Pretérito imperfecto

When we tell a story from the past and describe the circumstances surrounding it, we use Pretérito imperfecto. Also when an action is usual or lengthens in time. Here you can find its uses and conjugation. Luckily … There are only three irregular verbs! 😊

Do you want to practice? Describe in Spanish how your best childhood friend looked like!

Still not sure about when to use each tense? Check this post >> Contraste de pasados.

Do you want Rocío to explain this to youWatch this video! 

Contraste de pasados

In Spanish there are 4 different types of past tenses that we combine to talk about actions in the past. Pretérito perfecto, Pretérito indefinido, Pretérito imperfecto and Pretérito pluscuamperfecto.

Deciding when to use each one … is not an easy thing! Here you can find a very simple and general reminder with the most basic differences. If you want to deepen and practice you can access the specific infographics of each tense.

Share it if you found it useful and leave your comments and doubts below. Enjoy!

Do you want Rocío to explain this to you? Look at this video! 

Wanna practice? Watch this video!