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 • Thursday March 30 2017 N$4 EDITION 10 NUMBER 135 Wheels In today’s edition of Wheels, we pro- file 10 of the richest people in the world and what cars they prefer to drive. PAGE 14 YEAR ANNIVERSARY No blanket immunity for ministers A lifetime in aviation The proposed Executive Immuni- acted negligently or acted outside the From a refueller to airport station to Air Namibia for close to four ties Bill of 2017 is not designed to scope of their duties. The legislation controller, Air Namibia’s Martin decades, has been hailed as a grant blanket immunity to ministers, has as its main aim the protection of Andreas is officially going on humble servant with a commitment Attorney-General Sacky Shanghala members of the executive from civil retirement, after almost 40 years to serve and leaves a stable station clarified. Ministers will not be pro- liabilities when exercising their official working for the national airline. behind as he enters his retirement vided with immunity where they have duties PAGE 3 Martin Andreas has been devoted this Friday. PAGE 4 IF EFUNDJA HAD A CUP, THIS WOULD BE IT WATERSPORTS: The recent flooding experienced in northern Namibia has deprived villagers of their football fields. Young men usually play football on the floodplains in the afternoon, but these are now filled with water and they’ll have to wait for it to subside before resuming their games. The spirit of football is kept alive by community games in the rural areas. Omusati, Ohangwena and Oshana are the regions affected by the seasonal flooding. PHOTO: KENYA KAMBOWE Helicopter pilot SPYL ACCUSES CITY POLICE OF UNLAWFUL ACTIONS ‘ignored safety Shack demolitions procedures’ ELLANIE SMIT An investigation into a helicop- ‘inhumane’ son last year has found that the ter crash that killed one per- pilot lied about the number of people of board. The report on the accident states that it was caused by “a loss of tail rotor effectiveness”. Contributing factors were an alleged disregard for standard operating proce- dures, a lack of mountain flying experience and exceeding the helicopter design limits. On 20 April 2016 at around 06:10 pilot Abe van der Merwe and five of his employees departed from Eros Airport in a MD 500 Hughes helicopter with the registration number V5 HFZ to the Molkte- blick mountain range. QUESTIONS: Youth leaders are taking aim at the City Police for removing illegal squatters without a court order, while the police say their actions were justified and within the law. PHOTO: NAMPA T he Swapo Party Youth League JANA-MARI SMITH they ordered the dismantling of at back to 2014, it was ruled that in or- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 least 10 shacks on Monday, saying it has accused the Windhoek der for a structure to be removed, The SPYL has joined City Council and municipality ture without a court order.” would need to be obtained and it of inhumane and oppressive treat- a chorus of outrage was illegal to destroy a “fixed struc- even if it was illegal, “a court order ment of vulnerable residents, as Bernadine Mynhardt, a lawyer at would not be open to the respond- well as potentially costing the rul- against the removal of the Legal Assistance Centre (LAC), ent to remove a structure possessed ing party votes during elections. ten illegal shacks in said a court order was needed be- in that way in the absence of such “We must be mindful that the fore dismantling or destroying any an order”. actions of certain institutions will Windhoek. property or before evicting any per- In a 2013 case, the Supreme Court have direct effect on the people’s son from municipal land, whether in Shaanika and Others versus voting choice come election time,” closure of the car washes in Katutu- that occupation is illegal or not. Windhoek City Police and Others said SPYL acting secretary Veikko ra and the breakdown of the Ishiti- She explained that in a previous struck down “offending provisions Nekundi. ile welding business, the forceful court case on an illegal occupation of the Squatters Proclamation as Nekundi listed numerous recent removal of enterprising youth from dispute, the judge had made it clear being in conflict with the constitu- actions by city authorities, includ- their livelihoods and places where that “every person should have his tion”. ing the “ill-advised, inhumane de- they trade their skills instead of day in court”. molishing of shacks in the 7de Laan stealing or being on the streets.” In Junias versus the Munici- informal and black majority inhab- He claimed that the City Police pal Council of the Municipality WRECKAGE: The wreck of the helicop- ited areas of the city, the deliberate had acted “outside of the law” when of Windhoek, a judgement dating CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ter. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED Find us on Or visit our website: namibiansun.com Contact details: Tel (061) 383 400 | P.O. Box 86829 | 11 General Murtala Mohammed, Eros, Windhoek | E-mail:[email protected]


2 NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 NANDO’S ROASTED FLAME GRILLED: A quick response by staff and the fire brigade prevented the popular Nando’s chicken outlet in Walvis Bay from burning to the ground yesterday. The manager of the Walvis Bay franchise, Buschaley Rittman, confirmed that oil in a deep fryer had caught fire. She said there were no customers in the outlet and none of the ten staff members were injured. “One of my staff members, Augustine Paulinus, noticed the flames. We tried to extinguish it and immediately switched off the main power supply. The fire brigade arrived on the scene within minutes after they were notified. We do not suspect any foul play.” The water used by the firemen to extinguish the flames caused considerable damage to the kitchen. PHOTOS: OTIS FINCK Helicopter EXTREME INEQUALITY REMAINS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 The purpose of the flight was According to the report Van High per capita to recover the wreckage of a helicopter that had crashed at the same position on 8 April. der Merwe gave false infor- mation to air traffic control at Eros Airport about the num- the crash investigation. income hides poverty ber of people on board the helicopter. He also allegedly lied about the number during The pilot reported four peo- ple on board while there were actually six people on board – NAMPA more than the certified num- ber of people allowed on the Donors are pulling out helicopter. of Namibia because they The helicopter had been modified and not certified by perceive the country as the regulator. The passenger doing well, says the CEO of seats had been removed and the passengers were not prop- Nanaso. erly restrained. According to the report only he relatively high per capita in- the pilot and the passenger in come of US$5 693 (around N$70 the right front seat were prop- T000) in Namibia discreetly erly restrained at the time of masks extreme poverty in the coun- the accident. Four passengers try. in the aft compartment were This was said by Namibia Network not restrained because the pi- of Aids Service Organisations (Nana- lot had removed the seats and so) CEO Sandie Tjaronda at the do- the restraining harnesses. nation of food worth N$40 000 by “The doors and seats of the Nanaso to vulnerable people in Ka- IN NEED: Some of the beneficiaries from the Kavango East and West Regions who received food donations. PHOTO: NAMPA helicopter were removed by vango East and West. the pilot prior to the flight,” it Per capita income for a country is ing out of Namibia because they per- of the country’s population remained those on anti-retroviral drugs, while reads. calculated by dividing the country’s ceived the country as doing well, and vulnerable and faced poverty. access to food meant keeping a child The report says on approach national income by its population. it was the per capita income that led “In real life, access to food and nu- in school, therefore maintaining en- for landing on the mountain “There is somebody struggling to to this misconception. trition translates into the produc- rolment. the helicopter was hit by gust- get N$1 000, some have probably not He said while the Namibian econ- tivity of a citizen. When somebody “We only have ourselves as a na- ing winds. even seen what N$1 000 looks like,” omy had been growing at a rate of is hungry they do not even have the tion to look after each other. The “The helicopter tail rotor he said, adding that the per capita in- 4.3%, the country’s unemployment energy to wake up to go and till their days of donors popping out cheques section turned abruptly 180 come hid extreme inequalities in in- rate stood at 29.6%, poverty at 26.9% fields,” he said. and giving us money are over, and degrees to the left, resulting in come distribution and the standard and HIV prevalence at 17.2%. Tjaronda said food could also be this donation we are giving is a sign it spinning out of control and of living in Namibia. This, according to Tjaronda, cre- the bridge that the country needed of our unwavering support to hu- the pilot could not regain con- Tjaronda said donors were pull- ated a situation where the majority to support treatment adherence for manity,” he said. trol of the helicopter again.” According to the report Van der Merwe did not make an Demolitions demolition of homes could be po- to become future politicians and in particular applications to register attempt to approach the land- tentially intensely harmful to the here they are promoting anarchy. businesses, including car washes. ing zone into the wind. Nei- rights and interests of people, and They want to see a country ungov- He added that the City should be ther did he confirm the pow- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 thus a court order was necessary erned. They are creating a breed- prepared to handle the influx of er for the landing available to In that case the court emphasised to ensure an impartial and inde- ing ground for lawlessness and they people and the need for serviced er- him for that altitude and tem- that a court order was needed be- pendent determination “of the legal should refrain from inciting law- ven, an issue that had led to illegal perature. fore structures could be demolished question before the harmful process lessness,” Kanime said. occupation of land. The helicopter hit the or removed, in order to ensure that of demolition and eviction takes He defended the actions of the Kanime said that the car-wash cam- ground and rolled a few me- impartial and independent bodies place,” Mynhardt said. City Police in the removal of illegal paign was launched in mid-2016, tres before it came to rest on determined legal disputes before City Police Chief Abraham Kanime shacks as well as the closure of il- when an awareness campaign was a cliff. any action was taken. yesterday said that in the view of legal car washes and other illegal launched to help inform car-wash The helicopter was co- It was also ruled that disputes about the police, the actions on Mon- businesses. owners of the requirements to run owned by Van der Merwe and illegal occupation of land could day were preventive and had taken “I can tell you, we are professional a legal operation and to provide Avelino Ferreira. “give rise to social disturbance and place before occupation was final. police officers. And we are part of information on the various re- Van der Merwe was not se- anger, particularly because the ex- He explained that the illegal settlers the community. But we have a duty quirements, including water saving riously injured in the crash. ercise of the power may be seen to had prepared the shacks in advance, and that is to protect the laws of the measures. His manager, Theunis Loots, be unfair or abusive”. at another location, and had dug the country.” He emphasised that although the sustained a broken arm and The judgment also addressed the trenches, but had not yet put every- He also fired back at Nekundi and police and the City of Windhoek leg. One of his workers was need for preventing land invasions thing in place when police inter- other critics, saying that instead had shown patience and provided killed in the accident and an- as an “important and legitimate vened and ordered the removal of of criticising the police for doing guidance to businesses on how to other employee, Johannes Au- government purpose”, Mynhardt the structures. their work, political parties should operate lawfully, the law remained gustus, sustained serious head explained. However, the courts em- He questioned the decision by the encourage their followers to obey paramount. injuries. phasised that the prevention of land SPYL to announce their views at the law. “When we do what we do, it is with Van der Merwe is an elec- invasions could be achieved in oth- a press conference instead of ap- Nekundi also took aim at the City of a clear conscience because we need trical engineer and owns the er ways that were less harmful to proaching the City Police or other Windhoek’s administrative depart- to look into all the aspects. But law company Professional Com- the rights and interests of citizens. lawmakers with their concerns. ments, accusing them of incompe- and order should be respected by all munications Systems. The courts acknowledged that the “These are the people who want tence when processing paperwork, of us in the land of the brave.” o o o o NAMIBIA Today’s weather: Windhoek 14 o | 29 o Aranos 15 | 28 o Gobabis 14 32 o Rehoboth 16 | 29 o Otjinene 16 28 o Okongo 16 28 o Sunrise in Windhoek: 06H54 o | | | WEATHER FORECAST Sunset in Windhoek: 19H08


THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 NEWS 3 AG CLARIFIES CONTROVERSIAL BILL No blanket immunity for ministers T he proposed Executive is Im- The Executive Immunities Bill is aimed at ensuring that STAFF REPORTER not munities Bill of 2017 designed to grant blanket im- munity to cabinet ministers, Attor- the members of the executive do not abuse their powers, ney-General Sacky Shanghala clari- fied yesterday. the attorney-general says. “A minister will not be provid- ed with immunity where he or she has acted negligently or acted out- “Ministers are mandated by the democracy,” said Tjombe. side the scope of their duties,” said Namibian constitution and their DTA leader McHenry Venaani Shanghala. authorising legislation to act within believes accountability will be “This is aimed at providing a bal- the course and scope of their duties. thrown out the window if the bill ance to ensure the members of the They are provided with immunity is passed. executive do not abuse their powers for acting within such limits,” he “We must be very careful about and are held accountable.” told Namibian Sun. Reaction to the how we do things. We must avoid a The legislation has as its main aim announcement of the bill a week ago situation where we cannot question the protection of members of the was stark. While some commenta- it when a minister fires the head of executive from civil liabilities when tors indicated their support for the a parastatal without due diligence,” exercising their official duties. bill, lawyer Norman Tjombe said he said. “When exercising executive pow- the bill “has the potential to create According to Shanghala, the con- ers the highest level of good faith an apartheid-style society of upper- cept is not new in Namibia. From and diligence is required. Acting in class and lower-class citizens.” 1985 to 1989, when the then admin- good faith and in pursuance of their He told Namibian Sun that the istrator-general repealed the law official duties refers to the actions current form of the bill is uncon- granting immunity only to the sit- and decisions the member of the stitutional and the supreme law of ting president, when a minister was executive may take as indicated by the country indicates that only the cited in any action or proceeding, law. The member is only protected president has criminal and civil im- he or she was to be cited by the ti- from being personally liable if act- munity while in office. tle of the position and not by name. ing in terms of the functions pre- “Also, Article 10 of the Namibian “The bill is currently on its way to scribed to him or her in law.” Constitution demands that each the Cabinet Committee on Legisla- In clarification, he says the bill person be treated as equal before tion which will settle it before it is does not offer immunity despite the the law, and the Executive Immuni- laid before the national assembly circumstances in which a minister ties Bill blatantly violates this sacro- for to see and scrutinise,” Shangha- CLARITY: Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila and attorney-gen- might have acted. sanct principle of our constitutional la said. eral Sacky Shanghala. PHOTO: NAMPA New procurement board members named OGONE TLHAGE Finance minister Calle Schlett- wein this week announced a new Central Procurement Board fol- lowing the gazetting of the Pub- lic Procurement Act on 31 Decem- ber 2015. The new board replaces the for- mer Tender Board and consists of nine members. Making the announcement in EKING OUT A LIVING: The circumstances for more than a quarter of Namibia’s people are dire and poverty re- the National Assembly yesterday, mains rife. PHOTO: FILE Schlettwein said: “The Central Pro- curement Board will consist of nine MP questions poverty budget by other civil servants. members of whom the chairperson “The question one has to ask is and the deputy chairperson will be what are these people being paid employed on a full-time basis for ELLANIE SMIT matically because a new ministry to do, considering the fact that a period of five years and as such has been created. the only new initiative from the will be entitled to a monthly salary, DTA parliamentarian Elma “Instead, what is needed is to ministry is the food bank pilot whereas the seven board members Dienda feels the 14% budget al- strengthen the operational capac- programme. Surely, spending will be appointed on a part-time ba- location increase awarded to ity of those ministries who have N$42 million for people to dis- sis on a three-year contract.” the Ministry of Poverty Eradi- the potential to directly impact tribute food is not the most cost University of Namibia account- COMPLIANCE: Finance minister cation and Social Welfare is on the livelihoods and wellbe- effective manner in which this ing lecturer Patrick Swartz was ap- Calle Schlettwein. PHOTO: FILE not justified because the only ing of our people,” Dienda said, money could have been spent? pointed as the chairperson while unique initiative introduced by making specific reference to the Are we really doing “more with another accountant, Lischen Rama- consumer activist Michael Gawaseb the ministry is the food bank health ministry and the two edu- less”, when one looks at such kutla, was appointed deputy chair- (deputy chairperson), Ono-Robby pilot programme. cation ministries. strange decisions?” Dienda person. Nangolo, Amon Ngavetene, Selma- “A year on and it appears that According to her, the payment asked. The other members include for- Penna Utonih and Toska Sem. the only unique initiative that of social grants and pension was She also said that food provid- mer Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) According to Schlettwein, 28 ap- has been brought by the Minis- already performed by other exist- ed to selected learners in some Fund boss Jerry Mwadinohamba, fi- plications were received for the re- try of Poverty Eradication is the ing departments and therefore, schools by the ministry is leading nance deputy permanent secretary view panel. Food Bank pilot programme. A it should not be seen as a new to victimisation. Titus Ndove, and engineers Epa- “Fifteen of the applicants did not programme which has already function. “Those learners who receive phras Pendapala, Maria Iyambo and meet the shortlisting criteria and been mentioned by other speak- Dienda said although the minis- food are labelled poor and told Hendrik Cronje. Maria Nakale and only 13 candidates were therefore ers before me and is not without try was intended to “boost” the by their peers that their parents Hilja Nandago-Herman, who both interviewed for the review panel. many administrative problems,” fight against poverty, it has unfor- do not care about them and don’t have a legal background, are the Realising that the recommended said Dienda who voiced her con- tunately not proven to be the case give them food. This victimisa- other members of the board. members did not make up the re- cerns during the budget contri- in reality. tion has meant that even when Explaining the selection, Schlett- quired pool of 15 members, govern- bution in the National Assembly. “All the creation of this ministry a learner is genuinely in need of wein said 67 applications were re- ment resolved to approach tertiary She said she had already ex- has done is further increase the the food they would rather keep ceived for the Central Procurement institutions for nominations. The pressed her concerns last year public service wage bill, which quiet and go hungry because they Board of which 35 were shortlisted, process is at an advanced stage,” he when she questioned the intro- the finance minister of Ffnance are afraid of the stigma that goes having met the requirements. said. duction of the ministry. She said has already admitted is “unsus- with it.” “The shortlisting of the Central Commenting on the issue of the a year later, it is still unclear why tainably high”. According to her, a better ap- Procurement Board was based on dissolved Tender Board, he said: “As the poverty eradication ministry Dienda said the amount budgeted proach would be to provide the number of years of experience we all know, there was a lot of pub- was created arguing that the pur- towards salaries and operational meals to all primary and second- in procurement, the applicant’s own licity on the weaknesses of the cur- pose it is supposed to serve is a costs for the poverty ministry is ary school learners early in the expertise and the gender of each rent Tender Board. We are hopeful crosscutting function that should well over N$42 million which she morning. candidate.” that with the new Public Procure- be performed collectively by all said could have been better spent She further said other target A review board was also intro- ment Act, there will be improve- ministries, offices and agencies. by existing ministries and depart- groups of the food bank scheme duced to members of parliament. ments. I now take this opportunity According to her, an improve- ments to fight poverty, instead of should be people living with dis- It consists of former Social Securi- to inform you that the Tender Board ment in the provision of social employing more staff to perform abilities and orphans and vulner- ty Commission chief executive offic- is legally dissolved with effect from services will not happen auto- functions that already being done able children. er Kenandei Tjivikua (chairperson), 31 March 2017.”


