased. desenga&ado, da, a. undeceived, disabused,
desenconamientO, m. act and effect of al- schooled by experience despicable, ill-exe ;

laying an inflammation or appeasing anger. CUted.—p;>. of DESENGANAR.

desenconar, an inflammation
va. to allay ; desengaflador, m. undeceiver.
to moderate, check, or appease one's anger ;
desengafLar, ra. to undeceive, to free from
to make mild end benign. vr. to become error, to disabuse, to set right.
milder, to be appeased, to forget injuries. desenga&ilar, va. to free or disengage a per-
desencono, m. mitigation of anger or pas- son or animal held by the throat.
sion. desengafi.0, m. detection or discovery of an
desencordar, va. {for irr. v. acxjrdar) to error undeceiving, disillusion censure, re-
; ;

unstring a musical instrument. proof, reproach, upbraiding.—^/, sad teach-

desencordelar, va. to loosen, to untie or ings from experience.
take away strings or cords. desengarrafar, va. to unfasten or disengage
desencorvar, va. to straighten, to untwist, from claws or clinched fingers.
to unwarp, to unbend. desengarzar (des-en-gar-tharl, va. to take out
desencrespar, va. to uncurl, to unfrizzle. of a setting to loosen from clasps or links.

desencrudecer [deR-en-croo-deh-therr'], va. {for desengastar, va. to take a stone out of its
irr. V. encrudecer) to prepare silk or setting.
thread for receiving the dye ; to clean fab- desengomar, va. to ungum to ; unsize silk.
rics with lye. desengoznar, va. to unhinge; to disjoint.
desencrudeclmiento, m. cleansing of silk V. DESGOZNAR.
(with lye). desengranar, va. to uncog ; to ungear to ;

desencuademar, va. to unbind, to take off uncouple ; to disengage. vr. to get out of
the binding of a book. gear.
desendemonlar, desendiablar, va. to ex- desengrane, m. disengaging gpar.
orcise, to drive out an evil spirit. desengrasador, m. wringing-machine ;
desendiosar, va. to humble vanity. scourer ; wiping clout.
desenfadadamente, adv. without embar- desengrasar, va. to clean from grease ; i»
rassment. scour.
desenfadaderas,/. /)^. tener desenfadaderas, desen^ase, m. removal of grease ; cleaning,
(coll.) to take means to extricate one's self scouring.
from difficulties. desengrosar, va. {forirr. r. engrosar) to
desenfadado, da, pp. & a. free, unembar- extenuate, make lean, debilitate; to mak«
rassed wide, spacious, capacious.
thin or fine.
desenfadar, va. to abate anger, to appease desengrudamiento, m. rubbing off of stick-
passion. vr. to be entertained or amused. ing paste.
desenfado, m
freedom, ease, facility relax- ; desengnnidar, m. rub off paste,
to scrape or
ation, diversion, entertainment. desengrueso {irr. from desengrosar).
desenialdar, va. to let fall the train of a desennebrar, va. to unthread,
gown. desenhornar, ra. to take out of the oven.
' deaenfangar, va. to cleanse, to clear from desenjaezar |de8-«n-liah-a-thar'], tVl. {for tntU.
mud, mire, or filth. V. enjaezar) to unharness ; to unsaddle.

g (befor? 8, i) and J as h in hot; h, silent. ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled : t, hiesed.
desenjalmar [deg-en-hai-mar'], va. to take off a by a thing without taking notice of it; t«
pack-saddle from a beast of burden. shirk.
desenjaular [des-en-hah-oo-lar'l, va. to uDcage desentendido, da, a. unmindful, pretending
(coll.) to remoTe some one from jail. or feigning ignorance.—^/>y>. of desenten-
desenlabonar. va. to unlink. derse hacerse el desentendido or darse por

desenlace, m. (poet. catastrophe of a play or ) desentendido, (coll. ) to wink at a thing t« ;

dramatic poem denouement, unravelling of

; pretend not to have taken notice, or to be
a plot or an affair ; conclusion, end. ignorant of it.
desenladrlllar, va. to take up floor-tiles or desenterrador, m. he who disinters or digs
bricks. up.
desenlazar, va. {for mut. v. enlazar) to desenterramlento, m. disinterment.
unlace, to untie, to loose ; to unravel a dra- desenterrar, va. {for irr. v. enterrar) to
matic plot. disinter, to unbury, exhume, to dig up, to
desenlodar, va. to remove, clean off mud. unearth to recall to one's memory things

desenlosar, va. to take up a floor made of forgotten ; to discover and take up a rare
flags ; to unpave. book or article.
desenlutar, va. to leave off mourning ; to desentiendo {irr. from desentenderse).
banish sorrow. desentierramuertos, m. (coll.) calumnia-
desenmarafLar, va. to disentangle ; to sleave tor of the dead.
(as a skein) to straighten up a complicated
; desentierro {irr. from desenterrar).
affair ; to unravel or make clear an intricate desentoldar, va. to take away an awning ; to
point. strip a thing of its ornaments.
desenmascarar, va. to unmask ; to expose desentonaci6n, /. dissonance.
one's true character. desentonadamente, adv. unharmoniously.
desenmoliecer [aes eu-mo-a-therr'], va. (for irr. desentonado, da, «. & pp. of desentonak :
F. enmohecer) to clear from rust. out of tune, inharmonical, discordant.
desenmudecer, va. {for irr. v. enmude- deseutonamiento, m. dissonance.
CER) to remove an impediment of speech ;
desentonar, va. to humble, to wound the
to break a long silence. Eride of any one. vn. to be out of tune, to
desenojar to appease anger,
[des a-no-har'], va. e inharmonious. vr. to be of a coarse ad-
to allay passion.—^r. to recreate, to amuse dress, to be rude or uncouth to raise the ;

one's self. voice in disrespect.

desenojo [des-a-no'-ho], m. reconcllableness, ap- desentono, m. excessive, harsh, rude tone of
peasableness. voice ; musical discord false note. ;

desenojOSO, sa, appeasing, reconciling,

a. desentornillar, va. to unscrew.
desenredar, va. to disentangle, to free trora desentorpecer, va. {for irr. v. entorpecer)
perplexities, to outwind, extricate, loose ;
to free from torpor to restore motion to ;

to clear ; to put in order, to set to rights.— torpid limbs. be freed from torpor
vr. to
vr. to extricate one's self from diffioulties. to be restored from numbness to become ;

desenredO, w. disentanglement (poet.) ca- ;

lively, smart, or pert.
tastrophe or denouement of a play or poem. desentrampar, va. to free from debts.
desenroUar, va. to unroll, v. desarbo- desentranamiento, m. giving away one's
LLAR. beh>ugiugs as a proof of love.
desenronar, va. to remove debris. desentra&ar, to eviscerate, to disem- va.
desenronquecer [des-en-ron-keh-therr'], va. to bowel to penetrate or dive into the most

free from hoarseness. hidden and difficult matters ; (naut.) to re-

desenroscar, va. {for mut. V. enroscar) to move loops, twists, from ropes. vr. to give
untwine, untwist; to unscrew, away one's all out of love.
desensabanar, va. (coll.) to change or take desentristecer, va. {for irr. V. entristeckr)
off the sheets. to banish sadness and grief.
desensaftar, va. to appease, to pacify, desentronizar, va. {far mut. v. entronizar)
desensartar, va. to unthread, to unstring. to dethrone ; to deprive ot power or author-
desensebar, va. to strip of fat. vn. to change ity.
occupation or exercise in order to render desentumecer, desentumir, vr. to be freed
one's work more endurable to draw breath ; ; from numbness. va. to free from torpor.
to take away the taste of fat (with an olive desenvainar, va. to unsheath (as a sword)
or sweets). (coll. ) to expose to view anything which was
desense&ado, da, pp. & a. untaught. hidden or covered to stretch out the claws ;

desenseflar, va. to make one forget what he or talons.

had bwii taught; to unteach. desenvelejar, va. (naut.) to strip a vessel of
desensillar, va. to unsaddle. her sails.
desensoberbecer, va. {for irr. V. ensober- desenvendar, va. to take off fillets or bands.
BKCER) to humble, take away pride. it. to desenvenenar, va. to extract, remove poi-
become humble, to moderate one's pride. son to destroy the poisonous qualities of a

desensorbijado, da, a. dislocated, displaced. substance.

desentablar, va. to rip up or off planks or desenvergar, va. {for mut. V. envergar)
boards to discompose, disturb, disarrange,
; (naut. to unbend a sail. )

derange, confuse to embroil an affair to; ; desenvlolar, va. to bless or purify a holy
break off a bargain to interrupt friendly ; place which has been desecrated.
intercourse. desenvoltura, /. sprightliness, cheerfulness,
desentallngar, va. (naut.) to unbend a ca- ease, assurance: impudence, effrontery,
ble. boldness, forwardness lewd posture or ges- ;

desentarimar, va. to remove a platform or ture in women graceful and easy delivery ;

stand. in conversation or in acting.

desentarqulnar [denen-tar-ke-nar'l, va. to free desenvolvedor, vi. unfolder, investigator.
a ditch or trench from mud, mire, or filth. desenvolver, va. {for irr. V. ENvoLVER) to
desentenderse, vr. {for irr. v. entendeb) unfold, unroll to unwrap to decipher,
; ;

to feign not to understand a thing to pass ; discover, unravel to develop (as a theme) ;

• M iu fur : e in eh I : i in police ; o in for ; n in ball ; c (before e, 1) «ad s m til in thick ; b aud d, soft;
to evolve; to grow. vr. to be forward, to desfacer, va. {for irr. V. HACER) (obs.) V.
behave with too much assurance. deshackr.
deeenvolvlinientO, m. unfolding, develop- desfacimientO, m. (obs.) destruction, un-
ment, evolution. doing.
desenvueltamente, adv. in a free and easy desfiCliatadaniente, adv. impudently, with
manner clearly, expeditiously.
; effrontery.
desenvueltO, ta,/>p. & a. forward ; free, easy. desfachatado, da, a. (coll.) impudent,
desenvUelVO (irr. from DESENVOLVER). saucy, barefaced.
desenyesar, m. to remove plaster. vr. to desfacnatez, /. (coll.) impudence, effron-
fall or scale off (plaster). tery, barefacedness.
desenzarzar [<ie8-en-tiiar-thar'], va. & vr. to dis- desfajar, va. to ungird.
entangle from brambles ; to appease, recon- desfaicador, ra, a. embezzler, defaulter.
cile those who quarrel. desfaJcar, va. (for mut. v. calcar) to take
deseo, m. desire, wish, mind, liking longing. away part of something, to cut off, to lop
deseoso, sa, a. desirous, longing greedy, ;
to peculate, defalcate, embezzle.
eager. 'desfalCO, m. diminution, diminishing, de-
deSeqUldO, da [(lay-say-kee'-Uol, O. dry. tracting; defalcation, embezzlement, pecu-
desequilibrado, da, vp. & a. unbalanced, lation.
unpoised ; of an unbalanced mind. deSfalleCer [des-fal-lyeh-therr'], VJl. (for irr. V.
desequilibrar Ides-ay-ke-le-brar'], va. to unbal- fallecer) to pine, to fall away, to grow
ance. weak to swoon, to faint. va. to weaken, to

deSeOUilibriO [des-ay-ke-lee'-bre-ol, m. unstable debilitate.

equilibrium ; an unbalanced state. desfalleciente, pa. pining, languishing.
deserci6n [aes-ser tuie-on'], /. desertion; (law) desfallecimientO, m. languor, fainting, de-
abandonment of a suit by plaintiflF. cline dejection of mind swoon, faintingfit.
; ;

deserrado, da, a. free from error. desfallezco {irr. from DESFALLECER).

desertar, vn. to desert to go over to another ; desfavorable, a. unfavourable, contrary.
party;(coll.) to separate from a body or ' desfavorecedor, ra, m. & f. disfavourer,
company ;
(law) to abandon a cause deser- : contemner.
targe A, to fall over. desfavorecer, va. {for irr. v. favorecer) to
desertor, m. deserter forsaker, fugitive. ; disfavour, to discountenance to despise, to ;

deserviciO, m. disservice ; fault committed contemn to injure, to hurt to contradict,

; ;

against a person who has a claim to services. to oppose.

deservidor, m. he who fails in serving an- desfigiiracidn, /. desfiguramiento, m. de-
other. formation, disfiguration, disfigurement.
deservlr, va. {for irr. V. SERVIR) not to per- desfigurar, va. to disfigure, deform, mis-
form one's duty, to disserve. shape, misform to disguise (as the voice)

desescamar, va. to scale ; to remove scales. to misrepresent, to misstate to cloud, to ;

desescombrar, va. to remove the rubbish. darken. vr. to be disfigured by passion or

deseslabonar, va. to cut the links of a an accident.
chain. desfijar, va. to take off, pull off, remove a
desespaldar, va. to wound the shoulder, thing from its place.
desespaldillar, la. to wound in the shoulder- desfllachar, va. v. deshilachar.
blade. vr. to receive a lesion in this bone. desfllada,/. (mil.) single file.
desesperacldn, /. despondency, despair, desfiladero, m. defile, narrow passage ; road
desi)eratiou ; displeasure, anger, passion, at the side of a precipice.
fury : es una desesperacion, (coll. ) it is un- desfilar, vn. (mil.) to defile, to march off by
bearable. files, to file off; to march in review.
desesperadamente, adv. despairingly, desfile, m. defiling off, marching by files.
hopelessly desperately, furiously, madly.
; desflaquezco {irr. from desflaquecer).
desesperado, da, a. &. pp. desperate, de- desflecar, va. {for mut. v. seqar) to remove
spaired, hopeless desperate, furious. ; the flakes of wool or frettin^s of cloth.
desesperanzar, va. {for mut. v. esperan- desfieinaci6n,/. dephlegmation.
zar) to deprive one of hope, to make him desflexnar, va. to dephlegmate.
despair. cr. to lose hope, to despair. desflocar, va. V. desflecar.
desesperar, vn. to lose hope, to despair. va. desfloracibn, /. defloration.
to make one despair, to deprive him of all desfloramientO, m. violation, constupration,
hope.— rr. to sink into the utmost despair, ravishment.
to despond to fret, to be grievously vexed.
; desfiorar, va. to pull up or cut up flowers ; to
desespigar, va. {for mut. v. espigar) to constuprate, violate, deflower to tarnish, ;

thrash grain. to stain or sully to write or speak very su-


desesponjarse, vr. to lose sponginess. perficially.

desestancar, m. {for mut. v. estancar) to desflorecer, vn. & vr. to lose the flower.
take away a monopoly to declare an ar- ; desfloreclmlento, m. falling of flowers.
ticle oi)en to trade. desflueco {irr. from desflocar).
desestafLar, va. & vr. to unsolder. desfogar, va. {for mut. V. AHOGAR) to vent,
desesterar, va. to take off the mats. to make an opening for fire to vent the vio- ;

desestero, m. act and season of taking off lence of passion to give loose rein to a;

the mats. horse. vr. to vent one's anger.

desestima, desestimacibn, /. disesteem, desfogonadlira, /. erosion of a cannon.
disrespect crying down, rejection.
; desfogonar, va. to widen or burst the vent
desesttmador, ra, m. & /. contemner, de- of a cannon.
spiser. des^Ogue Ides-fo'-gay], m. venting or foaming
desestimar, va. to disregard, contemn, un- out of passion.
dervalue to reject, deny.; desfollonar, va. to strip off useless leaves.
desestivar, va. (naut. ) to alter the stowage. desfondar, va. to break or take off the bot-
desfacedor, »i. (obs. ) destroyer: desfacedor tom of a vessel ;
(naut. ) to penetrate the
de entuertos, undoer of injuries. bottom of a ship.

g (before e, i) and J as h in hot; b, si4eut; 11 in brilliant; ft, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; »,
desformar, va. to disfigure, to deform. V. desgobernar, ra. {for irr. V. gobernar) to
DEFORMAR. disturb or overset the order of government
desfortalecer or desfortiflcar. va. {for irr. to misgovern to dislocate or disjoint (as ;

V. KORTALECER, FOKTiFiCAR) (mil.] to dis- bones),; (farr.) to bar a vein on a horse's

mantle, to demolisli the works of a fortress. leg (naut.) to deviate. vr. to affect ridicu-

desforzaxse, vr. to take revenge. lous motions in dancing.

desfrenar, va. to unbridle. V. desenfre- desgobiemo, m. mismanagement, misgov-
NAR. ernment misrule, want of conduct and

desgaire, m. graceless mien or deportment economy maladministration of public af-


slovenliness, affected carelessness in dress ;

fairs (farr.) barring a vein on a horse's leg.

gesture, indicating scorn or contempt: al desgoUetar, va. to break off the neck of a
desgaire, affectedly careless, disdainfulhr. bottle or other vessel to uncover the neck. ;

desgajadura, /. disruption, tearing off the desgomar, va. to ungum, to unsize silk.
branch of a tree. desgonzar, va. v. desgoznar to uncage, ;

desgajar [deg-gah-har'l, va. to tear off the unhinge, disjoint.

branches of trees to break or tear off a ; desgorrarse, vr. to pull off one's bonnet, hat,
thing. vr. to be separated or disjointed to ; or hunting-cap.
be torn off. desgoznar Ides-goth-nar'l, va. to unhinge, to
desgale, m. act of breaking or tearing off. disjoint. vr. to be dislocated or disjointed ;

desgalgadero, m. rugged declivitous place. to be torn in pieces ; to distort the body

desgalgadO, da, a. &pp. precipitated. with violent motions.
desgalgar, va. & vr. {for mut. V. apagar) to desgracla,/. misfortune, adversity, mishap,
precipitate, to throw headlong. fatality misadventure, mischance, harm ;

desgalicliadO, da, a. (coll.) ungainly, un- afHiction, sorrow, grief, bereavement; en-
graceful. mity, unfriendly disposition • disgrace, state
desgana, /. disgust, want of appetite aver- ; of being out of favour lack of grace, un- ;

sion, repugnance, reluctance. V. congoja. gracefulness unpleasantness, rudeness oi ;

desganar, va. to deprive of the idea, desire, language and address correr con desgracia,. :

or pleasure of doing something. vr. to lose to be unfortunate in a design or undertak-

the appetite or desire for food to do with ; ing caer en desgracia, to lose a person's fa-

reluctance what was before done with vour.

pleasure. desgraciadamente, adv. unfortunately, un-
desganchar, va. to lop off the branches of happily.
trees. desgraciadO, da, a. unfortunate, unhappy,
desgaflifarse, desgaflitarse, vr. to shriek, unlucky, miserable, subject to misfortunes ;
to scream, to bawl. misadventured, luckless, hapless out of ;

desgarbado, da, «. ungraceful, ungenteel, work disagreeable, ungrateful.—pp. ofDES-


inelegant, ungainly, gawky. graciar.

desgargantarse, vr. (coll. ) to become hoarse desgraclar, va. to displease, disgust to ;

with bawling or screaming. maim a person to spoil a thing. vr. to dis-;

desgargolar, va. to ripple (as flax or hemp) ;

grace, to fall out with one to become a ;

to take a board or stave from a groove. cripple to lose the perfection formerly pos

desgaritar, vn. (naut.) to lose the course.— sessed to degenerate to die young to fail
; ; ;

vr. to go astray from a fold (sheep) to give ; to fall through (as a project).
up a design or undertaking. desgramar, va. to pull up the panic-grass by
dSSgarradamente, adv. impudently, bare- tiie root.
facedly, shamelessly. desgranadera, /. grape-picker.
desgarrado, da, pp. & a. licentious, disso- desgranador, ra, «. sheller, thrasher ;
lute impudent, shameless, bold.
; desgranamientO, /«. (agr.) shaking or beat
'lesgarrador, ra, m. &f. tearer. ing out grain, thrashing, shelling; (mil.)
desgarradura,/. rent, laceration, break. grooves which the expansive force of pow-
desgarrar, va. to rend, to tear; to claw; der forms on the inner orifice of the vent-
(Cuba) to expectorate, cough up (phlegm). hole.

vr. to withdraw from one's company to ; desgranar, va. to beat or shake out the grain
retire. from cereals ; to thrash, to flail ; to shell (as
desgarro, m. laceration, rent, break, breach ;
peas). vr. to shed the grains to scattsr ;

impudence, effrontery looseness, criminal ; about (as beads) (mil.) to wear away, ap- ;

levity fanfaronade, idle boast, brag, rodo-

; plied to the vent of fire-arms.
montade. desgrane, »«. shelling act of the grain be- ;

desgarr6n, m. aug. large rent or hole ;

piece et)ining loose ; scattering of grain or beads.
of cloth torn off. desgranzar, va. to separate the husks or
desgastar, va. to wear away, fray, abrade, chaff from the grain (pict.) to give colours ;

consume, waste by degrees to corrode, ; the first grinding.

gnaw, eat away.—rr. to lose strength and desgre&ar, the hair.
va. to dishevel vr. to
vigour to debilitate one's self.
; quarrel ; to pull each other's hair.
desgaste, m. slow waste, attrition, abrasion ; desgruarnecer [des-goo-ar-nay-therr'l, va. {for
wear and tear, erosion, fray. irr. V. GUARNECER) to Strip clothes of trim-
desgatar, ra. (agr.) to root out the rest-har- mings and other ornament* to deprive any- ;

row. thing of its strength to strip it of^all acces' ;

desgaznatarse, desgaSitarse. vr. V. sories to disgarnish

; to disgarrison to ; ;

desglosar, va. to blot out a marginal note disarm to unharness.


to take off; to separate sheets from a book. desguarnezco {irr. from desguarneceb).
desglose, m. act of blotting out a comment desguarnir, va. (naut. ) to unrig the capstan.
or gloss. desguazar [iicB-Koo-ah-thar'], va. to cut asundei
desgObemadO, da, a. ill-govemed or un- timber or wood.
governable person.—«p. of desgobernar. deSgUinCe (<lei<-Keen'-thay], m. knife that cots
desgobernadura,/. (farr.) confining a vein • rags in paper-mills ; twist of the body to
in animals. escape a thrust.

» as In far ; e in eh I ; i in police ; o in n in ball ; c (before e, i) and z ae tb in thick ; b and d. soft;

desguindar [des-geen-dar'i, va. (naut.) to take desblladiz, rn. V. filadiz.
and bring down. vr. to slide down a rope. desbilado, m. open-work, drawn work.
deSgUinZar Ides-geen-thar'], va. tO CUt cloth or desbilado, da, pp. & a. marching in a file :

rags in paper-mills. k la desbilada, in file, one after another,

desnabitado, da, a. uninhabited, unten- stealthily deceitfully, dissemblingly.

anted, deserted.—PJ9. of desuabitar. desbiladura, /. ripping, ravelling out.

deshabitar, va. to quit one's house or habi- desbilar, va. to ravel ; to scrape lint ; to dis-
tation to unpeople, to depopulate, to desert
; tract bees ; to carve a fowl in thin strips.
a place. vr. to grow thin ; to fuzz.
desnabituacidn, /. disuse, disusage, desue- desbilo, m. obstructing the communication
tude. of bees, to get them into a new hive.
deshabltuar, to disaccustom, disuse,
va. desbilvanadO, da,j3p. & a. disjointed, dis-
destroy the force of habit. connected ; without any sequence.
deshacedor, m. deshacedor de agravios, un- desbilvanar, va. to remove the basting-
doer of injuries. threads.
desbacer, va. {/or irr. V. hacer) to undo; deSbinCadUra [dee-in-cah-doo'-rah], /. act of
to destroy or take apart to undo, untie, ; drawing out anything nailed or fixed.
open (as a parcel) to consume, to dimin- ; desbincar Ides-in-car'], va. to draw a nail, to
ish ; to cancel, to blot or scratch out ; to ef- remove what is fixed.
face ; to rout an army to put to flight ; to ; desblncbadura, /. act of abating a swell-
melt, to liquefy to cut up, to divide ; to
; ing.
dissolve in a liquid (as sugar) ; to violate a desbincbar [deBinchar'], va. to reduce a swell-
treaty or agreement ; (mil. ) to discharge ing to let out the air, or fluid, with which

troops from service. vr. to he wasted, con- anything is inflated to appease anger or an- ;

s-umed, destroyed ; to grieve, to mourn ; to noyance. vr. to contract, decrease, shrink,

disappear, to get out of one's sight ; to do shrivel (applied to anything swollen or
anything with vehemence to grow feeble ; puffed) (coll. ) to abate presumption.

or meagre ; to be crippled, grievously mal- desbojador [des-oh-hah-dor'J, m. stripper of

treated deshacerse de, to remove a hin-
: leaves.
drance to the carrying out of a project ; to desbojadura, /. stripping a tree of its leaves.
transfer, to sell : desbacerse como el hamo, to desbojar, va. to strip off the leaves.
vanish like smoke desbacerse en l&grimas, : desboje Ides-oh'-hay], m. the fall of leaves.
to burst into tears desbacer agravios or tuer-: desboilejar [des-oi-iyay-har'i, vo. to peel, to pare,
tos, to revenge or redress injuries or wrongs ; to skin (as grapes) ; to shell (as beans).
desbacerse de una cosa, to give away a thing. deSbOllinadOr (deg-ol-lyee-nah-dor'l, m. chim-
deshago, desMce, desbaga {irr. from des- ney-sweeper any instrument for sweeping

hacer). chimneys (coll.) he who examines and in-


"lesbaldo, m. v. marceo. spects carefully and curiously.

desbarrapado, da, «. shabby, ragged, in deSbOllinar [des-ol-lyee-nar'), va. tO sweep Or
tatters. clean chimneys to clean ceilings and walls ;

desbarrapamientO, m. misery, meanness. with a turk's head (coll.) to view and ex- ;

desbebillar, unbuckle. va. to amine with attention.

desbebrar, va. to unthread, to ravel into desbonestamente, adv. dishonourably, dis-
threads to separate into filaments.
; gracefully lewdly, lustily. ;

desbecba, /. simulation, fiction, evasion, desbonestarse, vr. to be indecorous or lewd.

shift genteel departure, polite farewell
; desbonestidad, /. immodesty, indecency,
step in a Spanish dance : & la desbecba, dis- lewdness.
semblingly deceitfully bacer la desbecba,
; : desbonestO, ta, a. immodest, lewd, unchaste,
to dissemble. libidinous, lustful dishonest, crooked, not ;

desbecblzar Ides-eh-chee-thar'], va. to disen- upright.

chant; to break a spell. desbonor [dee-o-nor'], m. dishonour, disgrace ;
desbecblzo Ides-eh-chee'-thaw], m, disenchant- injury, insult, affront.
ment, breaking of a spell. desuonorar, va. to dishonour, to disgrace;
desbecbO, Cba, a. & pp. of deshacer un- ; to deprive of oflSce or employ.
done, destroyed, wasted melted in pieces ; ; ; desbonra, /. dishonour, discredit disgrace ;

perfectly mixed, applied to colours borras- : or infamy, obloquy, opprobrium seduction ;

ca desbecba, violent tempest fuga desbecba, : or defloration of a woman tener i desbonra :

precipitate flight. algnna cosa, to consider a thing unworthy.

desbelar [des-eh-lar'l, va. &. vr. {for irr. V. HE- deshonrabuenos, com. calumniator,libeller,
LAR) to thaw, to melt. slanderer, degenerate.
desberbar, ra. {for irr. V. HERB»rv) to pluck desbonradamente, adv. dishonourably,
up or extirpate herbs. shamefully, disgracefully.
desberedaci6n, /. disheritance, disinherit- desbonrador, m. dishonourer, violator of
ing. chastity, disgracer.
iesneredamiento, m. disinheriting. desbonrar Ides-on-rar'], va. to affront, insult,
desberedar, >-a. to disinherit; to cut off from defame to dishonour, to disgrace to scorn,
; ;

an hereditiiry right. vr. to degenerate. to despise to seduce an honest woman.


desbenuanar, va. to unmatch. vr. to vio- desbonrible, n. (coll.) shameless, despicable.

late the love due to a brother. desbonroso, sa, a. dishonourable, indecent,
desberradura, /. (farr.) surbating. disgraceful, low.
desberrar, '•«. {for irr. v. herrar) to un- desbora, /. unseasonable or inconvenient
chain to rip off the shoes of horses.
time k desbora or k desboras, untimely, un-

desberrumbrar, va. to clear a thing of rust. seasonably extemporary. ;

desbldratar, va. to dehydrate. desbornar, va. to take out of the oven.

desbielo, m. thaw. desbOSpedamlentO, rn. inhospitality, act of
desbielO {irr. from desiielar). refusing strangers a lodging.
desbilacbar, va. to ravel, to uncord. vr. to desbuesar to bone
ldeR-way-«ar'], va. an ani-
fuzz. mal ; to take the pits out of fruits.

g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brUliant ; ft, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trlUed ; t,
desHmnanizax, va. to render less human, or desistir, vn. to desist, to cease, to give up, t«
less true to life. go back to leave, to abandon to flinch
; ;

deshumailO, na [des-oo-mah'-uo], a. inhuman. (for. ) to abdicate a right.

deShUDiedeCer [des-oo-meh-deh-therr'], va. {for deSJarretadera [des-har-ray-tah-day'-rahj, /.
mut. V. humedecer) to exsiccate, to de- hooked knife for hocking or hamstringing
prive of humidity. vr. to dry or grow dry. cattle.
desiderable, a. desirable. desjarretar [<ies-har-ray-tai'\ va. to hock, to
desldla,/. idleness, laziness, indolence. hamstring; (coll.) to weaken, to debilitate
desidiosamente, adv. indolently, idly. (as by bleeding a patient).
desldiOSO, sa, a. lazy, idle, indolent, heavy. deSjarrete [des-har-ray'-tay], m. act of ham-
desiertO, ta, a. deserted, uninhabited, lone- Stringing or hocking.
some, solitary. m. desert, waste, wilder- deSJUgar Ides-hoo-gar'], va. {for mut. F. ENJU-i
ness predicar en desierto, (coll.) to preach
: GAR) to extract the juice from anything.
to deaf people. desjuiciado, da, a. lacking sense or good
designacibn, /. designation. judgment.
d^slgnar, va. to design, to purpose, to intend desjuntamlentO, m. separation, disjunction.
anything to designate, name, appoint.
; desjuntar [des-hoon-tar'J, va. & vr. to disjoint,
designlo, m. design, purpose, intention, con- divide ; to separate, to part.
trivance, mind. desjurar [des-hoo-rar'j, va. to retract an oath,
desigual, a. unequal, dissimilar, unlike, mis- to forswear.
mated, mismatched; uneven, uulevelled, deslabonaf , va. to unlink, to disjoin ; to de-
broken, craggy, cragged arduous, difficult, ; stroy. vr. to withdraw from a company, tc
perilous changeable, variable abrupt ex-
; ; ; retire.
cessive, extreme. desladrillar, va. v. desenladrillar.
deslgualar, va, to make unequal or dissim- deslamar, va. to clear of mud.
ilar, to mismatch. vr. to excel, to surpass. deslastrar, va. to unballast a ship.
desigualdad [aes-e-goo-ai-dahd'], /. inequality, deslatar, va. to take off the laths (building).
odds, dissimilitude, difference ; variable- deslavadO, da,i)p. &.a. impudent, barefaced.
ness, levity, inconstancy ; wrong, injury, deslavadura, /. washing, rinsing.
injustice knottiness, unevenness, cragged-
; deslavar, va. to wash or cleanse superficially,
ness, cragginess. to rinse ; to wet, to spoil by wetting ; to take
deslgiialmente, adv. unequally, oddly. away the colour, force, or vigour of a thing.
desilusibn, /. disillusion. deslavazar, va. V. deslavar.
desiluslonar, va. to destroy an illusion, to deslazamientO, m. disjunction, dissolution.
disillusion, disenchant ; to undeceive. vr. deslazar, va. to unlace, to untie.
to lose an illusion ; to be disabused, unde- desleal, a. disloyal ;
perfidious, faithless
ceived. traitorous.
desimaginar Mes e-mah-he-nar*], va. tO blot OUt deslealmente, adv. disloyally, treacherously.
or obliterate in the mind. deslealtad,/. disloyalty, treachery, faithless-
desimanar, vr. to lose magnetism, become ness.
demagnetized. deslechar, va. to remove the leaves and dirt
desimantar, va. to demagnetize. from silk-worms.
desimantaci6n,/. demagnetization. deslecho, m. act of cleansing silk-worms.
desimpresionar, va. to undeceive. deslechugador, m. vine-dresser, pruner.
desinclinar, va. to disincline. deslectiugar, deslechuguillar, va. (agr.)
desincorporaci6n, disincorporation, end
/. to cut and prune the branches of vines.
of corporate existence. desleidura, /. desleimiento, m. dilution,
desincorporar, va. & vr. to separate what making thin or weak.
was before united or incorporated to disin- ; desleir, va. {ind. deslIo: pret. 61 DESL16
corporate. suhj. yo deslIa)
to dilute, to dissolve, to
desinencla, / (gram.) declension, inflection, make
thin or weak.
desinence; (rhet.) ending of a sentence. deslendrar. va. to clear the hair of nits.
deslnfeccidn [des-in-fec-tiiie-on'],/. disinfection, deslengruado, da, pp. &. a. loquacious, im-
act of disinfecting or sterilizing. pudent, foul-mouthed, scurrilous.
deslnfectante, pa. & m. disinfectant, disin- deslengiiamiento, m. loquacity, impudence.
fecting antiseptic.
; deslenguar, va. to cut out the tongue. vr. to
desinfectar, va. to disinfect, to sterilize, to talk ill of, to slander.
render antiseptic. desliar, va. to untie, to loose.
desinficionamiento, m. disinfection. desligadura, /. or desligamiento, m. dia- ^

desinficionar, va. to free from infection, to junction, untying.

disinfect. desligar, va. (for mut. V. ligar) to loosen,
desinflamar, va. to cure or remove an in- to untie, to unbind to disentangle, extri- ;

flammation. cate, unravel something not material to ;

deslnflar, va. to let out the air, or fluid, with absolve from ecclesiastical censure to ex- ;

which anything is inflated. cuse from an obligation (naut.) to remove ;

desinsaculacibn,/. act of drawing lots. from a ship part of its knees, or futtock-tim-
desinsacular, va. to draw lots or names bers, or the spikes which hold them fmed.) ;

from an urn or balloting-box. to unfasten bandages or ligatures; (mus.

deslnter^S, m. disinterestedness, indiffer- to play or sing staccato. vr. to get loose, to
ence to profit. give way.
deslnteresadamente, adv. disinterestedly. deslindable, a. surveyable, capable of de-
desinteresado, da, a. disinterested, impar- marcation.
tial. desllndador, m. land surveyor.
deslnvernar, vn. (mil.) to leave winter desUndamiento, m. demarcation, survey.
quarters. deslindar, va. to survey, to mark limits, to
deslrvo from deservir).
[irr. set land-marks to clear up a thing, to de*

desistencia, /. desistimiento, m. desist- fine it.

ance, act of desisting. deslinde, m. demarcation.
»M in ter ; e in eb I ; i in police : o in for ; a in bttU ; « (befor* n. <) and x as th in thick ; b and 4,
desli&ar, va. to clean fulled ciotli before it desmangar, va. to take off the handle oi
goes to the press. haft.
desUz [des-ieetii'], m. slip act of slipping or ; desmanotado, da, a. unhandy, awkward.
sliding false step, frailty, weakness, fail-
; desmantecar, va. to take off butter or lard.
ure, fault (min. ) mercury which escapes in
desmantelado, da, a. & pp. of desmante-
smelting silver ore. LAR dismantled, ruinous, dilapidated.

deslizable, a. that which can slip or slide. desmantelar, va. to dismantle ; to abandon,
desUzadero [cies-ie-thaiwiay'-ro], m. slippery desert, forsake (naut.) to unmast.

place. a. V. deslizadizo. desma&a, f. awkwardness, clumsiness, idle-

desUzadero, ra, or deslizadizo, za [aes le- ness, laziness.
thah-dee' tiiaw!, a. slippery, slijjpy, lubricous. desmafLadO, da, a. unhandy, clumsy, awk-
deslizamiento, m. slip, slipping. ward, clownish lazy, idle, indolent.

deSliZar ides-le-tlmr'], vn. & vr. (pret. DESLICfe : desmarafiar, va. to disentangle. V. desen-
subj. deslice) to slip, to slide to act or ; MARANAR.
speak carelessly. vr. to shirk, to evade. desmarcar, va. {for mut. v. marcar) to re-
deslomadura, /. act of breaking the back ;
move, efface, obliterate marks.
(farr.) disease of the muscles of the loins. desmarojador, m. he who rids the trees of
deslomar, va. to break the back, to distort dead leaves or branches.
or strain the loins, to chine. desmarojar, va. to take off dry leaves or
deslucidamente, adv. ungracefully, inele- branches.
gantly. desmarrido, da, a. sad, languid, dejected,
deslucido, da, pp. & a. unadorned, ungrace- exhausted.
ful, inelegant, awkward ; useless, fruit- desmatar, adv. V. descuajar.
less. desmayadamente, adv. weakly, dejectedly.
deslucimiento, m. disgrace, dishonour, want desmayado, da, a. &pp. of desmayar pale, ;

of splendour. wan, faint of lustre ; dismayed, appalled.

deslUCir, va. {for irr. V. lucir) to tarnish or desmayar, vn. to be dispirited, faint-heart-
impair the lustre and splendour of a thing ed, discouraged. va. to dismay, to depress,
to obscure one's merit. to discourage. vr. to faint, to swoon.
deslumbrador, ra, «. dazzling, brilliant, desmayo, m. swoon, fainting fit decay of;

glaring. strength and vigour ; dismay, discourage-

deslnmbramientO, overpowering
rn. glare, ment.
lustre, dazzling confusion of sight or mind,
; desmazalado, da, a. weak, dejected, faint-
hallucination. hearted, spiritless.
deslumbrante, pa. dazzling. desmedidamente, adv. disproportionately,
deslumbrar, va. to dazzle the sight, to glare ; excessively.
to puzzle, to leave in doubt and uncer- desmedido, da, «. excessive, out of propor-
tainty. measure.—m>. of desmedirse.
tion or
deslustrador, ra, m. &f. tamisher. desmedirse, vr. to forget one's self, to be im-
deslustrar, va. to tarnish, to take away the pertinent or saucy to lose self-control. ;

lustre, to dim, to unglaze, to sponge to ob- ; desmedrar, vn. to decrease, to decay. va. to
scure, to make less beautiful or illustrious ; impair, to deteriorate.
to blast one's reputation, to impeach one's desmedro, m. diminution, decay, detriment.
character. desmedular, va. to remove marrow from
deslustre, m. spot or stain, dimness, dul- bones.
ness disgrace, ignominy, stigma.
; desme'ora, /. deterioration, depreciation,
deslUStrOSO, sa, a. unbecoming, ugly. diminution, loss.
desmadejamiento, m. languishment, lan- desmejorar, worse.
va. to debase, to make
guidness. decay, to decline, to grow worse.
vr. to
desmadejar, produce lan-
va. to enervate, to desmelancolizar, va. to cheer, to enliven, to
guor. vr. to languish, to be enervated and gladden.
weak. desmelar, va. to take the honey from a hive.
desmajolar, va. to pull up vines by the desmelenar, va. to dishevel, to disarrange
roots ; to loosen or untie the shoe-strings. the hair.
desmallador, m. he who breaks a coat of desmembraci6n, /. dismemberment, ampu-
mail. tation, division.
desmalladura,/. act of ripping up or break- desmembrador, ra, m. &f. divider; one
ing a coat of mail. who dismembers or divides.
desmallar, va. to cut and destroy a coat of desmembrar, va. {for irr, v. sembrar) to
mail. dismember, to divide limb from limb, to
desmamar, va. V. destetar. tear asunder, to curtail; (surg.) to ampu-
desmamonar, va. to cut off the young shoots tate to separate, to divide.

of vines or trees. desmemorlarse, vr. to be forgetful, to for-

desm&n, m. misbehaviour; excess in actions get.
or words ; misfortune, disaster, mishap, ca- desmenguar, va. to lessen ; to diminish
lamity. (things not material). V. menguar.
desmanarse, vr. to stray from a flock or desmentida,/. act of giving the lie.
nerd. desmentidor, ra, m. &f. one who gives the
desmandado, da,/)jD. & a. v. desobediente. lie.
desmandamientO, m. countermanding an desmentir, va. [for irr. V. mentir) to give
order sauciness, impertinent behaviour.
; the lie ; to convince of a falsehood ; to con-
desmandar, va. to repeal an order, to coun- tradict, to deny to counterfeit, conceal,

termand to revoke a legacy. vr. to trans-

; dissemble ; to do things unworthy of one's
gress the bounds of justice and reason to ; birth, character, or profession. vn. to devi-
be impertinent to stray from the flock ; ate from the right line.— vr. to recant, re-
to go astray. tract, to belie.
desmanear, va. to unfetter, to take off fetters desmenuzable, a. friable, brittle, crisp,
or shackles (of horses, mules, etc.). crimp, easily crumbled.

g (b«fore e, i) and J as h iu hot -, h, silent; il in brilliant; fi, 117 in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled: S,
desmenuzador, ra, m. &/. oue who crum- desmoralizado, da, a. & pp. of desmora>
bles scrutator or investigator purifier.
; ;
LiZAR demoralized, depraved, corrupted.

desmenuzamlento, m. act or crumbling, desmoralizar, ta. {/ormut. v. moralizar)

breaking or tearing into small pieces. to demoralize, corrupt, deprave. vr. (mil.)
desmenUZar IJes-may-noo-thar'], va. {pret. DES- to relax the discipline of an armv.
MENCC^: to crumble,
subj. desmenuce) desmoronadizo, za, a. easily mouldered.
comminute, crum to shred ; to break or ; desmoronamiento, m. crumbling.
tear into bits ; to chip, to mill, to fritter to ; desmoronar, ra. to abrade, to destroy by
sift, to examine minutely.— i>r. to crumble, little and little, to ruin by insensible de-
to fall into small pieces. grees. rr. to moulder, fall, decay, crum-
desmeollamientO, m. taking out the mar-
row. desmostar, va. to separate the must from
desmeollar, va. to take out the marrow or the grapes vn. to ferment.
pith. desmotadera, /. woman who burls cloth
desmerecedor, ra, a. unworthy, undeserv- burling-irou.
ing. desmotador, ra, m. & J. burler ; cloth-nip-
desmerecer, merecer) to de-
va. {forirr. v. per, burling-iron.
merit, to become unworthy or undeserving desmotar, va. to burl, to gin.
of a thing. vn. to lose part of its worth to ; desmuUir, va. to discompose anything soft
grow worse, to deteriorate. or bland.
desmerecimiento, m. demerit, unworthi- desmurador, m. a mouser (cat).
ness. desmurar, m. to exterminate rats from any
desmesura, /. excess, lack of measure. place.
desmesuradamente, adv. immeasurably, desnarigado, da, a. & pp. noseless.
excessively. desnarigar, va. to cut off the nose.
desmesurado, da, a. immeasurable, exces- desnatar, va. to skim milk to take thw ;

sive.—pyj. of desmesurar. flower or choicest part of a thing.

desmesurar, va. to disorder, discompose, desnaturalizacibn, /. expatriation, denat-
perturbate. vr. to be forward, impudent, uralization, denationalization.
saucy, rude. desnaturalizado, da, «. denaturalized.—
desmiembro {irr. from desmembrar). pp. of DESN'ATIRALIZAR.
desmiento («>/*. from desmentir). desnaturalizar, mut. v. naturals
va. {for
desmlgajar, va. to crumble, to comminute zar) to denaturalize, to denationalize to ;

(as bread). vr. to crumble. banish, exile, expatriate to disfigure, per. ;

desmigar, va. (
pret. desmigu^ : subj. des- —
vert (as a fact). rr. to abandon one's coun-
MIGUE) to crumble bread. try.
desmlrriado, da, n. (coll.) lean, extenuated, desnegamiento, m. denial, contradiction ;
exhausted ; melancholy. retraction, retractation, recantation.
desmocha, desmocliadura, /. obtrunca- desnegar, va. (for irr. V. NEGAR) to deny,
tion, lopping or cutting off; diminution or gainsay, contradict. vr. to unsay, to re-
destruction of a great part of a thing, tract, to recant.
desmocliar, va. to lop or cut off the top of a desnervar, va. to enervate.
thing (as a tree) to unborn, ; desnevado, da, a. thawed, free from snow.
desmoche, m. v. desmocha. —pp. of DESNEVAR.
desmocho, m. heap of things lopped or cut off. desnevar, va. {for irr. V. NEVAR) to thaw, to
desmogar, m. to cast the horns, as deer, dissolve.
desmogue, m. act of casting the horns, desnivel. ?». unevenness, slope, gradient.
desmografia, /. desmography. desnivelaci6n,/. unlevelling, unevenness.
desmolado, da, a. toothless, having no desnivelado, da, pp. & a. unlevelled.
grinders. desnivelar, va. to unlevel,—t?r. to lose i^?
desmoldamiento or desmolde, m. removal level.
of a casting from the mould. desnucamiento, m. breaking the neck.
desmoldar, va. to remove from the mould, to desnucar, va. {pret. desnvquA: stibj. DKS-
"strike the frame." NUQUE) to break the neck, to disjoint the
desmologia, desmology. .f. nape ; to kill by a blow upon the nape.
desmonetizar, va. to convert money into desnudador, m. one that denudes.
bullion for other purposes ; to demonetize. desnudamente, adv. nakedly manifestly, ;

desmonta,/. v. desmonte. plainly.

desmontado, da, unmounted,
pp. & a. dis- desnudar, to strip, undress, denudate.
mounted ;
(mech.) Knocked down. denude, uncover; to fleece; (naut.) to un-
desmontador, ra, m. & f. one who fells rig. vr. to undress, to strip, to take off one's
wood ; dismounter, clothes to deprive one's self of; to rid one's

desmontadura, /. felling timber, clearing self of.

from shrubbery. desnudez I'leB-noo-dethM,/. nudity, nakedness.
desmontar, ra. to clear a wood to remove a ; desnudo, da, a. nude, naked, bare, uncov*
heap of dirt or rubbish to grub, to fallow ;
ill-clothed plain, evident, apparent;
ered ; ;

to uncock fire-arms; to take apart (as a empty-handed; destitute of merit, interest,

machine) to dismount a troop of horse to
; ; etc. m. nude figure in art.
dismount cannon desmontar el tlmbn, : desobedecer, va. {for irr. v. obedecer) to
(naut.) to unhang the rudder. vn. to dis- disobev : desobedecer el tim6n, (naut.) to
mount, to alight from a horse, mule, etc. fall off!
desmonte, m. grubbing or clearing of trees desobedezco (irr. from desobedecer).
and undergrowth; timber remaining on desobediencia,./^. disobedience, lawlessness.
the spot. desobediente, pa. disobedient.
desmo&ar, ra. (coll.) to undo the chignon or desobedientemente, adv. disobediently.
hair-knot. desobligar, ra. {for mut. V. obligar) tore-
desmoralizaci6n, .f. demoralization, cor- lease from an obligation ; to disoblige, to
ruption, depravation of morals, depravity. offend ; to alienate one's goodwill!

AM in far ; • in «h I ; i in police ; o in for ; a in bnll ; e (before e, I) And z an th In thick ; b and d, eoft;

desobstniCCi6n, /. act of removing obstruc- army to relax discipline.
; vr. to become
tions. disorganized, to separate, to be dispersed ;
desobstruir, va. (for irr. V. obstkuir) to (med.) to be altered, disorganized.
remove obstructions (med.) to deobstruct. ; desorientar, va. & vr. to disorient, to disori-
desocupacibn, /. leisure, want of occupation. entate ; to lose or cause to lose one's bear-
desocupadamente, adv. deliberately, lei- ings ; to lose the way ; to confuse, to lead
surely. into error.
desocupar, evacuate, to quit
va. toto ; desorillar, va. to cut off the selvage of cloth
empty.—-t7r. to disengage one's self from a to cut the border off.
business or occupation. desortijado, da, pp. & a. (farr.) sprained.
desoir, va. to pretend not to hear, not to desortijar, va. to noe or weed plants the first
heed. time.
desojar ideB-o-har'], va. & vr. to break or burst CLesOSBX, va. {ind. DESHUESO: subj. deshue-
the eye (as of a needle). vr. to strain one's se) to bone. V. deshuesar.
sight'; to look intently. desovar, va. to spawn.
desolaci6n, /. desolation, destruction, havoc, desove, m. spawning, spawning season.
extermination fall ; intense grief or afflic-
; desovillar, va. to unclew, to unravel, disen-
tion. tangle, clear up.
desolado, da, pp. & a. desolate, disconsolate. desoxidaci6n[de8ok se-dah-thie-on'],/. deoxydi-
desolar, va. {for irr. V. asolar) to desolate, zation.
to lay waste ; to harass. vr. to suffer great desoxldar (des ok-se-dar'], va. to deoxydize.
grief. deSOXigenaciOn [dee ok-se-bay-nah-tbie-on-],/. d«-
desoldar, va. to unsolder. vr. to lose the sol- oxydation.
der. deSOXigenar [des-ok-se-hay-nar'], va. tO deoxy-
desolladamente, adv. (coll.) impudently, dize.
petulantly. despabiladeras, /. pi. snuffers.
desoUaderO, m. abattoir, slaughter-house. despabilado, da, a. &pp. snuffed (candles)
desollado, da, a. (coll) forward, impudent, watchful, vigilant, lively, active, smart.
insolent.—p/>. of desollar. despabilador, ra, m. & f. candle-snuffer;
desollador, ra, a. flayer, extortioner,—m. he who snuffs.'
butcher-bird. despabiladura,/. snuff of the candle.
desoUadura, /. act and effect of flaying or despabUar, ra. to trim or snuff" a candle to ;

skinning, excoriation extortion. ; cut off a superfluity to flnish a thing briefly


desollar, va. {for irr. V. resollar) to flay, or quickly (as a dinner or a fortune) to ;

to skin, to strip off" the skin, to excoriate ;

rouse, to enliven (coll. ) to rob, to plunder

to fleece to cause great harm or injury : de-

; (coll.) to kill: despabilar los ojos, (met.) to
sollar & uno vivo, (coll.) to extort an immod- keep a sharp lookout despabilar el ingenio; :

erate price ;
(coll.) to roast, speak ill of one. to sharpen the wits. vr. to rouse, to wake
desollbn, m. v. desolladura. from slumber.
desonce [des-on -thayl, m. discount of an ounce despaciO, adv. slowly, leisurely, gently, in-
or ounces in each pound. by little and little deliberately.
sensibly, ;

desonzar, discount or deduct an ounce

va. to I despaclO
! interj. softly, gently.
or ounces in the pound. despacito, adv. very gently, softly, leisurely,
desopilar, va. to clear away obstructions ;
very slowly.
(med.) to remove retention or suppression Idespacito interj. gently stop a little
! !

of menstruation. despachaderas, /./)/. (coll.) surly rejoinder.

desopilativo, va, a. deobstruent. despacbado, da, a. (coll.) impudent, bold-
desoplnadO, da, a. one who has lost his repu- faced, brazen.—j)p. of despachar.
tation. —/>/<. of DESOITNAR. despacbador, m. expediter, one who de-
desopinar, va. to detract one's character, to spatches.
defame. despacbar, va. to despatch to expedite, ;

desoprimir, va. to free from oppression. abridge, facilitate ; to pack, to send, to for-
desorden, m. disorder, confusion, irregu- ward, to express to perform a business ;

larity, displacement,mess; lawlessness, li- with despatch to cut off delays to sell
; ;

cense, excess, abuse turmoil, disturbance, ;

goods and merchandise to dismiss, dis- ;

riot en desorden, helter-skelter.

: charge despachar nn barco, (com.) to clear

desordenadamente, adv. disorderly, irregu- a vessel at the custom-house despachar g6ne- :

larly, confusedly. ros or mercaderias en la adnana, to clear, or

desordenado, da, disorderly, irregular, «. take out goods or merchandise at the cus-
disordered, orderless, lawless, licentious.- tom-house. vr. to accelerate, to make haste.
pp. of DESORDENAR. — vn. in offices, to carry papers drawn up
desordenar, va. to disorder, to throw into for the signature of the principal ; (com. ) to
confusion, to disarrange, disturb, confound, expend, to let goods go for money or barter ;
confuse. vr. to exceed or go beyond all (coll.) to attend on customers in a shop.
rule to be out of order, to be irregular to
; ; despacbo, m. expedient, determination de- ;

get unruly, be unmanageable (as a horse). spatch, expedition custom application from
; ,

desorejadO, da, a. (coll.) licentious, disso- buyers cabinet, department or office, bu-

lute, degraded : un plUo desorejado, an ar- reau, library, counting-house, depot: despa-
rant rogue. cho de adnana, clearance despacho de billetes :

desorejador, ra, m. & f. one who crops off orboletos, ticket-office: despacho de localida-
the ears. des, box-office sale of goods, trade, demand

desoreiamiento, m. cropping the ears, commission, warrant, patent official com- ;

desorejar. m. to crop the ears. munication or despatch despacho telegr&flco, :

desorganizacidn, /. disorganization. cablegram, telegram: despacho universal,

desorganizador, m. disorganizer. state department : secretario del despacho,
desor^anizar, vn. {for mut. V. organizar) secretary of state.
to disorganize, to break up, to disperse despacburradO, da, a. smashed, squashed,
(chem.) to decompose (mil.) to disband an ;
crushed : dejar & uno despachurrado, (coll.)

g (before e, t) and J as h In hot ; h, silent ; 11 In brilliant ; fl, ny in canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled ; •, hissed.
to leave one stupefied.—/)p. of dkspa- fall with split legs ; to make a split ; to b«i
CHURRAR. remain motionless.
stupefied ; to
despachurrar, squash, smash, va. (coll.) to despatillar, tenon (uaut.) to break
va. to ;

crush (coll.) to make a jumble of an ex-

ofl the arm of an anchor. vr. (coll.) to
planation (coll.) to disconcert
one by a shave off one's whiskers.
smart repartee detpachurrar el cuento, to in-
: despavesadura, /. act of snuffing the caa
terrupt a story and prevent its conclusion. die.
despaja-dor, ra, m. &/. one who winnows. despavesar, va. to snuff the candle.
despajadura,/. winnowing. despavorldo, da, a. terrified, aghast.
despajar ides-pah-iiar], va. to winnow or sepa- despavoridamente, adv. terrifiedly, aghast,
rate grain from chaff. despavorir, vn. & vr. {def. : a has only the
despajO ides pah-hoj, ni. winnowing or clean- moods and persons having the letter i in the
ing grain. declension) to be terrified, to be frightened,
despaldar, despaldillar, &vr. to dislo- va. to be aghast.
cate or break the shoulder of an animal. despeadura,/. despeamiento, m. bruising
despaldilladura, /. act and effect of break- the feet with travel; (farr.) surbating.
ing or dislocating an animal's shoulder. despearse, vr. to bruise the feet (or hoofs)
despaldillar, va. to remove the stems f/om or make tnem Dy mucn
them sore by much waiKing.
raisins ; to strip tobacco, etc. despectivo,
espectivc va, a. depreciatory denoting ;

despalmador, m. (naut.) careening-place, ecu tempt.

dockyard hoof-paring-knife.
: despechadamente, adv. angrily, spitefully.
despalmadura, /• or despalme [aes-paw- despechar, va. to enrage, to excite indigna-
niav], m. calking, paying the bottom, tion ; (coll.) to wean an infant. vr. to n-et;
despalmar, va. (naut.) to, grave, to calk ; to to despair.
pare off a horse's hoof, despecno, m. spite, hatred, malevolence,
despampanador, TO. pruner of vines, grudge, petty ill-will; dejection, dismay,
despampanadura, /. act of pruning vines. despair & despecho, despite, in spite of, in

despampanar, va. to prune vines (coll.) to ; defiance of.

astound a person by a piece of news. vn. despechugadiira, /. cutting off the breast of
(coll.) to unbosom, to give vent to one's a fowl uncovering one's breast.

feelings.—i;r. (coll.) to be injured by a despechugar, va. (formut. v. apechugar)

fall. to cut off the breast of a fowl. vr. (coll.) to
despamplonador, ra, m. &/. one who sepa- uncover the breast; to walk with bare
rates (vine-) stems. breast.
despamplonar, separate the shoots of
va. to despedazador, ra, to. & /. dissector, lacer^
plants.— yr. to sprain the hand. tor, mangier.
despanar, va. to remove the reaped corn despedazamiento, m. laceration, dissection,
from the field. cutting to pieces ; mangling.
despancijar, despanzurrar, va. (coll.) to despedazar, va. {jor mut. v. apedazar) to
burst the belly. cut into bits, to tear into pieces, to cut
despapar, im. to carry the head too high (a asunder, to limb, to claw ; to lacerate, t»
horse). destroy, to mangle to torment, to harrow ;

desparecer, v». to disappear. V. desapare- (as the feelings): despedazarse de rlsa, to

CER. burst into a fit of laughter.
desparejar, va. to break a pair. despedida, /. leave-takiug, farewell, leave,
desparpajado, da, a. & pp. of desparpa- parting ; seeing a person off discharge, ;

JAR pert, petulant, garrulous.

desparpajar, va. to undo in a disorderly despedimlento, m. despedida. v.
manner (coll.) to rant, to prattle.
; despedlr, va. {for irr. V. pedir) to emit, dis-
desparpajO, m. (coll. ) pertness of speech or charge, dart, fling, throw off, flash to dis- ;

action. miss from office, discharge, discard to see ;

desparramado, da, a. wide, open, spread, a person off on a journey to escort a ^uest ;

scattered.—pD. of desparramar. to the door to dismiss (as from the mind).


desparramador, ra, to. & f. disperser, di- —

IT. to take leave, to say good-bye to quit ;

lapidator prodigal, waster, spendthrift.

a place to renounce something to go out
; ;

desparramamlentO, to. squandering, ex- from service, to leave one's occupation dee- :

travagance, dissipation. pedirse k la francesa, to sneak away.

desparramar, to spill, scatter, dis-
va. & vr. despedregar, va. to clear the ground of
seminate, overspread ; to squander, dissi- stones.
Sate, lavish.— vr, to amuse one's self; to be despegable, a. that may be unglued or dis-
issipated. joined.
despaxtidor, m, one who separates or di- despegadamente, adv. unconcernedly, un-
vides. afiectionately.
despartimientO, to. act of separating or di- despegadO, da, a. &pp. of despegar; un-
viding. glued; (coll.) sour of temper unpleasant, ;

despartlr, va. to dispart, to part, to divide. harsh, distant, indifferent.

desparvar, va. to undo the sheaves and despegador, ra, a. that which unglues or
spread the stalks of grain on the floor.
despasar, va. (naut.) to unsling, to fleet, to despegadura, /. ungluing, detaching, sepa-
unreeve, to shift. rating.
despatarrada, /. (coll.) split of the legs; despegamlento, m. v. desapego.
variety in the Spanish dance : hacer la des- despegar, va. (for mut. v. pegar) to unglue,
patarrada, (coll.) to affect disease or pain ; detacn, separate, disjoin despegar loe la- :

to feign death. bloa or la boca, to speak. vr. to come off to ;

despatarradO, da, a. quedar or dejar k nno withdraw one's affection to become dis- ;

deipatarrado, (coll.) to leave one astonished, tant, indifferent.

aba-shed or stupefied. , pa. of despatarrar. despegO, »». asperity, coyness; aversion;
despatarrarse, vr. (coll.) to straddle; to coldness, indifference.

» M In far ; • in eh I ; i in police ; O in for ; m In b«U : • (kefore c, i) and K as til in tbiok : b and d, aoA j
despeinar, va. to entangle or to disarrange desperdigar, va. to separate, disjoin, scatter.
the hair. desperecerse, vr. to crave, to long, to desire
despejadamente, adv. expeditiously, readi- eagerly.
ly, freely. desperezarse, vr. to stretch one's limbs.
despejadO, da, sprightly, smart, quick,
a. desperezo, m, V. esperezo.
vivacious, sagacious, dexterous, clean clear, ; desperfecto, rn. deterioration, wear and
serene, cloudless; unobstructed, clear, free. tear, slight injury or damage, blemish.
—pp. of DESPEJAR. desperfilar, va. (pict.) to soften the lines of
despejar, va. to remove impediments, to sur- a painting.
mount obstacles, to clear away obstructions : despernada, /. motion in dancing.
despejen la sala, clear the room ; (math.) to despemado, da, a. weary, fatigued, tired.
discover the unknown. vr. to become bright —pp. of despernar,
and smart to amuse one's self; to be re-
; despemar, {for irr. V. APERNAR) to
lieved of pain, said of a patient: deapejarse maim, cripple, or cut off one's legs. vr. to
el clelo, el dia, el tiempo, to become clear, be worn out, crippled from walking.
serene weather. despertador. ra, a. awakener.— m. alarm-
despejO, m. act of removing obstacles or bell in clocks alarm-clock warning, ad-
; ;

clearing away impediments sprightliness, ; monition, hint that causes worriment.

smartness, liveliness, vivacity, briskness despertamiento, m. awakening.
grace, ease. despertar, f a. &vr. {pp. despertado, des-
despelotar, va. to dishevel the hair. PIERTO: ind. despierto: subj. despierte)
despeluzamiento, m. entanglement or dis- to awake, to awaken ; to enliven to remind, ;

arrangement of the hair making the hair recall; to excite, sharpen (as the appetite).
stand on end, horripilation.

— vn. to awake to revive. ;

despeluzar, despeluznar, va. & vr. to make despesar, m. displeasure, aversion, dislike.
the hair stand on end to be horrified. despesta&ar, va. to pluck out the eye-lashes.
despeluznante, pa. making the hair stand

— vr. to look intently, to inspect closely, to

on end. study hard.
despellejadura, /. scratch, slight wound despezar, va. to diminish, to taper (said of
skinning. tuoes or pipes) ;
(arch.) to bond stones.
despellejar, va. to flay, to skin : despellejar despezo, m. diminution of one end of a tube
un Gonejo, to uncase a rabbit. or pipe.—pi. despezoB, (arch.) faces of stone,
despenador, ra, m. & f. one who relieves where they join each other.
pain. despezonar, va. to cut oft' the nipple (as of a
despenar, va. to relieve from pain ;
(coll.) to lemon) to break off the stalk (as of fruit)
; ;

kill. to divide, to separate. vr. to break off (the

despendedor, ra, m. &f. spendthrift, prodi- stalk of fruit or the arm of an axle-tree).
gal, lavisher, waster. despiadadO, da, a. impious, cruel. V. DESA-
despender, va. to spend, to expend, to waste, piadado.
to squander. despicar, va. {for mut. V. piCAR) to satisfy,
despensa, pantry, larder store of provi-
/. ;
to gratify. vr. to take revenge.
sions for a journey butlership provisions ; ;
despicarazar, va. to pick the figs (said of
for daily use marketing contract for a
; ; birds).
yearly supply of fodder; (naut.) steward's desplcliar, va. to expel or discharge mois-
room. ture or humour to pick the berries of

Jespenseria, /. office of steward. grapes. vn. (coll.) to die.

despensero, ra, m. & f. butler, caterer, dis- despidida, /. gutter, passage for water.
pen-ser, distributer; (naut.) steward. despido {irr. from despedir).
despefLadamente, adv. precipitately. despierno {irr. from DESPERNAR).
despeiladero, ra, precipitous, head-
a. steep, despiertamente, adv. acutely, ingeniously,
long. — m. precipice, crag dangerous under- ;
taking. despierto, ta, a. awake ; vigilant, watchful,
despefladlzo, za, a. steep, precipitous ;
glib, diligent; brisk, sprightly, lively, smart;
slippery. clear-sighted.
4espefLar, va. to precipitate, to fling down a despierto {irr. from DESPERTAR).
precipice. vr. to throw one's self headlong; despiezo, m. ^arch.) bonding.
to lead a riotous life. despilar, va. (min.) to take away the pillars
despe&o, despe&amiento, m. precipitate of ore-bearing rock.
fall loss of fortune and character
; diar- ; despilfarradamente, adv. wastefully ; slo-
rhoea. venly.
despepitador, m. stoner, corer (for fruit). despilfarradO, da, ragged, in tatters; a.
despepitarse, vr. to give license to one's prodigal, wasteful.—pp. of despilfarrar.
tongue, to vociferate ; to speak or act rashly despilfarrador, ra, a. spendthrift, wasteful.
and inconsiderately. despilfarrar, va. to waste, squander.
despercudir, va. to clean or wash what is despilfarro, m. slovenliness, uncleanliness ;

greasy. waste, mismanargement, lavishment mis- ;

despefdiciadamente, adv. profusely, waste- government, maladministration.

fully. despimpollar, va. to prune away useless
desperdiciado, da, a. & pp. of desperdi- stems.
ciAR wasted, destroyed, squandered.
; despinces, m. pi. tweezers. V. despinzas.
desperdiciador, ra, m. & /. spendthrift. despintar, va. to blot or efface what is
squanderer, lavisher. painted to disfigure to mislead.
; vn. to de-

desperdiciar, va. to squander, misspend, generate. vr. to fade, wash off, lose colour
fling away to lose, not to avail one's self
; to forget the appearance of a person or thing.
of, not to "utilize. despinzadera, /. woman that burls.—^pf.
desperdlciO, m. prodigality, profusion, burling-iron.
waste residuum, refuse, offal, remains, gar-
; despinzar [des-pln-thar'], va. {pret. DESPINC* :

bage: desperdicios de caero, furrier's waste. suoj. despince) to burl.

g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, ailent ; 11 in brilliant : fi, ny in canyen ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hissad.

desplnzas, burling-iron.
/. pi. despolvorear, va. to dust; to cast away,
despiojar, va. & vr. to cleanse from lice scatter, dissipate ;
(coll.) to sprinkle.
(coll.) to relieve from misery. despopularlzar, va. & vr. {for mut. V. POPU-
despiq.ue ides-pes'-keii), TO. vengeance, revenge. larizar) to make or become unixjpular.
desplstax, va. to turn from tne right trail. desportillar, va. to chip off the corners or
despizcar, va. {for mut. v. pizcar) to com- edges break the neck of a bottle, pot, etc.

minute, triturate, crush break or cut into ; (arch.) to splay.

small bits. vr. to make the utmost exer- desposado, da, a. newly married ; hand-
tions. cuffed.—pp. of DESPOSAR.
desplacer, {for va. irr. V. PLACER) to dis- desposar, va. to marry, to perform the mar-
please, to disgust. riage ceremony. vr. to be betrothed or mar-
desplacer [deg-piaii-therr'], m. displeasure„ dis- ried.
gust, disobligation. desposeer, va. to dispossess, to oust,
desplantacibn,/- eradication, displantation. desposeimiento, to. dispossession.
desplantador, ra, m. & f. eradicator.—»». desposorlo, to. betrothal mutual promise ; to
trowel, scoop trowel. contract marriage, used mostly in the plu-
desplantar, vr. to lose one's erect posture in ral.
fencing or dancing. d^spota, m. despot, absolute sovereign ; ty-
desplante, m. oblique posture in fencing; rant.
injudicious action or speech. despdticamente, adv. despotically.
desplatar, va. to separate silver from other desp6tlco, ca, despotic, despotical.
metals. despotismo, to. despotism, absoluteness.
desplate, m. act of separating silver from despotricar, vn. (coll.) to talk inconsider-
other metals. ately.
desplayar, vn. to recede from the shore (as despreciable, a. contemptible, despicable or
the tide). despisable, worthless, abject, mean, paltry ;
desplazamiento, m. (naut.) displacement of miserable, lowly, insignificant.
a vessel. despreciador, ra, m. &. f. depredator, as-
desplazco {irr. from desplacer), perser, despiser, scorner, contemner.
desplegadura, /. unfolding, spreading out despreciar [(lesprphtiiie-ar'], va. to depreciate,
elucidation, explication. despise, scorn, contemn, reject, lay aside,
desplegar, va. {for irr. V. plegar) to unfold, neglect.
display, expand, spread, lay out, lay before ; despreciatlVO, va, a. depreciative, depre-
to explain, to elucidate; (naut.j to unfurl: ciatory ; offensive.
deiplegar la bandera, to hoist tne flag. vr. despreciO [iies-preh'thie-ol, TO. disregard, scorn,
to open, unfold (as flowers) to spread out ; contempt, despising, disdain, slight, neglect,
(as troops) to execute a manoeuvre.
; contumely
dispraise. ;

despleguetear, va. (agr. ) to remove the folds desprender, va. to unfasten, loose, disjoin,
from the tendrils of vines. separate ; to let loose, to emit, give out.
despliegue Ides-piea-eh'-geii], 7ft. unfurling, un- vr. to give way, to fall down to issue from, ;

folding (mil.) change from the ordfer of

come out of; to extricate one's self; to dis-.
march to that of battle, or to form in line possess one's self, give away ; to be deduced,
fronting a given position. to be inferred.
desplomar, va. to make a wall, building, etc. desprendidO, da, pp. & a. disinterested, gen-
lose its plumb. vr. to get out of plumb, to erous, uncovetous; unfastened, loose,
sag to tumble down, fall to the ground, to
; desprendimientO, m, act of loosening alien- ;

collapse. ation, disinterestedness landslide, land- ;

desplome, m. bulging or sagging ; collapse, slip,

tumbling down. desprensar, va. to remove from the press.
desplomo, m. out of plumb. despreocupacibn, /. non-prejudice, freedom
desplumadura,/. deplumation. from
enlightenment, free thought.
deaplumar, va. & vr. to deplume, to pluck, to despreocupado, da, a. & pp. unprejudiced,
strip feathers (coll.) to despoil or strip
oflF ;
unconventional, liberal,
one of his property. vr. to moult. broad-minded, freethinker.
despoblacibn, /. depopulation. despreocupar, va. to unprepossess, to un*
despoblado, m. desert, uninhabited place. preoccupy. vr. to be disabused of a preju-
despoblado, da, a. & pp. depopulated. dice or error ; be set right.
despoblador, ra, a. depopulator, dispeopler. desprestigiar, ^^^4& vr. to remove or lose
despoblar, va. to depopulate, to dispeople reputation. preTO^.
to despoil or desolate a place. vr. to depop- desprestigio Ides-pree-tee'-he-o], TO. loss of repu-
ulate, to become deserted. tation or prestige,
despojador, ra, a. despoiler, spoiler. desprevencidn, /. improvidence, improvi-
despojar, va. to despoil or strip one of his siou, want of caution,
property to deprive of, to cut off from, ju-
; desprevenidamente, adv. improvidently.
dicially ; to dismiss, to turn out of a place desprevenido, da, a. unprovided, unpre-
or employment. vr. to undress, to strip pared, improvident.
to relinquish, to forsake. desproporcibn, /. disproportion want of ;

«espojO, m. despoliation, spoliation plunder, ;

symmetry, disparity aisproportionable- ;

spoils slough, the cast-off skin of a serpent

; ness.
head, pluck, and feet of slaughtered ani- desproporcionadamente, adv. dispropor-
mals.—p/. leavings, scraps of the table ; gib- tionately.
lets of fowls ; dfibris ; second-hand building desproporclonado, da, a. & pp. of despro-
materials. porcionar; disproportionate, dispropor-
despolarizaci6n, /. depolarization. tional, unsymme,trical, unsuitable, unbe-
despolarlzar, va. {for mut. V. polarizar) coming.
to depolarize. desproporcionar, va. to disproportion, ta
despolvar,. va, to dust. V. desempol- mismatch things, to misproportion.

VAR. despropositado, da, a. absurd.

• M Id fkr ; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; O in for ; n in bull ; c (bafore e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, soft;
despropbsitO, m. absurdity, oddity, non- desreliugar, va. (naut.) to take away th«
desproveer, va. {pp. desproveido, despro- desreputaci6n, /. (coll.) dishonour, igno-
visTO) to deprive of provisions or the nec- miny.
essaries of life. desrizar, va. (for mut. v. rizar) to uncurl.
desproveidamente, adv. improvidently. desroblar, va. to take off the rivets.
desproveido, da, a. unprovided, unpre- desroflar, va. (agr.) to lop off decayed
pared.—po. of OESPROVEER. branches.
desprovlsto, ta, a. & pp. irr. of DESPRO- destacamentO, m. detachment ; station
VEER. V. desproveIdo. military post.
despueble or despueblo, m. depopulation. destacar, va. {for mut. v. atacar) (mil.) to
despueblO (irr. from despoblar). detach. vr. (pict.) to project.
despu6s, adv. after, posterior in time, loca^ destaconar, va. to wear out the heels.
tion and order afterward, next, then, ; destajador, m. smith's hammer.
later. destajar, va. to make stipulations for a job
despulir, va. to tarnish, to frost, to grind to do task-work to cut (at cards). ;

(glass). destajero, ra, m. &f. person who does task-

despulsarse, vr. to be violently aflFected with work.
any passion ; to desire eagerly. destajista, m. V. destajero.
^espumacidn, /. despumation, skimming. destajO [destah'-ho], m. job, task-work & des- :

despumadera,/. v. espumadera. tajo, by the job, by the lump earnestly, ;

tespumar, va. V. espumar. diligently : hablar & destajo, (coll. ) to talk

despuntadura, /. blunting or taking off the much and at random.
point. destalonar, va. to break or wear out the
'lespuntar, va. to blunt, to crop, cut off, heels to take off coupons
; (farr.) to level ;

wear out a point to cut away the dry ; horses' hoofs.

combs in a bee-hive; (naut.) to double a destallar, va. to prune useless branches.
cape. vn. to advance or make progress in destapada, /. kind of pie.
knowledge to manifest wit and genius to
; ; destapar, va. to uncover. vr. to be uncov-
begin to sprout or bud to surpass, excel, ; ered.
morally to begin to dawn. destapiar, va. to pull down mud walls.

desquejar [iieskeh-iiar'l, va. to pluck up a shoot destarar, va. (com.) to diminish the tare al-
near the root of a plant. lowed in weighing a thing.
desqueje [(ie8-keh'-iieh\ m. pulling up a shoot destartalado, da, a. huddled, incompact,
near the root of a plant. jumbled scantily and poorly furnished.

desquerer, va. to lose affection to cease to , destazador, m. he who cuts up slaughtered

love, to get over a fondness. animals.
desquiciamientO, m. unhingeing, disjoin- destazar, va. to cut up a carcass.
ing. deste, ta, to, pron. contraction formerly used
desquiciador, ra, m. & f. he who or that for de este, de esta, de esto.
which unhinges or unsettles. destechadura, /. unrooting.
desqulciar (iies-ke thie-ar'l, va. to unhinge, to destechar, va. to unroof.
disjoint to unsettle, discompose, disorder
; destejar, va. to untile to leave a ; thing de-
to deprive of favour or protection. fenceless.
deSquijaramientO [des-ke-ha-rah-me-en'-to], m. destejer ides-tay-herr'], va. to unweave, to ravel,
act of breaking the jaws. to unknit, to unbraid.
desquijarar to break the
[<ies-ke-ha-rar'i, va. destellar, va. to twinkle, beam, sparkle,
jaws (naut.) to break the cheek of a block.
flash, scintillate.
desquijerar [aes-ke-hay-rar'], va. (carp.) to destello, m. sparkle, beam, flash, scintilla-
tenon. tion, brilliancy.
desquilatar [des-ke-iah-tar-], va. to diminish destempladamsnte, adv. intemperately.
the intrinsic value of gold. destemplado, da, a. disharmonious, unhar-
desquitar [des-ke-tar'i, va. to retrieve a loss. mouious, out of tune intemperate (art) ; ;

vr. to win one's money back again ; to re- inharmonious, incongruous.—^, of des-
taliate, to take revenge, to get even, to get TEMPLAR.
square. destemplanza,/. distemperatnre ; unsteadi-
desqulte [des-kee'-tay], m. compensation, re- ness of the weather ; distemperance ; disor-
covery of a loss; revenge, satisfaction, re- der, intemperance; excess, abuse; (raed.)
taliation. indisposition, distemper ; want of modera-
desrabotar, ra. to cut off the tails of lambs tion in words or actions.
or sheen. destemplar, va. to distemper, alter, discon-
desrancnarse, vr. to withdraw one's self cert, derange ; to put to confusion to un- ;

from a mess. tune. vr. to be ruffled, to be discomposed ;

desramillar, va. (a^r.) v. deslechugar. to be out of order (as the pulse) to get out ;

desraspado, a. species of wheat. of tune (as instruments) to act improperly ;

desraslrojar, va. (agr.) to remove the stub- or rashlv to lose moderation to lose th«
; ;

ble. temper (as metals).

desrayadura,/. last furrow of tillage ; deep destemple, m. discordance, disharmony, be^
boundary furrow. ing out of tune; discomposure, disorder;
desrayar, va. to open furrows for irrigation ;
intemperance, distemperature distemper, ;

to make a boundary furrow. slight indisposition.

desrazonable, «. unreasonable, idle-headed. destentar, va. to lead one out of temptation.
desregladamente, adv. v. desarreglada- destefllr, va. & vr. (for irr. V. TErSiR) to dis-
MKNTE. colour, to change from the natural hue.
desreglado, da, a. disorderly, irregular. V. destemlllarse, vr. to break one's cartilage
uesarregi.ado. or gristle destemillarBe de Visa, to split one's

desreglarse, vr. to be irregular or ungov- sides with laughter.

ernable. desterradero, m. retired part of the town.

g (before e, 1) and J an b In hot ; h, ailent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr thlled ; S, bisMd.
desterrado, da, a. & pp. of destekrar ;
destrabar, unbind, to untie,
va. to unfetter,
banished, outcast. m. & f. exile, outcast. loosen, separate to break the bauriers.

desterrar, va. {ind. destierro subj. DES- : destraillar, va. to unleash the dogs.
tierre) to banish, transport, exile to lay ; destral, m. small axe or hatchet.
or put aside ; to take the earth off the destraleja,/. very small hatchet.
roots. destralero, m. one who makes axes and
desterronador, ra, a. clod-crusher, stubble hatchets.
plough. destramar, va. to unweave, to undo the
desterronar, break clods.
va. & vr. to warp.
destetadera, /. pointed instrument placed destrejar, vn. to work or act with expert-
on the teats of cows to prevent the calves ness.
from sucking. destrenzar, va. (for mut. V. trenzar) to un-
destetar, va. to wean, to ablactate. vr. to plait,unbraid, undo a tress of hair.
wean one's self from an evil habit or cus- destreza [des-tray'-thah], /. dexterity, address,
tom. handiness, expertness, mastery, knowledge,
destete, m. weaning. cunning; nimbleness, adroitness; skill in
desteto, ni. number of weanlings place ;
where newly weaned mules are kept. destrincar, va. & vr. (naut.) to loose, to un-
destlempo, adv. & destlempo, unseasonably, lash.
untimely, destripacuentOS, m. &f. one who interrupts
destiento, m. surprise, commotion in the often the person who is talkui
mind. destripar, va. to disembowel, gut, to evis- .

destierro, m. exile, banishment, transporta- cerate to crush, to smash to draw out the
; ;

tion ;
place where the exile lives ; any re- inside of a thing; (coll.) to interrupt and
mote and solitary place. spoil a story.
destierro (irr. from desterrar). destripaterrones, m. (coll.) harrower, clod-
destilacidn, /. distillation, distilment fil- ; beater.
tration flow of humours.
; destripular, va. to discharge the crew of a
destiladera, /. still, alembic, distilling ves- vessel.
sel ;
filter. destrisimo, ma, a. super, very dexterous or
destilador, ra, a. distiller. m. filtering- nimble.
'stone, alembic, still, retort. destriunfar, va. to extract all the trumps in
destilar, va. to distil ; to filter through a games at cards.
stone. vn. to distil, to drop, to fall in drops. destrizar, va. (for mut. V. rizar) to mince,
destilatoriO, ria, «. stillatory, distillatory, to crumble, to break in pieces, to tear in
still, alembic. strips. vr. to break the heart, to wear away
destlleria, /. distillery. with grief.
destinacion, /. destination, assignment. destrocar, va. to return a thing bartered.
destinar, va. to destine, to appoint to desti- ; destr6n, m. blind man's guide.
nate, to design to allot, assign (naut.) to
; ;
destronamientO, m. dethronement.
station ships. destrouar, va. to dethrone, to divest of le-
destino, m. destiny, fate, doom, fortune, gality.
force destination, appointment, office, em- destroncamiento, m. detruncation, ampu-

ployment; (naut.) station con destino k : — tation, lopping trees.

Dound for — destroncar, va. (for mut. v. roncar) to de-
desti&O, m. piece of unfinished dry honey- truncate, to lop, to cut short to maim, dis- ;

comb. locate cut a body in pieces ; to ruin, to de-


desti&o, 61 destifid {irr. from desteSir). stroy any one.

destiranizado, da, a. freed from oppressive destrbzador, ra, m. &f. destroyer, mangier.
rule. destrozar, va. ( pret. destrock siibj. des- :

destitUCiOn, /. dismissal from an employ- TROCE) to destroy, to shatter, to mangle, to

ment, office, or charge; destitution, derelic- break into pieces to rout, defeat, massacre
; ;

tion, abandonment. to waste, squander.

destituido, da, a. & pp. of destituir des- ; destrOZO, m. destruction, havoc, ruin, break-
titute, forsaken, friendless, helpless. age rout, defeat, massacre.

destituir, va. (for mut. V. huir) to deprive, destroz6n, na, m. & /. one who is destruc-
to make
destitute to dismiss from office. ; tive of apparel, shoes, etc.
destOCar, va. (for mut. V. TOCAR) to uncoif, destruccion, /. destruction, extermination,
to pull off the cap or head-dress. extinction, overthrow, ruin, havoc, loss.
destorcedura, /. untwisting, uncurling. destructivamente, adv. destructively.
destorcer, va. (for irr. V. TORCER) to un- destructivo, va, a. destructive, wasteful,
do, untwine, uncord, untwist, uncurl; to consumptive.
rectify what was not right. vr. (naut.) to destructor, ra, m. &f. destructor, destroyer,
feaze, to unlay to deviate to drift.
; ; consumer, harasser.
destorgar, va. (prov.) to break off the destructorio, ria, a. destroying.
branches of evergreen oaks, when taking destrueco, destrueque, m. mutual r^jstitu-
off their acorns. tion of things bartered.
destomillado, da, a. inconsiderate, heed- destrueco (irr. from DESTROCAR).
rash.—pp. of destornillar.
less, destruible, a. destructible.
destomillador,m. unscrewer; screw-driver, destruidor, ra, m. & f. destroyer, devn^ta-
wrench, turn-screw. tor.
destornillar, va. to unscrew. vr. to act destruir, va. (for irr. V. huir) to destroy,
ra.shly. ruin, lay level; to waste or lay waste; to
destos'erse, w. to feign a cough. exterminate, extirpate to break down, srb- ;

destostarse, vr. to gradually remove the tan- vert to overthrow to efface, consume to
; ; ;

ning of the skin by the sun. misspend one's fortune to baffle, thwart ;

destotro, tra, a. (obs.) contraction of de eite to deprive one of the means of earning a
otro, de esta otra. livelihood.

« M In far ; o In sh I ; i in police ; o In for ; « in bull ; c (before e, 1) and r as th In thick ; b and d, eo/'

destruyente, pa. destroying. disorderly, irregular extravagant, nonsen- ;

destuerzo (irr. from destorcer). sical long, crooked (as branches of trees).

desubstanciar, va. V. desustanciar. desvarlar, vn. to rave, to rant, to dote to ;

desucacibn, /. act of extracting the juice. make extravagant demands.

desudar, va. to wipe off the sweat. desvariO, m. extravagant action or speech ;

desuellacaras, m. (coll.) bad barber; (coll.) delirium, raving, giddiness inequality, in- ;

nnpudent, shameless person. constancy, caprice monstrousness, extrav- ;

desuello, m. act of flaying, fleecing, or skin- agancy derangement, disunion.


ning forwardness, impudence, insolence

; desvedado, da, pp. & a. unprohibited, free.
extortion. desvedar, va. to raise or revoke a prohibi-
desuelO {irr. from desolar). tion.
desuello {irr. from desollar). desveladamente, adv. watchfully, vigi-
desunclr, va. {for mut. V. uncir) to unyoke, lantly.
to abjugate. desvelado, da, a. watchful, vigilant, care-
desunldamente, adv. separately, severally. ful.—pp. of desvelar.
desunibn, J'. separation, disunion, disjunc- desvelamiento, m. watchfulness. V. des-
tiondiscord, disunion, dissension, feud.
desunir, va. to separate, to part, to disunite ; desvelar, va. to keep awake. vr. to be
to occasion discord. vr. to loosen, to come watchful or vigilant or zealous.
asunder to set at odds ; to disunite, to be-
; desvelO, m. watching, want or privation of
come separated. sleep watchfulness, vigilance
; anxiety, ;

desuno, adv. (obs.) jointly. uneasiness.

desu&ar, va. to tear off the nails ; to pull out desvenar, separate or clear the veins
va. to
the roots of trees. vr. to plunge into vice of flesh to extract anything from the veins

and disorder. of mines or the filaments of plants to raise ;

desurcar, va. {for mut. V. SURCAR) to remove the bit of a bridle, so as to form an arch.
undo furrows.
or desvencijado, da, a. rickety, loose-jointed.
desurdlr, va. to unweave cloth ; to unravel a desvencijar, va. to disunite, weaken, divide,
plot. break.—tv. to be ruptured, disjointed, loose,
desusadamente, adv. unusually, out of use, relaxed (coll.) to be exhausted.

contrary to custom. desvendar, va. to take off a bandage, to un-

desusado, da, a. &pp. of desusar disused, ; bandage.
obsolete, out of date, archaic. desveno, m. seatch-mouth, areh of mouth.
desusar, va. to disuse, to discontinue the use desventaja, /. disadvantage, misfortune,
of.vr. to become disused or obsolete. damage, loss ; disfavour.
desuso, m. disuse, obsoleteness, desuetude. desventajosamente, adv. disadvantageous-
desustanciacidn, /. enervation, sapping of ly. UTiprofitably.
vigour. desventajOSO, sa, a. disadvantageous, un-
desustanciar, va. to enervate, to deprive of favourable, unprofitable, detrimental.
strength and substance. desventar, va. to vent, to let out the air.
desvanar, va. (a^r.) to take away the dry or desventura, /. misfortune, calamity, mis-
withered part ot a plant. hap, mischance ; misery.
desvaido, da, a. tall and graceless, gaunt desventuradamente, adv. unhappily, un-
dull (of colours). fortunately.
desvainadura,/. act of shelling beans. desventurado, da, unfortunate, calam- a.
desvainar, va. to shell, to husk, to strip off itous, wretched, unlucky, unhappy, miser-
the pod. able chicken-hearted, pusillanimous, timid.

desvalido, da, a. helpless, destitute, unpro- desvergonzadamente, adv. impudently,

tected. shamelessly.
desvalijador, m. highwayman. desvergonzado, da, a. impudent, shameless,
#,3Svalljamiento, «*. act of robbing the con- immodest.
tents of a valise. desvergonzarse, vr. {for irr. v. avergon-
fesvalijar, va. to take out the contents of a zar) to speak or act in an impudent or in-
valise or gripsack to rob one of what he ; solent manner.
was carrying in a valise. deSVergUenza fdes-ver-soo en'-thali', /. impu-
desvalimientO, m. dereliction, abandon- dence,
effrontery, assurance, grossness
ment, want of favour or protection. shameless word or action.
desv&n, m. garret, loft desvin gatero, cock- : desverguenzo {irr. from desvergonzarse).
loft, room over the garret. desvestir, va. & vr. to undress, strip, de-
desvanecer, va. (ind. desvanezco : suhj. nude.
desvanezca) to disintegrate, spread, or di- desvezar, va. (agr. ) to cut the young shoots
vide into minute parts to cause to evanesce ; of vines near the roots.
or disappear, to take away from the sight to ; deSYlacibn, /. deviation, deflection, separa-
undo, to remove. vr. to pall, to grow vapid, tion oblique direction; (med. ) vicious di-

to become insipid to vanish, evanesce, evap-; rection of some parts of the body (as the
orate, exhale to swell with presumption
; bones); extravasation of fluids; (ast.)
or pride to faint, to swoon.
; wrong position of a telescope out of the
desvanecidamente, adv. vainly, haughtily, plane of the meridian variation of the ;

proudly. magnetic needle (r. w. ) shunt. ;

desvanecimiento, m. pride, haughtiness, desvladero, m. railway switch, siding, side-

loftiness giddiness, dizziness.
desvaporizadero, m. place for evaporating desviadO, da, a. devious, out of the com-
or respiring. mon track, askew. pp. of desviar.
desvarar,va.,vn. &vr. v. resbalar; (naut.) desviar, va. to divert, lead off, deflect, sway,
to set afloat a ship that was aground. shift, avert, turn aside to dissuade, dehort, ;

desvariadamente, adv. ravingly, foolishly, put by (fen.) to ward off"; (r. w.) to switch.

madly. —vr. to deviate, wander, turn away, turn

desvaflado, da, pp. & a. delirious, raving off, swerve.

( (before e, 1) and j as b in hot ; h, elleot ; 11 in brilliaBt ; ft, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled : S, biased.
D£S 210 DEV
desviejar, va. among shepherds, to separate minate, determinative. m. (gram.) detv^
the old ewes or rams from the flock. mining verb determiner, determinator.

desvio, m. deviation, turning away, going determinar, va. to determine to limit tc ; ;

astray, deflection, aberrance; dehortation ,

fix the terms to specify to distinguish, t<.
; ;

aversion, displeasure coldness, indiffer- ; discern to appoint, to assign (as time and

ence. place) to decide

; to conclude (as a law- ;

desvlrax, va- to pare off the fore part of a suit). vr. to determine, to firmly resolve
sole (b. b. ) to trim a book
(naut. ) to re- ;
to make up
one's mind.
verse the capstan. determinatlvo, va, a. determinative.
desvirgar, va. (low) to deflower a maid. detersi6n, /. (med.) detersiou cleansing. ;

desviruiar, va. to pall, to make insipid or detersive, va, a. detersive, detergent.

vapid, to deaden. detersoriO, ria, a. detersive, cleansing, de-
desvivirse, vr. to love excessively to desire ; tergent.
anxiously. detestable, a. detestable, hateful, heinous,
desvolvedor, m. nut-wrench. loathsome.
desvolver, va. {for irr. V. volver) to alter detestablemente, adv. detestably, hate-
the shape of a thing to plough, to till. ; fully, confoundedly.
desvuelto {pp. irr. of desvolvek). detestacidn, /. detestation, hatred, abhor-
desyemar, va. (agr.) to remove buds from rence, horror, abomination.
plants to separate the yolk from the white
; detestar, va. to detest, abhor, hate, abomi-
ol an egg. nate, loathe.
desyerbador, ra, a. grubber, weeder. detienebuey, m. (hot.) common rest-harrow,
desyerbar, va. to weed, to grub. detonacibn, /. detonation, noise, report (as
deszocar, va. to disable the foot. of an explosion).
deszumar, va. to extract the juice or sub- detonar, va. (chem.) to detonize; to flash, to
stance. detonate, to explode.
detallar, va. to detail, relate minutely, par- detraccibn, /. detraction, defamation, slan-
ticularize, enumerate ; to specify, specifi- der, obloquy detraction, withdrawing, ;

cate to retail.
; taking away.
detalle, m. detail, enumeration, specification, detractar, va. to detract, to defame, to slan-
particular ; retail. der.
detencibn, detention, delay, stop, stay,
/. detractor, ra, m. &/. detractor, slanderer.
halt, stand-still, deadlock; 'naut.) demur- detraer, va. {for irr. V. traer) to detract,
rage, arrest, embargo (of a snip). remove, take away, withdraw to defame^ ;

detenedor, ra, m. & f. detainer, stopper, slander, villi fy.

check, catch, arrester. detr&S, adv. behind, after back in the rear: ; ;

detener, va. {for irr. v. TENER) to stop, de- por detras, behind one's back.
tain, hinder, check, catch, fix; to arrest, detrimentO, m. detriment, damage, loss,
imprison, constrain (naut.) to capture, to ;
harm, injury.
embargo to keep, keep back, retain, re-
; detritlCO, ca, a. detrital, detritic.
serve. vr. to tarry, stay, stop over, stand detritus, m. detritus.
still to forbear, to give over
; to be de- ; deuda,/. debt; fault, offence; indebtedness;
tained, to stop, to be at leisure to consider ; by extension, public debt: deuda consoli-
a thing maturely. dada, funded debt: deudas activas, assets:
detengO {irr. from detener). deudas pasivas, liabilities sin deudas, clear. :

detenidamente, adv. dilatorily, cautiously, deudo, da, m. &f. parent, relative, kindred,
attentively. relation.
detenldO, da, a. sparing, niggardly, parsi- deudor, ra, m. &f. debtor; indebted.
monious embarrassed, of little resolution,
; deuteronomiO, n>. Deuteronomy.
dilatory slow, careful, conscientious.—pp.
; deut6xidO, m. (chem.) deutoxyde.
of detener. devalar, »•«. (naut.) to deviate, to drift.
detenlmiento, m. care, circumspection, re- devanadera, /. reel, spool, bobbin, winding-
flection, tact. frame
devanadera de gelpe, clock-reel, snap-

detentaclbn, /. (law) deforcement, deten- (naut.) log-reel.

reel ;

tion. devanador, ra, m. &f. winder, spool, quill,

detentador, m. deforciant. reel ; anything on which yarn is wound
detentar, va. to detain, to retain, to keep un- devanador de lanzadera, shuttle-winder.
Jawf'iily. devanar, va. to reel, spool, wind, as yarn
detergente, pa. (med.) detergent, deter- devanarse los sesos, to screw one's wits.
sive. devanear, vn. to rave, to talk nonsense to ;

deterger, va. (med.) to absterge. dote, to be delirious.

deterior, worse, inferior.
a. devaneo, m. delirium, alienation of mind,
deterioracldn, /. deterioration, detriment, giddiness; frenzy; idle or mad pursuit;
damage. dissipation.
deteriorar, va. & vr. to deteriorate, impair, devantal, m. apron, v. DELANTAL.
damage, spoil, wear out. devastacidn, /. devastation, destruction,
deterioro, m. deterioration, impairment, in- desolation, waste, ruin.
jury, damage, wear and tear. devastador, ra, m. &f. desolator, harasser,
detenninaci6n, /. determination, resolu- destroyer.
tionconclusion or final decision
; ; firmness, devastar, va. to desolate, to lay waste,
boldness, audaciousness. destroy, to ruin.
determlnadamente, adv. determinate! y. deveng'ar, va. {for mut. v. vengar) to gain»
resolutely definitively, expressly, espe-
; to earn (as salary, interest, etc.).
cially. devlacibn,/. v. desviaci6n.
determlnadO, da, a. determinate, deter- devocidn ida-vcHthie-mi'],/. devotion, piety, god-
mined, resolved, decided; fixed, resolute; liness, devoutness, prayer ; strong affec-
settled, definite.—pp. of determinar. tion, ardent love ; constant and faithful at-
determinante, pa. determining.— a. deter- tachment.
a B8 in far ; e In eh 1 : 1 in police ; o in for ; a in bull ; e (before e, i) and S m th in ; b and d, soft t
devocionariO, rn. prayer-book. devil, imp; (coll.) smart, clever, misehiev-
devoclonero, ra, a. devotional. ous fellow.
devolUCidn,/. (law) devolution, restitution : diablo, m. devil, Satan person of a perverse ;

devolacion de derechos, (com.) drawback ;

temper hideous person cunning, subtle
; ;

debenture. person ser de la piel del diablo, to be a limb


devolutivo, a. (law) returnable, restitutive, of the devil diablo cojuelo, artful, deceiving

restorable. devil eso es el diablo, (coll.) that is the di^


devolver, va. {for irr. V. volver) to return ficulty no valer un diablo, (coll.) to be good

a thing to its former possessor ; to restore a for nothing: como un diablo, exceedingly,
thing to its former state to refund, to pay ; excessively i como diablos 7 or i qu6 dia-
: —
back. blos —
7 (coll.) why, or what the deuce—?
devorador, ra, m. & f. devourer. un diablo interj. (coll. ) the devil
1 1

devorar, va. to devour, swallow up, consume diablura, /. diabolical undertaking, devil-
ravenously, glut. ishness, deviltry, mischief, wild prank.
devotamente, adv. devoutly, piously, de- diabblicamente, adv. diabolically, devil-
votedly. ishly.
devotO, ta, devout, pious, devotional, re-
a. diabolico, ca, a. diabolical, devilish.
ligious, godly exciting devotion, strongly ; diacatalic6ll, m. diacatholicon.
attached, devoted. diacitr6n, m. lemon-peel preserved in sugar.
devueltO, ta, pp. irr. of devolver re- ; diaconado, diaconato, m. deaconship.
turned, restorea. diaconal, a. diaconal.
devuelvo {irr. from devolver). diaconia,/. deaconry.
dexiocardia [dek-Be-o-car'-ue-ah], /. dexiocar- diaconisa,/. deaconess.
dia. diacono, m. deacon.
dextrina,/. dextrine. diacritlco, ca, a. (gram.) diacritic, diacrit^
dextro, m. area around a church. ical (med.) diagnostic.

deyeccidn, /. (geol.) debris; (med.) dejec- diacustica, /. diacoustics.

tion. diadema, /. diadem, crown, glory, halo.
dezmable, a. tithable. diademado, da, a. (her.) diademed.
dezmar, va. v. diezmar. diadO, a, «*. dia diado, appointed day.
dezmatorlo, m. place in which tithes are diafanidad, /. diaphaneity, transparency,
collected, tithing. pelluciduess.
dezmeao, fla, dezmero, ra, a. belonging to di^fano, na, a. transparent, pellucid, clear,
tithes. in. a tither. lucid, diaphanous.
dezmeria,/. tithe-land. diaforesls, /. (med.) diaphoresis, perspira-
difpret. irr. of DAR imperat. irr. of decir. : tion.
dia, m. day, daylight, sunshine : dias canicu- diaforetiCO, ca, a. (med.) diaphoretic.
lares, dog-days dia de anos or cnmpleanos, : diafragma, m. (anat.) diaphragm, midriff;
birthday dia de ayuno or de vigilia, fastiug-
: (meeh. diaphragm. )

day or fast-day dia de viernes, Meager-day : : diafragmatlco, ca, a. diaphragmatic.

dia de besamanos, court-day dia de came, : diagnosis,/, (med.) diagnostics.
meat-day : dia util, or laborable, or de traba- diagnosticar, m. {pret. diagnostiqu^: subj.
Jo, working-day: dia quebr ado, half-holiday : DIAGNOSTIQUE) to diaguose, to diagnosti'
dia de fiesta or festivo, holiday dia natural, : cate.
from sunrise to sunset i, dias, at times, : diagn6stiC0, ca, a. (med.) diagnostic—m.
once in a while al dia, up to date al otro : : diagnosis.
dia, on the next day : el otro dia, the other diagonal, diagonal, oblique.
day dia de descanso, day of rest, Sabbath-
: diagonalmente, adv. diagonally, obliquely.
day dia del juicio, doomsday de dia, by
: : diagrafO, m. diagraph.
day de un dia para otro or de dia en dia,
: diagrama, /. diagram.
from day to day un dia si y otro no, or cada : dialaga,/. (min.) diallage.
tercer dia, day about, every other day : hasta dial6ctica,/. logic, science of dialectics.
tfl dia de hoy, to this day el dia de boy or : dial^CtiCO, ca, a. dialectic, dialectical, logi-
hoy en dia, the present day el mejor dia, : cal. m. dialectician, logician.
some fine day : el dia menos pensado, wlieu dialecto, m. dialect, peculiar language.
one least expects en su dia, at the proper : dialogal, a. colloquial, dialogic, dialogical.
time : luz del dia, daylight entre dia, in the : dialogar, vn. to dialogue, to dialogize.
daytime en dias de Dios, never hombre de
: : dialogismo, vi. (rhet.) dialogism.
dias, a man in years jefe de dia, (mil.) offi- : dialOgistlCO. ca, a. colloquial, dialogistic.
cer of the day tener dias, (coll.) to be old, : dialogrizar, vn. to dialogize, to dialogue.
to be moody de hoy en ocho dias, this day
: dialogo, VI. dialogue.
week dias de gracia, (com.) days of grace
: : dialOgUista [de-ah-lcv-Kees'-tah], m. dialogist.
dias ha, it is a long time since.: buenos dias, dialtea, /. marsh-mallow ointment.
good-morning en los dias de lit vida, never : diamantado, da, a. diamond-like.
los dias de uno, a person's saint's-day or diamante, m. diamond adamant diamant* ; :

birthday dar los dias, to send birthday

: en bruto, rough or uncut diamond (coll.) ;

congratulations. an uncultured person of sterling quali-

diabetes,/, diabetes. ties.
diab6tico, ca, «. diabetic. diamantino, na, a. adamantine, diaman-
dlabla, /. (coll.) she-devil k la diabla, adv. : tine.
carelessly rudely cosido & la dlabla, (b.b.
; : diamantista, m. diamond-cutter, jeweller.
bound in paper. diametral, a. diametrical.
diablazo, /«. atig. great devil. diametralmente, adv. diametrically.
diablear, vn. (coll.) to commit deviltries, diametro, m. (geom.) diameter.
play pranks. diana,/. (mil.) reveille; (poet.) the moon.
diablejo, w. little devil, imp. diancbe, diantre, m. &. inia-j. (coll.) deuce,
diablesa,/. (coll.) she-devil. the devil.
diablillo, rn. dim. deviling, devilkin, little diapas6n, m. (mus. ) diapason, pitch, accord

S (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, Dileut ; H iu brilliant ; ii, ny la canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; *, hisMd.
regular octave diapason normal, standard
: mean what I say. —dicho, cha, pp. irr. of db-
pitch tuning-fork.
; CIR.
diapente, m. (mus. ) perfect fifth. dicbosamente, adv. happily, fortunately,
diaprea,/. sort of round plum. luckily.
diaqullbn. [de-ah-ke-ion'], m. diachylon, plas- dicbOSO, sa, a. happy, fortunate, prosperous^
ter. successful, lucky.
diariamente, adv. daily. didJLCtica, /. didactics.
diario, ria, «. daily. m. journal, diary didacticamente, adv. didactically.
daily newspaper daily household expense ; didictico, ca, didasciilico, ca, a. didactic*
libro diario, (com. ) day-book, journal diario : didactical, preceptive.
de navegacion, log-book. didelfo, fa, a. (zool.) didelphys (as the kan
diarista, com. journalist, diarist, garoo or the opossum].
diarrea,/. diarrh(ea. didimio, m. (chem.) didyraium.
disS,pero, diaspro, m. jasper. didimo, ma, a. (bot.) didymous.
dls^poro, m. (min.) diaspore. diecinueveavo, va, a. nineteenth part.
diastasia,/. diastase. dieciOCbavo, va, a. & m. an eighteenth
diastilO, «. (arch.) diastyle. part.
diastole, m. (anat. and rhet.) diastole. dieciocbeno, na, a. eighteenth ; a kind of
diat6rmano, na, .f. diathermanous. cloth.
diatesarbn, m. (mus.) diatessaron. dieciseisavo, va, a. a sixteenth part,
diatesico, ca, a. (med.) diathetic, dieciseiseno, na, a. sixteenth,
diatesis, /. (med.) diathesis. diecisieteavo, va, a. a seventeenth part,
dlatbnicamente, adv. diatonically. diedro, dra, a. dihedral,
dlatbnlCO, a. (mus.) diatonic. diel^ctrico, ca, a. dielectric.
diatrlba,/. diatribe. diente, m. tooth diente incisivo, incisor, fore-

dibujadof, ra, «. delineator, designer; tooth diente molar, molar tooth

: dientea :

graver. postizos, teeth fang or tusk of

artificial ;

dlDUJante, pa. sketching. m. designer, wild boars or elephants; tooth (of a saw,
draughtsman. comb, rake, file) cog (of a wheel or pin- ;

dlbujar, va. to draw, design, delineate, ion) tine or prong (of a fork) tongue (of
; ;

sketch ; to describe vividly. vr. to throw a a buckle) clove (of garlic) diente de perro,
; :

shadow upon a surface. sculptor's dented chisel (bot.) dog-tooth ;

dlbUJO [de-boo-ho'l, m. design, drawing, sketch, violet diente de lobo, burnisher, spike

draught delineation, description.

: diente de le6n, (bot.) dandelion or lion's
dicacldad,/. pertness, sauciness, banter. tooth. pi. indented edges of tools or orna-
dicaz (tie-cath'l, a. keen, biting (said of speech). ments, indentations aguzar los dientes, tc :

diCCibn Idic-thie-on'], /. diction, style, language, whet the appetite hablar or decir entre dien- :

expression. tes, to mumble, to mutter hincar el diente, :

dlccionario, m. dictionary, lexicon. to appropriate property to one's self; (coll. >

diciembre [de-thie-em'-bray], m. December, to censure, to grumble at k regana diente*. :

dicente, dlciente, pa. of decir saying, ; adv. most unwillingly.

talking. dientecico, lUo, ito, m. dim. little tooth.
dicotiledbn, dicotiled6neo, a, a. (bot.) diuresis,/, diseresis.
dicotyledonous, diesi,/. (mus.^ diesis ; a sharp.
dicotomia, /. dichotomy. diestra,/. rignt hand favour, support. ;

dicotbmico, ca, or dlc6tomo,Ima, a. di- diestramente, adv. dexterously, cleverly,

chotomic, dichotomous. neatly.
dictado, pp. & m. title of dignity or honour diestro, tra, a. right, dexter, dexterous,
dictation.—^>^. dictates, promptings. skilful, handy, expert sagacious, prudent, ;

dictador, m. dictator. knowing, learned; sly, artful, cunning;

dictadura, /. dictatorship, dictature favouraole, propitious k diestro y siniestro, :

dictamen, m. opinion, report sentiments, ; right or wrong llevar del diestro, to lead a :

notion, judgment, mind; suggestion, insin- beast by the halter or bridle. m. skilful
uation, dictate, advice. fencer ; bull-fighter ; halter or bridle for
dictamo, m. (bot.) dittany: dictamo bianco horses.
or real, white flaxinella: dictamo critico, dieta, /. diet, prescribed or regulated regi
marjoram dictamo bastardo, shrubby-white
men ; diet, legislative assembly ; (law) on«
horehound. day's journey of ten leagues by land daily ;

dictar, va. to dictate to command, prescribe, ; salary of judges and other officers of the ;

direct ; to inspire, suggest, prompt. law daily fees paid to a physician.—p/.


dictatorial, «. dictatorial. dietas, (naut. ) provisions for the sick and

dictatorialmente, adv. dictatorially. wounded.
dictatoriO, ria, a. dictatorial. diet^tica,/. (med.) dietetics.
dicterio, m. sarcasm, taunt, keen reproach, diet6tiC0, ca, a. dietetic, dietetical.
insult. diez [de-eth'], in. ten ; tenth, in- some cases, as
dicha, /. happiness, felicity, fortune, good diez de abril, tenth of April : diez de bolos,
luck, good fortune por dicha or k dicha,
: pin standing alone in front of the nine-
adv. by chance. pins.—»/./. las diez, ten o'clock.
dicharachero, ra, a. (coll.) one who uses diezmadof, m. v. diezmero.
slang. diezmal, a. decimal, tenth.
diCharaCllO [de-chah-rah'-cho], m. (coU.) vulgai, diezmar, va. to decimate, to tithe; (mil.) to
low, or slang expression. punish one in ten.
dicbero, ra, a. witty converser. diezmero, m. tither.
dlcbo, m. saying, saw, proverb, expression, diezmesino, na, a. ten months old,
sentence; witty remark, repartee; declara- diezmil^simo, ma, a. each of ten thousanil
tion, deposition promise of marriage dicho
: equal part*.
de lat gentei, gossiping: dicho 7 hecho, no diezmilmillon^simo, ma, a. each of i«n
sooner said than done: lo dicho, dicho, I thousand million equal parts.

a u In far ; • in •& I ; i in police ; o in for ; n lii ball ; c (before «, I) and s as th in thick ; b and d, aoti:
diezmillon6siino, ma, a. each of ten million digitaCi6n [de-he-tah-thle-on'],/. fingering.
equal parts. digitadO, da, a. (hot. and zool.) digitate.
diezmo, m. tithe, tenth part ; duty often per digital (de-he-tahi'], a. digital.—/, (bot.) digi'
cent ; decimation. talis, foxglove,
dlfamacidn, /. defamation, libelling. digitalina, /. digitalin.
dlfamador, m. defamer, libeller. digitigrado, da, a. digitigrade.
difamar, va. to defame, to discredit to libel. ; digitO ilee -he-to), ?U. (ast. ) digit.
difamatorlO, ria, a. defamatory, scandalous, dignacidn,/. condescension, accommoflation.
calumnious, coutumelious, libellous. dignamente, adv. worthily, justly.
di^rreaci6n,/. (obs.) diflFarreation. dignarse, vr. to condescend, deign, vouch-
diferencia [de-fn-ren -thie-ah!, /. diflFerencc, dis- safe.
similarity, dissimilitude; controversy, con- dignatario, m. dignitary.
trariety, mutual opposition : & diferencia, di^idad,/. dignity, high rank, office rr po-
with the diflFerence. honour, greatness grave or noulto
sition ; ;

dlferencial, a. dififerential, different. bearing ; an archnishop or bishop.

diferenciar, va- to difference, to differen- dignificante, i>a. (theol.) dignifying.
tiate to change or alter the use or destina-
; dignificar, va. to dignify.
tion of things.—vn. to differ, dissent, dis- digno, na, a. meritorious, worthy, deserve
agree.—t>r. to differ, to be distinguished ing; condign, suitable, fit, fitting, appro-
from to distinguish one's self.
diferente, a. different, dissimilar, unlike. digo, diga, dije (irr. from decir).
diferentemente, adi>. differently, diversely. digresion, /. digression, deviation, diver-
diferir, va. (ind. difiero: subj. difiera) to geuce (ast. )"digression.

defer, postpone, delay, put off; to adjourn, digresivamente, adv. digressively.

suspend to protract, prolong, extend.—wi.
; digresivo, va, a. digressive.
to differ, to be different (naut.) to remove ;
dije(o>dij) [deehay', m. amulet, charm, or
the gaskets of a sail. trinket; watch-charm any small piece of ;

•llflCU Ide-fee' theeil, a. difficult, arduous, hard. jewellery; (coll.) person of sterling qual-
dificilmente, adv. difficultly, hardly, ities; one gorgeously attired: diJe, Istpera
dificultad,/. difficulty, embarrassment, hard- sing, past tense of decir, I said.
ness obstacle, impediment, objection.
; dilaceracibn,/, dilaceration.
dificultador, ra, a. one who raises difficul- dilacerar, va. to dilacerate, tear asunder.
ties. dilacibn [de-iah-tiiie-on';,/. delay, dilation, prO'
dificultar, va. to raise difficulties ; to render crastination, suspense.
difficult ; to impede. dilapidacibn,/. dilapidation.
dlficultosamente, adv. difficultly. dilapidador, m. dilapidator.
difiCUltOSO, sa, a. difficult, hard, trouble- dilapidar, va. to dilapidate, to waste.
some, tiresome, laborious, painful; (coll.) dilatable, a. dilatable.
ugly, homely. dilataci6n, /. dilatation, expansion, disten-
dlfldaci6n, /. declaration of war. tion prolongation, enlargement
; diffuse- ;

difidencia,/. distrust, doubtfulness. ness, prolixity ; calmness, serenity in sor-

difidente, a. disloyal, distrustful, diffident, row.
difiero, difiera (irr. from diferir). dilatadamente, adv. diiatediy.
difiuir, vn. {for mut. V. HUIR) to be diffused, dilatado, da, a. & pp. of dilatar large, ;

spread out, shed. numerous, great; prolix, long drawn outj

difraccibn, f. diffraction. spacious, extensive, vast.
difteria,/. (med.) diphtheria. dilatador, ra, a. dilatator. m. dilator,
dift6riC0, ca, a. diphtheritic. stretcher.
difteritis, /. (med. ) diphteritis. dilatar, va. &
to dilate, widen, expand,
difundido, da, a. &pp. of difundir; diffuse, enlarge, lengthen, prolong; to swell, spread
diffused, scattered. out; to defer, retard, delay, put off, pro«r
difundir, va. (pp. difundido, difuso) to dif- tract; (met.) to comfort, to cheer up. vr
fuse, extend, outspread to divulge, to pub- ;
to be diffuse, to extend, expatiate.
lish. dilatativo, va, a. dilative.
difuntO/ta, a. defunct, deceased, dead late ; ;
dilatoria,/. delay, waste of time.
decayed, withered dia de los difuntos, All- : dilatorio, ria, «. dilatory, delaying, long.
soul's Day. m. &f. corpse. dileccibn, /. dilection, love, affection.
difusamente, adv. diffusely, diffusedly. dilecto, ta, a. loved, beloved.
difusible, a. diffusible. dilema, m. (log.) dilemma.
difusi6n, /. diffusion, diffusiveness, disper- dilem^tiCO, ca, a. dilemmatic.
sion ; exuberance of style. diligencla [<le-le-hen'-tlile-ahi, /. diligence, aSSb

difUSivO, va, a. diffusive. duity, laboriousness, industry hastiness, ;

difuso, sa, a. diffuse, diffusive, wide-spread. speediness, activity, briskness diligence, ;

dig^strico, ca, a. digastric. stage-coach (coll.) affair, business errand

; ;

digerible, a. digestible. (law) any judicial proceeding: hacer dill-

digerir, va. {ind. digiero: subj. digiera) gencia, to endeavour,
to digest; to be patient; to examine care- diligenciar, va. to exert one's self, to «^n-
fully to digest, adjust, arrange methodi-
cally in the mind (chem.) to digest. ;
diligenciero, m. agent, attorney,
digestible, a. digestible. diligente, a. diligent, assiduous, careful, >8-
digesti6n [de-hajs-te-on'],/. (phys. and chem.) borious, active prompt, swift, ready. ;

digestion. diligentemente, adv. diligently, amid-

digestivo, "«.
(phys.) digestive.—m.
o. uously.
f«u»«r ^ c>':;?*tiTe, vulgarly drawii%. dllogia,/. ambiguity, double sense,
lUirestO [de-hay«'-toi, m. (law) digest; syste- dilucidacibn,/. elucidation, explanation,
matic compilation of laws. dilucidador, m. elucidator.
<^lgestor, m. digester (apparatus). dilucidar, ra. to elucidate, to explain,
digiero (irr. from digerir). dilucidario, m. explanatory writing.

f (before e, 1) and J as h in hot: b, lUent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; ,
dilUCidn [de-Ioo-thie-on'],/. dilution. Our Lord and Saviour: i Dios or anda co«
diluente, pa. diluent. Dios, farewell, adieu vaya Vd. con Dioi, :

diluir, va. & vr. (for mut. V. HUiR) to dilute ;

good-bye por Diot, for God's sake no lo
: :

to weaken. qniera Dios, God forbid qniera Dioi or plegn* :

dlluviano, a. diluvian. 4 Dios, please God sea como Dios quiera, :

dlluvlar, vn. impers. to rain like a deluge. God's will be done Dios lo qniera or lo haga, :

dlluyiO, m. deluge, overflow, inundation, God grant: mediante Dios, God willing;
flood (coll.) vast abundance.
v&lgame Dios bless me
vilgate Dios God
I ! | I

dlniaiiacl6ll,/. springing or issuing from. preserve you or bless you.

ilTna.Tin.n t.ft, pa. springing from, originating, diosa,/. goddess.
dimanar, vn. to spring or proceed from to ; diOSted6, m. (S. Amer.) a bird.
originate ; to flow. diploma, m. diploma; bull, patent, license;
dimensidn, dimension, extent, capacity,
/. title, credential.
magnitude, bulk size, measure, measure- ; diplomacia, /. diplomacy; (coll.) tact,
ment. shrewdness.
dimensional, a. dimensional. diplom^tica, /. (archseol.) diplomatics ; di«
dimes, pt. m. andar en dimes y diretes, to hig- ploraacy.
gle, chaffer, quibble, argue. diplom&tico. ca, a. (archaeol.) diplomatic
limldiar, va. to dimidiate, to halve. diploraatical ;
(coll.) astute, shrewd. m.
diminUCi6n [de-me-noo-tliie-on'], /. diminution, diplomatist, a diplomat.
reduction, lessening contraction Ir en di- ; : diplopia,/, (med.) diplopia.
minncion, to taper (as a pole) ; to diminish diptero, ra, a. (arch.) having two wings or
(as credit). a double colonnade (en to.) dipterous.—m. ;

diminuir, va. {for mut. v. huir) to diminish. pi. the diptera.

diminutamente, adv. diminutively, mi- diptica, diptico, m. diptych.
nutely, by retail. diptongaci6n, /. (gram.) formation of a
diminutivamente, adv. (gram.) diminu- diphthong.
tively. diptongar, va. to form a diphthong.
diminutiVO, va, diminishing, diminutiv-a. diptongo, m. diphthong
al. m. (gram.) a diminutive. diputacibn, /. deputation, committee ob- ;

diminuto, ta, a. diminute, diminutive, lit- ject of a deputation.

tle, small, very short. diputado, m. deputy, representative, dele-
dimisi6n. /. resignation (of membership, gate diputado k Cortes, congressman (com.)

office, etc. ). assignee.—diputado, da, p/». of diputar.

dimisorias, /. pi. letters dimissory ;
(coll.) diputador, ra, a. constituent.
ungracious dismissal or discharge. diputar, va. to depute, delegate, commission :

dimitir, va. to resign, give up, relinquish. to constitute to empower. ;

dimorflsmo, m. (min. ) dimorphism. dique [dee'-kay], m. dike, dam, mole, jetty,

dlmorfo, fa, a. (rain.) dimorphous. bank, or mound to prevent inundations
din, m. (coll.) money. (naut.) dry dock; (met.) check, bar, stop;
dinamarques, sa, a. Dane, Danish. (min. ) crop.
dinamia,/- dynam, a foot-pound. direcci6n [de-rec-thie-on'l, /. direction, course,
dinimica,/. dynamics. aim, tendency, route, way, trend, turn
din^UniCO, ca, «. dynamic. guidance, direction, management, superin-
dinamita, /. dynamite. tendence government, administration or-
; ;

dinamo, m. a dynamo. der, command, prescription, instruction ;

dinam6metro, m. dynamometer. relative position address (for letters, etc.) ;

dinasta, m. dynast, sovereign, monarch. executive board editorship of a newspa-


dinastia,/. dynasty, sovereignty. per managership of a theatre office of s

; ;

din&StiCO, ca, a. dynastic, dynastical. director.

dinastismo, »*. fealty to a dynasty. directamente, adv. directly, rectilineally.
dinerada,/. large sum of money. directive, va, a. directive, managerial.—/,
dineral, m. large sum of money ; set of troy la directlva, the governing board.
weights. directO, ta, a. direct, straight, clear, open,
dinerillO, m. small copper coin ;
(coll.) small apparent, evident.
sum of money. director, ra, a. one who airects that which ;

4inerO, m. currency, coin, money ; gold, guides or points out.—m. director, manager,
coinage ancient Spanish silver coin stand-
; ; conductor, controller, guide, corypheus
ard of silver, 24 grains Peruvian silver ; president editor (of a newspaper) princi-

coin wealth, fortune, capital dinero con-

; : pal (of a college) director de escena, stage

tante or efectivo, ready money, cash. manager: director de orqnesta, conductor,

dineroso, sa, a. moneyed, rich. leader of an orchestra director esplrltual, :

dineruelO, m. dim. small coin. father confessor.-/, directress, governess.

dintel, m. (arch.) lintel, door-head. DIRECTRIZ.
dintelar, va. to make lintels. directorial, a. directorial.
dintomo, m. (art) within the contour. directorio, ria, a. directive, directorial. m.
diocesano, na, a. diocesan. —m. diocesan, a directory (book of addresses or directions)
bishop. body of directors, directorate.
didcesl, didcesis,/. diocese. directriz,/. (geom.) directrix.
dibico. ca, a. (bot.) diceeious. dirigir, ra. {ind. DIRIJO: subj. dirua) to
dionisia,/. blood-stone; hematites, direct, to aim, to lead or drive in a straight
dioptra,/. diopt«r. v. pInula. line: to level (as a gun) to guide, direct, ;

didptrlca,/. dioptrics. conduct; to dedicate a work to address (a ;

di6ptriC0, ca, a. dioptric. letter, Jtc.) ; to regulate, to head, to govern,

diorama, m. diorama. to control, manage
(naut. ) to steer. vr. to ;

dior&miCO, ca, a. dioramic. address, apply, resort to to go toward. ;

diorita,/. diorite. dirimente, pa- breaking off, dissolving.

DiOS, m. God ; false god, idol Dioi hombre. : dirimible, a. that may oe broken off.
a M Id far : « in eh I ; i in ;>olice ; o in for ; a in bull ; C (before e, 1) and 8 as th in thick ; b and d, softt
dirlmir, va. to dissolve, disjoin, separate to ; discretear, rm. to affect discretion.
annul, to declare void; to adjust or accom- discreteo, m. affected wittiness, repartee.
modate differences. discrete, ta, a. discreet, circumspect, con-
dirrulr, va. to ruin, to destroy. V. derruir. siderate, prudent, discriminating inge- ;

dlsantO, m. a holy-day. nious, sharp, witty- (math.) discrete (as a

discantax, va. to chant, to sing ;to compose quantity) (med.) distinct, segregate (as in

or recite verses to descant, ; to discourse small-pox).

copiously (mus.) to sing in counterpoint.
; discrimen, m. hazard, risk, peril difference, ;

discante, m. small guitar concert, especial- ; diversity.

ly of stringed instruments. disculpa,/. apology, excuse, exculpation.
lisceptacion,/. argument, controversy. discnlpabilidad,/. excusability, palliation,
disceptar, >a. to dispute, to argue. pardon ableuess.
discernidor, m. discerner. disculpable, a. excusable, pardonable.
discernimiento, m. discernment, judgment, disculpablemente, adv. pardonably, ex-
penetration, insight, discrimination; (law) cusably.
appointment of a guardian. disculp'adamente, adv. excusably.
dlscernir, va. {md. discierno: subj. dis- disculpar, va. & vr. to exculpate, excuse,
cierna) to discern, distinguish, compre- palliate, apologize.
hend, judge, discriminate (law) to appoint ;
discurrir, vn. to roam, to gad, to ramble
a guardian. about to flow (as a river) to reflect, think
; ;

disciplina, /. discipline education, instruc- to reason ; to discourse upon a subject, to

tion systematic training
; any art or sci-

; discuss. —
va. to invent, plan, contrive,
ence taught rule of conduct, order cor-
; ; scheme ; to conjecture, infer, deduce.
rection, punishment, chastisement.—-p/. dis- discursante, pa. discourser, lecturer.
ciplinai, scourge, cat-of-nine-tails ; flagella- diSCTirsar, V7i. to discourse, treat upon to ;

tion. lecture.
disciplinable, disciplinable. a. discursista, m. argufier.
disciplinadamente, adv. with discipline. discursivo, va, «. discursive, reflective;
disciplinadO, da, a. marbled, variegated (as cogitative.
flowers).—pp. of DisciPLiXAR, discurso, m. discourse; cogitation, ratio-
diSCiplinal, a. disciplinal. cination, reasoning speech, sermon, lec-

diSCiplinante, pa. Flagellator.—m. Disci- ture ; dissertation, treatise, tract ; conver-

plinant. sation, talk space of time.

disciplinar, va. to discipline, educate, in- diSCUSibn, /. discussion, argument, dispute,

struct, train, bring up; (mil.) to drill; to debate.
chastise, to correct. vr. to scourge one's discutible, a. discussable, controvertible.
self as penance. diSCUtidor, ra, m. &/. discusser, argufier.
disciplinario, ria, a. disciplinary. diSCUtir, va. to discuss, argue, debate.
disciplinazo, m. lash. disecacibn, /. dissection, anatomy.
discipulado, m. discipleship ; education, in- disecador, m. dissector, anatomist taxi- ;

struction. dermist.
discipular, a. belonging to a disciple. disecar, t'a. secar) to dissect;
{for mut. v.
discipulo, la [dis-thee'pooiol, m. & f. disciple, to make an autopsy to stuff" dead animals.

scholar, learner, follower, adherent. diseccidn, /. dissection, anatomy.

disco, m. disk a quoit solid wheel circular
; ; ; disector, m. dissector, anatomist.
plate (glass, metal, etc.) face of the sun or ; diseminacidn, /. dissemination, publishing;
moon: disco de seiales, (r. w.) signal-disk; scattering, spreading, sowing.
semaphore. diseminador, ra, m. & /. disseminator,
discolo, la, a. ungovernable ; wayward, spreader.
peevish, froward. diseminar, va. to disseminate, propagate,
diSCOloro, ra, a. (bot.) colourless. spread, sow or scatter about.
disconforme, -midad, v. desconforme, disensi6n, /. dissension, misunderstanding,
-MIDAD. contention, contest, strife.
discontinuacibn, /. discontinuation, disenso, m. dissent, disagreement.
discontinuar, va. to discontinue, to stop, disenteria,/. (med.) dysentery.
discontinuo, a, a. discontinued, suspended. disent^riCO, ca, a. dysenteric.
disconveniencia, -niente, -nir, v. des- disentimiento, m. dissent, disagreement
discordancia, /. disagreement, discordance. disentir, vn. {for irr. V. sentir) to dissent,
discordante, pa. & a. dissonant, discordant. to disagree, to differ in opinion.
diSCOrdar, v«. to discord, to disagree. disefiador, m. designer, delineator.
diSCOrde, a. discordant, contrary, disagreed dise&ar, va. to draw, to design, to sketch.
(mus.) dissonant. diseflO, m. design, sketch, draft, plan delin- ;

diSCOrdia,/. discord, disagreement, discord- eation, description picture, image, pat-


ance, contention, opposition, clash. tern, model.

discrasia,/. (med. ) cacochymia. disertaci6n, /. dissertation, discourse, dis-
discreci6n, /. discretion, prudence, judg- quisition, lecture.
ment acuteness of mind, sagacity liberty
; ; disertante, pa. discourser, lecturer.
of action and decision i. di8creci6n, at will, : disertar, va. to discourse, debate, argue ; to
ad libitum (mil.) without conditions.
discrecional, a. discretional, discretionary. disertO, ta, a. eloquent, fluent.
discrecionalmente, adv. discretionally, dis- disfagial'iis-fah'-he-ah],/. (med.) dysphagia.
cretion aril y. disfamacidn,/. defamation, slander.
discrepancia, /. discrepancy, difference, disfamador, ra, m. & f. defamer, detractor,
contrariety. slanderer.
discrepante, pa. disagreeing, discrepant. disfamar, va. to defame, to slander.
discrepar, tm. to differ, to disagree. disfamatoriO, ria, a. defamatory, calumni-
discretamente, otiv. discreetly. ous, libellous.

g (before e, i) and J as h in hot; h, silent; 11 in biilllant; fi, ny in caayon; r (InitUl) and IT triUed; *. UsceA
disfavor, m. disregard, discountenance. dismenorrea, /. dysmenorrhoea.
disformar, v. deformak and afear.
va. disminucidn, /. v. diminucion; (farr.) di*.
dlsforme, deformed, ugly, monstrous,
a. ease in horses' hoofs.
hideous huge, big. •
dlsmlnuir, va. {for mut. V. huir) to dimin-
disformidad, /. deformity, excessive big- ish, lessen, lower, shorten, reduce, decrease,
ness. abridge, cut short to detract from. vr. to ;

disfraz, m. mask, costume, disguise ; dissim- lessen, to lower, to grow less.

ulation, dissembling. disnea,/. dyspnoea.
disfrazar, va. {for nuU. v. abkazar) to dis- diS0Claci6U [de-ao-thie-ah-thie-on'], /. disjuno
guise, to conceal to cloak, dissemble, cover ;
tion, separation, dissociation.
to misrepresent. vr. to masquerade, to disociar, va. to dissociate, disconnect, sepa-
travesty. rate.
dlsfnitar, va. to gain fruit, profit, or advan- disoluble, a. dissoluble.
tage to reap benefit from a thing to enjoy
; ; diSOlUCidll; /. dissolution, disintegration
health, convenience, comfort to avail one's ; (chem.) dissolution, and the resulting solu-
self of, to profit by (min.) to work a mine. ;
tion dissoluteness, dissipation, libertinism,

disfrute, m. use, enjoyment. lewdness, licentiousness disolucion de socle- :

disgregable, a. separable, segregable. dad, (com.) dissolution of partnership.

disgregacidn, /. separation, disjunction ;
disolutamente, adv. dissolutely, licentious-
disintegration, dissociation. ly-
disgregar, f a. {formut. V. agregar) to sep- disolutivo, va, a. dissolvent, solvent.
arate, disjoin, disperse. dlSOlutO, ta, a. dissolute loose, licentious,
disgregativo, va, «. disjunctive. lewd, libidinous, libertiae.
disgustadamente, adv. disgustingly. disolvente, m. dissolvent, dissolver.
disgnstar, the taste ;
va. to disgust, to offend diSOlver, va. {forirr. V. absolver) to loosen,
to disgust, displease, disgruntle, offend. untie to dissolve (as a meeting) to sepa-
; ;

vr. to be displeased, to fall out ; to get tired, rate, disunite; (phys. and chem.) to dis'
fatigued to be bored. ; solve, melt, liquefy. vr, to dissolve to be ;

disgustlllo, m. dim. displeasure, slight dis- melted.

gust, unpleasantness. dls6ll, m. (mus.) discord.
diSgUStO, m. disgust, loathing ill-humour ;
; disonancia, /• harsh sound; (mus.) disso-
offence conceived; vexation, annoyance; nance disagreement, discord.

grief, sorrow & disgusto, adv. against one's

: disonante, «. dissonant, inharmonious, dis-
will. crepant ; discordant, unsuitable.
disidencia,/. dissidence, nonconformity. disonar, fn. {forirr. V. SONAR) to disagree in
disidente, a. & m. & f. dissident, dissenter, sound, to be disharmonious to discord, to ;

nonconformist, schismatic. disagree to be contrary or repugnant.


disidlr, vn. to dissent, to disagree in opinion. disono, na, a. dissonant, inharmonious.

disilabo, ba, a. dissyllable. dispar, '/. unlike, unequal, unmatched.
4isimil, a. dissimilar. disparadamente, adv. hurriedly.
disimilar, a. unequal, dissimilar. disparador, m. shooter trigger ratchet or ; ;

disimilitud, /. dissimilitude. ratchet-wheel, in clockwork (naut. ) anchor- ;

dislmulable, a. what may be dissembled ;

excusable. disparar, va. &
vn. to shoot, discharge, fire
diSimulacidn,/. dissimulation dissembling; off; let off; to cast or throw with violence.—
simulation, hypocrisy, mask, feint reserve, ; vn. (coll.) to talk nonsense, to blunder. vr.
reservedness. to run headlong; to run away (as a riding-
disimuladamente, adv. dissemblingly; re- horse) ; (naut.) to turn violently (as the
servedly. capstan) ; to go off (as a gun).
disimulado, da, dissembling; reserved, a. disparatadamente, adv. absurdly, nonsen-
sullen ; dissembled, sly, cunning.—/>p. of sically.
disimulak: hacer la disimulada, (coll.) to disparatadO, da, pp. & a. inconsistent, ab-
feign ignorance. surd, extravagant, silly, foolish.
dislmulador, ra, m. &/. dissembler. disparatador, ra, «. nonsensical talker.
disimular, va. to dissimulate, dissemble, to disparatar, ra. to act absurdly to talk non- ;

feign or pretendto conceal (as fear) to ; ; sense ; to blunder.

overlook, let pass; to colour, to
tolerate, disparate, vi. nonsense, blunder, absurdity,
misrepresent; to pardon, excuse, condone. extravagance.
dislmulO, m. dissimulation, pretence, deceit disparatorio, m. speech or discourse full of
tolerance. nonsense.
dislpable, a. dissipable, easily scattered. disparidad, /. disparity, inequality, dissim-
dlsipacl6n, /. dissipation dispersion, scat- ; ilitude.
tering, evanescence dissolute living licen- ; ; disparo, m. discharge, explosion ; nonsense,
tiousnessextravagance, waste.
; absurdity.
disipadO, da, a. dissipated, prodigal, lavish- dispendiO, m. excessive expense; excessive
er licentious, dis.solute. pp. of disipar.
; waste of time, fortune, etc.
dislpador, ra, m. &/. spendthrift, a prodigal, dispendiosamente, adv. expensively.
a lavisher. dispendiOBO, sa, a. costly, expensive.
disipaj:, va. & vr. to dissipate, to disperse, to dispensa, /. dispense, privilege, exemption,
scatter (as clouds). va. to squander, mis- dispensation diploma granting a dispen-

spend, lavish ; to drive awav, put to flight. sation.

dislate, m. nonsense, absurdity. V. dispa- dispensable, a. dispensable.
RATK. dispensacibn, /. disiiensation, exemption.
diBlocaci6n, dislocadura, /. dislocation, dispensador, ra, ni. ^ f. one who grants a
luxation, sprain ;
(min.) slide. dispensation dispenser, distributor.

dlslocar, va. &vr. {for mut.

to V. colocar) ; dispensar, va. to dispense, deal out, grant,
dislocate, displace, sprain, luxate, disjoint. distribute to dispensate, exempt, excuse

dlsmembraci6n, /. v. drsmembraci6n. from to acquit, absolve, forgive.


