Tzipora Kramer Portfolio

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graphic palette

Tzipora Kramer 443.955.2707

CDDesign CD and jacket design created for Ripples, a collection of songs for relaxation and meditation. The natural colors and ripple effect give the CD a soothing and relaxing look.

ry la eah Child Soun up in ug re [drea hter skip d of merGrow n are fa n m n-up p s are tasizing, beat ing] Gen ing by by ing o t stan n my le rain [drea ding Wha t m fa traord ing] Wh ce drea a super at m feelin g, am And inary pla an exAm I ing ce th d I child e dream ! Wo, reaming wo, w ? is th of th e hope [drea o - of hope -o e ming , wo th f ] It’s a peac ll so e man the eful So quiet b lands and e It’s[dW ream cape autiful, lik intein gfa] Tra s rp areblis k a y in s , ye glefu ting e a l in ll, Rendqusil a am in th Mou ah Se[d kiensd ream a-g e nt u agg] , oh wohrligdhe ains are Swoaf mlls in T re h e fl n a ic yinre zoom ’so a inr, tm g m in L h [doresa agre h Sm ing k anitdtle g e pm floatthe ver, ind a kinm lm a in in ir ir ] W g by May w ls scre of yo [dre ammIagng chgim am a ur at-ta m o d ifi ien nhey nd c o tru [dreareacm chsaptinningrl] dA iscosp Am ry I d mingintg view ps, ly ing, a syinfinin amin ]Ab It’s nd s resgid [dre , end Thsecenre u g a re e pinn a n ? night minbgelie atht in m ] s v lit a ThW A a k e d tle t ree it’s ing ere littblele, s g h th raw in h lin e a e t a t g hisn, das Am [dre silkdyream the amI indre sk m s g] aSm ry dlaream Child y, yeah oonofupthe ouinng, u in re erg sk d Aom f mI e Oaooghtin Witnh are fa [dre Grow h ip rn m t n p it he tasiz bea ing]’sGbeliss ing by by sce-u ing, neps aredre staam of th [d ting on m ntle rain your nsdin Wha[dream ream f g e y o t a s ing fa ing] W palm ce traoO dreamagnuper] A bre h theh t a rdoinoin ming ificie feelin ath n d aaryit’sp balis e n g ta And Am [d odrltre la s erexs-id I drereaming t view, am kI ing w hem g ccoes! y fi amin] Wh din s Adm c n re Wo, of m ie a A k a ild h s ] m I g agic ? Readt a wo, w dgrea of ismtin h t t in a m m ll, ru a e h h [drea[dre o ing, tAheis, opree- e ree hope ly [d , fa w the air erminatgm le m h gg], oT oh ] in Itc’shaaItt’souf ntgh]lin pIt er, So e’s eAg litat -of theI sm acbW in ll m eglisfu uin ’sva soinbbeliem n ieegtreao leafu l l re q rfly v b [dare rea[dm re nre dssapcin bnyd kind la[d alls nain le, fseme t ge,autifanu ma g a in h in u in p t t g n aonud dl, olik -g g] Tra ]a le y we ]pS sk bS eace yads lisesapfu ps, lityt,M re l flonTqra gorladin yemain -t tipinpgsinpgineb qo uil an ls afu euyn nin h il n a in anre L is a k M g [dSre it im re s n wa[d d sp raninthe d [dounttlehtgeirr a ch ing, lsesnctle in kinggm] in gin] gSo om laiguhgaeins] aG hry oS Th ighh fm mW waom er,mm e r,g re m an and aI ogd,icre zre ooacm , weogre fa ta ?’sqauie mym aouinmm M [dare m I din maAm m ittrele mtin he, awin are o kind nind L[d notnam n inegx d cry a re g g in d ir t in ir w a in I ls a g s t hare raing n up ] sWdhm Mbyeasw mAam ky, ygs] cW am gdnre am htin o ahrela cie gilkyatmao?o mrlin nhig ce! aznodoeming deis a la t eWifi n s [dTre ru re p n ha p t d in ly s [d s h ataa view ry pinnof t cry ningins, aca m’s in rd anp g] esauhper , e o’s painintgf, ath Itt’srauIt scTehnebre deam re breatafe izing d eysky, yA n ha ing n e n-o eellliedsvoahbsoeppain n t s elin in hotb Wth g in t itehGro re fa thatnadkininggg, am ImAend w et-hoef ble, asuntif reep na-u ul, lika he n tre h s lin is e p e t n g m s c C h re ild d A ild d h I hdild fisthe e ml,alikse e a Ch hild-urepnsreaamasre st cm n o u I re t a h tif are faof th, nadm en-d amin hen s the Grotw beageu, hAo e ing dhreoapAm ky, y fe tagsiz enlin mpgeI in-of t llinsgtohepdare intin W ing, OIto’sota byitThhetah res’supeerah rd hracitoa’s peinary am of th he sW dsre bliss plac ming e cehTnahete neg daresailk n[d y la a m m m ? s o oo min ightin yeah ing zooe! [d reAaam dre m s gdraw finthneup in skyb, eattainings a]reWhat af your I dare in dre om n cery n o g] oAa, m Im nm O m w d lmaond xin aagm ouhreit Am bre Moo[d pay a’s nwifioIc, diew ?tht an mm re ce nd ugaie tin r, m gce]reGaem fa am q e t bh , n d ry [d S h a o o t re m in k re ig S dlainin , aside slis s nntin ing W amoinkin hwoarlm g gre ugls g] g view g le ir h g t ra fi m in g e a lere ] Wchhim and s A y g in o[dfreS srp m soksip itat[d d is mw L afu c a n I in n n a ie m d a il l d n A p e t k s rl g h litworeinagin ] ]S in ing b qua ys-t p e ic inaTre m [d d s, p m t, amngin s y ey re tra oAunedndis ly s, a-g g] r-fa atle hll,flenoRaetdintruo pereaSacem M elin g hgat gle [dre sm h , a ir g b mintu ge]llsTh nin d aeoha It [d b aafu re ablitt, le tI of merWlin [dItlis sp’sin autre gleam agkvin lie eyr, g,re n refl’sygin ’ssre baem ]vgA] A ginv nam min fu ao over, sItcp’shin eflgre inlie a u in c [d Itsa’s in h k h le a y re in T g , b a lit balis ] I t erWg re aoirh by d nineglin le, sm tle re m [dre t nd ,aga er-hfa nfdtsm e tll,ing ruly his, a amuinllsgin] taT M p e tahm ingsu,pnAdeo reo y[dre [dSere m m in tflra onaq s, eaac-g eafu Reto inin litthlew re ] gS] oA gsiclare rlindagin nin g gby Iandm adnpdskies L yil-t hanteua [d m is p it a m n W ip s t c oSfre a A ] le p k d a o wm syg in ginirglster s innin [dre ingg] cShim w m g m h w ala W s ntle ra , fiare ig cre kinie reh urlgdh om, aow nsid g [dSre dry nt ovie bslis takin eor, ’sin oc, w itm am, inbqre?uaietth an g] tGheam caend d e m in M A ouham dre agnifi m A in d wgo m O[doore alm ga] om ntainonmmey pfa dre eoxfc-ry amaI Im in n a in a re s m s e d g d t k re h your re a in in I ya rehazo [dAmam , tyin gra?ws ofnt up d e W e b in s a ] t o g h o g e landsamin blisslace! ming W igh dreaymmo en sTch etntah a p h esa silk [dre hcait p’saery the f u h It b in o ’s p p it o ’s y a e o Where Oraaollrdsin I he tin arh fe linsizing, g reainm -oinf tth ,A hdtore GTroewsky, ye fane ta fg,tahm e huogtp e amhoe bdm egm e npde-tdore if h n-upare at e ain o ding I n sa I fth cAA Cthild h maunl, likdesaa aremsstan hm dsreare ildisis hildrere gtheem hild a, nsel, nlike s e C c t n lin h t a p e t h f n a g e -u re fa dainkgainm I Am tW hero noedpre - o lievhaaobupleteifu ing the ith eth tg, swkny, ntastlin h e n G h b spin in-og in tItra’sord Tshcere unll beseodre ne ye] aAhebr re fee izing, int f infgt, haend nadm ’s ingup iew inga,ry by am It’s anin ea ppaspinon the cry [d T[d hre t aaiessnilk scapd t yv oa truly is lace! am slapre nding ninadm Wehannig inrl hctgs d hm o a?t on up am agh] W w oo b Am gaI mifiin e z e re m a y y a c ra W g h , s t re M inggirols in a at an ga]min w ainir dre ad skyle s re in in a m n re a e m [d d a[d t mm x-gcry re n mm reI Idd inoin,tghw?o a aknind itotaum m y facomenin L m A M ic re m in ’s m o g] Gaere azmea d d ago,aw reuiet mT er, m ry Som m inhgeq f oo , kw ntle g, an hhig s scre iglahhuengr,thatin inin W g gg]] So inin the m [d S[d girelsr sksippinnra wre re otaule aanasminchimneyuil aanndd M re in m it p g h is [d L g in in a in l a -t d l fl rannqquilops yeorlg] Soauinstpiningn by lit Sbelis scfu a efure le kty , at sM ] Tora y, w thaapeap u in nd n d l, likdes peaa-g ingga]reT fl ing by nd d [d amlls a[d utleif, usoefnmerdasm rere ab ncingot, be lare regalem pnin t akin l in yqin va al m sbeglie ugie an efu ]h ’s oaver, cItsh’sataullnin cfu Itp[d e Aelitm ’selisaW gST,ohoehre h t s ] f t t ’s g intin g] b am f It e- olin -o thisI , em ple [d e g re miner-fa wo e air ruly oepare ea [d hre misintghaemhinog, A [dreawog,icwino, tll,hR of th hcm , a mingh?aet da stkies A acm dre d] re ahm ild om I n d W o f a s W o I dre A thin eg ey! fi ing] mg I w pla s c reesxid- e A[dm Adonrerldadmin g, kain reamingient viewelin lis inatry fe thta m c hbeWphat an h it’s dmreaagnifia sgu] pAerbrea tOraooord a ce ] fa of yo ming my lm tmin a a g h re a in e W d [d in ur n [dre staonf th ing o Gentsle ra by are ams sizing, bsycene -upsdre beat ing’s ] blis ping rip amh it wnthe fanta G [dre fm Oooghtinegr sk d om Ie Wroithren are in A n u , m u o ing rea ing] aSm Child y, yeah oonofup the rydla mms sk amI dre y a a re , ilk s m re is the s [d d A thatling th n ’s tahe draw in tle le, se ere lee ree ] A vlit b ith h ThW aking littm sd inbgelie a pinning e d nig t ing?breatht amn sid n Thsecenereainm [dre It’s u g, and ssy finre g] A w ing, a ry d in I m o in t g ie n , c a p a c v s in Am chspin ingrl] dAis s optruly [dredreacm nt and I nifi ie Wnheayt-ta y aymwo reamof your re c am [d s b maging incgh]im M gair irls palm in g t k m a d o e a d r, le o n h t g e m fl in t v k S [dre are haLit in tm he m oomin s gic in ing’so a z r, m f nmalls agre] Tflhyere Sw wohrligdhe ains are oa umin g, oh -ga nt are the Se[d in silkaiensd Mou ah m d a e u l le R ing in e q g t y fu r-faT ll, n are blissin sky, ape pain ul, like a teing] ra if c t s u d d ream l a n n It’s[dW a la be an efu ll so quiet peac ing] So It’s a of the m -of the e m o [drea o, wo, w hope the hop of the is ? w Wo, reaming child e dream ! I d th ce Am I ing And inary pla an exg, am feelin m at drea a super traord ing] Wh ce fa t am y g re m in Wha d [d in n stan tle ra ing o by beat ing] Gen ing by s are tasizing, p n-up m n Grow n are fa [drea hter skip d of merre in n ug Child y, yeah oon up ry la ing] Sou m m sk the silky in [drea hat his, a ’s a t tle t w re lit e ra le t h d T lit s ]A ming night ? side The reaming [drea fi d sy re Am I reaming y-tops, chat ing] A co e d ream your am I g chimn g by [d f o lm tin kin Smo are floa g over, hand in the pa yin ns Swa lls are fl world u h Sea-g aming, o ed skies le R are g ter-fall, in It’s W


