V. CORSOH - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

V. CORSOH - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

V. CORSOH - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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"!•• MAYBE<br />


D. OF A. L<br />



at A. PkJt»e. H. U. la*-. Walla* L<br />

,Joaa fLOrtrvaa and Walter<br />

Presbyterian dtttch DUtor<br />

BSoaacnt Scraoa<br />

oa America's Mlsdoa.<br />

In tplla af lb* atom thai naad oo<br />

iteoday rfanlag a m ibaa UUrty<br />

owmbara <strong>of</strong> OCMO <strong>City</strong> CboocU. N<br />

10. tHnMtn <strong>of</strong> AoMftea,<br />

Ifca rtrm riailalwmi Uaartb id<br />

body to bast Utt pa^nr. Iba B»r<br />

Ubarla* U. Itetioar,<br />

Iba<br />

IM<br />

w<br />

at* tbe eery<br />

af Iba Sra depart.<br />

«t» beaa. ^Sy<br />

<strong>of</strong> aaiboray<br />

aod apposot<br />

aawarar taaMfciu aad appoaot<br />

.a^aa-a. ay tta UDeWtfgao-<br />

jajy. waa. fa myo^niaa. lilagal<br />

rMaama^y ewharfuTwbauiSr<br />

U»stByaaoreUnaace.eeuUen<br />

Dwaa. who woo ooa gaeaa out<br />

^ ^ ww» aaejpiaM <strong>of</strong> iba tn<strong>of</strong>y bopay<br />

—a wUrualara pool eat praam lad by<br />

Henry W. Townaaod. It waa aa><br />

eeoaad ta ataoy boras aad ararb wrap-<br />

ptog parjer, bat was BoaUy ooaanaed.<br />

Me 8arao,ta •<br />

hard<br />

•tpnatd hie hearty UMO> In<br />

trophy, tec whtah ba b*d triad so<br />

to win, attboogb be bad eUocg eoca-<br />

pwUtare tor a ••bite la <strong>City</strong> Clerk<br />

Acataa. Lefoy How* aod Walter L<br />

B<br />

y er L<br />

Bayaaood, but finally woo out by *oe-<br />

aot. ay ordlnaaea<br />

iataitfor tta<br />

lk»l ,<strong>of</strong> thwoptnloo tba.<br />

fioaar <strong>of</strong> iba Ota<br />

ktettaaa aad ap-<br />

• evacparvaouoa<br />

wader tba aald<br />

af aBealeateaead<br />

•baa tbe Board <strong>of</strong><br />

••••lit a dajute<br />

~SOe»«1at-af Iba Beard <strong>of</strong> Coav<br />

I eatery<br />

tbat properaeUoo<br />

tha <strong>of</strong>flcaaadOm<br />

eat. ba* lawyer,<br />

to apopcrtt the<br />

ivary tnily.<br />

bA.Banu,<br />

CtryBoUcator.<br />

reiiiiln, Caover.<br />

•rw amlaatae<strong>of</strong> thaCsy<br />

~ ' ' aod aald tbat<br />

_?«;» q»i— «*I*II.<br />

—»»»»*«ajrerAprtt.>od<br />

Mr. Bwaa, In "I'lfmlnn.<br />

ba can tear down a boose aad<br />

I B, hot ba cant play pool.<br />

Ooe <strong>of</strong> iba kUa <strong>of</strong> taw awaatog waa<br />

eeoredhy '<br />

-CoUeeo Bawn." Mr. HeaUh'a Totce<br />

(taaaxeilesttreaiaadhisraodUkxi<br />

waa rlaservaaly aococed.<br />

Altar lea eraaa aod T'"'m had<br />

aaa aarvad. U Uoaaar Saowataxee<br />

gave a baanilfnl sioltn eoao. Hie tech.<br />

nkjoaeo* •lemiju are tbcas <strong>of</strong> ao<br />

be. too. waa anlrinalaalkally eocored<br />

CUy Cocaaawaooar Hubert Ftsbet<br />

llaill Illllf leelaltl. ana»«ltTar.^a.Trml<br />

w. that -eaoorbt down<br />

Ha fallowed thie wttb a<br />

World."<br />

Mr. Hoboar dettverw*<br />

weeks aga ta lbe<br />

bat, owtng to iba baavy storm pre-<br />

vailing oo Iba ruraol<strong>of</strong>i. there<br />

ooty a eaoaJI raptaaiiilalim <strong>of</strong> iba<br />

octree to atttodaao*.<br />

A larga arxitenoe, whlcb Oiled Iba<br />

cborrb. gat band oo Buoday<br />

to bear tba aermoo, w bleb bad beao<br />

highly epokaa <strong>of</strong> by tboaa wbo had<br />

tt oo tU irat deUvary. aod<br />

<strong>of</strong> which appeared lo Iba<br />

Butuiaxon IbaThursday following<br />

Tba pal pit waa draped to Iba<br />

lioisl colors, patriot*} hymoe i<br />

anna by Iba coogracatioo aod<br />

eaaaeo waa raodand by tba ebotr.<br />

ulaa T. Coraoo aod Lewis<br />

E. HeaMb »«ag a parUeaterty<br />

doat at tba dose <strong>of</strong> Iba sermon.<br />


praiee for tba s<br />

aad fffflntnlpa<br />

thoogbta, aad Ibaea remarks, follow tog<br />

tbe paraae itrtaa <strong>of</strong> a I*JU veto, mada<br />

opoo bis<br />

•eea tea*y«e»facee. tbara axtsas wuh-<br />

eaaaaaajeifaaxaf very great [laai.n<br />

t baoaigbt to eaoaJ oectect w»m<br />

boat <strong>of</strong> Ooe. cJeen-cot yoojjg<br />

taanhond-yoong men wbo Care baas<br />

raised to Ooaaa Ctty aod bare been<br />

parttcrpaatata tta bealihy aiaaorpbera<br />

aad amuutuiterrt ejd I eouxniolaie<br />

tbeProgrcasrve Laagoa oo<br />

aalp laal win brtoc eradtt to tt at aoy<br />

aod ail UOMa, aod I ww^rilrHata yoo<br />

»<strong>of</strong> taat laasoa<br />

rtha<br />

»alB«ti<br />

i <strong>of</strong> oOea wa* oct<br />

•e-effiea for tbe<br />

»• iba act.<br />

ka only onatarfinlcal<br />

thta Jaw, aaaaeiy, chat<br />

aaya, •wboaa (era <strong>of</strong><br />

»aUa»hyhiw.' wmw<br />

OBOa-tmtntatayoonaoattMiiirotiKy oo<br />

tba •plaodJd oppottaaJUaa Uat u»<br />

ritbt bdbcayoo a* artl»» tmaon to UH<br />

<strong>of</strong> your on<br />

etui wkSarSaMew bara yoor aerrettlaa<br />

BMy osaka laeasetres feU. I know<br />

<strong>of</strong> oo eby <strong>of</strong> rreo amatb bigw popo-<br />

aaUoo wbaee ao floe a coaapenycf<br />

youne; raao could ba aaaacabled aat I<br />

bava tba plaaaue <strong>of</strong> airtiaaatin tale<br />

•ncaeat TTjenb*srjawarbaaoaUaas<br />

lo lbe hi tory <strong>of</strong> Uue world whan Iba<br />

cmuaEUre yoa<br />

great valoa. Tbal<br />

wbleb all baataaeata today coodacted<br />

calls «br iba very<br />

At Iba roomtnw sarrtca tn Iba Final<br />

M. E. Cborab Haadaa. fie Hal<br />

read a coaununkseiioo from tba ttrcre-<br />

tary <strong>of</strong> tba New Jeraty AoO-Bal<br />

egwa It called carcfol •ttastloo lo<br />

Ibe tact Ibal a baarlog will be held la<br />

tbernatowrfortba <br />

too Toasday, Fancoary t,st l> •.<br />

Tba bcartng will be upon lbe proposed<br />

Btate lueal opiton bill,<br />

Tbe eoaamnaleatloo urgte tbe<br />

poeiaaea af a tax atteodaoce <strong>of</strong> Iba<br />

fratoda <strong>of</strong> local opttoo to meet Ibe al-<br />

teodaace <strong>of</strong> Iba Ikjoor raen, whlcb. It<br />

ta elated, la sore lo be In force.<br />

Tbe lit. Re*. Paol C. MaUbewe waa<br />

eoosecreted Meoop <strong>of</strong> Iba Prc*r-<<br />

Episcopal Dioeaae <strong>of</strong> New Jersey In<br />

St. Mary'e Cborrb. Barlragtoo. Moo-<br />

Tbe caraoM<br />

opa • ••(•-<br />

very tmprcweHe. I<br />

sag. Bishop<br />

late Bishop<br />

Mailbaw* aoooaada Iba<br />

ai.ewe- ax ua a<br />

Mayor ClIK <strong>of</strong> Caaadeo, waa<br />

tbe vttttoes here early la tbe week<br />

Tola popular <strong>of</strong>fleUI baa a number <strong>of</strong><br />

friends lo <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, where be owns<br />

aeoUagata to. ooctb eecUoo.<br />

oaaaaef Uwtr nnnoonl, mon will<br />

ba crpactad <strong>of</strong> ibaea Utaa at oibcn<br />

Dot tba* Carortd. aad It la op to Ib*<br />

yosBf OMD bara to -«boa»" tba w<br />

Tba paopla<strong>of</strong> iba Uattad Utataa<br />

oilas tbalt btaloa aod abUiiy<br />

into eoootry tba craaUat tba aoo ha<br />

raaantla<strong>of</strong> etrUooodatc. aod<br />

*a woattew'lafcaadlo<br />

• ha* a aaoraeosaoad<br />

ttoai<br />

ponoa. aad- to i <strong>of</strong> your<br />

ambrtora.<br />

(aot <strong>of</strong> Tnnr nmnt—iniii In<br />

b<br />

UJa laacaa abowa Iba<br />

o»o bnaata to asaxa tba<br />

pttTUajaa JOB<br />

<strong>of</strong> iba<br />

aoj»y for pas-<br />

ltbadaaploteaaat<br />

eHy% abowa thai yoo an lo<br />

sbooa upoa. and they<br />

ta do It We are feeding and dothlog<br />

Iba needy, aad tbl. will oocae beck lo<br />

ua a buadred-fald. flua oouotry<br />

abould keep out <strong>of</strong> fonign entangie-<br />

aad M will be the greatest lo<br />

Iba world.<br />

Tba speaker eaid be believes 14 po»-<br />

setle for caao la aoeumaUte vaat<br />

<strong>of</strong> mooey aad do It booeetly;u> acquire<br />

ten bandiedmtuteoa<strong>of</strong> doetaraaod do<br />

It booeaUy. He said ba believed L<br />

ooto made a<br />

daUara, but oat<br />

w*r» many<br />

bao4nd rBtlltooa <strong>of</strong><br />

Tbara<br />

who oiada toclann.<br />

hot sever reeelvad Ibetr rewertl bare.<br />

Tbara are lota <strong>of</strong> roeo wbo have<br />

coUactad. bat oever made tt. Always<br />

try u> make a Ibtle more Ibao yoo<br />

coUect. be advtead, ead tbe coontry<br />

am sat af law i and oot ao<br />

• aVaa«,< <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>lka<br />

Oxadbyaoaet<strong>of</strong>lbalicskv<br />

ttawctbatwoaldbaaipaeoe<br />

law ttre daparuaerH or Iba<br />

•aal aw at willing to<br />

f raanlntngio <strong>of</strong>floe,<br />

wbo aboold<br />

very B^aMprrrliagsa, tbat jrou come to<br />

•our aSaeirra years ibtoogb tba very<br />

at edaoatJoual Instltatiooe aad tbe<br />

moat up-to-date boaloeea aad trade<br />

admoaa. Ibat yoa ara iba prodoet<br />

<strong>of</strong> claaj parentage ead tae beat OBorsl<br />

aod pbyakal axaaoaabere oo earth, aad<br />

you can only beraUered bacatbera-<br />

spooelbrlKlae taaaa create by doing<br />

yoor wbole doty paloataktagly aad<br />

wortd<br />

raaatta an bom oo<br />

tt. Thla<br />

oy laanlla. mil<br />

booaat work.<br />

llaanatgaatKu<br />

f ate Qarar. an, not raUava tba<br />

Tbara la oo happier rrwltitoo that I<br />

Koaer aqytblag about laaa ibal <strong>of</strong><br />

lying down at ntgbt wttb tbabaapi.<br />

oeee <strong>of</strong> know tag yoo have dooa your<br />

beat today aad tbegtad brataata<strong>of</strong> a<br />

MB -Mala lob watting- toe yoa oo ibe<br />

morrow, aad aa I look lo your faces<br />

olalaOe CMyoa<br />

Just each meo."<br />

areas ap please fallowed XMradar<br />

»* • - •<br />

' eaweaWeTW VgeaMBeaU<br />

Mayor HeadleyBaidtaat If ba had<br />

bean gJvwn thie* weeks im would be to<br />

af afr.Bo*w«U'e<br />

Caryaalaw<br />

ih, hot hie thoughts rao In tbe<br />

• ebaonal aa Iboaa <strong>of</strong> Mr. Flabar<br />

Aa balaoaed arooad lberaraxt.be aald.<br />

ba eoald oot batp tbkikrag what a<br />

daan-iookiog aat <strong>of</strong> young man mn(\<br />

In<br />

toga aacb aa Ibla iba panleloanla<br />

woald oot think Ibey eoald bar* a<br />

Tbe<br />

will be better <strong>of</strong>f.<br />

loqxicrnwen.taaepaeJtoreapreased<br />

baa axeaadtng grattfleauoo at betog<br />

peawant at Ibe smoker, and eald Ibat<br />

aoeb gathering, ace a<br />

thing to bava coca lo a while.<br />

Clayton Haloes Brick, president <strong>of</strong><br />

tba Board <strong>of</strong> Trada. aad a member ol<br />

tba league, «atd ibat ba bad received<br />

aa Invttatioo to atteod a m eating <strong>of</strong> a<br />

r ora-aotxarlaoat Bee Isle Ctty to be<br />

beJd tba next «*eolng, and ba desired<br />

ae many aa possible <strong>of</strong> tbe members <strong>of</strong><br />

tba league to go down to 8«a Isle.<br />

H a Kowree tba retuiog preakfant<br />

<strong>of</strong> Iba league, aald tbal Ibe league<br />

meenber»btf> eoeBprieaa a* floe ak»k-<br />

Ing- i«riy <strong>of</strong> young roeo aa can be found<br />

anywhere Tba raao have beeu<br />

broogbt up In ao aavtroomeot ibey<br />

cant gat away frota or doo'i want lo<br />

gat awey from He said ibat when<br />

Company O goeela tbe Tblrd Begi-<br />

meal'e armory at Caaoden. Ibe boye<br />

* es iba "cold waler crowd."<br />

ead Ibey are proud or K.<br />

r >atd that al lbe first arcstlog fur<br />

tba orwaoUOloo <strong>of</strong> Ibe league there<br />

oveyootig men present aud be<br />

wae glad lo ace ibe a at tbe smoker lo-<br />

nlgbt. They had bot ooo object lo<br />

Ibatr entad at tba organtxuioa <strong>of</strong> lbe<br />

a edveaeemeot <strong>of</strong> Iba laiet<br />

1UIS48HTHKITU.<br />

TELEPHOIE stem<br />

Tata<br />

O*ar a UaaSaOO KUlea<br />

Dr. BaD, tW lavaator, aaa<br />

A. WatMB the Ftrat to Vm<br />

tae Baw Uu - -<br />

mew TOIUC Jumur ta.—ta artaia<br />

rooo aeT Bn»4waT la lower Mew Tora<br />

O«ra namcud thla axuoto— umi<br />

whlcb will fa dawn ta himtorr ae aa*<br />

tt UH aw tmporuat inoti la Ma<br />

i>o—r union <strong>of</strong> mu coaatry—«<br />

MI«N (lMiri«« rot? t at Oxfm LW<br />

by m««f>a «f »l»up or o*M> hundred or<br />

•uiruund*^] I)r. IVall. th* tn\«<br />

t»l«-ulK^(M>. a»4 th« tlrBl lo u«*<br />

to-ocrmm lltu-. Th<br />

Mlltl>«l. <strong>of</strong> N'cw Vurk. oltwr clly oA-<br />

cl*lm mad prx*inlnrnl p«r*uita; J. J. CmitX.<br />

chlrt . .r IW1I 0r«UeX<br />

la<br />

. «aolb«r l<br />

IKjoJIU... mho<br />

copier wtrv. *o<br />

m <strong>of</strong> ttila o«w<br />

d«v*!<strong>of</strong>>M<br />

Imporutil<br />

All niuth air»ri^ wtxn Dr. Ball.<br />

a ni" *hii«-h*!r««l r*f". wiUk • fall<br />

whit* burt and dark -I fie ejx.adlL<br />

bn In th^B> au in* 0r» <strong>of</strong> reatk. pfciaM<br />

op th# 11K1' wtsard injrtroKftattt a*d atflt<br />

tis« flrat void vlbrallne<br />

TTk* lnatnim«nt which ba<br />

(ha UJ» . .aJ» IIIIU lalasboo* WhitB<br />

Ks4 a«r-v»d t:>.il d^x. clu*^ c« forty raar«<br />

a#«^ wb^n » mr.ri Hr«( tr«val«d u Doartoa as4 Pror<br />

taancw l.n*> *aa coaaUvctwl tn Ift*4.<br />

(«o •irvod* <strong>of</strong> copper wlra w«r* ua«d<br />

taaiead <strong>of</strong> th* stnaW .-round ttoa. thoa<br />

forming |K*> m>- | ranMtalmmhctk. Tb» nxaa wbo<br />

OMiaiructvO ibla lirv* waa J. «f. Carty.<br />

tb*n a youth <strong>of</strong> iwrair-i*& Q«tit*am-<br />

bondr»d *uvJ #la"t>iy-four aaw Doatoo an4<br />

Carabrlf r^< t*d to rr*ch Maw Tortu Mora<br />

b«(t*m»c4 to Oouha.<br />

Z>aa«ar. i*»*m ftalt t^ak* <strong>City</strong> only about<br />

a r**x ajo-<br />

TTv«v n«w co«tttva>o^avl Un* haa r*Qalr*d<br />

1*0,000 pol«« and flkWO mlU« <strong>of</strong> hard-<br />

dllVP OO^Dayr Wira> tO ••tb <strong>of</strong> tOa> |WO<br />

drew It a. ta ord«r to praairr*> th* •l*c-<br />

txtcai curr«oL which la llitl* cum lhao<br />

a bv»«|h. Ihroaftroot tna rnltr* laocth<br />

<strong>of</strong> thla 3.4OO mllaj* <strong>of</strong> win. • nuraUr <strong>of</strong><br />

p|>CaM <strong>of</strong> apcclAi tpotnto. ba* • ba?*ra<br />

placod at regular toUrvala. Tn addl-<br />

tioo fh« foar lla«« which cocopoa« th«<br />

two pdyaicaJ rircalta ara tranrpoawtvi at<br />

ncoUr tat«r* a La to form what ta<br />

ICSOVA m.0 a pbanUMn circuit, which<br />

praVcUcallr * Inautetora oo tbta llo*<br />

ara dlff»r*nt Ttk*y w«r» •poctaJly do-<br />

«0n>«>d for thl* purpoaa afi«r tnany ••-<br />

pmrim*nlm. Tt'**' ftr* <strong>of</strong> porcelain, lo*<br />

• te^avd nf 1 r.*> uxual KlaJM kltwl<br />

It la mo#t nitln* Uval dortn* thla y«ar.<br />

wfrfn our l*u^auna Canal la lo b-a, for-<br />

mally op«*o*x] to th» naticxia <strong>of</strong> th#<br />

world. wh«n tb* **t«r« <strong>of</strong> tba Paclflr<br />

*vr-> unlir-d lo tbo*>» or tba AtlaAttr. that<br />

thla a*w talk cmn*l abould alao b« for-<br />

mjtlly open**! To tt (a fttvo tb« t»-*<br />

Of OOl HM^Tvly COAnaJcilXLAf. tWt) OtwIIH,<br />

dot <strong>of</strong> btcullnja; to«4>tb«r wtth Ita roppart*<br />

•iraAda Into a claa«r pw^\<br />

J feL Walcn-<br />

tftlOJ ttUMa»_Lt*U U. Crr»*<br />

et-avr, a»>c«»ia> j . L<br />

awpo *- H*TOIJ. Jo<br />

O. J. it. Urutta,<br />

b. r a a ;<br />

Li piOaV, I*. H.H<br />

avod Jolvo *<br />

etaly Trtaur Csann, fro<br />

MBLrmJ tnAM «£Ml cliev-<br />

t*e. •*. B.Caiiaoo. rector. mui4U|r<br />

>&40e. IA. *a& 7.4& p. cu.: llojy l\>w<br />

ifTLA e^^ aV^Le\^ \ U s^at>-O t^i LO *i"f aw 11.<br />

«rtau<br />

Wauoc. etaiToas-dawJ by m,<br />

or Pacific Oaeut P->3C4* ta<br />

<strong>of</strong> Tit* PikvftOo T«Upooo* A<br />

Co-, besn) Dr.<br />

««itw) dlMtiactly -.rwj rw£>ll«rj to<br />

mil <strong>of</strong> UM other p*r«o«i* tn<br />

ctU«a» wrm gi**n gut opportunlljr to L&Ut<br />

Itststo onr i-K*> narw llrvfi.<br />

k« IVoidrftt <strong>of</strong> i<br />

T«le#r»ph Cotnwuiy. f. N. Vail.<br />

lt>*><br />

•VftOtbaJT f««t WO* *co<br />

at J**yii lautvl. <strong>of</strong>f trr* co&at<br />

to tb# Ha*. It waa<br />

or o<br />

maa wbo <strong>On</strong>i b*mrd rr»icb o*«r • wtr*.<br />

tb# iMrd—ttv* mta vfao baa 4ocw<br />

tiian tay olhtr parraoa la U»* ncm-<br />

TLUi-tawUtb<br />

artatta,<br />

Lbw-la. tba Ua>*.<br />

K«tiw U lialt Credlttre.<br />

Ibtala <strong>of</strong> Hbaa BU»tai«s.ar.<br />

ranwu u> to* ruin at ca<br />

4arro«*t*o. tW<br />

Mlb*t«eoe4te<br />

tb# mpplUmthcmat tba<br />

to tbac**ditorao< aaid<br />

asbm-t<br />

UtWmM<br />

<strong>of</strong> aald dac<br />

.. A. O-t*M. or<br />

barrad o< aay acaloo<br />

CUUBCB<br />

Piblfe Kttiee.<br />

•nil b*>nu-Da>jv«d<br />

b'»4. UDp. ru. O- M<br />

B. V. f. U. avl 7 o<br />

Tru*ic*a. ,<br />

. UM MmtLb«naitour| Wliauu. W<br />

,JaUa ULtfwJ AfVliurriimu.-.<br />

UM rtsttt lo rvjact auiy<br />

raVQ «"burcb<br />

U> a\UJU«l JJy BC U<br />

n K.Ca» HBTD Nlulb<br />

Pablle Valke.<br />

CHUMCU<br />

Aoaiiamcy nociMy ruwtOial<br />

•txm. Wgum W. UTO-Q;<br />

U^eVaVOXwr,<br />

-n, Joa. i. Kc<br />

alfm. Utrontv rxnj tvoj i. Um U s><br />

t** brooctit a toot tba wonderful<br />

t or tb* Ul»>pboc>a wttbtB<br />

sua'a Uf«tlm«.<br />

aJtboucti<br />

betwe-eo each o/ Lb«m at UM<br />

l <strong>of</strong> till* «pocb-maklnv<br />

ulreda <strong>of</strong> Wla»<br />

h« Whlta<br />

Into lh«<br />

tblrt**n<br />

Presid«ot<br />

<strong>of</strong> his<br />

whiri*d<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

No mor« vra^hlfl niuatralloo <strong>of</strong><br />

rrajoomcot o/ tba lalcpbooa ln<br />

re <strong>of</strong> Ita 11 f. could tx aivxa<br />

iniM tveot. wtitcfa occurred U»-dar-<br />

ttu»tJ-looting am talrphooa waa In<br />

Plain T!«W and It only aar»ad to am-<br />

at» toa Uziprovaxa^ota wblca hava<br />

a mada ta tba art <strong>of</strong> ttltpaaa/ al<br />

first mada • wlra talk. Tarn «volo-<br />

<strong>of</strong> taa tcl«p Claaarij.<br />

II • •• kaUTrU«><br />

* JAV O<br />

(OveoeMe PsUlo<br />

O4J1X, •. J.<br />

fWU<br />

W. Uttl-T Arau. a»u* C. HCHIU.<br />


Apgar & Boswell,<br />

HMMTMMB •• caa»cxa.T.<br />



CX.KAN CITY. N. J.<br />

Buyers <strong>of</strong> Printing:<br />

A Few WordatoUu Bulscu flai Who Oealrea to<br />

have tuU Print to» Prcxla£• panooa, but n Is Iwauly-<br />

Bvw yaara abaad <strong>of</strong> llqoor piacaa aad<br />

aooneaalaagbaltboae wbo furmerly<br />

"2[ OoaaaCHy.baaaldtbai wbaa Ooaaa<br />

""* Ulty waataanytbinaTriuaaUlygauit.<br />

Wa tow<br />

U.afUUata.<br />

pMx la<br />

taaTKra Ba.1a.iui.bot K n baooaalo.<br />

law eraak ooampaoy <strong>of</strong> to* lailiaiii.<br />

tn*«orld and broaden<br />

Ul—r *PtieYaa <strong>of</strong> oaafaluaaaand well-<br />

A vocal solo by Or. Hogbce, whleb<br />

wea appreciated by bla bearers, and<br />

an exq/ileUe piano solo by Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<br />

Franc*I*, given In masterly etyle,<br />

waeefaataree <strong>of</strong> tba closing pottloo <strong>of</strong><br />

Or. ffawbaa. cbalnnaa <strong>of</strong> tb*> eater.<br />

Utomeot. wbo ptaeldad onr tbe max<br />

leal pertloa <strong>of</strong> tba eaaoker wltb bla<br />

cnatnanary graca aad aplomb, eeye tha<br />

laacaa blsbly appraeialaa tba eotarlaaw<br />

<strong>of</strong> Wtrnaa r Qardloar to loiuil<br />

vletrola ae* ooiy oo" Mooday ri<br />

but oo arrcraJ outer oeeaelooa.<br />

i<strong>of</strong> tbeantattala-<br />

' Jatoi B. Utaaw.<br />

K. A-fbrtaraod<br />

New Tork had still<br />

il hour, lo gr> befor. It wtMUd set<br />

over tn. Oddeo Oata <strong>of</strong> 8aa Fraactaco.<br />

Wblle Ihe eervlce ac the furmal cele-<br />

bration was pronounced excellent by<br />

seary ooe v l~o had e- Union. H. H. I<br />

MlUer, (.<br />

MOLV<br />

UoUd-orat Monday In lbe rouolb-<br />

Uuliee' Aid Moctety. e«ery TuinUy < p<br />

Wamea'e AuaUiary MIHIOOMV, I«*I Tr><<br />

tax la In. moolb<br />

'a CLrUltaa<br />

l l l<br />

8e«l«d<br />

al proposal, taw lbe, rsrnleblae aad d..<br />

<strong>of</strong> can tbonsead booaleiaead alao fir<br />

u<br />

br Iba Board <strong>of</strong><br />

'My1MewJ<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

amaoaera<br />

mealla. lobe be<br />

"**' "•£*?*rr IU. im la Ibe<br />

00 or MM iba bear <strong>of</strong> two -<br />

UQIOI<br />

are. Aim.<br />

» Tbnreday analDn<br />

- • ball. W S.<br />

.Un;i|> W<br />

. 0. K. oj K.<br />

Monday evealngs o/<br />

K ball.A^oory ••.DU,<br />

C. »loBdaf el^pa»T4U.lnSr.or f. Hall<br />

Wra.aoantaltranilXMlirB.orM. "*"<br />

«ly Local Bo. in tOarpeole<br />

: "*" ••"! Vrlday e.eolo. to K.<br />

dlv-a<br />

will be rruo.<br />

or wa as taa r\-tTr-CiT T » a T^ BETJABT^ STORE forDry<br />

±*OWJfiJ-IJLJ O Good-, Motion- and Men'6 Wear<br />

Special at this store— Foar Month*' Trial Subscription to<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly 19 cents (Regular ~ "" "'"<br />


WORLD<br />

^^ a^ aw m ^w ^ ^ * 4 ene. ^ e 1 .*.^ ^ i ••<br />

Big Spring Fashion<br />

March, April, May,<br />

Mantoa designs. Ask<br />

counter We are also U — .. » M^e,mB R.WV ..<br />

lions In some lines <strong>of</strong> good* to make room lot Spring Stock o» we most<br />

have the room. :: - :: y i "'. ION 25<br />

price, 40 cents). Four<br />

Numbers, February,<br />

illustrating latest May<br />

about it at the pattern<br />

making t redu<br />

881 A-bury Avenue<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, H. J.<br />

R. Curtis Robinson<br />

Conveyancing and<br />

Insurance<br />

Notary PBMIC aad CeoailaaJaaar <strong>of</strong> Oaaaa<br />

cmr, w. j.<br />

if ta Laaa aa 1<br />

Go to<br />


Colonial Greenhouses<br />

Ooean Heights<br />

Oo ttuda Sborc Uoad. beyond 8«na»' Point, for<br />

Cm Rnwersr fans anil t<strong>of</strong>tter Hirts<br />

r<br />

•aiciai. »TTiarrio» TO »u •L woes.<br />

TeleobAoa Hoxuer^ r\>ln(<br />

r\« «5lce. Uawood. W. J-<br />

THOMAS H. WJUKER. Haoager.<br />

J N. GRISCOM, M. D.<br />


UoUi rtx>oee-l)eU. U. Ill war mi la. tO-A<br />

DOM Ucxi ra' U DUJ kOa. n. VrQttB • lo e p. BB-<br />

— -_ -<br />

avenoa, 13*00.<br />

J. T. Seal. Iwo-rxmHr apanjaent to*<br />

Ueursa V. Bcaar 00 Wesley aventte.<br />

near TWrtsenlb atreat, •WOO.<br />

Kraok BcollaU, frunedwellln« and<br />

atore 00 Aabor* aveooa, nearTeotb<br />

stieet, tsaOQ.<br />

V. H. Uunuxer Lomber Company JaTfOBHU osroers.<br />

tleniilnriB to vard, 91VO.<br />

8. B. Hsu, |wo-«toew eotlaca Cor<br />

Oavai 00 PeonlvD place.<br />

owoaaa4*a. raiers>o, IB ta &JB<br />

BUiHaM.nra1r1ua1.a41<br />

- lit Wnlri Araoae<br />

Oc-oan <strong>City</strong> N«w Jorsoy<br />

lolar-rUala OO-A.<br />

W. P. HA1NES<br />


octaa CITV. M. t.<br />

IUIM.B.<br />

ftaoxiae, BUI eU-W; La<br />

|IUU<br />

latoa<br />

Joaeph O. Champion, new blacx-<br />

Dlth shop 00 West aranne. n ap.au<br />


809 Central Avenue<br />

OCEal Cm. B. J.<br />

IWIIJJ<br />

JJR. G. F. STARR<br />

Dentlat<br />

lot. rO«t>U>rU.aad Weaier Ala.<br />

Hoan:<br />

BMk nnin laur-otaU lr»<br />

J. Thornier Ha(bee, P. D.<br />

Maaa.er<br />

•th ao4 Wcslay Aves. <strong>Ocean</strong> Coy, N. J.<br />

LAKE<br />

Undertaker aadjEmbalmer<br />

OVER 100 PEOPLE<br />

Joined our CHRISTMAS CLUB during the first<br />

three days. Are you enrolled? If not, why not<br />

do it now and have a snug sum handed you in<br />

December when the demands on the individual<br />

purse are greatest «»• «»•.•* •»• ><br />

First National Bank<br />

, OCEAN CITY, N. J.<br />

With<br />

Per feet<br />

Safety<br />

thoaaaeds <strong>of</strong> people are<br />

cow transacting: their<br />

banking by mail. It will<br />

surprise yoa to know tbe<br />

time and expense It will<br />

save yoa to send yoar<br />

deposits to os by mail.<br />

Yoa are invited to .bank<br />

with us. Start an ac-<br />

count now.<br />

3* Interest Paid on<br />

Time Accounts<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title<br />

and<br />

"Tmst Cwspaoy<br />

Oceaa <strong>City</strong>, H.J.<br />

Otis Ml. Townftnd<br />

A Practical ItaaatuHw.ftlvliaailt<br />

IJcaaawl by tba Blata. -> -><br />

CIQHTH jMKncrr. OPP. P. p.<br />

OCCAM -orrv -m. ..<br />

$370,000 SPENT IN CITY<br />


\y Htm CottAff«» aji<br />

Apeutmcot* Brftrt^ Dor- C. H. BRUSH BOYS<br />


Retired Baslness Man <strong>of</strong> Ger-<br />

taaatown Ha« Been a Renter<br />

tax Two Season*.<br />

(.taraoca U. Bnub, <strong>of</strong> Oenn*otowQ><br />

baa porettaaad. inromb Miiti A.Ed-<br />

ibe pnily Jhrre-atory ootie«-a<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mra Jroola MaoRrVlr. »t Tw.olk.lh<br />

atterl aad Wnlij iMnur<br />

Mr. Rruab, «bo U a rrtirrii boalntea<br />

Hi>n. baa bceo a uwmir reeidaot <strong>of</strong><br />

bla elijr two aeaaoaa. t«niin< a oottaca<br />

lo Ibe Mdloo la whl-<br />

berahlp.<br />

It la planned lo maxe Ibis year ooe<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ibe btcssst lo Ibe history <strong>of</strong> New<br />

iersey'a Bad Mao.<br />

JE'cry two al tbe enset I oar pl»1r»d<br />

hlrrailf 10 work as uever tefore.<br />

Tbose at Ibe italbcrla' Included many<br />

<strong>of</strong> Iba moat I omlnrot autnbere <strong>of</strong> Ibe<br />

order U» Ibe fcUale<br />

OUe M TVawoatnd. a ham I torn aod<br />

addXteeato Jobo EL Jooae'faottaw aod<br />

atora. co Aabory a»aoue. near fOgbtb<br />

0.<br />

Uober. add el too <strong>of</strong> Iweulj<br />

to Mra. R. BU'ut'i eutlact.<br />

KS Htatb atreat, AWOO.<br />

Kroaal Kaol, atora aod d"elUoa; Cu»<br />

«. Ifnak Uraeeo. e'tcrtb etraet and<br />

Aabory ereoaa. aoOO.<br />

John Maria, cottage foe eaifoo Peoo-<br />

Ijn Uaca, 14000.<br />

John Maite, oottace for H. Hawaii<br />

Sirs. B<strong>of</strong>cert Barber waa<br />

iba booe <strong>of</strong> ber brother, WUllas E.<br />

Dun, m tew daya axo- Mrs. Bar ber<br />

U well remembered by many re»kleoia<br />

s ooe <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> Ctty'a rnoet ebarcnlua;<br />

ilrla. Hbe oow resMr. la Hexletaa.<br />

Mr*. EatelU Bambenrar. <strong>of</strong> Fnlla-<br />

drJpbla. daughter <strong>of</strong> Mr. aod Un.<br />

KlUe Ooreoo. <strong>of</strong> Ibta die. wbo a pent a<br />

few day. beta ibe Letter part <strong>of</strong> Uat<br />

a**, left oo Halurdae for Miami. Via..<br />

bete aba will remain unlli afirtaf.<br />

E. umw HOWE<br />


Brilliant Career <strong>of</strong><br />

ut Known<br />

Here. Rpdc4 by Death- "<br />

H. Kenneth Howe, a(«d nineteen<br />

.<br />

o orcanlat aod muatrtao. died Tbure-<br />

day e* bla home tn Hailatno. Pa, Ha<br />

bad beeo orcanM at Iba r>rt A*enu«<br />

Met bod M EpUeopal Church. Pbila-<br />

dtlpbta,<br />

Tbe muaicien waa eaf^jed, wbea<br />

eliteeo year.old. to play in Ibe Ptr>t<br />

M. K Cboreb, lule city- He aJtraded<br />

cooeiderable alien Uoo end .later *oe-<br />

ceeded itollo MalUaod In tba Park<br />

A'aooe Cburcb. About a year a*o Ijla<br />

^ a;«»l4o bka botp*<br />

Q.Hjulctoa-<br />

The many local frJetxla<strong>of</strong> tbajo^pw<br />

m*a beard <strong>of</strong> hie daatb wltb, tTaM<br />

t Ae a moaletao ba bad a moat<br />

promtalnf; future.<br />

Wbeoaver ba played tbe organ in<br />

|ba Flrat M, E Cborob tba edtfloe waa<br />

filled wttb male loren.<br />

Tba yooog auui, wbo case from a<br />

mnakiana- waa Brat trOOXtt<br />

to thta ctt> by.WUUaave. Maaaay.<br />

Cmlle*<br />

Mra. 1+ L UUtbae.<strong>of</strong> UUeotty. wbo<br />

baa baas apeortlng iba winter wttb ber<br />

daughter In Harrlatoynr Pa,<br />

called boeoe tba latter .part <strong>of</strong><br />

Week by tba aartooe IJtoeee <strong>of</strong> be*<br />

Mra Ubariaa EL Adftn*.<br />

If a cUxsinad aod (ivae yoa<br />

i<strong>of</strong> aauimy Co nwo yoor<br />

oall on - aaaeed<br />

aal Batata Operator, Htata aad Ae-<br />

be tut I wo aomcurr -ra lo Ibe<br />


Bail«ua.<br />



Visitors Were Well Btptcr-<br />

taltud by AVOCBNI Member*<br />

Of IT. A. Ir. C<br />

Tbe local port oOca bqj»-niara,li»ri<br />

<strong>of</strong> iba Ocma COj Jx*actiot Utalfa-<br />

Itooal AewXtaHoo <strong>of</strong> LatUT farrlin<br />

eoirruinad. a Crw <strong>of</strong> tba anaavtara <strong>of</strong><br />

tbeAiUo-ioCUy braoebiaUwlr «aaea<br />

to ibe rear <strong>of</strong> iba poet <strong>of</strong>floe Ualaattay<br />



It wae orttloaJly Inlendtrl that at<br />

taaet ten <strong>of</strong> iba artacbaa <strong>of</strong> tba At-<br />

lasUo CWy <strong>of</strong>llce wooid eoaaaoear.<br />

Elcbt did atari, tt etae aUtad. bot haif<br />

<strong>of</strong> tbe number rjjetwHb a mtebap or<br />

la* «JmXUr. tor I bey dM oot<br />

reach Ibto dly.<br />

Of Ibe foorlttat did arrire, fratt-.<br />

deal Fred. Wood aad Psat Praj*»eot<br />

Philip Koaitaoe. <strong>of</strong> lae AlUoUo city<br />

raocb. wereMDOO> the najnbtT.<br />

Tbe »nllnr» war* a»«d* welaoc* by<br />

Iba O«eaa CUy poatai raeo. fo,lbta<br />

detesaUoo were Aaaiialanl PnetglM'T<br />

Tbocaae W Erertoxtuun. Pra»>4eot<br />

lloben V. DuOeld. ttacrttary Uaorf*<br />

C. Murphy. Trraeurar Joeapo W.Op*.<br />

Hariy aralrnin. Harray Mocey aod<br />

nd JarJrtea.<br />

All •'awappad"ata Polk, Mecebant-<br />

nlla. N. J. oelo Mr. Folk<br />

roooaa <strong>of</strong> Tba North Amerl-<br />

fan. PhHfrda'ph^a - Baeb applicatatuu<br />

wlU ba acxnowladced at oooe, ao Ibat<br />

tba applicant will know, wbetber ba* or<br />

bar nanaa bas bean, accepted to BM<br />

barebjp.<br />

WMIhua B.<br />

edenJUst at iba Wewt<br />

patblo HospUal UUi<br />

to pl«,Moor*stowo boata Satonlay,<br />

eceormmnred by Mra<br />

daagalsr. Tbay epent tw^weaketa<br />

tbetr cottage at Foartb atraat ejud At-<br />

lantlo avaooa.<br />

HaiDlMoo, Bl*an watebae ft ptl<br />

aauiNUU. rxaiiii vewew<br />

week. U la. Bate<strong>of</strong>lLrailroad.<br />

M8 Bnadway. ,Umi»,5-iJ<br />

bara oooa a week. If j<br />

day w*aniBc •<br />

Hatray V. Lak«<br />

dent, aod Jobo a Ofo«a* VrfW'i<br />

dent.<br />

W. W. Aoaaw, Joke, B. Or*** aM<br />

a B. tlaraa<br />

adoptad will bava a fat riiiUtaj www<br />

aaiataxyaiIarAUreJeta«lto^aiawawlw<br />

os* afflotaocy <strong>of</strong> tba cbOdrao wMtaw<br />

UM. UUM baa prcwraaair* Maaa. >H«<br />

topaAJCBiarlylataraatad lak<br />

aaaaeaool director aad K •* baC<br />

brlog tba ecbooto ap totbabaraaat<br />

ptaoa poaattiU dnrtog bla<br />

<strong>of</strong>tba<strong>of</strong>fiea.<br />

partac. wilb<br />

aroood tba.Waatey avaoaa<br />

Installing a playgroaiiit »ii«IWw>aewb.<br />

tera tba pavaaMotlelakL TliU l<br />

incrtDgs, awtosaaad<br />

pbaroalta. TWe at aloa« taw<br />

Mr. Lake's frwaBanUy .aaVaaw<br />

iboogbt <strong>of</strong> payascaleaUaia.fas'.i<br />

loancboTeaadrlrla. . - . ... :l><br />

TXSL.CsJUsKOaC XBAHKBD •qolpoent ta ptacevwUhlbaaWewfal<br />

<strong>of</strong> 8paoo*rBaooaU, pAyaleat f<br />

<strong>of</strong> tba Atlantic <strong>City</strong> pabHa-<br />

>bo ba^ also azpewJBtd a wilt<br />

0 parmlt bla aaeMant. a aapasia<br />

•oonji woman wbo attaoaad Daexai<br />

lortttotB. to cocoa o*er to saa tbat tba<br />

watroctloo work le proper!• 1<br />

Tba plxn le rraolojmy . lo -<br />

edajUareqalpojcQtet tbwbelb,<br />

bat tbeaesaoUal point. La Mr. XaiV*<br />

mind, u to M M tba atari wttaitba<br />

(tale-kids," and tbee. Map «gp. ,<br />

Mr. Laka reooouoeocled ibaj<br />

Tbara waa a ralbar baavy soowfall<br />

era Mooday morning. Booe began<br />

telling aboot 6 oVJook and eonlinoad<br />

for an boor aod a half. It looked for<br />

lUeaatboagb we woold bare enow<br />

for a few days, u tba (roond was<br />

troaao. bot rein aooo made tbe soow<br />

ippaar. Bain Ml moat <strong>of</strong> tbe day<br />

and evening.<br />



to Pay Xrawjen #xooo<br />

to Get Their Monty for<br />

Ctty Hall Work.<br />

afler eamai boura <strong>of</strong> wraocllna;<br />

lawyara ar"! aob-onatxao*<br />

tore oa lbe new city ball bnlkllnfc tbe<br />

KeBary. tba rontrarirtr. mm aattled<br />

Tt«waday aileioooo, B<strong>of</strong>araetbe city<br />

Tba pratectad -radlton, tboaa wbo<br />

led atop Dotloee, wara peJd In caab to<br />

<strong>of</strong> flft P" oaot* <strong>of</strong> *Re**<br />

cialmaaiid given Ore per east, ootae<br />

tbe balance. About tUJ,a» were<br />

paid oot.<br />

Tboaa wbo had oot flled atop nnttoae,<br />

P^t ajboaa ^*|e|frra. .m aetlo^atad at<br />

K3Q0O, iecal»ed 60 per cant, <strong>of</strong> tbelr<br />

Tbe ctty bad retained Hl.OOO <strong>of</strong> tba<br />

motrty doa Kaaary.<br />

Uomao/ trtaanb-rnniractore ara not<br />

parthxi larly.well pleaaed over tba fact<br />

thataltogatbar tbay bad to give »100O<br />

to lawyan to flgbt tot tbelr mooey.<br />

•.•ant.<br />

Tba.*aeond^asxpapUa<strong>of</strong> tba <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

Cfty m*h BcboalwlUbAvaabaoafl<br />

at Iba frlflooae Tb*a|ar tomvrrow(Frt-<br />

day) qfcbt, wbea,MMxa will bean<br />

, apraotion. Aflrqlseinn wlU b»<br />

Qelptba *ouBg people<br />

by attaodlng th» beoeflt.<br />

P V—Tblrd lot above<br />

Haeood etraat. east aide <strong>of</strong> Oeotre|.>H2a.<br />

Foortb lot abovw Tblrd afreet, east<br />

tJde<strong>of</strong> Aabaty, «rm. <strong>On</strong>ly »IOO cub<br />

required OA ettber. OTIS M.Towa-<br />

eca), Bollder. ad*, tun.<br />

President HarreyJ<br />

Tba Board <strong>of</strong> W<br />

ln» <strong>of</strong> tbe iQtertor walla <strong>of</strong> Iba J<br />

ecoool balldlAg. Inaasnacfa MI<br />

Ibe tboufbl <strong>of</strong> Iba ctty U> wi»awH>»<br />

building aa autacUve as poaaja(s]Jat<br />

iba band tads <strong>of</strong> vMVoaaUmdlaa.Iha<br />

Ooaaa <strong>City</strong> tUate totrataa* , Oamat,<br />

wboaa amalnrm ara bald n> Ibeaafh<br />

ecbool. . . ,. .<br />

Ua furtbec raoooaeoded tbat |ba<br />

aching <strong>of</strong> rouslj—prtoclpally tttaal,<br />

st U»e start—be njade a faMaraot^ba<br />

acbool stodkoa; Ibal pecowaebipalao<br />

rsada art attnctlea coaras. itat<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>, buvaoa, (be aaperrataodaa^ <strong>of</strong><br />

ecboala.be (tteo a clerk at «MB (atjWW<br />

a year, and ttut tbe MaptcvaaaClba<br />

city schools beloaaredaoder tba MaV><br />

ploy ere 1 lUbUuy act.<br />

Tbe speaker. In reoomsaodlat taa<br />

apputntmcat <strong>of</strong> a clerk for Mr, atavana,<br />

declared ibat tba lattar4M too aaaeh<br />

minor detail <strong>of</strong>fice work ta look<br />

wbleb eoald be dooa. by • pataoa,ra-<br />

cetvlo' a (sir salary and Ibo* parsjUl<br />

Iba city eaperlntaadeot to d>ro(a:eBora<br />

lime to' lbe larger work toe wfetcb,!**<br />

u employed. Mooey wooldbaeavad<br />

and bettat reeolts C«U1IM4,, ta,|aa<br />

paakar'e opinion. . ' . .1<br />

lo makJa" blalrlaa CoTaTe«tar psbllo<br />

KhoolM in tbia cm. Mr. X+Xa aa>iHka»<br />

parenla coquaplauo' caakifl( a ,eaa-<br />

sbora resort tbatc all-yaar<br />

g<br />

by tba olty'a grade <strong>of</strong> pablle<br />

Ue further staled tbat ragantjtf >b«<br />

vlattad a town not Car tr<strong>of</strong>A Qcean.fletf<br />

whtcb buaeta <strong>of</strong> tta pablM ecbopl*. bat<br />

not b» comparedutba<br />

very excellent aobools <strong>of</strong> out own «lty.<br />

awmw,'wj iiiw we twwj « • 1 (•.*»_—— r<br />

Ed ward, soo <strong>of</strong> ex-Poalmaater g. ^f.<br />

Ballon, wbo bad his left wrtst awvajaiw<br />

Injorod aboot a week ago, h Map-ax-<br />

IOK and bta wrtat and band wUI wwn<br />

be lo good shape. ittotboa*bt., fia<br />

waa playtogat tbatlmaaod fatl 00, a<br />

milk bottle. Tt» Yt*eel ptok* and $be<br />

tsodona <strong>of</strong> four <strong>of</strong>,)>le flo«ara:W»ra<br />

urrlfaU eat. Ba "waa -"— *- *-<br />

Beraebel PeUlt'e <strong>of</strong>flpi<br />

geocy reroedlaa bad r^r-Tj:r^m.i—.-jr--<br />

waa removed to tbe Atlan^a.,,f^t*<br />

Upspltal. wbere «ba aararad lan^ooa<br />

were aewad. Blood potaonlp«_ *(••<br />

feared for a few daya. bat tba an*<br />

escaped tble. , , ^<br />

rrebuisearr a<br />

At tha morning earvlea to «aT»<br />

Matbodlat Eplecopai Cluilc-M<br />

Iba foUowlo- aTBjatasaliraBjB ******<br />

Monarr membereolpi Jgeantl *>>3.fg«<br />

wlfeTHre IdaOarwood, Hlaaia1f*|al<br />

and baetba Lake and VrtMa llaawH/r<br />

Mt Mlsoo Koaa «m->»<br />

and baetba Lake an<br />

Maatar Malsoo Koaa.<br />

$12.00 and $15.00<br />


W« have fifteen ttinnaiifl<br />

9ffer t^O. s^k for *6yO9» less<br />

-cases. <strong>On</strong>ly one or two <strong>of</strong> a kind,'bnt<br />

Sixes. 54 to 40. This week only.<br />

' 1<br />


I C«


ws JO<br />

vM* taiga attaodcaca at UM<br />

cfc a**** to BL A U ^<br />

to BL<br />

ttWprto. <strong>of</strong> hart<br />

iBtawntat<br />

if. HJek*.<br />

i.<br />

Ctwreb.<br />

• **—*• Alwsjwi<br />

a*M ha*, tax*<br />

tm Bead**, tb* pastor, tb* B*v.<br />

Chart** H. Boboer. ptswsbad at both<br />

Ib* wvnrnrpg aod *v*olng aarrtos*.<br />

Ui* aaomiag UMBB* we* »U*dd*o IU-<br />

soorosw<strong>of</strong> UM Bool."aod bl* evening<br />

in 111. "Tba Chrwtlao Bsotlo*..'<br />

Takiag ae ba* (act at tb* sworem,<br />

a*r**tw*Joba 4i«-«t. baaald to part:<br />

•Tb*l*ad*(Mry <strong>of</strong> Ufa at towud *x<br />

•**» Oo UM OCM bead tb*r»l* a<br />

Iwtlc] faoAllciaaa aod oo tba otber a<br />

'• Jab, 000-rjingi ***)»* uumaii*-<br />

TMbrcgbt-ayed opUsUat bold*<br />

loo* eod <strong>of</strong> a Uoa wbos* otber aod<br />

aT otay Bttnl<br />

bt Charge <strong>of</strong> tha tier.<br />

Ocorge F. Mitch.<br />

Beginning o«mt Moexlay olfbt, Iba<br />

RapUata will cniaMucn a art** <strong>of</strong><br />

nrhr«J BWUoc* lo ItMtr ctrarrb. Tba<br />

tengUi<strong>of</strong> iteMtta will dapead apoo.<br />

UM eapport <strong>of</strong> Iba paopaj aod tna to-<br />

tatwat (-bowo<br />

AHNOAlfOOM<br />

PEOPLE'S SERVICE «70,«H3F08<br />

OTb* aooaaJ paopla*a atrtloa<br />

pp o<br />

tatwat (-bowo.<br />

twat (bowo.<br />

~Tbeo*ed<strong>of</strong> arrtrrai I* ob-rfc-os,"<br />

•ay* theaOaMar. "Ood t* wUilog to<br />

op— tba wl*>dow-*o«- bcavwoaod poor<br />

oat a b**w«tog opoo a*, as Ibat Ittm<br />

1 111 pot b» loom aooorb t ti<br />

wui Dot ba __<br />

eodUaqi-awUuu.<br />

•raot a rertvsJV<br />

Wtetj ertU<br />

toooalata K.<br />

. o w*<br />

Tb* Bar. Mr.<br />

my eve-rUog, u-<br />

otpUogaatarday.<br />

Tba "BtUy" 8aod*y aoog. »ui ba<br />

——»-* I'tltM —11 .1 if ., .,11 1 .,<br />

OTb* aooaaJ yooo« paopla*a atrtloa<br />

•Ul b* b*ld lo Iba Fin* Pnabrf«rtea<br />

CbarcQ out Hoodaf «Taotag U 7.«S<br />

joo wast a oopy. go to HeAiJialar**<br />

•tota aod • a t n u i l<br />

j<br />

•tota aod •atnm<br />

Ttwy «• 00 aUa oaw<br />

tftfcaupbteeniaiftad bllwm.' Tb«<br />

pctaoipte <strong>of</strong> bate* cradflad wttb CbtM<br />

ML tbaratea,ciaulj aaao to tbacudto-<br />

etoc*<br />

Tba oloc<br />

ban bMO unatad<br />

Organ Pratada.<br />

Bovto* <strong>of</strong> Boo«. tad by Oaocfcv W.<br />

flooj. Jf.<br />

MOAnm <strong>of</strong> Wctooaa, klba UMrad^<br />

nwfnnain Baadtaf, Joo«tb«a Wat-<br />

ot-<br />

Dam, -Lor» Otrtoa All L.<br />


Haoltoga at<br />

*• Um r»#M<br />

_ T. Pastor.<br />

Mjmo.<br />

Bcrlptaral<br />

Hymn.<br />

liadaaorta*.<br />

auaj run Into the**<br />

.____ wttb HlaumU. Hm eexj.<br />

•Hot any will b* doo*. bat into* be<br />

loo*.' If yea eoold fellow Christ.<br />

•sac* UM will <strong>of</strong> Ood. yoor raiber.tb*<br />

•wotm power <strong>of</strong> your whole Uf»."<br />

la *aeketoUi aod<br />

to a **"T. or<br />

hang Him wttb<br />

og* ata<br />

dapuad<br />

__ — . ^, „, Irm wnjo 10* saaxutoda.<br />

es»*-BWsjB» J*wteHtoB*tiahsilt props tbera wa* aa BooeTearraot la tl*»<br />

•MB*. «e ft* UM Beat Uaograwa UM oooi* life that OOO* <strong>of</strong> UM tide* aod<br />

iMaaswt* WaV be** M <strong>of</strong> the 9B «odi*s<strong>of</strong> pobUo fr*o*y coold reach, to*<br />

