XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa


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2-002<br />

2-003<br />

1 - Eröffnung der Sitzung<br />

2-004<br />

(Die Sitzung wird um 9.00 Uhr eröffnet.)<br />

2-001<br />

ВТОРНИК 18 ЯНУАРИ 2011 Г.<br />

MARTES 18 DE ENERO DE 2011<br />

ÚTERÝ 18. LEDNA 2011<br />

TIRSDAG DEN 18. JANUAR 2011<br />

DIENSTAG, 18. JANUAR 2011<br />

TEISIPÄEV, 18. JAANUAR 2011<br />

ΤΡΙΤΗ 18 ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡΙΟΥ 2011<br />

TUESDAY, 18 JANUARY 2011<br />

MARDI 18 JANVIER 2011<br />

MARTEDI' 18 GENNAIO 2011<br />


2011 M. SAUSIO 18 D., ANTRADIENIS<br />

2011. JANUÁR 18., KEDD<br />

IT-TLIETA, 18 TA' JANNAR 2011<br />

DINSDAG 18 JANUARI 2011<br />

WTOREK, 18 STYCZNIA 2011<br />


MARŢI 18 IANUARIE 2011<br />

UTOROK 18. JANUÁRA 2011<br />

TOREK, 18. JANUAR 2011<br />




Vizepräsidentin<br />

2-005<br />

2 - Aussprache über Fälle von Verletzungen der Menschenrechte, der Demokratie und der<br />

Rechtsstaatlichkeit (Bekanntgabe der eingereichten Entschließungsanträge): siehe Protokoll<br />

2-006<br />

3 - Stabilisierungs- und Assoziierungsabkommen EG/Serbien - Stabilisierungs- und<br />

Assoziierungsabkommen zwischen der EG und Serbien (Aussprache)<br />

2-007<br />

Die Präsidentin. − Als erster Punkt folgt die Gemeinsame Aussprache – Abkommen EG-Serbien<br />

– Stabilisierungs- und Assoziierungsabkommen EG/Serbien. Empfehlung von Jelko Kacin im Namen des<br />

Ausschusses für auswärtige Angelegenheiten (A7-0362/2010). Empfehlung zu dem Entwurf eines Beschlusses des Rates<br />

und der Kommission über den Abschluss des Stabilisierungs- und Assoziierungsabkommens zwischen den Europäischen

2 18-01-2011<br />

Gemeinschaften und ihren Mitgliedstaaten einerseits und der Republik Serbien andererseits [15619/1/2007 - C7-0341/2010<br />

- 2007/0255(NLE)]<br />

– Stabilisierungs- und Assoziierungsabkommen zwischen der EG und Serbien. Erklärungen des Rates und der<br />

Kommission [2010/2980(RSP)]<br />

2-008<br />

Jelko Kacin, Poročevalec. − Sporazum o stabilizaciji in pridruževanju med Evropsko unijo in Srbijo je bil podpisan aprila<br />

2008, prehodni trgovinski začasni sporazum pa se uspešno izvaja od februarja 2010.<br />

Proces ratifikacije se je začel septembra 2008, ko je parlament Srbije prvi ratificiral ta sporazum.<br />

Sporazum prinaša politični, pravni in gospodarski okvir sodelovanja Evropske unije in Srbije, in brez začetka procesa<br />

ratifikacije ni bilo mogoče nadaljevati evropskih integracij Srbije.<br />

Leta 2009 poročila o Srbiji ni bilo na dnevnem redu Evropskega parlamenta, ker je bil proces ratifikacije v državah<br />

članicah blokiran zaradi nezadostnega sodelovanja s haaškim sodiščem. Do danes je enajst držav članic ratificiralo ta<br />

sporazum, in zato danes pozivam preostale države, da to storijo čim prej.<br />

Z današnjo ratifikacijo v tem najvišjem zboru bomo poslali močno in vidno sporočilo podpore evropskim naporom Srbije.<br />

A to še ne zagotavlja samo po sebi zaključka procesa ratifikacije.<br />

Resolucija o Srbiji, o kateri bomo glasovali jutri, nosi prav to sporočilo podpore. Srbijo je potrebno podpreti na njeni dolgi<br />

in težki poti k članstvu v Evropski uniji.<br />

Kot država, ki je bila dolgo izolirana in izven modernih tokov evropske politike in gospodarstva, se Srbija sooča s<br />

številnimi izzivi.<br />

V zadnjih dveh letih smo priča evropeizaciji politične scene v Srbiji. Srbski voditelji bodo ponudili najboljši dokaz o<br />

iskreni predanosti evropskim vrednotam in načinu življenja, če bodo uspešno reševali probleme in izvedli vse reforme, ki<br />

so nujne.<br />

Pozitivnih dogodkov je že nekaj. Pripravljenost Srbije na kompromis in sprejetje skupne resolucije o Kosovu v generalni<br />

skupščini OZN septembra 2010 so jasno pozdravljeni z naše strani.<br />

S prvim dnem tega leta je ukinjeno obvezno služenje vojaškega roka, in generacije mladih državljanov Srbije so dobile<br />

dodatno možnost, da se učijo, študirajo in se razvijajo. Civilni nadzor nad oboroženimi silami pa je okrepljen.<br />

Po drugi strani je napredek Srbije k Uniji zelo obremenjen z dejstvom, da sta dva obtoženca za vojne zločine pred haaškim<br />

sodiščem še vedno na svobodi.<br />

Več kot 15 let od genocida v Srebrenici, tega največjega zločina na evropskih tleh po drugi svetovni vojni, je Ratko Mladić<br />

še naprej na begu.<br />

Pozdravljamo izjave voditeljev v Beogradu, da je zaključek sodelovanja s Haagom prioriteta vlade. Prav tako pa pozivamo<br />

oblasti, da, kot pravi glavni haaški tožilec, prepričljivo zmanjšajo razkorak med izkazano politično voljo in konkretnimi<br />

rezultati.<br />

Prišel je čas, da Srbija zapre to mučno poglavje in naredi nov korak k spravi v regiji.<br />

Srbija ne more dobiti status kandidatke dokler ne dokaže, da polno sodeluje s Haagom, kot piše v zaključkih Sveta z dne<br />

25. oktobra leta 2010.<br />

Najbolj prepričljiv dokaz za to bi bili aretaciji in izročitev obtoženih. Nivo dosedanjega truda pri sodelovanju ne prinaša<br />

rezultatov in še ni zadosten.<br />

Doseženi so pomembni premiki v regionalnih odnosih na zahodnem Balkanu, ki se najbolj čutijo v odnosih med Srbijo in<br />

Hrvaško. Pozdravljamo državniško držo predsednika Srbije, ki je z novim pristopom dal močan zagon trajni spravi v regiji.<br />

Kljub temu pa obstajajo drugi izzivi. Beograd mora pokazati konstruktiven odnos v bližnjem dialogu s Prištino in, ne glede<br />

na vprašanja statusa Kosova, morajo odnosi med Beogradom in Prištino postati partnerski, da bi cela regija lažje<br />

napredovala k Evropi.

18-01-2011 3<br />

To velja tudi za odnos Srbije do Bosne in Hercegovine. Beograd mora podpirati reforme, ki bodo Bosno in Hercegovino<br />

kot državo z institucijami usposobile za pogajanja o članstvu v Evropski uniji. V tem trenutku to namreč še ni tako.<br />

2-009<br />

Enikő Győri, President-in-Office of the Council. − Madam President, it is a great privilege and honour for me to return to<br />

the European Parliament in my new capacity as the representative of the Hungarian rotating presidency of the Council of<br />

the European Union. I hope, honourable Members, that you will consider me a former Member of this House, and as a<br />

guarantee that the Hungarian Presidency will be a Parliament-friendly presidency.<br />

I look forward to working with you all during the forthcoming five-and-a-half months of this presidency, with great<br />

expectations. I shall now use my mother tongue.<br />

2-010<br />

Enikő Győri, a Tanács soros elnöke. − Elnök asszony! Képviselő hölgyek és urak! Nagy öröm és megtiszteltetés<br />

számomra, hogy részt vehetek ezen a vitán, amelyet követően a Parlament szavazni fog a Szerb Köztársasággal kötött<br />

stabilizációs és társulási megállapodás jóváhagyásáról. Egyúttal szeretném megragadni az alkalmat, hogy köszönetem<br />

fejezzem ki az Európai Parlament raportőrének, Jelko Kacin úrnak, aki egy kiváló jelentést készített a témában, és hogy<br />

melegen üdvözöljem a Szerbia európai integrációs folyamatáról szóló állásfoglalást. A régió többi országához hasonlóan<br />

Szerbiának is javára szolgált az európai tagságnak a perspektívája, és az elmúlt években jelentős haladást ért el a cél<br />

irányában. Ebben az összefüggésben a stabilizációs és társulási megállapodás fontos előrelépést jelent Szerbia számára az<br />

Unióba vezető úton.<br />

A megállapodás megerősíti az EU és Szerbia között már fennálló szoros köteléket és szerződéses kapcsolatot teremt a két<br />

fél között. A megállapodás új keretbe helyezi a politikai párbeszédet. Szabadkereskedelmi övezetet hoz létre és megerősíti<br />

a kétoldalú gazdasági kapcsolatokat és ezáltal arra hivatott, hogy komoly gazdasági előnyöket hozzon Szerbia számára. A<br />

megállapodás ösztönzi azokat a reformfolyamatokat, amelyek hozzájárulnak majd a szerb gazdaság növekedéséhez és<br />

elősegítik, hogy Szerbia teljes körűen működő piacgazdaságot alakítson ki. A megállapodás lefekteti továbbá az alapokat<br />

ahhoz, hogy az Unió és Szerbia a jövőben számos területen fokozott együttműködést alakítson ki. Nem utolsó sorban a<br />

szervezett bűnözés és a határokon átívelő tiltott kereskedelem leküzdése terén, valamint a meglévő környezetvédelmi<br />

előírások javítása tekintetében.<br />

A Tanács 2010. június 14-én elindította a megállapodás ratifikálási folyamatát. Eddig tizenegy tagállam, köztük<br />

természetesen Magyarország erősítette meg a megállapodást parlamentje által. Nagyon bízunk benne, hogy rövid időn<br />

belül az összes tagállam ratifikálni fogja. A Tanács üdvözölné, ha a stabilizációs és társulási megállapodás 2011 végéig, de<br />

legkésőbb 2012 elejéig hatályba lépne. Ez azt jelentené, hogy Szerbia éppen akkor lépne ambiciózus szerződéses<br />

kapcsolatba az Unióval, amikor intenzívebbé kezdi tenni a csatlakozási előkészületeket. Az Önök szavazata még inkább<br />

előtérbe helyezi és előmozdítja majd ezt a folyamatot, köszönhetően annak az egyhangú támogatásnak, amelyet a Külügyi<br />

Bizottság december 1-jei ülésén valamennyi politika erő kifejezésre juttatott. Szerbia a 2009 decemberében benyújtott<br />

csatlakozási kérelmével kinyilvánította az Európai Unió iránti elkötelezettségét. A Tanács tavaly októberben felkérte a<br />

Bizottságot, hogy nyújtsa be a véleményét. Erre várhatóan 2011 második felében kerül sor.<br />

Mindannyian tudjuk, Szerbia számára az európai integrációs folyamat számos előnnyel jár. Az országnak ugyanakkor még<br />

fontos reformokat kell végrehajtania. Ide tartoznak a közigazgatás és a jogállamiság terén tett további erőfeszítések,<br />

beleértve az igazságügyi reformot is, a korrupció és a szervezett bűnözés elleni küzdelem, valamint a volt Jugoszláviával<br />

foglakozó nemzetközi törvényszékkel való együttműködés.<br />

Ahogy az a Jelko Kacin úr által benyújtott jelentésben is szerepel, az integrációs folyamat az e téren elért előrehaladás<br />

függvényében zajlik. Üdvözlöm azt a tényt, hogy már számos eredmény született. Szeretném egyben megragadni az<br />

alkalmat, hogy felhívjam a figyelmet, az elmúlt évben Szerbia történelmi lépéseket tett a régióbeli szomszédaival való<br />

megbékélés felé. Üdvözlöm továbbá azt a szoros együttműködést, amelyet Szerbia 2010 nyarán az Unióval folytatott, és<br />

amelynek eredményeképpen megszületett az az ENSZ határozat, amely megnyitotta a Belgrád és Pristina közötti<br />

párbeszéd útját. A Tanács teljes mértékben támogatja Catherin Ashton főképviselő asszony e téren végzett munkáját.<br />

Komoly kihívásról van szó, de a párbeszéd kialakítása lehetőséget kínál mind Koszovó, mind Szerbia számára ahhoz, hogy<br />

közelebb kerüljenek az Európai Unióhoz.<br />

És még egy zárógondolatot engedjenek meg nekem. Meggyőződésem, hogy az Európai Uniónak fenn kell tartani a<br />

bővítési folyamat hitelességét. Ehhez az eszközök a kezünkben vannak. Azt gondolom, hogy amennyiben a magyar<br />

elnökség alatt sikerül lezárni a csatlakozási tárgyalásokat Horvátországgal, az Szerbia felé is egy nagyon komoly jel, hogy<br />

a folyamat él, és a Balkán országainak az uniós népek közös családjában van a helyük.<br />

Elnök asszony! Képviselő urak! 2011 jelentős év lesz Szerbia számára, amely egyaránt hoz kihívásokat és lehetőségeket.<br />

Üdvözlöm azt a lehetőséget, amelyet ez az új megállapodás hoz Szerbia számára ahhoz, hogy egy békés Európában<br />

közösen építsünk vele közös jövőt.

4 18-01-2011<br />

2-011<br />

Štefan Füle, Member of the Commission. − Madam President, it is a great pleasure and honour for me to address the<br />

European Parliament today for the vote of consent to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the Republic of<br />

Serbia. I would also like to express my warm gratitude to the rapporteur for Serbia, Jelko Kacin, for his report on the<br />

European integration process of Serbia.<br />

The Stabilisation and Association Agreement is a major step forward for Serbia on its path towards the European Union.<br />

The fundamental objective of this agreement is to pave the way for further European integration and reforms and to<br />

prepare Serbia for European Union membership. This important milestone will serve as an encouragement for Serbia, as it<br />

has renewed its efforts to promote reconciliation in the region.<br />

The Stabilisation and Association Agreement sets up a comprehensive institutional framework through the SAA Council<br />

and SAA Committee, a renewed framework for political dialogue and a network of subcommittees extensively covering<br />

most European Union policy areas. Naturally, it also establishes a specific body between this House and the Serbian<br />

Parliament, the Joint Parliamentary Committee.<br />

From an economic standpoint, the SAA foresees the gradual establishment of a free trade zone and the gradual integration<br />

of Serbia into the European Union’s internal market, thus bringing economic benefits for both the European Union and<br />

Serbia. As was the case in central Europe in the 1990s, the agreement will boost investment, in particular for indirect<br />

investments. It will make a key contribution to the growth of the Serbian economy and help Serbia move towards a<br />

functioning market economy.<br />

The benefits of this agreement for the European Union are equally significant. Serbia’s market has now been opened up to<br />

European Union exporters. Previously relatively high tariffs will be totally dismantled within a couple of years, with the<br />

exception of a few very sensitive agricultural products.<br />

Furthermore, by gradually integrating Serbia into the internal market, conditions for investors will become more stable and<br />

predictable. Rules on competition and state aid are aligned to those of the European Union. Protection of intellectual<br />

property rights is also gradually being brought up to European Union standards. The sizeable Serbian public procurement<br />

market is also being progressively opened up to European bidders.<br />

Forging closer ties with Serbia entails a number of other advantages for the European Union in particular, as it will<br />

facilitate cooperation in the areas of justice, freedom and security, the environment, transport and customs, to mention just<br />

a few. It therefore helps make the European Union’s policy in south-east Europe more credible and effective.<br />

Finally, it is particularly noteworthy that Serbia brought forward the implementation of the interim agreement. It officially<br />

entered into force in February 2010, but Serbia decided to apply it shortly after it was signed in April 2008. Serbia has<br />

thereby demonstrated a commitment to its economic integration with the European Union and has so far established a<br />

positive track record.<br />

Since 14 June 2010, when the Council decided to launch the ratification process for the agreement, nine Member States<br />

have notified ratification and two more have secured the approval of their parliaments. Today’s vote by the European<br />

Parliament should therefore provide additional impetus for this process thanks to the unanimous support from across the<br />

political groups. I hope that ratification by the other Member States will follow soon.<br />

Let me conclude by focusing on the motion for a resolution on the European integration process of Serbia as a wellprepared<br />

contribution to today’s political debate. I am therefore grateful to the rapporteur, Jelko Kacin. The resolution<br />

sends Serbia both a message of support for enhancing EU-Serbia relations, and a message of expectation in relation to the<br />

key challenges on Serbia’s path to European Union membership. This is particularly timely in the context of the<br />

preparations of the opinion on Serbia’s membership application.<br />

I was in Belgrade last November to hand over a detailed questionnaire to the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime<br />

Minister for European integration. The Serbian authorities are currently working hard on their replies, which we expect by<br />

the end of the month. I am encouraged by the Serbian Government’s adoption on 30 December of an action plan as a<br />

follow-up to the Commission’s progress report. The Commission will thoroughly analyse the replies to the questionnaires<br />

and the steps taken by the Serbian authorities in the coming months to complete its assessment with a view to issuing the<br />

opinion in the second half of 2011.<br />

As my Hungarian colleague said, 2011 is an important year for Serbia: a year of demanding challenges as well as a year of<br />

opportunities. The path has been set and the objectives are well known, yet it is up to Serbia to walk down that path, fulfil<br />

the required criteria, and, once ready, engage in the negotiation process with the European Union. I am convinced that,<br />

with our joint support, Serbia will continue to make the right European choices and move ahead in its integration efforts.

18-01-2011 5<br />

This will deliver a positive message for the whole region at a time when we need to reaffirm its European perspective in<br />

order to consolidate peace and foster economic prosperity in the Western Balkans.<br />

2-012<br />

György Schöpflin, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Madam President, in my view the report on Serbia is excellent. I<br />

congratulate the rapporteur, Jelko Kacin.<br />

It seems to me that Serbia has finally made up its mind that it genuinely wants a European future for itself. The majority of<br />

the political elite believes that this is the most favourable option. This determination has to be seen in the light of the<br />

turbulence of the last two decades. Serbia experienced the end of communism, the collapse of Yugoslavia, the wars that<br />

ensued, the rule of Slobodan Milošević, the bombing of 1999, burgeoning mafias and criminality, violence, refugees – a<br />

depressing and traumatic history. The decision to opt for Europe, therefore, is a considerable achievement and signals that<br />

Serbia has become a factor of stability in the region.<br />

Two major political problems remain: the arrest and transfer of Ratko Mladić to The Hague, and coming to terms with the<br />

independence of Kosovo. Both these point towards psychological barriers. Mladić has his protectors, and the loss of<br />

Kosovo is painful for a sizeable section of Serbian society; any loss of territory is painful. To these may be added several<br />

other areas that need attention, notably the upgrading of public administration and of the administration of justice, the<br />

establishment of market conditions and full openness towards Serbia’s past, including opening up the archives.<br />

The auguries for Serbia’s road towards Europe are reasonably good. There is a clear commitment in this direction. The<br />

tasks faced by the elite and by society are recognised and the technical preparations are going ahead. If all goes well,<br />

Serbia should receive the opinion this autumn and candidate status after that. The road to Europe will not be easy, but<br />

Europe as a whole benefits from a stable, democratic Serbia.<br />

2-013<br />

4 - Begrüßung<br />

2-014<br />

Die Präsidentin. − Bevor wir in der Rednerliste fortfahren, möchte ich einen Gast begrüßen, der unsere Debatte hier<br />

verfolgt, und zwar den stellvertretenden Regierungschef von Serbien, Herrn Božidar Đelić. Herzlich willkommen und<br />

schön, dass Sie da sind.<br />

2-015<br />

5 - Stabilisierungs- und Assoziierungsabkommen EG/Serbien - Stabilisierungs- und<br />

Assoziierungsabkommen zwischen der EG und Serbien (Fortsetzung der Aussprache)<br />

2-016<br />

Die Präsidentin. − Als nächster Punkt folgt die Fortsetzung der Gemeinsamen Aussprache – Abkommen EG-Serbien.<br />

2-017<br />

Μαρία-Ελένη Κοππά, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας S&D. – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, θα ήθελα και εγώ να συγχαρώ τον συνάδελφο<br />

Kacin για το ισορροπημένο και εμπεριστατωμένο κείμενο που παρουσίασε. Η Ομάδα των Σοσιαλιστών και Δημοκρατών<br />

στηρίζει ένθερμα την ενταξιακή προοπτική της Σερβίας, μίας χώρας που έκανε τεράστια βήματα προόδου τα τελευταία<br />

χρόνια και που αποτελεί ακρογωνιαίο λίθο για την εδραίωση της ειρήνης και σταθερότητας στα Δυτικά Βαλκάνια. Η<br />

σημερινή έγκριση της Συμφωνίας Σταθεροποίησης και Σύνδεσης εκ μέρους του Κοινοβουλίου αποτελεί λοιπόν ιστορική<br />

στιγμή και την καλωσορίζουμε. Με το ψήφισμα του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου καλωσορίζουμε επίσης την αίτηση<br />

ένταξης που υπέβαλε η χώρα υπογραμμίζοντας ότι υπολείπονται ακόμη βήματα που πρέπει να γίνουν.<br />

Πρέπει να είναι σαφές ότι η ανάπτυξη της περιφερειακής συνεργασίας παραμένει κεντρική προτεραιότητα της Ένωσης<br />

στα Δυτικά Βαλκάνια. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, η συνεργασία της χώρας με το Διεθνές Ποινικό Δικαστήριο είναι απόλυτη<br />

διεθνής υποχρέωση και πρέπει να προχωρήσει με γοργούς ρυθμούς, όχι γιατί το θέλει η Ευρώπη, αλλά γιατί η απόδοση<br />

δικαιοσύνης συμβάλλει στη συμφιλίωση με το παρελθόν και επιτρέπει τη βελτίωση των σχέσεων μεταξύ όλων των λαών<br />

της πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβίας.<br />

Δεν πρέπει ωστόσο να ξεχνάμε ότι ο σερβικός λαός υπήρξε θύμα αυτού του πολέμου. Η Σερβία είναι σήμερα η χώρα με<br />

τον υψηλότερο αριθμό προσφύγων και εσωτερικά μετατοπισμένων στην Ευρώπη. Άνθρωποι που χρειάζονται περίθαλψη,<br />

στέγη και ένταξη στην αγορά εργασίας. Ιδιαίτερα στο πλαίσιο της χρηματοπιστωτικής κρίσης η Ένωση πρέπει να<br />

υποστηρίξει έμπρακτα κάθε προσπάθεια προς αυτήν την κατεύθυνση. Καλωσορίζουμε, λοιπόν, την πρόσφατη δέσμευση<br />

των Προέδρων της Σερβίας και της Κροατίας να επιζητήσουν από κοινού λύσεις για το πρόβλημα των προσφύγων.<br />

Η απόφαση για έναρξη διαλόγου με τις αρχές του Κοσόβου έχει ιδιαίτερη σημασία για τη σταθερότητα στην περιοχή.<br />

Υποστηρίζουμε το διάλογο που πρέπει να ξεκινήσει το συντομότερο δυνατό προς όφελος όλων των κατοίκων του<br />

Κοσόβου και που ελπίζουμε να συμβάλει στο κοινό ευρωπαϊκό μέλλον των λαών της περιοχής. Κλείνοντας, θα ήθελα να

6 18-01-2011<br />

συγχαρώ τον Αντιπρόεδρο της Σερβικής Κυβέρνησης, κύριο Đelić, για τη χθεσινή του δήλωση στην Επιτροπή<br />

Εξωτερικών Υποθέσεων του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου ότι η Σερβία επιζητεί ένα ιστορικό συμβιβασμό σε σχέση με το<br />

Κόσοβο. Αυτός ο συμβιβασμός πράγματι είναι αναγκαίος και πρέπει όλοι μας να βοηθήσουμε για την επίτευξή του.<br />

2-018<br />

Norica Nicolai, în numele grupului ALDE. – Ca liberală, trebuie să subliniez că Grupul ALDE este un grup care a susţinut<br />

întotdeauna procesul de extindere, pentru că noi credem într-o Europă a tuturor membrilor ei, o Europă puternică şi unită.<br />

Ca româncă, nu pot decât să salut acest parcurs european al Serbiei, subliniind totodată că Serbia este o ţară europeană, iar<br />

parcursul ei european se va realiza, sigur cu dificultăţi, cu dificultăţi care ţin de un trecut tulbure, dar Serbia trebuie să<br />

privească înainte şi să încerce să uite trecutul, pentru că reconcilierea cu trecutul nu trebuie să fie un impediment pentru o<br />

vocaţie europeană viitoare.<br />

Vreau să subliniez că este esenţial pentru întreaga zonă şi, implicit, pentru Serbia, ca criteriile de la Copenhaga să fie<br />

corect, solid şi temeinic implementate, pentru că numai ele sunt garanţia respectului unor valori europene, a statului de<br />

drept şi a unor democraţii viabile. Cred că aceşti doi ani de la decizia istorică de a îşi începe parcursul european dovedesc<br />

faptul că, atât guvernul de la Belgrad, cât şi poporul sârb sunt motivaţi, determinaţi şi cred cu tărie în acest proiect<br />

european, pentru că ce altceva poate fi mai important decât deciziile europene luate de un guvern, fără a fi forţat să ia<br />

aceste decizii de rigori juridice sau de rigori ce ţin de regulile în care acest joc politic se joacă.<br />

Pentru Serbia este, de asemenea, vital să-şi stabilizeze economia, iar semnele pe care le vedem astăzi în economia sârbă<br />

sunt foarte bune. Este vital să-şi stabilizeze democraţia, dar, în acelaşi timp, trebuie să fie foarte atentă la elementul de<br />

sensibilitate care a fost multiculturalismul Balcanilor. Problema minorităţilor în această zonă nu trebuie să fie o problemă<br />

care să genereze conflict şi cred că un model de susţinere şi de suport al minorităţilor, de conciliere culturală, este unul<br />

esenţial.<br />

2-019<br />

Marije Cornelissen, namens de Verts/ALE-Fractie. – Voorzitter, de Groenen zijn groot voorstander van de toetreding van<br />

Servië tot de EU. Daarom zijn we blij met de ondubbelzinnig pro-Europese koers van de huidige regering. Maar ik vind de<br />

manier waarop wordt omgegaan met het toetredingsproces van beide kanten geen schoonheidsprijs waard. De EU laat<br />

simpelweg met zich sollen.<br />

Om pro-Europese politiek te steunen, kreeg Servië visa-vrij reizen vóór het volledig voldeed aan de criteria. In ruil voor<br />

een gematigde koers voor Kosovo, kreeg Servië de avis-vraag in oktober. De EU stuurt de boodschap dat niet zozeer de<br />

criteria, maar het politieke spel bepalend zijn voor het toetredingsproces. Wij zouden Servië niet moeten hoeven belonen<br />

om zich te gedragen als een volwassen Europese democratie. We mogen best verwachten dat Servië een verantwoordelijke<br />

rol als regionaal leider op zich neemt ten opzichte van Kosovo, ten opzichte van Bosnië, zonder dat het daar als een klein<br />

kind een snoepje voor terug moet krijgen.<br />

Op één vlak moeten we in ieder geval stoppen met telkens toegeven: de jacht op Mladić en Hadžić. We hebben het hier<br />

over de daders van afschuwelijke oorlogsmisdaden, van genocide. Daar mogen ze niet mee wegkomen. Servië kan en moet<br />

veel meer doen om hen aan te houden. Volledige medewerking met het Joegoslavië-tribunaal mag geen speelbal zijn van<br />

diplomatie. Het oordeel daarover moet liggen bij de enige die kan beoordelen of er sprake is van volledige medewerking<br />

en dat is aanklager Brammertz. Daarom vraag ik jullie om vóór ons amendement te stemmen dat hiervoor pleit.<br />

2-020<br />

Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Madam President, Serbia’s progress towards EU membership is<br />

gathering pace, and rightly so, as evidenced by the excellent Kacin report.<br />

When I was in Serbia last October, I was impressed with the commitment and effort of Serbia’s dynamic,<br />

western-orientated democratic government. Serbia certainly has much work still to be done, relating to judicial reform and<br />

the fight against organised crime. We in the ECR also hope that Ratko Mladić will be caught and sent to The Hague,<br />

though it is by no means certain that he is on Serbian territory. However, it is vital that Serbia’s progress is reciprocated<br />

and rewarded by the EU and its Member States, for example now by ratifying the SSA, not least because some of Serbia’s<br />

neighbours, such as Croatia, are far more advanced on the road to EU accession.<br />

Serbia’s relationship with Kosovo is problematic but not insoluble. I personally believe that an equitable full and final<br />

settlement based on partition and the ‘land for peace’ principles we see in the Middle East would be the best way forward.<br />

In my view, the EU should properly evaluate this option during the forthcoming dialogue brokered by the High<br />

Representative. To dismiss it out of hand would be dangerously short-sighted, and would only perpetuate Kosovo’s state<br />

of limbo in terms of international recognition at EU, NATO and UN level.<br />

2-021<br />

Miloslav Ransdorf, za skupinu GUE/NGL. – Největší osobnost srbských dějin svatý Sáva řekl, že Srbové jsou jak lidé<br />

Východu, tak lidé Západu. A z toho plyne problém, že jim nevěří lidé Západu, protože si myslí, že jsou to lidé Východu, a<br />

lidé Východu proto, že si myslí, že jsou to lidé Západu. Ve skutečnosti je Srbsko most mezi východem a západem Evropy,

18-01-2011 7<br />

je klíčovou zemí pro jednotu Evropy a koneckonců i román velkého srbského spisovatele Dobrici Ćosiće „Vreme smrti“<br />

(Čas smrti) ukazuje, že tam, kde vlastně jde o Srbsko, tak je klíčová hra o jednotu nebo rozlomení Evropy.<br />

Já si myslím, že časy by se měly změnit v tom smyslu, abychom si uvědomili zásadní význam Srbska pro jednotu Evropy.<br />

Je to klíčová ekonomika Balkánu a bez Balkánu prostě Evropa jednotná nebude. Chtěl bych zdůraznit, že máme společné<br />

úkoly, které se dají poměrně rychle řešit, jako jsou problémy uprchlíků v Srbsku – Srbsko má na svém území zhruba 750<br />

tisíc uprchlíků –, jako jsou ekologické problémy, některé zděděné vlastně ještě z let devadesátých minulého století, jako je<br />

zprovoznění dunajské plavební cesty, máme např. v Evropském parlamentu pracovní meziskupinu, která je věnovaná<br />

Dunaji, a také bychom se mohli zaměřit i na to, abychom Srbsku pomohli s odvážnou soudní reformou a bojem proti<br />

organizovanému zločinu.<br />

2-022<br />

Νικόλαος Σαλαβράκος, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας EFD. – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, θεωρώ ότι η έκθεση του κυρίου Kacin είναι<br />

απόλυτα ισορροπημένη και τον συγχαίρω για αυτήν. Η πρόοδος της Σερβίας σχετικά με τις αναγκαίες μεταρρυθμίσεις<br />

απεικονίζεται στην έκθεση αυτή με ρεαλιστικό τρόπο. Μάλιστα δε εχθές στην Επιτροπή Εξωτερικών Υποθέσεων είχαμε<br />

μία ικανοποιητική παρουσίαση των εξελίξεων από τον Αναπληρωτή Πρωθυπουργό της Σερβίας.<br />

Παρόλα αυτά, σημαντική παραμένει η εκκρεμότητα για τη συνεργασία με το Διεθνές Ποινικό Δικαστήριο,<br />

συμπεριλαμβανομένης της παράδοσης των τελευταίων φυγάδων στη Χάγη, που αποτελεί θεμελιώδη προϋπόθεση για την<br />

ενταξιακή πορεία της Σερβίας.<br />

Η ελευθερία του Τύπου είναι ένα από τα σημαντικότερα προβλήματα που πρέπει να λύσει η Σερβική Κυβέρνηση, αφού<br />

δεν πρέπει να υπάρχουν πολιτικές πιέσεις ή άλλες επιρροές που να εμποδίζουν την ανεξαρτησία των Σέρβων<br />

δημοσιογράφων.<br />

Ένα ακόμη πρόβλημα που ταλανίζει τη Σερβία είναι ο μεγάλος αριθμός προσφύγων και εσωτερικά εκτοπισμένων<br />

ανθρώπων που αντιμετωπίζουν προβλήματα στέγασης και φτώχειας, ενώ η ανεργία φθάνει στο 19%. Θεωρώ ότι θα πρέπει<br />

να βοηθήσουμε τη Σερβία και δεν πρέπει να ξεχνάμε ότι η χώρα αυτή πέρασε ένα πόλεμο μόλις πρόσφατα.<br />

2-023<br />

Barry Madlener (NI). – Voorzitter, we moeten ons niet alleen maar richten op het oppakken en berechten van de<br />

oorlogsmisdadiger Mladić. Servië heeft enorme problemen met de georganiseerde criminaliteit. Dat is al door een aantal<br />

sprekers gezegd en die problemen moeten we niet onderschatten. Natuurlijk zijn er vorderingen gemaakt, maar nog lang<br />

niet voldoende om op een normale standaard te komen.<br />

Servië is natuurlijk weer een arm land, zoals al die toetredende landen. Het zijn arme landen en dat gaat de Europese<br />

burger heel veel geld kosten. Servië is nog corrupter dan Roemenië en Bulgarije. Ook Roemenië en Bulgarije hadden nooit<br />

toegelaten moeten worden tot de Unie. Een en ander leidt tot heel veel problemen gezien de corruptie en Servië is nog<br />

corrupter. Ik zie dat ook als een heel hardnekkig probleem dat niet zomaar valt op te lossen. Onderschat dat dus niet, is<br />

mijn oproep.<br />

Verder zal een eventuele toetreding van Servië leiden, net als de visumvrijstelling, tot nog meer emigratie naar West-<br />

<strong>Europa</strong>, emigratie die we niet kunnen gebruiken.<br />

2-024<br />

Adrian Severin (S&D). – Madam President, the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and the European integration of<br />

Serbia are important for both Serbia and the European Union.<br />

I should like to make two remarks. In order to negotiate the Agreement properly and to properly manage the integration<br />

process, the European Union should start by identifying and recognising its own interests. Europe has an unsolved<br />

Albanian problem, a lack of geopolitical coherence on its southern flank, and a black hole of organised crime and<br />

corruption in its Balkan area. This means that at the centre of the Union there is a need for an enlarged functional and<br />

cohesive market and for better transportation corridors in that area. None of these problems can be solved without the<br />

contribution of Serbia.<br />

Secondly, we have to avoid treating Serbia as a second-class European country and lecturing it on every occasion. Serbia<br />

has indeed committed many sins, but the Euro-Atlantic contribution to the sins committed was also significant. 2011 is<br />

indeed a year of challenging opportunities for both Serbia and the European Union. We will not be able to rise to those<br />

opportunities unless we leave aside all narcissism and treat Serbia as a peer.<br />

Only a dignified Serbia can be a reliable partner for a historic reconciliation in the Balkans and a historic reunification<br />

within the European Union. Mr Kacin’s report makes a remarkable contribution in that direction.<br />


8 18-01-2011<br />

Sarah Ludford (ALDE). – Madam President, I join those who have praised and welcomed the report by my colleague<br />

Jelko Kacin, and I thoroughly agree with his remarks that Serbia’s future lies in the European Union and that Serbia will<br />

become an important player in guaranteeing security and stability in the Western Balkans region.<br />

I have supported the aim of EU membership for the Western Balkan countries for the last decade, including when I was the<br />

Vice-Chair of the Balkans Delegation. I worked closely with our rapporteur in championing visa-free travel and I was<br />

delighted when that was secured for Serbia, among others, a year ago. I think this is a really vital contribution to person-toperson<br />

contacts and to raising horizons and, ultimately, to guaranteeing security in its wider sense.<br />

Some of the challenges that are faced by Serbia have already been mentioned. I would like to add something on the<br />

challenge of judicial reform. The Commission’s progress report last autumn sounded a note of concern about<br />

reappointment procedures being carried out in a non-transparent way, jeopardising the principle of independence of the<br />

judiciary and creating a high risk of political influence. That is clearly a key issue in terms of the Rule of Law.<br />

In relation to cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, in The Hague, Mr Kacin told<br />

the Foreign Affairs Committee last night that Serbia is doing absolutely everything in its power to locate and apprehend<br />

the remaining two indicted individuals and transfer them to The Hague, but Serge Brammertz, the Chief Prosecutor, in his<br />

speech to the UN Security Council in September, said that Serbia needed to bridge the gap between its stated commitment<br />

to the arrests and the effectiveness of its operations on the ground. We are not seeing results. Serbia needs to adopt a more<br />

proactive approach to arresting the fugitives, so I am afraid that there is a gap between rhetoric and reality, and that gap<br />

absolutely must be bridged.<br />

2-026<br />

Franziska Katharina Brantner (Verts/ALE). – Frau Präsidentin! Auch wir stehen für den Beitritt des Westbalkans zur<br />

Europäischen Union und natürlich auch für den von Serbien. Dabei ist natürlich jedes Land eigenständig, aber die Region<br />

hängt zusammen, und auch das Agieren jedes Landes in der Region trägt maßgeblich dazu bei, wie der Prozess an sich<br />

gelingt.<br />

In diesem Zusammenhang möchte ich noch einmal darauf hinweisen, dass es für uns im Beitrittsprozess für Serbien keine<br />

weitere Schritte gibt ohne das absolute O. K. vonseiten des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs und, wie die Kollegin gerade<br />

gesagt hat, eine pro-aktivere und vor allen Dingen effektivere Zusammenarbeit vor Ort mit dem Strafgerichtshof.<br />

Es gab auch positive Entwicklungen. Eine davon war die Annahme des gender equality act, das hat uns sehr gefreut. Wir<br />

möchten jetzt, dass dessen Umsetzung wirklich schnell vonstatten geht, und fordern die Kommission auf, Gelder dafür zur<br />

Verfügung zu stellen und diesen Prozess zu unterstützen. Wenn die Region zusammenwachsen will, brauchen wir auch<br />

wieder mehr öffentliche Transportmöglichkeiten in der Region und durch die Region. Und auch hier ein Aufruf an die<br />

Kommission, über die IPA-Gelder dies stärker zu unterstützen und zu finanzieren, weil wir davon überzeugt sind, dass der<br />

Kontakt zwischen Menschen und nicht nur zwischen Leadern notwendig ist. Dies wird durchaus gefördert, wenn es für die<br />

Leute einfacher wird, in der Region mobil zu sein.<br />

Mobilität ist auch eine Frage, die ich noch ganz kurz erwähnen möchte, und zwar geht es da um Autokennzeichen, die<br />

Belgrad immer noch für die sieben Regionen im Norden von Kosovo ausstellt. Wir rufen Belgrad dringend auf, dieses<br />

Kennzeichen endlich nicht mehr für Kosovo auszustellen.<br />

2-027<br />

Ryszard Czarnecki (ECR). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Serbia to europejski kraj. Serbia to część europejskiej historii. Serbia<br />

to część europejskiej kultury. Serbia to nie tylko część geografii Europy. Serbia więc musi być częścią politycznej Europy<br />

i naprawdę nie szukajmy pretekstów, aby wydłużyć drogę Serbii do Unii Europejskiej. Mam wrażenie, że Unia traktowała<br />

nieraz po macoszemu ten kraj i była swoista asymetria między traktowaniem niektórych krajów tego regionu Bałkanów a<br />

właśnie Serbii. Z tą asymetrią musimy raz na zawsze skończyć. Nie szukajmy pretekstów, aby – podkreślam to jeszcze raz<br />

– wydłużyć drogę Serbii do Unii Europejskiej. Naród serbski zasłużył na to, żeby być wśród narodów europejskich jak<br />

najszybciej.<br />

2-028<br />

Bastiaan Belder (EFD). – Mevrouw de Voorzitter, op dit ogenblik spitst zich de economische crisis in Servië en op de<br />

westelijke Balkan toe. Deze hachelijke situatie bergt het gevaar in zich van een vernieuwde versterking van populistische<br />

en nationalistische krachten. Commissaris Füle, wordt het niet tijd om een ontwikkelingsfonds voor de westelijke Balkan<br />

op te richten naar het voorbeeld van het na-oorlogse Marshall-plan.<br />

Mijnheer de commissaris, ik heb nog een tweede vraag voor u. Een insider informeerde mij gisteren over de potentiële<br />

nieuwe brandhaard in Servië. Het betreft hier de activiteiten van radicaal islamitische krachten in de Sandzak. In dit<br />

verband circuleert vooral de naam van de mufti van de regio Zukorlić. Over welke precieze informatie beschikt de<br />

Europese Commissie in deze kwestie en welke tegenmaatregelen overweegt de Commissie?<br />


18-01-2011 9<br />

Димитър Стоянов (NI). – В източната част на Сърбия, в района на градовете Босилеград и Цариброд живеят<br />

няколко десетки хиляди българи - национално малцинство, останало в пределите на Сърбия след края на Първата<br />

световна война.<br />

Няма да бъда много далеч от истината, ако кажа, че тези хора там са едни от най-бедните хора в Европа.<br />

Сръбското правителство не само че не прави нищо по този въпрос - да направи инвестиции, да развие малко<br />

икономически района, а през ноември миналата година, без никакво обяснение и в нарушение на своите<br />

международни споразумения, спря група български граждани, които носеха помощ за децата на този район, които<br />

идват да учат в България.<br />

Уважаеми представители на сръбското правителство, свободното движение и отворените граници са основна<br />

ценност на Европейския съюз. И докато не я научите и не я прилагате, нямате място в него.<br />

2-030<br />

Elmar Brok (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin, Frau Ratspräsidentin, Herr Kommissar, Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich möchte<br />

dem Kollegen Kacin sehr danken für seine Vorlage, die ein klares Ja spricht.<br />

Ich glaube, dass bei allen Fragen, in denen wir nach wie vor Kritik an Serbien üben, allen Notwendigkeiten interner<br />

Reformprozesse, aller Notwendigkeit, mit dem ICTY zusammenzuarbeiten, den Fragen im Kampf gegen Korruption, die<br />

insbesondere in Serbien besonders tiefgreifend ist, mit mafiösen Bandenwirkungen, die dort sind und auf das<br />

Wirtschaftsleben Einfluss nehmen, dies alles im Lauf der Jahre bekämpft werden muss und das Bedingung ist für den<br />

weiteren positiven proeuropäischen Kurs Serbiens hin zur Mitgliedschaft in der Europäischen Union, wie ihnen in<br />

Thessaloniki fest versprochen worden ist, und an dieses Versprechen wollen wir uns halten.<br />

Aber ich möchte auch zum Ausdruck bringen, dass es notwendig ist, mit Serbien zu kooperieren. Wer in die Geschichte<br />

der Region hineinschaut, weiß, dass es eine dauerhafte friedliche Entwicklung nur mit Serbien geben kann und dass wir<br />

aus diesem Grunde Serbien – nicht nur als Antragsteller zur späteren Mitgliedschaft in der Europäischen Union sehen<br />

müssen, sondern als einen wesentlichen strategischen Partner bei einer vernünftigen Entwicklung dieser gesamten Region<br />

und dass wir aus diesem Grunde auch von uns aus ermutigen und dass wir Serbien nicht schlechter behandeln sollten als<br />

Länder, die Mitglied der Europäischen Union sind oder unmittelbar auf dem Weg in die Europäischen Union sind, aus<br />

welchen Gründen der kürzeren oder längeren Geschichte auch immer. Wenn ich sehe, mit welchem Mut Präsident Tadić<br />

für einen europäischen Kurs gekämpft hat und in Serbien umkämpft ist, ist es eine Notwendigkeit, dass wir diese<br />

politischen Kräfte stützen, sie ermutigen, damit sie ihrer Bevölkerung zeigen können, dass der Weg nach <strong>Europa</strong> auch für<br />

die Bevölkerung der richtige Weg ist und nicht ein nationalistischer Weg.<br />

Aus diesem Grunde möchte ich uns und insbesondere die Mitgliedstaaten einladen, dass sie im Ratifikationsprozess<br />

schnell vorangehen und auf diese Art und Weise ein Signal senden, dass diese Schritte Serbiens nach <strong>Europa</strong> gestützt<br />

werden müssen, damit wir die Sicherheit in der Region auf Dauer bekommen.<br />

2-031<br />

Hannes Swoboda (S&D). – Frau Präsidentin! ich war in den letzten Tagen in Kroatien und noch nie wurde dort nie so viel<br />

über Serbien gesprochen wie in diesen Tagen, und zwar in einem sehr positiven Sinn, weil genau das, was Herr Brok jetzt<br />

erwähnt hat: die mutigen Schritte, die Herr Tadić zusammen mit Präsident Josipović gesetzt hat, – ich weiß auch, dass der<br />

stellvertretende Ministerpräsident Đelić sich hier besonders bemüht – wesentliche Schritte nach <strong>Europa</strong> sind. Es sind<br />

Elemente einer regionalen Zusammenarbeit, aber einer regionalen Zusammenarbeit, die eine große politische und auch<br />

humanitäre Bedeutung hat. Von daher ist es – da schließe ich mich da dem Kollegen Brok und den anderen Kollegen<br />

völlig an – ganz wichtig, dass wir Serbien ermutigen, diese Schritte weiterzugehen.<br />

Dies betrifft natürlich auch das Verhältnis zu Bosnien und Herzegowina. Wir alle wissen, wie wichtig es ist, dass Serbien<br />

sich in einem positiven Sinn engagiert – Serbien und Kroatien –, damit dieses Land zusammenhält und auch die<br />

entsprechenden Reformen vollzieht. Insofern ist Serbien wirklich hier sehr mutig und sehr entscheidend für die regionale<br />

Zusammenarbeit.<br />

Ein kritisches Element, das ich dennoch erwähnen möchte, ist die Zusammenarbeit mit dem ICTY. Ich hatte ja Herrn<br />

Brammertz eingeladen in die Arbeitsgruppe des außenpolitischen Ausschusses, die ich leite. Da sind wir nicht ganz<br />

zufrieden, da könnte mehr geschehen. Da sind die Anregungen noch nicht wirklich vollfüllt worden. Daher würde ich alle<br />

darum bitten, darauf zu drängen, dass das getan wird.<br />

Wie Frau Koppa schon gesagt hat: Es ist nicht nur eine Frage für <strong>Europa</strong>. Serbien muss diese Dinge aufarbeiten für<br />

Serbien selbst. Wie es diese Entschuldigung in Vukovar gegeben hat, die fraglos in die Geschichte des Landes eingehen<br />

wird, so muss auch der Kampf gegen diejenigen weitergehen, die große Verbrechen begangen haben.<br />


10 18-01-2011<br />

Anna Ibrisagic (PPE). – Fru talman! Det går inte att undgå att märka att Serbien under den senaste tiden har gjort stora<br />

framsteg. Låt mig nämna några: en framgångsrikt avslutad visumliberaliseringsprocess, det regionala samarbetet på både<br />

trafik- och energiområdet, en politisk vilja att bidra till försoningsprocessen i regionen, och ett nytt politiskt ledarskap,<br />

ytterst synligt i president Boris Tadić besök i både Srebrenica och Vukovar.<br />

Alla dessa saker visar inte bara enskilda personers goda ledarskap och Serbiens stora vilja att ta ett steg närmare EUmedlemskap,<br />

utan också serbernas beslut att välja just ett sådant ledarskap.<br />

Därför gläds vi åt att även stabiliserings- och associeringsavtalet mellan EU och Serbien nu är klart och att vi skickar<br />

tydliga signaler till Serbien om att vi ser resultaten av landets ansträngningar och att Serbien har en plats i EU-familjen.<br />

Det är klart att många utmaningar kvarstår: kampen mot den organiserade brottsligheten, fortsatta juridiska reformer och<br />

en lösning på minoritetsfrågorna. De flesta av dessa problem är dock inte unika för Serbien, utan delas även av övriga<br />

Balkanländer.<br />

En fråga som dock är ganska unik och som måste nämnas i sammanhanget är samarbetet med Haagtribunalen. Den<br />

politiska viljan hos Serbiens regering finns. Medvetenheten om att det är nödvändigt att fullfölja samarbetet med<br />

tribunalen finns också. Låt oss nu hoppas att Ratko Mladić snart återfinns i Haag.<br />

2-033<br />

María Muñiz De Urquiza (S&D). – Señora Presidenta, un minuto para subrayar la importancia de que completemos la<br />

configuración de la Unión Europea con la candidatura de Serbia, que espero pueda confirmarse este año sobre la base de<br />

los importantes avances logrados por Serbia, reconocidos por el Consejo al decidir impulsar el proceso de adhesión y<br />

reconocidos por este Parlamento en el informe del Sr. Kacin, a quien felicito.<br />

Y un minuto para recordar que las diferentes posiciones sobre Kosovo en el seno de la Unión Europea han favorecido el<br />

claro compromiso europeo de Serbia, esencial para la consolidación de la paz y la democracia en los Balcanes y para<br />

alcanzar un enfoque constructivo en la integración regional, como se puso de manifiesto el pasado 2 de junio con la<br />

celebración, bajo Presidencia española, de la cumbre de alto nivel de Sarajevo.<br />

Espero que Serbia cuente con la plena colaboración de la Unión Europea para acometer las reformas que necesite en<br />

materia de justicia, en materia de lucha contra la corrupción y también en materia de diálogo intrarregional.<br />

2-034<br />

Eduard Kukan (PPE). – Madam President, I am glad to see that Serbia has shown strong determination and made<br />

substantial progress in the integration process. Concluding the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) and<br />

implementing it are the next important steps on this road.<br />

The Serbian Government should be commended for the actions which have been taken to get to this stage. I am sure that<br />

the SAA will bring concrete economic and trade benefits for the country in areas such as environment, energy, transport<br />

and many others. Thirteen countries have so far ratified this agreement. I hope that its ratification by the European<br />

Parliament will encourage the rest to conclude the process soon.<br />

However, there are still challenges ahead for both Serbia and the EU. Serbia needs to commit to full cooperation with the<br />

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in bringing the remaining war criminals to justice. There is also<br />

an urgent need for progress in the fight against corruption and organised crime, and for further reforms in the sectors of<br />

justice and public administration. Equally, the Serbian Parliament needs to abandon the practices of blank mandates and<br />

the arbitrary allocation of parliamentary seats.<br />

Finally, the dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo will, I hope, be put on the right track and will guarantee ordinary people<br />

better prospects for the future. The European Parliament has always been a strong supporter of the integration of the<br />

Western Balkans. Serbia is a crucial part of that with this commitment ...<br />

(The President cut off the speaker)<br />

2-035<br />

Emine Bozkurt (S&D). – Voorzitter, dit is een belangrijk moment voor de stabiliteit op de Balkan. Servië heeft duidelijk<br />

laten zien dat het de keuze heeft gemaakt om te werken aan een Europese toekomst, doch zal daar hard aan moeten<br />

werken. Er zijn zo een aantal struikelblokken op weg naar het eventueel EU-lidmaatschap. Zo zijn de laatste twee<br />

hoofdverdachten van het Joegoslavië-tribunaal, Goran Hadžić en Ratko Mladić, nog niet opgepakt. Helaas - zo blijkt uit<br />

het rapport van hoofdaanklager Brammertz - slaagt Servië er niet in de internationale gemeenschap ervan te overtuigen dat<br />

er met man en macht naar deze misdadigers gezocht wordt.

18-01-2011 11<br />

Volgens Brammertz doet de Servische regering niet het meest mogelijke om de verdachten op te pakken, maar juist het<br />

minst noodzakelijke. Een duidelijke en eendrachtige boodschap vanuit de Servische overheid is nodig. Zo ook is het van<br />

belang dat de Europese Commissie veel grotere druk hierop blijft uitoefenen. Ook is het belangrijk dat de rechten van<br />

vrouwen en homo's hoog op de agenda van Servië blijven staan. Ik verwacht dat Servië alles op alles zal zetten om een<br />

open proces mogelijk te maken.<br />

2-036<br />

Kinga Gál (PPE). – Tisztelt biztos úr, államtitkár asszony! Először is gratuláció illeti a jelentéstevőt és az árnyékjelentéstevőt<br />

egyaránt, hogy megfelelő kompromisszumok születtek ebben a szövegben és egy jó jelentésről beszélünk. Az<br />

elmúlt évben Szerbia sok tekintetben komoly lépésekkel haladt az integráció irányába, és ezeket a jelentés számba is veszi,<br />

úgyhogy én csak néhány pontot emelnék ki.<br />

Az egyik a vízummentesség kérdése, amit a szerb hatóságoknak nagyon komolyan kellene vennie és a továbbiakban<br />

mindent megtenniük, hogy az állampolgárokat felvilágosítsák, hogy ne éljenek vissza ezzel a lehetőséggel, hiszen<br />

egyébként sérülne a jövő fiatalságának az európai perspektívához való hozzáférése, hiszen ez a vízummentesség, ami<br />

mellett mindig is kiálltunk, pont a fiatal generációk európai csatlakozásához, felzárkózásáról szól, és ezt pedig nem lehet<br />

eljátszani. Ugyanakkor Szerbiának haladéktalanul előrelépéseket kell tennie a nemzetközi törvényszékkel való<br />

együttműködés tekintetében és felmutatni a tárgyalási eredményeket Koszovóval.<br />

De amit én kiemelnék, az a koppenhágai kritériumokban felsorolt kisebbségi jogok kérdése. Örülök, hogy a jelentés már<br />

idejében figyelmet szentel ezeknek a kérdéseknek, hiszen Szerbiának folytatnia kell tevékenységét e területen: a Vajdaság<br />

statútumáról, a nemzeti tanácsokról szóló törvényeket úgy kell gyakorlatba ültetni, hogy azok valóban hatásukat ki tudják<br />

fejteni. Az Uniónak pedig tanulnia kell a 2004, 2007-es csatlakozásból, hogy ezek ...(az elnök megvonja a szót)<br />

2-037<br />

Elena Băsescu (PPE). – Decizia Consiliului de a începe procedura de ratificare a Acordului de stabilizare şi asociere va<br />

încuraja Serbia să continue reformele pentru respectarea criteriilor de la Copenhaga. Intrarea lui în vigoare va deschide<br />

comerţul dintre UE şi Serbia şi va oferi perspective de aderare tangibile.<br />

Până în prezent, au fost înregistrate progrese importante, mai ales în cooperarea cu EULEX, reforma sistemului judiciar şi<br />

lupta împotriva corupţiei. Totodată, consider că nerecunoaşterea independenţei Kosovo nu trebuie să stea în calea<br />

aspiraţiilor euroatlantice ale Serbiei. Mai ales, guvernul sârb şi-a arătat disponibilitatea de a se angaja într-un dialog<br />

reînnoit cu Kosovo sub egida UE.<br />

Aş dori să menţionez şi rolul cheie al Serbiei pentru asigurarea păcii în Balcani. În acest sens, consider foarte important ca<br />

politica uşilor deschise să fie continuată către toate ţările din Balcanii de Vest. România a susţinut fără rezerve extinderea<br />

acestei regiuni către UE şi NATO, cu o menţiune specială pentru Serbia.<br />

În final, subliniez că eforturile şi aspiraţiile acestei ţări trebuie recunoscute de statele europene şi încurajate în acelaşi timp.<br />

Avem datoria să ne susţinem partenerii din Balcani în continuarea parcursului euroatlantic pe care l-au ales deja.<br />

2-038<br />

Андрей Ковачев (PPE). – г-жо Министър, г-н Комисар, искам първо да благодаря на докладчика г-н Kacin за<br />

добрата работа по доклада. Бъдещето на Сърбия и на Западните балкани е в Европейския съюз. Убеден съм, че<br />

историческите грешки и несправедливости, случили се през изминалия век на Балканите, не могат да бъдат<br />

преодолени по друг начин, освен по пътя на европейската интеграция.<br />

Нашата обща цел е съществуващите граници да се превърнат от разделителни в обединителни линии. За<br />

гражданите, независимо от техния произход, не бива да има значение от коя страна на граничната линия живеят:<br />

дали в Ниш, в Калотина, в Цариброд или в София, дали в Прищина или в Лесковец. Европейската интеграция е<br />

единственият път към стабилност, сигурност и просперитет, както за сръбските граждани, така и за техните<br />

съседи.<br />

В доклада на г-н Kacin се съдържат аспектите от постигнатото в Сърбия и това, което предстои да се направи.<br />

Сърбия има и ще има нашата подкрепа по пътя на нейната европейска интеграция. Ние, обаче, от Източна Европа,<br />

можем да дадем полезни съвети на сръбските ни приятели, за да не повтарят грешките, които ние сме правили.<br />

Такъв един съвет е да отворят архивите на комунистическия репресивен апарат на Югославия. В България имаме<br />

много горчив опит от късното отваряне на архивите. Бившите служби са свързани много с корупцията и<br />

организираната престъпност в региона. Приветствам усилията на Сърбия за ограничаване влиянието на<br />

комунистическите структури в управлението. Бъдещето на една демократична страна не бива да се контролира от<br />

тоталитарното й минало.

12 18-01-2011<br />

На нас от Източна Европа са ни ясни манипулациите на бившите комунисти, които по всякакъв начин представят<br />

дейността си като защита на националните интереси. Не се подвеждайте. Единственото, което ги води, е тяхното<br />

собствено благополучие.<br />

Уважаеми колеги, който контролира миналото, контролира и бъдещето. Отварянето на архивите на<br />

комунистическите тайни служби ще е ясен знак за Европа, че Сърбия иска да скъса с един режим, който я откъсна<br />

за десетилетия от Европа. Гражданите на бивша Югославия имат правото да познават най-новата си история.<br />

Пожелавам успех на Сърбия по пътя на нейната европейска интеграция, по който път тя има нашата подкрепа, и я<br />

очакваме в европейското демократично семейство.<br />

2-039<br />

Γεώργιος Κουμουτσάκος (PPE). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, θέλω να ξεκινήσω ευχαριστώντας τον εισηγητή για την εξαιρετική<br />

δουλειά που έκανε και για το κείμενο το οποίο έχει παρουσιάσει για τη Σερβία. Η υπογραφή της Συμφωνίας<br />

Σταθεροποίησης και Σύνδεσης ΕΕ-Σερβίας αποτελεί μια κομβικής σημασίας εξέλιξη και για τη Σερβία και για την<br />

Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Τώρα, το επόμενο στάδιο, το επόμενο σημαντικό βήμα είναι η απόκτηση του καθεστώτος υποψήφιας<br />

προς ένταξη χώρας. Και πιστεύω ότι αυτό θα πρέπει να το αποφασίσουμε τον ερχόμενο Δεκέμβριο. Ας μη ξεχνάμε ότι το<br />

2011 είναι χρόνος προεκλογικός για τη Σερβία, καθώς τον Μάρτιο του 2012 θα έχουν βουλευτικές και δημοτικές εκλογές.<br />

Όσοι εχθές είχαμε την ευκαιρία να ακούσουμε στην Επιτροπή Εξωτερικών Υποθέσεων τον Αναπληρωτή Πρωθυπουργό<br />

κύριο Đelić διαπιστώσαμε την αφοσίωση και την αποφασιστικότητα της Σερβίας να κάνει κάθε προσπάθεια για να<br />

ανταποκριθεί επιτυχώς στα ευρωπαϊκά κριτήρια και προαπαιτούμενα. Διαπιστώσαμε επίσης την θετική και<br />

εποικοδομητική στάση της Σερβίας και της Σερβικής Κυβέρνησης για ένα ουσιαστικό διάλογο με την Πρίστινα. Πρέπει να<br />

ενθαρρύνουμε τη Σερβία.<br />

2-040<br />

Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė (PPE). – Atsižvelgiant į Tarybos išvadas dėl Serbijos pažangos reformų srityje reiktų<br />

šią valstybę pasveikinti, tačiau, deja, kai kurie dalykai kelia nerimą. Serbijai žengiant žingsnius link Europos Sąjungos<br />

didelės pastangos turi būti dedamos į tam tikras sritis, ypač verslo aplinkos Serbijoje gerinimą. Lietuvos investuotojų<br />

patirtis kelia pagrįstų klausimų dėl verslo aplinkos ir užsienio investicijų apsaugos Serbijoje. Kadangi Serbijos vyriausybė<br />

apkaltino Lietuvos įmones, investavusias 34 milijonus eurų, įsipareigojimų nevykdymu ir, pažeisdama Serbijos ir Lietuvos<br />

susitarimą, numatantį investicijų skatinimą ir abipusę apsaugą, nutraukė privatizavimo sutartį. Serbija turi ieškoti būdų,<br />

kaip užtikrinti skaidrią ir prognozuojamą verslo aplinką, susidoroti su biurokratiniais suvaržymais, teisiniu netikrumu ir<br />

panašiais dalykais. Remiame Serbijos siekius, savaime suprantama, dėl integracijos į Europos Sąjungą ir linkime<br />

susidoroti su probleminiais dalykais.<br />

2-041<br />

Csaba Sándor Tabajdi (S&D). – Kedves államtitkár asszony, Füle biztos úr! Nemcsak egy folyamatot zárunk le, hanem<br />

remélem, hogy már ebben az évben elkezdjük a csatlakozási tárgyalásokat, hiszen Szerbia rengeteg eredményt ért el az<br />

elmúlt időszakban. Kiemelném azt, hogy maga Brammertz főügyész a hágai törvényszékkel való együttműködést<br />

kifogástalannak tekinti. Ez sokáig egy kényes kérdés volt. Ugyanez vonatkozik a NATO-partnerségre, és amit én<br />

különösen fontosnak tartok a Nyugat-Balkán esetében, Szerbiának olyan példamutató kisebbségpolitikája van, amely<br />

számos uniós tagállam számára is példaértékű lehet, hiszen az a széleskörű kulturális autonómia, amely a különböző<br />

nemzeti kisebbségek tanácsainak valós működésében megmutatkozik, az garantálja a kisebbségek fennmaradását, és<br />

Koszovó ügyében is rendkívül jelentős az előrelépés, amely érzelmileg egy nagyon bonyolult, összetett kérdés, de Szerbia<br />

nagyon jó úton halad...(az elnök megvonja a szót)<br />

2-042<br />

Ivo Vajgl (ALDE). – Poročilo kolege Jelka Kacina je enako stvarno in vzpodbudno.<br />

Polna integracija Srbije v Evropsko unijo je v interesu stabilnosti in varnosti Evrope, je tudi, zaradi tega pomeni tudi<br />

eliminiranje in pomemben korak pri eliminiranju sive cone na jugo-vzhodu Evrope.<br />

Podpiram Srbijo in njene strateške cilje, o katerih nas je obvestil gospod podpredsednik Đelić.<br />

Ključi so v rokah Srbije, ki mora izpolniti pogoje. Mogoče je tudi to priložnost, da sporočimo srbski javnosti, da Mladić ni<br />

ponos, ampak sramota srbskega naroda.<br />

Rad bi tudi poudaril, da pozdravljam vse korake v graditvi dobrega sosedstva, ki jih dela srbska vlada in srbska javnost,<br />

obenem pa poudarjam, da je vprašanje meje eno izmed ključnih vprašanj, ko gre za sosedske odnose.<br />

2-043<br />

Ulrike Lunacek (Verts/ALE). – Frau Präsidentin! Auch von meiner Seite gibt es ein klares Ja zur Heranführung Serbiens<br />

an die Europäische Union und dafür, dass die serbische Bevölkerung eine Zukunft im gemeinsamen <strong>Europa</strong> hat, wie das<br />

für den gesamten Westbalkan gilt. Von meiner Seite wird es auch grünes Licht für das Stabilisierungs- und

18-01-2011 13<br />

Assoziierungsabkommen geben, wenn ich auch gleichzeitig sagen muss, dass die Zusammenarbeit mit dem ICTY noch<br />

nicht so ist, wie sie sein müsste. Und auch ich erhoffe mir, dass es in diesem Plenum eine Mehrheit für unseren<br />

Änderungsantrag gibt, dass die Worte von Herrn Brammertz hier in Zukunft gelten.<br />

Ich möchte Herrn Kacin für den Bericht danken, für diese zum Teil sehr positive Berichterstattung über die Fortschritte,<br />

die es in Serbien gegeben hat, und gleichzeitig über die Punkte, wo es noch problematisch ist.<br />

Was nun die Beziehungen zu der Republik Kosovo betrifft: Ich als Berichterstatterin dieses <strong>Parlaments</strong> für Kosovo<br />

appelliere an die serbische Führung. Ich habe die Worte von Vizepremierminister Đelić gestern sehr genau mitverfolgt,<br />

dass es hier die Bereitschaft zu dieser historischen Vereinbarung gibt, dass aber auch klargestellt werden muss, dass der<br />

Dialog zwischen der Republik Serbien und der Republik Kosovo ...<br />

(Die Präsidentin entzieht der Rednerin das Wort.)<br />

2-044<br />

Jaroslav Paška (EFD). – Úvodom chcem vysloviť podporu podpisu asociačnej dohody so Srbskou republikou.<br />

Srbsko bolo a stále je vplyvnou balkánskou krajinou. Občania tejto krajiny však už dlhé roky doplácajú na chyby svojich<br />

politických lídrov, ktorí svojimi avanturistickými rozhodnutiami dostali krajinu do zložitej politickej situácie. Ak však<br />

chceme dlhodobo stabilizovať politické pomery na Balkáne, musíme mať otvorené a korektné vzťahy so všetkými<br />

krajinami tohto regiónu.<br />

Srbsko pre nás preto musí byť rovnako váženým partnerom ako ďalšie stabilné krajiny tohto regiónu, aby sme v<br />

otvorenom dialógu a dobrej spolupráci pomohli obyvateľom tejto krajiny čo najskôr a čo najlepšie sa integrovať do<br />

spoločenstva slobodných, demokratických európskych krajín.<br />

2-045<br />

Krisztina Morvai (NI). – Magyar emberként nagy öröm számomra a magyar elnökség és sok sikert kívánok a Tanácsnak,<br />

ugyanakkor ez a felszólalás Szerbia EU-csatlakozásával kapcsolatban némi szomorúságot és hiányérzetet okozott nekem.<br />

Nem volt szó ugyanis délvidéki magyar testvéreink sérelmére elkövetett rendkívül durva emberjogi jogsértésekről, és<br />

szeretném megkérdezni azt, hogy a magyar elnökségnek, illetőleg a Bizottságnak van-e tudomása azokról az emberi jogi<br />

szervezetek jelentéseiről, illetőleg megfigyelők jelentéseiről, egyfelől a temerini fiúk ügyével kapcsolatban. A temerini<br />

fiúk az a kirívó jogsértés, amit öt fiatalember sérelmére követtek el oly módon, hogy egy kocsmai verekedésért eltúlzottan<br />

súlyos, összesen 61 évi börtönbüntetést szabtak ki rájuk, amely börtönbüntetést harmadik világbeli körülmények között<br />

megkínozva, embertelen, kegyetlen bánásmód mellett kell letölteniük. Ezt egészíti ki az, hogy ugyanakkor a magyarok<br />

sérelemére elkövetett legdurvább bűncselekményeket nem vizsgálják ki. Tudnak-e... (az elnök megvonja a szót)<br />

2-046<br />

Andreas Mölzer (NI). – Frau Präsidentin! Entgegen der Ansicht von EU-Euphorikern reicht der Beitritt zur Union allein<br />

nicht aus, um alle Konflikte in Luft aufzulösen. Speziell im Vergleich mit dem Beitrittsbewerber Türkei sieht man, dass<br />

die EU mit zweierlei Maß misst. Serbien ist ja zu Gesprächen mit dem Kosovo bereit, obgleich die EU-Haltung sicher<br />

inkonsequent ist, sollen doch in Bosnien mehrere ethnische Gruppen in einen Multikulti-Staat gedrängt werden, während<br />

es im Fall des Kosovo legitim sein soll, dass sich eine ethnische Gruppe von einem Staat ablöst.<br />

Nicht nur die Gesprächsbereitschaft Serbiens ist ja gegeben, sondern es gab ja auch eine Entschuldigung für den<br />

Völkermord in Srebrenica. Dennoch wird Belgrad nach wie vor mangelnde Zusammenarbeit mit dem Haager Tribunal<br />

vorgeworfen. Die Menschenrechtsverletzungen in der Türkei, wo allein schon Gespräche über den Armenier-Genozid<br />

reichen, um bestraft zu werden, scheinen hingegen vernachlässigbar zu sein.<br />

Auch der Vorwurf des Organhandels gegen den Kosovopremier Thaçi veranschaulicht, dass Kriegsverbrechen nicht nur<br />

einseitig gesehen werden können. Diese Vorwürfe müssen restlos geklärt werden. Für einen EU-Beitritt ist es sehr wichtig,<br />

dass Serbien und Kosovo zuerst ihre Konflikte lösen.<br />

2-047<br />

Victor Boştinaru (S&D). – Madam President, the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Serbia represents another<br />

important step in the process of integration towards the EU undertaken by Serbia. We are talking about a country whose<br />

progress in recent years has already been impressive, and I think that further political and economic integration on the<br />

basis of the SAA will give the final boost that Serbia needs on its path towards the EU.<br />

In view of the important role that Serbia plays in the Western Balkans, the SAA will have a positive influence not only on<br />

the EU and on Serbia, but also on the region as a whole by enhancing its security, stability and development, as well as<br />

setting solid foundations for the enlargement process in the Western Balkans.

14 18-01-2011<br />

I hope that, after it has received the green light from the European Parliament, the SAA process can be concluded as soon<br />

as possible. I would therefore ask the Member States to ensure that the ratification process takes place as smoothly and<br />

rapidly as possible.<br />

2-048<br />

Jarosław Kalinowski (PPE). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Współpraca z naszymi europejskimi sąsiadami to istotny element<br />

polityki Wspólnoty. Serbia, podobnie jak wszystkie kraje na Półwyspie Bałkańskim, to przypadek bardzo szczególny. W<br />

związku z rozpadem Jugosławii w latach dziewięćdziesiątych oraz prowadzonymi tam działaniami wojennymi, kraje te do<br />

tej pory borykają się z problemami gospodarczymi i politycznymi. Rolą Unii Europejskiej jest wspierać te kraje i pomagać<br />

im. Historia nauczyła nas, że sytuacja polityczna w tym regionie ma wpływ na cały kontynent i jego konsekwencje długo<br />

wszyscy odczuwamy. <strong>Europa</strong> ponosi w jakimś sensie częściową winę za wydarzenia, które wówczas miały miejsce,<br />

dlatego mamy podwójny obowiązek moralny wobec tych krajów i takie umowy, o których dziś mówimy – współpraca na<br />

wszystkich płaszczyznach, ułatwienia dla obywateli tych państw – to konieczność. Także, aby nigdy więcej taka historia<br />

się nie powtórzyła.<br />

2-049<br />

Zoran Thaler (S&D). – Danes se je ponovno pokazalo, da ima Srbija, demokratična in evropska, veliko zaveznikov v<br />

Evropski uniji.<br />

Dejstvo je, da je šele demokratična in proevropska Srbija prišla do možnosti, da nadomesti dvajsetletno zamudo v razvoju<br />

demokracije, gospodarstva in kvalitete življenja državljanov.<br />

Demokratična vlada Srbije in predsednik Tadić si zaslužijo našo podporo. Srbije je ključ za stabilnost Balkana. Tu ima<br />

sodobna evropska Srbija svojo veliko odgovornost.<br />

Prvič, pri zagotovitvi stabilne, evropske, mirne in boljše prihodnosti sosede Bosne in Hercegovine, in drugič, pri sklenitvi<br />

zgodovinskega kompromisa s sosednim albanskim narodom.<br />

Oba dva ta cilja sta cilja sedanje vlade v Srbiji, sodelujmo z njo in podpirajmo jo v teh ciljih.<br />

2-050<br />

Andrzej Grzyb (PPE). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Pan komisarz Füle powiedział, że wszystko w rękach Serbii czy będzie<br />

dokonywać właściwych wyborów. Niewątpliwie tak jest, ale jednocześnie musimy sobie zdawać sprawę, i my to wiemy<br />

jako nowe kraje członkowskie, że trzeba wzmacniać ten proces. Serbia dokonała właściwego wyboru przez podpisanie<br />

układu o stabilizacji i stowarzyszeniu. Zobowiązała się do podjęcia szeregu niewątpliwie trudnych reform. Jako Parlament<br />

Europejski musimy te reformy wzmocnić, bo to nie tylko rząd, ale przede wszystkim społeczeństwo musi dokonać tego<br />

właściwego wyboru europejskiego. Kiedy byłem na obserwacji referendum konstytucyjnego, to powiedziałem do Serbów,<br />

powiedziałem do moich kolegów europejskich „popatrzcie, ten Belgrad i ci ludzie, Serbowie, to są Europejczycy, im<br />

trzeba pomóc w tej drodze”. Sądzę, że wszystko to, co się dzieje w procesie ratyfikacji układu o stowarzyszeniu, a także ta<br />

rezolucja Parlamentu Europejskiego mogą bardzo mocno Serbii w tej drodze pomóc.<br />

2-051<br />

Štefan Füle, Member of the Commission. − Madam President, I wish to thank the honourable Members for this rich<br />

debate, which has shown the House’s constructive support of the process of the European Union integration of Serbia. The<br />

support provided by Parliament to the ratification process of the SAA is an important signal for Serbia, and will contribute<br />

to intensifying its efforts on the path towards the European Union.<br />

Let me address briefly some questions which were raised during the debate. To Mr Belder firstly, on the Sandžak, I would<br />

rather talk about a politicisation of the issue of Muslim representation than a surge of radical Islamism. In that context we<br />

look forward to the next elections to the Bosniak National Council in April this year, which should be peaceful and<br />

inclusive and will help foster dialogue and avoid radicalisation.<br />

On the question of the Development Fund, we are in close dialogue with Serbia and other countries in the Western Balkan<br />

region concerning how to make the best use of the IPA and how to make it even more effective. Reflection is ongoing<br />

regarding the support for technological development.<br />

Concerning the question by Mrs Morvai, let me say that we pay particular attention to human rights and also to the<br />

protection of minority rights. I will write to her addressing one concrete case she referred to in her intervention.<br />

I am personally very encouraged by Serbia’s serious and constructive approach to the current stage of the enlargement<br />

process. Where we talked yesterday about concerns, we are talking today about Serbia being on the right track in<br />

addressing, for example, the important issue of judicial reform. This is a good basis for Serbia to fully use the integration<br />

potential that the year 2011 offers.<br />


18-01-2011 15<br />

Enikő Győri, a Tanács soros elnöke. − Elnök asszony, biztos úr, miniszterelnök-helyettes úr, tisztelt képviselő hölgyek és<br />

urak! Köszönöm szépen ezt a kiváló vitát. Egy kiváló jelentéshez kiváló észrevételek érkeztek, és azt, hogy milyen kiváló<br />

a jelentés, számomra az is bizonyítja, hogy az itt felemlegetett kérdések nagy része magában a jelentésben is megtalálható,<br />

tehát azt hiszem, hogy ez egy kiváló vitaalap volt.<br />

Mindannyian megerősítették, hogy nem egy lezárt folyamatról van szó, sokkal inkább egy kezdetről. Ezután a kezdet után<br />

azt hiszem, hogy mindazok a kérdések terítékre kerülnek, amelyeket önök is felemlítettek a vitában. Komoly előrelépések<br />

történtek, ezért tartunk a folyamatban ott, ahol tartunk, és sok még a teendő. Igen sok kérdést önök is megemlítettek itt,<br />

úgymint a demokrácia elmélyítése, menekültek, üzleti környezet kialakítása, vízummentességgel kapcsolatos problémák,<br />

vagy a kisebbségek helyzete.<br />

Hallottuk, hogy kisebbségi politikában Szerbia terén van komoly előrelépés, Tabajdi képviselő úr is hivatkozott rá,<br />

ugyanakkor a koppenhágai kritériumok érvényesek – a Bizottság is utalt rá. Ez egy fontos iránytű számunkra, és minden<br />

mozdulatunkban, minden értékelésünkben oda fogunk erre figyelni.<br />

Az is elhangzott, hogy a helyzet törékeny. Ezzel maximálisan egyetértek, és emiatt különösen fontos, hogy bátorítsuk<br />

Szerbiát, hogy haladjon tovább ezen az úton. Brok úr és Swoboda úr is utaltak erre. Amit a legfontosabbnak érzek, az az –<br />

és erre Nicolai asszony is utalt, hogy Szerbia saját akaratából hozott döntésről van szó, hogy az Európai Unió iránt<br />

elkötelezett, a tagság iránt elkötelezett, és mi minden lehetséges módon segíteni fogjuk ezt a folyamatot. Azt, hogy saját<br />

akaratukból választották ezt az utat, ezt tekintem garanciának arra, hogy minden szükséges lépést Szerbia meg fog tenni.<br />

Én nagyon bízom abban, elnök asszony, ezután a kiérlelt vita után a Parlament meg fogja adni a hozzájárulást a stabilitási<br />

és társulási megállapodáshoz.<br />

2-053<br />

Jelko Kacin, Poročevalec. − Današnja bogata razprava je najboljša ilustracija živega zanimanja in podpore, ki jo uživa<br />

Srbija tukaj v Evropskem parlamentu in drugih evropskih inštitucijah.<br />

Ob vseh izzivih, ki so dediščina vojn iz devetdesetih let, je Srbija predvsem v procesu postavljanja temeljev vladavini<br />

prava.<br />

Reforma pravosodja, ki se je začela leta 2009, je v marsičem nepopolna, to pa zahteva sistematske popravke.<br />

Ključni københavenski kriterij je vladavina prava, Srbija mora zagotoviti neodvisnost, kompetentnost in učinkovitost<br />

pravosodnih organov, da bi zagotovili pravno varnost in razvoj gospodarstva.<br />

Pozdravljamo zadnje odzive Beograda, da razume vse te izzive. Tudi restitucija, tudi vračanje odvzetega premoženja,<br />

zaščita zasebne lastnine, je eden od teh elementov.<br />

Veselim se prihoda predsednice narodne skupščine Srbije, ki nas bo v Evropskem parlamentu obiskala še ta mesec.<br />

Okrepiti moramo vlogo in odgovornost srbskega parlamenta in vseh parlamentark in parlamentarcev.<br />

Bolj kvalitetno je potrebno pritegniti tudi srbsko opozicijo, ki mora prevzeti več odgovornosti za uspeh procesa integracije<br />

Srbije.<br />

Izročitev odgovorov na vprašalnik Evropske komisije, ki jih bo predsednik vlade Cvetković izročil komisarju Füleju ta<br />

mesec, pa bo zgodovinski korak za državo Srbijo in tudi za vse njene državljane.<br />

Verjamem, da bo ta korak prepričljiv in uspešen. Zato želim tudi obilo uspehov madžarskemu predsedstvu pri<br />

vzpodbujanju proevropskih sil v Srbiji.<br />

Vem, da službe vlade za evropske zadeve, pod vodstvom Milice Delević, delajo odlično, in zato sodelovanje ne bo težko.<br />

Tudi navzočnost podpredsednika vlade in ministra za znanost, Bože Đelića, danes tukaj, je dokaz živega interesa vlade za<br />

naše delo in za srbsko prihodnost v Evropski uniji.<br />

In za konec še tale misel.<br />

Pred manj kot tremi leti je bila Srbija na robu samoizolacije. Danes je ta nevarnost mimo in Srbija je odločno na poti v<br />

Evropsko unijo. S kakšnim tempom pa bo napredovala, je odvisno le od nje same.<br />

S to resolucijo opogumljamo Srbijo na njeni zgodovinski poti, ko ji jasno sporočamo, da cenimo njene uspehe in<br />

opozarjamo na vse izzive pred katerimi je.<br />


16 18-01-2011<br />

Die Präsidentin. − Die gemeinsame Aussprache ist geschlossen.<br />

Zum Abschluss der Aussprache wurde eine Entschließung vom Ausschuss für auswärtige Angelegenheiten eingereicht.<br />

Dazu erfolgt die Abstimmung morgen um 12.30 Uhr.<br />

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 149)<br />

2-055<br />

Jiří Maštálka (GUE/NGL), písemně. – Vítám a podporuji všechny kroky, které směřují k rychlé integraci Srbska do EU,<br />

neboť většina Srbů si tuto integraci přeje. Zároveň však připomínám, že valná část z těch nedostatků, jež jsou Srbsku<br />

vytýkány v návrhu usnesení EP, lze označit za důsledky předchozí dlouholeté destruktivní angažovanosti některých<br />

členských států EU na Balkáně a přímé agrese NATO proti Srbsku. Srbsko by mělo mít usnadněnou cestu do EU, neboť<br />

jeho členství není pro tuto zemi odměnou, nýbrž šancí pro EU přispět k vyřešení mnoha problémů, které přímo či nepřímo<br />

sama způsobila. Dále chci naléhavě upozornit na nutnost velmi obezřetného a vyváženého postupu ohledně národnostních<br />

menšin v Srbsku. Návrh usnesení EP přiznává „další aspirace albánské menšiny“ v Srbsku a hovoří o respektování jejího<br />

„práva na provinční autonomii“. Budou-li problémy menšin „řešeny“ vytvářením kolektivního zákonodárství<br />

poskytujícího jim zvláštní práva, bude to „řešení“ v konečném důsledku katastrofální pro daný stát, to platí nejen pro<br />

Srbsko. Jedinou cestou k zajištění práv příslušníků menšin je důsledné prosazování a ochrana individuálních lidských práv.<br />

2-056<br />

Csanád Szegedi (NI), írásban. – Tisztelt Elnök Asszony! Tisztelt Képviselőtársaim! Az EU és Szerbia közötti társulási<br />

megállapodást Magyarország 2010. november 16-án ratifikálta. Az EU soros elnökségére akkor még készülő<br />

Magyarország nem tanult a történelmi hibájából, amikor Románia csatlakozását az őshonos erdélyi magyar kisebbségek<br />

területi önrendelkezéséhez köthette volna. A mai napig tapasztalhatjuk ennek az elszalasztott lehetőségnek az eredményeit:<br />

magyar temetők meggyalázása, csendes magyar népirtás zajlik Erdélyben. Az EU és Szerbia közötti társulási<br />

megállapodás folyamán az EU-nak és a magyar külügynek érvényesíteni kell a kisebbségek védelmét. Az Unión nagy a<br />

nyomás, hogy a társulási megállapodások megkötésével és felgyorsításával az uniós csatlakozást elérhető célnak tüntessék<br />

fel a jelölt országoknak. Amíg a Jobbik támogatja például Horvátország, mint a feltételeket teljesítő ország csatlakozását,<br />

addig élesen ellenzi a Szerbia irányába tett további, elhamarkodott lépéseket. A további csatlakozási folyamat feltételeként<br />

a Szerbiában élő őshonos magyar kisebbség sokkal nagyobb fokú önrendelkezését, teljes területi és kulturális autonómiáját<br />

kell megszabni. Nem szabad elvetnünk annak a gondolatát sem, hogy a Délvidéken élő emberek népszavazás útján<br />

nyilváníthassák ki akaratukat területi hovatartozásuk ügyében, ezzel is vallamelyest enyhítve a magyarság Trianonban<br />

elszenvedett felejthetetlen sérelmeit.<br />

2-057<br />

(Die Sitzung wird von 10.25 Uhr bis 10.30 Uhr unterbrochen.)<br />

2-058<br />


President<br />

2-059<br />

6 - Podsumowanie belgijskiej prezydencji w Radzie (debata)<br />

2-060<br />

President. − Colleagues, allow me to welcome Prime Minister Yves Leterme. Half a year ago we had the presentation of<br />

the Belgian Presidency. Now we have the presentation of the achievements of the Belgian Presidency: legislation, the<br />

European External Action Service, financial supervision, the Citizens’ Initiative, the budget – we will discuss all these<br />

points.<br />

Welcome, too, to President Barroso, who is present with us, and to all of you.<br />

2-061<br />

Przewodniczący. − Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego są oświadczenia Rady i Komisji dotyczące podsumowania<br />

belgijskiej prezydencji w Radzie.<br />

2-062<br />

Yves Leterme, président en exercice du Conseil. − Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Président de la Commission,<br />

Excellences, Mesdames et Messieurs les députés européens, même si cela peut paraître un peu incongru dans cette salle<br />

plénière du Parlement européen, je voudrais néanmoins débuter mon intervention par une citation d'un grand penseur<br />

américain, Ralph Waldo Emerson, qui disait, et je le cite:<br />

2-063<br />

‘Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail’.<br />

2-064<br />

C'est-à-dire: n'allez pas là où le chemin peut mener, allez là où il n'y a pas de chemin et laissez une piste.

18-01-2011 17<br />

Mesdames, Messieurs, chers collègues, c'est en effet ce que nous avons fait, avec vous tous, ces derniers six mois. La<br />

Belgique, mon pays, était appelée à assumer la présidence tournante de l'Union européenne après l'entrée en vigueur,<br />

finalement, du traité de Lisbonne.<br />

Il est vrai que nous ne nous engagions pas sur un terrain totalement inconnu, mais il a quand même fallu poser les balises<br />

pour le nouveau fonctionnement de l'Union sous le nouveau traité, avec les nouvelles institutions dont s'était dotée l'Union<br />

européenne. Alors, fidèle à la tradition belge, à la tradition de mon pays, nous avons tout fait pour permettre aux<br />

institutions de fonctionner de manière optimale pour créer les bons précédents.<br />

Mesdames, Messieurs, je crois pouvoir vous dire que l'Union européenne, telle qu'elle s'est structurée avec le traité de<br />

Lisbonne, fonctionne aujourd'hui et fonctionne bien. Ainsi, notre Union s'est-elle dotée d'un nouvel instrument de<br />

supervision du secteur financier qui devrait lui éviter, espérons-le, la réédition de crises comme celle dont nous peinons<br />

encore à sortir. La gouvernance économique a progressé. Un accord a pu être trouvé sur le budget 2011 et, surtout, au total,<br />

durant ces six mois, près de quarante accords de nature législative ont été conclus entre le Parlement et le Conseil.<br />

Mesdames, Messieurs, notre détermination à respecter tant la lettre que l'esprit du traité de Lisbonne a été un choix pour<br />

l'avenir de l'Union, un investissement dans une coopération européenne toujours plus étroite. Pour ce faire, durant cette<br />

présidence, nous avons suivi deux grandes lignes directrices.<br />

Premièrement, nous ne souhaitions pas nous mettre en avant. Nous avons plutôt inscrit notre programme, le programme<br />

belge avec ses cinq priorités, dans l'agenda européen, dans le programme de la Commission, dans les impulsions données<br />

par les chefs d'État et de gouvernement au niveau du Conseil européen, dans le programme du trio avec les collègues<br />

espagnols et hongrois.<br />

2-065<br />

Ten tweede, dames en heren, naast het feit dat wij geen Belgische agenda hebben willen opleggen, hebben we ook gekozen<br />

voor wat ik zou noemen, een inclusief voorzitterschap. We hebben effectief geprobeerd zo goed mogelijk samen te werken<br />

naar de letter en de geest van het Verdrag van Lissabon met álle Europese instellingen, eigenlijk in een rol die niet meer<br />

was dan die van facilitator.<br />

Samenwerking met alle partijen, uiteraard met uw Parlement, met de Commissie, maar ook met de nieuwe permanente<br />

voorzitter van de Raad, met de hoge vertegenwoordiger en uiteraard ook met de lidstaten, maar ik meen te mogen zeggen<br />

dat wij in dat geheel vooral bijzondere aandacht hebben besteed aan een goede samenwerking en een open geest met het<br />

Parlement dat zijn bevoegdheden in belangrijke mate versterkt heeft gezien onder de nieuwe regels.<br />

Vandaag past uiteraard ook enige bescheidenheid, maar mag ik toch zeggen dat we er samen met u voor hebben gezorgd<br />

dat deze methode heeft gewerkt. Trouwens meer dan ooit, collega's, is de Unie vandaag een samenspel van instellingen en<br />

lidstaten. Ik denk dat deze methode heeft gewerkt en ook kan werken, omdat ze gericht was en is op resultaat en niet op<br />

profilering. Dat geldt voor ons voorzitterschap, maar dat geldt eigenlijk ook voor het Europees Parlement, ook al bent u<br />

zelf meester om dat te beoordelen.<br />

Ik wil toch, mijnheer de Voorzitter, dames en heren parlementsleden, hier namens de Belgische regering, namens de<br />

collega's die raden hebben voorgezeten, mijn waardering en mijn dank uitspreken voor uw medewerking. Ik meen te<br />

mogen zeggen dat de meeste akkoorden die wij bereikt hebben uiteindelijk met een zeer brede meerderheid zijn<br />

goedgekeurd. Hieruit blijkt de kwaliteit van uw debatten alsook - en dat moet de Europese burgers geruststellen - de<br />

voorrang die u ver boven de nationale belangen geeft aan wat goed is voor <strong>Europa</strong>.<br />

Maar, dames en heren, die zes maanden zijn voorbij. We kunnen uiteraard niet stilstaan bij het verleden. Er valt effectief<br />

de komende maanden en jaren bijzonder veel te doen, want onze Unie, onze samenleving, staat voor bijzonder grote<br />

uitdagingen. Ik wil er in dit kort bestek vier vermelden.<br />

De eerste ligt uiteraard in de continuïteit van wat de afgelopen zes maanden is aangevat, namelijk het economisch bestuur.<br />

We hebben ondertussen samen de nodige maatregelen genomen om een crisis in de eurozone af te wenden. Maar die<br />

symptoombestrijding, waarvan tot nu toe sprake is geweest, volstaat niet. De dreigingen die op een aantal eurolanden<br />

rusten, hebben aangetoond dat een monetaire unie in feite niet kan zonder meer economische unie, zonder meer<br />

economische convergentie. We moeten dus vastberaden de weg opgaan van meer economische samenhang, meer<br />

samenhang in het fiscaal, economisch en sociaal beleid van de lidstaten.<br />

Economische governance vereist ook een streng toezicht op het begrotings- en structureel beleid van de landen van de<br />

Unie. We moeten het Europees semester dat met dat oogmerk is ingevoerd, ten volle gebruiken. Een terugkeer naar<br />

begrotingsdiscipline mag geen vrijblijvend streefdoel zijn, maar moet controleerbaar zijn, en zo nodig op Europees niveau<br />

afdwingbaar zijn. Het gaat hierbij uiteraard niet om de discipline op zich, maar gezonde overheidsfinanciën zijn een

18 18-01-2011<br />

absolute noodzaak om weer aan te knopen met een duurzame groei, een geloofwaardige groei, die banen schept voor onze<br />

burgers. Die banen zijn uiteraard noodzakelijk voor het behoud van ons heel specifiek Europees sociaal model dat gepaard<br />

gaat met politieke en economische vrijheid, sociale solidariteit en ecologische verantwoordelijkheid.<br />

2-066<br />

Die Union muss die neue Instrumenteneffizienz nützen, die sie zur Kontrolle der Finanzmärkte einführt. Diese Instrumente<br />

sollen noch Ende dieses Jahres einsatzbereit sein. Das ist ein absolutes Muss, um neuen Entgleisungen der Märkte<br />

vorzubeugen.<br />

Wirtschaftliche Konvergenz, Kontrolle der nationalen Haushalts- und Strukturpolitikoptionen, neue Instrumente zur<br />

Finanzmarktkontrolle – sie können den Eindruck entstehen lassen, dass der Apparat der Union dabei ist, ziemlich schwer<br />

und kompliziert zu werden. Es ist natürlich auch zu erwarten, dass die genauere Überwachung der nationalen politischen<br />

Entscheidungen der Mitgliedstaaten nicht ohne Diskussionen und Reibereien vor sich geht. Aber das sollte uns nicht<br />

abschrecken, denn das gehört zum Wesen der europäischen Integration.<br />

2-067<br />

The second field in which we must do this – in which we must keep up the momentum – is that of the Union’s role in the<br />

world. We have made progress in that field. Thanks to our concerted preparation and unified representation, we have<br />

indeed increased our weight in the G20. In the last months, the Union has started to build its own diplomatic representation<br />

all over the world. These moves are good but they have to be consolidated.<br />

The European Union, it is true, speaks with one voice on most problems in the world, but words are not enough. The<br />

Union must indeed develop more clout, it must be able to act in a decisive manner and to become a real pole of influence<br />

and power in this multipolar world.<br />

Thirdly, we have to address the financial perspective of the Union. It is true that this is not a time when governments can<br />

contemplate hefty increases in their contributions to the Union budget, but neither can we avoid a debate on the long-term<br />

financial perspective.<br />

Promises have been made to this Parliament that there will be consultation on the philosophy of the Union’s future<br />

financing and on ways and means. The Union cannot live hand-to-mouth: it has to have this long-term perspective.<br />

Last but not least, I want to say that we will be able to deliver on these challenges only if, more than ever, we believe in<br />

ourselves. I would like to quote the French thinker and writer André Frossard on this challenge for the coming years. I will<br />

first quote in French, and then translate:<br />

2-068<br />

"L'Europe cherche, avec raison, à se donner une politique et une monnaie communes mais elle a surtout besoin d'une âme."<br />

2-069<br />

Europe quite rightly wants to equip herself with a common policy and currency but, most of all, she needs a soul.’<br />

We do indeed need a soul, colleagues. We need to have faith in ourselves and in what we have accomplished, and not to<br />

excuse ourselves for who and what we are. We need to remember that, before being a market, before being a currency,<br />

before being a set of institutions, the Union – our Union – was a vision, a belief, a dream. It was a dream of peace on this<br />

continent, which has been torn by so many wars.<br />

I have heard that it has become a little bit passé to speak of peace to generations in Europe who have never known war. I<br />

can only say: ‘Look around you.’ Watch all the refugees, for instance, who come to us fleeing war, fleeing armed conflicts,<br />

fleeing tyranny. Those refugees certainly do not look down on the achievement that it is to have spread peace and security<br />

across almost the entire continent. And those refugees – those people – aspire, like so many people elsewhere in the world,<br />

to the rights and freedoms which too many of our citizens take so easily for granted.<br />

As much as the Union is about peace, it is also about liberty, about democracy, about fundamental civil rights and about<br />

the rule of law, for our citizens as well as for our immigrants. We believe in the right of each person to human dignity,<br />

which means people’s right to live on their feet and not on their knees, and the right to think and speak and worship freely.<br />

In a much quoted statement, Jean Monnet said that nothing gets done without people, but that nothing lasts without<br />

institutions. This is just as true today as when he said it but, on the other hand, it is also true that institutions will wither if<br />

they are not carried by people with strong convictions. We must remember that we will carry our citizens with us only if<br />

we give them a vision: if we give them a dream.<br />

To conclude, I wish Hungary all possible success now that it has taken over the baton of the Presidency. I am sure it will<br />

hold high the torch of the European dream of peace, the European dream of freedom, and the aim of an ever stronger<br />


18-01-2011 19<br />

(Applause)<br />

2-070<br />

José Manuel Barroso, président de la Commission. − Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Premier ministre, Mesdames et<br />

Messieurs les députés, avec efficacité et concentration, avec pragmatisme et esprit communautaire, l'Union a fait<br />

d'importants progrès pendant la Présidence belge, qui méritent à la fois notre admiration et notre reconnaissance.<br />

Au nom de la Commission européenne, je tiens à féliciter très sincèrement le premier ministre, M. Leterme, toute son<br />

équipe du gouvernement, l'administration, tous les Belges qui ont donné le meilleur d'eux mêmes pour le succès de cette<br />

Présidence.<br />

Ce fut une belle et grande Présidence, à un moment délicat et exigeant pour l'avenir de l'Union européenne. Rarement, les<br />

défis ont été aussi importants et les difficultés si cruciales à surmonter. Au cours de ces longs mois de bruit et de fureur –<br />

permettez-moi l'expression –, la Présidence belge n'a eu de cesse de garder le cap européen. Son action s'est toujours<br />

inscrite dans le sens fondamental de l'existence de l'Union européenne, la solidarité de chacun au profit de l'intérêt général<br />

européen. Son action nous a aussi permis de parfaitement baliser la voie à suivre pour atteindre nos principaux objectifs:<br />

stabilité et relance d'une croissance génératrice d'emplois.<br />

Ce furent des mois où l'Europe a encore vécu au rythme frénétique des développements de la crise et de la dette<br />

souveraine. Tous les regards étaient rivés sur l'avenir de la zone euro et sur notre détermination à la défendre. Lorsque<br />

nous disons que nous ferons tout pour défendre la stabilité de la zone euro, dans son ensemble, cela ne doit pas être de<br />

vaines paroles. Ce n'est ni plus ni moins que l'expression de notre ferme volonté politique de défendre notre destinée<br />

commune. L'avenir de la zone euro et l'avenir de l'Union européenne sont les deux faces d'une même pièce. Cet avenir,<br />

nous le voulons stable et prospère pour nous-mêmes et pour les générations futures. Cela a toujours été et cela reste le sens<br />

de la construction européenne et de l'esprit communautaire.<br />

Les réformes de fond auxquelles nous nous sommes engagés montrent que nous avons pris pleinement conscience de<br />

l'enjeu auquel l'avenir de l'Union européenne est confronté. Nous devons réussir à nous adapter aux nouvelles donnes<br />

politiques économiques, stratégiques d'un monde globalisé et en pleine mutation. Nous devons réussir cette adaptation en<br />

affirmant nos valeurs, en défendant nos intérêts et en renforçant notre crédibilité et notre influence sur la scène<br />

internationale.<br />

Les décisions de base que nous avons prises sur le renforcement de la gouvernance économique européenne et la lutte<br />

contre nos déséquilibres macro-économiques sont au cœur de ces progrès. Elles ne sont pas une option mais un impératif.<br />

J'espère que, pendant ce semestre, le Parlement européen et le Conseil adopteront les propositions de gouvernance<br />

économique.<br />

Fondamentalement, la question n'est pas de savoir qui, parmi les différents acteurs politiques européens, y gagne ou y<br />

perd, mais de savoir si chacun d'entre nous est prêt à coopérer dans le plein respect de nos prérogatives mutuelles. Car,<br />

fondamentalement, la question est de savoir si l'Union européenne, dans son ensemble, y gagne ou y perd. La réponse est<br />

claire: sans renforcement de notre gouvernance économique, nous serons tous perdants, tous! Dans la zone euro et dans<br />

l'ensemble de l'Union européenne.<br />

Sans renforcement de notre gouvernance économique, nous ne gagnerons pas la bataille pour la stabilité, la croissance et<br />

l'emploi en Europe. Sans renforcement de notre gouvernance économique, les maillons forts d'aujourd'hui pourraient<br />

devenir les maillons faibles de demain. Et sans renforcement de notre gouvernance économique, nous perdrions notre<br />

crédibilité sur la scène internationale.<br />

Alors que les questions de gouvernance et de déséquilibre macro-économique sont également des questions mondiales et<br />

qu'on les discute notamment au G20, comment pourrions-nous rester crédibles et influents auprès de nos partenaires<br />

internationaux si nous n'étions même pas capables de les résoudre au niveau européen? Je le dis en pesant bien tous mes<br />

mots: fondamentalement, il s'agit d'une question existentielle pour l'Union européenne. Nous agissons et nous nous<br />

affirmons en tant qu'Union, ou nous subissons et nous nous laissons marginaliser. C'est vraiment une question de destin<br />

collectif qui est en cause.<br />

Nous sommes, fort heureusement, sur la voie de l'affirmation. C'est pourquoi je félicite sincèrement la Présidence belge.<br />

L'accord obtenu au Conseil ECOFIN du 17 septembre dernier a permis la création de nouveaux cycles de gouvernance<br />

économique, ce qu'on appelle le semestre européen. La toute première étape a été lancée la semaine dernière avec la<br />

présentation de l'examen annuel de croissance préparé par la Commission européenne. Nous y indiquons très clairement<br />

les trois axes prioritaires sur lesquels nous devons porter nos efforts pour l'année à venir: renforcement de la stabilité<br />

macro-économique – notamment par l'assainissement budgétaire rigoureux – réforme structurelle et croissance créatrice<br />


20 18-01-2011<br />

Nous avons aussi obtenu des succès majeurs dans le domaine de la surveillance financière, notamment avec l'adoption<br />

d'une nouvelle architecture européenne de supervision financière qui a vu le jour le 1 er janvier 2011 avec la mise en place<br />

du comité européen du risque systémique et de trois nouvelles autorités de supervision financière couvrant respectivement<br />

les marchés, les banques et les assurances.<br />

Pendant ces six mois, nous avons aussi réussi à obtenir des accords sur la gestion des fonds spéculatifs et autres fonds<br />

d'investissement alternatifs ainsi que sur les agences de notation. Pour nos concitoyens, les mesures d'austérité ne sont pas<br />

un vague concept mais une dure réalité qu'ils vivent au jour le jour. Il y a, à travers l'Europe, beaucoup d'inquiétudes et de<br />

préoccupations mais il y a aussi, à travers l'Europe, une forte attente pour que les réformes, trop longtemps remises à<br />

demain, soient enfin menées à terme et pour que la dimension européenne soit une partie intégrante de la solution, pour<br />

que l'Europe défende ses projets, ses valeurs et ses intérêts dans le monde.<br />

Il est donc important de largement communiquer sur ce que l'Union fait pour relancer une croissance durable, génératrice<br />

d'emplois, et bâtir une société européenne plus équitable et plus respectueuse de l'environnement.<br />

Je souhaiterais également évoquer quelques autres succès, notamment en matière de politique étrangère et de relations<br />

extérieures, par exemple l'accord de libre-échange signé avec la Corée du Sud le 6 octobre dernier. C'est tout simplement<br />

l'accord commercial le plus ambitieux jamais conclu par l'Union européenne. Il doit rester une référence pour nos futurs<br />

accords commerciaux bilatéraux.<br />

Cancùn, contrairement à ce qu'ont prévu les pessimistes, a aussi réussi à faire apparaître quelques progrès sur la voie<br />

multilatérale dans la lutte contre le changement climatique. Cancùn a également montré l'importance de la coopération<br />

entre la Présidence et la Commission pour que l'Europe parle d'une voix cohérente et audible sur la scène internationale.<br />

Je voudrais également, en termes de résultats concrets, saluer l'accord enfin obtenu pendant la Présidence belge, dans le<br />

domaine des transports sur le dossier Eurovignette. C'est très important pour nos citoyens.<br />

Je voudrais surtout rendre hommage à la façon exemplaire dont la Présidence belge a permis que les principales<br />

innovations du traité de Lisbonne soient respectées et exécutées. Elle a déployé avec brio tous ses talents de négociation<br />

lors de la difficile discussion sur le budget 2011 de l'Union européenne selon les nouvelles règles budgétaires du traité. Ce<br />

fut une illustration de l'esprit européen et de sa culture du compromis dans ce qu'il a de meilleur. La Commission est fière<br />

de la contribution qu'elle a apportée à ce résultat.<br />

Demain même, en application des engagements pris vis-à-vis de ce Parlement, j'aurai une première réunion avec le<br />

Président du Parlement européen, M. Buzek, et M. le premier ministre Orban, qui assure la présidence tournante du<br />

Conseil, pour discuter des prochaines étapes en matière budgétaire.<br />

L'année 2010 a été une année souvent difficile, parfois extrêmement exigeante, mais finalement très productive. Et c'est<br />

sous la présidence de deux pays, la Belgique mais aussi l'Espagne, que l'intégration européenne a pu avancer de façon<br />

déterminée. J'y vois la marque de la force de notre Union et du bon fonctionnement de nos institutions. Il appartient<br />

maintenant au troisième pays du trio – la Hongrie – de poursuivre sur cette lancée.<br />

Les grandes décisions que nous avons prises au cours de cette dernière année sont la preuve que nous savons tous,<br />

Parlement, Conseil, Commission, États membres, ce que nous devons faire pour assurer un avenir européen stable et<br />

prospère. Si nous savons ce que nous devons faire, il nous reste à le faire maintenant. Nous avons dit que nous avions la<br />

volonté de le faire, nous devons maintenant montrer que nous sommes effectivement capables de tenir nos engagements<br />

politiques, sans les diluer, sans faiblir et sans nous laisser leurrer par de timides signes de reprise.<br />

Il s'agit de consolider nos actions, de montrer qu'elles ne sont pas qu'une réaction à la pression de la crise et des marchés,<br />

mais bien la réaffirmation forte de notre volonté de vivre ensemble dans cette Union pour la paix, la démocratie, la<br />

solidarité et la liberté.<br />

2-071<br />

Jean-Luc Dehaene, namens de PPE-Fractie. – Voorzitter, het Belgisch voorzitterschap kreeg terecht alom lof<br />

toegezwaaid. U en uw collega's, mijnheer de Eerste Minister, kunnen een opmerkelijke palmares voorleggen. Eerder dan<br />

op de concrete realisaties in te gaan, wil ik vooral de nadruk leggen op het rolmodel dat u hebt neergezet voor het<br />

Raadsvoorzitterschap. Het Belgisch voorzitterschap van de Raad was immers het eerste dat zich volledig afspeelde binnen<br />

het nieuwe institutioneel kader van het Verdrag van Lissabon. Dat was op zich een hele uitdaging.<br />

Het Verdrag wijzigt immers het institutioneel raamwerk grondig zoals ik al heb aangegeven in mijn verslag in de vorige<br />

legislatuur. Zo zijn de Europese Raad en de Raad nu duidelijk twee onderscheiden instellingen geworden met elk een<br />

eigen voorzitterschap. Nieuw is ook dat het Verdrag de opdracht van de Raad en het Parlement in exact dezelfde

18-01-2011 21<br />

bewoordingen omschrijft. Men kan zich niet aan de indruk onttrekken dat sommige leden van de Raad enige moeite<br />

hebben om zich aan de nieuwe verhouding tussen Parlement en Raad aan te passen. Dat bleek duidelijk tijdens het<br />

begrotingsdebat.<br />

Dat kan echter niet gezegd worden van het Belgisch voorzitterschap. In overleg met Commissie en Parlement werd vooral<br />

geïnvesteerd in het realiseren van de Europese wetgevende agenda. De Europese prioriteiten stonden hierbij altijd voorop.<br />

Dat verklaart ook mede het succes van het Belgisch Raadsvoorzitterschap. In het verleden hebben de voorzitterschappen te<br />

vaak geprobeerd voor de Europese agentschappen hun nationale prioriteiten te laten gelden. Dit is hier niet het geval en<br />

daardoor heeft <strong>Europa</strong> tijdens dit voorzitterschap écht vooruitgang geboekt. Het moeilijke begrotingsdebat heeft tijdens het<br />

Belgisch Raadsvoorzitterschap ook mede de bakens gezet voor een van de moeilijkste uitdagingen van de Unie in de<br />

komende jaren, namelijk het vastleggen van het nieuwe financieringskader. België bekwam van de vorige<br />

voorzitterschappen de toezegging dat het Parlement zal worden betrokken bij de bespreking van dit meerjarig financieel<br />

kader. De Commissie van haar kant verbond zich ertoe in het kader van haar voorstel voor het meerjarenplan ook<br />

voorstellen te formuleren voor de eigen inkomsten van de Unie en dit is essentieel. Het Parlement zal er derhalve voor<br />

waken dat zowel de Commissie als de komende voorzitterschappen zich aan deze engagementen houden.<br />

2-072<br />

Hannes Swoboda, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, Herr Ministerpräsident, liebe Kollegen vom<br />

Ratsvorsitz, Herr Barroso! Wir haben in dieser Woche die Gelegenheit, zwei Präsidentschaften miteinander zu<br />

vergleichen, die abgelaufene und die schon begonnene Präsidentschaft. Von der belgischen Präsidentschaft muss ich<br />

sagen, dass sie eine ausgezeichnete Arbeit geliefert hat – dafür herzlichen Dank! Trotz schwieriger Bedingungen – die<br />

politische Lage zu Hause ist ja nicht ganz leicht, Lissabon ist neu, auch das Verhältnis zum Europäischen Rat ist nicht<br />

ganz leicht zu finden. Aber es gab eine klare Orientierung zu <strong>Europa</strong> hin. Sie wollten <strong>Europa</strong> voranbringen.<br />

Auf der anderen Seite haben wir – bisher jedenfalls – eine ungarische Präsidentschaft gesehen, die sich mehr um das<br />

kümmert, was zu Hause passiert, nämlich im Sinne der Machterhaltung zu Hause, und zwar mit einem sehr umstrittenen<br />

Mediengesetz, über das wir noch diskutieren werden. Ich hoffe, Herr Orbán schaut sich noch genau an, wie die belgische<br />

Präsidentschaft gelaufen ist, und nimmt sich vielleicht ein bisschen ein Beispiel an dieser Präsidentschaft.<br />

Sie haben, Herr Ministerpräsident, Herr Ratspräsident, von der Wirtschaftsregierung gesprochen. Hier kann ich nur dem<br />

voll zustimmen, was Herr Präsident Barroso gesagt hat. Es gibt nur ein Entweder-Oder. Es gibt entweder eine weitere<br />

krisenhafte Entwicklung in <strong>Europa</strong> – nicht nur in der Eurozone –, oder es gibt den Versuch einer effizienten<br />

Wirtschaftsregierung auf der Basis der Zusammenarbeit aller Mitgliedstaaten, aber auch auf der Basis einer starken<br />

europäischen Kommissionsaktivität. Sie wissen, Herr Präsident Barroso, da unterstützen wir sie voll. Sie haben auf diesem<br />

Gebiet Großes geleistet, Her Leterme, aber wir müssen jetzt weitergehen, und wir müssen die weiteren Schritte verfolgen.<br />

Sie haben gesagt, es geht vor allem um eine steuerliche, fiskalische und soziale Zusammenarbeit. Damit bin ich beim<br />

zweiten Punkt, den diese belgische Präsidentschaft sehr ausgezeichnet hat, nämlich der sozialen Dimension. Ich glaube,<br />

wir alle sind daran interessiert – vielleicht mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten –, dass diese soziale Dimension noch<br />

entsprechend ausgebaut wird. Soziales <strong>Europa</strong> heißt nicht, dass alles und jedes auf dem sozialpolitischen Gebiet von<br />

<strong>Europa</strong> gemacht wird, aber zum Beispiel was Sie gesagt und getan haben zur Bekämpfung der Armut. Es ist eine Schande,<br />

wenn ich sehe, dass die die Armut in <strong>Europa</strong> zum Teil steigt. Auch was Sie gesagt haben zur ungleich werdenden<br />

Einkommensverteilung. Sie haben in Ihrer Präsidentschaft deutlich gemacht: Das ist nicht nur eine soziale Frage, das ist<br />

auch eine wirtschaftliche Frage. Mehr Armut, mehr soziale Ungleichheit bedeutet auch Verlust an Wettbewerbsfähigkeit.<br />

Das ist wirtschaftlich, ökonomisch und empirisch nachgewiesen. Es ist ganz wichtig, was Sie gesagt haben.<br />

Ebenso wichtig ist, was Sie zum <strong>Europa</strong> der Bürger gesagt haben. Sie haben einen konkreten Beitrag geliefert, gemeinsam<br />

mit Vizepräsident Šefčovič und unseren Kolleginnen und Kollegen bei der europäischen Bürgerinitiative. Das ist ein<br />

großer Schritt nach vorne, wenn dieser Schritt auch von den proeuropäischen Kräften entsprechend genützt wird, um<br />

<strong>Europa</strong> den Bürgern näher zu bringen.<br />

Wir wünschen Belgien natürlich auch weiterhin alles Gute. Es ist nicht unwichtig, wie sich die politische Lage verhält. Ich<br />

hoffe, dass alle politischen Kräfte in Belgien versuchen, einen wirklichen Konsens zu finden. Es ist schwer, in<br />

Krisenregionen den Leuten zu sagen: „Findet doch einen Konsens, arbeitet doch in wichtigen Fragen zusammen!“, wenn<br />

das in Belgien – einem Herzland der Europäischen Union – nicht möglich ist.<br />

In diesem Sinne wünsche ich Ihnen alles Gute, Sie waren in vielen Fällen eine vorbildliche Präsidentschaft. Ich hoffe,<br />

andere Präsidentschaften, die folgen, nehmen sich ein Beispiel daran!<br />

(Beifall)<br />

(Der Redner ist damit einverstanden, eine Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“ zu beantworten (Artikel 149<br />

Absatz 8 GO).)