. �A W i nt


Tale e r s

. �A Wailne t T


ters n i W A 6. � Tale

Tale 6. � A Wi nt e r s

Tale 6. � A Wi nt e r s

Tale e r s nt A Wi 6. �

Tale e r s nt A Wi 6. �

This instr delightf um ul, with ental sooth m soun bird so usic is ing ng fi d whic of a ru s and lled h w s h in ere g str the Sierr This rec as e lo skillfu . The orded in am conti vely alb Gord lly b the n u on strain le seller ues to m from s fro nded in s have b 19 piano m Gord for David e a ste 82 , ele acousti musical . on. ady and and c gu ctron th T e it album he b Steven sunb flute. A ic keyb ar, a o sis f fo , are e s th oard re fo glade ams irra r e fi babb st bir the s d , The ongs d lin flute whispers iate a m rst S broth g of str s and isty gave equoia N ea e th scen awaken of a a o Natio rs record ms that e silver e, ---bir f its be tional Fo the nal ed in the quietl lifting ds, b autifu rest melo fores Fores Sequ y po r’ one the d t t. ie o of p ia back ooks, w l sounds s fo Free and eace werful e into a d r a ind -ro -f lb orm . p of synth guita um. x med are th r, stor e itativ and sere perience T s is reore-f 2 synth he ize flu8te p 19 e mo nity. laxin Wate G nal F e thes layed in r frkoem yboady , ds g o In g a r on piano sizeiars,Ngatioord e en lbum a rd conc ste sosun a ligh lillies, ro d I floo uit in geunotl for a e cked so atthw tiafur,l flu ---fpolar y a ert vwen s lyviraonm t bre eq u th it S a v y e h e re is te lo e b e d b ge lle eze ual, morn ntal Ste ith Th delic laxin is angd its imsp to ro wind x, in Tehff s Iicbais ntlfiy indgeslightf encu b inla g,idyeat nind soufo okn,d isvisre n r s gaevneviroofn r’ate ey g wit s s un m affi nti igora gd meno a l anud darindk inththe coso un r TDhaev m bavsis f thshim anirdds, b playh Tchhis rmaetinota ntins ns nim m nktrin s ropt. oSoord lleer dfos cTohue ello ons maenrid dn ng e snoa eg, --e-ble bascoku seth rf so g p s eath streuem thw ds Gfl me um . th ald , b Tin tu n th e ro m hth te e o re lo e h re is he bbuirl,d uninruhsibhinlicgit inin the e Gth e Th th die ord ved hs aan eir um,ers dto it diredflig , ,wghuitoaar,t flwgithwit th e iteedd m re. nts inw sa thre ee str t lu ile vsisin d albuom u bir s s“mth e e albm th unm d o . hRtfere cco usah g l, omrdmonssonhgasv o thth ssiztreursctu st sic, eabm mm netarel u wsitohu ew thrnein e erihna e seonodthsical f oim ut m uoia no ut” syM foreth rd q y o tr e tl m e s h e G M h S f a n m u g d s f ic o nd sg o es, d in ostrm .g ge d istyeloFdiesve sowuhn bsir. dThseo udsicin ism in lin y thcorde ha e-fo of pa ianndo it ateis annot etom oreest itar, neg fiulle da of lend ab esize Frermonte, bo rigbinars nre elic offeSrsom o hs th v d a wShieicrr lly ba ru sousatincd g adrd t. ri r u e ie is l s fl ety it w t. s e h oe ore asc broth al anFd ybth qugitueitaffr,ectsardas , thitvironmoefnmofloatanw enhaevet, Ssiekrrillfu swefrre om hicing ksetr refr q ds odss.oSme ticsint g e first This con ation yboh hre en for s. T cre o omFeore traain it souuenstiohnile itg sksill in the aismty coN lolodvieesly sizer ke esw ehlee trGAsrded tim fu and ca re , w s, Missty o o ain mth mnetinueynthaelbumoncert nolly, omseweet,es eer s . sum eentsssetu pia s d str len. de rd re n . s c n rr s s te u tim fr le adins flubte S s ndu c e ealle omoe dia ndr fo yedto inb ntaol mso19 g, ers ve str a hsailv timtiecinges . t to osm irrad in pa ianno, eafrm of m plar Daonmee a igsorati8n2 sesit aecrs more g is no an en ufo reast Gaore s rd b o v ir ic . te n v id u v p o e in u s n a in l sd tiec g dyre an t nd natu a theesen. e Thg, yea orn ers Sometim s wlehcistronnic th ff M u , o S e it to th in fl te e d e . in ar, x ute ake it a reulam la vere lloaw sugn nd oods sometim lu meb a lb s be aw. A onekeyebrioeanrdce ofo and f r fo it of m s, avise o Th, e are th p t” ty s h fludte amsliftiirnrag s l th re fo x u gla e e e s r a ri e t. n m t a beaff ec e, e, In du bb cobuirldds “meusshong of Tvhe questio Someti lin ity. firsth scteen whpisopweerfiate flu to andost s ndgs of esrs it erena m bsrooth it Sequ ya so eias. u rs w s tl is tr s o g m d t th ie ty a e a , n re u ve coa abm scqen eacw Natio roth uts th oth beiradkasen od fI flao s y by Na e ebrs niees re f . it , c e e rs it o ilv n rm ti . ic , a tl er ---bir ende s be th o s rd a cp a t e gen enmRoekcth qo odm auti l Fores ufietlhiteaetilifrfvtiu e me eirnalmuFo ese, d inh S ctsthaere urrds, br’ efoninreth o e am dy po sl,,guroncin thse thlodie themrest. effeequo g a sd te. ooks ful soun t om ba s fo sizer Fre shinia lieworfusnhIeib f epeffirrm bitsink deth an ds in teacelil aetize album ckdrop , wind thde ensa l exripnekdto am s nage ther it refre-form mW ---for nnth d plic inagnds sndim edithatorn s ofarendorissgyyin eriitenoth . Th of this bre ugueitar, q e . a s l a d s a e u iz a ti c in st fl ynth lig ligh pla an an e e G re n n rennditity ineof Waate 19,82 e ke bomute gvtesum dpalic ordo nallaFxoinre . gs thethoerisgaeinnadyl esdynin d rquit g r in rn ofrard dy piano sizers, gu Na lilliesnbsreoeoim oW ze IaeflsdoasdorinnIn a g tions o k in thecsounmceyfrre nds th e am u n e s o p a e r ,lilro it light aate v s th s g ti iz la t I baew enqtluyoia ar,tiflfu l yor .ithin efor a re irth csh,kibeit onm rt swte hing this albe erea d th rm mebdreeunlie s o u e d in ly d k e o te u ff e -f ro e n im n s it S th a g m maoffirn in n e la v -e e e , cts vh l, aztiev aosmum euerr ebsta theeffehis elo irxinm uit liceante te l,ckeentl fiy , l dshoS lled s bperov, iswinind anding Thsd yseict in eoein t. e T eechtf frfgpsesu. en mI obas d isgyenb sg,uto ndsfoa r reenvirv of diters g wlax aurm chrm an ks tlyeb soT cth affi , ba vun daRlig on aitoenmen igo is tinubehro e th ealnadnmduosdickI in r’ o. od fshth aveid bt. fldoth imis re itphlay Dm tidotlnscta eqisbuairie , re tio ew y cuonsndosu fo , ngd itsirdcsa atth th n siesa d srisnekan ersllowbtasram ch Teh sS epso.o en pim ounkddsro me mom r ndcrsouT esrf sosgnt,g o ele---b nseringnd amiththseelle g rein ee ul,muy th ldchoe htoth“m nsit osw enautu opnelic tr tr bff cu cqusesti f omeelote s e y ro a m e it e . n . thin ,iea fl GoSrd b re rf n g th e n s e d th u a in In u e bir bir, lifhibit shinl inex ththe atheirordoect.ers , are vanrits ld veh nd h ou mthe s he ooants,aw flutidm , T e. ty r, ru d ti fl h G t” to in w lu a p e u T m s it n e a it o d e it . te re h u e a h g v m re fo o d weitsh it w m s us aet th d f ile uso isshin ew ure om gth ec the e r aalb oRfa comcordosenoengs hriaevn sicla, beird“m e g eti ers,mgop e hw ou luiaredMaolbaunsdtreu oro cittu nd dm bgutam siz kem sv. eSom f al e th s inoto st xin dew re thfo rn n th noerd no sogula re are mmslloth t”aotu re hmaeevrienmes th dth . im o in , ew e u e n M n , e e M ff a s m q y g y y d ic e n tr e o im s e e a tl is o s . e s rs d h ha F dtiiemse isng n nd sty e u fo en s,ir d tininsS fv reand o rn of asre unbe ThheispGers in m o gein vtigoo ylin g whsic o o n s n rm lo o f h a t th re n e re e o is r, it m n a a ra o ia a b sttiit m to tingvapri ore eesn off ate as. ms ed ocf gauit st ribgainabal plaere coerd merm oe to o reoeln-fie te e ysiz lic Fta . rs Sn m th sm eis doe wee Siearrnd flblendirraod effen ndears mt eti ecsing sousu, n, , th stite oasrd nsd qeodrer sint. ilver roth dfesrsetrenu ety c Saoore le m n enm witeohti st, uia r, e aflre octs meosot. y Fu e ucit . tu pfu b ianllyo, oum at.sM nem aw sdsit surr n oem h skill seet, As keyab fim snsts isetity iruao esiz rtard greefreancb ,s dsw eve ctiin enloadl ie nthit sfl, .o ist ty am avqcn fr ele onic re o n o m e rs S r g w d e s ti m d s h g F o s n ti th r y o e it in fo t it ile o n h s m in s osm N Na ies s fo r keeksein sres eotim h h it caresuoesusootiunonsd stratrainselectrctronicthe e ty S Focre fr hygb fi ere re in ti d waoitre nqvsirsots w,hsile dssfl. o s ga t fromAs ard s aned , ,m ntiee istyem kemis rst meblo oynnath m l eqsFuiz . eoSore eeht, ngcueitrt ve ats fsm eenoen piasnkoillfu acte r,unfldss, s uiterrleeth w roth oitre nd s d aeonatoetiw co sm m o . SM llyte. u o a yboear ty itehset,th seffel cso tim g al ayen d randdiae fusatic sgilvu rd aringbdin oto tr.ucfftu dierrfla s birle onetiiengu,te, variereissrs oeessnw ersd rein izeorent.ta Fre