» u In far ; e in eh I ; i In police ; O in for ; u in bull ; e (bafore e, 1) and z as th In thick ; b vnd d. kAJ

dispepsia,/. (med.) dyspepsia. to excel ; to diflFer, to be distinguished
disp6ptiC0, ca, a. dyspeptic. from.
d.1spersar, to disperse, scatter, put to va. distintamente, adv. distinctly, diversely.
flight to dissipate. ; distintiVO, va, a. distinctive. m. distinc-
dispersi6ii, /. dispersion. tive mark (as the badge) ; particular at-
disperse, sa, «. dispersed, separated. tribute, characteristic feature.
dispertador, ra, m. &/. v. despertIdor. distinto, ta, a. distinct, different, diverse
dispertar, va. v. despertar. clear, intelligible.
displacer, va. V. desplacer. distraccibn idiB-trac-thie-on'], /. distraction,
dlsplicencia,/. displeasure, discontent, dis- heedlessness, absent-mindedness ; diver-
like. sion, amusement, pastime, sport ; licentious-
dlsplicente, a. displeasing, unpleasing, pee- ness, want of constraint.
vish, fretful. distraer, va. {{or irr. V. TRAER) to distract,
disponedor, ra, m. &/. disposer, distributer. to harass the mind ; to perplex, bewilder,
disponente,i>a. disposing. confuse ; to divert, amuse, entertain ; to
disponer, {for irr. V. poner) to
va. & vn. lead astray. vr. to muse, to be absent of
dispose, arrange, place in order, settle, pre- mind, inattentive ; to amuse or enjoy one's
pare, lay out to dispose of, to give, to dis- ; sell.
tribute to deliberate, resolve, direct, regu-
; distraidamente, adv. distractedly, licen-
late, order, command. vr. to prepare one's tiously.
self, to get ready to make a will. ; distraido, da, vp. & a. inattentive, heedless,
dispongo, yo dispuse (from disponer). absent-minded dissolute, licentious. ;

disponiDle, a. disposable. distraigo, distraje {irr. from distraer).

disposicion,/. disposition, arrangement, dis- distraimiento, m. v. distracci6n.
posal aptitude, inclination, natural fitness,
; distribUCibn, /. distribution division, ap- ;

capacity state of health, condition

; ele- ; portionment proper collocation, arrange-

gance of carriage temper ability and ex- ; ; ment; distribution of type.

^print. )

pediency proportion, symmetry, measure ; distribUldor, ra, m. &f. distributer, divider.

resolution, order, command, regulation, distribuir. va. {for mut. v. huik) to dis-
prescription; power, authority; (naut.) tribute, divide, deal out, allot, apportion,
trim of a ship h, la disposicion de usted, : share or parcel out to dispose, range to ; ;

I am (or it is) at your disposal. sort (as mail matter) ; (print.) to distribute
dispositiyamente, adv. dLspositively, dis- type.
tributively. distributive, va, a. distributive.
dispositivo, va, a. dispositive. distributor, ra, m. &f. distributer.
dispuestO.ta, a. disposed, fit, ready, minded distribuyente, pa. distributer, giver.
comely, genteel, graceful bien dispuasto, : distritO, m. district, ward, precinct, circuity
quite well mal dispnesto, indisposed, ill. : province, canton, region, territory.
pp. irr. of DISPONER. disturbar, va. to disturb, interrupt.
disputa,/. dispute, controversy, argument disturbio, m. disturbance, outbreak.
contest, conflict; contention, clash, fray, disuadir, va. to dissuade, to deter.
odds sin disputa. undoubtedly.
: disuasidn,/. dissuasion, determent
disputable, a. disputable, controvertible, disuasiVO, va, a. dissuasive.
contestable. disuelvo, disuelva (irr. from disolver).
disputador, m. disputant, disputer. disuelto, ta, a. &pp. irr. of disolver dis« ;

disputar, va. & vn. to dispute, controvert, solved, melted.

contend, debate, contest; to question, to disuria, / (med.) dysuria.
reason about to debate, to argue to quar- ; ; disyunci6n /. disjunction,
rel, wrangle, jar, or clamour to strive to ; ; separation ;
(gram.) a disjunctive particle.
resist, to fight for. disyunta,/. (mus.) change of the voice.
disputativamente, adv. disputingly. disyuntivamente, adv. disjunctively, sepa-
diSqUiSiCibn [Uia-ke-se-thie-on'], /. disquisition, rately, singly.
examination. diSyuiltiVO, va [(Hs-yoon-tee'-vo!, a. disjunctive.
distancla, /. distance, interval of time or —f. a disjunctive proposition ; a dilemma.
place remoteness, length
; room, space ; dita,/. surety, bondsman security, bond. ;

range difference, disparity.

; dit&j m. (Philip.) tree yielding ditaina.
distanciar, va. to place at a distance. ditaina,/. alkaloid used as a febrifuge.
distante, a. distant, far, remote (naut.) off. ;
ditir^mbico, ca, a. dithyrambical.
distantemente, adv. distantly. ditirambo, m. (poet.) dithyramb, exagger-
distar, vn. to be distant or remote ; to be ated eulogy.
different, to vary. ditono, m. (mus.) ditone.
distender, vn. {for irr. V. TENDER) (med.) diuretiCO, ca, a. (med.) diuretic.
to distend, to swell. diumo, na, a. diurnal. m. diurnal, prayer- —
distensidn, /. distention, expansion. book.—/.^i. butterflies, lepidoptera. m. pi.
distiCO, m. (poet.) distich, couplet. day-flies.
distincidn, /. distinction, difference, diver- diuturnidad, /. diuturnity, long duration.
sity prerogative, privilege
honourable ; diuturno, na, a. diuturnal, lasting.
note of superiority order, clarity, preci- ; diva, /• (poet.) goddess; great songstress.
sion persona de distincidn, person of supe-
: divagacidn,/. wandering, digression.
rank i di8tinci6n, in contradistinction.
rior : divagador, ra, a. roamer, rambler digres- ;

distinguible, a. distinguishable. sor.

distinguido, da, a. & pp. of distinguir ,
divagar, vn. roam,
{for mut. V. VAGAR) to
distinguished, conspicuous. to ramble ; to digress.
distinguir [dis-tin-seer'j, va. {for mut. V. EX- div^n, TO. divan, supreme council among the
TiNGuiR) to distinguish, diflFerentiate, dis- Turks place of its meetings divan, low,

cern, discriminate to see clearly and at a ; cushioned sofa collection of Oriental poems.

distance; to esteem, appreciate; to clear divergencia, /. divergence ; diversity or dif-

up, explain. vr. to distinguish one's self, ference in opinions.

g (before e, i) and .1 as li in hot ; h, silent ; U in brilliant ; A. ay in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; *, bH^mt*
<iivergente, a. divergent ; dissenting, op- do [doe], m. (mus. )
note of the scale C. first :

posed, coutrary. do, adv. (obs. ) V. donde: do quiera, wher-

divergir, vn. (phys. to diverge
) to dissent. ; ever anywhere.

diversamente, adv. diversely ..differently. dobla, /. ancient Spanish gold coin.

diversldad, /. diversity, dissimilitude, un- dobladamente, adv. doubly ; deceitfully,
likeuess variety, abundance, plenty.
; artfully.
dlversificar, va. to diversify, to vary. dobladilla, /. ancient game of cards 4 la do- :

diversi6n,/. diversion, entertainment, sport, bladilla, doubly, repeatedly.

merriment, fun, amusement. dobladillo, m. (sew.) hem, border; strong
dlversiVO, va, a. (med.) divertive. knitting thread.
diverso, sa, a. diverse, different from an- dobladO, da, a. strong, robust, thick-set
other or from itself; various, multiform.— deceitful, dissembling: tierra doblada, bro-
pi. several, sundry, many. ken, mountainous country.—»;>. of doblar.
drvertido, da, «. & pp- amusive, amusing, —
m. measure of the fold in cloth.
entertaining, merry, festive, funny. doblador, ra, a. doubler, bender, folder.
divertlmiento, m. diversion, merriment, dobladura,/. fold, crease.
fun, amusement, entertainment, pastime, doblamientO, m. doubling, bending, folding.
sport. doblar, va. to double, make double ; to fold,
dlvertir, va. VERTIR) to turn
{for in: V. to crease ; to bend, to crook ; to subdue to ;

aside, divert, turn away to amuse, enter- ; induce or influence some one doblar la :

tain, exhilarate, divert, make merry (mil.) ;

rodilla, to kneel: doblar an cabo, (naut.) to
to divert the enemy.— vr. to sport, frolic, double or round a cape.—vn. to toll the
amuse one's self. passing-bell. vr. to bend, bow, stoop s *- ;

dividendo, m. (arith.) dividend; (com.) mit, acquiesce, give in, yield.

dividend, share. doble, a. double, twofold, duplicate thick, ;

divididero, ra, a. divisible. heavy (as cloth) thick-set, robust, strong ;


dividir, va. (pp. dividido, diviso) to di- artful, deceitful, tricky: (chem.) binary:
vide, cut, sever, cleave, split, cut open, cut al doble, doubly. m. fold, crease toll of ;

through ; to disjoin, disunite, separate, dis- the passing-bell ; step in a Spanish dance.
sever, part ; to distribute, apportion, parcel doblegable, a. pliable, pliant, flexible, flex-
out ; (math.) to divide. vr. to divide, part, ile ; easily folded.
cleave, split, open, come or go apart ; to di- doblegadizo, za, a. easily bent or folded.
verge to differ in opinion to fall out.
; ; doblegar, va. {for mut. V. entregar) to
dividUO, dua, a. (law) divisible. fold, twist, bend, incurvate, inflect to gain

divierto, 61 divirtib (irr. from divertir). by persuasion, to dissuade. vr. to bend, to

divieso, m. (med.) f-iruncle, boil. be incurvated ; to ply ; to yield, submit,
divinal, a. (poet.) v. diving. acquiesce.
dlvinamente, adv. divinely, heavenly; ad- doblemente, adv. doubly, deceitfully, art-
• mirably. fully.
dlvlnatoriO, ria, a. divinatory. doblero, m. (carp.) piece of timber.
diylnidad, /. divinity, deity, godship, false doblete, a. of medium thickness. m. doub-
god woman of great beauty.
; let (gem) stroke in billiards. ;

dlvinizar, va. {for mut. v. amenizar) to doblez, m. crease, ply, fold duplication,


deify (met.) to sanctify.

duplicature. m. &/. duplicity, doubleness,
divino, na, a. divine, heavenly, heaven- double-dealing.
born godlike
excellent, in a supreme ; dObl6n, m. doubloon, ancient Spanish gold
degree. m. & f. diviner. coin.
ill visa, /. device, motto, badge, emblem, im- doblonada, /. heap of doubloons or money

press (law) devise.

echar doblonadas, (coll.) to exaggerate one's
dlvisar, va. to descry at a distance, to per- revenues.
ceive indistinctly (her.) to vary. ; doce [doe' thay], a. twelve.—m. twelfth, as el
divisibilidad, /. divisibility. doce de abril, the 12th of April.—/, pi. lai
divisible, a. divisible. doce,twelve o'clock.
divisibn, /. division, separation, partition, dOCena, /. dozen docena de fraile, baker's

distribution section, quarter, ward, com-

; dozen idocenas, abundantly, in great quan-

partment disunion, difference, discord

; tities.
hyphen (mil.) division (math, and other
; docenal, a. that which is sold by dozens.
sciences) division. docenario, ria, a. containing a dozen.
divisional, a. divisional. teaching.
divisivo, va, a. divisible, divisive. doceno, na, a. twelfth.—ni. & a. cloth, oi
diviso, sa, a. &pp. irr. of dividir ; divided, twelve hundred threads.
disunited. docientos, a. v. doscientos.
divisor, ra, a. divider, separator. m. (math.) d6cil, a. docile, mild, yielding, tractable,
divisor. gentle obedient, pliant, governable duc-
; ;

divisorio, ria, a. divisive, divisionary. m. tile, pliable, malleable, flexible.

(print.) copy-holder. dOCiUdad, /. docility, gentleness, meekness:
divo, va, a. (poet.) divine, godlike.—m. God. flexibleness, compliance ; manageableness ,

divorciar, va. to divorce ; to separate, part, tractableness.

divide.— rr. to be divorced. d6cilmente, ndv. mildly, meekly.
divorcio, m. divorce ; separation, disunion ; docimasia, docimiisti'ca. /. docimacy.
breach of concord. dOCim6,StiCO, ca, a. docimastic.
divulgable, a. that which may be divulged. doctamente, adv. learnedly.
divulgacidn,/. divulgation, publication, dOCtO, ta, a. learned.
divulgador, fa, m. &f. divulger. doctor, ra, m. &f. doctor in divinity, law,
divillgar, wi. {for mut. V. com uloar) to pub- physic, or philosophy teacher of anv art ;

lish, divulge, report, give out, reveal ; to or science; (coll.) a physician.—/, (coll.) a
popularize. blue-stocking; (coll.) wife of a physician or
diz (contr. of dicese), it is said. doctor.

«Hln far; • in In police ; « in for v .« in boll ; o (before e, 1) and s m th in thick ; b and d, aotif
doctorado, m. doctorate, doctorship. dolorOSO, sa, a. sorrowful, painful.
doctoral, a. doctoral. dolosamente, adv. deceitfully.
dOCtoramientO, m. act of conferring or tak- dOlOSO, sa, a. deceitful, knavish.
ing the degree of doctor. doma,/. breaking in a horse.
dOCtorandO, m. graduand as doctor. domable, a. tamable, conquerable.
dOCtOrar, va. to doctorate. domador, ra, m. & /. tamer, subduer ; horse
dOCtorclllO, m. dim. (coll.) little doctor; breaker.
quack, petty physician. domadura,/. act of taming or subduing.
dOCtrina,/. doctrine, instruction, lore; sci- domar, va. to tame to break in to subdue, ; ;

ence, wisdom ;
principles of any sect or overcome, master, conquer.
master; preaching of the Gospel; Sunday- dombo, 7«. dome, cupola.
school; catechism; (Sp. Amer.) a curacy: dome&ar, va. to reclaim, to make tractable:
nifios de la doctrina, charity children. to tame, domesticate, master, subdue.
dOCtrinador, ra, m. &f. instructor, teacher. domesticable, tamable. a.
doctrinal, m. catechism.— a. doctrinal. domesticamente, adv. domestically.
doctrinante, pa. instructor. domesticar, va. (/or mut. V. dedicar) to
doctrlnar, va. to teach, to instruct. render gentle, to domesticate. vr. to grow
doctrinarlo, ria, a. doctrinarian. tame.
doctrinero, m. teacher of Christian doctrine; domestlcidad, /. domesticity, affability.
(Sp. Amer.) curate or parish priest. dom^stiCO, ca, a. domestic, domestical, do-
doctrino, m. charity pupil. mesticated, tamed. m. &/. family servant.
documentado, da, a. having the necessary domestlquez Ido-mes-tc-keth'), /. meekness,
documents or vouchers. tameness.
documental, a. documental, documentary. domiciUado, da, a. &pp. of dohiciliarse;
documentalmente, adv. with proper docu- domiciliated.
ments. domiciliar, va. & vr. to domicile, domiciliate.
documento, m. document, writing, record, domlciliariO, ria, a. domiciliary, inhabi-
deed, title, instrument, indenture, voucher, tant, citizen.
schedule instruction, advice to avoid evil
; domiciliO Ido-me-thee' le-o], m. habitation,
(com.) collateral security. abode, domicile, home, dwelling-house.
dodecaedro, m. dodecahedron. dominaci6n, /. dominion, domination, au-
dodecagono, m. dodecagon. thority,rule, command, power; (mil.)
dodecasilabO, ba, a. having twelve sylla- commanding ground.—p/. dominations, an-
bles. gelic beings.
dogal, m. halter, noose, slip-knot, hangman's dominador, ra, m. &f. dominator.
rope. dominante, a. dominant, domineering, dic>
dogma, m. dogma. tatory, ascendant; prevailing, excelling-
dogm^ticamente, adv. dogmatically. dominative, imperious, masterful, overl)ear-
dogmatico, ca, a. dogmatical or dogmatic. ing; commanding, towering; (mus.) domi,
7u. dogmatist. nant.
dogmaiismo, m. dogmatism. dominar, va. to dominate, govern, rule, con-
dOgmatiSta, m. dogmatist. oversway to master, lord, lead, com-
trol, ;

dO|:matizador, dogmatizante, m. dogma- mand to domineer, subdue, repress. vr. to


tizer, dogmatist. rise above, command, tower above.

dogmatizar, va. to dogmatize. dominatlVO, va, a. dominative.
dOgO, ga, a. bulldog. dbmine, »«. dominie.
dogre, m. dogger, Dutch boat. domin^O, m. Sunday Domingo de Resurrec- :

doiadera, a. cooper's adze. cion, Laster Sunday Domingo de Cuasimodo. :

dolador, m. joiner stone-cutter. ; Low Sunday.

doladura, /. shavings, splinters, chips. dominguero, ra [do-min-gay -ro], a. done or
dolaje, m. wine imbibed by pipe-staves. worn on Sunday.
dolamas, /. pi. dolames, m. pi. (vet.) hid- domingulllo [do-min-geer-iyo], m. tumbler (a
den vices and defects (of horses). toy).
dolar, va. to hew (wood or stone). dominica, /. the Sabbath.
d61ar, m. dollar (U. S. money). dominical, a. dominical : oraeion dominical.
dolencia,/. aching, ache, disease. Lord's prayer manorial tribute.—/. Sunday

«10ler, vn. & vr. (ind. DUELO: subj. DUELA) function in universities.
to feel pain to ache or be in pain ; to hurt
; dominicano, na, dominico, ca, a. Domini-
to loathe, to feel repugnance or aversion to ;
can, native of Santo Domingo.
regret, be sorry, repent ; to feel for, sympa- dominico, m. Jacobin friar.
thize, condole ; to lament, complain, deplore. dominicatnra, /. duty of vassalage.
doliente, a. aching, suffering; sorrowful, domiuio, m. dominion, domination, power,
patient.— ni. pall-bearer mourner. ;
rule, authority dominion, territory, re-

dolmen, m. (archseol.) dolmen. gion, domain, possession, estate.

dolO, fraud, deceit, trick, humbug.
in. dbmino, m. game of dominoes.
dOlobre, m. stone-hammer. domin6, m. domino, a hooded robe game ;
dolomia,/. (min.) dolomite. dominoes.
dolomitiCO, ca, a. dolomitic. dompedro, m. (bot.) morning-glory.
dolor, m. pain, aching, ache; sorrow, afflic- don, m. Don, title for a gentleman, equivalent
tion, anguish, grief, painfulness regret, re- ; to Mr. in English, but used only before
pentance, contrition.—p/. throes of child- Christian names, as Don Juan or Don AlfonBo.
birth estar con dolores, to be in labour.
: don, m. gift, present, donation ability, nat- ;

dolorcillO, ItO, m. dim. slight pain. ural gill, faculty, dexterity, knack don de :

dOlorldO, da, a. doleful, afflicted, painful, gentes, winning manners don de acierto, :

aching; heart-sick. m. chief mourner, pall- tact: don de errar, (coll.) knack fordoing
bearer. things wrong.
dolorosamente, adv. painfully, sorrowfully, donacidn, /. donation, gift, grant donacidn :

miserably. piadosa, donary, pious donation.

C (before e, 1) and J u h in bot ; h. silent ; 11 in brilliMit ; ft, nj in canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled ; •, htaeed
donadiO, m. property derived from royal dormidero, ra, soporiferous, narcotic—
grants. TO. place where cattle repose.
donado, da, m. &/. lay-brother or lay-sister. dormiente, pa. v. durmiente.
—pp. of DONAK. dormil6n, na, m. & /. (coll.) sleepy head.—
donador, ra, m. & /. donor, bestower, giver. /. pi. screw ear-rings.
donaire, m. grace, elegance, gentility ;
witti- dormir, vn. (ind. duermo: prei. el durmi6:
cism graceful carriage.
subj. duerma) to sleep; to be inattentive,
donairosamente, adv. gracefully. to neglect one's business (naut.) to be ;

donairoso, sa, a. graceful, elegant witty. ; calm or still dormir ipierna suelta, (coll.)

donante, pa- donor, giver. to be fast asleep. vr. to be overcome by

donar, va. to give, bestow, contribute. sleep, to fall asleep to become indolent. ;

donatario, m. donee, grantee. dormirlas, to. child's play, hide and seek.
donatlsta, a. donatist. dormitar, vn. to dose, to nap, to mope.
donatiVO, m. donative donation, gift. , donultiVO, m. dormitive.
doncel, m. king's page man who has not , dormltorio, to. dormitory, bed-room.
carnally known a woman pino doncel, tim- : dornalo, to. small trough tray; lool. ;

ber of young pines without knots.— a. mild, domlllo, TO. small trough, wooden bowl.
mellow in flavour (as wine). dorsal, a. dorsal, belonging to the back.
doncella [(ion-thayr lyauj, /. maid, virgin, maid- dorso, TO. the back dorsum.


en, lass; lady's-maid, waiting-maid (icht.) ; dOS, a. two. TO. second, as dos de mayo, the
snake-fish. 2d of May.—/, pi. las dos, two o'clock. m.
doncelleja, /. dim. little maid. deuce dos k dos, two to two or two by two

doncelleria,/. maidenhead, virginity.

(coll.) & dos por tres, inconsiderately, rashly, sud-
doncellez maidenhood.
;d<)n-thei-iyeth'],/. denly: de dos en dos, two abreast, by couples •
doncellica, ita,/. dim. young maid, a girl. aqui para entre los dos, between you and me;
doncellueca, /. (coll. old maid. ) en un dos por tres, iu a twinkling.
doncelluela, /. dim. young maid. dosalbo, ba, a. having two white stockinga
donde, adv. where, wherein, in which, wher- (of horses).
ever idonde? where? in what place'
: dOSafLal, a. biennial, of two years.
whither? i donde vas ? whither goest thou ? dosclentos, tas, a. pi. & n. two hundred.
ide ddnde 7 from what place? whence? dosel, TO. canopy, dais portiere. ;

dondequiera, anywhere, wherever donde no, .

doselera, /. valance, drapery of a canopy.
on the contrary i hacia donde ? ;toward dosixnetria, /. (med. ) dosimetric system.
what place? ipor donde? whereabouts? by dosis, dose (of medicine) quantity.
/. ;

what way or road? by what reason or dOtaci6n, /. dotation, endowment, founda-

cause? (Sp. Amer. ) to the house of: voy settlement, dowry; (naut.) comple-
donde (vive) Juan, I go to John's house. ment of a crew (mil.) munition and gar- ;

dondiego or dondiego de dia, (bot.) morn- rison of a fortress; (Cuba) workmen on a

ing-glory.— dondiego de noche, m. (bot.) plantation.
jalap, marvel of Peru. dotado, da, a. &pp. of dotar dowered, por- ;

dong6n, TO. (Philip.) tree of very hard wood tioned dotado de, endowed with.

used in ship-building. dotador, ra, to. & /. endower, donor, insti-

donillero, m. roper-in, decoy. tutor.
donju^n, m. ( bot. ) v. dondiego. dotal, dotal, relating to a dowry.
donosamente, adv. gracefully, pleasing, dotar, to portion, to endow, to give a
coraelily. dowry to gift, to eudow with powers oi

donosidad, /. gracefulness, wittiness. talents ; to settle a rum for a purpose.

donOSO, sa, a. gay, witty, graceful. dote, TO. &f. dowery, dowry ; stock of count-
donosura, /. gracefulness, grace, elegance, ers to play with.— /n. pi. gifts, blessings, tal-
gentility, wittiness. ents received from nature endowments. ;

do£La [do' nyah], /. title given to a married lady, dovela, /. (arch.) key-stoue, extrados and
equivalent to the Lnglish Mrs., but used iutrados surface of an arch-stone.
only before Christian names, as Dona Isabel dovelaje, to. series of stones for an arch.
formerly, a duenna or a nun. pi. present dovelar, ra. to hew a stone for an arch.
made every year to the miners in the irou- doy, yo d6, vo di, yo diera (irr. from dab).
mines in Spain. dozavado, da, o. twelve-sided.
dofiiear, va. (coll.) to converse much with dozavo, va, to. &j. the twelfth part.
women. dracma, /. (pharm.) drachm; Greek silTcr
floflegal, dofligal, a. variety of fig. coin.
doquier, doquiera, adv. V. dondequiera. draconlano, na, a. Draconian, cruel.
jlorada, doradlUa, /. (icht.) gilt-head, gilt- dragado, to. dredging.
poll. draga, /. dredge, dredger, drag-boat.
Uoradllla, /. (hot. ) common ceterach. dragar, va. {for mut. V. tragar) to dredge;
doradillo, m. fine brass wire: (orn.) wag- to deepen a channel.
*.ail j satin-wood. dragante, to. (naut.) bowsprit, pillow.
dorado, da, pp. & a. gilt, gilded.—m. gild- dragO, TO. (bot.) dragon-tree.
ing. dragoman, m. v. trujaman.
dorador, m. gilder. drag6n, to. dragon, fabulous monster (Phil- ;

doradura, /. gilding. ip!) kind of lizard; (bot.) ornamental

doral, m. (orn.) fly-catcher. shrub; (mil.) dragoon, a soldier; (vet.)
dorar, va. to gild to palliate, to excuse ; white spots in the pupils of horses' eyes;
(poet.) to illume (as sunshine). kind of exhalation or vaf>our; (ast.) a con-
dbrlCO, ca, Done. a. stellation.
dorm&n, m. dolman, huzzar's jacket. dragona, /. (mil.) .shoulder-knot; female
dormida, /. sleep of the silk-worm place ;
where animals repose (Amer.) alcove, bed. ; dragoncillo, to. drake, ancient gun; little
dormldera, /. (bot.) garden-poppy.—/:>/. dragon or dragoon.
(coll.) readiness to sleep. dragonero, to. v. dracena.
« M In far ; e In eh I ; 1 In police ; o in for ; a In bull ; c (befor^ e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, soft
dragontea, dragontia, /. (bot.) common due&O, TO. &
f. owner, proprietor, landlord,
dragon. master; also landjady or mistress masteir ;

dragontino, na, a. dragonish. -(to a servant).

drama, m. drama, play. duermo, yo duerma {irr. from dormir).
dramatica, /. dramatic art. duermevela, m. (coll.) dozing, light sleep.
dramiiticaniente, adv. dramatically. duerna,/. duemo, m. v. artesa.
dram^tiCO, ca, «. dramatical, dramatic, diierno, m. (print.) double sheet.
dramatizar, va. to dramatize, diieto, 7n. duet.
dramaturgia, /. dramatic art. dula,/. common pasture-ground.
dramaturgo, ga, m. &/. playwright. dulcamara,/, (bot.) bitter-sweet nightshade.
dr^stiCO, ca, a. (med.) drastic. dulce, a. sweet, honeyed, sugared fresh (as ;

drecera i<ireii-theirrahi, /. straight row of water); sweet (in disposition), mild, soft,
houses, trees, etc. gentle, meek; comfortable, pleasing, pleas-
drenaje, m. drainage. ant, agreeable; soft, ductile (as metals).—
driada, driade,/. dryad, wood-nymph, ni. comfiture, sweetmeat, confection, bon-
dril, /". drilling, strong cloth ; drill. bon dulce de almibar, preserves.

drlno, /«. kind of venomous serpent. dulcecillo, ilia, ito, ita, a. dim. sweetish,
drlza,/. (naut.) halliard. somewhat sweet. m. bon-bon, candy.
drizar, va. (naut.) to hoist up the yards. dulcedumbre,/. sweetness.
droga, /. drug; medicine; fib; stratagem, dulc6mele, m. (mus. dulcimer. )

artifice, deceit ; nuisance. dulcemente, adv. sweetly, delightfully,

drogm&n, m. V. dragoman. mildly, gently.
drogueria [dro-gay-ree'-ah],/. drug-store ; trade dulcera,/. preserve dish, compotier.
in drugs. dulceria,/. confectionery-shop.
drOgUerO [dro-gay'-ro], m. druggist. dulcero, ra, a. fond of sweets. to. & /. con-
drOgUete Idro-gay' tay], m. drugget. fectioner.
droguista idro-geee'-tah), m. druggist; cheat, dulciflcacidn, /. dulcification.
impostor. dulcificante, pa. dulcifying; sweetener.
dromedariO, m. dromedary ; unwieldy horse dulciflcar, ra. to sweeten, to dulcify.
or mule. dulcinea,/.(coll.) sweetheart, beloved one.
drope, m. (coll.} vile, despicable man. dulcisono, na, a. sweet-toned.
drulda, m. Druid. dulia,/. dulia, saint-worship.
druidiCO, ca, a. Druidic. dulim^n, m. long Turkish robe.
drupa,/. (bot.) drupe, stone-fruit. dulzaina (dooitimir-enahi, /. (mus.) flageolet;
drusa,/. (min.) geode, vug. (coll. quantity of sweetmeats.

dua,/. (min.) gang of workmen. dulzainero, to. flageolet-player.

dual, a. (gram.) dual. m. incisor. dulzaino, na, a. (coll), too sweet or rich.
dualidad,/. duality, twoness. dulzamara,/. (hot.) v. dulcamara.
dualismo, TO. (philos.) dualism. dulzarr6n, na, a. (coll.) cloying, sickening,
duallSta, a. dualist. much too sweet.
dubio, TO. (law) doubt. dulzura Idooi-thoo'-rah),/. sweetness meek- •

dubitable, a. doubtful, dubious. ness, gentleness comfortableness, pleasure


dubitacibn, /. dubitation, doubt. forbearance, grateful and pleasing manner.

dubitatiVO, va, a. (gram.) doubtful, du- dulzurar, va. (chem.) to dulcify, unsalt.
bious. dunas,/. pi. (geol. ) dunes, downs.
ducadO, TO. duchy, dukedom ; ducat. dilO, in. (mus.) duo, duet.
ducal, a. ducal. duodecimal, a. (arith.) duodecimal.
ducent6simo, ma, a. two-hundredth. duodecimo, ma, a. twelfth.
ductil, a. ductile yielding, tractile. ;
duod6cuplo, pla, a. duodecuple.
ductilidad,/. ductility. duodenal, a. duodenal.
dUCtiVO, va, a. conducive. duodenario, ria, a. lasting twelve days.
ductor, m. guide, conductor (surg.) probe. ;
duodeno, na, a. twelfth.—?n. (anat.) duo*
dUCtrlz,/. conductress. denum.
dUCha, /. douche, shower-bath stripe (in ; duomeslno, na, a. of two months.
cloth) straight piece of land reaped.
; dupla, /. in colleges, extra dish.
dUChO, Cba, dexterous, accustomed, skilful. d^plica,/. (law) answer.
duda, /. doubt, hesitation, irresolution; duplicacibn, /. duplication, doubling.
doubtfulness, dubiousness: sin. duda or sin duplicadamente, adv. doubly.
dud* alguna, certainly, no doubt. duplicado, /«. duplicate, counterpart. o. & —
dudable, dubitable, dubious, doubtful.
a. pp. of DUPLiCAR duplicate, doubled. ;

dudar,tw. & va. to doubt, hesitate, fluctuate; duplicador, m. duplicator.

to discredit. duplicar, va. (for mut. V. aplicar) to double,
dudosamente, adv. doubtfully, dubiously. duplicate ; to repeat.
dudOSO, sa, a. doubtful, dubious, uncertain, duplicatura, /. v. dobladura.
hesitating, hazardous. dupliCe Idoo-ple-thay], a. double.
duela,/. (coop.) stave. duplicldad,/. duplicity, deceit, foul dealing,
duelaje, '«• V. DOLAJE. falseness.
duelista, m. duellist, fighter. duplo, TO. double, twice as much ; duple.
duelO, m. sorrow, grief, affliction mourn- ; duque [doo'-kay], TO. duke ; fold in mantillas.
ing, funeral; condolemeni bereavement; ; dUqUeCitO [doo-kay-thee' to], m. dim. yOUng
duel, challenge, combat sin dnelo, abun- ; duke.
dantly. duquesafdoo-kay'-sah],/. duchess.
duelO, duela (irr. from DOLER). dura,./", (coll.) duration, continuance.
duende, m. elf, fairy, hobgoblin, ghost. durable, a. durable, lasting.
duendecillO, m. dim. little fairy. duraci6n,/. duration, continuance, durable-
duendo. da, a. tame (as doves). uess, durability.
duefi.a, /. owner, proprietress, mistress, land- duraderamente, adv. durably, lastingly.
lady; (obs.)duenna, chaperon; married lady. duradero, ra, a. lasting, durable.

^(beforee, i)and J aa h in bot; h, silent; II ia brilliaat; &, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; %,
duramilter,/. (anat.) dura mater. ecliptica,/. ecliptic.
duramente, adv. hardy, rigorously harshly. ecllsa, /. (r. w.) coupling, fish-plate, shin.
durante, prep, during in the meantime. ; 6clOga,/. eclogue. V. £gloga.
durar, vn. to lastj to continue, to endure. eco, m. echo distant sound (as of a drum) ;

duraznero, m. (oot.) peach-tree. repetition of words : tener eco una coca, to De

duraznilla,/. variety of peach. noised about.
durazno, m. (hot,) peach-tree; peach. ecometria,/. (arch.) echometry.
dlireza hardness, solidity,
/. ecometro, to. echometer.
firmness sharpness of temper, obduracy
; ; economatO, m. guardianship, trusteeship,
hardness of heart, cruelty steadiness, per- ; economia,/. economy, prudent management,
severance, obstinacy; (art) crudeness; moderation, frugality; saving, husbandry,
(med.) tumour or callosity dareza de vlen- : thrift; scantiness, niggardliness, misery:
tre, costiveness. economia animal, animal economy economia :

durillO, 11a, a. dim. rather hard. —m. (bot.) politica, economics.

common laurestine (vet.) callosity. ;
econbmlcaznente, adv. economically.
iuxmientii, pa. sleeping, sleeper, dormant. econ6micO, ca, a. economical, economic;
TO, (arch.) dormant or dormer; girder, saving, sparing, thrifty; frugal ; avaricious,
stringer; (r. w.) cross-tie, sleeper; (naut.) economisia, to. economist,
clamp, shelf. economizar, va. to economize, spare, save.
duro, ra, a. hard solid, firm, knotty ; vexa-
; ec6nomo, to. curator or guardian, trustee;
tious, unbearable, unjust oppressive, rig- ; ecclesiastical administrator,
orous, cruel, hard-hearted, unmerciful; ecrena,/. (med.) vesicular eczema,
stubborn, obstinate : miserable, avaricious ^ctasls,/. (gram.)ectasis.
rude, ill-natured, narsh, peevish, rough, ecuable, a. equable, equal to itself.
rugged of temper; (naut.) carrying a stiff" eCUaci6n [ay-coo-ah-thle-on'l,/. equation.
sail ; (art) harsh, crude; (mus.) harsh, un- ecuador, ecuator, to. equator ; the line.
sonorous k duras penas, with difficulty and
: ecuanimidad, /. equanimity.
labour. m. dollar, silver coin, containing ecuatorial, a. equatorial.—/, equatorial tele.
five pesetas (Sp. Amer. ) low, rough saddle. scope.
— ;

adv. hard, forcibly, violently. ecuatoriano, na, a. Ecuadorian,

duimvir, duunviro, m. duumvir. ecuestre, «. equestrian.
duunviral, a. duumviral. ecum6nico, ca, a. oecumenical.
duunvlrato, m. duumvirate. ecu6reo, rea, a. (poet.) belonging to the sea.
dux iiioocs], m. doge. ecbacantOS, to. (coll.) rattle-brained fello*.
ecbacorvear, vn. (coll.) to pimp, to procure,
echacorveria, /. (coll.) profession of a pimp
or procurer.
E echacuervOS, to. (coll.) pimp, procurer;
cheat, impostor ; nickname given to some
e, sixth letter of the alphabet; e Is pro- preachers,
nounced in Spanish as in the English words echada,/. cast, throw ;
(sport) man's length
they, eh. echadero, to. place of rest or repose,
6, conj.and (it replaces y, to avoid cacophony, ecbadillo, m. foundling,
only when it precedes a word which oegins echadizo, za, m. & f. spy one employed in ;

with the vowel i or hi as, labios i ignoran- ; cautiously circulating reports ; foundling
tes, wise and ignorant men padre € hijo, : garbage, debris.
father and son). echador, ra, to. &/. thrower.
{ea! interj. (used to awaken attention or as ecbadura, /. brooding, hatching ; winnow,
an encouragement). ing.
ebanista, to. cabinet-maker, ebonist. ecbamientO, m,. cast, throw casting oi ;

ebanisteria, /. cabinet-work, cabinet-mak- throwing; projection, rejection, ejection,

er's shop. casting out, expulsion.
^bano, TO. (bot.) ebony. ecbapellas, to. wool-soaker.
eben^ceo, a, a. (bot.) ebenacese. ecbar, va. to cast, throw, fling, hurl, pitch,
ebionita, a. Ebionite. toss, dart to turn or drive away, eject, re-

ebonita, /. ebonite, hard rubber. ject, cast away, throw out, expel to emit, ;

ebriedad,/. ebriety. V. embriaguez. throw oflF (as sparks) to pour (as wine) ; ;

ebrio, ria, inebriated, intoxicated, tipsy.

a. to throw into (as grain in a bag) to jet (as ;

ebrloso. sa, a. intoxicated, drunken. cargo) to put on (as a cloak)

; to turn (as ;

ebulicion, ebullici6n, /. ebullition. a key) ; to eat or drink to have growing ;

ebtirneo, nea, a. eburneous, resembling (as teeth, hair, etc.) ; to shoot, bud, issue,
ivory. sprout, burst out; to put, to apply to lay ;

ecartd, m. game of cards. on or impose (as a tax) to play (as a game) ;

Eccebomo [eG-thay-oh'-mo]. TO. Ecce Homo. to lean toward to move, to make room (as

eclectlclsmo, m. eclecticism. on a seat) to brag, to boast to tell one's

; ;

ecl^CtiCO, TO. eclectic. fortune (by cards) to couple male and fe- ;

ecl6ctiC0, ca, a. eclectic. male animals for procreating to impute, to ;

eclesilisticainente, adv. ecclesiastically. ascribe to perform for a wager to deal

; ;

eclesl&stiCO, ca, a. ecclesiastical. m. cler- — out, to distribute to publish, to give out, ;

gyman, ecclesiastic, priest, minister ; Eccle- to issue with por and the name of a calling,

siasticus. to follow it with the words rayos, centellac,


eclesiastizar, va. v. espiritualizar. show much annoyance, to be

faego, etc., to
eclimetro, to. eclimeter. very angry with the name of a punish-

eclipsable, a. that may be eclipsed. ment, to condemn to it with the infinitive ;

6Clipsar, ca. (ast.) to eclipse; to outshine. of a verb and the preposition 4, it signifies
— vr. be eclipsed.
(ast.) to to begin the action denoted by the verb,
eclipse, m. (ast) eclipse. echar 4 reir, to burst out laughing: eehar
WJlipsls,/. (gram.) ellipsis. por, to go by one side or the other;

kM ia far : e in eh ( : ilo i>oUc« : o in for ; a la bull c (before e, 1) «nd B as th In thick ; b and d, soft:
speaking of horses, coaches, clothing, efectista, sensational.
a. (art)
to use them, put into service. The verb efectivamente, adv. effectually, powerfully
'schar is a verb of general utility. It serves certainly, actually.
frequently to assist the meaning of another efectivo, va, a. effective, true, certain effec- ;

verb, and enters into many phrases echar : tual ; (com.) specie, cash: en efectivo, in
carnes, to become fat : echar de menoB, to coin : efectivo en caja, cash on hand hacer :

miss echarse k perder, to lose its good taste,

: efectiva una letra, to cash a draft.
to spoil : echar los higados, to be very much efectO, TO. effect consequence end, purpose,
; ;

fatigued echar bando, to publish a law or

: meaning general intent in billiards, Eng-

edict: echar k fondo or i, pique, (naut.) to lish.—p7. assets, merchandise, chattels,

sink a vessel : echar abajo, en tierra, por tie- wares, goods, movables (com. ) drafts efec- ;

rra, or por el luelo, to throw down, to de- toB pnblicoB, public securities efectos en car- :

molish echar bravatai or baladronadas, or

: tera, securities in hand efectoB k pagar, bills :

plantas, to boast, to brag of echarla de bra- : payable: efectos k recibir, bills receivable:
vo, de majo, or de grande, to swagger echar : con or en efecto, in fact, in truth, actually.
carrilloi, to grow plump in the cheeks echar : efectuaci6n, /. accomplishment.
coche, to set up a coach echar el bofe or los : efectuar, va. to accomplish, to effect, to carry
bofes, to labour excessively to solicit anx- ; out.
iously echar tierra & algiina cosa, to bury
: efem6rides,/. p^. ephemeris, a journal.
an affair in oblivion echar al mundo, to : ef^mera, a. ephemera, a fever.
create, to bring forth echar un remiendo k : ef6mero, to. (bot.) iris.
la vida, (coll.) to take a little refreshment: efervescencia, /. effervescence, ebullition
echar con cajas destempladas or enhoramala, ardour, fervour.
to dismiss one roughly and contemptuously : eflcacia,/. efficacy, activity, efficiency.
echar saertes, to draw lots echar & correr, to : eficaz, a. efficacious, active, powerful, effec-
run away echar en cara, k la cara or en la
: tive.
cara, to reproach to one's face echar de ver, : eficazmente, adv. efficaciously, actively, ef-
to remark, to observe, to perceive echar el : fectively.
cnerpo fnera, to withdraw from an affair : eficiencia, /. efficiency, effectiveness.
echarlo todo k rodar, to spoil or mar utterly eficiente, a', efficient, effective.
an affair echar mano, to lay hold of a thing
; eficientemente, adv. efficiently.
to make use of it : echar el guante, to arrest efigie [a-fee'-he-al, /. effigy, image.
one echar la corredera, (naut.) to heave the
: eflmera, /. (med.) ephemera; (ent.) day-fly
log: echar el escandallo, (naut.) to take or May-fly.
soundings: echar en tierra, (naut.) to land, efimero, rk, a. ephemeral, ephemerous, diur-
to disembark echar raices, to take root.
: nal.
vr. to lie, to rest, to stretch one's self at full eflorecerse, vr. (chem.) to effloresce.
length to hatch to throw one's self down ;
; ; efiOreSCenCia [a-flo-res-then'-thie-ahl, /, efflores-
to apply one's self to a business. cence.
echazon,/. (law) jetson or Jettison. eflorescente, (chem.) efflorescent.
vdad, /. age, epoch, era, time cdad media, : efluvio, TO. effluvium or effluvia exhalation, ;

the middle ages mayor edad, majority

: emanation.
mayor de edad, of age menor edad, minority : : efugio |a-foo'-he-ol, TO. subterfuge, evasion, shift.
menor de edad, a minor. efundir, va. (pp. efundido, efuso) to effuse,
edecto, m. (mil.) aide-de-camp. to pour out, to spill.
edema, /. oedema. efusibn, /. effusion, efflux; confidential dis-
edematOSO, sa, a. cedematous, edematose. closure of sentiments.
Ed^n, m. Eden, paradise. efuso, sa, a. & pp. m\ of EFUNDIR effused. ;

edicibn, /. edition, issue, publication. 6gida [a'-he-dah],egis protection, defence. ;

edicto, m. edict, proclamation, placard. egilope,/. (bot.) wild bastard oat.

edificacibn,/. construction, building; edifi- egipciaco, eglpciano, egipcio, egiptano
cation. la-hip-thie-ah'-co], a. ICgyptian.
edificador, ra, m. & /. edifier ; constructor, egiptblogo, TO. Egj'ptologist.
builder. 6gira [a'-he-rahl, /. hegira.
edificante, a. edifying erecting. :• 6gloga,/. eclogue, pastoral poem.
edificar, va. {for mut. V. aplicar) to edify ; egoismo, to. selfishness, self-love ; egoism.
to build ; to edify, instruct. egoista, «. selfish, egoistic. to. egoist.
ediflcativo, va, a. edifying. egn^egiamente, adv. egregiously.
edificatoriO, ria, a. edificatory. egregio, gia, a. egregious, eminent.
edificio, m. edifice, building, structure. egrena,/. iron clamp.
edil, m.. edile, Roman magistrate. egreso, to. expense, debit.—p^. discharge.
edilidad, /. edileship. egrisador, to. box for diamond dust.
edltar, va. to publish. egrisar, va. to polish diamonds.
editor, TO. publisher, editor. ieh interj. eh here
! ! !

editorial, a. editorial. eje [a'-hay], TO. axis axle-tree or axle ; ; shaft,

edred6n, m. eider-down feather-pillow. ;
spindle, arbor centre. ;

educacidn,/. education, instruction, tuition, ejecucibn la-hay-coo-thie-on'], /. execution, com-

training good breeding, politeness.
pletion,fulfilment, performance; capital
educador, ra, m. &f. instructor, educator. punishment; (law) execution ; (mus.) tech-
educando, da, m. &/. pupil, student. nique.
educar, va. (pret. eduqu:i6: subf. eduque) ejecutable, a. executable, performable.
to-educate, instruct, nourish, raise, train. ejecutante, to. & a. performer; (law) one
edUCCibn [ay-dooc-thle-on'],/. eduction. who compels another to pay a debt by legal
educir, va. to educe, extract, bring out. execution.
edulcoracidn,/. edulcoration. ejecutarj va. to execute, perform, make, do,
edulcorar, (chem.) to sweeten,
va. act; to inflict capital punishment to impel, ;

efe, /. Spanish name of the letter F. urge, importune, incite (law) to oblige one ;

efectismo, m. (art) striving aftereffect. to pay what he owes.

g(beforen, i)«Dd J as h '" hot; h.sileni; 11 In brilliant; ft. ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trlUed ; , tiissed.
ejecutlvamente, adv. executively, prompt- electorado, m. electorate.
ly- electoral, a. electoral.
ejecutivo, va, a. executive, active ; execu- electricidad [eh-iec-tree-thie-<jaci'],/. electricity.
tory. —the executive.
7«. electricista, m. electrician.
ejecutor, ra, m. & /. executor or executer electrico, ca, a. electric or electrical.
(law) officer who serves executions : ejecu- electriz [eh-iec-treeth'],/, electress.
tor de la Jttstlcla, executioner. electrizaci6n [eh-lec-tree-tha-thie-on'), /. (phys.
ejecutoria,/. (law) writ or decree of execu- electrification, electrization.
tion judgment letters patent of nobility,
; eleCtriZar [el.-lec-tree-thar'], va. ( pret. ELECTRI-
pedigree executorship. ; cl:: subj. electrice) to electrify, electri-
Cjecutoria, /. office of an executor. cize, electrize ;. to fill with enthusiasm. -^-rr.
ejecutorial, a. (law) applied to the execu- to become charged with electricity ; to be
tion of the sentence of an ecclesiastical tri- electrified or thrilled.
bunal. electro, m. electron, or amber electrum, ;

ejecutoriar, va. to obtain a judgment in electrodin^mica, /. electro-dynamics.

one's favour ; to establish the truth of a electrodinamico, ca, a. electro-dynamic.
thing. electrode, m. electrode.
ejecutorio, ria, a. (law) executory. electr6foro, m. electrophorus.
ejemplar, m. exemplar, pattern, model ;
electrografia,/. treatise upon electricity.
original, prototype precedent, example ; ;
electroim^n, m. electro-magnet.
specimen, sample copy of a work exam- ; ; electrblisis,/. electrolysis.
ple, warning. a. exemplary, worthy of imi- electrolito, m. electrolyte.
tation without precedent.
: sin ejemplar, electrolizable, «. electrolvzable.
ejemplarmente, adv. exemplariiy edify- ; electrolizaci6n, /. electrolyzation.
ingly. electrolizar, va. to electrolyze.
ejemplificacidn, /. exemplification. electromagnetismo, m. electro-magnetism.
ejemplificar, va. to exemplify. electrometria,/. electrometry.
ejemplo, »>,. example, precedent. Instance electrom^trico, ca, a. electrometric.
comparison pattern, copy; exemplar: dar
electrbmetro, m. electrometer.
ejemplo, to set an example. electromotor, ra, a. electromotor. m. elec-
ejercer (a-her-therr'l, va. (ind. EJERZO subj. : tric motor.
ejerza) to exercise, exert, practise, per- electromotriz, a.f. fnerza electromotrlz, eleo
form, ply. tromotive force.
ejercicio [a-her-twe'-thie-o], m. exercise, activi- electronegative, va, a. electro-negative.
ty exertion employment, office, task min-
, ; ; electropositive, va, electro-positive.
istry training, practice, profession
; fiscal ; electropuntura, /. electro-puncturation.
year military drill hacer ejercicio, to drill
; : electroquimica,/. electro-chemistry.
troops to use exercise
; to take a walk ; : electroquimico, ca, a. electro-chemical.
ejercicio esplrltual, spiritual retreat. electroscopio, m. electroscope.
ejercitacibn [a-her-thie-tah-thle-on'], /. exercita- electrotecnia, /. electrotechnics.
tion, practice. electroterapia, /. electro-therapeutics, elec*
^ercitante, m. one who is in a spiritual re- tropathia.
treat.—pa. exerciser, exercising, training. electrotipia, /. electrotyping.
Ojercitar, va. to exercise, to put into practice ;
electrotipico, ca, a. electrotypic.
to drill troops ; to train. vi-. to practise. electuario, m. electuary.
ejercltativo, va, a. that which may be exer- elefancia,/. (med.) elephantiasis.
cised. elefanciaco, ca, a. elephantiac.
e.]6rcitO, m. an army. ele fante, ta, m. &f. elephant.
ejido, m. common, public land. elefantiasis,/. elephantiasis.
ejidn [a-he-oii'], m. (arch.) corbel piece, purlin, elefantino, na, a. elephantine.
bracket. elegancia [eh-iay-gahn'-thie-aii], /. elegance,
ejotes [a-ho'-tes], m. pi. (Mex.) string-beans. gracefulness; neatness; beauty of style.
el, art. masc. sing. \pl. los) the. elegante, a. elegant, stylish, dainty, taste.
61, pron. masc. sing. {pi. ellos) he. ful, graceful.
elaboracidn,/. elaboration. elegantemente, adv. elegantly, tastefully.
elaborado, da, a. elaborate, manufactured, elegia [eh-ieh-he'-ah' /. elegy.
wrought.—pp. of ELABORAR. elegiaco, ca, a. elegiac, mournful.
elaborador, ra, m. &/. elaborator, manufac- elegibilidad, /. elegibility.
turer. elegible la-uy-hee'-biay], a. eligible.
elaborar, va. to elaborate, manufacture. elegido, da, a. elect, chosen.—pp. of elegir.
alacibn, /. elation, haughtiness, pride mag- ; elegir [ehleh-lilrr'], va. ( pp. ELEGIDO, ELECTO :

nanimity, generosity inflation of style. ; ind. ELiJO sicbj. elija) to elect, choose, se-

alaBtlCid'ad, /. elasticity, resiliency, springi- lect, prefer.

ness adaptability.
; o. mournful, plaintive.
61eg0, ga,
el&stiCO, ca, a. elastic, elastical.— under- /*.
elemental, a. elemental ; essential, funda-
shirt. m. an elastic (webbing) ; wire mental
constitutive. ;

spring. m. pi. suspenders. elementalmente, adv. elementally.

6lche, m. apostate, renegade. elementar, a. elementary.
ele,/. Spanish name of the letter L. elemento, m. element constituent, ; ingredi-
el^boro, elebor, m. (hot.) hellebore. ent ;
(elec. ) element.—^/, elementos, ele*
«leccl6n(a-iec-thie-on'],/. election, choice, selec- ments rudiments. ;

tion, option. eleml, m. elemi, gum resin.

elective, va, n. elective. elenco, m. catalogue, list, table, index.
electo, ta, a. & pp. irr. of elegir; elect, elevacldn, /. elevation height, eminence ;

chosen. m. elect, person chosen or ap- rise,ascent highness, loftiness exaltation,

; ;

pointed. dignity, advancement exaltation of mind, ;

elector, ra, a. elector, one who elects. m. ecstasy, rapture haughtiness, presumption,

elector, German prince. pride; (top.) altitude; (arch.) raised plan.

ft M in far ; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; « in bull ; e (b«foi« e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, toft

eleyadamejlte, adv. with elevation, loftily. embalsamador, ra, m. embalmer.
elevado, da, a. & pp. elevated, tall, high . embalsamamiento, m. embalming,
exalted, sublime, majestic, grand, lofty. embalsamar, va. to embalm to perfume, ;

elevador, m. elevator, hoist, lift. embalsar, va. to put anything into a pond oi
elevamiento, m. elevation, ecstasy, rapture. on a raft to dam or make a pool of water;

elevar, va. to raise, elevate, heave, lift, hoist (naut.) to sling or hoist.
exalt. vr. to rise, ascend, soar to be en- ; embalse, m. act of putting anything into a
raptured to be elated.
; pond or on a raft (naut. ) slinging, ;

elidir, va. to weaken, enervate, debilitate; embaluinar, va. to load unequally. vr. to
(gram.) to elide. embarrass one's self with business.
elijo, yo ellja {irr. from elegir). emballenador, m. stay-maker,
eU able, a. (pharm.) that may be seethed. emballenar, va. to stiffen with whalebone,
eU acidn, /. (pharm.) seething. emballestado, m. (vet.) contraction of the
elijar, va. (pharm.) to seethe. nerves in the feet. —emballestado, da, pp. of
eliminacibn,/. elimination, exclusion. EMBALLESTARSE.
eliminador, ra, m. & /. one who or that emballestarse, vr. to be on the point of dis-
which eliminates. charging a cross-bow.
eliminar, va. to eliminate, strike out, leave embauastar, va. to put into a basket.
out, remove. embarazada, a./, pregnant.
elipse,/. (geom.) ellipse. embarazadamente, adv. perplexedly, em-
elipsis,/. (gram.) ellipsis. barrassedlv.
elipsoidal, (geom. ) ellipsoidal. embarazador, ra, m. &/. embarrasser.
elipsoide, m. (geom.) ellipsoid. embarazar, va. {for mut. v. abrazar) to
elipticamerite, adv. elliptically. embarrass, perplex, hinder, trammel, ob-
eliptiCO, ca, a. elliptic or elliptical. struct, cumber (coll.) to impregnate.j

Eliseos (campos), m. pi. Elysian fields. embarazo, m. impediment, em barrassment»^>

ellsibn,/. (gram.) elision. vexation, obstruction, obstacle; confusion,
4lltro, m. (ent.) elytron. perplexity pregnancy. ;

elixir [eh-leak-sler'] or ellXlT [eh-leak'-sler], m. embarazosamente, adv. diflScuitiy, cumber.

elixir. somely.
elOCUCi6n (eh-io-coo-thie-on'], /. elocution ; effec- embarazoso, sa, a. difficult, intricate, en-
tive diction, style. tangled, cumbersome, troublesome, vexa-
elOCUencia |eh-Io-coo-en' thie-ah],y. elOqUence. tious, obstructive.
elocuente, «. eloquent, embarbascado, da, pp. & a. difficult, intri-
elocuentemente, adv. eloquently. cate, involved, complicate.
elogiador, ra, m. &/. eulogist, encomiast. embarbascar, va. to throw hellebore, mul-
elogiar, va. to praise, extol, eulogize, laud. lein, etc., into water, to stupefy fish to per* ;

elogio leh-io' he-o|, m. eulogy, praise, panegyric, plex, confound, embarrass. vr. to become
elote, m. (Mex. ) ear of green corn. entangled among roots (a plough).
elucidacidn, /. elucidation, explanation, embarbecer, vn. {ind. embarbezco: 5t/6/.
eludible, a. eludible, avoidable. EMBARBEZCA) to have 3 beard appearing.
eludir, va. to elude, to avoid by artifice, embarbillar, va. (carp.) to join.
ella, pron. Jem. sing. {pi. ellas ) she. embarcacibn,/. vessel or ship of any size or
elle ler lyay],/. name of the letter LI. description embarkation navigation: em-
; ;

ellO, pron. neuter sing. it. barcacion menor, small craft.

ellos, ellas, pron. m. &f. pi. they. embarcadero, m. wharf, quay, pier, ferry;
emaCiaCibll leh-mah-thie-ali-tliie-oirj, /. (med.) (r. w.) freight station.
emaciation, emaceration. embarcador, m. (com.) shipper, loader.
emanacidn, /. emanation effluvium. ; embarcar, va. {for mut. v. abarcar) to
emanante, pa. emanating, issuing, emanant. embark, to ship; to embark or engage an-
emanar, vn. to emanate, to proceed from. other in an enterprise. vr. to embark, to ^o
emancipacidn, /. emancipation. on shipboard embarcar agua, (naut. ) to ship

emancipador, ra, m. &/. emancipator. a sea.

emancipar, va. to emancipate. vr. to re- embarco, m. embarkation (of persons).
cover Tibejty to go out from tutelage to
; ; embardar, va. to thatch.
shake off a yoke. embargador, m. one who lays an embargo.
embabiamiento, m. (coll.) gape-gazing. embar^ante, pa. arresting, impeding, re-
embacbar, ra. to pen sheep to be shorn. straining no embargante, notwithstanding,

embadumador, ra, a. dauber. nevertheless.

embadurnar, va. to besmear, to bedaub. embargar, va. {for mut. v. alargar) to im-
embaidor, ra, m. &/. swindler. pede, restrain, suspend; (law) to embargo,
embaimiento, m. delusion, illusion deceit. ; seize, attach.
imposition, imposture. embargo, m. indigestion; (law) embargo,
3inbair, va. and defective (only those modes and sequestration, seizure, attachment: sin em-
persons are used that have 1 in the termination) bargo, notwithstanding.
to impose upon, deceive, humbug. embarnizadura, /. varnishing.
embajada, /. embassy, legation ;
(coll.) mes- embamizar, va. to varnish, japan, glaze.
sage, errand. embarque lem-bar' kayl, m. shipment (of
embajador, m. ambassador. goods).
embajadora, embajatriz, /. ambassadress. embarrador, m. plasterer, dauber, fibber,
ambassador's lady. mischief-maker.
embalador, m. packer. embarradura, /. smear, plastering; mud
embalaje, m. packing, package, baling. stain.
embalar, va. to bale, to pack. embarrancar, vn. to run aground.—vr. to be
embaldosadO, m. tile-ffoon— embaldosado, da. stranded.
pp. of EMBALDOSAR. embarrar, va. to plaster roughly; to stain or
embaldosar, va. to floor with tiles or flags. smear with mud to bedaub. vr. to ; colleet
embalsadero, m. morass, swamp, marsh. or mount upon trees (as partridges)

g (before e, i) and .1 aa h in liot; h, Bllent: 11 in brilliant ; &, ny In canyon : r (initial) and rr triUed ; a, hiMed
6mbaxrilad0r, m. packer in barrels, eznbestidor, ra, a. rusher. m. importunate
embarrllar, i>a. to barrel, solicitor or beggar.
embarrotar, va. v. abarrotar. embestidura, /. attack, assault, onset.
embarullador, ra, a. one who makes a mess embestir, va. (ind. embisto: suhj. embista)
of things. to assail, attack, rush against; (coll.) to
embarullar, va. things, to
(coll.) to mix importune with unseasonable demands
make a mess to act without order or plan.
; (naut.) to collide, fall in, run foul (mil.) ;

embasamlentO, >n. (arch.) foundation. to attack.

embastar, va. to baste, to stitch. embetunar, va. to bituminate.
embaste, m. basting. embicar, va. ( pret. embiqu]^ : subj. embique^
embastecer, vn. (for trr. v. abastecer) to (naut.) to top the yards.
grow fleshy.—t)r. to become gross. embljar, va. to paint with nunium.
embate, m. dashing of the waves sudden ; embisto, yo embista (irr. from embestir).
impetuous attack : embates, sudden reverses emblandecer, va. (ind. emblandezco: subj'.
of fortune. emblandezca) to soften, to mollify. vr. to
embaucador, m. sharper, impostor. be moved to pity,
embaucamiento, m. deception, illusion. emblanquecer [em-blan-keh-therr'l, va. (ind.
embaucar, va. (for mut. v. caducar) to de- emblanquezco : subj. emblanquezca) to
ceive, to trick, humbug. bleach or whiten. vr. to grow white, to be
embaillar, va. to pack in a trunk ;
(coll.) to bleaching.
cram with food. emblanqueclmientO, m. whitening, bleach-
embausamientO, m. amazement, astonish- ing.
ment. emblema, m. emblem, device, symbol, al-
embazador, m. one who or that which dyes legory.
a thing brown. emblematicamente, adv. emblematically.
embazadura, /. brown dye or tinge; (met.) emblematiCO, ca, a. emblematic.
amazement, astonishment. embObamlentO, m. admiration, astonish-
embazar, va. (for mut. v. cazar) to dye, ment, enchantment, gape-gaziug.
tinge, or shade brown to astonish, to strike ; embobar, va. to amuse, to entertain to en- ;

with amazement. vn. to be paralyzed with chant, to fascinate. vr. to be in suspense ;

amazement. vr. to become tired, disgusted, to stand gaping or gazing, to muse.

or satiated. embobecer, (ind. embobezco subj.
va. : em-
embebecer, va. (ind. embebezco; subj. em- bobezca) to stultify, stupefy. vr. to be-
bebezca) to entertain, to amuse. vr. to be come stupefied or stultified.
struck with amazement. embobecuniento, m. stultification.
embebecidamente, adv. amazedly. embocadero, embocador, m. mouth of a
embebecimlento, m. amazement, astonish- channel.
ment. embocado, d&,pp. & a. tasty (wine).
embebedor, ra, m. &f. imbiber. embocadura, /. entrance by a narrow pas-
embeber, va. to imbibe, drink in, absorb ; to (mus. ) embouchure, mouth-piece;
sage ;

soak, drench, saturate to contain, inclose, ; mouth-piece of a bridle taste (of wine) ;

include to sink in, enchase, introduce, in-

; mouth of a river (arch.) proscenium arcn. ;

sert to incorporate ; to shrink, shorten,

; embocar, va. (prel. emboqu6: subj. EM-
reduce, squeeze. vn. to shrink, to contract boque) to put into the mouth to enter by ;

itself. vr. to be enraptured or ravished ; to a narrow passage; (coll.) to swallow in

be wrapt up in thought ; to learn thorough- haste, to cram food ; to hoax.
ly, to retain firmly in the mind. embocinado, da, «. v. abocinado.
embecadura, /. (arch.) spandrel. embodegar, va. to store in a cellar (as wine).
embelecador, ra, m. &f. impostor, sharper. embojar, va. to prepare sheds for silk-worms.
embelecar, va. (for mut. v. ahuecar) to im- embOJO, »». shed for silk-worms.
pose upon, to deceive, to humbug. embolar, va. to put balls on the tips of bulls'
embeleco, m. fraud, delusion, imposition, horns ; to apply the gilding-size.
humbug. embolia,/. (med.) enibolism.
embeleilado, da, a. & pp. of embeleSar ; embolismador, ra, m. & /. & a. detractor,
enraptured, ravished ; stupefied, besotted. reviler.
embelefiar, va. to narcotize witn henbane ; embolismal, a. embolismic.
to charm, fascinate. embolismar, va. (coll.) to gossip, to carry
embelesamiento, m. rapture, ecstasy, tales.
embelesar, va. to charm, enchant, fascinate. embolismo, m. embolism, intercalation
— vr. to be charmed, ravished, or delighted. confusion, entanglement, embarrassment,
embeleso, m. rapture, ecstasy, fascination, maze; (coll.) falsehood.
ravishment ; charm, charmer. 6mbOlO, m. (mech.) embolus, piston, plunger,
embellaquecerse lem-lwl-lyah-kay-therr'-Bay], vr. forcer.
to become a knave. embolsar, va. to put (money) into a purse;
embellecer, va. (ind. embellezco subj. : to reimburse ; to im burse.
embellkzca) to beautify, embellish, adorn, embolso, m. act of putting (money) into a
decorate, flourish. purse.
embellecimlento, m. act of beautifying or embonar, make
good, improve, to re-
va. to
embellishing. pair (naut.) to sheathe.

embermejar, embermejecer, va. {ind. em- embono, m. (naut.) doubling, lining, stiffen-
bermejezco: mbj. embermejezca) to dye ing, sheathing.
red to put to blush, to shame.—?m. to blush,
; embo&igar, va. to plaster with cow-dung.
emberrenchinarse, emberrincharse, vr. emboque lem-bo'-kayi, m. passage through the
(coll.) to fly into a violent passion (as chil- inoutn or a narrow place (as a ring or a
dren). channel); (coll.) deception, cheat, fraud.
embestida, /. assault, violent attack, onset embOqUillar [em-bo-keel-lyar'l, va. tO put a tip
(coll.) importunate demand by way of char- on a cigarette (min. ) to make the entrance

ity, loan, etc. of a shaft in mines or of a drill for blasting.

• s8 in far ; e in ek I ; 1 in police ; o in for : a in bull ; o (before e, i) and z aa th in thick ; b and d, Mft;

embomal, m. (naut.) scupper-rhole. embrefiarse, vr. to hide among brambles,
emborracliador, ra, a. intoxicating. embriagado, da, o. & pp.of embeiagar;
emborrachamiento, m. (coll.) intoxica- intoxicated, drunk,
tion, drunkenness. embriagar, va. {pret. embriagu^: subj.
emborracbar, va. to intoxicate, inebriate, embriague) to intoxicate, inebriate- to
fuddle. vr. to overdrink one's self ; to be- transport, to enrapture. vr. to get tipsy.
come tipsy. embrlagUeZ |em-bre-ali-geth'], /. intoxication.
emborrar, vn. to stuff, to wad, to pad ; to drunkenness, inebriety rapture. ;

card the wool a second time ;

(coll.) to cram embridar, va. to bridle; (met.) to govern
food. restrain.
emborrazamiento, m. basting a fowl while embriologia, /. embryology.
roasting. embridlOgO, ga, m. &/. embryologist.
emborrazar, va. {pret. emborrac6: subj. einbri6ll, m. embryo, germ rudiment ; ; as-
emborrace) to tie pieces of pork on a fowl, semblage of confused ideas en embri6n, in :

as basting. embryo.
emborricarse, vr. (coll.) to be stupefied, embrlonario, ria, a. embryonal, rudimen-
emborrizar, I'a. {pret. emborrice; subj. em- tary.
borrice) to give the first combing to wool. embroca, embrocacibn, /. (med.) embro-
emborrullarse, rr. (coll.) to dispute noisily. cation.
embOSCada,/. ambuscade (mil.) ambush. ; embrocar, va. {pret. embroqu6: subj. EM-
emboscadura, /. ambush, ambuscade. broque) to pour out of one vessel into an-
embOSCar, va. {pret. embosque: subj. em- other by joining the mouths; (med.) to
BOSQUE) (mil.) to place in ambush. vr. to embrocate to wind thread on a bobbin or

retire into a forest ; to lie in ambush. quill (shoe.) to tack to the last to toss be-
; ;

embOSqUeCer [em-bos-kay-therr'], vn. tO become tween the horns.

covered with woods. embrocbado, da, a. embroidered.
embotado, da, pp. & a. blunt, dull. embrocbalar, va. (carp.) to sustain beams
embotador, m. he who blunts the points or with a cross-piece.
edges of swords, etc. embrolla,/. (coll.) v. embrollo.
embotadura,/. bluntness or dulness of wea- embroUadamente, adv. tangiinglv.
pons. embrollador, ra, m. & /. entangler, con-
embotamiento.m. blunting edged weapons; founder.
obtusion bluntness, obtuseness, dulness.
; embrollar, va. to entangle, twist, cumber ;

embotar, va. to blunt, to dull an edge or to insnare, confound, embroil: embrollar la

point to enervate, to debilitate to dull, to
: ; bandera, (naut.) to waft the ensign.
stupefy, to place (tobacco) in a jar. vr. to embrollo, m. tangle, confusion, jumble, trick-
dull, to become dull; (coll.) to put on the ery, deception ; embroiling ; involved plotor
boots. story.
embotellador, ra, a. bottler. embrolldn, na, m. & /. liar, tale-bearer •

embOtellar, va. to bottle wine or liquors. mischief-maker; entangler.

embotijar, va. to set jars under a tile flooring embroUoso, sa, a. tangled.
for draining ; tofill jars. vr. (coll.) to swell, embromado, da, a. vexed, annoyed (naut.) ;

to expand to be in a passion.
; misty, hazy, foggy.—^. of embromar.
embovedar, va. V. abovedar, embromador, ra, m. & /. & a. one who is
emboza,/. inequalities in the bottom of bar- tumultuously merry banterer, chaffer ;

rels or casks. wheedler, trickster.

embozadamente, adv. dissembilngiy. embromar, va. to excite tumultuous mirth
embozado, da, a. muffled, covered, involved. to cajole, to wheedle to chaff, to banter tt
—pp. of EMBOZAR. m. un embozado, one vex, annoy (naut.) to chinse.
; ;

witn his face covered by his cloak. embroquelarse, vr. v. abroquelarse.

embozar, va. {pret. emboce: subj. emboce) embroquetar lem-bro-kay-tar'i, va. to skewer
to muffle ; to cloak, to dissemble ; to muz- the legs of birds.
zle.vr. to muffle one's self up. embrOSqUilar lem-bros-key-lan-'l, va. to put
exnbOZO, m. muffler ; fold in upper part of cattle into a fold.
bed-clothing ; artful way of expressing one's embrujar [em-broo-har'i, va. to bewitch.
thoughts : qnitarse el embozo, to make a clean embrutecer [eni-broo-tay-then-'l, va. {ind. EM-
breast. BRUTEZCO: subj. embrutezca) to stupefy.
embrace, m. curtain-clasp. grow stupid, to become brutish.
embraciladO, da, a. (coll.) carried about in embrutecimieutO, m. act of making or be-
the arms, as children. coming brutish stupefaction. ;

embragar, va. {formut. v. bkagar) (naut.) embucnado, pp. & m. kind of sausage.
to sling. embucbar, va. to stuff with minced meat ; to
embragUe [em-brah'-gay], m. clutch, coupling. cram the maw of animals (coll.) to swallow ;

embravecer, va. {ind. embravezco subj. : food without chewing.

embravezca) to enrage, to irritate.—vn. to embudador, m. filler (with a funnel).
become strong (plants). vr. to become furi- embudar, va. to put a funnel into a vessel
ous, to beenraged; (naut.) to swell (the to trick ;. to scheme, to insnare.
sea). embudista, m. trickster, intriguer.
embravecimiento, m. fury, rage, passion. embaditO, m. dim. little funnel.
embrazadura, /. clasp of a shield or buck- embudo, m. funnel wax-candle mould ;

ler ;
grasp, clasping, embracing. water-closet basin trick fraud ley del em-; ; :

embrazar, va. {
pret. embrace : subj. embra- budo oppressive law, one-sided agreement.
ce) to clasp a snield ; to grasp, to buckle.— embullarse, vr. (Cuba) to get ready for a
vn. to gear. ball, sport, etc. to revel, to be gay.

embreado, m. embreadura, /. (naut.) pay- embullo, m. (Cuba) excitement, anticipa-

ing with pitch, tarring. tion ;
gaiety, revelry. .

embrear, va. (naut.) to pay with pitch. emburujar,"t'a. (coll.) to jumble, to mix con-
embregarse, vr. to quarrel, wrangle, fusedly,

g (before e, i) and J as Ii in hot; h, eilent ; 11 iu brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; S, bisMd.
embuste, m. artful tale ; fib, lie, fiction empacboso, sa, a. v. vergonzoso.
trick, fraud, imposition.—p/. embuates, gew- empadronador, m. enroller, census-taker.
gaws, baubles, trinkets. empadronamiento, m. census tax-list. ;

embustear, vn. to fib, lie, impose upon, gab. empadronar, va. to take the census U ;

embusteria, /. deceit, imposture, trick. register tax-payers.

embustero, ra, m. & /. liar, tale-bearer, empajar, va. to cover or stuff with straw.
tale-teller trickster, impostor, cheat
; ; hypo- empalagamlento, m. loathing, surfeit, cloy,
crite, dissembler ; (coll.) cajoler. ing.
embusterbn, na, a. aug. big liar. empalagar, va. (pret. empalagu6: gubj.
embusteruelo, la, «. dim. little liar, fibber. empalague) to loathe, to pall, to cloy ; to
embutidera, /. rivet-knob. disgust, vex, bother.
embutidO, m. inlaid work, marquetry ; saus- empalago, rn. v. empalagamiento.
age.— embutldo, da, j9p. of EMBUTIR. empalagOSO, sa, a. cloying, loathsome too ;

embutidor, m. rivet set, a punch. sweet ; troublesome, wearisome, annoying

embutldura, /. (naut.) worming. empalamiento, m. empalement, empaling.
smbutir, va. to inlay, to enchase to insert; ; empalar, va. to empale.
to stuff, to make sausages to pack tight ; empaliada,/. hangings of bunting.
to force; to imbed; (coll.) to cram, to eat empaliar, va. to adorn with hangings.
much ; '^naut.) to worm. empalizada,/. palisade, stockade, pale fence.
eme,/. Spanish name of the letter M. empalizar, va. to palisade, to stockade.
emenagogo, m. (med.) emmenagogue. empalmadura, /. clamp, joint, coupling,
emendable, a. amendable, corrigible. dovetailing.
emendacibn, /. emendation, amendment, empalmar, va. to scarf, to dovetail; to
correction satisfaction, amends.; clamp, couple, fit, join; (naut.) to splice
emendador, m. emendator. cables. vn. (r. w.) to branch, to join.
emendar, va. v. enmendab. empalme, m. scarf, join, connection ; splic-
emergenCia [eh-mehr-hen-thie-ah'], /. act of ing w.) junction.
emerging; emergency, accident; (opt.) empalomar, va. (naut. ) to sew the bolt-rope.
emergence. empalletadO,m. (naut.) mattress barricade.
emergente, a. emergent, resulting, issuing. empamparse, vr. (Sp. Am.) to get lost on a
em^ritO, a. emeritus. pampa.
emersidn,/. (ast.) emersion. empanada, /. meat^pie fraudulent muddle


em^tlco, ca, m. & a. emetic. m. tartar emet- or concealment of an affair agua empanada.

ic. panada.
emienda,/. v. enmienda. empanadilla, / dim. small pie; movable
emlgracibn, /. emigration ; number of emi- footstep in carriages.
grants j
periodical migration of animals. empanada, room receiving
da, a. light from
emigrado, m. emigrant, immigrant. another room.—pp. of empanar.
emigrado, da, a. & m. &f. emigrated, immi- empanar, va. to bake in paste ; to sow grain.
grated.—pp. of emigrar. —
vr. (agr.) to be choked by too much seed.
emigrante, m. an emigrant. empandar, va. to bend, to sag, to warp.
emigrar, vn. to emigrate. empandillar, va. (coll.) to cheat at cards.
emiuencia, /. eminence prominence, height, ; empantanar, va. to submerge; to swamp;
excellence, conspicuousness, greatness,
hill ; to bemire to embarrass to obstruct.
; ;

powereminence, title given to cardinals

; empa&adura, /. swaddling of children.
con eminencia, eminently. empaflar, to dim, blur, tar-
va. to swaddle ;

eminencial, a. eminential. nish

to soil, blemish, sully one's honour.

eminencialinente, adv. eminently. empa&icar, va. (naut.) to hand or furl.

eminente, a. eminent, high, lofty; promi- empapar, va. to imbibe, saturate, soak,
nent, surpassing, eximious, conspicuous. drench. vr. to imbibe to be soaked ; to im- ;

emlnentemente, adv. eminently, conspicu- bue one's mind (coll.) to surfeit. ;

ously. empapelador, m. paperhanger.

emlnentislmo, ma, a. title of the Komish empapelar, va. to wrap up in paper ; to paper
cardinals. a wall.
emir, m. emir or ameer. empapirotar, va. (coll.) to adorn, to deck.
emisariO, m. emissary, spy ; outlet, dis- empapujar, va. (coll.) to make one eat too
charge ;
(med. ) emunctory. much.
emislon, /. emission, vent issue of paper ; empaque [em-pah'kay], m. packing; air, sem-
money, bonds, etc. (med.) emission nueva ;
: blance, mien, appearance, look.
emision, reissue. empaquetador, m. packer.
^mitlr, va. to emit, spread, throw out, send empaquetadura, /. packing, gasket, gask-
forth; to issue (as bonds, etc.); to utter, ing.
declare, manifest an opinion. empaquetar, va. to pack, to bale, to sack;
£mOCi6ll leh-mo-thle-on'l,/. emotion. to stuff.
emoliente, m. & a. emollient, softening. emparamentar, va. to adorn, to l)edeck.
emolumento, m. emolument, fee, perquisite. emparcbar, va. to cover with plasters.
empacar, va. (prel. empaqu6: subj. empa- emparedado, da, m. & f. a recluse.—m. a
quk) to pack, to bale. sandwich.—^yp. of emparedar.
empac6n, a. (S. Am.) obstinate, stubborn. emparedamlento, m. confinement ; cloister,
empacbado, da, a. & pp. of empachar ; awk- religious retirement.
ward, timid, bashful surfeited, glutted; ; emparedar, va. to immure, to shut up be-
(naut.) overloaded. tween walls.
empachaXi va. to impede, embarrass to ; emparejador, m. matcher, fitter.
overload, cram, encum.ber to cause indi- ; emparejadura, equalization. f.

gestion to disguise.—-rr. to be ashamed,

; emparejamiento, m. matching or making
bashful ; to surfeit. eijual.
empacho, m. bashfulness, timidity ; embar- emparejar, va. & vn. to level ; to make even
rassment, obstacle ; surfeit, indigestion. to match, to fit, to equal to put abreast.

ft u In far; • in all I ; i in police ; O !n for ; n tu bull ; e (before e, i) and B as th in thick ; b and d, aoft;
emparentar, vn. to become related by mar- engage, to oblige. vr. to bind one's self;
riage. to persist; to intercede, to mediate; (mil.)
emparentado, da, a. & pp. of emparentae ;
to begin an action.
related by marriage. empefLO, m. pledge, pawn, binding ebliga-
emparrado, pp. & m- vine arbour or bower. tion ; engagement, contract; earnest desire,
emparrar, va. to embower. determination, firmness ; protection, fa-
emparrillado, m. (arch.) grillage, vour, recommendation ; recommender : con
emparrillar, va. to broil on the gridiron. empeno, eagerly.
emparvar, va. to lay grain for thrashing. empeoramlento, m. deterioration.
empastado, da, a. (b. b.) bound in calf. empeorar, va. to impair, to deteriorate.—1'».
empastador, ra, a. painter who impastes.— to grow worse.
m. paste-brush ; bookbinder. empequeflecer [em-pay-kay-nyay-therr'], va. {ind.
empastar, va. to paste ; to clam ; (art) to EMPEQUENEZCO Subj. EMPEQUESEZCA) tO

impaste; (b. b.) to bind in sheep or calf- make smaller, to diminish,

skin. emperador, m. emperor,
empaste, m. (art) impasto. emperatriz, /. empress,
empastelar, va. & vr. (coll.) to compound, emperchar, va. to suspend on a perch,
compromise ;
(print.) to pie. emperdigar, va. V. perdigar.
empatadera, /. checking, impeding.
(coll.) emperejiiar, va. & vr. to dress elaborately,
empatar, va. to equal ; to be a tie (as in vot- emperezar, vn. & vr. to be lazy, indolent.—
ing) to check, to suspend.
; ra. to retard, delay, obstruct,
empate, m. tie, equal number of votes ; stop, emperifollar, va. &
vr. v. emperejilar.
suspension. empergamiuado, da, a. (b. b.) bound in
empavesada, /. (naut. ) waist-clothes; arm- parchment.
ings hammock cloth boat's cloth empa-
; ; : empernar, va. to bolt, to nail, to spike, to
ves&das de las cofas, top armour. peg.
empavesado, da, a. covered with a large empero, conj. but, yet, however, notwith-
shield. —
m. soldier with large shield ; dress- standing.
ing of a ship. emperrada, /. game at cards,
empavesar, va. (naut.) to dress ships; emperramiento, m. obstinacy,
(naut.) to spread waist-clothes. emperrarse, vr. (coll.) to be obstinate or
empavonar, va. v. pavonar. stubborn.
empecatado, da, a. very wily, evil-minded, empesador, m. warp-evener.
incorrigible. empetro, m. (hot.) crow berry.
empecer, va. {ind. empezco : mhj. empezca) empezar, va. & vn. {ind. EMPiEZO pret. em- :

to hurt, offend, damage, injure. vn. to pre- PEc6 subj. EMPiECE) ,to begin.

vent. empicarse, vn to become too fond of.

empecimiento, m. damage, obstacle. empicotadura, /. act of pillorying.
empecinado, m. v. pegueko (Peru) stub- ; empiCOtar, va. to pillory to picket, ;

born, inexorable, incorrigible. empiedro, empiedre (tVr. from empedrar).

empedernido, da, a. hard-hearted. empiema,/. (med.) empyema.
empedemir, va. {def. : only those modes are empiezo,v3^p j^mpiece {irr. from empezar).
used that have i in their termination) to indu- empilonar, va. (Cuba) to pile up leaves of
rate, to harden.— rr. to be petrified, to grow tobacco.
hard-hearted. empinado, da, a. steep, high.
empedrado, da, pp. & m. pavement. empinador, ra, m. &./. (coll.) toper.
empedrador, m. paver or pavier. empinadura, /. empinamiento, m. erec-
empedramiento, m. paving. tion, elevation, raising, exaltation.
empedrar, va. to pave. empinar, va. to raise, to exalt; (coll.) to
exnpega, /. varnisn of pitch mark ; of pitch. drink much. vr. to stand on tiptoe ; to
6XnpegadO, m. tarpaulin. stand on the hind legs ; to tower, rise high.
empegadura, /. coat of pitch. emplBgorotado, da, pp. & a. haughty, stuck
empegar, va. {for mut. v. pegar) to pay up.
with pitch to mark sheep with pitch.
; empingorotar, va. (coll.) to raise a thing
empegO, m. marking sheep with pitch ;
and put it upon another.
(Amer.) pitchy taste of some wines, etc. empino, m. (arch.) summit of a curve,
empeguntar, va. to mark sheep with pitch. empiolar, va. v. apiolar.
empeme, m. groin instep hoof tetter, ; ; ; empireo, a, a. empyreal celeistial, divine.— ;

ringworm cotton-flower.
; m. empyrean.
empeinoso, sa, a. full of ringworms. emplreuma, (chem.) empyreuma.
empelar, vn. to begin to be hairy, empireuin6,tico, ca, a. (chem.) empyrou-
empelazgarse, vr. (coll. ) to become involved matic.
in a quarrel. empiricamente, adv. empirically,
emoelecliar, va. to marble ; to join marble empirico, ca, a. empiric, empirical.—^».
blocks. quack, empiric, medicaster.
empelotarse, vr. to get into a wrangle, empirismo, m. empiricism, quackery.
empeltre, m. small shoot or sapling. empizarrado, pp. & m. slate roof.
empella, /. vamp of a shoe. empizarrar, va. to roof with slates.
cmpellar, empeller, va. to push.^sjiove, emplastadura, /. emplastamiento, m.
jostle. -/T- plastering.
empellejar, va. to cover or line witli skins. emplastar, va. to apply plasters ; to paint
empell6n, m. push, shove: k empellones, the face ;
(coll.) to suspend, to obstruct.
rudely, with pushes. vr. to get smeared,
empenachado, da, a. plumed, emplastecer, va. (art) to level the surface
empenachar, va. to adorn with plumes, for painting.
empenta, f. prop, stay, shore. emplastO, m. plaster or em plaster.
empeiiadamente, adv. strenuously. eiIipld,StriCO, ca, a. glutinous, sticky,
empe&ar, va. to pawn, to pledge, to gage ; to emplazador, m. (law) summoner.
g (before e, i) and J as li In hot; h, silent: 11 in brilliant: ft, ny In canyon; r (initial) and rr trtUed; ,
emplazamiento, m. (law) summons. empringar, ra. v. pringar.
emplazar, va. (pret. emplac^ siibj. EM- : empucliar, ra. to buck skeins of thread.
PLACE) (law) to summon ;
(sport) to set the empuerco, empuerque {irr. from empor.
hunting party. car).
empleado, da, m. &/. employee, office-holder. empujar, va. to push, propel, impel, drive,
empleado, da, pp. of emplear. shove ; to push away, shove off.
emplear, va. to employ, to give occupation, empuje, empujO, m. push, impulsion, pres-
commission to appoint one to a
to engage, to ; sure.
public office; to in vest, to spend (as money); empuJ6n, m. push, violent shove : 4 empn-
to utilize, employ, pass, or spena (as lime). joneB, pushing, jostling.

rr. to be employed, to follow business. empulgadura, /. drawing the string of a
empleita, /. v. pleita. cross-bow.
empleltero, ra, m. &/. one who plaits and empulgar, va. to draw the string of a cross-
sells bass-weed. bow.
emplenta, /. piece of mud-wall made at once. empulcrueras, /. pi. wings of a cross-bow
empleo, m. employ, employment, business, thumb-screws.
occupation public station, office calling,
; empufliador, ra, a. grasper.
vocation, profession aim or object of our ; empuiladura, /. hilt of a sword ; beginning
desires investment.
; of a story.
empleomania,/. (coll. ) rage for public office. empu&ar, va. to clinch, clutch, grasp, gripe
emplomado, pp. &m. roof covered with lead. with the fist.

emplomador, m. plumber. empuflidura, /. (naut.) earing.

emplomar, va. to lead to ; line with sheet emulacibn, /. emulation, envy, jealousy.
lead ; to put lead seals. emulador, ra, m. emulator, rival.
va. to feather
to tar and feather.

to mew, to
emular, va. to emulate, rival, contest.
emiilgente [eh-mooi-hen'-tay], a. emulgent.
moult. 6mulO, la, a. competitor, rival, emulator.
emplumecer, vn. Und. emplumezco subj. : emulsidn [eh-niool-se-on'l, /. emulsion.
emplumezca) to fledge. emulsivo, va, «. emulsive, emulsifying.
empobrecer, va. (ind. empobrezco subJ. : emuntorio, m. (med. emunctory, excretory. )

empobrezca) to impoverish.—t>n. to become en, prep, (denoting time, place, or maimer) in ;

poor. as en dos aftos, in two years en Manila, in
: :

empobreclmientO, m. impoverishment, de- Manila en broma, in fun for: en adelante,

: ;

pauperation. for the future on en la mesa, on the table ;

; :

empolvar, empolvorar, empolvorizar, upon en domingo, upon Sunday of: en una

: ;

va. & vr. to cover with dust, to powder. tarde, of an afternoon into: el agna pnede ;

empolvoramientO, m. covering with dust, convertirse en hielo 6 en vapor, water is con-

powdering. vertible into ice or steam when it precedes ;

empoUador, ra, a. & m. &/. hatcher ; hatch- a gerund is equal to upon or after; as: en
ing apparatus, incubator. diciendo esto, upon or after saying this be- ;

empolladura, /. brood of bees. fore adjectives it gives them adverbial sig-

empollar, va. to brood, to hatch. vn. to nification ; as en alto, on high. :

breed (bees). enaceltarse, vr. to become oily or rancid.

emponzofLador, ra, m. &/. poisoner. enagruacliar, va. to load with water.
emponzofiLamiento, m. poisoning. enaguas, /. pi. underskirt, petticoat; (iu
emponzoflar, va. to poison, to taint, to cor- some places) skirt.
rupt one's morals, enagUazar leh-nah-gwah-thar], va. tO flood.
empopar, va. (naut.) to poop. enajenable, a. alienable.
emporcar, va. {ind. empuerco pret. EMPOR- : enajenaCi6n leli-nah-hay-nah-thle-on'l, /. 6118^6-
Qu6: subj. empuerque) to soil, to dirty, to namlento, m. alienation (of property) ab- ;

foul. sence of mind rapture, overjoy enajena- ; :

emporiO, m. emporium, mart. ci6n mental, mental derangement.

empotramientO, m. (arch.) embedding. enajenar, va. to alienate, to transfer (prop-
exnpotrar, va. (arch.) to engage, to embed, to erty) ; to transport, enrapture. vr. tobeen-
fix ina wall to scarf, to splice to put bee-
; ; raptured, ravished.
hives in a pit (naut.) to fasten cannon. ; en&lage, /. (gram.) enallage.
empozar, va. {pret. empoc6: subj. empoce^ enalbardar, va. to saddle beasts of burde»
to throw into a well ; to soak flax. vr. (coll.) to cover fritters with a batter. •
to be pigeon-holed. enalmagrado, da, «. & pp. of enalmag,»ak ;
empradizar, va. to turn into a meadow.—vr. coloured with ochre vile, despicable. ;

to become meadov*. enalmagrar, va. to cover with ochre.

emprendedor, m. enterpriser enterprising. ; enalmenar, va. to crown with battlements.
emprender, va. to undertake, to engage in an enaltecer, ra. K. ensalzar.
enterprise to venture upon emprender 4 or
; : enamarillecer, ra. & vr. to dye yellow.
con alguno, to address or accost one. enamoradamente, adv. lovingly.
empreflar, impregnate to beget.
va. to ; enamoradizo, za, a. inclined to love.
empresa, /. enterprise, undertaking device, ; enamorado, da, a. & pp. of enamorar ; 'h
motto design, intention, purpose man-
; ; love, enamoured, love-sick.
agement of a theatre. enamorador, ra, a. one who excites love.
empresario, m. one who undertakes some enamoramiento, wt. act of enamouring, love-
business or enterprise contractor manager ; ; suit, love-sickness.
of a theatre. enamorar, ra. to excite or inspire love to ;

empr^StitO, m. loan emprittito pAblico, gov- : make love, to woo, to court, to enamour.—
ernment loan. vr. to fall in love.
emprima, /. v. primicia. enamoricarse, vr. (coll.) to be slightly la
emprimado, pp. & m. last combing to wool. love. *

emprlmar, ra. to give the last combing to enanchar, va. (coll.) to widen, to enlarge,
the wool ; (coll.) to deceive. enangostar, ra. v. angostar.
r M in far : • in eh I ; 1 in police ; » in for ; n in bnll ; c (before e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, soft)
enanito, ita, a. dim. little, minute midget. ; encajonado, pp. & m. (mas.) packed work,
enano, na, a. dwarfish, low, small, little. to. enca^onamiento, to. packing, boxing,
&/. a dwarf, encajonar, va. to box up to case to pack in ; ;

enante, TO. (hot.) water-dropwort. a box.

enarbolar, va. to hoist, raise high, hang out : encalabozar, va. (coll.) to put one into a
enarbolar la bandera, (naut.) to hoist the dungeon.
colours. vr. V. encabritarse. encalabrinado, da, a. headstrong, stubborn,
enarcar, va. to arch to hoop barrels. ; obstinate.—^, of encalabrinar.
enardecer, va. (ind. enardezco subj. enar- : encalabrinar, va. to affect the head with
DEZCA) to fire with passion, to kindle, to some unpleasant smell or vapour. vr.
inflame. vr. to be kindled, inflamed (with (coll.) to become stubborn.
passion). encalada, /. metal piece of a harness.
enardecimiento, to. act of inflaming or encalador, to. lime pit or vat.
being inflamed with passion. encaladura, /. whitewashing.
enarenacibn, /. plastering a wall before encalar, va. to whitewash, to lime ; to thrust
painting it. into a pipe or tube.
enarenar, i^a. to sand ; to gravel. it. (naut.) encalmadura, /. (vet.) disease in horses oc-
to ground. casioned by great heat.
enarmonar, va. to raise, to rear. vr. to rise encalmarse, vr. (vet. ) to be overheated
on the hind feet. * (naut.) to be becalmed.
enarmdnico, ca, a. enharmonic, encalostrarse, vr. to become sick by suck-
enastado, da, a. horned, ing the first milk.
^jnastar, va. to put a haft or handle, encalvecer, vn. (ind. encalvezco: suft/. bn-
encabalgamiento, to. gun-carriage, CALVEZCA) to grow bald.
ancabalgar, vn. {pret. encabalgu^: subj. encalladero, to. (naut.) shoal, sand-bank.
encabalgue) to rest upon (as a beam on a encalladura, /. (naut.) grounding, strand-
joist).—I'a. to provide horses. ing.
encaballadura, /. (mas.) lapping over, encallar, vn. (naut.) to run aground to be ;

encaballar, va. to lap over, to imbricate (as checked in the progress of an enterprise.
tiles). encallecer, vn. (ind. encallezco stibj. en- :

encabellecerse, vr. to begin to have hair. CALLEZCA) to get coms. vr. to harden.
encabestrar, va. to halter to force to obedi- ; encallecidO, a. & pp. of encallecer hard- ;

ence.—t'r. to be entangled in the halter, ened in wickedness.

encabezador, m. header, reaping-machine, encallejonar, va. to enter or put anything
encabezadura, /. scarfing, heading. into a narrow street.
encabezamiento, encabezonamiento, to. encamacibn, /. (min.) stuU.
census-taking tax-roll act of enrolling; ; encamarar, va. to store up grain,
taxpayers tax rate head-line, heading
; ; encamarse, vr. (coll.) to keep one's self in
encabezamiento de factura, bill-head. bed; to lie down (game) to be lodged by ;

encabezar, encabezonar, va. to draw up a rain, wind, etc. (as corn).

tax-roll to put a heading or beginning to
; encambjjar, va. to conduct water,
a writing to strengthen wine with alcohol
; encambrar, va. v. encamarar.
(carp.) to scarf, to join. vr. to compound encambronar, va. to hedge with brambles
for taxes to compound, to compromise.
; to strengthen with iron.
encabillar, va. (naut.) to scotch, pin, bolt. encaminadura, /. encamlnamiento, to.
encabrabigar, va. v. cabrahigar. act of putting in the right road.
encabriar, va. (arch.) to put the rafters in encaminar, va. to guide, to put in the right
place. road to direct, to manage an affair
; to ;

encabritarse, vr. to rise on the hind feet. forward. vr. to take a road, to go toward.
encachado, m. (hyd.) concrete lining. encamlsada, /. (mil.) camisado; night
encachar, va. (hyd.) to line with concrete. masquerade.
encadenacibn, encadenadura, /. enca- encamisarse, vr. to put a shirt over one's
denamiento, m. chaining, enchainment: clothes for a camisado.
concatenation, linking, connection. encampanado, da, a. bell-shaped,
encadenar, va. to chain, link, fetter, en- encanalar, encanalizar, va. to convey
chain, shackle to concatenate, link together;
through pipes or conduits.
(as thoughts); to subject, 'subjugate, op- encanallarse, vr. to associate with ruflians,
press to captivate, to entrance to paralyze
; ; or to become one.
one. encanarse, vr. to stiffen from rage (infants).
3ncajador, to. one who chases or inserts encanastar, va. to pack up in baskets,
chasing-tool. encancerarse, vr. v. cancerarse:.
encaladura, /. act of chasing, inserting or encandecer, va. to incandesce.
inclosing socket, groove.
; encandelar, m. (agr.) to bud (trees).
encajar, va. to chase, infix, drive in, fit in, encandiladera, encandlladora, /. (coll.)
insert to push or force one thing into an-
; procuress, bawd.
other (carp.) to rabbet, to join ; (mech.)
; encandilado, da, a. high-cocked (hats).—
to gear ; to fit closely (as a lid) ; to make a pp. of encandilar.
remark; to throw (a hint); to fire off; encandilar, va. to dazzle to daze, bewilder ; ;

throw at, hurl (as a missile) ; to administer (coll.) to stir the fire. vr. to inflame one's
(as a scolding) ; to pa.'js off" (as a spurious eyes, as with drink to be dazzled. ;

coin). vn. to fit. vr. to thrust one's self encanecer, vn. (ind. encanezco subj. en- -.

into some narrow place ; to intrude. canezca) to grow gray to mould ; to grow ;

encase, to. act of adjusting or fitting ; socket, old.

cavitv, groove ; enchasing ; joining ; lace ; encanijamiento, to. weakness, meagreness
inlaid work, mosaic. extenuation.
encajera, /. woman who makes lace. encanljar, to weaken a baby by poor
encajerado, da, a. (naut.) fouled on the nursing. vr. to pine, to be emaciated.
sheave encanillar, va. to wind on a quill or spool.
^fbeforee, OttDclJ as b in hot; b, silent; 11 in brilliant : ft. ny in canyon; r (inftiai/ana rr trtiled; s.hiMed
encantacibli, /. incantation. encargO, m. charge, commission, request;
encantado, da, a. absent-minded haunted ;
oflice, place, employ (com.) order. ;

enchanted, charmed.—pp. of encantar. encarl&ar, va. to inspire aflection, fondness,

encantador, m. enchanter, sorcerer, con- or love. vr. to become fond of.
jurer charmer.
; encarna, /. giving entrails of game to dogs.
encantadora, /. sorceress, enchantress; encarnaci6n, /. incarnation carnation, ;

charming, bewitching. flesh-colour adhesive cement (surg. ) in-


eucantamleilto, m. enchantment. carnation.

encantar, va. to enchant, charm, conjure, encarnadino, na, a. incarnadine.
bewitch to fascinate.; encarnado. da, a. &pp. of encarnar; in*
encantarar, va. to put into a jar or ballot- carnate ; flesh-coloured red. ;

box. encarnadura, /. (surg.) natural state of

encante, m. auction, public sale. flesh ;
effect produced by an edged weapon
encantO, m. enchantment, charm, spell ; fas- on the flesh.
cination. encarnamlentO, m. (surg.) incarnation.
encantorio, m. (coll.) enchantment. encarnar, vn. to incarn, to incarnate ; to
encantusar, va. (coll.) to coax, to wheedle. wound, to pierce the flesh with a dart to ;

encailado, pp. & m. conduit of water hedge ; make a strong impression upon the mind.—
or trellis of reeds. ra. to incarnadine to fill a wound with new ;

enca&ador, ra, m. &f. spool-winder. flesh to embody to feed sporting dogs.—

; ;

enca&ar, va. to hedge with reeds to convey ;

vr. to unite or incorporate one thing with
water through pipes to drain to wind ; ; another.
silk on quills. vn. to form stalks (cereals). encarnatiVO, m. &a. (surg.) incarnative.
enCaftiZadalen-cah-nye-thali'-dah', /. (fish.) weir. encarne, »». entrails given to dogs.
enca&onar, va. to put into pipes to plait, to ; encarnecer, vn. to grow fat and fleshy.
fold ; to wind on quills.— rn. totfted'ge out. encarnizado, da, a. blood-shot, inflamed.—
encafiutar, ra. to flute, Jip. of encarnizar.
encapacetado, da, a. wearing a helmet, encarnizamiento, m. act of fleshing (dogs)
encapacliadura, /. number of bags of olives cruelty, rage, fury.
to be pressed. encarnizar, va. {pret. encarnic^: snhj. ex-
encapachar, va. to put into a frail; (agr.) CARNiCE)'to flesh; to provoke, irritate.
to protect grapes with the shoots. be glutted with flesh
vr. to to be cruelly ;

encapado, da, a. cloaked, bent against one.

encapazar, va. to collect into a basket, encaro, m. stare blunderbuss aim level-; ; ;

encaperuzado, da, a. hooded. ling a musket.

encaperuzarse, vr. to put on a hood. encarrilar or encarrlllar, va. to put in the
encapllladO, pp. & n. clothes worn on the right track; to set right. vr. (naut.) to ba
person. fouled on the sheave.
encapilladura,/. (naut.) top-rigging. encarro&ar, va. to infect, corrupt. vr. to
encapillar, va. (naut.) to rig the yards; be infected or corrupted.
(min.) to start a new gallery. vr. to put on encarrujado, da, pp. & a. curled ; corruv
clothes over the head, gated ; fluted. ?n. ftuting, shirring, gather-
encapirotado, da, pp. & a. wearing a hood, ing.
encapotadura, /. encapotamlento, m. encamijarse, vr. to curl, twist, coil, kink.
frown. encartaci6n, /. enrolment under a charter ;

encapotar, &vr. to cloak to muffle. vr.

va. vassalage, tenure at will village under
to become cloudy to lower the head too ;

vassalage. — pi.
charter-lands, especially

much (horses). those adjoining the province of Biscay.

encapricliarse, vr. to indulge in whims to ; encartamientO, m. outlawry, proscription ;
become obstinate or stubborn (coll. ) to be ;
enamoured. encartar, va. to ban, to summon to pro- ;

encapuchar, va. to cover with a hood. scribe ; to enrol to register in a tax-list ;

encapuzar, va. to cover with a cowl. to serve (in card games). vr. to be unable
encaradO, da, pp. & a. faced blen or mal en- : to discard (in card games).
carado. well or ill faced haughty. ; encarte, m. fortuitous order in wuich the
encarainar, va. & vr. to raise to elevate to ; ; cards remain at the close of a hand.
extol to climb to reach a high post.
; ; encartonadoi", m. (b. b.) one who applies
encaramiento, m. act of facing or aiming. boards.
encarar, vn. to face, to front. va. to aim, to encartonar, va. (b. b.) ±o apply boards; to
point. bind in boards.
encaratularse, vr. to mask. encasar, va. (surg.) to set a dislocated bone.
encarcelacibn,/. incarceration. encascabelado, da, a. adorned with bells.
encarcelar, va. to imprison (carp.) to ; encaslUadO, m. set of pigeon-holes.
clamp, to jam; (mas.) to embed with encasquetar, va. to clap on one's hat close
mortar; (naut.) to woold. to the head ; to convince. vr. to persist, to
encarecedor, m. praiser, extoUer. be headstrong.
encarecer, va. & vn. & vr. (ind. encarezco : encasquillador, m. (Sp. Am.) farrier.
subj. encarezca) to raise the price to over- ; encasquillar, va. to shoe horses.
rate to extol
; to enhance to recommend.
; ; encastar, m. to improve a race of animals
encarecidamente, adv. exceedingly, highly. by crossing. vn. to breed.
encareclmiento, m. enhancement, exagger- encastillado, da, pp. & «. lofty, haughty.
ation : eon encareclmiento, ardently, ear- encastillador, ra, m. & f. one who shuts
nestly. himself up in a castle a headstrong per- ;

encargado de negocios, m. charge d'affai- son.

res; (Mex. ) agent, attorney. encastlllamientO, m. act of shutting up in a
encargar, va. (pret. encargi'^: mbj. EN- castle or sustaining an opinion.
caroue) to recommend, charge, commis- encastillar, ra. to fortify with ca.stles. rn. — I

sion, commit vr. to take charge. to make the cell of the queen-bee in bee- '

aa In far ; e in eh I ; i In police ; o In for ; a in ball ; e (before e. i) and s as th in thick ; b and d, toft}

hives. vr. to shut one's self up in a castle ; encerrona, /. (coll. ) voluntary retreat.
to be headstrong. encespedar, va. to cover with sod.
encastrar, va. to chase, clamp, embed. encestar, va. to put in a basket.
encastre, '». fitting in groove socket. ; ; encia, /. gum (of the mouth),
encatarrado, da, «. having a cold. enciclico, ca, a. encyclic—/, encyclical,
encatusar, va. v. kngatusar. enciclopedia, /. encyclopaedia, cyclopaedia.
encaucliado, m. India-rubl>er poncho. enciclop^dico, ca, a. encyclopedic.
•ncaucliar, va. to cover with rubber. enciclDp6dlsta, a. & 7i. encyclopedist.
encausar, va. to prosecute, indict. enciendo, enclenda (in: from engender).
enc&U^tiCO, ca, a. encaustic. encierro, m. act of closing or locking up;
encaustO, m. (art) encaustic painting. closure, confinement, closeness ; inclosure
encauzamientO, m. channeling. cloister, religious retreatprison, lock-rup ;

encauzar, ra. to channel to conduct water ; folding (cattle).

through channels to guide, lead, direct.
; encierro, encierre {irr. from encerrar).
encavarse, 'r. to hide in a cave. encima, adv. above, over ; at the top ; over-
enceljadamiento, wj. (vet. ) surfeit. head over and above, besides encima de,
; :

enoebadar, va. (vet.) to surfeit. vr. to be upon por encima, superficially.

on, :

surfeited (horses). encimar, va, to place on top to raise high.— ;

enceboUadO, m. beef stew with onions. vr. to rise above.

encef^liCO, ca, «. encephalic encina,/. (hot.) evergreen oak, holm-oak.
cncefalitis, /. (med.) encephalitis. encinal, encinar, m. holm-oak grove.
enc^falO, /«. encephalon, the brain. encinta, a. pregnant.
encelamlento, m. jealousy. encintar, va. to ribbon,
encelar, va. to excite jealousy. vr. to be- encismar, va. (coll.) to sow diseord.
come jealous. encisto, m. encysted tumour.
encella, /. cheese-basket or mould. encizaflar, va. v. gizanar.
encellar, va. to mould curds or cheese. enclaustraci6n, /. entering or shutting one
encenagado, da, a. mixed or filled with in a cloister or convent.
mud.—^;;. of encekagause. enclaustrado, da, a. cloistered.
encenagamlento, m. wallowing in dirt or enclavaci6n, /. nailing or fixing,
mire. enclavadura, /. (carp.) groove; embedding.
encenagar, va. {pret. encenagu^: suhj. enclavar, va. to nail; to embed; (farr.) to
ENCENAGUE) to niud, to mire. vr. to wal- prick horses in shoeing ; to piercethrough.
low in dirt or mire, or in crimes and vices. enclavljar, va. to join, to spike, to pin to ;

encencerrado, da, «. carrying a wether- peg (as a guitar).

bell. enclenque, m. & a. weak, feeble, sickly.
encender, va. {ind. enciendo: subj. en- enclitiCO, ca, a. (granj^.) endlitic.
CIENDA) to kindle, to light, to set fire to ; to enclocar, encloquecer, encoclar, vn. &vr.
heat, to glow to inflame, inspirit, incite.
to cluck.
vr. to take fire, to be kindled. encobar, vn. to cover or hatch eggs.
encendidamente, adv. ardently. encobijar,va. V. cobuar.
encendido, da, a. & pp. of engender ; in- encobrado, da, a. coppery.
flamed lired red.
; ; encocorar, va. (coll.) to vex, to annoy.
encendimiento, m. incension, kindling, encofradO, m. (min.) plank lining, timb«r-
lighting ; incandescence, glow ; ardour, ing.
eagerness. encofrar, va. (min.) to plank, to timber.
encenlzar, >a. to cover with ashes. encoger, va. {ind. encojo subj. encoja) to :

encentador, m. one who begins to use things. contract, shorten, shrink to discourage, to ;

encentadura, /'. encentamiento, m. act of dispirit. vr. to be low-spirited, dismayed,

beginning the use of a thing. or bashful ; to shrink, to shrivel,
encentar, va. to begin the use of a thing. vr. encogidamente, adv. abjectly,
to contract bed-sores. encogido, da, pp. & «. bashful, timid,
encepador, m. stocker, gun-stocker. encogimiento, m. contraction, shrinkage
encepadura, /. (carp.) tie-joint. constriction, pusillanimity, bashfulnesa
encepar, ta. to put in the stocks to stock a ; humility, submission.
gun; (uaut.) to stock the anchor; (carp.) encojar, va. to cripple, to lame.—4;r. to grow
to join with ties. vn. to take root; (naut.) lame (coll.) to feign sickness.

to foul the anchor. encolado, m. encoladura, /. encola'

3ncepe, m. (agr.) taking firm root. mientO, m. gluing ;
priming, sizing.
31icerad0, da, pp. of encerar.—a. wax-col- encolar. va. to glue, to stick.
oured ; like wax ; thick, hard (as a boiled encolerizar, va. {pret. encolericiS: subj,
egg). m. oil-cloth, oil-skin; (naut.) tar- ENCOLERiCE) to provoke, anger, irritate.
paulin ; sticking-plaster ; black-board in vr. to be in a rage.
schools. encomendable, a. commendable.
enceramiento, m. act and effect of waxing. encomend^a, m. one under a knight com-
encerar, va. to wax ; to inspissate lime. mander. —encomendado, da, pp. of ENCOMEN-
encemadar, va. v. acernadar. DAR.
encerotar, va. to wax thread. encomendamiento, m. v. encomienda.
encerradero, m. sheepfold pen. ;
encomendar, va. (ind. encomiendo *«6/. :

encerrador, ra, a. one who locks up. m. ENCOMiENDK) to recommend, commend,

driver of black cattle. commit, charge to knight. vn. to hold a

encerradura, /. encerramiento, m. act of knight commandery.— ?•;•. to commit one's

locking up ; cloister, retreat ;
prison, jail, self to another's protection to send com- ;

dungeon, lock-up. pliments.

encerrar, va. {ind. encierro: mbj. en- encomendero, m. agent commissionaire. ;

cierre) to lock or shut up, to confine to ; encomiador, ra, m. &f. one who praises.
include, embrace, contain. vr. to live in se- encomiar, va. to praise, eulogize, extol.
clusion ; to be locked up, to be closeted. encomiasta, m. panegyrist.

C (before e, I) and J «8 h <» b»%*. h. sUent ; 11 In brilliamt ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (inlUal) and rr trilled ; •,
encoml&StiCO, ca, o. encomiastic. encOStrar, va. to crust, to incrust.
encomienda, /. commission, charge mes- ; encovadura, /. act of placing in a cellar.
sage,compliment sent knight commandery ; encovar, va. (ind. encuevo subj. encueve}, :

land or rent belonging to a commandery to put in a cellar to keep, lock up, conceal.
badge of a knight commander patronage, ;
— to hide one's

protection, recommendation compliments, ; encrasar, va. to fatten to thicken. ;

respects. encrespador, m. crisping - iron, curling-

encomio, m. praise, encomium, eulogy. tongs.
encompadrar, vn. (coll.) to contract affinity encrespadura, /. act of curling the hair.
by godfather to be close friends.
; encrespamlentO, m. effect of the hair stand-
enconamientO, m. inflammation, morbid ing on end.
swelling animadversion, anger. encrespar, va. to curl, crisp, frizzle, crimp.

va. to inflame, irritate, provoke —

vr. (naut.) to become rough and boister-
to increase the inflammation in a wound. ous (the sea) to be agitated (by passion)

vr. to rankle, to fester. to wrangle to become entangled (an affair).


encono, m. malevolence, rancour, iU-will. encrestado, da, a. & pp. of encrestarse ;

enconoso, sa, a. obnoxious, hurtful, preju- adorned with a crest or comb haughtv. ;

dicial, lofty.
enconrear, va. to oil wool before carding. encrestarse, vr. to stiffen the crest or comb
encontradamente, adv. contrarily. (as a cock) to be proud or haughty.

encontradizo, da, a. one who or that which encrucijada, /. crossway, cross-road.

may be met on the way. encrudecer, va. (ind. encrudezco subj. :

encontrado, da, a. opposite, in front hos- ; encrudezca) to make a wound worse or

tile, opposed.— »p. of ENCONTRAR. raw to exasperate, to irritate. vr. to be

encontrar, va. & vn. {ind. encuentro subj. : enraged.

ENCUKNTRE) to meet, to encounter to hit ; encruelecer, va. (ind. encruelezco: subj.
upon, to find by chance. vr. to meet, to en- encruelezca) to excite to cruelties. it. to
counter, to clash to be of opposite opin-
; become cruel.
ions to happen to meet to be congenial
; ; encuadernacidn, /. (b. b.) binding.
to feel, as i c6mo se encuentra Vd. 7 how do encuadernador, m. bookbinder.
you feel ? encuadernar, va. (b. b.) to bind to recon- ;

encontrdn, m. collision, clash, push, shock. cile sin encuadernar, unbound.


encopetado, da, «. presumptuous, haughty. encuarte, m. extra horse to draw a coach

—pp. of ENCOPETAR. uphill.
encopetar, va. to raise the hair high, as in a encubar, va. to cask liquids ;
(obs. ) to put a
toupee. crimiual into a butt.
encorachar, va. to put in a leather bag. encubertar, va. (ind. encubierto subj. en- -.

encoralar, va. to encourage ; to inflame. vr. cubierta) to caparison, trap (as a horse).—
to be furious, in a rage. vr. to put on armour.
encorar, va. (ind. encuero: stibj. encuere) encublerta, /. fraud, deceit, imposition.
to cover with or wrap up in leather encubiertamente, adv. hiddenly, secretly
(wounds). vn. &
vr. to heal the skin; to deceitfully, fraudulently.
get a skin. encubierto, ta, a. & pp. irr. of encubrik
encorazado, da, a. covered with a cuirass ; (also irr. ind. from encubertar).
covered with leather, encubridor, ra, m. & /. concealer, har-
encorchar, va. to hive bees, bourer.
encorchetar, va. to put on hooks or clasps ; encubrimiento, m. concealment.
to hook, to clasp. encubrir, va. (pp. encubierto) to hide, con.
encordar, va. (ind. encuerdo: subj. en- ceal, cloak, mask, palliate.
cuerde) (mus.) to string instruments; to encuentro, m. collision, knock, stroke,
lash or bind with ropes. shock, clash encounter, unexpected meet-

encordelar, va. to string ; to bind with ing; find, finding- (mil.) encounter, fight;
strings. opposition, difficulty; joint (in fowls) ia •

encordonado, da, a. corded adorned with ; quadrupeds, points of the shoulder-blades ;

cords.—pp. of encordonar. (arch.) angle, nook, corner talir al encuen- :

encordonar, va. to cord to tie with cords, ; tro, to go to meet a person to encounter ; ;

encorecer va. (ind. encx)rezco: subj. en- to check a person. pi. temples of a loom.
coREZCA) to hepJ the skin.—i;n. to get a skin encuentro, encuentre (irr. from encon-
(as wounds). trar).
eiicoriacibn, /. healing a wound, encuerdo, encuerde (irr. from encordar)
encornado, da, a. homed, encuitarse, vr. to grieve.
encornadura, /. disposition of the horns, enculatar, va. to cover a bee-hive.
encomudar, vn. to begin to get horns (cat- encumbrado, da, a. high, elevated, lofty,
tle).— ra. to cuckold. stately.—;>/>. of encumbrar.
encorozar, va. to put a coroza on a criminal's encumbramientO, »«. act of raising or ele-
head. vating height, eminence.

encorralar, va. to corral cattle. encumbrar, va. to raise, to elevate. im. to

encorrear, va. to strap cattle, ascend a height. vr. to be raised or ele-
encortlnar, va. to hang curtains. vated to be proud, to rate himself high.

encorvada, /. act of bending the body gro- ; encunar, va. to put in the cradle to catcb ;

tesque manner of dancing; (bot.) hatchet between the horns.

wetch coronilla. encure&ado, da, a. put into the carriage (as
encorvadura, / encorvamiento, m. act of cannon).
bending ; curvature, crookedness, hooked- encurtidos, m. pi. pickles.
ness. encurtir, vu. to pickle.
encorrar, va. to bend, arch, incurvate, crook, encbabetar, va. (naut.) to forelock.
curve. vr. to bend, to swerve, to warp. encbancletar, va. to put on slippers.
encostradura, incrustation, crust. encbapar, va. to veneer.
• M iB Car ; • ia eh I ; i in police : o in for : a in boll ; c (before e, i) and b as th in thick ; b and d, sofV
enchapinado, da, a. built upon a vault. CE) to sweeten to soft«n ; ; to soothe; (art)
encharcada, /. pool of water, puddle. to soften, to tone down.
encharcarse, vr. to form puddles. endurador, ra, m. & /. & a. parsimonious,
encMlada, /. (Mex.) pancake of maize with niggardly.
ohilli. endurar, va. to harden
to economize, to ;

enchiquerar, va. to shut the bull in the spare ; to endure, to bear, to suffer ; to de-
cbiqnero ;
(coll.) to imprison. lay, to put off.
enchuctiar, va. (Cuba) (r. w.) to switch. endurecer, va. {ind. endurezco subj. en- :

enchufar, vn. to fit a tube into another. durezca) to harden, indurate, stiffen,
enchufe, m. pipe coupling, pipe joint. toughen ; to cake ; to inure to exasperate^ ;

ende, adv. por ende, therefore. irritate. vr. to grow hard or tough ; to grow
endeole, a. feeble, weak, flimsy, frail. cruel.
endeblez,/. feebleness, flimsiness. endurecidamente, adv. pertinaciously.
end6cada, /. eleven years. endurecido, da, a. & pp. of endurecer ;

endec&gono, m. hendecagon. hard, hardy indurated, hardened, obdu-


endecasilabo, ba, a. hendecasyllable. tutored by experience, iuured.

rate ;

endecha,/. dirge, doleful ditty. endurecimientO, m. hardness obstinacy, ;

endecbadera, /. v. plaSidera. tenacity cruelty. ;

endechar, va. to sing funeral songs. vr. to ene,/. Spanish name of the letter N.
grieve, to mourn. enea,/. (hot.) cat's-tail, reed-mace, rush.
endemia, / (med.) endemia. enekgono, m. (geom.) enneagon.
enddmlCO, ca, «. (med.) endemic. eneasilabO, ba, a. of nine syllables.
endemoniado, da, pp. & a. possessed with enebral, m. plantation of juniper-trees.
the devil ; devilish, bendish, perverse. enebrina, /. fruit of the juniper-tree.
endemonlar, va. to possess with a devil enebro, m. (hot.) common juuiper.
(coll.) to irritate, provoke, enrage. enelar [a-nay-iiar'], va. to put on an axle.
endentadO, da, (her.) serrated.
a. eneldo, m. (bot.) common dill.
Sndentar, va. {ind. endienta : subj. ENDIEN- enema,/, enema, injection, clyst«r.
TE) to gear, engage, mesh. enemiga,/. enmity, hatred, iU-will.
endentecer, vn. {ind. endentezco: subj. enemigamente, adv. inimicaily.
endentezca) to cut teeth, to teeth. enemigO, ga, a. inimical, hostile, contrary,
enderezadamente, adv. rightly, unfriendly, adverse. m. & f. enemy, an-
enderezado, da, a. fit, appropriate. tagonist, foe, foeman.
•nderezador, ra, a. good manager. enemistad,/. enmity, hatred.
enderezamientO, m. straightening, unbend- enemistar, va. to make an enemy. vr. to
ing, setting right. become an enemy.
enderezar, va. {pret. endereck: subj. en- 6neO, ea, a. (poet.) brazen, brass.
DERECE) to straighten, unbend; to raise, energia (eh-natr-he'-ah), /. energy, power, vig-
erect; to right, rectify, set right; to ad- our, strength, force, expressiveness.
dress, to dedicate to manage well. vn. to
; en6rgicamente, adv. energetically.
take the direct road. vr. to erect, to rise en^rgiCO, ca (eij-nair'-he-co], a. energetic, active,
upright. vigorous, expressive, lively.
enaeudarse, vr. to contract debts. energtimeno, na, m.&/.' person possessed
endevotado, da, n. pious devoted, fond. ; with a devil.
endlablada, /. boisterous masquerade. enero, m. January, first month.
endlabladamente, adv. devilishly, horri- enervaci6n,/. enervation.
bly. enervar, va. to enervate, to unnerve to de- ;

endiablado, da, a. & pp. devilish, diabolical bilitate, weaken. vr. to grow weak, to lose
ugly, defonned perverse, wicked.
endiablar, va. to pervert, to corrupt. vr. to enfadadiZO, za, a. irritable, irascible, pee-
be furious. vish.
endiadis,/. (rhet.) hendiadys. enfadar, vex, molest, offend, incense.,
va. to
endibia,/. (bot.) endive, succory. anger. vr. to fret, to become angry. «

endilgador, ra, a. (coll.) pander. enfado, m. vexation, crossness, anger

endilgar, va. (pret. endilgu^ subj. ENDiL' -. trouble, drudgery.
GUE) (coll.) to pander, induce, persuade; enfadosamente, adv. vexatiously.
to procure, facilitate, accommodate to di- ; enfadOSO, sa, vexatious, annoying.
rect, dedicate, administer. enfaldar, va. ) to lop off the lower
endiosamienio, m. haughtiness, pride ; ec- branches. tuck up the skirts.
vr. to
stasy, abstraction. enfaldo, m. act of tucking up one's clothes.
endlosar, va. to deify.—t>r. to be elated with enfangar, va. {pret. enfanuue: .subj. EN-
pride to be devoutly abstracted.
; fangue) to soil with mud. vr. (naut. ) to
endocardio. m. (anat.) endocardium. in the mud; (coll.) to do a disrep-
endocarditis,/, (med.) endocarditis. utable thing.
endocarpo, m. (bot.) endocarp. enfardar, va. to pack, bale, fardel.
endorsar, endosar, va. to indorse (as a enfardelador, m. packer.
draft) ; to transfer. enfardeladura, /. packing, baling.
endorsQ, endose, endoso, m. (com.) In- enfardelar, va. to bale, pack, fardel.
dorsement. 6nfasis, m. emphasis.
endosador, endosante, m. indorser. enfkticamente, adv. emphatically.
endoselar, va. to hang to make a dais. ; enf&tico, ca, «. emphatioal, emphatic.
endbsmosis,/. endosmosis, transudation. enfebrecido, da, «. siigiitiy feverish.
endriagO, m. fabulous monster. enfermar, vn. to fall ill.— «<. to make sick;
endrina, /. sloe, fruit of the sloe-tree. to weaken, to enervate.
endrino, m. (bot.) blackthorn, sloe-tree. enfermedad, infirmity, indisposition, ill-
endrino, na, a. of a sloe-colour. ness, complaint, malady, distemper, sick-
endulzadura, /. sweetening. ness.
endulzar, va. {pret. endulcK: subj. ENDUL- enfermeria, /. infirmary, sanitarium.
a (before e, i) and J as li in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brillUnt ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; I, hissed
•nfsrmero, ra, m. &f. nurse (for the sick). engalgar, pursue ciosely, not to lose
va. to
enfermlZO, za, «. iatirm, sickly morbifical, ; sight of (as greyhounds) tj scotch a wheel ;

unhealthy. (naut.) to back an anchor.

enfexmo, ma, in, sick, diseased, infirm,
n. engallado, da, a. erect, upright; haughty.
indisposed, unhealthy ; weak, feeble. m. & engallador, m. martingale.
/. invalid, patient. engalladura,/. v. galladura.
enfervorizar, va. to heat, to inflame, to in- engallarse, vr. to draw one's self up in a
cite. w. to overheat one's self. haughty manner to keep the head near ;

enfeudaci6n, /. infeudation, enfeoffment. the chest (as horses).

enfeudar, va. to feoff', to enfeoff". enganchador, m. hooker.
enflelar, va. to put in a balance. enganchamiento, enganche, m. accroach-
enfllar, va. to place in a row or line ; to pierce ment, hooking enlisting in the army de- ; ;

or string in a line; (mil.) to enfilade: en- coying any one to make him enlist.
filar el cuTBo, (naut.) to direct the course, to enganchar, va. to hook, clasp, hitch, ac-
bear to. croach to entrap, to insnare to decoy into
; ;

enfisema, m. (med.) emphysema. the military service to couple, link, con- ;

enfistolarse, vr. to become' a fistula. nect to harness a horse to a carriage. vr.


enfiteusis, m. &/. (law) emphyteusis. to engage to enlist in the army ; to bo ;

enfiteuta, m. (law) emphyteuta. caught on a hook.

eilflt6utiC0, ca, a. emphyteutic. engandujo, m. twisted thread of a fringe.
enflaqUeCer[eu-Uali-kay-therr'l, va.JiimL, ENFIiA- engafiabObOSiTO. (coll.) trickster fool-trap. ;

QUEZco: subj. ENFLAQUEzcA.)'va. to thin; engafiadizo, za, a. easily deceived.

to make thin and lean to extenuate, to ; engaflador, ra, «». >Sij. impostor, deceiver.
fade. vn. & vr. to grow thin. vn. to weak- engaflapastor, wi. (om.) wagtail.
en, to dismay. engafiar, va. to deceive, cheat, mislead, de-
enflaquecimiento, m. thinness, extenuation, lude, impose upon, swindle, trick, fool, hoax,
attenuation, debilitation. abuse, gull ; to wile away (as time). vr. to
enflautado, da, a. (coll.) inflated. be deceived to make a mistake. ;

enfiautador, ra, m. &/. (coll.) procurer. engafilfa,/. (coll.) deceit, trick, catchpenny.
enflautar, va. (coll.) to procure; (coll.) to engaflO, m. deceit, fraud, imposition, false-
deceive. hood hoax, lure mistake, misunderstand-
; ;

enflechado, da, a. ready to discharge. ing, misapprehension, misconception.

enfOSCar, va. ( pret. enfosquk subi. enfos- : engaiLOSameilte, adv. deceitfully, fraud-
quk) (^mas.) to fill up holes in walls. vr. to fully, guilefully mistakenly. ;

be ill-numoured to be immersed -in, busi- ; engahoso, sa, a. deceitful, artful, fallacious,

to be cloudy.
ness ; fraudulent, mendacious.
enfraUar, va. to make one a monk or a friar. engarabatar, va. (coll.) to hook. vr. to

r. to become a friar.
I grow crooked.
enfranquecer, va. to frank, to free. engarabltarse, vr. (coll.) to climb, ascend.
eufrascamiento, m. act of beinnf^entangled engarbarse, vr. to perch high on a tree.
between brambles. , engarbuUar, va. (coll.) to entangle, in-
enfrascar, va. (pret. enprasquk : .sji6y'. en- volve to make a ; mess.
FRASQUE) to put liquid in a flask or pottle. engarce, m. catenation, link close union or
— be entangled in a thicket to be in-
vr. to ; chasing of jewellery.
connection ;

volved in difficulties to be deeply engaged ; engargantar, va. to put anything into the
in work. ,. .r > , . throat.—VT?. to thrust the foot into the stir-
enfrenador, TO. bridler. rup to gear, to mesh, to interlock.

enfrenamiento, m. act of bridling a horse, engargolar, va. to join pipes.

enfrenar, va. to bridle to govern by the ; engaritar, va. to fortify, to adorn with sen-
; to curb, to restrain, i-*;,- try-boxes ;
(coll.) to trick, to fool.
enfreute, adv. over against, opposite, in engarrafador, m. grappler.
front, facing. engarrafar, va. (coll.) to grapple.
enfriadera, /. bottle-cooler, refrigerator. engarzador, m. one who links or enchains;
enfriadero, enfriador, m. cooUng-place stringer of beads.
refrigerator ; cold storage. engarzar, va. {pret. engarc^: subj, EN-
enfriamlento, m. refrigeration, act of cool- GARCE) to enchain, to link to curl.
. ;

ing cold, chill.

