What is a Contusion?

occupational therapy near islandia, ny

Everyone at some point in their lives gets a bruise in either their legs or arms. But did you know that a bruise is medically referred to as a contusion? A contusion is a collection of blood outside a blood vessel formed after an injury. Most contusions are often not severe and can be self-treatable. But there can be contusions that can be dangerous and may even require occupational therapy near islandia, NY. To help people recover from injuries and get back to their daily activities. Here at East End Occupational Therapy, we offer skilled therapy of the hands, wrist, arms, and shoulders to improve the quality of life. 

Types of Contusions

  • Subcutaneous contusion – is the type of contusion that almost everyone gets either by tripping and falling or bumping into something. It is not serious and can usually be treatable in one to four weeks.
  • Muscle contusion – this contusion is not serious. But it is more profound than the subcutaneous because it can be more painful and may take more time to heal. People who get this contusion may think they have a sprain or a broken bone.
  • Cartilage contusion – this contusion can cause joint pain and inflammation, and it is often caused when something sharp hits the cartilage. This contusion is not serious and can heal without treatment, but it may require special treatment in some cases. If so, occupational therapy near islandia ny may help with special activities to relieve the pain so that you can get back to your normal activities.
  • A bone contusion – This can be more serious because it feels exactly like a fracture, and it causes pain when moving. Sometimes it can even cause difficulty breathing. A bone contusion can lead to osteochondritis dissecans. This is when a small part of the bone detaches from the rest of the bone. For this type of contusion, occupational therapy near islandia, ny is strongly recommended as many services can help relieve the pain and improve quality of life. 
  • Organ contusion – this contusion is very dangerous and can be a matter of life and death. An organ contusion is when internal organs such as the liver, heart, and kidneys get bruised. This can cause severe pain and require hospitalization right away. For instance, if you have a contusion on your kidneys, you will need an artificial ventilator. 

What Are The Symptoms?

The symptoms for almost any contusion are often self-diagnosable. If you recently hit yourself by bumping into something or you had a small fall, then the symptoms for a contusion are the following:

  • pain
  • red, blue, or black swelling around the injured area
  • throbbing or aching
  • difficulty moving the area

Treatment For Contusions At Occupational Therapy Near Islandia NY

Most contusions are often self-treatable, and there can be many natural ways to treat a contusion. However, if it’s a serious contusion, there can be some medical procedures to treat those contusions. The following are some natural ways you can treat a contusion:

  • Resting the injured area – if you are into sports, you must avoid sports and rest for a while. Visit occupational therapy near islandia, ny, if your contusion was serious or if you need help getting back to normal activities. 
  • Applying ice – applying a pack of ice on your contusion for about 20 minutes can help relieve the pain and heal the bruise. In comparison, Arnica ointment will reduce swelling and inflammation.
  • Compress the area – sometimes wrapping the contusion or area of injury with a bandage and compressing it can help heal the contusion. It would be best if you didn’t compress it too tight otherwise, it will make matters worse.
  • Eating pineapple – Bromelain is an enzyme that can be found on pineapples. It reduces the severity of an injury and inflammation. So it is strongly recommended that you eat pineapple if you have a contusion.

If you recently had a contusion that is causing you pain and preventing you from doing daily activities, then East End Occupational Therapy is here to help. We will provide skilled therapy so that you can get back to normal activities. 

When Should I Contact My Doctor?

If your contusion causes swelling, severe pain and it’s preventing you from doing normal activities, then you should contact your doctor. They can do some x-rays to make sure there are no problems. If you notice a bump over your contusion, abnormal bleeding of the nose and gums, or suddenly begin bruising out of nowhere, then contact your doctor as these may be symptoms of blood clotting. 

East End OT – Occupational Therapy Near Islandia NY

Contact us online if you recently had a contusion. If this is causing you pain in either your hands, arms, or shoulders. At East End Occupational Therapy near islandia ny, we will do our best to relieve that pain. Contact us today to see how can help improve your quality of life. 

East End Occupational Therapy