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<strong>ROOEIBAI\O</strong><br />








THESIS<br />



By<br />


To<br />



KARACHI.<br />

2009<br />






pRoF. DR MUTTAMMAD eArsER ho *-:<br />



EEEI''.gAiTlED<br />

iTo<br />


qrta.q,ilfrrgss'G<br />


This is to c.niry fiat thc thcsis cnlitlcd BIOSYSTEMATIC STUDIES OF<br />


PAKISTAN AND KASHMIR" submittcd !o the Board of Advanccd Studies<br />

and Rescarch, University of Kanchi by Miss Roohi Bano. slisfies lh.<br />

rcquircncnrs for the dcgrcc of Ph.D id Boaany.<br />

R€scarch SupcNisor,<br />

Prof. Dr. Muhrmmrd Qaber<br />

Ylce Chioccllor<br />

Fod€rrl Urdu UDlv.nity,<br />

Artq Sci.oc. & Tcchmlo$/,<br />


s.t<br />

2<br />

l<br />

t Enslish<br />

ii) UtdD<br />


4 Mltaials &d Methods<br />

5 Inportanl morphological ch@ctcr! fot cbsiflqdon<br />

6 Systemtic Tr@tm6r<br />

i) Key ro Gdm<br />

ii) D6.dptio of ,afu../d N@vo<br />

in) Deqiprid ofscadota F.w. Schnidl specie<br />

iv) Key to.tdnola F.W. Schmidt sp@i6<br />

v) D@riprio! ofldlca L- (s.su.) sp.ci6<br />

vi) Key to d.r@4 L (5.str.) 5p.d6<br />

vii) D.scription ofMdt diln Ca!s. sp.cics<br />

viii) Key to MclSedrlr CB. spocics<br />

ix) Desdiption ofsrrprdrrazplr6 Bugc species<br />

x) Key ro Stepto anph6 Bu,ige sp.ai.s<br />

\ir Dessipdm ofCepralorrlr./t$ Bois8. speies<br />

aii) K6y to Cepholonhmchrr Boiss. sp.ci6<br />

niD D6.npdon ofcr'@rrra WaUr. sr6i.s<br />

xiv) K€y lo CtdlDtla wrlh. speiat<br />

n) D6diptid of Pradrr8 L. sp@i6<br />

ni) Key lo Preerit r L. spocie<br />

Pc.<br />

I<br />

3<br />

5<br />

8<br />

IE<br />

l9<br />

t2<br />

34<br />

16<br />

49<br />

50<br />

a2<br />

83<br />

87<br />

88<br />

93<br />

95<br />

l17<br />


? Cps.la Moryhology<br />

i) Inroducilon<br />

ii) Matcials and M.thod8<br />

iii) ObsNalio$edrdulls<br />

i) Intloducilon<br />

ii) Marabls.nd Mcihods<br />

iii) Obswatioru lnd rllults<br />

9 Nuncical A$lysis<br />

l0 Dilaiburiotr Pafi@<br />

i) lnmducilon<br />

ii) R*uts ed Dhoulsion<br />

ll Censal Dkcusion<br />

t26<br />

t30<br />

lll<br />

166<br />

l7l<br />

t74<br />

175<br />

2t0<br />

i) Intoduciron 215<br />

ii) Maleii.ls dd M.liods 2t7<br />

iv) ClBtd e.lysb oflact!.a L. ($E) !trd its Elate 8dm 223<br />

v) PCA ofl.ct @ L (s.sF) ond iB Fhcd t.ned<br />

225<br />

vi) ClDslcr ddFi! oflrctu a L. (s.st.) 235<br />

vii) PCAofIr.r&.4 L. (s.!t., 236<br />

viii) Clwrcr anal)Bi! ofs.arbla F. w. Schmidt 240<br />

ix) PCA of,t@roio f. W. Schmrdl 243<br />

x) Cl$Gralrlysirofct €drra W.llr. Z4A<br />

ri) PCA ofc,rcerbno Walft 249<br />

253<br />

255<br />

266<br />

213<br />

284<br />


s.<br />

2<br />

3<br />


Pg. NO.<br />

l.l. DEmt sectiois of lhe Scnus Zlarco L (sl) recosnized 15<br />

1.2. Cener ic concepr of 1.4.,!.a L G l) !s vieNed bv differclt I 6<br />

11. Reprsenlative speci€s of$e 8cnus ractu.4 L Gl).nd t7<br />

dren goe.ic posilion accordi.S io vlrious work€6<br />

4 2.1. CDs€la cheactds of Lact d al-lazso!^ 134<br />

5 2 2. CtTsela chmct€rs ofs.ariola F.W Scbmidi<br />

6 2.3. Cr?sela chr.ct6 of,acaco L. (s.sr )<br />

7 24 q?da ch{qct6 of M ge.liuncgs 146<br />

8 2.5. Ct?sela chMctd ot SkplorhahPh8 Btage l4a<br />

9 26 Cyps.ra chmct$ of Cephalofthynch6 Boisl t52<br />

l0 2.?. CDs€la chdacls of Ci..tbib Walh.<br />

I I 2.8 Ct?sel. chmctc6 ofPrerortrd L. 161<br />

12 3.1. ?old Charlcids of rd.lrca L (s.str.i 4d its relaled 17?<br />

13 4.1. Li$ of chr&rcs, $ored for clustei analysis and principal 219<br />

coopon€nt @alysis fo. rd.r!4a L. G.str.) a.d irs.el.t€d g€nda<br />

l5<br />

4.2 Dao natnr of rzcrx.a L. G.sE.) and ils elated<br />

scor€rl for 33 chmctes pr€scntcd in Table 4. I<br />

4.3 R6ul.s ofDrinciprl coFpondts aalysis (PCA) of30<br />

usirg tl moabol%icd ch.futas from the ae&." L<br />

136<br />

l4l<br />

lss<br />

O|U s 227

16 4.4 List of chdclcrs, s.ored for ctBlcl lnllvsis and PrinciPtl 229<br />

conponal erlysb for th. sPeci6 oflr.rrca L G sr-) liskd in<br />

T.ble4.5.<br />

l? 4.5. Dara mEix ofrrcrld L (ssE) scored for 20 charcGts 231<br />

pres.nrcd h Tablc 4-4.<br />

18 4.6 R€sults ofprinciprl co'nPon.n.s uallsis (PCA) of 5 OTUS 214<br />

using 23 no+holoSiol char.ct.6 lrom Oe 86w lrck d L<br />

19 4.7 Lisr of charet6, scor.d fol clust€t aralvsis and princiPal 237<br />

compon ot m.l)sis fd t!. sp.ci6 of t arbla F w Schmidt<br />

20 4.E. D!r. m.nix of Sc.riola F.w Schmidr *ored for 16 238<br />

ch$aders ptc$nt d in Tlblc 4.?.<br />

21 4.9 R4ults of principal componois amlysis (PCA) of4 OTUS 241<br />

usinS 16 noDhologiol chdetcB fiom dE gcnus &4riala F W<br />

22 4.10. List ofchdactcrs, sc4d for clusE ealysis .nd PdnciPll 244<br />

compon.nt analr,sis for O. sp€cis of Ctte.rta walk.. lisEd in<br />

23 4.11. D.t mEit of Crte.rlrd W!llr., scor.d for 23 chuctcB 246<br />

p@tcd iD TabL 4. 10.<br />

24 4.12. R6ulL of prbcipsl cotrrpotr@t! !nrly.i' (PC.A) of l0 251<br />

OTUS ailg 23 nnpbological cbaract B fron thc gsrus<br />

25 5.1. PhyloS€ographical ulysis of krle L. (s.stt.) and ils 257<br />

26 5.2. Disbibudon oflacry@ L (s.l) sp€ci€s io P.kion reSion. 261<br />

27 5.3. World Dtulrihtior oflrdrlda L. (s.1.) sDei6. 265

I wish to cxprcss my dee?est mse of gmdtude to iy supnnor Prof Dr Muhanmad<br />

Qaiser (vicc Chancellor, Federal Urdu<br />

expcn advic. .nd cnncal supewision<br />

I an d$ s6l.tul<br />


Univesiry Anq Science & Tcchiologv) for his<br />

of my couse eudy throtrShosl th. penod of<br />

lo Prct D.. S.l. Ali, Pot Dr Sulbn-ul Abslin. Dr. Rubi" Abid. Pbt:<br />

Di. Anjud P.Nan ad Dr' Ghulm R!@l for then uluable sugg€sions, Suid4ce Dd<br />

help duint thc .ht're cose.<br />

I afr cxtEmely lb,nkful to Prci Dt Sundvva Khaloo! ChaiQeNon, D.panmeol oI<br />

Botdy, Unive6ily of Knrachi, forpoliding d.panmdhl tuilnies<br />

I an gF.tty ind.bien b Prei Ih. Anjum Pcl1m (Dnebt Mr' Sh.Bali Khd<br />

icuElor) and Mis Kan€ Fatida (Libmnan) of the Kadchi UniveEirt H'lbanun lor<br />

pBvidin8 hclbanun and lib€ry aacilili.s.<br />

I om EBtclul to lhe Dnecb6 and Cumrols or BM, E, M ud RAw for the loln of<br />

Ind.bt dre is expos!.d !o Pot Dr, Knschncr (PRA) ror Larih diasnosis of tn. n€w<br />

I !n thrntful ro the DiEtor, Krrehi Univdny Halanm md lhc lrchlr8c Camlizcd<br />

s{i6.c Labo6bn6 and lehnicians for peviding me facilities oa Sclniing Elatun<br />

Mimsoope Thant! aE due aho lo Mr. Raflqlddin, Mr. Abnr for thof lln. illuslElioc<br />

md do.ll.nt photoDicrcsFphs sd Mr, Jan Alan ('raononisl) for nis coopaalion dd

| !n de gdctul to Mr S.td ul ltld. Mr Hlid.t Ali M. Ndd Mr- Gohr (nd' Mi<br />

llrli.a Mis Zrndud, Mis Sdt{, Mis S.d.i cdlogE .nd nidG fd rhcn suPPdr<br />

Sp€ial grnirudc aE due ds io, PtitrciPrl B.luia Found.tiotr College' Gulshe+lqbd<br />

Cdpu, Captain @ Munn Ahn d, for his support ed cooPmlion q!tud.d b nc 'n<br />

times orneed and for pbvision of facilili.s of ny r€5@rch w'rk<br />

Duing $e couse of oonpl.tion of oy r.selch vo*, th@ wde a .unbq of pcopl.<br />

vho qlended &en h.h. ooop.r.tion {d luPPon foi ny !bj€t. I d enrd.lv g t.tul<br />

to aI of dr@; for ritn o.t rh.ir tin ly h.lp, il would hav. bm vdv dilficulr f@ dc io<br />

!@*fi y6ni3h tnisNian|Ml.<br />

Finally I owe a vhol€ lot ofgnb't!& ro my tuihd, wno srood by re ddjng dE d iF<br />

Friod of tbis snrdy. Hq oco6.gdo( suppon ..d rdiv.rio& *6. Cet sds tor<br />

nc in mplcting thir rc*,<br />



Tt. 8.nus 1,.,!.a L G.l-) ol ft. rib. L&rucseAstcr1@c is sysrdtcally<br />

di*d lirn Pdkistd dd rGhmir Th. biosystcd.tic ltudy b bas.d on rh. d.b<br />

ohain.d l@n dif.rc li.lds sch !s g€n.ml norpholoe, cypscl. morphorogy.<br />

polrdology md disribu on p.rn. A bbl oll3 r.r. (27.pei6, I subsp.ci€s.nd t<br />

hri.th, b.lon8in8 !o 8 gcno aE €o8niz.d fmm Pakistd tnd Klshnn ifthding t<br />

tw speid viz., Crt rr,ld dli R@hi Bm, C'art a gilat Er R@ti Brno, Ci*rbita<br />

r/d&., R@hi B!no, P..ra,,r.r vMrij Rohi B.rc & Q.i$r, S@nola @ ,tu<br />

R@hi Bso, whif. onc tuw teiiy riL. Ci..rbit. de.ipias lC.B. Cl.rk.) B-uv. v.r.<br />

p.Itr.,d R@hi Brm, 4 na ombin.riotu .nd 2 n4 nnkr .E .ls poFs.d.<br />

AII th. Fu qlid d 3tmnytu h.vc ba tyDifi.d wi|n lh. h.lP of tyP. sPa'ncns<br />

.nd litdtuF. Anilichl gc.dic ond spdific k.y! h.v. b.n pDvid.d. Th. d.6il<br />

morpholoSic.l detiption md illwmdd! rE n$ givn.<br />

Cy?6.1. moQholoSy of ll |.r b.lonSing io rhc gdus &.t@ L. G'sr.) .nd iB<br />

.Ui.d gdo ha bd c.nicd our by 6ing Ugh Mico*opy GM) lnd S.rmine<br />

El@lon Mic@oF (SEM). Th. holPholosh|l drt! orcrpdlt wa pov.d quit usful<br />

fd rh. d.tiDir.rion oadilf.mr 6! bolh .r dE gddic .nd sp@ific l.vcl.<br />

Four poflo rt?c viz., lr.kc.rrd - rrp., Lactuca - rypc, Steptorhanphut - rW.<br />

af,d Cielb,@ - ryF .G Fognizd. The polld ryp6 difid wnh Blet b folloring<br />

ch.tutd via, @a ill fm, +in. lqlg|ll &d.pd, nmb6 of !'iG lrd w |nolth.<br />

Flu .F. 3h.F oaol hdoq srf.@ of dcpBioN (i.a.,wilh or wilhdl ehie).<br />

Thl d.r. oh.incd fioh diftMl .!pet h.vc bcn dlyz.d nunciolly !o find<br />

@t int frLrionship. mng .ll rh. r., ol&.r!.. L. (3,1-).

The distribution paitem of all d. iaxa i! Paki$an 4 well .s on world bdi6 has<br />

b*n tlced with ths help of lite6tuc and hlrbeiM sp4inms A loi.l of 12 mps ac<br />

.bo giv@ lo stos th.ir disitibni@ All tbc t xa grew d tte clastion b€twm 100.|900<br />

m. Pnytog@gnlhieuy nc1 of t!. r.x. e uiegioDl (73.11 7o) follo,td bv<br />

biEgioral (23.13 %), sd lhen pluiElional (].ll '/t elemeits 20luao orl0 h.ve<br />

been cldsifi.d s lrano-Tutui& eLncnis, AFong lhe 5 n wly des.ribed speci6 4 e<br />

dddic b PariE rd de lt@ini!8 onc i6 @trfitr€d to Kahnir. Of th*, Cic€,t a<br />

8'ikrlmir P@ti Be ald P,adrl4 rr.wrir R6ti BN & Qrii* @ IdM frm

{.,- )li<br />

Jt( P L;J),1, y- i&actuceae Astercceae)a, L--!:l<br />

i4- f .t-i !,i irfr;u.-v JA=:',trv tG y''v')(rac.uca L )<br />

. ale' j -\ !',, t i," ; ic' -t i t 2-*,t.'v ;l' ir : - )<br />

t;<br />

J 2-u'<br />

r.rL' ,..JbE,,y- Jvt--tt^ J 2,v.;'- - y'U'Jrt;::,;,- ' i2 V it: I<br />

J'--',',JL; i'J J' .'r{'-:- -}t- i t.- .'tt)" ' L:-{ '-;<br />

,li;Vlv 4cice.bita atii RoohiBano ) ;Li" i'cLV.>v -:2r

- I 4,u -u 9'4 L.tv l/-,t' - +({+V,! G" a r ih lLG c.vll<br />

,JP.,tLst-1{'z 6crrr)iPJ ellJotJ' i}'+' ;Ll- JV'f ;V<br />

-'-,:)ttt L)i ft.es:.r.-t! Lt, LrLt ito." Jr .rr)16r!'/.1,1( )/.Jtr ./r)<br />

-,J a tt --,cJ ctltiriAt $ o- ;'i,,{;,E LV Ll,.t riu, l.i<br />

,t. ju*' I'J',.'pce*ita srigr'l€nses Roohi Bano)i t,J"*ff qlv<br />

eit e"/i/((Prenenthes slewarti Roohi Bano & oaise() A ,-t ir<br />

-a,rJi(Type Locality )


The sdus Zzcr!.a L. (s.1.) b.lonss to lbe Itibe Laclucae of lhe 'amilv<br />

AsMc.ac. Tl|ere is , dis.sEeh.nt anong difrccnt adhos aboul the numb€t oi speB<br />

in $e 8e.us b*ause of tbe Ea$n that th.t have accepFd Ihe genus enher m a b'oadei or<br />

n@scr sense. sojal (1961, I962), Tuisl (1968) and Jelirey (19?5) accePted $e narcw<br />

genqic concefl of l/.a.a L. Sihrlely Shih {1937, 1988 & l99l ) also ft.tcd rbe Senu<br />

in a turow ens. md nunmus genea, p!.viously t@ted as srctio$ ofr4cd.a L G I )<br />

rn. C.photonhrttchus Boiss, Cicubito W^lk , Loeellitn Soja\, Muteediun C8 . ad<br />

St Forhanphs BbC. weE Esum|ed. BEmr (1994) agted wiiri rhc cleifrcal'on<br />

popos.d by Shih ( l99l) md accepted tl. senus la.rd. L in a naro* *nse *ilh c 7s<br />

sp€cier. On the olberhand, the brcadr Senenc concePl ol lr.r!4, L. was accepl€d b)<br />

veious aurho6 such 6 B€ntam il8?l):nd Slcbbi.s (1917) accepGn the getus io a<br />

broder sens and inchd.d vdious ge.era d a sccrio. of L.r!.? L (s l. ) Kii! iczn ikor<br />

( t 964 ) who enur e.ated I O0- I 50 species inc ludin8 M,kedi!, Cass as a slbSenus Lack<br />

(2@7) Eporls c.60 spei6 'lducing 6 genen undq its svnonvdv Mabbcrlev (2008)<br />

also @?pted the geoos in ilF bloader s€N dd Epods c l30 sp€ci6 leducing tbe<br />

Eeaetu Cephabrht lch6 Boiss,, C,csdr14 walh, Lactucella N%arz LaaeAiun<br />

Soja*, Mrr?ta Css. md .t a/t /o F.W. S.bmidr und,* ll|c synonyny of ,4.tuc4 L<br />

The r.xa b€longing ro Letuo L. ls.l,) N nainly dhnbuted in Non}.m<br />

henisphec, io Asia to New Guinq, in N. Aneric. lo Mexie, in ttopical Africa to South<br />

Afris (L&t, 200r. In P.tisid 26 tara ol lh. 8au /,cr,ca L. (s.1,) e rcpon d<br />

(Stwan. 1972) which e mcdy co.fn d ro thc lodhen .E in $e distiG Cnitral,<br />

Cilgn, Astor, Swat, dd K!frn Vauey dd Kashmir .nd ext.nd to th. soulh in tle

Sakcsar and Sslt dnges in P!!jab, the cenlol part of Palsud while someorteoxa&e<br />

dGftibuted in $e plains and nountainou rcgions of Balochis$n and PunBb<br />

Tne genenc @e ra.&dd L (s l ) is d'rived ion a I arin $od Lac ne'E<br />

''nilt' *hich is a codnon cbmcter o 'll de mehbeu ofrh' tibe LNruceae The mon<br />

.onmon represe.raiive oftlt genus Zd.rk' L' (s 1 ) k the garde<br />

L. which n cuiivaFd all over lhe woild and is consid'td to be a iom oi lbe wLld<br />

Lerb@, La.tuco tniala L.<br />

The Senus ra.tu d L G l.) ws d@ibed bv LiM'w (1753) Lalcr' $e donomic<br />

ftatsml of thc gcDu !,.rr.a L. (s.l ) v6 camed our bv various sotlcd on global and<br />

resiohalbasissuchsCa$ini(1817_1825) DeCandolle(1816) Posl(1866) Bentham &<br />

Hooler (1871), Bohsiet (1875), Cldke (1876) Hooker (1881)' coll (1921) (oe'' &<br />

Rechins{ (1955), KiMud (1960 1964). Ki'picz'ftov (1964) Sldm (1957 1972)'<br />

.t.fny (19?5), Feiikora (19?6), Rshing'r (19??) FeinbM Dothan (1978) Meikel<br />

(1985), Madgain & R5o(1995), shtma &<br />

'anwal<br />

(1998) Cbaudhatv<br />

(201)0)' Gric@n<br />

& springate (2OOl), Boulous & Hi.d (2002) and Thulin (2006) The seneric concepl oi<br />

Linnleus was quite difleEnt lmn rne lale! sorkeh who have exponded its genenc limrl<br />

&d incMed nmb€! of unrctaLd ras udd $e cdopv of<br />

heLogltou enblagc.<br />

'lacr!'a<br />

L (s l ) Gsulting a<br />

variou! spei6 belo.Srg to the genus r4'toca L {s l ) @ consid'td to be<br />

econonicarry ed ne

satitu L. ed La.t@ seltiola L. rl$ vield a dog LactuctDum used as hvpnorc r<br />

bonchnn dd sthma (Anbana. 1986; Pullaiah. 2006) ro'i'co tutorntn (L) c A<br />

Meyer is rn inponanr aodder phnr bui $ porsonous In ldge quanrt' {Krlprczn*ov<br />

Ther. r no cortrehetrsirc reamerr oilhN sertrs ldc'lLr L (sl) riofr PalNtatr<br />

The only rream€nt available is that of Hooker's Flora ol Britis[ lndia ( 1881) whrch u<br />

noe $d a @ntury ed quaftt old Moreovcr il des nol 6ver entiE Pa*i$nn including<br />

two najor provitces Balochis$n dd N w F.P' Since rh'n ror of noncnclatunl chanses<br />

have taken place a.d l&g. nunber of sp€ioeN hlve been e'unulated Therefore' it<br />

s@.d desnble b @nrluct


Lin@eus (l?51, 1754) etFblisbed thc genus<br />

'd''x'a L (sl ) and hld used lh'<br />

follo*ing protoloaue in Cencm Plan|anm<br />

"CAL. Inbncatus. ovato_oblongu: squanis plurimis acuni'atis CoR<br />

conposila, imbric.ta, un;fomis. Co@llulis herupho'dilis plurink' acqutlibus ca!'ce<br />

brlioibur. Propia nonope&la ligul.d. lidcatt quldri'qlrlqueve denuh STAM<br />

frl.nc.ra quinque, caPilldia, bBi$'na Anthcn cvlinddea orbulata' PIST cem'n<br />

i.ftr @@llad pDpdan SVIDS filifomis, tongitudinc sldinun Slrgnaia duo renexa<br />

PEL Nullum, Cdrx comivens. ovato_cvlindraceus SEM Soliolarit' ovaid acuftrnaG-<br />

conprcsa, teminala stipitelongo, inled' rtenuato supeme c6s'ore ptoseE e<br />

pappune sioplicem REC nudun"<br />

H. ddcnbed 6 sp€cies undq $e genus ta'1"'" L (s'l ) ot$ese t4""" r4!v'<br />

L. ^4 L. querc a L Neiso*n lo occu i' Pakistdn also Hosever' t have rct 6en anv<br />

sp4ireN of the lai€r spdis Laicr LinnaeN ( 1756' 1759) addcd 2 doft specEs vrz '<br />

seftiola L sd L. tcariolo L b this genls !n lh€ p6enl vork l"cttco sqioto L ts<br />

trcared s a disdncr s!.cics dd is<br />

'l$ lnown itom Patish while Ldctucd sconolo L<br />

is E .kd s a syndvm of &cr!'a r0i'ia L (Jadis' 2007) Linnacut tlso dsnb€d dt<br />

E ^rs Prehanthes L qith 8 specics, 7 w* de$ribed in lrsl dd I in 176? Th'se 3<br />

speies now b.long io 3 dilletlr genc6 (J@is 2007) Of lbee Pret anthes ininu L<br />

is lnos lo dor in hkistan dso bul kell bv Jawis 2oo? d'd{'4'e" L Hoseq 'l<br />

B treated ud.r lhc gcnu Sco/i'la F w' Schflidl bv v'riors worke$ viz ' Kitprczirkov<br />

( 1964)i J€fiily (1975)i Rehinger ( l9??) ed pt€ent allhor'

Cassini (l8t?-1829) in his ftaldenl acceptcd the Cenus /a'o'a L wnh l3<br />

species. Fron Phich onlt 2 species viz. bctucd tdtiw L ^nd I octt'a lcanob L aR<br />

reponed froo the !rea uder consideotion He also ttea$d the iollow'n8 3e'sa v'z'<br />

Oc?rbto warl. rvirh single species Prqdithd L wilh I I t'cies &d d*ribed one<br />

ne* gdls viz., Mrlg?arr, cs. w!$ I sp€cies<br />

De Catulolle (1816) reviscd rne senus l,.tucd L. (s l ) tor his _Prododoui and<br />


Lactuco tiea L.. fttaineA ridd rbe genus tr.&.o L (s.str.). De cddolle ( | 816)<br />

^rc<br />

ar$ recoSnized 8 sp*i$ ol fic 8en!s Ppndrlres L. but onlt P.rnonthet btunaniana<br />

Wall ex DC. is knom fton Pa*i6l!. Th€ gqus M,k€dt4 Cds is clested by 22<br />

+eci€s in his PodoftN. Of rh6e, I spei6 .e ho*n b mcur in our Egrn. one<br />

+.tt s\\?. \lul!

Clst. (1876) vhil. Bising the gen6 La.t,tu L (s.l) tbt hrs Conpos'bc<br />

ldicse ' follo*ed Bmrhan & H@ke! (1871) and @osnizcd lhe follo$6s s*tio6 vrz..<br />

sruchyrMph6 DC., PhaenLop8 Css., Scof,o/, F. W. Schnidt. Crerbita \Na|n., hent<br />

Ca dd aror6'z DC.. wnh d add'mn or thE nore sectons vrz.. zz.t!.opr6<br />

schuhz, M,kali!, Cdss. md Msr,,,rs/b Decne. Chrk! reco.ded 24 rpeices and 6<br />

rldp€citlc ba including I0 hel s!&ics o! rd,., L G l.). From whrch. II species<br />

and 2 vdicti6 @ known ion Parin n and Kashmi!. From th€s ux..4 sp.ci6 (viz..<br />

Int ca owic ata wall cx DC., ld.&.a lonsilolia DC. Liclucu lcorioh L. ^n4<br />

tetuu wido w. sotiw (L.) Boiss. (lhis Eity pDv.d to b€ distirct sp.ci6) nave<br />

ben included udd Za.rlca L. (s.str.). singl. spsies (viz. racrid bturcnia,a (watt.<br />

ex DC.) C.S. CI&ke) has bcen t?nsl'n.d to lhe genus P/e,a,rrar L Th€ other 4 t:x,<br />

t\tz, Iacturc Is"mzu twztt .r DC I C B Ctdte vdr. /ar.a;an tnd \u lyatd<br />

(Decne.) C.B. Cla'te, La.t ca deopie$ C.B Cl^rke Laclrca ruprncrloides (OC )<br />

^nd<br />

C.B. Cldke) have bee. rrsted uder Ure genus C,cerrrk walr. whitc lhe Emining<br />

sP..t$ \t2 . La.tt n v'nn.a lL.) l. & c. Pt6l, Laduf. unrulul, Lcdeb. md t .r!.!<br />

btanco lL.) c A. Meycr are .ccepr.d lnder .vari,td F.w schnidr. zd.r,.erl<br />

Nazev. dd Mlls€drz Ca. 6D€.rivcly.<br />

H@ker(l88l)inhis FloE Britisb tndia rea!€d rh. e€nB !a.,!cd L. (sl ) in,<br />

brdder 8.nse. He r€co8nized 22 species Md I vdiery inclDd'ng I ner species and I<br />

vdi€ty fron Sout[ Asi. (almr aI of India, Kahnn, p.ns of palishn, Bdglad6h,<br />

B@4 Bhut n, Siklin, Tibet &d N€pat), Of these, t6 raxa m aiso k own frcn<br />

Pdlisb H. oLo a(epr.d rhe a.b6 pardrdp, I trllh6srdie,.

Blanq (1928) in Bcauritul Flowe6 of Kdhmn accepcd 9 sFcis undf the<br />

sdus Lac,,., L (s.1.) 3 species de known tooccur r P*islan.<br />

Koeie & R{ninBer (1955) in Synbolac Afghdrcle rccep|ed d'e getrus<br />

k trcz L. (s.1.) in a bro.der setrc wnn l0 spcies Includrns 4 nes ones iom<br />

Afahinish.Fom which ? species includmg ther 3 nes ones vit. Lactuca edelbelsii<br />

R6h-t., Lactue rcopnrio Rech.t & K@ie Md ld!.! r/4.d,Noa Reh.i.. are<br />

pr.senl in our.egion also. However. all fiese specics are nos rcduced to the synonymy<br />

ot geploilMphus ctunbihlio Bn\A., ceplaloi 'ynch6 picridilon'i! (Aoiss.) Tuist.<br />

Cepholothych,s paltNldda (Boiss.) Kia respecrively<br />

^nd<br />

Kihtrq (1960) in his Flon ol Af8hanish had includ€d aln6r aU rhe<br />

common speca of Za.d.a I_. (sl.), occMing in difiereni mas of pakisr.n. On rhe<br />

wbol.helisrd14sF.ieswidinrbegc.ust.r!.,L.(s.1.)inctudingINwspeciejtrcm<br />

AfghanislM. Frcn which l0 specia ar. knom to occur in pakisirn also<br />

Kiitnua (1964) qhile d@li.g drc pla$ oa wcsl pakjsh dd Afshai$M<br />

a&eptod rbe 8enus r"cto.4 t, (sl.) wilh 4 specics aDd C,.,/6r,a Watn. *,$ onty one<br />

sp€ic. AU @ kroM ro @ur in Palisbn also.<br />

Kirpicznikov (t964) in.Ftora USSR, accapted 4 sub8enera under thc gen6<br />

hctuco L. ls.t,) viz.. Mrlgedi@ (C6s.) B.b., Srcbb. & Jenli.s (with I sp€ciet.<br />

t@,!.,r'Jir (Sch.-BiD.) Bsb., Stetb. & jcntins (with j speciesl pr. rochaen n (Kit2n,<br />

Kitp. (wnh 3 sp€cis) dd th. ryp€ srbgq6 (with rr specis) Th. rr?e subgenN<br />

&cr!., L. is tunbcr divid.d inlo 2 ssiioN viz., Lactuq L. .nd Micranthae Boi$. The<br />

ston LetDca l-. w6 EpEsot d by 5 sp€ci.s (2 sp.ci6 arc hown fom palistd vi2.<br />

taduM tatiw L, nd L. ytiola L.) and rde Mictuth,e Bo6s. @mpnscd 6 +crcs (l<br />


speicsr,.r.srun y'olia Boi$.L. tndnlota r.A.b md /-. zui.,latd w.ll *DC rc<br />

pEsenr in P4kistan). The s.drt /, F.w schnidr and sr.p0r'ra'prrr BuSe ure<br />

tpt$nEd by 2 spf.is wnich also 6cur in Pakisun. He also ftated the g€ncB<br />

Cicethita wtllr.. P.ehonthe: L. ed Cepholoftht n.h6 Bons bur none ol lhe stsics is<br />

SG*an (1972) in An Annoi.red caratogle ol rh€ V.$de ptd$ ot w.sl<br />

Pa*isfd &d Ksbni" eponcd 26 la\a (2t speci6 and I iramspectitc tL\a) ot Ladt.o<br />

L. (s.1,) ftom rhs de, under considenadon<br />

Je|]ily (1975) evised fie gous ,ac,!.? L. G.t ) for ..flom oa Tuicy.. dd<br />

&cepEd tho nanow Scneric concepl of this genus dd repotu 8 species, only I ae<br />

rnown tion our arca. He also rcoS.ized rhe Cenea .s.a4bta F.w. Schnid(<br />

S.pbmonphusB\raE anl MuISaliuD C6<br />

Fqtkovl (19?6) in,.Ftora Eu@pea ftared rhe genus r/ctuc, L. (sl.) ia a<br />

broider sme ed recognizcd toui sdions viz., pra"n;orls (C*s.) Bentham.<br />

rt!/g.d!r (C.$ ) C.B. Ctrte, Zd.r!.qpsd {sch_Bip. q panad) Ro oy ajd r-actuca L<br />

R{hingeiilg??) inhis.,Fton lreica, whicn i.ctuded a considembte ponion of<br />

Patltan also, cvisd ih. sflB t,.ru." L (s.1.) and enun€rared | 2 speci.s includinS 5<br />

sp.cis from Patisr.D. tn &!r,bta F W Scbnidr 4 lA. weE dogniad, I @ known<br />

amn Pakisld includiig 5. oflienrd./d subsp. ,!r4,ani.a (Bo6s.l podtech a new sub,<br />

spd6 Fon Afsnebld and palishn (Rrch. rs77). tn stepro/h@pnw B\nge,3<br />

speci.s weE includcd (2 noo parisb), in Mutsediw CB. single !pei6 ws<br />

&ccttcd (are fton P.&isb)! ih C.phatothlnchus B.iss,, t\ spcc,es wer. enun rared<br />

(oDIy 4 fbh Palisr&).nd in Cice,bi,a w^tk.,3 speies w.rc ncrldcd (aU fmn

P.*isb) He ale &cepLd tn. senu Prenanilpr L , witn a single spi.res which G not<br />

Mdg.in & R@ (1995) in FloE of lndia ' fouowed peiN so e6 lite<br />

Hooker (1381) and clarkc (1876) and ecepkd rhe genus ,acrr.d L. G | )<br />

wirh 20<br />

stecis md I lanery inchdins 2 ne$ sp.ci6 rrom lndia Ih.y took r broader lieN ol<br />

the efls ad.r,cd L. (s.1.) and i€coSnized |ne lollowine setions riz, B'ocn tunphu!<br />

DC , Lutrcopsit S.b!|'', Mulsediun C6s., Prz?,i@p6 Cs., S.a,brr F.W. Schnidr.<br />

Melanoens D.cre. Nd Chorhna DC. Th. larg.sl stion in rh.n wo ss Scuiola<br />

Fw schnidt compnsiDg of 6 speci.s (5 are known fron Pakisran). followed by<br />

,/lrsel'rr Ca$ @nprisin8 or t spec'6 (only I & rcpoftd aom Palina.). white th.<br />

otl]ift 4 s@rons !i2., Brachlranphls DC , z../!.oprrs Schulrz., p, dentroput CL\s. nd<br />

Cl,,,ira DC. @nrpns.d of2 speis. Tbe soattcsl on€ was |hc M€taruedi D.cN.,<br />

accomodaing only I lpccies. Ttey rts a@opr.d tbe s.nqa prmonther L ^n4<br />

crieAon&Springar.(200|)in'FtoBof Bhuran includedI speciesund.rrhegenus<br />

a,ctua L. (s,sF.) and a sinsle speics und€r !V!igadi!, C6s. ud Cephatonhynch8<br />

Bois. wbich dr .Iso epori.d fron lh. r@ @Nidc,.tion.<br />

L&k (2007) il 'Fmili6 and Ccnera of veul& plets. a@pred all de gener.<br />

whact e kroh toi P.td9.n viL, L,ct@ L., :tanola F.w. schnidr, la.r{era<br />

Naz*ov^. MulEediun C^$. Cephalothrndus Boiss. Ciceftitu W^k , prchhthes L<br />

and S@ptofianpn8 B@g.. Ho*ever. he Eared Sc,aii,ta F.Uschnid! tace@/a<br />

N@va ed ,t!/gdt, Cs. s synonym of 2..r., L.<br />

The sacn cocept of Llc|uq L. G.str.) ed irs .lticd g0.6 ot dif@nt allloE e

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The prsenr *ork is bascd on thc stldy of moE than 1000 hcdanuo specind!<br />

b.longins ro lhe following hcrbrnr viz., BM, E, KUH. M .nd RAW (lbbr€viatcd a/c to<br />

Holmsren er (i, 1990) The*holerangeoivanation ofeach raxon was studied and on th.<br />

basrs diagriosric kqs n ce prd9aEd ao. lcnen<br />

rnd spccirs<br />

Mos darhe nanes shcther acccpled or srnonlms ha!€ beeD rrpified wnh rh.<br />

h.lp oaoriginal dBcliption lnd tlp. sp4ift.ns. Each v.lid Mnc is iollow.d bt full<br />

Er.lw rnd ib ryp.. SimiLrlx sJaDnyrtu d. folld.d by cl6c6 ard ryp6. Th.<br />

tlpe of most of the r.xa have bo exoninal.nd iodic,red by the sis.l. Thc concepr ol<br />

suci rda Dh€c dc tyTc sp€cihqs could nor b. studied w* srrictty ba*d on ansin.l<br />

Tn.disr.ibutionofallrherara, froh Plkisran and rhewortd has beq hced wirh<br />

rh. h.lp ot h.rb.riln speinas dd litdlue.<br />

Alt thc eranined speciocns hrv. been amnged accodinS to rhe gnd stsen of<br />

The @eplacle and endolhdirl lissues weG srudied by using rh. Scaming Elecmn<br />

Micm$op. {SEM) and lighr Mimeope (LM) r.spcriv.ty. Fo! SEM studi.s. datlrc<br />

R+hr6 *@ nountcd on . hcrllic srub Bing double .dhesivc llpe,nd co.Ed *irh<br />

gold for ! D.nod ol6 hinutcs in srun.rihg chanber. For lighr miobscopy of.ndDlnecilt<br />

risus, a h.E y.r. cld.d by hsrirg in t0,4 tactic acid. Thc cterEd .nrhcn w@<br />

disFt€d lnd mounr.d in laclic eid and rh...dotneilr rhickening was ob$wed nom<br />

lh. abrxial slrl.c. ofrh. rn$a under conpoun



The scnus Z,ctoe L. ls.l.) and other nenb6 of th. iribe Lactocr. can be<br />

casily recog.ized on lhe bsis o I homogamous, l lgulute capituh and nilky larex lroh the<br />

olher E bcs of lhe family AsLdc*. M.ny work E viz.. De (rddolle, | 816: Ben an&<br />

Hooker, l87li Boissier, 1875: Clarte, 1876: Hdker, l88l; Collet. l92li Knpiczinlov.<br />

1964. Jefiiey, l9T5iFmiko{i, 1976. 1977r R6hingd, 197?r Bener, l994iMm8dn&<br />

Rao, 19951 GneMn & Spnng.t.,20i)l ard Lact,2007 have used rlious morphologlcal<br />

chancters such d habit, slem, leaves, no€t colour. involucr phyllaies, r(eptacle.<br />

cypel. md palpN !o de[nn ln. vtrioN @ belon8ine ro the g.n6 Zz.i!., L. (s.l).<br />

For tn. d€liEitation of taxa belongins to lac!!.a L. (s.1.) dd irs allied genem<br />

vuio6 oacro dd oico norphological chancleG ae i.ten into considc€liore such as<br />

stem, b4rches,leaves, syn florcscence. l ore$ @lour ed nunrber per capirulum, shape.<br />

siaddpositior oac.piNlun, nunb€r olphyll&i.s, runberoipries, sazc. olour. apex<br />

6nd su.fee ol involucre thyll.ries. @cpracle! ddothecial rissues. cypseta and pNppu.<br />

Anong $*, nosl of lhe cb@reu e qune etul ro @ogniz l[e hxa.wlte6 sne<br />

.r. not found lo b. nelptul bea6e of rhcn uifomiry such 6 epatate dd naked<br />

rccepracL(Fis.l.l-1.4)ddEdi.tq?eot.ndodeciatris$es(Fig.t5l.8).Howev.r,rhe<br />

aollowing morphologial checrcB poved qrir. imporra for thc dehnistio, ot<br />

aadu.a !. (s.sF.) and ils alli€d geoea.<br />

STEM:<br />

The paan@ or absencc ot steo ptays d inponm rote in rh. detimitation of<br />

vfoN rda. The @ul@r ch@rer is fai.ly @6om bnr ed€snt is inponafl in<br />

clc{bita qaiseri laohi Beo.

The sten b whne or shiny in cds. of tne gcnus 5'a'ol4 F w Schnidt also used<br />

aak.).hdrd.rc' $hJe ft$r.h<br />

Lf,AVES.<br />

rhe'en' rnbgenr"<br />

L.al chadclcs de also inpofiei to some extenl shether il i$ lobed (lobes mav be<br />

liDnaifid or runcinnare) or u.lobed. .nriG or d.ntate'emle sssile or pedicellarc<br />

glabruus or spiny Sonelsa are also ditlcrentiaFd o! the ba$s oirhen shape and reluru<br />

(i e., l@v6 e cilh.r n€nbmou or hdbdou) ln the g.nus Jtd/tol, F w S.hmidl<br />

decuFenr l€.vs has b€en uscd a a key chadcter.<br />

Prcsence or absce of lsf +in<br />

s is al$ usfjl to difTdc.tiare snrc oa Lodrca L<br />

G.st!.) specid viz., Zd.d.a rez,,/d L., is esily di$li4uished lrom the r.st orall rhe<br />

llla due b 1ne pEse of stifi spin6 on ndnb bcn.. r<br />


The sy.no$cence ma, be spite-like, dccme, panrcle. corynbs and cymes.<br />

Dilt Enl syrnoEsc€nce tyF @y be uscd to distintuisn vdous taxa such d the genus<br />

.tarold F.w. Schnidt is segrcgared iom dr .est of $e gencla by the trsnce ol<br />

spis@ - sb @.mos synnoEs.ce<br />

Thc shape. pcitim, colour dd numbft of nor.b pd crpnub'b play an iftpondt<br />

bE in tne classification of diffeEnt taxa of tne genus 1,.,,.a L G.str.) ahd irs allicd<br />

tn sleptorhonph8 Bn e, Ci.errro wallr.. and ,tdlsedi!, Cass. capirula ac<br />

cdpuurr.. while in tn. Gt oflbe s.ncE cylindrical or ,rtundibulifod c.pituta .E<br />

plsnl On th€ o&er hdd, dsoting capitula is co.sidered !s rbe diagnostic key

ch!6crs of rhc send Ci.ed,ra \N.l\ .td Prenanther L Wher6 in laciu'r L,<br />

Lactudllo N.z.tov^, S1riolL Fw Schhidt, M,lgedt!,n C^ss, Steptortan?hrs<br />

RvE ^nd C.phalozhyn hs Boiis., the capitula are eEct ot semi_erer<br />

Thc nlnbd of floEls is often conlide'ld as a ditgnostic falur. and has been<br />

uscd as a lcy chamcrr !i2, in,t //iok t.w Schnidl lhe fl orts lre ! in Prannrt he\ |<br />

I s hdgs in the mrid.g gaa 5 or Inor. th.n 5 flot€ls aE P'6.nt<br />

Th. colour of lisdd is .f eG.t inporl.rce and als used rs . l.y ch.ilcter tdr<br />

the dclimi|'tion oa taxa. In lhe gcnus J.atiola F.W Scbnidt tne floErs.c v.llor' Ite<br />

pink, bluc, purpre or rilac coloun of norcls lrc found rn ,a.r.era Naatow, M,lgeditn<br />

Czss' PreMnttq L. sd Cietutd Wrllr. Vhil. io 2..!!.4 L. (t.sl.J.), Sleptori,nP]1a<br />

Bn gr.nd Ceptaloihtrch8 Aois.. vanatuo in ligrl* colou. is iound ano.g rhe hxa<br />

viz., ylllow, bluc, viol€t or puDlish.<br />


In sdc casc! @epbcl. surfrc. b.lso h.lpful for delinirine ofvalious t ra. Bur<br />

fie rcns ladr.a L. G.sh) and ils allicd gm@ Eceptacle is epaleate and nated in<br />


Thc nunbd otphyll&ie. nmba of s.ri.s (2- nor€ sriaE), siz., colour, ap.x .nd<br />

induhdum dc also consi.lq€d !r diaSnodic fstuEs for the delinit.rtior of various Lia<br />

ofrddrk L, G,sF.) qnd its olosely rclat.d g.rcm. Phylldies in the g.nrs Prenan'hesL.<br />

!E ic* i... 6-3 wbdas in $e sq.d viz,, l,z./tr.a L. G.sE.), La.tocella Nta6rt,<br />

C.phalonltt,chd Bois. atn Sdr'ola F.W S.hnidi rbe nmba ol phyulrid is &<br />


Figu. Ll. Sc@ing Elecnon MicFeFph! (SEM) showing aceplmld suface (40 r):<br />

A, Lactt.ello udtlab i B, Sxariola onahlis $Wp. onqbli, : C. S.uiola onal2lk<br />

s!q. ,ut'J@iu :D, Seiola viniiu i E, Inctrca dLtecta i F, latua slMiIolie i<br />

A, Lrctuca .tulrhopht a i H, Ladrco seftalo.<br />


't{:<br />

rs<br />

t<br />

.!<br />

,I \7\<br />

- -,1<br />

- t' 4<br />


Fiercl.z Stuine Eltun Micrcsmpts (SED snowiry lwpl&uld su.ra@ (40 x):<br />

A. Loctuco sativa I B, ttulgediuh tatoricun , C, Mulae.liun ctdtki : D.<br />

9eptthanph6 n nbilolia i E, 9eptofianph^ Pe5ico , F. Cephalofthtllchu<br />

chi'aldtb : C, Cephalotryn.h$ picriddol b I A, Ci@bita qonli<br />


Figurcl.3 ScMirg Eldtto. Micognlbs (SEI{) showiig Meptaolar suftce (al 40 x):<br />

A,Cic.,bib dlii i B. Cie.bito gllgitersh: C, Cicerbita nocdhia o (-i.erhito<br />

tese.tiono vt. l$*tiav a E. Cice/bna la$ertiaha \^t lvmta I F, ciErbita<br />

Ie iM as. d@tab . G, Cicedib rupua@loides : H, Cieftna decipius rt-

I<br />

L<br />

\<br />

o<br />

l<br />

[..'.<br />

P.<br />

.,<br />

. *3 -"'1<br />


Figurel.4 sconninC El$tron Micro8Gphs (SEM) shotins receptrculir<br />

l\, Cic.tbitu le.ipie6 lr , til a l]<br />

Pr.ALnth.: brunori.no rt llliuiueJottu |<br />

Prcnarthet bnoturnra r^t<br />

D, P ttnortlles atl ch^ Lrta'a<br />


15. wh€ad atu€rrtd wallr'. Sreprorhonphs BnAe tnd MulSediun cds h've dole<br />

The mber of eries is also used d a lcv chdacler such as in $e genns |'enanthe!<br />

L and Cns.btd wallr, the involucc Phvlleies rtc 2-l -seflac Wleras in l'lttuello<br />

\^zto$ ed StePtorhanphus Bunge the i0volucre phvllaies are 5_6 senlre' ln the<br />

emainiig g.nen \iz, Ld.tuca L, t,flbta FW Sdnidl Muk'niuu C[s ^r{l<br />

Cephaklrhynchf Bd'ss , rn nnmber of involucr€ series aro 1 a<br />

The colou of involucrc phyuari.s rn nsr of the ldt oa (ic..,& walk .<br />

's<br />

gR. orblackhh whereas in the renainrS raxa th. involucre phvllanes.re prlc green or<br />

Clablous invohcc pbylldi.s are fodnd in rhe senus ra.i!., l- (sstr)<br />

Lachrceuo N@v^, J.rDld F W. Schoidl. Mulqedium C$s, CePhdlotthrnchus<br />

Boiss whil. doErlly hiuut. or papillG phylanes in C1?e/6,,4 walll. hispid-glaoduhr<br />

in P/eioatha L dd pilose'glandular or ciisped h,iry \n SteltorhMphu: Vnn9e ^!t<br />


In L&ruc..e Css. cndoth*i.l rhickenings in horizontal band nely polanzed 6<br />

Sc,r,6 (Brema, 194). The present sttrdies rcvcdl $ar i. l/.r,.a L (sstr.) md<br />

all'cd Bd@ only radial ryp. ofrhiclcoirEx @ prc*.r (Fig I t- l .8)<br />


ddL<br />

CypFld shap€, si2e, i|s surfae (hairy o. glabtu), nbb€d I - or m.ny. p@rcc<br />

or .bse.ce of b€al are impodbt ch!6cte6 for diilerentiating vdiou laxa. Among 3lt<br />

rhe tu Prerarrr8 L., is dc only Acnls in *hich cypsla is ldncale or ouodcd apica y<br />


Fiprc 1.5. Light Micrognphs {LM) showi.S cndothecirl ti$!$ (40 x):A<br />

hctu ela undttdb , B, Sutiola onatolis snbsp on^tu|,t ' C. S@riola<br />

,,?r?,ltr subsP. , lr6rar ico i D , Scanola eininea . E. La'tra drs4la: r'<br />

La.tAd ghtcdolia I G, Lactka aoichophrllo , E. L..tu!a smioto<br />


Figure 1.6. LiSlrr Micographs {LM) showing e.dodecial lissue (40 x')1 A, Lactrcd<br />

tativo: B. Mulg.dium hbn.M: C, MrlEediun .lot*zi iD,SteptdtaDphb<br />

cndbtfotid.E,Stepto anpha p.dco i F, C.plalorrhyt hts.hibat.nsis , a.<br />

Cephalorrrnch$ pioiddomis i H, Ci.qbitd qo;eri.<br />


Fie!re1-?. Light MicoSnph6 (LM) showing ddotheial (se (40 r): A,<br />

Ci.c,bi@ olii . B, Cicqbito gilgi1.6it t,C, Ciceftil. n@,orhitu i O. Ciredno<br />

lestuhtuv.r. t6t.rti.nat E- Cieftita ls. idtd tu. trtute;F, Cietuita<br />

l.sniatu vt, d.,tob:A,Cicetuie tututculoi.les :H,Cietuib d.cipEF tt<br />


FieEl.8. Liaht Micog6phs (t lvl) showine ddo&eial risue (4o r): A.<br />

Aeftita da\orN \8. nulnjda i B, Pmdnthes btuno"iatutt. bmnonianol<br />

C. Prtu&A bnnMitua vt. alliariehlia: D, Pquth* aithiwiana I E.<br />


and b€ak alhost abs.nt. l'hilc thc c]?5.16 for the Esi ofth. taia arc pronin ntlv bealcd<br />

€xcbding tne ,t a'iola erosrmL RoohiBano.<br />

Tb. nunbd ofiibs k .bo ued rs k y ch@.t r' Th€ genus k.trcela Nd@ta dd<br />

Soptorh46Lt BvE sc *Erct.lcd by tne F.$n c of l.middle 'ib on erch side<br />

whd..! in otbe6 ttr ribs G noE lhd orc ddudiig rh. Ia.trc. ElMihlis Boisg<br />

PapFB is ci0.r unisenar. or bisedare. Tnil is d impo rl ct.rlcl€r dd us.d in thc<br />

&limit tio. Unh.ri.t p.pp8 ir prllert in L.r!.a L., S.crola F-w. S.hni.L<br />

L&ttcdla N. oto, Mtlg.tliti Ca*. wtil. ir Crdrrrira wdh. P@ath6 L.,<br />

Steptorh',npta Bdie. un Ceptabnnwha Bois.. pappur k bisi!l..<br />


.---l*---lElE<br />

,'r .t<br />

N<br />

.s o 3<br />

.it- g- - -<br />

v<br />

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llr<br />

"|l i<br />

{ili<br />

_._ i<br />

:l<br />

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e<br />



Papp6 bisenare. odrcr sekc tmall foming d sorona.<br />

2 + Cr?scla l{ibbed,be.k wnh 2 aPpcnduges 0l lhe base<br />

- cypsela 1- nany ribbed, beak absent ilPresenl then<br />

witnout appmdaScs.<br />

3 + Middle and upper leaves decudenl, Synnorcsence spral.<br />

10 subncdoe. Florels 4 pf capitulum. cyD*la w'|b or<br />

Middle md upFr la*s not d'*!Fflr. Syn0orc*ence not<br />

6 above. Florcb (5-) mmy per .apnulun Cyp6ela with<br />

.l + Inroluc.e phyllaries pale 8@n. Cypscla bm\T-d.rk<br />

brow. or blackish. up to 9 nrn lonA. be.t lililod<br />

capillary. €itner equalli.S o. 2-3 timcs longer thd tbe<br />

body, almosr disolorcu ud differ in texturc. Pappus<br />

3-5 m long, lemon yellow-qhii. md pe.sistenl.<br />

- Involuce phyllaries pale broen to pink Cypsela sandy<br />

brow.-olive or black, up ro 2 mm long,srout, beat snalh<br />

tha lhe body. uually co.colorous and same in textur€,<br />

Pappus l0-12 m lon& offwhilc-luslrous and fBgile.<br />

!2<br />


5 + tneolw phyllsie 56 - si.L, outc. pbtlarv u! lo 6<br />

mF bbad. qTsd. *ineed, much conpr.sed 2'3 rnm<br />

broad; be.k 3-lO mm long.<br />

- lnvolucE ptyll&ics 2-4 FiaL, o a pnylarv up to 3<br />

mm bro.d. Cypeh noG\inged. sllhtl' ,onp6ed, I<br />

nm broad, be.t sbscnt ot Lt-3 ntn lon8.<br />

6 + C.pihi, up lo I cm lone" Irvol@ phyllliG 2-4 _ *riti.<br />

t StePtofi.rPhts<br />

Cyp€.la Ed- bfom to bl&l with sl.nd.r- filifm bql 6 c.Phdonbachs<br />

- C.Ditula !p lo | ,t- 2,t cm l@9. Involuft pbylbn.t 2.1 .<br />

*dat . ClTsla bbM-bl&* *ith 5l@l b.* orbertle.<br />

? + Capitula nNw-cylindncd, E6dy wih 3 loEls pe.<br />

.apitul@ hvdwrc pbyll,rid G8. CyP$b 5-7 @ lon&<br />

trtc orDriwtic. trum{. orreudcd !9i@11y, betk3s, & PMtn tB<br />

- Capitulacylindrical- cspanulat , with morc than 3 flotcts<br />

P.r @pinrld. Invola@ phylldi6 8-22. Cyp6ela 6-10<br />

m long, nor rcru. andude $oE into 1.5,3 m long,<br />

3loutbaf. 7, Clc.,tn

l. Ltctuc.Uo Ntarort<br />

Naaola in Biol. Zhum Am 4S (l): l8l 1990i K' Brencr. Aieac@e' Clad<br />

Annual nerb wnh pihnatiscct lcavcs Synflorc*mce laxlv corynbose-panicle<br />

Reeptacle naked. cypsela obovat_oblanc€olatc. papillate ljibb€d on each side beated,<br />

beal crpillary with two rrmsparent, whne lppendr8es at the bdser pappus qurte Bhlle<br />

leno. yellow, un'senale, pers6lanl<br />

A monotr?r genN distribued in Soulhs€st .nd Cenhl Asra Io wesiem chma<br />

NOIE: rick {2OO?) in Families Gcn€n Veuld Plants" ha rcdnced th€ senus<br />

L@at elh N@or^ 6dt tE sraonyry ot lactuco L. Bur $e key chmcl4 of<br />

,!.r!altd N@va on lne basis of which il B di{teEnliated irom l4.r!., L.. h.ve nol<br />

be. included by L3ck. Thc papillale cypFla tnd capillary be.l with 2 tuq'enl<br />

appddaaB ai lhc bae of bek aa $c uniquc and stung chadcl* of t4.t!..t d<br />

N@va. h is thN considercd s a disdncr g.nus in lhe p6en! work<br />

1 - Lactueeq. utdul.t (Ledeb.) Na2a!o!a in Biol Zhum.Arm4S(1):l8l l990iFig.1.9)<br />

Lactuca "ndulata Ledeb.lc. PL FI. Ross. II: 12.t. 129.1830; DC., Prodr.7: ll5. l8l8i<br />

Boiss.,Fl.Or.l:8i3.l875iC.B.Clark.,Comp.lnd.263.l8?6tHookt,Fl Bri.lnd.l:<br />

404.1881i Banber,ll, Puj. 177. 1916; Kium., Fl Afgh. 4ll.1960r KiI? in Bobr &<br />

Tzvcl., Fl. USSR.29:110. pl. XVIIL I 5, 1964r R.R. Srcwan in Nai & Ali, Am. Crt.<br />

vac.ll. w. ?at. K4hh.760. 1972; rctF.y in Davis, Ft.Tu*.5:780. t 26. l9?5: Rech.

-600m<br />

I<br />

,fiffi<br />

Fltr. 1.9 Latu.ttt .trrtttb Qt&b ) NlzNv.: 4 brbr, E<br />

(outR to C, cyD6clo. kct.cr<br />

'un);<br />

tht.ih,ie Botss D, h.b i ql-s),<br />

iilolua pbyUaii6 (ourd io inM)i B cyp&la.<br />

I -sr. DvduR phrll&i6<br />


f.. Fl. lm. Coop. 2. 122:187. l. 125, 20l l 3 & 4 19?7i Feinbruf,_Dolhan Fl Palest<br />

43'7 l9?& Mugain & Rao in HajB er a/ . Fl Ind 12:102 f 77 1995: Bollous- Fl'<br />

Egy lr l1l. pl. ?7.I 1.2002.<br />

Typq Rusia Hab. in Sibiriae Alt lcae monribus Arkaul el Dolcr'Kara . C '4 Meter'<br />

(LE,n.v)<br />

Loctucau"dalato r^t. de ata (Ledeb.)DC. Piodr7: 115.1838.<br />

Type: EglDr "ad radic6 frontts Sinai l@o BestandDto", S.hinPer. Pl E1s | 28<br />

Snall, mual herb, srcn Nully glabrous{psGely tolose, snnPL or bdnched ar rht<br />

b3se,8-25 C35).h hi8h. Radical leav.s.lhost osulare, indislincdy peliolate - npenng<br />

at lh. ba*,4-6 x 0.5.1 cm, glabDu or spasely selulose, ellipsoidlanceolat in outline,<br />

sinnute pimrrisclpinnatcly loned sparingly t@lhed. acute; crllinc leales l4 r 0.2{ t<br />

cm, ssile, l&ccolat., sub 6rire{ftc. undrvded, auricllalc. Synnotescence laxly<br />

corynbos Capitulun mostly single, 12-18 {loErs pe. capnulua, cylnrdrical -conical.<br />

erecr, l-2.5 x0.3-0.5 cm, bracrolate.lnvolucre phyllaiies glabrous, 5-6jenae, sdious,<br />

inner 'mt I ddes long.r rhe th. outc( outcr m6l4-6 x l'2 mm, ovare lancolatc,<br />

niddle one'7-12 x 2'2.5 mm,ldnmlat i inn€r phyllaaes 18-26 x I nn.linear subacutc-<br />

oblue. FloEts blu.. Cr?rla 3-5 x 1.2 mm, yellowish-brown, oblanceolate{bovat.,<br />

codprcs*d, l-Pomin d nb in d. ni.ldlc, bcai( whne, 8-ll mm long, I rrnes longd<br />

tnm lhe hy; pappu 4-t m long, !.noa trllow.<br />

Speclmeu Ex.nh.d: A-7: Gilgit Dist.:Ya6in, Cilgit, hdb, up to l0 cm r.lt, growinS in<br />

sand, I6.6 l982,.tOdsr 197 (KUH); E8r Balrislan Disi.: Atong Riv€r lndus. Mehd6bad<br />


on way b Prtuna. c.8 cn hitt, 23 5198J, S Oner' Nuinwldih & A 972<br />

'vanid<br />

(KUH): D-4: Qlcna Dist.r sulran. Maslath canp, 1500 m. 2101975. RR '!.r!'t<br />

28269 (R-{W)rc 16 km W of Quellai stony area on saline plain, c lr00 m 9 5 1965.<br />

JqniJd Ladon l lO78lE\ Qetta vall.y, c. |5Cl0 m. 22 5 1968, Z4lJAr Ali 4183IKUHI<br />

Ddi.gd,29 mitq fon QEna on way o Nlushali, nerb, l0 cn l9.4 l9?0, S ,'l,t€dri'<br />

4963 (KUH);Karlhte villey.Qnefta, no!.6ycllow.15 199?. iuhnu RaJiq & Sikomtut<br />

Hrlrr t16-97- | l9 (RAW).<br />

Di$ribution: - Satu 6 $!t ofglnB.<br />

Ecoloey: - Cres in ibc stcpp6. in Fmi lrid.tcs on stony slopet stonglv eline so'ls at<br />

th. cleva on between 1500-2200 m.<br />

Flow€ringperiod: - Apnl-July (Aueust)<br />

2. Jc..i,ld F.w. Schmidt<br />

F.w. Schmidi, Sannl. Phys. okonon. Aufs, lr 270. 1795; Sojal in Novit, Bot Honr'<br />

Bor. univ. Car Prag.4l-46 1962; Kirp. in Bob!. & Tzevel., Fl. USSR. 29 ll7. 196.1i<br />

Jeilrey in Davis. rl. Turt. 5: 782. 1975: R*h. a. Fl. IFn. Comp 2 t72:201 t9111<br />

M.itL, fl. cyprus, 2: 1029. 1985i K.Bcm.r, Asld(@, Clad. Cl6s. 186. l94i<br />

Chaudhary, Fl. Kin8. S. A6b.2 (3):246.200q Boulous.ll. Egy.3:315.2002.<br />

Biemial to pmnial hc.b or enjshtub. oftcn woody Slem white or glosy white.<br />

Lcarcs herbm@6.rcnbmou! sile- sub ssile, flco*. distinolr decumr $nh<br />

linar app€nd.aes, auncuhl€. enlirc or lariously lobed, pim.li*cli crnline nuch<br />

rdduc€d ed decuMt. Synflo6cenca spicifonn or submcmoscly ananged. Involuce<br />


phyllaries glabrous. 3-4 -seriaie, obtuse.<br />

nakcd, C'])sla lih.aRllipsoid or oblonB<br />

disli.cr slendq-filifom concol@u beak<br />

A smll genus with l0 spNies. diitibur€.t rn Soutbem Fircpe N Ahca SW and<br />

Cef,ral Asia (Mabb.!ley. 1997) ln Paki$ln n is repre*ntd bt 4 raxa<br />

NOTE: Recently. the genus tcat la F W Schnidt is considercd 6 the svnonvm of$e<br />

gcnus !..r&c4 L. by Lack (200?) and Mabb€nev (2008) While Kiipicznikov (1964)'<br />

letfrcy (19?i). R4hiager (1977). Brem.i (1994)a.d chaudhary (2000) keep th's genus<br />

distiucr Rith 3,5, lo or2 specios rcspcctivelvTh€<br />

Flores yellow,4 per clprtulm RecePlacle<br />

or oblanceolatc. bown- blacl(' mpded into<br />

or b€aLles: pappus uniFri{c, *hitc la8il€<br />

g€nus Sc,ti'lo Fw schnrdi can<br />

@adily bc distinsu6h.{l lron tbe ,.dr., L, bv rhe pcsence ol whne or Slossv st'm:<br />

dauftnt l@!es *ilh linw lpp€tula8cs dd much rqruced caulinc lqles: 4 no@ts per<br />

capirulun; ctlsela brown.black up to 8 mn long, b€ak concolorous and indislinct ln<br />

rex tue or bakless Thus on the basis of above nmtioned c h a ractes rhe gen us S.4t!bl'<br />

F.w, Schnidr is consi&rcd s m ind.p.nd.nt gens in th. pce vork<br />

| + ClTsela 4-5 x 1.5 dm, nore or less teret€i nol<br />

complsed, lruncate apically. Bcallike stnctlc<br />

ibsnl Pappus nor fmaile.<br />

- Cypsela 6-14 x I nn, not teE&, cohpressed. Beak-<br />

like stnatm pEs.ni 2-8 m long, P.ppus iLclle.<br />


'b r.<br />

ff?+k,?*i,.t (Boda) sojtr de rui"d'dtur'ch: a nlbic<br />

WL W.,ta adbtue4tii B&i q.i.d: A t aG B,ea

+ Planr dicbobnonsly or intricarelv b6nched cvpsela<br />

brcqn, 6 9 mh long includ'ne beak. rapcnng Inlo a<br />

nendcr.2I mm long be*<br />

- Plafl viryarcly b@chcd Cypsela black, ?_14 mnl<br />

long including b€ak, tap.ring into a filifom,1.5_8 mn<br />

L Sd/i,,,..ot,turd R@hr Bro. sp.nor' lPlal€ I f.liFiql l0)<br />

Holoiyp.:Barrishn(N.A.)Kandehs-ullahCanche,27-9-04Jd,4lanandAlikalKuil,<br />

Di4nosh: Species nosrd caule albido vellucido. foliisad basid co'sprcue dccurennbus<br />

appodicibs li.aribB adnatis, toliis callinis valde d.ninutis 0o$ulis qualuor lule's'<br />

innore$eDtiis spicitbmibus nec non squann involucdlibus intnoribus obtues<br />

Scatiol@ otientali er S iniheoe pe6inilis ed praecipue difien cvpselis paFulis ad 5<br />

Fm. longis, €roslratisr hae sp.eies duae cyPselis 6'14 mnr loDgis, distincte rc$rath<br />

P@nial herb Stem 40-50 cn lall. tlcos 6osdv at lh€ base bluches vtr8rte. nostlv<br />

sbaight wilh dmmt l.aves. Leaves s$ilc-shonlv pciiolale, prnnariidor lobed 4_6 x<br />

O.l- l cm, Bnore, somewhal loolhcd, acut., decuft.nt wilh loo8, liner auriclcs adnal€ l0<br />

ihe st€fl crulin l*ves sMll, essile,lin*r, | 2x 04 cn SvnfloE*dco paniculatelv<br />

spicifod. Capitulum 0.5-1x 0.5 cn, cylindrical, with 4 flo.ets, subsessrle shonlv<br />

p.dmculate, p€ddcl. coveEd wiih scaly brncl. Inrclucrc phyllalies 14-16, l4 _*riar,<br />

$dioc, st.@ft bi6ra&; outq on€s, 1.4 x 2 nfr, ovare, subacur.i nrddl. on€s 5_6 x<br />

2-2.5 nn, lsceolatc, imer oncs 9-ll x 2 nh, lincar or oblong, obtuse. Florcls yello*<br />


t<br />

{<br />

.l<br />

"00<br />

fl)<br />

V0<br />

flg, l.l0 J..t l, .drar, R@h' &m: A, h.bi! B( | 4), involucE phylhn.s (oui.r<br />

lo intur): C, cr"scl..