; engastador, m. enchaser, setter.
enfriar, va. to cool, to refrigerate ; to calm a engastar, va. to set (as diamonds) to en- ;

passion. vr. to cool off, to CQol down. chase.

enfallar, cheat at cards,
va. (coll.) to engaste, m- setting (of stones) ; enchasing:
enfundadura, /. casing, putting into cases. pearl flat on one side.
enfundar, va. to case, to put into a case (as engatado, da, a. & n. petty robber, pilferer.
a pillow) ; to fill up, to stuff. -^p. of ENGATAR.
enfurecer, va. (ind. enfurezco subj. EN- : engatar, va. (coll.) to cheat, to wheedle.
furezca) to irritate, enrage, make furious. engatilladO, da, a. thick, high-necke&
—vr. to rage, to grow boisterous or furious (horses and bulls). pp. of engatillar.
(man or the elements). engatillar, va. (arch.) to bind with a cramp-
enfurruflarse, w. (coll.) to grow angry, to iron.
tiff, to frown, engatusador, ra, m. A. /. coaxer, wheedler.
enfurtir, va. to full cloth, to felt. engatusamlento, m. (coll. )deception, cheat,
engabanadO, da, a. wearing an oveFcoat. coaxing.
engace, m. catenation, connection. engatusar, va. (coll.) to inveigle.
engafar, va. to bend a cross-bow to hook ; ; engavillar, va. V. agavillar.
gun at half-cock.
to set a engazador, ra, a. v. engarzador.
engaitador, ra, m. &/. (coll.) wheedler. engazamiento, m. v. engarce.
engaltar, va. (coll.) to coax, to wheedle. engazar, vn. to enchain, to link; (naut.) t«
engalanar, va. to adorn, to deck; (naut.) strap blocks ; to dye in the cloth.
to dress a ship. engendrable, a. that may be engendered.

% as in f»r ; e fn eh I ; i tn police ; o in for : a in bull ; c (befor* e, i) and I at th in thick ; b and d, eoA

engendramientO, m. begetting, generating. enguantado, da, pp. & a. wearing gloves.
engendrador, ra, m. &/. eugenderer. enguantarse, vr. to put on gloves.
engendrar, va. to beget, engender, breed, engUedejadO, da ien-gay-day-hali'-doe], a. wear-
generate ; to produce, bear fruit ; to create. ing long hair.
engendro, m. foetus, shapeless embryo abor- ; engUijarrar len-gee-har-rar'l, va. to pave with
tive : mal engendro, perverse youth. pebbles.
englobar, va. to englobe, inclose, include. engUillar (naut.) tO
[en-geel lyar'l, va. wind a
engOladO, da, a. collared. thin rope around a thicker one.
engolfar, vn. (naut. ) to enter a gulf or deep enguirnaldado, da, a. garlanded.
bay.— rr. to be engaged in arduous affairs : engUirnaldar [en-geer-nal-aar'], va. to garland.
to "be absorbed in meditation. enguizgar [en-geeth-gar'], va. to excite, incite^
engOlilladO, da, «. wearing the golilla. set on, stimulate.
engolondrinarse, rr. (coll.) to be elated engullldor, ra, m. & /. devourer, gobbler.
with pride ; to fall in love. engnlllr, va. to devour, gobble, glut, gorge.
SngOlOSlnar, va. to whet a person's desire engurrio, m. sadness, melancholy.
for a thing with allurement. — i;*-. to become engurrufiarse, vr. (coil.) to be melancholr
fond of. (birds).
SngoUetadO, da, a. (coll.) conceited, enharinar, va. to cover with flour.
haughty.—/)p. of encoiletarse. enhastiar, va. to disgust, cloy, bore.
sngoUetarse, vr. (coll.) to be conceited. enhastillar, va. to put arrows in a quiver. •

engomadura, /. first gumming; coat which enhatijar, va. to cover hives with bass-weed.
bees lay over their hives. enliebrar, va. to thread to string. ;

engomar, va. to gum, to glue, to size. enhenar, va. to cover with hay.
engorar, va. to addle. V. enhuerar, enherbolar, va. to poison with herbs.
engordadero, m. sty to fatten hogs. entiestador, /». he who erects.
engordador, ra, a. fattening, pampering. enhestadura, /. erection.
engordar, va. to pamper, to fatten, to lard. enliestar, la.{pp. e^hiesto: ind. enhies-
— vn. to grow fat to grow rich. ; To : svbj. enhieste) to erect; to raise, to
engorde, m. fattening (hogs, etc.). set upright. vr. to rise upright.
engorro, m. embarrassment, 'nuisance. enhielar, m. to mix with gall or bile.
engorrOSO, sa, a. troublesome, vexatious, enhiesto, ta, «. & pp. irr. of enhestae ;
cumbersome, annoying. erect, upright, erected.
engoznar, va. to hinge to put hinges. ; enhllado, da, well-arranged, in good or-
engranaje, m. (mech.) gear, gearing, mesh. der, in line.—p/>. of enhilar.
engranar, vn. to gear, to interlock. enhilar, va. to thread ; to direct, to trend
engrandar, va. v. agrandar. to place in line.
engrandecer, va. (md. engrandezco: subj. enhoratouena,/. congratulation, felicitation.
engrandezca) to augment, aggrandize; to —
adv. well and good all right. ;

enlarge ; to exalt, extol ; to exaggerate, enhoramala, adv. in an evil hour vete en- :

magnify. lioramala, (coll.) go to blazes !

engrandecimientO, m. aggran-
increase, enhornar, va. to put into an oven.
cuzeraent, ; aggrandization, enlargement; enhuecar, va. v. ahuecak.
exaggeration. enhuerar, va. to lay addle eggs, to addle.
engranerar, va. to store the grain. enigma, m. enigma, riddle.
engranujarse, vr. to be covered with pim- enigmaticamente, adv. enigmatically.
ples. enigm^tico, ca, a. enigmatical, dark, ob-
engrapar, va. (mas. and carp.) to cramp. scure.
engrasaci6n,/. lubrication, oiling, greasing. enigmatista, m. enigmatist.
engrasador, m. oiler, lubricator. enjabonadura, /. v. jabonadura.
engrasar, va. to grease, to oil, to fat, to enjabonar, va. to soap to wash with soap ;

lubricate; to staiu with grease; to dress (coll.) to soft-soap one.

cloth ; to manure. enjaezar, va. {pret. enjaec6 : subj. enjaece)
engredar, va. to clay, to chalk ; to full. to trap a horse.
engreido, da, a. & pp. of engreir; con- enjagiie (en-hah'-gway], m. adjudication re-
ceited, i)etulant. quired by the creditors of a ship.
engreimiento, m. conceit, presumption, enjalbegador, ra, m. &f. whitewashes
vanity. enjalbegadura, /. whitewashing.
engreir, va. {ind. exgrio: subj. engria) to enjalbegar, va. to whitewash to paint (the ;

encourage one's pride, to make one vain or

conceited ; to elate. vr. to become vain or enjalma,/. kind of light pack-saddle.
conceited. enjalmar, va. to pack-saddle a horse ; to
angrescar, & vr. to pick a quarrel ; to
va. make pack-saddles,
make one join in merriment. enjalmero, m. pack-saddle maker,
engnrifar, va. & vr. to curl, crisp, crimp ; to enjambradera, /. queen-bee. V. casquilla.
make the hair stand on end (from fright). en; ambradero, m. place where bees form
engrosar, va. {ind. engrueso subj. : en- tneir hives.
gri'ese) to swell, enlarge, augment
to ; enjambrar, va. to hive bees. vn. to breed a
thicken, broaden, expand; to increase the new hive to produce abundantly.

bulk or number. vn. & vr. to grow strong enjambraz6n, /. swarming of bees.
or corpulent to increase in size or number.
; en ambre, ni. swarm of bees crowd. ;

engrudador, m. paster. enjarciadura, /. act of rigging a ship.

engrudamlento, m. pasting. enlarciar, va. to rig a ship.
engrudar, ra. to paste. en. ardinar, va. to trim trees as in gardens,
engrudO, m. paste. en^aretado, m. grating, lattice-work.
engrueso, engijuese {>rr. from eingrosar). enjaretar, va. to run a string through a
engruesar, va. V. engrosar. hem (coll. ) to speak or act hurriedly and

engrumecerse, vr. to clot, to curdle, inconsiderately.

engualdrapar, va. to caparison. enjaular, va. to cage, to imprison, confine.

« tbefore », i) a^ct j as h in hot; h, stient ; il in brilll»&t ; 6, ny iu canvon ; r (initial) and rr trilled; . bUaed
enjebar, va. to steep in lye, to buck. enlejiar, va. to buck clothes ; to make into
enjebe, m,. lye ; act of bucking.
enjergax, va. (coll.) to start and direct a enlenzar, strengthen a cracked piece
va. to
. business. of carving with adhesive strips of cloth.
enjertaci6n, /. grafting insertion ;' inocu- ; enligarse, vr. to be caught with bird-liu)e.
lation •
enlizar, va. to provide a loom with leashes.
enjertal, m. nursery of grafted fruit-trees, enlodadura, /. act of soiling with mud.
enjertax, va. v. injertar. enlodar, va. to bemire, to soil with mud to ;

enjertO, m. v. injerto ; mixture of diverse tarnish one's reputation to lute. ;

things. pp. irr. of enjertar. enloquecedor, ra, a. maddening.

enJOrgHinaX leh-hor-gee-narl, va. tO smear with enloquecer, va. {ind. enloquezco: subj.
soot.--ur. to be blackened with soot. enloquezca) to madden to render insane.
enjoyax, va. to adorn with jewels to set ;

vn. or vr. to become demented, to be in-

with precious stones to adorn, embellish. ; sane to be vexed, annoyed (agr. to grow
; ;

enjoyeladO, da, a. gold or silver worked barren (trees).

into jewels covered with jewels.
; enloquecimlento, m. going mad.
enjoyelador, m. setter, jeweller. enlosado, pp. & m. flagging.
enjuagadlentes, ra. (coll.) water for rins- enlosar, va. to lay a tloor with flags,
ing the iiKJiUh. enlozanarse, vr. to make a show of vigoui
enjuagadura, /. rinsing the mouth. and strength.
e^uagar, '«. to rinse (mouth, cups, etc.). enlucido, da, a. (mas.) pargeted.— w. (mas.)
enjuagatorio, enjuague len ii(K.«i.'-ga.v], m. pargeting.
act of riu.siug ; water for rinsing the mouth ; enlUCidor, m. (mas.) pargeter.
finger-bowl : enjuague, plot to obtain an ob- enlUCimientO, m. (mas.) pargeting; metal
ject. polishing.
en.iue'ador, ra,»». & F. drier; drum for dry- enlucir, va- {ind. enluzco: subj. enluzca)
ing linen. (mas.) to parget; to polish plate.
€11 jUerar enlioo-snr'], va. ( pret. ENJUGUfe : subj. enlustrecer, va. to cleau, brighten, polish.
ENJU<itJE) to dry ; to wipe off moisture. vr. enlutar, va. to put in mourning; to veil to ;

to grow lean. darken.

enjuicianiiento, m. (law) act of instituting enllantar, va. to rim, to shoe a wheel.
and prosecuting a judicial proceeding. enllentecer, va. to soften, to blandish.
enjUiCiar [en-hoo e-tliie ar' va. (law) tO bring a , enmaderamiento, m. enmaderacidn, /.
suit or action ; to prosecute a judicial pro- woodwork wainscotting.

ceeding to indict to pass judgment.

; ; enmaderar, to plank, to board
va. ; to roof
enjlllio or enjullo, m. cloth-beam of a loom ; with timber to floor with boards.

warp-rod. enmagrecer, vn. to grow lean.

eojundia, / fat in the ovary of fowls grease ; enmallarse, vr. to be caught in meshes by
or fat of any animal substance, force. ; the tins or scales.
enjnndlOSO, sa, «. fat, fatty substantial. ; enmantar, va. to cover with a blanket vr.
enjUlKlue iei>->>o»>n' kay], m. (naut.) heavy bal- to be melancholy (birds).
cargo kentledge.
last or ; enmara&amientO, m. entanglement, per-
enjuta,/. (arch.) spandrel. plexity.
enjutar, va. (mas.) to dry (plaster, etc.). enmara&ar, va. to tangle (as hair, etc.) to ;

enjutez (tn-hooteth'i,/. dryness, aridity. entangle, perplex, involve in difficulties ; to

e^UtO, ta, a. &pp. irr. of enjutar dried ; puzzle, confound.
lean, slender austere. m. pi. brushwood
enmararse, vr. (naut.) to take sea-room.
tit-bits to excite thirst. enmaridar, vn. to take a husband.
enlabiador, ra, m. &f. wheedler. enmarlllecerse, vr. to become yellow.
enlablar, va. to wheedle, cajole, entice by enmaromar, va. to tie with a rope.
soft words. enmascarar, va. to mask. — vr. to mas-
enlablO, m. suspension, persuasion, enchant- querade.
ment by the power of speech. enmasillar, ra. to putty, to cement.
enlace, m. connection, coherence, continuity; enmelar, va. to bedaub with honey ; to
interlocking; link, lacing; wedding; rela- sweeten.
tionship; atfinity. enmendacidn, /. emendation, correction,
enlaclar, va. to fender lax or languid. vr. enmendadamente, adv. accurately, exactly.
to wither, to deca}^ enmendador, m. corrector, emendator.
enladrlllado, pp. & m. brick pavement. enmendadura, /. r. enmienda.
enladrillador, m. bricklayer. enmendar, va. {ind. enmiendo: subj. en-
enladrilladura, .f. brickwork. MiENDE) to amend,
alter, correct, im-
enladrillar, va. to pave with bricks. prove, reform to repair, compensate, make

enlamar, va. to cover with slime. amends. vr. to mend, grow oetter, lead a
enlanado, da, a. covered with wool. new life.
enlardar, va. to baste, v. lardar. enmienda,/. emendation, correction, amend-
enlargues, m. pi. (naut.) rope-ends. ment reward, premium; (law) satisfac-

enlazable, a. that can be joined. tion, compensation, indemnity.

enlazador, ra, m. &/. binder, uniter. enmoliecer,va. & vr. {ind. enmohezco subj. :

enlazadura, enlazamiento, m. connec-f. enmohkzca) to mould, mildew, must, rust.

tion, binding, uniting, linking, coupling; enmohecido. da, wj. & a. musty, rusty,
lacing. mouldy, mildewed.
enlazar, va. {pret. enlace: subj. enlace) enmoliecer, va. to soften, to mollify.
to lace, bind, join, unite, connect.—4w. to be enmondar, va. to clear cloth from knots.
joined in wedlock ; to become related by enmordazar, va, to gag, to muzzle.
marriage. enmudecer, va. {ind. enmudezco: subj.
enlechueuillado, da, «. wearing a ruff enmudkzc:a) to hush, to impose silence.—
round the neck. . vn. to grow dumb to be silent, to be still.

enlegajar, va. to tie up papers. ennegrecer, vk. (itm^.' eKnegrkzco: subj.

• M Id f»r ; e In ch I ; 1 In police ; o In for ; n in bull ; C (before e, t) and z m th In thick ; b and d. soft;
exxegrezca) to blacken ; to darken, to ob- enredOSO, sa, a. full of snares, difficulties, or
scure. knotty points.
ennegrecimiento, m. act of blackening. enrehojar [en-ray-o-har'], va. to bleach wax
ennoolecer, va. {ind. ennoblezoo subj. : leaves.
exnoblezca) to ennoble; to adorn, embel- enrejado, pp. &
m. railing, grating trellis,- ;

lish. lattice grille-work, open-work.


ennoblecimiento, m. ennoblement. enrejalar, va. to range bricks in criss-cross

ennudecer, m. v. anudarse. tiers.
enodio, m. fawn, a young deer. enrejar, va. to fence with railing or grating
enojadlZO, za, a. fretful, peevish. to fix a grating to a window to make a ;

enojadO, da, a. angry, fretful, peevish, cross. trellis, to grate, to lattice to fix the plough-

—pp. of ENOJAR. share to the plough to wound cattle's feet


enojar, ?•«. to vex, irritate, anger, fret to ; with a ploughshare.

molest, annoy, trouble
tease, to offend, ; enrevesado, da, frisky ; difficult.
displease.— cr. to be fretful or .peevish to ; enriado, m. retting of flax or hemp.
be angry, cross, offended, displeased. enriador, m. one who rets flax or hemp.
enojO, m. fretfulness, peevishness anger, ; enriar, va. to ret hemp and flax.
choler, passion. enrielar, va. to make ingots or rails.
enojosamente, adv. angrily, crossly. enripiar, m, (mas.) to till with riprap.
eno; OSO, sa, a. offensive, vexatious. enriquecedor, ra, m. &/. one who enriches
eno' uelo, m. dim. slight peevishness. enriquecer, va. (ind. enriquezco: subj.
enologia,/. oenology, art of wine-making. enriquezca) to enrich, to aggrandize; to
enol6giCO, ca, a. (enological. adorn. vr. to grow rich.
enbmetro, m. cenometer. enriscado, da, a. mountainous, craggy full ;

enor^llecer, va. (ind. ekorgullezco : of cliffs.—p/). of enriscar.

sitbj. enorgullezca) to make proud.— rr. enriscamlento, m. act of raising; taking
to swell with pride. refuge among rocks.
enorgullecimiento, m. arrogance, haughti- enriscar, va. to lift, to raise. vr. to take
ness. refuge among rocks.
enorguUecldO, da, a. haughty, very proud. enristrar, va. to couch the lance to string ;

enorme, a. enormous, vast, huge, mighty, (onions, etc.) to go direct to a place; to


exorbitant ; horrible, grievous ; wicked ;

overcome a difficulty.
heinous. enristre, m. act of couching a lance.
enormemente, adv. immoderately, enor- enrocar, va. at chess, to castle the king to ;

mously, hugely, horridly. place flax or wool on the distaff.

enormi'dad,/. enormity, enormousness, mon- enrodeladO, da, a. armed with a shield.
strousness, exorbitance grievousness, hor- ; enrodrigonar, va. to prop vines with stakes.
ridness, gravity enormous deed.; enrojar, enrojecer, va. (ind. enrojezco;
enormismio, ma, «. most horrid. subj. enrojezca) to redden to make red- ;

enotecnia,/. technical knowledge of oenology. hot to put to the blush. vr. to blush.

en0t6cniC0, ca, a. relating to enotecnia. enrolecido, da, pp. & a. red red-hot. ;

eiiquiciar, va. to hinge, to put on hinges. enroilar, va. to roll, coil, wind, wrap.
enqulllotrarse, vr. to grow conceited; enromar, va. to blunt, to dull.
(coll. ) to fall in love. enrona, /. rubbish, refuse, debris.
enquirididn, m. manual, book. enronar, va. to throw rubbish in a place.
enrabiar, va. to anger, enrage. enronquecer, va. (ind. enronquezco subj. :

enramada, /. bower, arbour ;

grove. enronquezca) to make hoarse.—-m. to
enramar, va. to embower or decorate with grow hoarse.
branches of trees. enronqueclmiento, m. hoarseness.
enramblar, va. to tenter cloth. enro&ar, va. to fill with scabs or scurf.
enrame, m. act of embowering. enroscadamente, adv. curlingly.
enranciarse, vr. to grow rancid, stale. enrOBCadlira, /. act of twisting ; convolu-
enrarecer, va. {ind. enrarezco subj. en- : tion, sinuosity, twist, curlicue.
rarezca) to thin, rarefy. enroscar, va. (pret. enrosqu^: subj. en-
enrareclmiento, m. rarefaction. rosque) to twine, to twist. vr. to curl or
enrasar, va. (mas.) to make even or level, to twist itself.
flush. enrubiador, ra, a. that turns the hair blond.
enrase, m. (mas.) levelling course. enrubiar, va. to dye the hair blond.
enrastrar, va. to string silk cocoons. ennibio, m. act of dyeing blond and the dye-
enrayar, va. to fix spokes in a wheel. ing ingredient.
enredadera, a. twining (plant).—/, (bot.) enradecer, va. (ind. enrudezco: subj. en-
hind-weed, bell-bind vine. ; rudezca) to make dull. vr. to become dull
snredado, da, pp. of enredar.— a. entan- enniixiecer, vn. to become vile,
gled, matted, involved. ensabanar, va. to wrap up in sheets.
enredador, ra, m. & /. entangler tattler, ; ensacador, ra, a. sacker, bagger.
busybody, intermeddler. ensacar, va. ( pret. ensaqu^ subj. ensaque) :

enredar, va. to entangle, insnare, hamper, to sack, to bag.

lime, knot; to confound, perplex, puzzle; ensaimada,/. light coffee-cake.
to involve in difficulties to catch in the ; ensalada, /. salad hodge-podge, medley.

net; to lay snares for birds; to sow dis- ensaladera, /. salad-dish or bowl.
cord; to fumble, to be frisky (as boys) to ; ensaladilla,/. assortment of dry sweetmeats;
coil. vr. to tangle or to be entangled (coll.) ;
jewel made up of different precious stones.
to live in concubinage (naut.) to foul the
ensalinador,.ra, m. &f. bone-setter; quack.
anchor. ensalmar, vd. to set dislocated bones to en- ;

enredo, m. tangle, entanglement, insnaring chant to cure by spells.


perplexity, embarrassment, puzzle com- ; ensalmo, m. enchantment, spell, charm.

plexity, complicateness falsehood, mis- ; ensalobrarse, vr. to become salty.
chievous lie plot of a play.
ensalzador, m. exalter, praiser, extoller.
% (ii«iore«, t> and J as h In hot; h, silent; U In brilliant; ft, ny in canyflii; r (iniUal) and rr trilled; s,
ensalzamientO, m. exaltation, praise. ensoberbecimlento, m. haughtiness.
ensalzar, ta. (
pret. ensalck : suOJ. knsalce) ensogar, ra. to fasten with a rope.
to extul, exalt, aggrandize ; to praise. eusolerar, va. to fix stools to bee-hives.
ensamblador, m. joiner. ensolver, va. pp. ensuelto ind. ENSUEi^
( :

ensambladura, / joinery ; act of joining. vo sicbj. ENSUELVA) to inclose, include


ensamblaje, «*. joining, searting, coupling. to contract, abridge ; (med.) to resolve.

ensamblar, ra. to join, couple, house in, con- ensopar, va. to steep bread in wine ; to
nect, brace, scarf, dovetail, mortise. drench.
ensamble, »«. v. ensamblaje. ensordecedor, ra, a. deafening.
ensancha, /. extension, enlargement. ensordecer, va. {ind. ensordezco suhj. :

ensanchador, ra, m. &/. stretcher, widener, ensordezca) to deafen. v7i. to grow deaf;
expander, reamer; glove-stretcher. to become silent.
ensanchamientO, m. widening, enlarging; ensordecimiento, m. deafness.
dilation, extension, expansion, stretch. ensortijaiIlientO,»J. curling, crimping, crisp-
ensanchar, va. to widen, extend, enlarge; ing ringlet, curlicue, kink.

to stretch ensanchar el corazon, to cheer up. ensortijar,' va. & vr. to curl, to form ring-
— :

n: to assume an air of importance. to kink to put on rings.

lets ; ;

ensanche, »«. dilatation, enlargement, wid- ensotarse, vr. to go into a thicket.

ening, extension expansion, stretch mar- ; ensuciador, ra, m. &f. stainer, defiler.
tenal turned in in seams of garments. ensuciamiento, m. act or effect of staining,
ensandecer, vn. to grow stupid, to turn mad. soiling, or polluting.
ensangrentamiento, m. bloodiness. ensuclar, va. to stain, soil, smear, daub, sul-
ensangrentar, va. & vr. (ind. ensangeien- ly, foul ; to defile, pollute. rr. to soil one'f
TO: subj. ensangriente) to stain with bed, clothes, etc. ; (coll.) to be dishonest.
blood. vr. to be too irritated, vexed, in a ensueiLO, m. dream ; illusion, fantasy.
dispute. entablaclbn, /. act of flooring or boarding
enS£L&ainientO, m. ferocity, cruelty. up register in churches.
ensailar, va. to irritate, enrage. vr. to gloat

entablado, da, pp. of entablar. m. boarded —

to vent one's fury to be merciless. ; or ])arquetted floor.
ensarnecer, vn. to get the itch. entabladura, /. act of flooring or boarding
eusartar, va. to string (as beads) ; to thread ; up planking.

to link to talk rigmarole.

; entablamentO, m. (arch.) entablature.
ensay, m- assay, trial, proof. entablar, va. to floor or cover with boards;
ensayador, m. a-ssayer rehearser. ; to board up ; to plank to initiate, start, be- ;

ensayar, va. to test, try, practise, rehearse gin (as a negotiation) to bring (a suit or ;

to assay precious metals. vr. to exercise action) ; to place the men on a chess-board
one's self, to train, to practise. (surg.) to splint. vr. to settle (as the
ensay e, »*. assay, test (of metals). wind).
ensayo, m. assay, trial, touch, test, examina- entable, m. position of men on a chess-board.
tion experiment, proof rehearsal of a play
, ;
; entablillar, va. (surg.) to splint.
exercise, preparatory practice; (com.) sam- entalamadura, /. awning of a cart, etc.
ple, test, trial. entalamar, va. to cover with awning.
ensebar, on. to grease, to tallow. entalegar, va. (com.) to put in a bag.
enselvado, da, pp. & a. wooded. entalingar, va. (naut.) to clinch the cable.
enselvar, ra. to place in a wood. entailable, a. capable of being oarved.
ensenada, /. cove, inlet, small bay. entallador, m. sculptor, cutter in wood or
ensenado, da, a, having the form of a cove stone engraver carver.
; ;

or inlet. pp. of ensenar. entalladura, /. entallamiento, m. sculp

ensenar, va. to put in one's bosom. vr. ture, carving (carp.) mortise, groove, notch.

(naut.) to embay. entallar, ra. to sculpture, to carve ; to en-

ense&a, /. standard, colours, ensign. grave. vn. to fit to the body (as a waist).
ensenador, ra, "*. A/, teacher, instructor. entallecer, vn. (agr.) to shoot, to sprout.
enseflamiento, m. ehseflanza, /. teaching, entapizar, va. to hang tapestry.
instruc-tion, tuition, education; doctrine; entarascar, va. (coll.) to overdress.
method of teaching, training, schooling. entarimado, m. parquetry, inlaid floor.—
ense&ar, ca. to teach, instruct, educate, entarimado, da., pp. of entarimar.
train to show, to point out
; to lead. ; vr, entarimar, va. to floor with boards.
to school one's self; to be inured. entarquinamiento, m. fertilizing with
ensefl.0, m. (coU. ) education, tuition. slime.
ensefioreador, m. he who domineers. entarquinar, ra. to manure with slime to ;

ensefl.Orear, m. to lord, to domineer. vr. to bemire to reclaim swamp-lands.


possess one's self of a thing. Entasis, m. (arch.) entasis.

enserar, va. to cover with matting. ente, m. entity, being; (coll.) a guy.
enseres, vi. pi. chattels, fixtures, imple- entecado, da, enteco, ca, a. infirm, weak,
ments, household goods. languid.
ensiforme, a. ensiform, sword-shaped. entelequia, /. (phil.) entelechy.
ensllar, va. to ensilage. entelerido, da, a. motionless from cold or
ensillado, da, a. saddle-backed (horses). fright.
pp. of ENSILLAR. entena, /. (naut.) lateen yard.
ensilladura, /. part on which a saddle is entenada,/. stepdaughter.
placed on a horse. entenado, m. stepson.
Onslllar, va. to saddle, to harness. entenallas, /. pi. (mech.) pincers; hand-
ensixolsmarse, v. to be absorbed in thought vise.
or abstracted. entendederas, /. p/. (coll.) understanding.
ensoberbecer,ra. {ind. ensoberbezco: subj. entendedor, ra, w. &/. understander.
ensoherbkzca) to make proud.— rr. to be- entender, va. & m. {ind. entiendo: siibj.
come proud and haughty, to be arrogant entienda) to understand, comprehend,
(naut.) to become boisterous (the sea). conceive ; to know, believe, reason, think,

a as lu far ; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; a In bull ; c (before e, i) anU z as th in thick ; b and d, soft j

judge, infer, conclude to decipher, inter- ; entOmol6gicamente, adv. entomologically.
pret, grasp a meaning: entender de, to be entomol6gico, ca, a. entomological.
familiar with entender en, to be in charge
: entomdlogo, m. an entomologist.
of an affair 4 mi entender, in my opinion.
: entonacibn, /. modulation intonation j ;

vr. to have some motive for doing a thing blowing the bellows of an organ.
to agree or to understand each other. entonadera, /. blow-lever of an organ.
entendldamente, adv. knowingly. entonado, m. (phot.) process of toning.
entendido, da, a. wise, learned, prudent, entonado, da, a. &pp. of entonar; haugh-
knowing darse por entendido, to take a hint.
: ty, puffed with pride.
entendimientO, m. intellect, mind under- ; entonador, ra, a. one who sings in tune
standing, knowledge, judgmeat, reason, (phot.) one who or that which tones. to.
conceiving ; comprehension. organ-blower.
entenebrecer, va. to obscure, to darken. entonamiento, to. Intonation.
enteramente, adv. entirely, fully, com- entonar, va. to tune, modulate, intonate; to
pletely, full ; clear, clean ; quite. sing in tune; (art) to harmonize colours;
enterar, va. to inform, report, acquaint, in- (phot.) to tone prints to blow the bellows ;

struct, advise. of an organ; (med.) to tone the system.-^

entereza, /. entirety, completeness : integ- assume grand airs.
vr. to
rity, rectitude, uprightness ; perfection ;
entonatorio, »i. book of sacred music.
fortitude, firmness; presence of mind: en- entonces, adv. then, at that time, on that
tereza virginal, virginity. occasion.
entericimo, ma, a. most complete. entonelar, va. to put in casks or barrels.
enteritis,/, (med.) enteritis. entono, to. act of intoning; arrogance,
enterizo, za, a. of one piece; whole. haughtiness.
enternecedor, ra, a. pitiful, touching. entontecer, va. (ind. entontezco: «m6/. en-
enternecer, va. (md. enteknezco: subj. tontezca) to mope, to fool. vn. & vr. to
knternezca) to soften, to make tender, to grow foolish.
melt, to affect to move to compassion. vr.
; entente cimiento, to. act of growing foolish
to be moved to pity, to be afftected. or stupid.
enternecidamente, adv. compassionately. entorcnado, m. bullion fringe bullion em- ;

enternecimiento, m. compassion, pity. broidery on the uniform of Spanish gener-

entero, ra, entire, whole, complete
a. als(nius.) bass-strings.

sound, perfect ; just, honest, upright pure, ;

entorcbar, va. to make a torch by twisting
uncorrupted ; strong, robust, vigorous ; in- candles; to make bullion fringe; (mus.) to
formed, instructed ; uncastrated : caballo cover a cord with wire.
entero, stud-horse ; strong, thick (dry- entorilar, va. to stall the bull.
goods) ; (arith.) whole: por entero, entirely, entomar, va. to close a door or window.
fully, completely. entomillar, va. to form a screw or spiral.
enterocolitis, /. (med.) enterocolitis. entorpecer, va. {ind. entorpezco: svbj.
enterrador, m. grave-digger sexton. ; entorpezca) to benumb, to render torpid ;

enterramientO, m. interment, burial, fu- to stupefy ; to interrupt, disturb, clog, ob-

neral. struct, delay.
enterrar, va. (ind. entierro: subj. en- entorpecimiento, to. torpor, numbness, stu-
tierre) to inter, to bury to survive. ;
pefaction, dulness, stupidity ; obstruction,
enterronar, va. to cover with clods. delay.
entesamientO, m. stretching, making taut. entortadura, /. crookedness, curvity.
entesar, va. to extend, stretch, tauten. entortar, va. to bend, to make crooked ; to
entestado, da, «. obstinate, stubborn. pull out an eye.
entibador, m. one who shores up mines. entosigar, va. to administer poison.
entibar, vn. to rest, to lean upon. va. to entozoario, to. entozoan, a parasite.
prop, to shore up mines. entrada, /. entrance, door, gate, ingress
entibiadero, m. cooling-room or bath. entree, admission ; entry ; arrival ; number
entibiar, ra. to make lukewarm to cool to ; ; of people in a theatre, as entrada Uena, full :

temper, to moderate the passions. vr. to house ; admission ticket beginning (of a ;

cool down, to slacken. book, speech, etc.) ; familiar access, inti-

entibO, TO. stay, prop, shore foundation. ; macy ; good hand at cards ; entree (course
entidad, /. entity consideration, estima-
; at dinner) ; commencement (of a season,
tion, value, moment, consequence, import, etc.); (com.) entry (in a book); cash re^
matter, importance. ceipts : derechos de entrada, import duty.
entiendo, cntienda {irr. from entender). pi. entradas, temples (of the head).
entierro, m. burial, interment, funeral entramado, to. (carp.) frame-work, stud-
tomb, grave, sepulture. work, bay-work.
entierro, entierre (it-r. from enterrar). entramar, va. to make stud-work, frame-
entigrecerse, vr. (coll.) to be furious as a work.
tiger. entrambos, bas, pron. pi. both.
entimema,/. (log. ) enthymeme. entrampar, va. to entrap, insnare to trick, :

entinar, va. to put into the dyeing-vat. deceive, impose upon to entangle a busi- ;

entintar, va. to ink to stain with ink ; ; to ness to encumber an estate with debts.

tinge or dye. vr. (coll.) to become indebted; to be in-

entiznar, va. to stain to revile, to defame. ; volved in difficulties.
entoldado, pp. & m. large tent. entrante, pa. entering; coming: el mes en-
entoldamiento, m. covering with awnings. trante, next month: ingulo entrante, (fort.)
entoldar, va. to cover with an awning to ; re-entering angle.
adorn with hangings. vr. to dress gorgeous- entra&a, /. entrail.—p/. entrails, bowels
ly to swell witli pride to grow cloudy.
; ;
(met.) mind, affection; disposition; idio-
entomizar, va. to tie bass cords around posts svncrasy the inmost recess of anything.

or laths that the plaster may stick to them. enirafiable, n. intimate, affectionate.
entomolOgia, /. entomology entrailablemente, adv. affectionately.

g(l>efo e, J) and J as h iu hot; h, aileut ; 11 In brilliant ; 4, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trlUed ; s

entrafLar, vn. to penetrate to the core; to entrelazar, va. {for muUV. lazar) to inter
contain, carry within.— wr. to contract in- lace, intermix, interweave, braid, entwine
timacy and familiarity. entreliflO, m. (agr.) space between rows of
entrapada, /• coarse crimson cloth. trees.
entrapajaj^) ^«- ^^ bandage with rags. entrelistado, da, a. striped or variegated.
entrapar, ta. to powder the hair for a drv entrelUCir, vn. {for irr. V. LUCIR) to shoT»
shampoo; (agr.) to manure the vine with through.
rags. vr. to become as dirty as a rag. entremedlas, adv. in the meantime ; be
entrar, va. &
vn. to enter, go in or into, twixt, half-ways.
march in, come in ; to penetrate, go through ; entrem^S, m. interlude, farce side-dish, ;

to take in to have the entree (as in a pal-

; entremesear, va. to act in a farce.
ace) to commence, to begin ; to begin a
; entremesista, m. writer or player of farces,
trick at cards ; to undertake to disem- entremeter, va. to place between to insert.
bogue ; to enter or become a member of to


vr. to intrude, obtrude to intermeddle ;

fill a space to take possession of a place by

; to meddle, to pry, to interpose officiously.
force of arms to enrol, register, or enter in
; entremetido, da, pp. of entremeter.— /?i,
i book to attack a person
; to be taken in ; &f. meddler, obtruder, intruder, interme4-
(as money) in fencing, to advance a step.
; dler busybody go-between.

entre, prep, between, among, amongst: entre entremetimientO, m. intrusion, intermed*

dos y tres, between two and three entre : dling, meddlesomeness, obtrusion inte*** ;

hombrei, among men estaba entre ninos, he : position.

was amongst children entre tanto, in the : entremezcladura, /. intermixture.
interim, meanwhile: entre manos, in hand; entremezclar, va. to intermingle, inter
within entre mi, within myself. mix.

entreabierto, ta, pp. irr. of entreabrir. — entremiclie, w. (naut.) capstan, chock.

o, half-opened, ajar. entremorir, vn. to flicker (as a flame).
entreabrir, va. {pp. entreabierto) to half entrencar, ra. to put rods in a bee-hiv«.
open a door, to leave it ajar. entrenzar, va. { v. trenzar) to plait )iair.
enireactO, m. entr'acte, intermission ; small entreoir, va. {for irr. V. oiR) to hear indis-
cigar. tinctly.
entreanchO, Cha, a. neither wide nor nar- entreordinario, ria, a. middling, fine.
row. entrepalmadura, /. (vet.) disease in hoofs.
entrecalle, m. (arch.) clear between two entrepanes, pieces of unsown grouud
mouldings. entrepa&ado, da, a. composed of panels.
entrecanal, /. (arch.) fillet between flutes. entrepa&O, m. (arch.) intercolumniation t
entrecano, na, a. grayish (hair or beard). pier; (carp.) panel, shelf.
entrecasco, m. v. entrecorteza. entreparecerse, vr. to be transparent, to
entrecava, /. very shallow digging. show through.
entrecavar, va. to dig shallow. entrepaso, m. rack pace (hor&es).
entrecejo, m. space between the eye-brows entrepechuga, /. flesh within the wish-bone
frowning. of birds.
entrecerca, /. space between inclosures. entrepelnes, m. pi. comb-wool.
entreclaro, ra, a. slightly clear. entrepeladO, da, a. pied variegated. ;

entrecogedura,/. act •of catching. entrepelar, va. to variegate hair.

entrecoger, va. (formu. V. coger) to catch, entrepernar, vn. to put the legs betweeo
to intercept; to compel by arguments or those of others.
threats. entreplernas, /. pi. inner surface of the
entrecoro, m. chancel. thighs pieces put into the fork of a pair of

entrecortadura, /. cut that does not sever. breeches.

entrecortar, va. to cut a thing without divid- entrepiso, m. (min.) space between galleries.
ing it. entrepretado, da, a. (vet.) horse' with a
entrecorteza, /. imperfection in timbers. weak breast or shoulder.
entrecriarse, vr. to be reared among others entrepuentes, m. pi. (naut.) between decks.
(plants). entrepunzadura, /. pricking pain of ac un-
entrecuDiertas, m. & (naut.) between ripe tumour.
decks. entrepunzar, va. to prick slightly.
entrecuesto, m. backbone. entrerrengl6n, m. interline.
entredlcho, »«. interdiction, prohibition. entrerrenglonadura, /. interlineation.
entredoble, a. of medium thickness. entrerrenglonar, va. to interline.
entred6s, m. insertion (print.) size of type ;
entresaca, entresacadura, /. thinning o4
called long primer. wood; pruning of branches.
entrefino, na, a. middling fine. entresacar, va. [for mut. v. sacar) to pick
entrega,/. delivery, conveyance; series o/'a or choose; to sift, cull, garble; (agr.) to
publication ;
(mil.) surrender. make a clearing to thin out hair. ;

entregadero, ra, a. (com.) deliverable. entresijO, «t. mesentery anything occult, ;

entregador, m. deliverer executor. ; hidden.

entregamlento, m. delivery. entresuelO, m. entresol, mezzanine.
entregar, va. {pret. entregu6: subj. km- entresurco, m. space between furrows.
TREGUE) to deliver, to hand over, to give entretalla, entretalladura, /. bas-relief.
up; (com.) to transfer, to pay; to insert, entretallar, va. to carve in bas-relief; to
introduce, embed. vr. to deliver one's self engrave to make open-work on any ma-

up, to surrender, submit: entregarie k, to terial ; to intercept.

abandon one's self to or to devote one's self entretantO, adv. meanwhile.
wholly to something: entregarie de, to re- entretejedor, ra, a. interweaver.
ceive, to take charge or possession of 4 en- : entreteiedura, /. intertexture.
tregar, (com.) to be supplied or delivered. entretejer, va. to interweave, intermix, in-
entrejuntar, va. (carp.) to join the panels tertwine to tissue, to variegate t^ insert,
; ;

of a door to the frame. mix, mingle.

ft aa iu far ; e in eh I .in police : o iu U iu ball ; C ^befurt: e, i; and s as ta tn tnicK ; D aor d.
entretejimiento, m. intertexture, interweav- entusi^stico, ca, a. enthusiastic.
ing ; variegation. 6nula campana,/. (hot.) elecampane.
entretela,/. (sew.) interlining. enumerable, a. numerable.
entretelar, va. to insert an interlining. enumeracibn, /. enumeration.
entretenedor, m. entertainer. enumerar, va. to enumerate.
entretener, va. (for irr. v. tener) to amuse, enunciacl6n, /. enunciation, declaration.
to entertain to keep in hope or expectation
enunciar. va. to enunciate, to state.
to allay pain, to make less troublesome to ; enunciativo, va, a. enunciative.
delay, put off, postpone. it. to amuse one's envainador, ra, a. sheathing.
self. envainar, va. to sheathe (as a sword).
entretenido, da, a. & pp. of entretener ; envalentonamlento, m. encouragement.
entertaining, pleasant, amusing. m. aspir- envalentonar, va. to encourage, to inspirit,
ant to an office. to make bold. vr. to become courageous.
entretenimientO, m. amusement, entertain- envanecer, va. {ind. envanezco: subj. en-
ment, sport, pastime. vanezca) to make vain. vr. to become
fintretiempo, m. spring or autumn. vain or conceited.
entreuntar, va. to anoint slightly. envanecimiento, m. conceit.
entrevenarse, vr. to diffuse through the envaradO, da, a. &pp. stiff, benumbed.
veins. envaramientO, m. stiffness, numbness.
entreventana,/. (arch.) window pier. envarar, va. to benumb, stiffen.
entrever, va. to see imperfectly. envasador, m. filler, packer- funnel.
entreverado, da, pp. of entreverar,—a. envasar, va. to tun, to cask, to barrel, to
intermingled, intermixed. bottle; to fill a vessel; to drink liquor to
entreverar, va. to intermix, intermingle. excess to sack grain to run one through
; ;

entrevia./. railway gauge. the body.

entrevista, /. interview, meeting, congress, envase. m. filling, bottling; cask or vessel
conference. containing a liquid for transportation;
6IltripadO, da, a. contained in the intestines ; (com.) packing.
dead animal from which the intestines have envedljarse, vr. to get entangled (coll.) to ;

not been removed.—th. (coll.) dissembled wrangle.

anger or displeasure. envejecer, va. {ind. envejezco svhj. EN- :

entristecer, va. {ind. entristezco subj. vejezca) to make old to make look old.
entristezca) to sadden, grieve, afflict,

vn. to grow old. vr. to become old or old-

make melancholy. vr. to grieve, to grow sad. fashioned ; to hold out a long time.
entristecimlento, m. gloominess, sadness, envejecidO, da, a. & pp. grown old, old-look-
; fretting. ing ; accustomed, habituated.
entrojar,va. to garner grain. envejecimiento, m. oldness, age.
entrometer, va. &
vr. v. ENaREMEXER. envenenador, ra, m. &/. poisoner.
entrometimientO, m. intermeddling. envenenamlento, m. poisoning.
entronar, va. to enthrone. envenenar, va. to envenom, to poison ; to re-
entroncar, vn. to be descended from the proach, to criminate.
same stock to contract relationship (r. w.)
; ;
enverar, vn. to look ripe.
to make a junction. enverdecer, vn. to grow green.
entronerar, va. to pocket a ball. envergadura, /. breadth of the sails;
entronizacibn,/. elevation to a throne. breadth of a spread bird, from tip to tip.
entronizar, va. (pret. entronick: subj. envergar, va. (naut.) to bend the sails.
entronice) to enthrone- to exalt. vr. to envergues, m. pi. (naut. ) rope-bands,
be elated or puflFed up with pride. envero, m. colour of ripe grape.
entronque, m. cognation railway junction. ; env6s, m. wrong side of anything, as cloth,
entruchada, /. -do, m. (coll.) plot, intrigue. etc. ; back, shoulders.
entruchar, va. (coll.) to decoy, lure, entice. envesadO, m. fleshy part of hides.
entnichbn, na,m. &/. decoyer, plotter. envestidura,/. investiture.
entrujar, va. to store up olives ;
(coll.) to re- envestlr, va. to invest. V. INVESTIR.
imburse. enviadizo, za, a. missive.
entuertO, m. wrong, injustice, injury.—p/. enviadO, m. envoy messenger. ;

after-pains. envlador, m. a sender.

entullecer, va. {ind. entullezco : subj. EN- envlajado, da, a. (arch.) oblique, sloped.
tullezca) to stop, check, obstruct. vn. to enviar, va. to send to forward, transmit, ;

be crippled or maimed. convey remit, despatch enviar k pasear,

; :

entumecer, va. {ind. entumezco: subj. en- (coll. to send any one about his business

tumezca) to benumb. vr. to swell, to surge. to give one his walking-ticket enviar en- :

entumeciniieiito, m. torpor, deadness, horamala, (coll.) to send one to the devil.

numbness ; swelling. onvlclar, va. to vitiate, corrupt. vn. to have
entuxnirse, w. to become numb. luxurious foliage and little fruit. vr. to be
entunlcar, va. to plaster a wall for fresc<~ immoderately addicted to.
painting. ,
envldador, m. challenger at cards by staking
entuplr, va. to obstruct, to block up ; io "'im- I
a sum.
press, tighten, press. I Bnvidar, va. to open a game at cards by stak-<
enturbiar, va. to muddle, to make muddy or ing Ji sum.
turbid ; to obscure, to confound. vr. to be- envidia, /. envy emulation. ;

come muddy (water) ; to get disordered or env^diable, a. enviable.

deranged. envldiar, vn. to envy to grudge to malign ; ;

entusiasmado, da, a. &pp. of entusiasmap.; to covet.

enthusiastioal, enthusiastic. envldlosamente,<ka<2t'. enviously.
entusiasmar, va. to transport, to enrapture. envldiOSO, sa, a. envious invidious.

vr. to become enthusiastic. envilecer, va. (ind. envilezco subj. envi-

entUSlasmo, m. enthusiasm. lezca) to vilify, debase. vr. to degrade

entusiasta, m. &f. enthusiast. one's self, to be disgraced.

:; (before e, i) and J as h in hot; h, sileuiy o ^u brilliant ; fi, ny iu canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed : »
envUeclmieiltO, m. vilification, debasement. epigraflco, ca, epigraphic.
envlJiagrar, va. to put vinegar into any- epigraflsta, m. &/. epigrapher.
thing. epigrama, m. epigram witticism ; ; inscrip*
envinar, va. to mix wine with water. tion.
enviO, m. (com.) remittance,, consignment of epigramatario, ria, a. epigrammatist.
goods, shipment. epigramiticamente, adv. epigrammatical*
envibn, m. push, shove.
enviscamlentO, m. daubing with bird-lime. epigram&tiCO, ca, a. epigrammatic.
envlscax, va. {pret. ENVisQui: subj. exvls- epigramatista, epigramista, m. epigram-
que) to daub with bird-lime to irritate, to ; matist.
anger. vr. to be glued with bird-lime. epilepsia,/, (med.) epilepsy.
envue, m. stake at cards invitation offer. ; ; epil6ptiC0, ca, a. epileptic, epileptical.
enviuaax, vn. to become a widower or widow. epilogacidn, /. r. epilogo.
envoltoriO, m. bundle defective woof. ; epilogal, a. epilogistic, compendious.
envoltura, /. swaddling-clothes covering, ; epilogar, va. {pret. EPILOGUE: subj. epilo-
wrapper, envelope. gue) to epilogize, recapitulate, sum up.
envolvedero, envolvedor, m. wrapper, epilogismo, m. (ast.) epilogism, computa-
wrapping, envelope, cover. tion.
envolver, va. (pp. envuelto: ind. ENVTiEL- 6pil0g0 m. epilogue ; recapitulation ; sum«
vo: subj. envuelva) to wrap up, *c ;u- ming up.
wrap: to bundle, make up, ep'.'*Loj', tc epinicio, m. epinicion, triumphal ode.
swaddle to floor an opponent in an JLr)?u-
; epiquerema, m. (log.) epicheirema.
ment ;
(mil.) to surroun<d. vr, to be impli- epiqueya lay-pe-kay'-yaii], /. mild and prudent
cated in an affair ; *<^ be unlawfully con- interpretation of the law.
nected with wo-^cii ; to be mixed with a episcopado, m. episcopacy ; episcopate, bisll«
crowd. opric.
envolvimien<i»o, m. envelopment. episcopal, a. episcopal.
envueltO, ta, pp. irr. of envolver; wrapped. episcopalismo, m. episcopalism.
enyerbar, va. (Cuba) to sod. vr. to be cov- episcopologio, m. chronological list of bioh*
ered with grass. ops.
enyesado, m. piaster-work. episddico, ca, a. episodic, episodical.
enyesadura, /. plastering. episodio, m. episode digression. ;

enyesar len-yay-sar'], va. to plaster ; to chalk episp^stiCO, ca, a. epispastic, blistering.

to whitewash. episiaxis, /. (med.) epistaxis, nosebleed.
enyugar [en-you-gar'], va. to yoke cattle, epistola, /. epistle, letter epistle, part of th«j

enzainarse, vr, to look askance; (coll.) to mass.

become insidious. epistolar, epistolary.
enzamarrado, da, a. having on a shepherd's epistolario, m. epistolary ; volume of let-
jacket of undressed sheep-skin. ters.
enzarzar, va. to throw among brambles ; to epistolero, m. epistler.
sow discord to put hurdles for silk-worms. epistrofe,/. (rhet.) epistrophe.
— ;

vr. to be entangled among brambles ; to epitafiO, m. epitaph, epigraph.

be involved in difficulties ; to squabble, to epital^mico, ca, a. epithalamic.
wrangle. epitalamlo, m. epithalamlum, nuptial son^
enZOOtia (en-thaw-o-te'-ahj, /. epizoOtic. epitasis,/. epitasis.
enzurdecer [en-thoor-fiay-tiien-'j, vn. to become epiteliO, m. (anat.) epithelium.
left-handed. epitema or epitima, /. epithem, a lotion.
enziirronar, va. to bag (coll.) tojnclose.
; epitetO, m, (gram.) epithet.
eiie (ay'-nyay], /. name of the letter N. epitlmar, va. to apply an epithem.
e611C0, ca, eoliO, ia, a. JEolian, ^olic. epitimo, m. (bot.) lesser dodder.
epacta,/. (ast.) epact. ep^tomadamente, adv. concisely.
epactilla, /. annual devotional calendar. epitomador, ra, a. epitomizer.
epentesls,/. (gram.) epenthesis. epitomar, va. to epitomize, abstract, sum*
eperlano, m. (icht.) smelt, a small fish. m arize.
6pica, /. epic poetry. epitome, rn. epitome, abridgment, abstract.
6picamente, adv. epically. , summary, compendium.
epicarpo, m. (bot.) epicarp. epizoario, a, a. (zool.) epizoic, epizoan.
epicedlO, m. epicedium, elegy. epizootia lay-pe-thaw-o' te-ah),/. (vet.) epizooty,
eplceno, na, a. (gram.) epicene. epidemic influenza.
eplcicliCO, ca, a. epicyclic. epizdotico, ca, a. epizootic.
epiciclO, m. (ast.) epicycle. 6pOCa,/. epoch, age, era time. ;

epicicloide, /. (geom.) epicycloid. epoda,/. epodo, m. (poet.) epode.

6piC0, ca, a. (poet.) epic, heroic epopeya, /. epopee, epic poem.
epicureismo, m. epicurism. epsomita, /. Epsom salts.
epicureo, rea, a. epicurean. epul6n, wi. epicure, great eater.
epldemia,/. (med.) epidemic. equi^nglQo, la, a. (geom.) equiangular.
epldemlal, epid^mlco, ca, epidemical, epi- equidad la-key-daud'], /. equity, equitableneas,
demic. right, honesty; impartiality, justice; con*
epid^rmiCO, ca, a. epidermic. scieii«iousiiess ; moderation.
epiderXDis, f. epidermis, scarf-skin. equidiferencla,/. (mat.) equidifference.
epifania, ./. Epiphany twelfth night. ; equidistancia, /. equidistance,
epifonema,/. (rhet.) epiphonema. equidistante, pa. equidistant.
eplg^strico, ca, «. epigastric equidistar, vn. to be equidistant.
epigastric, m. epigastrium. equil^tero, ra, a. (geom.) equilateral.
epiglotis, /. epiglottis. equilibrar, va. to equilibrate, balance ; t«
epi.grafe, m. epigraph, summary,- heading, counterpoise, counterbalance.
title, inscription motto. ; equilibre, a. balanced, equilibrious.
epigrafia,/. epigraphy. equilibriOlay-ke-iee'-bre-o], TO. equilibrium, baV

»M in far : e In eh I : i in police ; o Id for ; a in ¥aU ; c (ber.>re e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, toft:

anee, equipoise, counterpoise, counterbal- erica,/, (bot.) heath, heather.
ance. ericaceo, cea, a. (b«t.) ericaceous.
8q.Uilib}:ista, m. balancer, equilibrist. erigir, va. {ind. i;rijo subj. ekua) to ereot^ :

equimosis, »i. (med. ) ecchymosis. to raise, to build to found, to establish. ;

equino, na, a. (poet.) equine. m. (zool.) eringe;/. (bot.) field eringo.

echinus; (arch.) echinus. erio, ria, a. unploughed, unfilled,
equinoccial, a- equinoctial. erisipela,/. (med.) erysipelas.
equinoccio [ay-ue-noc -thie-oj, m. equinox. erisipelar, va. to cause erysipelas.
equipaje [ay-ke-pah'-hayl, m. baggage, luggage, erisipelatoso, sa, a. (med.) erysipelatous.
equipment; (naut.) crew; (mil.) baggage- eristlCO, ca, a. eristic, disputatious,
train. eritema,./". (med.) erythema.
equipar, va. t> lit out, equip, furnish. erizado, 6.3i,pp. <fe a. covered with bristles..
equiparacidn, /. comparison, collation. erizamlento, m. setting on end, as the hair
equiparar, ru. to compare, to match. bristling up.
equipo, //*. (mil.) fitting out, accoutrement, erizar, t;o. {prei. eric^: subj. erice) to set
equipmeut, trappings. on end, to bristle vr. to bristle, to stand on
equipolencia, /. (log.) equipollenee. end (the hair).
equipolente, a. equivalent, equipollent. erizo, m. (zool. ) hedgehog sea-urchin prick- ;

8quiponj{ierante, /v«. equiponderant. <i a. ly husk of a chestnut, etc. (mech.) urchin, ;

equiponderar, vn. to equiponderate. carding roller spr-'icket wheel, rag wheel,


equis lav- kis /. name of the

letter X. spar-toothed wheel,
equitaci6n, /. horsemanship, riding. ermita,/. hermitage.
equitativamente, adv. equitably. ermitafLo, m. hermit.
equitativo, va, «. equitable, fair, reason- ermitorio, m. v. eremitorio.
able, equable, just. ermunio, m. (ant.) exempt from tribute an(3
equivalencia,/. compensation equivalence. ; service.
equivalente, a. equivalent, taut^imouut ; erogaci6n, /. expenses.
compensatory, compensative. erogar, va. {pret. ekogu^: subj. erogue) to
equivalentemente, adv. equivalently. lay out, spend.
equivaler, vn. {/or in: V. valer) to be of erogatorio, m. pipe through which liquor h
equal value ; to countervail, offset. drawn.
eqU.iV0CaCl6ll lay-ke-vo-cah-tlue-on'], /. mistake, erosibn,/. erosion, wearing away,
error, misunderstanding, oversight blun- ; erotema,/. (rhet. ) interrogation.
der equivocation.
; erdticamente, adv. erotically.
equivocadamente, adv. mistakenly, by erbtiCO, ca, a. erotical, erotic.
mistake. erotismo, m. violent love ; sensuality.
equivocado, da, a. & pp. of equivocar ;
erotomania, /. erotomania, love-madness.
mistaken. errabundo, da, a. wandering, stroiliiig
equivocamente, adv. equivocally. about,
equivocar va. ( pret. equivoque subj. equi- : errada,/. miseue, in billiards.
voque) to mistake. vr. to be mistaken, to erradamente, adv. erroneously, falsely, mis*
make a mistake, to blunder. takeuly, mistakingly.
equivOCO, ca, a. equivocal, ambiguous.— /H. erradicacibn, /. eradication, extirpation,
equivocation, equivoque, quibble, pun. erradicar, va. to eradicate.
equlvoqulsta, m. dim. quibbler, punster. erradiZO, za, a. wandering to and fro.
era, /. era, age, epoch, time thrusniug-noor ; ; erradO, da, a. & pp. of errar mistaken, ;

vegetable patch. erring, erroneous.

era^e [ay-rah'-hay], m. virgin honey. erraj [er-ragii'], 7ft. fine coal made from th«»
ersu, m. two-year-old ox. stones of olives.
eraTj va. to lay out a vegetable garden. errante, pa. & a. errant, erring, roving, wan-
erano, m, exchequer, public treasury. dering, rambling excursive, nomadic. ;

erbiO, m. (chem.) erbium. errar, va. {ind. yerro subj. yerre) to err,. :

ere [eh'-reii],/. name of the single letter R. to misjudge, mistake; to offend.— r/f. to
ereccidn [eh-rec-thie-oii'l, /.erection, raising, wander about, to roam to miss (as a mark) j ;

erectness, elevation ; foundation, establish- to sin.

ment, errata, /.erratum, misprint, ty|>ographical
er6ctil [eh-rek'-teel], a. erectile. error : erratas or fe de erratas* list or table,
erectilidad, /. erectility. of errata.
erector, ra, m. &f. erecter, founder. err&tiCO, ca, a. wandering, vagabond, va*
eremita, ni. hermit, recluse. grant, erratic or erratical.
ereuitiCO, ca, a. herm-tical, solitary. erratil, a. (coll.) wavering, not firm ot,
eremitorlO, m. place with one or more her- steady.
mitages. erre [er'-ray], /. name
of the double letter Rt.
eretismo, m. (med.) erethism. erre que erre, pertinaciously, obstinately,
ergastulo, m. ergastulum. errbneamente, adv. erroneously, mistaRer'
ergotina,./. (med.) ergotin, ergotinine. ly, falsely.
ergotismo, m. (med.) ergotism; sophistry. err6neo, nea, a. erroneous, mistaken.
ergotista, m. debater, argufier, sophist. erronia, /. opposition, dislike, grudge.
ergotizar, V7i. to ergotize argue. ; error, m. error, mistake, misstatement, mi:.».
er^UlmientO, m. straightening up. construction, misapprehension, misbelief^
eridano, /*(. (ast. ) Eridanus. misconception, hallucination; miscalculjH
ergUir (er-seer'], va. {ind. IRGO Or YEBGO : tion mispersuasion, misguidance; defi-

pret. el irgui6: subj. irg a or yer(ja: ge- ciency, fault, defect.

rund, IRGUIENDO) to erect, to raise up erubescencia, /. erubescence, blush.
straight. vr. to straighten up to swell with ; eructaci6n,/. eructation, belching,
pride. eructar, vn. to belch, to eructate.
drial, eriazo, za, a. unploughed, unfilled, eructO, m. belching, eructation.
unimproved' It
land. erudici6n,/. erudition, learning, knowledge. .

ff (before e. i ) and .1 as h in hot : h. silent. ; 11 iu brilliant ', ft, ny iu canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; •. liisMd
JiiKU 240 i<^
•raditamente, adv. learnedly. escalfar, ra. to poach eggs.
crudito, ta, a. erudite, learned, lettered. escalfarote, m. wide boot lined with hay.
cruginOSO, sa, a. rusty, musty. escalfeta, /. small pan for live coals ; chafing^
erupcl6n, /. eruption, outbreak, bursting dish ; dish-heater,
forth. escalinata, /. (arch.) perron, hi^h stoop,
eruptivo, va, a. eruptive. escalio, m. land abandoned for tillage,
erutaclbn, /. eructation, belching. escalmo, m. bar-lock, row-lock.
erutar, vn. v. eructar. escalO, //(. breaking a way into or out of a
eruto, m. V. ERucTo. place.
ervatO, m. (bot.) sea sulphur-wort. escalofriado, da, «. shivering.
ervilla,/. (bot.) bitter vetch-seed. escalofrio, m. chill, shiver, shivering.
€Sa, «. f- that *8a, dem. pron. /. that (one).
: escaldn, ?«. step or a stair stepping-stone ;

esbatiinentar, va. (art) to delineate a shad- grade, degree of dignity (mil.) echelon. ;

ow.—rw. to oast a shadow. escalonar, ra. (mil.) to' form in echelon.

esbatlmentO, m.. shade in a picture. escalOfi.a, /. (bot.) eschalot, shalot, scallion.
esbeltez, esbelteza, /. tall and elegant escalpelO, m. (surg.) scalpel, dissecting«^
stature. knife.

esbelto, ta, a. tall, genteel, and well-shaped. escalplo, m. currier or tanner's knife.
esbirro, ?«. bailiff, apparitor myrmidon. ; escama, /. fish-scale small scaly piece in an- ;

esbOZO, m. sketch, outline rough draught. ; cient armours scale (any scale-like forma-

escabechar, va. to souse, to pickle; (coll.) tion or exfoliation) resentment, grudge. ;

to stab and kill. escamada, /. embroidery in figure of scales.

escabeche, m. souse, pickle pickled ;
fish. escamado, da, a. & pp. tutored by experi-
escabel, m. foot-stool small seat bench. ; ; ence. m. work wrought with the figure of
escabiosa, / (bot.) field-scabious. scales.
escabiOSO, sa, a. (med.) scabious. escainadura, /. scaling (a fish) ; arousing
escabro, m. scab, itch, or mange in sheep suspicion.
roughness, like mange, upon the bark of escamar, va. to scale fish; (coll.) to cause
mistrust. vn. to embroider scale or shell
escabrosamente, adv. roughly, ruggedly. fashion. vr. to be tutored by painful expe-
«SCabrosidad, /. inequality, unevenness, rience.
roughness ; craggedness or cragginess escamel, m. sword-maker's anvil.
hardness, asperity. escamochear, m. to breed (bees).
escabroso, sa, rough, uneven
a. cragged ; escamocllO, m. remnants of a meal; (apL)
or craggy, crabbed, rugged, clifted ; rude, after-swarm.
unpolished. escamonda, /. (agr.) pruning.
escabulliniientO, m. evasion, slipping away, escamondadura, /. pruned branches.
escabuUirse, vr. to escape, to evade ; to slip escamondar, va. to prune or lop trees : to
or sneak away. trim or clear a thing from superfluities.
escaoado, da, a. (her.) checkered. eSCamOUdo, m. pruning or clearing iiecs.
63Cafaildro, m. scaphander, diving-dress. escamonea, /. (oot.) scammony.
escafilar, va. to trim a brick or tile. escamoneado, da, a. relating to scamnionv.
escaf6ides, a. (anat.) scaphoid bone. —pp. of i:.S( AMONEARSE.
escala, /. ladder, step-ladder scale gradu- ; ; escamonearse, vr. (coll.) to resent, tc bo
ated rule or instrument seaport, stopping- ; mistrustful.
place escala franca, free port (mus. ) scale
; escamoso, sa, a. scaly, squamous,
(mil.) army register i escala viata, openly.
: escamotar, ta. in jugglery, to palm,
escalada,/.' (mil.) escalade, scalado. escamoteador, ra, m. & /. juggler, presti.
escalado, da, a. cut open (fish) to be salted digitator, conjurer.
or cured. pp. of escalar. escamotear, ra. V. escamotar.
escalador, ra, a. climber, scaler. escamoteo, m. jugglery, sleight of hand.
escalafbn, m. army regiaier. escampada, /. stan:ped-e.
escalamlentO, m. (mil.) scaling. escampado, da, pv. & a. open, olear.
escillaino, /'•• vQaut.) thole, thole-pin row- ; escampar, vn. to clear up (the sky) to leave ;

lock. off working. va. to clear out a place.

escalar, vc, (mil.) to scale ; to enter surrep- escampavia, /. (naut.) tender; revenue
titiously. cutter.
escaldada, /. loose and lewd woman. escampo, m. clearing out a place ; clearioa
escaldadO, da, a. cautious, suspicious, wary. up.
—pp. of ESCALDAR. escamudo, da, a. full ojf scales.
escaldar, va. to burn, to scald to make iron ; escamujar, va. to prune olive-trees.
red-hot. escamujO, m. lopped-off olive branch ; timfe
sscaleno, a. (geom.) scalene. of pruning olive-trees.
escalentamlento, m. (vet.) inflammation of escancla, /. pouring or serving wine.
the feet. escanciador, ra, m. &/. cup-bearer.
escalera, /. stair-case stair sloats of a cart; ; escanciar, va. to pour, serve, or drink wine.
escalera de caracol, winding stair escalera : escanda, /. (bot.) spelt-wheat.
de mano, ladder escalera de costado or esca-
: escandalar, m. (naut.) room for the com-
lera real, (naut.) quarter-deck ladder. pass.
escalereja, escalerilla, /. dim. small lad- escandalizador, ra, m. & /. one who makes
der; step-ladder; (mech. ) rack; drenching scandal.
instrument: en escalerilla, in degrees. escandalizar, ra. ( pret. escandalic6 subj. :

escalerdn, m. aug. large escandalick) to scandalize. vr. to be scan-

escaleta, /. frame for raising carriages. dalized ; to be irritated.
escalfado, da, pp. & a. whitewashed walls escandalizativo, va, a. scandalous.
full of blisters ;
poached (eggs). esc&ndalo, w. scandal; licentiousness; ta-
9SCalfador, m. barber's pan ;
water-heater mult, commotion astonishment, wonder- ;

chafing-dish. ment.

•B in far ; e In eh I ; i in police : o In for ; u to boll -, c (t<)Rr« e, t) and s as th in tUck ; b and d, sofk

escandalosa, (naut.) gaff-sail. /. by currents. pi. escarceos, bounds and
escandalosamente, adv. scandalously, windings of spirited horses.
shamefully. escarcina,/. kind of cutlass.
escandalOSO, sa, a. scandalous, shameful, escarclnazo, m. blow with a cutlass.
disgraceful ; turbulent. escarcuflar, va. v. escudrinar.
escandallar, va. (naut.) to sound. escarcha, /. white frost, rime frost-work. ;

escandallo, m. (naut.) deep-sea lead; proof, escarchada,/. (bot ) ice-plant, fig marigold.
trial, experiment. escarchado, da, o. & pp. of escarchar;
escandia,/. (bot.) Cienfuegos wheat. frosted. go Id or Iver embroidery ;
escandinavo, va, a.Scandinavian. frosting upon cakes.
escandir, va. (poet.) to scan verses. escarchador, m. freezing tool.
escanilla, /. cradle. escarchar, vn. to freeze, to frost. va. to put
escantillar, va. to gauge to measure from a ;
frosting on cakes ; to dilute potter's clay
point to hew by patterns.
; with water.
escantillbn, m. gauge, pattern, templet, escarcbo, m. (icht.) red surmullet.
rule. escarda, /. weed-hook, grubbing-hoe ; weed-
escaila,/. (bot.) St. Peter's corn. ing.
escaflero, m. seat-keeper. escardadera, /. woman weeder; gardener's
escaiLO, m. bench with a back (naut.) sheer- ;
rail. escardador, ra, m. & f. weeder, a man or
escafluelo, m. foot-stool. woman who weeds corn-fields.
cscapada, /. escapamiento, m. escape, escardadura, /. or escardamiento, m.
flight, escapade. weeding.
escapar, va. to drive a horse at great speed. escardar, escardillar, ra. to weed corn-
—vn. & vr. to escape, to flee run away
; to ;
fields to weed out, root out vice.

to make one's escape : escapar en una tabla, escardillo, Ua, m. & f. small weed-hook,
to have a narrow escape. gardener's hoe thistle-down. ;

escaparate, m. press, glass-case, cupboard, escariador, m. drilling-bit, reamer.

cabinet, wardrobe show-window. ; escarlar, va. to ream.
escaparatiCO, m. dim. little cupboard, cabi- escarificaci6n, /. (surg.) scarification.
net CT wardrobe. escarificador, m. (agr.) scarifier, harrow,
escapatoria,/. escape, flying, flight excuse, ; cultivator ;
(surg. ) scarificator.
evasion, subterfuge, loophole. escarificar, va. (surg. and agr.) to scarify.
escape, m. escape, flight, escaping; subter- escarlOSO, sa, a. (bot.) scanous.
fuge, evasion escapement (of a watch) : &
; escarizar, va. (surg. ) to clean a sore by tak
todo escape, at full speed. ing away the scurf or scab.
escapo, m. (arch.) shaft of a column. escariador, m. comb polisher.
esc^pula, /. (anat.) scapula, shoulder-blade. escarlata, /. scarlet, red cloth of a scarl«>^t ;

escapular, va. (naut.) to double or clear a colour; (med.) scarlet-fever.

cape. escarlatina, /. (com.) red or crimson wool
escapiUariO, m. scapulary. len fabric; (med.) scarlatina, scarlet-fever.
escaque les-caii' kay], m. any of the squares of escarmenador, m. comb for wool, etc.
a chess-board (her.) any of the squares of
escarmenar, va. to comb wool, silk, etc. to ;

a coat of arms.—pi. the game of chess. disentangle to cheat. ;

escaqueado,da,p;>. &a. checkered. escarmentar, vn. {ind. escarmiento subj, :

esclara,/. (surg.) eschar, scab, slough. escarmiente) to be tutored by experience,

escarabajear, vn. to crawl to and fro like to take warning. va. to correct severely, to
insects ; to scrawl, to scribbe. va. (coll.) to an exemplary punishment.
worry, harass. escarmiento, m. warning, fine, chastise-
escarabajo, m. (ent.) black-beetle; short, ment.
ill-shaped person flaw in a cast.—pi. scrawl.
; escarnecedor, ra, m. & f. scoflTer, scorner,
escaraba.juelo, m. dim. (ent.) vine-beetle. jeerer, giber, mocker.
escaramucear, vn. to skirmish. escamecer, va. (ind. escarnezco subj. es' :

escaramujO, m. (bot.) dog-rose, hep-tree; carnezca) to scoff", mock, ridicule, jeer,

hep;(zool.) goose-barnacle. gibe.
ascaramuza, /. (mil.) skirmish; slight en- escarnecidamente, adv. scornfully.
gagement ; contest, dispute, quaiTel, conten- escarneclmiento, w. scofling, derision.
tion. escarniO, m. scoff, gibe, jeer, mock.
escaramuzador m. skirmisher ; disputer. escaro, m. (icht.) kind of mutton fish.
escaramuzar, vn. to skirmish. escaro, ra, a. having crooked feet.
escarapela, /. cockade, badge ; dispute end- escarola,/. (bot.) endive, succory; ruff, frill.
ing in blows. escarolado, da, pp. & a. curled, frilled.
<«scarapelar, vn. & vr. to dispute, wrangle, escarolar, va. to frill, to ruffle.
quarrel (women). vr. (S. Am.) to have the escarbtiCO, ca, a. (surg.) escharotic, caustia
hair stand on end. escarpa,/. declivity, slope, bluff, cliff; (mil.)
escarbadero, m. place where boars, wolves, scarp.
and other animals scratch the ground. escarpado, da, a. steep, sloped, craggy,
escarbadientes, m. tooth-pick. rugged. pp. of escarpar.
escarbador, m. scratcher, scrawjr. escarpadura,/. slope, bank, bluff, cliff.
escarbadura, /. scratching. escarpar, va. to rasp works of sculpture
escarbaorejas, m. ear-pick. (mil.) to escarp, to slope down.
escarbar, ra. to scrape or scratch the earth escarpe, m. declivity, bluff (arch. ) scarf of ;

(as fowls) to dig, dibble to poke the fire

; ; ;
a wall
(carp.) scarf-joint.
to inquire minutely, to investigate. escarpelo, m. rasp; (surg.) scalpel.
escarbo, m. scraping, scratching. escarpia, /. tenter-hook, meat-hook.
escarcela,/. large pouch game-bag; cuish ; ; escarpidor, m. large-toothed comb.
kind of head-dress for women. escarpin, m. thin -soled shoe, dancing-
escarceo, m. small broken waves occasioned pumps ; woollen slippers.

g^beforee, l)andj aa h in hot; h, silent; U in brilliant; ft, ny in canyon ; r (kiitlal) and rr trilled; « biaMA
'escarpi6n (en), adv. in the form of a tenter- escobazo, m. stroke or blow with a broom.
hook. escob6n, m. (naut.) hawse-hole.
escarza,/. (farr.) sore in the hoofs. escobera, /. (bot. Spanish broom. )

escarzano,na, «. (arch.) segment arch, escobero, m. broom-maker or seller.

escarzar, va. (api. ) to remove honey-combs. escobeta./. small brush.
escarzo, m. (api.) black comb without honey; escobiUa, /. brush; whisk, small broom;
operation and time of removing honey from (bot.) bur of the teasel; gold or silvel
a hive floss silk.
escarzo, za, «. (farr.) lame on account of escoblll6ll, m. (mil.) merkin swab, ;

sores in the hoof. escobina, /. chips made in boring,

escasamente, adv. scantily, sparingly; hard- escobo, in. brushwood, briers, brambles.
ly, scarcely. escob6n, m. aug. large broom Turk's head; ;

escasear, va. to give sparingly to spare, to ;

scrubbing-brush swab. ;

live in a frugal manner. vn. to grow less, escocedura, /. burning pain,

to be wanting. escocer, vn. {ind. escuece: subj. escueza)
escasez, /. scarcity, want, lack, scantiness, to feel a sharp, burning pain to smart. vr, ;

niggardliness, meagreness poverty. ;

to smart to chafe. ;

escaso, sa, a. small, short, limited little ; ; escOC6s, sa, a. Scotch.

sparing, parsimonious, niggardly scarce, ; escocia,/. (arch.) scotia; (com.) cod-fish,
scant V, defective, narrow, escocimiento, m. smart, pungent pain,
escatiinado, da, pp. & a. little, scanty. escoda, /. stone-cutter's hammer,
escatimar, va. to curtail, lessen, clip to ; escodar, m. to hew or cut stones.
haggle ; to misconstrue. escofla, escofleta,/. coif, head-tire,
€scatimosamente, adv. maliciously. escofiar, va. to dress the head with a coi£
escatimOSO, sa, a. cunning, malicious. escoflna, /. rasp, file wood-rasp. ;

escaupll, III. (Mex. ) ancient padded armour, escoflnar, va. to rasp,

escavanar, va. (agr.) to loosen and weed escogedor, ra, m. &/. selecter, chooser.
the ground with a grub-hoe. escoger, va. {ind. ESCOJO: subj. escoja) to
escayola,/. stucco parget, scagliola. choose, select, pick out, sort elect. ;

escena, / the stage, scenery, scene sight, ; escogidamente, adv. choicely, selectly;
view; incident; display of passion. nicely.
escenariO, «*. the stage, the boards. esCOgimlentO, m. selection, choosing.
esCeniCO, ca, a. scenic, belonging to the escolar, m. scholar, student. a. scholastic,
stage. scholastical.
escenografia, /. scenography. escol^sticamente, adv. scholastically.
escenograflcamente, adv. scenographically. escolasticismo, m. scholasticism.
escenografico, ca, «. scenographic. escolastlCO, ca, a. scholastic, scholastical.—
escenografo, //;. scenographer. m. professor of theology.
esc6pticainente, adv. sceptically. escoliador, escoliasta, m. scholiast.
escepticismo, /«. scepticism. escoliar, va. to gloss, explain, comment.
€Sc6ptico, ca, «. sceptic, sceptical. escolimadO, da, a. (coll.) weak, delicate,
escinco, m. (zool.) skink, a lizard, esoolimoso, sa, a. (coll.) difficult, fastidious.
escila,/. (hot.) squill. escoliO, m. scholium ;
gloss, commentary.
escirro, m. (med. ) scirrhus. escolopendra, /. (ent.) scolopendra, centi-
escirroso, sa, a. (med.) scirrhous. pede a marine worm (bot.) spleen wort.
; ;

escisi6n, /. division, schism. escolta, /. escort, convoy, guard.

esclarecedor, ra, «. lighter enlightener. ; escoltar, va. to escort, to convoy, to guard,
esclarecer, va. to lighten, illuminate to ; escollera,/. breakwater, jetty cliff, ;

enlighten, make clear illustrate, ennoble. escollo, m. a reef; difficulty, danger.

— vn. to dawn.

escombra, /. purgation, removal of obsta-

eBclarecidamente, adv. illustriously. cles.
esclarecido, da, pp. &. a. illustrious, noble, escombrar, va. to remove the rubbish ; to
conspicuous, eminent, honourable. clear ; to clean.
esclarecimientO, m. enlightening; dawn; escombro, m. rubbish, debris ; riprap
ennol)lenieut, illustriousncss. small raisin ;
(icht.) mackerel,
esclavina, /'. pilgrim's cloak ; collar worn by escomerse, vr. to wear out.
priests ; tippet ; cape. esconce, m. corner, angle.
esclavista, «. proslavery. escondedero, m. hiding or lurking-place.
esclavitud, /. slavery, bondage, servitude ; esconder, va. to hide, conceal to disguise, ;

brotherhood, con-gregation ; servile subjec- dissemble to include, contain.

; vr. to hide,
tion of passions. to be concealed to skulk, ;

esclavizar, va. (pret. ESCi.AVlcfi: subj. ES- escondidamente, adv. secretlv. hiddenljr.
CLAVICE) to en.slave to drive, overwork. ; escondidas ik) or ^ escondidillas, adv
esclavo, va, a. slave, captive. to. &/. mem- privately, in a secret manner.
ber of a brotherhood fag, drudge. ; escondimlentO, >n. concealment.
escler6tica, /. sclerotic. escondite, lurking-place, hiding-place
esclusa, /. lock, sluice, flood-gate, mill-dam. jugar al escondite, to play hide and seek.
escoa,/. (naut. ) bend of a ship's rib. escondriio, »». hiding or lurking-place.
escoba, /. broom, a besom; (hot.) Spanish esconzado, da, ". angular, oblique.
broom. escopeta,/". shotgun, fowling-piece: escopetk
escobada, /. sweep, sweeping. de viento, air-gun escopeta de dos caikon«B,

escobadera, /• woman sweeper. double-barrel gun.

escobajo, m. old broom stalk cf a bunch of ; escopetar, va. to dig out gold-mines.
grapes. escopetazo, »». gunshot gunshot wound, ;

escobar, ra. to sweep with a broom. escopetear, ra. to fire a gun repeatedly,
escobar, m. place where broom grows. escopeteo, m. frequent gunshots.
escobazar, va. to sprinkle water with a escopeteria, /- infantry armed with guns;
broom. repeated gunshots.

« u in &ir ; • in eh I ; i in Dolic* ; o In for ; o in ball : o Cbuf->Te e. ii and z as th in tlilck ; b and d.

escopetero, in. gunner, musketeer ;
gun- escrita,/. (ieht.) spotted skate-fish.
smith. escritillas, /.;)/. lamb's testicles.
escopetilla, /. dim. small gun. escritO, m. writing manuscript ; lit-erary ;

escopetdn, m. aug. large fowling-piece. composition (law) writ brief. escrito, ta,
; —
escopleadura, /."mortise-hole. pp. irr. of ESCRIBIR.
escoplear, va. to chisel} mortise, notch. escritor, m. writer, author, composer.
escoplillo, itO, m. dim. small chisel. escritorcillO, m. dim. a petty writer.
escoplo, m. (carp.) chisel. escritorillo, m. dim. small scrutoire.
escora,/. (naut.) stanchion, bilge-head, prop, escritorio, m. writing-desk, scrutoire count- ;

outrigger; (naut.) central line of a vessel; ing-house, oflace, study, library.

(naut.) tilt. escritorzuelO, la, m. &/. dim. poor writer.
escorar, va. (naut. ) to prop, to shore up. vn. escritura, writing, handwriting, penman-

(naut. ) to list, to heel. ship deed, indenture, contract: escritura


^SCorblitiCO, ca, a. scorbutic, scorbutical. de segaro, policy of insurance.

escorbuto, m. (med.) scurvy. escriturar, va. (law) to bind by deed to in- ;

escorchapin, m. passage-boat, ferry. denture to engage (as an artist). vr. to


escorchar, va. to flay, to skin. sign articles.

escordiO, '". (bot. ) water germander. escriturario, ria, «. (law) scriptory, scrip-
escorla, /. dross, slags, scoria ; lee ; mean or torian. m. scripturist.
worthless thing.—/><. scoriae, volcanic ashes. escr6fula, f. (med.) scrofula.
escorlaceo, cea, a. scoriaceous. escrofularia,/. (bot.) figwort.
escoriacidn,.^'. v. excoriaci6n. escrofulariaceo, cea, a. scrophulariaceous.
escorial, m. dumping-place for dross heap ; escrofulismo, m. (med.) scrofulism.
of slags. escrofulOSO, sa, a. scrofulous.
escoriar, excoriar.
va. v. escrotO, m. scrotum.
escorpena, escorpina,/. (ieht.) grouper. escrupulillo, m. dim. slight scruple jinglet. ;

escorpioide, /. (bot.) v. alacranera. escrupulizar, vn. to scruple, doubt, hesitate.

esC0rpi6n, m. (ent.) scorpion; (ieht.) fish escrupulO, m. doubt, scruple, hesitation
resembling a grouper ancient ballister ; ;
scrupulosity, conscientiousness; (pharm.)
(ast.) Scorpion cat-o'-nine-tails'with metal
scruple, small weight (20 gr.).
points. escrupulosamente, adv. scrupulously ;
escorrozo, m. (coll.) pleasure, enjoyment. cisely, minutely.
escorzado, pp- & m. (art) foreshortening. escruipulOSidad, scrupulosity, conscien-
escorzar, va. (art) foreshorten. tiousness preciseness, exactness, nicety.

escorzo, m. (art) foreshortening. escrupulOSO, sa, «. scrupulous, conscien-

escorz6ii m. bull-frog. tious, nice, precise, exact hypercritical, ;

escorzonera, /. (bot.) viper-root or garden squeamish.

viper-grass. escrutador, m. examiner, scrutator, inquir-
escota, /. stone-cutter's hammer; (naut.) er, searcher inspector of an election.

sheet. escrutar, va. to count votes to scrutinize. ;

^SCOtadO, pp. & m. V. ESCOTADURA. escrutinlo, m. scrutiny, investigation ; elec-

eSCOtadura, /. low cut in the neck (of a tion returns.
dress) arm-hole in armour ; large trap-
; escrutifLador, m. scrutator, censor.
door of a stage. escuadra,/. carpenter's square knee, angle ;

escotar, va. to cut (a dress) low in the neck ;

tie escuadra de agrimensor, surveyor's cross

to club, contribute to a common expense escuadra falsa, bevel; (mil.) a squad; (naut.
to draw water by a trench. squadron, fleet: k escuadra, square.
escote, m. low neck, decollete ; tucker share, ; escuadraci6n, /. squaring.
scot, quota. escuadrador, m. squaring tool groover. ;

escotera,/. (naut.) sheet-hole. escuadrar, va. (carp.) to square.

escotero, ra, a. free, disengaged. escuadreo, m. squaring, quadrature.
escotilla,/- (naut.) hatchway. escuadria,/- scantling of timber.
escotill6n, m. scuttle, trap-door stage trap. ; escuadro, m. v. escrita.
escotin, /ft. (naut.) top-sail-sheet. esCTiadr6n, m. (mil.) squadron, troop of
escotismo, m. Scotism. horse.
eSCOtlsta, m. Scotist. escuadronar. va. to form in squadrons.
escoznete, m. (prov.) nut^pick. escuadroncillo, cete, m. dim. small troop.
escozor, n. smart pungent pain grief, afflic- ;
escuadronista, m. (mil) tactician.
tion. escualidez, /. squalor, wretchedness.
escriba, m. scribe, among the Hebrews. escualido, da, a. weak, languid squalid. ;

dscribania, /. office or employment of an filthy.

actuary or scrivener escritoire, scrutoire ; escualO, m. (ieht.) spotted dog-fish shark. ,

portable writing-case; ornamental ink- escualor, m. squalor, filthiness.

stand. escucha, /. (mil.) scout; vedette; sentinel
escribano, m. actuary, scrivener escribano : sentry in convents, a chaperon listening;
; ;

de c&mara, clerk of a high court of justice : hole.

escribano de numero or del niimero, one of a escuchador, ra, a. hearer, listener.
certain number of notaries public : eaeribano escucbante, pi. & m. &/. listener.
del agua, (ent.) water-skater. escucbar, va. to listen, hearken, hear; to
escribido, />/). reg. of ESCRiBiR,.used only in mind, to heed. vr. to hear one's self with
the idiom leido y escribido, (coll.) a learned complacency.
person. escudar, va. to shield, protect, defend, guard
escribientc, m. amanuensis, a clerk. from danger. v?-. to depend on some meani
escribir, va. {pp. irr. ESCRiTO) to write.—w. of evading danger.
to enrol one's self; to keep up an epistolary escuderaje, m. service of a page or footman^
correspondence m&quina de escribir, type-
: escuderear, m. to serve as a page or squire,
writer. escuderia, /. service of a page or footman.
escrlflO, m. straw hamper jewel-box,
casket. CSCUderil, «. belonging to a page.

g (before e, i) and.i i? h in hot: h. silent; 11 iu brilliant; &, ny in canyon ; r (iniUal) and rr tri<led; s, htsved
escuderilmente, adv. in the style of a page. hombre, that man : esas mqjeres, those
escudero, m. shield-bearer, squire, page, foot- women.
man ;
gentleman of illustrious ancestry 6se, m. 6sa,/. {pi. i*os, esas), dem. pron. that
shield-maker. (one) {pi. those), as tengo *se, I nave that
escuderbn, m. squire puffed with vanity. one dame esas, give me those,

escudete, m. scutcheon gusset rain stain ;

; esecilla, /. dim. small link of a chain.
on olives (hot.) white water-lily.
esencia, /. essence being (chem. ) essence,
; ;

escudilla,/. bowl, large cup. perfume quinta esencia, quintessence.


escudillar, va. to pour broth into bowls to ; esencial, a. essential, necessary, constitu-
lord, to domineer. ent substantial, important, principal.

escudllllta. /. dim. small bowl. esenciHmente,a(Z('. essentially, principally.

escudlllO, itO, m. dim. small shield gold ;
esfenoldes, m. (anat.) sphenoid bone.
coin. esfera, /. sphere, ball, globe, orb clock-dial ;

9SCUdO, m. shield, bucliler, escutcheon, coat of quality, condition, rank (poet,) heaven. ;

arms escutcheon of a lock or knocker

; esferal, a. v. esfkrico.
shield, patronage, protection, defence; coin esf6ricamente, adv. spherically.
of different values bandage used in bleed- ; esferlcldad, /. (geom.) sphericity, rotun*
ing side-plate of a gun (uaut.) backboard
; ;
of a boat: escudo de popa, (naut. ) stern- esfkrico, ca, a. spherical, globular.
scutcheon. esferoldal, a. spheroidical, spheroidal.
escudri&able, a. investigable. esferoide,/. spheroid,
escudri&ador, ra, m. &/. prier, scrutator. esflnge,/. sphinx, fabulous monster.
escudrlfiamlentO, m. investigation, scruti- esfingidO, da, a. sphinx-like.
ny. esfillter, /». (anat.) sphincter.
SSCUdrifiar, va. to scrutinize, search, pry esforrocinar, va. to remove the esfcrrocinot
into •
to examine into. from a vine,
escuela, /. school school-house teaching, ; . esforrocino, m. sprig shooting from the
doctrine; (art) school, style experience. ; trunk of a vine.
CSCUerzO, m. (zool.) toad; (coll.) tlabby- per- esforzadamente, adv. strenuously, vigor-
son. ously, valiantly.
escueto, ta, disengaged, free from encum-
«. esforzado, da, a. strong, vigorous, valiant.
brances solitary, uninhabited.
; —pp. of ESFORZAR.
escueznar, va. to extract the kernel of nuts. esforzador, ra, m. &f. exciter, animater,
escuezno, m. soft kernel of a walnut. esforzar, va. {ind. esfuerzo pret. ESFORcfi: :

esculpidor, m. engraver, subj. esfuerce) to strengthen, invigorate;

esculpir, va. to sculpture to engrave. ; to encourage. vr. to exert one's self, to
escultor, m. sculptor, carver. make efforts.
escultora, /. sculptress. esfuerzo, m. courage, spirit, vigour, heart,
escultura, /. sculpture carved work. ; manfulness effort, strong endeavour, exer*^

escultural, a. sculptural. tion, contention, labouring.

escullador, m. dipper for oil. esfumado, da, pp. & a. (art) sfumato.
escupiderak, /. spittoon, cuspidor. esfumar, va. (art) to stump.
escupidero, m. spitting-place despicable ; esfumino, m. (art) stump (for shading).
situation. esgrima,/. fencing (the art).
escupido, pp. & m. spittle, esgrimldor, m. fencer or fencing-master.
escupidor, ra, m. &/. great spitter. esgrimidura, /. fencing (the act).
escupidura, /. spitting, spittle fever sore. ; esgrimir, va. to fence.
escupir, ra. & vn. to spit to break out in the ; esguazable [es-goo-ah-thah'-way], a. fordable.
skin ; to dart, fling, throw, cast away ; to esguazar, va. to ford (as a river).
work out, throw off. esguazo m. fording.
escupitajo, m. escupitina, /. escupitina- esgucio, m. (arch.) projecting quarter round.
JO, m. (coll.) spittle. esguin les-geen'], m. young Salmon before en-
escurar, va. to scour cloth before milling, tering the sea.
escurialense, a. belonging to the monastery eSgUince [es-geen'-thayl, m. twist of the body tO
of The Rscorial. avoid a blow ; frown twist or sprain of a ;

escurribanda, /. (coll.) evasion, subterfuge joint.

diarrhcjea ; scuffle, bustle. esguizaro [es-gee'-thah-ro], a. ragamuffin.
escurrlda, a. wearing tight-fitting skirts eslabdn, m. link of a chain ; steel for strik-
she who has narrow hips, ing fire with a flint ; table steel ; a very poi-
escurridizo, za, slippery diflBcult to hold «. ; sonous scorpion.
lazo escnrridizo, running knot. eslabonador, m. chain-maker.
escurriduras, escurriinbres,/.^;. rinsings eslabonamieil'to, m. linking, uniting; chain,
(as of wiiio) lees, dregs. ; concatenation.
escurrimiento, >«. v. desliz. eslabonar, va. to link, to interlink ; to join,
escurrlr, m. to drain the rinsings off a ves- unite.
sel to wring (as cloth-^s).
; vr. to drop, seep, eslinga,/. (naut.) sling, span,
ooze, leak, trickle to 3lip, slide, glide to ; ; eslingar, va. (naut.) to sling up, hoist.
escape, to slip out, sneak away. eslora, /. (naut.) length of a ship.—p^, eflo-
€8CUyer, m. purveyor of meat to the palace. ras, l)inding strakes of the deck.
«BdnijlQo, la, a. (gram.) a.\y word ar^- esmaltador, m. enameller.
cented on the antepenultira tp syllable: ^«inaltadura, /. enamelling; enamel work.
ver»o esdr^Julo, verse ending with such a esmaltstr, va. to enamel to adorn, embeU ;

word. lish.
we [eh'-seh],/. name
of the letter S link of a ; esmalte, m. enamel enamel work ; ; smalt.
chain of the figure of this letter.—p/. eses, esmaltin, m. smalt.
reeling of a drunken man. esmaltina, /. (min.) smaltite.
^se, m. esa, /. {pi. esos, esai), a. when pre- esmeradamente, adv. nicely, carefully, ac*
ceding the naun] that {pi. those), as ese curately.

«M Id far; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for: n in bull : c (before e, i) and z as th In thick : b and d, soft;

esmerado, da, a. high-finished, executed tapestry hangings against which chair*-
with care.—/>/>. of esmerar. lean.
esmeralda, /. emerald. espaldarazo, to. accolade ; light blow on thft
esmerar, va. to polish, to brighten. vr. to do shoulders.
one's best. espaldarcete, to. palette in ancient armour.
esmerejdn, m. (om. ) merlin ; small piece of Cspaldar6ll, m. backplate in armour.
artillery. espaldear, va. (naut.) to dash against thfr
esmeril, m. emery; small piece of ordnance, poop.
esmerilar, va. to burnish, to polish with espalder, to. stern rower in a galley.
emery. espaldera,/. espalier, trellis-work.
esmero, m. careful attention, niceness. espaldilla, /. scapula, shoulder-blade ; hind
esmoladera,/. whetstone. quarter of a waistcoat or jacket.
esmuciarse, vr. to slip from the hands. espalditendido, da, a. (coll.) stretched ca
esil6ll, m. (naut. ) spencer-mast, try-sail mast. one's back.
eso, dem. pron. neut. that eso es, that is it no : : espalddn, m. (carp.) tenon (fort.) intrench- ;

es eso, it is not that k eso de, toward, about : ment, barrier; (naut.) a hawse-piece.
eso mismo, the very thing. espaldudo, da, a. broad-shouldered.
esOf^giCO, ca, a. esophageal. espalera,/. espalier, trellis-work.
es6fagO, m, (anat.) esophagus, gullet. espalmadura, /. (farr.) parings of hoofs.
esot6riCO, ca, a. esoteric; confidential, se- espalmar, va. v. despalmar.
cret. espalto, TO. dark-coloured paint ; spalt.
esotro, m. esotra, /. dem. pron, this or that espantable, a. frightful, horrid, terrible.
other.pi. esotros, to. esotras,/. those others. espantablemente, adv. horribly, terribly.
espabiladeras, /. pi. snuffers. frightfully.
espabllar, va. to snuff a candle. V. des- espantadizo, za, a. timid, skittish, shy.
PABILAR. espantador, ra, to. &/. bugbear, frightener,
espaciar, va. to space, set apart, distance espantalO, m. scarecrow a fright. ;

to expatiate, diffuse, expand, dilate, spread ; espantalobos, .to. (bot.) bladder or bastard
(print.) to lead, to space. vr. to walk to senna,
and fro to amuse one's self; to cheer up.
; espantamoscas, TO. fly-net; fly-flap.
espaciO, m. space, room, place, capacity dis- ; espantanubladOS, to. rake, vagabond.
tance between objects interval of time ; espantar, va. to scare, frighten, terrifr,
slowness, delay, procrastination ;
(mus.) in- daunt to chase or drive away.
; be
terval (print.) space.
astonished, to marvel.
espaciosamente, adv. deliberately, spa- espantavillanos, m. gaudy stuff or trinket
ciously. espantO, m. fright, consternation threat j ;

aspaciosidad,/. spaciousness, capacity. wonder horror hideousness, grimness.

; ;

espaclOSO, sa, «. spacious, capacious, wide, espantosamente, adv. dreadfully.

roomy, ample, large, extensive ; slow, delib- espantOSO, sa, a. frighful, drea4ful, horri*
erate. ble fearful wonderful.
; ;

espada, /. sword blade, rapier swordsman

; ;
; espa&Ol, la, a. & m. &/. Spanish ; Spaniard -
ace of spades, or any card in the suit of i. la espafiola, Spanishly. m. Spanish lan>>
spades (ieht.) sword-fish bull-fighter who
; ; guage.
kills the bull with a swofd. espaiLolado, da, a. Spanish-like; Spanio)
espadachin, m. dexterous swordsman ized.—^^. of espaSolar.
bullv, hackster. espa&olar, va. (coll.) v. espaSolizar.
espadadero, m. braking-floor. espailOleta,/. ancient Spanish dance.
espadador, m. hemp-beater. espa&OllSino, to. love, devotion to Spain.
espadafla, /. (bot.) reed-mace, great cat- espafLolizar, va. to Spaniolize.—t;j-. to adoplt
tail ; belfry. tne customs and manners of Spain.
espaaafiada,/. regurgitation spewing. ; esparadrapo, to. court-plaster (sparadrap).
espadafial, /«. place where reed-mace grows. esparav^, to. (vet.) spavin esparav&n seco, ;

espadafiar, va. to spread out the tail-feath- swimmer esparavin : huesoso, bone-spavin j
ers. (orn.) sparrow-hawk,
espadar, va. to brake, scutch, swingle. esparavel, to. casting-net.
espadaiie, m. (icht.) sword-fish. esparciata, «. Spartan.
espaderia,/. sword-cutler's shop. esparcidamente,adr. distinctly, separately.
espadero, m. sword-cutler, blade-smith. esparcido, da, a. scattered merry, festive, ;

espidice, m. (bot.) spadix. gay.—^». of ESPARCIR.

espadiUa,/. red insignia of the order of San- esparcidor, ra, «. scatterer, spreader.
tiago; swingle, hemp-brake; (naut.) scull, esparcimientO, to. scattering, dissemina«
oar used as helm ace of spades hair ; ; tion amusement, outing, recreation, mer-

bodkin (bot.) corn-flag.

riment frankness, openness.

.SSpadillar,va. to brake, scutch, swingle, esparclx, va. {ind. ESPARZO: subj. esparza)
espadillazo, to. adverse fortune at cards. to scatter, disseminate ; to divulge, to spread
espadin, m. small gala sword ; rapier. abroad. vr. to amuse one's self, to make
espadlta, /. dim. small sword. merry.
espadbn, to. aug. spadone, large sword, esparragado, m. dish of asparagus.
broadsword ; eunuch. esparragador, ra, «. asparagus-grower.
espadrapo, m. v. esparadrapo. esparragamiento, to. cultivation of aspara-
espagirica,/. metallurgy. gus.
espagiriCO, ca, a. metallurgic. esparragar, va. to grow asparagus.
espai, TO. (mil. ) spahi. esparragO, to. (bot.) asparagus pole of an ;

espalda, /. (anat.) back, shoulders; (fort.) awning; (min.) peg-ladder.

shoulder of a bastion. pi. espaldas, back or esparragdn, m. corded silk stuff.
back part; (mil.) rear-guard. esparraguera, /. asparagus plant aspar&> ;

espaldar, m. backplate of a cuirass back of ;

a seat espalier in gardens. pi. espaldares.
; esparraguero, ra, m. & /. asparagus-seller.

% (before e, 1) and J as h in hot ; b. silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hissed
esparragnina, /. (min.) asparagin. espejuela, /. curve of the bit: espcjuela
esparrancado, da, «. wide-legged, divari- abierta, snaffle.
cated.—/>jy. Ot espejuelO, m. dim. small looking-glass ;
esparrancarse, vr. (coll.) to spread the legs specular stone, selenite leaf of mica lark ; ;

wide apart. mirror; candied citron; (vet.) wart on

€Spartstl, m. mat-weed field. pastern,—pZ. espejuelos, spectacles, glasses.
espartano, na, a. Spartan. espelta,/. (bot.) spelt, a cereal.
esparte&a, /. rope-sole sandal. esp61teO, ea, a. belonging to spelt.
esparteria, /. shop where mat-work is made espelunca,/. dark, gloomy cave.
or sold. espeluzar, va. v. despeluzar.
espartero, ra, m. & /. maker and seller of espeluznante, pa. (coll.) setting the hair on
mat-work. end.
'espartilla, /. mop of esparto-grass, espeluznar, vr. to dishevel the hair ; to set
espartizal, >n. field on which esparto-grass tne hair on end (from fright).
is gr()wiug. espeque, m. handspike pump-brake. ;

esparto, "/. (hot.) esparto-grass, mat-weed. espera, /. expectation, expectance or expec-

espasmo, m. v. pasmo; (med.) spasm. tancy, wait, stay, pause (mus.) stop, inter- ;

espasm6dico, ca, a- spasmodic, convulsive. val restraint, prudence (law) respite, ad-

espata./-(hot.) spathe. journment

; ancient piece of ordnance ;
espatafrada,/. v. despatarkada. (carp.) notch,
espatarrarse, vr. v. despatarrarse. esperador, ra, a. expectant,
espatiCO, ca, «. (min.) spathic, laminata. esperanza,/. hope, expectancy ; (coll.) pros-
espatO, /". (min.) spar, pect no hay esperanza, there is no chance,

espatula, /. spatula; (art) palette-knife, esperanzar, va. to give hope.

espaviento, m. v. aspaviento. esperar, va. to hope to expect to stay, wait ; ;

espavorido, da, a. v. despavorido. await, look for to fear. vr. to expect,

for, ;

especeria,/. r. ESPEciERfA, spicery. wait, stay,

especia,/. spice.—»Z. medicinal drugs. esperezafse, vr. to stretch one's self,
especial, «. special, particular en especial, : esperezo, m. stretching one's arms and legs,
sj>ecially. esperma, /. sperm, v. semen esperma de :

especlalidad, /. speciality or specialty. ballena, spermaceti,

especialista, «. & m. specialist. espermaceti, m. (com.) spermaceti.
especlaltaente, adv. especially, espermatico, ca, a. spermatic, seminal,
especiar, id. to spice broth or food. espermatorrea, /. spermatorrhoea.
especie, species, class, kind, sort event,
,/'. ; espernada, /. split end link of a chain.
incident case, aff"air, business
; piece of ;
esper6n, m.mig. long wait (naut.) V. espo- ;

news, statement pretext, show, ;

^specieria,/. grocery, spicery, drugstore. espesar, wt. to thicken, inspissate, coagulate,
ispeciero, vt. spicer, druggist, grocer. curdle, concrete to mass, assemble to ; ;

«'Speci£Lcaci6ll, f. specification. make closer (as knitting), vr. to conden-

trspecificadamente, adv. specifically, sate, to grow thicker,
especificar, va. {pret especifiquk: subj. espesativo, va, a. thickening,
kspe(IF:que) to specificate, specify, par- espeso, sa, a. thick, condensed, dense, gross,
ticularize, itemize. crass curdy close, contiguous
; frequent,
; ;

especiflcativo, va, a. speciflcal, specifving. often repeated ; slovenly, dirty ; dull, heavy.
especifico, ca, a. specific, speciflcal, —m. espesor, m. thickness.
(metl. ) specific. espesura, /. thickness, density, closeness
esp6cimeil, m. specimen, sample. tnicket, elo?e wood abundant head of hair ;

especioso, sa, ". neat, beautiful apparent, ; slovenliness.

specious, deceiving. espetar, va. to spit, to skewer to pierce, run ;

especiOta,/. (coll.) hoax, fake news. tnrou^h (coll.) to tell, to relate

vr. to be
espectaculo, »». spectacle, show, pageant. stiff" with pride; (coll,) to thrust one's self
espectador, ra, a. sjiectator, looker-on. into place.
espectro, «/. spectre, phantom, ghost, hab- espetera,/. kitchen rack, scullery.
goblin ;
(opt. ) spectrum. espetdn, m. spit, poker, rake, iron prong,
espectroBCOpia, /. (opt.) spectroscopy, large pin; blow given with a spit; (zool,)
espectroscopico, ca, a. spectroscopic, sea-pike,
espectroscopio, m. (opt.) spectroscope. espia, m. &f. spy (naut,) warp, chest rope. ;

especulacion, speculation, contemplation ;

espiar, va, to spy, to lurk, to lie in wait. vr.
(com.) venture. (naut.) to warp.
especulador, ra, m. &f. speculator. espibia,/. espiblo, espibi6n, m. (vet.) dis-
especular, va. to behold, view, inspect to ; location in the nape of the neck.
speculate, meditate, contemplate; (com.) espicanardo, /. (bot.) spikenard.
to speculate, dabble in stocks, etc, espiciforme, a. (hot.) spicate.
especulativa, /. understanding. espichar, va. to prick (coll.) to give up the ;

ispeculativamente, adv. speculatively, ghost, to die.

especulativo, va, a. ^!i>eculative, thoughtful. espiche, m. sharp-pointed weapon ; meat-
esp^CUlO, 111. spetulum. spit ; spile, spigot.
espejadO, da, «. mirror-like. espicn6n, m. wound with a pointed weapon.
espejear, vn. to reflect as a mirror. espiga,/. spike or ear of grain (carp.) tenon, ;

espejeo, m. v. espejismo, Qowel, peg; (mech.) pin, tongue, shank,

espeleria, /. shop where mirrors are made treenail, stem tangof a sword brad, head- ; ;

and sold. less nail (oran.) fiise of a

bomb or shell;
espejero, m. mirror maker or seller. (naut.) mast-head.
espejico, lllO, itO, m. dim. little mirror, espigadera, .f. gleaner,, leaser,
espejismo, m. mirage ; illusion. espigado, da, a. tali, grown: (agr.) eared,
espejO, m. looking-glass, mirror; (naut.) ripe.—7>/>. of espigar.
stern frame : esp^o nstorio, burning-glass. espigadora, /, v. espigadera.
ft as is far ; e tn eh I ; i tn police ; O in for * " -% ball ; c (b«fv,re e, 1) and z as th In thick ; b and d, softf
«spigar, vn. (pret. ESPIGU^ subj. espigue) : espirbmetro, m. spirometer.
to glean ; (carp.) to tenon. vn. (agr.) to ear espita, /. faucet, stop-cock, spigot, spout
(as wheat) ; to grow tall. tap; (coll.) tippler, a drunkard.
espigbn, m. sting (as of bees) ; point of a espltar, va. to put a faucet to tap. ;

sharp tool or dart ; bearded spike ; ear of espitO, m. (print.) peel, hanger.
corn peak ; breakwater or pier.
esplendente, pa. (poet.) shining, glittering,
espiguilla, ta, /. dim spikelet small edging ; resplendent.
of lace, tape, or inkle. esplender, vn. (poet.) to shine, to glitter.
espin, m. puerco espin, porcupine. espl6ndldamente, adv. splend,idly, magnifi-
espina, /. thorn fish-bone spine, back-
; ; cently.
bone splinter; scruple, doubt, suspicion:
; esplendidez, /. splendour, magnificence,
espina blanca, (bot.) woolly-cotton thistle. grandeur abundance liberality.
; ;

espinaca,/. (bot.) spinage. espl^ndido, da, a. splendid, magnificent,

espinadura, f. pricking with a thorn. grand, sumptuous liberal (poet.) resplen-
; ;

SSpinal, dorsal.
«. spinal, dent.
SSpinar, to prick with thorns ; to sur-
va. esplendor, m. splendour, brilliancy, lustre,
round trees with thorn-bushes ; to nettle, to magnificence, grandeur; fulgency, radi'
provoke. anee nobleness.

espinar, m. place full of thorn-bushes dan- ; esplendorosamente, adv. with splendour.

gerous undertaking, an arduous enterprise. esplendoroso, sa, a. splendid, radiant.
espinazo, m. spine, back-bone. esplenico, ca, a. splenic.
esplnel, m. fishing-line with many hooks. espleniO, m. (anat.) splenium.
espinela, /. (poet.) ten-line stanza; spinel- esplenitiS, /. (med. ) splenitis.
ruby. espliegO, m. (bot.) lavender.
espineo, ea, «. made or full of thorns. esplin, m. (coll.) spleen, melaneholf,
espinera, /. (bot.) v. espino. esplique les-piee'-kay], m. bird-snare.
espineta,/. (mus.) spinet. espolada, /. prick with a spur espolada da :

esplngarda, /. small piece of ordnance long ;

vino, (coll.) large draught of wine.
Moorish musket. espolazo, m. violent prick with a spur.
espingardada, /. wound from an esplngarda. espoleadura,/. wound made with a spur.
espinica, ita, ilia, /. dim. small thorn. espolear, va. to spur to instigate, incite.

espinilla, /. shin-bone black-head, comedo. ; espoleta, /. fuse, fusee (of a bomb) wish- ;

espinillera, /. (arm.) greave, jambe. bone.

espino, m. (bot.) hawthorn, buckthorn. espolin, m. dim. small goad-spur shuttle for ;

espinosismo, m. Spinozism. brocading or flowering silk brocade. ;

espinoso, sa, a. spiny, thorny ; arduous espolinado, da, pp. & a. flowered brocaded. ;

dangerous. espolinar, va. to brocade to flower. ;

espinzar, va. to burl. V. despinzar. espoliO, m. property left by a prelate.

espiocha, /. pickaxe. espolique, m. running footman.
espion, m. spy. V. ESPf A. espolista, m. running footman one who ;

espionaje, m. espionage, spying. farms an espolio.

espira, /. spiral line, helix spire, steeple ; espol6n, m. cock's spur; ridge, crag of a
(arch. ) surbase of a column. mountain; (arch.) spur, buttress; (eng.)
espiracidn, /. expiration, respiration. mole, breakwater, jetty, groin, starling;
esplrador, m. he who expires or breathes. (naut.) ram of a man-of-war; (naut.) fen-
esplral, «. spiral, winding, helical.—/, spiral der-beam.
line. espolonada, /. sudden onset of horsemen.
espiralmente, adv. spirally. espolvorear, va. to powder to dust to scat- ; ;

espirante, pa. expiring, respiring. ter.

OSpirar, va. to expire, breathe, exhale to ; espolvorizar, va. to scatter powder.
move, animate to infuse a divine spirit.
; espondaico, ca, «. (poet.) spondaic.
vn. to expire, breathe. espondeo, m. (poet.) spondee.
espiratiVO, va, a. that which infuses spirit. espondil, m. v. vertebra.
vjspiritado, da, a. (coll.) extremely thin. espondilitis, /. (med.) spondylitis.
espiritar, va. v. endemoniar. vr. (coll.) to — esponja,/. sponge; (coll.) sponger.
be agitated, to fret. espon^ado, da, pp. <K m. v. azucarillo.
espiritismo, »«. spiritualism, spiritism. esponjadura,/. sponging flaw in cast metal. ;

espiritista, m. &f. spiritualist. esponlar, va. to sponge, soak, imbibe. vr. to

espiritosamente, adv. spiritedly. swell ; to be puffed up with pride ; (coll.) to
espiritOSO, sa, a. spirituous ; spirited, lively, glow with health.
active. esponjilla. ita, uela,/. dim. small sponge.
espiritu, m. spirit; soul; genius; energy, esponjosidad, /. sponginess.
strength ; ardour, courage, life, manhood ;
esponjOSO, sa, a. spongy, porous.
inclination, turn of mind; spirit, liquor; esponsales, m. pi. espousals, betrothal.
meaning el Espiritu Santo, the
true sense or : esponsaliciO, Cla, a. nuptial, spousal.
Holy Ghost espiritu maligno, the devil.—p/.
: espont^neamente, adv. spontaneously.
demons, hobgoblins (chem.) spirits,
spirits, ;
espontanearse, vr. to avow or declare' sp»n»
ether. taneously.
espiritual, n. spiritual ghostly. ;
, espontaneidad, /. spontaneity, spontaneoua*
espiritualidad, /. spiritualitv, incorporal- ness.
ity. espont&neo, nea, a. spontaneous, voluntary,
espiritualismo, m. (philos.) spiritualism. willing.
espiritualista, m. aclherent or the spiritual esponton, m. spontoon, half-pike.
philosophy. espontonada, /. salute or blow with a spou>
espiritualizar, va. to spiritualize. toon.
espiritualmente, adv. spiritually. espora, /. esporo, m. (bot.) spore.
espirituoso, sa, a. spirituous ; ardent espor^diCO, ca, a. sporadic, isolated.
vivid, lively. esporocarpio, /«. (bot.) sporocarp.

g (before e, 1) and J as h in hot; h. silent; 11 in brilliant; fi, nyin canyon: r (initiaO and rr trilled: . hissed
«rfportada,/. frailful, basketful. esqulleo, sheaFing,vi.
esportear, va. to carry in frails, panniers, or esquilimoso, sar a, (eeiL) fastidlem,. over'
baskets. nice.
esportilla, /. dim. small frail. esquilmar, va. to harvest to impoTeriBh, -^

esportillero, w. porter, carrier. esquilme&O, !la, a. fruitful, inroductive,

esportillO, m. pannier, frail, basket. esquilmo, m. harve»t piroduee of viaeSy eat* 'f

esportdn, m. aug. large pannier or frail. tie, etc,

esposa, /. spouse, wife, consort.—y/. mana- esquil6n, m. small bell ^ eattle>-belk
handcuffs, fetters, shackles.
cles, esquimal, a. Eskimo^ Esquiinau.
esposo, 111. spouse, husband, consort. esquina, /, corner, nook,, coin, edge, angle,
espuela, /. spur, rowel ; stimulus, incite- esquinadar da, pp. & a. cornered, wigled,
ment: espuela de caballero, (bot.) larkspur. esqulnal, vk corner plate;, ajigie iron iroa ;.

espuenda, /. bank of a canal. knee.

espuerta, /. two-handled frail. esqulnanter to, m. (bot.) aromatic rush.
espulgadero, m. place where beggars clean esqulnazo, vt, (colL> corner ; dodge, evw
themselves from tleas. sion.
espulgador, ra, m. & f. one who cleans oflf esquinco, m. »kink, lizard,
lice or fleas. esquinelJL /. (arm.) greave,.jaTabe.
espulgar, ra. {pret. espulguk: subj. espioi^ esquinzador, m. rag-roooik ia paper-mdllsH;
GUE) to clean from lice or fleas ; to examine rag-engine.
closely. esquinzar, va. to cut rags in pa.per-millav
6spulgb, m. act of cleaning from lice or fleas. esquirla,/. (surg.) splinter of a bone,
espuma,/. froth, lather, spume, foam, scum : esquirol, m. rprov.) v. ardilla.
eapama de plata, litharge of silver espuma de : esqulstO, «». (mia,) schist ; »late,
nitro, aphronitrum espuma de mar, meer- : esquitar, va. to pardon, to remit a debt,
schaum espuma de la sal, sea-froth.
: esqulvar, va. to shun, elude, avoid, evaidev
espumadera,/. skimmer, colander. escape. vr. to disdain, withdraw, coy.
espmnador, ra, «. skimmer. esqulvez [es-ke-vetii'],/. disdain, asperity ,.eold-
espumajear, m. to froth at the mouth. ness.
espumaqo, m. froth. V. ESPUMARAJo. esquivo, va, a. elusive, evading,, shy, re-
espumajOSO, sa, a. foamy, frothy, spumous. served, coyish, cold.
espumaXLte, pa. foaming, frothing, lathering. esquizado, da, a. mottled (as marble),
espumar, ra. to skim, to scum. V7i. to froth, estabilidad, /. stability, duration, perma-
to foam. nence, constancy, firmness, consistence, fix-
espumarajO, m. foam or froth from the edness.
mouth. estabilisimo, adv. sup. very stable or firm.
espumero, m. place where salt water crys- estable, a. stable, permanent, durable^

tallizes. steady, firm, fast, consistent.

espumescente, a. spumescent. establear, va. to tame, accustom to the
espumilla, /. Oriental crape, gauzy fabric. stable.
espumill6n, »i. heavy silk crape. establecedor, m. founder.
espumosidad, /. frothiness, foaminess. establecer, va. {ind. establezco: snhf. ES-
espumoso, sa, «. spumy, spumous, frothy, tablezca) to establish, to found to de- ;

foamy, nappy sparkling (as wine).

; cree, enact, constitute. vr. to establish or
espundia,/- (vet.) cancerous ulcer. settle one's self in a place.
espurio, ria, a. false, counterfeit, bogus, estableciente, pa. establisher, estabHshint^.
spurious, adulterated ; bastard, illegitimate. establecimientO, m. statute, law, orumance,
espurrear, espurrlar, va. to spurt, sputter. decree; establishment, foundation, settle-
espurrir, ra. to stretch out (as the feet). ment; institution, store, shop, manufac-
esputo, m. spittle, saliva sputum. ; tory.
esquebrajar, va. V. resquebrajar. establemente, adv. stably, firmly.
esquele [es-Uay'-hay], m. (agr.) cutting, slip. establero, m. hostler, groom, horsekeeper.
esquela,./*. billet, note. establO, m. stable bam for cattle. ;

3Squeletb, m. skeleton ; very thin person estabulaci6n, /. stabling.

(naut.) carcass, framework of a snip: en estaca,/- stake, picket, pile, pole stick, cud- ;

•squeleto, uutinished. gel, bludgeon (agr.) grafting-twig ; (carp.)


esquellta, /. dim. small note, billet. clamp nail.

esqudma, m. symbol scheme, plan. ; estacada,/. (mil.) palisade, stockade paling, ;

esquem^ticamente, adv. schematically. fence-work ;

pile pier ; place for a duel.
esquematico, ca, a. schematic. estacar, va. {pret. estaqu^: subj. estaque)
esquematismo, m. schematism. to stake ; to fence with stakes to tie to a ;

esquena, /. spine of fishes. ntake. vr. to remain stiff as a pole.

esquero [es kay'-ro'. rn. leather bag or pouch. estacazo, m. blow with a stake.
es<^lliciar, ra. to sketch, outline, trace, de- estacidn, /. state, condition, situation, posi-
lineate. season of the year hour, moment,
tion ; ;

esquiclo fes-kee'-twe-oi, m. sketch, outline. time;

(r. w.) station, depot; devotional,
eSi^Uifada, /. sldir or boat load ; vault of a a church stay, stop telegraph or
visit to ; ;

cistern. police station apparent motion in the stars ;


OSquifar, va. (naut.) to fit out a ship. partv of persons posted at some place.
«sqnifaz6n, /. (naut.) boat's crew. estacional, a. belonging to the seasons ; (ast.)
esquife, m. skiff, small boat; (arch.) cylin- stiitioiiary.
drical vault. estacionainiento, m. station ariness.
esquila, /. small bell ; cattle-bell ; sheep- estacionario, rla, a. stationary, fixed,
shearing ; (icht.) prawn; (ent.) water- estacionarse, vr. to remain stationary.
spider (bot.) squill.
estacionero, ra, a. one who prays before
esqullador, m. sheei>-shearer, clipper. stations in church.
esquilar, ra. to shear, crop, clip to fleece ; estac6n, m. aug. large stake,
sin esquilar, unshorn. estacte, m. oil of myrrh.

a as in far ; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; a in boll ; c (before e, i) and 8 m tli in thick ; b and d

estaclia,/. (uaut. ) tow-line, hawser ; harpoon estancar, va. (pret. estanqu^: subj. ESTAN-
rope for whaling. QUE) to stanch, stop, check, stem a current
estada, /. stay, sojourn, residence. (naut.) to fother a leak; (com.; to corner,
estadal, m. length measure (about 10 ft. 9 to monopolize, to interdict, suspend.
in.) blessed ribbon worn at the neck.
; estancla, /. stay, sojourn, continuance in a
estadia,/. (com. and naut.) stay, detention ; place mansion, dwelling, habitation
; sit- ;

demurrage cost of such stay.

; ting-room, living-room; (poet.) stanza;
estadiO, m. race-course stadium (road meas- ; (Amer.) small farm.
ure). estanclero, m. small farmer.
estadlsta, m. statist, statesman, politician. estanco, ca, a. (naut.) water-tight.— m. fore-
estadistica,/. statistics. stalling, monopoly store for special goods ;

estadiStiCO, Ca, «. statistical, statistic. stop, stay repository, archives.


estadiZO, za, «. stagnant (as water). estandarte, m. standard, flag, banner, col'
estado, m. state, stage, condition, circum- ours.
stances, footing, class, rank, quality profes- ; estangurria, /. strangury catheter. ;

sion ; condition (whether single, married, estanqud, .>*. pond, basin, reservoir.
or widowed); state, nation, commonwealth ; estanquero, w. keeper of reservoirs retailer ;

statement, account, report ; length measure of monopoly goods; tobacconist.