22 18-01-2011<br />

2-073<br />

Krisztina Morvai (NI). – Mr President, I would like to ask Mr Swoboda how he dares to criticise the Hungarian<br />

Presidency when it is just starting. He does not even know anything about it. Why does he not instead criticise his<br />

comrades in the Socialist Group who were shooting at their own people on the 50th anniversary of the 1956 revolution and<br />

who arbitrarily imprisoned hundreds of people? He should ask them and criticise them.<br />

2-074<br />

Hannes Swoboda (S&D). – Mr President, I am familiar with this kind of argument, which states that if you criticise a<br />

government, you criticise its people. It was like this in former times in my own country too.<br />

Let us be clear. We did not start the debate. It was the Hungarian Government with this – as I said here – contested law. It<br />

is a law greatly disputed by many Hungarian citizens who suffered under Communism and during the Nazi regime. They<br />

are afraid that their liberty of expression is in danger. That is the thing that should be addressed.<br />

2-075<br />

Guy Verhofstadt, namens de ALDE-Fractie. – Voorzitter, ik stel voor dat we het morgen over het Hongaars<br />

voorzitterschap hebben. We moeten niet alles vermengen, anders moet Eerste Minister Leterme nog ingaan op de nieuwe<br />

mediawet in Hongarije en ik geloof niet dat dat zijn verantwoordelijkheid is.<br />

De rol van het Parlement, collega's, is om wetgeving te maken en te controleren, dus om kritiek te leveren wanneer het<br />

verkeerd gaat, wanneer het niet goed is, maar ook om te zeggen dat het goed is geweest wanneer dat effectief zo is. We<br />

mogen zeggen dat het Belgisch voorzitterschap goed was, zeer goed was en dat het een succes is geworden dankzij de<br />

inspanning van velen: de Belgische regering, maar ook vele diplomaten, de permanente vertegenwoordiger, de adjunctpermanente<br />

vertegenwoordiger en al degenen die zich er dagelijks voor hebben ingezet.<br />

Het is een onverhoopt succes, want, mijnheer de Eerste Minister, iedereen van ons werd in het thuisland voortdurend<br />

geconfronteerd met de vraag: hoe kan uit een regering van lopende zaken een goed voorzitterschap voortvloeien? Ik zou<br />

zeggen, we hebben voor de eerste keer een echte Europese regering gehad, want het was een regering die zich alleen<br />

bezighield met Europese zaken, met Europese dossiers en niet werd afgeleid door nationale besognes.<br />

Het is bijna een uitnodiging aan de andere voorzitterschappen om ook in lopende zaken te gaan, wanneer zij het<br />

voorzitterschap van de Europese Unie waarnemen, zo dat ze zich zes maanden lang kunnen concentreren op <strong>Europa</strong> in<br />

plaats van <strong>Europa</strong> er zo af en toe maar eens bij te nemen tussen twee andere dossiers door.<br />

Ik denk dat het voornamelijk een geslaagd voorzitterschap was om één reden - kijk naar de financiële supervisie, naar de<br />

hedgefondsen, naar de rating agentschappen - en wel omdat dit voorzitterschap begrepen heeft dat er met het nieuwe<br />

Verdrag gewerkt moet worden aan méér <strong>Europa</strong> en in de Raad de stem voor méér <strong>Europa</strong> heeft verkondigd. Dat kan niet<br />

van alle voorzitterschappen worden gezegd. Jean-Luc Dehaene heeft gelijk wanneer hij zegt dat er inderdaadnog een<br />

aantal lidstaten zijn die nog altijd niet begrepen hebben dat de spelregels zijn veranderd.<br />

De spelregels zijn veranderd en het Belgisch voorzitterschap is het eerste voorzitterschap dat begrepen heeft dát de<br />

spelregels zijn veranderd. Als er een regeling is gekomen voor een Europese supervisie waarbij de stellingen van het<br />

Europees Parlement het uiteindelijk hebben gehaald is het omdat het Belgisch voorzitterschap aan de collega's in de Raad<br />

heeft gezegd, zo kan het niet, het moet een Europese oplossing worden, in tegenstelling tot de oplossing die de ministers<br />

van financiën in december 2009 hadden uitgewerkt.<br />

Hetzelfde wil ik zeggen over het Europees patent. Een belangrijke doorbraak, Voorzitter. Ik zou een oproep willen doen<br />

aan u en alle collega's in het Parlement om zeer snel met het Europees Parlement het groene licht te geven voor dat patent,<br />

zodat het Europees patent eindelijk na meer dan 20 jaar discussie snel een realiteit zal zijn.<br />

2-076<br />

Isabelle Durant, au nom du groupe Verts/ALE. – Monsieur le Président, c'est vrai – d'autres l'ont dit avant moi –<br />

manifestement, à ce jour, les mécaniciens politiques belges sont meilleurs hors de leurs enceintes qu'à domicile. En tout<br />

cas, je m'en félicite, je vous en félicite, l'équipe belge a bien travaillé et c'est une très bonne chose.<br />

Je pense d'ailleurs que les résistances que vous avez rencontrées dans les différents Conseils ressemblent au fond aux<br />

résistances que nous rencontrons dans le débat belge: solidarité, transferts, toutes ces questions sur le repli ou la<br />

contribution sont des éléments que nous connaissons bien en Belgique et que vous avez rencontrés au Conseil.<br />

D'ailleurs, M. Barroso, puisque vous avez marqué votre admiration et votre reconnaissance, peut-être qu'à un moment<br />

donné l'Union européenne pourrait donner un petit coup de pouce ou un petit coup de main. Puisque la Belgique a aidé<br />

l'Union européenne, peut-être que l'Union européenne pourrait l'aider à débloquer son impasse fédérale.<br />

Pour le reste et pour revenir sur quelques dossiers précis, Monsieur le Premier ministre, notamment sur la question du<br />

budget, on a une responsabilité quand on sort de présidence plus grande encore que ceux qui y entrent. Et donc, sur la

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question du budget, mon avis est qu'on a sans doute manqué un peu d'audace en n'embrassant pas la proposition de<br />

convention qu'on aurait pu faire sur les ressources financières, mais le dossier des ressources propres est un dossier central<br />

dans les mois à venir et je compte beaucoup sur la Belgique – qui va récupérer, si je peux dire, une liberté de parole,<br />

puisqu'elle ne représente plus l'ensemble des pays membres mais parle pour elle – pour faire avancer ce dossier.<br />

Deuxième dossier important, c'est la circonscription européenne. C'est quelque chose qui viendra aussi à un moment donné<br />

sur la table du Conseil. Je sais qu'en Belgique, certains ne veulent pas d'une circonscription fédérale, mais je pense qu'elle<br />

est nécessaire, et peut-être que justement, parce qu'on n'en veut pas en Belgique, la Belgique en voudra au niveau<br />

européen. Une circonscription européenne serait extrêmement utile pour garantir ce que vous appelez "l'âme" de l'Union<br />

européenne, c'est-à-dire le fait que les citoyens européens s'y retrouvent en tant, tout simplement, que citoyens qui peuvent<br />

voter pour plus que des représentants nationaux. Je pense que c'est un dossier très important.<br />

Et le troisième, on l'a cité déjà, c'est l'initiative citoyenne européenne. Là aussi, je compte beaucoup sur la Belgique pour<br />

accélérer le processus de mise en œuvre. C'est un instrument important à côté de toutes les réformes de gouvernance<br />

économique et j'espère que la Belgique pourra, elle aussi, contribuer à le faire avancer plus vite et plus fort.<br />

2-077<br />

Derk Jan Eppink, namens de ECR-Fractie. – Voorzitter, België is de afgelopen zes maanden een goede voorzitter<br />

geweest. Men zou niet zeggen dat de zittende regering uittredend is. Als ik kijk naar de dossiers die ik kan beoordelen, is<br />

de balans positief. Een akkoord over de regelgeving voor risicokapitaal, regelgeving over toezicht op financiële markten én<br />

een begroting voor 2011. Ik ken zowel België als <strong>Europa</strong> vrij goed. Europese politiek is als het ware de voortzetting van<br />

Belgische politiek met grotere doeleinden. Het is het zoeken naar compromissen via converseren, dineren, arrangeren en<br />

zo nodig een beetje supporteren in de naam van het resultaat.<br />

Sommigen zeggen daarom: België is <strong>Europa</strong> in het klein. Daarin schuilt nu precies het gevaar voor <strong>Europa</strong>, want het<br />

Belgisch systeem kan geen compromissen meer maken voor zichzelf. Er is zelfs nog geen zicht op een opvolger voor de<br />

heer Leterme. Als België het voorland is van <strong>Europa</strong>, dan moeten we ons de vraag stellen: waarom loopt dat Belgisch<br />

systeem dan ten einde? Waarom is het in staat van ontbinding?<br />

De oorzaak is volgens mij dat België een transfereconomie heeft gecreëerd die niet meer betaalbaar is. In naam van<br />

solidariteit is er een geldstroom van Vlaanderen naar Wallonië en Brussel ontstaan, maar, mijnheer Barroso, als solidariteit<br />

eenrichtingsverkeer wordt, dan scheiden de geesten en dat zien wij nu in België.<br />

Op dit moment zijn we in <strong>Europa</strong> bezig de mechanismen van een transfereconomie te planten. U bent daarmee bezig. De<br />

euro is daarvoor al misbruikt. Nu is er de roep om eurobonds. De heer Verhofstadt doet dat op dagelijkse basis. Kijk ook<br />

naar het euronoodfonds, dat op een Ponzi Scheme begint te lijken. Eerst was het tijdelijk, nu is het permanent en nu moet<br />

er ook steeds meer geld in. Een slachtoffer hiervan is de concurrentiekracht, want de buitenlandse investeringen in <strong>Europa</strong><br />

gaan achteruit. Wie het <strong>Europa</strong> van morgen wil zien, moet kijken naar het België van nu! Dan zien we wellicht Duitsland<br />

in de rol van Vlaanderen dat zegt: "wij willen niet altijd voor iedereen betalen". Sommigen zullen hier lachen, maar dat<br />

gevaar komt dichterbij dan u denkt. Laat het een wake-up call zijn voor ons allemaal.<br />

Mijnheer Leterme, ik heb altijd veel respect voor u gehad. Het ga u goed in datgene wat u doet, maar België zal u nog een<br />

tijdje op uw huidige post houden, vrees ik.<br />

2-078<br />

Patrick Le Hyaric, au nom du groupe GUE/NGL. – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Premier<br />

ministre, reconnaissant d'emblée que vous aviez pris la présidence de l'Union européenne dans le contexte très difficile de<br />

la crise, vous aviez laissé, malgré cela, entendre que vous auriez fait des questions sociales l'une de vos priorités et<br />

annoncé un statut pour protéger les services publics.<br />

Vous n'avez rien fait de cela. Non seulement, il n'y a eu aucune initiative pour protéger les services d'intérêt général mais<br />

aujourd'hui, dans le cadre du pacte de stabilité renforcé, nous entrons dans une inquiétante spirale où, pour réduire la dette<br />

des États, les vautours des marchés financiers et de leurs agences de notation poussent les États à brader leurs biens publics<br />

qui sont pourtant un atout pour la justice et l'égalité.<br />

Quant aux questions sociales, il a fallu toute la vigilance du Parlement pour repousser l'augmentation du temps de travail<br />

pour les chauffeurs routiers ou le projet dit de "permis unique", version élargie, de la directive Bolkestein.<br />

Nous étions dans l'année européenne de lutte contre la pauvreté. Il n'y a pas un seul pauvre en moins dans l'Union<br />

européenne, il y en a toujours plus! Et force est de constater que les moyens de lutte contre la crise sont inefficaces parce<br />

qu'ils bradent les droits sociaux.<br />

La stratégie adoptée consiste en permanence à rassurer les créanciers des États surendettés en raison de la baisse de la<br />

fiscalité du capital et du recul de la croissance dû à la baisse du pouvoir d'achat et à l'austérité – un mot que j'ai entendu

24 18-01-2011<br />

prononcer pour la première fois par M. Barroso. Et pour cela, vous voulez maintenant vérifier les budgets des États a priori<br />

à la place des parlements nationaux.<br />

Vous avez engagé en catimini une révision des traités européens, dont vous nous avez dit hier qu'ils étaient intangibles. Par<br />

contre, vous avez en permanence refusé un débat sur la mise en place d'un fonds de développement social et<br />

environnemental, alimenté par une taxation des mouvements de capitaux, par une harmonisation vers le haut de la fiscalité<br />

du capital, sur une création monétaire de la Banque centrale européenne pour le rachat des dettes des États et sur le<br />

développement des services publics indispensables à la justice et au progrès social.<br />

Au début de votre présidence, vous aviez dit, Monsieur le Premier ministre, que vous vouliez une présidence sobre, et<br />

c'était tout à votre honneur. Mais durant celle-ci, force est de constater que les marchés financiers et les grands actionnaires<br />

se sont rassasiés. Les peuples, eux, sont de plus en plus à la disette.<br />

2-079<br />

Νίκη Τζαβέλα, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας EFD. – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, θα ήθελα κατ' αρχήν να ευχηθώ σε όλους, ιδιαίτερα στην<br />

Επιτροπή, στο Προεδρείο, σε όλους τους πολιτικούς, καλή χρονιά, μια χρονιά που διαγράφεται πολύ δύσκολη. Θα ήθελα,<br />

ως μία παρένθεση, να κάνω μια επισήμανση ανταποκρινόμενη στην πρόσκληση που απηύθυνε ο Πρόεδρος της Επιτροπής,<br />

ο κύριος Barroso, λέγοντας ότι θα πρέπει να τον βοηθήσουμε μέσα σε μία παγκόσμια οικονομική διακυβέρνηση για να<br />

αποδείξουμε τι είναι η Ευρώπη. Είναι μία ενιαία οικονομική, πολιτιστική και ίσως και πολιτική δύναμη. Για αυτό θα<br />

πρέπει όλοι να στηρίξουμε την Επιτροπή για να παραμείνει η Ευρώπη η μεγάλη δύναμη που είναι.<br />

Ως προς τη Βελγική Προεδρία, κατά γενική ομολογία ήταν μία πολύ επιτυχημένη προεδρία. Και σε αυτά τα οποία<br />

ελέχθησαν θα ήθελα να προσθέσω δύο σημεία τα οποία δεν αναφέρθηκαν εδώ και τα οποία εντείνουν την επιτυχία της<br />

Βελγικής Προεδρίας. Πρώτα από όλα, το Βέλγιο λειτούργησε τελείως ευρωπαϊκά· δηλαδή, ακολούθησε την ατζέντα της<br />

Επιτροπής και του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου. Συνήθως οι προεδρίες προσθέτουν εθνικά θέματα. Το Βέλγιο μας έδωσε το<br />

καλό παράδειγμα ότι είμαστε Ευρώπη, ασχολούμαστε με τα θέματα τα οποία θέτει η Επιτροπή. Δεν φιλοδόξησε να βάλει<br />

και δικά του θέματα. Το δεύτερο αξιέπαινο στοιχείο της Βελγικής Προεδρίας είναι το μοντέλο το οποίο ακολούθησε, το<br />

μοντέλο της τριλογίας, της τριμερούς συνεργασίας: Συμβούλιο, Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο και Επιτροπή. Συγχαρητήρια<br />

κύριοι συνάδελφοι!<br />

2-080<br />

Philip Claeys (NI). – Voorzitter, mijnheer de Eerste Minister, u hebt nogal wat complimenten gekregen over het Belgisch<br />

voorzitterschap en dat is wel te begrijpen. Men is opgelucht in de Europese Commissie en in het Parlement dat het<br />

Belgisch voorzitterschap voorbij is en dat er geen grote ongelukken zijn gebeurd. Het is inderdaad niet evident dat een<br />

kunstmatig land zonder regering, een land dat niet eens in staat is om zichzelf te besturen, het voorzitterschap van de hele<br />

EU moet waarnemen.<br />

Men zou natuurlijk kunnen zeggen dat u en de ministers veel tijd hebben gehad om zich met het voorzitterschap bezig te<br />

houden, aangezien u toch maar een regering van lopende zaken vormt. Men zou kunnen zeggen dat u beschikt over<br />

ervaren diplomaten die hun werk goed hebben gedaan en dat het belang van het roterend voorzitterschap sinds het Verdrag<br />

van Lissabon is afgenomen.<br />

Dat klopt allemaal wel, maar ik denk dat het uw beste beslissing was om de raad van het Vlaams Belang op te volgen en<br />

vooral een laag profiel aan te nemen. U had de fouten kunnen maken van het vorige Belgisch voorzitterschap in 2001.<br />

Denk maar aan de mislukte Pralinentop in Brussel, aan de opeenstapeling van diplomatieke blunders en aan de<br />

zogenaamde Verklaring van Laeken die uiteindelijk heeft geleid heeft tot het debacle van de Europese grondwet.<br />

Het is natuurlijk niet zo dat het Belgisch voorzitterschap een foutloos parcours heeft afgelegd, allereerst was er het incident<br />

waarbij de socialistische minister van pensioenen Daerden de Ministerraad leidde in toestand van dronkenschap - het<br />

gezicht van commissaris Andor spreekt boekdelen; de Vlaamse belastingbetalers én netto-betalers kunnen er niet meer om<br />

lachen, in de wetenschap dat deze figuur verantwoordelijk is voor hun pensioenen.<br />

Voorts waren er de verwoede pogingen van minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Vanackere tegen de wil van de bevolking in<br />

om koste wat kost een nieuw hoofdstuk te openen in de onderhandelingen over de toetreding van Turkije, terwijl Turkije<br />

niet eens in aanmerking zou mogen komen voor onderhandelingen.<br />

2-081<br />

José Manuel García-Margallo y Marfil (PPE). – Señor Presidente, no voy a insistir sobre lo que se ha dicho ya. La<br />

Presidencia belga ha sido una Presidencia magnífica. Quiero aquí subrayar dos perlas: la supervisión financiera y el<br />

semestre europeo. Y quiero subrayarlas para decir lo que se ha hecho y, sobre todo, lo que hay que hacer.<br />

En materia de supervisión financiera, el Ministro Reynders, en 48 horas, logró desatascar un dosier que estaba atascado y<br />

fuimos capaces de dar al Consejo y a la Comisión lo que la Comisión nos había pedido: unas autoridades europeas que

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pudiesen empezar a funcionar el 1 de enero de 2011, autoridades fuertes, autoridades auténticamente europeas, autoridades<br />

con dientes.<br />

Lo que ha ocurrido después es poco tranquilizador. Todavía no tenemos presidentes de las autoridades; tenemos un<br />

presupuesto extraordinariamente escaso y me dicen que las retribuciones para las personas que van a ocupar los cargos en<br />

esas autoridades no son brillantes. Desde luego, mucho menos brillantes que los bonus que cobran los banqueros en<br />

Londres.<br />

Dos asignaturas pendientes: la regulación de los entes sistémicos y las contribuciones e impuestos a la actividad bancaria.<br />

En regulación de entes sistémicos, nosotros queremos que la supervisión corresponda a la Autoridad Europea, a través de<br />

las autoridades nacionales, que actuarían, en este caso, como agentes y estarían sujetas a las instrucciones de la autoridad<br />

continental. Lo otro no tendría sentido.<br />

En materia de fiscalidad, la última aportación del Comisario Šemeta pone encima de la mesa todos los impuestos posibles<br />

en materia de bancos. Este Parlamento ha votado ya dos contribuciones: la contribución a los fondos de garantía<br />

coordinados y la contribución a los fondos de estabilidad bancaria. Eso es un dato, podemos luego discutir el impuesto<br />

sobre la actividad bancaria o los impuestos sobre transacciones bancarias, pero lo otro, insisto, es un dato.<br />

Y en materia de semestre europeo, lo único que queremos es coordinar con todo: con eurobonos, con bonos de proyectos,<br />

con mecanismo, etc.<br />

(El Presidente retira la palabra al orador.)<br />

2-082<br />

Kathleen Van Brempt (S&D). – Voorzitter, ik ga in herhaling vallen. Een beetje een saai debat, moet ik eerlijk toegeven,<br />

maar wel een waar we trots op kunnen zijn, dus ik sluit mij heel graag aan bij mijn collega's met lof voor het Belgisch<br />

voorzitterschap. Yves, uw team, uw ministers, maar ook uw politieke en diplomatieke corps hebben fantastisch werk<br />

geleverd. Ik heb het aan den lijve kunnen ondervinden. Ik heb het genot en het genoegen gehad om in twee trilogen over<br />

milieu te zitten en - nee, ze moeten geen dikke nek krijgen, maar ze krijgen deze keer wel een beetje lof - bij dezen mijn<br />

complimenten voor het knappe voorzitterschap.<br />

Toch wil ik een grote en een kleine "maar" aan die lof toevoegen. Mijn eerste "maar" heeft te maken met het sociale<br />

beleid, ik denk dat er vooruitgang geboekt is in een aantal sociale dossiers. Toch moeten we eerlijk toegeven - en ik schrijf<br />

dat niet op het conto van het Belgisch voorzitterschap, maar wel op het einde van het Europese Jaar van de strijd tegen de<br />

armoede - dat het Europees belang niet zo erg groot is. Echte vooruitgang op wetgevend vlak, als het bijvoorbeeld gaat<br />

over het Europees minimuminkomen, is er niet geboekt, dus er is nog veel werk aan de winkel.<br />

Mijn tweede "maar" heeft te maken met de rol die het Belgisch voorzitterschap heeft gespeeld in het post-Lissabontijdperk.<br />

Ik krijg daarvoor felicitaties van Verhofstadt en van Dehaene, twee ex-premiers die het institutionele bijzonder<br />

goed kennen. Toch heeft die rol ook een keerzijde, met name het gebrek aan politiek leiderschap van het Belgisch<br />

voorzitterschap op heel cruciale dossiers. Er is een beetje naar achter geleund en gezegd, de heer Van Rompuy moet de<br />

zaak maar trekken.<br />

Ik denk aan het debat rond het economic governance verhaal, ik denk ook aan het debat over de schuldencrisis in de<br />

Europese Unie. Andere regeringsleiders - om Merkel en Sarkozy niet te vernoemen - hebben die rol dan wél op zich<br />

genomen. Dat heeft geleid, vind ik, tot beperkte resultaten bij de laatste Raad, onder meer naar aanleiding van de<br />

schuldencrisis. In het verleden heeft het Belgisch voorzitterschap wel politieke leiding genomen en ik zou wensen dat de<br />

volgende regering dat leiderschap in de Europese Unie toch op zich neemt.<br />

2-083<br />

Chris Davies (ALDE). – Mr President, we make laws together but, too often, we do not know how those laws get applied<br />

by Member States. You have taken the lead in making clear that this Parliament supports the Commission in wanting to<br />

see correlation tables included in all future legislation.<br />

The Belgian Presidency has been very helpful in tabling a paper to the Council, in which it promotes the use of correlation<br />

tables, emphasising that they help clarity and transparency and will make the application of EU law quicker and more<br />

effective. I think that a period of reflection on the matter has been initiated.<br />

Prime Minister, I wonder if, in your concluding remarks, you could tell us what sort of response you have had to that paper<br />

and whether the Belgian Government, in its role as part of the troika and within the Council, will continue to press for the<br />

inclusion of correlation tables.<br />


26 18-01-2011<br />

Bart Staes (Verts/ALE). – Voorzitter, collega's, één minuut heb ik om het Belgisch voorzitterschap te bejubelen. De<br />

balans mag dan wel globaal gezien positief zijn, toch kan ik iedereen, denk ik, evenveel pluimen op zijn of haar hoed<br />

steken. Ik denk dat er gelukkig de inhoudelijk sterke aanwezigheid was van de commissarissen Potočnik en Hedegaard op<br />

de grote conferenties van Nagoya over biodiversiteit en Cancun over klimaatverandering.<br />

Er is gezegd - en dat is soms grappig bedoeld - dat het Belgisch voorzitterschap het goed heeft gedaan, want ze hadden een<br />

zee van tijd, ze konden al hun energie steken in dat voorzitterschap. Mijnheer Verhofstadt heeft bijvoorbeeld gezegd dat er<br />

voor de eerste keer een voltijdse Europese regering was. Ik denk dat dat juist is. Maar we kunnen ook niet voorbij aan het<br />

feit dat er achter die ploegen een heleboel mensen stonden, dat er een diplomatie stond die met een goede voorbereiding,<br />

met een goede kennis, met een ongelooflijk onderhandelingstalent ervoor heeft gezorgd dat dit inderdaad een goed<br />

voorzitterschap is geworden.<br />

Morgen, mijnheer Leterme, wordt de gouden schoen in België uitgereikt. Als ik de gouden schoen mag uitreiken voor het<br />

Belgisch voorzitterschap, voor de beste actor in het Belgisch voorzitterschap, dan gaat deze zonder enige twijfel naar de<br />

Belgische diplomatie, naar de mensen die achter u zitten en ervoor gezorgd hebben dat u en uw ploeg en de deelregeringen<br />

inderdaad puik werk hebben verricht.<br />

2-085<br />

Paweł Robert Kowal (ECR). – Panie Przewodniczący! Przyłączam się oczywiście do słów gratulacji i pozdrowień<br />

związanych z tym, co się stało w trakcie prezydencji belgijskiej. Jednak słuchając tej debaty pojawiają się dwa dość istotne<br />

pytania. Czy to jest na prawdę tak, że w trakcie prezydencji belgijskiej wszyscy w Europie zapomnieli o narodowych<br />

interesach i skupili się jedynie na tych wyznaczonych przez, jak rozumiem, instytucje w Brukseli i podtrzymanych przez<br />

rząd belgijski? Tak przecież nie było. Obserwowaliśmy życie Europy w ostatnim półroczu i było widać wyraźnie, że nie<br />

wystarczy prezydencja, która nie odwołuje się do interesów narodowych, by ich nie było.<br />

I wreszcie druga rzecz, może najbardziej fundamentalna i największa wątpliwość do całej tej debaty. Otóż nie byłoby<br />

dobrze, gdybyśmy przeciwstawiali cele tutaj nazywane europejskimi celom, które nazywamy tutaj narodowymi. Przecież<br />

te narodowe cele to są pomysły dla Europy pochodzące z konkretnych krajów. To jest konkretny wkład, bez którego<br />

<strong>Europa</strong> byłaby dużo bardziej uboga. Nie możemy dzisiaj narzucić takiego standardu, w którym te cele, które formułowane<br />

są w stolicach dla Europy, nie są traktowane jako bogactwo tylko jako problem.<br />

2-086<br />

Rui Tavares (GUE/NGL). – Mr President, may I ask the Prime Minister for his attention, please. I am here, on your left,<br />

Mr Prime Minister. I need to have a frank conversation with you. I have a text in Portuguese but I am going to improvise<br />

in English because that was the language you used in what, for me, was the most important part of your speech, when you<br />

said: ‘look at refugees. Look at the refugees if you think that war and peace is not important for Europe’. You were<br />

addressing the new generations.<br />

I have to admit that my heart jumped when you said that, because I am the European Parliament rapporteur for refugees.<br />

During your presidency you could have done more than look at refugees. You could have done something to help; it was<br />

not difficult. The Council could have finished the co-decision procedure which Parliament started on resettlement of<br />

refugees. In our part of the co-decision we increased the money that we give to Member States to resettle refugees; we<br />

established categories of priorities for people who have been raped, who have been tortured and who have diseases, and<br />

are waiting in camps to be resettled. The Council has not completed the co-decision. It seems that it was because of Article<br />

290 and delegated acts – something which is in the Treaty of Lisbon.<br />

You say: ‘look at refugees’. But I challenge you to do what we did, go to the al-Hol camp in Syria. Then tell refugees to<br />

look at Article 290, look at delegated acts. They will say: ‘what are you talking about? My kids are not going to school; I<br />

do not have a passport; we are stuck in a refugee camp; why are you talking about a minor institutional problem when you<br />

could have done something to help our problem?’ This will tarnish the Belgian presidency. I am sorry to say this; I say it in<br />

sadness.<br />

2-087<br />

Corien Wortmann-Kool (PPE). – Voorzitter, ik wil mij graag aansluiten bij de hulde die hier door collega's is geuit aan<br />

het adres van het Belgisch voorzitterschap en aan uw adres, want in een periode waarin de kabinetsformatie in uw land<br />

zich voltrok als een drama in veel bedrijven, hebt u echt vanuit een Europese spirit invulling gegeven aan dat<br />

voorzitterschap.<br />

Wat mij betreft doet u zichzelf tekort als u zich een facilitator noemt, want u bent de motor geweest en hebt op creatieve en<br />

geëngageerde wijze in heel moeilijke dossiers verschillen weten te overbruggen, ook met dit Parlement. Daarom staat er<br />

nu een stevig Europees toezicht, hebben we een richtlijn voor de alternatieve investeringsfondsen en is ook een moeilijk<br />

onderwerp als het eurovignet nu geëindigd in een duidelijke Raadsconclusie.

18-01-2011 27<br />

Maar vanuit die Europese spirit hier in uw toespraak in dit Parlement kijkt u ook vooruit. Ik zou één punt uit uw toespraak<br />

met name willen onderstrepen. U zegt terecht dat het economisch bestuur niet mag eindigen in een symptoombestrijding<br />

en dat risico dreigt nog steeds, want een stevig stabiliteits- en groeipact gaat er misschien wel komen, maar dat is slechts<br />

één steunpilaar van dat economisch bestuur.<br />

Wat wij willen voor onze burgers, is dat wij werkelijk uit die economische crisis komen, dat er weer banen komen voor<br />

onze burgers en ook voor de jonge mensen en dan hebben we ook een stevig Europees macro-economisch toezicht nodig<br />

en een heel stevige Europese 2020-strategie. Gaat dat Europees semester dat ook echt brengen? Gaan de lidstaten zich<br />

committeren om ook op dat vlak het economisch bestuur invulling te geven? Wij zullen als Parlement in het governancepakket,<br />

het wetgevende pakket, voluit onze medewetgevende rol spelen om dat voor elkaar te krijgen.<br />

2-088<br />

Marc Tarabella (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Premier ministre, lorsque vous avez présenté le programme<br />

de la Présidence belge en juillet dernier, je vous avais dit, en vous saluant et en boutade, que vous seriez peut-être encore<br />

là en janvier pour nous présenter le bilan. J'avoue que j'espérais me tromper et sans vouloir vous offenser, Monsieur le<br />

Premier ministre, j'aurais aimé – comme tous les Belges – avoir devant moi aujourd'hui le chef du gouvernement issu du<br />

scrutin du 13 juin dernier. Mais c'est vous qui avez dû assumer cette Présidence, et je vous en félicite ainsi que tous les<br />

ministres du gouvernement présent.<br />

Laissons maintenant de côté notre situation politique intérieure pour nous concentrer sur le bilan de la Présidence belge.<br />

Moi aussi, je voudrais citer un américain célèbre mais ce n'est pas un philosophe, c'est un tennisman. Arthur Ashe disait:<br />

"Une des clefs du succès est la confiance en soi, et une des clés de la confiance en soi est la préparation". Et force est de<br />

constater, à n'en pas douter, que la Présidence belge s'en est inspirée.<br />

Rien que dans les matières dont je m'occupe ici, j'ai vu beaucoup d'avancées: la coopération renforcée en matière de<br />

divorce, l'ordre européen de protection pour les victimes de violences, la future coopération renforcée pour les brevets,<br />

l'accord sur la directive "retard de paiement", sur l'étiquetage des denrées alimentaires, sont autant de réussites dont on<br />

peut se targuer au niveau de la Présidence belge.<br />

De même pour la PAC après 2013, même s'il n'y a pas encore d'accord, le principe d'une PAC forte avec deux piliers et le<br />

principe de la simplification sont d'ores et déjà acquis. Mais ce dont l'agriculture a le plus grand besoin dans le futur, c'est<br />

d'une régulation qui arrive à contenir la volatilité des marchés dans certaines limites. Or, à cet égard, il n'y a pas encore<br />

d'accord et j'émets des craintes par rapport aux Présidences qui vont suivre – notamment la Hongrie et la Pologne –, la<br />

régulation ne semblant pas être une de leurs priorités.<br />

Outre la bonne préparation, la totale implication des ministres, l'efficacité des diplomates et des fonctionnaires belges, le<br />

secret de la Présidence – et vous l'avez souligné –, a été de ne pas imposer son propre agenda mais de s'inscrire dans les<br />

dossiers prioritaires en cours, au niveau européen, et de tout mettre en œuvre pour les faire avancer, grâce au pragmatisme<br />

et à la culture du compromis qui nous caractérisent.<br />

J'espère que les Présidences à venir sauront s'inspirer de cet exemple.<br />

2-089<br />

Anne E. Jensen (ALDE). – Hr. formand! Jeg vil også gerne takke det belgiske formandskab for dets indsats, især på de to<br />

områder, som jeg kender bedst: budget og transport. Det var ikke på grund af formandskabet, at budgetforhandlingerne i<br />

første omgang brød sammen, og vi fandt jo en løsning for 2011-budgettet. Lad os så håbe, at spørgsmålet om fleksibilitet<br />

og finansiering af fusionsenergiprojektet ITER også snart falder på plads.<br />

På transportområdet fandt det belgiske formandskab en løsning på det vanskelige spørgsmål om EURO-vignetten. Især vil<br />

jeg takke det belgiske formandskab for opbakningen til en sag, jeg har arbejdet for gennem mange år, nemlig at vi skaber<br />

et netværk af sikre rastepladser i <strong>Europa</strong>, så de lastbilchauffører, der bogstaveligt talt holder <strong>Europa</strong> sammen og skaber det<br />

indre marked, kan arbejde under gode og sikre forhold. Jeg ville ønske, at alle andre landes regeringer ville lade sig<br />

inspirere af den belgiske regerings positive syn på denne sag, så vi endelig kan få noget til at ske i virkeligheden.<br />

2-090<br />

Mirosław Piotrowski (ECR). – Panie Przewodniczący! Belgia jako jedno z sześciu państw założycielskich Unii<br />

Europejskiej niedawno zakończyła sześciomiesięczną prezydencję. Pomimo wewnętrznych trudności politycznych<br />

związanych z niemożnością wyłonienia własnego rządu, oficjalnie chwalona jest za skuteczność i sukces osiągnięcia<br />

niemal wszystkich wcześniej założonych priorytetów. Dlatego i ja pragnę przyłączyć się do gratulacji, że w tak krótkim<br />

czasie, w ramach wytyczonych priorytetów, stawiła czoła kryzysowi ekonomicznemu w Europie, ochroniła środowisko<br />

naturalne Europy, zbudowała otwartą i bezpieczną Unię Europejską, zbudowała spójny model społeczny w Unii<br />

Europejskiej oraz dała podwaliny wspólnej polityce zagranicznej Unii. Rzadko w historii tak mały kraj w tak krótkim<br />

czasie zrobił tak wiele dla szczęścia Europy.

28 18-01-2011<br />

2-091<br />

Mathieu Grosch (PPE). – Herr Präsident, Herr Premierminister! Als vor sechs Monaten die Fragen der Kollegen so<br />

zahlreich warern, wie es nun um die belgische Präsidentschaft stehe, und man das Programm gelesen hatte, da waren viele<br />

hier im Hause noch voller Zweifel.<br />

Heute ist für uns die Freude umso größer, Ihnen, aber auch der Ständigen Vertretung für die hervorragende Arbeit und<br />

Vorbereitung zu danken. Ihr Erfolg war natürlich kein leichter. Innenpolitische Probleme sind schon angesprochen worden<br />

und Kollege Verhofstadt musste auch feststellen, dass man nicht notwendigerweise in Belgien und auf europäischer Ebene<br />

Effizienz hat. Vielleicht ist das auch der Schlüssel des Erfolgs für morgen, dass die Politiker, die hier gut sind, vielleicht<br />

auch in Belgien die nötige Anerkennung finden.<br />

Ihr Erfolg war nicht leicht, denn die Außenbedingungen waren auch nicht die besten. Und nicht zuletzt – und das kann ich<br />

im Auftrag der EVP für den Bereich Transport sagen – haben Sie sich auch nicht die leichtesten Themen ausgesucht. Es<br />

wurde angesprochen und es war für uns mehr als eine Genugtuung, dass u.a. das Thema der Eurovignette gelöst wurde.<br />

Hier geht es nicht nur um ein Prinzip, hier geht es in meinen Augen um neue Finanzquellen, um eine sichere, saubere, aber<br />

auch effiziente Mobilität auf europäischer Ebene. Hier geht es darum zu sehen, ob wir morgen auf europäischer Ebene<br />

dieses Thema der Mobilität verstärkt anpassen können.<br />

Als Grenzbewohner freue ich mich natürlich auch über die Durchsetzung der Verkehrssicherheitsvorschriften. Es ist für<br />

uns und in jedem Grenzgebiet nicht hinnehmbar, dass bei schweren Vergehen je nachdem welches Nummernschild man<br />

hat, das Vergehen geahndet wird oder nicht. Sie haben dieses heikle Thema angepackt und einen ersten Schritt gemacht.<br />

Und nicht zuletzt mit den Passagierrechten im Busverkehr hat <strong>Europa</strong> jetzt allen Bürgern in den verschiedenen<br />

Verkehrsarten Passagierrechte zugeschrieben. Bei der Vulkankrise haben wir gemerkt, wie wichtig es für die Betriebe,<br />

aber auch für die Passagiere ist, so ein europäisches Fundament zu schaffen. Ich hoffe, dass wir auf diesem Weg<br />

weiterarbeiten können.<br />

Abschließend wünsche ich Ihnen und auch Belgien nur eines, nämlich dass wir das Geschick, das Sie auf europäischer<br />

Ebene gezeigt haben, endlich auch auf belgischer Ebene finden, nach dem guten Motiv: Wer Forderungen stellen muss,<br />

wie Sie es gemacht haben, der muss auch Lösungen zeigen.<br />

2-092<br />

Alejandro Cercas (S&D). – Señor Presidente, señor Primer Ministro Leterme, yo también, desde las responsabilidades<br />

del Grupo Socialista en las materias de empleo y asuntos sociales, quiero unirme a las voces de mis colegas que felicitan a<br />

la Presidencia belga por estos seis meses.<br />

Y, ¿cómo es posible que, pese a que usted se ha referido escasamente a la dimensión social y pese a que, efectivamente, no<br />

hay un enorme balance social en la Presidencia belga, yo pueda unirme a estas felicitaciones?<br />

Sencillamente, señor Leterme, porque he tenido el privilegio de trabajar con sus ministras, las Sras. Onkelinx y Milquet, y<br />

conozco el esfuerzo de ellas y de sus equipos para sacar adelante una agenda social en unas circunstancias tan difíciles y<br />

en un Consejo tan poco sensible a la <strong>Europa</strong> social como el que desgraciadamente hoy tenemos. Y, pese a ello, han<br />

trabajado con denuedo, con responsabilidad, con un alto espíritu europeísta y tratando de que el Parlamento Europeo sea<br />

escuchado, de que los ciudadanos europeos sean escuchados en esta hora, grave hora, en la que <strong>Europa</strong> se juega su futuro.<br />

Por tanto, señor Leterme, yo también me uno a esa felicitación y espero que, en el futuro, en lo que a los desafíos se<br />

refiere, sea verdad lo que usted ha dicho, sea verdad que <strong>Europa</strong> encuentre su alma. Y ese alma, señor Leterme, tiene que<br />

ser un alma política y un alma social, no solamente económica.<br />

Y quiero referirme simplemente a un par de dosieres que han quedado pendientes de su Presidencia y sobre los que espero<br />

que ustedes transmitan ese espíritu europeísta y ese espíritu humanista a la próxima Presidencia húngara, porque con ello<br />

nos jugamos mucho en el futuro de <strong>Europa</strong>. Me estoy refiriendo a los dosieres que tienen que ver con la dimensión de la<br />

política de migración de <strong>Europa</strong>, el permiso único, las dos Directivas relativas a los trabajadores de temporada y al traslado<br />

dentro de una misma empresa.<br />

Señor Leterme, diga usted a sus colegas que miren a largo plazo. No puede haber trato desigual a los trabajadores que<br />

llegan a <strong>Europa</strong>. Tiene que haber un trato igual o abriremos un foso de unas consecuencias incalculables para el futuro de<br />

la Unión. No puede ser que esos trabajadores lleguen a <strong>Europa</strong> en desigualdad de condiciones con respecto a los que<br />

trabajan aquí, porque estaremos destruyendo <strong>Europa</strong>.<br />

Señor Leterme, ojalá los próximos seis meses los húngaros le escuchen y usted pueda recobrar la libertad de palabra en el<br />

Consejo y ese Consejo se oriente hacia el alma de <strong>Europa</strong>, que no puede ser otra que un alma humanista y un alma de<br />


18-01-2011 29<br />

2-093<br />

Raffaele Baldassarre (PPE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, Signor Primo ministro, non posso che dirmi<br />

soddisfatto per una Presidenza che ha dimostrato di saper gestire l'agenda europea in maniera pragmatica ed efficiente, pur<br />

in un momento difficile.<br />

Dall'approvazione in prima lettura della revisione della direttiva contro i ritardi di pagamento della pubblica<br />

amministrazione, fondamentale per il futuro del sistema delle imprese, sino a quella sul pacchetto di supervisione<br />

finanziaria, la Presidenza belga ha dato prova di concretezza e dinamismo.<br />

Potrei continuare con gli esempi, ma preferisco trarre conclusioni su ciò che si può imparare da una Presidenza che ha<br />

concluso il suo bilancio in maniera positiva. In primo luogo, un programma di lavoro realistico, una capacità negoziale<br />

dinamica e orientata al compromesso e, infine, il pieno coinvolgimento delle Istituzioni europee, a cominciare dal<br />

Parlamento, ed un approccio alle questioni da affrontare svincolato dai confini e dagli interessi nazionali.<br />

Spero che questa Presidenza sia di esempio per le altre che seguiranno. Per il momento, ad essa le mie più sincere<br />

congratulazioni.<br />

2-094<br />

Pervenche Berès (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Premier ministre, avec vos ministres, Joëlle Milquet et<br />

Laurette Onkelinx, nous avons très bien travaillé à la fois pour que la voix du Parlement européen soit entendue lorsque les<br />

lignes directrices emploi ont été adoptées par le Conseil, où nos positions ont été prises en compte, mais aussi sur la<br />

question des services publics, puisque le rôle que jouent ces services au cœur du modèle social européen a été réaffirmé au<br />

cours de votre Présidence. J'espère que la dynamique qui a ainsi été insufflée dans le dialogue interinstitutionnel pourra se<br />

poursuivre à la fois dans les travaux de la Commission et dans les travaux de la Présidence qui nous arrive.<br />

Il y a aussi un autre volet que nous avons beaucoup élaboré ensemble, qui est la question de savoir comment la<br />

gouvernance économique que vous avez évoquée doit reposer sur ses deux pieds, car si elle traite la question de l'emploi<br />

comme un solde, alors elle nous mène dans le mur. Et je vois avec inquiétude la façon dont la Commission, dans le paquet<br />

du semestre européen, traite de cette affaire en proposant aux États membres de réduire ici ou là les salaires ou<br />

d'augmenter, de façon aveugle ou presque, l'âge de la retraite et de diminuer le niveau des pensions. Ce n'est pas l'esprit<br />

dans lequel la gouvernance économique peut apporter un succès à la question européenne, celle qu'attendent nos salariés et<br />

nos citoyens.<br />

2-095<br />

Morten Messerschmidt (EFD). – Hr. formand! Jeg vil sige, at det belgiske formandskab uden sammenligning har været<br />

et forunderligt eksempel på, hvordan EU fungerer. På trods af at landet ikke har haft en regering, høster formandskabet<br />

alligevel ros fra alle sider her i salen. Det er måske et billede på, hvordan EU i virkeligheden fungerer bedst – uden<br />

folkevalgte og i virkeligheden helt uden folk. I hvert fald er det under det belgiske formandskab, at det hidtil største<br />

bedrag, det hidtil største svigt af de europæiske folk siden Lissabontraktatens ikrafttrædelse er blevet en realitet – nemlig<br />

indførelsen af den nu permanente krisemekanisme.<br />

Da man skulle overbevise europæerne om at få Lissabontraktaten på plads, hvor man skulle overføre hidtil uset meget<br />

magt til fremmede folk i Bruxelles, så lovede man, at én ting i hvert fald ikke kunne komme til at ske: Man ville aldrig<br />

komme til at hæfte for hinandens gæld. Det er under det belgiske formandskab, at dette ene løfte er blevet svigtet. Nu har<br />

vi med virkning fra 2013 en fast akt gående ud på, at vi skal komme til at hæfte for hinanden permanent i al fremtid. Det er<br />

det, der står tilbage efter det belgiske formandskab, og det er trist.<br />

2-096<br />

Ivo Belet (PPE). – Voorzitter, mijnheer de Eerste Minister, staatssecretaris, zowel jullie als de diplomaten hebben<br />

bewezen dat we ook in zeer moeilijke economische omstandigheden succes kunnen boeken en dat we die omstandigheden<br />

kunnen aangrijpen om <strong>Europa</strong> sterker te maken. Dat is heel belangrijk. Zoiets vereist natuurlijk dat je compromissen sluit,<br />

moeilijke compromissen. Daar komt altijd kritiek op, maar ik denk dat in deze de ijzeren wet meer dan ooit geldt dat het<br />

perfecte de vijand is van het goede. Zo'n compromis is altijd verdedigbaar als je vooruitgang boekt en als het ten goede<br />

komt aan de welvaart en het welzijn van onze burgers.<br />

Mijnheer de Eerste Minister, ik heb ook maar één minuut. Ik verwijs even naar het volgend Belgisch voorzitterschap. Dat<br />

komt er wellicht aan in het jaar 2025 of daaromtrent. Dan bent u waarschijnlijk 65 jaar en ben ik nog een jaar ouder, dus ik<br />

ga ervan uit dat <strong>Europa</strong> dan op het wereldtoneel een sterke speler zal zijn, maar dan moeten we inderdaad wel voortgaan<br />

met hetzelfde elan als in het afgelopen halfjaar. Ik wens u in elk geval heel veel succes, hier en in Brussel.<br />

2-097<br />

Csaba Sándor Tabajdi (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, chers amis, chers amis belges, je voudrais vous féliciter, chapeau<br />

bas! En tant que Hongrois, je serais très heureux de connaître un aussi grand succès pendant la présidence hongroise.<br />


30 18-01-2011<br />

És most magyarul folytatnám. A belga elnökség idején sikerült megelőzni az euróövezet válságának elmélyülését.<br />

Rekordgyorsasággal összeállították az ír mentőcsomagot. Előkészítették az új gazdaságpolitikai koordináció rendszerét, és<br />

a magyar elnökségre vár a gazdasági kormányzás hat jogszabályának az elfogadása. Fölállították a pénzügyi felügyeletet,<br />

elindították a külügyi szolgálatot, valamint az állampolgári kezdeményezést. Csak a teljes elismerés hangján tudok szólni<br />

arról is, hogy előrehaladt a Lisszaboni Szerződés gyakorlati átültetése, bár rengeteg nyitott kérdés maradt.<br />

2-099<br />

Encore une fois félicitations mes amis belges, j'espère que nous aurons autant de succès pendant la Présidence hongroise.<br />

2-100<br />

Petru Constantin Luhan (PPE). – Deşi au existat temeri legate de faptul că evoluţiile din planul politicii interne belgiene<br />

ar putea afecta prestaţia preşedinţiei rotative, mă bucur că Belgia a infirmat prognozele, gestionând de o manieră<br />

pragmatică şi eficientă dosarele europene. Astfel, o serie de problematici europene prin excelenţă au reprezentat dosarele<br />

fanion ale preşedinţiei belgiene: lansarea Serviciului European de Acţiune Externă, creşterea economică şi consolidarea<br />

fiscală, adoptarea regulamentului privind iniţiativa cetăţenească europeană, lansarea punerii în aplicare a strategiei <strong>Europa</strong><br />

2020.<br />

În ceea ce priveşte interesele României, abordarea preşedinţiei belgiene a fost una corectă şi echilibrată. În două dosare de<br />

sensibilitate pentru România, preşedinţia belgiană a ales opţiunile care au corespuns cel mai bine poziţiei argumentate a<br />

părţii române: discutarea problemei romilor din perspectiva incluziunii sociale şi gestionarea procedurală a trimiterii în<br />

parlamentul European a proiectului deciziei de aderare a României şi Bulgariei la Schengen.<br />

2-101<br />

Monika Flašíková Beňová (S&D). – V prvom rade by som chcela zdôrazniť, že Belgicko sa rotujúceho predsedníctva<br />

ujalo v situácii, ktorá bola ťažká nielen na vnútornej politickej scéne, ale samozrejme aj globálne vo svete.<br />

A preto mu nemožno prisudzovať všetky prípadné neúspechy Únie. Naopak, dovolím si tvrdiť, že úlohu mediátora v<br />

trialógu medzi Komisiou, Radou a Parlamentom sa darilo Belgicku excelentne zvládnuť.<br />

Podarilo sa pod belgickým kormidlom dosiahnuť pokrok vo významnej oblasti dohľadu nad bankovým sektorom a jeho<br />

reguláciu – aspoň čiastočnú. V októbri sa podarilo uzavrieť rokovania o regulácii hedžových fondov, podielových firiem<br />

a ratingových agentúr.<br />

Vedela by som si predstaviť aj ambicióznejšie opatrenia práve v tejto oblasti, ale myslím si, že Belgicku sa podarilo<br />

skoordinovať aspoň tie veci, ktoré sa dali, a dosiahnuť aspoň istý pokrok.<br />

Mimoriadne dôležitá bola tiež oblasť medzinárodných vzťahov. Únii sa podarilo sformulovať svoju diplomatickú službu a<br />

aj tu sa Belgicko ukázalo ako šikovný mediátor.<br />

Takže záverom mi dovoľte zablahoželať Belgicku a poďakovať sa za jeho predsedníctvo a vyjadriť aj istú nádej, že príklad<br />

z vášho predsedníctva si vezme aj Maďarsko.<br />

2-102<br />

Mairead McGuinness (PPE). – Mr President, could I raise a wider issue here? At Christmas, John Bruton, a former<br />

leader of Ireland and one-time President of the Council, said that the part-time nature of the European Council is really not<br />

fit for purpose, given the extent of the crisis that Europe faces. He suggested that the time given to these big issues is little<br />

more than the times when leaders are on a flight to Brussels.<br />

He says that we are facing a financial crisis – a crisis of the welfare state in an ageing society, a crisis of globalisation of<br />

nation states and, potentially, even a crisis of the efficacy of European democracy. He says that leaders need to sit together<br />

until they have reached a full mutual understanding of all that needs to be done: the whole job and not just bits of it. Only<br />

something on that scale will give markets durable confidence. I would ask people to discuss this, because perhaps he is<br />

right.<br />

2-103<br />

Oreste Rossi (EFD). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, nel suo intervento ha fatto importanti citazioni, peccato che<br />

poi nella realtà la sua persona rimarrà nota principalmente per essere il Primo ministro di uno Stato che a 219 giorni dalle<br />

elezioni non è riuscito a darsi un governo.<br />

Vede, io ho avuto una cattiva opinione, poi sicuramente nel tempo l'ho modificata, nei suoi confronti, perché nel giorno del<br />

suo insediamento io le avevo chiesto, proprio come Presidente del semestre, come si sarebbe posto su quei fatti, che<br />

ritenevo gravissimi, accaduti contro la chiesa cattolica nel suo paese, fatti poi condannati dalla stessa magistratura,<br />

perquisizioni dichiarate nulle.

18-01-2011 31<br />

Lei non mi aveva risposto. Questo mi era dispiaciuto, perché credo che un presidente debba essere il presidente di tutti. Se<br />

gli viene posta una domanda, deve cercare in qualche modo di rispondere e, con coraggio, fare una scelta: dire se si è<br />

favorevoli, se si è contro, cosa si pensa. Lei non lo aveva fatto.<br />

Oggi posso dire che lei con la sua Presidenza ha fatto un buon lavoro. Forse, se da subito si fosse posto in un modo un po'<br />

più "alla pari" con tutti noi, avremmo avuto un rapporto migliore.<br />

2-104<br />

Franz Obermayr (NI). – Herr Präsident! Mit Sicherheit hat Belgien die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft in einer sehr schwierigen<br />

Übergangsphase übernommen, da einerseits die Wirtschaftskrise noch nicht überwunden ist und andererseits natürlich<br />

auch der Vertrag von Lissabon noch nicht vollständig umgesetzt ist bzw. auch dessen bedingte Tauglichkeit sichtbar<br />

wurde.<br />

In der gesamten Debatte um den Eurorettungsschirm allerdings darf ein wesentlicher Aspekt nicht vergessen werden,<br />

nämlich dass sowohl der Rettungsschirm für die Eurostaaten als auch die Kredite für Griechenland gegen den Vertrag von<br />

Lissabon verstoßen. Beiden Maßnahmen fehlt somit die zulässige Rechtsgrundlage. Damit handelt es sich eindeutig um<br />

eine Kompetenzüberschreitung, die letztlich ein ordentliches Vertragsänderungsverfahren unumgänglich macht.<br />

Nach weiteren Rettungsschirmkandidaten – wie Irland und Portugal – ist auch Spanien ein Sorgenkind der Eurozone. Auf<br />

der anderen Seite werden Nettozahler wie Deutschland und Österreich sukzessive zu den Melkkühen der EU. So kann es<br />

natürlich nicht weitergehen. Belgien hat beide – zugegeben schwierigen – Herausforderungen, nämlich die Bewältigung<br />

der Krise einerseits und andererseits die Umsetzung des Lissabon-Vertrags, nicht wirklich bewältigen können.<br />

2-105<br />

Andrzej Grzyb (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Wiele dobrych opinii wyrażono pod adresem belgijskiej prezydencji, w<br />

szczególności za sprawność negocjacyjną i spokój w trudnym okresie zarówno kryzysu, jak i szczytu G20, konferencji w<br />

Cancún czy też debaty budżetowej. Dominowały sprawy powrotu do stabilności rynków finansowych, jak również<br />

stabilności gospodarczej, ale też trzeba powiedzieć, że rozszalały się egoizmy narodowe, w szczególności przy budżecie.<br />

Należy pogratulować sprawności negocjacyjnej, ale to przecież już dwunasta prezydencja w wykonaniu Belgii. Premier<br />

Leterme stwierdził, że program prezydencji był programem Rady i Komisji, bez ambicji, aby nadawać jej jakiś narodowy<br />

priorytet. Musimy jednak dopuścić, że kolejne prezydencje będą chciały zaznaczyć swoje priorytety. Wydaje mi się, że to<br />

istota integracji i jej ducha, o którym mówił właśnie pan premier Leterme. To co mnie martwi, to kryzys w uchwaleniu<br />

budżetu na rok 2011, ale w szczególności jego tło i zapowiedź, że w przyszłości ta nowa perspektywa finansowa nie<br />

będzie w sposób łatwy negocjowana.<br />

2-106<br />

Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (ALDE). – Señor Presidente, hay, al menos, un ámbito importante para <strong>Europa</strong> y para la<br />

región a la que pertenezco ―Euskadi, el País Vasco― en el que ustedes no han hecho absolutamente nada.<br />

En el Tratado de Lisboa a este Parlamento se le reconocen competencias en materia de pesca. El Consejo bloqueó varios<br />

planes de pesquerías de la anchoa. Al inicio de su Presidencia, yo misma me mostré dispuesta a continuar con las<br />

negociaciones para poder desbloquear planes importantes y ustedes no han hecho ningún esfuerzo para desbloquear estos<br />

aspectos. Por tanto, no les puedo felicitar porque, en el fondo, el Consejo no reconoce las competencias que el Tratado de<br />

Lisboa reconoce a esta Cámara.<br />

Creo que han perdido una oportunidad para solventar un problema que se arrastra desde la Presidencia española. No han<br />

movido ninguna ficha; por tanto, espero que la próxima Presidencia sea capaz de hacerlo.<br />

Y les hubiera agradecido, también, un poco de atención en mi intervención.<br />

2-107<br />

Edite Estrela (S&D). – Senhor Presidente, também eu gostaria de felicitar o Governo belga pelo sucesso da sua<br />

Presidência, não obstante as condições difíceis que já aqui também foram referidas em que se desenvolveu. E, na área que<br />

eu acompanhei mais de perto, gostaria de felicitar e agradecer à Ministra Milquet o seu empenhamento e a sua<br />

determinação na condução do dossiê sobre a directiva sobre licença de maternidade, não obstante o Conselho não a ter<br />

acompanhado. Esperamos que a Presidência húngara dê a devida importância a esta matéria. O Sr. Primeiro-Ministro<br />

Leterme recordou o sonho que norteou os fundadores do projecto europeu em contraponto ao mercado único e o Sr.<br />

Presidente Barroso salientou a importância do espírito comunitário. Acho que são bons avisos no contexto actual, em que<br />

nós precisamos de mais unidade e de mais solidariedade para enfrentarmos os desafios que temos pela frente.<br />

2-108<br />

Czesław Adam Siekierski (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Prezydencja belgijska, właściwie dwie ostatnie prezydencje,<br />

przypadły na okres wdrażania traktatu lizbońskiego i kształtowania nowego ładu ustrojowego w Unii. Obie te prezydencje<br />

ograniczyły podejście krajowe na rzecz pogłębienia współpracy i koordynacji we Wspólnocie. To dobry kierunek służący<br />

wzmocnieniu podejścia wspólnotowego, a nie rządowego. Z drugiej strony należy być ostrożnym w ograniczaniu roli

32 18-01-2011<br />

prezydencji krajowych w zakresie kreowania swoich priorytetów. Tu musi funkcjonować specyficzna równowaga.<br />

Niewątpliwym osiągnięciem prezydencji belgijskiej jest wzmocnienie zarządzania gospodarczego. Rozpoczęły pracę<br />

agencje nadzoru nad instytucjami finansowymi. Wiele uczyniono dla bardziej rygorystycznego przestrzegania dyscypliny<br />

budżetowej. Działania na rzecz reform strukturalnych uczyniono głównym instrumentem rozwojowym. Wreszcie<br />

przełamano powstały impas w zakresie zatwierdzenia budżetu Unii na 2011 rok. Po prostu dziękujemy.<br />

2-109<br />

Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, I must say that it is very encouraging to hear so many Members from all sides of the<br />

House praising the Belgian Presidency, and rightly so. I feared the opposite. I think one of the reasons the Belgian<br />

Presidency is a success is because they took the realities of the Lisbon Treaty into account. Nowadays there must be a<br />

seamless transfer from one presidency to another. It is like a relay race: the more effective the transfer is – and the more<br />

low-profile it is – the better, probably. The Belgians did that exceptionally well and have given an example to other<br />

countries of how to do so in future.<br />

I would particularly like to thank them for their work in relation to the budget and the banking authorities and other<br />

authorities established. If they are as successful as we hope they will be, then the Belgian Presidency will actually grow in<br />

stature in the years ahead as we look back on these very important decisions.<br />

2-110<br />

Frédéric Daerden (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, je souhaite me joindre aux messages quasi unanimes de ce matin<br />

Monsieur le Premier ministre, la Présidence belge a été une bonne Présidence car elle a fait avancer le projet européen, et<br />

ce dans un contexte national difficile qui ne l'a pas empêchée de relever des défis auxquels l'Europe est confrontée. Je<br />

pense à l'adoption du budget 2011 qui, sous certains aspects, nous laisse amers, mais vous avez évité une confrontation<br />

institutionnelle préjudiciable.<br />

En matière sociale, la Présidence belge a été confrontée, dès le début, à la frilosité de certains au Conseil – je pense<br />

notamment à l'idée d'une directive-cadre sur le revenu minimum. Malgré ce contexte, des avancées réelles peuvent être<br />

portées au crédit de la Belgique grâce à la combativité de vos ministres, de nos ministres: le rapport du Conseil EPSCO<br />

avant chaque Conseil européen afin d'apporter le contrepoids nécessaire au Conseil ECOFIN; les conclusions sur les<br />

services sociaux d'intérêt général; les pensions, avec notamment la conférence sur les pensions qui s'est tenue à Liège, qui<br />

a mis en évidence le nécessaire traitement conjoint des questions d'adéquation et de soutenabilité des pensions – j'avais<br />

pour mission de le souligner –; la déclaration EPSCO sur l'année de lutte contre la pauvreté.<br />

Encore félicitations et espérons que ces avancées seront poursuivies avec les Présidences suivantes.<br />

2-111<br />

Gay Mitchell (PPE). – Mr President, on a point of order, I would ask you to carry out a survey of who is being allowed in<br />

on Catch-the-Eye and who is not. It seems to me that there is not a fair distribution from one part-session to another. I<br />

would ask you to do this because some of us, who have other duties, cannot sit in the House day in and day out, whereas<br />

other people have the opportunity to do so.<br />

I think there has to be a fair opportunity for Members to intervene in debate. I do apologise for delaying the House, but I<br />

would ask that you carry out that survey.<br />

2-112<br />

President. − Mr Mitchell, I do not want to say any more other than that I have a list and you can check the list. Almost 20<br />

people on the list have the possibility to speak. If you wish you can come to my office, I can show you the list and we can<br />

explain it.<br />

2-113<br />

Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the Commission. − Mr President, a great deal of positive evaluation and praise has been<br />

expressed in the House this morning. On behalf of the Commission I would like to say that it is very well deserved. With<br />

its European spirit, the Belgian Presidency clearly demonstrated impressive efficiency and a very cooperative approach.<br />

When the Belgian Presidency took up an issue, we all knew that it would pursue the European goal – and only the<br />

European goal – and that it would do so in a spirit of loyal cooperation among the institutions. The Belgian Presidency’s<br />

very good cooperation with the European Parliament and very close contacts with the Commission resulted in what is<br />

clearly a very impressive list of achievements.<br />

Today we can say that the Lisbon Treaty is now fully operational. We have managed to give our citizens a new voice<br />

through the European Citizens’ Initiative, and we managed to reach an agreement on more transparent and effective rules<br />

for comitology. I worked on both of those issues with the Secretary of State, Olivier Chastel, and I must say that I was<br />

always impressed by his cooperative spirit and high level of professionalism.

18-01-2011 33<br />

A calm and constructive approach was needed for the conclusion of the debate on the 2011 Budget, and for the beginning<br />

of the new economic governance in Europe. Even in complex, protracted discussions on issues such as divorce, financial<br />

supervision and even patents, the Belgian Presidency managed to achieve clear progress.<br />

It is very clear now that we need to carry forward the positive spirit and efficiency of the Belgian Presidency. Clearly the<br />

economy, recovering from the crisis and fiscal consolidation remain top priorities for us all. We received good news last<br />

week with the successful sale of Portuguese, Spanish and Italian bonds, and we saw reductions in the spreads for Belgium<br />

and other countries. But it is also very clear that we need to press ahead with structural reforms and that we have to work<br />

even harder. If we do not want to have a jobless recovery, we need to look at how we can reform our labour market rules<br />

and how we can remove the obstacles to higher employment in Europe. At the same time we need to protect the vulnerable<br />

in our society and reduce poverty. This is the only way we can develop our social market economy in Europe.<br />

A lot will depend on how we start the European Semester and to what extent we will collectively be able to be ambitious<br />

in our national reform programmes, in our consolidation efforts and in implementing the EU 2020 Strategy. The Belgian<br />

Presidency made a major contribution to the launch of this new process of economic governance and we now have to<br />

continue the excellent work it started.<br />

Prime Minister, Secretary of State, I should like to thank you very much for your excellent work. I would also like to thank<br />

all your diplomats very much for creating a positive atmosphere in which the next presidency can continue the work you<br />

started so successfully six months ago.<br />

2-114<br />

Yves Leterme, président en exercice du Conseil. − Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Vice-président de la Commission,<br />

chers collègues, mes derniers mots au nom de la Présidence belge seront brefs. Je me réjouis de l'affluence, mais je sais<br />

que cela a à voir avec d'autres éléments de votre ordre du jour.<br />

2-115<br />

Dames en heren, ik dank uiteraard alle collega's die zijn tussengekomen voor de heel constructieve kritiek die nuttig zal<br />

zijn voor de voortzetting van uw en onze werkzaamheden. Laat me eerst en vooral zeggen dat ten aanzien van de zeer<br />

positieve evaluatie van het Europees Parlement met betrekking tot ons voorzitterschap, ik een stelregel probeer te hanteren<br />

die erin bestaat om bij negatieve kritiek sereen te zijn en bij positieve kritiek, wanneer dat zelfs een hype wordt, zeer<br />

bescheiden te blijven.<br />

Een viertal elementen wil ik toevoegen tot conclusie van het debat. Ten eerste, ik denk dat het inderdaad belangrijk is - en<br />

dit overstijgt uiteraard het belang van ons Belgisch voorzitterschap - dat wij goede praktijken installeren met betrekking tot<br />

de tenuitvoerlegging van het Verdrag van Lissabon. Het roterend voorzitterschap van een nationale lidstaat van de<br />

Europese Unie gedurende zes maanden moet vooral de Europese agenda hoog houden.<br />

Ten tweede is het bij het hanteren van het roterend voorzitterschap wel de bedoeling, misschien niet alleen als facilitator,<br />

maar ook als motor, zoals een collega heeft gezegd, dat de instellingen hun werk kunnen doen. We hebben allemaal<br />

geknokt voor ratificatie van het Verdrag van Lissabon. Het zou natuurlijk onzinnig zijn een roterend voorzitterschap te<br />

hanteren als een middel dat niet voldoende recht doet aan de letter en de geest van dit Verdrag van Lissabon. Ik denk<br />

trouwens dat alleen op die manier een roterend voorzitterschap in de toekomst nog zin heeft en toekomstige<br />

verdragswijzigingen of nieuwe verdragen kan overleven. Tweede element: niet alles is perfect en er is door een aantal<br />

collega's terecht gewezen op een aantal lacunes. Ik zou met name willen onderstrepen dat met betrekking tot het sociale<br />

beleid <strong>Europa</strong> ambitieuzer zou mogen zijn.<br />

2-116<br />

En effet, ce qui a été dit est exact. Au niveau de la politique sociale, les ambitions de l'Union, à l'avenir, doivent être plus<br />

grandes mais je crois néanmoins que la Belgique a joué son rôle. On a renforcé le rôle des politiques d'emploi dans la<br />

stratégie de l'Union européenne 2020, on a assuré la place de ces politiques dans la nouvelle gouvernance économique<br />

européenne et je crois qu'on a aussi posé les bases de la dimension sociale de la stratégie Europe 2020, pas uniquement la<br />

lutte contre la pauvreté mais aussi la cohésion sociale. Il me semble, en réponse à certaines interventions, que nous avons<br />

quand même mis la question des services d'intérêt général à l'agenda européen, mais il est vrai qu'il faut faire plus et aller<br />

de l'avant, surtout au niveau législatif.<br />

Comme je l'ai déjà dit, notre Présidence n'est pas parfaite, et je pense, comme le collègue Tavares l'a, à juste titre, souligné,<br />

qu'il y a moyen de faire davantage qu'aujourd'hui au niveau de la politique des réfugiés.<br />

2-117<br />

Ten slotte, twee slotopmerkingen, want er zijn andere dingen aan de orde nu. Ik zou me heel nadrukkelijk willen wenden<br />

tot de Belgische vertegenwoordigers in het Europees Parlement en een aantal collega's in het bijzonder, met name twee<br />

van mijn voorgangers.

34 18-01-2011<br />

Namens de Belgische regering zou ik willen zeggen dat wij de inzet die wij tijdens het Belgisch voorzitterschap aan de dag<br />

hebben gelegd ook beschouwen als een soort eresaluut voor uw werk hier. Wij hebben alles gedaan, collega's, om het<br />

Verdrag van Lissabon op een juiste manier toe te passen, ook als een soort eresaluut voor de initiatieven die sinds het elfde<br />

voorzitterschap met het Verdrag van Laeken en nadien in het kader van belangrijke verslaggeverschappen zijn ontplooid<br />

voor de implementatie van de geest van Laeken in het Verdrag van Lissabon.<br />

Ten slotte is terecht opgemerkt dat een roterend voorzitterschap vooral de inzet en verdienste is van heel wat mensen rond<br />

de politici die de verantwoordelijkheid moeten nemen en op de eerste rij staan. Het gaat dan om de adviseurs, om de<br />

diplomaten, om heel wat mensen die daar uiteindelijk het belangrijkste werk leveren.<br />

Aan de heer Staes zou ik willen zeggen dat voor wat betreft de uitreiking van de gouden schoen morgen in België eerder<br />

mensen als Lukaku en Boussoufa favoriet zijn, maar dat de gouden schoen voor het Belgisch voorzitterschap inderdaad<br />

gerust mag worden toebedeeld aan de diplomaten, van wie een deel hier achter mij zit.<br />

Tot slot zou ik aan de heer Tabajdi willen zeggen - en ik probeer mijn beste Hongaars te gebruiken:<br />

2-118<br />

President. − Prime Minister, thanks to you over the last half year we have developed new ways of cooperating at different<br />

levels between the two chambers of legislation of the European Union: between Council and the European Parliament.<br />

Your presidency was a great success. All the best to your country and all the best to you personally.<br />

(Applause)<br />

Written statements (Rule 149)<br />

2-119<br />

Mara Bizzotto (EFD), per iscritto. – Il 31 dicembre scorso si è chiusa una Presidenza di turno piuttosto incolore,<br />

qualcuno l'ha definita scialba e debole: era quello che ci potevamo immaginare da parte di un governo come quello belga,<br />

che di fatto da 8 mesi non esiste. La politica belga non è riuscita ad esprimere un piano politico per il proprio Paese vittima<br />

di una crisi istituzionale senza precedenti, non vedo come avrebbe potuto governare con lungimiranza e visione del futuro<br />

una macchina così complessa, e anch'essa oggi molto fragile e traballante, come l'Unione Europea. La Presidenza belga<br />

doveva mettere l'<strong>Europa</strong> sulla strada della ripresa dalla crisi economica e finanziaria, mentre ci ritroviamo a fare i conti con<br />

una speculazione che minaccia ancora oggi l'esistenza stessa della moneta unica. Quella belga è stata la Presidenza che ha<br />

dato una forte accelerazione ad un ulteriore allargamento dei confini dell'UE. Come abbiamo visto negli anni recenti,<br />

l'ingresso di Paesi economicamente deboli ha complicato la vita delle istituzioni europee, e ha indebolito l'intera <strong>Europa</strong>,<br />

che oggi è ancora meno che nel passato in grado di farsi carico dei problemi interni di eventuali nuovi Stati membri.<br />

2-120<br />

Andreas Mölzer (NI), schriftlich. – In den vergangenen sechs Monaten hatte Belgien den EU-Vorsitz inne und kaum<br />

jemand habe davon Notiz genommen. Belgien war vor allem – und das noch dazu erfolglos – mit der Bildung einer neuen<br />

Regierung beschäftigt, und der Streit zwischen Flamen und Wallonen hat das Land politisch handlungsunfähig gemacht.<br />

Daher ist es kein Wunder gewesen, dass das EU-Polit-Establishment ein leichtes Spiel gehabt hat, um den Zentralismus<br />

innerhalb der Europäischen Union weiter voranzutreiben. Die Krise des Euro wurde zum Anlass genommen, um Pläne für<br />

eine europäische Wirtschaftsregierung zu schmieden. Und der sogenannte ständige Rettungsschirm für den Euro ist nichts<br />

anderes als ein Anschlag auf die Nettozahler, die künftig noch tiefer in die Tasche werden greifen müssen. Dabei müsste<br />

Belgien eigentlich ein warnendes Beispiel sein, was passieren kann, wenn Völker mit einer unterschiedlichen<br />

wirtschaftlichen Leistungskraft in ein Korsett gesteckt werden. Belgien, wo die Differenzen zwischen Flamen und<br />

Wallonen offenkundig unüberbrückbar sind und wo der Gesamtstaat eine Umverteilungsmaschine von den Flamen hin zu<br />

den Wallonen ist, zeigt, was auf Europäische Union und Eurozone zuzukommen droht, wenn die bestehenden Irrwege<br />

weiter beschritten werden.<br />

2-121<br />

Sławomir Witold Nitras (PPE), na piśmie. – Podsumowując belgijską prezydencję, należy w pierwszej kolejności<br />

docenić jej bardzo aktywną rolę w kwestii projektowania europejskiego systemu stabilności finansowej. Wszyscy, którzy<br />

obserwowali ten proces wiedzą, że była to operacja trudna i realizowana pod presją czasu. Składam z tego powodu<br />

serdeczne gratulacje wszystkim, którzy się przyczynili do realizacji tego projektu. Na tym polu belgijska prezydencja<br />

pozostawia węgierskiej prezydencji dobrze zrealizowane zadanie. Należy też podkreślić, że Belgowie wytyczyli kierunek<br />

działania przyszłym prezydencjom w kontekście wejścia w życie traktatu lizbońskiego. Chciałbym wyrazić nadzieję, że<br />

kolejne prezydencje, w tym polska, w większym stopniu będą próbowały nadać wyraźne, własne priorytety, wpisujące się<br />

jednak w nasze wspólne, europejskie cele. Taki tryb pracy w większym stopniu pozwala planować i realizować politykę<br />

instytucji europejskich.<br />

2-122<br />

Wojciech Michał Olejniczak (S&D), na piśmie. – Szanowni Państwo! Na wstępie chciałbym pogratulować prezydencji<br />

belgijskiej, która przez ostatnie pół roku doskonale sprawowała przewodnictwo w Radzie Unii Europejskiej. Sukces

18-01-2011 35<br />

zespołu belgijskiego zwiększają okoliczności, w jakich kraj ten przejmował przewodnictwo. Po pierwsze była to pierwsza<br />

prezydencja, która działała w oparciu o zasady wprowadzone Traktatem z Lizbony, a po drugie sytuacja finansowa Unii i<br />

jej poszczególnych państw była bardzo trudna. Dodatkowo w trakcie prezydencji Belgia musiała radzić sobie z<br />

wewnętrznymi problemami kraju. Pomimo tego trudnego i wymagającego okresu prezydencja wykazała się skutecznością<br />

i prowadziła wszelkie działania w europejskim stylu. Odrzuciła swoje wewnętrzne problemy (sprawy) na bok i skupiła się<br />

na realizacji linii zgodnej z założeniami Parlamentu Europejskiego, Komisji Europejskiej i Rady Unii Europejskiej oraz na<br />

wsparciu tych instytucji. Prezydencja przyjęła rolę mediatora. W zakresie realizacji swoich priorytetów na uznanie<br />

zasługują działania zogniskowane na walkę z kryzysem ekonomicznym, przede wszystkim mam tu na myśli pracę nad<br />

kolejnymi wieloletnimi ramami finansowymi. Kolejnym znaczącym osiągnięciem prezydencji belgijskiej jest kwestia euro<br />

winiety. Na zakończenie chciałbym powiedzieć, iż prezydencja Belgii może być dobrą lekcją dla kolejnych państw<br />

przejmujących przewodnictwo w Radzie Unii Europejskiej. Chciałbym również życzyć takiego samego sukcesu<br />

prezydencji węgierskiej oraz prezydencji polskiej, która rozpocznie się w połowie 2011 roku.<br />

2-123<br />

Jarosław Leszek Wałęsa (PPE), na piśmie. – Szanowni Państwo! Pragnę wyrazić swoje podziękowanie dla minionej<br />

prezydencji belgijskiej, która może być wzorem dla krajów przejmujących w przyszłości przewodnictwo nad pracami<br />

Rady UE. Temat ten jest mi szczególnie bliski w obliczu nadchodzącej prezydencji Polski, która mam nadzieję wykorzysta<br />

wszystkie pozytywne ścieżki przetarte pod przewodnictwem Belgii. Nieczęsto zdarza się, by państwo przewodniczące<br />

stawiało ponad swój wewnątrzpaństwowy interes działania wspólnotowe. Najważniejszym, w moim przekonaniu,<br />

sukcesem omawianej prezydencji była konsekwentna implementacja postanowień Traktatu z Lizbony, szczególnie na<br />

szczeblu Rady Europejskiej, która stała się pełnoprawną instytucją ze stałym Przewodniczącym, jak również na szczeblu<br />

Rady do Spraw Zagranicznych, która jest obecnie kierowana przez Wysokiego Przedstawiciela. Nie bez znaczenia okazała<br />

się również walka z ekonomicznym kryzysem - systematyczna kontrola i moderacja sektora finansowego pozwoli na<br />

przestrzeni czasu ustabilizować jego zachwiany status, szczególnie w okresie, gdy nacisk na rozbudowanie strefy euro jest<br />

tak duży. Reasumując - mam szczerą nadzieję, że wyznaczona podczas belgijskiej prezydencji droga będzie wzorcem<br />

jakości dla krajów przejmujących w przyszłości przewodnictwo. Niech dobro Wspólnoty będzie zawsze naszym<br />

priorytetem. Dziękuję.<br />

2-124<br />

2-125<br />

7 - Turno de votaciones<br />

2-126<br />

El Presidente. − Pasamos ahora al turno de votaciones.<br />


Vicepresidente<br />

(Para los resultados y otros detalles de la votación: véase el Acta)<br />

2-127<br />

7.1 - Fusiones de las sociedades anónimas (versión codificada) (A7-0363/2010, Jiří Maštálka)<br />

(votación)<br />

2-128<br />

7.2 - Protocolo del Acuerdo Euromediterráneo entre las CE y Jordania para tener en cuenta la<br />

adhesión de Bulgaria y Rumanía a la UE (A7-0373/2010, Gabriele Albertini) (votación)<br />

2-129<br />

7.3 - Acuerdo CE-Unión Económica y Monetaria del África Occidental sobre determinados<br />

aspectos de los servicios aéreos (A7-0361/2010, Dieter-Lebrecht Koch) (votación)<br />

2-130<br />

– Antes de la votación:<br />

2-131<br />

Dieter-Lebrecht Koch (PPE). – Herr Präsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Durch die Annahme meines Berichts<br />

stimmen wir einem Abkommen zu, mit dem die rechtliche Angleichung von 47 bestehenden bilateralen<br />

Luftverkehrsabkommen zwischen den einzelnen EU-Mitgliedstaaten und den einzelnen Ländern der westafrikanischen<br />

Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion gelingt. Wir sorgen dadurch für die Anwendung geltenden EU-Rechts, verhindern<br />

Marktzugangsbarrieren und Diskriminierungen, und wir bauen Bürokratie ab. Bitte stimmen Sie zu!<br />


36 18-01-2011<br />

7.4 - Condiciones armonizadas para la comercialización de productos de construcción (A7-<br />

0343/2010, Catherine Stihler) (votación)<br />

2-133<br />

7.5 - Consenso europeo sobre la ayuda humanitaria (A7-0375/2010, Michèle Striffler) (votación)<br />

2-134<br />

7.6 - La agricultura como sector estratégico en el contexto de la seguridad alimentaria (A7-<br />

0376/2010, Daciana Octavia Sârbu) (votación)<br />

2-135<br />

El Presidente. − Con esto concluimos el turno de votaciones.<br />

2-136<br />

8 - Explicaciones de voto<br />

2-137<br />

El Presidente. − Pasamos ahora a las explicaciones de voto<br />

2-138<br />

Explicaciones de voto orales<br />

2-139<br />

Recomendacíon para la segunda lectura: Catherine Stihler (A7-0343/2010)<br />

2-140<br />

Jarosław Kalinowski (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Sektor budowlany stanowi bardzo ważną gałąź gospodarki<br />

każdego kraju. Dążąc do wzrostu ekonomicznego i poprawy standardu życia obywateli, nie można pominąć tak istotnej<br />

części rynku. Każdy człowiek zdaje sobie sprawę ze znaczenia, jakie dla bezpieczeństwa i komfortu ma poprawnie<br />

zbudowany czy zmodernizowany obiekt. Jednocześnie wszyscy dążymy do obniżenia kosztów budowy domów,<br />

budynków przemysłowych czy obiektów użyteczności publicznej. Sprawozdanie dąży do zniesienia barier rynkowych,<br />

umożliwienia sprawnego obrotu towarami budowlanymi i do zapewnienia konkurencyjnych cen w sektorze. Korzyści z tej<br />

inicjatywy odniesie cała <strong>Europa</strong>. Całkowicie popieram też postulaty autorki dotyczące zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa<br />

pracowników w tej branży.<br />

2-141<br />

Alfredo Antoniozzi (PPE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, sulla relazione Stihler, l'importanza che il settore edile<br />

riveste in <strong>Europa</strong> è evidente. Non potevamo non affrontare i problemi che coinvolgono 12 milioni di cittadini direttamente<br />

impiegati in questo settore.<br />

La relazione della collega Stihler rappresenta un utile strumento per abbattere le barriere nazionali di natura amministrativa<br />

e tecnica che impediscono la commercializzazione dei prodotti da costruzione all'interno dell'Unione europea e proseguire<br />

nella costruzione di un mercato unico in questo settore.<br />

Concordo con il riconoscimento riferito alle piccole e medie imprese nel settore edilizio, così come alla particolare<br />

attenzione riservata al problema della necessità di riciclare i prodotti da costruzione, un tema di cruciale importanza nella<br />

lotta al cambiamento climatico. Tuttavia, voglio cogliere questa occasione per richiamare l'attenzione sulla questione della<br />

salute e della sicurezza dei lavoratori impiegati nel settore dell'edilizia. Gli orientamenti inseriti dalla relatrice in proposito<br />

sono utili, ma non sufficienti.<br />

È un nostro dovere affrontare e sviluppare maggiormente queste proposte nel futuro immediato, assicurando ai lavoratori<br />

impiegati nel settore edile un elevato livello di protezione. La tragedia delle morti bianche sul lavoro è un tema che<br />

coinvolge l'intera <strong>Europa</strong>, mi auguro che con il nostro lavoro riusciremo a porvi rimedio.<br />

2-142<br />

Hannu Takkula (ALDE). – Arvoisa puhemies, ensinnäkin haluaisin kiittää Catherine Stihleriä tästä erittäin hyvästä<br />

mietinnöstä. On erittäin tärkeätä kiinnittää huomiota rakennustuotteiden kaupan yhdenmukaistamiseen, koska tarvitsemme<br />

tulevaisuudessa entistä parempaa ja laadukkaampaa rakentamista.<br />

Täytyy muistaa, että vaikka on kyse hyvin kilpailutetusta alasta, tärkeintä ei ole vain kilpailu itsessään vaan lopputulos. On<br />

tärkeää, että ne rakennukset, joita Euroopassa rakennetaan, voisivat olla turvallisia niiden käyttäjille ja että ne olisivat<br />

turvallisia myös rakentamisprosessin aikana rakentajille ja muille työntekijöille.<br />

On erittäin tärkeää, että yhdenmukaistamista tapahtuu myös rakennustuotteiden kaupan alalla ja tätä kautta voidaan vaihtaa<br />

parhaita käytäntöjä. On totta, että tällä hetkellä monessa Euroopan maassa käytetään vielä sellaisia materiaaleja, jotka eivät

18-01-2011 37<br />

ole terveellisiä asukkaille. Meillä on esimerkiksi laaja homeongelma monessa Euroopan unionin jäsenvaltiossa ja siksi on<br />

tärkeätä parhaita käytäntöjä ja innovaatioita käyttäen pyrkiä siihen, että voimme saada rakennustuotteiden kaupan<br />

sellaiseksi, että tuotteet ovat terveellisiä ja hyviä niiden käyttäjille.<br />

Arvoisa puhemies, haluan siis kiittää esittelijä Stihleriä tästä hyvästä mietinnöstä. Euroopassa tarvitaan hyviä<br />

rakennustuotteita ja sellaista kauppaa, jossa otetaan huomioon nimenomaan turvallisuusmääräykset.<br />

2-143<br />

Daniel Hannan (ECR). – Mr President, last week the French Prime Minister came to London and said that we needed to<br />

join in the project of assisting the euro. Let us leave aside for a moment the question of whether we should again be<br />

dragged into somebody else’s problem; let us focus instead on the main logical flaw here. He says ‘European integration is<br />

not working, so let us have more European integration!’ I am sure that you can spot the problem in his reasoning here. ‘My<br />

dinghy keeps capsizing, so I would like to be put in charge of an ocean liner’. ‘My go-kart has crashed, so please put me at<br />

the wheel of an articulated lorry’. It seems that whatever the problem is, the answer is always closer European integration.<br />

The EU is a solution in search of a problem, but surely the day is coming when we can no longer impose ourselves both on<br />

the markets and on public opinion. The spell is breaking and the shamanistic incantations are losing their force.<br />

2-144<br />

Informe: Michèle Striffler (A7-0375/2010)<br />

2-145<br />

Clemente Mastella (PPE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'Unione europea è il primo donatore di aiuti umanitari<br />

al mondo. Basti pensare che il suo contributo rappresenta oltre il 40% dell'assistenza umanitaria internazionale. Attraverso<br />

la sua politica umanitaria, l'Unione europea dimostra concretamente tutto l'impegno a favore delle popolazioni dei paesi<br />

terzi che hanno bisogno di aiuto e si trovano in situazioni di estrema vulnerabilità.<br />

Il consenso umanitario, firmato il 18 dicembre dai Presidenti del Consiglio dell'Unione europea, del Parlamento e della<br />

Commissione europea, rappresenta un notevole passo avanti in questa direzione. Mi preme qui ricordare che gli impegni<br />

derivanti dal consenso devono valere sia per gli Stati membri sia per la Commissione europea.<br />

In questi ultimi anni abbiamo registrato un crescente coinvolgimento di attori non umanitari nella risposta alle crisi<br />

umanitarie. È fondamentale che gli attori politici, militari e umanitari che condividono lo stesso ambiente operativo<br />

apprendano a conoscersi meglio e a dialogare, rispettando e non compromettendo i ruoli ed i mandati rispettivi. È chiaro<br />

che il ricorso ai mezzi della protezione civile dovrà essere conforme alle direttive internazionali quali enunciate nel<br />

consenso europeo.<br />

2-146<br />

Antonello Antinoro (PPE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, credo che la relazione approvata oggi della collega<br />

Striffler, alla quale va il mio ringraziamento e i miei complimenti, sia una comunicazione destinata ad accrescere<br />

l'efficacia e la coerenza degli aiuti umanitari.<br />

Il Parlamento europeo invita oggi l'Unione a collaborare più intensamente per raggiungere un consenso volto a potenziare<br />

la risposta collettiva alle crisi umanitarie e in particolare a difendere con vigore il pieno rispetto del diritto umanitario<br />

internazionale.<br />

Dobbiamo fare in modo, quindi, che gli aiuti e gli operatori umanitari possano raggiungere ancor meglio le popolazioni<br />

bisognose, ed essendo queste aumentate nell'ultimo periodo dobbiamo, attraverso la Commissione o attraverso programmi<br />

bilaterali, riuscire a fare ancor più di quanto non si sia fatto finora. Se le necessità sono enormi, la distribuzione di aiuti<br />

diventa sempre più difficile e anche rischiosa e pericolosa per il quadro internazionale sempre più complesso.<br />

Secondo queste esigenze, quindi, questo accordo promuove un consenso europeo in cui si afferma che gli aiuti dell'Unione<br />

sono basati inequivocabilmente sui principi umanitari di neutralità, indipendenza e imparzialità e devono essere forniti<br />

rapidamente ed efficacemente alle vittime delle crisi sulla base delle necessità individuate.<br />

2-147<br />

Alfredo Antoniozzi (PPE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'aumento esponenziale delle catastrofi naturali, sia<br />

nel loro numero sia nella loro intensità, insieme alla moltiplicazione delle crisi complesse ci pongono di fronte ad un<br />

aggravamento delle violazioni del diritto umanitario internazionale e ad un restringimento dello spazio umanitario.<br />

Le recenti tragedie accadute ad Haiti e in Pakistan dimostrano nuovamente la necessità di rafforzare gli strumenti a<br />

disposizione dell'Unione europea necessari ad affrontare le catastrofi naturali. Sono d'accordo con l'impostazione generale<br />

della relazione e, nello specifico, con l'affermazione secondo cui l'Unione europea deve farsi promotrice dei principi<br />

umanitari in modo instancabile. L'azione esterna dell'Unione europea è sancita dal trattato di Lisbona; è necessario che<br />

essa rispecchi il peso politico dell'Unione e la sua influenza come principale donatore internazionale.

38 18-01-2011<br />

Ho votato a favore della relazione della collega Striffler perché ritengo giusto porci come imperativo il rafforzamento<br />

dell'attuazione del consenso e del suo piano d'azione, insieme alla garanzia di un coordinamento e di una perequazione<br />

degli oneri a livello mondiale, tenendo conto allo stesso tempo delle responsabilità regionali dei paesi che hanno la<br />

capacità di contribuire in maniera sostanziale agli aiuti umanitari.<br />

2-148<br />

Informe: Daciana Octavia Sârbu (A7-0376/2010)<br />

2-149<br />

Jim Higgins (PPE). – Mr President, I had great pleasure in voting for this particular report, because the report confirms<br />

that food security is a basic human right. The agricultural sector must meet a growing population’s need for safe and<br />

sufficient food despite the obstacles of limited natural resources, high energy prices and climate change. According to the<br />

United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation, food production must increase by at least 70% to meet the growing<br />

demands of a world population which is expected to exceed 9 billion by the year 2050.<br />

Furthermore, around 900 million people worldwide are chronically hungry due to extreme poverty, while up to 2 billion<br />

people lack genuine long-term food security due to varying degrees of poverty. In Europe, 16% of citizens still live below<br />

the poverty line. Basically what I am saying is this: we need to tackle this issue head-on. It is essential that the financing of<br />

the new Common Agricultural Policy after 2013 recognises this, and the very least we need is that the budget should be<br />

maintained at least at its current level.<br />

2-150<br />

Jens Rohde (ALDE). – Hr. formand! Parlamentet har i dag valgt formelt at anerkende landbruget som en strategisk sektor<br />

for fødevaresikkerhed. Det har vi liberale anerkendt i mange år. Ligesom vi også anerkender, at landbruget er en strategisk<br />

sektor for fødevarekvalitet, folkesundhed, bæredygtig og økonomisk vækst. Men det berettiger altså ikke til<br />

skoleprogrammer for frugt og mælk. Ej heller til flere markedsstøttede mælkestøtteprogrammer. Vi skal gøre opmærksom<br />

på, at vi stemte imod disse forslag og beklager, at de gik igennem.<br />

Det skal dog ikke ødelægge helhedsbilledet af, at vi skal give landbruget gode vilkår. Smørbjerge og vinsøer og<br />

skoleprogrammer er imidlertid ikke vejen frem. Landmandens indkomst skal ikke sikres ved hjælp af intervention og<br />

markedsforvridning. I stedet skal vi investere i forskning, vi skal give landmændene mulighed for at udnytte nye<br />

teknologier til alternative indtægtsformer. Overordnet set synes vi, at betænkningen er god, og derfor stemte vi for det<br />

samlede resultat.<br />

2-151<br />

Clemente Mastella (PPE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la sicurezza alimentare rappresenta ogni giorno un<br />

diritto fondamentale dell'umanità e si realizza in modo concreto solo quando tutti dispongono, in qualsiasi momento, di un<br />

accesso fisico, sociale ed economico ad una nutrizione sufficiente.<br />

La nuova politica agricola comune dell'Unione europea non potrà non tener conto di queste nuove esigenze: essa dovrà<br />

pertanto essere in grado di rispondere in modo chiaro ed inequivocabile alle sfide poste dalla sicurezza alimentare e da altri<br />

fattori, in particolare i cambiamenti climatici, la crisi economica, il mantenimento dell'equilibrio territoriale all'interno<br />

dell'Unione.<br />

Abbiamo bisogno di promuovere non soltanto la competitività dei nostri prodotti, ma anche l'agricoltura tradizionale, i<br />

piccoli allevamenti, l'agricoltura biologica e la distribuzione locale. Questi modelli di agricoltura hanno dato da sempre, e<br />

continuano a dare, un valido contributo alla sicurezza alimentare perché spesso rappresentano il modo più efficace di<br />

utilizzare terreni in diverse regioni geografiche dell'Unione europea attraverso l'uso di metodi che sono stati<br />

specificamente sviluppati in diverse regioni e per lunghi periodi di tempo.<br />

2-152<br />

Jarosław Kalinowski (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Naszą rolą, jako posłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego, jest<br />

działanie na rzecz polepszenia bytu obywateli Unii. Zapewnienie im dostępu do bezpiecznej żywności najwyższej jakości<br />

powinno być najwyższym priorytetem. Niedobory żywności i jej wysokie ceny zazwyczaj wiążą się z niepokojami<br />

społecznymi i nie możemy dopuścić do takiej sytuacji na naszym kontynencie. Biorąc pod uwagę wzrastającą liczbę<br />

ludności, zmiany klimatyczne oraz klęski żywiołowe, bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe na świecie jest bardzo zagrożone. Już<br />

teraz tak wielu ludzi głoduje. Aby temu zaradzić, konieczna jest rozsądna, sprawiedliwa wspólna polityka rolna oraz<br />

wsparcie finansowe dla tego sektora. Należy nadać rolnictwu wyjątkowy status, który pozwoli na podejmowanie<br />

specjalnych działań i stosowanie odpowiednich instrumentów w przypadku możliwości wystąpienia kryzysów<br />

żywnościowych.<br />

2-153<br />

Mario Pirillo (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, certezza nell'approvvigionamento alimentare delle<br />

popolazioni e sicurezza alimentare rimangono le sfide centrali dell'agricoltura, non solo europea, ma a livello globale.

18-01-2011 39<br />

Sono molto soddisfatto del contenuto di questa relazione, soprattutto perché si riconosce la sicurezza alimentare come<br />

diritto fondamentale dell'umanità. L'obiettivo della sicurezza alimentare si può raggiungere solo se si affronteranno<br />

seriamente due questioni importanti: la volatilità del mercato e dei prezzi e il depauperamento delle risorse alimentari.<br />

L'<strong>Europa</strong> deve essere in grado di intervenire con misure comuni ed efficaci per la sicurezza dell'approvvigionamento<br />

alimentare, per evitare le forti asimmetrie ancora esistenti relative agli standard di sicurezza tra i prodotti UE ed extra UE.<br />

2-154<br />

Peter Jahr (PPE). – Herr Präsident! Ich möchte feststellen, dass ich mich über den Bericht „Anerkennung der<br />

Landwirtschaft als strategischer Sektor für die Nahrungsmittelsicherheit“ sehr gefreut habe, weil damit die Bedeutung der<br />

Landwirtschaft wieder in den Mittelpunkt gerückt wurde, und die erste Schlussfolgerung ist für mich, dass wir auch<br />

weiterhin eine starke gemeinsame europäische Agrarpolitik brauchen. Vielen Dank auch an die Berichterstatterin!<br />

In einem Punkt habe ich allerdings abweichend gestimmt, und zwar geht es hier um die Schaffung eines europäischen<br />

Nahrungsmittelhilfsprogramms innerhalb der Europäischen Union. Ich denke, die Vor-Ort-Hilfe, d.h. die Hilfe, dass<br />

niemand in der Europäischen Union Hunger leiden darf, muss eine Aufgabe der Mitgliedstaaten bleiben, ganz einfach weil<br />

man die Probleme dort lösen sollte, wo sie entstehen, nämlich in den Mitgliedstaaten.<br />

2-155<br />

Diane Dodds (NI). – Mr President, this report highlights the need for food security for the citizens whom we represent. It<br />

also emphasises the important public goods which farmers produce, often with little or no recognition. However, I feel that<br />

there is going to be a problem.<br />

I have recently heard major speeches which indicate that the Common Agricultural Policy should actually shift to being an<br />

environmental policy. This I think will ultimately lead us to mistakenly believe that we can do without European farmers,<br />

and maybe just import food from outside of the EU.<br />

This should not be the case. Our farmers should be supported to produce food in a way which is not harmful to the<br />

environment, and as for importing food, world markets are simply too volatile – both in terms of price and in terms of<br />

consistency of supply.<br />

There are a number of things that we must do. We must have a strong budget for the Common Agricultural Policy. We<br />

must encourage young farmers into the industry to secure a future for it. We must have more research and innovation to<br />

make production methods more efficient, and we must have less red tape – and certainly no green tape to tie up our<br />

farmers.<br />

2-156<br />

Giommaria Uggias (ALDE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, in queste settimane le diverse commissioni<br />

parlamentari che stanno affrontando il tema della politica agricola comunitaria stanno trattando questo tema, il tema della<br />

riforma che avremo dopo il 2013.<br />

Negli elementi fondamentali dell'agricoltura è sempre chiaro che la sicurezza degli alimenti ne costituisce un elemento<br />

integrante. Ecco che questa considerazione deve essere quindi valutata tenendo conto del provvedimento che oggi abbiamo<br />

in votazione, laddove la sicurezza è definita un diritto fondamentale e, quindi, in quanto tale deve essere tutelato in tutti i<br />

modi possibili.<br />

Questa attenzione, Presidente, deve essere fatta valere sia nei momenti di emergenza, come quella legata allo scandalo<br />

della diossina che stiamo vivendo in questi giorni, diossina scoperta nei mangimi utilizzati negli allevamenti animali, ma<br />

anche, e soprattutto, nella garanzia di un processo produttivo ordinario che sia rispettoso dell'intera filiera produttiva, della<br />

qualità del lavoro degli agricoltori, della qualità dell'ambiente e anche della commercializzazione e, pertanto, dei<br />

consumatori.<br />

Questo è un provvedimento che questo Parlamento ha varato nell'ambito di una serie di provvedimenti atti a valorizzare<br />

l'agricoltura e in questo senso mi dichiaro soddisfatto.<br />

2-157<br />

Alajos Mészáros (PPE). – Elnök úr! A világ élelmiszer-termelése manapság egyre inkább ki van téve különböző<br />

kihívásoknak. Egyik ilyen az éghajlatváltozás, ami sajnos megjósolhatatlan élelmiszerhiányt okozhat és ezáltal veszélybe<br />

kerülhet a 2050-ig 9 milliárd főt is meghaladó világnépesség növekvő szükségletének kielégítése. A KAP-nak az<br />

élelmiszerbiztonság, az éghajlatváltozás és gazdasági válság okozta kihívásokra egyértelműen kell reagálnia. Nem csak a<br />

versenyképességet, hanem a hagyományos mezőgazdaságot, a kisüzemi és biogazdálkodást, a helyi értékeket is ösztönözni<br />

kell. Az éghajlati változások eredményeképpen egyre több a természeti katasztrófa, melyek hatására csökken a nagyobb<br />

területű termőföldek kihasználásának lehetősége, veszélyeztetve ezáltal az élelmiszer-biztonságot. A fenti célok elérésére,<br />

valamint az ésszerű élelmiszerárak és a mezőgazdasági termelők tisztességes jövedelme érdekében a KAP költségvetését<br />

legalább a jelenlegi szinten kell tartani. Ezért fontos, hogy a mezőgazdaságot az élelmiszerbiztonság szempontjából<br />

stratégiai ágazatként kezeljük. Ezért támogattam én is ezt a jelentést.