**>sta*f IMtas^.MNbavpMD (BMasst Bki lit* -rest calmly oo<br />

•awaww as* dMBt *f the BaBwhhrina w«h Us work whether an ptakMd or<br />

tfaat aT tba BapsbttcaJM<br />

aalUMy—waw aad gain tao<br />

VnvtetaTfeUtoa.<br />

m. Ha« tmmj. Tao-<br />

BUv York, Havada.<br />

aad Htad<br />

— - -_ ' m •-»—— •«•, nevau,<br />

• *» sat at aO laitirmnti* that to-,<br />

' W H awfl BBBBI fiaHkTwsw^rfcwarwm ^*r<br />

OHRn alt UM anra onbtuttag UM<br />

«a* a* 4MBN to koya<strong>of</strong> taodar<br />

blaokrd. H* bad<br />

Ithcykocw oot <strong>of</strong>.<br />

"W* oaad e revival <strong>of</strong> Individuality<br />

i UM** days—a netval <strong>of</strong> lhat kara<br />

Bswss*Bsl BOWe I<br />

» >aar» to<br />

>oota aa*<br />

. prtootpaUy tn<br />

^P^B*B*BMJ«aBSaB> V(VWffaHB*MBOBQaBB > f bAt) IV<br />

•MR ts taa*aflMi.UwDlgrriaWdteje-<br />

•WTMiHraiHIMm <strong>of</strong> Cb» tajsrioa*<br />

tojartoa*<br />

acafra-<br />

ajaa nwtral <strong>of</strong> that kara<br />

a<strong>of</strong> paraaoal vorUt tbat lau UM<br />

•ortd aad tta fMblno* to try. D*-<br />

paodaoeaooUM apglia«a <strong>of</strong> otbanK<br />

a daogatoaa babtt <strong>of</strong> aviad. Ood **^ A<br />

(tno loaaeboaa<strong>of</strong> oaaooaa raaoaroa*<br />

•oosnatvav. wblea aaoold soil a*<br />

lodapinrtant <strong>of</strong> UM nimallnoa <strong>of</strong> a<br />

eaprtrtno* world. Tb Uru osr 0*0<br />

U»a«, to ba*a aaaat to oanatvaa, la<br />

bava bJddao<br />

w<br />

Tba moramg —raaoo by Dr. Uatoe*<br />

laat tjaoday at tba First Methodist<br />

gpswripal ctiorcb era*a eeairblng ad-<br />

drsss ftoaa Psalm S3; )a-U-U: "Tb*<br />

rtgfctaoo* ebaU Ooortob Ilk* UM palm<br />

tree; b* stoail grow Uk* a cedar tn<br />

Lebanon. Tboa* tbaf ba pUnud la<br />

UM boos* <strong>of</strong> UM Lord seal) fioarttb ta<br />

tb* eoorts<strong>of</strong> oar Ood. Tbeyansil<br />

•till bring forth frott In o4d age, they<br />

ahaU be fat aod SoorMung."<br />

Tb* pastor on<strong>of</strong>lsnlratar) a targ» pert<br />

<strong>of</strong> bat *Jt«cifcx> opoo Iho thirteenth<br />

ear**, aspect* My a poo Ib* phr***<br />

AoaoaocanMtiU, MlwPrsfclaUaiJUi.<br />

Offferlog, Hiaatl Prtea. Joarpb<br />

Aoibees, CnoU. -Ja*t for Today."<br />

Abbott.<br />

ArMrsss. Pastor.<br />

etoog, Baoday MebooJ CUaa^io. %<br />

Hymn.<br />

•TTJM. oottag* tor Herj Kstly oo<br />

A*6ory arson*, oaar BUt*mlb sir***.<br />

gun.<br />

J. T. Heal, cottage fa* Lear* Beckaat<br />

oo W**J*jav*oo»,o**rTw»inb*u*st,<br />

J. T. BeaJ. bungalow forMeMBaUK<br />

W. Laka oo foorth strait, near C*o-<br />

txal areoo*. rsoo.<br />

Csul B. Bopf. two two-taanlly apart-<br />

OMOI* for Frank JL Champsoo, Moor-<br />

lya t*rrae*an4 Allan uoavsoo*. 17000.<br />

Bweo «t T»»«it. eottage tot U. N.<br />

Usoimg* oo Paootyo ptaot, QOOOi<br />

Eogttah e> Johoaoo. eottag* lot<br />

<strong>On</strong>ega t*. Sprool oo UaotrsJ arsnos.<br />

txtwaao rorti-etgbtb aod forty-o to tb<br />

PanaiUftlim<br />

Orgaa PDMIOOV<br />


ectalty opoo (b*<br />

bat ba alao aud*<br />

gaf l U<br />

pHattn. bat ba alao aud* macb a*a<br />

<strong>of</strong> UM taugafy la UM t««lAb aod tb*<br />

toottMolb rtn*. Ut did oot read<br />

th» acTlpcua l—oo. bt<br />

IflL Jobs,etvaptrr 14.<br />

lb* rl" O<br />

Tb* ssoood wtolsr<br />

V tatting<br />

<strong>of</strong> lb*<br />

IM*' AuUsuy <strong>of</strong> Ib* «*p-<br />

Uat Ctuircb we* bssd rsasaUy la PbJI-<br />

a4*ipata.atUM boea* <strong>of</strong> Un Umry<br />

A. Knaba. Tbera were .iraswil Iwroty-<br />

two. all <strong>of</strong> wooes *q>oy*d a rety pltsa-<br />

aot aflaroooo tranawCttog busmcs* In<br />

ta* Inlaxeat <strong>of</strong> UM Utli* eborca by loe<br />

eaa aod to soetabtLUy<br />

raMa,tU0O.<br />

Jooa Malta, oottag* tor Mr*. Balpb<br />

U. Cbaatar 00 Paonty o ptao*, (3900.<br />

Joboalatta. Umtatory oooag* tor<br />

C- Doafbty at UM ooron <strong>of</strong> Etgblb<br />

atr*M aad AllaoUo ataoaa. MaOOi<br />

8*aa A Trool. oottaga tot 8 B<br />

ttwao 00 Prantja ptao*. tS*OO.<br />

Hobtrt J. ttbarp. trotimlty apart-<br />

caaol tor mtit 00 Paoatjo ptaea, tOOO.<br />

Uul Bopf, fi>or-fma>l(y apanmaru at<br />

Alhnltfiaranaa aad Moojlro umc*.<br />

•aooa<br />

Ctty Mill aad Lamb* Coapaor.<br />

ooaagatorWattn O. Kuatia 00 Baoood<br />


Joseph 0. Champion<br />


OCUK CITY, H. j.<br />

Ralph Hayes VanGildor<br />



I SS4 W««t tMx<br />



Orrtcm: 8th 8«. Oppoaitc P. o.<br />

Plus uA Sjecfficitioia<br />

prestred witkflft duuga<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly galvanlred n»£L«<br />

erttrior work<br />

on<br />

B-4-U-BILD-KUM-C-l<br />

•-Tbara'a • Raaaon**<br />

Oceii <strong>City</strong> Koisa Blifg. Co.<br />

Jobbing and alteration work j;<br />

Oarlag tb* to*<br />

• Carhst.<br />

• —sv— ••*• "wssopeoeol<br />

•••1,11 utbat.a»<br />

Oaaeoooot<strong>of</strong>UMUl «. u^tirea*.<br />

aol, Mrs. J. rraakJio MUler. UM eor-<br />

•poodlojt aeerstary. Mrs. C t<br />

•altadsr. praatdad. Hpectal p4ao* wars<br />

diKaaaad aod coeamlU«am appote(ad to<br />

taporl at Iba D«xt BMattngf t b M<br />

_-_M»baa>a* ^aarcbliaruUMd by UMboalaaa, Un<br />

Jo gat tt* bearings to Uw (v*»-l •ttb«Tfr»»*ii»«ol»aod moMie<br />

d<br />

diKaaaad aod coeamlU«am appote(ad<br />

taporl at Iba D«xt BMattng<strong>of</strong> tbaMx<br />

tarr. ablrb mill babald at UMboaST<strong>of</strong><br />

Mr*. W. V Yoovg. EJ» Hortb TwaUUi<br />

Mrrat. 00 Mooday aOaroooo, Maxeb 14<br />

TtM caamlar* warad*ligt>irol(j*o-<br />

naUMd by UM bo*M Mr*. Koabt.<br />

<strong>of</strong> eosJ which<br />

ooorsvb as, tbJ* a* ooa <strong>of</strong> UM pttrt-<br />

l — - * * vtOo* whka<br />

mrrcbriaiu «siaya.<br />

U"ky I* tba fore*_U>at<br />

<strong>of</strong> tb* work<br />

eborcndatw<br />

br i b t<br />

ooaatUMaBBunareborcndatw<br />

Wtour.wntwud br ibtBts-<br />

b* Bw.OaorgaFMtuhwbo<br />

To* attaodaoca as - WJV awrvsgw* ex Lbo<br />

Baptist Cbexeh last Sooday wa* vwry<br />

ooaiwiwnrftMe, la aycta <strong>of</strong> th* lo-<br />

eiaaseoe* <strong>of</strong> the weather. To* targa<br />

emkwr p*ss*ot at UM Uood<br />

>a* rcsBarkabta.<br />

At th*swacsJbagaw>ltathe fnln**T*i.<br />

UMBwT.Oeargar. Msea, praachad oo<br />

•Fneods Sot Yat eated." tross UM<br />

taxt, -0* that hatsneth oot abeJJ be<br />

daaaaad." Mack Ui la.<br />

The tstrodaeUoo<strong>of</strong> to* "Billy" Bao-<br />

day rJyaut Book* proved ao<br />

log fsatora al the ««eaiag _.K«.<br />

•W* eporwrtate the Owl thataosaa-<br />

bar <strong>of</strong> oax frwrtrli »etmsj aoafry<strong>of</strong><br />

Ut*» exoaUaot eoog boor *<br />

l axsaltaot aoog book, aad Imn^ri<br />

UMBtoUMaarrtea.''aaya Mr. Mtt«a<br />

Tb* rpactal *aitaetton» b tb<br />

UMBtoUMaarrtea.''aaya Mr. Mtt«a.<br />

Tb* rpactal *aitaetton» by tb* caoU war*<br />

ail torn UM "Booday" byaubk<br />

pata *ataetton» by tb* caoU war*<br />

ail torn UM "Booday" byaubook.<br />

M Booday byaubook.<br />

—"— — — "<br />

acakotHaa*<br />

toPtilladafptila.<br />

<strong>of</strong>CUrarytaoot U* wood<br />

oot*«w U<br />

ptoduoad ctvtlttaUoo I* tb* power Ibat<br />

lesavtogtt JasosCortatlcaUllroUftg<br />

til* world aad aaaptag tt* daetloy.<br />

To* Hplrtt <strong>of</strong> Cbrtattantty yetcooew* ^ ***' mr -<br />

oo the face <strong>of</strong> Ib* watan to bring XJ * T ••*»**•<br />

OaVtOaV 4W*B*4BW OtiA **» sri • n -<br />

Dr. Halo<br />

Alien BooU. I b re* story brick balld-<br />

log for «t<strong>of</strong>es aad Hx-tmtaUy apart-<br />

OMOU for Joba Browole* ml BtvaoJb<br />

strast aad Aaoary avsoas, I17JXO-<br />

ioeepo O. Chaaiploo. two-etory<br />

gang* at BUlh atrsst aad Aaoary<br />

arena*, fee- fisUord C*wMborn. gfi&OO<br />

Bdeinod A. Boorgsoss, sjddJlloo*<br />

aod aitaruJOO* to Mrs. Vtoeeot Yar-<br />

g«r* eottaga,ilS Brtgntoo pise*. »«R»<br />

, OUa M. Towoasod. eoUags for self<br />

oo Tbtrd stmt, W300.<br />

O- M. Towaarod, frMlag* for K^Mr-<br />

soo L. (JsBltb oorALmpsoo arson*, otsr<br />

TbirtssoUi street, «2S0a<br />

ejunst* aod Uoorrt Poolicr*. two<br />

•totasoo Aaoary aveoae, near Tamb<br />

... 8B0DL0BAVE<br />

A Reliable Builder<br />

To erect ycrar <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> cxittajje. Yoa cannot spare the time<br />

to look after it ciikvcJy yooreeli" and mnit depend Dixm the<br />

booesty ot the contractor.<br />

I have bollt Cat a Urge number <strong>of</strong> people and could refer yoa lo<br />

any or all <strong>of</strong> them.<br />

Send for the list <strong>of</strong> names and photographs ol the houses.<br />


ORUB CM III p \ r n OCEAJI cmr.<br />

g ork<br />

onr person-] attention.<br />

Window and Door Frames and<br />

Screena made to order.<br />


lit 11 PbOM _»Ot.<br />


JOHN T. SEAL<br />


cmr<br />

oer_«i_.t_<br />

an,<br />

Qcorgc W. hf&rrie.<br />

Contractor, Builder<br />

and Jobbing<br />

Contractor and Boilder.<br />

ioha Maria. Iwo-ramlly apartoeat<br />

oo P*aalyo (ktace far Ueotg* OonfaU.<br />

•33QTX<br />

Aodrew R. Bcull. two two-t<br />

apartrrMnli oo Twalfto atrsei,<br />

Soaahoro CottaBon a Spoclalty<br />

Motolo nnd Bungalowo<br />

Kv«rjtbiDg m t_* B_uding ___•<br />

A»«__*<br />

OC-IAN CITY. W. J.<br />

y<br />

oyKllXIi—7iA W*M AVISIU<br />

S. SimjDBI Eleventh Street aod Bay Avenue<br />

OCEAN CITY. N. J.<br />

Office: Tbirtjr-tourth &Jrcct<br />

M EflllllBf<br />

ttUopsoo areoa*. for UM Bar. Co*<br />

oalla* Hodaoo aad Oevtd B. Httdsoo.<br />

i - .~.u«wio,U|)|5*P basveo aad oo cartb wbicb<br />

S named tb* tta Lord, ***a Jesos<br />

•brtst-<br />

Bot tro* chnreb oambrrsaJp h> oot<br />

.-•taucraf lbscaureb record. Uod'*<br />

1 nxasor* <strong>of</strong> oor Cnrlsttao cbaraeter de-<br />

tiiuilu** oor standing a* raerabrr* <strong>of</strong><br />

til* Cnoreb—oar real *alo* In UM<br />

Wrk <strong>of</strong> nls vtocyard.<br />

• £*fa** ptocasdiag. usj DBtstor os><br />

eiarsd that UM Blbla. bttnc Ib* ex-<br />


Phone Connections<br />

e- au Oar tviarvx<br />

T. L*TiU' I *T« 1<br />

ID HJOTlL.<br />

Oo-w<br />

n a OWAM<br />

e 1* Tlrwi *u ^ Lt ""- Readiiur Coal<br />

Atn Klodllot Wood b» bum or cojd.<br />

IUITU i«4 w<br />

and Builders<br />

IB* ask* <strong>of</strong> Ood aad i<br />

• epaaka <strong>of</strong> ao <<br />

— ~ • •• wnuxr |{u mrm.<br />

P«~too <strong>of</strong> Ood-. o>tod toward roan.<br />

«»•« barwdaod Modtad by ail^<br />

Toe<br />

eoeot <strong>of</strong> UM wUJ to UM wUl <strong>of</strong> Ood,<br />

re MU ~* *^- —--sas bsaulifw to<br />

Uft, Iswlllrogto<br />

. . .re, Oorearvle*,<br />

_ Mt%d*ttwia.l*ooteooipsstaanttl •»•<br />

wttl aiawUllsgtodMlb*- tb* faith which<br />

«*— *s*b*U**w.<br />

"Agalo, the eroaa <strong>of</strong> CwJvary ratili<br />

wsB&P tt*t«tssV OOtSOsSliawaBC ^"* wJB*9 Uasw fa) 4*fla^<br />

vies <strong>of</strong> onr fsJ !».-->-- •»-• — -<br />

- —~ **j. auJ *l<br />

to know and do UM divto* wL<br />

UM word most ba read and<br />

atodied oot a* a task, or wttb tba Idea<br />

<strong>of</strong> doty apperraoat, bat wttb ever br<br />

eramatogdcUgbtaod pr<strong>of</strong>lt Wear* to<br />

lov* Ib* law <strong>of</strong> tb* lord.<br />

to OJOtinning. Dr. H«lne* took op<br />

t* text aod. la *f^fryg ^^_ K^ eoo-<br />

b the finest oo the hltnd. and ocr Home-made Scrapple—<br />

give it a chance, and it speaks for itaelf.<br />

Little Fresh Hams and Shoulder* <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> borne dreased pork.<br />

• OIL<br />

*. »OO.TloSi<br />

oa or UHia<br />

PO&UC<br />

, — —>-*, so. o* coo- POBJ<br />

atdcrad ekxjoently aod foreefaUy in* ftitlr Fresb Bam*..<br />

phrsar. -tswo« ptaotad." oateg Ib* cbc V<br />

Imagny <strong>of</strong> UM ten -cfa** to tb* g£Sd*r."": I .'££<br />

ftftrcoes* to to* mighty cedars <strong>of</strong> spare Bibs.." * ilclb,<br />

Imtimnnn. H*r» b* also tatmed to F«t 9C<br />

aom* hlatorto oaks aod »fm* *** ~.- ^<br />

Sagar cored akin-'bac'k haiia, whole'<br />

FfCniC nam«<br />

Obrtat% aarvtoa to UM world<br />

. ptaalcd<br />

Lord; aod ba «b-l|<br />

bot cspadalry men aod<br />

•"•"•bom ba had koowo lo tbo<br />

vsnoos eboreots b* has *arvsd- 1<br />

to<br />

• III i h T * w -l t ---~-*- •bopeota.toba the bt.<br />

•hall b» I •"»««•• aao oaarc-r umaa<br />

mmxd-:..:., : : .;.J-<br />

<strong>On</strong>e trial order, and we do the rest. Prices good for one week<br />

LAMB-aad It U fine<br />


Legs<br />

Chops<br />

Shoulders ....<br />

Neck*<br />

JOBBING * OP>tCl»lTY<br />

1040 AOBURV AVCNUC OCUN C.Ty. N. J.<br />

Waiter V. Hess<br />



wmoow AMO fro<br />

•>u TO oaoxa. acaccii*<br />

SlU. •MOSJI<br />

OfTIc© 1O17 Asbury Avonuo<br />

Real Estate and<br />

Search Gompan>,v<br />

Fidelity Trust Company<br />

0/ Noaik<br />

Title Xxumrance<br />

Searches, Abstracts <strong>of</strong> Title.<br />

Conveyancing<br />

Fire Insurance<br />

I Prompt Service An Work Ouuanmd<br />

Money to Loan 00 Oood Pins Maim<<br />

F«JCO» (or Oil*<br />

OflBcea in<br />

First Hationl Bank Building<br />

Cape May Court House<br />

H. J.<br />

VEAL<br />

Cutlet<br />

Chop* IOC<br />

Boast uc<br />

Strwiog tic<br />

»8c<br />

! you a cottage, bungalow or apart-<br />

ment to furnish? We have* a line <strong>of</strong><br />

furniture at less than Philadelphia prices.<br />

•It will pay you to call and see our stock be-<br />

fore buying elsewhere.<br />

Window shades a specialty.<br />

Chas. E. Adams & Bro.<br />

720-22 Asbury Ave.<br />

IRA E.<br />

725 Central Ave.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Now Jersey<br />

Plain aod Oecojatire<br />

Paperhaneer<br />

Inter-State Phoie ij4-A<br />

~ —^ SUTTON & CORSON CO<br />

ii§g^^il General Contractors<br />

Gilding and Street Building<br />


° eeaaCit * New jersey<br />

Fancy Mixed Cakes, real cheap, * lb*.<br />

for 13c<br />

JeiseyCrsaberrie* jc<br />

Mince Ueat 9c tb.<br />

Fancy Vtmom 18c dor.<br />

Potatoes 4}cb**ket<br />

6 KoDs Toilet Paper ijc I sro m<br />

Jally Bcaos'. jlbe-aje<br />

Fancy ChomlatT Drops Ijc<br />

Ooaponsd . . lie<br />

albs. Fnaa . . «sc<br />

3 KM. Bl»ijiinl»l Peaches 15c<br />

A Post Card will bring oor ser-<br />

vice to you.<br />

GOOD<br />


" K E»ccorat1nfl ocean CIT*. M. j.<br />


A. STttLMAN<br />


Practical Hoisashflaittg<br />


Ota ta, OrtUf Tetp 1 Sfsetttrj<br />

Agent Tor Btewart'a Iron Works Co<br />

r Uln o" nd Ornamental Iron Fence<br />

Iron R*jlln«sand Window OoardsT'<br />

St. and Hares It*<br />

c Tirrrnv ttr<br />

N. C OOOPKBY<br />

John Marts Lumber Co.<br />

Olattt Str*st and Hiwi Awnus •<br />

• OQBAM CITV. N. J.<br />

r, sfiSsrark. MooUlnca. Baildln* Pspcr. PUsia B«cold ao»p ln4 luur part 0/<br />

laat watk.<br />

Tba "N*. Ennlaud Huppaf WM<br />

waU aiuod*d.<br />

Mayor Hcadi.y «od to<br />

Door <strong>of</strong> Ih* Hann Uulldlng<br />

Mass waa eeletoralej In 1<br />

Una's Cburcb Tuesday oomlug by<br />

tb* rector. Ib* Rsv. Tbooaa F. Blake,<br />

In obsenranoe <strong>of</strong> Candlecoa* Dcy.<br />

PEH8ONAX«.<br />

t'bartrs C lUad, ob.»<br />

ItUtikMy. bow*v*T. IbU wbea a<br />

flrechtaf I* agalo ilioHJ. tbam wUl<br />

bardly b* a acxaasbia for lh*>ob ondtr<br />

prwaaot onodHtoo*. A family<br />

Baoata January 12. aud upon wttch e<br />

rot* wa* expected Ibl* week.<br />

Dr. Haloesanooonoavllnat be would<br />

eiteod Ih* public bearing on tbwblll<br />

at Treoloo al 10 a- m. Tursday <strong>of</strong> IbU<br />

weak, aod be urged Ib* Importance <strong>of</strong><br />

B iarg* aitsodane* froca Ibis city.<br />

Tb*tollaalagn*olulloa was adopted<br />

by a Qns.n*rrrff^it votaz<br />

To tb* Hon. Mr. Wbceloo. Ueoalo*<br />

from Cap* May County, and Ih*<br />

Baoat* <strong>of</strong> tb* ttiale <strong>of</strong> Hew Jersey.<br />

BUI* Moos*. Trauloo. N*w Jersey:<br />

At a regular Mrv'c* or tbl* charch.<br />

Jnnes' Men's Shop<br />

HATS<br />

Our SfxsdaUty<br />

$2.00 to $4.00<br />

HATS<br />

.. ^ liJnga for rtylrsh dresser*. »ff If it to Dp to tb* Jaot*.<br />

ataodard yoa may depcod opoo il. - .<br />

Quality "—" Square<br />

ipimnt coodtUoo*. A family roan<br />

Tb* rule* adopted by Ib* church ar*|woald aeanaty f**i iiwf—l to gtr*<br />

lollowa: To k**p quirt daring Ibtlopa,, eub f bi U l<br />

Co«««f. Ur<br />

• -- — ^*«j<br />

•pent Huoday witb MUs Kite Tomlln,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Gostveo.<br />

John T. Wolfeuden.<br />

Delaware Coouly, Ca<br />

here Halurdsy.<br />

Mm. M F. Wllfoog. <strong>of</strong> Pblladel-<br />

»SH* to<br />

Tssdaraatiis:<br />

Aflar Ib* passage ot ordloauce No.<br />

87, provMloc (or Ibe appojnlmeol <strong>of</strong> a<br />

fire enter aud two assistants, at Ib*<br />

weakly mreilus; <strong>of</strong> Iba <strong>City</strong> Commis-<br />

sioner*, Andrew C. Boewell, reprs-<br />

aaotlns Kir* Chief Samuel B. Confer,<br />

rreseated ibe Utlar'* re*Koatloo as<br />

flr»chief. Tbar«s4jrnat«>n was to lake<br />

*StcX atmldnlKbl January 31.<br />

Th* resignation was accepted aad<br />

ordered Bled.<br />

Tb* ordinance, which beeomr*<br />

[effective Un daya aTlef Its passac*,<br />

' provide* (or lb* eledtou <strong>of</strong> a chief and<br />

•ssMaala bcrrsfter bieaalally 00 Ibe<br />

foartb Thursday <strong>of</strong> Jaooary.<br />

TbacilysollcUor kdvlstd Itial. laas-<br />

mocb aa th* nrdlnaocs does 004 go<br />

lolo effect for UQ dsj*sflerlu paasax*.<br />

II would b* proper al Itils meetlug to<br />

eiert a cbltf lo gaoa duly a/ler Janu-<br />

ary 31. and also to elect a cbltf to go<br />

00 duty when Ibe ordluaac* Is eflec-<br />

•« follow*: To keep quirt dating<br />

mmiag. If ibta ral» I* brokao<br />

persoo will b* ami boca* Boyaaod .<br />

girl* shall alt separata. Tb* by mo |<br />

books ahall not b* lorn or written In<br />

If ao. lbs <strong>of</strong>fender sball pay for tb*<br />

book. A strangar ahould eoen* three<br />

Friday* before Oslog a member. No<br />

Ulklag afur 4 o'clock.<br />

The order <strong>of</strong> service U a* follows<br />

mocb <strong>of</strong> bte Urn*. flrasMo *ay.<br />

tartlOaraooth.<br />


•etaaO)*'*<br />

having amsmbenhlp <strong>of</strong> 4U), tb*<br />

natter <strong>of</strong> Ih* Local Optloo Bill (Hru-<br />

I at* No. &—t)j Mr. (Jaunt—) bslog pr*><br />

'seated, th* members<br />

rising vote •xprtsstd —.„..•<br />

bop* lhat Ihla mcasar*, *o manly<br />

present by e<br />

their slucers<br />

PiraMrnl Brick, <strong>of</strong> UM Ooaaa <strong>City</strong><br />

Board <strong>of</strong> Trad*, ba* appolotad UM fol-<br />

lowtajr nt f<br />

n, o aoniy<br />

In N«w Jan«y. may forthwith<br />

_ by Ih* kwnau, aod tbair<br />

dtalr* that tbrlr Bcnator. rrpra-<br />

lamlt&g Iba, ahoold gtr* It no* only<br />

'bl* vot* bot bl* acUr* *opport.<br />

Kapretrolly •atxnlited,<br />


NEW JaHHKY. uv Jno. B.<br />

HAINOI, Mlnl-lcr.<br />

Daud Jan. 8). ISIS.<br />

flcALLISTER'S<br />

t The l^aatilng Dry Oooda Storm<br />

Take a look at onr North Window and nee onr display<br />

<strong>of</strong> New Spring and Summer Fabrica, all made in<br />

U. S. Aa<br />

BBB^WSBW B^BSBBW Bmt ^JM^Bj*^rj|^^*SJ i n * J E^3 £* I<br />

„ —,.*. . s«fouow.:|-—-- "~T|,*~ JVC: KLT-7 ^L. K cnV* °» lh * rr-oluiton was for-<br />

Blngio, Ly Ibe ooogregalloo. ringing^"" 0 * e«»oUU**. <strong>of</strong> lb* board «" Ward*d loB«oator Wbrstm. laat Moo-<br />

by Ibe cbolr. apsclal moslc. Uerictur* I'""^ '<br />

'scitatlona by tb* metDbera. ,<br />

Henrlo* next Friday at \ o'clock. All |<br />

chlldrso *r» cordially lavttad.<br />


\^my.<br />

Maa-y.AXhmrogV^"th."ii7| ADVBETISE FOB MTJ8IC<br />

CbarU* H. Bohner.<br />

PuhUo Impenvsmsxil* Albert Fogg.<br />

chairman; Booart Vtaber. Ralph . L.<br />

OaJT. Joseph I. Benll aod Hoener *•*• oiayor. at IIM. weekly meeting<br />

tjbosmaksl. °f "*» CUy CommU-lmier-. *ald Ibat<br />

-THQtsportaiioo — Krribvn W. Ed- he had wrUlao U> r*rui. Harrtsoo rs-<br />

•is. BVavertv •. sVsslib's VssetsJ wards. "Sairman; W. Heott Hand, Cardlnx tb* band conoart* bar* nail<br />

av»>«tc«»i* s«stai T I I M W . Harry 9. Btaatoo. Edward M- rjettoo' aammcr. and Ib* baodmaadr ba*<br />

Mrs. EJUabeth Bmlth. widow <strong>of</strong> aod lit. Wlllau P. Haioes. agreed to Ih* city's propoaitioo. Th*<br />

FioeTisaoe, n>Vc yd.<br />

Loc« Novelty, ioc aod isc yd.<br />

Ratine, l8c and 15c 3rd.<br />

Rice Ctoth. 18c yd.<br />

Figured Voile. 18c yd.<br />

Parisian SUkette. a jc yd.<br />

Yam Crepe. 35c yd-<br />

Kmbroidertd Lace<br />

Cloth, ay: rd.<br />

Crepe Lavml, 35c yd.<br />

Floe Silk Crepe, figtned, jec yd.<br />

s. s. MCALLISTER<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> New Jersey<br />

WYOIONG^ 7<br />


Mra. ElUabath BmUh, widow <strong>of</strong><br />

Beverly R.HmUh.dted at Ib* raatdatx*<br />

<strong>of</strong> out <strong>of</strong> b d h M<br />

t P. Hata**.<br />

CooraoUooa aad Eieara Ali*<br />

g y propoaltioo. Tb*<br />

•!*»«•» farlbM *aVI that h* bad for-<br />

«** t k<br />

. ^-w.~w>~. s«. r-«ars*oo*— Ail*o •»«««*• lanner saw 1<br />

<strong>of</strong> oue <strong>of</strong> her dao*ht*rs. Mr*. EUa Uoooo, st. D.. eoalrmao; nalfaahstl Kottto to ask ihaeOy —<br />

KUtcber. at AuUboro. Mass , Monday O. Oeff, Harry T. altU*vttt, UmpO. pr*»loos maHlng aa to wb*lbar It will<br />

evening. Hb* had bees lo poor bssilh Adams and Joho B. Joocs. ks) oics*s«ry tor tb* dty to sdvwita*<br />

forayesr. aud weol 10 Attiahoro two Membership—Tb* B*». Jam*a E. far* hand lo provW* lb«-» dally 000-<br />

mooibs ago In Ib* bop* that ah* Ltmk*. chairman: Cn*rlss H. Baeoa. oarta.<br />

would Rsln relief,<br />

oid.<br />

lUe.<br />

Director Tborn nominated Orvllle<br />

Adams as cbtef, seconded by Director<br />

Ktabar. Mr. Adams wa* elected.<br />

Director Tbom Iben oonstuated<br />

Adams for • tern) <strong>of</strong> Iwoyesrsbegln-<br />

olog when Ibe ordluauoe ff^>es lolo<br />

• fleet Tbl*election also was made.<br />

Keffardloglh* selectloo <strong>of</strong><br />

waa a vUllor<br />

pMi. w*« a Kuf-t <strong>of</strong> ih«<br />

fa«r day* Blticr.<br />

trnpxrlal a<br />

Wllltaoi M. Hlllwell. <strong>of</strong> Pblladcl-<br />

pbla. mururd booje FrUlay after a<br />

two day*' vUit lo IliUclly.<br />

Ulu Mary UruoU aud ill— Itulb<br />

Nlcbol~.o.<strong>of</strong> Wllko-Barre. aro vUlt-<br />

Ing Janie* Maria and wife<br />

The ftev. Oeorge F. Mltcb and wife<br />

returned Ibe latter part <strong>of</strong> laat week<br />

from a vtail lo Pbliadelphla.<br />

Sfra. John Lew, or AtUnlto CUy.<br />

TtaUed her father. Chief <strong>of</strong> Pullc*<br />

Hcall, <strong>of</strong> IbU city, Tburxlay.<br />

Ctty Treuurer Wilium<br />

aod wife, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, ware visi-<br />

tors here Baturday and Buaday.<br />

G«org» Hammell, <strong>of</strong> Atlantic <strong>City</strong><br />

»l*lud hi* .Uter. Mr*. John Morrison.<br />

In Ibis city, Friday and Saturday.<br />

Mra. Frsd. B. Doly entertained Ih*<br />

Needle Lover* at ber borne. 600<br />

Pleasure avenue, yesterday afUraoon<br />

Bamoei Besbe^ and wire, <strong>of</strong> Frank,<br />

ford, have been occupying tbair cot-<br />

tace. 82S <strong>Ocean</strong> avenue, fora raw day*.<br />

A. W. Powell and J. P. Cadman, <strong>of</strong><br />

this ctly, were In Philadelphia Monday<br />

atlendltig the<br />

Inga.<br />

"Billy" Bonday uert-<br />

Mrs. BamueJ Houders and ber daugh-<br />

ter, <strong>of</strong> Ibis city, bave been (pending a<br />

few deya wlih Mra. Holders' parents<br />

In Mlllville.<br />

Wilson Y. ChrtstUu. <strong>of</strong> Ibe IFolver<br />

ally <strong>of</strong> Peonaylvanls, speol the week<br />

cod with bis parent*. Mr. and Mr*. J.<br />

B. C'hnatian.<br />

Mrs. F. F. Holt returned lo be<br />

home In tbl* city yesterday, from<br />

Philadelphia bosplial, where she<br />

underwent an operation.<br />

Mis* Luells IDKSII*. one <strong>of</strong> tbe lu<br />

•tractors In tbe <strong>Ocean</strong> CUy Hlgu<br />

Hcbool. ha* returoed fr>ws a abort<br />

visit to out-<strong>of</strong>-lowo friends.<br />

Miss rianab Engberg, or McPbersoo.<br />

Kansas, epent Ibe *wk eod wltb Mis*<br />

Uenevra ChesUr. Mis* fcUigberg Is<br />

•rfudeot at Beech wood College.<br />

Mrs. (Jrayaoo limUb. <strong>of</strong> Haddou<br />

HebjhU. wbo w«s tbe gue-l* <strong>of</strong> Par-<br />

ker Miller aud wlf 1. <strong>of</strong> Ilil* city, fur a<br />

faw daya, irturued borne Bunday.<br />

William Campbell, Jr., a atodeol al<br />

Rutgers Cullcge, waa a visitor at tb*<br />

bom* or bis father. W. H. Campbell,<br />

la Ibis city, Baturday and Bunday.<br />

Joseph J. Mrull sad wife, or this<br />

city, wbo are si Orlsodo, Pie., bave<br />

bad only a few daye<strong>of</strong> suooy weather<br />

sloe* they arrived there, about leu<br />

day* ago.<br />

C. R. Blllwell. •ecreUry sod Ireas-<br />

urer or tbe <strong>Ocean</strong> city Title sod Trust<br />

Company, left 00 Friday ou a ten<br />

day*' trip lo BuUslo, Niagara Falls<br />

and a few cities In Canada.<br />

Mis* Bailie W. Lake ha* taken pos-<br />

sessloo <strong>of</strong> her new bungalow oa Fourth<br />

street, near Central avenue. Her par-<br />

•ola, WlllUm Lake attd wilt, are 00-<br />

cupylug Ib* bouse with bar,<br />

chief*. Director FUber wanted to know<br />

wbeioer Ib* board Is u> waive Its pre-<br />

rocatlve In choosing Ibe assistant<br />

chiefs because Ib* tire companies bave<br />

[named two men for Ib»»e position*.<br />

Accurdlng to the lawyers, be sakj, Ibe<br />

<strong>City</strong> Commlsalooers bave tb* power lu<br />

elect. He bad oojblng against Ihr<br />

meo selected by Iba ttrecompanlr*.<br />

but, lu *leciloa; tbe mcu nacned by lb«<br />

Ore oompsnles, Ibe board njlghl be<br />

estaollsbloa* a precedent-<br />

Mr. Fisher wsut on tossytUatbe<br />

bad acted Illegally lo Coovrr's election<br />

two years ago, sod be did Dot want lo<br />

do so again.<br />

'Will tt have a binding erJect. Mr.<br />

HollctiorT' be asked.<br />

Tbe solicitor replied Ibat be did not<br />

Iblok so.<br />

A persoo to be chief doesn't need<br />

'to be a flremab or s member 0/tb*<br />

dre depsrtmejt?" queried Ibe mayor.<br />

Tbe solicitor answered that anyone<br />

csn be ^*eff»»1 to Ib* position.<br />

Director Tbom Dominated L- L.<br />

1 waa rj years I Harschal Pstlil,<br />

ItimUband Mark<br />

M. IV.<br />

B-<br />

Mr«. Hmllb leaves three soos and Building IrUarrsta — rlpsocer B<br />

too daughters—Pel mister B- Frank Hwsa. chairman; Alfnd W. Poweil<br />

tknltb, Ijeutenant Alfrsd B-Bmttb. <strong>of</strong> Joseph O. Champaoo. Allan Bcall sod<br />

t^mpsuyO, Third Infantry. Booiti John T BesL . ••" •"-«« waiogive It |ere until aum-<br />

moued beace by desJb.<br />

Mrs. tknltb was a most estimable<br />

woman aud bad a wtdeclrcla<strong>of</strong> friaods<br />

wbo heard <strong>of</strong> hsr deaib sdb rxgrsl<br />

Hbe we* • member <strong>of</strong> Ib* Psletmo<br />

lurch.<br />

Trw> remain* srere brought to ber lale<br />

residence. l^U Asbury aveour. Ibis<br />

city, and funeral service* will be bald<br />

Iberr at I 30 o'clock luaxxnow aiUr-<br />

Advertising—Kuoch W. Barta*gb.<br />

D; lUrry Ueadlay. Hlna B<br />

la fact. *v*ry way.<br />

Th* other mrtubers <strong>of</strong> Ibe<br />

i; Harry Head lay. Hiram 8 • —<br />

Wowrar. Otis M. Townaeod and Pa*t|agr«*d with him<br />

Commodore WUltamE. rlsismrr<br />

board<br />


Thorn nomloaied L- L,<br />

Wallsoe and William H. BmUb aa<br />

eaalslant chiefs for a period <strong>of</strong> two<br />

yean from the time Ibe ordinance goes<br />

Into effect. Both were elected.<br />

WIU GIVB #10<br />

Al tbe meeting <strong>of</strong> th* Board ot<br />

Trade Monday evening, Joho Mart*<br />

repo4t*d Ibat b* had al traded Ib*<br />

meetlog <strong>of</strong> npresenlallva* <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Houtb Jersey Comma tars' Association<br />

Executive—Clay tod Uaioes Brick.<br />

cbairmao; Jam** M. Blevssa, Albert<br />

Fogg. Braheo W. Edmmnt*. Allw Uor-<br />

*oa. M. D., to* B«*. Jam** E. Like<br />

Upnon B. H«eo, Frank D 'Nawbsrry<br />

aud Enoch W Burirlgh.<br />

CLBARBD OVBH $y><br />

Q'w<br />

WUl tern E. Mas«oy aolerUUied bl*<br />

father, ib* Bar. William A- Haasey.<br />

<strong>of</strong> Uoabao. at bl* bora* Baoday. Tb*<br />

visitor waa aeoompanted by hla wlla.<br />

TbaBav.Hr. M**»»y waa a former paa-<br />

|or<strong>of</strong> UM Vint M. CUhurco, UUa ctty:<br />

In reapona* to a call for a report, tbe<br />

mayor etalsd al lh* meeting <strong>of</strong> Ibe<br />

Board <strong>of</strong> Trade Monday eveuiog Ibat.<br />

as a representative or tb* Board <strong>of</strong><br />

Trade, be had attended s recent meet-<br />

ing <strong>of</strong> Ibe Peon Memorial Bridge Com-<br />

mutes In Camdeo, at wbicb there was<br />

a hug* and enthusiastic gathering or<br />

people from Philadelphia.(.amdeo. and<br />

a number <strong>of</strong> towns Dear (?amdea.<br />

A committee was appointed, be aald,<br />

to go to Washington In tb* Interest <strong>of</strong><br />

th* proposed b.ldge across ibe Dels-<br />

rare from Philadelphia lo Camdeo<br />

Tb* representative* <strong>of</strong> tb* different<br />

organbtaliooe al Ih* Camdeo meeting<br />

each subscribed |10 to defray expenses,<br />

tbe speaker said, and b* told them<br />

that, while h* represented tbe <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

Ctly Board <strong>of</strong> Trade, be waa not au-<br />

tborixed to make any sorscrlptloo,<br />

bat.as tbe Board <strong>of</strong> Trade al ways stood<br />

back <strong>of</strong> It* representatives, be would<br />

pledge the board to give f 10<br />

Oo motion, the secretary <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

Board <strong>of</strong> Trade was Instructed lo draw<br />

au order.fur 110<br />

in Camdeu two wceke ago. He told <strong>of</strong><br />

what transpired at Ibat meeilng. but<br />

aald be did oot know Joat bow 000-<br />

dliloas were at tbl* time. Tb*eom<br />

mutera at lha met ling rttamd lo ap-<br />

peared to be optimistic.<br />

Regarding tba eootrlbotloo <strong>of</strong> tit<br />

desired froco <strong>Ocean</strong> Ctty to help pay<br />

the attorneys employed by Ibe com-<br />

mute to make the Qght against tb*<br />

railroad compaole*. be bad not moth<br />

progress to report.<br />

The thought waa that fS eaeh would<br />

be contributed by UM Board <strong>of</strong> Trad*.<br />

Young Men's Progreaalv* League, lha<br />

Hotel Keeper*' Association <strong>of</strong> Oeaan<br />

<strong>City</strong> and Ibe two political dubs.<br />

Oo motion <strong>of</strong> E. M. BoUoo. Meere.<br />

taryTownsend waa loatroded to draw<br />

an order for IS.<br />

A large and wail^aulsflad crowd at-<br />

lauded Ib* "New Kogtand Hopper"<br />

glveo by UM OMrsbsira<strong>of</strong> Iba Qoasro<br />

£etb#r Circle In UM aodaJ rooena<strong>of</strong><br />

Ib* First<br />

lAg.<br />

Mote than *o0 were cleared by th*<br />

supper.<br />

Mka* Aoella Foweil wa* UMeapar-<br />

vl*or. aod UM CoUowlsg were<br />

Ttu membermhlp or ibe Board <strong>of</strong><br />

Trad* continues to Krow. The name*<br />

ot Clark Dlllaobeck. or Philadelphia.<br />

[a summer rcsldeut. and <strong>of</strong> Thome*<br />

Holland and John K. Tr\xU war* j>ro~<br />

posed for roecuberstup at the buerd<br />

meeilng Monday *vroliig. they •<br />

uoanlrn-iMUly elected.<br />

a roena<strong>of</strong><br />

E. Church Friday rtao-<br />

Mtaaes Valuta H**diey. oareOoO.<br />

Myrtto UlSbrd, Vtnsa Wilson. Aietba<br />

Towoxud. Anna Hlitoo. Margaret<br />

Parker. Amy Blaekman, Harriet Olbb.<br />

AmmW Cox. Elbe) Ls*. Mabel Lake,<br />

A a Fisher, Floreoo* Bseves. Esther<br />

Bruwo. Ollv* Wrtggtoa. Amy O<strong>of</strong>-<br />

Warrvu Allen, <strong>of</strong> PblUdelpbU. •<br />

la-law <strong>of</strong> Chler <strong>of</strong> Police bcull, <strong>of</strong> IhU<br />

city. Is now an usher al the "BUly"<br />

Buoday ojastlug* lu tbe leberoaci* In<br />

Pbliadalphl*. He will be glad to lake<br />

care <strong>of</strong> any al hla <strong>Ocean</strong> Ctty frtetid<br />

wbo call oo him at these meetings.<br />

BISMsi Knpen* wr«(l**yrt. after lbs<br />

coaee.<br />

William Jaflrita aod Carl Moore<br />

helped with the lea eissm.<br />

Tb* following gave msUflal aaaist-<br />

anc* to Ib* gilts:<br />

Mr* A. P. Milncr. Mrs. B- W. Ed<br />

wards. Mrs. Hocoers Y-ong Mr* A.<br />

|j Bteelmsn, Mrs. Uvla Busiman and<br />

Mrs. Ueont* Blaekman.<br />



Washington Kotb.-<strong>of</strong> Puilsdelphls,<br />

wbo la InUresled In Urge real estate<br />

holdings lo <strong>Ocean</strong> Ctty, met wlih a<br />

serious aeetdeot oo January II, frac-<br />

turing tus knee cap. Or. Dorranc*.<br />

bis surgeon, advised an operation,<br />

wbicb he performed. Though getting<br />

along In years, Mr. Kolb stood tbe<br />

operation like a veteran and I* Im-<br />

proving rapidly. Tbe surgeon and hla<br />

physician both report a perfect opera-<br />

tion aod claim lhat be should bave<br />

ilire ass <strong>of</strong> bla koee In a reasonable<br />

tf osdrrafs »«m*M» auli.<br />

Reporting for William K. Uaaa*y,<br />

the cbalrmau ul tb* Board <strong>of</strong> Trad*'*<br />

commit lee 00 beach front protec-<br />

tion, who w*. absent, Praalde&t day.<br />

lou Halnea Brick s*Jd at tb* mewing<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ibe Board <strong>of</strong> Trad* Monday night<br />

that CUy Bolldior Howall bad bagao<br />

lb« preparation <strong>of</strong> a bUl. bat that tb*<br />

commute* waa <strong>of</strong> tb* opluloo tbat As-<br />

sembly Bill No- 171. Introduced at tba<br />

request <strong>of</strong> Bpeaker Carltoo Godfrey, <strong>of</strong><br />

Atlantic CUy, appeared to meet .with<br />

the views <strong>of</strong> Ibe members <strong>of</strong> tb* aob-<br />

committe* and other* lolaraatad.<br />

After Mr. Brick'* report had been<br />

mad*, K- M. Boltoo wa* requested to<br />

keep In loocb wttb Mr. Godfrey.<br />

Mr, Maasey will alao endeavor lo<br />

see Mr. Godfrey lo Atlantic CUy this<br />

k<br />


PtecerU lau.*. noi>'< wand.*.<br />

Aa a reeult <strong>of</strong> Ib* dbsnlulioa <strong>of</strong> th*<br />

Pins or Boss-Doly Co.. all or Ib* prop-<br />

erty formerly controlled by Ibe Brm<br />

baa been taken over by Qlle* B. Doty.<br />

who will hereafter have full charge <strong>of</strong><br />

Ibe business.<br />

Usul 4trl

tif-:.-<br />

m<br />

• *<br />

».'•*•,••/<br />

BOYS TO BE A<br />


•M Towlte. Af*<br />

to<br />

Trfbcte to OM-Tt<br />

1b*Mte«k« catedoc to tae late<br />

a<br />

defabtsa.eadisiUbeivawwab tetae<br />

"BILLY" HLUfiU<br />

1<br />

Caeneb, Twenty eaouod aad Bato-<br />

bndg* etreeta, wbers Itw Itiiiiwoliii*<br />

•bo crowded Iba edloc* ven per-'<br />

b<br />

I all!<br />

baU ewootbry<br />

• *•• that tb* IBM<br />

OCX<br />

raflaal<br />

Cattle* w/totvt. ark* FettaM<br />

1M<br />

lawrt «a Mwnv KM anw Corbta'e<br />

•Mow. at las raptor* .<strong>of</strong> Mews* Vuk-<br />

taglua by Ibs-aVuOb aa* Him a*, la<br />

ta*, mIM <strong>of</strong> ib* tttbt <br />

tae. Molly n»r*er. laetaBUr. wttaoat<br />

a word, sbs steptwd Into ale ptao* aed<br />

wortrd ib* gaa with redoabled akin<br />

and tic 0 *. Banting bravery oatD ab*<br />

seal to tb* aanb. pierced bj Hires<br />

l Tboogb Urrtbty waonded.<br />

flaelt* iw.o«ried.w»t wae dteeMed<br />

Aeoldler*e balf pay aad tbe valae <strong>of</strong><br />

a aeeUat*a«wiit <strong>of</strong> csetew* f p w "^hr *ot»<br />

*a bar by tae CoadacatU toagTse* Oat<br />

aainnaliiaif, wete aniaererwerd<br />

tact tbe Bret woman wbo fangs* for<br />

umawLK cunt.<br />

•see* *f AJaswe aaei Taalt Ta<br />

<strong>On</strong>sWMhTlwir<br />

Atbaaa urn asmtxttna aad<br />

aal. jratltas eat In abrlU taoas tba Itt-<br />

•at adttton cc torttlac caMBM a*<br />

•qaalty atridtst tDoaa a> bat* a<br />

<br />

te taaswedag. CoUk* Lawraoca.<br />

t»<br />

to Ib* ootfll<strong>of</strong> bleb bat. j<br />

lodge <strong>of</strong> eSetta. Ttjroer wool* work<br />

ta aay. ««• tta aoa> to tt*<br />

sea Lord QQ at too dee* c,<br />

Oa. a* • tMlarea<br />

L laibawk. «|<br />

LU. Abbott reai<br />

IbatbataU-aow<br />

tba* tb*<br />

bjrtbatt<br />

(fee ertU<br />

by taacaorca.<br />

TB* fiaTT. Uaacga a Pwataanet. p.<br />

a.peetor<strong>of</strong> Betbany. was la ebarg*' tan be" coaweenwd. tt aa<br />

o»tt»e«errtce.erbicnopatied w«b an j dab*.- Cfetce^ttotaegfcaJenwrtfrae.<br />

>BHs-eewii» lovoeaUoo by tb* Hev. 'a,Jaat.tf—ttm-B. •"^eMf _h* r"*ttr*rtl<br />

Bew..JB40Ott-Uaaajr. D. D, aad tb* ssal • Sail tor «ea*vt»Bg to Taore-<br />

Bev. WUiktm Headbaav Mead* <strong>of</strong> P»^.TaraeTB»deaa»mber<strong>of</strong> eaeti *-<br />