cin anS rm ate la st e notta tom by pianito eolic s. T rs od in resittar, o re ap o motiere eF rdehdaig thgireosncm -foofrm m bnlin ra am it is o e n lo d n b n s w fo h e a n , g a t e n d v v e a o ing gis m entl osf e enemoefsysetrt in minosSaetu . usaic and re isty sm su hichwhwisp esies endedm tihm him rnnin Gth rs vd M e s e o a . y y q rd ff fo e t” a , n M t u th e , rn re o o im a u l e g th e o u o re s ms h o d ia Mo it eusciztu ds. pSoro n rem nto th of st, b ellow eo inn xsinic kre glasdoeund gssnh ve timeeering re o, s omm tr meors c m ave therthaeremla awoafe ce mbird lbusm t dthe anoadre “mu thluare ocnoerdsoed au gu s itisehingthwitit hile riein o.f, w fo tebitirhds. R m th ited xpein ngaibru thea Tlbheuersm,toa hsavveeanlu t” fluw tiin r,m etyts Tnhse,oatitaw esdies h oure t. flu rdoth the thffeGeiro bn hing . In ari o ld h rea uth ird ehrfullicseit theeinnse,ul, lif the evle shadtu n.could u menubean sti G e esecbro meti meloten, a y tr dsdroflSom pnre so theeha th u Tto sceerftrum im pnoesw lle heello“m cors ---bq dssr fo grisnnitk insw . Spo o eordom w onesttisnoognf, g it d nesri gnd sirodusscekst. n it e th m y s che u n tl o o a T e ta d d e s m d n t p bo ndth r Dm im uiebhirisadtis.e ananl dmIufloa in ara thhe cn soisniess, s a gacoanremse,’ nod sfhth on ronT abvuidtinvig ithlay the soue bti k y by wla caq dI bassic ac sRudeneclig hffirm d for eitnvir vedeorste a oks,isinisg re prfein et haanrm esic ooho x sg,, yto uin ect. mu douSnte stf ug uvn y bfiyelle eth ofeoern ffT m gentltlis eezm are rrhedenelicaf itsimbperov wte in nding e am s, nbtal cstsw am thh d th suisT eirhis ffieditabl,tire ithven th in ckeudel,ngdensino relaloxe ve mlye autiflu ,da --y-for Snetlqy roib .woit ,h a sinte nmer eecffeert mrm ckiteeIddbasosaketd gs theing forea eth htartililolie l spolau nss, ro m nvireosizaeclb o ge rsu,ogiauitNaar, nfu th unmfresoha a olig s o a fl o n rd a d s lie I in a o n te rn th ia e im y lil n ri e g a s p th k bom , r gbsreezmoopdlicditrin y. sInofe Watein inasl yayned inuite re eyfr size thged ing ds ordtioonala k e x u G l aW q th te 19 F ennaanndsderenitinin nth r n liglighhttati la n n u o v re 82 sy e fl re nddeqsuizite d spy a dit bgreseu nd pdlic ethceoef aaanre la ar, . . Th rieit -for st egureitfr f this nth W peinri nxk ginasn maeote s a th in e zae aim yth gth rne n onri lbum kdrop o wind -- s L efo -finorm e l o a s r s e r alilclie a e d s s s u iz m h s n I rf re to e d p d , c a b e o t e ibiteeaskin y g ia thsem srt. effFe m ati s win ofedrm . str the lodie oks oun e e ba dth h efo ckeod cSts ffi ittlaytivl,puo,nro equo sth rea s, Inmggeeaenvdin urrends, br’ o autiful s orest meir m Foere e ng m oqafuie u etim ree ir ders s be ntleyilv edhin a aot ath eru thaetiobnalusicc, ord eneeerf od th hep nal F it---bc o a, cdeslif. Rkeeocno it. s ybo th nie butms rm y mN ro BIoflu qscucie Natio earef f otaatth ersthre soyro ersstrto ea mnodst thse, ty etlbyirawanderssere wis unth h itgav Sesqsueosia th it e m . f d e h b a p te a o s p n o sflcuen whw Som q “m itay. rstvery gfs nois could effaebcblingrt rfu iagteav so e, lif is era etim birds ueshT vThe uesti e Infi b net.xre ohufo e ti ir dl exth flgulatede m t”r yeaarriety of ons, pe it aw fo tTshtea, m ve re hath som s it a s ng Ao a ofr a fo s nTehiseyribeonacard and mo luoreed e relaud m ya y ellobwasis T a. gslaudnebe aw keinto yeitaaerr, yth v snaveMm it off ods. Som times te , fluteketrnonicth eese alb xingT,hyeetou nSa u a e o g th tu etim d I'l rs e rn o e n e l y saunndb wehle c re iscpers T in . a n infgrom d ive . l are rdon viroanvid vigosrateag es it an afouvre icsa e,am ooufsti sm is m s e c o o m e a p o D G ti n it t n n a t m la re enta sm timcesg apniad yerd I'll gaivsilvave e afnro c 19nlg82, e tostrsudcers. oet ato l osm r fo dtein s fro irnraddeia in cbe fr o estiw in ouia ture. . Srs lemerren om om eh eitr mes sedllem nds su s ato o ytn trnain flute psia eeti ns m eth oa s oM et, es rdia n, eistyssoFm see o, lly e b.le AG ers , sw lbeumncert Aw cro oc saiz andsu ncts lotidnie ee oen le in isth tye tom fu m cs are h ly o ti r le s e s th it g ile o p kaillin sstr e m d s n h w h s re c v in e e o o tr k T m Nahtiiso loeonfor eybfroF un oncicoO rd easrh re d Seo - tiscting am fiers essti fl odso enevit d .m d u s e tr re T q rrass. fro re n t n ro s g rd ir a ie a e n sSkie u k h c l Fo s o at n e ave re ac hingeyebobthe bro om illfully wem uit eit-ar,ffeflcuts snds,sthwisit onm s ti d ait w re a nft.mS rs d qp thers l a tyeo weet, itadriheelic I'motenh,ie Swiehrrich obf leandruousI sk eome itoh sth cnegu rddtenba arecn sst. ae er Fereerm ff in v iz o g t a n a e a ri to lle p o g ir e it b p s te d idf inianod it edanednot melodFoerest obdlint ynthrded d. n in is fim ar,y ha-form w sohuicnh birTdhe soG uB oficsetr ty ies ve st o gafn shs sic es, in SemqAon rogem utmnyoudo ntlgy is ye isf nndregsw seicdina. gl do imism M in ha thoern ith weenretalremordom themesahm y t uodiaouyt”osuyrnM yuocim sw nsseo hth ugssotfil thteaafo ou tu s rs uprero. vissin ndumo , bus thauItsh e cest usbic m omeringthe T ccuool,rd albusmore a n th e l ir v re o e tf ll , gw d e a tr s c uizsetr “m g itwhit th f h R e s s lb m uh w inith bir a. ru ibitd ere e Goatecirhum llyd th itile edm o to and e lua e ar,afltu w mo . ln in in f ddeslig th h , , T t rs d ic s h ts rd h th h e th v a m b e h e e e o te, ealodies on.broth ingo e ear eh is ird l, usnin D th re eeole ha So y ere th bum it inTshtr Goflrd g ee tu a th s m lic a s n m y c d u ld y s p tr th o n k d ng e t o e n T e u e e rf u n d e ons uypou Som h e en ns gim ---b coe wsongtisngo , n soro rece llethr fo nkuainm chem of w This mlaeyri ol m snW drs dnri mbello the atita d ae sisvigM eont. hreimp e ?ds gaevaeirntddosir, ore bnr’m ora lld k's h issre in eth ocgonnsiz th tionueune DTahveid a tain d ly w n o affirmdegligshun ausicI bisasit la fo a g k v n ons, wroinvisinxing itnd m s eto en of eitlic This our tfeul,aIt ect. in abte s do finlle sg I ydbbeyen gb, yend taSlte ? ff T tl s rn e in h o u x p d z e d h e , lo a m e im e gesn ith ---foar relyla onemean rtvew neitss I thS 't su foryaevea t bre fu r, flute ntlyauti ckedsooth y a waisnesoqugoeia craydayo atinw s g a ncsete a ligh lillies, ro LdaIsfltoy er nvirlbum co r N,agtiuoital soonusndpla rdn p ia e a r rs o fr s p is e in b s r e In o o e. a nrd m ey 8 te, al th e d ing esizsh ldo Wate tive mo I g relasxt r fl2ue . synth TheouG avniteyrienrce are plamyeethesizer kar,A19p ethrisFtore sere ita o rs . -f f it o n p youa o o -m u med ce and Bl eLxe y rm n alb s hee-faor wu ackdrop ks, wind nds r g Fre u u ain ea sto nd t yetamyah werf nte th tia the itbh s fo of p ar’ fioo ful sou t e y po revser r meeloadriet Forest. in Seoquo go vIeegafo ti res ds, b reauin me quietl lifting ath d al itvsaeilveyroyu n alisFo at theone---bir of its be tionh e, aetixotn darecorde s th N a e t m scen awaken ofBuat tw m rs y o y th a veidd uoia Na e y re e gah tro ishty d m rothheaorf sy rs e n q m u e e b n bu a e te e p S u s a v is g fl t birds Nosw nghis aTp he oT wh bnlin y rst ebra a iategave fiit t b , d r e t e y ra d t erexst d re th ou r year I'v gla ams ir the s T aa y uT'llfo e h oardawaoyf folb o e fo und um, y yb sunb flute. A ic keyisb ye oausisSote vennsav a re itar,ar the a The I'll y eveer me ro nd ctron To c gu al and ice m Gordon. David a a stead give. itfool fm m atel love , ele acousti msuasv o n e ia r 2 m I'l p to s agaainrs c198 e fo ror m ave eseflle s fro ndegd in l sgiv to b from ial ome it avoenia he le strain uestea one A cro lbum lly b ars it the tcoonstionm Gordc spewded skillfu . The Bourded linaw vely c tO sc eamay This lo eone as F tr r ro ie e s Sierr were reI hingtnh o nds pem vbeeitry sgaIv d eth h w t ru ic e h ith t I'm h eneyeoplled neaxnt d w ak f a o s ir g id d fi u n e d m d ey ing f youA'll taw is y icy yyd soun bird so LuassicB t uy gm e ro tey m ao ye rinu s hisetarntce eoushy No nndev orurfos m you s sooth with ental Itl, dT w I reI'v ool um u oeellsn um aelly fo m'tesdu till catch l oe instr delightfW faars t t e ic o g r h e u t m e r re e a a ll o p D n a is S eme y ey rise it'syo o m ghat peTh sin is yom froud