40 18-01-2011<br />

2-158<br />

Hannu Takkula (ALDE). – Arvoisa puhemies, ensinnäkin haluan sanoa, että on erittäin hyvä asia, että Euroopan<br />

parlamentti tunnustaa maatalouden strategiseksi alaksi elintarviketurvallisuuden yhteydessä.<br />

Meidän on erittäin tärkeä huolehtia siitä, että Euroopan unionin alueella tuottamamme elintarvikkeet ovat ennen muuta<br />

terveellisiä ja puhtaita. Olen hieman huolissani siitä, että meillä on kiinnitetty enemmän huomiota määrään kuin laatuun.<br />

Tehokkuusvaatimus on tavallaan sivuuttanut nämä terveellisyysvaatimukset. Puhuttaessa elintarviketurvallisuudesta on<br />

erittäin tärkeää huolehtia, että eurooppalaisille kuluttajille tarjottavat elintarvikkeet ovat turvallisia, hyviä ja ravitsevia.<br />

On erittäin tärkeää huolehtia myös siitä, että Euroopan unionin eri jäsenvaltioissa säilyy kansallinen maatalous.<br />

Kohdatessamme luonnonkatastrofeja on tärkeää, että meillä on omavaraista maataloutta. Tällöin voimme vastata<br />

lähiruokaperiaatteella niihin kysymyksiin, jotka saattavat nousta esiin erilaisten katastrofien yhteydessä.<br />

Arvoisa puhemies, haluan korostaa ennen muuta näitä terveydestä nousevia periaatteita, jotka ovat tärkeitä. Toivon, että<br />

tällaiseen lähiruokakehitykseen voidaan päästä. Euroopan laajuisesti on tärkeää huolehtia siitä, että maataloudella on hyvät<br />

toimintaedellytykset ja että jokaisessa Euroopan unionin jäsenvaltiossa voidaan harjoittaa maataloutta. Se on elinehto ja<br />

vahva tulevaisuuden pohja ja perusta, minkä me tarvitsemme nimenomaan elintarvikesektorilla.<br />

2-159<br />

Salvatore Tatarella (PPE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, dopo aver espresso con convinzione il mio voto<br />

favorevole a questa importante relazione, mi piace sottolineare in modo particolare il punto 35 dell'articolato parere della<br />

commissione ambiente dove, nel considerare l'importanza dell'Agenzia europea per la sicurezza alimentare nel valutare<br />

tutti i rischi associati alla filiera alimentare nell'ambito delle azioni a difesa del cittadino e della salute, si auspica che tutti<br />

gli Stati membri provvedano all'istituzione di omologhi organismi nazionali con lo scopo di collaborare con l'Agenzia<br />

europea.<br />

Come i recenti e gravi episodi accaduti in Germania dimostrano, è necessario che ogni Stato oggi istituisca un organismo<br />

nazionale per la sicurezza alimentare. Sorprende il fatto che il governo italiano, dopo aver istituito l'Agenzia, abbia<br />

cambiato opinione per ragioni di bilancio. Credo che la sicurezza alimentare non debba fermarsi davanti a un limite di<br />

bilancio.<br />

2-160<br />

Explicaciones de voto por escrito<br />

2-161<br />

Informe: Jiři Maštálka (A7-0363/2010)<br />

2-162<br />

Luís Paulo Alves (S&D), por escrito. − Uma vez que, de acordo com o Grupo de Trabalho Consultivo dos serviços legais<br />

do PE, Conselho e Comissão, a proposta em questão contém a codificação dos textos existentes sem qualquer alteração à<br />

sua substância, aprovo a sua adopção em primeira leitura.<br />

2-163<br />

Laima Liucija Andrikienė (PPE), raštu. − Pritariau šiam pranešimui ir Europos Komisijos pasiūlymui, nes manau, jog<br />

labai svarbu siekti paprastesnės ir aiškesnės Bendrijų teisės, kad ji taptų suprantamesnė ir prieinamesnė visiems piliečiams.<br />

Šis tikslas nebus pasiektas, jei daug nuostatų, kurios buvo iš dalies ir dažnai iš esmės keičiamos keletą kartų, liktų<br />

išsibarsčiusios įvairiuose aktuose, o siekiant surasti konkrečiu momentu galiojančias taisykles reikia atlikti tiriamąjį darbą<br />

lyginant įvairius teisės aktus. Teisės aktų kodifikavimas itin svarbus verslo srityje, kurią, siekiant užtikrinti sklandų ir<br />

nenutrūkstamą laisvą asmenų, prekių ir paslaugų judėjimą, reglamentuoja nemaža dalis Bendrijų teisėkūros. Akcinių<br />

bendrovių jungimą reglamentuojančių teisės aktų konsolidavimas yra sveikintinas žingsnis link Bendrijų teisės tobulinimo.<br />

2-164<br />

Sophie Auconie (PPE), par écrit. – Il existe en Europe un très grand nombre d’entreprises, un très grand nombre de<br />

formes pour ces entreprises et un très grand nombre de règles qui s’y appliquent. Cependant, depuis 1978, il existe une<br />

réglementation européenne qui encadre les opérations de fusion entre sociétés anonymes d’un même État membre. Il est en<br />

effet important de réglementer ces opérations parce qu’elles peuvent avoir des répercussions importantes sur les intérêts<br />

des travailleurs, des actionnaires et des créanciers de ces sociétés. Ceux-ci peuvent être lésés par exemple si la fusion est<br />

annulée a posteriori. Ici comme ailleurs en matière européenne, il nous faut de la clarté et de la sécurité juridique. C’est<br />

l'objectif poursuivi avec la codification de cette directive. J’ai voté pour cette résolution car je crois que la confiance est un<br />

formidable moteur de croissance.<br />

2-165<br />

George Becali (NI), în scris. − Am votat acest raport deoarece Comisia, în propunerea de codificare a celei de-a treia<br />

Directive 78/855/CEE din 9 octombrie 1978 privind fuziunile societăţilor comerciale pe acţiuni, a ţinut cont de adaptările<br />

redacţionale sau formale sugerate de Grupul consultativ al serviciilor juridice şi care s-au dovedit fondate. De exemplu,<br />

Grupul consultativ sugerează că este deosebit de important ca acţionarii societăţilor care fuzionează să fie informaţi în mod<br />

corespunzător şi cât mai obiectiv posibil şi ca drepturile acestora să fie protejate în mod adecvat. Cu toate acestea, nu este

18-01-2011 41<br />

nevoie să se impună o examinare a proiectului de fuziune de către un expert independent. De asemenea, organele de<br />

administrare sau de conducere ale fiecărei societăţi comerciale implicate informează adunarea generală a societăţii lor,<br />

precum şi organele de administrare sau de conducere ale celorlalte societăţi implicate, referitor la orice modificare<br />

substanţială intervenită între data întocmirii proiectului de fuziune şi data adunărilor generale care urmează să decidă<br />

asupra proiectului de fuziune.<br />

2-166<br />

Mara Bizzotto (EFD), per iscritto. − Poiché la proposta in questione è stata attentamente vagliata dal gruppo consultivo<br />

dei servizi giuridici del Parlamento euopeo, del Consiglio e della Commissione che congiuntamente hanno ritenuto il testo<br />

un atto di codificazione, cioé mero efficentamento del testo esistente ho sostenuto con il mio voto favorevole la relazione<br />

del collega Jiří Maštálka.<br />

2-167<br />

Lara Comi (PPE), per iscritto. − In Italia, proprio ieri, è stato presentato uno studio secondo cui le imprese che, al<br />

momento, hanno resistito meglio alla crisi sono state quelle che hanno saputo rafforzare il proprio patrimonio. In<br />

particolare, secondo questo studio elaborato da una nota Università italiana per conto della più vivace associazione di<br />

imprese, le fusioni sono state lo strumento principale di rafforzamento. Non è casuale che le operazioni di finanza<br />

straordinaria, tra le quali rientra la fusione, accompagnino la ristrutturazione e la ricerca di efficienza in tutti i comparti<br />

produttivi. È dunque compito delle Istituzioni europee, in un contesto di mercato unico, definire delle regole che<br />

garantiscano tutti gli attori coinvolti e permettano alle imprese più virtuose di competere al meglio, libere da incertezze<br />

normative, da vincoli burocratici e da obbligazioni sorte a causa di meri malintesi. Un'economia moderna, liberale ed<br />

efficiente come, a mio avviso, deve essere la nostra, ha la necessità di una normativa apposita per le fusioni purché, come<br />

la direttiva qui proposta, sia snella e non invadente e tuteli le libertà e i diritti dei soggetti che potrebbero essere<br />

danneggiati da queste operazioni.<br />

2-168<br />

José Manuel Fernandes (PPE), por escrito. − Nesta sessão, o Parlamento Europeu, na sequência de uma proposta de<br />

alteração do PE e do Conselho, analisou um projecto de resolução legislativa sobre a fusão das sociedades anónimas<br />

(versão codificada), tendo aprovado a proposta apresentada pela Comissão. Considerando que a proposta visa, apenas, a<br />

codificação pura e simples dos textos legislativos, sem alterar a substância e a melhoria dos métodos de trabalho, e tendo<br />

em conta que incorpora os formalismos sugeridos e fundamentados pelo Grupo Consultivo dos Serviços Jurídicos, voto<br />

favoravelmente esta proposta, ciente de que se traduzirá numa melhoria significativa no funcionamento das sociedades<br />

anónimas, nomeadamente através da sua modernização e agilização.<br />

2-169<br />

Juozas Imbrasas (EFD), raštu. − Balsavau už šį pranešimą, kadangi Europos Parlamento, Tarybos ir Komisijos teisės<br />

tarnybų konsultacinės darbo grupės nuomone, minėtuoju pasiūlymu siekiama tik kodifikuoti esamus tekstus nekeičiant jų<br />

esmės, todėl siekiant aiškumo ir racionalumo esami tekstai turėtų būti kodifikuoti.<br />

2-170<br />

David Martin (S&D), in writing. − I voted for this report because, according to the Consultative Working Party of the<br />

Legal Services of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, the proposal in question contains a<br />

straightforward codification of the existing texts without any change in their substance.<br />

2-171<br />

Andreas Mölzer (NI), schriftlich. − Es ist sicherlich eine Erleichterung, wenn nach einer gewissen Anzahl an Änderungen<br />

eine Kodifizierung durchgeführt wird, damit die Übersichtlichkeit gewahrt bleibt. Generell gilt es jedoch zu überlegen, ob<br />

die Vielzahl an Regelungen überhaupt nötig ist. In einigen Bereichen wird übertrieben und etwa dem Konsumenten kaum<br />

mehr Hausverstand zugetraut, in anderen Bereichen werden etwa Namensänderungen für Lebensmittel vorgeschrieben. Im<br />

Sinne des Schutzes der Interessen von Gesellschaftern und Dritten ist eine Koordination der Rechtsvorschriften der<br />

Mitgliedstaaten über die Verschmelzung von Aktiengesellschaften dazu geeignet, für die Wahrung der Informationsrechte<br />

Sorge zu tragen. Einigen Änderungen kann ich nicht zustimmen, deshalb habe ich den Bericht als ganzes abgelehnt.<br />

2-172<br />

Maria do Céu Patrão Neves (PPE), por escrito. − Votei favoravelmente o presente relatório, tendo em conta que a<br />

proposta em apreço se cinge exclusivamente à codificação dos textos existentes sobre fusão de sociedades anónimas. Com<br />

efeito, o Grupo Consultivo, composto pelos Serviços Jurídicos do Parlamento Europeu, do Conselho e da Comissão,<br />

concluiu, de comum acordo, em 21 de Setembro de 2010, e após exame da proposta de codificação da Terceira Directiva<br />

78/855/CEE do Conselho, de 9 de Outubro de 1978, fundada na alínea g) do n.º 3 do artigo 54.º do Tratado e relativa à<br />

fusão das sociedades anónimas, que a proposta em apreço se cinge efectivamente a uma codificação pura e simples dos<br />

textos existentes, sem apresentar quaisquer alterações substantivas.<br />

2-173<br />

Aldo Patriciello (PPE), per iscritto. − Nel valutare il progetto di risoluzione legislativa relativo alle fusioni delle società<br />

per azioni, ho tenuto conto dei seguenti atti legislativi: la proposta della Commissione al Parlamento europeo e al<br />

Consiglio, la posizione comune definita in prima lettura il 17 giugno 2008, gli articoli 294 e 50 del TFUE a norma dei

42 18-01-2011<br />

quali la proposta è stata presentata dalla Commissione al Parlamento, ancora dell'accordo interistituzionale del 20<br />

dicembre 1994 su un metodo di lavoro accelerato ai fini della codificazione ufficiale dei testi legislativi, degli articoli 86 e<br />

55 del suo regolamento ed infine della relazione della commissione giuridica.<br />

Sulla base di ciò ho inteso essere coerente con la posizione in prima lettura del Parlamento quale adattata alle<br />

raccomandazioni del gruppo consultivo dei servizi giuridici del Parlamento europeo, del Consiglio e della Commissione<br />

soprattutto in vista del fatto che rappresenta una mera codificazione dei testi esistenti, senza modificazioni sostanziali.<br />

2-174<br />

Paulo Rangel (PPE), por escrito. − De acordo com o parecer do Grupo Consultivo dos Serviços Jurídicos do Parlamento<br />

Europeu, do Conselho e da Comissão, a proposta alterada da directiva relativa à fusão das sociedades anónimas cinge-se a<br />

uma codificação dos textos existentes, sem comportar modificações substantivas. Votei, por isso, favoravelmente este<br />

relatório.<br />

2-175<br />

Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE), in writing. − Having sought legal advice, the services stated that, having regard to<br />

the Interinstitutional Agreement of 20 December 1994 on an accelerated working method for official codification of<br />

legislative texts, and in particular to point 4 thereof, the Consultative Working Party consisting of the respective legal<br />

services of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission met on 21 September 2010 for the purpose of<br />

examining, among others, the proposal submitted by the Commission.<br />

At that meeting, an examination of the amended proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council<br />

codifying the Third Council Directive 78/855/EEC of 9 October 1978 based on Article 54(3)(g) of the Treaty concerning<br />

mergers of public limited liability companies resulted in the Consultative Working Party’s concluding, without dissent,<br />

that the proposal is a straightforward codification of existing texts, without any change in their substance. With this in<br />

mind, we decided to support the proposal.<br />

2-176<br />

Recomendacíon: Gabriele Albertini (A7-0373/010)<br />

2-177<br />

Luís Paulo Alves (S&D), por escrito. − Aprovo a celebração do acordo Euro-Mediterrânico que cria uma Associação<br />

entre a Comunidade Europeia e os seus Estados-Membros, por um lado, e o Reino Hachemita da Jordânia, por outro, a fim<br />

de ter em conta a adesão da República da Bulgária e da Roménia à União Europeia e que foi aplicado a título provisório<br />

desde 1 de Janeiro de 2007.<br />

2-178<br />

George Becali (NI), în scris. − Am votat raportul, ca şi colegii mei. Dincolo de aspectul formal, e important sub aspectul<br />

rolului global al Europei unite în diverse zone, rol economic, dar şi politic. Printre acestea, zona mediteraneeană a fost şi<br />

rămâne zonă de interes strategic.<br />

2-179<br />

Maria Da Graça Carvalho (PPE), por escrito. − Congratulo-me com a aprovação desta resolução. Apoio a celebração de<br />

um Protocolo ao Acordo Euro-Mediterrânico que cria uma Associação entre a Comunidade Europeia e os seus Estados--<br />

Membros, por um lado, e o Reino Hachemita da Jordânia, por outro, a fim de ter em conta a adesão da República da<br />

Bulgária e da Roménia à União Europeia.<br />

2-180<br />

Diogo Feio (PPE), por escrito. − O texto da resolução legislativa que votámos foi objecto do processo simplificado<br />

previsto no artigo 46.º do Regimento. Creio que tal se justifica tendo em conta o carácter não contraditório da matéria a<br />

que a mesma respeita. O Acordo Euro-Mediterrânico entre as Comunidades Europeias e a Jordânia deve incluir a Bulgária<br />

e a Roménia, pelo que o protocolo proposto tem razão de ser válido e merecedor do apoio unânime do Parlamento<br />

Europeu.<br />

2-181<br />

José Manuel Fernandes (PPE), por escrito. − O Acordo Euro-Mediterrânico cria uma Associação entre a Comunidade<br />

Europeia e os seus Estados-Membros, por um lado, e o Reino Hachemita da Jordânia, por outro, pelo que o Protocolo vem<br />

actualizar o Acordo, tendo em conta a adesão da República da Bulgária e da Roménia à União Europeia, que foi aplicado a<br />

título provisório desde 1 de Janeiro de 2007. Na presente resolução legislativa, o Conselho apresenta ao Parlamento<br />

Europeu um pedido de aprovação do Protocolo. Não tendo nada a obstar à sua aprovação, votei favoravelmente.<br />

2-182<br />

David Martin (S&D), in writing. − I voted for this report, which is a simple piece of housekeeping updating the existing<br />

agreement to take into account the accession of Bulgaria and Romania. The proposal has no impact on the EU budget and<br />

is uncontroversial.<br />


18-01-2011 43<br />

Jean-Luc Mélenchon (GUE/NGL), par écrit. – Ce protocole n'est qu'une mise en conformité de l'accord euroméditerranéen<br />

d'association UE/Jordanie avec ce qui est en réalité appliqué depuis le 1er Janvier 2007. Duperie. La<br />

précipitation à mettre en place la zone de libre échange euro-méditerranéenne à l'horizon 2015 justifie tous les<br />

manquements aux principes démocratiques. Ces méthodes aveugles viennent de prouver leurs limites en Tunisie. Je vote<br />

contre ce texte.<br />

2-184<br />

Andreas Mölzer (NI), schriftlich. − Ich habe der Entschliessung zum Entwurf eines Beschlusses des Rates über den<br />

Abschluss eines Protokolls zum <strong>Europa</strong>-Mittelmeer-Abkommen zur Gründung einer Assoziation zwischen den<br />

Europäischen Gemeinschaften und ihren Mitgliedstaaten einerseits und dem Haschemitischen Königreich Jordanien<br />

andererseits zur Berücksichtigung des Beitritts der Republik Bulgarien und Rumäniens zur Europäischen Union<br />

zugestimmt, da alle Voraussetzungen gegeben waren und es sich hier in erster Linie um einen formalen Akt handelte.<br />

2-185<br />

Maria do Céu Patrão Neves (PPE), por escrito. − A presente recomendação sobre o projecto de decisão do Conselho<br />

relativa à celebração de um Protocolo ao Acordo Euro-Mediterrânico que cria uma Associação entre as Comunidades<br />

Europeias e os seus Estados-Membros, por um lado, e o Reino Hachemita da Jordânia, por outro, a fim de ter em conta a<br />

adesão da República da Bulgária e da Roménia à União Europeia, merece o meu voto favorável. De facto, é vital pugnar<br />

por uma política de vizinhança sólida, coerente e eficaz. Tendo o Conselho, nos termos legalmente previstos nos Tratados,<br />

apresentado ao Parlamento Europeu um pedido de aprovação do referido Protocolo, nada obsta à sua aprovação.<br />

2-186<br />

Aldo Patriciello (PPE), per iscritto. − Gli accordi euromediterranei trovano sempre più spazio nell'attività convenzionale<br />

europea. Pertanto nel caso di specie intendo approvare il progetto di risoluzione legislativa del Parlamento europeo relativo<br />

alla conclusione di un protocollo dell'accordo euromediterraneo che istituisce un'associazione tra le Comunità europee e i<br />

loro Stati membri, da una parte, e il Regno hascemita di Giordania, dall'altra, per tener conto dell'adesione della<br />

Repubblica di Bulgaria e della Romania all'Unione europea, rispetto al quale lo stesso Parlamento ha dato la sua<br />

approvazione affinché si concludesse il protocollo.<br />

La mia approvazione è oltremodo supportata da una serie di atti quali il progetto di decisione del Consiglio, il progetto di<br />

protocollo dell'accordo euromediterraneo che istituisce un'associazione tra le Comunità europee e i loro Stati membri, da<br />

una parte, e il Regno hascemita di Giordania, dall'altra, per tener conto dell'adesione della Repubblica di Bulgaria e della<br />

Romania all'Unione europea, la richiesta di approvazione presentata dal Consiglio a norma degli articoli 217 e 218,<br />

paragrafo 6, secondo comma, lettera a), del trattato sul funzionamento dell'Unione europea, gli articoli 81, 90, paragrafo 8<br />

e 46, paragrafo 1,del regolamento del PE, la raccomandazione della commissione per gli affari esteri.<br />

Alla luce di tutto ciò mi conformo alla linea cooperativa dell'UE.<br />

2-187<br />

Paulo Rangel (PPE), por escrito. − Votei favoravelmente a celebração deste protocolo, o qual se justifica inteiramente<br />

tendo em conta a necessidade de incluir a Bulgária e a Roménia como partes contratantes do Acordo Euro-Mediterrânico<br />

que cria uma Associação entre as Comunidades Europeias e os seus Estados-Membros, por um lado, e o Reino Hachemita<br />

da Jordânia, por outro, assinado em Bruxelas em 24 de Novembro de 1997 e que entrou em vigor em 1 de Maio de 2002.<br />

2-188<br />

Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE), in writing. − Having regard to the draft Council decision (06903/2010), having<br />

regard to the draft protocol to the Euro-Mediterranean agreement establishing an association between the European<br />

Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, of the other part, to take<br />

account of the accession of the Republic of Bulgaria and of Romania to the European Union (09373/2008), having regard<br />

to the request for consent submitted by the Council in accordance with Article 217 and Article 218(6), second<br />

subparagraph, point (a), of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (C7-0384/2010), having regard to Rules<br />

81, 90(8) and 46(1) of its Rules of Procedure, having regard to the recommendation of the Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(A7-0373/2010), the Verts/ALE Group agreed that Parliament should give its consent to the conclusion of the protocol.<br />

2-189<br />

Informe: Dieter-Lebrecht Koch (A7-0361/2010)<br />

2-190<br />

Maria Da Graça Carvalho (PPE), por escrito. − Recomendação sobre a proposta de decisão do Conselho relativa à<br />

celebração do Acordo entre a Comunidade Europeia e a União Económica e Monetária da África Ocidental sobre certos<br />

aspectos dos serviços aéreos. Manifestei o meu voto favoravelmente à resolução sobre um projecto de decisão do Conselho<br />

relativa à celebração do Acordo entre a Comunidade Europeia e a União Económica e Monetária da África Ocidental sobre<br />

certos aspectos dos serviços aéreos. Presentemente, a Comunidade tem competência exclusiva no que se refere a diversos<br />

aspectos da aviação externa. Neste sentido, o Conselho autorizou a Comissão a iniciar negociações com países terceiros, a<br />

fim de substituir determinadas disposições existentes em acordos bilaterais por acordos comunitários. A Comissão<br />

negociou um acordo com a União Económica e Monetária da África Ocidental que evita a discriminação entre

44 18-01-2011<br />

transportadoras aéreas da UE; permite a tributação do combustível para a aviação para operações efectuadas no território<br />

da União Europeia; e torna as disposições dos acordos bilaterais que são manifestamente anticoncorrenciais (acordos<br />

comerciais obrigatórios entre companhias aéreas) conformes com o direito comunitário da concorrência.<br />

2-191<br />

Diogo Feio (PPE), por escrito. − A transferência de competências dos Estados-Membros para as comunidades justificou a<br />

substituição de acordos bilaterais no tocante à aviação externa por novos acordos em que é parte a Comunidade Europeia.<br />

A resolução votada versa, precisamente, sobre questões deste teor e visa harmonizar os instrumentos jurídicointernacionais<br />

em vigor com a presente realidade da integração europeia, bem como adaptá-los às exigências adicionais<br />

decorrentes do Direito Comunitário. A matéria em questão é eminentemente técnica, implicando a substituição de acordos<br />

anteriormente em vigor por outros, não implicando qualquer contencioso nem discrepâncias ideológicas de monta. A<br />

unanimidade de votos favoráveis que recebeu em sede de comissão confirma esta interpretação. Ao plenário coube,<br />

portanto, ratificar uma decisão consensual. Votei-a favoravelmente.<br />

2-192<br />

José Manuel Fernandes (PPE), por escrito. − O relatório apresentado por Dieter-Lebrecht Koch sugere a celebração de<br />

um acordo entre a Comunidade Europeia e a União Económica e Monetária da África Ocidental no que respeita a alguns<br />

aspectos dos serviços aéreos. O espírito da União Europeia nos Tratados é de uniformizar os procedimentos em todo o<br />

território da UE. Assim, não faz sentido – tal como foi sentenciado pelo Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia – que, em<br />

matérias como esta, haja acordos bilaterais de serviços aéreos entre Estados-Membros da EU e Estados membros da União<br />

Económica e Monetária da África Ocidental. Saúdo, pois, a aprovação deste acordo, que virá reforçar os laços de coesão<br />

territorial europeia e induzir o respeito pelo direito comunitário da concorrência.<br />

2-193<br />

João Ferreira (GUE/NGL), por escrito. − No quadro concreto actual em que se desenvolve a actividade da aviação civil,<br />

esta proposta de acordo suscita-nos sérias dúvidas quanto ao seu alcance e possíveis consequências. Se até agora os<br />

Estados-Membros decidiam de forma soberana sobre a organização e alcance dos acordos a estabelecer neste domínio,<br />

com impactos evidentes nas companhias de transporte aéreo, num sector que é, por diversas razões, estratégico para a<br />

salvaguarda dos interesses nacionais, a partir de agora pretende-se que seja o mercado, também aqui, a imperar. Em<br />

especial, não podemos subestimar o facto da alegada criação de condições iguais às diversas companhias europeias poder<br />

concorrer para a facilitação da concentração monopolista no sector (processo já em curso) e para a redução da capacidade<br />

dos Estados-Membros defenderem as suas companhias de transporte aéreo de bandeira.<br />

A sempre referida e sacrossanta livre concorrência, defendida a todo o custo, volta a ser o pilar sobre o qual assenta esta<br />

iniciativa. As consequências, neste como noutros sectores, não diferem substancialmente: é a concentração monopolista<br />

que sempre se acaba por impor nestes cenários. Por estas razões, não votámos favoravelmente este relatório.<br />

2-194<br />

Juozas Imbrasas (EFD), raštu. − Balsavau už šį pranešimą, kadangi Bendrija turi išimtinę kompetenciją įvairių išorės<br />

aviacijos aspektų, kurie tradiciškai buvo reglamentuojami dvišaliais valstybių narių ir trečiųjų šalių susitarimais dėl oro<br />

susisiekimo paslaugų, atžvilgiu, todėl Bendrijos susitarimais turi būti pakeistos tam tikros dabartinių dvišalių susitarimų<br />

nuostatos, kurios yra 47 galiojančiuose dvišaliuose Europos Sąjungos valstybių narių ir Vakarų Afrikos ekonominės ir<br />

pinigų sąjungos valstybių susitarimuose dėl oro susisiekimo paslaugų. Siekiant išvengti ES oro vežėjų diskriminacijos,<br />

tradiciniai straipsniai dėl paskyrimų, kuriuose nurodomi dvišalį susitarimą pasirašiusių valstybių narių oro vežėjai,<br />

pakeičiami ES straipsniu dėl paskyrimo, kuriame nurodomi visi ES oro vežėjai. Taip pat tradiciniais dvišaliais susitarimais<br />

aviacinis kuras paprastai neapmokestinamas, pagal Tarybos direktyvą 2003/96/EB, pakeičiančią Bendrijos energetikos<br />

produktų ir elektros energijos mokesčių struktūrą, toks apmokestinimas leidžiamas, kai veikla vykdoma Europos Sąjungos<br />

teritorijoje. Be to, aiškiai antikonkurencinės dvišalių susitarimų nuostatos (privalomieji komerciniai oro vežėjų susitarimai)<br />

suderinamos su ES konkurencijos teise.<br />

2-195<br />

Jarosław Kalinowski (PPE), na piśmie. − Kraje afrykańskie położne w szczególnie trudnych warunkach geograficznych i<br />

klimatycznych wymagają specjalnego traktowania. Ale tym ludziom nie potrzeba tylko jedzenia i wody, oni również<br />

potrzebują edukacji, chcą godnie pracować i przemieszczać się. Umowa Unii Europejskiej z Unią Gospodarczą i<br />

Walutową Afryki Zachodniej, zastępując niektóre postanowienia wcześniejszych umów, znacznie ułatwia i czyni bardziej<br />

sprawiedliwymi rynkowo procedury transportu lotniczego między stronami umowy. Zapobiegnie to nieuczciwym<br />

praktykom monopolistów i ułatwi przemieszczanie się zwykłym obywatelom. Są to także nowe możliwości dla turystów z<br />

całego świata i wiążący się z nimi rozwój tej gałęzi gospodarki w Afryce.<br />

2-196<br />

Giovanni La Via (PPE), per iscritto. − Ho votato a favore della raccomandazione relativa alla conclusione dell'accordo<br />

tra la Comunità europea e l'Unione economica e monetaria dell'Africa occidentale su alcuni aspetti relativi ai servizi aerei.<br />

Si tratta di un accordo, negoziato dalla Commissione, volto a sostituire alcune disposizioni contenute nella vigente<br />

regolamentazione degli accordi bilaterali conclusi fra gli Stati membri dell'UE e gli Stati membri dell'Unione economica e<br />

monetaria dell'Africa occidentale. Fra le novità più importanti relative all'accordo votato oggi, mi preme ricordare le

18-01-2011 45<br />

disposizioni introdotte al fine di evitare discriminazioni tra i vettori aerei dell'Unione europea. Proprio a tale scopo, infatti,<br />

le clausole di designazione tradizionali riferite ai vettori degli Stati membri firmatari dell'accordo bilaterale sono state<br />

sostituite da una clausola di designazione dell'Unione Europea, riferita a tutti i vettori aerei dell'UE.<br />

2-197<br />

David Martin (S&D), in writing. − I voted to give consent to this Agreement. The Agreement is one of the horizontal air<br />

service agreements whose aim is to bring existing bilateral air service agreements in line with EU law. This is as a result of<br />

the 2003 ECJ decision that gave the Community exclusive competence in regard to various aspects of external aviation<br />

which had traditionally been governed by bilateral air service agreements. Just as with other horizontal air agreements, this<br />

Agreement provides for an EU designation clause permitting all EU carriers to benefit from the right of establishment,<br />

deals with safety issues and the taxation of aviation fuel and resolves potential conflicts with EU competition rules.<br />

2-198<br />

Jean-Luc Mélenchon (GUE/NGL), par écrit. – Non contente de diligenter en sous-main la division des intégrations<br />

régionales africaines comme ailleurs dans le monde, l'Union européenne impose désormais son diktat néolibéral jusque<br />

dans le ciel d'Afrique. Les leurres de la Commission ne le cachent que trop mal.<br />

Cet accord n'a "pas pour objectif d'augmenter le volume total du trafic aérien"? Mais l'absence totale de freins à une telle<br />

augmentation du trafic est certaine!<br />

Cet accord "n'empêche pas un État d'imposer des impôts, droits, taxes ou redevances sur le carburant"? Mais l'efficacité<br />

écologique est réduite à néant par les restrictions qui lui sont imposées!<br />

De fait, là où les États décidaient souverainement de l'organisation de leurs accords d'accès avec les compagnies, seul le<br />

marché décidera désormais.<br />

2-199<br />

Nuno Melo (PPE), por escrito. − A existência de 47 acordos bilaterais entre Estados-Membros da UE e Estados membros<br />

da União Económica e Monetária da África Ocidental é manifestamente desadequada para enquadrar os diversos aspectos<br />

dos serviços aéreos. Assim sendo, este acordo é bem-vindo a fim de substituir determinadas disposições existentes em<br />

acordos bilaterais por acordos comunitários. São de salientar neste acordo as matérias referentes à não discriminação das<br />

transportadoras aéreas europeias e à tributação do combustível aéreo de acordo com a respectiva directiva sobre a<br />

tributação dos produtos energéticos e da electricidade. Destaca-se também a conformidade das disposições dos acordos<br />

com o direito comunitário da concorrência.<br />

2-200<br />

Louis Michel (ALDE), par écrit. – Cet accord vise à remplacer certaines dispositions des 47 accords bilatéraux existants<br />

en matière de services aériens conclus entre les États membres et l'Union économique et monétaire ouest-africaine. Il est<br />

en effet judicieux d'harmoniser les différentes dispositions des accords existants par un accord communautaire de type<br />

horizontal. Il rétablira une sécurité juridique pour les accords bilatéraux sur les services aériens conclus entre les États<br />

membres de l'UEMOA et de l'Union européenne et permettra aussi de ne pas léser des États membres qui n'auraient pas<br />

signé d'accord bilatéral avec un des États de l'UEMOA. Il évitera toute discrimination entre transporteurs en ce qui<br />

concerne la désignation ou la taxation du carburant d'aviation.<br />

Les dispositions des accords bilatéraux qui sont anticoncurrentielles sont mises en conformité avec le droit européen de la<br />

concurrence. L'accord consolidera les relations euro-africaines en matière de transport aérien et favorisera la coopération<br />

entre l'Union européenne et l'UEMOA dans le domaine de l'aviation, notamment en matière de sécurité et de sûreté.<br />

2-201<br />

Andreas Mölzer (NI), schriftlich. − Um eine einheitliche Ausgangsbasis für die Flüge in Länder außerhalb der EU zu<br />

schaffen und in weiterer Folge Rechtssicherheit garantieren zu können, müssen alle bilateralen Abkommen überprüft<br />

werden. Durch die Ermächtigung des Rates, hat die Kommission mit der Westafrikanischen Wirtschafts- und<br />

Währungsunion ein Abkommen ausgehandelt, das 47 bestehende bilaterale Luftverkehrsabkommen der Mitgliedsstaaten<br />

der EU bzw. der Westafrikanischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion ersetzt. Ich gebe dem Bericht meine Stimme, da ein<br />

allgemein gültiges Abkommen in diesem Zusammenhang durchaus sinnvoll ist.<br />

2-202<br />

Franz Obermayr (NI), schriftlich. − Diese Vereinbarung ersetzt bloß die 47 bilateralen Verträge mit den verschiedenen<br />

Mitgliedstaaten, die EU erlangt dadurch mehr außenpolitische Kompetenzen. Ich habe daher gegen den Bericht gestimmt.<br />

2-203<br />

Maria do Céu Patrão Neves (PPE), por escrito. − O presente relatório refere-se a um projecto de decisão do Conselho<br />

relativo à celebração do Acordo entre a Comunidade Europeia e a União Económica e Monetária da África Ocidental<br />

sobre alguns aspectos relativos aos serviços aéreos. Com base na actual competência exclusiva da União Europeia nesta<br />

matéria, o Conselho autorizou a Comissão a encetar negociações com países terceiros, de forma a substituir os tradicionais<br />

acordos bilaterais de serviços aéreos entre os Estados-Membros e países terceiros. O projecto de acordo foi analisado pela

46 18-01-2011<br />

Comissão dos Transportes e do Turismo, que emitiu um parecer favorável, do qual destaco, entre outros pontos, a criação<br />

de uma cláusula de designação comunitária, para evitar discriminação entre transportadoras aéreas da UE e a tributação do<br />

combustível para a aviação nas operações efectuadas no território da União Europeia. Estes dois pontos, que destaco no<br />

parecer favorável da Comissão dos Transportes, motivam o meu voto favorável ao presente relatório.<br />

2-204<br />

Aldo Patriciello (PPE), per iscritto. − La Comunità ha competenza esclusiva in politica esterna in materia di trasporto<br />

aereo, tradizionalmente disciplinata da accordi bilaterali relativi ai servizi aerei conclusi tra Stati membri e paesi terzi.<br />

Nel giugno 2003 la Commissione ha avviato negoziati con i paesi terzi al fine di sostituire con accordi comunitari alcune<br />

disposizioni figuranti in quelli bilaterali esistenti. Tra questi emerge un accordo che sostituisce i 47 vigenti accordi<br />

bilaterali sui servizi aerei conclusi tra gli Stati membri dell'UE e l'Unione economica e monetaria dell'Africa occidentale. I<br />

principali punti dell'accordo sono: clausola di designazione, con cui si sostituisce l'accordo bilaterale per il quale si evitano<br />

discriminazioni tra vettori aerei dell'Unione europea; tassazione del carburante per aeromobili in generale sul territorio<br />

dell'UE; l'art. 6 che conforma alle norme concorrenziali europee gli accordi commerciali tra linee aeree.<br />

L'accordo negoziato dalla Commissione è stato approvato in via provvisoria il 30 novembre 2009. Forte anche della<br />

giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia orientata nel senso di una competenza esclusivamente comunitaria, cari colleghi,<br />

sono estremamente favorevole alla rinegoziazione di tali accordi sia perché vanno verso una sempre più indispensabile<br />

sovranità comunitaria sia perché tale progetto di decisione si conforma alle norme concorrenziali e budgetarie in ambito<br />

UE.<br />

2-205<br />

Paulo Rangel (PPE), por escrito. − Votei favoravelmente a celebração deste acordo, que, no quadro da competência<br />

exclusiva reconhecida à UE no que se refere a diversos aspectos da aviação externa, se destina a substituir certas<br />

disposições dos actuais 47 acordos bilaterais de serviços aéreos entre Estados-Membros da UE e Estados membros da<br />

União Económica e Monetária da África Ocidental, por forma a compatibilizá-las com o direito comunitário.<br />

2-206<br />

Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE), in writing. − As the Court of Justice of the European Communities has ruled, the<br />

Community has exclusive competence with respect to various aspects of external aviation which were traditionally<br />

governed by bilateral air services agreements between Member States and third countries. Consequently, the Council<br />

authorised the Commission in June 2003 to open negotiations with third countries in order to replace certain provisions in<br />

existing bilateral agreements with Community agreements. Thus, the Commission has negotiated an Agreement with the<br />

West African Economic and Monetary Union that replaces certain provisions in the existing 47 bilateral air services<br />

agreements concluded between EU Member States and Member States of the West African Economic and Monetary<br />

Union.<br />

Parliament is entitled to give its consent to the conclusion of this Agreement in accordance with Rule 81 of the Rules of<br />

Procedure. Parliament shall take a decision by means of a single vote, and no amendments to the agreement itself may be<br />

tabled. On the basis of the above, the rapporteur suggested that the Committee on Transport and Tourism, first, and then<br />

Parliament as a whole, should give a favourable opinion on the conclusion of this Agreement. The Verts/ALE Group did<br />

so.<br />

2-207<br />

Nuno Teixeira (PPE), por escrito. − A competência exclusiva em certos domínios da aviação externa, estabelecida em<br />

2003 no acórdão Céu Aberto, permite à Comissão Europeia negociar acordos com países terceiros, de forma a adequar o<br />

mercado da aviação europeia às regras comunitárias e, simultaneamente, torná-lo competitivo e transparente. Congratulo a<br />

aprovação deste acordo com os Estados membros da União Económica e Monetária da África Ocidental, considerando<br />

essencial que a União Europeia apresente uma política de coerência neste sector da aviação externa, reduzindo de forma<br />

gradual as diversas disposições dos actuais acordos bilaterais de serviços aéreos entre ambas as partes.<br />

Saliento no acordo a cláusula de não discriminação entre transportadoras aéreas europeias, a tributação do combustível<br />

aéreo de acordo com a directiva sobre a tributação dos produtos energéticos e da electricidade, a conformidade das<br />

disposições dos acordos bilaterais com o direito comunitário da concorrência e o controlo regulamentar, medidas que irão<br />

permitir a abertura dos mercados e, consequentemente, a criação de oportunidades de investimento para ambas as partes.<br />

Estes acordos deverão ser compreendidos como uma forma de estreitar a cooperação estratégica entre ambas as<br />

organizações.<br />

2-208<br />

Recomendacíon para la segunda lectura: Catherine Stihler (A7-0343/010)<br />

2-209<br />

Luís Paulo Alves (S&D), por escrito. − Concordo com a necessidade de tomar medidas relativamente ao sector da<br />

construção, sendo este sector bastante importante para a economia europeia (10 % do PIB) e representando cerca de<br />

65 000 PME com menos de 250 empregados. Esta proposta pretende, por um lado, garantir um elevado nível de segurança

18-01-2011 47<br />

para os produtos de construção e, por outro, melhorar as condições de saúde e segurança dos trabalhadores no sector.<br />

Actualmente, as trocas comerciais no mercado interno são prejudicadas por regras técnicas nacionais que condicionam a<br />

livre circulação de bens e serviços no sector da construção, sendo por esta razão necessária a revisão da Directiva<br />

89/106/CEE sobre Produtos de Construção.<br />

A proposta de regulamento sobre condições harmonizadas para a comercialização dos produtos de construção pode ser um<br />

importante marco no sentido de actualizar, simplificar e substituir a directiva respectiva à luz das novas circunstâncias no<br />

que respeita à vigilância do mercado, incluindo o novo quadro legislativo.<br />

2-210<br />

Laima Liucija Andrikienė (PPE), raštu. − Pritariau šiam dokumentui, nes dėl statybos produktų rinkodaros ES dydžio ir<br />

vis dar tebeegzistuojančių kliūčių prekybai statybos sektoriuje svarbu imtis neatidėliotinų veiksmų. Turint omenyje, jog<br />

statybos sektorius yra viena svarbiausių Europos pramonės šakų, kurioje sukuriama 10 proc. BVP ir yra įdarbinta 12<br />

milijonų ES piliečių, tinkamas reglamentavimas yra būtinas. Manau, kad šiuo pasiūlymu dėl reglamento, kuriuo<br />

nustatomos darnios statybos produktų rinkodaros sąlygos, bus galima atnaujinti, supaprastinti ir pakeisti Statybos produktų<br />

direktyvą atsižvelgiant į pasikeitusias aplinkybes, susijusias su, pavyzdžiui, rinkos priežiūra, įskaitant naująją teisinę<br />

sistemą.<br />

2-211<br />

Sophie Auconie (PPE), par écrit. – Même si les conditions de travail se sont améliorées ces dernières décennies dans le<br />

domaine du bâtiment, l’Union européenne doit se donner les moyens de rester en pointe dans la qualité des conditions de<br />

travail. Aussi ai-je voté pour ce règlement établissant des conditions harmonisées de commercialisation pour les produits<br />

de construction. Pour assurer un niveau élevé de protection de la santé et de la sécurité des travailleurs et des autres<br />

utilisateurs de produits de construction, il est nécessaire d'inclure l'étiquetage des substances dangereuses dans la nouvelle<br />

réglementation relative à la commercialisation des produits de construction. Ce règlement actualise et remplace les règles<br />

actuelles afin de diminuer la bureaucratie et renforcer la transparence, notamment à travers de nouvelles procédures<br />

simplifiées d'évaluation des performances pour les petites entreprises.<br />

2-212<br />

Zigmantas Balčytis (S&D), raštu. − Balsavau už šį dokumentą . Statybos sektorius yra viena svarbiausių Europos<br />

pramonės šakų, kurioje sukuriama 10 proc. BVP ir kuris sudaro 50,5 proc. bendrojo pagrindinio kapitalo. Sektoriuje<br />

tiesiogiai įdarbinta 12 milijonų ES piliečių ir papildomai sukuriama dar 26 milijonai darbo vietų kituose sektoriuose. Dėl<br />

ekonomikos nuosmukio ES statybos pramonė patyrė rimtą smūgį, visoje ES bankrutavo daug bendrovių ir darbuotojai<br />

prarado pragyvenimo šaltinius. Taip pat Sąjungoje išlieka kliūtys prekybai statybos sektoriuje, nes valstybės narės vis dar<br />

naudoja nacionalines technines taisykles siekdamos užkirsti kelią laisvam statybos sektoriaus prekių ir paslaugų judėjimui<br />

Atsižvelgiant į tai, Statybos produktų direktyvos peržiūra, yra labai reikalingas postūmis, kuris turėtų padėti sektoriui<br />

panaikinant prekybos kliūtis gamintojams, tokiu būdu padedant įmonėms išlikti versle ir darbuotojams išsaugoti darbo<br />

vietas. Naikinant administracines kliūtis labai svarbu užtikrinti techninio vertinimo įstaigų nepriklausomumą ir skaidrumą,<br />

todėl palaikau siūlymą, kad siekiant išvengti interesų konfliktų turėtų būti parengti skaidrumo standartai ir užtikrintas visų<br />

suinteresuotųjų subjektų dalyvavimas Europos standartizacijos institucijų techniniuose komitetuose.<br />

2-213<br />

George Becali (NI), în scris. − Aşa cum subliniam şi în intervenţia de ieri, am votat în favoarea acestui raport. Avem<br />

nevoie să progresăm în demersul de armonizare pe piaţa globală a construcţiilor. Mă refer la ceea ce ţine de siguranţa<br />

lucrătorilor, de migraţia lor, dar şi la siguranţa materialelor de construcţie pentru sănătatea noastră. Cu privire la viitoarele<br />

puncte de informare despre materialele de construcţii, îmi doresc foarte mult ca ele să ofere informaţie obiectivă, să fie<br />

funcţionale cât mai curând în statele membre şi să aibă sprijin financiar, pentru a fi utile cetăţenilor şi firmelor interesate.<br />

Sper ca noua reglementare să producă efecte cât mai rapide şi să constatăm noi, ca oameni, că am făcut progrese şi că<br />

domeniul construcţiilor în ansamblu nu mai e unul din cele mai periculoase domenii de activitate.<br />

2-214<br />

Jean-Luc Bennahmias (ALDE), par écrit. – L'étiquetage et l'information sur les substances dangereuses contenues dans<br />

les produits de toutes sortes, qu'ils soient chimiques ou de construction, est un des acquis de l'Union européenne.<br />

Depuis le règlement REACH, l'UE a fait les preuves de sa valeur ajoutée dans le domaine de la sécurité et la transparence<br />

des produits dits dangereux. Une nouvelle fois, à Strasbourg, nous avons voté un règlement qui harmonise les conditions<br />

de commercialisation pour les produits de construction et obtenu que la "déclaration de performance" de chaque produit<br />

comporte des informations sur les substances dangereuses.<br />

La santé et la sécurité sont des priorités et nous devons nous féliciter que les normes européennes permettent ce haut<br />

niveau de transparence et de sécurité. Cependant, si notre marché intérieur est désormais sécurisé, qu'en est-il du marché<br />

mondialisé dans lequel nous nous trouvons? Il nous faut agir maintenant sur nos partenaires extérieurs à l'UE qui n'ont pas<br />

forcément ce même niveau de normes!<br />


48 18-01-2011<br />

Sebastian Valentin Bodu (PPE), în scris. − Nevoia de a acționa în ceea ce privește comercializarea produselor pentru<br />

construcții în UE este de o importanță crucială având în vedere dimensiunile acestui sector. Sectorul construcțiilor<br />

constituie una dintre cele mai importante industrii din <strong>Europa</strong>, reprezentând 10% din PIB și 50,5% din capitalul fix brut.<br />

Acest sector asigură, în mod direct, încadrarea în muncă a 12 milioane de cetățeni ai UE, alți 26 de milioane de lucrători<br />

depinzând de acest sector. Recesiunea economică a afectat grav industria construcţiilor din UE, o serie de întreprinderi din<br />

UE ajungând în faliment și numeroşi lucrători pierzându-şi mijloacele de existenţă. Este şi cazul României unde, după un<br />

boom al pieţei construcţiilor, construcţiile se confruntă cu o acută lipsă de comenzi. Specialiştii apreciază că 2011 nu va<br />

aduce revenirea pieţei construcţiilor, ba chiar apreciază că ar putea înregistra valori minime, raportat la ultimul deceniu.<br />

În aceste condiţii, orice măsură care poate fi luată pentru a sprijini sectorul construcțiilor reprezintă o contribuție binevenită.<br />

În acest context, revizuirea Directivei privind produsele pentru construcții ar trebui să sprijine sectorul prin<br />

înlăturarea barierelor comerciale cu care se confruntă fabricanții și, astfel, ar ajuta întreprinderile să își desfășoare în<br />

continuare activitatea și lucrătorii să își păstreze locurile de muncă.<br />

2-216<br />

Zuzana Brzobohatá (S&D), písemně. − Stavebnictví představuje z hlediska tvorby HDP 10 % ekonomického výkonu<br />

Evropské unie. Trh se stavebnictvím stále ještě vykazuje celou řadu překážek, které brání plnému rozvoji jednotného trhu.<br />

Cílem předloženého nařízení je novelizovat stávající směrnici a dosáhnout tak zjednodušení v podmínkách uvádění<br />

stavebních výrobků na trh. Jde především o oblast dozoru nad trhem a o společný rámec pro uvádění stavebních výrobků<br />

na trh. Cílem novelizace směrnice je v době hospodářského poklesu pomoci odvětví stavebnictví při odstraňování<br />

obchodních překážek, čímž dojde k zachování pracovních míst a udržení celé řady stavebních podniků, které by jinak<br />

ekonomicky hospodářský pokles nevydržely. Rada ve svém postoji v prvním čtení vypustila pozměňovací návrhy<br />

Parlamentu, které směřovaly k povinnosti uvádět nebezpečné látky obsažené ve stavebních výrobcích (např. azbest). Toto<br />

považuji za velmi nebezpečné, a proto také podporuji předloženou zprávu, neboť znovu předkládá povinnost stavebních<br />

firem uvádět nebezpečné látky obsažené ve stavebních výrobcích. Je třeba chránit zdraví občanů. V neposlední řadě<br />

oceňuji snahu, aby členské státy zajistily nezávislost zástupců ve Stálém výboru pro stavebnictví, který posuzuje a ověřuje<br />

stálost vlastností stavebních výrobků. Zpráva dále mimo jiné obsahuje pozměňovací návrhy zvyšující bezpečnost a<br />

ochranu zdraví nejen zaměstnanců ve stavebnictví, ale i uživatelů staveb samotných. Nejen z výše uvedených důvodů jsem<br />

se rozhodla zprávu podpořit.<br />

2-217<br />

Maria Da Graça Carvalho (PPE), por escrito. − Dei o meu voto favorável à presente proposta de regulamento porque<br />

estabelece condições harmonizadas para a comercialização dos produtos de construção e visa actualizar, simplificar e<br />

substituir a Directiva relativa aos produtos de construção à luz de uma nova situação, nomeadamente no tocante à<br />

fiscalização do mercado, incluindo o novo quadro legislativo. Atendendo à dimensão do sector da construção, urge tomar<br />

medidas relativamente à comercialização dos produtos de construção na UE. Apoio o reconhecimento da necessidade de<br />

haver níveis elevados de saúde e de segurança para os trabalhadores deste sector. Esta proposta eliminará os obstáculos ao<br />

comércio para os fabricantes e, por outro lado, ajudará as empresas a prosseguirem com a sua actividade e os trabalhadores<br />

a manterem os seus postos de trabalho.<br />

2-218<br />

Vasilica Viorica Dăncilă (S&D), în scris. − Regulamentul privind armonizarea comercializării produselor de construcţie<br />

reprezintă un pas înainte în calea îmbunătăţirii funcţionării pieţei interne în domeniu şi a liberei circulaţii a produselor de<br />

construcţie. Un punct important îl reprezintă totodată faptul că aplicarea regulamentului va contribui la minimizarea<br />

apariţiei neconformităţilor neintenţionate ale produselor pentru construcţii cu declaraţia lor de performanţă, lucru care va<br />

determina minimalizarea pierderilor materiale. Prevenirea riscului de neconformitate este necesar pentru evitarea<br />

introducerii pe piaţă în vederea comercializării a unor produse care nu corespund cerinţelor prezentului regulament, vizând<br />

asigurarea performanţei produselor pentru construcţii şi respectarea cerinţelor fundamentale aplicabile construcţiilor.<br />

2-219<br />

Robert Dušek (S&D), písemně. − Návrh doporučení o stanovení harmonizovaných podmínek pro uvádění stavebních<br />

výrobků na trh požaduje nejvyšší možnou míru ochrany pracovníků i osob, které stavby využívají. Souhlasím s postojem<br />

navrhovatelky, že je bezpodmínečně nutné moci vysledovat možné nebezpečné látky ve stavebních výrobcích, a podporuji<br />

pozměňovací návrhy o nutnosti uvádět na stavebních výrobcích údaje o nebezpečných látkách. Nechápu postoj Rady, která<br />

toto z původního návrhu zcela vypustila. Pro lepší informovanost o nových i stávajících stavebních výrobcích by měla být<br />

zřízena tzv. kontaktní místa, která musí být nestranná, tzn. personálně i finančně nezávislá na orgánech zapojených do<br />

procesu získávání označení CE. Výjimek z nutnosti nést označení CE předložila Rada příliš mnoho, tyto výjimky je<br />

nezbytné revidovat a maximálně omezit, jinak by celý systém označování CE ztrácel na významu. Návrh nařízení v<br />

upravené podobě podporuji a budu pro jeho přijetí hlasovat.<br />

2-220<br />

Edite Estrela (S&D), por escrito. − Votei favoravelmente este relatório por defender que é necessário reduzir os entraves<br />

que afectam o comércio no sector da construção. A actual recessão económica prejudicou gravemente este sector. O<br />

Regulamento proposto, que substituirá a Directiva actualmente em vigor, irá ajudar a inverter a situação. Por um lado, a

18-01-2011 49<br />

eliminação dos obstáculos ao comércio para os fabricantes ajudará as empresas a prosseguirem com a sua actividade e, por<br />

outro, contribuirá para que os trabalhadores mantenham os seus postos de trabalho.<br />

2-221<br />

Diogo Feio (PPE), por escrito. − De acordo com os dados do Relatório, que cito: o sector da construção é um dos maiores<br />

sectores industriais da <strong>Europa</strong>, representando 10% do PIB e 50,5% do capital bruto fixo. Este sector não só emprega<br />

directamente 12 milhões de cidadãos comunitários como 26 milhões de trabalhadores dependem do mesmo. Alem disso,<br />

cerca de 92% dos fabricantes de materiais de construção, isto e, 65 mil empresas, são PME com menos de 250<br />

empregados. Estes números dão a real dimensão da importância do sector da construção para a economia europeia. Por<br />

isso mesmo são necessárias regras comuns que regulem o sector e permitam o correcto funcionamento do mercado interno.<br />

2-222<br />

José Manuel Fernandes (PPE), por escrito. − Esta proposta de regulamento pretende harmonizar a comercialização dos<br />

materiais de construção, actualizando e simplificando a actual directiva, tendo em conta o novo quadro legislativo<br />

(Regulamento (CE) n.º 765/2008 e Decisão n.º 768/2008/CE). Debruça-se sobre vários aspectos, tais como: Declaração de<br />

Desempenho e marcação CE, transporte de substâncias perigosas, pontos de contacto nacionais para a obtenção de<br />

informação sobre produtos de construção, independência e transparência de todos os organismos que intervêm nesta área,<br />

reciclagem dos produtos de construção, maior atenção às questões de saúde e segurança, melhoramento das comunicações<br />

electrónicas e introdução de novos métodos informáticos. Aprovo este regulamento que, de certeza, virá aumentar a<br />

segurança no transporte destes produtos, proteger a saúde e reforçar as condições de segurança de todos os trabalhadores<br />

do sector e contribuir para o abandono, ainda que progressivo, de práticas inimigas do ambiente.<br />

2-223<br />

Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. − Apesar de alguns aspectos positivos incluídos na segunda leitura deste<br />

relatório e no acordo final com o Conselho, é preciso não esquecer que este se centra no princípio da consolidação do<br />

mercado único.<br />

Neste contexto, trata-se da adopção de um regulamento com vista a estabelecer condições harmonizadas para a<br />

comercialização de produtos para a construção. Isto é, estabelece as regras que as empresas e os Estados-Membros devem<br />

cumprir para os seus produtos poderem entrar no mercado da União Europeia.<br />

Em certos aspectos, creio que todos podemos concordar, designadamente quando se trata de defender a saúde e a<br />

segurança, incluindo dos trabalhadores, mas também dos relacionados com a utilização do produto durante o seu ciclo de<br />

vida, sobretudo quando se trata de substâncias perigosas.<br />

Mas não podemos estar de acordo com decisões que venham a pôr em causa a produção destes produtos em países de<br />

economias mais frágeis ou PME que tenham dificuldade de adaptação, sem quaisquer apoios prévios, apenas para defender<br />

os interesses de grupos económicos europeus que, de facto, pretendem dominar o mercado.<br />

2-224<br />

Lorenzo Fontana (EFD), per iscritto. − L'evoluzione verso la liberalizzazione dei prodotti da costruzione nel settore<br />

edilizio rappresenta una delle istanze di maggior sensibilità da parte delle piccole e medie imprese. Considerata la<br />

generalizzata importanza del settore edile in tutti gli Stati membri, ritengo una ulteriore liberalizzazione un passo avanti<br />

necessario. Plaudo, in particolare, all'abbattimento di alcuni vincoli burocratici e alla necessaria tracciabilità dei beni<br />

contenenti sostanze potenzialmente nocive per la salute umana. Per questo motivo, ritengo di appoggiare la<br />

raccomandazione della collega Stihler.<br />

2-225<br />

Małgorzata Handzlik (PPE), na piśmie. − Funkcjonowanie rynku wewnętrznego nadal ograniczone jest licznymi<br />

barierami. Dlatego też z zadowoleniem przyjmuję przyjęcie rozporządzenia dotyczącego wprowadzania do obrotu<br />

towarów budowlanych. Rozporządzenie to powinno przyczynić się do łatwiejszego przepływu towarów budowlanych<br />

pomiędzy państwami członkowskimi.<br />

Rozporządzenie wprowadza ponadto ważne zapisy z punktu widzenia ułatwień dla przedsiębiorstw. Po pierwsze,<br />

zobowiązuje ono państwa członkowskie do utworzenia punktów kontaktowych ds. produktów, w których przedsiębiorcy<br />

będą mogli uzyskać informacje na temat produktów budowlanych. Zawiera ono także przepisy, które powinny pomóc<br />

najmniejszym przedsiębiorstwom sprostać nowym wymogom związanym ze sporządzaniem deklaracji właściwości<br />

użytkowych i z oznakowaniem CE. Niemniej jednak nie powinniśmy zapominać, iż przepisy rozporządzenia to szereg<br />

nowych obowiązków związanych z wymogiem umieszczania oznakowania CE oraz ze sporządzaniem deklaracji<br />

właściwości użytkowych, która będzie musiała zawierać także informacje na temat substancji niebezpiecznych zawartych<br />

w wyrobach budowlanych.<br />

Mam nadzieję, że zarówno Komisja Europejska, jak i państwa członkowskie dołożą wszelkich starań, aby informacja o<br />

nowych przepisach jak najszybciej trafiła do wiadomości producentów, aby mogli oni jak najszybciej zacząć<br />

przygotowania i dostosowania do przepisów nowego rozporządzenia.

50 18-01-2011<br />

2-226<br />

Juozas Imbrasas (EFD), raštu. − Pritariau šiam pasiūlymui, nes statybos sektorius yra viena svarbiausių Europos<br />

pramonės šakų, kurioje sukuriama 10 proc. BVP, tiesiogiai įdarbinta 12 milijonų ES piliečių ir nuo jos priklauso 26<br />

milijonai darbuotojų. Be to, apie 92 proc. statybines medžiagas gaminančių įmonių yra mažos ir vidutinės įmonės (MVĮ).<br />

Kadangi MVĮ yra kertinis mūsų ekonomikos akmuo, šiame pasiūlyme privaloma pripažinti jų vaidmenį ir poreikius.<br />

Statybos produktų direktyvos (89/106/EEB) peržiūra yra labai reikalingas postūmis, kuris turėtų padėti sektoriui<br />

panaikinant prekybos kliūtis gamintojams, tokiu būdu padedant įmonėms išlikti versle ir darbuotojams išsaugoti darbo<br />

vietas. Pasiūlymas dėl reglamento, kuriuo nustatomos darnios statybos produktų rinkodaros sąlygos (COM(2008)311), yra<br />

skirtas atnaujinti, supaprastinti ir pakeisti Statybos produktų direktyvą atsižvelgiant į pasikeitusias aplinkybes. Džiugu, kad<br />

yra atkreipiamas dėmesys ir ypatingas susirūpinimas dėl kenksmingų medžiagų šiuose produktuose, galėjimas atsekti<br />

pavojingas medžiagas produktuose yra itin svarbus. Jei būtume žinoję, kuriose pastatų vietose esama asbesto, statybų<br />

darbininkai ir pastatų gyventojai nebūtų kentę nuo tokių ligų, kaip mezotelioma. Siekiant sveikatos ir saugos bei<br />

skaidrumo ateityje, svarbu dar kartą pateikti pakeitimus dėl pavojingų medžiagų (7, 17 ir 49 pakeitimai).<br />

2-227<br />

Eija-Riitta Korhola (PPE), kirjallinen. − Arvoisa puhemies, on korkea aika uudistaa ja korvata rakennusalan tuotteita<br />

koskeva direktiivi toimivammalla asetuksella, jolla voimme konkreettisesti varmistaa rakennustuotteiden vapaan<br />

liikkuvuuden sisämarkkinoilla. Komissio on oikeassa aloitteessaan helpottaa olemassa olevan direktiivin käytännön<br />

toteutusta ja tehostaa sen täytäntöönpanoa. Rakennustuotteet poikkeavat selkeästi muista tuotteista, joiden liikkuvuutta<br />

sisämarkkinoilla on direktiivein ohjattu. Siinä missä direktiiveissä yleensä yhdenmukaistetaan tuotteen<br />

turvallisuusvaatimuksia, rakennustuotteet ovat välituotteita, jotka on tarkoitus liittää rakennuskohteeseen, ja tästä<br />

erityispiirteestä johtuen rakennustuotedirektiivin tavoitteet saavutetaan määrittelemällä onnistuneesti yhdenmukaistetut<br />

keinot, joilla tuotteen suoritustaso ilmaistaan tarkasti ja luotettavasti. Tältä osin uusi asetus tuo ison parannuksen.<br />

Erilaiset olosuhteet eri puolilla Eurooppaa on tärkeää ottaa huomioon myös paikallisesti toimivien mikroyritysten<br />

elinkelpoisuuden säilyttämiseksi. Jäsenmaat asettavat luonnollisesti toisistaan poikkeavia rakennuskohdetta koskevia<br />

vaatimuksia ilmastollisista olosuhteista johtuen. On kuitenkin tärkeää kiinnittää huomiota turhiin testausvaatimuksiin ja<br />

poistaa niitä, jotta voimme vähentää tarpeetonta hallinnollista taakkaa. Uskon, että tämä asetus sekä tehostaa<br />

sisämarkkinoiden toimintaa että parantaa rakennustuotteiden standardisointiprosessia Euroopassa. Tämän vuoksi äänestin<br />

asetuksen puolesta.<br />

2-228<br />

Edvard Kožušník (ECR), písemně. − Podporuji tento nový přístup, kdy není cílem právní úpravy vymezování<br />

bezpečnosti výrobků, ale vytvoření transparentního prostředí, v němž budou podávány spolehlivé informace o vlastnostech<br />

výrobků. Oceňuji také skutečnost, že Evropský parlament se rozhodl preferovat elektronickou podobu dokumentů,<br />

konkrétně se jedná o prohlášení o vlastnostech připojovaná k výrobkům uváděným na trh. Ve věci pozměňovacího návrhu<br />

č. 45 týkajícího se článku 17 mám však určité pochybnosti o legislativní systematičnosti. Sice podporuji navržený princip<br />

spravedlivého a vyváženého zastoupení různých druhů zúčastněných stran v procesu vytváření harmonizovaných norem,<br />

avšak jsem toho názoru, že tato problematika by měla být řešena komplexně v rámci revize systému evropské<br />

standardizace, a nikoliv nesystémově v jednotlivých právních aktech. Takto zvolený postup dle mého povede k<br />

nepřehlednosti právního řádu.<br />

2-229<br />

Giovanni La Via (PPE), per iscritto. − Ho sostenuto la relazione della collega Stihler in vista dell'adozione del<br />

regolamento che fissa condizioni armonizzate per la commercializzazione dei prodotti da costruzione, perché ritengo il<br />

settore edile molto importante per l'economia europea. In tale contesto, la realizzazione di un alto livello di<br />

armonizzazione delle regole sui prodotti da costruzione costituisce un obiettivo che l'<strong>Europa</strong> deve imporsi di raggiungere<br />

in breve tempo. Ed in effetti, in un momento come quello odierno, in cui si pone l'esigenza di stimolare la crescita<br />

economica, non possiamo trascurare il ruolo strategico di questo settore. L'obiettivo della proposta è quello di garantire<br />

informazioni precise e affidabili sui prodotti da costruzione in relazione alle loro prestazioni, al fine di poter fare<br />

affidamento su edifici sicuri, costruiti con materiali rispettosi della salute umana. Credo, inoltre, essenziali i passi in avanti<br />

compiuti in materia di sicurezza sul lavoro, per tutelare i milioni di cittadini europei impiegati in questo settore,<br />

assicurando loro un adeguato livello di tutela.<br />

2-230<br />

David Martin (S&D), in writing. − I wish to congratulate my Scottish colleague Catherine Stihler on her good work on<br />

this very technical subject. I voted for the report, which should ensure more transparency for bodies that create standards<br />

in the construction industry, places an emphasis on recycling and gives SMEs an easier route to the single market with<br />

simplified procedures.<br />

2-231<br />

Nuno Melo (PPE), por escrito. − O forte peso do sector da construção civil no PIB da UE, representando cerca de 10 %<br />

do mesmo e cerca de 50,5 % do capital bruto fixo, segundo informação do relator, justifica as condições de harmonização<br />

aqui aprovadas. A recente recessão económica trouxe graves problemas a esta indústria, com falências de empresas e<br />

trabalhadores a perderem os seus empregos. Daí que qualquer medida que seja tomada para ajudar este sector é muito

18-01-2011 51<br />

importante. Neste contexto, a revisão da Directiva 89/106/CEE relativa aos produtos de construção constitui um impulso<br />

muito necessário que, por um lado, irá ajudar o sector, nomeadamente através da eliminação dos obstáculos ao comércio<br />

para os fabricantes, e, por outro lado, ajudará as empresas a prosseguirem com a sua actividade e os trabalhadores a<br />

manterem os seus postos de trabalho.<br />

2-232<br />

Andreas Mölzer (NI), schriftlich. − Die Baubranche ist europaweit einer der größten Wirtschaftsfaktoren überhaupt.<br />

Doch die Krise hat diesen Bereich heftig getroffen. Vor allem KMU, die häufig als Zulieferer dienen, haben heftig gelitten,<br />

viele mussten sogar zusperren. Um den Fortbestand von Unternehmen und damit von Arbeitsplätzen zu sichern, sollten<br />

Handelshemmnisse beseitigt werden. Dadurch könnten fairere Bedingungen geschaffen werden, die sämtlichen<br />

Involvierten zu Gute kommen. Aus diesem Grunde habe ich im Rahmen der zweiten Lesung gegen die Anträge des<br />

zuständigen Ausschusses gestimmt.<br />

2-233<br />

Cristiana Muscardini (PPE), per iscritto. − Il settore edile rappresenta uno dei settori europei fondamentali sia a livello<br />

di occupazione sia di sviluppo delle nostre piccole medie imprese.<br />

È quindi fondamentale sostenere un regolamento che fissa condizioni di armonizzazione per la commercializzazione dei<br />

prodotti da costruzione a garanzia della sicurezza dei materiali utilizzati e della salute dei lavoratori. Si continuano a<br />

registrare casi di danni fisici e di salute anche per i cittadini che vivono a contatto giornaliero con sostanze pericolose,<br />

come l'amianto, utilizzate nella costruzione di edifici urbani.<br />

Sono quindi favorevole al regolamento dell'on. Sthiler, votato oggi in seconda lettura, poiché sottolinea l'importanza, in un<br />

mondo globalizzato, della necessità di introdurre regole comuni per la marcatura delle sostanze e dei prodotti utilizzati, in<br />

grado così di garantire sicurezza e affidabilità e al tempo stesso ridurre i costi per i produttori, con particolare riguardo alle<br />

PMI.<br />

2-234<br />

Franz Obermayr (NI), schriftlich. − Der Bericht geht in seinen Harmonisierungsmaßnahmen zu weit. Der Bausektor ist<br />

ein sensibler Bereich: Er ist für den Ausbau von Infrastruktur von zentraler Bedeutung, und damit auch für den<br />

Wirtschaftsstandort des Mitgliedstaates. Arbeits- und sozialrechtliche, sowie umweltrechtliche Normen spielen häufig eine<br />

wichtige Rolle, um Mensch und Umwelt in diesem Bereich zu schützen. Jeder Mitgliedstaat sollte darüber weitgehend<br />

selbst entscheiden. Ich habe daher gegen den Bericht gestimmt.<br />

2-235<br />

Alfredo Pallone (PPE), per iscritto. − La proposta di regolamento del Parlamento e del Consiglio che fissa condizioni<br />

armonizzate per la commercializzazione dei prodotti da costruzione è finalizzata a garantire la libera circolazione dei<br />

prodotti da costruzione nel mercato interno. Mi sono espresso a favore della proposta di regolamento proprio perché<br />

garantire informazioni precise e affidabili (attraverso la Marcatura CE dei prodotti commercializzati) sui prodotti da<br />

costruzione è un'ulteriore passo avanti verso un libero mercato competitivo e in grado di tutelare le piccole e medie<br />

imprese. Essendo i prodotti da costruzione prodotti intermedi di un'opera finale, con l'armonizzazione di nuove regole<br />

europee si garantiscono la sicurezza e la qualità dell'opera, si mettono sullo stesso piano tutte le imprese costruttrici, si<br />

migliora il controllo dei materiali già sul mercato e si realizza in via definitiva una migliore trasparenza del commercio dei<br />

prodotti da costruzione.<br />

2-236<br />

Maria do Céu Patrão Neves (PPE), por escrito. − Votei favoravelmente o presente relatório por considerar necessário<br />

reduzir as barreiras que impedem uma maior fluidez do comércio no sector da construção. Na actual conjuntura<br />

económica, em que o sector da construção foi particularmente afectado, o regulamento proposto visa promover uma livre<br />

circulação de bens e serviços, eficaz e transparente, para o sector da construção. A supressão de obstáculos às actividades<br />

transfronteiras e a eliminação das barreiras nacionais administrativas e técnicas assumem um papel fundamental no sector<br />

da construção. De facto, no sector da construção os Estados-Membros escudam-se nas normas técnicas nacionais para<br />

bloquear a livre circulação de bens e serviços. Representando o sector da construção 10 % do PIB da União Europeia e<br />

encontrando-se este sector a viver um momento de recessão grave, todas as medidas que possam ser tomadas para ajudar a<br />

impulsionar a construção são bem-vindas e terão o meu voto favorável. De facto, estas medidas permitirão que as<br />

empresas prossigam com a sua actividade e que os trabalhadores mantenham os seus postos de trabalho.<br />

2-237<br />

Aldo Patriciello (PPE), per iscritto. − Nell'UE esistono ancora troppe barriere per il commercio nel settore edile con cui<br />

gli Stati giustificano le norme tecniche messe in atto per limitare la libera circolazione di beni e servizi.<br />

Il settore, in forte espansione, genera il 10 per cento del PIL, il 50,5 per cento degli investimenti fissi lordi, dà lavoro a 12<br />

milioni di cittadini dell'UE ed è costituito per il 92 per cento da PMI, colonna vertebrale della nostra economia.<br />

Ritengo pertanto necessaria sia la messa in atto di misure di armonizzazione del mercato di tali prodotti, sia la garanzia di<br />

un elevato livello di sicurezza e di salute per i lavoratori. Alla luce della recessione che ha causato gravi problemi al

52 18-01-2011<br />

settore, come il fallimento di società, si rendono necessarie misure di liberalizzazione atte a garantire sopravvivenza<br />

economica alle imprese e preservare i posti di lavoro.<br />

La proposta di regolamento in oggetto mira proprio a semplificare, aggiornare e sostituire la direttiva sui prodotti da<br />

costruzione alla luce delle mutate circostanze, ad esempio per quanto concerne la vigilanza del mercato. Vuole inoltre dare<br />

maggiore tutela in materia di marcatura CE, sostanze pericolose, punti nazionali di contatto prodotti, indipendenza e<br />

trasparenza, salute e sicurezza, comunicazione elettronica.<br />

2-238<br />

Rovana Plumb (S&D), în scris. − Nevoia de a acţiona în ceea ce priveşte comercializarea produselor pentru construcţii în<br />

UE este de o importanţă crucială, având în vedere dimensiunile acestui sector. Potrivit Comitetului European de<br />

Standardizare, sectorul construcţiilor constituie una dintre cele mai importante industrii din <strong>Europa</strong>, reprezentând 10% din<br />

PIB şi 50,5% din capitalul fix brut. Acest sector asigură, în mod direct, încadrarea în muncă a 12 milioane de cetăţeni ai<br />

UE, alţi 26 de milioane de lucrători depinzând de acest sector. În plus, aproximativ 92% dintre fabricanţii de materiale de<br />

construcţii – adică 65 000 de întreprinderi – sunt IMM-uri cu mai puţin de 250 de angajaţi. Întrucât IMM-urile reprezintă<br />

un pilon esenţial al economiei noastre, prezenta propunere solicită recunoaşterea rolului şi necesităţilor acestora, precum şi<br />

un nivel ridicat de sănătate şi siguranţă pentru persoanele care lucrează în acest sector. Am votat acest raport deoarece<br />

propunerea contribuie la creşterea competitivităţii industriei de profil prin simplificarea legislaţiei existente, îmbunătăţirea<br />

transparenţei şi diminuarea sarcinilor administrative pe care trebuie să le suporte întreprinderile, cât şi pentru a susţine<br />

interesul României de a introduce obligativitatea evaluării performanţei produselor acoperite de standarde armonizate,<br />

emiterea declaraţiei de performanţă şi aplicarea marcajului CE.<br />

2-239<br />

Paulo Rangel (PPE), por escrito. − Face à importância que o sector da construção reveste no quadro da economia<br />

europeia, é fundamental que se eliminem os entraves técnicos às trocas comerciais no domínio dos produtos de construção,<br />

a fim de fomentar a sua livre circulação no mercado interno. Importa, por isso, apoiar o estabelecimento de especificações<br />

técnicas harmonizadas que, dando a necessária ênfase às questões da saúde e da segurança, permitem também consolidar o<br />

mercado único.<br />

2-240<br />

Crescenzio Rivellini (PPE), per iscritto. − Si è votato, oggi, in Plenaria sulla raccomandazione "Condizioni armonizzate<br />

per la commercializzazione dei prodotti da costruzione".<br />

Alla luce della rilevanza del settore, è fondamentale dotarsi di provvedimenti in materia di commercializzazione dei<br />

prodotti da costruzione all'interno dell'UE. Secondo il Comitato europeo di normalizzazione (CEN), il settore edile,<br />

responsabile del 10% del PIL e del 50,5% degli investimenti fissi lordi, è uno dei più importanti a livello europeo.<br />

Tale proposta di regolamento fissa le condizioni di armonizzazione per la commercializzazione dei prodotti da costruzione.<br />

Tramite l'introduzione di regole comuni per la marcatura, mira ad aumentare le garanzie relative alla sicurezza e<br />

all'affidabilità dei prodotti e al tempo stesso a ridurre i costi per i produttori, con particolare riguardo alle PMI.<br />

2-241<br />

Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE), in writing. − This regulation comes before the Parliament for second reading in view<br />

of its final adoption. Parliament’s first reading took place during the previous parliamentary term. The Council adopted its<br />

position in 2010 and subsequently there were intense informal trialogue negotiations under the Belgian Presidency in order<br />

to reach a compromise solution. This regulation is very technical but is politically highly relevant for the Greens because<br />

its main purpose is to harmonise requirements regarding the marketing of construction products.<br />

The Verts/ALE Group’s major concerns have been to make sure, inter alia, that (i) procedures should be transparent (in<br />

particular the standardisation bodies should not be monopolised by representatives of the major industries, and the<br />

concerns of SMEs or other stakeholders should be taken into account); (ii) construction requirements and procedures<br />

should be able to boost innovative and more ecological patterns; (iii) special procedures for ‘micro-enterprises’ should not<br />

allow the industry to circumvent the requirements or procedures.<br />

2-242<br />

Licia Ronzulli (PPE), per iscritto. − Ho votato a favore di questa risoluzione perché ritengo che in <strong>Europa</strong> esistano ancora<br />

troppe "restrizioni" al commercio nel settore edile. La revisione di questa direttiva dovrebbe favorire l'eliminazione delle<br />

barriere commerciali, tutelando i posti di lavoro delle società del settore che rimangono esposte alla crisi economica<br />

globale. Sono contemplate nuove misure specifiche per la verifica del riciclaggio di questi prodotti, che ne promuovano<br />

l'utilizzo in vista del conseguimento degli obiettivi dell'UE in materia di cambiamento climatico.<br />

Si chiedono inoltre nuove tutele per la salute e la sicurezza degli operatori di questo settore, dove purtroppo ancora oggi si<br />

registrano numerosi "morti bianche". Infine, la richiesta della progressiva digitalizzazione della documentazione al posto<br />

delle copie cartacee vuole rendere ancora più "unico" il mercato dei prodotti da costruzione.<br />


18-01-2011 53<br />

Oreste Rossi (EFD), per iscritto. − Nonostante nell'introduzione al regolamento vi siano delle dichiarazioni generali non<br />

condivisibili, in particolare sulla totale e libera circolazione di servizi nel settore dell'edilizia, perché fino a che non sarà<br />

armonizzato il costo del lavoro tra i vari paesi membri ci saranno rischi di concorrenza sleale, il nostro voto sarà<br />

favorevole.<br />

La motivazione è che nel merito, il provvedimento si occupa esclusivamente della normativa sulla commercializzazione<br />

dei prodotti destinati al settore delle costruzioni, che in questo periodo di recessione economica ha avuto ripercussioni<br />

molto gravi con il fallimento di molte società e perdita di posti di lavoro. La proposta prevede l'armonizzazione e<br />

l'etichettatura dei beni che contengono sostanze pericolose, semplifica, aggiorna e sostituisce regole attuali al fine di<br />

eliminare alcuni ostacoli normativi a vantaggio sia degli operatori sia delle piccole e medie imprese.<br />

2-244<br />

Catherine Stihler (S&D), in writing. − I am extremely pleased that the construction report, for which I was rapporteur,<br />

was supported and voted into legislation by my colleagues. The report will result in hazardous substances being listed on<br />

the labelling of construction products and further studies to follow on the subject from the Commission. There are also<br />

provisions to make it easier for SMEs to place their products on the internal market. The need for greater transparency in<br />

approving products with the ‘CE’ marking has been addressed and I look forward to the measures being introduced in July<br />

2013.<br />

2-245<br />

Silvia-Adriana Ţicău (S&D), în scris. − Am votat pentru propunerea de Regulament de stabilire a unor condiții<br />

armonizate pentru comercializarea produselor pentru construcții și de abrogare a Directivei 89/106/CEE. Sectorul<br />

construcțiilor reprezintă un sector important al industriei europene, asigurând în mod direct încadrarea în muncă a 12<br />

milioane de cetățeni ai UE, iar alte 26 de milioane de lucrători depinzând de acest sector. Recesiunea economică a afectat<br />

grav industria construcțiilor din UE, numeroși lucrători pierzându-și locurile de muncă. Acest lucru a generat o scădere cu<br />

până la 14,2% a activităţii sectorului în perioada 2008-2009. În acest context, revizuirea Directivei privind produsele<br />

pentru construcții (89/106/CEE) reprezintă o măsură de sprijin pentru sectorul construcţiilor prin înlăturarea barierelor<br />

comerciale cu care se confruntă producătorii, încurajând astfel întreprinderile să își desfășoare în continuare activitatea și<br />

lucrătorii să își păstreze locurile de muncă. Construcțiile trebuie să corespundă, atât în ansamblu, cât și pe componente,<br />

utilizării preconizate, ținând seama mai ales de sănătatea și siguranța persoanelor implicate de-a lungul întregului ciclu de<br />

viață al construcțiilor. De asemenea, construcțiile trebuie să fie eficiente din punct de vedere energetic, cu un consum cât<br />

mai mic de energie pe întreaga lor durată de viață şi deci, costuri mai mici pentru utilizatori.<br />

2-246<br />

Viktor Uspaskich (ALDE), raštu. − Gerbiami kolegos, manau, jog statybos sektorius gana plačiai atspindi ekonominę<br />

padėtį. 2010 m. antrą ketvirtį Lietuvos statybos sektorius sumažėjo iki 42,9 proc. – tarp didžiausių sumažėjimų Europoje.<br />

Nuo to laiko padėtis nežymiai pagerėjo, tačiau neapgaudinėkime savęs – Lietuvos statybos sektorius labai lėtai atsigauna.<br />

Todėl kalbėti apie pastovų atsigavimą gana ankstoka. Dar yra vietos, kur tobulėti. Pvz., mano šalies statybos sektorius<br />

atsigautų greičiau, jei ES parama būtų geriau įsisavinama. Statybos sektorius yra viena didžiausių Lietuvos ir Europos<br />

pramonės šakų. Sektoriuje įdarbinta 12 milijonų ES piliečių ir nuo jo priklauso 26 milijonai darbuotojų. Statybos sektorius<br />

yra labai svarbus Lietuvai, kadangi sukuria daug darbo vietų, didina vidaus paklausą bei atneša pinigų į biudžetą. Šis<br />

sektorius taip pat svarbus mažosioms ir vidutinėms įmonėms – kertiniam mūsų ekonomikos akmeniui. Apytikriai 92 proc.<br />

statybines medžiagas gaminančių įmonių yra MVĮ, kuriose dirba mažiau nei 250 darbuotojų. Aš taip pat pritariu pranešėjo<br />

pasiūlymui naudoti e. įrankius ir IT metodus siekiant pagerinti bendrąją statybos produktų rinką. Tai yra svarbu žvelgiant į<br />

ateitį.<br />

2-247<br />

Derek Vaughan (S&D), in writing. − The construction industry represents various vital issues in the European Union,<br />

ranging from its significant contribution to the economy to the safety of EU citizens in their homes and places of work. My<br />

vote in favour of the Construction Products Regulation reflects the need for a modernised, safe and transparent directive on<br />

construction products. The proposal calls for improvements to health and safety procedures across the sector and clear<br />

declarations of hazardous substances. Furthermore, the provision of a ‘CE’ mark of confidence on products will give those<br />

conducting their own projects the confidence that the materials they are using are safe. The European economy is based<br />

heavily on the construction sector, which accounts for 10% of EU GDP and directly employs 12 million EU citizens. Most<br />

of those employed find themselves in SMEs, which form a vital part of the European economy. However construction<br />

remains one of the most dangerous areas of work. I thus support this regulation to improve the safety of European citizens<br />

in their places of work and at home, whether they be carrying out projects independently or professionally.<br />

2-248<br />

Informe: Michèle Striffler (A7-0375/2010)<br />

2-249<br />

Luís Paulo Alves (S&D), por escrito. − Votei favoravelmente o presente relatório, que procura melhorar a eficácia da<br />

ajuda humanitária da UE. O Consenso Humanitário da UE é um grande progresso. Contudo, a avaliação do seu Plano de<br />

Acção deve ser mais coerente, através de objectivos mais mensuráveis e indicadores mais fiáveis. Só assim se conseguirá<br />

ajudar de uma forma mais eficaz. Tendo em conta o aumento do número e da intensidade das catástrofes naturais

54 18-01-2011<br />

decorrentes das alterações climáticas, concordo com a posição apresentada de ser importante não só a prestação pontual de<br />

ajuda, mas também o apoio às capacidades próprias das comunidades para melhor se prepararem face aos desastres, sendo<br />

necessário reforçar o Plano de Acção de Hyogo.<br />

É necessário igualmente concentrar esforços na matéria dos direitos humanos decorrentes dos conflitos internos e crises<br />

complexas, melhorando a capacidade dos intervenientes de aceder às populações, o que só poderá ser possível através de<br />

uma clara distinção de papéis entre decisores políticos, militares e humanitários. Concordo igualmente com a aplicação<br />

efectiva de uma Capacidade Europeia de Intervenção Rápida.<br />

2-250<br />

Laima Liucija Andrikienė (PPE), raštu. − Balsavau už šį dokumentą, kuris yra labai svarbus siekiant efektyvesnio<br />

humanitarinės pagalbos teikimo. Europos konsensusas dėl humanitarinės pagalbos įgyvendinimo yra pirmasis bendras<br />

dokumentas dėl humanitarinės pagalbos politikos po 1996 m. priimto reglamento šioje srityje. Konsensusas yra pagrindinė<br />

priemonė ypač sparčiai besikeičiant humanitarinės pagalbos aplinkybėms, tokioms kaip gamtinių stichinių nelaimių gausa,<br />

kariniai konfliktai, sąlygojantys masinius gyventojų persikėlimus ir pan. Tikiu, kad Europos konsensusas dėl<br />

humanitarinės pagalbos bus svarbus žingsnis pirmyn siekiant kuo efektyvesnių ES veiksmų humanitarinės pagalbos srityje<br />

ir prisidės prie humanitarinių principų ir tarptautinės humanitarinės teisės skleidimo, ES humanitarinės pagalbos teikimo<br />

koordinavimo ir nuoseklumo, aiškesnio karinių ir civilinės saugos išteklių ir pajėgumų naudojimo, nelaimių rizikos<br />

mažinimo ir skubios pagalbos, reabilitacijos bei vystymosi stipresnio susiejimo.<br />

2-251<br />

Elena Oana Antonescu (PPE), în scris. − Acest raport angajează Uniunea Europeană la o strânsă cooperare în jurul unei<br />

viziuni comune asupra ajutorului umanitar. Consider că intensitatea catastrofelor naturale se datorează și acțiunilor umane<br />

care stau la baza schimbărilor climatice. De asemenea, încurajez Statele Membre să se implice în punerea în aplicare a<br />

acestui Consens european privind ajutorul umanitar. Susțin promovarea acțiunilor în acest domeniu: promovarea<br />

principiilor umanitare și a dreptului internațional umanitar, îmbunătățirea calității coordonării și coerenței în cadrul<br />

furnizării ajutorului umanitar al Uniunii Europene, clarificarea utilizării mijloacelor și capacitaților militare și de protecție<br />

civilă în conformitate cu consensul umanitar și cu directivele Națiunilor Unite, reducerea riscurilor de catastrofe și<br />

întărirea legăturii între ajutorul de urgență, reabilitare și dezvoltare. Prin urmare, am votat în favoarea acestui raport.<br />

2-252<br />

Sophie Auconie (PPE), par écrit. – L’Union européenne est un acteur mondial. C’est fort de cette conviction que les<br />

rédacteurs du traité de Lisbonne ont renforcé les ambitions des Européens sur la scène internationale. Le volet humanitaire<br />

prend toute sa place dans ce grand projet. L’Union est déjà le premier donateur mondial, avec 40% des contributions. Cette<br />

déclaration commune « repose sur des principes et des approches communs, et vise à encourager une action concertée et<br />

coordonnée au sein de l'Union européenne et avec les autres acteurs, pour améliorer la réponse collective aux crises<br />

humanitaires ». J’ai donc voté pour cette résolution qui rappelle que l’aide humanitaire doit être fournie de manière<br />

adéquate et efficace ; souligne l’importance d’une bonne coordination ; insiste sur le caractère subsidiaire de l’aide des<br />

moyens de la protection civile et militaire, le caractère essentiel de la réduction des risques dus aux catastrophes naturelles<br />

; enfin appelle l’Union à renforcer le lien entre l’aide d’urgence, la réhabilitation et le développement.<br />

2-253<br />

Zigmantas Balčytis (S&D), raštu. − Balsavau už šį pranešimą. Europos Sąjunga yra didžiausia humanitarinės pagalbos<br />

teikėja, teikianti daugiau kaip 40 proc. oficialios tarptautinės humanitarinės pagalbos. Pasaulyje dėl klimato kaitos<br />

poveikio stipriai išaugo gamtos nelaimių skaičius ir jos vis intensyvėja. Todėl humanitarinės pagalbos aplinkybės per<br />

pastaruosius metus labai pakito, todėl yra būtina stiprinti ES gebėjimą reaguoti į nelaimes . Manau, kad Europos Sąjunga<br />

turi stiprinti pastangas, susijusias su nelaimių rizikos mažinimu, ir numatyti ne tik atsitiktinės pagalbos teikimą, bet ir<br />

suteikti paramą vietinėms bendruomenėms, kad jos galėtų geriau pasirengti nelaimėms. Nerimą kelią tai, kad atsiranda vis<br />

daugiau tarptautinės humanitarinės teisės pažeidimų, be to, blogėja padėtis tose vietose, kur teikiama humanitarinė<br />

pagalba. Pritariu, kad Europos Sąjunga turi imtis veiksmų, kuriais būtų geriniams humanitarinės pagalbos teikimo<br />

koordinavimas ir užkertamas kelias bet kokio pobūdžio piktnaudžiavimams šia pagalba.<br />

2-254<br />

Jean-Luc Bennahmias (ALDE), par écrit. – Les crises humanitaires ont été nombreuses en 2010: Haïti, Pakistan... Les<br />

tragédies vécues par certaines populations, souvent parmi les plus défavorisées, à travers le monde, nécessitent une action<br />

rapide et efficace des organisations internationales mais aussi de l'Union européenne, qui est un des acteurs majeurs dans<br />

le domaine de l'aide au développement et de la gestion de crise.<br />

Mardi 18 janvier, nous avons donc adopté la résolution de Mme Striffler pour demander un financement accru de l'aide<br />

humanitaire. Il nous faudrait aussi créer une force européenne de réaction rapide pour toutes ces crises. La Commission<br />

européenne est réceptive à ce discours, et devrait faire une proposition afin d'optimiser le système de protection civile déjà<br />

existant.<br />

Il est évident qu'il faut utiliser les ressources déjà disponibles dans les États membres mais dans le même temps, il faudrait<br />

également une coordination beaucoup plus efficace, beaucoup plus opérationnelle. Éviter la lenteur de la réaction, les

18-01-2011 55<br />

doublons dans les aides apportées, les incohérences de terrain... Les perspectives d'amélioration sont nombreuses et la<br />

résolution adoptée par le Parlement vise à fournir les premiers éléments de réponse.<br />

2-255<br />

Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D), raštu. − Balsavau už Parlamento pranešimą dėl Europos konsensuso dėl humanitarinės<br />

pagalbos įgyvendinimo: veiklos plano laikotarpio vidurio peržiūros ir ateities perspektyvų. Susitarimas dėl humanitarinės<br />

pagalbos įpareigoja Europos Sąjungą glaudžiai bendradarbiauti šioje srityje kuriant bendrą humanitarinės pagalbos viziją.<br />

Šiuo susitarimu siekiama gerinti Europos Sąjungos veiksmingumą, ginti ir skleisti pagrindinius humaniškumo, neutralumo,<br />

nešališkumo ir nepriklausomybės principus bei skatinti laikytis tarptautinės humanitarinės teisės. Įvykdžius vidurio<br />

laikotarpio peržiūrą buvo pastebėta, kad trūksta informacijos apie konkrečius įvykdytus ar atliktinus veiksmus bei kad apie<br />

šį susitarimą dar nežino net humanitarinių organizacijų atstovai. Būtina dėti dideles pastangas siekiant pagerinti<br />

konsensuso matomumą ir geriau apie jį informuoti valstybes nares, kitas institucijas ir karinės veiklos dalyvius.<br />

Humanitarinės pagalbos aplinkybės per pastaruosius metus labai pakito, todėl būtina dar griežčiau ir aktyviau taikyti<br />

susitarimą dėl humanitarinės pagalbos.<br />

Norėčiau pabrėžti, kad reikia sustiprinti pastangas, susijusias su nelaimių rizikos mažinimu, ir numatyti ne tik atsitiktinės<br />

pagalbos teikimą, bet ir paramą bendruomenių nuosaviems pasirengimo nelaimėms pajėgumams. Be to, daugiau pastangų<br />

reikėtų dėti siekiant integruoti lyčių aspektą ir humanitarinės pagalbos priemonėmis apsaugoti aukas nuo seksualinio<br />

smurto, kuris vis dažniau naudojamas kaip karo ginklas.<br />

2-256<br />

Sebastian Valentin Bodu (PPE), în scris. − Uniunea Europeană este cel mai mare donator la nivel mondial, cu o<br />

contribuţie ce reprezintă 40% din asistenţa acordată global. Peste 100.000.000 de persoane din peste 70 de ţări au primit<br />

ajutoare de aproape un miliard de euro din partea Uniunii în 2009. Păcat însă că suntem, de multe ori, campioni la donaţii<br />

în state care aleg ulterior să primească investiţii străine directe ale Chinei. Poate ar trebui ca donaţiile şi investiţiile<br />

europene să fie, cât de cât, coordonate, în loc să ne lamentăm că China a ajuns a doua economie mondială. Contextul<br />

umanitar s-a schimbat în mod semnificativ în ultimii ani, ceea ce face ca aplicarea riguroasă şi consolidată a consensului<br />

umanitar să fie cu atât mai pertinentă.<br />

În ceea ce priveşte evoluţia contextului, trebuie mai întâi menţionată creşterea semnificativă a numărului şi a intensităţii<br />

dezastrelor naturale, cauzată în principal de schimbările climatice. În consecinţă, este necesară, pe lângă furnizarea de<br />

ajutor punctual şi sprijinirea capacităţilor proprii ale comunităţilor, astfel încât acestea să fie pregătite să reacţioneze în<br />

cazul unor dezastre. Angajamentele politice există - strategia UE în acest sens şi planul de acţiune de la Hyogo - însă<br />

persistă încă probleme în punerea în aplicare a acestora.<br />

2-257<br />

David Campbell Bannerman (EFD), in writing. − UKIP believes that the best reaction to a humanitarian disaster is for<br />

independent nation states to coordinate their aid efforts voluntarily, and not to have them set centrally by the undemocratic<br />

EU. We note the debacle of the EU’s slow and small efforts in Haiti, and thus we feel that the EU cannot be trusted in<br />

future humanitarian crises.<br />

2-258<br />

Maria Da Graça Carvalho (PPE), por escrito. − Dei o meu voto favorável a este relatório porque a União Europeia é o<br />

primeiro doador de ajuda humanitária no mundo, que contribui com mais de 40 % da assistência humanitária internacional<br />

oficial e que em 2009 concedeu ajuda humanitária a cerca de 115 milhões de pessoas em mais de 70 países, com uma<br />

contribuição global de 950 milhões de euros. Através da sua política humanitária, a União Europeia demonstra o seu<br />

empenho em favor das populações dos países terceiros em situações de extrema vulnerabilidade. Concordo com a revisão<br />

intercalar do consenso humanitário por considerar que é necessário empreender esforços para reforçar a sua visibilidade<br />

junto dos Estados-Membros, das outras instituições e dos intervenientes militares. Insto a Comissão Europeia a redobrar os<br />

esforços em matéria de redução dos riscos de catástrofes, a prestar atenção às (cada vez mais frequentes) violações do<br />

Direito Internacional Humanitário, bem como aos grupos mais vulneráveis, como as mulheres, as crianças e as pessoas<br />

deslocadas sob coacção. É ainda importante incentivar o diálogo entre os intervenientes políticos, militares ou<br />

humanitários que partilham do mesmo ambiente operacional, bem como a criação de uma capacidade europeia de reacção<br />

rápida (força europeia de protecção civil).<br />

2-259<br />

Νικόλαος Χουντής (GUE/NGL), γραπτώς. – Ψήφισα αρνητικά στην έκθεση για την ανθρωπιστική βοήθεια για δύο<br />

λόγους. Αρχικά, γιατί επιμένει στη σύνδεση της πολιτικής προστασίας και της ανθρωπιστικής βοήθειας με την Υπηρεσία<br />

εξωτερικής δράσης της ΕΕ καθώς και με την εξωτερική πολιτική της, ενώ προφανώς τα κριτήρια παρέμβασης θα έπρεπε<br />

να είναι σαφώς και μόνο ανθρωπιστικά. Επίσης, γιατί δεν πιστεύω πως δίνει τη σωστή κατεύθυνση σε ό,τι αφορά τη<br />

σύνδεση πολιτικών και στρατιωτικών μέσων για την αντιμετώπιση καταστάσεων ανθρωπιστικής κρίσης. Είναι προφανές<br />

ότι σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις απαιτούνται ιδιαίτερες γνώσεις και η χρήση ειδικού εξοπλισμού που μέχρι στιγμής κατέχει<br />

και χρησιμοποιεί ο στρατός. Θα μπορούσε, λοιπόν, προκειμένου να προφυλαχθεί και να εξασφαλιστεί ο αμιγώς πολιτικός<br />

χαρακτήρας των ανθρωπιστικών αποστολών, να χρηματοδοτείται η πολιτική προστασία ώστε να έχει τον συγκεκριμένο<br />

εξοπλισμό και φυσικά, να εκπαιδεύονται αντίστοιχα οι εργαζόμενοι σε αυτήν αντί να συνεχίζουμε όλες αυτές τις

56 18-01-2011<br />

στρατιωτικές δαπάνες. Είναι ο μοναδικός τρόπος για πραγματική και αποτελεσματική βοήθεια σε περιπτώσεις<br />

ανθρωπιστικών κρίσεων χωρίς να αντιμετωπίζονται οι κίνδυνοι της παρουσίας στρατευμάτων.<br />

2-260<br />

Carlos Coelho (PPE), por escrito. − Ao proceder à avaliação intercalar do Consenso Europeu em matéria de Ajuda<br />

Humanitária não posso deixar de considerar lamentável que o seu conhecimento público não tenha sido o desejável e que o<br />

papel dos Estados-Membros na sua implementação tenha sido escasso. Mais do que apontar falhas, porém, é necessário<br />

promover e definir o caminho que devemos prosseguir em matéria de ajuda humanitária. O contexto humanitário alterouse<br />

bastante nestes últimos anos (catástrofes naturais, mais deslocados, multiplicação de diversos conflitos internos, crises<br />

alimentares, etc.). Mais do que nunca é premente uma reacção global equilibrada e eficaz que se baseie em necessidades<br />

concretas, orientada para os resultados e norteada pelo princípio de que salvar meios de subsistência é salvar vidas tendo<br />

em conta o autodesenvolvimento e a auto-suficiência das áreas envolvidas. A promoção destes valores humanitários pelo<br />

Consenso e a optimização dos recursos pelos diversos actores é neste sentido crucial.<br />

Mais uma vez, defendo a criação urgente de uma Força Europeia de Protecção Civil, no seguimento do relatório Barnier de<br />

Maio de 2006. Felicito a colega Michèle Striffler pelo conteúdo positivo das propostas apresentadas e reitero a minha<br />

posição de que o Consenso é um instrumento fundamental, com toda a pertinência na realidade actual.<br />

2-261<br />

Corina Creţu (S&D), în scris. − Consensul umanitar este un instrument fundamental care îşi arată valoarea mai ales în<br />

acest context umanitar în plină schimbare. Am asistat la creşterea semnificativă a numărului şi a intensităţii dezastrelor<br />

naturale, cauzată în principal de impactul schimbărilor climatice, la multiplicarea crizelor complexe, în special a<br />

conflictelor interne, precum şi la evoluţia naturii conflictelor, care sunt deseori însoţite de deplasarea masivă a populaţiei.<br />

Încălcările dreptului umanitar internaţional sunt din ce în ce mai numeroase. Un aspect deosebit de şocant al încălcărilor<br />

dreptului umanitar internaţional este acela că violenţa sexuală este din ce în ce mai des utilizată drept armă de război.<br />

Susţin poziţia raportoarei şi consider că sunt necesare măsuri ferme pentru întărirea protecţiei împotriva violenţelor<br />

sexuale în contextele umanitare. Sunt de acord cu poziţia autoarei raportului, care arată că recentele catastrofe umanitare<br />

din Haiti şi Pakistan au demonstrat încă o dată necesitatea de consolidare a capacităţii UE de reacţie la catastrofe din<br />

punctul de vedere al eficacităţii, rapidităţii, coordonării şi al vizibilităţii.<br />

Susțin, de asemenea, crearea unei capacităţi europene de reacţie rapidă (forţă europeană de protecţie civilă).<br />

2-262<br />

Mário David (PPE), por escrito. − O Consenso Europeu em matéria de Ajuda Humanitária, obtido em 18 de Dezembro<br />

de 2007 pelo Parlamento, Conselho e Comissão, representou um importante passo em frente no que diz respeito à<br />

definição, âmbito e espectro da ajuda humanitária europeia. Procedemos com este relatório cujas conclusões apoio<br />

fortemente, à sua revisão intercalar, conforme prevista no Plano de Acção de Maio de 2008, endereçando desde já os meus<br />

parabéns à colega Michèle Striffler, pelo excelente trabalho efectuado. Sobre as ideias expressas no relatório, saliento o<br />

enfoque na participação genuína e constante dos beneficiários na gestão da ajuda, princípio que tenho vindo a defender, e<br />

que deverá levar a UE cada vez mais a focalizar a sua acção na sociedade civil e nas autoridades locais, em detrimento das<br />

Relações UE-Estado, que deverão continuar a ter o seu papel, mas não numa relação de exclusividade, como muitas vezes<br />

se passava até aqui. Sublinho ainda a necessidade de apresentar propostas tendo como objectivo o estabelecimento de uma<br />

força europeia de protecção civil, baseada na optimização do actual mecanismo comunitário de protecção civil e na<br />

mutualização dos meios nacionais existentes, o que implicaria um acréscimo do custo marginal pelas sinergias<br />

conseguidas, através da utilização da capacidade já instalada nos Estados-Membros.<br />

2-263<br />

Luigi Ciriaco De Mita (PPE), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l´aiuto umanitario assume nel tempo<br />

attuale una dimensione ed un ruolo di maggiore importanza che nel passato. Le diverse velocità di sviluppo e la crescente<br />

disuguaglianza nella distribuzione delle opportunità e delle risorse, sia su base geografica che su base sociale e<br />

generazionale, l´incremento del cambiamento climatico (in parte imputabile all´uomo) con conseguente aumento delle<br />

calamità naturali, la crescita dell´inquinamento ambientale, lo squilibrio della pressione antropica concentrata nelle grandi<br />

aree urbane e lo squilibrio della crescita demografica in alcune aree del pianeta comportano l´aumento dei disastri<br />

umanitari in cui la solidarietà diventa elemento fondamentale per il recupero delle condizioni minime di sopravvivenza e<br />

della dignità delle persone. In tale ottica, se l´aiuto umanitario deve intervenire nell´interesse delle popolazioni colpite<br />

dall´emergenza, diventa necessario che l´eventuale intervento della politica estera dell´UE, peraltro ancora da costruire,<br />

non si divida per aree d´influenza e di interesse di ciascun Stato membro, ma assuma una propria dimensione comunitaria.<br />

2-264<br />

Proinsias De Rossa (S&D), in writing. − I support this report on implementation of the European consensus on<br />

humanitarian aid. The EU’s humanitarian policy is the practical expression of its commitment to supporting people in need<br />

of assistance when they are at their most vulnerable. The European Union is the world’s largest donor of humanitarian aid.<br />

Its contribution represents more than 40% of all official international humanitarian assistance. In 2009, we provided a total<br />

of EUR 950 million to approximately 115 million people in more than 70 countries. The European Consensus on

18-01-2011 57<br />

Humanitarian Aid, signed on 18 December 2007 underscores the will of the EU to cooperate closely in this field in order<br />

to be as effective as possible, to defend and promote the basic humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality<br />

and independence and actively to advocate the observance of international humanitarian law. There are many challenges<br />

ahead. The recent humanitarian disasters in Haiti and Pakistan demonstrated once again that the EU’s disaster-response<br />

capability needs to be greatly enhanced. Disaster risk reduction needs to be fully integrated into policies for development<br />

aid and humanitarian aid. We also need clarification on the use of military and civil protection resources and capabilities in<br />

accordance with the consensus and the UN guidelines.<br />

2-265<br />

Anne Delvaux (PPE), par écrit. – Les récentes catastrophes humanitaires survenues en Haïti et au Pakistan ont démontré<br />

une nouvelle fois la nécessité de renforcer la capacité de réponse de l'UE aux catastrophes, en termes d'efficacité, de<br />

coordination et de visibilité.<br />

C'est pourquoi j'ai voté en faveur de ce rapport, qui plaide pour la création d'une capacité européenne de réaction rapide<br />

(une force européenne de protection civile) – idée qui avait été lancée par le commissaire Michel Barnier au moment du<br />

tsunami en Asie et depuis lors, maintes fois reprise par le Parlement européen.<br />

Cette capacité devrait être une optimisation des outils disponibles, qui gagneraient en efficacité et en visibilité, l'objectif<br />

étant de parvenir à une mobilisation immédiate de tous les moyens nécessaires, par le biais d'une coopération renforcée.<br />

2-266<br />

Edite Estrela (S&D), por escrito. − Votei favoravelmente este relatório por considerar necessária a revisão do plano de<br />

acção do consenso humanitário. O contexto humanitário modificou-se profundamente durante os últimos anos,<br />

nomeadamente, com o aumento significativo do número e da intensidade das catástrofes naturais, originadas também pelo<br />

impacte das alterações climáticas. É fundamental integrar totalmente a redução dos riscos de catástrofes nas políticas de<br />

ajuda ao desenvolvimento e de ajuda humanitária, o que torna ainda mais pertinente uma aplicação rigorosa e reforçada do<br />

consenso humanitário.<br />

2-267<br />

Diogo Feio (PPE), por escrito. − É hoje evidente a multiplicação por todo o mundo de situações de catástrofe e de<br />

emergência humanitária. A União Europeia vem assumindo um importante papel no combate a estes flagelos e espero que<br />

o mantenha e mesmo que o reforce na medida das suas possibilidades. Não basta, no entanto, dar o peixe a quem tem<br />

fome, há que ensinar a pescar.<br />

Creio que quase tão importante como fazer face às emergências que ocorrem é ajudar a capacitar os países menos providos<br />

de recursos com meios humanos e materiais susceptíveis de fazerem face a crises futuras. O Consenso Europeu em torno<br />

das questões relativas à ajuda humanitária merece o meu apoio e os votos de que o compromisso entre as instituições<br />

europeias se traduza numa sempre melhor operacionalização dos meios ao dispor da União, tendo sempre presente a<br />

prioridade a dar aos que menos têm e àqueles que mais sofrem e a total isenção face a agendas políticas ou ideológicas.<br />

2-268<br />

José Manuel Fernandes (PPE), por escrito. − Nos últimos anos, o mundo globalizado tem assistido a um aumento<br />

significativo de catástrofes, quer quanto ao espaço geográfico afectado, quer quanto ao número de vítimas. Embora seja<br />

um assunto de grande relevância, não cabe, neste âmbito, abordar o impacto das alterações climáticas nestas catástrofes.<br />

Em 18 de Dezembro de 2007, aquando da assinatura do Consenso Humanitário (Conselho da União Europeia, Parlamento<br />

Europeu e Comissão Europeia), foi dado um passo significativo em matéria de ajuda humanitária, nomeadamente ao ser<br />

aprovado um plano de acção previsto para cinco anos, o qual previa uma revisão intercalar. É esse o objectivo deste<br />

relatório. O mundo inteiro conhece, e reconhece, o papel prioritário da UE em matéria de ajuda humanitária. Este<br />

Parlamento abordou, em várias sessões, esta questão, nomeadamente através da nossa intervenção. Na verdade, os<br />

acontecimentos recentes no Brasil, no Haiti, no Paquistão, na Madeira e em muitos outros sítios fazem-nos reflectir sobre a<br />

eficácia dos apoios de protecção civil e de ajuda humanitária. Como ficou demonstrado neste relatório (apesar das<br />

reduzidas informações disponíveis), verificou-se uma evolução positiva a nível europeu, comprovada pela criação do<br />

Grupo de Trabalho sobre a Ajuda Humanitária e a Ajuda Alimentar (COHAFA). Mas há, ainda, muito por fazer!<br />

2-269<br />

João Ferreira (GUE/NGL), por escrito. − A chamada ajuda humanitária da UE tem um papel não desprezável no que se<br />

tem vindo a definir como a sua política externa. Frequentemente instrumentalizando genuínas necessidades de apoio e de<br />

cooperação a que importa responder, particularmente em situações de emergência, na prática visam-se objectivos de ordem<br />

bem diversa. As acções desenvolvidas e os métodos utilizados, que incluem a ingerência e a ocupação militar, procuram<br />

reproduzir e aprofundar formas de dominação política e económica, disputar mercados e recursos naturais dos países do<br />

Terceiro Mundo. No actual contexto de aprofundamento da crise do capitalismo, estas orientações não deixam de visar<br />

também a contenção das lutas dos povos por mais justiça e progresso social, assumindo expressões e formas diversas um<br />

pouco por todo o mundo.