Mr. Mllilgaa (be- years, paid tovtng<br />

triootaata<br />

Merb <strong>of</strong> tae merrwiarrwa to<br />

carried by dloUaaUve gray doaftm af<br />

by oM womsa. wbo ere etasaet tort «»V<br />

oaa er oaoOlVrwere or brwAkwoad.<br />

Tae gatbi are a faotiHar etgat<br />

I doobdeva they war* <strong>of</strong> **-<br />

Atbeae, eed ooe eaaa tbsarn ek<br />

ptag over tb* rocks <strong>of</strong> Mere ta or ta*<br />

or pkfciag tbetr way gtagea<br />

tae rotas <strong>of</strong> earn aadeat tempi*<br />

LOte csaaoto ta tbetr natlr* wQda.<br />

Tbey are all raanled. aad itfi~ftil<br />

ta Socks ef tea or a doasa by a goat-<br />

acrd. wbo go** armed wttk three tttU*<br />

<strong>On</strong> cops, oae balding aboot a ptnt> aa-<br />

etbsr a hetf pint and aaetacr a gtn.<br />

fVaea be Bade e i mliiaiei ae atapo a<br />

eeeooo <strong>of</strong> ats Using milk car*, adlka tt<br />

evade over tae »•• tba bexto-<br />

tabl* fMaodaalpa.<br />

t<br />

ef J.M.4 i lev tba<br />

• CUT.<br />

rav*ar»Bi*<br />

•tog<br />

,im alary i<br />

U» pctaetpla* aad to nie daty.<br />

"He bad a aaftdoae eeUaf Uws • «a*<br />

bat o»n, aad •*« Aprfb* pf»O*, »t* b«<br />

• uexai waaijag to Tklaotaa <strong>of</strong> bi><br />

BaOo vaat ta Oeotx» aad. tvnralfn«<br />

Oa tb* xtcb* ef Os><br />

OeMSe pbxyad tt* buaed a<br />

Wbas tb* aSttr waa orar HaDe '<br />

V^ C& tvBSl eS S MLT^atft aCafeflat *t9a^L fi<br />

ta« ta tbe-aotea, a«M:<br />

*I tatd TOO ts BWT* tbat<br />

dktst ir*<br />

"ATB. aoa did." atld "-~»-L<br />

-enaaraswa me ta pot tt to. aa<br />

•*» • better tad*» tbaa year-tVaav<br />

eky <strong>of</strong> Italy le<br />

•a. Tbe bla* ta deeper act be><br />

tbere le<br />

rn-inrrtse. bat<br />

ta Co* ODoatrtsa <strong>of</strong> tbe aorta. «a* ta<br />

tb* greater rn-Hs«* <strong>of</strong> tbe Hx. tae<br />

*apor more raedlly rnniisi—* epea<br />

tbe dact parttrtaa. Tae dost particles<br />

taoe become Urgzr and i nmijime'lj<br />

not eo effartlT* to turning back tae<br />

Wo* tmys elooe. bat otbsr* ere also<br />

refwcted. eod a graytsa effect to pro-<br />

daeed. Lo s stogie koearJoa tB* Uae<br />

<strong>of</strong> tae sir mar appear blocr at<br />

ttsta tasn aoutber. Tbe ety.to <strong>of</strong>taw-<br />

timwi esid to be very bias wbea<br />

whit* cumeJas cioode ere<br />

agsioet U. Tbe sky U tnea e weep<br />

bio* by contrast wtsa tae brtBtaat<br />

watte. After e ebower. wbea tbe<br />

leaei etntom <strong>of</strong> air ts wasted *f tt*<br />

coexae dust putidta, a i»»pm aad<br />

porer bias la I he result.<br />

Z1 Eventually You Will Wire Your House, Why Hot How?<br />

% Use tlcctrlclty and enjoy tbe comfort, convenience and economy It afford*. "J At Ibe price Ibe<br />

contractor* are charging now for wiring yoa cannot wtll oj&xrd to be witbcmtKLKCTaiC LI0UT8<br />

in your botue. An clcctricaUy equipped hoa«e v»Ul neli or trot better, bciido It U a protection to<br />

yoar decoration* end dmpcria. It enhance! the vatnc <strong>of</strong> yoar property rnncb more than It coeta.<br />

Wllholl thcac adv-antega It wlll-bc the bcit Itnprovxroent yon can make. Phone our <strong>of</strong>fice and we<br />

•rill have OOT rrprciicnUllve call and explain everything In detail. "J Remember, It wttl coot yoa<br />

nbthlag to find oot. Let ua li^ht your way to a brighter, and. In consequence, happier borne circle.<br />

I f The <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Light Go. n» MATCHLESS<br />

SSEJt<br />



tbawbotoday.<br />

oawoa <strong>of</strong><br />

• tb* .<br />

*-Tba teat tana yaaa <strong>of</strong> bet ttt*<br />

dtbfc<br />

Viteodty Uatao «vad<br />

betaaeweUaaeJ<br />

WewaepbUaryi<br />

«f lbs Mao 1 *<br />

to Us work <strong>of</strong><br />

baipfnloti<br />

Utb aubJil<br />

-H» Mead <strong>of</strong> flfty ee»*a yearm.<br />

0O0HTO WBO<br />

(-How* to<br />

reaa**,<br />

tahetty. be^el<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

torttstto. to tbe<br />

Th. w*m.<br />

"11/ wlf* UJ« UVU bi^laa ao<<br />

Crlmd. ~SBd I cut luviljr ttorrt<br />

»U«jl tl sad aesl tot m <br />

bmw.^4*rk rtoodta bt* baad. bl«<br />

AttJtfBl >v«lkiBC attck la bis eye. a<br />

darti BBmarlac atere eajlaaT aotnln4V*<br />

'lhasiisf. H. a. BwS7<br />

atssa. mni loee K. TJ*I<br />

Botvl<br />

mmw,w- Bb&BBVJaD«sSEBas.. tflascBV sarVB^a<br />

kvOja. as. sa clajr at rx>rs>rr. A. IX Itu, Uira<br />

ter iiiysun* at to* boatd la babaicla4l<br />

art Hnnf, Caps Majr Ooort IIIWIBI. H J<br />

-U» ai>d apariflrails— WUI b» tares*—<br />

B» o*4* ot tt» Board,<br />

irftft^Bf W. YUlVft<br />

IWUtaOIJ. M««J«tX(T. Jansai<br />

Wif Wosh. op U><br />

o'clock*'. M-, 1.^ rur<br />

T« O* aaaw, Oe* eV|Oc<br />

-*- A. U> b» (l«ll.«^<br />

#u>d !iasD«dt*4* «iilp£a<br />

^Cliyl'W'k.<br />

I-, Jatu 7, Ul'.<br />

WM LAKE, c<br />

5 J<br />

Will" wkod Coolr<br />

n."te)<br />

• a, fat *V<br />

Notice to Limit Creditors.<br />

Ib* »uc.Kr>lC>T. J<br />

uUxir uixter ocaji or<br />

m«4l<br />

— — —• ' • — ^ — * I4«w B* ' 4-Bk • B?<br />

o* aald ctoccaMd wlitUQ cla» moolb. rrom<br />

•nood o»» or December. A. U- lull, or<br />

7 wui ba tora.cr bcurvl <strong>of</strong> aor »ri<br />

i.<br />

'1. A. I) Idt<br />

lttABl BrtKLWAN.<br />

f« Jfasir.<br />

Uulad lad* wui ba B<br />

t n # O<br />

BOARD Ol' I UOHtN<br />

PnbHe N<br />

Hwlid bfctefar IbrcxMutracUoaoJ arvtt(<br />

D^cnte pllloji trui*. O..T N»D . ( ,„!,<br />

oolt«lu»o( iufounb Mciloo u/n. H«y.<br />

•UMira nxct. lo ll.» To.o^EI p o/ Mioo.wi. will l^rv. ij<br />

b» tl» ll.Mra <strong>of</strong> Ci»aiul-*lw^n oj It,-, a I<br />

Ql», *•• J«r»».u > iu,«Ini |U |» b«|j ,.,<br />

naraOar. r*Uru*rf luib. 1.1^ lo lt» « 1 " « •«• Una wblcb la<br />

a* lbt,teu Demi «or Ibacll<br />

will b» rrnolred l<strong>of</strong>aruunu<br />

dr wn lo lbs order or lUi<br />

IMlin.1<br />

'-Joba *\ .<br />

_^_ . «eay.<br />

-r"Ja> assg* a foar<strong>of</strong> tbat yooog fat-<br />

-vfatt. eae dktot aav* lo enoonto*<br />

.oa Hw raw aarii1il--it«iMrr^rT-m.<br />

I "SKtSSSSPfi-jr ^"•-'•n<br />

UAUay UKADLKV,<br />

*UeH! JO8M K. AOAMHU<br />

M **°<br />

IMtol Jaguar, •3.1Bi lr i«|'l5:,r-.*' f<br />

Buyers <strong>of</strong> Printing<br />

* F «»» Word.to the Builocj n»rj Who Desires to<br />

have bU PrisUax Prodoccd JUouaUly sad Prooptty<br />

•yrrOULDN'T it be u great relief if you could<br />

»ay to your printer, '"I need a catalogue,<br />

a circular, gome letterhead* ami envelopes."<br />

and then be entirely able to drinks the matter<br />

from yoar mind in the confidence that he will do<br />

the work to yoar entire hattifaction t What<br />

a hatisfaction to have an a^ured confidence Unit<br />

the finished product will meet with your approval.<br />

Tlie priuutr who can do th«t for you miut <strong>of</strong>fer cfficUnt<br />

«r»k*. Tli4.lL. what wc „« Klvi,1K ,o „„, nnmerou,<br />

ciw cn - •"'•'•K rca4y todolhc ume for you.<br />

Sentinel Printing; House<br />

744-46 Anbury Avenue<br />

y .*,,»_ New Jersey<br />

O c e a n<br />


OOBAN CITY, N. J^ THUH£DAY, FEBRUARY 11. 1915.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Sentinel<br />

WaaUr al<br />

OOIAN OITV. M.<br />


Btttter aad Praattavar<br />

»J^o Per Ya*j, Btrtoly ta A^raace.<br />

HAND,<br />

ATTORNEY and<br />


w. Uovw AKUB. ucuv c. aoawau.<br />

r OFFICES<br />

Apgar & Boswell.<br />

i» Ciucnt,<br />

BXHinxK BOIt-OIMU,<br />


OCICAJI cinr. M. J.<br />


Godfrej, Giddlogs & Read<br />



Couaidlor-at-Law<br />

BBclWO.WflftC. HtiUfUd i: 1 - r" 1 P-T 1 TT<br />

The Fine Offices<br />

recently vacated by the city at Eighth<br />

Street and Central Avenue .\ .-. .\<br />

Are For Rent<br />

singly or en suite. They will be<br />

thoroughly renovated and arranged<br />

to suit tenants.<br />





ojaete ara-<br />

DUf.<br />

Ttue* la tbe perry were the Be*,<br />

aad atn. Cbaxlem. tt. Botutrr. WOUaas<br />

Mskeeaod vtfii. J. aVUar Waicb aad<br />

•Ua. IrawfwfK* M. Lav aad •tt«.<br />

•n.LM»E HcaJta. aln-J. i> Vbs.<br />

•n. Oeo«x» "nun. J X. ft aaj|<br />

team aad wtTa. Mm Vrad. Pfliira<br />

aayar. Mn. DecW Koiw MB. WU-<br />

Urd Aae Mr*. Ueoese W. tteerj. Mrs.<br />

Joaapb IX Norooea. D B. Basipaoo,<br />

Mtaaea UAIJ Fa». Hud M Foald*.<br />

ae Tajlo* aod MUdrad No«-<br />

ooca. K 1r n*tT Reock* Elarood KaadVa.<br />

tarl Btaauui. Mn. Uoeraxd Cran-o<br />

eod Oartrade aad Waelaw Craves.<br />


I p Hf **H *111- faflfr- A i<br />

W. P. HAINES<br />


ocean CITY. H. 4.<br />

llloUt-9.<br />

(•CO1B.BV<br />

i au-W: lai<br />


•OT WCSUtT AWC<br />


COM UacLni aioMa.c&.<br />

• lo « p ca.<br />

aiatp.es.<br />


»Dentlat«*<br />

809 Central Avenue<br />

eceia omr. at. t.<br />

G. F. STARR<br />

Dentist<br />

for. r-ixtu±>tU- aad WaUrr An.<br />

Boon:<br />

BJ>IJID<br />

70J0- »O><br />

Uurtuu<br />

J. TboraJrr Hagbce, P. O.<br />

OcxmaCuy.N.J.<br />

L A K E<br />

Undeftaker snd Embalme*<br />

Try an Advertisement in the Sen-<br />

tinel and you are sure to<br />

get quick results.<br />

OVER 100 PEOPLE<br />

Joined our CHRISTMAS CLUB during ^hcr fest<br />

three days. Are you enrolled? If not, why not<br />

do It now and have a snog earn handed you in<br />

December when the ij'rr-v^ 1 on the individual<br />

purse are greatest .* «* •* •* •*<br />

First National Bank<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. J.<br />

Good<br />

Judgment<br />

is shown by •rlrrttng<br />

the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Tttk<br />

and Trust Company as<br />

the depository tot your<br />

funds.<br />

At all times it is alert<br />

to the Interests <strong>of</strong> its de-<br />

positors aod clicncs*<br />

whom it desires to serve<br />

with efficiency and<br />

are invited.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> TUte<br />

and Trust Co.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

Otl» IM. Townsand<br />

A Practical Haiih<strong>of</strong>r<br />

ijfynrri bj tb* BUIa.<br />

KIOHTM SVNCET, OPP. •>. O.<br />

OOKAn O*TV M. J.<br />

Bx-Prcaldeai 8*ran Bxprcs-<br />

aca View* at Meeting <strong>of</strong><br />

Board <strong>of</strong>* ijU* tft'H tloc.<br />

t)peacer B. Bwsa, a aiieabw ot ibe<br />

Board <strong>of</strong> aMncaHnn. Tasaday olgbt<br />

«4i pressed tbe vkewtbat, tf tbedty be*<br />

a beaUb oOoar. b* OBOOM aimr<br />

teamo OVy—at a aeao wbo.<br />

aa at (lentil, to lo to wo ooly ooce or<br />

iwkoee week.<br />

Mr. Bwaa deolered tbet be bee oo<br />

penooai esttlag aa tb* eaatter s* far ae<br />

tba<br />

aad lost be would eo n prea* bl* vttwa<br />

ta tb* beellb oOerr or Ib* CMy Ooaa.<br />



by »> Llbebetitboac**<br />

aappotcuad. Bhtoat* tboocHtta t»*<br />

ematu*. be •aatatbetotafaat<br />

ot tbe ptopi* <strong>of</strong> Ibta eary.<br />

ru« au<br />

U* aura to aUcod tbe Up* oob<br />

VUtow •! Oava ot IB. faaaden ol<br />

Octaa Clljr.<br />

Tbe raocral <strong>of</strong> Mra. MafU K..<br />

«,tda«r <strong>of</strong> lha lUv. Hi WllllAm B.<br />

Wood, look pJ*c* Friday aTlimouo<br />

fruca tb* raatdauoB oi b»r aoo-lu-law,<br />

B. W«li»ar. mil North Hroed<br />

Uapw atrvtoe el tbe Ftrat M. K<br />

n»it Haoday et« at 7<br />

MlatUM<br />

o'clock ah^rp. A v*ty liiliiaalliia,<br />

ay to procnl-atl by tbe taedtr.<br />

Tbe<br />

• Mr.<br />

Tbe sxtsbtraate 1 limil to rtport<br />

Iba! «acb raartlo* ta crowloc to la-<br />

irreetaod alieTw1«rte»-<br />

TB* tacaa tar (be otatna; a* -<br />

CbaUaoaa <strong>of</strong> Ibe Uhaatfttos »•»."<br />

Tbara wUI be e voeaj aoto 6<br />

atraM. PbUadeipliU- Tua laUfm*al<br />

ere* privet*.<br />

Mrs. Wood, who nu aifbtytwo<br />

j*er* otd. waa wall kaowo to many <strong>of</strong><br />

tbe cJd«T raMtou <strong>of</strong> lhl» city, abut<br />

aba fonacriy aprol Iba wmrotr ace-<br />

tooa. Dr. Wood, btr ba&baod, waa<br />

tb» Bmt prcafctacx <strong>of</strong> tba Ucera Ctty<br />

Aaaoclalkn. H* died e r*w yeara a«u.<br />

•aalnail<br />

Tbe axmbcrsoi '""if<br />

. rJcbatr. Mr. Cor* M. Kmlth. Mn.<br />

Uon V. Hack end MM* Kiortmcf<br />

CaapfcelL<br />


J. Koaooe Hti*jp aod Ml«. Ad«JIa<br />

Fowall. <strong>of</strong> Ihu city, altrcded Iba<br />

w*ddm«<strong>of</strong> KdgarW. Itavfcta and MUe<br />

Eva Brower el I bo boom or I ho brtda<br />

lo I aaitinf. tbla 8lal*. ViotxJay. Tbe<br />

bride baa e ruimber <strong>of</strong> filtad* bare,<br />

abet* aba bu beeo eo occsatooaJ<br />

UUai durtnjt Iba Uat two yrara.<br />



BeaaUfol Tribote to Pastor <strong>of</strong><br />

Prtobytcrlan Chorehby<br />

His People.<br />

Ooe <strong>of</strong> Ibe n»at beaaUfal and knlqa;<br />

tribute* stvva tbe B*». Cbutee tt.<br />

BohQmlnt* J * tao* plainly ebowed U.<br />

CeJU (or a «pe*eb broognt eo<br />

ailaqjptod nayooee fioo Mr. Booner,<br />

. itKxjib « atn <strong>of</strong> •loAaeoe* U Dat<br />

Ibe leea* <strong>of</strong> bl* taleota, be weeeo<br />

taken aback tbat. eAer 1*nuee«tiii a<br />

f»w remark*, gave tt npentlraty.<br />

A w«U prepeijed caoaleal prograai<br />

waalbeooUTtedoat, Or. J. Tbomkey<br />

Hugbea. Mlaa Looiae T. Ooceoo end<br />

Mn Aujroue OeMote* Boaeoheaio<br />



<strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> ttic Oldest Bodies la<br />

IB Atlantic March 3.<br />

TbeNswJereay M. K. tV>o*rnt>e*,<br />

wblcb will aaaat la 'ii't-IVt VHJ<br />

efateba.tsoao<strong>of</strong> Ibe otdeet bodwe la<br />

lo lit* begta-<br />

be Hew World. Iba Urrttory oow<br />

wtthta tbe bootwtartoe <strong>of</strong> Haw Jersey<br />

OoeJareoea wae a part <strong>of</strong> Ua* PtuU-<br />

detphla Coatarsoce. la Ihn* Ibe<br />

Utter here roe eo balky ee lo be oo-<br />

»dy4 aad UM lemtoty ta tba Bute<br />

<strong>of</strong> Sew .feney era* e*t apart aea<br />

eaparatejorterltrtlno Thta la tors be-<br />

eo teJts tbaX it waa dtrkled, aad<br />

tbat pbrtloo <strong>of</strong> ta* Bute lying oortb<br />

<strong>of</strong> tb* Rutlea Btvrr became Ibe Hew-<br />

ark Cb<strong>of</strong>rreoce.<br />

• bee baao enooaooed la tb***<br />

aUM, Bsjbop T. H. Bcodmoo, <strong>of</strong><br />

pgp<br />

Oon tt* eooe-»^-inca Raw Jareeytoa<br />

part, ba* teen aaetgaed to work oot-<br />

atda ble own raeldaDtUJ dJetrtcL<br />

aoloa, accompanied by Ml**<br />

Ade M. Keock 00 Ib* piano, end Mtee<br />

N.]I1»TOWO*T. <strong>of</strong> Hcotcb Ueil^eciUag<br />

buoorooi xtccltooa. all <strong>of</strong> wblea<br />

r» viry aojojabl*. tb* eadleoee re-<br />

viog latin wctn eolbaateatte «a-<br />

c&n*.<br />

William K. Uardlnw. wbo bed CO*<br />

<strong>of</strong> bta letnt Improved Vtctrola*<br />

Uroogbj to Ibecboren, entertained tte><br />

Catharine; »nti ••Billy" Hun day<br />

byosDa.<br />

jy I Uao edj p^ 1 *"! to et leaer<br />

an eqaej U oot areatly tncreaeed oaav<br />

tbl* year. Tbete are 8o» Booday<br />

atbooU, wttb 71.S1B acboUr* cnroUed<br />

tn aJJ 4rp*rlB»nle Ttil* »*at army at<br />

led by a>f7 <strong>of</strong>flaw and Uaebera.<br />

Tbere ere SS4 cbarga*. single eteltom<br />

end ctrcohe wttbla tb* boanda <strong>of</strong> tb*<br />

Hew Jeney Canrenoc*. la Helbo-<br />

dM eoooocay e cLteatt l*tb*ooUlQgo(<br />

o or more email cbarcb eoc-tellea<br />

aader Ibe pevatoni cax* <strong>of</strong> ooe mio-<br />

m. Tber*er*cU3ebareb properU**,<br />

weJoede* e*.7*0^30. bead in tioat for<br />

1 Mew Jane? Co<strong>of</strong>enco*. Tbera<br />

ereeiao 229 pereonaga* lor tbe ooo>-<br />

tonable booting <strong>of</strong> tbe ministry,<br />

reload al 1870870. TMfetber Ibee* two<br />

ttcm* npreeeot a property boidtog <strong>of</strong><br />

Mra Boato limn, <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> Ctly.<br />

baa beea cacund by tbe He* l*Je<br />

Hoard <strong>of</strong> Kdoeetioti aa • sabaUtat*<br />

lewber lo lake Ibe cUaeee <strong>of</strong> Mrs.<br />

MeKslg. wbo U tn Coonectlcut Car<br />

aeversi weeks *nklng to regain bar<br />

streogtb after a recant Illoeee,<br />



Impressive Sermon In PrtcV<br />

byterlajti Chnrr^i by t^r"<br />

> Pastor, Dr. Bobner.<br />

A very beautiful sod Inspiring ser-<br />

vice «u held 00 Kuoday evenlog lo<br />

Ibe KIM Pre^bylertau Cburcb uod.r<br />

tbe au>ple«a <strong>of</strong> lbs CbrtULaa Ha-<br />

demvoz B>»cl«ty uf ttxAt cburcb.<br />

Tbe occa^kin was Ibeenousl eQDl.<br />

vtnary uf ibr ruuadlog <strong>of</strong> Ibe Oeoersl<br />

Hodetv by Kreaei* K. Clsrk. kcoso<br />

aroaod Ibe world a* "Vetber Eo-<br />

deevor "<br />

A speclsl progrsra, es publlabsd la<br />

Ibe HKNTINKL lul wttk. weacerrled<br />

oat, mucb to tbe eoiuyoeot or tboss<br />

preaeoi. eo audleooo tbsi.ailed tbe<br />

cliurch being oa b»nd. Ta;pestor,<br />

be Kev. Casrtes tl. Bobaer, made e<br />

brief address oa ••Tbe [deal Kodesv-<br />

orer," eeylug lo pert:<br />

**A persoo ia o«ver better thso bis<br />

Mt tbougbts. If e mao'a ibougbu<br />

eraooble. be will be ooble. If|a uxso'a<br />

tboagatsereateaii, be will tw mesa.<br />

Everyoae wbo would be tb* greet end<br />

woodcrfal l«lag tbet Ood raeeas biro<br />

tobesboatd oot bealtete lo cberteh lbs<br />

oaeet aod ooMest Ibougbts "A»a<br />

oaea tblakctb la bla beert, eo u. be/<br />

••Lowell, la bU-Vlsioo<strong>of</strong> Hlr L.1011-<br />

fal,' ssys:<br />

~ % HM Hllare. hut lotf »t'ti I* c-rlru«."<br />

Tbe ou wbo siaw luw u duueaed<br />

rrom tb* beglaaiag. Ia ell blstory<br />

we may see Ibis oowbera better Illua-<br />

iretedtbaa la tbe.btalory or Absalom.<br />

Ibe fevortte BOO or Kia« Dsvld<br />

Wbea Absalom we* a jouog fellow<br />

devoted blouclf to bla balr. 11<br />

wae ble blgbast emblttoo 10 bavelhe<br />

Oaest bead <strong>of</strong> curt* la ibe wbole city.<br />

He used lo beve bl* carls weigaed<br />

every year, eod Ibe gossip <strong>of</strong> tbe Iowa<br />

<strong>of</strong>lea rea 00 tbe weight <strong>of</strong> Absalom's<br />

cart*- Abaelnm doted ou bla good<br />

. Aod so. whlic be WM yet a<br />

yoaog^sUow, beeeleeted* pietttfesaa*<br />

•poW ead built blaaetif e tomb- No<br />

doubt be <strong>of</strong>ten pictured to bis Imsgl-<br />

nellnn slut e glorious fuoeral tbere<br />

woutd be wbeo be died. Tbe sad <strong>of</strong><br />



Vice Chancellor<br />

Overrules tbe I>eclaioii <strong>of</strong><br />

Referee, Ex-Jadge Btarr.<br />

At e bautng held a few day* aloe*<br />

before Vice Chancellor Learning, <strong>of</strong><br />

Cemdco. ibe ooort decided thai tbe<br />

title <strong>of</strong> John R Keodrtc* to 110.000 <strong>of</strong><br />

tbe Uhrt*. Head <strong>Ocean</strong> Pier Co "* Oret<br />

mortgage bood* we* good end veltd,<br />

thas overruling Ibe dectaloo <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

referee wbo set- In tbe preliminary<br />

(rial <strong>of</strong> Ibe ease.<br />

Mr. Keodrie* we* represeated by<br />

Uton. Bleakly A. Btockwell. <strong>of</strong> Cam'<br />

deo.<br />

II ell we* the! toe very cart* be bed<br />

•pent so csacb time oa ceagbt la tbe<br />

breaches <strong>of</strong> e tree wbea be we*<br />

escaping rrom tbe hellteflelrl. HI*<br />

(ubbora mule ran oot from under<br />

him aad left htm dangling In tbe air,<br />

weltlog Joab's spear lo kill bka. aad<br />

his body we* atlMWcrd Bung Into a<br />

Irencb end e b«*p <strong>of</strong> atorie« piled o*er<br />

II. *• you mlgbl bury a dUjg.<br />

No msu whose story tsgireo to Ibe<br />

Old Teatemeat btetnry ^y^nM . bave<br />

made bla merk aion brilliantly Ibeo<br />

AbaelooB. But bU elm wee low aad<br />

be we* doomed from Ibe begloalog to<br />

Hamilton, KUtin walebee tl per<br />

L. M. Nelaoo. railroad Jeweler,<br />

848 Broadway. Uaradeo, N. J^ ageot<br />

bar* oooe a week, tf you axles Ida<br />

eeod a postal. adv. tf.<br />

FOB RAXJK, BAHQAIM.—Coroer lot<br />

MslHk loested Kourtb and Ceolral<br />

OasMLCtnr, N.4.. Apply eL O. Ubimp<br />

rHeaaantvUle. N. J. ^dv oxaTuT<br />

Tbe R*v Mr. Iinhner tbeo pelnlmi *<br />

picture <strong>of</strong> hi* "Ideal Endeavorer.<br />

wblcb be hoped every lueinbei <strong>of</strong> ibe<br />

society would constantly bald before<br />

tb* Imegtnauoa end endeavor wltb all<br />

ble powers to attain. Ua spoke <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

••Ideal Kudeemuac" ae being Iroelo<br />

hlmaalf. Inm Ir. hi. ttillnwa and Ua* to<br />

blsUod.<br />

Tba audience, oompoeeri largely <strong>of</strong><br />

young people, listened wltb en stained<br />

innrest end a eaertiai liapfieaVin was<br />

KOB SAW—Motor, boat "Delia" la<br />

good abepe; auto tops full eaaiaaxnl<br />

Uagtb over *U about V bat; - —<br />

about 7 hat. Price $U0. Bea*<br />

eelllng. new boat. Apply Pa«M<br />

Henderaoo, 80ft<br />

N. J. Boat a|<br />

Fourth etrett aad Bay avanaa, Ooaaa<br />

<strong>City</strong>, M.J. adT. IB-IT. If<br />



y~<br />

• tt-'i<br />

Iccia<br />

irtnogs.Teon.. will<br />

9. Berry, <strong>of</strong> (tiled*) pole<br />

*1niH*i bttaop<strong>of</strong> tba groap <strong>of</strong><br />

Elltatt. U. H. A. came to<br />

towo FitcUy eveolag end look a look<br />

et tba boys <strong>of</strong> CompeoyO. Third Ia-<br />

finlry. Tbi* I* Ib*seoood lime be bes<br />

bero bere tbts winter. He foaad tbe<br />

oompenr doing good work. Because<br />

<strong>of</strong> tbe coodltioo <strong>of</strong> tbeetreeta follow-<br />

ta* •aowetorea. tbe boyedld not<br />

1 taeir coetoo»ary drill ooieide. bat<br />

tbey wet*drilled la tbe mtrnml-m <strong>of</strong><br />

Ibegua*.<br />



Judge Btdxidge Gives De-<br />

dston Car Miller brothers<br />

In a Flamber'B Salt.<br />

Jadg* Bldndga, to Ibe Cape May<br />

Coonty Coort, bee revereed tbede-<br />

CBwno<strong>of</strong> JosUoe<strong>of</strong> tbe Pesos Lodtam<br />

la ibe case <strong>of</strong> Ubariee Beooa egmta*t<br />

MUler Bio*., end Ib* latter win.<br />

Charts* Becoo broognt solt eoinc<br />

lime ago «gain at MUler Brarber* tor<br />

pay meet for Installing a beating plant<br />

eod tbe caee waa beard by Sqatre<br />

Lodimen. Miller Brother* claimed<br />

hat the pleat did oot beat op to tbe<br />

term* <strong>of</strong> tbe eootraet—71 degrees 10<br />

aero weatber. Beeon asserted that be<br />

bad foianed bet eootreet.<br />

Tb* sqotre gave a verdict to favor <strong>of</strong><br />

Ibeplootber.<br />

MUler Brotbere took aa appeal lo<br />

tb* Uepe Mey County Court <strong>of</strong> Com-<br />

moo Pleaa. Tb* caee waa retried, aad<br />

Jodg* EJdndg*reversed tbe declaloo<br />

<strong>of</strong> tbe lower eoart.<br />

Tb* boose end lot. located 70S Cen-<br />

tral aveaae. <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. N. J.. kaowo<br />

es -Tbt> VVUmen." a well-eetebllabed.<br />

ffpf ooerdtng bo«j*e; ceo be pur-<br />

cbeeed or rented et a reason ab I* priest<br />

property In excstleot ooodltioo: boose<br />

iffM^y..., tlirf^iiftrfyctt WUJ be Buld OD<br />

easy term*. ~For fort ber perHcolare,<br />

apply to B drams BOBIKBOB, owoer,<br />

744 Asbury eveoue. <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. N. J.<br />

ad». tt.<br />

BABQAIM LOTS —Third lot ebov*<br />

toood *trcet eeet stds <strong>of</strong> Central J625,<br />

Fourth lot above Tblrd stnet, east<br />

side <strong>of</strong> Asbory. ama. Ooly tlOO easb<br />

reqornd oa eilber. <strong>On</strong>a M. Towtt<br />

BSTHD. Balkier. edv. 114, 71.<br />

Vodct VtnctiamxiI<br />

A boacli••.<strong>of</strong><br />

MBptoc tarowfb lg«<br />

cey* .go, beaded by ^«J<br />

dU*ane.«ha a*k*4.'»ka«.ll wMVeVn'<br />

Tbty UM mUI<br />

<strong>of</strong> Boy Scoot* taoMttr,<br />

by Mr. Watch, irkw ia<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ib* fteetrytariaa HMeaajF<br />

Artar tbe troop bad<br />

Me Weich. bt<br />

Chart*. H. Bobaer. .tew*<br />

aad Jjatber U Walla** at<br />

W*kh tqt Ib* <strong>of</strong>floe <strong>of</strong> K<br />

aad Elwood Kaadto ae.wto<br />

Too** <strong>of</strong>ficers, aa wwtli<br />

Tbee* <strong>of</strong>ficers,<br />

<strong>of</strong> tse tneft.<br />

-:..,<br />

. *a ttw><br />

SUXe, ead Ib* t)Orya smafOw.at«a<br />

oeasttbey baYa.eaUeltoeswL -.. .' bay<br />

wbo wishes to bav* a aotform' I* wa-<br />

eooraged to earn the atnooot <strong>of</strong> tsowvy<br />

necessary to **«ar* U • Wbeap«fewta<br />

realise tbe edocUlonal valoe <strong>of</strong>- taw<br />

trelnlng boys get tn eeooHag. tbay<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ibe movetaeot. eod<br />

la boot.d to tocnaeeee tbay<br />

tbectisncterdevelopmtrataodereeoaU<br />

log Idee* aod Ideal*. "<br />

Tbe local troop meets Ttroreday •»*><br />

clogs lo Ibe sodal roome <strong>of</strong> Iba VMt<br />

Preabytertao Cnorctu • ••••••,<br />

MM. Beverly B. Bsatthvraal<br />

from ber late borne beta ffntfay..<br />

noon. Tbe services Wei<br />

by tbe B«v. J. B. Aflama, <strong>of</strong> 1>*r*—.<br />

assisted by tbe Bav. tieoraa F^. MMen,<br />

pe*tor or Immanud Bapttet CTharrti,<br />

Tbe peU'baant* war* B. B. Siraa,<br />

Bamuel Dtxoo. J. If. OaflraeB, Jc, —el<br />

the Her. J. B. Adama. Tbelalilgaiill<br />

we* at Beaaida Cemetery aadai^<br />

ttoo <strong>of</strong> Und*rtaatl>tta .<br />

• • ' ' ' ' • - ' " • '<br />

A laoo OoU Bood-« p«r<br />

terest-Jaae aod O»moibaf.<br />

veetmeat W. BoatT H<br />

cuy. N r mi<br />

W At.T»o>.—So. aWM<br />

good eoadltioa. McClabe;.<br />

etreet, Ooten <strong>City</strong><br />

Any Overcoat In Our<br />

this week #6.99. Some iVprilirrt^ I<br />

S2O.OO<br />



BT. «oocsTu>a*a.<br />

W-fckMkMMtaaL Aaajnetto**<br />

liMnb Sunday. Tne tatabcanl wa*<br />

tneraotor IbR T k *<br />

y. Tne tatabcanl wa<br />

tneraotor. IbeRrr. Tboiaaek*. at***,<br />

h h<br />

o. beRrr. Tboiaaek. at***,<br />

who Cav* hla aeeal abort dlacotan*<br />

a* tb* Ftmljaa*<br />

UMt a* «v«cy otaer *<br />

c*rafally tnoafftu<br />

•"•••si any la, JacMy, la<br />

•H a malt* (MM <strong>of</strong><br />

ap taahfetrt* pJana<strong>of</strong> Chris-<br />

ot d i<br />

p tahfetrt* pJana<strong>of</strong> Chris<br />

tian Inoaf&t and into inon>lUl<br />

rafltV l<br />


MIM Poaldi Bcpaita to,6*9<br />

J<br />

drcnlsttd<br />

p g oa Kay «j.<br />

Tfca record, <strong>of</strong> MM Maad M.rook-,<br />

iba popaJafUfetariaa, enow (bat intre<br />

war* nXOa book* tfmolatad by la*<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Cnj Faoilo LJacary from Ma»<br />

2J to Jaaoary SI. tncfaatr*. Tb* re-<br />

cord a» ooe day waelU.<br />

nSDBB IE1CHBI8<br />


a/tr* <strong>of</strong> iba friTtr*^ ctrcalatad daftng<br />

ItMweeootbelotstw:<br />

tt. John<br />

. both todastra, aad In* taxi<br />

waa Iba I wanly third vena. -I tn them<br />

aad Tnoa ta as*. Ibai lbaye_vybe<br />

laiti perfect In one; and tbsvt tb*<br />

___ world ataj know Ibat Tnoa b*M aent<br />

pa,. _sy and ba*« torad lh«an. aaTnoo bait<br />

. oot **r*d aae." Botb leaeoo and text an<br />

- a put <strong>of</strong> t or Uocd'e float prayer lor<br />

Hie !• Mediate djadpiae aad to* all<br />

«bo aboold ba <strong>of</strong> tba booaaboid<strong>of</strong><br />

flaMb la tb* agae to coane. ]<br />

stety after ibe prayer bad baae<br />

iaaaw want fartb lo Oat_<br />

Oot.<br />

Nov.<br />

Dae.<br />

Jan.<br />

Total<br />

1071<br />

tow<br />

878<br />

•49<br />

uu<br />

1814<br />

i«a<br />

17U<br />

eToUosi Jsnadls nmae<br />

» in a<br />

4» AM to<br />

aaa 4t& n<br />

sa KM «<br />

641 XH<br />

008 4W<br />

•09 «S2<br />

BU 83S<br />

.«• OS*<br />

M<br />

Batr. <strong>of</strong>f SdsctUloo DtcUca<br />

on Step, tor Uut Protac-<br />

tioa ol <strong>City</strong> Moocy.<br />

It be* baen decided by Ib* Board or<br />

Bdoeatlaatotakeoai acodeot toear-<br />

'ene*onlbeeenoolt**cn*rBaad)aallar*<br />

<strong>of</strong> in* two bolldiafs. It wae alattd a*<br />

tba aaaaUsc <strong>of</strong> tba Hoard <strong>of</strong> Bdooallen<br />

Taeeday olrbt tbat tb»jaa«t»«oawa<br />

«0 BMTSKTAXN<br />

lb* board woold ba laaa tbao AO.<br />

Vtc* Pnatdaas ioba B Or****,<br />

dartng tb* iHacoino. aaM that UWM<br />

m era pars <strong>of</strong> Iba board a—ploy Uko»<br />

aod ihey all bar* aoodeal loaaraap*<br />

oa ibatr aaapfatya*.<br />

It waa alts aald ibat n would ba<br />

better to place tola wwrsnoe Ibtn la<br />

ran tb* risk <strong>of</strong> having to pay a targa<br />

aoaa (a eaaa ooa <strong>of</strong> tba teacher* or<br />

Janitor* ajnt wttb an aeetdeol al either<br />

<strong>of</strong> iheechool hnuaaa,<br />

Becretary Lewi* E. Satan aad Direc-<br />

tor r.B. Will-were «tv*o chart* <strong>of</strong><br />

tbaaaattar.<br />

Ctty Hapntatcodeot 8t*v*n» and<br />

Plteetpai Betenly, <strong>of</strong> tba hUhad<br />

are Dot lodad*d la laUlM<strong>of</strong><br />

E. O. U. Bleakly aad WUHe-> Oarey<br />

Mirahall, atiomeya lot tba Bomb Jar-<br />

say OttiBKitBre' ^•aarlatloa. ara<br />

already ptaanlag lo Bst atini«l coov<br />

pteaDt wttb iba Interstate Co«a»eroa<br />

ft -ailailnn.<br />

Tba lynmai <strong>of</strong> Iba aoUraBgki wttb<br />

noa«yri«ala wbao tba paetla aarrtea<br />

baatd <strong>of</strong> tbu 8UU waa taUas laatl-<br />

••oa*. TbalatmtalaUoaAaMroaUgas-<br />

Tba aotmtata O<br />

• at Ibat UaM<br />

order, oader data <strong>of</strong><br />

at would allow to<br />

atsaeial<br />

r 10. itiat<br />

aAcUra tba<br />

M d<br />

.. -»-i»d allow to tienan aAcUra tba<br />

lotantaia rata* tbu wooM eorraspood<br />

lo tboaa Oud by tba Paoaajtraala<br />


loaooa to Mta trial aod to Calraij-<br />

AM totrodaetary. tba paato* aald ta<br />

| parti<br />

-Tba Bibta la tba tmUlioa <strong>of</strong> tba<br />

•ated <strong>of</strong> Ood towa«da aaaa; tt I* tba<br />

tatatatlon <strong>of</strong> Hla will eooearotac oa;<br />

*» ' * w, oao amo* ksov tba Book<br />

oordao la *^<br />

I miw ssi iociaq«o tn tkl<br />

<strong>of</strong>ay**, according to to* I*<br />

- ' '<br />

Tb* o-tnbrrs <strong>of</strong> Ooean CHy Uoaaott,<br />

Ho. 1O, IX<strong>of</strong> A., sruiclvaaoaatartate-<br />

to UOMO Baoaflriat Hall, oo tb*<br />

•apt to Ucuoo Banarte1»l ttall, oo tba<br />

aaala road u BeaUvUi^ afooday awa><br />

clot riteujj S3 t* t b t B t f<br />

clot<br />

^ day awa<br />

S3, to* tbatiaiBt<strong>of</strong><br />

t, riteujj S3, to* tbatiaiBt<strong>of</strong><br />

MeKtolay CoooeU. Ho. SO. <strong>of</strong> 8eoU-<br />

•tua<br />

m teraa iawaCfcrlat. Tbaeaetiml taoasai <strong>of</strong><br />

.^^ iyf+ vboat Btbia la tbat azaltatloo.<br />

tba Orrto* Word waa aaad« Oaab and<br />

dwattsaaoo* oa.<br />

•Tbat axaitaltoa •• eoaalac aaora aad<br />

ton Into tba taoatnt <strong>of</strong> tbaaracM.<br />

ba riamanfl Qpoo tba aitolaUy to<br />

a tbat tboacbt h<br />

anfl Qpoo<br />

taaea tbat tboacbt<br />

iriwn« ta taw: t<br />

tag tn B a'«a'a«<br />

to<br />

•tua.<br />

Tba local eoooeU gimtiara (ara ao<br />

uminmaol tor tba baoaflt <strong>of</strong> ato-<br />

tUnlayCtooaelltwoyaanaco. aad B<br />

proraa > a^raa* aoooaa^ oj ra^daas<br />

Ibty wUl glva tba abowoo V+btuxtj £2<br />

•wr««l>y« •••••<br />

Hlna 8. Hownr aa4 wU» <strong>of</strong> IbJa<br />

'city, want to fanraataf Taaaday aAar-<br />

OTOO to axuod tba raocral <strong>of</strong> WUU*<br />

M d 0<br />

aad Mn. Joba P. Vtax. aolar-<br />

ba arltte<br />

tateed Ib* erwmg circle at bar<br />

Monday artnlnc. and Iba i<br />

bad a rrry ptaotant lt_* ISM<br />

preseot war* Mines Ad* M. Banes.<br />

Looise aad Iocs Coreon, Maad M<br />

rookie. Martarat Parker.<br />

>••••• talk.<br />

Ttta tavrral aaarttnti tn laa Ftrat M.<br />

£ CborcawaracfaMdlaat waak. aad<br />

tba aiwnr. tba E*». Dr. Joba B<br />

Haloaa. tmt» wtil plai—i wttb tba ra-<br />

anHa<strong>of</strong> tbaianlcaa. Btitaao paraona<br />

eoar b<br />

anHa<strong>of</strong> tbaianlcaa. Btitaao paraona<br />

bava baao uaao to to eoarcn maobrr-<br />

abip.<br />

At aarrtoai Imt Boaday waotac<br />

toapUtoc aad aXl praMot<br />

ba Otiad wttb a aptm <strong>of</strong><br />

a ea<br />

ata aaoat<br />

appaarad to<br />

anoaaal(y da<br />

appaarad to ba Otiad wtt<br />

anoaaal(y datp ravaraoea.<br />

AMV WHLaa<br />

Joseph Q. Champion<br />


OCKAM cm. m. j<br />

Ralph Hayos VanGildor<br />





Omci: 8th St. Opposite P. 0.<br />

PUn nd SpeeifionisDs.<br />

pnetftd whteot chugs<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly galvanitcd naUt n«d oo<br />

exterior work<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Sentinel<br />


WaabaU bagUdtoracatra ttanu<strong>of</strong><br />

w ^ <strong>of</strong> taiaraat<br />

^f^ <strong>of</strong> taiaraat<br />

to tnla ooanaaODtty aod oar readan<br />

•laijwbaia.<br />

ba ao-<br />

nam» aod<br />

All<br />

oompanlad with tba fall<br />

ailJraai <strong>of</strong> tba wrrtar. Dot Daoaaaully<br />

for pablleatkRi. bat aa a a-aaraolaa <strong>of</strong><br />

Coodfaltn.<br />

BUS BAD m i<br />

PB0SPBB003 .EAR<br />

"P<br />

•-^i<br />


Mrm. It own I Boomtirr. Jowpbto*<br />

rajlor. Harta BocXhroyd aad Mta.<br />

Mowrar, acad bcotbcr <strong>of</strong> Itw<br />

cad 0yaax% bcotbcr <strong>of</strong> Itw<br />

—.bleb ucmiiad jvUtOaj. Mia<br />

I daub tolknrad a oamos braakdowo<br />

ct<br />

laaa arar<br />

'«a'a« italiaa laaa arar<br />

to praaeo Cartat aad Hbs<br />

fuuclflad to* taa aaJraUoo<br />

,Baie • "*»-"" I world, to Uft Ola op ta tb* **jnx <strong>of</strong><br />

atotf. aiiadaBar_a«a kaaa •bansl •° tba* He amay draw ail oae»<br />

^^ •• «»* *«»»*-<br />

[fora. Mao <strong>of</strong> aSatr* exebeooesiaa ffbreoos H. K*tk *% »w lo Ida K<br />