Cypsela 4J x l.s nm loie, ddk bro*n - blackish, oblancslate, moEorless Grete,<br />

compressed, 5 7 ribs, truncat apically, bcalless, bbad, alnost d$colorous! pappus<br />

mtu long, *hne, not fmgil€<br />

Amnits: Th€ nev species viz.. S@tiol. .nsrott R@hi Bzno. sp. nov. is emild. In<br />

s.nml appea@e to s.oi,l! ,ri.,r'lir (Bois.) sojrk &d s..tor4 v@o@ (L ) F w<br />

Schnrd {nich shre lhe lollowing combinadon or ch@cre6 and shows thc clo$<br />

rmnincs wrrh these sp€cies. srch as Nhite or elossy sten: leafbases strongly decundnt<br />

with adnar linear appendages, auriculat. and cauline leaves much educed, florets<br />

ycllow, 4 pr capitulD, Synnorescencc apicifoft. involucre phyllaies 3.4, $dious,<br />

inn€! mo obnse. However, the pres!.1 taxo. difies frcn borh lhe species by having 5<br />

mn long balles c}?sla whcrcd i. th. tlminina spe.i6 cyTsla is 6'14 on long<br />

Eionolo€y: The nm of$e .ew sp€ci.s ir givd duc ro the be*lss crt6ela.<br />

Sp.clnen3 Errmtbed: - B-8/9: Baldstan Disr.: Kande Nullal', Gmche, Balrist n (N.A.),<br />

pcr€dnral herb, nuch btuched,40-50 cm t.ll, flo!.ts yellow, on stHn b..1, c.3000 n,<br />

219.2004, Jon Alon & Atiko l0t6 ^. b (KUH)i Eidsah, Astor (N.A.) aloig road.<br />

D.rennial heib, up to 50 cn tall, to!.h y.llow, on dry slope. c 2100 n.26.8.2008.,,t1<br />

ter I?26 (KUH)i ibi4 6@nding peEnnial hcrb, tloEts yellow. on dry slop., c. 2300<br />

m.26.4.2@4, Ali Noor 1133 (KUHJ.<br />

Ecolo8y: - On dry slop.s &d on strlm bdt ar lhc €l€varioh b.N*n 2300 -lO0O n.<br />

Flow€ring tenod: - AngulsepEnb€r.

2-.T@'rl4 oriett ltr (Bois.) sojAl in Novn, Bot Hofli Bor' Univ Cd Pas 46 1962:<br />

(np,1c.320, pl.23. tl: lefey,lc. ?83 p 26. t IZ Rech i,1.c.202r Cbaudharr.Ic<br />

246 pl. 128r Boulou!,1.c 315<br />

Plet percmial, semi-shdb md slabrous.SrcD<br />

10-50 n hll. woodv at thc bde branchd<br />

fl@cce. neid, rhomy, divdcalely - inrical.ly bnnched, mrelv branchle6 wilh €lon&lc<br />

virgale- flexuols brancbes, wilh gen sldations of decurcnt bases of leaves Radioal<br />

lcives shon lived, subssile- dilabd al lh. be, 3 6x05-15 cm. pi.mtifid_Pinnalis{1.<br />

rctoe, dmricul c, acurq @ ine l@ves ssile linw-ldc@late .nfie,0 5 I r 0 t cn.<br />

auriculal€ having long appr€sFd lin d tpFn&8es ldnate to the slcoj upp.r mosl oftcn<br />

reduced Synnoresccncc ncenose- spical. Capitulun 05_2 r 0205 cm erect<br />

cyliodrical, 4 tl^cts p.. capitnlnm; pedurcl€ sall coveEd wilh scaly l€aves lnvolucre<br />

phyll&ies 14-17, 3.4 -eriat€. erioui oucr ones 2-5 x 1.5_2 mn, ovate lanc@lare.<br />

acuiei im€Fnosi 8-14 x 2-2.5 Im,litcaroblonS, suFobn6e Florcrs vellow Cvpsla 4-<br />

6 x 1-1.5 nm, bio{n, oblong-ellipsoid, ?-9 dbbed, scabrid+ispid, anenuat€ i.lo 2_l mm<br />

lons, slender. indistitrct in t€xnm and co.colo.ous beak pappls 6-8 om long, white<br />

A wiable spcci6, howd.r,2 sub sFci6 cd be @oeniz.d on lhc basis of $.m dd<br />

! + Plants thoDy. SM divariqcly n$h bnnched.<br />

spin€$mr with shon Dd rigid bEnch6. Lowd ldvs nol

Itg,, l, S.ttiota dr,,tdis @ns.) Sojlr fltlp. dradorr! : A n biq B, crDindM.

- Planrs .ol rhomy. Sten nor divm.atclv bmched' nol<br />

spincsccnl. Lower lcalcs *ell deleloped<br />

L ,tcar,ol! ,rd,tarat (Bois.) sojal in Novn, Bor' Honi Bot. Unrv cd Prag 46 1962i<br />

Rah. i, Lc.202 a 19 & 20 subsA oaifiidlit (Pl.re 2. f li Flg.l.ll)<br />

Phknor,: ori.nblis Boiss. v oy. Boi Med Esp 2: 390 1 819 ( rn nole)<br />

Za.,,cd,r?nlald (Bois.) Boiss, Fl. Or' 3: 819 l8?5i H@k l. Fl Bn lnd l:'l0'l<br />

l88li Ailch., Tans. Linn Soc. Sq. (2) l:E3 1888: Rech l, Svmb Algh ll: 205 1955:<br />

Kirad., Fl. Aigh. 430. l96oi Kitm., Pl. W Pak Afgh. 1 50 l9ai R R Slcwan in Nan<br />

&,ali, Ann. Cat. Ve. Pl. W. PaL Kdho. ?59 1972: Feinbtun _ Dothm. Fl P.laest:i:<br />

438. p1.743 l9?8r Mangain&Rnoin Hajraeral, Fl. lnd. 12 295 t 7'1 1995<br />

Ledoryp.: (,rr.t/ 702, (G. le-w).<br />

Planrs lhony, divaricatcly, nuch bmichcd, spinescenr wnh shon, riSid hrdches,<br />

branchle$ mosrly spinesc.n( al the ap.x. Lcaves smll, nol much develop€d. lhlling otr<br />

Spe.lm€rs f,xlni.edr - A-7: chnral Dist.: Chunarkm, Mastooj chilral, telenniul herb,<br />

13' in heiSh! flmrs ycllow, inftequent, on udulationS @tv sloF. 1927 n (16' 12'<br />

0r.8 , ?2' 08 ,rO.9 ), 19.?.2005, Hai.lor lli 2084 lKDll\ Satigulbet, Torikhoo-Chitdl.<br />

psennialhob,8 in hei8nl florets yellow, coDmon. onrccky slop€,2979 n,16 8 2006<br />

Itai.lar /li 5017 tXVH)i Pnsht@@, Y&tlmn-ChiFal, p.r@ial h.t!,l2 in heisht.<br />

0ods yellou, inltquc.t, 2979 n, 11.A.2g)6, Haidor ,lli 30lA {KUH): D4: Qu€lil<br />

Disr.: HaDna lake, Qu€tt., a coohon wild planl. I3.81939, Mahidar Nath 2196

6<br />

@<br />

t<br />

I'l "<br />

/f\<br />

&)<br />

@A<br />

ffi l<br />

Fle, l.|ISdri,r.,,t dtil(Bds)Sojtrsubsp,,it r{t:Ahtbn:B(l4l b\oluE<br />

Dnvlh.s touk @ rnM)i C. c'"r.14 .t@ttd,ttt"at tBor$ r sojn s6p<br />

;;ii&rtt Podl.ch: D. habrirE{l_4t, rvoluct. phvudi.s {oul.rlo metl:

(R AW)r Nonh.m Bdehisrj!. 1955, AJ!. &nge btk. s.a. (Bi{)r Qkrir, ?.?.t980,<br />

Fard, A Ddrt s... (RAWI SpiaKs418.7.195',E N6i,..n (r W); B.Iu.liiba<br />

12.2.1962, RX. Stflar 558 (RAW): c 5 km n m Nesnh m my ro QD€ra hilh hillst<br />

tdif pmial shobh( c.l5 d b4 docc ycllow,ldq r dii., 19.r0.1936-1-cleJ@l<br />

& S.Or€r ,39 6UrD; UnL hd6, c.2 ft hid, ilor.6 y.llow, 4 1650 n, 14 3 1959, S.l<br />

,lr, 1232 (KUI4; Abol rO a 6 trm Qu.n on Ey to Zinr, dEt hd6.2G25 cm rall,<br />

floEIr y6llow, 6mon on stony grourd, 11.9.1970, s,.1 Faboqi & M. Qa&r 2359<br />


Typer Alghdisi4r "Nurist n: Dmh_i P.ngar 4 kn inta Sandalnesha 1000 n . r<br />

Sept 1969. Pdl"ch 16580 (M, ho_w)<br />

Lactuca nuristd,ica (jtm, rn ada. Phylolax C.obot I?:35ll 100. 1957;Kitm. Fl<br />

Afgha.42?. t 100.1960.<br />

Uolotype: AfslEnisr?n: Nurisbn: Chatdss,2 6 1955.{tdn!rusn (KYO n.r').<br />

Stcn baelty brdched, bnnches 1otr8, eEct or ncxuous, ascending Plml nerther<br />

diraricat€ly bdnched nor spinesce or thomy and nu.h leafv Lo*e. leaves s'll<br />

Sp€cinens Ennimd: - A-?: chrfial Di* shogo., 1900 n. 16101954 A scrd,r'<br />

2404 (Mw)i c. ll kn ftun Chiual on say lo Shoghor, e.ect helt) 4Gt0 cn ull ilorels<br />

yellov, + f (rO m. 11.8.192,4 tti.5.2. Hdsai, & Gohar khm 2212 (KUH)r Morkoh.<br />

55 ni'.s awry fton Chitral ciiy on *.y to T.ichnn. oo ocky hill Mki 20 25 cn rall<br />

floEts yellow. 16E 1981. {utal Aklter Molik & S razinrtddin 1466 (KUH[ 2 nnlcr<br />

fron Lashl on way toTrichnnfroln$ins. c.70 cm tall. norets y€llos,23 8.1981 r(aral<br />

lkter Molik & S. NEin"ddin 1729 (KUH) c.34,4 kn iom Chilral o. wav lo Boonr a<br />

p@hnial h€rb, t 40 cm tall, floFN ycllow, + I ?00 m, 14.8, 192, T. Ali, s.z. H"srin &<br />

Gohar Khtn 2344 (Kull.)i rrglishl, Booni-Chilral, peren.ial herb, 9 rall, fl ore$ ycllo$,<br />

on nndulating slop€s, infr€quenl, 2920 d. (35'20 151". ?2'06 19l"). 682005.<br />

Ha lar Ali 2411 IKUH)| linch Sbasram, Molikh@ - Ch$al. perennial herb- 9 lall.<br />

flods yeuo*, on udulating slop6, 29lt m, (36! 20 24.1", 72. 06' 45.5 ), ?.8.2005.<br />

U.idar Ati 25t0 (KUm: I^Et, TorithFchiF.l, Frcdial hcib, 9 bll, floers ycllos.<br />

int!q@n4 3035 n! (36' 10 06-9, ?2' 2?' 41.8"). 11.8.2005, lt i.lar ali 2615 IKUHII

ibidi Yarknoon, Torikhoo-Chitial, perennill herb, 8 lall, floEts vellow oD lndulatine<br />

Mkr slopes, 3225 n. (N 36" 47 1? 5". E 71" t 131).2la2o05 Hotdor Ali 2861<br />

(KUH)i chowiich, Mdt@j CniFal, Frcnnial berb T lall. noEls v€llo* on dkv<br />

sloFs, l28O m, (36' 18'45.9", ?2'14'059'). 1312006. Haidar Ali 1852 (KUHll<br />

Prae.$, Cbitdl, teennial he.b, 12 nll, ior.lsvello*, rae, on sleep rockv slopes, l9l8<br />

m. (41-231281 E.199419? N).212$Jl Huilor Ali tt116 tKlH)iOilgn Disl Inblr<br />

Nullah abore Cilgil, 4.E.I 954. R.8 ,'rflld r'n (Mw); 6 milcs lion BabNa' on trdv ro<br />

CilSit, herb, 35 cn rall. tloteN y ello*, 19.8 1971, S Abelln & M o,trt<br />

9148 (KUH);<br />

Nalht valley,28.8,19E6,,{. ndr/ur' ll0l (KUH)I ibid; Bets€en Gupis ed Phsd'r'<br />

growing bcN€6 clG, + 2400 n,20 1.19q4, M Qaise.5 Onq&5z H6ei' 84M<br />

(KUH)| Near Yasin on wa, lo Dhrkol (Nodh of Ydin). flolers vello$ ln rocks.<br />

t91.l9so, M.Qaikr, S.Omet & S.z. tasai, 8143 (KUH)I Bimoghldl 2l00_24m m<br />

2.E.1954, M'( Sitldiqui & A Rehtua 26a22 $AW): Mran Chilril Col 1550 fr.<br />

30.6.19?7, gatft &d, s.n. (RAWi M@ fotst, 1480 n, 1.7 l9?1' EoMm Khah s.n<br />

(RAW)i Bamri-alone lh. iriSation canal, 60 cn lau, soil gravel, sandv clav' 20 6 1976,<br />

S. Nazimutl.lin & S. Al4din 111(KUH); From Shingrella on qav lo ShoganhanS, Huzd.<br />

sni @t Frcmid hdb !p lo 50 cm lall, llo!.is yellow, connoni on sbnv slop.<br />

..2700 n,2.8.2004, Jon AIan 2888 (KUH); ibi4 Barocr nountain, Bonbm,i erccr<br />

pec.nial hab, comnon sp€cies, erow in nountain csicq floGB yellow.l I 9.2004. J4,<br />

AIan & Inrat 2953 (KUH): i,biq Jan Alan & Inr@ 291a (KUH)I Thole H@pyi Dalum<br />

das Nagrar No. 2, p.rcnnial herb, 12 in hcighr floEb yello\. on wd places. rn landy<br />

soil, 2400 n. 24.0?.2006, Sdriiod Hoidq 574 (KUH): B-6. Swal Dist I lmiles ironr<br />

Saidt Shdif otr vay to Kdm, 20 m l.ll, ooEls pale ycllow, oi sndy clay $il.

21 .1.1911, S, .4bedin 8210 (Klr{)r Dit Disr': N.ar Village Oach. c 5 km lion Chardara<br />

on 'oad ro TihargaF, eed herb, c-3t cm rall, floErs vcllow.<br />

15 6 1981 . A ChaJoot a s<br />

Orcr 2315 (KUH)i rbd: E8: Aslor Disl: Belween Asror to Gudai and Ch'Ia 50_?0<br />

cm hish, flolers yello{, on dry rcclc. 31 8 1988, s Onet & M Qais( 24}7 \KUH)'<br />

ibid; Rupal nuLlah ro cMlot, Asbr, 2400_2550 m, 2l8l9l9 R,( siew4rr 18909<br />

(RAw)i ibidi Hercho on way ro Astor n.at bridge. upper sde the road .rcci annual or<br />

FEnni.l h.rb. commo., 2lOO n,6,92004, lli Nool l0 (KUtl). B_E/9: Baltisi4l<br />

skardu, i z0O m, 20.8.1966, rt,' . Si.Atqi. l- N6ir a zalar 4180 (BM)i Skddu to<br />

Shigir, 2400 n, ?.8.1940, n.n. &@'l s.n. (KUH); Gilgir o Aslor, dc*ns. Aug.1954.<br />

a.n .tre,a, s,n. (RAw)i shicar, Balti€l.n, 2400 n 15 8 18?5. c , clorke 10430 B<br />

(BM)r Kcro Lugm Claci€r, Left bmk, hill side, 3000_1300 f,,267 19J9. R S'oa<br />

lt,$€l/ ll3l (BM); Salpm nnllah, a 2700 m, l8 l94O ,R.X Sr4ear/ 20270 (RAWr:<br />

SaQan late sidc, + 2rOO n,3.10.1996. Qutbuddin & Hilatat Naor 220 (RAw):<br />

Kande Nallah, Chanch€, Baxisbn. crcd o4nnirl h4b, 16 bll. nor.ts vcllow. srow<br />

alons sneam bank, 4.9.2003, Jan alon & Alika r'ian 22a9 (KUH)i ibd l looo n,<br />

27.9 2AO4, Jan lhd & Atiko lO l6 a,b (KUH)i ibid, "/at ,'{/an d ,! lila 3029 (KUHli C-5.<br />

Sej.ta-Ksnto! 12 mil6 from WM, S,Waziristan, cr€cl h€rb, c 25 cn lall, buds<br />

p@1, lJ .5.197a, S. N@inu.Uin A S. ,,lr.d,r 945 (KUH); C{: Kntu Dist : Ku|@.<br />

M-a.H. ,liidi tot (l4iP6n^w Dist.i P.shawd, Scp, t 943, t16ra,-!d-dn 70 (RAw):<br />

c.md-WaEal Road, in cappdis bu.n o. eani Cliil of dry nullah, shutbby bse,<br />

norets ycllow.4 in head, risule bwd.24.5.t95E, B.L. Buu 69a G)i D-4r Quet6 Disl:<br />

Kila Saifuurb, 24.6.1956, tL. Dr4l PeddE 35 (MW); c.l0 nilcs tom LoBlai on way<br />

ro Qira Saitulrh. Qu.na, 50 n rsll, lar.r pE$n! 19.5 1984, t Ore. & A, AhaI@t t62l

(KUH)i c,25 km {ion znob on q.y to MsliF Bagh, c.35 cn tal!, floels vcllos, whn€<br />

latex,21.t.1984, t O'€r &,r. c/dror l?03 (BM KUH)I Hadsansi foFst, Qudta<br />

16 7 1986, O'drld/tn I (RAw); E-4r Ktlat Dist:lt kn fron Esl ofKhuzdat on wav to<br />

zeedi and Lsrkana, ercq c.3o cn lall, noeB vellos<br />

alluvial with 8Bv.l,<br />

glowing with pvcnocvla. erl<br />

8.5 1990. .'i . Cholou & Steye M C@tlnaa 4956 (KUH): c 5 l tm<br />

tbm Khuzlr city on ray lo Kalat, n d B.l@hist n Rei&nrial College. pMtde herb.<br />

floars yclfo*, a 1000 m, soil gnv€l-smdy l@d, 2r.5 l99i. t ,4 li & G.R Sa^w 2524<br />

(KUH): ibid: F-./4: (alal Disl: Rcsl hous. law.. Sonb. l0 cm oi less. flots vclloN.<br />

soilssdy clly loam, 6.6.1970, M. Oair€r 1225IKUH);Ned t€lephone exchos., soab.<br />

.rcct, 30 cn, l orch yellow, soil sa.dy clay lo.s,6 6 1970,,\r'' qaisel 1229IKUH)<br />

Disdbution: ' Afddisrrn ed Pakistd.<br />

Ecolo$/: - Gowsber@n 1000.3500 tn on !@tl. mun|ains cEvic6. on enly<br />

clayey eil, on wi plac6 ud<br />

Flowcing p€nod: - Mry- O.tobs<br />

NOTE: Podhch\ Sc&@la o/iert4tu (Boiss.) Sojak<br />

bed @ La.rrca nwistanico l(ir^6,<br />

3. Je'ial, (1.) F.w s.hmidt. Sam. Plrys. Ok@M Anfs.l:270. l?95; KirP.,<br />

'idrra<br />

l.c,3lE. pl.23. t 2; teftey, Lc.783i Rah. f,<br />

1029i Ch.udh.ty, 1.c.2a6. (FE r.r2)<br />

subsp. ,,r6rark! Podlcch, is not<br />

l.c. 205. r 202. f. 2l & 22t Mcjtlc. l.c<br />

L., Sp. Pl. 6d. 2. 191 . 1753 , Locttd riatea (1.)r. & C. PFsl., Fl.<br />

Boiss.,Il. Or. 3: 616. lE?5; Clarke,<br />

Conp. l.d. 262. l876i Kit.n.,

Fl. Afeb. 4ll. 1960i R.R. Stesan rn Nasir & Ali- Ann Car va\' l']l W Pal Kashm<br />

761 1972i Fereko!6 in Tutin er dl, !l lur 4: 329. l9?6i Mamgain & Rao in Hajd er 4r'<br />

Fl Ind.r2:295.199ti Feinbtun_Do$an. f_l Palae$ l:4l8 Pl 742 l97a Phaenopr\<br />

vizhd(L.) DC., Pnnr 7:116 l8l8<br />

Typ€: HabiH in Callia, (Fra.ce) Lusnania. RCN'5829<br />

Lectotype (Selecled br var Raamsdoik in Wissknchen ii1 / cdler R?Pe'r. 108<br />

l|]5 199?) Herb,A,VanRoyen No 999 344_290 (L ) vlde jafrs Ord Chdos 769 2007<br />

Biemial wilh tapr@t.St n 45-80 €h latl, fleog mcdv at th€ ba* b@chd vrgarc'<br />

noslly stmiShl with decumt l4ves. Leaves *ssile-shonlv peliolaG. pinoat'ud_scl or<br />

slnuare-pnmately lobed,4-8 x ol I cm, ldcinat€, retroM, somow[dr loofhed, acule.<br />

decurenl with long, hed auticlesicaulinc lcav€s snall. sessile. lrn.ar. 0 5_2 \ 02-04<br />

cm. Synflore$oc. pMiculat ly q,iciaom. Capitulun 05 lx 05 cm. cvlndncal. wtlh l<br />

floets. sftsessilc-sbonly pedunculatc, p.drn€lt coveEd vnh $alv bBctlnvoluce<br />

phlllaries 12'14, 3-4 -s€iate, scariousi ouler ones 1.5 5 x I'l 5 mm, ovale_lanceorate,<br />

subacder inncr ones 8 l0 Cl3) x | 5-2<br />

Cypsla 3.t6 x l-1.5 nn lq& black<br />

SEdully rnfluat inlo 3.5-8 Im lon8,<br />

sabriduloui papPs G? nn lone, whnc,<br />

nm, lin€ar-oblong. obtus. Flots yellow<br />

lin€d-i6ifom, scab.iduous wi$ 7-9 rih6.<br />

slodd- filifom, belq ribs lnd b€ak aho<br />

sp.dn€N Exrolnedr B-6: Dir Disr.i 4 km lion chaldda on way ro Dn. common<br />

n@ gmvey.rd, nsging pqonil, c.l0 cm tall, iorcls yellow, 8.10.1944, A GhaJoor &<br />

r ,tr, 4095 (KUH)i B-a: Asror Disr.: 2 kn fron min md or Aslor on way to D6hlm,<br />

btuch€d p€&nnial herb up to 40cn, on sandy slopes, florcts yellor,2400 m, connon,

@<br />

tl<br />

""T iiitr ,i<br />

lllliilfr<br />

I lil]\ill d o<br />

,I I<br />

A'<br />

(#,<br />

t^<br />

&)<br />

Flg, l,l2 S..riola eidi"e. \L.) F.W Schnidt A, babn: B(14), involuct phylldirs<br />

D. Dotr.: D, bdbiti E(l-4),<br />

(ouEr to iser), C, cyD*h Le.rk. disktu<br />

ilvolure phylldiB (out r ro imd); F, ct?l.la.<br />


6.10.2ao4. Jon Alon & Muheet l

Distributon: -Europe, Austmlia. M€drietran€an rcgion, Amenia, Kurdiskn, lnn.lr4'<br />

Afshdislrn md Patishn.<br />

on @ky slopes, stony and gnvel aeas, oadsldeslield margrns. ai lhe<br />

.levarion bNeen 80G2700 n.<br />

Flo(cnngpcnod - June Ocbb.r.<br />

t Lactuca<br />

L.Sp Pl ed. 1.795. l753iCcn. Pl ed.t.348 l?54i DC.. Podr.7: ll3 l3l8 t.p:<br />

Benlh.. in B.nrn. & Hek. t, Cen. Pl. 2: 524. l8?l pp.i Boiss., Fl Or. l 803. 1E75r<br />

Clarke. Comp. lnd 259 18?6. p.p.: Hook, a. Fl Brir lnd.3 402. 1381. p.p i O Hollh,<br />

in Pnandlan.4 {5): l7l; Coller, Fl Sinl 283. l92li Bldtt ., B.au. Fls. K.shn 2: I<br />

I928iKiA. in Bobr. &Tzevel, Fl USSR.29r 274. 1964 p.p.:Jefre, in Davis. Fl Tuk<br />

5: 7?6. r 9r5 | FeniLove in Tuth € | al.. Fl. Ev. 4: 328. t916. 9.p.. Reh. I, Fl. Ihn Conp.<br />

2. 122: 135. 197?; Feinbrun-Dorhd, Fl. Palaesr. l:4:15 l9?8; M€ikle. rt Cyp'us.2:<br />

102?.1985i Bremer. Aste@eae, Clad.Clss I84 199a, Mangaii & Rao in Haia e/ ,/ .<br />

Fl. Ind. l2i 281.1995j Chaudhary. Fl King. S Ambia,2 (l):244.20OOi Ode6on &<br />

sprinSare in cn€Mn & r,ng, Ft. Bhuln. 2 (3): t4?o 2001 ; Lack if, Kadercn & Jeffrcy.<br />

Fan. Cen. Vasc. Pl,81 188.2007,p.p.<br />

Annual to pemnial herbs, less one. seni-shrub. Leaves herbaceou$ nembranous.<br />

wnable, $ssibp.liolale, runcinat€-pinmtifid-pinnaiisccr. tob.s, tineaFlanceotare.<br />

oblan€ola&-spalhulat . ly6re, .hriE to dcnrabone. spinutose, atabros ro pub.sccnr.<br />

au.icllate4cmimplexicaul. Syhooresc.nce laxly corynboe{acehosry amnged or<br />

paniclcd. Crpitula c@i intundibulifom.cylindrjcat, @ny noweEd.InvotucE phyltrnG<br />

3-a (-5) {eriate, glsbrcu, sctriou-o.nbmnou' Ftoels yellow. whitc. blue. violcl or

puiplish.R.cepbcle nalcd, CrTsla yellow-btow. or blackish, mostlv oblsceolate_<br />

obovateil-n@y ribb€dJomp6*d, nuncaG-shorily papillate or pilose. be* whne.<br />

geenbh or pale, fililom" sleidr, smoorhi pappus uniseriaie, whnelemon v€llo* and<br />

A eenus with abour c.?5 sp€cies dnribuFd in Europt. Africa, N. Amenca and Asia<br />

(Bremq,1994). Represenred in Pakison Uy5 species.<br />

long, dicholonously bmnched<br />

l-l nbbedr dlricale'sbonly<br />

tin6 longd lhan lhc body.<br />

- Stem 35-200 cn long, paniculalc ro corFbo*<br />

branchcd above. Cyprh morc thsn I !ibs, p,loe.<br />

&ak equalling or | ! tinEs lone..lnan llE body.<br />

+ L.aves eilh crisped or n.xuous hair beneath.<br />

Cyps.la 3-4 m iong, y€llowish-goldo brcwn<br />

w h l. nbbcd ir lhe niddleon 4h sidci belt 8,<br />

+ All l6v6 lin.r-ldceolat, lo*er l@v6<br />

spari.gly ,4 pitu.tilidly lot d cnrirc. Ftoels

. Lev.s nor os above Flolet3yellow.<br />

+ Loqer leav6 succllent, undividcd, di.urely<br />

and sonl, spi.ulo* lo quite sm@th cr?*la<br />

bl&kish. Cuh,vat d pldls.<br />

- lr$.r l{}rs ron-succulenr, rffiourly div .{<br />

usully dncinale piMnfid, priclly ot spinulc<br />

alo.8 tbc marsi. and nid.ib bcndh. ClTsel!<br />

l. Ld.tt.d dbte.rdD.D6,Prodr., Fl. N.pal. 164,l825iDC., Lc ll5illook. i.l c 405r<br />

B!nb.r, Pl Punj 378.1916;Coller,l.c.284i Blrer, Lc.4;R€h. f., Synb, Afd.ll:201.<br />

1955; R.R, SFwan, Fl. R w. Disr., in P!k. i. FoGt. 7:237. 195?r Knin.. in Khtn, H.<br />

(E&.), Fluna dd Flom N.?al Hin. l:261.1952'1951 (S.. R.s. rap.n Exp€d. N.p€l<br />

rlinala); Kilan., Fl. Afsh.428. l960tKnan, Pl. w. Pak. Af8n. 150. 1964: RR.stdan<br />

in N4sir & Ali, Am. Caive. Pl. W Prk, K$ho. ?t3. l9?2i R(h.4, Ic 186. r I24,<br />

20r. i I & 2tMangoin &Rio,l.c 297 t TsiSham! & Janwal, Fl Lidd, Vr, Kashn.<br />

tlin.2:59. I98i Cbnudnrry, l.c. 245. tl. 126. I b; GncMn & SpnnS!1., Lc. 1471.<br />

(Fl&l.lr)<br />

Typ.. - D*.iH frcm Nepal, ,/,r/t /i (Kl).<br />

Chon lnlla atridtdto wtlt.,Nm.r Lid .3269.1329. mn.nud<br />

Lo.tue aunelah l]c., Prc&, 1: 140. l838t Boiss., Lc. 8l4t Cldrk , l.c. 264i KiA., l.c.<br />

109. pl, XVnl. a 4i R.R. St'wan,l.c.758.l9?2.<br />

TyD.: - N.prl, r,4,a, J?9 (K w) Mrbfich., tDC No I I o looj2o9l<br />


Lactcd 4Mis Edgpw..inTtuos. Lfn. Soc. 20: 79 1846.<br />

'frpe: -India: Hi6tlnr-'4. Sinla.l0m'7m0 n_ (K)<br />

Zu.&.a r,rtflii Bois., Dia8. Pl. or Nov. S... 2 (3): 96 l85l<br />

Type - Descnbed fron Baloc h isran. ''r.*l 601 662 (c_Aorss)<br />

Sy.typ€s: IadPaListan: Hab in provinoc Bdlochistan .snn*t. E\s. Pl 809 810<br />

Amual herb. St€m slender. erect 15-60 cm tall dicbotonously bra.ched above Basal<br />

leav6 nostly culate, glabrcus, sesile-nlmwed al the base,9_15 x 2-5 cn. m vaaous<br />

fom: pinnatilidly lobed' brprnnati ri d o! ircgularly lobed, temrnallob. mostly renifom'<br />

rhomboid, |mly d€ltoid, oblancolate-obovat in outlin€. acule obtue. nuch-diss4td.<br />

Ineguldy or sinuat€ d€niculole; c.ulrne lcavcs scsrile,2 9 r 0.5-2 cn! nner-lreolaE.<br />

acut€, egnlltely auiculale-subanpl.ricaul. Synnor€scence laxly paniculalecapnula<br />

glabous, e@t, er.r-intundibulilom, 15-20 florers p.r capitulun.0.i l5 \ 05 co-<br />

bacteolare, p€duncl€ 0.7-2 cm long. Involucre phyllanes l0 15. 4 5 senas scdous,<br />

acureiout€r most 1.5-l x 1.2 nn, middle ones 4-? x l-2 nrnr, ovare-lmcmlatei innemos<br />

10-14 x 1-1.5 nn, Iired. FloErs blu. - liolet or pulplhh.Cypsela 2.5-l x l.l mm. dart<br />

broM, obla.ceol.ie *ilh 3 promincnr bs oi each side, nuncat€. clen at the tip or<br />

bidenhF; b€ak 5-6 m long, whitc, filifom, conically rhickened at rhe base. rrrce as<br />

long as lhe bodyt pappus I Dh long,lemon yellow.<br />

Spc.fD.$ E-ditr.d: -A-7. Chitral Disr.: Shunlu.,28.71954, M-4. SidAiqui & A<br />

fer,a' s.. (&{W); ChiFal Vilhg., 1500 m. noets tuuvq | 1.4 1958, JD"4. Stointo"<br />


2202 (BM); Shishi, (B/w 3t'15 N. 7l'4E E35' 45 N ?2"- 0 E.). 1600 n on drv<br />

surnd sbF. flodls ptlcviolct blrc, 6.5. t 9t8, 5r' aoMt bo,629<br />

(BM)i ArlariGol<br />

w, ofTirich Mir,2500 n, al edgc of li.lds, floEts mauv.. E 6.1958.J.D lt Stalnba 2606<br />

(BM)r BariF Ni$ v.U.y, Chilnl, fe.r hdt, c.40 cm tall. tloEts lish blue 24 7 19?6.<br />

M Oaie&a ehal@t 66ta (KUH)I chaft 1000m.chitEtcol ordoFs l0I l9??<br />

tatin l(ra, s,n. (MW); Bombdit Cnnnl. i 1400 n.Il/12. ? 1968. v,vavi5019(E<br />

MW)r Bonbdl sll.y, Chital. @cl hctb, 20 cm i.ll. floEls, putple. 26 7.1976. M<br />

Qaie & A. Ch4loot 6158 IKUH); c.4 kn lmn Dn on way to Lowan to? and Dro6h.<br />

c6r. c,20 cn |!fl h.rb wirh qhnc ht x, 6y3 blu., disc ycllow, 16 6.19E7, a Ahal@r &<br />

s. o'e' 219? (KUH)i ibid:3 lo rom Cm Ch8hn., South$d! on way lo Ktndjrl<br />

and Avadk, unust hc6, c- 20 cn lall, flocts blue. 19.6.1987. A. ehal@r & S. Q,el<br />

2590 (KUH); ibid; B.t*cn Chihland Shodor, on wa, ro Cam Chashnu. €Ecl aonud<br />

h.rb, c.20 cn trlf, on sdy $il, flol!$ y.llowish ,18,6. 19E7, ,,{ . Ghaf@r tt S.Ome. 2546<br />

(KUH)r Arkri Gol, b.t*6 Mod &d khin.bld, Chitiil, c@t annual hc6. l6vcs<br />

basaf ad q!lin., c.20 cm t ll, no'.l! whitish, lltex whit , 20.6.t987,.4- AhaJZv & S.<br />

O,'?r 2709 (KUHI ibid; c.5 rd fom M$tuj on My to L$p!r md shandur p€ss, c.<br />

2400 m. Gr dulbcrb. c.l5 cm rAll. floncrs lidr blrc, qonmn,26.6.19 87.,1.<br />

Ahal@r & S. Onq 3072 IKUH)i ibid; B.ttrq Sh@rh (Jasl@t ald Ch&mlkun,<br />

+tEcor,6.5.t99t, Sttbtd.lih. Fitk Moh@",l'd & snet Hai.ta.2447 (RAw); c.l hilc<br />

f.om Di. city tow.rd! Lowri ro9, scmi{Ft hqb. floErs, viol.r bloish, + ll50 n.<br />

20.6.1970, M. Oaiw & .4- Aha!@ I 759 (KUH)i viUls. Baft (K.li.isbn.ChnaD, .dr<br />

hcrb, 8. r 0 cn .frf, tloEt5 lighr btuc, on $it d.y loam, 22.6.70. rt1. Qoikt & ,t. Ahdht<br />

1900 (KUH); Bdir.loig inisarion c!r!t, alcr b6b, t5 cm ratl n@E pintq on sdy<br />


clay soil,2l.7.l97l,,s.-4rcdu 8117,8118. El39 (KUH)| Bsn, chn6l, annual herb'<br />

ll"i. height, undulalins sandy slopes(3t'43'N E 7l'17 13 ) 2850n loreN tello$<br />

infieq\6r.6j2005, Haidar Ali 1572 (KUH):4 miles tom Na@ on qav to Buswar'<br />

cRr helb, 20 cn ull, floren bl\e, r.9.1912, M Qaier & A chuJbar 1294 IKUHI<br />

Meana, 14 5-16 km linm Dn on rvay b Chnral, + 2000 n ecct. annulhe'b r20cm<br />

hll. flortrs yellow. I08.1992. li Ati, S.Z Hussuin & Goho Kha' 2101 2120 (KLH):<br />

Ayum. c.26 km lion Chntal on way to Bonbrait, r l50O n erect hcrb, I 20 cn rall.<br />

floErs yellowisl\ 17.8.1992, l.{ li, S Z Hdsit & eolar Kha" 2377 (KUH); Bundar'<br />

105.1995, J,rg. Lt. Haurits LM.S. 16308 (BMli Jughoe eol. chilral. annul herb.<br />

i or€rs qhrl., inft€qu€nt on iocks cevic€, 1665 n, (N .15' 49' 16 8". E 71' 47 1 1 4_)'<br />

| .l 2t][5. Eoklar Ali 2M (KUH); Chilral Gol Natioml Pt*. Cbi!.al 9 in height floErs<br />

lighr pulle, infEquenr, on undulatdg rocty slope. 2829 n l746l4J. 1910352J.<br />

21.5-2VJ5- llaklar AtiA69lKUt,.): Cnaen B@ni, Chrhl. ner@ial h€rb. |0 'n he,Ahl.<br />

noets yellow, ae. besidc strcan bank. 2449 d, (N 36' ll l09".E?2'12 289).<br />

l3.6.2005. tlaidar Ali 599 lKuA): Balotuk hill, Chnml, annual helb, 8 " ull. undulatin-s<br />

stdpes. (r lt' 49 13 O - E 7l' {5 1 I O ), 2l l.t n. lound t!t. 28 5 2005. Etmor tli t 5)<br />

(KUH); ibid. peEnnial herb, 8"tall, on ocly slopes, (N 35" 49 116",E7l'45'Il4 ),<br />

20oo n, Iloras oF hn.,28.05.2005, Haidar Ali lll (KL,H), Colin col, chnnl<br />

peMnial hqb. 24 tall, on rocky slopes. common, 2260 n, 19.6 .2ln', Hdidar Ali & Jun<br />

,4lan 781 (Kull)i Ishp.der CGNP. ChitBl. annual herb, 25 cm in herShl. flore6 gEen<br />

spike, comnon, on srtu bdt,2a29 6,21.5.2(n5. Haidor A/t 960 (KUH): Ishped€r<br />

CGNI, chilnl, annulberb,25 cm in heidrt, innequenl so*s<br />

on sucln bmk.2829 m,<br />

21.6.2005. floi.lar ,4li 956 (KUu)i P€elo Madatl6h, Chitral. mul h.l!, 2 ir hcighl,

floals whne, i.fteqeot, on s@m btnk. 1223 n (15" 46 01'9 ?2' 02 56'9)'<br />

2a.6-2005, Haido. Ali ll93 (KUH)I Chitnl, pqennial bqb 9" in hcight, ItoEls wh'le'<br />

infequent, on stony slope,lO0O n (N 360 18'44 5", E 12'14'05 0 ), ll 7 2005, fi'ktuf<br />

,4/t l9O7{KUH)|ibid,8'i. beight, flotcrs white, infiequenl on slonv rlope.1000 n. Ir'<br />

1.2005. Hoidat Ali l9l8 (KUH): Madnklsh! Dosh. peennol herb, 14 in h.rgh(<br />

inftequeni o. gr6sy slopes,2689, (N 3f4?'06 9', E ?2'02' 229 ) 21120Q5. Ht lar<br />

,11 ll8l ((UH)i ibidiPurgafr Rlch, MoliLhoo. ChiImL. blcnnitrl herb l:l" rn helSht.<br />

floEls light purPl., on srream bant,271? m, (:16'17 06 J .72'13 ll9). 17 8 2005.<br />

Haidd Ali ?a2A lKull); Dfth col, Chitral, pemial herb, 7 in h€ie& on Nlv<br />

slopes, l?65 n, l ot.is Nhit€. 3,5,2005,,1otddr,4lt 103 (KUH), Peelo Madaklasht.<br />

Drcsh,chitral.onstreanbank,annualh.!b,l5"inhig],flore$liShtriolet.282l fr ll5<br />

46 039".12' 02' 56.9), 28.05 2005, Hai.lo, Ali t200 (KUH) Bonbran. Chn6l.<br />

psemialhcrb, t0 in heieht,inftequcnlonsteafr bank. 24ST m(15".11 14.9 . 71'17'<br />

34.9"r, !.1-2005. ddirlor ,{ti 1429 (KUH)| Bonbodn, Shakhandch, ChnEl. l.50 rn<br />

h€igh, nods liSlrr puqlish whiie, rae, on stony slopes,2249 n, (35'41 01.8",7l'l9'<br />

r4O ), 19.5.20Q6, Hoitlor Ali 7629 (KUH)| AgEd go1 gnd, Arkari. Chilml. annql<br />

hdb, r0 in h.igh! noErs ,€UoN. @.,212J n (42 725699 E,4011295 N). 10.E.2007,<br />

s,idd',lli 701 (KUH)i A{. Gilsir Din : Nagr, (?4' 4l E-L. 36' 16 N ). 2500 m. 19t9.<br />

F Lobbichlq 475 (M):D^i^a\ Huoa and Nagar, (74'09 E. L. 3e 22 N ), 1000 m,<br />

1959, F robridhler 416 (M)i Nasar village area, idisaion channel ba.ks, cultilatcd<br />

@42l'22100 n,28.8.1960. O Po[,t 6419 (BM, E); Minabin, Nrga., comfi€ld wccd.<br />

inigarion od clltiv.t d @, floEis y.llow. 1900 n, I r. 7. 1960.O.Polu n6065 (BM.<br />

E)i Cilgit (Hulir fotst) Puial statc, h.$ ofsandy rocks, florcts yello*, Auglsl, t969.

M-S.z,a. chuno s.t. (KUH:)i Kd8ah, c 5 mile iom CilEil leaves os.lte. c20 cm'<br />

sandy $ir mixed Nith g6!cl. 15.7.1914, A Ah @r 2t0lR'\w)i Bct{en Nalbr and<br />

Nomel, dcr herb, c.40cmtall, orclsv$lcl, on sandy son. 17 7 t974 A (ihaloar & t L<br />

a,t 8al (KUHli Alo.8 Cupis bah nullah, Cupis. Cil8,r, s{r herb. 15 cm in hershr-<br />

21.6.1982, s. ouel 269 (KUH)| c.2 milcs lrom conella on way to Gilsn, c 25 cn' |an,<br />

tronls blue, I 1.5 1981, ,t. O,p/ S. Nazihuttlin & A ,/dlA 172 (KUIi)i Naltar vallev.<br />

28.6.1986, ,.{ R,trd 498 (KUH); Nlgor. c 18 kn lioDr Aliabad, ncar cuh'vdred Iield,<br />

@r herb,4 10 cn tall, llod$ violet, 14.10.1989, 5.1. ,-{/r, lf SuAanC, T. Ali & Aohot<br />

Knan 1548 (KUH): Ne.r Y,sin on say to Dharkol (Nof Yasin). + 2400 n. llo.ea<br />

y€llow. 30 cm rau, 19.11990. M.Qaitet, S.Onet & s.z. a/brart 8120 (8. KUH);<br />

Ghdirush, Kdimb6d, Hu@. *ftt pdcnnial herb up lo ll cm, comon, + 2lO0 m,<br />

a-1.2U)2. Ja. Alah s-n IKUH): 'b'd. gow alonB stEam bank,4.1-2th4. Jan ALn<br />

&Karin Ma.ldd l8l8 (KUH): ibidj Paan Nahar. erccl p€ennial herb Nilh Ducb<br />

bEnched infloedcq flords ligl plrplc, comnon Crcw<br />

alo.C stEm h6rl. i 2600 m,<br />

24.6.2001,Jan Alan & Karin Maddd lEl3 (KUH): Nalw Bala, eEcr herb up ro I 15<br />

cn. grow along stram b.nt, llQA n. 20.1.2001. Jan Alah & Naem Khan 2120 D<br />

(KUIt)tNahd, CilSit,.Rcth.rb up to8cm.ct?sela with dlll whrle pappus. ttoeB lrghr<br />

purple, c.1200 n, 8rews on stony moist slop€, | 7.1j.200t, .,ra, ,-llan & Sher Surun 34J3<br />

(KUH)I ftaoda-Das, Kdinabad, Huna, grows on glassy slope, eRt herb up Io a 50<br />

ch, ilorels lighr blue! 1 2500 m.2207.2005, Ja, Alon & Narn,.{/dr 1309 (KUH):<br />

Hamosh, Cilgil, on waylo Khal$row I km fiont Shdal, eftctherbupto45 cm. fiore$<br />

blue, on dry sto.y prsces, 19.2.200E, SheNoli Khon lll5 (KUH): tui swar D6r.<br />

Karakar Pas, Swat. 0orts pale y.llo{, c. I 300 n, 8.4.1956. ,t.k. &.,rrr 2743 I (RAW):<br />


Kafm, (r5" l0' N, 71 30' E), c.220tr n,1967-A.rtisl t9429lM); ibidi 29 7 1968..s,r.<br />

Fdd,q, 51,60 (KUH): ibrd; Busawa'. erccl herb, 20 cn iall- floEN blne. 1.9 1972. M.<br />

Qoi@ A A Ghalbot 5294 IKUH)] B-?: Abboubad Disl. Abbobbad lo ManSlaur,<br />

c.3100 n, 14.4.1958, f.R. &?'4r s.n. (RAw)r Abbolab|d, herb, 35-40 cn tall. norcls<br />

whne, on r@Ly hnls wnb sddy eil, ll t 1969. S. /&da 289?. 2898 (KUH)] ibrd:<br />

Hazm Disr: Shogran,:2300 n, ioEb yello*, 10.61953. S.M Anrur liuznl<br />

s.n.(KUH)i rbidt Kdgan lalley Balakor hpplox.l4 35'N , ?l'20'l ) and Babusarpals<br />

lappror.15" l0'N.742 E ).Julscpt 1954,J,A,,,l6el 105 (BM)iDadar O$t.. Hrara.<br />

florcts purple, 21.4.1970, 16t /{ai' 5942 (RAw): 2 mil€s aom Battakundi on way to<br />

Babusd. €f€ct herb, 40 cm, 12 8.1911,5. Abedin & M. Qaber 89601KUH)j c.l0 mrlcs<br />

ion Abbotabad on {ay to MansehB, cl0 cm tall, florets bluish, 85.1983..t.O,,4 ,t.<br />

NEinudnin & /.wdtid 541(KUHii c.2 nil€s frcn Bal*oron wrr ro Kawar. helb, c I<br />

cm brr, ltoeG purpfish' pink, 9.5.1983. S.Oher. S Ndintddin & A.wahid 569 |KUHI:<br />

MaNba Dht. I Rchana, a 7500 n, 5,4,1980. E & y. rlsir 9028 (RAw); SMr Dist.: 3<br />

miles from Mingora towards Maday.n, erecr, c.60 cn, doisr loato, I L4. 1970. S /. ,4/1 4<br />

.t-r. Fal,D4t 1646 (KUH)] ibid, Sl ,.{/i s,n.(Kufl)i Kagan, 25 cm talt. floErs purplc.<br />

4.7 t9'11. KMal & M. Qoiser 278 (KUH); Berwn 6-10 km lron Kalam on lry ro<br />

Ushu, Swat ere.t, annual herb, l!2J cm (all,0orers tighr btu6h purplc, whn€ hr.r,<br />

31.1941. A Chohat & s. onet 3374 (KUH)I Naran Ldlaar, Kashan, flor€ts yeltow,<br />

21.8.198?, y. ,{aa Rtbi,a Akhtar & tldal 13074 (RAw)i Swar, Berwen viltas.<br />

Bahor dd Slmala, c.2300 m fton e. ldel. .dr mul hdb. c.,|{ cn, t oErs ye ow.<br />

6.10 1948, A. Chalitur & T. Ali a054 (KUH)i Ned Muu |Iaabad, Kishangng, valcy,<br />

prains, 2400 n, 24.4.1956, Jan Mohannotl I8t (BM)i B_Er Asror Dist.: Rama lcsr

house.* 50 cn tarr, no€ts puale, + 1000 n, 10.8 1988, S. Oaer & M gaitet 2314<br />

(KUH)| Rdna vallcy. S.w of Astor. c6t annudl herb,6 , norets 10-15 dm, wnh whre<br />

di$ and p6le purple 6y noeb.)tsl r,2a.1.1967.LE. Lantestq & T'15 Paten<br />

l24l (BM)j Astor, h€tu up lo l5 cm, ny florc$ violel, di$ whiE.21 .6.19a2, S.Aner Jl I<br />

(KUH): Dsften on My lo -\slor,.rcct peE.nial herb, 30 cn lall, o. hill sloPcs.<br />

2.5.2$6,,{li N@r er u|.115 (KUH)i aongi Dass, plarn area. eier pcrennDl hc'b. l0 ctrr<br />

tall,soilsudy,2.5.2006,,.1liN,o/eral.491,495(KUH)rAsror(NA)-PeerRoutcvillage<br />

abole Curikoq alone $e water channel, .!.cr, perennial herb, 50 cm oll, ilotets purple,<br />

2500-2550 m,23124.8.2008, Ali Noor 11Q2, l70l (KUH)] B-8/9. Ballisran Rangei<br />

Skardu, 240$ d, floreN yellow, JA.1816,C. B. akde 29976 A (BM)r Skddu. common<br />

along irigaxon cdals, c.2200 ft. flor.ts pale lavende.. 2461955, GL webst{ & E.<br />

,varir 5759 (M)i Bashr, c45 friles fiom Skardu. c.25 cm jn hcight, floels purplish bluc.<br />

26-5.1943, S. Onq, S. NEinnuddin & ,r. lfahid 1055 (KVH): Tsugm Cnu. aaltistan.<br />

oo r@ky hill slope! 1800 n, floEb hEndcr, 1928, F. d/o, 264 (AM)i K6hnnl<br />

Umli,Kdhn( 1200m, ilods white or palc blk.l.? 18?6, c a Cbrte 2a241 A (BM),<br />

Pahlgm, Kashmir, 2100-2400 m.4.81920, R.R. & !.D Jk,ar 5543 (RAWli Tngbol,<br />

Kashnn.2l00 q 25.5.1951,,4. Rqhid, E. N6u & R.R. Steear 25591 (R]AW), Corai-<br />

gorcs, cilgit R@d, l.?.1971, a.i, sleMr 42?6 (RAw)j snnaSd, noE$ blue,t680 m,<br />

16.6.1919,1.1. Src,at 4084 {RAW)i Srin.gar (Salt Couse), florcts nauv€. 22 7.1940,<br />

P.M. Pihlold 243 IBM)I K^sl16jr uDtnown locality. 1800 n . lloers nauve, sunny nill<br />

s'de er.ss, May 1938, U.tnin 67 (BM)i cindarbatSi.d valey,t6j0m. noars t.lender.<br />

comon w€€d i! Iields,8_6.ttto, LldtN & Sh.ri[ 8124 (BM)i MaNb4 c.t6lo.<br />

go*ins b.tw6 rcfq tders nztv., t2,5,t9!{. P.M. Pinfod $ (BM): Above Dosh.ii,<br />


shyok valky, r 2400 m, 16.8.1940, 4.4. .5rr'or 20828 (RAw)i Taub{r, erecr herb-:10_<br />

15 cn. r oErs violct,259 1987, T.Ali, M.Quiset & M ljndl Khd,5ltt (KUH): Ramoo.<br />

r80O n, lO.7.rE?6, C. .B- Cltu*.2850E A. 28501 C {BMJ; C{r PeshaMr Disl:<br />

P€shawar, sp.ing we.d, :1000 n,25.4.1936. Mohindar Nath 1t394 (RAw)j Khvbcr pas.<br />

26.4.1916, Mohkdot Nath 15452 (RAW)I Koh.t Dist.: Kohai pass, N nde Pass. lime<br />

srone locky slop€si ilores pale violet'bluc, c 900 n. 26 5 1965. Jchni|tt Lunbnd 1511<br />

(E)iKohar.(ll'37 N,71'30 8).700-900m, 196?,O 16,/10180(MI rbdiTal v2llev.<br />

$6ett hlac, 1.5.1991, Rluna Raliq & Si*an.lar Hott! E!i-91-051 (RAw); Ku(@<br />

Dist.: % nil6 ftom P@hi.d o. way to shaloa., sub.ret h.rb, oorcts viole!<br />

12.5.1914, CDll. ingot 5923 (KVH)i Malana, c,5 nil€s fom Parachrnar, heft c It cm.<br />

floret3 yellow, 20 t.1978, S. Nozinudtlit & S, Abedih l09l (KUH)I C-?. Rusdlp,ndi<br />

D$t.: R!*alplndi, ll.3 1922, Rx sr€vd, (RAw): Top Park,l5.).1934, Mohtndor NLth<br />

66 (KUH)i Sdpur, R wrlpindi, 24.3.1950, Gh an Y6i.t6 (Kurl)r Kalld Kabtr-<br />

6-5.1962, t.R.9Mn itl (RAW)i Ayub Park, a snrall spnng annul herb. tloErs<br />

lavender, 64.1964, t. darir 2486 (MW)i R'eat, Rawalpindi. ll4.1965. D Padle.h<br />

l0l12 lM)r Nalional agricultunl rescarch center, klambad, annual helb, floreb bluish.<br />

23.3.1941, RiMa /o@f HB^di 2O5 (KUH); Caopb.llpu Disi,: Kharn Mumt.<br />

An@k, fincston. hifl, c 700 m, 13-4.1956, R.R. StM & II6ir 27910 {BM. RAw):<br />

Ket prostr. h.rb, on Dcky hilk wnh s.nd, 780 n, floErs yrllon,1.5.1969. S Abedin<br />

275? (KUH)i Jhclun valley neai Pini, 1500-1800 d, 13.5.1992, J F. Dtthie t0899<br />

(BM)t D-,tr Qucua Dnt. Hanna late, 1800 n,2.10.t957, R.4..t/.,rr| 282?2 (RAw);<br />

ibid: Sanduhd TeCi, 2 niles fton Zi*.r, tt.5.t965, S_i4A. Kami 1649 (Mj; Juniper<br />

td6t cgi@, Sa$al@a, Ziet, eEt h.rb, 30 cn, noars bte, 9_6. | 9E l, tlr'. &ru"/<br />


Alon 60 IKUH). wali Tdgi, Quslt!, noEG ycllow, 2351984, s onet & A<br />

C/urofl 840 {KUH)| MuatTaabad Dist : Be$e.n Sbade and Nai Noor, Muaf|aEbad,<br />

.!ect herb, l0 cn, llorets brue, 3.9.1986, M Qaiser & Riz,an v,,s,/ 8074 (KUH): 14<br />

milcs fron Zhob on way lo wa!! e!.cr herb, l0 15 cn. wtth buds. 165.1978 .t<br />

\.t:nrhlli)1 lfutt.J, h A s rr.,./nr 8'l {(UIl)r \trLi|. 1500. 1:1.1.1169. , \dt, .(<br />

ZalIar Ali 5437lRAw); D-.5: Lo6lai Dist.i LoEl.i, la4 t94a. Mohindd Nath 6103<br />

(MW)i Sibi Dist.: Qu€tta, Hamai, c.8 tm trom west, dry river bed, c.900 m. | 5.5. | 965,<br />

Jeanilet Lanord t211 lEl. shing&: Kili lb6him Khail, c.54 km rmft zhob, erect annlal<br />

h.rb, r r0 cn, to'€ts yerrow, 31.5.1995, r. .4r & G R. sdtuar 2?45 (KUH)i l0 rm<br />

belore lowdri top lion Qolandr, an.uEl clect hcrb up to 8'. Ior€ts purple, + 200 m,<br />

15.7.1995, 6.,R. SoNar & S. Oner 163 (Kufl)j Sri n€d Zarghoon, Bslochhtan,<br />

p.Ennial hdb up ro 30 cn lall. ct!6ela p6dt. conmo.. Ja, Alan & Sale.n J6l6<br />

{KUH)| ib'di D8: I-3hoE Disi: S.rgodha. KiBna hiII.24.4.1910, X.n. Jr.wai s.n<br />

iMW)i Lanore, M@h, 1951, M. Asarlulah Mali* 14 (Mw)i Cujdt. Bhimb.r.<br />

51.1970, I N6n, N@ir J.Rha(! 8III(MW)i f,-4: Kalat Disl: Kala! lnrf Kolpur.<br />

r800 m, March, {2E 52'N,67'20 E),900 n 2.4.1961.G. Tusit 28461(M)iBolan p6s,<br />

Bctwecn Sp.ad ed Mach, Quelta!.nnu.l erecr h€tu wnh dilky lsrex, c.20 cm, noeN<br />

y.llow. 2,5.19a5, A. Ghtloor & AiMn you$ 1091,1071 (Kr,tll): F4: Lrrkana Disrl<br />

c.45 mile fron sda coln on My ro Kltrc ji Kabar, Kh€rtler dnse. t-a.!lna. Leaves<br />

pcrat i synlfoM@ e@rj c.25 cn,19.3.19a3, Kanat A. Malit. S. Oner & A. tyahi.t<br />

2169 (KUH); ibid, florets whit€, l0 cm lall, 21.1.1983, l(zurl A. Malik, S. Onet & /t.<br />

ur'arid 2421 (KuH).