4 NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 NEWS 5 Kathrada was a true patriot – Geingob STAFF REPORTER President Hage Geingob has de- scribed the late anti-apartheid icon Ahmed Kathrada as a true patriot who dedicated his early life to the liberation struggle of South Africa. Kathrada, who died on Tuesday after a short illness at the age of 87, was bur- ied in Johannesburg yesterday. “In his long and illustrious political life, Comrade Kathrada acquired a stellar reputation and will always be remem- bered as a cadre, veteran and anti- apartheid activist who fought alongside and supported his fellow icon, Presi- dent Nelson Mandela,” said Geingob. “Exemplifying a selfless nature, at an early age he chose to dedicate his life to the struggle for liberation of South Africa. Joining his fellow cadres in a heroic quest to end the oppression of black people in South Africa, he fought a good fight so that today, we can all truly be free.” Kathrada was one of iconic men who were arrested at Liliesleaf Farm and found guilty on charges including conspiracy and sabotage during the famous Rivonia Trial in Pretoria dur- ing 1963. He was also one of those sentenced to life in prison and hard labour at Rob- ben Island. “Comrade Kathrada was a true patriot and the sad news of his passing will re- verberate not only in South Africa, but also in Namibia and the world at large. South Africa has lost a true son of the HELLO PENSION: Martin Andreas next to Air Namibia’s Embraer ERJ 135. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED soil,” said Geingob. REST EASY: Ahmed Kathrada, close friend of former President Nelson Mandela, speaks during Mandela’s funeral ceremony in 2013. PHOTO: NAMPA/REUTERS AIR NAMIBIA BIDS FAREWELL TO THE BELOVED TATE MARTIN Shifeta breaks silence on toddler’s shooting on 12 March and were briefed at then just drove off and the team fired warning shots. the reception about the rules and A lifetime in aviation Environment minister Pohamba had to undergo surgery, but has poachers who open fire first. regulations as well as the security The next shot was fired at the right ELLANIE SMIT back wheel causing the tyre to forces in the park. That same day they left the park. puncture. since been discharged from hos- “They have dangerous weap- ons such as AK47s. These are On 15 March, the family wanted to pital. Three shots were further fired at Shifeta this week said security tempted murder against the po- the vehicle still did not stop. ficials wanted to brief them again, forces operating in Namibia’s The family has filed a case of at- war weapons that they are armed enter the park again and when of- the vehicle aiming at the wheel but with,” he said. According to Shife- national parks are not brutal, lice. Shifeta said the public need ta, the soldiers can be armed with Keil said he had already been “The family drove past the tourism STAFF REPORTER is not mixed with water before re- Northern transfer as South West Airways, and later through countless training courses but also have rules of engage- to understand and appreciate the the ammunition that has been con- briefed before. reception where they could have fuelling. When fuel for aircraft has This appointment meant that he renamed Namib Air the very same and workshops. Martin narrates, ment. fact that in most incidents where fiscated from poachers. Shifeta said that morning, three reported the shooting but did not,” Air Namibia’s station been transported, it needs to be sta- had to be transferred to Oshakati. year. Following Namibia’s inde- “For 39 years I worked at Air Na- In addition, the minister said all there is ex- change of fire Shifeta further said poachers en- gun shots had been reported in the Shifeta said adding that they only “I was delighted with this ap- controller at the ble for a while before refuelling to pointment, as I was entrusted with pendence in 1990, Namib Air was mibia, I have gone through multiple visitors to national parks must ad- between security tering parks are well trained. area of Pica-Picau and Nova within stopped at the Divundu checkpoint ensure that dirt and unwanted sub- renamed Air Namibia. In the early training courses; from airport oper- forces and the Buffalo Core Area and the anti- “They reverse their footprints. Or of the Namibian Police. here to directives communicated Ondangwa Airport stances remain at the bottom of the more responsibilities that are very years, Air Namibia only had four ation training to ground handling, to them in situations where there poachers they come into the parks wearing poaching unit suspected there were He, however, pointed out that has been hailed as a container, while clean oil emerges at critical to the daily management small aircraft: a five-seater, eight- aircraft loading and other supervi- is contact with security forces. it is the hooves and you will think it is a ze- elephant poachers there. Anti- there are conflicting versions by the family and the security forces The minister briefed journalists the top,” he explained. bra. It is not our wish to kill, but if seater, 22-seater and the biggest be- poaching activities were intensified sory training.” of the national airline. It was also humble servant with a Three years later, in 1981, Martin a great opportunity to reunite with ing a 55-seater aircraft. Today, Air Joining the aviation industry at about the shooting incident in poachers shoot they have the right and a mobile roadblock was set up. about what happened that day and commitment to serve. was transferred to the workshop di- my family in the north,” he proud- Namibia boasts a fleet of 10 aircraft the youthful age of 21 and spending Bwabwata National Park when an to self-defence.” “At about 15:00 the anti-poaching that investigation will determine vision, working as an engineer assis- ly said. It was in April 1994 when operating nationally, regionally and most of his life at Air Namibia, Mar- anti-poaching unit shot at a family According to the minister, the Keil unit dressed in full uniform and what exactly transpired. tant. He was primarily responsible Martin was appointed as the sta- internationally.” tin said that he will always be grate- of four - Harald Keil, 33, his wife family entered the Buffalo Core with a government vehicle parked According to Shifeta, a Ministerial rom a refueller to airport station for the maintenance of jet engines, tion manager for the Ondangwa ful and indebted to Air Namibia for Teresa, 33, and two daughters, Area at Bwabwata National Park next to the road and stopped Keil Committee on Wildlife Protection controller, Air Namibia’s Mar- replacement of jet tyres and greas- Airport, after the airline’s offices ‘Humble leader’ being part of his life. three-year-old Alexia and two- and his family,” said Shifeta. met on Monday to discuss the in- Ftin Andreas is officially going ing of jet bearings. He served in this moved from Oshakati to Ondangwa. Air Namibia’s acting managing di- “I will miss my Air Namibia fam- year-old Caytlin. EXPLANATION: Environment minister They introduced themselves and cident and ensure that nothing like on retirement, after almost 40 years position for two years, before he He served in this position to his re- rector Mandi Samson described ily, more especially my colleagues at Alexia was shot in the head and Pohamba Shifeta. PHOTO: ELLANIE SMIT asked to search the vehicle. Keil this will happen in future. working for the national airline. was reassigned back to be a refuel- tirement. His day-to-day work is to Martin as a humble leader who Ondangwa, and the friends I have Martin Andreas has been devot- ler. oversee the smooth running of the served customers with a sense of made over the years. But closer to ed to Air Namibia for close to four Apart from being a refueller, Mar- station, making sure that flights de- humility, selflessness and commit- my heart, I will miss the beautiful decades, and leaves a stable station tin was also responsible for training part on the scheduled time and oth- ment. landing and taking off of our air- behind as he enters his retirement and mentoring new refueller train- er duties, including managing staff “Martin’s attention to detail, craft. As I go on retirement, I would this Friday. ees mainly on how to test the quality under his wing. As Martin reflects while keeping the broader picture like to wish the company all the best From humble beginnings, Martin of avgas before refuelling. He held on 39 years of his time at Air Namib- in mind, has been invaluable. His with its current and future plans.” safe joined Air Namibia (Namib Air at this position for four years, from ia, he recalls various developments willingness to put in extra time the time) on 10 February 1978 as a 1983 to early 1987. that took place at the national air- and effort to complete tasks with- & motor show #ADVENTUREAWAITS refueller for aircraft at Eros Airport. A highlight in his career that line. “I have seen Air Namibia grow in deadlines has demonstrated 31 MAY - 03 JUNE 2017 He was responsible for quality con- Martin will always keep close to his from small company to a bigger and commitment to achieve ex- EXTENSION: Home affairs WINDHOEK SHOW GROUNDS trol of aircraft fuel before refuelling heart was when he was appointed better company over the years.” cellence.” During his ca- minister Pendukeni Iivula- THEME: SAFE TRAVEL the aircraft. as avgas station manager for fuelling He continued: “When I started reer, he acquired valuable Ithana. PHOTO: NAMPA “I had to make sure that the fuel aircraft in mid-October 1987. in 1978, the company was known skills in the aviation field SPACE IS LIMITED SWA IDs valid for another year launch of the campaign. Some 70 000 peo- To avoid disappointment, book your stand as soon as possible. ple are estimated to still be in possession of the old ID cards. Available spaces are rapidly filling up. A non-refundable 100% NAMPA tity card within a national territory. Iivula-Ithana called on all Namibians payment will be required to secure bookings. The minister of home affairs and immi- still in possession of SWA IDs to apply for The deadline for the phasing out of the gration, Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana, said in a Namibian IDs before the new deadline of go to: nte.nmh.com.na old South West African (SWA) identity ministerial statement in the National As- 31 March 2018. cards has been extended to 31 March sembly on Tuesday that some Namibians She further said at least 2 000 birth re- Michelle le Roux 2018. were using the old and new ID cards in- cords had been corrected during the same The initial deadline for replacing the terchangeably. time. +264 61 297 2104 +264 81 127 4856 [email protected] cards was to lapse tomorrow. She said the phase-out would allow for The minister also announced that The campaign to replace the cards start- the use of only one. the cabinet had approved the waiving ed a year ago in order to adapt to the inter- The minister indicated that about 4 of fees for changing particulars on na- Namibia Tourism Expo #SafeTravel national practice of using one legal iden- 378 SWA IDs had been replaced since the tional documents.


4 NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 NEWS 5 Kathrada was a true patriot – Geingob STAFF REPORTER President Hage Geingob has de- scribed the late anti-apartheid icon Ahmed Kathrada as a true patriot who dedicated his early life to the liberation struggle of South Africa. Kathrada, who died on Tuesday after a short illness at the age of 87, was bur- ied in Johannesburg yesterday. “In his long and illustrious political life, Comrade Kathrada acquired a stellar reputation and will always be remem- bered as a cadre, veteran and anti- apartheid activist who fought alongside and supported his fellow icon, Presi- dent Nelson Mandela,” said Geingob. “Exemplifying a selfless nature, at an early age he chose to dedicate his life to the struggle for liberation of South Africa. Joining his fellow cadres in a heroic quest to end the oppression of black people in South Africa, he fought a good fight so that today, we can all truly be free.” Kathrada was one of iconic men who were arrested at Liliesleaf Farm and found guilty on charges including conspiracy and sabotage during the famous Rivonia Trial in Pretoria dur- ing 1963. He was also one of those sentenced to life in prison and hard labour at Rob- ben Island. “Comrade Kathrada was a true patriot and the sad news of his passing will re- verberate not only in South Africa, but also in Namibia and the world at large. South Africa has lost a true son of the HELLO PENSION: Martin Andreas next to Air Namibia’s Embraer ERJ 135. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED soil,” said Geingob. REST EASY: Ahmed Kathrada, close friend of former President Nelson Mandela, speaks during Mandela’s funeral ceremony in 2013. PHOTO: NAMPA/REUTERS AIR NAMIBIA BIDS FAREWELL TO THE BELOVED TATE MARTIN Shifeta breaks silence on toddler’s shooting on 12 March and were briefed at then just drove off and the team fired warning shots. the reception about the rules and A lifetime in aviation Environment minister Pohamba had to undergo surgery, but has poachers who open fire first. regulations as well as the security The next shot was fired at the right ELLANIE SMIT forces in the park. That same day back wheel causing the tyre to they left the park. puncture. “They have dangerous weap- since been discharged from hos- pital. Three shots were further fired at ons such as AK47s. These are On 15 March, the family wanted to Shifeta this week said security ficials wanted to brief them again, tempted murder against the po- with,” he said. According to Shife- forces operating in Namibia’s The family has filed a case of at- war weapons that they are armed enter the park again and when of- the vehicle aiming at the wheel but the vehicle still did not stop. national parks are not brutal, lice. Shifeta said the public need ta, the soldiers can be armed with Keil said he had already been “The family drove past the tourism STAFF REPORTER is not mixed with water before re- Northern transfer as South West Airways, and later through countless training courses but also have rules of engage- to understand and appreciate the the ammunition that has been con- briefed before. reception where they could have fuelling. When fuel for aircraft has This appointment meant that he renamed Namib Air the very same and workshops. Martin narrates, ment. fact that in most incidents where fiscated from poachers. Shifeta said that morning, three reported the shooting but did not,” Air Namibia’s station been transported, it needs to be sta- had to be transferred to Oshakati. year. Following Namibia’s inde- “For 39 years I worked at Air Na- In addition, the minister said all there is ex- change of fire Shifeta further said poachers en- gun shots had been reported in the Shifeta said adding that they only “I was delighted with this ap- controller at the ble for a while before refuelling to pointment, as I was entrusted with pendence in 1990, Namib Air was mibia, I have gone through multiple visitors to national parks must ad- between security tering parks are well trained. area of Pica-Picau and Nova within stopped at the Divundu checkpoint ensure that dirt and unwanted sub- here to directives communicated of the Namibian Police. training courses; from airport oper- the Buffalo Core Area and the anti- “They reverse their footprints. Or forces and renamed Air Namibia. In the early Ondangwa Airport stances remain at the bottom of the more responsibilities that are very years, Air Namibia only had four ation training to ground handling, to them in situations where there poachers they come into the parks wearing poaching unit suspected there were He, however, pointed out that has been hailed as a container, while clean oil emerges at critical to the daily management small aircraft: a five-seater, eight- aircraft loading and other supervi- is contact with security forces. it is the hooves and you will think it is a ze- elephant poachers there. Anti- there are conflicting versions by the family and the security forces bra. It is not our wish to kill, but if seater, 22-seater and the biggest be- sory training.” of the national airline. It was also the top,” he explained. The minister briefed journalists poaching activities were intensified humble servant with a Three years later, in 1981, Martin a great opportunity to reunite with ing a 55-seater aircraft. Today, Air Joining the aviation industry at about the shooting incident in poachers shoot they have the right and a mobile roadblock was set up. about what happened that day and commitment to serve. was transferred to the workshop di- my family in the north,” he proud- Namibia boasts a fleet of 10 aircraft the youthful age of 21 and spending Bwabwata National Park when an to self-defence.” “At about 15:00 the anti-poaching that investigation will determine vision, working as an engineer assis- ly said. It was in April 1994 when operating nationally, regionally and most of his life at Air Namibia, Mar- anti-poaching unit shot at a family According to the minister, the Keil unit dressed in full uniform and what exactly transpired. tant. He was primarily responsible Martin was appointed as the sta- internationally.” tin said that he will always be grate- of four - Harald Keil, 33, his wife family entered the Buffalo Core with a government vehicle parked According to Shifeta, a Ministerial rom a refueller to airport station for the maintenance of jet engines, tion manager for the Ondangwa ful and indebted to Air Namibia for Teresa, 33, and two daughters, Area at Bwabwata National Park next to the road and stopped Keil Committee on Wildlife Protection controller, Air Namibia’s Mar- replacement of jet tyres and greas- Airport, after the airline’s offices ‘Humble leader’ being part of his life. three-year-old Alexia and two- and his family,” said Shifeta. met on Monday to discuss the in- Ftin Andreas is officially going ing of jet bearings. He served in this moved from Oshakati to Ondangwa. Air Namibia’s acting managing di- “I will miss my Air Namibia fam- year-old Caytlin. EXPLANATION: Environment minister They introduced themselves and cident and ensure that nothing like on retirement, after almost 40 years position for two years, before he He served in this position to his re- rector Mandi Samson described ily, more especially my colleagues at Alexia was shot in the head and Pohamba Shifeta. PHOTO: ELLANIE SMIT asked to search the vehicle. Keil this will happen in future. working for the national airline. was reassigned back to be a refuel- tirement. His day-to-day work is to Martin as a humble leader who Ondangwa, and the friends I have Martin Andreas has been devot- ler. oversee the smooth running of the served customers with a sense of made over the years. But closer to ed to Air Namibia for close to four Apart from being a refueller, Mar- station, making sure that flights de- humility, selflessness and commit- my heart, I will miss the beautiful decades, and leaves a stable station tin was also responsible for training part on the scheduled time and oth- ment. landing and taking off of our air- behind as he enters his retirement and mentoring new refueller train- er duties, including managing staff “Martin’s attention to detail, craft. As I go on retirement, I would this Friday. ees mainly on how to test the quality under his wing. As Martin reflects while keeping the broader picture like to wish the company all the best From humble beginnings, Martin of avgas before refuelling. He held on 39 years of his time at Air Namib- in mind, has been invaluable. His with its current and future plans.” safe joined Air Namibia (Namib Air at this position for four years, from ia, he recalls various developments willingness to put in extra time the time) on 10 February 1978 as a 1983 to early 1987. that took place at the national air- and effort to complete tasks with- & motor show #ADVENTUREAWAITS refueller for aircraft at Eros Airport. A highlight in his career that line. “I have seen Air Namibia grow in deadlines has demonstrated 31 MAY - 03 JUNE 2017 He was responsible for quality con- Martin will always keep close to his from small company to a bigger and commitment to achieve ex- EXTENSION: Home affairs WINDHOEK SHOW GROUNDS trol of aircraft fuel before refuelling heart was when he was appointed better company over the years.” cellence.” During his ca- minister Pendukeni Iivula- THEME: SAFE TRAVEL the aircraft. as avgas station manager for fuelling He continued: “When I started reer, he acquired valuable Ithana. PHOTO: NAMPA “I had to make sure that the fuel aircraft in mid-October 1987. in 1978, the company was known skills in the aviation field SPACE IS LIMITED SWA IDs valid for another year launch of the campaign. Some 70 000 peo- To avoid disappointment, book your stand as soon as possible. ple are estimated to still be in possession of the old ID cards. Available spaces are rapidly filling up. A non-refundable 100% NAMPA tity card within a national territory. Iivula-Ithana called on all Namibians payment will be required to secure bookings. The minister of home affairs and immi- still in possession of SWA IDs to apply for The deadline for the phasing out of the gration, Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana, said in a Namibian IDs before the new deadline of go to: nte.nmh.com.na old South West African (SWA) identity ministerial statement in the National As- 31 March 2018. cards has been extended to 31 March sembly on Tuesday that some Namibians She further said at least 2 000 birth re- Michelle le Roux 2018. were using the old and new ID cards in- cords had been corrected during the same The initial deadline for replacing the terchangeably. time. +264 61 297 2104 +264 81 127 4856 [email protected] cards was to lapse tomorrow. She said the phase-out would allow for The minister also announced that The campaign to replace the cards start- the use of only one. the cabinet had approved the waiving ed a year ago in order to adapt to the inter- The minister indicated that about 4 of fees for changing particulars on na- Namibia Tourism Expo #SafeTravel national practice of using one legal iden- 378 SWA IDs had been replaced since the tional documents.