•ssartyawaragf tbatr raspoastbiuiy to BFaa- Kortbwast<br />

baw Mlowa. Kw-a tn* baa&Uaat an Baatloa U<br />

•. •- ,,, ^ ^ __. AVaoso Uattoo at tux to iteran E<br />

qaacHy tbm\ rrepooiMJ tS?.<br />

-Sat tba prtai.iy tatfalaaa <strong>of</strong> bo—- • roist<br />

ron Uetton at as to ituaa E<br />

Kaox tOO. UM SI. tfaettoo Hottb<br />

Crttoai. sad<br />

•yaipatby baa<br />

O«* oot la*<br />

oaad to** aad|<br />

Victor J. Hoa&breent Co to Alice H<br />

--*••"- • • Lota 1313 aod 1311.<br />

<strong>of</strong> iba<br />

______<strong>of</strong> iba aooS<br />

[tbaraat work <strong>of</strong> laa world'a ecgaakad<br />

• Dead I rs*s west <strong>of</strong> u* aaea^ant WMS u. b-a<br />

»»_..|V*sta*a Hsias sin i n. ••• » .<br />

iaflatta."<br />

SUCATII.<br />

Mrm. VUumul Va^ac P. W. Cl*ra~<br />

Uod. W. J. O'Brtto. Mr Boctoo. Wia.<br />

11. H«nttt7. K. Etawr and wLf*. P»ol<br />

Taratr. Jr . PbUaddpbia: Pmf. U. R.<br />

Tboau* aad wtJ*. Oecao VUw; K. H<br />

Taylor. Wllralnf no; Wen H. Hltct.<br />

RUUXO.<br />

J. D. CoUlo*. Caa>d«o; W K U»<br />

e oUr, Wm. Taocala. J R Kotrbt.<br />

ta. B. ttacc« Here.<br />

Hortff t«oaaa I!7,*00 00<br />

|8toe* Loan* '.Ms 00<br />

tUiaraa WUndrawo &M0O<br />

Prluttac Poatia-a aod Bi*-<br />

Itoarry SOS SO<br />

123 00<br />

18 00<br />

10.060 00<br />

47 86<br />

10 64<br />

SOU<br />

10a 89<br />

B«ot ...<br />

Borrowed »oo*y H»j»id..<br />

Ioutaat Paid oo Bo«n>wad<br />

Mooay<br />

Utoetllaoaooa<br />

ttarxy flood*<br />

CatblaHaak<br />

for su>otb.r ytsr at Iba a*cue w<br />

si preaeot.<br />

Tbe Klale comptroltar tuaa appointed<br />

Lawyar JoosJtiso Hsod a. a auper-<br />

vlsor <strong>of</strong> estates for Cape May Oouoty,<br />

wbere aucb estates are<br />

il lax<br />

ex ::AN CITY. N. J.<br />

PBH8ONAX8.<br />

Vull Ltfi«oi Ju&a I-o<br />

r-al (Kir H<br />

to H4octt.<br />

Phone Connections<br />

It Is Not Economy<br />

tajnugiae that becatuxryon pay The very highest prices you<br />

'are getting the finest meats. If voa think yoa are, try oar<br />

Home-made Sausage and Scrapple and be convinced that we<br />

produce the goods at a reasonable price. We expect to oell<br />

a ton <strong>of</strong> pork products this week. Will yon help?<br />

a. a SWAN<br />

Swan and Trout<br />

J. C. TROUT<br />

Bk-jci. Tire* *cwl HoppUam. H^rcl*<br />

P*ifio< frucatuljr AlUodad Ttw<br />




Had; Mixed I'aioU, Lead and OlU<br />

aveuar.<br />

Mr*. H. T. AUJOII<br />

trip to KloiUa.<br />

Ml*. Pr«il Hcull »f<br />

Kaodaj ta Cacodcu.<br />

J. O. Coltlna, <strong>of</strong> C'aobdcu.<br />

vUlta? ttcrv a few tXmjm a£u.<br />

Botert W. Mcotl and wir.. uf Uvcr-<br />

t>ro«>k. were la tow<br />

Prices good for one week:<br />

Carpenters<br />

Or.HatMi <strong>of</strong> tba<br />

nUcsiU rues<br />

> strasu. b.<br />

•A<strong>of</strong><br />

tUU 1<br />

1 Ma to tba 1<br />

oeatotbaaot<strong>of</strong>wotsnlpa*!<br />

lufaporoaeatoOod.axaa<br />

1 UOM to aa a aotdt .<br />

BelenoB aad anilua. BaKvotablp<br />

M ba |i«iiwl oot only ttomm<br />

taa <strong>of</strong> dot*, bat waaxwtaioralne<br />

ooorta <strong>of</strong> tba lord aod datignf to<br />

Ismbraoaaa aod to Us aaed. Boutblsl} lbs. <strong>of</strong> plir'a liver.<br />

LAMB-and tt I* ttaa<br />

Oar own make <strong>of</strong> kmoaa-all-pork oacsage. none better.<br />

<strong>On</strong>r own make <strong>of</strong> ikmoos scrapple t it<br />

r own make <strong>of</strong> kmoaa-all-pork oacsa<br />

<strong>On</strong>r own make <strong>of</strong> ikmoos scrapple, try it<br />

J lbs. <strong>of</strong> plg'a liver<br />


Builders<br />




"" Reading Coal<br />

KcillUXK Wood br bmjni or COM&.<br />

AJ 00 u*« cuskcl KOi lt« U><br />

ul Hajurdaj aod<br />

> w i<br />

Kdwsvnl L**t, ot Ibla city, apeut Huo<br />

day wltb filtuda lo O«imaolo«a.<br />

Mrs. frvlog Hill, <strong>of</strong> Hsaicauatoo,<br />

tu a vUJtor turr duriOK Ito ink.<br />

W. M. T.ylaf. ot tbia city, baa is<br />

luroed frucu s vUlt lo fall*diJphla_<br />

Tn&msa VVsiUou ead wife, cuf PbU-<br />


rnmrn. sa*t**r rseiieasj<br />

Director Ktsbar rsponed ai ILM<br />

wM«iy caestln^ <strong>of</strong> ibe Ctty Coaunls-<br />

siooers thai be baa ordered lb* ms-<br />

Urtal for Ih* balldlac <strong>of</strong> Ib* bulkbead<br />

ead olber work oo Oceea evsoa., be-<br />

Iwsea Foarteeotb eud Firtecoib<br />

La, aad be ta eodeavortas; to («i<br />

tb* property owners oo tb. bey froot<br />

~ ' rtneyecblelub U> build a bulk-<br />

brad.<br />

Because <strong>of</strong> coudtUoos r*lstia( lo Ibe<br />

bulkhead oa Ocsea •(•uut, t» «SK1 U.<br />

a. <strong>of</strong> lb. opiukKi ibai lb. properly<br />

• ocrsoo tbeooesaiie be rvqulred Iu<br />

pay ll.oo lbeolb*r sldsUO oils ead<br />

Ibe city pay Ibe bataace far Ib* work.<br />

The property ou Oo**o e«»aua b»-<br />

weeo .Tblrtssatu eud KourUeutb<br />

streets should bav.a pro per bulk bead,<br />

sod II ta poastbi. tbst ell tb. properly<br />

owoars tbsrs will bs». tu. work done<br />

Thrilllaai 81_ht Ba. •<br />

SdmalaHng<br />

Whole Bondavy SduxtL<br />

TM pest waak be* rrld*nUy been<br />

atuprtM weak foe- iba First Presby-<br />

UrUn Chorcn. After tsktag tba ps*-<br />

to* anawaree oo Friday evaotnc by<br />

Ibe creal recapitoo undevad 'bias,<br />

aevtrsl ran <strong>of</strong> lb* ctwjrch got lootbat<br />

and decided to glr* not ooly iba pa*-<br />

lor.bol ibe eallre ooogrefsXioo aa wait,<br />

a complete eorpaia*.<br />

Hereral weeks a*o -he B*v. Mr.<br />

Bohuer orxsotxed a Man's Bible Claae.<br />

eauoaoetna; that for ooa mootb tba<br />

charter woald be beld open, so tbat all<br />

daring that period woald be-<br />

co«n* cnerter members.<br />

BCKD* <strong>of</strong> Ib* aetlv* sptrtu decided<br />

lhai ibe Urn* bad coo* lo boost tba<br />

so word we* p*»eed aroaod<br />

sreretly thai Hooday sArroooo woald<br />

be men's day si Ib* Ptastij tartan Bon-<br />

day ilcbooJ. Acoordlnaly, abooi forty<br />

m*n, wbo bar. oot beeo to Ibe babtt<br />

ot eiteodlcseay Huodsjr school,<br />

IQ a body ai Dr. J Tnoroley Hoa.bee'<br />

drus store, eod west to lb* eharcn,<br />

eutartaa: Ib* school Just aA*r the opeo-<br />

!•( eisrclaes bed becao. As they<br />

msrebed scrosa Ibe cbareb, eocae oot<br />

K beta lo a rtaoday Kbool sine*<br />

lh«lr boy hood days, to aeeis a_i(n*d<br />

them, tbey praacoted a Ibrtlllag and<br />

Impressive «Jj|hl,tisvlaj *coarvaioaaly<br />

atlmalsitnt aod too In.; enact opoo Ibe<br />

wboi.se boot.<br />

It la ibeciealra<strong>of</strong> Ibe aaen to reaeb<br />

Ib. drty mark oaxt Buoday. wbao a<br />

aptcul quOTOoo. eHertlnc Ibe nalkwiil<br />

«I fare, will be prrsealed to Ibeoun<br />

Arrested ta Philadelphia by<br />

Chief Bcatl ot> Votgtry<br />

Chkrgc<br />

A^aoo»b H BMiy eeeen to eoa** a B*nk drUcUva acecetae and Ploarr-<br />

«»«.»»B€ waj"totb*coodoad*aa»- too BHTI bare -ootblnf oo" Chief <strong>of</strong><br />

daya, real estate a*ea ta Ooaaa foUeaBeoll. <strong>of</strong> this cMy-rslbrr. *^be<br />

Ctty ara In eUity ranrpt <strong>of</strong> »*U*re <strong>of</strong> aboa Woo In* cibrr fooi"-*nd b* has<br />

tota Maori aeraral JWata. wbo b*s Uved btre tour or Ova<br />

flo*r«oUla,e*BOQ«tbaaBH. 9. Baa-<br />

too, Maaaeyaad fSdarards and CUy-<br />

looUatnaaBrtek.<br />

iBdlaallnn* ar* Ibai there wUl be<br />

•he oaaal doaand tot boosaa ban for<br />

tba aaaaon.and Ib* raal aatat* wan aty<br />

Ibty look for a bory tprtac ta Ibi. Ito*.<br />

Not a fav <strong>of</strong> tba aoauw<br />

tamt<strong>of</strong> to' tbaU wtstar<br />

C. C Laka auda aararal<br />

Jones' Men's Shop Ct*. K*.<br />

HATS<br />

HATS<br />

Our Specialty ,<br />

$2.00 to $4.00<br />

«J Soappy thing, far ttjibh dreaacrs. *J If It to op to tb« Jooca<br />

oiamUrd yoa may depend opon it.<br />

OUR MOTTO: " Quality ** " Sqoan Deal"<br />

aod aiao<br />

(aw day*.<br />

> otbara wttbte tba taat<br />


t. tba prtamaa <strong>of</strong> ex*r-<br />

ctses tor tba atrrleaa tee Maeoo* at<br />

First Pneoytrrsui Cbareb Banday<br />

•vantaeT:<br />

for dlanustaa la aadUWxi loanex-<br />

pnslikxi <strong>of</strong> tbe lump by tbe p**toe > .<br />

Tb* m*o aeeiened hliitJy dsUabud<br />

with Ib* rscvptkoo tbey reoetvad sod<br />

dec la rttl ibtJr pleasar* vu equal to<br />

that <strong>of</strong> ibe members <strong>of</strong> Ib* school<br />

wbocu lUsy Uad so plssinantly st<br />



io or tb* nm M. »;- cauta<br />

tb* Urn gntraaUid. ti«il ox<br />

•fttoom<br />

VawrA. Tturu<br />

Walter V. Hess<br />



ruaaji*M(o on<br />

a. -oomona •moos a»o 000a ac«c«»a<br />

• >K TO O«0*«<br />

Tba • taUto<br />

mttg<br />

loot<br />

]<br />

aaakar ^nih"i* *K **** n**i<br />

»<strong>of</strong> tba cbareb ar* naaslneT to<br />

opoo tbe law <strong>of</strong> Iba Lord, do<br />

• ~~ '" ' 1 satall naee, do<br />

s— aa> aad to _» aaad. Bat. tbia J lbs<br />

land, wbieb Oawad wttb milk aod Pore lard.<br />

hona/. waa not to b» po—a«ad wttnoot Sogar cored aldn-back hams, whole or half,<br />

a t l Dot la bacatoad wltboct a Picnic hams, . . . . . . . . . .<br />

ia. Tboa w* aad how. aA*r FancvcMckess<br />

yaan <strong>of</strong> bardabJp aad waodartax tn BoneleBS bacon, in piece<br />

tbawildatrtaaa, W iiai waa abla to U<br />

I dwell to<br />

Ulsbandtbaa<br />

prayartollyi cto<br />

^^^va p>*oa<strong>of</strong> toaMOM(<br />

abkiaalwaya Dodcrtb*<br />

<strong>of</strong> tba A_Ja_y. Vat tba<br />

n*D*lta•<br />

aonioiba<br />

toaot—mytoba<br />

Wa.<br />

a_ ba<br />

• <strong>of</strong> tb# Tb.<br />

r -X '•'•'<br />

so amu><br />

laaaday.<br />

|r. Ma<br />

lUMarCb-ae"<br />

• tbaotnle.<br />

i wob Uod<br />

^Obaiobtoa<br />

1 Bpiail eaeaiad to<br />

aarrtoaa la tba<br />

VtbaBar.Oaorca<br />

a»tbaaob>et <strong>of</strong>-Tba<br />

t mtmttt.rmmwm TIT gQ|f SO MMI<br />

IbaobUdraa<strong>of</strong> Inaallota* border <strong>of</strong><br />

tb* proaalaad Uod. Vet oowtbetr<br />

eooqoeel era. ooly begun. It did oot<br />

twotwa* tbetr own to reality aatll forty<br />

or B»M* jtesr* latar. when, onder<br />

•iu r«o«c ais-i<br />

Offloo 1O17 Asbury Avonue<br />

Real Estate and<br />

Search Company<br />

Fidelity Trust Company<br />

Title Insurance '<br />

Searches, Abstracto <strong>of</strong> Title,<br />

Conveyancing<br />

Fire Insurance<br />

ProcifH Srmte iUl Wotk QuuwlMd<br />

Monty to Loan oa Good Vim Konpfi<br />

K*i ma Cor Sal.<br />

Offices in<br />

First Nationl Bank Building<br />

Cape May Court House<br />

U.S.<br />

Hartwrt Pioch. <strong>of</strong> f bILsdrlphta. waa<br />

a visitor ber. cjaturdsy a>od Huoday.<br />

Mrm. K. L*foy Howe.<strong>of</strong> tbUctly, baa<br />

relumed from a vuli lb Poilsdelpula<br />

MU_ JelTflM. <strong>of</strong> Ibla illy, will gn u><br />

PcuUdclpbla tuiouiroar -m e abort<br />

vtwt.<br />

MUs Maud M. Kuulda. r IbU clly.<br />

1 will go to PbUsdelpbt*. tma»rro* ou a<br />

short vUU<br />

lawyer JoDaltan Head, <strong>of</strong> Wild-<br />

wood, was among lb. vlallors to Ibta<br />

cUy Taeadsv.<br />

Kotiert B. V'ollum, e well koowo<br />

PbiLadaJpbla prufsaskmal mao, was lo<br />

Iowa Baaday.<br />

Mrs. Vincent Y«rg*r, ot PhlUdet-<br />

pbia, was e guest or Itj. Btaceynea<br />

few day. s*o.<br />

Mrs. K. C. Partridce. <strong>of</strong> Phll»dsl-<br />

Tb. sesjlnx curls will meat la tb.<br />

roaaiso' lb. Flrat M. K.t'lmrch<br />

si'^-tOo'cloc< tbia sTumooutu prepare<br />

for tbe aauual summer tuaiar.<br />

A apedal mettlng <strong>of</strong> lb. i<br />

<strong>of</strong> lb. Ladkoa' Akd rWciaty will al-> oe<br />

bald to appoint mmmlllm for Ibe<br />

bsur, tbia meettos baiag a pert uf Ib*<br />

procecdloss <strong>of</strong> Ibe aew<br />

A vary wall atUoded mertlog<strong>of</strong> lb.<br />

Vlaltlog LadK»' Auxiliary <strong>of</strong> Ibe First<br />

Probylartaa Caareb wa. bald Tbarm-<br />

day afUroooo ax tb* bom* <strong>of</strong> Mr» T J.<br />

r'egley. 115 Weat Oolarto atraat, PnU-<br />

About forty Ud e. war*<br />

Fretada, -Gnat! OOattolra, 1<br />

UearcaF. Vtnoaot.<br />

Ooxoloxy.<br />

Praia. U jd from ffboo) all bleaelnf*<br />

Sow.<br />

Praise Him. si! craatarva here below;<br />

Praise Him above, ya baa veolyboM;<br />

Pralee Faiber. Boo.aad Holy UbamL<br />

Intocmltoa. damtag wltb Lord'.<br />

Prayer enacted.<br />

Vlolto Bolo,"0,Tooa BabUaM. Bweat<br />

Evwatog BUT." frooiTsaohaoser. O.<br />

Hooter Bacwmakcr.<br />

Beapooalv* Baadtoc<br />

UtaMar—B*asMal«r oow thy t<br />

sior lo tb* daye<strong>of</strong> tby yoolb, w i.<br />

Ib* evil day* com* not, oo* lb* years<br />

draw ntcb, wbao tboa shall say, I<br />

bare oo [Ha*tare to tbaaa;<br />

Lodfe— Wbila Ibe eon ortbaUini,<br />

orlbeaBooo. or ibaaUxs, be oot dark-<br />

toed, nor In* doocU ratorn afU* the<br />

rsio:<br />

MlaUUr—to tb. day* when tbe<br />

Tbe K*r. Dr. Joba B. Haiat*. p*»-<br />

tor<strong>of</strong>lb. KUX M. tH'narch prra^bed<br />

lo Ib* AtMeooa M. H- Cburcb TW—ay<br />

avtutog- Tn. pealor <strong>of</strong> Iba4 cburcb,<br />

lb. K*v. Clartno. Jobuatoo, la eoo-<br />

duaiag r»vl»aJ acr«lc«a. Mr. Johoa-<br />

loo, wbo la an uouaally talvutedyoijog<br />

10. waaatartad lo Ib* mlouJry by<br />

Or. Haioaa. 11. la a apUodld aermoulc<br />

worker aud la balo«cd by bU people.<br />

praaect end e mM dall»btful eftsr-<br />

Dooo waa passed.<br />

Arrsussmatiia were coada to* tb*<br />

ketpers <strong>of</strong> Iba bo_e anail trembl*<br />

and Iba atrocuj aaeo attail bow tb*o<br />

—I'm, and lb* gnadcrs eaaa* bacsote<br />

• bay ara few, aud tboat Ibat tool 001<br />

<strong>of</strong> ib* wlodowa U*darkaoed.<br />

Lodge— Aod tbedounaaail b* anal<br />

[lo tb* atreeta. wbao Ibeaound <strong>of</strong> Ibe<br />

grlodlog la law, aod b* anall rla. op ai<br />

lb. vote* <strong>of</strong> to* bird, and ail ibe<br />

d b X f muatc abail b* broogbt<br />

«b*n tbey aball be<br />

year*, received |30 oo e fonFrd ebrck.<br />

a. eSalBMd, oo ibe First National<br />

Baak oo Droembsr £4. Tbe bank did<br />

oot know lb. cbeck was rorctd oolll<br />

asTsral day* afterward, when Kiank<br />

Bpoxtto, <strong>of</strong> 1041 Was* •now. whore<br />

I* allaivd to hare breo ronced,<br />

at Ib* beak la rsftteoos lo bk*<br />

it. H* assarted Ibat be knew<br />

Mrs. | o**btn« <strong>of</strong> Ibe ebrek for K».<br />

Tbao Ib* bank antborules notlOed<br />

In* detect I r. irtann. and ooi<br />

tax, a short Um* afterward. Chief<br />

BcailaawaPlakertoo manab*re, and<br />

tbadetactlr. lold htm hM bi'mlneaa..<br />

ITblrf Boall asrertalneci that Moo-<br />

delta bad gooe to lb* beak wttb<br />

Bpoxao*. tank book and told U B.<br />

Mowrac Ih* eashatr, thai hlaetater<br />

wife) wa* ill aad Bpoxtto<br />

d oot tears ber. bat Ibai Bpoxtto<br />

Wsnl*dt3X Moodella waa Informed<br />

rtniT>e coo Id no< icrt Ibe avxtey In<br />

""' Tbecaahler. li->«.ver. Oiled<br />

oat a coaatst-cberk i> His order <strong>of</strong><br />

b," a. rrqu*Mrir tZ> *aa paid to<br />

blm.<br />

Moodril la lhao dlaappesrrd.<br />

Chief Bcoll was opined over Ibe<br />

Uiepboio. TUursdav by I'.pJalu "Boo<br />

Cam*roo,<strong>of</strong> the Phil* tlpbUd*trrllv*<br />

torceihat they bed TtKuxtas Moodalla.<br />

wbo *i-*^ called bljmael/ Thome* Morly la<br />

January.<br />

Armed wliu papers eiroed by<br />

UpoxJio, drclarlng Moodtlla to be a<br />

runaway. Cblef Ucull »*ut to Phlla-<br />

daJpbia and broujibt lbs youth back.<br />

Uaeni kl«tjllaeu blm a.<br />

tbe p«r*au vtw obtaluel tu. mou.y<br />

oa the aikegrd furxsd cbeck.<br />



now/ In p«<br />

Romnants <strong>of</strong> Dross Goods<br />

Remnants <strong>of</strong> Flannels<br />

Remnants <strong>of</strong> Muslin<br />

Remnants <strong>of</strong> Longdoth<br />

Remnants <strong>of</strong> Lawns<br />

Romnants <strong>of</strong> Ginghams<br />

In fact, remnants <strong>of</strong> •varjrthlrvs vary oh«a\p. Com*<br />

and look them ovar<br />

MTUKUV, faaV-<br />

S. S. McAllister OC_*.NC1TY.<br />

N. J.<br />

d»jigbX*ra <strong>of</strong><br />

lo<br />

Jtiotater—Aod<br />

tbe WMfc'a arrival.<br />

I6c<br />

15c<br />

lie<br />

»4C<br />

NEW JCR8CV<br />

iasbaa, lb*y<<br />

•and <strong>of</strong> Canaan.<br />

lb.<br />

r Botizr.<br />

• Iota power to' tbe<br />

•".MylK j u»uc. vie u<br />

Lfrge. Juicy Oran~ . . . ij^ do«r<br />

wmii<br />

wylba iwtUc<br />

Ha Matt.<br />

• oalaHto d_><br />

<strong>of</strong> •—S.0_.<br />

J<br />

IM bba tev bttwatr aotf laka 1<br />

• aod follow 1<br />

tba etuueb<br />

at tba falam<br />

Psopl*<br />

tpord*a<br />

ad tba<br />

Tba<br />

» ——•«- am jTmsblera <strong>of</strong> Pure Jelly*. '. ". '. '. JJC<br />

brow. Tbw bUle wttb tbetr rartals are 1 Large Csn <strong>of</strong> Piarspple . . . . IJC<br />

Ifxaaloall. bat tbe cold aad Ibe silver 3 BotUe. <strong>of</strong> the Ptacst Csixap. . . aje<br />

araoooo«*radaftapsrsiacaaod labor -"l""*Buckwheat,6ne.trytt,toepfcg;.<br />

— IMowad -kb tba peek aad Ibe ' l ^ zSi\^ *"*• c * UI J Millwoik, Mauldlaxs. ».-IMlnt Paper, Plaster llojjcj. Nails,Baab '<br />

FOOT I •**• a?«tTmai»« FumUhed. P>~"~ »»-"<br />

C. I— LAKE -<br />


*—t Asbcuy ArtoD4, tin—n CUjr, H. I*<br />

Oorr—poo.peat'lbe week-eodat Ibe<br />

_ borne 0/ tbelr daughter, Mrs. Harding<br />

Crane, In Clayton.<br />

Mra. A. P. MUoar aad MU. Mary _<br />

Coraoo. <strong>of</strong> lhi» city, atund*d Iba<br />

|t»etity-flftb aoalranary <strong>of</strong> lb. wed-<br />

'diog <strong>of</strong> Mr. and Mrm. J. F. Adam, la<br />

Clay loo Haianlay. Mn. MUoerUa<br />

aWtf <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Adama. Cap*, aad Him.<br />

V. tt Bobtaaoa. <strong>of</strong> Ibla ctty, partnu<br />

I <strong>of</strong> Mrm. Adajna, woo are apcadlag a<br />

portioa <strong>of</strong> to* winter wttb ber, ware<br />

aiao preacoL<br />

•aw.rial.el WruiA.<br />

La»l Banday at tbe morning service<br />

la tbe First M. E. Chorea, lbs pastor<br />

read a card <strong>of</strong> thanks from Mr. and<br />

Mrs Edward E. Howe, <strong>of</strong> Haxleluu.<br />

Tbe card eooveyed Ibe beertralt I hacks<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ibeae pareots for a wrralb <strong>of</strong><br />

Bowers lo metnory <strong>of</strong> Ibetr soa, E.<br />

rCenoetb, wboeereeeotanllmcly deetb<br />

vu felt a. a personal grief by many to<br />

Ihlaclty.<br />

Virata a Ctlmaei.<br />

A roaring oot«e la tba onlmaey <strong>of</strong><br />

•heir bom* about 6 o'clock Mooday<br />

anrmooo etanled Hquire aod Mrs. J.<br />

H. Buih. fuvestlgatlon ahowed thai<br />

be ebtmney waa ahla*.. A telephone<br />

call summoned a cbomtcal wagon, wlib<br />

ea^'blef Conver, to Ibe boose. rVjuIre<br />

Bush extlngutahed lbs blaze wltb Ibe<br />

aid <strong>of</strong> ibe chemical.<br />

-Uuaioal Tea." -blcti will be beld Ibla<br />

aft rooou from 2 lo & o'clock la Mo<br />

bt^cU'm llrswlag Kooco. Thirleeolb<br />

•trerl and (Itrard evroue. Admlastoo<br />

will be by tlea*t at twroly-u>* ceota<br />

ep4«c*.<br />

ThU orgaotuiioo Is very aetlva ai<br />

pnatalaud la afTirrtlnglh* larHaa tm<br />

loogtag lo It a very eojuyahle Ua»e.<br />

ooi lb. least plaasarsliie feature <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

m*etiags being Ib* ircoootlog <strong>of</strong> Kffl-<br />

mtr .xpcriaoc*. In <strong>Ocean</strong> CUy.<br />

Tbe oext tuseuog <strong>of</strong> th* auxiliary<br />

will be on Thursday. March II. at In*<br />

ham. 0/ Mrs. A. Ashloa Work, 1103<br />

Duacaaaoo street. Logan.<br />

VaaUtatar la<br />

A Csxndsn pap** ba* tb* following:<br />

Mr and Mrs. David Tucker, wbo for-<br />

merly raided tn tb* oppereectloo <strong>of</strong><br />

IbU city, wbarr they war. connected<br />

wltb Calvary Presbyterian C'horcb.<br />

end moved 10 <strong>Ocean</strong> Ctty, are oo aa<br />

extended vUU to tbelr daugtilrr.<br />

Mra. Carrie Hughe*. 00 Meenante<br />

street, Altbougb totally blind, Mre<br />

Tucker la a tateoiwl lady, being a pro-<br />

fcssiooal mnildio. before ber efflic-<br />

Itoo. having played Ih* piano In an<br />

opera boose In MlllvlU*. besides bev-<br />

lug a tarice Dumber <strong>of</strong> scholar*. De-<br />

aplie losing ber atghl. aba raised a<br />

large family <strong>of</strong> oiiUdren, dolag ber<br />

owo bouxbold dulles. Through Ih*<br />

blind laetauiloo, ai Traot->o. Mrs.<br />

Tucker baa learned many things, and<br />

can saw. cane chairs, read by raised<br />

Utters, etc. A almllir orgaorxatlan<br />

ares formed lo Camrteo (wo years ago,<br />

eud Mrs Hugh**, brdaughter, laooe<br />

<strong>of</strong> tbe dalegatee.<br />

t y aball be<br />

afraid <strong>of</strong> Ibat which U hierti. aod taars<br />

ball be la Ib* way, and tb* alnwwi<br />

ireeabaJI Ooartab.andlb* grsaaoopper<br />

|a_ll be a burrteo. aad damlre ah*ll fail;<br />

Lodg*B<br />

the streeu;<br />

MlatsUt—Or ever Ib* aUrer cord U<br />

I rimed, orlbegoldeo bowl be brokjo.<br />

or Ibe p|,ifh*T be broken ai Ibe fooo'<br />

a, or in* wheel be broken at In*<br />

cietem:<br />

•—Tbeo aoall Ibe doM returo<br />

to Ibe earth as tt wa.; and Iheapirtt<br />

snail return uoto Hod wbo pn It.<br />

Teoor tkOo, •Jesus Tnoa Art Hlaad-<br />

luc," HOOK Mom*. J. Toorotey<br />

Httghea: Vaallo OoUgaia. i<br />

Hot<br />

THE HEWUNG- *<br />

bervtngdsadadtoeJoaafcrl<br />

tt wm be rr-opaned tor |<br />

tftifi-<br />

&alr<br />

a Btftilh atr, . ry<br />

ge 00 Orsizml evesae, abovePocirlb street, lot 40x100,<br />

gxjmci.only IAJCO. Fambbed cottafe aa Ocstxal eveea b TUd<br />

jj6oo- Ptuilbed cott o Pii $<br />

b<br />

y IJ<br />

Ptuilabed cottage on<br />

lb<br />

rj d cottage on Piita, street. $n<br />

00 Aibcry arenoe, n»mr Seveslb street, eeiy llioo.<br />

armor, same block, ooly (1700.<br />

, 4 ,<br />

cottafe aa Ocstxal eveeae. above TUxd etnet,<br />

Piita, street. $naa. Two cotiegr* aod one lot<br />

reet eeiy llioo Also t tt Ab<br />

ctieg* aod one lot<br />

Also two cotttgts 00 Aabury<br />


cuani ajto dmu Avitirtm -<br />

OCXA» can. w. *. '• J<br />


Clayton Hainas Brick<br />

41iElghth8L Ooean <strong>City</strong>. N. %J<br />

E. C. BOYLE<br />

Real Estate BrbMr<br />

024 tJQHTM 8TRCCT<br />

OCCAM ctrr HnUnHMV<br />


Ho waiting tor two week* to know tfyoa can gat ttj wa can tall yoa at<br />

000a. Bargains to BayandOrwan ftoct peopacttam. Chotos cottakaa ba<br />

•k Aiao lot* tor Investment and for IIIII«IH*HIWII llw enoaoa d<br />

Oceea Ctty. AppOy to<br />

J. M. CHESTER & CO.,<br />

Oc_ajr CITY. N. J.<br />

g<br />

Tbemloteter, tn* Bev. ti«orgs F.<br />

MUoh, is preaching elroog<br />

Fll U<br />

"Fall Ufa (or Modem<br />

Toolgb* bis Meneertnoa. on<br />

aad Wc-<br />

le -Tbe<br />

daughter, Mrs. Robert Bmllb, to tbia<br />

ctty, Iba tatisr part <strong>of</strong> Last week.<br />

Ctayloo HelaeVBflek retunjed~fronj<br />

Meritoo Toeeday morolng. He we.<br />

Ibere lo attend the aooual mealing <strong>of</strong><br />

tbe Marltoo Water Cocnpeoy.<strong>of</strong> wbleb<br />

b* 'la a director and vice president.<br />

V.I. Diets and wire, <strong>of</strong> Philadel-<br />

phia, were ID town during Ib* week.<br />

Mr. Diete I* preparing to rebuild oeer<br />

in* oeaan front at Voottaenlb street.<br />

Tn* R*>. eod Mrs. CharUa H<br />

Bohner wUl go to Pblladelpbta today<br />

to atlatvi tb* antsTtalomeot to ba given<br />

| (h|t ^^^ „, |b. ^^^^ £ tb*<br />

Ewlug CJISOO. wbo a pea I * '-" Vialtlng l.afllea' An«lll»Ty<strong>of</strong> 'ha Prt--<br />

day» at hla borne ber* durlog tb* I bytertao Cbareh.<br />

week b« retoroed tobU.-od-a.il Nlebota.C.aoafrv.0,u,UeUy._ho<br />

Hwertbraore College h_l bgeo 9fmuilaK ttm mialmt ^ f>bll*-<br />

W B»uH*iidwa*inPblladelphla'dalphla, waa ban Buoday wltb bis<br />

Jj*'iSJ;Vvv<br />

^tb^aom.^<br />

paat, la eomewbat Improved. I airs. Godfrey wt.l go to Provtdeoot,<br />

Tb* Bar. John B. Adama, <strong>of</strong> Cam-1 B. L. tnle waak to apaod eoca*<br />

dan, waa a visitor at Ibe bom* <strong>of</strong> bis wttb tbelr eoo, Wtlleam Oodftry.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Superintended J. td Btavans<br />

reported ai Ib* msettng <strong>of</strong> Ibe Board<br />

<strong>of</strong> Kducmiioo Tuesday eveolug that<br />

I be total eorollmeol <strong>of</strong> paplte durtcg<br />

Jaaasry was SoO, and In* penaotag*<br />

<strong>of</strong> alteodanee 87.*o Pr<strong>of</strong>. Uteveoe<br />

aald tbat tola Is an Improvement <strong>of</strong> a<br />

perceaL over roe preceding moolh.<br />

tl. Tne abseooe. dortog tb*<br />

weredueloan*vold*blaclreaai*taneas.<br />

Tbere wa* no truancy.<br />

Member, <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> Cny Lodge. No.<br />

60, K. <strong>of</strong> P , <strong>of</strong> this city, will aiteod a<br />

uoloa meeting <strong>of</strong> In* Kolgril* <strong>of</strong><br />

PytbUe lodge* lo Ib* dtstriat to be<br />

beld at Plaaaantvllle tocoorrow even-<br />

ing. Tweoly-Uveor Ihirty <strong>of</strong> Iba local<br />

meo will go over.<br />

Appreciated donatlooa <strong>of</strong> ataodard<br />

book* lo goodly o urn bara bava baao<br />

made to to* Oeaao Ottj PubUo Library<br />

by John B. Qrovee aad U<br />

Buasell Crane, <strong>of</strong> Inks resort.<br />

Tbe proapertry<strong>of</strong> inaVtrst •attooal<br />

Tbe<br />

Caoae <strong>of</strong> Foil Ufa." AU ara eordlaliy<br />

tnvttad to attaod.<br />

WII4<br />

At tba maolfng <strong>of</strong> Iba Board <strong>of</strong> Edo-<br />

caUoo Toeaday wvenlna; tbat* waa read<br />

a letter from Coooly ttaperlatsodeo t<br />

Aaron W. Hand regardmg tbe otjecta<br />

<strong>of</strong> tb* Cape May Connty Aaenrrtsiton<br />

Gdnoattoo and fsMlrta;at*<br />

tentloo to tha low aUU<strong>of</strong> tbesaarwte-<br />

lioo'e Ireaa<strong>of</strong>y. Money will eooo b*<br />

for a meetlog <strong>of</strong> tb* board to<br />

be held In Tuekaba* In tba sprtog.<br />

Eaen board <strong>of</strong> education acre— at tha<br />

orgaortatlon <strong>of</strong> tba aaannlarton to 000-<br />

trlbnta 13 a year. Tba looal board baa<br />

alt Jtbotlc<br />

vj.avAvswjr<br />

Tba members <strong>of</strong> Uompaaw o. Third<br />

InfitnUy, <strong>of</strong> tbia city,will ba '"*ttftrl<br />

by <strong>of</strong>flosrs <strong>of</strong> in* Doltad Htatae Anay<br />

CMT* 00 Friday evening. Fabraery _,<br />

aadlbeyaiwgattlaglnabap* tor thai<br />

Important erect.<br />

aelaUo<br />

<strong>of</strong>floa <strong>of</strong> ioeaph<br />

avanna. Oeaaa C<br />

Fb<br />

Bank <strong>of</strong> Ooean Uty<br />

proaperlly <strong>of</strong> Ib* city.<br />

Tb* aoDoal ipeating <strong>of</strong> tb* atook-<br />

hotdata<strong>of</strong> TbaUaaahnranullrilM aod<br />

*— Uoo will ba baUfatlb*<br />

fh.L HeolL 7o7A*tory<br />

1 OtW. tt. I~oa Trued ay.<br />

Vabntary 14. tnaT at aoViaook p. aa.,<br />

for Uwaiaelloo <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>floare tot tbe *o-<br />

eolngyearandfor tba uaneaaUoa -<strong>of</strong><br />

"~ *^ oaataaaa aa aaay ooaaa b*-<br />

Anawaarlaa—tUbalesued<br />

atockaaayDowtotakanfrora<br />

any <strong>of</strong> tba -~<br />

ho attead—aad oeerly every-<br />

body will be tbere. accordion to re-<br />

port.—will >ee tomi Iblag* tbat will<br />

maketb*m open their eyea Iu amar*-<br />

ment.<br />

Mra. Htrbtrt Plocb. tbe cbalrmsn-<br />

ai-Ur|«, bopna to be oa b*ad lo cask*<br />

Ibe vullun welcome.<br />

Interesting to Investors<br />

OR<br />

Joeepb K. BaxUett, <strong>of</strong> At-<br />

lantic Coonly, he* pot Ib* <strong>of</strong>ficial ban<br />

00 dg*r*iu .moktag la tbe county<br />

jail si

$&. •••••<br />


r <br />

fl^AltaVilNWrMrfMttBlltffti Taw Ml<br />

taay tarthsart.wsrB<br />

rto<br />

ft «B»f<br />

—ft <strong>of</strong> MJ awaa ««j ii<br />

I la pay laa coat <strong>of</strong> ea<br />

• totawa.<br />

torUtatOBjesa.<br />

stair alM not takaa eioenta<br />

tons BatU a few nights anaM, wawa<br />

Ito ooord <strong>of</strong> trustees <strong>of</strong> (be ctareb<br />

bald a asaattng and appototsd a eoea-<br />

lat cfly<br />

1 (a 1 wttbt<br />

UM LadwV AaaJUary aod> UM Vhatlas<br />

Ladaw* AoxOUry to go over ttoeab-<br />

Jent and U*wj<br />

UM MBit <strong>of</strong>t<br />

Tba<br />

itottobwaiw<br />

appotntad by Iba<br />

I. SOBU. Joatpb a CTifBlis.Warrso<br />

^v. uivn auiiDyaBQBT as. nwaw.<br />

II to) pnsj*Bsaltol» tf w aattawla-toaaa<br />

oaa ba tooadaodUMprtoalsrkibt.lt<br />

wtabaporntiandasaooa aa possible.<br />

If • dastrsBli rsrHania Mils is] swop,<br />

talaad. • lat will ba bowgwt aad •<br />

loaa acutt UMraoo.<br />

»ttoatat*o<br />

Ml toappt><br />

•MlB*(eT<br />

•bail be 1 nod* to<br />

proportloo to Ibe beoeflieacb peroei<br />

la<br />

fMtt ay Itoetty 1<br />

Iba BXOBM abaJJ ba i<br />

' tsusxaata<strong>of</strong> n><br />

cost<strong>of</strong> ban<br />

opon<br />

aabmoaaaJ paMBytbecttyai tana,<br />

4 Itoaawasai <strong>of</strong> socb excess. If aay,<br />

sbailto«parfliadbyUMrr«iirii»aajn«n<br />

ts tbeif report.<br />

Tbe sakl coasaUsatooers abell race<br />

socb coeapaoaaUoo for UM ear*]<br />

rendered fay Ibeaa ae ito ask] Cbart<br />

atoUoaaar wad vftaat, oot exosaai<br />

avawaOara fee aacb day 'a aarvaaw n<br />

•aw By (beam, and UM asaaa. and<br />

Beast, shall ba dssa»ed a pan <strong>of</strong> UM ex.<br />

oaaa <strong>of</strong> aacb Uaprotsaaenl aad to-<br />

dawa* lo Uafeost UMra<strong>of</strong>.<br />

ta thl* Act aboil<br />

a* ponoaot<br />

> payaaason<br />

OSJDC tody, by rasolirUon.<br />

eaay provide (bat tba oworr <strong>of</strong> aay<br />

latoUtoa&maadi<br />

•fetal<br />

by tats act. at<br />

(bad<br />

>«t (bate<br />

i avw<br />

<strong>of</strong> (ba work<br />

»|tood<br />

ntlbrowKater<br />

^ihjwwsasoajaa'a.aaay paysuap<br />

ealdooaaca. or other Jtovsrotnc body I menu In »acb eottal 1 early loatall-<br />

<strong>of</strong> aacb ctty, abail bar* power aad I AOOU,' oot e-n^trtrn* lea wttb Weal<br />

aa*hosttytocawMaoa>o«*<strong>of</strong> Uwc«st{uurn»t Umaw. aod aiaoehUxaala<br />

• fniaaaal. s*tsJ«aalgtaQM-»paaal aad J each yea* aaUM aald coooctl or other<br />

l^wulairlMOaOlcoc^lHi^tobaaaaaasedlgovetulttg body<br />

apoa tbe nod* aad raal estate bane-1 vtdad. b.>wev*r.<br />

4 Jeball ha— MM prtvllega <strong>of</strong> paying UM<br />

or balAooa<strong>of</strong><br />

ddrrmloa; pro-<br />

0* wttb (aa tone* barauf. aa<br />

aooo as saayba after UMcooclossao <strong>of</strong><br />

atlow<br />

aoea to be dtteraUaed 1<br />

oth*r snvwmtes body, for tbe coat <strong>of</strong><br />

saaraHanaw.lt. ilull<br />

•ay aacx» oooacU. ee by<br />

, wpso tto rscoed <strong>of</strong> ka pea<br />

tftts<br />

ba (natal aa aod brid (a be UM tram<br />

ipeoss <strong>of</strong> making aacb<br />

. aod a copy <strong>of</strong> aald rasa.<br />

touoo. attested by Ibe dark, abail ba<br />

detrrarwJ fay bba to UM cocaaUaolooan<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

Uterauo ax oo* lisas: Incase aay<br />

•istifiMiul UMra<strong>of</strong><br />

raanto oapald for Uurty etaya<br />

from aad after UM UBM when tb* •<br />

have bsoocae doo aod parable.<br />

*e*» ii inmiLi or tbe bataora<br />

daa Ibarsoo. aball bacons* aod be tav-<br />

daa aad payable, stall<br />

rest at UM rate <strong>of</strong> go* per<br />

owojase par CAOoih, aod sbali be col-<br />

unm our A<br />

A «uod saaay y*ar» *co U L O W<br />

Bass, wao asso* Ul» inirriuwa b) Cal<br />

eaco gas. boaabt a good •taad plot <strong>of</strong><br />

growaw oa Ikw sweats wrwTtsaaiHBi tw<br />

Uadaoa river at Ibe aivr ass) af Man-<br />

bmUma tslesd. Bocae lima tatar a* pat<br />

ap a boose wtaca still remala* tar<br />

prtdr <strong>of</strong> -aarias .\ew Tork" gtttdsa.<br />

Wbv* Uw Uod bad brwa boasat ta*<br />

qmniloo arov a* lo la* beat awes* af<br />

lay Is* oat a roadway ap UM ataap and<br />

rorky km. al Iba rnwt <strong>of</strong> watt* Uw<br />

botne waa ta stand, air. "*-a"i was<br />

psBsVd. Ua waatadtacoaaanaawtsy<br />

a dlakb aa ba coold. Qa grMaj^Ttrtrl tha<br />

problem la ni» frtood W. _*_. ^BtBVjk ^m^^ o?4a. aWM. oh ^m tfc<br />

owwaa^sB^aaVa*eaBS3sAaa w* av^a woajLBV B^lsaa^avaeaa^r wSaw^wj<br />

raa Bills aad dale* <strong>of</strong> Out pan <strong>of</strong> Kaw<br />

Terk. gara Uw faQowtas adrtoat<br />

Ton anat ta eay gnat Barry, aa<br />

way swat yoa bare tt ooaw rtgatt Fat<br />

Mr. frnitaaa foilowtd Iba ( I I ^<br />

«ad ta tbt coona <strong>of</strong> Itma tba cow<br />

a patb mtieh bca tons ataca<br />

pid tsto a piinuoast.<br />

A. W.<br />

on, B. s.<br />

Mttiet<br />

ta* 1 •>•••' ri*nmt Hi<br />

•* stAy o*u» lAtrd aay or<br />

J. Vi>LOA<br />

The "MATCHLESS" Light<br />

^ Get your place <strong>of</strong> bnsincss or residence wired now while the electricians ore<br />

not oo btuy. H After it's once installed, you'll wonder how you ever managed to<br />

get along without it all these years. T Ask us all about it, it will be n,o trouble<br />

to na. We have a representative for just that purpose.<br />

The <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Electric Light Co.<br />

OUTUteliTmtCo<br />


xxxiv.<br />

OCEAN CITY. N. J- TH*tIB8DA¥, FEBRUARY la 1015.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Sentinel<br />


WtteOM-W*<br />

flat tattar pan <strong>of</strong> taa •tilajaja «aa-<br />

sagaa to ranogritse t*M Oct tail<br />

waa a ancwt b> apakaB Tag*** K<br />

i waa wttaoat a fnnaaaatiBTa la<br />

taa aaapa <strong>of</strong> aa alphabetical atga or<br />

caaractar. as m (be Bat aosad ta U»<br />

wd -wwL-<br />

FUor ta taat ttma ft bad always bees<br />

MBat aa "vat," (be v bavtaa; UM loac<br />

Mail a*m nf Ian ii'a liajataai lo<br />

Pder ts convey aa Mas wf taa new<br />

eael tbey begma toapeU eaca worn*<br />

aa -wet- -waataor.- -web,- ate. wtta<br />

two a-a. aad aa tba a <strong>of</strong> tact data wa*<br />

a tjrpkal w taa Uuaa words above keck-<br />

ed Cta thai: TveC* Tvaatner."<br />

»vab.-<br />

After awaOe the type*<br />



WM LAKE, O. E.,<br />

I tinni rim I'nnvr j anrlnc IVunnil — lnn^r <strong>of</strong>lfcriwii. THn<<br />

HreretAMy -l«tk>o. IXA* tar ««J* Of<br />

1 lo nat, rufnUtMl <strong>of</strong> uanuslaW UmU, Uoo^ li<strong>of</strong>tra*-. WluaaAd<br />