58 18-01-2011<br />

Camufladas por um suposto interesse humanitário, várias ONG, empresas de logística e outras, são beneficiárias e<br />

cúmplices destas políticas, promovendo interesses próprios ou dos seus financiadores, sejam eles interesses públicos ou<br />

privados, de natureza política, de lucro, de natureza religiosa ou outros. Somos por princípio favoráveis a expressões de<br />

solidariedade concreta para com os povos vítimas de qualquer tipo de catástrofe ou conflito. Mas elas têm que basear-se no<br />

interesse desses povos, no respeito pelo direito internacional, pela independência e soberania desses países.<br />

2-270<br />

Sylvie Guillaume (S&D), par écrit. – J'estime que nous devons renforcer les instruments dont dispose l'Union européenne<br />

pour faire face aux catastrophes telles que celles qui ont frappé Haïti il y a tout juste un an avec un tremblement de terre,<br />

suivi plus récemment d'une épidémie de choléra. Pour mon groupe et moi-même, nous devons promouvoir un financement<br />

accru de l'aide humanitaire afin de permettre plus d'interventions, notamment en direction des personnes les plus<br />

vulnérables, et en prenant soin de distinguer clairement les missions militaires et humanitaires, l'utilisation des ressources<br />

militaires devant être réduite au minimum et n'intervenir qu'en dernier ressort.<br />

2-271<br />

Ian Hudghton (Verts/ALE), in writing. − The EU as a bloc is the world's largest contributor of humanitarian aid.<br />

Nevertheless, recent catastrophes have highlighted certain shortcomings in the EU's ability to act in a speedy, efficient and<br />

coordinated manner. The Striffler reports underlines some of these concerns and it is to be hoped that positive action<br />

results from today's vote.<br />

2-272<br />

Juozas Imbrasas (EFD), raštu. − Pritariau šiam pranešimui, nes šis pranešimas nėra tik formalus, jis mums padeda grįžti<br />

prie aktualių humanitarinės pagalbos klausimų. Humanitarinės pagalbos aplinkybės per pastaruosius metus labai pakito.<br />

Kalbant apie aplinkybių pokyčius, visų pirma pasakytina, kad dėl klimato kaitos poveikio stipriai išaugo gamtos nelaimių<br />

skaičius ir jos suintensyvėjo. Taigi reikia sustiprinti pastangas, susijusias su nelaimių rizikos mažinimu, ir numatyti ne tik<br />

atsitiktinės pagalbos teikimą, bet ir paramą bendruomenių nuosaviems pasirengimo nelaimėms pajėgumams. Be to,<br />

padaugėjo sudėtingų krizių, ypač vidinių konfliktų, ir pakito konfliktų pobūdis, konfliktai dažnai būna susiję su masiniu<br />

gyventojų persikėlimu (pabėgėliai, šalies viduje perkelti asmenys) ir su padidėjusiu smurtu gyventojų atžvilgiu. Atsiranda<br />

vis daugiau tarptautinės humanitarinės teisės pažeidimų, be to, blogėja padėtis tose vietose, kur teikiama humanitarinė<br />

pagalba. Ypač šokiruojantis su tarptautinės humanitarinės teisės pažeidimais susijęs dalykas yra tai, kad seksualinis<br />

smurtas vis dažniau naudojamas kaip karo ginklas. Daug pastangų reikėtų dėti siekiant humanitarinės pagalbos<br />

aplinkybėmis apsaugoti nuo seksualinio smurto. Todėl daugiau ypatingo dėmesio reikėtų skirti pažeidžiamiausioms<br />

grupėms, pvz., moterims, vaikams ir priverstinai perkeltiems asmenims (šalies viduje perkeltiems asmenims ir<br />

pabėgėliams). Haityje ir Pakistane neseniai įvykusios humanitarinės katastrofos vėl parodė, kad veiksmingumo,<br />

koordinavimo ir matomumo aspektais reikia stiprinti ES gebėjimą reaguoti į nelaimes.<br />

2-273<br />

Jarosław Kalinowski (PPE), na piśmie. − Rok po trzęsieniu ziemi na Haiti możemy zaobserwować, że działania, które<br />

podejmujemy, czy też sposób, w jaki pomagamy, nie jest doskonały. Dlatego konsensus europejski, który powstał, aby<br />

usprawnić udzielanie pomocy humanitarnej nie może zostać zaprzepaszczony. Unia, jako jeden z najbogatszych i<br />

najbardziej rozwiniętych regionów na świecie ma obowiązek moralny pomagać słabszym i potrzebującym. Szczególnie<br />

musimy solidaryzować się z ofiarami kataklizmów i klęsk żywiołowych, które nie są przygotowane na to, co ich spotyka.<br />

Należy zatem podjąć wszelkie działania, aby wzmocnić współpracę państw członkowskich w tym zakresie, ułatwić<br />

dzielenie się tzw. dobrymi praktykami. Trzeba uczynić wszystko, aby system pomocy był sprawny i efektywny i nie<br />

marnował się żaden cent. Konieczna jest zatem współpraca z innymi podmiotami, organizacjami pozarządowymi czy<br />

międzynarodowymi, które zajmują się również udzielaniem takiej pomocy, by uczynić ją jak najskuteczniejszą.<br />

2-274<br />

Giovanni La Via (PPE), per iscritto. − Egregio Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il mio voto in favore della relazione<br />

Striffler è dettato dal fatto che c'è ancora tanto bisogno di rimarcare l'importanza, quindi la delicatezza, di un tale<br />

argomento. Con il suo voto, il Parlamento ha voluto ribadire la necessità che l'obiettivo dell'Unione europea diventi quello<br />

di difendere i diritti umani di neutralità, imparzialità ed indipendenza. Nell'ambito della solidarietà non si è mai del tutto<br />

pronti o dotati di piani eccellenti; occorre spingere sempre più tutti gli attori del panorama europeo, tra i quali la<br />

Commissione e i singoli Stati membri, a incoraggiare la promozione della diffusione del rispetto dei diritti umanitari. Dal<br />

canto mio, continuerò a sostenere tale modus vivendi, anche all'interno della commissione per i bilanci, di cui sono<br />

membro, supportando tutte le azioni di aumento degli aiuti finanziari a sostegno di quelle attività più specificamente volte<br />

alla tutela di tali importanti diritti, affinché l'Unione europea continui i propri sforzi in materia di aiuto e sostegno alle<br />

fasce di popolazione più bisognose.<br />

2-275<br />

Petru Constantin Luhan (PPE), în scris. − Ultima perioadă este caracterizată de o creştere semnificativă a numărului şi a<br />

intensităţii catastrofelor naturale, cauzate sau nu de către om, precum şi de o creştere a efectelor negative generate de<br />

încălcările dreptului internaţional umanitar şi proasta guvernanţă. După cum se ştie, Uniunea Europeană este primul<br />

donator de ajutor umanitar la nivel mondial, cu o contribuţie de aproximativ 40% din asistenţa umanitară internaţională<br />

oficială şi drept dovadă stau cele 115 milioane de persoane ajutate, din aproximativ 70 de ţări, care au beneficiat de o

18-01-2011 59<br />

contribuţie totală de aproape un miliard de euro. Am votat în favoarea acestui consens, deoarece consider că, prin politica<br />

sa umanitară, UE demonstrează în mod concret angajamentul său faţă de persoanele care au cu adevărat nevoie de ajutor.<br />

În acest sens, avem nevoie de resurse umane şi materiale suficiente şi trebuie să susţinem îmbunătăţirea coordonării dintre<br />

instituţiile şi organizaţiile implicate în acest proces.<br />

2-276<br />

David Martin (S&D), in writing. − I strongly welcome this report, which makes suggestions on how the Consensus on<br />

Humanitarian Aid can be strengthened. It highlights a number of areas that require more attention, including the promotion<br />

of humanitarian principles and international humanitarian law; issues of quality, coordination and consistency in the<br />

delivery of EU humanitarian aid; clarification on the use of military and civil protection resources and capabilities in<br />

accordance with the Consensus and the UN guidelines, and reinforcement of the link between emergency aid,<br />

rehabilitation and development.<br />

2-277<br />

Jiří Maštálka (GUE/NGL), písemně. − Předložená zpráva je velmi aktuální reakcí na mnoho přírodních katastrof, které<br />

jsme prožili v uplynulých letech. Zkušenosti z možnosti poskytnutí účinné pomoci po předchozích katastrofách např. v<br />

Austrálii, na Haiti, v Rusku ukazují, že je nezbytné, aby ES mělo zcela jasné postupy a prostředky pro poskytnutí účinné<br />

humanitární pomoci. Zatím se tyto katastrofy vyhýbaly – co do rozsahu – evropskému kontinentu, což ale neznamená, že<br />

účinný komplex struktur a prostředků by neměl být připraven. Zkušenosti z posledních let ukazují, že zajištění dopravy do<br />

postižených oblastí není možné bez technické a organizační podpory vojenských složek. Nevládní humanitární organizace<br />

nemají tyto možnosti.<br />

Je evidentní, že velmi často zůstávají obyvatelé postižených oblastí odříznuti od možnosti dopravy po zemi a kapacita<br />

civilních leteckých prostředků je omezená. Je-li využití vojenských sil v nějakém případě odůvodnitelné a přijatelné, pak<br />

je to právě případ humanitárních, resp. přírodních katastrof.<br />

2-278<br />

Nuno Melo (PPE), por escrito. − Não há dúvida que as catástrofes naturais têm vindo a manifestar-se de forma cada vez<br />

mais intensa nos últimos tempos. É também verdade que a UE é um dos principais actores mundiais no que respeita à<br />

ajuda humanitária e, apesar da crise que se atravessa, é importante que tal papel se mantenha. É, no entanto, minha opinião<br />

de que, mais do que ajudar os mais desfavorecidos e todos aqueles que são atingidos por tais catástrofes, é necessário<br />

também dotar os países mais pobres, e portanto mais vulneráveis a este tipo de situações, de meios humanos e financeiros<br />

para que a ajuda externa não se torne tão premente, e isso só se consegue com políticas de desenvolvimento e de ajuda a<br />

esses países numa perspectiva de médio e longo prazo.<br />

2-279<br />

Louis Michel (ALDE), par écrit. – L'environnement humanitaire est de plus en plus complexe et malaisé: le droit<br />

humanitaire est souvent violé, la confusion des rôles fait que les travailleurs humanitaires sont de plus en plus souvent pris<br />

pour cibles et les catastrophes naturelles augmentent en nombre et en intensité. En 2010 nous avons été les témoins des<br />

trois plus grandes catastrophes humanitaires de ces dernières années: le séisme d'Haïti, la sécheresse au Sahel et les<br />

inondations au Pakistan. Or comme le dit la commissaire Kristalina Georgieva: "la qualité de notre aide humanitaire est de<br />

la plus haute importance." Elle permet "de sauver quelque 140 millions de personnes chaque année".<br />

Au vu de ces considération, je me range à l'avis de la rapporteure lorsqu'elle plaide pour une augmentation substantielle du<br />

financement de l'aide humanitaire tout comme lorsqu'elle fait le constat que le consensus humanitaire est trop méconnu. Il<br />

faut continuer à sensibiliser et à promouvoir les principes humanitaires et du droit international. Il faut, comme j'ai déjà eu<br />

l'occasion de le faire, plaider en faveur de la création d'une capacité européenne de réaction rapide. Il faut mettre<br />

d'avantage l'accent sur la prévention des risques des catastrophes.<br />

2-280<br />

Andreas Mölzer (NI), schriftlich. − Der Bericht über die Umsetzung des europäischen Konsenses zur humanitären Hilfe<br />

enthält einige wichtige Vorschläge, die in der Zukunft in Angriff genommen werden müssen. So zum Beispiel der Ausbau<br />

von Kapazitäten und Ressourcen für den Katastrophenschutz, Stichwort Aufbau einer europäischen<br />

Katastrophenschutztruppe. Bedeutend ist auch die verbesserte Koordination nicht nur zwischen den Mitgliedsstaaten,<br />

sondern auch auf internationaler Ebene mit den Vereinten Nationen. Auch der Ansatz, im Falle von Katastrophen<br />

Nahrungsmittel und Ähnliches in der Umgebung zu erwerben und so die lokale Wirtschaft zu unterstützen ist vernünftig.<br />

Leider ist der Bericht aber in einigen Punkten zu ungenau und zu wenig ambitioniert, weshalb ich mich der Stimme<br />

enthalten habe.<br />

2-281<br />

Rolandas Paksas (EFD), raštu. − Balsavau už šį pranešimą, kadangi Europos Sąjunga, būdama didžiausia humanitarinės<br />

pagalbos teikėja, turi didesnį dėmesį skirti humanitarinei pagalbai tose vietovėse, kuriose ji reikalinga neatidėliotinai,<br />

atsižvelgiant į tai, jog stipriai išaugo gamtos nelaimių ir vidinių konfliktų skaičius. Valstybės narės turėtų efektyviau<br />

dalyvauti šio konsensuso įgyvendinimo procese, įtraukdamos jį į nacionalines humanitarines strategijas. Atsižvelgiant į<br />

humanitarinės pagalbos poreikį, būtina skirti jai didesnį finansavimą užtikrinant greitą ir efektyvų operacijų finansavimą.

60 18-01-2011<br />

Pritariu pasiūlymui, kad būtina aiškiai atskirti karinės ir humanitarinės veikos dalyvių įgaliojimus tam, kad kariniai<br />

ištekliai ir pajėgumai, ypatingai tuose regionuose, kuriuose vyksta kariniai konfliktai, būtų naudojami tik griežtai<br />

ribojamais ir kraštutiniais atvejais. Be to, siekiant užtikrinti tinkamą ir efektyvų humanitarinės pagalbos koordinavimą ir<br />

nuoseklumą, turi būti sukurtos Europos civilinės saugos pajėgos ir greito reagavimo pajėgos.<br />

2-282<br />

Rolandas Paksas (EFD), raštu. − Balsavau už šį pranešimą, kadangi Europos Sąjunga būdama didžiausia humanitarinės<br />

pagalbos tiekėja, turi didesnį dėmesį skirti humanitarinei pagalbai tose vietovėse, kuriose ji reikalinga neatidėliotinai,<br />

atsižvelgiant į tai, jog stipriai išaugo gamtos nelaimių ir vidinių konfliktų skaičius. Valstybės narės turėtų efektyviau<br />

dalyvauti šio konsensuso įgyvendinimo procese, įtraukiant jį į nacionalines humanitarines strategijas. Atsižvelgiant į<br />

humanitarinės pagalbos poreikį būtina skirti jai didesnį finansavimą užtikrinant greitą ir efektyvų operacijų finansavimą.<br />

Pritariu pasiūlymui, kad būtina aiškiai atskirti karinės ir humanitarinės veikos dalyvių įgaliojimus, tam, kad kariniai<br />

ištekliai ir pajėgumai, ypatingai tuose regionuose, kuriuose vyksta kariniai konfliktai, būtų naudojami tik griežtai<br />

ribojamais ir kraštutiniais atvejais. Be to siekiant užtikrinti tinkamą ir efektyvų humanitarinės pagalbos koordinavimą ir<br />

nuoseklumą, turi būti sukurtos Europos civilinės saugos pajėgos ir greito reagavimo pajėgos.<br />

2-283<br />

Alfredo Pallone (PPE), per iscritto. − L'Unione Europea è il primo donatore di aiuti umanitari al mondo, il suo contributo<br />

rappresenta oltre il 40% dell'assistenza umanitaria internazionale ufficiale. Attraverso la sua politica umanitaria l'Ue sta<br />

dimostrando il suo impegno verso le popolazioni di paesi che hanno bisogno di aiuto. Dopo la firma da parte dell'UE del<br />

consenso umanitario, molte azioni sono state adottate per cooperare in tale settore, al fine di ottimizzare la sua efficacia e<br />

promuovere i principi fondamentali di umanità, neutralità, imparzialità di adoperarsi per i più bisognosi. Ciò nonostante,<br />

sembra che il consenso umanitario resti ancora misconosciuto, occorre pertanto uno sforzo maggiore per rafforzare la<br />

visibilità. Credo che in un settore così delicato come quello degli aiuti umanitari, sia importante prendere coscienza di<br />

come il contesto sia mutato negli anni, ricordando l'aumento significativo del numero e dell'intensità dei disastri naturali.<br />

Di conseguenza, vedrei opportuno rafforzare gli sforzi in materia di riduzione dei rischi di catastrofi e prevedere un<br />

sostegno alle capacità proprie delle comunità. Affiché gli aiuti umanitari possano seguire un percorso costante verso la loro<br />

completa attuazione, non si deve smettere di perorare la protezione dello spazio umanitario. Votando a favore della<br />

relazione Striffler spero si possa procedere all'adozione di un concreto piano d'azione.<br />

2-284<br />

Maria do Céu Patrão Neves (PPE), por escrito. − A União Europeia, associando a Comissão Europeia e os Estados-<br />

Membros, é o primeiro doador de ajuda humanitária no mundo. A sua contribuição representa mais de 40 % da assistência<br />

humanitária internacional oficial. Uma avaliação intercalar rigorosa da aplicação do Consenso Europeu em matéria de<br />

Ajuda Humanitária apenas pode concluir pela necessidade de contribuir para uma maior divulgação deste mecanismo e<br />

para uma maior coordenação e eficácia entre todas as entidades envolvidas. A contribuição económica, por si só, pode ser<br />

estéril se não acompanhada de uma coordenação estreita e eficaz em todas as etapas e formas de ajuda comunitária.<br />

Vivemos um momento crucial em que o contexto humanitário se tem vindo a modificar profundamente durante os últimos<br />

anos, o que torna tanto mais pertinente uma aplicação rigorosa e reforçada do consenso humanitário. Voto favoravelmente<br />

o presente relatório e exorto a uma política de diálogo sistemático, a uma maior cooperação no terreno, a uma melhor<br />

gestão e a uma aposta na prevenção das crises. Defendo a criação de uma Força Europeia de Protecção Civil, no<br />

seguimento do relatório Barnier de Maio de 2006.<br />

2-285<br />

Aldo Patriciello (PPE), per iscritto. − L'UE, primo donatore di aiuti umanitari al mondo, fornisce oltre il 40 per cento di<br />

assistenza umanitaria internazionale.<br />

Il consenso umanitario firmato il 18 dicembre 2007 da Consiglio, Parlamento e Commissione europea, sulla base di un<br />

piano di azione di cinque anni, impegna l'UE e gli Stati membri a cooperare strettamente in tale settore. L'azione n. 33<br />

prevede la revisione di metà percorso del piano d'azione per far fronte al mancato riconoscimento del settore umanitario, ai<br />

profondi cambiamenti climatici, alla moltiplicazione delle crisi complesse ed alla crescita della violenza.<br />

Pertanto si raccomanda la creazione di una capacità europea di reazione rapida (forza europea di protezione civile), idea di<br />

Michel Barnier, al fine di ottimizzare gli strumenti disponibili, dato l'obiettivo di giungere alla mobilitazione immediata di<br />

tutti i mezzi necessari attraverso un coordinamento rafforzato.<br />

Alla luce dei dati riportati e del trattato di Lisbona che introduce una vera politica di aiuto umanitario nell'UE, sono<br />

pienamente d'accordo sulla necessità di una revisione di metà percorso volta a rafforzare il piano d'azione su promozione<br />

dei principi umanitari, all'erogazione dell'aiuto umanitario, al chiarimento dell'utilizzo dei mezzi militari e civili, alla<br />

riduzione dei rischi di catastrofe e al rafforzamento del rapporto tra l'aiuto d'urgenza e lo sviluppo.<br />

2-286<br />

Paulo Rangel (PPE), por escrito. − Votei favoravelmente este relatório, que apresenta um balanço da aplicação do<br />

Consenso Europeu em matéria de Ajuda Humanitária, formulando importantes propostas que visam contribuir para o

18-01-2011 61<br />

reforço da sua visibilidade e para uma maior eficácia na prossecução dos respectivos objectivos. No actual contexto<br />

humanitário, marcado pelo aumento significativo do número e intensidade das catástrofes naturais, este instrumento<br />

reveste-se da maior relevância, sendo curial que se envidem esforços no sentido da plena concretização dos compromissos<br />

que do mesmo decorrem e de um maior envolvimento dos Estados-Membros na sua implementação.<br />

2-287<br />

Crescenzio Rivellini (PPE), per iscritto. − Si è votato, oggi, in plenaria sulla relazione "Consenso europeo in materia di<br />

aiuto umanitario".<br />

L'Unione europea, comprendente la Commissione europea e gli Stati membri, è il primo donatore di aiuti umanitari al<br />

mondo. Il suo contributo rappresenta oltre il 40% dell'assistenza umanitaria internazionale ufficiale. Attraverso la sua<br />

politica umanitaria, l'Unione europea dimostra concretamente il suo impegno a favore delle popolazioni di paesi terzi che<br />

hanno bisogno di aiuto in situazioni di estrema vulnerabilità.<br />

È importante sottolineare che l'erogazione dell'aiuto deve fondarsi unicamente sui bisogni accertati e il grado di<br />

vulnerabilità e che la qualità e la quantità dell'aiuto sono determinate innanzitutto dalla valutazione iniziale, che deve<br />

ancora essere migliorata, in particolare per quanto riguarda il livello dell'applicazione dei criteri di vulnerabilità,<br />

specialmente per quanto riguarda donne, minori e portatori di disabilità.<br />

Premessa essenziale inoltre il coinvolgimento effettivo e continuo – e ove possibile la partecipazione – dei beneficiari alla<br />

gestione dell'aiuto, che garantisce la qualità della risposta umanitaria, segnatamente in caso di crisi di lunga durata.<br />

2-288<br />

Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE), in writing. − Since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty on 1 December 2009,<br />

the Union’s humanitarian activities have been governed by Article 214 TFEU, establishing a specific EU policy for<br />

humanitarian aid as a competence shared between the Member States and the Union. Thus, when Council Regulation (EC)<br />

No 1257/96 of 20 June 1996 concerning humanitarian aid is revised under the codecision procedure it will have its own<br />

legal basis. The Lisbon Treaty also provided for the creation of the European External Action Service (EEAS). The DEVE<br />

Committee expressed its concern that humanitarian aid should not be instrumentalised under EEAS and advocates<br />

preserving the independence of DG ECHO. It also asks for the roles of Commissioners Ashton and Georgieva to be<br />

clarified.<br />

As the mid-term review offers an opportunity to step up EU's efforts in a number of areas, the report draw attention on the<br />

following issues among others: the promotion of humanitarian principles and international humanitarian law; the issues of<br />

quality, coordination and consistency in the delivery of EU humanitarian aid; clarification on the use of military and civil<br />

protection resources and capabilities in accordance with the consensus and the UN guidelines; disaster risk reduction and<br />

reinforcement of the link between emergency aid, Rehabilitation and development.<br />

2-289<br />

Licia Ronzulli (PPE), per iscritto. − L'Unione europea, insieme alla Commissione e agli Stati membri, è il primo donatore<br />

di aiuti umanitari al mondo, con un contributo pari ad oltre il 40% dell'assistenza internazionale ufficiale.<br />

Solo nel 2009 la Commissione europea ha fornito aiuti a circa 115 milioni di persone in oltre 70 paesi, per un importo<br />

totale di 950 milioni di euro. Attraverso le sue politiche l'UE dimostra concretamente il suo impegno tangibile a favore<br />

delle popolazioni che vivono in situazioni di estrema vulnerabilità. Il nostro obiettivo è di riuscire a pianificare un<br />

coordinamento rafforzato, sia civile sia militare, in grado di intervenire in modo sempre più efficace soprattutto nei<br />

confronti delle catastrofi naturali. Questi tragici eventi si verificano sempre con maggior frequenza e negli ultimi anni<br />

hanno causato centinaia di migliaia di morti in tutto il mondo.<br />

Particolare attenzione deve essere rivolta a donne e bambini, specialmente rifugiati e profughi, poiché le violazioni del<br />

diritto umanitario internazionale nei loro confronti sono sempre più numerose. Oltre ad essere più efficaci nell'intervento,<br />

molto deve essere fatto nella prevenzione attiva e passiva e le comunità a maggior rischio devono essere più preparate a<br />

questo genere di fenomeni, favorendo tutte le politiche di sviluppo sostenibile volte a minimizzare i danni.<br />

2-290<br />

Informe: Daciana Octavia Sârbu (A7-0376/2010)<br />

2-291<br />

John Stuart Agnew and David Campbell Bannerman (EFD), in writing. − 14/1: I voted in favour of this as I perceive it<br />

to be a weakening of EU legislation and will result in it becoming easier to import non-GM soya beans into the UK. This is<br />

a critical issue for our poultry sector.<br />

14/2: I voted in favour of this as it will reduce the negative impact of EU legislation on cargoes of non-GM soya beans<br />

destined for the UK.

62 18-01-2011<br />

14/3: I abstained on this because although it may be a desirable aspiration (for a UK government free of EU control), it is<br />

not yet a critical issue in my view and I do not wish to extend EU power.<br />

2-292<br />

Luís Paulo Alves (S&D), por escrito. − A UE deve recorrer a iniciativas inovadoras que, por um lado, dêem uso aos<br />

excedentes alimentares e, por outro, permitam alimentar pessoas carenciadas, devendo a PAC prever isso aquando da sua<br />

revisão. O comportamento especulativo tem sido responsável por cerca de 50 % dos recentes aumentos de preços, devendo<br />

fomentar-se a criação de instrumentos de estabilização dos preços no seio dos fóruns internacionais através de uma<br />

estratégia concertada no seio do G20. A UE deve liderar um movimento internacional com vista à criação de um acordo no<br />

seio das Nações Unidas que vise o fornecimento alimentar de países com estas carências de forma efectiva e permanente.<br />

Saliento ainda a importância de apostar na credibilidade do sector da agricultura, nomeadamente ao potenciar esta<br />

actividade junto dos jovens formados e empreendedores, como uma actividade que pode ser aliada à inovação e<br />

investigação.<br />

2-293<br />

Laima Liucija Andrikienė (PPE), raštu. − Balsavau už šią rezoliuciją, kuria pripažįstama, jog aprūpinimas maistu yra<br />

žmogaus teisė. Tai pasiekiama, kai visi žmonės visą laiką turi fizinių, socialinių ir ekonominių galimybių gauti<br />

pakankamai saugaus ir maistingo maisto savo kasdieniams mitybos poreikiams patenkinti siekiant užtikrinti aktyvų ir<br />

sveiką gyvenimą. Svarbu atkreipti dėmesį, kad pasauliniai pagrindinių maisto produktų ištekliai daug mažesni negu<br />

praeityje – per 2007 m. maisto krizę jie sumažėjo iki rekordiškai mažo lygio – 12 savaičių pasaulinių maisto atsargų. Kartu<br />

pasaulinė maisto gamyba tampa vis labiau pažeidžiama dėl ypatingų klimato reiškinių, susijusių su klimato kaita ir<br />

galinčių sukelti staigų, neprognozuojamą maisto trūkumą. Todėl ES turėtų numatyti savo indėlį į pasaulinę maisto atsargų<br />

sistemą.<br />

Manau, kad labai svarbu skatinti tiek konkurencingumą žemės ūkio sektoriuje, tiek ir tradicinį žemės ūkį, smulkiuosius<br />

ūkius, ekologinius ūkius ir produktų platinimą vietos mastu. Be to, senėjant kaimo visuomenei, manau, jog labai svarbu<br />

užtikrinti žemės ir paskolų prieinamumą jauniems ūkininkams.<br />

2-294<br />

Elena Oana Antonescu (PPE), în scris. − Recenta volatilitate a preţurilor alimentelor şi ale produselor alimentare de bază<br />

a generat îngrijorări serioase cu privire la funcţionarea lanţului de aprovizionare cu alimente la nivel european şi mondial.<br />

Creşterea preţurilor la alimente a afectat cel mai mult categoriile cele mai vulnerabile de populaţie. Acest raport<br />

încurajează aprovizionarea consumatorilor cu alimente sănătoase şi de bună calitate, la preţuri rezonabile şi menţinerea<br />

veniturilor agricole, acestea reprezentând două dintre obiectivele-cheie ale Uniunii Europene. Am votat în favoarea acestui<br />

raport. Devenind mai competitivă, <strong>Europa</strong> poate contribui la securitatea alimentară globală.<br />

2-295<br />

Sophie Auconie (PPE), par écrit. – Première politique mise en œuvre, premier poste de dépense jusqu’à récemment,<br />

l’agriculture occupe une place centrale dans le projet européen. Les dernières décennies ont certes connu un certain repli<br />

de ce volet au bénéfice d’autres aspects importants, mais il ne faut pas perdre de vue que l’indépendance agricole du<br />

continent est un défi stratégique majeur. Le président du groupe du Parti Populaire Européen Joseph Daul l’a d’ailleurs<br />

souligné au début de cette nouvelle année, la sécurité alimentaire sera le sujet majeur en 2011. En effet, la pénurie<br />

mondiale et les crises qui en résultent doivent nous alerter sur la gravité de la situation : envolée des prix, rareté de<br />

ressources primordiales, l’Europe doit répondre à ce nouveau défi. Les questions environnementales ajoutent à la<br />

complexité et à l’importance du problème. C’est pourquoi j’ai voté pour cette résolution qui vise la reconnaissance du<br />

caractère stratégique de la question. Elle rappelle le rôle que l’Union peut jouer dans la gestion des stocks mondiaux,<br />

l’adéquation de la PAC avec ces défis et attire l’attention sur les impacts néfastes de la spéculation sur le cours des<br />

matières premières.<br />

2-296<br />

Liam Aylward (ALDE), i scríbhinn. − Faoi láthair tá 900 milliún duine ar fud an domhain ag fulaingt de bharr ocras na<br />

fíorbhochtaineachta, agus suas le 2 bhilliún nach féidir leo brath ar chinnteacht a soláthair bia, toisc go bhfuil siad ag<br />

maireachtáil faoi scáil na bochtaineachta.<br />

Ós rud é go bhfuil méadú de 70%, ar a laghad, ag teastáil chun freastal ar riachtanais an daonra dhomhanda atá ag fás, ní<br />

mór an earnáil talmhaíochta a neartú. Chuige seo, tacaím leis an tuarascáil thábhachtach seo maidir le cúrsaí talmhaíochta<br />

agus an soláthar bia. Ní foláir Comhbheartas Talmhaíochta láidir maoinithe a fhorbairt chun bia ar ardchaighdeán agus ar<br />

chostas réasúnta a chur ar fáil agus sinn ag tabhairt aghaidhe ar an éileamh ar bhia san AE agus sa domhan.<br />

Ní mór na Scéimeanna um Thorthaí agus Bainne i Scoileanna agus an Clár do Dhaoine Díothacha a láidriú. Ní mór go<br />

mbeadh teacht ag muintir an AE ar a ndóthain de bhia folláin, in ainneoin deacrachtaí eacnamaíochta.

18-01-2011 63<br />

Is cúis imní é nach bhfuil an stoc bia domhanda chomh lán is a bhíodh agus, ag smaoineamh ar an mbaol atá ann ó athrú<br />

aeráide agus taismí nádúrtha, tacaím lena bhfuil sa Tuarascáil maidir le córas domhanda a bhunú a bheidh dírithe ar an stoc<br />

bia a fhorbairt.<br />

2-297<br />

Zigmantas Balčytis (S&D), raštu. − Balsavau už šį dokumentą. Sparčiai didėjant žmonių skaičiui pasaulyje žemės ūkio<br />

sektorius turi patenkinti vis didėjantį maisto poreikį nepaisant ribotų gamtos išteklių, didelių energijos kainų ir klimato<br />

kaitos nulemtų kliūčių. Maisto ir žemės ūkio organizacijos (MŽŪO) vertinimu, norint patenkinti pasaulio gyventojų, kurių,<br />

kaip tikimasi, iki 2050 m. bus daugiau kaip 9 mlrd., poreikius, maisto turi būti gaminama bent 70 proc. daugiau. Be to,<br />

visame pasaulyje apie 900 mln. žmonių nuolat badauja dėl itin didelio skurdo, o 2 mlrd. žmonių dėl didesnio ar mažesnio<br />

skurdo negali patikimai ilgesnį laiką apsirūpinti maistu, todėl maisto prieinamumas tebėra vienas iš svarbiausių klausimų,<br />

kuriuos reikia spręsti. Pritariu, kad naujoji BŽŪP, kuri bus įgyvendinta po 2013 m., turi skatinti ne tik konkurencingumą,<br />

bet ir tradicinį žemės ūkį, smulkiuosius ūkius, ekologinius ūkius ir produktų platinimą vietos mastu , kad prisidėtų prie<br />

apsirūpinimo maistu. Be to, senėjant kaimo visuomenei, manau, jog labai svarbu užtikrinti žemės ir paskolų prieinamumą<br />

jauniems ūkininkams bei išlaikyti prieinamas maisto kainas ir pakankamas ūkininkų pajamas.<br />

2-298<br />

George Becali (NI), în scris. − Am votat acest raport întrucât există în continuare sărăcie şi foamete în Uniunea<br />

Europeană. 79 de milioane de oameni din UE trăiesc în continuare sub limita sărăciei. Amendamentele mele subliniază<br />

faptul că dreptul la hrană este un drept de bază al omului şi că acesta există atunci când toţi oamenii au permanent acces<br />

fizic, social şi economic la alimente suficiente, sigure şi nutritive, în vederea satisfacerii nevoilor lor nutriţionale pentru a<br />

duce o viaţă activă şi sănătoasă. Doresc să subliniez în special importanţa diversităţii în agricultura europeană şi a<br />

asigurării coexistenţei unor modele agricole diferite, precum şi cea a diversităţii şi calităţii alimentelor şi a nutriţiei peste<br />

tot în <strong>Europa</strong>.<br />

2-299<br />

Bastiaan Belder (EFD), schriftelijk. − Ik heb vóór de resolutie gestemd; in haar programma legt mijn partij (de SGP) ook<br />

duidelijk de vinger op het strategisch belang van de sector en wordt landbouw zelfs de basis genoemd voor<br />

voedselzekerheid. Enkele kanttekeningen moet ik toch plaatsen, hoe nobel de ideeën op zichzelf ook kunnen zijn. Met<br />

programma’s voor schoolmelk en schoolfruit moet de EU zich niet bezighouden. Laat dat desgewenst aan de lidstaten<br />

over. Ik heb daarnaast ook tegen de paragraaf over versoepeling en stimulering van GGO-importen gestemd. Mijn partij is<br />

van mening dat GGO’s niet de oplossing zijn voor het wereldvoedselvraagstuk. Een verband tussen hogere opbrengsten en<br />

genetische modificatie is nog steeds niet aangetoond. Bovendien zijn er naar onze mening in ethisch opzicht principiële<br />

vragen te stellen bij genetische modificatie.<br />

Echter, in de algehele toonzetting van de resolutie kan ik mij goed vinden. De resolutie laat nog weer eens zien hoe<br />

belangrijk een krachtig en goed gefinancierd GLB na 2013 is. Daarnaast vind ik de oproep om ontwikkelingslanden hun<br />

landbouwgrond te laten gebruiken voor het veiligstellen van de voedselvoorziening, in de eerste plaats voor hun eigen<br />

bevolking, van groot belang en hoge urgentie.<br />

2-300<br />

Jean-Luc Bennahmias (ALDE), par écrit. – L'accès à la nourriture pour tous, dans un contexte de hausse de demande<br />

mondiale et d'insuffisance alimentaire pour plusieurs milliards de personnes dans le monde, est un défi gigantesque et<br />

primordial. Rien que dans l'Union européenne, 16% des citoyens vivent en dessous du seuil de pauvreté et ont des<br />

difficultés à satisfaire les besoins les plus basiques: le logement, la santé et bien sûr la nourriture.<br />

C'est dans cet esprit que, pour susciter le débat, nous avons voté une résolution reconnaissant l'agriculture comme secteur<br />

stratégique dans le cadre de la sécurité alimentaire. Au moment où nous réfléchissons sur le futur de la PAC, il semble<br />

nécessaire de ne pas oublier ce besoin et ce droit qui devrait être universel, à la nourriture pour tous.<br />

Un de nos objectifs est de combattre la spéculation dans le secteur agricole: nous demandons une révision de la législation<br />

sur les instruments financiers. Il faut moins de volatilité des prix et plus de transparence. Nous émettons aussi l'idée d'un<br />

"système mondial ciblé de stocks alimentaires" afin de gérer plus efficacement les crises et invitons la Commission à<br />

réfléchir à ce type de mesures.<br />

2-301<br />

Sebastian Valentin Bodu (PPE), în scris. − Uniunea Europeană are datoria de a răspunde provocărilor privind securitatea<br />

alimentară, furnizarea de alimente superioare calitativ, protejarea mediului, diversitatea spaţiului rural, menţinerea<br />

echilibrului teritorial prin ameliorarea condiţiilor de trai din spaţiul rural. Politica Agricolă Comună oferă răspunsuri şi<br />

soluţii pentru aceste provocări ale viitorului şi este important faptul că obiectivele şi instrumentele pe care aceasta le<br />

identifică încearcă să răspundă cât mai bine nevoii de integrare a specificului naţional în arhitectura politicii agricole<br />

comune. Este clar că fermierii au nevoie de un sprijin direct consistent şi în viitor, dar nu mai pot fi menţinute diferenţele<br />

existente la nivelul plăţilor directe între statele membre pentru că acest lucru afectează direct nivelul de competitivitate al<br />

produselor agricole pe piaţa unică.

64 18-01-2011<br />

PAC trebuie să responsabilizeze în ce priveşte cheltuirea banilor europeni prin concentrarea plăţilor pe suprafaţă, doar în<br />

cazul terenurilor cultivate şi, pentru sectorul zootehnic, doar asupra animalelor existente în fermă în anul aferent plăţilor.<br />

Pilonul I al PAC ar trebui să acopere plăţile compensatorii pentru zonele defavorizate agricol şi plăţile de agro-mediu,<br />

contribuind astfel, la prevenirea abandonării terenurilor agricole şi la recompensarea avantajelor aduse mediului<br />

înconjurător prin practicile agricole extensive.<br />

2-302<br />

Maria Da Graça Carvalho (PPE), por escrito. − Votei favoravelmente este relatório, porque a segurança alimentar é um<br />

direito humano, alcançado quando todas as pessoas têm acesso a alimentos suficientes, seguros e nutritivos que satisfaçam<br />

as suas necessidades para uma vida activa e saudável. Na <strong>Europa</strong>, 16 % dos cidadãos vivem ainda abaixo do limiar de<br />

pobreza e a acessibilidade dos alimentos continua a ser uma questão-chave por solucionar. Por conseguinte, a segurança<br />

alimentar continua a requerer uma Política Agrícola Comum forte. A nova PAC, que deverá entrar em vigor após 2013,<br />

deve responder aos desafios em matéria de segurança alimentar e outros, nomeadamente as alterações climáticas, a crise<br />

económica e a manutenção do equilíbrio territorial na UE. Por outro lado, os objectivos ambiciosos da UE em matéria de<br />

energia têm incentivado o cultivo de biocombustíveis em larga escala, mas a sua produção compete com a produção de<br />

alimentos em matéria de uso da terra, o que tem um impacto potencialmente negativo para a segurança alimentar.<br />

2-303<br />

Νικόλαος Χουντής (GUE/NGL), γραπτώς. – Ψήφισα αρνητικά την Έκθεση, παρά το ότι εμπεριέχει σοβαρά θετικά<br />

σημεία και αναγνωρίζει τον ρόλο της γεωργίας στην εξασφάλιση της διατροφικής ασφάλειας και επάρκειας. Υπάρχει<br />

όμως ένα πολύ σοβαρό μειονέκτημα στην Έκθεση, το οποίο δεν μπορεί να παραβλεφθεί. Υπερψηφίστηκε ένα<br />

συγκεκριμένο σημείο, σύμφωνα με το οποίο το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο "καλεί την Επιτροπή να προτείνει μια ταχύτερη<br />

διαδικασία έγκρισης σε πλαίσιο ΕΕ για την εισαγωγή νέας παραλλαγής ζωοτροφών γενετικώς τροποποιημένων μόλις<br />

αποδειχθεί ασφαλής". Η θέση μας ενάντια στην εισαγωγή και χρήση οποιουδήποτε μεταλλαγμένου υλικού, τροφίμου ή<br />

ζωοτροφής παραμένει σταθερή και σε καμία περίπτωση δεν θα μπορούσα να ψηφίσω μια Έκθεση η οποία, για πρώτη<br />

φορά, διαμορφώνει θετική στάση του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου προς τα μεταλλαγμένα που με τόσο ζήλο προσπαθεί να<br />

εισαγάγει στην Ευρώπη ο κύριος Μπαρόζο.<br />

2-304<br />

Carlos Coelho (PPE), por escrito. − A segurança alimentar é um direito humano fundamental! Nos dias de hoje estima-se<br />

que cerca de 900 milhões de pessoas sofrem de fome crónica e muitos outros tantos não gozam de uma alimentação<br />

saudável e suficiente devido a diferentes graus de pobreza. Alcançar o desiderato da segurança alimentar implica que todas<br />

as pessoas tenham permanentemente acesso (físico e económico) a alimentos adequados e seguros e que satisfaçam as suas<br />

necessidades alimentares. A segurança alimentar passa por uma Política Agrícola Comum forte, mas coerente e com<br />

preocupações sociais: coerente em não permitir superávites de produção que distorcem o mercado e levantam problemas<br />

ambientais; social assegurando que todos os estratos sociais tenham acesso aos alimentos e com qualidade.<br />

Congratulo-me, por outro lado, com a abordagem à questão da diversidade na agricultura europeia; competitividade e<br />

inovação podem e devem seguir de mãos dadas com a agricultura tradicional, de pequena escala, biológica e de<br />

distribuição local. Investimentos financeiros nestes sectores serão fundamentais para um aproveitamento eficaz do solo em<br />

certas regiões, bem como investimentos a nível energético que reduzam a dependência entre segurança alimentar e<br />

segurança energética.<br />

2-305<br />

Corina Creţu (S&D), în scris. − Propunerea de rezoluţie privitoare la recunoaşterea agriculturii ca sector strategic în<br />

contextul securităţii alimentare este un document necesar şi oportun, apărut într-un moment în care se constată o creştere<br />

accelerată a preţurilor la o mare serie de produse alimentare. Recomandările cuprinse în raport sunt realiste şi la obiect, şi<br />

se adresează problemelor reale din domeniu. Remarc importanţa acordată formării şi promovării unor noi generaţii de<br />

fermieri în sânul UE, lucru esenţial, în contextul îmbătrânirii populaţiei. Remarc şi atenţia acordată păstrării diversităţii<br />

agriculturii în sânul Uniunii, pentru a da o şansă în plus şi agriculturii tradiţionale.<br />

2-306<br />

Vasilica Viorica Dăncilă (S&D), în scris. − Deoarece dreptul la securitate alimentară este un drept de bază al omului,<br />

consider că Uniunea Europeană trebuie să creeze condiţii mai bune pentru implementarea în statele membre a programelor<br />

de susţinere a nutriţiei, precum şi cele care prevăd distribuirea de fructe şi lapte în şcoli.<br />

2-307<br />

Mário David (PPE), por escrito. − Este é um relatório de iniciativa da Comissão da Agricultura do Parlamento Europeu e<br />

que integra ideias e sugestões de todos os Grupos Políticos. Nesse sentido e com vista à obtenção de compromissos<br />

viáveis, obteve-se um texto bastante abrangente, ligado por um mínimo denominador comum, com o qual genericamente<br />

concordo. Além de considerar o direito à segurança alimentar um direito humano fundamental, considero a agricultura<br />

como um sector estratégico e absolutamente indispensável ao futuro do nosso continente. Isto é, como um elemento<br />

alienável da nossa soberania enquanto União de povos e países. Com isto quero afirmar que o direito à alimentação segura,<br />

além de fundamental, deverá ser garantido pela nossa produção interna. Uma PAC é por isso essencial para garantir este<br />

objectivo. Reafirmo, contudo, que o objectivo fundamental da PAC deverá ser a manutenção da competitividade da<br />

agricultura europeia e o suporte da actividade agrícola na UE de modo a garantir a produção alimentar, principalmente ao

18-01-2011 65<br />

nível local, e um desenvolvimento territorial equilibrado. Considero ainda que se deverão assegurar rendimentos justos no<br />

sector agrícola, pois só é possível estimular sistemas sustentáveis e éticos de produção se os agricultores forem<br />

devidamente compensados pelos investimentos que fazem e pelos compromissos que assumem.<br />

2-308<br />

Luigi Ciriaco De Mita (PPE), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l´agricoltura ha un ruolo strategico<br />

nello sviluppo delle comunità. La qualificazione dei relativi prodotti quale settore primario in ambito produttivo non<br />

corrisponde solo alla sequenza storica del relativo sviluppo, ma soprattutto al ruolo che esso riveste nella stabilità delle<br />

società e delle relative economie. Una equilibrata produzione agricola deve prestare attenzione non solo alle quantità<br />

prodotte, ma anche e soprattutto alla qualità delle produzioni, affinché esse favoriscano un sano sviluppo delle persone. In<br />

tale prospettiva, quindi, la sicurezza delle produzioni alimentari riveste un ruolo strategico e la relativa tutela, soprattutto<br />

nei confronti dei prodotti tipici e locali, incrementa le opportunità di sviluppo diffuso nel territorio. La correlazione<br />

positiva tra sicurezza alimentare e qualità e sanità delle produzioni agricole comprende anche il rafforzamento<br />

dell´ecocompatibilità delle stesse, con particolare attenzione all´effetto domino dell´introduzione non controllata degli<br />

OGM, affinché preliminarmente vi siano le opportune certezze sulle conseguenze a medio e lungo termine che tali prodotti<br />

possono avere sulla salute e sulle economie locali.<br />

2-309<br />

Marielle De Sarnez (ALDE), par écrit. – Nous sommes à un moment charnière pour définir ce que devra être la future<br />

réforme de la politique agricole commune. C’est une question qui concerne bien entendu les Européens, mais aussi les<br />

citoyens du monde. Cette nouvelle politique devra donc s’inscrire dans une vision mondiale. Avec un défi majeur : pouvoir<br />

répondre au doublement des besoins en alimentation d’ici 2050, dans un contexte marqué par une pénurie en eau, une<br />

diminution des terres arables ainsi que par une nouvelle donne énergétique dictée par la lutte contre le changement<br />

climatique. L’organisation mondiale des marchés agricoles doit être repensée en prenant en compte les deux inspirations<br />

premières de la politique agricole commune : garantir la sécurité alimentaire et sauver le tissu vivant des paysans et de<br />

leurs familles, chez nous, aussi bien que dans les pays les plus pauvres. Cela passe aussi par la création d'un système<br />

mondial et ciblé de stocks alimentaires, constitué de stocks d'urgence pour réduire la faim et de stocks destinés à réguler<br />

les cours des matières premières. Ce système devrait être géré par l'ONU via son organisation mondiale pour l'alimentation<br />

et l'agriculture, la FAO.<br />

2-310<br />

Anne Delvaux (PPE), par écrit. – Dans le monde, 900 millions de personnes souffrent de la faim de façon chronique du<br />

fait de la pauvreté extrême dans laquelle elles se trouvent. En dépit de disponibilités alimentaires apparemment suffisantes,<br />

une part notable de la population mondiale n'a pas les moyens de s'offrir les denrées alimentaires de première nécessité:<br />

l'accessibilité des produits alimentaires est une question essentielle dont il faut nous saisir!<br />

L'objectif de la sécurité alimentaire ne pourra être atteint sans résoudre deux des plus importantes questions qui se posent<br />

actuellement: la volatilité des marchés et des prix et la diminution des stocks alimentaires. Dans ce contexte, il faut<br />

préconiser une révision de l'actuelle législation sur les instruments financiers, qui doit renforcer la transparence des<br />

échanges et prévoir des seuils minimums pour les opérateurs admis à intervenir sur ces marchés.<br />

Qui plus est, les stocks mondiaux de denrées alimentaires de première nécessité sont bien plus limités que par le passé, les<br />

réserves alimentaires mondiales ayant atteint un niveau historiquement bas! Enfin, la PAC doit apporter une réponse sans<br />

équivoque à la question de la sécurité alimentaire et aux autres défis que sont notamment le changement climatique et la<br />

crise économique dans l'UE.<br />

2-311<br />

Edite Estrela (S&D), por escrito. − Votei favoravelmente o relatório sobre a agricultura como um sector estratégico no<br />

contexto da segurança alimentar, porque apresenta propostas importantes sobre como a PAC, que deverá entrar em vigor<br />

após 2013, deverá responder aos desafios em matéria de segurança alimentar, alterações climáticas, crise económica,<br />

manutenção do equilíbrio territorial na UE, entre outros.<br />

2-312<br />

Diogo Feio (PPE), por escrito. − A Organização para a Agricultura e Alimentação (FAO) alertou recentemente para um<br />

possível aumento do preço dos bens alimentares em 2011, após em 2010 estes terem atingido novos máximos históricos,<br />

depois da subida durante a crise alimentar de 2008. O índice de 55 matérias-primas alimentares da FAO subiu, pelo sexto<br />

mês consecutivo, para 214,7 pontos acima do anterior máximo histórico de 213,5 pontos, atingido em Junho de 2008.<br />

O preço do açúcar e da carne atinge novos recordes históricos e a menos que se verifique um aumento de pelo menos 2%<br />

na produção de cereais, o preço destes continuará a subir. É, por isso, de saudar esta iniciativa e, tal como salientei numa<br />

pergunta colocada a semana passada à Comissão Europeia, atendendo a que a volatilidade dos preços afecta todos os<br />

intervenientes no mercado, acredito que devem ser tomadas medidas concretas, no âmbito da PAC, para aumentar a<br />

produção, abastecer melhor os mercados e garantir uma maior estabilidade dos preços, para além de garantir uma produção<br />

que responda às necessidades de consumo europeias. Como venho defendendo, a agricultura deve ser encarada, sobretudo<br />

em momentos de crise, como um sector estratégico.

66 18-01-2011<br />

2-313<br />

José Manuel Fernandes (PPE), por escrito. − A segurança alimentar, porque se trata de um direito humano, é uma<br />

matéria que merece, das Instituições europeias, uma atenção muito especial. Além da necessidade de o sector agrícola<br />

produzir alimentos seguros, também é fundamental que os mesmos sejam suficientes. Por isso, não podemos olvidar as<br />

recomendações da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Alimentação e a Agricultura (FAO) sobre a premência de um<br />

aumento em cerca de 70 % na produção para alimentar a população mundial de 9 mil milhões prevista para o ano de 2050.<br />

Congratulo-me com a aprovação desta resolução, que reconhece o papel da Agência Europeia para a Segurança Alimentar<br />

(AESA) – como entidade responsável pelo acompanhamento e informação dos riscos inerentes à cadeia alimentar – e que<br />

incentiva os Estados-Membros a criarem organismos que colaborem com esta. Quero, ainda, salientar o reconhecimento<br />

conferido à agricultura tradicional, nomeadamente à agricultura biológica e à produção em pequena escala que existe nas<br />

regiões menos favorecidas e que constitui não só uma mais-valia económica, mas sobretudo ambiental, sendo<br />

imprescindível à manutenção da biodiversidade. Espero que a nova PAC responda de uma forma eficiente aos problemas<br />

que se colocam ao sector: alterações climáticas, manutenção dos preços ao consumidor e rendimento dos agricultores.<br />

2-314<br />

João Ferreira (GUE/NGL), por escrito. − O relatório aborda uma questão candente, apontando problemas pertinentes<br />

que ameaçam a segurança alimentar, como sejam a volatilidade dos preços em resultado da especulação financeira, a<br />

usurpação de terras nos países em desenvolvimento ou a insuficiência de stocks estratégicos. A abordagem feita a cada um<br />

destes problemas, como de resto a toda a problemática da segurança alimentar, é todavia muito incompleta, contraditória<br />

por vezes e, nalguns casos, errada. São omitidas as consequências das políticas agrícolas vigentes, concretamente da PAC<br />

e das suas sucessivas reformas, com a liberalização dos mercados e o desmantelamento dos instrumentos reguladores e a<br />

consequente ruína de milhares de pequenos e médios produtores, confrontados com preços à produção que não cobrem<br />

muitas vezes os custos de produção.<br />

Acresce a defesa da tese de que para alimentar a <strong>Europa</strong> e os países terceiros, será necessário recorrer a todas as formas<br />

de cultivo – defesa implícita de modelos de produção insustentáveis, da produção intensiva de cariz exportador e dos<br />

OGM, cujo processo de aprovação de importações se apela para que seja facilitado e mais rápido. Finalmente, a relatora<br />

regozija-se com a proposta de regulamento relativa aos derivados OTC – proposta que não travará a especulação, como<br />

denuncia o relator especial da ONU para o direito à alimentação.<br />

2-315<br />

Carlo Fidanza (PPE), per iscritto. − Mi esprimo a favore della relazione della collega Sârbu. Proprio in questo periodo, in<br />

cui ci apprestiamo a riformare la Politica Agricola Comune post-2013, il voto di oggi indica la direzione che il Parlamento<br />

intende intraprendere: per assicurare un approvvigionamento sicuro di prodotti alimentari a prezzi accessibili, l'UE deve<br />

dotarsi di una forte politica agricola comune che scoraggi la speculazione su materie prime alimentari e aiuti i giovani a<br />

intraprendere l'attività d'agricoltore. Ritengo importante sottolineare come la PAC del futuro dovrà anche offrire ai<br />

cittadini l'accesso a un adeguato approvvigionamento di cibo, permettere la diffusione d'informazioni nutrizionali e<br />

migliorare le condizioni per la realizzazione di programmi quali "Latte nelle scuole" e "Frutta nelle scuole". Inoltre, con il<br />

voto di oggi si indica alla Commissione di valutare come realizzare un "sistema globale mirato di riserve alimentari" con<br />

riserve di emergenza per combattere la fame e riserve invece da utilizzare per regolare i prezzi delle materie prime.<br />

Particolare attenzione va inoltre riservata al tema degli OGM: in quanto questione delicata, bisogna usare una certa<br />

cautela, evitando un'apertura indiscriminata e selvaggia.<br />

2-316<br />

Lorenzo Fontana (EFD), per iscritto. − Il raggiungimento della sicurezza e dell'indipendenza alimentare in <strong>Europa</strong> è<br />

fondamentale, ed è per questo motivo che mi sono espresso favorevolmente in tal senso. Plaudo al fatto che si faccia<br />

riferimento ad una visione della PAC ambiziosa. Dobbiamo ricordare che la Politica Agricola Comune é fondamentale per<br />

il sostegno degli agricoltori che, oltre a produrre materie prime e beni pubblici, mantengono e curano i nostri territori. Per<br />

far fronte alle nuove sfide alimentari che si prospettano per il futuro dobbiamo fare in modo di diventare dei produttori<br />

autosufficienti, importando sempre meno prodotti agricoli da paesi terzi, in quanto non solo non rispettano le normative sul<br />

rispetto dell'ambiente e della salute, ma neanche i diritti dei lavoratori.<br />

2-317<br />

Elisabetta Gardini (PPE), per iscritto. − Il miglioramento della sicurezza alimentare è una delle sfide che dovrà<br />

affrontare la riforma della PAC dopo il 2013.<br />

La capacità di garantire provvigioni alimentari in quantità sufficienti ai propri cittadini deve tenere conto del notevole<br />

aumento della domanda mondiale di cibo previsto per il 2050. In quest'ottica è prioritario che l'Unione europea continui a<br />

farsi garante di questo diritto umano fondamentale all'interno e all'esterno delle sue frontiere, cercando di aumentare la<br />

produttività dell'agricoltura e assicurando al tempo stesso un approvvigionamento sicuro e a prezzi accessibili, oltre che la<br />

tutela ormai imprescindibile dell'ambiente rurale europeo.<br />

Non possiamo permettere che la speculazione finanziaria continui a determinare un incontrollato rialzo dei prezzi e la<br />

volatilità dei mercati dei generi alimentari a livello globale. Per salvaguardare la produzione europea, è necessario<br />

riequilibrare le relazioni contrattuali tra i produttori e la distribuzione moderna.

18-01-2011 67<br />

Non dobbiamo sottovalutare che spesso, infatti, le diseguaglianze del potere contrattuale, le pratiche anticoncorrenziali e la<br />

mancanza di trasparenza sono alla base di distorsioni di mercato con pesanti ricadute sulla competitività della catena di<br />

approvvigionamento alimentare nel suo complesso.<br />

2-318<br />

Bruno Gollnisch (NI), par écrit. – Oui, le secteur agricole est un secteur stratégique, et la sécurité alimentaire un<br />

impératif. Il aura fallu des décennies à l'Europe pour s'en apercevoir. Mais le titre de ce rapport est trompeur. À aucun<br />

moment les conséquences dévastatrices du libre-échangisme mondial et de la logique de marché n'y sont dénoncées.<br />

Nous continuerons à manger des fraises en hiver, qu'elles viennent de l'hémisphère sud ou de serres sur-consommatrices<br />

d'énergie et d'eau. Nous continuerons à promouvoir l'importation de haricots verts africains, au détriment des cultures<br />

vivrières locales et en concurrence de nos propres productions.<br />

Nous continuerons à demander la régulation des marchés des produits agricoles et de leurs produits dérivés, alors même<br />

que cette seconde notion est aberrante et que nous devrions promouvoir des agricultures de qualité et des circuits courts, en<br />

poursuivant impitoyablement les abus des intermédiaires et de la grande distribution.<br />

Nous assisterons impuissants à la mainmise de pays étrangers ayant gaspillé leur propre potentiel, sur les terres arables des<br />

pays les plus vulnérables, nous inquiétant sans agir de ce qui est potentiellement une situation explosive.<br />

Vous avez fait des progrès mais il vous reste encore du chemin à faire. En refusant de vous attaquer au système même qui<br />

est à l'origine de nos problèmes, vous vous condamnez à l'échec.<br />

2-319<br />

Sylvie Guillaume (S&D), par écrit. – La sécurité alimentaire est un enjeu primordial auquel doit répondre de façon<br />

efficace l’Union européenne; c’est pourquoi j’ai soutenu le rapport de ma collègue sociale-démocrate qui préconise une<br />

PAC forte, responsable et orientée vers la jeunesse agricole; qui propose de combattre la spéculation sur les marchés<br />

agricoles ayant pour conséquence la volatilité des prix et réaffirme que la lutte contre la pauvreté au sein de l’Union et<br />

dans le monde entier doit être une priorité, faisant de la sécurité alimentaire et de l’accès à la nourriture un droit<br />

fondamental de l’humanité. L’UE doit répondre aux défis alimentaires actuels et anticiper sur les difficultés futures dans ce<br />

domaine, c’est pourquoi l’idée de la création d’un système ciblé et mondial de stock alimentaire me semble tout à fait<br />

pertinente, même si cela ne sera pas facile à mettre en place.<br />

2-320<br />

Ian Hudghton (Verts/ALE), in writing. − I voted against the Sârbu report despite its numerous good points. Food is a<br />

fundamentally important issue and one which is going to be of increasing significance. It is essential that the EU takes a<br />

coordinated stance in relation to its agriculture sector in order to face the challenges which lie ahead. However, I do not<br />

consider that GMOs have a legitimate role to play in achieving security of food supplies and I could not support a report<br />

which proposes to give the green light to genetic modification.<br />

2-321<br />

Juozas Imbrasas (EFD), raštu. − Pritariau šiam pranešimui, nes aprūpinimas maistu yra žmogaus teisė, užtikrinanti<br />

aktyvų ir sveiką gyvenimą. Visame pasaulyje didelė dalis žmonių nuolat badauja arba negali patikimai ilgesnį laiką<br />

apsirūpinti maistu. Nepaisant akivaizdaus pasiūlos pakankamumo, didelė dalis pasaulio gyventojų negali sau leisti įsigyti<br />

reikalingų būtiniausių maisto produktų, o maisto prieinamumas tebėra vienas iš svarbiausių klausimų, kuriuos reikia<br />

spręsti nedelsiant. Svarbu yra užtikrinti, kad maistas būtų prieinamas visų socialinių kategorijų žmonėms. Aprūpinimo<br />

maistu, kaip tikslo, negalima pasiekti neišsprendus dviejų dabar aktualiausių klausimų: rinkų ir kainų svyravimų (kuriems<br />

didelę įtaką daro spekuliacija prekių rinkose) ir mažėjančios maisto atsargos. Jokiu būdu negali būti leidžiama spekuliuoti<br />

maisto kainomis. Turime skatinti ne tik konkurencingumą, bet ir tradicinį žemės ūkį, smulkiuosius ūkius, ekologinius<br />

ūkius ir produktų platinimą vietos mastu, užtikrinant žemės ūkio įvairovė visoje Europoje. Be to, senėjant kaimo<br />

visuomenei, manau, jog labai svarbu užtikrinti žemės ir paskolų prieinamumą jauniems ūkininkams. Mūsų tikslas yra<br />

išlaikyti prieinamas maisto kainas ir padorias ūkininkų pajamas. Tačiau jokiu būdu nepritariu genetiškai modifikuotų<br />

medžiagų naudojimui, vartojimui importavimui ir kitokiai veiklai bei leidimui naudoti gamybos metodus, taikomus<br />

trečiosiose šalyse, nes nėra jokių duomenų leidžiančių pagrįstai manyti, kad tai nekelia pavojaus žmonių sveikatai bei<br />

aplinkai.<br />

2-322<br />

Karin Kadenbach (S&D), schriftlich. − Leider wurde im vorliegenden Text mit den Stimmen der Konservativen der Satz<br />

angenommen, ein zügigeres Verfahren in der EU für die Genehmigung der Einfuhr neuer Futtermittelvarianten mit<br />

gentechnisch veränderten Organismen (GVO) vorzuschlagen, deren Unbedenklichkeit nachgewiesen wurde. Keinesfalls<br />

darf der Bedarf an Lebensmitteln aber durch die Methoden der Gentechnik gesichert werden. Ich bin weiterhin dezidiert<br />

gegen gentechnisch veränderte Nahrungsmittel und erinnere die EU-Kommission an das Vorsorgeprinzip: Selbst, wenn es<br />

wissenschaftliche Studien gibt, die gentechnisch modifizierte Lebensmittel als nicht gesundheitsschädlich betrachten, gibt

68 18-01-2011<br />

es möglicherweise aber noch nicht die richtigen Testmethoden, um das festzustellen. Schließlich müssen wir den Wunsch<br />

der Verbraucher respektieren, die diese Form von Lebensmitteln ablehnen.<br />

2-323<br />

Elisabeth Köstinger (PPE), schriftlich. − Die Landwirtschaft ist von enormer Bedeutung für die weltweite<br />

Ernährungssicherheit, darum müssen wir handeln! Die Sicherung der Einkommen der Landwirte und die Versorgung mit<br />

ausreichend Qualitätslebensmitteln müssen deshalb Kernziele der Gemeinsamen Europäischen Agrarpolitik sein. Auch die<br />

schwankenden Marktpreise im Agrarsektor sind Unsicherheitsfaktoren und müssen behoben werden. Ich unterstütze den<br />

Bericht, der klar aufzeigt, dass Ernährungssicherheit auch in der Europäischen Union ein zentrales Anliegen ist und die<br />

Forderung einer Abstimmung der einzelnen Politikfelder untereinander. Nur wenn Agrarpolitik, Entwicklungs-, Handels-,<br />

Finanz- und Energiepolitik sowie die Forschung zusammenarbeiten, können Verbesserungen erzielt werden.<br />

2-324<br />

Giovanni La Via (PPE), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ho votato a favore della relazione Sârbu<br />

perchè garantire approvvigionamenti alimentari costanti ma anche sicuri: questo è il ruolo principale che la società<br />

attribuisce all'agricoltura. La sicurezza alimentare è un diritto fondamentale dell'umanità attraverso il quale tutti<br />

dovrebbero avere, in qualsiasi momento, un accesso fisico, sociale ed economico ad una nutrizione sufficiente, sana e<br />

nutriente tale da svolgere una vita attiva. Si tratta di un diritto spesso contrastato, in alcune aree del mondo, e poco<br />

garantito, in altre, per effetto di molteplici cause ed elementi che concorrono a mettere seriamente a repentaglio la salute<br />

dei consumatori. In una fase come quella attuale, caratterizzata dal dibattito sulla PAC post 2013, attraverso questa<br />

relazione, possiamo tracciare alcune linee guida circa il ruolo etico, sociale ed economico che l'agricoltura deve svolgere<br />

anche per il prossimo futuro, puntando il dito verso i fattori di rischio che la minacciano e cogliendo le opportunità per<br />

renderla il baluardo per la lotta globale alla fame.<br />

2-325<br />

Bogusław Liberadzki (S&D), na piśmie. − Głosowałem za sprawozdaniem Sârbu w sprawie uznania rolnictwa za sektor<br />

strategicznie ważny w kontekście bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego. Bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe należy historycznie od<br />

wieków do najważniejszych powinności każdej władzy. Kryterium finansowe czy ekonomiczne nie może być zatem<br />

decydujące.<br />

Produkować żywność tanio, ale dobrą, to bardzo ważne z punktu widzenia rynku i zdolności nabywczej ludności,<br />

zwłaszcza o niskich dochodach. Jeszcze ważniejsza jest jednak zdolność do produkcji żywności. Nie możemy pozwolić na<br />

zdanie się na import żywności, tylko dlatego, że ktoś może nam na bieżąco sprzedawać ją taniej. Możemy importować, ale<br />

musimy też utrzymywać własną zdolność do wyprodukowania potrzebnej ilości żywności.<br />

2-326<br />

Petru Constantin Luhan (PPE), în scris. − În momentul actual, în care preţurile la alimente sunt tot mai ridicate şi se<br />

vorbește tot mai des despre o viitoare criză alimentară, o mare parte din populația Uniunii Europene trăiește sub limita<br />

sărăciei și este primordial să ne asigurăm că alimentele sunt accesibile pentru toate categoriile sociale. Am votat în<br />

favoarea acestui raport deoarece consider că Uniunea Europeană are nevoie de o politică agricolă puternică, competitivă,<br />

care să se bazeze pe inovare şi să urmărească în primul rând stabilizarea piețelor, încurajarea şi sprijinirea agricultorilor. În<br />

același timp, consumatorii europeni au dreptul să beneficieze de alimente sănătoase, de înaltă calitate şi la prețuri<br />

rezonabile, acestea fiind obiective principale ale politicii agricole comune (PAC) și obiective cheie ale UE.<br />

2-327<br />

David Martin (S&D), in writing. − I voted for this report, but abstained on the three parts of amendment 14 which dealt<br />

with GMOs. I am not intrinsically against GM foodstuffs but was nervous at this attempt to speed up the importation of<br />

GM material and the use of production methods from third countries. The scientific evidence that GM is safe must be<br />

robust, and the public must have full confidence that the appropriate authorities have taken all necessary safety precautions<br />

and carried out rigorous testing. This cannot be rushed.<br />

2-328<br />

Marisa Matias (GUE/NGL), por escrito. − O presente relatório reafirma a alimentação enquanto direito humano<br />

fundamental. Neste sentido, elege como duas das questões principais para que este direito seja garantido solucionar a<br />

volatilidade dos mercados dos preços fortemente influenciados pela especulação e a diminuição das reservas alimentares.<br />

O relatório nota que a especulação tem sido responsável por 50 % dos recentes aumentos dos preços e apoia assim uma<br />

revisão da legislação existente sobre instrumentos financeiros em nome da transparência, colocando os mesmos ao serviço<br />

da economia e da produção agrícola, não permitindo que a especulação coloque em risco explorações agrícolas eficientes.<br />

Num contexto onde o preço dos alimentos é grandemente influenciado por especuladores sem qualquer interesse na<br />

agricultura, apoia a limitação do acesso aos mercados agrícolas.<br />

Ainda assim, a financeirização dos mercados agrícolas não é estruturalmente colocada em causa. O relatório propõe ainda<br />

a criação de um sistema global específico de reservas alimentares administradas pelas Nações Unidas. O relatório insta<br />

ainda a Comissão a acelerar a aprovação da importação de organismos geneticamente modificados, do que discordo<br />

totalmente. Face ao exposto e de modo a encorajar as boas intenções e sugestões contidas no relatório, abstive-me.

18-01-2011 69<br />

2-329<br />

Jean-Luc Mélenchon (GUE/NGL), par écrit. – Rappeler que la sécurité alimentaire est un droit fondamental de<br />

l'humanité qui doit être garanti, demander la rétribution des agriculteurs pour les efforts biens publics qu'ils fournissent,<br />

proposer un système de stocks alimentaires gérés par l'ONU sont autant de concessions à nos thèses. Je m'en félicite. La<br />

prise en compte de la différence, parmi les produits financiers, des produits dérivés sur les matières premières ou la<br />

limitation de l'accès aux marchés financiers agricoles aux opérateurs en lien avec la production agricole sont elles aussi le<br />

signe d'une évolution des mentalités.<br />

Mais la relocalisation et la fin du productivisme, nécessaires à l'autosuffisance alimentaire et à la préservation de la<br />

biodiversité, sont encore loin. La financiarisation des marchés agricoles n'est pas fondamentalement remise en cause. Pire,<br />

des autorisations de variétés d'OGM se profilent. Pour encourager les bonnes intentions, je m'abstiens donc.<br />

2-330<br />

Nuno Melo (PPE), por escrito. − O conceito de segurança alimentar é bem explícito e é alcançado quando todas as<br />

pessoas têm, em permanência, acesso físico, social e económico a alimentos suficientes, seguros e nutritivos que<br />

satisfaçam as suas necessidades e preferências alimentares para uma vida activa e saudável. Não há dúvidas, portanto, de<br />

que o constante aumento dos preços dos bens alimentares, consequência dos aumentos das matérias-primas, é uma<br />

preocupação cada vez mais premente da UE. Por outro lado, o sector agrícola tem que satisfazer as necessidades<br />

alimentares de um cada vez maior número de pessoas, apesar de se confrontar com recursos naturais cada vez mais<br />

limitados e com preços elevados dos factores de produção. Face às necessidades futuras, não existe qualquer dúvida de que<br />

a agricultura tem que se tornar num sector estratégico, diria até crucial, para o desenvolvimento económico da UE e do<br />

mundo.<br />

2-331<br />

Andreas Mölzer (NI), schriftlich. − Gerade hinsichtlich der Ernährungssicherheit besteht das Problem, dass die<br />

Mitgliedsstaaten der EU ihre Selbstversorgungsfähigkeit immer mehr verlieren. Dem besorgniserregenden Trend weg vom<br />

hauptberuflichen Bauern hin zum Nebenerwerbslandwirt und des Bauernsterbens konnte noch nicht Einhalt geboten<br />

werden. Wenn also über Ernährungssicherheit gesprochen wird, dann gilt es, Konzepte zu finden, mit denen zum einen<br />

dieser besorgniserregende Trend gestoppt werden kann und zum anderen das Bewusstsein beim Konsumenten für<br />

regionale Produkte gestärkt wird. Insbesondere gilt es in diesem Zusammenhang, auch die EU-Förderungen dahingehend<br />

zu untersuchen, dass die Lebensmitteltransporte kreuz und quer durch die EU reduziert werden. Dies ist nicht nur im Sinne<br />

der Umwelt und hilft damit, die Kyoto-Ziele zur Emissionsreduktion umzusetzen, sondern reduziert auch die<br />

Lärmbelastung für die Menschen, vor allem entlang der Transitrouten.<br />

Und nicht zuletzt ist zu überlegen, in welchem Ausmaß alternative Antriebssysteme vermehrt gefördert werden können, da<br />

die Produktion von Biotreibstoffen konventionellen Anbau zu verdrängen beginnt und sich dies in<br />

Nahrungsmittelknappheit und -verteuerung niederschlägt. Diese Aspekte gehen im Bericht unter, weshalb ich mich der<br />

Stimme enthalten habe.<br />

2-332<br />

Claudio Morganti (EFD), per iscritto. − La relatrice sottolinea l’importanza dell’agricoltura in relazione alle nuove sfide<br />

alimentari.<br />

La FAO ha dichiarato che la produzione alimentare dovrà crescere di almeno il 70%, in quanto nel 2050 la popolazione<br />

mondiale supererà i 9 miliardi. Così la sicurezza alimentare continua a richiedere una forte PAC.<br />

I principali obiettivi della PAC sono stati: aumentare la produttività dell'agricoltura, aiutare gli agricoltori a raggiungere<br />

uno standard di vita equo, stabilizzare i mercati e garantire un approvvigionamento sicuro di prodotti alimentari a prezzi<br />

accessibili. Tuttavia il suo successo ha portato ad una sovrapproduzione non intenzionale e ad eccedenze che hanno<br />

distorto il mercato e hanno sollevato preoccupazioni ambientali. Per questo la nuova PAC dovrà migliorare il sistema<br />

alimentare con l’aumento della produttività e nel contempo incoraggiare una produzione alimentare ecologicamente<br />

sostenibile. La relazione sottolinea che è essenziale che il finanziamento della PAC rifletta la sua visione ambiziosa e i<br />

suoi obiettivi politici.<br />

La PAC deve essere mantenuta ai livelli attuali garantendo prezzi supportabili dei prodotti alimentari e soprattutto un<br />

reddito dignitoso per gli agricoltori con l'obiettivo di assicurare la sicurezza alimentare. Migliorare e rafforzare i controlli<br />

di sicurezza alimentare nell'Unione e nei paesi terzi è indispensabile e per questo esprimo il mio parere positivo sulla<br />

risoluzione.<br />

2-333<br />

Cristiana Muscardini (PPE), per iscritto. − La sicurezza alimentare è un diritto dell'uomo e la politica agricola comune<br />

deve avere come obiettivo una facile accessibilità per tutti di derrate alimentari tenendo conto dell'aumento della<br />

popolazione, dei cambiamenti climatici, dei costi alti dell'energia e degli ostacoli posti dalle limitate risorse naturali.

70 18-01-2011<br />

Condivido e sostengo la relatrice Sârbu nel progetto di rendere la nuova PAC, dopo il 2013, capace di rispondere alle<br />

esigenze e alle sfide poste dalla sicurezza alimentare. È importante quindi favorire la diversificazione della produzione<br />

agricola, che va dalle grandi catene commerciali all'agricoltura tradizionale e ai piccoli allevamenti; garantire credito ai<br />

giovani agricoltori e favorire lo sviluppo di programmi di gestione delle scorte di prodotti alimentari, utili al commercio<br />

mondiale e alla riduzione dei prezzi sui mercati internazionali.<br />

Sono però contraria allo sviluppo di OGM e del loro utilizzo come varianti dei mangimi fin quando non sia accertata la<br />

loro sicurezza per gli animali d'allevamento e per i consumatori europei.<br />

2-334<br />

Rareş-Lucian Niculescu (PPE), în scris. − Am votat in favoarea acestui raport. Regret totuşi că la vot au fost eliminate<br />

câteva prevederi importante, cum ar fi, de exemplu, cea privind o analiză referitoare la posibilitatea de a autoriza aplicarea<br />

unor metode de producţie utilizate în ţări terţe, în privinţa Organismelor Modificate Genetic. Unele state au progresat<br />

enorm în acest domeniu, în timp ce Uniunea Europeană a rămas în urmă şi nu îşi valorifică întregul potenţial. De<br />

asemenea, regret faptul că a fost eliminată referirea la problema pe care o reprezintă, în unele state membre, suprafeţele<br />

agricole enorme care nu sunt cultivate.<br />

2-335<br />

Franz Obermayr (NI), schriftlich. − Der Bericht enthält zum Teil sehr gute Ansätze wie etwa Anreize zur traditionellen,<br />

ökologischen Landwirtschaft, die Unterstützung insbesondere der Kleinbauern, sowie den Schutz der heimischen Bauern<br />

vor dem Wettbewerbsdruck aus Drittländern, in denen die Qualitätsstandards wesentlich niedriger sind. Auf der anderen<br />

Seite spricht sich der Berichterstatter für die Verwendung von GMO aus. Ich habe mich daher der Stimmabgabe enthalten.<br />

2-336<br />

Wojciech Michał Olejniczak (S&D), na piśmie. − Bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe jest kluczowym wyzwaniem dla<br />

rolnictwa nie tylko w Unii Europejskiej, ale na całym świecie, zwłaszcza w krajach rozwijających się. Według FAO do<br />

2050 r. globalne zapotrzebowanie na żywność podwoi się, a liczba ludności na świecie wzrośnie z obecnych 7 mld do 9<br />

mld. Światowa produkcja żywności będzie więc musiała odpowiednio wzrosnąć w kontekście presji związanej z zasobami<br />

naturalnymi. Produkcja żywności na świecie będzie musiała wzrosnąć przy jednoczesnym mniejszym zużyciu wody,<br />

energii, nawozów i pestycydów oraz przy mniejszej powierzchni gruntów. Zatrważające są dane, iż ogólna liczba<br />

głodujących przekracza miliard, zaś w Unii Europejskiej ponad 40 milionom osób ubogich brakuje żywności. Dlatego też<br />

uważam, iż należy wykorzystać postęp naukowy, jeżeli może on przynieść odpowiednie rozwiązania mające na celu<br />

złagodzenie głodu na świecie, zwłaszcza poprzez efektywniejsze wykorzystanie zasobów. UE musi nadal zapewniać<br />

bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe swoim obywatelom i brać udział w dostarczaniu żywności dla całego świata, jednocześnie<br />

lepiej i bardziej spójnie współpracując z resztą świata, w szczególności z krajami rozwijającymi się, aby pomagać im w<br />

długoterminowym rozwoju sektorów rolnictwa w zrównoważony sposób. Dlatego też opowiedziałem się za przyjęciem<br />

sprawozdania o uznaniu rolnictwa za sektor strategiczny w kontekście bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego.<br />

2-337<br />

Rolandas Paksas (EFD), raštu. − Balsavau už šį pasiūlymą dėl Europos Parlamento rezoliucijos dėl žemės ūkio<br />

pripažinimo strateginiu sektoriumi atsižvelgiant į aprūpinimą maistu, kadangi dėl didėjančio vartotojų kiekio, didelio<br />

badaujančių žmonių kiekio, ūkininkų padėties, kintančių maisto produktų kainų ir spekuliacijų akcijomis yra ypač svarbu<br />

tam tikromis priemonėmis sureguliuoti žemės ūkio sektorių. Visų pirma turi būti dedamos visos pastangos, pasitelkiant<br />

finansines skatinimo priemones, kad būtų skatinamas tradicinis, smulkusis ar ekologinis žemės ūkis, siekiant užtikrinti<br />

nenutrūkstamą aprūpinimą maistu. Atsižvelgdamas į genetiškai modifikuotų medžiagų pavojų visuomenės sveikatai,<br />

nepritariu pasiūlymui leisti importuoti genetiškai nemodifikuotus produktus, kuriuose yra bent minimalus techninis<br />

genetiškai modifikuotos medžiagos kiekis.<br />

Turime imtis visų priemonių, kad nebūtų pritarta naujos rūšies genetiškai modifikuotų pašarų importui į ES bei galimybei<br />

naudoti gamybos metodus, taikomus trečiosiose šalyse. Negalima spręsti maisto prieinamumo problemų pažeidžiant<br />

maisto saugos reikalavimus ir rizikuojant žmonių sveikata. Atsižvelgiant į vis didėjantį senėjančių kaimo gyventojų<br />

skaičių ir siekiant pritraukti bei skatinti jaunus žmones užsiimti žemės ūkio veikla, jauniesiems ūkininkams turi būti<br />

sudarytos lengvatinės sąlygos gauti paskolas.<br />

2-338<br />

Alfredo Pallone (PPE), per iscritto. − La sicurezza alimentare è un diritto fondamentale dell'umanità che si realizza<br />

quando tutti dispongono di un accesso fisico, sociale ed economico ad una nutrizione sufficiente. Nonostante la produzione<br />

di derrate alimentari sicure e sufficienti, una percentuale significativa della popolazione mondiale non può permettersi i<br />

prodotti alimentari di base di cui ha bisogno; circa 900 milioni di persone al mondo soffrono la fame a causa dell'estrema<br />

povertà. L'accessibilità dei prodotti alimentari permane un problema basilare da affrontare. La sicurezza alimentare<br />

continua a richiedere una forte politica agricola comune che possa aumentare la produttività, stabilizzare i mercati, ma<br />

soprattutto garantire un approvvigionamento sicuro dei prodotti alimentari a prezzi accessibili. Tuttavia, tale obiettivo non<br />

può essere raggiunto senza affrontare la volatilità del mercato e dei prezzi. Essendo il tema dell'alimentazione molto<br />

importante ho votato favorevolmente la relazione Sârbu, approvando inoltre un processo più rapido nell'UE per<br />

l'importazione di nuove varianti di mangimi geneticamente modificati, tenendo conto della possibilità di autorizzare

18-01-2011 71<br />

tecniche di produzione applicate in paesi terzi. Il mio voto si pone inoltre a favore della presenza di piccole quantità di<br />

OGM nei prodotti importati nell'UE.<br />

2-339<br />

Maria do Céu Patrão Neves (PPE), por escrito. − Votei favoravelmente o relatório Sârbu, tendo em vista que a<br />

agricultura é um sector de importância crescente e que deve ser uma prioridade em termos de agenda política devido ao<br />

seu papel estratégico no contexto da segurança alimentar. A reforma da PAC 2013 deverá apresentar propostas neste<br />

sentido. A recente volatilidade dos preços dos alimentos e dos produtos de base tem suscitado grandes preocupações a<br />

nível europeu e mundial. A crise financeira e os fenómenos climáticos cada vez mais severos, como se verificou em 2010,<br />

com a seca prolongada e incêndios na Rússia ou as grandes inundações no Paquistão, têm contribuído para uma enorme<br />

instabilidade. A UE não pode ficar dependente de decisões proteccionistas, de países como a Rússia e a Ucrânia, que<br />

exportam cerca de 30 % do trigo a nível mundial, ou como a Argentina, grande produtor mundial de carne. Considero que<br />

a UE tem o dever de alimentar os seus cidadãos e a própria população mundial, com um crescimento estimado de 2 mil<br />

milhões de pessoas e um aumento de 70 % de necessidades alimentares até 2050. O incremento da produção deverá<br />

respeitar critérios em matéria de ambiente, segurança alimentar, bem-estar dos animais e trabalho, critérios esses que os<br />

países menos desenvolvidos, para onde tem sido deslocada a distribuição, não têm visivelmente capacidade para respeitar.<br />

2-340<br />

Aldo Patriciello (PPE), per iscritto. − La sicurezza alimentare è un diritto fondamentale ostacolato dalle limitate risorse<br />

naturali, dai prezzi alti dell'energia e dai cambiamenti climatici.<br />

Secondo la FAO la produzione dovrà aumentare del 70 per cento entro il 2050 dato che circa 900 milioni di persone al<br />

mondo soffrono la fame e solo in <strong>Europa</strong> il 16 per cento della popolazione vive al di sotto della soglia di povertà. È<br />

indispensabile una forte politica agricola comune e la PAC si è orientata in questo senso, ma occorre una riforma della<br />

stessa che da un lato crei una "PAC sostenibile" e dall'altro migliori la sicurezza alimentare. Tale obiettivo può essere<br />

raggiunto solo risolvendo il problema della volatilità dei prezzi (causato da speculazione) e il depauperamento delle risorse<br />

alimentari.<br />

In questo contesto il testo sostiene la necessità di revisionare la vigente normativa in materia di strumenti finanziari e la<br />

creazione di un sistema di sicurezza globale delle scorte alimentari per favorire il mercato globale in casi di impennate di<br />

prezzi ed eventuali protezionismi. La nuova PAC dopo il 2013 dovrà essere pronta a tutto ciò ed è per questo che sostengo<br />

il testo in favore di competitività, agricoltura tradizionale, accesso alla terra e al credito per i giovani, maggiore<br />

integrazione di derrate alimentari ed energia.<br />

2-341<br />

Marit Paulsen, Olle Schmidt och Cecilia Wikström (ALDE), skriftlig. − På ett jordklot med snart 9 miljarder invånare<br />

är den framtida livsmedelsförsörjningen en ödesfråga. Detta betänkande sätter fokus på denna enorma utmaning och ställer<br />

flera viktiga frågor, som t ex problemet med "landgrabbing", något som vi självklart ställer oss bakom. Samtidigt<br />

innehåller betänkandet olyckligtvis krav på flera gemensamma åtgärder - såsom europeiska kostvals-, skolmjölks- och<br />

skolfruktsprogram, och en ökad budget för dessa - vilka vi anser att varje medlemsstat istället själv bör få besluta om. Vi<br />

valde därför att lägga ned våra röster i slutomröstningen.<br />

2-342<br />

Rovana Plumb (S&D), în scris. − Conform FAO, producţia de alimente trebuie să crească cu cel puţin 70% pentru a<br />

satisface cererile din ce în ce mai ridicate ale populaţiei la nivel mondial, care se estimează că, până în 2050, va număra<br />

peste 9 miliarde de persoane. De asemenea, aproximativ 900 de milioane de persoane suferă grav de foame din cauza<br />

sărăciei extreme, în timp ce aproape 2 miliarde de persoane nu beneficiază de o securitate alimentară reală şi pe termen<br />

lung din cauza unor diverse grade de sărăcie. Având în vedere că cererea de alimente este în creștere, iar 16% dintre<br />

cetățenii europeni trăiesc sub limita sărăciei, dreptul la hrană şi accesul la alimente devin o prioritate. De aceea, pentru a<br />

crea o securitate alimentară, este în continuare nevoie de o politică agricolă comună (PAC) puternică, orientată către piaţă,<br />

distinctă şi responsabilă faţă de mediu, care să aibă şi o componentă semnificativă de dezvoltare rurală şi care să facă faţă<br />

şi altor provocări, în special schimbărilor climatice, crizei economice şi păstrării echilibrului teritorial în cadrul UE.<br />

Securitatea alimentară ca obiectiv nu poate exista fără să fie abordate două dintre cele mai importante probleme actuale:<br />

volatilitatea pieţelor şi a preţurilor şi rezervele de alimente în scădere.<br />

2-343<br />

Paulo Rangel (PPE), por escrito. − Tenho sublinhado diversas vezes a centralidade deste tema da segurança alimentar.<br />

No contexto actual, a agricultura não deve ser encarada pelos Estados-Membros como uma simples questão económica,<br />

mas antes como uma questão estratégica de defesa, sendo, nesta medida, essencial garantir, como sublinha a relatora, que a<br />

nova PAC pós-2013 possa dar resposta adequada aos exigentes desafios que se colocam hoje neste domínio,<br />

designadamente em matéria de estabilidade dos preços, salvaguarda dos interesses dos agricultores e reforço das reservas<br />

alimentares.<br />


72 18-01-2011<br />

Crescenzio Rivellini (PPE), per iscritto. − Mi congratulo con la collega Sârbu. Per assicurare un approvvigionamento<br />

sicuro di prodotti alimentari a prezzi accessibili, l'UE deve dotarsi di una forte Politica agricola comune (PAC) che<br />

scoraggi la speculazione su materie prime alimentari e aiuti i giovani a intraprendere l'attività di agricoltore.<br />

Infatti, la PAC di domani dovrà assolutamente fare di più per i giovani agricoltori. Solo il 7% degli agricoltori europei ha<br />

meno di 35 anni, mentre l'UE avrà bisogno di 4.5 milioni di agricoltori nei prossimi 10 anni. Chiedo pertanto di rafforzare<br />

le misure esistenti per attrarre i giovani verso l'agricoltura, come i premi d'installazione e i tassi d'interesse agevolati sui<br />

prestiti.<br />

Inoltre, al fine di garantire che gli strumenti finanziari esistenti aiutino gli agricoltori a far fronte alle crisi, piuttosto che<br />

aiutare gli speculatori a provocare una volatilità estrema dei prezzi, chiedo una revisione della legislazione europea in<br />

materia di prodotti finanziari per rendere le negoziazioni più trasparenti ed esorto la Commissione europea a introdurre<br />

urgentemente misure forti e permanenti per mettere chiari paletti alla speculazione e contrastare l'instabilità dei mercati dei<br />

generi alimentari.<br />

2-345<br />

Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE), in writing. − The report was adopted without the support of the Verts/ALE Group,<br />

which voted against. The reason for that negative vote was that paragraph 14 remained in the text. It ‘calls on the<br />

Commission to propose a technical solution to the problem of low-level presence of GM material in non-GM imports, and<br />

to propose a faster approval process within the EU for the importation of a new GM feed variant once it has been proved<br />

safe’.<br />

2-346<br />

Licia Ronzulli (PPE), per iscritto. − La sicurezza alimentare è un diritto fondamentale dell'umanità e può dirsi realizzata<br />

solo quando è possibile soddisfare il fabbisogno energetico di una persona per permetterle di svolgere una vita sana e<br />

attiva.<br />

Soprattutto in previsione della revisione del Piano agricolo comune prevista per il 2013, il sostegno che verrà accordato<br />

agli agricoltori europei dovrà sempre e comunque permettere loro il pieno rispetto degli standard in materia di sicurezza<br />

alimentare ed ambientale. Nonostante l'efficienza delle produzioni europee, ancora oggi circa 80 milioni di persone vivono<br />

al di sotto della soglia di povertà e molte di loro sono aiutate attraverso programmi di aiuti alimentari. Una PAC forte è in<br />

grado di preservare non solo il ruolo economico degli agricoltori in quanto produttori di alimenti, ma anche di garantire il<br />

sostentamento e l'occupazione ad oltre 28 milioni di cittadini impiegati nelle zone rurali europee.<br />

Anche alla luce della crisi economica, sarà doveroso mantenere i pagamenti diretti agli agricoltori dopo il 2013, per<br />

stabilizzarne il reddito e aiutarli a resistere alla volatilità del mercato. Infine saranno previste iniziative specifiche per<br />

incoraggiare i giovani ad entrare nel settore agricolo, rendendo più agevole l'accesso ai prestiti, promuovendone la<br />

formazione professionale e l'istruzione tecnica specifica, oltre alla divulgazione delle "buone prassi" nel settore<br />

dell'agricoltura su scala europea.<br />

2-347<br />

Oreste Rossi (EFD), per iscritto. − A parte la dubbia citazione di dati relativi all'aumento della popolazione mondiale, che<br />

non tiene conto della recente riduzione della natalità di diversi paesi extraeuropei, la sicurezza alimentare è sicuramente<br />

legata al buon uso dell'agricoltura.<br />

È quindi chiaro che una PAC che punta ad aumentare l'attività dell'agricoltura nel rispetto della qualità e dell'ambiente e ad<br />

aiutare gli agricoltori a raggiungere un adeguato livello di vita è auspicabile. Anche in riferimento alle politiche<br />

energetiche, che entrano nel settore agricolo per l'uso dei biocombustibili, è un argomento che va ulteriormente<br />

approfondito in quanto è una produzione in competizione con quella alimentare. Anche la conclusione della relazione è<br />

condivisibile, non possiamo pensare di ridurre il bilancio destinato alla PAC.<br />

2-348<br />

Bart Staes (Verts/ALE), schriftelijk. − Dit verslag is globaal gezien een vrij goede bijdrage in het debat over de rol van de<br />

landbouw in de voedselvoorziening. Terecht wijst het EP op de problemen waarmee boeren in tijden van extreme markt-<br />

en prijsvolatiliteit kampen en vestigt het de aandacht op de moeilijkheden die landbouwers terzake ondervinden. De<br />

Commissie moet met blijvende en krachtige maatregelen komen om de volatiliteit op de landbouwmarkten aan te pakken.<br />

Dat is cruciaal voor de handhaving van de productie in de Unie. De enorme prijsstijgingen op de financiële markten voor<br />

landbouwgrondstoffen zijn in grote mate het gevolg van speculatie. Speculatief gedrag is goed voor bijna 50% van de<br />

recente prijsstijgingen.<br />

Het is een goede zaak dat het EP de conclusies steunt van de speciale VN-rapporteur voor het recht op voedsel inzake de<br />

nefaste rol die de grote institutionele investeerders, zoals hedgefondsen, pensioenfondsen en investeringsbanken spelen,<br />

doordat zij de prijsindexen van grondstoffen beïnvloeden door hun bewegingen op de derivatenmarkten. Het EP maakt een<br />

goede analyse, maar gaat compleet uit de bocht door in het verslag ook niet terzake doende opmerkingen over de rol van

18-01-2011 73<br />

GGO's in het landbouwbeleid te formuleren. Dit debat wordt elders gevoerd en hoort hier niet thuis. Daarom heb ik<br />

uiteindelijk ook tegen het verslag gestemd.<br />

2-349<br />

Csanád Szegedi (NI), írásban. − Nem tudok támogatni egy olyan kezdeményezést, amely megkönnyíti, vagy<br />

meggyorsítja bármilyen géntechnológiával módosított növény behozatalát. Az Európai Unión belül a kiváló termőföldi<br />

adottságok lehetővé teszik számos országban - köztük Magyarországon, Lengyelországban, Olaszországban, vagy<br />

Franciaországban -, hogy jó minőségű takarmányt állítson elő. Nincs szükségünk génkezelt takarmányvariánsokra! A<br />

génmódosított termékek behozatalát az Európai Unióba hosszú távú káros egészségügyi hatásuk miatt sem támogatom.<br />

2-350<br />

Nuno Teixeira (PPE), por escrito. − O termo segurança alimentar põe em relevo a necessidade de tomar medidas<br />

concretas para o aumento do stock alimentar mundial. Um direito humano que compreende o acesso físico e económico<br />

das pessoas a uma alimentação saudável, adequada e nutritiva. Considero de extrema importância a aprovação deste<br />

relatório que põe o acento tónico no sector agrícola. O crescimento populacional que se prevê e a pobreza que subsiste<br />

implicam um crescimento de pelo menos 70 % da produção alimentar para satisfazer as necessidades da população. Os<br />

fenómenos climáticos, a especulação e volatilidade dos preços têm causado um impacto negativo na capacidade dos<br />

agricultores.<br />

Uma Política Agrícola Comum pós-2013 capaz de garantir o direito à segurança alimentar através de uma forte aposta na<br />

competitividade e inovação, no reforço da presença de jovens agricultores, capazes de vitalizar o sector e dar resposta aos<br />

novos desafios globais. Deve haver um ajustamento da política agrícola através da promoção da agricultura tradicional e<br />

local, nomeadamente a agricultura biológica e de proximidade.<br />

2-351<br />

Marie-Christine Vergiat (GUE/NGL), par écrit. – Le Parlement européen a adopté un texte sur la reconnaissance de<br />

l'agriculture sur lequel j'ai du m'abstenir. Ce rapport tient compte de nombre de préoccupations essentielles des<br />

agriculteurs, telles que l'aide à la petite production, aux jeunes agriculteurs et à la lutte contre la spéculation des prix. Ce<br />

texte rappelle également le besoin de financements substantiels pour la future PAC.<br />

Si ce rapport est dans l'ensemble positif, il intègre une mesure intolérable: l'accélération des procédures d'autorisation des<br />

OGM par la Commission.<br />

Cette mesure refuse de prendre en compte une réelle évaluation des produits avant leur mise sur le marché et ne tient<br />

aucun compte des dangers maintes fois dénoncés de la commercialisation des OGM.<br />

Cette mesure va à l'encontre de toute prise en compte minimale de la sécurité alimentaire et du principe de précaution.<br />

C'est une mesure dangereuse qu'il est scandaleux d'intégrer à l'intérieur d'un rapport visant à prendre en compte<br />

l'importance stratégique de l'agriculture.<br />

La question des OGM mérite un débat à elle seule que les instances européennes se refusent à mener.<br />

2-352<br />

Dominique Vlasto (PPE), par écrit. – J'ai voté en faveur de cette résolution qui insiste sur la place centrale que doit avoir<br />

l'agriculture dans la politique européenne. Les citoyens européens sont de plus en plus exigeants en matière de sécurité<br />

alimentaire, qui doit être garantie tout au long de la chaîne de production, de transformation et de distribution. Les défis à<br />

relever pour une agriculture durable, sûre et équitable sont nombreux: adaptation aux changements climatiques, maîtrise<br />

des effets de la mondialisation, préservation de la biodiversité, maintien du niveau de vie des exploitants ou encore<br />

garantie de notre indépendance alimentaire dans un marché mondial soumis à de fortes tensions. L'agriculture fait partie<br />

intégrante de notre patrimoine et a façonné depuis toujours notre identité, nos modes de vie et nos paysages. Je me félicite<br />

des efforts réalisés par l'UE en matière agricole, mais il reste d'importants chantiers à réaliser dans le cadre de la réforme<br />

de la PAC. Aussi, j'appelle l'UE à concentrer son action sur les petits exploitants agricoles, qui sont les plus nombreux<br />

mais surtout les plus vulnérables. Reconnaître l'agriculture comme un secteur stratégique doit être l'occasion de renforcer<br />

sa dimension sociale, jusqu'à maintenant insuffisamment prise en considération. Les agriculteurs ont eux aussi besoin de<br />

sécurité.<br />

2-353<br />

Artur Zasada (PPE), na piśmie. − Jestem przekonany, że uznanie rolnictwa za sektor strategiczny pozwoli na stworzenie<br />

lepszych warunków dla realizowania programów pomocowych i informacyjnych. Z całą pewnością należy rozwijać<br />

programy pomocy żywnościowej dla najuboższych. Często zapominamy, że w Unii Europejskiej blisko 80 milionów osób<br />

żyje poniżej progu ubóstwa.<br />

Obok programów pomocowych należy rozwijać programy promujące zdrowe odżywianie, przede wszystkim wśród dzieci<br />

i młodzieży szkolnej. Skutki zaniedbań w tym zakresie są bardzo wyraźne w USA, gdzie w ciągu ostatnich lat liczba<br />

otyłych nastolatków potroiła się. Obecność w placówkach oświatowych programów promujących spożycie owoców i<br />

mleka jest szczególnie ważna, ponieważ prawidłowo ukształtowane nawyki żywieniowe wpłyną pozytywnie na stan

74 18-01-2011<br />

zdrowia młodych Europejczyków i tym samym ograniczą późniejsze wydatki w sferze zdrowotnej i socjalnej. W realizację<br />

tego typu programów należy zaangażować możliwie jak największą ilość lokalnych producentów i dystrybutorów<br />

żywności, wzmacniając tym samym pozycję małych i średnich gospodarstw rolnych.<br />

2-354<br />

9 - Correcciones e intenciones de voto: véase el Acta<br />

2-355<br />

(La sesión, suspendida a las 12.55 horas, se reanuda a las 15.05 horas)<br />

2-356<br />


Przewodniczący<br />

2-357<br />

10 - Przyjęcie protokołu poprzedniego posiedzenia: Patrz protokól<br />

2-358<br />

11 - Składanie dokumentów: patrz protokół<br />

2-359<br />

12 - Tura pytań z udziałem przewodniczącego Komisji<br />

2-360<br />

Przewodniczący. − Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego jest tura pytań z udziałem przewodniczącego Komisji. Jest to<br />

zwykła procedura, tzn. pytania trwają jedną minutę, odpowiedź także trwa jedną minutę. Gdyby było dodatkowe pytanie –<br />

trzydzieści sekund, odpowiedź także trzydzieści sekund. Pierwsi pytania przewodniczącemu Komisji Europejskiej będą<br />

zadawać szefowie lub przedstawiciele grup politycznych.<br />

2-361<br />

Corien Wortmann-Kool, namens de PPE-Fractie. – Voorzitter, voorzitter Barroso, ik wil u in dit Huis een vraag stellen<br />

over het Europese Noodfonds, ook om het belang te onderstrepen van het feit dat u zich in het debat over dat noodfonds<br />

heeft gemengd, omdat het om een Europees noodfonds gaat. Mijn vraag is: hoe kijkt u aan tegen de uitbreiding van het<br />

fonds? U hebt zich weliswaar daarover uitgelaten, maar vooral over de vraag hoe dat zijn beslag zou moeten krijgen en op<br />

welke termijn. Het is nu op dit moment redelijk rustig op de staatsobligatiemarkt, maar dat kan ineens veranderen.<br />

Vandaar mijn vraag: wat is uw visie op die uitbreiding van het noodfonds?<br />

2-362<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − Mr President, I would like, first of all, to thank Ms Wortmann-<br />

Kool.<br />

In fact, this is not just my position but the unanimous position of the Commission. It says in this document, about the<br />

annual growth survey, that the Commission considers that the effective financing capacity of the European Financial<br />

Stability Facility (EFSF) must be reinforced and the scope of its activity widened. We consider this as part of a<br />

comprehensive response and not, of course, as the entire response. There is only one sentence in this document about the<br />

EFSF. It is also about structural reform, fiscal consolidation and growth-enhancing measures.<br />

But, in fact, it is important for the stability of the euro area to increase lending capacity because, as you know, the EFSF is<br />

currently endowed with EUR 440 billion. I am not asking now for this ceiling to be increased, but we know that the EFSF<br />

cannot, de facto, lend this EUR 440 billion if need be, due to the need to secure a triple-A rating for the EFSF. So the<br />

minimum we can and should do is to increase the capacity of the fund. I think this is a very constructive proposal that<br />

should be adopted sooner rather than later.<br />

2-363<br />

Corien Wortmann-Kool, namens de PPE-Fractie. – Voorzitter, een aanvullende vraag, u zegt "liever eerder dan later".<br />

Wat bedoelt u precies met "liever eerder dan later", want er is volgens mij toch een zekere urgentie om de stabiliteit op de<br />

financiële markten voor de komende maanden te verzekeren en dan helpt daadkracht. Op dit moment zien we vooral<br />

debatten tussen regeringsleiders en tussen ministers van Financiën, dus op welke termijn "sooner or later"? Kunt u daar<br />

nog wat specifieker in zijn?<br />

2-364<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − Mr President, ‘sooner rather than later’ means precisely that: that<br />

we should not procrastinate. We have seen in the past that many analysts in the market consider the European Union and<br />

the euro area to be reacting rather than acting. We need to be ahead of the curve, not behind the curve, so as soon as<br />

possible it shall be!

18-01-2011 75<br />

In fact, it seems that the euro area meeting yesterday and today’s ECOFIN meeting made some progress. We are<br />

contacting our Member States. I believe that is important. And I think it will be wise, since we have the European Council<br />

on 4 February, to address these issues there. We are ready to do so. The Commission is ready to address these issues on<br />

4 February.<br />

2-365<br />

Stephen Hughes, on behalf of the S&D Group. – President Barroso, I know that the European Trade Union Confederation<br />

has already raised very strong objections about the detailed interference by the Commission in the Greek and Irish labour<br />

markets, riding roughshod over collective bargaining and social dialogue. Your new annual growth survey promises more<br />

of the same. Your officials are calling for a revision of indexation clauses and pay deals, the promotion of flexible work, a<br />

review of unemployment benefits and a reduction of over-protection of workers.<br />

Do you not agree that the Commission should be looking to promote social dialogue and collective bargaining rather than<br />

undermining it? And, as the issue of pay is specifically excluded from the social chapter of the Treaty, what legal basis is<br />

the Commission using to interfere in national collective bargaining systems? Also, the doubling of the fiscal consolidation<br />

effort called for in the survey is going to choke off any possibility of achieving the 2020 process goals. What is your<br />

answer to that?<br />

2-366<br />

José Manuel Barroso, Pt Commission. − Let me tell you, without any ambiguity, that we fully support social dialogue.<br />

We do it at European level but afterwards we have to do it also at national level; that is a Member State responsibility. I<br />

have been actively promoting all this social dialogue with ETUC, with BusinessEurope and with other relevant partners.<br />

But in fact we are of the opinion that we should now create more incentives to work; we have to address the situation of<br />

our labour markets. I think this is part of the structural reforms which are needed to increase Europe’s competitiveness.<br />

2-367<br />

Stephen Hughes, on behalf of the S&D Group. – President Barroso, why is it that all the focus seems to be upon labour<br />

markets? What about the other markets that we need to deal with here – the financial market, the internal market, the<br />

commodity markets? All the focus seems to be on labour markets. Why should the least well off, the workers, be carrying<br />

the cost of this recession and the need to repair it?<br />

2-368<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − The focus is not only on the labour market. We are reforming the<br />

financial markets with the active support and participation of this Parliament. We also discussed at length the need to<br />

deepen internal market reform in the annual growth survey. We are now specifically discussing energy markets, but the<br />

labour market is also part of the structural reforms needed to increase Europe’s competitiveness, especially in those<br />

countries that are now most vulnerable. As you know, some of them are already undertaking important labour market<br />

reforms.<br />

2-369<br />

Guy Verhofstadt, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, I know that you conveyed your concerns over the<br />

Khodorkovsky case in a private conversation with President Medvedev. If the Khodorkovsky case was a test case for the<br />

rule of law in Russia, then we naturally have to say that the case failed. On top of this, Boris Nemtsov was arrested on 31<br />

December. Article 31 of the Russian Constitution, however, guarantees the freedom of assembly.<br />

As you know, the Opposition organises a protest meeting every 31st of the month. As far as I can see, there are seven<br />

months in 2011 which have 31 days in them. That means there is a chance, if this continues, that events similar to the<br />

arrest of Mr Nemtsov could happen in 2011. So what joint action can the EU institutions take on this matter? Russia is a<br />

member of the Council of Europe, the OECD, the G8 and potentially a member of the WTO. I think urgent action from the<br />

European institutions is needed.<br />

2-370<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − As you said, Mr Verhofstadt, we have been raising the issue with<br />

our Russian partners and in fact the European Union has already publicly reacted to the proceedings against Mikhail<br />

Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev through the declaration by High Representative Catherine Ashton.<br />

We believe that judicial independence and the right of each and every citizen to a fair trial – as enshrined in the European<br />

Convention on Human Rights, to which Russia is a party – are of crucial importance to the strategic partnership between<br />

the European Union and the Russian Federation. The Rule of Law is also a cornerstone of the ‘Partnership for<br />

Modernisation’ that we are now developing with Russia.<br />

We will continue to closely follow this and raise the issue in different formats and meetings with Russia, as emphasised in<br />

the last European Union-Russia summit on 7 December in Brussels. The European Union expects Russia to respect its<br />

international commitments in the field of human rights and also to respect the Rule of Law.<br />


76 18-01-2011<br />

Guy Verhofstadt, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – This is not a question but simply a comment. I think that this House<br />

also has to deal with this problem as urgently as possible. The situation cannot continue as it is now in the Russian<br />

Federation. I do not think that, just because we have many important commercial links, we have to stay silent on this issue<br />

– on the contrary.<br />

2-372<br />

Rebecca Harms, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – In Russland ist Presse- und Medienfreiheit ein ganz großes<br />

Problem. Wenn Sie in dieser Auseinandersetzung gut dastehen wollen, Herr Kommissionspräsident, dann dürfen Sie das,<br />

was im Moment in Ungarn passiert, nicht zulassen. Ich frage Sie, warum die Kommission so lax mit dem ungarischen<br />

Mediengesetz umgeht. Es verstößt in allen seinen Bereichen gegen Grundsätze, die in <strong>Europa</strong> und darüber hinaus gelten.<br />

Wir haben uns eine Rechtsexpertise erstellen lassen. Ein Überblick: Das Gesetz verstößt gegen die Kopenhagener<br />

Kriterien, die Helsinki Schlussakte, die Richtlinie über audiovisuelle Medien, die Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention,<br />

die Unesco-Konvention, die die Medien betrifft, den Vertrag von Lissabon, die EU-Grundrechtecharta. Ich könnte<br />

fortfahren, ich tue es nicht. Ich frage Sie: Wann intervenieren Sie angemessen in Ungarn? Wie sieht der Zeitplan aus?<br />

Warum gibt es noch kein Vertragsverletzungsverfahren? Meine Kritik ist auch gedeckt durch existierende Rechtsprechung<br />

in diesem Bereich.<br />

2-373<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − With Hungary, as with any other Member State, we have to<br />

implement European law in an objective, impartial manner. We have to look at it very cautiously from a legal point of<br />

view, so we need to follow a clear methodology.<br />

That is what we – in the shape of Vice-President Kroes – have been doing. Yesterday she gave extensive reports to the<br />

Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and the Committee on Culture and Education. We have some<br />

concerns about Hungary’s media law. By the end of this week we intend to send a first letter to the Government of<br />

Hungary to which the Hungarian authorities should respond.<br />

I repeat: we have to follow clear, objective, impartial, legally-based procedures, because Hungary, just like any other EU<br />

Member State, has the right to impartiality on the part of the Commission. I can reassure you, however, that we are<br />

following this matter very attentively.<br />

2-374<br />

Rebecca Harms, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Ich möchte darum bitten, dass uns alle Unterlagen, die Ungarn der<br />

Kommission zur Verfügung gestellt hat, zur Einsicht vorgelegt werden. Wir möchten das gerne selbst beurteilen können.<br />

Wir halten es für beurteilungsreif. Wir haben allerdings den Verdacht, dass Ungarn möglicherweise gar nicht den<br />

vollständigen Gesetzestext vorgelegt hat, dass da auf Zeit gespielt wird usw. Bitte geben Sie uns diese Dokumente!<br />

Darüber hinaus halte ich es für ausgesprochen schwierig, Politik z.B. in den Beitrittsverhandlungen mit der Türkei zu<br />

machen und immer wieder auf den Kopenhagener Kriterien herumzureiten und diese dann zu vergessen, wenn ein Land<br />

Mitglied der Europäischen Union ist.<br />

2-375<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − Of course we are keeping this Parliament fully informed. As I said<br />

earlier, Commission Vice-President Kroes met the relevant committees of this Parliament yesterday.<br />

At the same time, you will understand that these issues have a legal dimension and that we have to follow the methodology<br />

in a very clear, objective way. The Commission has a very good reputation and a level of credibility in all these matters<br />

that we certainly we do not want to put at risk. I can reassure you that we are following the issue with great attention and<br />

we have already expressed these concerns. I have personally taken up this issue with Prime Minister Orbán. Tomorrow he<br />

is coming to this Parliament. We can discuss this politically, but we also have to follow the clear procedures in this matter.<br />

2-376<br />

Michał Tomasz Kamiński, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Kilka dni temu Międzypaństwowy Komitet<br />

Lotniczy działający w Moskwie opublikował swój raport dotyczący przyczyn katastrofy, do której doszło 10 kwietnia<br />

ubiegłego roku w Smoleńsku. Polska opinia publiczna przyjęła ten raport z dużym zdumieniem i traktuje go jako<br />

dokument, który nie ma charakteru obiektywnego. Zostało już udowodnione w ciągu ostatnich kilku dni, że w tym<br />

raporcie zostały ukryte niewygodne dla Rosji fakty, a cały raport nakierowany jest na to, by winę za to tragiczne<br />

wydarzenie, do którego doszło w Smoleńsku, obarczyć stronę polską. W Polsce nikt rozsądny nie kwestionuje błędów, do<br />

których doszło po stronie naszego kraju w całym procesie przygotowywania i realizacji wizyty świętej pamięci<br />

prezydenta. Tym niemniej jednak rosyjski raport nosi wszelkie cechy politycznej rozgrywki, która ma na celu oddalenie od<br />

strony rosyjskiej jakichkolwiek zarzutów.