6 EDITORIAL & OPINION THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 EDITORIAL & OPINION 7 Editorial & Opinion YOUR UNIqUE CODE 4186 Namibian Sun is a member of the Editors’ Let’s MINGLE Forum of Namibia. We subscribe to the Code of Ethics for the Namibian media Four taps and you can get the and applied by the Media Ombudsman. news on our website editor’s corner SMS sayit! SMS 51500 YOUR MESSAGE SEND Facebook A culture of FORMER PRESIDENT POHAMBA train personnel and create value addi- work under unsafe conditions. NUST has die. Local contractors buy cheap material to rules of the road - speeding. It’s very painful As a leader and president, it is your receive all the profit in their pockets. tion chains, we would have been left with to the husband really. Me I will hunt someone trained so many HSE practitioners under foremost responsibility to know the plight expertise, at least. But Zinc has been the Bachelor of Environmental Health 3 Tuesday March 28 2017 N$4 EDITION 10 NUMBER 133 down, that is a big loss. kickbacks of your country and her people. How can exported in raw form and now we are left Sciences and the majority of them are FRIDAY MARCH 24 2017 Kanguatjivi said it was unclear who NEWS Mossoo Khaii Mutenge: • The Zone PULL TUESDAY MARCH 28 2017 Trials and tribulations THE ZONE TUESDAY MARCH 28 2017 ADDICTIVE: codeine is an opiate which is very addictive. TUESDAY MARCH 28 2017 TUESDAY MARCH 28 2017 JUGGLING MOTHERHOOD AND SCHOOL The balancing act prised her. “They mocked me er found her, their reaction sur- wha t triggered the act. “I cried myself to FRI MON SOF T PL AC E: L EAN TA K ES HIM INT O H IS COMF ORT Z O NE . PHOTOS: SHONA NGAVA PULL 4 OUT! The Zone Weekly section with the most interesting youth news selected for you! Weekly section with the most interesting youth news selected for you! of a teen mother OUT! We need proper and well trained scaffolding In today’s edition of The Zone, a teenage you manage a business if you are clueless with nothing, but unemployment. What unemployed. Give them jobs and avoid mother shares her heart-wrenching mother shares her teenage A about how she coped was in charge of the construction. heart-wrenching story Builder’s story about how she coped thoughts and conflict with with depression, suicidal The Metal and Allied Namibian story inside. Read her inspiring with depression, suicidal close family members. emotions and conflict with tary-general, Justine Jonas, said it close family members. appeared as if the work was com- missioned by a private homeowner regarding the dynamics of your business? happens thereafter? They are saying these kinds of accidents. death Workers Union (Manwu) secre- people to be trained in our country. I think the YEAR ANNIVERSARY 3 Access FNB Cellphone Banking anywhere, anytime, and have 24/7 *140*321# Access full Cellphone Banking banking with FNB Cellphone Banking. access to your money. *140*000# Top up Prepaid Airtime convenient Easy, Eish that road. All I know about B2 road to who hired individual workers in- investigated stead of a registered construction JEMIMA BEUKES “We have sent out a team to do re- Keetmans denies nepotism claims company. search but no one is really coming he Supreme Court judgement, which I call it bull. Namibia’s economy will return to normal A Windhoek construction work- out to say something. We suspect reason for that collapse was wrong scaffold- Disgruntled Keetmanshoop resi- flicts of interests in the allocation the coast is that it is always busy and it’s very er died on Wednesday afternoon of municipal camps. The residents the homeowner just contracted someone to do the work,” said Jo- were referring to camps that were when a wall of a flat he was build- dents claim that the town council ing collapsed and bricks fell on leased for a further five years to is “penalising the poor” while nas. his head. the labour ministry, Sebastian Ka- poaching strategies this year. The and council workers. They want the foothold in the council. ruled against the awarding of a mul- when the new Uranium (Husab) mine LAND Police spokesperson Edwin Kan- The chief industrial inspector in ing setup. Poaching fight intensifies favouring councillors, their families people who allegedly have a firm PAGE 3 narrow. I don’t know why our government can’t ministry will meet with all private guatjivi said the accident happened ACC to investigate possible con- pek, could not shed light on the at Ghoti Court flats in the Ot- incident either. He said a team had In an effort to curb the escalating rhino owners in Namibia in an effort Health minister poaching in Namibia, the Ministry jomuise residential area of Wind- to stop rhino poaching on commer- been sent out to investigate the in- of Environment and Tourism has hoek. Ttimillion-dollar tender to a Chinese *I am still in utter shock about recent opens. This overdependence on raw ma- Why are Namibians so greedy? We see The deceased has been identified as cident. FATAL: A 26-year-old man died STRANDED TRUCKER come up with a programme that will cial farms. PAGE 2 urges abortion work on that road and put a toll gate. Rest in engage farmers, traditional leaders According to Kanguatjivi four other Onesmus Shapona (26). and neighbouring parks in its anti- when a wall he was building col- debate workers sustained serious injuries lapsed. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED and were admitted to the Katutura JANA-MARI SMITH Kazenambo ALLEGEDLY THREATENED A POLICE OFFICER fiku says the time has come to FAMILY TRIP ENDS IN TRAGEDY company to upgrade and expand the Hosea utterances made by former president terials is worrying. And still these things that only those in top positions in govern- State Hospital. RETURNS HOME David Osama: ‘Miracle’ baby Health minister Bernhard Hau- peace. renew the debate on decrimi- nalising abortion after more than 7 100 women were treated at state hospitals last year for Kutako International Airport, is definitely Hifikepunye Pohamba. How does he really go on. Africa – what will happen to us ment and the well-known who own prop- Don’t talk about occupational safety if the complications arising from sus- pected illegal abortions. The minister said 7 335 abor- tions were recorded at health fa- cilities, of which only 138 were legally performed on medical a major victory for government given the with a straight face look us in the eye and when they western world has finished our erties across the length and breadth of pleads not guilty building collapses, better to say the artisans survives crash grounds. Marthen Luther King: The minister said the vast ma- jority of the abortions were back- street abortions, and these num- bers indicated that a fresh debate financial situation we find ourselves in. The claim to not have known about the suffer- minerals. Anyway, I hope our generation Namibia and still want to own more land, ELLANIE SMIT and so on – The building collapsed in what was urgently needed. Poor father, three children and the wife is too “I am reporting it here because obviously this is a major concern as unsafe abortions pose a ma- jor risk to women’s physical and Former cabinet minister mental health. We need an hon- tion on the reasons why so many Supreme Court concluded that the tender ing of the people during his time in office? will change things. yet there are people who own nothing. Kazenambo Kazenambo has manner? est and thorough national reflec- much to lose at once. May God watch over you women risk their lives by [get- denied threatening, insulting ting] unsafe abortions in a country and assaulting a police officer where contraceptives are widely at a veterinary checkpoint last “Most importantly, we need to procedures were seemingly flouted when He is the president that did the very least TKazenambo started yesterday in the GOING HOME: Timothy Changwe, the Zambian truck available. and protect the souls of your beloved ones. We ask ourselves whether it is not year. time to relook at the legislation driver who was stranded next to his overturned trail- er for a month and a week, began his journey home and decriminalise abortion. The he trial of outspoken politician and former cabinet minister Kazenambo yesterday afternoon. Changwe called Namibian Sun facts speak for themselves.” Doctors confirmed yesterday thanking the newspaper for an article on his roadside I couldn’t do anything. How- ever, I saw a neck of a person the Namibia Airports Company (NAC) for this country and if I was him I would COLLAPSED BUILDING *No Chinese should be allowed to buy Gobabis Regional Court, where he plead- yesterday, saying he was finally returning home and Abed Amoonga: A gruesome car accident at the coast claimed the crash. “The baby broke my baby. I felt helpless because that at least three women had pray that you find strength and comfort to get ordeal. “My dream has come true,” he said. “We are on died from botched abortions since ed not guilty to several charges. 2015, and that many more were He faces charges of crimen injuria, as- who was trapped inside the our way back to Zambia.” Fashion Emporium Ltd, the heart,” said Onno Onesmus, who was one of first peo- saulting a member of the police, resisting company Changwe is employed by, was able to arrange treated for serious complications mangled vehicle. I assume that ple to arrive at the a member of the police, and preventing a following illegal backstreet abor- for the overturned trailer to be loaded onto another STAFF REPORTER was the baby’s mother. It was a horrific scene.” Onesmus also police officer from performing his duties. scene. the journey home to Kitwe in Zambia. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED The charges stem from events that hap- Haufiku said a wider debate on Polo on its elected to hand Anhui Foreign Econom- quietly enjoy my retirement and not say Most of these small local companies land in this country please. Chinese pened on 7 May last year at the Gam vet- truck and Changwe, along with his colleague, started David, how do you understand occupational lives of a mother and her three children “I first saw a to the recalled how the screams of a tions. the issue was crucial. through this tough season God has put you in. young girl trapped inside the roof and erinary checkpoint in the Otjinene Re- wreck pierced the still morn- Doctors pointed out that many gion. Kazenambo allegedly threatened, someone of the more than 7 100 abortions yesterday. ing. “At the back of the bak- cursed and assaulted a police officer who kie there was a young girl who recorded could have been miscar- lying next kie and a VW Polo collid- riages with natural causes. shaken witness said he was screaming for help. She tried to inspect his car. The complainant, Constable Eneas Ku- cano- ic Construction Group the tender worth such things. do not want to employ safety officers, should rent from us and no Chinese WORKER DIES AFTER STRUCTURE COL- health and safety? What are key the com- MOTHER, THREE CHILDREN DIE IN B2 was trapped inside the car and Still, Haufiku emphasised that ed roughly heard a baby calling from a nasha, finished testifying yesterday after the numbers were a red flag I later realised that there were py with A car after arriving at an ac- 5km east of moving a lengthy cross-examination by defence showing that the situation was two other kids on top of her. cident scene near Arandis early the Arandis legs, but According to the charge sheet, Ka- struggling counsel Partick Kauta. yesterday morning. turn-off on to breathe. They were not moving at all,” “completely out of control”. The majority of women who at- the way to The baby girl, Rachika Armiera he said. Onesmus left the scene zenambo unlawfully and intention- Dauses, miraculously survived tempt illegal abortions in Namibia the coast. about N$6.2 billion at the current exchange because they don’t want to pay, but they should be allowed come in doing semi- LAPSES ally insulted and impaired Kunasha’s petencies and capabilities necessary for CRASH the accident unscathed and The baby’s but I could hear after the police arrived. are under the age of 25, and many Chefe Haihambo: There was no one in the Polo, are in their teens, doctors said. dignity when he said to him: “Fuck mother, Hilde was discharged from a local ambo,” and: “You are a poor CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 hospital. Rachika is exactly two Antonio Dauses, xt to the Nis- and siblings Chan- rate. The upgrade and expansion of the Ho- SKORPION ZINC are making a lot of money. They are busy skilled work in here. I’m not in support of A construction worker died last week after health and safety? If the things are not okay, A gruesome car accident at the coast claimed Let’s obey the rules of the road please. If you sea Kutako International Airport has been a You see why mineral beneficiation is compromising the health and safety of these Chinese who don’t obey our labour a structural collapse at a construction site the safety officer has the full right to talk to the lives of a mother and her three children are not obeying the rules, then you will kill contentious issue for quite some time now, important? Had the money been used to the poor general workers by making them laws. of a new house in Otjomuise. Four others artisans; those are duties of safety engineers, this week. Here are some of your Facebook others that are obeying the rules. Let’s drive the with allegations that the tendering pro- escaped with injuries. Here are some of your safety managers and safety supervisors etc. comments. way we were driving with the examiners (driv- cess was unfair, while it was considered by Send your comments, views, news, tips by simply typing sayit: followed by your message sms to 51500. sms charged at N$3. Facebook comments. ing test) before getting the licence. many as a skewed priority given the num- David Osama: Abby-silva N Immanue: ber of other challenges facing the nation. Emirate Shaanika: If the building collapses bra, that is the arti- It’s such very bad news. May their souls rest in Lorraine Nona Naweses: Proponents of the airport deal had argued Shot of the day I observed that Namibian companies, espe- sans fault due to the fact that he/she didn’t peace and may Almighty God give the families What does a tyre burst have to do with rules of that the airport deal – estimated to be three cially in construction lack safety and don’t know how to do things right. The right quanti- strength and provide a speedy recovery to the the road? times bigger than the current one – was care about workers’ lives. I blame the govern- ties and/or quality, or perhaps the foundation injured victims. Please not all accidents are important for Namibia as it will bring new ment for not controlling this. Innocent people was not right, in terms of straightness or the caused by not adhering to the road rules. Tech- Chefe Haihambo: flight choices as well as more passengers. At lose lives because of these greedy people. right width that may obviously lead to a build- nicalities should also not be ruled out. If you were not speeding and one of the tyres the moment, Hosea Kutako International Where is our government? This is not the first ing falling. What if the scaffolding collapses happen to burst, you can control your vehicle, Airport only handles about 760 000 passen- time that government fails to burn these com- or a worker falls from the scaffolding or build- Ursula Thomas: Nona, but if you are speeding, you know the gers annually, while the NAC had projected panies – May his soul rest in eternal peace. ing, who to be blamed for that? I understand It doesn’t matter how many lanes there are or story. that the upgrades and expansion will lead the occupational health and safety bra, be- how big the road is. The main issue is reck- to about three million air travellers mak- Epson Shapumbanyoko: cause I am an occupational health and safety less driving and driving under the influence. Chefe Haihambo: ing use of the spacious new terminal over It is true Shaanika, they always say the officer too. They better explain in which man- The government is not responsible for road Maru, driver can lose control of the vehicle if a year period. We must give credit to those capacity is there to deliver and look at what ner the building collapsed in the first place accidents. And I always say always that the one he/she is speeding, how will you lose control if who never gave up pursuing this matter in happened now... this is no more land of the before more investigations done. at fault, never dies. My heartfelt condolences to the car is moving slowly? Never, unless drunk a court of law. The Supreme Court ruling brave, it is now the land of corruption ... may the bereaved families, may our heavenly Father or blind. truly enhances integrity and curbs corrup- his soul RIP. Abed Amoonga: give you strength during this time. tion in public procurement, which has for Due to the lack of occupational health and Dallacky Shimhanda: long been the target of greedy officials who Emirate Shaanika: safety, accidents will continue day by day. Kaiho Rikambura: My their souls rest in eternal peace. But to be get kickbacks from deliberately overpric- They must ensure Safety measures. Our roads are now the most likely place to die honest we road users also. God have mercy, ing contracts. The fact that the airport Joseph Haixuna: in Namibia, as sad as it is. I may not accuse the God have mercy. There’s already 120Km, mean- upgrade tender did not receive treasury Justina Nelago Keendjele: May the Lord comfort the family in this time driver of anything, but those of us reading this ing that whatever is happening to the car or approval confirms the long-held assertion Most of these small local companies do not of difficulty and let the angels protect the should really obey traffic rules and drive at the something jumps in the road you will be able to that there are those in government who are want to employ safety officers because they spirit of this man. May his soul rest in eternal correct speed limit. Loss of vehicle control can handle the speed. But we drive like 180-200km. clearly abusing their positions of responsi- don’t want to pay, but they are making a lot peace! happen, but chances are at a speed of 120Km/h God have mercy. bility in both government and private sec- of money... and compromising the health and and below you stand a greater chance of tor. It is also our sincere hope that the new safety of the poor general workers by making Dawid Beukes: regaining control or in case of crash, since the Dallacky Shimhanda: procurement act, which will be ready for them work under unsafe conditions. NUST Everyone is a builder these days. Skimp maar impact will not be that bad. Otherwise to the We are allergic to facing reality in Namibia. implementation effective 1 April this year, has trained so many HSE practitioners under net... speed lovers, drinking drivers, cowboys, trust will restore the ministry of finance’s image. the Bachelor’s of Environmental Health Sci- yourself ninjas and to the “it-won’t-happen-to- Nosheen Abbas: The Tender Board has equally been given ences and majority of them are unemployed.... Annabel Onel Shakuka: me” thinkers, death is the only next thing and Why can’t this road be made into a double lane a chance to proof that it can award public give them jobs and avoid these kinds of ac- Yes, you are right Shaanika. In many con- the worst is that you will kill those people who highway on both sides so that people don’t risk tenders in a transparent and fair manner. cidents – My condolences to the family of the struction companies there is no safety, that’s are obeying the rules – may their souls rest in their lives overtaking or end up driving into Accountability must constitute a central deceased. why most workers are at risk of getting eternal peace. oncoming traffic??? There’s plenty of space to pillar of our public procurement system. injured. build a double lane road. We can ill afford to be a kickback nation. Gerto’s Landsberg: Law Capitan YozoNdopore Tjaveondja: Even if am wearing a safety helmet or boots Kanu Nangobe: So the driver of the polo did not die? There is Carl Hiiko: Contact details and the building collapses, I am still going to Safety is important. only one thing involved – she did not follow the Well said. SORELY MISSED: Winnie Mandela, centre, ex-wife of the late President Nelson Mandela, attends the memorial service in honour of anti-apart- Letters We kindly ask our readers to limit their letters to 770 words Tel (061) 383 400 - Fax 306 853 heid stalwart Ahmed Kathrada in Johannesburg, South Africa. Celebrated South African anti-apartheid activist Ahmed KATHRADA, a Robben P.O. Box 86829, Eros 11 Island prisoner and one of Nelson Mandela’s closest colleagues in the struggle against apartheid rule, died early on March 28, 2017, aged 87. General Murtala Mohammed Road, Eros, Windhoek PHOTO: NAMPA/AFP English is not a measure built on contradictions due to the so-called role in human behaviour through genetic in- native languages unless in areas of speciali- of Intelligence official languages of which some are not Afri- heritance. In Namibia English is remnant of sation e.g. Education. This sad situation has Website: www.sun.com.na can, such as English, this helped the English colonial times and it requires our intellectual placed many learners in intellectual discom- Email: [email protected] #Tweets Tomas Kaapanda writes; to remain oppressive and use their language sufficiency and fortitude to fearlessly con- fort in villages and shantytowns, who have South African Political analyst and writer as a medium of superior interaction to exploit front this colonial stimulus that affects the become gangsters and prostitutes, because Editor: Sport Reporters: Festus Nakatana Jesse Jackson Kauraisa KATHRADA @MapsMaponyane ing and creating their own albums this year Prince Mashele once wrote; “English is not a Africans through uncompromising politi- advancement of African languages by cutting they are denied entry to University due to [email protected] @daz_inc_ Sad to wake up to the news of instead of getting stuck on mixing SA house. mark of intelligence,” his argument validates cal agreements and trade deals. The issue of its influence and making African languages English and not any other language. Those Production Editor: News Editor: Sylvester Kandukira #Kathrada says he the passing of #AhmedKathrada Let’s Create! that if English was a mark of intelligence why linguistic superiority and dominance under- official languages to reject the hypocrisy of who disagree can observe NAMCOL centres Yanna Smith doesn’t want a state - One of the greatest and most are there hobos in London? This is critical mines African linguistic systems so much so, European language domination. The domi- and see how many learners are improving [email protected] Designers: funeral. Basically “I don’t selfless leaders we ever had. RIP @ChilliKong consciousness, an absolute re-imagination of that in Namibia not even at a university level nation of the English language in Namibia in their English grades, some are already uni- Aina Mushelenga Assistant News Editor: Kohlman Theonistha want Zuma addressing my Uncle Kathy. Babes who drive Polo Vivo’s and love wine Africa from the sentiments of oppression and do students have choices for the medium the next centuries would mean that Namibia, versity students, and some are government Namene Helmich funeral”. call you after you anonymously text her. The an encounter between African and European of instruction; they are only conditioned to as is still the case, will be spiritually, intellec- and private sector officials. What is worrying [email protected] Oshakati Office: SIDELINERS broke babes reply “Hu dis?” linguistic systems in terms of societal of val- English, despite the majority having done tually and even romantically be dependent students is the manner whereby English has Tel (065) 224 104 Sub-Editors: @AmnestySARO @TheMerja ues. Like any other language, English is not a English only as a second language. This issue on English as a medium to define our identi- undermined our Native languages and even Herma Prinsloo Reporters: Today we mourn the loss You know who stresses me the most in @Naffy101 measure of intelligence it is simply a medium attracted national consciousness among stu- ties; this is not comic, but rather a repres- passing it with the highest grade would mean Dorcas Mhungu Kenya Kambowe of a human rights icon. this country? The black capitalist who grew Guys, please sort out your issues with of communication and interaction which dents over the past years, we need a meaning- sive state of affairs. Let’s learn from instances studying in London the fact of the matter is Ileni Nandjato Reporters: A man who led by example up poor, beat the odds & now berates the Edgar’s. We are tired of sending “Pick up, it’s survived the best among other languages due ful dialogue in order to place this conscious- when English vandalised the advancement of that they (English people) still have hobos Fred Goeieman Coastal Reporter: and who inspired us all. #AhmedKathrada. socialist. me” Texts. to successful British colonial expansion glob- ness into a new perspective that will drive intelligence in Namibia; in primary schools, in London. Intellect can be demonstrated Ellanie Smit Otis Finck Michael Kayunde [email protected] ally. Intelligence knows no language, if Eng- social justice at its best and redefine African whether you passed with an A+ in Oshin- through English or any other language, but Jemima Beukes @SocialSA_ @KadHenga @SirTanga lish was a measure of intellect than history philosophies in a new ideological fashion. donga, Otjiherero or any other language na- it’s not English or any other language, which Shona Ngava Brand Manager: Rest in peace our struggle icon, Mr Kath- The amount of young adults that wear specs Namibian Men are cowards though! You could project Jesus Christ. Famous philoso- The domination of European languages as tive to Namibia and scored better in all other is a measure of intellect. English and intel- Jana-Mari Smith Vincent Richard Ogone Tlhage [email protected] rada. We appreciate your amazing contribu- these days, what’s killing our eyes guys? hardly hear women killing us for cheating or phers such as Karl Marx, Confucius, Chinua Official languages in Africa is a common phe- subjects, but failed English, the rules were ligence are two different variables; English is Tel: 061 383 413 tions to South Africa. #AhmedKathrada. ending a relationship. Achebe, Aristotle, Frantz Fanon, John Mbiti nomenon. From the previous paragraph it such that you could not proceed to the next a language and its part of a specific linguistic Entertainment Reporter: @Givenazo_ and Pythagoras were not English, hence it can be deduced that Africa and particularly grade unless pardoned by a teacher or the and lexical system and intellect is generally June Shimoushili Subscriptions: Christiane Maluche @Jay_Naidoo If I clean a vacuum cleaner, am I a vacuum @18opson cannot be deduced that the English people Namibia is linguistically still under colonial school authority. In grade 12 English is the abstract and can be exhibited through any Proofreader: Tel (061) 297 2076 A generation of true leaders of heart and cleaner? Let’s all stop pointing fingers at our ladies or rather their language is the mother or a influence. This influence can be equated to biggest obstacle to progressing to university language or lexical systems of choice, intel- Ronel Grove [email protected] spirit who served our people with humility about abortion. We men are also guilty for father of intellectuality. In Africa, particu- a genotypic phenomenon in human biology level, with a minimum requirement of a D lect is innate, English is not innate and is Namibian Sun is a publication of Namibia Media Holdings and selflessness. I salute #AhmedKathrada @LosFernandoG choosing not to protect during sex. We are larly in Namibia, our education systems are wherein the invisible genes play a pivotal or E symbol in English, they do not consider learned. Pty (Ltd) and is printed by Newsprint Namibia ISSN 1997-4876 #hamba kahle. I hope Namibian house DJ’s start produc- all guilty.