(1.85 yds.) : estado general or llano, commu- estanquillero, m. tobacconist.
nity or peasantry estado mayor, (mil.) staff:
: estanquillo, m. cigar-store.
hombre de estado, statesman : materias de es- estanquito, m. dim. small pond or dam.
tado, state affairs.—p/>. of estar. estantal, m. (arch.) buttress.
estadojo, estadonio, m. stake of a cart. estante, pa. being, existing, extant. a.
estafa,/. swindle, trick, deceit; stirrup. fixed, permanent. —
>n. shelf, stand, book-

estafador, ra, wi. &f. impostor, swindler. case; (print.) cabinet: estantea, (naut.)
estafar, va. to swindle, deceive, defraud. props of the cross-beams.
estafermo, m. wooden movable figure of an estanteria,/. shelving.
armed man ; idle fellow. estantigua, /. phantom, vision, hobgoblin j
estafeta,/. courier, post, express ; post-office. (coll.) a guy, a fright.
estafetero, /«. post-master. estantlO, tia, a. standing still, stationary ;-

estafetil, a. belonging to a courier or post. dull, slow.

estafisagra, / (bot. ) stavesacre, lousewort. esta&adera, /. soldering receiver or holder
estala,/. seaport, stopping-place. of tin-plate.
estalacion,/. class, rank, order. estafLador, m. tinner, tinman, pewterer.
estalactita, /. stalactite. estafladur a, /. ti n n in g.
estalagmita, /. stalagmite. estaflar, va. to tin, blanch to solder: ;

estallante, pa. bursting, exploding. esta&ero, m. tinner; seller of tin-ware.

estallar, vn. to crack, explode, Durst to ; estafl.0, m. (chem.) tin.
break out into fury or rage. estaquero, m. year-old buck or doc.
estallidO, estallO, m. crack, crackling, estaquilla, ita, /. (shoe.) peg wooden pin ;
crashing, snap, outburst; report (of fire- spike, long nail.
arms). estaquillador, m. (shoe.) pegging-awl.
estambor, m. (naut.) stern-post. estaquillar, va. to peg, to fasten with pegs.
estambrado, m. worsted cloth. estar, vn. {ind. ESTOY pret. estuve subJ. : :

estambrar, va. to spin worsted. ESTE) to be (in a place, state, or condition) ;

estambre, w. worsted, woollen yam ; ^bot. when followed by a gerund, or a passive par-
stamen of flowers. ticiple, it is an auxiliary verb, denoting to
estamenara, /. (naut.) futtock. be in the condition expressed by the princi-
estamentO, m. each of the estates composing pal verb, as estar escribiendo, to' be writing:
the Cortes in Aragon (clergy, nobility, and est& escrito, it is written when followed by ;

commons). a reflexive verb, it sometimes takes the pro-

estameila, /. tammy-cloth, serge. noun from the verb, as estarse muriendo, in-
estame&ete, m. kind of serge. stead of estar muriindose, to be in a dying
estamineo, nea, a. made of worsted. condition estar i, to be (the day of the

estamlnifero, ra, a. (bot.) staminate. week or month that follows), as: estamos &
estampa, print, stamp, cut; engravijig;
/. Innes, this is Monday estamos & cinco, this:

first sketch printing, press ; track, impres-

is the fifth estar de, to be in the condition

sion, foot-step. m. impression, stamping. or doing the act indicated by the following
estampado, da, pp. & a. cotton print, calico. noun, as estoy de mndanza, I am moving

m. impression, stamping ; cloth printing.

estoy de prisa, I am in a hurry estar en, (a) :

estampador, m. stamper stamp, puncheon. ; to understand or comprehend estoy en 1» :

estampar, va. to print, stamp, emboss to ; que Vd. me dice, I understand what you tell
impnnt (as a kiss) to impress, fix (as in ; me (b) to be of opinion estoy en que, I am

the mind). of opinion that; (c) to stand, to cost: esta

estampeiia, /. office for printing or selling vestido me est4 en veinte doblones, these
prints. clothes cost me twenty doubloons; (d) to
estampero, m. maker or seller of prints or depend on en eso est&, oH this it depends

stamps. estar con, (a) to live in company with (b) ;

estampida, stampede: (coll.) dar una

/. es- to be engaged or talking with some one:
tampida, to run away in debt. estar sobre si, to be tranquil or serene:
estampidO, «i. report of a gun ; crack, crash, 1 donde estamos an expression of admira-

crashing. tion or disgust at what we see or hear estar :

estampilla, /. dim. small print rubber ; bien una cosa, to suit, agree, fit; estar en
stamp; signet, seal; (Amer.) postage- grande, to live in luxury: ^esti Vd. 7 or
stamp. i estamos ? do you understand ? estar con el
estampita, / dim. small print or stamp. pie en el aire, to be unsettled estar 4 1ft :

estancacidn, /. estancamlento, m. stagna- capa, (naut. ) to lie to, to lie by. vr. to stay
tion, stagnancy. estarse parado or quieto, to stand still.

g (before e, It and J as h In hot; li, aUent; 11 in briUlMit; ft, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; s,
estarcidO, m. pounced drawing stencil. ; est^ril, a. sterile, barren, unfruitful, unprok
estarcir, va. to stencil. ductive, fruitless.
estarna,/. (orn.) small partridge. esterilidad, /. sterility, barrenness, unfruit*
estatica,/. (mecn.) statics. fulness; scarcity, want of crops.
estatico, ca, «. static, statical. esterllizador, ra, a. sterilizer.
estatua, /. (art) statue carved figure. ; esterilizar, va. to sterilize.
estatuar, va. to adorn with statues. esterilla, /. dim. small mat straw plait ;

estatuaria, /. (art) statuary, sculpture. narrow gold or silver braid.

estatuariO, ria, a. belonging to statuary. est^rilmente, adv. barrenly, unfruitfuUy,
m. statuary sculptor.; meagrely.
estatuir, va. to establish, ordain, enact. esterlin, m. v. BocAcf.
estatura, /. stature, height of a person. esterlina, a. libra esterllna, pound sterling.
estatutO, m. statute, law, ordinance. esternbn, m. (anat.) sternum, breastbone.
estay, m. (naut. ) stay. estero, m. inlet, estuary matting, covering ;

este, m. (geo. and naut.) east. with matting matting season. ;

este, m. esta, /. a. {when preceding a noun) esterquiliniO, m. dunghill, heap of dung,

this, as este ni&o, this boy : esta nina, this estertor, m. rattle in the throat ; stertor.
giT\.—pl. estoB, estas, these. estertoroso, sa, a. stertorous.
§Ste, m. 6sta, /. pron. dem. this, this one.— est6tica, /. aesthetics.
pi. 6sto8, in. estaa, /. these. esteticamente, adv. aesthetically.
este^rico, ca, «. stearic: bujias esteiricas, estetiCO, ca, a. aesthetic,
stearine candles. estetoscopia,/. (med.) stethoscopy.
estearina, /. (chem.) stearine. estetbscopo, m. (med.) stethoscope,
esteatita,/. (min.) steatite, soap-stone, mas- esteva,/. plough-handle ; reach of a carriage
sive talc. estevado, da, a. bow-legged,
est6ba, prickly plant growing in swamps
/. ;
estevdn, m. v. esteva.
stevedore's pole. estezado, m. v. correal,
estebar, va. to put cloth into the dye-kettle. estiaje, m. low-water mark,
esteja, /. (naut.) wake, track of a ship; estiba, /. rammer; (naut.) stowage; place
(arch.) stela. where wool is compresised,
estelar, a. sidereal, stellar. estibador, m. stevedore, longshoreman,
estelaria, /. (bot.) silvery lady's-mantle. estibar, va. to compress wool; (naut.) to
estelifero, ra, a. (poet.) stelliferous, starry. stow a cargo.
estelibn, m. (zool.) stellion ; toad-stone. estibia,/. (vet.) luxation. V. espibia.
estelionatO, m. (law) stellionate. estibio, ni. antimony, stibium,
estel6n, m. toad-stone. estibina, /. (min,) stibine.
esteluladO, da, a. stellular, star-shaped. estiercol, m. dung, excrement, manure.
estemple, m. (min.) steraple. estigiO, gia, a. Stygian.
estenografia, /. stenography, short-hand. estigma, m. birth-mark stigma, brand, ;

estenografiar, va. to stenograph. mark of infamy; atlront, disgrace; (bot.)

estenograflcamente, adr. stenograph ically. stigma.
estenOgraflCO, ca, «. stenographic. estigmatizador, ra, a. stigmatizer.
esten6grafO, fa, m. & /. stenographer. estigmatizar, va. to stigmatize, to brand;
estentbreo, a, «. stentorian. to affront.
esiepa, /. (bot.) rock-rose; steppe, barren estilar, vn. &va. to use, to be accustomed ; to
plain. draw up a document in regular form. vr. to
estepar, m. place filled with rock-roses. be in fashion,
estepilla,/. (bot.) white-leaved rock-rase. estilicidio, w. stillicide, dropping,
estera,/. mat, matting. estilista, w. elegant writer.
esterar, m. to cover with matting. vn. (coll.) estilO, ni. style (writing instrument) ; eno-
to wear winter clothes before time. mon or style of a dial; (arch, and lit.)
estercoladura, /. estercolamiento, m. style; use, custom, fashion (bot.) style. ;

stercoration, manuring, estil6batO, m. (arch.) stylobate. pedestal,

estercolar, va. to dung, muck, manure. vn. estima, /. esteem, respect; (naut.) dead
to void the excrements. reckoning.
estercolero, >«. driver of muck-cart ; dung- estimabilldad,/. estimableness.
yard, muckhill. estimabilisimo, ma, a. sup. most estimable,
estercoUzo, za, a. stercoraceous. estimable, a. estimable, valuable, credit-
estercbreo, a, «. stercoral. able computable.

estercuelO, m. stercoration, manuring. estlmacibn, /. estimation, esteem, regard;

8St6reo, m. (arith.) stere, one cubic metre. estimate, valuation, appraisement estima- :

estereografia, /. stereography. cion propla, self-love.

estereografico, ca, a. stereographic. estimador, ra, m. &/. esteemer, estimator,
esterebgrafo, w. stereographer. estimar, va. to estimate, value, appraise: to
estereometria,/. stereometry. esteem, respect, regard, honour to judge, ;

estere6metro, m. stereometer. to form an opinion to thank, ;

estereoscopio, »k stereoscope. estimativa, /. power of iudgiug instinct, ;

estereotlpa, /. v. estereotipia. estimulante, pa. stimulating, exciting. m.

estereotipador, m. stereotyper. stimulant.
estereotipar, va. to stereotype ; to print from estimular, va. to sting, stimulate, irritate,
stereotypes. excite, goad to incite, encourage.

estereotipia, /. stereotypography, stereotyp- estimulo, »i. stimulus incitement ; stimula»;

ingplace where stereotypes are made.

estereotipico, ca, «. stereotypic. estinco, «*. skiuk, kind of lizard,
estereotomia, /. stereotomy estio, the summer.
111. .

estereria, /. shop where mat-work is made estiomenar, va. (med.) to corrode, mortify.
and sold. esti6meno, m. (med.) mortification, gan<
esterero, m. mat-maker, mat-seller. grene.

a as iQ far ; e iu eb 1 ; i !u police ; o iu for ; n ia ball ; c (before e, )) and i aa th la thick ; b and d, aottj

estipendiar, va. to give a stipend. estop6n, m. coarse tow.
estipendiario, m. stipendiary. estopor, m. (naut.) stopper.
estipendio, m. stipend, salary, pay, wages, estoposo, sa, a. tow-like, filaceous.
fee. estoque, m. estoc, rapier ;
(hot.) corn-flag.
estipite, m. (arch.) pilaster in form of a re- estoqueador, m. thruster (oull-fighter).
versed pyramid. estoquear, va. to thrust with a rapier.
estipticar, va. (med.) to apply a styptic. estoqueo, m. thrusting or stabbing.
estipticidad, /. (med.) stypticity. estoraque, m. (bot.) officinal storax gum ;

estiptiCO, ca, a. styptic, astringent costive ;

of the storax-tree.
(met.) miserly, avaricious. estorbador, ra, m. &f. hinderer, obstructer.
estipula, /. (bot ) stipule. estorbar, va. to hinder, impede, obstruct,
estipulaci6ll,/. stipulation, promise, clause, cumber, hamper, forbid to be in one's way. ;

covenant, bargain, agreement. estorbo, rn. impediment, hiuderance, ob-

estipulante, pa. stipulator, stipulating. struction, nuisance.
estipular, va. to stipulate, contract, bargain, estomija,/. linch-pin washer; boys' play. ;

covenant. estornino, m. (orn.) starling.

estira,/. knife used by curriers. estornudar, vn. to sneeze.
estirac^ceo, Cea, a. styracaceous. estomudo, m. sternutation, sneeze.
estiradamente, adv. scarcely ; difficultly ;
estornutatoriO, m. sternutatory.
violently, forcibly. estotro, tra, compound pronoun of esto and
estirado, da, pp. & a. extended, dilated, otro, this other.
stretched ;
grave, stiff, proud. m. stretch- estovar, va. v. rehogar.
ing, estoy, VO est6, estuve {in: from estar).
estirador, ra, «. stretcher, drawing-frame. estrabismo, m. (med.) strabismus, squint.
estirjijar, estirazar, va. (coll.) v. estirar. estracilla,./". small rag coarse brown paper ;

estiraj6n, m. (coll.) v. estir6n. blotting-paper.

estiramiento, stretching, pulling. »«. estrada, /. causeway, paved road : estrada
estirar, va. to dilate, stretch out, lengthen ;
encubierta, (mil.) covert-way.
to pull, draw, tighten. vr. to stretch; to estradiota,/. riding with long stirrups and
grow haughty. stiff legs; kind of lance.
estirdn, m. strong pull, stretch; pluck, haul estradiote, a. estradiot, Greek horseman.
or hauling rapid growth, x ; estrado, m. drawing-room drawing-room ;

estirpe,/. race, origin^ stock. furniture dais for a throne baker's table;
; ;

estitico, ca, a. v\ estiptico. lecturing platform.—p^ court-rooms.

estivada, /. burning of undergrowth. estrafalariamente, adv. (coll.) carelessly,
estival, VO, va, a. estival, summer. slovenly ; extravagantly, wildly, queerly.
estO, pron. dem. neut. this & esto, hereto, : estrafalario, ria, a. (coll.) slovenly, ex.
hereunto con esto, herewith en esto, at this
; : travagant, wild odd, queer, eccentric.

juncture, herein, hereinto sobre esto, here- : estragadamente, adv. depravediy.

on, hereupon por esto, hereby that is why
: ; ;
estragador, ra, a. corrupting, destroying.
for this reason esto es, that is, that is so.
: estragamiento, m. disorder, depravation.
estOCada, /. stab, thrust, tilt, lunge. estragar, va. ( pret. estragi:e suhj. estra- :

estOCaflS, m. (com.) stock-fish. gue) to deprave, vitiate, corrupt, spoil.

estofa, /. quilted silk stuff; quality, con- estragO, m. ravage, waste, ruin, havoc car- ;

dition. nage, destruction, damage; wickedness.

estofadO, da, pp. & a. quilted ; ornamented ;
estrag6n, m. (bot.) tarragon wormwood.
stewed. m. stew. estrambote, m. burden of a song.
estOfador, m. quilter. estramb6tlcamente, adv. .oddly, queerly.
.(iStofar, va. to quilt ; to paint relievos on a estramb6tiC0, ca, a. odd,tiueef, strange, ir-
gilt ground ; to size carvings before gilding regular ; eccentric, eccentrical.
to stew meat. estramonio, m. (hot.) common thorn-apple.
estOfO, m. quilting; painting on gilt; sizing. estrangol, m. (vet.) inflammation in a horse's
estoicamente, adv. stoically. tongue.
estOiCidad, /. imperturbability. estrangul, m. (mas. ) mouth-piece.
estoicismo, m. stoicism. estrangulacidn, /. strangling, choking v
estoico, ca, a. stoic, stoical. m. stoic. strangulation ;
(hyd.) stoppage.
estola,/. stole, worn by priests. estrangulador, ra, a. strangler.
estolidez,/. stupidity, incapacity. estrangular, va. to strangle, choke, throttle
estdlido, da, a. stupid, foolish. (med.) to strangulate.
estOl6ll, m. aug. large stole ; (bot.) stolon. estratagema,/. stratagem trick, artful de«

estomacal, a. stomachic. ception craftiness

; ; finesse fetch. ;

estomagar, vn. & va. ( pret. estomagu^ . estrategia, /. (mil.) strategy.

suhj. ESTOMAGUE) to bore. annoy, disgust, estrat^gicamente, adv. strategically.
enrage, make angry. estrat6giC0, ca, a. (mil.) strategic, strateg-
estbmago, ru. stomach. ical.
estomaguero, m. stomacher. estratificacidn,/. (min.i stratification.
estomatical, a. stomachic, estratificar, va. (min.) to stratify.
estomaticon, vi. stomach-plaster. estratiforme, a. stratiform.
estopa, /. tow; burlap; (naut. ) oakum. estratigrafia, /. stratigraphy.
estopada, /. quantity of tow for spinning. estratigrafiCO, ca, a. strati graphical.
estopear, va. (naut.) to calk with oakum. estratO, m. (geol.) stratum, layer, bed ; stra-
estopefio, fia, a. of tow tow. ;
tus (cloud).
estoperol, m. (naut.) scupper-nail; tow estrave, m. (naut.) stem-knee.
wick. estraza,/. rag, fragment of cloth : papel do
estopilla,/. finest part of hemp or flax lawn ;
estraza, brown paper, straw paper.
batiste, cheese-cloth. estrechamente, adv. narrowly, tightly,
estopin, m. (arti. )
priming-tube, quick- closely, fast, compactly, close; nearly,
match. hardly ; exactly, punctually ; strongly, for-

/; (before e, I) and J an h lu hot : h, silent ; 11 in brilUaut : A, ny ia eanyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled

cibly ; strictly, rigorously ; scantily, penu- estreflido, da, pp. & a. close bound costive; ;

riously. miserable, niggardly.

estrecbdmiento, m. tightening, tightness, estrefilmiento, »t. obstruction costiveness ;

narrowing. confinement.
estrechax, va. to tighten ; contract, con- estre&lr, va. {ind. estriSo: stibj. estrina)
stringe, constrict, curtail, compress ; con- to bind, tie close, restrain. vr. to consti-
fine constrain, compel restrain, obstruct. pate, to be costive.
— ;

vr. to bind one's self strictly reduce one's


; estrepada,/. (naut.) a pull in unison.

expenses become related or intimate with
; ;
estr^pitO, m. crash, din, clangour, clamour,
act in concert. deafening noise.
estrechez, /. straitness, narrowness, com- estrepitosamente, adv. clamorously, oh-
pactness, closeness intimacy, friendship ; ;
austerity, penury, poverty. m. strait, pass, estrepltOSO, sa, a. noisy, boisterous, loud,
narrow passage ;
peril, danger, risk. clamorous, obstreperous,
estrechO, Cha, a. narrow, close, dense estria, /. (arch.) fluting, stria, groove,
straight, tight; intimate, familiar; rigid, estriadura, /. (arch.) fluting, grooving,
austere ; exact, punctual ; narrow-minded, estriar, va. (arch.) to flute, to gutter.—vr. to
illiberal,mean-spirited poor, indigent, ;
be grooved, striated.
penurious, needy, necessitous. m. Valen- estribacidn,/. (geog. and arch.) counterfort.
tine predicament, fix (geog. ) strait, chan-
; ; estribadero, m. prop, stay.
nel : al estrecho, necessarily, forcedly. estribar, V7i. to rest, bottom, bear upon to ;

e str e ch6ii, ni. (naut.) V. socoLLADA. depend on, lie upon to have as a basis. ;

estrecliura, /. narrowness, straitness nar- ; estribera, /. stirrup (of a saddle and an ar-
row passage austerity distress, predica-
; ; balist).
ment straits intimate familiarity.
; ; estriberia, /. place where stirrups are made
estregadera, /. scrubbing-brush, mop. or kept.
estregadero, m. place where beasts ru d them- estriberdn, m. stepping-stone; (mil.) tem-
s<elve.s against place for washing clothes.
porary road.
estregadura, /. friction, act of rubbing. estribUlO, vi. burden of a song.
estregamiento, m. friction, rubbing. estribO, m. stirrup a step or loot-board of a

estregar I'o. {ind. estriego '.pret. estreguk ; coach stirrup of an arbalist (mech. ) brace,
; ;

subj. ESTRiEGUE)
to rub ; scour, polish stay, stirrup-bolt clasp of the felloes ;

fray, scrape, scratch (as matches). farch.) buttress, counter-pillar, abutment

estregdn, m. aug. rough rubbing. (met.) rest, support, basis; (carp.) cross
eotreUa, /. star ; star-wheel ; star (on a prop, main brace (geog.) counterfort. ;

horse's forehead) ; asterisk (*) fate, lot, ; estribor, m. (naut.) starboard.
destiny ; (mil.) star-fort : con eatrellas, after estricnina, /. (med.) strychnine.
night or before sunrise. estricote (aJ), adv. without rule or order.
estrellada, /. (bot.) ladies'-mantle. estrictamente, adv. strictly.
estrelladera, /. (cook.) egg-slice, turnover. estrlcto, ta, o. strict, exact, accurate, se-
estrelladero, m. confectioner's pan for can- vere, rigorous, extreme.
died yolks. estridente, a. obstreperous (poet. ) strident. ;

estrelladO, da, pp. & a. starry ; horse with a estridor, m. noise, creak, screech, stridor.
star on the forehead ; fried (eggs). estrige,/. (om.) screech-owl, vampire.
estrellamar, /. (bot.) buckthorn plantain; estro, m. (poet.) afflatus, inspiration.
(icht. ) star-fish. estrofa, (poet.) strophe, stanza.

estrellar, va. (coll.) to dash to pieces, shat- estronciana, /. (chem.)strontia.

ter, shiver to fry eggs. vr. to fall and
; estroncianita,/. (min.) strontlanite.
break one's neck. estroncio, m: (chem.) strontium.
eetrellar, a. stellated, starry. estropaJear, va. (mas.) to rub a wall.
erftrellera, /. (naut.) fore-tackle; burton. estropajeo, w. (mas.) rubbing a wall.
estrellero, ra, a. horse that throws up his estropajo, m, mop, swab, dish-clout bundle ;

head. of bass or esparto for scrubbing worthless, ;

estrellica, ita, uela, .^. dim. little star. trifling thing.

estrell6ll, m. aug. large star star-shaped ; estropajosamente, adv. stammeringly.
piece in fire- works. estropaJOSO, sa, a. (coll.) ragged, slovenly;
estremecedor, ra, a. frightful, terrifying. (coll.) tough (meat); (coll.) stuttering,
estremecer, va. [ind. estremezco subj. : stammering.
kstremezca) to shake, to make tremble; estropeado, da, pp. & a. lame, crippled
(naut.) to labour hard (a ship). vr. to fatigued.
shake, tremble, shudder. estropeamientO, m. maiming, laming.
eotremecimleiltO, m. trembling, quaking, estropear,va. to maim, cripple, mutilate,
shaking. mangle, hurt, cut to spoil, oreak, tear to; ;

estrena, /. gift, present, handsel, love-offer- rumple, crumple to tire out (mas. ) to mix

ing, souvenir ; first use of a thing ; inaugu- lime and sand.

ration. estropeo, m. maim, hurt, injury, damage;
BStrenar, va. to handsel, to use or to do any- overfatigue.
thing the first time ; to commence, begin, estropicio, m. (coll.) breakage, crash (of
inaugurate. vr. to begin to act in some table service, etc.) ; needless turmoil.
capacity ; (theat.) to make one's debut. estrovo, m. (naut.) strap for blocks,
68treil0, in. commencement, handsel, inau- estructtira, /. structure, constructure or- ;

guration; (theat.) first performance, d6- der, method.

but. estruendO, m. clangour, clamour, noise, out-
estrenque, m. stout rope of bass. cry, clatter; confusion, bustle, turmoil;
estrenuidad, /. strength, valour, courage, pomp, ostentation.
strenuousness. estruendosamente, adv. noisily.
estrenuo, nua, a. strong, agile, valorous, estruendoso, sa, a. noisy, clamorous.
strenuous, earnest. estrujadura, /. estrujamiento, m. press-

»M in far ; e in eh I ; i tn polio -.
o in for ; n in bull ; c (before *, 1) and z as th in thick ; h and d, soft ;
ing, squeezing, pressure, crushing, rum- eterizar, va. (med.) to etherize,
eternal, a. eternal,
estrujar, va. to press, squeeze, crush, rum- eternalmente, adv. eternally, everlastingly.
ple, mash, jam, bruise. eternamente, adv. eternally, forever, ever-
estrujdll, m. last pressing of grapes ; crush, lastingly, evermore ;
(met,) for a long time.
squeeze, pressure, jam. eternidad /. eternity,
estrupador, >». estrupar, va. estrupo, m. eternlzar, va. ( ]^ret. eterniciS : subj. eter-
V. E.STUPRADOR, ESTIPRAR, ESTUPRO. nice) to eternize, perpetuate ; to prolong
estuaci6n, /. flow of the tide. indefinitely.
estuante, a. hot, boiling, glowing. etemo, na, a. eternal, endless, never-end-
estuario, »«. estuary, inlet, ing, everlasting ; durable, lasting.
estucador, m. stucco-plasterer. etesio, a. etesiau, recurring yearly.
estucar, va. (mas.) to stucco. 6tica,/. ethics, morals, morality.
estUCO, in. stucco plaster, scagliola.
; ^tico, ca, a. ethical, moral ; moralist ; (med.)
estUClie, m. case (as for jewelry, etc.) box, ; hectic, consumptive.
casket etui, sheath (for scissors ,etc. ) cab-
; ; etimologia, /. etymology.
inet small comb in card games, certain
; ; etimolbgicamente, adv. etymologically.
combination of cards a clever, handy fellow.; etimol6giCO, ca, a. etymological.
estudiador, ra, a. (coll.) very studious. etimologicto, etimdlogo, m. etimologl-
estudiante, m. scholar, student. zante,y''f. etymologist, etymologer,
9Studiantil, a. (coll.) scholastic. etimologizar, ra. to etymologize.
estudiantillo, m. dim. little student. etioiogia,/. (philos. and med.) etiology.
estudiantina,/. strolling band of students. etiope, etidpico, ca, etiopio, a, a. Ethi-
estudiantino, na, a. (coll.) belonging to a opian.
scholar or student k la estudiantina, (coll.)
: etibpide,/. (bot.) clary, Ethiopian mullein.
in the manner of students. etiqueta, /. etiquette, "ceremony, formality:
estudiantbn, m. aug. assiduous but slow stu- traje or vestldo de etiqueta, full dress, even-
dent. ing dress (com.) label.
T. marbete.
estudlar, v«. to study to attend the classes ; etiquetero, ra, «. ceremonious, formal, ex»
in a university ; to muse, ponder, contem- act, prim, punctilious,
plate, commit to memory ; (art) to copy a etites,/, (min. ) eagle-stone, aetites.
model or nature. etmoides, m. (anat.) ethmoid.
estudio, m. study, learning college, school ; 6tnico, ca, ethnic. V. gentil.
library, reading-room studio attention, ; ; etnografia,/. ethnography,
meditation, contemplation. pi. sciences, etnogrkfiCO, ca, a. ethnographic.
letters : estndios mayores, the higher sciences. etn6grafO, ethnographer.
estudiosamente, adv. studiously. etnologia, /. ethnology.
estudiOSidad, /. studiousness. etnol6gico, ca, a. ethnologic.
estUdiOSO, sa, a. studious. etndlOgO, m. ethnologist.
estufa, /. stove heater ; hot-house ; drying-
; etrusco, ca, a. Etruscan.
chamber, dry bath ; sweating-room, suda- eubolia,/. discretion in speech.
tory small brasier.
; eucalipto, TO. (hot.) eucalyptus.
estufador, m. stew-pan. eucaristia, /. eucharist.
estufero, estufista, m. stove-maker. eucaristico, ca, a. eucharistical, eucharistlc.
estufilla, /. hand muff; foot-stove; chafer. eucolOglO, TO. (eccl.) euchologion.
estultamente, adv. foolishly. eacrasia,/. (med.) eucrasy, sound health.
estulticia,/. foolishness, silliness. eucr^tlCO, ca, a. (med.) euchratical.
estultO, ta, a. foolish, silly. eudibmetro, to. (chem.) eudiometer.
estllOSldad, /. burning, hotness, glow. eufemismo, m. (rhet.) euphemism.
estUOSO, sa, «. hot, ardent, glowing. eufonia, /. euphony,
estupefaccibn,/. stupefaction, numbness. euf6nico, ca, a. euphonic, euphonious.
estupefactiVO, va, a. stupefying. euforbi^ceo, cea, a. (bot.) euphorbiaceous.
estupefactO, a. motionless, stupefied. euforbiO, to. (hot.) officinal spurge.
estupendamente, adv. stupendously, eufrasia,/. (hot.) eye-bright.
estupendo, da, «. stupendous, wondrous, eunUCO [eh-oo-noo'-co], in. eunuch.
wonderful, marvellous, eupatorio, to. (hot.) eupatorium.
estupidamente, adv. stupidly. euritmia,/. (arch.) eurythmy.
estupidez, /. stupidity, dulness, stupidness, euritaniCO, ca, a. having eurythmy.
estupldo, da, a. stupid, dull, slow, heavy. euro [ay'-oo-ro], TO. eurus, east wind : •uro aus-
estlipor, m. (med. ) stupor; amazement, tro or noto, south-east wind,
estuprador, m. ravisher, deflowerer, vio- europeo, a, a. European,
lator. 6uscaro, ra [eh'-oos-cahro], a. Basque ; Basque
estuprar, va. to ravish, violate, deflower. language,
estupro, m. ravishment, rape, constupration. ^ustilo, TO. (arch.) eustyle.
estuque, m. v. estuco. eutanasia, /. euthanasia,
estuquista, m. plasterer, stucco-worker. eutiquianismo, m. Eutychianism.
esturar, va. to dry by fire overcook. ; eutiquiano, na, a. Eutychian.
esturgar, ra, to polish delft ware, eutrapelia, eutropelia, /, moderation in
estliri6n, m, (icht.) sturgeon. pleasures ;
pastime, sport,
6siQa./. (hot.) leafy-branched spurge. eutrap61ico, ca, eutrop^lico, ca, a. mod-
esvlaje, m. (arch.) obliquity. erate, temperate,
etapa,/. (mil.) ration given to troops in the evacuacibn,/. evacuation, exhaustion.
field ;
(mil.) stage, station, stop. evacuante, pa. & a. evacuant, evacuating.
etcetera,/, et cetera, etc., or Ac. evacuar, va. to empty, evacuate to quit, ;

6ter, TO, (chem.) ether (poet.) the sky. ;

vacate, leave : evacuar un negocio or una di-
et6reo, rea, «. ethereal, etherous; (poet.) ligencia, to transact a business ; to do an
heavenly. errand.
eterizaci6n, /, (med,) etherization. evacuativo, va, torlo, a, a. evacuative.

g (before e, i) and J as b in hot ; ta, silent ; 11 in brllUant ; ft, ay in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; t, hissed.
evadiX, va. to evade, shirk, escape, elude, eXageraCi6n [ek-sah-hey-rah-thle-on'], /. exagger-
avoid.—i-r. to evade, escap*^, slip away, ation, overstatement, hyperbole.
8neak away. exagerador, ra, a. exaggerator.
evaluaci6n,/. v. valuaci6n. exagerante, pa. exaggerating.
evaluar, va. V. valuar. exagerar lek-sah-hey-rar'i, va. to exaggerate,
evangeliario, m. evangelistary. amplify, magnify, overstate ; to overact a
evangelicamente, adv. evaugehcally. part.
evangelico, ca, a. evaugehcal. exagerativamente, adv. exaggeratively.
evangelic, m. gospel.—/;/, evangelios, go.spel exagerativo, va, a. exaggerating, exaggera-
relic-booklet worn by children. tory.
evangelismo, m. evangelism. exagonal, ex^gono, na, a. hexagonal.
evangelista, >ii. evangelist gospel chanter, ; exaltacibn [ek-Bai-taii-thie-on'i, /. exaltation,
evangelistero, m. gospeller. elevation ;
(chem.) sublimation.
evangelizador, ra, a. evangehzer. exaltadO, da [ek-sai-tah'-doh , a. (neol.) ultra-
evangelizar, va. to evangelize. radical in politics ; hot-headed.
evaporable, «. evaporable. exaltamientO, m. exaltation ; ultra-radical-
evapcracibn,/. evaporation. ism.
evaporador, ra, a. evaporator.— w. & /. exaltar [ek-sai-tar'], va. to exalt, elevate, lift
evaporating apparatus. to praise, extol. vr. to be carried away by
evaporar, ra. to evaporate, vaporize. vr. to passion.
evaporate, steam away, pass otf, grow vapid. examen m. examination, disqui-
evaporatoriO, a. evaporative. sition, consideration trial, inquiry inter- ; ;

evaporizar, va. & vr. (pret. evaporic^: rogatory inspection, investigation, search ;

subj. evaporice) to evaporate, vaporize. exploration, survey.

evasidn, /. evasion, escape, subterfuge, exametro, w. V. HExiMEXRo.
evasiva, /. subterfuge. examinador, ra, a. examiner, examinator.
evasivamente, adv. evasively. examinando, m. examinant.
evasiVO, va, «• evasive, elusive. examinante, pa. examining.
eveccion, /. (ast.) evection. examinar [ek-sah-ine-nar'i, va. to examine, in-

eventO, event, accident, contingency.-

//*.' vestigate, question ; inspect, go over, re-
eventual, ". eventual, fortuitous. view
; scan, search; to consider, look into,
eventualidad, /. contingency. look up fathom ; feel, consult.

eventualmante, adv. eventually. exangiie [ek-8aiiu'gooe':i;, a. bloodless, exsan-

eversion, /. eversion, destruction, ruin, guious ;
(met.) weak.
eviccion [cii-vic-thie-on'i, /. eviction. exanimaci6n, ./*. exauimation.
evidencia, /. evidence, proof, obviousness, exanime [ek-Kiir ne men., a. spiritless, exani-
certainty. mous, M'cak, lifeless.
evidenclar, va. to evidence, prove, make exantema [ek sau teir mah\ /. exanthema.
clear. exantematico, ca, a. ex anthem atous.
evldente, a. evident, clear, manifest, obvi- exarca, exarco lok sar'-ca], m. exarch.
ous, plain, certain. exarcado, m. exarchate.
evidentrimente, adv. evidently, plainly, exasperacidn [ek sas-peh-rah-thie-on'], /, exas-
clearly, manifestly, notoriously. peration.
evitabie, «. avoidable, extricable, evitable. exasperar {ek-pas-peh-rar'i, va. to exasperate,
evitaci6n./. evltation, act of avoiding. irritate, vex, enrage, offend.
evitar, ta. to avoid, elude, escape, forbear; eXCandeCencia [ex-can-da-tliane'-thle-ahl, /. an-
to rty, shirk, shun, decline ; to save, spare. ger, passion.
eviterno, na, «. imperishable, lasting. excandpcer [ex-can-da-therr'1, va. {ind. EXCAN-
evo, w. age, long time eternity, endless du- ;
DEZCO: subj. excandezca) to irritate, pro-
ration. voke, enrage. ^»'r. to be in a passion.
evocacidn,/. evocation, evoking. excarcelacidn, /. act of setting a prisoMer
evocar, »•«. pret. evoque subj. EvoQUE)
: free.
to call out, evoke. excarcelar [ex-car-thay-iar'i, va. to set a prisoner
evolucion, /. evolution, gradual develop- free.
ment; (mil. and naut.) evolution, manoeu- excava, /. (agr.) pit around the root of a
vre. plant. •
evolucionar, vn. (mil. and naut.) to perform excavaci6n [ex-cah-vahthie-on']./. excavation.
evolutions or manoeuvres. excavar, va. to excavate, dig, hollow out,
evolutive, va, a. evolutive. scoop.
ex, pre]), prefix, out, out of, off; formerly, exceaente [ex-tiia-den'tehi, pa. ii a. excessive,
ex abruptO, adv. abruptly, violently. exceeding. m. (com.) surplus.
exacci6n tek-8Hc tiiie-oii'], /. exaction; impost, exceder va. to exceed, surpass,
tax, contribution, levy. excel, go beyond. it. to exceed, overgo.
exacerbacidn 'ek sah-ther Uh-thie-on],/, (med.) excelencia excellence, su-
[ex tha-ien'tiiie-aii',/.
exacerbation, paroxysm, periority ; excellency, title of honour por :

exacerbar [ek sah-ther-bar'], va. to irritate, ex- excelencia, (coll.) par excellence.
as|)erato, exacerbate. excelente (ex-tim len'teh', a. excellent, exqui-
exactamente ek «ac t«h-nien'-tayi, adv. exactly, site, surpassing. /«. ancient gold coin. —
just, justly, accurately, faithfullv, circum- excelentemente, adv. excellently.
stantially, minutely, critically, nicely. excelentisimo, ma, a. swperl. most excel-
exactitud (ek sac te-tooiV /. exactness, exacti-
tude, punctuality, accuracy, correctness, excelsamente, adv. sublimely.
justness, niceness. excelsitud, /. excelsitude, loftiness.
exactO, ta exact, punctual, as-
(ek-sahc'-toi, a. excelSO, sa [ex-tiiei'-so], a. elevated, sublime,
siduous, nice, heedful, faithful, observant, lofty.
critical, just. exc6ntrlcamente, adv. eccentrically.
exactor [ek-sac-tor'j, m. tax-gathcrer. eXCentriCidad [e.x-thane-tree-tlile-dahd';, /. eccen-
exaedro, m. (geora.) V. hexahedro. tricity.

a as !n far ; e in eh I : i in police ; o in for ; n in bull ; c (befure e. i) and z as ih in tUck ; b and d, noft.

QZC^ntriCO, Ca [ex-thane'-tree-co], a. eccentric, excreto, ta, a. excreted, ejected.
eccentrical extravagact, ; odd, queer.—/, excretorio, ria, a. excretory, excretive.
(mech. ) eccentric wheel. excrex [ex-crex'J, m. {pi. excrez) (law) increase
excepci6n exception, exclu-
[extiiep-tiiie-on'],/. of dower.
sion (law) demurrer, exception.
; exculpacibn, /. exculpation, exoneration.
excepcional, a. exceptional, unusual. exculpar, va. & vr. to exculpate, exonerate.
excepcionar, va. (law) to except, object, de- excursi6ll, /. excursioa, trip, tour; (law^
mur. excussion, liquidation.
exceptO [ex-tiiep'-to], adv. except that, besides excusa, /. excuse, apology, plea allowance, ;

that, excepting. excusableness, colour, cloak, loophole.

exceptuaci6n/ V. excepci6x. excusabaraja, /. basket with a cover.
exceptuar [ex-theivtoo-ar'], va. to except, ex- excusable, a. excusable, pardonable.
empt, exclude, leave out. excusaci6n, /. V. excusa.
excerta, excerpt, extract, citation.
/. excusadamente, adv. uselessly.
excesivamente, adv. excessively. excusadO, da,;)p. & a. exempted, privileged \
excesivo, va [extiia-see'-vo], a. excessive, im- superfluoHs, useless, unnecessary reserved, ;

moderate, exorbitant, overgreat, extreme. set apart. m. ancient privilege of exemp-

exceso lextha'-soi, 771. excess, overmuch su- ; tion from the payment of tithes ; Ingar excu-
perfluity, excessiveness, exuberance in- ; Bade, privy, water-closet, toilet-room.
temperance, irregularity, transgression ; excusador, ra, a. excuser. m. substitute,
wickedness, crime; (com.) surplus: en ex- vicar (law) excuser.

ceso, excessively. excusall, m. small apron.

excipiente, t. (pharm.) excipient. excusar, va. to excuse, exculpate, palliate ;
excitabilidad, /. excitability. to exempt from taxes or obligations to pre- ;

excitable ex-thie-tah'-bieh], a. excitable. vent, avoid, shun. vr. to excuse one's self,
eXCitacibn [ex-thie-tan-thie-on'], /. excitation, apologize to send regrets ; to decline or re-

act of exciting, excitement. ject a request.

excitador, m. (elec.) discharging rod. excusi6n,/. (law) excussion, attachment.
excitante, pa. &.m. &f. exciting, excitant. execrable, a. execrable, accunsed.
excitar lex-thie-tarM, va. to excite, move, stim- execrablemente, adv. execrably.
ulate, stir up, rouse, animate, fire, flame. execracion, /. execration, cursing.
excitative, va, a. exciting, excitative. execrador, ra, a. execrater.
exclamaci6n, /. exclamation, shout, cla- exc^rando, da, a. execrable.
mour. execrar, va. to execrate, accurse, abhor.
exclamar, vn. to exclaim, shout, cry out, execratorio, ria, a, execratory.
clamour, to holler. ex6gesis lek-seii'-iieh-sis], /. exegesis.
exclamativo, va, torio, ria, a. exclama- ex6geta [ek-seir-heh-tah], m. exegete.
tory. exeg6tiC0, ca, a. exegetic, explanatory.
exclaustraci6n,/. secularization of monks. exenci6ll [ek-sen-thie-on'], /. exemption, im-
exclaustradO, m. secularized monk. munity, privilege, franchise.
exclaustrar, va. to secularize monks. exentado, da, pp. & a. exempt, exempted.
excluir, ra. pp. EXCLUIDO, excluso hid.
( : exentamente, adv. freely ; frankly, clearly,
EXCLUYO: sitbj. EXCLUYA) to exclude, shut simply, sincerely.
out, expel, eject, reject, debar, deny admis- exentar, va. toexempt, to privilege, to fran-
sion. chise ; to acquit, to excuse. vr. to except
CXClUSibn,/. exclusion, shutting out, denying one's self.
admission, rejection, ejection exception.
; exento, ta, a. exempt, free, freed, disen-
exclusiva, /. refusal ; rejection, exclusion ;
gaged, privileged clear, open, isolated, un-

sole right, special privilege. obstructed.—pp. irr. of EXIMIR. m. oflicer

exclusivamente, exclusive, adv. exclu- in the Spanish life-guards.
sively. exequias [ek-seh'-ke-as], /. pZ, exequies, funeral
exclusive, va, a. exclusive. rites, obsequies.
excluso, pp. irr. from excluir. exequible [ek-seh-kee'-biehl, a. attainable.
excogitable, a. imaginable, reasonable. exergO [ek-sen-'-go], m. exergue.
excogitar, ra. to excogitate, meditate find, ; exfoliaclbn [ex-fo-ie-ati-thie-on'], /. exfoliation,
invent, devise. scaling or peeling ott'.

excomulgadO, da, pp. & a. excommuni- exfoliar, va. to exfoliate. vr. to scale off.
cated, accursed. exlialaci6n [ on', /. exhalation ;
excomulgador, m. excommunicator. bolt of lightning ; shooting star effluvium,

excomulgar, m. {for mut. V. coMULGAR) to fume, vapour.

excommunicate ; to anathematize, accurse. exbalador, ra, a. exhaler.
excomunidn, excommunication excomu- exbalar, va. to exhale, breathe forth, emit.
nion mayor, anathema.
./'. :

— vr. to exhale, evaporate ; to be exhausted

excoriacion, /. excoriation, flaying. by violent exercise.
excoriar, m. (med. ) to excoriate, to flay. exbausto, ta, a. exhausted.
excrecencia,/. excrescence or excresceucy, exheredacidn, /. disinheritance.
excreci6n,/'. excretion. exheredar, va. to disinherit.
excremental, a. v. excrementicio. exhibicidn,/. exhibition, exposition.
excrementar, va. to excrementlze, to void exhibir, vn. "to exhibit, expose, display.
by stool. exbortacibn,/. exhortation, admonition.
excrementicio, Cia, a. excrementitious, ex- exhortador, ra, m. &/. exhorter, monitor.
cremental. exbortar, ra. to exhort, admonish, warn.
excremento, m. excrement, flux ; excretion, exbortatorio, ria, a. exhortatory.
excrete. exborto, ni. (law) letters. requisitorial.
excrementOSO, sa, a. excremental, excre- exbumacibn, /. exhumation, disinterment.
mentitious. exhumar, va. to disinter, exhume, unbury.
excretar, m. to excrete ; eject the excre- exigencia ek-se-heii'-tiiie-ah',/. exigency, want,
ments. requirement, demand.

g (before e. i Vand J as h In hot ; h, sUeHt ; 11 In brilliant ; ft. uy In canyon ; r Miiitial ) ani rr trilled ; •, bisM4,

exlgente,pa. & a. exigent, exacting, course of business ; expedient, measure, r©»
exigible [ek-w-hee'-biay a. exigible. , source, means to an end facility in the ;

exigidero, ra, a. exigible. management of affairs reason, motive, pre- ;

eXigir lek-se-heer'J, va. (intl. EXIJO subj. EXI- : text ; supply, provision.
ia) to exact, demand, require, need to ; expedir, va. {ind. expido: mbj. expida) t«

urge. expedite, facilitate; despatch, issue, for-
exigiiidad [ek-se-goo-e-daiid';,/. exiguity, small- ward, ship, send.
ness. expeditamente, adv. expeditiously, expe-
exigUO, gua, a. exiguous, small. uitely. easily.
eximiO, mia [ek-see'-me-oj, a. eximious, fa- expedliivo, va, a. expeditive, expeditious,
mous, very eminent. speedy, quick.
eximir [ek-se-meer'l, va. {pp. EXIMIDO, EXEN- expedite, ta, a. prompt, expeditious, speedy,
TO) to exempt, to free from, clear from to ; quick.
privilege, excuse, except. expelente, pa. expellant.
exinanici6n, /. inanition; debility. expeler, va. {pp. expeudo, expulso) to
exinanidO, da, a. debilitated, very ^eak. expel, eject, throw out.
existencia [ek-8i8-ten'-tiiie-ahi,/. existence, life, expendedor, ra, a. spender.—?n. dealer,
hehig.—pl. (com.) st»ck in hand, goods. agent, seller ;
(law) distributor of counter-
exlstente, pa. & a. existing, extant, existent feit money receiver of stolen goods.

(com.) on hand. expendeduria, /. shop cigar-store. ;

existimaci6n, /. estimation, opinion. expender, va. to expend, spend, lay out;

eXistimar lek-8i8te-mar'], va. to hold, to form (com.) to sell on commission (law) to pass ;

an oi)iiiion, to judge. counterfeit money or stolen goods.

eXiStir lek-sis-teer'), vn. tO exist, tO be. expendicidn, /. expendio, ?«. expense, out-
6xitO [ek'-se-tol, m. issue, result, accomplish- lay, eousumption.
ment, end, termination. expensas,/. pi. expenses, charges, costs.
6X0d0, m. Exodus, second book of Moses. experiencia, /. experience practice, trial. ;

eX0neraCi6n [ek-soneli-rali-thle-on'], /. exoner- experimentado, da, pp. & a. experienced,

ation, disburdening. expert, couversant.
exonerar |ek-8o-nay-rar'l, ra. to exonerate, un- experimentador, ra, m. &f. experimenter,
load, disburden, release, relieve, acquit. experimentalist.
exorable, a. exorable. experimental, a. experimental.
exorar, va. to exorate, beg, entreat. experimentalmente, adv. experimentally.
eXOrbitancia [ek-sor-be-talm' tlie-ali], /. exorbi- experimentar, va. to experience to expe'ri- ;

tance. ment, test, prove, try.

exorbitante, exorbitant, excessive,
a. experimento, m. experiment,. test, proof, ex-
exorbitantemente, adv. exorbitantly. perience, trial.
eXOrcismO (ek-8or-thie8'-mo], m. exorcism, expertamente, adv. expertlv, cunningly.
exorcista, m. exorciser, exorcist. experto, ta, a. practical, able, experienced,
eXOrciZante [ek-aor-thle-thahn'-tayj, pa. exorcis- conversant. m. an expert.
ing. in. exorciser. expiacibn,/. expiation, atonement, purifica^
exorcizar lek-sor-tiiie-thar'], va. to exorcise, ad- tion.
jure. expiar, va. to expiate, atone for a crime,
exordio [ek-Bor'-<ie-o], m. exordium. make amends to purify, to free from prof-

exornacibn, /. (rhet.) exomation. anation.

exornar, va. to adorn, embellish. expiativo, va, a. expiational.
exosmosis,/. (phys.) exosmose. expiatorio, ria, a. expiatory.
exot6rico, ca, a. exoteric, public, common. eXpillO, m. (hot.) V. MATRICARIA.
ex6tico, ca, a. exotic, foreign, extraneous. expirar, m. to die to end, expire, ;

expansibilidad, /. expansibility. explanacibn, /. explanation, elucidation

expansi6n,/. expansion, extension. (r. w.) levelling.
expansive, va, a. expansive, dilatable ; af- explanada,/. lawn ;
(fort.) esplanade, glacis ;
fable, communicative. (arti.) platform.
expatrlaci6n, /. expatriation. explanar, va. to level, to grade ; to explain,
expatriar, va. to expatriate.—rr. to emi- elucidate.
grate. explajramiento, m. dilating, dwelling upoa
expectable, a. conspicuous, eminent. a subject ; outing.
expectacibn,/. jexpectation, expectance, ex- explayar, extend, dilate, enlarge.—
va. to
pectancy, anticipation. vr. to dwell upon a subject to be extended ;

expectante, a. expectant. to enjoy an outing,

expectativa, /. expectation, expectancy, explfltivo, va, a. expletive,
hojxi ;
(law) expectancy, abeyance. explicable, a. explicable, explainable.
expectoraci6n, /. expectoration, sputum. explicaci6n, /. explanation, explication, elu-
expectorante, pa. & a. expectorating. m. cidation, statement, interpretation.
(raed. ) expectorant. explicaderas, /. pi. (coll.) facility of ex-
expectorar, ra. & vn. to expectorate, spit, plaining.
spit out. explicar, va. {pret. expmqu6: subj. kxpli-
expedici6n, /. expedition, haste, despatch, que) to explain, elucidate, expound, com-
speed, activity, nimbleness, readiness, fa- ment, construe. vr. to explain one's self.
cility pontifical brevet or bull
; (mil. ) ex- ; explicative, va, a. explicative, explicatory
pdition, warlike enterprise; excursion, explicitamente, adv. explicitly.
jaunt, journey. explicito, ta, /. explicit, clear, distinct,
expedicionario, rla, a. expeditionary. manifest.
expedicionero, m. expeditioner. exploracibn, /. exploration.
expedidor, ra, a. (com.) forwarding mer- explorador, ra,/. explorator, explorer.
chant, agent, shipper, sender, despatches explorar, ta. to explore, investigate, search
expediente, m. (law) action, proceedings; into, examine by trial (mil.) to scout. ;

file of papers bearing on a case despatch. ; exploratoriO, ria, a. exploratory, exploring.

au Id far ; c In eh 1 : 1 in police ; o In n In bull ; c (before e, i) and S as th in thick : b and d. aoft
ezplOSidn, /. explosion, outburst; (min.) expurgO, m. expurgation, purification.
blast. exquisitamente, adv. exquisitely.
explOSiVO, va, a. explosive. exquisito, ta, a. exquisite, delicious.
explotable, a. (min.) workable. 6xtasi or extasis, m. ecstasy.
explotaclon,/. (min.) working; improving. extasiar, va. & vr. to ecstasize.
explotar, va. to work or develop mines to ; extatico, ca, a. ecstatical, absorbed.
improve lands; to exploit, utilize, push a extemporal, extemporaneo, nea, a. un-
venture through. timely.
expoliacibn,/. expoliation, spoliation. extempor^neamente, adv. untimely,
expoliador, ra, a. spoliator. extender, va. & vr. pp extendido, exten- (
expoliar, va. to spoliate, plunder, despoil. so: ind. EXTiENDO subj. extienda) to ex- :

exponente, pa. exponent. m. (arith.) ex- tend, enlarge, lengthen, widen, prolong,
ponent, index. spread, dilate, expand, outstretch to un- ;

exponer, ta. {for in: V. to expose, PONER) fold, unfurl to draw up (a document) ;

exhibit, show, lay open, bare to dis- make ; (com.) to extend, prolong, increase. vr. to
close, expound, explain to expose, put in ; stretch out to enlarge upon
; to become ;

danger, jeopard to stake, hazard, risk to

; ; general or popular (as a fashion).
abandon a child. vr. to imperil one's self, extendidamente, adv. extensively.
run a risk. extendido, da, pp. & a. extended, stretched
exportacion,/. exportation. out, spacious general. ;

exportador, ra, «. exporter. extensamente, adv. extensively.

exportar, va. to export. extension,/, extension; expansion, extent,
exposicion, /.exposition, explanation, state- length, extensiveness dimension, space, ;

ment peril, risk, jeopardy

petition, ;
capacity ; (log.) extension.
claim exposition, exhibition, fair (drama)
; ; extenslvamente, adv. extensively, widely,
exposition; (arch.) situation, orientation; largely.
public display. extensivo, va, a. extensive, ample, wide,-
expositiVO, va, a. explanatory, expositive. large, extensible.
expbsitO, ta, a. foundling. extenso, sa, pp. irr. of extender, and ^v
expositor, ra, a. expounder, explainer, ex- extensive, spacious : por extenso, at length,
plicator. m. &f. exhibitor. m. expositor. with full particulars.
expremijo, m. cheese-vat. extensor, ra, a. extending; (med.) exten-
expresado, da, a. before mentioned, cited, sor.
aforesaid. extenuaci6n, /. attenuation, feebleness,
expresamente, adv. expressly, clearly. wasting.
expresar, va. {pp. expresado, expreso) extenuado, da, pp. & a. attenuate, feeble,
to express, state, manifest, utter, tell ; (art) weak.
to delineate, design. extenuar, va. to attenuate, diminish, debili-
expresi6n, /. expression, declaration, state- make lean, wear away. vr. to languish,
ment phrase, utterance expressiveness
; grow feeble, decay.
of face or gesture present, gift expression,
; extenuatlvo, va, a. attenuating.
squeezing, pressing out (of oils, etc.). exterior, a. exterior, external, outward. m.
expresivamente, adv. expressively. exterior, outside personal appearance, as-

expreslvo, va, a. expressive affectionate, ; pect.

kind. exterloridad, /. exteriority outward ap- ;

expreso, sa, a. & pp. irr. of expresar ; ex- pearance demeanour, composure; super-

pressed express, clear, manifest. m, ex-

ficiality, externality show^ pomp, pag- ;

press, special messenger, courier. eantry.

exprlmidera,/. (pharm.) squeezer. exteriorizar, ra. (neo.) to externalize, make
exprimidero, m. any apparatus for express- manifest. vr. to unbosom one's self.
ing juice. exteriormente, adv. externally, outwardly
exprimido, da, pp. & a. squeezed dry. ;
exprlmir, ra. to squeeze or press out to ex- ; exterminador, ra, a. exterminatory,— m. &
press one's thoughts vividly. /. exterminator.
ex profeso. adv. (Lat.) on purpose. exterminar, va. to exterminate, destroy ; to
expropiaci6n, /. expropriation. banish.
expropiar, va. to expropriate. exterminio, m. extermination, extirpation,
expuesto, ta, a. & pp. irr. of exponer ex- ;
destruction expulsion, banishment.

posed, liable displayed in danger.

; ; externamente, adv. externally.
expugnable, a. (mil.) expugnable. externo, na, external visible, outward.
expugnacibn, /. (mil.) expugnation. — m. &f. day-pupil.

expugnador, m. (mil.) expugner. ex testamentO, (Lat.) by will or testa-

expugnar, va. (mil.) to take by storm. ment.
expulsar, va. {pp. expulsado, expulso) to extiendo, extienda {irr. from extender).
expel, eject, drive out. extincidn, /. extinction, extinguishment,
expulsibn,/. expulsion, expelling, ejection, suppression, obliteration.
expulsivo, va, a. expulsive, expelling. extinguible, a. extinguishable.
expulso, sa, a. & pp. irr. of expeler and eXtingnir [ex-tin-seer'], va. {pp. extinguido,
expulsar ejected, driven out, expelled ;
EXTiNTO: ind. extingo subj. extinga) to :

outcast. quench, extinguish, put out ; smother, ob-

exptQsor, ra, a. expeller, ejector. literate, suppress, destroy.
expurgacidn, /. expurgation. extintiVO, va, a. (law) extinguishing.
expurgar, va. {for mut. V. purgar) to ex- extintO, ta, a. & pp. irr. of EXTiNGUiR ; ex-
purgate, expunge, purge away, cleanse, tinguished, extinct.
purify. extirpacidn, /. extirpation, eradication, ex-
expurgatoriO, ria, a. expurgatory.—wi. in- termination, excision.
dex of the books prohibited by the Inquisi- extirpador, ra, a. extirpator.—m. (agr.)
tion. cultivator.

C (before e, i) and J as h to hot ; h, silent ; U in brilliant ; £l, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; •, hissed,
extirpar, va. to extirpate, root out, eradi- extremar, va. to carry to an extreme. vr. tA
cate, destroy. surpass one's self.
extorsibn,/. extortion; overcharge, extreniaiinci6n, /. extreme unction.
extra, prep, prefix, out, without, besides. extremeflo, fla, a. Estremenian,
extracci6n, /. extraction exportation ; extremidad, /. extremity, end edge, brink, ;

drawing numbers in the lottery. border, or brim of anythingextreme or re-< ;

extracta, /. (law) true copy, extract. motest part. extremities of animals.

extractador, m. abstractor. extreme, ma, a. extreme, last terminal ;

extractar, va. to abstract, epitomize, abridge. furthest; greatest, of the highest degree,
extractO, m. abstract, summary, abridg- excessive, utmost extreme, utmost point, ;

ment, compendium; (pharm.) extract: ex- highest degree apex furthest end, ex-
; ;

tract© de satnrno, white-lead. tremity greatest care in doing a thing:


extractor, ra, a. extractor. con extremo, en extremo, por extremo, ex-

extradicidn, /. extradition. tremely, in the utmost degree: hacer ex-
extraeilte,pa. extracting. m. &f. extractor. tremes, to express with vehemence, to gush ;
extraer, (>«. {for irr. v. traer) to extract, de extremo k extremo, from one end to the
draw out, remove; to export; (math.) to other.
extract (the root) ;
(law) to draw a copy extremoso, sa, a. extreme, impassioned, ve-
from any document. hement, gushing.
extraigo, extraje, etc. {irr. from extraer). extrinsecamente, adv. extrinsically.
extrajudicial, a. extrajudicial, extrinseco, ca, a. extrinsic, outward, for-r
extraiudicialmente, adv. extrajudicially, eign.
extralimitarse, vr. to overstep one's power exuberancla, /. exuberance,- abundance.
or authority. exuberante, a. exuberant, overabundant^
extra muros, (Lat.) without the walls of a luxuriant.
town. exudacion,/. exudation, sweating.
'extranjerla, /. alienship. exudar, m. to exude, to ooze out.
extranjerismo, m. fondness for foreign cus- exulceracidn, /. (med.) exulceration.
toms. exulcerar, va. (med.) to exulcerate, ulceN
extranjero, ra, «. foreign, outlandish, exo- ate. vr. to become ulcerated.
tic. m. &f. stranger, foreigner, alien. exultacidn,/. exultation, great joy.
extranjia, /. (coll.) alienship, exutorio, m. (med.) exutory, issue.
extranjis (de), (coll.) foreign, strange or un- exvoto, m. (Lat,) votive offering.
extrailaci6n, /. extra&amiento, m. aliena-
tion expulsion, banishment; exile, emi-

extra&amente, adv. queerly, oddly.
extra&ar, va. to alienate, to banish ; to cut, f [eh'-feh], seventh letter of the Spanfth alpka-
ignore (a person) ; to wonder at to censure, ;
bet pronounced as in English it was for-
; ;

chide, reprimand ; to refuse, decline. merly used instead of h, as fablar for hablar,
extrafieza,/, oddity, queerness, strangeness ; fa, OT. (mus. ) fourth note, fa F. ;

surprise, wonderment alienation of affec- ;

fabada, / in Asturias, pork and beans.
tion. fabrica, /. fabrication fabric, structure, ;

extraflO, fia, a. strange, odd, queer foreign, ; building, edifice; factory, works, mill, manu-
extraneous, outlandish rare, singular ex- ; ; factory.
travagant, irregular, wild. fabricaci6n, /. fabrication, construction
extraordlnariamente, adv. extraordinari- manufacturing; manufacture, make.
ly, uncommonly, remarkably. fabricador, ra, m. &f. fabricator, schemer.
extraordinariO, a. extraordinary, uncom- fabricante, pa. & m. builder, constructor,
mon, special, rare, odd.— »t. extra dish at maker, manufacturer, master-workman, ar-
dinner; special courier. tificer.
extravagancia, /. extravagance, irregulari- fabricar, va. ( pret. fabriquk subj. FABRi- :

ty, oddiiess, folly, freak. QUE) to build, construct, frame to manu* ;

extravagante, extravagant, eccentric,

a. facture to fabricate, contrive, devise.

wild, freakish, queer, odd, grotesque.—/. j)/. fabrll, a. manufacturing.

(eccl. ) extravagants. fabriquero, m. manufacturer ; churchwar*
extravagantemente, adv. extravagantly. den.
extravasacibn, /. (med.) extravasation. fabUCO, m. (hot.) beech-mast.
extaravasarse, vr. to extravasate, exude. fibula,/, fable, fiction, legend, story, fairy-
extravenado, da, pp. & a. extravenate. tale rumour, report,
; common talk ; lie>
extravenarse, vr. to exude through the falsehood.
veins. fabtilador, m. fabulist, author of fables.
extravlado, da, pp. & a. gone astray mis- ; fabulilla, ita,/. dim. little fable.
laid, miscarried, missing of unsound
fabulista, m. fabulist, writer of fables,
mind. fabulosamente, adv. fabulously.
extravlar, va. to mislead, to misguide; to fabuloso, sa, a. fabulous, fictitious, legen-
misplace, mislay; to embezzle. vr. to go dary marvellous, incredible.

astray to miscarry (as a letter) to deviate,

; ; faca, /. jack-knife used by seamen.
to err. faccldn,/. faction, turbulent party, tumult,
extraviO, m. deviation ; aberration ; mis- uprising; (mil.) battle; any act of military
conduct misplacement. ;
service: facci6n de testamento, (law) faculty
extremadamente, adv. extremely. of testating. pi. features, lineaments, phys-
extremadas,/. pi. time of making cheese. iognomv.
extremado, da, pp. & a. extreme, consum- faccionario, rla, a. faction ary.
mategood or bad).
(in faccioso, sa, a. fractious, turbulent, unruly,
extremamente, adv. extremely, exceeding- mutinous. ni. a rebel.
ly, mightily. facer, va. (obs.) V. hacer.
* M In far ; e in eb I
; 1 in police ; o In for ; n lu bull ; c (before e, l) and z as th In thick ; b and d, aofti
faceta,/. (jewel) facet of a gem. fajardo, m. meat pie, patty vol-au-vent. ;

facial, «. facial intuitive.; fajeado, da, a. banded, fasciated.

facialmente, adv. intuitively. fajero, m. crochet swaddling-band.
f^Cil, ". easy, light, facile; pliant, flexible, fajin, m. dim. small band or sash a general's ;

compliant, docile, handy ; easily persuaded sash.

or seduced. fajina,/. toil, task, work (agr.) shock, stook, ;

facllldad, /. ease, easiness, facility ; ready rick of sheaves fagot of brushwood (mil.)
; ;

compliance.—«/. accommodations. bugle-call; (fort.) fascine.

facilillO, ilia, itO, ita, a. dim. rather easy. fajinada, /. (fort.) fascine-work or revet-
facilitaci6n,/. facilitation. ment.
facilitar, va. to facilitate, expedite ; to sup- fajo, m. bundle; sheaf.—p/. swaddling-clothes,
ply, deliver. faj6n, m. aug. large band, roller, or sash.
facillt^n, na, a. (coll.) one who assumes to faluela,/. dim. small bandage or roller.
make everything easy. falacia, /. fallacy, fraud, sophism.
facilmente, adv. easily, without diflSculty. falange,/. (mil.) phalanx; (anat.) phalanx.
facinerOSO, a. wicked, facinorous. — pi. phalanges.
facistol, m. chorister's desk lectern. ; falangia,/. falangio, m. (ent.) phalangium,
facsimile, m. fac-simile. or daddy-long-legs.
factible, a. feasible, practicable. falangiano, na, a. (anat.) phalangeal.
facticiO, Cia, a. factitious, artificial. falansterio, vi. phalanstery.
factor, m. (com.) factor, agent, commis- falarica, /. phalaric, fire-dart.
sioner; (mil.) victualler; (r. w.) baggage- falaris, /. (om. ) coot, scoter.
master; (math.) factor. falaz, a. deceitful, fallacious.
factoraje, m. factoria,/. factorage agency ; ; falazmente, adv. fallaciously.
factory trading in a foreign country en-
; ; falbal^, m. flounce, furbelow ; flap on the
trepot. skirt of a coat.
factorial, (math.) factorial.
a. falca, small wedge; (naut.) wash-board.
factdtum, m. factotum, man of all work falcado, da, pp. & a. hooked, curvated, fal-
busybody. cated scythed chariot.

factlira,/. (com.) invoice, bill (art) hand- ;

falcario, m. soldier armed with a falchion.
ling. falce, f. sickle, reaping-hook falchion. ;

facturar, J'a. (com.) to invoice, to bill; fac- falcidia,/. (law) Falcidian.

tura simulada," proforma invoice; (r. w.) to falCinelO, m. (orn.) glossy ibis.
check baggage. falcdn, m. ancient small cannon falcon. ;

facula, /. ) facula.
(ast. falconete, m. falconet, small cannon.
facultad, faculty, power, capacity, au-
/. falda,/. skirt, train, flap the lap brow of a ; ;

thority, right to do a thing ; science, art hill, slope; loin of beef, mutton, etc. tas- ;

faculty (in a university); (med.) physio- set, tuilles, in armour perrillo de falda, lap-

logical power or ability license, permis- ; dog.

sion.—/)/, fortune, wealth facultades del : faldamenta, faldamento, m. skirt, train.
alma, powers of the mind. faldar, m. tasset, tuille, in armour.
facultar, va. to empower, authorize, com- faldear, va. to skirt a hill.
mission. faldellin, m. overskirt underskirt. ;

facultativamente, adv. facultatively. falderillO, ilia, a. dim. little lap-dog.

facultativo, va, a. facultative optional ; faldero, ra, a.belonging to the lap perrillo :

belonging to a faculty. m. physician. faldero, lap-dog; fond of being among

facundia, /. facundity, eloquence. women.
facundo, da, a. eloquent, fluent, facund. faldeta, /.'dim. small skirl.
facha, /. (coll.) appearance, aspect, look, faldicorto, ta, a. having short skirts.
mien, face facha & facha, adv. face to face
: : faldillas,/. dim. pi. skirts; coat-tails.
en facha, (uaut. ) lying to. faldistoriO, m. fold for bishop's stool.
fachada, /. (arch.) facade, face, front, front- fald6n, m. aug. long flowing skirt, flap coat- ;

age frontispiece of a book; (coll.) figure,

; tail shirt-tail
; hanging drapery nap of a
; ;

build (of a person). saddle; top mill-stone (arch.) gable tym- ; ;

fachenda, /. (coll.) vanity, conceit. m. panum.

(coll.) vain, conceited fellow. faldriquera, .f. pocket. V. faltriquera.
fachendear, va. (coll.) to brag, boast of. falencia, /. misstatement, mistake.
fachendista, d6n, na, doso, sa, a. con- falibilidad, /. fallibility.
ceited, vain, ostentatious. falible, «. fallible,
fada, /. fairy, enchantress, witch; (bot.)' falimiento, m. untruth, deceit, falsehood.
small pippin apple. falordia,/. storj, fairy-tale, fable.
faena, /. work, labour, task, toil.—p^. busi- falsa, /. garret; guide-lines; (mus.) disso-
ness affairs. nance.
faet6n, m. omnibus, carry-all. falsaamarra,/. (naut.) preventer-rope.
fagOCitO, m. (biol.) phagocyte. falsabraga, /. (fort.) low rampart.
fa§^Ot, m. (mus.) bassoon, fagotto. falsada, /. irregular flight of birds.
fais^n, na, m. &f. (orn.) pheasant, a bird. falsamente, adv. falsely, untruly.
faia, /. band, bandage, roller, tillet ; swathing- falsario, ria, a. falsifying, forging, counter-
band belt, sash, girdle ; border ; (geog.
feiting.— m. &/. forgev, counterfeiter, falsi-
zone; newspaper wrapper; (arch.) fascia, fier.
belt, fillet; (mil.) a general's sash; (naut.) falsarregla, /. bevel-square, bevel-rule.
reef-band. falseador, ra, a. forger, counterfeiter, falsi-
faiadura, /. swathing, swaddling; (naut.) fier.
band round a rope. falsear, va. to falsify, adulterate, counterfeit,
fajamientO, m. rolling or swathing. forge to pierce, to penetrate an armour

fajar, r«7. to swathe, swaddle to band, belt, ;

(carp.) to bevel. v?i. to slacken — (mus.) to ;

girdle: fajar con, (coll.) to fall on, to at- be false (a string).

tack. falsedad,/. falsehood, falsity, untruth, men-

g (before e, i) and J as h ia bot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rt trilled ; a, bSneS
dacity, fiction, fable, fib; (law) deceit, ma- familiarice) to familiarize, make intl»
licious dissimulation. mately known. vr. to accustom, habituate
falseo, m. (mas. and carp.) bevelling. one's self; to become familiar.
falsete, m. spigot; small door; (mus.) fal- familiarmente, adv. familiarly.
setto voice. famosamente, adv. famously, excellently.
falsia, f. y. FALSEDAD, famoso, sa, a. famous, celebrated, renowned,
falsificaci6n,/. falsification, forgery. noted, notorious ;
(coll.) great, excellent, re-
falsiflcador, ra, «. falsifier, counterfeiter, markable.
forger. f&mula, /. (coll.) maid-servant.
falsmcar, va. ( pret. falsifiquk subj. fal- : famnlar, a. famular, domestic.
siFiQUE) to falsify, counterfeit, forge, adul- famulatO, famuliciO, m. servautship.
terate. f^UUUlO, m.. famulus ;
(coll.) servant.
falsilla,/. guide-lines for writing. fanal, m. lighthouse ; lantern ; bell-glass
falsiO, m. (cook.) kind of stuffing. candle-screen.
falSO, sa, a. false, untrue, erroneous lying, ; fan^ticamente, adv. fanatically.
falsifying; incorrect; hypocritical, deceit- fanatico, ca, «. fanatic, fanatical.
ful, disloyal, treacherous," perfidious spuri- ; fanatismo, m. fanaticism.
ous, forged, counterfeit, adulterated feint, ; fanatizador, ra, a. one who spreads fanati
mock, sham, artificial, unreal vicious ; cism.
(horses or mules) defective, false (weights ; fanatizar, va. to spread fanaticism.
or honey-combs); (mech.) temporary, un- fandango, m. fandango, Spanish dance ; the
substantial. m. (sew.) facing; skirt bind- music for this dance.
ing de falso, falsely, deceitfully en falso,
: : fandanguero, ra, a. frequenter of balls.
without due security. faneca,/. (icht.) pout, whiting pout.
falta,/. lack, want, absence, deficiency, short- fanega, /. grain measure (about 1.60 bushel) ;
age ;fault, offence, faultiness, misdoing, quantity of grain contained in a fanega fa- :

failure ; defect, imperfection, blemish, flaw ;

nega de sembradura, ground necessary to sow
failing, shortcoming ; deficiency in the a fanega of seed fanega de tierra, land meas-

weight of coin (law) default; stoppage of ;

ure (about 1.59 acre) fanega de cacao, 116 :

the catamenia in pregnant women: sin lbs. of cocoa.

falta,without fail i falta de, in want or : fanegada, /. same as fanega de tierra : k
forwant of: hacer falta, to be absolutely fanegadas, in great plenty or abundance.
necessary: (com.) falta de aceptacion, de faner6gamo, ma, a. (bot.) flowering.
pago, non-acceptance, non-payment. fanfarrear, vn. to bully, brag, swagger.
faJtante, pa. wanting, lacking. fanfarria, /. (coll.) swagger, bluster.
faltar, vn. to be deficient, to be wanting; to fanfarr6n, na, a. (coll.) blusterer, swag-
fall short to fail, falter, fault, flinch
; not ; gerer: trigo fanfarron, (bot.) variety of
to fulfil one's promise, not to perform one's wheat. m. swaggering boaster, a bully.
engagement; to need, lack, be in want of; fanfarronada, /. fanfaronade, boast, brag,
to offend, to sin to be absent or missing ; rodomontade.
to die (naut.) to break, part, give way.
; fanfarronear, vn. to fanfaronade, brag.
faltO, ta, a. wanting, lacking, deficient, de- fanfarroneria, /. fanfaronade, braggartism.
fective, jejune short, scarce unsound. ; ; fanfarronesca, ./. swagger, lanfaronading.
faltrero, ra, pickpocket, petty thief. fanfurriaa,/. (coll.) fit of the sulks.
faltriquera, /. pocket, as in clothes. fangal, fangar, m. slough, fen, marsh, bogL
falua, /. (naut.) small boat, tender. swamp, quagmire.
falucno, m. (naut.) felucca, lateener. fangO, in. mire, mud, slime, slush, silt.
falla, /. fault, failure ; fallal, sort of head fangOSO, sa, a. muddy, miry, oozy, slushy.
covering; (Philip.) fine paid by Indians for fantasear, vn. to fancy, to imagine.
leaving work; (naut.) defect, deficiency; fantasia,/, fantasy, fancy, imagination; ca-
(geol.) fault, break, slide. humour, whim, conceit fiction, con-
price, ;

fallar, ra, (law) to give sentence, to judge; ception, image (coll.) presumption, vanity;

to ruff (at cards).—rn, to fail, to miss, to be (naut.) dead reckoning; (raus.) fantasia.—
deficient or wanting. ;>/. string of pearls.

falleba,/. shutter-bolt. fantasioso, sa, a. (coll.) conceited, vain.

fallecer, fn. (ind. fallezcO subj. FALLEZ- : fantasma, m. phantom, spectre, ghost, appa-
ca) to die to fail, run out, expire. ; rition, vision; vain, conceited man.—/,
falleclmientO, m. decease, death, demise, scarecrow.
fallidO, da, a. deceived, disappointed, frus- fantasmagoria,/. phantasmagoria.
trated (com.) bankrupt.
; fantasmagbrlco, ca, a. phantasmagoric.
fallO, Ua, «. at cards, lacking a card of the fantasm6n, na, a. aug. (coll. supinely con- )

suit played. m. (law) sentence, judgment, ceited. m. presumptuous coxcomb.

decision lack of a card of the suit played.
; fantkstlcamente, odv. fantastically.
fama, /. fame, report, rumour reputation, ; fant&StiCO, ca, a. fantastic, whimsical, fan-
repute, name ;
glory. ciful, imaginary, unreal conceited, vain, ;

fam61ico, ca, «. nungry, ravenous. presumptuous.

famllia, /. family household clan, kin. ; ; fafLadO, da, a. one year old (boasts).
familiar, a. familiar, domestic common, ; faquin, m. porter, carrier, labourer.
frequent conversant, well known, well ac-
; faquir [fah-keer'J, m. fakir.
quainted with plain, home-like, uncere- ; fara,.f. (zool.) serpent of Africa.
monious Mtilo familiar, colloquial style.—
: farachar, va. to beat hemp. V. ESPADAR.
m. domestic member of the household ; serv- faradiO, m. (elec.) farad.
ant, especially of the clergy ; college-servi- faral&, m. flounce, ruflaet, frill.
tor ; bosom friend ; oflScer of the Inquisi- farall6n, m. (naut.) headland; cliff,
tion ; demon, a familiar spirit. m. pi. at- faramalla,/. (coll.) cajolery.—m. A/, (coll.)
tendant's, suite. cajoler.
familiaridad, /. familiarity, Intiraacv. faramallero, ra, 116n, na, a. (coll.) ca}ollng
familiarizar, va. {pret. familiarick: subj. tattler.

» M tD far ; e in eli I ; 1 m police ; O in for ; a in boll ; c (before e, I) *nd z m tb In thick ; b and d, Mft;
faxdJldula, /. profession of a low comedian ;
farpas,/. p/. pointed scallops on the edge of
strolling troupe of players (coll.) cajole- ;
ment. farpado, da, a. scalloped, notched.

farandulero, m. comedian, player; (coll.) farra,/. (icht.) kind of salmon.

cajoler. farrago or farrago, m. farrago, medley.
faranduliCO, ca, «. relating to the strollers. farraguista, m. &/. pedantic scholar.
faradn, »t. Pharaoh, title of ancient Egyptian farro, //*. peeled barley spelt wheat. ;

kings : faro, game at cards. farsa, /. farce company of players a badly

; ;

faraoniCO, a. Pharaonic. constructed play sham, humbug. ;

faraute, m. trusted messenger player who ;

farsanta,/. an actress.
recites the prologue; (coll.) meddling fellow, farsante, m. anciently, a player ;
busybody. deceiver.
farda, /. "ancient tax ; bundle of clothing farsetO, m. quilted jacket.
(carp.) notch. farslsta, m. &/. writer of farces.
fardactio, w. (zool.) lizard. fas (por) 6 por nefas, adv. justly or un-
farda]e> '"• fardage, dunnage. justly.
fardar, va. to furnish or supply with clothes. fascal, m. (agr.) shock, stook, rick.
fardel, m. bag, knapsack parcel, bundle. ;
fasces,/, y/. fasces, bundle of rods.
fardelillO, lejO, m. dim. small bundle. fasclnacidn,/. fascination, enchantment.
farderia, f- collection of packages, luggage. fascinador, ra, a. fascinating. m. & /. fas-
fardO, in. bale, parcel, bundle, pack, package. cinator, charmer.
farell6ll, m. rocky headland, cliff. fasclnante, pa. fascinating, charming.
farfal^..^'. Hounce, furbelow, fascinar, va. to fascinate, bewitch, enchant
farfallOSO, sa, «. stutterer, stammerer. to deceive, allure.
farfante, farfantbn, m. (coll.) boasting fase,/. (ast. ) phase stage, aspect, view. ;

babbler. f^SOles, «i. ;>/. (bot.) French beans, kidney-

farfantonada, farfantoneria, /. idle boast. beans, phasels. V. frejol.
f&rfara,/. (bot.) colt's-foot shell membrane ; fastial, m. (arch.) crowning pyramid.
(of au egg) en : firfara, immature, as an egg fastidiar, ca. to excite disgust to loathe to ; ;

without a shell unfinished, half done. ;

grate, offend, vex, annoy, bother, bore to ;

farfuUa, / (coU.) gibberish, gabble, jabber. disappoint. vr. to weary, to be weary,

—m. &f. (coll.) jabberer, gabbler. bored or disgusted.
farfulladamente, adv. stammeringly. fastidlo, m. squeamishness j distaste, dis-
farfullador, ra, «. (coll.) stammerer, mum- gust, fastidiousness loathing weariness, ; ;

bler, jabberer. lassitude, fatigue, ennui; nuisance, bother.

farfuilar, ra. (coll.) to gabble, to jabber, to fastldiosamente, adv. fastidiously.
gibber ;
(coll.) to act hurriedly. fastidiOSO, sa, «. vexing, annoying, bother-
farfullero, ra, «. gabbier, jabberer. ing, importunate fastidious, squeamish, ;

fargallbn, na, a. (coll.) careless, bungler, overnice tedious, disgusted.


botcher; slovenly, untidy. fastigiO, m. (arch.) fastigium pinnacle, ;

farill6n, m. cliff, 'v. farall6n. apex, tip, top, summit.

farin&ceo, cea, a. farinaceous, mealy. fastO, ta, a. happy (day or event). m. pomp,
farlnetas, /. p/. (pro v.) porridge. pageantry, show.—pi. faBtos, fasti annals. ;

farlnge,/. (anat.) pharynx. fastosamente or fastuosamente, adv.

faringeo, gea, «. pharyngeal. pompously, gaudily, magnificently.
faringitis,/. (med.) pharyngitis. fastOSO, sa, fastUOSO, sa, a. proud, haughty,
farlsaicamente, adv. pharisaically. ostentatious gaudy. ;

farisaiCO, ca, a. Pharisaical, pharisaic. fatal, «. fatal, ominous deadly, mortal, de- ;

farisalsmo, m. pharisaism. structive unfortunate. ;

fariseo, /». pharisee; hypocrite; (coll.) tall, fatalidad,/. fatality ; mischance, ill-luck, ill-
lean, ugly person. fortune.
farmaclutico, ca, a. pharmaceutical. m. fatallsmo, m. fatalism.
pharmacist, apothecary, druggist. fatalista, m. fatalist, predestinarian.
farmacia, pharmacy, drug-store.
fatalmente, adv. fatally, ominously ; badly,
farmacologia, /. pharmacology. awfully.
farmacolbgico, ca, a. pharmacological. fatidicamente, adv. fatidically.
farmacopea, /. pharmacopoeia. fatidico, ca, a. fatidical, oracular.
iarmacbpola, m. (coll.) apothecary, phar- fatiga,/. toil, hard labour, fatigue, lassitude,
maceutist, pharmacopolist, druggist. weariness hardship, oppression anguish,
; ;

farmacop61iCO, ca, a. (coll.) pharmaceu- anxiety hard breathing.


tical, fatigadamente, adv. difliculty, with toil.
faro, m. Pharos, lighthouse beacon. ; fatigador, ra, a. molester.
farol, m. lantern, light street lamp cresset ;
; fatigar, t'a. {pret. FATiGufi: subj. fatigue)
conceited fellow: farolea de sefLales, (naut.) to fatigue, tire, weary, \ex, molest, harass,
signal lanterns. gall.— fr. to tire, be tired out, fatigued,
farola, /. big lantern lighthouse. ; weary.
farolazo, m. blow given with a lantern. fatigosamente, adv. painfully, wearisomely,
farolear, vn. (coll.) to strut, show off. tediously.
faroleria, /. boast, bragging, vulgar display fatigOSO, sa, a. tiresome, troublesome, weari-
to show off. some anxious, painful.

farolero, m. lantern-maker; lamplighter; fatllldad, /. fatuity, foolishness; stupid

strutting coxcomb.
(coll.) speech or action conceit, vanity. ;

farolico, itO, iUo, m. dim. small lantern : fatUO, tua, a. fatuous, stupid, foolish, cox-
farolillo de jardin. (bot.) Indian heart-seed. combical, foppish, conceited.
far6l0Il, m. aug. (coll.) coxcomb, boaster; fauces,/, pi. (anat.) fauces, gullet.
large lantern. fauna,/, fauna; treatise upon fauna.
farota,/. brazen-faced woman. fausto, ta, a. happy, fortunate, prosperous,
farotdn, na, a. (coll.) brazen-faced, cheeky. successful. m. splendour, pomp, pageantry,

g (before e, i) ami J as h in hot ; h. silent : 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s.
ostentation, gaudiness, gaiety grandeur, ; fechoria,/. misdeed, misdemeanour.
greatness, luxury. federacidn,/. federation, confederation,
faustOSO, sa, «. fastuous, haughty, proud ;
federal, a. federal.—?«. federalist,
luxurious, ostentatious, gaudy. federalismo, m. federalism,
fautor, ra, a. countenancer, abetter, helper, federativo, va, a. federative,
furtherer, favourer, supporter. fehaciente, a. (law) authentic.
fautoria, /. aid, favour, auxiliary. feldesp^tiCO, ca, a. (miu.) feldspathic.
favila, /. (poet.) ashes of an extinguished feldespatO, m. (min.) feldspar.
tire. felibre, m. modern Provengal poet.
favoniO, m. westerly wind, zephyr. felice, a. (poet.) happy. V. feliz.
favor, m. favour, protection, support, coun- fellcidad, /. felicity, happiness, success^
tenance, help, aid, service, kindness granted, luckiness, blissfulness, blessedness.
good turn, gift, grace comfort compli- ; ; felicitacidn,/. congratulation, felicitation.
ment ; love-token : 4 favor de, in behalf of, felicitar, va. to congratulate, compliment,,
on account of. felicitate.
favorable, a. favourable, propitious, kind, feligr6s, sa, m. &f. parishioner,
friendly. feligresia, /. district of a parish, and its in-
favorablemente, adv. favourably, habitants.
favorcillo, m. dim. small favour or service. feliz, a. happy, fortunate, lucky, prosperouSf-
favorecedor, ra, a. favourer, helper. felicitous.
favorecer, va. {ind. favorezco subj. FA- : felizmente, adv. happily, fortunately, luck-
vorezca) to favour, protect, help, befriend, ily, felicitously.
countenance; to accredit, abet; to flatter fel6ll, na, a. (law) felon, criminal,
(as a portrait). felonia,/. treachery, disloyalty, felony.
favoritismo, m. favouritism, nepotism. felpa, plush; (coll.) reprimand, drubbings

favoritO, ta, «. favourite, beloved, pet, dar- felpadO, da, a. plushy, shaggy, villous.
ling. 711. tkf. favourite court minion best
; ; felpilla,/. chenille,
friend ;
pet, darling. felposo, sa, a. felted ;
faz, /. face; (arch.) front: faz i faz, face to felpudo, da, a. plushy.— ?«. door-mat.
face i primera faz, at first sight.
: femenil, «. feminine, womanish,
fe, /. faith faithfulness testimony, credit,
; ; femenilmente, adv. etfeminately, womanly,
credence, confidence, trust promise given ; ;
assertion, asseveration; certificate, testi- femenino, na, a. feminine, female,
monial fe de erratag, (print.) errata: dar
: fementidamente, adv. falsely.
fe, to att«st, to certify de buena fe, honestly : fementidO, da, a. false, unfaithful.
and sincerely & fe, in truth, in good ear- : femineidad, /. (law) quality of belonging to
nest 4 fe mia or por mi fe, upon my honour
: : a woman.
en fe, consequently de malafe, craftily, de- : feminismo, m. (neo.) feminism, modern
ceitfully. tendency to widen woman's sphere,
fealdad,/. ugliness, homeliness; deformity; feminista, m. &/. (neo.) one who upholdi>
hideousness turpitude, foulness. ; feminismo.
feamente, adv. uglily, deformedly brutally, ; femoral, a. (anat.) femoral.
inordinately. •
f6miir, w. (anat.) femur.
febeo, bea, a. (poet.) relating to Phoebus. fenda, /. crack in the bark of trees.
feble, a. weak, faint, feeble; (jewel) defi- fendiente, m. gash, a deep cut or wound,
cient in weight or quality. m. light coin. fenecer, va. (ind. fenezco subJ. fenezca) :

feblemente, adv. feebly, weakly. to finish, conclude, close. vn. to die ; to ter^
febO, m. (poet.) Phoebus, the sun. minate, to be at an end.
febrero, m. February. fenecimlento, m. close, finish, termination >
febricitante, a. (med.) slightly feverish. end.
febrifugO, ga, a. & m. (med.) "febrifuge. fenianismo, m. Fenianism.
febril, a. (med.) febrile, feverish. feniano, m. FerAan.
febronlano, na, a. Febronian. feniciO, Cia, a. Phoenician.
fecal, a. (med.) feculent, faecal. f6niC0, a. icido ficico, phenol, carbolic acid.
fecial, m. one of the fetiales. f6nix, 711. phoenix exquisite or unique,

f6cula, /. fecula; starch. fenogreco, w. (hot.) fenugreek,

feculencia, /. feculence, dregs, lees. fenol, 71. phenol, carbolic acid.
feculentO, ta, «. containing fecula feculent, ; fenomenal, a. phenomenal.
foul, dreggy. fen6meno, m. phenomenon,
fecundable, «. capable of fecundation. feo, ea, a. ugly, homely, deformed, hideous,
fecundaclbn, / fecundation, fertilization. haggard, grim ; causing horror or aversion.
fecundamente, adv. fertilely, fruitfully. — //*. slight, affront,
fecundante, «. &pa. fecundating. feote, ta, a. aug. very homely.
fecundar, fecundate.
va. to fertilize, feot6n, na, a. mig. exceedingly homely,
fecundatiVO, va, «. fecundating, fertilizing. feracldad, /. feracity, fecundity, ffuitful-
fecundidad, /. fecundity, fertility, fruitful- uess, fertility.
ness, productiveness; abundance. feral, «. cruel, bloodthirsty.
fecundizar, va. to fecundate, fertilize, fruc- feraz, a. fertile, fruitful,' feracious abun- ;

tify, impregnate. dant, copious, plentiful.

fecundO, da. a. fecund, fruitful, fertile, pro- f6retrO, n*. bier, coffin, hearse.
lific abundant, copious.
; feria, /. market, fair, bazaar; (eccl.) any
fecba, /. date of a letter or writing; stand- week-day (excepting Saturday or a feast
ing de la cruz k la fecha, from the beginning
: day) holiday, rest, repose.

to the end. feriado, da, pp. & a. (law) day in which the
fecbar, m. to date (a letter, etc.). tribunals are shut,
fecbo, Cha, (obs.) pp. Irr. of facer; used ferial, a. ferial. >n. market, fair.
only in official documents, meaning done, feriante, m. trader at fairs,
issued, or executed. feriar, va. to sell, buy, trade, barter; to pur-

ft as in far ; e iu eh I ; i tn police ; o iii for ; u in bull ; c (before e, I) and z as th in thick ; b au4 d, p-a*
FER 269 Fib
chase at a fair ; to give fairings. vn. to sus- festejante, pa. feasting, entertaining ; woo-
pend work ; to keep holidays. ing.
ferino. na, «. ferine, wild, savage, ferocious : festejar, va. to entertain, to feast to court, ;

tos ferina, (med.) whooping-cough. to woo, to make love k) celebrate. :

fermata, /. (mus.) pause or hold (T). festejO, m. feast, entertainment ; obsequious-

fermentable, a. fermentable. ness courtship.

fermentacibn, /. fermentation. festero, m. director of church music.

fermentante, pa. fermenting. festin, m. feast, entertainment, banquet.
fermentar, m. & la. to ferment. festinacl6n, /. speed, haste, hurry.
lermentativo, va, a. fermentative. festival, »«. (neol.) festival.
fermento, m. ferment, leaven, leavening. festivamente, adv. festively.
fernambuco, m. dyewood of Brazil. festlvidad, /. festivity, rejoicing, gaietyj
fernandiua, /. kind of linen stuff. merry-making ; holiday witticism. ;

feroce, (poet.) ferocious.

«. V. feroz. festiVO, va, a. festive, gay, joyful, lig;ht-
ferocidad, /. ferocity, wildness, ferocious- hearted witty ; festival, festal,
; pertaining
ness, tierceness, savageness, fury. to feasts : dia festivo, holiday.
ferbstiCO, ca, a. (coll.) irritable, wayward. fest6n, m. garland, wreath, festoon.
feroz, rt. ferocious, cruel, savage, fell, fierce, festonar, festonear, va. to festoon.
ravenous, heathenish. fetal, a. fetal.
ferozmente, adv. ferociously, felly. fetiche, m. fetich, idol among savages.
ferra,/; variety of salmon. V. fakra. feticMsmo, m. fetichism.
ferrada,/. iron-knobbed club. feticMsta, a. fetichistic—m. & /. fetichisL
ferrado, da, a. ferrate, iron-bound. m. corn fetidez, /. fetidity, fetidness.
measure (about i bushel) land measure ; fetido, da, a. fetid, stinking, foul.
(about 12 yds. square). feto, m. foetus.
ferrar, va. to garnish with iron. fetor, m. same as fetidez.
f6lTeo, rea, a. ferreous iron, made of iron ; ;
feuco, ca, cho, cha, a. ugly, repulsive.
harsh, stern, severe. feudal, a^ feudal, feodal.
ferreria, /. iron-works, foundry. feudalidad, /. feodality, feudality,
ferreruelO, m. short cloak without cape. feudalismo, m. feudalism.
ferrate, m. sulphate of copper used to colour feudatario, ria, a.&m.& J. feudatory, feu-
glass; (gl.) ferret; marking-iron. dary.
ferretear, va. to bind, fasten, mark, or work feudista, m. (law) feudist.
with iron. feudo, m. (law) fief, fee, feu, feoflF, feod, feud,
ferreteria, /. hardware hardware-store. ;
f6rriC0, ca, a. containing iron (chem.) fer- ;
fez, VI. fez, Turkish cap.
ric. fiable, a. trustworthy, responsible.
ferrificarse, vr. to be converted into iron. fiado, da, pp. & a. al flado, (com.) on trust:
ferrizo, za, a. ferreous, iron, of iron. comprar al fiado, to buy on credit dar fiado :

*erro, wi. (naut.) anchor. to give credit: (law) en fiado, upon bail.
Vdrrocarril, »i. railroad, railway ferrocarril : fiador, ra, m. &/. bondsman, guarantor, sure-
de sangre, horse-railroad, tramway ferro- : ty, bail. VI. cloak-fastener; (mech.) stop,
carril portAtil, portable railroad ferrocarril : catch, stay, locknut, catch-bolt, grip, pawl,
funicular, inclined cable railroad : ferrocarril click, trigger, safety catch, ratchet, detent,
aireo, elevated railroad ferrocarril de niAua, : tumbler of a lock; (falc.) creance dar fia- :

train-road ferrocarril subterr&iieo, under-

: dor or salir fiador, to procure or go surety for
ground railway. one.
ferr6ll, m. workman in iron-works. fiambrar, va. to cook meat for cold cuts.
ferroso, sa, a. (chem.) ferrous. fiambre, a. cold-served (as victuals) ; (coll.)
ferrovia, m. & f. railway. old joke or piece of news, " chestnut."
ferrovial, ferroviario, ria, a. pertaining to fiambrera,/. lunch-basket; dinner-pail.
railroads. flancilla, /. (car.) binding-ring.
ferrugientO, ta, «. irony, containing iron. fianza,/. surety, bail, bond, caution, guaran-
ferrugineo, nea, ferruginoso, sa, a. fer- tee, security suretyship dar fianza, to give
; :

ruginous. bail or security fianza de aduana, custom- :

fertil, a. fertile, fruitful, copious, plentiful. house bond.

fertilidad, /. fertility, copiousness, plenty, fiar, va. to guarantee, warrant, answer for
fruit fulness. to bail, to go surety to trust, sell upon trust, ;

fertilizar, va. (pret. fertilic^ suhj. ferti- : give credit ; to intrust, confide. vn. to con-
LicE) to fertilize, enrich, make the soil fruit- fide.
ful. fiasco, TO. failure.
i^rtilmente, adv. fertilely. fiat, TO. consent (law) fiat. ;

f6rula, /. ferule; (met.) rule, yoke, authori- flbra,/. fibre, filament, staple, fibril energy, ;

ty ;
(surg. ) splint; (bot.) ferula. firmness, vigour; (min.) vein of ore.
ferul&,ceo, ea, femlaceous. a. flbrina,/. (chem.) fibrin, fibrine.
ferventisimo, ma, a. sup. very fervent or fibroma, w. (surg.) fibroma.
pious. fibrOSO, sa, a. fibrous.
f6rvido, da, a. fervid, ardent. ficcibn, /. fiction, figment, invention; tale,
ferviente, a. same as fervoroso. fable, story falsehood. ;

fervor, /«. fervour, violent heat, warmth ; flee [fee'-thay], VI. (icht. ) whiting.
fcrvidness, zeal, ardour, eagerness, ferven- flCtiCiO, Cia, a. fictitious, fabulous.
cy, ardour of piety. ficto, ta, pp. irr. of fingir.—a. feigned, coun.
fervorcillo, m. dim. slight and brief fervour. terfeited, artificial.
fervorizar, wf. to heat, inflame, incite. ficha, /. chip, counter, marker ; each of th<
fervorosamente, adv. fervently. 28 dominoes.
fervoroso, sa, a. fervent, ardent in piety, fidedigno, na, a. trustworthy, creditable.
warm in zeal active, oflEicious, efficient.
; fideero, ra, w. &/. maker of Italian paste.
festejador, ra, «. feaster, entertainer. fideicomisario, m. trustee, fiduciary.

g (before e,i) and J as h in hot: b, silent; U in brilliant; ft, ny i a canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hlssedi
fidelcomiso, m. trust feofifment to use. ; makes grimaces or affected gestures ; makei
fidelidad, /. fidelity, honesty, faith, con- of St'8.t<ll6t>t'6S
stancy, honour; fealty, loyalty; punctu- figurilla, ita, /. divi. (coll.) little insignifi-
ality. cant person (art) figurine, statuette.

fidelisimo, ma, a. sup. of piel. figurin, m. fashion-plate lay-figure. ;

fideos, m. pi. vermicelli, spaghetti. figurbn, m. aug. huge figure of a ridiculous

fiduciarlo, ria, a. fiduciary. m. (law) trus- appearance (coll. )
pretentious nobody
tee, fiduciary, figuron de proa, (naut. ) figure-head.
fiebre, /. fever ; intense excitement, heat of fija,/. door-hinge; (mas.) trowel.
passion : fiebre paladlca, malaria : fiebre fijacidn, /. fixation, stability, firmness ; bill-
amarilla, yellow fever: fiebre perniciosa, posting; fixing.
pernicious intermittent fever. Qjador, ra, a. (phot.) fixing, fixative.
fiebreclUa, /. dim. slight fever. fijamente, adv. firmly, assuredly intensely, ;

flel, a. faithful, honest, loyal, upright^ de- attentively; fixedly, steadfastly.

voted ; true, exact, accurate. m. public in- fijar, va. {pp. FIJADO, FIJO) to fix, fasten to ;

spector, especially of weights and measures make fast, firm, or stable to determine, ;

needle of a balance ; pivot of a steel-yard : settle, establish, clinch to post (as bills) to

pin of the scissors flel contraste, ofliciai

: fix (the eyes, the attention, etc.) (phot.) to ;

who weighs and stamps metals flel de ro- : fix ; to set (a date). it. to fix or settle in a
mana, inspector of weights flel medidor, in- : place ; to determine, resolve ; to rivet one's
spector of measures flel de mnelle, wharf- : attention on something.
inger en flel, equal weight, even balance.
: fijeza,/. firmness, stability.
fielato or fielazgo, m. office of the fiel fijO, ja, a. &pv. irr. of fijar; fixed, firm, se-
octroi, at a city's gates. cure settlea, permanent.

fieldad, /. public inspectorship ; surety, se- fil,m. fil de roda, (naut.) right ahead: estar
curity, guarantee. en fil, to be in line fil derecho, leap-frog.

fielmente, adv. faithfully. fila, /. tier, row, line, range; (mil.) rank:
fieltro, m. felt ; hat, surtout, or rug made of primera fila, front rank ultima fila, rear :

felt. fila, in a line, in a row; (mil.)

rank: en
fiemo, m. (prov.) dung, manure. abreast; (theat.) row.
fiera,/. wild beast; inhuman or excessively filacteria,/. phylactery.
choleric man. filadiz, m. floss silk, ferret.
fierabr&S, m. (coll.) bully, blusterer; way- filagrama,/. wire mould for a water-mark.
ward, froward child. filamento, m. filament, fibre, thread.
fieramente, adv. fiercely, savagely, fero- filamentoso, sa, a. filamentous.
ciously. filandria,/. filander, back-worm.
fiereza, /. fierceness, cruelty, ferocity; de- filantropia,/. phllauthropy, good-nature.
formity, ugliness. filantrbpicamente, adv. Humanely, philan-
fiero, ra, a. fierce, cruel, bloodthirsty fero- ; thropically.
cious, fiery ; ugly, deformed rough, rude ; ; filantr6pico, ca, a. philanthropical, philan-
great, huge, enormous; furious, terrible; thropic.
wild, savage. m. pi. fierce threats and filantropo, w. philanthropist.
bravadoes. fllarete, m. (naut.) waist-netting.
fierro, m. iron brand. ; fllarmonia,/. love of music.
fiesta, /. feast, entertainment, rejoicing, fllaxinbniCO, ca, a. philharmonic.
feasting, merriment; festivity, festival, fil^stica, /. (naut.) rope-yarn.
holiday caress, act of endearment.—pi.
; filatelia,/. (neo. ) philately.
holidays, vacations bacer flesta, to quit
: filateliCO, ca, a. philatelic.
work, to take a holiday bacer fiestas k uno, : filatelista, m. &/. philatelist
to caress, to wheedle, to fawn: aguar la filateria, /. verbosity.
flesta, to mar one's pleasure. filatero, w. verbose speaker.
figle, m. (mus.) ophicleide. filatura,/. spinning.
fig6ll, m. eating-house, chop-house. fllban, in. rough edge of a tool.
figonero, m. keeper of an eating-house. filderretor, m. superfine camlet.
figullno, na, «. made of terra-cotta. fileli, m. suj)erfine flannel.
figura,/. figure, shape, form; conformation, fileno, na, a. (coll.) delicate, small.
make, build; face, mien, countenance; fllete, TO. (arch.) fillet, listel ; (sew.) narrow
statue, image, picture, cut (representing a hern; small spit for roasting welt of a shoe ; ;

figure) ; ill-shaped person, a guy face- ; snaffle bit ; (mech.) edge, border, ring, rim :
card or court-card (law) form, mode
(print.) ornamental line ; tenderloin, loin of
(mus.) musical note; (gram, and rhet.) beef.
figure; (geom.) figure. m. stiffly pompous filetear, va. to fillet to crease to tool.
; :

person. filet6n, TO. aug. (arch.) large fillet or listel;

figurable, a. figurable, imaginable. heavy bullion for embroidering.
figuracibn, /. figuration. filfa, /. (coll.) fib, hoax, fake.
figuradamente, adv. figuratively. filiaci6n, /. filiation connection, ; relation-
figurado, da, pp. & a. figurative ; rhetorical, ship; personal
description; (mil.) regi*
ornate, florid. mental
figurante, ta, m. figurant.—/, figurante. filial, a. filial, befitting a son.
figurar, va. to figure, form, shape, fashion ; fllialmente, adv. filially.
to draw, design, sketch; to represent; to filiar, va. to register the pedigree and deecrip-
feign. vn. to figure, be conspicuous. vr. to tion of a person. vr. to be enrolled in a mili-
fancy, imagine. tary register.
figurativamente, adv. figurativelj^. filibote, TO. flv-boat, light vessel.
flgurativo, va, a. figurative, typical ; sym- filibusterlsmo, to. fiUbjusterism.
Dolical, emblematic. filibustero, to. filibuster.
figureria,/. gprimace, aflFected gesture. filiforme, «. filiform, thread-like.
fignrero. ra, a. Am. & /. (coll.) person who flligrana, /. filigree, fillgrane; spun work;
« ma In far ; e Id eh 1 : 1 in police ; o in for ; n «- ^nII ;
^etore e, i) and s as th in thick •
b and d, soft;
water-mark in paper ; delicate, fanciful fin^S, sa, a. Finnic or Finnish.
thing. fineza, /. fineness, goodness, purity, perfeo-
filili, m. (coll,) fineness, neatness, delicacy, tion ; kindness, expression or friendship or
filipendma, / (bot.) dropwort spiraea^ love ; friendly activity and zeal ; keepsake,
filiplca, /. philippic, invective. friendly gift, a favour.
filipicMn, in. moreen, woollen cloth. fingidamente, adv. feignedly, fictitiously,
fllipino, na, a. Philippine. counterfeitly.
fills, in. knack of doing a thing perfectly ;
fingido, da, pp. & a. feigned, dissembled,
trinket, charm. false.
filisteo, tea, m. & /. Philistine. m. (coll.) fin^idor, ra, o. dissembler, simulator,
very tall and corpulent man. feigner.
fllo, m. (cut.) cutting edge; dividing line; fingimiento, m. simulation, deceit.
(arch.) arris. fingir, va. & vr. {pp. FINGIDO, FICTO: ind.
filocartista, m. &/. (neo.) collector of postal FiNjo: subj. finja) to feign, dissemble,
cards. counterfeit, pretend, affect, sham ; to fancy,
fil6fagO, ga, a. (ent.) phyllophagous. imagine.
filologia, filoldgica,/. philology. finlble, a. capable of being finished.
filOldglCO, ca, a. philological. finiquitar, va. to settle and close an account.
fil610gO, m. philologist. finiqulto, m. settlement of accounts ; adjust-
fllomania,/. (bot.) phyllomania. ment, release, quittance.
filomela, filomena, /. nightingale, philomel. finitimo, ma, a. bordering, contiguous, near.
filbn, in. (geol.) vein, lode. finito, ta, a. finite, limited, bounded.
filoniO, ?». (pharm.) kind of opiate. finland^S, sa, a. of Finland, Finnish.
fllopOS, m. pi, pieces of linen used to drive fino, na, a. fine, perfect, pure thin, slender, ;

game. subtle; delicate, nicej excellent; affection-

Qloseda, /. vesting ; silk and worsted or cot- ate, true acute, sagacious, cunning, shrewd;

ton cloth. sharp (as a point) ; urbane, courteous, pol-

filosrfador, ra, a. philosophizer. ished; refined (as gold) (naut.) sharp. ;

filOSOfal, a. piedra filosofal, philosopher's finta,/. ancient tax feint in fencing. ;

stone. finiira,/. fineness, purity, delicacy urbanity, ;

filOSOfar, va. to philosophize; (coll.) to courtesy, fine manners.

muse to moralize, assume the critic.
; fifiana, m. black-bearded wheat.
filOSOfastro, m. philosophe, philosophaster. fique, m. fiber of the agave.
filOSOfia, /. philosophy fllosofia moral, ethics : firma, /. signature, sign-manual, hand (as
or moral philosophy fllosofia natural, phys- : hand and seal) subscription act of sign-
; ;

ics or natural philosophy. ing ; (com.) firm, firm-name buena firma, a :

filOSdficamente, adv. philosophically. house of standing, solvent dar or llevar la :

fllOS6fiCO, ca, a. philosophical, philosophic. firma, to empower or be empowered to sign

filOSOfismo, m. philosophism, sophistry, free- the firm-name.
thinking. firmamento, m. firmament, sky, heaven.
filOSOfiSta, m. philosophist, sophist. firm&n, m. firman.
fildsofo, fa, a. philosophic, philosophical. firmante, pa. signer, subscriber.
m. philosopher. firmar, va. to sign, to subscribe. vr. to sign
filoxera [fe-ioc-aa'-rahi,/. phylloxera. an assumed name.
flltracidn,/. filtration. firme, a. firm, stable, solid, strong, secure,
filtrador, a. filterer.—m. filter. fast, hard, compact; unswerving, steady,
filtrar, va. to filter. vn. to percolate, filter. stanch, unyielding, unshaken, constant, con-
filtro, m. filter philter, love-potion
flltro- : —
sistent, resolute. m. groundwork, bed, foun-
prenaa, filter-press for refining sugar. dation ; ballast or gravel bed on a road.
fiUos, m. pi. sort of fritters. adv. firmly, strongly.
fimbria, /. border of a skirt. firmemente, adv. firmly, strongly, unmov-
fimo, m. dung, manure. ably faithfully, steadily, constantly.

flmosis,/. (med.) phimosis. firmeza,/. firmness, stability, hardness, com-

fin, m. & f. end, ending, finish, conclusion, pactness, solidity, steadiness, constancy,
close, termination. m. limit, boundary resoluteness, courage,
end, object, purpose goal al fln, at last ;

fiscal, a. fiscal. m. attorney-general district ;

en fin or por fin, finally, lastly, in fine: dar attorney, prosecutor; (coll.) intermeddler,
fin, to die, to finish dar fin & una cosa, to
: prier.
finish, to conclude a thing: dar fin de una and business of the fiscal.
fiscalia,/. office
cosa, to destroy a thing completely & fin de, : fiscallzaci6n,/. discharge of a fiscal 's duties.
in order that sin fln, innumerable, endless.
: fiscalizador, ra, a. acting as a fiscal prier, ;

inado, da, pp. & a. dead, deceased. m. & /. censurer.

person dead. fiscalizar, va. {pret. fiscalic^: subj. fisca-
final, a. final, ultimate, conclusive. m. end, LiCE) to act as a fiscal, to prosecute to criti- ;

termination, conclusion. cise, censure.

finalldad,/. finality end pursued or attained.
, fiSCO, m. national treasury, exchequer.
finalizar, va. to finish, conclude. vn. to end, fisga,/. fishgig raillery, banter, chaff; grain

to be finished or concluded. of spelt-wheat bread of spelt-wheat.


finalmente»a(iv. finally, at last, in fine, ulti- fisgador, ra, r». &/. harpooner; banterer.
mately, lastly. fisgar, va. to chaff, banter; to fish with a
finamente, adv. finely, nicely, delicately. fishgig to peep, to pry.

finamiento, m. death, disease. fisgbn, na, m. & /. banterer, chaffer, jester

financiero, ra, a. financial.—w. financier. prier.
finar, vn. to die. vr. to long for. fisgonear, va. to pry habitually,
finca,/. real estate, land orliouse property. fisgoneo, m. habitual or frequent prying.
fincar, vn. &vr. (pret. FiNQufi: subj. finque) fisica,/. physics, natural philosophy,
to buy real estate. fisicamente, ad»;. physically; corporeally;
finchadO, da, a. swelling with pride. really, materially.

8 (before e, i) and J as h iu hot ; h, oHent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (iaitial) and rr trilled ; t, hisaed.
flsiCO, ca, a. physical natural, material.— ; flanqueante, pa. flanking.
tn. naturalist, physicist; physician; mili- flanquear, va. (mil. and fort.) to flank.
tary or naval surgeon physical organiza- ; flanqueo, m. (mil.) flank attack.
tion, build, or constitution of a person flaquear, vn. to flag, weaken; to slacken;
(colL) face. swag, sway to dismay, be disheartened.

fisiocracia,/. physiocracy. flaqueza, /. leanness, thinness, meagreness,

fisiocrata, rn. &/. physiocrat. laukness, attenuation; feebleness, faiut-
fisiologia,/. physiology. ., „ .
ness ; weakness, frailty, foible flagginess. ;

flsiol6gicamente, adv. physiologically. flatO, m. flatus, windiness.

flsiol6giCO, ca, a. physiological. flatOSO, fiatUOSO, sa, a. flatuous, windy.
fiSiOlOgista, m. physiologist. fiatulencia, /. flatulency, windiness.
fisiblOgO. m. physiologist. fiatulentO, ta, a. flatulent, windy.
fisionomia or fisonomia, /. physiognomy, flauta,/. (mus.) flute.
lineameuts, features. flautado, da, a. fluted. m. flute stop in ait
fisipedo, da, a. fissiped. organ.
fison6miCO, ca, a. physiognomical. flautero, m. maker of flutes.
fiSOnomiSta, fisbnomo, m. physiognomist. flautillo, m. same as caramillo.
fiStOl, m. crafty person ; shrewd gambler flautin, m. (mus.) octave flute, piccolo.
(Mex.) scarf pin. flautista, m. &f. flute-player.
flStola, fistula, f. water-pipe or conduit fiautOS, pitos flautos, frivolous pastimes.
(mus.) reed or pipe (surg.) fistula. ; fl^bU, a. mournful, deplorable, lamentable,
fistular, a. (med.) fistular, fistulous. tearful.
fistulOSO, sa, a. fistulous. flebotomia,/. phlebotomy, blood-letting.
fisura, /. (geol.) fissure, cleft; (surg.) fissure flebotomiano, m. phlebotomist.
of bone, or "green-stick" fracture; (surg.) fleco, m. fringe, purl, flounce.
fissure in ano. flecha, /. arrow, dart; (fort.) work of two
fitdfagO; ga, a. phytophagous. faces and two sides ; (naut.) front piece of
fitografia,/. phytography. the cutwater.
fitOgrafiCO, ca, a, phytographic. flechador, m. archer.
fitbgrafO, m. phytographer. flechaduras,/.i>/. (naut.) ratlines.
fitologia,/. phytology, botany. flechar, va. to dart, to shoot an arrow or
fitonisa,/. same as pitokisa. dart to strike with an arrow (coll.) to in-

fitOtOmia,/. (bot.) phytotomy. spire sudden love (Mex. ) to point out, with-

fla'belicornlo, «. having flabellate antennae. out fear, in gambling. vn. to have a bow
flabelifero, ra, a. flabellum carrier. drawn ready to shoot.
flabeliforme, a. flabelliform. flechaste, m, (naut.) ratline.
fiacamente, adv. languidly, weakly, feebly. flechazo, m. stroke with a dart or arrow.
fl^CCidO, da, a. flaccid, limber, lax. flechera,/. (S. Am.) long, sharp canoe.
flaccidez [iiac-tuie-deatu'j, /. (med.) flaccldity, flecberia,/. shower of arrows.
laxity, limberness. flecbero, m. archer, bowman arrow-maker, ;

flaco, ca, a. thin, lank, lean, meagre, flaccid ; fletcher.

feeble, languid frail, weak of resolution
; flegmasia,/. (med.) phlegmasia,
flaco de memoria, short of memory. m. fee- fleje, ni. hoop strap flejes para ; : aroa, hoop-
ble point, weakness. poles de hierro, iron hoops.
: flejes
flacucho, Cha, a. rather thin or lank. flema, /. phlegm; apathy,
coolness, dulness,
fiacura, /. meagreness, leanness, weakness. sluggishness.
flagelaci6n, /. flagellation, scourging. flemaiico, ca, a. phlegmatic, slow, dull, cold,
flagelador, fa, m. &/. flagellator. sluggish.
fiagelante, m. flagellant flagellating. ; fleme,/. (vet.) fleam.
flagelar, va. to lash, scourge, flagellate, whip. flembn, m. phlegmon gum-boil. ;

flagelo, m. lash, scourge, chastisement ; fla- flemonoso, sa, a. phlegmonous.

gelluin. flemoso, sa, a. mucous, phlegmy.
flagrancia, /. flagrancy, flagrantness. flemudo, da, a. slow, dull, sluggish.
flagrante, a. & pa. flagrant, resplendent flequezuelo, m. dim. narrow fringe,
actual, now going on en flagrante, in the : fletador, m. (com.) freighter, charterer.
very act. fletamentO, m. (com.) charter, charterage
flagrar, vn. (poet.) to burn, glow, flame,. fla- charter-party.
grate. fletar, va. to' freight or charter a ship, ts
flama, /. ftame, excessive ardour. charter.
flamante, a. flaming, bright, resplendent; flete, m. freight, freightage falso flete, dead :

brand-new, fresh, spick and span." freight.

fiamear, vn. to flame, to blaze; (naut.) to flexibilidad,/. flexibility, pliability, pliance,
shiver, to flutter (sails). ductility, flexibleness.
flamenco, m. (orn.) flamingo. flexible, «. flexible, ductile, pliant lith^i. ;

flamenco, ca, a. Flemish, relating to Flan- supple manageable, docile.


ders. flexion,/, flexion, flexure.

flamenquilla, /. small platter; (bot.) mari- flexor, ra, a. (anat.) flexor; bender.
gold. flexuOSO, sa, a. (hot.) flexuose.
fl&meo, m. ancient bridal veil. flictena,/. (med.) phlycteua, s^nall blister.
flamero, m. torch-holder. flin, w*. (cut.) polishing-stone,
flamigero, ra, a. (poet.) flammiferous. flocadura,/. (sew,) fringe trimming,
flamula, /. (naut.) streamer, pennon. flogistico, ca, a. (chem,) phlogistic.
flan or fla6n, m. flawn, rich custard. flOgistO, m. phlogiston,
flanco, m. side; (mil, and fort.) flank, flogosis,/, inflammation, phlegmasia,
flanker ; (naut. ) side of a ship. flOjamente, adv. slowly, carelessly, laxly.
flanela,/. v. franela (proper spelling). floiear, m. to slacken, to grow weak.
flanqueado, da, a. having both flanks pro- fiojedad, /. weakness, feebleness, laxity,
tected. ' sloth, laziness, negligence, slackness.

a u in far ; e in eh I ; i in polic* • « in for : n In bull ; c (before e, i) and z aa th lu thick ; b and d, soft;

flojel, m. "wool shorn from cloth ; down, soft flota, /. (naut.) fleet of merchant ships;
feathers. (obs.) squadron.
flojera, /. (coll.) weakness. F. flojedad. flotable, a. floatable ; navigable.
flolo, ja, a. loose, lax, slack feeble, weak, ; flotacibn, /. flotation, flotage, floating,-
flaccid remiss, lazy, slothful, negligent,
; (naut.) linea de flotaci6n, water-line.
spiritless vino flojo, thin wine seda floja,
: : flotador, ra, a. floater.—m. float.
soft, untwisted silk. flotadura, /. flotamiento, m. flotation, flo-
flOqueadO, da, a. fringed. tage Hoating.

flor, /. flower, blossom down of fruits newly ; flotante, pa. & a. floating.
gathered prime, bloom film on the sur-
; flotar, vn. to float (on a liquid or in the air).
face of liquors; (chem.) floss; virginity, flote, m. floating & flote, afloat.

maidenhood complimentary remark to a

; flotilla,/, dim. flotilla; small fleet.
lady grain, outside of tanned leather
flUCtuacidn, /. fluctuation wavering, un- ;

cheating trick of gamblers flowers or fig- : certainty, indetermination, irresolution.

ures of rhetoric the best of a kind flor de
; : fluctuante, i^a. &a. fluctuating, fluctuant.
la edad, youth, bloom of youth flor de la : fluctuar,^w. to fluctuate, waver, undulate, os-
harina, superfine flour : flor de lis, flower-de- cillate; to be in danger; to hesitate, vacillate.
luce; (bot.) jacobea lily, amaryllis: flor del flUCtuOSO, sa, a. fluctuant, wavering.
Bol, (bot.) V. CORONA REAL : k flor de agua, fluente, pa. & a. fluent, flowing.
(naut.) awash. fluidez,/. fluidity, fluidness, liquidity : fluidez
4ora, ./. (bot.) flora, description of the plants. de estilo, fluency.
floraci6n,/. (bot.) flowering, florescence. fluidO, da, a. fluid, liquid or gaseous ; fluent
florada,/. season of flowers with bee-masters. fas speech). m. fluid, a liquid or gas ;

floral, a. (bot.) floral. (med.) fluid.

florales, a. pi. Floralia, floral feasts or games. fluir, wi. {gerund, fluyendo: ind. fluyo :
^Orar, vn. to flower, blossom, bloom. subj. FLUYA) to flow, issue, run, ooze.
flordelisadO, da, pp. &. a. (her.) fleurette. flujo, m. flux, flow, flowing; (med.) flux,
flordelisar, va. (her.) to flourish with irises. haemorrhage; (naut.) flow, rising tide;
floreadO, da, «. &pp. flowered, figured goods ; (chem.) flux: flujo bianco, the whites: flujo
made of the finest flour. de palabras, flow of words, volubility flujo :

florear, va. to flower to bolt flour ; to flour- ;

de risa, fit of laughter flujo de reir, habit of

ish, brandish; (mus.) to flourish on the laughing flujo de sangre, haemorrhage flujo
: :

guitar ; to pay compliments. de vlentre, diarrhcea.

florecer, vn. {Ind. florezco: subj. FLOREZ- fluor, m. (chem.) fluorine; (chem.) flux.
c'A) to flower, bloom, blossom, bud to flour- •
fluorescencia, /. (phys.) fluorescence.
ish, thrive, prosper. vr. to mould, to be- flUOrescente, a. fluorescent.
come mouldy. fluorhidrico, ca, a. fluorhydric, hydroflu-
florecica, ilia, ita, /. dim. floweret, floret. oric.
floreciente, pa. &, a. flourishing, blossoming, flu6riC0, ca, a. (chem.) fluoric.
flowery prosperous, thriving.
; fluorina, fluorita,/. fluor(-spar), fluorlte.
florentin, tino, tina, a. Florentine. fluvial, a. fluvial, fluviatile.
florentisimo, ma, a. sup. very prosperous. flux [flooes], m. flush, at cards: hacer flux,
floreo, m. witty but idle talk (fenc. ) flourish ;
(coll.) to spend one's whole fortune without
of foils (mus. ) flourish on the guitar ; cross
paying a debt.
caper, in dancing. fluxidn [flooc-se-on'J, /. (med.) fluxion; a cold,
florero, ra, a. complimenter, flatterer. m. catarrh.
& f. florist. m. flower-pot flower-vase ;
; foca,/. (zool.) fur-bearing seal.
flower-stand, jardiniere ; (art) flower piece. focal, a. (geom. and phys.) focal.
— /. flower-girl. foceifiza tfo-thay-e-fee'-tiwii], /. kind of Arabic
flores blancas,/. jo/. (med.) leucorrhoea. mosaic.
florescencia,/. (bot.) florescence, flowering, focino [fo-thie'-nol, m. goad for elephants.
efflorescence. fOCO, m. focus; centre of action, origin,
floresta, /. forest where trees, shrubs, and source ; (med. ) core or centre of an abscess ;
flowers grow in abundance a delightful, ; (mil.) touch-hole of a gun foco de luz el6c- :

rural place collection of fine things pleas-

trica, bunch of electric lights.
ing to the taste. f6culO, m. small fire-place.
florestero, m. forester. fodoli, a. meddlesome, intrusive.
floreta, /. leather border on the edge of f fOfO, fa, a. spongy, soft, bland.
girth. fogaje [fo-gaJi'-imyj, m. hearth-money.
florete, a. (com.) first quality, superfine. m. fOgarada,/. blaze, bonfire.
fencing foil. fOgaril, m. cresset, moon, cage.
floretear, va. to garnish with flowers. fogarin, m. common hearth for field hands.
floretista, m. expert fencer. fOgarizar, va. to build bonfires.
floricultor, ra, to. & f. floriculturist. fogata,/. bonfire, blaze; fougade.
floricultura, /. floriculture. fOg6n, m. hearth, fireside cooking-stove, ;

floridamente, adv. elegantly, floridly, flour- kitchen-range vent or touch-hole of a gun ;


ishingly. (naut.) caboose, cuddy.

floridez,/. floridity, floridness. fogonadura,/. (uaut.) mast-hole.
florido, da, a. florid, flowery full of flowers ; ;
fogonazo, m. powder flash flaah in the pan. ;

choice, elegant, select. fogonero, m. fireman, stoker.

florifero, ra, florigero, ra, a. floriferous. fOgOSidad, /. excessive vivacity, fierceness,
flOrileglO, m, florilegium, anthology. heat of temper.
florin, m. florin, silver coin. fOgOSO, sa, a. fiery, vehement, ardent ; fer-
floripondiO, m. (bot.) floripondio. vent, hot in temper, impetuous, lively
florista, m. &/. maker of artificial flowers. spirited (as a horse).
florbn, m. aug. large flower; (arch.) fleuron, fogote, m. fagot, bundle of twigs.
rosette. fogueacibn ifnh-Keh-ah-thie-oH'i, /. enumeration
fi6sculO, m. (bot.) floscule, floret. of hearths or fires.

g (before e, )) and J as li in hot ; h, silent ; 11 In brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; i, hlsaedi
focrueax to habituate to the
[fon-geh-ar'], fa. fondo, m. bottom depth ; ; rear part, furtlies*
discharge of fire-arms (artL ) to scale a ;
end ground (of stuffs)
; ;
(art) background ;

gun. thickness of a diamond extent of a man's ;

fO^eZUelO [foh-geh-thweh'-lo], m. dim. small capacity disposition, nature (of a person) ;.


hre. principal or essential part of a thing stock, ;

foja, /. (law) leaf of manuscript or folio; ?[uantity, store (of virtues, vices, etc.) ;
(orn.) coot, scoter. und, capital fondo de reserva, reserve

fole, m. leather bag, especially of the, bagpipe. fund : fondo de amortizaclon, sinking fund ;

fOlgO, m. foot-warmer, foot-mulf. (mil.) space occupied by a rank: diez de

folias,/. pi. kind of merry dance. fondo, ten abreast; (mech.) bed, bottom
foli^ceo, a. (bot.) foliaceous. plate, foundation; (coop.) head; (naut.)
fOliaci6n, /. foliation, act of numbering the oottom dar fondo, to cast anchor : echar 4

Sages of a book (bot. ) foliation.

fondo, to sink a vessel Irse 6. fondo, (naut.) :

lar, va. to page, to folio a book. to founder; (fenc.) to thrust: 4 fondo, per-
foliatura,/. numbering the pages of a book fectly, completely, deeply : articulo de fondo,
numeration of the pages of a book. leading article, editorial : seccion de fondo,
foliCUlariO, m. pamphleteer. editorial page.—p/. funds, resources, stocks;
foliCUlO, m. (bot.) follicle, pericarp (anat.) ;
fondos publicos or del Erario, public funds :
follicle, membranous sac. limpiar los fondos, (naut.) to hog a ship's
folijones, m. pi. ancient Castilian dance. bottom fondos vitalicios, life-annuities.

folio, m. folio, leaf of a book size of a book- ; fond6n, /». v. foxdill6n ; ground of silk or
leaf: libro en folio, a folio book de & folio, : velvet; brocade; (min.) fondon.
(coll.) anything very bulky al primer folio, : foneldOSCOpiO, m. phoneidoscope.
at first sight : folio indico, (bot.) Indian leaf; fon^tica, /. phonetics. V. FONOLOGf A.
folio de Descartes, (geom.) a looped curve. fon^tico, ca, «. phonetic.
folidn, m. (prov.) fire-works. fdnlCO, ca, «. phonic, acoustic,
foluz, /, small ancient copper coin. fonll, »i. (naut.) wooden funnel.
folia, /. irregular conflict in a tournament fonje, a. bland, soft, spongy.
medley, variety show olio. ; fonografia,/. phonography.
follada, /. puff-paste patty. fonografiCO, ca, a. phonographic.
foUaje, m. foliage, frondage leafiness leaf- ; ; fonbgxafO, m. phonograph.
age gaudy ornament superabundance of
fonolita, /. (min.) clinkstone, phonolite.
figures of rhetoric in a speech or writing. !
fonologia, /. phonology.
foliar, va. tp blow with bellows to form in ; fonsadera, /. ancient war tax.
leaves. vr. (low) to discharge wind with- fonsadO, m. (fort.) foss or ditch.
out noise. fontal, a. fontal ; original, main.
follero, folletero, m. one who makes or sells fontana, /. (poet.) fountain, spring, water-
bellows. jet.
folletin, /«. feuilleton, serial story in a news- fontanal, a. fontanel. m. source or spring
paper. of water place abwindiug in springs.

folletinista, m. &f. writer of folletines. fontanar, m. spring of water.

foUetista, m. &f. pamphleteer. fontanela,/. (anat.) fontanel (surg.) seton- ;

folletO, m. pamphlet, booklet, tract. needle.

fOll6n, na, a. lazy, indolent, laggard. m. fontaneria,/. hydraulic engineering water- ;

rogue, coward, conceited fellow noiseless ; works.

rocket; (low) wind voided without noise. fontanero, ra, hydraulic engineer.
fomentaci6n,/. (med.) fomentation. fontezuela,/. dim. small fountain.
fomentador, ra, a. fomenter. fontegi, m. variety of wheat.
fomentar, va. to foment, to impart warmth fonticulo, m. (sur^.) fonticiilus, issue.
to protect, favour, patronize, countenance, foq.ue, m. (naut.) jib foqne mayor or foqwe de :

encourage, promote, excite, instigate, abet caza, standing jib foqne segnndo, fore-stay- :

(med.) to foment ; (agr. ) to improve. sail.

fomentO, vi. fomentation ; warmth, fuel forajldO, da, a. highwayman, outlaw.
patronage, protection, support, encourage- forai, a. (law) belonging to the statute law:
ment, improvement, development; (med.) bienes forales, leasehold estate.
fomentation, lotion Ministerio de Fomento, : foralmente, adv. judicially.
Department of Public Works, Education, foramen, m. (mill.) hole in the nether stone.
Agriculture, Commerce, and Manufactures foraneo, nea, a. stranger, foreign.
in Spain. forastero, ra, a. strange, outsider exotic. ;

fomes, m. (med.) femes; any cause of ex- m. &f. stranger, guest, visitor (of a town).
citement. forcejar [for-timy-uar'] or forcejcar, fw. to
fonacldn, /. phonation, emission of the voice struggle, strive, labour contest, contend. ;

pronunciation. forcejo, m. struggle, struggling, strife, striv-

fonas,/. pi. (sew.) gores, gussets. ing, contention.
fonda,/. notel, inn, restaurant. forcejdn [for-thay-hon'j, m. violent effort or
fondado, da, a. (coop.) re-enforced in the struggle.
heads. forcejudO, da, strong, robust. a.
fondeadero, m. (naut.) anchoring-ground fbrceps [tor-Uiepsl, m. (surg.) forceps.
haven. forchma,/. (mil.) fork-like weapon,
fondear, va. (naut.) to sound to raise from ; forense, a. (law) forensic; stranger.
the bottom of water to search a ship to ; ; forero, ra, a. conformable to the statute law
examine closely. vn. to cast anchor. of a country. m. owner of leasehold estate ,'

fondeo, m. (naut.) searching a ship casting ;

anchor. forestal, a. forestal.

fondillbn, m. dregs and lees ->{ a cask of forlllo, m. backing, in theatrical scenery.
liquor ; old Alicante wine. foria [for'-hah], /. smeltihg-furnace chafery ;

fonoillOS, m. pi. seat of trousers. bloomery, smithy forge, forging (mas.> ; ;

fondista, m. & f. innkeeper, hotel-keeper. mortar.