OOIAN OITV. M. a.<br />


•dUoraad Proprietor<br />

annoa. f-UUu<br />

Broil.<br />

tixo Par Tut, StrtcUy la AAraaca.<br />

oiklWrr—A. A. Uo*«(i.<br />

o* lbt»r«aUa>v—tt. H. H«.n<br />

vTwjr V. I^k. VU* hviutio<br />

t**rmtMrri W. W. AJ*m-<br />

d J b U i <strong>of</strong> r*cOo&L»—**rcU- Ja*.<br />

i UM fact tact (a* oaaala o bad<br />

»ta stay. a»ta*y**aadtae two cr*<br />

taar aad made taa rtwrartar now<br />

«aO kaowa aa w. There atw books<br />

ta wtbea tsraa Corms <strong>of</strong> the w at» gtv-<br />

aa. Tbe erst ts AS old doooia * cm:<br />

(ae next M oaa ta which tba taat atnka<br />

<strong>of</strong> laaSnt » crosses Uw Brst stake <strong>of</strong><br />

, tas aaeood. aad Uw tttrd to taacoav<br />

BMB w ww was today. ^ ^<br />

Pnf*a«I &r Mlair.<br />

lacud la UM<br />

vtdedby tbelawl<br />

osAaoer as Is pro-<br />

la*> ooUaotioo<br />

U<br />

•toQ bar*<br />

ts wt<br />

WAUbtMl<br />

faapatd loto UM approprkUa stemnv<br />

food, aaabova prualnaal. to aaaat eoeb<br />

bonds; provided, bowavwr. tbu (be<br />

UMtcararaoaj body.<br />

•ai and aatti jrwj at<br />

I nf paytac tbe asaass-<br />

VawwO nOCtVwadta<br />

appropriate<br />

issapUoo <strong>of</strong> aay<br />

tdewh<br />

tataUoatoradaeaaaa hareao provided<br />

7. After UM aaowSasmassBt <strong>of</strong> taa<br />

aola« ttm aald work. UM eoaacll. or<br />

~"~ r*"ttnia» iini<br />

df>nrly prmUad UuJ Iba<br />

property opoo wbieb aay aoeb aa»«aa-<br />

m*at m a Uao asaybaaotd to taa (or<br />

ooo-payaiaat <strong>of</strong> tba l.riinnnl lo<br />

oaaa. oo oaa ««U porcbaaa aacaa tat<br />

aay laa> Hra>; wbaoarar UJMDO<br />

•UaUbactraa Iba prlrUrca <strong>of</strong> payta«<br />

•ay aaaajaaaat la faMUiiaMnu. aucb<br />

abaii naaala a em<br />

I body. »«« (baAJaar*<br />

lOfUM<br />

BSBBwflawAC<br />

aftba<br />

lOfUM anreiac <strong>of</strong><br />

Hveparaa tax. (o<br />

gk^baf —^^^a^^k-k^ taVaaUl<br />

aSBdtx.Boauava<br />

MHatkrtaSMBb<br />

KMBafBUwfas*<br />

taaltaOkilalMBi<br />

watoaaafeyear.<br />

M»af sMjoas Iba.<br />

<strong>of</strong> Cocaaoo Pleas <strong>of</strong> UM<br />

walessacbcttylskMatad tor OM"<br />

t <strong>of</strong> Uaaa iiiaiBsl *•>•<br />

• <strong>of</strong>UMeoaatymwkacbaald<br />

InntillaMJtiandacrroad lnlii»i tILuij<br />

100. aaad ba uftao aatil drfmall «haJI<br />

auda to Iba ptyaaatrt <strong>of</strong> aay la-<br />

lltaot aa atoora pra*tclad.<br />

To* cMy Bay acoapt ooauioo-<br />

Ooo»ooJ.3-JLJ. Y.I', M .<br />

C-,7-a)c P"-»j«* Bwrvicw Ww-tw»u*> «« 1110^<br />

7JO. '<br />

KUM»-A.J.h«Uti, ctfk; U. ft-f. luca !<br />

-Mwrvr.H. ti.J.*«twTTy.K H O»%*D >UJ<br />

«. W«*f4V<br />

Hoart<strong>of</strong> TtwUw Lrmlm U. CIVMC r*«*-<br />

toni lininnM I —i wi «t»i j I • • i t<br />

tih- Lf iun»; Jo«rpA L Hcuii. Joa»i.i. . '<br />

ftr SettiKjc P<br />

HAcr iu. aa.<br />

1 will L_<br />

• or r»«ua Wertx aa a*<br />

scat<br />

aad any<br />

astaorDiad by tola Act.<br />

etty M tooatsd, bat wbo i<br />

rM«BM <strong>of</strong> (few ctty, totoi<br />

•MM la- aawae- UM sowd<br />

netb*<br />

(mad ajpoo aay nal aatate ta eakt ctty<br />

••bait I lootattac opoo<br />

aad to UM<br />

• <strong>of</strong>UMtrdataw,<br />

tba etty caark aa oaOvor<br />

that Uay wta auUaoUy<br />

<strong>of</strong> tbeb? skill sod<br />

abUtty pttfona UM OoUaa<br />

an lawat tf tew.<br />

be sppllwl by UM etty ettber<br />

ivaasot <strong>of</strong> Iba coat <strong>of</strong><br />

aacb. tMutiiMBMfli; or lowaid tbe re-<br />

ptloa <strong>of</strong> bood* orlmproveaM<br />

eartlScatas which bare baaa farced Ibr<br />

eoeb eoet aoder UM provlaioo* <strong>of</strong> Ibis<br />

Aet. aod Ibr oo other purpose.<br />

10. Tha mu oct I. or other ayvetolna;<br />

body, <strong>of</strong> aayaaeb etty, aaall bars<br />

power anMIUI at to* aw t* a Ml<br />

««» *AT o» au Most* r»-<br />

Boacar riAacs.<br />

S-li.ti^k*.<br />

•a. sVaVd 7JD p.<br />

• 0<br />

fmX 7J0<br />

tt*g by ib<br />

ta- rnTtr<br />

UgJ- T. l<br />

Uft« U<br />

•U JavxaM A- M. K-<br />

%^3 MawamflM O i CUy. N. J.. U*«. 1<br />

pBOO »rtSO«. kUOl* ticBkOJt^af LK.u>l. |<br />

B.BL.Msdi>BdiooJ, i-JOp- tu : CtuT*4U-o fcU<br />

dMvor m—tlp.^ JJBJ p- m~ Ynr-n-nini. b<br />

Buyers <strong>of</strong> Printing<br />

Hjilnui rtai Wbo OealreA to<br />

havctuUPilallnf ProJuctd Accorataly aadPtoatpUy<br />

\\TOl'l.US'T it be a K rcJ t rvlirf if you coaid<br />

s.ty to your printer. "I need a catalogue,<br />

a circular. Nome letterheads and envelopes."<br />

ami then be entirely al>Ie to dismi^t the matter<br />

from your mind in the confidence that he will Jo<br />

the u-ork to your entire satisfaction ? What<br />

a •-JtUfjclion to have an a-—ure«l confidence that<br />

the flni^hctl prudnct will meet with your approval.<br />

Tlic<br />

• * "<br />

(. OK<br />

MM aaftillfct) SwVtlHf'<br />

«f<br />

• WtJBJ *wlMalBT«>tCO OXBiOlKEu<br />

O* TWawiawaa, lo^Ul ii. AmC^X. Vfr.<br />

t O H b<br />

tio^r.l ,<br />

u>n k.<br />

U I.IUw<br />

torn L^rtfl u«(J.<br />

BOSCOT<br />

klaeistanMi<br />

U was<br />

i Uw water, aad to<br />

atttad oa Ma ratsra tact ba wookS<br />

11 to<br />

far tae stay i asked bla by<br />

It' tba ptar at Kaw Tork tact<br />

to a<br />

yo«T tnznk. please." rnmmaootia (to<br />

eastaaa booaa <strong>of</strong>acar. 'Bara yoa aay-<br />

BUj»BX> OcV CMOftKJf<br />

Lo Axixurt aj, al u<br />

•m'K.».iittB Blal<br />

tfall Uij ; u»wanf. Mrv I^-L-<br />

M J<br />

*CM.pnmlamt) Mrm. l_M. L*»r. «<br />

^JSi A4» it. H.ncj. ncnu<br />

JtilOM —' IHIIIT. tlUA4',<br />

t la*<br />

»I«ST SL tc caokcu<br />

oUa- *lrm. *"».Th-rihO»i<br />

amj<strong>of</strong>co w.U*a47. *aps#tautul«oi Joa<br />

tUacM- Union. 1 a. U. Uo>n/. pn.lduil<br />

KO4.IT t«j»irf CUOMO.<br />

fKJtaii saoka»ontoiiiliB»lBit_ ^<br />

1 taoagat I did." iinaBiBn tssTi<br />

torney. "»ad I caa asm* yog taa^<br />

(bow hi no real aatkta to nqr tntak."<br />

dsraUad FlAla Daaier.<br />

Haas <strong>of</strong> UM<br />

altblo<br />

<strong>of</strong> aaJd<br />

passage <strong>of</strong><br />

--. thirty day*.from<br />

lha co<strong>of</strong>lrmaUoo <strong>of</strong> said report by tba<br />

CAHIlv BBW) OWVWSO p"fll*f^wtf J<br />

13 If. br aay reason, aoyaaetioo<br />

r provMoo <strong>of</strong> (hi* Act *hall b* qoas-<br />

tlooed lo aay Court and aball be bald<br />

V*VTf Bomry ctoea mt bca baaa ta<br />

taa fiiBiiankin <strong>of</strong> »'-(*-'-ni> eoO<br />

OtmbrMca. Fvpya cUractad la «a»<br />

tact his coliectloa <strong>of</strong> books aad<br />

IMaUWCujr.<br />


jThe Ideal Summer Resort<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. J.<br />




Spacious Boardwalk. Free Band Concerts During<br />

Season. Great Fishing in <strong>Ocean</strong> and Bay. The<br />

Delight <strong>of</strong> the Yachtsman. Numerous Trains to<br />

and from Philadelphia on Three Railways<br />

=DID YOU EVER.<br />

atop to consider bow. important it ts to have yoar home con-<br />

strocttd by responsible bollilrra? "ij Have yoo seriously coo-<br />

aldcred the parta that are hidden? % H»ve yoa ever coosldcted<br />

bow great and important the framing, foondattrmt and other hid-<br />

den parts play in the life and safety <strong>of</strong> yoar building? *J Let us<br />

advise yoa bow yoar home should be ballt. *J Plans and speci-<br />

fications free<br />

<strong>City</strong> Mill and Lumber Company<br />


orFice: SIXTH AND wear AVC, OCEAN CITY, N. J.<br />

o mttiag eaiin sitktVrWi s» to pttee*. workasasatp end baxtai<br />

wUl pay yoo lo «<br />

Within easy access <strong>of</strong> Atlantic* <strong>City</strong> and<br />

other well-known resorts<br />


001 Aabupy Avenue<br />

OOCII Olty. H. J.<br />

Go to<br />


B*awuawar,aas)i<br />

. And<br />

panaaot to UM tarats<br />

hmantadtiBM <strong>of</strong> any<br />

.^ rHsbt<strong>of</strong><br />

r fcraj<br />

(ar taa aaa af aoeb a mmy. I<br />

a t t t J bfc<br />

Ta» Oawaalnliiiii wt<br />

BWUBIIBWW BVCUMBttsawal aasawl I<br />

ri*<br />

iiainiaa I<br />

>tL* ojeai<br />

•rruaiaaa<br />

ww tae Uaa.<br />

I over iba way was)<br />

"Bnapht loallf wuv a."<br />

M«b WoCDOadar .vwnto<br />

CsUwr f_ WsUikav k«i<br />

KaiiDlaHt*<br />

aaeta<strong>On</strong>a ><br />

^ttesi&r.aoia-i<br />

raaardlna •amurr. ^<br />

k OooaclJ.<br />

t J. Hi*l«y,<br />

O<br />

rtt<br />

na Lo«o uwclv<br />

HaUudajT<strong>of</strong> Mob moalh.<br />

;. O. «fl«m«; ilium,, u.<br />

lollai<br />

la Ute 8BNTINBI,<br />

R. Curtis Robinson<br />

Conveyancing and<br />

Insurance<br />

Notary PaaUc aad Corns<br />

Colonial Greenhouses<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Heights<br />

Oa mala Shore Rotd. bryood Somen' PcJnU Tor<br />

Cat Rowers, fans aid hbtef Watts<br />

k arrcwTioai TO ruacaaL woaa<br />

•J^?^:SSS^.U O]t - THOMAS H. Wllia.<br />

J N. GR1SCOM, M. D.<br />


n»ii. U: iMtm-auu. ao-A<br />

*»piors(hadwrperlhlttg»<strong>of</strong> Ood, will<br />

ba dias-ppotslad. Ma<br />

k>y lbs maratara aod<br />

tone (Mod <strong>of</strong> tta wrtttat», bat to *s<br />

piors tta daspast eaaa&loeT UMts<br />

bsaaaUttada) <strong>of</strong> salad<br />

•too <strong>of</strong> UM will IBAl la aoaaprtt<br />

tn UM uperwoos 'taJUi tn<br />

UuM'wt<br />

vui)m- rnrm • v> • a. a<br />

Mo oS.<br />

ruuc uiciwi UWIBIII iaVA<br />


•OT WC8LCV AVC.<br />


ni luHt-a.<br />


809 Central Avenue<br />

acan cm. m. x.<br />

ttaUU)<br />

T)R. G. F. STARR<br />

Dentist<br />

Cor. Kljtilb K*. maa WoUo An.<br />

Hour*:<br />

BJ0-I1E<br />

toot) Pbtnucf<br />

J. Tbornlry Kafbaa, P. D.<br />

OcamaCttr.N.J.<br />

LAKE<br />

Undertaker and Embalmer<br />

OCBAB crrr.»-J-<br />

•Joaar<strong>of</strong> Or tea<br />

Aabury Avenue<br />

CITV. IV. J.<br />

Waaay to Laaa aa I<br />

OVER 100 PEOPLE<br />

Joined our CHRISTMAS CLUB during the first<br />

three days. Are you enrolled? If not. why not<br />

do it now and have a snug sum handed you in<br />

December when the demands on the individual<br />

purse are greatest «• «* •* ** **<br />

First National Bank<br />

OCEAN CITY. N. J.<br />

Good<br />

Judgment<br />

fa shown by atfcctfng<br />

the Occ*n Qty Tttk<br />

and Trust Company as<br />

the depository rar four<br />

funds.<br />

At all times it is alert<br />

to the interests <strong>of</strong> its de-<br />

positors and clients,<br />

whom It desires to stra<br />

wtih efficiency and<br />

PfQt H tCat Taa* AM-<br />

Checking Accounts<br />

are invited.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Cfty Title<br />

and Trust Co.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N- J-<br />

Otls M. Towns«nd<br />

A PncMcal Haajhciri AaehlUct<br />

Ucaoaid by taa Btata. -v -><br />

KIOHTH •T1WCT. OPP. P. O.<br />

OCCAM CITV M. *.<br />



BcUgiocs Wfactrra <strong>of</strong> Secret<br />

Order Rxplalaed try Pre»-<br />

by-Urtaa Ctutrcb Pastor.<br />

Io Ib* rust M. K. Okstva Baoday<br />

Ov. Hatoa*. wbosa pastoral<br />

doittw bars will probably soon oosas to<br />

a eioaa, d*nrersd aa<br />

dtoooon*.<br />

MM test was atwotad fwca Ib* pro-<br />

phecy <strong>of</strong> Iaftteb, UM fifty Uittd ebap-<br />

tar, aad tto ftftb vanai "Toe enaatkw<br />

<strong>of</strong> oar peace waa oaoo MUa. and<br />

wtta HI* arrtpsa wausawaled. 1<br />

AaCartaUaaswbso WSBBMI to I be<br />

atody <strong>of</strong> tbe Book <strong>of</strong> Ood." said Or<br />

wa Bioat expect to Bod soeae<br />

ctroeg. tf not atnilinw, atiteMann to<br />

Krao iba Cbrtattan auaieoakato<br />

ciaar »U*oo. ao ba amy aaa aad U*a Iba<br />

laarhlnja, ta erdtr IbAt bo OJAJ ba<br />

*bU Ho (aacb olbara.'<br />

Hara aa Ibraa woraU taat eany<br />

«ttb Ibrtn Iba ota>oat borror. ootll w*<br />

lawn tha* Ibay OAV* 0**a m»M*tml;<br />

aodtbayoaad oar eanfal c-«kl«»-<br />

Uoo: Taay ara Hln. Oaatb. Mail<br />

"A payiJrtao U aim tm to aaiaJIpoi,<br />

dipatbana. aearlet frrar and olbar<br />

l ijlmm. bat ba I* cot<br />

aJnJd.borrtfiad. bwnna ba can cuia<br />

(bam. A elvU rojrlaarr looka at a trt*t<br />

bot U not ternoad, oor la<br />

pair, brcaaw ba caa opa*>uplb»<br />

I <strong>of</strong> a (TWiJ ri'rr (bM mo* op aod p«n <strong>of</strong> Ibe<br />

Ladl** 1 AasUlary will give their<br />

aoooal larkey dlaorr<br />

Dinatt will be etrvr<br />

day araolAg. wbaa ooa yooas woaaao<br />

look a pabllc staod lot Jaso* CarM<br />

baton Iba laigsst gisgiHiai <strong>of</strong> tba<br />

oeatlnxs tho* fa- Tba work <strong>of</strong> poa-<br />

4UO I* baruu aad iba a^latKtr ax-<br />

pact* maoy mora to ooaaa oui daring<br />

IbU waek.<br />

Tba rorlrai aarmoas by Iba Raw.<br />

Uro. K Much bara baaa rsry wail ra-<br />

«l»«d. Tbay ara loatroeUra aod<br />

Mntght from iba •boaldaT, -Ob ta-<br />

cmaJag pow*r •* tha otghta paaa.<br />

Having for hi* gaosral ll»aan -Kail<br />

Uf* far Modtra ntaa aod Wocaao." b*<br />

•poka 00 Mooday <strong>of</strong> last watk 00<br />

•Half LJtlur." ao.Tonday, "I Wain I.<br />

Ounalrs*;" 00 TbarMlay, •*.'4saklA(<br />

ru.'J LUai'^oo Kitday. "Wbal •> KoU<br />

LU*?" Tbl* ws*Irt>S-<br />

d*y. -(tdtlac Full<br />

"Kuowlog You Hara II:" 00 Wad-<br />

day. ••Karplog Ii;" 00 Tbanday,<br />

-Uatrtoplog It;" 00 Friday, "Uateg<br />

II." aad 00 Haoday arwalos. '-ChrM<br />

All aad la AIL"<br />

Oaa <strong>of</strong> lha pintlnz (aataraa <strong>of</strong> tba<br />

•crvicca I* tha am <strong>of</strong> Iba "BlUy Boa-<br />

day" bymo book* to Iba eoogtwa League bu moved<br />

la lha matirr by wrili<strong>of</strong>r a letter 10<br />

Uopmntrtuirtit UeartCB F. Pater, <strong>of</strong><br />

hacotapaoy.<br />

Io hi* kurr lo Mr. Fab*r, Bacrctary<br />

Jobo B. Adsma referred to tboao com-<br />

plalal* aad *tat«d that a nSoUoa was<br />

by lb« Irague rrquaatlog Iba<br />

ry to corropoud with Mr.<br />

fabrr aod arse him to give ibe matter<br />

hi* Immcdtala atleolloo.<br />

Mr. A^ITI* baa received lbs follow-<br />

tog- latter frooi Huperioteodeat Kabcr :<br />

TbaVoans; Mao'* Pr.grcMlve League<br />

<strong>of</strong> Orcao CUy.<br />

OaiillaiiiMi :— Ackoowladglog your<br />

r. Just reoaivad. I ooia what yoa<br />

say ragatdioaTlbacomptatat you havr<br />

to regJatrr rdaUve lo tl»a InsurBolent<br />

<strong>of</strong> oor Ocaan Ctly DlvUloo<br />

I aa very glad you have referred<br />

the matter to mo 4be way you have,<br />

aod 1 woald say. Ibr your l<strong>of</strong>ormailou.<br />

e have bad seveo <strong>of</strong> our car><br />

especially weather dripped lo lake<br />

care <strong>of</strong> thla »tlualuju. Toeaa car* »re<br />

supposed to ba lo serves whaoaver Iba<br />

weatoar la cold, and I can sown yoa<br />

hat It It »py ff"'y ^t-'~<br />

a* (taa from draught and a* eomfort-<br />

If al aay UBM IQ Ibe future you<br />

oodee a ear (bat la uncomfortably<br />

ooJd. I woold ba glad If you would<br />

u *Uti iba oumbar <strong>of</strong> ibe<br />

earn*, (be dAU. etc, (o order (bat I<br />

j oaaka • eateful InvaaUsaUoo <strong>of</strong><br />

taa eaaaa taara<strong>of</strong>.<br />

roly youn,<br />


Ueoeral Huperlateodaal<br />

A ft per ceol. Hcbool Bood—Good la-<br />

• aallaniil liilmnt Jaaoary aod Jply.<br />

W. Mcorr HARD. <strong>Ocean</strong> CUy, N. J.<br />

ad*. 8-18 a<br />

LOTS.—Third lot above<br />

Haaaodatnat. east sids <strong>of</strong> Uaolral.«62a.<br />

Voartb lot above Tblrd atnet, east<br />

<strong>of</strong> Aabory, a«a. <strong>On</strong>ly tlOO eaaa<br />

a Bind 00 eiibar. OTU M. TDWH-<br />

0», BttUdwA adv. 1 Ii, 71<br />



Club's Committee Talk Over<br />

Probable Sites, bat no Def-<br />

inite Action Takes.<br />

A meeting <strong>of</strong> a committee00 pier Cor<br />

the <strong>Ocean</strong> Ctty Fbhlcg Clab was bald<br />

ben Friday. Joetpb O. Champloo<br />

pmlded aad (.'harle* T. Magtanl* waa<br />

secretary.<br />

Tba other* pnaeot were William K.<br />

Maney, Dr. K~ OVeatoo aad Claytoo<br />

Haloes Bnck.<br />

Two other members <strong>of</strong> loeoomailt-<br />

tce an Kr»oa U. mow art aod Walter<br />

baadler, but tbry were uaable lo be<br />

a eUeodaace at the meeting.<br />

Varloo* locslloos for tba proposed<br />

tlibiag pier oa the occaa froat wen<br />

dUcunrd. but ao deflollee&loo wa*<br />

akeo<br />

The memben <strong>of</strong> the club, who lo-<br />

clude maay promlaeat PhUadslpbla<br />

busloeo* and pro(e**loaal men, are<br />

much laierrsted 10 Ibe plan* lo obtalo<br />

pier before Ibe brgtaolag f oext<br />

ftuuiiuer, and nw <strong>of</strong> Ibe local real<br />

e*lale opcr*4or*. wbo are Identified<br />

lib Iba or(t»D»*Jloo, are (lvlug Ibelr<br />

Mt alTon* to puab the project.<br />

-PaoHiammalta. aaualaiy. Hal atnT<br />

out oolloe* <strong>of</strong> a *pedal maelins <strong>of</strong> tba<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Ktshlug Club to ba bald lo<br />

the "Ited lloom" <strong>of</strong> Iba Motel BUleo-<br />

uae, Tweuly-aacood aad Cbestnat<br />

etntu, Philadelphia, 00 Mooday,<br />

March I, at H o'clock p. m.<br />

Tola meeting U called by order <strong>of</strong><br />

Ibe presided, Cb archil I Haogarford.<br />

lo receive (be Ooal report <strong>of</strong> tba paw<br />

mlllee aod lo (aka deflalle aedoo<br />

upoo (he localioo aod Y^^ivlnirtVMi <strong>of</strong><br />

Ibe tUhlug pier.<br />

A aoOO Oold Bood (Bladlte L*Xbt<br />

Company)—*? per cant, tntaraal Jnrw<br />

and December. Qood Illiastimiil<br />

W. HOOTT HABD, Ooaaa CM/. V J.<br />

«d». Ml. *.<br />

Sou Btsrt.—7JB Aeaary «v«noa. tu*<br />

alabed or oafarolabad bytaa fema.<br />

7 morns aad batb. WUl raat obaaa<br />

(Drlhawtoiermoatba. Aaptjr Vr*. VV.<br />

Adams, TO Aabary avaaaa, .<br />

adv. 11-19, tt<br />


TO HEAR DR.<br />



Barwaltnn. V«roa WUaoo.<br />

Vocal Bolo, Or. Uasaaa.<br />

KaralHlori. H. H. Laka.<br />

Vocal Trio, Mwaaa Haloes, AOABU<br />

loatnuoaoUl Ooat. Mlaaa* V. Hsad-<br />

5 aod Adams.<br />

Vocal Ooat. Or. HagtMa aod Mhw<br />

Vocal Hoio. HArry Boas.<br />

Baadlas. B. W. Edward*.<br />

Mr. aod Mn. B. C. OufOrtd aotar-<br />

a (*w fdaods last Tbanday<br />

Toara waa axoaUaot vocal aod<br />

aaUaataotaJ maoio. U<br />

Toe oMcabsa<strong>of</strong> the Uoloo Cbapal al<br />

Fifty-fifth Mm* gsvaaaodaJoo Ho-<br />

oalo*e BUtbday aad bad a very onjoy-<br />

abU tboa. Tbaevanlog waaapeol lo<br />

atngtac rsctlattoo* aad saoaea for Ibe<br />

chiidno, Tbera also was a march for<br />

both yooocaod "old" children, tad by<br />

Mrs. O. A. Delarbt*. In all. then<br />

was aa attaadaaoe <strong>of</strong> thirty-toor. Ke-<br />

fnab menu were served.<br />



•C Cheater and His<br />

80ns to Solid XVwellltigs la<br />

Up-town Section.<br />

J. M. Cheater, real estate operator,<br />

aod bis sos* are about to build Ihree<br />

cottages In the ap-lowo sectloa <strong>of</strong> Ibis<br />

Mr. Chester will erect a dwelling on<br />

Iba sooth ekta <strong>of</strong> Second street. It la<br />

1 coat about (2600.<br />

Arthur B. Chestrr will bolld a 13000<br />

oouas* 00 the north aid* <strong>of</strong> OeLaaeey<br />

plaea. aod Balpb I» Cbestcr will tnd<br />

dwelling on lbs north side <strong>of</strong> Pennlyo<br />

plaee costing SSSOu.<br />

John Malta bA« taken out Ibe per-<br />

mits Cor these balidlaga.<br />

jst* y. a*o«»ara a> vuli<strong>of</strong>.<br />

John 1. Power*, a former aapertn<br />

tendea( <strong>of</strong> Ibe local gas work*, wa* In<br />

town Monday. He la now located at<br />

Ijambertvtlle, aod has charas <strong>of</strong> toe<br />

ight* In all (own* la (hat section <strong>of</strong><br />

ba BtAl*. Ha U employed by the<br />

New Jersey Northern Oaa Company.<br />

Mr. Power*' many friends ben were<br />

glad lo asa him.<br />

KOKBAUC— Motor boat "Delia" In<br />

rood shape; auto top; full equipment;<br />

eogtb over all about 38 feet; beam<br />

»t 7 Cast. Price St&O. Baaaooefor<br />

•etllag. new boat. Apply David H.<br />

Heoderaoo. 806 Marker Wl. Camdeo,<br />

N. J. Boat at DetscbeS's boat boose.<br />

Koortb street aod Her ay<br />

CHJ.N.J. adv. ia-17, tf<br />

Hamllum, Kljnn wstebea tl per<br />

wek. L. M. Netaoo, railroad frwdmr,<br />

BU Broadway, Camdeo. N. J-, anal<br />

b k If yoa mlaa 10m<br />

adv. tf.<br />

bare ooce a<br />

aaodapoatai. week.<br />

Able Bxpodtiain.hat-\<br />

Pastor <strong>of</strong> Uw<br />

ban <strong>of</strong> Oeama<br />

•ad A. M<br />

avsolas,<br />

body and oomprlac eaata foS*<br />

tbmm lo Ito matn insMBltoxB, ~,>.<br />

II was UM iafaMi ~ ~<br />

orginrMllaa iriMlHaaVa<br />

)<br />

tba possible axetpttaa ot.tSwi<br />

•oca <strong>of</strong> yaebt dob<br />

aaoasj ralbjtoa* acrvloalo la* I<br />

-•I^ii rrmniat saainn "<br />

Tba chorch was efowawS Mk^<br />

frteods <strong>of</strong> tba Maaoea m* tkw •*»*•<br />

aarrkw waa isoat dwUawtral It<br />

Tba pastor <strong>of</strong> tba<br />

very toatrocUra<br />

to Iba BomjoB. Uat<br />

rtedonttotbaaTart aoJiyanBlaf<br />

lanraaadiaooa. . ' '<br />

An abstract <strong>of</strong> tba Bar. Mt.<br />

acrmoo, from Riodaa ltjaS, Wi<br />

tas»oy»byth»eerrk»r"B3Uew«.,<br />

p<br />

forth both wtlboot aod wftaaj «a«<br />

lodga to tba aodaavorto«<br />

azplAia(ba ralsx<br />

soory. Soana diktat that ts« 1<br />

<strong>of</strong> Masonry are aJiotetbari<br />

<strong>of</strong> rtligloo aod aa tootoUra tai<br />

Other, sapport Ibe opp iM<br />

rrjardins u as lb* Una aad pm aalm<br />

<strong>of</strong> rrMftoo. ,<br />

"A carafal stod/ <strong>of</strong> Maaaory waala<br />

that U« doetrloas an fimo)>x)al<br />

tuat aolema moment wbanIM wWWy,<br />

labernacls I* Uln ta tIH> dost aw4 tto<br />

•prl8 <strong>of</strong> aret-lA marks Ito taat I '<br />

place <strong>of</strong> tbo beloved dead. Ho«<br />

power la aqaal lo the leak <strong>of</strong> I<br />

ibe dead alive. Oolytbeoaara<br />

Uod eu raise UM laanlsaatod<br />

vpoo ipm<br />

oosTopiible haMUnHWiff <strong>of</strong><br />

Ills."<br />

Mi<br />

tA> •••• AUauai»a«M»- M<br />

•ca» ••«*> »waj S<br />

m a»aw;B TtteweW<br />

•<br />


This vveek fe-your~taBt~chance To~b»iy a<br />

$15X10 t» $2000 Overcoat for - -:/-:<br />

29 Famous Michael Stem Ootbes. at,<br />


M - - . .. , . .. •^.i^i-ijmW<br />

•19 'ftmm* tvwttotm • y . • «^Dj|a^|<br />

.NCI<br />

.- .. •> r ,• -M a»<br />




TUBS FfflB flOOSB<br />

MpulH ataaa *FT *w .*WS*WB<br />

af • eottaes Ibr It !•*»** al ThtrteaatB<br />

m Mima Cbtoara. focal*<br />

ley<br />

wa*y m ax ibtAtneto<br />

OaUMtlttnl Ooarlaty will bare oo* I rfcflaaelpfeax. arm ba* raalarl an apart-<br />

•P- «* »K»--«---^--rl.rir^<br />

WUA.r.Unif.d<br />

aa4 raporta that a aoa>-<br />

" wuila<br />

op wtlhla a few day*. Tneootlooe:<br />

qaartars, tor antes taty did oat bar* I watts Is Is part at feUowa:<br />

fooam oo lae taBooa* Aa' tbao ba wllltolf Ibafo<br />

• riiauy. loonB>bisfaUB.lcnaMBtn(u»»..ii.—.»<br />

Oas. Ba ba* povarfal bactm la tto<br />

**Tobe*fltaa*«aaaaebeol<br />

Sga==s»r A pflSs=:<br />

_ . _<br />

•o a* to adapt (ba<br />

lo ItoeaodJctaaaf tbatndl-<br />

iMaal papa Krary toy ana ctd to<br />

—— b*(l) actoi * m BADGOODOUU<br />

t j eoaat axooicl<br />

txttt twilihaaiia. i«ute»or<br />

ptfctl dk<br />

WfD scbool<br />

or even expert la __<br />

<strong>of</strong> f^**ir. oot ooly star Iba<br />

twilihaaiia. i«ute»o<br />

ottor atorm ptvfctloo daik— wttboot<br />

ftt^^ tto appi f<br />

= 3K III<br />

atorm ptvfctloo daik— wttb<br />

ftt^^ tto approvai <strong>of</strong> tba Buu H<br />

torCbaaattanoo Wni _ -- -«•— "•••'I ^<br />

AMT mui<br />

Joseph Q. Champion<br />


ocm on, a. j.<br />

Ralph Hayes VanGilder<br />



T«uk linn and Wra AW>L«<br />

0TISM.T0W1SKID<br />


<strong>On</strong>ra 8th St. Opptxltc p. o.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Sentinel<br />

PCBBLAKV is, ma.<br />

Waafaail togladtonnt** ttaouo/<br />

nra f**^ fTftfHTnTf^at 1 ^"* o# iniacaat<br />

thai oraaanotty aad oar moan<br />

ItoirtSijBffitttott<br />

pnctrri witfewft cfcttp<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly gaivaaixnl naJlt oaol on<br />

atoior work<br />

# 4aO<br />

wtth UM ftili nun tad<br />

lb* wrtur. DO* oecmmiitf<br />

nM <strong>of</strong> lb* wrtur. D<br />

forpabUaOioo.bat ui<br />

B-4 - U-BILD-KUM-C-US 41<br />



TOO 8H00L0 HAVE<br />

A Reliable Builder<br />

To erect your <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> cottajje. You cannot spare the time<br />

to look ailcT it closely yoonclf aod canst depend open the<br />

honesty at the contractor.<br />

I have boUt for a Urgx number <strong>of</strong> people aod ccrald rrfcT yoa to<br />

any or all <strong>of</strong> Ujcm.<br />

Send for the lilt <strong>of</strong> name* and photograph* oi the booses.<br />


oma .,aBUILDER<br />

Octu <strong>City</strong> Hotsa BMg. Co.<br />

Jobbing and alteration work given<br />

oar personal attention.<br />

Window and Door Frames and<br />

Screens made to order.<br />


Bail Pbaoe jt-X.<br />

DOTS.<br />

Dm you CH many vakaUoaa T<br />

Mot* oolUC** ar» about lotoboUl<br />

Cottacca an balos noted to* tba<br />


nCi: KlLMTM *va>* OCatA<br />

C.T» aTS<br />

George W. Harris<br />

Contractor. Builder<br />

and Jobbing<br />

TJ Q OOmSOy Soanhoro Cottaffon a Spoclalty<br />

Hotolo and Bungalowo<br />

Contractor and Builder.<br />

Fl<br />

o Cottaaoo a Spoc<br />

Hotolo and Bungaiowa<br />

KTajthin« la Lb* Hulldl<br />

»wynat m* evuu "riiiqir, Kverything In tbe Hulldlug Llu«<br />

[ Plata aad Spon£cations Famished. ^.rimat>m Cheerfully Given.<br />

BQllDKKC E—«K> Asbory Avcno* OFFICE—744 Weal Av*n<br />

[OCEAN CITY.<br />

B-l- I.I<br />

Eleventh Street and Bay Avenue<br />

OCEAN CITY. N J.<br />

Offlc«: Tbirty-fejurth Strut<br />

ami hDtfer *** f^L<br />

Q£0. 0. ADAMS * B&0.<br />


U1CX LATHS. tt£_. EIC.<br />

AO Work ta JUaoa Ua* Proesptry<br />

Attasaad To,<br />


»•— s* axmtrna. oot<br />

payavoai tiaiatag *o ba oatatoad tret<br />

aaaanvalty Car Iba aaaoauooal valae la mwsoo iniiieatt fittti m i i<br />

toetsd by tfargeast Baldwin, <strong>of</strong> to*<br />

PttKedatetesArray, the natnbrr. or, « ^ ^ * •« **•»«»•<br />

ivvn— ta. Tab* laftator-c'tbi.! 1 ^"* ***Ocaao <strong>City</strong> Yaebi clob aod<br />

^_ ".. *e> well koowo aa quart raslJiot ber*.<br />

'died <strong>of</strong> apopleay at bia<br />

boat* Bundsy. He wae flfty savao<br />

yaw* old aad a baebrior. Mr. Ljl*<br />

was a brother In I* w <strong>of</strong> Wuibun K.<br />

gb ibe H,H.<br />

CitUWtri<br />

ta <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

I<strong>of</strong> atblatlD irWnhig aod every i<br />

wbytbtranoaMbetnclaaad<br />

van<br />

_^ , • ,—ruiv 1<br />

tarred . aa ana -gad by Dr. Taylor.<br />

Tbera at to* gnat actively aaauu*;<br />

|Ibe ineaiMtt <strong>of</strong> tbecoatpeny (trapsr*-<br />

taamaaiftara<strong>of</strong> ttocoaapany ptapaja- n<br />

^ to „„ teapaeUoo tot<strong>of</strong>irao Him SS.<br />

t,,,, „, Um ru«*d Hula Anay "»<br />

IMAM W• «»^ ••" •<br />

1 w» vy ua Dal .. _.- amj<br />

<strong>of</strong>fleen oo Mareb 6. Tbis lospatftoo I A «*rr ffg fj-<br />

was to ba** ban bald Ktbroary as. j<br />

A * "* •"•-*•<br />

IbatBwaafoaod ' lo chant*<br />

Allen Scull<br />

THE<br />


flUCTlCAlHOOttPAlNTEl<br />

645 Asbury Avenue,<br />

Mo scbool next Mooday—Waahlag-<br />

loo 'a Birthday.<br />

Tba time for tbe New Jersey Co<strong>of</strong>er-<br />

eoe*> le drawing near.<br />

Another Bondsy and Monday <strong>of</strong> pe-<br />

collar kinds <strong>of</strong> wealbtr.<br />

That bJtxxard prediction didu'l btt It<br />

vary wtll down tbt* way.<br />

Tbera wae a <strong>On</strong>e larnoul <strong>of</strong> ,xdar Ibe Koardwxlk.<br />

A brooch was aiao picked up a lew<br />

Presentation ojrto<br />

Camp, Mo. 75, P. O. 8. <strong>of</strong> A-<br />

Hext BOUAMLJ Hl*ht.<br />

Ktrl Boaday araslag. Wa»hloiloo<br />

Ouop, No 19. Parrtollo <strong>On</strong>Ut Hooa ol<br />

,»twarte«. will attaod dlrloa aartloa la<br />

Ito Rnt PraabytnUa CThnrtb la a<br />

body, wtoo Ito ortrf «UI peaaaol Ito<br />

charch wtth ao AoMTtoaa tLmg.<br />

Aa ttttmni* prosnm b*» toaa ar-<br />

ranfad lor Iba nneaalnn. oornlatlag <strong>of</strong><br />

coo«toal gaatwn by Ito choir <strong>of</strong> Ito<br />

Vint Cnurch, a aarnauu by Ito paator,<br />

Iba Hrr. Chaxiaa U. Bohnar. M. A..<br />

aod addnaaaa hy J. W.Tbantaa.ot<br />

ItoloealeaxDpuuidTboaiaa J. Prlcknt.<br />

Blaia Pnatdaal <strong>of</strong> Ito orxanUklloa.<br />

Tola will to Ito drat aarvlea <strong>of</strong> Ito<br />


ito<br />

dlvouraa by Dr.<br />

bint M. K. Cbarcb<br />

Tbe ooalrtxt bxs beva awarded for<br />

tbe bulldloi <strong>of</strong> Ibe fleet or ooe-dcxlrn<br />

boats for cn*mb«r» <strong>of</strong> Ibe (Vtto Ctty<br />

Yacht Club.<br />

rVtparalkmaaie beiox made to re<br />

paint Ibe WM Jiracy A rieasbort<br />

Cocspany'a Hljthlb »lrv*« drpot wltb-<br />

lo a abort<br />

kind to ba bald In a ehoreb lo Ocran<br />

[ctty, and a hoc Id prove <strong>of</strong> Ibe almost<br />

jlnuratt not ooly to tba D M bars aod<br />

frtroda <strong>of</strong> Ibe P. O. H. <strong>of</strong> A., aod <strong>of</strong> Ibe<br />

Flrat PrrsbyUrlsn Cborth, bat lo all<br />

palrtotlo etttx«tt <strong>of</strong> Ibe ooeamaally.<br />

Tbe BtetBbers <strong>of</strong> Ibe ordrr beloogiac la<br />

oat <strong>of</strong>-town camp* are (lv*n a special<br />

tnvUalloo to attexkd.<br />

The srrvto* wUI befln al 7 d o'clock,<br />

when Ibe followloc proarata will be<br />

carried out:<br />

Organ praJode, ' Mebtrxo Hympbo<br />

Dkjoe." Fryalaf**.<br />

Doxol<strong>of</strong>y.<br />

IDVOC*41OO. closlos wltb tbe Lord'.<br />

Prayer chanted.<br />

RrspoaUva Reading.<br />

Doet/'Haiat Hsrsl My Houll" Wax-<br />

3TUS, Miss Lou Us T. C'orsoo and Or.<br />

i. TbomUy Hugbes.<br />

Pnytr. Pastor.<br />

Hymn.<br />

O(|in Olfrrtory, "Panaee Prlola-<br />

olere," Drlbler.<br />

HopranoHolo,"O.Dlvla* Rederawr!"<br />

[Uouaod. Utm- Loalsa T. Corsoo.<br />

Htrmoo. ••Klilog Ibe FUg." Pmator.<br />

Anlb«to, "Jesus Soall [Ulgn<br />

Wbcrv/rr lb* rlao." Hcbaeckar.<br />



[Capt. B. U. Booy<br />

HIa Pine Sea Voyage to<br />

Baa Prandaco.<br />

Capt. K. B Hooy. <strong>of</strong> Pbllaaelphla.<br />

well knowo la Ootan titty a* ooe <strong>of</strong><br />

lu piooerr mamma naedaola, I* now<br />

la CsJJbroU after bavtnff taken Iba<br />

tripoo tbeCireat Nortbtm fraea Ptai-<br />

adelpbla lo tUn Francisco via Iba<br />

Panama CxnaL Ha raaebed Han<br />

DM(o oa Feoraary ia<br />

In a letter to h*> aoo, Ueorf* W.<br />

Booy, <strong>of</strong> Ihla clly, Capt. ttouy d*><br />

ecrlbee lb* dsilgtilfol vnyact.<br />

Refnrlog lo lb* trip Ibrosgb Iba<br />

canal, Cap4. Booy wrtlaa:<br />

'A fur a loot ou<strong>of</strong>trtoce, lo wblob<br />

lb* Captain bad to pro**, or eodearor<br />

to prove, that Iba Oraat Northern did<br />

)i ss yet btlooar lo any railroad<br />

Sxpert* from AtUstlc Ctty<br />

Befiwe<br />

Orer tbe Qroasd<br />

otfc la Stertcd.<br />

Hpaooar U. Bmom, pfayateaj m-<br />

atrortor la Iba AllaaUe <strong>City</strong> pobtM<br />

lachooi*, aod Wtaa at- 1 -* •"*•"--—<br />

hleaa«*ataal.««rala bnra ,.<br />

,^^ ww»ttk«oo»wilb»ae*ool _ _ _<br />

bin by Praaatot Harrty V. La**,, <strong>of</strong><br />

tto Board <strong>of</strong> Ktfrwalfcm. aod PiuNaam<br />

[J. M. Htawta, aqprrtetaoorot * <strong>of</strong><br />

Tbty wtra took Ing orar tba snood<br />

praUoOaajy to aUrtln* loatrnetloa la<br />

phyataal' eotlora.<br />

Tba Iboogbt la to bar* Mlaa Boekai-<br />

oaaaa. wbo la • ataatot to pbyateaJ<br />

cottara at Taapa) UoUaga, to «lra lo-<br />

atroetlaoa bara ooa* a waak.<br />

II la tba plaa to atavt Iba work aa<br />

00 aa nafLI I aa kMxpaoalta<br />

CITY. M. J.<br />

tia*B» local people da wx appnxa ol<br />

Ito Board <strong>of</strong> EdiuMUia luwrlog Iba<br />

laacban aod JuiUor* ol Iba •cbcoJj<br />

WtllUm H. Caca^ball Wcoovlag bin<br />

US f T<br />

Aiso. JO^LO T. L««l»* Land aod U1J I'oo-<br />

UJLAUX lo HtorIL<br />

fill *:hi<br />

3§VB.<br />

u<br />

w«N J. C.<br />

Swan and Trout<br />

iff! ° s<br />

aBT'ia «* a.**,' tba<br />

tt«r. wbo doaad lb.<br />

to u>a -~»~inn m<br />

A Customer Said to Us:<br />

Carpenters<br />

BiotM Tlrem aad lup^la. tu.-j <strong>of</strong> tba aoxU-<br />

HooaiJ<br />


, ,.,IJC<br />

POfUC<br />

Chop* l6c lb.<br />

ROSA. ijr tb.<br />

Bhi—M— 15c In.<br />

• ijclb.<br />

VEAL<br />

H AVE you a cottage, bungalow or apart-<br />

ment to furnish? We hnv* n '•»"- '•*<br />

? We have a<br />

than Ph «elphia prices.<br />

^ 1 1 and L<br />

will<br />

UrL<br />

-~~- UergnrsU wUI<br />

ba Mr*. Otto Brlebly. Miss Beryl<br />

•»-•—' CJ0*u*l,j*l*tO*u«l. F^cy chickens.<br />

I^Cbf 7 ' • W * UtaD< TO oeexa. a. J.<br />

•lu SWOSJX sis-w<br />

IRA E. WALL<br />

725 Central Ave.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> New Jersey<br />

Plain and Ostorstire<br />

Paperhaneer<br />

Vlnalaad CUy;<br />

M&y<br />

3 Lsrssdaaa<strong>of</strong> Com . . .<br />

S tmrge Can* <strong>of</strong> I*a*.. . .<br />

jTv<strong>On</strong>bieza<strong>of</strong> Pure Jelly 15c<br />

> Lam Csn <strong>of</strong> Mneapple . . . . IJC<br />

iBotUa<strong>of</strong> tbe finest Cstmop. . . »jc<br />

Fancy Backwbrst, fine, toy U, lorpfcj^. _<br />

Sc<br />

*^>»atot». . .<br />

6aon.TonetP.pir. ".<br />

JallyBcana<br />

Fancy Cbooolata Drop,<br />

Coopomxl .<br />

» Iba. Prune.<br />

SUTTON & CctSON CO.<br />

General Contractors<br />

Ci-ading and Stncct Baiiding<br />


CUy ' New Jersey<br />

A Pout Card will bring oar ser-<br />

vice to you.<br />

GOOD<br />


— inn Decoratino<br />


'eUCKSMITH and WHEHWRlfiHT<br />

Practical Hiusesiueiog<br />


Otm tat (Jjtixf Torjj 1 Bsexliftj<br />

Agtnt for Btewart'* Iron Work* Co<br />

Plain aod Ornamental Iroo face*.<br />

Irou Kailluga and Window Uuard*.<br />

-Sawalfe-Straird-<br />

psBsoNAxs.<br />

H. K. Yuunir. at Atlaoltc Clly. Oil aod acapiy<br />

r«eli Iocs alUaJaa waaflnaao eitaolaa-<br />

• A Illlla difficulty waa aiparltooad<br />

lo paaaiog ib* alKlaa at Goal Hill aod<br />

Cocancba 00 Ito raa» bank, wbara all<br />

dradgrra wara at work laklxtg oot Ito<br />

nrtb tbmt bad «nd into Ibaefeaao*!<br />

»ad rtdooed U* width froca BOO to U<br />

Cccial Ibat poJnt.<br />

"KoradMaoea<strong>of</strong> ooa mUalbaOraai<br />

Nortturo bad to to towad by powarful<br />

c*cal laodan to onlar Ibal tor pro-<br />

pal Ion might Dotcaoaaaayo»cillailoo<br />

loa tonka aad lambto avora aoll<br />

iba caaal. Tb# apaad oulotalnad<br />



VoaUi* Jtncousmgt6 to be<br />

loyai, CfeAo, Kind, TbrlPy,<br />

Fare and Honorable.<br />

Tba Bay Btfootv <strong>of</strong> Ibis city ara In-<br />

trrrstlo* ibdr parrot* and lb* parrolt<br />

!<strong>of</strong> CM bar yootba btra. and tbe local<br />

|VOM> cooitoor* lo grow lu fsvur.<br />

* 'tftSUd&g Ibe atuxtoeul, IIM lul-<br />

low Ing la utBtly:<br />

a a call forlbesooul move-<br />

sum Ibe boya lo our modiro<br />

ctpsctally lo oarcllteaand<br />

vUtafv*. do not bave I be cbano*. a*<br />

did Ibe boya <strong>of</strong> I he psat.moa* <strong>of</strong> wboio<br />

grrw ap In |bt country, lo broom*<br />

etroog-. etir-rtltaot. raaoartefal and<br />

bdpfol, aad lo g*« acquainted wltb<br />

natara andoqtduor lifr.wUnoul apeusj<br />

> Mi, P .- A 4<br />

Jone»' Aten'8<br />


Oar Specialty<br />

:<br />

$2.00 to $4.00<br />

IT Saappy things for ftyltth dxtsaer*. *J If It la op to th» JOCK*<br />

ndard yoq-may depend npoo it.<br />

OUR MOTTO: " Qoallty "—" Sqmn> Doll<br />

aod<br />

MOVBD exa<br />

gigldaooe aod irslulug Ibtrtfora,<br />

(bit motramt brlog* lue boy* lo-<br />

Catbar Lo petrol* and Iroopa, and •**•*<br />

toeatllrataln InetD oouragr, loyally,<br />

patrtotlacn, tsllowablp, aelf-conlrol,<br />

eoartary, klodnesa lo animals, ustful-<br />

neat, cnaarfolnesa, cletnlloee*. Ihrtn.<br />

AAa;r|Portlj/ aod booor. It btHeres ibxt.<br />

''lib aoeb training, Amtrlcxa boys<br />

111. a* EO*O, be lesdtn lo<br />

boy<br />

rnlxad<br />

In*<br />

aooal<br />

aaa<br />

ub<br />

Mr. Laka waa tba Oral aorrayot<br />

aod laV) oat tto ranrt. Ha baa<br />

la tto city Iblrty-dra yaan. malm<br />

[torafroai AlbvnlieCoooly. KatoaUll<br />

'l tb to " a a ei*U a<br />

It<br />

good ctltiaoaliiu . . _._.<br />

Ilkn<strong>of</strong> Ibe local council and Ibe pro-<br />

<strong>of</strong> Us actlvlile*. as nlsted lo<br />

[•cooling; la evidence lo Ibeboy wbo<br />

Ikoowa tbe acoot pru^ram, Ibat Ibe<br />

• blm; oot<br />


Mrabrw <strong>of</strong> Ocva-o Clly ISouocll. No.<br />

10. l» <strong>of</strong> A , ar* bually nbcsnlng far<br />

• be *n..w Ibey will g1>e In B«o*Octal<br />

Hall. Main road, ecullvllU. tor Ibe<br />

WoeflI <strong>of</strong> McKlnlry Couocll. No. 60,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mcullvlll*. 00 tbe avsnlog <strong>of</strong> Wsab-<br />

lagtoo'aBlrtbdty, kJcaMoa to wbicb<br />

• 111 be i3usoU.<br />

Ttinte lo ux* pert win go over la<br />

Kilo* pravkted by Frasmio H. Hultj.<br />

U t. WslUc*. A. Q OUbert. William<br />

U OUban. Mark Lax*. Hamusl OUon<br />

and Hjrprjnl B Coovtr.<br />

Tbe peffomorr* and tbecbsJifTrur*<br />

will begtreo *cruc*»o dinners! rtcull<br />

vlll* prior to Ibe alx>w. After tUe cu-<br />

lertalnmrol Ibey will be given a Irnal<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ice crtaxn and caks.<br />