18-01-2011 77<br />

Mam w związku z tym pytanie: jaka jest ocena tego raportu ze strony Komisji i czy Komisja Europejska zamierza coś<br />

zrobić w sprawie wyjaśnienia przyczyn tragedii w Smoleńsku, w której zginęła głowa państwa Unii Europejskiej, a także<br />

bardzo wielu przedstawicieli elity politycznej mojego kraju?<br />

2-377<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − Mr President, I would like to say to Mr Kamiński that nobody will<br />

ever forget this terrible tragedy, either in Poland or elsewhere. We felt deeply the death of President Kaczynski and all<br />

those who were with him on that tragic day. I am, of course, aware of the Russian report published last week and I am also<br />

aware of the Polish reactions to it, for which I have a great deal of understanding, given the scale of this tragedy.<br />

That said, the Commission can act in these situations only when we have the right legal basis on which to do so. By the<br />

way, we have never been approached by the Polish authorities to intervene in this matter although, of course, we remain<br />

ready to do whatever lies within our legal competence, should we receive such a request.<br />

2-378<br />

Michał Tomasz Kamiński, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Chciałbym dobrze Pana zrozumieć. Do tej<br />

pory rząd polski nie zwrócił się do Komisji w sprawie wyjaśnienia przyczyn katastrofy smoleńskiej. Jeśliby jednak rząd<br />

polski zwrócił się o pomoc do Komisji Europejskiej, czy Komisja podejmie się w tej sprawie działania?<br />

2-379<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − As I said, we have to see the legal basis for it. According to my<br />

information it was a military flight and a state visit, and the regulation entered into force after the terrible accident. So,<br />

from a legal point of view, it seems that there are not many arguments on the basis of which the Commission might<br />

intervene. But we can of course always discuss this matter informally with the Polish authorities or with other authorities<br />

that may ask us to do so.<br />

2-380<br />

Lothar Bisky, im Namen der GUE/NGL-Fraktion. – Herr Barroso, wir alle wissen um die Wichtigkeit der Stabilität des<br />

Euro. In dem Zusammenhang habe ich einen Vorgang nicht ganz verstanden. Es ging um die Debatte der Aufstockung des<br />

Rettungsschirms, und da haben Sie „Los“ gerufen und Frau Merkel hat „Stopp“ gerufen. Nun ist meine Frage, ob Sie sich<br />

untereinander gar nicht abstimmen. Das kann ja immer mal passieren. Aber das ist nicht das erste Mal, dass ich so etwas<br />

erlebe oder erahne. Und die Medien werden inzwischen sehr aufmerksam. Das ist doch kein einfacher Ehestreit zwischen<br />

Ihnen und Frau Merkel, sondern eine wichtige politische Frage! Ich kann das verstehen – Sie können mir glauben, dass<br />

auch ich nicht immer mit Frau Merkel einer Meinung bin –, aber hier geht es ja darum, ob man damit den<br />

Finanzspekulanten nicht eher hilft, wenn unterschiedliche Meinungen öffentlich werden.<br />

2-381<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − In the European Union each institution and each government has<br />

its own responsibilities. The Commission has some responsibility to present what it believes to be the right way forward<br />

for the euro area and for the Union and so, in a very comprehensive document regarding the annual growth survey, we<br />

expressed our opinion. I think we had not only the right but also the duty to do that.<br />

So that is what we did, and I think it was extremely well received by the markets, as we have seen in recent days, because<br />

they understood that now there was a real willingness to move in a decisive way on all aspects of a comprehensive<br />

response, including on the EFSF.<br />

The market analysis is unanimous on the need to do more on that matter. This is not just the Commission’s opinion, it is<br />

also the opinion of the European Central Bank, and it was expressed in extremely clear terms. I hope that the Member<br />

States will come to an agreement on the basis of the Commission’s position.<br />

2-382<br />

Lothar Bisky, im Namen der GUE/NGL-Fraktion. – Herr Barroso, ich akzeptiere voll und ganz, dass Sie Ihre Meinung<br />

zum Ausdruck gebracht haben und den Bericht. Dennoch bleibt meine Frage: Wie kann es bei einer so wichtigen Frage,<br />

wo mit dem Euro spekuliert wird, zu einem so wichtigen Zeitpunkt wie jetzt sein, dass Ihre Meinung mit Frau Merkel oder<br />

Herrn Sarkozy oder mit anderen Regierungschef unabgestimmt erscheint? Jedenfalls ist das die Wahrnehmung in der<br />

Öffentlichkeit.<br />

2-383<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − The Commission does not need the Member States’ permission<br />

before we express an opinion. Our proposal was made very much in line with the conclusions of the last European<br />

Council, when the Member States stated that they were ready to do whatever was necessary to protect the financial<br />

stability of the euro area. They specifically mentioned the EFSF and said that they were ready to reinforce it. So in fact<br />

there was no contradiction.<br />

I cannot comment on the comments of others, but I can tell you what the position of the Commission is: it is a unanimous<br />

position that is shared by the President of the European Central Bank; it is the position of the other relevant institutions

78 18-01-2011<br />

that are keeping a very close eye on the financial stability of the euro area. I think that we should highlight what unites us<br />

rather than some specific issues about the way we communicate.<br />

2-384<br />

Marta Andreasen, on behalf of the EFD Group. – Last week a member of the European Court of Auditors, who retired<br />

recently after 15 years of service, made serious allegations in the media. The allegations, which come as no surprise to me,<br />

pointed essentially to the lack of independence of the EU auditors, which affects the level of transparency in the reporting<br />

of irregularities.<br />

The clarification letter published yesterday by Mr Engwirda does nothing more than confirm the Commission’s power<br />

over the auditors, and it calls into question the basis on which this Parliament has been granting discharge for the past<br />

15 years.<br />

It is now time for this Parliament to demand that the EU budget and accounts are audited by a truly independent body<br />

external to the EU institutions. Without such an independent audit, the Council and Parliament are in no position to<br />

continue discharging the Commission of its financial responsibility.<br />

Will you, Mr Barroso, allow an external auditor to review the accounts and tell us the truth about how European taxpayers’<br />

money is being spent?<br />

2-385<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − Mr President, I should point out that the European Court of<br />

Auditors is a fully independent body. The Commission has absolutely no influence over its methods or audit priorities, nor<br />

would we seek to have that kind of influence. It is in the Commission’s own interest, and in the European interest, to<br />

respect the independence of its external auditor.<br />

I have never made negative comments about decisions of courts, be it the constitutional courts, the European Court of<br />

Justice or the Court of Auditors. That is a basic principle of democracy, respect for the Rule of Law and respect for<br />

independent institutions.<br />

A regular dialogue exists, of course, between the Commission as auditee and the Court as auditor, as part of the audit<br />

process. This is normal and necessary to ensure the audit process works well and that all findings in the audit process are<br />

on a solid basis. Such a dialogue is fully in accordance with all international standards. I should probably also point out<br />

that in previous years the Commission was subject to extremely critical reports from the Court of Auditors. I think we<br />

should respect our institutions, namely the independent institutions.<br />

2-386<br />

Marta Andreasen, on behalf of the EFD Group. – Mr Barroso, I disagree with your response. In response to the criticism<br />

made by the European Court of Auditors in the last ten years, the Commission has turned to the auditors – and this is<br />

recorded by the media – and asked them to change their methodology of work so that the report on EU expenditure would<br />

show a better figure.<br />

In my 30 years of professional experience in the area of accounting and audit, I have never seen the auditee instruct the<br />

auditor on how to do its own work. How can we now know if a reduction in the error rate is due to the change in<br />

methodology requested by the Commission or to an improvement in the controls?<br />

2-387<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − The Commission, like the European Parliament, has the right to<br />

express its opinions on the audit process. You are now expressing an opinion on it, and you are fully entitled to do so. The<br />

Commission is also a political body. We have been elected by this Parliament, so we have the right to express our opinion.<br />

In no way can this be regarded as a form of pressure, unless we are also to regard your comments as intolerable pressure.<br />

This is in fact an exercise in transparency. So, once and for all, we fully respect the Court of Auditors, we do not put<br />

pressure on the Court of Auditors and we try to do our best to implement the recommendations of the independent audit<br />

institution that is the Court of Auditors.<br />

2-388<br />

Daniël van der Stoep (NI). – Voorzitter, Jeruzalem is de enige eeuwige en ondeelbare hoofdstad van de joodse staat<br />

Israël. Jeruzalem is en zal altijd van oost tot west Israëlisch grondgebied zijn en blijven.<br />

Voorzitter, de Europese Unie mag met recht trots zijn op Israël. In het Midden-Oosten is het de enige democratie in een<br />

zee van dictatoriale regimes.<br />

Voorzitter, in haar strijd tegen de islamitische jihad verdedigt Israël dan ook niet alleen zichzelf, maar ook alles waar<br />

<strong>Europa</strong> met zijn joods-christelijke waarden voor staat. Dat zal de Commissie met me eens zijn.

18-01-2011 79<br />

Voorzitter, de steun van de Europese Unie aan de joodse staat Israël zou dan ook vanzelfsprekend moeten zijn. De<br />

Europese Unie moet aan de internationale gemeenschap een duidelijk signaal afgeven, namelijk de diplomatieke<br />

vertegenwoordiging van de EU hoort enkel en alleen in Jeruzalem thuis. Daarom zou ik graag aan de heer Barroso willen<br />

vragen of hij het met mij eens is dat de diplomatieke vertegenwoordiging Israël onmiddellijk verplaatst zou moeten<br />

worden van Ramat Gan naar de Israëlische hoofdstad Jeruzalem? Zo nee, waarom niet?<br />

Voorzitter, hetzelfde zou natuurlijk moeten gebeuren voor de toekomstige EU-ambassade in Jeruzalem. Wij zijn tegen die<br />

ambassades, maar àls ze er komen, dan in Jeruzalem.<br />

2-389<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − First of all you know the position of the European Commission<br />

regarding Israel. We fully support the existence of Israel. As you said, it is a democratic state in a very difficult<br />

environment and we fully recognise the right of Israel to exist. At the same time, we would like Israel to respect the right<br />

of self-determination of the Palestinian people, and we believe the best solution is for two states – Israel and the<br />

Palestinian State – to exist in full respect of each other and of international law.<br />

Regarding the issue of a change of capital or our representation in Israel, we see no reason to change it.<br />

2-390<br />

Daniël van der Stoep (NI). – Voorzitter, ik ben natuurlijk wel teleurgesteld met het antwoord, maar u heeft het inderdaad<br />

over Oost-Jeruzalem en van de week heeft de Commissie ook veroordeeld dat Israël in Gilo 1.400 huizen gaat bouwen.<br />

Nou vraag ik mij af hoe de gemeente Jeruzalem daar nu precies mee om moet gaan, want zij krijgen aanvragen voor<br />

bouwvergunningen in Oost- en West-Jeruzalem.<br />

In beide gebieden delen ze die inderdaad uit aan Arabieren en aan Israëliërs en wat de Commissie eigenlijk zegt en de<br />

afgelopen week heeft gezegd is: jullie moeten discrimineren in Oost-Jeruzalem, want de stad is sowieso één geheel, daar<br />

kunnen we niets aan veranderen, de stad wordt door één gemeente bestuurd. Wat zegt u dan tegen het bestuur van de<br />

gemeente Jeruzalem, wat moeten zij doen met Israëliërs die volkomen in hun recht een bouwvergunning aanvragen in een<br />

gebied waar zij mogen wonen?<br />

2-391<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − I think the European Union’s position regarding the settlements<br />

has been fully in line with that of the international community, including Israel’s closest allies. We believe the way the<br />

settlements issue has been dealt with by the current government has not always been helpful in terms of the current efforts<br />

for peace in that region.<br />

The comments you made show precisely why we should not have a representation in Jerusalem as a result of the difficult<br />

situation in that extremely important city for Israel and for all of us.<br />

So let us keep our commitment to peace. Let us support Israel. At the same time, let us not forget the rights of the<br />

Palestinian people. I think they also deserve our attention and support.<br />

2-392<br />

President. − We now come to the second part of Question Hour, a specific and concrete topic on innovation and energy.<br />

2-393<br />

Alejo Vidal-Quadras (PPE). – Señor Presidente, señor Presidente de la Comisión, la Comisión está impulsando la<br />

innovación en diversos ámbitos de nuestro sistema energético. Puedo citar biocarburantes de segunda generación, fusión,<br />

fisión de cuarta generación, redes inteligentes, energías renovables en general, eficiencia energética en general, uso de<br />

hidrógeno en pilas de combustible, captura, transporte y almacenamiento de CO2, vehículos eléctricos, y la lista podría<br />

seguir.<br />

Los recursos son escasos, señor Presidente, y todo no se puede hacer. Muchos ciudadanos se preguntan —yo le traslado<br />

esa inquietud a usted hoy— en cuáles de todas estas cosas la Comisión, en el presente contexto difícil, va a poner su<br />

acento. ¿Cuál de estas prioridades es o cuáles son prioritarias para la Comisión?<br />

2-394<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − That is a very difficult question, because all priorities are linked,<br />

so we need to complete the energy market – we need an integrated energy market. This is also a way to have renewables<br />

and energy efficiency. Energy efficiency is certainly a priority, but we also need to invest in low-carbon technologies,<br />

because there is also an external dimension and we need to pursue our external ambitions – to speak, as far as is possible,<br />

in unison with our partners in the energy field.

80 18-01-2011<br />

There are four priorities which I would like the European Council to address on 4 February: completion of the energy<br />

market and implementation of all the rules of the internal market; energy efficiency; low carbon technologies; and<br />

accepting joint efforts where the external dimension is concerned.<br />

2-395<br />

Romana Jordan Cizelj (PPE). – Sedaj velja, da mora Evropska unija znižati svoje izpuste toplogrednih plinov do leta<br />

2020 za 20 %. Na politični ravni pa se pogovarjamo tudi o bolj ambicioznem cilju in znano je, da v tem primeru bi<br />

največje breme nosili sektorji znotraj ETS, še posebej energetika.<br />

Zato me zanima vaše mnenje, vaše osebno mnenje o tem, kdaj bodo primerni pogoji, da bo ta cilj še bolj ambiciozen.<br />

Kakšne dodatne ukrepe bi Evropska unija morala uvesti prav na področju energetike, in ali sodi med te ukrepe tudi pogoji,<br />

ki ste jih omenili, ko ste odgovarjali na vprašanje mojega kolega.<br />

2-396<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − This is also a global process, not only a European process. Cancún<br />

was a significant step in the climate negotiations, at least it was able to keep alive the multilateral process and this was<br />

good, but in fact it was not enough from our point of view.<br />

For us to go forward and commit to binding targets, I think we should ask others, namely the biggest polluters, the<br />

developing and emerging economies to make a comparable effort. So far they have not committed to it.<br />

So that is why we have to find the right way to make them move. At the same time, those countries that are ready to go<br />

forward and make more commitments can and should do so, and the concrete way that I am going to propose to the<br />

European Council on 1 February is to achieve more in terms of energy efficiency, an area in which we are falling short of<br />

where we should be.<br />

On renewables I think we are on target to reach our goal for 2020 but not on energy efficiency so that is a concrete area<br />

where we can make more progress.<br />

2-397<br />

Derek Vaughan (S&D). – To ensure energy security and low costs to consumers in the future, Europe must use all types<br />

of low carbon energy. That includes clean coal technology – an area in which, until now, development has been very slow.<br />

Can the President of the Commission therefore give an assurance that support for research into carbon capture and storage<br />

will continue into the future?<br />

2-398<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − I can give an assurance that we will try to achieve it. But in the<br />

end, you know, the Member States decide on the funding for research. That is a matter that we are going to discuss when<br />

we present the multi-annual financial perspectives.<br />

But I certainly hope that Member States will give priority to investment in renewables and low-carbon technologies, and<br />

focus on the technology priorities established in the European Strategic Energy Technology plan.<br />

We are indeed proposing this for the next European Council.<br />

2-399<br />

Fiona Hall (ALDE). – President Barroso, you said just now that Member States are achieving less than half what they set<br />

out to achieve on the 20% target for energy saving by 2020, so why is the Commission not pushing hard to make that<br />

target binding on Member States?<br />

2-400<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − We are pushing for that. We are trying to put the issue forward for<br />

the next European Council. Energy efficiency is still lagging behind, as you said. I am not happy with the situation and the<br />

Commission intends to reverse it.<br />

Energy efficiency is now an integral part of the headline target of the EU 2020 Strategy. We are currently in talks with the<br />

Member States to establish national targets to underpin this objective. We have already estimated that, with existing<br />

policies and measures, the saving by 2020 would be no more than 10%.<br />

However, the combined national indicative targets emerging in the Europe 2020 discussions give a result that is clearly<br />

more ambitious than that, but still likely to be well below the 20%. That is why we intend to follow a two-step approach,<br />

by closely monitoring the progress made with the implementation of national targets defined in Europe 2020, and<br />

reviewing this progress in 2013. If these reviews show that our target of 20% is unlikely to be achieved, the Commission<br />

will consider proposing legally binding national targets for 2020.

18-01-2011 81<br />

2-401<br />

Reinhard Bütikofer (Verts/ALE). – Herr Präsident! Herr Präsident Barroso, ich möchte Ihnen eine Frage zur<br />

Harmonisierung von Einspeisevergütungen innerhalb der Union stellen. Energiekommissar Oettinger verfolgt hier eine<br />

Strategie, die nach unserer Auffassung und auch nach der des deutschen Umweltministers dazu führen würde, dass das<br />

erfolgreichste Innovationsprogramm bei den erneuerbaren Energien, das wir in Deutschland haben, zerstört wird.<br />

Was werden Sie tun, um zu verhindern, dass unter der Überschrift der Harmonisierung die deutsche Einspeisevergütung<br />

zerstört und damit die Innovation bei den erneuerbaren Energien verhindert wird? Und was werden Sie tun, um dafür zu<br />

sorgen, dass Herr Oettinger bei der Frage der Energieeffizienz nicht so auf Zeit spielt? Er will erst 2012 etwas tun, obwohl<br />

Sie selbst gerade eben gesagt haben, dass man jetzt schon sehen kann, dass die unverbindlichen Ziele nicht reichen. Wie<br />

wollen Sie das beschleunigen?<br />

2-402<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − Mr President, first of all let me say that the Commissioner is the<br />

one who is proposing this additional approach to energy efficiency and I fully trust that he is doing his best to achieve that<br />

goal. We are also trying to link this energy issue to other policy objectives like the fight against climate change.<br />

That said, we believe this is not just a matter of setting targets, it is also about work in the Member States, and so we<br />

believe that it is better for the Member States to establish their own national targets and then we shall see. If they are on<br />

track, great. If not, we will at least propose binding legislation.<br />

But to achieve success it is sometimes better to start with a kind of voluntary target. At least, that is what we have done in<br />

the past and it has proved to be the right approach. We do not exclude – quite the contrary – a possible need for binding<br />

targets for each country, but let us also give the Member States ownership of this policy and see how they develop their<br />

strategy.<br />

2-403<br />

Paul Rübig (PPE). – Herr Präsident! Wir haben am 4. Februar den Energiegipfel. Derzeit sind zwei Richtlinien in der<br />

Debatte, einerseits die Wasserrahmenrichtlinie, andererseits die UVP – die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung. Bei beiden<br />

müssten wir uns überlegen, wie wir diese beiden Varianten nachhaltig miteinander vereinbaren. Hier geht es um Umwelt<br />

und um Energiegewinnung. Ich glaube, dass Genehmigungsverfahren in diesem Bereich nicht länger als ein Jahr dauern<br />

sollten. Die Kommission hat derzeit fünf Jahre vorgeschlagen. Ich glaube, fünf Jahre – das ist eine ganze Legislaturperiode<br />

– können wir uns in dieser Dynamik nicht mehr leisten.<br />

Ist die Kommission hier bereit, die Zeit dementsprechend zu reduzieren? Ist es möglich, die Wasserrahmenrichtlinie so zu<br />

adaptieren, dass auch Speicherkraftwerke in Zukunft eine Chance haben, den Ausgleich zwischen Solarenergie und auf der<br />

anderen Seite Windenergie zu gewährleisten?<br />

2-404<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − In general, the Commission wants to reduce as much as possible<br />

the time for adoption and implementation. The issue is that Member States usually ask us for a realistic lapse of time, so<br />

that implementation can proceed, as far as possible, in a coherent manner, avoiding distortions in the internal market, or at<br />

least in what we believe should be the internal market. One of the concerns in the energy sector is precisely the fact that we<br />

still have very different regulations.<br />

Some progress has been achieved, and we are not starting from scratch now. On 4 February there will be the<br />

communications that we presented recently, and there is also of course the historic (I think we can now call it historic)<br />

climate and energy package that we presented some years ago under my previous Commission.<br />

We are open to reducing the time gap but it is important to have an agreement with Member States so that they act more or<br />

less at the same time in order to avoid these problems of distortion of competition in the internal market.<br />

2-405<br />

Vicky Ford (ECR). – Research and innovation are vital to drive the competitiveness of our economies. Last year, for the<br />

first time, a European university topped the world league tables for scientific research. It was Cambridge University, based<br />

in the region I represent.<br />

At that university, but also at many less well-known institutions and businesses large and small, I have seen cutting-edge<br />

research funded by the EU through the EUR 50 billion framework programme. Sadly though, this framework programme<br />

also has a reputation for being the most complex and bureaucratic in the world. Last autumn this Parliament voted<br />

unanimously on a series of recommendations to simplify that bureaucracy. What is the Commission doing to implement<br />

those reforms?<br />

2-406<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − First of all, I should like to congratulate Cambridge University and<br />

your region.

82 18-01-2011<br />

Secondly, I hope to have the support of your Group in the discussion on the multi-annual framework for appropriate<br />

budgetary commitments to support research, technology and innovation at European level. Cambridge is one of the most<br />

developed universities in the world, but there are other universities in Europe in the poorest regions that unfortunately do<br />

not have the same kind of access.<br />

Thirdly, simplification is indeed one of our priorities for energy and innovation, and in this case for research. We are also<br />

going to discuss innovation in the other part of the European Council. It is certainly one of our priorities and we are very<br />

happy to have the support of the European Parliament for that. We hope also to have the support of the Court of Auditors<br />

and others. It is important to understand how important it is for scientists that they do not lose so much time on paperwork<br />

and that they have more time to concentrate on what they do best, namely research.<br />

2-407<br />

Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL). – Senhor Presidente, em nome da consolidação financeira, os programas ditos de<br />

austeridade estão a agravar as divergências na União Europeia, a promover políticas anti-sociais, a pôr em causa direitos<br />

laborais e a cortar investimentos públicos, designadamente na área da inovação e energia.<br />

Isto significa que, se continuarem as mesmas orientações, as mesmas políticas e as mesmas pressões sobre Portugal e<br />

outros países de economias mais frágeis, teremos agravamento das divergências e uma situação cada vez mais grave por<br />

falta de solidariedade da União Europeia.<br />

E, assim, a questão que se coloca é saber que medidas vão ser tomadas para alterar a situação, para garantir efectivamente<br />

apoios à inovação em países como Portugal e outros que não têm investimentos públicos previstos suficientes para estas<br />

áreas e também para garantir o acesso das pessoas e das indústrias à energia, dados os preços elevados que estão a ser<br />

praticados e as dificuldades que em muitos lados se estão a sentir.<br />

2-408<br />

José Manuel Barroso, Presidente da Comissão. − A Senhora Deputada Ilda Figueiredo conhece a nossa posição em<br />

relação à consolidação orçamental. É indispensável fazer, nomeadamente num país como Portugal, que está a enfrentar<br />

alguns problemas com a sua dívida soberana, mas é necessário fazer em geral na União Europeia. Mas, precisamente nas<br />

recomendações que fizemos num documento que acabámos de publicar, pedimos aos Estados que, se possível, não<br />

reduzam os investimentos nem na educação nem na investigação nem especificamente no sector da energia. E, de facto, há<br />

Estados que estão a fazer isso com um grande sucesso, Estados que estão a fazer programas de consolidação orçamental,<br />

mas que estão até a aumentar os fundos para a investigação e para a educação.<br />

Em relação aos países com maior dificuldade financeira é necessário, também, jogar com a solidariedade, com a coesão. É<br />

por isso que não me cansarei de defender também, no plano europeu, a coesão económica e social e territorial. A<br />

solidariedade é importante. A solidariedade não pode ser uma palavra vã. É necessário, se me permitem a expressão,<br />

operacionalizar a solidariedade.<br />

2-409<br />

Judith A. Merkies (S&D). – Voorzitter, innovatie gaat onze economie, onze samenleving veranderen en moet ook nog<br />

banen opleveren; daarmee is innovatie een van de belangrijkste initiatieven van de Europese Unie. Ik vraag u dan ook<br />

graag om een meer integrale aanpak in uw Commissie met alle DG's tezamen. Er zijn bijvoorbeeld innovation<br />

partnerships op dit moment onderweg die eigenlijk vooral in één directoraat-generaal spelen; het moet toch echt een meer<br />

holistische aanpak worden. Zo vind ik ook dat de fondsen meer moeten worden samengevoegd en fragmentatie moet<br />

worden voorkomen, het liefst in één fonds, inclusief de structuurfondsen. Ik verzoek u om daar echt naar te kijken en één<br />

grote zuigstroom richting innovatie te creëren in samenwerking met de lidstaten.<br />

Even nog iets anders over energie. We hebben vooral altijd veel oog voor het grote. Ook bij de innovatie, moet het altijd<br />

groot zijn, maar soms zit de waarheid in het kleine. Ik vind dat er erg weinig aandacht is voor lokaal opgewekte energie. Ik<br />

denk dat daar de empowerment ligt voor de burgers. Mag ik u hier dan samen met alle andere collega's toch echt vragen<br />

om binding targets?<br />

2-410<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − You are rightly concerned with this problem of the lack of<br />

synergies at European level. That is precisely why I expect the European Council to address this matter in a comprehensive<br />

way.<br />

In fact, European Innovation Partnerships are an instrument for creating synergies between already existing programmes at<br />

European, national and regional levels. By bringing them together under a single umbrella, I believe we can tap into their<br />

inherent innovation potential in order to deploy Europe-wide solutions that address societal challenges.<br />

So one of the goals is precisely that of speeding up the step from research to market, from market-oriented innovations to<br />

market-oriented products and services.

18-01-2011 83<br />

This will create the necessary pull for participation. Hence we are seeking – in the Commission and now with the Member<br />

States – this comprehensive approach to innovation, looking beyond DGs’ portfolios and even national origins.<br />

2-411<br />

Νικόλαος Σαλαβράκος (EFD). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, επιστημονικές έρευνες που δημοσιεύθηκαν στον διεθνή Τύπο και,<br />

πρόσφατα, εντονότερα στον ελληνικό, ισραηλινό και κυπριακό Τύπο αναφέρουν ότι υπάρχουν μεγάλες ποσότητες<br />

φυσικού αερίου και πετρελαίου στην περιοχή του Αιγαίου και νότια της νήσου Κρήτης. Επομένως, υπάρχει ενεργειακός<br />

πλούτος στον εδαφικό χώρο, στα εδαφικά όρια της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.<br />

Με τα δεδομένα αυτά, πώς προτίθεται η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή να ενθαρρύνει και να υποβοηθήσει τις έρευνες για την<br />

ανίχνευση και εκμετάλλευση αυτών των πηγών ενέργειας, οι οποίες εν πάση περιπτώσει είναι ευχερέστερο να<br />

μεταφερθούν στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση καλύτερα από κάθε άλλο σχεδιασμένο αγωγό;<br />

Και με αυτή την ευκαιρία, κύριε Πρόεδρε του Κοινοβουλίου και κύριε Πρόεδρε της Επιτροπής, επιτρέψτε μου να σας<br />

δηλώσω ότι σας θεωρώ πολύ τυχερούς ανθρώπους, διότι η μοίρα σας επεφύλαξε στον μεν πρώτο να προεδρεύει ενός<br />

διευρυμένου Κοινοβουλίου από πλευράς αρμοδιοτήτων μετά την εφαρμογή της Συνθήκης της Λισαβόνας, στον δε<br />

δεύτερο να χειρίζεται μια μεγάλη οικονομική κρίση της Ευρώπης. Συμμερίζομαι όλες τις κινήσεις του κυρίου Barroso ως<br />

προς την κατεύθυνση αυτή, αλλά θα ήθελα να προτείνω κάτι: υπάρχει και η μέθοδος της Αμερικής, η έκδοση νέου<br />

χρήματος. Παρακαλώ, ερευνήστε την….<br />

(O Πρόεδρος αφαιρεί το λόγο από τον ομιλητή)<br />

2-412<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − Mr President, you cut the Honourable Member off just when he<br />

was saying something nice about me, for which I thank him.<br />

Regarding the first part of his intervention, we do not have the means – and it is not our priority now – to explore, or<br />

support the exploration of, other sources of energy in Europe. Our priority in terms of infrastructure is to establish<br />

interconnections, because that has a critical European dimension.<br />

We are going to make proposals on that matter to the European Council. Something has been achieved already – for<br />

instance BEMIP, the Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan, for the Baltic countries. Now we are working also with<br />

Central and Eastern European countries to establish, if possible, North-South interconnections, and things are going well. I<br />

have just been to Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan in connection with work on the Southern Gas Corridor, a new potential<br />

means of bringing energy – in this case gas – to Europe. This is where I believe the European Union can make some<br />

investments in energy infrastructures.<br />

2-413<br />

Arturs Krišjānis Kariņš (PPE). – Priekšsēdētāj, Barroso kungs! Komisija nākusi klajā ar, manuprāt, ļoti apsveicamu<br />

iniciatīvu pilnveidot energoinfrastruktūru visā <strong>Eiropas</strong> Savienībā — gan elektrotīklos, gan gāzes tīklu starpsavienojumos.<br />

Jūsu ziņojumā tiek lēsts, ka izmaksas būs apmēram 200 miljardi eiro. Šos tīklus pilnveidos līdz 2020. gadam. Ziņojumā arī<br />

teikts, ka apmēram puse, tātad 100 miljardi, nāks no privātā sektora. Mans jautājums jums ir šāds: atlikušie 100 miljardi<br />

eiro, kas būs vajadzīgi energotīklu pilnveidošanai līdz 20. gadam, — no kurienes nāks šie līdzekļi? Vai tie būs Kopienas<br />

līdzekļi, vai tie būs vērtspapīri, kas ir uz projektu orientēti, vai ir cits finansējumu avots? Paldies jums!<br />

2-414<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − As you said, it is correct that EUR 200 billion of investment is<br />

needed for gas infrastructures and power grids up to 2020. It is estimated that EUR 100 billion of this total investment<br />

need will be delivered on time by the market alone, whereas the other EUR 100 billion will require public action on<br />

permitting and leveraging the necessary private capital.<br />

That is why we are now proposing, for instance, unbundling. We are proposing many measures that will make this private<br />

investment more rational and more useful. We will also take a closer look at tariff regulation practices in order to liberate<br />

adequate cost allocation principles.<br />

To fill the remainder of the gap, the Commission proposes a new financial instrument to support projects of European<br />

interest for the new financial perspective after 2013. Beyond grants, innovative market-based solutions may be proposed<br />

such as equity participations, guarantees and public-private partnership loans. As you know, I already spoke about<br />

European funds through project bonds specifically designed for this kind of project.<br />

2-415<br />

Sonia Alfano (ALDE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, Presidente Barroso, la direttiva 77/2001/CE fissa la<br />

definizione di fonti rinnovabili per individuare quelle per le quali sono ammissibili degli incentivi pubblici.

84 18-01-2011<br />

Dalle fonti rinnovabili è escluso l'incenerimento della parte non biodegradabile dei rifiuti. L'Italia, sin dal 1992, ha<br />

incentivato attraverso un aumento della bolletta energetica dei cittadini la costruzione di inceneritori, scientificamente<br />

dannosi per la salute e per l'ambiente e per questo posti dall'Unione europea come opzione residuale per la gestione<br />

integrata di rifiuti. Con riferimento a questi incentivi, ci sono state ben due procedure di infrazione e, nonostante formali<br />

interventi legislativi, in Italia l'incenerimento di rifiuti viene ancora oggi incentivato come assimilato alle rinnovabili, uno<br />

su tutti il caso di Acerra.<br />

Mi rendo conto che potrà risultarle difficile ricordare i dettagli della situazione dei Cip 6, è per questo che ho presentato<br />

un'interrogazione scritta. Le domando però di confermarmi che non è possibile incentivare come rinnovabile<br />

l'incenerimento di rifiuti non biodegradabili e che non è prevista alcuna deroga in tal senso.<br />

Inoltre, vorrei sapere se non risulta incoerente che la direttiva rifiuti ponga l'incenerimento come opzione residuale per lo<br />

smaltimento dei rifiuti, mentre la direttiva 77/2001 incentiva come fonte rinnovabile l'incenerimento. La Commissione<br />

prevede un intervento di revisione a questo proposito?<br />

2-416<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − As Mrs Alfano rightly said, this is a detailed question. I cannot<br />

know the detail of all the infringement procedures. Let me tell you – I think it is an important point – just on energy and<br />

the internal market for energy, we have now 77 infringement procedures with Member States in general, and 55 on the<br />

internal market. So if you provide me with that question in writing, I will be more than happy to send a reply in writing.<br />

2-417<br />

Franz Obermayr (NI). – Innovation, Klimaschutz, erneuerbare Energien – liest man die Strategie <strong>Europa</strong> 2020, dann<br />

könnte man ja wirklich glauben, dass es der EU ernst ist mit umwelt- und energiepolitischen Maßnahmen. Blickt man<br />

allerdings hinter die Fassade des Umweltschutzes, dann zeigt sich sehr rasch eine andere Energiestrategie: Atomstrom als<br />

sogenannte schonende Energie. Kommissar Oettinger hat bei einer Anfrage von mir klar positioniert, als er mir mitteilte,<br />

Kernenergie leiste zurzeit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur kohlenstoffarmen Elektrizitätserzeugung in der EU und werde dies<br />

in nächster Zukunft auch weiterhin tun. Die Europäische Kommission plant keine Richtlinie für eine maximale Laufzeit<br />

von Kernkraftwerken. Und das 25 Jahre nach Tschernobyl! Am 26. April haben wir ja ein trauriges Jubiläum.<br />

Nun, Herr Präsident Barroso, meine Frage: Sind Sie auch der Meinung, dass man unseren europäischen Bürgern<br />

Atomstrom tatsächlich und reinen Herzens als saubere und klimaschonende Energie verkaufen kann?<br />

2-418<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − You know the position of the Commission regarding nuclear<br />

energy. With full respect for subsidiarity in that matter, some Member States have it and some do not. No one is forced to<br />

have nuclear energy, but in fact it is true that nuclear energy is, in terms of climate change, less polluting than other<br />

sources of energy.<br />

Having said that, the Commission has certain obligations under the Euratom Treaty. At the beginning of the European<br />

Union we had the Euratom Community, and the Commission has not only the right but also the duty to provide assistance<br />

to Member States that require it in the fields of nuclear safety or research into nuclear matters. That is certainly what we<br />

intend to do.<br />

2-419<br />

Jacek Saryusz-Wolski (PPE). – You are bringing an optimistic message from Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. The only<br />

shortage is figures. I understand that at this stage you cannot set the figures with Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan in terms of<br />

millions of cubic metres of gas, but does the Commission have any estimates or expectations of its own, obviously nonbinding,<br />

which point to whether it would be able to fill the Southern Corridor as a whole or Nabucco in particular, which is<br />

supposed to provide 31 million cubic metres?<br />

2-420<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − From this visit to Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, I have brought the<br />

clear commitment of both countries to give their full support to the European Union in terms of the Southern Corridor. In<br />

fact I signed a joint declaration with the President of Azerbaijan, Mr Aliyev, and the President of Turkmenistan,<br />

Mr Berdimuhamedov, said publicly that he was ready to supply enough gas for Europe – even more than we need at the<br />

present time.<br />

Having said that, there are still problems to address. Some of those problems have to be commercial decisions taken by the<br />

companies involved. They also concern the way in which the different pipelines can be built and developed. However,<br />

there is enough gas in that area to come to the European Union if the Member States of the European Union are ready to<br />

cooperate with those countries and others to make that project available – either Nabucco or other projects in the Southern<br />

Corridor.<br />


18-01-2011 85<br />

Silvia-Adriana Ţicău (S&D). – Având în vedere că tot mai multe familii europene, mai ales pe fondul crizei economice şi<br />

a creşterii ratei şomajului, cheltuiesc mai mult de 10% din veniturile lunare pentru plata facturii de energie, aş dori să vă<br />

întreb care sunt măsurile concrete pe care Comisia Europeană le are în vedere pentru reducerea sărăciei energetice.<br />

De asemenea, aş dori să vă întreb dacă aveţi în vedere creşterea semnificativă a procentului din Fondul european de<br />

dezvoltare regională care poate fi folosit de statele membre pentru creşterea eficienţei energetice a locuinţelor, începând cu<br />

viitoarea perspectivă financiară.<br />

2-422<br />

José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − The internal energy market legislation sets high standards of<br />

consumer protection with regard to the provision of a minimum service, transparency of billing, effective complaint<br />

handling and so on, and it provides choices to consumers. I could quote many other areas in which we are proposing<br />

measures that directly address consumers’ concerns.<br />

Regarding lower energy bills, we think that, in the medium term at least, in a real integrated energy market, true<br />

competition can achieve more than the current situation, in which there are many dysfunctions and examples of dominant<br />

market positions.<br />

Regarding funding for energy security projects, as I said earlier, we certainly intend to propose it in the next financial<br />

perspectives. So part of it has to come from market solutions, but part of it has to come from public investment. The<br />

European Commission is preparing some proposals that will move in this direction for the next financial perspectives.<br />

2-423<br />

President. − Colleagues, thank you for the discussion on innovation and energy which is a very important topic as we<br />

know very well. Our thanks to you, Mr President of the Commission. It is the second time today that you have been here in<br />

a hard discussion in the European Parliament.<br />

2-424<br />


Vice-President<br />

2-425<br />

13 - Patients' rights in cross-border healthcare (debate)<br />

2-426<br />

President. − The next item is the recommendation for second reading from the Committee on the Environment, Public<br />

Health and Food Safety on the Council position at first reading with a view to the adoption of a directive of the European<br />

Parliament and of the Council on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare (11038/2/2010 - C7-<br />

0266/2010 - 2008/0142(COD))<br />

(Rapporteur: Françoise Grossetête) (A7-0307/2010).<br />

2-427<br />

Françoise Grossetête, rapporteure. − Monsieur le Président, je me permettrai d'intervenir pour quatre minutes et de<br />

garder les deux minutes supplémentaires pour la fin du débat.<br />

Monsieur le Président, Madame la représentante du Conseil, Monsieur le Commissaire, "enfin !", je dirais, nous voyons le<br />

bout du tunnel sur ce sujet majeur pour les patients.<br />

Nous ne pouvions plus continuer dans une situation confuse où le droit était édicté par la Cour de justice de l'Union<br />

européenne. La directive fixe, à présent, des règles claires pour la mobilité des patients sur le territoire européen. De quel<br />

type de soins peut-on bénéficier à l'étranger? Comment et sur quels critères peut-on être remboursé? Comment sont<br />

réparties les responsabilités entre l'État membre d'affiliation et l'État membre de traitement? Toutes les réponses à ces<br />

questions figurent désormais dans le projet de directive.<br />

Permettez-moi, avant toute chose, de remercier la Présidence belge pour son excellent travail tout au long de la<br />

négociation. Sa capacité de conviction a été décisive car – il faut le souligner –, de nombreux États membres ne<br />

souhaitaient pas cette directive. Je pense qu'il s'agissait là d'irresponsabilité.<br />

Je veux aussi rendre hommage à mon ami et ancien député John Bowis qui est d'ailleurs dans les tribunes. En tant que<br />

rapporteur de première lecture, il a, lui aussi, été l'artisan de cette directive et a toujours milité pour les droits des patients.<br />

Bien sûr, je remercie également le Commissaire Dalli et mes collègues rapporteurs fictifs, qui ont contribué très<br />

activement à l'aboutissement des négociations, et sans lesquels rien n'aurait été possible.<br />

Quel est ici l'enjeu pour les patients? Le progrès médical fait que l'offre ne peut plus être pour toutes les pathologies une<br />

offre strictement nationale et qu'il faut parfois traverser les frontières pour se faire soigner. Cela peut être le cas de patients

86 18-01-2011<br />

qui vivent en région frontalière, où les soins fournis à l'étranger sont parfois plus proches du domicile. Cela peut être dû au<br />

fait, aussi, qu'il y a plus de moyens et d'expertises disponibles dans un autre État membre, comme pour certains traitements<br />

hautement spécialisés.<br />

Enfin, pour certains Européens, il peut être simplement plus pratique de recevoir des soins en dehors de son pays<br />

d'affiliation parce que, tout simplement, on a de la famille qui vit dans un autre État membre. Les consommateurs, les<br />

salariés, les étudiants et désormais les patients pourront donc bénéficier de droits à la mobilité au sein de l'Union grâce à<br />

des dispositions législatives claires.<br />

Bien évidemment, il ne s'agit pas d'encourager un quelconque tourisme médical car les régimes de sécurité sociale, leur<br />

organisation et leur gestion restent, quant à eux, une compétence pleine et entière des États membres. Les patients pourront<br />

donc à présent généralement recevoir dans un autre État membre tous les soins auxquels ils ont droit chez eux et être<br />

remboursés jusqu'à concurrence du montant du remboursement prévu par leur propre système.<br />

Pour les soins hospitaliers comprenant un séjour d'une nuit, ou recourant à des technologies spécialisées ou coûteuses,<br />

l'État membre pourra mettre en place un système d'autorisation préalable. Cela permettra de prendre en considération les<br />

nécessités de planification et d'investissement des États membres dans leur structure de soins. Le Parlement a obtenu que<br />

les conditions de refus de l'autorisation préalable soient limitées et énoncées dans une liste close, au bénéfice de la sécurité<br />

juridique de la situation des patients.<br />

Le Parlement a obtenu aussi d'autres avancées: ainsi chaque État membre devra mettre en place des points de contact<br />

nationaux afin d'informer et d'orienter au mieux le patient en fonction de ses besoins. Chaque point de contact national<br />

fonctionnera comme un guichet unique et devra travailler en réseau avec les autres points de contact nationaux. Ainsi, le<br />

patient disposera d'informations claires et précises.<br />

La question du remboursement, qui constitue de fait un obstacle essentiel, a été largement améliorée et, soit on pourra<br />

recourir à un mécanisme de compensation comme actuellement avec le règlement 883/2004 sur la sécurité sociale, soit le<br />

patient devra avancer le paiement et se faire rembourser dans les délais les plus brefs.<br />

Nous avons fini par obtenir aussi que les patients atteints de maladies rares soient moins livrés à eux-mêmes et puissent<br />

recourir à une expertise extérieure qui diagnostiquera la maladie et permettra une autorisation préalable pour des soins.<br />

Je termine en vous disant que, grâce à la coopération européenne dans des domaines tels que les réseaux européens de<br />

référence, les patients auront ainsi accès à des soins hautement spécialisés, l'objectif étant d'encourager le partage<br />

d'expériences, afin d'améliorer les performances, les diagnostics et les thérapeutiques dans l'intérêt des patients.<br />

C'est ainsi qu'aujourd'hui nous pouvons nous dire que nous avons atteint le but et j'en remercie encore tous mes collègues.<br />

Je pourrais dire que c'est l'Europe de la santé qui est en construction à travers cette directive.<br />

2-428<br />

Enikő Győri, President-in-Office of the Council. − Mr President, Ms Grossetête, distinguished Members, let me continue<br />

in my mother tongue, Hungarian.<br />

2-429<br />

Nagyon örülök, hogy részt vehetek a határokon átnyúló egészségügyi ellátásra vonatkozó betegjogok érvényesítéséről<br />

szóló direktívának a vitájában. E pillanat rendkívül fontos, hiszen két és fél év után az e jogalkotási aktusról folytatott<br />

megbeszéléseink most érnek véget. Először is engedjék meg, hogy köszönetet mondjak mindenkinek, aki lehetővé tette,<br />

hogy eljussunk ehhez a nagyon fontos megállapodáshoz. Először is az elnökségi trió előző tagjainak, Belgiumnak, illetve<br />

még korábban Spanyolországnak azért a kitűnő munkáért, amellyel hozzájárultak, hogy a Tanácsban létrejöhetett ez a<br />

kompromisszum. Szeretnék továbbá köszönetet mondani a Tanács nevében az Európai Parlamentnek a kiváló<br />

együttműködésért és kompromisszumkészségért, amelynek köszönhetően megszületett a megállapodás, amely -<br />

meggyőződésem - sok előnnyel jár majd az unióbeli betegek számára, és újabb fontos lépést jelent az uniós betegjogok<br />

biztosításában.<br />

A három intézmény közötti megbeszélések, mindannyian emlékszünk rá, nem voltak könnyűek, ám mindvégig<br />

konstruktívak és eredményorientáltak maradtak és végig a kompromisszumkeresés jegyében folytak. Elismerem, hogy az<br />

Európai Parlamenten belüli viták sem voltak egyszerűek, és hogy az a jelentés, amelyről Önök holnap szavaznak, a<br />

képviselőcsoportok közötti kompromisszumot is tükrözi. Ezért elismerésem fejezem ki mindazoknak, akik munkájukkal<br />

hozzájárultak ahhoz, hogy itt a Parlamenten belül is egységes lett az álláspont, elsősorban Françoise Grossetête<br />

asszonynak, majdnem egymás mellett ültünk egy évig ebben a Házban, és minden társelőadónak, hiszen az ő<br />

közreműködésük nélkül nem sikerült volna ez a jogalkotási folyamat.<br />

Meggyőződésem, hogy az elfogadott szöveg megteremti a megfelelő egyensúlyt a betegeknek a határokon átnyúló<br />

egészségügyi ellátáshoz fűződő jogai, valamint a tagállamok azon kötelessége között, hogy megszervezzék és biztosítsák

18-01-2011 87<br />

az egészségügyi szolgáltatásokat és az orvosi ellátást. A három intézmény közötti egyeztetések során több politikai jellegű<br />

kérdésben sikerült mindenki számára elfogadható megoldásokat találni. Megállapodtunk mindenekelőtt az egészségügyi<br />

szolgáltatások minőségévével és biztonságával kapcsolatos kérdésekről. Lefektettük az előzetes engedélyezés kritériumait<br />

és meghatároztuk, hogy milyen általános feltételek vonatkozzanak a határokon átnyúló egészségügyi ellátások<br />

költségeinek visszatérítésére.<br />

Megegyeztünk továbbá az olyan betegek kezelésével kapcsolatos kérdésekről, akiknél ritka betegséget diagnosztizálnak,<br />

valamint az e-egészségügyi rendszerekkel kapcsolatos további tagállami együttműködésről. A Tanács úgy látja, hogy<br />

elértük a legfontosabb célt, azaz megvalósult az egészségügy területébe tartozó áruk és szolgáltatások szabad mozgásával<br />

kapcsolatos európai bírósági ítélkezési gyakorlat egységes szerkezetbe foglalása. Vannak azonban olyan további fontos<br />

tényezők, amelyek segíthetnének abban, hogy a betegek a jövőben könnyebben igénybe vehessék a határokon átnyúló<br />

egészségügyi szolgáltatásokat. Ezek között kell megemlíteni a tagállamok által létrehozandó nemzeti kapcsolattartó<br />

pontokat, amelyek tájékoztatással szolgálnak a betegeknek.<br />

Fontos továbbá a rendelvények tagállamok közötti kölcsönös elfogadása, valamint a tagállamok közötti kölcsönös<br />

segítségnyújtás és együttműködés. Végül, de nem utolsó sorban pedig az az irányelv tisztázza a viszonyt, a szociális<br />

biztonsági rendszerek koordinálásáról szóló 883/2004-es EK rendelettel és ezáltal nagyobb jogbiztonságot garantál a<br />

betegek számára. Az irányelv végrehajtása során a tagállamokat olyan elvek vezérlik majd, amelyeket az Európai<br />

Parlament, a Tanács és a Bizottság többször is elismert már. Ezek az egyetemesség, a jó minőségű ellátáshoz való jog, a<br />

méltányosság és a szolidaritás elve. És hozzátenném, hogy ezúttal hatékony és versenyképességet is fokozó intézkedésről<br />

is tudtunk dönteni.<br />

Tisztelt elnök úr! Képviselőtársak! A magyar elnökség elkötelezett amellett, hogy a Tanács e jogszabályt a lehető<br />

leghamarabb elfogadja. A jogi eljárás szerint a szöveget a Tanács a szokásos jogi, nyelvi véglegesítést követően fogadja el,<br />

ami után az irányelv a lehető legrövidebb időn belül megjelenhet az Unió hivatalos lapjában. Köszönöm szépen, és még<br />

egyszer gratulálok mindenkinek, aki munkájával hozzájárult az irányelv megszületéséhez.<br />

2-430<br />

John Dalli, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, let me congratulate Parliament on the major achievement of<br />

reaching an agreement on this directive. I am particularly grateful to the rapporteur, Ms Grossetête, and the shadow<br />

rapporteurs for their hard work and their commitment to patients’ rights. I would also like to thank the previous two<br />

presidencies – Spain and Belgium – for the hard work they did to conclude this dossier.<br />

I believe that the new directive will provide a coherent and uniform set of rules for patients all over Europe. It will also<br />

generate a new phase of cooperation between 27 national health systems.<br />

The path towards today’s successful conclusion was far from easy. I remember last year, when I took up office, people told<br />

me that negotiations on the directive were at a dead end. The directive is a good example of the need for political<br />

leadership: it shows that, with courage and determination, decisions which are important for our citizens can be taken. I<br />

believe that legislators must not leave the European Court of Justice to decide in their place, nor leave citizens with no<br />

other means of having their rights recognised than by going to court.<br />

The Court recognised the right of patient mobility under the Treaty. It is the legislator’s role to decide how to deliver such<br />

rights.<br />

Allow me now to share with you some views on the directive. Firstly, the directive makes clear that all Member States<br />

have a duty to invest at home, to provide their citizens with the healthcare they need without undue delay.<br />

The directive will thus contribute towards reducing inequalities in access to care by helping to minimise delays across the<br />

EU. Patients will be able to seek primary care with the provider of their choice across Europe. As regards hospital care, the<br />

directive provides that, when the delay – I mean the waiting time for receiving treatment – is too long, the patient will be<br />

able to choose a provider in another Member State and will be reimbursed. However, what precisely constitutes an<br />

acceptable waiting time will need to be carefully considered and defined.<br />

The main progress achieved by this directive, as compared with existing legislation, is that patients will be able to choose<br />

their healthcare provider and will have access to information on the quality and safety of the care they will receive. I can<br />

assure you that the Commission will carefully monitor how Member States implement the directive in that respect.<br />

Secondly, the directive will give patients access to information on their rights and on cross-border healthcare – information<br />

validated by national contact points and not left to private initiatives on the internet or other media.<br />

Thirdly, on quality of care, the directive offers transparency and accountability in relation to national standards. This<br />

should gradually lead to some convergence across Europe on the quality and safety of care.

88 18-01-2011<br />

Lastly, the directive lays the foundation for European collaboration on health. While the cooperation networks set up by<br />

the directive are voluntary, I am convinced that all Member States will see that they have much to gain by working<br />

together. This is a matter of solidarity in Europe. I am therefore counting on the Member States to launch cooperation<br />

initiatives in key areas such as e-health and health technology assessments.<br />

The directive also provides for European reference centres, which will facilitate the pooling of expertise and its<br />

dissemination across Europe. I believe such centres can lead to better healthcare for our citizens.<br />

Mr President, Minister, honourable Members, the final compromise which is on the table today reflects the essential spirit<br />

and fundamental purpose of this directive: to enhance patients’ rights to cross-border healthcare, while taking into account<br />

the sustainability of health systems. This is a good day for the building of a ‘Europe for health’.<br />

I should like to conclude by making the following statement on an institutional aspect of the text:<br />

‘The Commission has certain doubts that some of the future acts which the Commission has been given the power to adopt<br />

by the legislative act would be implementing acts. When exercising its implementing powers, the Commission will not<br />

adopt, on the basis of the powers granted, acts that it considers as being delegated acts within the meaning of Article 290<br />

of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.’<br />

2-431<br />

Peter Liese, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar, Frau Ratspräsidentin, liebe Kolleginnen und<br />

Kollegen! In der Tat, das ist ein wichtiger Tag für die Patientinnen und Patienten in <strong>Europa</strong>. Es war ein unerträglicher<br />

Zustand, dass wir zwar das vom EuGH zugestandene Recht hatten, in einen anderen Mitgliedstaat zu gehen, aber viele<br />

Mitgliedstaaten es nicht umgesetzt haben.<br />

Wir haben jeden einzelnen Patienten auf den Klageweg verwiesen, erneut bis hin zum EuGH, in jedem Einzelfall. Ich<br />

finde, das ist ein zynisches Verhalten, denn es handelt sich um schwache Menschen. Sie sind krank, sonst bräuchten sie<br />

keine Behandlung, und im schlimmsten Fall könnten sie tot sein, bevor der EuGH den Fall entschieden hat. Deswegen ist<br />

es allerhöchste Zeit, dass wir hier im rechtlichen Sinne Klarheit schaffen.<br />

Auch für die Patienten, bei denen die Grundsatzrechtsprechung mehr oder weniger umgesetzt war, haben Françoise<br />

Grossetête und alle, die mitgearbeitet haben, viele Erfolge erzielt, z.B. die nationalen Kontaktpunkte und die europäischen<br />

Referenznetzwerke. Hier gibt es auch eine Verbesserung in den Ländern, in denen die EuGH-Rechtsprechung im Prinzip<br />

schon umgesetzt war, hin zu einem <strong>Europa</strong> der Patienten und zu einem <strong>Europa</strong> der Gesundheit, ganz wie der Kommissar<br />

es gesagt hat.<br />

Ich habe nicht viel Zeit, deswegen jetzt die letzten 15 Sekunden für den Dank an die Berichterstatterin, an die<br />

Schattenberichterstatter, an John Dalli als Kommissar, der sich wirklich sehr eingesetzt hat, aber vor allem an John Bowis,<br />

der hier auf der Tribüne sitzt und der Vater dieser Richtlinie ist. Allen herzlichen Dank und herzlichen Glückwunsch!<br />

2-432<br />

Dagmar Roth-Behrendt, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, meine Damen und Herren! Das ist eigentlich<br />

eine überflüssige Gesetzgebung. Ich hoffe, dass das auch eine überflüssige Gesetzgebung bleiben wird, weil Patientinnen<br />

und Patienten sie nicht in Anspruch nehmen müssen. Im Idealfall bekommen Patientinnen und Patienten die beste,<br />

schnellste Gesundheitsversorgung in dem Land, in dem sie geboren sind, oder in dem Land, in dem sie leben.<br />

Dass wir heute darüber reden müssen und diese Gesetzgebung morgen beschließen werden – da hat Herr Liese völlig<br />

Recht – ist eigentlich zynisch. Das heißt, dass die Mitgliedstaaten nicht erkannt haben, was sie ihren Bürgerinnen und<br />

Bürgern schuldig sind, nämlich schnelle, gute und qualitativ hochwertige Gesundheitsversorgung. Es zeigt auch, dass sie<br />

lieber in andere Dinge investieren als in genau in diese Bereiche für ihre Bürgerinnen und Bürger, und das ist eine<br />

Schande! Die Verhandlungen im Rat dazu sind auch kein Ruhmesblatt. Wenn diese Gesetzgebung trotzdem irgendwann<br />

Anwendung finden sollte, weil Patientinnen und Patienten sie doch nötig haben – schlimm genug! – dann bin ich froh über<br />

das, was wir erreicht haben. Ich bin der Berichterstatterin Françoise Grossetête und den Kolleginnen und Kollegen dankbar<br />

für die Zusammenarbeit.<br />

Wir haben eine Menge erreicht. Wir haben erreicht, dass seltene Krankheiten endlich im Fokus der Aufmerksamkeit sind.<br />

Menschen, die seltene Krankheiten haben, sind immer in einer Ecke gewesen, in der sie es schwer hatten, überhaupt eine<br />

Behandlung zu bekommen. Wir haben es endlich erreicht, dass Menschen in den Mitgliedstaaten auch Informationspunkte<br />

haben, die sie über ihre Rechte informieren. Das gab es doch bisher nicht! Wenn in Zukunft Referenznetzwerke existieren<br />

werden, dann wird es endlich einen Austausch zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten über best practice, über Gold- oder<br />

Platinstandards, über den wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt geben. Auch das gibt es doch nicht koordiniert! Das gibt es in<br />

einzelnen Leuchttürmen, aber nicht koordiniert.

18-01-2011 89<br />

All das sind schon riesige Erfolge, ohne dass ich jetzt über die ambulanten Behandlungen und über die anderen Punkte<br />

sprechen möchte. Klar, es gibt auch Punkte, die mich traurig machen! Dieses Theater und Gezanke um die<br />

Vorabgenehmigung – auch das hätte ich mir anders gewünscht, auch das zeigt, dass die Mitgliedstaaten nicht erkannt<br />

haben, was wirklich wichtig ist. Aber zum Glück gibt es da noch einige, mit denen wir gut zusammenarbeiten können, das<br />

haben wir heute gezeigt. Das Ziel ist doch – und das muss unser Ziel sein, dass das Gesundheitssystem in allen Ländern so<br />

gut sein wird, dass kein einziger Mensch in ein anderes Land gehen möchte, dessen Sprache er oder sie nicht spricht. Und<br />

wenn das heute und morgen ein kleiner Schritt dazu ist – weil es transparenter wird, wer gut ist und wer schlecht ist, wer<br />

etwas tut für seine Bürgerinnen und Bürger und wer nicht –, auch dann haben wir schon viel erreicht.<br />

Ich hoffe, dass das genau ein kleiner Nebeneffekt sein wird, nämlich die Transparenz. Wo ist ein Mitgliedstaat auf hohem<br />

Standard, auf hohem Niveau, und wo ist ein Mitgliedstaat auf niedrigem Niveau. Ich komme aus einem Mitgliedstaat, in<br />

dem ich relativ entspannt sein kann. Aber ich weiß um die Nöte der Menschen in vielen anderen Mitgliedstaaten, und<br />

darüber schäme ich mich, denn das ist einer Europäischen Union wie unserer nicht würdig.<br />

Ich danke der Berichterstatterin für ihre Arbeit, aber ich danke besonders der Kommission, Herrn Dalli und seinem Team,<br />

die in dieser Gesetzgebung so dicht beim Europäischen Parlament und dem Vater – zuerst Herrn Bowis in der vergangenen<br />

Legislaturperiode – waren, wie wir es uns nur wünschen können. Ich möchte besonders der belgischen Ratspräsidentschaft<br />

danken, die heute nicht hier ist, aber alles getan hat, um das zu einem Erfolg zu bringen. Das, was in ihrer Macht stand,<br />

war nicht immer viel, wenn wir uns die anderen Mitgliedstaaten angucken, die manchmal störrisch sind wie Fossile aus<br />

früheren Jahrtausenden. Aber es war immerhin eine Menge, und ich glaube, dass wir morgen mit gutem Gewissen Ja sagen<br />

können.<br />

(Beifall)<br />

2-433<br />

Antonyia Parvanova, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, looking back four years to the launching of the<br />

ALDE campaign ‘Europe for patients’, I have good reasons to welcome the agreement reached with the Council in<br />

December. I would firstly like to congratulate our rapporteur, Mrs Grossetête, as well as the other shadows for their good<br />

cooperation and the great work accomplished, and also the father of this initiative, our colleague Mr John Bowis.<br />

The Parliament remained united and stayed firm during the negotiations with the Council. We stood for patients and for<br />

the first time, there will be a clear legislative framework in the EU for patients seeking treatment in another Member State.<br />

We have to consider the agreement reached as a small step, but it is a real achievement for patients in Europe, which will<br />

strengthen their rights while focusing on their needs, the information available to them, and the quality and safety of care.<br />

I am sure, however, that Parliament would have supported a more ambitious result. Though I recognise the need for<br />

Member States to be able to set up prior authorisation to maintain the sustainability of their health systems, I regret that<br />

they – including the Belgian Presidency – have sometimes put organisational considerations above patients’ interests and<br />

needs. But we represent our citizens and are responsible for representing them here in this House.<br />

Let me just mention one example: quality and safety. While Member States were keen on establishing quality and safety<br />

risks as a criterion for the refusal of prior authorisation, they have been reluctant to accept – and have opposed – any<br />

system for the sharing of information and upgrading of requirements in this field at EU level.<br />

The ALDE Group welcomes the future directive, but we will be strict about its implementation and make sure proper<br />

reporting and monitoring is in place to ensure that the directive is correctly implemented, and that the prior authorisation<br />

and reimbursement provisions do not become an unjustified obstacle to patients.<br />

Finally, let me highlight one of my regrets: the lack of ambition of the provisions agreed for cooperation in the field of ehealth,<br />

again due to strong opposition from the most advanced Member States in this area. The initial proposal from the<br />

Commission has been significantly watered down. I would therefore like to ask Mr Dalli the following question. Would<br />

the Commission consider the development of a stand-alone proposal on e-health, fostering cooperation and enabling<br />

interoperability of data and safety for patients, thus making it a reality in Europe?<br />

2-434<br />

Jean Lambert, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, many in this House will remember that at first reading<br />

this was an extremely hot topic, and I think we are hearing only some of the differences between us. There were concerns<br />

about whether market forces would win out over services of general interest; and that people who were concerned about<br />

patients’ rights to choose, and to travel, were being pitted against those who were asking which patients would actually<br />

exercise that choice.<br />

I think what we have, at the end of the day, is a reasonable compromise. As people have pointed out, in cases where things<br />

are medically necessary, with a need for urgent treatment, we already have a system in place under social security<br />

coordination. This directive is more concerned with the market system, with choice, and with people’s ability to choose

90 18-01-2011<br />

where to go, and to have money follow them. So we have clarity now, in that Member States can put in place systems to<br />

enable them to ensure that needs can be met.<br />

This directive should also be welcomed because it deals with issues around the legal dimension and legal certainty: with<br />

where responsibility for follow-up treatment lies; with the question of redress if there are problems; and with issues around<br />

ensuring that procedures are carried out by qualified medical professionals.<br />

On the issue of rare diseases, we have also achieved a compromise that is better than what we were pursuing first time<br />

round.<br />

As people have said, for many patients this will work well, but we also need to take care of our patients in our own<br />

Member States.<br />

2-435<br />

Milan Cabrnoch, za skupinu ECR. – Já bych úvodem chtěl poděkovat oběma zpravodajům, paní Grossetêteové i panu<br />

Bowisovi. Dnes jsou tomu přesně 2 roky 6 měsíců a 16 dnů, co Evropská komise předložila dlouho očekávaný návrh<br />

směrnice o právech pacientů v přeshraniční péči, ale její historie se píše už dávno předtím, kdy byla tato problematika<br />

původně součástí návrhu směrnice o službách. I dnes se potvrzuje, jak velkou chybou bylo zdravotní služby ze směrnice o<br />

službách vyčlenit. Nesmíme zapomínat, že projednávaná směrnice řeší pouze práva pacientů a otázka volného pohybu<br />

zdravotních služeb v Evropské unii zatím zůstává neřešena. Zdravotní systémy v členských státech jsou sice založeny na<br />

stejných obecných hodnotách, ale ve skutečnosti je organizace poskytování zdravotní péče v jednotlivých členských<br />

státech velice rozdílná.<br />

Text, o kterém budeme zítra hlasovat a který podpořím, je velkým kompromisem mezi právy občanů, pacientů a obavami<br />

vlád členských zemí. I přes mnoho ústupků a protivenství je předložený návrh malým, ale důležitým krokem vpřed.<br />

Navrhovaná směrnice vyjasňuje, byť ne dokonale, práva pacientů, zajišťuje jim přístup k informacím, v souladu s<br />

principem subsidiarity plně potvrzuje výhradní odpovědnost vlád členských zemí za organizaci a financování<br />

zdravotnictví, za kvalitu, bezpečnost a dostupnost péče na jejich území a dává jim možnost určit pravidla, podle kterých<br />

musí občan případně žádat ještě před čerpáním péče v zahraničí o souhlas.<br />

Doufám, dámy a pánové, že v práci na směrnici budeme v tomto parlamentu pokračovat i v dalších letech a zlepšíme práva<br />

pacientů v Evropské unii.<br />

2-436<br />

Kartika Tamara Liotard, namens de GUE/NGL-Fractie. – Voorzitter, mórgen is het zo ver, dan wordt zorg een<br />

internemarktproduct. De nieuwe richtlijn maakt van zorg een verhandelbaar commercieel goed. Wie het meeste geld heeft,<br />

wordt het eerst geholpen op de plek waar het zorgaanbod het grootst en het goedkoopst is. Het voorstel handhaaft<br />

tweedeling in de zorg. Ik vraag mij af hoeveel van mijn collega's zich hierin kunnen vinden. Zorg is een basisbehoefte die<br />

voor iedereen gelijk toegankelijk moet zijn. De leden die morgen vóór stemmen, denken wellicht dat ze de patiënten een<br />

dienst bewijzen, maar dat is absoluut niet het geval. Ik ben voor alles wat de rechten van de patiënt ten goede komt, maar<br />

bij goedkeuring van deze richtlijn kunnen we in dit kader heel veel narigheid verwachten; ik zal u een paar voorbeelden<br />

noemen.<br />

Verzekeraars zullen patiënten maar al te graag de grens over sturen, als daar een goedkopere behandelingsmogelijkheid<br />

bestaat. Het zorgaanbod in eigen land zal daardoor verschralen. Zorg die niet meer rendabel is, zal uit duurdere regio's<br />

verdwijnen. Patiënten hebben dan geen keuze meer, het is geen recht, maar ze móeten de grens over. Patiënten uit regio's<br />

waar zorg goedkoper is, zullen overigens niet de mogelijkheid hebben om uit te wijken naar een andere regio. De<br />

meerkosten daarvoor worden namelijk niet automatisch vergoed. Het zorgtoerisme dat deze richtlijn beoogt, is daarmee<br />

alleen voor rijkeren weggelegd.<br />

Dan de goedkope regio's en de regio's met korte wachttijden. Zij zullen op termijn zó veel zorgtoeristen ontvangen dat hun<br />

eigen lokale zorg daardoor wordt verdrongen. Een voorbeeld konden we maandag al lezen in de Belgische krant De<br />

Standaard en ik kan u verzekeren, méér voorbeelden zullen volgen. Elke patiënt heeft naar mijn mening recht op goede<br />

zorg en wel dicht bij huis, in eigen taal en met eigen familie. In plaats daarvan stimuleert <strong>Europa</strong> zorg naar het buitenland<br />

en laat het de markt zijn werk doen. Wie het hiermee eens is, stemt morgen vóór; wie het met mij eens is, dient zeker tegen<br />

te stemmen.<br />

2-437<br />

Oreste Rossi, a nome del gruppo EFD. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, inizialmente la direttiva presentava punti<br />

critici. In sede di discussione in commissione e nel trilogo si è raggiunto un accordo su un testo nel complesso equilibrato,<br />

che tiene conto delle esigenze di qualità e di sicurezza dell'assistenza sanitaria, dei principi generali dei rimborsi,<br />

dell'autorizzazione preventiva, della cooperazione transfrontaliera per la cura delle malattie rare e dei servizi di sanità<br />


18-01-2011 91<br />

L'obiettivo che si è cercato di raggiungere è di riconoscere a tutti i pazienti il diritto all'assistenza sanitaria transfrontaliera,<br />

scongiurando il turismo sanitario. Le spese che vengono sostenute dal servizio sanitario per curare un cittadino di un altro<br />

Stato membro devono, giustamente, essere a carico dello Stato di origine del paziente.<br />

Avremmo voluto altresì inserire l'obbligo per gli Stati membri di garantire dei livelli essenziali di assistenza sanitaria, ma<br />

non è stato possibile. Il nostro voto, visto il lavoro di mediazione migliorativo del testo, sarà a favore, come lo sarà anche<br />

sull'altro testo in discussione riguardante l'iniziativa europea sulla malattia di Alzheimer e le altre forme di demenza, testo<br />

propedeutico alla presentazione di una proposta legislativa volta a creare un'integrazione tra le diverse politiche esistenti.<br />

L'obiettivo comune di tutti e due i provvedimenti è di sottolineare l'esigenza di un miglior coordinamento fra gli Stati<br />

membri nell'interesse esclusivo dei cittadini.<br />

2-438<br />

Csanád Szegedi (NI). – Tisztelt elnök úr, tisztelt képviselőtársaim, tisztelt államtitkár asszony! Személy szerint<br />

támogatom a határokon átnyúló egészségügyi ellátására vonatkozó betegjogok érvényesítéséről szóló jelentést. Számos<br />

példa bizonyítja, hogy nagyon sokan más tagállamhoz fordulnak megfelelő egészségügyi ellátásért. Mindannyiunk előtt<br />

ismert a luxemburgi Kohl-ügy, amely erre bizonyíték. Sajnos az EU külső és belső különbsége, és ezalatt értem a nyugateurópai<br />

és kelet-európai részek különbségeit, nem merülnek ki abban, hogy gazdasági különbségek vannak, szociális<br />

ellátásban különbségek vannak, hanem az egészségügyi ellátások tekintetében is mély szakadék tátong, és az Európai<br />

Parlamentnek feladat az, hogy ezeket a különbségeket csökkentsük, tehát a nyugat- és a kelet-európai különbségeket<br />

csökkentsük, ugyanis az egységesen jó egészségügyi ellátással lehet csökkenteni azoknak a számát, hogy az emberek<br />

egyik tagállamból egy másik tagállam egészségügyi ellátását vegyék igénybe. Mindezeken felül elengedhetetlen<br />

egységesíteni a betegbiztosítók szerepét, ezzel lehetne szabályozni, hogy ne csorbuljon a szabad mozgás egyetemes uniós<br />

elve.<br />

Ezeken túlmenően szükségesnek tartom a szakmai kollégium ajánlásainak összehangolását, hogy azonos<br />

betegségcsoportokra azonos kezeléseket alkalmazzanak az egyes tagállamokban. Az egészség az nem lehet kiváltság, és az<br />

azonos betegséget nem lehet másként kezelni Magyarországon csak azért, mert Kelet-Európa és rosszabb az anyagi<br />

körülmény, és Svédországban csak azért mert Nyugat-Európa és jobb anyagi körülmények között élnek az emberek.<br />

2-439<br />

Christofer Fjellner (PPE). – Herr talman! Morgondagens omröstning tror jag är en de viktigaste omröstningarna som jag<br />

har varit med om under mina sex år i <strong>Europa</strong>parlamentet. Inte för att den berör så många, de allra flesta vill ju och har rätt<br />

till att få bra vård i tid där de bor. Men för att dem som det berör, för just dem kan det vara så otroligt viktigt. Det kan rent<br />

av vara en fråga om liv eller död. Det här handlar dessutom om grundtanken med <strong>Europa</strong>samarbetet - fri rörlighet.<br />

Egentligen är det en skam att vi först nu utsträcker den fria rörligheten till dem som behöver den allra mest, den som är<br />

sjuk, den som är patient.<br />

Det här är en kompromiss och jag vet att såväl jag som mina kollegor i EPP gärna hade gått längre i många delar, men vi<br />

måste just nu komma ihåg hur det lät för inte så lång tid sedan. Med allt tal om sjukvårdsturism, om hotande kollaps av<br />

nationella sjukvårdssystem, krav på förhandsbesked, eller som vi säger på vanlig svenska: att man som patient ska vara<br />

tvungen att be om lov innan man utnyttjar de rättigheter som EG-domstolen har gett oss. Så lät det då och med tanke på det<br />

är det en enorm framgång att vi överhuvudtaget får ett beslut.<br />

Jag uppfattar inte det här vara ett beslut som vi tar tack vare den svenska eller europeiska vänstern, utan snarare trots den.<br />

Jag minns hur det har låtit och hur till exempel de svenska socialdemokraterna lade ned sina röster när vi röstade om det<br />

här i förstabehandlingen. Igår hördes krav på att man skulle införa förhandsbesked i Sverige. Jag hoppas att Sverige inte<br />

gör det. Vi har klarat oss utan förhandsbesked i många år och då hoppas jag vi slipper det även i framtiden.<br />

Men i morgon är vårt beslut färdigt här i <strong>Europa</strong>parlamentet, och då är det upp till medlemsstaterna och kommissionen.<br />

Genomför det här så att vi stärker patienternas rättigheter istället för att minska dem. Det är min uppmaning till<br />

medlemsstaterna. Till kommissionen vill jag säga: Granska medlemsländerna hårt, för vi vet att de kommer att vilja smita<br />

undan.<br />

2-440<br />

Gilles Pargneaux (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, Madame la Présidente, tout d'abord,<br />

permettez-moi d'affirmer notre satisfaction face aux progrès mis en œuvre par cette directive que nous allons voter demain.<br />

En effet, depuis des années, seule la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes arbitrait les litiges concernant les soins<br />

de santé transfrontaliers et les droits des patients.<br />

Aujourd'hui, la mobilité des patients n'est plus un phénomène marginal en Europe mais est devenue un acte de vie courant.<br />

Les traitements transfrontaliers représentent aujourd'hui 1 % des dépenses totales de santé en Europe.

92 18-01-2011<br />

Il ne faut cependant pas confondre la mobilité des patients avec le tourisme médical qui s'est développé au cours des<br />

dernières années. Ce dernier s'organise et se révèle, hélas!, de plus en plus lucratif. La santé devient progressivement un<br />

marché concurrentiel.<br />

Un Allemand va en Hongrie pour ses soins dentaires, un Anglais – s'il en a les moyens – se rend en France pour se faire<br />

opérer plus vite. Les exemples sont nombreux. Mais nous devons faire en sorte que la santé ne soit pas traitée comme une<br />

marchandise, pour que nous soyons tous égaux. Et c'est pourquoi, au cours de ces trois dernières années, nous avons<br />

défendu le principe d'autorisation préalable de l'État membre d'affiliation pour les soins hospitaliers et non hospitaliers.<br />

Je voudrais ici saluer le travail des rapporteurs – Mme Grossetête, et notre rapporteure socialiste, Dagmar Roth-Behrendt,<br />

que je tiens à saluer particulièrement – qui a permis d'importantes avancées avec, par exemple, le remboursement des<br />

soins, l'instauration de points de contact nationaux et de réseaux européens de référence, le traitement des maladies rares et<br />

la coopération renforcée entre les États membres.<br />

Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, notre travail n'est pas terminé. Il nous faut aller plus loin, au-delà de<br />

cette avancée, pour permettre de gommer les disparités que nous connaissons encore en Europe et je sais que nous pouvons<br />

tous ensemble faire en sorte que le patient et les citoyens européens bénéficient d'un traitement égal.<br />

2-441<br />

Corinne Lepage (ALDE). – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, Madame le Ministre, cet accord a d'abord<br />

le mérite d'apporter une certaine clarification juridique, comme mes collègues l'ont rappelé. Jusqu'à présent c'était la Cour<br />

de justice qui était chargée de ces questions, d'où une insécurité juridique, dont nous sortons aujourd'hui, et je crois qu'il<br />

faut être très reconnaissant à la rapporteure, Mme Grossetête, aux rapporteurs fictifs et également à M. Dalli pour leur<br />

travail. Ces dispositions améliorent l'information des patients, la qualité des soins, les coûts et les procédures de<br />

remboursement.<br />

Je suis également satisfaite de ce système d'autorisation préalable pour les soins les plus lourds, notamment les soins<br />

hospitaliers, les soins spécialisés ou ceux qui présentent un risque particulier pour les patients. Il ne s'agit évidemment pas<br />

d'empêcher les patients de se soigner à l'étranger, mais d'éviter, d'une part, le tourisme médical et, d'autre part, d'éviter de<br />

mettre en danger les régimes de sécurité sociale.<br />

Cependant, j'ai un sentiment partagé sur les conditions de mise en œuvre de cette procédure qui peuvent présenter des<br />

risques d'inégalité de traitement entre les patients des États membres.<br />

D'abord, que signifie un délai raisonnable? Il faut être attentif à ce que ce terme de "raisonnable" ne mette pas en péril les<br />

besoins des patients.<br />

Nous devons également être attentifs à ce que les États membres mettent en place des procédures financières de manière à<br />

éviter que les patients, et notamment les plus modestes d'entre eux, avancent des frais trop importants. Il ne serait pas<br />

acceptable que des difficultés administratives amoindrissent les droits des patients.<br />

Enfin, les décisions différentes des États membres sur le remboursement des coûts engendrés par les soins peuvent aussi<br />

conduire à des inégalités entre les patients s'il y a d'un côté un remboursement minimum et, ailleurs, autre chose.<br />

Voilà, Monsieur le Président, les éléments que je souhaitais défendre.<br />

2-442<br />

Claude Turmes (Verts/ALE). – Herr Präsident, meine Damen und Herren, lieber John! Diese Richtlinie schafft klare und<br />

transparente Rechte. Dadurch wird die Situation, wenn ich ins Ausland gehe, klar und nicht mehr willkürlich, wie das in<br />

einzelnen Ländern der Fall war. Diese Richtlinie wird auch dazu führen, dass die Information, wenn ich ins Ausland gehe,<br />

verbessert wird. Allerdings muss diese Richtlinie von den Regierungen auch umgesetzt werden. Was diese Richtlinie<br />

allerdings verhindert hat, ist das, wovon einige in der Kommission – und vielleicht auch hier – geträumt haben, und zwar<br />

dass man die Grenzen öffnen muss, um die nationalen Gesundheitssysteme zu verbessern. Ich bin stolz darauf, dass wir es<br />

mit den zwei Berichterstattern – auch mit Frau Grossetête – geschafft haben, dieses Gleichgewicht zu halten: ein klares<br />

Nein zum Gesundheitstourismus und ein klares Ja dazu, dass die nationalen Systeme nicht unterwandert werden.<br />

Qualitative Unterschiede in der medizinischen Versorgung können nicht über diese Richtlinie gelöst werden, sondern nur<br />

durch genug Investitionen in den jeweiligen Staaten.<br />

Mich würde freuen, Herr Dalli und Kommission, wenn Sie sich jetzt, nachdem wir diese Richtlinie haben, vielleicht mehr<br />

auf die Verordnung über soziale Sicherheit – die ja das Basissystem ist, wo klar ist, wer bezahlt wird, wo alles gut geregelt<br />

wird – konzentrieren würden. Machen Sie mehr Druck auf die Länder, dass das noch besser umgesetzt wird, anstatt neue<br />

Liberalisierungs- oder Konkurrenzideen zu entwickeln.<br />


18-01-2011 93<br />

Kay Swinburne (ECR). – Mr President, this directive has taken concrete steps to consolidate patients’ rights in accessing<br />

health care services across the EU. I have taken an interest in this directive as the implementation will have a particular<br />

impact in my constituency of Wales where, despite the UK government negotiating with the EU on health matters, the<br />

subsequent management and delivery of healthcare is a devolved competence delivered through the Welsh Assembly<br />

Government.<br />

My initial concerns are at the potential impact on the Welsh healthcare system, regarding reimbursement and prior<br />

authorisation, have been resolved as a degree of flexibility has been built into these proposals. The ability for Member<br />

States and regional pairs to have the capacity to decide on eligible treatments with prior authorisation and a setting of a cap<br />

on reimbursements will go some way in alleviating concerns about the already overstretched and burdened healthcare<br />

systems.<br />

As a result of the work of my colleagues in this Parliament, past and present, especially Mr Bowis, we can be content in<br />

having taken a step forward in ensuring clarification for patients, improved healthcare choice and greater cooperation<br />

between the different EU healthcare systems. This should lead to a rise in standards throughout the EU, through patient<br />

choice.<br />

2-444<br />

João Ferreira (GUE/NGL). – Senhor Presidente, a intenção desta directiva é clara desde a primeira hora: incluir os<br />

serviços de saúde no objectivo de liberalização dos serviços e, dessa forma, satisfazer os interesses dos grupos económicos<br />

e financeiros, expandindo as suas áreas de negócio no domínio da saúde em todos os países da União Europeia, encarando<br />

a saúde como se de um qualquer bem de mercado se tratasse e os utentes dos serviços de saúde como meros consumidores.<br />

Esta proposta acentuará as desigualdades entre os cidadãos, prejudicando aqueles que não têm meios para recorrer aos<br />

serviços de saúde privados ou a cuidados de saúde noutro Estado-Membro da União Europeia. A sua aprovação, mesmo<br />

com as alterações que lhe foram introduzidas, acarretaria consequências graves para alguns países, nomeadamente para<br />

Portugal e para o seu Serviço Nacional de Saúde, atendendo aos custos muito elevados que pode implicar.<br />

Na prática, a mesma União Europeia que impõe pesados constrangimentos aos orçamentos nacionais quando se trata de<br />

financiar serviços públicos, como a saúde, não se importa de sobrecarregar esses orçamentos quando se trata de canalizar<br />

dinheiros públicos para grupos económicos e financeiros privados que se dediquem ao negócio da saúde e para alimentar o<br />

turismo da saúde.<br />

Por outro lado, esta proposta, na ânsia de promover o negócio, não salvaguardou devidamente a segurança dos utentes nem<br />

a qualidade dos cuidados de saúde, particularmente no que se refere aos cuidados não hospitalares. Ao contrário do que<br />

alguns disseram, o sistema de autorização prévia não contempla devidamente estes casos. Impõe-se, por isso, que, à<br />

semelhança do que aconteceu em 2007 com a exclusão dos serviços de saúde da famigerada directiva Bolkestein, também<br />

desta vez estas intenções sejam derrotadas.<br />

2-445<br />

Jaroslav Paška (EFD). – Úvodom chcem vyjadriť isté sklamanie z pozície Rady k smernici o uplatňovaní práv pacientov<br />

pri cezhraničnej zdravotnej starostlivosti, keď Rada v prvom čítaní neprevzala mnohé z dobrých pozmeňujúcich návrhov<br />

Európskeho parlamentu.<br />

Európsky parlament totiž už v prvom čítaní postavil dobrý základ pre korektné upravenie pravidiel cezhraničného<br />

poskytovania zdravotnej starostlivosti v členských štátoch tak, aby sa pacienti mohli v odôvodnených prípadoch, pri<br />

dodržaní stanovených pravidiel a bez zaťažovania súdov dostať k potrebnej ambulantnej či nemocničnej starostlivosti v<br />

inom členskom štáte.<br />

Preto je dobré, že sa pri príprave správy vo výboroch do druhého čítania podarilo udržať kontinuitu pôvodnej filozofie<br />

vyjadrujúcej pozíciu Parlamentu z prvého čítania a posunúť v súčasnosti neprehľadný stav v poskytovaní cezhraničnej<br />

zdravotnej starostlivosti k dôstojnému vyriešeniu tohto problému.<br />

Kompromisný text opierajúci sa o judikatúru Súdneho dvora, predložený na dnešné rokovanie, prináša našim občanom<br />

nové možnosti a novú kvalitu pri starostlivosti o ich zdravie, a preto je – podľa môjho názoru – potrebné usilovať sa o čo<br />

najrýchlejšiu implementáciu tejto smernice do každodenného života.<br />

2-446<br />

Licia Ronzulli (PPE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, dopo un percorso giuridico durato anni, domani finalmente<br />

verrà votata la relazione che darà una base legislativa certa ai cittadini europei che ogni anno devono rivolgersi all'estero<br />

per ottenere cure mediche appropriate.<br />

Questo permetterà a tutti i pazienti, e non solo ai più informati o ai più fortunati, di beneficiare di diritti che già sono<br />

riconosciuti negli anni nelle sentenze della Corte di giustizia dell'Unione europea. Attraverso l'apertura dei punti di

94 18-01-2011<br />

contatto nazionali, accedere alla sanità transfrontaliera non sarà più un salto nel buio in cui, fino ad oggi, il paziente, già<br />

debilitato dalla malattia, ha dovuto purtroppo spesso affrontare problemi burocratici, linguistici ed economici.<br />

Per quanto riguarda le cure ospedaliere, lo Stato di affiliazione potrà richiedere al paziente che decide di farsi curare<br />

all'estero un'autorizzazione preventiva e questo è necessario ovviamente per tutelare la stabilità del proprio sistema<br />

sanitario. Su alcuni punti si sarebbe forse potuto fare di più per tutelare i pazienti, come ad esempio per quanto riguarda il<br />

sistema di notifica preventiva che permetterà agli Stati membri di anticipare le spese mediche, ma solo su base volontaria.<br />

Infine, permettetemi di sottolineare quanto sia entusiasta di partecipare a un dibattito che, assolutamente in modo<br />

trasversale, ha soltanto un comune denominatore, ossia la priorità di porre fine al calvario di migliaia di pazienti in tutta<br />

<strong>Europa</strong> e finalmente questo momento sembra essere arrivato.<br />

2-447<br />

Karin Kadenbach (S&D). – Herr Präsident, Frau Ratsvorsitzende, Herr Kommissar! Nach meinem Verständnis liegt die<br />

Aufgabe der Politik darin, dazu beizutragen, dass Lebensqualität gesichert und ausgebaut wird. Das ist gerade im Bereich<br />

der Gesundheit im Moment keine leichte Aufgabe. Es ist in erster Linie eine Aufgabe der nationalen Staaten, diese<br />

Gesundheitsversorgung, den Zugang zur besten Medizin unabhängig vom Einkommen der Patientinnen und Patienten und<br />

unabhängig von der Region, in der sie leben, zu garantieren.<br />

Es wird aber trotz bester nationaler Gesundheitssysteme immer wieder Fälle geben, bei denen Patientinnen und Patienten<br />

Hilfe, Unterstützung und medizinische Leistungen im Ausland in Anspruch nehmen müssen bzw. wollen. Hier bietet diese<br />

Richtlinie endlich die rechtlichen Voraussetzungen und die Sicherstellung, dass diese Leistungen ohne zusätzliche<br />

bürokratische Hürden, ohne Rechtsunsicherheit und auch ohne allzu große finanzielle Vorbelastung in Angriff genommen<br />

werden können.<br />

Ich sehe diese Richtlinie nach den langen Verhandlungen wirklich als Erfolg, auch wenn sie in ihrer Umsetzung jetzt noch<br />

große Leistungen der einzelnen Staaten der Gesundheitsversorgung und auch der Versicherungsträger nach sich ziehen<br />

wird. Ich hoffe sehr, dass Sie in diese Richtung auch weiter Druck machen werden, denn die beste Richtlinie nützt uns nur<br />

dann etwas, wenn sie implementiert und umgesetzt wird. Ich ersuche sie auch, standhaft zu bleiben in Ihren Bestrebungen,<br />

die Prävention und die Gesundheitsvorsorge auszubauen. Denn ich glaube, wir wollen, dass die Europäerinnen und<br />

Europäer so lange wie möglich in einem guten Gesundheitszustand leben, mit dem bestmöglichen Zugang zu einer<br />

Medizin mit hohen Standards, und das zu den geringstmöglichen Kosten.<br />

2-448<br />

Frédérique Ries (ALDE). – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, Madame la Ministre, j'aimerais à mon tour<br />

remercier et féliciter notre rapporteure, M me Grossetête, qui a donc brillamment repris le témoin transmis par notre ancien<br />

collègue John Bowis. D'ailleurs, avec toutes ces félicitations, c'est un peu la fête de John Bowis aujourd'hui!<br />

Je voudrais – et c'est important – souligner le rôle important qui fut celui de la Présidence belge, qui a fait les efforts qu'il<br />

fallait pour arriver à ce difficile compromis avec le Parlement mais surtout avec certains États membres dont la position<br />

était – comment dire – réfractaire dans certains cas.<br />

Cette directive sur les soins de santé transfrontaliers est essentielle, même si elle ne concerne qu'un pour cent des budgets<br />

nationaux de santé car, au-delà des chiffres, c'est toute la force du symbole qui est à souligner, à savoir le droit légitime<br />

pour chaque citoyen européen de se faire soigner à l'étranger et de se faire rembourser les soins reçus en toute bonne<br />

information.<br />

Il était important également de fixer clairement les garde-fous afin d'éviter toute forme de tourisme médical mais aussi<br />

d'introduire suffisamment de flexibilité dans ce texte pour favoriser le diagnostic et le traitement des deux côtés d'une<br />

frontière. Je pense, notamment, à certaines maladies comme les maladies rares.<br />

Je conclus, Monsieur le Président, en disant qu'il s'agit d'un premier pas essentiel mais qu'il faudra aller plus loin et<br />

batailler encore pour faire avancer cette Europe de la santé qui nous est chère à tous.<br />

2-449<br />

Tadeusz Cymański (ECR). – Panie Przewodniczący! Nie ma idealnych praw. Wszędzie są wady i zalety, ale ta<br />

dyrektywa zdecydowanie niesie więcej nadziei niż obaw. <strong>Europa</strong>, pomimo szybkich zmian, pozostaje kontynentem dużych<br />

różnic, a nawet kontrastów. Dotyczy to również poziomu i skali opieki zdrowotnej i jest widoczne, że więcej obaw<br />

wyrażają kraje biedniejsze, kraje w transformacji i na dorobku. Poziom finansowania i zaspokojenia potrzeb medycznych<br />

w krajach, gdzie jest transformacja, jest jednak daleko, daleko niższy.<br />

Ta dyrektywa stanowi więc ogromną szansę i nadzieję dla tych wszystkich pacjentów w krajach, o których mówię. Rządy<br />

stają przed wielkim wyzwaniem, ale paradoksalnie właśnie ta dyrektywa wymusi wiele reform oraz zwróci uwagę na skalę<br />

niedofinansowania służby zdrowia, ponieważ niedofinansowanie jest nie tylko skutkiem braku możliwości finansowych

18-01-2011 95<br />

tych państw, ale także skutkiem błędów w prowadzonej polityce i niedocenienia ogromnego znaczenia, jakie dla obywateli<br />

europejskich ma zdrowie.<br />

Dziękując, apeluję o poparcie tej dyrektywy i to niezależnie od końcowego kształtu tak zwanej klauzuli ochronnej, która<br />

jest wyrazem kompromisu. I to słowo nas cieszy.<br />

2-450<br />

Sabine Wils (GUE/NGL). – Herr Präsident! Der Richtlinienentwurf zur Patientenmobilität kann sehr schnell dazu führen,<br />

dass die Gesundheitsversorgung in der EU anhand eines Dienstleistungsansatzes auf den kleinsten gemeinsamen Nenner<br />

gebracht wird. Meine Fraktion lehnt es strikt ab, dass der Geldbeutel der Menschen ein Kriterium für die<br />

Gesundheitsversorgung wird und Patienten zu Kunden werden.<br />

Die nun vorgeschlagene Richtlinie gibt den Krankenversicherungen ein Instrument in die Hand, mit dem sie die Patienten<br />

zu einer kostengünstigeren Versorgung ins Ausland schicken können. Diese Praxis würde zu großem Konkurrenz- und<br />

Preisdruck im Gesundheitssektor führen. Wenn eine bestimmte Behandlung ein paar hundert Kilometer weiter günstiger<br />

ist und die Patienten von ihren Versicherungen dorthin geschickt werden, wird diese Behandlung nicht mehr vor Ort<br />

angeboten. Damit würde auch der Gesundheitssektor nur noch der neoliberalen Logik des Marktes folgen, anstatt dem<br />

Patientenwohl Vorrang zu geben.<br />

Ich frage Sie, verehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen: Wollen Sie in diesem sensiblen Sektor einen Patiententourismus? Ich<br />

bin dafür, die Gesundheitsversorgung nah bei ihren Patienten zu lassen. Das ist eine öffentliche Aufgabe der<br />

Daseinsvorsorge, die für alle gleichermaßen lokal zur Verfügung stehen muss.<br />

2-451<br />

Anna Rosbach (EFD). – Hr. formand! Ingen syge mennesker ønsker at drage til et fremmed land, hvis behandlingen er<br />

lige så god i hjemlandet. Men når det er sagt, så er dette forslag det bedst opnåelige. Vi ser, at finansieringsmodellen er<br />

ændret, og at de nationale sundhedssystemer ikke undergraves samtidig med, at patienter får bedre mulighed for at blive<br />

behandlet i andre EU-lande.<br />

Patienter kan lettere søge behandling i et andet land, hvis f.eks. ekspertisen og behandlingstilbuddet ikke findes i deres<br />

hjemland. Dette er vigtigt, når vi taler om yderst sjældne sygdomme, der kræver meget speciel faglig viden. Hvis vi kan<br />

koncentrere behandlingen af sådanne sjældne sygdomme nogle få steder i EU, vil patienternes chance for at blive helbredt<br />

være langt større, da læger, der bruger deres faglige kompetence tit, er bedre til at opnå gode resultater. Det må dog ikke<br />

betyde, at medlemsstaterne udvander deres sundhedssystemer, hvilket teksten da også fastslår. Tak, hr. formand, og tak til<br />

kommissær Dalli og til ordføreren. Tak for en god indsats.<br />

2-452<br />

Elżbieta Katarzyna Łukacijewska (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Na samym początku chciałabym pogratulować pani<br />

sprawozdawczyni Grossetête, która wykonała bardzo trudną pracę. Ta praca nie była łatwa ze względu na różne<br />

stanowiska państw Unii Europejskiej oraz odmienne systemy zdrowotne w poszczególnych krajach. Osiągnięcie<br />

kompromisu pomiędzy oczekiwaniami a możliwościami wymagało nie tylko sprawności negocjacyjnej, ale przede<br />

wszystkim znajomości tematu. Wszyscy mamy świadomość, że na rozwiązania zawarte w dyrektywie dotyczącej praw<br />

pacjentów w transgranicznej opiece zdrowotnej, o których szczegółowo mówiła pani sprawozdawczyni, oczekują<br />

mieszkańcy Unii Europejskiej, zwłaszcza w tych krajach, gdzie dostęp do lekarzy specjalistów i nowoczesnych procedur<br />

jest ograniczony.<br />

Ważne jest, że w trakcie prac nad treścią dyrektywy i dzięki osiągniętym kompromisom, udało się zmienić podejście<br />

państw, które pierwotnie blokowały jej zapisy. Istotą tej dyrektywy jest dostępność, łatwość i pewność opieki zdrowotnej,<br />

a także prawo pacjenta do korzystania z usług opieki zdrowotnej innego państwa oraz zwrotu określonych kosztów.<br />

Dyrektywa opiera się na potrzebach pacjenta, a nie na środkach finansowych.<br />

Chciałabym zauważyć, że dzięki zapisom dyrektywy poprawi się nie tylko sytuacja zdrowotna pacjentów, ale wierzę, że<br />

będzie ona podstawą do poprawy systemów zdrowotnych w niektórych krajach Unii Europejskiej. Należy podkreślić, że<br />

dyrektywa jest pierwszym i podstawowym krokiem na rzecz mobilności pacjentów, na rzecz wzmocnienia ich praw, a<br />

także wyrównywania poziomu usług w poszczególnych krajach członkowskich.<br />

2-453<br />

Andrés Perelló Rodríguez (S&D). – Señor Presidente, creo que es de justicia agradecer a los ponentes, especialmente a la<br />

señora Grossetête y a la señora Roth-Behrendt, de mi propio Grupo, el trabajo que han hecho para sacar una norma del<br />

estancamiento y convertirla en útil, porque este trabajo ha permitido incluir el derecho a la salud pública como base<br />

jurídica y tener una nueva orientación que nos permite sentar las bases que han de garantizar a los ciudadanos la seguridad<br />

y la calidad que eligen en cada momento y, sobre todo, porque también permite regular con claridad el papel de los<br />

Estados, tanto de los de origen, que tienen que hacer el pago, como de aquellos en los que se recibe tratamiento.

96 18-01-2011<br />

Pero creo que no hemos de sentirnos satisfechos solo por eso, sino que esto tiene que ser el principio de un avance mucho<br />

mayor, que haga de esta Directiva —como decía la señora Roth-Behrendt— un mero trámite porque el nivel de igualdad<br />

alcanzado en todos los Estados haga innecesarios los desplazamientos de cada ciudadano a cada país.<br />

En esa lucha, hemos de obtener una norma que garantice más el derecho de los ciudadanos en relación con la atención que<br />

tienen que percibir —prestaciones y seguridad— que el mero derecho, que ya lo tienen, a la movilidad entre Estados.<br />

Igualdad es lo que hará unión y, si no, estaremos dando pasos muy pequeños.<br />

2-454<br />

Miroslav Ouzký (ECR). – Kdo z vás je déle v Evropském parlamentu, tak si jistě vzpomene, jak tato norma vznikala. Je<br />

to až úsměvný příběh. Na začátku byla zpráva paní Gebhardt, která měla umožnit volný pohyb služeb po Evropské unii. Z<br />

ní jsme vyčlenili část a usnesli jsme se, že zdravotnické služby zaslouží speciální normu. Když ta nakonec byla Komisí<br />

předložena, tak se z ní postupně volný pohyb zdravotnických služeb dostal ven a zůstala nám část, která popisuje právo<br />

pacientů na volný pohyb po Evropské unii při hledání zdravotních služeb a poskytování zdravotní péče.<br />

Já tím chci zdůraznit, že někdy je naše evropanství více o těch symbolech a vlajkách a velmi málo je o naplňování<br />

faktických svobod, na kterých by Unie měla být založena. Normu provázely četné obavy jednotlivých členských států z<br />

přečerpávání a likvidací národních rozpočtů.<br />

Na závěr mi dovolte říci, že to není přesně to, co jsme chtěli, ale je to správný krok a jistě vykročení správným směrem.<br />

Chci popřát i zpravodajkám a poděkovat jim za jejich práci.<br />

2-455<br />

Horst Schnellhardt (PPE). – Herr Präsident! Ich begrüße es sehr, dass diese Richtlinie nun endlich zum Tragen kommt.<br />

Ich möchte daran erinnern: Es schien ja einmal so, dass der ganze Gesetzgebungsprozess scheitert. Ich glaube, es ist dem<br />

Geschick der Berichterstatterin und dem Vermittlungsteam zu verdanken – und natürlich auch der belgischen<br />

Präsidentschaft –, dass nun ein Ergebnis vorliegt, mit dem wir sicher sehr zufrieden sein können. Ich begrüße besonders,<br />

dass das Recht der Mitgliedstaaten, die Behandlung in einem anderen Land einzuschränken, hier klarer definiert wurde.<br />

Nach dem Vorschlag der Mitgliedstaaten war dies ja nicht der Fall. Ich glaube, dass jetzt eine Entscheidung vorliegt, bei<br />

der die Nachvollziehbarkeit und die Überprüfbarkeit der Ablehnung einer Behandlung klar nachvollzogen werden können.<br />

Das ist ein richtiger und wichtiger Schritt.<br />

Wem helfen wir denn besonders? Ich glaube, wir helfen zunächst den 60 000 Menschen, die auf den Wartelisten für<br />

Organtransplantationen stehen. Wir haben natürlich schon die Richtlinie zur Organtransplantation verabschiedet, aber hier<br />

ist ein weiterer Schritt erfolgt, um auch die Wartezeiten zu verkürzen. Wir helfen andererseits den Millionen Menschen,<br />

die an einer der 30 000 bekannten seltenen Krankheiten erkrankt sind. Diese können jetzt viel gezielter und qualitativ<br />

besser behandelt werden, wenn sie eine Behandlung in einem anderen Land suchen.<br />

Ich denke aber nicht, dass durch diese Richtlinie ein Patiententourismus in <strong>Europa</strong> entstehen wird. Deswegen ist die<br />

Befürchtung, die von der linken Seite dieses Hauses kommt, völlig überflüssig. Mit dieser Sache sollten wir uns nicht<br />

beschäftigen.<br />

2-456<br />

Edite Estrela (S&D). – Senhor Presidente, este texto é o resultado de muito trabalho e negociação e, por isso, quero<br />

agradecer aos colegas Bowis, Grossetête e Roth-Behrendt. É justo reconhecer os avanços alcançados porque esta nova<br />

versão dá mais garantias no que diz respeito à segurança e à qualidade dos serviços. Embora tenha sido melhorada a<br />

redacção dos artigos 7.° e 8.°, acho que se poderia ter ido mais longe no sentido de se garantir maior equidade.<br />

A maior parte dos doentes, sobretudo os pertencentes a grupos socioeconómicos mais débeis, não quer ser tratada no<br />

estrangeiro por causa das barreiras linguísticas e da falta de apoio familiar. Os cidadãos de maiores rendimentos não têm<br />

esses obstáculos. Por isso, receio que, em países com sistemas de saúde universais e tendencialmente gratuitos, a nova<br />

legislação possa funcionar como um incentivo ao desinvestimento nos sistemas nacionais e contribuir para a criação de um<br />

mercado de saúde para ricos. Espero, todavia, que a aplicação da directiva contribua para reduzir as desigualdades na<br />

saúde.<br />

2-457<br />

Mairead McGuinness (PPE). – Mr President, like others I welcome this debate and this directive and I thank our<br />

rapporteur.<br />

I am perhaps a little more cautious about it than some Members are. I think it would be wrong for the news to go out from<br />

this House that, from now on, all is well with cross-border healthcare. We still have much to debate and to put in place to<br />

make this work. Can I just quote – and I hope I do it accurately – the Commissioner’s own words? He said it was ‘clear<br />

that all Member States have a duty to invest at home, to provide their citizens with the healthcare they need’. I see him<br />

nodding in agreement, so I have got the quote correct.