» M Id far ; e in eh I ; 1 in police : O in for ; n in bull ; c (before e, i) and z as th In thick ; b ant* d, loH;

fOllador, m. forger; iron-master, smith, fomldo, da, robust, lusty, stout.
blacksmith gold-beater. ; fornitura,/. (mil.) furniture; (print.) types
fOXJadlira [forhah-doo'-rali], /. forging. cast to complete sorts.
fOIjar [for-har'l, va. to forge, to hammer or foro, m. forum ; court of justice ; bar, th«
stamp metal into shape to framCj form, ; legal profession back, in stage scenery ^ ;

fabricate ; to counterfeit, falsify ; to invent, leasehold ; rental por tal foro, on such con- :

concoct (as a falsehood). ditions.

fOTl6n, m. ancient two-seat chaise. forrado, pp. lined, doubled. & a.
forma, /. form, shape, cast, figure frame, ; forraje, »i. forage, fodder; foraging; (coll.^
make, fashion regularity, method, order ;
; abundance of things of little value.
established practice, ritual, ceremony, man- forrajeador, m. forager, fodderer.
ner of doing something hand, form or cast ; forrajear [for-iah-hay-ar'], va. to forage, to col-
of writing; model, pattern, mould, matrix; lect forage or fodder.
(print.) form size of a book (hat.) block ;
; ; forrajera,/. (mil.) shako guard.
(eccl.) host for the communion of the laity : forrar, va. to line (as clothes) to cover with ;

de forma que, in such a manner that: en a case (as a book or an umbrella) (aaat.) ;
forma, truly, certainly seriously, in earnest: ; to sheathe, to fur.
en forma or en debida forma, in due form, forro, m. lining, doubling, inside, backing
correctly dar forma, to regulate or arrange
: (naut. ) furring, planking, sheathing cover ;

that which was disordered tener bnenas : of a book: forro de cabos, (naut.) service,
formas, to be of fine figure to be polite. ; serving ropes forro sobrepnesto de cable,

formable, a. that which may be formed. (naut. ) keckling, rounding.

fOnnacl6n, /. formation, forming; form, fortach6n, na, a. (coll. ) powerfully strong.
shape, figure; twisted cord for gold em- fortalecedor, ra, m. &/. fortifier.
broidery; (geol.) formation, system ; (mil.) fortalecer, va. (ind. fortalezco subj. for- :

array of troops. talezca) to fortify, strengthen, corrobo-

formador, ra, a. former. rate to fortify a place to aid, encourage,
; ;

formate, m. rfieese-vat cheese. ; to support.

formal, ji. formal, regular, methodical fortalecimientO, m. fortifying, strengthen-
proper, ""genuine ; serious, grave, steady, ing; fortification, defences of a place.
sedate; truthful, reliable. fortaleza, /. fortitudCj firmness valour ;

formalldad, /. formality exactness, punc- ; courage; strength, vigour, nerve, force,

tuality ceremony gravity, seriousness,
; ;
manhood ; stronghold, fortress, fortified
solemnity ; requisite, requirement ; red place.
tape established practice legal precedent
; ;
iforte interj. (naut.) avast !—a. (mus.) loud.

con formalidad, in earnest. fortepiano, m. (mus. obs.) pianoforte:,

formalismo, m. formalism. fortezuelO, la, a. dim. not very strong.—nj.
formalista, a. &m. &f. formalist. small fort.
formalizar, va. to formalize. vr. to grow fortlficable, a. fortifiable.
formal, to affect gravity. fortificacibn, /. fortification ; military archi-
formalmente, adv. formally seriously. ; tecture works raised for the defence of a

ibrmar, va. to form, shape, fashion, frame, place : fortiflcacibn de campa&a, field-fortifi-
make up, cut out ; to de-
; to mould, model cation.
vise, conceive, form (as ideas) ; to train, fortificador, m. fortifier.
educate, develop (as the mind) to consti- ; fortificante, pa. fortifying.
tute (as a corporation) (mil.) to combine, ;
fortificar, va. ( pret. F0RTIFIQU6 : subi. FOR-
arrange. vn. to adjust the edges of em- tifique) to strengthen, fortify, corroborate,
broidery work; (mil.) to draw up. vr. to invigorate (mil.) to fortify a place.

take shape, grow, develop. fortin, m. dim. fortin, fortlet, small fort.
formatiVO, va, a. formative. fortuitamente, adv. fortuitously.
formatriz, a. {/em. only) forming former, ; fortuito, ta, «. fortuitous, accidental, unex-
maker, producer same as formadora. ; pected.
formejar, va. (naut.) to clear the ship; to fortuna,/. fortune, chance, fate; good luck,
trim the hold. success wealth, capital
; storm, tempest ;

formero, m. (arch.) side arch of a vault. accident of the sea por fortnna, luckily t :

formicante, a. (med.) formicant (pulse). prebar fortuna, to take one's chances.

fdrmiCO, m. (chem.) formic (acid or ether). fortundn, m. aug. great fortune, immense
formidable, a. formidable, dreadful, tre- riches.
mendous, terrific large. ; uncommonly fbrunculo, m. (med.) boil. V. furunculo.
formldablemente, adv. formidably. forzadamente, adv. forcibly, violently, force-
formidolOSO, sa, a. timorous, timid, fearful fully.
dreadful, frightful, horrible. forzado, da, pp. & a. forced, compelled, con-
formilldn, m. hat-block, hat-form. strained. m. criminal sentenced to the gal-
form6ll, m. (carp.) firmer-chisel: formon de leys.
punta corriente, skew-chisel ; punching- forzador, m. ravisher ; forcer.
press for cutting wafers. forzal, m. solid part of a comb.
fdrmula, /. formula (med.) recipe; (math, ;
forzamientO, m. act of forcing.
and chem.) formula; (eccl.) profession of forzar, va. (
ind. FUERZO : pret. FORCfi : subj.
faith. fuerce) to force, overpower by strength,
formulario, m. formulary. break in (as a door) ; to compel, constrain,
fomaceo, cea, a. (poet. ) like a furnace. enforce, urge to subdue by force to ravish.
; ;

fornelo, m. portable little oven or furnace. forzosa, /. decisive move at the game of
fomlcacibn, /. fornication. draughts compulsion ;bacer la forzosa, :

fomlcador, ra, «. & m. &/. fornicator. (coll.) to compel one to act against his will.
fomicar, va. to fornicate. forzosamente, adv. forcibly, necessarily
fomicariO, ria, «. relating or addicted to violently, forcedly.
fornication. forzoso, sa, a. indispensable, necessary,
fomicio, m. fornication. needful, requisite, obligatory.

g (before «, i) and J as b In bot ; b, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; n, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; 8, liissed,
FOR 2 76 FRA
forzudamente, adv. with great power and aroma, sweet odour ;
good name, repute fw
strength. virtues.
forzudO, da, strong, vigorous, potent,
n. fragante, a. fragrant, odoriferous; flagrant,
lusty, stout, able-bodied. notorious : en fragante, in the act itself. K
fosa,/. grave, sepulture (anat.) fossa. ,
fosar, va. (fort.) to make a pit dig a trench, ; fragaria, /. (hot.) strawberry. V. fresa.
ditch, or foss. fragata, /. (naut.) frigate: fragata de aviso,
fosca, /. haze, thicket, jungle. packet-boat : fragata ligera, light
fOSCO, ca, n. frowning. V. uosco, vessel.
fOSfatiCO, ca, «. (chem. ) phosphatic. fr^gil [frah'-hiiij, a. brittle, fragile, frangible,
fOSfatO, (chem.) phosphate.
in. frail, weak, breakable, perishable,
fOSfltO, phosphite.
in. fragilidad ifraii-he-ie-daiHi'i/. fragility, brittle^
fosforado, da, a. phosphated. ness, fraugibility ; frailty,
fosforera, f. match-box. fragilmente, adv. frailly.
fosforero, ra, m. &/. vender of matches. fragmentO, m. fragment, piece, bit.
fosforescencia, /. phosphorescence. fragor, m. noise, clamour, crash,
fosforescente, a. phosphorescent. fragoroso, sa, a. (poet.) noisy, obstreper-
fosforescer, vn. (ind. FosFORESco: subj. ous.
FOSFORKscA) to phosphorescc. fragOSidad, /. roughness of the road i»"per- ;

fOSforiCO, ca, a. phosphoric. viousness of a forest craggeduess, craggi- ;

fosforita,/. (min.) phosphorite. ness.

fosforo, m. phosphorus friction ; match fragOSO, sa, a. craggy, rough, uneven : full
morning star. of brambles and briers noisy. ;

fosforoscopio, m. (phys.) phosphoroscope. fragrancia, /. K fragancia.

fOSfurO, m. phosphid, phosphuret. fragrante, a. v. fragante.
f6sll, a. fossil, petrified. m, fossil, petrifac- fragua, /. lorge, as for iron,
tion, organic remains. fraguador, m. schemer.
fosilifero, ra, a. fossiliferous. fraguar, va. to forge. V. forjar; U plan,
fOSiliZaCidn [fo-se-le-thah-tlne-otr], /. fossiliza- plot, contrive, brew, hatch. vn. (maa.) to
tion. unite in a mass,
fOSilizarse [fo se-le-thar'-sehl, V?: tO fossilize. fragura,/. v. fragosidad.
fOSO, m.pit, hole in the ground (theat. ;
) cel- frailada,/. (coll.) rude or unbecoming j^cticD
under the stage (fort.) moat, ditch,
lar ;
foss, of a monk.
lotofobia, /. (med. photophobia. ) fraile, m. friar, monk, brother fold turned ;

fot6fono, m. (phys.) photophone. up at bottom of a skirt (arch. ) hood p\ er a ;

fOtOgeniCO, ca, a. photogenic. hearth; (print.) friar, badly inked spot;

fOtOgrabadO, m. photoengraving, photo- (b. b.) fold in a leaf; upright post of a
gravure. flood-gate; (Cuba) bagasse of a sugar-«"nne.
fotografia, /. photography photograph. ; frallear, va. (agr.) to prune a tree close to
fotografiar, va. to photograph. the trunk.
fOtOgraflcamente, adv. photographically. fraileciCO, CillO, m. dim. little friar; (orn.^
fOtOgrafiCO, ca, a. photographic. lapwing; wedge securing the spindle oi a
fOtbgrafO, m. photographer. silk-reel.
fotolitografla, /. photolithography ;
photo- frallecito, m. boyish sport with the husk oi
lithograph. Lima beans.
fOtOlitOgraflar, va. to photolithograph. frailengo, ga, leilo, fta, a. v. frailescp-
fotoUtOgrilficamente, adv. photolithograph- fraileria,/. (coll.) assembly of friars.
icallv. frailero, ra, a. very fond of friars,
fotolitOgr^fiCO, ca, a. photolithographic. frallesco, ca, a. monkish, friary,
fDtometria, /. photometry. frailia, /. monkery regular clergy, ;

fotometrico, ca, a. photometric. frailote, ?«. aug. big and coarse friar.
fotbmetro, m. (phys.) photometer. frailUCO, m. despicable friar,
fotOSfera, (ast. ) photosphere.
./'. frailuno, na, a. (coll. ) friary,
fototerapia, /. (med.) phototherapeutics. frambuesa,/. (hot.) raspberry.
fototerapiCO, ca, n. phototherapeutical. frambueso, m. (hot.) raspberry-bush,
fototipografia, f. phototypography. framea, f. Javelin, dart,
fOtOtipOgrafiCO, ca, «. phototypographic. franc achela, /. (com.) r. comilona.
f6tula, /. (Amer. ) cockroacli. francalete, m. leather strap with a buckle,
fOtutO, m. (Cuba) whistle; trumpet, horn. francamente, adr. frankly, openly.
foya,/. oven full of charcoal. franc6s, sa, French. m. the French lan-
frac, in. dress-coat swallow-tailed coat. ; ?:uage : &
francesa, after the Frencri
fracasar, vn. (naut.) to crumble, to break in ashion despedirse k la francesa, (coll.) to

Eieces (ships) to fail in an undertaking, to

; take French leave. m. & f. Frenchman,
e abortive, fall through, come to naught. Frenchwoman.
fracaso, m. downfall, ruin, destruction ca- ; francesilla, /. (hot.) common yard crowfoot.
lamity, unfortunate event failure, abor- ; franciscano, na, a. Franciscan gray-col- ;

tiveness. oured.
fraccidn fraction, breaking
(rrac-thie-on'\ /. francisco, ca, «. Franciscan.
into parts (math.) fraction. ; francmasbn, m. Freemason, mason.
fraccionamlento, rn. division into fractions. francmasoneria, /. Freemasonry.
fraccionar, va. to divide into fractions. franco, m. franc, French coin fair-time, ;

fraccionario, rla, a. fractional. when merchandise is sold free of duty.—p/.

fractnra, /. fracture, breach, breaking, Franks, Oriental appellation given to west-
breakage (surg. ) fracture.
ern Europeans.
fracturar, va. to fracture, break, rupture. franco, ca, a. frank, open, generous, lilwral,
fraga, /. species of raspberry ; thicket of open-hearted, bountiful free, clear, dis- ;

brambles. engaged exempt, privileged ingenuous,

; ;

fragancla, /. fragrance, scent, perfume, plain, sincere, fair (com. ) duty free franco : :

a ao III far ; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; n in bull ; c (before e, t) and E as th in thick ; b aii<l d, soft;
d« porte, post-paid: franco & bordo, free on ft'audtQento. ta, a. fraudulent, deceit. uU
board, f. o. b. : puerto franco, free port in ; artful, knavish,
compound words, Frencli, as franco-ameri- fray fraile; used as an
Ifrah'-e', m. conir. of
cano, Franco- American. appellation before the names of clergymen
francolin, m. (orn.) francolin. belonging to certain religious orders, a»
ftancote, ta, a. aug. (coll.) frank, plain- Fray Luis de Granada. Q. FREY.
spoken. frazada Ifrali-tlmli'-dah],/. blanket.
franchip^, m. franchipane, a perfume. frazadllla, /. dim. small or light blanket.
franela, /. flannel. freCUencia Ifray-kwen'-thie-ahl,/. frequency.
frange, m. (her.) division of the field of a frecuentaci6n, /. frequentation, frequent-
shield. ing, visiting often,
frangeiite fran-hen'-tehl, pa. frangent, fractur- frecuentador, ra, a. frequenter,
ing. m. accident, disaster, mishap. frecuentar, va. to frequent to repeat. ;

frangible [fran-iie-bieh], o. brittle, frangible, ftecuentativo, a. (gram.) frequentative,

breakable. frecuente, a. frequent.
frangir, va. to break in to pieces. frecuentemente, adv. frequently, often,
frangoUar, va. (coll.) (o do a thing hurried- commonly, oftentimes.
ly and carelessly. fregadero, m. scullery.
frangoUo, m. pottage of wheat and milk ; fre^adO, pp. & vi. act of scouring or scruh*
(Sp. Am.) poorly made stew. bing; (coll. ) complicated affair.
frangote, m. (com.) bale of goods. fregador, m. scullery dish-clcut, mop,scrub- ;

fr&ngula, /. (hot.) berry-bearing alder. biag-brush.

franja Ifrahn'iuhl, /. (sew.) trimming, band, fregaduraf/. rubbing, scrubbing, scouring.
braid, border, stripe. fregajO, m. mop, swab. V. estropajo.
franjar Ifran-iiar'l, va. (sew.) to trim with fregamiento, m. v. fricaci6n.
braids, bands, or stripes ; to border. fregar, t'a. {ind. friego: pret. fregue: subj.
franjeax va. v. fkanjar.
, FRiEGUE) to rub to scrub, mop, swao, ;

franjdn, m. aug. wide braid trimming. scour to scour. ;

franjuela,/. divi. narrow braid trimming. fregatrlz, fregona, /. kitchen-maid, serub-

franqueamiento, m. v. franqueo. bing-girl.
franquear, va. to exempt, to grant immu- fregoml, a. ^coii. ) weneh-Hke.
nity from, to enfranchise; to prepay post- fregonzuela [n-eh-gon thweir lah], /. dim. little
age on letters^etc. to make liberal grants
, kitchen-girl.
or giftsto open, disengage, extricate, clear
; freidura,/. frying or dressing in a pau.
from impediments ; to free a slave. vr. to freila,/. (eccl.) lay-sister.
give one's self easily to the desire of others ; freile Ifray'-e-ieh], m. knight Or priest of a mili-
to unbosom one's self ; (naut.) to be ready tary order.
for sailing. freir [freh-eer*], va. (pp. FReIdO, FRITO: gC'
franqueo, m. postage ; liberating a slave. rund, FRIENDO ind. FRio prel. C'l kri6: : :

franquezaifran-keh'thahl, /. freedom, liberty, subj. FRiA) to fry or dress in a frying-pan :

exemption, enfranchisement, freeness freirse de calor, to be excessively hot freir- :

frankness, sincerity, generosity, openheart- sela k alguno, (coll.) to deceive o"ue preniedi-
edness ingenuousness.
; tatedly al freir seri el reir, he laughs well,

franquia, /. (naut.) sea room, ofl5ng: en who laughs last.

franquia, (naut.) ready to .-'ail; (coll.) in freje [freh'-heh], m. (prov.) V. FLEJE.
readiness. fr6jOl [freh'-hoi', m. (bot.) French bean, kidney
flranquicia [fran-kee'-thie-ah], /. exemption from bean. v. fasoles, frijol, frksoi., and
taxes, franchise, privilege, grant. JUDiA (pronounced in Sp. Am. fr«jol ifreh-
Arasco, m. flask, vial, bottle, gallipot ; pow- hol'l and frijol [free-hol']).
der-flask. fr6niitO, m. roar. V. bramido.
frase,/. phrase idiom, epigram style of a
; ; freneria,/. bridle-making; harness-shop.
writer frase hecha, proverb, saying, saw
: frenero, m. bridle-maker or seller; (r. w.)
frase musical, (mus. ) a phrase; gastar frases brakeman.
y rodeos, (coll.) to beat around the bush. frenesi, m. frenzy, fury, madness, distrac-
frasear, va. to phrase, to employ idioms or tion ; folly.
epigrams ; (mus. ) to phrase. fren6ticamente, adv. frantically, fren*
fraseologia, /. phraseology, styleof a writer madly.
verbosity, pomposity. fren^tiCO, ca, distracted, frantic-
a. mad,
frasqmera, /. bottle-case, liquor-case : fras- frenzied, furious, insane.
quera de fuego, (naut.) fire-case or fire-chest. frenillar, va. (naut.) to bridle the oars.
frasquerilla, ita,/. dim. small bottle-case. freniUO, m. (anat.) frenum ; (naut.) bridle,
frasqueta,/. (print.) frisket. fox, ratline no tener frenillo en la lengua, t*
. :

frasquete, m. dim. small flask. be outspoken.

frasquillO, itO, m. dim. small flask. freho, m. bridle or bit of the bridle; (car.)
Araterna,/. (coll.) severe reprimand, curtain brake (for wheel) (mech.) check, stop, ;

lecture. brake curb, restraint, control morder «k

; :

firaternal, fraternal, brotherly.

a. freno, to bite the bridle.
fraternalmente, adv. fraternally. frenologia, /. phrenology, cranioscopy.
fratemidad,/. fraternity, brotherhood. frenol6glCO, ca, a. phrenological.
fraternizar, vn. to fraternize. fren610gO, m. phrenologist.
fratemo, na, a. fraternal, brotherly. frendpata, m. phreuopathist, alienist.
fratricida, m. &/. fratricide (murderer). frenopatia, /. phrenopathy, alienism.
fratricidlo, m. fratricide (murder). frenml, a. frontal. V. frontal.
fraude, m. fraud, deceit, cheat, trick, arti- frenie, /. forehead countenance, mien in' ; ;

fice, imposture, craft, gull. tellect. —

m. (mil.) front rank; (fort.) faca
fraudulencia,/. fraudulence, trickiness, de- of a bastion. m.. or /. front, forepart, face,
ceit fHlness. facade; obverse (of coins, etc.).— adv. in
fraudulentamente, adv. fraudulently. front, opposite, across the way frente k :

(t (before e,i) and,1 as h in hot; h, silent; 11 in brilliaet ; ft, «y in canyon , r (initialj and rr trUle<i , s, htas^d.
frente, face to face : & frente, straight ahead : friable, a. friable, fragile, brittle.
enfrente, en frent«, or frente por frente, di- friaJdad, /. frigidity, coldness; unconctm,
rectly opposite: de frente, (mil.) facing; coolness, lukewarmness, indifference iusi- ;

abreast: al frente, (com.) carried forward: pidity, dulness ; nonsense; (med.) impo-
del frente, brought forward. tence.
ftentero, m. pad to protect a child's fore- friamente, arf>'. coldly, frigidly, coolly; flatly.
head. frlatiCO, ca, a. foolish, graceless, silly.
freo, m. (naut.) narrow channel, strait, fre- fricacibn, /. friction, frication.
tum. frlcandd, m. (cook.) fricandeau.
flresa,/. (bot.) strawberry and the plant. fricar, va. to rub two things together.
fresada, /. aish anciently made of flour, fricase, m. (cook.) fricassee.
milk, and butter. friCCidn irric-tiUe-ou'],/. friction, rubbing.
fresal, m. strawberry patch. friega Ifre-ay'-gaU], /. frlction, rubbiug will)
fresca, /. cool air, fresh air ; piece of one's flesh-brush, etc.
mind, biting remark tomar
la Aresca, to
: friego, yo friegue {in: from fregar).
take the air : decir cuatro frescas a uno, to friera,/. chilblain on the heel.
rebuke one without mincing words. frigidez,/. frigidity, coldness. V. frialdab.
ftescacll6ll, na, a. stout, good-looking; frigido, da, a. (poet.) cold, frigid.
(naut.) brisk wind. frigiO, kia, a. Phrygian.
frescal, a. (fish) not entirely fresh, but pre- frigorifico, ca, a. frlgorific, refrigerating,
served with little salt. refrigerative, freezing.
frescamente, adv. freshly, recently, lately ; friisimo, ma, a. mp. extremely cold.
coolly, bluntly, resolutely. frijol, m. kidney-bean. V. frejol.
llresCO, ca, a. fresh, cool recent, newly ; frlngilagO, m. (orn.) titmouse. V. paro.
come just made, finished, or gathered
frio, ia, a. cold, frigid, chilly iced (as ;

latest plump, buxom, ruddy ; calm, se-

water) ; impotent indifferent, unmoved,

rene bold, forward. m. cool temperature,

; passionless, unsympathetic, heartless dull, ;

coolness, refreshing air. V. frescura; graceless, witless. m. cold, coldness, fri-

(art) fresco painting; (Peru) pine-apple gidity, chilliness cool, fresh air.

refreshment: viento fresco, (naut.) fresh Lolento, ta, a. chilly very sensible of cold.
frfo ;

breeze: agua fresca, cold water: quedarae friolera,/. trifle, bauble, gewgaw.
fresco, (coll.) to be disappointed. friolero, ra, a. V. friolento.
frescor, m. cool, refreshing air. V. fres- frisa,/. frieze; (fort.) palisade.
cura ;
(art) flesh-colour. frisadO, pp. &. m. curly silk plush or shag.
flrescote, ta, a. aug. (coll. ) ruddy, youthful, frisador, ra, a. frizzier.
healthy. frisadura,/. frizzling or shagging.
frescura, /. freshness, coolness, cool, gentle frlsar, va. to frizzle or frizz cloth ; to rub ,

cold luxuriant verdure or foliage ; frank-

; (naut.) to line, to pack. vn. to resemble, to
ness, openness ; freedom of manner, ease, be like ; to approach, to be near.
forwardness serenity, tranquility, cool-
; frlso, w. (arch.) frieze; wainscot, dado, mop-
ness of mind. board.
fresero, ra, m. & f. strawberry vender.—/, frisol, m. (bot. ) kidney-bean. V. fri£jol.
(bot.) strawberry plant. fris6ll, na, a. Friesian. m. large draught-
fresnal, m. belonging to the ash-tree. horse.
fresneda,/. plantation of ash-trees. frisuelo, m. kidney-bean. V. frIsol. — p/.
fresnillo, »i. (bot.) white fraxinella. fritters.
fresno, m. (bot.) ash-tree; (com.) ash wood: frita,/. (gl.) frit, ferretto.
fresno hungaro, Hungarian ash fresno ame- : fritada,/. fry ; dish of anything fried.
ricano, white ash. fritillas,/. jp^ fritters, pancakes.
fresbn, m. (bot.) Chili strawberry. frito, ta, pp. irr. of FREiR fried. m. fry. ;

fresquecito, ita, fresquillo, 11a. a. dim, fritura,./: fry, fritter. V. fritada.

little cool nice and fresh.— 7?i. &, f. cool
; friVOlameHte, adv. frivolously, triflingly.
breeze. friVOlidad, /. frivolity, frivolousness, tri-
fresquera,/. meat-safe. flingness, frothiness.
fresquerla, /. (Sp. Am.) ice-cream saloon. friV0lit6,/. tatting fancy work.
fresquero, ra, m. &/. vender of fresh fish. frivolo, la, a. frivolous, trifling, vain, empty,
fresquista, m. fresco painter. frothy, light, futile.
fresquitO, ta, «. dim. cool, coollsh, approach- fronda, /. (bot.) leaf of a plant; frond;
ing to cold. m. cool, fresn air. adv. freshly (surg. ) funda,—y/. frondage, foliage, ver-
made, recent, latest. dure.
flrey [fray'-e], m. conlr. of FREILE ; used as an fronde, m. (bot.) frond, fern leaf.
appellation before the names of knights and frondosldad, /. frondage, luxuriant growth,
clergymen belonging to a military or.der. foliage.
(y. FRAY. flrondOSO, sa,a. leafy, luxuriant.
fl:ez[freth],/. firontal, frontal, relating to the forehead.—
fireza, /. dung, excrement; spawning; trail frontal, altar hanging.
TO. (eccl.)
of fish in spawning; spawn, roe; time in ftontalera,/. brow-band (of a bridle) ; brow-
which silk-worms eat nole or trace dug up ; pad under a yoke; (eccl.) trimmings of an
by the rooting or scratching of an animal. altar frontal ; place where frontals are kept.
frezada,/. blanket. F. FRAZADA. firontera, /. frontier, boundary, limit, con-
frezar Ifreh-thar'l, vn. (pret. FREC6: snbj. fine, border ; binder of a frail-basket
frece) to eject excrements (animals) to ; (arch.) facade ; side of a soft-brick mould.
eject the droppings of grubs from hives. fronteriZO, za, a. limitaneous ; frontier
va. to nibble the leaves of mulberry-trees fronting, opposite.
(silk-worms) ; to spawn to lub in order to ; firontero, ra, a. opposite, placed in front.—
spawn to root (as hogs) ; to scratch the
; TO. governor or commander of frontier
earth (as dogs). forces frontlet or orow-pud for children.--

firlabilidad, /. friability, brittleness adv. in front.

a as iu far ; e ia ah I ; i in police ; o in for ; u in bull ; c (before e, i) and t a« th iu thick ; b and d, soft r

frontll, m. yoke-pad for draughi-oxen. fruit-dish. m. napkin or doiiy over a fruit-
frontiuo, na, a. animal marked in the face. dish ;
(art) painting representing fr^it j
frontis, m. (arch.) frontispiece, facade. ornamental piece of artificial fruit.
CrontispiciO, m. front; (arch.) frontispiece, frutlce [froo'-te-theh], m. any perennial s*irub.
fagade; (coll.) face, visage; title-page of a frutiCOSO, sa, a. (bot.) fruticant, frutescent j
book. shrubby.
front6n, m. main wall of a hand-ball court frutilla, /. dim. small fruit ; (Sp. Am.)<ftraw-
fives-court; (arch.) pediment. berry beads for rosaries.

frontudo, da, «. broad-faced animal. frutillar, m. (^Sp. Am. ) strawberry-bed

frontura,/. front of a stocking-frame. frutO, 1)1. fruit, any useful produce of the
frotaci6n, frotadura,/. friction, rubbing. earth any product of man's intelle>it or

frotador, ra, m. &/. one who or that which labour benefice, profit, advantage, —pi.

rubs. (com.) produce, commodities: fruto dt ben-

frotamlentO, m. rubbing, friction. dicion, child lawfully begotten dar frnf to : •>,

frotante, pa. rubbing. yield frcit.

frotar, va. to rub, to perfricate. fu, interj, of disgust; sound imitating the
frote, m. friction, rubbing attrition. ; snarling of a cat.
fructiferamente, adv. fruitfully. fClcar, m. rich, opulent man nabob. ;

fmctifero, ra, a. fructiferous, frugiferous, fucilar, vn. (poet.) to flash, to glisten.

fruit-bearing, fruitful. fucilazo, m. fulguration, heat, lightning.
fructiflcaci6n,/. (bot.) fructification. fUCSia,/. (bot.) fuchsia.
fructiflcador, ra, «. fertilizer. fUCSina,/. (chem.) fuchsine.
fructificar, vn. {preL FRUCTiFiQu:^ subj. : fuegO [fweh'-go], m. fire, conflagration, blaze^
fructifique) to fructify, to produce, bear beacon-fire, bonfire, watch-fire; force, life^
or yield fruit; to profit or give profit, to vigour, animation eruption in the skin j ;

benefit. firing of fire-arms hearth, fire-place esa ; :

fructuario, rla, a. (law) usufructuary. aldea tiene cincuenta fuegos, that village coH"
fructuosamente, adv. fruitfully, profitably. tains fifty hearths or houses ardour, heat oi ;

fructUOSO, sa, a. fruitful, fructuous, useful, an action (vet.) cautery fuegode SanTelmo,
; ;

profitable. (naut.) Castor and Pollux fuegofatuo,jack- :

fruente, pa. of fruir enjoying. ; a-lantern, will-o'-the-wisp, ignis fatuus d^r :

frugal, a. frugal, parsimonious, sparing, faego i. un navio, (naut.) to bream a ship:

thrifty. dar fuego & los tablones, (naut.) to heat
frugalidad, /. frugality, parsimony, thrift, planks for the purpose of bending then?
economy. fuego griego, Greek or wild fire fuego«, :

frugalmente, adv. frugally, sparingly, (naut.) lights lighthouse hacer fuego, ; ;

thriftily. (mil.) to tire: pegar fuego, to set on fire;

frugivoro, ra, a. fruglvorous. fuego graneado, (mil.) successive or inces^
fruicidn,/. fruition, enjoyment, satisfaction, sant firing fuegos artificiales, fire-works :

gratification, relish. fuego y sangre, with fire and sword.

ftuir, vn. {for irr. V. HUIR) to enjoy. 1 fuego ! fuego de DiOS ! interj. bless me

fruitiVO, va, a. fruitive, enjoyable. fuego military command to shoot.


frumentario, rla, a. cereal, frumentaceous. fueguecillO, CitO, ZUelO, m. dim. small fire
frumenticio, cia, «. (bot.) frumentaceous, fuellar, m. bright talcum ornament on wa3
cereal. tapers.
frunce, m. (sew.) shirr, shirring, gather. fuelle [foo-ayi'-iyay], m. bellows blower (car.j ; ;

ftuncido, da, pp. & a. shirred, gathered; hood, top clouds over mountains ; (sew.' ;

contracted. puckers in clothes (coll.) tale-bearer. ;

ftuncidor, m. (sew.) gatherer. fuente, /. spring of water fountain, fount ;

ftuncimientO, m. shirring, gathering; fic- jet, water-spout originating cause, prima ;

tion, deceit, imposture. source; dish, platter; (surg.) setou, issue

rruncir, va. {ind. FRUNZO subj. frunza) : beber en buenas fuentes, to be well-informed
(sew.) to gather, to shirr; to pucker; to fuenteclca, cilia, cita, zuela, /. dim. smal
contract, reduce; to conceal or twist the fountain.
truth. vr. to affect modesty and composure fuer, m. contr. of fuero & fuer de, adv. as a :

fruncir las cejas, to knit the eye-brows frun- : in the manner of: k fuer de caballero, as >
cir lo8 labioB, to curl or pucker the lips. gentleman.
fruslera,/. brass turnings or clippings. fuera, adv. out, not in, without, outside
frusleria, /. trifle, bauble, tidbit. away, off; over and above: fuera de si, de
fruslero, ra, a. trifling, frivolous, insignifi- ranged, aghast de fuera or por fuera, exte- :

cant, futile. riorly, outside fuera de, out of, forth fuer* : :

ftustrd,neO, nea, «. vain, useless, nugatory. de eso, besides, moreover fuera de esto, short :

frustrar, va. to frustrate, disappoint, balk, of this; aside from this faera deque, besides. :

defeat, thwart, deprive, prevent, annul. hacia fuera, outward.

vr. to miscarry, fail, fall through. I fuera interj. away, get off, clear the way,

fnistratorio, ria, a. frustrative, defeating. put him out

fruta,/. fruit, fruitage; consequence, result: fuerarropa (hacer), command used in thi
fruta de sart^n, pancake, fritter fruta nueva, ; galleys lor the rabble to undress.
anything new fruta del tiempo, fruit eaten
: fuero, m,. statute law of a country jurisdic- ;

in season ; anything incident or peculiar to tion, judicial power privilege or exemption ;

a season. granted to a province compilation of laws ;

jbrutaje, m. (art) painting of fruits and flow- fuero exterior or externo, canon and civil
ers. laws fuero de la cenciencia, fuero interior or

frutal, a. (bot.) fruitful, fruit-bearing. m. fuero interno, the tribunal of conscience

fruit-tree. heart of hearts i, fuero, according to law :

frutar, vn. to h<?ar or yield fruit. de fuero, of right, by right of law.

fruteria,/. fraitery, fruit-store. fuerte, a. strong, potent, vigorous, able,
fnitero, ra, /». &/. fruiterer; fruit-basket. hardy, lusty, stout, healthy, hale; secure,

% (before e, i) and J as h iu hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, ny in canyon ; ,r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hissed.
fast,impregnable solid, tough, hard, sub- ; fulnilliaci6ll, /. fulmination, thundering.
stantial firm, compact powerful, forcible,
; ; fulminado, pp. & a. struck by lightning.
cogent, efficacious ; active, intense ; thick, fulminador, ra, a. thunderer fulminating; ;

heavy ;
proficient, surpassing ; loud ; manly, fulmlnante, pa. & a. fulminating, fulminant,
determined, unswerving hard, not mal- ; fulminatory, thundering exploding, ex- ;

leable terrible, grave

excessive having ; ; plosive (med.) violent, deadly. m. (arti.)

excess of weight m. fort, fortress, fortifi- cap, percussion cap.
cation, intrenchment, hold; strong point, fUlminar, va. to fulminate; to emit light-
forte; (mus.) forte, loud (marked/). adv. ning to cause to explode to throw oni ja
; ;

strongly, hard, copiously, abundantly, ex- as an object of terror to express wrath. ;

cessively. fulmlnato, m. (chem.) fulminate.

ruertecico, cito, cillo, zuelo, m. dim. fulminatriZ, a. {fevi.) fulminaUng.
small fortress, block-house. fulmineo, nea, a. fuimineous.
fuertemente, adv. strongly, lustily, firmly, fulminico, a. (chem.) fulminic (acid).
fast, forcibly, vehemently. fulminOSO, sa, a. fulminatory.
fuerza [foo-err -timu], /. force, strength, might, fulleresco, ca, a. belonging to sharper*.
vigour, cogency, stress ; toughness, solidity, fulleria, /. cheating at play cunning artt ;

firmness, stanohness, efficacy ; fortitude, used to deceive.

valour, courage, manliness, constancy fullero, ra, m. & /. sharper, cheater at play.
violence, coercion, compulsion, constraint; fullona,/- (coll.) dispute, quarrel,
defloration, rape virtue, efficiency, mental ; fumada,/. puff, whiff (of smokej.
power; (phys.) force, energy, agency, mo- funiadero, m. smoking-room.
ment, impulsive weight; (mech.) power; fumador, ra, m. & /. smoker.
resistency (fort.) fortress, a strong place;
fiunante, pa. smoking, fuming
strongest part of a thing proneness, strong ;
fumar, va. to smoke.
Propensity ; the third of a sword next the fumarada,/. puff, whiff, or blast of smoke ; a
ilt ;
(sew) stiffening piece in garments.—^/, ,
pipeful of tobacco.
(mil.) soldiers, armies: fnerzas de mar y de fumaria,/. (bot.) fumitory.
tierra, naval and land for^^es fuerza ani- : fumarola,/. (geol.) fumarole.
mal or de Bangre, animal power: fuerza de fumifero, ra, a. (poet.) smoking.
agua, water power f'ierza de vapor, steam : fumifugo, ga, a. smoke-disf/ersing.
power fuerza electromotriz, electromotive
: fumigacidn,/. fumigation.
force fuerza de inercia, vis inertia & fuerza
: : fumigador, m. fumigator.
de, by dint of, by force of: por fuerza or de fumigar, va. ( pret. FUMlGuifc : subj. fumigue)
por fuerza, by force, violently, forcibly to fumigate, to fume.
necessarily hacer fuerza de velas, f naut.) to
: fmnigatorio, ria, a. fumigatory.—m. per-
crowd sail, to carry a press of sail ; (met.) fuming pan.
to make a strenuous effort hacer fuerza de : fumivoro, ra, a. smoke-consuming.
remos, (naut. ) to pull hard with the oars: & fumorola,/. v. fumarola.
viva fuerza, with great resolution, by main fumosidad,/. smokiness.
force fuerza mayor, (law and com. ) superior
: fumoso, sa, a. fumv, smoky.
force, such as war, pestilence, or the fury of fun&mbulo, la, m.'& f. funambulist, a rope-
the elements. dancer.
faerzo, yo faerce (irr. from forzar). funcidn [foon-thie-on'], /. function. Operation,
fuete, rn. (Cuba) a whip. working discharge of a duty, offico, or em-

faftl, m. (Cuba) mass made of yam, plantain, ployment; (med.) function, vital action;
etc., and pounded. solemnity, festival, feast, social party, en-
fuga, /. flight, escape, runaway, elopement tertainment religious ceremony, public

leak, leakage, issue, escape of gas; (mus.) demonstration; (math.) function; (mil.)
fugue (mil.) flight fuga preclpitada, stam-
: engagement, battle.
pede. funcional, a. (physiol.) functional.
fugacidad, /. fugacity, volatility, fugitive- funcionar, vn. to work, perform, operate,
ness, fugaciousness, brevity, act, functionate.
fugar, vr. {prel. me fugu6: subj. me fugue) funclonariO, m. functionary, public official.
to escape, to to run away. fly, funda, /. case, sheath, cover, covering, wrajp-
fugaz ifoo-gahth'], a. fugacious, volatile, apt to per, envelope, slip: funda de almohada, pil-
fly away ; fugitive, running away ; brief, low-case,
fleeting. flindacidn,/. foundation, founding or estab-
fugazmente, adv. fleetingly. lishing erection, raising, building
; rise, ;

fugitivo, va, a. fugitive, runaway brief, ; beginning, origin endowment, endowed :

perishable, unsteady, unstable. institution (arch.) base, ground-work.


fidna, /. V. garduSa. fundadamente, adv. with good foundation.

fulanitO, ta, m. & f. dim. little master, little fundador, ra, rn. & f. founder.
miss. fundamental, a. fundamental, cardinal, es.
fulano, na, m. & f. such a one so-and-so ; sential, principal.
Fulano de tal, John Doe Fulano, Sutano y : fundamentalmente, adv. fundamentally.
Mengano, Tom, Dick, and Harry, fundamentar, va. to found to establish on ;

fulcro, m. (mech.) fulcrum, a basis ; to ground ; to base ; to set firm.

fulgente, a. (poet.) refulgent, brilliant. fundamento, m. foundation, ground-work^
ftllgldo, da, a. bright, resplendent. ground, basis; reason, cause, principle;
fulgor, /«. fulgency, resplendence, brilliancy, source, origin, root; (weav.) weft. woof.
fulgurante, pa. & a. resplendent, shining, fundar, va. to found, raise, erect, build, put
fcilgurar, vn. to fulgurate, to flash, shine up to establish, institute, endow to origi-
; ;

with brilliancy. nate, start, set up to base, ground. vr. to


fulguroBO, sa, a. fulgurous. base one's opinion on or upon.

milca, /. (orn.) fulica, coot. fundente, 2>a. (chem.) fusing, melting, smelt-
follginoso, sa, a. fuliginous, dark, obscure, ing. m. (chem.) flux; (med.) dissolvent.
sooty, smutty funderia,/. foundry, v. fundici6n.
M 'n flU' ; e In eh I ; 1 Id policy ; o in for ; u in bull : C (before e, i) and S as th in thick ; b and d, -toll.
landible, a. fusible. fUSiforme, fusiform, spind lt»-6haped.
fandibulariO, m. Roman soldier armed with fusil, m. rifle, gun, musket : ifttail de a^uja,
a sling. needle-gun fusil de chUpa, aiut-lock mus-

m. ancient warlike machine for

1011(111)1110, ket fusil de percusidn o** de pis&dn, musket

throwing stones. fusil rayado, rifle gun fusil de retrocarga, a :

fundicidn, /. fusion, melting of metals, cast- breech-loader.

ing foundry, smeltery ; cast (print.) font.
; ; fUSilamientO, m. (mil.) shooting by mus-
fundldor, m. founder, melter, smelter.-^ ketry.
fundir, va. to fuse or melt metals, to smelt fusilar, va. to shoot (malefactors) ^y mus-
to east, to found, vr, to fuse, combine, ketry.
blend, unite. fusilazo, m. musket-shot, r'fle-shot.
fundo, m. (law) rural property. fusileria, /. (mil. ) musketry ; body of fus'*
ftoebre, «. mournful, sad, lamentable; fu- leers or musketeers.
neral, funereal, mourning; dark, lugubri- fusilero, m. fusileer, muske*«er.
ous. fusidn, /. fusion, liquation, melting; lique-
tiinebreinente, adv. mournfully, sorrowful- faction, alliance, union.
ly, latmentably. fUSiOnista, m. &f. fusionist.
funeral, a. funeral, funereal. m. funeral, fusique [foo-see'-keii], m. bottie-shaped snuf^
funerala {k la), adv. (mil.) inverted arms. fUSOr, TO. smelting ladle or vssel.
funerario, ria, a. funeral, funereal. fusta, /. brushwood ; woollen stuff; whip-
fun^reo, rea, «. mournful, sad, funereal. lash (naut.) lateen-rigged Ughter.

fiinestamente, adv. sadly, dolefully. fust^, TO. fustian ;

(Sp. Am. ) petticoat.
funestar, va. to blot, tarnish, stain, profane. fustanero, m. fustian manufacturer.
foncstO, ta, a. funest, doleful, lamentable, fuste, TO. wood, timber tree and bows of a ;

untoward ; mournful, sad, dismal. saddle ; (poet. ) saddle shaft of a lance ;

fungiforme [foou-iie-for'-nieii]. a. fungiform. foundation of anything not material sub- ;

fungible, a. consumable, fungible. stance, nerve, importance; (arch.) fust,

fungir Uoon-heer'], vn. (Sp. Am.) to act in shaft of a column.
some capacity. fustero, ra, a. belonging to a fust, founda-
fungO, m. (surg.) fungus. tion, etc. m. turner or carpenter.
fUngOSidad, /. (surg.) fungosity, excres- fustete, TO. (bot.) Venetian sumac; its
cence. wood fustic, yellowwood.

ftingOSO, sa, fungous, excrescent, spongy.

a. fUStigante,j9a. fustigating.
funicular, funicular ferrocarril funicular,
a. : fustigar, va. to whip, lash, fustigate.
funicular railway. fustina,/. place for fusing metals.
funiculo, m. (bot.) funicle or funiculus. futesa,/. trifle, bagatelle, bauble, gewgaw.
ftirente, a. furious, raging, frantic. f^til, a. futile, trifling, worthl<?ss, flimsy.
furgbn, m. ^mil.) transport wagon; (r. w.) futilidad, /. futility, weakness, groundless*
baggage-car, freight-car, express-car, box- ness.
car; van. futura,/. acquired right to an office or em-
furia, /. fury, rage ; tit of madness a choleric ;
ployment before its vacancy ; (coll.) be-
person ; the fury of the elements hurry, ; trothed, intended bride.
velocity, and vigour zeal, ardour 4 toda
; : futuro, ra, a. future, forthcoming, next.—wi.
ftaria, with utmost speed. betrothed, future husband the luture, fu' ;

furibundo, da, a. furious, enraged, frantic, turity (gram.) future tense: en lo futuro,

raging. for the future.

furlenie,a. v. furente.
furlerlsmo, m. Fourierism.
furierista, m. Fourierist.& /.
furlosamente, adv. furiously. G
furioso, sa, furious, mad, frantic, fierce,
raging, violent ; very great, excessive. G [hey],eighth letter of the Spanish alphabet ;
furlbn, m. F. forl6n. for its proper pronunciation, see Rules at
faro, ra, a. shy, unsociable, reserved un- ; the beginning oi this book.

tamed, wild. TO. (Cuba) orifice of the sugar gabacbO, Cha, a. applied to the natives of
mould hacer furo, to conceal a thing with
: some places at the foot of the Pyrenees
the design of keeping it. used also in derision to the French. ^»i. —
furor, m. furor, fury, madness, choler, fren- (coll.) Frenchified, given to Gallicisms.
zy, franticness, rage, anger; (poet.) enthu- gab^n, m. (tail.) great-coat, overcoat.
siasm, exaltation of fancy furor uterino, : gabarda,/. (bot.) wild rose.
(med.) nymphomania. gabardina,/. gabardine.
Turriel or furrier, m. (mil.) quarter-master gabarra,/. (naut.) lighter, barge, gabbard.
clerk of the king's mews. gabarrero, TO. (naut.) lighterman.
furriela, furriera, /. place of keeper of the gabarro, m. flaw or defect In cloth error of ;

keys of the king's palace. mistake in accounts defect discovered i» ;

ftirtivamente, adv. by stealth, clandestinely. goods after they have been bought drudg- ;

furtiVO, va, a. furtive, clandestine. ery, burdensome charge or obligation (mas. ;

furunculo, m. (surg.) furuncle, boil. and art) badigeon, filling; (vet.) morbid
furunculOSO, sa, a. furunculose. swelling on the pastern of horses pip, a ;

fusa,/. (mus.) demlsemiquaver. horny pellicle on the tongue of fowls.

fusado, da, fuselado, da, a. (her.) charged gabarron, m. aug. (naut.) large barge.
with fuyils or spindles. gabasa,/. v. bagasa.
fUSCa,/. (orn.) dark-coloured duck. g^bata, /. bowl for mess on galleys.
fUSCO, ca, a. fuscous, brown, dark. gabazo, to. bagasse. V. bagazo.
fusente, a. receding tide. gabela, /. gal3el,tax, excise, impost; duty,
fusibUidad,/. fusibility. load, heavy service.
fusible, fusil, a. fusible. gabinete, m. cabinet (ministers of state and
g (before e, i) and J as b In hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny iu canyon ; r (initial) and rr triU^a . s.
priTy couaclllors) private room where the ;
galabardera, /. (bot.) wild rose,
cabinet uieets reception-room, sitting- ; galactita, galactite, / fuller's-earth, alu-
room, private parlour, library, study; la- mina.
dies' boudoir or dressing-room gabinete de : galact6metro, to. galactometer, lactometer.
lectura, reading-room gabinete de fisica y : galafate, wi. artful thief, cunning rogue.
quimica, laboratory. galaico, ca, a. v. gallego.
gablete, m
(arch.) gable. galamero, ra, a. dainty, sweet-mouthed.
gabote, m. (prov.) shuttlecock. galan, m. contr. of GALANo spruce, well- ;

gacel, m. gacela, /. gazelle, antelope. made man gallant, courtier lover, wooer;
; ;

gaceta,/. gazette, newspaper mentirm&s que : ladies' man; (theat.) primer galin, lead:
la gaceta, to be an inveterate liar. segundo gal4n, walking gentleman : galia
gacetera, /. woman who sells newspapers. joven, juvenile lead.
gacetero, m. gazetteer, news-writer; seller galanamente, adv. gallantly, elegantly.
of newspapers. galancete, m. dim. spruce little man, a
gacetilla, /. personal news column town ;
spark; (theat.) juvenile.
talk, gossip newspaper squib newsmonger. ; ; galanga,/. (bot.) officinal galangal.
gacetillekO, m. newspaper reporter, para- galano, na, a. gallant, fine, gay, genteel,
grapher wretched writer, penny-a-liner.
splendidly dressed ; elegant, ingenious,
gacetista, m. one who delights in reading lively, sprightly.
newspapfcBS newsmonger, gossip. ; galante, a. gallant, polished, courtly, atten-i
gacba,/. very thin watery mass (Cuba) un- ;
tive to ladies.
glazed crock.—jyZ. porridge pap caresses, ; ; galanteador, to. wooer, lover flatterer. ;

petti ngs hacerse anas gachas, to be too soft galantear, va. to court, woo, pay attention.
or affectionate. galantemente, adv. gallantly, civilly,
gache, rr. (prov. ) among vulgar people, beau, galanteo, to. gallantry, courtship, wooing,
•' intrigue.
gacheta. spring lever of a latch tooth of
/. ; galanteria, /. gallantry, courtesy, polite-
sticking paste.
a latch • ness ;
grace, elegance compliment to a

gachO, Cba, a. curvated, turned down, bent lady

liberality, generosity.

downward ; having horns curved down- galanura, /. prettiuess, showiness, gor-

ward (cattle) ; slouching (as hats) : k gacias, geousness, gracefulness, elegance.
(coll.) on all-fours. galapagar, to. place where tortoises abound.
gacll6ll, na, a. & m. & /. (coll.) graceful, gal^pagO, TO. fresh-water tortoise; (agr.)
sweet, attractive, bright pampered, spoiled, ;
bed of a plough-share (arm. ) frame for ;

petted child. boring guns mould for convex tiles


gachonada, gachoneria, /. (coll.) grace- (found.) pig of lead or tin: (mas.) small
fulness, cunningness, brightness, piquancy. centering-frame; (surg.) lunda; (sad.)
gachuela, /. dim. ot gacha. English saddle (mil. ) shed formed with

gacliumbo, m. (Amer.) woody, tough shell shields joined together, mantelet, vinea,
of various fruits, from which cups and other cat-castle, sow (vet.) scratch.

vessels are galapaguera, /. aquarium for tortoises.
gacbupin, m. v. cAcaupiN. galapo, m. (rop.) laying-top.
gaditano, na, a. of or belonging to Cadiz. galardbn, to, guerdon, reward, recompense,
ga61iC0, ca, a. Gaelic. prize.
gafa, /. hook for bending a cross-bow.—p^. galardonador, ra, m. & /, remunerator, re-
(naut.) can-hooks, grapple-hooks; specta- warder.
; galardonar, va. to reward, recompense, re-
gafar, va. to hook, to claw, to catch with a quite.
hook or with the nails. galatO, in. (chem.) gallate.
gafedad./. (med.) claw-hand. galatite,/. fuller's-earth.
gafete, m. clasp, hook and eye. V. corchete. galaxia [gaii-iac-see'-ahi, /. soap-stone. Steatite
gafo, fa, a. suffering from claw-hand. (ast.) Galaxy, the Milky Way.
gagO, ga, a. stammerer, stutterer. galayo, to. cliff.
gaguear iKaii-geii-ar'], vn. (Cuba) to stutter. galbana,/. sloth, laziness, indolence.
gaita, /. flageolet ; hurdy-gurdy : gaita ga- galbanado, da, a. of the colour of galbanum.
llega, bagpipe ; hornpipe ;
(coll.) the neck : galbanero, ra, o. (coll.) lazy, indolent.
estar de gaita, (coll.) to be very merry, g^lbano, m. (pharm.) galbanum.
gaiteria,/. gay and gaudy dress. galbanOSO, sa, a. indolent, lazy, shiftless.
galtero, ra, a. (coll.) unbecomingly sportive g^lbulO, m. nut of the cypress-tree.
and gay (coll.) gaudy, showy, flamboyant. galdrope, m. (naut.) wheel-rope.
— ;

m. piper, one who plays the bagpipe. galdrufa,/. top, a child's plaything.
gaje [sah'-heh], TO. Salary, pay, wages.—^/, per- g&,lea,/. galea, ancient helmet.
quisites, fees. galeato, ta, a, preface of any work in do-
gajo Igah'-ho], TO. branch of a tree part of a ;
fence against possible objections.
bunch of grapes torn off; pyramidal raceme galeaza,/. (naut.) galleas.
of any fruit each division of an orange, ; galega, /. (bot.) officinal goat's-rue.
pomegranate, etc. prong or tine of pitch- ; galena,/, (min.) galena.
forks, etc. ; spur of a mountain, ridge. gal^nico, ca, a. galenic, galenical.
ga^lOSO, sa, n. composed of gajos. galenismo, to. Galeuism.
gala,/, gala, full, or court dress dia de gala, : galenista, m. Galeulst.
court-day holiday graceful, pleasing ad-
; ;
galeno, na, a. (naut.) moderate, soft wind.
dress parade, ostentation choicest part of
; ; gMeo, m. (icht. ) sword-fish.
a thing; (Sp. Am.) present or premium as gale6n, to. (naut.) galleon.
a reward of merit.—joi. regalia, finery, trap- galeota,/. (naut.) galliot.
pings, paraphernalia galas de novia, bridal : galeote, m. galley-slave.
trousseau de media gala, dress uniform de
: : galera,/. (naut.) galley wagon, van ; housu ;

gala, uniform: hacer gala, to

full-dress of correction for women extra line of beds ;

glory in having done anything. in a hospital ward ;

(print.) galley ;

% m in far ; e In eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; u in bull ; e (before «, 1) and t as tb in thick ; b and d, aoft

line cutting off the quotient in division ; galopin, m. ragamuffin; rascal, regue;
(carp. ) smooth plane, organ-builder's plane ;
shrewd fellow clever knave; (naut.) swab-

lurnace for distilling sulphur.—ju^. punish- ber, cabin-boy ; scullion.

ment of rowing on board of galleys. galopinada,/. roguish act, knavery.
galerada,/. car-load, van-load; (print.) gal- galopo, m. rascal, rogue.
ley of composition galley-proof. ;
galpitO, m. weak, sickly chicken.
galerero, m. wagoner, van-driver. galp6n, m. (Sp. Am.) dormitory for slaves.
galeria,/. gallery, lobby, corridor; art mu- Gal van, m. no lo entendera 6alv&n, (coll.) an
seum; collection of paintings (fort.) nar- ;
intricate, difficult thing.
row covered passage across a moat (min. ; galv^niCO, ca, a. galvanic.
gallery, driftway, neading galeria de popa, : galvanismo, m. (phys.) galvanism.
(naut.) stern-gallery or balcony. galvanizacidn, /. (phys.) galvauization.
galerilla,/. dim. small gallery. galvanizar, va. {pret. galvanice: subj.
galerin, m. dim. (print.) wooden galley. galvanice) to galvanize;
.. tlv£ (m. w.) to elec-
galerita,/. (om.) crested lark. tr opiate.
galema, /. galerno, m. (naut.) stormy- galyan6metro, m. galvanometer.
north-west wind in Spain. galvanoplastia or galvanopl4stica, /.
gal6s, sa, a. Welsh. »«. Welsh language. — galvanoplasty, electrotypy.
galfarro, m. rogue, loafer, idler; (om.) galladura,/. cicatricula, tread of an egg.
hawk. gallar, va. to tread (as a cock).
galga,/. (geol.) boulder; (mill) stone wheel gallarda, /. Spanish dance and its music
that grinds olives (zool.) greyhound bitch
; ;
(print.) type of a size between minion and
kind of itch bier with which poor people
; brevier.
are buried drag, Scotch brake for a wheel
; ; gallardamente, adv. elegantly, gracefully,
(naut.) back of an anchor.—^pZ. long ribbons gallantly.
for tying women's slippers. gallardear, vn. to do anything with grace or
galgO, m. greyhound. elegance.
galgO, ga, a. (Amer.) hungry, eager. gallardete, m. (naut.) pennant, streamer.
galgueno, fia [gai-geh'-nyoi, a. resembling or gallardet6n, m. (naut.) broad pennant.
concerning a greyhound. gallar dia, /. graceful air and deportment;
gS,lgUlO, m. (orn.) roller. genteelness, elegance, gracefulness gallan- ;

galianOS, shepherd's meal. try, bravery, nobleness activity, briskness. ;

galibar, va. (naut.) to trace, to mould. gallardO, da, a. graceful, elegant, genteel
galibO, m. (naut.) model of a ship; (r. w.) magnanimous, generous, high-spirited
gauge for the load of an open freight-car. lively ; brave, daring, bold, gallant.
galicadO, da, a. somewhat Frenchified. gallareta, /. (orn.) widgeon.
galicanO, na, a- Gallican iglesia galicana, : gallar6n, m. (om.) kind of bustard.
Galilean church. gallaruza, /. hooded garment.
galicista, m. & /. one who makes frequent gallear, va. to tread (as cocks). vn. to sur-
use of Gallicisms. pass, excel to assume an air of importance

gallcismo, m. Gallicism. to raise the voice iu anger; to crow, to

g^iCO, m. venereal disease, syphilis. bully (found.) to have flaws,

galicOSO, sa, a. (coll.) infected with syphilis. gallegada, /. number of gallegos assembled
galilea, f. (arch.) galilee porch or chapel. together peculiar action or speech of a ga-
gallleo, lea, a. Galilean, of Galilee. »i. by — ;

Uego Galiciau dance and its tune.


some applied disrespectfully to the Saviour gallegO, ga, a. Galiciau, belonging to the
or to Christians. province of Galicia, m. in Castile, the
gallUo, m. uvula, hanging palate. north-west wind.
galimatias, m. gibberish, confused speech. galleo, m. (found.) flaw in a casting.
galio, m. (bot.) cheese-rennet bedstraw gallera,/. (Philip.) cock-pit.
(chem.) galium. galleta,/. ship-biscuit, hardtack small ves. ;

gallopsis, /. (bot.) common hedge-nettle. sel or pan.

galiparlista, m. &/. v. galicista. galletica,/. small cracker or biscuit.
galipodio, m. white frankincense ; galipot. gallillo, m. uvula. V. galillo.
galizabra, /. lateen-rigged vessel. gallina, f. hen. m. & /. coward, chicken-
galO, la, a. Gallic. hearted person: gallina ciega, blind-man's-
galOCha,/. galosh, clog, patten. or hoodman's blind
buff' gallina clueca, :

gal6n, m. galloon, tape, braid, trimming, brood-hen

: gallina de Guinea, Guinea-hen :
binding, lace bullion, gold or silver gal-
; acostarse con las gallinas, (coil.) to go to bed
loons used on uniforms stripe gallon, ;
very early.
liquid measure. ^/. (naut.) sheer rails. gallin&ceo, cea, a. gallinaceous.

galOnazo, m. aug. large galloon ornament. ; gallinaza,/. hen-dung; (orn.) carrion, buz%
galoneador, ra, m. &f. binder with braid or zard, caracara.
galloons. gallineria, /. poulterer's shop ; hen-coop oi
galoneadura, /. (sew.) trimming. hen-house cowardice, pusillanimity.

galonear, va. (sew.) to bind, to trim with gallinero, ra, a. (falc.) preying or feeding
galloons. upon fowls. m. &J. poulterer, poultry-deal-
galonero, m. braid or galloon maker. m. poultry-yard, hen-coop, hen-roost,
galonista, m. (coll.) pupil of a military col- hen-house basket lor carrying poultry

lege wearing corporal stripes as a reward. ladies' club or bee

(theat.) family circle. ;

galop, m. (danc. ) galop, two-step. gallineta, /. (om. ) sand-piper ruffed grouse- ;

galopar, vn. to gallop. gallipato, m. (orn.) merganser.

galope, m. gallop haste, speed ; : & galope or gallipava,/. large variety of hen,
de galope, hurriedly, speedily. gallipavo, m. (orn,) turkey; (coll.) false»
galopeado, da,^. & a. (coll.) hastily done. unpleasant note in singing.
— VI. (coll.) whipping, flogging. gallipuente, m. bridge without rails.
galopear, vn. v. galopar. gsJlilO, m. dim. small cock beau, coxcomb, ;

galopillo, in. dim. scullion, kitchen-boy. cock-of-the-walk.

g (before e, i) and J as & ia hp%; h, silent; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (InitialJ and rr trilled ; a,
|f»|l0 (orn. )cock, rooster: gallo
[gahi'-iyo], wi. gananclOSO, sa, a. lucrative, gainful, profit-
iBgUi or de pelea, game-cock (icht.) dory, ;
sea-fish boss, chief, leader ; float of cork
; ganap&n, m. porter ; drudge ; rude, coarse
for fishing; (carp.) wall-board of the roof; man.
false note in singing alzarel gallo, to speak : ganapierde, m. mode of playing draughts,
loud and arrogantly salir con una pata de : where he who loses all his men wins the
gallo, to give a foolish or irrelevant answer : game.
tener mucho gallo, to be very arrogant and ganar, va. to gain, to win to profit, to clear, ;

proud bacerse or ser el gallo, to become the

: to make ; to earn, to attain, obtain, acquire
ruler in any meeting, body. etc. win over, deserve, conquer to surpass.
to ;

gallocresta,/. (bot.) annual clary sage. ganchero, m. conductor of a raft of timber.

gallofa, /. food given to pilgrims greens for ; gancbillo, ItO, ni. dim. little hook or crotch.
salad and pottage idle tale French roll ; ; gancbO, m. hook, crook, crotch; hair-pin;
directory of divine service. shepherd's crook ; sheep-hook; (coll.) aa
gaUofear, vn. to saunter about and live upon allurer, roper-in ; pimp, procurer, pander :

alms. (coll. ) attractiveness, especially of a woman

gallofero, ra, gallofo, fa, a. idle, lazy, (naut.) hook.
vagabond.— m. a tramp. gancbOSO, sa, a. hooked, curved.
gall6n, M. green sod, turf; (arch.) echinus. gancbuelO, m. dim. V. GANCHILLO.
gallonada, /. wall made of sods. g^ndara, /. low, rough, uncultivated ground
gama, f. (zool.)doe; (raus.) gamut. jungle.
gamarra,/. (sad.) martingale, check, strap. gandaya, /. laziness, idleness ; kind of coif
gamarza,/. (bot.) wild Syrian rue. andar k la gandaya, to gad, loaf, lounge.
gambaj or gambax, m. acton. gandldO, da, a. (Sp. Am.) glutton, sweet-
g^mbaro, «*. V- cambaro. mouthed.
gamberra,/. prostitute, strumpet gandlnga, /. (min.) small, cleaned ore;
gambeslna, /. gambes6n, m. acton. (Cuba) liver stew.
gambeta,/. (danc.) cross-caper; prance. gandir, va. to eat.
gambetear, vn. to caper like a horse. gandujado, pp. & m. accordion plaiting.
gambeto, »«. quilted great-coat cap for ; a ganduiar, va. (sew) to plait, shirr, fold.
new-born child. gandm, la, m. & f. (coll.) idler, lounger,
gamboa. /. (bot.) variety of quincy. loafer, vagabond, vagrant, tramp.
gambot, m. (naut.) counter-timber, arched gandulear, vfi. to loaf, lounge, gad.
timber. ganduleria, /. idleness, laziness, lounging.
gamella, /. bow of the yoke for oxen and ganeta,/. (zool.) v. gineta.
mules large wooden trough or tub wash-
; ; ganforro, ra, m. &f. (coll.) rogue, rascal.
tub mound made as a boundary line.
; ganga, /. (orn.) little pin-tailed grouse;
gamelleja,/. dim. small trough or tub. (min.) gangue, vein-stone; (coll.) bargain,
gamell6n, m. aug. large yoke bow large ; anything valuable acquired with little la-
tub trough in which grapes are trodden,
; bour.
gamezno, m. little young fallow-deer. gangarilla,/. company of strolling players.
gamo, m. buck of the fallow-deer. gangliO, m. (anat.) ganglion.
gam6ll, ni. (bot.) asphodel. ganglionar, a. (anat.) ganglionic.
gamonal, m. place where asphodels flour- gangOSO, sa, a. snuffling, speaking with a
ish. twang.
gamonlto, m. shoot, tiller, sucker. gangrena, /. (med.) gangrene, mortification.
gamonOSO, sa, a. abounding in asphodels. gangrenarse, vr. to become gangrenous o>
gamop^taio, la, a. (bot.) gamopetalous. mortified.
gamosepsilO, la, a. gamosepalous. gangrenoso, sa, a. gangrenous.
gamuno, na, chamois, shammy.
a. gangueat [^ahn-geii-ar"), vn. to snuflfle, to speak
gamuza, /. (zool.) chamois, antelope; cha- with a twang.
jnois, shammy skin. g^guil [gahn'-geei], m. (naut.) fishing-barge ;

gamuzado, da, a. chamois-colour. dump-scow.

ganiUZ6ll, m. aug. large chamois. ganoso, sa, a. desirous, wishing, longing
gana, /. appetite, hunger; inclination, de- after.
sir?, mind, list: de boena gana, with pleas- gansada,/. (coll.) stupidity.
ure, willingly, voluntarily: de mala gana, gansar6n, m. (orn.) gosling; tall, thin,
unwillingly, with reluctance, with dislike : gawky man.
tener ganas de^ to have a desire to. ganso, sa, m. & f. (om.) gander, goose ; slow,
ganable, a. gainable. lazy person silly person, a
; ninny : ganto
ganaderia, /. cattle-raising cattle-ranch ; ; bravo, wild-goose.
stock farm live stock cattle brand.
; ; gante, m. linen manufactured in Ghent.
ganadero, ra, «. belonging to cattle. m. & ganzua (gan-thoo'-Rt.l, /. picklock, false key,
f. grazier, owner of cattle stock-farmer ; skeleton key ;
picklock, burglar.
dealer in cattle, drover. gafi&n, m. day-labourer ; farm hand ; team-
ilfanado, m. live stock, cattle, herd, flock, ster, rustic.
drove ganado mayor, cattle (including
: gaflania,/. gang of labourers lodge for the ;

horses and mules): ganado menor, sheep: same.

ganado moreno or de cerda, swine, hogs, pi^ : ga&ldO, pp. & m. yelping or howling.
ganado de pata hendida, oxen, cows, sheep, gafliles, m. pi. cartilaginous larynx gills of ;

goats; (coll.) gang, rabble.— ganado da, />/>. the tunny-fish.

of GANAR. gafiir, va. to yelp or howl (as a dog) ; to
ganador, ra, m. & /. gainer, winner. croak, cackle, crow (coll. ) to talk hoarsely. ;

ganancia,/. gain, profit, advantage, gainful- gafi.6n, gafiOte, m. (coll. ) the throat kind ;

uess, lucre: gananclai y p^rdldas, (com.) of fritters.

profit and loss ganancia liquida, net profit.
: ga6n, m. (naut.) substitute for the oar in In-
gananclai, a. lucrative bienet ganancialet, : dian vessels.
property acquired during marriage. garabatada,/. (coll.) hooking.

A M Id far ; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in a in ball ; c (before e, 1) and B as th in thick ; b and d. mA;

garabatear, to hook, to
va, catch with a ful, elegant, comely, gallant, sprightly ; lib-
hook ; to scrawl, to scribble ;
(coll.) to beat eral, generous.
around the bush. garbullo, m. garboil, melee of children.
garabateo, m. hookiug -, scribbling, scrawl- garcero, ra, a. (orn.) heron-hawk.
ing. garceta, /. (orn.) little egret; side locks of
garabatillO, m. dim. small hook. hair.—-pZ. tenderlings.
garabatO, m, pot-hook grapple, grapnel, ; gardenia,/ (hot.) gardenia.
creeper, claw-oar, hand bale-hook meat- ; gardUja,/. barren stone in quicksilver mines.
hook or gambrel scrawl, scribble muzzle ; ; ; garduila,/. (zool.) marten.
winning ways in a woman.—p/. scrawling garduilo, fla, a. (coll.) filcher, petty thief.
letters or characters ;
pot-hooks ; hand- garete, m. al garete (^naut.) adrift.
gestures. garfa, /. claw, of a beast or bird hand, in ;

garabatoso, sa, a. full of scrawls ; elegant, contempt; ancient tax; cchar la garfa, t»
charming, attractive. claw or seize anything with the nails.
garabltO, m. market stall. garfada, garfiada, /. clawing or seizing
garambaina,/. flamboyancy in dress or or- with the nails.
namentation (coll.) ridiculous affectation
; garfear, vn. to hook, to seize with a hook.
or mannerism illegible scrawl, ; garfio, m. hook, drag-hook gaff". V. gan- ;

garante, «. responsible. m. & f. (com. and CHO. V. GARABATO.

law) warranter, guarantor, surety ; bonds- gargajeada, /. gargajeo [gar gai. o], m.
man, bail. ejecting phlegm.
garantia,/. (com. and law) warranty, guar- gargajear, vn. to expectorate phlegm.
anty, security, surety bond ; indorsement, gargajientO, ta, a. continually expectorat-
collateral ; bail. ing phlegm.
garantir, va, def. &
{only those modes and gargaJO [gar-gali -ho], m. phlegm.
persons are used that have the letter i in their gargajoso, sa, a. v. gargajiento.
terminatiom) to guarantee. Pf. garanti- garganch6n, m. v. garguero.
ZAR. garganta,/. throat, gullet; instep; canyon,
garantizar, t7a. (pret. garantic6: siibj. GA- gorge, ravine; (agr.) sheath of a plough;
rantice) to guarantee, warrant to indorse, ; Tarch.) shaft of a column or balu.strade;
answer for, vouch for, secure. (mech.) collar, neck, throat, gullet, waist,
garafi.6n, m. stallion jackass male breeding ; froove of a sheave tener buena garganta, to

camel. e a good singer.

garapacho, m. tortoise, v. galIpago. gargantada, /. liquid or blood ejected from
garapifia,/. congealed particles of any liquid the throat. V. espadaSada.
scalloped galloon or lace ;
(Cuba) fermented gargantear, vn. to quaver, to warble;
pine-apple juice. '
(naut.) to staap a dead-eye.
garapifiadO, da, pp. & a.candied, sugar- garganteo, m. quavering', warbling.
coated (jew. ) frosted
: almendrai garapina- gargantll, m. cut in basins formerly used by
das, sugar-almonds, pralines. barbers.
garapi&ar, va. to ice, to freeze cream, sirup, gargantilla, /. necklace worn by women
etc. ; to candy, (Philip.) water-jug. -
garapiflera,/. ice-cream freezer; wine-cool- gd,rgara, /. gargle.
er. gargarlsmo, 7n. gargarism, gargle
gargling, ;

garapita,/- net for small fishes. gargarizar, va. to gargle, to gargan/.e.

garapitO, m. small insect, like a tick. g&rgOl, o. empty, addle (eggs).—^/t. (mech.)
garapuUo, m. paper dart shuttle-cock. ; groove, furrow, channel, mortise.
garatura,/. (tan.) scraper. g^rgola,/- (arch.) gargoyle; linseed.
garatusa, /. sort of game at cards ; (coll. gargUerO, garguero l^ai-goo-eh'-ro, sar-geh'-ro],
caress, cajolery. m. the gullet windpipe,

garay, m. (Philip.) ancient sail-boat. garifalte, TO. (om.) v. gerifalte.

garba, /. sheaf, as of wheat. garlfo, fa, a. v. jarifo.
garbanzal, m. ground sown with chick-peas. garlofllea, /. (hot.) common avens or herb
garbanzo, m. (hot.) garavance, gram or ben net.
chick-pea. garita,/. sentry-box porter's lodge; water-;

garbanznelO, m. dim. small chick-pea: closet, privy.

(vet.) disease in horses' feet. V. espara- garitero, m. master of a gaming-house;
vIn. gamester, gambler.
garbar, va. (agr.) to sheaf or sheave. gaxitO, TO. gaming-house, gambling-den
garbear, va. (agr.) to sheaf. vn. to affect an profits of gaming,
air of dignity and grandeur, garla,/. (coll.) talk, chatter.
garbera,/. (agr.) shock of sheaves. garlador, ra, m. &j. (coll. babbler, prattler, )

garbias, m,, pi. omelet of herbs, cheese, and garlante, pa. (coll.) babbling, prater.
flour. garlar, va. (coll.) to babble, prattle, chatter.
garblllador, ra, a. sifter riddler garbler. ; ;
garlitO, TO. fish-trap; snare, trap, or gin:
garbillar, va. (agr.) to sift grain (min.) to ;
caer en el garlito, (coll.) to fall into a trap:
riddle ; to garble. coger en el garlito, to detect a person in
garblllO, m. coarse sieve for grain; (min.) wrong-doing.
riddle ; riddled ore. garlocna,/. goad-stick, r. garrocha.
garbin, m. coif made of net-work. garlopa,/. (carp.) jack-plane, long plane.
garblno, m. south-west wind. garma, /. steep slope.
garbo, m. gracefulness, gentility, elegant gamacba, /. judge's robe or gown variety ;

carriage, jauntiness grace clever knacK of ; ;

of purple grape, and the wine raa<ie from it
doing things ; frankness, disinterestedness, company of strolling players.
generosity. garniel, m. muleteer's girdle.
garbosamente, adv. nattily, generously. garo, TO. ancient Komau dish,
garb6n, m. (orn.) male partridge, garra,./^ claw of a wild l)east, talon of « bird
garboso, 8a,a. natty, spruce, genteel, grace- of prey, clutch, fang, hand, in couieiupt;

C (befor« e, <) and J M h in hot; li, silent : 11 in brilliant; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial ) ami rr trilie<i ; i, biM«d.
(mech.) catch, claw, hook, fang, clutch: gas, m. (chem.) gas, fluid; vapour, emana«
ecbarle & ano la garra, (coll.) to grasp, ar- fume; (coll.) gas-light: gas del alua>
rest, imprison any one : caer en las garras brado, illuminating gas.
de, to fall into the clutches of: sacar de las gasa,/. gauze.
garras de. to free from. gasc6n, na, n6s, nesa, a. Gascon.
garrafa,/. carafe, decanter. gasconada, /. gasconade, boast, bravado.
garrafal, «. said of cherries larger and gaseiforme, a. aeriform, gaseous.
sweeter than the common ones ; great, huge. gaseoso, sa, a. gaseous.
garrafllla,/. dim. small carafe. gasificable, a. convertible into gas.
garrafiAar, va. (coll.) to grapple, snatch gasificacidn,/. gasification.
away. gasificar, va. to gasify.
garrsifbn, m. aug. large carafe ; demijohn, gas6geno, m. gasogene.
carboy. gasoleno, m. gasolina,/. gasoline.
garxaina,/. tax paid by Mohammedans ; im- gasometria,/. gasometry.
position, fraud, robbery. gas6metrO, m. gasometer; gas-meter.
garramar, va. to rob, to plunder and pillage. gas6n, m. V. yes6n large clods of unbroken ;

garrancha, /. (coll.) sword. earth sod. ;

garrancllO, m. branch broken oflf a tree. gastable, a. that may be wasted or spent.
garrapata, /. sheep-tick; (mil.) disabled gastadero, m. (coll.) place where anything
horse. is wasted or spent wasting, spending. ;

garrapatear, vn. to scribble, to scrawl. gastado, da, j^P- ^ «• worn-out, useless;

garrapatilla,/. dim. small tick. blas6.
garrapato, m. pot-hook, scrawl. gastador, ra, a. wasteful, lavish, extrava-
garrar, garrear, vn. (naut.j to drag. m. &jf. spender, waster, spendthrift:
garridamente, adv. gracefully, neatly. prodigal; (mil.) pioneer, sapper; criminal
garrideza, /. elegance. sentenced to hird labour.
garrido, da, a. handsome, neat, gracefuL gastamlentO, r.i. consumption of anything;
garroba,/. carob-bean. V. algarroba. wearing out.
garrobal, m. plantation of carob-trees. gastar, va. to spend, expend, disburse, lay
garrobilla, /. (tan.) chips of carob-trees for put money to waste, use, consume, wear

staining. but, fret to have or wear habitually

; to ;

garrocha,/. sort of alpenstock ; goad-stick. own, disport, keep (as cart-iages, etc.); to
garrochada, /. garrocliazo, m. prick or plunder, pillage, sack ; to digest gastarlas, :

blow with a goad-stick. (coll.) to act, behave, conduct one's self

garrocheador, m. goader, pricker. vr. to grow old or useless to be wasted, con- ;

garrocliear, va. v. agarrochar. sumed, worn out to fray. ;

garroch6n, m. aug. spear or goad-stick used gasterbpodo, da, a. (zool.) gasteropod.

by bull-fighters on horseback. gasto, m. expenditure, expense, disburse-
garrofa or garroba,/. carob-bean. ment, charge, outlay, cost, consumption*
garrofal, m. v. garrobal. spending, consuming, waste, use, wear and
garr6n, m. spur of cocks and birds ; talon of tear: gastos, (com.) charges, disbursements:
a bird of prey paw of rabbits, etc. ;
gastos de oflcina, oflice expenses: gastos de
garrotal, m. plantation of olive-trees, made explotacion, working expenses.
with cuttings. gastoso, sa, a. v. gastador.
garrotazo, m. blow with a cudgel. gastralgia, /. (med.) gastralgia.
garrote, m. club, bludgeon, stick, truncheon, gastrico, ca, a. gastric.
cudgel garrote (for capital punishment)
; ;
gastritis, /. (med.) gastritis.
hazel basket or panier (naut.) turning fid ; gastroenteritis, (med.) gastroenteritis.
dar garrote, to execute with garrote. gastronomia, /. gastronomy, epicurism.
garrotillO, m. (med.) croup. gastronbmico, ca, a. gastronomic.
garrubia,/. carob-bean. v. algarroba. gastrbnomo, m. epicure, gastronomer.
garmclia, /. pulley garracha comblnada, : gastrorrafia,/. (surg.) gastrorraphy.
sheave, block garrucha flja, fast pulley
: gastrorragia, /. gastrorrhagia.
garrucha movible, movable pulley : garruclia gastrotomia, /. (surg.) gastrotomy.
simple, single pulley. gata, /. she-cat, puss (coll.) a woman native ;

garrucho, m. (naut.) cringle, mast-hoop. of Madrid; (bot.) V. gatuSa (mil.) cat- ;

garruchuela, /. dim. small pulley. castle; (naut.) cat-head: gata del ancla,
gamido, nervous, brawny, strong.
da, a. (naut.) cat^tackle i, gatas, on all-fours. :

garrulador, ra, m. &/. garrulous person. gatada,.f. cat trick clawing turn of a hare ; ;

gamileria,/. prattle, chatter. when closely pursued; (coll.) artful dodge,

garmlidad, /. garrulity. scurvv trick.
g^milo, la, a. chirping, as birds; chatter- gatall6n, m. (coll.) rogue, cheat, scamp.
ins, prattling ;
garrulous. gatatumba, /. (coll.) aflfected civility or
garua,/. (Sp. Am.) drizzle. submission.
garuar, vn. (Sp. Am.) to drizzle. gatazo, aug. largeTO. cat; (coll.) artful
garuio, m. concrete. 11 hormig6n. trick, cheat, deception.
garuila,/. loose grapes ;
(coll.) rabble. gateado, da, pp. & a. feline, catlike.— w.
garullada, /. gang of rogues. very compact American striped wood.
garvier, m. small i>ouch anciently in use. gateamientO, m. scratching; clambering;
garza, /. (orn.) heron: garza real, purple going on all-fours.
heron. gatear, m. to climb up, clamber ; to go upon
garzo, za, a. blue-eyed.—m. agaric, mush- all-fours. va. (coll.) to scratch or claw ; to
room. steal, to rob.
garz6n, m. lad, boy ; stripling ; adjutant in gatera, /. cat's hole; (bot.) common cat-
the life-guards. mint (naut.) cathole.

garzota, /. (orn.) night-heron; plumage, gateria, /. number of cats together; (coll.)

aigrette crest of a helmet.
; gang of toughs or ill-bred boys.
garznl, m. species of wheat. gatero, ra, a, frequented by cats.
% a8 in far ; e in eh I ; i in police ; o In for ; n in bull ; c (before e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, aoft
GAT 287 GEI^
gatesCO. ca, a. (coll.) feline, cat-like. gayubal, m. place where gayubas abound.
gatica, ilia, ita,/. dim. little she-cat,
pussy. gaza, /. loop of a bow (naut.) strap, loop, ;

gabiClda, m. (coll.) cat-killer. collar, splice, noose.

gatiCO, itO, m. dim. little cat, pussy. gazafatbn, gazapaWn, m. nonsense, foolisb
gatillazo, m. noise made by a trigger at talk, balderdash.
tiring. gazapa,/. lie, fib, falsehood.
gatillO, w. dim. pelican, dentist's forceps ; gazapera, /. warren for rabbits (coll.) deu ;

(arti.) trigger of a gun; nape of a bull or where suspicious characters meet; (coll.)
ox ; (arch. ) cramp-iron filcher, petty thief. ; wrangle, c^uarrel.
gatO, m. cat, tom-cat money-bag, and the ; gazapiCO, lllO, itO, m. dim. small rabbit;
money kept in it; (coop.) hooping tong l)unny.
(mech.) jack, lifting-jack, screw-jack; gazapina, /. assembly of ruffians ; wran-
(arti.) gun-searcher; (coll.) pickpocket, gling, quarrelling.
petty thiefj filcher (coll. ) shrewd fellow
; gazapo, TO. cony, young rabbit; shrewd, art-
Tcoll.) native of Madrid: gato cornaqui, ful fellow ;
(coll.) a great lie.
(naut.) jack-screw: gato de algalia, (zool.) gazap6n, to. aug. V. GARiTO.
civet-cat gato months, mountain cat : dar
: gazmlar, va. to steal and eat tid-bits. vr.
or vender gato por liebre, (coll.) to cheat, (coll.) to complain, to resent.
misrepresent. gazmol, TO. kind of cancer on the tongue of
gatuna, gatufla,/. (bot.) rest-harrow, cam- hawks.
mock. gazmoflada, gazmofleria, /. hypocrisy,
gatunero, m. seller of smuggled meat. prudery.
gatuno, na, a. cat-like, feline. gazmo&ero, ra, gazmo&o, fla, a. prude,
gatuperlO, m. hotchpotch; (coll.) fraud, priggish, dissembling, hypocrite.
snare, intrigue. gaznapiro, ra , a. & m. &/. churlish, simple-

gauchada, /. (S. Am.) artifice; act of a ton, booby.

gaucho. gaznar, vn. v. graznar.
gauchO, Cha, m. &/. herdsman, or Indian of gaznatada, /. blow or stroke on the throttle.
the pampas of the Argentine Eepublic rus- ; gaznate, m. throttle, windpipe, gorge kind ;

tic, rude man. of fritters.

gaudeamus, TO. (coll.) feast, entertainment, gaznat6n, to. blow on the throat ;
merrymaking. fritter.
gavanza,/. flower of the dog-rose. gaZOfia [gah-thaw'-fe-ah], /. V. BAZOFIA.
gavanzo, m. (bot.) dog-rose. V. escara- gazpachero, to. maker of gazpacho.
MUJO. gazpachO [gatii-pau'-cho], m. Andalusian disb
gaveta,/. drawer, till, locker. made of biscuit, oil, vinegar, onions, and
gavetilla,/. dim. small desk drawer. garlic ; crumbs of bread fried in a pan.
gavia, /. (naut.) main-top-sail; top (in gal- gazuza[gah-thoo'-thah],/. (coll.) keen appetite,
leys) place where madmen are confined
ditch for draining or as a boundary (min.) ; ge [hey],/. Spanish name of the letter G.
gang of basket passers; (orn.) V. gaviota. gea,/. aggregate inorganic matter in a coun^
—j)l. (naut.) top-sails of the main and fore try or district, and the work describing it.
mast. geatO, TO. (chem.) geate or humate.
gavial, TO. crocodile of the Ganges. gehena [hey-a'-nah], m. hell (Heb.),
gaviero, to. (naut.) top-man, mast-man. geiCO, ca [hey'-e-co], a. (chem.) geic.
gavleta,/. (naut.) scuttle, bowsprit bee. gelatina,/. gelatine, jelly.
gaviete, m. (naut.) davit in a long-boat. gelatinlforme, a. gelatiniform, like gelatine,
gavil^n, m. (orn. ) sparrow-hawk ; fine hair- gelatlnOSO, sa, a. gelatinous, glutinous.
stroke in penmanship either nib of a pen ; ;
gelatinudo, da, a. (Sp. Am.) gelatinous;
(arm.) quillon of a sword brad or pin of a ; phlegmatic, lazy,
goad-stick; (naut.) iron hook ; (bot.) this- gelfe [hei'-feh], TO. black slave.
tle flower; (naut.) tholes. g61idO, da, a. (poet.) gelid, frigid,
gavilancillO, to. dim. young hawk ; incur- gema [heir-mah], /. (jew.) gem; (carp.) slab,
vated point of an artichoke leaf. flitch (bot.) bud: sal gema, rock-salt.

gavilla,/. (agr.) gavelorsheaf of grain ; bun- gemacibn,/. (bot.) gemmation,

dle of vine-shoots ; gang of suspicious per- gemela, /. (hot.) Arabian jasmine.
sons. gemelO, la [heh-meh'-lo], TO. & /. twin. m. pi.
gavillero, to. (agr.) place where gavels of binocular telescope opera-glass, field or ;

grain are collected. marine glass ; sleeve-buttons, pair of studs.

gavina,/. (orn.) v. gaviota. gemido [iieii-me'-doh], pp. & m. groan, lamenta-
gavibn, m. (mil.) gabion (coll.) large hat. ;
tion, moan howl, ;

gaviota,/. (orn.) gull, sea-gull. gemidor, ra, «. lamenter, mourner howler. ;

gavitel, TO. (naut.) small buoy. g^minls, TO. (ast.) Gtemini (pharm.) kind of ;

gavota,/. gavot, French dance. plaster.

gaya,/. stripe on stuff's, etc. badge given to ; gemir [heh-meer'l, vn. to groan, moan, grieve;
victors in Roman games (orn.) magpie. ;
to howl to roar, whistle
; (as the sea or
gayado, da, pp. & a. motley, striped. wind) to grunt,

gayadura, /. garniture, trimming of various genciana [hen-twe-ah'-nah], /. (bot.) gentian,

colours. gencianeo, ea, a. gentianaceous.
gayar, va. to streak, stripe ; to trim with rib- gendarme (hen-dar'-men], TO. (mil.) gendarme,
bons of various colours ; to variegate. gendarmeria, /. (mil.) gendarmerie.
gayata, crook, sheep-hook.
.f. genealogia [neh-neu-ah-io-he'-ah], /. genealogy,
gayo, ya, a. gay, festive, merry; showy: lineage.
gaya ciencia, poesy, minstrelsy. geneal6gico, ca, a. genealogical, neraldio.
gayola /. (naut.) cage; (coll.) jail; (prov.) genealogista, to. genealogist,
raised hut for watching vineyards. geneatico, ca, a. genethliacal.
gayomba,/. (bot.) white single-seed broom. geneo Iheii-neii'-o], TO. a banana of Peru,
gayuba,/. (hot.) red-berried arbutus. generable, a. generable.
fore 6, 1) and J aa h in bot ; h, 8Uent; 11 in brilliant ; n, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed; 8, t>i8Be<:k
reneracidn [heh-neh-rah-tWe-on'], /. generation genol, m. (naut.) futtock.
progeny, race, oflfepring; age; succession, genov^S, sa, a. Genoese.
lineage. gente [hen'-teh], /. people, folk, crowd, any
genera4or, ra. a. generator; generating.— number of persons army, troops gang ;
; ;

m. (mech. and elec.) generator.-/, (math.) retinue; gens, clan, race^ nation; (coll.) a
V. GENERATRIZ. family gente baja, rabble, mob gente de
: :

general [heh-neh-rahr], a. general ; common, bien, honest people gente com6n or gente :

usual, customary, prevalent. m. (mil.) gen- vulgar, common folk

gente delbronce, merry :

eral (officer) (eccl. ) superior of a religious

crowd gente de capa parda, villagers, coun-

order; lecture-hall in a university (prov.) ;

trymen, rustics gente de la garra, thieves,

custom-house en general, generally, in gen-: pickpockets gente de la cuchilla, butchers

: :

eral. gente de la vida airada, a debauched set of

generala, /. (mil.) the general (a roll of the people gente de traza, well-behaved people

drum) wife of a general.

gente de paz, a friend or friends gente prin- :

generalato, m. (eccl. and mil.) generalship. cipal, the nobility or gentry gente flna, :

generalero, m. v. aduanero. well-educated persons gente de pelo or de :

generalidad, /. generality, great majority ;

pelnsa, people of property gente de trato, :

vagueness, lack of precision (prov.) com- ;

tradesmen, dealers gente de color, coloured:

munity, corporation (prov.) custom duties. ;

people gente menuda, children de gente en
: :

generalisimo, m. generalissimo, command- gente, from one to another, from generation

er-iu -chief. to generation.
^eneralizacidn [heh-neh-rah-le-thah-tMe-on'], /. gentecilla, /. shabby genteel people.
generalization.- gentil iiien-teei], a. genteel, elegant, graceful,
g^eneralizar [lieti-neh-rah-le-thar'], va. {pret. GE- handsome excellent, exquisite. m. gen-

neralick: subj. generauce) to general- tile, pagan, heathen.

ize. vr. to become general, usual, or pop- gentlleza gentility, grace-
[heu-te-ieh'-thah\ /.
ular ; to spread. fulness, elegance, refinement, exquisite-
generalmente, adv. generally. ness easiness, sprightliness
; nattiness ; ;

generante, /»«. & a, generating, engender- ostentation, pageantry; courtesy, polite-

ing ;
generant. ness, genteelness.
generar, va. to generate, produce. gentilliombre, m. fine fellow; my good
generative, va, a. generative. man gentleman, the servant who" waits

generatriz, a. (math.) generatrix. about the person of a man of rank person ;

generic amente, adv. generically. sent to the king with important despatches :

gen6rico, ca, a. generic. gentilhombre de c&mara, lord of the bed-

g^nero m. genus class, species,
[iieir-neh-roi, ; chamber gentilhombre de manga, nobleman

kin g^nero humano, human nature, man-

: who attends the princes of Spain when they
kind manner, way, kind, sort, style or
; are children.
mode of doing anything; (gram.) gender; gentiliCiO, ia [hen-te-lee'-thle-o], a. gentilitious ;

cloth, stuflf, material, goods.—p^. gineros, dry national, tribal ;• hereditary adjetivo gen- :

goods; (com.) goods, merchandise, wares, tilicio, (gram.) adjective denoting nation-
produce, commodities: de ginero, (art) ality.
genre. gentilico, ca, a. heathen, gentile, pagan,
generosamente, adv. generously. heathenish, Hellenic.
generosidad, /. hereditary nobility ;
gener- gentilidad, /. gentilism, heathenism, pagan-
osity, unselfishness, magnanimity, liberal- ism the body of heathens or gentiles.

ity, frankness, munificence, open-hearted- gentilismo, ni. v. gentilidad.

ness valour and fortitude.
; gentilizar, vn. to observe the rites of gentiles
generoso, sa, a. noble, generous, magnani- or heathens.
mous, honourable, free-hearted, unselfish, gentilmente, adv. gently, genteelly ; hea-
liberal, frank, open-handed, munificent; thenishly.
excellent, fine (wines) strong, vigorous. ; gentiO, m. crowd, multitude.
genesiaCO, ca, a. genesiacal. gentualla, gentuza,/. rabble, mob.
genesico, ca, a. genesial. genuflexion [tieii-noo-Hec-se-on'j, /. genuflexion.
genesis, m. Genesis.—/, origin, beginning; genuine, na [heh-noo-ee'-noj, a. 'genuine, pure,
cause. real, legitimate, natural, good,
genetliaca,/. genethliacs, astrology. geOCentriCO [heh-o-thane'-tree-co], a. (ast.) geo-
genetliaco, ca, a. genethiiacaL m. genetb- centric.
liac. geoda,/. (geol.) geode.
mgibre [hen-hee'-breh], m. V. JENGIBRE. geodesia,/. geodesia; land-surveying.
ge: [heh-ne-ahr], a. genial ;
pleasant, cheer- geod6siCO, ca, a. geodetical.
ful. ge6fagO, ga, a. & m. &f. geophagous, eartlK
genlalidad, /. habits or disposition of a per- eating.
son produced by his natural temper. geodesta, m. geodesist.
genialmente, adv. genially. geogenia,/. (geol.) geogeny.
geniazo, m. aug. strong temjjer. geog6nico, ca, a. geogenic.
genio [iieh -ne-o], m. genius creative intellect ; geognosia,/. (geol.) geognosy,
nature, peculiar character, disposition, tem- geognosta, m. geognost, geologist,
per, inclination, representative humour ; geognbstico, ca, a. geognostic.
type, embodiment; angel, spirit: senlo del geogonia./. F. GEOGENi.\,
mal, evil spirit (art) little angel. ;
geogbnico, ca, a. geogenic.
genista,/, (hot.) genista. V. retama. geografia,/. geography.
genital, a. genital.— m. V. TESXicuLO: irga- geograficamente, adv. geographically,
nos genitalea, genitals. geograftco, ca, a. geographical.
genitive, va, a. generative, m. (gram.) ge6grafO, m. geographei-.
genitive or possessive case. geologia,/. geology.
genizaro, ra, a. composed of different spe- geolbgico, ca, a. geological.
cies (Mex. ) half-breed. m. pi. janizaries.
geblOgO, m. geologist.
aM In far ; e in eh I ; i in police : o in tor ; n in bnll ; c (before e. I) and z as th in thick : b and d. eoft
geomancia,/. geomancy. gibar CORCOVAB ; (coU.) tO
[he-bar'], va. V.
geom^ntlco, ca, a. geomantic. m. geo- molest, annoy, vex.
mancer. gibellno, na [he-beh-iee'-no], a. Ghibelline.
ge6metra, m. geometer, geometrician. gibOSO, sa, a. gibbous, crook-backed, hump-
geometral, a. v. geometrico. backed.
geometria, /. geometry. glbraltareilO, fla, a. of or belonging to
geom^tricamente, adv. geometrically. Gibraltar.
geometrico, ca, «. geometrical, geometric. gicama, /. (Mex.) root resembling yucca.
geomorfla,/. (geol.) geomorphy, glganta, /. giantess; (bot.) sunflower.
geonomia,/. (geol.) geonomy. gigantazo, za, m. &f. aug. huge giant.
geonbmico, ca, a. geonomic. gigante, a. gigantic, huge.— m. giant ; one
geoponia or geoponica, /. geoponics, agri- superior in courage, talents, or virtues.
culture gardening.
gigantea,/. (bot.) sunflower.
geop6llicO, ca, a. geoponic, agricultural. giganteo, tea, gigantesco, ca, a. gigantic^
georama,/. georama. giant-like surpassing, excelling.

georgiano, na, o. Greorgian, relating to gigantez,/. gigantic tallness.

Georgia. gigantilla, /. large-headed figure.
gebrglca,/. georgic, poem upon husbandry. gigant6n, na, m. &f. aug. giant of enormous-
gerani&ceo, cea. a. geraniaceous. size : gigantones, gigantic figures of paste-
geranio, »«. (bot.) crane's-bill geranium. ;
board echar & alguno los gigantones, (coll.)

gerbo, m, (zool.) jerboa. reprehend severely.

gerencia, /. (com.) managership, manage- gijonense, gijones, sa, a. of or belonging
ment. to Gijon.
gerente [iieh-ren'teU], m. (com.) manager. gllVO, va, a. honey-coloured or pinky.
gericaya,/. (Mex. cook.) custard. gimeiga,/. (naut.) fish, paunch.
gerifalco, gerifalte, »>,. (orn.) gerfalcon. ginmasla,/. v. gimnastica.
germanesco, ca, a. belonging to the jargon gimnaslO, m. gymnasium school, Mademy. ;

of the gipsies. gimnasta, in. gvmnast, athlete.

germania, jargon or cant of the gipsies,
/. gimn6,8tica,/. gymnastics.
thieves, etc. slang concubinage faction
; ; ; glmnistiCO, ca, a. gymnastic, gymnastical.
in Valentia during the dayw of Charles V. gininiCO, ca, a. gymnastical.
germ^nico, ca, «. Germanic, German; of ginmosofista, m. gymnosophist.
Germany. gimo, yo gima {irr. from gemir).
germanismo, m. Germanism, a German gimotear, vn. (coll.) to be always crying or
idiom employed in another language. moaning.
germano, na, a. V. germanico. glmoteo, m. frequent crying or moaning.
germen [herr'-men], m. germ, bud, shoot, ginebra, /. Moorish rattle: gin (liquor);
sprout ;
gem ; spring, source, origin ;
(bot.) confusion, disorder ; bedlam ;
game at
germ or germen. cards.
germiiiaci6n, /. (bot.) germination, ginebrada,/. sort of puff-paste tart.
germinar, vn. to germinate, to bud. ginebr6s, sa, or ginebrino, na, a. Genevan,
germinatiVO, va, a. germinative. relating to Geneva.
gernndense, a. ofor belonging to Gerona. glneceo, m. gyneceum.
gerundiada, /. (coll.) emphatical, pompous, ginecocracia,/. gynecocracy, gynarchy.
and unmeaning expression. ginecologia,/. (med.) gynecology.
gerundlano, na, a. pompous, high-sound- ginecol6gico, ca, a. gynecological.
ing, empty (style or phrase). ginesta, /. genista. V. HiNiESTA.
gerundlo, m. (gram.) gerund, a verbal noun ;
gineta, /. genet, a kind of weasel.
(coll.) pompous and emphatical preacher or gingidlO, m. (bot.) wild spinach.
lecturer. girada,/. (danc.) gyration pirouette. ;

gesolreut, m. (mus.) first of the signs which glrado [he-rah'-doi, in. (com.) drawee.
serves as a clef to music, G or soprano clef. glrador, girante, m. (com.) drawer.
geSta,/. V. CANTAR. giralda, /. vane or weather-cock in the form
gestacibn, /. (med.) gestation; exercise of a statue, from such a vane on the spire
among the Romans for the health. of the cathedral of Seville; common name
gestatoriO, ria, a. gestatory, portable. of this tower.
gestear, va. to gesticulate, make grimaces, giraldete, m. surplice without sleeves.
gestero, ra, a. & m. &, /. making grimaces ; giraldilla, /. dim. small vane or weather"-
a gesticulator. cock popular dance in Asturias.

gesticulacibn,/. gesticulation, gesture. gir^ndula, /. (pyr. and hyd. ) girandole.

gesticular, vn. to gesticulate, make gestures girar, vn. to revolve, rotate, gyrate, turn:
or grimaces. round, wheel round; turn, spin, wheel*
gesticular, a. gesticulatory. (com.) to remit, by bills of exchange glrar :

gesti6nihe8-te-oir I,/, conduct ; exertion, effort, contra or 4 cargo de, to draw on.
negotiation, agency, management.
step ; girasol, m. (bot.) sun-flower.
gestionar, vn. to procure, deal, promote, ne- glratorio, ria, c revolving, rotary, rotatory,
gotiate, manage, hustle. gyrating, turning.
gestO, m. face, visage grimace, gesture estar ;
: girlfalte, w. (om.) V. gerifalte.
de buen gesto, to be in good humour hacer : girino, m. embryo of a frog.
gestoB, to make wry faces or grimaces to ; gfiro [he'-ro], m. gyre, gyration, circumgyra-
gesticulate. tion, turn, revolution, rotation course or ;

gestor, (com.) superintendent, manager,

»». turn of affairs bend, tendency bias, trend ;
; ;

agent, promoter, proxy, representative, at- turn of a sentence menace, bravado (com.)
; ;

torney. draft, exchange, circulation bulk of busi- ;

gestudo, da, a. (coll.) ill-humoured, cross. ness specialty or line of business tomar
; :

giba [hee'-bah],/. hump, crooked bapk, hunch, otro giro, to take another shape to change ;

S'bbosity (coll.) nuisance, annoyance.

one's mind.
ado, az.,pp. & a. crooked, humpbacked. girondino, na, m. &f. Girondist, Girondin.
g (before e, i) and J as h in hot; h, silent; 11 in brilliant; ft, ny In canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; s,
girbvago, ga, a. v. vagabundo. ing the bliss of heaven, blessed; boastful,
gis liiees , ///. (art) crayou. ostentatious, proud, elate.
gitanada, /. mean, contemptible trick glosa, /. gloss, scholium comment or com- ;

blandishment, wheedling, caress, tiattery. mentary marginal or foot note (com, and

gltaJiamente, adv. in a sly, winning manner, law) explanatory annotation in accounts;

gitanear, ru. to flatter, wheedle, cajole, (poet.) kind of rondelet (mus.) variation ;

gitaneria,/. wheedling, flattery, cajolery. of a theme.

gitanesco,"ca, a. gipsy-like, gipsy. glosador, ra, m. &f. commentator, glosser,
gitanillO, 11a, m. &f. dim. little gipsy, glossarist (com.) auditor. ;

gitanismo, m. gipsyism, gipsy life, glosalgia,/. (med.) glosalgia.

gitano, na, n. gipsy-like gipsy sly, artful, ; ; glosar, va. to gloss, annotate, interpret, ex-
hoydeuish, honey-mouthed. m. &/. a gipsy, plain by comment (com.) to audit ac- ;

glacial, rt. glacial frost, freezing, ; counts (poet.) to compose rondelets;


glacialmente, adv. glacially. (mus.) to vary a theme.

glacis [u'lah'-thiess], in. (fort.) glacis. glosario, m. glossary special lexicon. ;

gladiador or gladiator, m. gladiator. glose, m. glossing or commentating.

gladiatoriO, ria, a. gladiatorial, gladiatory. glosilla, /. dim. short gloss, comment, or
gladio, gladiolo, m. (hot.) gladiolus. note: (print.) minion type, 7-point.
lelande, m. (anat.) glans penis. glOSitlS,/. (med.) glossitis.
glandifero, ra, gero, ra, a. glandiferous. glotis, /. (anat.) glottis.
glandula,/. (anat. and bot.) gland. glOt6n, na, a. gluttonous, m. & f. glutton, —
glandular, a. glandular. gormandizer.
glandulilla, /. dim. glandule, a small gland. glotonamente, adv. gluttonously.
glanduloso, sa, «. glandulous, glandular. glotonazo, za, m. & /. aug. great glutton,
glas6, glace or glace silk.
"'. voracious eater, gormandizer.
glaseado, da, a. glossy, glace-like. glOtoncillO, ilia, m. &f. dim. little glutton.
glasear, va. to calender (paper). glotonear, vn. to act the glutton, gonnandiza
glasto, "/. (bot.) woad or dyers' weed. glotoneria, ./. gluttony.
glauberita, /. glauberite. glucina, /. (chem.) glucina.
glaucio, w. (bot.) celandine. glucinio, m. (chem.) glucinum, beryllium.
glauco, ca, «. (bot.) glaucous, sea-green, glucosa, .^. (chem.) glucose, grape-.>^ugar.
pale bluish green. glucosuria, (med.) glucosuria, diabetes.

glauco, in. species of mollusc without shell. gluma, /. (bot.) glume.

glaucoma, /». (med.) glaucoma, gluten, //'. gluten gliadine, glutin glue. ; ;

gleba, /. lump or clod turned up by the gluteo, tea, «. gluteal.

plough. glutinosidad, /. glutinousness, viscosity.
glera,/. v. cascajar, glutinoso, sa, a. glutinous, viscous, mucous.
glicerina, /. glycerine. gneis iieh'-is], VI. (geol.) gneiss.
gliconio, m. kind of Latin verse. gnet^ceo, a [neh-taii'-tiia-oii;, a. (bot.) gneta^
gliptica, /. glyptics, stone engraving. ceous.
gliptografip., /. glyptography. gndmico, ca [no'-me-coi, a. gnomic.
globo, /". globe, sphere, ball, orb the earth ; : gnomo itio'-nio], m. gnome, fabulous being.
globular lamp-shade globo aerost&tico, aero- : gnomon [no'-mon], m. ipiomon, azimuth dial
stat, balloonglobo celeste, celestial globe
bevel square.
globo terrestre or terriqueo, terrestrial ^lobe ; gnombnica ino-mo'-ne-cah',/. gnomics.
the earth: en globo, in a nutshell, without gnombniCO, ca, «. gnomonic, gnomonical.
details (com.) in bulk, in the lump.
gnOSticismO [noste tlieep'-mo], in. gnosticism,
glObOSO, sa, a. globose, spherical, globy. gnbstico [ii<.i»'-te-(oi, in. A a. gnostic.
globular, a. globular, globical, globate, goa aiii,/. pig-iron bloom.

spherical. gObernacibn, /. government: Ministerio de

globulari^ceo, a, a. (hot.) globularia. la Oobernacibn, Department of the Interior.
gl6bulo, VI. dim. small globe; (biol.) globule. gObernador, ra, a. governing.— t?^ governor,
globulillo, m. dim. globulet, little globule; ruler, master.—/, governor's wife ; female
(med.) homeopathic pill. ruler.
globulOSO, sa, a. globulous, globulose. gobernadorcillo, m. (Philip.) justice of the
gloria, /. glory, honour, fame, renown ex- ; peace.
altation, heavenly
state, bliss, blessedness, gobemalle, m. (naut.) rudder, helm.
beatitudemajesty, splendour, brilliance,
; gObernante, pa. & m. governing (coll.) per- ;

magnificence; pride, boast, illustriousness ;

son assuming the management of a thing.
transparent gauze, gossamer, tissue kind ; gObemar, ra. & m. {ind. GOBIERXO subj, :

of cream tart or cake (art) opening in the ;

gobierne) to govern, to rule to regulate, ;

3ky representing angels, splendours, etc. command, leaa, head, control, manage ; to
m. (eccl.) gloria, doxology. guide, direct; (naut.) to steer, to helm, to
Jloriarse, 'r. to glory, boast in, be proud of, head, to bear. vn. (naut.) to obey the helm.
take a delight in anything. gobemativo, va, a. v. GrBERNAxivo.
glorieta, /. summer-house, bower, arbour; gObemOSO, sa, a. (coll.) methodical, sys-
square at intersection of streets.
circle or tematic, loving good order,
glorificacion,/. glorification; praise. gobierna,/, weather-vane,
glorificador, fa, a. glorifier.—m. God. gObiemo,w. government, public administra-
glorificante. pa. & m. & f. glorifying glori- ;
tion, executive power ministers composing ;

fier. a cabinet dignity, office, and term of a gov-


glorificar, va. (pret. GT,0RIFIQU6 subj. GLO- : ernor district or province under a govern-

RiFiQUE) to glorify, adore, worship to ex- ; or ;control, guidance, conduct, manage-

alt to praise, honour, laud, extol.
; vr. V. ment, direction; (naut.) helm, rudder;
GLORIARSE. steering, conning para an gobierno, for your:

glorlosamente, adv. gloriously. guidance sirva de gobierno, let this be a


glorioso, sa, glorious, excellent, illustri-

a. warning: mnjer de gobierno, housekeeper:
ous, exalted, celebrated, honourable ; enjoy- gobierno de casa, household.

ft as In /»r : • in ell t ; i in police : o In for : a in bull ; c (beiore e, i) and z as th In thick ; b and d,

gobierno, yo gobierne {irr. from gober- pectedly, unawares de nn golpe, once, all at :

nar). once golpe de estado, a stroke of policy,


gObiO, m. (icht.) gudgeon. coup d'etat errar el golpe, to fail

: any m
goce [go'-tha], TO. enjoyment ; fruition ;
posses- attempt.
sion. golpeadero, w. place much beaten repeated ;

gocete, m. neck-guards in ancient armour. strokes.

gociano, na, a. Goth, Gothic. golpeador, ra, m. & /. striker, beater.
gOCha Iso'-chahl, /. (coll.) SOW. golpeadura, /. percussion act of beating, ;

gOChO !ko'-c1io], To. (coll.) pig, hog. hammering, or striking.

godesco, ca, or godible, «. joyful, cheerful. golpear, va. to beat, strike, hit, knock, ham-
godo, da, (I. & TO. &/. Gothic a Goth. ; mer, give blows to bruise to tick (as a ; ;

gofio. (Cuba) roast corn-meal or maize,

TO. watch).
gofo, fa, a. stupid, ignorant, rude (art) ; gOlpeciCO, illO, itO, dim. slight blow. to.
dwarfy figure. golpeo, TO. repeated striking or beating.
gofrador, leaf-marker, florist's tool.
to. golpete, TO. door-catch (to keep it open).
gofrai', va. to mark leaves for artificial flow- golpeteo, TO. lively and continued striking;
ers. constant hammering.
gola, /. gullet, throat, esophagus gorget in ; gOlleria, gOlloria, /. dainty, delicious mor-
ancient armour; (mil.) gorget, crescent- sel ;
(coll.) delicacy, superfluity, excess.
shaped insignia of duty; (fort.) gorge; gOllete, TO. throttle, upper part of the throat
(arch.) gula, gorge, cyma, cymatium, ogee neck of a bottle neck-band of some religious

moulding. habits: estar hasta el goUete, (coll.) to be

gOldre, TO. quiver for shafts or arrows. full, to be in difficulties, to have lost pa-
goleta,/. (naut.) schooner. tience.
golf^n, TO. (bot.) water-lily. V. NEKtrFAR. golllzo, TO. narrow passage of mountains or
gOlfillO, TO. dim. small gulf; urchin. rivers,
golfin, TO. (icht.) dolphin. V. delbIn. goma, gum goma adragante, alqnitira, or
/. :

golfo, TO. (geog.) gulf; sea, main; (poet.) tragacanta, gum tragacanth goma ar&biga, :

gulf, abyss; faro, game at cards; (neo.) in gum-arabic : goma elastica, India-rubber
Madrid ragamuffin. ,"
(surg. ) gumma, a kind of syphilitic tumour.
gOlilla,/. (sew.) gorget, ruff; collar worn by gomecillow lazarillo.
w,, v.
some magistrates in Spain; (mas.) joints gomia, /. bugbear to frighten children
pipe; (mech.) rim of a pipe. to. (coll.) (coll.) glutton, voracious eater: gomia del
magistrate wearing a golilla. caudal, spendthrift.
gOlillero, ra, to. & /. collar-maker. gomifero, ra, a. gummiferous.
golmalo,ja, n. (prov.) gormandizer, gomorresina/. gum-resin.
golondnna,/. (orn.) swallow; (icht.) flying gomosldad, /. gumminess, viscosity.
gurnard, swallow-fish: golondrina de mar, gomoso, sa, a. gummy, productive of gum ;
(orn.) tern. full of viscous humours. m. (neo.) a aude,
golondrinera, /. (bot.) swallow-wort, celan- dandy.
dine. gOnCe [gon'-tha], TO. hinge. V. GOZNE.
golondrino, to. (om.) male swallow va- ; gdndola, /. gondola, Venetian boat; (car.)
grant, deserter ;
(med.) large tumour in the omnibus, stage, carry-all.
arm -pit. gondolero, TO. gondolier, rower of a gondola.
golondro TO. (coll.) desire, longing: campar gonela,/. skirt formerly worn in Aragon.
de golondro, (coll.) to live at another's ex- g0Ilfal6n, TO. banner, gonfalon, pennant,
pense andar en golondroB, (coll.) to feed on
: gonfalonier, niero, to. v. confalonier,
vain liopes. gongorino, nk, a. (poet.) euphuistic.
golosamente, adv. daintily. gongorismo, TO. (poet.) euphuism,
golosear, va. V. golosinar. gongorista,/. (poet.) euphuist.
golosina, /. dainty, delicacy, sweet morsel, goniometria,/. goniometry.
tid-bit ; daintiness, sweet tooth ; cupidity, goniom^trlco, ca, «. goniometric,
desire. goni6metro, m. goniometer.
golosinar, golosinear, golosmear, va. to gOnOCOCO, TO. (biol.) gonococco.
look for and eat tid-bits, dainties, or sweet- gonorrea, /. (med. ) gonorrhcea, urethritis.
meats to taste and relish nice things.
; gonorreiCO, ca, a. gonorrhoeal.
goloso, sa, a. & TO. & /. one who has a sweet gorbidn, m. v. gurbi6n.
tooth, fond of dainties, niceties, or sweet- gordal, a. fat, big, fleshy.
meats. gordana,/, oJl extracted from the testicles ol
golpazo, TO. nug. great blow, stroke, or knock. oxen.
golpe, TO. blow, stroke, hit, knock, dash ;
gordazo, za, a. aug. verv fat and big.
wound, hurt; shock, clash; action, push, gordlco, ica, illo, illa.ito, ita, to. &j. dim.
act crowd, throng of people abundance
; ; ;
not very fat, rather plump.
sudden mishap, fit, or accident heart-beat ; gordiflbn, na, gordinflbn, na, m.&f. (coll. )
spring bolt of a lock (sew.) passementerie chubby, flabby person. '

trimming; pocket-flap (of a coat); move- gordo, da, a. fat, corpulent, full-fed, plump,
ment of attack in fencing ; admiration, sur- fleshy, stout, obese fat, rich, greasy, oily : ;

prise ; witty sally or remark ; timely and tocico gordo, fat pork coarse, thick, stout ;

fitting action ; with gardeners, hole for lienzo gordo, coarse linen ; great, large, big:
planting; also number of cuts planted in mentira gorda, a gross falsehood hablar gor- :

one hole ; (mech.) stroke, travel, throw; do, to speak thicK. m. fat, suet, lard.
(naut. ) sweep ; (mus. ) action of striking a gordolODO, TO, (bot.) great-mullein.
string, key, etc. golpe de arco, bowing of a
: gordbn, na, dote, ta, a. aug. (coll.) very fat
violin: golpe de mar, (naut.) surge, a heavy and corpulent.
sea : golpe de remo, stroke in rowing : golpe gordura,/. grease, fat ; fatness, corpulence.
de fortuna, a fortunate event, a jump golpe : gorfe [gor'-fayi, TO. a deep hole in a river form-
del reloj, tick of the watch or clock de golpe, : ing a whirlpool or eddy,
plump, all at once : de golpe y porrazo, unex- gorga,/. food of hawks; whirlpool.

g Cbefore e, 1) and J as li in hot; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; •, hiase^
GOE 292 6BA
gorgojaxse, vr. v. agoroojasse. gOtera, leak, leakage, drip, dripping;
gorgojo [6or-K«'-ho], m. grub, miU, weevil (arch.) gutter, valley valance of a canop/ ;

(coll. ) dwarfish person. or tester; (agr.) disease in trees caused bj

gorgojoso, sa [?or-go-ho'-B<4 a. full of grubs or infiltration ; chronic ailing.
weevils. gOter6n, m. large rain-drop; (arch.) throat
gorgona, /. gorgonia, sea-faUj a zoophyte; ing.
(Amer.) whirlpool near the island of this gOtica, ilia, ita, /. dim. droplet, small drop
name, S. W. of the coast of Colombia. g6tiC0, ca, a. Gothic letra gdtica, Gothit :

gorgoran, m. sort of silk grogram. characters.

gorgorita,/. rain bubble.—p/. trill, shake. gOt6n, na, a. & m. &/. pi. Goth.
gorgorltear., vn. (coll.) to warble, trill. gOtOSO, sa, a. gouty.
gorgoritos, m. pi. (coll.) trill, shake. gozador, ra, m. &/. enjoyer.
gorgorotada, /. swallow (as of water). gozante, pa. enjoying enjoyer. ;

gorgoteo, m. gurgle, gurgling sound. gozar, ra. to enjoy, to have possession or

gorgotero, m. peddler, hawker. fruition of. vr. to rejoice.
gorguera, /. (sew.) gorgeret, ruflf; (ami.) gOZne [Koth'-neh], m. hinge.
gorget. gOZO [go'-thaw], m. joy, pleasure, satisfaction,
gorguerin,/. dim. small neck ruff or frill. glee, merriment, mirth, gladfulness, glad-
gorguz m. javelin, shaft.
(gor-gooth'], ness, cheerfulness sudden blaze of dry ;

gorigori, m. (coll. and hum.) chant at fu- chips of wood.^pZ. couplets with a burden,
nerals. in praise of the Virgin : no caber de gozo or
gorila, m. (zool.) gorilla. •altar de gozo, to be in high spirits, to be
gOXja [Kor'-hah], /. thi oat, throttle rejoicing,
; very merry el gozo en : j el pozo I my illu-
merry-making ;
(naut.) head of the keel. sions have vanished
goxjal [jjor-hahl'], m, collar of a doublet ;
(arm. gOZOSamente, adv. joyfully, cheerfully.
gorget. gOZOSO, sa, a. joyful, cheerful, content, glad,
gorleador, ra, m. & f. warbler, modulator. festive, mirthful, merry.
gOljear [tfor-heii-ar'], tm. to warble, trill, qua- gozque [Koth'-keh], m. a cur-dog.
ver, sing (persons and birds). vr. to gab- gozquejo [goth-keh'-ho], m. dim. small cur."
ble (as a child). grabaoo, ;>p. &a. engraved, carved, cut. — »».
goxjeo [Kor-iieh'-o], m. warble, trilling, quaver engraving ; art of engraving ; print, cut,
gabble of a child. picture, en madera,
illustration grabado :

goimar, va. to vomit. wood-cut: grabado al humo, half-tone plate

gorra, /. cap, bonnet: gorra de sefiora, Ifdy's or process.
hat or bonnet; hunting-cap; (mil.) bear- grabador, ra, m. &/. engraver, carver, chis-
skin cap (coll.) intrusion at feasts without
eller, cutter, sinker grabador en hueco, :

invitation. m. parasite, sponger de gorra, : punch or die sinker grabador al agaa faerte, :

(coll.) at other people's expense. etcher grabador en madera, wood-engraver,


gorraaa,/. V. gorretada. wood-cutter, carver in wood: grabador en

gorrero, ra, a. cap-maker. m. parasite, matrices, (typ.) form-cutter.
sponger, deadhead. grabadura, /. act of engraving, sculpture.
gorretada,/. salute with a cap. grabar, va. to engrave, to grave, to cut,
gorrete, m. dim. small cap. carve to impress upon the mind grabar al
; :

gorrlca, ilia, ita, /. dim. small cap or bon- agua faerte or de agua faerte, to etch grabar :

net. en haeco, en bianco or relieve, to emboss ; to

gOrriCO, illO, itO, m. dim. small round cap. sink a die.
gorrin, gorrlno, m. small pig, sucking pig. grabazdn,/. engraving, sculpture.
gorrinada, /. (coll.) dirty, hoggish action. gracejar igrah-theh-har'j, vn. to write or speak
gorrinera, /. pig-sty, pig's pen. wittily.
gOrrinillO, itO, m. dim. small suiting' pig. gracejo [grah-theh'-ho]- m. graceful, cheerful,
gorribn, m. (orn.) sparrow. and witty way of speaking.
gorrioncillO, m. dim. small sparrow. gracia [grah'-tiiie-ah], /. grace, gracefulness,
gorrionera, /. (coll.) den of rogues. gentility, elegance of mien or manner;
gorrista, m. parasite, sponger. cleverness; (theol.) divine grace by exten-
gorro, «i. cap, ooif gorro de dormir, night-cap
: : sion, free gift, benefaction, kindness, grant,
gorro frigio, Phrygian cap, cap of liberty. concession graciousness, condescension
^orrdn, na, m. &. f. sponger, parasite. m. — ;

benevolence, courtesy, pleasing manners


routtd, smooth pebble; (mech.) spindle, pardon mercy remission of a debt witty

; ;

pivot, or gudgeon of a gate or door pillow, ;

saying or expression joke, jest, mirth ;

swing-block lazy, unhealthy silk-worm

comicalness cuteness of a ; brightness,
man given to debauchery and lewdness. child ;
of a person.—p/. thanks
(coll. ) name
gorrona, a. pata gorrona, large-size raisin. (myth.) the Three Graces Gracias thank :

/. prostitute. you dar gracias, to thank or to give thanks


gorronal, m. place full of pebbles or coarse I

gracias k Dios thank God la gracia de I :

gravel. Dios, bread sunshine Oracia y Jasticia, V.

; :

gorronazo, m. aug. great lecher or rake. MINISTERIO caer en gracia, to please, to bo:

^orullO,m.. lump or ball (as of wool). liked caer de la gracia de algano, to lose

gorupo, m. (naut.) granny's bend. one's favour, to be disliked de gracia, gratis, :

gOSiplno, na, a. of a cottony surface. for nothing decir dos gracias, to tell home

gOta, /. drop of liquid (med.) gout (arcli.) ; ;

truths: en gracia de, for the sake of: ellu
gutta: gota k gota, drop by drop gota coral : tienemachas gracias, she has many accom-
or caduca, (med.) epilepsy, falling-sickness: plishments golpe de gracia, finishing stroke.

gota terena, (med.) amaurosis: gotas amar- graciable, a. good-natured, affable; easily
gas, bitters. granted.
goteado, da, pp. & a. guttated, sprinkled, gr&cil irrah'-theei], a. graicile, slender, small.

spotted, speckled. graciola, /. (bot.) hedge hyssop.

;gOtear, vn. to drop, drip, dribble, leak ; to graciosamento, adv. graciouslv, gracefully,
measure by drops, to give by dribblets. gratefully, kindly gratuitously. ;

• M in fto ; e in eb t ; 1 ia police ; O In for ; U in boll ; C (before e, 1) and l as th In thick : b and 4, soft i

graclosldad, /. gracefulness, beauty, perfec- gramalla, /. long scarlet gown ancientlf
tion, elegance, excellence. worn in Aragon coat of mail. ;

l^aclOSO, sa, a. graceful, pleasing, accom- gramdJlera, /. pot-hangej-, v. llares.

plished ; facetious, witty, fimny, entertain- gramar, va. to knead the dough of bread.
ing ; benevolent, liberal, gracious ; gratui- granUltlca, /. grammar study of the Latin ;

tous, free. vi. (theat.) low comedian, fooL language: gramitica parda, (coIL) horse-
— /. (theat.) soubrette, chamber-maid. sense, shrewdness.
^ada,/- step of a stair-case ; gradin (as of an gramatical, a.^grammatical. -
amphitheatre) stand or gallery having
; gramaticalmente, adv. grammatical^.
gradins superaltar (eccl.) locutory; (agr.)
; ; gramiltiCO, ca, a. grammatical. m. gram-
harrow, brake grada de cota, bush-harrow
: : marian.
grada de dientes, harrow with teeth: grada gramatiqueria, /. (coll.) anything belong-
de astlUero or de diqae, (naut.) &\iai.—pl. ing to grammar.
(arch.) perron, gradatory. gramil, to., (carp.) joiner's marking-gauge.
gradacidn,/. (mus.) gradation; (rhet.) cli- gramilla,/. bed of the hemp-brake.
max. gramineo, ea, a. (bot.) gramineous, grassy.
gradado, da, pp. & a. having gradins or steps. graminivoro, ra, a. graminivorous.
gradar; va. (agr.) to harrow. gramo, m. gramme, unit of weight in th«
gradena, /. series of gradins or superaltars. metrical system.
^adilla, /. dim. tile or brick mould small; gram6metro, «*. (print.) type-gauge.
step-ladder. gramoso, sa, a. ground where couch-grass
gradinar, fa. (art) to chisel with a gradine. grows belonging to couch-grass.

gradino, m. gradine, sculptor's chisel. grampa,/. staple, clamp, cramp.

gradlolo, m. (hot.) V. gladiolo. graJL, a. contr. of Grande {used only in sinfj.
gradO, m. step of a stair-case degree of kin- ; and before to. or f. nouns) large, big, grand, ,

dred, order of lineage degree, academical ;

f;reat una gran cosa, a big thing gran casa,
: :

title, (mU.) rank: (math, and geog,) de- arge house: gran palacio, grand palace:
gree; (com.) grade, class, graduation of gran fliosofo, great philosopher.
value or quality (gram.) de^ee of com-
; grana./. (agr.) act of seeding; seeding-time ;

parison ; (law) stage of proceedings (met.) ;

(ent. ) cochineal kermes kermes-berry ; ; ;

will, pleasure de grado or de lu grado, will-

: scarlet grain scarlet colour fine scarlet
; ;

ingly, with pleasure mal de sa grado, un- : cloth fresh red colour of the lips and

willingly : de grado en grado, gradually, by cheeks small seed of some plants grana
; :

degrees, in regular progression: grado de del paraiso, (bot.) V. cardamomo.

longitud 6 latitnd, degree of longitude or lati- granada,/. (hot.) pomegranate ; (mil.) hand-
tude grado de calor, degree of heat en gra-
: : grenade, grenade, shell.
do supcrlativo, in the highest degree.—pi. granadera,/. (mil.) grenadier's pouch.
gradoE, minor orders. granadero, to. (mil.) grenadier (coll.) very ;

*^aduaci6n, /. graduation admission to a ; tall person.

degree; (mil.) rank; (math.) scale of de- granadilla, /. (bot.) passion-flower, grana-
"^raduado, da, pp. & a. (mil. ) brevet ;
grad- granadillO, m. (bot.) West India red
uated. — TO. graduate. ebony.
;raduador, to. graduator, gauger. granadino, na, a. native of or belonging to
"^adual, a. gradual, proceeding by degrees. Granada (Spain), or the U. S. of Colonrbia,
—TO. (eccl.) response sung at mass. formerly New Granada. to. flower of the
gradualmente, adv. gradually, by degrees. pomegr an ate-tree.
graduando, m. candidate for academical de- granadO, da, pp. &. a. r^uarkable, notable
grees. principal, illustrious select, choice ; seedy.


graduar, va. to gauge, measure, compare or TO. (bot.) pomegranate-tree.

classify to graduate, to dignify with an
; g^anador, m. (pyr.) granulating sieve; spot
academical degree ; to give military rank ; destined for this operation.
to divide into degrees ; (com.) to gauge, to granalla, /. (found.) granulated metal.
appraise. vr. to graduate, to take an aca- granar, vn. (agr.) to seed, to kern, to ear out.
demical degree. —va. (pyr.) to grain, to granulate.
gr&flcameilbe, adv. graphically. granate, to. garnet, precious stone.
gr&fico, ca, a. graphic, graphical ; clear, granatin, to. kind of ancient cloth.
vivid. granaz6n,/. seeding, shedding the seed.
gr^fila, /. milled edge of coin. granc6 [gran-theh'L a. madder-coloured.
grafiO, TO. graver for graffito or scratch-work. grande, a. large, big, extensive, huge ; grand,
grafloles, m. pi. biscuits in the form of an S. great. m. grandee.
grafitO, TO. (min.) graphite, plumbago. grandecico, ica, illo, ilia, ico, ita, a.
grafOlita, /. grapholite. pretty large or big.
grafdmetro, m. graphometer, circumferen- grandemente, adv. greatly ; very well ; ex-
tor. tremely ;
gragea, /. minute coloured bonbons. grandevo, va, a. (poet.) of advanced age.
graja [gmh'-hah],/. (om.) female jackdaw jay. ;
grandeza, /. greatness, bigness grandeur, ;

STBjBl [j?rah-haui'], o. belonging to crows, rar magnificence, grandness, nobleness gran- ;

vens, or magpies. deeship the grandees collectively.


grajear [grah-heh-ar'l, vn. to caw, as crows ; to grandezuelo, la, a. dim. V. grandecico.

chatter, as magpies. grandilocuencia,/. grandiloquence.
graiero, ra, a. applied to rookeries. grandilocuente, grandilocuo, cua, a.
grajO [gi-ah'-ho], TO. (orn.) jackdaw. grandiloquent.
grajuelO, dim. small jackdaw.
to. grandilldn, na, a. aug. excessively large and
grama, /. (bot.) creeping cynodon ; couch- big.
grass, dog's-grass, grama-grass. grandiosamente, adv. magnificently.
gramal, to. place where couch-grass or dog's- grandlOSidad, /. greatness, grandeur ; mag-
grass grows. nificence : abundance.

g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; li, silent ; 11 In brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; , hined.
grandiOSO, sa, a. grand, great, magnificent, granulador, ra, m. & f. granulating ma-
splendid. chine.
grandor, m. size, tallness, bigness, magni- granular, va. to granulate. vr. to be covered
tude. with granules or pimples.
grandote, ta, a. aug. (coll.) big, bulky. granular, a. granular, full of pimples.
grandulldn, na, a. overgrown. granule, m. dim. granule, grauula; pellet.
graneadO, da, pp. & «• grained, spotted, granulOSidad, /. granularity.
granulous ;
(Peru) select, choice. granulOSO, sa, a. granulous, grauular.
graniador, m. (art) stipple-graver. granza [fcraiin'-thair, /. (bot.) madder; garan-
granear, va. (agr. ) to sow or shed grain in iiiuQ.—pi. siftings, chaff"; dross of metals.
the earth (art) to stipple to grain a litho-
; ; granz6n, m. screenings of ore.—pi. refuse of
graphic stone. straw left by the cattle.
granel, »«. heap of grain 4 granel, in aheap :
granzOSO, sa, a. full of chaff" or screenings.
(com.) in bulk. grafi.6n, m. pap made of boiled wheat ; boiled
granelar, va. (tan.) to grain leather. grain of wheat.
graneo, m. (agr.) act of shedding or sowing grao [sraii'-o], m. strand, shore.
seed (art) stippling.
grapa, /. damp, clasp, clutch, cramp-iron ;

granero, m, granary, barn, grange, corn-loft (carp. ) holdfast (vet. ) mangy ulcers in the ;

grain-producing country. joints of horses.

granete, m. (mech.) countersink punch. grap6n, m. aug. (mech.) brace, hook, ram,
gran^vano, m. (hot.) goat's-thom. iron dog.
granguardia,/. (mil.) grand-guard. grasa,/. grease, fat, suet, kitchen-stuff": grasa
graniCO, m. dim. granule, small grain. de ballena, whale-oil, blubber grasa de pea- :

granilla,/. nap on wrong side of cloth. cado, fish-oil; train oil; gum of juniper-
granillero, ra, a. hog that feeds on fallen trees grease of clothes
pounce; (naut.) ;

acorns. slush slag of metals base of an ointment

; ;

granillO, w. dim. granule, small grain gain ;

or pomade.
or profit frequently obtained pimple on the ; grasera, /. vessel for fat or grease ; slush-
rump of canary-birds and linnets. tub dripping-pan.;

granillOSO, sa, a. granulous, granular. g^aseria, .f. tallow-chandler's shop.

granitiCO, ca, a. granitic. gnrasero, m. (min.) slag-dumper.
granito, m- dim. small grain small pimple ;
graseza [grah-seh'-thahj, /. quality of fat or
(min.) granite; (pharm.) granule; small grease.
egg of a silk-worm. grasientO, ta, a. greasy, oily ;
granivoro, ra, a. granivorous. grasilla, /. pounce.
granlzada,/. hailstorm multitude of things ; graso, sa, a. fat, oily, unctuous, lardy. m.
which fall in abundance. fat, grease.
granizadO, da, pp. & a. grandinous^ fall of grasones, m. pi. wheat porridge.
hail ; destroyed by hail.— 7«. water-ice. grasoso, sa, a. v. grasiento.
granlzar, vh. to hail ; to pour down with grasura, /. v. grosura.
violence. grata, grataguja, /. burnisher, smoothing
granlZO [Krau-nee'-thaw],; hailstorm ; m. hail chisel, rasp. wire-brush ;

cloud or web in the eyes. gratamente, adv. graciously, gratefully.

granja [graim'-hah], /. grange, farm, farm- gratar, brush or burnish plate.
ra. to.
house granja modelo, model farm.
: gratificacidn,/. i-eward, recompense, gratu-
granjear, tJO. to gain, earn, profit: granjear ity, fee, tip.
k barlovento, (naut.) to gain to windward. gratificador, ra, m. &f. rewarder ; one who
va. & vr. to get, obtain, win (as the good- fees or tips. ,^

will of another). gratlflcar, va. {pret. ORAXiFiQufi: subj. gra-

granjeo, m. act of getting or acquiring ; gain, tifique) to reward, recompense; to tip, to
profit, advantage, advancement in interest, fee ; to gratify, please, delight.
influence, "etc. gratil,m.-^ (n«»t.) edge of a sail luff", leech. ;

granjeria,/. gain, profit, advantage. gratis, adv. gratis, free, for nothing.
granjero, ra, >». & f. farmer, husbandman, gratlsdatO, ta, a. gratuitous, given away.
granger, cattle-rancher ; dealer in profitable gratitud,/. gratitude, gratefulness.
commoaities. gratO, ta, a. graceful, pleasing, pleasant,
grano, vi. grain, cereal each ; single seed luscious acceptable grateful gratuitous
; ; ;

any minute particle grain of ;

san<|, wood, gu grata, (com.) your favour.
or fibrous matter (pharm. ) grain (20 make
; gratonada,/. (cook.) chicken-ragout or fric-
an English scruple, and 24 a Spanish one) ;
(arti.) bushing (or bouching) of a cannon ; grratultamente, adv. gratuitously.
pimple, pustule on the skin (jew.) unit of ; gratuito, ta, a. gratuitous, gratis; un-
weight (.05 g.).—pl. (com.) cereals, corn, founded, uncalled-for.
breadstuff: granos del paraiso, (hot.) V. gratulaclbn, /. congratulation.
AMOMO ir al grano, (coll.) to come to the
: gratular, m. to congratulate. vr. to rejoice.
point. gratulatoriO, ria, a. congratulatory.
granoso, sa, a. granulous, grainy, granular, grava, /. gravel, coarse sand.
granulated (as leather) gravamen, m.
granuja, /. loose berries of grapes
stone group of roving boys.—

tie rogue, waif, gamin, urchin,

granujado, da, a. V. agranujado.
grape- ;

m gravar,
charge, obligation, hardship,
inconvenience, nuisance
brance, burden (law) mortgage, lien.
burden, oppress, fatigue, mo-
va. to
(law) to encumber a piece of property.

granujiento, ta, a. full of pimples. gravativo, va, a. grievous, injurious, bur-

grranujo, m. (coll. ) pimple or tumour in the densome.
fiesh. grave fgrah'-veh]. a. weighty, ponderous,
granuloso, sa, a. full of pimples. heavy grave, important, momentous, seri-

graiiulaci6n, /. (chem. and med.) granular ous, grievous, dangerous mortal, deadly ; ;

tion. great, huge, vast circumspect formal. ; ,

a «• In far ; • in eh I ; i in polict ; o in for ; n In bull ; c (before e, i) and z at th in thick ; b and d. Boft'

haughty, lofty troublesome, vexatious
; ;
the Greek language; (coll.) card-sharp,
arduous, diificult; (mus.) grave tone; hablar en griego, to talk gibberish.
(gram.) grave accent; word having the in- grleta,/. crevice, crack, cleft chink, fissure, ;

flection on the penultimate syllable delito : cranny, flaw split, vein, shake, rent

grave, heinous crime: enfermedad grave, scratch or fissure in the skin grietas en las :

dangerous disease. manos chapped hands.

gravear, vn. to weigh, gravitate, sink. grrietado, da, a. fissured, cleft, showing
gravedad, /. (phys.) gravity, weight, heavi- flaws.
ness ;
composure, circumspection ;
grave- grietarse, vr. to crack, split, cranny; to
ness, seriousness, sobriety of behaviour part in clefts or fissures to become chapped. .•

gravity, enormity, atrociousness ; danger- grietecilla, /. dim. small fissure or scratch.

ousness. grletOSO, sa, a. crannied, flawy.
gravedOSO, sa, a. haughty, self-important. grifa,/. (print.) script.
gravemente, adv. gravely, seriously, dan- grifado, da, a. script (type).
gerously. grlfaltC, m. small kind of culverin.
gravidez,/. pregnancy. grlfo, fa, a. (print.) script; kinky, entan-
gravidO, da, a. (poet.) gravid, pregnant. gled (as hair). m. griffin or griffon, a
gravimetro, TO. (phys.) gravimeter. fabled animal; (Amer.) child of a negro
?ravitaci6n, /. (phys.) gravitation. and an Indian (mech.) faucet, cock, ;

jravitar, va. to gravitate, weigh down. spigot: grlfos, frizzled hair.