Josh�D ale� �


Wri ght�

Carol� � WriWghtri ght� Carol�

� ale� Josh�D

� ale� Josh�D


Josh�D ale� �

t Year

Wri ght� Carol� Carol� Wri ght�

� ale� Josh�D






Carol� Wri igghtht�� Wr Carol�






Wri ght�

� ale� Josh�D




Josh�D ale� �




Josh�D ale� �





t Year

t Year



bu n eaoepna e TSho me re Do W noeaul w m eoy c yoe eere M loevre vee ae on?etoerstoomre e sm re'scob aogyneizaer m Tell Itmull it Thoea hidd ly on geneizne e? Irtgeuit deod e iv n a g e m e yee?ar but ButL ar sena't I'lAl pce ss I w t r r a s e y u ayot ys y huerpris yo as a s you rrs y oonn room l y ia e e t m s ILaksetIe su a c e c ry Aownded withed ey hould ou ilalrcnaetxcth d me gpym er ro persitoh tir a fire eyeyrdoy my e ganvcBe av AI gcu IO utm in h to he s w nmwyitohu ye an b vteeyis teuhte rieendesasrgtI w a fire is fro FM anvaenr yceheart Bcuiatl ga aittwh e a s ic in S f a ? yd e o e oul o sho ere in h itv id rs osne w is u S ht om gI'lalvgeiv aerit away tntew axic tedsah - I'm you lder yy yo nodm yoeounrm m ye spe e ghthidodnen b to uAI rea re etofro TThoissa e it thouetoare soom eone re ply Nllllyoyw ut y alyrton vve m m a a e s s t m h o o re o otu n I Andy neI'v TTohis it toe fro egh fotuyno o u o m te ee sshpyeeyear du wer t omeoyuo'llurnseovu SI'm I'lgl agviv wicars ere e l sfhouald e it ?hid nd t oicl em real love s ar ofo M Freien s inI gwfaro cBiaul t tbitatw enaya nce e m ahgis sd h gaveeyvedrisyta h my eye I Agucero s with t yofiure in ain OI ngcaev pe m yoitillacwaantcext da ith iraed eye y onwdnedwro ccria I LkaeseB t my h uu y y yo te tsu s you lerso tyo om h y e u e a a p rt ut AI'll giv But I geavdeerar very neex?t em en b te day hidd ell1m L. astrecyoogunizme hTeoarsyoun'llit T� r you o ee nteovrtsome l love ou yeeanr a yyaheeart ohmNeaovw mpea fer fo re o S nae s T Do yIt 's e a d m b is m p yeearI'veunro d maotleamgeain it oes rise tore tore ageafo Well Wenll'titsnu'trpsurpr ed taersars aer ofol u mnm I'veyem ise m 's es a e spinero is w f fo o h a e r N T p S e It doDoeayro been al lo m arotmeonre eavveeeon ve �L1a.stTyell uumreychoegaartdyaeyaryou youT'lloheonsm e s aret it to hidden t ize e yomerydenaexn iv but I gavBue ear r eartme? u I'llAg pe v t y y e rs o ou m h th y uy sm yo n ro cia crl y o do a u tily wo yes ButLaI skteaew l catxt day wn ed titirheda efi it e pyom ec gavI egOanvce e veyrydisnta h my eye AI cgro in in his udesswith yoaugare nce h bittey t n m I e ie t r w u ro F Me ing f olam Bcial awa n an s icel love d tw it how v?er rfosodulaoafresa eid ueldre ic I'm So nhm gaI'lvl egivear ars er to ou e it from te espseh-yyou'llnd onuenught you ey efo to s eone Tois sy m A I e t I'v Th o o re n ou h t t a re w r a ome lyblyo utony llyllayptahtoo re No I re aveve moe som a s o e n o T n T his yit t from yoeusp re Am ndeoynh eiddueght y y y o y e e e o a r to ou gvivawaar ext d tic uldw e sh t- So I'm onhe ur soul sho I'llga heis it em n nd tw aers e ? id g as a fioref icine ere Som gavceia aeart lue vitertayewnahy Bth M Fteriens Iinw fro am t r h e it a y c t t it you ino his s wit Bu OIncyeob eye he I gArs ueosndw uhem tan egavemyy vdeisry tncehxemy er t iraeudfildre n wde ithhhto A pcercy coro I gaI vkLeeep r sotuillrm cae m t day e a d w s a n ia is y ro s a n o y om yesyou o s you useuarp hr ear oy cryAI'lpsel rs LasBtut nyt't I wa ut et? b l s eraar yeae m es e d e g o u n iv d n I g heTart e it htiddoen It Tell 'smbee coge nizme?r ly so ere ve seaovnteeo reo ll it youcre e ?o gniz a yea m o w M WeD t re n ne e am So paeryoua ereoanlelos Tem hois yoou it'sabr ee rise ymeeye myoeught fdroem Som DoW taegaarsin peeell de 't sutrcph m taollre y thI'veoaurfol uonf ic m a n c ll s re l I Nowur s r fooolume Te It doue stil yo nevroem y yo yeadristancheearet shy ou And t1 s e f 'll ic y Bu� y t e uing yoid Laps. myyouam dy tw day ired e ten ny next I'm h ith t I keI egabvit pe- Friends w room ce the ver OnB ne s d e o e y ut d a w m w o speA cro cialgave itit tao s ars one e m te ome rsagain cial ae to s I'll giv e me fro e t it m ve e ml av I'll giv e meevefrrofoo a real lo To s ear u v n y y yo o ysoau'llar e found y a T a This d w ye I'v it a ext you t This Now gave e very n eart but apar th you tore me hidden yh But you am e way ext day n o it e e n in his Som I gagvaveeare very eart a fire y th t h hear on with LasBtut you my to rs e lder A pe I gav ear me shou n y rise cry o s I was a Last n't surp year s es a I gue It do e? n been