6 EDITORIAL & OPINION THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 EDITORIAL & OPINION 7 Editorial & Opinion YOUR UNIqUE CODE 4186 Namibian Sun is a member of the Editors’ Let’s MINGLE Forum of Namibia. We subscribe to the Code of Ethics for the Namibian media Four taps and you can get the and applied by the Media Ombudsman. news on our website editor’s corner SMS sayit! SMS 51500 YOUR MESSAGE SEND Facebook A culture of FORMER PRESIDENT POHAMBA train personnel and create value addi- work under unsafe conditions. NUST has die. Local contractors buy cheap material to rules of the road - speeding. It’s very painful trained so many HSE practitioners under receive all the profit in their pockets. tion chains, we would have been left with to the husband really. Me I will hunt someone As a leader and president, it is your foremost responsibility to know the plight expertise, at least. But Zinc has been the Bachelor of Environmental Health 3 Tuesday March 28 2017 N$4 EDITION 10 NUMBER 133 down, that is a big loss. kickbacks of your country and her people. How can exported in raw form and now we are left Sciences and the majority of them are FRIDAY MARCH 24 2017 Kanguatjivi said it was unclear who NEWS Mossoo Khaii Mutenge: • The Zone PULL The Zone mother shares her heart-wrenching story about how she coped thoughts and conflict with with depression, suicidal Read her inspiring close family members. teenage story inside. A MON OUT! PULL FRI 4 THE ZONE SOF T PL AC E: L EAN TA K ES HIM INT O H IS COMF ORT Z O NE . PHOTOS: SHONA NGAVA ADDICTIVE: codeine is an opiate which is v Weekly section with the most interesting youth news selected for you! Weekly section with the most interesting youth news selected for you! TUESDAY MARCH 28 2017 Trials and tribulations of a teen mother OUT! In today’s edition of The Zone, a teenage you manage a business if you are clueless with nothing, but unemployment. What We need proper and well trained scaffolding mother shares her heart-wrenching unemployed. Give them jobs and avoid was in charge of the construction. story about how she coped Builder’s The Metal and Allied Namibian with depression, suicidal emotions and conflict with tary-general, Justine Jonas, said it close family members. appeared as if the work was com- regarding the dynamics of your business? happens thereafter? They are saying these kinds of accidents. death Workers Union (Manwu) secre- people to be trained in our country. I think the YEAR ANNIVERSARY 3 Access FNB Cellphone Banking Cellphone Banking. *140*000# Top up Prepaid Airtime anywhere, anytime, and have 24/7 *140*321# Access full Cellphone Banking convenient banking with FNB access to your money. Easy, Eish that road. All I know about B2 road to missioned by a private homeowner who hired individual workers in- investigated stead of a registered construction company. JEMIMA BEUKES “We have sent out a team to do re- Keetmans denies nepotism claims search but no one is really coming he Supreme Court judgement, which I call it bull. Namibia’s economy will return to normal A Windhoek construction work- out to say something. We suspect reason for that collapse was wrong scaffold- Disgruntled Keetmanshoop resi- flicts of interests in the allocation the coast is that it is always busy and it’s very er died on Wednesday afternoon of municipal camps. The residents the homeowner just contracted someone to do the work,” said Jo- were referring to camps that were when a wall of a flat he was build- dents claim that the town council ing collapsed and bricks fell on leased for a further five years to is “penalising the poor” while nas. ruled against the awarding of a mul- when the new Uranium (Husab) mine LAND Police spokesperson Edwin Kan- The chief industrial inspector in ing setup. Poaching fight intensifies favouring councillors, their families people who allegedly have a firm PAGE 3 narrow. I don’t know why our government can’t and council workers. They want the foothold in the council. his head. the labour ministry, Sebastian Ka- poaching strategies this year. The guatjivi said the accident happened ministry will meet with all private ACC to investigate possible con- pek, could not shed light on the rhino owners in Namibia in an effort at Ghoti Court flats in the Ot- incident either. He said a team had In an effort to curb the escalating Health minister poaching in Namibia, the Ministry been sent out to investigate the in- to stop rhino poaching on commer- jomuise residential area of Wind- of Environment and Tourism has hoek. Ttimillion-dollar tender to a Chinese *I am still in utter shock about recent opens. This overdependence on raw ma- Why are Namibians so greedy? We see The deceased has been identified as cident. when a wall he was building col- STRANDED TRUCKER come up with a programme that will cial farms. PAGE 2 urges abortion work on that road and put a toll gate. Rest in engage farmers, traditional leaders According to Kanguatjivi four other FATAL: A 26-year-old man died Onesmus Shapona (26). and neighbouring parks in its anti- workers sustained serious injuries debate lapsed. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED and were admitted to the Katutura JANA-MARI SMITH Kazenambo fiku says the time has come to company to upgrade and expand the Hosea utterances made by former president terials is worrying. And still these things that only those in top positions in govern- State Hospital. RETURNS HOME David Osama: ‘Miracle’ baby Health minister Bernhard Hau- peace. FAMILY TRIP ENDS IN TRAGEDY ALLEGEDLY THREATENED A POLICE OFFICER renew the debate on decrimi- nalising abortion after more than 7 100 women were treated at state hospitals last year for Kutako International Airport, is definitely Hifikepunye Pohamba. How does he really go on. Africa – what will happen to us ment and the well-known who own prop- Don’t talk about occupational safety if the complications arising from sus- pected illegal abortions. The minister said 7 335 abor- tions were recorded at health fa- cilities, of which only 138 were legally performed on medical a major victory for government given the with a straight face look us in the eye and when they western world has finished our erties across the length and breadth of pleads not guilty building collapses, better to say the artisans survives crash grounds. The minister said the vast ma- Marthen Luther King: jority of the abortions were back- street abortions, and these num- bers indicated that a fresh debate “I am reporting it here because financial situation we find ourselves in. The claim to not have known about the suffer- minerals. Anyway, I hope our generation Namibia and still want to own more land, ELLANIE SMIT and so on – The building collapsed in what was urgently needed. Poor father, three children and the wife is too obviously this is a major concern as unsafe abortions pose a ma- jor risk to women’s physical and Former cabinet minister mental health. We need an hon- Supreme Court concluded that the tender ing of the people during his time in office? will change things. yet there are people who own nothing. Kazenambo Kazenambo has manner? est and thorough national reflec- much to lose at once. May God watch over you tion on the reasons why so many women risk their lives by [get- denied threatening, insulting and assaulting a police officer ting] unsafe abortions in a country where contraceptives are widely at a veterinary checkpoint last procedures were seemingly flouted when He is the president that did the very least TKazenambo started yesterday in the GOING HOME: Timothy Changwe, the Zambian truck available. “Most importantly, we need to and protect the souls of your beloved ones. We ask ourselves whether it is not year. time to relook at the legislation driver who was stranded next to his overturned trail- he trial of outspoken politician and and decriminalise abortion. The er for a month and a week, began his journey home former cabinet minister Kazenambo yesterday afternoon. Changwe called Namibian Sun facts speak for themselves.” Doctors confirmed yesterday thanking the newspaper for an article on his roadside I couldn’t do anything. How- died from botched abortions since ever, I saw a neck of a person ordeal. “My dream has come true,” he said. “We are on the Namibia Airports Company (NAC) for this country and if I was him I would COLLAPSED BUILDING *No Chinese should be allowed to buy Gobabis Regional Court, where he plead- yesterday, saying he was finally returning home and Abed Amoonga: STAFF REPORTER crash. “The baby broke my baby. I felt helpless because that at least three women had pray that you find strength and comfort to get ed not guilty to several charges. our way back to Zambia.” Fashion Emporium Ltd, the heart,” said Onno Onesmus, who was trapped inside the 2015, and that many more were He faces charges of crimen injuria, as- who was one of first peo- saulting a member of the police, resisting mangled vehicle. I assume that treated for serious complications company Changwe is employed by, was able to arrange ple to arrive at the a member of the police, and preventing a following illegal backstreet abor- was the baby’s mother. It was a A gruesome car accident at the coast claimed the for the overturned trailer to be loaded onto another horrific scene.” Onesmus also police officer from performing his duties. scene. Haufiku said a wider debate on The charges stem from events that hap- the journey home to Kitwe in Zambia. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED Polo on its elected to hand Anhui Foreign Econom- quietly enjoy my retirement and not say Most of these small local companies land in this country please. Chinese pened on 7 May last year at the Gam vet- truck and Changwe, along with his colleague, started David, how do you understand occupational lives of a mother and her three children “I first saw a recalled how the screams of a tions. the issue was crucial. through this tough season God has put you in. young girl trapped inside the erinary checkpoint in the Otjinene Re- roof and wreck pierced the still morn- Doctors pointed out that many of the more than 7 100 abortions someone gion. Kazenambo allegedly threatened, yesterday. ing. “At the back of the bak- recorded could have been miscar- kie there was a young girl who lying next kie and a VW cursed and assaulted a police officer who was screaming for help. She shaken witness said he to the riages with natural causes. Polo collid- cano- tried to inspect his car. The complainant, Constable Eneas Ku- ed roughly heard a baby calling from a ic Construction Group the tender worth such things. do not want to employ safety officers, should rent from us and no Chinese WORKER DIES AFTER STRUCTURE COL- health and safety? What are key the com- MOTHER, THREE CHILDREN DIE IN B2 Still, Haufiku emphasised that was trapped inside the car and the numbers were a red flag I later realised that there were nasha, finished testifying yesterday after A car after arriving at an ac- py with 5km east of moving showing that the situation was two other kids on top of her. a lengthy cross-examination by defence cident scene near Arandis early the Arandis legs, but According to the charge sheet, Ka- struggling counsel Partick Kauta. yesterday morning. turn-off on to breathe. They were not moving at all,” “completely out of control”. The majority of women who at- he said. Onesmus left the scene The baby girl, Rachika Armiera the way to tempt illegal abortions in Namibia zenambo unlawfully and intention- Dauses, miraculously survived the coast. There was no about N$6.2 billion at the current exchange because they don’t want to pay, but they should be allowed come in doing semi- LAPSES ally insulted and impaired Kunasha’s petencies and capabilities necessary for CRASH the accident unscathed and The baby’s but I could hear after the police arrived. are under the age of 25, and many Chefe Haihambo: one in the Polo, are in their teens, doctors said. dignity when he said to him: “Fuck was discharged from a local mother, Hilde CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ambo,” and: “You are a poor hospital. Rachika is exactly two Antonio Dauses, xt to the Nis- and siblings Chan- rate. The upgrade and expansion of the Ho- SKORPION ZINC are making a lot of money. They are busy skilled work in here. I’m not in support of A construction worker died last week after health and safety? If the things are not okay, A gruesome car accident at the coast claimed Let’s obey the rules of the road please. If you sea Kutako International Airport has been a You see why mineral beneficiation is compromising the health and safety of these Chinese who don’t obey our labour a structural collapse at a construction site the safety officer has the full right to talk to the lives of a mother and her three children are not obeying the rules, then you will kill contentious issue for quite some time now, important? Had the money been used to the poor general workers by making them laws. of a new house in Otjomuise. Four others artisans; those are duties of safety engineers, this week. Here are some of your Facebook others that are obeying the rules. Let’s drive the with allegations that the tendering pro- escaped with injuries. Here are some of your safety managers and safety supervisors etc. comments. way we were driving with the examiners (driv- cess was unfair, while it was considered by Send your comments, views, news, tips by simply typing sayit: followed by your message sms to 51500. sms charged at N$3. Facebook comments. ing test) before getting the licence. many as a skewed priority given the num- David Osama: Abby-silva N Immanue: ber of other challenges facing the nation. Emirate Shaanika: If the building collapses bra, that is the arti- It’s such very bad news. May their souls rest in Lorraine Nona Naweses: Proponents of the airport deal had argued Shot of the day I observed that Namibian companies, espe- sans fault due to the fact that he/she didn’t peace and may Almighty God give the families What does a tyre burst have to do with rules of that the airport deal – estimated to be three cially in construction lack safety and don’t know how to do things right. The right quanti- strength and provide a speedy recovery to the the road? times bigger than the current one – was care about workers’ lives. I blame the govern- ties and/or quality, or perhaps the foundation injured victims. Please not all accidents are important for Namibia as it will bring new ment for not controlling this. Innocent people was not right, in terms of straightness or the caused by not adhering to the road rules. Tech- Chefe Haihambo: flight choices as well as more passengers. At lose lives because of these greedy people. right width that may obviously lead to a build- nicalities should also not be ruled out. If you were not speeding and one of the tyres the moment, Hosea Kutako International Where is our government? This is not the first ing falling. What if the scaffolding collapses happen to burst, you can control your vehicle, Airport only handles about 760 000 passen- time that government fails to burn these com- or a worker falls from the scaffolding or build- Ursula Thomas: Nona, but if you are speeding, you know the gers annually, while the NAC had projected panies – May his soul rest in eternal peace. ing, who to be blamed for that? I understand It doesn’t matter how many lanes there are or story. that the upgrades and expansion will lead the occupational health and safety bra, be- how big the road is. The main issue is reck- to about three million air travellers mak- Epson Shapumbanyoko: cause I am an occupational health and safety less driving and driving under the influence. Chefe Haihambo: ing use of the spacious new terminal over It is true Shaanika, they always say the officer too. They better explain in which man- The government is not responsible for road Maru, driver can lose control of the vehicle if a year period. We must give credit to those capacity is there to deliver and look at what ner the building collapsed in the first place accidents. And I always say always that the one he/she is speeding, how will you lose control if who never gave up pursuing this matter in happened now... this is no more land of the before more investigations done. at fault, never dies. My heartfelt condolences to the car is moving slowly? Never, unless drunk a court of law. The Supreme Court ruling brave, it is now the land of corruption ... may the bereaved families, may our heavenly Father or blind. truly enhances integrity and curbs corrup- his soul RIP. Abed Amoonga: give you strength during this time. tion in public procurement, which has for Due to the lack of occupational health and Dallacky Shimhanda: long been the target of greedy officials who Emirate Shaanika: safety, accidents will continue day by day. Kaiho Rikambura: My their souls rest in eternal peace. But to be get kickbacks from deliberately overpric- They must ensure Safety measures. Our roads are now the most likely place to die honest we road users also. God have mercy, ing contracts. The fact that the airport Joseph Haixuna: in Namibia, as sad as it is. I may not accuse the God have mercy. There’s already 120Km, mean- upgrade tender did not receive treasury Justina Nelago Keendjele: May the Lord comfort the family in this time driver of anything, but those of us reading this ing that whatever is happening to the car or approval confirms the long-held assertion Most of these small local companies do not of difficulty and let the angels protect the should really obey traffic rules and drive at the something jumps in the road you will be able to that there are those in government who are want to employ safety officers because they spirit of this man. May his soul rest in eternal correct speed limit. Loss of vehicle control can handle the speed. But we drive like 180-200km. clearly abusing their positions of responsi- don’t want to pay, but they are making a lot peace! happen, but chances are at a speed of 120Km/h God have mercy. bility in both government and private sec- of money... and compromising the health and and below you stand a greater chance of tor. It is also our sincere hope that the new safety of the poor general workers by making Dawid Beukes: regaining control or in case of crash, since the Dallacky Shimhanda: procurement act, which will be ready for them work under unsafe conditions. NUST Everyone is a builder these days. Skimp maar impact will not be that bad. Otherwise to the We are allergic to facing reality in Namibia. implementation effective 1 April this year, has trained so many HSE practitioners under net... speed lovers, drinking drivers, cowboys, trust will restore the ministry of finance’s image. the Bachelor’s of Environmental Health Sci- yourself ninjas and to the “it-won’t-happen-to- Nosheen Abbas: The Tender Board has equally been given ences and majority of them are unemployed.... Annabel Onel Shakuka: me” thinkers, death is the only next thing and Why can’t this road be made into a double lane a chance to proof that it can award public give them jobs and avoid these kinds of ac- Yes, you are right Shaanika. In many con- the worst is that you will kill those people who highway on both sides so that people don’t risk tenders in a transparent and fair manner. cidents – My condolences to the family of the struction companies there is no safety, that’s are obeying the rules – may their souls rest in their lives overtaking or end up driving into Accountability must constitute a central deceased. why most workers are at risk of getting eternal peace. oncoming traffic??? There’s plenty of space to pillar of our public procurement system. injured. build a double lane road. We can ill afford to be a kickback nation. Gerto’s Landsberg: Law Capitan YozoNdopore Tjaveondja: Even if am wearing a safety helmet or boots Kanu Nangobe: So the driver of the polo did not die? There is Carl Hiiko: Contact details and the building collapses, I am still going to Safety is important. only one thing involved – she did not follow the Well said. SORELY MISSED: Winnie Mandela, centre, ex-wife of the late President Nelson Mandela, attends the memorial service in honour of anti-apart- Letters We kindly ask our readers to limit their letters to 770 words Tel (061) 383 400 - Fax 306 853 heid stalwart Ahmed Kathrada in Johannesburg, South Africa. Celebrated South African anti-apartheid activist Ahmed KATHRADA, a Robben P.O. Box 86829, Eros 11 Island prisoner and one of Nelson Mandela’s closest colleagues in the struggle against apartheid rule, died early on March 28, 2017, aged 87. General Murtala Mohammed Road, Eros, Windhoek PHOTO: NAMPA/AFP English is not a measure built on contradictions due to the so-called role in human behaviour through genetic in- native languages unless in areas of speciali- of Intelligence official languages of which some are not Afri- heritance. In Namibia English is remnant of sation e.g. Education. This sad situation has Website: www.sun.com.na can, such as English, this helped the English colonial times and it requires our intellectual placed many learners in intellectual discom- Email: [email protected] #Tweets Tomas Kaapanda writes; to remain oppressive and use their language sufficiency and fortitude to fearlessly con- fort in villages and shantytowns, who have South African Political analyst and writer as a medium of superior interaction to exploit front this colonial stimulus that affects the become gangsters and prostitutes, because Editor: Sport Reporters: Festus Nakatana Jesse Jackson Kauraisa KATHRADA @MapsMaponyane ing and creating their own albums this year Prince Mashele once wrote; “English is not a Africans through uncompromising politi- advancement of African languages by cutting they are denied entry to University due to [email protected] @daz_inc_ Sad to wake up to the news of instead of getting stuck on mixing SA house. mark of intelligence,” his argument validates cal agreements and trade deals. The issue of its influence and making African languages English and not any other language. Those Production Editor: News Editor: Sylvester Kandukira #Kathrada says he the passing of #AhmedKathrada Let’s Create! that if English was a mark of intelligence why linguistic superiority and dominance under- official languages to reject the hypocrisy of who disagree can observe NAMCOL centres Yanna Smith doesn’t want a state - One of the greatest and most are there hobos in London? This is critical mines African linguistic systems so much so, European language domination. The domi- and see how many learners are improving [email protected] Designers: funeral. Basically “I don’t selfless leaders we ever had. RIP @ChilliKong consciousness, an absolute re-imagination of that in Namibia not even at a university level nation of the English language in Namibia in their English grades, some are already uni- Aina Mushelenga Assistant News Editor: Kohlman Theonistha want Zuma addressing my Uncle Kathy. Babes who drive Polo Vivo’s and love wine Africa from the sentiments of oppression and do students have choices for the medium the next centuries would mean that Namibia, versity students, and some are government Namene Helmich funeral”. call you after you anonymously text her. The an encounter between African and European of instruction; they are only conditioned to as is still the case, will be spiritually, intellec- and private sector officials. What is worrying [email protected] Oshakati Office: SIDELINERS broke babes reply “Hu dis?” linguistic systems in terms of societal of val- English, despite the majority having done tually and even romantically be dependent students is the manner whereby English has Tel (065) 224 104 Sub-Editors: @AmnestySARO @TheMerja ues. Like any other language, English is not a English only as a second language. This issue on English as a medium to define our identi- undermined our Native languages and even Herma Prinsloo Reporters: Today we mourn the loss You know who stresses me the most in @Naffy101 measure of intelligence it is simply a medium attracted national consciousness among stu- ties; this is not comic, but rather a repres- passing it with the highest grade would mean Dorcas Mhungu Kenya Kambowe of a human rights icon. this country? The black capitalist who grew Guys, please sort out your issues with of communication and interaction which dents over the past years, we need a meaning- sive state of affairs. Let’s learn from instances studying in London the fact of the matter is Ileni Nandjato Reporters: A man who led by example up poor, beat the odds & now berates the Edgar’s. We are tired of sending “Pick up, it’s survived the best among other languages due ful dialogue in order to place this conscious- when English vandalised the advancement of that they (English people) still have hobos Fred Goeieman Coastal Reporter: and who inspired us all. #AhmedKathrada. socialist. me” Texts. to successful British colonial expansion glob- ness into a new perspective that will drive intelligence in Namibia; in primary schools, in London. Intellect can be demonstrated Ellanie Smit Otis Finck Michael Kayunde [email protected] ally. Intelligence knows no language, if Eng- social justice at its best and redefine African whether you passed with an A+ in Oshin- through English or any other language, but Jemima Beukes @SocialSA_ @KadHenga @SirTanga lish was a measure of intellect than history philosophies in a new ideological fashion. donga, Otjiherero or any other language na- it’s not English or any other language, which Shona Ngava Brand Manager: Rest in peace our struggle icon, Mr Kath- The amount of young adults that wear specs Namibian Men are cowards though! You could project Jesus Christ. Famous philoso- The domination of European languages as tive to Namibia and scored better in all other is a measure of intellect. English and intel- Jana-Mari Smith Vincent Richard Ogone Tlhage [email protected] rada. We appreciate your amazing contribu- these days, what’s killing our eyes guys? hardly hear women killing us for cheating or phers such as Karl Marx, Confucius, Chinua Official languages in Africa is a common phe- subjects, but failed English, the rules were ligence are two different variables; English is Tel: 061 383 413 tions to South Africa. #AhmedKathrada. ending a relationship. Achebe, Aristotle, Frantz Fanon, John Mbiti nomenon. From the previous paragraph it such that you could not proceed to the next a language and its part of a specific linguistic Entertainment Reporter: @Givenazo_ and Pythagoras were not English, hence it can be deduced that Africa and particularly grade unless pardoned by a teacher or the and lexical system and intellect is generally June Shimoushili Subscriptions: Christiane Maluche @Jay_Naidoo If I clean a vacuum cleaner, am I a vacuum @18opson cannot be deduced that the English people Namibia is linguistically still under colonial school authority. In grade 12 English is the abstract and can be exhibited through any Proofreader: Tel (061) 297 2076 A generation of true leaders of heart and cleaner? Let’s all stop pointing fingers at our ladies or rather their language is the mother or a influence. This influence can be equated to biggest obstacle to progressing to university language or lexical systems of choice, intel- Ronel Grove [email protected] spirit who served our people with humility about abortion. We men are also guilty for father of intellectuality. In Africa, particu- a genotypic phenomenon in human biology level, with a minimum requirement of a D lect is innate, English is not innate and is Namibian Sun is a publication of Namibia Media Holdings and selflessness. I salute #AhmedKathrada @LosFernandoG choosing not to protect during sex. We are larly in Namibia, our education systems are wherein the invisible genes play a pivotal or E symbol in English, they do not consider learned. Pty (Ltd) and is printed by Newsprint Namibia ISSN 1997-4876 #hamba kahle. I hope Namibian house DJ’s start produc- all guilty.