Disnibutio.: -Tu.l(.y, Jord.r! I6q, Itu. Russia, Tudn|nir. Afddistar, PNtisDn<br />

lndir &d Tibct<br />

E@logy: - A frirly connon ainull *dd of hills and plaini at th. clcvation bawecn<br />

300-1300m.<br />

Fldcdng Paiod: - April - S.pt nbcr.<br />

2, Lactae rl4rcitdn Boist.,Fl. Or. 3: Ell. lE75i R.ch. t, D.n. Biol. Sk. 8, 21205.<br />

l9t5 (Symb. Afgh. Il): Kit.m,. in Rslts Kyoro Univ. Sf,. Exp.d. K.dk. a. Hinduk. 8.<br />

1955(Fl. Af8l|.42E. 1960): KitD.,lr.30E. pl. Xvlll. f.9: R.R. Stcw.( l.c.759: Rdh. f..<br />

Lc. lEE.r. 126,201,r. t&6-(ilg.r.g)<br />

Tlp.: - Ad s€.rr*h.! Pc6ire m.di& o.icn[lis ?ris!.238 (C. lso-LE).<br />

Ldctuca loisiwtruta Aitch. & Hcnsl. in Ai!ch., T6ns.L'nn. Sc.Sd. (2) l: E2. | 6EE.<br />

ItD.: - Afghdilnn: Harinrd vgllcy, 10.5.188t, ,{t liao, a 16 (K).<br />

stull mud hclb.Stcm 7-25 cn lAll, cn{t or dlcunb€ dichobnously branchcd abovc.<br />

Bsl l@B in Ntt!, subsdsila dibrcd inro a b@d p.riol.,5-10 x 0.5-2 cm.<br />

spetnul.t d oble@Lr., cun€.E, sin@ie doricul.rc or ircg|ltrty r@dcd. obrus.<br />

cov.rcd with flalous clisFd h.i6 bcn€arh or ar lhc rursini qutinc tc.vcs silq<br />

small. synfloftsc4. l4ly p.riclc. C.lrotum c@r i.now cyti.dde intuidibulifom<br />

wio i2-20 florlls Fr c.pirulum. 1.5-t r cm,tnvotucrc ptyll$i6 8-t0,4-5<br />

s..itrc, siolt DtuDdG,.cuc; o!.nDo6t 2.5-6 x |,2-2 dur! ov.rct!!@tarq niddtc<br />

on6 7-10 x l-1.2 m, l@ol.rci jtucr msr 12.17 x I nn. tin6r, mnb6EaM.<br />

FloGrs blu€. CyFclr 14 x t.2 nm. yc ow- Sotdcn bro*n. obotrr.- oblanc@tar. tjib<br />


in rhe niddle, mu.icaleahodly papillate towdds apexr bedl 8-9 nn long, white,<br />

capillary: paptus 4-5 nm lone. l€non y.llo$.<br />

Specinms Ex.mln€d: - D4. Quetts Dist.iZhob valley. Hindubagh, 5850 m, 15 5 1941.<br />

MarDdar Ndr, s.n. (RAW)| Betw€en B6tan ed Sem Tangi, c, 55 rm fton Que<br />

a, on<br />

gdr! sfope and oadside cdges, 1700.1800 m. 10.5. | 965. J3/ niler Lanod lllJ lE).<br />

spintdez, Queua, I I .5.1965, sM,,r (dr,! I 598 (LAw)i shchbagh hills n€ar charur<br />

Querm. leaves rosulac, floreb yellowish, 7 5.198s.,1 Ghali,ot & Rntan vo6ul ta48<br />

(KUH): c.30 kn ion Quena or way to zidrt, eni s*t dnual h.rb up lo 7 cm tall . o.<br />

8rrv€l sdy plr.r, 7.t.20o4,.ran AIa"', &.4. Tar@n & Jha"Chir 2J50 (KUH)i Bab!<br />

y\nuwri, Zirat, .rcct snall mual hdb, up to ? cm, connonlt pesen! grow on<br />

mountai.s slole, 4,5,20n7, Jon Alan & Soleen 3706 (KUH)] F'lr Makaran Dist.<br />

Panlgu ro Swb, c,70 knt lilh Pdj8ur wadr, .. I 100 n. : I rl. 1965, .,r", niler L!hn,t..l 6Ja<br />

(E)i Nag Berween Panjgu ro SuEb, c. llLlo m, 2 1.6. 1967. C fus za26J lM)<br />

It seens to be Ie$ codmon i. olr aca iban rhe peviols spccies, only localizcd in<br />

D*ribltion: - ldf,, C.nlnl Alia Af8iaiisr.D and Palistm.<br />

EcoloCt:- A cofrnon spaies of dry dounrainous 6nge ol Balochish. dcending<br />

I I 00. I 800 m on gllvel slop.s, sddy plees rnd badsnte edaes.<br />

Flowring P€riod: - April-.ru.e.

&<br />

6<br />

Flg. l.lt La.tac. Aoti.hopht'lla (ira.: A,<br />

b isa); C, clT.da.<br />

t<br />

B(lr), iivoluft pnylri.t (oui.r

a. Laat t .lolichopltlla KirM., ii Add. Cone* FI Af8llt. 150. 1966 (R€p. ed. Results<br />

Kyoto Univ Sc, Erped Ka6k. a. Hinduk 8 1955)i l. Ham, Fl. li Hnml. I :l4l 1966i<br />

RR src$an. lc 758 l97l: Mainsrin & Rao. lc 299: Shalma & iam$al. l. 59i<br />

GrieMn & Springar.. I c Ur2 (Fl&1,13)<br />

Ttper Nepal. ,/d.4ic, (K-w) Microfischcl<br />

Chon&ila loagilblio W nll Cat 3272 & 1273 non nud<br />

Loctrco luEihlio Wall.ex DC., Prodr. 7: 135. l8l8 (lirer homonyn) non Mich. t80li<br />

CldG, Lc. 264i H@k, t. Lc. 405j Bdb.., Pl. Punj 378 1916rColleilc.284:Blaner,<br />

1c 2 pI. 34. f lr Kitam., in Kha6, H (Eds.), Fau.a $d Flo.a N.patHrm. I 26t.19t2-<br />

l95l (Sc Re Japan Exped Nepal Himalaya)iR.R. St wad. Fl. Raw. Di$. in Pak J.<br />

Io€st 7:237. I957; KiIan., Fl. Afgh.428. 1960.<br />

Loctu.a rallichiano'ftisl., An.. Nal. Hisr, MB.wien. ?2:608. 1968r Rech. f., Lc. l9r, r<br />

110,201 lt 13 & 14.<br />

Syntypesr In Nepali, Kamon el ad Srinaghar, .r/atttlr, {K-W l)<br />

P@nial shab.Srm glaboFparrly plbc$cnr, qa! lj-80(,l0O) cm ralt. panicular.ty_<br />

corlmb@ly btuched above. B&t l€avls in rcsne, sub essilc. ancnuale ar rh€ bde, 6<br />

lzcl5) x 0.5-2 cm, /, pi@tjs*r distantly lobed, dtre, acul.r cautine teaves sssil..<br />

lredldeol.tc, hNBre,srgirarely au.icutalei uppemosr lin€ar, sma SynfloEsccD*<br />

laly paniclc. Crpiiula c@! cylindri€t, 14-20 norets pe, capitutum,0.8-2 x 0j I cn,<br />

peduncuratc. lnrolucE phyuTies 12,t5,4 -snare, ould phylta., 1.5_l x t_1.5 on:<br />

m'ddle ones 4.7t9) x 1.5-2 m, ovar_lanceolar, acltet innemosr I I,t6 x I 1.5 mn.<br />


@d lind{bl@e, acnt -subobnae.Florctr blue or lavender.Cyprla 4-t x |2 nrm<br />

brown- da.k boM. obldcolalc, thick iowtrds nargin, whilePilose fi.ely at $e apex.<br />

8.10 naEow nbs on qcb sideibeak 3-4 mn long, wbite-g.eennh, sleid€rfililbnn, equal<br />

orsmalle! than lh€ bodyipappns 4-6 mh lon8, yello*ishivhrle<br />

Spcimenr Enmiftd: - A-7: Chiral Dist.r Losan Pass Dir, 6.8.1954. M.A. Sitlliqri &<br />

,a. R"r,',, s.n. (RAW); BonbEir,24.l.1956, A-R Aeg l5l8 (RAW): ibid, norelslilac,<br />

I l.?.1968, y6ir ]V6,1 5068 (RAw)i Mf,band, Tonkh@ Ctit€I. peennial hcrb. I n '.<br />

heigb!, infrcquol on udulaling slopc.2970 m, l6 8.2006. taidar,4l, 5070 (KUH); 8-6:<br />

Swar Di Aelow Utrol, Swat,2100-2400 nr,22.71951,,e.X. Ste\|a & A. Rehna,<br />

25156 (BM,RAW); Betwfrn Shada and Kail, o{t htrb. c.90 cm lall, flore$ blue.<br />

2t.9,1981, T. /li, M-Qanq & M. Ajdal 521 (KUE)i ibidi B-7: H@ra Dist.: Kalagarr<br />

Ha2M, j 2100 m. 20.8.1956, R.lR. Sr?va., s.n. (RAw); Natu-rsge ro.d. c.2400 m.<br />

2t.4.19E7, v.N6i,, Rubi.a Akttar & HuniI1J014 \RAW| BeNen Mcha.dan and<br />

Kdwar. erec! a 80 cm high. aorets bhkh, 6.9. | 988, .t Ou er & M 9!,sr 2 765 (K UH ):<br />

ibidi Kagan lalley beiweeh Aalalot {app!ox. 14'35'N, 73" 20 E) add Subusar p€ss<br />

(apprcx 35'10 N., ?4" 2'E.), July- Se9,\954, John Abel 106 (BM); 6 njles f.om<br />

Ka8h6 on way b Nm, @! c.60 cn t!ll, florers blue, sil clay loM, 12.t3,191,.t<br />

Ab.di, tt M. Qoisr e905 (KvH); 8 miles frod Mah&dn on way ro Kaghan. e@t hqb.<br />

I n talf. florcfs prplish viol.r. 11.6.t972, M Q6et A A Ghafnr j242 tKtJHt<br />

Muaffadb.d Disr.: lEpa valley, @t hclb, I m lau, norc$ lighl bluc. t6.8.1972 M<br />

oaker & .4. ehdJoot 5012 (KUIi)i Nor Lccpa Bad, I n rall, flor€r! puat., 26.8. r 9E6,<br />

M.Qaikr & niws. lo8tf1738 (KUH)i Lcepa to Resh@ road, near !c.po, e4r herb.

larq white,lm tall, atct hetb. l oEh pu'?lish blue, 2E 8 1986, M Qaso & Rize4\<br />

ro6d78!l (KUH); F8: Asbr Dist.: Rama lalley, S.w oi Asto.. eEct h€rb. l2'r18'<br />

df, norers psfe viorer+ruc. 2 cn accs, lt00 n, 18 t961. T.E. Lontestq & r''4 s<br />

Pea6,, 1320 (BM)i Peer Roule villaae abovc Glritot (N A.). @r perennial herb. t0<br />

cmtall,0ore$purple,incultivatedg6s[.ldslop.s,2500m-l]8.2008.r/tNo,t1688<br />

(KUH); Kdhniri Kasnmn, berG ldgc. blle norets.3 feet hi9h.22.1.t416, c.. R. cla*e<br />

29421 A (BM)r Tnsbol,2550 m,4 E.l9l9,,t.]?. d aD sraz,48ll (R{W)i Pahlgam.<br />

KNhnn, nore$ lilac blue, Sep)913, R.M, Thackeror sn.IBM)i Pahlgam, Kashnn.<br />

forels dar* blue.2100-2400 d. 19?.1920 R.R d /D .trerari 1295 (RAw)i Belo$<br />

TraSbol. Cil8it road. c.2100 n. l8 7.1940,,1.R S,epdr 19436 (R-Aw): Battal. Sonanarg.<br />

+ 2850 n, I 1.8.1940. r.x. Sreen 21292 (RAw)i Wangar valley. Iorets puQl€ daisy, up<br />

ro )' bidr, 12-4.1940, P.M. Pinlold 2t? (BM)i Bad{an, Iicld bordets, 12.1.1946. R-R. &<br />

lD. Stea 21604 (RAw); SiBn, P@nch,3.10.1952.,,r. izrrid Khe s.n.lKUAll<br />

Kashnir PX. K,r/t ll8.l20 (Mw); Aabku. Laddar valler, *6re gmund anong<br />

cuhivarion. ioErs br@. c.1900 n,22.E1956. o Polu h 56/425 (BM,: Nara<br />

NaS.Wmgahulla\ walls ed hedges, .round culrivation, c.5 ft hig\ tlorc$ blue. c.2300<br />

n.10.9.1956, O. Poluhir 56/768 (BM) Snnagar, PahalSan, c 2350 n, 10.6.t978, c'R.<br />

,a,.asrer 9l (BM); Kashmir, 2700-3000 m, 24.8 | 991- J.a Duthie 12538 lBMt, C-11<br />

Dhollb€yond Bagh. c.1400 n.21.61952, R.R Ste,a &E Nasif2lT8l(RAW)<br />

Ditt ibulion: - Afglnisl&, Pali!r.., Ksshmir,India md Nepal.<br />

E@loS4 - On @ky slopq. wlls Dd h.d86, .ound @ltivarcd ti.!4 on ct.yey lqn<br />

ar l[c clcv.rion bdweln 120G1200 n.<br />

Flowerine Period: - July August (O.rober),

a.Izdtd @i,taL. C.atu.pt 2: 29. m t89. I?56; L, An@A Aqd 4:3?3.t?59;<br />

KirD. tc 297. pf. XvItr 11 RR Sc{4 tc 760. l9Z ,.ft!y, I . 77a. f, 26Rl,j.t,<br />

LG l9it r 201. i 17 & l3i F.rltovi Lc 33q F.inbMDord!, tc 436 r ?t9: IvGil|c<br />

Ic lo2t; Mdsain & R , l-c. l@. t 76; Sn@ & t@*t, Ft. Litdvy K.sta.<br />

[ja2:59198j Ch.udlury,l c ,5 pl127. f bl Boul6uc,I c 3t5. pr.77.t 1. (Fig. r.ra:)<br />

Ldrofp.: "in Eutop€ asr.tis" Hb.Lim.No.95O.3 (LNN) ploro!<br />

ls€l*t d ty ldne & Carra iD Wsio . 1 l: 337.19t) vid. Jeij, O!d. Chos. 610.<br />

L.c@ wtot. L, Amoa Acrd. 4:4a9 t759,!o.pt.

A<br />

B (d,<br />

I<br />

AL<br />

/i1<br />

Fig, l.la I3. &rr,rr t . A. bibiri B(14), irvolur pbyllqB (ourq @ u€ri<br />

ffi<br />

d<br />

ffi<br />


4. l4ee vniol4L.cen.f- Pl. 2: 29. no.l89. 1756i L.,An@n.<br />

Kirp . l.c. 297. pl. Xvlll t2;R.R St.wan,l..760 1972: Jefrev.<br />

Lc. 194 r 201. t 17 & l8i Fcnibve. Lc. 310; Feinbrun_Dolhan,<br />

l.c. 1028; Mmgain & Rao, lc.300 t ?6i Shma & J@wal,<br />

llin2 59 1998i Chaudhlry, l c 2,15 pl.l?7 fbrtsollo0s.lc 115<br />

Ledorypc in E@pea$lnlis HbLinn No950I (LINN)Pholo<br />

(selected by Prince & cafter i. wastoni. ll: 337,19?l) vide laNF. ord. cbaos 610<br />

2001.<br />

Lactuc! rcori.b L., Amoen.<br />

ll?: Bois., Lc. 809i Cltrte,<br />

l:81. 1888; Collei, I c. 284i<br />

RR SEwarr, l.c. 217. 1957i<br />

Letotyp.: Habiral in EuropaastEli. Microlichc No.: IDC 327.131<br />

l19. 176l: DC.. l c<br />

Afah.2:21!.1955:<br />

Baubin & Ch€rler, Hisr. Pl. Univ,2,1001.1651. is.leded by de vdi6 & Jeis in Tdoo<br />

36:l5l 198?) vide.ldis, O.d. Ch.os. 610. 2007.<br />

Loctuca bracteata \N6ll. Car, J243, 1244 nom nud.<br />

Biennial perennial.Stem40-80(.150) cm tall, elecr, spi.ulose-setose at de base. Blabous<br />

above. bmcled h upper h!lf, paniculat.ly bhchcd lbove. Radical lales ssile,<br />

vdically nes€4 usully pi.Mi6d. pinnaft6r or dislantly lob.4 sinute, d€nri€utat ,<br />

spinulo6-tood.d, lob6 r.troEe, .cur.. nid.ib plngcnt-spinutoF benanl, sginate at

lne bs, sni-anplexicaul, S-18 x l-5 cni c.ulin€ lcav* ssile. lin* ldc.olal€.<br />

udivided hdlalrsgilat€, 5-9 x 0.5- I cm. Synnoescence corJfbcelv_brdd panrcle<br />

capnulnm erect, cylndncal. 0 t.2 x 0 5 cm. 18'22 per capilulum: peduncl€ thin wnh<br />

eEen, coilare. I x 2 nm, apPtssed bracts lnvolu(e pbyllaries i3_l5.4jeriale. aclre'<br />

subobtu., ourer ones 2'l x l-1.5 hd. ovalerridngular; n'ddle'l ('6)_10 x 1-1 5 mn.<br />

ovatelmceolatei innemDsl 12-14 r l-12 mn. linea.oblong. Florels yellor. Cypsela<br />

3.5-5 x l.l nn, brosn-lighr broNn, obllnceolate-obovale, 7-9.ddos ribs, nnely pilose<br />

io*ads fte apexibeat white. sl.nder,4.5 mm long, equallinsor I % nnes longerthan<br />

rhe bodyr pappus 4-6 nfr long, whne.<br />

Specin€s Er.nitr.d: - A-7: Chitral Disl.: Brkabad. Chitral, c.1500 n, Qutubttui,<br />

MaML Jawi.l lqbol & StiJulla, 2270 {RAw); Shishi. ChiFal, flotts palc yelloN, ?500<br />

m. 28.7.1958. t,l ,o!€r lvo, 153 (BM)i Morkoh. 55 hil6 fiom Chitral on Mr-' to<br />

Trichmir, €Ect helb. 75 cm in hei8l , floEts ycllos. 16.8. l98l . Kanal Akn@ Molit & 5<br />

N@innudii 1425 (K\rI)t tbid; Mcan.,l4.J-16 knr lron Dir on way to Cbihl, €er<br />

.nn@l hdb,,l0 50 cd l!ll, floets ycllow, * 2000 n. 10.8.1992, f. Ali, S.Z. Husoin &<br />

Gohor KnM 2l)2 (KUH)| 12 kn ftuh Drosh on way to Chisal. peEhnial eecr herb, up<br />

to2 high, floEB yellov, c 1200 m, 167.1995. Cl.,tatuar&t O'e, t83 (KUH):<br />

Bonbnifl2oo n, 29 7.1954. M.A Siddiq"i & t.Rehh.an s.n. (MW)r Babon<br />

nount ins, Bonbrait, eret, per€nnial hcrb, 50 cn lall, srow m mounra'n creucs.<br />

comonry pEsd| * 2700 m. tt.9.2w Jar Alon dnd Aktm 29538 (KUH)i ibidi<br />

Tnc&hmhuo high $hool, Molikloo-Chinal, p€en.ial h{b, 5,,-l5, in h€isni florers<br />

ligbr yeuow, in6equ.nl, on undulatin8 slop., 2651 d, (t6. 23. j2.5-_ 72. tj. 01.6)_<br />

1 .4.2@5, Hai.tu ,|li 2419 (KuH)i r O lo fon Jopo. ylrth@o ChirEt. &nuat herb. 16 .

in heigtu, norets light yellow, coMon, on srr€am bbk,2892 fr, (le41 2?.2",72'55<br />

l0 8"),2t 12005. Hoidar,4li 2850 (KUH)I Kankh@o Ya*h@n. perenrial hc|b.l ii<br />

hcigil, racly pBen( b.sid. sh@n bant.:125? m. (16'49 259_-?l'06 11.9_).<br />

18.1.2006. Haidar Ali 4634 (KUH)i Molikho, Cdi Chirol rorards ri.ich. perenrial<br />

herb, I meler in h.ight, infEquent, flor.ts yellow. od $cam ban-k, l8l5 m. (36.08'<br />

02.8". 72" M' r4.9). 10.7.2006. Haidar,4/, 4354 (KUH): Toritho. Moghtang_<br />

p.Ennial hsb, 22 in heisnt. infEquenr. floErs pinl. on eap @k slop., 2992 nr. (.rl<br />

289235 E, ,1069004 N), 2r.8.2001, Haidat Ati \12 IKUE|: A-8: Cilgf Disl: Nallar<br />

varrcy, 28.8. r 986, ,{Jtorrrd 1065 (KUH): hhl6m, @cr shrub, noE6 whn€ . 3 I ?. 1994.<br />

Artha.l Ali Shedati s-n. (KUH): c.49 tn from cilsit on way lo Atiabad, Cbahma Hod.<br />

crcci, + r0cnrall, nor.rs pale y€tlow, r t620 m.l.l0 t989..t/,4Ii, W Susonp, T Ali &<br />

G. (ror l27l (XUH)| Minapin, Nagar. 20" in height. annuat herb, l oers ye|ow_ 24OO<br />

m,24.8.\na. Sajjad Hamer 1298 (KUH)j B{: Svat Dist.: KataD Uror 22.8 t962.<br />

lart ,tidiq,t 95 (MW)i 8 dil6 from Balaiot on way ro Na..n, emt, 90 cm in<br />

belghr, floEtr yellow. 30.9. l9?0 . 5,4, Farcoqi & M. eoiser 32J t {KUH)i 8 /, mjtes tion<br />

S{idu Sh&if oo way ro KalaD, glabres lbove-spjny at the ba*. I - t 7. m lali. noBK pale<br />

ycflo* iroide, pinlish ouGide, @ dy ctay soit, 2.t.t t9j t, S. .twin 8267, 8268 (KUH)i<br />

Bcsftn JahaBbad and tabba, €r.cr, t.rex mjlky, noEk y€Uow, I 7t in heighr,<br />

2t .8.1972, M. Qoisa & A. cwool 4756 (KUH)| ibidr 14 mils fiom Mmso6 on wa, !o<br />

Kalo, villaa. Ldd., Gr heb,45 cn l.lt, buds pE*nr, 20.E.t912, M. eais.r & A.<br />

ahuloot a657 (KUH): B-?: Heara Disl. Dadar, Hazala. mnuat herb, tor.ls yclto*.<br />

vcry conmon 'n $. ptains, c.1300 m, 1.9.19?0, t lr'6/'6lE7 (RAW)i Muaft_aabad<br />

Dist.: Lepa v.lley, L..pri €Er bsb, I h r.ll, floErs yclto{, 2 6.8 t912. M _ eaiw &<br />


,,1. Olatod 5OOl (KUHI B.wen Aath Maqun .'d Nelum vruey. .Ecl. + I mlcl in<br />

h.i8ht with budt, r0.8. | 985. i/. Qoisq & RiM v. Hqhni 7932 (KUH)I c.l5 lm ron<br />

Muz.filEbrd on w.y |o Shard.. shtub, c, I m, Smwing<br />

in cdic4,20.9,19E7, f.lli, M-<br />

Qaiset & ajnal Khan 382 (KuH)i &8: Asto. Disr-: P€r Rout. !illa8! abov. Cu.ikol<br />

(N.A.), o. undulaliig rlop.s uider ut ihldc. .Ecr. FFnni.l<br />

hcrb. 60 cm tall. not ls<br />

yeuow, 2600 n, 25.a.2@8. Ali NM 168l (KUH): Astor EidSd' !lon8 th€ Md.<br />

pcEMi.l h.rb or untu shrub. 90 cm tlll nords ycllo*, on dry sloF, 2300 m.<br />

26.8.2004. Ali |t@r 1120IKUH): Dilns Dis.: c.ll ltm non Dubair on wly o Chil.s.<br />

cc( 15-20 cn t U, floEr5lidt y.llo*, 1.10,1989, S.l ,,lr; ,r/. Sucong, T.tlli & A. Khm<br />

3166 (KUH); c.lo tn fiom Chihs on w.y !o Gilsi( c.1060 m, Gcr mnu.l hdb. fidrs<br />

fidtt ycllos, 2-r0.r989, S.r /li tr. Sus@s, T.Ali a C.Khan t229 (KUH); Chila!. on<br />

uy !o Cof lcSe, bld sidc, Nonhcm A$o( $dy dcs.n @, 29.9.20ol . F@l Kuin 66<br />

{KUH): Codli d wly ro Chilh, hill slop.,.Kr, FMnial hqb, $il endy t@n. flr.rs<br />

puDlc, + 2600 n: 10.9.2006: ,l li Noor et dl. 5J4 IKUHI Kahmn: Sao. Chrnbc. I t00<br />

6,1.10.t814, C- B. Cla,te 2356?C (BM); Kahmir. Aug 1880. .,1 .P. r@rc 8A150 tBMl:<br />

Kdpu to Bamul.. Au8, lEEo,,,i.P. /d,818t50 (BM)i Patlgm. Kdhmtr.2.9.1920,<br />

tll. &M', {n, (KUH} Dr.x toshnir, too nuch b|ffihcd frch be, Augln 1922.<br />

x-x. d /r. tMt s.n. (RAw)i DE, L!dd(, r 1000 4 30/31.a.t922, R.R.'tc*vrl<br />

74t2 (RAWI Shdipu, ,lclm vrllcy, on cdgc ofculrivsGd ncH, uo to 6 n i.lt. nor.rs<br />

whit. or tinscd pinl. | 700 m, !7.1.t940, Ltdbw & Shenfr jEOg (BM)j (armtr, .nriE<br />

Gilgi ro Imn slLy, soid6d, t62o-2580 n. 2E.?.1954. R.x. &M'r 2035 (RAw):<br />

N3ll N.s wa8.t Nulhh, x!6hmir, nn gmud ud .dgcs ot culriErion, 23E0 m,<br />

10.9.1956,0. Poldln 5U115 (BM); t{/9: Kinep*k r!. IndN va cy Bdrisbn 24{D h.<br />


20.8.1940, Ll. Jrd., 20906 (RAW)i B.tten .ln8lot 4d Skardu nst Dmb@ds'<br />

ersr,' I m high, c.20oo n, 2l 7.t9tJ, M.@iv 5 onet & s z thsdt 8488 (KLH,:<br />

c{; Kudam Dist.r Kumm, M,,1.,Y Alndi 619 (M): Pdr.cbinar' Agricultual fam,<br />

288.1912. StlJ. K@ni J121 (Ml. Pdhawe Disl: Pcsh.wd Unirersnv Cdpns.<br />

5.6.191t. M. Sait s.n. (M)i Wm Canp, South Wazirisla., 1400 n, 17? 1979. {.,.<br />

Manor s.D.(f,AW)r Boys hostel, Peshawa! Univeaitv, erect herb Crowing wilh gn$, l-<br />

8 R t!ll. ll ?.1993, GR. S.nma S. &,ai@, d Std€,,r 64 (KUH): C'7: Ras?lpndi<br />

Dst.: lo miLs non Pind oh way lo Mure, ciect h€rb. I-125 n tall. lloets vroler<br />

57.1971, Kamal Akhtat & M. Qd{e/ ? (KUHI c4l kh l-rom Rasalprndr on wav D<br />

Muree. erecr,,lo-50 ch latl silh ftui$, 11.9.1989, f Ali & s Na.Led Ahen t941<br />

(KUH); Chalwrl Dist.: Villcge Kalos, b.twco Kald Kahar Md Cnoa Saidan Shah, erect<br />

mual bc!b, c. I m tall, llotsrs tigll yellow, nilky latex, comnon. 4.10 1948, A ahalool<br />

d r ,,,/, 3888 (KLIH): D4: klat Disr.: Apple garden, Rudni viuase. Mastung, err<br />

herb, c,45 cn, floEts yellow, silt clay loan, I l. 10. 197 l. ,rr. 04 h$ & a Chafoor 4t10<br />

(KUH); Quena Disr.: Qlctra, Oct. 1952, SU H JaJri 47 | (Kutl)i Quctla, I1.7 1957, t.<br />

,6ts,n. (MlV); ibid:Qu.na.ll.7l95?, t /./6,7 28471(RAW)j l9nil.s ftum Qu€fta<br />

on Chamsn rcad. culiivated fieldofrh. n.la,herb,90cn $ll, 10.9.1910,54. Fo.ooqi &<br />

M. ga,inr 2308 (KUH); SbEe.. 3l.1.1981, RNol Bakh l5 (KUH): Gudt houell-<br />

Balwhista. UniE6ity. Qucna Nqdiry hdb. btuch'ng ftom rhc be. 3.7.1987.<br />

s.Khotoot, Ano Mahdmkod & Eju Ahhed 441 IKUH)| ibid: ercd herb, c 1.25 n tall,<br />

latex vhite, 1.7. 1987, 5. Kraraon. Atta MohMmod & EJoz Atned 438, 442 (KUH): Sibi<br />

Disr.: Zia6r. S4 l9t1 , v.K- Mal, 1618? (RAW)i ibid: 10.E. | 919, Mohindar Nath 2316<br />

(KUH)| Uel, + % n l.U, oorcts yellow, 14.8.1959,,tt ,.1,/i 1206 {KUH) | On way to

u6k. hclh. in sandy sil, I n dl, lloEB trllow,c<br />

1600 h. 14.8.1959. s.l ,4n I l?9<br />

(KUH)i D-5: Lonhi Distr Lomlai, conmon wild, 2171939, Mohindat N.th 2019<br />

(RAw); ibid; Ncd wrer channel, Maflret l 6 way to dukc. Loalai. soil sndv clav<br />

loam. erect he.b, 120 ci r.ll, 12.61970, ltl,Qaiset & A.Chaloat 1513 lKuHll<br />

I$arualhas b€lwen Zhob and Shinehar, eEcl hed, 60-80 cn, lloets yellow cErm.<br />

4.7.19Ea, T Ati & Trlail Ahked lo94 (KUH); ,bidr Omza between Zhob did Shiighar'<br />

lat h€rb.50-60 cn lall, Bilh buds and fruils,1.7.1988, r /li & IuIan Alred 1059<br />

(KUH)iE'5: Sibi Dist. ZiaEt, hdb,llorcN yello*, wild in sandy loam, S ,,lbedi, sn.<br />

(KUH)I OId Much, c.63 kn fmm Qu.fta on &y to Sibi, &rcs dc river 1 8 l0 d\ @u.l<br />

€r€ct herb, 60-70 crn rall. florcts yello{ish- crcam, 295.1995. T Ali & G. R. Sotuur<br />

2619 (KUH); ibid, t ,rlt & C.rq. S,'@ 2634 (KUHI<br />

Disributioni Elrop€. Siberia, M€ditemnean resion. Tukey, Irtq,Iran, Cenral Asia.<br />

Afghanislan, Prlisr.n, lndia and Au$6lio<br />

Ecology: - C6sy slop€s, oh mountains, ileld margins. on r@dsides. in cultivated<br />

fi.lds. idgat d ldd at thc cl.mion b.t*en 2400'1600 n<br />

Ilowdine p.(od; - Jue SeFcob{ (O.robd).<br />

5. ,o.t!.4 rar,rd L , Sp PI.cd.2.795 l753iDC,l.c l l8; Kiry,, l,c. 299 p], XVUI. I li<br />

LR. St *dt, l-c. 260; J.lF.y, Lc.t9i Meikel, Lc.l028; Mmgain & R&. Lc.lll)i<br />

cneson & spnn8arc, l.c. 1472<br />

aerl.4 rc"nbla v&. rdttw (L.) Bois., l:809.<br />

Pos! ll, Sytr., Prlest. Simi2(lI146. 1866.<br />


L€clotyp.: Hclb.LiDt.No. 950.2, (L[NN) Photoi<br />

(Selecred by Ala!l in Jalri & El. Cadi, Fl airF, l0?:401 1981)videlaNis-<br />

Od. Chaor. 610.2007.<br />

Lactuco scoriol! vN capnah L., Sp. Pl..d, 2. 795 l75li Posl, I c 146<br />

t,.r!.d.o/ir4rd (L.) Dc., Ptudr. 7:118. l8l8<br />

Lecrorype: (Sclected by de vdies & Janis in Taxon 161 145, t 2 l98r) Herl,.8u6er<br />

vl i 6 {UPS) ridc Jdis, Ord. Chads 6102{x)7<br />

Lactu.o scatiola $r. qxpa L.Sp. Pl. ed 2. 795. I 75li Bohs..l c.809i Posr, I c. 146<br />

!a.r!.ocr,s/a{L.)DC.,Prodr.7:138. 1818.<br />

L€crorrr€: (S.lat€d by de vames &.,@is in Taron 361145.,l3.198?): Herb.Bu$er VI<br />

7 (UPS) vide Jaryis. Ord Chaos.6102007<br />

Annurl or bimnial h.rb Srcm r{),60(,t50) cm !all. eed, subSlabnls succulent. Radical<br />

kava GulaG,3-18G20) x 2-8 cn, dilard at the be, obovab, pinnarifidty lob€rt, euc.<br />

often spinuou,toorhedr cauline l€aves sssile w h uordale bae. auriculare,<br />

serumpl*ieul.Sy!floecence cotubosety-peiculate.Capitutm I, L5 x 0.4 cn, I 5-20<br />

norets p€r capitulum, cylindncal b.acr.olate.tnvotucre phyltaries 3,4 .seriate: ourer<br />

phylla.y 2-5 x l-2 nm, ovarc-tridguld, acutei itur 10-12 x I l.l nn. tined-obtong,<br />

sub obruF, finely membdnou.Ftorcts yellow,CtTsela 4 r 1.3 mn, blackisn- bown,<br />

oboroid' obl&eolate, wirh 7,9 nam* ribi in€ly pitce uully ar rhe ape! apjca y<br />

t&.nuE do 34 m long, ynn€, ftifom berl: pappus 5,6 mm long, whitc.<br />


Sp.cinens E$nin.d: - D-a: Quek Dii P md I colonv Qais's rcsjdencc (E l),<br />

Quetr!. eFqr cultva$d herb, 45.60 cm €Ll. 0oreh vello*, 17 I0 l91t M Qa^et & A<br />

clrdro' 4436 (KUH)|E_4: Rohimylr Kht. Dist: MitnMli. | 5 t965 M A Salttirth &<br />

r lr'6,r ll?8 (RAw); C-4: K.rachr Disl. Dasan. chano. in.ultivrlcd field otnint<br />

h.rb, c 70 cm tall, llortB yellowish gr€cn. l9l 1169,5 Ah..lin & .l Ghulnot ]]16<br />

(KUH)| KaBchi, cuhivtBl hetb, S.M.H. Jalii sn (KUH)i Navt Housing Schde<br />

Clinon, loori dxo s n (KUH).<br />

rrisrribunon: - N.Eurcp., S.Anerica, Indir dd Pahstan<br />

L.ology: - In phihs 6 wcll ss in the nilb, in noisl a.a, !r the elevation<br />

belween 2600 m<br />

Flo*aing Paiod: - Mmh-Novmbq<br />

)ote: wid.ly cultivarol rll ov4 the *o.ld codnonly known a gard.n letu€e Salad .<br />

used as vegerable rhrcugh oul rhe wond,lr is aho 6ed as a mrdl.iml phnr., l]1shjun.<br />

or l€trucc 6ired with suso or hon.y, is 6ed ro cuE stomtiris, sprue and an6i!. Ldvs<br />

of salad ac t ken wilb cucunrbe or camt aner mal a.d act as a cdminadve. lt ale<br />

prdenls llb.rulots, jaudacc. gall bladdd sion6, coneal ulcm dc. Tte seds enriin<br />

lignGe which is an clt€tiv€ iotstinal antis.?lic (Pullaiah, 2006). Besid.s th.se damaged<br />

h.6ds and outer l6v.s aF uscd rs carl€ l.€d (chopr{ er,/. 1956)<br />

Ltud.6otilor. oC in wisht - Lann.a renotillor. (DC in wighr) Anin.r Reh.<br />

r, Fl. !.an. comp 2. 122 148. 19?7<br />


4. Mulgedi n cass<br />

Cass., Dict. S.i. Nal 2l:296. l82lr OC.. Prodr' l:247 18:18; Bois. Fl Or l799.<br />

l8?SiRecb t, Fl lnn. Con!.2. 122 l8l l9??i B.cn1er, Aseruccie Ciad Ca$ 134<br />

1994: teftey in Davis, Fl Turl 5:772 1995: Gne6on & Spnngnrc in Grieen & Long.<br />

FLBhutd,2(3) 1469.2001.<br />

Annul to pcmnial h€rb with well develop€d toot sFem Plant glabtols.Learcs<br />

luncinate pi.nddnd or lyrdt€ pinmhsecl,lobed, de.nculale spinesccnl orenrid, toothed.<br />

Synflor*dce combo*ly - panicuhrc. Capiiub erec! campanulatc. nany noels.<br />

Involucrephyllaiies 34 acriate, pi0t-pole brown, glqbous. Flotts blue, violet or purple.<br />

Reapracle naked Cypsela sdy bro$n- o[!e-black, ellpsod' oblong- scab.d-<br />

atcnute apically into a slour, usually concolorcus beal wnh a broad disc at the rop<br />

b..rine a mall trctubemnce in Ue ccntBj pappus uniseriare, yellowish or creamnh.<br />

lustloc,l0-12 mm long, liagile.<br />

A gens wiih 15 sFci6, distribured lhrcnghout Elrope and Asia (Breher 1994 &<br />

Vabberey,l0o', ld Palsran r'.-ep-Acnhbr onlJ 2,pe.re,<br />

NOTE: Lact {2007) dd Mabbe ey (2008) Educed rbe gmus ttllg.diud Cass.,wd.l<br />

th. srrunymy of Zdcr!.d L. Howevd, the e. us Mslg.rliu,n Ca$., can be €asily<br />

dkinguish.d by having campmulale capitulun, pal€ bDM, pink involucr. phytta,ies.<br />

s6ndy broM-olile or black, cypsela up to 2 mm long stout and concoloious beak. pappus<br />

lG12 m long, offwhirc-lusrou\ t.gile dd 2 incs toned than the cr?s.ta, lvh€EA<br />

in rrcrr.d L., capitulun inflndibulifom or cylindncal, pale grcen invollcr. phy dies.

A<br />

l'!+1<br />

w<br />

A<br />

r.:il<br />

&/<br />

I<br />

nZ. l.l' Mu,gditn cleki ftl@k t ) R@ni Be & eas A. tub,r. B( t4). i!rcI@<br />

phytie* (oukr b ider)t C, cylsla

ct?sel! boM-drk boM or blactjsh, shonly papillare-rnuncale<br />

lone, lllifom capill,ry and discolomus b.al. p.ppus 3-5 mm lon8,<br />

p.Bistcn r, snal le. thd th e cytsela.<br />

l5'30 cn |lll. Leaves trdl<br />

0.3-l cm, dcnrculare -enlie.<br />

' PeE.nial herb Sten 10 80C100) cn tall. Leavs<br />

polymrphous, lG 20 C25) x 2 4 cm. sinuale- sharply<br />

l@thed or caflilagiflous. Cjseb smdy brcwn dark<br />

r. Mulg.diuh .tt*ei (H@k-f.) Roohi Bano, conb.nor, (Flg,l.15)<br />

Loctuca cla*ei l{ook i, Fl, Bri.Ind l:406.188t.<br />

Typ.: Palistan IskE do (now Skard!) C. ,.Clale 30035 D (K).<br />

Anoul h.rb. Slen glabrous, eEct, cylindrical, 15-30 cF nll.Lowe! lcav.s rcsulare,<br />

subsasil., narow linea!, pinnrlely lobed, t,9 x 0.5,I cn, denricDlar or somcwhal ntir.<br />

sni amplexicaul; caulin. lav6 lin€aF lln@lale, .miE or sinurc r@rh.d.Capitutt<br />

cepanulat , 1.2-1.5 x 0 5 cm, 16-18 floErs ps capirutum. Invotucrc phyldiG l4 -<br />

seriat , hcdbmous. glabous, oulcr mosr L5,l x 1,1,5 mn, ovare, tanceolate, diddt.<br />

on6 5-6 i I nn. ov.rc- oblong o. td.@t!r., imemosl 10. 12 x L2 mn. tincar obtong.<br />

Florts blue or purplish, Cnsela 5-6 hn tong iocludinS beat. eltipeid *iA 4-5<br />


proninenl ribs, gmdully naFowed into a stout pale b€akl pappus l0-l I nn long olf<br />

Nhite, 2 rincs longd lhan th. cr?sela.<br />

Spsii€ns Ex.niftd: A-7: Chitral Disi O{an Arkan, Lutkhoo_Chitral. annual herb'<br />

t in hei8h, floe$ puryl€, on $rm bsnt,2814 n (16" 16 079 71"40 108 )-<br />

29 a.2o05, Haklar Ali 3QJ6 IKUH)] ibidr B4r Kashmn: Ab€dan Shayok rils n.ur<br />

Khapalu. beliotrophs bordcG of cullivadon, 240G2700 m, 24.6 1928. l Ludlor31l A<br />

(BM)i D€skn nlbmg Sh.yok, Ladak, h.lioto?hs ncu 2?0G3000 m' 5? 1929. F<br />

Ltdlow 523 (BM)a B-8/9r Bald$an Ran8.i Skardo, Kashmir, 2400 m, 4 8 1940, c a<br />

C/d*e lo03t (BM); S.tpuE.ullah to Stardu.2'10{|2700 m, 1.8.1940. Xn &ewa'l<br />

20141 (RAW)I Stard!, Eani$m, in ponds,2400 n, 5.8.!940, RR Skilafl 20425<br />

(Mw): Sktrdu ro sbigar, c.2400 n, ?.8 1940, R.,{.,tetal sn. (RAw)i ibrd; skardu,<br />

c 15 cn 'n h.i8ht. florets v'olct.2.7.1982.s.(rtel 359 (KUH); Sailing b Kand. c 270ii<br />

n.2.7-1955, E. N6ir & C.L. ,r'ebJra 5931 (RAw)i Ncr D.gboni, Baltistan, oorc$<br />

brne. c.2700 m, 27.7. I955. E. l'6 n & C.L. webeer 6300 \P.Aw)i E9: Karakotum D'sr.<br />

Ashkoly, Kantotu, c.l 100 m, 10.8. I8?6, c a. da.l? 30390 c (BM ).<br />

DisFibuiionr . P.trslan ud lndia.<br />

Ecology: -O. srr€mbdls, in ponG at the.lwatid of2400 3100m.<br />

Fbwen.g p€riodr - July - AuSust.

ig. l. r rrii.|r, I'1, r r I r )(<br />

I L'.r, rrlr ,!rr\. .j<br />


2. Mtle.lirn tatnisi lL ) De., Prodr. l:248. |8l8iB.is.Ic ?99: Rth l. svn'<br />

Algh tt:202.19t5: Rcch f. Lc. l8l. l. 202. 6g l? & l8: lefrev l.c ?71 t 2610<br />

(Pl.te3&4f. ri Fig.r.l6)<br />

S.nch6 tataricB L , Manr, Pl. Alrcft,2:512. l11l .<br />

Lactu.o tatdrica (L)C A. Meyer, v.rz.ichn. Pn. Cauc 56 426 1831: Cl&ke. Cofrl<br />

Ind 26?. l876iKitan., Fl Aieh 431, 1960r Kilan'.. Pl. w, Pak & Aigh. 15l. 1964r Krrp<br />

in Bobr & Tzevel., Fl. USSR, 29:282, pl. XVL f 4. 1964i Mangain & Rao in Haja.?<br />

LeciolyDe. Habilal in Taiaria, Sibnia." Hb. Linn.949/ |7, photol<br />

(Sel@td by vm R@msdonl in Wbskirch.n in f.dd"r re"p"z 108:105. 1997) JaNis.<br />

Ltara tuwica (L.)c.4. Mey.r var. xr"rna H@l.il, Fl. Bnr. Ind. l: 406.1881i R R<br />

Slwd in N6ir& Ali, Ain, Cat.Vas.. Pl. W Pat. Kashd.760.1972.<br />

syntt?6: chim: "wstm Tib.r; N!b6, Heli, 12000-16000 n.'. fhMu, (K).<br />

Sten glabons, thick,disra.tly leafy, panicuhrcly bEnched above Radical leaves sinple.<br />

roene, subsssilc- natuv€d ar rh. ba*. pinnarfidly lobed, Irrlrei senaron sonesflr,<br />

canilagiioG or si.ute roothed, acutc, 10-25 x l-5 cn; cauli.e l.av6 ttuceotare, emr.-<br />

dcnticulat. 5-7 x L5 cn. Synflorcs.oc. corynbGc. Capitutum crcc! @npanut.te, 1.5-<br />

2 \ | cn, c.22 flocrs, SlaboBi Fduoctc |hict. InvotrcE phyuan6 lJ seriare.

@ @ ffi<br />

liC.l.16 Lltts..litn t.ta,ictn (L.) DC.: A, habn. B, nowmos b,ech: C(r_4r,<br />

hvdmE pbytririb (oula to il:u): D, crT6.h<br />


mmb@ou, glabmq boMish pinl, subobtusei ourer mo 2'l x l t mn: frrddle<br />

ones 5 6 x 1.5 mn, ovate-lanc.olatel inner mosl ll_ll x I nn loeaFldceolale FloreB<br />

blr.. C'Tela 5-? mm includiog h€6I, end, or olrlc' black, ellipsord_ oblong.4_5<br />

ribbed: andualc apicuy into a shon concolotuus b€aki pappus lGl2 mn lone ct€am'<br />

lust ous, 2 iift.s longer lhan the cypsela.<br />

Specin.N Er.mined: A-?: Chiral D'sr,: Laspur l Phar$m), Chrital, J .1000 m, ( J6 5<br />

N ?2'.16 E.), edge ofcomfield,llorels pde blue. 15 ? 1958..t,1 Bb\c\ L\on lJ IBM):<br />

Mdooj -Baroghil tack. Chnml 2400 D. at edge of field. noFE maut€.13-7 19t8<br />

.,r.r-4. Stztran 2886 (BM)iChuncl Lal. MAtooj Chital, brennial herb. 14" ir heigh!<br />

nocis li8nr puQl€. Je,3800 m, (36" 07 129 ?1"29 18.9 ), 41 2005. Haidut Alt<br />

1846 (KUH); KhuiMasrooj, Chitral, pecnnial herb, 6" in heisht, flots$ sky blue, 6re,<br />

on stres banl. 2716 m, (36" l5 0l5 72'50 51 8" ), 20.1.2u1)5. Haidtr Ali 2174<br />

(KUU)r Palo( Berogttill, Ydrlhoon Chndl, per€nnial herb. 7" 14" In height, flods<br />

puol€, connon, on slIed ba.,lq l?00 nr, (16'48 15.8 71"18 55..1"). 21 8.2005.<br />

toritar,,lli 2901 (KUH); Lashtargd. Chnnl'. Fonnial heib, 2l " h neiBtu. noreN st,<br />

blu€. on sb€am ba.I,83636 m (36" 51 499" 7l'25'29.0"),8.92005,Haidar Ali 3275<br />

(KUl); Y&khmn-ChilEl, p.mial hert, 4 in heigh, florc1s viol.t, inlreqEnt. 2429 n,<br />

(le21 14.5" 72'37'14,9'), l1.l.2VJ6, Hai.lat Ali 4614 (KUH); Nasbala, Torithoo-<br />

Cbitd, Frconial herb, 12' in hcrell, floEts lighr violct, @, on uty slop€s, 293? m.<br />

l1 .A.2gJ6' Haidar Ali 5051 (Kl]Il)j Ddspawq TodknoechnnL pccmial herb, 6 it<br />

heighl,floFhycllo*,rnfiequen(oiocrlslope.285tin,(35a4849.5'7f0827.7'),<br />

la.A.2sx, Hai.lar Ali srSt (KUIq A-Er cilgil Dist,: Mmu Can Nal.. citgi! l8OO-<br />

2400 d, in hodeiaGry danp soil llong irigarion canal, t.9.t950, J.ty. Thomte, 40

(BM); cilsn, c. 1500 m, noRN blu.,28.7.1954, X x trr?ri 26161 (BM. Mw); Above<br />

Khairber, Cojal, Hunza, + 2800 n, 1.9.1988, L lrru d ,,1/i C,laf ll'179 (P.Aw): c4<br />

kn non Sost oi way to Klunjcob Pass 0op), ered herb. 10-.10 cD bll, llo.trs \rolul<br />

1300 m, 5,r0.r989, t1.,.r/i, r Jrgdhg, T Ali & G. Klldn 1728lKlH)i Aain.bad. c.65<br />

kn ftod sosl on way to Aliabad, €rr a.nual he$, l0cm rall,I orers riolel7.10.1989.<br />

S.l. Ali, V. Sqarg L A, & A Khoh 3444 \KUH), Boreet Lale, c.46 k'n lrom Sosl on<br />

way o Aliabad. Huna, - 2660 n, erer an.ul lBrb. i-8 cn bll. 0orcG v'oler.<br />

r2.r0.r989. S.t,4li, tv. S"eary, T Ali & G ,Od, 1545 (KUH)I Nagar. c.llJ km fmm<br />

Aliabad, q€l hsb.4G50 cn nll, flo6 viole( 14. 10. 1989, ,J.1. /h, w. Susang. f. Ali &<br />

O. &'ai 1572 {KUH)i Near Ydsh on say to Dha*ot (N. ofYasin), Gilgir,I 2400 m,<br />

4(!50 cm high, ior.b bl@, 19.7 .1991), M. Qoiser, S. On r & S. 2. l/6r,u 8129 (KUH)r<br />

B/W Gupis dd Phand* (Nonhea of cupis), t 2100 m. on dry rmks, sub prosaat..<br />

nor€B purpfe, 20.7.1990- M. Cd6e,. s One, & S. Z. H6fltn 319.1 (KLH,: Akbad.<br />

Hunza Valley, 1800-2100 n, l2.ro. \991, copt. H,H.P. De^r 5 (BM); Charimosb,<br />

r@inabad, Huna, 2300 n, on cultivaled field. e@t perennial h€lb up to +!2 btt.<br />

rroreh lighr pulple, l0 7 2402. Jah AIaa 14a IKVH): jb\.t.2400 n. Jon Alaft & Zahur<br />

,4/ar s.f,. (KUH): rbid, up to 8" rall, I 2400 n. mrc. 24.7.2002, Jan Atan & Zaneq<br />

,4/ar 1608 (KuH)r Mhgd, Upper Huza, crecr perennial b€rb. Uoreb purple, t ?.7 2002.<br />

Jan 1to & lbdul A2i2 .915 lKUr+ Buttoto, abovc Karim abrd, Huna, ftr pem.ial<br />

h€rb. I orcts bluish plrple, on sndy slop., 3000 n, t6.t.2VB. Jat Atan & NaiA Atan<br />

2065 b (KUH): Khunjab P6s, Upp€r Hua_ e@r per.nnial h.rb, up to 80 cm. flor.rs<br />

puprc, ct?sera p!.*4 o. eody slope, c 4600 m, 6 8.2005, Ja h Atan & Shlf Saltun<br />

aab 339? A.B (KUH); Hopq, Nase, F(mist herb, uD lo 10.. floEts puQtc. in dry or

F|{". t. Mltsediw @ewL.) Dc.. A bitliq B, c4intu.

arid eil, I I 7 200t. Sdr/?d tardel 222 (KUH)| Bd Diand, Naear, pdennialcrect htrb,<br />

in wct soil. 2900 n. l5a2oo5 satiod Hui'Lt 443IKUHI: ibid perendral h€rb norers<br />

yello\v, 2900 n, 16 8.2005,,Sarnd daid4 506 (KUH)| Sikand€rabad. Nagar on K K H<br />

Road, l0 in hc'shl. floto$ purllc, on and md salne places, soil silr). 1900 n.<br />

26.12006, Satiutl Hakler 549 (KUH)ichuLnrt Cojal, Hunzd on K K.H. Road, p.ennral.<br />

I % n in hcishr, on did plocs, soil sandy, 2t00 fr, I 9.2006, .tar,r.l Haider 661 (KUH:<br />

Aainabd. Hunza. Goj0l on K.K.H, Road, p€Ennial, 6 in h.ignr, floEts purple on alid<br />

prac.s. soil sdy. 2500 m, 9.9.2006. Saiiad ltader 664,665 (KUH); Khunjerab.<br />

Natonal Part on KK H.Road. Hunza, p€Fnnial herb. 16 in hqshr. torers yello$ or<br />

brue yerlow, on wer plac6, 3300-54c/D f,, 10.9.2046. Sajjad Had€r 751_ ?84 (KUH)I<br />

sbamshal o. wsy ro PBuq pere.nial herb.notets phk, noisr pt&es. 2600 n. u.8.200?.<br />

sajjad Haider AA1 (KVH): Shamhat vildse, Htrm, ,@nnial herb. noEis puple. on<br />

noist placas. 2600 m, 1.4. 8.2008 , Sajjad tiaider 9BO. t095 (KVH)| shardl forcst on \ny<br />

to Huhal, .rccr preoniat hdb up ro I m ra . florch blue, on shsdy ptaces, l2O0 fr.<br />

188.2$8,Sh.Ndli Khlh & Shdrbir,gdk, I128 (KUH)] NaCd. Nihnaltaatong KKH<br />

Dad, eEct p@nnial herb. on moist plac€s, l95O m, r2.g.ZOOB, Sojjud Haidet t44l<br />

(KUH); ibid, Hop.r coshatl, er€cl p€r€onirt herb, 12.9 2008. Sarjb I Hader 1449 (KVH):<br />

B8/9r Baltslan: s*ardu ro Shiga!,2400 m.7!.t940. n.i .ie,ar 2OrOl A (MW)i<br />

Shigar, Balftran, 2400 n, 8 E.t940, n.i .',?'dr. 20528 (RAw); ibid. 8 t940. ,( R.<br />

,trovad 20559 (RAW)| ibid:Thalle La aboye Shisar, + 2700 m, l:J ! 1940. ,t.,{. .r,e,ar,<br />

20581 (Mw); N.ea.Viltase, Kara*otun, 2 r 0G2400m, on srony dryer sround, idiSarcd<br />

fld culiiv.rcd e4 floEG blu.,28.E,t960, O. potnia 639s (uM, E). Shigar, Balrist!..<br />

h€rb, 2G25 cm |alt, oods tjghr viot t, 4.7 t9a2, S.Oher 4ut {KUH)r satpum t-ak..

tiehl ptrryle.25 1 .2tYJ\, Jdn ,llan & Mehboob .4li 2015 (KUH} K.nde Nullab, Balt$lao.<br />

i 2 0 n. on str.an banlq cRt peEmial herb. norels ligl pu!L. 4 4 2003, Jah Atan<br />

d nr't ,.i/ar 2280 {KUH): ibidi Beyond Jula camp on way !o B.rdumal. Ballr{an. } 1200<br />

n.indrygEvelplacenearbthenver.eetperennialheib,upto.lt'tall,iloretspurple.<br />

29.8 2001. Jth Alon & Mt Aloz 2250 (KUH)t Beyond Kane on wr! ro Hunlet vallet<br />

Baitjstan, t 2400 d. o. sandy slope, elect, peren.ial herb, 4.9.200]. Jda Alan & Mn<br />

,lan 2330 b (KUH)|Kande Nullsh,Canche, Baltislan, on sandy slop€.ercd unb@ched<br />

he!b, up to + 30 cn tall, ilorer pink-poele, 4.9.2004, Jan Atan & Atitn 3026 IKUH):<br />

ibid, r 2900 n, perennial h€rb up to 0.7 n, flocrs purpt€, 2?.9.2t)04, Jan Atan & Alita<br />

3010 KUH): Dlshkin, Asror rall.y (N-Astor), erect p€rennial herb. up ro 0.8 o lalt_<br />

noels p!lpl€, in moisr sandy pleeA2g& 6, 6 tO.2W. Ja" Alot, & ,Vehboob Ali ]r'|'Sa<br />

(KUH)j (ashoir: Takshai, npp.r Nub€. Lldal. ctJOo n. t1.7 t947, R.C.F<br />

Schaunburg 3 (BM). Zans\^r y^ley. N. w. of padah. ln in heiehl. norcrs btE. on<br />

sony slop€s, c.3800 m, 8.a.r98t.J.D,4. gaintoh 84t5 (BM): Kashmn,enlre GiClir cr<br />

lmit. Valle, Semi desdiquc, 1620-2580 m,28.7 1954. A J.r,rd 2016 (tuAw).<br />

Disrjbution: Europ., Cducasus, Sibqia, China,Tibei Mongolia. Afghanisbn. paknran<br />

Ecology: - On claycysitmd smdy stop€s, in nodentely d.np so't along rmg.rion<br />

ch0nct, san banls, in fi€tds<br />

el€wron of 280G,i000 m.<br />

Flowint Friod: - Juty Augusl,<br />

of diffftnr cultivar.d crops ar $e

A hi8lly polymoinic sp@i€s pres.ting nlch vsridion in d. siz€. shaPc of leav6 and<br />

colou ol Dhyllarics, whi€b varies ftm plle bDwn n'nk<br />

S Steptofianph^ Bnnge<br />

How.ver, lhe lariaton sm to<br />

Bunee, in B€itr.2. &nnrn. Fl. Rusn U. SEpp.n Cenrhal Asians Reliq. Bor. 205 t852.<br />

in M€n Acad Inp Sci. Saint. Pctdb. Dive^. Sa\ins. ?: 38t.11r54: Kirp in Bobr &<br />

Tzevel, lil. USSR 21i 124. 1964i Jefrey in Dalis. Fl. Turk 5: 7?5 t97:i Fcnikovi &<br />

Scll in Turin €, zl, Fl, Europ.4:328. t9?6: Rcch.t. Fl.Idn. Comp 2. tZ2: tgj 191j..<br />

Mcikle, Fj Cyptui 2r I025.1985t8Ffr.r. Asreraceac, Ctad Class t86 1994i Lack in<br />

KadeEn & ,efrey, Fad. ccn vasc. pl. 8: I 88 200?<br />

P.eonialhdb wnh tuberous @1. Srem rhickMdrigid Bdd tearcs rosutare, e iflicat .r<br />

oblong obovatc, ruDcinalepin.arifido. undiridcd Syniorcecnce racemose Fni.ularc<br />

Capitula wid hmy florcrs, relariv€ly tare,e. caopanut,le. Ligutes yclow-purptisb<br />

Involucrc phylla es 5-6- sqiale olter oncs up to 6 mm btud. @rher rhiclq inn{ nosr<br />

22-25 nh lon8. Receptacle naked Cypseta br@d eltiptic, nuch compr.ssed, wing€d, I<br />

prchi.enr midd le a.d 2 latcFl, mo,e o, tess vcak or di stind n bs, drrenlaE i nto slendcF<br />

i||Iom b.at pappu. brqnar.. ourer iaat'. \c ow tomrnS a \n.olr..nne, Eal\c\<br />

ron8, silky, whrre-pale, p6islmr.<br />

A 8€ns wllh 7 speciA diskibul.d h S.ulnm EuoF, Turkey, R6ia. tnn, Crnrnl<br />

Asi!, Afsh&isi.n, pakist n and Mjddh E6r (Mabbrtey, 1997). Ho*evcr ljct (2007)<br />

tftogn'4d 8 lpecies, distiblred in Solrh-Ebrem E@pe lo westem Himatay. In<br />

Pakisbn n is r€pEsenrcd by 2 specics onrr.<br />


Th€ genls &dr'rrrrlnplu Bungc ce be easily dislin8unhed frcm ,4.rr.t L G str )<br />

hd alli.d genc!6 byhavi.g lower l..ves up to40 cn long and l0cm wid!;c.pilula l5'<br />

2 t cn loog, 25-18 norets p€i capiulum, ouler invo|lcE phyllary up ro 6 mn broad,<br />

ct!6ela cllipic, 2.t-3,t mm widc, duch conp6*d, winged, oulf pappu lenon<br />

y.Uow; inM whilep.le,silky.<br />

I + FloEts 25-30 tci capnulum Brak l-4 mn<br />

lon& s@lle. rhd th€ cyFela.<br />

- FloEts ruE rhan 30 Fr capitutuh. B.rt tet2<br />

nn lo.B, lonec! rMn rhe cypseta.<br />

I. *.ptothdnphus oMbllotta Bunge, Beir..z Kentn. Ft, Russland. U D. SrepFn<br />

Cenral Asians Rel. Lehn 205.t85ti Man.. S.v. Er6ng. 7: 38t r8j4i Kilp., Lc.126. pl<br />

XIX f.l:r€llrcy,lc 776; Rfth. C. t.c. t9? r. t34.DJ,202.t25&26 (Ftg. r.t7)<br />

Lictaa cftabilolio \BME') Boiss., Ft. Or 3: 806. 1875; RR. Stewd in Nasi & Ati.<br />