^avoso, sa, a. grievous, offensive, aflSictive, grifon, m. aug. fountain faucet.
painful, onerous ; unbearable. grigallo, m. (orn.) variety of francolin.
graznador, ra, m. & f. croaker ; cawing, grilla,/. female cricket esa es grilla, (coll.) :

cackling. that is a fake.

graznar igratu-nar'], vn. to croak, caw, cackle. grillarse, vr. to shoot, to sprout.
graznidO, m. croak, caw, cackle croaking. ; grillera, /. cricket-cage.
greba, /. (arm.) greave(s) or jambe(s). grillero, m. he who puts on and takes off" the
greca, f. Grecian fret. irons of prisoners.
greciaho, na, or grecisco, ca, a. Grecian. grillete, m. dim. shackle, fetter.
grecismo, »*. Grecism, Hellenism. grille, m. (ent.) cricket; (hot.) shoot, sprout.
grecizante fsreii-tine-thabn'-teh], pa. Grecianiz- —pi. fetters, irons, gyves, shackles or chains
ing, Hellenizing. for the feet any impediment which pre-

grecizar [xreh-thie-thar'], va. & vn. to Grecize. vents motion.

greco, ca, a. Grecian. m. &/. Greek. gfrlma,/. fright, horror, astonishment, grim-
grecolatino, na, a. Greco-Latin. ness.
grecorromano, na, a. Greco-Roman. grimpola, /. (naut.) pennant, streamer:
greda, /. clay, chalk, marl, potter's clay. huso de la grimpola, spindle of a vane.
gredal, m. marl-pit, loam-pit. a. chalky, grinalde, w. ancient form of grenade.
loamy. gringo, m. corrup. of griego hablar en :

grtsdOSO, sa, a. chalky, marly, cretaceous. gringo, to talk gibberish; (Sp. Am.) nick-
:grefier, m. keeper of the rolls in the house of name given to foreigners, especially English
Burgundy. and Americans.
gregsil, m. north-east wind in the Mediterra- griflbn, m. wimple worn by nuns apricot ;

nean. a. gregarious, going in flocks. ingrafted in a peach-tree.

gregarlO, ria, «. gregarian, ordinary. gripal, a. (med.) relating to la grippe.
gregoriano, na, a. Gregorian. gripe,/, (med.) grip or grippe, influenza.
gregorillo, m. ueckclotn formerly worn by gripo, m. (naut.) vessel formerly used for
women. trade,
gregorito, m. (Mex.) disappointment; prac- gris [grees], a. grizzled, gray. m. (zool.) min-
tical joke. ever, Siberian squirrel and its fur; (coll.)
gregueria [greii-seh-ree'-ah], /. outcry, confused cold, sharp air or weather.
clamour, hubbub. grisalla,/. (art) grisaille, caraaieu.
gregiiescos fKreh-gwess'-cos], m. pi. Grecian griseo, a, «. grayish, grizzly.
wide breeches. griseta,/. flowered silk stuff; (agr.) disease
greguiSCO, ca fgreh-gees'-co], a. Grecian. of trees caused by infiltration (neol.) a ;

gregUizar [greh-gee-tbar'], va. tO Grecize. French grisette.

gremial, a. belonging to a guild or trade- g^riSU, m. (min.) fire-damp.
union. m. member of a ^uild ;
(eccl.) lap- grita, /. clamour, outcry, hubbub, uproar,
cloth Hsed by bishops at divine service. shouting, vociferation halloo grita foral, ; :

grenaio, m. lap body, society, company,

; (law) summons, citation.
guild, corporation ; fraternity. gritador, ra, m. & /. clamourer, ex claim er
gienchudO, da, a. having long mane (as a bawler.
lion). gritar, vn. to shout, cry out, clamour, clatter,
grefia long entangled or matted
[greh'-nyaii', /. halloo, hoot, whoop, exclaim to talk very ;

hair; anything entangled andar i la grefia, : loud to bawl to shriek.

; ;

to pull one another by the hair; (prov.) griteria, /. outcry, clamour, shouting,
heap of grain laid to be thrashed; (prov.) screaming; hooting, tumult, nurly-burly,
first leaves of a vine-shoot. hullabaloo, hue and cry.
gre&udo, da, «. dishevelled. m. shy horse. grltO, m. cry, scream, howl, shriek, shout,
greflUela [greh-nyoo-eh'-lah], /. first shootS Of a hoot, whoop i. voz en grito, at the top of

vine. one's voice alzar or levantar el grito, to


gresca carousal, revelling, clat-

fgreh8'-cah\ /. talk loud and haughtily hablar k gritos, to :

ter ; wrangle, quarrel. shout estar en un grito, to be in continual


grey fgray'-ei, /. flock, herd ; congregation of pain k grito herido, in a loud voice, with a

the faithful ;
people, race, nation. clamorous cry.
grlal [gre-ahr], m. grail, legendary holy chal- grit6n, na, a. (coll.) vociferous, clamorous.
ice. gro, ni. grosgrain, twilled silk fabric.
griegO, ga [gre-eh'-go], a. Greek, Grecian. m. groenlandes, sa, a. & 7». & f. Grcenlander.
» (before e, 1) and J as h In hot ; h, silent ; 11 In brilliant ; ft, ny In canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled ; ,
groera,/. (naut.) rope hole. grupada,/. squall, burst of wind and rain.
gromo, m. (bot.) leafy bud, young shoot. gnipera, /. cushion at the back of a saddle
gropos, m. pi. cotton put in inkstands or ink- for carrying a satchel, etc. ;
(sad. ) crupper.
horns. V. BATICOLA.
gros, m. ancient coin of small value. gnipo, m. group, assemblage clump, cluster. ;

grosamente, adv. grossly. gruia, /. cavern, cavity between rocks grot- ;

grosella, /. (bot.) berry of the red currant: to, grot.—;p^. crypts, vaults, subterraneap
grosella blanca, gooseberry. galleries.
grosellero, m. (bot.) currant. grutesco, ca, a. (art) grotesque, bizarre.
groseramente, adv. grossly, coarsely, rude- i gua ! [gwah], inlerj. (Sp. Am. ) gracious hor- !

ly, bunglingly. rors !

groseria,/. grossness, rudeness, Hi-breeding, guacamavo, m. (om.) macao or macaw.

discourtesy, ill manners, coarseness, clumsi- guacamole, m. (Cuba) salad of alligator
ness, shameless word or action. pear.
grosero, ra, a. gross, coarse, rough, plain, gruacia [gwaii'-thie-ah], /. (bot. ) acacia ; acaciu,
homely, homespun, not elegant not fine gum-arabic. , y
thick, fat, bulky rude, unpolished, dis- ; guaco [gwah'-col, ni. (bot.) guaco, birth wort^
courteous, churlish, clownish, uncivil, (orn.) curassow.
rough, brutal, indelicate, indecent, smutty. gUaChapear [gwali-chali-peh-ar'], va. (coll.) tO'
grosezuelo, IsL, a. dim. rather stout. paddle, dabble, and splatter in water ; (coll.)
grosislmo, ma, super, of gkueso ; exceed- to make a botch of a thing. vn. to clap, as
ingly stout, very bulky. horses' shoes when loose to clatter. ;

grOSO, a. coarse snufF, badly powdered. guachapeli, m. solid strong wood used for
grosor, m. thickness, bulk, size, density, ships in Guayaquil.
closeness, compactness. guacliarara, /. (orn.) v. chachalaca.
grosularia, /. (min.) grossularite. gU&Cliaro, ra, a. sickly dropsical. vi. bird- ;

grosularieo, a, a. (bot. ) grossulaceous. ling, esijecially of a sparrow (orn.) oil-bird ;

grOSUlina, /. (chem. ) grossulin. or great goat-sucker.

grosura, /. fat, suet, tallow meat diet, in ; guacMnangO, ga, m. &f. (Cuba) nickname,
opposition to fasting. given to the natives of Mexico.
grotescamente, adv. grotesquely. guachO, Cha, a. (S. Am.) orphan, foundling
grotesco, ca, a. grotesque, ridiculous, ex- solitarv, forlorn. w. blrdling of a sparrow. —
travagant, uncouth, farcical. guadafibnes, hopple, fetter-lock.
grtia,/. crane, derrick, gin, hoisting machine guadalajareflo, lla, a. of or belonging to-
ancient military machine; (naut.) bend: Guadalajara.
grua de la cuadema maeitra, midship bend : guadamaci, oil, m. v. guadamecI.
k la grua, in and out. guadamacileria, /. manufactory of em-
gniero, ra, a. trained to pursue cranes bossed leather.
(birds of prey). guadamacilero, m. manufacturer of em-
gruesa, /. gross, twelve dozen (eccl.) chief ;
bossed leather.
part of a prebend (law) bottomry. ; guadameci, guadamecil, m. embossed or
gruesamente, adv. grossly, coarsely. printed leather : guadameci brocado, gilt or
grueso, sa, a. bulky, corpulent, thick, fleshy, silvered embossed leather.
fat, full-fed, plump, gross large, great, big ; guadameCO, m. ornament worn by women.
coarse, plain, home-spun, not fine^ dense, gUadafla[gwah-clali'-nyah],/. (agr.) SCythe.
compact; (met.) heavy, dull, stupid, dim, guada&ar, va. (agr.) to scythe, to mow.
slow. m. thickness, bulk, corpulence, den- guada&ero, m. scythe-man; (Cuba) owner
sity main part, main bodjr of an army
; of a guadano.
down stroke in penmanship en grueso, : guadaflil, m. mower of hay.
(com.) in gross, in the gross, in bulk, by guadaflO, m. (Cuba) small boat in the port of
wholesale. Havana; name given at Cadiz and other
gruir [groo-eer'], vn. {for irr. V. HuiK)to cry seaports to transport vessels.
like a crane. guadapero, m. (bot.) wild common pear;
grulidor [groo-he-dor'], m. glazier's nippers. boy who carries victuals to reapers or mow-
grujir [groo-heer'l, vc. (gl.) to trim or pare ers.
ragged edges with a grujidor. guadam6s, m. harness-room or locker r

grUlla[Krool'-lyah],/.(om.) CraUC. harness-keeper ; officer of the king's mews.

gruUada, /. (coll.) gang or crowd of idlers ; guadije&O [gwah-Ue-iieii'tiyo', m. poniard, sti-
(coll.) patrol of constables or police oflicers. letto, knife. a. belonging to Guadix.
gnillero, ra, a. applied to falcons or birds guadrama&a, /. trick, deceit, imposition.
of prey in chase of cranes. guadU.a[^'wah-d<)o'-ah\/. (S. Am.) bainboo-cane.
grumeie, m. (naut.) cabin-boy, ship-boy. guadual, >». plantation of bamboo-canes.
grumlllO, m. dim. small grume, clot, or curd, guagua Icwaii'-gwahi, //).
&f. (Peru) baby. — »/.
gfrumo, m. grume, clot grumo de leche, curd :
(^lex.) insect that destroys fruit.—/. (Cuba)-
cluster, bunch ;
(agr.) bud of trees ; tip of a omnibus, street car : de guagua, free, gratis.
fowl's wing. guagiiero, ra [gwaii-gweii'-.-o], m. &f. (Cuba)
grmnoso, sa, a. grumous, clotty. bargain-driver ; deadhead.
grUflidO [Kroo-nyee'-<loh], pp. & m. gTUnt (of a guaic^n, »*. (icht.) V. r6mora.
hog) growl (as of a dog).

gUalnambi [gwah-e-nRm-bee'], m. (Mex, C. A.)
gruillaor, ra, m. &f. grunter, growler, grum- (orn.) humming-bird.
bler. guaira [gwah'-e rati, /. (S. Am.) smelting fur-
gruflimientO, m. grunting, growling, grum- nace; (naut.) leg-of-mutton sail.
bling. gualrc iKwah'-e-m:, m. (naut.) (S. Am.) smiill
grufifi: grunt like a hog to
[fcroo-nyeer'], vn. to : two-masted coaster.
creak (as doors, hinges, etc.) to grumble, ; erualta [gwah-e-tah], /. (mil.) night watch or
growl, snarl. sentinel.
gruflbn, na, m. &f. (coll.) V. gruSidor. gualalote or guajolote [gwah-h«b-io*-teh], m^
grupa, /• croup, rump of a horse. (Mex.) turkey.
« M In far ; e in eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; a in bull ; c f before e, :) and z as til in tUck ; b and d, soil)
'guajamdn, na, a. (Cuba) orange-coloured. guapote, ta, a. (coll.) good-natured and
gu&jar [gwah'-har], m. &f. or gukjaras, goLid-looking person.
fastnesses, roughest part of a mountain. guaquero [gwah-keh-ro], TO. vessel for drinking
guaje [gwah'-heh], TO. (Mex.) calabash for learn- chicba found in ancient Peruvian tombs.
ing to swim. guaracha, /. kind of Spanish clog-dance
gu^jete por gudjete, idiom, tit for tat. Cuban song; (Mex.) sandal.
guajiro, ra [gwah-he -ro]^ a. & m. &. f. (Cuba) guarand,,/. (bot.) paullinia paste and stim- ;

rustic, rural ; rude, boorish. ulating drink made from its seeds.
i gualk ! interj. a.ssuredly ; by God ! guarangO, m. shrub used for dyeing; spe-
gualatina, /. dish made of boiled apples, cies of prosopis (Ecuador).
milk of almonds, and broth, and beaten up guarani, a. Guaranian.—m. Guarani.
with spice and rose-water. guarapo, to. juice of the sugar-cane fer- ;

gualda, /. (bot.) weld, wild woad, dyer's mented cane-liquor.

weed, reseda. guarda, m. & /. guard, keeper.—/, custody,
gualdado, da, a. weld-coloured, yellowish. trust, wardship, guard, safe-keeping ob- ;

gualdera, /. (arti.) trail, bracket; (carp.) servance of a law or ordinance nun who ;

string-board; (naut.) whelp, check. accompanies men through convents outside ;

gualdo, da, a. weld, yellow or gold colour. rib or guard of a fan (b. b.) fly-leaf, blank;

gualdrapa, /. horse-trappings, sumpter- sheet ward of a lock or of a key (raech.


cloth, housing, foot-cloth; (coll.) tatter, rag guard-plate, shoe sheath of a pruning-

hanging from clothes. knife gnarda de la adnana, officer of the


gualuxapazo, m. (naut.) flap of a sail jerk. ;

custom-house: gnarda banpris, (naut.)
gualdrapear, va. to put one thing inverted knight-heads, bollard-timbers gnardaca- :

upon another. vn. (naut.) to flap (as sails). denas, (naut.) laths of the chain-wales:
gualdrapeo, m. flapping of the sails. gnarda de coto, game-keeper gnardainfantes, :

gualdrapero, m. ragamuffin, ragged fellow. (naut.) capstan whelps.

gualdrin, m. weather-strip. ignarda ! interj. take care beware look I !

guama, /. fruit of the gaamo. out!

guamo, TO. tall tree planted to shade the guardaagnas, m. (naut.) spurn-water;
coflee-tree. (carp.) flashing-board (car) splash leather. ;

guanilbana, /. (bot.) bullock's heart, cus- guardaagujas, to. (r. w.) switchman,
tard-apple. guardaamiac6n, to. store-keeper.
guanabano, m. (bot.) fruit-tree of the Anona guardaamigo, to. prop placed under the
family. "
chin of criminals while they are flogged.
guanaco, m. (Chili) guanaco, kind of llama guardabanderas, m. (naut.) yeoman of
or alpaca. signals.
guanajo fgwah-nah'-boj, m. (Cuba) a turkey guardabarrera, m. (r. w.) gate-keeper,
(coll.) guardabosque, m. keeper of a forest, game-
guancne, a. ancient inhabitant of the Ca- keeper.
naries. guardabrazo, m. (arm.) brassard,
guanera, /. place abounding in guano. guard abrisa, m. glass shade for candles,
guanina,/. (bot.) (Amer.) leguminous plant. guardacabras, m. goat-herd.
guano, m. (Sp. Am.) any palm-tree; palm- guardacalada,/. opening in eaves.
tree leaves used for thatching ;
guano, sea- guardacantbn, to. spur-stone, check-stone.
birds' dung, used as fertilizer. guardacartuchos, m. (naut.) cartridge-
guantada, /. guantazo, m. slap or blow case.
with the open nan d. guardacostas, to. (naut.) revenue cutter,
'guante, w». glove collection for charity.—pr.
; guardacufi.08, rn. keeper of the dies in the
extra pay, fee, or tip gnantes de cabritilla,: mint.
kid gloves gnantes de ante, buff gloves
: : guardadamas, m. officer who escorted la-
echar el guante, to challenge (coll. ) to seize, ;
dies of the court.
grasp to imprison
; echar un gnante, to
: guardadamente, adv. guardedly,
make a collection for charitable purposes : guardado, da, pp. & «. guarded, reserved.
poner i, nno como nn gnante, to render one as guardador, ra, m. & f. very careful, watch-
pliable as a glove; (coll.) to abuse one: ful, and provident man faithful keeper ;

salvo el gnante, (coll.) excuse my glove: law-abiding person; miser; (mil.) keeper
calzarse or descalzarse los gnantes, to put on of the spoils.
or to take oft' one's gloves. guardafrenos, m. (r. w. ) brakeman.
guantelete, m. gauntlet. guardafuegO, »i. (naut.) breaming-board.
guantena,/. glover's shop or trade. guardabumo, m. (naut.) smoke-sail.
guantero, to. glover, glove-maker, guardainfante, m. farthingale, ladies' hoop.
guailin, a. base gold. guardaia,/. v. guedeja.
guaflir, vn. to grunt like pigs. guardajoyas, to. keeper of the crown jewels ;

guao (Kw«h'-o], TO. tree of the island of Santo place where the crown jewels are kept.
Domiago whose smell is fatal. guardalado, m. battlement of a bridge.
guapamente, adv. (coll.) bravely, cour- guardalobo, m. (bot.) poet's caasia,
ageously. guardamalleta, /. lambrequin.
guapear, vn. (coll.) to boast of courage; guardamancebo, to. (naut.) man-rope,
take a pride in tine dress.
(coll.) to guardamano, /. guard of a sword.
guapet6n, na, a. aug. brave, daring, resolute. guardamateriales, m. buyer of bullion and
guapeza,/. (coll.) bravery, courage; osten- other necessaries for a mint.
tation in dress. guardamonte, m- (arti.) guard of a gun-
guapinal, m. (C. A.) resin-yielaing tree. lock keeper of a forest.
; forester,
.guapo, pa, a. (coll.) stout, courageous, val- guardamuebles, to. store-room for furni-
iant, bold, daring, resolute, enterprising ture guard over the furniture of a palace.

spruce, neat, elegant, ostentatious, vain guardamujer, /. servant of the queen.

gay, sprightly. m. gallant, beau, sweet- guardapapo, to. (arm.) gusset.
heart a bully.
; guardapelo, to. locket.
:X(bcroree,l)andJ as b i» ^ot; h, silent; U In brilliant ti, ny In canyon ; r (inltiaO and rr trilled; i, blsseO,
guardapi6s, m. skirt. guarismo, m. ) figure, a digit, a cipher,
guardapolvo, m. dust-guard, dust wrapper, or a combination of figures or numerals.
duster, case, cap, lid. guarne, m. (naut.) each turn of a cable or
guardapuerta, /. storm-door. tackle.
guardar, va. to keep, guard, protect, watch gruarnecedor, ra, a. gamisher, furnisher,
over, defend, take care of; preserve from trimmer.
damage to lay up, store, retain, lay by, re-
; guarnecer, t'a. (ind. guarnezco: subj. guar-
serve, conserve, keep back, maintain to ; nezca)
to garnish,' adorn, embellish, beauti-
hold for another to observe, respect to ; ; decorate, furbish, deck, dress, array
fulfil one's duty. vr. to be upon one's (sew.) to trim, bind, edge, face, border^
guard, to avoid, abstain from, guard against, line, welt (jew. ) set in gold, silver, etc. ;

fence. (mas.) to plaster (arm.) to put a guard on ;

guardarraya, /. (Cuba) avenue between a sword; to harness horses or mules ; (mil.)

cane or cotfee plantations ;
(min.) boundary to garrison a town or other place.
of a drill-hole. guarnecido, pp. of guarneckr.—w». (mas.)
guardarrio, m. (orn.) kingfisher. plastering stucco-work. ;

guardarropa, /. wardroom, coat-room. rn. guarneS; m. harness-room. V. guadarn^is,

keeper of a wardrobe ; wardrobe, clothes- guamicibn, /. (sew.) trimming, binding,
(bot.) lavender-cotton. edging, valance, welt, flounce, furbelow,
guardarropia, /. (theat.) wardrobe. f;arniture, garnish, any ornamental hem,
guardarruedas, m. v. guard acant6n. ace, or border; (jew.) setting; (mech.)
guardasol, m. quitasol. V. packing; (arm.) guard of a sword; (mil.)
guardatimon, m. (naut. ) stern-chaser. garrison.^?/, gears or traces of mules and
guardavaiilla, /. room for keeping the horses harness.;

(royal) plate or table-service. guarnicionar. m. (mil. ) :o garrison.

guardavela, m. (naut.) small purchase rope guarnicioneria,/. shop of a harness-maker,
to secure the sails. guarnicicnero, m. harness-maker,
guardavla, m. (r. w.) signal-man, line- guarniel, m. leather pouch with divisions
keeper. used by carriers (Mex.) powder-flask. ;

guardera, /. female keeper. griiarnig6n, w. (orn.) young quail,

guarderia, /. keepership. guamimiento, m. (naut.) lines or ropes for
guardia [gwahr'-ae-ah], /. guard, body of reeving.
armed men to watch by way of defence guarnir, va. V. guarnecer; (naut.) to
defence, custody, watch, protection, assist'' reeve ; to rig.
ance (naut.) watch; turn of persons in
; guaro, m. small, very talkative parrot.
watching or of officers on duty; (fenc.) gliarra[gwar'-rah],/. a sow.

guard. ^JHi soldier belonging to the guards, guarrillO, m. dim. small pig.
guardsman cuerpo de guardia, guard-room
: : gUarrO [gwar'-ro], m. hog, pig.
gnardia de babor, larboard-watch guardia :
guarte ! interj. contr. of guIrdatk ; take
de estribor, starboard-watch guardia del : care ! beware ! look out
tope, masthead lookout; (mil.) eatar de guaruba, /. (orn.) American parrot with a
guardia, to be on duty estar en guardia, to : red neck; (zool.) howling monkey.
be on one's guard, alert montar la guardia, : guasa,/. (coll.) jest, fun, joke; satire, irony ;
to mount guard mudar la guardia, to relieve : dulness; (W.I.) (icht.) jewfish.
the guard: salir de guardia, to come off guasanga, (Cuba) noisy mirth,
guard guardia de corps, life-guard guardia
: : guasanguero, ra, a. (Cuba) jolly, merry,
marina, midshipman: guardia civil, (1) /. noisy.
body of rural police in Spain (2) m. a mem- ; guasca, /. (Peru) cord, thong, whip; dar
ber of said guard: guardia municipal, (1) /. guasca, to whip, to scourge.
city police (2) m. policeman en guardia,
: guaso, in. V. gaucho^ lasso.
(fenc.) on guard. guas6n, na, a. (coll. jocose, witty, )
guardiiin, na, m. &/. keeper, guardian, war- dull, uninteresting.
den,, watchman. m. local superior of con- guasquear, (Amer.) to whip, to scourge, va.
vents of the order of St. Francis (naut.) ; guataca, /. (Cuba) spade; (coll.) a large
boatswain's mate quarterman gunner's ; ;
yeoman; (naut.) strong hawser. guataquear, va. (Cuba) to spade,
gliardlania,/. guardianship of a convent and guatemalteco, ca, a. Guatemalan,
the district assigned to it. guateque, (Cuba) country-dance. //*.

guardilla [Kwar-deei-iyah], /. garret, attic guatequear, va. (Cuba) to dance (as in the
(sew.) guard, welt; each of the two ex- country).
treme thick teeth of a comb. guatini, m. (Cuba) V. tocororo.
guardln, m. (naut.) tiller-rope, tiller-chain; guau, m. bowwow, the bark of a dog.
(naut.) port-lanyard. i guay ! interj. alas ! alack !

guardOSO, sa, a. frugal, parsimonious ; nig- guaya, /. grief, sorrow, aflfliction. 0-

gardly, stingy. guayaba, /. fruit of the guava-tree: jalea d*
gUareCer [gwah-reh-then-'l, va. {ind. GUAREZCO : guayaba, guava jelly: pasta de guayaba, gua-
subj. guabezca) to shelter, guard, protect, va sweetmeat casqnitos de guayaba, guava:

preserve ; to cure. vr. to take refuge or preserve.

shelter. guayabal, m. orchard of guava-trees.
gUarentlgiO, gia [gwah-ren-tee'-he-o], a. (law) guayabO, m. (hot. ) guava-tree.
applied to a contract containing a warranty guayacin, guayaco fKwah-yah'-co], m. (bot.)
clause. lignuni-vitaj tree, guaiacum.
guarida, den, cave, or couch of a wild
/. guayacana, /. (bot.) date-plum,
beast shelter, lurking-place, cover, haunt.
; guayapil, guayapin, m. V. huipiu
guarim&n, m, (bot.) (Amer.) tree of the mag- guban, m. (Philip.) large clinker-built canoe,
nolia family, with aromatic bark used as gubernamental, a. governmental.
spice. gubernativamente, adv. by act of the goy-
guarin, m. suckling pig.

tkM in far ; e in eb I ; i la police ; o tn for ; u in boll : c (before e, 1) ana z as tb in thick ; b and d, nottt
gubernatlyo, va, administrative, govern- a. guJjarro [gee-har'-ro], jn. small boulder, cobble-
mental, gubernatorial. stone.
gubia, /. (carp. ) gouge, centring-chisel guijarroso, sa [gee-har-ro'-so], a. full of cob-
(arti.) vent-searcher. bles.
gubiadura, /. (naut.) notch, channel. guijefi,0, &a [gee-heu'-nyo], a. belonging to or
guedeja [geh-deu'-hah], /. long lock of hair resembling pebbles hard, relentless. ;

foi'elock ; lion's mane. guljo [gee'-ho], TO. gravel for roads, blinding.
guedejUla, /. dim. small lock of hair. gUij6n [gee-hon'], TO. V. NEGU1J6n.
guedelbn, na, joso, sa, judo, da, a. having guiloso, sa [gee-ho'-so], a. gravelly, pebbly.
long nair. guilalO [gee-iah'-io], TO. (^Philip. ) coasting ves-
glieldo, m. shrimps, clams, etc., used as sel with sails of matting.
bait. guilla [geei'-iyah],/. plentiful harvest.
guelfO, fa, a. & m. &f. Guelph. gUillame [geel-lyah'-mehj, TO. joiner's rabbeting
guelte, gueltre, m. money, cash wealth. ; plane.
giiepil, giiipil, m. (Mex.) V. huipil. guillote [geei-lyo'-teh], TO. husbandman who
^6rmeces, m. morbid swelling in the throat enjoys the produce of a farm (naut.) tree- ;

of birds of prey. nail or iron pin vagrant, sponger idle ; ;

guerra [sUer'-rahj, /. hostility, war, warfare ; fellow novice gambler.


strife, dissension, struggle, light, conflict, guillotina [geei-iyo-tee'-nah],/. guiHotine card- ;

opposition ; V. ministerio (de la guerra) : board-cutting machine.

guerra k maerte, war without quarter, re- guillotinar, va. to guillotine.
lentless war : guerra de bolas, guerra de palos, gulmbalete, to. (naut.) pump brake, pump
two different games of billiards armar en : handle.
guerra, (naut.) to fit or equip a ship for guimbarda,/. ancient dance ;
(carp.) groov-
war : dar guerra, to cause annoyance : bacer ing plane.
la guerra, to war, to wage war. . gUincbar [geen'-char], va. to prick, to goad.
guerreador, ra, m. &/. warrior, fighter. guincho [geen'-cho], TO. goad, pike ;
guerreante, i>a. &in. &f. warrior, warring. sea-gull.
guerrear, va. to war, to wage war, to fight guinda berry of the
[geen'-dai.], /. (bot.)
to oppose, resist, argue. mazard; (naut.) height of the masts. (and
guerreramente, adv. warlikely. top-masts) echar guindas & la tarasca, (coll.)

guerrero, ra, a. martial, warlike. m. war- to be very easy.

rior, fighter, soldier, military man. guindado, da, pp. & a. hoisted, set up ;
guerrilla, /. dim. band of guerrillas body ;
nished with mazard-berries.
of partisans, skirmishers, or light horse- guindajjos [geeu-dau'-hos], TO. pi. (Cuba) hang-
men skirmish, light engagement ; game of
; ings, fringe or tassels.
cards. guindal, to. (bot. ) mazard-tree.
guerrillear, vn. to engage in guerrilla war- gUlndalera [geen-dah-leh-ral.], /. plantation of
fare. mazard-trees.
guerrillero, m. (mil.) guerrilla. guindaleta,/. crank-rope; (jew.) fulcrum of
guia [?ee'-ah], m. &f. guide, cicerone, conduct- a balance.
or, leader, director, regulator, adviser. m. gUindaleZa [geen-dah-leh'-thali], /. (naut.) haw-
(mil.) guide.—/, guide, guide-sign guide- ;
book (mech.) guide, rule,
guide-bar, gUindamaina [geeB-dah-my'-nah], /. (naut.) sa-
guide-pin, guide-screw, guide-tube, etc. ; lute by dipping the flag.
(com.) custom-house permit, cocket; driv- gulndar, ta. to Bang a thing on high ; (coll.)
ing-shaft of a noria; (agr.) young shoot to pbia^^ or procure in concurrence with
left on a vine or tree for training others ;
bthets^ (coll. ) to hang a person. vn. to be
young sheot or sucker of a vine; (naut.) suspended, to hang by or on anything.
guy, leader, span, hauling-line, preventer- guindaste, to. (mech.) horse, frame (naut.) ;

rope (min. ) leader

handle-bar of a bi- ; timber head-jeer, knighthead of the jeers.
cycle guard of a fan
leader, foremost ; gulndilla, /. dim. pod of the Cayenne or red
horse (pyr.) fuse guia de forasteros, court-
: pepper.
guide. pi. guide-lines, reins for controlling gulndillo de Indias, to. (hot.) shrub of the
the leader horses a guias, driving four-in- : capsicum family red pepper. ;

hand. guindo, m. (bot.) mazard-tree guindo griego, :

guiadera, guide or conductor in mills.

/. mazard
large cherry-tree.
pi. upright guides in oil-mills, lifts, etc. guindOla, /. (naut.) triangular hanging
guiado, da, pp. & a. guided having a guide ;
stage ; life-buoy.
or a permit. guinea,/, guinea, English gold coin.
guiador, ra, m. &f. guide, director, leader. gUineo, a, a. Guinea, of Guinea galUna gui- :

JUiar [see-ar'l, va. to guide, lead, conduct, nea, Guinea-hen. m. dance used amongst
show the way to counsel, advise, teach, ; negroes (Cuba) banana. V. cambur.

direct to drive ; to pilot ; (agr.) to train a

; guinga,/. gingham.
plant. to be led, to go by, to follow.
vr. guinja,/. guinjo, to. jujube. V. azufaifa.
UigUi m. (Ph SVf' (zool.) flying
[Ke guinjo, guinjolero, to. (hot.) jujube-tree.
squirrel. T'. AZUFAIFO.

gUija[Kee'-hah],/. pebble, pebble-stone, coarse guiflada, guifladura,/. wink (naut.) yaw, ;

gravel; (hot.) V. almorta.—pZ. (coll.) lurch.

strength, force, vigour: «er de pocas guijas guifiador, ra, to. &/. winker.
or tener pocaa guijas, to be very weak. guiiiapiento, ta, guifLaposo, sa, a. ragged,
[gee-har-rahr], m. place abounding in tattered, torn.
guifiapo, TO. tatter, rag ragamuffifi, tatter- ;
gUijarraZO [gee-har-rah'-thaw], TO. blow* with a demalion. ,

pebble or a cobble. guiflar (gee-nyar'l, va. to wirfk (nartit.) to yaw, ;

guijarreflo, fla [gee-harmy'-nyoi, a. pebbly, to lurch.

gravellv hardv, strong (a person).
; gUiflO [gee'-nyo], TO. V. GUISaDA.
^uijarrillo, ito.'TO. dw». small pebble. gui6n, TO. cross, standard carried before prel-

C (before e, 1) and J as b iu hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) auJ rr trilled ; •»
ates and corporations gonfalon in proces- ; gurdo, da, simple, nonsensical. a. silly,
sions royal standard
; master or cere- ; gurriatO, m. nestling sparrow.
monies leader of a dance hyphen or divi-
; ; gfurrufero, «*. (coll.) deformed and vicious
sion in writing explanatory text or refer-
; nag.
ence table; (mil.) guidon; (mus.) mark of gurrumina, /. (coll.) uxoriousness, unbe-
repetition, repeat (naut.) loom of an oar.
coming submission to a wife.
guionajo, m,. oflSce of the guide or conductor. gurrumino, m. (coll.) henpecked husband.
guipar, va. (coll. and vulgar) to see. gurullada,/. (coll.) v. gkullada.
guipuzcoano, na, a. native of or belonging gurullo, in. lump or knot. V. burujo.
to the province of Guipnzcoa. gurullon, m. a knot of wool in cloths.
gilira lgwee'-r»], /. (bot.) calabash-tree. gurumete, m. ship's boy. V. grumete,
guirgiiesco, ca, «. v. greguisco. gurupa, /. croup of a horse. V. grupa.
guirigay [gee-re guy'], 7ft. (coU.) gibberish; gurupera,/. crupper. V. grupera.
jargon. gurupetin, m. dim. small crupper.
guirindola, /. frill of a shirt. gurviO, a, a. curved (said of tools).
guirlache, m. roast almond ca^^amel brittle. ; gusanear, vn. to itch. r. hormiguear.
guirnalda, guirlanda, garland, wreath .;".
gusanera, /. place where worms or microb«s
(uaut.) puddening; (mil.) light ball. are bred ;
(coll.) ruling passion.
g\lirnaldeta, /. dim. small garland. gUSaniCO, itO, m. dim. small worm.
gliiro Kweero], bottle-gourd, fruit of the
111. gusaniento, ta, a. grubby, full of vermin,
calabash-tree ;
(Cuba) gourd used as an in- maggoty, worm-eaten.
strument to accompany dance music. gusamllo, w. dim. small worm or grub;
guirre, m. (prov. Canaries) vulture. (sew.) gold, silver, or silk twist; twist-
guisa,/. a gnisa de, as, like, in the manner of. embroidery (mech.) bit of a gimlet
stitch ;

guisado, pp. & m. stew or made dish ra- ; or auger.

gout, fricassee. gusauo, m. (zool.) worm, grub; caterpillar ;
guisador, ra, guisandero, ra, m. & /. a thread-worm, pin-worm meek, dejected ;

cook one who cooks.

person distemper among sheep gnsano de


gulsantal, m. patch planted with pease. seda, silk-worm guiano de luz, V. lucikr- :

guisante, m. (bot.) pea: gaisante de olor, naga gusano de San Anton, gray grub gu-
: :

sweet-pea. sano de la conciencia, worm of conscience,

guisar, va. to cook or dress victuals ; to ar- remorse gusano revoltdn, vine inch-worm.

range, prepare, adjust. gusarapiento, ta, a. wormy, grubby ; cor-

glliSO, in. cooked dish seasoning, condiment. ; rupted.
gUiSOpiUO, m. HISOPILLO. V. gusarapillo, itO, m. dim. small water-worm.
gulsote, m. dish of meat dressed country- grusarapo, m. water-worm any annelid ;

fashion. found in liquids, especially vinegar.

guita, /. pack-thread, twine; (coll.) money. gUStable, a. tastable, gustable.
guitar, va. to sew with pack-thread. gUStadura,/. gustation, tasting.-
gultarra,/. (mus.) guitar (mas.) muller for ;
gUStar, va. to taste to try, experience, ex- ;

pulverizing gypsum. periment. be agreeable, to

vn. to please, to
gllitarrazo, m. dIow with a guitar. satisfy, to be liked, to cause enjoyment:
guitarrear, vn. to play the guitar, guitar de, to like, love, enjoy, relish, be
guitarrero, ra, m. &f. guitar-maker; player pleased with.
on the guitar. gustativo, a. lingual (as a nerve).
gultarresco, ca, a. (coll.) belonging to the gustazo, '01. aug. (coll.) great pleasure.
guitar. gustillo, m. dim. peculiar savour, flavour, or
guitarrillo, 11a, m. &f. dim. small guitar. relish.
guitarristai, m. player on the guitar. gusto, m. taste and sense sensation of tast- ;

guitarro, m. (mus. ) small four-string guitar. ing, gust ; savour, flavour, relish, season
gUitarr6n, m. aug. large guitar; (coll.) an pleasure, delight, gratification, compla-
acute knave. cence, contentment liking, mind one's ; ;

guitero, ra, m. &f. twine-maker. own will and determination election, ;

guito, ta, a. treacherous, vicious (as a mule). choice discernment caprice, fancy, whim,
; ;

gultdn, na, m. &f. mendicant, vagrant, vaga- diversion de buen gusto, in good taste el
: :

bond, tramp.—Tft. ancient coin. gusto del dia, prevalent taste or fashion :
guitonear, vn. to loiter, loaf, or idle about. cosa de gusto, tasty, fancy article con mncho :

guitoneiia,/. idleness; vagabond life. gusto, with great pleasure viste con mucho :

guizazo, m. (Cuba) (bot.) a weed. gusto, she dresses very tastefully dar gusto, :

gulzgar [geeth-gar'], va. to excite, invite. to gratify.

guizque [geeth'-kehj, m. hook of a hanging gustosamente, adv. tastefully, fain, gladly,
lamp. acceptably.
guia [jjoo'-hah], /. (arm.) vouge or voulge. gUStOSO, sa, savoury, gustable, dainty, a.
guia,/. gluttony, inordinate appetite. pleasingthe taste tasty cheerful,
to ; ;

gules, m. pi. (her.) gules, red. merry, blithe,

content, joyful pleasing, ;

guloso, sa, a. gluttonous, greedy. pleasant, entertaining willing, ready. ;

gulusmear, golosineak.
vn. (coll.) r. gutagamba, gutUunbar, m. gamboge.
gulleria,/. dainty. V. gollerIa. gutapercba, /. gutta-percha caoutchouc^ ;

gulloria, /. (om.) kind of lark. F. golle- India-rubber.

RiA. gutifero, ra, a. (bot.) guttiferous, gum-
gumena,/. (naut.) cable, yielding.
gumeneta,/. dim. (naut.) small cable. gutural, a. guttural.
gtunia,/. kind of dagger or poniard. guturalmente, adv. gutturally.
gtunifero, ra, a. gum-producing, gummif- guzla,/. (mus.) one-string instrument among
erous. the Greeks.
gura, /. (om.) (Philip.) crested wild pigeon. guzmto, m. nobleman who formerly served
gurbion, ;»». coarse twisted silk gura-resin as midshipman or cadet.
extracted from sourge. guzpatarra,/. ancient play of boys.
a M in far ; e in eb > : 1 in pol<c« • o la fcr : u in bull ; c (befo i) and Z as th in thick ; b and d, woUt
301 HAB
cession to a foreign vessel to engage in the
coasting trade.

H habilltado, da, pp. & a. qualified. m. pay- —

habilitador, ra, m. & /. qualifier ; outfitter.
h [aii'-dieiii, ninth letter of the Spanish alpha- habilitar, va. to qualify, to enable to pro- ;

bet ; the h is never sounded in the pure Cas- vide, supply fit out, equip, furnish means.

tilian language. h^bllinente, adv. dexterously, ably, know-

ha, '>'•• from HABER. ingly, cleverlv.
j ha ! [aiil, interj. ah, alas ! habitable, a. habitable, lodgeable.
naba,/. bean family, called
(bot.) plant of the habltaci6n, /. dwelling, residence, habita-
and the large edible bean from
vicia faba, tion, abode, lodging room, chamber, suite ;

the same, mazagan haba comnn caballar, : of rooms, apartments j (law) caretaking,
(bot.) horse-bean haba tonca, Tonca bean : : habitat.
haba de Egipto, Egyptian bean haba de las : habltd,CUlO, m. dwelling, residence, abode.
tndias, sweet-pea haba de San Ignacio, St. : habitador, ra, m. & /. inhabitant, resident,
(gnatius's bean haba marina, navel-wort, : dweller, abider^
kidney-wort (vet.) tumour in the palate of ;
habitanie, pa. inhabiting. m. & f. inhabi-
horses; (min.) prill.—p/. white and black tant or habitant, dweller, resident.
balls used in voting esas son habas conta- : habitar, va. to inhabit, live, dwell, reside,
das, a thing clear and manifest. lodge, or lie in a place.
habadO, da, a. (vet.) having a tumour called h&bitO, m. dress, habit, habiliment, garment
haba; dappled (as ahorse). habit, habitude, custom, customariness
habanera, /. slow Cuban dance, and the robes of the military orders caballero del :

tune. h&blto de Santiago, knight of the military

habanero, ra, a. Havanese, of Havana. order of Saint James.—pi. hibitos, dress of
habano, a. of Havana (tobacco). m. Ha- ecclesiastics colgar lot h&bitos, (coll. ) to

vana cigar. throw off the cowl.

habar, m. bean-field. habltuacl6n, .f. habitude, custom.
habascbn, m. (S. Am. ) parsnip-like root. habitual, a. habitual, usual, accustomed, in-
h&ber [ah'-berr], m. doctor of the law among veterate, customary, common, frequent.
the Jews ; title inferior to rabbi. habitualmente, adv. habitually, customari-
haber [ah-berr'], va. (ind. HE : pret. HUBE : fut. ly, usually.
HABR6: subj. haya) to have, own, possess ; habituar, va. to accustom, habituate, inure.
to catch, to get, to lay hands on (haber is ;
vr. to become accustomed, to accustom one's
rarely used as an active verb, but mostly as an self.
auxiliary and also as impersonal) el ladrbn : habitud,/. habitude, respect or relation.
no pudo ser habido, the thief could not be habla, /. speech, language idiom, dialect ;

apprehended el nifto lee caantos libros puede : discourse, argument, address talk, conver- ;

haber, the boy reads as many books as he can sation eBtar en habla, to talk about a mat-

get. V. auxil. to have haber Bido, to have : ter estar sin habla or perder el habla, to be

. been habiendo visto, having seen haber ha-

: : speechless negar or qnltar el habla, to refuse

bido, to have had it is also used as an aux- ;

speaking to a person: al habla, (naut.)
iliary verb when followed by de and an in- within speaking distance.
finitive, as he de escribir, I have to write
: habladO, da, pp. & a. blen hablado, using
habremoB de cantar, we shall have to sing. choice language mal hablado, using vile or :

V. impers. (in this sense haber has two inflec- slanderous language.
tions in the 3d pers. sing, ind., i. e. ha and hablador, ra, m. & /. talker, gabbler, prat-
HAY ha is used to express lapse of time,
tler, chatterbox, gossiper.

and hay in most every other case) to hap- habladorcillO, 11a, m. & /. dim. babbling
pen, occur, befall to exist, to be ayer hubo ; : dandiprat.
junta, there was a meeting yesterday ma- : habladuria, /. impertinent speech ;
i&ana habr& parada, there will be a parade to- empty talk.
morrow trcB a&oB ha, three years ago poco
: : hablante, pa. speaking, talking.
tiempo ha, a little while ago hay hombres : hablanchin, na, haolantin, na, (coll.)
may torpeB, there are very stupid men no : talkative person.
hay pan, there is no bread hay que, it is : hablar, vn. to speak to talk, converse, com- ;

necessary no hay de qn6, you are welcome. mune, reason to harangue, address, make a

vr. habirselaB con alguno, to contend, dis-
: ;

speech to advise, admonish (naut.) to hail

; ;

pute, face, have it out with some one. a ship hablar de, to discuss, refer to, talk

aaber, m. property, income, fortune, assets ; about, mention hablar i, to address, speak :

in book-keeping, credit, Cr. to: hablar con, to speak with, to court, to

haberio, m. beast of burden. woo hablar por alguien, to speak for, to in-

habichuela,/. (bot.) French-bean or kidney- tercede. va. to speak a language hablar :

bean habichuelas verdeB, string beans.

: ingl*fl, to speak English to utter, give ex- ;

habiente, pa. (law) having, possessing. pression to hablar dlBparates, to talk non-

h^bil, a. capable, intelligent, learned, able sense. vr. to speak to each other Be vieron :

clever, skilful, dexterous, expert, knowing, J Be hablaron, they met and spoke to each
cunning active, ready ; apt, fit,; agile, other hablar al alma, to speak things that

handy (law) dia hibil, lawful day. : touch the quick hablar alto, to talk loud :

habilidad, /. ability, ableness, dexterity, hablar en plata or hablar claro, to speak

clevern&ss, expertness, mastery, knowledge, clearly, without ambiguity hablar por ha- :

talent nimbleness, quickness,
; ; blar, to talk for the sake of talking hablar :

instinct.—pi. accomplishments.
speed ;
k tontas y & locaB, to talk foolishly hablar :

habilidoso. sa, a. accomplished, clever. entre dientes, to mutter, to mumble hablar :

habllitacion, /. habilitation^ qualification ;

por boca de ganso, to speak by hearsay ha- :

outfit, equipment; (mil.) office and bureau blar de la mar, to talk on an endless subject
of a paymaster habilitacibn de bandera, con- : hablar por los codot, to talk incessantly, to

? (before e. l) and .1 a* h tn hot : h. sltent ; U in hvilliaBt ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; B, bleawt
chatterese retrato esti hablando, that is a
: as :har6 por venir, I will endeavour to come :
speaking likeness, hacer per or para salvarse, to strive tu save
hablilla, /. rumour, gossip, report, little tale. one's self; joined with el or del, either as a
habllsta, m. &f. elegant speaker or writer. neuter or a reflexive verb, it sometimes
liablistail, «. (coll.) prattler, chatterer. means to represent, feign, counterfeit, ap-
habbn, m. aug. wheat, whelk. pear what is not, as hacer del bobo or ha- :

haca,/. pony, pad, small horse. cerse el bobo, to counterfeit an idiot hacerse :

hac^n, "t. learned man among the Jews. el valiente, to set up for a brave man fol- ;

hacanea,/. nag, small horse. lowed by como que or como si, to act as if,
haceciCO, illO, itO, m. dim. small sheaf; fas- i. e. hice como que no (or como si no) lo queria,

cicle : haceclUo de rayos lumlnoBos, pencil of I acted as if I did not want it. vr. to grow,
rays. develop, reach maturity or perfection, as:
hacedero, ra, a. feasible, practicable. el nifio 86 hizo hombre, the boy grew to he a
Hacedor, m. Maker, applied in this sense only man to be converted, transformed, as el
; :

• to the Creator steward, manager of a farm.

; Judio se hizo cristiano, the Jew became a
hacendado, da, a. & pp. acred, landed, own- Christian; to move, shift, recede, draw
ing real estate. m. landholder, farmer, aside to inflict upon one's self (as a wound,

planter. a scratch) hacerse 4, to become accustomed


)acendar, va. to transfer or make oirei the or inured to. r. iinpers. when it refers to
property of an estate. vr. to purchase real the state of the weather or to a lapse of time,
estate. to be, as hace calor, it is warm hacia mal
: :

hacendeja, /. dim. small farm. tiempo, the weather was bad hace un afio, :

hacendera, /. public work, at which all the it is now one year ayer hizo un mes, it was :

neighbourhood assists. one month ago yesterday se hace tarde, it :

hacendero, ra, a. industrious, laborious, is getting late. The following are a few of
sedulous. the many idioms in which this verb enters
hacendilla, duela, /. dim. small farm. hacer diligencia, to try, to endeavour, to take
hacendista, /«. (pol.) economist; financier. measures hacer hacer, to cause to be made,

hacendOSO, sa, a. assiduous, diligent. to order a thing to be made hacer buen ter- :

haCer [ah-tlierr'l, va. {pp. HECHO ind. JO : cio, to do a good turn to one hacer venir, to :

HAGO, 61 HACE pret. yo hice, el Hizo : order an article to be brought or sent hacer :

ftit. hark: subj. haga) to create (as Dlos presente, to remind one hacer ver, to show, :

hizo al bombre, God created man) to make, ; demonstrate no hacer caso, not to mind, to

manufacture, produce, build, construct, pay no attention hacer la vista gorda, to :

form, shape, fashion (either by hand, tool, wink at, to connive at hacer antesala, te :

or machinery); to conceive, devise, con- dance attendance, to be kept waiting hacer :

trive, invent, compose, deliver, utter (as a alarde, to muster; to boast of: hacer a uno
Slan, a poem, a speech) to arrange, prepare, ; perder los estrlbos, to make any one lose his
ispose, make up (as a bed, a valise) to ; temper hacer bancarrota, to fail, to become

cook, dress (as dinner or a dish) to shed, ; , bankrupt hacer cara or hacer frente, to face,

project (as a shadow) to draw, design, ; resist, oppose hacer chacota, to ridicule,

paint, carve (as a work of art) to raise, ; to turn into ridicule hacer del cuerpo, to go :

produce (as dust, smoke) to do, practise, ; to stool hacer de tripas corazon, to pluck up

execute, carry out, eflfect to cause, occa- ; courage or heart: hacer fiesta, to take a
sion, impart, accomplish, turn out to make ; holiday hacer fiestas, to fondle, endear, pat,

up a number, amount to, be equal to, com- caress, cajole, fawn hacer gasto, to spend ;

plete to gain, earn

; to accustom, habitu- ; hacer por la vida, to eat something hacer :

ate, inure to assemble, convoke, recruit

; juego, to be well matched hacer limosna, to :

to act, perform (as a play, a part) when ; give alms: hacer la barba, to shave, to be
followea by certain nouns it gives them a shaved; (Mex. ) to flatter: hacer la cuenta
verbal signification i. e. hacer estimacion or : sin la hu^speda, to reckon without the host
aprecio, to esteem or prize hacer mofa, to : hacer las amistades, to make it up hacer mal :

mock hacer pedazos, to tear into pieces

; de ojo, (coll.) to fascinate: hacer memoria, to
hacer sefias, to motion hacer inimo, to : recollect, to remember hacer milagros, to do :

mean, to purpose hacer dafto, to hurt : ha- : wonders hacer morisquetas, to play pranks
: :

cer fuego, to hre when followed by an in-

; hacer P&pel, to cut a figure hacer que ha- :

finitive verb, to order, compel, force, induce, cemos, to affect doing some business hacer :

as le hice firmar, I made him sign le hari

: : por hacer, to act to no purpose estar una :

pagar, I will force hiin to pay when the im- ; cosa por hacer, something to be made, done,
perfect indicative refers to a person, it de- or acted upon: hacer saber, to acquaint, to
notes supposition or belief, as yo hacia k : make known hacer su agosto, to make hay:

Juan en Paris, I thought John was in Paris : while the sun shines hacer agua, (naut. ) to :

le haciamos muy rico, we supposed he was leak or spring a leak hacer vela or hacerse :

very rich followed by con or de, to provide,

; 4 la vela, (naut.) to set sail hacer fuerza de :

supply, furnish, as te hari con dinero, I will : vela, (naut.) to crowd sail: h&game Vd. el
provide thee with money nos hicimos de : favor, please, pray hacerse de miel, to be :

libroB, we supplied ourselves with books. sweet, lenient, or obliging: hacerse tortilla,
vn. to matter, signify, fit the case, as iqu6 : to fall down flat hacerse chiquito, to pretend :

le hace 7 what does it matter? eso no hace al to be modest; to conceal one's knowledge;
caio, this has nothing to do with the case hacerse de rogar, to like to be coaxed hacerse :

to agree, accord, match, as e«to no hace con : olvidadizo, to feign forgetfulness hacerse :

aquello, this does not agree (or match) with rico, to become rich.
that when followed by de and a name of a
; hacera, /. sidewalk. V. acera.
trade or profession, to act in such capacity, haceZUelO [ah-tl.t!h-thweh'-lol, m. dim. of HAZ.
as hacer de notario, to act as a notary hago
: : hacia lah'-thie-ah], prep, toward, in a direction
de carpintero, I am doing carpenter-work to,near to, about hacia adelante, forward :

joined with per or para and an infinitive hacia atr4s, backward hacia ac4, hither :

verb, to endeavour, to try, to make an effort. hacia alii, thither hacia donde, whither, :

a M in far ; e in eh 1 ; 1 in police ; o in for ; n in bull ; e (before e, i) and z « th in thick. : b and d, soft;

toward which, to what place, where : hacia haldica, ilia, ita, /. dim. small skirt.
casa, hacia su pais, homeward
hacia el cielo, : haldudo, da, «. full-skirted.
heavenward: hacia popa,(naut.) abaft hacia : haleche, TO. (icht.) anchovy. V. boquer6n.
hacia el mar, seaward.
proa, (naut.) afore : halietO, to. (orn. ) sea-eagle.
Jbacienda, /. landed property, plantation, halito, TO. breath ; vapour, eflluvium ; (poet.)
farm, ranch estate, fortune, wealth

soft air.
finance.—?jZ. domestic work, household du- halo, halbn, to. (ast.) halo.
ties real hacienda, exchequer ministro de
: : hal6filO, la, «. (hot.) halophilous.
hacienda (in Spain) and secretario de ha- lial6geno, na, «. (chem.) halogen.
cienda, (in Spanish America) Secretary of halOgrafia, /. (chem.) halography.
the Treasury or Chancellor of the Ex- haloldeo, a, a. (chem.) haloid.
chequer hacienda publica, public treasury,
: haloque, in. (naut.) ancient small vessel.
finances: hacienda de beneficlo, (Mex. min.) haloza,/. wooden shoe. V. galocha.
reduction works. hallado, da, pp. & a. found bien hallado, :

liacina,/. (agr.) shock, stack, or rick; pile, welcome, easy, contented mal hallado, un- :

heap. easy, constrained.

hacinador, ra, m. &/. (agr.) stack-maker. hallador, ra, to. &/. finder, discoverer.
hacinamlento, m. accumulation, heaping or hallar, va. to find, come across, hit on, hit
hoarding up acervation, heaping together.

upon, meet with, fall upon to find out ;

liacinar, va. (agr.) to stack or pile up after searching to discover, invent, excogi-

sheaves to hoard to cumulate to coacer-

; ; ; tate to remark, observe, note, compare,

vate. verify to detect, catch

; to understand, ;

Jiacha,/. large taper with four wicks : hacha solve, interpret, decipher, comprehend.
de viento, flambeau, torch; (naut.) link: vr. to happen to be (in a place) to reside ;

paje de hacha, link-boy axe or hatchet ; to feel (as to health) to fare, to be pleased ;

hacha de armas, battle-axe, twibill ; ancient or content in a place.

Spanish dance. hallazgO, to. act of finding or recovering
hachazo, m. blow or stroke with an axe. anything lost thing found trove reward
; ; ;

bache [ah'-cheii],/. name of the letter H. for finding anything lost.

hachear, va. to cut with an axe ; to hew. hallulla [ai-iyooi-iyaii], /. hallullo, to. cake
vn. to strike with an axe. baked on or under cinders.
bachero, m. torch-stand; (mil.) axeman; hamaca,/. hammock; hammock-carriage.
woodman, wood-cutter, lumberman. hamaquero, to. hammock-maker; ham-
hacheta,/. dim. small axe or hatchet ; small mock-bearer ; hammock-hook.
torch or link. hambre, /. hunger, appetite scarcity and

hacho, m. torch or link beacon hill. ; dearth of provisions, famine greediness, ;

Iiacll6n, m. large torch or link cresset. ; eagerness, longing, desire.

hachote, m. aug. large axe. hambrear, va. to hunger, to starve, to fam-
hachuela, /. dim. small hatchet or axe; ish to subdue
; by famine. vn. to hunger,
hand-axe, adze. to be hungry.
hada,/. fairy. hambrientainente, adv. hungrily.
hadar, va. to divine, to foretell future events hambrientO, ta, a. hungry, starved, greedy,
to enchant. ravenous ; eager, longing, vehemently de-
liadO, m,. fate, destiny, doom. sirous.
hagiografia,/. (eccl.) hagiography. hambrdn, na, to. &/. (coll.) hungry person.
3iagi6grafO, «t. hagiographer. hamez, /. distemper in falcons which makes
hago, naga (mt. from hacer). them lose their feathers.
baitiano, na li-te-aU'-no], a. Haytian. hamo, TO. fish-hook.
ihala Interj. (naut.) pull haul
! ! hampa, /. life of a company of rogues and
halagador, ra, m. &/. cajoler, flatterer. vagabonds formerly in Andalusia.
halagar, va. {pret. halague : subj. hala- bampesCO, ca, a. vagabond, villainous.
gue) to cajole, to flatter; to dandle, coax, bampo, bamp6n, to. a rowdy, a bully.
coy, allure, wheedle, fondle, to treat with hanega,/. dry measure. V. fanega.
tenderness. banegada, /. land sown with a fianega of
halago, m. cajolery, flattery, caress, petting, corn.
aduiation cooing. ; bansa, /. v. ansa ; commercial league be-
halagUefiamente, adv. endearingly, flatter- tween various free German cities in the
ingly. 15th century.
lialagUefLO, fla, «. endearing, attractive, al- banse6,tiC0, ca, a. Hanseatic.
luring, fawning, flattering, honey-mouthed. barag^n, na, m. & f. & a. idler, loiterer,
halar, va. (naut.) to haul, to pull, to tow. lingerer, loafer, lounger, lubbard an idle, ;

vn. to pull ahead. lazy person. a. idle, slothful, inactive, in-

halc6n, m. (orn.) falcon, trained hawk. dolent.
halconado, da, a. falcon or hawk-like. baraganamente, adv. idly, lazily, slothful-
halCOnciCO, iUo, itO, m. dim. jashawk. ly, indolently.
halconear, va. (coll.) to inveigle, to allure baraganear, vn. to lead an idle life, to be
men (as harlots). lazy, to act the truant; to lounge, idle,
halconera,/. place where falcons are kept. loiter, loaf, gad.
halconeria, /. falconry. baraganeria, /. idleness, laziness, sluggish-
halconero, m. falconer, hawk-trainer. ness, inactivity, slothfulness.
halda, /. skirt, v. falda a lapful pack- ; ;
barapo, m. tatter, rag.
ing-bag haldas en cinta, (coll. ) disposed and
: barapiento, ta, baraposo, sa, a. ragged,
ready for anything de haldas 6 de mangas, : tattered.
(coll.) justly or unjustly, with good or ill barem, bar6n, to. harem, Turkish seraglio.
will, in any way. barija laii-ree'-iiaii],/. mill-dust, stive.
haldada, /. skirt full of anything. barina, /. flour, meal farina breadstuff's ; ; ;

haldear, vn. to run along with the skirts fly- powder, dust.
ing loose. barinadO, to. flour dissolved in water.

g (before e, 1) and J as h In hot ; h, silent ; U In brilliaat ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hissed.
haxinero, ra, a. made of or belonging to visage ri^ht side
or outside of cloth

flour. —
m. meal-man, flour-dealer; flour- (arch.) facing, facade.—p/. fasces: sobre la
chest. haz de la tlerra, upon the face of the earth :
haxinOSO, sa, a. mealy, farinaceous. k sobre haz, apparently, at first view ser d« :

harmonia, /• harmony. V. ARMONiA (its dos haces, to be double-faced.

derivatives may also be spelled either with haza [ah -tiiah],/. piece of cultivable land.
or without initial h). hazaleja [ah-tlmh-leh'-hah], /. towel.
harnerico, illo, ito, «*. dim. small sieve, haza&a [aii-thah'-nyah],/. exploit, achievement,
harnero, m. sieve, sifter, bolt V. criba : heroic feat.
estar hecho *n harnero, to be covered with haza&eria, /. affected show of fear or ad-
wounds. miration.
harbn, na, a. slow, inactive, sluggish balky. ; hazafLero, ra, a. prudish, affectedly grave
haronear, vn. to dawdle, move sluggishly ;
and scrupulous.
to be tardy or slow to balk. ; hazafi.osamente, adv. valorously.
liaronia,/. sluggishness, laziness, idleness. hazafiOSO, sa, a. valiant, courageous, heroic.
harpa, /. harp. v. arpa. hazmerreir [Htii-meii-reh-eer'), w. ridiculous
harpado, da, a. v. arpado. person, laughing-stock, guy.
harpia, harpy. V. ARPiA.
/'. he [ehl, interj. generally followed by the ad-

harpillera, /. burlap, sack-cloth. V. arpi- ver'bs aqui or alii, or by a pronoun, to in-

LLERA. troduce or call attention to he aqui, here :

hartada, /. v. hartazgo. is: heme aqui, here I am helos alii, there :

hartar, va. &vr. {pp. hartado and harto) they are. V. irr. moods of haber.
to glut, stuflf, gorge to sate, satiate, gratify
: hebd6mada, /. hebdomad, week, seven days
desire ; to satisfy, cloy, fill to excess. seven years.
hartazgo, hartaz6n, m. satiety, glut, fill. hebdomadario, rla, a. weekly.—»». & /.
harto, laiar'-tohj,
ta[ar'-t<'ii], a. &pp. irr. of hartar sa-
a- &pD. ; (eccl.) hebdomadary.
tiate, satiated, glutted, full of satiety suf- heh^n, a. white grapes like muscatels.
ficient, full, complete. adv. enough. hebllla [eh-beer-iyan], /. buckle, clasp.
hartura, /. satiety, fulness beyond desire or hebillaje, m. set of buckles.
Sleasure, glut, fill ; plethora, superabun- heblllero, ra, m. &f. buckle maker or seller.
ance ; of a desire.
full gratification hebilleta. hebilluela,/. dim. small buckle:
hasta, prep, till, until ; up to, down to ; as no faltar hebilleta, to be complete.
far as hasta no m&s, to the utmost hasta
: : heblUdll, m. aug. large buckle.
ahora, hasta aqui, hitherto: hasta luego or hebra [eir-biahi, /. fibre, thread, filament;
hasta despnis, good-bye, until we meet again. staple grain (of wood) needleful of

conj. also, even : rift6 hasta con su madre,

thread pistil of the blossom of saffron ;


he quarrelled even with his mother. (min.) vein, layer, stratum.—^/, (poet.)
hastial, m. (arch.) gable-wall; coarse, rude hair ser or estar de buena hebra, to be

man ; (rain.) side face of a gallery. strong and robust.

Iiastlar, va. to loathe, disgust cloy, sate. ; hebraico, ca, o. Hebrew,
hastio m. loathing, disgust
, ; tedium, weari- hebraismo, m. Hebraism,
someness. hebraista, m. Hebraist, Hebrew scholar,
aataca, /. large wooden ladle rolling-pin. ; hebraizante, m. Hebrician, Hebraist,
hataJar [aii-tah-har'], va. to divide cattle into hebreo, ea, a. Hebraic, Judaical.—to. & /. &
flocks or herds. a. Hebrew. to. Hebrew language; (coll.)
hatajo [ah-tah'-ho], m. small herd or flock trader, pawnbroker (coll.) usurer. ;

(coll.) lot, collection: hatajo de disparates, hebrero, m. esophagus of ruminants.

lot of nonsense. hebrica, ilia, ita, /. dim. small needleful of
hatear, vn. to collect one's traps when trav- thread.
elling ; to supply shepherds with provisions. hebroso, sa, a. fibrous, filaceous.
hatena, allowance of provisions and
/. hecatombe, /. hecatomb.
clothes for shepherds. hectkrea, /. hectare, measure of surface.
hatero, ra, a. applied to the animals that h^CtiCO, ca, a. hectic. V. h6tico.
carry the shepherd's baggage. m. carrier hecto, m. Greek prefix, signifying one kun-
of provisions to shepherds ; (Cuba) cow- dred.
boy, herder of cattle. hectiquez,/. (med.) phthisis.
hatyo [ah-tee'-hoj, m. covering of straw or hect6grafO, m. hectograph, copy graph,
feather-grass over bee-hives. hectogramo, m. hectogramme,
hatillo [ah-teei'-iyo], to. dim. small bundle a : hectolitre, m. hectolitre.
few clothes: echar el hatillo al mar, (coil.) hect6metro, m. hectometre,
to lose one's temper coger or tomar su or el : hect6reo, ea, a, belonging to Hector,
pack and go.
hatillo, (coll.) to quit, to hecha,/. (obs. ) date irrigation tax: de est» ;

hau). herd of cattle flock sheep ; hecha, from this time.

(Amer.) farm or cattle-ranch; shepherds' hechiceresco, ca, a. relating to witchcraft-
lodge provisions for shepherds
clothes, ; hechiceria, /. witchcraft, witchery, en,
wearing apparel heap, lot, cluster gang, ;
chantment charmingness, fascination. ;

band or meeting of suspicious people. hechicero, ra leh-chi-theh'-io], m. &. f. & a.

haxix hasheesh.
[ak-gix'l, TO. witch, wizard hag charmer, enchanter, ; ;

hay [aii'-«ei, impers. irr. form, from haber ;

bewitcher entrancing, charming, bewitch-

there is, there are. ing, fascinating.

.haya,/. (hot.) beech-tree. heCniZar (eh-<-hi-thar'], va. (pret. HECHIcfi:
hajral, hayedo m. beech forest. » hechice) to bewitch, enchant, en-
hayo, VI. (Sp. Am.) (hot.) coca; coca leaves to charm, fascinate.
trance ;

prepared for chewing. hechizo [ehrhee'-thaw], TO. bewitchment, fasci-

hayuco, m. beech-mast, fruit of the beech. nation trance, enchantment; delight,

haz laiith'l, m. fagot, fascine, bundle, bunch ;

(agr. ) gavel, sheaf; (mil.^ file of soldiers, hechizo, za, a. artificial, feigned; made to
also troops arranged in divisions.—/, face, order ;
portable, easily mounted.

S u in far ; e in eh I ; i in police -,
o in fov ; u fn bull ; C (before e, i) and S as th In thick ; b and d, soft;
hecllO, ChSi, pp. irr. of HACER made, done; Iieli6graf0, m. heliograph.
ready-made, finished ; fully matured, ripe heli6metro, m. heliometer.
or developed accustomed, inured, used.
; heliOSCOpiO, m. helioscope.
»i. ^action, act, feat; fact, event, incident heliostato, m. hellostat.
sutJject or matter discussed ; (law) point heliotropio, heliotrope, m. (bot.) turnsol,
litigated: hecho un Icon, like a lion, furi- heliotrope; (min.) bloodstone; (ast.) helio-
ously angry k lo hecho, pecho, we must
: trope, an instrument.
make the best of what we have done de : helmlnto, a. helminthic. m. helminth,
hecho y de derecho, by act and right de hecho, : worm.
in fact, actually, effectually en hecho da : helveciO, Cia, Helvetian, Swiss. a.
verdad, in truth hecho y derecho, perfect, : lielv6tiC0, ca, a. Helvetic, Swiss (used of
absolute, complete right bien hecho, well ; : persons).
done, all right mal hecho, that's wrong.
: liematemesis, /. (med.) hsematemesis.
becliura,/. making, make, form, cut, shape, hematites,/, (min.) hematites.
fashion, figure or form given to a thing; hematbmetro, m. (med.) hematinometer.
build of a person workmanship work ; ; hematosis,/. (physiol.) hiematosis.
done and price paid for it ; creature, hench- hematuria, /. (med.) hsematuria, blood ia
man. the urine.
hedentina,/. stench, stink, fetidness. hembra, female of animals or plants
heder, vn. {ind. HiEDO subj. hieda) to stink, : woman (sew.) eye of a hook
(mech.) nut ;

to emit an offensive smell to vex, annoy, ; of a screw bolt clasp, staple

; hembra del :

bore. tim6n, (naut.) gudgeon of the rudder.

hediondamente, adv. stinkingly. hembrear, vn. to be inclined to females to ;

hediondez, /. strong stench or stink ; fetid- generate or produce females only, or chiefly.
ness. hembrica, ilia, ita, /. dim. little female.
liediondO, da, a. fetid, mephitical, stinking hembrillSL, /. (mech.) small piece into which
annoying, wearisome, intolerable dirty, ; another is fitted (as a nut, staple, etc.);
repulsive lewd, obscene.; ring or eye-bolt.
liedor, m. stench, stink, fetor. hemiciclo, m. (geom.) semicircle.
liegemonia, /. (pol. ) hegemony, supremacy. hemicranea, .f. (med.) hemicrania, megrim,
hegira, /. Hegira, Mohammedan epoch. hemina,/. liquid and surface measure.
IiegUelianismO [heli-geh-le-ah-nees'-mo], m. He- hemiplejia, /. (med.) hemiplegia.
gelianism. hemiptero, ra, a. hemipterous. m. pi. the
liegueliano, na, a. Hegelian. (Note.—The hemiptera true bugs. ;

h is sounded in this and the preceding hemisf^rico, ca, a. hemispheric, hemi-

word. spherical.
Jielable, a. congealable. hemisferio, m. (geom. and ast.) hemisphere.
lielada, /. frost nip helada blanca, hoar- ; : hemisferoidal, a. hemispheroidal.
frost. hemistiquiO, m. (poet.) hemistich.
heladiZO, za, a. easily congealed. hemoglODina, / (med.) haemoglobin.
lieladO, da, a. & pp. gelid, frigid frozen, ; hemoptisis,/. (med.) haemoptysis.
congealed, frost-bitten, glacial, icy cold, ; hemorragia, /. (med.) hemorrhage, flux of
chilly in affection, indifferent astonished, ; blood.
astounded. m. ice-cream, water-ice. hemorr&gico, a. hemorrhagic.
helamientO, m. congelation, frostiness. hemorroida, hemorroide, /. (med.) piles,
helar, va. & vn. {ind. hielo stibj. hiele) to : hemorrhoids.
congeal, to ice, to turn to ice, to freeze j to hemorroidal, a. hemorrhoidal.
chili, astound, astonish, amaze to dispirit, ; hemorroo, m. (zool.) serpent. V. ceraste.
discourage, dissuade. vr. to freeze, to be hemost^tico, ca, a. hemostatic.
frozen to glacia^te, nip, congeal, to be co-
; henal, m. hayloft.
agulated to grow motionless, to be stupe-
; henar, m. meadow of hay.
fied, dispirited: se me held la aangre, my henchidor, ra, m. &f. filler, satiator.
blood curdled. henchidura, repletion, fill, filling.

hele, hetele, aqui, interj. behold it. V. he. henchimiento, «*. abundance, repletion.
helecho, m. (bot.) fern. pi. (naut.) filling timbers.
lielena,/. (naut.) jack-with-a-lantern. henchir, va. {gerund, hinchiendo ind. :

liel6niC0, ca, a. Hellenic, Greek. HINCHO: pret. el hinchi6: subj. hincha)

helenio, m. (bot.) sneeze- weed. to up, blow, cram, stuff, fill to farce
fill ;

helenismo, m. Hellenism Greek idiom. ;

to sow discord, to produce mischief. vr. to
helenista, m. Hellenist. fill one's self.

heleno, na, a. Hellenic, Grsek. hendedor, ra, m. & /. divider, splitter,

helera, /. pip, disease in fowls. cleaver.
helero, m. snow-cap on mountains. hendedura, /. fissure, crack, rent, chink,
helgado, da, a. jag-toothed. cleft, cranny, crevice, cut.
helgadura, /. space between or irregularity hender, va. (ind. subj. hienda) to hiendo :

of the teeth. chink, crack, flaw, break, fissure, cleave,

heliaco, ca, a. (ast.) heliacal, rising or set- split to go through move swiftly on the
; ;

ting of a star. water or through the air to elbow or open •

h^lice (eh'-iee-tiiehl, /. (ast.) northern constella- a passage through a crowd.

tion of Ursa Major (geom.) helix or helical
hendible, a. fissile, cleavable.
line; spiral; (naut. ) screw-propeller. hendido, da, a. &pp. crannied, full of chinks,
lielioc6ntllCO, ca, a. (ast.) heliocentric. cleft.
helicoidal, a. helicoidal, spiral. hendidura,/. v. hendedura.
helicoide, m. (geom.) helicoid. hendiente, m. down-stroke of a sword.
helic6n, hellcona, m. (myth.) Helicon. henequ6n [eiMieh-keii'i, m. (Mex.) (bot.) Mex-
Iielic6nides, /. pi. (myth.) the Muses. ican agave fibre of this plant.

heliconio, nia, n. (myth.) Heliconian. henil, wt. hayloft, bam.

heliograbado, m. photogravure. heno leii'-iio\ in. (bot.) hay.

g (betore e, 1) and J aa h in hot; h, silent; U ia brllllaat; ft, ny in canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled; s.
henojil, m. garter. liga. V. berida, /. wound ; stab ; aflaiction ; injury,
liefilr [eh-nyeer'], va. {for irr. V. TES'IR) tO outrage, mischief.
knead dough: hay macho que he&ir, (coll.) berido, da, a. & pp. wounded mal herido, -.

there is much to do. dangerously wounded.

hepitica,/. (bot.) liverwort. heridor, ra, a. stabber, wounder, striker.
hep^tiCO, ca, a. (med.) hepatic, hepatical. berimientO, m. act of wounding; (gram.)
heptacordO, m. (mus.) heptachord. conjunction of vowels in a syllable elision. ;

heptagonal, «. (math.) heptagoual. berir, va. {gerund, hiriexoo iud. hiero: :

heptagono, na, a. (geom.) heptagoual. pret. el hirio subj. hiera) to wound, stab

heptarquia, /. heptarchy. to hurt, harm; to shine upon to knock, ;

heptasilabo, ba, «. coutainiug seven sylla- strike, rap to affect, touch, move to finger
; ;

bles. the keys or strings of a musical instrument

heptateuco, m. heptateuch. to otteud the senses ; to pique, to irritate.
heraidica,/. heraldry. bermafrodita, bermafrodito, a. & m.
lierd.ldlC0, ca. i. heraldic. (zool. aud bot.) hermaphrodite, androgyne.
heraldO, w. herald ; harbinger ; king-at- bermafroditismo, m. hermaphroditism.
arms. bermana, /. sister sister-in-law. V. her- ;

her!>&ceO, cea, n. herby, herbaceous. MANO.

herbajar, herbajear, va. to put flocks to bermanable, a. fraternal, brotherly.
graze, to pasture. vn. to pasture, graze, bermauablemente, adv. fraternally.
browse. bermanadO, da, pp. & a. mated, matched.
herbaje [er-tau'-heh], m. herbage, grass, pas- bermanamiento, m. mating, matching,
ture, feed ; pasturage fee coarse cloth ; joining.
made of herbs. bermanar, va. to mate, match, suit, propor-
berbajero, m. one who rents meado>vs or . tion, fellow, pair, harmonize ; to own for a
pastures. brother. vn. to fraternize, join, match,
kerbar. va. to dress skins with herbs. agree. vr. to love one another as brothers.
berbario, ria, a. herbal. m. herbalist, her- bermanastro, tra, m. &/. step-brother, step-
bariau ; herbarium. sister.
herbaza, /. aug. large weed. bermanazgO, m. fraternity, brotherhood.
berbazal, m. herbous place pasture-ground. ;
bermandad, /. fraternity, brotherhood, con-
berbecer, vn. to begin to grow (herbs or fraternity; conformity, resemblance; amity,
grass). friendship : santa hermaadad, ancient rural
berbero, m. esophagus of a ruminant. police and judicial organization in Spain, i.

berbivoro, ra, a. herbivorous. bermanear, va. to treat as a brother.

berbolado, da, a. poisoned with juice of bermanecer, vn. to have a little brother
plants. just born.
berbolar, va. v. rnherbolar. bennanita, /. dim. little sister.
berbolariO, m. herbist, herbman, he who bermanitO, m. dim. little brother.
sells herbs ;
(coll. ) nonsensical, extravagant bermano, na, a. mate, companion, twin
man. matched (speaking of objects) kindred, ;

herborizaci6n, /. herborization, botanizing. germane, akin, similar.

berborizador, berborizante, m. herbalist, bermano, m. brother : hermano carnal,
herbarist, herborizer. brother by the same father and mother:
berborizar, vn. to herborize, botanize. hermano de padre, brother by the same
berbOSO, sa, a. herbous, herby, grassy. father, but not the same mother hermano :

berculeo, ea, a. herculean very strong. ;

ntcrino, brother by the same mother, but
Hercules, m. man of great strength; (ast.) not the same father hermano de leche, fos- :

northern constellation. ter-brother: hermano politico, brother-in-

heredad,/. improved piece of ground ; coun- law: medio hermano, half-brother, step-
try place, farm, property. brother.—jaZ. members of the same religious
heredado, da, w- & landed, owning real
a. confraternity lay-brothers of a religious

estate. m. &/ heir to property. order.

beredamiento, m. landed property, lands, bermanuco, m. name given in contempt to
tenements. lay-brothers of some religious orders.
heredar, va. to inherit, to heir ; to deed prop- bernien6utica, /. (eccl.) hermeneutics.
erty to another to institute as heir to pos-
; ; bermen6utico, ca, a. hermeueutic.
sess the disposition or temperament of the berm^ticainente, adv. hermetically.
progenitors. berm^tlco, ca, a. hermetical, air-proof, air-
heredero, ra, m. &f. heir, heiress, inheritor ;
possessing the same propensities as his pre- bermosamente, adv. beautifully, hand-
decessors heredero forzoso, general heir
: somely, lovely ; perfectly, properly.
heredero presuntivo, heir-apparent. bermoseador, ra, m. &/. beautifier.
heredipeta, m. &/. legacy-seeker. bermosear, va. to beautify, embellish, ac-
hereditariO, ria, a. hereditary entailed on ; complish, adorn.
a family. bermoso, sa, a. beautiful, handsome, grace-
herele [eh-reh'-hehl, m. &f. heretic. ful, lovely, comely, neat, goodly, tine, beau-
berejia [eh-reh-he'-ah], /. heresy gross error ;
teous, fair.
injurious expression la estampa de la here- : bermosnra, /. beauty, handsomeness, fine-
a hideous face.
jia, (coll.^ ness, loveliness, fairness, freshness; har-
berejote, ia, m. &f. (coll.) great heretic. mony of lines and proportions ; a belle, a
Iier6ii, m. (bot.) vetch. beauty.
herencia,/. inheritance, hereditament, heri- bernia,/. (med.) hernia, rupture.
tage, heirship, heirdom. berniariO, a. (med.) hernial.
beresiarca, m. heresiarch. berniOSO, sa, a. (med.) herniated.
heretical, a. heretical. bemlsta, m. specialist in herniotomy.
ber6tiC0, ca, a. heretical. berodiano, na, a. Herodian.
heria,/. life of vagrancy. V. hampa. b^roe leh'-io-eh), m. hero, champion.
a M in ter ; e in eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; m In hmll ; c (before e. 1) and S a« th in thick ; b and d, sottj
HEE •601 HID
heroic amente, adv. heroically. beteromancia,/. superstitious divination by
lieroicidad, /. heroic action. the fligdt of birds.
beroico, ca, a. heroic, heroical. beterbnomo, ma, a. heteronymous.
heroina,/. heroine. beterbpsido, da, a. (metals) in a state of
heroismo, w. heroism. alkaline earth.
lierpe, m. or/, (med.) herpes, tetter. beterosciOS, m. pi. (geog. ) heteroscians.
lierpetiCO, ca, o. (med.) herpetic. betico, ca,a. hectic, hectical, consumptive,
herpetismo, m. (med.) herpetism. betiquez,/. (med.) phthisis, consumption,
lierpil, m. bag or esparto netting with wide bexacordo, m. (mus. ) hexachord.
meshes, for carrying melons, etc. bexaedro, m. (geom.) hexahedron, a cube,
lierrada, a. applied to water in which red- bexagonal, bexigono, na, «. hexagonal,
hot iron has been cooled.—/, pail, bucket. bexagono, w. (geom.) hexagon,
lierradero, m. branding cattle place where ;
bexametro, m. hexameter,
cattle is branded. bexapeda, /. v. toesa.
herrador, m. farrier, horse-shoer. bexasilabO, ba, a. (gram.) containing six
lierradora, /. (coll.) farrier's wife, syllables.
lierradura, /. horse-shoe ; anything shaped bez [eth],/. scum, lee, bottom, sediment, dregs
like a horse-shoe. of liquors ; dross of metals grains of malt

herraj m. stones of pressed olives.

, V. krra j. laliez del pueblo, the scum of the people.
lierraje, m. iron-work, pieces of iron used for pi. heces, faeces, excrements.
ornament and strength. V. herraj. bi [e], m. (obs. ) used for hljo, son, in hidalgo
lierramental) ?«. & a. tool-bag tool-chest. ; and the vulgar phrases hi de puta. hi de pe-
berramieuta, /. tool, implement, instru- rro.
ment set of tools or instruments ; horns of
; biadas, blades, (ast.) v. pl6yades.
a beast (coll.) teeth, grinders.
bialino, na, a. hyaline, transparent.
herrar, va. {ind. hierro : subj. hierre) to bialitis,/. (med.) hyalitis.
shoe horses ; to brand cattle to garnish or ; bial6ideo, dea, a. vitreous, glass-like.
bind with iron. bialoides,/. hyaloid membrane.
berren, m. meslin, mixed grain for horses. biante, «. verse with a hiatus.
ber renal or herreflal, m. piece of ground biatO, in. hiatus, pause, or cacophony.
in which meslin is sown. bibernal, bibernizo, za, a. hibernal, win-
herrera,/. (coll.) blacksmith's wife. try.
berreria, /. iron-works ; smith's shop, bibern6s, sa, a. Hibernian, Irish.
smithy forge smith's trade, smithery
; ;
hibierno, m. winter. V. invierno.
clamour, confused noise. bibridacibn, /. hybridization, hybridism.
berrerico, herrerillo, m. small bird. bibridO, da, a. hybridous, hybrid.
herrero, in. smith herrero de grueto, black- : bice, biciera {in: from hacer).
smith. bidalgamente, adv. nobly, gentlemanly.
lierrerbn, m. clumsy smith. bidalgO, ga, a. noble, illustrious, excellent,
herreruelo, m. (om.) wagtail. exalted. m. & /. hidalgo, noble man or
herrete, m. tag, ferrule, aiguillete. woman hidalgo de bragueta, one entitled to

lierretear, va. to tag a string or ribbon. nobility from being the father of seven suc-
herrezuelO, m. light piece of iron. cessive sons.
lierrlal, a. large black grapes. bidalg6n, na, gote, ta, «i. & /. aug. old
herrin, m. rust of iron. ceremonious hidalgo.
lierrdn, m. quoit; washer; iron prop for bidalgUejo, ja, guelo,la, guete,ta,guillo,
young trees. Ua, in. &/. dim. petty hidalgo.
herronada, /. violent blow with a quoit; bidalgUeZ [e-<lal -setli], bidalgUia [e-dal-gee -ahl,
blow with a bird's beak. /. noDility ; rights of an hidalgo ; nobleness,
berrumbre, /.
rust of iron ; irony taste. liberality.
bermmbroso, sa, a. rusty, drossy, scaly. bidatidiCO, ca, a. (med.) hydatidinous.
berventar, va. to boil anything. bidra, /. (zool.) poisonous serpent hydra, ;

bervidero, m. ebullition, boiling; small fresh-water polyp (ast. ) a constellation ;


spring whence water bubbles out rattling ; (myth.) hydra.

in the throat ; multitude, crowd. bidr^Cido, m. (chem.) hvdracid.
bervlente, pa. boiling, seething. bidragOgO, m. &. a. (med.) hydragogue.
bervir, vn. {for in: V. servir) to boil, to bidrargirido, da [e-drai-iiee -re do], a. resem-
seethe (naut.) to become choppy (the sea)
; ;
bling mercury.
to bubble, eflFervesce, be fervent, vehement bidrargirio, bidrargiro.m. (chem.) mer-
surge (as a crowd). cuiy (hydrargyrum).
bervor, m. ebullition, boiling fervour, heat, ; bidratado, da, a, hydrate(d).
vigour fret noise and movement of wa-
; ; bidratar, va. (chem.) to hydrate,
ters : hervor de sangre, rash. V. sarpulli- bidrato, w. (chem.) hydrate.
DO. bidr^Ulica, /. hydraulics.
bervorOSO, sa, a. fiery, ardent, impetuous. bidrauliCO, ca, a. hydraulical, hydraulic—
besitacibn,/. hesitation, doubt, hesitancv. m. expert in hydraulics.
besp6rlde, besp6rido, da, a. relating to the bidria,/. ancient jar Or pitcher.
Pleiades; (poet.) western.—pZ. hesp^rides, bidrocarburo, m. (chem.) hydrocarbon,
Hespe rides. hydrocarburet.
besperldio, dia, a. (bot.) hesperidium. bidroc6falO, "i. (med.) hydrocephalus,
H6spero, /«. (ast. ) Venus, as evening star. hidroclorato, m. (chem.) hydrochlorate.
beterbclito, ta, a. (gram.) heteroclite; ir- bidrocl6ricO, ca, a. (chem.) chlorhydric.
regular, abnormal. bidrodin^mica,/. hydrodynamics.
beterodoxia,/. heterodoxy, misbelief. bidrodin^mico, ca, a. hydrodynamic.
beterodoxo, xa, «. heterodox. bidrofana, /. (min.) hydrophane.
beterogeneidadj/.heterogeneousness, heter- bidrofllacib, m. great cavern full of water.
ogeneity. bidr6fllO, la, a. water-loving.
beterog^neo, nea, a. heterogeneous. bidrofobia, /. (med.) hydrophobia; rabies.
g(beforee, i)andj ash la hot; h, silent; 11 in brilliant; fi, ny iu canyon ; r (laitial) and rr trUled ; B,
Mdr6fObO, ba, a. suflFering hydrophobia. varilla, round iron : es de hierro, he is iade>
Mdrograla, m. mixture of milk and water. fatigable, or as hardy as steel : machacar es
hidrbgeno. »». (chem.) hydrogen. hierro frio, to labour in vain.
Mdrognosia,/. hydrognosy. hierro, yo hierre {irr. from herrar),
hldrogogia, /. art or science of taking the hiervo, 61 hirvi6, hierva {irr. from her-
level ofwater. vir).
hidrografia, /. hydrography. higa lee'-Kah], /. amulet, charm hung about a
MdrOgr^CO, ca, a. hydrographical. babe's neck ; method of pointing derisively
MdrbgrafO, m. hydrographer. at a person ridicule, derision dar higa la
; :

hidrologia, /. hydrology. escopeta, to hang fire dar higas, to despise :

hldrol6giCO, ca, a, hydrologic. a thing no dar por una eosa dos higas, not

hidromancia, /. hydromancy, to value a thing at all.

hidrom^ntiCO, ca, a. hydromantic. higadilla, /. Ho, m. dim. small liver liver ;

hidromel, hidromiel, vi. hydromel, mead, of birds, fishes, and other small animals.
raetheglin. higadO [ee'-gah-doh], m. li\eT.—pl. (coll.) cour-
Mdrometeoro, m. hydrometeor. age, valour, bravery echar los higadoi, to :

hldrbmetra, m. professor of hydrometry. be very tired or fatigued echar los higado* :

Mdrometria,/. hydrometry. por alguna cosa, (coll.) to desire anxiously :

Mdrdmetro, m. hydrometer, instrument. malos higados, (coll.) ill-will: hasta lot hi-,
hldr6pata, m. (med.) hydropath. gados, to the heart.
Mdropatia, /. (med.) hydropathy, hydro- higate, m. pottage of figs, pork, etc.
therapy. higiene [e-he-eh'-nehl, /. (med.) hygiene.
hidropd.tiCO, ca, a. hydropathic. higi6nicamente, adv. hygienically.
Mdropesia, /. (med.) dropsy. higi6lLiC0, ca, a. hygienic.
Mdrbpico, ca, a. hydropic, hydropical, higienista, m. hygienist.
dropsical. higO (bot.) fig: higo chumba or d«
[ee'-go], TO.
hidroscopiO, m.. hydroscope. pala, prickly pear: pan de higos, fig-cake:
hidrost^tica, /. hydrostatics. de higos k brevas, in a long while : no d&rMl*
llidrOStd.tlcaniente, adv. hydrostatically. un higo, not to care a fig.
hidrost^tico, ca, a. hydrostatical. higrometria, m. hygrometry.
hidrosulfuriCO, ca, a. hydrosulphuric or higrom6trico, ca, a. hygrometric.
sulphhydric. higrdmetro, wi. hygrometer.
hidrotecnia,/. hydraulic engineering. higrOSCOpia, /. hygroscopy, hygrometry.
hidroterapla, /. hydrotherapeutics. higrOSCOpiO, m. hygroscope.
hidroterd.plCO, ca, a. hydrotherapeutic. higuera [e-geh rah], /. (hot.) fig-tree: hlguera
hidrotdrax, /. (med.) hydrothorax, dropsy infernal, castor-oil plant : higuera chomba,
of the chest. nopal, or de Indias, Indian fig-tree, prickly-
lliedra[.veh'-<»i-ai"], /. (bet.) ivy. hiedra terres- pear cactus sal de higuera, V. sal.:

tre, ground ivy. higueral, m. plantation of fig-trees.

hiel gall, bile ; bitterness, asperity
[yaiei, /. : higuereta,/. (hot.) v. bicino.
echar la hiel, (coll.) to labour excessively : hignerdn [e-gay-rone'], TO. large tree in America.
no tener Mel, (coll.) to be meek and gentle. higllitO [e-gee'-to], TO. dim. Small fig.
hiel de latierra,/. (hot.) fumitory or earth- hija [ee'-hah],/. daughter : hija politica, daugh-
smoke. ter-in-law. V. HIJO, JA.
UelO [ya'-ioii', congelation
TO. ice ; frost, ; hijadalgo,/. hidalga. F.
coolness, indifference astonishment, stupe- ; hijastro, tra [e-haiig'-tro], m. &/. step-child.
faction. V. AZUCABILLO punto de hielo, : h^itO, ita le-iiee'-to], TO. & /. dim. little child,
freezing-point. Tittle dear.
hiemal wintry, hibernal.
iya-nmiii'], a. hijo [ee'-ho], TO. son hijo politico, son-in-law. :

hienafya'-nah],/. (zool.) hyena. hijO, ja, m. & f. child, scion young of all ;

hlenda[yMi'-<iaii],/. dung. v. estikrcol. animals; son or native of a place; (bot.)

hlendo, yo Menda {irr. from hender). shoot; sucker; (met.) child, issue, any-
biero, 61 hlll6 {irr. from herir). thing which is the product or effect of
hier^tiCO, ca, a. hieratic, sacerdotal. another hijo adoptivo, adopted child hlJo
: :

Merba lyer'-baiil, /. (hot.) grass, weed, herb ;

de bendici6n, legitimate child hijo bastardo, :

food for cattle, herbage.—/>/. poison given in hijo natural, hijo de ganancia, or hlJo de su
food among the clergy, greens, garden-
; madre, (coll.) bastard: hijo de familia, a
stufT; grass, pasturage otrasMerbas, (hum.) : minor: hijo del agua, a good sailor, a good
and so forth crecer como la mala hierba, to
: swimmer hijo de la piedra, foundling hijo
: :

grow like weeds. K yerba. de leche, foster-child.

hierbabuena,/. (bot.) peppermint, mint. hilOdalgO, VI. V. HIDALGO.
hierofanta, te, m. hierophant. hijuela [e-hoo-eh'-iahl, /. dtm. little daughter
hierogliflco, ca, a. v. jeroglIfico. (sew.) gore or piece for widening a gar-
hieros, yeros.
m.iji. (bot.) V. ment; small mattress, put between others,
Meroscopia,/. v. aruspicina. to make the bed even; (eccl.) pall, chalic*
blerosolimitano, na, «. native of or belong- cover small drain
; estate of a deceased ;

ing to Jerusalem. person (law) schedule ^ven to an heir of


hierrezuelO, m. dim. small piece of iron. nis share in the partition of the estate;
hierro [yer-r..], m. iron auy iron tool or in- ; cross-road postman of a rural mail-route

strument brand, stamped with a hot iron

palm-seed fascine of kindling viiiod leader
; ;

iron head of a shaft, arrow, or dart any ; for fish-hooks.

pointed weapon, as a sword or goad. pi. hiJuelO, la, TO. & f. dim. young child ;
fetters, shackles, handcuffs (naut.) bilboes: ;
shoot, sucker.
hierro albo, red-hot iron hierro colado or : hila, /. row, line. V. hilera tnin gut ;

fandldo, cast-iron hierro forjado, forged

: spinning: hila de agua, small trench for
iron hierro dulce or de ftagna, wrought
: irrigation.—p/. (surg.) lint: hilas raspadat,
iron hierro cuadrillado, square iron hierro
: : scraped lint: k la hila, in a row, single
lamlnado or en planchas, sheet-iron hierro : file.

a u In far ; • in eh I ; i In police : • In for ; a In bull ; c (before e, I) *nd c at th i« tklck ; b and d, soft r

hllacha, /. llilaclio, m. filament or thread hifio, yo hifla {irr. from heSir).
ravelled out of cloth, M6ides, (anat.) hyoid.
hilachOSO, sa, a. filamentous, hipar, to hiccough to pant, desire eager-
V7i. ;

Mlada, /. row or line; (mas.) course, hori- ly, be anxious to be overfatigued.


zontal range, layer, bed-course. Mper, prep. Greek prefix denoting excess,
MladillO, m. ferret silk ; narrow ribbon or hiper 'baton, to, (rhet.) hyperbaton,
tape, Mperbola,/, (geom.) hyperbola,
MladO, pp. & rn. spinning ; spinstry ;
yarn, Mperbole,/. (rhet.) hyperbole.
thread. Iiiperb61icamente, adv. hyperbolically.
hilador, ra, m. &f. silk-spinner. lliperbolico, ca, a. hyperbolical.
hilandera,/. woman spinner, spinster, Mperbolizar, vn. to use hyperboles.
hilauderia, /. spinnery, spinning-mill; spin- hiperboloide, /. (geom.) hyj^erboloid,
stry. Mperbdreo, rea, a. hyperborean.
Mlandero, ra, m. &f. spinner. —m, spinning- hipercritico, ca, a. hypercritical, censo-
room, spinnery. rious.
Mlanderilla, /. dim. spinning-girl. hiperdulia,/. (eccl.) hyperdulia.
hllanderuelO, la, m. & /. dim. spinning boy Mperemia, /. (med.) hypersemia, cougestioa
or girl. of blood.
hilar, va. to spin ; to argue, discuss, infer, de- lliper6iniC0, ca, a. hypersemic, congested.
duce hilar delgado, to handle a subject in
: Mpericineos, as, to, &.j.pi. Hypericacea-.
too subtile and nice a manner. llip6rico, m. (bot.) hypencum.
hilaraclia, /. filament, v. hilacha. Mpermetria,/. (rhet.) hypermeter.
Mlaridad,/. hilarity, laughter, jollity. Mpertrofia, /. (med.) hypertrophy.
hilaza, /. yarn fibre ; uneven thread. ; Mpertrofiarse, vr. to hypertrophy.
hilera,/. row, line, tier, range, file; (metal) Mpertr6fiC0, ca, a. hypertropliic.
wire-drawer fine yarn slit or catch of a
; ; Mpico, ca. a. equine, relating to horses.
spindle; (arch. ) ridge-pole (mil.) file. ;
hipil, TO, (Sp, Am.) loose garment worn by
hilero, m. thread of the river or stream. Indians,
hilete, m. dim. of HILO small thread. ; Mpual, m. kind of serpent said to occasion
llilo [ee'-io], m. thread, yarn filament, fibre ; ;
wire edge of a sword or razor slender
; ; llipn6tiC0, ca, a. &m. (med,) hypnotic.
thread, formed by falling liquids; (min.) Mpnotlsmo, m. (med.) hypnotism, mes-
seam fine thread of spiders or silk-worms
; ;
continuation, series hllo de palomar, hilo : hipnotizar, va. to hypnotize.
bramante or de acarreto, pack-thread, twine hipo TO. hiccough; wish, desire, anx-
hilo de velas or volatin, sail-maker's yarn : iety ; anger, displeasure, fury,
hilo de perlas, string of pearls hilo de una : hipocampo, to, hippocampus, sea-horse.
corriente, (naut.) thread of a current: i. hlpOCaustO, m. hypocaust.
hllo, successively, one after another al : hipocentauro, m. hippocentaur.
hilo, (sew.) along the thread: de hilo, di- MpociclOide,/. (geom.) hypocycloid.
rectly, instantly, Mpocondria, /, (med,) hypochondria, mel-
hUv^n, m. (sew,) tacking, basting : hablar de ancholy.
hilvin, (coll,) to speak very fast, hipOCClldriaCO, ca, a. hypochondriacal,
Mlvanar, va. (sew,) to tack, to baste; to melancholy. to. & /. hypochondriac, mel-
plan to act in a hurry.
; iuicholist.
himen, m. (anat,) hymen. llipoc6ndriCO, ca, a. hypochondriac, hypo-
hlmeneo, m. marriage, matrimony ; epithala- chondriacal.
mium, MpocondriO, hypochondrium.
to. (anat.)
MmenbpterOS, m. pi. (ent,) the hymenoptera, bipocras, m. hippocras, medicated wine.
himno [eem'-no], to, mils.) hymn.
(poet, and bipocr^tiCO, ca, a. Hippocratic.
uimplar, vn. to roar or bellow (as the panther bipocrenides, /.;;/. (poet.) the Muses.
and ounce). bipocresia, /. hypocrisy, dissimulation.
Mn, m. whinny, neigh, bipocrita, a. hypocritical, dissembling, in-
hincadura, /. thrusting into ;
prick. sincere.— to. &/. hypocrite, a dissembler.
hincapl^, m. affirming the foot on the ground: bipbcritamente, adv. hypocritically.
hacer hincapii, to insist ; to dwell upon, bipocritilla, /. dim. sly hypocrite,
hincar va. {nret. HINQUE
[In-car'], subj. HIN- : bipocritbn, na, a. aug. extremely hypocrit-
que) to thrust in, drive into, nail one thing ical or dissembling,
to another ; to prick hincar la rodilla, to : blpod6rmiCO, ca, hypodennic. a.
kneeldown ; to plant hincar el diente, to : bip6dr0II10, to. hippodrome, circus.
biteto censure, to calumniate.
; bipofOSfltO, TO., hypophosphite.
llillc6nlin-con'], m. ferry-post, hitching-post. bipOgastriCO, ca, a. hypogastric.
hincha,/. hatred, displeasure, enmity.
(coll.) bipogastro, m. (anat.) hypogastrium,
hincliaaamente, adv. haughtily, loftily. bipOg^niCO, ca, a. (geol.) hypogene.
MnchadO, da, & pp. swollen, tumefied, a. bipogeo, v«. (arch.) hypogeum.
swelled vain, arrogant, presumptuous in-
, ; bipogrifo, m. (myth.) hippogriff".
flated, high-flown (style), bipomanes, to. (vet.) vaginal discharge
Mnchar [iu-cimi'], va. to inflate, to swell. vr. n^om the mare when in heat.
to swell ; to grow arrogant. hipomocliO, Cll6ll, to. fulcrum of a lever.
hinchazblL, m. swelling, tumefaction osten- ; biponitrato, m. (chem.) subnitrate.
tation, vanity, pride inflation, euphuism, ; biponitriCO, ca, «. hvnonitrous.
Mniesta,/. (bot.) genista. V. retama. bipop6taino, m. (zool.) hippopotamus,
Mnnlble [in-nee' -bieh], a. capable of neighing. bipOSO, sa, «. having hiccough.
hlnojal [e-iio-hahi'], 7ii. fennel bed. bip6stasis, f. (theol.) hypostasis.
hinOjO [e-no'-ho], 7/1, knee (hot,) fennel hinojo ;
: bipostaticamente, adv. hypostatically.
marino, (bot.) samphire: de hinojos, on blpOStatiCO, ca, a. hypostatical.
bended knees. bipOSUlfatO, furo, ntO, m. (chem,) hypo-
Mntero, m. bakers' kneading-table. sulphate, dithionate.

f. (before e, 1) and J aa h In hot ; h, silent ; 11 in briUiant ; &. ay in canyon ; r (initialj and rr triUed ; >, hissed..
llipoteca, /. mortgage, pledge (law) hypoth- ; MtO, ta, a. adjoining (used only for a house
ecation, hypothec. or a street) fixed, firm black (horse).
; ;

Mpotecable, a. mortgageable. m. landmark, guide-post mile-stone hob ; ;

Jlipotecar, va. {pret. HiPOTEQufe subj. Hi- : and quoits; (arti.) target: i. hito, fixedly,
POTEQUE) to hypothecate, pledge, mortgage. firmly mirar de hito en hUo, to fix the eyea

JllpotecariO, ria, a. belonging to a mort- on an object, to stare dar en el hito, to hit :

gage hypothecary.
the nail on the head, to see the point.
iipotenusa, /. (geom.) hypothenuse. Ilit6ll, m. large cut nail.
Ilip6tesis, /. hypothesis, supposition. MZO {from hacer).
Mpot6tiCO, ca, a. hypothetic, hypothetical, hobaclidn, na, a. sluggish, fat, and lazy.
conditional. hocicada,/. blow with the snout of a beast.
Jtlipotiposis,/. (rhet.) vivid description. hOCicar, va. to root (as hogs).—t'w. to fall
Mpsometria, /. hypsometry. headlong with the face to the ground to ;

Mpsom6triCO, ca, a. hypsometric. knock one's face against an object; (coll.)

llipsdilietro, m. hypsometer. to get into difficulties (naut.) to pitch.

hirco [oer'-co], m. (zool.) wild goat. hOCiCO [o-thie'-co], TO. snout, muzzle, muffle
Mrma, /. selvage of cloth. big-lipped mouth of a man ;
pouting ;
MrsutO, ta, a. hirsute, hairy, bristly. the face : meter
stick one's nose
el hocico, to
Mnmdinaria, (hot.) v. celidonia.
/. into some people's business de hocicos, by :

llirviente, pa. boiling, seething, ebullient. the nose upon the face estar con or de hocico, :

Msca [ees'-cah],/.
bird-lime. to be ill-humoured, sulky.
Mscal, m. esparto rope of three strands. hocicudo, da, or hocicdn, na, a. long-
Msopada, /. water sprinkled with an asper- snouted; blubber-lipped, flap-mouthed.
gilf hOCinO, m. (agr.) bill, bill-hook; glen, dell;
Msopear, va. to sprinkle holy water with an narrow gorge or canyon.—^/, gardens on
aspergill. glens.
lliSOpillO, »«. dim. small aspergill bit of soft ; hOCiquillO, itO, m. dim. little snout.
linen at the end of a sticky used to wash and hogaflazo, hogafio, adv. (coll.) this present
refresh the mouth of a sick person; (hot.) year in this epoch.

winter-savory. hogar lo-gar'], m. hearth, fire-place; house,

MsopO, in. (bot.) hyssop; (eccl.) aspergill, residence, home.
asperges, sprinkler hisopo humedo, (pharm.) : hogaza [o-gah'-thah], /. large loafof bread.
grease collected in washing fleeces of wool. llOgliera [o-geh'-rah],/. bonfire, blaze.
Mspalense, a. native of or belonging to Se- hoja [o'-iiah], /. leaf (of trees and plants, of a

ville. book, of a door) petal Ip^f foil, sheet, cr


llispaniCO, ca, Spanish. a. thin plate of rrielai blade of a sword or


tlispanismo, m. Spanish idiom. knifa ; by extension a sword sheet of pa- ;

Mspanizado, da, a. &p^. v. ESPASfoLADo. per ; veneer ; half of each of the principal
Jiispanizar, va. V. espanolizar. parts of a garment ; window shutter ;

Mspano, na, a. Spanish. m. &. f. (poet.) ground cultivated one year, and lying at
Spaniard. rest for another: hoja de 8er-.-icio8, (mil.)
MspidO, da, a. bristly, birsute. certificate setting forth the rank and serv-
Mspir, va. & vn. to swell, make, or become ices of a military officer: hoja de lata, tin-
spongy. plate hoja de tocino, side of a hog hoja de
: :

Mst6riC0, ca, a. hysteric, hysterical. m, estafio, tinfoil hoja volante, fly-sheet, hand-

hyste-Ics. bill, supplement, extra doblemos la hoja, nf>:

llist'Srismo, m. (med.) hysteria. more of that let us change the subject


hlsterotomia, w. (surg.) hysterotomy. volver la hoja, to turn over a new leaf.—pj.

llistologia, /. ranat.) histology. (arch.) leaf ornaments, foliation.
llistOl6giCO, ca, a. histological. hojalata,/. tin-plate, v. hoja de lata.
Ilist6l0g0, ra. histologist. hojalateria, /. tin-plate, tin-ware a tin- ;

Wstoria,/. history tale, story fable ; ; ;

(art) sh^^.
history-piece : dejarse de historiaB, to come ho^alatero, m. tinman, tinsmith.
to the point : plcar en historia, to gain im- tiojaldrado, pp. & a. resembling puff-paste,
portance. lamellar, foliated.
historiado, da, pp. & a. (coll.) excessively hojaldrar, va. to make puff-paste.
adorned; (art) well-composed figure-paint- hojaldre lo-imhi'-dreh], m. X)r/. puff-paste: qui-
ing. tar la hojaldre al pastel, (coll.) to detect any
historiador, ra, wi. & f. historian, histori- fraud, to discover a plot.
ographer, cnronicler. hojaldrista, m. &/. puff-paste baker.
Mstorlal, a. historical, historic. holarasca,/. withered leaves frondage, re- ;

Mstorialmente, adv. historically. dundancy, trash, excessive foliage.

Mstorlar, va. to historify, to record in his- hojear [o-iieh-ar'], va. to turn the leaves of a
tory (art) to represent historical events in
book, to scan a book. vn. to exfoliate, scale
paintings or tapestry. off.
Mst6licamente, adv. historically. hojica, ilia, ita,/. dim. small leaf.
MstdriCO, ca, a. historical, historic. hojoso, sa, hojudo, da, a leafv, fronded.
hlstorieta, /. dim. short story or tale, short hojuela [owiiey'-iah',/. diJH. Small leaf, leaflet
novel or anecdote. pancake gold or silver flat thread for em-

hlstoribgrafO, »«. historiographer, historian. broidery skins of pressed olives.


historidn, m. tedious^ long-winded story. jhola! ititerj. hello! ho, ho! (naut.)hoy ahoy! !

Illstrl6n, m. actor, player; buffoon, juggler. nolan, hOl^n batista, m. cambric batiste. ;

Mstrl6niC0, ca, a. histrionic, histrionical. holanda, /. fine Dutch linen, cambric.

Mstrionisa, /. actress or danseuse. hOland^S, sa, n. Dutch, Ilollandish.
Mstrlonlsmo, m. histrionism theatrical ; holandeta, holandilla, /. brown holland:
profession. tabaco holandiUa, tobacco of poor quality.
Mta iee-tah), /. headless nail, brad, wire-nail holgacli6n, na, a. (coll.) fond of ease and
guide-post. little work.

« 88 in far ; e tn eh t ; i la police ; o In for ; u in bull ; c (before e, i) and z as th In thick ; b and d, loA i

holgadamente, adv. wideiy, amply, fully, hombronazo, to. aug. huge, strong man.
loosely, easily ; quietly, carelessly. bombruno, na, «. mannish, virile.
hOlgadO, da, a. &pp. loose, lax, easy ; large, bomenaje, w. homage obeisance fealty, ; ;

commodious; disengaged, at leisure; well ott'. respect, veneration.

holganza [oiKaim'-tiiaiii,/. repose, rest, leisure, home6pata, to. homoeopath (ist).
ease, quiet diversion, recreation, amuse-
; homeopatia, /. (med.) homoeopathy.
ment, entertainment. homeopiitiCO, ca, a. homoeopathic,
hOlgar vn. {ind. iiuelgo : subj. huel-
[ol-sar'l, homerico, ca, a. Homeric.
gue) to quit work ; to be idle
to rest ; to ; homicida, a. homicidal, murderous. m. &
be needless or useless to take pleasure or ;
f. murderer, homicide.
satisfaction in. vr. to sport, to dally, to tri- bomicidio, to. murder, homicide ; ancient
fle, to idle, to amuse one's self. tribute.
holgaz&n, na
[oi-Kah-thainrj, a. idle, lazy, sloth- homilia,/. (eccl.) homily,
ful, inactive, indolent. w. &/. idler, loiter- — bomiliario, to. collection of homilies,
er, vagabond, lounger. bomilista, to. author or writer of homilies,
holgazanear, im. to idle, to lead an idle life, hominal, a. relating to man.
to be lazy, to loiter, to lounge. bominicaco, to. (coll.) paltry fellow, whip-
holgazaneria, /. idleness, laziness, sluggish- ster.
ness, slothfulness, inactivity, indolence. homocentrico, ca, a. homocentric.
holgoriO [hoi-go"-re-o], m. (coll. ) boisterous frolic hom6fono, na, a. homoplionous.
or spree. bomogeneidad, /. homogeneity, homoge-
holgueta,/. (coll.) feast, merry-making. neousness.
holgnra, /. frolic, spree, merry-making homog^neo, nea, a. homogeneous.
width, breadth ; ease, repose ; laxity, loose- bombgrafO, fa, a. homonymous.
ness. homolOgacidn,./'. (law) homologation,
holocausto, m. holocaust, burnt sacrifice. homologar, va. (law) to homologate.
Il0l6graf0, fa, a. (law) holographic, holo- bom610gO, ga, a. (geom.) homologous (log.) ;

graph. synonymous.
llOl6inetro, m. bolometer. boiinonimia, .f. homonyray.
llOlOSt^rlCO, a. barometro holost^rico, aneroid boni6nimo, ma, a. homonymous, equivocal
barometer. namesake.
holladura, /. trampling duty paid for the ; bonda, /. sling: honda y precinta, (naut.)
run of cattle. parbuckle.
hollar, va. {ind. huello : subJ. huelle) to bondable, (naut.) sou-ndable.
tread upon, trample under foot ; to humble, bondamente, adv. deeply, profoundly,
depress. bondarras, /. pi. dregs, lees, sediment,
bollejo [oi-iyay'-ho], m. grape-skin, bean-pod, bondazo, to. cast or throw with a sling,
peel, husk. bondear, ra. (naut.) to sound; to unload a
hollejuelo, m. dim. small pod or rind. vessel.
hoUin [oi-iyeeu'l, m. soot, lampblack. bondero, to. slinger.
hoUinlentO, ta, a. fuliginous, sooty. bOndijO [on-<lee'-hoJ, TO. sling.
homarraclie, m. clown. V. moharrache. bondillo, to. any of the pieces which forms
hombracllO, m. square thick man. the seats of breeches or drawers.
hombracbbn, m aug.i&ll, square, thick man. bondo, da, a. profound, deep low. ; ni. bot-
hombrada,/. manly action; impulse. tom.
hombrazo lom-brah'-tiiawl, TO. aug. large man. bond6n, to. bottom
glen deep hole
; dell, ;

hombre lom'-brehl, TO. man mankind ; ;

(vulg.) foot-piece of a stirrup eye of a needle. ;

husband ombre, game at cards bombre

; : bondonada,./". dale, ravine, glen.
bueno, (law) arbiter, arbitrator, referee: hom- bondura,/. depth, profundity.
bre de bien, an honest man hombre de cora- : bondureflO, fla, a. of or relating to Hondu-
z6n, a courageous man hombre de pro or de : ras.
provecho, a worthy, useful man hombre de : bonestamente, adv. honestly ; modestly.
negocios, business man hombre de dinero, : bonestar, va. to honour to excuse, palliate. ;

moneyed man hombre aeco, thin and spare : bonestidad, /. honesty, modesty, purity, de-
man hombre de au palabra, a man of his
: cency, decorousness honourableness. ,

word ser muy hombre, to be a man of spirit

: bonesto, ta, a. honest, decent, decorous
and courage hombre de cabeza, a talented
: comely, pure, chaste, virtuous reasonable, ;

man: hombre! an exclamation of surprise

i : just mujer de estado honesto, spinster.

hombre al agua man overboard hombre de

I ! bongo, TO. (hot.) mushroom, fungus; slouch
armas tomar, a resolute man. hat, Derby hat.
hombrear, vn. to assume the man before the honor, w. honour ; reputation, fame, celeb-
time. vn. & vr. to vie with another. rity •
chastity in women.—^Z. dignity, rank,
hombrecico, cito, cillo, zuelo, m. dim. employment; honours, privileges, marts of
little man youth, ;
hombrecillos, (hot.) hops. honorable, a. honourable, illustrious, noble.
hombrera, /. (arm.) pauldron. honor ablemente, adv. honourably, credit-
hombria de bien,/. probity, honesty. ably.
hombrillo, TO. (sew.) yoke of a shirt. honorario, rla, a. honorary. TO. salary, sti- —
bombro, m. shoulder hombro con hombro, : pend, professional fees.
cheek by jowl: encogerse de hombros, to honorincamente, adv. honourably.
shrug up the shoulders 6, hombro or sobre : honorifico, ca, a. honorary, creditable, hon-
lo8 hombroB, on the shoulders llevar en : ourable.
hombros, to support, to protect arrimar el : honra,/. honour, reverence, respect; reputa-
hombro, to work with a will to lend a hand ; : tion, celebrity, fame, glory ; purity, chas-
echar al hombro, to shoulder, to become re- tity in woman ; mark of respect, favour con-
sponsible for mirar lobre el hombro, to cast
: ferred or received.—pZ. honras, obsequies.
a contemptuous look. honradamente, adv. honourably, reputably^
Il011lbr6n, to. aug. big, lusty man, honestly.

g (before e, i) and J as h In hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in caayon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled ; b, hiaaed*
honradez, /. honesty, probity, integrity, hordiate, m. pearl-barley barley-water. ;

fairness, faithfulness. horizontal [o-re-thon-tahr], a. &/. horizontal.

honrado, da, honest, honourable, reputa-
a. horizontalidad, /. horizontality.
ble, just, upright, fair. horizontalmente, adv. horizontally, flatly.
lionrador, ra, a. honourer. horizonte [o-ie-tiion'-teii], m. horizon.
ionramiento, m. honouring. horma, /. mould, model; shoemaker's last;
lionrar, va. to honour, reverence, respect to ; hatter's block; (mas.) dry wall: hallar la
dignify, exalt, glorify to praise, applaud ; ;
horma de su zapato, (iron. ) to meet with his
to do credit, graoe, adorn (com.) to pay a ;
draft. vr. to deem it an honour. hormaza,/. (mas.) dry wall.
lionrilla,/. dim. keen sense of honour or duty, hormazo [»r mair-tiiaw], m. blow with a last or
punctiliousness (usually la negra honrilla), block ; heap of stones ; house and garden.
lionrosamente, adv. honourably, honestly, hormero, m. last-maker.
creditably. hormiga,/. ant, pismire, or emmet; (med.)
lionroso, sa, a. honourable, decent, decorous, itch or cutaneous pruritus : hormiga leon,
creditable. (ent.) ant-lion.
hontanal, m. v. hoxtanar.—y/. feasts of hormigo, m. (min.) sifted ash used in smelt-
the ancients held at fountains. ing quicksilver.—pZ. sweetmeat of mashed
hontanar, m. place abounding in springs. almonds or filberts coarse parts of flour or

hopa, /. long cassock sack of those who are ; ill-ground wheat.

executed for crime. hormig6n, m. concrete hormigcn hidrAulico, :

liopalanda, /. gown worn by students. beton, hydraulic mortar; (vet.) disease of

hopear [o-ixjh-arj, vn. to wag the tail. cattle ;
(bot.) disease of some plants.
hoploteca,/. v. oploteca. hormigOSO, sa, a. formic, formicate, formi-
hopo, ni. bushy tail (as of a fox). cine, foniiicau ; damaged by ants.
hoque [o'-keu], m. treat to close a bargain. hormigueamiento, m. fomiication, itching.
hora, /. hour time, season for doing any-
; hOrmigUear [or-me-geh-ar'], V7l. to itch to ;

thing; death; way made in an hour, a swarm.

league.—/)/, (eccl.) prayer-book: hora men- horniigtiela[or-nie-gweh'-iah],/. dim. small ant.
guada, fatal moment 4 la hora de esta or & : hormigueo [or-me-Keh'-o], m. formication, itch-
la hora de ahora, (coll.) at this moment: k ing.— ?/i. ant-hill or hillock, formicarium ;
ultima bora, at the last moment: & buena swarm of people or little animals; (orn.)
hora, at a seasonable time i. la hora, at the : wry-neck.—^/. piles of weeds covered with
nick of time then en hora buena, it is well
; : earth and burned to serve as manure.
vete en hora mala, (coll.) begone, get out of hormiguero, ra a. relating to the itch.
my sight per hora, each hour por boras, by
: : hormiguita,/. dim. small ant.
instants i que bora es ? what time is it ?
: hormiguillar, va. (min.) to mix grains of
hora, adv. now, at this time, at present. silver with salt.
horadable, a. capable of being pierced. honniguillo [or-me-geei'-iyo], ?7J. (vet.) distem-
lioradacibn, /. perforation ; Isoring, pierc- per which affects the hoofs of horses ; people
ing, tunnelling. ranged in a line, who pass materials or loads
horadado, pp. & m,. silk-worm's cocoon bored from hand to hand; (Mex. ) spicy sirup;
through. almond sweetmeat (min.) amalgamating ;

horadador, ra, a. &m. &f. perforator, borer, mixture.

burrower. hormilla, /. dim. small last ; button-mould
lioradar, va. to perforate, burrow, bore, or core.
pierce. hornaheque, m. horn-work. (fort.)
horado, m. hole bored through ; cavern, hornahlenda,/. (min.) hornblende.
grotto. hornacero, m. person who watches crucibles
horambre, m. hole in the cheeks of mills. with silver and gold in the furnace.
liorarlo, ria, a. horary, horal. m. hour- hornacina, /. (arch. ) vaulted niche.
hand of a clock or watch. horuacho, m. shaft of a mine furnace for ;

Uorca, /. gallows, gibbet; (agr.) hay-fork, casting statues.

pitchfork forked prop for trees or vines

hornachuela,/. cave or hut.
yoke for dogs or hogs sefior de horca y cu- : hornada, /. batch, bread baked at one time.
chillo, lord of the manor, invested with civil hornaguear [or-nau-geh-ar'], va. to dig for coal.
and criminal jurisdiction within his estate ;
hornaguera [or-nah-geh'-rah], /. pit-coal, hard
rope or string of onions or garlic, coal.
horcadO, da, a. forked, forky. hornaguero, ra, a. wide, spacious coaly. ;

horcadura, /. fork of a tree. hornajC [or-nah'-heh\ m. fee

for baking.
horcajadas (k) or fi, horcajadillas, adv. hornaza for-nah'-timh], /. jewellers' furnace
astride, astraddle. (art) light yellow colour yellow glazing. ;

horcajadura, /. fork formed by the two homazo, m. Easter cake ornamented with
thighs. eggs Easter present given to preacher.

liorcajo [or-cah'-ho], m. yoke or collar for hornear, va. to carry on the trade of a baker.
mules in oil-mills, the Y-shaped division of
; homeria, /. trade of a baker.
the beam fork or confluence of two streams.
; hornero, ra, ?». &f. baker.
liorcate, m. (sad.) hame. hornija [or-uee'-iiah],/. brushwood for heating
borco, m. rope or string of onions or garlic. the oven.
Il0rc6n, m. forked pole to support the hornijero, m. person who supplies the oven
branches of fruit-trees. with fuel.
horcliata, /. orgeat: horchata de chufas, hornllla [or-neer-iyah], /. grated chamber in a
water-ice made of chufas. masonry kitchen-range compartment in a ;

liorchateria,/. place where horchata is made pigeonry for nesting nest-pan. ;

and sold. hornillO, m. dim. portable furnace, range or

horcliatero, ra, m. A, f. maker or seller of stove; (min.) blast-hole; (mil.) fougade:
horchata. homillo de atanor, athanor, self-feeding fur-
horda,/. horde, clan, tribe. nace.

aM in far ; e la eh 1 ; i la police ; o ta for ; u ia bull ; c (before e, i) aaU z as th in thick : b and d, soft

honiitO, m. (Mex.) mud-volcano. bOSpedador, ra, »'• & f. one who kindly euv
homo,/", oveu, kiln, furnace; cavity in which tertains guests and strangers.
bees lodge homo dc ladrillo, briclc-kiln

bospedaje, m. lodging price paid ;
for lodg-
homo de cal, lime-kiln homo de reverbero : ing.
or boliche, Spanish furnace alto homo, blast- : bospedamiento, m. lodging.
furnace homo castellano, Castilian furnace
: . bospedar, va. to lodge, give lodging, har-
homo de caicinacion, calcining furnace bour. vn. & vr. to lodge or take lodgings;
homo de copela, cupelling or cupellation fur- to stop at, reside.
nace homo de manga, cupola furn<ace.
: bospederia, /. hospice; hostel in universi-
horometria, /. horometry. ties ; hostelry, inn spare room, guest- ;

Il0r6n, m. large round hamper or frail. room lodging. ;

liorbpter, hordptero, m. (opt.) horopter. bospedero, ra, m. & /. host; innkeeper;

horopt6rlco, ca, a. horopteric. hosteller.
llor6scopO, m. horoscope. bosplclano, na, m. & f. poor person who
borqueta [or-keh'-tah], /. dim. forked pole lives in a house of charity.
(naut.) outrigger. hospicio [o8-pee' thie-o], m. hospitium, hospice ;
horquilla [or-keer-iyah], /. forked pole, pitch- poor-house; house of correction; orphan
fork, croom hair-pin; double-pointed
; asylum.
tack disease which causes the hair to
; hospital, m. hospital, infirmary: hospital de
split upper extremity of the sternum
; sangre, (mil.) field hospital.
wish-bone; (surg.) fourchette ;
(mil.) fork- bospltalario, ria, a. hospitable. --»i, hospi-
rest (naut.) oar-lock; (vet.) frog of a
horse's foot.—p^. (naut.) crutches, curbs: hospitalero, ra, m. & f. manager of a hos-
horquillas de dar faego, breaming-forks. pital hospitaller; any hospitable person.

horrendamente, adv. dreadfully. hospitalidad, /. hospitality, hospitage hos- ;

horrendo, da, a. dreadful, hideous, horrible, pitableness stay and assistance in an hos-

grim, awful. pital.

horreo, m. barn, ;
granary, built upon hospitalito, m. dim. small hospital.
pilasters. hospitalmente, adv. hospitably.
liorrero, m. keeper of a granary. hostal, TO. hostelry, inn. V. hosteria.
liorribilidad, /. horribleness, dreadfulness. bostalero, m. inn or tavern-keeper, host.
horribilisimo, a. super, most horrible. bostelero, ra, tn. & f. innkeeper, tavern-
horrible, «. horrid, awful, dreadful, hideous, keeper.
horrible, heinous. hosteria,/. inn, tavern, hostelrj'.
horrlblemente, adv. horribly, heinously, bostia, /. host, victim; (eccl.) host; sugar
horridly. wafer.
horridez, /. horridness, dreadfulness. hostiario, to. (eccl. ) wafer-box.
hbrridO, da, a. horrid, horrible, hideous. hostiero, to. person who prepares the host.
horrifiCO, ca, a. (poet.) horrific, awful. hostigador, ra, a. harasser, chastiser.
Il0rripilaci6n,/. dread, fright ; (med.) hor- hostigamiento, to. chastisement, vexation.
ripilation. hOStigar, va. {pre/. HOSTIGUE : subj. hosti-.
bOrripilante, pa. horrifying, harrowing. gue) to lash, scourge, chastise;
to vex,
horripilar, va. to make one's hair stand on trouble, harass ; to gall, to bore.
end with fright; to horripilate to inspire ; hostigo, TO. lash weather-beaten wall; beat-> ;

horror. vr. to feel horripilation. ing of rain and winds against a wall.
horripilatiVO, va, a. (med.) horripilating. hostil, a. hostile, adverse, inimical.
borrisono, na, «. (poet.) horrisonous. hostilldad,/. hostility, enmity, antagonism ;

borro, ra, a. enfranchised ; free, disengaged, armed aggression.

said of sterile ewes, mares, etc. hostilizar, va. (prei. wosrivid: subj. hosti-
horror [or-ror'J, m. horror, consternation, lice) to commit hostilities.
fright dread, hate, abhorrence
; horrid- ; bostilmente, adv. hostilely.
ness, enormity, hideousness, grimness, hotel, TO. (neol.) hotel ; villa, mansion.
frightful ness. bOtentOte, ta, m.&f.& a. Hottentot.
horrorizar [or-ro-re-thar'l, va. to cause horror, hovero, ra, overo.a. v.
to terrify. vr. to be terrified. hoy [ofc'-e], adv. to-day now, the present time ;

horrorosamente, adv. horribly. hoy dia or hoy en dia, nowadays hoy por hoy, :

borroroso, sa, a. horrible, horrid, hideous, this very day de hoy en adeiante or de hoy

frightful, dreadful ; (coll.) very homely. . m&s, henceforward, in future de hoy ma- : it,

horrura, /. filth, dirt, scoria, dross. fiana, before to-morrow when you least ex- ;

hortaliza, /. garden stuff, vegetables. pect it.

hortatorio, ria, a. V. exhort atorio. hoya[oh'-yah1,/. hole, cavity, pit ; pitfall the ;

hortecillo, m. dim. small garden. grave ; valley, dale, glen bed of a river. ;

hortelana, /. gardener's wife. hoyada,/. low dale.

hortelano, na, a. hortensial. — ni. gardener, boyanca,/. potter's field in cemeteries.
orchardist, horticulturist; (orn.) ortolan. hoyitO, dim. small hole, cavity, or pit.
hortense, a. hortensial. boyo TO. hole, pit, excavation
[o'-yo], dent, ;

bortensia,/. (bot.) hydrangea. indention, hollow pock-mark the grave. ; ;

hortera, /. wooden bowl. m. in Madrid, dry- hoyoso, sa, a. pitted, full of holes.
goods clerk. boyuela. /. dim. of hoya hollow in the neck ;

hortiCldtor, ra, m. &f. horticulturist. under Adam's apple.

hortiCUltura, /. horticulture, gardening, hoyuelo roii-yoo-eu'-io], to. rfm. of hoyo ; little
orcharding. hole ; dimple a boy's play.

horuelo, TO. common ; meeting-place for bOZ [<>th], /. reaping-hook

sickle, : defile, ra-
young people. vine ; narrow pass de hoz y de : coz, (coll.)
hosanna, m. hosanna. (eccl.) headlong.
bosco, ca, a. dark-coloured (s\s a mulatto) ;
hozadero, to. place where hogs root.
sullen, gloomy. hozadura,/. rooting (as hogs).
hOSCOSO, sa, a. crisp, rough. bozar lo-timr'], ta. to root (as hogs).