18-01-2011 97<br />

It is good that we have that message to take back to Member States which are not doing this and to those which have long<br />

waiting lists. My own country, Ireland, is included here. The truth is that people would prefer to be treated close to home.<br />

That is why we have endless protests – and very valid protests – in Ireland about the closure of local hospitals and local<br />

services. That said, this directive may work if it forces Member States and their health providers to look at their services at<br />

home and to improve the provision of services to those who need them. They are going to have to pay for them anyway if<br />

our citizens take up the rights that this directive will give them.<br />

In conclusion, people already have a right to travel for cross-border healthcare under Regulation No 883/2004 but they do<br />

not know about it. If they did, we would see many more cross-border patients moving to get their services. So let us inform<br />

our citizens of what they are entitled to, and let us hope that we do not have to travel across borders but that, if we do, we<br />

are able to do so freely and will have the services we need.<br />

2-458<br />

Edit Herczog (S&D). – Elnök úr! Üdvözlöm a magyar elnökség első vitáját. Első megjegyzésem, hogy érdemes volt a<br />

szolgáltatási irányelven kívül tárgyalni, hiszen nagyon sok sajátossággal rendelkezik a határon átnyúló egészségügynek a<br />

kérdése. Szeretnék gratulálni a jelentéstévőknek, árnyék-jelentéstévőknek, Johnnak a karzaton. Nagyon nagyon fontos<br />

ugyanakkor, hogy ne kérdőjelezzük meg a tagállamok alapellátási kötelezettségét. A tagállamok felelősek a saját<br />

országukban élőket ellátni. Nagyon fontos, hogy az irányelv nem a gazdagok kiváltsága, hanem a ritka betegségek jobb<br />

ellátásának az eszköze. Ez a cél vezérelt bennünket. S egy nagyon fontos szempont, hogy lehetővé teszi a természeti<br />

adottságok jobb kihasználását. Gondolok például a magyarországi termálfürdőkre, amelyek bizonyos betegségeket sokkal<br />

jobban gyógyíthatnak és nem mozdíthatók. Nyilván a betegeknek kell ide érkezni. Nagyon fontos, hogy ezen az úton<br />

továbblépjünk, hogy az egészségesek, a betegek, az európai lakók úgy érezzék, hogy az Európai Unió róluk szól, értük<br />

van.<br />

2-459<br />

David Casa (PPE). – Ħafna minnha ftit nagħtu kas is-saħħa tagħna sakemm inkunu b'saħħitna u ma jkollna bżonn ta' ebda<br />

tip ta' kura. Madankollu, meta nsibu ruħna f'kundizzjoni medika prekarja, awtomatikament nibdew nifhmu kemm hija<br />

importanti s-saħħa, u kemm hu importanti li jkollna sistema ta' saħħa li jkunu ta' livell għoli - sistemi li mhux biss ikunu<br />

tajbin imma effiċjenti u effettivi.<br />

Iċ-ċittadini tal-Unjoni Ewropea għandhom il-vantaġġ li jistgħu jieħdu kura f'pajjiżi differenti tal-Unjoni Ewropea, meta lkundizzjoni<br />

tagħhom ma tkunx tista' tiġi kkurata f'pajjiżhom stess. Irridu niftakru li din l-għażla għandha tkun l-aħħar<br />

waħda u m'għandhiex tkun inkoraġġuta: hija għażla li tiswa ħafna flus u, barra minn hekk, mhijiex prattika. Għandha tkun<br />

l-aħħar pożizzjoni tagħna. U meta ma jkunx hemm għażla, però, irridu nassiguraw li kemm jista' jkun titnaqqas ilburokrazija<br />

u tiżdied il-kwalità tal-aċċess u s-sigurtà.<br />

Il-Pajjiżi Membri għandhom ukoll jingħataw il-mezzi neċessarji biex jipproteġu s-sistemi tas-saħħa tagħhom u jilqgħu<br />

għall-influss żejjed li jista' jkollhom minn pajjiżi oħrajn. Għalhekk hu ideali li l-Pajjiż Membri jkollhom awtorizzazzjoni<br />

minn qabel. F'dan il-kuntest joħroġ ċar li r-regoli li hemm bħalissa mhumiex adegwati - mhumiex ċari u konsistenti<br />

biżżejjed. Però, kif rajna fil-każ tad-donazzjonijiet tal-organi, aħna nistgħu nsibu wkoll soluzzjonijiet biex l-Ewropa timxi<br />

'l quddiem u toffri l-aħjar servizzi mediċi liċ-ċittadini Ewropej.<br />

2-460<br />

Zuzana Roithová (PPE). – S velkým ulehčením kvituji, že Parlament dospěl konečně k politické dohodě o právu pacientů<br />

na přeshraniční zdravotní služby za podmínek, která střežil po léta jen Evropský soudní dvůr na základě žalob. Jsem ráda,<br />

že dnešní kompromis formuluje podmínky úhrady tak, jak jsme je někteří prosazovali už ve směrnici o službách před<br />

sedmi lety. Chci ze srdce poděkovat kolegyni Grossetêteové a kolegovi Bowisovi, kterého zdravím, za to, že vybojovali<br />

tuto přijatelnou shodu a vypracovali navíc i důležité pojistky pro vymahatelnost tohoto práva. Věřím, že právo na mobilitu<br />

zpřístupní léčbu vzácných nemocí všem Evropanům a povede nakonec ke zkrácení čekacích dob na operace v celé Unii.<br />

Splnil se tak i jeden z mých celoživotních osobních cílů v oblasti zdravotnictví. Dovolte mi připomenout, že je ještě před<br />

námi řada věcí, např. dořešit on-line služby ve zdravotnictví, mobilitu zdravotnických pracovníků a další cíle.<br />

2-461<br />

Theodor Dumitru Stolojan (PPE). – Doresc în primul rând să o felicit pe doamna ministru Gyori pentru mandatul pe<br />

care îl are în faţă, să îi doresc mult succes, ca şi Preşedinţiei maghiare. Aş vrea să îi felicit pe toţi cei care au contribuit la<br />

acest proiect de raport care se află astăzi în dezbaterea noastră.<br />

După cum poate aţi aflat, România face parte din grupul de ţări care a avut rezerve la o serie de compromisuri la care s-a<br />

ajuns în cadrul Consiliului. Aceste rezerve nu reprezintă împotrivirea României la asistenţa medicală transfrontalieră, ele<br />

exprimau îngrijorarea guvernului român faţă de sustenabilitatea financiară, faţă de dimensiunea asistenţei transfrontaliere,<br />

pe care poate să o capete, deoarece, după cum ştiţi foarte bine, există state membre cu un venit naţional foarte mic.<br />

Dar, investiţiile reprezintă un mijloc pentru a reduce acest risc, dar, în acelaşi timp, consider că reformele sistemelor<br />

medicale în statele membre au o mare importanţă şi cred că aici Comisia Europeană ar trebui să se implice mai mult în<br />

ceea ce priveşte aceste reforme ale sistemelor medicale.

98 18-01-2011<br />

2-462<br />

Christa Klaß (PPE). – Herr Präsident! Mit der Patientenmobilität machen wir einen riesengroßen Schritt hin zu einem<br />

<strong>Europa</strong> der Bürger. Diese Richtlinie ist gut angelegt. Sie hat nicht nur einen bekennenden Vater – John Bowis –, sie hat<br />

auch eine Mutter – Francoise Grossetête. Herzlichen Dank für diesen großartigen Einsatz!<br />

Wir haben lange über den richtigen Weg diskutiert, und wir wissen heute, dass wir noch nicht auf der Schnelltrasse der<br />

Autobahn sind. Aber das Fundament, auf dem wir aufbauen können, ist solide und gut angelegt. Die Situation ist<br />

kompliziert. Wir haben 27 Mitgliedstaaten mit unterschiedlichen Ausgangspositionen sowohl bei den<br />

Gesundheitsdienstleistungsstrukturen als auch bei den Versicherungen. Die Vorabgenehmigung des<br />

Krankenhausaufenthaltes in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat und die Anerkennung der ethisch-moralischen Grundsätze der<br />

eigenen Gesundheitsgesetzgebung sind der richtige Weg, um einerseits die eigene Versicherung und die<br />

Eigenverantwortlichkeit zu stützen, andererseits aber trotzdem allen Bürgern den Zugang zu den Leistungen zu geben, die<br />

andere Mitgliedstaaten anbieten.<br />

Das ist ein großer Fortschritt, gerade auch im Bereich der seltenen Krankheiten. Nicht jeder Mitgliedstaat ist hier<br />

gleichermaßen intensiv ausgerüstet. Alle können jetzt von den Erkenntnissen und Strukturen profitieren, und Spezialisten<br />

können sich besser entwickeln, da mehr Bedarf besteht, weil mehr Menschen Zugang haben. Für die Menschen meiner<br />

Region im grenznahen Bereich zu Luxemburg, Belgien und Frankreich ist der grenzübergreifende Zugang zu<br />

Gesundheitsdienstleistungen ein großer Gewinn und eine Bereicherung im alltäglichen <strong>Europa</strong>.<br />

2-463<br />

José Manuel Fernandes (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, caros Colegas, a presente directiva permite que todos os doentes da<br />

União Europeia possam beneficiar de cuidados de saúde dados os direitos que passam a ter nesta área e que, aliás, já eram<br />

reconhecidos pelo Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia.<br />

Esta proposta clarifica e facilita o acesso a cuidados de saúde transfronteiriços e o exercício do direito ao reembolso pelo<br />

Estado-Membro de afiliação. É um avanço no processo de integração e construção europeia, no reforço da solidariedade e<br />

na <strong>Europa</strong> dos cidadãos.<br />

Teremos a diminuição das listas de espera, o reforço da qualidade dos cuidados de saúde, a concorrência e o incentivo à<br />

investigação científica. As doenças raras são uma prioridade, podendo-se fazer o diagnóstico e o tratamento no<br />

Estado-Membro mais adequado para o efeito. Esta directiva é para todos os cidadãos europeus que necessitem de cuidados<br />

de saúde.<br />

É, por isso, um disparate que a Sra. Ministra da Saúde de Portugal diga que esta opção é para as pessoas mais esclarecidas<br />

e as que têm maior poder económico. Isso é o que acontece agora sem esta directiva. Portugal tem excelentes cuidados de<br />

saúde, excelentes profissionais e não pode ficar à margem deste importante projecto, devendo aproveitar esta directiva para<br />

se modernizar ainda mais e competir no sentido de poder prestar serviços nesta área a todos os cidadãos europeus que<br />

deles necessitem.<br />

Os parabéns à grande relatora, que fez um excelente trabalho, à Deputada Françoise Grossetête.<br />

2-464<br />

President. − We are now going to start the Catch-the-Eye procedure. I have 17 people who have asked for the floor. Given<br />

the importance and the significance of this measure I intend to take everybody, but you must keep to one minute and the<br />

microphone will be switched off at that point.<br />

Can I just say to the parents of this measure, to John Bowis in the strangers’ gallery and to Mrs Grossetête the current<br />

rapporteur, and to all the shadow rapporteurs: patient power has spoken; the European Parliament has listened. Thank you<br />

all very much.<br />

2-465<br />

Csaba Sógor (PPE). – A világosabban meghatározott betegjogokat, a végeérhetetlen várakozási listák végét, a saját<br />

országában nem létező szakemberek problémáját áthidaló javaslatot üdvözlöm ebben az irányelvben. Gondolom,<br />

mindannyian értjük és átérezzük az új és szerény anyagi körülményekkel számoló tagállamok egészségügyi rendszerének<br />

helyzetét is, hiszen nekünk ráadásul a szakképzett munkaerő elvándorlásának veszélyével is számolni kell.<br />

Ha igennel szavazunk, újabb óriási erőfeszítést kérünk a szerényebb lehetőségekkel rendelkező tagállamok<br />

egészségügyétől, ha nemmel, közvetve éppen az érintett tagállamokban a betegek jogainak érvényesítése továbbra is<br />

korlátozott marad. Meggyőződésem, hogy sikerül megtalálni azokat a lehetőségeket, amelyek révén a tagállamok<br />

különböző adottságú egészségügyi rendszereinek működése kiegyenlítődhet. Országomban például a balneológia, a<br />

fizioterápia vagy éppen a fogászat révén sikerülhet versenyképes szolgáltatásokat nyújtani.<br />


18-01-2011 99<br />

Richard Howitt (S&D). – Mr President, I am deeply disturbed that our amendment to require medical regulators in one<br />

country to tell their EU counterparts when a health professional is facing disciplinary or criminal proceedings failed at the<br />

committee stage and will not be put to the final vote on this new EU cross-border health law.<br />

Let me tell you about the case of German doctor Daniel Ubani, who unlawfully killed my Cambridgeshire constituent<br />

David Gray by administering 10 times the recommended dose for a painkiller. He was struck off in Britain yet he<br />

continues to practise in Germany today.<br />

Then there is the case of Dr Marcos Ariel Hourmann, convicted for manslaughter for deliberately administering a lethal<br />

injection in Spain, yet working at the accident and emergency department of West Suffolk Hospital, also in my<br />

constituency, despite a clear request to Spain about his fitness to practise.<br />

These examples show that there is a huge loophole in European law, which allows health professionals recognised as unfit<br />

to practise in one of our countries the opportunity to work and to put patients at risk in another. I would ask the<br />

Commissioner to explain why.<br />

2-467<br />

Krisztina Morvai (NI). – Szeretettel kérem a magyar elnökség képviselőit, a Tanácsot, hogy ezt a fél évet, a magyar<br />

elnökség fél évét használják ki arra is, hogy az új tagállamok, a posztkommunista országok, így Magyarország sajátos<br />

problémáit hozzák be ezekbe a vitákba. Amikor például most arról van szó, hogy határokon átnyúló, európai méretű, kvázi<br />

egységesített egészségügyi szolgáltatási rendszert vezetünk be, nem szabad elfeledkezni arról, hogy kezeljük azt a<br />

problémát is, hogy például Magyarországon havi 250 euró körüli fizetésért dolgoznak szakképzett és jól képzett ápolónők,<br />

500 eurós, 600 eurós fizetésért dolgoznak orvosok. Nem gondolja az Európai Unió, hogy rendkívül etikátlan, erkölcstelen<br />

és elfogadhatatlan dolog ünnepelni valamiféle egységesített európai egészségügyet anélkül, hogy a fizetésekre is<br />

odafigyelnének ... (az elnök megvonja a szót)<br />

2-468<br />

la toruSiiri Oviir (ALDE). – Me astume edasi olulise sammu patsientide huvides. Sellest rääkisid täna siin paljud<br />

esinejad. Kuid mis minu kõrva riivas, oli see, et taas toonitati ka kartust meditsiiniturismi soodustamise pärast. Nendes<br />

sõnavõttudes kumas läbi hirm, et madalama elatustasemega ning väiksema tervishoiueelarvega liikmesriikide patsiendid<br />

ummistavad rikkamate riikide arstide kabinetid, tõrjudes kõrvale nende oma koduriigi patsiendid.<br />

Mõelgem nüüd – see hirm ei ole ju eluline. Makstakse välja koduriigi hindades, vahe tuleb tasuda patsiendil ise. Haigel<br />

inimesel pole liigset raha, et kahe- või kolmekordseid hinnavahesid kinni maksta. Mul on piinlik kuulda, et me nüüd ja<br />

ikka veel kardame nii-öelda Poola torumehe müüti.<br />

2-469<br />

Marina Yannakoudakis (ECR). – Mr President, the importance of health care and this directive cannot be<br />

overemphasised. It can have fundamental consequences for Member States’ health systems.<br />

The areas that are controversial and worrying have been dealt with, I am pleased to say, and the result is a strong, defining<br />

directive that will strengthen Member State positions in health care.<br />

The challenge was to protect the integrity of healthcare systems while offering patients greater choice. The need for<br />

Member States to retain control over the policy direction and budgetary requirements of their health services was met by<br />

the pre-authorisation clause and the fact that Member States would choose which services were carried out.<br />

E-health was also dealt with in a very sensible fashion in that it is offered in order to provide flexibility, and Member<br />

States can pick it up if they wish and when they wish.<br />

Overall we have before us a piece of work that secures Member States’ autonomy in their health systems while offering<br />

patients best service. I congratulate the rapporteur and John Bowis for a job well done.<br />

2-470<br />

Seán Kelly (PPE). – A Uachtaráin, tá tú an-fhial chun seans a thabhairt do gach duine labhairt. Dá bhrí sin, coimeádfaidh<br />

mise an margadh agus labhairt ar feadh nóiméid amháin.<br />

Bhí an díospóireacht seo an-shuimiúil agus bhí sé an-oideachasúil domsa. Go háirithe, chuir sé áthas orm go bhfuil an<br />

tAontas Eorpach ag tabhairt tús áite dár n-othair, is cuma an bhfuil siad saibhir nó bocht. Agus freisin, ós rud é go mbeidh<br />

eolas ar fáil in aon áit amháin i ngach uile tír, cabhróidh sé sin go mór lenár n-othair. Freisin cuirfidh an Treoir seo brú ar<br />

gach uile stát ardchaighdeán seirbhíse a bheith acu mar, mura mbeidh sé sin ann, beidh fonn ar ár saoránaigh taisteal go tír<br />

eile ina mbeidh sé seo ar fáil. Mar fhocal scoir, ní dúradh mórán faoi e-sláinte ach tá an áis sin an-thábhachtach chomh<br />

maith agus cloisfimid níos mó faoin ábhar seo amach anseo.<br />


100 18-01-2011<br />

Csaba Sándor Tabajdi (S&D). – Dalli biztos úr, Győri államtitkár asszony! Gratulálok Grossetête asszonynak ehhez a<br />

jelentéséhez. Én négy elemet emelnék ki. Először is rendkívül fontos a nemzeti kapcsolattartó pontok felállítása a<br />

tájékozódás, a betegek tájékozódása érdekében. Nagyon fontos, hogy pontosan tudjuk, a feltételeket mikor kell előzetesen<br />

engedélyezni. Nagyon fontos a ritka betegségek esetében. Nagyon fontos, hogy főszabályként a beteg nem kötelezhető<br />

előleg fizetésére és végül – amely Magyarország és Közép-Európa számára rendkívül fontos – a határon átnyúló<br />

egészségügyi térségek, hiszen a német-osztrák határ mentén vagy Magyarország-Szlovákia, Magyarország-Románia határ<br />

mentén, ahol a nyelvi és államhatárok nem esnek egybe, nagyon sok kiépítetlen és fölösleges, nem kihasznált<br />

egészségügyi kapacitás van, és a nyelvi akadályok sincsenek ebben. Gratulálok még egyszer.<br />

2-472<br />

Petru Constantin Luhan (PPE). – Accesul la serviciile medicale transfrontaliere este o condiţie de bază pentru ca<br />

pacienţii să poată beneficia de cel mai bun tratament disponibil, iar stabilirea unor reguli cât mai clare şi funcţionale poate<br />

face posibil acest lucru. Îmbunătăţirea drepturilor pacienţilor, în special prin asigurarea furnizării de informaţii şi prin<br />

cooperarea dintre statele membre, este posibilă prin dezvoltarea sistemului de e-sănătate şi asigurarea diseminării<br />

informaţiei referitoare la asistenţa medicală transfrontalieră.<br />

Acţiunile de promovare susţinute de programele de cooperare transfrontalieră pot crea pacienţilor un grad de informare<br />

care să facă posibilă utilizarea sistemului, cu cât mai puţine abuzuri, în conformitate cu normele agreate. De aceea,<br />

considerăm că e-sănătate şi asigurarea promovării eficiente a sistemelor de asistenţă medicală transfrontalieră trebuie să fie<br />

elemente de bază pentru îndeplinirea prerogativelor Directivei.<br />

2-473<br />


Vicepresidente<br />

2-474<br />

Zigmantas Balčytis (S&D). – Sveikinu visus pranešėjus šio svarbaus dokumento sukūrimo proga. Šiuo metu žmonėms<br />

kyla daug neaiškumų dėl galimybės gauti sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas kitose Europos Sąjungos valstybėse narėse,<br />

kompensacijų už suteiktas paslaugas, atsakomybės už klinikinę priežiūrą, po gydymo. Vienoje valstybėje narėje išrašyti<br />

vaistų receptai ne visada pripažįstami kitose šalyse. Ši direktyva yra labai reikalinga mūsų žmonėms, nes šiuo metu<br />

taikoma sistema yra paini, o gauti tinkamą informaciją yra sudėtinga. Be to, mokslo pažanga yra labai nevienoda, todėl ši<br />

direktyva suteiktų galimybę pacientams gauti tinkamą gydymą kitoje valstybėje narėje, jei jis neteikiamas pacientui. Tai<br />

leistų pacientams realiai pasinaudoti bendros rinkos teikiamais privalumais ir turėtų teigiamą poveikį kiekvienos valstybės<br />

narės sveikatos priežiūros sistemos teisingesnei reformai ateityje.<br />

2-475<br />

Salvatore Iacolino (PPE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, questo provvedimento è sicuramente un<br />

provvedimento organico, per cui bisogna dare alla relatrice e a coloro i quali hanno contribuito alla sua definizione un<br />

plauso sincero.<br />

Cure transfrontaliere significano per l'appunto abbattere le frontiere e dare libertà di scelta al paziente, in stretta<br />

correlazione con quella libertà di movimento che caratterizza l'Unione europea; una mobilità sanitaria che viene adesso<br />

riconosciuta, sia per le malattie rare sia per le malattie altamente specialistiche che richiedono per l'appunto una pronta<br />

risposta.<br />

La tempestività e l'appropriatezza della prestazione consentono di affermare un diritto che è quello alla salute; una sanità<br />

che diventa elettronica, che riduce la disparità di trattamento dei cittadini nell'Unione europea. E, perché no, questo<br />

provvedimento in prospettiva può essere una premessa per un accreditamento di tipo europeo, con garanzie elevate di<br />

standard tecnologici e personali.<br />

2-476<br />

Olga Sehnalová (S&D). – Cílem kompromisního návrhu směrnice po dvouletém vyjednávání je zajistit zejména právní<br />

jistotu pacientů v souvislosti s poskytováním přeshraniční zdravotní péče. To je jistě pozitivní výsledek. Složitost jednání<br />

však poukázala nejen na rozdílnost zdravotních systémů v jednotlivých členských zemích, ale i na různé ekonomické<br />

podmínky, v nichž je zdravotní péče evropským občanům poskytována. O tom, že jde o velmi citlivý problém, svědčí i<br />

současné masivní výpovědi nespokojených lékařů v českých nemocnicích. Na pozadí tohoto kontextu vyvstávají jistá<br />

rizika či nejistoty ohledně dopadu směrnice, např. ve smyslu zdravotní turistiky za kvalitní, nicméně levnější zdravotní<br />

péčí. Jen čas ukáže, zda se bude jednat jen o okrajový problém a rozhodně nezpochybnitelná pozitiva dopadů směrnice<br />

budou převažovat.<br />

2-477<br />

Miroslav Mikolášik (PPE). – Dovoľte mi poblahoželať kolegyni Mme Grossetête, spravodajkyni, a otcovi tejto direktívy<br />

Johnovi Bowisovi za ohromnú prácu na tejto norme, ktorej cieľom je bezpečná a kvalitná cezhraničná zdravotná<br />


18-01-2011 101<br />

Chcem nepochybne zdôrazniť potrebu takejto regulácie vzhľadom na doteraz nejednoznačnú úpravu liečby pacientov v<br />

zahraničí, čo im spôsobovalo neistotu, a to najmä v prípade vzácnych chorôb. Som veľmi rád, že nariadenie obsahuje<br />

špeciálne ustanovenia práve pre týchto pacientov.<br />

Podporujem líniu spravodajkyne, ktorá zdôrazňuje, že táto právna úprava je pre pacientov, ktorí to potrebujú, a nie výlučne<br />

pre tých, ktorí na to majú aj finančné prostriedky. Nariadenie tak predstavuje významný krok smerom k mobilite pacientov<br />

v rámci EÚ. Dohoda s Radou je rovnováhou medzi pozíciami členských štátov a Európskeho parlamentu...<br />

(Rečník bol prerušený predsedajúcim)<br />

2-478<br />

Mario Pirillo (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'accesso alle cure transfrontaliere in <strong>Europa</strong> ha presentato<br />

finora diversi limiti legati ai lunghi tempi di attesa, ad un complesso sistema di rimborsi, nonché ad una difficile<br />

individuazione delle responsabilità dell'assistenza clinica successiva alle cure transfrontaliere.<br />

La direttiva che il Parlamento europeo si accinge a votare è un importante passo avanti perché chiarisce questi aspetti<br />

amministrativi e migliora la cooperazione tra gli Stati, rafforzando anche gli standard di qualità e di sicurezza delle cure<br />

stesse.<br />

Con l'istituzione dei centri informativi nazionali il paziente potrà avere conoscenza delle cure mediche disponibili in un<br />

altro Stato dell'Unione, degli adempimenti da assolvere e delle procedure di reclamo e di ricorso. È questa un'opportunità<br />

che si basa non più sulle possibilità economiche, ma su un vero e proprio diritto di scelta più consapevole.<br />

2-479<br />

Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė (PPE). – Sveikinimai pranešėjui ir visiems, kas prisidėjo prie šito svarbaus<br />

dokumento. Tai buvo labai ilgas kelias iki galutinio sutarimo. Atrodytų, tai visiems priimtinas dokumentas, tačiau randasi<br />

šioje vietoje tam tikrų skeptikų dėl galbūt nevienodų paslaugų įkainių ar per didelių biurokratinių reikalavimų<br />

baiminimosi, galimo medicininio turizmo, tačiau, mano nuomone, direktyvoje tikrai yra subalansuoti mechanizmai kaip<br />

išvengti galimo neigiamo poveikio šito dokumento. Bet visgi svarbiausia yra sudaryti sąlygas pacientų judumui, sudaryti<br />

galimybę būti Europos Sąjungos piliečiu, t. y. laisvai judant Europos Sąjungoje taip pat patogiai gauti ir paslaugas, tai yra<br />

svarbiausias dalykas. Kas atgrasytų nuo naudojimosi šia galimybe – kalbos barjeras ir informacijos stygius, todėl<br />

planuojami kurti kontaktiniai centrai suteiks pacientams visą reikiamą informaciją, daugiau aiškumo, pasitikėjimo ir<br />

rūpinimosi savimi. Sveikata svarbi kiekvienam iš mūsų ir bendros sutelktos pajėgos tik užtikrina ėjimą į priekį šia linkme.<br />

2-480<br />

Κρίτων Αρσένης (S&D). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, κύριε Επίτροπε, συζητάμε μία οδηγία που πραγματικά λύνει το πρόβλημα<br />

της χρήσης υπηρεσιών υγείας σε άλλα κράτη μέλη. Η χρήση των υπηρεσιών αυτών γίνεται ήδη. Η οδηγία, όμως,<br />

εναρμονίζει και ρυθμίζει τους όρους χρήσης των υπηρεσιών αυτών. Συμφωνώ με αυτά που είπαν οι συνάδελφοι ότι οι<br />

υπηρεσίες υγείας πρέπει να είναι υψηλής ποιότητας και να τις βρίσκει ο πολίτης στον τόπο διαμονής του. Όμως υπάρχει<br />

ανάγκη πολλές φορές να προσφύγουμε και στις υπηρεσίες υγείας άλλων κρατών, ιδίως για σπάνιες ασθένειες και νέες<br />

θεραπείες.<br />

Χαιρετίζω επίσης το γεγονός ότι γίνεται ειδική αναφορά στις υπηρεσίες υγείας θερμών πηγών και ιαματικών πηγών. Η<br />

χρήση τους επιτρέπει να βελτιώσουμε με λίγους πόρους την πρόληψη και θεραπεία πολλών ασθενειών και μπορεί να είναι<br />

πολύ σημαντική για την «υγεία» και των ασφαλιστικών μας ταμείων.<br />

Κύριε Επίτροπε, σας καλώ πραγματικά να στηρίξετε αυτήν την πρωτοβουλία για την προώθηση των υπηρεσιών αυτών.<br />

2-481<br />

Maria Da Graça Carvalho (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, Senhor Comissário, Senhora Ministra, a presente directiva<br />

estabelece regras para facilitar o acesso a cuidados de saúde transfronteiriços, seguros e de qualidade e promove a<br />

cooperação entre os Estados-Membros no pleno respeito das competências nacionais.<br />

Nela estão contidos valores fundamentais da universalidade do acesso a cuidados de saúde de elevada qualidade, de<br />

equidade e da solidariedade. São claras as vantagens para os pacientes, sobretudo para aqueles que padecem de doenças<br />

raras e complexas, pois poderão ter acesso aos centros de excelência da área da doença de que sofrem.<br />

Esta directiva é mais um exemplo da <strong>Europa</strong> colocada ao serviço dos cidadãos. Estamos todos de parabéns, principalmente<br />

a Comissão, o Conselho e a nossa colega, Françoise Grossetête pelo excelente trabalho e por ter ajudado a tornar esta<br />

directiva numa realidade...<br />

(O Presidente retira a palavra à oradora.)<br />


102 18-01-2011<br />

Αντιγόνη Παπαδοπούλου (S&D). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η διασυνοριακή υγειονομική περίθαλψη είναι μία αναγκαιότητα στις<br />

μέρες μας. Η παρούσα οδηγία δημιουργεί τις προϋποθέσεις για μια Ευρώπη χωρίς σύνορα στον ιατρικό τομέα. Οι<br />

πάσχοντες από χρόνιες σοβαρές παθήσεις μπορούν πια να απολαμβάνουν εξειδικευμένες θεραπείες, να έχουν μεγαλύτερη<br />

κινητικότητα και πληρέστερη πληροφόρηση από τα σημεία επαφής, καθώς επίσης μηχανισμούς κάλυψης των εξόδων<br />

χωρίς ταλαιπωρία. Η νέα κοινοτική οδηγία δημιουργεί νέες προκλήσεις, πιέσεις για εκσυγχρονισμό των εθνικών<br />

συστημάτων υγείας στις 27 χώρες μέλη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και, αναντίλεκτα, την ανάγκη για διαρκή δικτύωση και<br />

συνεργασία όλων των ιατρικών συστημάτων των 27 χωρών μελών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης με στόχο πάντα την<br />

ανταλλαγή καλών πρακτικών, την προώθηση της ηλεκτρονικής υγείας και οπωσδήποτε τη διαρκή βελτίωση της ποιότητας<br />

της συνοριακής υγειονομικής περίθαλψης. Αυτή είναι μία πρόκληση που πρέπει να την αντιμετωπίσουμε...<br />

(Ο Πρόεδρος αφαιρεί το λόγο από την ομιλήτρια)<br />

2-483<br />

John Dalli, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, once again let me congratulate Parliament on the major<br />

achievement of reaching a conclusion on this directive. I am very pleased to see this directive being adopted.<br />

I must say that I cannot agree with the inference that this initiative promotes health tourism or enables health insurance<br />

companies to reduce costs. Rather, it is an assurance that citizens in need of health care can be in a better position to get it,<br />

freeing them from bureaucratic shackles that sometimes preclude them from doing so.<br />

I believe the directive is a real breakthrough for patients and for reinforcing a Europe of health. I must agree with Mrs<br />

Roth-Behrendt, Mrs McGuinness and others that this should be an incentive for Member States to invest in their own<br />

healthcare systems because, as I have said in public many times referring to this directive, we do not want to make nomads<br />

out of our citizens. We want our citizens to get the best treatment they can get at home.<br />

With this directive, patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare are now enshrined in EU legislation, but our work does not<br />

stop here. I refer here to Mrs Parvanova’s question about possible stand-alone proposals on interoperability. I must say that<br />

interoperability is also key to making this initiative, this directive, operational and implementable, because I cannot see us<br />

implementing this directive in a really good way without a proper interoperable e-health system. On the other hand,<br />

interoperability is also very important for increasing equality in health care and improving the sustainability of health care.<br />

I now look forward to working together with the Member States to see this directive properly implemented and enforced<br />

throughout the EU. Much remains to be done, both at European and national level, to ensure that cooperation between<br />

health systems in Europe becomes a reality. You can count on me to pursue this challenge with all my determination and<br />

energy.<br />

2-484<br />

Enikő Győri, a Tanács soros elnöke. − Tisztelt képviselő hölgyek és urak, biztos úr, korábbi jelentéstevő úr! Nagyon<br />

szépen köszönöm ezt a termékeny vitát. Azt hiszem, kiválóan bemutatta azokat a pontokat, amelyekkel a legnehezebben<br />

küzdöttek meg mind a Tanácsban, mind ebben a Házban a vita résztvevői az elmúlt évek során, és annak is nagyon örülök,<br />

hogy a képviselők túlnyomó többsége egyetértését fejezte ki.<br />

Igen, világosabb helyzetet teremt ez az irányelv, egy átláthatóbb rendszer jön létre az európai polgárok szolgálatában. A<br />

magyar elnökség, ez a holnapi programbemutatón is egyértelművé fog válni, az embereket kívánja programja<br />

középpontjába állítani. Kiderült az is, hogy amit alkottunk, az nem tökéletes. Van helye annak, hogy majd további munka<br />

legyen. Dalli úr is utalt az előbb erre.<br />

Nagyon érdekesnek találtam azt a vitát, amely arról szólt, hogy most akkor az egységes piac és a szolgáltatás irányelv, és<br />

hogy jön össze ez a történet a betegjogokkal. Én azt gondolom, hogy nagyon okos megoldás volt az, hogy nem a<br />

szolgáltatások oldala felől közelítettünk, hiszen mindenki emlékszik, hogy mekkora vihart kavart a szolgáltatás irányelv<br />

annak idején. Helyes volt, hogy a betegjogokon keresztül születik most meg ez az irányelv, a betegek szabad mozgását<br />

teszi lehetővé és azt, hogy mégis a betegek jobb minőségű és megfelelő időben juthatnak szolgáltatáshoz. Tehát más<br />

megközelítéssel, de a célunkat azt hiszem, hogy elértük. Ami nagyon fontos, hogy a választás szabadságát erősíti meg ez<br />

az irányelv, a már általam korábban felsorol egyenlő esélyek, jobb minőségű ellátáshoz való jog, méltányosság és<br />

szolidaritás elvein túl.<br />

Elnök úr, tisztelt képviselő hölgyek és urak! Nagyon örülök, hogy ez a direktíva magyar elnökség alatt születhet meg. A<br />

dicsőség nem a mienk, hanem az elődöké, Belgiumé és Spanyolországé és ezen Ház tagjaié. Nagyon köszönöm, hogy az<br />

európai polgárokat ilyen mértékben szolgálta a Tanács és a Parlament kiváló együttműködése.<br />

2-485<br />

El Presidente. − Quiero aprovechar la ocasión para felicitar, desde luego, a la señora Grossetête por el magnífico trabajo<br />

que han realizado ella y los ponentes alternativos de los distintos Grupos en una materia muy delicada y muy complicada,

18-01-2011 103<br />

a la que creo que deberíamos dar una publicidad muy grande, porque es uno de los temas que, de verdad, va a llegar a<br />

todos los ciudadanos de los veintisiete Estados miembros. ¡Felicidades!, señora Grossetête.<br />

2-486<br />

Françoise Grossetête, rapporteur. − Monsieur le Président, je partage complètement votre point de vue et je voudrais tout<br />

d'abord remercier les nombreux députés qui sont intervenus tout au long de ce débat pour soutenir cette directive. Je<br />

remercie encore les rapporteurs fictifs de chaque groupe politique – je vois Dagmar Roth-Behrendt, mais je pense à tous<br />

mes collègues, je ne peux pas tous les citer –, je les remercie parce qu'ils ont participé activement et contribué largement à<br />

ce que l'on obtienne cet accord politique le 21 décembre avec le Conseil, qui aboutira demain.<br />

Alors, à mes collègues qui ont exprimé un certain nombre de réserves sur le tourisme médical, entre autres, je dis "Eh bien,<br />

non! Nous veillons à cela." La directive a prévu la clause de sauvegarde pour les États membres, la directive a prévu que<br />

les États membres puissent assurer la maîtrise de la planification de leurs soins de santé et de leurs infrastructures et tout<br />

cela sera fait justement pour éviter le tourisme médical.<br />

À ceux qui estiment que cette directive n'est pas assez ambitieuse, je dis "Vous avez raison, moi aussi, j'aurais souhaité que<br />

l'on aille plus loin!" Mais aujourd'hui, il faut considérer que nous sommes à une première étape de cette directive et je vois<br />

que le commissaire Dalli, qui nous a beaucoup aidés en la matière, est d'accord avec moi.<br />

Nous allons veiller tous ensemble à ce que, d'abord, la transposition de cette directive se fasse dans les meilleures<br />

conditions. D'ici trente mois, cette directive sera appliquée et il faudra que nous soyons vigilants, tous, dans nos États<br />

membres pour que cette directive soit vraiment en faveur du droit des patients.<br />

Je terminerai en vous disant que le vote de demain est essentiel. J'attends de vous que vous permettiez que cette directive<br />

remporte un beau succès car ce succès-là, vous l'offrirez aux patients puisqu'enfin nous allons reconnaître le droit des<br />

patients à une santé de qualité.<br />

2-487<br />

El Presidente. − Se cierra el debate.<br />

La votación tendrá lugar mañana al mediodía.<br />

Declaraciones por escrito (artículo 149 del Reglamento)<br />

2-488<br />

János Áder (PPE), írásban. – Tisztelt Elnök Úr! A határon átnyúló betegjogokra vonatkozó irányelv tervezet<br />

szakbizottsági vitája során még kevesen voltak azok, akik Peter Liese kollégámhoz hasonlóan nem a veszélyt, hanem a<br />

lehetőséget látták a jogszabályban. Mi, magyarok osztjuk ezt a véleményt. A most megkötött kompromisszum, amely a<br />

betegjogok és a tagállami félelmek közötti jó kompromisszumnak tekinthető, nagyban eltér ugyan a korábbi<br />

jelentéstervezettől, a lehetőség azonban továbbra is megmaradt. Úgy is mondhatnánk, hogy egy kis lépés a jó irányba. Mi<br />

ez a lehetőség? Míg többek korábban a külföldi betegek irreálisan nagy tömegeinek hirtelen beáramlását és a nemzeti<br />

egészségügyi rendszerek összeomlását vizionálták, addig véleményem szerint inkább lehetőség nyílik arra, hogy a jövőben<br />

jobban kihasználhassuk országunk természetes adottságait. Itt nemcsak a gyógyvizeinkre gondolok, hanem a földrajzi<br />

fekvésre és a szakképzett munkaerő árára is. Végre lehetősége lesz az egészségügyben dolgozóknak arra, hogy<br />

szaktudásukat és esetleges felesleges kapacitásukat jobban kiaknázzák. Jól jár az a beteg is, aki a saját országában<br />

bizonyos természeti adottságok miatt ki nem épült egészségügyi szolgáltatásokat akadályok nélkül vehet majd igénybe egy<br />

másik tagállamban. Jól jártak tehát az egészségügyben dolgozók és a betegek is, de a tagállamok is nyugodtak lehetnek az<br />

irányelvbe beépített számtalan féknek köszönhetően. Gratulálok a jelentéstevőnek és valamennyi kollégának, aki<br />

hozzájárult a sikerhez!<br />

2-489<br />

Giovanni Collino (PPE), per iscritto. – La standardizzazione dell'assistenza sanitaria in <strong>Europa</strong> terrà conto della qualità<br />

dei servizi offerti, che dovrà essere omogenea per i cittadini dei 27 Stati membri indipendentemente dal censo, e della<br />

fattibilità economica, per il completamento del mercato interno anche a livello sanitario.<br />

Invito il Presidente e i miei colleghi parlamentari a fare in modo che l'intervento dell'<strong>Europa</strong> non si fermi all'approvazione<br />

di questa iniziativa, ma solleciti anche azioni a livello locale, prima di tutto per l'accoglimento del provvedimento nei<br />

singoli Stati.<br />

Non meno importante, poi, è l'adozione di tutte quelle misure transfrontaliere che servono al funzionamento dell'intero<br />

sistema. Penso ad un meccanismo adeguato di raccolta dei dati, di cui una regione di frontiera come il Friuli Venezia<br />

Giulia ha bisogno per ottimizzare la collaborazione sia all'interno del territorio nazionale, soprattutto adesso che il<br />

federalismo fiscale per il nostro paese è sempre più vicino, sia con quei territori confinanti, come alcune regioni limitrofe<br />

della Slovenia, con le quali è cominciato da tempo un importante dialogo costruttivo sulla gestione dei servizi sanitari.

104 18-01-2011<br />

Penso anche ad una formazione adeguata del personale i cui pazienti e le cui competenze dovranno essere sempre più<br />

globali in una realtà che non è più soltanto europea.<br />

2-490<br />

Diogo Feio (PPE), por escrito. – Depois de um longo processo, aprovamos hoje o texto da Directiva relativa ao exercício<br />

dos direitos dos doentes em matéria de cuidados de saúde transfronteiriços. É um sucesso para o Parlamento, mas,<br />

sobretudo, uma vitória para os utentes. O novo quadro legislativo irá permitir que cidadãos de qualquer um dos Estados-<br />

Membros possam receber cuidados de saúde noutro Estado-Membro, nas condições em que o fariam no seu próprio<br />

Estado. Esta mobilidade dos doentes permitirá contornar as listas de espera nacionais em condições completamente<br />

legítimas e tirar partido das disponibilidades da oferta médica nos outros países europeus. Para além disso, abre a<br />

possibilidade de especialização (sobretudo nas patologias raras), deixando os cuidados de saúde de serem prestados na<br />

proximidade, para o serem no local que se especializar no seu tratamento. Não pretendemos com isto fomentar o turismo<br />

médico, mas garantir uma plena mobilidade dos cidadãos dentro da UE, em condições de igualdade, fazendo com que, a<br />

partir de agora, todos possam optar por procurar tratamento onde este for mais rápido, mais eficaz e de maior qualidade,<br />

sendo reembolsados dos custos pelo Estado de origem, nos exactos termos em que seriam se os cuidados de saúde aí<br />

tivessem sido prestados.<br />

2-491<br />

Lena Kolarska-Bobińska (PPE), na piśmie. – Wejście w życie dyrektywy „Pacjenci bez granic” jest dużą szansą dla<br />

wszystkich pacjentów w Unii Europejskiej, ale przede wszystkim dla chorych z krajów słabiej rozwiniętych, których<br />

służba zdrowia przedstawia wiele do życzenia. Będą oni mieli lepszy niż dotychczas dostęp do leczenia za granicą. Jest<br />

również nadzieja, że nowe rozwiązania będą impulsem zmian w krajowych systemach opieki zdrowotnej. Dotyczy to<br />

zwłaszcza redukcji długich kolejek dla osób czekających na różnego typu zabiegi szpitalne. Ryzyko „odpływu” chorych<br />

do zagranicznych klinik wymusi decyzje administracyjne dotyczące lepszego gospodarowania łóżkami szpitalnymi i<br />

zabiegami w krajach, gdzie są dłuższe kolejki. Dla chorych ważny jest obowiązek stworzenia punktów kontaktowych w<br />

każdym z państw UE, co da pacjentom więcej informacji na temat możliwości leczenia zagranicą, czy też osiągnięć<br />

zagranicznych klinik w leczeniu rzadkich lub bardzo ciężkich schorzeń. Ważne jest, aby po wejściu w życie nowych<br />

przepisów prowadzić dokładny monitoring ich efektów, ich wpływu na poprawę jakości usług, ale też dostępności dla<br />

różnych grup pacjentów w różnych regionach Europy. Przede wszystkim kto z nich korzysta: czy tylko lepiej<br />

poinformowane, zasobne grupy społeczne, czy wszyscy potrzebujący.<br />

2-492<br />

Alajos Mészáros (PPE), írásban. – A munkaerő szabad áramlása és az idegenforgalom fejlesztése szükségessé teszi a<br />

határon átnyúló egészségügyi ellátás problémáinak megoldását. Az ellátáshoz való hozzáférés és a visszatérítések<br />

szabályainak egyértelműnek és közismertnek kell lenni a tagállamok polgárainak. A cél az, hogy a polgárok előzetes<br />

engedély nélkül bármelyik tagállamban igénybe vehessenek olyan nem kórházi és kórházi ellátást, amelyre saját<br />

tagállamukban is jogosultak, és ennek költségeit a saját rendszerükben meghatározott mértékig vissza is térítik számukra.<br />

Az esetleges visszaélések veszélye, utalva az „egészségügyi turizmusra”, nem lehet akadály ebben az esetben, de<br />

természetesen meg kell tenni mindent ennek a minimalizálása érdekében.<br />

Hangsúlyoznom kell, hogy a javaslat a betegek unión belüli mobilitását érinti, nem pedig a „szolgáltatások szabad<br />

mozgását”. El kell mondani, hogy egy jól felállított rendszer hozzáadott értéket is szolgáltathat a szabad kapacitások<br />

kiaknázása területén és a logisztikai veszteségek elkerülésének érdekében. Egyes esetekben a határ menti gyors<br />

beavatkozás életeket is menthet. És még egy fontos aspektus: a határon átnyúló egészségügyi ellátás abban az esetben is<br />

nagy jelentőséggel bír, amikor egy tagállamban hiányzik valamely betegség megfelelő színvonalú kezelése, más országban<br />

pedig megtalálható. A javaslatot kiegyensúlyozottnak tartom, ahol egy kompromisszum született a tagállamok fenntartásai<br />

és az Európai Parlament ambíciói között.<br />

2-493<br />

Rovana Plumb (S&D), în scris. – La ora actuală există prea multe incertitudini în ceea ce priveşte accesul la asistenţă<br />

medicală, rambursările şi responsabilitatea pentru supravegherea clinică în contextul asistenţei medicale transfrontaliere.<br />

Prezenta directivă permite tuturor pacienților – nu numai celor mai bine informaţi sau celor mai bogaţi dintre aceştia – să<br />

beneficieze de o serie de drepturi deja recunoscute de către Curtea de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene în ceea ce priveşte<br />

asistenţa medicală. Organizarea şi gestionarea sistemelor de securitate socială intră în responsabilitatea exclusivă a statelor<br />

membre. Propunerea se referă la pacienți şi la mobilitatea acestora în cadrul UE, şi nu la libera circulație a furnizorilor de<br />

servicii. Directiva prevede cooperarea între statele membre în special în ceea ce privește recunoașterea recomandărilor<br />

medicale (tratamente, rețete etc.) emise în alt stat membru, e-sănătate şi HTA (evaluarea tehnologiilor de vârf). Accesul<br />

cetățenilor la aceste informații va fi facilitat prin rețeaua de referință, creată din punctele naționale de contact. Astfel,<br />

Autoritățile române trebuie să se asigure că cetățenii săi au acces la informații. Adoptarea acestui raport contribuie la<br />

asigurarea unui bun echilibru între drepturile pacienților din UE de acces la cel mai bun tratament medical şi protecția<br />

durabilității financiare a sistemului național de asigurări sociale.<br />

2-494<br />

Bernadette Vergnaud (S&D), par écrit. – Par rapport à la proposition initiale de la Commission, qui facilitait la mobilité<br />

de patients-clients dans une vision marchande de la santé, je me félicite des avancées contenues dans cet accord. Il était en

18-01-2011 105<br />

effet indispensable pour sauvegarder nos systèmes de protection sociale de rétablir un système d'autorisation préalable<br />

pour les soins hospitaliers ou coûteux. De même, la référence à l'article 168 du traité était nécessaire pour garantir le<br />

respect des prérogatives des États membres sur l'organisation de leur système de santé publique. Enfin, il y a des avancées<br />

louables en matière de coopération et d'information aux patients.<br />

En revanche, des lacunes majeures subsistent: l'absence de réflexion sur la mobilité des professionnels, la démographie<br />

médicale, ou le vieillissement de la population. D'autres propositions législatives devraient y remédier –notamment celle<br />

sur les qualifications professionnelles – où il sera important de réaffirmer que la santé est un secteur avec ses spécificités et<br />

qu'elle n'est pas une marchandise régie par les seules lois du marché, mais le bien le plus précieux des citoyens.<br />

2-495<br />

Amendments:<br />

Annex − Position of the Commission<br />

Directly acceptable: amendment 107 (Text as a whole, Block No 1, compromise amendment). The Commission is in<br />

favour of the adoption of the compromise text by the co-legislators.<br />

2-496<br />

14 - Inizjattiva Ewropea dwar il-marda ta' Alzheimer u dimenzji oħrajn - Inalaturi għall-ażma<br />

(dibattitu)<br />

2-497<br />

El Presidente. − El punto siguiente es el, debo decir, extraño debate conjunto sobre<br />

- el informe de Marisa Matias, en nombre de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente, Salud Pública y Seguridad Alimentaria,<br />

sobre una iniciativa europea acerca de la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias (2010/2084(INI)) (A7-0366/2010),<br />

y,<br />

- la pregunta oral a la Comisión sobre los inhaladores para el asma, de Erminia Mazzoni, en nombre de la Comisión de<br />

Peticiones (O-0182/2010 – B7-0666/2010).<br />

2-498<br />

Marisa Matias, relatora. − Senhor Presidente, eu gostaria de começar por dar um exemplo que me parece claro da<br />

urgência desta iniciativa. Começámos o trabalho no Parlamento há seis meses, exactamente há seis meses, entre o período<br />

de início da elaboração do relatório e o período de voto. Durante estes seis meses, mais de 700 000 pessoas na <strong>Europa</strong><br />

desenvolveram Alzheimer ou qualquer outro tipo de demência. Este número por si só mostra o quão relevante e urgente é<br />

intervir neste domínio. E é por isso que, em boa hora, vem a Comunicação da Comissão.<br />

As pessoas que sofrem de Alzheimer e de outras demências na <strong>Europa</strong> têm que ser tratadas todas por igual. São mais de 7<br />

milhões de pessoas com Alzheimer, são quase 10 milhões de pessoas que sofrem no total de doenças demenciais.<br />

Se falássemos de números, falaríamos da dimensão de um país médio. Nós não podemos discriminar uma doença como<br />

não podemos discriminar um país. Temos que tratá-los a todos por igual. E é por isso mesmo que é preciso e urgente<br />

intervir em várias áreas. Na área da investigação, nós sabemos que esta doença duplica a cada vinte anos em termos de<br />

números.<br />

Nós sabemos que se a faixa etária for com mais de 65 anos, o número de duplicação é a cada quatro anos, e é por isso<br />

mesmo que nós temos que investir nas causas e descobrir as causas porque não temos outra forma de intervir sobre um<br />

problema se não o conhecermos bem. E para isso mais investigação, mais cooperação e mais dados epidemiológicos.<br />

Precisamos também de conhecer melhor como intervir em matéria de prevenção e em matéria de controlar os factores de<br />

risco. Precisamos de um diagnóstico precoce, precisamos de cuidados especializados, de treinar os cuidadores. Precisamos<br />

de dar apoio às famílias, de não estigmatizar os doentes, de lhes dar direitos, de lhes dar dignidade. Precisamos que todos<br />

os países tenham planos de acção nacionais para depois termos uma cooperação à escala europeia. Precisamos de combater<br />

as desigualdades entre Estados-Membros e dentro dos Estados-Membros. Não podemos admitir que haja doentes de<br />

primeira e de segunda. Têm de ser todos iguais, independentemente do sexo, da idade, do local de residência ou outro<br />

qualquer critério.<br />

É por isso, Senhor Presidente, que é muito, muito importante que possamos ter a maior cobertura possível dos serviços de<br />

saúde. E não podemos evitar falar destas urgências apenas porque estamos em crise e falamos sempre dos custos da<br />

doença. Os custos sociais e económicos resultantes de não tratar deste problema são muito maiores, são muito mais<br />

elevados do que se o enfrentarmos. E é por isso que temos que enfrentar este problema e investir, investir nas pessoas,<br />

investir, como disse, na prevenção e dar apoio às famílias e aos cuidadores que tantas vezes são esquecidos.

106 18-01-2011<br />

Nós sabemos que para cada pessoa que sofra de Alzheimer são precisas três pessoas para cuidar dela. Uma pessoa que<br />

sofra de Alzheimer não pode passar uma hora sem acompanhamento. Isto tem que nos servir de lição. Não podemos<br />

continuar sem articulação, sem cooperação e sem uma cooperação que seja solidária entre os Estados-Membros para<br />

responder a este problema.<br />

E é por isso que eu gostaria de dizer o seguinte: falando em cooperação, todos sabemos e todas sabemos que nenhum deste<br />

trabalho pode ser feito isoladamente e também aqui dentro do Parlamento o trabalho foi feito em cooperação com todas as<br />

relatoras-sombra de todos os grupos parlamentares, com o apoio das três mulheres que me ajudaram na Comissão do<br />

Ambiente, no meu grupo parlamentar, na minha delegação.<br />

E é por isso que quero agradecer muito a todas essas mulheres, e se calhar não é por acaso que foram só mulheres que<br />

trabalharam neste relatório, é porque as mulheres são as mais afectadas, são elas que tratam dos relatórios Alzheimer e são<br />

elas que também tratam dos doentes de Alzheimer, incluindo os homens. E por isso quero que se preste também atenção às<br />

formas de discriminação que estão escondidas sob a forma de não haver tratamento nem resposta para estas matérias.<br />

E termino dizendo que gostaria de questionar directamente o Sr. Comissário para lhe perguntar que propostas incluídas<br />

neste relatório está a Comissão disposta a aceitar e quando estará disposta a aceitar e dar seguimento a tamanha urgência<br />

como é esta que vivemos actualmente.<br />

2-499<br />

Erminia Mazzoni, Autore. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, devo dire che condivido anch'io le perplessità sulla<br />

logica dell'abbinamento di questa interrogazione con la precedente relazione, ma l'importante per me è che oggi quest'Aula<br />

si occupi dell'argomento che è contenuto nell'interrogazione da me presentata a nome della commissione per le petizioni.<br />

Questa interrogazione solleva un caso di denegata giustizia nei confronti di una piccola impresa europea per l'inerzia<br />

purtroppo consumata dalla Commissione dal 1997 ad oggi, così come ha sostenuto anche la commissione giuridica che è<br />

stata interpellata per un parere dalla commissione che io presiedo.<br />

La vicenda riguarda un apparecchio medico, nello specifico un inalatore per asmatici, brevettato nel 1990 e immesso<br />

regolarmente sul mercato. Questo prodotto rientra nella disciplina dettata dalla direttiva 93/42/CEE, la quale prevede che<br />

la conformità alle prescrizioni sia oggetto di autocertificazione da parte del produttore e affida poi alle autorità nazionali<br />

un potere di controllo sulla regolarità, attraverso attività di monitoraggio e di controllo a campione.<br />

Il prodotto, diffuso con successo sul mercato per sei anni, quindi fino al 1996, in assenza di specifiche contestazioni e di<br />

rilievi che non sono mai stati documentati nel corso di oltre quindici anni, viene sottoposto a controllo da parte<br />

dell'Autorità governativa dell'Alta Baviera che chiede alla commissione del Magdeburgo di rivedere l'autorizzazione<br />

rilasciata a questa società.<br />

Nel dicembre dello stesso anno, la commissione, il ministro della Salute della Sassonia-Anhalt procede a questa attività di<br />

controllo e conclude la procedura dichiarando la perfetta conformità del prodotto alle prescrizioni normative, sollevando<br />

tra l'altro, al termine di questa procedura, un dubbio sulla fondatezza della richiesta formulata dall'Autorità governativa<br />

dell'Alta Baviera e invitando la stessa, nel caso dovessero permanere dubbi, ad avviare la procedura di salvaguardia<br />

prevista dalla direttiva citata.<br />

Nel corso dell'anno successivo si susseguono una serie di attività non documentate, delle quali abbiamo notizia solo de<br />

relato, e si arriva poi nel 1997, improvvisamente, senza nessuna comunicazione fatta al produttore, a un provvedimento da<br />

parte del ministro della Salute federale di ritiro del prodotto dal mercato.<br />

La procedura viene avviata alla fine del 1997 dal ministero – la procedura ai sensi dell'articolo 8 della direttiva citata – ma<br />

va a finire su un binario morto, perché non si hanno notizie, non viene avviata la fase delle consultazioni con il produttore.<br />

Nel silenzio generale il produttore, nel 2003, ritenendo di poter attribuire a questo silenzio un significato di evidente<br />

negazione di quei rilievi non chiariti formulati dalle autorità tedesche, reimmette sul mercato il prodotto a metà del 2003.<br />

Purtroppo nel 2005, sempre senza una comunicazione, le autorità tedesche emettono un nuovo provvedimento di ritiro dal<br />

mercato di questo prodotto. Da precisare che non risulta ancora oggi, nonostante le reiterate richieste, alcun elemento che<br />

porti a chiarire il perché di questo ritiro del prodotto.<br />

Quindi: mancata comunicazione, mancato accertamento, negazione di qualunque possibilità di legittimo contraddittorio<br />

per il produttore e conseguenze gravi di carattere economico per lo stesso, perché da oltre quindici anni è in attesa di una<br />

risposta e il suo prodotto non può circolare sul mercato.

18-01-2011 107<br />

Aggiungo anche che, nel corso dei sei anni di diffusione del prodotto – e su questo ci sono documenti che sono stati forniti<br />

anche alla Commissione – nei sei anni di distribuzione del prodotto si sono annotati notevoli risparmi nella spesa pubblica<br />

della sanità per il ridotto costo del prodotto e positivi effetti per i malati sofferenti di asma.<br />

Nel 2008, visti vani tutti i tentativi formulati con le altre autorità, il sig. Klein, il produttore, si rivolge alla commissione<br />

per le petizioni. La commissione avvia la procedura nel corso di questa legislatura e, considerato il lungo tempo della<br />

vicenda contenuta nella petizione, avvia anche una consultazione informale con il Commissario, chiedendo di accelerare i<br />

tempi di una risposta, perché la richiesta dell'autore della petizione è una richiesta che va nell'ordine di riconfermare la<br />

conformità del prodotto alla normativa europea o, in subordine, quanto meno di avere un provvedimento impugnabile<br />

davanti alla Corte che quindi gli consenta di avere giustizia.<br />

Tutto questo non è avvenuto e nel corso della discussione in commissione petizioni la Commissione europea, purtroppo,<br />

ha eluso le domande ancora una volta. Ecco perché la commissione ha deciso all'unanimità di arrivare in Aula e di<br />

chiedere in Aula alla Commissione risposte chiare, perché questa vicenda, è innegabile, solleva gravi dubbi su una<br />

violazione della Carta dei diritti fondamentali e non solo per l'inerzia della Commissione, ma anche, e soprattutto, per<br />

l'impossibilità nella quale è posto l'autore della petizione, il sig. Klein, di adire un'autorità giudiziaria.<br />

La vicenda pone evidenti dubbi sulla violazione delle regole del mercato e sulla tutela della piccola impresa, ecco perché<br />

insistiamo per avere, qui, delle risposte alle domande formulate nell'interrogazione.<br />

2-500<br />

El Presidente. − Señora Mazzoni, le agradezco, sobre todo, el haber compartido mi perplejidad por el solapamiento de los<br />

dos temas, que, naturalmente, no supone, por mi parte, ningún demérito de una pregunta importante y que, además, usted<br />

plantea en su condición de presidenta de la Comisión de Peticiones, de la que formo parte y, por lo tanto, tengo el máximo<br />

interés en lo que allí se hace.<br />

Será muy difícil, tanto para el Comisario como para los intervinientes, mezclar dos temas de naturaleza tan distinta y, por<br />

lo tanto, cabe preguntarse si es razonable plantear el debate tal y como se ha planteado en el orden del día.<br />

2-501<br />

John Dalli, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, honourable Members, first allow me to pay tribute to Parliament,<br />

in particular to the rapporteur, Mrs Matias, for your commitment to addressing Alzheimer’s and other dementias.<br />

The Commission fully shares your concern. Dementia means great suffering for millions of Europeans and their families.<br />

With a population ageing fast, now is the time for Europe to act.<br />

This is why the Commission put forward a Communication on Alzheimer’s and other dementias in 2009 with action to<br />

improve prevention and diagnosis, research and best practice exchange.<br />

I am delighted that Parliament is supporting ongoing work in this context and presenting a comprehensive set of<br />

recommendations. This report and its recommendations are very timely at a moment when the Commission is about to<br />

launch a joint action with the Member States on Alzheimer’s in April, the so-called ALCOVE (ALzheimer COoperative<br />

Valuation in Europe).<br />

I am persuaded that this joint action will deliver on many of the recommendations that you are adopting here today.<br />

The joint action will focus on prevention – an area which Parliament underlines in this report – and also on improving<br />

knowledge and data and sharing good practices. It will also address another area where Parliament is calling for action: the<br />

rights of people living with dementia. I agree with you that we need fully coordinated research to understand better how to<br />

prevent or delay the onset of dementia. This is why the Commission has launched a joint programming initiative on<br />

combating neurodegenerative diseases, in particular Alzheimer’s.<br />

For the first time, 23 countries are working together to tackle Alzheimer’s. There are good practices across Europe on<br />

diagnosis and treatment for Alzheimer’s and the Commission is fostering exchange of knowledge and good practice.<br />

As recommended by Parliament, I can also confirm that the Innovation Union initiative under the Europe 2020 strategy<br />

will take as its first pilot area for the new European innovation partnership the topic of active and healthy ageing.<br />

Action to support people suffering from dementia could be developed in this context. A good example could be the<br />

ongoing Parliament initiative on carers. We hope to be able to support further innovative actions in this area which may<br />

also address the issues of Alzheimer’s and other dementias.<br />

Finally the Commission looks favourably at a number of other recommendations, including declaring 2014 as European<br />

Year of the Brain. Let me assure you that the Commission is committed to doing its share to address dementia.

108 18-01-2011<br />

Let me now address the second topic in this debate: the petition filed by Mr Klein, the inventor and producer of the inhaler<br />

‘Effecto’.<br />

The placing on the market of the device in question was originally refused in Germany in 1997. This decision was not<br />

pursued further, either by the Commission, the German authorities, or the manufacturer. The then distributor indicated at<br />

the time that it would conduct further studies before placing the product on the market again.<br />

The device was placed back on the market in 2002 under a new name. When the product was again prohibited by the<br />

German authorities in 2005, the Commission carefully analysed the case and concluded the procedure by formal letter to<br />

the German authorities and the manufacturer in July 2007.<br />

The Commission analysis was that the prohibition by the German authorities was justified because the clinical data<br />

provided by the manufacturer was insufficient to demonstrate the safety of the device.<br />

According to the Medical Device Directive, safety has to be demonstrated by the manufacturer in order for him to be<br />

allowed to use the CE marking. This meant that the applicable legal provision was Article 18 of the directive which<br />

addresses cases where a product is placed on the market with improperly affixed CE marking. In this case, there is no<br />

formal Commission decision.<br />

Since, in the Commission’s view, the case is not one to which the safeguard clause procedure applies, it has no reason to<br />

request notification of the 2005 prohibition adopted by the German authorities.<br />

The obstacle which the petitioner faces in placing the product on the market is the decision of the German authorities (the<br />

2005 prohibition) and not a decision of the Commission. The petitioner had clear legal avenues which he could pursue at<br />

national level, and indeed he has made use of these opportunities. His claims, however, were rejected by the German<br />

courts.<br />

I would like to stress that the Commission has, since 2007, invited the petitioner to bring the device into compliance by<br />

providing the missing clinical data and has facilitated contacts between him and the German authorities to that end. To the<br />

Commission’s knowledge, no action has been taken by the petitioner so far.<br />

2-502<br />

Elena Oana Antonescu, în numele grupului PPE. – Mă voi referi la boala Alzheimer şi alte demenţe. Doresc să o felicit<br />

pe doamna raportor Matias pentru munca depusă şi, în calitate de raportor din umbră din partea Grupului PPE pe acest<br />

dosar, vreau, de asemenea, să mulţumesc tuturor colegilor care şi-au adus contribuţia. Atenţia de care s-a bucurat acest<br />

dosar arată importanţa temei şi, în acelaşi timp, gravitatea fenomenului.<br />

Numărul persoanelor care suferă de demenţă se ridică la 9,9 milioane, bolnavii de Alzheimer reprezentând cea mai mare<br />

parte, iar până în anul 2020 ne aşteptăm la o creştere dramatică a numărului, în condiţiile în care boala este încă<br />

subdiagnosticată în Uniunea Europeană. Există inegalităţi între statele membre în ceea ce priveşte prevenţia, accesul la<br />

tratamente şi îngrijire. Acţiunile sunt fragmentate, reacţiile sunt inegale în ceea ce priveşte cercetarea şi lupta împotriva<br />

acestei boli.<br />

Raportul este un pas important în direcţia luptei împotriva acestei boli în Uniunea Europeană şi un pas esenţial pentru<br />

introducerea unui nou mod de colaborare între statele membre, prin care să se ia măsuri coordonate pentru combaterea<br />

unor probleme care afectează întreaga Europă. Raportul sprijină solidaritatea între state, schimbul de bune practici, pentru<br />

a se evita duplicarea efortului şi risipa de resurse. Doresc să subliniez importanţa diagnosticării preventive şi a<br />

intervenţiilor timpurii în cazurile incipiente ale bolii şi cred că aceasta este cheia către progresul în lupta împotriva acestei<br />

maladii.<br />

De asemenea, doresc să amintesc şi importanţa unei abordări multidisciplinare a cercetărilor în acest domeniu.<br />

Compartimentarea între discipline şi slaba conectare între cercetarea primară, clinică, domeniul sănătăţii publice şi<br />

cercetarea socială influenţează transferarea descoperirilor ştiinţifice în practica medicală şi în asigurarea îngrijirii. Faptul<br />

că toate acestea se fac la nivel naţional accentuează fragmentarea. De aceea, trebuie să punem accentul pe abordarea<br />

multidisciplinară şi pe transferul descoperirilor şi cunoştinţelor la nivel comunitar.<br />

2-503<br />

Nessa Childers, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, nearly 10 million Europeans suffer today from dementia,<br />

with Alzheimer’s the most common form. One of those statistics was my own mother who passed away last year. I<br />

therefore strongly welcome this European initiative on dementia.

18-01-2011 109<br />

We should be very concerned that only half of cases are estimated to have been diagnosed. We should be very concerned<br />

that twice as many women as men suffer from dementia, and we should be very concerned that with an ageing European<br />

population the number of sufferers will double in the next 20 years.<br />

Given that a five-year delay in the onset of Alzheimer’s means 50% less prevalence rates, I welcome the focus on<br />

prevention and early detection by the Commission. I welcome the focus on better research in Europe, especially as we<br />

know that 85% of research today is without EU coordination. I also welcome the focus on the sharing of best practices and<br />

the rights of sufferers and their families.<br />

I, and my fellow Social Democrat MEPs, focused on the social aspects of dementia in our amendments and we urge the<br />

following:<br />

We call for a strong focus on the specific needs of women, who account for twice the number of sufferers and a<br />

disproportionate number of carers, in the areas of medical and social research, health, employment and social policies.<br />

We renew our call on the Commission to legislate for mental-health-at-work policies, as part of their health and safety at<br />

work responsibility to incorporate persons with mental disorders into the labour market in the best way possible.<br />

We recommend an examination of the use of living wills across European borders, which are so badly needed.<br />

Finally we also highlight the importance, in all awareness and education campaigns, of the ability to recognise the<br />

symptoms of dementia.<br />

To conclude, I should like to congratulate the rapporteur Maria Matias, and thank her and my fellow shadow rapporteurs<br />

for their work on this report.<br />

2-504<br />

Frédérique Ries, au nom du groupe ALDE. – Monsieur le Président, la lutte contre la maladie d'Alzheimer est devenue<br />

une priorité européenne ces dernières années et il était temps. J'ajoute que je me réjouis de toutes les initiatives qui<br />

viennent d'être annoncées par le commissaire Dalli.<br />

Cette forme de vieillissement cérébral est en pleine explosion en Europe et dans le monde: plus de sept millions de<br />

personnes touchées et dix millions si l'on veut bien considérer les autres types de maladies neurodégénératives. On peut<br />

certes – et on doit – se féliciter du financement européen actuel de trente-quatre projets de recherche mais il faudra faire<br />

mieux, beaucoup mieux même, et notamment en termes de coordination des recherches sur Alzheimer dans le huitième<br />

programme-cadre de recherche et cela dès 2014. C'est clairement spécifié au point 21 de notre résolution.<br />

Il est également essentiel de privilégier une approche multidisciplinaire qui englobe le diagnostic, la prévention, le<br />

traitement et l'accompagnement des patients et de leur famille; cela fait l'objet des points 2 et 20, qui sont très importants.<br />

À ce sujet d'ailleurs, une étude récente, qui vient d'être publiée en France, révèle les coûts socio-économiques<br />

considérables induits par cette maladie: plus de mille euros par mois pour la prise en charge médicale et la surveillance des<br />

malades seulement, et cela sans calculer l'immense dévouement des proches, des familles qui consacrent, au quotidien,<br />

plus de six heures à l'éveil et à l'encadrement du patient.<br />

Aider ces patients, c'est aussi ne pas se tromper de diagnostic. Le monde scientifique nous l'indique: il s'agit aujourd'hui de<br />

modifier les critères internationaux car, en appliquant à la lettre des critères souvent obsolètes, on inclut trop de patients<br />

qui ont d'autres formes de démence.<br />

Au niveau européen – et j'en viens ici au point 64 de notre résolution –, il est essentiel que notre Parlement réponde enfin à<br />

l'appel des chercheurs. Il faut plus de volontaires lors des études cliniques si l'on espère trouver un jour – et c'est une<br />

obligation – un traitement curatif. La révision toute prochaine de cette directive "essais cliniques" est donc l'occasion rêvée<br />

d'y répondre concrètement et d'apporter de l'espoir aux familles.<br />

2-505<br />

Gerald Häfner, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Wer immer das veranlasst hat, diese Debatten zu<br />

mischen, hat dem Parlament keinen guten Dienst erwiesen und noch weniger unseren Themen!<br />

Überall in <strong>Europa</strong> steigen die Arzneimittel- und die Krankenversicherungskosten und überall denken wir darüber nach, wie<br />

wir sie senken können. Es heißt, durch den medizinischen Fortschritt würden die Heilmittel immer teurer. In diesem Fall,<br />

den wir jetzt verhandeln, ist es anders. Wir haben 30 Millionen Asthmatiker in <strong>Europa</strong>, und wir haben einen kleinen<br />

Hersteller, der ein Instrument entwickelt hat, durch das die Inhalation, die für Asthmatiker manchmal lebensnotwendig und<br />

therapeutisch extrem wichtig ist, besser, schneller, effizienter und vor allem kostengünstiger erfolgen kann. Seit 14 Jahren<br />

wird diesem Hersteller der Marktzutritt verwehrt. Seit 1996 hat er sich an die Kommission gewandt, seit 2006 beschäftigt<br />

sich der Petitionsausschuss damit. Es ist die Aufgabe der Kommission, lieber Herr Kommissar Dalli, dem Recht zur

110 18-01-2011<br />

Durchsetzung zu verhelfen und aufseiten der Bürger zu stehen. In diesem Fall ist es nicht so, sondern die Kommission<br />

verweigert eine klare Entscheidung, eine Entscheidung, die dem Petenten weiterhilft.<br />

Ich möchte Sie ganz persönlich ansprechen, Herr Dalli, denn Sie erinnern sich: Wir haben Sie in den Petitionsausschuss<br />

eingeladen, um mit Ihnen zu diskutieren. Sie haben uns mitgeteilt, Sie hätten dafür keine Zeit, Sie hätten aber Zeit für ein<br />

persönliches Gespräch. Wir sind zu Ihnen gekommen und haben persönlich mit Ihnen gesprochen. Sie haben mir<br />

persönlich versprochen, Sie würden sich um den Fall kümmern und sehr schnell für eine Lösung sorgen. Ich habe bis heute<br />

nichts gehört. Ich habe Ihnen nochmals einen Brief geschrieben, aber keine Antwort erhalten. Sie haben versucht, auch die<br />

nächste Debatte zu verhindern. Das ist nicht, wie die Kommission agieren sollte!<br />

Ich möchte sehr deutlich sagen: Das Europäische Parlament erwartet – und wir werden über diese Entschließung morgen<br />

gemeinsam abstimmen –, dass die Kommission aufseiten des Rechts und der Bürger steht. Wir erwarten, dass Sie einen<br />

Schutz für solche kleinen Hersteller garantieren gegenüber denen, die den Marktzugang verwehren wollen. Es geht um viel<br />

Geld, es geht aber insbesondere auch um die Gesundheit der Menschen. Wir kennen die Problematik. Wir verstehen Ihr<br />

Handeln nicht, Herr Dalli. Wir kennen alle Ihre Argumente. Ich habe bergeweise Akten durchgesehen, aber kein klares<br />

Argument gefunden, das Ihre Position stärkt. Es geht um ein Medizinprodukt. Es ist 30 000 Mal angewendet worden,<br />

millionenfach haben Menschen inhaliert, mit besten Ergebnissen. Wir haben Briefe von Krankenkassen, die darum bitten,<br />

dass wir den Marktzugang ermöglichen, damit dort Kosten gespart werden. Ich erwarte, dass die Kommission endlich ihre<br />

Aufgabe erfüllt und hier zu einer positiven Entscheidung kommt.<br />

(Der Redner ist damit einverstanden, eine Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“ zu beantworten (Artikel 149<br />

Absatz 8 GO).)<br />

2-506<br />

William (The Earl of) Dartmouth (EFD). – Mr President, I would like to ask Mr Häfner if he would agree that the<br />

Commissioner’s comments on the matter of Broncho-Air that we heard earlier have been thoroughly evasive and unhelpful<br />

to the company in particular and to asthma suffers in general?<br />

2-507<br />

Gerald Häfner (Verts/ALE). – Wenn Sie mir eine knappe, aber persönliche Antwort erlauben, so ist mein Eindruck, dass<br />

der Kommissar noch nicht die Gelegenheit wahrgenommen hat, sich persönlich einen eigenen und neuen Eindruck von der<br />

Sache zu verschaffen. Das aber wäre genau die Chance nach den langen Jahren, in denen es verschleppt worden ist, dass<br />

Sie, Herr Kommissar Dalli – und ich würde vorschlagen, durch andere Beamte Ihres Hauses als diejenigen, die bisher für<br />

die Verschleppung verantwortlich waren – einen neuen Blick auf die Sache werfen und zu einem neuen Urteil kommen.<br />

Ich würde das gerne mit Ihnen diskutieren, noch lieber wäre mir, Sie würden sich mit dem Petenten zusammensetzen und<br />

für eine Lösung sorgen.<br />

Ich bin völlig Ihrer Meinung, geschätzter Herr Kollege!<br />

2-508<br />

Marina Yannakoudakis, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, 750 000 people in the UK suffer from dementia;<br />

over 50% of these will have Alzheimer’s. The effects are common but everyone’s experience is different. There is no cure<br />

for this condition which often holds hostage both patient and carer regardless of age. But what can be done in the EU?<br />

Legislation is clearly secondary in what primarily needs local support.<br />

However, firstly by bringing this topic to this Chamber, we can bring it to the forefront, open discussion and increase<br />

public awareness. Leading from this, Member States can decide on its prioritisation and sharing of best practice. Secondly,<br />

awareness can lead to a greater understanding of the symptoms and, consequently, early diagnosis. There are drugs on the<br />

market that can assist here and, if taken at the correct time, can slow down the process. The important point is this:<br />

sufferers are helped, families have information and support and, ultimately, the patients are helped to retain their dignity<br />

through this difficult illness.<br />

2-509<br />

William (The Earl of) Dartmouth, on behalf of the EFD Group. – Mr President, apparently a small German company,<br />

BronchoAir of Munich, has produced an inhaler which can actually improve the life of asthma sufferers who rely on such<br />

devices to breathe. This product has been shut out of the market for over 14 years, and the Commissioner’s account of why<br />

this has been was very different from the that of the Chair of the Committee on Petitions who opened the debate. The<br />

Committee on Legal Affairs has stated, and I quote: ‘the company has been the victim of a flagrant denial of justice’ on the<br />

part of the Commission.<br />

Why does the Commission favour the big pharmaceutical companies and their lobbyists? In this case the UK<br />

Independence Party, which I have the honour to represent, strongly supports the immediate setting up of an inquiry into the<br />

Commission’s handling of this matter.<br />


18-01-2011 111<br />

Diane Dodds (NI). – Mr President, as has already been stated in this Chamber today, in the United Kingdom almost threequarters<br />

of a million people currently suffer from some form of dementia. Sixteen thousand of those live in my<br />

constituency in Northern Ireland.<br />

Alzheimer’s is a cruel disease. It strips sufferers of their personality, it takes away their independence and robs them<br />

eventually of their relationship with family and friends. It is a devastating disease which places huge burdens on families<br />

and carers, who are often isolated and in poor health because of the burdens they face. As has already been mentioned in<br />

this House, many of those who care are women.<br />

In the United Kingdom by 2050 the number of those with dementia is estimated to soar to approximately 1.7 million. The<br />

estimated cost of health and social care by 2018 will be GBP 27 billion. These are staggering figures, which make research<br />

absolutely vital and the careful targeting of resources in medical and social care an absolute imperative. I also believe that<br />

we should recognise the contribution of the voluntary and community sector in this.<br />

Commissioner, you have made much of healthy and active ageing and I am proud to highlight the work of the Mullen<br />

Mews scheme in Belfast, which has driven off international competition to win awards for its social inclusion and<br />

improvement of the lives of those who live with dementia and their families and carers.<br />

2-511<br />

Peter Jahr (PPE). – Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar Dalli! Ich finde es auch sehr ärgerlich, dass wir jetzt ständig<br />

zwischen zwei Themen wechseln müssen. Ich hätte mir gewünscht, dass wir zumindest die Themen nacheinander<br />

behandeln.<br />

Also ich spreche wieder zu der Petition von Herrn Klein. Ich freue mich, dass wir Gelegenheit haben, darüber zu sprechen,<br />

denn der Petitionsausschuss beschäftigt sich schon seit geraumer Zeit mit dieser Petition. Was ist passiert? Da gab es einen<br />

innovativen Unternehmer, der eine Inhalierhilfe für Asthmatiker entwickelte. Das war gut für die Patienten, weil<br />

verträglicher. Das war gut für die Krankenkassen, weil preiswerter. Richtigerweise wurde der Unternehmer auch<br />

ausgezeichnet. Doch dann der Schock: Das Inhalierhilfsmittel wurde von deutschen Behörden verboten, und deshalb<br />

wurde bei der Europäischen Kommission ein Schutzklauselverfahren eröffnet.<br />

Ohne noch einmal auf alle Details einzugehen, bin ich davon überzeugt, dass bei dem ersten Verbot der Inhalierhilfe aus<br />

dem Jahr 1996 nicht alles rechtmäßig abgelaufen ist. Die Kommission wäre dazu verpflichtet gewesen, das<br />

Schutzklauselverfahren mit einem Ergebnis zu beenden, um den Betroffenen den Klageweg zu eröffnen. Im Ergebnis ist<br />

Herr Klein – und an dieser Stelle zitiere ich die Stellungnahme unseres eigenen Rechtsausschusses – ein Opfer einer<br />

eklatanten Rechtsverweigerung geworden. Herr Kommissar, hier geht es mir nicht um Schuldzuweisungen. Wichtig ist<br />

mir, dass eine zeitnahe Lösung gefunden wird, um dieses Problem nun endlich zu beheben. Ich bitte Sie einfach:<br />

Respektieren Sie auch das einstimmige Votum unseres Petitionsausschusses. Ich hoffe und setze im Interesse der Petenten,<br />

aber auch im Interesse der Patienten in der Europäischen Union auf Ihre Zusammenarbeit und Mithilfe.<br />

2-512<br />

Daciana Octavia Sârbu (S&D). – În zilele noastre există încă multe incertitudini şi necunoscute despre boala Alzheimer<br />

şi, din păcate, situaţia continuă să se înrăutăţească, odată cu îmbătrânirea populaţiei în <strong>Europa</strong>. Avem nevoie, în mod<br />

evident, de cercetare şi mai multe studii în ce priveşte cauzele şi tratamentul demenţei, dar, la fel ca şi în cazul bolilor<br />

netransmisibile, există dovezi că nişte măsuri simple în alegerea modului de viaţă pot preveni multe afecţiuni. De aceea, în<br />

amendamentele depuse, am cerut să fie acordată mai multă importanţă cercetării efectelor pe care le are nutriţia în apariţia<br />

bolii Alzheimer.<br />

Mulţi dintre noi cunoaştem, cu siguranţă, măcar o persoană afectată de această boală sau altă formă de demenţă şi ştim că,<br />

de fapt, costurile personale sunt mult mai mari decât cele sociale sau financiare. Mult răspânditele şi devastatoarele efecte<br />

ale demenţei, la un număr atât de mare de persoane, ne îngrijorează pe toţi. Ca rezultat, avem un raport foarte cuprinzător,<br />

care conţine toate problemele cheie şi ne dorim o reacţie pozitivă din partea Comisiei, dar şi a statelor membre.<br />

2-513<br />

Antonyia Parvanova (ALDE). – Mr President, I too regret that we are joining one debate to another one: it is like having<br />

a joint debate on shipping and fishing because both of them happen in the marine environment. However, I would like to<br />

congratulate the rapporteur, Marisa Matias, and it is indeed of the utmost importance that the European Union should<br />

address, in a concrete manner, the challenge of Alzheimer’s disease as one of its health priorities.<br />

The current medical and social burden of this disease represents a serious threat to the sustainability of our healthcare and<br />

social systems. Several other chronic diseases will significantly increase in the coming years and it is crucial that we<br />

should also address them in a comprehensive way with an appropriate preparedness plan. I sincerely hope that the<br />

Commission will take the lead in building on the European initiative on Alzheimer’s disease, and will support Member<br />

States in addressing the public health challenges of our ageing population. I particularly welcome the focus on a<br />

multidisciplinary approach.

112 18-01-2011<br />

Finally, I would like to stress the need to focus on research, and on targeted investment in this field, with one priority in<br />

mind: not to serve business interests but to deliver concrete public health outcomes for patients and citizens.<br />

With regard to the oral questions, I think we are witnessing here a method of lobbying aimed at increasing pressure on the<br />

German authorities and contesting EU safety requirements and regulations. It does not matter whether the companies<br />

concerned are big or small: the only question of importance for us is the safety of patients.<br />

2-514<br />

Satu Hassi (Verts/ALE). – Arvoisa puhemies, hyvät kollegat, suuret kiitokset esittelijä Marisa Matiassille erinomaisesta<br />

työstä Alzheimer-mietinnön yhteydessä. Alzheimerin tauti ja dementiat ovat yhteiskunnalle valtavan iso asia. Inhimillisen<br />

hinnan lisäksi rahallinen hinta on valtava. Arvioidaan, että Alzheimerin taudin hoito maksaa vuodessa yli sata miljardia<br />

euroa. Se on enemmän kuin komission arvioima hinta sille, mitä maksaisi, jos tiukentaisimme<br />

kasvihuonekaasupäästövähennystavoitettamme 30 prosenttiin. Alzheimer-potilaiden määrän arvioidaan kaksinkertaistuvan<br />

20 vuoden välein.<br />

Haluankin korostaa ennaltaehkäisyn ensisijaisuutta ja varhaista diagnoosia. Erityisesti toivon lisää tutkimusta siitä, mikä<br />

on hermoston kehitystä haittaavien kemikaalien vaikutus Alzheimeriin ja muiden hermostorappeutumatautien riskiin.<br />

Varovaisuusperiaatteen nojalla näiden kemikaalien käyttöä torjunta-aineina puutarhoissamme ja pelloilla tulee joka<br />

tapauksessa vähentää.<br />

2-515<br />

Miroslav Ouzký (ECR). – Budu hovořit také k Alzheimerově chorobě. Víme, že je to zpráva, která nemá vlastní<br />

legislativní dopad a ani není příliš konfliktní. Doufám, že nerozdělí toto plénum. Víme ale, že se jedná o velmi závažné<br />

zdravotní postižení s velmi závažnými ekonomickými dopady a tím pádem i velmi závažný sociální problém. Ten velmi<br />

souvisí se stárnutím evropské populace a jeho nárůst začíná v Evropě připomínat jakousi neurologickou epidemii. Co<br />

můžeme udělat v této věci? Můžeme zdůraznit prevenci, která šetří prostředky a zlepšuje zdravotní stav, můžeme zlepšit<br />

dietní návyky evropské populace, můžeme sjednotit naši vědeckou základnu v Evropě a koordinovat práci jednotlivých<br />

členských států, můžeme podporovat občanská sdružení a sdružení rodinných příslušníků a můžeme napomoci vytváření<br />

specializovaných center v Evropě.<br />

2-516<br />

Philippe Juvin (PPE). – Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, il y a tant à dire sur la maladie d'Alzheimer.<br />

Permettez-moi de centrer mon propos sur deux aspects: le premier est la question du maintien à domicile des patients<br />

gravement atteints. Pour des raisons médicales, nous savons qu'il convient de ne pas bouleverser les patients dans leur<br />

environnement. Un bouleversement de l'environnement peut aggraver la maladie et ses symptômes et rendre les choses<br />

beaucoup plus difficiles.<br />

Une de nos priorités doit être absolument de permettre aux patients de rester le plus longtemps possible dans leur<br />

environnement habituel. Pour ce faire, il faut aider les familles et aider ceux dans les familles qui aident les patients. Bref,<br />

il ne faut pas laisser les familles seules. C'est un premier point.<br />

Le deuxième point concerne la recherche. Pourquoi? Parce que, au fond, l'espoir en matière de maladie d'Alzheimer est de<br />

trouver un médicament et, pour trouver ce médicament, il faut une recherche efficace. J'entends ici et là dire qu'il faut plus<br />

de moyens pour la recherche. Sans doute! Mais avant tout, avant de parler de moyens, il faut parler de l'utilisation de ces<br />

moyens.<br />

Jusqu'ici, la recherche a été trop fragmentée, saupoudrée. Aucune priorité n'a été définie. Les gens ne travaillent pas<br />

ensemble et ne parlent pas entre eux. Il faut que demain le biologiste cellulaire parle avec le physiologiste, avec le<br />

radiologue, avec le neurologue. Il faut mieux faire travailler les gens ensemble. J'appelle donc la Commission à donner<br />

tout son poids au programme commun de recherche qui avait été lancé pendant la Présidence française.<br />

Enfin, je veux conclure en disant aux patients et à leur famille que les choses avancent. Qu'ils aient confiance, ils ne sont<br />

pas seuls, ils ne sont plus seuls!<br />

2-517<br />


Vice-President<br />

2-518<br />

Glenis Willmott (S&D). – Mr President, I would like to thank the rapporteur and the shadow rapporteurs for their good<br />

work on this report.

18-01-2011 113<br />

Whilst this report on Alzheimer’s is very important, we know that the power for implementing policy lies mainly with the<br />

Member States. But the ageing population is one of the most pressing challenges for the future and we know that dementia<br />

is one of the main causes of disability and dependence among the elderly.<br />

Currently the main responsibility of care tends to lie with the spouse or child of the dementia patient, which can be<br />

extremely hard work and emotionally gruelling. This is why our amendments that call on the Commission to consider the<br />

opportunities for creating jobs from a better care sector in the EU 2020 Strategy are so important. It is also important that<br />

we focus not only on providing research funding into new drugs to treat diseases, but also to look at simple preventative<br />

measures that everybody can take such as a change in diet and lifestyle. Nutrition is increasingly being shown to be an<br />

important factor in the development of Alzheimer’s and other dementias and we need to dedicate some of our resources<br />

into investigating this further.<br />

The cost of dementias in the EU was EUR 130 billion in 2005 and it affected 19 million people – that is sufferers and<br />

carers. So it makes sense, both morally and economically, to ensure that we put more funds into work into this terrible<br />

disease.<br />

2-519<br />

Jorgo Chatzimarkakis (ALDE). – Herr Präsident! Die Mitteilung und der Bericht sind sehr gut. Deswegen mein Dank an<br />

Kommissar Dalli und Kollegin Matias.<br />

Alzheimer ist eine Plage unserer Zeit, und unser großes Problem ist: Wir wissen einfach zu wenig über Alzheimer.<br />

Deswegen geht es hier um Forschung, Forschung, Forschung! Wir müssen unsere Kräfte bündeln. Ich begrüße daher die<br />

Initiative der Kommission, eine Innovationspartnerschaft zum Thema gesundes Altern, zu schaffen und Alzheimer passt<br />

genau da hinein.<br />

Die US-Regierung hat vor vielen Jahren einmal den Kampf gegen Krebs zu einem Leuchtturmprojekt ausgerufen. Sie<br />

haben den Krebs nicht bekämpft, aber sehr viele Medikamente, sehr viele Therapien sind daraus entstanden. So etwas<br />

brauchen wir heute, und deswegen begrüße ich es, dass wir uns auf Alzheimer konzentrieren. Wir müssen wissen: Wie<br />

können wir präventiv vorgehen? Was können wir in Zukunft gegen Alzheimer tun? Deswegen geht es bei dem<br />

Gießkannenprinzip der europäischen Forschungspolitik so nicht weiter. Wir brauchen eine Konzentration! Alzheimer<br />

könnte eines unserer großen Themen werden, um das wir uns kümmern!<br />

2-520<br />

Frieda Brepoels (Verts/ALE). – Voorzitter, als vicevoorzitter van de Alzheimer Alliantie in het Europees Parlement<br />

verwelkom ik van harte het verslag van mevrouw Matias. Het bevat de belangrijkste zaken die prioritair moeten worden<br />

aangepakt. Ik wil in dit kort tijdsbestek twee punten aanstippen.<br />

Ten eerste het belang van preventie en vroegtijdige diagnose. Bewustwordingscampagnes over de eerste symptomen zijn<br />

essentieel, opdat patiënten en hun verzorgers zo snel mogelijk gebruik kunnen maken van de behandeling en steun die<br />

momenteel al beschikbaar zijn. Maar daarnaast kan het belang van een gemeenschappelijke programmering van<br />

onderzoeksmiddelen niet genoeg worden benadrukt. Veel collega's hebben het al gezegd: 85% van de publieke<br />

investeringen in onderzoek gebeurt vandaag de dag zonder enige Europese coördinatie en dit leidt onvermijdelijk tot<br />

versnippering en dubbel werk. Dus een gezamenlijke strategische onderzoeksagenda kan zorgen voor een meer efficiënte<br />

besteding van de middelen en kan een beter inzicht verschaffen in de oorzaken, behandelingsmogelijkheden en de sociale<br />

impact van ziekten als Alzheimer.<br />

2-521<br />

Miroslav Mikolášik (PPE). – Oznámenie Komisie o európskej iniciatíve o Azheimerovej chorobe a iných druhoch<br />

demencií zlepšuje doterajšie rozdrobené opatrenia a jestvujúce rozdiely, pokiaľ ide o prístup k liečbe, a vedie nás k<br />

zlepšeniu zdravotných a sociálnych podmienok stále väčšieho počtu takých pacientov aj vzhľadom na ich zvyšujúci sa<br />

podiel v starnúcej Európe.<br />

Smernica sa venuje aj zdravotníckym pracovníkom v tejto oblasti a zabezpečuje odborné vzdelávanie, čo som veľmi rád, a<br />

podporu rodinných príslušníkov. Problémy máme už teraz, veď každý rok pribudne až 1,4 milióna prípadov nejakého typu<br />

demencie a včasná diagnostika, prevencia a ďalšie súvisiace otázky, ako je dôstojnosť takého pacienta, by nás mali teda<br />

viesť k energickej činnosti.<br />

Sú tu aj ovplyvnené osoby, obzvlášť rodinní príslušníci, ktorí sú vystavení veľkej spoločenskej stigmatizácii. Ide o to, aby<br />

spoločnosť dokázala pomôcť aj finančne oceniť tých, ktorí sa v domácich podmienkach o dementného pacienta starajú.<br />

2-522<br />

Justas Vincas Paleckis (S&D). – Sveikinu pranešėjus, kurie gerai padirbėjo. Tenka pripažinti, kad Europos Sąjungai<br />

senstant Alzheimeris ir kitos demencijos formos plinta pavojingu greičiu. Neretai šių ligų simptomai nėra teisingai<br />

nustatomi arba susigriebiama per vėlai ir ligoniai nesulaukia tinkamo gydymo. Teisingas kvietimas demencijas paskelbti<br />

viena iš prioritetinių sveikatos apsaugos sričių. Tik kuo plačiau skleisdami informaciją, didindami visuomenės supratimą

114 18-01-2011<br />

apie ligą, jos simptomus, ankstyvius diagnozės būdus, galėtume susidoroti su kylančia demencijos banga. Deja, daugumoje<br />

naujųjų Europos Sąjungos šalių, jų tarpe ir Lietuvoje, demencijos ligonių priežiūra paprastai ypač nepatenkinama.<br />

Didžiausias krūvis dažniausiai tenka ligonių artimiesiems, šeimos nariams. Valstybės turėtų įvertinti jų darbą: ligonį<br />

slaugantiems artimiesiems pagal galimybes fiksuoti darbo stažą, suteikti socialines garantijas.<br />

2-523<br />

Gay Mitchell (PPE). – Mr President, I just want to make the point that we are talking about Alzheimer’s disease and old<br />

people, yet I have experience in my constituency with the case of a 48-year-old man who had to be looked after by his<br />

elderly widowed father because the young man had Alzheimer’s. I will not abuse the opportunity to speak but I thank you<br />

for it, and I want to say that I support innovation in relation to ageing. This is mainly an ageing-related issue, but not<br />

simply an ageing-related issue.<br />

2-524<br />

Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler (S&D). – Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar, verehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich werde zu<br />

der Petition sprechen. Seit Frühjahr 2007 bin ich mit dem Fall beschäftigt. Im Herbst 2007 habe ich eine Anfrage an die<br />

Kommission gestellt. Die Antwort war mehr als unbefriedigend.<br />

Ich habe viele Gespräche mit dem Bundesgesundheitsministerium und mit anderen Behörden geführt. Alles war immer<br />

sehr vage und weich. Und Ihrer Antwort, Herr Dalli, dem, was Sie vorgelesen haben, entnehme ich, dass Sie gar keine<br />

Lust haben, sich näher mit diesem Fall zu beschäftigen. Es geschah nicht in Ihrer Amtszeit, aber Sie gehören einem<br />

Kollektivgremium an, und ich fordere Sie auch im Namen des Rechtsausschusses und des Petitionsausschusses auf, uns<br />

alle Unterlagen zur Verfügung zu stellen, auf deren Grundlagen Sie entschieden haben. Und ich möchte wissen, wenn man<br />

sich das Gerät ansieht, warum denn – man kann es wissen! – bestimmte Firmen kein Interesse haben, dass ein anderes<br />

Produkt auf den Markt kommt. Denn mit diesem Plastikteil den Inhalator zu installieren ist relativ preiswert, aber im<br />

Verkauf insgesamt liegen die Margen drin.<br />

Wenn man sich einmal ansieht, wie Pharmalobbyismus funktioniert, wenn man sich einmal genau betrachtet, wer welche<br />

Interessen im finanziellen Bereich hat, kleine Firmen herauszuhalten, dann wird vieles unter Umständen sehr deutlich.<br />

Ich fordere Sie auf, heute hier einmal klar Stellung zu beziehen, ob Sie uns die Unterlagen zur Verfügung stellen und ob<br />

Sie bereit sind, sich mit uns im Petitionsausschuss und im Rechtsausschuss einmal ordentlich auseinanderzusetzen und das<br />

nicht einfach wegzuschieben. Denn die Bürgerinnen und Bürger, auch die, die vielleicht nicht so reich und so groß sind,<br />

haben auch ein Recht darauf, dass sie ordentlich behandelt werden.<br />

2-525<br />

Elżbieta Katarzyna Łukacijewska (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Wraz ze starzeniem się populacji Unii Europejskiej<br />

rośnie odsetek osób cierpiących na choroby wieku podeszłego. Dane statystyczne pokazują, że co piąta osoba powyżej 80<br />

roku życia cierpi na chorobę Alzheimera. Nie wszyscy wiedzą, że jest to choroba nieuleczalna, ale dzięki odpowiedniej<br />

profilaktyce i wczesnej diagnozie można opóźnić jej skutki. Według światowego raportu na temat Alzheimera z 2009 roku<br />

28% osób cierpiących na demencję zamieszkuje Europę, która pod tym względem zajmuje drugie miejsce na świecie po<br />

Azji. W Polsce, kraju który reprezentuję, na chorobę Alzheimera cierpi około 250 tys. osób, a specjaliści szacują, że do<br />

2040 roku liczba ta się potroi. Jak widać dane te są niepokojące.<br />

Demencja niesie za sobą zarówno skutki społeczne, jak i gospodarcze oraz dotyka nie tylko samego chorego, ale także<br />

jego najbliższych. Dlatego cieszę się, że dzisiaj poruszamy ten ważny problem. Tylko współpraca, prowadzenie wysoko<br />

specjalistycznych badań oraz prowadzenie szerokiej kampanii informacyjnej pozwolą na szybszą diagnozę i lepszą<br />

profilaktykę.<br />

2-526<br />

Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D). – Pritariu iniciatyvoje dėl Alzheimerio ligos siūlomiems konkretiems veiksmams, jog būtina<br />

užtikrinti ankstyvą diagnozę ir gyvenimo kokybę, skatinti valstybių narių bendradarbiavimą keičiantis geriausia patirtimi<br />

bei klinikiniais tyrimais ir gerbti šia sunkia liga sergančių žmonių teises. Kadangi Europos Sąjunga šiuo metu neturi<br />

pakankamai tikslių statistinių duomenų apie Alzheimerio ligos paplitimą, būtina atlikti tyrimus, kurie būtų grindžiami<br />

griežtais bendrais rodikliais. Be to, reikia investuoti į mokslinius tyrimus ir veiksmingas priežiūros sistemų programas.<br />

Ypač daug dėmesio reikia skirti sveikatos priežiūros specialistams, paslaugų teikėjams bei mokymui ir paramai šeimoms,<br />

kurie kasdien susiduria su Alzheimerio ligos atvejais. Noriu pabrėžti, kad kovojant su šia sunkia liga labai svarbu daug<br />

dėmesio skirti prevencijai ir stengtis kuo anksčiau nustatyti diagnozę. Todėl reikia parengti prevencinę strategiją dėl<br />

Alzheimerio ligos, kuri būtų susijusi su sveikesnės gyvensenos skatinimu, žmonių informavimu apie šią ligą bei medicinos<br />

praktikos keitimusi.<br />

2-527<br />

Pat the Cope Gallagher (ALDE). – A Uachtaráin, ba mhaith liom mo bhuíochas a ghabháil leat as ucht an deis labhairt<br />

mar gheall ar ghalar Alzheimer.<br />


18-01-2011 115<br />

Alzheimer’s is a disease that is the most common cause of dementia, affecting 44 000 people in Ireland and nearly ten<br />

million people across Europe. It is a progressive disease, which means that over time more parts of the brain will become<br />

damaged and as this occurs the symptoms become worse.<br />

Unfortunately, due to the ageing population in Europe, more and more people are likely to be affected by this disease in<br />

the future. Therefore better coordination between EU Member States, in terms of research into the causes of dementia and<br />

best practice in terms of a care system, is essential. The burden of care is often placed on the shoulders of close family<br />

members and in Ireland 50 000 people care for people with dementia on a daily basis.<br />

In conclusion, I would like to pay special tribute to those carers and to the Alzheimer’s society of Ireland who provide<br />

incredible support to people affected by dementia.<br />

2-529<br />

Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE). – Hr. formand! Jeg henvender mig til kommissær Dalli. Her ser De den plastikdims, det<br />

drejer sig om. Det er den store multinationale medicinalindustri, der i den tyske sag har sagt, at plastikdimsen og<br />

medicinen hører sammen. Her ser De medicinen. Den skal have den store test! Plastikdimsen svarer til, at man bruger en<br />

kanyle. Men det er klart, at medicinalindustrien tjener styrtende med penge på, at de to produkter altid skal sælges<br />

sammen. Samfundet, derimod, sparer en masse penge ved at man kan genbruge og genbruge og genbruge. Jeg mener, at<br />

det er en ren skandale, at Kommissionen bliver ved med at henholde sig til, at dette simple produkt skal underkastes<br />

samme store testprocedure – som om det nødvendigvis hørte med i det samme testsystem – som medicinen. Ikke<br />

fuldstændig det samme som medicinen selv, det ved jeg godt, men stadigvæk som en anordning, der hører til der. Det er<br />

simpelthen så forfærdeligt, at vi ikke har fået et klart svar på denne sag! Der er så mange mennesker, inklusive mange<br />

samfund og sygeforsikringer, der lider under, at denne simple plastikting ikke er blevet godkendt for længst. Den har<br />

aldrig skabt andre problemer end økon… (Formanden tog ordet fra taleren)<br />

2-530<br />

Paolo Bartolozzi (PPE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, le malattie neurodegenerative, e tra queste appunto<br />

l'Alzheimer, rappresentano una priorità sanitaria per l'Unione europea.<br />

La malattia in questione ha pesanti risvolti, non solo sanitari, per chi la subisce. Elevati sono infatti i costi che devono<br />

essere sostenuti per le cure dirette e per quelle informali. Il morbo di Alzheimer, infatti, non riguarda solo le persone che<br />

ne sono colpite, ma coinvolge anche tutti coloro che si occupano dei malati stessi.<br />

Si rende perciò necessaria una risposta europea al problema, una coordinazione globale tra gli Stati membri, una sinergia<br />

di azioni concertate che riguardano soprattutto l'ambito scientifico e di ricerca e che si faccia carico del potenziamento<br />

della prevenzione e la diagnosi per il perfezionamento delle cure disponibili, anche innovative, nonché della diffusione<br />

delle informazioni fra gli Stati sui risultati raggiunti all'interno degli stessi, incrementando nei cittadini il livello di<br />

conoscenza della malattia.<br />

2-531<br />

John Dalli, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, honourable Members, I again thank Parliament and the Members<br />

who have taken the floor for their engagement with the important cause of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.<br />

The Commission welcomes Parliament’s report and its recommendations. Let me take this opportunity to stress that the<br />

Commission is fully committed to doing its share to address Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. These conditions<br />

are unfortunately part of the ageing process for many European citizens.<br />

I believe it is our collective responsibility to work together to minimise their burden and to invest in innovation to prevent,<br />

diagnose, treat and manage these conditions.<br />

I look forward to supporting Member States in their efforts to work closely with Parliament in addressing Alzheimer’s<br />

disease and other forms of dementia.<br />

On the ‘Effecto’ Klein petition, I must state first of all – referring to Mrs Manzoni’s statement that the Commission’s job is<br />

to stand by the citizens – that I can assure you my job is to stand by the patient. It is very important for me, as<br />

Commissioner responsible for health, not to compromise on patient safety, not to take any shortcuts and short-circuit the<br />

processes and procedures that we have in place to ensure that any device to be used in any medical way is properly tested<br />

and its safety assured.<br />

The issue here is not how to deliver a medicine with a piece of plastic, as has been said. The issue is that we need clinical<br />

evidence that the product is safe and to do this the petitioner, in this case Mr Klein, was requested to conduct clinical<br />

studies on 24 patients. That is the extent of the clinical tests that were requested.