8 INTERNATIONAL NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 HONOUR: A member of the Umkhonto We Sizwe Military Veterans Association (MKMVA) stands guard next to a casket of Ahmed Kathrada during his funeral. REPEATED CALLS FOR PRESIDENT TO RESIGN TO STANDING OVATIONS Kathrada funeral bashes Zuma NEWS24 “When Pravin was to go to court, OLD FRIENDS: Pravin Gordhan, South Africa’s finance minister, left, greets Kathy said ‘I want to be the first one former President Nelson Mandela’s wife, Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, dur- The funeral of struggle stalwart Ahmed Kathrada to accompany him to court’,” Balton ing the funeral service for Ahmed Kathrada. yesterday became a protest in itself with calls for said. Cosatu secretary-general Bheki President Jacob Zuma to resign amidst thunderous Ntshalintshali threw in a jab about those absent at the burial of the “fin- applause. est son of the soil”. “I believe that all of us who are here today, we never received any invita- lthough he wasn’t physically health minister Aaron Motsoaledi. tion to come here, we were invited by present, President Jacob Zu- EFF leader Julius Malema and for- the work and contribution of com- Ama’s presence loomed large mer Cosatu boss Zwelinzima Vavi rade Kathy Kathrada,” Ntshalintsha- at the funeral of struggle stalwart were also on their feet to support li said. He appealed for honesty and Ahmed Kathrada in Johannesburg Kathrada’s call for Zuma to resign. bravery from leaders of the move- on Wednesday. Ramaphosa and former president ment and said the ANC does not be- President Jacob Zuma did not at- Thabo Mbeki did not stand. long to an individual. tend Ahmed Kathrada’s funeral, abid- His message also had a solemn ing by his family’s wishes for him to ‘Feeding frenzy’ warning. “Comrade Kathy, lead- stay away. “It would be disingenuous to pay ers are not organisations. We must ‘’President Zuma will not attend tribute to the life of comrade Ahmed separate leaders from organisations. the funeral and memorial service in Kathrada and pretend that he was not Leaders will come and go but organi- compliance with the wishes of the deeply disturbed by the current post- sations will remain… No matter how family,’’ said a statement ahead of the apartheid failures of politics,” Mot- popular you may be, never for a mo- GOING HOME: Friends and family members carry the body of Ahmed Kath- funeral of one of the last Rivonia trial- lanthe said in his speech. ment think that you are bigger than rada, who was sentenced to life imprisonment alongside Nelson Mandela, ists, and one of Zuma’s fellow prison- Motlanthe unsuccessfully chal- the organisation,” Ntshalintshali said during his funeral at the Westpark Cemetery in Johannesburg yesterday. ers on Robben Island. lenged Zuma for the position of ANC to applause. PHOTOS: NAMPA/REUTERS Deputy President Cyril Ramapho- president at the party’s 2012 national sa led the government delegation at- conference in Mangaung. ‘Incorruptable’ “The ANC need to come to their “A president is one that must at tending the funeral and Wednesday’s Motlanthe also bemoaned the fact Mantashe described Kathrada as in- senses and resolve their problems all times unite this country behind Cabinet meeting was postponed to that Kathrada’s letter went without corruptible in both his politics and before it is too late or they will bury a vision and programme that seeks accommodate the ministers attend- any formal reply. personal life. themselves alive,” he told News24 in a to make tomorrow a better day than ing the funeral. Almost all current “Comrade Kathy took exception to “He belonged to a generation de- telephonic interview. today for all South Africans. It is a and former top ANC leaders includ- the current culture of feeding frenzy, scribed by (anti-apartheid activist) He was speaking shortly before position that requires the respect of ing ANC secretary-general Gwede moral corruption, societal depravity, Yusuf Dadoo at the funeral of com- leaving to attend the ANC veteran’s all South Africans, which of course Mantashe and former presidents political dissolution, the gross sleaze rade Moses Kotane. He was incor- funeral at Westpark Cemetery. must be earned at all times,” Kath- Thabo Mbeki and Kgalema Mot- enveloping human minds that would ruptible, not only in his politics, but “The 17 December conference will rada wrote. lanthe, attended Kathrada’s send-off. put to shame to even some of the vil- also in his personal life. He was a man be a trying moment for them if they Kathrada died in hospital in Johan- Zuma postponed yesterday’s Cabi- est political orders known to human you knew could never let you down do not make up their mind and hon- nesburg on Tuesday morning and was net meeting to allow ministers to at- history,” Motlanthe said. or do something behind your back our our fallen cadre’s wishes to re- laid to rest at the West Park cemetery tend the funeral led by Ramaphosa. Another standing ovation came and never deceive you,” said Man- move Jacob Zuma,” he said, referring in Johannesburg. Amidst speculation of a Cabinet re- when the Ahmed Kathrada Founda- tashe. He said he always knew where to the party’s elective conference. In his absence, Zuma offered con- shuffle that could see finance minister tion’s CEO Neeshan Balton acknowl- he stood with Kathrada. He always seconded Kathrada’s call dolences for the loss of one of the na- Pravin Gordhan axed, it was hard not edged the presence of Gordhan and “Sometimes his words were harsh for Zuma to resign. tion’s ‘’valuable and most respected to read into some of the comments by asked him to stand. and hurtful, but never dishonest,” “Uncle Kathy took a stand against freedom fighters’’. mourners direct and indirect criti- “Irrespective of whether you are said Mantashe. Zuma and was not afraid to speak the He said: “The passing of Mr Kath- cism of Zuma’s recent actions against a minister or not in days or weeks to He said he had hoped Kathrada’s truth; I have always supported him rada is a monumental loss not only to Gordhan as they delivered tributes to come, you remain true to the values passing would assist those in the par- on his call for Zuma to step down his family, but to all South Africans as the ANC struggle stalwarts. and principles that Kathrada would ty to pull together. and I know that now is a better time he was one of the fearless and dedi- The biggest moment was when for- be proud of,” Balton said to Gordhan, than ever.” cated architects of the free and demo- mer president Kgalema Motlanthe who was earlier seen wiping away a Deadline Phosa said SA had lost an unblem- cratic South Africa.” quoted a letter Kathrada penned al- tear when he was introduced. Former ANC treasurer Mathews ished soul and a man with dignity and Zuma said he had sacrificed his most a year ago asking Zuma to step He said when Gordhan was fac- Phosa added his voice to the fray say- moral standing. He represented eve- personal freedom and persevered down, that was followed by a stand- ing corruption charges over an early ing the African National Congress has rything that was good about ANC. through hardships for the liberation ing ovation and a thundering ap- pension pay-out for a SARS employ- until December to honour the late Phosa said every ANC cadre should of all South Africa and to create a plause by mourners, including some ee, Kathrada was ready to stand by Ahmed Kathrada’s call for President commit to memory Kathrada’s 2016 democratic, non-racial, peaceful and of Zuma’s ministers like Gordhan and his side. Jacob Zuma to resign. letter to Zuma to resign. prosperous South Africa.


THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 MARKET WATCH 9 Market Watch Career woman 10 PAGE EXCHANGE RATES BID ASK COMMODITIES PRICE/USD % A YTD MONEY MARKET NAMIBIA LATEST SA INDICES LATEST % A YTD USD/NAD 13.1087 13.1287 GOLD 1251.52 18.07% PRIME 10.75% ALL SHARE 52309.23 3.27% EUR/NAD 14.1338 14.1567 PLATINUM 947 6.40% BANK RATE 7.00% FINANCIAL 15233.24 1.36% GBP/NAD 16.3465 16.3625 PALLADIUM 792.5 41.04% 3M 7.67% RESOURCE 31323.9 -2.45% EUR/USD 1.0781 1.0783 URANIUM 25.50 -25.00% 6M 8.30% INDUSTRIAL 68443.39 0.03% NAD/AUD 0.0996 0.0998 SILVER 18.15 31.24% 9M 8.57% WIBAR 29 March 2017 O/N NAD/CNY 0.5233 0.5238 BRENT 50.86 35.30% 12M 8.95% 6.545% 3 Mths 8.138% Visit our website for more information www.bankwindhoek.com.na 19 BIDS FOR FUEL TRANSPORTATION TENDER Namcor tender attracts attention T he National Petroleum Corpo- NAMPA and distribution. The three-year ration (Namcor) has received contract ended in October 2016 and The tender was re- 19 bids for the transportation tender process. and distribution of its petroleum advertised last month was extended until the end of the CRITICAL: Southern communal livestock farmers Mose Gariseb (left) and Johannes Jansen pictured at the Southern Namibia Farmers’ Union products. after it had been XCCS, which belongs to local (Snafu) congress. PHOTO: NAMPA “We are still busy with the eval- businessman Laurentius Julius, uating process,” Namcor spokes- cancelled in December. also previously applied but did not Southern holder relations, Lapitomhinda man Utaara Hoveka told Nampa on qualify during the first round of Hashingola, agreed that the com- Tuesday. evaluations because it did not meet farmers criticise pany’s focus was on beef exports Hoveka said the company was Kauta told Nampa that none of all the tender requirements. and urged the farmers to explore consulting Ministry of Finance of- the companies had drivers who Julius is one of six businesspeo- meat industry opportunities to join this lucrative ficials to determine whether the could transport dangerous petro- ple arrested on charges of fraud, market. “If you want to be on the process was within the provisions leum products such as petrol, die- money laundering and tax evasion NAMPA pitch, you have to be a player,” he of the new Procurement Act com- sel and heavy fuel to Namcor clients worth billions of Namibian dollars. said. Meatco is an industry leader ing into effect on 1 April 2017. around the country. All are out on bail. Several communal farmers from in beef exports, generating revenue “We have thus far been making Five companies were reportedly According to the evaluation doc- southern Namibia last week of N$1.8 billion in 2016. The com- use of ad hoc transport service pro- shortlisted for the tender. ument in Nampa’s possession, Sun- criticised an apparent lack of pany exports more than 74% of its viders,” he said. Some of the companies that had rise Investment, a joint venture support for farming from the beef to foreign markets. The tender was cancelled in De- applied claimed that the board had with South African XMoore Trans- government and large players in Hashingola said Meatco was dis- cember last year because about 60% cancelled the tender to give Ex- port (for light fuel), and A Van Der the meat industry. cussing plans to acquire a second of the companies that had applied treme Customs Clearing Services Walt Transport (for heavy fuel) During the Southern Namibia mobile slaughtering unit for use did not comply with the required (XCCS) the opportunity to reapply. were the successful bidders after Farmers’ Union (Snafu) congress south of the veterinary cordon specifications, Namcor board chair- XCCS was previously awarded the first advertisement of the ten- on Thursday and Friday, farmers fence and to establish a feedlot in man Patrick Kauta said last month. the tender for fuel transportation der. said state-owned entities such as the Hardap Region that could be of the Meat Board of Namibia and benefit to southern farmers. Meat Corporation of Namibia Meatco currently operates a mo- (Meatco) were neglecting small- bile slaughter unit for farmers in scale farmers. “Meatco especially the northern parts of the country. seems to be entirely commercially Meat Board chief marketing officer driven, with no attempts to devel- Desmond Cloete concurred that op programmes geared specifically the export market for goats was at including communal farmers,” small compared to sheep and cat- SUPPLY CHAIN: Namcor farmer Mose Gariseb said. He said tle, but similarly urged the farmers spokesperson Utaara Hoveka. Meatco’s absence from the Hardap to make use of existing and future PHOTO: NAMPA and //Karas regions was evidence opportunities for growth. of its failure to represent all farm- “There is a slaughter market avail- ing groups in the country. able through Brukkaros Meat Pro- “When will the time come for us cessors outside Keetmanshoop and poor farmers to benefit from pro- southern farmers are closer to the grammes that not only help those South African export market,” he who already have, but also those said. Cloete encouraged the farm- who work their fingers to the bone ers to investigate how they could to make a living every single day?” benefit, possibly through feedlots said Gariseb. Farmer Johannes at the future Neckartal Irrigation Jansen said the meat industry em- Scheme expected to become op- phasised cattle farming to the det- erational in the coming year. riment of small-stock farming in Snafu is affiliated to the Namib- the southern regions. He said goat ia National Farmers’ Union and farmers were left to scavenge for a groups about 28 farmers’ associa- spot in the local informal markets. tions in the Hardap and //Karas Meatco’s senior manager for stake- regions.


10 MARKET WATCH THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 TOUCHING BASE WITH STANDARD BANK’S NAUFIKU HAMUNIME Women in the workplace STAFF REPORTER and Political Science. I am able to fully commit to develop- or wealth, I think that for more and ing myself and my career. more young people we’re beginning Budding economist Q: How would you describe your to define our success by the level of Naufiku Hamunime joined career journey at Standard Bank? Q: The theme of this year’s fulfilment and purpose we find in Standard Bank through NH: I’ve had a unique start to my Women’s Month is ‘Be Bold for our careers. Change’. How do you relate to it? its graduate programme career, and I feel very fortunate that Q: How has Standard Bank pro- in 2016 and has taken to I’ve had the opportunity to start my NH: Being ‘Bold for Change’ speaks moted your career development? to me of living confidently and, very career at an organisation as versatile her new environment like and unique as Standard Bank. With a importantly, not being afraid to take NH: I feel that working in an envi- a fish to water. national and regional footprint that risks. A phrase that I always keep in ronment where I’ve felt encouraged literally spans across the continent, the back of my mind and one that and motivated to try new things YOUNG AND AMBITIOUS: Standard Standard Bank is a great place to be I try to live by is that “the great- has really enhanced and accelerat- Bank economist Naufiku Hamun- Q: Give us a brief background of for a young professional who is ea- est mistakes we make are the risks ed my ability to learn. Working as a ime. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED your academic credentials and ger to gain international exposure we don’t take”. Bringing about the graduate gave me so much exposure your upbringing. and leverage knowledge from expe- change we want to see in our lives across the bank’s business units, and worth having requires commitment. rienced professionals. will often require us to step outside through that experience I was able I try to focus on building a strong NH: I was born in Windhoek, on 24 of our comfort zones, and as women to tap into my passion and grow as work ethic by being cognisant of the April 1991. I grew up in Windhoek Q: As a leading figure at work, I don’t believe we should be afraid to an economist and researcher. And fact that hard work has the ability to with my two siblings and parents how do you juggle the career and take risks in our careers or personal because of that I now have a clearer enhance our character. and I absolutely loved growing up family life balance? lives in order to achieve our goals. understanding of where I would like here. After I finished high school to be in the future and I feel more Q: How easy is it for women to at St Paul’s College I went on to ob- NH: As a young professional I feel Q: How do you define career suc- equipped to reach my potential. climb the corporate ladder? tain my Bachelor of Science in eco- very fortunate that at this stage of cess? nomics at Rhodes University. I then my life I have very few commit- Q: What is your work ethic and NH: It really disturbs me that wom- also obtained a Bachelor of Science ments outside of my work, with NH: I believe that Millennials have how do you achieve this? en still face significant obstacles Honours Degree in geography, also the exception of my close family come to define career success for in the working world, and while at Rhodes University. And finally, I and friends. And as a result of that themselves in a completely differ- NH: I believe that it is really im- we have come a long way I believe obtained my Master of Science de- I don’t feel that I have to juggle my ent way to previous generations. portant to have a strong work eth- that there is still much to be done in gree in African development from work just yet, rather I feel privileged Whereas at one point career suc- ic because in life there aren’t any achieving gender parity in the work- the London School of Economics that I’m in a period of my life where cess may have been defined by status shortcuts to success, and anything place. Lack of beneficiation frustrating Mines and Energy and the Namibian reconsider this practice and to refo- cus their efforts on working closely government.” “We do appreciate the need for a with the ministry and NDTC in ad- STAFF REPORTER proportion of the rough diamonds flexible business environment that dressing some of the challenges that sold by NDTC to its customers in allows you to manage your Namibian the country is currently facing.” Mines and energy minister Obeth 2016 had been typically exported businesses in a sustainable manner; “Allow me to thank you for the Kandjoze says it is disappointing instead of being cut and polished in however the practice of exporting in effort that each and every one has that a significant portion of rough Namibia.” some cases 100% of the rough dia- made so far in helping Namibia on diamonds sold by the Namibia Di- According to him, local value addi- monds meant for beneficiation pur- the journey to realising its aspira- amond Trading Company leave tion amounted to only 20%. poses is in our view totally against tions of developing a sustainable the country without any value ad- “Based on export data provided to the spirit of beneficiation and I downstream diamond industry. dition. me by the office of the diamond com- would like to put it on record that “We have come a long way from He addressed sight-holders of the missioner only about 20% of the to- we condemn the continuation of this exporting the vast majority of our Namibian Diamond Trading Com- tal sales made by NDTC during 2016 practice in the strongest of terms,” diamonds to seeing a large propor- pany (NDTC) in Windhoek recently. were processed locally. Kandjoze told the sight-holders. tion of our rough diamonds offered “I am sure you will understand my “I would like to make it categori- “I would hereby like to make a and sold in Namibia and, more im- DIAMOND MATTERS: The minister of disappointment when the Depart- cally clear that the current trend plea to those that are exporting a sig- portantly, contributing to the better- mines and energy, Obeth Kandjoze. ment of Diamond Affairs brought of high rough [diamond] exports is nificant proportion of the rough [di- ment of ordinary Namibian citizens,” PHOTO: OGONE TLHAGE it to my attention that a significant of grave concern to the Ministry of amonds] purchased from NDTC to he said. This could be your business adverT here ...owning The Zone section every Tuesday TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 20 2016 THE ZONE Mon Fri 2 FOREIGN LANGUAGE SPEAKERS OFF ON THEIR ADVENTURE THE ZONE TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 20 2016 In the Zon his week a friend of mine doing, who it is you are function- Deutschland Columne Keith Vries you start realising that you need here we come How deep is the lie? LINGUA SHARES CULTURE 8 ing as in this world, the sooner HAPPY DAYS: Students from Lingua to do more of that work, because the freedom you enjoy is implied told me that there are people Tin the world that no longer their recently-held fun and cultural College were beaming with pride at and not really a lived experience. Park in Windhoek on Friday. The to clean their mouths; instead day that took place at Palm Tree use toothpaste and a toothbrush students had various stalls where was by the crap that I had taught they use coconut oil that they traditional food was sold, with the I didn’t know how oppressed I college-goers sharing laughter and myself and had been taught until swirl around in their mouths un- a beverage to enjoy the sunny Na- take back my life and my things in a fashion that will be sustain- mibian days. PHOTO: KEITH VRIES with white teeth and mouths that these folks are walking around The Zone PULL til clean. In a couple of weeks I rose to the reality that I need to OFF TO GERMANY: Winnerp of the 2016 sprachwettbewerb - German ap foreign Language Competition, Corinna As part of the president’s plan to create youth poor work ethic in labour, listed as EMPOWERMENT: Jason Nandago the STUDENTS TO BE TAUGHT BUSINESS SKILLS IN SIX-MONTH COURSE smell like clean hospital floors. able and authentic. My things Looking for jobless youth self-respect, authentic vibes, a that I want to take back are my I am at present going to try for This wasn’t really something that fire that has been burning for the OUT! myself, but it sparked another relaxed and healthy heart and soul. I have been asking the ques- last four weeks in my heart and am poor and therefore the only I want to shed the idea that I body etc. place that I will ever see are the tion; how much of whom I am adequately educated workforce and and if what I have been taught is streets of Khomasdal. Windhoek some of the most problematic factors is not my last stop, neither is the a lie? weight of my body the deciding Jason Nandago, Group CEO of to clean your mouth with coco- for doing business in Namibia. It might be a thing of preference factor between whether I make part of our social responsibility of nut oil instead of the traditional toothpaste, yet the option isn’t STAFF REPORTER Burth of Goethe-inptitut Namibia (L) and German ambapppador to Namibia Chriptian Matthiap schlaga, pope for employment, MMI is looking to give insight that will aid MMI said: “This programme forms it on to television or not. These MI Holdings Namibia, a the needs of the labour market. MMI uplifting the youth and addressing leading financial services high school graduates garner interest in the financial readily shared with people that Mgroup, is looking for school are all lies and in fact, they are the smaller ones in the bunch. yourself to taking this path, what must invest in the communities it leavers and job seekers for its might not be hovering around in hippie crowds that are always You get to decide, if you commit Through the programme, MMI us day and night without consid- the bigger lies are that are sold to Leadership Programme. Young innovative new Cadet Trainee sector edy for anything from a pimple to looking for the most natural rem- Group CEO of MMI Holdings Namibia. operates in, in order to become the preferred financial wellness partner people between the ages of 18 and bee Prosperity Plan. Highlighting mentored by different management tween education and the real aims to narrow the divide be- PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED 25 will gain valuable working ex- a recently broken heart. eration from the outset. The company believes that they nature, this argument of mine, in Namibia. personnel. School leavers will have perience, enhancing their skills Start asking the questions that It might sound simplistic in its data which shows that over one- periencing a huge skills shortage. entirely new world where there is so much confusion from all yet I can’t shake the feeling that as soon as I could brush my teeth, and increasing their employ- like many African countries, is ex- employed in Namibia are youth, the chance to work on real projects grade 12 learners that are unable to pursue further studies due to lim- According to the 2015/16 Global programme is designed to assist Competitiveness Report, Namib- staff reporter MMI now seeks to harness hu- man resource capacity and make school leavers who aim to make ited availability of space and finan- cial resources. It is difficult to grow the nonsense you thought to be I was handed a toothbrush and whichever brand of toothpaste stipend and a certificate of training sure that youth have a valuable with five cadets, one from each re- the weekend to win a a career in the financial services any business without skilled people; hence this opportunity is afforded Students competed over role to play in propelling employ- my parents could afford. I wasn’t true. Even people; your family and best friends, their intentions ia’s labour market is not as effi- The programme will commence at the end of their training. oil instead, I was just handed the matter, and you will discover an the media during the prize giving ceremony. PHOTOS: CONTRIBUTED ability. The six-month learning third of the 28.1% of people un- working environment. Namibia, are meeting a need, in assisting many and, in exchange receive a monthly sector. asked if I wanted to use coconut MMI has expressed its desire need to be questioned, and some- gion and placed within the MMI times you discover something to young Namibians that will most- ment creation and SME-driven prize to go to Germany for cient as it should be, with an in- to support the Namibian govern- damn thing, and told “here you nasty like a friend that is abusive, Group and its subsidiary branches economic growth. ly take over future leadership posi- Upon successful completion of the again that your people are kind, ment initiatives in the Haram- and Momentum across the country. So we go into life, being handed but you might get confirmation four weeks. he Goethe Institute of Namibia ment’s youth enterprise develop- tions.” The programme will offer leader- Metropolitan-Swabou, Methealth go, clean yourself”. know it. With the trips to Ger- COURIERS ship-centred trainee opportunities in the areas of information technol- dets will be required to immediately identities and practices that be- come us over time because we supportive and love creatures. Hey, it’s all up to you. For me, it’s cadet training programme, the ca- hosted their 29-year-old Ger- been crazy. I’ve cried and cried Tman foreign language speaker ogy, management and leadership, don’t question them, don’t ana- a period equal to the duration of the Weekly section with the most interesting youth news selected for you! lyse them, there is no introspec- some more, but I know what I am saw students from across the coun- CHOOSING THE BEST: (from left to right) Judgep Urpula salvold and hella customer interface, specialist finan- offer themselves up for employment Weekly section with the most interesting youth news selected for you! within the MMI Namibia Group for doing, and I feel better about my- competition over the weekend that tion done, and life just keeps moving on with all its strife and self the next day, or even in just cial skills, as well as legislative com- pliance skills-related development. required to submit their applications programme. Aspiring candidates are portunity to experience different Daily service between Windhoek Participants will also have the op- the next moment, so I am going unexamined realities. try to compete to be amongst the best in the country. eichhoff marking pcorep during the judging procepp. and Swakopmund / Walvisbay. ‘Learn German and fly to Germa- I would love it if everybody I remember discovering that I by the 30th September 2016. was skinny. I swear to God that to keep going. roles within the MMI Namibia such many, learners can experience the I discovered this, much like I did deep are the lies” so that asked themselves “how ing through job rotation, and will be my sexual orientation. I was ny!’ was the theme of the annual German as foreign language com- as project management and coach- standing in front of a mirror We leave Windhoek early every week day, petition that the Goethe Institute we can all get the chance to language more intensively while experiences and learn from each other. You would be surprised as time here on earth is over, of Namibia facilitated which took meet ourselves before our shower and I had heard bies that go from one station place on Saturday, 17 September. to how many of us experience the practicing.” Professor Marianne Zappen- arriving at the coast before sunrise. we’re all about one day after leaving the over Namibia and this workshop Namibia German language divi- same challenges in classrooms all Thompson from the University of tell me how skinny I was instead of living like zom- Over 100 finalists from 26 schools in Namibia took part in this compe- several people around me to the other, creating wealth tition. The five best learners from of the competition has helped us different levels were judged fairly. sion, who was also a judge said the or had become in recent times. I didn’t pay much “Learners were grouped according more effective,” said Nolizel Franks down and ask yourself mind to it, since people for the powers that be. Sit Grades 7 to 11 each won a flight to to share ways of making teaching to their proficiency in the German indhoek daily before 16:00 VAT TOTAL N$ 34.50 We return to W Germany where they will be hosted “hey, how are you do- ing today” and then by a family for four weeks. of an independent language insti- were always ready to talk smack and label believe, or don’t be- lieve the answer This year’s winners are: Amy Dol- tution and Antje Strohbach of St language and the oral examinations N$ 30.00 N$ 4.50 N$ 69.00 swaKopmund & walvis bay varied depending on how they people. Yet over time, lenberg (Delta Secondary School); Paul’s College. at your doorstep first thinG every morninG Parcels up to 1kg skinny I was, the more you get, but do something about it nonetheless. You Celine Haiketti (Etosha Senior Sec- To entertain learners while waiting chose to communicate. They were N$ 60.00 N$ 9.00 N$ 13.50 N$ 103.50 Get your favourite newspaper delivered (Deutsche Höhere Privatschule); the more I heard how for their oral examinations or for ondary School); Gabriel Hamawa and German language proficiency given topics relevant to their age the final results after their exami- self like a godforsaken Ask them “HOW DEEP René Tjazerua (Rockey Crest German language. Learners could Parcels between 1kg and 5kg N$ 90.00 pay only for a monthly subscription-free delivery ! 1 I started to look at my- nations, the Goethe Institute pro- and could have a discussion or play So it goes with many anorexic. with local performer Lize Ehlers, Parcels between 5kg and 10kg owe it to yourself. roles around the topic.” vided a number of activities in the High School); and Bertha Tobias The five winners will leave for Ger- IS THE LIE?” things in our lives. We This was the 29th annual Ger- many in May and August 2017. Host families in Germany will be organ- (DOSW). sing contemporary German songs carry labels, old and in- keith@namibiansun. man as foreign language compe- Germany’s Ambassador to Namibia Maximum size: 800mm x 600mm x 500mm new! ised courtesy of the German-Na- Maximum size: 800mm x 600mm ered his address at the prize-giving Individual Quotations available on heavier parcels!! tition and first to be hosted by practice German tongue twisters or herited practices, ways of mibian Foundation (DNG), while of being, without really un- Institute. The gates of Windhoek Christian Matthias Schlaga deliv- learners are to further experience n$ 105.00 per month sms nmh to understanding life, ways com dress up for a photo. the recently established Goethe Individual Quotations available on heavier parcels!! High School (WHS) opened before 08:00 for the registration of learn- derstanding that there is a need for all of us to be con- the Pedagogical Exchange Pro- Germany through programmes of sciously aware of what it is that ers accompanied by their teachers, gramme (PAD). ceremony, where he congratulated The flights were sponsored by every given mo- we are and want in before they proceeded to the oral the winners and handed them a DNG and PAD through the German es. and include your name. 51500 examinations or took part in vari- ‘Goethe aeroplane’ as a token for sponsored by the Arbeits- und För- Embassy, while other prizes were aged parents and other attendees ment. ous fun activities. their flight to Germany. He encour- indhoek Drop-Off and Collection points n$ 63.00 per month We will call you n$1.00/sms back ASAP. Of course it is easy to just live All activities were conducted in the to learn the German language. Windhoek Drop-Off and Collection points T’s & C’s apply 21 General Murtala Muhamed Avenue | Cassiers office German language. Teachers took “As a German mother-tongue Schulvereine in Namibia (AGDS), dergemeinschaft der Deutschen Linda Seibes - Telephone Number +264 (0) 61 297 2015 teaching more interactive through Woermann Brock, M&Z Motors, the life your par- ents or guardians part in a workshop on how to make speaker, I am pleased to see my Drop or collect your parcel at our Eros, City or Lafrenz offices. n$ 84.00 per month Gutenberg Platz | Reception children from all over Namibia. It Eros Office: their oral examinations through ac- ies, Am Weinberg Restaurant and have passed on to that compounds your being. It to sometimes deal games while learners prepared for language this much appreciated by City Office: Lafrenz Office: Wecke & Voigts, Namibia Brewer- Chamerine Engelbrecht - +264 (0) 61 297 2081 Free access to events hosted by NMH, such as the Namibia Tourism Expo and more. FREE FOR SUBSCRIBERS difficult language in the world but greater burden to al- Teachers were very positive after tivities in the German language. is not the easiest and not the most Electronic news headlines E-mailed to you every publishing day. Eider Street 2 to 4 | Courier Office you, in fact it is a Simioline Hoveka - +264 (0) 61 330 504 Craft Café, Swakopmunder Buch- ways be examining what it is tion have been great The youth is the Swakop Drop-Off and Collection points T incl). riptions department at 081 742 1065 / [email protected]. the language when you handlung and Waltons. so much is possible around the their workshop. “This workshop the NMH offices at c/o Libertina Amathila Avenue and Bismarck Street (2 tickets per subscription per event) most powerful market in africa VISIT: The minister of mines and energy, Obeth Kandjoze, and Dundee Precious Metals Namibia managing today. Make director Zebra Kasete. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED sure they know about you! Kandjoze ly half of the country’s GDP. billion. The minister expressed delight about the latter, saying: The visit was intended to ac- visits Dundee quaint Kandjoze with the pro- “it is extremely superb; excel- lent work has been done here.” duction process at the Tsumeb smelter and the social pro- During his visit Kandjoze also To advsrTiss or own This spacs. STAFF REPORTER jects initiated by Dundee in the acquainted himself with the please call vincent richard on Tsumeb district. income-generating activities 061 – 383 413 The minister of mines and en- The minister had a chance to promoted by Dundee to benefit Mobile 081 255 6810 ergy, Obed Kandjoze, recently see the converters, the waste- the local community. disposal site, slag-mill plant, It was the second time Kand- visited Dundee Precious Met- s-mail: [email protected] als’ Tsumeb operation. crushing plant and the state- joze had visited the smelter Kandjoze said mining directly of-the-art sulphuric-acid plant since taking office on 21 March 081 1 700 020 and indirectly contributed near- that was built at a cost of N$3.9 2015.


THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 MARKET WATCH 11 BREXIT DEAL WITH EU WILL NEED ‘GIVE AND TAKE’ UK urgently needs Plan B AIRBORNE FOR NOW: With final Brexit negotiations under way between the UK and the EU, Ryanair and other airlines fear all flights into the EU will be suspended by 2019. PHOTO: RYANAIR ritish finance minister Philip NAMPA/REUTERS A number of industries have said she wants Britain to be free of Hammond said yesterday that voiced fears that Britain’s two-year European Court of Justice (ECJ) BBritain would need to make While governments discuss give and take with regard to negotiating timetable may not be influence, ruling out access to the concessions to the European Union Brexit, there are concerns over flights between the UK enough to renegotiate complex single aviation market using mod- in order to secure the best deal for trading agreements. els employed by Norway and Swit- the country to leave the bloc. and the European mainland. But Kenny said airlines were un- zerland. “Every negotiation is about give der more pressure than most as they Those agreements include ac- and take on both sides and we have had to finalise their 2019 summer cepting the role of the ECJ as the to go into this discussion under- In the meantime, flights between alised air links with Europe, in the schedules by mid-2018 and there final arbiter in disputes. standing and accepting that we will Britain and the European Union absence of remaining in the Open was increasing nervousness in the Ryanair is already curtailing have to do some give and take to get risk being suspended in 2019 if Skies regime,” Ryanair’s chief mar- industry about the rate of progress. growth in Britain as a result of the best possible deal for Britain,” Britain does not prioritise a new keting officer Kenny Jacobs said in Luton-based Ryanair rival easyJet the Brexit vote, limiting capacity Hammond told broadcaster Sky aviation deal in Brexit negotia- a statement. is already seeking a new operat- expansion to 6% this year from a News. tions, Irish low-cost airline Ryanair “There is a distinct possibility ing licence in another EU member planned 15%. Later yesterday Prime Minister warned. that there may be no flights be- state, with Ireland or Malta seen as “Some nine months on from the Theresa May planned to formally Airlines based in the EU have the tween the UK and Europe for a pe- likely choices as their official lan- Brexit referendum, we are no clos- notify the EU that Britain wants right to fly to and from any coun- riod of time after March 2019,” he guage is English. er to knowing what effect it will to leave, starting two years of exit try in the bloc or even within other said. Prime Minister Theresa May has have on aviation,” Kenny said. talks. member states thanks to the sin- “It has to be a deal that works for gle aviation market created in the Britain and for its European Union 1990s but the Brexit vote means partners, that’s the only way you Britain has to renegotiate that ac- can get a deal done. But I’m confi- cess. dent as we’ve explored over the last Speaking as Britain prepared to nine months with our EU partners file formal Brexit divorce papers, that we have a sufficient meeting Ryanair said it was worried the is- of minds on this issue,” Hammond sue was not being handled with the supports the Namibian Town of the Year campaign said. urgency required to seal a deal in Hammond said leaving the EU the 12-month window required to would ensure Britain regained con- avoid major disruption in 2019. Otjiwarongo trol over immigration, as well as re- “It’s become worrying that the asserting the supremacy of Britain’s UK government seems to have no Otjiwarongo parliament and court. plan B to maintain Britain’s liber- Oil gains as had climbed, while a government Otjiwarongo Otjiwarongo report was forecast to show that WINNER Libyan pipeline stockpiles had expanded. Six Opec TOWN nations have joined with non- OF THE YEAR crashes member Oman to voice support for CENTRAL NORTH REGION prolonging their cuts past June. “The market has become quite Otjiwarongo BLOOMBERG accustomed to volatility when it Otjiwarongo comes to Libya and their produc- An unexpected disruption in tion coming and going,” said David Libyan crude output is helping Lennox, a resource analyst at Fat oil investors shrug off record Prophets in Sydney. US stockpiles that have under- “There are a number of headwinds mined voluntary supply curbs by to oil prices, including rising US other Organisation of Petroleum output and stockpiles.” Exporting Countries (Opec) na- West Texas Intermediate for May tions. delivery was at US$48.54 a bar- Libya’s output was said to fall to rel on the New York Mercantile Congratulations to Otjiwarongo ! 560 000 barrels a day after a pipe- Exchange, up 17 cents, at 13:23 in line carrying crude from the Sha- Hong Kong. Total volume traded rara field - its biggest - stopped op- was about 56% below the 100-day erating. While clashes among rival average. The contract gained 64 armed groups in the nation have cents to US$48.37 on Tuesday. previously led to market disrup- Brent for May settlement was 14 tions, news of the latest decline is cents higher at US$51.47 a barrel driving a 0.4% gain in New York oil on the London-based ICE Futures futures after boosting them 1.3% on Europe exchange. Prices climbed Tuesday. 58 cents, to US$51.33 on Tuesday. Prices are headed for two straight The global benchmark was at a days of gains for the first time in premium of US$2.93 to WTI. more than a month. Libya’s state-run National Oil Cor- The production drop in Libya, poration was said to declare force which was pumping 700 000 bar- majeure on loadings of Sharara STORES COUNTRYWIDE: rels a day before the pipeline halt, crude from the Zawiya oil termi- is at least temporarily easing con- nal and on loadings of Wafa field Windhoek | Gobabis | Keetmanshoop | Okahandja | Otjiwarongo | Ondangwa | Oshakati | Outapi | Rundu | Swakopmund | Tsumeb | Walvis Bay cern that rising US supply is coun- condensate from the Mellitah ter- tering the effect of curbs by the Or- minal. ganisation of Petroleum Exporting Force majeure is a legal status pro- 061 283 8000 Countries and its allies. tecting a party from liability if it [email protected] US industry data on Tuesday was can’t fulfil a contract for reasons said to show that crude inventories beyond its control. www.waltons.com.na


12 MOSHIWAMBO THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 mOshiwambo Indongo a talelwapo ishewe kAakongo yaali paveta ELLANIE SMIT pandeko. Minista Pohamba Shifeta gwaKliprivier moGrootberg. okwa popi kutya ota fekele kutya Aanambelewa yegameno lyiinam- Omwaalu gwoompanda dha oompanda ndhoka odha dhipagwa wenyo mboka ya za mo?Khoadi-// dhipagwa kaakongo ogwa londo kaantu ye na ekwatathano naam- Hôas Conservancy, ya li taya pato- pombanda sigo opoompanda boka yomeni lyofaalama mol- lola ehala ndyoka oyiitsu mompan- ntano nuumvo, sha landula sho waashoka oshidhigu okuya mo- da ndjoka ya kuthwwa nale ooniga kwiitsuwa ishewe oompanda faalama ndjoka, na otashi vulika momasiku 15 gaMalitsa. mbali dha dhipagwa mofaalama woo natango uukongo mboka tawu Ompanda ontitato, ondjoka ya si yomunangeshefa Frans Indongo etithwa kelelo lya nkundipala mo- omolwa oshilalo shoka ya ning- mOkanenampanti. faalama. wa pethimbo lyoshiponokela sha Omupopiliko gUuministeli wO- Okwa popi kutya yimwe yomoom- ningwa muDecemba mofaalama midhingoloko, Romeo Muyunda panda ndhoka mbali, oya dhipag- yaGobabis. okwa koleke omiyalu ndhoka wa omvula ya piti. Shifeta okwa popi kutya kape na koshifokundaneki shika, na okwa “Ndyoka elelo lya nkundipala. Owa oompanda dha dhipagwa mii- popi kutya oompanda mbali odha pumbwa okuyalula iinamwenyo kunino yiinamwenyo, otashi ulike adhika mOkanenampanti momasi- yoye kehe oshiwike, nokuyi tula kutya aakongi ngashiingeyi otaya ku 17 gaMalitsa. omadhidhiliko, nuuna inayi holo- ponokele oofalama dhopaumwene. MuJanuari ompanda ontokele ya ka pomboola yomeya nena owa “Aakongo otaya lundulula omolwa kuthwa ooniga oya adhika natango pumbwa okuyi konga.” egameno lya kwata miiti ndyoka mofaalama popepi nOtjiwaron- Okwa tsikile kutya ota fekele kutya twa tula po miikunino yiinamwe- go, moka mu na oFrans Indongo omuniilonga mofaalama ndjoka, nyo.” Lodge. nenge ha zi popepi nofaalama Omvula ya piti, oompanda 59 odha Oompanda ndhoka dhiitsuwa om- ndjoka oye ta gandja uuyelele dhipagwa moNamibia. Mo-2015 wedhi nguka, adhihe odha kuthwa kaakongo. 95, 56 mo-2014 nomugoyi mo-2013. ooniga, na okwa lopotwa kutya Oompanda ndhoka dha dhipag- Onkalo ndjoka otayi mana po ii- yimwe ompanda onduudhe oman- wa mofaalama ya Indongo odha namwenyo mbyoka muAfrika, na ga onkwawo ontokele, pauyelele monika konima owala yomasiku okwa hololwa kutya oompanda mboka wa gandjwa kuMuyunda. sho kwiitsuwa natango ompanda owala oonduudhe 5 000 dha hupu ALIMBILILWA: Omunangeshefa Frans Indongo. ETHANO: NAMPA Kape na omuntu a tulwa mii- ya dhipagwa momudhingoloko oshowo ndhoka oontokele 20 000. AACHINA OTAYA KWATAKO NAMIBIA Oshikumungu shuutomeno woondongi tashi tsikile TAYA NYENYETA: Natango inaku manithwa oonkundathana dhokweeta uutomeno woondoongi mOutjo nomOkahandja, nonando aakwashigwana oyendji oye li ompinge noopoloyeka ndhoka. ETHANO: KENYA KAMBOWE M ayola gwondoolopa yaOut- CATHERINE SASMAN & JANA-MARI SMITH oya hala uumbangi mboka tawu ka ka gumwa ngiini omudhingoloko, Aahololimadhilaadhilo mboka okwa popi Marius Sheya, nongele okwa ningwa omakonaako- jo, Oonkundathana kombinga yoompangela tadhi ningwa opo kutya oshikumungu shoka dilo lyoplota yonomola 780, mpoka inashi kundathanwa momutum- ku tungwe okatomeno ishewe koondoongi mondoolopa ulike kutya okwa li kwa ningwa ein- no ngoka nena oya hala okumona os- hizemo shomakonaakono ngoka. ba ngoka gwa ningwa kelelo ly- yaOutjo okwa tegelelwa dhi ka ningwe momutumba ehangano ndyoka lyoAgri-nature In- Oya hala natango okuuva ngele ondoolopa ndjoka mOmaandaha vestment Trade tali pangele okutun- AaNamibia otaya ka kutwa miilonga ngaashi sha li sha pangelwa okun- gwowina ngoka tagu ningwa kelelo lyondoolopa ndjoka ga okatomeno. mokatomeno hoka nongele ehanga- ingwa. moshiwike twa taalela. Aanyenyeti oya popi kutya kape no ndyoka otali kiiyutha tuu kOm- Pehala elelo lyondoolopa olya na etseyitho lya li lya ningwa kutya pangu yAaniilonga yaNamibia. tokola okukundathana oshikumun- oplota ndjoka oya landithwa po ke- Natango aanyenyeti oya holola gu shoka momutumba gwowina hangano lyaChina lyedhina Ever- omaiyuvo gawo kombinga yomeya ngoka tagu kalako moshiwike twa gwoompangela dhongeshefa ngoka USA, Canada, New Zealand, Aus- lasting Iron Sheet Investment. No- ngoka taga ka longithwa komato- taalela nonando Sheya ina holola gwa pewa muni gwaOutjo. tralia, Dominican Republic, Israel, nando ongaaka oplota ndjoka oya meno hoka. Oya popi kutya ohashi esiku ndyoka taku ningwa omutum- Omukanda gwompange- Afghanistan, Thailand, Iraq, Brazil landithwa po kehangano lyaChina kutha oolita dhomeya dha thika po ba ngoka. la yongeshefa ndjoka, kagu na naPeru oya shaina omukanda ngo- lyaStina Wu, lyedhina First. 2 500 okutoma ondoongi yimwe Monena aantu ya thika 1 900, oya omauyelele agehe taga pumbiwa un- ka itagu popile etungo lyokatomeno Wu okwa li a popi kutya ye ota hii- naashoka osha hala okutya otaku shaina omukanda ngoka itagu pop- ene tuu kombinga yongeshefa yawo koondongi mondoolopa yaKahand- litha owala etungo ndyoka kehanga- ka longitha oolita dhomeya dha thi- ile eningo lyokatomeno hoka mon- ndjoka ya hala okutameka. ja. no lyaAgri-nature Investment Trade ka po-30 000 mesiku ngele AaChi- doolopa ndjoka, ngoka gwa pewa Sheya okwa popi kutya ita vulu Nonando mayola gwondoolopa na okwa tsu omuthindo kutya ye ke na oya hala okutoma oondongi 120 elelo lyamuni gwondoolopa ndjoka, okutya sha kombinga yehokololo yaKahandja Johannes Hindjou, na mo olunyala mokatomeno hoka. mesiku. kuyele omwedhi nguka. ndyoka, ihe otaya ka gandja uuyele- okwa taambako oshiyetwapo shoka Oonakushaina omukandanye- Oya hala okuuva kutya iiyekelwa- Elelo lyondoolopa olya tseyi- le moshigwana uuna ya ningi omu- tashi kwatelwa komeho kehangano nyeto ngoka oya hala opo eindilo hi mokatomeno hoka otayi ka tulwa tha momwedhi Februali kutya olya tumba gwawo. lyaChina lyedhina Agri-nature In- lyokutunga okatomeno hoka li zi- peni. ninga etokolo opo li landithe oplo- Okatomeno komOkahandja vestment Trade, omukandanyenyeto minwe koshikondo shUundjolow- “Otaya ka kutha oondongi peni? ta kehangano lyaChina lyoFu Hai Aaningimanyenyeto oya pula ele- ngoka gwa shaninwa ogwa pula ele- ele wIinamwenyo, onga uumbangi Kape na onyama nenge ondoongi yi Trading ndyoka lya hala okuninga lo lyondoolopa yaKahandja opo li lelo lyondoolopa ndjoka li talulule womapindikathano pokati kaChina na omwenyo tayi ka pitikwa okuya okatomeno koondoongi. talulule okugandja omulilo omuzizi opoloyeka ndjoka. naNamibia. moNamibia molwaashoka menene- Etseyitho ndyoka olya etitha oma- kopoloyeka ndjoka tayi ka e ta eyo- “AaChina otaya kwatwako os- Oya popi kutya Dr Jesse Kamwi vi otamu adhika oondoongi odhindji pulo ogendji okuza moshigwana, nagulo lyomudhingoloko, ondjala hilongo shetu oshiwanawa non- koshikondo shuundjolowele wiimu- ihe ihadhi pitikwa okupita oongam- ngoka sigo onene inaga yamukulwa. nokwaahena iilonga. doolopa yetu yaKahandja. Otu na na okwa koleke kutya kape na eindi- ba omolwa oonkalo dhuundjolow- Ehangano lyoFu Hai Trading in- Konyala aantu ya thika po-718 aak- okuya indika opo kaya hanagule- lo lyoludhi ndoka lya ningwa. ele dhontumba. Dhilaadhila ne an- ali shangithwa nUuministeli wE- washigwana yaNamibia oshowo yii- po oonzo dhetu, omukwashigwana Mboka natango oya hala okuuva dola ofaalama yontumba tayi patwa mona, nookume kawo mongeshefa longo ngaashi South Africa, Tanza- gwomoKahandja,” Muller Theron ngele okwa ningwa tuu omakon- omolwa omikithi dhoka dha taande- yomoshilongo kayeli momukunda nia, United Kingdom, South Korea, a holola. aakono kutya okatomeno hoka ota- lithwa koondoongi. Omapiyagano,


THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 MOSHIWAMBO 13 OMUNASHIPUNDI GWOSSC A YELITHA liko goludhi ndoka, olya shunithwa pevi noopresenda 50. Okwa gwedha po kutya okakomisi Job a hala a yomiliyona 47, mpoka taka pangele okali ka pangele okulanda ooplota okutunga oombelwa dhako oonene mOvenduka,na okali taka ka longitha shunithilwe oshimaliwa shoomiliyona 85 moku- landa ooplota nokulonga ehala ndyo- ka, ndhoka dha li dhali dhi na okuka- la dhongushu yoomiliyona 800 okuya pobiliyona 1. Omolwa ondilo yopoloyeka ndjoka, iifuta ye yoSSC okakomisi oka tokola okukaleka man- ga opoloyeka ndjoka. !Gawaxab okwa popi kutya olw- anima oya mono ooplota ndhoka tashi adhika mepandanda lya Hosea CATHERINE SASMAN Kutako okuza ku Tierspoor kon- Omukomeho gwehwahwameko lyoAffirmative dando yoshimaliwa shooN$11 000 mosquare metre. Otaya longekidha Repositioning (AR) Job Amupanda okwa popi kutya okwa A TOKOLA: Job Amupanda. ETHANO: LYA ZA MOOMPUNGULILO okutunga oombonge dhawo pehala hala opo a shunithilwe iifuta ye mbyoka ha futu kehe wa momayalulo gombaanga yoSME Okwa popi kutya iifuta yaamboka ndyoka, kongushu yoomiliyona 420. Mokahandja, SSC ota pangele oku- omwedhi kokomisi yoSocial Security Commission (SSC). pehulio lyomvula ya piti, kwa popiwa taya yi momafudho gokupulumutha mona ooplota ndatu moka taya ka sha ziminwa kOmupresidende Hage oya gwedhelwa okuza pooN$10 000, tunga oombelewa dhawo oshowo Geingob opo shi vule oku ka gandja okuya pooN$13 000. ehala lyoongeshefa kondando yoom- omukanda ngoka a shangele potwa woo ka landa ooplota mbali omadheulo kaanona yomiita. Iifuta yomaindilo gaamboka taya yi iliyona 14, pehala lyokulongitha oom- omunambelewa omukulun- kondando yopombanda noonkondo Amupanda ina nyanyukilwa woo momafudho guuwehame, oya gwed- iliyona 48, ngaashi sha li sha pangel- Mtu gwokomisi ndjoka, Milka okuza komuniilonga gUuministeli omwaalu gwiifuta hagu pewa mbo- helewa noopresenda 24 nomonena wa. Mungunda, Amupanda okwa popi wIilonga nOmalweendo, Ambrosius ka taya ningi omaindilo gawo giifuta omwaalu gwa hugunina ngoka hagu Mokaiti, otaya pangele okulongu- kutya otayi moonkundathana nomu- Tierspoor. okuza kokakomisi hoka. vulu okupewa nakuninga eindilo ogu- lula oombelewa dhawo kondando kalelipo gwe gwopaveta opo a pewe Ombaapila ndjoka oya popi woo li pooN$9 750. yoomiliyona 13 na kadhi shi we 50, omayele kutya ota hulitha po ngiini kombinga yoshimaliwa shoomiliyona !GAWAXAB a yamukula Omagwedhelepo gokulelepeka ngaashi sha li sha pangelwa. okukala ha gandja iigandjwa ye ko- 150, shoka sha pungulwa mombaanga Omunashipundi gwelelo lyoSSC, Jo- efudho lyokupulumutha okuza pii- Omapungulo mOmbaanga yaSME Social Security. yoSME, ndjoka ya tulwa mekondolo- hannes !Gawaxab, okwa yamukula wike 12 okuya piiwike 14 nalyo olya !Gawaxab okwa popi kutya Ombaapila yaAmupanda oya lo lyOmbaanga Onene mOshilongo, momatseyitho ga futilwa miikun- tulwa poshitaaafula. okomitiiye yomapungulo mokakomi- hwahwamekwa koonkunda ndhoka omolwa epungulo lyoomiliyona 200, daneki yimwe po moshilongo. Kombinga yooplota ndhoka taku si hoka oya zimine eningo lyomapun- dha pitithwa omasiku ga piti, moka ndyoka tali limbilike lwa ningwa mo- Okwa popi kutya okakomisi oka popiwa dha landwa, !Gawaxab okwa gulo mombaanga ndjoka, Munguda e okakomisi hoka taka fekelwa taka South Afrika. yambulapo iifuta mbyoka haka gandja popi kutya olopota ndjoka kayi li li oshilyo shelelo, na okwali iikutha kutha ombinga momatsokumwe taga Oshimaliwa shoka osha kwate- koonakuninga omaindilo okutameka mondjila, molwaashoka elongitho mo moonkundathana dhokuninga limbilike. Okakomisi hoka okwa lo- lamo oomiliyona 11 ndhoka dha tul- omwedhi Januari gwomvula yo-2016. lyawo lyiimaliwa mokulanda oma- etokolo lyepungulo ndyoka. Shifeta a zi mokalungu kombinga yoshiningwanima shomObwabwata ELLANIE SMIT haya yi miikunino moka taya inin- githa onga aatalelipo. Ominista yOmidhingoloko, Minista okwa hokolola kutya Keil Pohamba Shifeta okwa popi pamwe nofamili ye oya yi moshi- kutya aanambelewa yegameno kunino shoka, momudhingoloko mboka taya longele miikunino gwaBuffalo Core momasiku 12 yiinamwenyo moshilongo, kaye gaMalitsa na oya li ya yelithilwa shi aahwapindi ihe nayo oye na kombinga yomilandu moshikuni- omilandu ndhoka haya longitha. no shoka pomayakulilo gaayenda. Shifeta okwa pula opo aatalelipo Momasiku 15 gaMalitsa ofa- ayehe miikunino moka, yiiyuthe mili oyali ya hala natango okuya komalombwelo ngoka taya pewa moshikunino, naasho aanam- kaanambelewa. belewa ya kambadhala okuya pa Minista okwa popi ngaaka omilandu okwa popi kutya oya mOmaandaha pethimbo a popi pewa nale omilandu oshikando kombinga yoshiningwanima shotango. sheumbo lyaatalelipo mObwab- Shifeta okwa tsikile kutya ongula wata National Park sho aanam- yesiku ndyoka okuuvika omitope- belewa yegameno lyehala ndyoka, lo dhoondjembo moshikunino mbyoka taya longele oshikondo shoka, naanambelewa yegameno shokukondjitha uukongo waali oya fekele kutya omuna aakongo paveta ya umbu ofamili yaantu momudhingoloko. yane, Harald Keil, 33, omuku- “Lwopotundi onti-15:00, aanam- lukadhi gwe Teresa, 33, uunona belewa ya zala omizalo dhawo wawo uwali wuukadhona, Alexia dhiilonga oshowo ehauto lyepan- gwoomvula ndatu oshowo Caytlin gelo, oya kankameke Keil pamwe gwoomvula mbali. nofamili ye.” Alexia okwa yahwa momutse na Oyiipopi kutya oyo oolye na oya okwa li a ningilwa etando lyo- pula opo ya hadhe mohauto meendelelo, konima sho a lale- yaatalelipo mboka. Keil okwa lo- kwamo moshipangelo, ofamili potwa owala a hingi ehauto lye ndjoka oya tulamo oshipotha nokuya ontuku naanambelewa shonkambadhala yedhipago. mboka oya umbu ooholo dhek- Shifeta okwa popi kutya okwa unkililo. Oya umbu woo kelola hala okuyelithila oshigwana ku- lyokonima , na oya umbu natango tya moonkalo moka aanambel- komalola gohauto ihe ohauto nd- ewa mboka haya patulula omulilo, joka inayi thikama. olundji aakongo oyo haya umbu “Aatalelipo mboka oya hingi ya tango aanambelewa. pitilile woo pehala lyomathikilo “Oye na iilwitho iinene ngaashi mpoka yali ye na okulopota oshin- oAK47, mbyoka iilwitho yomiita.” ingwanima shoka ihe shoka inaye Shifeta okwa popi kutya ethimbo shi ningwa,” Shifeta tati, kutya oya limwe aanambelewa mboka ohaya kankama owala peinda lyopolisi kala ya homata iilwitho mbyoka poDivundu. ya kuthwa aakongo. Okwa tsikile Nonando ongaaka Shifeta okwa kutya aakongo mboka haya yi popi kutya omahokololo itaga tsu miikunino mbyoka oya dheulwa kumwe, ndyoka tali popiwa kofa- nethimbo limwe otaya longitha mili oshowo ndyoka tali popiwa omilandu dhuungwelila. kaanambelewa, onkene otaku ka Shifeta okwa popi kutya kashi shi ningwa omakonaakono. ehalo lyawo andola ya dhipage Okwa tsikile kutya okomitiye aakongo, ihe ohaya longitha omu- yEgameno lyIiyamakuti oya gon- landu gokwiigamena uuna aakon- gala mOmaandaha opo yi kun- go yuumbu tango. dathane oshiningwanima shoka Okwa tsikile kutya aanambelewa nokukwashilipaleka kutya iin- mboka ohaya kala ya angala mol- ingwanima yoludhi ndyoka inayi waashoka ope na aakongo mboka holoka we monakuyiwa.


14 WHEELS THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 WHEELS 15 Wheels CARS THE RICHEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD DRIVE Carlos Slim Helu Michael Dell laptop mogul is the world’s Wheels for Carlos Helu second richest Michael Dell drives an edgy, 2004 Porsche man, according to Forbes. He is Boxter. Although worth roughly N$989 billion. a new model could cost you The Mexican tel- well above N$1.05 billionaires ecom giant drives million, you could Warren Buffett buy this model himself to work used for under in his Bentley Continental Fly- worth stands at ing Spur worth N$262 000. His N$3.93 million. N$272.5 billion. BUSINESS INSIDER We profile 10 of the richest people in the world and what car they prefer to drive… interesting stuff indeed. Alice Walton, heir- Mark ess of the Wal-Mart Zuckerberg fortune, is the second- is often seen richest woman in the in a black world with a fortune Acura TSX. Mark of N$524.5 billion. Alice Walton The young Zuckerberg But her car of choice billionaire is a simple 2006 Ford with a fortune Bill Gates F-150 King Ranch. of N$771.6 The trucks retail at billion has around N$524 000. among the With her DUI arrest cheapest of the last year, it might be rides: the car is better that she stick to valued at about Warren Buffett is one of the world’s richest men with a fortune of N$812.2 bil- inexpensive cars. N$393 000. lion, but his frugality is as well-known as his bank account. The investor drives a Cadillac DTS, which he purchased to support then-flailing American compa- ny General Motors. The car retails for around N$589 500. Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud, member of the Saudi royal family, BMW Premium Selection Prince Alwaleed drives a Rolls-Royce Used Cars Bin Talal Alsaud Phantom. The entry www.bmw level version of the Larry Ellison -danricauto.co.za Driving Pleasure obahn www.bmw-autobahn Sheer bmw.co.za Bill Gates’ Porsche 959 Coupe is one of only 230 in the world. It took a fed- prince’s car costs eral law signed by then-president Bill Clinton to allow the billionaire to drive N$3.2 million, while the car because there was no crash-test rating. The price for such a car? an upscale ver- N$2.95 million when new, they now go for well over N$5.24 million. Small fry sion a royal would for Gates who is worth N$1.1 trillion. surely need is a cool N5.85 million. His net worth stands at N$237 billion. Public Notice BMW 320d Sedan 2016 BMW M5 2013 BMW 228i Coupe 2016 Ingvard Kam- 21 269km 71 575km 6 897km prad is the Billionaire Larry Ellison, founder of Oracle is worth N$366.8 bil- N$520 000 N$900 000 N$540 000 founder of Ikea lion and is famous for his many cars. Among his most prestigious is this Civil Aviation Industry Clients Service Charges Collections and is worth an McLaren F1. In 1998, the car was declared the fastest ever to hit the The Namibia Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) is hereby informing all its clients that estimated N$367 Ingvard road and its invention is seen as revolutionary. Production of the cars its Revenue Collection Venues will change as from 1st April 2017. The old venues billion. But his Kamprad stopped that year and now they can fetch up to N$53.7 million each. at Ministry of Works and Transport and all the Magistrate offi ces in Namibia will be ride of choice is replaced by Revenue Collection Offi ce at South Port Building, corner of Mandume as humble as the and Hosea Kutako Avenue, 1st Floor, Unit 12C, Windhoek, Namibia. furniture he sells: BMW X5 xDrive 30d 2008 BMW X4 xDrive 20i 2015 BMW 320i Sedan 2016 a 1993 Volvo 240. 235 668km 44 058km 17 265km The revenue Collection Offi ce Hours: If the car sold to- N$195 000 N$610 000 N$465 000 Open: 08H30 day, it would only Ondangwa Close: 12H00 be worth about The rest of clients outside Windhoek are encouraged to make use of physical N$19 650. deposit EFT payment t f Account: Standard Bank of Namibia Account name: Namibia Civil Aviation Authority BMW X3 xDrive 20i 2012 BMW 520i Sedan 2013 BMW X5 xDrive 30d 2016 Account Number: 04 267 7068 101 421km 41 935km 4 975km Branch name: Ausspannplatz Branch Michael N$295 000 N$390 000 N$995 000 Swift Code: SBNMNANX Bloomberg, New The completed deposit slips and proof of payment for EFT payments must always York’s mayor and DEMO VEHICLES be submitted with the service application forms at all times to relevant service financial data BMW 535i Sedan 2013 Sect Administrat F fi [email protected] Michael mogul drives an 70 375km N$460 000 Bloomberg Audi R8. The con persons’ detail are: swanky car retails OUR NEWSPAPERS ARE NOW AVAILABLE AT BMW 125i Sports 2016 N$583 200 Mr. Rob Namaseb 0811467228 at N$1.57 million. THE STREET CORNERS OF THE FOLLOWING BMW 318i Sedan 2016 Volkswagen Golf 7 2015 BMW 220d Active Tourer 2016 69 794km 11 500km Mrs. Pendukeni Nauyo 0811620875 He has a sizeable SERVICE STATION N$511 900 N$380 000 6 400km N$482 700 fortune with a net Mrs. Athell Strau 0811621995 worth of N$611.8 BMW 520i Sedan 2016 N$662 000 2 500km billion. Okapana Service Station Danric Auto DM0201700262252_GD Ondangwa Main Road Corner Bismarck Street and David Hosea Meroro Road Contact Adri van Tonder 081 150 4040 Windhoek Acting Executive Director; NCAA Tel. 061 295 8100 Johan Boltman 081 232 0922 Ms. Angeline Simana Divisions of: www.bmw-danricauto.co.za Office 061 295 8122


14 WHEELS THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 WHEELS 15 Wheels CARS THE RICHEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD DRIVE Carlos Slim Helu Michael Dell laptop mogul is the world’s Wheels for Carlos Helu second richest Michael Dell drives an edgy, 2004 Porsche man, according to Forbes. He is Boxter. Although worth roughly N$989 billion. a new model could cost you The Mexican tel- well above N$1.05 billionaires ecom giant drives million, you could Warren Buffett buy this model himself to work used for under in his Bentley Continental Fly- worth stands at ing Spur worth N$262 000. His N$3.93 million. N$272.5 billion. BUSINESS INSIDER We profile 10 of the richest people in the world and what car they prefer to drive… interesting stuff indeed. Alice Walton, heir- Mark ess of the Wal-Mart Zuckerberg fortune, is the second- is often seen richest woman in the in a black world with a fortune Acura TSX. Mark of N$524.5 billion. Alice Walton The young Zuckerberg But her car of choice billionaire is a simple 2006 Ford with a fortune Bill Gates F-150 King Ranch. of N$771.6 The trucks retail at billion has around N$524 000. among the With her DUI arrest cheapest of the last year, it might be rides: the car is better that she stick to valued at about Warren Buffett is one of the world’s richest men with a fortune of N$812.2 bil- inexpensive cars. N$393 000. lion, but his frugality is as well-known as his bank account. The investor drives a Cadillac DTS, which he purchased to support then-flailing American compa- ny General Motors. The car retails for around N$589 500. Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud, member of the Saudi royal family, BMW Premium Selection Prince Alwaleed drives a Rolls-Royce Used Cars Bin Talal Alsaud Phantom. The entry www.bmw level version of the Larry Ellison -danricauto.co.za Driving Pleasure obahn www.bmw-autobahn Sheer bmw.co.za Bill Gates’ Porsche 959 Coupe is one of only 230 in the world. It took a fed- prince’s car costs eral law signed by then-president Bill Clinton to allow the billionaire to drive N$3.2 million, while the car because there was no crash-test rating. The price for such a car? an upscale ver- N$2.95 million when new, they now go for well over N$5.24 million. Small fry sion a royal would for Gates who is worth N$1.1 trillion. surely need is a cool N5.85 million. His net worth stands at N$237 billion. Public Notice BMW 320d Sedan 2016 BMW M5 2013 BMW 228i Coupe 2016 Ingvard Kam- 21 269km 71 575km 6 897km prad is the Billionaire Larry Ellison, founder of Oracle is worth N$366.8 bil- N$520 000 N$900 000 N$540 000 founder of Ikea lion and is famous for his many cars. Among his most prestigious is this Civil Aviation Industry Clients Service Charges Collections and is worth an McLaren F1. In 1998, the car was declared the fastest ever to hit the The Namibia Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) is hereby informing all its clients that estimated N$367 Ingvard road and its invention is seen as revolutionary. Production of the cars its Revenue Collection Venues will change as from 1st April 2017. The old venues billion. But his Kamprad stopped that year and now they can fetch up to N$53.7 million each. at Ministry of Works and Transport and all the Magistrate offi ces in Namibia will be ride of choice is replaced by Revenue Collection Offi ce at South Port Building, corner of Mandume as humble as the and Hosea Kutako Avenue, 1st Floor, Unit 12C, Windhoek, Namibia. furniture he sells: BMW X5 xDrive 30d 2008 BMW X4 xDrive 20i 2015 BMW 320i Sedan 2016 a 1993 Volvo 240. 235 668km 44 058km 17 265km The revenue Collection Offi ce Hours: If the car sold to- N$195 000 N$610 000 N$465 000 Open: 08H30 day, it would only Ondangwa Close: 12H00 be worth about The rest of clients outside Windhoek are encouraged to make use of physical N$19 650. deposit EFT payment t f Account: Standard Bank of Namibia Account name: Namibia Civil Aviation Authority BMW X3 xDrive 20i 2012 BMW 520i Sedan 2013 BMW X5 xDrive 30d 2016 Account Number: 04 267 7068 101 421km 41 935km 4 975km Branch name: Ausspannplatz Branch Michael N$295 000 N$390 000 N$995 000 Swift Code: SBNMNANX Bloomberg, New The completed deposit slips and proof of payment for EFT payments must always York’s mayor and DEMO VEHICLES be submitted with the service application forms at all times to relevant service financial data BMW 535i Sedan 2013 Sect Administrat F fi [email protected] Michael mogul drives an 70 375km N$460 000 Bloomberg Audi R8. The con persons’ detail are: swanky car retails OUR NEWSPAPERS ARE NOW AVAILABLE AT BMW 125i Sports 2016 N$583 200 Mr. Rob Namaseb 0811467228 at N$1.57 million. THE STREET CORNERS OF THE FOLLOWING BMW 318i Sedan 2016 Volkswagen Golf 7 2015 BMW 220d Active Tourer 2016 69 794km 11 500km Mrs. Pendukeni Nauyo 0811620875 He has a sizeable SERVICE STATION N$511 900 N$380 000 6 400km N$482 700 fortune with a net Mrs. Athell Strau 0811621995 worth of N$611.8 BMW 520i Sedan 2016 N$662 000 2 500km billion. Okapana Service Station Danric Auto DM0201700262252_GD Ondangwa Main Road Corner Bismarck Street and David Hosea Meroro Road Contact Adri van Tonder 081 150 4040 Windhoek Acting Executive Director; NCAA Tel. 061 295 8100 Johan Boltman 081 232 0922 Ms. Angeline Simana Divisions of: www.bmw-danricauto.co.za Office 061 295 8122