S (before e, 1) and J aa h in hot ; h, silent ; II in brilliant ; fi, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; s, hlaaed.
huaca /. (Peru) ancient Indian tomb. easy huevos de faltriqaera, candied yolks of

buacal [oo-ah-c»hi'], m. crate ; (Mex. ) hurdle- eg^ huevoB estrellados fried eggs huevot
: :

basket. pasadoB por agua, soft-ooiled eggs huevoi :

lluaCO, m. idol found in huacas. escalfados, poached eggs hnevos hilados, :

liuaquero [<H)-ah-keh'-ro], m. (Peru) pitcher thread-like sweetmeat made of eggs and

found in huacas. sugar huevos moles, yolks of eggs, made up

huasca,/. (Peru) whip, lash. with pounded almonds and sugar: huevos
Imcha, /. large chest money-box toy bank ; ;
revueltos, scrambled eggs huevos y torreznos, :

savings. collops and eggs sorbete or chnpate ese


huchear, cry out, call.

va. to hoot, shout, huevo, (coll.) put that in your pipe and
i hUChohO !
[oo'-cho-<j;, mterj. used to call birds. smoke it.
liuebra, /. ground ploughed in one day by a hugonote, ta, m. &/. & a. Huguenot.
yoke of oxen pair of mules with a plough-
huida ;o<)ee'-(iah],/. flight, escape ; outlet.
man hired or let out for a day's work. huidero, m. cover, shelter labourer ; in quick-
huebrero, m. day-labourer who ploughs with silver-mines.
a pair of mules one who lets out mules by ; huidizo, za, fugitive, fleeing. a.
the day. huir vn. vr. {gerund, HUYENDO:
[oo-eer'], &
hueca [weh'-cah], /. notch of a spindle. ind. HUYO:
pret. 61 huy6: subj. huya) to
liueco, ca, a. hollow, empty, concave; vain, flee, to escape : to run away, elope ; to slip
ostentatious; resonant, inflated: voz hueca, away, flit away, fly ; to shun, avoid ; dis-
sonorous and hollow voice soft, spongy (as ; appear, scatter.
ground or wool). m. hollow, gap, hole, hule foo-ieh], m. oil-cloth, oil-skin ; (Sp. Am.
void, break notch or nick of a wheel in-
; ; India-rubber.
terval of time or place office or post vacant. ; hulerc, m. rubber-gatherer.
Iiu61fag0 [wei'-fah-go], m. difficulty of breath- hulla, /. pit-coal, bituminous or soft coal.
ing in beasts. hullero, ra, a. containing or pertaining to
huelga [wei'-gaii], /. rest, repose, leisure, re- soft coal.—/, colliery.
laxation from work strike recreation, ; ; humada, /. v. ahumada.
merry-making; (agr.) lying fallow (mech.) ;
liuinanamente, adv. humanely, Kindly,
windage. mercifully humanly eso humanamente no
; :

liuelgo [wei'-go], m. breath, respiration se puede hacer, that cannot possibly be done.
(mech.) windage room, space tomar huel- ; : humanar, va. to humanize, to soften. vr. to
go, to take breath. become man, applied to the Son of God.
liuelgo, yo liuelgue {irr. from iiolgar). humanidad, /. humanity, humankind, man-
huella iwer-iyah /. track, footstep, footprint;
kind human weakness benevolence, ten-
; ;

tread trampling stair-tread, tread-board ;

; ; derness, kindness, benignity; (coll.) cor-
impression trace, vestige, trail.
; pulence, fleshiness. pi. philology, gram-
liuello, m. treading lower part of an ani- ; matical studies.
mal's hoof. humanista, m. & f. humanist, philologer,
huello, yo huelle {irr. from hollar). grammarian.
llUequecitO [weh-Ueh-tlile'-to], m. dim. small humanitariO, ria, a. humanitarian, philan-
cavity or space. thropic.
liu6rfago, m. (vet.) V. hu^lfago. humanizar, ta. & vr. V. humanar.
huerfanito, ita, m. &f. dim. little orphan. liuiuano, na, a. human humane, kind, mer-

llu6rfano, na [wer'-fah-noU], m. & f. & a. or- ciful, benevolent. m. man.

phan. humarazo, m. V. humazo.
liuero, ra [wei>'-ro], a. empty, addle, void; humareda, /. great deal of smoke.
(Mex.) fair, blonde. luimazga, /. hearth-money, fumage.
huerta [werr-tah], /. large vegetable or kitchen humazo [oomah'-tiio], m. dense smoke.
garden irrigated laud.
; humeante, pa. smoky, fuming, fumant.
huertezuela,/. dim. small kitchen-garden. humear, m. to smoke, emit smoke, fumes, or
huertezuelO, in. dim. small orchard. vapours. va. (Amer.) to fumigate.
liuerto, m. orchard, fruit-garden. Iiumectaci6n, /. humectation, dampening;
liuesa [weh'-sahl, /. grave, sepulture. (med.) action of fomentations.
Imesarrbn [weu-sar-roir], m. aug. large bone. humectante, />a. (med.) moistening.
hUeSeCiCO, illO, itO [weh-seh-thle'-co], m. dim. humectar. va. (med.) to moisten, to wet.
little bone. humectativo, va, a. humective.
hueso [weii'-8o], m. bone; -stone, core; part of humedad, /. humidity, moisture, dampness,
a limestone which remains unburnt in the nioistuess.
kiln drudge, drudgery &haeso, (mas.) dry
; : humedal, m. humid soil, a marsh.
stone la sin hueso, (coll.) the tongue.
: humedecer [oo-mch-deh-therr'], fa. {ind. HUME-
llUesOSO, sa, a. bony, osseous. DKZco : suhj. humedezca) to moisten, wet,
huesped, da [weiis'-pedi, m. & /. guest, lodger dampen.
soak, steep,
liost, innkeeper, tavern-keeper. humedo, da, a. humid, wet, moist, damp,
hueste,/. host, army in campaign.—p^. hosts, humera,/. (coll.) fit oi drunkenness,
armies. humeral, a. (anat.) humeral,
huesudo da, a. bony, having large bones. humero, m. (anat.) humerus,
huevaiweh'-vahi,/. spawn of tishes, roe. humero, m. smoke-pipe, chimney-flue, fun-
huevar [weh'-vari, vn. to lay eggs. nel, shaft of a chimney.
huevecico, illo, Ito, zuelo, /. dim. small humido, da, a. damp. V. hOmedo.
egg- humildad, /. humility, modesty, meekness;
huevera, /. ovarium of birds; egg-stand, lowliness, meanness ; submission.
egg-cup. humilde, a. humble, modest, submissive,
huevero, ra, m. &f. dealer in eggs. meek low, base, ignoble.

huevo [weh'-vg], m. egg; (shoe) hollow piece humlldemente, adv. humbly, submissively
of wood for shaping the sole huevo de Col6n : modestly, meekly.
or de juanelo, anything which appears diffi- Iiumillaci6n, /. humiliation, submission
cult to do, but when tried and known seems abjectuess, humbling.

Au in far ; e in eh I ; i in pollci ; o in for ; u in bull : e (before e, 1) and K u th in thick ; b and d, soAi

humilladero, m. road chapel or shrine, separate to plagiarize hurtar el cuerpo, U
; :

humillador, ra, m. &f. humiliator. flee, vr. to withdraw, to hide, move away,
humillante, ;9a. & a.- humiliating, humbling, hurtO, m. theft, jobbery, stealing ; the thing
indecorous, unbecoming, degrading, stolen; (min.) driftway, heading: 4 hurto.
humillar, va. to humiliate, humble, lower by stealth,
to bend, to bow to humble, crush, subdue,
; husada,/, spindleful of yarn.
degrade, depreciate, frown down. vr. to husar, TO, (mil.) hussar.
humble one's self, husero, m. beam of an antler.
huinillo, m. dim. thin smoke or vapour husUlero, m. one who attends the spindle iik
vanity, petty pride disease of sucking pigs, ; oil-mills.
humita,/. (Peru) cake of maize and sugar, husillo, rn. dim. small spindle (mill) wheel- ;

humo [oo'-nio], m. smoke vapour, steam, ; spindle or shaft ; screw-pin.—/^/, drains.

fume.—/)/, families or houses in a town or husita, m. Hussite.
village vanity, haughtiness, presumption.
; husma, andar & la husma, (coll.) to explore itt
humor [oo-nu.r], m. humour, blitheness, dis- a prying manner.
position (med. ) humour buen humor, good-
: husmeador, ra, m. & /. scenter, smeller,
nature, jovial disposition mal humor, ill- : prier.
temper estar de buen humor, to be in good-
: husmeadorcillo, 11a, m. & /. dim. little
humour, to be gay. smeller ; little prier.
humorada,/, pleasant joke, witty saying, husmear, va. to scent, to smell, to wind;
humorado, da, a, full of humours well or ; (coll.) to pry, peep, nose about.— rw. to be-
ill disposed. come tainted, gamy, or high (meat).
humoral, a. humoral. husmeo, m. scenting, smelling prying. ;

humorciCO, illo, itO, m. dim. little temper. husmo, m. taint of meat estar al husmo,. :

humoristico, ca, a. merry, humorous, face- (coll.) to be upon the scent; to watch a
tious. favourable opportunity.
humorosidad, /. copiousness of humours. huso [oo'-8o], VI. spindle ; cop-tube ; bobbin ;
humoroso, sa, a. watery, containing fluid. drum of a windlass.
humoso, sa, «. smoky, fumy, huta,/, hut, huntsman's blind,
humus [oo' moos], m. vegetable mould humus, ; hutia [oo-tee'-aii], /, Cuban rat.
hundible, a. sinkable, i huy ! foo'-e], interj. of surprise, astonishment,,
hundlmientO, m. submersion, immersion, or grief.
sinking; downfall, collapse, cave-in,
hundir loon-fUrr'l, va. to submerge, immerge,
sink;stave in, crush, overwhelm, beat
down pull or bear down, destroy, ruin to
; ;

refute, confound. vr. to sink, fall down,

crumble, collapse; (coll.) to hide, to lie i [ee], tenth letter of the Spanish alphabet,
hid not be found.
; sounded like the English long e or like I in
htmgaro, ra, a. Hungarian. machine,
hUHO, na [oo'-nol, a. Hun. m. pi. the Huns, ih^rlco, ca, iberio, ria, a. Iberian,
hupe foo' peh], /, punk, touchwood, amadou. ibero, ra, m. &/. & a. native of or belonging
hura loo'-raii],/. carbuncle on the head. to Iberia,
huracd,n, m. hurricane, cyclone. ibice, m. ibex, kind of goat,
huraflamente, adv. intractable. ibidem, Latin word, meaning in the same
hurafleria, huraflia,./". intractability. place.
hurailO, fla, a. shy, diffident intractable. ; ibis, /. (orn, ) ibis, wading bird.
hUrgar [oor-Kar'l, va. {prei. HURGUK subj. : ib6n, m. lake or basin on the slopes of the
hurgue) to stir, to poke to stir up, excite ; . Pyrenees.
peor es hurgallo, let well enough alone. icaco, m. (hot.) West Indian cocoa-plum.
hurgbn, m. poker, fire-rake ; (coll.) thrust in icnografla, /. (arch.) ichnography, ground-
fencing. plan.
hurgonada,/, poking the fire ;
(coll.) thrust icnOgr&fiCO, ca, a. ichnographical.
with a sword, iconoclasta, «*. iconoclast, image-breaker.
hurgonazo, m. blow with a poker; (coll,) iconografla, /. iconography,
thrust with a sword, iCOnogr^fiCO, ca, a. iconographical.
hurgonear, va. to poke the fire; (coll,) to icon6Iatra, m. iconolater.
make thrusts with a poker or a sword. iCOnolOgia, /. (art) iconology.
hurgonero, w, fire-poker. iconbmaco, a. v. iconoclasta.
hUnioo-ree'],/. houri. iconostario, m. (eccl.) iconostaris.
hurdn, na, m. & f. (zool.) ferret (coll.) fer- ;
icor, m. (surg.) gleet, ichor, watery humour.
prier.—a. cold-hearted, loveless, shy.
reter, icoroso, sa, a. ichorous, serous.
Intractable, disdainful. icosaedro, m. (geom.) icosahedron.
huronear, va. to hunt with a ferret ; (coll. ictericia, ./. (med.) jaundice.
to pry, to ferret out secrets, ictericiado, da, ict6rlco, ca, a. icterical,
huronera, /, ferret-hole; (coll,) lurking- jaundiced.
place small dark room,
; ictineo, m.. submarine vessel.
huronero, ni. ferret-keeper, icti6fagO, ga, a. fish-eating.—w. &f. ichthy-
Ihurra interj. hurrah ! !
hurraca,/, (om.) magpie, ictlOlOgia, /. ichthyology.
hurtadillas (6,), adv. by stealth, slyly, art- ictiOl6giCO, ca, a. ichthyologic.
fully, privately, unbeknown. icti6l0g0, m. ichthyologist.
hurtadineros, m. money-box, toy bank. ictiOSauro, m. ichthyosaurus.
hurtador, ra, m. & f. robber, thief, ida [ee'-dahl, /. departure, outgoing impetu- ;

hurtagua, /. watering-pot, osity rash proceeding

; sally trail of ; ;

hurtar, va. to steal, rob, make away with game Ida del humo, departure never to re^

to cheat in weight or measure to eat away ; turn:, Idas, frequent visits: en dos Idas y
land (aa the sea or a river) ; to alienate. venidas, (coll.) in a jiffy ida y vuelta, out :

ff (before e, 1) and J *a b In hot; h, silent; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled ; , biised
and home, round-trip, excursion : j la Ida ignorancia, /. ignorance.
del cueryo he's off, good riddance
\ ! ignorante, pa. & a. ignorant, stupid, un-
idea [e-deii-aii'J, /. idea, notion, conception learned, uninstructed. m. ignoramus.
contrivance, design, intention, plan, proj- ignorantemente, adv. ignorantiy.
ect, scheme thread of a discourse model,
; ; ignorantdn, na, a. auy. grossly ignorant.
example; genius, talent; fancy, conceit, ignorar, «•«. to be ignorant of, not to know.
judgment, opinion impression ; brief out- ; ignOtO, ta, a. unknown, undiscovered.
line, suggestion. igorrote, m. (Philip.) name of a savage tribe
Ideal [e-deh-aiii], a. ideal, mental, intellectual, of the island of Luzon, and of their language.
imaginary, notional. m. an ideal. igual le-^wahi'l, a. equal, similar, alike; fel-
idealldad,/. ideality; the ideal. low, coequal; level, even, flat; uniform,
idealismo, wj. idealism. equable; constant, firm, unchangeable, con-
Idealista, «. & »i. &/. idealistic. sistent. m. the sign of equality, viz. = en :

Idealizav, va. to idealize. igual de, instead of, in lieu of: al ignal,
idealmente, adv. ideally, intellectually. equally no tiene igual, he has not his like

idear, va. to form or conceive an idea to ; it is matchless por igual or por un igual,

think, Contrive, invent, imagine, plan, equally, with equality sin igual, not to be :

scheme, meditate. equalled, matchless me es igual, it is all the :

ideni; pron. (Lat.) idem, ditto, the same. same to me.

identicamente, adv. identically. Iguala, /. agreement, convention, stipulation,
identiCO, ca, a. identic, identical, congener- contract, commutation equalizing, equal-, ;

ous, the same. ling; (mas.) level; stipend or gratuity on

Identidad, /. identity, sameness, identical- agreement & la iguala, equally. :

ness. igualacibn, /. equalling, equa'lizing, equal-r

tdentlficacldn, /. identification. ization, levelling; matching; agreement,
identificar, va. {pret. identifiqu6: subj. stipulation, contract; (math.) equation;
identifique) to identify. vr. to identify (carp.) counter-gauge.
one's self with. igualado, da, pp. & a. equalled (said of birdi
Ideo, ea, «. belonging to Mount Ida. with even plumage).
ideografia, /. ideography. igualador, ra, m. & /. equalizer, leveller,
ideografico, ca, a. ideographic. eveuer.
Ideologia, /. ideology. igualamlentO, m. equalizing, equalization,
ldeol6giCO, ca. a. ideological. levelling.
ideblogo, m. ideologist. igualar, i^a. to equalize, match, mate, pair:

IdiliCO, ca, a. idyllic. to even, smooth to size, face, adjust, fit to ; ;

Idilio, m. (poet.) idyl, pastoral poem. hold in equal estimation to flatten, level, ;

idioma, ?». language, dialect, idiom, par- make even (as roads or fields) to adjust ;

lance. differences, to agree upon. vn. to be equal.

Idlomatico, ca, a. idiomatic, proper to a —
vr. to place one's self upon a level with
language. others.
iosinc idiosyncrasy. igualdad, /. equality, similitude; conform-
idiOSincr^siCO, ca, a. idiosyncratic. ity, consimilitude, likeness leveluess, even-
—m. &

IdiOta, a. idiotic, foolish, nonsensical. ness regularity, uniformity

igualdad de :

a fool.
f. idiot, inimo, evenness of mind ; constancy, equa-
idiotez,/. idiotism, silliness, idiocy, bility, equanimity.
idiotismo, m. idiocy, folly, imbecility igualmente, adv. equally, uniformly, evenly;
idiom, idiotism. likewise ; constantly.
id61atra, a. idolatrous heathen, paganish. ; igUeina,/. (zool.) iguana, kind of lizard.
in. idolater; (coll.) ardent lover. iguanodonte, »«. iguanodon.
idolatradamente, adv. idoiatrously. igiiedO le-gweh'-do], in. buck. V. CABRON.
idolatrar, va. to idolatrize to idolize. ; ijada[e-hair-<iah],/. flank (of an animal) pain ;

idOlatria,/. idolatry; inordinate love. in the side, colic: tener su ijada, (met.) to
idolktriCO, ca, a. idolatrous, idolish. have a weak side.
idolo, III. idol; (coll.) person or thing ex- Ijadear, vn. to pant, to palpitate.
travagantly loved. flar [e-iiar'], m. flank. V. ijada.
idololog^a, /. science dealing with idols. llacidn,/. inference, illation, conclusion.
idoneidad,/. aptitude, fitness, capacity. ilatiVO, va, a. illative.
ld6neo, nea, «. fit, convenient, proper, meet. ilegal, a. illegal, unlawful.
idUS i<-e -ti^os], m. ides. ilegalidad. /. illegality, unlawfulness.
iglesla, /. church temple ecclesiastical
; ; ilegaimente, adv. illegally, lawlessly, ua-
state ; clergy, chapter ; diocese ; right of lawfully.
immunity enjoyed in churches. llegible [e-ieh-he'-bieh], a. illegible.
ignaro, ra, «- ignorant, unlearned. ilegitimamente, adv. illegitimately, foully.
ignavia,/. idleness, laziness, carelessness. ilegitimar, ra. to illegitimate.
igneo, ea, a. igneous, fiery. ilegitimidad, /. illegitimacy.
ignicion,/. ignition, setting on fire. llegitimo, ma, a. illegal, unlawful ; illegiti-
ignifero, ra, igniferous, iguifluous.
a. mate, unlawfully begotten.
Ignipotente, ) ignipotent.
a. (poet. ileo [e'-ieh-o], m. (med.) ileus, iliac passion.
ignito, ta, a. ignited, in named, red-hot. ileon, m. (an at.) ileum.
ignivomo, ma, a. (poet.) vomiting fire. lleso, sa, a. unhurt, harmless, sound.
ignografia, /. v. icNOGRAPiA. iliaco, ca, a. iliac, relating to the ilium be- ;

ignominia, /. ignominy, infamy, disgrace. longing or relating to Ilium or Troy.

Ignominiosamente, adv. ignominiously, op- iliberal, a. illiberal.
probriously, disgracefully. llicineo, a, a. (hot.) ilicineous.
ignominiOSO, S£L a. ignominious, oppro- ilicltamente, adv. illicitly, forbiddenly.
brious, reproachful, disgraceiul. llicitO, ta, unlawful.
a. illicit,
IgrnoradO, da, a. & pp. unknown, occult, llimitado, da, unlimited, boundless, lim«
faraeless. itless ; unconditional.

ft a* in far ; e in eh I ; i In police ; o In for ; u in bull : c (l)erore e, i) and z as th in thick b -o-* d. toftf

ilion, WJ. (anat.) ilium, imantacibn, /. magnetization.
lliquido, da, «. unliquidated. imantar, va. to magnetize.
iliteratO, a. illiterate, unlearned. imbecil, a. imbecile, simple, silly.
il6giC0, ca, a. illogical. imbecilidad, /. imbecility, simplicity, silli-
ilota, ni. helot one deprived of civil rights.
; ness.
ilotismo, in. helotism, serfdom. imbele, a. feeble, weak ; unfit for war.
iludlr, va. to elude. V. buklar. imberbe, m. beardless youth.
iluinmaci6n, /. illumination, lighting; (art) imbibicibn,/. imbibition.
painting in distemper. imbornal, m. (naut.) scupper-hole.
iluminado, da, a. & pp. illuminate, enlight- imbricacidn, /. imbrication.
ened eatampas iluminadas, coloured plates. imbricado, da, a. imbricated.
—m. pi. illuminati.

imbuir, va. {ind. imbuyo: subj. imbuya) t<v

ilumlnador, ra, a. lighter. m. &f. (art) il- imbue, infuse, persuade.
luminator. imbursacibn, /. putting into a sack.
iluminar, va. to illumine or illuminate, to imbursar, va. to sack or bag.
light ; to adorn with festal lamps or bon- imitable, a. imitable.
fires ; to colour, illumine books ; to en- imitacibn,/. imitation, copying; copy.
lighten ; to infuse grace. imitado, da, a. &pp. copied, imitated, mock,
iluminaria, /. v. luminaria. artificial, not genuine.
lluiuiliativo, va, a. illuminative. imitador, ra, «*. &f. imitator, follower.
ilusion, /. illusion, hallucination. imitante,i)«. imitator.
ilusionar, va. to cause illusion, fascinate. imitar, va. to imitate, ape, copy, follow ; to
vr. to suffer illusions. counterfeit.
ilusivo, va, a. delusive, illusive, false, de- imitative, va, a. imitative (as arts).
ceitful. im6scapo, m. (arch.) apophyge.
iluso, sa, a. deluded, deceived, beguiled. impacci6n,/. impact, collision.
ilusoriamente, adv. illusively. impaciencia, /. impatience, eagerness, hasti-
ilUSOrlO,ria, delusive, illusory, deceptive
a. ;
ness restlessness, peevishness.

(law) null, void, nugatory, impacientar, va. to vex, irritate, make one
ilustraci6n, illustration, explanation,
'/• lose all patience. vr. to become impatient.
elucidation, exposition, explication en- ; impaciente, a. impatient, fidgety, restless,
lightenment, learning.—^/, (print.) illus- peevish.
trations, engravings. impacientemente, adv. impatiently, long-
ilUStradO, da, pp. & a. wise, Intelligent, en- ingly, peevishly, eagerly.
lightened illustrated. ; fmpactO, ta, a. impact. V. iMPACCi6x.
ilustrador, ra, m. &f. illustrator, explicator. impagable, that cannot be paid back.
ilustrar, va. to illustrate, clear up, explain, impalpabilidad, /. impalpability.
enlighten, elucidate; to inspire, to infuse iripalpable, impalpable.
supernatural light to aggrandize, ennoble, ; irapar, a. dissimilar, odd, uneven.
make illustrious to teach, educate, civilize
; ; imparcial, a. impartial, equitable, unbi-
to provide printed matter with plates or en- ased, disinterested, just, unprejudiced.
gravings. vr. to acquire knowledge or ce- imparcialidad, /. impartiality, equitable-
lebritv. ness, justice.
ilustratiVC, va, a. illustrative. imparcialmente, adv. impartially, equi-
ilustre, a. illustrious, noble, celebrated j con- tably, justly, honestly.
spicuous, glorious, honourable, magnihceut. impartible, a. indivisible.
ilnstremento, adv. illustriously, greatly impartir, va. to grant, to impart; (law) to
ilustrislmo, ma, «. snper. very illustrious ;
demand or require assistance.
given to bishops.
title impasable, a. impassable.
imadas, /. i>/. (naut.) ways, sliding planks. impasibilidad, /. impassibility, impassive-
imagen [e-mah'-heni, /. image, figure, imagery, ness.
statue, effigy ; show, appearance, fancy, con- impasible, impassible, unfeeling.
ception ; (opt.) spectrum ; (rhet.) picture or imp^vidamente, adv. intrepidity, undaunt-
lively description. edly.
imaginable [e-mah-he-nah'-weh], a. imaginable, impavidez,/. intrepiditv, courage, boldness.
eontrivable, conceivable. impkvidO, da, a. dauntless, intrepid, up-
imaginaCidn imagina-
[e-mah-he-nah-tWe-on'], /. daunted.
tion, fancy ; imagining, conception, image ;
impecabilidad,/. impeccability.
conceit, fantasy. impecable, «. impeccable.
imaginar [e-maiihe-nar], vn. to imagine, fancy, impedido, da, pp. & a. invalid, impeded,
image. va. to suppose, scheme, contrive, sick, valetudinarian, crippled.
conceive. vr. to fancy, imagine, suppose. impedidor, ra, m. &f. obstructer.
imaglnaria, /. (mil.) reserve guard. impediente, ;)rt. hindering, obstructing.
imaginariamente, adv. in a visionary man- impedimenta,/, (mil.) impedimenta.
ner. impedimento, m. impeaiment, obstacle,
imaginariO, ria, a. imaginary, fancied, vi- hinderance, obstruction, let, clog, cum-
sionary. brance, cumbersomeness, impeachment.
imaginativa, /. imagination, fancy. impedir, t'ff. (ind. impido: snbj. impida) to
imaginative, va, a. imaginative, fantastic, impede, hinder, obstruct, prevent, deprive ;
fanciful. (poet.) to suspend.
imagineria, /. imagery, fancy embroidery in impeditivo, va, a. impeding, hindering,
colours ;
(art) statuary. impeditive.
imaginero, m. painter or sculptor of religious impelente, pa. forcing, impelling, propel-
images. ling.
im^ [emahn'](min.) loadstone, magnet;
771. impeler, push, impel, propel, drive,
va. to
charm, attraction electro-magnet. ;
drift to spur, urge, incite, stimulate, move.

imanacibn,/. v. ima?jtaci6n. impender, m. to spend, invest.

imanar, va. to magnetize. V. imantar. impenetrabilidad, /. impenetrability.
g (befiyre e, I) »nd J as h in hot; h, sllen' • 11 In brillUnt; i, nyJn canyon; r (iniflHO und rr trtlled; s. hiBse<L
impenetrable, impenetrable, impervious
a. Impetrante, pa. impetrating. m. (law)
iQcomprehensible fatkomless. ; grantee impetrator. ;

impenitencia, /. impenitence. impetrar, va. to entreat, impetrate, obtain

impenitente, a. impenitent, obdurate. by entreaty.
impensa,/. (for.) expense. impetu, wj. impetus, impetuosity, tit, im-
impensadamente, adv. unexpectedly, pulse, sally, start.
impensado, da, a. unexpected, unforeseen, impetuosamente, adv. impetuously, vehe-
fortuitous. mently, violently.
Imperante, pa. commanding.—a. (astrol.) impetUOSidad, /. impetuosity, vehemence.
ruling. impetuoso, sa, a. impetuous, violent, forci-
imperar, vn. to rule as emperor, to com- ble, fierce ; vehement, passionate.
to reign. impiamente, adv. impiously.
imperativamente, adv. imperatively. impiedad, /. impiety irreligion, impious- ;

ImperatlvO, va, a. imperative, command- ness.

ing(gram.) imperative mood.
impiedOSO, sa, a. impious, irreligious.
Imperatorla,/. (bot.) masterwort. impiisimo, ma, a. sup. very impious.
imperatorio, ria, a. imperial. impio, pia, a. impious, irreligious, wicked,
imperceptible, a. imperceptible. profane, godless. .

imperceptlblemente, adv. imperceptibly. impla,/. wimple ; material for wimpl«^.

imperdible, a. imperdible. m. safety-pin, implacabilidad, /. implacability.
fioula. implacable, a. implacable inexorable. ;

imperdonable, a. impardonable, irremis- implacablemente, adv. implacably.

sible. implanton, m. piece of timber.
imperecedero, ra, a. imperishable. implaticable, a. averse to conversation.
imperfeccion, /. imperfection, fault, flaw, implicaci6n,/. implication; contradiction.
blemish. implicado, da, a. & pp. entangled, impli-
imperfectamente, adv. imperfectly, fault- cated.
ily, implicante, pa. implicating.
imperfecto, ta, a. imperfect, defective, implicar, va. to implicate, inv.olve, fcntangle.
faulty, crippled, broken; (gram.) imper- —vn. to oppose, prevent, contradict.
fect' implicatorio, ria, a. implicative.
imperial, a.imperial kind of small black ; implicitamente, adv. implicitly.
plum.— f. coach top; top seats on a stage- implicitO, ta, a. implicit, inferred.
coach; (naut.) poop-royal. I imploraci6n, /. entreaty, imploration.
imperialismo, m. imperialism. implorar, ra. to implore, crave, entreat, beg.
imperialista, m. imperialist. implume, a. un feathered.
impericia,/. unskilfulness. impolitica, /. incivility, discourtesy, rude-
imperio, m. empire, dominion, command, ness, coarseness ; impolicy.
sway imperial state or nation dignity of
; ; Impoliticamente, adv. (coll.) impolitically,
an emperor. impoliticly.
imperiosamente, adv. imperiously, lordly, impolitiCO, ca, impolitic or impolitical,
masterly. indiscreet, imprudent; impolite, rude,
imperiosidad, /. imperiousness. coarse, unpolished.
imperiOSO, sa, a. imperious, commanding, impoluto, ta, a. unpolluted, pure, stainless,
arrogant, haughty powerful, overbearing. ;
imperitamente, adv. unskilfully. imponderabilidad, /. imponderability (of
imperito, ta, a. unlearned^ unskilled. heat), etc.
Impermeabflidad, /. impermeability. imponderable, a. inexpressible, unuttera-
impermeable, a. impermeable, water-tight, ble, imponderable.
impervious, water-proof. m. water-proof imponedor, m. imposer, assessor.
garment, macintosh. imponente, pa. imposing.
impermiitable, a. unexchangeable. imponer, va. {for irr. V. PONER) to impos«
imperscrutable, a. v. inescrutable. or lay (as a tax, a duty, a burden, or pen-
impersonal, a. impersonal en or por imper- : alty) to charge upon or impute falsely to
; ;

sonal, impersonally. advise, give notice, acquaint, instruct tc ;

impersonalizar, va. (gram.) to use verbs infuse respect or fear (print.) to impose. ;

impersonally. impopular, a. unpopular.

impersonalmente, adv. impersonally. impopularidad, /. unpopularity.
impersuasible. a. impersuasible. importable, a. (com.) importable.
imperterrito, ta, a. intrepid, unterrified, importacibn, /. (com.) importation.
dauntless. importador, m. importer.
i.mpertinencia, /. impertinence, folly, non- importancia, /. importance, import, conse-
sense peevishness, humorousness trouble-
; ; quence, moment, concern significance, ur- ;

someness, intrusion minute accuracy. ; gency.

impertinente, «. impertinent, intrusive, im- importante, a. important, momentous,
portunate, meddling, obnoxious peevish, ;
weighty, material, considerable, signifi-
fretful. cant, urgent.
impertinentemente, adv. impertinently. importantemente, adv. importantly, use-.
imperturbabilidad, /. imperturbability. fully, materially, essentially.
imperturbable. ". imperturbable. importar, v. impers. to import, to be of mo-
Imperturbablemente, adv. imiierturbably. ment, to be important or convenient, to
impetra, /. diploma, license, permission concern, to matter: no importa, no matter,
bull granting dubious benefices. it matters not i qu6 importa 7 what matters

impetrable, a. (law) impetrable. it? what of that?— va. (com.) to import; to

impetraci6n, /. impetration. amount to.
impetrado, da, a. & pp. impetrate, impe- importe, »t. (com.) amount or gross amount,
tratpd, f,frantea. value : importa medio, average amount.
Impetrador, ra, in. &f. one who impetrates. importunacibn, /. importunity.
a as in far ; e Id eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; n in bull ; c (before e, f) and z as tb in thick ; b and d. uott ,
importunadamente, adr. importunately. improbable, improbable, unlikely.
importunador, ra, m. & f. importunator, improl3al)lemeiite, adv. improbably.
importuner, pesterer, improbar, va. {for irr. V. probar) to disap-
Importunamente, adv. importunely, unsea- prove, dislike, censure.
sonably. improbO, ba, a. dishonest, corrupt, wicked
Importlinar, va. to importune, pester. laborious, painful.
importimldad, /. importunity, importu- improcedencia, /. unrighteousness.
nacy. improcedente, a. contrary to law, unright-
importuno, na, «• importune, importunate, eous.
unseasonable troublesome, vexatious, an-
; improductivo, va, a. unproductive, un-
noying, pestering. fruitful, barren, unprofitable.
ImposiDilidad,/. impossibility, impractica- impronta,/. (art) cast; stereotype plate.
bility, impraoticableness. improperar, va. to upbraid, gibe, taunt.
imposibilitado, a. & pp. helpless, without improperio, m. contemptuous reproach, in-
means, poor disabled, unfit for service.
jurious censure.
imposibilltar, va. to disable, to unfit for impropiamente, adv. improperly.
service. impropiedad, /. impropriety, unfitness, in-
imposlble, a. impossible, impracticable, un- appropriateness.
feasible extremely difficult: los Imposibles,
; impropio, pia, inappropriate, unsuited,
a kind of Spanish dance imposlble de toda : improper, unfit unqualified, unbecoming.

impoBibilldad, (coll.) altogether impossible. improporci6n,/. disproportion.

Imposiblemente, adv. impossibly. improporcionado, da, a. disproportionate.
impOSiCi6n, /. imposition, act of imposing improrrogable, a. that which cannot be
anything tax, charge, or duty imposed
; prorogued.
(print.) imposition. imprdspero, ra, a. unfortunate, unprosper-
imposta, / (arch.) impost springer ; fascia. ; ous, unhappy.
impostor, ra, ni. &f. impostor. impr6vidam'ente, adv. improvidently.
Impostura, /. false imputation or charge improvidencia, /. improvidence.
imposture, fiction, deceit, cheat, fraud. impr6vidO, da, a. improvident, thought-
impotable, a. impotable, unpotable. less.
impotencia, /. impotence, inability, weak- imprOVisacidn, /. improvisation.
ness, helplessness; frigidity. improvlsamente, adv. unexpectedly, sud-
impotente, «. impotent, weak, feeble frigid. ;
denly, improvidently.
impracticable, a. impracticable, impossi- improvisar, va. to iinprovise extemporize, ;

ble, unfeasible; impassable. improviso, sa, improvisto, ta, a. unex-

imprecaci6n,/. imprecation, curse. pected, unforeseen al or de improviso or & 1»

imprecar, ra. to imprecate, to curse. improvista, unexpectedly, suddenly.

imprecatorio, ria, a. imprecatory. imprudencia, /. imprudence, indiscretion^
impregnacibn,/. impregnation. heedlessness impolicy improvidence.
; ;

impregnar, va. to impregnate, saturate. vr. imprudente, a. imprudent, indiscreet, im»

to be impregnated. provident.
impremeditaci6n, /. unpremeditation. imprudentemente, adv. imprudently.
impremeditado, da, a. unpremeditated, impuber, impubero, ra, a. impuberal.
unforeseen. impudencia, /. impudence, shamelessness,
imprenta, /. printing ;
printing-oflSce immodesty.
print ;
press, in general. impudente, a. impudent, shameless.
imprescindible, that which cannot be a. impudicamente, adv. lewdly, impudently.
put aside or clone without. impudicicia,/. immodesty, unchastity, lewd-
Imprescriptible, a. imprescriptible. ness, incontinence, lustfulness, impudicity.
impresi6n,/. impression, impress, stamping, impudiCO, ca, a. immodest, unchaste, lewd,
stamp print, printing, press-work, edition,
lustful, obscene ; impudent, shameless.
issue; footprint; influence, moral or phys- impuesto, m. tax, impost, duty.
ical effect image fixed in the mind.
; impuestO, ta, «. & pp. irr. of imponer ; im-
impresionable, a. emotional, impression- posed informed: estar or quedar impuesto de

able. alguna cosa, to be informed.

Impresionar, va. to impress, to fix on the impugnable, a. impugnable.
mind or memory to aflfect, influence ; impugliaci6n, /. opposition, contradiction,
(photo.) to effect chemical changes on a refutation, impugnation.
plate by exposure to light. impugnador, ra, m. &/. impugner, objector.
impreso, sa, pp. irr. of imprimir & a. impugnar, va. to impugn, contradict, op-
printed, stamped. m. pamphlet, printed pose, confute.
matter, print. impugnativo, va, a. impugning.
impresor, m. printer. impulsar, va. to impel, impulse, actuate
impresora, /. wife of a printer ; female pro- (mech.) to drive, force, move.
prietor of a printing-ofhce. impulsion, /. impulsion, impulse; mom^*
imprestable, a. that cannot be lent. tum, impetus influence, motive.

imprevisibn, /. iraprevision, improvidence. impulsivo, va, a. impulsive.

imprevisto, ta, a. unforeseen, unexpected. impulso, m. impulsion impulse.
— pi. unforeseen expenses. impulsor, ra, m. &f. impeller, propeller.

imprimaci6n, /. (art) priming ; stufif for impune, «. unpunished.

priming. impunemente, adv. with impunity.
imprimadera, /. (art) priming tool. impunidad, /. impunity.
imprimador, m. (art) one who primes. impuramente, adv. obscenely, impurely.
imprimar, va. (art) to prime. impureza, /. impurity, adulteration poUtt.^ ;

imprimir va. {pp. impreso) to print, stamp, tion, unchastity ; obscenity, foulness.
imprint, impress ; fix in the mind, impurificacidn,/. impuration, defilement.
improbabilidad, /. improbability, unlikeli- impurificar, va. to defile, render impure to ;

hood. adulterate.

g (before e, 1) and J aa h iq hot ; h, silent ; U in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled ; S, hUsedr
Impuro, ra, a. impure, foul, defiled ; adul- incalificable, a.unqualifiable,
terated, unrefined. incalmable, a. that cannot be calmed or 8ub«
imputable, «. imputable, chargeable. dued.
imputabilidad, /. imputableuess. incandescencia, /. incandescence.
imputacibn, /. imputation, accusation. incandescente, a. incandescent.
imputador, ra, m. &/. imputer. incansable, a. indefatigable, unwearied.
imputar, va. to impute, accuse, charge, at- incansablemente, adv. indefatigably.
tribute (com.) to credit on account.
incantable, a. that cannot be sung.
in [ten], prejo. prefix having a negative signifi- incapacidad, /. incapacity, inability, inca-
cation ; it becomes Im before b or p. pability, incapableness, unfitness, incom-
inabarcable, a. not capable of being em- petence.
braced. incapacitar, va. to incapacitate, to disable.
inacabable, a. interminable, unending, end- incapaz, a. incapable, unable, unfit, incom-
less inconsumptible.
; petent.
inaccesibilidad, /. inaccessibility. incasable, o. unmarriageable ; opposed to
inaccesible,«. inaccessible, unapproachable. marriage.
inaccesiblemente, adv. inaccessibly. incautacibn, /. (law) attachment of prop-
inaccibn,/. inaction, inactivity, rest. erty.
inaceptable, a. unacceptable. incautamente, adv. unwarily, incautiously.
inactivo, va, a. inactive. incautarse, vr. (law) to attach property.
inadaptable, unadaptable,«. incautO,ta, a. incautious, unwary, heedless.
Inadecuado, da, a. inadequate. incendiar, va. to set on fire, to commit ar-
Inadoptable, «. uuadoptable. son.
Inadmisible, «. inadmissible. incendiariO, ria, m. & /. incendiary fire- ;

Inadvertencia, /. inadvertence, careless- brand inflaming passions,


ness, iu attention, heedlessness, oversight. incendio, »». fire, conflagration, burning;

tnadvertidamente, adv. inadvertently. combustion broil. ;

inadvertido, da, a. inadvertent, inconsider- incensaci6n, /. perfuming with incense.

unseen, unnoticed.
ate, careless ; incensar, t«. (iiid. incienso subi. inciense) :

inafectado, da, a. natural, unaffected. (eccl. ) to incense to bestow fulsome praise


inagotable, a. inexhaustible, exhaustless; or adulation.

unexhausted ; never-failing. incensariO, m. incensory, thurible,
inaguantable, a. insupportable. incensurable, a. unblamable, not culpable,
inaienable, inalienable, a. inalienable. incentivo, vi. incentive, incitement, spur;
inalterabilidad, /. immutability, stability, encouragement.
inalterability. incertidumbre, f. incertitude, uncertainty,
Inalterable, inalterable.
a. doubtfulness, hesitancy, fluctuation,
inalterablemente, adv. unalterably. incertisimo, ma, a. sup. extremely doubtful
inalterado, da, a. unchanged, stable. incesable, a. incessant, unceasing.
inamisible, «. inamissible. incesablemente, adv. incessantly.
inamovible, immovable.<t. incesante, «. incessant, unceasing, continual,
inamovibilidad, /. immovability. uninterrupted.
inanalizable, «. that bears no analysis. incesantemente, adv. incessantly, contin<
inane ;in ah-ueii], a. empty, void, inane, ually.
Inanicion,/. (med.) inanition. incesto, m. incest.
inanimado, da, «. inanimate, lifeless. incestuosamente, adv. incestuously.
inapagable, a. inextinguishable, unquench- incestuoso, sa, a. incestuous.
incidencia, /. incidence^ or incidency, acci-
Inapeable, a. that cannot be lowered or lev- dent, hap, casualty (geom.) incidence. ;

elled ; incomprehensible, inconceivable ob- ; incidental, a. incidental, dependent, subsidi-

stinate, stubborn, ary.
inapelable, a. without appeal. incidentalmente, adv. incidentally.
inapetencia, /. inappetence or inappetency. incidente, a. casual, incidental, accidental.
inapetente, a. having no appetite. —
m. incident, hap, accident, casualty, oc-
inaplicable, «. inapplicable. currence, ^j/. (com.) appurtenances: inci-
inaplicacion, /. indolence, inapplication. dentes de comercio, lease and good-will.
inaplicado, da, a. indolent, careless, inac- Incidentemente, adv. incidentally.
tive. incidir, vn. to fall into (as an error).
inapreciable, a. inestimable, invaluable, in- incienso, m. incense reverence, veneration ; ;'

appreciable. flattery.
inarm6niC0, ea, a. inharmonious, inciertamente, adv. uncertainly.
inarticuladO, da, a. inarticulate. incierto, ta, a. untrue, false, unreal uncer- ;

inasequible, a. unattainable. tain, doubtful ; unstable, inconstant ; un-

inasimilable, a. unassimilable. known.
inatacable, a. (coll. ) that cannot be attacked. Incineraci6n, /. incineration, cremation.
inaudible, «. inaudible. incinerar, va. to incinerate, cremate.
inaudito, ta, a. unheard of, strange, most incipiente, a. beginning, incipient, incep-
extraordinary. tive, inchoative.
inauguraci6n,/. inauguration coronation ; ; incircunciso, sa, a. uncircumcised.
commencement. incircunscripto, ta, a. uncircumscribed.
inaugural, a. inaugural. incisidn,/. incision, cut; gash, notch.
inaugrurar, va. to inaugurate to divine by ; incisiVO, va, a. incisive, keen, sharp, cutting
the flight of birds, (as a remark) dientes incisivos, incisors,

inaverijgruable, a. that cannot be ascer- cutting teeth.

tained. inciSO, sa, a. incised, cut, m, (gram.) sen- —
inca, m. (Peru) inca gold coin, ;
tence comma. ;

incaiCO, ca, a. belonging to an inca. incisorio, ria, a. (surg.) incisory.

incalculable, a. incalculable. incitacidn, /. incitation, incitement.
AM in far ; o in eh I ; i in police : o in for ; a iu buU ; c (before e. i) and z aa th in thick ; b and d, soft
incitador, ra, m. &f. instigator, inciter, inc6medamente, adv. incommodiously, un-
Incitamento, Incltamiento, m. incitement, comfortably.
impulse, incentive. incemodar, incommode, disturb, in-
va. to
inciiante, pa. inciting, exciting. convenience, trouble. vr. to be vexed or
incitar, va. to incite, excite, spur, stimulate, angered to be disturbed.

instigate. incomedidad, /. incommodiousness, incon-

Incitatlvo, va, a. incentive, inciting, incen- venience; nuisance, annoyance; vexation,
sive; (law) V. aguijatorio. m. incite- — anger.
ment.—/, (law) writ from a superior to a inc6mede, da, a. incommodious, inconven-
lower court urging that justice be adminis- ient, uncomfortable, troublesome, unhandy,
tered. cumbersome.
Incivil, a. uncivil, unpolished, incivil. incomparable, a. incomparable, matchless.
incivilidad, /. incivility, rudeness, coarse- incomparablemente, adv. incomparably.
ness, grossness. incomparado, da, «. V. in' com parable.
incivilmente, adv. uncivilly, rudely. incompartible, «. indivisible.
inclasiflcable, a. unclassifiable. incompasible, incempasivo, va, a. un-
inclemencia, /. inclemency, severity, harsh- conipassionate, pitiless.
ness, rigour, unmercifulness ; roughness of incompatibilidad, /. incompatibility, con-
the weather. trariety uncongeniality, discordance.

inclemente, a. inclement, unmerciful. incompatible, a. incompatible; uncongenial.

Inclinacidn, /. inclination, propension ;
incompensable, a. incompensable.
fondness, predilection, preference, affection, incompetencia, /. incompetency, unfitness.
liking, fancy tendency, bent; bow (of the
; incompetente, a. incompetent, incapable,
head); (geom.) inclination; (mech.) tilt, uulit ;
(law) unqualified.
bend, fall, pitch; (r. w.) gradient; decliv- incomplejO, ja, a. incomplex, simple.
ity, slope, descent; (min.) hade, underlay, incompletamente, adv. incompletely.
dip inclinacion de la agiija magn^tica, dip
: incomplete, ta, a. incomplete.
of the needle, magnetic dip. incomplexo, xa, a. disunited, disconnected,
inclinado, da, a. &pp. inclined, slant, slant- disjointed.
ing, sloping disposed, affected, minded.
; incomponible, a. incompoundable.
incllnador, ra, ni. &f. one who inclines. incomportable, a. intolerable, unbearable.
inclinante, pa. inclining, bending, drawing incomposibilidad, /. incom possibility.
nigh to. incompOSible, a. incompossible.
inclinar, va. to incline, to bend to tilt, tip ; incompOSicibn, /. want of proportion.
over to influence, induce, persuade. vn.
; incomprebensibilidad, incomprensi-
to resemble. vr. to incline, lean, bend to, bilidad, /. incomprehensibility.
sway, slope ; to lean, to be favourably dis- incomprehensible, incomprensible, a.
posed to ; to stoop, to bow ; (naut.) to heel. incomprehensible.
inclinatiVO, va, a. inclinatory. incomprensiblemente, adv. inconceivably,
inclitO, ta, a. famous, renowned, conspic- incomprehensibly.
uous, illustrious. incomprimible, «. incompressible.
incluir, va. {pp. incluido, incluso: inrf. incomunicabilidad, /. incommunicability.
iNCLUvo : subj. '^ncluya) to include, com- incomunicable, a. incommunicable.
prise to inclose to comprehend, contain.
; ; incomunicadO, da, a. incommuuicated
inclusa,/. foundling asylum. isolated; having no intercourse. m. pris-
inclusero, ra, m. &/. & a. foundling. oner deprived of intercourse with any
inclusi6n, /. inclusion ; easy access, familiar one.
intercourse. incomunicar, ra. {pret. iNCOMUNiQufi: subJ,
inclusivamente, inclusive, adv. inclu- incomunique) to deprive of intercourse or
sively. communication to isolate. ;

inclusive, va, a. inclusive. inconcebible, a. inconceivable.

inclUSO, sa, a. & pp. irr, of INCLUIR ; in- inconciliable, a. irreconcilable.
closed. inconcino, na, a. disordered, disarranged.
incluyente,i>a. including. Inclosing. inconcusamente, adv. certainly, indubita-
incoado, da, a. &pp. inchoate, begun, com- bly.
menced. inconcuso, sa, a. incontrovertible, incon-
incoagulable, a. incoagulable, uncoagulable. testable.
incear, va. {only the infinitive and pp. used) incondicional, a, unconditional, absolute
(law) to commence, begin. unrestricted.
incoative, va, inchoative, inceptive.
a. incondicionalmente, adv. unconditionally,
incobrable, a. irrecoverable, irretrievablo inconducente, a. unconducive.
(com.) uncollectable. inconexi6n, /. incoherency, incongruity, im-
inceercible, a. incoercible. connection.
inc6gnitO, ta, a. unknown de iiic6gnito, in- : inconexo, xa, a. unconnected, incoherent,
cog or incognito hiddenly or clandestinely.
; inconsequential.
— /. (math. unknown
) inconfeso, sa, a. unconfessed.
incognoscible, a. imperceptible. inconfidencia, /. distrust, mistrust, diffi-
incolierencia,/. incoherence. dence.
incoberente, a. incoherent, inconsistent. incongruamente, adv. incongruously.
incela, m. inhabitant, resident. incongruencia,/. incongruence,
incolere, ra, a. colourless. incongruente, «. incongruous, incongruent.
inc61ume, a. sound, safe, unharmed. incongruentemente, adv. incongruously,
incolumidad,/. security, safety. incompatibly.
incombinable, a. uncombinable. incongruo, grua, a. incongruous, dispro-
incombustibilidad, /. incombustibility. portionate, unsuitable.
incombustible, a. incombustible, fire-proof. inconjugable, «. inconjugable.
incomerciable, a. contraband, unlawful, inconmensurabilidad, /. incommensura-
prohibited ; unsalable, unmarketable. bility.

g (before e, i) and J a8 h In bot; b, silent ; II in brilliant ; A, n]r in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; i. iiiw«4.
Inconxnensurable, a. incommensurable, im- incorporalmente, adv. incorporeally, in-
measurable. corporally.
Inconmutabilidad, /. immutability, un- incorporar, va. to incorporate, unite, em-
changeabk'uess. body to mix to raise or to make a patient
; :

Inconmutable, a. immutable ; that cannot sit up in his bed. vr. to incorporate, join,
be commuled. mingle to form a corporation to sit up in
; ;

Inconqulstable, a. unconquerable, impreg- bed (naut. to sail in company.


Bable, inexpugnable invincible incor- ; ; incorporeidad, /. incorporeity, incorporal-

ruptible (persons). ity, immateriality.
IXLCOnsclente, «. unconscious, unknowing, incorp6reo, rea, a. incorporeal, immaterial,
ignorant. unbodied.
inconsclentemente, adv. unconsciously, un- incorporo. m. v. incorporaci6n.
knowingly, unwittingly. incorrecci6n,/. incorrectness, inaccuracy.
Inconsecuencia, /. inconsequence, incon- incorrectamente, adv. inaccurately,
sisteucv. incorrectO, ta, a. incorrect, inaccurate,
Inconsecuente, «• inconsequent, change- incorregibilidad, /, incorrigibleness, hope-
able, inconsistent. less depravity.
inconservable, a. unpreservable. incorregible, a. incorrigible, froward,
inconsideracidn,/. inconsideration, thought- incorrupci6n, /, incorruption, incorrupt-
lessness, inattention, inadvertency. ness, integrity, honesty.
inconsideradamente, adv. inconsiderately, incorruptamente, adv. incorruptly.
thoughtlessly. incorruptibilidad, /, incorruptibility.
inconsiderado, da, a. inconsiderate, incorruptible, a. incorruptible.
thoughtless, inattentive. incorrupto, ta, a. incorrupt, uncorrupt, or
Inconsiguiente, a. inconsequent, inconsist- uncorrupted chaste, pure. ;

ent, contradictory. incrasante, pa. incrassating, inspissating,

Inconsistencla, unsubstantiality, inco-
/. incrasar, va. to inspissate, thicken, incras-
herence, incongruity, unsteadiness, unsta- sate.
bleness. increado, da, a. uncreated, increate.
Inconsistente, unsubstantial, unstable,
a. incredibilidad, /. incredibility, incredible-
unsteady, incongruous. ness.
Inconsolable, a. inconsolable, Incredulidad, /. incredulity, incredulous-
Inconsolablemente, adv. inconsolably. ness.
Inconstancla, /. inconstancy, fickleness, un- incr6dul0, la, a. incredulous. —m. & /. un-
steadiness, levity, lightness, frailty. believer,
Inconstante, a. inconstant, changeable, mu- increible, incredible. a.
table, unsteady, variable, fickle. increiblemente, adv. incredibly.
Inconstantemente, adv. inconstantly, un- incrementO, m. increment, increase.
steadily, fickly, giddily. increpacibn, /. increpation, reprehension,
inconstitucional, a. unconstitutional. chiding, reproach.
Inconstruible, a. that cannot be built or Increpador, ra, m. & f. chider, rebuker,
constructed. scolder,
Inconsutll, a. seamless, having no seam. increpante,pa, chiding, scolding.
incontable, a. innumerable. increpar, va. to chide, reprehend, scold, re-
incontaminado, da, a. undefiled, uncon- proach, rebuke,
tarainated. incriminacibn,/. incrimination.
incontestable, a. incontestable, indispu- incriminar, va. to incriminate to exagger- ;

table, incontrovertible. ate a fault or defect.

Incontestablemente, adv. incontestably. incristalizable, a. uncrystallizable.
incontinencia, /. incontinence or inconti- incruento, ta, a. bloodless.
nency unchastity, lewdness incontinencia
; : incrustaci6n, /, incrustation ; scale in boil-
de orina, (raed.) incontinence of urine. ers (geol.) sinter ; (art) inlaying,

Incontinente, a. incontinent unchaste. ; incrustar, va. to incrust or incrustate, en^

incontinente, incontinent!, adv. instantly, chase, inlay,
immediately, incontinently. incuartacion,/, (chem.) quartation.
Incontrastable, a. insurmountable, irresist- incubacibn,/. incubation, hatching; (med.
ible,incontroUable, insuperable inexpug- ; incubation.
nable, unconquerable inconvincible, in- ; incubador, ra, m. &f. incubator.
controvertible. incubar, va. to incubate, to hatch.
Incontratable, a. V. intratable. incubO, m. incubus, male demon.
incontrovertible, a. incontrovertible, in- incuestionable, a. unquestionable.
disputable. inculcaci6n, /. inculcation, enforcing I
Inconvencible, a. inconvincible. (print.) binding or wedging in a form.
Inconvenible, a. inconvenient. inculcar, va. (pret. subi. IN- iNCULQUfi:
inconvenlencia, /. inconvenience, incom- culque) to inculcate, impress, teach, en-
modity, trouble; incongruence, unsuitable- force to make one thing tight against an-

ness ; "unlikeliness ; impropriety. other; (print.) to lock up types, vr. to be

inconveniente, «. inconvenient, incommo- obstinate,
dious, unsuitable, troublesome, improper, inculpabilidad, /, inculpableness, unblara-
unbecoming.— m. difficulty, obstacle, ob- ableness.
struction, objection, impediment, inculpable, inculpable, unblamable. «.
inconversable, a. unsociable, incommuni- inculpablemente, adv. inculpably.
cative, surly, grouty. inculpacion, f. inculpation,
inconvertible, a. inconvertible. inculpadamente, adv. faultlessly.
incordio, m. (med.) bubo; (vulg.) nui- inculpar, ra. to accuse, inculpate, blame,
sance. incultamente, adv. rudely, without culture.
incorporacidn,/. incorporation. incultivable, a. inarable, uncultivable.
incorporal, a. incorporeal. incultO, ta, a. incult, uncultivated, untilled,

« ms In far ; e in ell I ; i In police ; o in for ; u in bvll ; e (before e, i) and s m th in thick ; b and d, soft
unimproved ; uncivilized, unpolished, un- independencia,/. independence.
refined, uncultured. independiente, a. independent, free
incultura, /. Inculture. pendiente de eso, independent of that, be-
incumbencia, /. incumbency ; obligation, sides that.
duty, concern. independientemente, adv. independently,
incumbir, vn. to concern pertain, relate.
iudescifrable, a. undecipherable.
incumpUdO, da, a. unfulfilled. indescribible or indescriptible, a. inde-
incunaMe, m. A a. (print.) incunabula. scribable.
Incura'ble, a. incurable, hopeless. indesignable, a. that which cannot be desig-
incuria,/. negligence, carelessness. nated.
InCliriOSO, sa, a. negligent, careless, incu- indestructibilidad, /. indestructibility.
rious, iuattentive. indestructible, a. indestructible, imperish-
incurrimientO, m. act of incurring. able.
incurrir, m. [pp. incurkido, incurso) to indeterminable, a. indeterminable ; irreso-
incur, become liable, deserve, bring upon lute, undecided.
one's self. indeterminacibn, .f. indetermination, ir-
incursidn, /. (mil.) incursion. resolution, hesitancy.
incurso, sa, pp. irr. of inxurrir. indeterminadamente, adv. indeterminate-
incusar, va. to accuse, impute, charge. ly.
inCUSO, sa, a. incuse (as some coins). indeterminado, da, a. indeterminate un- ;

indagaci6n, /. investigation, search, in- determined, irresolute, hesitating; pusil-

quiry, examination, inquest. lanimous, chicken-hearted (gram. ) indefi- ;

indagador, ra, m. &/. investigator, inquirer, nite.

examiuer. indeV0Ci6n, /. indevotion.
inda^^ar, va. {pret. indagu^ indague)
: subj. indevoto, ta, a. indevout, irreligious,
to investigate, search, inquire, examine indezuelo, la, m. &/. dim. of ixdio.
into, Indiana,./', printed calico.
indagatoriO, ria, a. (law) indagatory. indianista, m. &/. Indianist.
indeDidamente, adv. unduly, illegally. indiano, na, «. native or resident of America
IndebidO, da, a. undue, illegal, unlawful. or the West Indies; Indian, East Indian,
Indecencia, /. indecency, indecorum, ob- belonging to India. m. nabob, one who re-
scenity ;
turns rich from America: indiano de hilo.
indecente, a. indecent, obscene foul. ;
negro, (coll.) skinflint, miser.
indecentemente, adv. indecently. indicacibn, /. manifestation, prediction,,
indecible, a. inexpressible, unutterable. warning, hintindication, mark, token,

indeciblemente, adv. inexpressibly. symptom.

indecisamente, adv. irresolutely. indicador, m. indicator, pointer, recorder,
indecisibn, /. irresolution, indecision, hesi- gauge, detector, index, register.
tation, hesitancy. indicante, pa. indicating. —m. (med.) indi-
indeciSO, sa, a. irresolute, indecisive, un- cant.
decided, hesitating. indicar, va. {pret. indiquiS: snbj. indiqve)
indeclinable, a. unavoidable, undeclinable ;
to indicate, suggest, hint, show, point out.
(gram.) indeclinable. indicativo, va, indicative, pointing. m.
indecoro, m. indecorum, indecorousness, in- (gram.) indicative.
decency. indiccibn, /. convening of a synod, council,
indecorosamente, adv. indecorously, inde- etc. ; indiction manner of computing time.

cently. indice, m. index, mark, sign, indication;

indecoroso, sa, a. indecorous, indecent, un- hand of a watch or clock pointer on a sun- ;

becoming. dial: index, table of contents to a book;

indefectibilidad, .f. indefectibility. forennger indice ezpurgatorio, catalogue of

indefectible, a. indefectible, unfailing. books prohibited by the Inquisition.

indefectiblemente, adv. indefectibly. indiciado, da, pp. & a. suspected of a crime
indefendible, a. indefensible. or vice. m. &f. suspicious character.
indefensable, indefensible, a. indefen- indiciador, ra, m. &f. one who suspects an-
sible. other ; informer.
indefenso, sa, a. defenceless, indefensive. indiciar, va. (law) to give reasons to suspect
Indeficiente, a. indefectible, unfailing. or surmise to discover offenders to the

indefinible, a. indefinable. magistrates. V. indicar.

indefinidamente, adv. indefinitely. indiciO, m. indication, mark, sign, token;
indefinido, da, a. indefinite, indeterminate, (chem.) trace: indicios vehementei, (law)
vague undefined.
; circumstantial evidences.
indehiscente, a. (bot.) indehiscent. indiCO, ca, a. East Indian.
indeleble, «. indelible, ineffaceable. indiferencia, /. indifference, incuriosity
indeleblemente, adv. indelibly. neglect, unconcern, coldness, lukewarm-
indeliberacibn,/. unpremeditation, indelib- ness, listlessness.
eration. indiferente, a. indifferent, neutral uncon- ;

indeliberadamente, adv. indeliberately. cerned, inattentive, regardless lukewarm, ;

indeliberadO, da, a. indeliberate or indelib- cool, frigid, listless eso es indiferente, (coll.)

erated, unpremeditated. that is immaterial, that makes no difference.

indenine, n. undamaged, unhurt. indiferentemente, adv. indifferently, imr
indemnidad, /. bond of indemnity. partially.
indemnizable, a. what can be indemnified. indiferentismo, m. indifferentism.
indemnizaci6n, /. indemnification, re- indigena, «. indigenous, native.— ni. &f. in-t
imbursement. digene, a native.
indemnizar, va. {pret. indkmnic:6: sulri. rs- indigencia, /. indigence, want, penury, povr
DEMNicE) to indemnify, compensate, inake erty, need.
good. indigente, a. indigent, necessitous, poor;
Indemostrable, a. indemonstrable. needy.

f (before e^ t) and J as h ]n hot; h, silent; U in brilliant; fi, ny In canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; a, hisseA
indigestible, indigestible. a. inseparable.— »i. & f. a person. indi-
indigestibn, /. indigestion. vidual member, fellow, associate.

indigesto, ta, a. indigestible confused, dis- ; indivisamente, adv. indivisibly.

ordered surly, grouty, harsh.
; indivisibilidad,/. indivisibility.
indignacidn, indignation, anger. ./I indivisible, <t. indivisible.
Indignado, da, a. & pp. provoked, teased, indivisiblemente, adv. inseparably, indi-
indignant, angry. visibly.
indignamente, adv. unworthily, unsuitably. indivisidn, /. indivision, entirety.
indignante, pa. indignant, irritating. indiviso, sa, a. undivided, individuate.
indignar, va. to irritate, anger, provoke. indo, da, a. Indian.
rr. to become angry or indignant. ind6cil, a. indocile, unteachable head- ;

indignidad, /. indignity, unworthy action, strong, froward, unruly inflexible, brittle. ;

meanness. indOCilidad, /. indocility inflexibility. ;

indigno, na, a. unworthy, undeserving un- ; indoctamente, adv. ignorantly.

becoming, incongruous, unsuitable dis- ; indocto, ta, a. ignorant, uniustructed, un-
graceful, vile, mean, despicable. learned, uneducated.
indigo, m. (bot.) indigo-plant. V. anil. indocumentado, da, a. lacking the docu-
indiligencia,/. indiligence, carelessness. ments for identification.
indiO, ia, a. Indian blue, azure. m. &/. an ; Indoeuropeo, a, a. Indo-European.
Indian.— 7?i. (chem.) indium. indole, /. disposition, temper, inclination,
indirecta, /. innuendo, oblique hint, cue, idiosyncrasy, humour.
surmise indirecta del Padre Cobos, a broad
: indolencia, /. indolence, iudiflFerence, lazi-.
hint. ness.
indirectamente, adv. indirectly, obliquely. indolente, a. indolent, indifferent.
indirectO, ta, indirect, oblique.
a. indolentemente, adv. indolently.
indisciplina, /. lack of discipline, insubor- indomable, a. uu tamable, indomitable, UQ-
dination. mauageable ; inflexible, unconquerable.
indisciplinable, a. indisciplinable. indomado, da, untamed. a.
indisciplinado, da, a. lax, undisciplined. indomesticable, untamable. a.
indiscrecibn, /. indiscretion, imprudence, indomestiCO, ca, «. untamed, intractable.
rashness, iuconsideration, folly. ind6initO, ta, a. untamed, ungovcrncd, wild.
indiscretamente, adi. indiscreetly. indOStaniCO, ca, a. Hindu or Hindoo.
indiscreto, ta, a. indiscreet, imprudent, in- indotaci6n, /. (lav/) want of a wife's poi^
cautious, foolish ; injudicious, inconsider- tion. ,

ate. indotado, da, a. unendowed ;

Indisciilpable, a. inexcusable. indubitable, indubitable, unquestioned,
Indiscutlble, a. unquestionable, beyond per- irrefutable, unquestionable.
ad venture. indubitablemente, adv. undoubtedly, in-
indlsolubilidad, /. indissolubility, indis- dubitably, unquestionably.
solubleness. indUCCidn, /. inducement, "persuasion ;
indisoluble, a. indissoluble, indissolvable. (elec.) induction
induction; por inducci6n, :

indisolublemente, adv. indissolubly. inductively.

indispensable, a. indispensable, needful. inducidor, ra, m. &f. inducer, persuader.
indispensablemente, adv. indispensably, inducimiento, m. inducement.
necessarily. indUCir, ra. {ind. INDUZCO pret. INDUJE :

indisponer, va. to dis-

{for irr. V. poner) subj. induzca) to induce, persuade, influ-
able, indispose, render unfit ; to disincline, ence ;
(elec.) to'induce.
prejudice against ; to make ill. vr. to be in- Inductivo, va, «. inductive.
disposed, to grow ill ; to fall out with a per- inductor, ra, a. (elec.) inductive. m. in-
son. ductor.
indisposicidn, /. indisposition, disinclina- indudable, a. indubitable, certain.
tion, dislike ; slight disorder in health. indulgencia iiii-<iooi-hen'-thie-ah], /. indulgence,
indisposicioncilla, /. dim. slight indispo- forbearance, leniency, clemency, forgive-
sition. ness, grace.
indispuesto, ta, a. & pp. irr. of indisponer ; indulgente, a. indulgent, lenient, forbear-
indisposed ; at variance. ing.
indisputable, a. indisputable, incontrovert- indulgentemente, adv. indulgently.
ible. Indultar, va. to pardon, forgive to free, ex- ;

indisputablemente, adv. indisputably. empt.

indisfincibn, /. indistlnction, indiscrimina- indultario, m. he who in virtue of a pon-
tion. tifical privilege can dispense ecclesiastical
indistingnible, a. undistlnguishable, indis- benefices.
tinguishable. indulto, m. pardon, forgiveness, amnesty
indistintamente, adv. indistinctly. indult, privilege, exemption.
indistintO,ta, a. indistinct, confused, vague, indumentaria, /. study of ancient apparel.
not clear. induracidn,/. (med.) induration.
individuacidn, individualidad, /. indi- industria, /. industry, diligence, assiduity ;

viduality. ingenuity, subtilty, acuteness manufac- ;

individual, a. individual, peculiar. turing trade productive labour de indus-

; ;

individualismo, m. individualism. tria, designedly, purposely, intentionallv :

individualista, a. individualistic. m. & f. caballero de industria, a man who lives by
individualist. his wits.
individualizar, va. to individualize. industrial, a. industrial, manufacturing.—
inalvidualmente, adv. individually, insep- w. manufacturer, tradesman.
arably. industrialismo, m. (neol.) industrialism.
individuar, va. to individuate, distinguish, industriar. ra. &. rr. to educate, teach, in-
particularize, individualize. struct, train, coach ; to find means.
individuo, dua, n. individual, indivisible, industriosamente, adv. industriously.

» M in far : • in eh I ; 1 la police ; o la for : a la bnll ; c (before e, l) aad s as tb in thick ; b and d. soft

^duStrlOSO, sa, iuduslrious, skilful, dex-
a. infamia, /. infamy, dishonour, disgrace;
terous ;
painstaking, laborious, a^isiduous. meanness, baseness.
inedia, /. fast, abstinence from food. infancia, /. infancy beginning, commence- ;

inedito, ta, a. unpublished, unedited, in- ment.

edited. infandO, da, a. iufandous, unmentionable.
inefabilidad, /. ineflfability, unspeakable- infanta, /. female child tinder seven years of
ness. age infanta, any daughter of the King of

inefable, a. ineflfable, unspeakable, unutter- Spain wife of a prince royal.


able. infantado, m. territory assigned to a prince

inefablemente, adv. ineffably. of the royal blood of Spain.
ineficacia, /. inefficacy, inefficiency. infante, m. infant, male child under seven
ineficaz, «. inefficacious, ineffectual, ineffect- years of age infante, any son of tne King

ive, inefficient. of Spain, except the heir-apparent to the

ineficazmente, adv. inefficaciously. crown soldier of infantry.—p/. choristers,

inelegante, a. inelegant. choir-boys.

ineluctable, a. inductable, irresistible. infanteria, /. infantry, foot-soldiers.
ineludible, a. inevitable, unavoidable. infanticida, m. & f. infanticide, child mur-
Inenarrable, a. inexplicable, inexpressible. derer.
jneptamente, adv. unfitly, ineptly. infanticidio, m. infanticide, murder of a
Ineptitud, ineptitude, incompetency, in-
/. child.
ability, unfitness. infantil, a. infantile, infantine, childlike.
iueptO, ta, «. inept, incapable, incompetent, infanz6n, m. ancient nobleman.
unfit, useless foolish. ; infanzonado, da, a. pertaining to an infant
inequiVOCO, ca, a. unequivocal, unmistak- zon.
abre. infanzonazgO, m. territory of an infanzon.
inercia,/. inertia; inertness, inact-'^ity, dul- infanzonia, /. ancient nobility.
ness, indolence. infartacibn, /. (med.) infarction.
inerme, a. disarmed, defenceless. infarto, »«. (med.) infarct.
inerrable, inerrable, .lumistakable.
a. infatigable, «. indefatigable, unwearied.
inerrante, fixed (stars).
a. (ast.) infatigablemente, adv. indefatigably.
inerte, slow, sluggish ; unskil-
a. inert, dull, infatuacibn, /. infatuation.
ful ;
paralyzed, senseless. infatuar, va. to infatuate. vr. to become in-
inervaci6n,.f. innervation. fatuated.
inescrutable, «. inscrutable, unsearchable. infaustamente, adv. unluckily.
inescudriflable, a. inscrutable. infaustO, ta, a. unlucky, unhappy, unfor-
inesperadamente, adv. unexpectedly, sud- tunate, accursed.
denly. infebril, a. fever-free.
inesperado, da, a. unexpected, unforeseen. infeccibn,/. infection, contagion.
inestimabilidad, /. inestimableness. infecciOSO, sa, a, infectious, contagious.
inestimable, a. inestimable, invaluable. infectar, va. to infect spread contagion to ; ;

inestimado, da, a. (law) unestimated, not corrupt, vitiate, pervert. vr. to catch infec-
appraised, unvalued. tion.
inevitable, «. inevitable, unavoidable, fatal. infective, va, a. infective, infectious.
inevitablemente, adv. inevitably. infecto, ta, a. infected, tainted, corrupt.
inexactamente, adv. inexactly. infecundidad, /. infecundity, sterility, in-
inexactitud,/. inaccuracy. fertility.
inexacto, ta, a. inexact, inaccurate. infecundo, da, a. infecund, barren, unfruit-
inexcusable, a. inexcusable indispensable. ;
ful, sterile.
inexcusablemente, adv. inexcusably. infelice, a. (poet.) V. infeliz,
inexhausto, ta, a. unexhaixsted, unemptied, infelicidad, /. misfortune, calamity, dis-
unspent. grace, misery, unhappiness, infelicity.
inexistente, a. inexistent, non-existent. infeliz, a. unhappy, unfortunate, luckless,
inexorable, a. inexorable, relentless. miserable: bb nn infeliz, (coll.) he is a poor
inexperiencia, /. inexperience. devil.
inexperto, ta, «. unskilful, inexperienced. infelizmente, adv. unhappily, unluckily
inexpiable, a. inexpiable. unfortunately.
inexplicable, «. inexplicable, inexplainable. inferencia, /. inference, illation.
inexplorado, da, a. unexplored. inferior, a. inferior, lower, subordinate, sul>
inexpugnable, a. inexpugnable, impreg- ject (com.) common, low, poor in quality.

nable ;
firm, obstinate, stubborn. inferioridad, /. inferiority, subjection.
inextinguible, inextinguishablo,
a. un- inferir, va. {ind. infiero: suhj. INFIERA) to
quenchable ;
perpetual. infer, deduce, draw conclusions; collect,
inextricable, a. inextricable. gather to inflict (as a wound) to offer (as
; ;

InfacundO, da, a. ineloquent. an affront). vr. to follow, to be consequen-

Infalibilidad, /. infallibility. tial.
infalible, a. infallible. infern&CUlO, m. boyish play, hop-scotci..
infaliblemente, adv. infallibly. infernal, a. infernal, hellish; extremely
infamacixin, /. slander, calumny, defama- hurtlal m&quina infernal, internal ma-

tion. chine: piedra infernal, lapis infernalis. ni-

infamador, ra, m. & f. defamer, libeller. trate of silver in sticks.
infamante, pa. & a. defaming opprobrious. ; infernalmente, adv. (coll.) hellishly, infer-
infamar, va. to defame, dishonour, disgrace. nally.
infamativo, va, a. that which defames. infernar, va. {ind. infierno svbj. INFIER- :

infamatorio, ria, a. defamatory, libellous, NE) to damn to irritate, vex, provoke. ;

foul-sJioken. inferno, na, a. (poet.) infernal.

infame, a. infamous, vile, despicable, dam- infestacidn, /. infestation, annoyance.
nable. infestar, va. to infest, overrun, harass; to
Infamemente, adv. infamously, vilely. infect, to fill with stench.

g (before e, 1) and J as h In Jiot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; •.
infestO, ta, a. (poet.) prejudicial, dangerous. inforciado, m. second part of the digest or
infeudax, va. infeudacibn, /. v. e>fkudar, pandects of Justinian.
etc. informaci6n, /. information, account, re-
inficionar, va. to infect, spread contagion port inquiry, investigation judicial in-

to poison corrupt, delile, pervert, vitiate.

quiry and process (law) brief. ;

infideHdad, unfaithfulness, /. iilfidelity, informador, ra, a. informer, reporter.

treachery, deceit, faithlessness miscre- ; informal, «. informal, irregular; unreliable;
ance, unbelief, want of faith, disbelief of unconventional.
Christianity whole body of inlidels. ; informalidad, /. informality, unconvention-
infidelislmo, ma, a. super, of infiel. ality breach of etiquette.

infidencia, j. unfaithfulness, faithlessness informante, pa. informing, instructing. m,

treason misfeasance. ;
\ld-w) informant, informer, detective.
infidente, a. unfaithful. informar, va. to inform, advise, state, com-
infiel, a. unfaithful, infidel faithless, dis- ; municate, impart, acquaint, report; to give
loyal godless pagan inaccurate, inexact. form to, animate, shape, substantiate. in.
— ;

m. unbeliever, infidel.
; ;

(law) to plead. vr. to inquire, investigate,

infielmente, adv. unfaithfully. find out.
infierno, m. hell limbo place or state of ;
informatiVO, va, a. instructive animative, ;

extreme torment, evil, or misery refectory ; informative.

or eating-room in some convents; (chem.) informe, a. informous, shapeless, formless,
large retort cave of a baking machine ; irregular, out of shape. »«. information ; —
tank in oil-mills : vete al inflerno, go to report, account, statement, advice refer- ;

blazes. ence (law) plea, pleading.


infigurable, a. that which cannot be repre- informidad, /. informity, shapelessness.

sented by any figure. infortificable, a. that cannot be fortified.
infiltracibn, /. infiltration, percolation. infortuna, /. (astrol.) sinistrous influence of
infiltrar, ta. &
vr. to infiltrate, percolate, fil- the stars.
ter to imbue, infuse.
; infortunado, da, a. unfortunate, unlucky,
Infijno, ma, a. lowest, lowermost, under- unhappy.
most, least most abject, vilest ; (com.
; infortunio, m. misfortune, ill luck, calamity,
most inferior in quality. mischance misery fatality. ; ;

infinidad, /. infinit>. infiniteness, immensi- infOStira, /. (vet.) disease in horses.

ty, boundlessness ; endless number. infracci6n, infraction, breach, contraven-
Infinitamente, adv. infinitely, immensely. tion, infringement, violation of a compact;
infinitesimal, a. (mat.) infinitesimal. misdemeanour, trespass.
infinitiVO, m. (gram.) infinitive. infractO, ta, a. steady, not easily moved.
infinitO, ta, a. infinite, unbounded, unlim- infractor, ra, m. & f. infractor, breaker,
ited, immense numberless, excessive. ; violator, transgressor.
adv. infinitely, immensely. in fraganti, adv. V. en flagrante.
infinitud, /. v. infinidad. infrangible, a. infrangible ; inviolable.
infirmar, va. (law) to invalidate. infranqueable, a. unsurmountable, inex"-
inflacibn, /. inflation swelling, distension ; ;
conceit, vanity, haughtiness. infrascripto, ta, or infrascrito, ta, a. un-
inflamaole, a. inflammable, combustive derwritten, undersigned subscriber herfc-> ; ;

phlogistic. inafter mentioned.

infiamacidn, /. inflammation, ignition, com- infrecuente, a. unusual, infrequent.
bustion ; blaze; (med.) inflammation. infringir, va. (ind. infrinjo subj. infrin- :

infiamar, va. to inflame, kindle, burn, set on ja) to infringe, violate, break.
fire to excite the passions.
; vr. to become infructifero, ra, infrugifero, ra, a. un-
red-hot, to blaze, ignite; (med.) to become fruitful, unproductive, unprofitable, useless.
inflamed. infructUOSidad,/.,unfruitfulness, unproduc-
inflamatorio, ria, a. inflammatory. tiveness, uselessness.
inflar, va. to inflate, blow, puff, distend ; to infructUOSamente, adv. unfruitfuUy, fruit-
elate, puff up with pride. vr. to swell ; to lessly, uselessly.
strut. infmctuOSO, sa, a. fruitless, unproductive,
inflativo, va, a. that which inflates. unprofitable, gainless, abortive, unsucees*
infiexibilidad, /. inflexibility, stiffness, ri- ful.
gidity inflexibleness, obstinacy, inexora-
; infulas, /. pi. (ecel.) infulae, head-dres.s;
bility, mitre conceit, haughtiness, boasting.

inflexible, a. inflexible, unbending immov- ; infundadamente, adv. groundiessiy.

able contumacious, inexorable.
: infundado, da, a. groundless, baseless.
inflexiblemente, adv. inflexibly, inexorably. infundible, a. infusible.
infiexidn, /. inflection, bending, warping; infundibuliforme, a. (bot.) funnel-shaped.
(gram.) inflection accent, modulation. ; infundir, va. (pp. infundido, infuso) to in-
infligir, va. {for mul. V. afligir) to inflict, fuse, to inspire with to imbue, to instil. ;

impose, condemn. infurcidn, /. ancient ground-lease.

inflorescencia, /. (bot.) inflorescence. infurcioniego, ga, «. subject to ground-
infiuencia, /. influence, prestige, efficient lease.
power inspiration of divine grace.
; infurtir, ra. V. enfurtir.
influente,;ja. &a. influencing, influential. infusibilidad, /. infusibility.
influir, va. {ind. INFLUYO subj. INFLUYa) to : infusible, a. infusible.
influence to modify to prevail upon, per-

; infusibn, f. infusion inspiration, imbu©» ;

suade, induce ; to interfere to inspire with ; ment; (pharm.) infusion; (eccl.y baptism
grace. by sprinkling.
influjo, m. influx, influence, power, credit infilSO, sa, a. & pp. Irr. infundir infused ;

(naut.) rising tide. (as the grace of God).

inflnyente, pa. influencing, influential. infasorio, ria, a. (zool.) Infusorian.—p/. in-
infoliO, m. book in folio form. fusoria.

•« la far : • in •!< 1 : 1 in poUee: o in for ; « i« bull ; c (before e. i) and x as th in thick •

^ and d. soft;
Ingenerable, a. ingenerable. inbabil, a. unable, incapable, incompetent
ingeniax, va. to conceive, contrive, devise. uiitit, unskilful unqualitied, disquaMlied.

IT. to endeavour and manage skilfully to ; inhabilidad, /. inability, incompetency, in-

find means to obtain or do anything. capacity, unskilfulness, unfitness.
ingeniatura, /. (coll.) ingenuity, subtilty, inliabilitaci6n, /. disabling or disqualify-
acuteness, skilful management; (Amer.) ing disqualification disability.
; ;

engineering. inbabilitar, va. to disqualify to disable, ;

ingenieria, /. engineering. render unfit. vr. to lose a right ; to become

ingeniero, m. engineer: ingeniero naval, de disabled.
la armada or de marina, naval engineer in- : inhabitable, a. uninhabitable.
geniero millibar, military engineer : ingeniero inhabitadO, da, a. uninhabited.
civil, any engineer who not a naval or a
is inbabituadO, da, a. unhabituated, unaccus-
military engineer : ingeniero agronomo, agri- tomed.
cultural engineer ingeniero de caminos, ca-
: inhalador, ra, a. inhaler.
nales y puertos, civil engineer ingeniero de : inlialacidn, /. (med.) inhalation.
minas, mining engineer ingeniero de montes, ; inbalar, va. (med.) to inhale.
forest engineer ingeniero quimico or indus-
: inberencia, /. inherence or inherency.
trial, chemical engineer ingeniero mecanico, : inberente, a. inherent.
mechanical engineer ingeniero electricista, : inbestar, va. V. enhestar.
electrical engineer ingeniero hidr^ulico, hy-
: in,bibici6n,/. (law) inhibition, prohibition.
draulic engineer. inbibir, va. (law) tof inhibit an inferior
mgenio, m. talent; mind, creative or invent- court from proceeding further.
ive faculty cleverness, skill, smartness ;
; inbibitoriO, ria, a. inhibitory.
talented person, especially an author ; en- inbiesto, ta, a. steep. V. enhiesto.
gine, machine, mechanical apparatus de- ; inbonestamente, adv. immodestly.
contrivance; any engine of war (b. b.)
vice, ;
inbonestidad, /. immodesty, indecency.
plough-cutter, plough-press ingenio de azu- ; inbonestO, ta, a. immodest, indecent.
car, sugar-work, sugar-mill, sugar-planta- inbospedable, inbospitable, inbospital,
tion ingenio de polvora, powder-mill.
: inbospitalario, ria, a. inhospitable, re-
mgeniosamente, adv. ingeniously. luctant to entertain guests ; unsheltering.
ingenlosidad, /. ingenuity, iugeniousness, inbospitalidad, /. inhospitableness.
invention. inbumanamente, adv. inhumanly.
ingeniOSO, sa, a. ingenious, inventive clev- ; inbumanidad, /. inhumanity, cruelty.
erly made. inbumano, na, a. inhuman, savage, cruel.
ingenito, ta, a. unbegotten ; innate, inborn, inbUmar, va. to bury, inhume, inter.
ingenerate, ingenite. iniciacibn, /. initiation, introduction.
Ingente, very large, huge, prodigious.
a. iniclal, a. initial, elementary letras inicla- :

ingenuamente, adv. candidly, ingenuously. le8 or las iniciales, initials.

-^ngenuidad, /. ingenuousness, candour, iniciador, ra, a. initiator, starter.
frankness, openness, opeu-heartedness. iniciar, va. to initiate to commence, begin,

ingenuo, nua, a ingenuous, open, candid, start vr. to be initiated ; (eccl.) to receive
fair, open-hearted (law) ingenuous, free- ;
first orders.
born. iniciatiVO, va, a. initiating, initiatory.-/,
ingerencia, /. interference, intermeddling. initiative, the right of proposing laws, etc.
ingeridor, m. grafting-knife. tomar la iniciativa, to be first in doing or
ingeridura,/. grafting. saying something.
ingerir, va. (ind. ingiero: subj. ixgiera) inicuamente, adv. iniquitously.
to insert, introduce, inclose (agr.) to graft. iniCUO, CUa, a. iniquitous, wicked, unjust.
— vr. to interfere, intermeddle.

inimaginable, a. unimaginable, inconceiv-

ingina, /. v. quuada. able.
ingle,/, groin, part next the thigh. inimicisimo, ma, a. sup. irr. of enemigo ;
Ingl6s, sa, a. English: k la inglesa, in the very inimical.
English fashion.—m. Englishman ; the Eng- inimitable, a. inimitable.
lish language.—/. Englishwoman. ininteligible, a. unintelligible.
Inglesar, va. & vr. to Anglicize. iniquidad,/. iniquity, injustice, unrighteous-
Inglesismo, m. Anglicism. ness.
Inglete, m. diagonal angle of 45°. ; iniquisimo, ma, a. sup. of inicuo.
inglosable, a. admitting no gloss or com- injertar, va. {pp. injertado, ikjerto)
ment. (agr.) to ingraft, to graft.
IngObernable, a. ungovernable, unmanage- injertera,/. orchard of grafted trees.
able, unrulv. in^jertO, pp. irr. of injertar.— ??i. graft, graft-
ingratamerite, adv. ungratefully. ing tree ingrafted.
Ingratitud, /. ingratitude, ungratefulness, il^JTiria,.f. injury, offence, wrong, insult, out-
unthankfulness. rage, aflront; annoyance, hardship, con-
ingratO, ts^ a. ungrateful, unthankful tumely, mischief, daiinage, harm.
thankless, ingrate harsh, disagreeable. ; injuria'dO, da, a. & pp. injured, wronged.
Ingrediente, m. ingredient. injuriador, ra, m. & f. aggressor, injurer,
Ingresar, va. to enter (com.) to incase. ;
ingn^eso, m. ingress, entrance commence- ; injuriante, pa. injuring, offending, injurer.
ment (com. ) entry, money received (ecel.
; ;
injuriar, va. to injure, insult, wrong, out-
surplice-fees derechos de ingreso, entrance
: rage, offend, annoy, harm, or hurt.
{ee.—pl. (com.) revenue, receipts, earn- injuriosamente, adv. injuriously, offensive-
ings. ly, hurtfuily.
Inguinal, inguinario, ria, a. (med.) in- injuriOSO, sa, injurious, outrageous in-
guinal. sulting, offensive, hurtful, opprobrious.
Ingargitaci6n,/. (med.) ingurgitation. inlustamente, adv. unjustly.
Ingurgitar, va. to ingurgitate, swallow. ilnUSticia,/. injustice, iniquity, wrong,
Ingustable, a. unsavoury, unpalatable. i^UStificable, a. unjustifiable.

e (before e, i) and J as b In hot ; h, silcat ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny ia'casyon ; r (iaitial) aud rr trilleJ ; s. bUsed.
Injustificadamente, adv. unjustifiably, inmovilidad, /. immobility, fixedness ; firm-
injustiflcado, da, a. unjustified. ness, constancy.
Inlusto, ta, a. unjust, wrongful. inmudable, «. immutable.
imegible, a. illegible. inmueble, a. (law) immovable (property).—
Inllevable, «. insupportable, unbearable. m. (law) immovable.
inmaculadameilte, adv. immaculately. Inmundicia, /. filth, dirt, garbage; nasti.
inmaculado, da, a. immaculate, holy, pure, uess, dirtiness, filthiness ; uncleanuess, im»
spotless. purity.
inmanejable, «. unmanageable unruly. ; inmundO, da, a. unclean, filthy, dirty ; oh-
inmanente, a. immanent, inherent. scene, unchaste.
ininarcesible, unfading, unwithering.
a. inmune, a. free, exempt ; immune.
inmaterial, a. immaterial, incorporeal. inmunidad, /. immunity, privilege, exemp-
inmaterialldad, /. immateriality. tion, frauciiise, freedom ; liberty.
inmaturo, ra, a. immature. inmutabilidad, /. immutability.
Inmediaci6n,/. contiguity, contact.—jjZ. en- imnutable, a. immutable, unchangeable.
virons, suburbs, outskirts. inmutacibn, /. change, alteration.
inmediatamente, adv. contiguously ; im- inumtar, va. to change, to alter. vr. to
mediately, forthwith. change countenance from some emotion.
inmediato, ta, a. contiguous, nigh, close, inmutativo, va, a. that which changes or
adjoining, hard by, next. '
causes alterations.
imnediCSlDle, a. incurable, irremediable. innatismo, m. (phil.) system of those who
inmejorable, a. unimprovable, unsurpass- claim that ideas are innate.
able. innatO, ta, a. innate, ingenite, inborn.
inmemorable, a. immemorable, immemo- innavegable, «. innavigable, unseaworthy.
rial. innecesario, ria, a. unnecessary.
inmemorablemente, immemorably. adv. innegable, «. undeniable.
imneiuorial, «. immemorial. innoble, a. ignoble, meau of birth.
inmensamente, adv. immensely, infinitely, innocuo, ua, «. innocuous, harmless.
hugely. innominadO, da, a. nameless : hueso Innomi'
inmensidad, /. immensity, vastness infin- ; nado, iuuominate.bone.
great multitude or number.
ity ; innovacibn, /. innovation.
inmenso, sa, a. immense, unlimited, un- innovador, ra, m. &/. innovator.
bounded, infinite countless. ; innovamiento, m. innovation.
inmens'lirable, a. immensurable, measure- innovar, ra. to innovate.
less. innumerabllidad, /. innumerabllity, in*
inmerecidamente, adv. undeservedly. numerableness.
inmerecido, da, «. unmerited, undeserved. innmnerable, a. innumerable, numberless,
inm^ritaniente, adv. unmeritedly. countless.
inmerito, ta, a. undeserved, unmerited. innumerablemente, a4v. innumerably.
InmerltoriO, ria, a. immeritorious, unde- innumero, ra, a. numberless, countless.
serving. inobediencia, /. disobedience.
imuersidll, /. immersion. inobediente, a. disobedient unmanageable. ;

Inmigracl6n, /. immigration. inobservable, uuobservable, iuobservable.

inniigrailte, m. immigrant. inobservancia, /. neglect, inobservance.
Imzilgrar, vn. to immigrate. inobservante, «. inobservant.
inmlnencia, /. imminence, nearness. inocencia, /. innocence, guilelessness guilt* ;

inminente, a. imminent, impending, near. lessness harralessness, innocuousness

; ; can-
inmisculr, va. to mix. vr. to interfere in, to dour, simplicity.
intermeddle. inocentada, simple or silly speech
/. (coll.)
imnoble, a. unmovable, immovable, fixed or action practical joke or trick.

motionless ; unshakable, constant. inocente, a. innocent, pure, candid guilt- ;

inmoderaclbn, /. immoderation, immoder- less harmless, innocuous simple, easily

; ;

ateness ; excess. duped : dia de inocentes, the 28th of Decem-

Inmoderadamente, adv. immoderately. ber.
inmoderado, da, a. immoderate, excessive. inocentemente, adv. innocently, guiltlessly,
imnodestamente, adv. immodestly. harmlessly, innocuously.
inmodestia, /. immodesty, indecency, in- Inocentbn, na, a. aug. very simple and cred-
delicacy. ulous.
inmodestO, ta, a. immodest, indelicate. inocillacidn, /. inoculation ; vaccination.
imnolacibn, /. immolation, sacrifice. inoculador, »*. inoculator.
inmolador, ra, m. &/. immolator. inocular, va. (med.) to inoculate; to con«»
ininolar, va. to immolate to sacrifice. ; taminate, pervert.
iniUOral, «. immoral licentious. ; inodoro, ra, «. inodorous, odourless. — »».
inmoralldad, /. immorality, licentiousness, sanitary water-closet.
vice, corruption. inofensivo, va, «. inoflfensive.
inmortal, «. immortal endless. ; inoficlOSO, sa, (lawj inofficious (will).
inmortaJidad, /. immortality. inolvidable, a. unforgetable, not to be for-
inmortalizar, va. to immortalize, perpetu- gotten.
ate. inoperable, a. (med.) inoperable.
inmortalxaente, adv. immortally. inopia, /. indigence, poverty, penury.
inmortlflcaci6n, /. immortification, licen- inopinable, a. indisputable, incontroverti-
tiousness. ble.
inmortlficado, da, a. unmortified. inopinadamente, adv. unexpectedly.
inmotivado, da, a. without reason or cause. inopinado, da, «. inopinate, unexpected,
ImnotO, ta, a. unmoved. unforeseen.
inmovible, a. immovable. inoportunamente, adv. inopportunely.
Inm6vil, a. motionless, set, fixed ; constant, inoportunidad, /. inopportuueness, unsea*
unshaken. sonableness, inconvenience.

« M in i»r : • in «li I ; i la police ; o In for ; Q in bull ; c (before •, i\ and z as th in tblok ; b and d, soft ;
inoportuno, na, inopportune. a. insensate, ta, a. insensate, nonsensical,
Inordenadamente, adv. inordinately. meaningless stupid, mad, fatuous.

inordenado, da, inordina^o, da, a. inor- insensibilidad,/. insensibility, unconscioug-

dinate, irregular, disorderly. ness ;
inorganiCO, ca, a. inorganic. insensible, «. insensible, senseless, uncon-
inoxida'ble, a. inoxidizable. scious callous, stupid ; imperceptible, un-

in partiljus, (Lat.) adv. (coll.) having a feeling, obdurate, cold-hearted.

nominal appointment. V. obispo. insenslblemente, adv. insensibly.
in pectore, (Lat.) adv. (coll.) said of a reso- inseparabilidad, /. inseparableness, insep-
lution not yet made known. arability.
inpromptu, (Lat.)ad«;. off hand, impromptu, inseparable, inseparable.o.
extempore. inseparablemente, adv. inseparably.
in puribus, (Lat.) adv. (coll.) in a state of insepultO, ta, a. unburied, uninterred.
nakedness. inserei6n, /. insertion, ingrafting.
inquebrantable, «. inviolable, irrevocable. inserir, va. to insert, to graft.
inquietador, ra, m. &f. disturber. insertar, va. {pp. insertado, inserto) to
inquletamente, adv. disquietly, uneasily. insert, to introduce. vr. (zool. and bot.) to
inquietar, va. to disquiet, trouble, disturb ; be inserted or attached.
to molest, vex, tease, harass to stir up or inserto, ta, a. & pp. irr. of insertar in-

excite disturbances. i;;-. to become uneasy serted.
or restless, to fret, worry. inservible, unserviceable, useless.
inquleto, ta, a. restless, turbulent ; noisy, insidia,/. ambush, snare, contrivance.
troublesome, clamorous ; anxious, solici- insidiador, ra, m. &/. plotter, waylayer, In-
tous, uneasy, fidgety, disquiet. sidiator.
inquietud, /. inquietude, restlessness, un- i^Sidiar, va. to plot, waylay, ambush.
easiness, vexation, anxiety. insidiosamente, adv. insidiously, guilefully.
inqullinatO, m. (law) lease, leasehold. insidiOSO, sa, a. insidious, sly, guileful.
inquilino, na, m. & /. tenant, inmate, insigne, a. notable, remarkable, flagrant,
lodger; (law) lessee. noted.
inquina,/. (coll.) aversion, hatred. insignemente, adv. notably, signally, con-
inquinaihento, m. infection. spicuously.
inquinar, va. to contaminate. insignia,/, decoration, device, medal, badge,
inquiridor, ra, m. & f. inquirer, inquisitor, standard; (naut.) pennant.—/)/, insignia.
investigator. insignificancia, /. insignificance.
inquirir, va. {ind. inquiero subj. iNQuiE- : insignificante, a. insignificant, unimpor-
ra) to inquire, look into, search, investi- tant.
gate, explorate, examine. insi^niflcativo, va, a. insignificant ; insig-
inquisicidn, /. inquest, examination, in- nifacative.
quiry (eccl.) Inquisition Holy Office.
; ; insinuacidn, /. insinuation, innuendo, hint,
inqulsidor, ra, m. & /. inquirer, examiner. suggestion (law) exhibition of a public
— m. (eccl.) inquisitor.

instrument before a judge (rhet.) kind of ;

inquisitorial, a. inquisitorial, inquisito- exordium.

rious. insinuante, pa. & a. insinuant, insinuating.
Insabible, a. that can never be known. insinuar, va. to insinuate, hint, suggest. vr.
insaciabilidad,/. insatiableness, greediness. to insinuate, ingratiate, wheedle to get in, ;

insaclable, a. insatiable, greedy. creep in, steal into (the mind).

insaciablemente, adv. insatiably. insipidamente, adv. insipidly.
insaculaci6n, /. (law) balloting for names. insipidez,/. insipidity, insipidness.
insaculador, m. (law) balloter. insipidO, da, a. insipid, tasteless, unsavoury,
insacular, va. to ballot, to vote by ballot. spiritless, vapid, flat.
insalivacibn, /. insalivation. insipiencia,/. ignorance, lack of judgment,
insalivar, va. to insalivate. insipiente, a. ignorant, uninformed.
insalubre, a. insalubrious, unhealthy. insistencia, /. persistence, steadiness, con-
insalubridad, /. insalubrity, unhealthful- stancy, obstinacy.
ness. insistir, vn. to insist, persist to dwell upon. ;

insanable, incurable, irremediable.

a. insitO, ta, a. ingrafted, natural.
insania,/. insanity. V. LOCURA. insOCiabilidad, /. unsociability, unsociable-
insano, na, a. insane, mad, crazy. ness.
inscribir, va. {pp. inscrito, inscriptoJ to insociable, insocial, a. unsociable.
inscribe, register, record, book (geom.) to ;
insolaci6n, /. (med.) insolation, sun-stroke.
inscribe (law) to record (deeds).
; insolar, va. to insolate. vr. to become over-
inscripci6n,/. inscription record, register, ; heated in the sun.
entry registration government bond.
; ;
insoldable, a. that cannot be soldered.
inscripto, ta, pp. irr. of inscribir. insolencia, /. insolence, impudence, effront-
inscrito^ ta, pp. irr. of inscribir. ery, frowardness, effrontery, barefacedness.
insculpir, va. to insculp, engrave, cut. insolentar, va. to make bold. vr. to become
insecaole, a. (coll.) that cannot be dried. insolent.
insecticida, a. insecticidal. insolente, a. insolent, impudent, froward,
insectil, a. insectile, insectean. haughty.
insectivoro, ra, a. insectivorous. insolentemente, adv. insolently, haughtily,
insectO, m. (ent.) insect. insultingly.
inseguridad, /. insecurity, uncertainty. in s61iduni, adv. (law) jointly.
inseguro, ra, a. insecure, unsafe, uncertain, a. unusual, unaccustomed.
ins61it0. ta,
dubious. insolubilidad, /. insolubility.
insenescencia, /. quality of not becoming insoluble, a. indissoluble, insoluble; fast,
old. strong ; unsolvable.
insensatamente, adv. madly, stupidly. insolvencia. /. insolvency.
insensatez, /. nonsense, stupidity, folly. insolvente, a. insolvent.
g (before e, 1) and J as h in hot ; b, silent; U in brilliant; ft, ny in canyon; r (initial) »n>l rr trilled; s, hieBed.
insomne, a. insomnious, sleepless. (law) court proceedings : instmccion prima-
insomnio, m. insomnia, sleeplessness. ria, primary education instruccion pi&blica,

insondable, unfathomable, fathomless

a. public education.—p/. instructions, direc-
inscrutable, unsearchable abysmal. ;
tions, orders.
insonoro, ra, a. insonorous, not clear. instructivamente, adv. instructively.
insoportable, insupportable, intolerable.
a. instructivo, va, a. instructive.
insostenible, a. indefensible. instructor, ?u. instructor, teacher.
inspecci6ll, /. inspection, survey superin- ; instructora, /. instructress.
tendence control inspector's office.
; instruir, va. {ind. instruyo: subj. instru-
inspeccionar, va. to inspect, examine, over- ya) to instruct, teach, train, eoach to in- ;

see. form, report, advise; (mil.) to drill (law) ;

inspector, ra, m. inspector, examiner & f. ;

to instruct, to model a cause according to
supervisor, superintendent, controller, over- established rules.
seer, surveyor. instrumentacibn, /. (mus.) instrumenta-
ilispiraci6n, /. inspiration ;
(med. ) inhala- tion, orchestration.
tion. instrumental, (mus.) instrumental;
inspirador, ra, m. & f. inspirer. (law) belonging to legal instruments causa :

insplrante, pa. inspiring. instrumental, (law) test case.

inspirar, va. to inspire, inhale ; to infuse instrumentalmente, adv. instmmentally.
into the mind, instil, induce. instrumentar, va. (mus.) to instrument, to
inspiratiVO, va, a. inspiratory. orchestrate.
instabilldad, /. instability, inconstancy, instrumentista, m. (mus.) instrumentalist;
fickleness, mutability. music.
Instable, «. unstable, inconstant, changing, instrumento, m. instrument, tool, imple-
mutable, fickle. ment, appliance, utensil engine, machine, ;

Instalacidn, /. installation, instalment ; set- apparatus agent or means of doing any-


tling; induction.—;»;. pipe-laying inatala- : thing; (law) instrument, indenture, deed;

cidn elictrica, electric plant : instalacion de (mus.) instrument.
gas, gas-fitting. insuave, a. unpleasant, disagreeable.
Instalar, va. to stall, place, set up ; (law) to insubordinacldn, /. insubordination.
instal to induct.
; insubordinado, da, a. & pp. insubordinate^
instancia,/. instance or instancy memorial, ;
petition prosecution or process of a suit
insubordinar, va. to incite to resist au-
pressing argument de primera instancia, in- : thoritj. vi: to rebel against authority.
stantly, on the first impulse first, in the ; insubSlStencia, /. instability.
first place. V. juez and juzgado. insubsistente, a. unable to subsist, instable j
Instantiineamente, adv. instantly, instan- groundless, baseless.
taneously. insubstancial, a. unsubstantial, inane,
lnstantd.neO, nea, a. instantaneous.—/, pointless.
(phot.) snap-shot. insubstancialidad, /. inanity.
instante, pa. & a. instant, pressing, urgent. insubstancialmente, adv. inanely.

m. instant, a moment al instante, imme- : insudar, vn. to toil, drudge, work hard.
diately por instantes, incessantly, every
: insuficiencia, /. insufficiency, inadequat«-
moment. ness.
instantemente, adv. instantly. insuficiente, a. insufficient, inadequate.
tnstar, urge ; in schools, to im-
va. to press, insuficientemente, adv. insufficiently.
pugn the solution of a question. vn. to be insuflacibn, /. (med.) insufflation.
urgent. insuflar, va. (med.) to insufflate.
instaiiraci6n, /. instauration, restoration, insufrible, a. intolerable, insuflferable, un-
Instaurar, va. to renew, re-establish, rebuild. bearable, insupportable.
InstauratlVO, va, a. restorative. insufriblemente, adv. insufferably.
Instigaci6n, /. instigation, incitement. insula,/, (archaic) isle, island. V. isla.
instigador, ra, m. &/. instigator, abetter. insular, insulano, na, a. insular.
instigar, va. {prel. instigu^: sulij. INSTI- insulsamente, adv. insipidly.
GUE) to instigate, incite, provoke, urge. insulsez,/ insipidity, flatness.
Instllacibn, /. instillation. insulSO, sa, a. insipid, tasteless dull, heavy. ;

Instilar, va. to instil, infuse, insinuate. insultador, ra, m. &/. insuiter.

InstintlVO, va, a. instinctive. insultante,i>a. insulting, insuiter.
instintivamente, adv. instinctively. insultar, va. to insult.—vr. (coll.) to have a
instintO, tn. instinct ; divine inspiration : por fit.
Instinto. instinctively., insulto, m. insult, affront ; outrage, assault
instituci6n, establishment,
/. institution, sudden fit of illness.
settlement; education, instruction institu- : insume, a. costly, expensive.
ci6n de cridito, (com.) bank.—^^. institutes insumergible, a. insubmergible.
of any science. insuperable, a. insuperable, insurmount-
instltuente, pa. instituting founder. ; able.
Instituidor, ra, m. &/. institutor, founder. insupurable, a. that cannot suppurate.
institulr, va, {ind. instituyo subj. insti- : insurgente, «. insurgent. m. rebel.
tuya) to institute, establish, found ; to insurrecci6n, /. insurrection, rebellion.
teach, instruct to nominate, appoint. ; insurreccionar, va. to promote an insurrec-
instltuta, /. (law) institutes. tion. — !•/-. to rebel.
instltuto, m. institute, established law ; set- insurrecto, ta, a. & m. &f. insurgent, rebel.
tled order institution of learning.
; insustancial, a. v. insubstancial.
institutor, ra, m. &f. institutor. intacto, ta, «. untouched, intact, whole, en-
institutrlz, /. governess, instructress. tire ;
instituyente, pa. institutor founder. ; intacnable, a. uncensurable, unexception-
instrucci6n, /. instruction, tuition, teach- able, blameless.
ing ; lesson ; knowledge learning, lore ; ;
intangible, a. intangible ; not to be touched.
a u In far : e in eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; u in bull ; c (before e, i) and e as th In thick ; b and d, cofk*
iMteg^rrimo, ma, a. super, upright. interceder, vn. to intercede,
integracion,/. integration. interceptacibn, /. interception, stoppage,
integral, integral, whiole.
«. interceptar, va. to intercept, cut off.
Integralmente, adv. integrally, wholly. intercesi6n, /. intercession, mediation,
iutegramente, adv. entirely, wholly. intercesor, ra, m. & /, intercessor, inter-
llltegrfante, a. integral, integrant. cedes
integrar, ra. to integrate; (com.) to reim- interciso, sa, a. half-holiday,
burse (mat.) to integrate.
interclusion, .f. interclusion.
integridad, /. integrality, wholeness, com- intercolumnio, intercolunio, m. (arch.)
pleteness ; integrity, honesty, uprightness; intercolumniation.
virginity. intercostal, a. intercostal,
Integro, gra, a. integral, entire, complete ;
intercurrencia, /. intercurrence.
eandid, upright, honest, disinterested, just. intercurrente, a. intercurrent, intervening,
tntelecci6n, J. intellection. intercutaneo, nea, a. intercutaneous.
intelectiva, /. intellect, intelligence. interdecir, va. to interdict, prohibit.
intelectivo, va, «. intellective. interdentario, ria, a. interdental.
intelecto, m. intellect, understanding. interdiccidn, /. interdiction, prohibition ;
intelectual, a. intellectual, mental, ideal. interdict.
intelectualmente, adv. intellectually, men- interdictO, m. prohibition, interdiction;
tally, ideally. (law) judgment of summary possession.
iutellgencia, /. intellect, mind, spirit; in- interdigital, a. interdigital.
telligence, comprehension, knowledge, un- interns, m. interest, gain, profit share, con- ;

derstanding, skill, ability, experience cern, advantage, concernment; (com.) in-

sense, meaning: en la inteligencia, in the terest, premium, money paid for the use of
understanding, suppositively. money attraction, inducement, inclina-

inteligenciadO, dst, a. (coll.) instructed, in- tion, desire.—pZ. money matters, business
formed. affairs.
inteligeute, a. intelligent, talented, skilful, interesable, a. avaricious, mercenary.
clever, learned, knowing. interesado, da, a. & pp. interested, con-
inteligible, a. intelligible. cerned selfish, mercenary. m. & /. asso-

illteligiiJx3mente, adv. intelligibly. ciate, partner.

intemperancia, /. intemperance, excess. interesante, a. interesting, attractive.
intemperante, a. intemperate. interesar, vn. & vr. to be concerned or in-,
intemperie, /. rough weather & la intem- : terested in. va. to invest to give an inter-

perie, in the open air, out-doors. est; to interest, concern, attract.

intempesta, a. (poet.) the dead of night. interesencia, /. assistance, attendance.
intempestivamente, adv. unseasonably. interesente, a. present, concurring.
intempestivo, va, a. unseasonable. interesillo, m. dim. slight interest.
intenci6u, /. intention, design, purpose interfectO, ta, m. & /. (law) murdered per-
meaning, mind, view violent instinct of
; son, victim.
brutes: segunda intencion, afterthought, interferencia, /. (opt.) interference.
double meaning, double dealing: cura de interfoliar, va. to interleave a book.
primera intencion, first aid to the injured. intexln, m. interim, office pro tempore. adv.
intencionadamente, adv. designedly. meanwhile. ,
intencionado, da, a. inclined, disposed. interinamente, adv. in the interim, mean-
intencional, «. intentional, designed. time, provisionally, pro tem.
intencionalmente, adv. intentionally. interinidad, /. office pro tempore.
intendencia, /. administration, manage- interino, na, a. provisional, temporary
ment place, employment, or district of an
pro tempore.
intendente. interior, a. Interior, internal, inward, inner,
intendenta, /. wife of an intendente. inside. m. the interior, inside, inner part
intendente, m. inteadant, sub-treasurer of mind, soul; in coaches with three «om-
the government: intendente de ejercito, partments, the middle one.—^/. entrails, in-
quarter-master general intendente de ma- : testines.
rina, commandant of a navy-yard interloridades, /. pi. family secrets.
Intensamente. ad,\ intensely. interiormente, adv. internally, ihwardly,
intensidad,.;'. intensity vehemence. ;
intension, /'. in tenseness, vehemence, ar- inter1eeci6n,/. (gram.) interjection.
dency earnestness.
; interline a, /. (print.) lead, space line.
intensive, va, intense, sa, a. intense, in- interlineacidn, /. interlineation; (print.)
tensive, vehement, ardent, lively. leading.
intentar, va. to try, attempt, endeavour to ; inter lineal, a. Interlineal.
intend, purpose, mean, design (law) to ;
interlinear, va. to write between lines;
enter an action, to commence a lawsuit. (print.) to lead, to space.
intentO, m. intent, purpose, design de In- : interlocucibn,/. interlocution, dialogue.
tento, purposely, designedly, knowingly. interlocutor, ra, m. &f. interlocutor.
intentona,/. (coll.) chimerical attempt. interlocutoriamente, adv. (law) interme-
inter, prep, prefix meaning between. m. diately.
(Peru) substitute of a curate. interlocutorio, ria, a. (law) interlocutory
intercadencia, /. interruption, interposi- intermediate.
tion, unevenness, inconstancy; (med.) in- interlope, a. interloping.
termission or inequality of the pulse. interlunio, to. (ast.) interlunar period.
intercadente, a. changeable, variable. intermediar, va. to interpose, mediate.
intercadentemente, adv. changeably. intermediario, ria, w. & /. (law) interme-
intercalacidn, /. intercalation. diator.
intercalar, ra. to intercalate. intermedio, dia, a. intermediate, interven-
intercalar, «. intercalary. ing, interposed. m. interval, intermedium;
intercambiO, m. interchange. interim ; (theat.) interlude, intermission.

g(bfelbree,i)andj as h in hot; h, silent: U in briUlant; fi, ny in canyon; r (initial) ani4 rr trilled ;

b, hissed.
interminable, a. interminable, endless. tion, discontinuance, obstruction, stoppage^
intermisibn, /• intermission, interruption. break, check, hinderance.
intermitencia, /. (med.) intermission. interrupter, m. (elec.) interrupter.
intermitente, a. intermittent. interseccibn,/. intersection.
intermitir, va. to intermit, discontinue. intersideral, a. (ast.) interstellar.
internaci6n, /. importation derechos de in- : intersticio, m. interstice, interval.
ternacion, importation duties. intertropical, a. intertropical.
internaclonal, international.
a. interusurio, m. interest for a time.
internamente, adv. internally. intervale, m. interval, stretch, interlapse;
internar, va. to penetrate into the interior of (mus.) interval: claro or lucido interval©,
a country. vtu to pierce, go through. vr. remission of madness lucid interval. ;

to insinuate, to probe. intervencidn, /. intervention, supervision,

interno, na, a. interior, internal, inward, superintendence, mediation, interposition ;
intern. m. &f. boarding-pupil. auditing accounts (law) intervention. ;

internodio,™. (bot.) intemode. intervenir, vn. {for irr. v. venir) to inter-

inter nos, adv. (Lat.) between you and me. vene, come between, mediate, intercur, in-
internuncio, m. interlocutor; (eccl.) inter- termediate to supervise, superintend

nuncio. (law) to intervene. va. to audit accounts ;

interpaginar, va. (b. b.) to interleave. (com.) to financier, to float. impers. to — i'.

interpelaci6n,/. interpellation, summons. occur, happen.

interpelar, va. to appeal to, to implore the interventor, ra, m. &f. comptroller, super*
aid of; to interpellate ;
(law) to summon, visor, inspector, superintendent, auditor.
to cite. intervertebral, a. invertebral.
interpolacidn, /. interpolation. interyacente, a. interjacent, intervening.
interpoladamente, adv. in an interpolating intestado, da, a. intestate.
manner. intestinal, a. intestinal.
interpolar, va. to interpolate, intermix, in- intestine, na, a. intestine, internal ; civil,
termit to interpose, interrupt.
; domestic. m. intestine; gut; bowels.
interponer, va. {for in: v. poner) to inter- intima, intimaci6n, /. intimation, hint.
pose, place between ; to appoint as a medi- intimamente, adv. intimately.
ator (law) to present a petition to a court. intimar, va. to intimate, indicate, suggest,
— ;

vr. to go between, to interpose. to pierce, penetrate to insinuate,

liint. cr. ;

lnterposici6n,/. interposition, interference, become intimate.

mediation, meddling. intimatorio, ?:ia, a. (law) intimating.
interp6sita persona, (Lat.) (law) inter- intimidaci6n, /. intimidation.
mediary, agent. intimidad,/. intimacy, close friendship.
interprender, va. (mil.) to take by sur- intimidar, va. to intimidate, daunt.
prise. intimo, ma, a. internal, innermost inti- ;

interpresa, /. (mil.) taking by surprise. mate, familiar.

interpretable, a. interpretable. intitiQar, va. to entitle ; to confer a title.—
interpretaci6n, /. interpretation, transla- vr. to use a title.
tion, elucidation, explanation, exposition, intolerabilidad, /. intolerableness.
construction, commentary, deciphering: in- intolerable, a. intolerable, insufferable.
terpretacion de lenguas, translation bureau intolerancia,/. intolerance.
in the State Department of Spain. intOlerante, a. intolerant.
Interpretador, ra, w. &/. interpreter, trans- intense, sa, a. (poet.) unshorn; ignorant,
lator. unpolished; (b. b.) bound with uncut
interpretante, pa. & m. & f. interpreting, leaves.
translator. intorsion,/. (bot.) intortiou.
interpretar, va. to interpret, explain, ex- intoxicacibn, /. (med.) intoxication.
pound, translate, construe, decipher intoxicar, va. {pret. intoxiqu6: subj. in'
(theat.) to act a part. toxique) (med.) to poison.
interpretativamente, adv. interpretatively. intradds, m. (arch.) iutrados.
interpretatiVO, va, a. interpretative. intradUCible, a. untranslatable.
int6rprete, m.. &, f. interpreter, expounder, intramuros, odv. within the city.
translator indication, sign.
; intranquilo, la, a. uneasy, restless.
interpuesto, ta, a. & pp. irr. ixterpoxer ;
intransferible, a. not transferable.
interposed, intervening, placed between, intransigente, a. intransigent, irreconcil-
mediate. able.
interregno, m. interreign, interregnum. intransitable, a. impassable.
interr0gaci6n, /. interrogation, question, intransitivo, va, a. (gram.) intransitive.
inquiry ;
(print.) the mark i?. intransmisible, a. untransmissible.
interroganie, a. interrogative mark of in- ; intrasmutabilidad,/. immutability.
terrogation.—j>a. interrogating. m. & f. intrasmutable, a. intransmutable.
interrogator. intratable, «. intractable, ungovernable, un-
interrogar, va. {pret. interrogu^: subj. ruly, unmanageable unsociable, rude, ;

iNTERKOfJUE) to questiou, to interrogate. grouty


interrogativamente, adv. interrogatively. intrepidamente, adv. intrepidly, fearlessly,

interrogativo, va, a. interrogative. intrepidez, /. intrepidity, courage, boldness,
interrogatorio, m. interrogatory; (law) fearlessness, dauntle-ssness, hardiness.
c^os^^-exam^nation. intr6pidO, da, a. intrepid, daring, fearless,
interrumpidamente, adv. interruptedly. courageous, dauntless, gallant, hardy.
interrumpido, da, a. & pp. imerrupted, intriga, /. intrigue entanglement, embroil-

broken. ment ;
(complicated) plot of a play.
intemunpir, va. to interrupt, hinder, ob- intrigante, m. intriguer.
struct, shut off, cut off, cut short, break, intrigar, vn. {pret. intriouA: subj. in-
discontinue. TRKiUE) to intrigue, plot, scheme.
interrupcidn, /. interruption, interpella- intrincable, «. intricate, perplexed
^ rr <v : e In ell I ; i in police : in for ; a in bnll ; e (before e, J) end s m tli in thick ; b and d, eoft ;
^rftrlncacibn, /. intricacy, intricateness, invenciblemente, adv. invincibly.
intrlncadaxnente, adv. intricately. invenci6n, /. invention, discovery, finding,
IntrlncadO, da, a. &pp. intricate, entangled, contrivance, fiction, artifice.
perplexed, knotty, obscure. invenclonero, ra, m. & /. inventor; plot-
intrincamientO, m. intricateness, intrica- ter ; trifler, trickster.
tion. invendible, a. unsalable.
intrincar. va. {pret. intrixquk: subj. IN- inventar, va. to invent, discover, find out,
TRIXQUE) to perplex, intricate, entangle, contrive, concoct, fabricate.
knot, involve. inventariar, va. to inventory.
intringulis, m. (coll.) crafty intention, hid- inventario, m. inventory, catalogue, stock,
den motive mystery, enigma. ; inventiva,/. faculty of invention.
intrinsecamente, ade. intrinsically. inventiVO, va, a. inventive, inventful.
intrinseco, ca, a. intrinsic, intrinsical, es- inventO, m. invention, discovery.
sential. inventor, ra, m. & f. inventor, contriver j

introducci6n, /. introduction. fibber, story-teller, fabricator.

^.ntroducir, va. {ind. introduzco pre(. ix- : inverecund'o, da, a. shameless, impudent.
troduje: subj. ixtroduzca) to introduce, inverisimll, a. unlikely, improbable.
usher in, put in, thrust, insert to present a ; inverisimilitud, /. improbability, unlikeli-
person to make known, to start. vr. to in-
; hood.
sinuate ; to interfere ; to get into. invem^culo, m. green-house, hot-house,
iatroductor, ra, m. & f. introducer ; intro- conservatory.
ductor. invernada, /. winter season.
introductiVO, va, a. introductory, intro- invernadero, m. winter-quarters ; hot-
ductive. house, conservatory,
iutroitO, m. beginning of an oration ;
(eccl.) invemal, a. hibernal, wintry.
introit; (theat.) prologue. invernarj vn. {ind. invierno : subj. ix-
introversi6n,/. introversion. vierne) to winter, to hyemate.
introverso, sa, a. introverted. inverniZO, za, a. winterly, hibernal ; win-
intrusameilte, adv. intrusively. ter-beaten.
intrusarse, vr. to obtrude, intrude. inverosimil, a. v. ixvERisfMiL.
intrusidn, /. intrusion, obtrusion, inverosimilitud, /. V. inverisimilitud.
intruso, sa, a. intruded, intrusive, obtru- inversamente, adv. inversely ; contrari-
sive. m. intruder, obtruder, squatter. wise,
intuicibn, /. intuition. inversibn,/. inversion; (com.) investment.
intuitivamente, adv. intuitively. inverse, sa, a. & pp. irr. of INVERTIR in- ;

intuitiVO, va, a. intuitive, evident. verse, inverted : k or por la inversa, on the

intuito, TO. view, look, glance: por Intuito, contrary,
adv. in consideration, by reason of. invertebrado, da, a. invertebrate.—to, pi
intumescencia, /. intumescence, swelling, the invertebrata.
Intumescente, a. intumescent, swollen, invertir, va. {pp. invertido, inverso ger- :

intususcepci6n, /. intussusception. und, INVIRTIENDO : ind. INVIERTO pret. :

inultO, ta, a. (poet.) unrevenged, unpun- 61 1NVIRT16 : subj. invierta) to invert, to

ished. reverse ;
(com.) to invest.
inuildaci6n, f. inundation, overflow, flood, investidnra, /. investiture.
confiuence multitude.
; ; investigable, a. investigable.
inundante, pa. inundating inundant. ; investigacidn, /. investigation, research;
inundar, va. to inundate, overflow, deluge, inquest.
flood ; to overrun with numbers, investigador, ra, to, &/. investigator.
inurbanainente, adv. incivilly, uncivilly. investigar, va. { pret. ixvestigus subj. IN- :

inurbanidad, /. incivility, inurbanity. vestigue) to investigate, ascertain, exam-

inurbano, na, a. uncivil, rude, unpolished, ine, inquire, research,
inusitadamente, adv. unusually, investir, va. {for irr. V. vestir) to invest,
inusitado, da, a. unusual, not in use, confer,
inutll, a. useless, unserviceable, inutile, inveterado, da, a. & pp. inveterate, old,
fruitless, needless, .unnecessary, idle. chronic, obstinate.
Inutilidad, /. inutility, uselessness, unprofit- inveteradamente, adv. inveterately.
ableness, needlessness. inveterarse, vr. to become antiquated, old,
inutilizar, v«. {pret. inutilic^: subj. j^vti- or chronic.
lice) to render useless to disable, spoil, ; invictamente, adv. unconquerably, valiant-
IntltUmente, adv. uselessly, idly, ly-
invadeable, a. unfordable'. invictO, ta, a. invincible, unconquered,
invadir, va. to invade encroach upon. j
inviemo, m. winter.
ilivalldacl6n, invalidation, invalidity. .
f. invigilrJ, vn. to watch carefully.
inva,lidamente, adv. invalidly, inviolabilidad, /. inviolability, inviolable-
invalidar, ra. to invalidate, to nullify, ness.
inv^lido, da, a. invalid cripple ; feeble, ; inviolable, a. inviolable ; inviolate.
weak null, void. m. (rail.) invalid.
, inviOlablemente, adv. inviolably, infallibly.
Invariabilidad, /. invariability. inviolado, da, a. inviolate, unhurt, unin-
Invariable, a. invariable, constant. jured.
invariablemente, adv. invariably. invisibUidad,/. invisibility,
ilivariaci6n..r'. immutability, invariableness. invisible, a. invisible : en un invisible, (coU
invariadamente, adv. unvariediy. in less than no time.
invarlado, da, unvaried, constant,
«. invisiblemente, adv. invisibly.
ilivasl6n, /. invasion attack, ; invitaci6n, /. invitation,
Invasor, fa, m. &f. invader. invitador, ra, to. & f. inviter.
invectiva, /. invective, harsh censure. invitar, va. to invite ; entice ; treat.
Invencible, a. invincible, insuperable, un- invitatorio, m. (eccl.) invitatory,
conquerable. invocacibn, /. invocation.
g (before e, I) and J as h In hot : h, silent ; 11 la brilliant ; ft, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; a, hissed

INV 334 lEK
invocador, ra, m. &f. invoker. ira,/. ire, anger, passion, indignation, wrath,
invocar, va. (pret. invoquk: subj. invoque) fury, choler, rage: ira de Dlosl Lord de«

to invoke, implore. liver us

invocatorio, ria, a. invocatory. Iracundia, /. irascibility, ire, irascibleness.
involucrar, va. to involve introduce for- ; iracundo, da, a. passionate, ireful ; (poet.)
eign matter into a discourse. enraged, furious fMie elements).
involucre, m. (bot.) involucre. irascible, a. irascible, choleric.
involuntariamente, adv. involuntarily. irenarca, m. irenarch.
involuntariedad, /. involuntariness. iridaceo, cea, a. iridaceous, iris-like.
involuntario, ria, a. involuntary. iride,/. (bot.) V. efemero.
invulnerabilidad, /. invulnerability. irideo, dea, a. irideous.
invulnerable, a. invulnerable. iridic,'", (min.) iridium.
inyeccidn,/. injection ; liquid injected. iridiscente, a. iridescent, rainbow-hued.
inyectar, va. to inject. iris [ee'-ris\ m. iris, the rainbow (opt.) irisr ;

inyector, m. (mech.) injector. iris de paz, mediator, peace-'aaker ; (min.)

iodo, (chem.) V. yodo, correct spelling. opal.
i6n, (chem.) V. y6n, correct spelling. irisado, da, a. rainbow-hued.
ipecacuana, /. (bot.) ipecacuanha: Ipeca- irisar, vn. to iridesce.
cuaaa de lai Antillas, wild ipecac. irlanda, /. cotton and woollen ?loth ; fin«
ipil [e-peei'l, m. (C. Am.) outer garment worn Irish linen.
by half-breed women ;
(Philip.) (bot.) hard- irland^S, esa, «. Irish. m. Irishiiao ; Irish
wood tree. language.—/. Irishwoman.
ir [eer], {pp. IDO gerund, yendo ind. VOY
vTt. : : ironia,/. (rhet.) irony.
imperf. IB A pret. Fui subj. vaya) to go,
: : irdnicamente, adv. ironically.
move, walk to fit, be becoming, suit to
; ; ir6niCQ, ca, a. ironical.
bet, lay a wager, as van cinco duros i, que lle- iroquCo, sa, a. Iroquois.
go antes, I bet five dollars I get there first irracional, a. irrational, absurd ;
to import, to concern, as nada me va en ello, irrational. m. a brute.
it does not interest me to differ, to be dif- ; irracionalidad, / irrationality.
ferent, to be distant, as lo que va de ayer k irracionalmente, adv. irrationally.
hoy, how to-day differs from yesterday to ; irradiaci6n, /. irradiation, irradiance.
lead, as todoi los caminos van k Roma, all irradiar, va. to irradiate, illuminate.
roads lead to Rome to proceed, to act ir ; : irrazonable, a. unreasonable.
joined to a gerund implies the beginning or irrealizable, a. unrealizable.
actual execution of the action designated, irrebatible, a. indisputable.
as va anocheciendo, it is growing dark voy : irreconciliable, a. irreconcilable.
viendo los cuadros, I am looking at the pic- irreconciliablemente, adv. irreconcilably.
tures joined with past participles it signi-
; irrecuperable, a. irrecoverable, irretriev-
fies to suffer their action, as voy herldo, I able.
am wounded with the preposition k and
; irrecusable, a. unimpeachable.
infinitive mode, it implies disposition to- irredimible, a. irredeemable.
ward, as ir k comer, to go to dinner ; fol- irreducible, a. irreducible stubborn, ob-

lowed by con, it gives the noun an adverbial stinate.

import, as ir con tlento, to go on softly fol- ; irreflexidn, /. rashness, indiscretion.
lowed by por, means to go in search of, as irreflexivo, va, a. inconsiderate, indiscreet,
voy por agua, I go for some water and ac- ; unreflecting.
companied by the preposition contra or fue- irreformable, a. not to be reformed or re-
ra de, it signifies to persevere, or act con- claimed.
trary to. vr. to go, go off. go away, depart, irrefragable, irrefragable, irrefutable.
quit to be dying ; to leak, to ooze to ex-
; ; irrefragablemente, adv. irrefragably.
hale, evaporate ; to discharge wind to ; irrefrenable, a. unbridled, unruly.
break to pieces to grow old ir k pie, to ; : irregular, a. irregular, abnormal.
walk: ir k caballo, to ride: ir en coche, to irregularidad, /. irregularity, unevenne.*^
drive ir k medias, to go halves ir k una, to
: : disorder, abnormality.
act with one accord, harmoniously all4 se : irregrularmente, adv'. irregularly.
same, it amounts to the same
va, it is all the irrellgi6n, /. irreligion, unbelief
thing Irsele k uno el alma por alguna cosa,
: irreligiosamente, adv. irreligiously.
to long for irse de boca, to speak without
: irreligiosidad,/. irreligiousness, impiety.
reflection irsele k uno la mula, to speak un-
: irreligioso, sa, a. irreligious, impious.
advisedly from carelessness or anger ir en : irremediable, a. irremediable, incurable*
alcance, (print.) to divide the (original) helpless.
copy among various compositors ir or irse : irremediablemente, adv. irremediably,
4 pique or por ojo, (naut. ) to founder, to go helplessly, irrecoverably.
to the bottom ir adelante, to go on ir de
: : iiremisible, a. irrem'issible, unpardon-
una parte k otra, to go up and down or to able.
and fro ir en demanda de, ( naut. ) to be on
: irremisiblemente, adv. unpardonably, irre-
the look-out for ir contra la corriente, to go
: missibly.
up stream, to go against the tide i quiin irremunerado, da, a. unremunerat^d.
a 7 or i quiin va all& 7 who is there, or who

irreparable, irreparable, irretrievable.

goes there ? vaya Vd. con Dios, farewell irreparablemente, adv. irreparably, irre-
God be with you vaya Vd. k paseo, etc., go : trievably, irrecoverably.
to il se mete en lo que no le va, ni le vlene,
: irreprensible, «. irreprehensible, irreproach-
he meddles in what does not concern him : able, irreprovable.
ir delante or por delante, to go ahead no : irreprensiblemente, adv. irreprehensibly,
bay que irse atris, flinch not irse los ojos : irreproachablv.
tras de alguien or algo, to gaze admiringly irresistibilidad, /. irresistibility.
or longingly vaya interj. I should tiiink
: i
I irresistible. '7. irresistible.
so or stop now or well, well
I ! 1 irresistiblemente, adv. irresistibly.

a ss In far ; e In eh t ; i In police : o in lor ; n In bull; c (before e, I) and B as th In thick : b and d. soft

lER 335 JAB
Irresoluble, a. indeterminable, irresoluble ;
istmefiO, fia, a. native of an isthmus.
irresolute. istmiCO, ca, a. isthmian.
IrresolUCidn,/. irresolution, hesitation, istmo, m. (geo.) isthmus (anat.) isthmus. ;

irresolutamehte, adv. irresolutely. istriar, va. to flute. F. estriar.

Irresolute, ta, irresuelto, ta, a. irreso- italianismo, m. Italian ism.
lute, hesitating, wavering. italianizar, va. to Italianize.
irrespetuoso, sa, a. disrespectful. italiano, a. Italian. 7n. Italian language.
irrespirable, a. irrespirable, not fit to be it^liCO, ca, a. Italic: letra itilica, (print.)
breathed. Italics.
Irresponsabilidad, /. irresponsibility. item or item m&S, adv. (Lat.) also, more<
Irresponsable, «. irresponsible. over,
Irreverencia, /. irreverence, disrespect. iterable, a. iterable.
Irreverente, a. irreverent. iteracidn,/. iteration, repetition,
irreverentemeilte, adv. irreverently. iterar. va. to iterate, repeat. V. kepetir.
irrevocabilidad,/. irrevocability. iterativo, va, a. iterative, repeating.
Irrevocable, a. irrevocable, irreversible. itinerario, ria, a. itinerary. m. itinerary,
Irrevocablemente, adv. irrevocably. book of travels railroad guide, time-table,

Irrigacibn, /. (med.) irrigation. itria,/. (min.) yttria.

