La Bruja

La Bruja is a legend that haunts Mexico and has been around for years. I've been told many stories about brujas, or witches and it still makes me wonder if the legend is true or not.

The most popular story I've heard about La Bruja is that she likes to take babies away from their mothers. In this legend there is a mother and her baby. The mother is doing some chores while her baby is sound alseep. The mother is always aware of her baby crying and knows what the baby needs. While she was finishing up her laundry, she heard her baby crying and thought the baby was hungry and needed food. The mother quickly tried to finish and then heard her neighbor scream in fear. The neighbor told the mother she saw some sort of creature on the roof. The mother rushed into her baby's nursery to find nothing wrong with her baby. Until she held the baby and found open wounds and blood all over. The mother turned to the window and saw the unknown creature fly away.

Brujas usually haunt the selfish and bad people. They also can take any shape or form, including black cats, and objects. Even, balls of flames that appear at the peak of mountains. They are believed to live in caves on mountains, where they have contact with the devil. Brujas are said to take children away for casting spells and rituals.

Some meanings of these legends include be a good person, unless you want your feet dragged in the middle of the night. Also, don't be rude to your elders, or you will feel long nails scratching your back. Altogether, make sure to watch your actions, or else there will be consequences.

To this day, I'm not sure if these brujas are real, or just a legend to scare me in order to behave. There have been sightings of brujas in Mexico and other places such as Saudia Arabia and more. But I have been told if you believe in brujas, you will encounter them if you have been a bad person.

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