Acolar VR : Join The Revolution

Sannette Coetzee
2 min readOct 14, 2023

I am very excited to announce that you all are invited !

In an era where technology is rapidly evolving, the way we work, collaborate, and innovate must evolve too. Enter Acolar VR, a groundbreaking platform that seamlessly merges the principles of Agile methodologies with the immersive capabilities of Virtual Reality (VR).

Why Acolar VR?

Acolar VR isn’t just another tool; it’s an experience. Imagine stepping into vivid, interactive 3D Agile worlds where theoretical concepts come alive. With Acolar, you’re not just learning Agile practices; you’re living them. The platform’s intuitive design ensures that users, whether novices or Agile veterans, are guided effortlessly through their Agile journey.

Features That Set Acolar VR Apart:

  • Elevated Value Stream Mapping: Visualize and optimize your processes, identifying value-adding activities and potential waste.
  • Interactive Storyboarding: Bring your backlog to life, fostering a deeper understanding and focus on delivering value.
  • Gamified Planning Poker: Turn planning into a collaborative game, making sessions more engaging and productive.
  • Revolutionary “Fist to Five” Voting: Express confidence levels interactively, ensuring clearer communication and mutual understanding.
  • Seamless Integration: With tools like Jira integrated, your Agile experience is smoother than ever.

Why Now?

The digital landscape is changing. Remote work is becoming the norm, and teams are spread across different geographies. Acolar VR addresses these challenges, providing a platform where remote teams feel united, boosting team spirit, and productivity.

Furthermore, with studies showing that XR tech can amplify engagement by 400%, boost retention by 275%, and reduce training time by 30%, the case for integrating VR into Agile practices has never been stronger.

Join the Revolution

Acolar VR is more than just a product; it’s a movement. A movement towards more efficient, engaging, and effective Agile practices. If you’re ready to take your Agile journey to the next level, to truly experience and not just learn the principles, then Acolar VR is for you.

Don’t get left behind. Dive into the future of Agile collaboration. Reach out to us and discover how Acolar VR can transform the way you work, plan, and create. Let’s do something amazing together!

I can’t wait to hear from you :)



Sannette Coetzee

Agile leader & transformer at Visa & PayPal. Creator of innovative,bespoke Agile frameworks & DevOps practices, inspiring speaker & coach. CEO, Acolar Inc.