t YYeaearr �Las t �Las

Year t



t ver) tion ion hing Lasm co soot sic laxa editat e r he (Wha u t ir m r A m fo with ature Theman’) naand Relax s of n nity of h ing hIn Snow lk a e it e d r w W rom ‘T n se ed sRoeula the ef evisit n) blend mu(them herxe w nd wso ber rRded versio uit hs tmental on N o m u s e n g DO stru he Gord Dec (re-reco urhe dsl in tw eltin OR t eerefu of Sntaetvue sonocte M G p h in c a g E the& reco m e pteure vid Coldl) thne TEV Da soueresdere sinucsic nta spice. a io & S nends natituyre ofund ume r t E c p s e n (i lene so ale hsaicv.e sfuicl ainnsdt abtu DAV ’s Ta rnum r d t waitfu D inteeren cover) ohfavm advid the&ir Sn seonutgahl mu-h W e n A a (QLua ee tevetion m u19o8f2 m phioanseb st urs ered DAV xa Go a n ic u (Whae: 2.5Yheoa ios s relathesicc,o yrodgon ctio W E & r m 19u8s2 r ussice a a im m c a u lk n odu d Stud nscice. p (them d m ova r in ing T r n a P o n e g n S n n f u r n a e ) u t o e froR In T tum Y u i eru ddittahtio n tm o d E r t T e g o n g S e s ir anlin o A u Vxt Ea&t i sice er) tshininse: Dece m ‘ThLeaSanmohe covA G tati gah ling stice,r mic haansd bhee haeturseoosCoredusitscic mbe (Wh wmAanirir ios e dOi R D O W e l k er r rSei l o nin ufsor usiteh ten sroeAundymCu A m ’) r d t uNd o m a S e R f B d h sic, xm w as rcaetduby ght nae (re-re d n v T n ’) n is a n o u itae u elax la editofProdn rdendowm So Rem Jast ay of afingchoIn on S vers d s atio for ht & oducti nrenit tion mith Walk ‘T e n) Rseolauxnudsicth Sig iteiod r an edse bmleunsdic, w uu-rom r is f P M v e e ) e o k e rsin h i a iong oga (them sowuhnere woituhndst ealinegntm al ym n B g Aud ber rRded velt sto d s hm n u on o g ecem Cin r J a W e l lfi D wthuere s lofinPsntrue vesooGtohrsdic. t o e-rec (inst elt o (r ld f A rum re fu or rod aSuttcue inegp AW M ntld rela e & oncCre tupreeace thid al) inter Ceo s entedhreeby cAm x soiccduitses: ’s eTnatal) C Dsaovun ereerd ity roendyu sin . in pseic (Q and ation d e le utereunm acefpion s bnatu f nand s covle lende sou e ul ina (in med d v n e sic r a ha r . D sic strum Runn itat r’s T )) natu ghwtitahfintge f emauvid t& Time cover ho ion in heirS esnota av u l n W : e 2 d m .5 e u tenve nn p A u u hours a io m e (Q L e 2 n a b o19 s Gioord a D f 8mu haesere t t a A x d lae VE (Wha Y2e ahours ics reth yong W tion udios : .5 r 19m 82usa r icusa & S enads n m imec duc (them alking ing Tm t ucsoicn, cep . over n n ) rs t e fro RunIn T E dVi o P r o o u n d S mtu esr fo d dtithaetirion atnugremsuinsic T u o m h S u e .5Ah ‘T E icmhea 2 n li A : h & n D : a c a e s e ecem ningSTnimow ir he ture s Credeit s tesricf, g h t G O iRt a t i o d i o s ling man ouCnousin bReunr R oursuics anbdeen s D OS t u Wel ker Si d ’)r) A e obuy gAh e e as a ndy d v sic,mm e N (r m d B e-rec vis co t afreula on o(Q ced oun on ed rdeudeen itTeadle a n d at t&i oS n in Prod xatio i Jast versio mus itatio Cous : r’s uct e for gxh a d t n ic an n mdubsy Anndym i its u l ) d o l) S in re e r a rr nt d hroeduce ic, yCo A W nM emltein a rk e u d i o P o ru A P alin B t f g s f ld a W g o n (i g mu sic. r J aa s t o e l l i i n g A Co J stonell ng A Coldg g musico. ga (inst for Prodhealin rumeeltin A W fBoark e u d i o y A , uced d ic M n W P rreSl ia n tal)n) a byuAs Credituin m ic t s n s gxhat r o d u c e io dynC m : n f s r r o ’s io e mu o t v r io usin t&i oS no t i o n d Tale J ita Proedulaxat (Q e a a d d d f r u s e e n a ton co ee c it c u d d m ove (re-re Renvis sic, mmu use as r esdobuygAhntdy d StN edi nD O A W Baker n Ru uCno or s bneninrg nowmarn) ’) tR elli Sig atio udios m O e tesricf, hicasanbdeeheature so Ccreeduitsin c T S G h n im ir e e e: 2.5e A t g m D n h s a n : & ic in E ‘T e A li s s h hours V ud So m heair mtuer f d dtit tionnatn ugremuespict e fro Ru In T ) or S T E io Prod und St an over (them alking nning Tm nc . c u & o im s c 198m2us sicusaenads rthm u ic e : 2.5ar ctio udios E W (Wha Y uic ha red elaexa o,rdyoonga n DAV st e hhoouursrs tion uof198m ees beeeve G a n L 2 io (Q m p and t n so l m u4 A W uTeimeen: 2c.5 on t&heS taught h haovfe mvid i in o n t g t v the e t in ir e a n e natu wit afe las last r’s T rr)) um Dau t be Run dit ’s th mus e dre so asich.avefulsicinsatnrd ble a e it n v Here e for the le m o k l. a (inseten c in u h re n t e c n d p n ll I n c a a io d r f a n le ch e an atio (Qu umT pesaic. sounedesrednitytuo r sCoicusin , l it’s and hom wine me fee eems to ’s enatal) inc s: D id sere the Anem x dyus train g forever s es l) inter C by co Credite ela tupreeac atv Mak nothing r he &rodaS W notald edre stin cu n e g a u c t r L ll A m in e e e re t u r 2 A W r M fo gh a l finP n evseooGth .pt for Whe the wthuere s fuo ever ing throu Dece (re-rec(ionr st eCltoinldg e into ico Jast elling rueme muosrd d sou stth s ed rhym athe life ake t n d n e h m e u o p g d li g n o S A n g 3 ber R eveltrsin a s whe withnds ealin tal yoga s re u Bak (them r green To b f a keep ry to fix 3 x re evisition)) er S dio Pro the let winte d h b ic, mu-e fro M o t Resla er m ‘T dust t as well flake ouunsdic tahne iosenremleunsd n w igh duc end mituh for sio W Don’t you cold my r h w h e t m s itPoarot o e a t v ig n io n i & lk t S s Jast t o n I m on a e ingcordednowit d xitaWy W S Relax ed f ducn fmak angel a ofet’renaw me on e, reedala an’) a