Ann. Cat.vac. Pl. w. pak. Kshm 1sg. t9j2. Cicebib ctuhbilotid (Bunge) Beau!.,<br />

Bull. Soc. Bor. ccn.ve, r. Scr2: 143. l9l0: Mmgain & Rao ii HajB "r a/., Fl.Ind. 12:<br />

267. t995<br />

Typc: Hab in d€n F.hspahcn des Tiunen.bai-hu.,rel.na,, (Lr)<br />

Lzctu a edelbagn Rech f., E<br />

Tlpe Afgb&isranr Nuisran: vsD! , r4gJ n,4.5)94A, EdetberA s2].,SZ4_ (W , Cl.

t<br />

$ $<br />

^" '" lii!3'li%f.W#!<br />

$#<br />

I'<br />

Bu'. A hsbiri B(r'5)' invorud' phvrrari*

PcMhi.l virh thick@1. SEm 15-]0 (45)cnoll. sulcalo. pa.rcllalelv bonched abole,<br />

glabrou, to puberlous.Leales simple. shonly petiolare'dilaled at the base, basal oiien<br />

Dsul!|e. ellipdcal-oblong-obolaie in outline, runci.ate-Plnnadpanrle. undilided. obtuse,<br />

sinuate-dentat o! sone*har incised, 15- :10 G40) x 4 l0 cm. spalsely prloFi uppcr<br />

cauline lqves sessile. ellipdc - l&ceobtc. l-7 x 0.5-2 cm, *nrianrplexicaul Slnilorcnse<br />

panicle.capirula 1.5 2.5 x I I cnr. ercr. canDlnuiare, 25-10 florcK per capitutu i<br />

p.ducle lhi.L bmcrcolate.lnvolucre phylLanes 5-6 . senatc. acure: oukr oosl 5-7 x 5-6<br />

mn. ovalernm8ular, finely apprcs*d b,iryr middlc onc 9,12 r:l-4 nm, lanceolare-<br />

bbad linefti imerhosr 15,t8 x 2-2.5 nn, tintu-oblong. FloEts yello*. Cw6ela 4-5 x<br />

2.5-ll mm with beak, dulld:rt boM, ovat br@d eltiptic. sqbnd. nruch cohpresed. I,<br />

niddle prcnined nb on ech sd€ and 2 lateral noE or Ie$ dilhnct anenuate jnto 1,4<br />

mh. co.ororou beax: outfpsppus shontimer9 t0 nfr long, qhire.<br />

specloens Exrmtned: A,7: ChjrDt Di!r: Anndo. SW DDsh, t,ii hdghi florc<br />

yelowt on shad, r@k lcdges, \2oo n.254.195a, J.D.,1. stai\ro, 2296 (BM, RAW)i<br />

VillaSc Shagram, Mrnko Col, c.5 km Nonh of Garam Chasbmu, erccr herb, jr,4o ch<br />

toll. iloreIs y.ltow! teaves basat larg€. htex whne, conhon on dry sandy hilt stopes,<br />

19.6.t9a7, A. ctaloor & s odq 261j (KUHJ: Chitrot, 2lo0m, 3.6.199j, .r!rg.Zr.<br />

torrr tMS,16300 (BM)i Bakamak hilt, Cbitral, perm.i.t herb, j.la|, ltoels yeuow.<br />

on rocky sropes (N 35 49, 09.6., E ?l 45, 04.4,,), 2n4 h, 28.S 2005, Hai.lat Ali t6)<br />

(KUH)|A-8: CitSir Disr: LorcrNatrar, erect peEnnial herb, osetG teavs, dr* bmwn<br />

cypsela, + 2600n! 28 6.2003, Jan Alan and Katin |tadad 1898 (KUH)i yoshab<br />

(knalhraw), peEnni.t hdb 40.50 cm la , oi dry endy .no stony ar€a. Itorets y€llow,<br />

whne l.rcx, July 2OOr, S/,€nati Khan & Shobbn Hrssa)he| (KUE)i B-&9: Bahisran:

Satpura hlc. 3000 n.25 6 1955, E Nasit & G.L Websta/ 5aJ5 (|\AW)i Skardu ercci'<br />

bdnched, pcle.nial hqb, infrcque sp.cies fo! Baltistan florets vellow, c2500 m'<br />

21.2003, Jan AIM & Mehb@b ,li 2OO4 (KUH): Abov. Salpara la*e @t pet€nnral<br />

nerb, floras gofd.. yellow,2.1-21fiJ, Jon ALtk l9ll {KUH)i<br />

SalpUB Nallah above<br />

Stardu, er.cr, braoched. perennial h€rb, l or€ts telloN ! 2500 n, infrequent specEs 0f<br />

B^lrislJ. ,2t 2.200!, Jan Ala & Mehboob ali s.nIKUH)<br />

Dsribution - Central A$a Alghuista!, Pakistln<br />

Ecology: - Slony dnd gavelslop€s at 1200-1000 m.<br />

Fbwenne p.riod: - Apnl - ruly.<br />

2. Steptorhdnphas p6i.a (Boiss.) o & B. [.dNch. Consp Fl Turk 4:319. l9lli<br />

Jefrcy, Lc 77; R.cn. t, Lc.l98, L 116,202, t 27 & 28; Kirp., lc 129. tt. xIX, (4.<br />

(Pr.re 5. t l; Fig.l.l8)<br />

Lactrca p.Bica Boiss. Otaet. Pl Or Nov Ser t, ?: 9 t846r in Fl. Or.3: E06.l8tt:<br />

Aitc.. T@, Lid. Sa Sr. (2) 3:El. 1888: R.R SrMn in N4ir& Ali. A,n C vdc.<br />

Pl- W . Pal. (a*m. 159. 19121 Ci.ebib p"'sr'.a (Boiss.) Bsuv. Bull. Sa. Bor. Cd. IL<br />

Ser.2: 142. 1910.<br />

Eolottpc O- BOIS,<br />

in Pc^ia auhali in rupcsl.ibus montis Kut.Ajub ptop Dtrl<br />

Ko^?t409 (W, re tE)<br />

l-3 cm lnick rol.srcn 3G50 cn talt, glabreus suhare_fistutar, teafy<br />

panicula&ly bBrchcd above. L.av6 simpte, glaucous, snonty

dffi<br />

0<br />

Fia|.$St@to',,.rth6 D.6ia (Boi!s., O & a Fedl*h: A hlbtriB. noq€rins<br />

- bn;ch; C( | .5), irvolm phyudi6 (otrh b inncrr, D, ctTacL

peliolate, dilared at the base, mostly broad-elliptic, runcrnate_ pmnarpann., snuale<br />

dmtate, obtus.i c.nline leav€s sessile. oblonS-elliptcal. Slabous. scnianplexicaul<br />

Synno@ncc Bce@sely-pmicularc.C.pnula 2-2.5 r 2.n, camp.nulaE, 12 :18 0or€6i<br />

p€du.cles shon, thick bnc&olalc.lnvolucE phylldid t 6 -s.iate, steteome divi&d,<br />

nlhcr rhic\, dosslly hispid, snbobtus€-acurer outemosl 6-8 x 5-6 mm, ovatei mrddle<br />

ones ll-lt x 3-4, ovate-lanceolare or oblong, irremost 19 22 x I m. brcadly linear -<br />

oblong. Florcts yellow. Cyp$la 4-5 \ l-1.5 mto. yellownh - browD. nluoh conpiessed.<br />

broad clliptic ro ovate, I niddle premindt a.d 2 laldl noe or lcss d'srinct rib on qch<br />

side, gBdu.lly anenuate ino 7-10 m lon8, da* breM, filifom b.at. long.r lhm lh.<br />

crpsela; outer pal,pus smllr ieer ones 8,10 mn long, whtle,pale.<br />

Spathens Ex.mlrcd: D-4: Querh Dist.r Unl, 16.6 t962. ,t.4. .t&,!a, 8?2 (RAW)j<br />

Henalck ,4-5-t96J. Mt-Siuiqu,lr57, 1759(RAW),l0 miles tioft Musmgo. way<br />

ro Qn tta, c.45 cn, €@t herb, floGN whitish, 11.5.1978. S. tazinu&li and S'4bedin<br />

629 (KUH); Kldali Spring, M6lakn, Qreth,..40 co, floreis t.|o*, 145.19?8,.t<br />

N@inrd.lih. Haneed lah &s,.ibedj,804 (KUH)I watiTanei, euefia,40-50cm. er@r<br />

n€6, iloats y.llo*, larq p@n\ 22.j.t984, S. Onq & A.chqor. t77j. l?98 (KUH)i<br />

ibi4 H.@ lalc, heo, c.50 cn\ flor€s r.tlou, 5.5.1984, S.ODe, l2bl (KUH); wati<br />

Tdgi, Qu.na, 55-60 cn, dect h€r6, nocB whne, htcx p6ent, 3 .5 t985, A enaf@r &<br />

Riz,an yo6rJllSl (KUH),Kskhae, Chihan hith, eueua, noreN, ye op,23.4.1987,<br />

Rubina Akhter l26'a IRAW), ibid; Katar lo euelta. Talp6s, jokn floto euerr2, florets<br />

aorden yellow, on srep cky stop.r, cEck in @*, c.2t}1) m.2t.4.t965. Je.,ilet<br />

IAMd 10J lE); Zit^, ..24.I n" 28,5,tg6s, zaJu AIi 48t4 (I}lw): f,-a: I&lar Disl_:<br />


Harboi hills: .,u8i Pas, c. 4l kn from Kal on way lo Nichai Calca@6 hillqerecl<br />

p€remial heft, florets yetlos. 12.05.t990. A.Chalanr & SEv M. Goodnan 5155<br />

(KUH).<br />

Distribution: cenhal Asia,Imn, Alghanismi ind Plk$tan<br />

Ecology onws anrong rock urevicas, sory xDd cdlcariols hilh be$een 1000 2500 n]<br />

FlowerinC period: - April-July.<br />

A l6s comon speies and sens o be localied in Northem Baluchi$an.<br />

6. C elho loilhtn ch ! s Boi\'<br />

Boiss., DiaF. Pl. Or Nov. Sei. {l) 4: 28 1844i Bo6s., Fl. Or. l: 820. 1875r KiA. in<br />

Bobr & Tzcvcl, Fl USSR.29: ll8. 1964: Jcllrcy in Darh, Fl. Turi 51 774 l9?5: Sell-<br />

in Tutir e/ ar., Ir. Eu. 4: 128.19?6t Rsh. !1. in Rech.l., Fl. 16r Conp2. 122: 201.<br />

1977; Meitle, FL Cypc,2: 1024.1985i Brene.. Aslenc@, Clad. CtN. l8l. 1994.<br />

Grimn & Springate io Cn€r$on & Long. Fl. Bhu|ai.2 (l): l4?4.2001; Lack in<br />

Kadereit & JelFey, Fan. On. Vasc. Pl. 8: | 88. 2007<br />

Biemial or F.€mial h€rbs, onei wirh rubcrou roorsr@k.Slem er*i pa.icularoly<br />

bmched- Ldvs h€lb&eous - co.ie€ous, oncinate. pinnatilobed -pimalis*1, flrire to<br />

d€nliculate, onen bciriate. Syoflore$eice corymbos - panicled, Capitula cylindiql,<br />

erect, ghbDusj l-4 cn long inctuding peduncte, florers 8,22 per capitulum Invotuce<br />

phylleies 24 - seriate. Recaphcle nakcd. Cypseta tusito.m-e|ipric, red-bow. or blac!.<br />

snewhat conpressedi nany rjbbed, muricaEicabrid, best stmder-filifom, having<br />

A genus Bnh It speci€s, disdburcd in Soutben ElDpe, Turkev. kan- Middl. East.<br />

OflEl Asn, AlStnisb, Pakitu, limalaya (Mabbe e, 197) HoweY€( lack i2007)<br />

Repr€senten in Prkistan by I species<br />

'rhe C.hls Cephelorhrnchus Sois. was establishcd by BoGsier, who reted u.der rhe<br />

Eibe Crepidac and cotridd€d it quitc .lo* to $e sfl6 L.&.4 L (s nr.), dirtring<br />

aon $e l{er by th€ prcg€ of linakllipric, red-bDM black crlel. md bi*tirk<br />

pappu.\vhq*s thc gous lc.tle L G.sr!.), is chdcid;ed by obhnc@lale{bov.te,<br />

bbwn clpsch and uniseriate pappus.<br />

+ Caulinc lqves onq abmr. upp.lmd scaly;<br />

lnvollct phyllancs oln$l biseriat. i . yps.la lidt<br />

yellow aprcllly anduat€ up to I mm long beak:<br />

inner row or pappN 4 5 nn longi $.m 15,40 cm<br />

- C.ulinc l@v6 nor 4 atovci l.volucre<br />

phrllarid 34 - sriaiq cwsel. Fd-bl.ck. apically<br />

anc.@lc inlo 1.5-2.t nn long boki innd bw of<br />

paPPus 3-? mft lorsj stm l6,l0o cm kll<br />

+ Inlol!.re phyllades 2G25, 6-10 mm longj<br />

cypel. 5,5-t no lore. rd whd toung<br />

anff.rds bl&k€.ed, bel *hn . op ro I mm<br />

Iory; prppB 3,.1 mm l@g.<br />


t<br />

ff<br />

\v<br />

ffir<br />

N]<br />

I<br />

I<br />

ffi<br />

ffi<br />

rui<br />

F'4'. r-r9 Cqtebnlvadwpioirdlute (Bois., TuBl..,A' b.biq B, lMtug brecb:<br />

q | .a), itrslum D!yU{i6 (@lE lo i@)i D. cypEl!<br />

t<br />


- Involucrc phylluics 9-15, ll-14 nn lonS;<br />

cypsl! 4.5-5 m lon8, blaclq h.al cof,colorous<br />

or p6lc, up to 2 mh longr Plpprs 5-6 nn long. 2, C. ctitat Bts<br />

'1. C.photd4nch6 ,i.tiditm&<br />

Rdh. t.l.c.213. t. 151,202. i5&6.(F8.1.19)<br />

(Boiss.) T!hl. Ann. NNl. M6. Wicn ?2: 619l96E:<br />

Itutuca piuidilot^i!; Boi$.,F|. Or. l:807. 1875; R.R. S|cMn in Ndir & Ali. Ann. c.r'<br />

Vs. Pl. W P3l- Y,!shm.759. 1972.<br />

rrT.: Patirtan, B.luqhinr, Siri.b, &db 1075 (O, lsK)-<br />

Chonddla &opana Rcdl t., A.lkn a Esphrndd., h O€stcr. Bot. z. 91: 259. t95o.<br />

Chon hla piat@atpa ra. tcorytia (Rc.h. t & d. a/.) PaM. Fl. lM | 0: | 98. 19E0.<br />

Typ.: Inn: "P.di& prov. B.luabtrn {nunc M.}En): Momcs Kanand4 inrq Khath e'<br />

lmslbr (Baopu). in dcclivibs siccis ssxosis, 150G1600 m', 15.5.1948.<br />

Rechiryet ttl...'te .n A. E lar.liti 3950 (wl.<br />

Ladua sop&ia R@t. t a. Kei., Do. Biol. Str. 8. 2: 2 t L t r46.t955i Cicqbta<br />

_ J.qpaah (Rcch- [ & Kai.) Kir!f!, Acr. PhIo. G@. Bor. I ?: 35. 1957.<br />

HolotyD.: Algh.ni$an: NE: Chorb.ad. 1800 m. 26.8. t 94E, r@rr 29t | (W), Is.rypc (C).<br />

Pertlnial. slcm .10-100 cn r!ll, cylin lriet, subgl.bru. divadercty b6nchcd, t.lvcs<br />

petiohlcn@ftd d $. bos., situ{c piMatiset, @ty pinBritobc4 oblra@t.!*<br />

spsrbubc in o!rli&, vill@, st rpty toottcd, 5.8 (to) r 0.5 -t.5 cm; caulirc k!v.s

sessile, saginately auiculate. auriclB euninaie, subenlite-sinuale do|a€, acut, l_5 r<br />

0.5-l cm, Slnflo6cmce ldly-ra*nose. Capitula erecr, cvlidrical. glabrous,0 tlx 0 4<br />

cm, c.20 noEts per capitulumi peduncle longcr than the capitrla lnvolucre phvllaries 20_<br />

25.1-4 - senate, glabrou, srious, ster€ome divid€d, aculq ourer nost 2 x I nn, ollter<br />

middle oncs 56\ l-l5 mm. lanccolate: innemo$ 8l0\ I mm ||n.arlaic.olrrr<br />

FloGts pink - lavm{,er C}A*la 3.5.4 r I mfr. dd (immot€) anesa.ds bhcrened.<br />

cuncarc-lioe&, litil€ €onpr€$ed, 8-10 n@w-nbi nuiicalel bmk 2'3 nm, whilc<br />

dcndd, + equal o. sMllq lhe thc cyps.lar ouier prppus exremely shoni ion.! 3_4 nn<br />

Sp..ln.N Er.mined: A-7: ChitralDisl.: Lutko! dver, Shoghoi florets prl€ mauvc, on<br />

ocky ledgs in tufts Aon woody r@! c.1650 n,6 6.1958, J.r,4. Sd/,/or 2590 (BM);<br />

Oolin Col, ChiFal, Ft€mial n t!, 55' in h.idi noErs yellow- drc- ncar sv€ao bank.<br />

2(h0 6. 19.6 2on5, Eaidar Ali 820 {KUH); Batlt@l' Gol, Ltr&b@. Chnal. pecnnul<br />

hctb, 16 in heieht, norets pint, arc. near rcct cEvrce- l72l m.(15'59'00.9".71'48-<br />

14.5'), tl 5.2006, Haidor.4li 4050 (KUH): Golcen Col, Chilral, pcrennial herb, 16" in<br />

heislg noeis liclt pi.rish purple, infrequent, on rcck cr€vice. 1692 n, (42-167443 E,<br />

1982449 N),3.6-2001, Eaidot Ali 5l9l (KUH)| Molikhoo, chrrral, peennirl h.li, 24'<br />

in height, ilorc$ purpl€, infr€quent, on stcp @ky slope,2776 m. (12-75370t t.<br />

3995125 N), t9 6-2001, Hdidu,t/r 5r2 (KUHI ibidi rL4. eEna Disr.: eucna valtcy_<br />

1500 n, in slones, 27.5.1968, zqtzl,,tli 4914 (KUH): wali Tdsi . eucn., peEMiat<br />

h.rb, 85.95 m bll, h.adr c.1.5 cm afoss, l.tcx whiic. tlore$ purptish bl!c, 23.5.!9E4,<br />

s,oner & ,4. c^door rar6 \ KUH);Wati T.n8i, euctra, €rcct sbtub, 4O-s0 cft rall,<br />

lloE13 pink, 12.1 .t98a. r-41i & Tufoit Ahned \394 ( KuHJ.

Distibution: Afdmisl,n dd Pakhlan (ChnEl tnd Q!€fia)<br />

Ecologt: - (h cky creric6, slopc, stont {rc,s and ncar srcan bank emding<br />

upro rhc elqanon of 1500 - 2?76 m.<br />

Flowemg period: - May-August<br />

2. Cefidlothrnthus chitrulensh Tuisl., Ann. Nal. Mus, Wien 722: 616. 1968i Rccb t:.<br />

Fl.lran. 122: 21I t.149,202 t 3 &4.19?7<br />

Type Plkisrmi Cbitral, Tuitho River lstar , 2100 n , Srou?o,, 2506 (w).<br />

Perennial, slen 16-60 cm tall, crcci slbglsbrous, paniculaloly bmnched above Radical<br />

ledts gtabrcd, nmw pe olate, Mcin.L pinnati fid{ecdy, lobed. sh..ply tood€d. 7 I 2<br />

(15) x 0.t-2 cd, auricllate; callinc lcav6 sessile, lob€d, &uinnte Capitula erei<br />

su!.ylin&i.al, sMtt, b6ccolalc,0.8-l x 0.5 cm, wilh 1.5-3 cm long FducL. norets<br />

20-22 per capitulun.lnvoluce phyllaries 9- l 5, l-4 - sqiale, acute; oulo ones 2-1 \ I . | .5<br />

mn, oute+neolaiei inner m6 Il-14 r I mn. li.ear.Florcrs purplish, blue or pink.<br />

Cypsla up to 5 m inchdine b.ali blac[ n4iaomlin€ar, 8- 14 ribs, muicat , gEduauy<br />

aiienule inlo 1.5-2 mm long, palely disdnct bakt pappus 5-6 mm long. wbit€.<br />

spdlmeN Errml.ed: D-a: Qrcra Disl i Sh.hla bagh hills nea. Chmfl. Qn€ftr. decr<br />

het!. 80 cm-rn tarr, flor.ts rink T 5.19E5 , A Chofoot & Rituan vaul t426, vas<br />

(KUH); Ssnam.a fo$t , Zidd, erecl h.rb, c,45 cm ull, dhc absent, l? 5.1984. .t<br />

Onet & a. Ghaloot t55t (KUH).<br />

Distdbution: Afddhi.n dd Pakistd,<br />

E@l6gy:4bws m riverb.( clmp6 dd dry slop.s h.tw*n l6m-2s00 m.<br />

Flovding Friod: - May-Jun..<br />


NOTEr Thc rtle spsimfl of Ca .Iotrhlr.hus chinalzdlt I uisl, was dcscab.d<br />

fon ChitBl Hotever, we could not 6nd rny speoinfts fton Chinal Sp@imens<br />

collect.d fmm Norrhem BahchistNn wele eKoihed lt seems rh.t lh$ sPec'es 6<br />

ddnb!r.d frcn ch,El ro Nonned Balochisr.n rhmugh Aigh!nnran<br />

3, C.rtatMr't,cn6 totrdatu<br />

Rah.1,1.c.215. t.151.202. i 9& 10.lt77<br />

(Bois.) Kirp. Fl. USSR 29:150 Pl XX l 8l9@:<br />

'Zoltitolb! palyclada Bons,, Fl, Or 3:82?. 1815 PPt hurc.o polrcloda B!*ill<br />

wofting t,isr, Fl Pl Ballch.44. 1909<br />

Typ.: In.: Ed Khosm: in mount0itu b.wd Nishapur.nd M*hd, A!,9a258<br />

p.p. (C) (tdto9pe eldted by K.H.R€hing.r, Lc. 2 | 5).<br />

Lucttco "ftt.athtina R€h.t, Dan. Diol. Skr.8, 2 207.t141 & l45l95t (Srn<br />

Alshan ll)iKi6n. in R*. Kyoto Univ. Exp. rusk a. Hi.duk. 24lI l9ts(FI Aigh!.,<br />

r960).<br />

Typ.r Aagha.islan: hnnj Pss, 1000 n, dry 3lop6, plant 30 cm llll, novft ro*<br />

colouEd, 27.3.lq9. ro€la I l?40 ( W).<br />

P.r.nni.l, semishrub, Slabous, olis glllcousgreen. many sl@ned snh bushy habn.<br />

St.n 15-40 cn hish, dicholomoN, div.nc .-i.lricarely bFnched, tcrtc. B.sal ldvcs<br />

rcsuleto, shonly indislinctly p.tiold., lamino 2.5-4.5 x I 2 cn, Irdt -pinnatkst,<br />

lat.rally I-r scSndt, si.uate t@$.n amplcric&l; cauline leaves ond abcnt or<br />


Edn€ed. upp€r mc| lav€s *aly pr€trr on peduncles. mdislinguishable frod ourer<br />

inrolucml bracrs Caprtula l-4 cm lonB inchdins p€duncl€- rhin. tcmi.al. tloEls 8'l?<br />

pei capitulun.lnvolucre phylhries 1l-ll. biseiaN. primarily subcylindric anenad<br />

lilnoel like, acute wnh narow palc mrgini ouler inangulaFlanceoldre: Ln..r In l-equal<br />

sri6, ?-8 m long, sublinedt ourer 3rimcs shoner than inner FloErs rosy prnk -<br />

lav€nder. Cypsela l-4 nm long including beak, oblonglinelr. liglt yellow. conpressed.<br />

l0-l4nbb€d,glabous,arenuarc, upto 1 mto long beakipappus 4-5 mm lone, white.<br />

specimeN Exulned: D4: Q!en. Disrr Baluchisun, Brahim$.t4.5 1956. tfA. Dc*-<br />

Distiburio.: -Pakislan, AlSnoisiln. 16o. C.Asia.<br />

E oloey: - Occur along bants of nounbins. stEan and lak6 or .@ edges ol<br />

elac'eu and on dry dop.<br />

Flowering p€nod: -Auguslocrobcr.<br />

Notc: R€chinser (op.cit.) b.s reporrcd Srahb, 2506, coll*ted fton Patisun, Chnal<br />

disrict, l$d ad fl. Turikho, 2100 n. I could.xamine only one sp(im€n which is fron<br />

1. Cic.tbita \N<br />

^lb.<br />

walk., Sched. Cnt.413 1822i Benth., in Benth & Hoo[. f. Cen Pl,2: 525 t8?] p.p..<br />

emend; Kirp in Bobr. &Trc!.1., Fl. USSR. 29r 351. 1964:.,eitey in Davis, Fl. Tu.k.<br />

5:?66. I975r Sell in Tutin €r al., Fl. Eur 4: J3l.l976i R.ch. f., Fl han Comp 2 122:<br />

182. 1977i Ic B@r. Air.6caq Cl.d. Cl6s. 184, 1994; Mmeai. & R?o in naj6.t<br />


,1, Fl.lnd. 12:26?.1995r C.ic6on & Spnngak !n Crie6on & Long, Fl. Bhuh.2 (l)<br />

l4?l 20Ol: tjct in Kad€r€n & icfiey. fonr. Ocn. Vae Pl.8: 188 2007<br />

Annual - FEmial h€rb. Plant rcaulescenr - caulesccnr LeAes€ntne pinnatifid. sharply<br />

d€niculate smlar, runcinare pinnatilid- disected or emple lobed Synnore$eocc<br />

ncemose panrculale. capnub sub.yhndric - campanulate. d@ping, 5 32 flo.ers p*<br />

capiiulun, peduncle flatlened. Ligulcs blue, lihc, violel, pulPle or arely yellow.<br />

Involucre pbyllaries mostly 3- seriat€, villols o! hirsule - long papillose domally. obluse<br />

sith beard of 6ne hans al lh€ apex. R*eptaclc iaked Cypsela brown.black, elliptic.<br />

lioea.oblong- scabrid-hispidulous. an.nuare apically into a distirctly srout- sle.d.r b.ak.<br />

papps biseriare, ortcr shon, iomin8 som.whar (own, oner long. b.slly.<br />

A ghus wirh c.l8 sFci6, distriblted in Euope, South w€sr md Cenfrl Asia dd China<br />

(Brcmcr 1994: Mabb.rley. 1997). AccordinS lo Lack (2Lx)7lc j spdies ae pEcnr<br />

ln Pabsb ir is EpceDled by 7 speics including 3 new spec'€s.<br />

Tne genus Cturna Walk., cle,ny difles titn L..tu.a L. G.str) by<br />

having dDoping qpitulun wnh natlened p.dunde, l]+enate, viuous or hmute -<br />

popillo*. obtuse involucr€ phylhrie; cypsela with slenderslout, hostly concoloi(,lt<br />

pale, 1.5-l frn long beat md bi*riate pappus, \vheFas in ra.&.d L. G.str.). peduncle<br />

cyli.drical, involucrc phylldies 4-5- seriate, Blabous,<br />

4-8 nn long b€ak ed pappls unisriale.<br />

acutei cypsela wilh filifom. whitc.

| + PLn|s eaulsnr. t c. qot*,i<br />

- Pl.ntt clul€sent 2<br />

2 + Capiillun cloFnubr€. l 5_2.t cn htstl *itb ll_<br />

32 floGls. Involucrc plvudi6 1512, 3_ snal€,<br />

doelly villous or enewhat hillute<br />

- Capillm cyliniLical.otl cn bo.d wilh 5_10<br />

a*ls. lnrclust p[yudiss &12,2- s.rift. &isllv<br />

3 + Si.n bro6d, up !o 10 nni lav.s 10_20 x 3-5 cn,<br />

uolob.d, sharply d.t icularc-mlat.<br />

- Srcn ndroc, l_t lm; lat6 ?-10 x 0 t l 5C2)<br />

cm, mtG o. PiMutunY |ot€d,<br />

4 + Cdpitulm with c. 12 fl@ts ClFGla blek.<br />

oblanc@latei bet sloul dd @ncolotousi Prppus l0_<br />

3<br />

2 c an<br />

12 nn ro'ts. j. C eilgt.sts<br />

- CrpintlM *itb ll_25 0Nts CyPdclt breM-<br />

bl&kisll' clliFoid; bor sL d ,ttd disolo'osl<br />

p.r?c2!6Mlong;<br />

5 + flor.i3 13-15 pd @!iorle. CyPsb bk t with<br />

whitcbc&i toPp6 snovvvhile<br />

' flor.r! 2F25 pq crpitulm CvFcL breM sdl<br />

c't.n dycllo$ishbelg FpoN didv tnitc.<br />

95<br />

s<br />

1C n@Mhtzd<br />

t C l6td&(

lw Er<br />

l<br />

{rir.z R@hi Bro: A, hrbitt B(lJ), involucr€ phyllTi€s (oukr<br />

c,.t?el^. cic.ttit tututhta (Royle) B€ue: D, hnbiq E(l-3),<br />

phylldi€s (odar io innd)i R cr"sla<br />

I<br />

l<br />


+ Pla up lo 12 cn dl Lav€s un_lobcd, 4_? cn<br />

loig imluding pcriolc, sP.$uhiq Imr iwol$El<br />

phylhris up to 8 nm lone, 8!5bous.<br />

- PlDr up !o ?o cm !ill- ttv6 lob.d, I G30 cm lonS<br />

inchdilg pciolc mG stdulata ldr invol@ol<br />

pnilti6 up lo 16 oh loi&

Nor.: Thc n4 s!di6 t quir. linilt in g.l@l lPpals. C&t .!' ,6t 'dcia (W'll<br />

d DC.) b qn b. distingtlh.d froE n $d alli.d trx. bv htvinS sLnle h'bn<br />

Wi.d in otltd spei6 w.U{d.lop.d std it pl!6l<br />

tlynologvi rhc.!n. ir given in honor ol my suPdisot PDa Dr' Mohtnmd Qai*i<br />

prenrly vic. Chlnc.llot ot lhc Fcd.nl Udo Univ.Bitv for Ans, Scidc. &<br />

-l4hnolo!y. H. k sl$ cccdn( of Flon of P.l&Ln Hh @nribu(@ b lh. Flon of<br />

P.kirh .nd Floa of LibF is w.ll ldDM,<br />

Spdlidr EnDi!.d: A{: Gil8rr Dht.: P.i-juth, Vlllcy Kh.lt ow, Haim3lr GilSit<br />

LA.2@1. Shetuali Khd 72 (KUH)i B4r A!!or Disl,: Sh$.n roP rbov. Donb.bho,<br />

dr pdnniil hdb, 9 ch bll, Ilo..!r bl*, on opcr pldr! mt much @nmn, c.1500 h,<br />

ll-9.2006. Ali N@r .t al- 5E1 IKUH)i (8hni. Kolohri, Klshnir, not.E lov.ly bh.,<br />

Sep- l9l!. M6.M..1. EEttl,.d t n. @M); Gdflrg, 2690 n, S.Pr., 1922. Coll iE ot t i<br />

(BM)r Pbv. d. l. Frntid N.-O .xcuEid dc Oitti.bs d K!riw.i,4100 m, 15 7 1953;<br />

&i- &ewn s.n. (BM): P6v- d. l. Fbnti.r N,.o alpag. misu. de Gtuid6,4100 n,<br />

20.7.r95!i kk Srworl 452 (BM)i M6S|trd$, is rh 8'|4d<br />

torf, flor.I! blu., 1600 nL<br />

6.9.1956, O. Polunin 54/,11 I IBM); &Aq B.ltisbr D*!i plliE, dl p.dni.l<br />

h.lb, !p ro 2" bll, noEE liSht purpl.. infEqu.nt spdi6. i. Nisr oFn nc.d, nor w.t..<br />

c.of, c.if000 m, lar. Au& 2002, Jar llM & F. Karin lo02lKuA).<br />

Dilrdbution: - P.tLh (Chirr.l & GilE 0 .Ild l.rhnn.<br />

Ecolos,: - ApL ofhiah6.!tit!rh b.tw6 2600 6,l0OO 6,<br />

Flwcriog p.riod: - A!8{sl - S.prdbs.<br />


]"<br />

Fls. l.2l Oc.rr,,r drl, R@hi Bdo & Q.iFr:<br />

I<br />

A, habili B, c.Pitula; C( l -l), itrvollcc<br />

phyllri.! (outcr 10 ider)i D,ct?scla; E, pappN.<br />


!, Cic.rrrd r/t Rohr B&o, tp.roe (Flg. 1.2l)<br />

Hofotyp.: Kdhnir: Koloboi v.ll'y,21 .a.1956, O. Polunin 56/561 lBMl)<br />

Dl.gnoslsr Species dnhncta calhbus cdssis, circter I cnr ir1 diam.uo lbhs<br />

subsessilibus, l0-18 C20) x l-5 cn, indivisis, acute. denticulao_seliuLads. lblirs<br />

rnteriorbus seni-anplexicaulibus. cyps.lis a(rc-gnse$. oblanceolalis vcl cyIndnc$-<br />

undulato-cosDlalis. r6tro crrso concolodnn. plppo niro.<br />

Plant with sicE up lo l0 lm broad ar de bde, ngid.Rldical l.aves $sil., nmowcd<br />

e be, 10.18 x 3-5 cm, bioad elliptic to oblanceolale 1n oulline, shtrply denlculate<br />

senlsrc, acuminate to nucrcnalej semiahpl.xicaul. spmely hhPid b.nca$: cauhne<br />

l.avca 4-6 x I cm. Capitula in fasicld, leminal, cmpanula€, 1.5'2 5 x 0,5.1 cm,20-25<br />

norcc Fr capinnhj Fduclc (l) 610.n long. lnvolucrc phyllari€s bl&kish 8lu, l-<br />

seriltc,20-22; outcr on6 (4-) G8 x l-1.5 mn. ovare loc@lare: inner no$ (10)12-14 x<br />

2-2.5 mn, bd.dly lind-oblong. FloEis bluish - purrle or mauve.Cyp*la 5-7 x ? on.<br />

Breyish bl.ck, sonewhar cylindrical ro obla.c€ola|e, .ibs dd ma€in vrvyr dcnsly rhick<br />

hairy, b.ak2 mm long, concolorous, Sradua I ly ibmedi oute. pappus 0.5 tonr inner ll-12<br />

NqTEr Ci.rrri!. dlt Rohi Bdo is dilTennt fron the Esl of the tdr by having I cm<br />

broad slm. sbsilq lorl8c20) x 3,5 cm, unlobed, shaDly dcnricutft-s.Ntar, sni<br />

amplexiclul lowa l€vesj cy?ela geyish bl&k, oblmceolat -cylindrical. wiih wavy<br />

rjbsi beak slout md concoloreq pappus snosl whir€. On rhe othq hand, C a& Roohi<br />

Buo is r.scnbled to lhe n€wly d€eribcd species C. gr/grdAij Roohi Bano by haviog<br />

ctlFla with wavy ribs, oncolotuus b.e* .nd snowy white pappN. B n is shaDl,

isolaled fton il by baving up to 5 nn brcad slen, petiollre and oblance_ olat€ entne' ?'<br />

l0 x 0 5-2 cm, lover leaves<br />

Elynology: Thc name N given ater Prol Dr S I Ali, ibmer Vice Chancellor orthe<br />

Karachi LJnivcrsity and one oflhe edrtors oi f_lon ofPakislan and Flora ofLibla He has<br />

co.tibukd lrcmcndously to lhc lield of tdonomt Md I *orld kno{n spccialisr or<br />

Legunnroseac paniculady of Pakistd<br />

Speln€D Er.Dim& A-7: Gilgil Dist: Hlhmosh, nod5 bluish lilac, invol@ bla'k'<br />

on cliil faces an.l also in alpine psru$, c 3450 n,10 7 1940, & Shefti1J1l67<br />

'udlo||<br />

(BM); A-8: Kaakotum Ran8.: Sotla glacier, river bank Karatodm doisl rmks 4500<br />

n, 21.8.1939, i. &o4 ,t6.-// 160l a (BM)i F9: Kishbwar Disl: Bdgd Kashmtr'<br />

florets mauvc, on criIt c.3450 n,3t1t94!, Ludlor & She/nn 9255 (8M)i Kolohoi<br />

valley, K6hnir, floEts bluish'purple, c.1600 m, eanhv no.th hcing EEsv slopes'<br />

2J.8 \956, O. Polunik 56t561 (BM)i ibid, ilore$ deep lilac, nonh faclng Srassv slopcs'<br />

O Polutut 561511 (BM)i Manhur Nulhh, Bringb' vrllut- on open sere. 1900 '<br />

5.9 1944. Lrdlow & ShniIl aO5? (BM)i Musjid vallct, 1900420/D ft 27 .i tE t. J F'<br />

Duthie t3277 c IBM).<br />

Disnibuion: - Known ftoh Pakista. (Cilgio ed Kashnir.<br />

Ecologyr . A planl ol higir€r altitude Sto*s on cli'I faces, in alp'ne Prstures, slopcs.<br />

opo a@ dd sc6 a1 th. el€lation bew@n 1300 4500 m.<br />

Fbwenns Pcriod: -.,uly - S.ptenbr.

ti<br />

ffi<br />

FiC- r-22 Ci.crbib silglt.ntir Roob' B.no & QaN{ A, bobn. Bll-3\, inrollcE<br />

phyll&ies (ourq lo imd), C, c}!*la

l. Ot.rri& s, 8n.ts/s Roohr Bmo, sp ror' (Iig.12u)<br />

uolotyp.: Gilgir: Rlljulh betwd Kiat[row dd ,utial nullah. Htnnosh 20 8 2004'<br />

SheNali Mon & Shobbn H8san 666 (KVHll<br />

Dlrg.osis: Foliis infelionbus oblac€olaris irlegerimis petioldtis (icerbita le$fliuu<br />

var. /es?rkna siniles, pa€cipue di{Ten cvp$lis alnimi( undulalo{clulal$- m$ro<br />

concolonni et papto nileo (non $ in Cicefiitd lessediona rar' r€ssurr@'o, cvPsens<br />

brunneis costulis ecds, ostlo pallido, pappo sordide albo) Eliam Crelbta d/rt coslrLrrs<br />

un.tllat s, nstlo concolomt€ nec non P.ppo<br />

int geomis oSladcolaiis Ftiolatis st2in d'gn6Fnda<br />

niv@ simil.s sd loliis infcriorbs<br />

Perennialherb, sten lt-20 cn tall md 3-5 mn broad.Fidical leaves wnh.aNw penole.<br />

oblecmlar€ b spad .te, otiE, nucoEte, 7_10 x I-1 5 cm capitula i' faiclcs<br />

Gminal, campmulatc, l.t-2 x l-1.5 cn. c32 floErs p€r cr9'tuluni peduncle long<br />

lillouslnvoluct phyllades c.20, d&k glccn, l_senate, ll€xuous villous hairy all overr<br />

ou|d ones 5 7 x 2 dh, ovale lmceolatq inner ones 10-13 (15) x I l5 nm broadlv<br />

lincr-oblong- Ilords blu. Cypela 6-7 x 2 nm, black. oblancolatc ro cylindrical, nbs<br />

*av], abruptly ado@i. into 2 nn long, concolomu be.k ourr p.ppus smlli inf,.r 8_<br />

9 nn long snowy wh'le,<br />

Norcf Ciprrnr argr.dir Rmhi Baro s*m !o b€ clo*ly elal€{ ro C. Lurliana<br />

(Wall.ex DC.) MmSain & Rao var. ldnrtl@r in havi.g p.tiolate eradually ancnuale<br />

b.low, obleceolate ad entir lowei l€avrs bul difre. by b.ving black c,"sla wirb wrvy<br />

ribs; @n@lomu b.at ed snorr whi|. pappu. WlErcd in c. ,.ssntda (Wall. er

DC.) Mamgain & Pao vd. la$emda cypsela is brcwn, nbs ar€ nol wavvi d'scororous<br />

(c..am'yello{ish) b€ak and pappus dirty whne On $e olher hud. a. gitS,.tsit R@bi<br />

Aano is also reldredlo c. 4li Roohi Bano by halrng cvpsela with Navv nbs concoloous<br />

bet a.d snowy whire pappu. Bul n clearlv dilie^ liom n bt having I 5 mn broad<br />

st€n, petiolale &d oblanceolatc. enlle,7_lO x 0.5 2 cn. lo{er Leaves while C 'lti<br />

Roohi Bano is recosnized i. ha\ing up lo I cn bto.d stem 1020 \ I i cnr broad.<br />

seni.frpleklcaul and d€nh& to scmlate leaves.<br />

EtydoloeJ: Tn. nane is sivcn an r the Ple€ orcollel'on<br />

sp.clnens Eronlned: A-8r Gilgit Disr.: Khatun_Runeh, Khalnroe, Halamosh.<br />

per€n.id herb, 20 cn tall, floeG bhe. whne hlex. oP€n g6sv sloPe. 4 3'700 m.<br />

20.8,20A4, Shetuali Khan & Shabbir Hdsan 640, 665 (KUH)i lchman Khakarow.<br />

Hadnosh, mul h.rb, up to 15 cm tal, noEts bluc, whit larex, infrequei!.3t00 n.<br />

20.E2004, Shetuali Kh44 & Shabr,r tortur 659 (KUH); Rarjutn belwes Khallarow<br />

and.,ulial, perennialherb. up lo l5 cm lall, flor€ts blue white latex. + 4900 fr, 20 8 200'l<br />

She'Mli Kha| & Shobbn H6tot 6('6 ((VH).<br />

Distribulion: Erdcnrc (known lron t)t l@ality Hardnosh. Cilgir.)<br />

Ecology: Growi.g on op.n Era$y slopcs, d lbe €lcvatio. oflroo - 4$0 m.<br />

Flow.ring P€nod: Augsl<br />

4. Cicefiita da.turhi.d (RoylO B€auv, in Bull. Soc Bot Geh (2) 2: 114.l9l0<br />

(Fig, r.20)<br />

Muleedib tu rc4iM Roylc,lll. BoL Hinal. Mounl.251. t.61. i L l8l5tDC.. tur.<br />

1: 25t. 1818. La.trca nacturh,:, (Royle) H@k. t, Fl Bri. tod 31 408. 188 I I Banber,

Pl. Punj 379. l9l6i Collet,Il Sinl. 285 f 85l92l CuPltalodrnch's nacrortnta<br />

(Royle) Tuisl. Afl. Nal. Mu. wien.72:6181968j Rcch t.l c 2ll r20l l27 & 28:<br />

Oli€son & Spnngarc in Crie6on& Long,fl. Bhlmn,2i3): 147'1 2001<br />

Synqp6: Mu$ooFc and Kedatkuk R rle (LIV)<br />

MulEediu| bevisotukt DC.P@dt 1:249lAt8. Pr.t@mhes lae\13d14 wrll Num' L'n<br />

1269. l8ll.nomen, non Bllne la26 Lacttca loerig\ta (wlll ex DC )Clarke (omp<br />

lnd. 269 1876r R.R, Stcwdr n Nan & Ali, Ann Cai Vas PI W' Pak Ktshn ?t9<br />

1972.Cietbita laevi4ota l'wall.cx DC ) Bcauv, in Bull Sc Bol'C€n (212:l20 l9l0:<br />

Mam!!.n & Rlo In HrjB a a/ . Fl Ind I2:272 r'b5 lo91<br />

TyDc lndi.: "io xdaon , Bldhotd s n . walli.h car' 1269 (O )i lso (K_wl)<br />

M.ldnoseris s4dtilis Eded in Tlm Linn Sc London 20:?9 1846:' Lactrca beetqata<br />

voi sdaril,r (Edgew.) C.B. Clarke. Comp I.d 267 la16: Cicerbita naqarhtza \61<br />

14ro116 (Edg€w.) BeauY. io Bu!|. S@. Bor Ccn z: ll5l9t0: Cqltalanhtr'hu!<br />

rararrs (tidge*.) Shih in Ada Phytotax Sin 29 416 1991<br />

Typ€: rndia "Himla, ad alt. ped. ?000.8000, in rupibus hadidis, supo Pmdkcsar',<br />

Srcn slabous. lrw.r lsves skn lerviig.d P€tiolatc or dilared into a large olb'cular<br />

toolhed lob. at thc be. pinutifidi@( dista.lly lobed tfrinal lobc ovare cor&te.<br />

acure-nucroMle, sinuat€-1@thed, 5 15 t20) cm loig, reminal lob. l.t-3 x 1.5 2 cn.<br />

p.riol€ 4-15 cm long, viUo6 or standrld hais Synfloesccnce paniclcd. Cipitula<br />

cdpdular., 13-15 flor€t! d,nsly villous, p.duc!la!c, peduncl. baclcohlc. htolwc<br />


phylldiB l2- 15. 3-sc.iale, sen to bl&kish, obne, out€r ones 2_4 x I I 5 lm. oratc'<br />

ldcoolat€.nddlconcs5-7x I-1.2dh,lanccolate,imernost Il_ll x l_1 2nn heaF<br />

oblong Floret bluc ot purplish. cypsela 5 5 x I nn, alnost black, elliptic_cblong' 5-<br />

nbbed, anenuate ifio L5 lm lone. pal. b.ah pappus b${ialc.6_7 mm lone<br />

Specimens Ex.nlrcd..- A-?: Chnal Dh : Chnftl, in clitlu,e!lces. caltr blact flortts<br />

mauve,49.1958, /r.,.{.gat,or 1218 (I(AWI; A{: Cilen Disl lchnan Kbaltarow.<br />

Heanosh, annual hob, up to 15-25 cn nll. lloreK blue purple, infrequelt. whne btex.<br />

21.8.2004, SreM/t & Shabbn EM 65la {Kt-Itr); 8-6: Pcshawe Dist.: Tebn<br />

R@4trdou. flo.ds pale blne. 2lO0 n,1.9,t916, RX .tMl, 15570 A (KUH)i ibid.<br />

banls and walls, + 2100 n, Oct, 1916, n.rt. Srcrarr 15?50 (RAW): Sval Disl Borah<br />

beyond Ushu, on rocl crevic€s, t8CO n, 27,7 1951. i4 s/.tart & A Rehqoi 25t19<br />

25120 (RAW)i Shonal6, dls, floErs Budly large, 1 3300 m. 22 A- 1955, A Rehno, 64<br />

(RAw): &Er K6hni: PahlgaE Kashnir, r@k ct€vices. l@f only, I ll00 n, 12 8 | 920.<br />

ln.d tD. &d,orr 56?6 (RAW); So.tnarg, Ksbmn, ilorels blue, 1800 m.491921,<br />

RR. & LD. 51.tu 6922lp. w)rAbove Culturg, Kashnir, 3900 m, 7.8.1929. n,t<br />

lr?'a4 l0ll0 (Mw); Above chapri .esl hou*, pqmnial herb with lhick Mts, flocls<br />

liSh purplc or rouvc, 30.8. l9? I , M-1. Siddiqui & v. N6n 6522 IKUA, RAw).<br />

Dishibutioo: - Itu, Afghoistan, Palista., Indi., Nepal, Bhut n and Chin..<br />

Ecolog)/: - Crcwr in moisl ed sbady plac6 o! @k ar the ekt.tion of 180G3900 m.<br />

Flowering Paiod: -.luly S.prembs.

s.Cietuita l4se aad (w^ll* DC ) M.ngain & Rao in J Bohb Nat rtist Soc 36<br />

(2):273.1989iM.mSain&RminH.jm"lal,Fl lnd. 12: 270 1995'<br />

Ca!l*m( 15-25 cn r.ll herb. Sto 3-5 mm broad Radical lqv6 p'tiolate omwtd 3'<br />

thc base, narruwly oblan.6lore, enfie_ sinuale roothed' lyrdle ' prnnarilid !curc'<br />

nrcronate,4-20 x I-l cni caulioe leev6 small, esile li"atcalitula n f6icl4'<br />

rmi.al, camponul.l.. l5_2 x O8-l cn, 25_lo nmLs pa ati$lum; peduftlt lon&<br />

!illo6. Inrchcrc phylhn6 2G22, l{d.lc d.rk gtq' villou$I rh' b& or au ovtr:<br />

ourer one 5-? ( 1.5- 2.5 mm. ovate_ lan.eohtc: inneroncs ll_15 r I'l j mm. broadlv<br />

linea.-ohlon8, obtus., wirh bedd of fih. h.h.t the lpd alor.$ blu' or Du4le clPscla<br />

&8 x 1.5 nm, bown, .llip$i4 lMy nbb.!. sradoallv ancnu.r' into I 5 2 nn long<br />

c@n yetlowish bekr oulq pappus c.0 5 mni imn 4 6 nn long. didv or pale *hir'<br />

A very cdnon tnd highly wisble sPai.s, I vtrities de @ogniz'd on fie basn of laf<br />

| + lsv6 cntiG, obl4c@lrtosp.thuhtc.<br />

. leaves ltr!re-pinnatilidly lob{"jot shaQly<br />

+ Lav6 lob.4 lrmte-piMtifid.<br />

Lav.s unlobed, sharply t6oried - drnkrc.<br />

104<br />


Ek.,t.Stqloaw?lw ,Esia(l{tiI,,) o. & B. F.&.h-: A bdil: B, €Pintl@<br />

t4.2. Cietbita tasdids (w.tt d DC.) ritu8.i! & [r : A, tlbiq a, c€oitul@

i. Ci.eftitd t ssesi' a\w^ll exDC ) Mdmgain & Rdo vur l4elrun4 (!hl€ s t 2i<br />

FE r.2l)<br />

M gediun lesqtia,uh\Ntll,ax DC., Prodr ?:251 l8lSiCi.errra /a$eriidd (Wallex<br />

DC.) Mansein & Rao subsp, /us e iNt t octuro te*. iano (w^ll er DC ) C B Clarkq<br />

Conp. lnd.270, 1376: Hook t, Fl Bri!. lnd l 408 1831i Bambel,l'l Punj l79 l9l6i<br />

R.R. Slwad in N$ir & Ali. Ann. Cri.V.s. Pl. w. Pok Kashn 7s9 1972; Shama &<br />

lam$l, Fl, Upp. Lidd. Vy. Kdlm. Hihal 2:601928 MetanAeris tesetuonrn<br />

Decne. injacquenonr, Voy rnd 4:102 184\ Hierutci,d tese ibudwat C{ 3254<br />

Ttpe: rndh: Kanaon and Enodtn, tfalnh 3254, cat cofrp 164 (C) Microlisch.l<br />

Speibcnr Er.Ditr.d: B-&9: Bahisbn: Dssi, Baltisrat. r 1450 m,2081966, M,'1.<br />

Siddque f N atir & Za.fldr 42or c {RAW); KaQuch valley, 1600 1900 n, 9 7 1992. J.F<br />

Ddrre s.n. (BM): Xdhnn: rshhoi, K*hmn, flo.ets lor€lt blue, ,*p 19 tt cott tSrot<br />

s.n. (SMf N.!r Korahd Clscier, 3300-361)0 n. 116 M.A. be5hed s^ \BM): Zojib,<br />

resllnir, noi.fc blue in gdsy alpine pa$uB, 1450 m, 27.8 19a0, Ltdlotu & SheriIJ<br />

8032 ab (BM); Cadsar, (l3lDir, opa g*tlsd , 1600 m, I ?.8 1910. Ptlt Pi"Iold 146<br />

a,i{BM).<br />

Disribuiion: Pakisan (Blltisln, Gilsi9, India & Kashnn<br />

Ecology: Go*ingon op.n g61a.d, inalpinepasturcs belween 1100-3900 n.<br />

Flouqi.g pdio

A<br />

]ffi<br />

1<br />

[,i,\<br />

IN<br />

Flg. 1.2a<br />

Ci..tbit h$.,tt M (\v.tt. .x Dc.) Mm8do & Rs vs. ,@zt &: A,<br />

h.bit; B(l-3), iNdu@ phyllaica (outd 1o idq); C, crTFl.. Crcddr'<br />

,6ad',r (wrll. q DC.) Mms.i! & R6 6. it'!r' (Dos-) R@hi Beo:<br />

D, hrbir; E(l-3), iNohcr. phyll.ri.s (ourct to inncti F, cyFcla,<br />

].<br />


ii - cic.rbrb t s*dtanr lw^ll.ex DC.) Mrmsain & Rao vff t drz (Decn€ ) R@hi Bano<br />

Metatoerx bftta Oeene. in jdcquemo0l, voy. Bol. Ind 4: l0l l 109 1844i,,ctr.4<br />

/"$?r'atu (wall.ex DC.) c.B. Cldle ve. t'ztz<br />

la16; La.tu.a teserioB \\N^ll.x DC.) ( ,8 Cltrke subsp ,&td<br />

(o4n€.) C.B. Chrte, ConP lnd 2?0<br />

(Decnc) StebbiN in<br />

Ind FoiR@rds Bol. I (6): 240. l9l9; R R. Si€wtn, l.c. 759; Shama & Jrnval, I c 60<br />

f. 29, Ciceftita Ltteridna lwalr. er DC.) Mangdn & Rao subsp ,/4td (D*ne )<br />

Mans.in & Rlo in Haj6erdi, Fl lnd. 12:272. 1995.<br />

S!.cin.!r etabin.dr A{: Oilg'r Disl. lchna. (nrlbrow Harunosh, annul hert, up ro<br />

15-25 cn bll, flor.Ls blue-puale, laicx sbne, on open grssy sloPes, i 1500 n,<br />

218?004. Sr€rd/i Khan & Shabbn H6sa,65tb (KUH)| ibid: J/P,tal (r4, 4<br />

Shabbn Hosan 661.66a (KUH)| B-a: Aslor Dist Rafra valley, Sw ofA$oL h.lb<br />

with thick woodt ooclo.k, l€v.s ged, 2", flor€Is pu'plish blue, 2 /? - 3 cn, on stony<br />

ridse & mehing snow,3900 m, (15'20 W:7550'E),203.81961,TE Lonk4ler &<br />

I-4.S. Psa4,, ll84 a,b,c {BM): K,la p.ni, Moton nuuah, Aslor, smi ccc! pedtuat<br />

herb, up b 20 cm t!ll, flor.ts blue, c.ll00 m, 5 9.2005, ,.l.tt lr'oor 103 (KUH)i &8/9:<br />

Balrish Re\ge Ki+Dchu vall.y, l6o0-39m n.9.7.1992, J.F. Dullc s.n. c (BM),<br />

D6s!i plaim, Bahbn, + 1900 n,68,1955, E. Xar/i 4 6., Webster 6!17 lP..,.w)l<br />

Dosai, Baltism, 1 r 4s0 n, 20.8.1966, M t. Siddi|ue, f Nasi/ & Ztfat 420t t,6 (BM,<br />

RAw)tibidtBaE Prni, ibid, semieEct. pcr.nnial h.rb, norers viole! fairlyconmon, on<br />

rivd bd q t 3900 m,25.8.2002, Jan,ltak & Fdat KonD l4l5 (KUH)|ibid; + 4oOO n.<br />

14.8.2002, Jan Atdd & Fazal Kann 1399 (KUH); Bueil Chowki n] Deosli plains. a<br />

3900 n.28.?.t94q R,R &e$d 19934 (KUH): Burji rj, above s*ordu, 42oo_450o n.<br />


31.?.1940.,4.X. Sr€wdt 20125 (RAW)i Kashmir Pro! r SonMarg,:1000 1900 s. Sdp,4'<br />

i,! &1.D.srdB,t s.n. (RA\il )i PhalS!'n, Kdibh( .lOO0 m. 27 8 1920"R R &l D Stevua<br />

581 | (RAwi: Gund, Kdhnir. + 2400 m. Julv. l9l2 l92l Rl Stavan sn {RAW):<br />

Above GutnwA, Kshnn,3900 o.781929 rel Sre*d' 10330 (RAW): Zan$ar'<br />

Kashmir, l9ll, n4.r' 2981 (RAV)i AstonmfS, monsst shon e]N<br />

on open hill side,<br />

10500. Aug 1936, M.K. Tinins 205 a,b,cd (BM)r Shish.ag Kdhmn AuS. 1918.<br />

Mohitulor NdtL s-n (RAW)I ibid, DaMr., Nari! 27 (KUH): Zoji r:. Kashnir. nor$<br />

blue, in gdsy arpihe pastuEs. c.3 500 n, 2? 8 1940. ,!di,r & ,S,, erifao'Z c \BM) zo)l<br />

Pass Laddk Road' 1081940 1300_1600 n RR ste*tt 21225 (Mw)i oadiar'<br />

Kashmir, open grsslmd, 3600 m , 17 .a 1940, P.M Pirlokl 346 b,c,e (BMI Knehmaig<br />

K.shhir, llo@ts omg€-yellow, l29O m. I LE. 19t6. O Potot 56/192 a,b, c, d (BM)<br />

DrsibuiDn. - PalJsi.tr {Crlgrt. B.h'sunr Ind'a dd Kahmir'<br />

Ecology: - Cows in op€n srasy, hillside. $ony ndg6. berwen t 4004000 n.<br />

!-lowcrineP€nod: - ruly-Norenber.<br />

iii- ciabita tseniai. (Natt.ex DC.) MamSain & pno vr r'?'',ta (Dc.) R@hi Bano<br />

Mllgeditn lesenianun vat. den atlD DC.. Podr. 1:251 1838. Lactuca lessenidno<br />

{wall. €x DC.) Cl&ke subsp. d.,k,. (DC,) St€bbins in Ind. For. Records Boi I (6): 240,<br />

l9l9i R.St wan,I.c.759i Sbma & ranw!1, Lc.60. Ct rrita lesseniona IWtll .x<br />

m.) Mamgain & Rao subrp. r'.,rdra (DC ) lv.nSain & tuo in J Bon. Nar. Hisr. S8.<br />

86 (2): 271.1989; M.nsain & Rao in Htjn et al., Fl. lnd. 12: 2t0. 1995-<br />

Typ.: De*nberl fton Indir, prov. BoEali-@cid,. lofl€ (c).

t<br />

t<br />

I<br />

;m<br />

Fie.l.ra Chabilt k$.ni.n (Wall. cx DC , Mamgam & Rs ra d.ntttt IDC _<br />

\<br />

Rooh Bdo A. hab'l: Bll-21. involuoe ohvllsnes (outer b inneo: C<br />

cyp*|,c'E rfit rtprtri.loitld (DC I BduY: D. bnbir: Dll -2). irvollm<br />

phylri6 (ouLr.o im*), F, cyperr

Sp.ciD.rr Elnimd: B{: Sw.l Dbr S.oh. (ugld, 14.8.t891, J.F. Dtthi. s.n.<br />

(MW)i B{: a5d Disr.: Sh.Lr lop.bov. Donbobho. opd pl@,.rat pqonill lE b,<br />

flow6 blo., 9 d iru, + tt00 n,1t.9.2006, lli N@/ a dl.5Ea ((UH)i Kqinn:<br />

ThgbolP6,3600 m,24.?.1919,1|i. & t.D. &.M4,1601 o, b,c(Mw)r Kndlnnm&<br />

fony g@und, Iloicb ohng..rello*. 11.8.1956, O. Polutut 56tt92 lBMl Bapl<br />

B.ltisi!. R.n8.: Dd.i pl.iB, Rod !o B.lti5hn, 1900 m, 30.07.1940, R.R. stMd<br />

20084 (MW)t E4t Sordrtotrii on w.y !o Buzil pasj sdl t Hnial, cd! 5-lO cn<br />

6ll, norca b|!€, + 1900 ri! 7.8.2@3. Sh.Mt' K^4n & tu|. Ali 496 (KVH).<br />

Disrriblrioni P.kisn.. l.di. .nd frshnn.<br />

E@log)[ Gows h oFn pl&6 .nd trony greu.ds acording !t to l5OG39m n.<br />

nowaing Pdio

Ann. csr.v6c. Pl. w. PaL Ksbn 760 l9?2i Maogaio & Rao i' Itajn €r a/ Fl lnd<br />

l2:292.1995.<br />

Itp.: Nepal: "l...lanno l82l sFcimcnmntl" r,/a//i., (G-DC)<br />

S|en .Ed, slightly pub€$enl apic.lly, pdicula$lv bdrch'd abre Letves rdpi''<br />

pctiole oanow, l|)-15 cn long, lan'na pinnstiUdlv lobed. ovale'tri&glld irr outline<br />

acute, ba$ate-trlncate ar the bde, sub.nrirc{inuate toothed. auncled 15 22 x l 5 cni<br />

upper sessile.lanceolale. Capilula ponicled iedinallv, cvlindncal. 1 5 x0 5 cn.5 florels<br />

ner capitulm, peduncle slende. bnclcat€ lnvolucre phvllaries (6_)8-10 2-senarc'<br />

dosally papillor. outer l'4 x l-l,t mn, ovatctanceolale, blacldsh: rmeones l2_lt x I<br />

hm, lined-oblong. Flotls purplish. Cyp6el.6.5_9 x l2 nm, broM. ellipsord'fusilbm,<br />

5-? ribs on qcn sid., sqbrid-hispid, .btuIly attenut into 1.5_3 Im long concoiorou'<br />

pale b.ak oulg papps y€llo, shon, inna 7-E nn lone" dirty wbne fragile.<br />

SD..in.$ ErrDi.ed: - BE: Asor Di* Bueil P6. 1 ll00 m, 21 .a-19J9, R-R t blrl<br />

l90l I (RAw): Buzil Chovki,13100 n. 27.?1940, R.R. S,4a, 19880 {KUH): Buzil<br />

Chowki lo Deosi Plain,4 3600 m,28.71944, i.,{. Sprai 19983 (RAw): Cbrlm ro<br />

Sochar pass, + 1090 n, 18.8.1955,E, Natir & G.L. Websta 6522 (MW)i Upp$ Anor<br />

vdu€y ned Sha.l&gafn, a 3000 n, 10,8.1939, X.,t &.r., ,ted/t 18755 {RAW)I ibid:<br />

B-9: K6hnir: Sonmdg, Kashmir, 3090 m, 248.1876, C t. C/arie 10836 D (BM)r<br />

ibid, 100O-3300 rn 5.8.1921, t.i, Sr.,,.l 6546 (RAw)i ibid, 19.a.l946, R.R. S\NUI<br />

22183 (RAw); UlEq Sind valley, Kashmir, Aug,l928,,t.A..troudr 12728 (RAW):<br />

P^htsD. W,t92a,cot.Ho8ton s.n.(RAwlBltow Gads{, Cagabal rcsioo. *1300<br />

m.L3.r919. i_[..gM'r t8282 (RAW): Badsd ro KaEkbot. + 25oo n. ]0.8.1939.<br />

R-R. & ]D StMt t9241 (RA\'v)i Abovc Tngbot. KNnn'r, r lO00 n. I L8.1939. rR.X.