Tbe protxiam will include reading*.<br />

irecltsltons, vocal end Inairumralal<br />

sulo*. qoxrtMs. and dlalogu**, sod log<br />

lib "j4rs. Black's PloX Tea," and<br />

"Madam Paul's Blsek - Uctd Mln-<br />

atrtU," wUb all Ibe Uleat >okrssnd<br />

aoags Tba tlaale will b* Ibe appear-<br />

ancw<strong>of</strong> Ibe tollr* Iroopalnglog: popu-<br />

lar song* wttb words especially *r<br />

rtartd tor lb* occaakui.<br />

In passlog lb* slide* wxe aboat a mile<br />

axi boar, with freqaent atop*.<br />

"Aa w* reached 11» first .<br />

sengm aad cr*w alike) • warmed tbe<br />

u>p dec* and aaOitrad to tb* tr»<br />

heat nf iba eon for more<br />

bour wliU* we cesied Ibroogti<br />

ibe Ibr** lock*, rexpiog 1 bair reward<br />

lu lb* naltulloo Ibat tbey bad seen<br />

In oprralloo tbla wooctorTal saprrman<br />

eogineerlug bat <strong>of</strong> all Urns.<br />

•Wssnlredst Pedro Mlfaai about<br />

|s p m., wbrre a •padal Iraia bad bain<br />

provided to take ^•saarmia over to<br />

Panama CUy to view lb* points <strong>of</strong> In-<br />

maat In tula soclaol towo and lied op<br />

for tbe olgnt.<br />

*-rbe Panama Canal, a« yoa know,<br />

waa Una projected by Ao}«d beavadra<br />

lo 1UQ. aod •** cocnplisted by Col. O.<br />

W UoetbaU In ISM Tbe rxtrrme<br />

Ito lib <strong>of</strong> lbs canal la 60 miles and U*<br />

mlolmumdaptu U4I t«*t. Tbe w Id I b<br />

<strong>of</strong> Inechxnnellbroaicblb*canal vartee<br />

(rumSiUlo 10O feat.<br />

•-Tbrr* *ro three locks on tbe caail,<br />

• be am al itxluo. Ibr** doable sets<br />

Bpwsktog <strong>of</strong> lb* flrtt workers to<br />

Ooeaa <strong>City</strong> mor* tbea Ibraedeoaa**<br />

aca, Mr. Lake say* Ibal <strong>of</strong> Ibtaa etg&t<br />

jot ten SMO, ooly Qva *xt 00w Uiix^g<br />

Tbay ara Mgawtf. bis soo. Coroocr<br />

Mark Lake; Cay Cntum I impair Boot.<br />

¥i*ba. BeoJ H<strong>of</strong>fkin udrkmoU<br />

Oarwood. •<br />

Tba Uat oaoMd btult lb* <strong>On</strong>* Board-<br />

walk bara. Il raa froea Watt aveoo*<br />

lo tb* Foortb atrtat wbarf. Ha aba<br />

worked 00 lb*<br />

OcwxnCUy.<br />

bxrt beta gnat cbaajr** Lo<br />

Iblrty-Ov* years." aaye Mr. L«ks,<br />


Mrm. Jaeua uat Eswulu* SMS<br />



Romnants <strong>of</strong> Drcsa Goods<br />

Romnants <strong>of</strong> Rannals<br />

Remnants <strong>of</strong> Muslin<br />

Romnants <strong>of</strong> Lon&rcJoth<br />

Remnants <strong>of</strong> Lawns<br />

Remnants <strong>of</strong> Ginghams<br />

In fact, romrumta <strong>of</strong> •varyttUna; vary oHaftp. Com*<br />

and took th«m ov«r<br />

SATUttOAV.<br />

S. S. McAllister OCEAN CITY.<br />

N. J.<br />


Mr*.<br />

b« Cast* Fua furt*.<br />

Haory W. Towoaacvd<br />

given a vary pleasant blrtbday *orpriae<br />

party at bar bome Tuesday evading<br />

by Ibe Occaxa Camp Fire Ulrla, or<br />

>blcb oryantitlkvu she Is guardian<br />

Those prestat were Misae* M*b*l<br />

wUb iu afataca lift <strong>of</strong> SZ« tact, tot-<br />

lowrd by Uatuu Lake aad flam.<br />

Tbe next loekearrat PvdroMtgoaJ.<br />

W mllaa from Doloo.wbicb bara ooa<br />

double eat. aad three oulea furl tor on.<br />

io»aid Balooa, ara ito Mlrmilorca<br />

locka, cooaJaUog <strong>of</strong> Iwu dotT£la<br />

Cacb<strong>of</strong> Ibe lock* ba* a length <strong>of</strong><br />

fact aod a width <strong>of</strong> 110 fart.<br />

1000<br />

duo<br />

r.<br />

"Tbe only dltBealJy at peaArraooo t<strong>of</strong>sre<br />

aoy <strong>of</strong> ibe aaod drtfi* back "<br />

Tbera were plenty <strong>of</strong> amoactDwola<br />

for tbe paeatagm. Captala Booy<br />

rile*.<br />

Among the paaeeegtre were Ex-<br />

J. Qllan. <strong>of</strong><br />

Meek, coair-<br />

Uoveroox aad Mn. M.<br />

New Yurk:Norm*a E.<br />

man <strong>of</strong> Ibe New York 81 sis Committee<br />

tolb* Psnams-PadOo Expoatttoo; U.<br />

J. Helux. <strong>of</strong> pickle fame; Ueorx* La-<br />

Mool*. <strong>of</strong> Ibis Btate, and Lymxn<br />

Blddle. <strong>of</strong> Philsdxlpbla.<br />

rtmmbaa, Mrs. Clara OtUett. Beoia-<br />

mlo DeUeO. MbaKtta M. Moorr, Cart<br />

Moorr. Mra. Viola Uarrtaoo. Eliaawy<br />

Oarrteoo. Blnbrtb Uarrteui. Faai<br />

Uarrtaoo. Howard r^eroa, A.Ctaeaami.<br />

Ralph V. Bbaoar aod wUt, Allvard<br />

Llcy aod wtta, Tbdma Liny asd John<br />

Liny.<br />


llttlttcw Bweuk, <strong>of</strong> Ibis dty, a few<br />

days avo-<br />

irs P. Hrss and brtdt. <strong>of</strong> Boutb<br />

Vlntland, bave returned bocn* after a<br />

ftw days' visit lo Mr. Hess' sister.<br />

Mrs. C P. UotT.<br />

Mis* Martba A. Sendcriln eoler-<br />

lalnrd a nombar <strong>of</strong> yooog Irteoda at<br />

brr bome^KM Wesley avenoetttatarday<br />

^^ *•"•• ., rvaaivwac or ut suaaa 1<br />


— Smceatar/»<br />

C. OODPRBY<br />

John Marts Lumber Co<br />

Sixth atrwet and H*v«n Avwnu*<br />

OCEAN CITY. N. J.<br />

«. **-•><br />

*.• • *. H. J.<br />

a, MonttTng*. BulMIng Paper. Plaster Board. Nails. Saab WcUbu<br />

ate * r *' T "*f-T ynmlsaed. Piompl Delivery.<br />

w*r.,tr,j ^Mr«,uc oc«*i, cirr. M...<br />

«»mal«TM CHCJUtTUIXV (UWKN<br />

I Do You<br />

A. I. HIGBEE<br />

V POINT, tw.<br />

—, »»miu<br />

Watches Cleaned by Ex-<br />

pert Repairer<br />

Watches Clean<br />

pert Repairer,<br />

LM.BELSOM •»<br />

SI<br />

Lawyer H Newell Heulloga. <strong>of</strong> tble<br />

dty, rvturned early to Ito week from<br />

a boalneM trip lo New York; CUy.<br />

Wllllacq J. Cbadwlck, wbo ta em-<br />

ployed lo Philadelphia, •petit Ibe<br />

week-eud at hta bome la tble eUy.<br />

Mra. Herbert Piocb bee raturoed to<br />

bar doilee lo tbe <strong>of</strong>llce <strong>of</strong> Joaepb I.<br />

Hcull after ao abMoee <strong>of</strong> three week*.<br />

Cbarlt* IMarolb. <strong>of</strong> PblUdelphla.<br />

apeolH*turd*y afteniooa aad Baaday<br />

al Ibe bome or Cepl. Philip a Haod.<br />

J. M. Bowlead aad wife, <strong>of</strong> Phila-<br />

l<br />


sveolng. Tbe party was «lvea for<br />

Mlaa Marl* Uriacora.<br />

WUllam B. OavU. <strong>of</strong> Moorastowo,<br />

was lo towo Tuesday, brtog hereto<br />

attend Ibeanooal mewing <strong>of</strong> the Hea-<br />

ihore Building and Loan Asaoclatloo.<br />

<strong>of</strong> wbleb be la solicitor.<br />

Mlaa Bulb Morrta, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,<br />

visited her paraata, John B. Morrl*<br />

and wife, and ber alrter. Miss Jeoole.<br />

In this ctty. Banday. dbe U a book-<br />

keeper lo Pblladclpbla.<br />

Mis* Kitty Btswsrd. <strong>of</strong> PblladalpbU.<br />

vltltad ber stater. Miss Emm* How-<br />

ard, <strong>of</strong> tbl* dly, Banday. Mlas tUew-<br />

lard I* aa opermtor la lue Bell Tele-<br />

phone Company'* <strong>of</strong>JIc*)-<br />

Cbariee Pcaraoo. Jr.. and bia slater.<br />

Mis* Klsl* Fvaraoo. <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia.<br />

xptnt an enjoyabl* Baoday at lb*<br />

fv^HT <strong>of</strong> Itwrfr nnrle tn^t a Tint. *** mott<br />

Mm. Jobo J. Uesloe, <strong>of</strong> IbU ctty.<br />

Ctty Treasurer WUllam MoUoach<br />

Jams* Franklin aod Ueorg* v. Uber.<br />

<strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, ware visitors ber*<br />

Hatarday. Mr. Franklin returned,<br />

bome to tbe avenlng, but tb* otbar<br />

Ifotletaeo rtmalowd aoill Baoday<br />

aftemooo.<br />

Tb*<br />

Next Banday wUI ba "Deeisloo Day"<br />

a: Ibe Baptist Banday Behool. Tbl* U<br />

to be a special edurt (or lb* ehlldrao <strong>of</strong><br />

the scbool to dectxta themselves Ibr<br />

Christ and His Chores, "We btilavw,"<br />

say* Mr Much, -thai when lb* child<br />

^wyrn^ to Ibe year* <strong>of</strong> Qodrrstxadtajt It<br />

should be glreo Iba opportaolly to<br />

yield tit life to tb* Bavioar wbo •«ud.<br />

•tuaW tb* Itul* children to cocoa onto<br />

me aud forbid tbetB aot, for <strong>of</strong> ^rwtr ie<br />

Ibe kingdom <strong>of</strong> beeveo.'<br />

••Wo arg* psraots to spwak tolbalT<br />

child ran <strong>of</strong> Ibis mattar aad hxv* Ibata<br />

ready to pobJloly oo<strong>of</strong>aaa lb* Maatrt<br />

Dext Baodsy. Tbe pareol* ar* tapa-<br />

cUllylovltad to Iba aobool wttb tbetr<br />

cbUdceo. A epeolsJ program Is being<br />

prepared which will pro** Inlarestloa;<br />

lo lbs children a* wall aa tba adult*."<br />

For Ihoss cblldreo wbo do decide<br />

for Curlat next Baoday, a »r—*H' da«*<br />

wUI b* formed under lb* dlrecUoo <strong>of</strong><br />

tb* minister (or IntlraeHno la tba<br />

fundameotals <strong>of</strong> Ubrlatlaolty aod tba<br />

Church.<br />


•-. -CM* A.b4Jry ^<br />

dalpbta, were vlatlor* bere Baaday.<br />

Tory own a cottage on Bl Charles<br />

pUcr.<br />

Jarae.taff«rly..w*ll-knowoPblla:<br />

<strong>of</strong> lb* Fim M. E Cboreb. wa.<br />

delpblao. visited bl* ooonn, Cbarlaa '••uadar Uaa weatbar" Batorday and<br />

T. Msglonls. and family, <strong>of</strong> IbUcny, Bandar morclnc. but b* wa* dselinc<br />

Mooday I much tmprovtd In tba eveoln*; Born*-<br />

Uri Bwaok, MI-«U.B.«.«»dll»^«r5»^n ^^ U ^"52SS?«S<br />

•'Jack" Morrleon war* guetU <strong>of</strong> Hka 1 poamlnc.<br />

Balldlag; aod fjoaii A<br />

their aaooal meeting Tuwsday -^<br />

and ia atauaul tb* lbUowia> duaetor*<br />

bos* tsrm* bad expired:<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>. Jtow M. Htaraaa. Ubaa. B.<br />

BUlwell. Dr. Alien Coraoo. V. H<br />

E. A.BtnUao.<br />

term la for three year* aacb-<br />

B. Cartia Hotel oaoo. J. Battaa HU-<br />

dratbaod J. toward Voaa wara re-<br />

auditor*.<br />

Tto director* 1 too mat aad t* aiaotad<br />

tbe same <strong>of</strong>lloart, aaaaeiyi<br />

Presldeot. a H. Bboeaakari vtoa<br />

praaidaot. J. M. Btsraoe: tacretary. 1*.<br />

k. BtUwrtl;trvaaorar,Laws»E.Baithi<br />

solicitor. WUUara B. Darta.<br />

ltto oew earta ib t<br />

A movement having be loerpUoo to<br />

ttoUoeaoCtly Yacht Club bas bl<br />

loaagurated tor tbe tomatloa <strong>of</strong> m<br />

bewosll leagae smoog ito *xiib J«r-<br />

**y yacht ctab*. •»• '<br />

Tbe <strong>Ocean</strong> CUf Club bas aDpolalrd<br />

onrontrte*. bra led by Botoert B d-<br />

eord, tolake ap tto auttsr whb ibe<br />

vartoas dab*, aod iagnail have beea<br />

aant to Ito foUovLog yacht dabs: At-<br />

lantic <strong>City</strong>, UorteUtJan. <strong>of</strong> Ceodeo;<br />

Cbdaea, Btooe Harbor. Cape May.<br />

Avatoo. UoAy Beach, WUdwood. ttea<br />

bet <strong>City</strong> Yacht aod Miter Ctab aad<br />

Ito Ooe*a Cay aad Ailaatu Cuy<br />

Motor Boat CtatM. la appjlat exnaalt-<br />

tat* loVHacaa* tbe proposttkoa.<br />

Among toe idea* avivaaotl oa tba<br />

eobject are: That prutoekxisl* shall<br />

to barred; also, Ibal a baalsooo* cup<br />

I eball to <strong>of</strong>fered to tbe winner, 10 be><br />

'come Ito abaolnta property <strong>of</strong> tbe club<br />

wbicb bajk wu tto cbaaaplocishi p ID<br />

three eoeeeaelve year*.<br />

ixortJ wmlb <strong>of</strong> approval sod works<br />

wtth him.<br />

Bl a I frt trr give convluclug evideaos<br />

that tb* minority years <strong>of</strong> • boy's life<br />

art tbe moat Impressionable lo<br />

bJeeUUsnsnJp training, and Itixl boys<br />

ar* In gnaicr dsugsr <strong>of</strong> being lost<br />

trocacooddlluusuJpla tb*4r minority<br />

ytan tbxn lo lbs years after tbey<br />

bavaaltainsd ttuir mijortly. Boout-<br />

la» brgto* wllb • boy wben be Is<br />

t«a4v* yean old—lo IbrwbooJ period<br />

<strong>of</strong> bia ILfs—thus making It possible fbr<br />

tb* local coundl to asoertslo the ouo<br />

bar <strong>of</strong> buys lu the oocnmuDlly wbo *r*<br />

eligible lo became scuula,<br />

1 —ikl be bcMllud by lue<br />

B. rrank ^mlth Go.9 tu 22i£SS> m<br />

If yoa have mosey to loan aec cs fax good tirwsttaenta. For sale, fW<br />

lot 00 <strong>Ocean</strong> avenae oau Qcvtalh street, with rmtM booae, $J5oo.<br />

Two Ion comer First stxert aad Astray avenue, aixc 7cxiocx cheap,<br />

11200. Foortren room booae, 3 bath*, hot water beat, doobtr <strong>of</strong>fice,<br />

attached gange In rear, splendid oppoxtnntty. Fire tmanocc placed<br />


.•• . V<br />

>$<br />

•• '.'44<br />

' • ••-.><br />

THE<br />

having dwaatd to ckaatW<br />

•twOlbars-opaoaalbr<br />

I81&. • : - . * *<br />

OeaaaOlrVaij<br />

and wbo<br />

pro-<br />

Boy Moouts uf Aooerlca. while<br />

ncogoUJug tbe fact Itixi lbs boy<br />

anould b* taught Itte tblug* that p*r-<br />

tsln 10 rdlgloa, InaUts upon the boy's<br />

raltgious llf* being stimulated aud<br />

Ct-Urtd by the lortllatlon witb wblcU<br />

be la oouosctrd. Ol wur». UUs<br />

fundsmeotal principle <strong>of</strong> Ibe Uoy<br />

Bcoou<strong>of</strong> America ta lu»Ul 00 clcau,<br />

capxbl*l**d«nblp In Ua scout masters,<br />

and tb* Influence <strong>of</strong> the leader on tbe<br />

boy scout should b* <strong>of</strong> * distinctly<br />

btlpfal cbarmcter.<br />

Tbe member* <strong>of</strong> tbe National Coun-<br />

cil ar* ba£Sing Ibe scout movement,<br />

became tbey wlah to train tba buys <strong>of</strong><br />

our country to be bone*!, upright, self-<br />

reliant and to be prepared In all<br />

dem, and under all clicum-<br />

rtt"r**_ lo do In* right and cradllabl*<br />

tblpg. being guided ax all times by<br />

rojodlvkluxl ooaactcop*.wbicb,<br />

\pj nwoo <strong>of</strong> the scout principles.<br />

1O36 Asbury Av.<br />

•iroed to develop<br />

petrlolkc fsabwa.<br />

In a broad and<br />

Tb*Ladles* Bible data 0/tbe First<br />

Pnabytartan chorea wae orgaabwd a<br />

few arming* aloe* wttb tba (allowing<br />

<strong>of</strong>flemi xTeeldent. Mrs. J. B. Han-<br />

cock! vie* president, Mlaa Wlxabatb<br />

Oaeeoyoa Baodi;Imtoitr, Mba Mary/<br />

Yoongi eecretary, Mbw P'<br />

Hajb**; visaing oomenHtee. B. Prank<br />

Craven, chairman; Mr*. logtraoll and<br />

Mr*. Wloalow. A. J. Hmltb waa<br />

rlteted tsactor <strong>of</strong> ito c!a»w.<br />

vvtil Sl«k«> Haa» Hire.<br />

DeVeroe Doty, <strong>of</strong> Pbliadalphia, will<br />

iske this city bis future home and<br />

eogvte lu lbe real estate budnaee with<br />

bia father, Ullrs H. Doly, making a<br />

specialty <strong>of</strong> tue Uceau <strong>City</strong> Plaxa prop-<br />

erty. Mr DoBst<br />

nJcrbeaisngOOPer'seau^<br />

RENT srsruK?<br />

aad b*ib. bat wmter (arajatjao.<br />

pwered^aotra^T loesudjvat r . uealf<br />

r***MU<br />

FOR RENT •-«'*• s«ars oa Ae-<br />

bory evasa*. atar<br />

aa.ooooptotx.isoo<br />

Mortm*.<br />

t scan<br />


Jfloriet<br />

1128 Bay Avenii*<br />

AND w)OHR aiOMT<br />

BOTH<br />

ABBOTTS' •!«•><br />

Seventh St. and West A&<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, M » "^<br />

Crtoteta ~ "<br />

Numbefs 744 And 1746 Atbuiy Avenue<br />



ntt DJUrHtft PT tti. I" WttJWWt<br />

let Ike OPCBRLOT"<br />

! Heard t*y Cos-<br />

IMP<br />

•Vvnttoo froa Uod by eUaobadJtoc*<br />

??r —O c**4y ta<br />

"-^•btermga.eo.ha. w. m*.<br />

•••iLitaiSto "" ••"la-wT Wo<br />

emadf To tbtoqotatjoo oar Lord ad-<br />

wd baac<br />

»f Mat ST. Mr. Botuw*<br />

UaJtAamtL<br />

Tbe tptitt <strong>of</strong> n*tr*J rootbiead all<br />

'd«y Booday at tbe BaptM Coetatb,<br />

OBlataatJQa* to aUI DOIUwal aUrHflafHT<br />

lai tbtrrwaajgawnlaa Tbare waaooe<br />

<strong>of</strong> Philip as* Ibe Baaqea. Mr. Uttt*><br />

—tllatal tbe dbtiaetlve ilawiota ta<br />

bt euoca*a <strong>of</strong> ptfaaoaj «pql wlasm*.<br />

rbo eaay eottr aaoa *. wheat It any<br />

be doo*. aod aoaaa wmyaaod<br />

torus<br />

Tb*<br />

wa* rary food.<br />

A waU balaacad <strong>of</strong><br />

I Ibe ebsrob to<br />

_ _. jotboataaa waa<br />

thaws lo Iba toeg atukja. Io Which<br />

tba "Billy Saoday" hymna war* aoog<br />

with vtaa aad ardor. Ereo too** who<br />

oarer auaeapt to rc4e* a Dot* <strong>of</strong><br />

era lea followed ta ao effort lo aWMtn<br />

"brtgbtaa tb* ooroer wbert yoa Ma "<br />

— betr r.uaataJ tptoal aaaat<br />

>ywao book aiao. Mr. aa»»<br />

'praaebad a powtrfal atraoa oo *Tb*<br />

lw« a Metal wM»v<br />

Tb* • harm Crotu or* •*> « naeail<br />

fceUr Hear I* ewe ss-rfeortkea la a*»<br />

araltr UtUrrsd. It la wax* greater<br />

lbs* ib> deiwrr irwa ml tip 1 — aad to<br />

tawln aaar* and more waagereoa<br />

wMb Ibe towaeee ostlay ape* buerr<br />

aodaUxpUj. TB* aktto etracl era <strong>of</strong> Ibr<br />

ahlp and moat <strong>of</strong> K» e—nllel parta tr»<br />

af owtal. but ammj <strong>of</strong> to* ortlttga. bear<br />

ry arary balurr <strong>of</strong>orD«sar*t aad *T«TJ<br />

trapping ot laiory. er» hlg&ly titaUm<br />

BMMr.<br />

No DM wbo baa MX bee* ttw)M Oar<br />

gpnnhih wrecka at Baatlago eta roa<br />

orr* bow Sne can aw*wp Ibe m»M* <strong>of</strong><br />

me e canal aalo. Admiral -Carrara<br />

wnrrtbed ta a* tbr nperfcme* <strong>of</strong><br />

board tb* Teresa ta tb*** word*: -Tb*<br />

aarood abet tbat came ea bean* at* a*<br />

ea Or*. Tba are mala waa fcaigw*<br />

•too we wrr* anaMe to cope wtlft tie<br />

•r*. u rwpt tkromgb bar troto bow<br />

tetters. Tbera wat oot a apace aa btl<br />

ea tbe palta <strong>of</strong> yoor bead wbtre tb><br />

could bare ban —->*>-rf Aa (meet<br />

eacld oot bare Hrad oe board. We had<br />

b> get oewrbeerd or be baraed.*"<br />

tt la owe tba Bpaolarda bad aot cot<br />

aat tbttr woodwork aad ttrowa «rtr<br />

• t<strong>of</strong>la<br />

Ura whica Sowwi a m ta teati<br />

Hop*. Aboet U» Brat war* latt la<br />

tbe eraptloo <strong>of</strong> mi wfckb baa* tbe<br />

twuiuy inaal a part <strong>of</strong> tba baaa <strong>of</strong><br />

** ajadaa* tbe oatpewftaga ef lare<br />

we bad ta tba Amrrlcao Sett bet tba<br />

tufaarntMHty <strong>of</strong> oo* <strong>of</strong> tbetr ww<br />

aktpa waa Bach leaa Uaa Oat *f a<br />

• trlooa ocaao Itaer.—Cantata Bleb-<br />

d FWATSOO Bobaoo ta ~~<br />

RJUfTS.<br />

iaatiajia tbr Brae *f abowt tJBS ptr-<br />

• la tbt Btettaaatb oafJETy tbara<br />

__, • axabaT<strong>of</strong> aa-rar* erapdoae. m-<br />

eradhtg oo* a Ua>7 wfcktb ualtuawl<br />

aboat eiaa «~~Hrr Aa mttlOum la<br />

l»n killed Sao p CoilW<br />

• ONI mm<br />

-U t. *i<br />

'••• trttj<br />

Hto day. aod tbty war*<br />

. _j tbe Jury ...<br />

ir^oratrtackara wffl make dMtrl J,/*^,^ ^ter ot^lj ,1 ""I"<br />

Tbae*crebrokn<strong>of</strong>f.a«9wt>«>an>-kJ MQO dj|a. Ha aS, af- <strong>of</strong> K. O««t><br />

awmiri |A ICotf P. ball. Aaborr a.»«DDa. Daaw<br />

ie>wtfih et*«*«. c. r..J. Kdwtfd VOML, IC. O/<br />

UUCOOACILHO. tatTjr. O. ir. A.M. a>*et><br />

«• «tr rjmtaa<br />

fSk-.;;r.^ltf > wa* eoadodtd<br />

I pr— oiletlon af tb* (act* <strong>of</strong> i o» A<br />

ycara lo wblob JetaeChrtot.haa | pbtfJo<br />

-aolttoad the wojk <strong>of</strong> no other<br />

BOaJU> Otr VUOBCS<br />

Ur. Pr»awa% u tetttng<strong>of</strong> rh*orlgB*f imt^STS*. .<br />

(k* Irjanftna ot«, emyti -Be» ta- ?* tw aerloosly con-<br />

sidered the parts that are hidden? % Have you ever considered<br />

how great aad important the framing, toondations and other hld-<br />

den ports play in the life and safety <strong>of</strong> yoar boildlngf *J Let ns<br />

advise yon how your home shoald be ballt. *]} PLans and speci-<br />

fications free<br />

<strong>City</strong> Mill and Lumber Company \<br />


f<br />



*—r—n- t * < -g—'^-^*-"- < ^* < ~'***"r* 1 -~'. - »''•—"r —*•**—-*— —--*—j» if<br />

oot. tt will pay yoa lo «1M turn m trial. I aan to an eitwpbocallj gpod rr"** 1 ^** la Uls<br />

oare<strong>of</strong> jo«x tepalx work <strong>of</strong> wh^ch I BaixsaasedJiiry. ' *—- ~—T—-~— —«-MH.—»<br />

1 toroe to culstaln.<br />

K>«« C HU BA.CO1N ao7 BisHth at<br />

O- K«- «-.:-<br />

iiaaiasit^v<br />

• lily n# *»fmftna.<br />

art ta> «K» » '<br />

TMalrtkl<br />

• |wa><br />

. 1S.P.O.H. ot A_<br />

ICbamploo-. b^,.<br />

^Jj! "aei^ajr,, £.<br />

-TbtumUka.<br />

**£ ^1*^ • v ***** I lataWpWaju War ^PeaeUBa llBata ••*•% aatBBBBBHbA> * I<br />

R^Curtis Robinson<br />

•v-k/-v tit riT T »a Tfio TfgT.TAayr.Ta STORE for Dry<br />

IT%J W XJIJIJ O Qooda, Notlona and Men's Wear<br />

Special at this store—Four MonUu' Trial Subscription to<br />

price, 40 cents).<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly 19 cents (Regular<br />

Big Spring Faihlon<br />

March. April. May.<br />

Manton designs. Ask<br />

counter. We are also<br />


WORLD<br />

Four<br />

Korabcra. Febrtuu-y,<br />

illtnttating latest May<br />

abcrat i at the pattern<br />

making great i educ-<br />

tions in some Hoes <strong>of</strong> goods to make room for Spring Stock as we mast<br />

have the room. :: :: :: " " PHOKK 35<br />

8S1 Aabory Avenuo POWOU'S <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. H. J.<br />

Go to<br />


Colonial Greenhouses<br />

Ooean Heights<br />

Oa raajo Bhotr Road, be j ood Bomcn' Point, tor<br />

Ctn FtowBfs, fans aad Bnbto Waits<br />

a»«oi»c.»TT«aTTiaa) TO ruacaai. woaa<br />

THOMAS H. WA1KEH, •asager.<br />

TwkpbOM, HOSJ^TV Point la X.<br />

tvmi otbc*. Uo w/ood. Jr. J.<br />

**^ - ~— • i<br />

£aV iTfyanAdrrirtlacment<br />

Conveyancing and<br />

Insurance<br />

NOtaWT SNataWaaC Aflaal Cf W tl aatf ttftrfffaffff Oaf DaMtaLV<br />

IVOA. 744*46 Aabury Avenue<br />

i crry. N. J-<br />

OVER 100 PEOPLE<br />

Joined our CHRISTMAS CLUB during the first<br />

three days. Are you enrolled? If not, why not<br />

do it now and have a mug sum handed you in<br />

December when the «»«>rru>r»rhi on the individual<br />

purse are greatest > .at > • ^ JI<br />

First National Bank<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. J.<br />

£ N. GRISCOM, M. D.<br />


. U; taMrUtals. tftA<br />

OAoa Uoerv-DolU kAa. am. rrattf lolft,av<br />

Ho oOa bcau> *— ~**J<br />

Kixaaaxn<br />

Alkuc&ud<br />

p. na. diaHj.<br />

• >• Wtairr anna<br />

Octwtn <strong>City</strong><br />

BaUta.<br />

r Unar-mai» OB-A.<br />

Naw Joraoy<br />

W. P. HAJNES<br />

COR. NIMTM AHO w/gaLtV AWL<br />

OCC*M cirr. M. *.<br />

tb* eantts tar <strong>of</strong> ata totbeetvoteb<br />

tudttactaa. 1 ,m^iaai aiitUattit tot<br />

lot nroan.no. aod a* pohrtetiad to tba<br />

a— mm. tut weak, waa carrtad oot<br />

Tb*Daator4beB*T.€B*rle*U Botroar,<br />

M. A., dtirrtxad ao toitoaaly patrteUs<br />

eeroaoo oa -FTjlng to* Hag," tbtra<br />

waa a rary baotttal doat by Mia<br />

Loatae T. Coreoa aod Ur J. Toorolty<br />

rJagba*. ant It ltd. "tUrfct Hart! My<br />

Booll" aad a pitaalngaopraao eoio by<br />

"O CHrta* Be<br />

by tba foil<br />

ebolr. tTH*1tr?. "Jaaoa Hball Btago,'<br />

waa aiao »asy tOectrraty eong<br />

Tbacbaocal <strong>of</strong> Ibe e&oreb waa at-<br />

traotrraiy draped wttb Ib* nUooeJ<br />

eoaoraaada OORT <strong>of</strong> tba opeo Bttat,<br />

wbleb tb* ordn brooght to Ib* atr><br />

lp.B.<br />

\*to**.m-<br />

traao—c B»U entlat»«<br />

800 Central Avenue<br />

OCKaVM CIT». at. 4.<br />

J)R. G. F. STARR<br />

Den tint<br />

tw. kU|blt>IU.Aad Wmiry Are.<br />

H»l>!<br />

aa vtca tla to taU* CMS<br />

U> tba wtilriaTlod o.* iba atttta. wbto<br />

atadcra w«ta lea* to «krw. As<br />

aikn advaocad toa taanp.iT fxih<br />

and tuto Ua fcjlda Iba quality <strong>of</strong> (o«-<br />

•roiocat aixtlbaapirtt<strong>of</strong>lbacxyrrroad.<br />

tloAliy beecunlnx tba laa^c^ba <strong>of</strong> o*-<br />

UooaJUjr, au lhAi today avary<br />

hxM Urn baaDar. Oar nalkwut<br />

tatbabllanaodBUtpaa. Wbaoavartt<br />

apptara, tha wtaaoo ot minairwi U<br />

qslokaoad wttb (ba UjrM or Utatty •<br />

Tba atara opoa tla daid <strong>of</strong> Ua* bara<br />

baao to Iba dowo Iro4dao paooaaa<strong>of</strong><br />

tbaaarth UtL* I ha b«altuonro I rrg Hu<br />

<strong>of</strong> baarao. aod tuatrlpa* bara Kiaamtti<br />

wttb iba very aflutcaoea <strong>of</strong> tnorolojj<br />

"To* alaa OaJl-<br />

eoo.<br />

BoottUcka—JooathAo WalUe* Aad<br />

Koea Kergoaoo.<br />

Fancy Table—Mra. V. U. Boon**.<br />

Mlaaaa Margaret B«-rax> aod Mary Fox.<br />

Mcbool BnpplMa—Mkm VnaoM B*-<br />

«ao. Mm WUllaxn KOardLarr. Mtaea<br />

Irtu* t^napoiAO aad LI la CbapaBaA.<br />

Act Uallerr-Mlaa Ada M. Baoek<br />

and Mra. K M. Laar.<br />

Handwlcbaa. Bread andtJ<strong>of</strong>l**— Mra.<br />

the 8at-*u» school <strong>of</strong> Vn»-<br />

tba Monday<br />

Bobosl <strong>of</strong> tb* flrat Piattytarlao<br />

pitanml tba appaar-<br />

ttaaday Tkbetcacla<br />

Cb<strong>of</strong>eb<br />

aooe<strong>of</strong> a *•<br />

orerfl.<br />

Tbe Mto-a BtM* Vttm wbieb baa<br />

bato aaktoc aa eotrr* a^apatfa to<br />

tbtctty dartog tbe peat two weak*.<br />

attaUog to eotlat<br />

t wbieb at Bwa*p-<br />

Ing tbe Uod. mad* a brlUlant abow-<br />

tng. bartng aa aotoal atttodtoaa <strong>of</strong> S3<br />

am, Tbty aad* a *try tapraatrt)<br />

tpptaVtaaea aa tbty eat to Ib* teat*<br />

pnrrtdad for tbea, aod tbetr etagtnj<br />

<strong>of</strong> tb* gnepal byaoa ta tb* "Billy"<br />

Monday byaao-booaU wa* a fatera <strong>of</strong><br />

to* aarrtoa.<br />

Mao wbo bara oot bteo ta Baoday<br />

ecbool ttaca tbatr boybood day* wara<br />

tbara aod tojayad tt aad tnuujlai1 lo<br />

Oo* gaottetuo <strong>of</strong> S3<br />

yaar* waa avmong tba tlttodtnta aod<br />

took an aettra part ta to* |iiie> ax>d eocapXcta aiuck <strong>of</strong> cuco'a<br />

(oode. M r. Jooca atvd bto family ara<br />

oecopjlng lb#d««HLug portkoa <strong>of</strong> iba<br />

bonaa.<br />

BMl Mf CtIT Booklet.<br />

foar bW» far Iba ptloilor nf ibe cliy<br />

booklet for tba eiaaenq <strong>of</strong> IU15 were re-<br />

ld by Iba CUT Commtaaloaare at<br />

their weakly mertlog. Oo motloa <strong>of</strong><br />

Otnetor •kly a<br />

•Other.<br />

tor at Irmat a week.<br />

actloa waa poelpoaed<br />

and Ada Bappeicy.<br />

Pboto GalIrry—Howard Cra ro.<br />

Coeeklng Departmaml — Kayisood<br />

Prtca and Klwood Kaadla.<br />

CaAhltr—Mtee Maud M. Foolda.<br />

ijtmnntfilM— Mteea* Florence Ke«T*><br />

aad Amanda rUawart.<br />

Fortune Taller— Maflame Vortuoa.<br />

Flam Padding—Harold Fergnaoo.<br />

Io* Cream—CIAA* NO. 9 .<strong>of</strong> to* Boo<br />

day Hcbool.<br />

Hot Daggt* tiandwlcb*a-J. M.<br />

lloaeohanm.<br />

qeroee Mra. A. J. HaUb.<br />

Cnrlatlan Ervflearor Tree — Ura Tboav.<br />

W.<br />

Tba mto bara baao wooderfnlly<br />

aUrrad aad tba Inlrraat tbay arataktoc<br />

to aurratoaa. tt brtox a pradletlao <strong>of</strong><br />

tbatra tbst etUJ graalar raaatta ara to<br />

AUmro<strong>of</strong> IbaeommaoUy, wbo axa<br />

aot MtnttPf^ wtla aayHoodavy aftv^^<br />

ara eitervteri a moat cordial ln»tuiloa<br />

to meat wtta tb* cUum oavxt Booday<br />

afumooo aX baU-paat two o'clock.<br />


Memben <strong>of</strong> Ibe Oeeaa CUy W. C. T.<br />

O •III meet Wedocaday aflaroooo<br />

next at 8 o'clock at tba bode <strong>of</strong> Ura.<br />

Inward Bcamaa, 447 Waat areooa.<br />

Bocjcet. •'Kvansollallc MaaUoc " Tba<br />

leader will ba Mra. dUabatb Brick.<br />



Letters to Speaker Godfrey,<br />

BareUy C. Rlnttttm. wall kaowa to<br />

Oaaay Oeaao Uty people, died at bla<br />

»fna^a to CaUBdaD oo Tborada\y aad<br />

waa bortad Uaiurday aftaroooo. Ha<br />

waa aavaoly-aU yaara old aod had<br />

baao Ul ttcbtraoelaa He to asrrtvad<br />

by bla wtfa. Hawaa aopntauodatit<br />

<strong>of</strong> to* Btata Btmt M. E. Haoday<br />

tJobool Iblrty-Dtoa yaara.<br />

trartUog aalaacoaa.<br />

Ha waa a<br />


Rawtrlea, yocr rarponeiblltty aaa taal<br />

atat* owner aaka you • datrable<br />

man Stevena, Cape May.<br />

A number <strong>of</strong> Cabermen rralcSlog In<br />

I Die rily. A» well aa many PbUadel-<br />

pblana wbo upend tbe auromer aea-<br />

eoot brre, bave written Utlere to<br />

Bpeaker t'arilon Godfrey, <strong>of</strong> Atlantic<br />

Ctly. end A«ree*agr <strong>of</strong> tb* act U> prevent Bab-<br />

Ing wtib atlDc*. gUt-neU or otb*r net*<br />

lo certain nun <strong>of</strong> tb* oooollea <strong>of</strong><br />

Cap* May aud Allanllc between cer-<br />

tain dalr* tberela »peelflcd.<br />

All <strong>of</strong> Ibedabermeo wbo ap«od tb*<br />

.uaa mar aeaaona be re aod In tbla<br />

vtcinUy, and wbo lake mucb pleasure<br />

in tb* eport <strong>of</strong> angling, are eotbuaUa-<br />

tleally for tbta bill and I bey are bope-<br />

fnJ<strong>of</strong> UM paaaage.<br />

A pobllo bearing 00 tbe bill wa* be<br />

TDteday at Trenton.<br />

Tbe laureate <strong>of</strong> tb* anglers was pr*<br />

tested by a Dumber <strong>of</strong> •peakera, wbo<br />

aald tbal tb* poaoda bave made beavy<br />

Inroad* upon Ib* average run <strong>of</strong> food<br />

IIAII. Tbey declared tbAl Iba pounds<br />

ha** li» maeml In Dumber and alz* and<br />

that tow <strong>of</strong> tb* tub ba«* any cban<br />

to tacap*. ao tbat Ib* market la aome-<br />

tusea ao overcrowded tbal tbouaanda<br />

<strong>of</strong> lona err spoiled aod dumped out<br />

at ata.<br />

Tb* anjlera aouglit to show that<br />

bloaflab. abetpehaed and other greatly-<br />

da»iradTarlallat.ooeefoTmlogtb*llne»t<br />

ao-ttM<br />

to<br />

cttnan. Tfetak tt oraf , tnen call 00<br />


Baal EatMtm Optcator, Hlnth aod Aa-<br />

bary arena*. Dexf to are booae wbo<br />

will tbow yoa tba vary bat way and<br />

<strong>of</strong> UM ssaAaat bargBjio* to bt<br />

adr.<br />

Von.—Between AUaaUe <strong>City</strong> aod<br />

Uapa May. 00 Bbore Boad, t7x«i taeb<br />

aboaoatberta, l<strong>of</strong>latad. •» tmward.<br />

Odiliaa Sltoo Btalay. 6801 AUtotlo<br />

arroo*. AIUDUO OKy. tt. j. adr. it.<br />

FOB<br />

> *«««. ta mataMt.<br />

uaat, Lae« uut tmtrrmtia<br />

yaara aad that tbe pounde<br />

arer*apoaalbl*forih*lrdtoappearance.<br />

Baakla Iba tnarkatahl* tub they lake<br />

up Ib* poooda art aleo charged wltb<br />

dtttioylag mllllooe <strong>of</strong> Ib* eo^aller flab<br />

whWsb tbaotoara fatd aad f ^*at<br />

tola la why tb* bigger aad mar* de-<br />

atraal* flab do oat ntara. Tbabaglera<br />

dadarad tbat alowly, bat aarcly, tbt<br />

CtwSb<strong>of</strong> Ib*book and line to dwindling.<br />

FotlBaXIL— Motor boat "Dalit" In<br />

•oad abapa; aolo lop; full equipment;<br />

laogtb orar all about 28 tart; beam<br />

about 7 faat. Prtoe tX&O. Baaaoon tor<br />

tatlloc oaw boat- Apply David H.<br />

Haodanao, BOA Market! fjaoidea.<br />

N. J. Boat at Datacbeg'a boat boaae,<br />

Voorth. atratt aod Bay araaoc, Oocaa<br />

UttyHJ d ISITU<br />

ort atra<br />

Utty.H.J. adv.<br />

Ramltlori. KUui watobea ft per<br />

waak. t. U Nelaoo. railroad jawelsr,<br />

84> Broadway. Camden, N. J^ anot<br />

btm otua a week. If yoa mueTilm<br />

t*od«pna«l d If<br />

btm otua a<br />

t*od«pna«al.<br />

lm<br />

adv. If.<br />



Witness Testified That Al-<br />

leged Assailant Bald "It<br />

Was Too Near Election."<br />

Mack Caatlt. colored, waa before<br />

Bqnira Roeb lo tba bearing room <strong>of</strong><br />

tb* ctly hall Patarday aftcraaoc.<br />

cbarged by r'raorea Frramtn. aleo<br />

colored, with a»aalt aod batttry.<br />

Tbe woman, aflar awrartng lhat<br />

Caatla bad atraek bar a Dumber <strong>of</strong><br />

Urn**, Injuring her left arm aad oeck,<br />

aald thai Caatl* told bar aba eoolda 1 *<br />

do aoytblng with him pecan at tt waa<br />

loo near elect loo time.<br />

TbU part <strong>of</strong> Ib* tail many creeled ,<br />

laagb amoog tba crowd lo tb* room.<br />

Caetle pleaded not gallly to tb*<br />

charge <strong>of</strong> aeaaolt and battery-<br />

He waa beid la (300 far tb* a.raod<br />

Jury, aad tba womao waa required to<br />

furntob (60 ball for her appcaraoca.<br />

Piredar Bobart Faib*r, at Ibe weekly<br />

tt <strong>of</strong> la* Ctty CVmcaan<br />

<strong>of</strong> tntaotiaa <strong>of</strong> tb* totro-<br />

gsra<br />

dootloo <strong>of</strong> aa ordlnaooa. oo March 11.<br />

pro-rldta* lor to* baildlng aad coo-<br />

atroodoo <strong>of</strong> JatUta oa Ib* oeeaa froat.<br />

Tb«y ara to ba at Tblrty-aecoad.<br />

Thirty-fcxulh, Fo*ty*Ulh, VtfUctn.<br />

Finy-aarectb aad Ktny-oLnlb atracta<br />

Tba coat <strong>of</strong> tola work ta to paid by a<br />

bood teeot.<br />



Mrs. Hitw»>r Wtllets w<br />

Tb* owaere <strong>of</strong> tb* poenda, aeatttrad<br />

along toe cuaet from Handy Hook to<br />

Cape May. declare tbat I bey ban<br />

provea a great boou to tb* cooaumlag<br />

pabllo by keeping tb* coat <strong>of</strong> flab<br />

wltblo reach. Tbey eay Iba eyatao bi<br />

d<br />

y<br />

Ojot detrlmeotal to toe eport.<br />

wbleb are trapped aad ehlppad to to*<br />

noarkete are Dot aoeb aa mlgbt b*<br />

caoght wltb book aod lla*. Moraovar<br />

it la oooUoded that tb* prooaea <strong>of</strong><br />

trapping to ao cheap that tbb> aftlda <strong>of</strong><br />

food, freab from tb* aaa. I<br />

oo* <strong>of</strong> Ib* etrongaat factoca la<br />

dudag Iba high coat <strong>of</strong> Uetng. Tbay<br />

praatntad argBaaaata aod data to back<br />

op tbalr cootaaUooa to tba afloitlo<br />

draveniitie ptnaga nf ina WbltataoJ<br />

bill.<br />

ia HI Health for Maa*<br />

Ifoaths.<br />

Mrs. Annie WUleta, widow <strong>of</strong> EXmar<br />

WUleU aad daagtutr-to-Iaw <strong>of</strong> tb*<br />

Ula Cape Bocaata WUlcta, <strong>of</strong> tbie eUy.<br />

died at tba boot <strong>of</strong> bcr atstar. Ura.<br />

FraadaCoraoa, 1116 Aeoary artoa*.<br />

Beiarday morning. Daatb wa* da*<br />

to eaaear. Ba* «u alxty-foor yeara<br />

old.<br />

Mn. WUlata. who had nakted bera<br />

(or aoma ***^*a bad a&dartd<br />

eaflerlag for OAoalha.<br />

Deeaaead waaaatatar<strong>of</strong>Capt. PbiUp<br />

Hand, aad alatai-ta-Iaw <strong>of</strong> Wtltoa H.<br />

WUlcta. <strong>of</strong> tola elly.<br />

Boa fonnarly kept a board leg booa*<br />

la Camdm for ton* yaara. Bb* had<br />

been paralyzed oo on* Bid* for a num-<br />

ber <strong>of</strong> yeara.<br />

Foorral aarricca ware -conducted<br />

orar Iba body at bar late bom* Tata-<br />

day by tba Rev. George F. Mitch, paa-<br />

tor <strong>of</strong> tba Xmo&aaael Baptlrt Cburco.<br />

Tb* Inlarment waa In BeaaM* Cems-<br />

Ury la ehargs <strong>of</strong> Undertaker Mark<br />

Senator Edg* rrptlad aa faftoww 7<br />


$m<br />

f*;if:i_«f<br />

tbtona. He was tto<br />

tto law ef<br />

He defeat<br />

a . _<br />

SB Mfe<br />

- —_-———_• !• *UV<br />

> 1Mb that aeae ef tto taw* aad<br />

Oattto<br />

ii<br />

I •# ttet<br />

af tto aatataa* af<br />

mm. T» Bva ear awa<br />

^•jto^ ^^L MYBBI aV> a^aAl aaf tatt —j^i<br />

tt Maw wa<br />

I* tto I<br />

1 <strong>of</strong> tto<br />

*rtoMMsefChtoM»MMaa<br />

gafitoMbtoa*.<br />

lAaMlaaVaMawaal alawwHafaa AMBW<br />

^T^^T* ^PW— •> •aSpaai*BBBBBBr, H I<br />

•« S*J2'2***£"»*»*<br />

.tto<br />

•pea.<br />

ito wjawi af the mm aad tka-to-<br />

aattMB^aaM aUaal ^BBIBBBBV amak •<br />

ZWmiW ?^0<br />

V Maga wlUto|Ma,Or.J.Tt<strong>of</strong>al»yUi<br />

iVeawMa. Ill Prays*. Ptotoc.<br />

Hyaa.<br />

satU«<br />

, MtoBtatyaKfef<br />

IwtthUtotot<br />

Unttogai<br />

bwir. He<br />

afj fJkMQM (jah-faawL<br />

•ttowttt<strong>of</strong> Oat. pear PMtoMto<br />

ttfceeeederto<br />

I a large part twa,aa*fwhaaae>y*datwyB_<br />

> tor a B.<br />

AUaaUeaveaae aad Meatrya amea.<br />

Cttp MAI aad fewtor C—<br />

ettog*arWalarH.Kaatooai<br />

OUaM.- I<br />

^ v a n • • • • *W a W i l l<br />

•p .T r | ,„„,, f,, gmtt.<br />

eaa 1> OMMk aaBtotawa anaea. aear<br />

_• aad Uabsrt Peel ton, two<br />

toRwea AMsty ereeee, aear IWtk<br />

tMM,«tSW.<br />

JoaaMarte.<br />

& Muntoii<br />

B. 8HH. twa<br />

m TwerAb eueat. eear<br />

aae. wr tto Bav. Cor-<br />

1 aad Oavtd B. Hadaoa.<br />

aaart-<br />

vnww Bfttwxy ea Matb<br />

latoeeatatoalttMM,<br />

IM*tor Ito<br />

• toMbw|a)Mla.Mtt attabis<br />

a to to aabl MBM oaa hi<br />

.tt'Aartt.<br />

•" ••• ^ ^ aMBPa> MBBW«| WMaw) VWAA AwawWeTSBwwS (JU<br />

givw it a daaot, and it epcaka for tta*i£<br />

Uttle Ftab Baa* <strong>of</strong> boaw dnavd porfc, tad tkey<br />

saf ito Osrowa:<br />

Oae trial order, aad w«feflbe* net. Prices good far ant week.<br />

l'(IM«|«il| •>•>••».*•••••• ttC I<br />

•ajdWaSV • • «<br />

ibacaa.tapiace.<br />

IK<br />

• all-par* MttMgs. aoet<br />

1 *a*pcM. try It. . .<br />

•»*"»•<br />

tCamaim<br />

1 Cam tt MM<br />

LAMB-eawMlsfttW<br />

VEAL<br />

,Uc<br />

Mtnm<br />

7'' • Wtoanr UauAii '<br />

Start l—lm<br />

.aCAi. CSTATC AtUJtT..<br />

• •• ill<br />

thA<strong>of</strong>WAtcbcs, iAm<br />

Watches OcAocd by BxpertRApdw<br />

inline n etmnr<br />

Ottean Ctty Sentinel<br />

ntOMDAV fKBBL'AHV 4. (tU.<br />

WeaaAlltogadtorMetTe t<br />

• ef I<br />

ito fail<br />

1 <strong>of</strong> tto witter, not<br />

.botvaaa narantoaef<br />

WUttaaCisapball. Jt. aatawaal al<br />

BadjMs IMaaa. waaattaltorat tto<br />

attH haattor. W.H.OIB|IIM.<br />

ta Ikaatty. Halarday aad Baaday.<br />

Jawjb L Aottt-aad wttb. af tab)<br />

etty. wto w al Ortoaas, Pbk. to»e wto bt<br />

tod eaty • tow d*y*«f saaay wsttbar<br />

.O. B. HUiwsU. MMBtary aad taas.<br />

aaraf tto Owaa Ctty Twa aad Treat<br />

"-B|i j. aft *a PHday aa slaa<br />

amyV lop to Baaaa. slsDaMb<br />

^BBBBI at atetf flatawM lal QfewVBMMM)<br />

UaraM.<br />



KlafOr-<br />

aad Mr*. O.F.ttAxr.<br />


•aaMB* -m_'<br />

(wib)<br />

MwrtottnaMry. Ttoi<br />

• Meefl<br />

FIRE CHIEF ADAMS HAS -..;'. t i,-::r. i<br />



AAarkU. BitoH*<br />

MatotoeeawttaMr.*<br />

Mr. Mmty awl 1<br />

lOttyl<br />

tatttorl. Wa<br />

U<br />


Ctty<br />

>efWa<br />

a* BMA«* * Upi<br />

BIlUAfORBD<br />

MntK'S. Otorcli Meaittcr*<br />

Vrfft Stwator WBCAUMI to<br />

•wApoctO^uwtMeaAare.<br />

At Ito BMfBtog nrvlee tost Baoday<br />

a Ito PIMM B fbareb. Or. Hstoie<br />

N-^ lead tto gM«f tto local opttoa bttl<br />

H A i r s<br />

$2.00toiS.0QQ<br />

Two new taaeton have tow en-<br />

•C*d by Pr<strong>of</strong>. JBOMS M. Bwrea*.<br />

«to» ander toetraeuoee <strong>of</strong> ito Board<br />

ef Bueattaa.a«lto Weaty Aveaee<br />

DOTS.<br />

BoyA» and Ofato* •odety Of'<br />

<strong>On</strong>e to* already rsported tor doty. g«Big€d by tow Mew.<br />

Another dwap Senday.<br />

She Is Mat Kdttb M. Bto*dM,<strong>of</strong><br />

MkMaloa. H. Y. Bto IdWibi Oeo. V. Mttck.<br />

iMd ttognaad-bogsM tts abadowf<br />

PMNIoab*Marast<strong>of</strong>tlha* by Mhw A'-Cbudna'sCboreb" WM ea<br />

AMyoa wrttlog tt I»M wtttaat aay<br />

Bwtto AiHam tMBbw to I to Ibortb tad PrUay afterasoo at IMMBI<br />

tfamblef<br />

grate. Mia AdaaWtotttbhiaot<strong>of</strong> baptM libareb: Twenty aa<br />

AaettoreoM nap ito UUar pan <strong>of</strong>ttobM>.aad*be«Madttaaesaary<br />

lo were oorolwd, aad ito eawwaaad<br />

aawwjk.<br />

aaatttaw sleand an M atawi<br />

TtorKew Bncaod Bsppar" «<br />

Mta Beaedlat to* taoRM a few Mary Clark. airaUry; Bra W lateryeus<br />

ta a pablle a»boolatPbfi La,<br />

8tov*MM, arpaMt MUlwwt SsMb,<br />

Mayor Hsadky and wia will torn<br />

MtoKttsphMls Orfcfd. <strong>of</strong> Blag. aiilwaai orcaaM; Batb PmW aad<br />

waxtMoodayaatrlpto Klortda aad<br />

aateo.«. Y^ 00 Moaday oral will JotpbWrttejo*. aiaini PMtf«J*m>-<br />

ether petals to ito Booth.<br />

t^aasa'soaartonto tto etty ball a)<br />

Uto eharg* ef ito Meood grade raoM.<br />

atgbta. He says to wn to Mseito<br />

Tto Piom—lT* I Mgael*coo»ldrf. where Mn Uearge P. Btarr to. baeo anr. and Mr. MNeb, Mtab<br />

lag Ito ed«h4bUtty <strong>of</strong> ato«to> tbttr tog. Wton Mrs. Burr WM Tto • <strong>of</strong> ito<<br />

ft to HteAy• Mtuift ftWw VaW<br />

oautenfroM Itoneood 10 ib. third Marraa. a tow wetk* ago, *to gav* ito<br />

1 AltaeHh a. B*a •reekwf a agato ewatod, thaw <<br />

aoor af tto Haaa BalMlog.<br />

eoeioaary notMe <strong>of</strong> tor talantlaa to<br />

. BeaUtoi m»alr. MUU- haMtybaaiBT*wiliaj«ltojBbM<br />

V M WM cstobnted la tH.-AafiM. "*jo.<br />

ent HeiMb aad Hariaad VfcU.<br />

tto»-s Cborcb TtM*d*y BMratog by Mto Orlbfd. wtoukewtojhMbaea Tb* rato) wtoptad by UMobarob are<br />