116 18-01-2011<br />

Why is there a resistance to providing these clinical tests? What is causing this resistance? This is something that I am<br />

asking myself. We need to know, for example, is this product universal in application, is it to be used with one specific<br />

medicine, is it to be used with different types of medicines? If it is, do these medicines require different dosages? Is there<br />

an adjustment system in the device to adjust the dosage? As a layman, if I had to use a device like this, these are the<br />

questions that I would ask myself. This is the kind of thing the authorities have been asking themselves. They have been<br />

asking for proof that this device would be safe in the hands of patients at large.<br />

There is, as I said, a proper safety assurance procedure, and I will be not short-circuiting that. It has been said that I<br />

promised to look into the case. I promised to look into the case, and I did look into the case. I have had a lot of details<br />

about the case. Naturally, these are details that I had to learn from others who have been here in the Commission since<br />

1987. When Mr Klein asked for a meeting with me or my cabinet, I immediately agreed. My ‘chef de cabinet’ informed<br />

him that we were prepared to have a meeting to explain it. He sent an e-mail back setting a lot of conditions, amongst<br />

which he stated that as a basis for this meeting, the EU Commission should completely take over the expenses. This<br />

included the flights and overnight stays in Brussels for him and his staff, and I could not accommodate this.<br />

2-532<br />

Marisa Matias, relatora. − Senhor Presidente, Senhor Comissário, caros Colegas, eu quero começar por agradecer todas<br />

as palavras que aqui foram deixadas em relação ao relatório que o Parlamento apresenta em matéria de Alzheimer e de<br />

outras doenças demenciais. Sabemos todos que a situação que vivemos é substancialmente dramática e que está ainda<br />

muito sub-diagnosticada e isso foi aqui referido.<br />

E quero apenas referir uma questão que foi transversal a todas as intervenções, mas provavelmente não tão sublinhada, que<br />

é a questão da dignidade dos pacientes, dos seus direitos e não apenas dos pacientes, mas também dos seus familiares e<br />

daqueles que cuidam deles, sejam cuidadores formais ou informais e dos profissionais que estão associados a este tipo de<br />

doenças.<br />

Eu fico contente, francamente contente, com as palavras do Sr. Comissário quando diz que partilha das mesmas<br />

preocupações que o Parlamento Europeu. E que a Comissão Europeia vê de forma muito positiva todas as recomendações<br />

do relatório que o Parlamento apresenta e que vai fazer tudo o que estiver ao seu alcance para pô-las em prática.<br />

Nós sabemos que cada dia que passa é mais tarde que o anterior nesta matéria dada a urgência daquilo que temos em mãos.<br />

E portanto nós sabemos também que amanhã o Parlamento se vai pronunciar sobre esta matéria. Aguardaremos o resultado<br />

da votação, mas sabemos, Senhor Comissário, que os cidadãos europeus esperam de nós muito mais do que solidariedade e<br />

conforto moral. Esperam de nós acções concretas e adequadas e espero bem, Senhor Comissário, que então ponha em<br />

prática e que a Comissão, que tem a iniciativa que infelizmente este Parlamento não tem, ponha em prática toda essa<br />

prioridade que diz dar a este domínio e que a transforme em iniciativa legislativa para que os cidadãos e os seus familiares<br />

vejam respeitados os seus direitos e sejam tratados com igualdade e com a dignidade que merecem.<br />

2-533<br />

President. − The debate is closed.<br />

The vote will take place tomorrow (Wednesday, 19 January 2011).<br />

Written statements (Rule 149)<br />

2-534<br />

Liam Aylward (ALDE), i scríbhinn. – Meastar go bhfuil 9.9 milliún duine san Eoraip atá ag fulaingt de bharr galar<br />

méarmheathlúcháin, cosúil le galar Alzheimer. Le daonra na hEorpa ag dul in aois, measann Eurostat go mbeidh dhá<br />

oiread an méid daoine le galar méarmheathlúcháin orthu sa bhliain 2050 agus mar a bhí i 1995. Thairis sin, ós rud é gur ar<br />

bhaill clainne a thiteann ualach an chúraim, meastar go mbíonn tionchar ag an ngalar ar thriúr ball clainne an othair.<br />

Chuige seo, ní mór a chinntiú go nglacfar beart ar leibhéal an AE chun cabhrú leis na Ballstáit cúnamh cuí a thabhairt<br />

d’othair agus dá muintir.<br />

Aontaím go hiomlán go mba chóir tús áite i mbeartas sláinte an AE a thabhairt don néaltrú. Ní foláir aitheantas mar is cóir<br />

a thabhairt d’eagraíochtaí othar agus cúramóirí agus ní mór go mbeadh na heagraíochtaí céanna bainteach le feachtais<br />

eolais agus le hullmhúchán clár taighde. Tugann an AE méid suntasach airgid – EUR 159 milliún – do 34 clár taighde ar<br />

ghalair mhéarmheathlúcháin ach, ós rud é go bhfuil méadú ollmhór ag teacht ar na galair sin, ní mór go leathnófar ar<br />

thionscadail taighde faoin 8ú Chreatchlár chun taighde ar theiripí iompraíochta, cognaíocha agus teiripí gan drugaí a<br />

ghlacadh san áireamh.<br />

2-535<br />

Vasilica Viorica Dăncilă (S&D), în scris. – Datele cu privire la prevalenţa bolii Alzheimer şi alte demenţe sunt<br />

disponibile în ţările Uniunii Europene şi au fost colectate de Alzheimer Europe. Boala Alzheimer a fost şi este cauza<br />

principală a demenţei în toate ţările. Ea reprezintă 74,5% din cazurile de demenţă din America de Nord, 61,4% din <strong>Europa</strong><br />

şi 46,5 din Asia. Cu toate acestea, în Uniunea Europeană există cazuri de boală Alzheimer nediagnosticată, conform

18-01-2011 117<br />

ultimelor date epidemiologice disponibile, numai jumătate din persoanele care suferă de această boală sunt identificate în<br />

prezent. În acest context, consider că Statele Membre trebuie să dezvolte politici şi planuri de acțiune pe termen lung<br />

pentru a eficientiza accesarea fondurilor de cercetare în domeniul demenței și a bolii Alzheimer, incluzând și cercetări în<br />

domeniul prevenției, la un nivel proporțional cu impactul economic al acestora asupra societății şi care să anticipeze și să<br />

prevină tendințele sociale și demografice și să-și concentreze atenția pe sprijinul oferit familiilor pacienților care îi<br />

îngrijesc, oferind astfel protecție socială persoanelor vulnerabile suferinde de demență.<br />

2-536<br />

Elisabetta Gardini (PPE), per iscritto. – Attraverso la risoluzione presentata rinnoviamo il nostro impegno nella lotta<br />

contro una grave patologia che continua a colpire un anziano su 5 di età superiore agli 85 anni. Ritengo che un'efficace<br />

azione coordinata su scala europea sia necessaria per compiere ulteriori passi avanti nella ricerca e nella raccolta di dati<br />

epidemiologici relativi a questa malattia. Un coordinamento adeguato tra gli Stati membri può contribuire alla<br />

condivisione di migliori prassi nella cura dei pazienti e a rendere i cittadini maggiormente consapevoli dell'importanza<br />

della prevenzione e di un intervento precoce. E’ fondamentale investire e cooperare in questo campo non solo per ridurre i<br />

costi sociali di queste malattie ma anche e soprattutto per garantire ai pazienti colpiti la speranza di un proseguimento di<br />

vita sempre più dignitoso. A questo proposito vorrei ricordare che le demenze, ovviamente, non riguardano solo le persone<br />

che ne sono affette, ma anche chi le circonda, come i famigliari e gli operatori sanitari. E’in tal senso auspicabile che la<br />

strategia europea punti a garantire un sostegno più valido e pratico a chi deve affrontare il compito quotidiano<br />

dell'assistenza, colmando le lacune esistenti in materia di formazione professionale e adottando delle campagne di<br />

sensibilizzazione sul significato della convivenza con l'Alzheimer.<br />

2-537<br />

Louis Grech (S&D), in writing. – To date, the EU still does not have an adequate response to Alzheimer’s, neither has it<br />

concluded a single policy on its prevention. Moreover, it is worrying that countries like Malta still do not offer any refund<br />

for medication needed by patients suffering from the disease. Notwithstanding that the Commission cannot interfere with<br />

the organisation of national health insurance schemes, the Commission should step up its efforts to put pressure on<br />

Member States to guarantee that any person suffering from Alzheimer’s is getting the necessary treatment. I call on the<br />

Commission to truly make the fight against dementia a European priority and conclude the below-mentioned proposals<br />

within a reasonable time frame: (1) promote cardiovascular health and invest in a healthier workforce; (2) promote<br />

initiatives that ensure social and intellectual engagement of the elderly; (3) encourage Member States to implement<br />

systematic routine screening which allows for early diagnosis of the disease, as well as providing easy access to<br />

medication and treatment once the disease has set in; (4) ensure that regular epidemiological studies at a European level<br />

are carried out; (5) prompt Member States to make better use of Assistive Technology (AT).<br />

2-538<br />

Jim Higgins (PPE), in writing. – I welcome this report as an important step forward in the battle against dementia. At<br />

present one in 20 people over the age of 65 and one in five over 80 suffer from dementia. It is estimated that more than 8<br />

million Europeans aged between 30 and 99 suffer from neurodegenerative diseases, and scientists anticipate that this<br />

number could double every 20 years. Alzheimer’s disease represents 50% of these cases. Nearly ten million Europeans<br />

suffer today from dementia, with Alzheimer’s the most common form. There are 44 000 people in Ireland with dementia.<br />

There are over 50 000 carers for dementia suffers and an estimated 100 000 people are directly affected by dementia.<br />

Given that a five-year delay on the onset of Alzheimer’s means 50% less prevalence rates, I welcome the focus on<br />

prevention and early detection by the European Commission. I welcome the focus on better research in Europe, especially<br />

as we know 85% of research today is without EU coordination. For any European strategy in this area to work, it is crucial<br />

that the various countries give priority to drawing up national action plans. A European strategy must also seek to<br />

safeguard the existence of services that guarantee maximum possible coverage and equal conditions and treatment for all<br />

patients.<br />

2-539<br />

Anneli Jäätteenmäki (ALDE), kirjallinen. – Herra Puheenjohtaja! Muistisairaudet ovat yleinen ongelma Euroopassa.<br />

Arviolta noin 10 miljoonaa eurooppalaista kärsii tälläkin hetkellä muistisairauksista. Valtaosalla heistä on Alzheimerin<br />

tauti. Monet tekijät vaikuttavat ihmisten kykyyn muistaa asioita ja oppia uutta. Muun muassa stressi, masennus, suru,<br />

runsas alkoholin käyttö, huono ravitsemustila ja lääkkeet ovat esimerkkejä näistä tekijöistä. Muistisairauksien ehkäisyyn<br />

on kiinnitettävä enemmän huomiota jo nuoruudesta alkaen. Liikunta, henkinen aktiivisuus, terveelliset ravintovalinnat ja<br />

päihteiden välttäminen suojaavat muistisairauksilta. Hoitamalla muistisairauksien vaaratekijöitä hoidamme samalla sydän-<br />

ja aivoverisuonitautien vaaratekijöitä. Herra Puheenjohtaja! Muistisairauksien vastaisessa työssä on jatkossa korostettava<br />

enemmän tiedottamisen ja kansalaisjärjestöjen merkitystä. Järjestöt tekevät erittäin arvokasta työtä. Niitä on tuettava<br />

enemmän, jotta muistisairauksista kärsivät saisivat paremmin apua. Lisäksi hoitopaikkoihin ja niiden laatuun on jatkossa<br />

kiinnitettävä enemmän huomiota. Tarjolla olevat hoitopaikat eivät valitettavasti vastaa tällä hetkellä kysyntää. Esimerkiksi<br />

Suomessa pulaa on etenkin vertaistuesta ja sopivista päivä- ja pitkäaikaishoitopaikoista. Lopuksi haluaisin kiinnittää<br />

huomion muistisairauksien hoitoon erikoistuneen ammattihenkilöstön tukemiseen, oikeanlaiseen koulutukseen ja<br />

osaamisen kehittämiseen. Kiitos!<br />


118 18-01-2011<br />

Sirpa Pietikäinen (PPE), kirjallinen. – Arvoisa puhemies, hyvät kollegat, haluaisin kiittää Marisa Matiasta ansiokkaasta<br />

valiokunta-aloitteisesta mietinnöstä Alzheimerin tautia ja muita dementioita koskevasta eurooppalaisesta aloitteesta. Joka<br />

viides eurooppalainen sairastuu muistisairauteen. Muistisairaudet luovat jatkuvasti enemmän painetta ikääntyvän väestön<br />

kanssa kamppaileville terveydenhuoltojärjestelmille, mutta myös sairastuneille ja heidän omaisilleen uuden tilanteen<br />

edessä. Muistisairauksien synnystä ei ole olemassa yksimielisyyttä, mutta varhaista puuttumista taudin etenemiseen<br />

pidetään ensiarvoisena. Mietinnön myötä muistisairaudet nostetaan etusijalle EU:n terveystavoitteissa. Äänestystulos antaa<br />

oikeansuuntaisen viestin siitä, että muistisairauksien tutkimus ja hoito edellyttävät yhteistyötä koko Euroopan tasolla.<br />

Vaikka muistisairauksista kärsivät eniten ikääntyvät ihmiset, diagnosoinnin kehittyessä niiden ensioireita havaitaan yhä<br />

useammin myös työtätekevän väestön keskuudessa. Eurooppalaisen yhteistyön tiivistämiseksi tarvitaan myös kansallisia<br />

muistiohjelmia, joita muutamissa jäsenvaltioissa on jo käynnistetty. Kansallisilla muistiohjelmilla on merkittävä rooli<br />

tiedon ja parhaiden käytänteiden levittämisessä sekä päällekkäisten toimintojen vähentämisessä.<br />

2-541<br />

Richard Seeber (PPE), schriftlich. – 10 Millionen Menschen in <strong>Europa</strong> leiden an Demenz, die Hälfte davon sind<br />

Alzheimerpatienten. Durch die zunehmende Lebenserwartung steigen diese Zahlen weiter an. Der Initiativbericht geht mit<br />

seiner Forderung nach einem wirkungsvolleren Ansatz für die Behandlung von Demenz und insbesondere Alzheimer in<br />

eine richtige Richtung. Ein besonderes Augenmerk sollte dabei auf die Prävention gerichtet werden. Frühdiagnose,<br />

kostenlose Untersuchungen für Risikogruppen und insbesondere bessere Information der Bevölkerung sind dafür von<br />

zentraler Bedeutung, da Alzheimer in der EU meistens zu spät erkannt wird. Die weitere Verbreitung von Demenz<br />

erfordert eine europäische Strategie, die möglichst flächendeckende Strukturen anbietet, durch die den Patienten gleicher<br />

Zugang zu Informationen und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten gegeben wird. Dabei darf auch die Unterstützung für<br />

Angehörige und Betreuungspersonen nicht vergessen werden. Breit angelegte epidemiologische und klinische Studien<br />

sowie eine verbesserte Demenz- und Alzheimerforschung sind des Weiteren ein wichtiger Faktor bei der Bekämpfung von<br />

Demenzerkrankungen.<br />

2-542<br />

Olga Sehnalová (S&D), písemně. – Demence a zejména Alzheimerova choroba jsou nejen závažným medicínským, ale i<br />

eticky a společensky nesmírně citlivým problémem, jehož význam bude v souvislosti se stárnutím evropské populace dále<br />

stoupat. V předloženém dokumentu je velmi správně věnována pozornost různým aspektům tohoto onemocnění, zejména<br />

podpoře časné diagnostiky, výzkumu i zlepšení samotné péče o pacienty. Za neméně důležitou však považuji i oblast<br />

podpory rodin osob postižených demencí, za zásadní pak důraz na nediskriminační dostupnost kvalitních zdravotních a<br />

sociálních služeb. V této souvislosti spatřuji rozhodující úlohu samospráv, ať již místních či regionálních i neziskových<br />

organizací, které mohou operativně reagovat na nárůst potřeby těchto služeb. Evropská iniciativa pro Alzheimerovu<br />

chorobu a jiné formy demence je velmi důležitá i pro nastartování seriózní a otevřené společenské diskuze o tomto<br />

onemocnění v nejširším slova smyslu. Proto tuto iniciativu rozhodně vítám a podporuji.<br />

2-543<br />

15 - Question Time (Commission)<br />

2-544<br />

President. − The next item is Question Time (B7-0001/2011).<br />

The following questions are addressed to the Commission.<br />

2-545<br />

Question 14 by Rares-Lucian Niculescu (H-0629/10)<br />

Subject: Utilisation of European funds<br />

Part one<br />

According to a recent article in the Financial Times, the European Union has only spent 10% of the 347 billion euros allocated for the period up<br />

to 2013 to promote the development of poor regions.<br />

That article also states that funding earmarked for SMEs has come to be used by multinational companies (Coca-Cola, IBM, Nokia Siemens)<br />

while other large companies (Twining, Valeo) are using EU funds to transfer their operations to countries where labour is cheaper, thereby<br />

violating rules explicitly prohibiting that practice.<br />

What is the Commission’s view of the information contained in that article, and what steps is it considering taking to prevent such situations<br />

arising in the future?<br />

2-546<br />

Johannes Hahn, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, the Commission welcomes the Financial Times’s scrutiny<br />

as it represents an important contribution to opening and broadening public debate about the efficiency and effectiveness<br />

of cohesion policy.

18-01-2011 119<br />

The Commission is aware of the habitually slower take-up at the beginning of a programming period. However, the most<br />

recent data show that the Commission made more cohesion policy payments in the fourth quarter of 2010 than ever before.<br />

The vast majority of the payments made were interim payments, i.e. reimbursements of expenditure already made and<br />

certified in the Member States. Thus it is certain that, as has been seen in previous programming periods, cohesion policy<br />

spending is accelerating. Absorption rates, in terms of EU payments to Member States, are now at 21% for the Cohesion<br />

Fund, 22% for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and 23% for the European Social Fund (ESF).<br />

As regards support provided to multinational and large companies, the Commission would emphasise that a primary<br />

objective of cohesion policy is growth and the creation of new jobs for particular regions and Member States. Any support<br />

for productive investment has to be seen in that context.<br />

Promoting job creation and economic growth can be achieved in many ways, from setting-up small enterprises to<br />

supporting larger companies. Cohesion policy intervention supports productive investment that is primarily targeted at<br />

small and medium-sized enterprises, as specified by the ERDF and ESF regulations. The Commission also stressed the<br />

role of small and medium-sized enterprises during negotiation of the current programming documents. The vast majority<br />

of productive investment and investment in the development of endogenous potential is targeted at SMEs. However, there<br />

may be cases where, in line with the regulations, co-financing is granted to larger companies subject to compliance with<br />

the objectives of the funds and programmes concerned.<br />

In total, cohesion policy has allocated some EUR 55 billion to business support between 2007 and 2013, a large share of<br />

which supports innovation in SMEs. The Commission would like to point out that multinationals are not beneficiaries of<br />

the support extended by the ESF. Workers receive the co-financed training. The ESF supports people. It is about providing<br />

training and retraining and improving skills to prepare people and help them find a job. A worker who has been employed<br />

in a given enterprise may well then find himself or herself engaged in another company. Therefore, what matters is the<br />

skill capital that workers manage to build to sustain their inclusion in the labour market, not the name or type of enterprises<br />

providing the training.<br />

The Commission considers that, from a policy perspective, firms should not receive European funding for investments<br />

which would lead to the loss of employment by the same company in another region of the European Union, because the<br />

net effect of the ESF investment might be zero or even negative. In cases where a company which has received cohesion<br />

policy support closes down, or ceases to support a project, within five years – or three years in the case of SMEs – this<br />

funding needs to be paid back.<br />

My final point – but it is a crucial one – is that while there are clearly areas for improvement this cannot and should not<br />

overshadow the major positive impact that cohesion policy is having. I would like to assure you that the Commission is not<br />

shying away from the problems. Indeed, in the past we have proposed changes, some of which were taken up, and we will<br />

continue to drive improvement of cohesion policy. Cohesion policy brings clear benefits to the poorer regions of the<br />

European Union, but it also clearly benefits the rest of Europe.<br />

2-547<br />

Rareş-Lucian Niculescu (PPE). – Îi mulţumesc şi domnului comisar pentru calitatea informaţiilor oferite, însă aş dori să<br />

adaug o remarcă: într-o astfel de dezbatere, când abordăm o astfel de temă, cred că ar trebui să ne concentrăm mai degrabă<br />

pe viitoarele măsuri destinate să evităm situaţii similare şi, dacă îmi este îngăduit, poate chiar mai important, să ne punem<br />

întrebarea dacă astfel de bilanţuri, odată ajunse în atenţia publicului, nu sunt cumva de natură să reducă încrederea<br />

cetăţenilor în munca instituţiilor europene.<br />

2-548<br />

Paul Rübig (PPE). – Herr Präsident, sehr geehrter Herr Kommissar! Ich möchte mich vor allem für die Aufklärung<br />

bedanken, weil das die Grundlage für eine vernünftige Diskussion ist und auch ein klares Bekenntnis zu unseren kleinen<br />

und mittleren Betrieben, weil letztlich dort zwei Drittel der Beschäftigung <strong>Europa</strong>s stattfinden und 80 % der Steuern<br />

bezahlt werden. Deshalb ist meine Frage: Glauben Sie, dass wir in Zukunft die Forschungsrahmenbedingungen und die<br />

Forschungsinfrastruktur im Bereich dieser Programme etwas mehr verstärken können?<br />

2-549<br />

Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D). – Mano klausimas būtų toks. Iš tikrųjų struktūrinių fondų lėšos ir ypač socialinio fondo lėšos,<br />

kurios yra skirtos darbuotojų kvalifikacijai kelti, darbo vietų išsaugojimui, ta prasme, kad jas užimtų kvalifikuoti žmonės,<br />

yra labai svarbu. Tačiau ar jūs manote, kad turi lygias sąlygas tarptautinės turtingos korporacijos, kadangi reikia prisidėti<br />

sava dalimi norint gauti lėšas iš struktūrinių fondų ar socialinio fondo, ir vidutinės bei mažos įmonės, kurios lygiai taip pat<br />

nori apmokyti savo žmones, nori turėti kvalifikuotus darbuotojus. Ar čia jūs nematote kokių nors tam tikrų pasiūlymų, kad<br />

didžiosios korporacijos ir mažosios ir vidutinės įmonės turi nelygiavertes sąlygas?<br />

2-550<br />

Johannes Hahn, Mitglied der Kommission. − Herr Präsident! Danke für die Fragen!

120 18-01-2011<br />

Zur Forschungsinfrastruktur: Insbesondere, wenn es um den Bereich der Innovation geht, erhalten die Klein- und<br />

Mittelbetriebe heute schon aus den EFRE-Fonds erhebliche Mittel in einem hohen zweistelligen Milliarden-Euro-Betrag<br />

im Bereich der Innovationsförderung. In der Periode 2000-2006 haben sich insgesamt über 30 000 Unternehmen sich ganz<br />

fokussiert auf diesen Bereich konzentriert. Wir denken darüber nach, dass die Forschungsinfrastruktur auch eine<br />

erhebliche Bedeutung haben sollte, gerade in der Zukunft, durchaus auch über den Bereich der Wirtschaft hinausgehend<br />

im Bereich der Grundlagenforschung. Möglicherweise werden wir noch in der laufenden Periode ein<br />

Forschungsinfrastrukturprojekt, das auch in der ESFRI-Roadmap aufgezeichnet ist, erstmalig mit entsprechenden Mitteln<br />

fördern, weil die Untersuchung dieses Projektes ergeben hat, dass es sich hier um eine sehr nachhaltige Wirkung in einer<br />

Region über das reine Projekt hinaus handelt, indem eben Arbeitsplätze geschaffen werden, nicht nur<br />

Forscherarbeitsplätze, sondern auch Arbeitsplätze in Zulieferbetrieben, denn auch Basisforschungsinfrastruktur braucht<br />

Zulieferung und Service. Das kann also ein echter Hub in einem bestimmten Bereich in einer Region – in dem Fall einer<br />

ungarischen Region – sein. Das soll auch ein Signal für die nächste Programmperiode sein, etwa in Richtung von<br />

Universitäten, die dann letztlich auch wieder konkrete Auswirkungen haben. Denn heute schon befinden sich die<br />

Forschungsaktivitäten im universitären Bereich fast zu einem Drittel im Bereich der angewandten Forschung, was letztlich<br />

der Wirtschaft zugute kommt und nachhaltig Arbeitsplätze schafft.<br />

Zur Frage der Frau Kollegin: Im Rahmen des Europäischen Sozialfonds werden in aller Regel die beschäftigten oder<br />

momentan nicht beschäftigten Personen durch Schulungen gefördert und in die Lage versetzt, ihre Möglichkeiten am<br />

Arbeitsmarkt zu verbessern. Sei es innerhalb des Unternehmens, in dem sie beschäftigt sind, oder sei es – wenn sie nicht<br />

beschäftigt sind – um ihre Qualifikationen zu verbessern oder einfach um ihre Qualifikationen für andere<br />

Jobmöglichkeiten insgesamt zu verbessern. Ich kann Ihnen aber ein Beispiel geben, weil Sie vielleicht darauf angespielt<br />

haben und das auch immer kritisiert worden ist, dass beispielsweise für Mitarbeiter von McDonald’s<br />

Fortbildungsmaßnahmen angeboten wurden. Hier muss man klar unterscheiden: Das waren Fortbildungsmaßnahmen für<br />

McDonald’s-Mitarbeiter, um sie am Arbeitsplatz und in der Arbeitswelt besser zu qualifizieren. Sie wissen, es wird ja<br />

manchmal kritisiert, dass die Arbeitsplätze bei McDonald’s – sie haben ja auch den Spitznamen „McJobs“ – durchaus Jobs<br />

sind, die Teilzeitjobs sind, die zum Teil keine hohe Qualifizierung erfordern, die Jobs sind, die von Studenten und<br />

Studentinnen ausgeübt werden und wo es darum geht, diese Personen weiter zu qualifizieren. Wo es um die<br />

innerbetriebliche Weiterqualifikation gegangen ist, gerade in diesem Projekt, hat McDonald’s etwa die Kosten vollständig<br />

getragen. Wir versuchen also und wir trachten danach, dass die Fortbildung der Mitarbeiter auf ihre persönliche<br />

Qualifikation hin ausgerichtet ist. Vor diesem Hintergrund denke ich, dass wir keinen Unterschied dahingehend machen<br />

sollen, wo die Menschen beschäftigt sind, sondern die Zielsetzung muss sein, die jeweilige persönliche Qualität der<br />

Qualifikation weiter zu verbessern, um die Menschen vor dem Hintergrund einer immer mobileren Arbeitswelt fitter zu<br />

machen, um hier nach Möglichkeit Arbeitslosigkeit zu vermeiden.<br />

2-551<br />

President. − Question 16 by Kinga Göncz (H-0639/10)<br />

Subject: European Progress Microfinance Facility<br />

Implementation of the European Progress Microfinance Facility (EPMF) seems to be slower than expected, a situation which could endanger its<br />

purpose and which is manifestly at odds with the speed of its adoption in March 2010.<br />

How does the Commission intend to speed up the process and make sure that the EPMF reaches the most vulnerable people while also reflecting<br />

the right geographical balance?<br />

What does the Commission plan to do in order to get the Member States to finance mentoring and training programmes, and also to ensure that<br />

interest payments are subsidised from European Social Fund resources, as agreed? How will the Commission ensure that information about the<br />

EPMF reaches the target audiences?<br />

2-552<br />

Johannes Hahn, Member of the Commission. − Dear colleagues, I am pleased to report that both parts of the European<br />

Progress Microfinance Facility – the guarantees part and the cash products part – are now entirely operational. Only three<br />

months after the entry into force of the decision, the Commission finalised the mandate for the European Investment Fund<br />

to launch the guarantee operations for microfinance providers.<br />

Last November the Commission established a specialised investment vehicle. As a result, the first micro-loans will be<br />

provided starting from this month. I am also pleased to report that the Commission has been successful in securing<br />

additional funding for micro-entrepreneurs in Europe. The European Investment Bank will match the European Union’s<br />

contribution of EUR 100 million, and further contributors are expected. As a result, the overall volume of loans under the<br />

Progress Microfinance Facility will amount, as planned, to around EUR 500 million. This money will benefit unemployed<br />

people, people facing social exclusion or vulnerable persons who face difficulties in accessing the conventional credit<br />

market. Ensuring outreach to these target groups and promoting geographical balance are key elements of the mandate<br />

given by the Commission to the European Investment Fund.

18-01-2011 121<br />

Operations approved so far, or under preparation, suggest that both objectives will be met. As from early 2011, microloans<br />

will be provided through a start-up microfinancing institution in Belgium which focuses on disadvantaged urban<br />

communities, and through a foundation in the Netherlands which targets individuals with no access to conventional<br />

finance. The EIF has announced that the operations being prepared will also be balanced in terms of geographical<br />

coverage. About 40% are expected to involve intermediaries investing in Europe and about 60% in Central and Eastern<br />

Europe. It is well known that microfinance is most effective if business starters and micro-enterprises are accompanied<br />

through business support services.<br />

As such, the Commission will undertake measures to support European Social Fund managing authorities and intermediate<br />

bodies to step up the promotion of self-employment and micro-enterprises.<br />

For the current ESF programming period, the Member States have earmarked more than EUR 2.7 billion to promote<br />

entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs can also be supported through interest rebates. However, whether or not interest rebates<br />

are subsidised through the ESF is a decision to be taken by the individual Member States. At present only one Member<br />

State, namely Lithuania, has indicated that it makes use of this possibility.<br />

Lastly, the Commission will promote information about the Progress Microfinance Facility. The microfinance providers<br />

who are closest to the target beneficiaries will provide information on the availability of micro-loans. The Commission<br />

will make use of existing networks of public employment services, ESF managing authorities and NGOs to provide<br />

information on the progress of the Microfinance Facility.<br />

Last but not least, the Youth on the Move campaign will pay special attention to opportunities for young people from<br />

different backgrounds to start up their own businesses and receive micro-loans.<br />

2-553<br />

Kinga Göncz (S&D). – Elnök úr! Örömmel hallottam biztos úr beszámolóját, és egy részére szeretnék rákérdezni. Amikor<br />

beszámolót kaptunk néhány héttel ezelőtt a Bizottságtól, illetve az Európai Beruházási Alaptól, akkor még csak<br />

kétszázvalahány millió euróról volt összesen szó, és az egyik kérdésem pont ez volt, hogy az eredeti ígéret vagy terv<br />

szerint 500 millió volt tervbe véve. Érdekelne, hogy honnan lettek ezek a pótlólagos források. Azt gondolom, hogy nagyon<br />

fontos ez, hiszen a krízis hatásainak a csökkentésében ez egy kiemelten fontos program, ezért is siettünk ennek az<br />

elfogadásával. A másik fontos kérdés az volt, hogy a Szociális Alapból kamattámogatást, illetőleg tréning és mentoring<br />

elemeket támogatnak-e a tagországok. Szintén szerepelt az eredeti tervben, és aztán úgy tűnt, hogy a Bizottság mintha<br />

elhanyagolta volna ezt a kérdést. Nagyon fontos az információnyújtás, az, hogy elérjen az emberekhez az információ.<br />

2-554<br />

Janusz Władysław Zemke (S&D). – Panie Przewodniczący! Panie Komisarzu! Chciałem Panu podziękować za<br />

informacje. W pełni się z Panem zgadzam, że instrument, o którym tutaj dzisiaj mówimy, to bardzo ważny instrument. Ale<br />

warto zwrócić uwagę na to, że musimy sobie także odpowiedzieć na pytanie, jakie państwa korzystają z instrumentu<br />

mikrofinansowania. Mnie w Pana wypowiedzi zaniepokoiło to, że mówił Pan, iż trzeba dbać o to, żeby to rozłożenie, jeśli<br />

chodzi o państwa i geografię, było różne. Czyli jakie państwa skorzystały już z tego instrumentu?<br />

2-555<br />

Silvia-Adriana Ţicău (S&D). – Este adevărat că tinerii sunt cei mai afectaţi de criza economică şi financiară, dar nu<br />

trebuie să uităm şi persoanele cu vârsta de peste 45 ani care se află în şomaj. Aş dori să vă întreb, pentru că aţi menţionat<br />

faptul că 60% din Instrumentul european de microfinanţare Progress va merge către centrul şi estul Europei: aţi identificat<br />

care sunt barierele pentru care ţările din această regiune a Europei nu au utilizat suficient până acum acest instrument?<br />

2-556<br />

Johannes Hahn, Mitglied der Kommission. − Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse und Ihre Stellungnahmen. Das Thema<br />

Mikrofinanzierung ist in der Tat eines, das ja in mehreren Generaldirektionen angesiedelt ist, wobei ein gewisses lead hier<br />

inhaltlich beim Kollegen Andor gegeben ist. Aber auch im Bereich der Regionalpolitik beschäftigen wir uns mit der Frage.<br />

Was etwa die Frage der Zinssätze anbelangt, ist es so, dass es einige Mitgliedstaaten gibt, die hier sozusagen als<br />

Bedingung eine Obergrenze gezogen haben, die sich ungefähr bei 8 bis 9,5 % bewegt. Man muss hier allerdings auch in<br />

Rechnung stellen, dass natürlich – und das war immer ein Thema, auch in der Vorbereitung dieser ganzen Thematik – die<br />

Overhead-Kosten im Vergleich zu den tatsächlichen loans relativ hoch sind und daher auch entsprechende Kosten<br />

anfallen, die es zu decken gilt. Hier muss ein vernünftiger Mittelweg gefunden werden. Ich denke, das ist gelungen.<br />

Zur zweiten Frage: Ich kann berichten, dass es gerade mit dem Instrument Jasmine, das dazu dienen soll, die<br />

Mikrofinanzierung entsprechend vorzubereiten und hier auch auf eine Einstellung der intermediates vorzubereiten und zu<br />

trainieren, gegenwärtig 15 Institutionen in 15 verschiedenen Ländern, 11 sind in Zentral- und Osteuropa und 4 in<br />

Westeuropa, vorbereitet werden. Ich habe jetzt nicht alle Länder im Kopf, aber es sind im Wesentlichen die meisten neuen<br />

Beitrittsländer davon schon erfasst, und wir rechnen damit, dass in den kommenden Jahren 20 weitere intermediates durch<br />

das Jasmine-Programm entsprechend vorbereitet werden.

122 18-01-2011<br />

Zur letzten Frage bitte ich um Verständnis, dass ich aus dem Kopf keine Antworten geben kann. Wir werden das<br />

schriftlich nachreichen, wo im Detail die Gründe für Zugangsbeschränkungen liegen. Ich würde aber in hohem Ausmaß<br />

annehmen, dass es hier oft kommunikative Probleme gibt, dass es auch oftmals Hemmnisse gibt, weil viele der<br />

potenziellen Kreditnehmer Personen sind, die bei einer „normalen Bank“ keinen Kredit mehr bekommen und daher da oft<br />

auch eine gewisse Schwellenangst oder Zurückhaltung gegeben ist, derartige Einrichtungen aufzusuchen. Wenn das der<br />

Fall ist und sich erhärtet und bestätigt, dann ist es aber auch notwendig, in diesem Bereich entsprechend aufklärerisch tätig<br />

zu werden.<br />

2-557<br />

President. − Question 15 by Zigmantas Balcytis (H-0636/10)<br />

Subject: Additional support measures for SMEs under tourism policy<br />

Tourism, like any other sector of the economy, is increasingly feeling the effects of world competition. In order for the European Union to<br />

remain competitive in this sector, the EU has set itself the objective in the Lisbon Treaty of promoting the competitiveness of tourism and<br />

creating an environment favourable to business development. For this purpose the following objectives have been adopted: promoting<br />

innovation in tourism, improving the overall quality of tourism services and perfecting the professional skills of personnel. However, businesses<br />

in the tourism sector – many of which are SMEs – are not always able to attain these objectives through their own unaided efforts. This is due to<br />

several factors, such as limited financial resources, the lack of qualified workers and inability to respond quickly to change: hence the need for<br />

additional funding.<br />

Does not the Commission consider that it would be desirable to devise a coherent strategy and a detailed action plan comprising specific support<br />

measures for SMEs and financing arrangements which could help to overcome the difficulties encountered by the sector?<br />

2-558<br />

Antonio Tajani, Vicepresidente della Commissione. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli deputati, l'industria europea del<br />

turismo, come molti altri settori economici, deve fronteggiare la sfida sempre più forte della globalizzazione.<br />

Si tratta di una sfida che la Commissione ha già sottolineato e affrontato a più riprese, in modo particolare con la<br />

comunicazione "Una politica industriale nell'era della globalizzazione". Inoltre, il 30 giugno dello scorso anno la<br />

Commissione ha adottato una comunicazione specifica sul turismo, che propone, in linea con il trattato di Lisbona e la<br />

nuova strategia <strong>Europa</strong> 2020, un quadro politico consolidato per rafforzare la competitività del settore, con l'aspirazione di<br />

fare del turismo europeo una vera industria competitiva moderna, stabile e responsabile.<br />

La creazione di un contesto favorevole allo sviluppo delle medie, piccole e piccolissime imprese del settore turistico<br />

rappresenta il principio fondamentale di questo quadro consolidato. Per raggiungere l'obiettivo abbiamo proposto tre azioni<br />

concrete che puntano in primo luogo a stimolare la competitività del settore turistico all'interno della nostra Unione, in<br />

secondo luogo a promuovere lo sviluppo di un turismo di lunga durata, responsabile e di qualità, e in terzo luogo a<br />

consolidare l'immagine e la visibilità dell'<strong>Europa</strong> come un insieme di destinazioni turistiche di lunga durata e di qualità e,<br />

naturalmente, massimizzare il potenziale delle politiche e degli strumenti finanziari dell'Unione per sviluppare il turismo.<br />

Le iniziative promosse dovrebbero conferire al settore gli strumenti per adattarsi alle sfide al cospetto delle quali si trovano<br />

i suoi attori, nonché per intraprendere uno sviluppo durevole in termini di competitività. Saranno certamente portate in fase<br />

di attuazione misure concrete per promuovere l'innovazione nel settore del turismo, migliorare la qualità dei servizi<br />

turistici e perfezionare le competenze professionali del personale, perché non possiamo più pensare al turismo come ad un<br />

settore a conduzione esclusivamente familiare, ma dobbiamo pensare anche ad un'organizzazione turistica più moderna e<br />

più competitiva.<br />

Farò qualche esempio a proposito della formazione delle competenze professionali: una "piattaforma TIC & turismo" per<br />

facilitare l'adattamento del settore turistico e delle imprese all'evoluzione del mercato delle nuove tecnologie<br />

dell'informazione e accrescere la loro competitività. Sono tutte proposte, idee, inserite nel testo della comunicazione della<br />

Commissione, approvata dal Consiglio e che stiamo dibattendo in Parlamento, il relatore è presente in Aula.<br />

La mobilitazione degli attori dell'industria per un migliore utilizzo dei diversi programmi dell'Unione, come Leonardo, o<br />

ancora il programma quadro per l'innovazione e la competitività, l'Erasmus per i giovani imprenditori, il Fondo sociale<br />

europeo ed altri programmi. Inoltre, una strategia per la promozione di un'offerta turistica diversificata e la creazione di un<br />

osservatorio virtuale con supporto elettronico per il turismo europeo permetteranno di contribuire in eguale maniera alla<br />

creazione di un contesto favorevole per gli attori del settore.<br />

Peraltro, bisogna ricordare che le piccole e medie imprese possono beneficiare di altre iniziative trasversali per accedere ai<br />

finanziamenti. Cito il caso di JEREMIE, iniziativa congiunta della Commissione, del Fondo europeo per gli investimenti e<br />

della Banca europea per gli investimenti, che punta a migliorare l'accesso delle piccolissime, piccole e medie imprese ai<br />

finanziamenti, in particolare attraverso il canale del capitale di rischio, dei prestiti, delle garanzie, del microcredito e di<br />

altre forme di aiuti rimborsabili.

18-01-2011 123<br />

Vorrei infine ricordare che le piccole e medie imprese nel settore del turismo beneficiano a pieno titolo delle misure<br />

proposte nel quadro dello Small business act che mira a facilitare il contesto operativo proprio delle piccole e medie<br />

imprese e che il Parlamento riceverà il testo di aggiornamento nel giro di poche settimane.<br />

Lo Small business act diventa quindi anche uno strumento per tutelare le piccole e medie imprese nel settore del turismo,<br />

che rappresentano una straordinaria potenzialità per sviluppare un settore che conto di poter potenziare nel prossimo anno,<br />

perché sono assolutamente convinto che una politica europea, così come prevista dal trattato, possa rappresentare un valore<br />

aggiunto al lavoro che già egregiamente svolgono le regioni dell'Unione europea e gli Stati membri.<br />

Credo quindi di poter rassicurare l'on. parlamentare che ha sottoposto l'interrogazione con l'impegno della Commissione e<br />

mio personale affinché tutte le piccole e medie imprese del settore possano essere sostenute e possano essere agevolate<br />

nell'accedere agli strumenti economici comunitari, nel contesto di una strategia politica che punta a fare del turismo uno<br />

dei settori cardine di politica economica e industriale.<br />

2-559<br />

Zigmantas Balčytis (S&D). – Turbūt mes visi šiandien čia salėje susirinkę tikimės, kad jūsų išsakytos prognozės dėl<br />

turizmo plėtros ateityje taps iš tikrųjų įgyvendintos ir ši sritis bus ne tik vystoma, bet ir bus palanki investuoti. Kaip jūs<br />

žinote, iki šiol vis dėlto turizmas yra išvystytas nevienodai Europos Sąjungoje ir tam yra objektyvios ir subjektyvios<br />

priežastys. Norėčiau paklausti. Baltijos jūros strategijoje Baltijos regiono patrauklumas ir prieinamumas yra įvardijamas<br />

kaip vienas iš pagrindinių tikslų. Kas konkrečiai per metus yra pasiekta šitoje srityje ?<br />

2-560<br />

Carlo Fidanza (PPE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, Signor Commissario, voglio ringraziare il collega Balčytis<br />

per questa interrogazione che pone al centro del nostro dibattito argomenti che il Parlamento avrà modo di affrontare anche<br />

nei prossimi mesi con la relazione parlamentare di cui sono responsabile.<br />

Dobbiamo innanzitutto dare atto al Vicepresidente Tajani di aver dato un impulso molto forte alla nuova politica europea<br />

del turismo prevista dalle competenze del trattato di Lisbona, con la comunicazione del giugno scorso e con il relativo<br />

piano di implementazione presentato poche settimane fa. Questi due atti hanno al centro proprio l'attenzione per le piccole<br />

e medie imprese, per la competitività del settore, in particolar modo le tematiche relative all'innovazione e alla formazione.<br />

Sui finanziamenti dobbiamo agire su due linee: innanzitutto rendere conoscibili e maggiormente utilizzati i fondi già<br />

esistenti e in secondo luogo il Parlamento dovrà fare una grande battaglia per avere nelle prospettive – e concludo<br />

Presidente – 2014-2020 delle linee di finanziamento specifiche per le politiche del turismo.<br />

2-561<br />

Silvia-Adriana Ţicău (S&D). – Sunt unele ţări care utilizează, de exemplu, pentru dezvoltarea turismului, Programul<br />

regional pentru competitivitate şi inovare, programul operaţional, cazul Marii Britanii sau cazul Greciei, Programul<br />

operaţional pentru dezvoltare regională. Aş dori să vă întreb dacă aveţi în vedere crearea unui cadru european pentru a<br />

mări participarea IMM-urilor în ceea ce priveşte accesarea fondurilor europene pentru turism.<br />

2-562<br />

Antonio Tajani, Vicepresidente della Commissione. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli deputati, voglio ringraziare l'on.<br />

Balčytis perché mi dà la possibilità di intervenire su un tema che mi sta particolarmente a cuore fra quelli di cui sono<br />

responsabile come Commissario europeo ed essendo il primo Commissario europeo al turismo, lo considero, insieme alla<br />

politica industriale e alla politica dello spazio, una priorità.<br />

Il tema chiave, però, per rispondere poi concretamente, al di là delle iniziative politiche che ho cercato di attuare da<br />

quando sono diventato Commissario, è quello che ha posto l'on. Fidanza nel corso del suo intervento, perché non essendoci<br />

una competenza comunitaria di politica del turismo prima del trattato di Lisbona, nelle attuali prospettive finanziarie non ci<br />

sono i fondi necessari per contribuire con un aiuto comunitario ad una forte azione turistica.<br />

Abbiamo programmi interessanti come Calipso, che in Spagna sono stati valorizzati con iniziative regionali che mi<br />

sembrano molto positive, ma se ho ben capito il messaggio che ha lanciato l'on. Fidanza, nella relazione che verrà<br />

presentata dal Parlamento ci sarà un sostegno perché nelle prossime prospettive finanziarie ci sia un incremento dei fondi<br />

destinati alla politica del turismo. Questo può essere inserito all'interno dell'ottavo programma quadro oppure con linee di<br />

bilancio ad hoc. È però importante che il Parlamento ponga il problema, perché è difficile dare delle risposte concrete se<br />

non ci sono gli strumenti economici.<br />

Detto questo, non significa che noi non ci muoveremo in maniera molto determinata. Come lei sa, le iniziative adottate<br />

sono state tantissime, la Presidenza belga ha organizzato un grande evento a Malta, la Presidenza ungherese ha già<br />

annunciato che organizzerà un grande evento – è stato tema di colloquio in occasione del primo incontro che abbiamo<br />

avuto a Budapest qualche giorno fa – un grande evento dedicato proprio al turismo.

124 18-01-2011<br />

Sono contento anche che l'on. Balčytis abbia posto il problema del turismo nel Baltico: il turismo non è un problema che<br />

riguarda le economie soltanto dei paesi dell'area mediterranea – Spagna, Francia, Italia, Grecia e Malta – è una risorsa<br />

importantissima per tutta l'Unione europea, compresi i paesi dell'<strong>Europa</strong> centrale, dell'<strong>Europa</strong> dell'Est, che hanno delle<br />

bellezze e delle potenzialità da poter sviluppare.<br />

A proposito dei paesi del Baltico, io credo che uno dei temi, che peraltro è affrontato nel testo che è stato approvato il 30<br />

giugno dello scorso anno, sia il rapporto con le nuove classi emergenti, con la nuova borghesia della Federazione russa,<br />

dove ci sono milioni e milioni di cittadini che intendono svolgere attività turistica e quindi vogliono uscire dai confini del<br />

loro paese.<br />

Abbiamo un problema per quanto riguarda i visti. Lo stesso problema esiste con la Cina, credo, ed è volontà della<br />

Commissione europea e dei ministri del Turismo cercare di risolvere questo problema, sia per quanto riguarda questo<br />

potenziale del turismo russo sia questo potenziale del turismo cinese, per accelerare e fare in modo che sia più facile<br />

ricevere nei nostri paesi, e i paesi baltici, essendo più vicini alla Federazione russa, possono beneficiare di una presenza<br />

turistica anche di classe media emergente che può portare benefici alla loro economia.<br />

Questo è pienamente al centro della nostra attività a favore delle politiche turistiche e mi rallegro anche del fatto che molti<br />

ministri dei differenti paesi – ho incontrato qualche settimana fa a Londra il nuovo ministro del Turismo britannico – tra<br />

cui la Gran Bretagna, sono fortemente impegnati per sostenere la politica turistica dell'Unione europea, lo stesso la<br />

Francia.<br />

Sarebbe importante individuare alcune porte di ingresso, perché l'<strong>Europa</strong> deve rappresentare un valore aggiunto. Sono ben<br />

lieto che il Commissario Vassiliou abbia voluto inserire nel testo approvato oggi che riguarda lo sport i grandi eventi<br />

sportivi – penso alle Olimpiadi di Londra prossime venture – come una grande opportunità per tutta l'Unione europea.<br />

Dobbiamo insomma fare in modo che ogni paese dell'Unione possa rappresentare una porta da dove entrano turisti che non<br />

si fermano in quel paese ma, dopo aver visitato quel paese, possano andare a visitare altri paesi europei.<br />

Questa è l'azione aggiuntiva che può fare la Commissione europea e il sostegno del Parlamento è per me determinante. Vi<br />

ringrazio per ciò che potrete fare, anche in occasione del dibattito sulla politica del turismo, ma anche in ogni dibattito che<br />

riguarderà le prossime attività di bilancio.<br />

2-563<br />

Part two<br />

President. − Question 17 by Vilija Blinkeviciute (H-0625/10)<br />

Subject: Programmes and initiatives to modernise higher education<br />

Studies have been carried out in some Member States in order to determine how higher education institutions have adapted to the new labour<br />

market requirements and what prospects graduates have of finding work once they have completed their degree course. The research has shown<br />

– regrettably – that many universities are preparing specialists for a market that is already saturated. College syllabuses do not always allow for<br />

the needs of the labour market, and those who suffer most as a result are, therefore, new graduates. The Commission’s work programme for<br />

2011 refers to the modernisation of higher education and states that proposals might be put forward on the systems to be applied in order to<br />

assess, and bring transparency to, the activities of higher education institutions.<br />

That being the case, what specific programmes and model initiatives will the Commission adopt with a view to modernising higher education in<br />

Europe? Will it draw up a special strategy to modernise higher education so as to ensure that young graduates will be able to find a job as<br />

quickly as possible? How much is it willing to invest in the future in programmes and initiatives of this kind for young people?<br />

2-564<br />

Androulla Vassiliou, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, education is one of the major factors that determines<br />

employability. The risk of being unemployed is 40% lower for higher education graduates than for people with only<br />

secondary education. However, youth unemployment and under-employment are unacceptably high today. Too many<br />

graduates struggle to make the transition to the labour market and secure quality employment that corresponds to their<br />

educational background.<br />

Of course, the efforts to improve employability begin well before higher education. The Commission works with Member<br />

States to identify the skills or key competences that young people need to learn at school. Today, young people need a<br />

wider range of skills than ever before in order to flourish in a globalised economy. Many will work in jobs that do not yet<br />

exist. Many will need advanced linguistic, intercultural and entrepreneurial skills. Technology will continue to change the<br />

world in ways we cannot imagine, so the ability to continue to learn and to innovate will become crucial factors for<br />


18-01-2011 125<br />

Guidance is also critical. Young people are confronted with an increased number of educational choices. They need to be<br />

able to take informed decisions. This requires better information about education and training paths, including a clear<br />

picture of job opportunities. We need to develop quality career guidance services and vocational orientation with the<br />

strong involvement of labour market institutions.<br />

Turning to higher education, the Commission recently launched, as you know, Youth on the Move – a Europe 2020<br />

flagship initiative which sets out to make education and training more relevant to young people’s needs. We are now<br />

starting to implement the various parts of this strategy. Later this year, the Commission plans to present a new<br />

Communication on the modernisation of higher education. We will take stock of progress in making higher education<br />

more relevant to the needs of the knowledge-based society, including the question of employability. We will identify the<br />

key challenges for the future and set out our response.<br />

As part of these efforts, the Commission will reinforce the European platform for dialogue between universities and<br />

business, with a view to increasing the employability of students and to developing the role of education in the knowledge<br />

triangle. In a more global and mobile world, transparency regarding the performance of higher education institutions can<br />

stimulate both competition and cooperation, and be an incentive for further improvements and modernisation. However,<br />

existing international rankings can give an incomplete picture of the performance of universities. This year, the<br />

Commission will present the results of a feasibility study to develop an alternative multi-dimensional ranking system<br />

which reflects the diversity of higher education institutions.<br />

Europe needs to be better at anticipating the skill needs of tomorrow. This is why the Commission has launched the<br />

Agenda for New Skills and Jobs, which goes hand in hand with our Youth on the Move initiative. The Agenda for New<br />

Skills and Jobs looks at how to help our young people to become more employable. Above all, we need to give people the<br />

right mix of skills so that they can adapt to our fast-changing society. Our new EU Skills Panorama, which will be<br />

operational in 2012, will help to forecast not only the skills that employers need today, but also those required in the<br />

future.<br />

In the spring of this year, the Commission intends to propose new European benchmarks on learning mobility and on the<br />

role of education in preparing people to be employable in the knowledge-based labour market.<br />

Finally, EU programmes to support education, training and youth, including mobility programmes such as Erasmus, can<br />

help young people to improve their chances in the labour market by gaining valuable international experience and by<br />

developing their intellectual understanding.<br />

2-565<br />

Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D). – Ačiū, Komisare, už jūsų išties išsamų atsakymą, tačiau noriu dar užduoti papildomą<br />

klausimą. Europos Sąjunga turi garantuoti visiems piliečiams teisę į kokybišką aukštąjį mokslą. Tačiau valstybėse narėse<br />

yra nemaži skirtumai tarp aukštojo mokslo sistemų, jo kainų bei tarp paskolų teikimo studijoms apmokėti. Didelės paskolų<br />

palūkanos siekiant apmokėti už studijas ir nepalankios paskolų grąžinimo sąlygos neretai sulaiko jauną žmogų nuo aukšto<br />

mokslo siekimo savo šalyje bei skatina proto nutekėjimą į kitas šalis. Ar Europos Komisija planuoja išleisti<br />

rekomendacines gaires dėl priimtiniausių sąlygų studijų paskolų teikimui?<br />

2-566<br />

Janusz Władysław Zemke (S&D). – Panie Przewodniczący! Chciałbym poruszyć tylko jedną kwestię, chociaż można by<br />

tu mówić o wielu różnych sprawach. Chciałem się pani komisarz spytać, czy trwają prace nad tym, żeby zwiększyć środki<br />

na programy wymiany młodych ludzi w Europie? Mam takie wrażenie, że od co najmniej kilku lat pula środków, jakie<br />

mamy na Erasmusa czy na inne programy, jest taka sama. Te stypendia są dzisiaj rzeczywiście bardzo niskie.<br />

2-567<br />

Γεώργιος Παπανικολάου (PPE). – Κυρία Επίτροπε, είναι αλήθεια πως το συγκεκριμένο ζήτημα εμπίπτει σε θέματα<br />

επικουρικότητας. Ωστόσο, τα κράτη μέλη χρηματοδοτούνται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση με πόρους για τον<br />

εκσυγχρονισμό των προγραμμάτων σπουδών των κρατών μελών. Για παράδειγμα, θυμίζω ότι στο προηγούμενο, στο 3ο<br />

Κοινοτικό Πλαίσιο Στήριξης πολλά κράτη μέλη απορρόφησαν κοινοτικούς πόρους για αυτό το σκοπό. Και το ερώτημα<br />

είναι συγκεκριμένο: διαθέτει η Επιτροπή στοιχεία για την αποτελεσματικότητα αυτών των πόρων που δόθηκαν αλλά και<br />

θα δοθούν στα κράτη μέλη;<br />

2-568<br />

Androulla Vassiliou, Member of the Commission. − First of all, on the question of the disparities between higher<br />

education institutes: exactly! That is why we want to have transparency in the records of universities. That is why we are<br />

now completing the feasibility study on the basis of which we shall dare to look into the ranking of universities, the<br />

mapping of universities and the standards of universities in order to give students more informed choices. The aim is for<br />

them to know exactly where to study, what to study and what is the standard of the university that they want to enter.<br />

Regarding fees, I think I agree with you that high fees need fair loans, but as I am sure you know this is the responsibility<br />

of the Member States. We know that one thing that economists agree on is that investment in education is something

126 18-01-2011<br />

which will produce long-term results, growth and jobs, so I always urge governments not to cut university investment or<br />

education investment in general.<br />

Moreover, I agree with the honourable Member who raised the question of the insufficiency of mobility grants like<br />

Erasmus. That is why we are again completing a feasibility study – a study by the London School of Economics, which I<br />

hope will be ready in a couple of months – on the basis of which we shall explore, with the European Investment Bank, the<br />

possibility of creating a European student loan for mobility. This, I am sure, will give all students, whether they are poor or<br />

rich, the possibility of taking advantage of these excellent mobility grants.<br />

With regard to Mr Papanikolaou’s question, he is talking about the structural development funds on the basis of which<br />

governments can build their education infrastructure. Unfortunately the Structural Funds are not my responsibility, but I<br />

will find out from Commissioner Hahn whether there are any reports by Member States as to the outcome of these grants<br />

and if so, I will certainly let you know.<br />

2-569<br />

President. − Question 18 by Radvile Morkunaite-Mikuleniene (H-000009/11)<br />

Subject: Performance of pupils in EU Member States<br />

On the whole, the recently published results of the international survey of the performance of 15-year-old school pupils (PISA Survey 2009)<br />

show that the EU’s competitiveness is seriously threatened, because in the field of reading competence (Levels 5-6) only two EU countries are<br />

ranked in the top 10. In the field of mathematics, only three EU countries figure in the top 10, and none are in the top five. In 2020 both these<br />

young people and their younger fellow pupils will either be active on the labour market or be in the process of entering it, and it is therefore<br />

necessary to take immediate effective measures in the Member States if we wish to significantly improve the quality of pupils' education.<br />

Will the Commission make a thorough assessment of the above survey and submit specific recommendations to the Member States for<br />

procedures of proven effectiveness? Are there plans for compiling a programme to disseminate such tried and tested procedures or to establish a<br />

forum to debate the challenges which need to be faced? Should discussions be held with the Member States to determine what measures need to<br />

be taken in order to improve their results?<br />

2-570<br />

Androulla Vassiliou, Member of the Commission. − As you are aware, it is for each Member State to decide how to<br />

organise its educational system. This is in accordance with Article 165 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European<br />

Union. Nevertheless, the Commission works with Member States to foster mutual learning and exchanges of good<br />

practice.<br />

As we stated in the Europe 2020 strategy, it is vital for Europe’s future as a knowledge-based and inclusive society that<br />

education systems are reformed and modernised to match the best in the world. The OECD’s PISA survey is an important<br />

resource for these exchanges. The latest PISA survey, published in December 2010, shows a mixed picture for EU<br />

Member States. There are signs of considerable improvement in some systems but, overall, there is much progress still to<br />

be made. These results will provide an important input to future exchanges between the Commission and the Member<br />

States.<br />

The European benchmark, adopted by the Council in May 2009, aims at an adequate level of basic skills in reading,<br />

mathematics and science by calling for the share of low-achievers aged 15 to be reduced to below 15% by the year 2020.<br />

Now I would like to read something from the PISA report, which is very relevant. The share of low-achieving pupils in<br />

reading, which had increased from 21% in 2000 to 24% in 2006, improved to 20% in 2009. Nevertheless, the OECD 2010<br />

benchmark of reducing the 2000 share by 20% to reach 17% was not reached.<br />

The share of low-achieving pupils in maths and science has been declining since 2006. There was more progress in science<br />

than in maths and the share of low-achievers is today lower in science than in maths.<br />

If 2006 is used as a strong starting point, the EU is well on track as regards progress towards the 2020 low-achiever<br />

benchmark. On average, over the three disciplines in the 25 EU countries for which data is available, 22.5% were lowachievers<br />

in 2006 and by 2009 their share had declined to 19.6%. So we see that, on average, in the European Union we<br />

have made progress.<br />

The Commission will, of course, analyse the PISA results and publish its conclusions in its next annual progress report on<br />

benchmarks in 2011. In November 2010 the Council invited the Commission and Member States to focus their joint work<br />

on the following areas: curriculum design, motivation for reading, literacy, maths, science and technology, the impact of<br />

new technologies on basic skills and their use in helping learners to acquire autonomy and maintain motivation, gender<br />

differences in performance and attitudes, the link between pupils’ background and their mastery of basic skills and, finally,<br />

issues around teachers and teacher trainers as well as around schools’ ethos and characteristics.

18-01-2011 127<br />

In its conclusion the Council also invited the Commission to establish a high-level group on literacy and a thematic<br />

working group on maths, science and technology.<br />

I intend to launch the high-level group on literacy on 1 February. It will suggest policy measures based on best practices<br />

and research, which will help Member States to improve the consistency and effectiveness of the provision of basic skills<br />

within their lifelong learning strategies and the group will conclude its work and publish its report in mid-2012.<br />

Moreover, the thematic working group on maths, science and technology has already been established. It comprises<br />

national policymakers and experts on the basis of mutual learning and the exchange of good practices. The thematic<br />

working group will identify and disseminate policy measures to improve the situation of low-achievers in basic skills at<br />

national level.<br />

I should also underline that the Comenius actions of the lifelong learning programme focuses among other priorities on<br />

increasing motivation in science and mathematics and on improving literacy skills.<br />

2-571<br />

Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė (PPE). – Aš norėčiau paklausti, galbūt yra padarytas tyrimas kai kuriose šalyse, kurios<br />

galbūt nerodo gerų rezultatų būtent moksleivių tarpe, jų pasiekimuose, nuo ko tai priklauso? Ar tai yra finansiniai dalykai,<br />

ar tai yra struktūriniai dalykai? Ką jūs galvojate apie pradinį mokymą? Tyrimas buvo darytas su vyresnių klasių<br />

moksleiviais, o kalbant apie dar jaunesnius žmones, kurie ketina tęsti toliau mokslus?<br />

2-572<br />

Androulla Vassiliou, Member of the Commission. − I can provide you with all the detailed data that we have on various<br />

Member States. We have not analysed it, it is not our job to see why certain Member States did worse than others, but<br />

during our work we exchanged good practices. I am very pleased to say that some countries that have followed good<br />

practices have shown very good progress since 2006 in most of these indicators.<br />

Regarding elementary school, unfortunately we do not have studies similar to the PISA one. No such study exists.<br />

2-573<br />

President. − Question 19 by Georgios Papanikolaou (H-0623/10)<br />

Subject: Fragmented digital markets and consequences for the educational system and investments in geographically isolated regions<br />

According to the Commission Communication on a Digital Agenda for Europe, Europe is still a patchwork of national online markets, and<br />

Europeans are prevented from enjoying the benefits of a digital single market by solvable problems such as the lack of investment in networks.<br />

As a result, the education provided in many remote – in particular mountainous and island – regions lags behind technologically and investments<br />

in specific geographical locations are also affected. Will the Commission say:<br />

Since ICT accounts for 5% of European GDP, having a market value of € 660 billion annually, while making a much greater contribution to<br />

increasing total productivity (20% directly from the ICT sector and 30% from ICT investments), how does it intend to address the fragmentation<br />

of digital markets?<br />

Are any targeted Community actions being developed to address the problem of low national investments in networks, especially for<br />

geographically isolated regions?<br />

2-574<br />

Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the Commission. − The Commission’s communication on Europe 2020 and its<br />

communication on the digital agenda for Europe set the objective of bringing basic broadband to all Europeans by 2013<br />

and seek to ensure that by 2020 all Europeans have access to much higher internet speeds of above 30 megabytes per<br />

second and that 50% or more of European households have subscribed to internet connection above 100 megabytes per<br />

second.<br />

Mr President, the Commission is aware that without strong public intervention there is a risk of sub-optimal roll-out with<br />

fast proven networks concentrated in high-density zones and with remote and rural areas lagging behind. That would also<br />

have negative consequences on educational systems and integration of information and communication technology in<br />

education. The latest EU-wide data shows that only 67% of schools have broadband access and that there were large<br />

disparities between Member States and between densely and thinly populated areas, 73.7% and 60.6% respectively.<br />

To avoid the risk of a sub-optimal roll-out, the Commission has adopted a broadband package outlining a common<br />

framework within both national and regional policies, which should be developed to meet the targets. Those policies<br />

should, in particular, lower the cost of broadband deployment in the entire EU territory by ensuring proper planning and<br />

coordination and reducing administrative burdens.

128 18-01-2011<br />

The Commission has already acted to increase investment in remote areas and regions within the framework of the EU<br />

Cohesion Policy with the programming of about EUR 2.3 billion in the period 2007-2013. The Commission’s<br />

communication on a European economic recovery plan also enabled the programming of EUR 360 million in broadband<br />

measures for rural areas through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. In its programme package the<br />

Commission announced that it will reinforce and rationalise the funding of high-speed broadband through EU instruments<br />

by 2014 and explore how to attract capital for broadband investment through credit enhancement backed by the European<br />

Investment Bank and the EU funds. An EC-EIB proposal on the issue is expected in 2011.<br />

Another pillar from the digital agenda is dedicated to digital skills. Here we propose for instance to consider digital literacy<br />

and competences as a priority for the European Social Fund regulation in the next programming period and to identify<br />

digital competences as a supplement to <strong>Europa</strong>ss to ensure their transparency. Education, as you are aware, is crucial to the<br />

development of digital competences in our society and we agree that without appropriate investment some regions may lag<br />

behind.<br />

The latest EU-wide data – I am talking about 2006 – shows that only 67% of schools had broadband access and that there<br />

were large disparities between EU Member States and between densely and thinly populated areas. We are about to launch<br />

a new survey on schools and the results will be available at the end of this year.<br />

2-575<br />

Γεώργιος Παπανικολάου (PPE). – Κυρία Επίτροπε, σας ευχαριστώ για την πολύ διεξοδική απάντησή σας. Θα ήθελα<br />

συμπληρώνοντας να προσθέσω το εξής: αναφέρεται στη στρατηγική «Ευρώπη 2020» ότι στόχος μας είναι μία ψηφιακή<br />

ενιαία αγορά για τα νοικοκυριά και τις επιχειρήσεις, πράγμα το οποίο σημαίνει ίσες ευκαιρίες για πρόσβαση, ίσες<br />

ευκαιρίες όμως και για ανάπτυξη.<br />

Εσείς η ίδια, κατά καιρούς, σε ακροάσεις στις αρμόδιες επιτροπές, όπως στην Επιτροπή Πολιτισμού και Παιδείας, έχετε<br />

αναφέρει ότι για τα επόμενα πέντε χρόνια περίπου 500.000 νέες θέσεις εργασίας θα χρειασθούν στους τομείς αυτούς. Και<br />

ερωτώ συγκεκριμένα: λαμβάνουμε όλα εκείνα τα μέτρα που απαιτούνται ώστε η δημιουργία αυτών των θέσεων εργασίας<br />

να κατανεμηθεί δίκαια χωρίς να αποκλείει τις γεωγραφικά απομονωμένες περιοχές;<br />

2-576<br />

Neelie Kroes, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, the answer is yes.<br />

2-577<br />

President. − That was very good. Thank you very much indeed!<br />

2-578<br />

Question 20 by Liam Aylward (H-0648/10)<br />

Subject: 116 000 Missing children hotline<br />

The Commission has recently made a final call to EU Member States to activate the European missing children hotline 116 000 as soon as<br />

possible. This telephone number would provide the necessary aid, assistance and support for children in their time of need.<br />

At the moment, the 116 000 hotline is fully operational only in 12 Member States. Does the Commission consider that the fact that the service is<br />

not operating in a full and proper manner throughout the EU could put children at risk? Will people be informed if this service is not available in<br />

their country or in the country they are visiting? Must every Member State implement this service correctly and in its entirety? Is it not true that<br />

the failure to provide an adequate service throughout all Member States as regards this number may put children at risk?<br />

2-579<br />

Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the Commission. − Mr President, the Commission shares the Honourable Member’s view<br />

that the implementation of the 116 000 hotline for missing children requires further efforts in many Member States. In that<br />

respect, the revised telecom rules – and, in particular, I refer to Article 27a of the Universal Service Directive – require<br />

Member States to make every effort to ensure that citizens have access to the service operating a hotline to report cases of<br />

missing children. In that respect the Commission is carefully monitoring and assisting Member States in the transposition<br />

of that new provision into national law, which has to be completed by 25 May 2011.<br />

On 17 November last year the Commission adopted the Communication entitled ‘Dial 116 000: The European hotline for<br />

missing children’. The objectives of the Communication are to renew the Commission’s call on the Member States to<br />

implement the missing children hotline as a matter of priority and to ensure that the same high quality of service is offered<br />

throughout the Union to provide practical support to the Member States.<br />

The Communication highlights existing best practice developed by the Member States to address the main problems linked<br />

to the operating cost and telecom cost of the 116 000 hotline. The Commission proposes using this best practice to work<br />

out a set of common minimum standards that would guarantee a high-quality service throughout the EU so that parents and

18-01-2011 129<br />

children can count on the same assistance no matter where they are. This extensive work goes beyond electronic<br />

communications issues for which I am responsible and is coordinated by my colleague, Mrs Reding.<br />

2-580<br />

Liam Aylward (ALDE). – Commissioner, in the past you have identified cost and lack of information as barriers to the<br />

implementation of this hotline in some Member States. What measures do you intend to put in place to address these<br />

barriers and, furthermore, do you foresee this service being fully implemented across all Member States? Finally, what<br />

options are available to Member States that have problems financing this hotline to ensure it becomes operational<br />

throughout the European Union?<br />

2-581<br />

Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the Commission. − Of course we are trying to do our utmost. The line taken by the<br />

honourable Member makes sense. I was indeed, earlier on, taking the line that cost is one of the issues. The hotline itself is<br />

the least part of the problem. The problem is to follow up. The issue that we should focus on is not just the hotline itself,<br />

but the follow-up.<br />

We are carefully monitoring and assisting the Member States as regards implementation, and we are aware that it is up to<br />

them to take the initiative as regards national law. We are also aware that, in the current financial crisis, it is even more<br />

difficult for Member States to find possibilities of financing the follow-up.<br />

Some of those organisations have been the beneficiaries of EU funding for certain projects. The EU funding available is<br />

not intended to cover the full running costs of the services’ operations, but aims just to help develop the 116 000 services<br />

by means of concrete projects.<br />

Of course we need to be creative. Those who are involved in such projects, and national governments, should also be<br />

creative in drawing on budgetary resources, corporate social responsibility and private donations to find the means, at the<br />

end of day, of doing what we should all like to be done.<br />

2-582<br />

Question 22 by Bernd Posselt (H-0619/10)<br />

Subject: Mainline railway through the Alps<br />

How does the Commission view the current situation with regard to the construction of the Brenner base tunnel and the necessary approaches on<br />

either side, as well as the extension of the Munich-Mühldorf-Freilassing-Salzburg railway?<br />

2-583<br />

Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the Commission. − Mr President, the question of traffic across the Alps is an extremely<br />

serious one, but the situation does not look too bad at this stage. Despite a difficult financial context, advances are being<br />

made on the Brenner Base Tunnel and its northern and southern access routes. This project is of the highest priority, and<br />

the Commission decided to allocate to it a budget of almost EUR 1 billion.<br />

First, on the Brenner Base Tunnel itself, the meeting of the Austrian-Italian Intergovernmental Commission on<br />

19 November 2010, in the presence of EU coordinator Pat Cox, led to decisive progress. Austria and Italy confirmed an<br />

agreement on the total cost of the Brenner Base Tunnel project at EUR 8 billion. Austria approved an optimised working<br />

plan which will allow preparatory works on the main tunnel to start by 2011. The Italian Government authorised the<br />

launch of the works with a commitment that guarantees coverage of the costs over the entire construction period.<br />

Secondly, good progress can be reported on access route approaches on either side. Italy has authorised the launch of<br />

works on the southern access route, starting with the first section, Fortezza-Ponte Gardena. Good progress has also been<br />

made by Austria on the northern access route. Austria has a section in the Lower Inn Valley which will be completed by<br />

2013 or even sooner.<br />

Finally, regarding the cross-border connections between Austria and Germany, the initial goal for completing the works by<br />

2012 at the latest will not be achieved. On the German side, works will not start before 2012 and will take an estimated<br />

three years. However, in November 2010 Germany published its national investment assessment, which includes provision<br />

for positive development on the northern access route between Munich and the Austrian border. The one-track section will<br />

be upgraded and the whole section will be electrified. The next step will be a memorandum of understanding between<br />

Germany and Austria on this section and the infrastructure management planning process will have to start.<br />

2-584<br />

Bernd Posselt (PPE). – Danke für die gute Antwort, Herr Kommissar! Aber der zweite Teil der Frage ist noch nicht<br />

beantwortet, in dem ich auf München–Mühldorf–Freilassing eingegangen bin, was Teil der Magistrale von Paris nach

130 18-01-2011<br />

Budapest und besonders wegen des bayerischen Chemiedreieicks und auch wegen der Entlastung der Zulaufstrecke zum<br />

Brenner wichtig ist.<br />

Denn wenn der Brennerbasistunnel kommt, wird die Rosenheimer Strecke überlastet sein, und dann wird es wichtig sein,<br />

München–Mühldorf–Freilassing–Salzburg auszubauen, was ja ein absolut prioritäres Projekt auch der Kommission ist. Ich<br />

frage Sie, ob Sie es für möglich halten, dass in der nächsten Finanziellen Vorausschau zusätzliche Mittel hierfür zur<br />

Verfügung gestellt werden können, weil es ja grenzüberschreitend ist.<br />

2-585<br />

Νικόλαος Χουντής (GUE/NGL). – Κύριε Επίτροπε, ωραία αυτά που γίνονται στις Άλπεις. Αλλά στην Ελλάδα, λόγω του<br />

Μνημονίου, η Ελληνική Κυβέρνηση προχωράει σε περικοπές και διακοπές δρομολογίων, που απομονώνουν την Ελλάδα<br />

από το ευρωπαϊκό και το βαλκανικό σιδηροδρομικό δίκτυο, επικαλούμενη, μαζί με την Επιτροπή, ότι ο Οργανισμός<br />

Σιδηροδρόμων της Ελλάδας έχει μεγάλο χρέος.<br />

Σας ερωτώ λοιπόν: πώς κρίνετε αυτές τις εξελίξεις, δηλαδή τις περικοπές των σιδηροδρομικών δρομολογίων; Και<br />

δεύτερον, στο χρέος του Οργανισμού Σιδηροδρόμων της Ελλάδας υπολογίζονται και τα χρήματα για τη<br />

συγχρηματοδότηση των έργων υποδομής μαζί με την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση;<br />

2-586<br />

Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the Commission. − About Greece, I am not able to answer because I do not know the<br />

details. I have not received any information about these troubles.<br />

About the Munich-Mühldorf-Freilassing-Salzburg priority project number 17, it is ongoing. The initial work started in<br />

2007. Some of the work is finished. On 19 April 2010 the work on the new double-track bridge crossing of the river in<br />

Mühldorf started and will be finished. It is fully funded by the German recovery plan. It costs EUR 11.7 million, so it is<br />

developing and we do not consider this as a major trouble at this moment.<br />

2-587<br />

President. − Question 23 by Jim Higgins (H-0621/10)<br />

Subject: Texting while driving - road safety<br />

A driver is 23 times more likely to be in an accident if texting. Texting while driving is deemed to be responsible for thousands of road deaths<br />

annually, while the number of personal injuries rise at an alarming rate year on year.<br />

While the Commission recognises the need to increase road safety and ensure proper enforcement of road safety rules, no EU-wide legislation<br />

exists which bans the practice of texting, emailing and web browsing while driving a motorised vehicle above a pre-agreed speed limit.<br />

Given that the technology already exists to prevent the practice of texting, emailing and web browsing while driving, does the Commission<br />

intend to introduce EU-wide legislation in order to eliminate the extremely dangerous practice of texting, emailing and web browsing while<br />

driving?<br />

2-588<br />

Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the Commission. − The Commission shares the view of the honourable Member that<br />

texting while driving, like all extraneous activities, is extremely dangerous. In 2009 the Commission issued a report on the<br />

use of mobile phones when driving. This report is published on the <strong>Europa</strong> road safety website. However, we have no<br />

statistics on the number of accidents caused by this practice.<br />

All Member States have legislation which, at least implicitly, prohibits texting, e-mailing and web browsing while driving.<br />

While not specifically referring to the use of mobile phones, legal provisions in domestic legislation state that drivers must<br />

be fully concentrated on driving. Against this background the Commission does not intend to introduce an additional layer<br />

of EU-wide legislation in order to ban the practices of texting, e-mailing and web browsing while driving a motorised<br />

vehicle. We hope that Member States will deal with this issue adequately.<br />

2-589<br />

Jim Higgins (PPE). – A Uachtaráin, tá díomá orm faoin bhfreagra a fuair mé ón gCoimisinéir Kallas. Tá sé thar a bheith<br />

tábhachtach go mbeadh comhoibriú idir na Ballstáit éagsúla. Caithfimid chuile rud a dhéanamh chun na báis ar na bóithre<br />

agus díobháil thromchúiseach a laghdú. Ceann de na rudaí nua-aimseartha atá ag tarlú ar bhóithre Eorpacha is ea daoine a<br />

bheith ag seoladh téacsanna agus iad ag tiomáint. Tá rialacha difriúla idir na Ballstáit go léir. Caithfimid níos mó<br />

comhoibrithe a bheith againn; tá díomá orm nach bhfuil an Coimisinéir in ann níos mó geallúintí a thabhairt dúinn faoi sin.<br />

2-590<br />

Seán Kelly (PPE). – I would like to compliment my colleague, Mr Higgins, on raising this very important issue. I, too,<br />

share his concern at the lack of enthusiasm shown by the Commissioner to ensure that best practice is observed throughout<br />

the European Union. I would ask him why the Commission would not at least try and encourage Member States to have

18-01-2011 131<br />

the same rules and regulations right across the European Union, and ensure that they are enforced in the interests of safety<br />

and the preservation of life?<br />

2-591<br />

Inés Ayala Sender (S&D). – Señor Presidente, mi intervención es solamente para informar a sus Señorías de que soy<br />

ponente del dosier sobre las sanciones transfronterizas, donde se ha dado facilidad al Consejo para poder abrir la lista de<br />

infracciones –lo que era, incluso, una propuesta inicial de la Comisión– y donde ha aparecido precisamente el problema<br />

del uso de los teléfonos móviles. Pero, por desgracia, en el cambio de la base legal que nos ha facilitado el acuerdo del<br />

Consejo, no participan ni el Reino Unido ni Irlanda, que tienen un opting out. Ese es uno de los problemas que tenemos y,<br />

que tal vez, desde el Parlamento, podríamos mejorar. Espero que, en el debate con el Consejo, estos países –el Reino<br />

Unido parece ser que está intentando ya un opting in– expresen su interés, aunque no sabemos nada.<br />

2-592<br />

Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the Commission. − A broad safety action plan and implementation of that action plan have<br />

been extremely high priorities for the Commission, and there really has been tremendous progress: we have substantially<br />

reduced the number of accidents in Europe. I can tell you that, in my own country, the annual death toll at the beginning of<br />

the 1990s was 400, whereas last year it was 78 – and that is, of course, with a tenfold increase in the number of vehicles on<br />

the roads. It is a substantial change.<br />

This is important, and thank you very much Ms Ayala Sender for reminding us about the cross-border enforcement of<br />

traffic violations, which is an extremely important step towards improving road safety. That decision was adopted by the<br />

Council in December and we will now implement it.<br />

I do not believe that increasing the number of legislative acts at European level is a panacea: that whatever problem we<br />

have, we must have European legislation.<br />

However, while everybody criticises the fact that we have too much EU legislation, in my view this is an issue about<br />

which Member States are as worried as the European public in general, and if cross-border enforcement of traffic<br />

violations can create a European space for road safety, that is very important.<br />

2-593<br />

President. − Questions which have not been answered for lack of time will receive written answers (see Annex).<br />

That concludes Question Time.<br />

(The sitting was suspended at 20.15 and resumed at 21.00)<br />

2-594<br />


Vicepresidente<br />

2-595<br />

16 - Situazione a Haiti un anno dopo il terremoto: aiuto umanitario e ricostruzione (discussione)<br />

2-596<br />

Presidente. − Prima di iniziare i lavori dell'ordine del giorno, devo comunicare che, purtroppo, un militare italiano è stato<br />

ucciso e un altro è rimasto gravemente ferito in uno scontro a fuoco avvenuto oggi in Afghanistan. Alla famiglia della<br />

vittima, Luca Sanna, vanno le nostre condoglianze.<br />

L'ordine del giorno reca la dichiarazione della Commissione sulla situazione a Haiti un anno dopo il terremoto: aiuto<br />

umanitario e ricostruzione.<br />

2-597<br />

Kristalina Georgieva, Member of the Commission. − Madam President, may I also join you in expressing sympathy to<br />

those affected and their families.<br />

A year ago, we witnessed in Haiti one of the worst natural catastrophes in recent history but this also triggered one of the<br />

best displays of solidarity, with people whose resilience in the face of disaster and disorder is a lesson of courage to us all.<br />

One year after the disaster, we would like to pay tribute to those who died, but also to those who have survived. We<br />

promised them our help, and we stand by our promises.<br />

The EU is a critical part of the global solidarity effort for Haiti. We have mobilised all the means available to provide both<br />

humanitarian assistance and, as Commissioner Piebalgs will outline later, development aid to rebuild the country.<br />

After the earthquake, the EU pledged more than EUR 320 million in pure humanitarian aid, of which the Commission<br />

provided EUR 130 million for last year, 2010.

132 18-01-2011<br />

These funds allowed us to touch the lives of more than four million Haitians through food assistance, sanitation and<br />

shelter. Close to 1.5 million people have been provided with a place to stay: a basis from which to re-start their life. Our<br />

assistance targeted not only Port-au-Prince but also other affected cities – Léogâne and Jacmel – and we followed, with<br />

aid, the 500 000 Haitians who left Port-au-Prince to live with relatives in rural areas, bringing food, water and medical<br />

care, clearing the roads and supporting cash-for-work programmes.<br />

Our current humanitarian assistance is focusing on cholera, using EUR 22 million to cover the most essential needs in<br />

terms of healthcare, access to proper water supplies and sanitation, information campaigns, epidemiological surveillance<br />

and logistics. We have funded treatment for 158 000 people so far but, more significantly, we have provided clean water<br />

for half a million and access to safer sanitation for 900 000 people, we have raised awareness among one million Haitians<br />

about what cholera is, how to avoid getting sick and how to treat cholera, and we have distributed 1.3 million soaps and<br />

chlorine tablets to affected communities.<br />

We had hoped that one year after the earthquake the situation would be better, but it is not. For this reason we are<br />

budgeting for this year, 2011, EUR 33 million. We stand ready to provide more if more help is necessary.<br />

For 2011, our priorities will be housing, sanitation and healthcare. We will continue to tackle poor sanitation because it is<br />

obviously a risk in terms of cholera spreading and affecting communities. We will also continue to assist with healthcare,<br />

but the healthcare system of Haiti is a shambles. It is not there to help people.<br />

In this process we have relied on humanitarian aid workers and I want to express my gratitude to those who have been<br />

risking their lives to help the Haitian people.<br />

We are also supporting Commissioner Piebalgs in linking relief to rehabilitation and development. For instance, some of<br />

the 9 th EDF ‘B’ envelope funds will be allocated for housing programmes in close coordination with our humanitarian<br />

support. I want to stress here that we have been looking at the situation in Haiti comprehensively with a view not only to<br />

helping people in immediate need but also to building the foundation for longer-term recovery.<br />

2-598<br />

Andris Piebalgs, Member of the Commission. − Madam President, we are also delivering on the reconstruction front. The<br />

EU as a whole – that is the Union and the Member States – has already committed EUR 600 million out of its<br />

EUR 1.2 billion pledge in New York, and has already disbursed EUR 330 million.<br />

As part of the overall EU commitment, the Union’s pledge was initially announced at EUR 460 million, and we consider it<br />

necessary to increase that to EUR 522 million. Out of this pledge we have already committed EUR 327 million. Ongoing<br />

programmes were adjusted, by extending their duration and/or by increasing the financial envelopes, to respond better to<br />

revised priorities. New programmes were put in place to address additional needs.<br />

Disbursements strictly linked to the pledge amounted to EUR 74 million in 2010. I believe that, given the situation in<br />

Haiti, this is quite a good result. One has to realise that the situation there, which was already very difficult before the<br />

earthquake, became immensely challenging in its aftermath and even more complicated later – due to Hurricane Tomas,<br />

the cholera epidemic and political instability. Aid workers and technical experts were often working in quite difficult<br />

conditions.<br />

Other factors which we need to bear in mind include, firstly, the fact that medium-term to long-term reconstruction<br />

assistance is implemented over three to five years and disbursements are spread over the programme’s duration: 2010 was<br />

mainly dedicated to committing funds and launching project preparations, including all necessary technical studies and<br />

tenders. More concrete activities will be starting in 2011 and we believe that disbursements against the pledge will double<br />

to EUR 150 million during this year.<br />

EU development aid so far has focused, first of all, on providing necessary functions for the Government to help deliver<br />

the basic services of the state, such as the running of the education system, the healthcare system and the police, and the<br />

ability to provide staff in the public sector. The second priority has been immediate reinforcement and reconstruction of<br />

strategic infrastructure and roads; and the third priority has been strengthening Haitian disaster preparedness and civil<br />

protection mechanisms and structures.<br />

We have set ourselves the goal of rebuilding a stronger Haiti, following the earthquake, on more solid foundations. It is<br />

very clear that we need a strong Haitian Government and we need to focus on priorities. So we very much follow the<br />

priorities identified for us by the Haitian Government. They would really like to strengthen governance – with a particular<br />

focus that includes budget support, and taking into account the limited level of government revenue – and to invest<br />

substantially in infrastructure, particularly in roads.

18-01-2011 133<br />

Where can we learn lessons in order to improve the situation? Well, we could coordinate the aid better and strengthen<br />

cooperation between the Commission and the Member States. We are now finalising the joint programme in a process that<br />

involves the EU Member States.<br />

We also have good experience of working with all our partners in the Interim Haiti Reconstruction Commission and this<br />

definitely helps to speed up the process. I believe, however, that we must pursue our strong wish to achieve stability in<br />

terms of both aid and the democratic functioning of Haiti, because that is clearly a precondition if the efforts of the EU and<br />

the entire international community are to be successful.<br />

Honourable Members, we are trying to do our best, but it is clear that we can work better. We have learned from our<br />

experiences: the EU is definitely living up to its pledge and to our commitment. So I believe that, while the situation as<br />

sometimes portrayed in the media is quite accurate from one perspective, we are advancing. I believe that in 2011 we will<br />

see significant changes on the ground – provided that political stability is established in Haiti, because instability is<br />

definitely hampering our efforts – and we will focus those efforts on rebuilding Haiti.<br />

2-599<br />

Michèle Striffler, au nom du groupe PPE. – Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire, Monsieur le Commissaire,<br />

un an après le tremblement de terre, Haïti est toujours en situation d'urgence et la reconstruction peine à démarrer, ce qui<br />

est imputable aux carences structurelles de l'État haïtien, à l'absence de volonté politique et de décision des autorités<br />

haïtiennes et au manque d'accompagnement de la communauté internationale. Sans décision majeure provenant des<br />

autorités haïtiennes, notamment d'expropriation, les millions de gravats qui bloquent les efforts de reconstruction ne seront<br />

pas déblayés.<br />

Je tiens à saluer les efforts déployés et le travail réalisé par les organisations humanitaires. Des progrès sont accomplis et<br />

des millions de vie sont sauvées.<br />

Cependant, les acteurs humanitaires ne peuvent pas continuer à pallier les faiblesses de l'État haïtien. Ainsi, l'Union<br />

européenne doit faire tout ce qui est en son pouvoir pour soutenir fortement un processus électoral légitime et transparent<br />

afin de garantir la stabilité et la volonté politique que réclame la reconstruction. Elle doit impérativement accompagner les<br />

futures autorités haïtiennes dans l'organisation de leurs institutions vers un nouvel équilibre à tous les niveaux, vers une<br />

démocratie pleinement opérationnelle tout au long du processus de reconstruction.<br />

De plus, il est essentiel que la Commission européenne, en tant que membre de la commission intérimaire pour la<br />

reconstruction d'Haïti, et au regard de sa contribution financière, intervienne pour accélérer la mise en œuvre du mandat de<br />

cette dernière et pour pourvoir à son fonctionnement.<br />

Suite au séisme, la communauté internationale avait décidé de reconstruire Haïti autrement, sans commettre les erreurs du<br />

passé. Il est temps de s'attaquer, une fois pour toutes, aux causes profondes de la pauvreté en Haïti.<br />

2-600<br />

Corina Creţu, în numele grupului S&D – La un an de la tragedia care a devastat Haiti, aşa cum aţi spus, bilanţul<br />

procesului de reconstrucţie este departe de aşteptările populaţiei, dar şi de angajamentele asumate de comunitatea<br />

internaţională. Mai mult, eforturile de reclădire a statului par, prin prisma involuţiilor din ultimele luni, să fi ajuns într-un<br />

punct mort. Devastată de cutremur şi lovită de o epidemie de holeră ale cărei origini au fost atribuite Căştilor Albastre din<br />

contingentul ONU, această ţară s-a afundat şi într-o gravă criză politică.<br />

Cred că sunt trei planuri ale crizei haitiene pe care trebuie să acţionăm în perioada următoare, altfel eforturile de până<br />

acum riscă să fie compromise. Este necesară anunţarea cât mai rapidă a rezultatelor anchetei privind cauzele epidemiei de<br />

holeră, pentru a calma furia populaţiei împotriva prezenţei ONU. În al doilea rând, trebuie evitată prelungirea<br />

provizoratului ce va fi declanşat de finalul mandatului preşedintelui Préval, la 7 februarie, iar noi alegeri, sub atenta<br />

supraveghere internaţională, sunt singura soluţie viabilă şi democratică. Nu în cele din urmă, cred că acest moment de<br />

bilanţ trebuie să marcheze o cotitură în eforturile de reconstrucţie, subminate de ineficienţă, întârzieri şi interese<br />

contradictorii ale unor ţări din zonă.<br />

Să nu uităm că, din cele 10 miliarde de dolari promise la Conferinţa donatorilor de la New York, din martie 2010, doar 1,2<br />

miliarde au fost virate până acum, efortul Uniunii Europene deţinând o pondere semnificativă. Grijii pentru rezolvarea<br />

problemelor milionului de haitieni ce supravieţuieşte în taberele de urgenţă, unde sărăcia, mizeria şi violenţele sexuale<br />

ating proporţii îngrijorătoare, suntem datori să îi adăugăm perspectiva pe termen lung a unor investiţii durabile în Haiti şi<br />

un sprijin concret pentru construirea unei structuri statale viabile.<br />

2-601<br />

Charles Goerens, au nom du groupe ALDE. – Madame la Présidente, la qualité des interventions de nos deux<br />

commissaires me permet de me limiter à deux remarques.

134 18-01-2011<br />

Premièrement, un an après le tremblement de terre, Haïti reste, pour l'essentiel, un champ de ruines. On savait que, devant<br />

l'ampleur de la catastrophe, le pays allait rencontrer des difficultés considérables. On savait aussi que, outre les<br />

nombreuses victimes civiles, le séisme avait atteint le cœur même de l'État, tant étaient importants les dégâts causés par<br />

cette catastrophe naturelle. Ajoutons les difficultés structurelles et notamment les carences en matière de gouvernance pour<br />

mettre en évidence les défis posés aux acteurs sur le terrain.<br />

Qui est responsable en premier lieu de cette situation? Même s'il y a des circonstances atténuantes, le premier acteur, sans<br />

lequel rien ne va, est l'État haïtien lui-même. L'alternative consisterait à remettre le pays sous tutelle, ce que personne ne<br />

veut.<br />

Deuxième remarque: on peut être complémentaire de l'action de l'État haïtien et on doit même l'être. D'ailleurs l'Union<br />

européenne n'a pas ménagé ses efforts dans ce domaine. Non seulement l'Union européenne a fait des annonces, mais<br />

encore elle les a réalisées. Ce que nous attendons de l'Union européenne pour l'avenir est certes qu'elle poursuive son<br />

engagement sans faille, mais il importe avant tout de contribuer à sortir l'État haïtien de son incapacité notoire à se libérer<br />

de cette situation de dépendance. Je concède que cela ne peut pas se faire en quelques mois.<br />

2-602<br />

Judith Sargentini, namens de Verts/ALE-Fractie. – Voorzitter, de vraag is eigenlijk, hoe bouwen we een staat op die<br />

gefaald heeft? Haïti is een falende staat. Is er eigenlijk wel sprake van wederopbouw, als er al geen democratie was? Dat is<br />

de taak die wij voor ons zien. Met alle moeite die de Europese Commissie zich heeft getroost, hebben wij daar nog niet<br />

zomaar een antwoord op. Dat er cholera uitbreekt, dat er fraude was bij de verkiezingen in november en mensen<br />

geïntimideerd werden, helpt ons natuurlijk niet bij het zogenaamd wederopbouwen van deze staat. Dat de positie van<br />

vrouwen en meisjes vóór de aardbeving al verschrikkelijk was, leidt ertoe dat seksueel geweld tegen vrouwen en meisjes<br />

in de opvangkampen nog steeds ongelooflijk is.<br />

Dan komt er nu nog bij dat Baby Doc terug is in Haïti en dat die misschien denkt een graantje te kunnen meepikken van de<br />

ellende waarin de burgers zich nu bevinden, omdat - zo gaat het gerucht - zijn geld eindelijk op is. Dat gunnen wij de<br />

Haïtianen niet.<br />

Wat is ons antwoord na de ramp, nu ze al een jaar lang proberen iets op te bouwen, maar het ze eigenlijk ontbreekt aan de<br />

organisatiecapaciteit, ze zitten nu dus nog steeds met noodhulp en we moeten naar ontwikkelingssamenwerking.<br />

Daartussen ontbreekt iets. Ik denk niet dat dat ook zo maar uitgevonden kan worden, maar het is wel iets waar wij moeite<br />

voor moeten gaan doen omdat dit land geen gebouwen kan neerzetten, als het land geen democratie of op z'n minst goed<br />

bestuur kent. Ik wens de commissarissen Georgieva en Piebalgs daarin sterkte. Succes!<br />

2-603<br />

Nirj Deva, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Madam President, it is good to have this debate again, we had one recently. It<br />

shows our concern for the people of Haiti – we are obviously more concerned about the people of Haiti than the<br />

government of Haiti is concerned about the people of Haiti.<br />

We talk about the responsibility to protect. We talk about responsibility to protect against mass murderers and genocidal<br />

dictators – but what about the responsibility to protect against inefficient and corrupt governments who do not care about<br />

their own people? There are a million people homeless in Haiti; 230 000 have died; 300 000 are injured. But only 5% of<br />

the rubble has been cleared, only 15% of houses have been reconstructed in some fashion or other.<br />

If the Government of Haiti does not care about its own people, then we have to use the concept of responsibility to protect.<br />

Until and unless we do that, it is quite absurd for us to ask our two excellent Commissioners to go on popping up and<br />

down in Parliament trying to tell us what they can and cannot do, when the local capacity to do anything is so fraught and<br />

fragile.<br />

When an earthquake happens, the first thing you need to do is to clear the rubble. In order to clear the rubble, you need<br />

heavy lifting machinery, cranes, helicopters, bulldozers and the capacity to drive them. If there is nobody capable of<br />

driving this machinery, then you have to bring people in from somewhere else who know how to drive them and get them<br />

to be driven. But the left wing would oppose any Member State army or air force or navy coming and helping to do that.<br />

You cannot expect people from Oxfam and Save the Children and other such organisations to be driving tractors and<br />

lifting heavy rubble. We have to depoliticise our argument and be practical about helping these people.<br />

2-604<br />

Jacky Hénin, au nom du groupe GUE/NGL. – Madame la Présidente, il y a un an à peine, Haïti et son peuple étaient<br />

victimes d'une terrible catastrophe. Partout, la désolation et la mort.<br />

Qu'il nous soit permis de saluer le courage du peuple haïtien et l'élan mondial de solidarité populaire en faveur des<br />

sinistrés. Solidarité populaire car, en Europe comme ailleurs, ce sont bien souvent ceux qui n'ont pas grand-chose qui ont<br />

donné le plus.

18-01-2011 135<br />

Je veux ici également remercier solennellement l'État et le peuple cubains pour leur aide: un engagement efficace et sans<br />

arrière-pensée, des résultats éloquents. À ce jour, la brigade médicale cubaine a soigné plus de 50 000 cas de choléra,<br />

permis de reconstruire 76 centres de santé et hôpitaux et opéré de nombreux Haïtiens. Cuba, dont l'aide est jugée<br />

particulièrement efficace par de nombreux experts. C'est tellement vrai qu'un pays comme la Norvège a souhaité demander<br />

à Cuba d'intervenir en ses lieu et place.<br />

L'Union européenne et les États-Unis feraient bien de s'inspirer de l'exemple cubain plutôt que de se complaire derrière des<br />

mises en scène médiatiques qui cachent mal une conception caritative de l'aide qui, en définitive, sert avant tout leurs<br />

intérêts économiques et politiques au détriment d'une reconstruction durable de l'État haïtien et de son économie.<br />

Au regard de leur responsabilité historique dans les malheurs d'Haïti, il est indécent de voir la France et les États-Unis se<br />

poser en donneurs de leçons. Rappelons quand même qu'il a fallu que la pire des catastrophes ait lieu pour qu'enfin la<br />

Banque mondiale et le FMI se décident à annuler la dette d'Haïti.<br />

Pour l'heure, ce qui se passe en Haïti montre les limites du fonctionnement actuel de l'ONU. En Haïti, l'ingérence<br />

humanitaire montre son incapacité à mettre en œuvre des solutions durables pour les populations. Pire, elle constitue à<br />

moyen et long terme une entrave à la reconstruction d'un État démocratique et d'une économie répondant enfin aux besoins<br />

humains de développement du peuple haïtien.<br />

11,5 milliards de dollars ont été promis par la communauté internationale pour la reconstruction du pays. Reste à savoir de<br />

quelle reconstruction on parle. Quelle part de cette aide est effectivement arrivée sur le terrain? Qui décidera des projets?<br />

Va-t-on voir, comme au Kosovo, un peuple mis au chômage regarder de grandes entreprises multinationales reconstruire<br />

leur pays car elles auront été les seules à pouvoir remporter les appels d'offres internationaux?<br />

L'Union européenne ne doit pas s'inscrire dans une vision paternaliste ou néocolonialiste, mais doit, au contraire, concourir<br />

à l'émergence d'une renaissance démocratique de la République haïtienne qui soit l'œuvre du peuple lui-même. Le peuple<br />

haïtien a été le premier au monde à s'émanciper du colonialisme français. Outre les ravages de la guerre, cela lui a coûté<br />

plus de 20 milliards d'euros actuels pour "dédommager" les colons européens esclavagistes.<br />

Aujourd'hui, en raison des crimes contre l'humanité que constituent l'esclavagisme et le colonialisme, l'Union européenne<br />

et, en particulier, la France, ont une dette morale, politique et économique vis-à-vis d'Haïti. Il nous faut honorer cette dette<br />

d'honneur.<br />

2-605<br />

Bastiaan Belder, namens de EFD-Fractie. – Mevrouw de Voorzitter, een jaar na de verschrikkelijke aardbeving in Haïti<br />

verloopt de wederopbouw van het land pijnlijk traag. Toch wordt stapsgewijs vooruitgang geboekt. De bevolking van Haïti<br />

heeft onze hulp hard nodig, zeker nu ook de cholera-epidemie haar tol eist. Nadruk moet gelegd worden op<br />

voedselzekerheid. De landbouwsector ter plekke heeft zware klappen gehad, waardoor het land te veel afhankelijk is van<br />

voedselimporten. Het is van belang om veel energie en geld te steken in het herontwikkelen van de landbouw en lokale<br />

infrastructuur. Microkredieten zijn daarbij van eminent belang, daar zij de economische ontwikkeling van onderop<br />

stimuleren. Deelt de Commissie deze opvatting?<br />

Intussen blijft de politieke situatie in Haïti zorgelijk na de eerste ronde van de presidentsverkiezingen. Het vorige week<br />

verschenen evaluatierapport van de Organization of American States is daar duidelijk over. Hoe beoordeelt de Commissie<br />

de huidige politieke situatie in Haïti en de invloed die zij heeft op de wederopbouw van het land?<br />

Ten slotte, mevrouw de Voorzitter, er is vorige week een indrukwekkend boek over Haïti verschenen van een Nederlandse<br />

journalist en er is mij één beeld bijgebleven: puinruimers in Haïti hadden een t-shirt aan met het opschrift "Haïti komt niet<br />

om". Dat moet ons inspireren om er inderdaad voor te zorgen dat de Haïtiaanse bevolking in leven blijft en een goed<br />

toekomstperspectief krijgt dankzij onze steun.<br />

2-606<br />

Filip Kaczmarek (PPE). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Unia Europejska nie zapomniała o Haiti. Do tej pory jesteśmy<br />

największym źródłem pomocy humanitarnej. Natomiast przygnębiające jest to, że kraj pogrążony jest nadal w chaosie<br />

gospodarczym i politycznym.<br />

Działania pomocy humanitarnej na Haiti były prowadzone w dwóch klasycznych etapach. Pierwszy etap udzielanej<br />

pomocy kryzysowej miał ulżyć ludziom w najpilniejszych potrzebach. Na drugim etapie mieliśmy się skoncentrować na<br />

odbudowie kraju, zarówno gospodarczej, jak i społeczno-politycznej. Ale ze względu na wybuch epidemii cholery,<br />

huragan, niestabilną sytuację polityczną i społeczną, a nawet napięcia międzyreligijne i walki międzyreligijne okres<br />

udzielania pomocy humanitarnej trwa dłużej, aniżeli się początkowo spodziewaliśmy. Też nie można było w związku z<br />

tym przystąpić do tego drugiego etapu w takim zakresie i w takim tempie, jak byśmy chcieli.

136 18-01-2011<br />

Kryzys na Haiti trwa nadal. Cały czas jest potrzebne nasze zaangażowanie. Nie możemy zapominać o naszych<br />

zobowiązaniach. Zresztą pan komisarz Piebalgs przypomniał, że Komisja Europejska przekazała połowę środków, które<br />

były obiecane w Nowym Jorku na konferencji donatorów. W tej kwestii realizacja naszych planów przebiega pomyślnie.<br />

Celem rezolucji, którą jutro przyjmiemy w naszej Izbie, jest zmobilizowanie państw członkowskich i Komisji do<br />

kontynuowania wypełniania tych deklaracji, które składaliśmy. Pamiętajmy o tym, że nadal setki tysięcy ludzi mieszka w<br />

obozach tymczasowych, a na cholerę zmarło ponad 3,5 tysiąca osób. Od samego początku uważaliśmy też, że<br />

gospodarzem procesu odbudowy powinni być sami Haitańczycy. Haitański plan odbudowy kraju opiera się na<br />

decentralizacji i na silnym nacisku na lokalną produkcję rolną i bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe. My te priorytety haitańskie<br />

respektujemy. Jest jeszcze jeden wniosek. Musimy wzmocnić nasze możliwości oddziaływania humanitarnego i wiem, że<br />

Pani Komisarz już nad tym pracuje.<br />

2-607<br />

Κρίτων Αρσένης (S&D). – Κύριοι Επίτροποι, πραγματικά η Αϊτή είναι μια μοναδική περίπτωση. Θα πρέπει να το<br />

καταλάβουμε αυτό όλοι μας. Δεν είναι μια περίπτωση ανθρωπιστικής κρίσης όπου καταθέτουμε κάποια χρηματικά ποσά<br />

και αναλαμβάνει η κυβέρνηση μετά πώς θα υλοποιήσει τα έργα. Η Αϊτή είναι μια χώρα σε πλήρη κατάρρευση. Και το<br />

μόνο αναμενόμενο είναι ότι η χώρα αυτή, δεδομένης της κατάστασης στην οποία βρίσκεται, θα έχει περισσότερη<br />

διαφθορά και όλο και μεγαλύτερες δυσκολίες για να αντιμετωπίσει την κρίση και να λάβει τα απαραίτητα μέτρα. Είναι μια<br />

χώρα στην οποία η παρέμβασή μας θα πρέπει να είναι πιο δυνατή, πιο σταθερή· θα πρέπει πολλές φορές να έχουμε πιο<br />

ενεργό ρόλο απ’ ό,τι σε κάθε άλλη περίπτωση.<br />

Αναφέρθηκε ο κύριος Deva στα ερείπια που δεν έχουν ακόμα καθαριστεί, ώστε να αποκατασταθούν οι ζημιές. Πρέπει να<br />

μαζευτούν τα ερείπια από τους δρόμους. Αυτή θα πρέπει να είναι η προτεραιότητά μας. Με τους ρυθμούς που<br />

ακολουθούμε θα χρειασθούμε άλλα πέντε χρόνια! Αυτό το έργο θα πρέπει να τελειώσει άμεσα. Είναι τόσα τα έργα που<br />

χρειάζεται να γίνουν σε αυτήν την χώρα που κανονικά δεν θα έπρεπε να υπάρχει ανεργία, αν γίνουν όλα αυτά σωστά.<br />

Πρέπει πραγματικά να παρέμβουμε δυναμικά στο θέμα των ερειπίων, στο θέμα της παροχής νερού, στο θέμα της παροχής<br />

τροφίμων, ώστε να μπορέσει αυτή η χώρα να σταθεί στα πόδια της, ώστε οι πολίτες αυτής της χώρας, που είναι<br />

υποχρεωμένοι να σκέφτονται κάθε μέρα πώς θα επιβιώσουν, να μπορέσουν να σκεφθούν και το αύριο.<br />

2-608<br />

Niccolò Rinaldi (ALDE). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, Signori Commissari, è proprio vero, Haiti è un caso a<br />

parte, diverso, perché quando si ricorda l'anniversario di una calamità lo si fa sempre per ricordare le vittime, per imparare<br />

meglio la lezione, ma ad Haiti è diverso, perché non c'è niente da ricordare, niente è ancora passato.<br />

Anziché dire un anno dal terremoto dobbiamo dire un anno di terremoto, terremoto sismico, poi terremoto del disordine<br />

degli aiuti, terremoto sanitario con il colera, terremoto della politica con elezioni poco trasparenti e probabilmente nel<br />

momento meno opportuno e terremoto per certi aspetti anche storico, adesso, con il ritorno da equivoco turista miliardario<br />

dell'ex dittatore.<br />

La Commissione lavora bene, molto bene, sono stato ad Haiti lo scorso giugno con la commissione sviluppo e ho visto<br />

l'ottimo lavoro e la ringraziamo, ma occorre anche una maggiore tutela politica con un ruolo accresciuto della comunità<br />

internazionale che indichi obiettivi, scadenze e che gestisca direttamente parte della ricostruzione.<br />

Questo deve essere bilanciato con un maggior coinvolgimento della popolazione e delle ONG locali, spesso invece tagliate<br />

fuori. Meno ruolo per la politica nazionale e le istituzioni nazionali governative di Haiti, dunque, e più per un partenariato<br />

finora debole tra cittadini e comunità internazionale.<br />

2-609<br />

Michèle Rivasi (Verts/ALE). – Madame la Présidente, suite à la mission d'observation que j'avais effectuée, en septembre<br />

dernier, en Haïti, j'ai pu me rendre compte des urgences à traiter. Aujourd'hui, il faut dépasser ces urgences pour enfin<br />

parvenir au stade du développement. Il ne faut pas reconstruire mais bien construire un pays dont les fondations et la<br />

gouvernance n'ont jamais été solides.<br />

Premier constat – et cela a été dit par mes collègues – il y a vingt millions de tonnes de gravats à déblayer et seule une<br />

infime partie – 5 % – a été déblayée en un an. À ce rythme, il faudra plus de six ans pour dégager Port-au-Prince de ses<br />

décombres. C'est donc un projet politique en soi et la Commission doit y apporter sa contribution.<br />

Une autre priorité est la gouvernance et je suis heureuse que l'Union européenne contribue en grande partie à l'appui<br />

budgétaire du pays. Nous devons renforcer cet effort financier car c'est le seul moyen de redonner au pays et au peuple<br />

haïtien ses compétences. Sa dépendance actuelle à l'égard des ONG est révélatrice au niveau des services publics de base<br />

tels que la santé et l'éducation. Mais il ne faut pas sous-traiter tous les services publics au niveau des ONG.

18-01-2011 137<br />

Il faut surtout renforcer notre soutien pour organiser rapidement des élections et achever ces élections qui, je le souhaite,<br />

doivent permettre de remplacer une élite politique corrompue. L'oligarchie actuelle – on parle de vingt familles – empêche<br />

tout développement économique puisqu'elle contrôle le commerce, sans pour autant développer les capacités de production<br />

du pays.<br />

Enfin, il faut donner à Haïti les moyens de son engagement afin que le pays sorte de la dépendance qui le minait déjà avant<br />

même le séisme. J'appelle donc les institutions européennes à se fixer des priorités cohérentes et à soutenir massivement la<br />

mise en place des services publics avec un engagement déterminé du futur gouvernement haïtien.<br />

2-610<br />

James Nicholson (ECR). – Madam President, I had I suppose the honour, along with Ms Rivasi, to lead a delegation from<br />

the ACP to Haiti in September. I said at the time that nothing prepared me for what I found when we were there.<br />

I want to say a number of things tonight. One is that we have got to move immediately from humanitarian aid to<br />

reconstruction. This is where the problem has not moved forward. I have heard some very fine things said here tonight, but<br />

these are not going to be possible on the ground unless there is more help.<br />

We must put more pressure on those who promised their support to deliver that support, and we must put pressure on the<br />

Clinton-led reconstruction, and the United Nations, to move faster. That has got to come very clearly.<br />

I listened to the Commissioner and he is quite right. We do need political stability. I hope and I pray that we get that<br />

political stability, but I am not so sure that we will.<br />

I found when we were there – and I want to say this and put it on the record – that the Haitian people are a very proud<br />

people. They are a wonderful people. We watched them, Michèle Rivasi and I, coming out of their tents at 6 o’clock in the<br />

morning shining like a shilling and with their children washed. Wonderful people smiling and you wondered why they<br />

were able to smile.<br />

I would also like to put on record a tribute to the many people there from our NGOs who are risking their lives, and to our<br />

Commission staff to whom I paid tribute when we were there. We found them to be excellent, and we should not forget<br />

that these people risk their lives on a daily basis to help the people of Haiti. We must not forget the people of Haiti. We<br />

must work for the people of Haiti and we must help the people of Haiti. If we return to this Chamber ten more times to<br />

achieve that, then we should do that and keep doing it.<br />

2-611<br />

Cristian Dan Preda (PPE) – Pe 12 ianuarie 2010 statul haitian a fost literalmente spulberat, aşa cum au spus-o şi mai<br />

mulţi dintre colegi; acum, la un an după acest teribil cutremur, reconstrucţia se lasă încă aşteptată. S-au adăugat, între timp,<br />

epidemia de holeră, alegerile; toate acestea au complicat situaţia.<br />

Port-au-Prince este, de fapt, azi, o imensă tabără de refugiaţi. Populaţia haitiană nu supravieţuieşte decât graţie eforturilor<br />

organizaţiilor umanitare. Trebuie, de altfel, să fim recunoscători acestor organizaţii. Aşa cum spunea reprezentantul special<br />

al Naţiunilor Unite pentru această ţară, Haiti a devenit o republică de ONG-uri. Dar cât poate să dureze această situaţie?<br />

Vedem că situaţia sanitară este catastrofală, reconstruirea sistemului de educaţie e absolut necesară, procesul de ridicare a<br />

urmelor dezastrului, toate acestea evocă nevoia unei reconstrucţii a statului haitian. Dincolo de seism, absenţa instituţiilor<br />

şi a bunei guvernări este azi foarte problematică.<br />

Eforturile trebuie, deci, să se concentreze asupra restabilirii capacităţilor statului şi asupra construcţiei democratice în<br />

Haiti. Necesitatea unui proces electoral credibil şi transparent, în perspectiva celui de-al doilea tur al alegerilor din luna<br />

februarie, trebuie subliniată foarte apăsat.<br />

În fine, aş vrea să spun că reconstruirea Haiti trebuie să fie făcută, dacă îmi îngăduiţi, altfel. „Altfel” înseamnă că<br />

reconstrucţia trebuie făcută mai bine decât înainte, pentru a preveni noi catastrofe similare. „Altfel” înseamnă că eforturile<br />

noastre de reconstrucţie trebuie să implice, aş spune eu, comunităţile locale. Cred că principalii interesaţi, haitienii, trebuie<br />

consultaţi în acest proces de reconstrucţie.<br />

2-612<br />

Ricardo Cortés Lastra (S&D). – Señora Presidenta, señor Comisario, señora Comisaria, Señorías, no quería empezar mi<br />

intervención sin saludar a las ONG que están sobre el terreno; creo que ellas representan una labor encomiable,<br />

representan lo mejor de los valores que tenemos, lo mejor de los valores de la humanidad.<br />

Ha transcurrido un año desde el terremoto de Haití y ha llegado el momento, probablemente, de aumentar la efectividad.<br />

Tenemos muchos problemas encima de la mesa que hay que afrontar con urgencia y sin dilación. No cabe la menor duda.