& /.D. Sr€wd, 19287 (KUH); Minimary, vrshmn, 1 2700n' ]0 8 1919, R ?t & ID<br />

srod./ I9l5s (RAw)i K(m Pather. Masjid Gali. ll001600 m ll n l9l9 l'R &/D<br />

.trM, ls,l6l (KUH); Zoji Pass a 3lOO m, lO.8 1940, R n &d,4 2 1224 (KUH): B_9:<br />

Krnkorum: Sokh. Slacie!, nvd bahr . 3700_4200 m. 24.3 1919, i S"{ Russll I7l0<br />

(BM); BlEir. Koshmn, + r4o0 n,23] 1516, C D ClarkE 29717 B IBM)<br />

OisEiburion: Nepal to E st€m AlShatist!. through India and Pak'sun<br />

E@tosy: Cmws in opd Crrsy md shldy slop6 at hiSh el€vation bdweo 2500 4200 m<br />

nowdins Pdiod: ruly-Septobe'.<br />

1.Ci.em o.lecltlqt(C.S.Clatke) Bea!v., Aull. Soc. Bot Gen 2(2):I27 l9l0;Rdh<br />

f. Fl Inn Comp.2, l22il3l 1977.<br />

Pcenndl plam. SGm .l'l l!, Alab'ob nnnutly pub$cnr. cidr 25-;0 cm 6ll Ra'licrl<br />

lerves sub $ssil. or petiole with dilar. b6e, blad6 lobed or pin.atiid sinualc<br />

denticulate, acurd- apiculate, teminal lob. ovaE |nangular, hastllc l 9 (12) x 4-6 cmi<br />

cauline laees sssile $newhal lyralc'pinMtilobate, in ised dalltc. auicDlare Fmi<br />

an|pldi€ll. SyDn@etue panicul.lc - emdhat la.fioc C.pitula cylindn€I, I t2<br />

x 0.5 oII! G8 llorcte ps c+itulum; p.dunclc $in, bhdolale.lnvol!.F phyllariB l0'l t,<br />

2-3 - sriale, p.pill6. do$all, outq host l-5 x 2 nn, ovat€i niddl. ones (6-) &10x2-<br />

2.5 dtrr! ovar.-lm.ol.le; imelmsl 12-16 Cl8) x l5'2 nm, b@dly linst{blong.<br />

nods blue. Ct?rla 5-8 x 1.2, bmM-bl.cki.h, lEmv ellipficablong conprsed. 5-?<br />

cq n@w nbr, tin ly sbn4 efrcnui. into 2.s m, oncdoou bak, slish y<br />

whn'sh'pdle!p(ully,Idppus 7.S nm lory, didy *hi@.<br />

A faidy cofrnon and higbly variable sp.ci.s ca. be difrtrentiared into I varieriq.<br />


l<br />

l<br />

p<br />

ffi<br />

rfi\<br />

uil<br />

ng,l.25 Ckabtbd.a$t N lC.B. Cl&*., Bsue. w. da+i.a A! babit: S,ooMing<br />

bmcE C( | -J), i$oluR DhyU&ica (oucr to ids): D. cyT6elt<br />


| + Le,vd eniiE or lobed il lobed. lhen upper bbe<br />

ool funbe. lobed, leminal lobe broad hasldle<br />

- Leavcs md upper lobes fulthei lobcd. pDnaiind<br />

$i$ shallowly and dcQly cut lob€s.<br />

6 nn bMd. 10_10 cfr long-<br />

cn brcad vnh t@thed. lcuic<br />

4 hm broad, 8"15 cb long.<br />

mn boad with {tire, rtsre<br />

i- Cic.tbitz dait@N (C.8. Ct, e) B€!v. ur' d4ci,i,ts (Fi8' l 2t<br />

Lactkd deci\ere CB Clrkc, Conp lnd 266 1876r H@k f Fl gri lnd li 407<br />

l88l: R.R Srewan in N6ir & Ali, Ann Cat Vasc Pl W Pak Kashm 758 1972:<br />

Loctu o decipi.N {C.8. ctatt ) vr. le.ioi?^ Mamgrii & Rao in Hajn er z' . Fl lnd<br />

12r283. 1995.<br />

Sy!lt?€: Hlbit in K$hnt d in ptwini€ adj&dt D"s 800G10,000 Ptd ftmeK!)<br />

Spelne$ Etroiredr A-7: Chid.l Dist.:Shishi {LohieslAf,), flo€ts viol€i. on cavicc.<br />

b.tween(15.N.71 .48 E.3t',45'N., ?2.O'E.).27 ?.1958. t,4 Bavs Lvan t38IBM)<br />

A-8: Gitgit Dbt.: Naltar, CilSit, 3600 m, 20.7 1954, R.X. Srew44 s o (MW); ibid, c 60<br />

cm, norc$ lignt puQle, 8.9.19E1, Konol Akhter Malik & S, Netzddt l84l (KUH)i<br />

Chanrsh, Y@imb3d, Hlm, .dr percnnial hqb up ro rl0 cm r.I, noc$ pinl-turple,

codmon. Srow in cuhilated lield as {e€d, 2l4ll d, 20 6 20ol Jah Alan 4t) \KLHll<br />

tone nounran, abole Kerimabad, Huia, sed herb up lo 13 , Ilorets blunh puPle'<br />

srow in noi place,3500 d,30.7 2OOl,Jar Alan4t6 (KUH)iibid, sedi etecl. petnnral<br />

herb.np lo O.6m rall, groes in canyon (ockv delicd' l€s common species. c l:100 n<br />

3r.9.2001, id, Alan & &ril ,,i/da 40?O (KUH)I ibidi Hunal on wav ro Khaltarow<br />

Hmnrosb, peE.nial berb, up ro lm. erect, basdlleavcs verv larec. floEtsblue. common<br />

30.1.2003. Sheryali Khon & Sharrtr t/arro, 184, 384 A (KUH)I Khaveh Khallatuw.<br />

Hmnosh, Cilgrt, etct p€mnial herb, 30 cm tall, ilorls blu€, oo ooisi shadv tlacd.<br />

35oo n, 16.8.2008, S/,etu li (r.n & shobbt H.Mn l l 18 (KUOi (naveh. c.lo tn<br />

from Sh.d Knaltatow, eecl petnni.l hcrb, l0 cn lall not€ts blue on moist shad'<br />

plac6, 35OO n, 16.E.2008. .tteN, ti Khan & Shabbir Ho$an I l2l (KUH)i Uh.r Nulkn<br />

Kadmba( Hllr, €recl pcmniat hcd !p to 40 cn tall, llorcts blue, cll00 n!<br />

2212VJs,Jantlon& Naik alM 324| ((UH)i ibidiBt: Kohist n Dtu.:.2 niles from<br />

comella on way to cilsn. I n high. floicts y.llo*. 13.5 1981, s oner' s. N@inu,ui, &<br />

n n'alid ??6 (KUH); sMt Disl.: rsSan v.lley b.lwen aahkot (aPptor 14-15 N..7l<br />

20 E.)and Babusar Pds (aptu 15 10 N.,74 2 E.), July_S€pt,l954,John 'lbel101<br />

(BM)i BA: Astor Dist.: Blzil Chowki, Srimga!, Gilgil R@4 on r@Ly avinc b.ds,<br />

florels nauvc. c.3500 m,l?.9 l9l l, Z/!d/o,85E (BM)r Godai. above Astor, c.2500 n.<br />

24.8.1939, A.n. Srerar, 18946 (RAW); Gldai lillag. ne& waler ch.nnel, eEct perennial<br />

herb up lo 35 cn rall, florrs blue, c.2?00 n, 15.9,2005.,1/i rvro. et 41. 184 (KUH):<br />

Rr@. 1000 m, ll8,1955, ,. tr'arrr d G.L. Webste/ 6462 (RAwJl B 8/9: Balristd<br />

Reg€: Solpum Nullah, abov€ Skdd!, e!@t, bEnchcd. p.mnial h6b, up to c.45 cfr.<br />

ilorets pinl-purple, grows along srcm in srony place, c.2900 n, inteqMt, 1.8.2004,<br />


Fie,l. (r.tutada,Qn6\tlarre' Beduv !t u!,/Lro tHml lrRmhiBdo&<br />

qa6r \. hab{. B.cannulumiC ichene

Jh Alon & Naar Dih 256l (KUH)j B_9: Klshnn BctPen Sonanarg lnd Kslum'<br />

(6hmn, llote6 tb.ur l0 in o h.ad lisulB b@d blrc_lilac *i$ piok patch ar base' no<br />

iadicol leaves $hd in noNdn',arc.\glJ MJ Et$hea s n' (BM); Batral Stndo<br />

volley, ISOO m, 4.8 1t22, n R. Jl€Mt s n {RAw)i Badwd to Ktragbtl Krshenga'8a<br />

v,llc!,2400-2550 d, lO8 1919. n,{ S,ewoa 19270 ((UH, RAw)ivkhlnar' Kashnt<br />

hills abovc lal@, gowitg in shclc. 6f boulds6, noeB lilac 1600 n l7 3 lclo PM<br />

P',/dr,169 (BM); Sondmarg, Kashnn l8()O m, lt 8 1928 R R &"4' 9885 A (R-Aw):<br />

ibid, cllOO n. Set.,l9ll, ii S,ryzd (M); Sonanarg rdd' planl up ro 3 6"<br />

'2710<br />

conmon on b$k by roadside, florets Muve, c 2250 fti O a 1940 P M Pihlov 3a9<br />

(BM); SoDmrs, loEb lifac, 2?OO n,25 8 t915 ' C B Cbke 27709 A (BM); Bagicha<br />

ro Oldins Indus valley, Ladtk, 2500_2700 m 23 3 1940, ir? $€'"t 20981 (RAw)i<br />

ibid; N€. (Jwbu, ridak rctd, c 27OO m 27 3l9ao. '{lt Slrat 21088 (KUH):<br />

Mensandob, K$hdir, qnhy banks, floret blue clsOOn,691956.O Pal'nin 56172\)<br />

(Blv0i (shni., imPmte &gon, 2'10G2'700 n, ,: 11 s n. (BMi<br />

Disribltionr Afghani$aq PakisLn, Kdhnn, India and Nepal<br />

Ecologyi Gnws on op.n noisl shady slopcs, on ck, rcvine be& cnd along si@ms tl<br />

tle .lerarion bet*M 2500-4000 6<br />

nowennS Penod: July- Novembd,<br />

ii- Ci..tblt deipi.nt (C-B- C]trtt!) Bauv. rd. tlriJ'Za (H@r' f ) R@hi Bano,<br />

conb. nov, {Pbre 6. t l; Ftg. 1 26)<br />

bdtu dupiqs C.B. Clut3 ed. r!rr& HmL| FL Bn lnd l:4071881;RR<br />

Slwon if, Nrsi. & AIi, Am. C.t. Ve. fl. W Pak. Klshm. 758 1972; Mdgiin & Rao<br />

i! Hajn.?,1., Fl.Ind. l2:239. I95.<br />


Sytrryps: K6hmn, l'rrdoi ( K), c L Ct,*e (K)<br />

Sp€cin.N Et.din.d. A-7: Chitol Dni Mahldlergah, Chittal, on dry tasturcs 1000_<br />

37(]O n,9/10.8.1954, D/F S./tzid 2216 (RAW): ib'd 1240_4000 n 9/1081954 in<br />

&€wdr 2213 (RAW)i Shishi (Lohrgal), noe$ violel on ctcvice, c. 1700 m (Bet*een<br />

35'.15' N. ?1" 48 E. 15'.45 N ,12'O'E1.21 1 $sa'S-A Bo$ 'Jo' ll8 (BM): A-3:<br />

cilgil Dht. Buril cbowki. ! l3o0 m, 27 8 1919- ,4 R. srewdlr 191 15 (RAw)i 7 mlles<br />

fton Ballmi on way to BtbM Pd, eEct herb, l0 cn in neigh! nv & di$ noEls<br />

purple, on rhe hilh, I 1.8 r 9? l, S . Abedih & M Qaiset 8993' a994 (KUH); Lowd Nalttr.<br />

Cilgir (N.A.), @r, p€mial hc.b !p to lO , wirn d@ping n lds norec bluish purpl'.<br />

gow Along small steam, 4 25OO m,2g62OOi, Jan Alon & tlehboob Ali taD ab<br />

(KUH)I &6: Swlt Dist.: Near Ktlm, tbovc 2l0OmAu8;19t5 ,'i Xd'a' ll5 (MW):<br />

Saitul-Malul, Kagh.n, Ilorets Purple, + 3l O0 n, 2 I 9 1984. Ldd ,{a'lovt' 280 (RAW)r<br />

B-8: Asror Dist.: Rana, GilSil agdcy.30OO n, |3 8.1955 E tau & C-L. tfebid 6462<br />

(RAW); Rma valley, S.W. ofAstoi, Pakisbn,.rect he.b, l_2 Ii lall sr$ thick latrcot<br />

leav6 glH, oocts 15 20 nm long a ccs with disc nods putple & nrs purPl.. *ood<br />

rmd bark is p.nial shade, 3100 n, (1t.20' W 7t t0' E), 2E T t969 T E Lankestet &<br />

TA.S- P@r&h'lEL 1244 (sM) r B.twd Gudai and Chilu, c@! I n in hciSht. 0ords<br />

b1e,2.9.t988, S. Onq a M. Qanel 2tl2 (Kult)r ibid; P*! Route villdge on *av to<br />

Rnrtu mounrain, c@t p€cmial hen, up lo l0 cm itll, tloEts blue, on s.dy frountti.<br />

srot€, 3100 m, + 2?00 n. 28.E.2005, ali Noal & A. Motalib | 55 (KUH)| ibid. 2250 m,<br />

28.8.2005, ,rri ,Voor 188 (KUH)i K,hp6ni on qy lo K.tri rop aom Mamo- das. *mi<br />

eEt peemial herb, up ro 35 cn lall no€ts liolet. grow on moist genlle slop.- + 3300<br />

r\ 6.9.2005, Ali N@, & M. ,|ld 356 (KUHI (,sbnir.: SomnDrg, 2?0G1000 n.

t D tr<br />

ffi B<br />

- Bdo. A. htbrt B{ I -),. irvolucc Dbvuarict (oukr to iud)i c cvpselt<br />

Fp,1,26 Ct .rbh.IlApi.N tC a. Cldk., Betuv var t.rdld. rHook f) Rmbi<br />

Ckabttt d..iii.;t \C B Cla*.) Bouv ve tsdr.,A. R@hi Bdo &<br />

Oai&r: D, htfir, (involucE phyildie dd clFeb e sM. d B & c)

22.1.1921, R.R. & LD sryatt 63s0 (Mw); P.hl8an. Kdhm'r' 2700 n Au8 1927'<br />

f,{ Jraa, 11596 (RAw)iBelow Kum Patharlosffd Tilelvillev + 1000 m 14 8 l9l9'<br />

l,C. &eran 18546 A (MW), Suru_Snmarg. Suru vallev, Kashnn Augl9lz /lI<br />

sl?Mr sn. (Mw): Kharbo, Lad.k, Julv l9l2_ll.l8 skrrd' 143 (RAw);zoji Pds<br />

b.yond sangabal lak.s + 3600 n 1081939, R/l' 9€wd' 18220 (KUH): Abole<br />

Cho an. CilSit Road. + 2?OO m 257.1940. n/i tra''ri l97ll (RAW): &&9:<br />

Balristan range: Kdde o Husbe, Baltht3n. i 27OO m, 1 7 1955, E Nasn & G L wablter<br />

1949 (RAW)i Sarpm nullal,1600_l$0 n. Il7 1997 J.a D'die I199 | (BM)<br />

DisFrbudonr Afghmist ., Pakistan, India ed Nepal<br />

Eco logy: G ro ws in cev ices, open noht shadv slopes, lscendi nB lion 2 500_4000 m<br />

Flowr'.8 Pcriod: lnly Septenb.r'<br />

iii' Ci.ubi. d.ci4i.ns lC-B Cla.l€) Bcalv vd rdli$.trid<br />

(Flg. r.26)<br />

Roohi Bano. var' tuv'<br />

Hototyp€: Asror: Ratu on *ay to Rma bkc on hill sloFs. 1200 n.27 1 2@l ali<br />

lool 792 a (KUH!)<br />

Dlrgn6tu: Folia baalia Nqne .d 4 mn lata. 8_lt cm longa bipinnalitida egncnts<br />

usquo a.l 0.2 nm lala, int€eIrs, lyrals.<br />

Sp.clnetu Exanlred: B8: Astor Di$,: Rana rcst house, 20-25 cm in h€ight, flotcls<br />

puote, 3lOO m,30.8.f988, S. Otet & M. Soisq 2!j1 IKUH): Rana on wav lo Raha<br />

lak., Asror (N.A.), d4t pEnnial herb, nolets puryle, conmon on hill dop€s.]ZL$ m<br />

2l .7 .2007 , Ali Ntut 192 t, b (KUH); K6h6n: soianarg, 5.8. l92t , R.R. stMn 6545<br />

(M): ibid.2100-1000 m, 22 7.1921, R-R, 4.rr. &cM/ 6?82 (RAW)| Z.ji Pa. Ladtl<br />


R@d. nore$ lavend.r, * 3300 m. Au8. 1928. Ll. &ewz.t 995E (RAw): B-V9: Ealtistd<br />

mg€: Kamlorun, ndical lcaves tcry v. able, somelime nearlv cntne lorers t t. blu.-<br />

3600 m. 78.1876, C. B clofie t1l45 (BM)r Thall€ La, Bahstd. 1600_1900 m.<br />

15.81940, R.,R. sktari 20?00 (MW)r Ncar Kasumrk, aal$tan, 2700 1000 m<br />

168.19,10,.{.4. &€vdi 20802 (RAW)r ibidi Satpura iullah, above Skrdu perennlal<br />

herb, up to 25 , florcts puQle, on Brrvcl slop. llong wilh water canal. 10 8 2002. Jdn<br />

,4ldrsn.(KUH)]Salpumnullah,crcclpcr€nnialherb,upto25,noretspurple,groNs<br />

along sued ban( + 1800 m, 24 8.2001, Jan Atan & M Qoivr<br />

Disrribution: Kadlotun and Hin.layan<br />

2122 (KVH).<br />

Ecologj/: Grcws b.Necn 2700-1900 n on slop.s and ned wne. chaonels.<br />

Flow.ins Penod: Augst.<br />

5. Ci.crtna batr.nii lC B. C l.rte) R@hi Bdo. comb, nov (Fig. 1.28)<br />

Lo.rtco behthanii CB. Cl^rk. Cohp. l.d. 271. 1876i H@k. F., Fl. Bri. Ind. 3:4ll<br />

l33r: Manenin & Rao in Haj6 ", "1, Fl.Ind. 12:284. 4 69. 195.<br />

Type: Kahnn: Karane and Kqang, 12-15000 ft.,.trali.?*a (K).<br />

Nedly elabos, 5-12 cn tall, Lcaves mainly mdical, glaucous, spalllulare to ipalhulare-<br />

oblong, 1.5-2 x 0,8 x I cd, ertir. or obscurely denrare, rri-n€ryed. sligh y mmwed<br />

below; petiol€ 2.5"4 cn lo.g. Synnofficence corymbose. Capirula cylindrical, nsow.<br />

blackisb, l-1.5 x 0.5 cnl p.duncuha, 1.5-2 cm long with fe* bncrs. lnvolucr<br />

phyllaies 2jeri6ie, ouler 2-3 x 0.5 mh, lanc.olatc,ovalei irnercnes 8, 8-9 x 1.5 2 nn,<br />

lin@ 10 oblone, .u€i. hy.line, &rlcr h th! c.nirc. Floets btuish purlte to pure puryte.

lGl2 p.r capitulun. CtFela imturci ptpps bieiate 5-7 m long. drny *hile to<br />

Sp.cln€n Enmined: Shimhal vaU€y, lower Phuizin on vav io lake on tjry sandv<br />

pl6c.s, sroll peMnial nerb, up to 5 ch ttll, lloiels blue, rde, 3 6llJ n, 24 1 09, Sherwali<br />

Di ribulion: Palisbn md India.<br />

Ecology: Gows in dry wdy plaes at high clcvation bNen 3500-4500 m<br />

Flow(ing Pcriodi luly-Angls.<br />

NOIE| The planl w6 brons}t lo thc notice of the aulho. *ho the lhcsis ws complete.<br />

Th.rcior. rhe snrdy of its cypsela ud pollcn grains has nor b€en t ke. inlo considcration.<br />

Fuft.r, cyp$ls @ i8@t@. Th€ rlrononrc part &d disribut'on panm hd.<br />

howeler. ben includal in 6e prehl worL<br />

& Praantha<br />

L., Sp Pl,cd 2.797 l753iGen. Pl. ed.5.349. I745r DC, Prodr ?:194. 1838; B.nlb., in<br />

Bflth.&H@k.f,cer.U.2: 527. lE73; Hek.t,Ft.Bnttnd.t:411. lEEliO.Hofim..<br />

in Pfl'jrafm.4 (5): l?5.1894;CoU.r, Fl. Sjm.286. l92l; Kirp_ in Bobr & T@cL, Fl.<br />

USSR. 29: 262.lqt4; ,.Fey in bvia Fl,I!!t. 5: 763. 19?5; Selt in Tuii..r o/,, Fl. Eu.<br />

4:lll.l9?6iR@h.t,FI-I@,Conp.2,l22rl80.t9??iMeikel,Ft.C}?G,2:t0ll,l87ji<br />

BEh.r, Astcraceae. Cldd. Clas lEj. 1994i Mdmgin & Rao in Haj6 ?r a/,, Ft tnd. Itl<br />

312 1995r Lack in Kadeei & J.frey, Fam, ccn. V6c. pl.8:189.200?.

Pemiat herb.sten e!{t 'ar€ly 6c.ndin8, tall, glabbus or hispid paniculaielv btuched<br />

above. Leaves pol}do$hous. simpl€ or compound, ov.lc sasl<br />

si.uare l@lhed, pionatilid or lobed, pubescenl o! glabrols Svnnorescence srmple<br />

raceme, paoicled lo co.lmbose, Capnulo nodding, elongate, ies ilorered or mostlv I 5<br />

norrs pei capitulud, penducle slender olicn c.lyculate Florets violet blue, pink' puale,<br />

whileordely yellow.lhvolucre phyll ics6'8,bi*iate,uplo12mmlong R€c€placle<br />

naled. CFs€la leret-ellipsod. bown-black, t.? mm lon8, Elabrcus or scabrid_hispd.<br />

tuncate or rounded at lhc aPcx,hardly co.(rictcd abovc or beaklessi pappus<br />

bisnate,ould lomina a oona; i.ncr on6 brcwn ot cFamish, decidous<br />

A smll genu Nith l0 sFci6 (B@.r, 1994i Mabberley, l9?, 2008). Howler, rjck<br />

(2007), &ogrizd only E sp€.i6, distribded in Asja. Africa and North America, al$ in<br />

c6rBl od $urhm Eurcp.- In Palisiar n is r.p6dred by 4 rd..<br />

fh. E B Prcnanthes L.. @.$ablish.d by Linnaeus (l?tl).The gmenc name is<br />

ddiv€d fion th€ Cr€ek *ord p/e,a- oftcn inclincd foNard and art rs-nowq.<br />

Indicating the weal infloe€nc. inclined loNard (Kioicaikov, 1964). Th€ gtrN<br />

Pta.nth6 L., is chmLriz.d wnh Gpet to the other da of the L&i!c.ac by<br />

nodding capitulu4 3-5 norcti p€r crpitulun, ineohcre calyculate phylld€s G8.<br />

bisenat€. up lo 12 nn longr cyps€la 5-7 nm lon8, truncare or @unded at the ap€x and<br />

Mrcw towtr& the bse, beakl€$ and fragil. nappus.<br />

I + Leav€s €.tire-e@te, unlobed, &13 x l-1.5<br />

cm, pchole up to 6 cn long, winged, wiiS up ro 4<br />

nn boad; synnoEscencc sinplc @cd.i cypseta<br />


- Leavesddticdal€ lo semlat or sinut too$ed,<br />

lG24 cn lo!g, petiole up lo 18 cm lon8, ur_<br />

winsed, up to 2 m broad; synfloEscencc panr.le<br />

or suFacdo*; ctFsta 5 m long, brownish<br />

+ t€v6 vdiablc, sinplc or pintut ly lob.d;<br />

slnnoNenc€ pdiculde.<br />

- Leales .or vaiable, pllmatcly tri-lobcd or<br />

i mphpi nn are I syn florese nce subracc mose.<br />

1- Preruthet srebartii Rooni Bzao & Qa$r, sp. nov. (Flg, r.2?)<br />

Eolotyp.: Kashhn: Ranpu. Jhclum<br />

Sr4arr 12147(RAWI)<br />

Valley R@d, Kahmir. c.1200 n, 11.7.1911, ,ln.<br />

Dirsl6& Sp6is distinctisim, a spcci.bus nobis nolis (omibus folias prctund.<br />

lobatis, cypstis btun@oribE, ciEir.. 5 nn longis noubilibu) fohs ind'visis.<br />

cyPclis rrdinis, ? nn longis difl.<br />

Plant peftnnFl. Stem papillose at thc bas., glabrous upwa.d.Lqves simple. unlob.d,<br />

p.hole winged, 4-6 cn lons, lanina 4-7.t x 3-3.5 cn, olare lanceolate. entiE'sftrc,<br />

acute-apiculale, cordale- hs$te Synflorcscence a sinple 6cene. Capitula d@Frng<br />

sch wilnI florels, prduculat . Involcur€ phyllaries bisenate, glabrcus, outer ones 5,6.<br />

r.5 x 1.5 2 nn. ovate-ldceolare, innc6 3, ll-15 x 2 3 nfr, I'ner lo obtong, obro$<br />

cr?sla ? x 1.5 2 m, oblons bhck, hitid, usLd or prismaric, drer on€s wirh 3 rib6,<br />

innc6 wih 5 nmw dbs, otnd.d or ducarc apicallr n@w rowdds $e ba*,<br />

be.lJs; papps bisiare, oura vdy shon, im.r G7 nn tong, whnc, Fagil€.

B-8: I(ahmir: Ranput, Jhelun Vrllev Road. Kdhni, c 1200d'<br />

12147 (RAw).<br />

Di$ributiot - (novn only fton the tlAe lftrlir-Y<br />

Amnl|6: Tbe ne{ sp.cies viz., Prend\thes ste'oiii Roohi Blno & Qaiser' sMre the<br />

lollowi.E combinalion of chamt€E *hich shows the cloe dmnni€s wilh th' o$er 2<br />

sp(i.s fron Pakistan viz,. P/,,anthes ait.hisoriono (Rearr.) Roohi Bano & Qaiss and<br />

Pr.narltas bru,oniana wallex DC, such d I oor.ts p.r capitulum, Involuc'e<br />

qlycllaE, phyll&i6 bisnale, G8 and cvpslt dtrqt€ or rounded at th"p'r. mm*<br />

towards lie bde and bealless. Howlver, ihc Pesent la\on difld ton both thc sp.c'es r<br />

having l€aves 8'13-x l-1.5 cn, unlobcd leaves, peliole almost eqlzling thc l€al bhde.<br />

wine.d, wing up to 4 mm broad, natgin dtiE{emte. synfloe$qce sinplc dcme<br />

dd cypseh 7 mn lon8, black. $rhe@ in the olho speci.s lcavcs 10-24 x l'6 cm, lobed<br />

or un-lobed, petiole longe. than the leaf blade, un_*in8.d, up to 2 mm broad.<br />

synfloas@cepuicul.te - nceo6e, and ct?sla 5 nm lonB, brewn<br />

EtymoloA/: The mfre h giveo after Dr I.8 tetart (N. Am.ricd.1890-1993) who ha<br />

b.en hcr. in lhe cordon Collego, Raealpindi for more $an 50 yes. He coll.ctcd note<br />

dan 50,000 sp€.'mcns fren Patishn and lndia. His hain conErhrio. is Annord€d<br />

Catalo8rrc of Veular Phnls of K6hnir dd w. Pakistan publish.d ib 1972. It<br />

comptscs 5783 taxa inchding 4e.idopbyes and gymospms, This vork prcvided tie<br />

b6ir for lhe publi€rion ol Flod oflatistan-<br />


l<br />

l<br />

,I<br />

6t<br />

l<br />

lri ^T<br />

Ftg.r21 P@nthaait hbotnN (8ov) Rol Buo & Qais A, halii; Br la4<br />

Br [min8 6lubi q l -2), involwa pbyllan6 (outs to tr]E): D. cypc.la.<br />

Pw",t6 skw,tii R@hi B@ & Qtur E, bo!'! E , [oms bEncb;<br />

F(l -2), involuft phyll&i6 (outd to iBd); G clascta.

2. h.n.nth.! 4itcritori64 (B€auv.) Roohi Bano & Qais4, comb mv (Fls l 2t)<br />

Cice.bita aikhiso,ia,a B. nv. Bull S@. Bot Ccn 2 (2): l37 l9l0i R'ch l Fl ltu<br />

Comp 2. I22: 184.4 l2l l9?7<br />

Type: -,-{tcndon S97-1, (C)<br />

Perennial l,lant.Sten 2060 C75) cm tau, elect, glabrous.Radicll leavcs conPound.<br />

p€iolate, lanin. 4,5-6 x 34 cii pedolc un_ting.d 6_10 cn long' Paln clv lob€d or3-<br />

loH or iopanpinnate, sFely hairr, sedlare sin@t denbtc 4utea€midtq<br />

hdtate-cord.re at the ber oulirc l4v6 sdll, subsile, scmclv egndted<br />

Synno!€scflce sub{acemose. Capilula glabous, drcopine. 1.5 x 05 nd, l_,lolets per<br />

caprtulum. pcduncle thin.InvolucE pbyllari.s bisenat€,l;8, oarow cylrndrclouior ones<br />

2,4 x l-1.4 mn, ovat€-ldceolate, subeut ; inner ncl 9 I I x I mm, li.ear-oblong or<br />

sub sparhular., obtu$ Flo{ers blu . purplish. C}rcel. bFwn. reundcd or lMcat at ihe<br />

aFx, ball6s; ouler pappus €xEenely shofii im.r 5-6 Im long. whne, t68'le<br />

splctm.ns f,xrmlned: F6: swal Disi : Kalan, deodd loi€sl, c.2100 d, 20.8.1952. R.n<br />

sEwlt & A, Rehnar 24610 (BM, RAW)i Bdwfrn village Bahar and Shangla, c 1200<br />

m, .@t dnul up to I n rall, disc blE, dy *hire, cmnoq bel lqv€s undivid€d<br />

upFr dist d. 6.10.1988. ,,i. GloI@. & L Ali 4042 (KUA); &€: Kashmn: abovc<br />

Culmrg, Kl hmit,1000 n, norcts p!rpl.,.nlheB blrck film.nl purPle, 8.9.1929, Xre.<br />

&eot 10381 a (RAw).<br />

Distribution: - Afghanisan & Patisi'n<br />

E@los/: . Crowsbct"ra 1000 2500 m.<br />

Flowcring P..iod: - Aug6l S@rchb€..<br />


2. Pm8th6 btun^ldno W^ll,ex DC., Predr, 7: 195. 1838; Hoot. l, l.c 4l l i Coll€i,<br />

1c.286 t E6; ManSain & Rao.l.c.313. f.8l: sell. Lc.3ll. (Fi& 1.28)<br />

l)u oriial planr Srcr) 60 100 cn lall, erec!, clhrdriral, SlabroN or hisprdtrlour'<br />

puiculately branchcd above.Lqv€s polymoQhou. simple or compound.lons-peliol4le.<br />

cordatc-oval€! Iec€olard, ofter pinnatifid- dbnndy or lob€d or imguldly semt '<br />

dcnriculare or sinuat oorhed, acure-acuminate, cordat€-hdr.t or lrurcare lhe base,<br />

tincly pubesccnt beneath, glab.ous or subhispid, l0 24 x 2-5 cmr upp€r small, shonly<br />

pe(olate, ovare - lo..olaE. SyonoEsence t€minal Prnicalc. Crpitulun n.@w<br />

cylinlncd, l5-2 x 0.1 cr4 penduncuhtc. b€ctolate, l-noEts in €ach capnulum.<br />

Involucrc phylldies 6-8, bi$riat€, glabrous or purberlent, slftone bifurate, som.whal<br />

scarious. ohlq our.r on€s I 3 x I 1.5 mh, ovatelmceolate; inn€most 10-12 x 1.5-2<br />

nm, lin d{blong, thin- mcmb@a@N. LiSrrls blue or puplc. Cypela t x I mm,<br />

bom, t€Ete-oblon8, rgled or in 2-facics: ouler l-ribbed, inn€r Nith 5-? narow ribs,<br />

subhispid, tanctle or ounded apically, nadowed downwar&, belkless; pappus biseriat,<br />

inner 5-6 m long, brcMish- cl!m.<br />

A highly veiabl. spei* in 6e shale sd sir of the lev6.The following two rdicii.s<br />

+ taa6 compound or slighlly lob.d.<br />

- lf,av€s sinrlc. unlob.d.<br />


E<br />

:l<br />

mL<br />

Wi<br />

T-<br />

l<br />

B*1.2a Pmd,thzs bruwi.n \ilrllqDg.<br />

(ours to im€r); C, crDscb, Ci..rrrr.<br />

D, habiq E(l-2), involucr phylleic!<br />

l<br />

: A, habiq B0-2), irvoln@ phyllri.s<br />

,.,l arn (C.B. Clarke) Roohi BDol<br />

(our.r io imd); F' cr?sela(imh@).

i- PEna t.t ,tutuniara \N^ll-q r}c. uat. btL^otionc<br />

Lo.tuca htuhbieno lvrll.exDc.)<br />

C. B. Clarke, Conp. Ind 266 1876i R R Stcwd. Fl<br />

Raw. Disr, in Pak. J. Forcat. ?:217 1957r R.R Slewan in Nasir & Ali. Ann Cat vasc<br />

Pl w Pak. Kashm. 758. I s?2: Ci...bi, ,ru,d?,o (t all ex Dc ) Tuisl. er Rech l: Fl<br />

Iran Conp.2 122:184 197?<br />

Ti?c: Himlaya, ,/all,.n, l2r8 (K-Wl).<br />

specfhcns Dnnined: -F6: Swat Di : Ihann, s*at,2100 n,2 9 t962 R R StNo<br />

& Nasir Sid.liqui l54l (RAWli B-?: Abbolabad Dist: Chugla eali, Mure hilh,<br />

H@6.2400-27(0 n,2.101916, nl.j,orul 15882a (RAw); ibid: tl.za Disl:<br />

Tba.diahi, Itazan, Augusl, 1951, t lr'ari/ s.n. (KUH); ibidi an mual herb widi whrle<br />

floret-s,4.9.1970, t tarir 6193 (RAw)r Shogm. oi bants. floEts pale lavender,<br />

4.10.1971. Katu| /rrortr 6911 (RAw): ibid. ay noets shile. involucBl bEcls<br />

lar6d.t, 16.9.1984. ro(ld Nac^ovrz 254 (RAw); Abo!€ Podata, c 1800 m, l99 1986.<br />

v. N6ir, Rubina Akhtet & Hanil 12245 (MW)i Mua0aBbad Disr'i L€epa. 2700 n.<br />

10.9.1 9, Jan Mohannad s.n EAWI Srad, Leepa V.ltcy, erccl. lm $ll, floEls<br />

puQle,27.8.1986, M Qaher & Rituan v64 7801 (KUH)i Kahnii K.m.Rcshna,<br />

1500-l?00, 19.7.1939, X.i. & lD. St*an 176?4 (RAW)I Topi, P@nch. K6hmir,<br />

29.9.1952, A R6hid Khan s.\. (RAW); B{: Gilgn.: Bhaolar, 20.10.1955. Coll is"ot<br />

698 (KUH)| Pahlgan, Kashnir, 2.9.1920, R.R. & I.D. Sl.tuan 5902 (RAW); CulmrS,<br />

K6hmir, c.2700 m, Oct, 1935, Ln. &aa,1 l52ll (Mw)i ibid; X.t. t?r., & CD<br />

5aru" 15213 A (RAw) ibid; i6i4 R.R. 9M r52r3 A (RAW); ibidi Km,<br />

Kishanganga Valley, lt00-1800 h, l8?.19t9. RX. .tr€va, 11594 (MW)r C-?:

Rlwolpindi Disr.: Mu@ Hills. Pu.jab,12100 h, R.,{ S?er?/r ?688 (RAw): lpprrenllt<br />

Muliee. c 2100 nr, Ocl, 1928, ? R. .trddl 15271 (MW)i Mumc. 19 3 1919, P//t'<br />

Didirgl DrSll s.n (RAW)i Krbr-Bun, R.walpindi, c 1500 n, 19 l0 196? v t !r &<br />

z,1/r 7s78 (RAW)] ibidi K0rhnnpoint, Murce, inainutlhe llorlcpurPlish..2100<br />

m, 21 9 1970, M-l .Sddrq & t ,^/art 607l (MW), Dlnoi, Ra\llpind' along {r'rn<br />

6n kll,.,r40o m, 2691980, v xarir d .ryaztr t349 (RAWI; C'8r rrsbnirr Necldn<br />

vill.g., drt,2Gl0cnhll, floels di$s purple, nls wlite 22.9l9a1,'I Ali M Qaisel<br />

& M. Ajnal Khan 419 IKUH)| Marord, Ncclub vall€v, Aad Kashhn 14 9 1999, Utla'<br />

lt!$4r 78650 (KUH)i ibid; Near Dntol Aad Kashmir, c 1500 m, 18 91977' l/ '6!r<br />

& J. Bru^k n a554 (P-^w).<br />

Dbtribulion: Iao, Afghonisran, China, Pa*isLn, lndid, NePal, Bhutan<br />

Ecology: codoon in woods. on banls, along stean at lhe elev'ri'n of 1500 4400 m'<br />

Flowqing Period: Autunnab (A!g - O€t).<br />

ii Prd4 thd brmoniara'Nall.exD.. w rqiotia.loll1 IDC ) Aook.ll l: 41 l . 1 881<br />

PtututhB dlio oefoliottc..kodr-7:|95. 1838;C B Cl.tkeConP ltd 271.18?6<br />

Typ.: DMib.d lmm lndia, collml€d by ,{orle (G DC)<br />

Sp..lnd| Ennined: 8-6: Swal Disr.: Below K.lin, + 1800 m, 19.8.1952. ii<br />

s,.pd, 24530 (M\v); Kal.m, I 1.9. 1956, Srt,4 ,

l.lt, llorets pink, I r.8 r97r, J. /, bedi & M Qairer 8897 (KuH): HeE Dir : B"r'! Naran<br />

& Kaghm, eiec! 70 80 ch high, flotts whilish wirh bluishhrhers 69 1988 S O'?/4<br />

M. Qsiw 2124IKUH); H85n,.,f a D!,/t@ 19759 {RAW); Ml@|Iadbad Dis! : Lecpa<br />

Valtey. L€epa. crecr herb, florcts liebl blue, 26.81972, M Pdtuer &,4 GhaJoor 5029<br />

(KUH); rbrdi ibidi ibid; Balhwar Guli (Lepa vallev RoM), ered.60-71cm tall. I l$0<br />

n,76.A.1912, . M. Qaiser & ,1. Cturbor 5126 (KUH); 8/W Shade d 'lirst<br />

/v'or' cBr'<br />

75 0m tarl, florcE blue,39.1986. t/. Ooiser & Rizwn IoB,/ 8068 (KUH)i &8:<br />

K6bmn: abov. GrlrBrg, Kdhnn,3000 m, floren plrplc dih6 black lilmor purplc<br />

8 9.1929. X,l Step4, LO38lb (RAW)i Below Gulnsrg, Kdhftit 2 9 1929. R R Stewut<br />

12729 (RAw)i Kem nullah, Kdhmn. in foFsi llorcts pale l'vender' 1800 h'<br />

l4lt8.0? 1939, /?.,? & LD. gewrt 1764E (RAw); Tnsnag, K.shnt a 2?00 m.<br />

g.a.D41, R.R. & t.D &ewarl 23266 (KUH); C'7: Mwee Disi: Cnoh gali Mu@ hills.<br />

c. l$O n, 3. l0. l9l l, n.A SreMrt 12712 (RAw); M@. hills 2 n lall hdb fi orcls whnc<br />

29.s 1966, Sad! ga;r€r s.n (KUH)| RasalPindi Dst r B/w chara Pani & Slnnv bank'<br />

Mure Rdd, Rawalpindi. c.1700 m, erect p€rcmial he6, up to ln nll noE$ blu€.<br />

tt.to.l9a9.1. ChoI@/ & a /n 4185 (KUH)i B9: Landoul uPp.r Cha$er. 2100 m.<br />

29.11.1938, ,R.X. Sr€,a/l 17187 (RAW).<br />

Distribulion: Pa!.istd and India.<br />

Eco locy: common on hil ly aGas at A€ elevatio. oi I 700-3000 m.<br />

Flow€ring?criod: Antunnals (Aug Nov).



Secd dnd fruit morlholoSv plav a crucial ole in $e plant sv$enatcs ano s<br />

h.lpful in rhe deliniralion ofcloselv relared iaxa (Duke, 1969: Cooer' 1916: Ahnrcd &<br />

Qakd 1989: Abid & Qaisq,2002 2007,2Oo8 & 2009) The imponanceotseedand liuit<br />

d$rphology is not oDly used !s taxononic ool brl is also us'tu1 in agti0ultute wced<br />

sieoce af,d ethiopology Il qn ds be u*tuI in the ide ific'rion ol Eces of difercnt<br />

planis of econonic importance (Madu€no & Mediis' l94l; Bc'ggercn 1962l DavF &<br />

Hcywood, 196l). Thc arliesl work pdtaining to sd'l smdv dalcs brck ro the l8I' and<br />

lgLr cfltury by J Caennr (176&1805) lnd latr his $n c Ga€nner (1805 1807)<br />

supplene ed nis work. However, botb of them dd nor use rh€ sed or fruit chmcle6<br />

in lhe taxonony. Boisier(1867) wN th€ lirsl bot nisl lo ue the $ed moqhological data<br />

as tdonomic evid€nce This w6 follow.d bv Hau (133s) who aho used lhe s'ed<br />

chaacted aor denrlicarion ofdiffcrc.l Bxa<br />

In lhe lasl 50 yea6 hosl of the workos (chuh l93q Iskv l94?i Caenner'<br />

lgto; Comc., 1954, l97q New, 1959; Duke, 1961. 1965, 1969; Ah 1968: Dnh'h'<br />

1968; Gunn,1969, 1970,lg84rHarFrelo/, 1970;Kvnclova l9Tq Chu.8 & Hecktr4<br />

l9?2, l98l: Wojciechowsta, l9?2i Skvonev & R@oYich 1974: Gunn & Gaftnev.<br />

l9?4r Seav.ry et ul., l9?7; Hyn s, l9?9;Pedey e, al., 1983i Banhlotl l984iHaqlc &<br />

codward, 1984i Nsr, 1985. 1986i Lov.ll er a/. l9E6i shctlcr & Monn. 1986: w.bb.<br />

1986; Tetrcl ., al., 1966: Qai$r, 198?i B@svinkel, 19881 Glootjen & Bounan.l988:<br />

Chs & Pipp€n,1988; Almed ed Qaiser, 1989; Smlll ?rdl, 1990; Malcu & Ou.hcs.<br />


lggltonq&Qaiser, 1995;Abid & Qais.r,2002,2007 4b&c 2003. b.&c, 2009i<br />

Abid & Zeho 2007 ulilized seed noahological dd! in Plat svstenat'cs<br />

ln $. aanily Conp6nle crFcl. norphologv Ms ti6t used as t oxononic<br />

chaBder lor r4ogtrizing golp and gehet! in th€ lnbe An$emidae bv Cassnri (l82ll<br />

(,psela anllotoy {as ftst enrployed in I nudy ol a',r},,rle,,L'n (5l ) b} schulrz<br />

Biponri.G (18,14). lsley (1947) invstiglcd rhe trib. InuLae on rbe b6is of dEgnct'c<br />

chlracrer insludi.s c)lsla size, sbaP€, surfaoe omanentalion and paPpus Ali (1968)<br />

h$ dn u$cd in ddil d'e nunber tnd sa *ei8ht of cvPela Fr ctpsle ol.tsne'd<br />

ld,rls cofrplex non Aurtalit.<br />

Dntnch 0968) .rmincd cnselr no.phologv of r93 sp*ies o' rhe sub tnbc<br />

Carduea.-Ce.taueime Kynclov. (19?O) studi.d 15 speics ol diileient genera v'z<br />

Anlhenb L 15 sr4..li Ma.ri@tia L (2 spp): T.ipleutusryrnun sch Bip' {l sp);<br />

Chrysdnthqtd L. (6 sp,.) and l\rd.d@ L 0 sp ) b€lonsing lo the tribc hthm'dete<br />

tlc conchded that g.neFl moohology, number, posnion ol ribs and 3it of c)pslas<br />

corld b€ sed 6 dia!rcstic ch.t.ch for lhe delimilation of tda Pandcv ?t 'l (1981)<br />

stDdied thc ctls.la of dalrcrrlt! n b.dctutu^ tnd vicoa i,tli.a. He diffqm,atcd the&<br />

lls on th. b6is of dc cyp*1. si4 ed hai6 pttgr o. ih. surf&e BrcD.r { 1994) us'd<br />

dirde .haru1e6 viz., nunbs or tibs, carboni*d cwsela walls l*in btns test!<br />

.pidmG b distingish $€ rib6. w.bb ( 1986) srudied vantiio. in ct?scl. noDhologv<br />

(i... haime$ ind ving chdct.i, .nd i|s implicttion for bxonony. He.mph.sizcd that<br />

rhc distinctioh bdM lhe two subs€nd viz, J,lu? .od C/ttasqla and beMeh .n€<br />

sp€i6 siin i. sch 3ub aau was bs.d l&gely or solely on oypela chserd Ahm€d<br />

& Qais<br />

( 1989) invBligat d th. cr!6eta norpnobgy of I2 spccis belonging io difl.rot<br />


gmcra of the Lmily Cohposihe l6m (a6chi bv means ofSEM Thev observed vanour<br />

chdc|ed viz., cylsela colout shaF, su &e' size, w€ieht appmncc ot nbs shape dd<br />

Fosnion of c.PoPodiun dd ale fie nature a.d seri6 of p.ppus 5nd concluded fiat<br />

rhese chascrcG were not only uselul for genenc level but aho lor infraspoinc<br />

d.lnnrarion Atrdelbe.g (1939) recldlied rhc rrib€ lnrl'ae H' unlizcd llnous<br />

chrmcte^ olcypsela vi/, prsencc ofcryslals r fie epidemh sclerification ofctpseld<br />

wall, si4. comF*ion s.d lhe p@c. of Nin or ft)aosdic haiE in th' cladist'c<br />

el)6is. Bruhl & Q!in. (1990) studGd rne cnsela aMlomv in ihe Cotulse<br />

(A$smcae Anthemidc&) Andcrbelg (l99ll aho usen ct?sela chatutd rr |n'<br />

aElr5h oflh.lnb€ Cnsph.lia€ Abid & Qai$r<br />

ol22 speis of /n,la !. G.er) ond its allied a€ne6<br />

(2002) sudied |he ct?sela noQhologv<br />

riz', P2'r'neha Cass Dthotdea<br />

DC , Ditt.ichia Gftlr.t and lPhiord Cass ' lon Pakislan rnd K6hnn' Th€v ooncludcd<br />

that ct?sla ch.6ctqs *.e Bclul for urommic d.liniraron 8{e'ic "d spdinc bvel<br />

Zhu .r 41. (2006) inve$igated th. cr?seh vall anatomv and surfaoc sculpturing ol 14<br />

sFcid of $e Sens ld.r,.d L d{t i6 relaEd sencB bv ncr's or LM and SEM and b<br />

polide additional infomion for evoluting inld .od intn gsaic DladoNhip Th'v<br />

divid.d th€se spccies inlo rwo 8ro!p's viz, one wnh winged cr?s.I. rhioh *.5 presenl<br />

in 14.tue L., Ptto.rpseh Snit\ CEqbih wzrlt ' Chaaet8erLt Shih md sl@ote"r<br />

shih wr€ras ri6bed ctFseld wei. pcs.t in Nororezi Shih tn4 ParuPrennthet<br />

chans cx Shih. Abid & Zctn (2007) sodi.d rhe ct?$la ch.sclers of l0 dt bclonging<br />

b 5 difimr Scnm viz,, P.soLtid c:s' vddh.nia DC. rtetuM Toud .x Mill '<br />

Carperuk L. and Bluneo DC., by 6eans of LM $d SEM AII the t x! w@ tcvcd ind<br />

rh. borcnic ioplic.riotu wet !l$ djtuised. Abid & Qais<br />

128<br />

(200?a, b & c,2008,

2(]O8a & b, 2009) sldied lh€ ctfsla norpholosy ot v.nous b.a bclongine b $e<br />

followinC lribe s viz, Pluchee!., Gnaphlliee anll Anthenrideae (Aderucsel bv u!.9<br />

I-M 0.d SEM They conclud€d lhal mi.ro noQhologctl chlEclqs ot cr?sel.s were<br />

found sieniliclnt foi d.linibtion of nosr olde toxa both,l ln€ Senenc and lp.cinc<br />

In relarcn to qlela mo4hologt arbion had ale bce. p,id to fie abscission<br />

zone (Calpopodiun) ol qp*h, Prcbably, John (1921) and Vrgoc (1922) wcrc thc<br />

pione6, *ho gav. thc i od.laon tbolt lhe.arpoPodium in the flhilv Conpd'lle<br />

King &d Robimon (1966) used th€ shcfure ofcarPopodlrn (i e pesoce or absct<br />

aor $e deliniblior of ihe senus ttot e,n.ru conpl.x Robinson & Bmttell l9?] lnd<br />

Robi.son & Khg, 1977 have us.d the moo, hologv of crQoPodium' along *ilh olh€r<br />

chalacrm, in rhe ribe Lupabneae and S.necione& !s elid.nce for dehmtrrng g.ntE<br />

Hique ad Godwaid ( 1984) sttdi.d lhc c.aopodia of 2 suFramili6, l0 hb€s. l3 80@<br />

and 40 sp4i.s of lhe laBily composirae lhey conoluded th.r lhe oarpopqlia or lhc sub<br />

fanily bclucoidea€ {.c anmthq, '.mwe, cotnPoscd or rdd cells 8nd daiv.d fron<br />

side by side fusion of s.plFtely fomed secros $lGreas lhe sub tanilv Astmidcd. wt3<br />

ept*n.cd by ! @mplde nn8 {'ith ! nod subsbnial sEudurc, bolt ds !o cell nrfba<br />

and wall fiick€hin8s. Scotl & Sundederg (1985) invd galed v&ous<br />

nicMorphologicol cbar&16 viz., sltlc base, filmdl collor, ddotirsiun md<br />

capoFldium to raluatc rheir uliliry 6 gm€ric mark6 in ln. tribe Asle@e. El.Naee<br />

(199?) sludicd th€ c.rpopodilm of 40 speoies ol th. tribe Lactuc€e (Frmily_<br />

As@ca.). She i.v6ri9t€d rh. difledt ch.€cr6 viz., smcur. or doop.dium Md<br />

irs rclalio. to the chaidctes or plppus ahd beak ro dalDatc rhei. roxononio sieninoance.<br />


ThouS! lol of wbrk ha ben dorc on the cypela m.phology of diff€Ent tribe<br />

(including L&tuc@) of Asr@a. bur therc trc no EPotts on th. ge.v ta.a.@ L<br />

{r.str.) ed ns anicd gcnc6.st@illly liom dr Ggion. Thc cvp*b morpholoel/ or d*<br />

g.nus l/.llca L. G.str.) md ns dued 8cn@ h6 bdn invdtig ed it ord€r b find on in<br />

additionalniqomorylDlogiqlchmct B.<br />


M!!u€ cypFla of lO irxa belon Fi^gro Lactrca L G srt ). L4ducela NaNo@<br />

Sdiob F.\N. S.hnidr, MulA.diM Cs. Skptorl@Ph6 BnEq CePhdlonhvch6<br />

Sois., Ocerrr, Wallr md Prcr4,,n6 L. sed mosllv coll€cted ftom lhe hcrbanln'<br />

nutc.ial (Appendirl). llowder, in few cass cnsclas w.re tlso oll'cled tom the rEsh<br />

spcin€ns FolloNrng pmnElc6 wce studied undd Sr@nicoscop' (Niton )(N<br />

Mod€l), Lighr dlcroscope (Nikon Typ. lo2)and scanmns electrctr nncroscope (Joel<br />

ISM' 6.180 A, For sl:M cypselas ver€ drEcl b<br />

molnl€d on a tEbll'c nub wni E help<br />

ofdoublc adiEsive rlpc md coat€d *ith gold ao! ! pcriod of6 minut€s in 3fullenns<br />

chamber trid obserlcd in SEM Mosllv l0 planls I sPecies and l0 cvPscl's / pln w€E<br />

srudied Thc voucbcr sDe.mens .E siv.n ir anneruel<br />

shapc, colour. size, ndnrber of nbs, su'face and numb'r 'r<br />

cypsclls Fr clftrurun'<br />

Bcatcd bea\lcss, jizd. colou snap. and surhc'<br />

Serios, fomr. sizc.colotrr lnd nurocf<br />

shEr., posnion, dknrrcr oacarpoNdiunr a.d dEmelcror<br />

fos ci ol ctr.rt,|Ddtrrn \trr t\J'nnrcl uMe' srDn'ng


Cen.rrl ch8r.r.B of ra.rr.! L. (*t.J lnd l& rllied g€hert<br />

Cyr6ela oboqtc - obLncolat€,rlliptic-line.' broad clliPtic.fal, oblone- 5-18 nn<br />

long {inctudins b..k). 3 - 35(a0) cyps€las ps opitulm. Th€ bdic'colour is brown.<br />

hoevcr, vriatio. from ycllowid-aol.tcn bos d d,rt brewq reddish, endy{livc,<br />

blackish bDwn-black, strongly ribbed (l-9 or l2), ribs dtir. or waq.Su.iae papillalo,<br />

mui@rc dd sabrid. C}?s.ls @ mch @Wlrlcd - slighlly @nPced Diff.FnI<br />

lyp€s of haiB vi2., pil6e or d.sly rhick hat or ev€n glabrcus condition are also<br />

preFnrBaken (exctuding Preer,,ter L.). Ae.l is of difiec sh,p€s viz. epillarv.<br />

filifom, slend€r, sroui oicylindJical. PrpPus vand f.om l_2 _ $titIe. size lanses fon 3_<br />

I 2 nm long Paptus as of various colou6 such 4 whit€. $o{'v whne. dinv wbn.. bmot<br />

yellow or yellowhh dd ccan, elle 4!280 CarpoPodiun conpletelv o' incomplctelv<br />

dcvclDp.d. synnnedc or asymm.rtc- nrFoN ci(ular o. bod dr$ Nrlh or w[hour<br />

inleruprion. b6.! sub bael in posnion. l14_446 Po ir dianerer: fommen ot<br />

carpopodioD 5r.9-295 pn in diaft&r (Table 2)<br />

, (llprcl, Ll'18 nnn long ituluding bcah,<br />

fro inenrlr fibbed on cnher sd.: b.ak .apillnrl<br />

l)r,rll\ {irh I shft. pcMetrt tDttordrscr: lxrppui<br />


C)!*la 4 5-ll nn long including beaJi or beak<br />

like $.wt!E, I mny nbbed on G.ch sidei b.rk<br />

wirhort apt n lages; P.ppus l- l I mn long<br />

+ Cyp$|. o6lec@l.tNbovrr.i bcal filifom<br />

almct di$oloous (*hitc), sn@lhi plppu i5<br />

Im long, ledon yellow or shit€<br />

- Ct?6!1. elliptic or lind- obLt@late; b..k<br />

slmder or sDut, slnost concolomls (ftreIy p6l.<br />

rlicrllyl poppus 5- 12 m lmg, c'!d or ebne.<br />

+ Cr?lelas 4 p€r caPitulun, up to 14 mm long<br />

inchding beik pappus t8 nm lon8, whne, *t!.<br />

l2Gt90,<br />

' cypelrs l8 22 per crp uluh. ut to 7 mn long<br />

includitrg bel; pappus lGl2 M lo.g, crcm -<br />

+ cyFch! 3 per opitululll wilhou bdl.<br />

- Cr?sclas rcE $an 3 pa clpitulum, with b€ak 6<br />

+ cyDdcl. ?-15<br />


' Cyp6.la 7-12 @ iftludins bqk. not wing.d, 3-<br />

? c9) rih6 on ach si&i h6l l-5 3 m lons:<br />

paPPus diny whitc or sosy wh c.<br />

+ Cypsela rcddish blacL elliptic. 5 6 mm long;<br />

bc5k dode6 plppu !-5 m long; arpopodim<br />

wjilout itrtcnplion, 210272 !m in dimter,<br />

foFmcn I l7- | 78 lln in di.ml.r.<br />

- C}?ela brcwi blacl( obl&61.le cylindri€l<br />

or Gllip$id-lin@, 612 m lorg, bek slous<br />

pappus 5 12 mnr lonSi c.gopodium wi$out o.<br />

wih inmp- tioq 267- ,tl6 tn in di!tura.<br />

foram..lTl- 295 p0 in diaftler<br />

ft n repEsent€d by only onc s*cies \Q, La.tuc.la undulata (Ledeb ) N,arov'<br />

(T.ble 2. t i Fi8. 2- l5).Cypelas 12 - | 8 pq capitulm' oblatu@ble _ obovab Si& vari6<br />

fom t I - l8 x I mn. Thc 6lour vati6 ttllowhh-bloM. su.fac€ papililte. i prcminent rib<br />

in lhe middl.i b€ak 8.13 Im long, wniq sltmlh. capillary. 2 3 lim's long'r lhr th'<br />

body and basally rvi$ 2 while. p€trd.il apFnddgcs Pappus *lae<br />

yellow.60 - ll5. Pe$ntafl atrd'15 flrn ldnscaQododiuD conrtletelv dcveloped<br />

synmerricat cncuht or b@d disc, \tillour lnv i.iedplion. blel in position'<br />

$rloDodlu 2?8 26 !in'ndirnreter'lorrtu.d<br />

|]l<br />

124'125fn Dd'an10t!r

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2- S&rtald F.W. Sclnidl (T.ble 2.2i Fig. ? l & 2 2)<br />

Cypselas 4 per capitulun,4.5-14 x I dtu, ellipsoid-lrnear' ftftlv oblong -<br />

oblanc.ol.t. in shap. The colourladcs nom bown black Strrf.ce scabid hitpid. \ ?<br />

nb6 on oqh sidq b€t 2 8 m lons Gxcludins s. mtrora R@hi 8.noa q6's).<br />

@n@loNs - paL ar lb. aDq, sbnd, sl..dd - 6lifom.P,lp6 sebe un$nalc. m6rlv<br />

whir.. 120-190 and 6'8 nn log similtt ihtugh out rh. whole ldglh ( apopo

a<br />

6<br />

a<br />

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E3<br />

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Figue 2 I Scmning Elecron Micographs (S!M) ofctpsela: Scatiold.ie atissthsp<br />

drr,rzrs: A, cyp*fa i B , su.face j c, p.ppus. D, ca.popodiun. s&riolo o^truta: E_<br />

cwsela iF, surfac.i C, pappus iH. caryopodiDn. (scale br: A, C= I nm iB, D, F. H =<br />

50 Fm i G = 200 ; E, 500 rn).<br />


Figu€2.2. Scdning Electron Midosrphs(SEM) ofclTselr: S.oriota o,ie ntis subsp<br />