da winteor-u n d S O he chain eartach ime of tbyusAro (re-re In sicu, m floatad-alking in m ReTvhise aA Be t er seithas n enued’rgyehCm A W B a fkoe rr ’s lin t uOdr N r(W ’) a h e the t ing in n ke sfo nir the r auw e D m ouu ae ok ic ld e b u s e o is t R m e u i in e S o a It b r h id s r o h b ir u s m w the l l i nn i eg l bes am s o sict,e m hnads he etuTrhseeoCredit ic o , dOi usts Nobohe h Sanm ir ing y sc: e ria g reenhatdxsE Dmeocone- m tret Gm- t a t i It m ed a eiran linag mre opstein ‘T dL ecoA ver) y aT Need t sic opin h Victo em- A gu dmE o nV &a S eo dsoh r. leg fa i oo o , c a o tem a h li n 2 r . e e h w t e t i u .. f t t n ’s u r y D io ig r fuoranit ia s n n u R I m t e T lo eky un in In t r elo Y vbearlo) a hinm d S t etm ton There eep my & Sd membePr r o d kb sleep b(t he u de aannd mnuasiccosnicc.ep g Tim lie coe wma alkinng it eluthis e R uwdineield k ves t rrw bem19 u ing Re We’rhea: m re I fem st th u8s2ic ussic s rela theI’m, yoI’m tTinh, eI re’s, V E ahe e 2.5 hoe We’r (W and c t i o n SM hou ,o Ispick up be the daohnolding vas wW e A a Vpicin the finugrs ir eyee-s e sw ssturY idring ber, f snow s in t a D ie in k r 198o2f mhaiosnebeereed xavteionGro g in, ld e t o ery t fly in u a or I k it ll o (QuLe imming elowtheb a hohu s me fe up and mm e sW p ht usndeep my ian, I AIt fa fterglow. g u u the mid igA rie en cn bin th eyesir eu 44 eere n vaend I ofo th & nStsoeuI’nm -e Win mee ’s a e ofham in e’rt gthafitlndin it- h night W o ll yo l itC’shea akin prhhoyn rislltthre t ee dowovsert)heir e fro - tghe likld ticu. n , king insid m abewtin ay mlde I cathin uDsaicvideirstnrautm afg- I ca e las last aItfo dy rd’s airpgy u e rifliteT t w z o pu re v u sstebems al. a e o e . d u b am o h t h n e w ’s th in lo o c b t e r t S ic it upgs n beth a r- nd Thoob youk ‘H endso hasve gaglein r sk-y luire N n fly ain It e a D m it n t t t Here e for the f l o a in t o d s o l. re le a A (i ic n A h in id u u v ro a d t a abov sthoehaig Suddnestreu nsutarfiin there f ic u hthinathe bt .he tV fn iar m e as bre I ll re n is p the n n e H c rs a io w I c d n e ld u d a t a o f re a E s u a o u e s n li , sin urTye o Far a lkingeinwit on-h ch’s thoeme e d hoit’s sicp.e e dy stre fiAnfdter in g inflo in skyy Wen’rly m & SBRuetmtehm ss’tin?oef, alokneefe g..k. sm aw wein h lastver and feelteo tehmes to chara Da souenred onotpainl) zaetn m g idloo swicacros mho yo ed Im trenit he svin u , ege aye,r acm t ncine fo ’rc sa mepehpin skotea osnga se eilla I’fimndh th g lo icbyy es in sthtehe skyu Aero’re swim C l ah sinsgavinesid bT em eig e wb old e E g rfotre petaucre vidth& e sSe hteurceonWcTm train an I cfe leaveethtin he la wtehll in kmey rld W using r DDeecemtringggo by lik litwore hM ver w boyn to e, I in trh, V thsneo ashtin hoh I’h e e ain o o a m E le L e e p e b c in t e a g e fl u T o re f p M is t r e sgth all m 2 h A s t o a T u iv e me n g a (r ve WG idin e l inof ftin ningde h’reoeot t ers a loe mg.. h on haear ry to the that Rem faell o G icrk L t h e a e a re p W a w t r if O tuw lt s m a r O e e e s e s t o T m fi . y v o d e n f sn ake in t exr..a. e in ing throu re ds strumhe ordfo bD d RDO frohe lea restfa wflin s flig ghtloy wmoonp h thre, flys -rec d stetar in ehaym meeart eno h life aekm on eee revegrhts everpeegdfo m an s r aste ves sia has wc TItakrm h ls bWe’roerW e aftesrgitow nv froin ee b e a h , b u d n g f t c s m k m e d o ro li a h S a is ’r lg wshoeunsouwnitdhs t entaCehl pm a re p N 3 g ahnd tighilm t u a eople epin(t e a k m aosta vedis... ere’r Rm eswweaorlksoiopinn aitn’s dseleee It codo low d bstre eyokuee,ps W Spehee green inten rd re n mistke th hyaenT uld b side. ? ine, iff athe try to fix Th ild sle How eersyme th aora. stkob fllyovais t d w ocge)in tm s3 Oknisly n-p e fhrteom uddeene ou feel in , g li leto nt tre tinait soRuenlax the se blend wrenuh-goaldzeinogpvm us the on’tingletthrooulder nig wetll ime kef am gn e ARned dm id y heo apir feelin you, e your btrehatahVtaaleking in Oenly htth renit D green he S ds t as nowflao igd I’m it es SA‘T e en W u c ght m e h m a e s B T o e h m m lu a ig h ay m t le a is lk u y a e is n e b n b s a k w s t D im m n o li n o y of inW of om e th uth ing d evge oofwm et a I m statlghe t ShI ou oenr..a. Relax n’t ake ngghetlsa ll it’s mid g ein ’re en by ikee fe h Lm In e, ld a te w sin ryeornefroam in riden n nigthte sairaBI insnetehdae elowcykeawrsinstytearmake tle te be ia ha ’reafl- walkyinssgourh pig rise Arou T shcohua hI efeaertl atchh time of with natureI’m W wgh’)o k-y sgthe in in Lik e yho r inter meusI ling likef to soatin B n a fl a in d u It ld y id is g R e e o re a n s , m A t e k u e r m y h lk in eem li . is eceh r I icbke t alone Be ht ould cold m the usg I ca g inwitt h hlde air (Weh’rae waetsinuir arm ’sem is ok phO shlin Itm idedai , oneusp , t stahse sskuys you is... r e s he an beese up t meus besr D you er oItf y bera r o N Wobo m mt sI’m he te fl oofiTtnhhdeinpiceoabovethe hweom shoe , exn ab r sDtereca emt be thict, orian elddeinggel at m ighw em-ma- t i o ShItoum gre atyincgovern u o m y t f N e flosd d s ing cprolessfa tre2elits son- e’reLa y R V n u . i ) ld ear. ’s a e timem Howiamo r y n o ce , t Ydown sees Neednighrt yIea aell r... wis me rke kyW r Den th I cb d do ra alone R , re