138 18-01-2011<br />

El primer problema es, probablemente, construir un saneamiento aceptable. Creo que es la prioridad número uno que<br />

amenaza la vida hoy en día en Haití. Y una vez solucionado, tendremos que afrontar el problema de la vivienda,<br />

resolviendo la cuestión de los títulos de propiedad de forma urgente.<br />

Además, necesitamos un gobierno legítimo, elegido democráticamente, capaz de negociar. Sé que la situación no es fácil,<br />

pero necesitamos esa interlocución, legítima, para acelerar la mejora de la situación de Haití.<br />

Y, además, tenemos un problema importante que ya han citado muchos colegas: los escombros, que es un gran problema<br />

político en sí mismo. Y no debemos dejar de mirar también hacia el futuro para empezar a establecer una estrategia de<br />

educación a largo plazo. Lo que ha pasado en Haití probablemente no hubiera pasado si hubiera existido una educación<br />

pública y una atención a los menores como tenía que ser.<br />

Necesitamos acabar, no solo con la pobreza, sino también con la dependencia.<br />

2-613<br />

Zbigniew Ziobro (ECR). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Przed rokiem na Haiti doszło do strasznego kataklizmu, ogromnego<br />

trzęsienia ziemi, w wyniku którego zginęło 200 000 mieszkańców, ponad 1 300 000 zostało pozbawionych domów. Od<br />

roku trwa akcja pomocy i odbudowy. Jest to bez wątpienia wielka i bardzo skomplikowana akcja humanitarna. Wyspa<br />

jednak potrzebuje nie tylko pomocy materialnej i finansowej, lecz również odbudowy administracji i stabilizacji<br />

politycznej, bez której nie może się rozwijać. Co więcej, ostatnio epidemia cholery, która zabiła już ponad 3500 osób<br />

wciąż zagraża tysiącom ludzi. Doświadczenie Haiti pokazuje, że nawet spore środki pieniężne nie pomogą, jeśli nie będą<br />

właściwie wydawane. Kazus Haiti powinien ponadto dać nam do myślenia i wyraźnie wskazuje na potrzebę stworzenia<br />

sprawnie działającego systemu pomocy międzynarodowej w przypadku wielkich katastrof naturalnych, które również<br />

mogą się zdarzyć.<br />

2-614<br />

Ria Oomen-Ruijten (PPE). – Mevrouw de Voorzitter, mevrouw en mijnheer de commissaris, geachte collega's, als ik aan<br />

Haïti denk, denk ik aan burgers in Haïti, maar denk ik ook aan Europese burgers die ongelooflijk veel steun verleend<br />

hebben voor de mensen in Haïti. Ik denk ook aan de hulpverleners die ongelooflijk veel gedaan hebben. Voorzitter, dat is<br />

het positieve van het verhaal. We moeten lessen trekken. De lessen die we moeten trekken, zijn er wat mij betreft drie.<br />

Ten eerste, coördinatie. In de fase van humanitaire hulp is de coördinatie niet goed gelukt - we hebben vandaag een verslag<br />

daarover aangekomen. Bij wederopbouw moet het beter. Dan denk ik aan effectiviteit van hulpverlening, want dat heeft<br />

ook met coördinatie te maken. Wat kunt u daar meer en effectiever doen?<br />

Voorzitter, het tweede punt is de corruptie. Als we willen dat onze Europese burgers steun geven, dan willen ze niet dat die<br />

steun niet goed wordt gebruikt. Dat willen we niet als overheden, dat willen we ook niet als burgers. Wat kunnen we doen<br />

om ervoor te zorgen dat door een betere coördinatie die corruptie geen vat krijgt op die systemen?<br />

Dan het derde punt, Voorzitter, dat is het politieke aspect. Zonder politieke stabiliteit en ook een heel daadkrachtig<br />

openbaar bestuur kan die duurzame opbouw überhaupt niet lukken. We hebben een betwiste eerste ronde van de<br />

verkiezingen gehad. Ik zou u willen vragen: hoe verloopt de coördinatie met de organisatie van Amerikaanse staten en<br />

andere spelers om ervoor te zorgen dat die komende verkiezingen wel goed gaan? We hebben als Europeanen op korte<br />

termijn een committment voor Haïti uitgesproken en ik vind dat we solidair moeten blijven.<br />

2-615<br />

Edite Estrela (S&D). – Senhora Presidente, Senhores Comissários, Colegas, o sismo mergulhou o Haiti numa das mais<br />

graves crises humanitárias – milhares de mortos e feridos, milhões de desalojados e prejuízos elevadíssimos. A<br />

comunidade internacional prometeu muito, mas ainda deu pouco, e não se compreende a lentidão do processo de<br />

reconstrução, não obstante a boa vontade da União Europeia e o trabalho das ONG.<br />

A situação agravou-se devido ao surto de cólera e à instabilidade política na sequência das eleições, que geraram enorme<br />

violência, de que as mulheres e as crianças são as principais vítimas. A União Europeia deve continuar a ajudar na<br />

reconstrução e a melhorar a situação humanitária dos grupos vulneráveis da população, mas também contribuir para<br />

reforçar as capacidades de prevenção de catástrofes a longo prazo.<br />

E, nesse sentido, gostaria de saudar as recentes propostas apresentadas pela Comissão no sentido de criação da capacidade<br />

de resposta europeia que inclui um agrupamento voluntário das estruturas de emergência dos Estados-Membros,<br />

previamente autorizadas, e o desenvolvimento de planos de contingência, bem como a criação de um centro europeu de<br />

resposta a emergências através da fusão dos centros de crise de ajuda humanitária e da protecção civil, responsável por<br />

acompanhar situações de perigo, emitir alertas rápidos e coordenar a resposta da UE a catástrofes.<br />

2-616<br />

Jarosław Leszek Wałęsa (PPE). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Niedługo minie rok czasu od naszej poprzedniej dyskusji na<br />

temat koordynacji pomocy humanitarnej i odbudowy Haiti. Dzisiaj więc dokonujemy pewnego podsumowania i wniosek

18-01-2011 139<br />

nasuwa się jeden: minął rok od tej tragedii, a ofiar ciągle przybywa. Należy tu podkreślić dwie kwestie, które są równie<br />

ważne, a może i ważniejsze od budowy nowych domów, nowych dróg. Po pierwsze, musimy tu na tej sali głośno i<br />

dobitnie powiedzieć „stop” epidemii przemocy seksualnej. Jak wykazują źródła, już kilka dni po trzęsieniu ziemi<br />

odnotowano 250 gwałtów na kobietach i dziewczętach, a sytuacja ciągle się pogarsza. Ta przemoc ciągle wzrasta.<br />

Najwyższy czas zacząć głośno mówić na ten wstydliwy temat i zająć się tym nieludzkim zjawiskiem oraz zacząć<br />

skuteczną walkę z przemocą seksualną na Haiti.<br />

Drugą kwestią, która już była tutaj wspominana, to kwestia epidemii cholery. Liczba zachorowań spada, ale to się wiąże<br />

oczywiście z porą roku. Z tym się wiąże też ciekawe, ale niepokojące zjawisko dotyczące pacjentów, którzy symulują<br />

objawy cholery. Nam trudno w to uwierzyć, dzisiaj spędzimy noc w wygodnych łóżkach, ale dla tych osób noc w szpitalu<br />

jest dużo lepsza niż w ich własnych domach, a w zasadzie szałasach. I tutaj również powinniśmy zwracać na to uwagę, a<br />

zwłaszcza, że epidemia cholery na pewno się nasili wraz ze zmianą pory roku. Dlatego też musimy zwracać na to uwagę i<br />

powinniśmy tutaj szczególnie poprawić tę sytuację.<br />

2-617<br />

Seán Kelly (PPE). – Madam President, they say that God helps those who help themselves but the European Union<br />

actually goes further, because the European Union helps those who do not help themselves, particularly in relation to Haiti<br />

where the Government – as Mr Deva and others have pointed out – is corrupt and does not seem to be concerned about its<br />

own people. Nevertheless, it is important that we continue the good work in cooperation with the UN and the NGOs etc. I<br />

know that one of our most successful Irish businessmen, Denis O’Brien, is playing a leading role in that regard.<br />

However, all that will be a drop in the ocean compared to what could be achieved if we had a properly functioning<br />

government. So the message has to go out loud and clear to the Haitian Government that it either needs to ‘catch itself on’<br />

or – hopefully – to be removed by a more competent government, and then we would see real progress.<br />

2-618<br />

Monika Flašíková Beňová, (S&D). − Hoci sa následky ničivého zemetrasenia dali postupne zmierňovať a odstraňovať,<br />

obyvatelia stále trpia závažnými problémami. Či je to nedostatok pitnej vody, potravín a iných základných materiálov. Sú<br />

to proste ich každodenné problémy a trápenia. K tomu sa pridáva situácia s nestabilnou vládou s absenciou<br />

demokratických hodnôt a takisto epidémia cholery, rozšírená kriminalita, rabovanie, únosy a znásilňovanie žien a detí.<br />

Je preto nutné podniknúť kroky, ktoré by viedli k zamedzeniu takýmto odsúdeniahodným činom. Európske inštitúcie<br />

musia naďalej pokračovať v snahe zmierniť následky katastrofy. Pomoc sa aj v roku 2011 musí sústrediť na komplexné<br />

výzvy, najmä na obnovu bývania, pokrytie základných potrieb v rámci komunít, či stabilizáciu situácie v dočasných<br />

táboroch.<br />

Zároveň je potrebné usilovať sa o napĺňanie dlhodobejších cieľov, akými sú dobudovanie verejných inštitúcií, miestnych<br />

samospráv, škôl, nemocníc a pod.<br />

2-619<br />

Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL). – Senhora Presidente, reiteramos a nossa solidariedade com os habitantes do Haiti, vítimas<br />

do sismo de há um ano e, recentemente, da cólera. É urgente mais auxílio, mais apoio às populações atingidas pela tragédia<br />

de há um ano e pelas doenças recentes. Não é admissível que algumas ajudas ainda não tenham chegado. É preciso<br />

acompanhar o que se passa com as ajudas já aprovadas, designadamente da União Europeia, e olhar com toda a atenção<br />

para as acções de solidariedade exemplares de alguns países da região. Destaco o caso de Cuba, cujo governo enviou<br />

médicos e pessoal especializado que já trataram mais de 50 mil pessoas contra a cólera, mas destaco também o apoio<br />

financeiro da ALBA e outros apoios nas áreas da energia, da agricultura e alimentares.<br />

É bom que a União Europeia também tenha isto em conta e actue de uma forma mais activa. É urgente tomar todas as<br />

medidas necessárias para acelerar a reconstrução rápida do Haiti e melhorar as condições de vida da sua população, mas<br />

insistimos no respeito do princípio da soberania e da integridade territorial que a valentia e a nobreza do povo do Haiti<br />

merecem.<br />

2-620<br />

Elena Băsescu (PPE). – La un an după cutremurul devastator din Haiti, rezultatele concrete ale procesului de reconstituire<br />

nu sunt încă vizibile. Blocajul se datorează în special faptului că statul haitian nu are capacitatea să asigure, prin mijloace<br />

proprii, servicii publice de bază. Lipseşte voinţa politică, iar autorităţile haitiene nu reuşesc să implementeze deciziile care<br />

vizează reconstrucţia.<br />

Astfel, se îngreunează considerabil funcţionarea Comisiei interimare pentru reconstrucţie, principalul organism însărcinat<br />

cu gestionarea eficientă a resurselor deblocate de comunitatea internaţională. Această situaţie va continua, dacă nu se<br />

reuşeşte stabilizarea politică a ţării, refacerea capacităţilor statale şi desemnarea unui guvern funcţional. De aceea, consider<br />

că UE trebuie să depună toate eforturile posibile pentru a susţine un proces electoral legitim şi transparent. Desfăşurarea<br />

corectă a celui de-al doilea tur de scrutin, programat în luna februarie, reprezintă singura cale de a pune capăt crizei<br />


140 18-01-2011<br />

2-621<br />

Janusz Władysław Zemke (S&D). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Chciałbym, aby mnie dobrze zrozumiano. Nie mam<br />

poważniejszych uwag, jeśli chodzi o obecną pomoc Unii Europejskiej dla Haiti. Unia rzeczywiście niesie Haiti dużą<br />

pomoc materialną i należy się dziwić, że wiele innych państw nie czyni tego w takiej skali jak Unia.<br />

Chciałem przypomnieć, że nasze zastrzeżenia budziły działania Unii bezpośrednio po katastrofie. Unia działała zbyt<br />

wolno, a pomoc humanitarna była ewidentnie źle skoordynowana. Chciałbym się więc zapytać, jakie konkretne wnioski<br />

wyciągnęła Komisja Europejska z tej bardzo wolno toczącej się wówczas pomocy? Myślę, że jest to rzecz niebywale<br />

ważna, dlatego że czas otrzymania pomocy to dla niektórych kwestia przeżycia albo śmierci.<br />

2-622<br />

Peter Jahr (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin, Frau Kommissarin! Haiti zeigt sehr deutlich, dass die eigentlichen Katastrophen<br />

von Menschen gemacht sind. Die Hilfsbereitschaft der Staatengemeinschaft und vor allen Dingen der Europäischen Union<br />

ist riesig. Aber nicht das Geld ist das Problem, sondern die instabilen politischen Verhältnisse. Zurzeit traut sich ja keine<br />

Nation wirklich, Geld in ein korruptes politisches System zu stecken. Deshalb meine Bitte an die Kommission:<br />

Selbstverständlich müssen wir Haiti weiterhin helfen, aber wir müssen vor allem auch in die politische Infrastruktur<br />

investieren. Solange kein funktionierendes Regierungssystem und kein funktionierender Verwaltungsapparat vorhanden<br />

sind, müssen wir die vorhandenen Hilfsorganisationen nutzen, ganz einfach deshalb, weil es dazu keine wirkliche<br />

Alternative gibt.<br />

2-623<br />

Kristalina Georgieva, Member of the Commission. − Madam President, I sincerely thank Members of Parliament for all<br />

their comments this evening. In closing, I would like to make five points.<br />

Firstly, I agree very much with all speakers who emphasised the governance failure as the most significant factor<br />

underlying the problems Haiti faces today. That was my first impression after the earthquake and it still stands today: that<br />

bad as the earthquake was, it is not Haiti’s biggest problem. Its biggest problem is the many decades of bad governance<br />

that have practically left no social structures and government structures in place to help the Haitian people, and that creates<br />

a big deficit of trust of the Haitian people in their government.<br />

I remember very vividly how, when I was there, universally all the Haitians I talked to had one message for me<br />

consistently, which was ‘Do not give money to the government’. Now, on the humanitarian side we do not give money; we<br />

provide direct assistance. But it does give us pause for thought on the question of how long it will take to rebuild Haiti: it<br />

will take a very long time because it will not happen without this institutional infrastructure in place.<br />

This being said, my second point is that there is actually a positive side to Haitian society which has helped the Haitian<br />

people survive: their own resilience and the resilience of their communities. I met people who lived together: they lost<br />

their houses together, they moved to camps together and they have organised in the camps a support system for each other,<br />

with some taking responsibility to oversee the kids and to improvise some schooling for them; others taking responsibility<br />

to find work; others, actually the women, taking on responsibility for cooking for everybody. That resilience is what gives<br />

us some hope today for the future of Haiti.<br />

This leads on to my third point, which is that our support programmes for Haiti have to take into account what the country<br />

has and does not have. For that reason, we have on the humanitarian side emphasised cash for work, vouchers<br />

programmes, innovations like getting seeds and tools at the Community level so that people can actually increase their<br />

reliance on themselves.<br />

Fourthly, I am grateful for the points that were made on what lessons we have learnt from Haiti. I would not agree that we<br />

were slow to respond: help from the European Union was flowing within 24 hours. But I would agree that coordination left<br />

room for improvement and that our ability to organise ourselves before a disaster strikes is absolutely essential. In this<br />

sense, I am grateful for the point that was made that, based on lessons from Haiti, we have indeed moved in the direction<br />

of creating a European Response Capacity and stronger coordination through the European Disaster Response Centre.<br />

Let me then move to a last point, looking forward on the humanitarian side. What is it that we are very worried about? It is<br />

actually the question of protection, especially for women, and of increasing our support for dealing with the tragedy of<br />

primarily women-led households stuck in the camps. I can assure you that this year as well as with the funding next year,<br />

we will put the emphasis on making sure that this question of protection is addressed and that the EU is there for people.<br />

Let me in closing just thank everyone once again for their comments and especially those of you who have recognised the<br />

sacrifice of the humanitarian workers for the benefit of the people of Haiti.<br />

2-624<br />

Andris Piebalgs, Member of the Commission. − Madam President, first I would like to thank Members of this House for<br />

their solidarity and support. I will start with the political dimension. The situation is certainly not easy in Haiti, but the<br />

High Representative is following it very closely and giving all the necessary diplomatic support to ensure that there is

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stability. The second round of presidential elections will help rebuild credibility if there is no violence around it, so we are<br />

also making all the necessary diplomatic efforts; but diplomatic efforts sometimes give immediate results and sometimes<br />

need time to produce results.<br />

Some of you mentioned Baby Doc’s visit. We can say that whilst anybody can move freely, this was definitely not the best<br />

sign of the whole political process. But we should not be somehow misled by this. I think there is a healthy political core<br />

in Haiti and we should believe in it. Our hope is that the people who are elected in the legislative elections and the<br />

president will have the necessary capacities to lead the reconstruction of the country.<br />

The second point I would like to emphasise is that development cooperation is about hard choices. One choice is do<br />

something with high visibility that does not entail a structural change. It would be no problem to finance thousands of<br />

doctors from the EU or to build a new university in the name of the EU; it would be visible and everybody would say fine.<br />

But what about the insecurity in the streets? We finance security in quite difficult conditions through the government. So if<br />

security is provided partially, it is financed by the European Union. Is it visible? Not very much so, because there is no EU<br />

label, but I believe it is definite that we have provided for the stability of the country.<br />

Another point is where to invest money. Again, rebuilding the houses would be the easiest political choice, but what help<br />

is that if the country is not reconnected, if there is no infrastructure? And infrastructure requires massive investment.<br />

Roughly speaking, one kilometre of road costs USD 1 million and in Haiti even more, because there must be maintenance<br />

and also we need to help the local communities through which the road passes. So the costs are very substantial. Haiti will<br />

not have such funds to invest. Strangely enough, in Haiti we are the only ones involved in the road infrastructure.<br />

Normally many other countries participate in road infrastructure, but in Haiti we are alone in giving grants for this. It is a<br />

difficult choice, but I believe it will help the country to have structural change.<br />

A last point which was not raised very much today is the speed of commitment and disbursement of funds. The funds<br />

should not be misused and it takes time for budget support. It is not just that the government gives us an account and we<br />

just transfer the money. No. We check the account, we know where the disbursements go, so it is quite a procedure. You<br />

cannot just immediately send EUR 1.2 billion to an account and expect that everything will be sorted out. We also have a<br />

responsibility to our taxpayers. The same considerations apply with the roads: we need to launch a tender, we need to be<br />

transparent about this and that takes a bit of time. But I believe this time is rightly taken, because it needs only one case of<br />

a misuse of funds for the support for Haiti’s reconstruction to be damaged in the eyes of European citizens. I can assure<br />

you that we will take all the necessary steps in this regard, too.<br />

Again, I thank you for your support. It was a very helpful and encouraging debate and I believe that we will try to deliver<br />

on the issues that you have mentioned today.<br />

2-625<br />

Presidente. − Comunico di aver ricevuto sei proposte di risoluzione 1 conformemente all'articolo 110, paragrafo 2, del<br />

regolamento.<br />

La discussione è chiusa.<br />

La votazione si svolgerà mercoledì 19 gennaio 2011.<br />

1 Vedasi processo verbale.<br />

2-626<br />

17 - Crisi dei rifiuti in Campania (discussione)<br />

2-627<br />

Presidente. − L'ordine del giorno reca la discussione su:<br />

− l'interrogazione orale alla Commissione sulla crisi dei rifiuti in Campania, di Margrete Auken ed Eva Lichtenberger, a<br />

nome del gruppo Verts/ALE (O-0188/2010 - B7-0667/2010),<br />

− l'interrogazione orale alla Commissione sulla crisi dei rifiuti in Campania, di Bairbre de Brún e Willy Meyer, a nome del<br />

gruppo GUE/NGL (O-0197/2010 - B7-0801/2010),<br />

− l'interrogazione orale alla Commissione sulla crisi dei rifiuti in Campania (Italia), di Judith A. Merkies e Victor<br />

Boştinaru, a nome del gruppo S&D (O-0208/2010 - B7-0805/2010),<br />

− l'interrogazione orale alla Commissione sull'emergenza rifiuti a Napoli e nella Regione Campania e utilizzo dei fondi<br />

europei, di Mara Bizzotto e Lorenzo Fontana, a nome del gruppo EFD (O-0209/2010 - B7-0806/2010).<br />

2-628<br />

Margrete Auken, stiller. − Fru formand! Mange tak til kommissær Potočnik for, at der omsider ser ud til at komme lidt<br />

konsekvens fra Kommissionens side. Jeg vil meget opfordre til, at det også bliver synligt. Jeg har store forventninger til det<br />

svar, vi skal have i dag, fordi hvis ikke der sker noget klart nu, og der eventuelt gennemføres hårde bødeprocedurer over<br />

for Italien, så vil vi møde dette problem mange flere steder. Det er ikke kun i Italien, man har store affaldsproblemer. Hvis<br />

man rundt omkring får fornemmelsen af, at der ikke sker noget ved, at man udelukkende bruger lossepladser, så har vi en<br />

meget stor katastrofe. Så det svar ser jeg frem til.

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Resten af min taletid vil jeg gerne bruge til at henvende mig til Italien. Jeg ved godt, at Italiens regering ikke er direkte<br />

repræsenteret her, men det er dog vigtigt, at Italien nu selv begynder at sige, at dette problem skal løses nu. Man har det<br />

vidunderlige land, og det er ved at drukne i affald, og mange konflikter opstår, og situationen er nærmest kun blevet værre.<br />

Italien skal ikke nu opleve en situation, hvor befolkningen pålægges yderligere byrder i form af bøder. Tværtimod skal<br />

man sørge for at sætte en plan i værk, der er troværdig, og så bruge de mange aktive borgere som en del af løsningen i<br />

stedet for hele tiden at gøre dem til skydeskive for kriminaliseringer osv. Vi kan ikke løse affaldsproblemet, hvis ikke vi<br />

har borgerne med os, og der er mange borgere, der vil kunne gøre et rigtigt godt stykke arbejde i Italien.<br />

Brug så militær og politi – ikke til at knægte borgerne, ikke til at holde lokale myndigheder udenfor - men til at få fat på de<br />

rigtige forbrydere. Det er jo dels den store industri i Norditalien, som profiterer fedt på, at den bare kan komme af med<br />

affaldet på en billig måde i stedet for at betale, hvad det koster. Og det er dels gangsterne i mafiaen, der også har store<br />

fortjenester. Det må altså holde op nu, og jeg håber, at Italien vil begynde at tage det her rigtigt alvorligt!<br />

2-629<br />

Søren Bo Søndergaard, stiller. − Fru formand! Da en delegation fra Budgetkontroludvalget i efteråret besøgte Italien,<br />

mødtes vi med præsidenten for Campania-regionen. Da vi så spurgte ham, hvorfor den katastrofale affaldssituation i<br />

Campania endnu ikke var løst, svarede han, at det var et politisk problem!<br />

Det svar forklarer en del. For han kunne jo have sagt alt muligt andet - at det var et teknisk problem, at det var et logistisk<br />

problem, at det var et økonomisk problem. Men nej, problemet var politisk. Problemet er, at der mangler politisk vilje! Det<br />

er på grund af den manglende politiske vilje, at Italien har undladt at opfylde sine forpligtigelser i affaldsdirektivet. Det er<br />

på grund af manglende politisk vilje, at det i oktober kunne konstateres, at ingen af de forbedringer, som EU-Domstolen<br />

har krævet, er blevet gennemført. Og det er på grund af manglende politisk vilje, at EU ved årsskiftet stadig ikke havde<br />

modtaget en affaldssorteringsplan.<br />

Til gengæld har vi set, at myndighederne har haft politisk vilje nok til at mørklægge skandalerne ved hjælp af<br />

sikkerhedsstemplinger. Det er derfor, vi fra vores gruppe har en klar holdning. Vi støtter alle de - og der er mange - gode<br />

italienske mænd og kvinder, som kæmper for åbenhed i denne sag og for at dem, der er ansvarlige for, at situationen kunne<br />

komme så langt ud, bliver stillet til ansvar. Men vores holdning er også, at før det er sket, må vi totalt afvise, at europæiske<br />

skatteborgere skal give så meget som en euro mere til affaldseventyret i Italien! Gode penge skal ikke kastes efter dårlige.<br />

2-630<br />

Judith A. Merkies, Auteur. − Voorzitter, geachte commissaris, wij waren vorig jaar met de Commissie verzoekschriften<br />

in Campanië en in Napels om de situatie van de vuilniscrisis, de situatie die vele indieners van de verzoekschriften ons<br />

hadden beschreven als zeer ernstig, daar zelf met eigen ogen te zien. Ook wij vonden de situatie ter plekke zeer ernstig.<br />

Wij zagen een vuilstortplaats in een nationaal park boven op de Vesuvius. Wij zagen vele illegale dumpingsites, we zagen<br />

brandende puinhopen. Ik haalde zelfs industrieel afval uit een berg die was bestempeld als huishoudafval en we zagen ook<br />

een niet functionerende - althans zo leek het - verbrandingsoven.<br />

Een ding is duidelijk: het werkt daar op dit moment niet en ik ben het met voorgaande sprekers eens dat er erg veel politiek<br />

gesteggel lijkt te zijn over wie het nu precies heeft gedaan. Inderdaad, wij hebben daar opgeroepen om uiteindelijk alle<br />

politieke verschillen achter zich te laten, de handen ineen te slaan, politici en burgers, om de situatie op te lossen.<br />

Ik merk ondertussen nog niets van een oplossing. Ik heb ook hier - althans in de openbaarheid - nog geen plan zien<br />

langskomen en ik hoop dat u duidelijkheid kunt geven over de vraag of er daadwerkelijk een plan is. De burgers van<br />

Campanië hebben ons heel duidelijk vorig jaar gezegd: "wij hebben bij iedereen aangeklopt, wij hebben bij allerlei deuren<br />

aangeklopt, bij ons in de provincie, bij ons in de regio, bij ons in Italië, bij de Italiaanse regering en we hebben overal nul<br />

op het rekest gekregen. Onze laatste hoop is de Europese Unie en terwijl niemand naar ons luisterde is de Europese Unie<br />

naar ons toegekomen om te luisteren."<br />

Ze hebben de hoop op u en ons gevestigd in de hoop dat wij uiteindelijk toch op de een of andere manier kunnen bijdragen<br />

aan een oplossing in hun regio. Natuurlijk moeten zij zelf de situatie ter plaatse oplossen. Wij kunnen daar jammer genoeg<br />

niet met eigen handen het vuil gaan opruimen; u bekleedt daarentegen een sleutelpositie in dezen. Kunt u duidelijk<br />

aangeven of er een plan is, of het een kwaliteitsplan is en zo neen, wat u van plan bent daaraan te doen. Wat zijn de<br />

deadlines? Wanneer moet het geïmplementeerd worden en hoe lang bent u bereid te wachten? Wanneer gaat u uiteindelijk<br />

voor sancties naar het Europese Hof en wat gebeurt er met de structuurfondsen die op dit moment nog bevroren zijn?<br />

Het gaat hier niet alleen om een vuilniscrisis; een en ander kan ook leiden tot gevaarlijke gezondheidssituaties. Hoe gaat de<br />

Europese Commissie daarmee om? Dit is weliswaar niet uw terrein, maar misschien kunt u toch antwoorden op de vraag<br />

of u zich hierover buigt.<br />

De maffia speelt uiteraard ook een duidelijke rol. Het is inderdaad niet direct aan de Europese Commissie, noch aan ons<br />

om daaraan iets te doen; uiteindelijk kunnen wij alleen maar toezien op de implementatie van onze richtlijnen in de

18-01-2011 143<br />

Europese Unie. Op welke manier kunnen wij daar verder nog steun geven, misschien door best practices uit te delen? Op<br />

welke manier kunnen de lidstaten onderling elkaar hier helpen? Denkt u niet dat in dit geval vuilnis geen probleem is,<br />

maar juist een kans. Campanië kan in een keer een enorme sprong voorwaarts maken richting recycle-maatschappij. Ik ben<br />

van mening dat we op Europees niveau eigenlijk zouden moeten gaan voor een compleet verbod op storten en een verbod<br />

op stortplaatsen.<br />

2-631<br />

Mara Bizzotto, Autore. − Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la situazione che la Campania e in particolare la città di<br />

Napoli vivono da anni è ormai purtroppo nota a tutto il mondo e l'Unione europea ha dovuto occuparsi più volte della<br />

questione.<br />

Di fronte a tale situazione ormai paradossale da terzo mondo, chiedo pertanto alla Commissione a quali conseguenze andrà<br />

incontro l'Italia dal punto di vista del diritto comunitario e quali sanzioni economiche saranno eventualmente comminate<br />

all'Italia, nel caso la crisi dei rifiuti in Campania non dovesse trovare una soluzione definitiva in breve tempo.<br />

Chiedo inoltre se la Commissione può fornire nel dettaglio i dati relativi ai fondi europei che sono stati finora gestiti dalla<br />

regione Campania per la creazione del sistema integrato di raccolta e smaltimento di rifiuti. Vede Signor Commissario,<br />

solitamente quando si parla di emergenza si parla di situazioni drammatiche, estreme, che tuttavia trovano una soluzione in<br />

tempi ragionevoli. Quando una cosiddetta "emergenza" dura da più di 15 anni, evidentemente c'è qualcosa che non<br />

funziona.<br />

Il governo italiano in questi anni ha cercato di fare il possibile per risolvere l'annosa questione del ciclo di raccolta e<br />

smaltimento dei rifiuti ma, evidentemente, se oggi le strade di Napoli sono invase da tonnellate e tonnellate di immondizia<br />

la colpa è principalmente da addebitare alle autorità locali campane e alla loro totale incapacità o mancanza di volontà di<br />

adoperarsi per trovare una soluzione.<br />

È chiaro, assolutamente fuori da ogni dubbio, che le condizioni in cui versano Napoli e la Campania sono dovute alla<br />

latitanza che ha caratterizzato per tanti anni il comune, la provincia e la regione nella gestione del ciclo dei rifiuti. Se non<br />

viene fatta a dovere la raccolta differenziata, primo elemento indispensabile di un piano di gestione di rifiuti che funzioni,<br />

non può essere colpa del governo centrale. Se il governo italiano ha dovuto mandare l'esercito – è successo qualche<br />

settimana fa ma anche altre volte in precedenza – per sostituire centinaia di netturbini improvvisamente e<br />

contemporaneamente ammalati, evidentemente non può essere colpa del governo centrale.<br />

Se l'emergenza ha colpito Napoli mentre nel resto dell'Italia le cose vanno assai diversamente, per esempio nella mia<br />

regione, il Veneto, dove la raccolta differenziata si fa da anni senza problemi e con un tasso di riciclo altissimo, significa<br />

che le responsabilità dell'emergenza ricadono sulla politica campana e sugli amministratori locali e, soprattutto, sulle<br />

pesanti connivenze con la malavita che da sempre cerca e ottiene profitti grandissimi dal business dei rifiuti grazie<br />

all'infiltrazione della camorra nella politica e nelle amministrazioni locali.<br />

2-632<br />

Janez Potočnik, Member of the Commission. − Madam President, first of all I would like to thank all Members of<br />

Parliament who drew my attention and the attention of my services to this important question. I am pleased that the<br />

European Parliament has taken an active role in monitoring the waste management situation in Campania, as shown, for<br />

example, by the report adopted by the Committee on Petitions following the visit to Campania which it carried out in April<br />

last year. Parliament has truly an important role here and has assumed it fully.<br />

Immediately after the European Court ruling, on 4 March 2010, the Commission wrote to the Italian authorities asking<br />

what measures they had planned or taken in order to comply with it. After that, the Commission has had several contacts<br />

and meetings with the Italian authorities, most recently during the mission to Naples carried out on 22 and 23 November<br />

2010 by a delegation from the Environment Directorate-General.<br />

Our view is that the Italian authorities still have a long way to go in order to execute the ruling. In particular they need,<br />

firstly, to expand and upgrade waste management facilities throughout the whole of Campania and, secondly, to develop<br />

an effective management plan for urban waste in Campania, taking into account, amongst other things, the EU waste<br />

management hierarchy.<br />

The Commission is not satisfied with the measures that the Italian authorities have communicated since the Court’s ruling<br />

because they do not include a detailed calendar indicating milestones for the construction works of the foreseen<br />

installations.<br />

We think that the waste management plan for Campania must be fully compliant with EU environmental law and must<br />

give priority to waste reduction, re-use and recycling; ensure implementation of separate collection in the whole region;<br />

provide Campania with the necessary composting capacity; and establish measures for the safe disposal in a reasonable<br />

timeframe of more than seven million tonnes of baled waste stored in several cities in Campania, which also means that

144 18-01-2011<br />

the Italian authorities will have to carry out an analysis of the baled waste, the so-called ‘ecoballe’, before deciding which<br />

is the safest way to dispose of them.<br />

If there is no adequate and effective waste management plan, the Commission will return to the Court and propose the<br />

imposition of fines. Therefore we must closely assess the draft waste management plan that the Campania authorities have<br />

just submitted to the Commission – and ‘just’ really means ‘just’ – and monitor carefully that they actually adopt and<br />

implement the plan. The decision on whether and when to open Article 260 proceedings against Italy will depend mainly<br />

on the content of the waste management plan and the timing of the measures used to immediately address the problem in a<br />

convincing way.<br />

With regard to the existing landfills, the Commission has started an investigation and asked the Italian authorities to report<br />

on the functioning of the Terziano and Cicciano landfills. The Italian reply is still pending and once it is received, the<br />

Commission will assess it.<br />

At this stage, the Commission does not have evidence of a breach of European Union environmental law. The fact that the<br />

landfill is situated in a nature protected area is not in itself a breach of EU legislation, provided of course that other rules<br />

are applied and that the competent national authorities carry out an appropriate environment assessment and implement the<br />

necessary mitigation and also compensation measures.<br />

As concerns the co-financing of waste management measures in Campania, in the 1994-1999 programming period<br />

EUR 88.1 million were devoted to waste management projects, almost 49% co-financed by the ERDF. However, only<br />

90% of the total allocation was used because of difficulties also linked to the waste management crisis and the institution<br />

by the Italian authorities of the extraordinary management in 1994.<br />

In the 2002-2006 programming period, a total financing allocation of EUR 140 million, 50% co-financed again by the<br />

ERDF, was concentrated on waste management projects. However, following the waste management crisis, the<br />

Commission decided to take specific measures in order to ensure that ERDF funds allocated to Campania were used<br />

properly.<br />

Firstly, as from 1 January 2005, expenditure management was considered ineligible for co-financing. Secondly, after the<br />

official notification to Italy of the opening of the infringement procedure for waste management on 29 June 2007, the<br />

Commission informed the Italian authorities that no further co-financing would be acceptable for waste management.<br />

The 2007-2013 regional operational programme in Campania foresees a total investment of EUR 270 million, again 50%<br />

co-financed by the ERDF, for the management of waste. However, the disbursement of EC financing for projects in the<br />

waste sector is subject, in particular, to the condition that the Italian authorities adopt a regional waste management plan,<br />

to be validated of course by the Commission.<br />

Tomorrow we will publish in the Commission the report on the implementation of a thematic strategy on prevention and<br />

recycling of waste. This report shows significant differences between Member States in terms of waste management<br />

performance. It clearly demonstrates that with an appropriate waste management strategy, landfilling can be reduced close<br />

to zero and that incineration could be dramatically reduced by increasing waste composting and recycling. In addition to<br />

transforming waste into resources, this creates jobs and economic activity while reducing the environmental impact of<br />

waste management. So I really hope that this crisis will eventually be transformed into an opportunity by the competent<br />

authorities through the launch of serious separate collection and recycling schemes in Campania.<br />

In brief, the Commission is hoping that the waste management plan for Campania is convincing. Until we are certain of an<br />

effective plan setting up a system with the necessary infrastructure and have robust guarantees that projects will be<br />

implemented effectively, Commission funding of relevant waste management projects in Campania is interrupted.<br />

I will address some of your questions which you have already raised in my closing remarks.<br />

2-633<br />

Erminia Mazzoni, a nome del gruppo PPE. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ringrazio il Commissario per aver<br />

voluto ricordare che la commissione petizioni ha dato un ruolo attivo a questo Parlamento, questo a dimostrazione che chi<br />

vi parla, e la parte politica che rappresenta, hanno il pieno interesse a farsi carico responsabilmente di questa situazione, a<br />

rendere tutte le procedure trasparenti e a coinvolgere i cittadini in un dialogo che responsabilizzi tutti quanti.<br />

Come è stato già detto, l'esecutivo regionale che, ricordo, si è insediato solo a maggio di quest'anno, ha sviluppato nei mesi<br />

scorsi un serrato dialogo con la Commissione europea, dando avvio ad un percorso che possiamo sicuramente definire<br />

diverso rispetto agli anni precedenti. Niente, però, di miracolistico, solo la presa in carico di una situazione drammatica<br />

che si è consolidata nell'arco di quindici anni di azioni inconcludenti o di non azioni. L'Italia è stata condannata – lo<br />

ricordo – dalla Corte di giustizia nel marzo 2010, ma per fatti accertati e congelati al 2007.

18-01-2011 145<br />

Da allora la situazione è cambiata, l'assessore regionale è venuto già tre volte qui a Bruxelles e ha già realizzato buona<br />

parte del "crono-programma" che è stato illustrato nel corso di un'audizione a luglio davanti alla commissione petizioni.<br />

Rapidamente faccio un elenco: ha approvato il piano dei rifiuti speciali, definito il piano dei rifiuti solidi urbani, il 31<br />

dicembre è stato presentato l'ennesimo piano con le correzioni richieste dalla Commissione, che verrà approvato entro il 30<br />

aprile come già comunicato.<br />

Il piano è già stato parzialmente avviato: è stato messo in funzione il termovalorizzatore di Acerra, sono state espletate le<br />

procedure di gara per quello di Salerno, pubblicati i bandi per quello di Napoli Est, sono stati messi a regime 182 isole<br />

ecologiche, 7 impianti di recupero, 9 di compostaggio, 4 di selezione multimateriale, 1 per il trattamento dei RAEE, 2 di<br />

gestione aerobica, 34 piattaforme convenzionate e 5 discariche che mi fa piacere che possano essere controllate dalla<br />

Commissione.<br />

È stata conclusa l'intesa con le cinque province per lo smaltimento dei rifiuti accumulati e, ancora, stipulati accordi con<br />

cinque regioni per il temporaneo trasferimento dei rifiuti, in attesa dell'entrata a regime definitiva del piano. È stata chiusa<br />

la gestione straordinaria e sono state reperite parziali risorse all'interno del bilancio regionale.<br />

Come ha detto la Sig.ra Buccella nel corso della sua recente audizione in commissione ambiente, i tempi di adeguamento<br />

alla sentenza normalmente variano, oscillano tra i 12 e i 24 mesi e quindi siamo perfettamente nei termini, ma la<br />

Commissione può discrezionalmente valutare un ampliamento dei tempi compatibili realisticamente con lo stato di<br />

avanzamento dei lavori.<br />

Credo che in questa tempistica ci siano già tutte le risposte che gli interroganti hanno chiesto, non ci sono i presupposti,<br />

come ha detto il Commissario, per l'irrogazione di nuove sanzioni pecuniarie. La Commissione è giustamente attenta e<br />

spero che questo dibattito non sia un dibattito strumentale che metta ancora contro le istituzioni e le parti politiche.<br />

Se questo è un dibattito serio per aiutare la regione Campania, per cercare di trovare una soluzione a un problema antico,<br />

allora sicuramente anche la risoluzione che si immagina di votare a febbraio potrà essere una risoluzione comune,<br />

altrimenti sarà l'ennesima perdita di tempo che creerà ulteriori danni.<br />

2-634<br />

Mario Pirillo, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la profonda crisi che da anni vive la<br />

gestione del ciclo dei rifiuti campano non fa che preoccupare soprattutto per le pesanti ricadute sulla qualità della vita delle<br />

popolazioni locali.<br />

Come istituzione europea abbiamo il dovere di intervenire affinché questa situazione non si protragga oltremodo, tenendo<br />

alta l'attenzione e la soglia di guardia nei confronti delle autorità locali, spronandole senza esitazione affinché adottino<br />

provvedimenti credibili, che permettano alla Campania di uscire da questa gravosa emergenza.<br />

La verità è che si è parlato tanto dell'emergenza rifiuti, senza sapere come stanno le cose. La regione Campania si era<br />

impegnata a presentare un piano regionale entro il 2010, ora rinviato a marzo 2011. La situazione diventerà ingestibile di<br />

fronte ad ulteriori rinvii: aumentano i rischi per la salute dei cittadini e la criminalità organizzata continua a lucrare sulle<br />

emergenze.<br />

Con il Decreto legge 195/2009 il governo italiano dichiara chiusa l'emergenza, delegando alle province la gestione del<br />

ciclo dei rifiuti. È una decisione che non condividiamo, di difficile attuazione in una provincia come Napoli, dove risiede il<br />

52 per cento della popolazione campana.<br />

Occorre rimettere al centro i comuni, solo essi sono capaci di dare risposte mirate ed efficaci. Diversi sindaci campani<br />

hanno avviato con notevole sforzo ed apprezzabili risultati la raccolta differenziata. Ad essi vanno assegnate quelle risorse<br />

già trasferite alla regione.<br />

Ascoltare le amministrazioni locali è quanto mai necessario: stanno in prima linea e hanno una visione reale e complessiva<br />

del proprio territorio. Sono loro che lanciano l'allarme "discariche piene". Servono nei prossimi mesi nuove discariche e<br />

nuovi inceneritori, vanno individuati i relativi siti, anche a seguito dell'esclusione di Cava Vitiello a Terzigno su richiesta<br />

del territorio e del nostro Parlamento, per scongiurare il rischio di una paralisi dell'intero sistema di raccolta dei rifiuti<br />

urbani.<br />

Aspettiamo la risposta della Commissione rispetto al piano presentato dalla regione Campania.<br />

2-635<br />

Sonia Alfano, a nome del gruppo ALDE. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, Signor Commissario, nonostante la<br />

propaganda del governo italiano, presto smentito dalla Commissione, l'emergenza dei rifiuti in Campania è un problema<br />

strutturale tutt'altro che risolto.

146 18-01-2011<br />

Al di là di elenchi discutibili, bisogna rendersi conto di un unico dato di fatto: i cittadini campani continuano a vivere, e a<br />

morire, in mezzo ai rifiuti. La classe politica locale, regionale e nazionale, a destra come a sinistra, ha pesantissime<br />

responsabilità. Adesso la soluzione del problema non può essere scaricata sui cittadini, già vittime di condizioni di vita<br />

assolutamente insalubri. L'Unione europea deve imporre che la soluzione sia virtuosa, altrimenti il suo intervento<br />

risulterebbe vano.<br />

Non è costruendo gli inceneritori, peraltro finanziati come fonti rinnovabili in contrasto con la normativa europea vigente,<br />

che si risolve la questione. I rifiuti verrebbero trasformati in ceneri, emissioni nocive e mortali. Gli inceneritori, lo dice la<br />

direttiva Rifiuti, sono l'ultima opzione gerarchica di un ciclo integrato di rifiuti che presenta alternative virtuose senza<br />

impatto sulla salute dei cittadini e sull'ambiente e che, anzi, creano occupazione.<br />

Rispetto alle infiltrazioni mafiose, ritengo sia opportuno prendere atto che le infiltrazioni mafiose, soprattutto nel campo<br />

dei rifiuti, sono al Sud ma soprattutto al Nord, specialmente negli ultimi anni.<br />

Pongo pertanto alla Commissione tre domande: come intende agire per evitare che la soluzione del problema ricada sulla<br />

salute dei cittadini e che cosa intende fare per evitare che ai cittadini vengano imposte decisioni e che vengano addirittura<br />

militarizzati i territori?<br />

Ritiene opportuno porre tra le condizioni per la chiusura della procedura di infrazione l'immediata attivazione del registro<br />

tumori per l'intera regione?<br />

In che maniera la Commissione valuta la Legge 210 del 2008 e, in particolare, l'articolo 9 relativo agli incentivi per la<br />

realizzazione degli inceneritori, nel quale viene violata palesemente la normativa comunitaria relativa agli aiuti di Stato?<br />

2-636<br />

Eva Lichtenberger, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin! Nach der Märchenstunde unserer Kollegin<br />

aus Italien von der EVP möchte ich, dass wir wieder auf die Erde zurückkehren. Es ist ein Faktum: Italien wurde<br />

angeklagt, zu Recht angeklagt. Italien wurde verurteilt, zu Recht verurteilt. Italien hat die Frist nicht eingehalten.<br />

Offensichtlich wurde der Plan zwar von der Regierung geliefert, aber dann nicht rechtzeitig weitergeschickt. So bleibt die<br />

Situation immer wieder die gleiche. Man kann sich des Eindrucks nicht erwehren, dass es vonseiten der Verantwortlichen<br />

immer wieder so lange getrieben wird, bis eine Notfallsituation entsteht, man dann mit den Notfallgesetzen in Italien<br />

regieren kann, entscheiden kann und damit alle anderen Normen außer Kraft setzt. Wenn viel Müll auf der Straße liegt,<br />

und sei er auch vermischt mit Industriemüll aus dem Norden, aus dem Süden, dann wird man ihn schnell irgendwo<br />

ungesichert in eine Deponie werfen können, ohne genug Vorsorge zu treffen oder treffen zu können. Das ist hier keine<br />

italienische Debatte, meine Damen und Herren Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus Italien! Das ist eine Debatte, wo<br />

europäisches Recht nicht eingehalten und nicht umgesetzt wurde.<br />

Wenn diese Art und Weise, wie hier vorgegangen wird, sich auch in anderen Ländern verbreitet, hat das für ganz <strong>Europa</strong><br />

Konsequenzen. Das ist kein Sonntagsspaziergang, was dort unten passiert. Es ist skandalös. Es geht nicht darum, 536 neue<br />

Standorte immer wieder auszuweisen und die Bürgerinnen und Bürgern dann mit Polizeigewalt von ihren Protesten<br />

abzuhalten, weil sie nicht wollen, dass mit giftigem Industriemüll vermischter Hausmüll hinter ihrer Haustür deponiert<br />

wird. Das kann es nicht sein! Es muss Konsequenzen geben, und zwar fühlbare Konsequenzen. Es ist gut, dass die<br />

Fördermittel nicht mehr in dem Ausmaß eingesetzt werden können, wie das früher der Fall war. Da ist schon genug<br />

versickert. Es muss jetzt endlich fühlbare Konsequenzen geben, denn hier geht es um die Umsetzung von sinnvollem,<br />

notwendigem und gutem europäischem Recht.<br />

2-637<br />

Oreste Rossi, a nome del gruppo EFD. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il piano di smaltimento rifiuti predisposto<br />

deve essere attuato prevedendo la raccolta differenziata, il riciclo e, solo per la parte finale, l'incenerimento.<br />

Pensare di infliggere nuove sanzioni non sarebbe corretto e le ricordo che la colpa non è né del Nord, né di altre forze<br />

politiche, il gruppo dei verdi a cui lei appartiene aveva persino un ministro prima, quindi attenzione. Sono decenni che si<br />

parla dell'emergenza rifiuti a Napoli e nella Regione Campania e, nonostante siano stati stanziati copiosi fondi, è vero, ad<br />

oggi si è ancora in situazione di emergenza, ma non ci sono scuse. Dire che la responsabilità è del Nord dell'Italia, o<br />

addirittura che adesso vi sarebbero – diceva la collega – i rifiuti del Nord per le strade di Napoli sono semplicemente<br />

falsità.<br />

La responsabilità palese è delle precedenti amministrazioni locali che, mentre da una parte hanno consentito alla malavita<br />

organizzata di fare liberamente traffici illeciti di rifiuti, dall'altra non hanno saputo predisporre idonee e adeguate aree di<br />

raccolta e smaltimento.<br />

Quello che è necessario è che i cittadini campani e napoletani abbiano il coraggio, con il loro voto, come è già successo a<br />

livello regionale, di sostituire gli amministratori incapaci.

18-01-2011 147<br />

2-638<br />

Angelika Werthmann (NI). – Frau Präsidentin, sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Die Müllkrise im Großraum<br />

Neapel hält mittlerweile geschlagene 14 Jahre an.<br />

Die bestehenden Müllkippen sind überfüllt, der Bau neuer Anlagen wird von den betroffenen Gemeinden blockiert. Das<br />

Misstrauen der Bürgerinnen und Bürger gegen jedes Müllprojekt ist aber auch damit zu erklären, dass auf politischer<br />

Ebene in dieser Zeit viel versprochen, aber so gut wie gar nichts eingehalten wurde.<br />

Der bisherige Umgang mit diesem Problem bestand in der Praxis in kurzsichtigen Übergangslösungen. Sonderkommissäre<br />

wurden eingerichtet, diese jedoch nicht einmal verpflichtet, lokale Behörden und Anwohner zu informieren. Auf der<br />

anderen Seite gehören Einwegartikel in Italien zum Alltag. Dies bedingt eine tägliche Abfallproduktion, die weit über dem<br />

europäischen Durchschnitt liegt, wobei gleichzeitig auf Mülltrennung und Recycling kaum Wert gelegt wird.<br />

Das traurige Ergebnis dieses mangelnden Umweltbewusstseins auf beiden Seiten: Kampanien ist heute eine großflächig<br />

verseuchte Region, die Krebsrate bei den Anwohnern und die Atemwegserkrankungen bei den Kindern im Großraum<br />

Neapel liegen weit über dem Durchschnitt Italiens.<br />

Lösungen müssen daher dringendst gefunden und durchgeführt werden!<br />

2-639<br />

Crescenzio Rivellini (PPE). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ringrazio l'on. Seeber e tutti i miei colleghi per il<br />

compito assegnatomi, ma permettetemi di sottolineare che già sono in corso in Campania azioni estremamente positive.<br />

Ritengo pertanto che il ricorso all'articolo ex 260 del regolamento da parte di alcuni per ottenere sanzioni pecuniarie sia<br />

strumentale. La giunta regionale, insediatasi solo da pochi mesi, ha già pronto il piano relativo ai rifiuti speciali e il piano<br />

sul ciclo integrato dei rifiuti. Inoltre, è iniziata una politica relativa alla raccolta differenziata e sono state avviate iniziative<br />

per ridurre complessivamente i rifiuti prodotti. È in corso a Salerno la gara per la realizzazione di un inceneritore e sono in<br />

fase avanzata le procedure per la pubblicazione del bando per l'inceneritore a Napoli Est.<br />

Finalmente, le politiche attuate hanno lo scopo non solo di pulire la città, ma di organizzare un ciclo integrato di rifiuti con<br />

la raccolta differenziata, la diminuzione dei rifiuti prodotti, la realizzazione di impianti moderni anche per eliminare le<br />

ecoballe e la bonifica delle vecchie discariche.<br />

Per ciò che è accaduto in passato si puniscano i veri responsabili, che sono certo tra gli ex amministratori campani di<br />

sinistra e, in particolare, dei verdi, ma anche alcuni che dal Nord Italia hanno sfruttato la malavita locale per scaricare i<br />

rifiuti tossici che hanno prodotto.<br />

La Comunità europea deve aiutare la Campania, senza pregiudizi, e mi appello a tutti affinché si lavori per, e non contro,<br />

solo per soddisfare mediaticamente il proprio partito o la propria ideologia. Pensate veramente che penalizzando<br />

pecuniariamente la Campania si risolva l'emergenza?<br />

2-640<br />

Luigi de Magistris (ALDE). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, dopo le bugie del governo Berlusconi che si è<br />

insediato nel 2008 dicendo agli italiani che il problema dei rifiuti era superato, fa bene l'Unione europea a bloccare i fondi<br />

all'Italia fino a quando non verrà presentato un ciclo dei rifiuti ecocompatibile, che si fondi sul riciclaggio dei rifiuti e sul<br />

compostaggio.<br />

Non è certo il piano che ha presentato il presidente Caldoro, che si fonda ancora una volta su discariche incontrollate come<br />

quelle di Chiaiano, di Taverna del Re, di Terzigno, addirittura nel Parco nazionale del Vesuvio, né degli inceneritori che<br />

producono morte, tumori e una vera e propria emergenza sanitaria. I soldi pubblici in Campania nell'emergenza ambientale<br />

di questi tredici anni hanno consolidato i rapporti criminali tra la politica, tanto di sinistra quanto di destra, gli imprenditori<br />

e la camorra.<br />

E le questioni ambientali non si risolvono con la criminalizzazione del dissenso, con la criminalizzazione delle comunità<br />

locali, delle famiglie e del territorio, come ha fatto il governo italiano utilizzando il manganello per reprimere chi difende<br />

la natura e il territorio.<br />

2-641<br />

Francesco Enrico Speroni (EFD). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'<strong>Europa</strong>, centralista e burocratica, non<br />

distingue le differenze territoriali e le articolazioni amministrative all'interno degli Stati membri.<br />

La responsabilità della disastrosa situazione in Campania è principalmente dei cittadini campani e io, da padano, respingo<br />

queste accuse e le ribalto contro quelli che in Campania hanno votato amministratori locali incapaci di risolvere il<br />

problema e hanno persistito nell'errore confermandoli in successive tornate elettorali. La Padania è disponibile ad aiutare i<br />

campani, ma non accetta le accuse.

148 18-01-2011<br />

2-642<br />

Raffaele Baldassarre (PPE). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, Signor Commissario, non voglio certo con il mio<br />

intervento negare la gravità di una situazione che è la conseguenza inevitabile di una palese insufficienza amministrativa e<br />

politica che ha rischiato, e rischia ancora, di soffocare un'intera città e il suo circondario di rifiuti.<br />

On. Søndergaard e on. Lichtenberger, l'emergenza in Campania è nata e si è così drammaticamente sviluppata per<br />

l'incapacità di una giunta regionale e di un'amministrazione comunale di Napoli di sinistra, e con assessori verdi, di<br />

compiere scelte, anche impopolari e coraggiose, per realizzare il ciclo virtuoso della raccolta e lo smaltimento<br />

dell'immondizia. Irresponsabilità, indecisione, convenienze politiche, connivenze oscure, sprechi hanno caratterizzato una<br />

fase politica e amministrativa che oggi si è definitivamente chiusa.<br />

Voglio rassicurare i firmatari delle interrogazioni e i gruppi politici che le hanno appoggiate che la situazione politica e<br />

operativa è completamente cambiata. Il governo nazionale e la nuova giunta regionale, in modo responsabile, hanno la<br />

determinazione politica di risolvere l'emergenza, superando con il confronto con le popolazioni interessate e con la<br />

doverosa risolutezza ostacoli e resistenze che spesso nascono dalla sindrome di Nimby: "non voglio la tua spazzatura nel<br />

mio giardino".<br />

A tale fine, hanno predisposto un piano integrato di raccolta e smaltimento rifiuti che prevede in tempi brevi<br />

l'incentivazione alla raccolta differenziata e la realizzazione degli impianti necessari.<br />

Sarebbe pertanto estremamente ingiusto, controproducente e strumentale, così come chiede l'on. De Magistris, imporre<br />

oggi sanzioni e provvedimenti inibitori che colpirebbero istituzioni che, attraverso l'efficiente utilizzo delle risorse<br />

comunitarie e nazionali stanno cercando, in piena collaborazione con l'Unione europea, di chiudere definitivamente questa<br />

brutta pagina della millenaria storia di Napoli e della Campania.<br />

2-643<br />

Horst Schnellhardt (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin, meine Damen und Herren! Ich hoffe und wünsche, dass die heutige<br />

Diskussion ein Startschuss für eine durchgreifende Änderung bei der Müllentsorgung in Kampanien ist. Der Beschluss<br />

oder die Forderung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes müssen endlich umgesetzt werden, und die europäischen Regeln für<br />

Müllsammlung und Entsorgung müssen dort eingesetzt werden.<br />

Zweitens müssen die Schäden, die durch die illegalen Deponien erzeugt wurden, auch mit in Angriff genommen werden.<br />

Ich weiß wovon ich rede. Wir haben heute, zwanzig Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung, in Ostdeutschland immer noch mit<br />

den Lasten illegaler Müllentsorgung oder schlechter Müllentsorgung zu tun.<br />

Aber ich glaube nicht, dass das alles einen Erfolg hat, wenn wir nicht die Wurzeln des Übels anpacken. Da können wir von<br />

Verwaltung reden, so viel wir wollen, es sind mafiöse Strukturen, die dort bestehen. Die müssen zerschlagen werden, sonst<br />

werden wir hier nicht erfolgreich sein.<br />

Ich sage Ihnen ganz ehrlich, ich würde vier Bedingungen stellen: Erstens die Erstellung eines Abfallentsorgungsplanes.<br />

Der liegt wohl nun vor. Aber auch die Kommission sollte dort hilfreich sein. Zweitens die Bereitstellung von finanziellen<br />

Ressourcen, um neue Recyclinganlagen und Abfallanlagen zu schaffen. Drittens müssen härtere Strafen für die illegale<br />

Entsorgung geschaffen werden, und ich denke auch – mit Blick auf die Kommission –, dass Europol und Eurojust die<br />

Polizei und die Staatsanwaltschaft in Italien bei der Bekämpfung der organisierten Kriminalität unterstützen sollten.<br />

Die zur Verfügung stehenden Mittel sollte man so lange sperren, bis diese Bedingungen erfüllt sind. Dann bin ich gerne<br />

bereit, mein Ja dazu zu geben, dass die Mittel wieder freigegeben werden.<br />

2-644<br />

Lara Comi (PPE). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, Signor Commissario, con il mio intervento voglio affermare<br />

in modo chiaro che la situazione dei rifiuti in Campania è migliorata rispetto al passato ed è in corso di definizione.<br />

La problematica è molto complessa, presenta difficoltà di vario genere e necessita di tempo per essere risolta in modo<br />

adeguato e definitivo. Le interrogazioni orali sulle quali discutiamo invocano l'applicazione della procedura ai sensi<br />

dell'articolo 260 del trattato, ma non è l'applicazione di una sanzione pecuniaria che risolverà la situazione in Campania.<br />

Così procedendo, rischieremmo di avallare un criterio di attribuzione della responsabilità per infrazione a uno Stato<br />

membro sul piano meramente oggettivo, semplicemente per non aver ancora adempiuto oggettivamente a un obbligo<br />

derivante dall'ordinamento comunitario.<br />

Ciò che deve essere preso in considerazione è anche il comportamento soggettivo dello Stato. Non si può certo dire che<br />

l'Italia non abbia rispettato l'obbligo di leale cooperazione, ma come il Signor Commissario ha confermato, i servizi della<br />

Commissione sono in continuo contatto con le autorità italiane nazionali e territoriali e seguono scrupolosamente<br />

l'evolversi della situazione.

18-01-2011 149<br />

La volontà e l'impegno profusi dall'Italia sono assolutamente innegabili. È importante sottolineare che il ruolo operativo è<br />

passato dalle regioni alle province, in modo tale da sviluppare un piano idoneo alle diverse esigenze del territorio.<br />

L'<strong>Europa</strong> deve essere vicina all'Italia, cooperando in perfetta sinergia.<br />

Vorrei concludere ricordando che nella giunta regionale campana era presente anche l'Italia dei Valori, che forse ora ha la<br />

memoria corta e troppo corta per ricordare quello che ha fatto o che, meglio, non ha fatto.<br />

2-645<br />

Barbara Matera (PPE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, non intervengo per mero campanilismo, ma per<br />

condividere con voi la risposta italiana alla violazione comunitaria, ricordando che è nostro interesse difendere gli interessi<br />

dei cittadini e del nostro popolo.<br />

La regione Campania e, in generale, lo Stato italiano stanno provvedendo alla creazione di una rete di impianti di<br />

smaltimento dei rifiuti secondo quanto stabilito dal diritto comunitario. Voglio ricordare che i fondi comunitari stanziati<br />

per lo smaltimento di rifiuti in Campania sono stati impiegati nei POR 2000-2006 nella misura 1.7 e nei POR 2007-2013,<br />

obiettivo operativo 1.1.<br />

Sul POR 2000-2006 la regione Campania ha rendicontato la dotazione finanziaria disponibile pari a 140 milioni di euro,<br />

soldi impegnati nella realizzazione di impianti di stoccaggio, trattamento e recupero, impianti di valorizzazione, frazione<br />

umida e secca e la messa in sicurezza di discariche per costruzione, o ampliamento, di impianti destinati al recupero di<br />

materia da rifiuti, per interventi a sostegno della raccolta differenziata. Per quanto attiene al POR 2007-2013, sono stati<br />

stanziati 110 milioni di euro per la realizzazione di impianti per il trattamento di rifiuti, 50 milioni di euro per il<br />

finanziamento di impianti comunali per la raccolta differenziata.<br />

Le attività, quindi, dell'obiettivo 1.1. del POR FESR 2007-2013, insieme alla misura 1.7. del POR 2000-2006 sono state<br />

fortemente limitate da regimi di condizionabilità della spesa per effetto della procedura di infrazione sulla gestione dei<br />

rifiuti in Campania, quindi, ad oggi si è accantonata una quota dei FAS per consentire il prosieguo delle attività in vigenza<br />

del veto comunitario al riconoscimento dei fondi POR.<br />

Concludo dicendo che si ritiene importante poter presentare alla Commissione e al Parlamento le oggettive difficoltà a<br />

ottemperare in tempi brevi alla sentenza della Corte di giustizia.<br />

2-646<br />

Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė (PPE). – Tiesiog norėčiau pasinaudoti proga ir atkreipti dėmesį į kitas atliekų<br />

tvarkymo problemas Europos Sąjungoje. Šios problemos pasireiškia, visų pirma, aplaidžiu valstybės ir vietos valdžios<br />

institucijų požiūriu į atliekų tvarkymo prioritetus. Štai, pavyzdžiui, viename Lietuvos miestų verslininkai, siekiantys<br />

pastatyti atliekų deginimo gamyklą, visuomenę klaidina atliekų deginimą statydami į vieną gretą ar net iškeldami prieš<br />

kitus atliekų tvarkymo būdus - vengimą, rūšiavimą. Deja, vietos valdžios institucijos ir valdininkai, atsakingi už atliekų<br />

tvarkymą, į tokį klaidinimą nekreipia daug dėmesio. Todėl raginu Komisiją sprendžiant atliekų tvarkymo problemas<br />

Europos Sąjungoje atkreipti dėmesį ir į tokius pažeidimus, kuomet nesilaikoma ir raginama nesilaikyti Europos Sąjungos<br />

atliekų direktyvoje įtvirtintų atliekų tvarkymo prioritetų.<br />

2-647<br />

Peter Jahr (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin! Im Rahmen einer Delegationsreise des Petitionsausschusses konnte ich mich über<br />

die Situation der Müllentsorgung in Kampanien informieren. Man muss feststellen, dass die dort handelnden Institutionen<br />

vor einer extrem schwierigen Aufgabe stehen. Denn es müssen die Müllentsorgungsprobleme der Vergangenheit –<br />

Stichwort Öko-Pellets –, der Gegenwart und der Zukunft gelöst werden. Mein Eindruck von dieser Reise: Die<br />

Müllentsorgung der Gegenwart war zum Zeitpunkt des Besuchs leidlich gelöst, teilweise mit Militäreinsatz. Gelöst hieß<br />

damals, der Müll wurde von der Stadt herausgebracht und deponiert, leider, müssen wir feststellen, teilweise auch illegal<br />

deponiert. Was fehlt, sind strategische Lösungen für die Vergangenheit, aber vor allen Dingen für die Zukunft.<br />

Das Angebot der EU ist gut, nachvollziehbar und fair. Wenn die Region ein schlüssiges Müllentsorgungskonzept vorlegt,<br />

dann wird die Europäische Union die Finanzmittel freigeben. Man sollte den lokalen Behörden auch Mut machen, dies zu<br />

tun. Ich sage es noch einmal aus meiner Sicht: Die Kommission und auch wir, das Europäische Parlament, sind nicht an<br />

Strafzahlungen interessiert. Wir sind daran interessiert, dass die Müllprobleme vor Ort in Kampanien geklärt werden.<br />

Diesen Deal sollten wir gemeinsam machen und vorangehen.<br />

2-648<br />

Crescenzio Rivellini (PPE). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, i fondi eventualmente bloccati dalla Comunità<br />

europea sono in particolare quelli destinati alla bonifica dei territori.<br />

Mi chiedo come si possa pensare di bloccare tali fondi e chiedo in particolare ai parlamentari italiani, tra l'altro eletti dalla<br />

comunità campana, di non rispondere alla loro furia ideologica e di non penalizzare i loro concittadini.<br />

Mi appello a loro affinché siano rappresentativi della loro comunità e non autoreferenti di loro stessi.

150 18-01-2011<br />

2-649<br />

Janez Potočnik, Member of the Commission. − Madam President, I should like to thank the Members very much for all<br />

their views.<br />

There are three or four issues which I would like to address. First is the issue which has been quite passionately addressed<br />

by many of you. The situation is critical; there is no quick fix. There have been some positive developments but it is<br />

obvious that we still need a systemic answer to the question. It is not easy but it is more than needed. In that respect our<br />

partner in finding a solution is, of course, Italy, but cooperation with regional authorities in this respect is undoubtedly<br />

necessary.<br />

So I am very much looking forward to the evaluation of the new draft waste management plan which we sincerely hope is<br />

what we all believe it should be. It will be evaluated by my services, by the experts, and I can assure you that it will be<br />

done in such a way that there will be the same treatment for Italy as for any other Member State, because it is of<br />

fundamental importance that we keep that trust between Member States on the table.<br />

So when we talk about dealing with these problems, my approach could actually be put into four words. I want to be<br />

helpfully strict and strictly helpful. The idea is certainly not to impose fines. As was mentioned by some of you, the idea is<br />

to solve problems, but by imposing fines if there is no other way to solve the problems, because that is my duty.<br />

So I am truly doing everything in cooperation with the Italian authorities so that we find proper solutions. That is my<br />

sincere hope. At the end of the day we are talking about the health of Italian citizens and the Italian environment.<br />

The second thing I want to mention is connected with the Waste Framework Directive. It is a new directive which was<br />

recently adopted. In that directive it is pretty clear that each of the countries, as a matter of law, has to introduce a waste<br />

hierarchy. That means the best waste is no waste; there is re-use, recycling, energy regeneration and, if there is no other<br />

possibility, landfilling.<br />

That is the picture which is taken from the report that will be published tomorrow on how efficient the Member States in<br />

the European Union are. It is about the trends in landfilling municipal waste because our best available data are on<br />

municipal waste.<br />

Believe it or not, there are five Member States where landfilling is below 5% of municipal waste, but there are also seven<br />

Member States where landfilling is over 80%, so we have really very different situations in Europe when we deal with<br />

these programmes, and this is an issue which we certainly want to address. This picture is of the situation between 1995<br />

and 2007 and, if it shows anything, it shows that if countries want they can change. If they organise themselves in a proper<br />

way, they can really change.<br />

Fundamentally, you can today divide Europe into two parts: one part which sees waste as a problem and one part which<br />

sees waste as a major opportunity for resources and also for the new financial profits because that is the reality. I have<br />

heard many stories of the need for the question of who will take the waste to be decided by public procurement, because<br />

there are more than the necessary number of users who would like to have it in order to use it. However, for this purpose<br />

the waste has to be selected at the very beginning. That is the fundamental and most important need.<br />

The last thing which I would like to mention is the honourable Member who said that we should be more careful about<br />

waste management problems elsewhere in the European Union. In the infringement cases by sector in 2009, waste<br />

accounts for 19%, water 20%, nature 19%, air 16%, and the rest less. We are looking horizontally at all implementation<br />

problems and we are bound to do that. I can assure you that we will do it also in the future.<br />

To conclude, we should truly do our best, you as Members of Parliament and I as Commissioner for the Environment, to<br />

spread across Europe the message of waste as an opportunity for the future. We desperately need that message in the<br />

context of the limited resources which we are increasingly facing from day to day. Resource efficiency is the name of the<br />

problem and resource efficiency is at the core of our future competitiveness in Europe. If you do not believe me, ask me in<br />

10 years’ time. I can guarantee that this will be the case.<br />

2-650<br />

Presidente. − La discussione è chiusa.<br />

La votazione si svolgerà durante la prossima tornata.<br />

2-651<br />

18 - Violazione della libertà di espressione e discriminazione sulla base dell'orientamento<br />

sessuale in Lituania (discussione)<br />

2-652<br />

Presidente. − L'ordine del giorno reca la discussione su:

18-01-2011 151<br />

– l'interrogazione orale alla Commissione sulla violazione della libertà di espressione e discriminazioni sulla base<br />

dell'orientamento sessuale in Lituania, di Renate Weber, Sophia in 't Veld, Leonidas Donskis, Cecilia Wikström,<br />

Alexander Alvaro, Sonia Alfano, Gianni Vattimo, Sarah Ludford, Ramon Tremosa i Balcells, a nome del gruppo ALDE<br />

(O-0190/2010 - B7-0669/2010),<br />

– l'interrogazione orale alla Commissione sulla violazione della libertà di espressione e discriminazione fondata<br />

sull'orientamento sessuale in Lituania, di Ulrike Lunacek, a nome del gruppo Verts/ALE (O-0204/2010 - B7-0803/2010),<br />

– l'interrogazione orale alla Commissione sulla violazione della libertà di espressione e discriminazioni sulla base<br />

dell'orientamento sessuale in Lituania, di Cornelis de Jong, a nome del gruppo GUE/NGL (O-0207/2010 - B7-0804/2010),<br />

– l'interrogazione orale alla Commissione sulla violazione della libertà di espressione e discriminazione sulla base<br />

dell'orientamento sessuale in Lituania, di Michael Cashman, Monika Flašíková Beňová, Claude Moraes, a nome del<br />

gruppo S&D (O-0216/2010 - B7-0005/2011).<br />

2-653<br />

Sophia in ’t Veld, author. − Madam President, we are discussing today, and not for the first time, legislation that may be<br />

passed by the Lithuanian Parliament with a potentially very negative effect on the position of lesbian, gay, bisexual and<br />

transgender (LGBT) people in Lithuania. I think it is unfortunate that we are discussing the subject again, as Parliament<br />

has already passed a resolution on it.<br />

I think the resolution we have proposed for vote tomorrow is very clear. We would appeal to our Lithuanian colleagues to<br />

reflect further on this matter and to make sure that whatever legislation they pass will not discriminate against LGBT<br />

people.<br />

I do not have much to say about the resolution, but I think it is becoming increasingly clear that the European Union needs<br />

to equip itself with stronger legal instruments for the enforcement of fundamental rights. We recently debated the<br />

controversial media law in Hungary and now we are facing very similar issues.<br />

We have laid down the principles – the shared values of 500 million citizens – in the European treaties but, when it comes<br />

to putting them into practice, we run into trouble. Therefore, Commissioner, I would like to hear your views on our<br />

proposal for a European road map for LGBT rights. The European Union has done a lot for gender equality in the past and,<br />

indeed, we have regular road maps for gender equality. We have all sorts of strategies to combat racism and xenophobia,<br />

to combat social exclusion and to strengthen fundamental rights, but not for LGBT people. I think it is very urgent and<br />

very necessary that we have such a strategy: a strategy to fight prejudice, ignorance, discrimination and hatred and to<br />

strengthen the rights of LGBT people.<br />

There are many examples of the problem. Today we are discussing the amendments which have been put to the Lithuanian<br />

Parliament, but that should not distract us from the fact that homophobia exists in all Member States.<br />

I would like to bring another fact to your attention, Commissioner, and to hear your views on it. This concerns the<br />

European asylum policy, and the fact is that people seeking asylum because they are prosecuted on grounds of their sexual<br />

orientation in a Member State which I will not name have to undergo something known as a phallometric test. This is<br />

particularly degrading. It has no place in the European Union and I would like to hear what the Commission intends to do<br />

about it.<br />

2-654<br />

Ulrike Lunacek, author. − Madam President, my colleague Mrs in 't Veld has already explained what the resolution is<br />

about and referred to it and I strongly agree with the question she put to you, Commissioner: what about a road map for<br />

LGBT rights in this common European Union?<br />

But I would like to take a different angle to hopefully convince those who in this Parliament have not yet decided on<br />

voting in favour of this resolution. You know what? Last summer, four Members of the European Parliament, Mrs in 't<br />

Veld, myself, Mr Cashman and Mr Fjellner, representing four groups, the majority of this Parliament, were in Vilnius, in<br />

Lithuania, together with the first Baltic Pride to be held in Vilnius, empowering and supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and<br />

transgender people in this city and we were there under the European flag telling everybody, ‘this flag protects us, lesbian,<br />

gay, bisexual and transgender people, and that is true also for Lithuania.’<br />

Now, what would happen to us and to Lithuanians who next year might go marching in favour of our equal rights in<br />

Vilnius if this law is adopted in the Seimas? Each one of us could be fined up to EUR 2 900 for publicly promoting sexual<br />

orientation – meaning homosexuality in this case, because I guess for heterosexuality that does not apply. Is that really<br />

what this Parliament would want? Is that what the Parliament of Lithuania would want, the parliament of a country which<br />

20 years ago struggled for its own freedom, with lesbians and gays among the people struggling for that freedom?<br />

So I am very happy that the President of Lithuania, Mrs Grybauskaitė, former Commissioner, and the Government of<br />

Lithuania have already said that this proposed law contravenes Lithuania’s obligations under its own constitution. I hope it<br />

will be clear that different forms of sexuality, of sexual orientation, of forms of living, have been part of all cultures and of

152 18-01-2011<br />

all societies and are so in Lithuania, as well, and that hiding facts like that from the public, from young people, is simply a<br />

basis for inciting hatred, hate speech and hate crimes. That is something that I think nobody in this Parliament or in the<br />

Lithuanian parliament would want.<br />

Therefore I hope that we will have the support of this Parliament and of the Commissioner for the resolution. We do not<br />

need your support, but I hope we have it.<br />

2-655<br />

Cornelis de Jong, Auteur. − Mevrouw de Voorzitter, ik sluit me graag aan bij wat de vorige sprekers hebben gezegd, maar<br />

ik wil ook nog een ander aspect van de problematiek benadrukken: de bepaling van de voorgestelde wetswijziging kan niet<br />

alleen zeer ernstige gevolgen hebben voor de LGBT- gemeenschap in Litouwen, maar is wederom een voorbeeld van<br />

wetgeving die gebruikt kan worden tegen de erkenning van partnerschappen en huwelijken van paren van gelijk geslacht<br />

uit andere lidstaten. In dit huis hebben we daar ook al eerder over gesproken in september vorig jaar, en omdat er toen nog<br />

vragen bleven, hebben we samen met andere europarlementariërs een brief gestuurd om verduidelijking. Uw<br />

Eurocommissaris heeft een antwoord gestuurd, waarin u onder meer schrijft dat het verblijfsrecht van dergelijke paren<br />

door het Europees recht wordt erkend. Mijn vraag aan u is dan ook: Gaat u Litouwen daar nu aan houden, ook als een van<br />

de partners niet de nationaliteit heeft van de lidstaten? Graag een heel duidelijk antwoord hierop.<br />

In het werkprogramma van de Commissie lees ik dat de Commissie in 2013 een wetgevingsvoorstel over de wederzijdse<br />

erkenning van de effecten van bepaalde akten van de burgerlijke stand gaat opstellen. Mijn vraag is: Is dat nu ook een<br />

voorstel voor wederzijdse erkenning van partnerschappen en huwelijken en, als dat zo is, dan ben ik daar op zich blij mee,<br />

maar waarom pas in 2013?<br />

De Commissie heeft aangekondigd noodzakelijke actie te ondernemen, als de diensten de Litouwse wetgeving hebben<br />

geanalyseerd en mijn vraag is: Is die analyse inmiddels uitgevoerd en hebben de diensten in de analyse ook meegenomen<br />

wat de gevolgen zijn voor de erkenning van paren van gelijk geslacht uit andere lidstaten?<br />

Welke stappen gaat de Commissie vervolgens ondernemen tegen Litouwen, maar bijvoorbeeld ook tegen Roemenië dat bij<br />

wetgeving erkenning expliciet uitsluit?<br />

Tenslotte, beloofde u, mevrouw de commissaris, tijdens de debatten in september om snel met een reactie te zullen komen<br />

op het rapport van het mensenrechtenagentschap over homofobie. In uw brief verwijst u echter simpelweg naar het<br />

jaarverslag van de Commissie. Vindt u niet dat, in het licht van de gebeurtenissen in Litouwen, die zaak veel meer<br />

aandacht moet krijgen, en kunt u ons toezeggen dat u zo spoedig mogelijk met een apart verslag over homofobie in de<br />

Europese Unie zult komen?<br />

2-656<br />

Monika Flašíková Beňová, autorka. − Musím úprimne povedať, že nerozumieme tomu, čo sa deje v Litve, alebo možno<br />

ešte lepšie, že sme z toho rozčarovaní a rozhorčení.<br />

Keď sa už zdá, že sme v Európskej únii dosiahli pokrok aspoň v tom, že vieme, čo sú to základné ľudské práva, príde z<br />

jedného z členských štátov signál, že to vlastne vôbec nie je pravda.<br />

Úvahy o tom, že treba zákonom zakázať napríklad propagáciu iných než heterosexuálnych vzťahov, nám prídu<br />

neuveriteľne spiatočnícke a totálne ignorujúce to, čo sme za posledné roky v oblasti ľudských práv tu spoločne v<br />

Európskom parlamente aj v spolupráci s vami, s Komisiou, dosiahli.<br />

Ochrana duševného zdravia detí je iba nedôstojnou zámienkou agendy zakomplexovaných politikov. Deti musíme a<br />

chceme chrániť. Chceme ich chrániť najmä proti násiliu, proti chudobe, chceme im zabezpečiť podmienky pre vzdelanie,<br />

bezpečnosť a osobný rozvoj. Všetci však alebo väčšina z nás z vlastných skúseností vie, že deťom nevadia prejavy<br />

náklonnosti a lásky a ani propagácia iných ako heterosexuálnych vzťahov.<br />

Preto som presvedčená, že dnes už nie je namieste, aby sme s podporovateľmi takýchto názorov diskutovali, pani<br />

komisárka, a snažili sa im stále niečo vysvetľovať. Snažili sa im vysvetľovať, v čom sú ich postoje žalostne mylné.<br />

Podľa môjho názoru treba razantným spôsobom zakročiť. Treba jednoznačne povedať, že homofóbne legislatívne snahy sú<br />

v jednoznačnom rozpore so základnými princípmi Európskej únie, sú úplne jasne v rozpore so zmluvami, s Chartou<br />

základných ľudských práv a s Európskym dohovorom o ľudských právach. Nerešpektujú slobodu prejavu a informácií a<br />

slobodu zhromažďovania, ako aj zákaz diskriminácie na základe sexuálnej orientácie.<br />

Chcela by som sa tiež opýtať, pani komisárka, či v prípade schválenia takého zákona začne Komisia voči Litve konanie o<br />

porušení?<br />


18-01-2011 153<br />

Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the Commission. − Madam President, I would like to start by stressing that the<br />

Commission unambiguously rejects homophobia because it is a blatant violation of human dignity.<br />

That is also why, on 22 November 2010, I visited Lithuania and discussed with President Dalia Grybauskaitė and the<br />

Minister of Justice the proposal to amend the Administrative Code, which establishes a new offence punishable by a fine<br />

for ‘the promotion of homosexual relations or financing of such promotion in public places’, as well as the related proposal<br />

to amend the Penal Code.<br />

According to the latest information in my possession, the adoption by the Lithuanian Parliament of this draft amendment<br />

to the Administrative Code was postponed and is now expected to take place in spring this year. This means that it is still<br />

under discussion.<br />

The Commission is examining the proposals to amend the Lithuanian Administrative and Penal Codes, as well as other<br />

Lithuanian legislation, from the perspective of compliance with relevant EU law.<br />

In 2009, the Commission expressed serious concerns to the Lithuanian authorities in relation to the compatibility with<br />

Union law and fundamental rights of the Lithuanian Law on the Protection of Minors against the Detrimental Effect of<br />

Public Information. Following the Commission’s intervention, this law was amended in December 2009.<br />

The law qualifies as detrimental to minors information that ‘expresses contempt for family values, encourages the concept<br />

of entry into a marriage and creation of a family other than stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and<br />

the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania’. The practical application of this law may raise questions in terms of<br />

compliance with the e-Commerce and Audiovisual Media Services Directives and with the principle of nondiscrimination.<br />

The Commission is continuing to look into this matter.<br />

According to the information in my possession, an amendment to the Law on Provision of Information took effect on<br />

18 October 2010. This amendment prescribes that ‘advertising and audiovisual commercial communication […] must not<br />

contain manifestation or promotion of sexual orientation’. If these provisions were to remain in the law, we would see the<br />

same problems in terms of compliance with the Audiovisual and Media Services Directive and possible violation of<br />

Article 21 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.<br />

In May 2010, the Commission wrote to the Lithuanian Government expressing worries about the last-minute suspension of<br />

the Baltic Gay Pride event. You will remember this. We recalled in that letter that freedom of peaceful assembly, as<br />

provided for in the European Convention on Human Rights and Article 12 of the Charter, is one of the principles on which<br />

the Union is founded. On that basis, Baltic Gay Pride was held on 8 May 2010: that was the event to which a previous<br />

speaker referred.<br />

As regards the question of a possible European strategy on the fight against homophobia, the Commission’s priority is to<br />

ensure that EU legislation complies fully with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, including Article 21 prohibiting<br />

discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation. How this is to be achieved was explained very clearly in the<br />

Commission’s communication on the strategy for effective implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, adopted<br />

on 19 October 2010. We will come back to this matter in the annual report on application of the Charter, which also covers<br />

progress on the application of Article 21. That will happen in spring of this year.<br />

According to this logic, the phallometric test as a procedure under asylum policy is, of course, subject to EU law and<br />

relates directly to Article 21 of the Charter, which prohibits discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. This<br />

clearly means that if, in EU law or in its application at national level, there is discrimination, then the Union is empowered<br />

to intervene. It is very clear that the Union can intervene here.<br />

To conclude, I would like to reiterate the Commission’s strong commitment to combating homophobia and discrimination<br />

based on sexual orientation, to the full extent of the powers conferred by the Treaties.<br />

Regarding the recognition of civil status, we have no intention of proposing any legislation that would interfere with<br />

Member States’ substantive family law or modify national definitions of marriage. This is subsidiarity. Our green paper on<br />

recognition of civil status is designed for cross-border situations, such as the recognition of birth certificates, and is not<br />

concerned with the recognition of same-sex marriage. We must not mix things up. It is for the Member States to define<br />

what marriage is. It is for the European Union to permit free movement and non-discrimination. These are two completely<br />

different things. Such is the position in European law and that is what we apply in real terms.<br />

2-658<br />

Simon Busuttil, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Madam President, the EPP is committed to upholding the values and<br />

principles upon which the Union is founded, in particular the respect for human rights. Europe should fight against all<br />

forms of discrimination and that includes discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. At the same time, we have to

154 18-01-2011<br />

respect the right of any democracy, as long as it respects human rights and the non-discrimination principle, to discuss,<br />

modify and adopt national laws, without interfering in the debates of national parliaments, without infringing the principle<br />

of subsidiarity and without acting or condemning a Member State prematurely.<br />

We do not like the idea of condemning a Member State, especially since in this particular case the proposed modifications<br />

have not even been voted on by the plenary of the Lithuanian Parliament and are still under review by the Lithuanian<br />

authorities. Not only that, but the proposed modifications have already been deemed to be in conflict with European law<br />

by the Lithuanian authorities themselves, who have declared that they will be taking action to remedy the situation and to<br />

respect the principle of non-discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. So this proposed legislation will probably<br />

not even make it onto the statute book of Lithuania and therefore there is no need to condemn this Member State.<br />

To conclude, I do hope nonetheless that tomorrow the EPP will be able to support the joint resolution as long as it does not<br />

condemn any individual Member State and as long as it is modified to make it more balanced.<br />

2-659<br />

Sarah Ludford, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Madam President, I hope very much that Lithuania will learn from the<br />

experience in the UK, which went through its own agonies of having a law which banned the promotion of homosexuality<br />

in schools. David Cameron, then Conservative leader and now Prime Minister, said 18 months ago that his party was<br />

wrong in its support for that 1988 law, which was subsequently repealed. Indeed David Cameron predicted that the first<br />

openly gay Prime Minister in the UK would be a Tory. We will see, but that is what he predicted.<br />

So you could see a huge change in attitudes in the space of two decades. This development in attitudes, which my<br />

colleague Charles Tannock knows a lot more about, and this move by the centre right are reflected in a quite modest and<br />

moderate EPP resolution and indeed in Simon Busuttil’s opening remarks. I am hopeful that the EPP might be able to rally<br />

to the main resolution if most of their amendments are accepted in the vote tomorrow.<br />

The situation in the UK has been transformed to the extent that the proprietors of a small guest house were today forced to<br />

pay compensation to a gay couple whom they refused to allow to stay, in breach of the law. As the judge remarked, these<br />

proprietors were perfectly at liberty to hold or discuss their personal views on homosexuality, but what they could not do<br />

was discriminate on the basis of those views. It is talk, discussion, debate, right of assembly that would be affected by the<br />

proposed Lithuanian laws.<br />

Banning the promotion or propagation of homosexuality is likely to have a chilling effect on free speech and discussions,<br />

as the Fundamental Rights Agency has pointed out. I join Sophie in ’t Veld in calling for an EU road map to combat<br />

homophobia and discrimination and I call on everyone across the political spectrum in this House to unite in support of the<br />

whole range of human rights.<br />

2-660<br />

Marije Cornelissen, namens de Verts/ALE-Fractie. – Voorzitter, dit is niet de eerste keer dat Litouwen de basiswaarden<br />

en het Verdrag van de EU schendt. Het Parlement daar lijkt steeds schaamtelozer te worden in het inperken van de rechten<br />

van homo's.<br />

We moeten daar actie tegen ondernemen. De waarden en wetten van de EU zijn niet à la carte – deze wel, en deze liever<br />

niet. Wie EU-lid wil worden en wil zijn, moet zich aan alles houden. Dat geldt voor Litouwen, maar net zo goed voor<br />

Frankrijk en ook voor Nederland. Stel dat Nederland bijvoorbeeld in de toekomst zou willen gaan morrelen aan de rechten<br />

van migranten. We moeten actie ondernemen, want als dit zomaar kan, dan betekent dat dat eigenlijk niemand zich echt<br />

goed beschermd mag voelen in de Unie.<br />

Ik ben blij dat de commissaris meteen is gestart met een juridische analyse en ik hoop op heel snelle vervolgstappen. Want<br />

het kan toch niet zo zijn dat mensen eerst slachtoffer moeten worden van deze wetten en dan bij de buren hun rechten als<br />

EU-burgers moeten gaan opeisen bij het Mensenrechtenhof.<br />

2-661<br />

Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Madam President, the EU is founded on the principle that all its citizens<br />

enjoy equal rights and freedoms. Every country that wants to become a Member State of the EU must commit to that<br />

principle and be signatory to the ECHR, not least with regard to sexual orientation.<br />

When Lithuania joined the EU seven years ago, it pledged to uphold our common values of tolerance and equality. Since<br />

then, the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights – and I believe its Articles 12 and 21 – have come into force, further<br />

guaranteeing in law citizens’ freedom from discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation at EU institutional level.<br />

As a spokesman for my party and group on human rights issues outside the Union, I can say categorically that the ECR<br />

upholds and endorses principles of equality, tolerance and diversity everywhere.

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However, many Europeans do hold traditional views with regard to homosexuality, often based on religious conviction.<br />

Just as we seek to uphold the law to protect LGBT rights, so too should we seek to ensure that those who wish to express<br />

contrary, non-inflammatory, views within the bounds of the law regarding free speech should be free to do so as well.<br />

Undoubtedly, Lithuanian society remains by and large conservative and we should understand that. People are entitled to<br />

their own private views, but at an institutional and legal level, we cannot compromise on the principle that we are all equal.<br />

Equality is a hallmark of our progressive society in Europe, and I believe in fact that the legal safeguards and individual<br />

rights guaranteed by the EU acted as a kind of magnet to countries such as Lithuania as they emerged from communist<br />

totalitarian domination.<br />

I would therefore urge the Lithuanian authorities to reflect on the fact that the EU is committed to preventing the<br />

marginalisation, vilification and persecution of minorities that was so commonplace throughout Europe for the first half of<br />

the 20th century. The Commission should indeed look at this proposed draft Lithuanian piece of legislation and pronounce<br />

whether or not, in its opinion, this piece of legislation is compatible with EU law – although, as Simon Busuttil put it, it is<br />

entirely possible that this bill will not become law, as Lithuania is a democracy and is only too well aware of all the issues<br />

we are going to raise in this debate tonight.<br />

2-662<br />

Joe Higgins, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group. – Madam President, the proposed law to ban what is called the public<br />

promotion of gay relations in Lithuania is another excuse to crush the rights of gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual<br />

people in that state.<br />

How cruelly ironic that a country which threw off the shackles of Stalinist dictatorship only 20 years ago should now<br />

revert to aping one of the many crimes of that system: the suppression of the right of people to live freely and in peace<br />

according to their own sexual identity.<br />

I salute the courage of the hundreds of gay people and their supporters who braved the hate campaign against them to<br />

march in the Baltic Pride parade in Lithuania’s capital Vilnius in May of last year. It is revolting to see right-wing<br />

politicians scapegoating gay people in Lithuania. The political establishment in that country has dismally failed its people,<br />

particularly the youth. Just as in Ireland, market capitalism and financial speculation have devastated the economies of the<br />

Baltic States, including Lithuania where unemployment has rocketed to 18% and youth unemployment to a staggering<br />

35%. In these circumstances, using minorities, including gay people, as scapegoats is a standard, cynical way to divert<br />

attention from the failures of the establishment.<br />

Just as in the hate campaign against gays in Uganda, the homophobic campaign in Lithuania tries to insinuate that gay<br />

people pose a threat to children, implying sexual abuse of children. This is a poisonous slander, designed to confuse and<br />

mislead. It is a slander that would have parents look in the wrong direction to protect their children. Coming from Ireland,<br />

I can confirm tragically that threats to children come traditionally from within institutions where they are supposed to be<br />

safe, within certain families and within certain areas of the Catholic Church.<br />

It is reprehensible that young people in Lithuania coping with their emerging sexuality – which is a difficult enough time –<br />

must now do so in a climate of intolerance and fear. So, we should stand in solidarity with the right of all people in<br />

Lithuania, in Russia, throughout the European Union and elsewhere to live in peace and in accordance with their own<br />

identities.<br />

2-663<br />

Димитър Стоянов (NI). – Първото нещо, което разбрах от изказванията на вносителите е, че те в същност<br />

предполагат, че предложените изменения ще дискриминират хомосексуалните. Не са сигурни в това. Те само го<br />

предполагат. Затова тази ситуация ми напомня малко на филма „Специален доклад”, в който използвайки<br />

ясновидци, местната полиция осъждаше хора преди те още да са извършили дадено престъпление.<br />

В момента Литва се намира точно в тази позиция - да бъде осъдена за нещо, което тя в същност още не е<br />

извършила. Тук има и един друг много голям фундаментален проблем, който, колеги, ще ни мъчи много дълги<br />

години занапред и това е конфликтът между различните права на различните групи.<br />

Например, вие знаете, че правото на събиране, за което говорим сега в тази зала, не е неограничено и абсолютно.<br />

То трябва да е мирно събиране, да бъде проведено при определени обстоятелства, които не нарушават<br />

обществения ред.<br />

Това е извън контекста на конкретния случай, но не забравяйте, че занапред тези конфликти на права ще бъдат<br />

огромен проблем за Европейския съюз и много често, в един момент даже ще се озовем в ситуация, в която ще<br />

трябва да отсъждаме чии права имат предимство пред правата на другите, ако продължаваме така безконтролно да<br />

разширяваме полезрението на така наречените граждански права и свободи.

156 18-01-2011<br />

2-664<br />

Joanna Katarzyna Skrzydlewska (PPE). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Obecnie na Litwie mamy do czynienia z sytuacją, w<br />

której z jednej strony mówimy o prawie każdego demokratycznie wybranego rządu do swobodnego stanowienia prawa w<br />

swoim kraju, a z drugiej strony z obowiązkiem przestrzegania praw człowieka chronionych przez prawo unijne i<br />

międzynarodowe konwencje. Niewątpliwie rolą Parlamentu Europejskiego jest, między innymi, zwracanie uwagi na<br />

wszystkie przypadki, w których może dochodzić do łamania praw człowieka, również ze względu na przynależność do<br />

różnych grup społecznych. Parlament wielokrotnie podejmował w tych sprawach rezolucje. Zawsze przeciwstawiał się w<br />

nich łamaniu tych praw.<br />

Dzisiejsza debata także jest wynikiem obawy, że projekt zmiany w litewskim prawie może prowadzić do ograniczenia na<br />

przykład wolności wypowiedzi na Litwie ze względu na orientację seksualną. Obawa ta uzasadniona jest w tym sensie, że<br />

na forum Parlamentu Europejskiego wielokrotnie podnoszono kwestię wybiórczego traktowania praw człowieka na Litwie<br />

przez władze tego kraju. Mam tu na myśli przede wszystkim mniejszości narodowe, które nie są niestety jednakowo<br />

traktowane przez litewskie prawo w zakresie uprawnień, jakie im przyznano. Dlatego warto podkreślać, że projekty<br />

ustawodawstwa krajowego muszą spełniać określone standardy i być zgodne z prawem unijnym, które gwarantuje równe<br />

traktowanie zdefiniowanym mniejszościom, również narodowym.<br />

2-665<br />

Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D). – Šiandien svarstant šį jautrų klausimą mano šaliai, Lietuvai, pirmiausiai norėčiau pabrėžti,<br />

kad Lietuva būdama Europos Sąjungos nare gerbia žmogaus teises ir laisves bei Europos Sąjungos vertybes. Gaila, jog<br />

pasitaiko atvejų, kai atskiri Lietuvos parlamento nariai inicijuoja žmogaus teises pažeidžiančius ir piliečius<br />

diskriminuojančius įstatymus. Tačiau noriu pranešti, kad Lietuvos vyriausybė praėjusį trečiadienį pateikė neigiamą išvadą<br />

dėl parlamente svarstomo pasiūlymo numatyti bausmes už homoseksualių santykių propagavimą, nes jis prieštarauja tiek<br />

tarptautiniams, tiek Europos Sąjungos teisės aktams, tiek Lietuvos Respublikos konstitucinėms nuostatoms ir laikytinas<br />

diskriminaciniu asmenų seksualinės orientacijos pagrindu. Be to, ratifikavus Lisabonos sutartį Lietuva privalo laikytis<br />

Europos Sąjungos pagrindinių teisių chartijos, kuri draudžia bet kokią diskriminaciją, įskaitant ir dėl seksualinės<br />

orientacijos. Šį įstatymo projektą pasmerkė Lietuvos Respublikos Prezidentė Dalia Grybauskaitė. Norėčiau pažymėti, kad<br />

įstatymo projekte siūlomi pakeitimai dar nėra priimti Lietuvos Respublikos Parlamente. Be to, dar nėra pateikta ir Lietuvos<br />

Parlamento žmogaus teisių komiteto išvada dėl šių siūlomų pakeitimų. Tikiuosi, kad Lietuva atsižvelgs į Europos Sąjungos<br />

ir tarptautinę kritiką, į neigiamą Lietuvos Respublikos vyriausybės išvadą, į Europos Parlamento rezoliuciją ir Lietuvos<br />

Parlamentas turės politinės valios atmesti siūlomą įstatymą, kuris pažeistų žmogaus teises ir laisves, ir kad bus užkirstas<br />

kelias bet kokiai diskriminacijai, įskaitant ir dėl seksualinės orientacijos.<br />

2-666<br />

Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE). – Madam President, I think it is pretty clear that the message we want to send to the<br />

Lithuanian Parliament – and not only to them but also to all those who still presume to debate what are basic facts – is<br />

more necessary than ever. I think there are two facts of which we need to remind some colleagues who may have forgotten<br />

them. The first is that homosexuality has been declassified as a mental illness; and the second, which is particularly<br />

relevant here, is that there is no credible research to show that educating children about homosexuality can affect their<br />

sexual orientation.<br />

These are facts, and no legal text or proposed legislation can contradict them. So the message we want to send tomorrow is<br />

simply to remind our colleagues that these matters should not be up for discussion. That is why we need to pass this<br />

resolution and that is why we also need to support the attempts by the President of Lithuania to stop what is happening.<br />

But I insist: the message is directed not only at the Lithuanians but also at all those who still presume, on occasion, to put<br />

such matters up for discussion.<br />

2-667<br />

Konrad Szymański (ECR). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Wydaje się, że nie ma bardziej przewrażliwionego parlamentu na<br />

świecie na tle ochrony praw mniejszości seksualnych niż Parlament Europejski. Litewskie prawo, zresztą źle<br />

przetłumaczone w rezolucji, nad którą proponuje się nam głosować, jeszcze nie zostało przyjęte. Parlament Europejski już<br />

zabiera się do krytykowania jednego z państw członkowskich. Myślę, że nie powinniśmy ingerować w suwerenny proces<br />

legislacyjny, który ma miejsce na Litwie, w suwerennym państwie.<br />

Powinniśmy z całą pewnością wykazywać więcej zaufania do procesu legislacyjnego na Litwie, więcej zrozumienia dla<br />

tych posłów na Litwie, którzy akurat zwracają uwagę na to, że w szczególności dzieci i młodzież powinni być często lepiej<br />

chronieni przed często agresywnym eksponowaniem treści seksualnych. To jest zupełnie naturalna dyskusja. Wydaje się,<br />

że prawa dzieci w tej dyskusji są zupełnie pomijane. W tej rezolucji nie znajdziemy ani tego zaufania, nie znajdziemy<br />

poszanowania dla suwerenności, nie znajdziemy umiaru, nie znajdziemy w końcu zastanowienia się nad prawami dzieci.<br />

Dlatego nie bardzo możemy poprzeć ten tekst.<br />

2-668<br />

Joanna Senyszyn (S&D). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Dla większości mieszkańców Unii wspólne jest przekonanie, że<br />

wszyscy ludzie są równi i mają te same prawa. Niestety w niektórych krajach europejskich poziom tolerancji dla<br />

mniejszości seksualnych jest wciąż zbyt niski. Zdarzają się przypadki podżegania do nienawiści wobec osób

18-01-2011 157<br />

homoseksualnych, zakazywania marszów równości, a nawet prawnych regulacji sprzecznych z prawem unijnym, jak<br />

właśnie dyskryminacyjny projekt litewski. Kres takim praktykom może położyć ustalenie jednolitego minimalnego<br />

unijnego poziomu ochrony osób dotkniętych dyskryminacją ze względu na wiek, orientację seksualną, niepełnosprawność,<br />

wyznanie lub światopogląd. Kiedy to nastąpi? Ważny jest całkowity rozdział kościoła i państwa, gdyż homofobia szerzy<br />

się zwłaszcza tam, gdzie zbyt dużą rolę odgrywa religia. Wciąż w 76 krajach świata homoseksualizm jest nielegalny, a w 8<br />

państwach islamskich za stosunki homoseksualne grozi kara śmierci. W Europie pojawiają się najwyżej przepisy lub<br />

projekty kompromitujące wolny świat. Dlatego ważna jest nasza rezolucja i unijna dyrektywa antydyskryminacyjna.<br />

2-669<br />

Catherine Trautmann (S&D). – Madame la Présidente, Madame la Commissaire, chers collègues, l'amendement<br />

actuellement en cours d'examen au Parlement lituanien, et qui rendrait passible d'amendes la promotion publique de<br />

l'homosexualité, a été rédigé dans le cadre de la loi de protection des mineurs contre les effets néfastes des informations<br />

publiques.<br />

Comment peut-on, à des fins soi-disant de défense des mineurs, porter atteinte à la fois à la liberté d'expression et<br />

d'information, et surtout cautionner des discriminations fondées sur l'orientation sexuelle? Nous le savons bien ici, un tel<br />

texte entraîne la dissimulation de l'orientation sexuelle, revient sur les droits que nous avons défendus et que ce Parlement<br />

a défendus en faveur des LGBT. En outre, alors que nous assistons au même moment à des actions violentes, à des<br />

agressions contre des personnes homosexuelles, c'est une incitation à la criminalisation de l'homosexualité ou un appel à la<br />

violence. Nous ne pouvons donner cette image de l'Europe à la jeunesse, celle d'une société fermée, intolérante, repliée sur<br />

elle-même et qui ne tiendrait pas compte du respect dû à autrui.<br />

Ainsi, cette loi entre, pour nous, en complète contradiction avec les valeurs européennes, notamment véhiculées par la<br />

charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne et la convention européenne de sauvegarde des droits de l'homme et<br />

des libertés fondamentales. Elle s'oppose également – cela a été dit – à tout le corpus antidiscriminatoire du droit de<br />

l'Union, lequel d'ailleurs a largement contribué à faire évoluer nos législations nationales vers plus d'égalité sur de<br />

nombreux aspects de la vie courante, allant de l'emploi à l'information ou à l'éducation.<br />

Je vous remercie, Madame la Commissaire, d'avoir tenu ici des propos très clairs et je voudrais que tous les groupes<br />

entendent votre argumentation ainsi que celle de mes collègues. Je voudrais appeler tous les collègues de l'ensemble des<br />

groupes à rejoindre les groupes de l'Alliance progressiste des Socialistes et Démocrates, ALDE, Verts et GUE/NGL, qui<br />

ont pris l'initiative de rédiger cette résolution.<br />

2-670<br />

Anna Záborská (PPE). – Prečo sa tento parlament zaoberá návrhom zákona, ktorý predložil jeden poslanec národného<br />

parlamentu? Pýtam sa, kedy sa stalo, že sme začali diktovať zákonodarcom členských štátov, o čom môžu diskutovať a o<br />

čom už nie?<br />

Táto debata ani návrhy uznesení, o ktorých budeme hlasovať zajtra, sa netýkajú platnej zákonnej normy. Týkajú sa<br />

nezáväzného textu, ktorý je predmetom diskusie v parlamente členského štátu Európskej únie. Zákon, ktorý potenciálne<br />

ohrozuje slobodu médií v Maďarsku, je platný zákon.<br />

Väčšina z nás sa však nakoniec priklonila k názoru, že skôr než sa ním budeme zaoberať, je treba dať čas maďarskej vláde,<br />

aby mohla, ak to bude potrebné, zákon zmeniť. Keď už nič iné, buďme dôslední.<br />

Vážení kolegovia, počkajme aj s touto rezolúciou aspoň na koniec diskusie v litovskom parlamente.<br />

2-671<br />

Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė (PPE). – Esu iš Lietuvos ir šiandien svarstoma rezoliucija grįsta viena<br />

Administracinių teisių pažeidimų kodekso pataisa. Tai yra, pabrėžiu, nepabaigtas teisėkūrinis procesas nacionaliniame<br />

parlamente, į kurį bando įsikišti Europos Parlamentas. Tai yra svarstymo stadija, ne galutinis sprendimas, net komitete<br />

nesvarstyta ir diskusijų nebuvo. Teisingumo dėlei turiu pasakyti, kad institucijos, turėjusios įvertinti mūsų aptariamą<br />

parlamentarų grupės pataisą pateikė išvadas, kurios projektui nėra palankios, tad šiandien aptariamas projektuojamas<br />

rezultatas greičiausiai nebus toks, apie kokį čia yra kalbama. Todėl negaliu palaikyti rezoliucijos, nes tai perteklinė<br />

reakcija. Ir dar norėčiau kreiptis į draugą Higgins: nedarykite referencijų į tai, ko neišgyvenote. Palyginimas Sovietų<br />

Sąjungos su dabartine Lietuva yra tiesiog nesuvokiamas.<br />

2-672<br />

Alexandra Thein (ALDE). – Frau Präsidentin, Frau Kommissarin! Die europäische Menschenrechtskonvention und die<br />

europäische Grundrechtecharta verbieten Diskriminierung aufgrund sexueller Ausrichtung. Die Organe der EU und alle<br />

Mitgliedstaaten sind gemäß Artikel 6 und 7 des Vertrags über die Europäische Union bzw. Artikel 19 des Vertrags über<br />

die Arbeitsweise der EU verpflichtet, Diskriminierung aufgrund der sexuellen Orientierung zu bekämpfen.<br />

Litauen ist ein Mitgliedstaat der EU und hat sich somit verpflichtet, diese gemeinsamen Werte von 500 Millionen<br />

Unionsbürgern zu teilen. Ich begrüße zunächst, dass in Litauen nach unserer ersten Entschließung aus dem Jahr 2009 das

158 18-01-2011<br />

geplante Gesetz in abgeschwächter Form in Kraft getreten ist und bisher kein einziger Fall der Anwendung dieses<br />

Gesetzes bekannt geworden ist bzw. die Anwendung in Bezug auf das Verbot der Christopher Street Day Parade<br />

gescheitert ist und diese stattfand. Umso erstaunter bin ich, dass nun neue legislative Maßnahmen anstehen, wonach im<br />

Endeffekt das öffentliche Sprechen bzw. die Information über homosexuelle Beziehungen zu Geldstrafen bis zu 2 900<br />

Euro führen kann und es keine Chancengleichheit mehr für Homosexuelle – aber immerhin für Frauen – geben soll.<br />

Ich begrüße daher die Strategie der Kommission gegen Homophobie und möchte der Kommissarin, Frau Reding,<br />

ausdrücklich dafür danken, dass sie durch ihre Anwesenheit hier im Plenum kurz vor 24 Uhr die Wichtigkeit dieses<br />

Grundrechteschutzes unterstreicht.<br />

2-673<br />

Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the Commission. − Madam President, I have noted very broad agreement in this House<br />

by all the major political parties on the principle of non-discrimination. I believe that if there were a resolution that really<br />

underlined this principle and its application in national law – an obligation that the national states have signed up to vis-àvis<br />

the rules of Europe – then this would be a very important moment.<br />

Those parliamentarians who have clearly stated that we are speaking here about a law which is not a law but a proposal by<br />

some parliamentarians are right to highlight this fact, but I would also like to point out that both the President of Lithuania<br />

and the Government of Lithuania have spoken out clearly against those proposals made by some parliamentarians.<br />

I hope that a nearly unanimous decision in tomorrow’s vote will underline these principles which have been freely agreed<br />

upon by 27 Member States, which are the principles behind our European directives, and which have been reinforced by<br />

the Charter of Fundamental Rights. I can only subscribe to the strong position of this Parliament.<br />

2-674<br />

Presidente. − Comunico di aver ricevuto due proposte di risoluzione 1 conformemente all'articolo 115, paragrafo 5, del<br />

regolamento.<br />

La discussione è chiusa.<br />

La votazione si svolgerà mercoledì 19 gennaio 2011.<br />

1 Vedasi processo verbale.<br />

Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 149)<br />

2-675<br />

Kristiina Ojuland (ALDE), in writing. – While we are critical of the violations of civil liberties in third countries, we<br />

must exercise similar scrutiny in the Member States. It is very disappointing that the Lithuanian Parliament has gone as far<br />

as criminalisation of the dissemination of information about sexual orientation on the pretext of protecting minors,<br />

religious feelings and political convictions. It is a clear violation of freedom of expression and it cannot be justified even<br />

by the will of the majority of the population. Inviolable rights of minorities are always an attribute of democracy, but the<br />

Lithuanian Parliament has mistaken populism for democracy. I would like to see the Lithuanian Parliament amending or<br />

repealing laws that are in their essence homophobic and in breach of the Lithuanian constitutional law, the European<br />

Convention on Human Rights, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political<br />

Rights. I applaud the courage of the Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė in standing up against discrimination in<br />

public and hope that others will follow her suit. However, should the Lithuanian Parliament fail to comply with its<br />

international obligations, an intervention on behalf of the European Union is needed.<br />

2-676<br />

19 - Ordine del giorno della prossima seduta: vedasi processo verbale<br />

2-677<br />

20 - Chiusura della seduta<br />

2-678<br />

(La seduta è tolta alle 23.55)

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