The Beauty and Power of Fractals in Mathematics

Zain Ahmad
7 min readApr 2, 2023


There is a growing interest in math blog writing and now I am writing on a unique and interesting topic “The Beauty and Power of Fractals in Mathematics”. The purpose of discussing fractals is to introduce readers to the concept of fractals and their significance in mathematics and science. Fractals are fascinating and beautiful mathematical objects that have captured the attention of mathematicians, scientists and artists for decades. They have a wide range of applications in different fields including Physics, Engineering, Biology, Computer science and many others. Fractals can also be appreciated for their artistic and aesthetic value. Many artists and designers have used fractals to create stunning visual displays, such as digital art, animations and 3D models. So I can say that the reason of this blog is to share knowledge and appreciation of these fascinating and versatile mathematical objects with a wider audience.


What are Fractals?

A fractal is a mathematical object that exhibits self-similarity and intricate geometric patterns at different scales. In other words, a fractal looks the same or similar when zoomed in or out to different levels of magnification. This property is called self-similarity, and it means that the same pattern or structure repeats itself infinitely at different scales.

Fractals can be defined mathematically using iterative functions or recursive formulas. These formulas define how the fractal is generated by repeating a set of rules or operations. As the rules are repeated, the fractal becomes more complex and detailed and the self-similar patterns emerge.


1- Sierpinski Triangle

Here is an example of a famous fractal called the Sierpinski Triangle which can be generated using a simple iterative process:

Start with a triangle.

a) Divide the triangle into four smaller triangles by connecting the midpoints of each side.

b) Remove the middle triangle.

c) Repeat the process with the three remaining triangles.

Each iteration of this process creates a more intricate pattern of triangles within triangles, with the same basic shape repeating itself at different scales. The formal definition of a fractal is a mathematical set that exhibits self-similarity and has a fractal dimension greater than its topological dimension. The fractal dimension is a measure of the space-filling properties of the fractal, and it can be a non-integer value. This means that fractals can have a dimensionality that is between that of a line (1D), a plane (2D) and a solid (3D).

Sierpinski Pyramid

2- Julia Set

The Julia set is a famous fractal set that is generated by iterating a complex function. The function used to generate the Julia Set is a quadratic polynomial of the form f(z) = z² + c, where c is a complex constant. The Julia Set is the set of all complex numbers z for which the iteration of this function doesn’t escape to infinity.

Here is an example of Julia Set generated by the function f(z) = z² — 0.7269 + 0.1889i, where i is the imaginary unit.

  • Start with a complex number z.
  • Compute f(z) = z² — 0.7269 + 0.1889i.
  • If the magnitude of f(z) is less than or equal to 2, then the points escape to infinity.
  • If the magnitude of f(z) is less than or equal to 2, then the point doesn’t escape to infinity.
  • Repeat the process with the resulting value of f(z) as the new z.

By iterating this process for many values of z, we can generate a set of complex numbers that don’t escape to infinity. This set is the Julia Set of the function f(z).

Julia Set Fractal


Did you understand what fractals are actually? Now I want to explain some properties that make them unique and interesting mathematical objects. Here are some of the most important properties of fractals:


Fractals exhibit self-similarity, which means that the same basic pattern or structure repeats itself at different levels of magnification. This property is what gives fractals their intricate and complex geometric patterns.

Scaling invariance

Fractals are scaling invariant, which means that their geometry and structure remain the same at different scales. This property is related to self-similarity as it allows the same pattern to be repeated.

Fractal dimension

Fractals have a non-integer dimension which is greater than their topological dimension. This means that fractals can fill space in a way that is different from normal Euclidean geometry. The fractal dimension is a measure of the space-filling properties of the fractal.

Infinite detail

fractals have infinite detail, which means that they are infinitely complex and intricate. This property is related to self-similarity and scaling invariance, as it allows the same pattern to be repeated at different levels of magnification with increasing levels of detail.


Fractals exhibit non-locality, which means that their structure and geometry depend on the entire fractal rather than just local regions.


fractals are unique, meaning that no two fractals are exactly the same. This property is related to the infinite detail of fractals, as it allows for an infinite numbers of variations and patterns within the fractal.

These properties make fractals important and useful in many areas of science and technology including computer graphics, data analysis and modeling of natural phenomena.


The period of waiting has come to a close. I am adding some of its applications that will help you clear your queries about where fractals are used actually so some of applications are:

Computer Graphics

Fractal geometry is widely used in computer graphics and animation to create realistic-looking natural phenomena such as clouds, mountains and landscapes. The use of fractals in computer graphics allows for the creation of intricate and detailed structures with natural shapes and patterns.

One of the most famous examples of using fractals in computer graphics is the Mandelbrot set. The Mandelbrot set is a set of complex numbers that produces a fractal pattern when plotted on a plane.

when visualized, the Mandelbrot set displays intricate, self-similar patterns that repeat at different scales. The fractal is created by repeatedly applying a simple mathematical formula to each point in the plane and determining whether the resulting sequence of values remains bounded or tends to infinity. Computer Graphics software can generate images of the Mandelbrot set by calculating and coloring each point in the plane based on its position and the resulting sequence of values. The resulting images often display intricate and beautiful patterns with a high level of detail, and the ability to zoom in and explore the fractal at different scales make it a popular subject for computer-generated art and animation.

Computer Graphics Fractal

Fractal Compression

Fractal compression is a technique used to compress digital images and videos. It works by finding the fractal patterns within the data and encoding them in a more efficient way. Fractal compression is particularly useful for compressing images with a lot of detail or texture.

One of the most famous examples of fractal compression is the compression of satellite images of coastlines. The process of fractal compression involves breaking the image down into small pieces and encoding them as a series of mathematical formulas. These formulas represent the self-similar patterns in the image, which then can be used to recreate the image at different levels of resolution.

When the compressed image is decompressed, the self-similar patterns are used to recreate the original image with a high level of accuracy.

Fractal Compression

Chaos Theory

Fractals are also used in chaos theory, which is a branch of mathematics that deals with complex, dynamic systems that are sensitive to small changes. It can help scientists and researchers better understand complex systems such as weather patterns, population dynamics and the behavior of financial markets.

One specific example of this is the study of hurricanes. Hurricanes are complex, dynamic systems that are sensitive to small changes in temperature, pressure and humidity. By analyzing the fractal patterns within hurricane data, scientists can gain insights into how hurricanes form, how they behave, and how they can be predicted. These models can provide more accurate predictions of hurricane behavior, which can help to save lives and minimize damage from these powerful storms.


In conclusion, fractals are a fascinating mathematical concept that have captured the imagination of scientists, artists and enthusiasts alike. Their self-similarity and complexity have led to a wide range of applications in fields such as computer graphics, compression, chaos theory, medicine and art. Fractals have allowed us to better understand the natural world and create stunning visual representations of it. As we continue to explore and study fractals, we are likely to discover even more ways in which they can be used to unlock new insights and push the boundaries of our knowledge and creativity.



Zain Ahmad

My name is Zain Ahmad. I am studying at university of BZU. I am student as well as teacher of mathematics.