Irrigador, m. (med.) irrigator. itrio, m. yttrium.
Irrlgar, va. (med.) to irrigate. izaga, /. place abounding in rushes and reeds,
irrlsible, a. risible, laughable. izar, ra. (naut.) to hoist, heave, haul up.
Irrisidn,/. irrision, ridicule, mockery. izquierdear, vn. to degenerate, grow wild.
irrisoriamente, adv. laughingly, derisively. izquierdO, da, a. left-handed left sinister ; ; ;

irrlsorio, ria, a. derisive, risible. crooked & la Izquierda, to the left—/, the

IrritabUidad,/. irritabilitJ^ left hand ; (pol.) the Left (Liberal party).

liritable, a. irritable ; (law) that can be an-
Irrltacidn, /. irritation, commotion, agita-
tion ;
(law) invalidation, abrogation;
(med.) irritation.
Irritador, ra, m. &f. irritator, stimulator. J eleventh letter of the Spanish alpha-
Irritamente, adv. (law) invalidly, vainly. bet, pronounced like a strongly aspirated h,
IrritamientO, m. irritation, anger. as in hat, hay, he, hoe, who.
irritante, «. & pa. irritative, irritant, stim- jaba,/. (Cuba) basket made of yarey leaves.
ulating (law) annulling or making void.
jabalc6n, m. (arch.) bracket, purlin, tie-
irritante, m. (med.) stimulant, irritant. beam.
irritar, va. to irritate, exasperate, nettle, of- jabalconar, va. to frame a roof with tie-
fend, auger; (med.) to irritate; (law) to beams.
annul, to render void. jabali, m. (zool.) wild boar.
irrito, ta, a. (law) null, void. jabalina, /. sow of a wild boar ; javelin.
irrogar, va. {pret. irrogue: subj. irrogue) jabal6n, m. v. jabalc6n.
to cause, to occasion (damage). jabalonar, va. V. jabalconar.
imipci6n,/. irruption, inroad, invasion. jabardear, va. (api.) to swarm.
isabeUnO, na, a. stamped with the bust of jabardillo, m. noisy swarm of insects or
Isabella II. (coin) partisan or defender of
birds (coll.) noisy crowd.

Queen Isabella light bay*(horse).

; jabardo, m. small swarm of bees; (coll.)
isagOge, /. introduction, exordium. noisy crowd.
isag6giC0, ca, a. introductive, introductory. jabatO, m. young wild boar,
isla, f. isle, island ; city block : en isla, insu- jabeca,/. sweep-uet.
lated. mbega, /. fishing smack drag-net. ;

islam, m. Islamism. labegOte, »t. man who draws the sweep-net.

islimico, ca, a. Islamic. jabeguero, m. fisherman who fishes with a
islamismo, m. Mohammedanism. sweep-net.
islan, m. ancient lace veil. jabeguero, ra [hah-beh-geh'-ro^ a. pertaining to
island6s, sa, islandico, ca, a. Icelandic. sweep-net fishing.— /?j. sweep-net fisherman,
isle&O, fia, m. & /. islander ; (Cuba) native jabeque [iiah-beh'-kei.i, VI. (naut.) xebec; (coll.)
of the Canary Islands. knife wound in tlie face.
isleo, m. chain of small islands. jabi m. Small wild apple small kind
[iiah-bee'i, ;

isleta, ita, ilia, /. dim. small isle, islet, holm. of grapes; (C. Am.) (bot.) breakax.
islilla,/. (an at.) collar-bone. jabillo, m. (C. Am. (bot.) tree ol the spurge
islote, m. small barren island, key. family.
ismaelita, a. Ishmaelite, Arab. Jabladera,/. crozer, cooper's tool.
iSObariCO, ca, «. isobaric. jable [hah'bieh], in. (coop.) croze.
isocronismo, m. isochronism. jab6n [Imh-bon'], m. soap Jaben duro or de pie- :

isdcrono, a. isochronal. dra or de Castilla, Castile soap dar un Jab6n, :

is6gono, na, a. (geom.) isogonic. to reprimand severely.

isomeria, /. (chem.) isomerism. jabonado, da, a. & pp. soaped.—m. wash,
isdmero, ra, «. (chem.) isomeric. washing.
isomorfismo, m. (min.) isomorphism. jabonadura, /.. -washing.—pi. suds or soap-
isomorfo, fa, a. isomorphous, isomorphic. suds lather echarle or darle & nno una Ja-
; :

lS0perini6triC0, ca, a. isoperimetrical. bonadnra, (coll.) to reprimand one.

isoquimeno, na, a. isocheimal. jabonar, va. to soap; (coll.) to reprimand
Is6sceles, «. (geom.) isosceles. severely.
iSOtermo, ma, a. isothermal. JaboncilLo, m. soapstone, steatite ; toilet
ls6tero, ra, a. isotheral. soap; (hot.) soap-tree.
isquion, m. (anat.) ischium. jabonera, /. soap-<lish ; woman who seBs
israelita, m. Israelite, Jew. soap ;
(bot.) soapwort.
israelitiCO, ca, a. Israelitish, Jewish. Jaboneria, /. soap-manufactory, soap-house.

i(heiore e. i) and 1 r.s b <n bot: h. silent: 11 in brilliant; fi, ny In canyon ; r finttif.l) and rr trilled; s, hisHed.
jabonero, m. soap-maker or seller. love with excessive fondness jalea del agro, :

jabonete or jabonete de olor, m. toilet conserve of citron.

soap. Jaleador, ra, a. one who encourages hounds
jabonOSO, sa, a. soapy, saponaceous. or dancers.
Jaborandi, "i. (Brazil) (bot.) jaborandi. jalear, va. to encourage hounds to follow the
JabUCO, m. (Cuba) large straw basket. chase to animate dancers, by clapping

jaca,/. nag, pony, jennet, cob, bidet, tit. hands to quaver the voice.

jacal, m. (Mex.) Indian hut, wigwam. jaleco, m. Turkish jacket.

jacamar, »i. (om.) jacamar. jaleo, m. clapping of hands to "encourage
jacana,/. (om.) tropical wading bird. dancers; Andalusian dance; (coll.) jest,
jacara, /. merry ballad peculiar tune for ;
aletina, /. calfs foot jelly gelatine, •

singing or dancing kind of dance group ; ; alma,/, kind of pack-saddle,

of night-wanderers singing jicaras (coll.) ; almeria, /. pack-saddler's trade,
molestation, vexation idle talk or prattle, ; almero, m. maker of pack-saddles.
story, tale fable, lie, vainglorious fiction.
; al6n, m. levelling pole, rod, or staff.
Jacaranda,/. (bot.) jacaranda. aloque, m. south-east wind. V. siROCO
jacarandina,Jacarandana, /. slang; as- allullo, m. bread toasted in the ashes.
sembly of ruffians and thieves. amaicano, na, a. Jamaican,
JacaraudOSO, sa, (coll.) blithe, merry, amar, ra. (prov.) to eat.
gay. am^S, adv. never, at no time Jamis, par ja- :

Jacarear, vn. to sing Jacaraa (coll.) to sing ; mas or nunca Jam4s, never, nevermore.
in the streets at night-time ; to taunt with ;
amba,/. (arch.) door-jamb, window-post,
offensive remarks. jambaje, m. door or window-case.
Jacarero, m. ballad-singer; wag or merry jambiCO, ca, a. iambic. V. YAM B ICO.
droll. jamelgO, m. (coll.) jade, sorry nag.
Jacarilla,/. dim. of jacara. ; amerdana, /. sewer of a slaughter-house.
jd.caro, ra, a. belonging to singers of J&caras. jamerdar, va. to clean the guts of animals;

m. boaster, bully k lo jicaro, boastfully,
: wash hastily,
braggingly. jamete, m. rich silk stuff,
j&cena [hah'-theh-nah], /. (arch.) girder. jameteria, /. v. zalameria.
jacerlna [liah-tlieh-ree'-naU), /. COat of mail. j^mila,/. V. ALPECHiN.
jacilla [hah-ttiiei'-yah], /. mark which a thing jam6n, m. ham, salted thigh of a hog.
leaves upon the ground. jamona, a. & f. (coll.) buxom middle-age'-
Jacinto, m. (bot. ) hyacinth harebell ; (min.) ; woman.
hyacinth. jamuga o/'jamu^as, /. mule-chair.
jaco, m. sorry nag, jade; short jacket, for- j^ndalO, la, a. nickname given to Andalu-
merly used by soldiers. sians and those who give the h a strong gui«
lacobinismo, m. Jacobinism. tural sound.
lacobino, m. Jacobin ; bloody revolutionist. jangada, /. (coll.) silly sally; (naut.) raf*-
jactaiicia, /. jactancy, boasting, arrogance. float.
iactanciosameiite, adv. boastingly. Jangua, /. small armed vessel,
jactanciOSO, sa, a. boastful, vainglorious. jansenismo, m. Jansenism,
jactarse, vr. to vaunt, boast, glory, brag. jansenista, '/*. Jansenist.
jaculatoria,/. ejaculation, short prayer, jap6n, na, japonense, japones, sa, a. Jap-
acnlatorio, rial c. jaculatory. anese.
jachali, m. (hot.) custard-apple. jaque [imU'-keh], vi\ check, in chess Jaque mate, :

jada,/. (agr.) hoe: spade. checkmate braggart, boaster saddle-bag ;

; ;

jade, »!. (min.) jade, axestone. smooth combing of the hair,

jadeante, pa. panting, out of breath. "aquear, va. to check at chess,
jadear, vn. to pant, to jade. aqueca [hah-kfh'-caiii, /. megrim, hemicrany.
jadeo, m. pant, palpitation. aquel [iiah-keiir], m. (her.) square,
iadiar, va. to dig up with a spade, to hoe. aquelado, da, a. checkered,
jaecero, ra, m. & /. harness-maker. aquero, vi. fine-toothed comb,
Ia6n, m. kind of large white grape. aqueta, /. jacket, short, coat,
jaen^S, sa, a. of or belonging to Jaen. /. dim. small jaqueta.
iez ;iia!i' eihi, m. harness trappings manner ; ; aquet6n, m. aug. large, wide coat great ;

or quality.—/>Z. trappings. swaggerer, boaster.

jaf6tlC0, ca, a. Japhetic, Indo-Grermanic. JS,quiina, /. headstall of a halter.
jagrua, /. (bot.) inaja-palm and fruit. Jaquimazo, m. stroke with the headstall of a
jaguar or jaguarete, m. (zool.) jaguar. halter; (coll.) displeastire disappointment. ;

jaguarzo, m. (bot.) helianthemum. Jara, /. (hot.) cistus or rock-rose; kind of

jagUey sweh-e), m. (S. Am.) large pool or
(iia'.i dart or arrow,
basin; (Cuba) (hot.) liana. jarabe, m. sirup any sweet mixed drink ;

jaharrar [hah-ar-rar], va. to plaster. Jarabe de pico, empty talk,

labarro, m. (mas.) plaster, plastering. jarabear, va. to prescribe sirups very often.
jaiba,/. (Cuba) (icht.) crab. —
vr. to take sirups frequently.
jaique ;iiigii'-keii), m. cape with a hood. Jaraiz, m. pit for pressing grapes.
jaira,/. bezel of a plane-bit. jaral, >». bramble, brake intricate or puz- ;

lalrar, va. (shoe.) to bevel leather. zling point.

jaire, m. (shoe.) bevel cut. laramagO, w. (hot.) hedge-mustard,
iJa, ja, jal interj. denoting laughter. jarameno, fla, «. reared on the banks of thT
lalapSL, /. (bot.) jalapa; jalap. Jarama (cattle).
jalbegar, va. to whiten, whitewash. jaramugo, ««. small fish used as bait,
jalbegue, m. whitewash, whitewashing. jarana, /. (coll.) carousal, revelry, romping,*
jaldado, da, jaldo, da, jalde, a. bright yel- (coll.) scuffle, quarrel.
low, crocus-coloured. jaranear, vn. (coll.) to jest to carouse. ;

Ialdre, m. yellow peculiar to birds. jaranero, ra, c fond of jests or sprees, jolly,
alea, /. jelly: hacerse una jalea, (met.) to jarano, m. Mexican sombrero.
a aa Id ttkt : • in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; a in ball ; c (before e, i) ao.l z as th in thick ; b and d, toft;
jarapote, m. (prov. ) V. jaropeo. Jera, ground which can he ploughed
/. in a
jarapotear, vu. to stuff with drugs. day with a pair of oxen present, gift. ;

jarazo, m. blow or wound with a dart. ierapellina,/. old ragged garment,

jarcia, /. accoutrements heap of things ; lerarca, m. (eccl.) hierarch,
(uaut.) tackle, rigging, and cordage; the qerarquia,/. (eccl.) hierarchy.
shrouds fishing-tackle.
; jer^rquiCO, Ca, a. hierarchical.
jardin, m. flower-garden spot which dis- ; jerezano, na, a. & w. &/. of or belonging to
figures an emerald (naut.) privy. ;
jardincitO, jardinitO, m. dim. small gar- jerga, /. coarse frieze ;
jargon, gibberish. T^
den. JERIGONZA straw bed. ;

jardineria, / gardening. jerg6n, m. straw bed ; misfit clothes ; ill-

jardinero, ra, m. & f. gardener,—/, flower- shaped person (jew.) zyrcon. ;

stand, jardiniere basket carriage.

; JergUilla, /. silk or worsted serge.
jareta, /. (sew.) fold or tuck for gathering; jerife, m. Moorish title of honour.
(naut.) netting, harpings. jerlfiano, na, a. pertaining to the jerife.
jaretera, /. garter, v. jarretera. jerigonza, /. (coll.) jargon, gibberish, slang;
jarife, m. v. jerife. strange and ridiculous action andar en jeri- :

jarifO, fa, a. showy, spruce, nobby, natty. gonzas, to quibble, to cavil.

laro, ra, «. resembling a wild boar. jeringa, /. syringe, clyster sausage-stuffer. ;

jaroclio, m. (Mex. coll.) rough, stout coun- jeringar, va. {pret. jerixgu^: snhj. JERIN-
tryman. GUE) to syringe, inject to vex, annoy, ;

jaropar or Jaropear, va. to stuff with sirups tease.

or drugs. jeringazo, m. syringing, injecting; clyster,
jarope, »t. sirup nasty draught or potion.
; injection.
jaropeo, m. the drug habit. jeringuilla, /. dim. little syringe; (bot.)
iaroso, sa, o. full of brambles, syringa, mock-orange.
jarra, /. earthen jar ancient order of chiv- ; jerogliflco, m. hieroglyph.
alry en jarra or de jarras, akimbo.
: jerogliflCO, ca, a. hieroglyphical.
iarrear, vn. (coll.) to use a wine jar often. jerosolimitano, na, a. native of Jerusalem,
jarrero, »?. vender or maker of jars. jerpa, /. sterile shoot of a vine.
jarreta, ilia, ita,/. divi. small jar. jerricote, w. pottage of almonds, sugar, sagie,
jarrete, m. hock gambrel. ;
and ginger.
jarretera,/. garter Order of the Garter. ; jervllla,/. kind of short boot.
jarrito, m. dim. small jug or pitcher. jesuatO, ta, a. child dedicated to Jesus when
jarro, m. pitcher, jug, pot, ewer chatterer. ; born.
jarrdn, m. aug. large jar, urn, flower-vase. JesucristO, m. Jesus Christ,
iaspe, m. (min.) jasper. jesuita, in. Jesuit; (coll.) hypocrite,
jaspeado, da, a. & pp. spotted, marbled, jesuiticamente, adv. Jesuitically.
mottled, variegated. jesuitiCO, ca, a. Jesuitical.
jaspeadura, /. marbling. jesuitismO, m. Jesuitism.
iaspear, ra. to marble, vein, speckle, Jesus [lieli-soos'l, m. Jesus en nn dcclr Jes6a, :

jastial, m. (arch.) facade of an edifice. in an instant Jesas mil vecea good God
i I !

jateo, tea, a. fox-hunter (dogs). no saber ni el Jeans, not to know even the
jatO, ta, m. &/. calf. V. BECERRO. alphabet.
i jau !
[how'], inter/, to incite animals, especial- jesusear, vn. to repeat often the name of
ly bulls. Jesus.
jaula bird-cage cell for insane
[how'-iah], /. ; jeta, /. thick, heavy lips; blobber-lip; hog's
persons; (min.) miner's cage. snout; (coll.) person's face.
jaulon, m. aug. large bird-cage, aviary. jetar, va. to dilute, dissolve, liquefy.
jauria, .^. pack of hounds. jetO, m. empty bee-hive rubbed with honey to
jautO, ta,a. insipid, flat, tasteless. attract bees.
javanes, sa, javo, va, a. Javan, Javanese. jetudO, da, a. thick-lipped.
J ay an, na,m. &/. tall, robust person. jibaro, ra, a. (P. Rico) rustic, rude, wild.—
jayanazo, m. aug. huge, big fellow. TO. countryman.
jazmin, m. (bot.) jessamine or jasmine. (zool.) cuttle-fish.
jaamilieo, a, a. (bot.) jasminaceous. iibla,/.
ibi6n, m. cuttle-fish bone.
jea,/. ancient duty on Moorish goods. iCara [lie'cah-rali], /. chocolate-CUp.
jebe, m. rock-alum (S. Am.) India-rubber.
IcarazO, m. aug. stroke with a chocolate-cup
iedive, m. khedive, Viceroy of Egypt. dar un Jicarazo, (coll.) to give poison to a
lefatura, /. dignity and office of a chief person.
jefe, fa, m. &f. chief, head, superior, leader; icar6n, m. aug. large chocolate-cup.
(mil.) commanding officer jefe de escuadra,
: iCOtea,/. (Amer.) tortoise.
(naut.) rear-admiral : jefe politico, governor ifa,/. refuse of slaughtered l^easts.
of a province. iferada, stroke with a butcher's knife,

JehOvS,, Hebrew word for God. iferia,./". slaughtering.

jeja [heh'-hah], /. white wheat. ifero, ra, a. belonging to the slaughter-
ije, je, je inlerj. denoting laughter.
! house. m. butcher's knife butcher. :

jejen, m. (Cuba) gnat, gall-midge. jifia, /. (icht.) xiphias, sword-fish.

jema, /. badly squared part of a beam. ]iga Ihee'-Kah],/. jig (dance and tune).
iemal, a. having the length of ajeme. ]igOte, m. (cook.) hash, broth minced meat. ;

jenie, m. distance from the end of the thumb Jiguilete [he-gee-ieir-teii', TO. indigo-plant.
to the end of the forefinger (both extended) ; ]ijallar [iie-har-iyar], TO. bramble.
(coll.) woman's face. ;ijallo [he-hahi'-iyo], TO. (hot.) prickly broom.
jemoso, sa, a. badly squared beam. jijene [lie-heli'-neli], TO. (S. Am.) sand-fly.
jenabe, jenable, m. mustard. ji, ji, ji ! denoting laughter.
jengibre [hen-nee'-breh], m. ginger. jijona, /. variety of flinty wheat tnrrdn d« :

jeniquen, m. sisal hemp. V. henequ^n. Jijona, sweet-almond paste,

jeque, m. Moorish chief. jilgriiero (heei-Keh'-roi, to. (om.) linnet.

g (before e, i) and J u li in hot ; h, silent ; U in brilliant ; fi, ny In canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled ; s, biiMd.
m. &f. (Cuba) twin, jorobado, da, pp. & a. crooked, gibbous,
imelga, /. (naut.) fish of a mast. humpbacked, or crook-backed. m. &, f.
imenzar, va. to npple flax or hemp, hunchback.
inestada, /. sauce made from milk, dates, jorobar, va. (coll.) to importune, worry,
tease, harass, annoy..
jineta, /• art of horsemanship short lance ; jorrar, va. to haul a sweepy-seine.
anciently used sergeant's shoulder-knot
; "jorro, TO. (Cuba) bad tobacco: red de Jorro,
ancient tribute upon cattle: tener los cascos sweep-seine.
k la jineta, to be hare-brained, wild, giddy. Josa, /. orchard of vines and fruit-trees.
Jinete, m. trooper, cavalryman ; horseman, JOStradO, da, a. round-headed shaft or dart.
cavalier, rider, equestrian. jOta (ho'-tahi, name of the letter j iota, jot, ;

Jinetear, va. (Mex.) to tame wild horses by tittle; Aragonese dance and tune; pottage
riding them ; to ride on horseback for show. of greens and spices no saber una jota, to be :

inglar, vn. to swing, vibrate, oscillate. very ignorant of anything: sin faltar ana
injol [heen'-hol], m. jUJube. V. AZUFAIFA. jota, not a jot missing.
ipijapa, /. very fine woven straw. Jovada, /. ground tilled by a pair of mules in
iquilete, m. (hot.) Indigo-tree. one day.
ira, strip, slip of cloth
/. ;
picnic, outing. joven [ho'-ven], a. young, youthful, juvenile.-'
irafa,/. (zool.) giraffe. TO. & /. youth, a stripling; young mau{
irapllega, /. purgative confection. young woman young person. ;

irasal, /. (hot. ) fruit of the lac-tree. iovenado, m. (eccl.) juniorate.

irel, in. rich caparison for a horse. OVencUlO, ilia, to. &/. dim. youngster.
iride, /. (bot.) v. lirio hediondo. OVial, a. Jovian ;
jovial, gay, merry, cheerful,
Irofina, /. kind of sauce or gravy. blithe.
irofl^, m. clove-tree. Jovialidad, /. joviality, jollity, mirth, merri-
ir6n,*m. (sew.) facing of a skirt; piece torn ment, gaiety.
from clothing; pointed banner, pennant; joya jewel, gem piece of jewellery ;
[ho-yahi, /. ;

small part of any whole !ong street. ; a valued person or thing; present, gift;
jironadO, da, «. torn into or garnished with (arch, and arti.) astragal.—p/. jewels, trin-
strips or tatters. kets wedding outfit.

jirpear, va. to dig about vines, ioyante, a. extremely glossy (silk).

jiste ihees'-tehi, m. froth of beer. oyel, m. small jewel, valuable trinket.
jltar, va. (prov.) to emit, vomit, throw out. oyelero, to. jewel-case, jewel-box.
ijo [iio], interj. whoa
! ! joyera, /. woman who keeps a jeweller's shop*
m. (bot.) tree of the terebinth family. iOyeria [ho-yeli-ree'-alil, /. jeweller's shop.
iobo,[ho-co'l, m. jocko, an ape. oyero [ho-yeh'-ro], 7ft. jeweller jewel-casket.
0C6 ;

ocosamente, adv. jocosely, jocularly, wag- jOyita [hoyee'-talil,/. dim. V. JOYUKLA.

gishly, joyo, TO. (bot.) bearded darnel, darnel-grass.
Jocoserio, ria, «. jocoserious. J0y6ll, aug. large jewel.
jOCOSidad, /. jocularity, jocoseness, jocosity, joyuela, dim. jewel of small value.
waggery. juaguarzo m. (bot.) Montpellier rock-rose.
JOCOSO, sa, a. jocose, jocular, waggish, face- Juan iiioo-ahn'], TO. John buen Juan, poor, silly :

tious, humorous, comical. fellow Juan Lanas, simpleton, pliant fellow.


OCOyote, m. (Amer.) youngest child, pet. juanete [iioo-ah-neh'-teh], TO. bunion ;

Ofaina, /. wash-basin, wash-bowl. cheek-bone; (naut.) gallant-sail: juanete
Ojoto (iio-ho*-toi, m. (Venez.) maize in the milk. mayor, main-top-gallant sail juanete de :

.OlgoriO, m. V. HOLGORio, correct spelling. Bobremesana, niizzen-top-gallant sail.

m. rest, leisure; (naut.) calm.
OlfiiO, juanetero, to. marine apprentice in, care of
Oloano, na, a. of or belonging to Sulu the top-gallant sails.
(Philip.). juanetudo, da, a. having bunions.
J6nico, ca, jonio, nla, a. of or belonging to juarda, /. stain in cloth, before carded and
Ionia: ordten J6iiico, (arch.) Ionic style. m. spun.
foot in poetry. juardOSO, sa, a. stained, spotted (cloth).
jopo ! interj. (coll.) out of here ! be off I jubete, TO. doublet covered with mail.
OrCar raKl, va. V. AECHAR.
[lior jubeteria,.^. shop where jubstes were sold.
Orco, m. licentious feast and dance. jUbetero, to. maker and seller of jubetes.
ord^n, m. anything which purifies, revives, jubllacldn,/. pensioning off or superannuat-
or gives a fresh bloom. ing a placeman exemption from duty, with ;

lorfe Ihor'-feh], wi. dry stone wall steep rock ; reduced pay; pension or reduced "salary
a tor. thus paid.
iorgruin [hor->:een'\ TO. wizard, sorcerer. Jubllar, va. to pension off; to superannuate;
jorgulna, f. witch, sorceress. to exempt from duty, with reduced pay to ;

jcrgulneria, /. witchcraft, spell. place on the retired list (coll.) to lay aside ;

Jornada, /. one-day march stage, journey, ; as useless. vr. to become a pensioner, to be

travel, trip; (mil.) expedition; king's stay retired. vn. to jubilate, rejoice.
in a royal country residence opportunity, ; Jubileo, TO. jubilee, public festivity; (eccl.)
occasion, circumstance span of life transit ; ; concession of plenary indulgence por jubi- :

from life to eternity act of a play; (print.) ; leo, rarely, happening seldom.
number of sheets printed off in a day k : jtlbllo [hoo' be-ioi, TO. glee, joy, merriment, re-
grandes or k largas Jornadas, by forced joicing, festivity, hilarity,'mirth.
marches: al fin de la Jornada, (met.) at the JtibilOSO, sa, a. gleeful, joyful, merry, gay.
end, at last. jubdn, TO. doublet, jacket; waist in female
Jomal, m. day-work, journey-work, day- dress: jubon de azotes, (coll.) public whip-
wages: & Jomal, by the day; (com.) jour-
nal, diary. oncito, m. dim. sniall doublet or waist.
jornalero', m. day-labourer, journeyman. ubonero, to. maker of doublets or waists.
joroba,/. hump; (coll.) importunity, annoy- UdaiCO, ca, a. Judalcal, Jewish.
ance, nuisance. Udaismo, to. Judaism.

ft as tn far ; e In eh I ; 1 is police ; o in for ; a In bull ; c (before e, i) and * as th in tbiek ; b and d. saft

iudaizante,/*^. Am. Judaizing, Judaizer. jUgarreta, /. (coll.) bad play; bad turn,
udaizar, va. tojudaiiie. nasty trick.
Udas thoo'-aasj, m, an impostor, traitor silk- ; ju^landeo, dea, a. (bot.) of the walwut
worm tiiat does not spin efBgy of Judas ; family.
burnt in the streets during Lent. juglar, m. juggler, mountebank, buffoon,
iuderia,/. Jewry tax on Jews. ; juglara, juglaresa,/. female buffoon.
Udia, /. (bot.) French bean, kidney-bean: juglaresco, ca, a. belonging to jugglers,
Judia de careta, small spotted French beans ; juglaria, jugleria, /. jugglery, buffoonery,
Jewess. mimicry.
judiada, /. inhuman action usurious profit, ; jugo [hoo'-go], TO. sap, juice marrow, pith, sub* ;

judicante, m. judge appointed to try im- stance.

peachment cases. jugosidad, /. sappiness, succulence, juici-
jlldicatura, /. judicature dignity ; of a
judge. JugOSO, sa, a. sappy, juicy, succulent.
Judicial, n. judicial, juridical. jUguete [iioo-Keh'-teh], to. toy, plaything, gew-
judicialinente, adv. judicially. gaw, trinket jest, joke carol ; ; ;
{udiciariO, ria, «. astrological. m. astrol- comedietta por Juguete, jestingly.

oger.—/, judicial astrology. juguetear, vn. to toy, frolic, sport, gambol.

Judiega, /. inferior kind of olives. JUgueteria,/. toy-shop, toy-trade.
judihuelo, la, m. & /. young Jew or Jewess. juguetero, to. toy-dealer etagere, what-not. ;

— small French bean.

juguetbn, na, a. playful, frolicsome, play-
jlldio, dia, a. Judaical, Jewish, Hebrew usu- ; some.
rious. m. Jew judio de senal, converted : juicio [hoo-ee'-thie-o], TO. judgment act of judg- ;

Jew, wearing a distinguishing badge. ing, decision reached; sense, criterion, no-
judibn, m. large variety of French beans. tion, opinion, report prudence, wisdom; ;

iuegO |h(>o-eh'-j,'oi, VI. play, amusement, diver- forecast of yearly events by astrologers ;

sion, sport, game gaming, ;

gambling game ;
(law) trial pedir en Juicio, to sue at law

of cards set of good cards ; ; movement,work, no estar en su Juicio, to be out of one's senses :

working (of a mechanism) ; set, suit, suite ;

tener mucbo Juicio, to be sedate, steady, well-
ability, artfulness, cunning ;
(car. ) running behaved no tener Juicio, to be wild, to be a

gear of a vehicle juego de azar or de suerte, : harum-scarum fellow.

game of chance juego de cartas or de naipes, : juiciosamente, ndv. judiciously, wisely.
card game juego de palabras, a pun, a quib-
: juiciOSO, sa, a. judicious, wise.
ble juego de bocbas, a bowling alley Juego
: : julepe, TO. (pharm.) julep; game at cards;
•de bolos, nine-pius juego de manos, juggling : (coll.) reprimand, punishment.
feat, legerdemain juego de pelota, handball : ^Uliano, na, a. Julian.
game, fives; fives court: Juego de nlnos, JuliO, TO. the month of July; (elec.) joule,
play-game, child's play Juego de prendas, : volt-coulomb, watt-second.
forfeits Juego de cajones, nest of boxes or
: iulo, TO, bell-mule, bell-cow.
drawers juego de velas, (naut.) set of sails
: : jumenta,/. female ass, jennie.
Juego de babitaciones, suite of rooms Juego : jumental or jumenttl, a. belonging to the
de te or de cafe, tea-set, coffee-set tener jue- : ass.
go, (naut.) to have fetched way; not to be jumentillo, ilia, ito. ita, m. & f. dim. little
firm or steady por Juego or por modo de Jue- : ass or beast of burden.
go, in jest, in joke, in fun entrar en Juego, : jumento, m. ass, jument stupid person. ;

to come in play hacer Juego, to match, to : juncaceas, /.;>/. (bot.) juncacea?.

suit, to fit Juego limpio, fair play. ^l. pub-
: juncada, /. (cook.) kind of fritters: (vet.)
lic feasts, exhibitions, or rejoicings. medicine against the glanders.
Juego, yo juegue {irr. from .JUGAR). juncagO. TO. (bot.) bastard rush.
juegUeCiCO, illO, itO Ihoo-eh-gelithee'-co], TO. juncal, juncar, to. ground full of rushes.
little game, bit of play. junceo, a, «. rush-like.—/, pi. (bot.) rush
iuera,/. sieve made of esparto. family.
ueves Ihoo-eh'-ves], m. Thursday : cosas del otro juncia, /. (bot.) cyperus, a sedge: Juncia
jueves, something very unusual. olorosa, galangal.
Juez m. judge, justice juror, jury-
[hoo-^th"], ;
junciana,/. (coll.) brag, boast.
man expert,- connoisseur, critic: Juez ir-
; junciera,/. earth vessel with perforated lid,
bltro, arbitrator, umpire Juea de hecho, lay : for aromatic roots.
judge Juez de paz, justice of the peace Juez
: : juncino, na, a. rushy
of rushes. ; made
de primera inatancia, judge of the primary junCO [hoon'-co], m. (bot. ) rush Junco de Indias, :

court of claims. (bot.) rattan Junco florido, flowering rush

: :

/Ugada, /. play, act of playing, a throw, Junco Oloroso, (bot.) camel grass; (naut.)
move, stroke ill turn, wicked trick. ; Chinese junk.
JUgadera,/. shuttle for network. uncOSO, sa, «. rushy juncous. ;

Ugador, ra, m. & /. player gamester, gam- ; unio, to. the month of June,
bler Jugador de manos, juggler, prestidigi-
: unlor, TO. (eccl.) junior.
tator. unipero, to., (bot.) juniper. V. enebro.
tugar (hoo-sBr'l, va. & vn. {ind. juego : pret. unquera,/. (hot.) rush,
JUGUE- .TUEGUE) to play, sport, frolic,
subj. unqueral, to. v. juncal.
trifle, toy, romp, gambol to game, gamble, ; unquillo (hoon-keer-iyoi, TO. (bot.) jonquil
stake to make a move in a game to move a
; ;
reed, rattan (arch.) boltel moulding.

part of the body to make use of weapons ; ; junta junta or junto, meeting,
fhoon'-tahi, /.
to move on joints or hinges to intervene to ; ; conferen(*fe, congress, assembly, council,
take an active part in an affair, to exercise ;
convention; session, sitting; a whole, en-
to mock, to make game of: jugar & cara 6 tirety; conjunction, union, junction, con-
cruz, to bet on the toss of a coin Jugar k la : cession, fraternity; (carp.) joint, joining,
bolsa, to dabble in stocks Jugar al alza, : seam; (mech.) coupling; (mas.) coursing
(com.) to bull the market Jugar k la baja, : joint: Junta de medicos, (med.) consulta-
to bear the market. tion Junta de comercio, board of trade Junta
: .

g (before e, ]) And J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; S, hissed
de sanidad, board of health Junta de accio- : Justificacibn, /. justification, defence, main
nistas, stockholders' meeting junta de acree- : tenance, support production of evident* ;

dores, (com.) meeting of creditors junta ; to sustain a claim equity sanctificatiou ; ;

dircctiva, managing board, executive board. by grace; (print.) adjustment, justifyine.

juntamente, adv. jointly, together. Justincadamente, adv. justly, correctly,
Juntar, va. {pp. juntado, junto) to join, at- justifiably.
tach, connect, unite, couple to associate, ; Justificado, da, pp. & a. equal, justified.
congregate to amass, collect, heap, gather,
; JUStifi.cador,7H. justifier,ju3tificator; (print.)
lay up; (carp.) to join, clamp, fit. vr. to dressing stick, justifier.
join, meet, assemble, gather, concur; to be jUStlficante,pa. justifying justifier. ;

closely united to copulate. ; jUStificar, va. {pret. justifiquk: stthj. ju&.

iuntera,/. (carp.) jointing-plane. tifique) to justify, to free from sin, to
junterilla, /. dim. (carp.) small joiner's render just to absolve, exculpate (law) to

plane. prove or establish a claim before a court to ;

junto, ta, a. <fe pp- irr. of junTar]; united, rectify, adjust, arrange, regulate exactly ;
joined, annexed, together. (print.) to justify, adjust. vr. to vindicate
Junto, adv. near, close to, at hand, near at one's character, to clear one's self from im-
hand at the same time por junto or de por
; : puted guilt.
Junto, in the bulk, by the lump, wholesale; Justificativo, va, a. justificative, justifying,
en junto, together, in all todo Junto, alto- : justificatory.
gether junto i, next to, by.
: justlllo, m. waistcoat, jerkin ; corset-cover.
JuntoriO, m. ancient kind of tax. jUStipreciador, m. appraiser.
juntura, /. juncture, joining, joint, articula- jUStipreciar, ra. to appraise, set value to.
tion, seam (naut.) scarf; (bot.) knuckle.
justiprecio, w. appraisement, valuation.
J'&piter, m. (ast.) Jupiter; (chem.) tin. JUStO, ta, a. just, equitable, right, rightful,
Jura, /. oath act of taking or administering
lawful fair upright, honest, honourable,
; ;

an oath. good, faithful, pious correct, exact, strict, ;

^urado, m. jury juror, juryman. ;

punctual fit, tight, close, liush. m. just

jurador, ra, m. &f. swearer, profane swearer. and pious man. adv. tightly, straitlv al :

juraduria,/. office of a juror. Justo, fitly, duly completely, punctually.


Juramentar, va. to swear, to put to an oath. (S. Am.)

kind "of goose. (orn.)

?;•. to be sworn in.
iuta,/. (Cuba) V. hutIa.
JuramentO, m. oath act of swearing curse, ; ; uvenil, a. juvenile, young, youthful ;
imprecation juramento asertorio, declara-
: ish.
tory oath Juramento falso, perjury.
: juventud,/. youthfulness, youth, juvenility ;
va. to swear, to make oath. young people,
urasiCO, ca, a. Jurassic. juvia,/. (bot.) Brazil-nut tree.
uratoria, /. Gospel tablet for administering jUZgadO, m. tribunal, court of justice ;
the oath. cature.
JuratoriO, a, juratory caucion or fianza
a. : . uzgador, ra, m. &/. judge.
juratoria, juratory security, release on oath. ; uzgamundos, m. &/. (coll.) fault-finder.
— m. instrument setting forth the oaths ] UZgante, pa. judging judge. ;

taken by Aragonese magistrates. . UZgar [hooth-Kar'], va. & vn. (pret. JUZGU6
Jurdia, /. kind of fishing-net. subj.juzgue) to judge, to give judgment
Jurel, m. (ieht.) jurel, carangoid sea-fish. to form or give an opinion, to opine, to
jurgliina,/. witch, sorceress. hold, to find.
Jujn.dicaniente, adv. lawfully, legally, jurid-
JuridiCO, ca, a. lawful, legal, juridical.
JurlsconsultO, m. jurisconsult; jurist, law-
yer. k [kah], twelfth letter of the alphabet it ha^ ;

Jurisdicci6n, /. jurisdiction power, author- ; the same sound as in English used only in ;

ity boundary, territory.

; words taken from other languages, many of
iurisdiCCional, a. jurisdictional. which however, are now spelled with c, of qu.

urisperitO, m. professor of jurisprudence. .

ka [kah], /. name of the letter K.
urisprudencia, /. jurisprudence, law laws ; kan [kahn], TO. khan, chief or prince among
of a country. the Tartars.
Iurisprudente, m. v. jurisperito. kantiano, na, a. Kantian.
urlsta, m. jurist, lawyer pensioner. ; kantismo, m. Kantism.
uro, TO. right of perpetual property an- ; kepis [keh'-pees], 711. (mil.) Small shako.
nuity, pension de juro, certainly. : kermes, m. V. qukrmes.
lusbarba,/. (hot.) field myrtle. kili^ea, /. measure of one thousand ares.
raaello, m. pottage of broth, cheese, and eggs. kilo ikee -io],Gr. prefix signifying a thousand^
lUSl, m. (Philip. ) striped thin gauze. fold. m. (com.) kilogramme.
justa, /. joust, tilt, tournament ; competition, kllogr^unetro, m. kilogrammeter.
contest. kilogramo, m. kilogram(me), (2^ lbs.).
Justador, m. tilter, jouster. kilOlltro, m. kilolitre (1,000 litres).
Justamente, adv. justly, just, exactly ; pre- kilom^trlco, ca, a. kilometric.
cisely, fairly, equitably. kildmetro, m. kilometre (1,000 metres)^
Justar, vn. to joust, to tilt, to tourney. about five-eighths of a mile.
JUSticia [hooa-tee'-thie-ah], /. justice, equity; kiOSCO, m. kiosk, small pavilion. V. QUIOS-
right, fairness ; retribution, punishment co.
judge, court of justice. m. justice, magis- klrle, TO. (eccl.) kyrie (elelson).
trate de JuBticia, according to justice, duly,
: kirielels6n, m. V. kirie; (coll.) funeral
meritedly. chant.
jUstici€TO, ra, a. just ; one who administers kirscll, TO. kirschwasser.
justice rigidly. krausismo, to. Krausism.
Justiflcable, a. justifiable. knrdO, da, a. Kurdish or Kurd.
a aa in far ; e in eh I ; i tn police ; o in for ; n in bull; c (before e, i) and z as th in thick ; b aad d, soft;
341 LAD
about.— rn. to make a strong
cause, bring
impression on the mind.
labrero, ra, a. applied to fishing-nets for
labriegO, m. rustic, farm-hand.
1 thirteenth letter of the alphabet, hav-
[eh'-ieh], labrusca,/. wild grape-vine.
ing the same sound as iu English. laburno, »i. (bot.) laburnum.
la Uah], def. art. Jem. sing, the (as la mujer, the laca, /. lac or gum-lac red colour, lake, a ;

woman). pigment e. g. madder lake lacquer, a var-

; ;

xa [lah], pron. pers. ace. f. sing, her, it (as la nish japan laca en palillos, stick lac laca
: :

beBo, he kissed her: la rompi, I tore it). en grano, seed-lac laca en tablillas, shellac.

la 'lah], m. (mus.) la, sixth sound of the scale lacavo, m. lackey, groom, footman; knot of
(a). ribbons worn by women.
l^baro, m. labarum. lacasnielo, m. dim. foot-boy, groom, tigep.
labe,./". stain, spot. T'. mancha. lacaynno, na, a. belonging to a lackey.
laberintlCO, Ca, a. labyrinthic. lacear, va. to lace, trim, or tie with bows to ;

laberinto, m. labyrinth, maze intricate ; pin up the game or drive it within shot.
matter (anat.) labyrinth of the ear. lacedemdn or lacedemonio, a, a. Lacede-

labia,/, (coll.) sweet, winning eloquence. monian.

labiado, da, a. (hot.) labiate. laceracibn, /. laceration, tearing.
labial, a. labial. lacerado, da, pp. & a. unfortunate, unhappy;
labi^rnagO, m. (hot. ) shrub with lanceolate, leprous.
shining leaves. lacerar, va. to mangle, tear in pieces, lacer-
labihendido, da, hare-lipped. a. ate ; to hurt, damage.
labio, m. lip (by ext.) mouth edge, brim.
; ; laceria, /. misery, poverty, wretchedness
labor [lah-bor'],/, labour, task, toil, work de- ; drudgery, weariness.
sign, scroll-work; (sew.) needle-work, em- laceria, /. set of bows.
broidery, fancy-work; trimming; a thou- laceriOSO, sa, a. miserable, wretched.
sand tiles or bricks cultivation, husbandrj-, ; lacertOSO, a. muscular, athletic.
tillage egg of a silk-worm figures raised
; ; lacinia, / (bot.) lacinia, slender lobe.
upon a ground; diaper; (min.) works, laciniado, da, a. (bot.) laciniate, sla.shed.
working campo de labor, cultivated field.
: lacio, Cia, «. faded, withered flaccid, lan- ;

laborable, a. tillable, workable. guid straight (as hair).


laborador, m. tiller, farmer. lacbnicamente, adv. laconically.

laborante, pa. tilling, working. m. (Cuba) lac6nico, ca, «. laconic, brief, concise.
conspirator. lac01lismo,«i. laconism, conciseness, brevity.
laborantismo, m. (Cuba) (pol.) secret work- lacra, /. mark or trace left by illness ; fault,
ings to free the island. defect ; viciousness.
laborar, va. to till. v. labrar. lacrar, va. to injure or impair the health to ;

laboratorio. m. laboratory. cause pecuniary damage to seal with seal- ;

laborcica, ilia, ita, /. dim. pretty needle- ing-wax.

work. lacre, m. sealing-wax.
laborear, va. to work; (naut.) to reeve, to lacrimal, a. lachrymal.
run. lacrimatorio, ria, a. &m. &/. lachrymatory.
Iab0re0,wi. (naut.) reeving, running; (min.) lacrimosamente, adv. tearfully.
works, working. lacrimoso, sa, a. tearful, lachrymose.
laborera, a. clever, skilful workwoman. Iactaci6n, /. act of suckling.
laboriosamente, adv. laboriously, painfully. lactancia,/. lactation, period of suckling.
laboriosidad, /. laboriousness, industry, as- lactante, pp. & m. feeding on milk.
siduity. lactar, ra! to nurse; to feed with milk. vn.
labOriOSO, sa, «. laborious, assiduous, indus- to suckle to feed on milk.;

trious ;
painful, wearisome. lactario, ria, a. lactary, lacteous, lactescent.
labra,/. stone cutting or carving. lactatO, m. (chem.) lactate.
labrada, /. land ploughed and fallowed. l^cteo, tea, a. lacteous, milky, lacteal, lac-
labradero, ra, a. workable, arable. tean, lactescent: via l&ctea, (ast. )
labradio, dia, a. tillable land. Milky Way.
labradO, da, pp. & a. wrought figured ; lactescente, a. lactescent.
hewn; tilled; (com.) manufactured. m. — ;

lacticineo, a, a. v. lacteo.
pi. cultivated lands. lacticiniO m. any kind of milk food,
labrador, ra, a. industrious, laborious.— m. lactico, ca, a. <chem.) lactic.
&/. labourer, farm-hand, tiller, ploughman ;
lactifero, ra, a. lactiferous.
grower, farmer, a husbandman or woman ;
lactina, lactosa, /. (chem.) lactose, lactin,
rustic, peasant. milk sugar.
labradoresco, ca, a. relating to a farmer lactdmetro, m. lactometer,
rustic. lactucario, OT. (pharm.) lactucarium.
labradorita, /. (min.) labradorlte. lactumen, m. (med.) lactumen, milk-scall.
labrandera, /. seamstress, embroiderer. lacunario, m. (arch.) lacunar,
labrante, m. stonecutter, sculptor. lacustre, a. lacustrian, lacustrine,
labrantin, m. petty farmer. lacba,/. (icht.) anchovy; shame,
labrantio, tia, a. arable, tillable. lada,/. (bot.) cystus. V. jara.
labranza, /. tillage, cultivation, ploughing, l&dano, m. ladanum, gum ledon.
farming, husbandry farm-land. ; ladeado, da, a. & pp. turned to one sid*,
labrar, '.va. to labour, elaborate, work out, crooked, inclined, lopsided.
fabricate, manufacture, produce to till, ; ladear, va. & vr. to tilt, tip, sway, turn on
plough, cultivate to build, erect, construct
; one side. vn. to skirt to deviate to be
; ;

Duildings to cut, dress, carve stone to do

; ;
even with. vr. to incline to an opinion or
needle-work, to embroider ; to make de- party.
signs in fabrics, stones, arms, etc. to form. ; ladeo, m. inclination or motion to one side.

g (before e, i) and J u h in hot; h, silent; 11 iu brilliant ; ft, ny tn canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUe<l ; 8
ladera,/. declivity, slope, hillside.—pZ. rails lagOteria,/. (coll.) flattery, adulation.
or staves of a truck cheeks of a gun-car- ; lagOtero, ra, «. (coll.) flattering, wheedling,
riage. honey-mouthed.
iaderia,/. small dale oa the slope of a moun- l&grima, /. tear drop of any liquid drop- ; ;

tain. like exudation from a tree wine that ;

ladero, ra, a. lateral, drips from the grape without pressure: 14-
ladiemo, wi. (hot.) buckthorn. grima de David or de Job, (bot.) Job's-tears ;

ladilla,/. crab-louse; (bot.) common barley. l&grimas de S. Pedro, pebbles, stones thrown
ladillo, m. shifting panel placed in the sides at any person liigriiaag de Batavia or de Ho--

of coaches. landa, Prince Rupert's drops, glass glo-

ladlnamente, culv. artfully, sagaciously. bules.
ladino, na, «. sagacious, cuuuing, crafty; lagrimable, a. worthy of tears.
linguist: esclavo ladino, (Amer.) slave who lagrimal, a, lachrymal. m. lachrymal car-
has served one year. uncle.
iado, m. side (of "a body or object) direction ; lagrimar, lagrimear, vn. to weep, shed
or position (right or left) border, margin, ; tears.
edge, verge; (mil.) flauk party, faction, ; lagrimeo, m. shedding tears.
interest mat for the side of carts, etc.
lagrimon, m. aug. large tear.
cofike, bend, manner mode of proceeding. ; lagrimOSO, sa, a. tearful, lachrymose; wv-

p?^ patrons, advisers: al lado, just by, tery (eyes) (bot.) exuding.

near at hand de lado, incidentally, side-

: laguna, /. pond, lagoon, basin; hiatus, gap
ways a un lado, aside ; clear the vray lado
: : book or writing.
in a
i lado, side by side. lagunajo, m. puddle, pool, plashet.
laddn, >n. (bot!) cystus. V. lada. lagunar, m. (arch.) lacunar.
ladra, /. barking. lagunero, ra, a. belonging to a lagoon,
ladrador, ra, «*. &/. barker, lagunoso, sa, «. marshy, fenny, swampy.
ladrante, i^a. barking, latrant; barker, laical, a. laical, laic.
ladrar, vn. to bark, howl, or cry like a dog ; lalCO, ca, a. laic. V. LEGO.
(coll.) to use empty threats; to clamour; lairen, a. kind of grapes and vines.
to upbraid, laja, /. flag-stone, slab; (naut.) rock at the
iadrido, w. barking, bow-wow ; outcry ; cal- entrance of a port.
umnv, slander. lama, /. mud, slime, ooze ; seaweed lama ;

ladriliado, m. brick floor. (gold or silver cloth) fine sand used for ;

ladrlUador, w. F, enladrillador. mortar dust of ores in mines. m. & /,


ladrillar, va. to lay bricks. lama, Tibetan monk or nun.

ladrillal, ladrillar, vi. brick-yard. lamaismo, m. Lamaism.
ladrillazo, m. blow with a brickbat. lamaista, m. &/. Lamaist.
ladrillejO, m. dim. little brick boy's amuse- ; lambel, m. (her.) lambel, label.
ment of knocking at doors with a brick. lambrequines, (her.) mantelets.
/adrlllero, »». brick-maker. lambrija, /. worm bred in the human body,
ladrillO, m. brick, tile ladrillo de chocolate, : V. LOMBRiz (coll.) meagre, slender person.

cake of chocolate. lamedal, m. musty, miry place.

ladrlllOSO, sa,a. bricky. lamedero, m. salt-lick.
ladrbn, na, m. & /. thief, robber, highway- lamedor, ra, m. & f. licker ;
(pharm.) loch ;

man, cut-purse. m. lock, sluice-gate; snuff wheedling: dar lamedor, to leign losing at
of a candle that makes it melt. play in order to insure greater success.
.adronamente, adv. thievishly. lamedura, /. act of licking.
ladronclllO, m. dim. petty thief, filcher. lamentable, a. lamentable, deplorable.
ladronera, /. nest of rogues, den of robbers ;
lamentablemente, adv. lamentably.
filching, extortion
sluice-gate in a mill ; lamentacibn, /. lamentation, wail.
mouey-DOX. V. alcancI a. lamentador, ra, m. &/. lamenter, weeper,
Aaroneria,/. v. ladronicio. mourner, coraplaiuer.
ladronesCO, ca, a. (coll.) belonging to lamentar, va. to lament, regret, mourn, be-
thieves, thievish.—/, set of thieves. wail, moan. vn. & vr. to lament, grieve,
fadroniciO, m. larceny, theft, robbery. V. wail to complain, cry.

LATROCINIO. lamento, m. lamentation, lament, moam,

ladronzuelo, la, vi. & f. dim. petty thief, wail, mourning, cry.
young filcher, pickpocket, lamentoso, sa, a. lamentable, mournfu),
lagafia,/. blearedness. V. legaSa. lameplatOS, m. (coll.) glutton, gorger; ont
lagafloso, sa, «. v. legaSoso. who
feeds on lick-plate.
lagar, m. lamer, va. to lick to lap to touch slightly. ; ;

lagarejO, m,. small wine-press. Iamer6n, na, a. (coll.) fond of dainties or

lagarero, m. wine-presser olive-presser. ; sweets.
lagareta,/. small wine-press; puddle, pool. lamia, /. lamia, a fabulous monster shark. ;

lagarta, /. female lizard; (coll.) sly, cun- lamido, da, a. &pp. worn out with use.
ning woman. lamiente, pa. licking, licker.
lagartado, da, a. v. alagartado. lamin, m.. dainty tid-bit.
lagartera, /. lizard-hole, litmina, /. plate, sheet, lamina, flake, eiii*
Lagartero, ra, a. lizard-catcher, graved copper-plate engraving, print, pic- ;

lagartija,/. eft, newt, small lizard, ture, illustration, plate.

lagartljero, ra, a. efts-catcher. laminado, da, a. lamellated or laminated.
lagartillo, m.. dim. small lizard, laminador, m. rolling-press, plate-roller,
lagarto, m. lizard large muscle of the ; arm ;
laminar, va. to roll or beat metal into sheets
(coll.) sly, artful person. to lick, to guzzle dainties.
iagO, m. lake lago d« leones, den of lions.
: laminar, a. laminar' lamellar in sheets, ;

lagOStin, m. crayfish. V. langostIn. laminera, /. bee advanced before its com-

lagotear, vn. (coll.) to flatter, wheedle, ca- panions.
jole. laminero, ra, a. fond of sweets. m. & f.
» as in far ; • In ell I ; i in police ; O in f6r ; a In bull ; c Cbefore e. l\ and z as th in thick : b and d. soft ;
manufacturer of metal plates ; one who Iaild6, m. (car.) landau.
makes shrines for relics. landre, /. swelling of the glands ;
purse con-
lamiscar, va. (coll.) to lick with haste and cealed in the clothes. i

great eagerness. landrecilla,/. round lump among the glands.'

lamoso, sa. a. oozy, slimy, muddy. landrero, ra, a', hoarder of money iu a lan-
lampa,/. (Amer.) (agr.) shovel for grain. dre.
lampaceax, va. (naut.) to swab. landrllla, /. (vet.) tongue-worm.
lampar, vn. v. alampar.
&vr. laneria, /. shop where wool is sold.
Ijunpara, /. lamp (oil, gas, or electric) ; light, lanero, ra, a. woollen. m. dealer in wool;
luminous body ; spot or stain of oil or grease ; warehouse for wool.
bough placed at the door on festivals or re- langa,/. small dry codfish.
joicings : atizar la limpara, (coll.) to retill langarutO, ta, a. (^coll.) tail, lank, ill-shaped.
the glasses. langOSta, /. (ent.) locust; (icht.) spiny lob-
lampareria, /. lamp-factory, lamp-store. ster.
lamparero, ra, m. &/. lamp-maker or seller ; langOStera,/. name of a fishing-net.
lamp-lighter. langostin or laiigostlno,»<. (icht.) crawfish
lamparllla,/. dim. small lamp night-taper ;
or crayfish.
sort of camlet aspen or trembling poplar.
; langOStbn, m. aug. ) green grasshopper.
lamparin, m. lamp-holder. languidamente, adv. languidly, languish-
lamparista, in. &/. V. lamparero. ingly.
lampardn, m. auy. large grease-spot ; king's- languidecer, vn. to languish.
evu (vet.) disease of horses.
; languidez, languideza [lahn-Khee-aetii'], /.
lampatan, m. Chinese plant. languishment, languidness, languor, weak-
lampazo, m. (bot.) burdock; (naut.) swab, ness, weariness, faintness.
mop. langllidO, da, a. languid, faint, weak, lan-
iampiflO, fla, a. beardless. guishing, feeble, heartless.
iampi6u, m. large lantern, lanifero, ra, a. (poet.) laniferous, woolly.
lampote, m. (Philip.) domestic cotton cloth, laniflcacidn, /. lanlficiO, m. woollen manu-
lamprea, /. (icht.) sea-lamprey. facturing woollen goods. ;

lamprear, va. to dress or season with wine lanilla, /. nap of cloth, down swan-skin ; ;

and sour gravy. tine flannel

(naut.) bunting. ;

lamprehuela, lampreilla,/. river lamprey, lanio, a, woolly. a.

lamprey. lanosidad,/. (bot.) down of leaves.
l^onpsana, /. common nipplewort.
(bot.) lanoso, sa, a. woolly, v. lanudo.
lampuga, yellow mackerel.
/. (icht.) lantaca,/. (Philip.) small culverin.
lana, /. hair of some animals
wool, fleece ; ;
lantano, J«. (chem.) lanthanum.
woollen manufacture in general perro de : lanteja,/. lentil, v. lenteja,
lanas, poodle. lanteiuela, /. v. lentejuela.
lanada,/. (arti.) sponge. lanudo, da, a. woolly, fleecy.
lanado, da, a. (hot.) lanate. lanuginoso, sa, «. (hot.) lanigerous, downy.
lanar, a. woolly (applied to sheep). lanza,/. lance, spear, pike pole of a coach or ;

lanaria,/. (bot.) cudweed. wagon ; nozzle ;

pikeman ; free lance : lanza
lancdH, m. (Philip.) barge. en ristre, ready for action.—/>/. duty for-
lance, m. cast, throw casting of a ; fish-net merly paid by the nobility in lieu of mili- '

catch in a net critical moment incident,

; ; tary services.
episode (of a play or novel) chance, acci- ; lanzada,/. blow or stroke with a lance.
dent, occurrence transaction quarrel,
lanzadera,/. shuttle, weaver's instrument.
dispute ; move or turn of a game lance de : lanzadO, da, pp. & a. (naut.) rakiug, over-
honor, duel de lance, cheap, at second hand
: : hanging.
& pocos lances, in a short time tener pocos : lanzador, ra, m. &/. thrower, ejecter.
lances, to be uninteresting. lanzafuego, m. v. botafuego.
lanceado, da, a. (bot.) lanceolate. lanzamiento, m. launching, casting, or
lancear, va. to wound with a lance. throwing jaculation (law) dispossessing,
; ;

lanceola, /. (bot.) rib-grass plantain. ejectment; (naut.) flaring of the bows ana
lanceolado, da, a. (hot.) lanceolate. knuckle-timbers rake of the stem and ;

lancera, /. lance-rack in an armoury. stern-post.—^Z. length of a ship from stem

lancero, m. pikeman, lancer maker of pikes. ;
to stern-post.
lanceta,/. (sure.) lancet; (vet.) fleam. lanzar, va. {pret. lanc^: subj. lance) to
lancetada, /. lancetazo, m. opening or lance, throw, dart, launch, hurl, bolt, fling;
wounding with a lancet. to spout, throw up, vomit, let loose (law) ;

lancetero, m. case for carrying lancets. to eject, dispossess. vr. to rush or dart
lancita, /. dim. small lance. upon to launch forth ; (com.) to engage ok*

lancinante, a. lancinating. embark in.

lancnrdia, /. small trout. lanzaZO [lalm-tliah'-tlmw], m. V. LANZADA.
lancha,/. flag-stone, slab (naut.) boat, gig; ;
lanzbn, m. aug. short and thick goad.
lighter, launch snare for partridges lan-
; : lanzuela, /. dim. small lance or spear.
cha dc Socorro, life-boat lancha cafionera, : lafla iiaii -iiyah], /. brace, clamp, cramp or
gun-boat lancha de pescar, fishing smack.
: crami>-iron green coconut. ;

lanchada, /. lighter-load. lafLar, va. to cramp, to clamp ; to open and

lanchaje. m. (com.) ferriage; lighterage. gut fish.
lancliar, w. flag-stone quarry. lapa, /. vegetable film on the surface of a
lanchazo, m. blow with a flag-stone. liquid barnacle ; (bot.) goose-grass, cleav-

lanchero, m. bargeman, boatman, oarsman. ers.

lanchdn, m. aug. (naut.) lighter, barge, lapachar, m. swamp, marsh, morass.
scow. ld,pade,/. lepadid, barnacle.
lanchonero. m. lighterman. bare«man. lapicero, m. pencil-case pencil-holder. ;

IpTi/'orave. m. landgrave German title , . l^pida, /. tablet, memorial stone lipida mor- :

landgraviatO, m. landgraviate. tnoria, grave-stone.

g (before e, i) and J as h tn hot; h, silent : II In brilliant - fi. ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled; s, biMed.
leipidacl6ll,/. lapidation, stoning to death. larva, /. mask; (ent.) larva, grub: larvas,
lapldar, va. to stone to death. hobgoblins
lemures. ;

lapidario, ria, a. lapidary, m, lapidary. larvado, da, (med.) larvate, masked.

lapideo, dea, «. lapideous, stony, larval, a. pertaining to a larva.
lapidificacion, /. petritication, lapidifica- las, definite art. J. pi. the (as las mujeres, the
tiou. women).—-7)e/v>. jL»?orj./. jLi/. in the accusative
lapidificar, i'«. (chem.) to petrify. case, them (as las tengo, I have them) it is ;

lapidoso, sa, «. lapideous, stony, used sometimes in the nominative case, as

lapila,/- (bot.) hound's-tongue. 4 hay —
cartas ? las hay, are there any letters ?
lapislazuli, m. (min.) lapis-lazuli, — there are some (las should never be used
14piZ iirtii-i'itii], m. (min.) black-lead, graphite, for the dative case, which calls for les).
plumbago lead pencil, crayon lipiz rojo,
; : lasa&a, fritter shaped like a leaf.
red ochre (coll.) censor's blue pencil.
lasca, /. chip from a stone.
lapizar, m. black-lead mine. lascar, va. (naut.) to ease away, slacken,
lapizar, va. to pencil draw with pencil. ; pay out.
lapo, m. (coll.) blow with a cane. lascivamente, adv. lasciviously, lustfully.
Iap6n, na, a. & m. &/. Laplander. lascivia,/. lasciviousness, lewdness, lust.
lapso, »t. lapse or course of time fall, lapse, ; lasciVO, va, a. lascivious, lewd, lustful, lib-
slip. idinous merry, sportive. ;

lar, III. {pi- LARES, mostly used) Lar, tutelar laserpiciO, m. (bot.) laserwort.
god.^/j/. home. lasltud,/. lassitude, weariness, faintness.
larariO, m. lararium. laso, sa, a. weary, tired, exhausted lax, ;

lardar, lardear, va. to baste meat on the flaccid.

spit to scald with boiling oil.
; lastar, va. to pay, answer, or suffer for an-
lardero (jueves), a. Thursday before Lent. other.
lardo, m. lard, fat of animal. l&Stima,/. sympathy, compassion, pity, con-
larddn, m. (print.) marginal addition also ; dolence, grief; pitiful object plaint, lamen- ;

a piece of paper clinging to the frisket and tation, tale of woe es listima, it is a pity. :

preventing the impression of some part of a lastimadura, /. sore, hurt.

sheet. lastimar, va. to hurt, injure, damage, wound,
lardOSO, sa, a. greasy, oily, smearing. to pity, to sympathize.—^i;/-. to grieve,
offend ;

larga, /• (shoe.) lengthening piece put to a regret, be sorry for to complain. ;

last longest billiard-cue.—jo^. dar largas, to

; lastimeramente, adv. sadly, sorrowfully.
delay, protract, procrastinate. lastimero, ra, a. sad, doleful, mournful,
Ifeirgamente, adv. largely, copiously com- ;
miserable, moving, lamentable, grievous.
pletely liberally, frankly for a long time.
; ; lastimosamente, adv. pitifully, grievous-
largar, va. (pret. larguk : subj^ largue) to ly-
loosen, slacken; let go, set free; to expel, lastlmoso, sa, a. doleful, v. lastimero.
to shed to give (as a slap) to heave (as a
; ; lasto, m. voucher given to him who has paid
sigh); (naut.) to loosen a sail, to ease a for another.
rope: largar las velas, (naut.) to set sail. lastra, /. flag-stone, slab.
vr. (coll.) to go off, quit, leave, pack away ; lastrar, va. (naut. and r. w.) to ballast.
(naut.) to set sail. lastre, m. ballast, lastage stone slat ;

largo, ga, a. long, extended, prolonged con- ; weight, motive, judgment.

tinued, protracted, lasting large, generous, ; Iastr6n, m. aug. large stone slat.
free, liberal prompt, expeditious shrewd,
; ; lasim, m. (icht.) V. locha.
astute, cunning copious, abundant, exces- ; lata, /. small log tin-plate or tinned iron- ;

sive.—p/. many, quite a number. m. length; plate tin can; lath, ledge, batten; an-

(mus. ) largo. adv. largely, profusely. noyance, nuisance; (coll.) protracted and
inlerj. \ largo ! or i
largo de ahi I away ! be- tedious visit or performance hoja de lata, :

gone largo de lengua, too free and un-

! tin-plate.
Euarded with the tongue largo de anas, : latamente, adv. largely, amply.
ght-fingered de largo i, largo, from one : latania, /. (hot.) lataniapalm.
end to the other, lengthwise navegar 4 lo : latastro, m. (arch.) V. PLINTO.
largo de la costa, (naut.) to navigate along lataz,/. (zool.) sea-otter.
the coast pasar de largo, to pass by without
: latebra,/. cave, den, hiding-place.
stopping i. la corta 6 & la larga, sooner or
: latebroso, sa, a. hiding, furtive, secretive.
later & la larga, at length, slowly in the
: ; latente, a. latent, dormant concealed, hid- ;

long run & lo largo, at a distance length-

: ; den.
wise largos anos, many years, long life.
: lateral, a. lateral.
larger, m. length. lateralmente, adv. laterally.
largueado, da, a. striped, v. listado. l9,tldo, pp. & m. palpitation, pulsation, beat
larguero, w. (carp.) jamb-post; bolster. or throb of the heart howling of a dog. ;

largueza liar-ffeh'-tiiah;,/. length, extent; lib- latiente, pa. palpitating, fluttering.

erality, generosity. latigadera, /. strap or thong for lashing the
larguirucho, Cha, a. (coll.) long and thin. yoke.
larguitO, ita, a. not very long. latigazo, m. lash, whipping crack of a whip ;

largura,/. length, stretch, extent. jer^ unexpected offence harsh reproof.

; ;

lirice, m. (bot.) larch-tree. l&tlgO, m. whip lashing cord for weighing ;

laricino, na, a. belonging to the larch-tree. objects with a steel-yard cinch-strap long ; ;

larije iiaii-ree-heh], o. kind of red grapes. plume around a hat.

laringe fiaii-reen'-heh], /. (anat.) larynx. latiguear, vn. to smack or crack a whip.
laringeo, gea, a. laryngeal. latiguera,/. cinch-strap.
larlngitis,/. (med.) laryngitis. latiguero, m. maker or seller of whips.
larlngologia, /. laryngology. latigUillO (lah-te-Keer-lyoi, m. dim,. Small
larlngOSCOpia, /. laryngoscopy. whip; (theat.) mannerism.
larlngOSCOplO, m. laryngoscope. latin, m. Latin Latin tongue. ;

larlngotomia, /. (surg.) laryngotomy. latinajO, wt. (coll.) Latin jargon.

« a» in far ; e in eh t ; i in police ; O In for : « in ball : o (lierorfi e. i) and x u tb in thick : b and d, soft:
latinamente, adv. in Latin, Latinly. lavador, ra, a. washer, cleaner. m. (arti)
latinar, latlnear, vn. to speak or write Lat- burnisher.
in to use Latin phrases often.
; lavadura, wash, washing, lavation com-
/. ;

latinidad, /. Latiuity, the Latin tongue. position for dressing glove-leather slops. ;

latinismo, »«. Latiuism. lavaie, m. washing of wools.

latinizar, va. to Latinize. t-n. to use words — lavajO, m. pool where cattle go to drink mo- ;

borrowed from the Latin. rass.

latino, na, a. Latin the Western Catholic ; lavamanOS, m. stationary wash-stand,
Church, opposed to the Greek vela latina, : lavamientO, m. washing, ablution.
lateen sail.— m. & /. Latinist ; native of lavanco, m. kind of wild duck.
Latium. lavandera,/. laundress, washerwoman.
latir, vn. to palpitate, pulsate, throb, beat to ; lavandero, m, launderer, laundry-man.
yelp, howl, bark. lavaplatOS, m. &f. dishwasher.
latitud, /. breadth, width, latitude, stretch, lavar, va. to wash, lave, launder, scour^
extent;" (eeog. and ast. ) latitude. cleanse, rinse; (mas.) to whitewash or kal-
latitudinal, a. latitudinal. somine (art) to paint in water-colours to
; ;

latitudinario, ria, a. latitudinarian, lib- purify, clear from blemish.

eral. lavativa, /. clyster, injection ; clyster-i>ipe
lato, ta, extensive.
a. large, diflFuse, syringe; (met.) vexation, annoyance.
laton, ill.laton en hojas or planchas,
brass : lavatorio, m. lavation, washing; lavatory,
latten brass sheet brass.; wash-stand; (pharm.) lotion; (eccl.>
latoneria, /. brass-trade; braziery, brass- maundy.
works brass-ware.
; lavazas./.p/. foul water, slop?
latonero, m. brazier, worker in brass. lave, m. washing of ores in mines.
latria, /. Latria, worship of God. lavotear, va. &vr. (coll.) to wash hurriedly
latrocinio, m. systematic robbery. and poorly.
laud, ni. (mus.) lute; (naut.) catboat lavo'teo, m. washing hurriedly and poorly
striped turtle. l>erformed.
lauda, .f. tombstone. Iaxaci6n [lac-sah-tine-on'], /. looseniug, luxa-
laudable, «. laudable, praiseworthy. tion, slackening.
laudablemente, adv. laudably. laxaniientO[iac-8ah-me-en'-to], m. laxation, lax-
laudano, >n. (pharm.) laudauuiy. ity, laxuess, loosening.
laudar, ro. (law) to render a decision as an laxante [lac-sahn'-teii], pa. & a. loosening, soft-
arbitrator or umpire. ening. m. (med.) laxative.
laudatOXlO, ria, laudatory, full of praise.
a. laxar liac-sar'], va. to loosen, to soften.

/. laudatory, panegyric. laxative, va, a. & »». laxative, lenitive.
laude, /. inscribed tombstone.—pi. (eccl.) laxidad, laxitud luc-se-tood'], /. laxity, lax-
lauds. ness.
laudemio, m. (law) dues paid to the lord of laxo, Xa [lac'-so], a. lax, slack.
the manor on all transfers of landed prop- lay [lie;, m. (poet.) lay, ballad.
erty, within the manor. laya, /. (agr.) spade, spud; quality, nature,
laudo, ni. (law) finding of an arbitrator or kind, class.
umpire. layador, m. spadesman.
launa, f. lamina, thin plate of metal ; schis- layar, va. (agr.) to spade.
tose clay for roofs. lazada, /. bow-knot; (sew.) bow; true-
laur^ceo, cea, a. laurel-like; (bot.) laura- lover's knot.
ceous, laurineous. lazador, m. lassoer.
laurea, f. laurel wreath. lazar, va. to lasso, capture with a lasso.
laureado, da, a. &pp. laureate. lazaretO, m. lazaretto ; pest-house.
laureando, m. scholar about to graduate. lazarillO, m. blind person's guide.
laurear, va. to crown with laurel to hon- lazarino, na, a. leprous, lazar-like, lazarly.
our, reward to confer a degree.

— m. &f. lazar, leper.

lauredal, m. plantation of laurel-trees. lazo [lah'-thaw], VI. (sew.) bow, loop, true-
laurel [lah-oo-rei-], m. (bot.) laurel; laurel lover's knot; snare (for game); trap or
wreath, honour, distinction, reward to snare (for persons); lasso, slip-knot; tie,
merit: laurel cerezo, (bot.) cherry-laurel. bond, chain (arch. ) knot or ornament.—p/.

laurente, m. workman in paper-mills. (danc. figures.


laur6ola,/. laurel wreath diadem: laur^ola ; lazullta, /. lazulite, lapis-lazuli.

hembra, (bot.) mezereon daphne: laur^ola le [ieii\ pers. pron. si7ig. (m. or f. for the dative
macho, spurge laurel. case) to him, to her, to it, as: iqu6 le di6
laurifero, ra, a. (poet.) lauriferous. Vd. ? what did you give to him (or to her) ?
laurineo, nea, o. (bot.) laurineous. I qu6 le afiadii Vd. ? what did you add to it ?
laurino, na, a. belonging to laurel. (le is also used for the accusative case, hut then
lauro, m. (bot.) laurus glory, honour, ;
only in the masc. gender arid applied to per-
fame, triumph. sons) him, as ayer le vi, I saw him yester-

lauroceraso, laurorreal, m. (bot.)*cherry- day.

laurel. leal, a. loyal, true, faithful.
lautamente, oiiv. splendidly. lealmente, adv. loyally, faithfully.
lautO, ta,a. rich, wealthy. lealtad,/. loyalty, fidelity, fealty.
lava; (min.) washing of metals.
lava,./", lebrada,/. fricassee made of hare.
lavabo, m. wash-stand lavabo. ; lebratico, illo, ito, m. dim. young hare, lev
lavacaras, m. (coll.) a flatterer. eret.
lavacidn,/. (pharm.) lotion, wash. lebrato or lebrat6n, m. young hare.
lavadero, m. washing-place, laundry lava- ; lebrel, m. greyhound.
tory (tan.) vat or pit for washing hides;
; lebrela,./". greyhound bitch.
(min.) huddling tank. lebrero, ra, a. good at hunting hares.
lavado, m., washing; laundry-work; lebrillo, m. glazed earthenware tub.
(art) aquarelle in a single tint. lebrbn, m, large hare (coll.) poltroon. ;

g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; », himf^
lebronclllo, m. young hare. also for a man resembling an owl in face or
lebruno, na, a. leporine, of the hare kind. habits.
leccibn liec-thie-on'], /. lesson tuition lecture ; ; ;
ledamente, adv. (poet.) merrily, cheerfully,
reading ; lection ; warning, admonition, ledo, da, a. (poet.) gay, merry, cheerful, glad.
example dar leccl6n, to give a lesson to a
: leedor, ra, m. & /. reader, peruser.
scholar dar la lecci6n, to say a lesson before
: leer [leh-err'j, va. to read to peruse to lecture, ; ;

a teacher dar una lecclon, to teach some one

: instruct to divine one's thoughts.

a lesson, reprimand him tomar la leccidn, to : lega,/. (eccl.) lay-sister.

hear a lesson from a scholar tomar lecclon, : legacia, /. legateship message intrusted to a ;

to take a lesson from a teacher. legate province and duration of a legate-


leCClonariO, »«. (eccl.) lectionary. ship.

leCCiOnCita [lec-thie-on-thle'-tah], /. dim. short Iegaci6n, /. legation, legateship; embassy.
lecture or lesson. legadO, m. (law) legacy deputy, ambassa- ;

leccionista, »*. &f. private tutor. dor, legate: legado & litere, (eccl.) Pope's
lectistemio, m. banquet of the heathen gods. legate commander of a Roman legion.

lectiVO, va, a. lecture days in universities. legador, m. labourer who ties the feet of
lector, ra, m. & /. reader lecturer ; (eccl. ; sheep for shearing them.
instructor of the Gospel. legadura,/. tie binding cord or strap. ;

lectorado, /«. (eccl.) lectorate. legalO, m. file, docket, bundle of papers.

lectoral, /. (eccl.) a prebend. —m. preben- legal, a. legal, lawful, legitimate, constitu-
dary. tional loyal, true, faithful.

lectoria,/. (eecl.) lectureship. legalidad,/. legality, lawfulness, legitimate-

lectura,/ reading, perusal lecture ;
(print.) ness, fidelity, punctuality.
pica. Iegalizaci6n, /. legalization.
lecturita, /. (print.) small pica. legalizar, va. to legalize, authorize.
lecha, lechaza, /. seminal fluid of fi§hes legalmente, adv. legally, lawfully ; faith-
each of the two sacs which contain it. fully.
lechada, /. whitewash pulp for making ;
legamente, adv. ignorantly.
paper. legamo, m. slime, mud, clay left by water.
lechal, sucking; (bot.) lactiferous, milky.
a. legamoso, sa, a. slimy, oozy.
— 7/1. milky juice of plants.
(bot.) legafla, /. gummy secretion of the eyes.
lechar, «. v. lechal nursing promoting ; ;
legaflOSO, sa, a. blear-eyed.
the secretion of milt in female mammals. leffar, va. {pret. LEGufe: subj. legue) to
leche, /. milk (hot.) milky juice cochinillo ;
: aepute, to send a legate (law) to bequeath. ;

de leche, sucking pig: vaca de leche, milch legatario, ria, m. &/. (law) legatee.
cow leche de canela, oil of cinnamon dis-
: legenda,/. (eccl.) legend, history of .saints.
solved in wine leche de gallina or de piijaro, : legendario, ria, a. legendary. m. legenda-
(bot.) common star of Bethlehem hermano : ry, book of legends.
de leche, foster-brother leche de tierra, mag- : legible, a. legible, readable.
nesia : leche crema, custard estar con la le- : legion, /. legion, multitude (mil. ) legion. ;

che en loB labios, to lack experience leche : legionario, ria, a. legionary.

quemada, sweetmeat made of simmered milk. legislacibn, legislation. .'".

lecliecillas (leh-cheh-tiiier-iyas], /. pi. sweet- legislador, ra, a. & m. & f. legislator, law-
bread livers and lights.
; maker.
lechera, «• milch (applied to animals).—/, legislar, va. to legislate, to enact laws.
milkmaid, dairymaid milk-can milk-pot, ; ; legislatiVO, va, a. legislative, law-making.
milk-ewer. legislatura,/. term of a legislature.
lecheria, /. cow-house, dairy, lactary. legisperito, m,. v. jurisperito.
lechero, a. milky.— ?». milkman. legista, m. legist professor of laws. ;

Ieclier6ll, m. milk-pail, milk-vessel ; flannel legitima, /. (Taw) legitime.

wrap for new-born infants. legitimacidn, /. legitimation.
lechetrezna, /. (bot.) spurge. legitimamente, adv. legitimately, lawfully
lechigada, /. breed*, litter gang of rufllans. ;
legitimar, va. to legitimate, to legalize.
lechin, m. variety of olive-tree and the rich legitimidad, /. legitimacy, legalitv.
olive it yields ;
(vet.) tumour in horses. legitimista, a.&m.& f. legitimist.
lecMno, m. (vet.) tent; small tumour in legitimo, ma, a. legitimate, legal, lawful,
horses. authentic, genuine.
lechO, m. bed, couch lay, litter bed of a ; ; lego, ga, a. laical, lay, laic ignorant, illiter- ;

river; tier, row, layer, stratum, founda- ate. m. layman lay-brother or lay-friar. ;

tion, base. Ieg6n, m. (agr.) hoe.

leclMin, m. sucking pig by extension, pig ; legra,/. (surg.) periosteotome.
(coll.) dirty fellow. legracibn, legradura, /. (surg.) periosteot-
lechona, /. sucking female pig (coll.) dirty ;
woman. legrar, va. (surg.) to perform periosteotomy.
lecllOnciCO, illO, itO, m. dim. very young legua league, measure' of dis-
[ieh'-s:w«hi, /.
pig. tance
k legua, & la legua, b, leguas, de cien

lechOSO, sa, (bot.) having a milky juice.

a. muchas leguas or desde media legua,
leguas, de
m. (S. Am.) (bot.) papaw-tree.—/. papaw. very far, at a great distance.
lechuga, /. (bot.) lettuce; (sew.) frill. leguariO, ria, a. relating to a legua.
lechugado, da, a. resembling lettuce. leguleyo, m. petty lawyer, pettifogger.
lechuguero, ra, m. &f. retailer of lettuce. legumbre, /. pulse, legume by extension, ;

lechugullla, /. dim. small lettuce ; frill, ruff. vegetables, garden-stuff.

lechuguina, /. (coll.) stylish young lady. le^rtmiinoso, sa, a. (hot.) leguminous.
lechuguino, m. lettuce sprout plot of small ; leible, a. legible, readable.
lettuces (coll.) dandv, dude.
; leido, da, pp. &. a. well-read, book-learned
lechuza,/. (om.) owl, barn-owl. leido y escribido, (coll.) one who affects learn-
lechUZO, za, a. suckling mule colt. m. nick- ing-
name for a bill-collector or summons-server ; leila, /. nocturnal Moorish dance.
a aa in far ; e in eh 1 ; i in police ; ^or ; U ic bull ; c (before e, i) and z aa th in thick ; b and d, aoftj
leima, m. (mus.) limma. lentecer, vn. to grow soft or tender.
leiania,/. distance, remoteness. lenteja,/. (bot.) lentil ; dj^k of a pendulum?
lejano, na, a. distant, remote, far. lenteja da agua, (bot.) gibbous duck-weed.
lei as, a. pi. de lejas tierras, from far away lentejuela, /. spangle.
lands. lenticular, a. lenticular.
lejia, /. lye; (coll.) severe reprimand. lentiscal, m. thicket of mastic-trees.
lejiO, m. among dyers, lye. lentiSCO, TO. (bot.) mastic-tree, lentiscus.
leiitOS, adv. dim. rather far or distant. lentitud, /. slowness, sluggishness.
lejOS Lieii'-hos], adv. far, far away, far off. m. lento, ta, a. slow, sluggish, tardy, heavy,
perspective, distant view, background sim- ; long, lingering; (pharm.) glutinous (mus.) ;

ilarity, resemblance : buen lejos, looking l)est slowly.

at a distance & lo lejos, de lejos, de muy lejos
: lentor, TO. (pharm.) viscidity.
or desde lejos, at a great distance. lenzuelO, to. (agr.) sheet for carrying straw.
leiuelOS, adv. dim. at a little distance. lefla, /. fire-wood, kindling-wood; (coll.)
lelili, m. war-whoop of the Moors. drubbing, beating: Uevar lena al monte, to
lelo, la, stupid, dull. m. &f. ninny.
a. carry coals to Newcastle echar lena al fue- :

lema, m. lemma, theme, text ; motto, device. go, to foment discord.

Ujgianita,/. (min.) jade. lefiador, ra, to. &/. woodman, wood-cutter ;
lamnkceo, a, a. (bot.) lemnaceous. dealer in kindling-wood.
lemosin, na, a. Languedocian. m. Langue- leflame, m. wood provision of kindling- ;

docian Provengal, langue d'oc.

; wood.
len, a. soft, flossy (thread or silk). lefLar, va. to cut wood.
lena, /. spirit, vigour. leflera,/. wood-shed, wood-bin.
lencera, /. woman who deals in linen wife leflero, to. wood-dealer ; logman.
of a linen-draper. lefl.0, TO. log; (naut.) ancient galley (poet.) ;

lenceria,/. linen goods linen-draper's shop ; ship, vessel ; (coll.) dull, thick-witted per-
linen-hall linen-room ; linen trade. ; son.
lencero, ra, «*• &/. linen-draper, linen mer- lefLOSO, sa, a. woody, ligneous.
chant. leo, TO. (ast. ) Leo, constellation ; sign of the
lendel, m. track mill-horse. ;
lendrera,/. close comb for taking out nits. Ie6n, TO. (zool.) lion (ent.) ant-lion (rept.> ; ;

lendrero, m. place full of nits. boa; brave and commanding man; (ast.)
lendrOSO, sa, a. nitty, full of nits. Leo leon marino, sea-lion.

lene, a. soft (to the touch) sweet, kind, ; leona, /. lioness ; brave, undaunted woman,
pleasant light, not heavy.
; leonado, da, a. lion-coloured, tawny.
If^ngua,/. (anat. ) tongue; language, idiom; leoncico, illo, ito, m. whelp of a lion.
Jnlbrmation, advice clapper of a bell len- ; : leonera, /. cage or den of lions; (coll.)
gua del agaa, at the edge of the water len- : gambling-den.
gua de tierra, strip of land running out into leonero, m. keeper of lions master of » ;

the sea con la lengua de an palmo, or con un

: gambling-house.
palmo de lengua, with great anxiety or eager- leon^S, sa, a. of or belonging to Leon.
ness tener algo en la lengua, to have any-
: Ie6nlca, /. (vet.) vein under the tongue.
thing at the tongue's end lengua canina or : leonino, na, a. leonine (law) one-sided, ;

de perro, (bot.) hound's-tongue lengua de : unfair; (poet.) leonine (verse).—/, (med.)

buey, (bot.) bugloss, alkanet lengua cerval, : leontiasis.
(bot.) hart's-tongue: lengua de vaca, (bot.) leontina,/. (jew.) watch-chain.
sanseveria, fibre-plant de lengua en lengua, : leopardo, m. leopard, panther.
from mouth to mouth : irse la lengua, to leopoldina,/. (jew.) fob-chain (mil.) Span- :

give a loose rein to one's tongue no morder- : ish helmet.

se la lengua, not to mince words hacerse : Lepe, m. saber m&s que Lepe, to be very smart
lenguas, to speak in praise. and shrewd.
lenguado, m. (icht.) sole, flounder. 16perO, ra, a. &m. &f. (Mex.) applied to one
l^nguaje [len-Kwaii'-heii], TO. language, idiom, of the rabble.
speech parlance
vernacular, tongue ; ; lepidio, «i. (bot.) pepper-grass.
style. lepiddptero, ra, a. (ent.) lepidopterous.—
lenguaraz, a. languaged ; free-ton gued. TO. pi. lepidoptera.
lenguaz, a. garrulous, talkative, loqua- lepisma, /. (ent.) lepisma; bristle-tail, sil-
cious. ver-fish.
lengiiecica, ilia, ita, /. dim. small tongue. leporino, na, a. like a hare : labio leporine,
lengueta lien-Rweh'-tahl,/. dim. Small tongue; nare-lip.
(anat.) epiglottis; languet, barb; (mu.s.) lepra, / leprosy.
languette needle of a balance (b. b.) cut-
leproso, sa, a. leprous, leperous. m. & /
ting-knife (mech. ) feather, wedge, tongue,
bit, bore, awl catch of a trap or snare
; lercha, /. reed for hanging fishes and birds.
(arch.) buttress; moulding. lerda,/. (vet.) V. lerd6n.
lengiietada,/. act of licking. lerdamente, adv. slowly, heavily.
lengiieteria, /. reed-work of an organ. lerdO, da, slow, heavy dull, obtuse.
a. ;

lengiiezuela, .A dim. small tongue. Ierd6n, to. (vet.) tumour in a horse's pastern.
lenldad,/. lenity, mildness, favour. les, pers. pron. dative, case, m. &f. pi. to them,
lenlficar, va. to lenify, to soften. V. SUAVI- as les di pan 4 todos, I gave bread to them

ZAR. all.
lenificatlVO, va, «. mollifying, softening, lesbiO, tola, a. Lesbian, of Lesbos.
lenitivo, va, a. lenitive, assuasive, lenient, lesibn, /. hurt, damage, wound injury ;

mitigant. m. emollient mitigator, lenient, ; wrong.

lenociuio, m. pimping, pandering. lesiVO, va, a. prejudicial, injurious.
lentamente, adv. slowly lingeringly. ; lesna,/. awl. v. lkzna.
lente, m. or/, (opt.) lens; monocle. m. pi. lesnordeste, m. (naut.) east-north-east wind.
eye-gli leso, sa, a. wounded, hurt, damaged per- ;

S (before e, 1) and J as h in h. silent; 11 In brilliant; ft, ny in canyon ; r ( and rr trilled ;

s. hlseed.
LES 348 LlB
verted- lesa majestad, leze-majesty, high mapa,etc., to draw the sketch of a place:
treasoa levantar falso teBtimonio, to accuse falsely :
leste, m. fnaut.) east wind, east. levantar la cabeza, to retrieve one's fortune,
lesueste, wi. (naut.) east-south-east wind. to take courage levantar la casa, to break

letal, a. mortal, deadly, destructive, lethal. up housekeeping levantar la mesa, to clear


letame, m. mud for fertilizing. the table levantarse con algo, to take un-

letania, litany (coll.) list of things.

/. (eccl.) lawful possession of anything.

pi. supplicatory procession.

levante, to. Levant, east east wind : estar ;

let^giCO, ca, a. lethargic, lethargical. de levante, to be ready to depart.

letargO, m. lethargy, drowsiness. levantlno, na, a. Levantine.
letargOSO, sa, a. causing lethargy. levantisco, ca, a. turbulent, restless ; Le-
leteo, a, «. (poet.) Lethean. vantine.
letificante, pa. exhilarating. levar, va. (naut.) to weigh anchor. vr. to
letificar, va. to rejoice, make merry ; to ani- set sail.
mate, cheer. leve, light; of little weight; trifling.
letifico, ca, a. cheering, bringing joy. levedad, /. lightness, levity inconstancy. ;

letra, /. letter, character of the alphabet levemente, adv. lightly, gently venialfy. ;

hand, penmanship, chirography ;

(print.) leviatan, to. leviathan.
type motto, inscription literal meaning of
; ; levigacibn, /. levigation, elutriation.
a phrase (poet.) kind of rondeau words of
; ; levigar, va. to levigate, to elutriate.
any song arithmetical character, figure
; leviratO, to. levirate. Mosaic marriage.
letra de cambio, (com.) bill of exchange le- : levita, TO. Levite deacon.—/, frock-coat, ;

tra abierta, (com.) open credit: & la letra, Prince Albert coat.
literally, punctually, entirely tener mucha : levitiCO, ca, a. Le v it ical, priestly.—m. book
letra, to be very artful and cunning.—pZ. of Leviticus; (coll.) ceremonial used at a
letters, learning the iearned professions. ; festival.
letradO, da, a. learned, erudite, lettered levitdn, m. great-coat, like a frock-coat.
(coll.) vain, presumptuous: as i, lo letrado, 16xiC0 or lexicbn, m. lexicon, dictionary ^
a lawyer. m. lawyer, advocate, counsellor. glossary, vocabulary.
— /, (coll.) lawyer's wife. lexicografia, /. lexicography.
letrero, w. sign, label, notice, placard, poster. lexicograflco, ca, «. lexicographic.
letrilla,/. rfi'ft. small letter (mus.) roudelet. ;
lexicbgrafO, to. lexicographer.
letrlna,/. privy, water-closet, latrine. lexicologia/. lexicology.
letrbn, m. aug. large letter. to. pi. placard? lexicol6gico, ca, a. lexicological.
posted at the doors of churches. Iexic6l0g0, TO. lexicologist.
letuariO, in. kind of marmalade. ley [leh'-e], /. law, enactment, ordinance, de-
leucina,/. (chem.) leucine. cree, statute religion, the Scriptures rule
: ;

.'"euoocitemia, /. (med.) leucocythemia. of action; loyalty, faithful attachment;

leucocitO, m. leucocyte, white blood-corpus- legal standard of quality, weight, or meas-
cle. ure ; principle or universal property ; pre-
leucbptero, ra, a. leucopterous. cept, rules, and regulations.—^/, body or col-
leucorrea, (med.) leucorrhoea; whites.
./". lection of laws study and profession of the

leudar, va. to leaven. vr. to yeast. law i la ley, with propriety and neatness
: :

leudO, da, «. fermented, leavened (bread). k toda ley, perfectly, according to rule de :

iBVa,/. (naut.) act of weighing anchor (mil.) ;

buena ley, sterling: ley escrita, revealed
levy, press; (mech.) lever, cog, tooth, cam, laws, decalogue ley antlgua, law of Moses

wiper play of a piston (naut.) swell of the

; ;
k ley de caballero or de cristlano, on the word
sea hay mar de leva, there is a swell in the
: of a gentleman or a Christian: ley de la
offing. ^jZ. tricks, artful devices. trampa, trickery, fraud ley del embndo, se- :

levada, /. moving silk-worm ; (fenc.) salute verity for others, indulgence for ourselves.
or flourish with the foil. leyenda, /. reading legend superscription, ; ;

ievadero, ra, «. to be collected or demanded. inscription, device, motto.

levadizo, za, a. that can be lifted or raised, leyente, pa. reading, reader.
as a draw-bridge. lezda, /. ancient tax on merchandise.
levador, m. in paper-mills, pilar; (mech.) lezna, /. (shoe, and sad. ) awl.
cam, cog, tooth. lia, /. plaited bass-rope husk of pressed ;

Xevadura, ferment, leaven, yeast, barm

/. grapes: estar hecho una lia, (coll.) to be
(carp.) sawed-ofF plank. tipsy.
levantadamente, adv. highly, loftily. liar, va. to tie, bind, bundle, fagot, do up;
levantado, da, pp. & a. raised, elevated, (coll.) to embroil, draw into an entangle-
lofty. ment. vr. to contract an alliance: liarlas,
levantador, ra, m. & f. one who raises or (coll. ) to elope ; to die.
lifts up disturber, rioter. ; liaza,/. collection of hoops used by coopers.
levantamientO, m. elevation, raising sub- ; libacidn,/. libation, pounng out wine.
limity ; insurrection, revolt, uprising ; set- libamen.libamiento, m. offering in ancient
tlement of accounts. sacrifices.
levantar, va. to raise, lift or lift up,
heave, llb&Q., «i. rope made of esparto.
set up, hold up, hang up, mount, set up- libar, va. to suck, sip, extract tae juice ; to
right; to build up, erect a building; to taste ; to perform a libation.
rouse, excite, stir up to impute or attrib- ; libatorlo, m. libatory cup.
ute falsely to elevate, aggrandize, pro-
; libelar, ra. (law) to petition.
mote to start game to cut the cards
; ; llbel&tico, ca, a. applied to the Christians
(mil. ) to levy, press for service to in- ; who, to evade persecution, renounced th«
crease, enlarge ; to raise the voice to ; Christian religion in a written declaration.
cause, occasion to begin. vr. to rise, get ; libellsta, m. author of.a libel.
up, stand up to be higher than some other ; libelO, TO. libel, lampoon (law) petition. ;

thing to rise in arras, to rebel to start

; ; lib^lula, .f. libellula, dragon-fly.
suddenly (as game) levantar un piano. : liber, to. "(bot.) bast, liber, or inner bark.

» M in far ; • in eh t ; i to police ; O in for ; n in bull ; c (before e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, soft j

liberaci6n, (law) quittance.
/. liberation ; librero, m. bookseller.
liberal, «. liberal, generous, free, munificent, libreta, /. troy pound loaf of bread weighs ;

open-hearted; quick, brisk, active; (pol.) ing one pound memorandum-book Dote>
; ;

advanced; liberal (arts).

liberal, book pass-book small blank-book.
; ;

liberalidad, /. liberality, generosity, large- librete, m. dim. small book foot-stove. ;

ness, raunificence, open-heartedness. libretin, m. dim. small book, booklet.

llberalismo, m. (pol.) Liberalism; Liberal libreto, m. (mus.) libretto.
librUlO, m. earthen tub small book of ciga^.
)eralizar, va. to liberalize.
liberalmente, adv. liberally, expeditiously,
rette paper: librillo de cera, folded wax
taper librillo de oro, gold-leaf book.

generously, freely. libro, m. book (mus.) libretto

libro bece- :

lib6rrimo, ma, a. sup. most free. rro, doomsday-book libro borrador, blotter :

libertad, /. liberty, freedom exemption, ; libro de caja, cash-book libro de asiento oi :

privilege, immunity ; license, assumed fa- libro de cuentas, account-book libro de fac- :

miliarity, relaxation of restraint ; freedom, turas, invoice-book libro diario, journal :


agility, address ; independence, unconven- libro en bianco, blank-book libro mayor, :

tionality ; ransom : libertad de comercio, free- ledger: libro de memoria, memorandum-

trade libertad do cultos, freedom of worship :
: book: libro talonario, check-book, stub-
libertad provisional, liberation on bail. book: libro verde, (coll.) book for notes
libertadamente, adv. freely, impudently. about places and persons also the compiler ;

llbertado, da, pp. & a. audacious, free, un- of such memoranda.

governed. librote, m. aug. large book.
libertador, ra, m. &f. deliverer, liberator. licantropia,/. (med.) lycanthropy.
libertar, va. to free, set at liberty, liberate lic&ntropo, a. lycanthrope.
to exempt, excuse to acquit to rid from, ; ; liceista, m. &/. member of a lyceum.
clear from. licenclai, /. permission, leave, license, lib-
liberticida, m. liberticide. erty ;
(mil.) furlough; licentiousness,
libertinaje, w- libertinism, licentiousness. looseness, wantonness degree of licentiate ; ;

libertlno, na, m. &f. child of a freed man. (poet.) license: licencia absoluta, (mil.) dis-
a. libertine, dissolute, licentious, lewd. charge.
UbertO, ta, m. & f. freed or emancipated licenciadlllO, m. (coll.) ridiculous little man
slave. in clerical robes.
libidine,/. lewdness, lust. licenciado, da, &pp. «. licensed presuming
libidinosamente, adv. libidinously. —
knowledge. m. licentiate ;
(coll.) any uni-

llbldlnoso, sa, a. libidinous, lewd, lustful. versity scholar; (coll.) title given to law-
Ubra, /. pound, ancient weight; coin, vary- yers (mil.) discharged soldier.

ing in value libra esterlina, pound sterling

llcenciamientO, m. act of taking the degree
(ast.) Libra. of licentiate (mil.) discharge of soldiers.

.braci6n, /. libration. licenciar, va. to permit, allow to license to ; ;

ilbraco, libracbo, m. (coll.) old, trashy licentiate; (mil.) to discharge. vr. to be-
book. come dissolute to become a licentiate.

libradO, m. (com.) drawee. licenciatura, /• degree of licentiate ; act of

librador, ra, m. & f. deliverer; (com.) receiving it.
drawer of a check or draft store-keeper of ; llcenciosamente, adv. licentiously.
the king's stables ;
grocer's scoop. licenciOSO, sa, a. licentious, dissolute.
libramientO, m. delivery, delivering; war- liceO [lee-theh'-o], m. lyceum.
rant, order of payment. licio [lee'-thie-o], m. (bot.) box-tlioru.
Ubrancista, m. (com.) holder of a draft. Ilcitaci6n, /. bid at auction.
libranza,/. (com.) draft, bill of exchange. llcitador, m. bidder at auction.
librar, va. to free, deliver, extricate, ex- licltamente, adv. lawfully, justly, licitly.
empt to preserve from ill to pass (sen-
; ; llcitante, pa. bidder or buyer at auction.
tence) to issue (a decree) to engage (bat-
; ; llcltar, va. to bid at auction.
tle) ;
(com. ) to draw. vn. to receive a licitO, ta, a. licit, lawful ; just.
visitor in the locutory (said of nuns). vr. llcnobio, bla, »*. &f. one accustomed to be
to escape, avoid, be free from, get rid of; up late at night, lychnobite.
(surg.) to extrude the after-birth : librar en, liCOpodiO, m. (hot.) lycopodium.
to depend on. llcor, m. any liquid ; liquor, cordial, strong
libratorio, m. locutory. drifik, spirits.
llbrazo, m. blow with a book. licorera, /. liquor-case, bottle-case.
llbre, a. free, uncumbered, unrestrained in- ; licorista, m. &/. liquor distiller or dealer.
dependent; unembarrassed, vacant, disen- licoroso, sa, a. generous, spirituous (wine).
gaged clear, open, unobstructed exempt,
; ; lictor, m. lictor, in ancient Rome.
privileged innocent, guiltless single, un-
; ; llcuable, a. li^uable, liquefiable.
married libertine, loose, licentious impu-
; ; licuacibn,/. liquation, liqiiefaction, melting
dent rash, bold, forward, thoughtless iso-
; ; licuante, pa. liquefying, dissolving, melting.
lated, alone : libre cambio, free trade : llbre & licuar, ra. to liquefy, dissolve, melt.
bordo or Lib., free on board or f. o. b. : libre licuefaccibn, /. liquefaction.
de derechos, duty free entrada : libre, free licuefacer, va. & vr. {/or irr. V. SATISFACER)
admission. to liquefv.
librea,/. livery, uniform. licuefactible, a. liquefiable.
llbrear, va. to weigh or sell by pounds. lichera,/. woollen cover of a bed.
librecamblsta, m. &/. free-trader. lid, /. conflict, contest, fight ; dispute, argu-
UbrejO, m. dim. little book worthless book. ;
libremente, boldly. adv. freely ; lidia, /
battle, fight, contest ; bull-fight
libreria, f. book-store, book-seller's shop; lidiadero, ra, a. in fighting condition.
book-trade library ; large collection of
; lidiador, ra, »>. & f. combatant; fighter;
books. arguer.
Ubreril, a. relating k> the book-trade. lidiar, vn. to fight, oppose, contend to deal ;

if';h«foree,l)andJ as hJn hot; li. gjlent; 11 In brilliant; n, ny in canyon; r (initial) *nd rr trilled; s, himed.
with annoying, rexing persons. va. to run lilaila, /. bunting ; artifice, trick, wile. V.
or fight bulls. LIULf.
lidlO, a. Lydian. lill^ceo, cea, a. (bot.) liliaceous.
lielBrastbn, liebratico, liebratdn, m. lillli, 7H. war-whoop of the Moors.
young hare, leveret. lillputiense, a. Liliputian.
liebre, /. hare ; coward, poltroon coger una: lima,/. ( bot. ) lime-tree lime (fruit); (mech.J ;

liebre, to fall flat.—i>/. (naut.) racks, ribs; tile (met. ) correction, finish, polish
; ;
dead-eyes. valley-rafter.
liebrecica, ilia, ita, /. dim. young or small limadiira,/. filing; limature.—pZ. filings.
hare. limalla,/. filings.
liebrecilla,/. (hot.) blue-bottle. limar, va. to file to polish to give the fin- ; ;

liebrezuela, /. dim. young or small hare. ishing stroke to literary productions.

liencecico, illo, ito, m. dim. little linen Iiiuat6n, m. coarse round file, rasp.
cloth. limazo, m. viscosity, sliminess.
liendre, /. nit, egg of a louse cascar k uno las : limbo, m. limbo; (ast.) limb; (phys.) limb
liendres, (vul.) to give one a severe drubbing, of a quadrant.
lientera, lienteria,/. (med.) lientery. limen, wi. (poet.) V. umbral.
lienterico, ca, a. lienteric. limefLo, fla, a. of or belonging to Lima.
lientO, ta, a. damp, moist. limera, /. shop-woman who sells files or
lienza,/. narrow strip of cloth. limes (naut.) rudder-hole.

lienzo, m. linen cloth; (art) canvas; (fort.) limero, m. seller of files or limes; (bot.)
curtain (arch.) face or front of a building
stretch of a wall. limeta,/. vial, small bottle.
liga, /. garter; (bot.) mistletoe; bird-lime; limitacidn, /. limitation, restriction ; limit,
league, coalition, confederacy, combination, district.
alliance alloy for gold and silver.
; limitadamente, adv. limitedly, finitely.
ligacidn, /. ligation, binding, tying; union, limitado, da., pp. & a. limited, short-witted ;

mixture. scant.
ligada, /. ligature, binding, tying. limitador, ra, m. &f. circumscribe r.
ligado, da, a. & pp. tied, bound leagued, ; limitaneo, nea, a. limitary limitaneous. ;

confederate. m. (mus.) legato. limitar, va. to limit, confine, bound, set

ligadura, /. ligature, ligation, binding sub- ; boundaries to restrain, constrain, restrict,

jection (mus. ) ligature, syncopation, tie

circumscribe to reduce expense. ;

(arch.) arcs made by cross-timbers (naut.) ; limite, m. limit, boundary, bound, border,
seizing, lashing. confine.
ligamaza, /. viscosity on some fruits or llmitrofe, a. limiting, bounding, contermi-
plants. nous.
llgamen, m. malefic spell supposed to cause limo, m. slime, mud.
im potency. Iim6n, m. (bot.) lemon (fruit) ; lemon-tree;
ligamento, m. bond, tie; (anat.) ligament. (car. ) thill or shaft.
ligamentOSO, sa, a. ligamentous, ligamental. limonada, lemonade
limonada de vino,
/. :

ligamientO, m. act of tying or binding; wine lemonade, sangaree: limonada pur-

union, concord. gante, citrate of magnesia.
llgar, va. ( prei. LiGufi subj. ligue) to tie, : limonado, da, a. lemon-coloured.
bind, fasten to alloy to join, link, knit
; ; limonar, vi. plantation of lemon-trees.
together to render impotent by malefic
; limoncillO, m. dim. small lemon.
spells. vn. to combine cards of the same limonero, ra, a. applied to the shaft horses
suit. vr. to league, confederate to bind or in carriages, etc. m. & /. dealer in lemons.
obligate one's self.

m. (bot.) lemon-tree.—/, (ear.) shaft, thill.
llgazon, /. tie, fastening, bracing, linking limosidad, /. sliminess foul matter between ;

union, connection, attachment, bon'- teeth.

(naut.) futtock-timbers. limosna,/. alms, charity.
llgeramente, adv. swiftly, lightly, easily; limosnero, a. charitable. m. almoner.—/,
slightly. alms-bag, alms-box.
ligereza, /. lightness,
fle.tness, celerity, limoso, sa, a. slimy, muddy, limose.
swiftness, agility, nimbleness levi.y, un- ;'
llmpia, /. cleaning, cleansing dredging. ;

steadiness, inconstancy, fickleness. limpiabarros, m. foot-scraper.

ligero, ra, a. light (as a feather) • thin (as limpiabotas, wi. boot-black.
gauze) ; swift, active, nimble, iieet ; gay, limpiachimeneas, m. chimney-sweeper.
airy, unsteady, giddy ; unimportant, tri- limpiadera, /. clothes-brush ; comb-orush
fling easily digestible ; easily disturbed
; plough-cleaner.
(as sleep): ligero de dedoi, light-fingered: limpiadientes, m. toothpick.
k la ligera, lightly, expeditiously de ligero, :
limpiador, ra, m. & /. cleaner, cleanser,
rashly ; easily. scourer.
ligenielo, la, a. dim. applied to early grapes. limpiadura,/. cleaning, cleansing.-^/, dirt,
ligiO, a, a. liege. rubbish, refuse, waste.
llgnitO, m. lignite, brown coal. limpiamente, adv. cleanly, neatly ;
purely ;

ligua,/. (Philip.) battle-axe. sincerely, faithfully.

lignllla iie-Keet'-iyah], /. narrow garter. limpiamiento, m. act of cleansing.
ligula,/. (bot.) ligule. limpiaplumas, m. pen-wiper.
Ugustre, m. (bot.) flower of privet. limpiar, va. to clean, scour, cleanse to brush, ;

lignstrino, na, a. relating to privet. sweep, dust, swab, scrub to purify, clear ;

ligustro, m. (bot.) privet, prim, ligustrum. to rid a place of some nuisance (coll.) to ;

lija, /. (ieht.) dogfish; shark-skin, dogfish- steal limpiar las faldriqueras k uno, to pick

skin saud-paper.
; one's pockets (coll.) to win from (at gam-

lljar, va. to sana-paper. ing). vr. to clear one's self from imputed
Ilia,/, (bot.) lilac-tree lilac flower; lilac ; guilt.
colour. limpiauflas, m. nail-cleaner.
• aa in far ; e Jn eh I ; i in police ; e in for ; u In bull ; c (before e, 1) and z as th In thick ; h and d. soft
LfM 361 LIS
UmpidO, (poet.) limpid, crystal-clear.
da, a. Unternazo, to. blow with a lantern or other
limpieza, /. cleanness, cleanliness, neatness, instrument.
purity, limpidness chastity, purity of mor- ; llntemero, to. lantern-maker.
als integrity, honesty, rectitude
; disinter- ; Ilntern6n, m. aug. big lantern ;
(naut.) poop
estedness purity of blood;
correctness, ; lantern.
neatness of execution limpieza de bolsa, : liflo, TO. row of trees or plants ; ridge between
emptiness of the purse. furrows.
lixnpio, pia, a. clean, stainless, spotless, im- li&uelo, TO. rope, cord.
maculate, untarnished cleanly, limpid ;
liO, TO. bundle, parcel, pack; (coll.) imbro-
neat, elegant pure, unmingled free, clear,
; ; glio, scrape liaison, intrigue.

net jaego limpio, fair play poner en limpio,

: : Uoma,/. (coll.) uproar, hubbub, confusion.
to make a fair copy en limpio, in substance :
; Upemania, /. (med.) melancholia, lypema-
clearly. uia.
llmpidil, m. hasty cleaning. lipemaniaco, ca, «. (med.) melancholic.
lin^ceas, a. & (hot.) linaceae. Upls, /. (chera.) blue copper sulphate.
linaje, ?«. lineage, race, progeny, offspring, lipoma, TO. (med.) lipoma, liparocele.
family, house, kin, extraction, generation ; Upotlmia, /. (med.) faint, swoon,
class, condition linaje hamano, mankind. : liquen llee'-ken], (bot.) lichen,
linajista, m. genealogist, writer of pedigrees. Uquldable [le-kee-tiah'-bieii], o. liquable ;
linajudo, da, m. &f. & a. one who boasts of adjustable.
his noble descent. Uquidacidn, liquation, liquefaction
iinaloe, m. (bot.) aloes, V. aloe. (com.) liquidation, settlement.
linar. m. flax-field. liquidambar, w. liquidambar.
linaria,/. (bot.) wild flax, yellow toad flax. liquidamente, adv. in a liquid manner,
linaza,/. (bot.) linseed, flax-seed. liquidar [le-kee-dar'l, va. to liquefy, liquate,
lince, m. (zool.) lynx very keen person. a. ; melt, dissolve; (com.) to liquidate, settle
sharp-sighted, keen-sighted observant. ; accounts. vr. to liquefy, liquate, become
lincear, va. (coll.) to note what is not easily liquid,
seen. liquidez [le-kee-deth'l, /. liquidness fluiditv.
linceo, a, lyncean sharp, keen. ; liquido, da [lee'-ke-do], a. liquid, fluid, fluent
llnchar, va. to lynch. evident, clear; (com.) net. to. a liquid;
linches, m. pi. (Mex.) saddle-bags made of (com.) balance, net profit.—/, (gram.) a
pita. liquid consonant,
lindamente, adv. prettily, neatly, elegant- lira, /. (mus.) lyre; (poet.) a lyric poem;
ly- (ast.) Lyra.
lindante, pa. bordering, contiguous. liradO, da, a. shaped like a lyre,
llndar, vn. to be contiguous, to border, abut. liria,/. bird-lime. V. liga.
linde, m. &f. landmark, boundary, limit. liriCO, ca, a. lyric, lyrical.—/, lyric poetry.
lindero, ra, a. contiguous, bordering upon. liriO, TO. (bot.) lily : lirlo bianco, V. azucena :
m. limit, boundary. lirio de Florencia', orris, Florentine iris lirio :

lindeza,/. neatness, elegance, prettiness.—pZ. de los valles, lily of the valley ; V. muguete :
(iron.) improprieties, insults. lirio de agna, calla-lily : lirio hediondo, giad-
Undo, da, a. pretty, nice, neat, fine, genteel wyn.
complete, perfect. m. beau, coxcomb, min- — lirdn, to. (zool.) dormouse; (bot.) alisma;
ion de lo Undo, perfectly, wonderfully
: (coll.) sleepy head (naut.) jack-screw.

greatly. lirismo, to. of lyricisms.

Ilnd6n, m. (agr.) ridge between asparagus- lirondo, da, a. pure, clean, neat: mondo y
beds. lirondo, (coll.) pure, unmixed.
lindura,/. v. lindeza. Us,/, (bot.) lily; flower-de-luce, iris.
linea, /. line lineage, progeny ; equator ;
lisa, /. smooth stone for polishing paper;
boundary, limit; class, order; (r. w.) line, (icht.) river fish.
way, track (fort.) trench or intrenchment
lisamente, adv. smoothly, plainly: lisa y
(mil.) rank, file; twelfth part of an inch: Uanamente, openly and franklv.
linea telegr&fica, telegraph line linea de va- : lisbonense or Usbon6s, sa, a', of or belong-
pores, steamship line. ing to Lisbon.
lineal, linear, a. lineal. lisera,/. (fort.) berm.
lineamento, llneamiento, m. lineament, lisiado, da, pp. & a. (poet.) lamed, injured,
feature. hurt.
linear, va. to draw lines, to form with lines. lisiar, va. to lame, hurt, cripple, injure.
lineo, a, a. (hot.) linaceous. lisimaquia, /. (bot.) loosestrife.
Unfa,/, lymph; fpoet.) water. liso, sa, a. smooth, even, flat; plain, un-
UnfatiCO, ca, a. lymphatic, adorned bombre llso, plain-dealing man

lingote, m. (min.) ingot, lingot, pig. liso y llano, plain, clear, evident.
Ungual, a. lingual, llsonja, /. adulation, flattery, fawning, cora-
llnguete [iin-geh'-teh], m. pawl ; ratchet. gliment, coaxing; (her.) lozenge.
UngUista run-gwees'-tah], TO. linguist. lisonjado, da, a. (her.) lozenged rhombic, ;

UngUistica, /. linguistics. liso^eador, ra, to. &/. flatterer.

Unguistico, ca, a. linguistic. lisonjear, va. to flatter, wheedle, fawn to ;

Unlmento, Unlmlento, m. (pharm.) lini- delight, please ; to pav compliments.

ment. Usonjeramente, adv. "flatteringly, fawning-
UnlO, m. row of plants. V. LifJo. ly-
lino, TO. (bot.) flax; linen; sail-cloth, can- Usbnjero, ra, to. & /. flatterer, fawner. o. —
vas ;
(poet.) sail. flattering, fawning; pleasing, agreeable,
llndn, TO. lawn. complimentary.
Untel, TO. lintel of a door. V. dintel. lista, /. slip of paper shred of linen strip of
; ;

lintema,/. lant«rn (raech.) lantern-wheel ;

cloth selvage list, stripe, line, band list,
; ; ;

(arch.) lantern lintema migica, magic lan- : schedule, catalogue; (law) docket; (mil.)
tern lintema torda, dark lantern.
: roll, muster: lista del equipaje, (naut.) mus-

8 (before e. 1) and J as h In hot ; h, silent : 11 in brilliant ; ft, ay in canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled ; i, his
ter-book of the ship's company : pasar lista, liturgiCO, ca, a. liturgical, liturgic.
to call the roll : lista de platoi, bill of fare, livianamente, adv. licentiously; lightly;
menu. superficially.
listadlllO, m. (Amer.) striped gingham. liviandad, /. lightness, want of weight ; lev-
listado, da, pp. & a. striped, listed. lewdness, libidinousness.
ity, frivolity ;

listar, va. to enter in a list. liviano, na, light (not heavy)

«. incon« ;

listeado, da, a. v. listado. stant, fickle frivolous slight lewd, libid-

; ; ;

listel, in. (arch.) fillet, listel, tringle. inous. m. leading jackass.—/>/. lungs.
listo, ta, a. ready ; diligent, prompt, active, lividez, /. lividity, lividness,
clever. lividO, da, a. livid black and blue. ;

Iist6n, m. ribbon ; ferret, tape (carp.) lath, ;

lixiviar, va. (chem.) to lixiviate, leach.
cleat, strip; (arch.) listel, fillet: listones, liza, /. (icht. ) skate jousting field, lists. ;

(naut.) battens. lizo [lee'-thaw], m. warp-thread heddle. ;

llstonadO, da, a. (carp.) made of laths. lO, def. art. neut. sing, the, i. e. lo barato resnl- :

llstonar; va. (carp. ) to batten, to lath. ta lo m&8 caro, the cheapest is the xnost ex-
listoneria, /. parcel of ribbons, tapes, and pensi\e.—pers. pron. for tJie accusative, via^e.
inkles ribbon-store ribbon-manufactory.
; him, it.
llstonero, ra, m. &/. ribbon-maker. loa, /. praise prologue of a play ;
; shoit
listura, /. smartness, quickness. dramatic panegyric.
lisura, ./" smoothness, evenness, flatness sin- ; loable, a. laudable, praiseworthy.
cerity", candour. loablemente, adv. laudably, commendably.
lita, tongue-worm of dogs.
.^"- loader, ra, m. &/. praiser, lander.
litacidn,/. sacrificing. l0d,n, OT. (Philip.) land measure (2.79 ares).
litagogo, ga, a. (med.) lithagogue; (surg.) loanda, /. kind of scurvy.
lithoniriptic. loar, va. to praise, eulogize.
litar, va. to sacrifice to the divinity. loba, /. she-wolf ridge between furrows

litarge, litargirio, m. litharge. long gown worn by clergymen and stu-

lite,/, (law) lawsuit, process. —
dents. ?/t. (vet.) morbid swelling (horses
litera,/. litter; (naut.) berth. and cattle).
literal, «. literal. lobado, a, a. (zool. and bot.) lobate.
literalmente, adv. literally. lobanillo, m. wen, encysted tumour.
literariO, ria, a. literary. lobato, m. wolf cub, wolfkin.
literate, ta, «. literary. m. & f. litterateur, lobero, ra, a. relating to wolves wolfish.—. ;

literary person, writer. /. thicket where wolves make their lair.

literatura, /. literature, learning. lObeznO [lo-beth'-no], TO. wolfcub; wolfkin.
literero, wi. litter-maker, seller, or driver. lObina, /. (icht.) striped bass.
litiasis, /. (med.) lithiasis, gravel. lObO, m. wolf; (anat. and bot.) lobe; (icht.)
Iitigaci6n,/. litigation, lawsuit. loach; (ast. ) (coll.) intoxica-
constellation ;

litigante, pa. &n. (law) litigating; litigant. tion, inebriation iron instrument for de-

litigar, va. {pret. litigue: subj. litigue) fending or scaling walls lobo marino, seal. :

(law) to litigate to contend, dispute.

; lobO, ba, a. (Mex. ) half-breed.
litigiO, in. litigation, lawsuit ; dispute, con- lObOSO, sa, a. full of wolves.
test. IbbregO, ga, a. murky, obscure, sad, mirk •,

litigiOSO, sa, a. litigious, contentious. lugubrious.

litina, /. (chem.) lithia, lithium oxide. lobreguecer, v«. to grow dark. va. to make
litio, m. (chem.) lithium. dark.
litis, /. (law) lawsuit. V. lite. lobreguez, /. obscurity, darkness.
litis consorte, m. & f. (law) associate in a lobulado, da, a. (zool. and bot) lobulate.
lawsuit. 16bulO, TO. lobe or lobule.
litiscoiltestaci6ll, /. (law) answer to an al- lobuno, na, a. wolfish.
legation. locacidn, /. (law) lease: locacidn y conduc*
litisexpensas, /. »/. (law) costs of suit. cion, agreement to let.
litispendencia, /. (law) state of a pending local, a. local. m. place, site, premises.
lawsuit. localidad,/. locality, location.
lltocalamo, m. petrified or fossil reed. localizaci6n, /. localization.
litOClasa, /. (geol.) fissure in a rock. localizar, va. to localize.
litOCOla, /. iithocolla, lapidary's cement. locamente, adv. madly immoderately, ex- ;

Iit6fag0, ga, a. rock-consuming. travagantly fondly. ;

litofotografia, etc.,/. V. FOTOLiTOGRAriA. lOCidn,/. lotion, wash.

litogenesia, /. (geol.) lithogenesy. loco, ca, a. mad, insane, crazy, crack-brained;
litografia, /. lithography. fool; abundant, plentiful, excessive: & ton-
litOgrafLar, va. to lithograph. tai y k locas, inconsiderately, without reflec-
litOgrafiCO, ca, a. lithographic. tion estar loco de contento, (coll.) to be mad

litdgrafO, m. lithographer. with joy. m. &f. insane person.

litologia, /. lithology. lOCOmocibn/. (phys.) locomotion.
litol6giCO, ca, a. l?thological, mineralogi- locomotiva /. (Sp. Am. incorrect form) V.
Iit6l0g0, m. lithologLst. locomotor, ra, locomotor, locomotive.—/.
litoral, a. littoral. m. littoral, coast, shore. (r. w.) locomotive, engine.
litote,/ (rhet.) litotes. lOCOmotriZ, a. &/. locomotive.
litotomia,/. (surg.) lithotomy. locomovible, locom6yil, a. locomotive,
litotricia, /. (surg.) lithotrity. portable, movable.
litotritor, m. (surg.) lithotrite. locro,TO. (Sp. Am.) kind of stew.
litrariCO, a, a. (hot.) lythraceoi^s. locuacidad, /. loquacity, talkativeness, gar-
litro, m. liter, litre, unit of capacity. rulity, flippancy.
litUO, m. (raus. ) ancient military instrument locuaz, a. loquacious, talkative, garrulous,
lituus, augur's staff. flippant.
liturgia,/. (eccl.) liturgy, form of prayers. 10CUCi6n,/. locution, idiom, phrase.
« u in far ; e in «li t ; i ia police ; o in for ; n in >>all ; c (before e, i) and s as th In thick ; b and d, soft;
lOCIielO, la, m. & f. madcap, giddy youth. longaniza, f. choice pork sausage.
/. peculiar mode of speaking of each person. longar, a. long honey-comb in the hive,
locura,./". madness, frenzy, lunacy, craziness ; longazo, za, a. aug. very long.
fury folly, absurdity.
; longevidad,/. longevity.
lOCUtoriO, m. locutory in monasteries. longevo, a. longeval, long-lived,
lOCha,/. lOChe, m. (icht.) loach. longincuo, cua, «. distant, remote,
locho, Cha, a. (Amer. coll.) red-bearded. longislmo, ma, a. sup. of luengo longest. ;

lodachar, lodazal, lodazar, m. muddy longitud, /. length longitude. ;

place, quagmire, bog. longitudinal, a. longitudinal.

lodo, m. mud, mire. longitudinalmente, adv. longitudinally,
lOdOiLero, m. (bot.) guaiac, lignum-vitae-tree. lengthwise.
lOdOSO, sa, a. muddy, miry. longuera, /. long and narrow strip of land.
logaritmico, ca, a. logarithmic, logarith- longuetas, /. pi. (surg. ) bandages.
mical. longuisimo, ma, a. sup. longest.
logaritmo, m. logarithm. lonja, /. (com. exchange ) grocer's shop ;

logia, /. lodge. warehouse, sale-room; (arch.) stoop; slice

Idgica, /. logic, dialectics. (of meat); strip; leather strap,
16glcamente, adv. logically. lonjeta, /. dim. small slice; small strap;
IbgiCO, ca, a. logical. m. logician, dialec- bower, summer-house.'
tician. lonjista, to. &/. grocer.
logogfrifo, logogriph, riddle.
TO. lontananza, /. distance, background,
logomaqilia, /. logomachy, dispute about loor [lo-or'], m. (poet.) praise,
words. lopigia,/. (med.) V. alopecia.
lograr, va. to gain, obtain, succeed, procure, loquear, vn. to act the fool, 'to talk nonsense
attain, compass to possess, enjoy to avail
; ; to revel, frolic.
one's self of. vr. to reap the benefit of one's loquero, ra, m. &' f. keeper of a madhouse.
labour and exertions. /. madhouse.
logrear, vn. to borrow or lend on Interest. . loquesco, ca, a. madlike funny, jesting. ;

logreria, /. dealing in interest, usury. loquillo, ilia, itO, ita, a. dim. wild, frisky.
logrero, fa, m. &/. lender at interest, usurer. loquiOS, m. pi. (med.) lochia.
logro, TO. gain, profit, benefit; success, ac- lorant^ceo, a, a. (bot.) lauraceous.
complishment attainment ; interest ; usu-
; lorclia, /. (China) junk-rigged coaster. •

ry dar & logro, to lend at usurious in-

: lord, TO. {pi. lores) lord, English title.
terest. loriga, /. cuirass of scale armour; (car.)
loma,/. little hill, hillock. nave-box.
lombarda,/. Lombardy gun ;
(bot.) red cab- lori^ado, da, a. armed with a coat of mail,
bage. loricate.
lombardada, /. shot from a Lombardy gun. loriguillo, TO. shrub used by dyers.
lombardear, va. to discharge Lombardy loro, ra, a. tawny, dark brown. to. (orn.)
guns. parrot; (bot.) cherry laurel.
lombarderia,/. park of Lombardy guns. lOS, def. art. to. pi. the, i. e. los hombres, the :

lombardero, m. soldier appointed to Lom- men.—^ers. pron. in the accusative case
bardy guns. them, 1. e. los tengo, I have them
: ; it is used
lomb^rdico, ca, lombardo, da, a. Lom- sometimes in the nominative case, i. e. :
bard, belonging to Lombardy. libros? —los hay, are there any books?
lombriguera,/. hole made by worms ; (bot.) there are some los should never be used

southern wormwood. for the dative case, which calls for les.
lombriz, /. earthworm lombriz intestinal, : losa,/. slab, flag-stone trap made of tiles. ;

intestinal worm lombriz solitaria, tape-

: losado, pp. & TO. tiled floor.
worm. losanje, to. (her.) lozenge; rhomb,
lomear, vn. to yerk or move the loins losar, va. to tile. V. enlosar.
(horses) in a circular manner. losica, ita, /. dim. small flag-stone flooi ;

lomera, /. (sad.) main strap of a harness; tile.

(b. b.) backing; (arch.) ridge of a roof. loseta, losilla,/. dim. small slab ; tile ; smalJ
lomillo, TO. dim. small loin; (sew.) cross- trap.
stitch; (sad.) cantle. pi. pads of a pack- lote, fortune, chance,
TO. lot,
saddle. loteria,/. lottery raffle game lotto. ; ;

lominlllestO, ta [lo-min-yes'-tohl, a. high- lotero, ra, to. &/. dealer in lottery tickets.
cropped- (coll.) conceited, haughty. loto, TO. (bot.) lotus; lotus-flower; lote-tree,
lomo, TO. loin back of an animal chine of
; ; or nettle-tree.
pork back of a book or cutting tool double
; ; lotdfagO, ga, a. lotus-eating.
of a cloth, crease ridge between furrows ; : lOXOdromia,/. (naut.) loxodrome.
llevar or traer h. lomo, to carry on the back : 10XOdr6miCO, ca, a. (naut.) loxodromic.
Jugar de lomo, to be idle and lascivious.—^;, loza, /. chinaware, porcelain, delft, crockery *.

ribs ; loins. ande la loza, (coll.) noisy mirth and jol-

lomudo, da, broad-backed.
a. lity.
lona, /. canvas: lona para hacer velas, duck- lozanamente, adv. luxuriantly.
canvas, sail-cloth. lozanear, vn. to look fresh and" luxuriant.
loncha, /. slat, slab, flag-stone ; thin slice of lozania, /. luxuriance freshness vigour, ; ;

meat. lustiness.
16ndiga, /. alh6ndiga. lozano, na, a. luxuriant ; sprightly.
londlnense, a. of London, Londonese. lua, /. esparto glove for cleaning horses;
londrina, /. woollen cloth from London. saff'ron-bag; (naut. ) lee.
loneta,/. ravens' duck, sail-cloth. lubricacidn, /. lubrication.
.Tonga,/, (mus.) long note. lubricador, ra, a. lubricating, lubricator,
longanlmldaa, /. longanimity, forbearance. lubric^n, to. dawn of day.
long^nlmo, ma, a. forbearing, generous, lubricante, pa. lubricant, lubricating.
magnanimous. lubricar, va. to lubricate.
g (before e, 1) and J as h in ^lot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; , bisse^,
lubricatiVO, va, a. lubricant, lubricative. city ; employment,
office, dignity time, ;

lubricidad, /. lubricity, slipperiness lewd- ; opportunity, occasion leisure, convenience ;

ness. cause, motive, reason text, authority : lu- ;

itlbriCO, ca, a. slippery ; lubricous ; lewd. gar comnn, privy-house, water-closet lugar :

lucentisimo, ma, a. super, brightest. muy pasajero, a thoroughfare lugares comn- :

lucerna,/. chandelier; (icht.) V. milano. nes, commonplace

topics lugares de nn corn- :

lUC^rnula, /• (hot.) lucern, lucerne, alfalfa. bate, (naut. ) quarters in a sea-fight: en lu-
lucero, rii. morning star any bright star ; gar de, instead of, in lieu of: en primer lu-
light hole star on the forehead of horses;
gar, first, or in the first place hacer lugar. :

brightness, splendour. p/. (poet.) eyes. — to make room no ha lugar, (law) the peti-
tion is denied.

luciaamente, adv. brightly, splendidly.

lUCidez,/. brilliancy, brightness. lUgarciCO, illO, itO, m. dim. small space.
lucldo, da, pp. & a. magnificent, splendid, lugarillo, lUgarejO, m. dim. hamlet, small
brilliant. village.
llLCldO, da, a. lucid, clear; brilliant, shin- lUgareiLO, 11a, m. & f. & a. belonging to fl

ing. village; inhabitant of a village.

lucldor, ra, a. shining, brilliant. lugarete, m. dim. v. lugarillo.
lUCidura,/. (coll.) whitewashing. lugarote, m. aug. unattractive hamlet.
lUCiente, pa. shining, lucid, luminous, lugartenencia,/. lieutenancy.
bright. lugarteniente, m. deputy, substitute, dele-
Iuci6rnaga,/. glow-worm, fire-fly. gate ; lieutenant.
Lucifer, m. Lucifer, Satan proud and wicked ;
lugre, m. (naut.) lugger, small vessel.
man morning
; star. lugubre^ a. sad, mournful, gloomy, melan-
luclferino, na, a. Luciferian, devilish. choly, lugubrious, dismal.
lucifero, ra, «. (poet.) resplendent, shining, luir, vn. (naut.) to gall, wear away by fric-
m. morning star.
luciferous. tion.
lucifugo, ga, a. avoiding the light, lucifu- luis, m. louis,French coin.
gous. luisa,/. (hot.) lemon-verbena or aloysia.
lUCillO, m. tomb sarcopha^s. ; lujacibn,/. v. luxaci6n.
lUCimientO, m. lucidity, brilliancy, splen- lujar, va. (Cuba) to rub. V. ludir; (med.)
dour, lustre, applause qucdar con lacimien- : to luxate, dislocate.
to, to be eminently successful. lujo [loo'-ho], m. luxury, finery, profuseness,
lueiO, Cia, a. lucid, bright. m. (icht.) com- extravagance, su

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