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The most populated island in the world: Santa Cruz del Islote

The most populated island in the world: Santa Cruz del Islote

Santa Cruz del Islote is considered the most densely populated island in the world , even though it is a small artificial island (it is a little more than one hectare). It is located in the San Bernardo archipelago , in the Gulf of Morrosquillo, in the Colombian Caribbean. Its population varies, but can be around 850 inhabitants. Despite the size, people have managed to organize their limited space to suit their needs. Although the island is small, it has a school, a church, several shops and a community hall. T he main source of income for the community comes from fishing and tourism. Furthermore, there are no police, priests, armed conflict or vehicles.

The island has attracted the attention of the media and tourists because its situation is peculiar; Since it shows how a community can thrive in a small space. Despite the logistical challenges it imposes because of this, the residents of Santa Cruz have created a strong and united community. Life on the island is simple, but the beauty of the environment and the friendliness of the people have made it an interesting destination for those seeking unique experiences.

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How to get to Santa Cruz del Islote?

You can visit the island. Remember that it is located in the San Bernardo archipelago and to get there, it must be by sea. You can take transportation, for example, a boat from Tolú or Coveñas and the duration of the trip can vary depending on sea conditions, but it generally takes approximately 50 minutes and 2 hours from Cartagena. Once on the island, you can take a guided tour of the site and provide information about the activities available on the island.

Before making the trip, we recommend that you check the weather conditions and respect local rules and regulations to preserve the sustainability and well-being of the community, throwing garbage and any waste in the bins and places stipulated for that, being very respectful of the people and their conditions.

Economy of Santa Cruz del Islote

The main source of subsistence for people on this island comes from fishing, and also from tourism, although the latter to a lesser extent. Fishing is a very important activity for the community; since it is located in an area rich in biodiversity. Residents catch a variety of marine species for local consumption and also for sale to nearby markets. Also, there are few, perhaps modest, stores that serve as hubs for purchasing basic (albeit limited) commodities such as food, daily necessities, and other essential products for residents.

On the other hand, in terms of tourism, the island receives interested visitors knowing that it is the most densely populated in the world. They contribute to the local economy by purchasing products, taking tours with local guides, staying on site and purchasing other services offered by the community such as souvenirs, food and you have the possibility of swimming with sharks.

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Aspects of Santa Cruz del Islote

As for electricity, the island has a fuel-powered plant and two sets of panels that the Japanese embassy donated several years ago. Although the island sometimes runs out of electricity for several days, it is restored by a Cartagena company that is operating the plant; while drinking water is one of the problems that has not been solved, people collect rainwater and use it for drinking, bathing and cooking. Likewise, there is a health center with a nurse to care for basic situations, but there is no ambulance for the community.

Regarding health, constant and extensive cleaning days are carried out , for which permits must be requested from the National Navy. The waste is taken to Tintipán Island , where it is collected and later taken to Cartagena.

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In addition, one of the most frequently performed activities is cockfighting and dancing in a small patio that functions as a court and recreation place where they also gather to celebrate special events, as well as playing dominoes and parquet on weekends. week, without mentioning football, which is the activity most frequented by young people.

Like other islands in the world, the effects of climate change are worrying, for example, rough sea phenomena can generate floods and the island does not have a breakwater and although it has resisted more than 100 years, it continues to take away the tranquility. of some.

What can you do in Santa Cruz del Islote?

If you are in the area and decide to visit this island, you will be able to experience a unique and fascinating island life. Considering that resources are limited, the main attraction is the community itself, you can interact with them, learn about their lifestyle, traditions, culture and stories. People's hospitality can make the experience more enriching.

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Likewise, another tourist place is the church , an important center for the community. It can be interesting to explore the local architecture and, if you have the opportunity, participate in religious events or local festivities. Given the location in the Caribbean, you can explore the water and areas where you can observe marine life. You can do activities like snorkeling and enjoy the beauty of the underwater environment. Additionally, you may find small local shops offering handmade crafts and souvenirs. This can be a way to support the community by buying local products. Also, you should try the local cuisine, which is based on seafood with fresh and authentic dishes . Likewise, you will see young people playing soccer on a small field.

If you like adventure and visiting unconventional places, this can be an exciting destination. Remember to be very respectful of people and their environment. Please do not throw garbage in places not designated for it; Since it contaminates the place, it can reach the water and subsequently affect the fish and species that will later be consumed by the inhabitants, affecting their health. People will be very happy to see that there are people interested in learning about their culture.

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