,,B/"fa A. cr?scla , B, srfte . C. prppc. D, ctpopdl'm. saa4o/, vr;a I<br />

crTela i F, s!rf.ca; C, parp6; H, c.rpopodiD Gcale bar: A, C, E, O = | mm ; D, F. H<br />


- tdd,., L. G.$r.) (Trbl. 2.3 | lig,2.t,2.4 & 2.51<br />

C)psela oblanceolale obovat . oblong, compressed, 7-ll r I 1.1 fr n. l+22<br />

per cap,luluo. The basic colour is b@wn, how.ver, variation fon golden hoq- dark<br />

bro*n-blackish is oko pEsent wilh duncdte - $rbrid slrlblei I many ribsi beak:l 9<br />

mn lons, mosdy whnc, concoloous - 8l.cnish, smoo$, fililloio €pillrry PappN<br />

uNsenate, r.5 nm lone whle-lemon ycllos, sctac 50-195, pe6n|a Carpopodiun<br />

complerely dr incoopletely dcv.lop.d, sFn.rric- asynn.ric, nrm* circula. bruad<br />

nng wilh or *ithout lny inkmption, bel - subbrel in pcnion, ll+261 lln in<br />

diamets, loFmcn 5i.9. 195 )rn in dirnelcr.<br />

K., to d. 3pei6 rnd rp..i6 gDUp of r..r!@ L. (s.str.)<br />

I + CIx€la rvnh 1,7 ribs on och 3id.; papprs lenon<br />

yellow o. whilq caQopodiln wido rnr.mprion<br />

' cy?seh wnh 7-9 ribs on *h sidc, plppus whilel<br />

carpopodiun wfi rn irrempdon,<br />

2 + CyTsela bmwii Cdpodiun U shapcd *nh ,.<br />

narowblenupxon. L se iolo<br />

' cypsch blaokish; ClQodium wirh .xrmsile<br />

,.rmplron. L solira<br />

3 + Cy?ser! 2.54 mm rong, wirh t-3 ribs on cirhd<br />

sid€i nuicate{honly plpilh|c, bc.t 5-9 mn tons,<br />

thickflei ar rh. b.s.j scr..45-ll0i c.rpopodiln<br />

ll+194,!Dandloancn(51.t) l2j sm jn diaf,erer.<br />


- CrTel. 4.5 nn long, *ilh 5-7 mdow nbs on<br />

cith.r sidcj 6cly pil6c, bdk 1.4 sn lof,g, tut<br />

thick ned at lh. brei *t!. ll0l95; c.r?opodilm<br />

221-263pmlndfoEm.n 148 195 fm<br />

in diohclcr.<br />

+ Ct?6ela .r-J mn lon& yellow-Boldcn brc*n, l-<br />

r'b6.d on eh iid., b€k 8.9 nm lon& plppus 4-5<br />

mm long, qDolodium 3ynn aic, IE5-194 pm in<br />

di.m.to, fonmn (51.9-) | l912t rn in dhmtcr.<br />

- Cvneclr 2.5. I 6fr long. drrt bown. wnh l<br />

pooincnt ribs on .ach si&i bdl 4.5 nn longl<br />

p.pts 3 6h long: c.lPorodih ll4-ll8 lrh in<br />

dimdq, fonn6 7l.8- | 0E tm<br />

t- ltt ra.drlr C'e. (T.ble 2.t: FiB. 2.5)<br />

in diln t r.<br />

Ct?s.16 18-22 p.. c.pitulM, .llipric. dEly oblon& 5-7 hh long imludinS bat.<br />

Mdly blet{liv. or sdy boM,5[8nrly conpBe.d, glsbou* with 6-6 clula db6,<br />

gDdully r.Fcd inio stour. prl. - @Mloou bal.P.pp$ uisi.lc. lcl2 m lon&<br />

clmy-of-*hirc rr& 15G235, ddidous. C.rpoFdim cooptcLty dd.top.d,<br />

aynhcric, nrmw ring shh.n i .Euplion, basl.ubb|el in posidon, l?2-294 llm in<br />

di.n 16, foEmd 126.298 !h in di.naa.<br />

Mulgediw @anan &,) DC. .nd M. .tarLr (Ho.k. t) R@hi BrDo coutd nor bc<br />

*8F8.t d fbh kh oth4 on rh. bsb of cyFct. mohDlogy du. to siDitsr ch.tutd.

g<br />

I<br />

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z $i<br />

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d<br />

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Figr 2.3. Scding Eleoon Mictog6ph6 (SEM) of ctFela: Zoctuca disscto: A'<br />

cyFelr B, surface r C, papps , D, .sPW4is- L.ctuea glt'dolt": E cvtEela : F'<br />

$rf&q c,pappN: H, carlFpodim ($al. bai A E, = I m: B. D H = 20 llm: F -10<br />


iN)x<br />


dali'ha?hrlla A'<br />

Figure 24 Sca..ing El.ciron Micrcsrrphs iSEM ) of cwsela:<br />

'dctu'u<br />

cypelr I B. surf.@ : C, pat9N. D q4opodium<br />

'd'to'a se'l''l': E clTFla : F<br />

slrface; G, Pappus; H. carpo'odi@ (s€lc bcr: A C E = I mniB D H=50un:F=

Figure2 5. Scahnin8 Eleclroh MicrcSraphs (SEM)ofctpsela: la./z" sdrivu A, cvpsela<br />

i B. su tc. i C, pappu, D, crQopodi,tn Mtlgediul btaicun: E cvT6€la : t snrtace:<br />

G,prppusr H,ciQopodrum(sc.l. bar: B=2t Fm i D, i. H = i0 Fn: A L.l:-too|rlr<br />


:!<br />

d-i<br />

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5- $ardrqtarr Bu!g. o.bL 2.5; Fig. 26)<br />

Cypehs 2138 po dPitulun, .llipth.brc.d elliptic or oval T'15 x 2_] mn. biosn<br />

ei!g.4 ur.h cootcs.d siu 3 u*qul db. (l pMient in lhc ni.rdle.nd 2 h.nl ltm ot<br />

lels hdistnlt), .cNdy Flt€.tnq b€t lJo m k[g co@loNu ' P.1.. $@dr sLndt'<br />

filiforn; paFo! bit rido, tidc!.d low.rds th. tp.x, out r p.pPls verv sill' l@n v.uo*.<br />

ilF llo m ld$ vniE{,Iy, taE r5G22O C.r!.'Dodid diriod bur ilgqLalv d d<br />

rid.d &wlopMr, uymdri. *i|! qrauirc irtqrPtid, ta.!l to slk l in po6ilid. 192'<br />

216 td i! dio.!.t, fo!!!@ l5Glt td in.li@t...<br />

K.y ro tt. !p.ch. ot,t .t o/rdqi6 E!tr8.<br />

I + qr..b ![w !0i!ti., ?-E @ l@g iftludiIg bdl$<br />

bat I on lon& sndkrtr.t tlr !ody. A @btfolb<br />

' - CrF.h t6d .lliBi or ov4 9-l5 m looS inltdi.S<br />

b..B hal 5-lo @ ld5 | N tid Log!. $d e<br />

body.<br />

t47<br />


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Figurc 2.6. ScMing El6$on Mic@g6phr (SEM) of cyps.l.: M,lgaitn .larkzi: t\.<br />

gpFrr iB. surttce: C, pappu, D ca@opo.jiun steptohanph6 nnbiktio: E.<br />

cyps.la; F, surfacci G, p3ppu j H, c.rpopodiuh (scale b&: f =10 rm i a, D, H = i0 rh<br />


Fig!rc 2.T. Scanhing Elecro. Micrognphs (SEM) ofcvpsela: SlsPbrha Phus pe ca:<br />

A, cyFcla i B, surface : C, pappls, D, catpopodium ( ?P,a/,nh)?thus 'hit'alensis: E<br />

cypsela iF,surire; G, paPpus r H. carpopodium Gcale bd: t - 20 rm i B. D. H = 50<br />

rrm; C. E= 500 Fn;<br />

A, C = I hn)<br />


G C.phalonhrtchut Bons. \Ttblc 2 6r Fi8. 2.7)<br />

Ctlel6 20-22 per c.pislum, limd..lliptic or cuncaL.Th. siz. varics llon 4 5_6 x<br />

I - L2 m. fcddish-bletish boqn or black. Duricale . hispid. 8_ l4 ibh.d on clth.r s'd.:<br />

b.!t I 5-2 t nn loog whii..concolorols. sm@lh- slcnd.t. smtll€t than . body. pappo!<br />

bi*riaL. dtr 0.5-l nh long. inn.r l-.1 nm lon8. whilc.dint {hilc. sette rl0-l'10.<br />

wid.ncd b*eds lhe a!.x, p.6hLnr. CaQopodiun compLt.ly d.!clop.d, synnetjc,<br />

nmw circule nn8 si6@t iar.dprion, bael-suLbel in pcirio. 210-2?2 un in<br />

di@td, fomo | 17.176 Fm i! dirmEi<br />

K.t ro it. tpei6 of Cqp&r,n&rr.l6 Boi$.<br />

+ Cypela .lddish{dt b@n; b.!t ehn .<br />

- C,1sla bl&k bcat cd@lorec.<br />

7- Ci. ,!/r4 wall., (Ta!k.2.7; Fig. 2.8-2. I l)<br />

Cy!c.l.s 5-12 Fr capitulh, 6-12 x l-2 mn, drcr .llipric - linear or oblons.<br />

oblt!@latc - cylindricsl, teBi3rt bbwn, grcyish bbck or bl.ct. ribs r@*.<br />

iFsula, 3.7(.9) on @h si&, dnE or w.ra, *!brid- hispiduloG or d.sly rhick haiR<br />

N .l$ pc@r, b.5l 1.5-l m lon& ..@lNus, ccm o. whit msrtt towads rh.<br />

.pcx; p.pp6 b'eri.k, sdac ol ouLr prppN sn.ll, !p ro I nn. r@sp@m. serae of<br />

mn.r paPp6 Glz m lon& diny {hir. or whire or sno*a whir.. sels EG25o,<br />

Carpopodi@ synmlric or 3ynn.tric, nmw ddl& nn8 *irh or withour<br />

in!.d!lion, lob.d or unlobcdi b.st ot $b bMt in position, 267-4,46 sn in dimc!.r,<br />

fom.n l7l-295 |rm i.dismd.r.<br />


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FiguE 23 Scmning Elcction Micbgmphs (SEMI of cypsla: aephal.nt-tth,!<br />

picti.Iilbmit: A. cyp*b I A. s.fae i C, prppus, D, caeo!.dium. Cice4to qaie,i: E,<br />

cyDFla ; F, surr.i G, pdptus ; H, ..rFopodiun (slc bar F - 20 rm ; B. D, H = t0<br />

pn j C = 200 sn ; A : 500 llr i E,c= I mm).

Key to th. .pei6 md 3psles gmup ol C,tedto wallr<br />

| + CaQopodirn lob.n or wilh incdprion.<br />

- Carpopodiun unlob.d or wlhour rnlcmp|lon 2<br />

+ CyFch creyish-bhct. 5'8 x 2 mn. bsl up b 2<br />

mm long:pappus 8.12 mm lotrg, snowyshne<br />

CtFcla biown - dart bo*., Gl2 mm rong<br />

including b.ak, beal up to I nm longj pappE 6-9<br />

m long, dull wbiLorwhite.<br />

+ Cypscla 6 8 x 2 mn, obrrnc@lare-cylindric.l, ribs<br />

rnll nmrgrn becohe wavy. dmsly rhicl hdny.<br />

calpopodim 353-446 !n in diMc0er dd foffen<br />

- Cr'I,seb 5.5 x l-1.5 m. .llipri., nbs dd nargin<br />

eniic. caaopodiuh 288 pm in dimer€r, loame.<br />

+ Cyp*16 5 ps caitulun, 12 m long ircludins<br />

b.al; h..k €oncolo@q pappu 8.9 hn lon8, ser.e<br />

70-120i dimeler ofc.Obpodium 267-398 !n a.d<br />

- lyps€las c.rl] per capiruluh, 6-3 mn tods<br />

iMludi4 berri b.* disloFst papps 5 ? m<br />

l@9, s.r* 9{l 2t0; cdpopodium 303,39t }ln in<br />

dd.l.r, fordcn 210-245Ift in dismeler.<br />


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Figua 2.9. Scdning E|een MicDgEphs (SEM) olcypelal O?qrnu drt: A. cypFl. :<br />

B. sudae ; C, pappus, D, carpopodirn. Cierbita Citgi@Bit: E. crisela i F. surlei G-<br />

p6pps i H. srFpodim (scalc b&: D - 50 rm i B. F, H = 100 Fn i C = 500 rm : A, E<br />


s.sning Elcmn MicrSnphi ( sEMl ot cvgela: ci'eftita ddttdhEa: ^'<br />

sunlc! . C. pap!!s. D. $!!oPd $n < nrrhna l's'nuM \2t t'seatua:<br />

F, surl.6: O, papp!. I H. c{poroilim ($dl' barr B D F H= 50 rn : ( =<br />

E,G = | hn)-<br />


FiguE 2.ll Scening Electron MicNgaphs (SEM) of cvpsela: Ci'erhito telsetttano<br />

\arbr,,,: A..yp!cl,. B, surr'atc: C. palpus- D. ldrDopldium '<br />

&r!ara: E. cypFl.: F.s! acei C.pappli:H catFopodiun (scale b*r F= 5 }lm i8=<br />

50 iD,H= l00fm iC - 500 !ni A.E.C= I nm)<br />


' icc /ap'rcqLt es:<br />

'bttu<br />

A. cfP$h: B- $rlicc C pappN O clrpopodiu'r' C(?r6tu &tiPi(n\ \nt t'

&ft rdrt6L.(Table.2.EiFig.2.14&2.l5)<br />

C'Isls I Fr caliolm, Mtly oblonS, .ylindric.l, 5'? nh long b0en-<br />

blek Surhce fiftly sbnd, dtw to*.tds $G bese tuNac or ounded.Dicallv-<br />

ar8Ld or pnmaic or hai.g 2 feics, o!t.r with 3 ponindt rib$ im€r *ith 5'7 drcN<br />

nbs on ca€b side, beakls.Par'pus bis.riatc, outcr *t . stull innr 6 8 mm long. dirry<br />

whne, decidous, setae 80-140, CatPopodirm n@w cncub ring or U shaped with 2-<br />

sided inlemption. carpopodium 111.546 Fd in diameter, fo@en 204-331 tm tn<br />

K.y to the spelB of Arrarrl6 l.<br />

+ CyFcla brov4 5m long.<br />

- CyAseb bl&1. 7m lon8.<br />


lislrdj3. SoiaAlddlfi.rl|qb@O.trq!.& 6rrl&&.&ad tr..<br />

rd{i&: AqF.b: B, tuts i g FrF4D, {p.oo&G"t!r.rd.r&m&t<br />

Lr rrsddr: Br 9!.&; F, rdat q,9p;E oDogod-r (rc.bbrD, &E<br />

- to ;a- l00te ; q q O- too rd i A- I !o<br />


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Fig{c 2.r4. Scding ehcftn MicreSnpht (SEM) ot c}T6cla: Pz,onhd btun@itu<br />

rt allianaefolio: A, cyFsela ; B, !!{ac. i C. patpus, D, c!$opodiun P/e,oder<br />

oncltBodrd: E. cr?ela i F, $rfaei G, pappls I H. clrporodiun {$le bat B, D = t0<br />

rn iF.lI= I0opm; A =500rn :C,E,C- | nm)

Fige 2. I J. Sceing EldEon Micbgophr (SEM) ol ct?seh: PExotthd seua,ni: a<br />

cypsclr: a. $rtae : c. papps. D caQopodium lzcealld !d,/aid: D cvrel. : F-<br />

sudeci O, p.!ps; H, erpopodim ($tlcb&:B,D,H=50!niF= 100lrn i C=<br />

500 llln i A, E, O = I mm).<br />


DrscussroN<br />

Debil.d Esuh of individul bxa is givq in T.ble 2.<br />

ln rhe prqenr invstigariotu eari ous chaFcte6 su oh as size, body shape, nunber,<br />

cold'r sura&e. nunberofnbs. rlDe ofhpcrins(rh!@ or gradull). shaP€ and.olouror<br />

bc.k,lmgth, colourand seridofpappu3, sizeand shapeofcalpopodium ca! be u!lized<br />

lor $e clNilicllion of.ll Iraa beloigi.8 lo g€nu l,.a.a L. (s.sE.) and its alli€d<br />

'n€<br />

ga@. AU the erlmin€d taxa n.ve nor. oi l.s conp€sd c)?s.k wnh conspicDou<br />

longitudid nbs. on th€ bai5 ofcypela moqholoSy fi. g€nu Z,.lre L. G.slr.) cnd its<br />

alli.d gse! ft. clsdy scgcAaled fr.m emh olhq as dieussed in lhe gm.nc t.y of<br />

rud!.a L. (s.1.). Howevs, tso brcad groups arc acogiized on rhe bash of thc seies of<br />

Uob.rirle tyD.r I 6mi$ of lhe foUowins sqeE<br />

viz., 2,.r,@ L.(s.sL.),<br />

la.tu.elo N^zarc\a Scoriot. F.W. Schmid! and ,[r/sed,rz CB. Ldk (2007) and<br />

Mabbqley (2008) hs Educ.d ln. tottowina gend \i2., Lz.tuutla Nureva, S.o,,o/,<br />

F.w Schnidt, rd irirsad,m CN., undd lhc sFonyny of &c,!.d L. {i,l), The<br />

prcsenr stody rcvals $at lll rhe sen.E having uni$nat€ pappus tlTe cln b. e,srly<br />

d.linire.t on th. balir of cyp&ta ch.Ech snch s rh. gau t etuetta N@4 a<br />

monott?ic senls is 6 y dilrinsuish.d fbh rle @t of de g6.E by having cr?*la<br />

wih papilhto suae and crgilhry t .l *hich is $!!Iy rhE rim6 lon8.r rhd $e<br />


ody and No whne, podal !ppdd.g6 al the be.whe@ $€ ctlelss of lbe<br />

idainine raxa do not have lhis trle of sudace ahd bsk. Sinilarltt oiher genera can aho<br />

b€ segeg,red on lhe b.sis of cr?sela nophology ln ta.i!.a L G sE ), fi ere are | 8 20<br />

cllsehr per clpiulufri rhich arc bro\n, nruricat€ or pilos.. shaal) hpercd i o<br />

dncoloroN (mo$ly *hire), *ith distinct rexture and filifom-slendd bak h.vine l-5 nn<br />

long trppE. However, in S.,.iol, F.w Schnidt, cr?*l$ ar€ 4 pd capilulum, brc*n or<br />

brack, havi.g concolotuus ed slender bak or beakless (as in S.driolu emtata R@hi<br />

Bano (Fig.2.r), beak hivins sm. r€xlur.6 thc body, plppu 6,a n6 |.ie. Mute.diun<br />

Cass.. is al$ uniquein hoving 18,22 clTelfFrcrpitDlun. blactorolive-$ndy boM,<br />

tlpered gradu.lly into a sioul and concolorous or pal. bak with 10-12 nm tong.<br />

d.cidous pappls whass in llr. re$ 6f rhe sq.6 yiz., La.lkello Nazarcra, Ladrco L.<br />

G.sd.) and S.d.rbL F.w Schmidt $e pappus is p6ishnl.<br />

Bis..i.r. ryp.i lr consltr of follo\|inA Eerc6 viz., Cepttutdrhychs Bois.,<br />

Ci@tuta W^!n. Peaonthd L. ann 9.p1orhohph6 BDnAe. Anongsl rh.m. the gcnus<br />

Steptorionph8 Bneq ffi1i6 disrincr bt hrving winged cy?setr.wnereas i. rbc icsl of<br />

oe genm cr?6cr6 aE nor {ineat. Frc cwseta of pma,hes L., ale ditT€6 non rhe<br />

ouer gend s'lhour beL vhich is hmlre-ounded .t rhe ape\r 3-5 ribbed anst.d or<br />

pnsnuric. This senus also difli[ by hiving I ctpsetas per capilulum N .ompar€d ro<br />

o|nd 8oa.Vh.@ othq g4h navc n@ lhan I cr?scl6 pcr capirutum. Howds,<br />

$e ctpsetn or C.phalorhri.hu Boi!!., js sha,ply 6pcr€d in&r slendeFfitifom lhd<br />

usully whit or blac* beat hlving 1.4 dn long papp6 wrrik in Ci.efrr, Wallr,, th€<br />

ct?s.|. is gradrally ilpqed into ! stoul bak wi$ 5_t2 m bng pappus. lhus ar !h.

senenc lq€l! the differehces in ctlsela prcide import!.t charsles fo! the dclimilaion<br />

Sinilally, 1he tltgl srudy of ct?sela moeholoSy is als $eful al thc spoilic<br />

lev.l.Th€ colour a.d 3ie of cr?s.la, sia.nd colour ol b..*, diane&r of carpopodiun<br />

and fonn€n of tle cdpopo,lium apFarcd b be ljragnosric characrer br thd dctroihrio.<br />

In rh. 8mN .t a',ota F.W. S.hoidr, speiB can b€ delinn.d o. rh. basis of fi.<br />

olour Md sizc of cr?s.la as ir S&nbld az'ar.lir @ons.) SojaL sub+. dr,e.rarr.nd<br />

.t ,riold ,/,€rr,16 (Bohs.) Sojlk subsp. fura,,nic4 podlech, cyTs€la is b@wn, 6,9 mm<br />

rons and rhe bak is smalltr rhan rhe b.dy.On rhe oft€r hand, r.ai ok isina (L.) F.w.<br />

Schmidq is unique by having 7-14 mm tong. black c,9seh, bak tonss fian rhe body<br />

while in S. drcr,rd,a R@hi Bano, cy?seta is dark brcwni 4.5-5 mn toos and wnhour<br />

rn thc genus ,4.&.a L, G.sr ), rvo speaiq viz., Loctuca ,etiola L. ^nd Lactuca<br />

rdrw L., hivc quie sinile chdcteG and e pt&.d inb on. goup. Borh rt* s?et6<br />

d. s.pm..d oD thc bsis of cypsel. @lo!r a.d sh.p€ ot carropodiuft In lh. fom.r<br />

sp.c,6 c'?s.la n bown and c.ryopodiub is asrmnernc, u shaped, wnh 2-n.mw<br />

inrftpno.'wn@s ii thc l.it o.e ctD*la is bl.ck'sh and q.popodi,m bM{t virh<br />

exrc6've 'nr.mpron. our findinSs arc in asremeni wjth rhat of (Haque & codwlrd,<br />

1984) wh6 obwed syrb.Lic ri.e with 2 ,!now inlcmrflnns n L snbta L. and<br />

oopicre nr& srrongly synndric wilh l- n@y inr€@ptions i. L,e,u.a sati,o L.<br />

Funh€morc, lh6e spei6 a!. c.sily disrihgnishlble fton rhe r.naining !h@ spdi.s<br />

vtz., Lactu.a dissda D.Dd, Lo.tm .tolicnop^rla Ktan. ,nd Lad@ gta,cifolia<br />


aois., by h4ing 7-9 ribbed cr?sla, which is linely pilo$ nosrly at the rpq, plppus<br />

white lnd clrpop.niuo wid .n i emption. Wncl6 in Ladu.o glau.ifalia Boi$.,<br />

oypsela is I l- 13 nn lona, I,ribbed on .ach side and synn.rric c.Aopo

In rhe genus Cicerbrd W.llr., lht 4 bxt snch at Ctvbh rtpunntoi.les (OC.)<br />

C B Clarke, Ciceftitu dectpient (C.8. Cllrte) Bsuv., Cr.c/bra r'e. q,e^ | t nulttlida<br />

(Clarke) Hmk. t and O.?rrta @cr,rniza (Royte) Be.uv, can .ality br ttctimndd due<br />

b lhcn distinct clFseh ratuEs. Thc rmjninS 4 rFei6 .re ptacor ino 2 ercup viz ,<br />

C tr !, ,rr ldrrd,lr, ( DC ) NlanrBain & Rao aD! rhe nc! rp$res ( rctbtu (r:q R.on1<br />

Bano (Croup I ) and (Gmop t!) have borh the new spccies viz , C,.errrr r./ii Rshi Beo<br />

dnd O. .r/,,, 8lg,p,r6 Rmhi B@. In rhe ruoup I r !pq6 routd rcr h. *pdrcd on<br />

&e bais ol crpsela Dorphotogy drc to lhe pescn€ of sinih ch!@re,{ t. $e (Cbup<br />

IIl.t?*lo ar. diasnNric i.e., in Ci..,btz a/,i Rooni B&no, clDs.ta aE srcy.nd 7_8 nd<br />

lon8.Whe|@ C,telrta Silslrerrrr R6hi Brq cyp*ta .r dark htock and 6-7 dm long.<br />

rn oie scnus Pfctu,rrer L. follor inq2 spccies viz . p.enunttft! bt trohtuno W s|.<br />

dDC aad Prendnthet aikhitonkd (B.auv.) Roohi BaN & eak.r, are ftrr,nlo (cDup<br />

l) In the (Gbup D crlets .rc 5 no ronB dd bruwn f cojour. \vhc@s in th€<br />

Pr^anthes tteturtii RoohiBano & eais*, tbe cr?sahs are 7 nn lons and black.<br />

ftus rhe rcsull obaincd arcm fie pres.nt $udy .nd to,esoing discussion or<br />

Z,.tu& L. Gdr.) and ns aui.d go@ itdiar. 0hr rhe mi.bnorpholosiot chdct u of<br />

rlps.L play a vibl ro. in g. de imrllion of moq ot fi.,sa born s hc selcrr ond<br />




The use ofpalrnolosical daia hos been r vahable tool fot bronomic dccsions.<br />

The i0dy of Nll.n nor only helps i! soleing various taxonofric probr.ms bur a]$<br />

equally impo@or h genetic {u'iies, foftnsic sciene in tacntg h$rory of\cAcraton. N<br />

srs, corl dd oil indNty. Ap.n fton this it is .lso used in th. field of agicultur.,<br />

achaslosy &d phnt s@Cnthy.<br />

Src.rz (1864) i3 ciedn.d as the linr ro enploy poll€n chaRcteB a! bxonomic<br />

diddcc in the Lmily Comp.6ilae. Simil.rly vcrious *orkets viz., SEbbim (1940),<br />

Bats (1951), Erdtmd (1952), Stix (1960), Smd (1961), Skvorla & LiMn i1965)<br />

,€fiiey(1966),SkvArlo&Tum.r(1966a&b,l%9),Askeola(1970,1911,197i,1916.<br />

1935, 1992), Po.s & Bouloc (1972), Keley & Joncs (1t77, I9?9),-ronb (t977). k.k<br />

& I euenberger (19791, Robii a./. (1979). Robim & Mldico.ena (1986). Cillicm<br />

(1991), Nakajima & Mont.irc (1995), (!ya..,l. (t996), hiwuni dal (1996), P*e.n<br />

(1997), Pi.d & Donne (2000) dd Da*ar er a/. (2002) rko publisfi€d potlcn<br />

no.pholosical studies of c.d.in repBe.Lliv.s ol Conposiii..<br />

a.sid6 rhes€, considcnble sork h.s lls b..n dore o. fie pollen morphologt of<br />

the dbc Lacrnc.lc. lr is thc mosr dntimriv. iribeofthe Ashcae havinS echioolophlrc<br />

pollcn, which h!v. beq clssifi€d s .Lisutnorar rt?e by rumber of workeE srch as<br />

Faqri & lvqson il9?5),M@r.&webb(1973).<br />

Fiehq (1E90) 6 lh. fi61*ho $died th. pollen morphologl, of $ne spei6<br />

b€longing t6 rh. rrib€ Laciuca. wodehouk ( 1935) suryeyed rh. basic cxomorphotogy<br />

oa poll.n in lic ribc Laduccrc wodchouse i1926-1945) nor onlyd*nb.d rhe psneh<br />


tollcn gniN tnd deised the leminoloSy bu ale discscd tfie etloutDn ry atul<br />

roncdonal sisn i fi cance of po llen gdins. Paus inser f_lankenburg ( 1951) divided rhe tnbe<br />

L.ctuced i o lwo nain sroups on lhe b6is of ftc pollcn @rpholo8v i e lhe Leontodon<br />

group and $e TogopoBon 8roup. Skbbiis (1951) aho usd $e palynologicaldata at th.<br />

rupn s€nenc l.vcl in rhc tibe Lactuceac. Chopa & Nat 11965) inrest'gatcd lhe pollen<br />

gEins oflndian l"rd,.!t webs Dinon (197r) eradi.ed rhe pollen 3r.ins orsome<br />

M.diteme.n sp.ci6 of th. lribe Lacfucse. Toob d, dl (1974) sudeysd pollcn<br />

morpholosy lnd d.bil€d stNctur€ oa 20 specics tepEsenring I I ascd oa the N<br />

Amcrica b€lon8ing to tle subhbe Stphdomeriinde (cichoneae.Conpositae) by using<br />

Lr8llt" Sming rnd T@na$ion Elcctren nrcro*opy d Epon d ahinar€ and<br />

tricolponte pollen in tne fibe except r)Aderrid D.Don, wherc €chinolophate poU€n<br />

*.8 round. Robins & BErcll {r9rl) rcponed rh. absence or presnce oa lophar<br />

poll.n grairo. skvada d 4/ (19?7) srudi.d rhe porlen moaboroSy ofrhe diff.renr rnb*<br />

'ncluding l-actu@e ol th. trnaly ConDcitae by usos SEM for a a* go.B of erch<br />

tribe A brief surey wd ale conductcd anong allied families of ihe Conposirae Et-<br />

Ch@ly (1980) ilv6dgatcd in d.hil tnc crremal dd inrcnal pollcn mrphology ofl5<br />

spsri3 .@@ntin8 7 8.n E oftne subdb. Hpo€h&rid'na. and S@lymina. by usine<br />

Lid , S.mi.g ed Tdsmi$ion EleFd dicoscopy. He de$nb€d lhat thc<br />

HypehEndinrc posscd rricolposrc, cchinolophrt po .n gairs. In addnion,<br />

echjnolacuatc dd snbahinolophaL polld gEins have als bao totndin Htpo.hod^.<br />

BlackmoE {1981) srudicd palFolo$, dd intergm.ric rclationship in subl.ib€<br />

Hyosendins (Conp6ik.- Lactucsc) consisri.g of 9 B.nem and 47 spai.s He foutul<br />

€chi@t ad cchinolopbatc poUe. ryp6 virh fou. dif.rcnr pad.ms of cxin.<br />


stErilietion. Blackhore, (191,4) caricd or dekiled sudey of dl rzxa belotSrng ro<br />

dif|cFnl leneh of$e tribe Lactuceae including l0 soccres belongrnC lo the genus<br />

Lactu.a L ls.l.). He lound pollen wer. ricolpoFte {l'zonocolpo€re}. subrdsvee-<br />

eoiFdvedc, dging betl,eh l0l7 gm in pole di.mctcr and 15-41Im in equ4orial<br />

di.meter and exine thickness between 10-12 pn. He recosnzed the following 7 poll.n<br />

ttT.s in the ribe Lactuere viz.. SroEonsa humili! tfic. aichDriun nqb6 ttl*,<br />

*nosetis t:tF, Lrctm vbtu 9p, Sanch6 oletuc$ tyle. Tneopae.n prcte,tit ty1*<br />

^ ftoann hciniata typc Blackmore e. a1 (t934) discrss€! and re!6ed rhe<br />

reminology rnd rliewol oa rh€ ongin md tu.cIo. or cavlale po|en in Comp6jbe<br />

Blacknon (1986) invcstig ed lophare poud rypes in njany nembcs b.tonsmg !o rhe<br />

tflb. A.ctolca.. Letuceae, Mdisreac and Vemoni.o. of rhe tanity Conposna..<br />

ahckmorc & Pmon {1996) studi.d lhe prtynotogy md systcnarics of rh. subriib€<br />

CEpidin,e (Conpositae, L&tuceae) by usins SEM Dtez.,,l.(1999)srudiedrhelolen<br />

norphoroSy of rbe following genn !i2.. Aaheofiiza cass. LatMeo cass. Reichadia<br />

Rorh dd ,to,.A6 1., in th. tbeim pcninsula widr LM and SEM. Skv&ta ?r ,/ (2OOj)<br />

exan'ncd rophate eulpturing of $e tt\z yedonb {d Et.phontop^ betonsinB ro the<br />

hb. vmoniaa (Conposita.) by SEM.nd TEM. Osnan (2006) jnvstigal.d ihe !D .n<br />

morphology of46 E8)/Drb spccis dfribe L&iuc€e Hc @ognzed 7 loltcn ryF v.z .<br />

aercpoqon type, Koelpinia t!p., Laduca rype, La"ndeo tT]e, Rhasadialu, type antl<br />

nrough nmbd of palynotogical studis to thc ribe Letuc@ inctudirS rh€<br />

gcnus /d.'!.d L. C,l) *ee coidEred s evidenr ftom rne lnedture but $eie !re ,o<br />

infomdo. atour rhc polro or Ev.Et ,p€ci6 b.tonsing to a4.f!ca L. (s.sF) and ib

llied gei€m Ncuring m PakEran lod Kashmn. Ther.lbs. thc main obj.c6e of lhe<br />

p.csenr studt is two fold. Firely ro h*e lhe cofrplerc inibmdtiotr aboul the polien<br />

char reu and seondly ro cotr tar the paly.ologicrl dab with lhe taxonony ofthe<br />

genus ta.r@ L Gstr)r.d itsalliedsen.n<br />


Porlcn sanples of23 t.xa belonEinE to Lactuu L (s.r4, ,a.,,rdlo N@ro!a,<br />

.yd'tbta F.w. Schmidt. Cicqbita walb, MulC.dizh Cas, SteptorhMph8 Bunqe.<br />

cephotothtachB Bois. Pre@nthes L.. ,erc t*en arom herbarium spdim.ns.<br />

belonsing to rhe folloqihg herbaria such as KUH. RAW, BM, E, M (abbrevrared rc b<br />

Mostly, I sp.cienens / sp*ies rnd 10-20 pollen grains/ sp{ies wer. studicd<br />

Howevea in the case of bss oarerial th. nunber ot cadings was r.duced ro 3-tl] A lisr<br />

of vonch€. $ccim.s is siv€n in (ApDendixJl).<br />

The pollen Crains wele prepared for Lishl Nlicrosopy (LM) lnd Scannins<br />

Elecron M,cr6@py (SEM) b, the srddard fte$od d*ribe

Mesocolpiun, Apocolpilm. Spi.e l.n8lh. ln|cfpinrl d,srancc. E\jnc rhjcknes. P,!<br />

r o, siuc dd ntrdber orecbin,e oath. polar arcas *€to calculded dd eacb chancrer<br />

For sEM, rhe acetolyzed naterial was dir€ctly tnnsfeded with a fine pipe(e on<br />

herauic rtub using double sidcd cello tap€ ed $en cdted with gold in a rpltrcring<br />

chmber(lo.- spuner iFC ll00). The linedescdptive details wer caried our on a leol<br />

ln rh. d.scnpdon ofpollen. rhe reminoloSy used ir in .c@.dece wnh Erdhan<br />

(1952i l%9), KEnrp(1965). Facs.i& lv.Mn(196,1)dnd wallcr&Doylc(1976)<br />


Cener.l Poll.n ChNr..ieB In the genB ,,cr!., L. (g.t,)<br />

Polle. gbins aF usully adidlly symmetricat, isopotar. obtare ro sphcrcidat.<br />

kiesllr i, lDld vi.w, sph.ricat - olat or elhpk n equaronat ries. po cn<br />

{h'.olophare (i,e spin6 situarcd on ridg€9 with idge distincr tacunae. tricotponrc_ l-<br />

zodoap.nualer echioae sub Slobose-conical al the base.omt lacunae g.ner, y cncuhr.<br />

mlalgd&- h.n8@al.Mwl poj*tion pNnialty or conplerely .ncl6ing lhe oo. Cotpus<br />

broad divided into d@ lacw. by pai6 of*xinos nds6_ Endocotpium circutaFovat.<br />

laloogarelolong.te.lnr.ilacuna! 8ap usualy n.ruw slighdy broad.sexine djcker than<br />

nexin..The pol.r aM d ab6. or Gdrcd, sn,I or moderar.ty exte.siv€. wirh 4,20<br />

china.Tcnm bienly Frfonrcd bod on ihe ridg6 s Bcll s on th€ d.plsbB except<br />

ri rt'e rprces of lte .chinae. spins *ith &ule_ acuninale. ,ouided btuir. and shaQ<br />

loint d apices, pud.tc, conrcat- subSlobose ar lne base. Deprcssio penEgonrl. w.tl<br />

defncd. wirh or *nnour ahiua

all lne sludied ttxa b.longDg to 8 d'dered -senea .R grouped mdd J @lor<br />

tt'p.sriz.. L.duulla -r!W,St poAonPhw -ryq.,Lattuca tvpe.td (lt€lrno _ rvpe<br />

The ab!!e nenrioned Dollen types diilcr wirh Espect lo followine chanct* viz, ov.r<br />

all roo, spin€ lengh ed apex, width and nunbei of sFnes of the pold ei, $ap€ or<br />

ocl lacunae, su.fa@ ofd.pr.ssions (i c., witn or $ithoul *hinte).<br />

lmpona poue. checrcE ofall the 6r rre sumoanad in Table {l | )<br />

- X.y to ib. Poll.o ty!6<br />

I + Pohr @ Gually ah6en1 or redued, noI norc<br />

lha. a tnnd'ate ridg., usually with 1.2 ro* of<br />

echiMc. Cf,nhl echioae absdt oo rhe polar xrr Lacta.etto - llpc<br />

- Polar d€a p@ni wirh fry or nmerous<br />

echinae.Cdral cchinle pEsenr on $e polar aEtr<br />

2 + Polar area smu! wirh le$ lnm l0 Gnlntcd St.prothMphuy<br />

mts l echim.. type<br />

' Pohr .M.xtcnsiv. with noe thd l0 isolard<br />

I + PoU6 @ll, up lo rto !m in ld8ih. Spine<br />

conp.hrNery sr'on !p to 437 rm long wirh<br />

.curcapi6- Exine 3.75 562rnihick L@n 4-type<br />

- Poll.n ld8c,56.25 Fo i! t6$h. Spi.c !p<br />

ro 7.5 u lotrg, wirh acminate-puSent<br />

apices. Exinc 5-t0 Fn thicl. Ciefiita-W

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1- r,.r!."rd type (ris. l.l A'F i I 2 A-F r r.l A-H. I 5 D-F i I 6 G_H I l 7 A C<br />

:1.3A-Bil l0D F:3 II EFrI2l A-c)<br />

Polle. gFin 17.51875 rrn i.lmglh. *hinolophare, oblale sphcrcidal Pol& ded<br />

indisinct, usually absent or reduced, wi$ 0amw r.i rd'at. ndses and m g.n.rally<br />

withour ccntral echinae Oml lacuna. cncuhr or hexagohal. lndocolpiun ellipiic<br />

ovtt. htongzr. lin tntuca setiotr L., Lactuca tariw L.) and crrcular slightly<br />

tornng^. (in a4ptalontactw pi.ridiloaa (Bos.)Tuisl, kniota onublit<br />

(Boiss.) Sojar subsr. ozrartali',,t a.iold ore,ral,r (aoiss.) Soj.k slbsp. nuira,t o<br />

Podlech and S.urrclo vtitc. (L ) F.W Schmidl) Iil* Ltcunar gaps murh rano$<br />

Tectuo hithly F fomr€d bod on t1l. ridg6 a well as on ihe depssions- spines.<br />

have puncLt. be wilh &ul. or slighdy blum Npex Ocpressrons (lacnnae)<br />

synoerical, pe aSoml md sirlrour .chin.e.<br />

Masur.menb. Polar axrs P (17.5-) 28 12 tl3 75) rh, Equaroial dianerer E<br />

(17 5) l0 (42.5) llm. oa (:l75-) t.62 C?.s) !m in diameEr. M6@otpium (r 875-)<br />

1.417 Ct,o) un. Ap&llpiu (1.875) 1.417 (,5.0) pn. Spinc ( 1.25,I75 t{ 25) rm<br />

long. lnrqinrl distance (0.62t-) I 562 ( 2 5) rd. Exiie (3 ?t-) 5.62j (-7.j) }ln<br />

Tt. Fhimlophare polld of!z.r!.€/ra r'"c ditrer ton $6e of $e o$.. typcs<br />

b*aus. by thc ahsnce ofpolar es.

This type is epresenEd by Loctuce o urtlulata (Ledeb.) Na2arov!. .!t ,b/,<br />

,/ie,rdlrr (Boiss.) Sojak slbsp ofldrrrli, &ariold .frsaralr (tsoNsr Sojak subsc<br />

nwistt,i.t PodLcb. Scariola vinkea lL.) F.w Schnidt, S.dfi,ld .r,sri4rd Roohi<br />

Bno. La.tu.a setiola L. Lacluco tdtieo L. Cephalorrtnchrs piciailom)! lBotss.)<br />

^nd<br />

Key to lhe sp.cl€r .trd lpeles greup<br />

I + Polar 46 lslauy ab6.nr enh lo*ofehinac.<br />

ond. tiEdiat pohr ndg.r.<br />

- Polr @ Ertuc.il, {irh 2 ows oldhinac on the<br />

hindiar. polr ridg6.<br />

2 + Pollen up to 25 rn lonC Exift ut ro 5 Fh lhict<br />

incrudiog chinrc. Lrctuella umtulotz<br />

Pollcn up b 3E.75 rm lons ErineuproT.5rm Scattuto otie,tatit srclp<br />

lhici ircluding cchim.. (.t.,riflr,/b rbsp<br />

ll + Pold lcn8h l?.5- 2t rh. Exinc rhick c$ up ro<br />

onenhh. s\bsp.nwistunn<br />

5 fn includiDg.chime Te.run hiShty pertordcd Cephotatlnchus<br />

bodr on the.id8e3 and on rhe d.pEsEiors. piridilotuB<br />

- Pold lensth 27.5- 37.5 th Exin rhickn.ss up<br />

to 6.25 An including .cbin.e Tccruh perfoolcd Lacto@ lqnola A@up<br />

onry on rh. ridges. &. satiw, L. setiota)<br />


FigllE 3,1 ScdninS El6rn Mimg6liE (SEM) of tk polld gn'ns:<br />

olietuolis srbtt o.'.d,arr: A. .qubriar vk* : B. polar vr.$ r C. cxin€<br />

s@tiolo oe^blit s&e. ,!Bbn,..: D, .qurori.l vicw ; E, polar v'4 :<br />

p{rd(S6lcb(C,=2rm; f = I tmi A, B,D,E-5!m).<br />


Figua 1.2 Scmins El6mn<br />

tuob: t\, e9@6^l vi* ,<br />

Micognpb (SEM) of<br />

eqlalond vi4 : €, pold liq : F. dirc pan m ($al. brr:<br />

t82<br />

rlrc pollen BEins: sca',iolz<br />

grnem- scariolo intu: D,<br />

C,F=2!n: A,a,D,E=5

Figure I I Lighr MicoBmphs (LM) ol tu poll.n BFins at l0{ x: Zotluutta ,hd,l'tu: A,<br />

B, pol* uiew S.anola uiqdlit subsp ofl?n lir: C. equatoritl vi€w i D, polt viw..<br />

Scdrbld o/ientatis subp nrtsra,r?a: E. .qoatorirl v@r i F, polar vE*. S.a,b!a<br />

riarca: C, equtond vrcw; H, pole vicw.<br />


E<br />

q<br />

E<br />

E<br />

*<br />

D<br />

#<br />

E<br />

E<br />

E<br />

E<br />

*<br />

*<br />

*<br />


2- l,cr!ca- rlpe(Fig 1.4 c F,I t A-C loAF)<br />

Polr Lngd 22.5- 40 !tr! (hinlophae, oblaG sph.6idal. Polar arcas dislincr.<br />

oodeG&ly exteN,ve dnd usuall) prcvided wrth lt 20 cchinae Oral lacunae circular.<br />

recransular or hexagorrl in sbape EMocolpiun circulir or elliptic. LalonSaic Mural<br />

pojccton contlercly .nclosina the oB (eicludins Ld.tx.u d,$..," D.Don, lder<br />

lacundr g.ps usuauy nlNw (ractuca d.lichophrlla Katan, Lactuca slouctlblio Botss.)<br />

!o slightly cxteBivc (rocrrca d6sa,4 D Don).T*tun pedoated botn on th. ridges G<br />

well a on thc depEsions (lac@) q@pt at lhc arex of the ehime, spircr small. up ro<br />

4.17J sm lon8. bavc punctute b6e with acur ap€x. Allcrsl sne of rhe spin s wrln<br />

routuied apic6. Depres6ions (lacuae) pentagonal and wnh or wnhour echinae<br />

Meanm..B: Potd eis p (22.5-) 3t.25 ( 40) ro, Equabnat diameFr E (2t,)<br />

1417 C43.7t) An. Ora (4.175) 5.937 (-7.5) |1m in dimcrcr. Meseotpiun (2.5r j.125<br />

I I75) !m. Apaolpium (1.75) 4.685 c5.62) llm. Spin€ (t.2t-) 2 812 (4.1?j)rn long<br />

IncNpiMl ditta.ce {0.62s) I 562 f2.5) Fm, Erine (l ?tr4.685 (-s.62) rm rhick<br />

The €cbjmloph.te poll€n of rhb Zac&.a !t?e is ctedty dislinguirh.d fion rh€<br />

otno tyF by havinS smaU potto ..d nFd@tely €xta3irc pol& a@ qirh lJ-20<br />

Tbis 0?. is r?@red by lzctu a d6r4r, D.Doni tact,.a doli.hophy|o<br />

Kitan, lictrca slatcdotit Boiss<br />

^ad<br />


K.t to l!. .FL! od +..L. gh{r<br />

+ Pold di! 28.75-(34.02)40 !8.<br />

Equdo.id di. 325

Figure I4. ScanningElecnonMicogBphs(SEM)ofthepolleo gfti.s: Lactuca ditsecto<br />

A. equatori.lview iB. polarlieN iC. cKine Panem Lactu.a slau.ilalla: D,eqrarqial<br />

view ; E, pold vi.w : F, din€ panm (slc bai C, E = I Fn : A. B, D. E = 5 pm<br />


Fisur€ 3.5 Scannins El@tron MicrogBphs {sEM) or lhe polleo 8rai.s: ,o.tuca<br />

dolichophrlla: A, eqn ruitl liew i B, pold vicw i C, exine panem. La.tue setiolu: D.<br />

equlonal vicw ; E, pold viw i F. exine p.tt@ ($!le b€. C,E =2!m i A, B, D,E= 5<br />


FislRI6 Lighr MicmsBphs iLM) oflhe pollcn g6ins at l0Ox: La.tuca ditecto a,<br />

cq@lorialvi4; B,@tt va.w.Iatrd dalcihlia: C,€quarorial view; D, Pold viq.<br />

lncruc. dotchophy a: E, dlJaronal vi.w: F, pol& viq. Ic&.a rernbl.: G, cqutorial<br />


E<br />

g<br />

E<br />

t<br />

#<br />

,,4<br />

E<br />

E<br />

E<br />

E<br />


3-.t 4pr,rdpnle<br />

lype(Fig.1.7 D-F.I8 C_H; I9 A_F;l l0 A_C i:l l I A F)<br />

Polarlenglh l7 5.45 Am. echinlophrtc, oblale rpheroidal Polar lreas drstind small.<br />

6ully pnvitted with ehin& which vary in nunber frcm 4-8 and also have oDe or noc<br />

rudimen|ary dd NyFneticauy plac.d cdcavnies Oal lacunae circular or henaonrl 'n<br />

shap€. Endocolpium circuld. lolongat.. The inter lacunar saPs arD \cry naros Tectunr<br />

perfoEted bo$ on the ride6 and depre$ions excepl at $e apices ol lhe echinae, spnDs<br />

up !o 3.?5 tE lon& wi$ aot€ lips. DlF.$iotu penlagonal, Ptrfoded md *ilh or<br />

M4uemcntsr Polar axjs (l?.5-) ll25 (-45) gm, Equabnaldiamed (20-) l2 t ('<br />

ai) rm. od (3.12t) 6-562 Cl0-0) rm in dimeter.Mes@lpim (3.125 ) 4.062 Ct.o)<br />

rn. Apoolp'un 11.751 5.625 (-t.s) /m. SFnc (1.25-) 2 5 t-1.75) rm long. lnte6pmal<br />

dislance (0.625-) 1.562 C2.5) Fm. Exinc(4,37-) 6.245 t8.12) Fm thick.<br />

'fhe pollc ot Steptorhanphus .tyrr is diferc.r tom lhc oter tollm-ryp€s by<br />

baying mll pol& .js wnn vdy f4 dhinae i.c , about rL8 in n!mb.r.<br />

This tyle i3 repi€sented by Cephalonhynchus chitrclentis I\m, Mtlgediun<br />

toto.icud (L.) rrc. Mulcediun cla4ei (Hoor.t) Roohi Bano. steptofianphut<br />

uanbfono B6Ec Nd skptorha"tphd pe'lta (Bois.) o. & A. Fcdl$h.<br />


K.y ro lne cp.cl€c.!d rpeciq groirp<br />

+ Pold uis 17.5. (21?8) -25<br />

Equ..tonsf 4h 20- (21.51) -21.5<br />

spincs up io 2.5 !m long. Exin. up<br />

Ih tbick itrcludinS chin4.<br />

+ Pold dis 25- (35) -45 pm. Equatonal<br />

r\rs r/ ) Lrr rJ -4, r !m splncs un o<br />

3.t5 Fm l@9. Einc up to 8.75 !o lnick<br />

+ Polld up to 45 tn<br />

in l6AIh. Polu .g<br />

indd 0.102 - 0.106. 06l L.be<br />

h.rrSonal, np to 75 pn in dimcter,<br />

laclnl. conpLr.ly &void of echin.e.<br />

- + Poll6 W ro 3E.75 rn in tGngJL Poltr<br />

arca indq 0.120 . 0.129. 06l leuae<br />

cir.ul&, up to l0 lrm in diam.t r, lacun.e<br />

+ Pola. l.nslh 25 (30.5) 35 !m. kcsae<br />

- + Pold ld$b 31.25 (35.62) 3E.75 rn<br />

kcu& witbout .chira€.<br />

t90<br />

Srepo onphB,\anbiJotd

Figw 3.7 Scflning Eletron Mictugnphs (SEM) oftbe pouen gains. L@trco tativat A,<br />

eqlabnal vie* i B, pol.! liew : C, eNift p tbm. Mtlqediun torof,cln: D, oquatori3l<br />

view; E, pol& view; F, ciine panen (*.1. bd: F= I pd r C. = 2 tm: A - D = 5 tm:<br />

B,E=l0rm).<br />


FigDre 1.8 Lighl Midogtrphs (LM) of $c pollm gt2ins a\ 100 x: Loct ca tawa A,<br />

equaroridl view ; B, pofu vtew. MulEediun t^t,riMl<br />

\iq. Mtlgediun cra'&t: E, €gualdal vid ; F<br />

cra\b{oli\: G, .$ tti^l vi.v r H, polar view.<br />

t92<br />

C, cqutorial vi.* i D, polar<br />

polat i* SlePtorhanPhb

E<br />

E<br />

E<br />

#<br />

*<br />

0<br />

E<br />

q<br />

E<br />

E<br />

*<br />

&<br />


Figule 3 9 Scanning Electon Micrcgapns (SEM) of the pollei g^ins: Steptorhanphus<br />

.rMbiJolio: A. eqvtonal view i B, rDlar view i C, €xnc panem Septorhanphus<br />

pelsi.! D. eq@torirl vi€w iE, poldricw i F, €xin. pattem (Fale b.r: C. F = I Fn I A<br />

,D,E=5pm;B=l0rm)<br />


Fi8!c 3.10 scming El.ctron<br />

Celhllar rnch6 chittulehti!: A,<br />

Cephaloirthw picri.lilonit: D,<br />

($.lGb6r:C= I Fft ; F=5 In ;A<br />

Microglphs (SEM) of rhe<br />

equrorial view r B. poldr view ,<br />

cq@rorial vi€w ; E, polar vrw ;<br />

,B,D,E-5!n)<br />


Fieurc Ltl Lignr Micogtaphs (LM) of thc poU€n gbins at ton { SlePtorhahphus<br />

r'€^da: Ai equrotisl view; B.Pol^r vie* Cephalothrnch6 c/t'7rdle'rir: C' equaloiral<br />

iee I D, palat i.v. Cephotontrch6 pioililomx: E- equ^tod^l vi'* : F polar vrcs<br />

Cierbita qaiserll G. eqdo.ial view i H. pold v'ew<br />


E<br />

E<br />

*<br />

e<br />

E<br />

s<br />

tr<br />

E<br />

*<br />


4 Clce.rt - iype (Fie. 3 I 1 G-H i 3.12 - l.16 A-F ; I 17 A-H r 3 18 A-!_ : l.l9 A-F i<br />

120 A,H)<br />

Pollen gmins gen€Elly large up ro 56.25 ro in lmgh, echinlophare. oblarc<br />

spn€rcidal. Pold aB distinct, much.xt.nsive. on n wnh satteEd 4tina€ or cenldlly<br />

solat€d 15-28 €chinae in addition to rhe rcss ofechimc borden.e rhe adjacent leuiae<br />

Md one or nore rudimentary and symneric .oncavnrcs aE also pEsent Oral ldcunac<br />

crnular o( hexagonal 1n shape. Endocolpnrd cncular elliptic or o!!1, lalonSlrc or<br />

lolongare. Tbe inter lacuid eaps rre very nanow or slighlly extensive. TNtum perlorat€d<br />

both on the ndges and on th€ deprc$ions (lacune) excefl al the apices of rhe echin.c.<br />

spin6 up to 7.5 rm lang, with &unimr- shar? pointed tips and swoucn-co.ical<br />

pcrfontd be. D.pB'o6 (lacu.a.) p€niagonali perforacd, wilh or withoui<br />

M€asurcmenh: Polar dis (2?,t) 41,87 G56 25) lld, Equatorial dianeter E (j0-)<br />

46.25 (-62.t rm. On (1.75-) 6.25 (,8 75 ) fn ri diamerer Me$cotpr um 11.75- ) 5 I l2 (.<br />

6.8?5) pm. Ap@olpiun (4.1?-) 5,935 C7.5) }lm Spine (3.75 ) 5.625 (-7.5) !m tong<br />

lnlcspinal distar@ (2.5,) 4.1?t c6.25)Fd. Exine (t) 7.5 ( lO) Fn rhick.<br />

Ihe poll€n of CL?rria- rype e $e tare€sl d conpared lo otntr ponen rypcs wirt<br />

wide polar aM, spin6 up ro ?.5 rh lo.g wilh &uftinar.- sharp poi.l€d ps.

Figu.e 3.12. sctuing Eldtron Micrcgnphi (sEM) of the pollcn g6rnsi Crerb't'<br />

qa6e'ir A, equtoritl licw ; B, polar vie* | C cxi.e paficm C'cer'ila 4i!ii: D' cquatorial<br />

vi€w ; E. polar via i F, exine p.trsm ($.lq b.r: C = 2 rn : F : 5 }ln : A B D E = !0

Figur. Ll3 Scdning Electroo Mimg6phs (SEM) of th. poll€n gBins: ct@rrr!<br />

gtBte"Jd: A, equ onal view : B, polar !i?q i C exi.e<br />

D, equarorial vi.w : E, polar view : F. exin. patl€m (sql. bar: C = 2 gm ; A. F = 5 !m :<br />

B, D, E- l0tn}<br />

193<br />

pattem Ciceftito nouothiz!:

F)Bure I 14 Sqnnrn8 Eleron MicroSraphs {SENI) of lbe pollen Smins: (]!?rb"a<br />

k:sttiona $t,lc5!z/utdi A, equatorial view I B, polar vi€s i c, exine pafieh<br />

Ciurbin t5sertidro nt lt,ato: D, equabnal view i E. pold view : F' exine pa m<br />

Gcal.bar: C, F=2 Fn : A, B, D. E= 10 *m).<br />


FisoF 3.15 Lignr MicoeBpis (LM) of the poll@ gd'ns rr t$ x: Cicerbna alii: A'<br />

equaronal view i B. Polar vies. Ciefiita Silgiten ris C, equabnal view I D polar v'ew<br />

Ci.erbila nocrcfiEa. E, equarorial vicw : E, pow ri.x- Ci.erhita l*ediana r^l<br />

/esserdra: C. equatoliat vie* i H, pola! view<br />


E<br />

E<br />

G E<br />

*<br />

E<br />

E E<br />

t<br />


Fiew l.16 S.anning Elatron MicmsFphs ISEM)<br />

rapunculaides A, .qtaroi^l riew I B. polar vlew i C,<br />

vd. da.tp?,r: D, cquiorial licw ; E. pold licw i F,<br />

Fn,iA. B, D, E = l0 !n).<br />

101<br />

c.F 5

Fig@ 3.r? Light MicoeEpl$ (LM) oflhc polld g6ins !l l0o x: Cicdbna leetiona<br />

var tr4ra: A, equarond vicw : B, polat vi.w- Ciceftita lesse.tiuna vr' rlen4ta: C<br />

.qutorial viev : D, pofd vicw , Ci.erb o tuWn@loi.ls: E, equaton.l view ; F, pold<br />

eiev . C@tbro decipie$ $t. d.ciPe6: O, eg@loiial vic* ; H, polr v'ew.<br />


E<br />

q<br />

tr<br />

E<br />

*<br />

fr<br />

#<br />

ffi<br />

E<br />

E<br />

E<br />

E<br />

#<br />

*<br />

@<br />


Itis polfd'type h.s 14 trm viz., Cicerbito alii \oohi Bun. Ci@rbita dacipiet (C. B-<br />

cra*O Beaut. vd. declj,lers, cicetbita decipiens lC.B. clatk ) Be lv lat nuttili.la<br />

Gor.t) Rdhi B!no, Cjk rOra g,/8tkBir R@hi Buq Ct e/Oita lasenidra (w^ll-q<br />

m.) Mad8ain & Pio ve. l€$?nio.a, Cicerbita lest.ttiano lwdll. er DC.) Manrgain &<br />

ruu \u' 4,?a (D*nc.l R@hr Bdr.. (iL!'lrtu te\*thanu \\N.ll.ex Dt ) Mahgnnr &<br />

Rao vr d?,,ara (Dc ) Roohi Bano. Cic*hr1 ne(orhiza (Royle) Beitr\ a,..,brd<br />

qoawi R@hi B{o. Ci.eruto mpwculoi.l6 lDC,) Be6w' Prerc"lnes brumi@<br />

wrll.a DC. vt. btundiaaa, Penanths bturoni@a w2ll.cx Dc. yat. ollia aetolia<br />

$x:.) H@k-f, P@,dh6 aitchtrdi@ (Bauv.) R@ti B.no & Qdiw. prcatuttks<br />

sraarl,i Rooni B4o & Qais.r.<br />

K.y ao ihe spel6 rd sp.cle. grcup<br />

+ Pold a!@ ono with *neEd<br />

Rrdges indktincl in polsr view.<br />

- Po!& .a widr cotolly isol cd<br />

along wiu echinate ridg6. Ridg.s<br />

, Abo6l l.cunae Edu*d. Mmt pojecrion<br />

nol com crdy.@lcing lhe on. EriE np<br />

to l0 pm thick including cchimc,<br />


- Abohl l&llm .rt Nive. MMi<br />

peiection complerelt enclosin8 the oo<br />

Eri.. up to ?.t tmthicl<br />

including echinae.<br />

I + Pollcn u! ro 56,25 tn in l€ngrh and 62.5 c-.leipitu goto<br />

lnin brqdh. l.C decipieh,\dr<br />

daipiq' & $t. hutuirtal<br />

Poll.n up io 50 !n i! lcngrh dd 51.75 pm<br />

4 .Spin s l.ngth up to 6,2t rn. Exin. up ro<br />

8.75 !m thhh includ,ng e.hinae. C. tesse tuna<br />

- Spin€s l€ngti l.$ rho 6.25 p6. Exihe up<br />

b 7 5 Fn tich incltrdirg ftdimq<br />

4 + Spine mor rhrn 5 rm. Inicspilal<br />

disrdc. up !o 5.625 Pold@indcx0.ltl. C. siteittnsis<br />

' Spin.s up ro 5 rm. Inr.Bpinal dirr.nce up<br />

ro4.375 !n..Pol&@aindex0.l06. C qaipn<br />

5 + Echind€ +5 or €quarorial nd8ca. pol&<br />

are.s with G? etin& taling solt.n<br />

peddrat d base. Lac$s wirhout ecbiha€,<br />

- EchiDc 67 oi equlorial ridg6. potar<br />

.@ wilt 15-20 ehioc havjnS co,i@l<br />

Frf@r.d b6... L&@. virb l -l cbi,a€.<br />


6 +hr .rir 42.5- (47:5) -50 ||'! in Lo€tt,<br />

cqordi.l qi. 16.2t (5{9 -t3t5 lln in<br />

tr!.d6. Polr ililq .6 0.055. C. ol<br />

. Pola di! 2?.5- (2E.51-10 pn in la[O,<br />

qrdqi.l |rb 3G (31.07) -32.5 |r'n in<br />

hr.dnPo|Jiatlldatttt@lbr0.055. C. enttia<br />

? + Tdtulr bidy pafollt d borh oit rhc<br />

ddg* dd dQdmt Pse t6 btwrtaaa<br />

-TcdEldFffiolyot rib* P..tfj|didt@&<br />

P. tLMttii<br />


Figure 3.18 Scanning Elecdon Micographs<br />

(SEM) ol ihe pollen glaiNr C1.?4rr,<br />

de.ipi^ tt. dultiida: A,.Avtonal ri.* i B, pold vi* i C, exiE p6dm. Pr.dd?s<br />

,&,,,,,,u: D. €qudtorill viry : E, polar view : F, exine panm (3cal. br: C. F = 2 rn<br />


Fkure 1.19. Scmitrg Eldtron MicregBpl6 (SEM)<br />

oit.hisoniara: A, equalorisl view I B, polr vi€w<br />

Jr.v,nii: D. equaldal vic$ i E. polar vi.w i F, exine<br />

A, B, D, E - l0 !trr).<br />


FiguE 1,20 Lignr Micrcgnpbs (r-N{) olthe pollc. gmins a1 100 x cicetuito decip ka!<br />

ra. nuhiJkla: A, eq@torial licw i B, polar vi€w Ptaonthes btu\oni4nd r^t.<br />

b4;o,i$a: C, cqErdial viw i D, polu view. Preaanthes brunoniata<br />

tt.olliuia{olia: E, cqutdirf viq : F, WW \iN. Prmnthes ait hiso"iana: C,<br />

cquaronal vr4; H, poleviw,<br />


E E<br />

q<br />

tr<br />

{F<br />

#<br />

E<br />

g E<br />

*<br />

*<br />


FiguE 3.21 Scdhing Eleton Micoer.phs (SEM) of lhc pollen e6tns: Ladkella<br />

ldrlara: A, .qubrial vieN j B, pold liew ; C, exine pauem (scal€ ba( C - 2 tm i A.