16 ADVERTS THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 JOINT MEDIA STATEMENT: MUSHROOMING OF BOGUS, UNREGISTERED AND UNACCREDITED INSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING OPERATING IN NAMIBIA ISSUED BY: NAMIBIA QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY (NQA) AND NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (NCHE) BACKGROUND The Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA) was established by Act 29 of 1996 and is mandated to perform certain statutory duties and functions in its role as a regulatory body for the education and training sector. These duties include setting up and administering a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and to accredit persons, institutions and organizations providing education and courses of instruction or training in Namibia. Moreover, the NQA evaluates qualifications to determine their validity, legality and authenticity. The National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) was established by the Higher Education Act (Act No. 26 of 2003) to promote the establishment of a co-ordinated higher education system; the access of students to higher education institutions; and accredit, with the concurrence of NQA, programmes offered at higher education institutions, monitor the quality assurance mechanisms of higher education institutions and advise the Minister responsible for higher education on the allocation of moneys to public higher education institutions. 1. The NQA and NCHE as sister regulatory organisations resorting under the Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Innovation, have noticed with concern the mushrooming of institutions of learning operating in different locations in Namibia which are neither registered nor accredited. It is the two regulatory bodies’ considered opinion that this situation presents a potential risk to the education and training sector in Namibia given the fact that these institutions are offering educational programmes which have not been quality assured and, therefore, not objectively proven to have complied with national quality standards through competent assessment. 2. These institutions not only openly disregard the country’s laws pertaining to setting up institutions of learning, but are also deliberately misleading the Namibian public into enrolling for qualifications that are not deemed as legitimate. 3. In safeguarding the education system and to ensure adherence to national quality standards, NQA and NCHE hereby issue the following urgent and serious notice to all institutions of learning currently operating in Namibia: a) Institutions must attain legal status in Namibia through the relevant Ministries and such status must be substantiated through relevant documents before commencing with any operations. b) All Namibian qualifications should be registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) in line with the relevant regulatory requirements as per NQF Regulations No 126 of 2006. A qualification submitted for registration shall be in compliance with the technical criteria set out in the Criteria for the Registration of Qualifications. c) All private higher education institutions operating in Namibia must register with the Registrar of private higher education institutions, a function delegated to NCHE, before offering educational programmes to any person. This is in accordance with Section 25 of the Higher Education Act, Act 23 of 2003. d) The Registrar will only grant such registration if, upon consultation with the NQA, the institution is considered to have sufficient capacity in terms of facilities, equipment and appropriately qualified teaching personnel. Further to that, the Registrar must be satisfied that the institution’s programmes have complied with the appropriate national quality standards. e) All private higher education institutions currently operating without registration must instantly cease to offer educational programmes until such registration has been obtained. f) Prospective learners are also cautioned against enrolling at institutions which are neither registered nor accredited. g) In line with its advisory role to stakeholders on matters pertaining to qualifications and national standards for qualifications, the NQA assists prospective learners to verify the accreditation status of any institution before enrolment. To access this free service, interested stakeholders can contact the NQA on tel. (061) 384 100 or email: [email protected]. A list of all accredited Namibian institutions is also available on the NQA website: www.namqa.org. h) NQA and NCHE remain committed to developing a world-class education and training sector that is globally competitive, empowering and responsive to the needs of individual learners, employers and national developmental objectives as articulated in Vision 2030, the National Development Plans and the Harambee Prosperity Plan. Issued by: ……………………………………. ………………………………………… Franz Gertze Mocks Shivute Chief Executive Officer Executive Director Namibia Qualifications Authority National Council for Higher Education Secretariat Enquiries: NQA Enquiries: NCHE Ms Catherine Shipushu Ms Sylvia Demas Manager: Marketing and Communications Deputy Executive Director: Operations Tel: +264 61 384 107 Tel: +264 61 307012 DM0201700262075_GD Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] HARNESSES INFORMATION, RESEARCH AND EVIDENCE WHO uses evidence as a sound basis for setting health priorities, strategies and measuring results. In consultation with leading health experts, WHO provides authoritative health information. 2017 theme is Depression Let’s talk. WORLD HEALTH DAY 7 APRIL


THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 CLASSIFIED ADS 17 Classified Ads PLEASE NOTE: We do not accept any SMILEY adverts via SMS anymore. INDEX • Enjoy the convenience of placing your advertisement via email at a very competitive • We do not accept any adverts for livestock sales. rate. • We do not accept any adverts for traditional healers. 001 Religious Notices • Classified ads can be sent via email to [email protected]. Classifieds that are Conditions of acceptance: Namibian Sun reserves the right to withhold or cancel any 002 Death Notices sent after 09h00 am will only be placed the day after. Classified ads if it is believed that it may be a scam or an attempt to dupe our readers 003 Tombstone Unveilings 004 In Memoriam Bona fide traders and service providers only. into paying money for a service they will never receive. In such case the placement fee 005 Thank you • Display and other classified advertisements can be placed at our offices, faxed of 006 Congratulations • or emailed. Namibian Sun, 11 General Murtala Muhammed Road, Eros, Windhoek N$ 41.40 is not refundable to client. 007 Engagements 008 Weddings • We do not accept employment adverts for domestic work without identification or via We also implore our readers not to pay ANY deposit for goods and services before these 009 Births email. have been received. 010 Birthdays 011 Lost & Found 012 Notices 013 Personal only 012 029 031 034 039 041 014 Education Notices Goods for Sale Legal Notices Houses to let Houses wanted to buy Commercial wanted to rent 015 Finance 016 Businesses NOTICE: Dunamis Consulting ONE ON ONE PROPERTIES: ONE ON ONE PROPERTIES: 017 Special Services Town and Regional Planners on ELISENHEIM: Brand new unit, Warehouse in Katutura near B1 018 Transport behalf of the owner of Erven 790, on 1st floor. Very spacious, City, ±120m² double volume. 019 Recreation & Fitness Our SMS line for 791 and 792 Sauyemwa Extension light and bright with 2 be- Kitchenette, toilets, 3 offices 020 Entertainment 3 Rundu intends to apply to the drooms and modern well fitted with air-conditioners. 3-Phase 021 Animals all future readers 022 Traditional Rundu Town Council for the fol- with lots of cupboards. 1 Full electricity. Lots of secured 023 Small Holdings engagement is lowing: bathroom. 2 Parking spaces parking. Available immediately. 024 Motorbikes/Cycles Rezoning of consolidated Erven under roof. N$13 000 pm. Call Nic Serfon- 025 Motor Spares 790, 791 and 790 Sauyemwa Ex- Available immediately. N$7 tein 081-1241247, Wilma 026 Cars 51500. 000. Water included up to 027 Trailers tension 3 Rundu from Single ‘re- Serfontein 081-1241247. 028 Trucks Effective on 1 December 2016, sidential’ with a density of 1:300 N$300 pm. DM0201700262604 029 Goods for Sale to ‘General Residential’ with a CIMBEBASIA: Hybrid Gardens: 030 Goods Wanted SMS cost N$ 3 density of 1:100, Consolidation of 1st Floor. 2 Bedroom apart- 045 031 Legal Notices Erven 790 (898m²), 791 (371m²) ment with spacious living area Employment Offered 032 Accommodation Wanted and 792 (670m²) Sauyemwa and extra entertainment room 033 Accommodation only Extension 3 Rundu into Erf X with BBQ. 034 Houses to let (1939m²), Consent to use the new Full bathroom. Parking for 1 035 Houses to buy Erf X (1939m² in extent) for a Bed car only! Includes water up to 036 Flats/ Sectional 037 Erven only and Breakfast Establishment with N$300 pm. Available immedia- 038 Houses wanted to let the new proposed density of 1:100 tely. N$8 000 pm. 039 Houses wanted while the rezoning is in process. KLEINE KUPPE: Barbados Com- to buy Erven 790, 791 and 792 is located plex, 1st floor. 2 Bedroom flat 040 Commercial to rent in Rundu, Sauyemwa Extension 3. with 1 bathroom and patio 041 Commercial wanted TV ENTERTAINMENT UNIT, to rent wooden cabinet, automatic The properties are currently zo- with BBQ. Parking for 1 car 052 042 Commercial to buy washing machine, etc. Call ned ‘Residential’ with a density of only. No pets. Available imme- Motor Repairs 043 Commercial wanted 081-1220382. 1300 and are 898m², 371m² and diately. N$9 000 pm. to buy DM0201700262608 670m² in extent respectively. KLEINE KUPPE: Guinas 101: 044 Employment Wanted 045 Employment Offered The new density of 1:100 will allow Duplex townhouse with 3 be- 046 Beauty DO YOU want to lose weight, the owner to operate a Bed and drooms, 2 bathrooms, open- 047 Building and Painting 026 detox or have high cholester- Breakfast Establishment compri- plan kitchen, patio with BBQ 048 Electrical Cars ol? I’m selling an organic detox sing of 15 leasable rooms. Enough and garden, double garage. 049 Garden Services tea from the USA for N$20 a Parking as required in terms of Water included up to N$300 050 Hair Salons 051 Medical sachet. Call 081-2797201. the Rundu Town Planning Scheme pm. Available 1 April. N$14 000. 052 Motor Repairs DM0201700261939 will be provided onsite. AVIS: Brandberg Complex: PARTS 053 Photography Further take note that the locality New and modern. Duplex 054 Plumbing plan of the Erf lies for inspec- townhouse with 3 bedrooms, DIVISION 055 General Repairs 030 056 Help Goods Wanted tion at the Rundu Town Council 2 bathrooms, study, open- Offices. 057 Agri Implements plan kitchen with living area. WE Further take note that any person Guest toilet, courtyard with CLASSIFIED objecting to the proposed use of small lawn and BBQ. Double SPECIALISE Smalls: N$51.75 for the first land as set out above may lodge garage. N$18 000 pm. Avail- IN TOYOTA 20 words and N$2.07 for each such objection together with the able immediately. Nic Serfon- additional word. grounds thereof at the Rundu tein 081-1266666, Wilma PARTS Display smalls: N$51.75 per col. cm (incl VAT). Full Colour Town Council Office in Writing wit- Serfontein 081-1241247. PONTAPT: Domestic Notices: 2009 LAND CRUISER 4.2 hin 14 days of the last publication DM0201700262603 N$51.75 per col. cm (incl VAT). of this notice (final date for objec- 061-309977 Full Colour diesel single cab bakkie for tions is April 27, 2017). 061-309948 sale with 115 000km. Extras DUNAMIS CONSULTING OTJOMUISE 1: Bachelor flat DEADLINES worth +- N$180 000, too many Town and Regional Planners close to big shops. Kitchenette 061-232707 Please book timeously to to mention. Bakkie in excellent Cell: +264 855512173 with bic & bis, open-plan. No Prosperita/ avoid the disappointment condition. N$350 000, VAT Fax: +264 61239417 parking. 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18 SPORT THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 Sport NEYMAR HELPS GUARANTEE WORLD CUP PLACE Brazil march through NAMPA/REUTERS mar but the first big chance was a the rebound. points of Argentina and kept alive breakaway by Paraguay Derlis Gon- Stung by the miss, Neymar made their own faint hopes of qualifying Brazil lead the standings on 33 points with four matches zalez, who hurried his shot and put up for it 10 minutes later, scamp- for a first World Cup since 1982. Carlos Sanchez turned in Luis to play, 11 points ahead of arch-rivals Argentina, who the ball wide. ering down the left wing from in- Suarez’s pass to give Uruguay the Midfielder Hernan Perez missed side his own half, skipping tack- slipped back into fifth after a 2-0 defeat away to Bolivia another chance for Paraguay be- les and driving into the box before lead after half an hour but Pao- without suspended captain Lionel Messi. fore Philippe Coutinho opened the beating a wrong-footed Silva with lo Guerrero levelled four minutes scoring for the hosts in the 34th a shot that took a deflection off a later and Edison Flores gave Peru minute at the Corinthians Arena. defender. a deserved win with an emphatic N eymar shrugged off some would finish the 10-nation group in The Liverpool playmaker played second goal when he picked up a finish just after the hour. Neymar, who thought he had a the top four, guaranteeing them a a neat one-two with Paulinho be- Uruguay’s unhappy evening rough tackling and a missed penalty to score a brilliant side position and put the ball in the past goalkeeper Anthony Silva and solo goal as he led Brazil to a 3-0 berth at the Russia finals. fore curling a low, left-foot shot rebound off a team mate in an off- e n d e d with a red card for substitute Jona- The top four teams qualify au- win over Paraguay which booked tomatically and the fifth playoff inside the far corner. net, came in for some more heavy than Urretavis- their place at the 2018 World Cup against a team from another con- Neymar was awarded a penalty treatment from Paraguay, who caya in the 75th finals on Tuesday. federation. Paraguay are in eighth after being brought down early in hardly troubled Brazil goalkeeper minute. It was Brazil’s eighth consecu- spot on 18 points, behind Peru on the second half but his stop-start Alisson in the second half. tive win in qualifying and, com- goal difference. run-up failed to deceive Silva and Left back Marcelo put the icing bined with Peru’s 2-1 win over Uru- The early part of the match was the keeper saved with a dive to his on the cake with another fine guay in a later game, ensured they marked by a string of fouls on Ney- right then blocked his effort with goal in the closing minutes for Brazil, who extended their South American qualifying record with the victory. Peru’s win pulled them within four TOP: Brazil’s Neymar celebrates his goal. PHOTO: NAMPA/REUTERS South Africa water on the covers that sheltered the wicket block, with significant clinch cricket pooling adjacent to the square and in the outfield. series South Africa were to resume their second innings at 80-5, still 95 runs behind New Zealand, with captain NAMPA/AP Faf du Plessis and wicketkeeper Quinton de Kock both 15 not out. Rain washed out the final day of New Zealand needed five wickets the third cricket test between to seal a series-levelling win. New Zealand and South Africa Conditions briefly brightened in Hamilton yesterday, foiling around the scheduled lunch break the efforts of a depleted home but when the rain returned, the team to win the test and level the umpires and ground staff agreed three-match series. that there was little likelihood the Heavy rain fell throughout sodden oval could be made ready the night on Seddon Park, and for play. when the players arrived for the The match was called off at 13:30 scheduled start there were pools of local time.


THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 SPORT 19 Möwes is king of table tennis SPORT REPORTER The senior men’s event, in particular, produced table tennis Table-tennis star Dietrich of the highest standard. Möwes proved that he can Möwes caused the upset of become one of the best in the the tournament when he first country after winning the eliminated his nemesis, Heiko junior and senior table-tennis Fleidl, in the semi-final with competitions in Windhoek at three points to nil. the weekend. The final was a high-speed match According to the organisers there in which Möwes won the senior was no shortage of excitement at title from last year’s champion, the first table-tennis event of the Wayne Green, with a 3-1 victory. year. The tournament also saw the “It was pleasing to see the high introduction of a new under-13 standard of table tennis so early category. in the year. The inaugural singles winners The number of very young were Raica Coelho and Fortune players was probably one of the Hashoongo. most important highlights of this A number of top players were event. unavailable for the junior men’s The absence of a number of (under-18) category, but that did players, especially those from the not detract from the excitement Hardap Region, was about the as Dietrich Möwes and Kean only lowlight of the tournament,” Tait contested the gold-medal JOYFUL: Table-tennis players were delighted with their first competition of the year at the weekend. they said. position. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED PRESIDENT GEINGOB NOT IMPRESSED NSC resorts to loans JESSE JACKSON KAURAISA ister of sports in order for him to row from financial institutions,” “If you don’t have money now, write a letter requesting permission Matheus said. with what are you going to pay back Desperate times have led to desperate measures, with to borrow money from financial in- The move raised eyebrows at the loan from financial institutions?” the Namibia Sports Commission (NSC) approaching stitutions. of Finance is the State House. President Hage Gein- the president asked. There was no answer from the gob questioned the risk taken by the “The Ministry commercial banks for loans to fund sport codes. only one that can permit us to bor- sports commission. NSC. T he Namibia Sports Commission from financial institutions. (NSC) yesterday revealed that JOEL MATHEUS it had resorted to applying for bank loans in order to save football. NSC chairman Joel Matheus said they were waiting for a response The Ministry of Finance from the Ministry of Finance. is the only one that can It was not clear how much the commission wanted to borrow, but permit us to borrow from Matheus said banks such as FNB financial institutions had indicated willingness to lend it KHORIXAS TOWN COUNCIL money. “We discovered that one of our Acts allows us to borrow money “That is why we went to the min- Tel: 067-331057/331119 The Chief Executive Officer Fax: 067-331001 P/Bag 2005 Email: [email protected] KHORIXAS 2017 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IN TERMS OF PART XIV, SECTION 69 OF THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES ACT 1992 (ACT 23 OF 1992) AS AMENDED; i. That the provisional general revaluation roll of Khorixas is lying open for inspection during normal office hours, in Khorixas Town Council Town Planning office ( Room 7) from Thursday, 30 March 2017 to Monday, 24 April 2017. ii. That the valuation court will sit on Monday, 08 May 2017, at 10 O’Clock in the Town Council Chamber to consider the valuations contained in such provitional roll and to hear and determine any objections lodged in respect of any valauations contained in the roll. The owners of rateable property in respect of which a valuation is contained in the provisional roll are called upon to lodge objections , if any and the grounds for such objection in writing on the objection form provided by the Town Council. Objections are lodged with the Chief Executive Officer within a period of 21 days as from the first day of publication of this notice. For any clarification, kindly contact Mr. Jacobus /Nuab at 067 331 107. DESPERATE: The chairman of the Namibia Sports Commission, Joel Matheus, made a shocking announcement at State House yesterday. PHOTO: JESSE JACKSON KAURAISA DM0201700262393 JN


20 SPORT THURSDAY MARCH 30 2017 Sport Codes to drop from 50 to 10 JESSE JACKSON KAURAISA “One of the things we can look Namibia Premier League execu- into is reducing the number of tive on finding sponsors. A newly appointed independ- sport codes to ten. More than 50 sport codes are af- ent committee has recom- “This is not because we do not filiated to the Namibia Sports mended that the number of see other codes as important, but Commission. sport codes financially aided by it will be more important to focus The commission has channelled government must be reduced on codes that are more familiar to funds from the sport ministry to to 10. our people. these codes based on the catego- The committee had been as- “For example, codes that we ries they fall in. signed by the sport ministry to in- know are practised at schools and Many sport administrators have vestigate and find solutions to the add more value to Namibia.” complained about unfair alloca- funding crisis in Namibian sport. Shiyuka believes this will enable tions and treatment by the NSC. Former Namibia Sports Commis- the ministry to allocate adequate After last year’s budget cutbacks sion members Amos Shiyuka and funding to the remaining codes. by the government, the allocated Elize Peterson were appointed to The committee assured the presi- amounts have reached new lows the committee. dent that they would continue as- and this has threatened the con- BRIEFING: President Hage Geingob and Amos Shiyuka shake hands at State Giving feedback to the head of sessing more matters. tinued existence of several sport House after a press conference on sport matters. PHOTO: JESSE JACKSON KAURAISA state yesterday, Shiyuka said: They promised to advise the new codes. MTC HINTS AT SPONSORSHIP NPL leaders out of shell JESSE JACKSON KAURAISA Government and football leaders met at State House yesterday to discuss the future of football in Namibia. amibia Breweries Limited and MTC will sponsor the Namib- Nia Premier League if the new interim management committee proves its worth to the companies. This was revealed yesterday when the president met the football stake- holders at State House. Former footballer Amos Shiyuka boldly stated that MTC had agreed to give the N$15 million to ensure that the leagues kick off on 12 May. Shiyuka continued by saying that the O&L Group of Companies man- agement had agreed to that too but had not confirmed the amount. Shiyuka, appointed by the minis- try of sport to look into sport mat- ters, assured the public that the league would indeed start in May. However, MTC spokesperson Tim Ekandjo appeared shell-shocked by Shiyuka’s announcement. He said he would rather not comment on the matter at the moment. MTC chairperson Elvis Nashilon- go, however, assured the public that MTC would make a final decision if they saw a positive change in the new NPL management. “To us ... the issue of football has been an issue of organisation and an issue of leadership,” Nashilongo said. For the first time since being elected, the NPL interim manage- ment committee finally outlined some of its plans. Apart from MTC and NPL, the committee announced that it had acquired sponsorships from De- loitte Namibia and PC Centre Na- mibia. The sponsorships will be in the form of free services throughout the season. CLEAR BUT SCHEMING: NPL interim management committee chairperson Franco Cosmos (left) and committee member Ranga Haikali at State House. Interim management commit- PHOTO: JESSE JACKSON KAURAISA tee member Ranga Haikali also an- nounced that the committee would “We are also planning to engage and would end in April. matters. there for a very long time. It is un- meet the league’s board of gover- with more sponsors in order to get He maintained that he was not to fair that people say I did not do any- nors on 8 April. things running,” Haikali said. Geingob not to blame blame for the collapse of Namibian thing. “The meeting will be to help us He added that the proposition President Geingob reiterated that football. “Well, the blame should be on get to agree on the starting date, remained that the games would be FIFA rules state that the govern- “The football problem did not football administrators and not me,” which is 12 May. played in a double-header format ment may not interfere in football start last month, but it has been Geingob said.

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