Selma Azzaoui Jiménez’s Post

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Keynote Speaker, Author & Entrepreneur. Follow for posts about startups, scale ups, AI & my journey. Co-Founder Lottie

15 uncomfortable truths every employer should read: 1. The worst time to offer someone a pay rise and a promotion, is when they have already handed in their notice. 2. You don’t have a “work from home” problem, you have a trust problem. 3. People don’t quit jobs, they quit managers. 4. Company culture is not bean bags, free beer or a free subscription to a meditation app. 5. If your team don’t feel comfortable enough to say “I don’t know” or I disagree. You have serious work to do. 6. If you do not pay people what they are worth, others will. 7. Employees have four times better engagement when they receive regular feedback. 8. Micromanagement does not mean “hard work”, it means a lack of autonomy. 9. If your entry-level job advert requires real work experience... then that is not an "entry-level" job. It is a normal job paying an entry-level salary to an experienced worker. 10. If the actions of the company leaders do not align with the values, there will be no trust. 11. Annual leave should not be used for, being sick, medical appointments, compassionate leave or your child being sick. 12. If you look after your employees, your employees will look after your clients. 13. Don’t expect your new employees to “hit the ground running” if you aren’t providing an excellent onboarding programme. 14. The fastest way to kill company culture is to let bad behaviour be tolerated and rewarded. 15. It will always cost you more to replace someone than it was to pay them what they are worth in the first place. TLDR: If you make your people a priority, your people will make your business theirs. - - - If you like this content and it resonates, repost ♻️ this to your network and follow me Chris Donnelly for more like it.

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