The tib. L4tc..e is characrenzed by rhe Presencc of dhinoloPhak and<br />

ricolpo$te pollen gEins (Wodehouse. lglti Pausinser, l9tli Tofrb, 1975. 1977i El'<br />

Chaab- 1930: Bl.ck6ore. 1931. 1982, 1984. 1986). In the picem srdi€sallth.l0 kxa<br />

..prcscrjns 8 senem hav. sinrild q?. oagrains<br />

The size ot pollcn grains and polar lrea are usDally consideEd lo be or llxonomic<br />

impotume and lhe d.lihiladon of thc nxa in tbe tib€ L.cluc@c. EI-Gh@ly (1t80)<br />

rccoBniz.d lour pollen rt?q in rh€ subrib. It}?ansido. manly b*.d on th. sie or<br />

pollcn sEins and tohr !r.a. He conclud.d thlt the poll4 g.in! ofomuals sPeci.s weE<br />

usually sftllla whd. .s 0F psani.l spei.s had i€lalively llr8a poua grains. F.Dd &<br />

Tomb ( l9n ) found ihc s,eild @mlatio. in the subtib. Micoi.ndina.. A simihr Md<br />

hls ako bm obsded in $e piBot studi.s .i... small poll.n gnins aie lound in th.<br />

onnnal spsFs such as Z{.rx., dr$€ch l, Don, L. eluucilaltd B61ss nnd Lrn.ello<br />

!,.tu/ah {Ltdeb ) Ni4Dva.wlEl8 $on8 lhe p€ltnilh.rcepl th€ spsCs b.lo.gin8<br />

ro rh€ g6us C@/|/@/'.,r,(/'6 Bois.. rll h!v. ld8.r polld gnins.<br />

On $e bair of pold na lnd p.|ff arus ao$ major ty?B are r€oBni.cd viz.,<br />

Pollen rwe l: Lactucella'rver Poller tlpe ll: Ltctucarnet Polls tW. Itl:<br />

stepbrhan'pha-rn ^.1 Pola ttpe Iv: Oerdrrz rype.<br />

Poll.! typ. I (ra.rrc.lrct'"e)r This is o.. ot rhc l.€er sroups ind conrlinins<br />

rapr.ra[tjves ol noE 0e one 8qB yiz., Itctuceua Nrdya, S.arota F.W.<br />

Scrni4\ Cqnabnitn.hu Bais. art L.&.d L. (s.rd). ln rhis tlD€ pol.r .@ is<br />

.bs. or r.d!.ed $ ir c& be @ity r*ogniz€d fron rh. rer of th. polrd tyFs, Thi!<br />


Sroup acconmodats 8 taxa which r€prcFnr 2J % of6e rolal taxa. All lhe l.xa aE<br />

olassined inro rwo sroups.<br />

In rha lisr gbup polar ae is usually $snt r.d I b* ol€hnae i3 prcsht on<br />

fie dradiite por& ridgd, includ€s Cephalor.ynchut picridifatnit (Baiss.) tu]nll,.<br />

t.d.rta tetiota L .n\t L ytiro L. (tpholortytch,r p,.r/y'd,,r (gois.) I uisl. ir<br />

@Enizd fon both lhe +ei.s oflzd!& L. (s.str.) by havins pohr ldgdr 17.5-25<br />

!n, P/E ratio is 0.889, polar area index 0.095 .nd up ro 2.5 pm lone spins wtitc in<br />

Ltut@ rtuiola L ind ,. rd.k L, polar lqgth is 27.5,3?.5 l!D, P/E rario i3 0 919-<br />

0.929. polar area index is more than 100 and up ro 3.75 ud lonS spines<br />

In d. wond sroup pol.t ag is Rdwed and 2 mws ofehinac rE pr6ar on rh.<br />

tftadiare polar ridses.Za.r!..//a utul"lato llneh.)Nzabva. Scariola arientuti, (Boi*.)<br />

sojal:ub$, or,e,k&, S oienrlrr (gois) Sojak subsp xlrul.',r.a podtcch, t<br />

v'rtn.a (L.) F.w Schf,idl a.d t erosndrd Roohi Bano b.lon8 to this stuup. Th.se d.<br />

c.n be delihired on rhe b.sis of pol tflslh, siz. of spin6 and eri.e rbicknes.tn<br />

ktuet uad'Ida lrA.b.)N,M, potar uis 20-2j tln i. tcngrh, spin6 up lo 2.5 Fn<br />

long od exi,. up ro 5 jn thi.k ihctuding echinac.Wtd.B in r]le !.baining rlxa ot<br />

.t a.tora FW. Schnidr polar thgh is 21.25. l? 5 Fn, spi.cs aG !p ro 6.2j tong a.d<br />

crine is up to 7.5 !n lhick.<br />

Ioll.n typ. n (trlcrrd-typ.)r This n lh. mlt6l gF naving oDly I sp€i6<br />

vtz,, ttuue dirs.to D. Do\ L. doli.hophylla Kir,n. and L, sla,crrj@ Bois!. Ttis<br />

pouen rrt. is dtsrin8uishat on rh. b6is of stul poucn S6ins with ooDsBtiv.ly shotu.<br />

spin* and moderarcly bieser pottr tt a, Lad"co .lolhhophrlla KLbn., 6 disrin r in this<br />


eloup on ibe b6is of ldgo polar (2&40 in lenglh) ed equarodaldN (12 t41.5 Pm<br />

'lm<br />

ln brerdth) and Dolar aEa inder {0.0?9)whftas in lhc othedro sPsies rhe pollr rrca<br />

and equldial ais ae shon (conpdtivcly shlll€r polle. gEiff) However /".,,./<br />

dis.crd D- Don is *p@t d nom L. elarc{olio Boi$ on d€ basis ot the 'ntcr lacunrr<br />

8ap (€irnsive in, lirsd. D. Do. ud iarce ii ,. g/.!.if,/r Boiss.) and rumb.t ol<br />

echlna€ on the pord &ea (20.22 i. / {.iir'!.r4 D Don and l0 l5 in L. Slau.lolia Bots'.|.<br />

Pollen type lII (Sr.trorl'.Dpl!r-typc): This Smup is chanct€rizcd by smaller<br />

polddeshaving lss lhm l0cenLally iela|€d echinae.Il accornodales t spelies viz,<br />

Cepialor.hyrcha .hitrulentis Tlisl, MulgediM tdtaricum (L.) Dc.. M clo*ei lHook<br />

t) R@hi B&q &e/o'radr'r6 oanbilolia Snnee and s pe6ico (Boi$.) O & B.<br />

tedl$h, $hich apmenlJ 17.24% of rh. blal l!ia. ln (tphatorrhtnd^ .hrrutox\<br />

Tuisl, pole Lnglh is I7.5-25lD, polar ea indcr is 009t, spines W ro 2 5 |rm lons Nnd<br />

cxine up to 4.1?5 Fn thick including ehin&. Wher€6 n th€ othd spdi€s pold len8rh i!<br />

25-45 }ln, Fold ea irdex 0.102-0.129, spincs !p ro I7t ph lo.g and exine up ro 8.75<br />

!m $ic[ including echinae Fu(hd nore. $e renahrn-q species can eaely be de rmilcd<br />

on rbe bsis ofpoh area index dnd shap. and dia'neter oio6l lacsae ln the Mulge.lirk<br />

tobnM lL.) Dc. Nd M. cloft2i (H@k.i.) Roohi Bao, polar d€a index is l6s than I l0<br />

md ool lac@c dc h*gonal sd !p ro 7.5 Fn in dianetr, wlero the pold iEa<br />

index ir noE the I l0 md oal l&!n& is circular, up ro l0 lrm in dimet r a€ tound in<br />

Stepto anpi6 ctub{olia Bvgc rd A p€rni.a (Bois.) O. & B. Fe4s.h.<br />


Po[€n type Iv (Cicrt it4-tyD.]: Ths typ. ce b€ mosniz€d on the bas's ol<br />

larger pollen gFins ud much dxrensive polar arca This N rhe largesr group and has li<br />

bxa whrch r.piesent 46.87010 of lh. lotaltaxa.lt N lunher subdivided 'mo rso SrouPs<br />

In lhe firsl group .chi.a. .re scanccd with rids€s indisinct in polar ateas,<br />

incluLs 7 taxa viz,, Cicetuita decipErt (C.B. Clarke) Beauv rt caiPiens and \^t<br />

,ditud (Hook.U) Roohi Bdro, C. a,kil?,,i<br />

Roohl Bano. C /erre/r,d(wa1l ex DC,<br />

Mmgain & Rao var. /errefliuru, ( le!,lttiunr \\lal 4 I)C ) Munigdin & Rao !!r<br />

tfak (De.e ) R@hi Bano. C /e$eria,a (Wall..r DC.) Mameltl & Rao \ar. dqtt@<br />

{DC.) Roohi B&o, c qair.fi Roo\i Bao and C. rapunculoid* iDC.) Beauv ln a<br />

drir?a {C.B. Chrc) B!au!., pol.r dt and cquatorial dis up to 56.25 Fm and 62.5<br />

|rs Gpetively. While in the othd sp€.ics polar and equrorial axis are lcss than 56 25<br />

rm and 62.5 rn C- ropt,ctloidct (DC.) Banv. is disincl liom lhe resr orrhe sp€.'s by<br />

having cdu@d aboal lacuna., nu6l pojetion nor cofrplct€ly enclosing rhe on and<br />

exine up ro l0 rm rhick including ehin... Thc rcmaining lda cm b€ delinited on the<br />

b6n ofspiie tengih dd .xinc rhrckn s.ln C, !$"rriz,, (WaU. ex DC.) ManSnin &<br />

Rao spines up ro 6.25 Jrm lon8 and.xine up to 8.75 !m<br />

rhich ncluding echinae sheEas<br />

in C. gtl4rersd Rmhi Bano lnd C {air.ri Roohi Bano spm€s less lhd 6.2j [m sd<br />

exine np ro?.s !m 6ich including echinac.<br />

In 6e scond group C,rcelb,rd alii Roohi Bano. C. flacrcrhiza (Royle) Beauv ,<br />

Praanthes brunotuo.a NAll. ex DC. yat, bvnouioro, P btuaofudna Wall. ex DC var<br />

anjanaefolia (.DC.l Hook.t,, P. aikrrio,ia"a (Beauv ) Roohi aa.o & Qa6e. and P<br />

rr@/r,t Roohi Btro & Qaiser a.c includ.d, ln C,t€fbra a/ii Rooii Bdno. ( nocrofiit!<br />

{Royle) Bsrv., !L5 ehime @ prcht on lb. equ.lonat ndg$, G? on thc pots es dd<br />


l.cuna. conpl€tely devoid ol .chinrc wh.rels in th€ @ai.i.g eohina. 6-7 on<br />

equabiialildges. 15-20 on lhe polararcs Ind llclnae wnh 1,:l echinae.<br />

lhe ptst findinss cl.lrlt indi..tc dal anons all the sen€m, rh. nlrimun<br />

vananon is a6u d€d in the g€ns ldln L. (s.s!.), in which 2 diiTffil polld ty?6<br />

arc presenr riz., h.tu..llarw tl /..!,&alF. Sinihrly, rh€ gcnus<br />

Cephatodlta.nus Bois. ^ls t lls inb 2 difidl polla-rpes viz., La.toella-rDc dtd<br />

Funher more. lhe present invdrigations also indicarc dEt polld ioaholoSy do.s<br />

not suppon the gmqic closii.ation !e il is .vidcnl fton zz.,!.,/larwq which hrr rh.<br />

r.pr.senbtive\ spei6 ol Iactuca L. G.str.), ,t dnbla F.w Schnidt id<br />

C.prdlozrt r.16 Bois. Sidilaly.pei6 of C.phtlfuIDtuhs Bois., filk in potl6<br />

rype lll !ho. Pced fin,lioss ar. in.cod..cc wnh 6ar oa Blact noE ( 1984, |986) md<br />

Facsri ., a/. (19391 wbo comluded rh.l d. p.lFological dad in Lictuc.a. doa nor<br />

suppon the smeric classincadon, Howd.r, ar d€ sparfic levcl ln. polld d!r! !E h.lp-<br />

lul for rh. delinnation ofkxa.



Nunencll taionomy or Phenetics h a clrssification svstem in biological svstenalic<br />

(Sokat & Sneath. 1963). Thc nodcm conc.pl of nunerical bononv had lher b€g'n'in8<br />

aor rhe conniblrions of sneath (195?). Michen€r & sokal (19t7, and solal & Michener<br />

(1958) which culmriared In the publicdion ot PnDcrples or NrDtilcal TaronoDv<br />

lsokal & SNadr, 1961).Tb$ \'as laF! elabonred by rhe ranrc aullrofs (Snealh & Sokal.<br />

l97l) Nun ricll tdonomy ains ro dcv.lop nethorls that e obj.divc. €xPlid and<br />

epeabble, both in lnc €volution oftaxonomic ElatiotuhiF dd in the erccrio. ofbxa<br />

Thc@ are seleral studies of thc utilization ol numerical analysis in elving<br />

taxonomic poblm and 10 find oll intc! r.l.tiorohrp mong difl.Enr uxa liz, BEner<br />

(1987) cafticd out cladi$ic mlysis b6.d on moQhological chinclea lo fi.d ort lhe<br />

int€relatio!{hiF of vrioc tib6 of the fanily Anenc€a€ Sinilarly, Andeder8 (1989)<br />

also caiiied out cladisdc aialysis of rhs diflerenr rdbes of rhe hmiLy Conposnae.<br />

Siddique er a/. (1989) cdi.d out morphologicat analysn ot E,phtatiu complex<br />

(Screpburaiace.) fom Palishn dd ns adjoining ar€. K*is a al. ll992l rtlrtd<br />

nm€ricauy the alalionsbips with in thc sub fmily Cicboroidac. Wiinon er o/ (l9t)<br />

sludied phylogenefic ElaioNhips ed p.fi.ds of characGr chang. in lhe lnbe t{tuceac<br />

-Aste6c.!e. This stldy ws bed on.hloropla DNA resuiction site for which thcy<br />

Ned 60 mpl.r of dift@nt axa of Lacruceae dd dereo€d t 268 mulanls. 612 of *h'ch<br />

ac phyloSen tically infomtiv. Blackmr & P€aMn (t996) cari.d our the ctadisric<br />

dalr3is ofthe tribc Crpidi.ac (Cohposir& - I-acoceae) ui.g patynological cha€clm.<br />


The main objslive was to detemine inteFsqenc Elarionship in lhe subrib. Crepidinae.<br />

Koopncn ?, ar (1998) studied rh. phyloScnelic elario.ships of &.r!co L and ils<br />

elalcd gcne6 (Asl@cdc). Th€n sdy w6 bsed on rl]j- I (lnt€m.l liBcrib€d spaceF<br />

l) seq0cn.es from 97 uooosions.eFr.s!nring 2r species.ld.r,., L !nd i$ rclared<br />

aencB Th's $udy was lixus€d on $c l'ollowins: (i) rhc dkinciion benvcon td.nr.a<br />

etiw L t d L. sniola L., (aa) lJ1e distiction b€rwe. !. rsr4bld L dd rh. sniolalit.<br />

species !i2.. L. .lreseana, L. oltal4 and ,, "c!le4P, (iii) $e positioi ol I. so/kxd L. and<br />

,. v,tord L. .elative lo th* ffiioh lit spei6 and (iv) rhc de@rion ofclusr€rs clad6<br />

or clos.ly elated speias ouside subsdrion tactuca. The moleuhr {ra6 wft mltz.d<br />

both phherically and clrdistioally to eval!!te phylogencric Elanlonships ol speies wilh<br />

in or clo* to di.lertucca.nepoolMd also rhe vabdny ofcladistic a.alysisoaAFLPdol!<br />

las dlscuscJ. C{.ine e/ ,l (2000) so'jiql rhe srsrenari. mrlysis ot Soobil unth6 ls.t.)<br />

hom Sourben India lnd Srilank . They scored 12 moQhological chlladers ihctudi.g 3<br />

pollen chamcres which contribfed 25% ofrhe cha6€r.N oa63 specid fo.6otvi.8<br />

sr€r6 El.rionships. K6pnm a at. 12001 ) sludi€d sp@ie rlationships r.pesing 20<br />

sp*i6 of/a.d.a L. .nd ns aUied gqe6 (Laotuceae - AdeBceae) infeFd tbn AFLP<br />

tug.ipnnB. Abid & Qahq {2006) cdid oul nunedcal aMlysis oi 2 r spei* b.longins<br />

lo J diftftnt ssea of$c Mbe bul6c. Ast@c* fom P.tis|n dd K$hnjr For ln€<br />

analysii (hey used 24 micro and macro motphotoSicat chahctes inctuding cnmical d.|r<br />

.D'r eosnized 2 disriNr groups of l!x. !i2., cDup I: Epr.sqls D nnhid cetId ud<br />

Pqtaneda CB. and coup II: inctudes tnuto L., Duhal.lq DC. ,n4 tphiofu.<br />

Kwcmb.ya & sr.dje (2007) at$ analyzsj roxononic d6ra studied oflhc pans spsies ot<br />


Crtr,r This sludy wa! based on 14 morphologcal ch.racteB of 64 sp4'nens<br />

Tn. tuin objeriv. of $e pl€st study is to quntifv the sp€is EhlioNhip3<br />

anong $e stLdied gncm,<br />


h th€ prMr work morc tlEn lO0O hetnariun sp.cideos ofl2 Exa were *udied<br />

Iion dilLnl helodit, All rle micro and tucD norphological cheactca us€d in $e<br />

study $.rc based on o!6€Mlion of rh. mdenal rd vd. Siva cqal w.idl Thc<br />

quahrlrive chabcrets wft reo.ded in biMry sllte i.e , in lcm{ of I and 2 ln nosl of the<br />

cses nulriple slates wcE ale used i., l,2, 3,4 tnd t tbeteos for qua'tibtive<br />

cbrncrcF lll.n ninimlm, ddimun .nd .v@ge voluca w€E used whil' in ci$ ol<br />

pr€smc. or abec., ccilin chdicles wqc r€corded as I and 0 rqPtctivelv Ihe<br />

chamctcd md chlracter state used for Penbmihg hiersrchical clusteting and pnncDle<br />

mnponcnr afllFi (PcA) rc lislen in bbr.s 4 I 4 12<br />

Nuncncolan.lysh i6 rhc pr6ent srudy is dividcd inlo No ph!e\ !jz.' lhe fi6t<br />

phi!. includes the dalysb olrhoe 8d.d<br />

rhicn luve mor. than I t tu srch a /a.dc,<br />

L. (s.sr.), Strn,r, F.W. Schmidt and Crit.rita watli, to 6nd out $c intcrcldion_shiP<br />

snh rhen llli€d species Twerty th@ (21) chmadds *crc sorcd for ,,.,,., L G sr')<br />

ond Ci..rbe Walk. (Tabl.4.d 4.5,4.10& 4.ll) whqc8 sixteen (16) ch|oclds wq.<br />

$or.d lor S.atola F.w. S.hnidr O!bl. 4.7 & 4.8). ln tlE sond pn s $iny t*o (12)<br />

choncreB w.€ scorcd for rhc collecliv. anrl) is ofau lhc l2 tax, pes.fi i! our rcgion<br />


Tbc dsb trr3 &r@ oumoic,lly. Clustcr Analrds ,nd Principdl conpor€Il<br />

Adlytb (rc4) ut.(t c.d.d otn u.ir8 cooFr.r poct2€p SPSS (12)&d Mirital' {14).<br />

F..h la@ r.r dd 6 & oF|lio.l t rooooic un (OTlr). All thc oTUs e<br />

ftpr€.dad b llc rnidy qcF M oX Cqtulont rcts drdda (Boi$.) Kir2n., t<br />

@ly i'.ootpfd. lp.ciM 9@ wdhbl!. HorcB, d. OTU i.c,, Pt ,tutthB st ronii<br />

Roohi a.no & Q.id is Epr€3@t d by . .i!dc apeimd.<br />


Tqbl.4,l Llsi ofch.rlcteB, rcor.d for cluster Antlytb rnd Principrl<br />

compon.n t Ant lYsis<br />

lor ta.d.a L. G.str.) and itt FlaEd ge.@ li*€d in 'l rblc 4 2<br />

chr-cr.F: Chrn t . 3i.t6<br />

I Ilabni .nnual (ll, bimnial (2), p!rcnnial (:J)<br />

2. s'e .br (0),presqL(l)<br />

l- ColourofSt.m. whire (l), olherth.n whne(2i<br />

Leav6, not decunmr (0), d6udcn' (ll L<br />

5- Lob6orLov6: ah*rt (0), pcar(l) LOL<br />

Muimum bEldlhofl@v6 cn<br />

M.gn"f t<br />

"'. -d*lt),<br />

MXBL<br />

ddEt s.nllte(2r' sph.sntrll LM<br />

8 Involuclc phyll.ries: gla&ous (0). haily 0) IP<br />

9- Snd ol phtll.ne!. 2 I { lJ, a.6 (2) SEIP<br />

Mcxinum sie ofoutd pbyllarid: nn<br />

MXOP<br />

tl<br />

l2<br />

Mdimun sire of innq n6i phy'l.n.s: mh<br />

crpiulum. ftd r ll dop'ngt2)<br />

MXIP<br />

rl SlIp"or*pirulu.,o"iet*ytinaricol(D,.mesuhte(2)<br />

c"t.",olnon", y.llow(l), btu., pink. purple or violer (2), bofi(l)<br />

l5 NunbcrofnoretsDcrcarnuhn l.$ thtn l0 ( I ), more $an l0 (21<br />

C)Trh: not winsed (0). win8.d (l)<br />

t1-<br />

I9-<br />

2G<br />

2t-<br />

22-<br />

2!-<br />

25-<br />

ApDdd!96 ofct?seb: !&e.t (0), Fddt(l)<br />

Maimrn siz€ of cypsela includins bc.k m<br />

Cotar of c}!ela: btuM d4t bwn ( | ), blek L2). both P)<br />

Su.f.eolcyp*l! shbmu{0,, p.pilb'}nuncok ( I ). pilo*.hnpid(1)<br />

Nmbsolrib! 16 thu 5 ( I ), moc drn 5 (2)<br />

BaloacFscla: absqt (0), Dr*nt(l<br />

MiDinun sizc of bak nn<br />

Maximum rizc oIb6k mn<br />

Shap.ofbak. c,pilt4 fililomrl), slodtr-srour()). Nncate Dictlly<br />

MXC<br />

cc<br />

s(_<br />

NOR<br />

BC<br />

MIB<br />

MXB<br />

(l) 26, colourofbat: whitesremish ( I ), cftm-pale (2), boM.bl.ck {l)<br />

PsppB uniFite(l), bisaid.(2)<br />

BS<br />

BC<br />

Colourofp!pp!s. l.1@ycll@(ll, whites*.y(,21, c@n-pde(l) PC<br />

29. avd8. .tz. ofp.pp6: nn<br />

l0- crrpopodiun: wiihoutanyiDl.mption(0), wnhaninlmptioi(l)<br />

Polar.F.; absenl or r€duced (0), small(l), lars.(2)<br />

l2 Exin.rhiokness up ro.lFnlons(l), noE rhd.4 pm tong(2) ET<br />

219<br />


F<br />

I<br />

I t iI<br />

I I<br />

:<br />

t g<br />

s<br />

s<br />

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I<br />

I t I<br />

!<br />

s €<br />

E<br />

! L<br />

i<br />

t<br />

3<br />

I<br />

1<br />

I<br />

e<br />

I<br />

3<br />

:<br />


t<br />

I<br />

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i<br />

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I<br />

i<br />

:<br />

I i<br />

g<br />

:' t<br />

I<br />

I<br />

t<br />

l<br />

i I

ceph!iorhF.hus pi.lldito$i!<br />

cic.ibiE d..ipr.irv.r.d*iPieis<br />

c. r6s4ide.!.16$(ie<br />

Scaliola oriotalis dipd$trti!<br />

tucliilai dls$nce<br />

05il152a2t<br />

+-l<br />

ff<br />

r[|]<br />

l-l<br />

---T-B<br />

fi& 4.l. Dc.dogros lbwd8 fu nldioll[iF offu spoi6 oflrduc! L(s'st.) md<br />

ir abtd casr<br />


,4..!c4 L,{r.rtr.} rnd its relsled g€ne..<br />

The naindichotony divides all the sxa inio lwo broad groups viz. Sroup_A md sioup<br />

B (Fi8.4.1) The d.$il ofchrracteN aE listed in Tdble 4 | md 4.2<br />

crorr-A: Th. disti.clon of $is gtoup is due b th. pelt.cc ol mnricare prlon or natrd Jnd<br />

morc rhan I'nbb.d cyp$la. This is thc brges sroup lcconmodatna 25 Gra brlonsins to rhe<br />

aollosing g.n.m viz., Pr€"drlhd L. \4 spp.l. (ePhalarmh\,.hlJ Boiss. (2 rlr rr'rl!../ndr<br />

Ca$. (2 sp) Ctu€rrt Walli. (10 sp),scdtol, FW. Schmidl (4 sp). StePto/hanpha B\ne. (z<br />

sp) and 4 sp.cies of tarr,.d L G.sr.), aE also included in this grouP Thii grou! s iunhcr<br />

subdivid.d inro I viz., subsmDpl, subarcup-ll and subgrowlll mainly on the basis oithc beak<br />

slbgmuFl: Anong the 3 cmup6, thB is th. largesl one including 22 brn. lr 's tunhe.<br />

snbdivid.d into rso qagoriz€ viz., Cri.goryl .nd Ctegory Il<br />

Catcsory-t: This includes only 8 rzxt riz., Pretunth.: btunohiano ltzll.cx O( rtl<br />

hn^o"iana v*. ollianaelotn \DC) Hookl., P ait.hisoniana (Beau! ), /' t?n(?', Roohl<br />

Bdo & Qaief, Sc4nbla €r,emta Rooni B^no. Cephalamn.hur pt.'idil,.tn lEoiss ) Tuisl..<br />

C chiiole8it Irisl.. M,lgeditn./,rlri (H@l t) RoohiBdo rnd 14 tatan.rd ll |D< Tne<br />

sp€ci6 t lonSing ro l|r€ gcn6 Pre,ar,t6 L., c& bc 6'ly dislnguished fon all oth.r lax, by<br />

the ab$rcc of disier b.at. Sinildly nodding capitulun, bis.iate, G8 involuc€ phyllancs rnd<br />

cyp*la siz., shap. and ap.x re ale qln impon|nl lor the distinction ofth6 gcDus. Though<br />

nd/r,h li W Schmidrand Prza,rler L. aN apparennt norrelaled loeach otherwhirh 1r:rl$<br />

been supDon.d by clust r malysis bul S.ai?/d.es'4r. R@hi Amo shows a @nnccring tiok<br />

\|it|\ P@anier L. (Fie 4.t), bl rhe prcsmcc of bcaklds cypsela. Howevcr. rcmai.ing sp€cics<br />


ol Cephdlaftohrr.h6 Boiss. ^ad M,lg€Ai,n C:a$.. coDe clos due to rhe prescn0c ol lobed<br />

leares gldbrous ln!olucre ph'llaries andbedkcd cytJscl,<br />

Cltcgofy-ll ln this ca&Cory 14 tN.re indlded. which ale linled bgnher bt rhu pressrlc o1<br />

b.aked .ypsela, In this category lhe aenus ,a.rda L (s.str.) occupy d Inr.nncdde ponrbn<br />

b€ttrcn th. gcnem C,.err,,a walh. and $ariol, F.W. Schmidt Ta\a belotrSng ru L,.r&, L<br />

(s.sr ) and Otrlbra wallr. hav€ almost sam poll€n i.e.- la.ge polar tMs sdh ccnrdl .(h'nN<br />

whil. on lhc orh.r hsd za.tu& L. (s.sr.) sh.as ih. aollowins combinario. ol th. charactca<br />

wnh.tcdltdla F,W. Schnidl, sucl 6 @cl capituluF. involucr phyllanes 4_5 s.iatc, glabrous<br />

1.8 totr long b.ak (excluding Stdrio,ta erorrard R@hi Bdno), pappus uniseriak, 3 6 Drnr lons<br />

and exinc oflhc poller less lhan 4 Fm thick. How.vcr. obovate-obleceolat . mlricaG_prlo*<br />

cw*la wnn whit€-er@nish !p ro 8 nm long b.al mk. n distitut fron rhe oth.r gener4lhe<br />

genls Cr'r?/ri& wdk - diae^ ftod oder nvo g.neB by the peene or d@n$g ctrpituhrm l l<br />

s{iatc. hairy involucE phyll{i*, 2-l m long, stoulsledcr b€a*, biseriat . 6 ll m lonB<br />

pappus and cxinc of lhc pouen up to 4 gm rhicl. Ho*sver. de genus S.drdlc F W. Schnidr $<br />

cG;rly delimned by lhe pesonce ol fldossc, decurenr leares Fnh lincar appendalesThis<br />

cnmct r is not prcsd in any of tle elat d gcncla. Sinilely, 4 tlorets per capitulun. sre.<br />

shapc. surf&. ol cypela including beal dd DdEthcr pold ar€a (ercludiu Jl crdn,?t, R@hi<br />

B{o) ec .lso qune inpond for tne dislincrion of this goup<br />

SlbgrouFlf: It is epcented by only oft $idcly cultrva$d sFci6 uiz . Lactu.a 'ot^u<br />

L. This sp.cics does rol sho* any amli.tion b atry tt{or wid rcspecr ro the pr.sencc of<br />

succule md duch bDod leaves. whjle sroupiig in fte genu &.a.a L (s.str.). rhis species<br />

seems to b.linked wirb z. rzn,r/a L, s rhiy share.lm6t sme cypsela and pollcn chdtucte^<br />

(s* 6b1.4,1,4.2 dd Fig.4.1)<br />


Subgrouplll: It is a Elzlively small g@up comptising 2 spectes ot \t'Pr)rhuDtPhr\<br />

Aunsc viz., t crdtriDlo Bunge dd S p.ttita (Boiss ) O & B Fedtsch -rtus g'nus dif'e6<br />

from all othq genen by its *ingot. upro 3 nm boad.4{ibbed cv!6ela. Snhilu J 'on'corhe'<br />

impondi delinning characicE m capitulun 2.2 5 cm long in loilins. floEls 23'13. rnvoluc*<br />

Dhyllaries 5-6- seridE up b 3 mm broad and outer seuc ofpaPpus n lefron vcllou<br />

c;orFB: This group is ch3ncterized by the pre$nce of papillate and l{ibbcd cvpela h<br />

conpns of 2 Aci6 vi2.. Lcn'@na htuldo (L.d.bl Ne6r^ .id LetaLv vtuul4ntiu<br />

Aoi$ The min diifcrcnc. is aoud in pollcn chsmcka. rn the tbmcr spccres rhe polar ad! 's<br />

absnr *hereas in rhc latcr onc pol& ea is lsr8c sith fer cenrdl echin.. Similanv.drfieEncds<br />

in leaves (shape.nd suraace), si2e ofcypela.nd appehdases ofbeal (erher abs€nl or pre5'trt)<br />

.e als quire inpoiatt for lh. distirction oflh6. 2 sp€cies.<br />

PrilciDrl conpon.ntt.t.lFis (PCA)<br />

The res!16 offCA giveo i. hble 4.] ar. bded on lr chsaclets (Table 4 I & a2) and<br />

almosr corespodb with the resull of cluster.n.lysis The rcA ofall the tdu bclongrng ro 8<br />

dif&Gnt g€trm yicldcd 8 cobporeds *ilh D .igd v.l!t LWhe@ thc compoienl (PC 9 ll )<br />

tld eisa y.lc < l. Thc gnpb 6 only ploncd bctwH PCl and rc2<br />

whd rhe eiget values wee plotl.d i:oF componenls I ed 2 all lhe La\a scB $€n<br />

sepa.arcd 6!n each othd Jne 4 Eeaea v\2., Prenanthe\ L , Ci.etbila Vltli , SteptathunPhu:<br />

arage nd laducdh N@abva de dishdy placed lion de r.nErtun! I gcn€ra !'r-<br />

Cephtlomhynchs B!ts. Mulsediw Crss., S.,rolo F.w. Schoidt ud &d!.a L (s.strr.<br />

wliL rh. @ b.lo8in8 to rh. l.cr 4 g€tr.6 @u bSclher witn thcir norcst aUi6 (Fig 4 2)<br />


Th. litlr $! oEpoott contribut d 46, whilc th. liist thE conpo..iK togelher<br />

rc@r lo. t9!% oa 0E 1or!l vdirbility. llF ti6t conpo.il which 6ulls 29 1% of th. lotal<br />

variability ep.m\td thc group m.inly b.s.d on th. lolloring chrrackh \ i/ . tnci $d {t "l<br />

imluq! phyllsiB (SBIP & AIP), Pob.r!r of th. pollen (P ). tuimun ud ninimom $2.<br />

of bel (MXB & MIB). Th. tccond @npo nr s@l for 17,4%.td is chi.flv @nmll.d bt<br />

luiFu sirc or i@m6t iMl@F phylbrils (MxrP). surne or.yP*b (soc), @l@r or<br />

floEis (Fc) .d 6lw of 6!6r (COS). T[. mDo@rt tlrlc dodgh tot Ep@ntd<br />

gr0hidlly.Lo dtiblbd 12,6?! !o tt bnl wi.biliry hd. ncg{il. vrlw for sh!p. of<br />

cllituld (c s) .d lI8. Fditiq rdc for tlE idba of flor.cj (FN). arca8! siz. of<br />

D.!OB (ASP).!d Niou bodth of k B {MXEL).<br />


3b<br />

'zz<br />

Ei<br />

e:<br />

;:<br />

E€<br />

afs s 49,Y3 3e4E<br />

RRFR ERgs lnFgs<br />

s<br />

r<br />

n<br />

-6 E

.2<br />

0<br />

PCI<br />

Iig.42Two diEdrioo.l8r|Eh rhain8 0E dilliburid ofOTU's oftn. Smsrd.r&.<br />

L. (s.srr,) ald its .llird Sencr. o kirciprl CoDponat dk I dd IL<br />

si8si Zdc&c€ta N@va (C), Jdlol4 LW. Schmidt (o), I"dr,c, L. Girr.) (^).<br />

M"lcedtu^ C^t . (x), St pro a6phB Bunsc m. C.przlozl'y.la Bois. (o),<br />

cicehitq wallr, \.)i Prer4nti6 L \+).<br />

224<br />


T.blc 4,a. un ol chrrst n. *o..d for Clult . An.l$lt r..l PrhctP.l<br />

CoDpo..nl ar.$.L<br />

S.No. Cl.r.cls. Ch.ncr.. 6<br />

for tlF spcci.s oll4&.. L (s.st.)list.drn Tabl.4.5<br />

I Hrb{ Mul (ll. bi.nnid - FEnni.l12)<br />

2- cdN ofstcm: whnc (l ), othd lho whiE (2) s(<br />

,l- PLlt lon.aio@rt (0), ailaal (l) PS<br />

SicD: dichom8ly bn*b.d rtoE ( | l. p.d@hcly{rynbely bmh.d (2) sa<br />

t SiaofsLn: lslhd l0m (l), mEfi$.l0cn (2)<br />

Lowdlc.c: @{uslcnl (0), s@ul.it (l)<br />

Shagc of lae: rll krv6 lin*(l), olld $e li@r (2)<br />

Muinum bEadn of bc: cn<br />

9. Musirofts6: cntiF (l), dcntiic-3flhc (2)<br />

aFut.'.*"ffiAa<br />

ll Muinun lia of oud m'r phyllsis: mh<br />

t2- MuiM riu of i|W nEr thyllaic.: 'm<br />

l3- noEi! @lou:ycllow ( U blu., pin|., DutDL d violc (2). bott (3) FC<br />

MuiEu ria of ctF.h iftludi!8 b6r: mm MXC<br />

t5, Surfa.. ofcyp$li nuric.!.-p.pilhL ( l ). pilNri3pid12)<br />

l6- NMbd or dbs: ls rh.n 5 (l),mFdu (5)<br />

t1. Milihm 8iz! ofboic mn MIB<br />

l8- Muinm sia ofb.rk hm<br />

Colouofp.ppu!: l.mo y.llN (l), wbir (2j<br />

229<br />


Sia ofFappus: I mm tlJ, a-t mm (2)<br />

Carpop.diM:wi&out dt incmpion (0), wit! an inEmp'ion ( I )<br />

Pol,raFa jndisrin

c<br />

I<br />

i<br />

I<br />

!<br />

: 3<br />

t<br />

€<br />

i<br />

i<br />


212<br />

3<br />

2<br />

;<br />

E<br />

d<br />

3<br />

a<br />


LACTUCA L. ('.s|r.)<br />

Clustcr analysis oftne 5 OTU6 ofaalrr.a L. G.str.) cbany rnd'c$es the peseici<br />

of two nrin groups, vrz., group-A and grolp-B<br />

clw&rcr iarc dc I'sred i. bbles 4.4 a.d 4 5<br />

(fis.4l). Detarl ol chrracFA and<br />

GoupA. Thii gonp includa r.tt.a blichophytb Kjtm. Lrctw dard.k D oon.<br />

Lktua setiola L. ed Loct .a rat w L. Fon lhee sp6i6, Z dolichophtlla Kira .<br />

shows closc lintage wilh r. di$ard D Don. 6 they shde follosrns combrnanon or<br />

chdacreB such as si4 dd nuhber ofinvolucE phyllanes, size and colour ofcypsela<br />

including b.ak, colour of pappus. caQopolium !!d pollcn chatactea. Thc J r.r€nce5 J't<br />

ro!.d only in habit, bmbins patt m and lca!6 cxtuG. Hovryer. I r.r'ioL L - talls in<br />

b.san t[* 2 speies, G n halc alm6t stme involucre phtllrtrd and cypsla<br />

ch@cr.6. On $e othq tmd, 1,. semb?, L.i appe6 to be note linlcd *{h a turiv, L<br />

as lhet hav. same habil, brechinS tatcm ofste6, itoters colour. siz€ and.umber oi<br />

invohcrc phylldid, eze dd surfac ofcyF.la includingbsk. caQopodium and pollen<br />

(Tablc 4,4 & 4.5; Fie. 4.r).<br />

Gro.FB: Ir compns sitrgr. sp@a6 riz., La.t@a glatcdolia Bois. Th6 sp66 d6<br />

ml aom clsllr lo any sp.ci6 of th. scn6 &c&., L. G.slr.). due to diff.Enes in lhen<br />

laflcr$rc, nuhbcr and size of invollcr. phyllaies, clT*la chaEcles such as size.<br />

colour, surfac. and nunber ofribs bur panially linked wnh thc speciss ol group B !'2.<br />

&crca dirr€.,a D. Don, s it snd.r $c s@ halit, bmching patcm of srcn and poll€n<br />

cb.4cF (Tablc 4 I & 4.4; Fie. 4.3)_<br />


E9<br />

in<br />

;o-9ii<br />

j>>tu_<br />

EI $sx{ EFFA EgRR<br />

5i<br />

I'<br />

:r<br />

:€<br />

.a<br />

z<br />

B<br />

.E<br />


PCI<br />

FiB.4.4 Tlo din.Bioul gbph sholioS lh. distnbunon ofOTU s oi rh. ts nus<br />

,,.&.d L. G.str.) on Principal Componenl dis I and ll<br />

Signs: Lactuco ditvcta (.), Lactrca dolichophyllo \^J, Ltctu.d ghrctlolia<br />

(.),Lactuca teniola (x), Lactva tattva tt4.

PriNip.l Cooponenrs An.lysh (PCA)<br />

The principalconpone anaiysh ofthe Senus ra.rdd L (sstl) is based on 2l<br />

nDQholoSical chsdcteB. Thc rcsullsofPCA given in nblc4.l, shoss lour components<br />

rvitl an eieen v.lue is >l While the PCi ond PC6 have eiSen values The ri6t ruo<br />

cofrponenrs contribut d 771% shile the filsl th!.. comPonenls togelher ttou ror<br />

91.0y, of the toral veiability oa th. &ta h.kix. Whcn d. cigeo values weE ploned iom<br />

conponen6 I dd 2 iFi!,4,4). all $. speci.s wec cl.arly sepaated from each orher and<br />

PCA Ests ale coftsponds nore or les vith rhc dcndog@s (r-rg 4 r) produced a a<br />

The fid pnncipal conpon.nt cipldiG t6 2q^ oflhe torll ranabrln) d.d L du. ro rhe<br />

rolloving chm.t 6 !iz. habn (H). surfacc and nuobe' or ribs ol rh. cyp*la (SC &<br />

NR), colou or pappus (COP), ..rpopodium (CP), pold r@ and cenhl .chinae ol the<br />

poll€n (PA & CE). colour of st n (CS) and mlrinum bEdtn ol krv6 (MBL) The<br />

secod comDorent acc@nl. lor 2l.lol. of thc btal vdiarior and separared Demb€u had<br />

ldge oegaiive vahcs lor shape.nd mrrgin of lovrs (SL & ML). nininum and<br />

muimm siD ofb€.liMIB & MXB), posililc v!lu6 for pols arca &d centEl echime<br />

of the pollen (PA & CE) dd colouofsrem (COS). Thc rhird conpon€nt ahnough not<br />

replwhled gaphically and .ho contriblred I t ?./o of rhe ior.l vriiaron had a nesalile<br />

vdue for apex of l.,ves (AL) ed largc posiriv. vllues for maxinum size ofcypsla<br />

(Msc), mxinuo ske oi out€r phylhies (Mxrp) and avqase hnsrh orpappu\ (ASpl.<br />

Anons nd tniee conponenrs, pol.r di.r (PA), cenlot echinae (CE) oirhe po en and<br />

colour ofslen (cOS) *eE dislribured brrwccn pC 1 ond pC2

ll,<br />

Table 4,7 List of ch.r.cle4. tcored tor ClNter Analvsis r.d Principrl<br />

conpomnl AotlYsis<br />

for the sp.ci$ of&a,1rla F w schmdl hsred in llble l.8<br />

Ch.r.creB : Ch.rrler sla.6<br />

P|fr rhomy (l). nollhomy (2),<br />

sr.m anh.b.;"s1, b*.h"d lli mrnoklv tdnched tzl<br />

taks: d4dms or shon.liued I | /. nor d.crduo6 o' lonB_ln ed I 2 J<br />

Cy!s.l.: conpc$.d r I l nor(onp6ed (21<br />

Nrdmun lDe of cyT*la '(ludinS berr m<br />

Colourofcypelt boM. da* b@snllr, blacl12)<br />

5nape or !yprl. lrned' ell'pn- oroblon3' l l ob aNeor' _ r'/l<br />

Bear ofcypela: ab*nt (0), pdenr I I )<br />

Mm'mun size of bcak m<br />

Maximumsi^orbdt m<br />

sb.D€ of beak sleDd.Ffilifom ( I ), hn€le tpic.llt (2)<br />

Papp!sr lragile ( I ), nol iiagile (2)<br />

A@8. siz olp6pp6: m<br />

CarDopodium: witl$uldnirLdptioi (0), *ithdintemptron(r)<br />

Pols @ ofde Doll.n: bdktincl (0), distincl (l)<br />

centBl dhiod of th. pold e4: ab*.t (0), p@nt ( I )<br />

211<br />

Sy;boi; I<br />

P5<br />

TB<br />

coL<br />

tic I<br />

(s<br />

r MIB<br />

MXB<br />

s8<br />


E<br />

6<br />

t<br />

.E<br />

g<br />

z<br />

'i<br />

d<br />


i<br />

2t9<br />

i E<br />

><br />

.s<br />


,tc,lXroll f .w. Schnldl<br />

Cluster anilysis ol S.dr,la F.w. Schmidt, cl..rly ind,cares th. prcsence or r{o<br />

mdin greups, !'2., Broup-A and goup-B (Fig.4.t). Dctail ofchaEcteB and chadcrer nare<br />

.trc llicd ir trblds1r r {.8<br />

CrorFA: This SDup c.n b< chdacicn2cd b, haling b.*.d cypseh. Scariolo oriertalit<br />

Eois.) soj* sub6!. ofi@raftr $a"b/o o/rlrrral,r (Boist.) Soj.t subsp. nr.d,a,!e<br />

Podleh dd .t a'rbr, vtnire (L.) F.W Schmidr. f.ll in thii sroup. Amn3 rh.s. .t<br />

orriolir /Boi$.) Sojak rub6p. oire,l4?,r links ro t vtr,.a (L.) F.w. Schn'dt 6 the<br />

ditrEn6 e foud i. {cm, colou sd sir of cyp*h including b..* .nd<br />

eeolodim. How.ver.l oaiatalir lBoi.s.) Sojar tlbsp ,/r6,a4r.a Podlcl falls m<br />

bct*d l|iee n'o sp6i.s bur r!!ff lo b. linLd wirh ttF slb spei.s ofs on?rral,r<br />

fBois.) Soj.t, a .hcy hNc .lnos etu cyp6ela. pappus and polle. ch.acrd^<br />

However, tn di|laErc6 c fod only in $. size rd btuching patrm ol sren and<br />

leav.s (Table 1t & 48: Fig 4 5)<br />

GrelFB, ft @f'p!is singk s!€i.s ri.,, S.anob .tuttutu R@hi Bano. Ttis sp.ci6<br />

is quik distincr ton orhd Lr. of Oc gds J.oriora F,w, Schmidr ed dc nor sho*<br />

my cloe linloge. mainly drc to .b*.@ of b.ak. Similady $mc oflh. cyf*la and<br />

pouq chdcLu @ rlso iopond aor rh. disrincrion of $t 8roup. On rtk other h.nd,<br />

tlr's Sroup is paniall, lint.d wi& S o,?,ralt (Boi$ ) Sojak subsp . hutistanica pc,ltah<br />

ofgoup-B navjnB sinilfity in stcn |nd lqvcs (T.blc 4,? & 4.8; Fi8. 4,5).

od<br />

;t<br />

n4<br />

60>><br />

:! eg g;R5 FEgS !5ia!<br />

:<br />

E:<br />

g<br />

!!<br />

s<br />

E<br />

6<br />

-_]<br />

I<br />


Fi&4.5<br />

Sit!!:<br />

Two didrio.rl g+t lidi.t lh. didibuli@ of OTU'3 of<br />

gro Scrrirtz F.W. S.hnftlr o PrinciD.l 6!!pdHr uis | .nd ll.<br />

s@iolaor&a t M, ort ttdu (.), Scsrnd qientatis sltbtp.<br />

,wi:tkri.4irr, S.stoh tbt@ (L\ SNNtob estoti (x)

Prlnclprl Compon.nr, An.ly!i5 ("cA)<br />

Th. Nlts of PCA givcn in Tablc 4.9, ht$d on 16 chaacte6 (Table '1 7). tho\s<br />

rlar rhe fist lhFe conponcn$. with eigc..vdlu6 > I tognn t account for l00o/o orrhe<br />

roral varilbility ofthe dala marix. Othcr PCs (ie 4-6) had eigen vahEs. I The ftst<br />

conponcrr snich results 6169'0 is prim,ilt a tunction ol the lollo{ing ch!ru.t.rs ',2<br />

cr"s.la bcat (CB). conp@$ion.nd shaPc of cyp*la (COC & Cs). shape ol beak (BS,<br />

pappus (PN), pol& aEd (PA) bd centGlcchina€ lCE)oilh.<br />

polleL maxmun ize ol<br />

ct!*h {MXC) dd b.ak (MlB) Th€ sond compondl accounrs for 28 2% and is dr. ro<br />

the pcscrc. of fouo*ing ch@ie6 viz., ttTes ofbranch6 (TB), nature oflcavcs (NoL).<br />

pletspids(PS), colout ol ct?sela (CC), avedge ste olpappus (ASP) and c.Popodium<br />

(CP). Th. ihird conponen! aldDush not reptsnled s6phicallv ale contibua 8 2eo<br />

andcontarne ldg.€iBcnvalue which Fparalc lhe sroup bdcd on pldr spincs (PS). rYFs<br />

or bffchd (TB). natua ol lov6 (NoL), calpopodim (cP). colour of cvPsel. (cc) and<br />

aven8. siE of pappus (ASP). whcn the cigm wlues *er plot d aor PCI and PC2 all<br />

$e |ara inchdina nq sp.cics viz., s.4/Dl, ?rorrrard Roohi Baro dd noi clusd (Fls<br />

4.6) dd tl& csults .otrdpond.d witn th8t ofclusler mlysis (Fig,4 5).<br />


I rble 4.10 Lht ofch.r.cr.ri *or.d for Clulter Arllyrit rnd Prlnclprl<br />

Cbrr.ieB : Chrmct.r !trl6<br />

sLem abrir (0), psc (l)<br />

Conpor.nl An.lyrl,<br />

lor the sp.ci6 of Cilgrbrd wall!.,list d in Table 4.I1.<br />

BEadd ofsan: !pio5mbrord (l), upto l0mmbo.d (2)<br />

l,.vs: sBilc- n@wcd at tn! be {l), p.tiol.c (2)<br />

t besofraa: $.du (0), pGdr (l)<br />

M{inm b@dln of laf blrd.: l.5J cn ( l).l.t6 cn (2)<br />

Mlgin ol Lav6: diE (l), douG *tulak r2l<br />

lnrcluE phylldi6: doGdly rillo[ghimtc (l), &lMlly l@g prpill$ (2)<br />

ColouofinvolucEptr anB: s.n. (ll. no' e@ (2)<br />

Ma(imum sne of ourr phyllari.s: mn<br />

Mqinm siz. of id.r rb6r phylldi6: mh<br />

!\tidd of caliduD: 0.5- l cm (l),1,5.2,5 cn (2)<br />

Sh.pc of €pinlom: cylindric.l ( l). c:mpDulrl. (2)<br />

Nlahd of floet3 !.r capintm: 5.8 ( I ), l2-2J (2), moE d& 25 {3i<br />

Muinud siz. of cypela iDcluding b.rkr mn<br />

Colourol.t?sela brown (l),grcyhh.black (2),bolh(l)<br />

Shipeof cr?rlo:.lhpric.liM ( l), oblong-obldccolare orcyhndnLdl rr'<br />

Nunbqofrib!: 16! th{ t (l),hoErhd 5 {2)<br />

Mdtnm size of b.ak: mm<br />

BOS<br />

LE<br />

LOL<br />

MXBI-<br />

HIP<br />

w--o(-<br />

soc<br />

NOF<br />

cc<br />

MXB<br />


lq cold'oft .k b!g,! - Dbcl (|), co dydlo*-*bni.n {2) 3C<br />

20- colou of mFr: Dey rtrt (U dit' rrtilc (2) FC<br />

Avdrg.st oftqF:@<br />

C{pcFodiMr w'tout.rylenarion (0t eilhei.tdnplio. (l) CP<br />

2]- P{n. d ck!d!: up ro ?.5!b lons (l), up to l0 Fn lon8 {21 EI<br />


g<br />

E<br />

E.<br />

s<br />

=<br />

3<br />

t! €<br />

3<br />

(J<br />

4<br />

d<br />

(.)<br />

:g<br />

t g<br />

s<br />

$<br />

S<br />

a<br />

s<br />

d<br />


3ir<br />

:{}<br />

!;<br />

It<br />

E<br />

6 dd

CICERBIIA \Ntttr'<br />

Cluder andlysis indicates the existance of two gtoups viz, soup-A and group'B<br />

(Fig.4.7) Del'ilofchrracr4andchar.cl.rstalealclistdi.tables4.10.!d4 lI<br />

croup-A. -rhis grorp accomo

SubgmrpUl: It itdud€s ot y on 3pccics viz Crt€r&d q4i{?t R@hi Bam Thi<br />

distinclion of $is grcup is due to fic abence ot pionine stcn wheEd in lh. od'r<br />

Subsrortstvi h conpnFs sinsl. sp€ci.s !iz. c gilg,r.4rr Roohi Bano ThN<br />

sp€ci6 dNs oor sboN ..y auidce $nh n, bxon Ho*eler. due b the ptvne of<br />

black, l$s lhd 5, wavy ribbed, concoloous clpsla and snowv whne prppus. rh6<br />

spccies is panially linld with C ali Roohi Brno.<br />

GrcuFB: Thi grcup i.clud6 otrly I |ala viz, c tuPunculoilet (OC l B.anr" ('<br />

le.,prers (C B Cr.rt )Bauv.v{ dqipPE sdc daipie\t \C B Clark) Acao!' var'<br />

,/,i/id, (Hool.f) R@hi B&o. The delimning chdacte6 ol rhis sroup are ctlrndncr<br />

c.pinltm wi$ s-lo floErs; involucF phylldics bisenat, 8'12, domallv lons papillose.<br />

@l€r dd imd d of difli@t colouF Anong lh*. C razlr.,,15 {DC ) Bsuv. C<br />

d€.rpr.,s (c.8. Cla*c ) Bouv vr. d€.4,ieru rrc evolv.d iom same point a d?ctPP,r<br />

(CB Cldke) Betrv. var. ulrfld (Hooka) Roohi aano, falls in between rhese two<br />

sp.ci€s bur app€a6 to bc more linr.ed enh fi. later sp{res. a3 rhev bave diflirc.cer In<br />

6.n lal cb@cre6 Ge, !br!€, Duhd of lot6 ud odnration)<br />

Prlnciprl CoDpon.nt3 Anrltrb (PCA,<br />

For Drincipal conpondn oalys$ ot Cictbib wltu.. l0 oTUr wefunalyz€d<br />

bsed on 2l floehologic.l chaFdeu (T.blc 4. l0 & 4.I | ) Th. ftsulr of rcA n srcn in<br />

rablc 4.9, which yi.ldcd five @ftponenrs wiii & eigen ralue >1. while the remaining<br />

PCa (i,c G2l) h.d dgd vil6

conpon.nrs ontiibut d o 62.5% ofvariabihv while the fi6l ure compon.tls rog'6er<br />

Results of princital conponenr a.alysis (fig48) shows lhe No drmen$onal<br />

gdph of nFt No compon€nr {hich G mos or 16s sd. 6 lhe hr@ctucd analvls<br />

(Fi8.4.7).ln borh clNer ud prieipal coopon€nt an.ltsis the ih@ da vi2 '1<br />

.apunculoid' (Ix].) Baw., c dr.ir?6 (c B cl&te) aeauv. v^r' de.ipien! ^nd<br />

drcip,r (C.B. CldkO Bcauv ve. t,ll./d (Hookl) RoohiBaho de closelv<br />

c<br />

'llitd ro<br />

.dh olher bur distlntly pls.d &on tnc odd n€nbe6 of th$ clusrer' Ihe r'marnrng 6<br />

la\a imluding $E n4 sFci6 viz., C arri R@hi Beo. c' ailgre66<br />

Rmhr Ado C<br />

4oir.ri Roohi Bdo .e di$amly sep@t d sp.cies whecas C lesenio'a (N'll ex<br />

DC.) Mugain & R.o ud is v^neri6 riz, rt. dehtata (DC) Roohi Bano and va!<br />

/yrard (D€n .) R@hi B.no o@r cl6c ro8.lh€r The ii6l compon€nl which shows<br />

42.8olq oi lhe robl v.tialility scp@te{t th. tda bascn on $. follow'ng chaocr'N v'z<br />

*idth dd shape oi c.pitulun\ {wOC & SOC), Itpe ol hans and colou of involucre<br />

phylldies (HIP& CIP), carpopodium (CP), naximum size of cvpsela (MXC) and<br />

numbd of AoreG (NOF).The s@nd @mponent a@mls 19.790 ha a pctrrve varuc<br />

for th. colour ofpappus (PC), numbr of ribs (NOR), cololr of beak (BC) a.d , nclaNe<br />

v{lu. tbr biead$ of sten (Bos), (Tablc 4.12 i Fig.4.8). Thc third component u noi<br />

Gp|!$led sEphi4llr, @nributed 12.?v. of $e tolnl qriability.nd amn8 nd fou.<br />

r{nked eigen valu.s, had a negative valuc for qine thickncas or pouen iET) .nd l.rge<br />

positive valu* ior lhe shape od colour ol c)TFla (CS& CC) and colou ol b.tk (BC).<br />

Among |n. 6r.e @npon nts. olN of bcik (BC) w6 disrributtd b€twtrn PC2 dd rcl<br />


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Fi9a.s Ttro di6id Fpt .torios |n. .l&&di. otOTU s of |!. 8au dstre<br />

wdlr,.on Prircb.l Co@car un I 8d n.<br />

Sig!* Ci..rOic {airai (!t Cffi dtt lE), A.abitt ei4qtanit l ) ctgbL!<br />

eottt$laqtu l@ttds n. t*''tab (sr, ct$ut'I4tattato<br />

n.ltt&(.r,Wletus btr l+\ ct ahtb .ttMltu<br />

( t, Cbqttb ddpta \$. d4idat (-), Ct rbaa d.cipiaLt w. tutilda (. I<br />

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Th. uibe t ctuce& is a pEdonins v nonnm t€flnsphere tlb€ bur rbuod borh<br />

i.oldwodd a.d new wodd (Tonb, 19?TiWillis, l973iBreme!. l994lMabberlev. 1997:<br />

Leb€d. et al,2004r Lack.2007)<br />

th. rojority of rhe r,.tuca L.ls l.) spaies m xctophrres loutrd In dry chmanc<br />

condnions o! nodml.ly hunid @as and sone inhabit moumlins Mosllv o'ev de<br />

abseDt fion lhe hunid ttoPi6 ed .quadc hablab (Stabbins 1937: D.thi6. 19321<br />

Brcmr, 1994 ; Lack, 2007)<br />

ln Pakhran and Ktshmi. Zd.r,r? l- Gl)is nosly conlined to lhe high<br />

nou ains ofHinalayd. K@Lorum and Hi.duk6h ln Hihalavas. n ccua in r6hm''<br />

Ha@ and Swat; in KaDkodnr it n found in AahisLa. Cilsn. Hum md,rcd adJacenr<br />

b Kas[mn and als exl.nd into Tar Hinalavm ranges in Potohar. Sall rarye and<br />

Saksi SinilN y raxa dc also disributed in Chilr{ Dn, Kumm vrllcv and weBEn<br />

n lhe Hrrdukbh ad Sllatmm mge. Mo$ ofte bxa aG .ho pHcnl rn nonhem<br />

Baluchisun sucb as Quetr., Chann, Ziarat, LoFlai, I(alal Zhob etc Sodc taxa d. also<br />

ro6d in rn. pkire of Plnjtb. In Si.dh no uton is pcent except the onlv cuhival€d<br />

seai6 i..., tactuca stita L.<br />

Fcw reports de available on the Seogopbical<br />

distribution and ecology of some<br />

|axa b.longinS ro Asrene.e. J€frrey (1975) discr$erl lh. uxonony a.d distriburion<br />

p.nen ofall tn m.nb.6 ofrhe lribe ljctlcee od rls pc?.Ed dinnbudon maps of<br />

m6t of the tua. Prince s, o/. (1935) studied rhe g€ogEphicd disriburion of Pnckly<br />

lcrne. i..., Ltdvo setiolo L. rnd prepaEd rops which showed the dinnbuion Umn ot<br />


