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Barbie Moreno

“Mental Hell host🎙️ Breaking stigma, sharing struggles, & empowering minds🧠 Join our journey to mental wellness🌱 #MentalHealthMatters”


About Me

The host of Mental Hell podcast has a deeply personal connection to mental health. After her second child was born, she experienced depression and anxiety, initially mistaking it for "mommy brain." Despite a family history of mental health issues, these struggles weren't openly discussed.

The situation worsened when she returned to work from maternity leave, facing emotional and mental trauma. Attempting to balance work, family, and mental health, she turned to alcohol for relief, only to spiral further. In 2018, she hit rock bottom, and a wake-up call from her doctor prompted a life-changing journey.

Discovering meditation and mindfulness, she found healthier ways to manage stress, leading to a more fulfilling life. By sharing her story, she hopes to inspire others to prioritize mental health and find the right tools for their own journey.

Barbie (the host) is also a published author on mindfulness books for children.

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