Itotoetor.ltoRer.TboajMP. Bteka, Mgbly feeaMOMDdod. M a aonaal M Mlowai Tb keep qaMdwtogIke<br />

ta okMTvaoM ef CsadlaaM Day. •ebon gradeato. Bto atoo did port.<br />

If tbl* relk I* keskea<br />

gradaate work ta itoTracben'ColiaM<br />

PB&8ONAX8.<br />

eoaatehw wttb Coteaba <strong>On</strong>rrsntty<br />

aad ba* taagbt setool lb* a aw ytan<br />

Chartn C. Rnd. <strong>of</strong> Caadso. WM ta<br />

town Tbanday.<br />


Joba K. Bender, <strong>of</strong>' Pblladelphle,<br />

wa* to town Tbuiwtay.<br />

F.L. HoMan. <strong>of</strong> PttltodtJpbi*. WM<br />

a Metal |OMt <strong>of</strong> UM HUrtlng.<br />

AfUc 1 <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>dlasoMNo.<br />

Mm. a U. 8MMb M atrndtac Hml<br />

•7. provMtet Ibr UM appatetaMoi <strong>of</strong> a<br />

flr* eaJrf aad two aMimnti. M tb*<br />

dan wMb (rtaod* to Pblfadalpbla.<br />

WMkly *M*Uaa <strong>of</strong> UM CMy Coaaito-<br />

C J. Croats, ef lota Hty. *M a *Mtootn. Andrew V. Boewell, rntetar<br />

to.Pbltod«lpbla a few d«ya afo. MoUacnreCbtoT BMMMia Vemwr.<br />

MbaPaalloaBrawD, <strong>of</strong> PtniwvUI., rrunted UM tatlor'a rwlfUloo m<br />

la *wtttog Warrtn Brown aad wta. Jflnenkf. Tto naynaltoa WM to uk.<br />

JBMM W. Frraley. or Philadelphia, I * A( * M • Wol « b *on will to<br />

tirto shall stt stparato. Tto hyaa<br />

books atoll not to lorn or wrttlea ta<br />

If so, Ito oOaader shall pay tor tto<br />

book. A sliaBaai sbos<br />

Prtday* baton Mtog aatatir. Ko<br />

UJkiaasfUf to'etottt.<br />

TM o*d«t <strong>of</strong> *aniM i* M toliowsi<br />

Mtutiog by ito OMgngsttos. asi<br />

by tbeebotr, spscal a SMB. Bcrlptsre<br />

rvadtog, aeaiory venes. a sary.<br />

prayer. «oUasttoa, 1<br />

reettsUoos by tto aiabsis.<br />

MsrrlMantPrtdayat4a<br />

* JBoaary St.<br />

wa.MBOogtb.WMk'* vwtor* bare. I Tto meniltoo wa* aeorptod aad<br />

> etork. AN<br />

ebUdno an eordlaUy tovtlad.<br />

JoMpb OoOaM aod Psol Conoa,i<strong>of</strong><br />

Caadia. apaat Monday to OMBB Ctty.<br />

Tto sfdmaaes, wbka titoai*<br />

Aetrre Ua day. after tt* pi*ag*.<br />

MtoBenbaBbttdoo apsol Beaday<br />

aswtidM tor Ito sleet km <strong>of</strong> a ebwf and<br />

at I to boaa <strong>of</strong> tor psnals to MUtnUa,<br />

oa ito<br />

Mn. W. H. Bsttonby. af Pbladfl toartb Tbanday af Jaaeary.<br />

paw, WM aasoag ito wnA's vbeton TtoettyaalleKoradtBttdlbal, tea*-<br />

ben.<br />

avseh M tto ordrosae* don not go<br />

W. U. BMlly. <strong>of</strong> PbUaMpbla, WM<br />

telo *OMt far tea daya sit w It* 1<br />

tt WOBM topropsr al Ibw SMtUag to<br />

awnng tto wask'* arrrrsl* at itoBa-<br />

•t<strong>of</strong>t a cbwf logooadutjafMT Jaaoeayaa.aryn.aadaka<br />

to starts cbwf lo go<br />

Bwtag C<strong>of</strong>aoa, a atadset at Ha>artb-<br />

SMre CMton, to vhttrog bM boea. la<br />

oa daty wbea tto ordwsaM I* «OMthkieRy.<br />

Ure.<br />

Otrsder Tboro noaktalsd OirllW<br />

WIIUSM Allea sad r », W* 1 AU AdaaaMcbbf, Mtoaded by Dtmtor<br />

toa.af Praaklbfd. wen rktton ben<br />

Baadsy.<br />

IMnctor Thorn tbaa noMlnslsd<br />

TM Bev. Tboaa* P. Blake, <strong>of</strong> lbb> A4aa* tor a ton* <strong>of</strong> iwoyeanbegtectty.<br />

WM to Pertb Aaboy oa • »M*<br />

Mb* Urses t*brMkui. <strong>of</strong> thU ctty BsgardtogIto • ifinfrrw af a*iMaat<br />

opart rwaday wttb Mkw f<br />

ebtot*, IMnctsr Phtor waaied la kaow<br />

wbstasr lbs baaJd h) la war** k* prs-<br />

JobaT. WolaodM).<br />

s ta ebeeatag Ito saabtaat<br />

Oaawu* Ceaaty. Pa., WM a vtattar i*ca)aMltoAncaMpaetoi tore<br />

benBstardsy.<br />

twe mm tor lb**s poattkw*.<br />

AceaidagtottoMwyen.to*aU, Ito<br />

Mr*. M. P. WUboc. or Pbuadd-<br />

CNyCk 1 bar* UM power la<br />

we* a cas« <strong>of</strong> Ito lapntal s<br />

•toe*. H* bad aotbto* acatoat Ibr<br />

!3y_ p<br />

pba. ntarMd Prtday altar a<br />

bat. to i>ar»at lb*<br />

by Ib*<br />

Om eoMpaaw*. tb* bawd *«Mte<br />

two days' vtatt lo IbJ. rtty.<br />

Mia Mary Osaol* aad Mb. Bath Mr. Plator weal aa 10 aay UMI to<br />

Mtobobwa. <strong>of</strong> WUIia»Bsm. anvMt- bad send lUanlly la Coavrr<br />

tag Jaaw* Marts sad wttb.<br />

Tb*B*r.U*org*P. Mtteh aad wUe<br />

Mtarwad tto altor part <strong>of</strong> lea) weak<br />

froMavattto Pblaeelpkbi.<br />

Mr*. John L*e. <strong>of</strong> Atlaotlo Ctty.<br />

vattsd tor nltor. Chief <strong>of</strong> POUM<br />

BMil. <strong>of</strong> Ibwctty. Tbanday.<br />

Ctty TMsaorsr WIUBMB<br />

aad wia. <strong>of</strong> PtilUdilabto. wenvtaV<br />

tan ben Batarday aad Baaday.<br />

aeon* Hiaarll, <strong>of</strong> Ataatb) Ctty.<br />

to that etty. Prfctay aad Batarday.<br />

Mn. Pnd. B. Doty satertatosd Ito<br />

gssda Lrovcn si bar<br />

taf*. •» <strong>On</strong>u aveaaa, tore tow day.<br />

A. W. r^w«U aad X P. CadoMB. ef<br />

Ut* etty, war. to rti ttaifrfp b • neadejr<br />

atlndli»i UM •Ulltj" Haaday 1<br />

Mr*. B<br />

tor. <strong>of</strong> iba etty. to*, bm lyssilsg a<br />

aw day* wttb Mr*. HettOtttf pineli<br />

toMulvtUe.<br />

WUsoa Y. fbrtattoa. <strong>of</strong> tto Ualveratty<br />

sf Psaa*yl««Ba. apaM ito awak*<br />

ead wttb hla parrel*. Mr. aad Mr*. J.<br />

B.Can*ttoa.<br />

Mrs. P. P. Uott ntsroad to her<br />

bMM to ibis ctty yMtcvdoy. traa a<br />

Pbttsd»l»hM koiisttsl. whan Bto<br />

aaderweoi aa oparattoa.<br />

Mia Laalto lasaUa. oae<strong>of</strong> tbeto*<br />

•traaten to tto <strong>On</strong>aa Ctty Htgb<br />

Msbml. be* ntorasd fruM a sbart<br />

vatttosat sf Iswa fib.da.<br />

t ito tot *ad wttb Mat<br />

tor. Maw Kocberg to a<br />

Mss. UajMa aatttt, sf Haddaa<br />

Uebjbts. wba WM Ito ga* U sf Pay<br />

tueMiUwaad wlfsaf ibketty, lar a<br />

1 OrrUfc)Adaaw,ltoi<br />

•naepaitaMatito* 1<br />

lei<br />

It IkWb •aad<br />

H.I<br />

paaear tto next tww<br />

Ckaf Adaaw tob anaaj<br />

waa to tto An luaaa Ma shan ef 1 to<br />

worktotojajlbiwad. BtvCbt<strong>of</strong>Usa.<br />

«ftto*l<br />

ItoMg<br />


Mrs. BUubstb rtottb, whtow af<br />

BmrifaHallMMttlMmMs<br />

<strong>of</strong> ooe <strong>of</strong> tor diatkliii. MM. Bto wa, M. IX. atosraaaj 1<br />

Palcber. at Atllsbira. MM*, M M a OssT. Han, T. MeOaettt, <<br />

enatog. Hto bed base ta poor baWk<br />

torayssr, aad wratto Athssoro twa<br />

asoalba ago to ito hope Itot she<br />

weald cala niaf. Mto WM 13 yean<br />

HoUib aad Mark take.<br />

Mr*. Hssttb WSTM thne Maa aad<br />

tare IISIMJIIM* Hialaaalsi B. Praek<br />

Mattb, Lwatsosnt Alfred B. nattb. ef<br />

Umpaaya. Third lafaatry. Bskart<br />

ttattb sad Mn. Mary Bhapka*. sf<br />

Ibbj ctty. aad Mr*. PliUkw. Both<br />

ttsngbtsn wen wttb her wtoa ato<br />

Md.<br />

Mw hw*baad.wto we* a well kaawa<br />

railaint af tbt* ctty, dwd sbjblsM<br />

to a«o. Tbey eaae to Oeasa<br />

Ctty to IM, aad. wttb tto irespltM<br />

<strong>of</strong> a tew yaan. U**d Mn aattl aaav<br />

loosd bMC* by desib.<br />

Mr*. Battb WM a Moat iillailli<br />

eoam sad had a wtoecweasf Msad*<br />

wbo beard <strong>of</strong> b*r death wttb ragrat<br />

sf ito Palsrai<br />

BtpMCbeita.<br />

Tbaiaaabww* rMCbtlator.att<br />

in*<br />

ctty, aad faearal aarvaat will be b*M<br />

tber* at IJO e'etocb Haw* eAer-<br />

* slstUoa<br />

Iw* yean aas, aad todktaot wsat la COMMUTSBV VIOBT<br />

doaoagsn.<br />

"Will tt tote a btodtog tost*. Mr.<br />

HoUottorT-' to asksd.<br />

TtoaaUcttMnpUedlbalbsdld not<br />

tbakas.<br />

U tto BMsttog ef tto HMrd ef<br />

Ttade Moaday iiaku i^mm Man*<br />

-A pensa to to rbaf do*aa*t and<br />

rrpottod thai to tod astoadad Ito<br />

lo to a IIMIH or<br />

aatlag <strong>of</strong> nwsasotstltM ef Ito<br />

•n dtpajtasotr'.<br />

wm.<br />

awtan la aMto ttoSgbti<br />

railroad oaa pastas, to tod<br />

mnisa to upon.<br />

I01 »to a ceil tor a npart. tto Tbe tboogbl waa that W a<br />

to cootrteaud by tto Baaal<strong>of</strong>Trada.<br />

YoBOg HM'lPngMBW** 1sagee.<br />

Ito<br />

M a<br />

af Ito Hoard <strong>of</strong><br />

af Oeaaa<br />

Ctty aad Ito two pasttaal t<br />

Mej<strong>of</strong> ttoPiaa MsMornl BrtdasCoa- Oa aMttoe af B. M.Ba<br />

abtbenwM toryTSaaiMd was tattrwa llsdnw<br />

igalbsrtogef aaarAwtwtl.<br />

aaali frsa Pbladriskls.tMadsa sad<br />

ktogtoetatto totenat <strong>of</strong><br />

b-Mg* eenMltoDsw-<br />

1<br />

1 at ttodinVnst<br />

al ttotawdw wsetleg<br />

Ititiodsfrayar<br />

Md. aed to lold tbsa<br />

tlbawL VhUi lM HMVawaffOtaatal law) OOaawa<br />

<strong>City</strong> Board sf Trade,, to WM setaeaay<br />

satstrtpttoi.<br />

I <strong>of</strong> Trad* always •<br />

back sf tt* iiaaMlBlliem, 1<br />

dtogr*e«M<br />

Oa<br />

<strong>of</strong> IM<br />

B*Md aTTraa* WM toauactod 10 draw<br />

uaw.bilM<br />

s Mawa|whatw wae talrodoeei ta tto Slate<br />

aeaUtdeatava<br />

• Oatra<br />

lafttotrawk.<br />

ajtoatotoae<br />

doty ta Ms 1 ito Ito etty ban erary<br />

to a :<br />

epi<br />

rgMai<br />

wtoat BrMfe. ef tto< L»*»<br />

tarnwaVtosMiitoi<br />

l»Ui<br />

M •(•vena.<br />

B.H**arfTbsra.Wm<br />

^L Maawy. Aaart Pegg aad tto Bav<br />

-Albert I<br />

SaC laasph I. BMB aad i.L.<br />

yoa anrdeptwl ttpoa h. If kl<br />

I OUR MOTTOt " QtaWy **-**<br />

Jaawuy U. aad opoo wbiek a<br />

veto wMexpeated lbb> week.<br />

Pr.BiaMaaenep.oaj Ibal to woold<br />

1 peWle beariattoaitoblll<br />

atMa.a*.TtMKlay <strong>of</strong> U<br />

aad to aojed ito bapartaoM<br />

• anwetaadaBM.froM tbl* etty. flcALLISTER'S<br />

TtoMawtognMloiloa WM adopted<br />

ky a eaeatoaa* vote]<br />

Th. UMidlng Dry Qoo«is fto ^<br />

Ta UM Hea. Mr. Wbeaioo. Bnetor<br />

Cape May Caaaty. aadlb*<br />

ef Uwjkate <strong>of</strong> Ktm Jeney. TaJce A look At oar North WiaoW «ad A<br />

WewJway<br />

Atangaarasrre* <strong>of</strong>ibta etonb. <strong>of</strong> New Spring And Saauntr Fabrics, all aiaow ia<br />

•vtag aaMMbwshlp <strong>of</strong> 4W. lbs<br />

Mttor ef tto boealOptton BUI (Bsa.<br />

etoKa. P-«, nf. oaaat-) totag pn-<br />

U. S. A.<br />

preMM by a<br />

FfoeTtouw, is^oyd. BrawAB rwHrerwi,<br />

tbal Iba attNN, *o nrtfy tacwNovtfty, looaaditoyd. YmCHM, tee yd.<br />

I ta Hew Jeney. May rbrtbwtth Ratine, 18c tad 150 yd.<br />

liwi<br />

by UM Hnale, aad UMW BicaCloUi. tSeyd. Ctotk, 00 yd.<br />

Ms.sboeJd«tTett nwt eaty<br />

FtpowlVoat. iteyd. Crept IOTA!,<br />

h» veto tot Mseettve Mpport.<br />

Rne Sfflc Crepe. f(ttrad.3ae yd.<br />

Bespeetialty sabMttUd.<br />

M. B nmen ATOQUAM itrr.<br />

Now JBWUCY. BY JHO. B.<br />

HAnram, MlaMrr.<br />

0stadisa.0.m<br />

Harry P. I , BfwaadM.<br />

I Dr. VI<br />

Itoitoetty-B<br />

m tarttor said itot to bad fcr-<br />

1 to ask ttootty Mltottoraiito<br />

838 A«bury Av«nu«<br />

saw sjBMWItog Mto whether ttwM<br />

IJewa&Jeaaa. •ar Ibeettytoedrertaw<br />

JaBwaaal ieabaadtopM«M*lb*M dally coo- Ocw>«n <strong>City</strong><br />

•: Utorto* H. Ban Mia,<br />

mitt. M. tt, B. Pnak ItolaMarHowslI adcbMd that, oadar<br />

M easMsbasaa art, ttwIllbsJaatM<br />

wailtoadrcrua.<br />

•; AHwd W. rVwrtl Cttnctaf Pator *sid Ibsl'lbtn woaU D. Prank «mlth<br />

jMspbO.Cho<br />

hav*latoawaafctBiBliladlttrrroM to f yon have raooey to loan ace n* far gc<br />

JohaT Bssl<br />

tto towsal Mdiaghrs MtaaoaMOtbar lot on <strong>Ocean</strong> avtsaw MAT Sereatk atntt, wtth amO<br />

bsoMMs Hatrtaoa sad bh) Two lota comer Pint street and Aatmry avntae, sfaw 70x11<br />

tm B. Parker. tor* bsee estraaely<br />

n IUUU AWOOMV* S ntiiii wot<br />

^bartataauiweUi I^L—Jh-ai O JOTBBBBBBL Mtotbewew<br />

tat l t t l i<br />

tal<br />

AdiwlbAsg ttmm W. Barattgb,<br />

abnaaai Harry a lap. HtoM<br />

1O36 Awbury Aw.<br />

kas Brtafc.<br />

raaa.Aawt<br />

p <strong>of</strong> lb. Board <strong>of</strong> ALONZO COTTON<br />

i.Aito*Uw-<br />

10 now. Tbe<br />

see. M. a, tb* BM. B. LdU ef Garb DUaabeck. <strong>of</strong> FbUadttabl*<br />


r B. Bwaa. Pnak O 'Hewbsrry<br />

sad <strong>of</strong> to<br />


MaBsadaadiobB tCTraot wan t*o-<br />

( WW AVSVaVaWjVaV.<br />

tor BMbmUp at ito board<br />

Frn oottMMoa CotxU an<br />

C wsoosy a»rolo«. rbey w«n awb. IWAOMOMMM<br />

Twe ktt<br />

oaAaory<br />

.MJypnoa.<br />

ta rikrr *4 T.<br />

Warm Alloa.<strong>of</strong> Pblladtlpbia. aoo.<br />

A Isras aad will nltia'sd<br />

to-tew <strong>of</strong> CbM <strong>of</strong> fUka ttoaU. <strong>of</strong> Ibi*<br />

sided tto **Hew Jtegtoad<br />


eby. aa niejor el tto "Blily"<br />

grrea by Ito MMBM<br />

Baaday •ay wattlnOtoltoUbsrasoli<br />

to<br />

Ibwtstpbbi tie will to glad to lake<br />

• <strong>of</strong> aoyef htaOoaea Ctty Meeds Clayton Haines Brick<br />

A11<br />

I by tto<br />

St. Gommn <strong>City</strong>. IM. J.<br />


lattb*<br />

<strong>of</strong>Ocau<br />

Ctty wUl to b*M at Ibe <strong>of</strong> wSatV AlaO Ml tew^ttVWaMtaMl aaawft ^e^3S|^^J_Sa^_,C jS<br />

Mr. Bad Mr*. L Baker. 1731 Oaatd<br />

MyiU*Uiatoa.Va<br />

atwet. PblaAwpkk). U-<br />

J. M. CHESTER & CO,<br />

la to eat to<br />

Cnr. N. I.<br />

aatteCas.Bthsl laa. MabelLata,<br />

a Paber. Ptoneee Besves. atab NaaBerta- lsa,a. Mil Waa*<br />

BMWO, on«e Wrajgtoa. Awiy Ibj*. Aaa laattsf iba dbastouaa tt ito Interesting to Investors<br />

^^AA. at*w r^^^^^Ad R^a^A ib^tt2~ " Bra ef Baa-Pety OBL. aU <strong>of</strong> the prop.<br />

Kattactoe CaWA><br />

srty arawty eaatraUed by tbe ta<br />

-OMhaa<br />

Myrta owarp aad Can hMhaaUkso over by OlatU-Dety, Um Vkt iU • ltA*m*<br />

d had abaiae af tto esk* na wto wUl bansftM bar. fall etorgesf<br />

Wttllaa isCrw* dart M M<br />

B«rbM lay, al dg^ Faat/e?/<br />

halpadwttbttolMi<br />

TtoMwwtoggaw<br />

W. A. Fitak. P. L. 'f-win. Fhla- ARTHUR D. BARROWS<br />

ripbia; Dr. Taytor. Uo*u Ctty.<br />

Mrs A. P. MB)BM. Mn. B. W. g«-<br />

eBuaraliart<br />

Mds. Mr*. Hiaai Y^oaj Mn A.<br />

•aa curr*AL AVKNUK OOCAN CITY. M. *,<br />

MM. W. U. llsmisliy. Mn. M. P.<br />

Wttt<strong>of</strong>g. Mia Bey.PbllsdslBhta.<br />

atacAvaa. Welsbach Gas Lamps<br />

A. T. JaaM aad wia. Hans* atttncrnoi<br />

«.MiK Bsndsr. W. M. rkllweU.<br />

M^IWVBM.M, ioba <strong>On</strong>toM,<br />

We trrotnmrTHl tacst for alt Ucjhtitts imifjaf Tbey<br />

W. PwvJey. a M. pMtoa, Wot. five more tight Car UM moory than caa be aecsnd by aay<br />

I at tto wMkty<br />

•etiaBfib aad wax Wa. J. O'Brws, other lighting appliance.<br />

ef tto Otty<br />

ay laasiaiii.i.a Psutt. W. H.<br />

awty. PklbjdXfkbn D. r>. PaMa.Jr.<br />

We wfll aim to secure far you the beat poasOOe reewjiOhaHMC,B*ad.O*adMi<br />

lOsy.<br />

ta. prapcrtr :. c.<br />

WUdwood.<br />

10a MatoM Brtek saMattto<br />

O. HatU. Hewarfci WUlaa<br />

ef tto Beard af TMde Miss*<br />

Maraby. Praaew Balaar. BparrMowa. The <strong>City</strong> Gas Light Company<br />

• aval C^atV IS^MBBBBBT attataVanvl aaM aawgad kp Ito aa<br />

CttyCtorkJ.B At<br />

1 Itot As* M by ito Cwy<br />

ssasWy Bttl Ha. m. I edetlto gr*e aeOMef aaatl isfttoi<br />

•awsfrtossAMUi •dawp.af taasfttoasdaaaa<br />

AXtaaUsCtty.Ujw MSt.atth tto toeed TtoaaM<br />

Mkat<br />

tto raws <strong>of</strong> 1 to MOM i*f Ito<br />

•ai asa^M SBwaaa^ • R. CURTIS ROBINSON<br />

a aad Astaqrt<br />

-j~^.-:,~,-hii-' , t ^ ^.;..^<br />

ktawiWaaiayavai<br />

aba* aad Waaey 1<br />

iaodOaaaaa«*aa<br />

7 lot* on Atbory Aventbc,<br />

OaOoaoo.<br />

Vutj BUU* kATB BbOa<br />


r, a#*aa attr. a.«.<br />

NOTARY PwBue AND<br />


Oat* Cm<br />


NEW HOTHt<br />

E. C BOYL<br />

RMI EttatsBl<br />

50MER8* POINT*tt<br />

THOMAS J. Til<br />


BOettMSOIf<br />

r. nnmoA*T B. m*.<br />



\i>><br />

(i<br />

•* Us* aerrfcaa In iba<br />

Ckanca Boodaj<br />

-MR ^"•""•^T* *»*a»w7 eaaWeTV* «*ea*awS*»*w7 KB<br />

•HMMST. ML A, *»•*** Iba await*,<br />

.•ho<br />


•* Harold<br />

UaaBKOaOan-sparaati gavabeaia<br />

arptwa party a* bis boaee aa Friday<br />

vwsesw. aawi taw oooasaBii wws wxran<br />

a cells asjBiflaasaa by 'hr raoaloo<br />

ribassaaaafttHor iba Oataa CM-<br />

Baac*. J.B*c*rVoaaai>aP. B. WU-<br />

ta.<br />

TMevaotaa;waa spent la tiMaaa.nl<br />

etvlaand Iba affair will oat soon ba<br />

Heard tty Ooa><br />

ar. Aoouaiiaa'a.<br />

Tbera arae a larxa eoo»ra«aUoo al<br />

U» 10 (/doc* I > to at. Aoxttatloa'a<br />

i by lbs par<br />

at iba^partr ta adVUUoo to<br />

UMsp»ati. Maad M. rk**4e. Virginia<br />

Ambers. MaJEsrat Parker. Edith Uot-<br />

aod Capttola J Forrest Loo*.<br />

WUUam U. faiptwn. Jr.. Edward<br />

VoUoo aod Artoar W. BrtnaaiaHr.<br />

With Ibe euwpUoo <strong>of</strong> abooi inraa,<br />

all am Bzadoalaa <strong>of</strong> tba Ocaao. Cttj<br />

BajbScbaol.<br />

P. a Willis ba* tba rtaatrrttttTo <strong>of</strong><br />

being lb* I<br />

tha tallest i<br />

a a *— a- *•* * — - • _v a , -»_ _ •<br />

O^D DCSOM AJ<strong>On</strong>l<br />

a»d Forrest Loo.<br />

sber <strong>of</strong> Iba <strong>Ocean</strong> Cny<br />

*••«*•<br />

fUtaod<br />

ooa -<br />

tory <strong>of</strong> iba Baptist 8aoday BcbooL<br />

rba altaodaoos arnsa bkrbar tbaa tt<br />

basbetnatany UoMdartag Iba wta-<br />

er- A special program rW "DeetUoo<br />

Oa»" «a» Iba sooroe <strong>of</strong> totaraat.<br />

After UM books were Barked aad<br />

oaataaaa<strong>of</strong> tbf aebool badeoeaa ta as<br />

and. Sapartntaodaat 8. a McAUarter<br />

toirodocad Iba speaker <strong>of</strong> Iba ixtastuu.<br />

tba Bee. Oeorga V. Mitch, by «**-T < >"j<br />

a targe wnttacaraaUoo from • f—nil<br />

fol booqost<strong>of</strong> eaiBaxloaa wblebataod<br />

apoo Iba platJbtaa oo a tabla. a<br />

ttag-blaato tall Iba storjr <strong>of</strong> "Tba<br />

Oaxnattoo."<br />

Mr Mitch began bla raumk s wMb a<br />

ailsnuia to Iba receot Boaday acbool<br />

Bseoo takao from Iba book <strong>of</strong> ReLh.<br />

Cborcb Boaday morning Tba oale-<br />

braot eras iba ractor. Iba B*r. Tboemae<br />

». Blake. Tba sarrioaa kaowo aa<br />

Tba atatlaoa <strong>of</strong> Ib*-Cross" will ba<br />

bald awry Friday «vaotaf daring<br />

Tba aalptara Maoo far tba morotng<br />

•anaaa la UM Ftnt M. EL Chare t»<br />

trotn lb« <strong>On</strong>t aptalla gaoaral <strong>of</strong> ttt.<br />

Jobn. ciMptar a. baxtaotog at UM flnt<br />

mw»aadcaadtsglatbaaaraatb. Tba<br />

dootrioa MI torUt ta UM ebaptar U.<br />

•U» that IOTMO OodlonUtcl* cbll-<br />

Ana." Tba foortb varaa WM oaad<br />

tba Uxt. -for •hdaorat Is bora <strong>of</strong><br />

OodowcnnaMUi UM world, aad ib»<br />

la tt» rkxoty Um* onivututh UM<br />

world, a«aa oor faltb."<br />

At UM ootaat <strong>of</strong> hf ssrtaoo. Or.<br />

UaiaM dccJand Utai Ibsra M a tack <strong>of</strong><br />

el .v «t»t«msnt ta UM stdtag forth <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> lbs a—miaJ doctrlnss <strong>of</strong> lbs<br />

Cbarefe. "tnqtntm <strong>of</strong> staMaatsi" was<br />

t»ja •paaksr's caaraaarUatloa. U»<br />

did ooc aotarga upon lbs caosas<strong>of</strong><br />

whlcb araonav.bat bs tmpUad<br />

toatmoeb<strong>of</strong> tbM etoody atataauot ta<br />

mtttr avoldabla tf tbow who ars eota-<br />

atwinnid ta braak tbs braad <strong>of</strong> l«»<br />

aod gr»a tt to tba taoliitod* wUJ.aodcr<br />

tba aolla^itmlag powar <strong>of</strong> tba Uotj<br />

klpUtl. am UM powers <strong>of</strong> Uwtr ots-<br />

taitty to atata tba dociitaas <strong>of</strong> lbs<br />

Cbareb to lbs «*wry-tfay taivo«x» <strong>of</strong><br />

lbs psopU. oitsg taagoio adapted to<br />

Ibscoqipoo oodarstaodtoc.<br />

Tb* tscakar ospd tba first rUaw <strong>of</strong><br />

lbs uxt vans, "Fur woataua*er ts<br />

tiorao/Uod ovarooostb UM wortd.'<br />

aod bs d«*otad a larga part <strong>of</strong> bt* dt*<br />



bodxsa. 0a tbs red tn lbaSs«s>tsw<br />

ayasbel <strong>of</strong> Iba Bis <strong>of</strong> Iba oaUoo.<br />

Wbea w« read bow lbs Ufa-blood <strong>of</strong><br />

men baa ban poorad on* apoo lbs<br />

baUtjorld la defects* <strong>of</strong> lbs flag, wa<br />

caooot balp thinking <strong>of</strong> tba bo*T*ry<br />

TIM :<br />

<strong>of</strong>atavam. Taw«agi BOtKr-<br />

lasbopalbattbst<br />

tafibaa<br />

<strong>of</strong> I ttolba i<br />

aatbs<br />

apaaka <strong>of</strong> ooaraga.<br />

"White ataoda tor portly, tba wind<br />

over. Bo tba white to tba Hag aagg*w»<br />

booor. wbleb b> tba safeguard aod<br />

strength <strong>of</strong> oor "»t»"n. and whlcb<br />

keeps os from dote* aaylbln* whtab<br />

will oOVod against lb* taw or wcekeo<br />

Ibaaaeral power <strong>of</strong> ibaaaUoo.<br />

~Tb* bla* euads for loyalty Wbo<br />

baa DSI baud Iba u preset oa true<br />

bloat* U» Iba Mo* to Iba flag<br />

pose, ibu drattoo io oallva land.<br />

which oukas Iba ctttaao prood <strong>of</strong><br />

every oobls dasd <strong>of</strong> bis cooatrya<br />

aadwliUagloosakaaoy eacrlnc* for<br />

iba sake <strong>of</strong> country.<br />

'•Cold, lodssd. most ba Iba bcart <strong>of</strong><br />

bis wbo can look opoo iba Blare aod<br />

Stripes. rlppUog lo lbs braoas <strong>of</strong><br />

baareo, wttbost petda <strong>of</strong> country. Io<br />

saerad ambUcoory Ihera U not ao<br />

atom <strong>of</strong> crown, oo ravaooos lluo. oo<br />

•oraetoos bear, oo btaUi<br />

naroa drigixi, oo frow<br />

<strong>of</strong> Imparts! autbomy. t>o<br />

<strong>of</strong> a aespter otber tbaa laat<br />

<strong>of</strong> iba baaai>ieat cuiseo <strong>of</strong> Iba land<br />

tba *orpUT <strong>of</strong> ctlisenabJp<br />

lITMMOocmha.<br />

raftbajoav<br />

sUaak will bav*<br />

oar balooey'u<br />

rsBsUssalaaw-<br />

T Ma, wbo<br />

M*wUHaamtea?tMa<br />

HaaMudUMaebooi to tail bba *by<br />

Orpab ilini bat •oUM*-«a-to« aad<br />

•by Batb das« to bar. It «M UM<br />

cbaraettf <strong>of</strong> Haooai vbicb atxzaotad<br />

rducbUr4o~U* to b«r. Tbaa, ba<br />

baxaa to aody lo» camaUoo to aa* M><br />

" h —»*»«» aad to Itaro at •bona It<br />

Ba abo*ad bo« UM So^ra<br />

ara« Uka boya aad strta,aod bow M<br />

Cnm froos a imo bod Into a baaoti-<br />

foJ. pare, fragrant aad aoraeUra ob><br />

i*t. BoboyaaadatrMmay cow tsto<br />

vary bwmtfnl CbrtaUaa cbaracuca,<br />

Saladioatad bow good aoii. air<br />

t safca tba partes Oovar. aod<br />

ooanstoibsD "o»rrcoairtb<br />

lbs wodd:" aad bm ba »a» ««-<br />

•tacady eirar aod »«ry aaltghlaoiag<br />

Er«ry beam mat* b»r» ba*o idmd<br />

to nors vicoroo* tboottu apoo tb# <strong>of</strong>i<br />

ijaolad last aad moat bars rsorrad a<br />

potat <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> iba aartog<br />

so bow (aod eosapany and a food Ood<br />

win develop Cartet-Uk* "eae.<br />

Meanwhile, a* be erect oo wtlb bis<br />

ratal* a. Mr. K&eb tors tba bod and<br />

flower, leaf aad stem, bit by ha. lull<br />

•bred*. Tbao, after laqairtag what lo<br />

dowttbtbabrokas<br />

bawooid give tbs flown to Mrs attteh.<br />

Ha eallsd bar op eod <strong>of</strong>fend tba dis-<br />

sected Howe* to bar, tat sbs refsead tt.<br />

aaytegtbat aba wanted oot ao egly<br />

aad broken Sower, bot a beautiful aod<br />

wbaee ooe. Tbaraupoo. Mr. Mtteh<br />

draw tba saaaao <strong>of</strong> bow Ood wanted<br />

oot a «an»nl «**< kt~+~*-t ~*~~.T.<br />

a pars. traa. oobla. aad aprkbt<br />

eny.baalU**-a• aaopod ttaa>H Ta.<br />



nucncALttoosc PAIHTQ<br />

645 Asbury Avenu«,<br />

CK C4J1 crrr. a. j.<br />

KuiJ Uu at Joba Ueu a Ox'« ruiu<br />

tzBUbaa. He. u Oar turn<br />

AUO, laba T. LtMf Utma U4 Oil Ccs-<br />

p*Jnn< frompujr Itueau Tew<br />


noun* AMO BJOM ^AjH-wmma<br />

CUNTON U llRCCKLtV. P«o»<br />

Mixed FaJoU. Lead aj>d Oli»<br />

S30 aod 8£2 A^Uirjr ateoaa.<br />

BEaOLEV a% AM>AMM<br />

Readlnjr Goal<br />

Real Estate and<br />

Search Company<br />


Klelity Trust Company<br />

d Mrauk<br />

Titl« Insuranoo<br />

8oarchea, Abetr«ots <strong>of</strong> Title,<br />

Conveyancing<br />

Fire Insurance<br />

Prompt Seivica AH Work Ooannteeti<br />

atooey to Lo*n 00 Oood. Pti«<br />

Offices in<br />

Fl«t Uatlonl Bank Building<br />

Cape Kay Court HOQAO<br />

H. J.<br />

Offlco 1O17 Asbury Avonue<br />



Cutlet<br />

Chops I.I III<br />

StewiagV...".".".".".""."."."."*.".".*." I<br />

Oood Hamborr. 18c<br />

Mslsr<br />

Tbroogb Iba aeraoey <strong>of</strong> a map which<br />

baa baao prepared In hie department.<br />

abowtnaT bow Iba rilffrrmt nrtlfrne <strong>of</strong><br />

Iba Btata eootribatad to tba mooeys<br />

oollectad lor tba nolatkus <strong>of</strong> tb*<br />

atotor veblcl* act, 1>rminhainij«i Job<br />

IB. Upptncott draws tba cooclaaaoa<br />

A odgbbMbood moaicaJa m*» g|v<br />

tba <strong>of</strong> local<br />

ea»ifc aMOanao*<br />

JUi. ITnujno.<br />

tba Btata. "Tba map<br />

plamrjr rndtcataa tba parta at tba BUIa<br />

u whleb tbara baa baaa • laxity <strong>of</strong>!<br />

aafcinainanl <strong>of</strong> tba motor ranJctaact."<br />

l<br />

at Iba Pblladelpbla boot* ot Mrs.<br />

Tbooaa WatUoo. 1663 Bortb til .ileth<br />

straat, a summer reeident <strong>of</strong> Oceao<br />

Ctty. fl dsy evtnlag. for tbe beoetll <strong>of</strong><br />

tbs araergsocy food lo Philadelphia.<br />

Mrs. WaUsoo gave a dialect raadlo-<br />

In ber eicslleol aod Uutabed etyle.<br />

Tua aeat earn <strong>of</strong> 130 was raised for the<br />

food Tber* were tblrly-elgbt gue^u.<br />

among them Mrs. Mary Htang aod<br />

Mra. ClareocaBtang- Mrs. T. J. Hollt-<br />

van sarlelad In ncslvtng. Tb* moalcal<br />

waa Iboroogbly enjoyed by ell.<br />

Our own mate <strong>of</strong> famoai all-pork aaasagr. none better.<br />

OUT own make <strong>of</strong> famous scrapple, try it, . . . 4 Iba tat<br />

3 Iba. <strong>of</strong> Pig's liver<br />

Pare lard ! ! !<br />

Sugar cured akin-back bams, whole or half.<br />

Picnic hams<br />

Fancy chickens. *-.-..'.'.'.-'.<br />

Boneless bacon, In piece. . . "<br />

3OC<br />

25C<br />

I4C<br />

16c<br />

14c<br />

31C<br />

aic<br />

Blrgaot Santos c<strong>of</strong>fee. .<br />

J Ibe. Crackers<br />

Fancy t rcxmexy Batter.<br />

. . . «c daze a<br />

jk<br />

Urgt.JnlqrOiMijts . . . «c<br />

Vin: Pal iUcktreCUt and joky<br />

S^uef KroaC 6<br />

S^uef KroaC<br />

y<br />

6c qu<br />

6<br />

—a— J !2 hB l h * ***• -<br />

iJt^ Mrs loortloos <strong>of</strong><br />

issMNIIaa.<br />

•vya mllartsd by Iba<br />

fioealjadgaebav* been dlstrtbated lo<br />

llbasbOowtosTmaiuMCbyoaaaUaa: At-<br />

. argao.illafl.^Barllng-<br />

. W& •«•. t>; Oaaaate. KIOS. UapaMay.<br />

'—; Ukabarlaod,«U7; Bsats. •MTTI<br />

•64! Uatfaoo, BXBU,<br />

•Vi KaraaT. IMDi Mid.<br />

aUasW.»n«; Maoaaoatb. 1*787; Mar-<br />

K<br />

aojoy tbemaalvaa la roller akaUoc<br />

Tbera ara (ood ptaesa aroood tn«<br />

baok.troa«eoiDpaay aad first U. JK.<br />

Cbareb ooraera, boi tba (iris say Um<br />

poUoe wou't let inam skate ibere.<br />

6c quart<br />

ancy New Orleans Malauea, 16c qt.,<br />

oocnlloa.<br />

C Bd<br />

S Braporated Uilk^<br />

J Large Cans <strong>of</strong> Tesutoea .<br />

3 Large Caaa <strong>of</strong> Cora<br />

3 Large Cans <strong>of</strong> Veaa<br />

3 Tumblen <strong>of</strong> Pare Jcilj<br />

.ate<br />

. JJC<br />

31c<br />

tmai<br />

b^tafoTSa^SuS^o S. 1 ^<br />

Inot lo Iba dowa-towo sarlhui was<br />

Introdocad aad aoatptad 00 first aad<br />

aaoaod mdloca at Iba waakly BMctlag<br />

<strong>of</strong> lha Cay^OwuinlaHooars. Toe or-<br />

dloaoes will eoaaa op for fortber<br />

actloQ oatTJnusday ahamooo. - -<br />

'ancr Buckwheat, toe. try U. 10c pkf.<br />

I Large Can <strong>of</strong> White California<br />

Cberrlea, Ijc.<br />

1 Can <strong>of</strong> Sliced Peaches 11c<br />

I Caa <strong>of</strong> Eztn Pine Strawberries .oc<br />

3 Boaxs Ncdieleaa Mstcbes . . . . 10c<br />

Grmanlated Bazar ... 6c<br />

HedlJhtOU :i<br />

Bzar ... 6c<br />

HesdlJghtOU. ucgai..SgaIJ:.ioc<br />

FancyJUiicd Cakea, real cheap, a &Z<br />

Jeney Cranberrlee.<br />

Mince Meat ....<br />

Faacy Lctaona . .<br />

Potatoes<br />

6 RoOa Toilet Paper<br />

Jelly Been. . . . .<br />

V%noj Chi• 11In<br />

- - . . jc<br />

. . .oclb.<br />

. . tocdoz.<br />

. 45cba>ket<br />

. . . -ajc<br />

.alba, JJC<br />

ILJTAVE you a cottage, buDgalow or apartr<br />

* * ment to furnish? We have a line <strong>of</strong><br />

furniture at less than Philadelphia prices.<br />

It will pay you to call and see our stock be-<br />

fore buying elsewhere.<br />

Window shades a specialty.<br />

Chas. E. Adams & Bro.<br />

720-22 Asbury Ave.<br />

IRA E. WALL<br />

725 Central Ave.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> New Jersey<br />

* Iba. Prunes<br />

3 lha. Bnpontad Peaches ..<br />

Itc<br />

.«JC<br />

. ajc<br />

Bell Pbone,<br />

TwelfUi Street<br />

Coast, io>-A.<br />

BcU Phono 18 Inter-State Pho-.e r^-<br />


General Contractors<br />

and Street Building<br />


New Jersey<br />

Plain and Oscontha<br />

Paperhanger<br />

A Poat Card wiU briag oar »«r-<br />

to yoa.<br />

LA.ST£EUMN<br />

BUCKSMITH and<br />

rod.<br />

PratticaJHonassfeatiug<br />


<strong>On</strong> tal Out* Taap • tXeftB}<br />

•*««nt for Stawait's Iron Works O><br />

JULIUS<br />

ww rfw a*a S^SI^BV ***4'a» _ _^ * ^^^^ "<br />

taa a. Teiarirrx aJTacrr<br />

Ocxasj CITV. at. j.<br />

aor CIOMTM arraerr<br />

»«o oaa*cr u»ia c or ui aiasa atMiiu<br />

Mra. Koocb Prtoe. <strong>of</strong> tnta e«w. b> ra-'<br />

searing ftoaa aa operatlao aba aoder-<br />


Smaaior-to<br />

tt. C. OODFKEY<br />

leiaa-araia. t»a-a<br />

Upholsteringr, Awnings, House<br />

OCCAM CITV. N. J.<br />

«a*aaaj°.Isarfrsaada wui<br />

wM^MrtSoawot^UWSSPMSI 687 *^ 9 Asaunv AVCNUC<br />

Setantg St and Harea im<br />

John Marts Lumber Co.<br />

8l«Ui Btraot and Haven Avanua<br />

OCEAN CITY. N. J.<br />

» "^ "^ c «° 4 «ifcnce9 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

at a much loucoat thaayoa can<br />

A - H - HTGBEE<br />

«S,«. MINT, a., a.<br />

O. L. LAKE<br />


. Oeesa CBtj. •. 1.<br />

Ootucaa Im reet<br />

DOWN, »t<br />

h W<br />

Wal-<br />

Watches Cleaned by Ex-<br />

pert Repairer, .<br />

LM.IHSQN<br />

SI<br />


O «••>•.<br />

•OCCAM CITT m<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> S^ntlnc<br />


Wa attail ba«lad to raoatra ttam.<br />

lo Ihte<br />

awary-wbara.<br />

BIS <strong>of</strong> talarsst<br />

ooauaantty aad oar reader.<br />

ba ay><br />

with Um fall<br />

addraaa <strong>of</strong> Iba wrtiar. oot iineaeailli<br />

fat poblkataio. bm aaa coaraatsa<strong>of</strong><br />

•DodfkXLb.<br />

DOTS.<br />

. YooJbs pUjlo* b«JI.<br />

la «p«lDf aoout lo brfln f<br />

Wlm aboal lbs croaad-bo* pco-<br />

pbacyT<br />

Maaj Tbttor* bars Uaoday aad<br />

aioodaj.<br />

Tbs oOeae <strong>of</strong> lamph I. ttcall bavs<br />

bara papered<br />

Qattaa oucober<strong>of</strong> flifa In eitdeooa<br />

Birtbday<br />

ara '••ioil<strong>of</strong>"—ax ware<br />

dart<strong>of</strong> lbs early part<strong>of</strong>lae «eak<br />

J. at. C'beTtcr. rraJ cataia operator<br />

h*a boufbt a a»w auto—a Ci«lm*ra<br />

No.8<br />

lit. Ueorr* F. tUarr. Hut Umllb. <strong>of</strong> lht» clly, la<br />

Ttailloj lu PblUdtlpbl*.<br />

Him Uuy Dum«k) apxul Halurday<br />

end ttaDday la Neefttkl.<br />

Uuoari W. Ucoil aad >IIi, uf O««r-<br />

broak, war* bets tkiud«y.<br />

a. K- Whiunti. ot P<br />

wa«a*U4lor btts lLundajr.<br />

Fred. r*. Caafltld. <strong>of</strong> Petrmool. waa<br />

amoos; lb« »Ullor» L*r« H*lurt«y.<br />

UXaa Ho^«4«lle-. <strong>of</strong> PblUd'tlplila.<br />

«a* a vUUo/ bare a few da>» aj[^-<br />

JobuMo fUjoajr. Ul. bjL* c-uter«ed ttxHB a vUlt lu Vintlxnd fruoda<br />

MLaa Margarrt Parktr. <strong>of</strong> tbu ;Uj.<br />

hXM rMotoed from a vUU lo MllUllle.<br />

ULM tlmUy Hu>klo>, <strong>of</strong> lbl« clly.<br />

baa relururd frucu a vult to Atlaullc<br />

Urr»cbtl ticudcr>cui. uf IbU clcy.<br />

Ixaa bc«o BpcitillDtr a le« U4>aa Iba gucal <strong>of</strong> Clly Clerk A lama on<br />