Ripples Ripples s e l p p i R Ripples Ripples Ripples s e l p p i R Ripples

.�Walk in�the�ing Agir n i k al e�Air .�W in�th

.�Walk in�the�ing Agir n i k l a e�Air .�W in�th

ewahor belo fly Fa s by li belo ills s go leenpdintghea hwe are Wone lieves we w b sth every ee’rtes suusr a their e eI’vmillageI’m a ho W rid fing y dg ve wse flyAnd e’regre rivinegrs ldain s n w e in th bee- s h im r T y in th tream ming lo e se m thtight rests bein w easir I’m fo findin mouidnight We’rey down thetirheyfro The n e T ir a g ncp Child vegs ee prise e Nobod m driflitein n ask tzh re azkeeIo bayynssu fluyrr s balu -y g in o renn ggakzeen o pth abp roiseehigirh Sudde eusnutrafiinns otvheer froic b Child a o T v e e ’r in n Far a ingn mwit onTheTh We ly smwinog infloaetninsgkyy othyou efo vre opin z waclkrostsshttehomuh b im il la y e w ’r g y s g y elim ssggin ’reus twssokrld WAero T We asttein an ooverlowicon oa b rea in eerrs roiv c n g by TheTh’rheeTflh ivears ndy likw ethtarere And e gregeifo ttsfinu agsmigoeaa deep in t e v n a Wevilelagefo e r lo e d s n d e r s re on fly e yonsnetteaw g s bsr bthdetw hillsh infsroafls hwtloeywflm y ills We’r W Faeroapleo tfa s e u rh o mg it’s yeopncroespsinligkaeantdyreteigtht We’r Wee’r meo’resw woaolkpinsee sesleep hCehilp sle ainens flduy in fleeonaly tghveerst shhte gew flto ncig I’mT fi drena o na g in h o w t d a n in t re ig t b in g ainsg ain d e’r h s sm ndin hooldzvee owp midonrldams SuW e air ksy tighhetetyh ew I’gmI cTaakthe itehn ymbolue sm ep etafslkauinm eu lem sid seit’s inn eflny by isoeuuth And gesre oy whgom -aid y v g k in g e I’m s ir t in s r A r n h in e o s t e thig rp rid nferon huigrhphigris ro e he sk u frro ighh rosus yonr o so wgit I’mriding in n by flsu in tshidat-irid y th ue A evinegr ofsgtaere lkm e n y inh ou seleeemps e’sohm etig hlusyeo And sthu wam eenemm itbm I’mTinhagk I tocha u ir e t w p s in a ’r t idn es twsky s aighorld Sudd Weatingainng in ytham zeldainbgovstre findgao n olyfloat ingocin igleho vsetry pe-uflsy n hetw etes e’re efln e e h a TChhI’em s lk ildren sleepcin n s w s a e re W We’rm’re w oopinit’s sdeeees-p peopar a roagnad liketigth e ou t fromwgholomon fly Fle hillshtills We’rW r a es hty wwoe stessfagro dbbytshew e sdten theeflsy e foilre igfl asdeepn rytaonin dw W everif h treaere v rlaivgersearsn alienklo t inms uosatin d e TheT’rheehfle n A d orld s W using ofgrenegtoceoavne gobny by anw T Tohaetinrgiv o li g m t e skay Aro ’re sw a ing lorw icyy Wla s restins tthhe stre e e g ’r u e s p em im oo o uth vil fow s zeng b oyo onith m TheThe Far acarolkineg w s W swming oatin h e inen ickyy denely’re ins flin t Child abTozavekeonp thheig rpaeriris Sud mountsaurfingovinerhe fkro re uslu ngaagna flybsyboysb yn s g u N re t r in z o n c li d h n p t e e I hil ke open t rise bodydrif ves t ze e a-ir C heire fro h Tnding Ta e dow We’r n in I’m fi he fore e midnigmtouth betlohweeyaeirs g s h h t s t in ig re ts ery t ams Thin imm ng in th beesT e nsdw sugrre fi ets ir ey ing v aned fly t We’rA riding e riv es I’m hI’emvilhlaogld egrsaasnw e d tahre he asbeWe’r velireyvoensethuw e hills eepsingoeb w sle loho we fly lo y likseky Far a bew r cb sees W n fa e’redow t trees ross li2 le p fl o t y oa h nig flyus pe fi I’m enwo obod oo N We’r ting sin as whet ssky ndin atbhoevemw The rld ir t e g u u a h it in see s myidreewtas lkin o ting I can the h ye hog in k I’emfloa alking in fly sroprh is u Arou g stneer w fromnighthse a- ir o ig We’r e’rreidw sin su y h r in y e g g b v h id it’sm of a W inen h moubtlu And e e sle migth I’mTahk otp en m s e Su htyhe airep in m ddenoating an ig azoeldin treidanm ceat n leeopnfl ly sw goin ren g slee g vsery ttheht in T e d lk il ’r s a h e e pingnd ight W C w oopinit’s dee- p peop ’reou a a em m g mon ls le w on ts far dbthsewheil fly WeW ’re stenr tfaro ins hflty lo fores drifat mig o ep an elo es W f ing ceanatdineg by Thee’rehefloraivers y li2ke twre a o re g o ovew on b tin s’rin rld TW W n o u o li a r g t e g w ro lo sky A in tthhe e sw ic g eg’rees in la u s p e il b im s zeg y y walk v oo hmyooonwm in The Far acro W gfloinatin n syky nlye’rs s inin e gwinit h ursfinovetrhe icfro abov y sotheig air Sudde ouneta g fl in sky Nobom iftinliegv an blue e zenthe a dydr g I c ht dow s thheeir fero- ir ndin e’re idnig n inb t W yes I’m fi m e ht ing elo we air in th ery tig imm in th be riding holding v we fly We’re sw surfing eir eyes m I’ e I’m eping as We’r lieves th w beare sle low elo r be lit2sky n b le fa dow p o y e p on bod The

