Gordana Popović
ERC Research Programme Agent, ERCEA

After education in biochemistry and molecular biology Gordana Popović completed her university studies in Electrical Engineering at the University Belgrade (Serbia), with a specialisation in microelectronics and computer technology. She received the Doctoral degree from the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien, Austria), where she worked as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Further to teaching at the TU Wien (microsystems, sensorics, mechatronics), Gordana was visiting professor at the University of Malta and was also tutor at the Swiss Foundation for Research in Microtechnology (FSRM). Gordana was also Head of Unit for International Research Co-operations and Technology Transfer at TU Wien. 

Since 2002 Gordana is working in Brussels, first at the European Commission in the DG RTD (Marie Sklodowska Curie Networks), and later as Scientific Officer for EU-funded projects in smart systems (DG CNECT). Gordana also monitored EU programmes in innovation and entrepreneurship.

In 2010 Gordana joined the European Research Council Executive Agency, where as Scientific Officer she is coordinating the PE8 panel (Products and Processes Engineering), running the full cycle of the evaluation process and monitoring implementation of ERC grants. At ERCEA Gordana is also involved in communication activities and in the Widening European Participation group.