What Exactly is ES6 or ECMAScript 6?

What Exactly is ES6 or ECMAScript 6?

🚀 What is ECMA?

ECMA, short for European Computer Manufacturers Association, is an international standards organization that develops and publishes standards for information and communication systems. It was established in 1961 and is based in Geneva, Switzerland.

🚀 What is the relation between ECMA and JS?

ECMAScript is a standardized scripting language that defines the syntax, semantics, and features of the language. ECMAScript is developed and maintained by ECMA International. JavaScript implements the ECMAScript specification, meaning it follows the rules and features defined by ECMAScript.

JavaScript ES6 (also known as ECMAScript 2015 or ECMAScript 6) is the newer version of JavaScript that was introduced in 2015. ECMAScript is another official name for Javascript. Therefore, ES2015 is often called ES6. ECMAScript provides the specification on how JavaScript programming language should work.

🚀 Features of ES6:

- Arrow functions

- Template literals

- Block-scoped variables

- Enhanced object literal

- Destructuring assignment

- Modules for better code organization

- Promises for asynchronous programming

- And much more!

🚀 Why Learn ES6:

- Modern JavaScript Features

- Increased Productivity

- Improved Code Readability

- Better Module Management

- Asynchronous Programming Made Easier

- Working with React


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