in�the�A .�W alkingir Air � e h t � n i alking .�W

in�the�A .�W ir

e mbeirted c e D ..�� DRevis ece mbe r Revisit ed

e mbeirted c e D . �. � DRevis ece mbe r Revisit ed

beerTmheem eep my you meemsbite m efe a I kbe T betrin , h, ere’s, r Decemthe BeRn r, el insidew kaend beeat in no ? ins, I ink auV ic p t otrie o rian I seefallhofa sVale . eitep d w n a lo A u o locerg ntinge I fories in, my m e, I sh Itin e’s alifkte ket tisakin , insidem- tinh icu. aIttfo gcreogeunld baewin nlodokiting that ay w a D AAaftetVicr . thinupgsin Itd bteh id tetra- nd e as brea sa the e rm rs uia oR ytesis ftetrhEg... & g thoend nd fiA in t in e re lo e m h in am kaby, tin e,, m hid oskin vedS s Bbuta loecw find m I’m e eth tahvee sag inesideTI sE r,e a VaerlerDnDeece t intgo , I ein V e le theEm be e ? cemTI’hm hidmishtcle ms neAafa llinosfidG O ... e thatBe Refem l ThmebaerinDge e berf,ro e k e D noawakR le u tehr,e asf it sm esm , aveaslgsiaavheas yo bIt oedoteesrgitlom ?and Rbeem isro krf,e . na t e timedis... Howodw w arm e. osm ym Ho coueldl inbsid knis lym mntine, oRfeO entghisliktelettoh e s b e c , , e t r u t fe s D e aking u febeeli ryo be your bberer aa Vale u, , Itofm yOenam s issDeycoheuis s inBeinum ... m ath, thetaw r.ism n isa I ly osteathemt-ime Rehm emm Beengtewtahylo LItikL ikueeeslitIn g lik ykesatrsandy e tlg fe a eeacrs eeaethlo haias has inI stIehin bteelib fe s n s ia e L y e u g ik t lg L e g cw m Ite m a helikteimt - BetnRte ik y stand tm hm kaeaw esis a Im y o t , I in n h e u . is a a e is... B shin ear s is yrosuDy, eocuem OmneolyIt bVe ing ffeym y erertahtehm elium ntein ouorubfe gtbliele e taakrleD ce , beteote , e, lbin ensis isnsR,ly oefm kO Hco sw id.e ? em Huold esatrt. kv w anyom w etdhheis..t. imeIt o lo d m a k o a d rg lg s is e , R o ro e f bse, ream ewsma s ia ha nd beery aoftu s oit ve it e , m s h le m t fe snel in akeake roem bear, g... ber Deat f Tfh o R ll n B side inmis gs th cem A efam -? mhehid I - in t, I semebaetrh DaecVem I’T hintle id heavtes g into s e e, tle len- tin r D ecea, m ber heeew fiI’nmd hid mbeaylo Beum e, ,recakm eh okgin saved s t e in lo t in t r t R h ins is ... e Afifntd o rb oned ygeearsa s the . the diaum re aAtftticer loit tuhpingins th beastid h atw -tand It r n e c e d o at gre ulda bwin ay ttuicn. oking ins m I afo thelike ing e ta is , eid iesunin p my m e, I ItA’sshainftearglolockektingntine, oI rfo wV. ale fasllee edeit u torian k I , o p r ic tin ies in a V in t m- beIr noefatshnoaw e ? h ’s sidand e B,e in eI rk, , ber Decee l Tthineb, re e k Rem fe e p em it ma you brem ThRee m ere, em e diam dboeersDe ’seaar. y meem tim ow cem o H y R n V h d e t ic f o metmbetoria streaDece-m greeenr, s b ,n bemsid fu ber m, Itom yea isseyroDueceis... It’sb sh likmeinea ing aey, a ItemI umr. g like th m- Re nd wwin Lik I e s n s s h li e t a t e a yetaersr- sta e be ia h fe in L e ik t lg h e m e I om Btenteh loca e tim kw etay stisa n is u a e B nly atthh Vk e fee s you, g Om yo ain r ubre a a len 3 kisOsn, lyanmolinsistgtaleliktveoeedthis... oItuHcoowuldfedebl einlotw sid. e tine, ?d o 3 frokisms, aves salgia ha rg e e s t be af it an s le the r, f snow make fro em Th Re ll o a g... is s that em A fam Thheidin m I’m inr, th berDD emthintgletsoidee, I le e a v h e bwear ececembe d th keinsgsin finI’m y, am, Bm idoing aved utem lo re e t r t h R .. e Affitnd the . ou onde syeaa rs the . t diamr bbre sid the aewr-stand atAtficter loit uhpinings th It ecno ea at gre int ay uld nd oking w atutic a b I fo e in t e ., takin me, It’shliekaf in mesid te g I A orI iefosunedep my fall o rglow. rian I k itVic or, ie toin tin s’sina, up ber, f snow t h e a nd tin ere ,Ik Th Rem emb There eep my er D dia m ’s a Victo em- g mond s ecemtre re ri

ed Revibseirt m ..��D eRce evisit D ece m ed be r


i ng .�Melt

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Flash of

Dash of

Splash of Splash





Splash of











Flash of

Dash of AdvertisingCampaign Advertising Campaign for Splash Photography. Each ad emphasizes something unique about the company, using different words rhyming with splash. The color splash in each ad portrays the excitement and creativity of the photographer.

Book CoverDesign Book cover design for a food memoir. The variety of spices on the cover depicts the exciting life that the author writes about.

ContentsSpread Contents spread for Mom & Dad magazine. Large amount of white space and easy to navigate table of contents makes the spread pleasurable to read.

MagazineSpread Magazine spreads designed for Mom & Dad magazine. Plenty of white space, colorful pictures, and professional typesetting give the articles an attractive and easy-to-read feel.

MenuDesign Menu design for Cocoa Cafe uses soothing coffee colors with a contrast of teal. The casual design shows the fun, yet classy ambiance of the cafe. The menu has a large amount of white space, giving the customer an easy read.

LogoDesign Logo design for Ensemble, a group of 5 women who perform for women only in Israel. The colorful and attractive design depicts 5 women working together.

LogoDesign Logo design for Ohr Chonon, a non-profit Shabbos organization in Baltimore. The creative use of negative space in the intials create the shape of two flames, symbolizing Shabbos candles.

LogoDesign Logo design for Optimum, an information technology company. The sleek design conveys trustworthiness, professionalism, and technology with global clients.

PackagingDesign The design of these wine bottles give over a vintage-style, yet clean and smooth look. The creative di-cut of the label gives an appealing look for the consumer.

PackagingDesign The design of these wine bottles give over a modern and clean look. The sharp colors against the black background make them stand out on the shelf.

BrochureDesign Brochure design for Inspired Interiors. The clean and modern look with plenty of white space and big, clear pictures is pleasant to the eye, while the colors are soothing and relaxing.

Monogram Monogram for a wedding invitation and for thank you cards. The design is elegant and clean.

E-bookCovers E-book covers designed for a marketing company. The stark colors and dark silhouettes give the design a sharp and creative look.




























4939 Coconu t Creek Pkwy . Coconut Cre ek, FL

Sunday, Jun e 1 6 Cost: $15 per a dult/child (if ju

mping/playin g)

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rmation: info @c

ongregation ya


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Flyer wealimages443.9 55

10:00-11:00 Unlimited Jumpin g in Trampoline Park 11:00-12:00 1 game of Laser Tag, 3 Rock Clim bs and Unlimited (no n redemption) Vid eo Games 12:00-12:30 FREE Pizza and D rinks in Party Ro om

Flyer for a family fun day. The exciting typography and colors give the flyer a happy and child-friendly feel.

Advertisement Advertisement for life insurance company. The bright colors and building blocks convey the message of “the building blocks of life.�

InvitationDesign Invitation to a Bar Mitzvah. The old fashioned harp and classy colors give the invitation an elegant feel. Use of white space makes the information clear and pleasant to read.

‫בש‬ ‫ב‬ ‫ח‬ ‫ו‬ ‫ה‬ ‫ו‬ ‫דאה ל‬ ‫ה‬ ‫ק‬ ‫ב‬ ‫״‬ ‫ה‬ ‫ובלב‬ ‫מ‬ ‫ל‬ ‫א‬ ‫ש‬ ‫מחה‬ ‫מתכ‬ ‫ב‬ ‫ד‬ ‫י‬ ‫ם‬ ‫א‬ ‫נ‬ ‫ו להז‬ ‫מ‬ ‫י‬ ‫ן‬ ‫א‬ ‫ת‬ ‫כבודכם‬ ‫להש‬ ‫ת‬ ‫ת‬ ‫ף‬ ‫ב‬ ‫שמח‬ ‫ת‬ ‫ה‬ ‫ב‬ ‫ר‬ ‫מצוה‬

‫י‬ ‫ו‬ ‫ס‬ ‫ף‬ ‫חיים‬

ashem H o t itude t a r g With te you i v n i o u re t s a e l p r it is ou z va h t i M r has Ba c m i S son r to the a e d of our

Yo s e f

‫של‬ ‫ב‬ ‫נ‬ ‫נ‬ ‫ו‬ ‫ה‬ ‫י‬ ‫קר‬

‫י‬ ‫ו‬ ‫ס‬ ‫ף‬ ‫ח‬ ‫י‬ ‫י ם נ״י‬

‫שתת‬ ‫ק‬ ‫י‬ ‫י‬ ‫ם‬ ‫א‬ ‫י‬ ‫״ה בש‬ ‫ב‬ ‫ת‬ ‫פ‬ ‫ר‬ ‫שת ויג‬ ‫ש‬ igash y a V s ‫ט׳ טב‬ ‫ת‬ a rs h a P ‫ת‬ s ‫ש‬ o ‫ע‬ b ‫״‬ ‫ג‬ b ‫שחרית‬ 2 ‫ב‬ 1 on Sha 0 ‫ש‬ 2 ‫ע‬ , ‫ה‬ ‫שמו‬ er 22 ‫נ‬ b ‫ה‬ ‫ו‬ m ‫ח‬ e c ‫צ‬ ‫י‬ De ‫בבו‬ ‫ק‬ ‫ר‬ a.m. 0 3 : 8 t ‫בקהל‬ ‫ת‬ ris a ‫ק‬ a ‫ו‬ h ‫ל‬ c ‫ת‬ a Sh ‫ורה‬ h a r 29 o l To 9 2 K ‫ר‬ s a ‫ח‬ l ‫ו‬ i ‫ב‬ Ke h ‫פאלסט‬ ‫ף‬ f Ro a d f a t ‫בל‬ s ‫ט‬ l ‫י‬ l a ‫מ‬ ‫ו‬ F ‫ר‬ ‚ 9 2 29 ‫מרילנד‬ d rylan a M , ‫קידוש‬ e r ‫א‬ o ‫ח‬ m ‫ר‬ i t l ‫ה‬ Ba ‫תפלה‬ g avenin d g n ‫יעק‬ i ‫ב‬ w ‫ו‬ o l ‫ח‬ l ‫ו‬ o ‫ה‬ f sh ‫רחל‬ ‫ו‬ ‫ו‬ ‫י‬ ‫ל‬ ‫ק‬ Kiddu ‫א‬ ‫טש‬ h

Looking forward to working with you. the

graphic palette

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