Ldutu \etiola L. n Bn\an-romb I | 9??l siudi.d th€ syscnalrc a.d phvlosenv ol the<br />

ribc L&tu@c and hc also discBsed g@sdphictl dislribution .nd specles nchne$ of<br />

re rribe Lactuceae Hc rccoClized 3 cent.ru oldislribullon olihe inbe Lacrlceae vrz.<br />

cenral Asia (22 8.neb), rhe Medn tran..n BNit (21 g€ned) and wesren Nonh<br />

An d€a (18 eeic6). BEncr (1994) .ho studied thc s.ognphical disribution and<br />

cdology of rh. dbe Lacuceae. Rao & Du{ (19961studtd the dtr.6n}. endemr$ lnd<br />

phyioSeosraphical aninilles of the softe lndid conp6iiae alotS rilh 'be<br />

biogcogxrphi€l Egions of India. l-.b.da a 4r {2001) srudied tbe gognphBl<br />

disdbudon, e@logy Dd biodiveEny ofwild Z,.t.a L. sp.ci6 fion 7 @nttics of<br />

Euope !i2., Autria, CBh Republic, Frane. Geman, Itlav, Netherlands and<br />

S*itze and. They found odinm dileuity i! Fdce The mosl chmcteristic habrtar<br />

wirh ! hish ddsiiy oa wild tadlca L st .ic *erc ob$rcd along the r@ds hish,tys.<br />

gsy ditch6. tudcBl comuities dd deen heaps. Leb{dt er d/ (2004) studr.d the<br />

phyiog€ognphy of wild ,a.r!.a L sp4ies (Lactuceae.Astqrcee) EgddiiS then<br />

dbtriburi@ m difercnl co inmts. Ttey disssed woddwid. disLiburid pancm or alr<br />

rh. d*ib€d sp.ci6 of&ctu a I- ad sp.cis ricbn€s viz., in Eurcpe ll? speci6l. 'n<br />

Asia(slspeciet,inAfiica(43sp{ietandinAn€ica(12specietmostlyinlheNonh<br />

In Pakisl"n v.ry f€w @ds e avrilrbl€ vbeE phtrog@en9bidl dat e<br />

enploycd in LxoDhy Ali & Qaisc<br />

(1986) snied our fia phyroSo8rdphical .nalysis<br />

of thc phanerogms ol Pakislrn dd K6hnir. Oner (1991) dkcussed the disribuion<br />

pati.m ordifaeent sFci6 b.longins to lnc Sdus oerti.,, L. (s.1.) &om PaI$[n ald<br />


Kashnir Qqiser & Abid (2005) also studied the disftibulio. pa(.m ofdifere.t sp.cics<br />

belo.Sins to th. g.nus 1d. L. (s.str.) cnd ns aUied genera fion Ptkisl.n md Kashnn<br />

lne presenr srudy h6 ben nade *ith $eaim ro emPloy lh. phtroeogFPhical<br />

dala in rhe bronomy of this genus.<br />


The lo(al (PalEbn) rnd world "i,1. dnribu ion<br />

pan€m oi all uxa s6 faced<br />

wid the help ol h.rna.ium slsimtr pcent in vanous herbrri. viz., BM, E, KUH, M,<br />

RAw and lndluE. lhe distibulion m.pt F al$<br />

i.folmrion has 6l$ b.en lrkd ftoft h.darium sheets.<br />

supplemeht d by licld obsdations,<br />

F!pa&d.<br />

Eoloeial ed htbir<br />

However. in fw caes n is also<br />

b lh. PI*nt work disibndon plrh of l2 rM (26 spdi6. I sub3peiq .nd 5<br />

vrned6) are inclrd.d undq the g.n!s la.r!., L. G.slr.) and its alli.d gd@ viz..<br />

Lftt,.ella Ntza6ra, Scutol1 F w. Schmidl, 5rzpr,rr,tPl6 Bulg.. Mutgeditn ctss,<br />

C.p^alofif.chut Boks. A.erbnaN^li dnd Prdanth4 L<br />

The d.roilcd phlaogognpnical !.!lysis, lNal and {ond widc dn|riburion ts<br />

1a.&..,,1a Naabv4 a ronolwi. gcnus k distribuled in South Wcst dd Cdlnl<br />

Asia lo Wesrn China (Bems, 1994i Mabbcdey, 1997). Tbis tdxon is confined to thr<br />

nonlm mulrimu Egion ol P.li$.n !.d srcws bwfrn l50O - 2200 d @ 3apF,<br />

in smi arid !E!x on stotry rlop6 lnd slin plains. This i.xon i! !n !s lmcTranirn<br />

.lddr di$ribu.d in Inq, Palist n, Ccnldl Asia and We$n Chim and qtending to<br />

6tm Medndlne.n (Jeilr.y, 1975i L.b.da rr ,1. 2004). Th. gehus S.dno?d f.W<br />

schnidt is dbtriburcd in Sourhn Europe, N. ^f.ica, Sourhw.sr and ColEl Asi.

ll<br />

E<br />

.s E<br />

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(Brener. 1994: Mabbeney. 199?). Out of4 hxr pr6d in Pakbtan only t. otr?,,arr<br />

(Boiss ) Sojak subsp. ,,r,r/ani.d Podlech a llpic,l lnno Tumn'on clement, '3 a nanow<br />

pidin ddemic, occlning in Prkish and Arehanisbn (Table 5.1, Fis 53).In Plkisr,n<br />

n occu6 fsm 1000-1500 m on ro.ky Blopes and crevices, along slread bank, on wel<br />

plac6 rnd 1n sndt.lay loln Wlile fic other 2 bxa vi2...\. r,i.x!,rs subsp ,ierrdlrs<br />

(Boiss.) Sojok ahd Syinrr.a (L.) F.w. Schnidt, ar. sidely diskibuted. S. ot?,zrj<br />

subsp. dz?'rul6 (Boiss) Sojak @ur in Northm Blluchhon and Chidl (T$le 5.2r<br />

Fig. 5.3), srows oh clayet.nd loany soil and siony plac€s, on slopcs, on gravek and in<br />

dry iavines bd*M 1650 1000 n Wlqers rhe S.ymt?a (L.) F.W S.hoidi iound i.<br />

astor Baltisrin, P6hawar, Kuaao, Qucfia, l-oalai, Kalar dd Noushki (Tabl.5.2: Fig.<br />

t l), grwing bcN€en 300 2?00 m on elq slopB, sloby .nd gaveh dss The<br />

maining sprci6 viz., S. drorrror. Rmhi Beo is pBenrly s.sidercd 6 qdenic s n<br />

I reponed iom Nodhm Astor only (Table 5.2i Fi8.5.1)<br />

ri'e gq6 r,.!,.a I-. G.slr.) is *id.ly di$ibur.d in E@pq Asia. AAic. dd Nonh<br />

& Cmtral Anerica {Bren.r, 1994; Mabbeney, t97i Lebed! er at; rjck, 2007). In rhe<br />

aM cosid.nrion 5 srei6 e eo8niz€d rnd oost of rh6e !E mrinly distriburcd in<br />

Hinalayas, KaEtotun !(l Hindukush mn8.s. 1d.,,.4 rarw L,, a poprtar slad cop ig<br />

trewn $ lory ves€tlble rboudout lh. wond, ns dndbulion p.ll.n is.ol @nsid€€d<br />

b.insa cultivat.d rpsid.Fon the rcnaining 4 spcia,,. r,rj,/a L, connont, *nown<br />

as wild le(uc. or p.iokly lcnuce. Il is a ddidionrt-rmpelalc and se*.o Eurasian<br />

3pci* a pluricsional .I.fur Gabtc J, I ). tr h.s . rJabn|nopic woddwid€ disuiburio.<br />

(l-.beda e,,1, 2004). Irs synankophio dhrnbuiion hls als ban rcodcd tofr Australi.<br />

Dcludins ldmda a.d Nd zataD,l (Burtinge & CEy, t 97O; W.bb "r at, | 988). Ini,

s<br />

t €<br />

'.i<br />

E<br />

E<br />


!;;i;. t;"p.;,",-li<br />

5 tidrotis.sp 4unierna<br />

step@hokphL tddbilatn<br />

C.pt6lo nhtnch8. hn I eLnsil<br />

c. kMlzna \,. l6t.ai.M<br />

PrM.\a bMirrErt<br />

T.bh 51. Pbytoadgt pbl.rl $rly.n orr8&d L ($rr, ."d lB .llLd gen'n<br />

P banoahna vt otiia delaha<br />

? K&*tr lrom tlp.l€llty ontt<br />

257<br />


--4s;<br />

\- \Jf<br />

fl<br />

3<br />

.E<br />


tncklt<br />

letNc. hG also been Bbbfthed as. wdl r Nonh An€mca, southcn Afin lnd<br />

A4cnrina (Slra6baugh & Oor, l9?Ei Boulcm e,,r. l99q Zohary, l99l; zulog, &<br />

Momne,1999) lt is foud alnct ev.ryrh.c ftom dE plains ro nounlarnous E8ions in<br />

Enrope trp to 1560 n, in Turtey up ro l7t0 m, in AfshannBo up to ll00 m and in the<br />

norlhem Hidalayas up ro 3600 n (H.8i,1978 i MeuFl & Jager. 1992). ii takistan ale<br />

lhis tarcn 6 ato nost widel, distnbutd in Nonlm @d. nounurnous rcgion or NDnh<br />

w€sl Fondd Porine, Pu.ja! and Baluchistd {Table 5 2; Fig 5.5), ba*en 240cl6oo<br />

n on gGssy slop6. moDrriE' iiig.l.d ld&. in mlti%red fi€lG and od sid€ we.d<br />

(stewan, 1972).Tne othd 2 species yiz, Lid,co dissecta D. Dol and Lactu.a<br />

atu!.i/n/u aoks., are found in l@i, PakNrdn, Allhanisd.lndia, China rnd fteCenral<br />

As'r (Rcchinger, 1971, LEbeda a,/, 2004). Borh lhe sF&ics ar. l@o-Tumin<br />

eleneris (Tzbl. 5.1). l,.r,.2 dis€.,a D. Don is a @nmon annul v..d dd widely<br />

dtEibutcd in alnct all t[€ Egio.s ol Patisun except Sindh (Tabl. 5 2; Fis. J.4J. l!<br />

Srows in diffcrcnt habitals such as on sront slops, ock cevices, as a wedd in cultivared<br />

fields. alonl rnisation malq on srqn banl$. Mending up to 100- 1000 n.wheieas<br />

LtM glarcilolia Bois is conpddv.ly l* comon ihan rhe orh.r sp€.is ot<br />

Idto L. G.srr-). In liti$an n s4 $ bc l@aliad ir Batuchisbr r.rchir8 up ro I I m<br />

- 1800 h on gErcl slop€s, sddy pl&6 dd oadside edg6 (T.bl.- 5 2- 5.1; Fig. 5.4).<br />

Th. ttsr sp@i.s viz., Ldchtco dol@noptl/a l(ir!m.,is distibubd fbm Nepal (Esren<br />

Hihalaydtlo Kashhtrtoea$em Afgh{nisran (wened Hrmatay!) prubabty n isa sino-<br />

Japss cl.odr, ii our re8ion it 8roqs on @ky slope$ wals and hcdB6. mud<br />

@lriv,cd n.ld m clryey lm soil. Mding up lo t2m - 32OO m on mu,rainou<br />

a@ ofoibn, B.ltisr4 K4hnn, clinrt. Dir. s*al dd H%ra (Table 5.lj Fir. 5.4).<br />


!<br />

s<br />


a<br />

b<br />

s<br />

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F<br />

i<br />


fie Cen s M sedtun Cas., is d6tributed througnou tropc and Asia<br />

(Bcne., 1994, Mabb.rlcy. 1997),A.Dng lhe 2 sp.ci€s. ,|,/llsetliu tlt'te' \Hook r'l<br />

R@hi Bmo is confined to Nonh.n ac.s of Pakistd between 2400 I 100 m o. streao<br />

banl dd in ponds.A unnegional .ldnenl which s*ds (o be padin endemic irr the<br />

Easren liano-Turanian subreSion (T le t.l) whereas M,/3e,1/!,, r,rdrtM (L )D(. (a<br />

biregionalelemenl occuring in ltano-Tuenian ond Eurosiberian r€8ion lrsrows,n areas<br />

of sody (usu.ll, saline) subsraia in scniarid t8ions, as well a in elements of steppe<br />

sd inonl colmunid.s (Ferrlova, 1976, 197?j cl.dcnt & Fosre., 1994). ln Pakslan 'l<br />

is sidely dislnhured D Cbirel. Cillit, HuMr, SrltisEn, Slordu, KaraloIm md Kdhntr<br />

(Table- 5. | ' 5 3i Fig. 5.6). aou.d al thc cl.vdion b€Neen 2800 5000 d on clay€y etl<br />

md sdy slop5, in modcdtly d.mp $ along irigarion chamel, nEm banks atd 'n<br />

lr.ld ofdif€fenr oldvakd coDs.<br />

Th. AN 9epto,tanphB aung. is distibut d in Southdr Europe, Turk y.<br />

Ceau! l@, Middle Edt, C. Asia, AfgDannl.n and P*ishn (BEner, 1994i<br />

Mabb€rley, 1997j Lack.2007). In Pal$hn n is Gpreshrcd by 2 spec'es v'2.<br />

St.ptorhonph$ crodbiloli. BlaA. aad Skpto anphus pelsrco lBoiss.) O. & B.<br />


- ,J.<br />

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Easlcn ldno-Tuaiian clft.nt whecas t r'.6tu4 (Bohs )O & I Fedsch rsa w.slcrn<br />

ft. gcus Cephtlottt ct6 soi$., is minly disribuled in Sollh Est.n EuroF<br />

!o Chin. OGn r. 1994i MAbb.rlcy. 199?i L.ck, 200?). ll is €?@l.d by I sp.cies in<br />

our Egio viz.. Cepholdrhrrch8 pic,idihnis (Bois.) 'tuisl., Cephalofthtltctu<br />

.hnnle^isrlisl. tnd CephalonhyMA6 p,tdada (8oiss.) (np., ircn our csron.nd<br />

all .F consid.ftd a tt?iel l|lGTutui- clcrcnrs (Tabl+J.l).Th. c p,crdifonni<br />

(Bois.) Tuisl. .nd c.,tlrtutdir Tuisl., harc n.rw distribsnon, mAinly oeMinS in<br />

Afghaison ad Palistr! ud c@id.r!d 6 panin.nd.mi6 (fig. 5.E) in l@GTumid<br />

EBi6. la Ptli.t^ C. pi.ridilomir (Boiss.) Tuisl., is aolrd in Chitral sd NonJrcm<br />

B.luchhlln (Tabl.-5.2). .l thc clMtoi of 1500 2776 n o. dty aM (such as on<br />

@vices. slep .nd sloF) md ndr srcrn bank. Wh.E6 C. .rttul.,r,r Trisl. is<br />

Epon€d fim ChiErl, q&!.. Ziet Ch@n, dd w.li TmSiiRch, f., 197?) gloss on<br />

nE bcd and dry sfop.s bd*an 1600-2500 m. (T$lc- 5-2).Hw(a, C. pollcla.tr<br />

(Bois.) KiD. b diruiblrcd in C. Asir, lm Afglr.isu. od P*i$rtr (T.blc5.l; Frs.<br />

58) In Patistan. $is sp€cies is coinn.d ro ChitElonlt o. dry sloFs. asc.ndiig up ro<br />

Th. g.nu Ct .rnla w.lh, is distribulrd itr Euopc, Sourtwcn and Cdld Asia,<br />

Himlay. dd Chiu (8ffi, 1994; M$bcrlcr. 199?; te*, 2o0?). ln Pakisrd, rhc<br />

8c.us r E asr.d by ll ia._ MGr of tn* e minly distribut d in Hin.t.yd.<br />

rs.InD ad tlindulush tu86, Arlo.g tnc 3 n*ly d*ribcd sFci6 of $. scnus<br />

Ci.ebita \N.ltr,. C. sile .nte R6hi A.no h krown ti.n ryt leatiiy only (H!msh.<br />

CilSit) SFws on op.n g@y .nd sh.dy rtopca b.twc.n 3500- 49OO 6. lrrtcEd<br />


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-oa<br />


a qat"ri R@hi Btno.nd C. a/ri Roohi Bano haw n!m* distnburional dnga (<br />

{,,J.r Roohi aaN is dstibulcd Ln (;il8n. ( hitli ! kshmi' (Ttbl. 5 2). 1n moist<br />

opq ar6 dd netr w.t* cml bdwm 2690 -1600 n dd c. !/,t Roohi Blno is Presenl<br />

in Knshnir and radkorun, Srow! on cli'I fac.s, in alPine paslures, slopes. opd aEs al<br />

the elevation besv€cn 1300 4500nl<br />

Tne orher I speci€s viz, C d?.'?iai (C.8. Clarlc) Beadv., C LrJeiiMa (.wall ex<br />

DC.) Mams,in & Rao ir. etuelt distibul.d in Cbin., Sikkin, BhutaD, Nepal, Idia<br />

Pakislan, Algl6nrd.Th. w6t o noll limit of |hle spsi* n mnhem Afslwist n.<br />

(T.ble-5.3; Fis. 5.10, 5ll & 5.12).Both (h. Seies nay be clNined a lnicSioMl<br />

eleoqrr Nmi.g in Sim-iap.n* cAio. *\das C. nauorhEa (Ro''lc) Bauv. nay<br />

be clasifiel as bircsional clcdcits dishbltcd i. l6m'TuEnian 'nd Sino Jipi.*<br />

r.gnrs In ourrrta (1,,,crorr,:" (Royle) tleaor go*s on dk ccvices, innoii and<br />

shady ples oa K,shnn, ChiF.l, Swtt 3.d P6hrw$ (r!bk-5.2), b€!,m 1800 -1900<br />

n. How$,6, the Enrining two $eia ex.dlauy rcd&6 C ,,./o'r'?a (Royle) Bd!v.<br />

and sows at a hisnq ahitudc lnd widcly disfiburcd tnan rhe previous speis.Under c.<br />

d..'ppa (C.8. Cl.rke) Bauv and C /rr,€rri,d (Wall. ex DC ) Mam8ain & Raq l<br />

vdneles.re rwosn'zed and all arc showing molc or less sihilar dshburion (Tlble t.l-<br />

& 5.3; Fig. 5 I0 & 5.12), ln Pakiskn, C ddolierr (C.B. Cla&c) Berw @ach6 !! to<br />

2500 ' 4000 m on optr noist shldy slopcs, crcvic.s, ocky 6vine beds and banlq along<br />

suans wnik c' leJsant,a iw.ll. q DC,) M.neain & Rao gbws f'om 1400 - 4000 n<br />

in op.n gE$y ilpin€ pastures, srony ndg.s. and neltin8 snoe.Tbe las S6i6<br />

viz., c'<br />

laptutoida lDC.) Bqnr- is dislributcd fon N.?al to Pakisr.n rhsugh Himchrl<br />

Pad6h 0rdja) rrl Kdhni. w€lcm Him.hFs sn b b. irs wstm mo$ linirrn o!.<br />


I<br />

t,<br />

la<br />

\<br />

{<br />

s<br />

i<br />

i<br />

TJ<br />

{<br />

F<br />

.E<br />

ii<br />


esion n 8D* in open g6y dd sh.dv slop€ al high elevdion of rcnh'm a@<br />

Gable- t.l-5.3iFig.5.ll) b.twq 2500 - 4200 n.<br />

Mmbd ol fte gd6 Pte,a,r/,et l-, e trinlt dis:rribulcd in nonh InPeBc<br />

!uop.lo Ariican dountains (Mabberlev, lq97) maiilv in Asia and N Anrica also 1n<br />

Cenhl and Sourh Eu@p.. CaFry lslands S@tE rnd TdPtal Alhca (BrcDd 1994:<br />

Lark,2oO7) In Purisian ir is epre*nred bt 4laxa (l species and I varielv) Oflhe 4laxa'<br />

P. brrnonia,a W^ll. q DC, is ! noisoF lovin& lnCv v$ialtl' lnd comnon<br />

{@i.s.Both lhe variedes of P Drurcrrcm Wall d DC (i c, tt?e vandv ' vli<br />

altiaa4olia (DC ) Hook f.. .E sid€lv disrnbuFd in W6tem Hinalava and rinkorun<br />

betN6 l5oo-4400 m on alpin deado8 llmg sli.rn or shtdv sloP6 tlowder' rh'<br />

mahrnB 2 spsi.s v'2., P r,.torri Roohi amo & Qlrq and P a tchisonia"a lB4@ |<br />

R@hi Blho & Q.isq,<br />

h3ve iaev distdbuliomt ang. The dislribulio' of th' fodr<br />

spdi.s could not be batyzcd

4.<br />

\<br />

c<br />

z<br />

.9<br />

i<br />

n<br />

s €

.l<br />

'E<br />



Thc p6dr s'srematic study i.dicltcs th'i fie Scnqic circum$riplion ot the<br />

gmus a4ctr.a L. G.l) was $allt Pid.ned by nunber ol workers and hanv<br />

indepaddr, ur€latdt bur .lli€d LE hlvc been included under rh! g.DUs Z!.ae L<br />

(s.l ) Mosr ot the work.rs slch as Da.ndolle (1816), Bentbtn and Hooker (1871)<br />

Boi$ift (1875), Clarke (1876), Hooket (1881), Slebbins (1937), KirPicznikov (1964)<br />

and Fdikovi ( r97O tbtd rnc veious Sdco a difi.mr stions ol lactrca L lt l.l<br />

rcsuh'ns n a very lEtercscnous assmblige (Trble I l). However! most oi rhese eciions<br />

!€ rded !s &pmc g..d by oth.r {orkc6 ruch at Ki+i€aikov (1964), .lclTEy<br />

( 1975), R€hins€r (1977), Brd€r ( 1994), L&k (2007) .nd the pi€sd author in ordd to<br />

make thc gcnus mor homogenoDs (d.cbils of worksE have alre.dy ben di$uss.d<br />

undd rh. chlpt€. Ln.dluE surey)<br />

RR Stryan i1972) in hk Annor.led Caklogue ol Vasular Plaha of w.<br />

Pakistln .nd Xshnil' h6 acc.pt d lhe b@d* gocric coic@r ol Lactuca L. ls-l.) dd<br />

re6.den 26 sp$ific dd inn .peific tara und€r thb saus. However, in the p@.r<br />

sudy sonc o i lhe tax! Ecognized by R. R. St w.rt ore r.dlced ro synonyh ahd $m€ aE<br />

osred urda diff@t gcn@. Howcvd, in lne pGem studic a lo|at of ll 6x.<br />

b€longing ro 8 dilf€Mr gden are included Orrhese 5 or new sp€o.s. I nes variety.4<br />

ne$ .ombrmlio6, 2 neq rmks &d I n.w rmr'l cr. reognized lom lh. lier undcr<br />

considmr'on. Tte significur 6nding! & rs folto$:<br />

Cr'e.rtz a/ii R6hi Bano<br />

CierDta gtlgtr.rrd Rohi B.no<br />


I Ci...ria qatel, Roohi Ba.o<br />

4 S.ztiold €mt 4l4 R@hi Bano<br />

5 Ptena hes iMrtii Noobi Bano & Qaisct<br />

6 Cicqbito daipiens (C B Clfke) var. 2,tir,a,i.,<br />

1 Mulg.diw cluLzi (ltook. f.) Rooh B^no<br />

a ci.abib bdhanii (C.8. Cta*.) R@bi Bao<br />

R@hi Bmo<br />

9 CicerbitadecipienlC.B Clatk )Beau\.rt n ttjda lH@k. f) Roohi Bano<br />

l0 Pftnonttq oit hitonia,a (Bauv.) R@hi Brio&Qaisr<br />

tt ciebib laseflioia (wall- .x Dc.) Mlhgain & Rlo €r. ttrctd (D6ne.l<br />

12 Ci.erbito latennaa (Wall. ex DC.) Mlhgain & Rao vr .l.ntota lOC.l<br />

t3 crwbih b.nthoftii (c.8. ct.*.) Roohi Btuo<br />

Amon8 rh. I gd@ Bogiiz€d in lh. pear 3udy only on. gmus CrarIbib Wanr,<br />

s represnrcd by more rho lOraxa (8 speies and 4 v{nri6) inctuding4 ncw ones fDm<br />

Paldsbn dd K6hmir. louoq.d by lzd!.a L. (s.'li) wnn 5 spcis Of fie Bl' 2<br />

een 6 iz.. PManthet L, aid scari,la F.w. schhidt tre r@cenled by 4 rln sch<br />

vniL Cepllalonhyachs Boi$. is rcpMred by I sp€ics. rh€ othq 2 g€nds<br />


Mrlse,litd Cass ,nd Steptorhanphut B\nge ae tepressnred bv 2 species cach while<br />

rbe cminins B€nus /d.,!."lra Ntdv., is 3 nonorv?ic<br />

A synrheic lppoach is adopted in rhe p6e.t study Dal! obtaincd fion diffeFnl<br />

fields are ulilizcd and .umeac,lly anllyzcd ior rhc identifiMrioh and h] fiod our<br />

relatio.ship ol vanous $xi<br />

8 sme6<br />

wh.n dillerent chrractss 6tn vlnous asp4$ ai. r.km into consideFtion all th€<br />

.an be 6ily drlinn.n-Ihde sans !o b. m pDblcm in iddtaftne ttd pl.cing<br />

vanous raxa unde! difiecnr genera. All th.8 gseE are boadlyclasifr.d into 2 dislinct<br />

goups viz., sroupl ud soup-ll.<br />

Croupl c{n be e,sil, isolared by rhc pr€sence oi unisenac pappusTh€ followins 4<br />

eeneh viz. tu.r!., L. (s.srr.), ,adu.ellaNt 6\q MubediunCass, and ltaflola F.w<br />

:hhmidt rrc includel i. this g6up<br />

Thc genus ld.uce.4o Naarcla is a monolrpic genus and distinSuisbed from rhe<br />

ct oa g.n.h by rhe pcence of follosins chdctes such d snrll, amDal hcrh:<br />

capitulum moely sioglq 0orec blucr involucE phy'hncs 55 enite. inn€r mosr<br />

phylhne up lo 27 nn long (3 inca longd tlu. thc outq ones)i pdpillor, l-nbb.d<br />

clDelr lod capiuary b.,l *nh 2- rlnQrMr p.'d.nr rppddag6 on cirh6 sid. .nd<br />

conpaGliv.ly lo.g.r thin lh. otnd sen6a, The dlra of poll€n oorphotog, hs prcrided<br />

addilioMl miconophologrcal €hdcr.6 particuldty !t lb. s?eific l.vct !s mst oalh.<br />

sFcB rdn br identified on fte bash otpotls oo.photoSt Hos.ver, ar ege.enc t.v.t<br />

the pollcn norphological dal6 h6 bccn uscaut pania|y. ln somc cases Benus tike<br />

Laaudt N3a6r^ dtA S.zriota F.w. S.hmi.rl hav. .lmos simirai polla ch.ncE6<br />


indianins lh.n cbse rcloliotuhip $ fli !s th. palvnological chad<br />

rhe orhn nolphologlcal chtdcth do mt suppon fihcont.ntinn<br />

The ge.us J..rola F W. S.hnidr h disrinct and m$lv islated bv hav'ng lhc<br />

lollowina consbnt chtncL6 such 6 stcn wtite Dd glcsy, diunctlclv to intrimrclv ot<br />

virgately bEnched; lealcs ssile subsssile, lloccose, d{uftnl wnh hn.ar<br />

+pendases ligules yellosr synnorc$cn.e sPicifohr - subacemosci florets I Pcr<br />

capitolumi crTslo Mth or *ithour bak hvi.g s.m. t€xtue and whne PaPpus<br />

Ho*ever, in lhc othq gencia ded, bnnch.s, lav€s dd synoo6cqc. are nol as rbov.,<br />

flor€ts mor. lhan 4 ctfs.la crpillary - filifom *ith bok n.ving difml tcxtoc<br />

kxcludinS t/,?s.r'd Cis.). Adcnionally lhcy htv. polle, wilh r.ducei pola. n@s<br />

with 2 tuws of echince on rhe triradiare pohr ndg€s which are al$ ptcsc in ad.r!.e/ld<br />

The g.nus Lcr!.a L. G.st.) is distinsuished in having 3rnoresc6ce laxly<br />

corlmbose - Ecmoselt ananged orpanicledr 0ore6 ofvanous @lous (y€llow, *hitc.<br />

blue viol.t or pu+[sn), ct?s.I. nuic.rc pilo*, l-9 nbb€d, filifom slendd and<br />

b€k whne oi geenish. Despn. ol di$a.rc.\ the Ltctuco Elouc{ol,a Bohs. shor clos.<br />

affiniIi6 wirh thc spei.s Z!d@4a !"d!r.ra (ld.b.) N@ov! by h.ving p+illar., t.<br />

.ibbed cFscld ond *nic bak. On th. othq ha.d, lh. pallTologicll dai. suppons rh.<br />

isolation of thcse 2 sp@i6, Io Z,.r@ gla!.iroli. Boi$., poltr a@ of ih. pollo is laig.<br />

with I Gr5 c.nhlly i$lad -h;nrc wn Es i Lact c.lto udulata (Ld.6.) N!aov..<br />

polar ar€a h reduced ond ccnl6l4bi@c rre absl. Addnio.ally, in rhc genB z../!do<br />

L. (ssL.) th. prlynologic.l dall ha hen uFtul d tn.3pcific tw.l 6 r the j speia<br />

aE placed under two diftea p.tten rypB. Such as, ta.tu z seziola L. ^\4 Lact,.a

tz,,w L. m inclld€d undcr &crrcerldrvPc bv the abs4€ of th. pold a@ whei4<br />

L\.tuco dissecto O.Don, Luct u Elauci.fatk Bo\ss antt Loctuco dati.hophrlla Kir^m<br />

rE pl.ccd und.r Izdrcart?c du€ b $. pr*nce or hr8. pola. d4.<br />

\\e senrs Mulgediun Css., show3 continuous variation in laves, 'nvolucE<br />

phyllari€s aod ctlFla chlact B and c.n b. dislinsuished by h.ving ctmPanularc<br />

capirulun, pink.puryle flor.Gi pinl-ptl. brcm involucrc phyllarics, srout, sn.ll{ b€k<br />

and lo'l2mm l@& ofr whit. io luslrous, fragile PaPPus,longer $!n |hecwlel.{Plole l<br />

& 4) Whe6 ,n l,!ctr.a L, G.s!r.), lr.tu rlr" N@bva anrl Scatol, F.W. S.hmidt<br />

clpitdun is conisl- infundibllifom or cylindncali involucc phyllad€s neshy 8en '<br />

bomi hak clpillary -filifom or slddd (€xcluding Seflbla €Drrrot R@hi Barc) aid<br />

pappus 3-8 md lon& Ienon y€llow to white, sniller tnan fie ct9sela. Addilionally, lhc<br />

pollo gEitu havc smll polar lra wnh l6s the l0 cenudly iel.red ehrm. *hicb ffe<br />

ako presnr in Stepto,.hahthts Bnnee snd Cepholorthrrchus .rila,,e,ris Tuisl.<br />

Howev.r, mQhologically hoth rhe gd@ clarly ditfer too M!/sedt!,r Cs. by th€<br />

p6dce of bis4iate pappus.<br />

CtorFrI is cldy dieri.guishlhL 6on rh! fmd gDup by h.ving bisi.r. prppN<br />

Th. following 4 gen€a tiz,, C?roloihtnchat Boi$' Ci@bit! \Ntllt , Prenanthet L.<br />

.nd SteplorhMphq B\nEc, tsll in lhi! gtuup. A bri.f eendic circm*nption is given<br />

TE E6!c Cephtlotttnchw Boirs., ts 3-4 - sqiate, eure invollce pnylhriB.<br />

rinaElliptic, Ed-boM or btet, muicat€ ct?$h lnd plppN up ro 6 mn tons.<br />

AddnioMlly, thc pollen Iraitu e smdl.r in sz (i.c, 17 - 25 rfr in tenErb) rnan thc<br />

polld or odd s€nec of rhis goup. Funhtuor. aron the 2 sp4i6 of lhis gcnus. in<br />


Cephtlofthynchut picridilorn' (BoN ) Tuisl, pold are is 'bsst which is a]$ lbund<br />

in Locttu siola L "d La.tu.a tativa L $1\e@ i^ CePhalonhrnctut .hibotewt<br />

Tuisl. polar area is snall wilh few cenr.lly isolsted .chint which are sinrlar to lhc<br />

Mutgetliun Cts. ed Stepto,honph$ B! gc.<br />

lhe senN Ctu .rra W.ln., is charaetcnzed by h!!lrsddopine.dpirulum. lldndn.{<br />

peduncle, involucre phyllari.s 2 I scnlte, dak 8reetr<br />

black, villous or htrsutc _<br />

papill@; crp*tr wirh rl.nda-$dr, m@lly @!6lorous pale I 5-l mn long b.a*.<br />

Addnioelly the poueh Srains e hr8. wilb extssiv. polar area sinil& to the gdus<br />

PE erA4 L. wh.6 i. th. r.mi.ing 8.neE pollen arc smll with Educcd or smlll.r<br />

'rhe gd\s Sleptarhampta aDge has th. lollo*ing deiimiling chdBctes: such ts<br />

low€r lav6 up to 40 cm lon8 md l0 cn widq qpilula 1.5-2.5 cm long, 25-18 no*<br />

ps capilllumi involucre phylbnes 55- sqiaie, ourer phlhnes up ro 6 hn b@dj cy?scl.<br />

9'15 mn lonS,ncldir8 bak nuch omplsed,2.5-1.5 mm bMd, elliptic md wingcd:<br />

oure. pdppus lenoo yellNi i.nc. *hit€ pale. !rlk) a.d p€Risbnr. Ilos.rcr.<br />

polynologiorlly Oe g.n$ shows clo& ani.iti$ with Muk?diln Ccss. and<br />

Czphntont rch6 dtual@B'ttisl., in wnich pollo havr srrller pol& !|6 wirh ts<br />

rhm l0 cdrftlly islaled @hinae.<br />

1l\c g6!c Pr.tuniEt L. is diffcMriard ftum its allied genera by hlving<br />

noddi4 capitula, flor€ls I (io ln€EruE 5) pa capituluh, involuce calylutate phtl.n6<br />

6"8, biseriaLi cr?ela 5-? nh lons, rruhc.rc o, eunded d lbe apq and oamw towards<br />

th. b&, balls. wh.6s in orha gdd ld€rs arc doE than 3 pq caitutun .nd<br />


cr?efa !rc neither dnc e mr b€lel Plltmlogicallv, lh6 Cpnus lalls in $' Ct'{bita'<br />

pollfl tr?. by th€ ptenc. ol larse pollen and wider poll.h !ras.<br />

The di$ribution plnm of the senus ddle L (s.sr') lnd iis allicd lcnd indic.lcr<br />

$d 71.13 %.a mircgioEl elemqq 2l.ll % re bicgionll €lems6 and onlv lll %<br />

me plLrircgional elemenh Mo* of thc laxa are ldno_Turanian regton rep(enlh8<br />

high€sl p.rcmbge {59.17%). Thi s drstnb uion pttem is in aeteenenr wilh the tindings<br />

6fAli & Qais<br />

(!986) who ddonst .t d $!t bano Tldis elddts !E the hiShcal<br />

in $e llo8 of Pakist r Anons all th. taxd, I disr&lo D. Do. 6nd L. sqnola L, arc<br />

disFibu!.d lhouel' our in Pakiefl $d Krshnn G.bl.. 5 2, Fis 5 4 & 5s.5) As f.r as<br />

&€ world distibulion is concm.d /,a.to& suioh L ad kcruco sotda L.,<br />

(culdvatcd s!€.ies) ac cosmoDolilon in disFibudon. Th. lollo*i.g 5 n4ly d€sclib.d<br />

+ei€s<br />

viz., Ctdrbte arri Rmii BM, Ci.erbita gilgit%it R@hi Bmo, C,.err,a<br />

qaisqi Roolli B^no, Pr.ndnthet rra,r,i, R@hi Bano & Qaiser, Scaiola erceruta<br />

Roohr B.no oe loDwn fom Pard$.n and r6ltnn o.ble 5 2, Fig. 5 9-5. l3 ).<br />




S. Oner, S. Nuinutldi,t & A Wdhitl 912lKrgl, S<br />

the'1k 4968 (KUH): Zanol Ali 4783 (KUH)| llrua<br />

Rdt.! & Sikand.r Hayat trc-91 | 19 (RAw)i J.,,y'.r<br />

RR Stdurt 18909 (KVH)| Sntate Khd@h, ltb<br />

MuhaMad & Cd Jan 4qJ (KuH)i,t. ChaJ@r & S.<br />

Onet 2191 (KVID, M. Aine.Ii 21ta (KVH).<br />

S Oner & .1. Chaloor 1621 (KUH): ,i. rRar^rd I<br />

'03<br />

\KVmi S Odet & M. Sojtet 2411 (KUH\i T ,11i, S.Z.<br />

'/si,<br />

& CoA$ Khdr 2212IKVH)i S. AMin & M<br />

oaiser 9148 (KUH); T. ,{li et ol. 2344 IKUH), M,<br />

Qaikr 1229 (KUH)i M./t. Siddiqul, M. N6n & ZzJal<br />

4r30(BM).<br />

M. Qtiw 71 (K|JI'Ji /. cnqhot & S, Omet 22t3<br />

(Kl.[J\ M. Aoiet & A. Ghofoot 4!35 \KuH) T. lti &<br />

Ttail /thh.d 1204 (KUH)i n.R J,Md 28043<br />

IKUH)i A. Chokor & S. Onq 2272luw), S.M A<br />

K@ni & M. Solin t3rr (M)t R.L. Bd tS29 lE)<br />


Jm 1l^6 & Alika 1016 ab (KtM). ali Noq 1726,<br />

r?33 KUH).<br />

T- An. M. Ititq & M. .4jtut Kh@ 5a5 lKDHlt s<br />

tbedi, Sl3E IKVH)i M. Saitq & 'r' Gtttou 6tia<br />

lKLMri M. Q.k.t & RiMr Ytuflt 8074 {KvH)i t<br />

rbe.lk & M. Qai'* 8%0 ((UH); c,l. SdM' d t<br />

oher 163 IKUH, Jan Alcn s.n. (KUH)i x td,r.<br />

Rubitu .ltttn & Hanif 1J074 (P'Aw)i A Aholoor<br />

210 (RAW)| .{oriidor Xar, | 5452 (Mw).<br />

Ja't!.t Laturd tttt (E); rdtito l^o".t 638 (E)l<br />

Ju .41a^, R.D. Totu & Jen@str 2550 (KUl0: .rdr<br />

Atnn & Salan 3106 (Kur{lt A Chaf@ & xi.wh<br />

r"@/1448(KU$rO rmir 28263 (M}<br />

S. Ohet a M. Q4ket 2165 (KuH); M. gai'q e /.<br />

Ghaf@t 50t2 (KUH), S. Abtdir & t4- oahd a965<br />

(KUH). f. lli, M. Qais & M. Ajtul Ktth 521<br />

((UtD O Polult 56168 (BM): O Polutin 561425<br />

IBM)I J.f. Mt tuts (BM)t trltw & Shqlt<br />

1962 lBWi M6. t4.A. Evedhe.t *L tBMt, LL<br />


Haklq<br />

^ti 4614 (KVH); M Qaiter & A Ghaloor 5t&\<br />

IKU'/), T. ln & l4ail Ah6ed 1094 (KVA)i Fdol<br />

(.r@ 66 {I

,/€rBr./ t8l5 (KUH): A Ohaloor & S Ont sn<br />

(KUH).<br />

.tbd'| Chohot & it'.r vo6l llsl (KUH)I S<br />

N@inubi4 S. 1b2.1in & H.needulra, 304 {KUH): t<br />

Neih"ndk & S Abed'n 629IKVH). S Ont& A<br />

Chaloar l11l (K]JH), S Oier & A Ghal@. \'193<br />

(KUH)i ,llDii4 ,4lr0r I2608 iMwl<br />

J.D.A Slrinton 2590 IBM)|<br />

Hd,idar ,'|lt 820 (KUH);<br />

Hoidzt Ali 539t (KUH)i r/ ,r'ar ,r!t 50m {KUH);<br />

s. Om+ & A. A^oIoot t55r (KVH)i A Gnal@r &<br />

Rituan fowuf t4a5 (KVIJ).<br />

O. Polunih 56l1lJ e (SU): Jan ,4lon & Fozol Kaln<br />

1602 (KUH), Kanal Akhlar Mattk & S Nuimuddin<br />

1616 (KUH), Shtuli Khan 12 {KUH).<br />

Lrdlot & Sheri[1861 (BM): Ltdlow & Shoit9255<br />

(BM), X. S.o,, ia./ 1603l c (BM)j ar. Potu i,<br />

s6t511 ,561561 IBM}<br />

Shwrli Khs & Shobbft Hasn 6a0 ((UH)i<br />

Shw.li Knh & Shobbir Basn 665, 666 (KUH).<br />

SheMli Kton & Shobbir HNsan 651 (KUH)i ,r.<br />


Ciceruta l.sqtiana vt.<br />

Cicerbib Lt@iM vt.<br />

Cicdbna daipi.N v.t,<br />

(BNt)t t1t.,a. Ew6id ..n.<br />

Ati 496 (KUA).<br />

\BMi: C.B. Cla*. 24564<br />

(BM)i Sh.Mli Kta' & M<br />

Ali N@t 303 (KUH), Jan Atzn & Fazal Karin r4ts<br />

(KuH)i .hr AIM .... (KUH); s,l"Mli /$@ d<br />

St bbit Hdtun 661. 664 (KUA)i R.R. tt LD- gMd<br />

s.n. (MW); ,1.X, S/.M, 19934 ((UH),<br />

,lli N@.4 al. 584 (KUHI : Shmli Khu tt M.AIi<br />

496 (KUH).<br />

R.R. & ! D. &Non \8463, \9281 (KVH), /ii Noor<br />

(KUH); i.l. d rD sbM, 19158 (R^w); Rn<br />

Stewt lE75J, l9Oll (RAW); l: r,/6ri & G L<br />

vebila 6522IRA\|), R. sel t1t lBu\i C.D.CIat@<br />

10336 D (BM).<br />

Rn. S,ran 12710 (M): M6, M,.'1, E|eBhe.l s...<br />

(BM) i.& S,.wd !n. (RAw)i Sr.Ml, tfid *<br />

Stabbn H6tui" 3a4 6UrD; Ja,,a/ah s.i. (KUH)I<br />

Jan Alod & Noor Di, 2A6r \KVHri.lli Noq et ol.<br />


384(KUH).<br />

S. Abedin & M. Qaitd<br />

8993 (KVH)| S. Onet & M<br />

Qais 2512 (KvH)r J@ Ale^ & M Qoiw 2t22<br />

(KUH), Ali N@t & 1. Mttotib 155 (KUui ,'t, Ioor<br />

188 (KUH)i .,llt Noor 4 M ,lton 3t6 (KUH)<br />

N. Saitq & 1. Ctolaot 5429 (KVH)| v Nan &<br />

zqar lti 7878 (Y,\!qr Y NBn 4 l{@tr 9194 (Kt fl);<br />

r. Graho & T. Ali 4185 {Kun). , Att, M. ootus &<br />

M- Ajnol Khon 479 (Kutt)i R R SEwn Na'l<br />

Siddr4li 1543 (MlV)i R,{ S,a..r 15271 (RAW)<br />

R{ Jr@n 15882. (RA\V); X.X 9@,l52lIa<br />

kR &qoi & A, Rehnan 24610 (BM, RAW); ,4.<br />

Ctahor & T. AII a042 (KVH)<br />

&r. sr.@t l2ta7 (RAw}<br />




Jdnlq Ltndd t078 (E)r t Ota S<br />

Nazintdiin & A- tvatid 912 (KUH), Rubno<br />

Rafrq & Sikindar Hotot HC-91'1 t9 lRAw)<br />

Sl. lA n32 IKVA)i A. chahot & S otu<br />

2010 {KUH).<br />

Hatdat Ali 2411 lKuH). Hatllar lli 2867<br />

lKUHri tli N@ 30 IKUH)| Ja, ,4tan d<br />

IMr 2951 lK\irIJ.<br />

3.L. Bd 1529 iBM); lti. Sr.k., 23043<br />

lKu'lti,1. Oh.foot a s. od.t 22tt (KrH):<br />

S.M..l. Keni & M. Saleh 37rr (M),<br />

J6 /lai & ltlil@ 3016 ab (Kw\ fi NN<br />

r726 (KUH).<br />

5.,1. Eowt Lyon 629 (BM)r ,l{ g.ir.i .t<br />

orer & S,Z, ttlsin 8320 l(VH): Jan Alzn<br />

& ko,ln Madt l rata (KUHri Haidu lli<br />

l l8r (KUlr).<br />


lenn{et Lono.d ttt3 \El re.nifet Lamatu<br />

638 (E\ Jan Al@, AB Tor@ & Jahnnsil<br />

Aabot 25tO lr\ull)i<br />

(KUH).<br />

Jo^ AI'n a saleeh 31t]6<br />

o. Poturin 56n6a @M): M- oais & /<br />

eh4@t 5012 (Kut\)i Ha tor ati '.n (KuA),<br />

R R" Std.lt 21292 (AAw): R R StMn En<br />

C.A. Clari, 2!561C (BMJ: O. Polunin 9i23<br />

(BM); Tati ,|li 4 G.R SrMr 2619 ((trH):<br />

s./t. F.tooqi & M Adi'd t2tt IKVH).<br />

Eaklo Ali 16t4 (KVH)a M. Qait r & 'l<br />

6Adpd t00l (KUro.<br />

Rooht D.no .,n. (KUH); M. Qakq & A.<br />

ahal@ {36 $UHt.<br />

Jan Alan & Mir AlaB t5O (KltI); Jat AIM<br />

1960 b (KtIt): S.ijaa Hoi.k s89 lKl.J4)i<br />

$aid.r llt 2121,5r5r (KUHI:' J.D.A Sbin@<br />

8415(BM).<br />

H.id.r lli 3016 \KltH), C.B. Clalke 30035,<br />

10390c{BM).<br />


Sl?FdhanptB mnblolio Su4, Lt. Eatit l.i4! 16)00 IBM)i JM AI@<br />

CephzIothrn hw ctitnk$<br />

& Ka n Madad laga (KUH\ Jan llla^ &<br />

M.hb@b lli 2W IKUH), SheMIi Kh41 &<br />

Srarrt flwt4tu s,o ((UH)<br />

Ab.lulG aloo & RiMr voMf |t8t (KVHJ.<br />

Rtbitu )tthtar l26M (RAw\ S One l2a1<br />

(KUl0.<br />

J,DA Staktat 2590 (BM)i Eildar Ali 820<br />

(lQJH)i Eald4r AIi 539J (l

a- Rdtu 64lRAw)<br />

rn. Lu ov & Shqit 8oa2 (BM\i Sl.,Mti Khd<br />

&M,1li4 (KUH).<br />

!*. Ali N@t r03 IKUH\<br />

lt. ali N@r et a!, 5a4 (KVH)<br />

M.Ati 4%

Jon Muhannod tt^ lR w)<br />

Prenarthes ait hisonjano i.R.9.,4,4, .{?rt,, 24610 (BM, RAW)<br />

PrcM,th5etuanii {.R tren 12147(RAw)<br />



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C.ph.lorrnylch$ chittd.nibTDisl.<br />


Cephalorlr,.nB nardhEB (R6t;t )'trist.<br />

C.phdorrhymnus Dolycl.d. (Boiss.) KilP.<br />

C.phdo.rt*nu pi.ridifrdn (Bois.) Tuisl.<br />

Cephatonirn.ha sMilit lEdg*.) C, Sttih<br />

Aondrillo orri.tloh Wrll.<br />

C ho dd n no I @ ciJo t io w ttl.<br />

Ao rino pbtourpt v8, tcopara (R.ch. t. AeU€n & Esphahdn) Parso<br />

chond'iu! t@patz Rell1., a.ud & l*ph:ftlri<br />

C ie.bi b d it. h h o r i @ a B.,w.<br />

Clc6tlt. .[t R@hi Bono, !p..@,<br />

Ctcerbil. b.Etnrbl (C.8, Ckke) R@hi Bdq coDb, !ov.<br />

ci@bita bntuiam (!l.ll. 4Ilc.) Tui.l d Reh.t<br />

cicetuitd .tuhbilotio (Br s.) B@ny.<br />

Clcottt ddlpt m {C. B. Chrt€) Bduv.<br />

Ct {Dii. drlpio. (C. B. Clet ) Bauv. v!r. decipi.ns<br />

Ye. oddndr (Hook.l.) Rooni Buo, conb, .ov.<br />

v{ D.r4noio R@hi sono, v.i rov.<br />

Ch.rbn. g gt..hrk Roohr Bono, .p, .ov,<br />

9l<br />

t0l<br />

92<br />

89<br />

102<br />

'l<br />

63<br />

89<br />

91<br />

l2l<br />

9a<br />

l16<br />

t2!<br />

8l<br />

|l0<br />

lll<br />

l<br />

5<br />


cieftib l@iEdta (w^tt.q Dc.) 8.5!r.<br />

clcrbltrl6s.rtirn. (wall.cx DC) MadS.in & Rao<br />

ci.oblt n.sorblr. (Royl.) B@v.<br />

subsp. leibh rDc.) lvlmeain & Rlo<br />

CiMbib ^@o,hiza rt. tuttilit (&!ec*,) Bquv,<br />

C,arrikr. tud (Bohs.) Bauv.<br />

Cia.bhr q.i*rl R@hi B.no rp.!o,<br />

ci..rbll. ..punculoid6 (DC,) Bauv.<br />

Ct rrra r.opa", (Reh.t & rscie) Ki6n.<br />

Ei4arctun |at. idn@Wtll.<br />

Lo.tuco be,thtult C.B. Cla*.<br />

ttutuca bdnqiono lwar:l, dDC,) C. B. Clarke<br />

h.lueapitat (LlI)c-<br />

I@a dohbiJolia lBvs.) Bois.<br />

var. d.!t ll (DC.) Roohi Bano, tt.t nor,<br />

$b$.lr"rz @a!c.) Mens.ii & R@<br />

v&. lydt. (Den..) Roni Bsq rtrt no*<br />

ll0<br />

tD2<br />

l(X<br />

107<br />

l0J<br />

106<br />

106<br />

l0l<br />

t02<br />

35<br />

96<br />

108<br />

39<br />

I05<br />

52<br />

5I<br />

l16<br />

123<br />

12<br />

15<br />


.tud delpi$ C- B. Ctuke<br />

lutue &cipiD c. B. Cwk vt..ldipi$<br />

Ir.tu6 dolhlopLtll. Kit rn.<br />

IactE...Ll@i \en.t.<br />

L.cru d.ldlorh Boii*<br />

lt trq irhituistiM Rel. f.<br />

Loctte l@igata (w6ll, .x Dc.) c.B, clak<br />

Ld.tua la.eistta au tdt4tilit lE(l8d-) C. B, Ckrtc<br />

L6tue latatioM (Wnll. aDcj C, B, Clttt<br />

bct@ lonAihlia w.ll, ., DC.<br />

Lzd@ longinsnah Ait.li,, &,H@L<br />

Loctt@ ratuhia (R6rL) lr@k f.<br />

L.cta@ ntritt nia (jttm,<br />

bctu@ qr6t4tit (B4i&) B.is-<br />

tactu.a pbnumb Bnitt<br />

iublp. de ata (DC.) Stcbb.<br />

3ub6r ,'.ru (Den .) SGhb.<br />

vr. ,"r,<br />

LGtu@ tuplt doi.l2t \DC,)c.B.Ctuk<br />

([tecn..) c. B. cla*€<br />

lll<br />

lll<br />

Ill<br />

l<br />

5t<br />

6l<br />

83<br />

92<br />

102<br />

t02<br />

t05<br />

t07<br />

106<br />

l(b<br />

63<br />

t0l<br />

85<br />

39<br />

t@<br />


Lacto a @nola wr .aPitato L<br />

Lad@ @tiolow .fiPa L.<br />

Loctrca tcatiolo et. salira \L.) Boiss.<br />

La.tu@ tupatio R6h.l. & Keie<br />

l/Lt@ tatane (L.) c. A. McJa<br />

Lactlca tdtohco (L.) C.A. M.ts vat. tibeti.a H@k. L<br />

tactue tnr!,lob vt. d.,tda (r.4&.) Dc.<br />

Ladrco vlnina {L.l !. & C. tues<br />

lrtu wlli.him-lti.l,<br />

Lrctuc.0. lndllnt (Ld.b.) N@vt<br />

Ia@@pot ladaBwtill<br />

Mel@it ldkflia,un Dae<br />

M.Iatus.At |tntt D@n .<br />

Mda.owis ttdtilk EdEc*.<br />

Mdg.rxun cl*k€i Gt@k.t) R@hi Ba@, c.bb.rov,<br />

Mdaed tu h lo. easa t u d DC,<br />

3t2<br />

1l<br />

66<br />

12<br />

12<br />

1l<br />

89<br />

6<br />

52<br />

77<br />

l5<br />

6l<br />

\n<br />

73<br />

!05<br />

r06<br />

t02<br />

15<br />


MdAediutu bsqtionun vr, d.ntatM DC.<br />

Mulq..litf lesettia d W.ll.d DC-<br />

Mulge.liun 64turhhun RoYl<br />

Mulsedid,apunaloidu DC.<br />

Mulsediuo i.Lrlcon iL.) DC.<br />

P hodopus orl.ntalit B.ilE,<br />

Pha.n4er iii'M Q-.)Dc.<br />

Pr.u!n6 .lt j[|6orio. Gauv-) R@hi, Bm & Q.iF, oDb.tuv.<br />

Pwnthq ol I iz,i.efo lia DC.<br />

Ptunhd oIiaiaelolia DC. w- alitrioelolio<br />

Pi.mnrh6 bruno.hd Wlll.a DC<br />

PrqMtret ladtgata \il.ll. qDC.<br />

Prou1n6 rr.mdt R.ohi Bab A Q.is, !p.rd.<br />

S..doL .MErn Loofii BDq lp.!@.<br />

s..rioh od.nhllr (Boks.) S.j.k<br />

Sorlol. qi.trr.tL { aois) fu.1 $0.p, !!ri.t rt . podten<br />

S..rld. ondntir (Boi$,) Soj.t subrF ort.ni.|t<br />

S6rrorr viDh.. (L.) F.W. S.hni&<br />

vr. .lli.rl..foli! (DC.) H@k. t<br />

llJ<br />

l0?<br />

l0t<br />

t0l<br />

l08<br />

ll7<br />

t2l<br />

t24<br />

t24<br />

122<br />

\24<br />

t23<br />

102<br />

lt9<br />

46<br />

36<br />

t8<br />

,10<br />


steptorh.mphur cmnbllblla Buge<br />

S&prorh.nphur p.rn.. (Bois.) o. &8. Fcdbch<br />

Zo I I i kok ro p o l ralddo Bo iss.<br />

lt4<br />

a2<br />

8l<br />

35<br />




PiEiv,rnttE L, (LACnrcElE ASrrXACal.E) InOM<br />


rfl)Rt &{rlo l{D tr. Ql|rslR.<br />

._t)q.d{ttu, Lh!6it, Et(er,. tfttiTrm p*tu<br />

r@ M@dtlo{ttds.t R.'tdrdlntw, rdhL pt ld.<br />

.. r'4dc e! bi 0m. 0d..,<br />

llllT.i * gldd- !..!"5b R.dt,3&.<br />

"dd*tur.,<br />

a:!,. i<br />

i r(tr!!,ba4b,r.<br />

'sA-k<br />

T|! s66 AdLi L, c @bl,*.d by urle! rrr5lr !d ddih.d t<br />

4a€ .un]:4 I r5], t?6rr ot|n* I c dn.d tlsi 2M). rh. Fd* llm<br />

r 6E m r 9!a wdr P..6 oia hdn d fawd d triorooE,<br />

E,r|@r.bft ru aoa+..E &*(t99a)dNnr,a.ky r20il6,rracd<br />

:9j?q- yb* qc q00rt .c9qbd dr' 3 ,ci.,, di,ihnr n a( iri.a<br />

"a!.4'ITA qld "{ T'h.' €{ee h prri-l 6jt las L ritr, didrhrc<br />

I uEa sT! Eti|: !tu!.4 Mrc Dd xr*rr d h ,qEGd h, .<br />

u.F6dIrn .rn N<br />

Far r.F d-j. s,i m.r 4.dir. r.,6 rr<br />

Itd6 @rm.<br />

d.<br />

b P$o ,n (dht ! j- dE!<br />

^<br />

-Th. a66 A'e'i.J L. ! drfdr&d r; ,B jri.d 3rja by qr4 hlvi4 noddu<br />

rrs r_{h rd4 r F qr,'uj4 r,.r4 qlFtc<br />

h,q c"d t7 m k3' @d<br />

Fytri€,1,<br />

tur,.d.'rcF rld le;ykwltm.<br />

4bIBd'gi|.!ru<br />

r,Ardr6e.d, R.d B.Da(tn i'.M.lFi+ t)<br />

ll.rirr.: (dnr: RrFj.lh.tb vrn.' Ra4 (.jn!. c. t!flt m. I ? tel t, R.R<br />

ol{ral* Sp.d6 di*ndienir I rpai.u! noar iods tmDih! idB F.rr&<br />

d,r !nr.r! tusriha *'E 5 m t6&, ndbitihlt rolr hdiviri\<br />

. . "'-, -*,,.-<br />

";"'* " * b.* [E.F1d.q'nr46d|a|&|m drr,G **rd r,E ,nF h.<br />

Fdc nuG.eidr4 d'||b b.e. hfl@e I jhek reft a.ei,,jl<br />

drc4n& d srh I n@. p.d,ncr.F rnbrdt ,tyrri€ h;ELc slqq cE<br />

qe (n&r. 7 | |.5.1 m. oddls. bhcr. hiaid, -dd a Fs,iq u. n6 srD<br />

r ne riE y0 , w rii.. 's.t d a M6E r0.- y. im tN,& rh. b.r.<br />

dl,a FpF! r*& dd !4 jR im c7nh rdu. !d R 6r!,t.

"l<br />

srd il<br />

$rl<br />

ir ,- ryyF !*,"!* !4!r Rootrl B|no . Qrje. a h.b( s,. rar. q.<br />

N$ru3 Iiffi. (: odEt Fr ri< n. nFd. edrd *rdr Rodi ef,;<br />

. F, .ib,jd eh'1bnd, !,rytl

t<br />

sFlm! &'Ii!.d: x!!hl; Rr':F!, Jb.ru vilr4 nd4 xdtu, c. l20o d<br />

3.7.r93r. RR,Srtu 12r17 rR^\4<br />

Ddnndi!.: otrlyl,m Fd *9Ft@riry<br />

rt!.|lid Ardr,j .ed.i Rldi Boo & (hiF. dc inc llhvig shn.im<br />

ofchmud *tid $o* rh. d@ wirh dl. orhd I :p6iB trm P,rhb viz,!<br />

Ra@r6 dr.r6aidu (Beur) ridi B& e, Q,is 6d p44h2' bntu<br />

"tuiriB<br />

wdr.d Dc., ldr a nd6r F.+iolm, iildwtel}st 4 phttdi6 bi.'iic c<br />

ffo*vd, l]l. p'enr tlm difB.r nd b.d 6. $di6 in hrving l6E &13.x r,1.5<br />

q h loh.d, !.id. ll@ lhn d.

f|r.Lff-d.rd.ndlh.d.--r.dt-.4&rer*.i'<br />

h'!ftD*|Gosl-<br />

Dldbdd: ^&b-itu a P*ib<br />

Edl€r cl@ hd€t 1000-z5o0r<br />

Ilr.d.a Fdon: Auo!-S.'tann<br />

xra.L.,.dr<br />

l+ La€otics q ulroa.4 &lr r}]j4!doL eb66 kq.riry.4<br />

ur o . 6 hadi bod*c i!0L |EE .rFd. 7 d ldc| lldt<br />

'ina<br />

. LEdarielt bsrl.arb&i.ch.4 lc2ao krg paioLlD b lt<br />

d rdt 6-lntF4 l{b2 6 ha4 btd€eFdca l}t@l<br />

c}F||5mldg.Lffi'h'''''-'''''<br />

1+ La6 pol}|ndrhq nrpk a pi,rlry L5.4 i b@e Flioh.<br />

. Las d DdFaDha FlI&, ri.lot d d il|Fipi.rq hflffi<br />

s/c c thr*nd b lh. dire'/tu d aM, E, M &l t^v tu Fai.,ha<br />

iciiE dcd d lo-. l!d.!rd!6 n aFqr.d b lrd, Dr. xn .!F IPM) ft<br />

lih di{ionr orth. lR spcia<br />

3-ut!d,c relo cdblt&r L d4'cdrpc. &1.9..&| cdr.lr: r3t.<br />

./6,'r&FL?','ndfE8!d!'d'<br />

JBt1..?{n1.tud4ctu.uffi<br />

xi@nrr. M.s !s. bi tu 4,i. rrssx, rb.): Ec Bdfr. N.x.Iarv. c!ryirE<br />

t,xr" u. !,o'. d .!is Fqub d c.za 4 /411 pt ,,. tta): !.w. r&a a a.<br />


Lh4clfoa&@ri',.4}l't-&!sd[<br />

rd*r. d.2da, rrdr,rrlrdr,ar. E ,. odnr uidit'b c#dF<br />

@iold'x'Htm'Ed,@cep.or<br />

^dddDd4vdg.d|'cEActl.<br />

tu (EdI E e-d 3L ri. Is 112,756. rrhi nii'r ft4 k!.f.<br />

cdtlld b ltjdi@ r0 Je roe)

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