Hunday.<br />

Utaa Ed lib T O.ojy, <strong>of</strong> Camdeu.<br />

vlaUed frieod« la Uila cily durtag Ibe<br />

boUdaye.<br />

J. M. Bowlaad and wife, <strong>of</strong> Pblla-<br />

dalpbts, were amoog tUe week's »UI-<br />

tora bere.<br />

UlUtlffl M. Hlllwcll. <strong>of</strong> Pbllad>l-<br />


FOB 25 CENTS<br />

Hone M<br />

Boclcry Help* Cot the Coat<br />

<strong>of</strong> BJ«h<br />

A. bJ*c* board atco to from I <strong>of</strong> lbs<br />

Klrrt M E Cborcb Toaalaj ajlrroooo<br />

bora iba SDaouaoaaaaol.<br />

Pv* pie Dlootr Today—» CroU.<br />

"Uatm Uu4 mast ta 10 dd<br />

«aJd mam peopia a* tbey paved by<br />

dutiDg ibaaXieroooo.<br />

iUil Ibey weravro<strong>of</strong>. Ttxilfoau<br />

all rtgbl.aa eras lbs day.<br />

The members <strong>of</strong> tos Woraaa'aUooas<br />

Mtaelooary Uociety, <strong>of</strong> wbkb Mrs.<br />

Hoairf o. Taylor la prsaldeot. rs-<br />

acoisd Ibeir qallltaf BMsttnfs 00 Taee-<br />

day ailer a osaasJIoo<strong>of</strong> IbsaaacUtUlea<br />

aloos before Iba CHlMaui bolklaja.<br />

Wbao Ituty mat to qolil Uu* feJI aod<br />

wtateir, lbs nacmbers praiidttl a c^ood<br />

uoch or dlnoer (ue tbaowtlrsa. eacb<br />

ooe Uklog aosMtbiot for Ibe fata*.<br />

Il waa deckled brtora lbs meeting <strong>of</strong><br />

Tiieaday loal U would be a floe tdea lo<br />

a-onoaooa to tbs groeral potJto Ibal<br />

be society sroakd fUraua a dLoo*r tat<br />

2 emu, add LbU waa doo*.<br />

Tbla waa to* menu:<br />

Cbiczeo pot pie, mubri<br />

• set potalora. paaa. oole alaw, cr»a<br />

icrry eaona, aptosd<br />

eattiafo*. cberry pit, bread aad<br />

aod colTre.<br />

Wboloo*cara<strong>of</strong> ibsdeOcilT Well.<br />

b4re awat aoy, becaoaa, yoa know,<br />

eJI loe Iblaft-a erere dooeted Ly ttu<br />

trutabera.<br />

Tbs m>ttDbera aaoouocs Ibat aay<br />

(•Jilug any qullllog dona caa bare<br />

bair oeada xappllad by tale society<br />

TUecbarjo will be cilbef II or 11.00.<br />

tpeodlocoo tbe work lo bad ana.<br />

Aad s^ery lime tbers ta a quUttufj.<br />

us mimH-ra will bave a Clr*I-cU*«<br />

taoer ready for Ibe publk: a4 Ib*<br />

Oi«ll coat <strong>of</strong> £3 oaola.<br />





MoaJc, epemkom tmA sUflrttk<br />

mtnta for If tmben MndTWt<<br />

t<strong>of</strong>f Brot&trra Tttls Breslay.<br />

MsaoanafOosauOtty Ledgm, Jftt.<br />

171, r. aoa) A. H., will Uiaiia |be<br />

etfUaaclb aoo-trsraary <strong>of</strong> tba<br />

Choix, In M. J5. Cbnrch Neat<br />

Soadsvy<br />

A Doetral ireal h*a been arraogad<br />

bf Pr<strong>of</strong>. H. H. Lake, laadar <strong>of</strong> Iba<br />

choir, foe those who auaod Ibsssr-<br />

as lo lb* First hf, E. Cbarcb o«al<br />

H aad operate ae<br />

apart <strong>of</strong> lbs na»y tu Unas <strong>of</strong> war.<br />

Tbe captaloa <strong>of</strong> toe station<br />

<strong>of</strong> city, aeol lo Pnliadaipbia<br />

Tbur>day 00 a iUil <strong>of</strong> aereral daya.<br />

K. B. Bacoo aod wilt, ol Jersey<br />

peol Ibe bolldaya wlib bla<br />

aw, N. T. Luttoo. <strong>of</strong> tola<br />

clly.<br />

Mra Tbomu byke-. <strong>of</strong> Polladel-<br />

phla. la bcre to apeud tbe L*oJ»o eeav<br />

wu wub ber daagbler. Mm. Huney<br />

U. HarrU.<br />

Ueorgo tiotcata. a alu-leol at Hulgtra<br />

Collest. apeut Ibe twlklaya wttb bla<br />

Bxlce. <strong>of</strong>t:au«leti. were vUltore bere P««°U. Jc»epb U. Noreom eud wile.<br />

dariug ibe week.<br />

Cuy C'omajtasloutr Robert Kl.ber<br />

returned rrom a »Utl lo Pblladelpbla<br />

Baoday evealag.<br />

Jobo Cemploi. aod wlf», <strong>of</strong> Pulladd-<br />

pola, occupied tbelr cottage bere dur-<br />

ing; iba boll-aya.<br />

Lewis B Humpureye. a Camdco<br />

real estate man, wa» among tbe vUi-<br />

lore bcre Monday.<br />

Edward M. Bulloo aud wlfa. or this<br />

cily, bava retaroed from a fe« days'<br />

vlall to Pblladelpbla.<br />

sirs. Charles Hay re aad deugbUr,<br />

HIM Laura, bavs returoed frooa a<br />

vtell to Pbiladrlpbla.<br />

Fraok Cemploo end family, <strong>of</strong> Pbll-<br />

adelphU. apcul rtuuday eud Mooday<br />

lo tbelr cotisga bere.<br />

Mies Aguea Bradley, a public ecbool<br />

••aeoax bate, apeol tbs bolidays at ber<br />

tome la Blrdeboro. Pa.<br />

Mlaa Kailly tjoaklae. <strong>of</strong> tbla city,<br />

baa acospted a posttloo aa Bteoograpber<br />

la V. K. Darby's oOtca.<br />

Mrs. M. D. Eeklo aod Mlaa Eaklo.<br />

<strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, were guests <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

Imperial daring tbe weak.<br />

Artbor U. Joocs aod family, <strong>of</strong> Uer-<br />

maatoato. apeot Iba holidays lo their<br />

Bummer boa>e lo Ibis clly.<br />

Mra. WU WCUIUJU aud MMtei Le-<br />

roy Weurlcb. <strong>of</strong> Phlladelpula,<br />

•lallors bara a few daya ago<br />

lo IbU clly.<br />

Mra. John J. Devlue and daughter.<br />

Mlas Carrie De*lae, <strong>of</strong> ibis city, are<br />

epeodlng a few weeks wttb relatives<br />

lo Philadelphia.<br />

Mra. Frank Bcboetder aad too,<br />

Jobo, <strong>of</strong> West Philadelphia, bave re-<br />

luroed home after a vult <strong>of</strong> aeveral<br />

daya to Ibla cily.<br />

MUa I'erolyo Oetzcl. <strong>of</strong> New York<br />

I my. baa been apendlng a tew daya<br />

with Mn. C. Oetxcl aod MlaaTlllle<br />

Uetiel. <strong>of</strong> Ihla coy.<br />

H. H. McAllleter, dry goods m«r-<br />

chaot, aod bla wife, <strong>of</strong> this city, are<br />

apeudlng- tba week . wlib friend a ID<br />

Helem and Qulatoo.<br />

Mlas Egao, <strong>of</strong> Iba title department<br />

or the <strong>Ocean</strong> (Ity Tttle and Trust<br />

Company, a peat the boltdaye at ber<br />

Pblladelpbla borne.<br />

Mrs. (Jeorga W. Lees, Jr, <strong>of</strong> New<br />

York. Is vlaUlog her pereola. Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Charles Baroo. Eleventh street<br />

and Ccotral avenue.<br />

Lewie 12. Smith, secretary <strong>of</strong> Ibe<br />

Board <strong>of</strong> Educatloo, returoed Mooday<br />

evening from a VMU lo Philadelphia<br />

aod Haddoo Heights.<br />

William H. Campbell, Jr., has re-<br />

turned to Bulgera alter epeodlng tbe<br />

bolldaye at tbs boms <strong>of</strong> bla father.<br />

wrnmrBrcampban, this city.<br />

Tbe Her. Cornelias Hadeoo. <strong>of</strong><br />

Tacooy, aad David K. Uudaoo. <strong>of</strong><br />

Mlaa Laura Towoettod, a lescber aljoicoatde, wbo ara having apartment*<br />

Port Harris, spent a few days wlib bar' ball! here, were In lowo Friday.<br />

parents. HIS Ueniral aveaoa. Mra. Margaret A. Foster, <strong>of</strong> IbU<br />

Jobo E. Wick, a wall known Polls-, elly. eotertaloed ber oelca,<br />

delphU boaineas man wttb a cottage<br />

la this oily, waa bara Mooday.-<br />

Ira e. Bharp. wit* aad daughter.<br />

Mlaa Vatta, <strong>of</strong> Vlaelaod, wan bara<br />

wartoc tba week. Tbay wara lookl ng<br />

lUlpb Braogaa. a clerk lo Iba<br />

<strong>of</strong>Mcea <strong>of</strong> lbs <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Tttle eod<br />

Trust Company, retorned Mooday<br />

avaola-froaVa «Mt la Phliadslpf<br />


turn D««n«<br />

Pleau43l«llls na* been atlected bv<br />

the HUXe <strong>of</strong>flcera <strong>of</strong> Ibe Ursat foaccU<br />

<strong>of</strong> tied M«o for lb* boldlog at A bit<br />

deoaoaaa*ratloo ajKl boom 11 failing <strong>of</strong><br />

the order 00 UaJurdev even Inf. March<br />

27<br />

All <strong>of</strong> tb« tribes <strong>of</strong> Allaolto Cuoaty<br />

will perUcipats sad U wlil be ILa Ural<br />

llmalo maojy jcara that a Red Nm't<br />

mooHnlloo <strong>of</strong> Ihla klod bas beeo<br />

b>ld In IbU eectloo <strong>of</strong> New Jersey.<br />

Klnoewactgba Tribe, <strong>of</strong><br />

villa, baa appointed a frrrm m MI aa. rrm •<br />

aUitlog<strong>of</strong> Maji r Charles Adamj^ Coco-<br />

cUmsn BJtdiiuii, Krauk Hotln, Na-<br />

Ibankal D. Merllo and CUreace<br />

la meet wlib lbs rapreaeoUMJree <strong>of</strong><br />

other Iribca IbU erasing lo Bed Men's<br />

Hall. At IbU Ua>e plena will bs form<br />

ul.-t-rd for Ihs dmxwuiratioo.<br />

ares4Ha£hem J. Mlltoo Bortgr. <strong>of</strong><br />

Cemde o. alo&g w u b ot bar a real Cbkfa.<br />

atieoded the meettog<strong>of</strong> tbs Pissiaaot-<br />

vllU tribe Laat Tbanday eveolog. It<br />

U tbe lateaUoo to bats a big parade<br />

to be followed b» a toMllag to be held<br />

a tua Meo's Hall end lbs caalu<br />

ipeakar <strong>of</strong> tbe evc-olog will be Fred<br />

Down*, ins tires! Iccoboaae <strong>of</strong> Iba<br />

UreaJ Cooocll <strong>of</strong> Ibe Uuliled Ulalea.<br />

1 wtx> haJU tnta BoMou. Mae*. It<br />

wUI be ibe Cn4 tima lhal tb* bead <strong>of</strong><br />

be Nalkuial ordaruf inugrret arginV-<br />

ixtkia h** vUited Houlb Jcfeav.<br />

There will beat U%*t thirty Uibea.<br />

wlib oo< Use Ihso 2.000 members la<br />

toe. <strong>Ocean</strong> Clly Ked Man wUI par-<br />


Tus Uoltsd tWaJea Ber-<br />

warraot <strong>of</strong>flccra. Dumber ooa earrmeo<br />

become petty <strong>of</strong>ficers aad lbs eorf-<br />

mea ere all ealtsted isea. Baperlatea-<br />

dente beootna cotnmlaaiooed <strong>of</strong>ficer*<br />

Ttw cotomtitkMied <strong>of</strong>ficere, warrsat<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficera.axul petty ilTlaawo* U>U«M<br />

Uaard aball receive tea per eealum ta-<br />

creaae <strong>of</strong> pay (or every Ore years <strong>of</strong><br />

service.<br />

Ttw local craws have takca tbe ue<br />

oalb <strong>of</strong> allegiaoce.<br />


OToew. atmsxetoi Vaelatr IMrectlow <strong>of</strong><br />

Tbarawlll ba aaoasa.<br />

M soudpaled by all tba<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly Iba members <strong>of</strong> tb* lodga aod<br />

1 <strong>of</strong> tba fralarotty will<br />

bs prasant.<br />

TO H0U> CBsU.M<br />

Tbe Oceka Camp Sirs Olrta oast al<br />

tba bosae <strong>of</strong> tba caaap^a gwtnlliio aod<br />

trsasam. Mra. Haory W. Towoseod,<br />

Tuesday arsolog. aod tba (<br />

baarasd (ti* tbctr first<br />

oaeeUag, wbkb will ba ba*<br />

erac-log.<br />

Tbs abaca ara<br />

Lake. pjeeMeol; RoXb<br />

1 BatbHoatl. Lartola Bcalh<br />

Floranca WaatcoU. toeUa Townesod,<br />

Marjorta Towoaaod, lisa trios Joaasoo,<br />

Htiaa autxu. Ooca Bbarp.<br />

Uarrataoo, Maty Maglools aod<br />

Kalbertoa Laarttt.<br />

The society, wbicb eras organ raed<br />

Jenoary a. msata erery Frtdey ereo-<br />

lag. Ooce a Doolb a ceraoaootal<br />

el Lug ka to ba baid. Tba metnbera<br />

Ibea wovtcoa 1 o«.«oocCTi»tBi aod bead<br />

>d». Tb* girls oiada ssfflokpot<br />

mooey at tbatr recent eaka aais lo por-<br />

bualbrea.<br />

Tba local animbtrs weot 00 a<br />

to Bseaiay's Point aad BarroarV Potol<br />

and back oa Washlngtnn's Birthday.<br />

Tbey bad a gnat time, aod will go<br />

They ars planning to camp far two<br />

weeks oait earn mar, pcobaary al<br />

Barrowe* Petal.<br />

All ara filh-crinatta over the camp<br />

Or* work, aad nooa aaore ao than tbs<br />

gnardkaa, wbo appeeeiais* Iba cooS-<br />

droca Iba parseU <strong>of</strong> las girls bavs<br />

aoown la be* bv eclrastlag them to<br />

bar cars, e&rf (be- Ibstr sap port, which<br />

ioe so macb In the fainllnnTU <strong>of</strong><br />

ba camp Ore/a aa taa.ton<br />

Tba camp firs guts ts-waoctal or><br />

gectsalloo lo wbleb all girls may be-<br />

locig. It Bu the osada <strong>of</strong> tbe ctty aa<br />

w*JI aa Ihacooalry and places svery<br />

girl 00 ao esjoal tooling with lha<br />

others.<br />

There ars Biota I has 60,000 members<br />

<strong>of</strong> Iba |x> this oouotry.<br />

t la a society <strong>of</strong> girls aod swam to<br />

develop Ibe bocoe spirit and oiake II<br />

dominate Ibe eatlra ooimaianllr. It<br />

v kltxft <strong>of</strong> a<strong>of</strong>prtaaa an promIxd<br />

•910s exit New Jeney Coortreoca <strong>of</strong><br />

IbsMstbodUt Eplxmpal Cburrb wtM9<br />

Ibaaeatg-nmenu erem»4e 11 l« aekd<br />

Ibal BAy satan chaacas lo pastorales<br />

will to mad* In lbs •ollrs (unfertile*.<br />

Tba eoaferroca will brfln lu i—lnm<br />

oeit week to AtiaaUo < - liy.<br />

Tbara la eaoca apecaUtiao aa lo wbo<br />

will sooos d Iba Rev. Haaford<br />

Hlenota as district superintend cut<br />

Tbers ara maoy atplraata. It a said,<br />

bat tba Bar. Joseph L Uartess, pesloi<br />

<strong>of</strong> BtaU Quart U. E. Cnarch,Camdea<br />

will probably ba Iba man oataad.<br />

II Is a koowo (act that IbU will ba<br />

tbs laat year tor Dr. Nlcbola as district<br />

pertnuodeot. Al Iba oast coo-<br />

reraoca w hat la fc oo w o aa I ba Prsac hera'<br />

Ctalmaal Bociety will beorgmnUed tot<br />

Iba porposa <strong>of</strong> ra-Ulog MO0.000 aa fund<br />

lo pso»loo retired praacbera ailar they<br />

bara raacftad a certain axe. Tba<br />

Preachers' Aid HoclMy now faeilsUoce<br />

180.000 at bead (ar Ibe same par-<br />

pose andtt la ptaooed to combtoa tbaaa<br />

aoctsttse. Dr. Nichols U alatsd lo<br />

aacretaryablp <strong>of</strong> lbs claimant<br />

society.<br />

Among tbs otbtr bl«- co<strong>of</strong>ennos<br />

ibangaa ta lha retlnoiciu at lbs BST<br />

Malvllia E. Mnyder «. preaMeol <strong>of</strong><br />

Peaotngtao Bemlnary. Dr. Hoyder Is<br />

ao aapjrant lo tba district •apenoleo-<br />

deQlehlp<strong>of</strong> C&mdea DMrici. Traoioo<br />

diepatctwa ala^ clalca ibe He*. H. F.<br />

Uraralt, pastor <strong>of</strong> Kir»l t'liurch, C'*m-<br />

deo; tba Rev. K. A. LKM«n«, lha Rev<br />

. Uorgan Read, Ibo Itev. Heary J'<br />

Zeiley. lbs Rev. AUied tVacg. <strong>of</strong> Cnl-*<br />

, aad tbe Rev. Joha Haod-<br />

ley. <br />

L. Hagy aod wtla, <strong>of</strong> Pnlia-<br />

dalpb, rnrrrer taaldanla <strong>of</strong> Ibla oUy,<br />

cama down lo tbetr flfcr ttaoday and<br />

ratoroad to Philadelphia Mooday aftaf-<br />

Claytoo L.<br />

dalpbla, enrn<br />

d l<br />

oooa. Mr. Umgy wUI lemva oast week<br />

00 a Luslii— trip to lexaa aad Call-<br />

ornla.<br />

WUb bla hood BxadaiKMOO. WU-<br />

Ham T. Early 00 Friday waa named<br />

aa troatsa by tba creditors <strong>of</strong> H. D<br />

idUato, a real satin operator and 000.<br />

tractor <strong>of</strong> Aodabcn, wbo baa baaa aaV<br />

lodged a baukrupt. T. Harry Bow-<br />

land. Waiter B. Kaown aad Fraoarlck<br />

Files wara named aa appralaara.<br />

Mark Barclay, aoo <strong>of</strong> Joseph Bar-<br />

clay and wtfe<strong>of</strong> this dty, waaglveoa<br />

aarprlsa party 00 bla olnib btrlbday<br />

anniversary Ttmrsday aftarooon. A<br />

BBOibtr <strong>of</strong> bla yooog fratoda bsJped<br />

played many<br />

Tnay<br />

and Ukto aajoyad<br />



Ustmot HM It Thai There WUI<br />

be ViltfScrta Chvi&c*<br />

to<br />

HK.ll ikli . i.. il<br />

Men's 5ttop<br />


Ottr Specialty<br />

$2.00 to $4.00<br />

•J Basppy thing* tat atyUab dreaarrt. *f If It to op to tW JtMaw<br />

sUndard yoo may depeajd apoa It.<br />

OUR MOTTO: " QtuUlty "—" Squirt) D—i " |<br />

f yoa have money- to loan aec tts Cor good *imTf*"wnt* Far Bale,<br />

ot oa <strong>Ocean</strong> avenue near Seventh tlint. with amall booac, JJ<br />

Two lots corner Firm utrcct and Astraiy* avesoe, die 70x100, cheap,<br />

$itoo. Fotuttcn room bemae, a baths, hot water heat, doable "•'fir.<br />

ttached garage in rear, splendid opportunity. Fire tnaoraace placed<br />

with beat companies.<br />

Real rice •WjLty'-bUlTh"<br />

By Iba ui.expected dreib 00 Tues-<br />

day <strong>of</strong> lb* Bav. Percy Perioehtcf.<br />

eapertuleodsut <strong>of</strong> tbe Tnatao Ol*trtct<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ibe New Jersey UdbudUt tpUcopel<br />

Ua<strong>of</strong>er*ooe, Ibe ' elsie" <strong>of</strong> tbe peadlug<br />

iel season <strong>of</strong> the<br />

body tn (it- Paul's Cburcb, AlUailo<br />

Ctty. oexl Wednesday, UupwC Wbat<br />

ill be the oulcome. DODO <strong>of</strong> Ibe<br />

cirrgy know. It makea s arcoad<br />

lo Ibe dUlrlct eaperlateudaacire. Thai<br />

thai two able executives <strong>of</strong><br />

euotereocs will ha»e to be taken from<br />

leading palplu. thereby cao«lajr. a<br />

geoeral ahake-op amoog the paMoral*<br />

throachoot the Htalo.<br />

Alao Dr.ParinchleTadeath will bave<br />

decided efTect opoo lbs aaaigamenls<br />

1 Lto district. Io view <strong>of</strong> IbU n-.er><br />

aces <strong>of</strong> Conference it U alioKetber<br />

probable tbal be bad made up hU list<br />

teeummendatioua to Ibe Huhop<br />





Firv coUAfcs 00 Oentnl arcon*, trtwo BX-tlb to iyi^ih •trotts, tot Mk, very<br />

with nage, only (AV°o- PBroUbcd cottars 00 Cestxal evesae, el<br />

ly (bfioo. PuraShed cottage oa Fifth street. (1700. Two cottagta cad one lot<br />

Aibcry evenoe. near Seventh etreet, only liioo. AUo two oottaxes on Aabary<br />

venae, same block, oly trjoa<br />

OeclaTalaCoaalf.<br />

£Mredge. <strong>of</strong> Ibe Ooort <strong>of</strong><br />

Pleas, be*, lu accordaoce<br />

wMb Ibe law, appointed a coonty<br />

board <strong>of</strong> education. cooaUtlug or Wil-<br />

iam L, Hleveaa. <strong>of</strong> Cape May; Joacph<br />

amp. <strong>of</strong> Die* Creek, preudent <strong>of</strong> Ibe<br />

ounty board <strong>of</strong> agriculture: Kdward<br />

JL. Rice, <strong>of</strong> Court HOUM, aurrogate <strong>of</strong><br />

be coui.ty, and M. LL. Bayard, <strong>of</strong><br />

Woodbine, presldeul <strong>of</strong> Ibe Woodbine<br />

oard <strong>of</strong> Educatloo Cuuoly Buperlo-<br />

denl <strong>of</strong> Hcliool* A. W. Hand la a<br />

member, ex-<strong>of</strong>ficlo.<br />

Its purpose Is lo orgaaUa a coaaty<br />

ocsltauBl echool or group <strong>of</strong> schools,<br />

robably lo agriculture. A meeting<br />

r orgaululloa ta to be beld BOOO and<br />

plena discussed.<br />

ftro Alans tsjnals.<br />

14—Blith and Pleasure avenue.-<br />

17—Eleventh aad Bay avenue.<br />

18—Fourteenth and Pleaaare avs.<br />

88 Beveothand WeeraTeooe.<br />

43 Decond and Aabary avenue.<br />

ta—Fourth and Asbary avenue.<br />

43—Klghth aad Asbary avenue.<br />

4ft—Tenth and Anbury avenue.<br />

48—Thirteenth aad Aabary avenue.<br />

48—Hlxteenth aad Asbary avenue.<br />

61—North and Central avenue.<br />

M—Htxtb and Central avenoe.<br />

67—Eleventh and Ccotral aveoue.<br />

67—Twelfth and Wesley avenue.<br />

68—Fourteenth aad Wesley avenue.<br />

78—Fourth and <strong>Ocean</strong> avenoe.<br />

78—Heventh and <strong>Ocean</strong> aveooe.<br />

76—Ninth and <strong>Ocean</strong> avenue,<br />

82 Uecood and Atlantic aveoue.<br />

98—Boardwalk and Moorlyo terrace.<br />

811—Bay avenue and Rattenea road<br />

821—Twentletn and Central avenue.<br />

Watch and Jewelry Repairing<br />

Mayer's<br />

BcMtrdwaJk. Opp. Doagiity'a Pier<br />


For Sale<br />

7 lots on Asbary avenue,<br />

ap-to-grade; all city improve-<br />

mento,including paved streets,<br />

$3,000.00.<br />

Peaty mast have money.<br />

Half Cash.<br />


•IOMTM ttiin, ocean GITV, M. 4.<br />



zm now ta 1<br />

Romnants <strong>of</strong> Dross Qoodt<br />

Romnants <strong>of</strong> Flannels<br />

Romnants <strong>of</strong> Muslin<br />

Romnants <strong>of</strong> Lon«Tctoth<br />

Romnants <strong>of</strong> Lawns<br />

Romnanta <strong>of</strong> Ginghams<br />

In (act. ramnanto <strong>of</strong> wvawyttilre* y«*y citiwip, Corn*<br />

and look tharn over<br />

•ATUKOAV.<br />

S. S. McAllister "".r<br />


REAL<br />

838 Aabury Avanu*<br />

Ooean <strong>City</strong> Nsw Jent«y<br />

THE<br />

havingdacktal toctoaate that<br />

wui ba raopaoad for coaata In I<br />

Ull.<br />

B. Prank Smith<br />

1036 Asbury Avo.<br />


Clayton Haines Brick<br />

4-11 Elet-ith St. Ooesn <strong>City</strong>. N. sj.<br />


No wattlos; (or two weeks to know tf yoa can gat tt; w» eao tail yoo mt<br />

ooos. Barsaina tn Bay and Oosan front pcopartlaa. Chosoa oottagsa for<br />

sale. Also lota tor Investment and fin ItnnrrraTrwnl I he f*w3«» <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> COj. Appijr to<br />

J. M. CHESTER & CO.,<br />

O CTTV. N. 1.<br />

Interesting to Investors<br />

OR<br />

Ttoss Wto Wtsh B Dssl/atls tosttioo fuf 1<br />

FOR «ALE—A'vloMicc:» AMD WOMK RIONT v.<br />

•OTM aiMOMKw - '".'.<br />

ABBOTTS' V<br />

Alderney Daiiieft<br />

rtsl.a.4<br />

Seventh St. and W«rt Ay, '<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. N. J. Jll' •'<br />

Choloa Dsmlry<br />

AaklteBooUstar<br />

OrdanDeUrarad ,<br />

The<br />

BOOTgS^<br />

REPAIR!!<br />

, •; w.y'.v

$&??"•<br />

I <strong>of</strong> tba<br />

•••Hi ilSITvP<br />

HfltB THIS fffll<br />

iteCMat<br />

I*T HMct. waa aa-<br />

•CUM." aaa waa<br />

Ry «a tbaaa Ubtav<br />

AataM; »\<br />

iffaai, ataaoat<br />

; • • > •:•<br />

laf tbaaatU* tbia waak<br />

waaaab) wboaaa nniua.<br />

• <strong>of</strong>atbnv<br />

Itaaati<br />

I <strong>of</strong> a<br />

> <strong>of</strong> iba ta.<br />

Itaaaoo<br />

;• kabnbl-<br />

. fall <strong>of</strong><br />

Taa wlttig af I*rtt, <strong>of</strong> lac<br />

at Oat Uaaaeb. aaa aany<br />

tbat aktatbt b* aaaMaaaaf. (la<br />

Ibiaaaatt IrrtaatawCbrtatJan<br />

«ay aad Moodajr, PtUhB*<br />

Bsatbaaaa* bora taktaw<br />

badaaaaryaat.<br />

Tb* epsaodld waathw oo Bonday<br />

c*af Msadg* aaaaaJ bBaatnd* <strong>of</strong>f tb*<br />

baaaanda ta Alamos Ctqr darts* ib*<br />

boDOay* ta uu tba oottog oa tb*<br />

•a*Va*«l«*Mca**teeB tba AUaa-<br />

UaatrasBaajarslk to tba Ootaa UMy<br />

BoaataaOk. aad tbay asjayad tba tot<br />

MsnyaatoaaobtUaUcaaa* owar al<br />

frocaAUantioCHyaod Cosaatbautp<br />

iNDttilfiil llwowinlij Hiajiafiimi<br />

tbateMy to tioaMr*'Petot mat tbeoe*<br />


ilaasi ItafaJaiUji a# tb*<br />

kaaoty appoetatrva <strong>of</strong> tba excellent<br />

work Ibry war* dotsg. and were only<br />

tow wtote* ta OJand all tbaaMbi<br />

gtvao dvaagacaa to<br />

•ttanrtanoa at tba aanaal eoovatuioa<br />

<strong>of</strong>tbaMawJaatw Mm<br />

Kdpyot aMhnfi. aad<br />

ataitte* <strong>of</strong> Badeoo Cbatfctj, *J<br />

[ta AiiantJ*<br />

ortbaBcnataaad tba<br />

<strong>of</strong> tbt<br />

Oaaoentle ammerltr to tb* Boon<br />

CUM «ftar Dr. tataad O. Hsma,<br />

Cbaaf <strong>of</strong> tb* Baaaaaaf EU«H1*O<br />

tb* Bortjd Mat** DepartaMQ* <strong>of</strong><br />

. *ad Dr. Jacob U. Upeaaa,<br />

1 taM<strong>of</strong> tbr<br />

ttaar fro at<br />

work tatb*<br />

Rfafa aad R*JTJ0O» aad wata raoatf<br />

amh vlgmoaa ap.ilana*<br />

Dr. Upanas. aanflalag bu mmaj<br />

atutniy ta wbat bad bees accorn-<br />

aaad ta tba atata ef Kaar Jarer*.<br />

way toa/aca* tba illwlailsa* <strong>of</strong> tb*<br />

*an*n,«*.r> TMi • tovataaaia. ba aaad.<br />

fjaaa tba ataadposat <strong>of</strong> pabt|e> baaltb<br />

twbogtvaa Us<br />

• to<br />

looted ta i <strong>of</strong> aaalarta Ibtoogboot<br />

tbafltaia atae* tba rartooa<br />

i/Oaf WAlMaW /efcf ta btav. i*tooaw«taappotB««dto»rat»a cata<strong>of</strong><br />

»,» *fbaLo»tl| TbacmapatCBtD ajblebtba i<br />

.aUavU." A*** 00 ta *a*5aj»a. ba •»*,.<br />

IJOT."<br />

IB1 aitypt, itoaaa b»- tbagrsmur I1IT 8<br />

•flat 9m% ""r*r>* ***»**». BfttfaTi •»"*• •"•••••••* HartftfTH. UolOO Mat<br />

I fcaaa *aa ttoai 'itrrg atjaoJaawt aoontjaa Datattaa <strong>of</strong> tbatr<br />

aatBakaasaataHk pmuasloir* to B*w York. Dortaaj<br />

, tba paat fboriaaia, ba aaaartad, faily<br />

rffi^ffw acra* <strong>of</strong> tana taad ta tbaaa<br />

lnr^ ^ ee«karJa»beT»**aeseeaa0*ctabeanag<br />

Hi bar*- • ooea •*• ownnito** ar*<br />

PT* fJPft, «tj*AX«WX < MI ti MfcaawstJaamO, U M tWm& «•<br />

l B M U - progreaawtii b* aiatiililry to urn I<br />

Tbata aja £00.000 acras <strong>of</strong> aaJt aw<br />

BattaNr* «*»*>£/' aaM Or. Up.<br />

• ^ flaaaML (A- BaswAf; ^aatafJaai VaMafat 1 aaCBOeV SBW V*VO ftO<br />

Ipfasot food aad capable caT bb^> dc-<br />

teiin>aaaat Tbaiaaea WtOHfiBB me<br />

[<strong>of</strong> aaadta avaeoanUaaWBaataian<br />

HI*at I<br />

> epoaibal<br />

r<br />

• satbaaartyi<br />

tfaaa *S part<br />

cUt, eeada a* i<br />

»<strong>of</strong> tbaabaodaoi nin-<br />

, wttba ayvbna <strong>of</strong><br />

Rt*o epos <strong>of</strong> tb*<br />

fci-k-^<br />

iafa*»; rattataj<br />

iwlUVI<br />

twltb<br />

<strong>of</strong>tb*Btal* ls»j)*t*tnta *r» linaianad<br />

tJka>aa>*«BMat aad ar* wtams to<br />

• all b> tbatr pow*» to aM ta tba<br />

att tba dark<br />

' Waaati<br />

a>)Ma»aB "tt aay aaas waJa to do<br />

aawayatAVawabaOaTiaw<strong>of</strong> tbadoetrto*<br />

f M laafead ar wbatb** I aaaak<br />

tor* tba<br />

"Tba<br />

l.toaafaaaT la aO" Ha<br />

la tba AtbMM <strong>of</strong> Hla<br />

Btaw^brk*<br />

1 was* <strong>of</strong> ttaa<br />

a vary<br />

BaaaffaaiiTA'aBBV fSffsTsfal ** s*»»*sf*s*«Btaafl AB-fWw Pt% j\/\|/fj<br />

•p aapto<strong>of</strong>battaaa by wfefejw rb<br />

^aasafl^aaB^aasaaj*aa*Aaj ^pwp^BVaPBa' Caavla^J*^ ^9*sw Cs9<br />

wot*, bat tbty ba*a IkUad m aaeb b><br />

atancw. "Waeaat oo avatjtbls*; to<br />

<strong>of</strong>ibalaekefeoiBeleetapf*op«a*ttooa.<br />

bat a*ai aUllaa tedoals-wacao^<br />

lo» ttaavy ratBfalU. <strong>of</strong> ateonaal tld*<br />

adtooa. nolad to carry osTtbaa<strong>of</strong><br />

ptaa watar te das* to pravant tb* taca-<br />

batlaa<strong>of</strong> inaqtl iiaa. tim appcovad<br />

• data ajataa. wttbtlda f»na.<br />

COVUTV P. O. a. OF A.<br />

Ooooty<br />

pUr<br />

FWitoUo Otdar<br />

OaapIM. Cold gartn*<br />

O m P<br />

OMrtet Paul M. Henll<br />

THE OTttcc <strong>of</strong> num.<br />

r*wrDa«<<br />

Tb* Ktat atrtMaa- ajaajHai la a rabtl<br />

waj la ataiian Urartabty a<br />

. to n* tU<br />

nattbaraa-<br />

i rroaa. trrataat* aad aaaXy<br />

aaaaaal frvaadBaaaa f T**<br />

waata to be coattmtatty patted. Ob-<br />

vteajAty ta lb* tatter atat* tt at a aaaat<br />

teHsaattf^sCOttS MHBSMCV t& IDsl ^^f*»aW*AJ Woa#<br />

aaafly aaty ba isfariad tbBaagh a<br />

aaaicb on tbe baad or by a btt* dsr-<br />

bag aaejaajai pay faineaa. taattberc<br />


atsiy aaruaa ap I* raa neat m<br />

•asty far* taw aecocils aad agala ty><br />

I doara. Tbia rotatloo tt k**pa<br />

wttboot Itftrrroptloa for tea* tt<br />

Tb* oaaj te aaalty atartled. growla and<br />

barks at tb* least prorararioa. Tft*<br />

earner or ksrpar wb» kauwa tu dlapo-<br />

lao win caudty dkascra tMa chaj<br />

aad by siatpty itarrtaa. a* tba dog *e-<br />

rarety tar obeervmttea aria owvUt* an<br />

fftrtbar ''*n"if—<br />

Tb* Paatrar tnatmeat bu bean<br />

B*i*| bayaad prradrajatar* to ba a<br />

apertflr propnysurtlc »p'H rtMaa I<br />

*10 prarant tb* drrelopcBrot <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

eua tf admlnlstend properly aad<br />

tt Dead la time. Tbe rrpurt <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

tVateai Inattsi* <strong>of</strong> Parts (Anaalaa 4*<br />

riasttrat Paatean states that dartas<br />

tb*.past taa yaara 7J80 t—aiioa k<br />

ra treatrd. <strong>of</strong> aboa oaly rwasry<br />

a kavw died from ail caaaaa. a a<br />

tatty <strong>of</strong> JB per rent. Tba record la<br />

tkbi reentry la abaoat aa goo*—W*>-<br />

aar Part U Oarpefa Waaaty.<br />


lr JaWiej_M»4as«r» Ia«iada1l*a (<br />

tVrbape Iba aaoat resaukabi* dwarf<br />

aa record waa Sr Jeffrey<br />

-PererU <strong>of</strong> tbe Peak.- n* waa bora<br />

I a>rrti«»^.a>»«l asiji. —« a tttk.<br />

Wbaa atckt yaara <strong>of</strong> ago ba wa*<br />

auad try rb* Dote or BacktajXt;<br />

Qaaaa Hrfl-^a ta a cold pta. B* afl-<br />

arwacd baccsi* attacbad to tb* ccexrt <strong>of</strong><br />

Ckartea L At ooa <strong>of</strong> Iba coast i<br />

tb* ktaaTB porter, a man cf gt<br />

ataa. wbo oaed to tormaet tb* tmi*<br />

dwarf. paOad from oa* pocket a loaf <strong>of</strong><br />

bnad aad from tb* otbar Jeffrey, i<br />

to tba eerprtae and amnaarpaat ef tb*<br />

Jeffray waa at fbta<br />

tocbaa ta batgbt.<br />

B* rnnals*d at tbs atatiua) ssto be<br />

waa thtrry yean cf age. aftar wbkba<br />

fTt""« «irttr""" os!irtv. |butt(fi bMUag paper<br />

aaAeaar*Tbwv-da»t»«wlallii«b»» f»rw*i<br />

af dala*- Ink aud U eiteaatraty aard<br />

to tb* areslls Uf lbs seejalurs aa tbty<br />

wrtt* os tbWr draas. lb. Ukxtl*** P*P*r<br />

being sits, bad to • drrtre artlb a baa-<br />

di* lu U aud buo* b/ a string froaa<br />

lbs- desk, tbr AS t)pe <strong>of</strong> drytag tak by<br />

*9MB» <strong>of</strong> sjDd srlll U perutUad taf**arb<br />

aa «ar» lo u*r II. * • -^<br />

Ttaraeak <strong>of</strong>nnj aenatar baa a,aaad<br />

daatcr or puenx* boi, reatbel to a. Met*<br />

to tb* Up <strong>of</strong> tbedaak. tooktag Hk« as<br />

tokwvU Tb* box rrarmriaaa a pepper<br />

akAkar. and they are Baad, far *>aay af<br />

Ib* old aroatura prrfer to poor amad *a<br />

their Ink ratber Ibaa blot ti.<br />

Tb* eapmu* court ab» bolda fast to<br />

•oca* pracucea almost oat <strong>of</strong> aa* today.<br />

la front <strong>of</strong> tba roatnta oa wkJck tb*<br />

laafiraa att aad to Iba apaea I aaai • al<br />

far member* <strong>of</strong> ib* bar ar* two taag<br />

tobies for tb* books aad tb* aaaapaktaa<br />

af tba lawyara which may ba needed<br />

by Ibesi aa I bey praeeat tbatr ca*a* to<br />

tbecomt. Oo tb* tabteaar*ataal peas,<br />

btottera aad botUea <strong>of</strong> lak. bat alas- to<br />

ba bad la a coUectloo <strong>of</strong> arwty<br />

cafn paoa. fAahlooed by oo* at Iba ai-<br />

HOftfQAOES Oil UtML<br />

A* la* ralaa *r ktad a» la*<br />

•na) as a drrd af tb* lead abfcb aa,<br />

wn lor tfll» m Ibrorlitaal owner ar<br />

a* swue— ua tl» pajtag o*T ef Iba<br />

•aartcac* or Ua> tnod or aott arkirb<br />

tb» aaarmar wuiw.<br />

. Mortnxra arv ramwtaa to patOe<br />

""!"% l"l*^*9« B «Ma a al wT<br />

way I bat dssda ara. aa tba* mtf *a*<br />

bsjtaa Ibr laad la bcarad ta Cak* ao-<br />

tk-» <strong>of</strong> tbrm. aad ibe taad ta boaad by<br />

iltxr to woo** iba laad B><br />

raaeajad. and oo oo* baa a rtgbt to<br />

that a* tnegbt Ibr laad oat kaow-<br />

| teg Hart a ajortgax*' «a oa tt. tar ba<br />

" by law to kaow aaeb<br />

irrb *f rbatftta to tbaaw<br />

raid eavaaX<br />

•r af tba aajrt-<br />

taadinra <strong>of</strong> tb* coon, aad ibay ar*<br />

awed, far maay <strong>of</strong> Iba older practttaaa<br />

ara prefer ibem to tbe at**4 paaa af<br />

this day.—Wasalagtoo Oot Boataa AA<br />

cbaaw af tb* Mad caa taka tt dear af<br />

tb* D*a <strong>of</strong> tb* smtgag*-<br />

I fa ao porrtrsatr baa Iba law <strong>of</strong> tab)<br />

eaaatx* goo* fttrtbar tbaa te tkaaCert<br />

to aacar* tb* mi* <strong>of</strong> tb* taadowaar<br />

aad tb* aarotry <strong>of</strong> iba aaxtgaga beiaV<br />

'ar. aad aa toreata>ecb> ara aura ktgb-<br />

Ten Thousand Users <strong>of</strong> Electricity<br />

H A year or two ago a iUtiatician attempted to catalogue tbe numbers<br />

<strong>of</strong> uses to whicb clectrieitv bod been put. He got up to a few hundred<br />

abort <strong>of</strong>ten tboaaand. 'iThc 10,000 bus no doubt now been exceeded.<br />

71 If you vrould wire yoar honsc, or Atore, tbis montb, in two months from<br />

now you would wonder how you ever got along without tltctricily.<br />

\ Ask our representative about the cheapness <strong>of</strong> installing at thio time<br />

The <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Electric Light Co.<br />

The "Matchless" Light<br />

O V Till* * Trail Co<br />


*>*TATK AUCHTft,<br />


WM LAKE, C. F<br />


BV*O*ra Lad to tb*<br />

Oac*. *o nut* tb* I<br />

la tu Jadeaa hiUa<br />

broCbara Tl'^ng a eomtaaa fkrai to-<br />

m '*•. <strong>On</strong>* bad a wtfa aad a baaaa-<br />

faj at ebOdrea: tba other waa a leaety<br />

•ama. Oaa algfit bi toe barvaat Tt fT *^<br />

ta* oldar brotber aald to bM wtfa; -My<br />

brotbar I* • loacly man. I arOi go oct<br />

tiPP'Rl* HAWPtF?.<br />

|<br />

aad o>ot» BOGM <strong>of</strong> tba abaar— frea<br />

hS f tb Oid orar oa kta ao thai •*• format*— <strong>of</strong><br />

ta tba *arty pan <strong>of</strong> tb* ftrat<br />

• pcaattas Ib* rang Oaa*<br />

or* eat oaor tb* grand to brtag oboot<br />

r aateef tb* oetdoveroa ktsaothai<br />

wbra b* *eca tbem ta tba "—'i bia<br />

beaut win ba cbeerad by tba aboa-<br />

daac*.- Aad b* did.<br />

Tfcat eanx ajgM tbe otbar ImKasa<br />

aald to bia trorkman: "My brotbar ba*<br />

a booaafal aad many •~""»* to flit. I<br />

do oot aswd aB thia<br />

wealtb. I will go aad taora n a <strong>of</strong><br />

•cy iheena or*r oo bia Bald aa tbat b*<br />

abaU rajotra La tb* eaorolflg wbaa b*<br />

aaaa bow great t* hla atsra." Aad b*<br />

did.<br />

Aad tbty did<br />

aaxt te ta* aba<br />

tb* rklnS nl^tit tb*<br />

tbay mat face to Caoa. aaM toa i<br />

1 4o.- aald tb* nitabim<br />

"Ota yoa prae* tor *ai>*rt tb* ktaj<br />

Taa. I cma.-<br />

Ba oa* attbt b* Pad «a> to tb* eaav<br />

Ba> <strong>of</strong> a ream a bag ciamfcfaB* pi<br />

atiad wttb mimnnrw aad let to two<br />

BOB. OB* Of WbOBB bsfi*W*d to back<br />

aad tb* otbar to bases effort tlesi<br />

baaakats tba otbar aftar a tt<br />

ad rba bog aad. faattag to tbadark<br />

to<br />

amytec. -Tbar* ar* tb*<br />

i M M W b^BSCBflV ifhaW ^Bsawfl a * M « B aBBt elsat***<br />

oaty a pesava ef bjoTO* h> Ml.<br />

Catrty to tba> aprteg tb* avraajte ara<br />

aabjactod to a awrrfnT aparattoa.<br />

Tbatr bark tt cat. aad tba wood la<br />

cajvad to dlSarest daa-tjna. wtdeb or*<br />

owoOea by tb* *ap aad grew to blgb<br />

laf aa tba tra* drralopa. apactai to-<br />

SBatsto afo aaad tor tb* *a"n^g aad<br />

Al tb* and <strong>of</strong> tb* tkk-d yaor tb* far-<br />

*Ua baadka t* cat. aad tb*<br />

*d te tb* osa aad tbaa gtv-<br />

baib. aftar wbkb tbay or*<br />

ffaaaa*. ftaajsjaa. sly. fthal n ^ m s««ar* aftbadTaBaVl •aB*aa***Y-faB-aaBa<br />

V*aO P*MB tSot^fe ollUk Oat*# QQ3LB aaaMPa**** 1<br />

to tlte rt>qTrtnid ta*tct^* *Ool MB*t item<br />

to tb* satetila smtacv wbe wBtebaa<br />

rm. If cte fth»vp» Aotzad to m ttos<br />

•Cbar open terra • ft&c or cnJ or<br />

•atn to crtafTarf t*> tbm ***t T rr*.? •ti^fc',<br />

*n4 cteoatty. eLD4 t<strong>of</strong>t to (RIV !&£•<br />

Ha*vra4^BV#rt U. H. Mubnr, lrr*«ui< r. i<br />

L W. Ktiwriri»t: fell**uJ M.Hui -.u. u n. I<br />

UUt*. Jobo IUJOA. lAajorr-i "- AJ.m..u. tu ;<br />

k*«u*t«T( Hil V. Hi*w*vrv<br />

i: Moa&mj tnoinj. 7.«x Mr<br />

%«alb su«at h^v.ttukA. it. tk>i>Li«r. [<br />

. ItaiuUy aarrkw, umuii^, luu, '<br />

>fer* a aaaa te tb* akaoa aad<br />

tf ba ware Oka tb* an oa tb* a<strong>of</strong>tb<br />

bo would be abas to leap over a Qnt<br />

--K*w Tork <br />

ma <strong>of</strong> attzaeOoo bam*<br />

at Iba aanoa-a aarfaca fk<br />

bay tbrowtasi<br />

te Ja<br />

-Ob. rv* bad a. btt <strong>of</strong> bard teek."<br />

-Hareirt baan bit te tb* atotk oau-<br />

katlbopor<br />

, o«tb»| "Wo: a faOow wbo pretend* to baa<br />

altfbal'Bd babaa tevtted ay »«fa aad ara.<br />

«Hatf tX> 09 «tJoV tato CaMBtal BCaCt TtaffMai<br />

areotaav-<br />

1 aboakbyt caD tbat baad teek."<br />

-loa vrooJd tf tt raado tt oacaaaary 1<br />

yoa to bay yasr wtfa a a*w bat. »J<br />

'Aaa^^ak^^ ahAMH iij I i aaa>^h^baa«HBL^BBa aa^aaa*) A>«BBMKJ<br />

(PasfFS^ OoTTaf aaUal •UaKLUaal|aV BVW CVW<br />

tSoUsr ahom. * a**fB-i;«aivepi<br />

dGftk ttnA rent • HM*** 1 * tor ttMBtojlk<br />

KKy»»Ui<br />

sd hrnnj.<br />

O17 cbk-J<br />

T Knlla I<br />

WUcur-IL W. tLaiulMO-<br />

aalMlfl le+vmcu*—H. A. W<br />

Lily «KJui>or—A- A- tio«*41.<br />

H S O4 aVtar«UaaMH<br />

ciiimiioi u*»p«rf-w i. M.<br />

1 tn rvni, ('urnUb^.l O' uaruruUtjavl. 1>TC«1K, UUQJ*. Vl»(if +£* , WLLU at<br />

I dn »*<<br />

••"•II- iM<br />

LUa. ca<br />

PlBj_ A.<br />

ooKljk* arw<br />

•piijU c'txa<br />

•nwu ntut<br />

Ol^ pTaVJCJ<br />

I b, tt- 1<br />

••4 ttwcoo<br />

•d'at p. m.<br />

•«tiO<br />

l»TaV, Cbai<br />

lf*>f .<br />

BatLUT, MUfi.<br />

^«h, Wolc) i<br />

rflaV »n tc-f*.<br />

r U>«ai4U4( V<br />

wtlal 1 tiufi ti.<br />

a . l U v . - a i<br />

H u t v l a , t . U<br />

f L c i * * l t , 1<br />

* r c b . c u * f c > « r i<br />

A L U ) ' , J » J . .<br />

i A » r > » J v U «<br />

~; HaA-t«»U£t t+*-£i*XfaU Z-*J<br />

m p- to.<br />

—"»rp. -• Bu kU» JL_<br />

B*( 1<br />

. (J-'<br />

|'«-J.<br />

/ .<br />

«...<br />

F.I,<br />

l/-f • <<br />

i » '<br />

MA<br />

K.<br />

' U.<br />

iiU< ,<br />

«J •> 1<br />

!**••<br />

J At** '<br />

, l i l l j |<br />

1 J-<br />

*i r-<br />

>. avti<br />

rul 1.<br />

V. I T<br />

u>.;<br />

IAS a<br />

1<br />

CjQOJ. XjfJ p. l£J I *'tlll*4LaUl k-Ci- j<br />

7-aD p- ta. t-Twa-COlo*. r> p. |<br />

ttAltot* H»p*l#f t'Cturrti, HJUI^OO aw^ku<br />

BbVT ***r»a«aLl avLTaacA. U.V. Oi-Ul Cla/fl-. ^—t— 1<br />

(#. Ha 4kv* awtrwacaas ll ». cs axxi 7 -AO p. tt .<br />

2J*dJkf >cbo04. XJUp- m. U. Htallti, aUJl' (lu-<br />

TttOTl. U. V. f. U. al 7 « < wx iv- t 1 . J >. f<br />

l^aTttaa; * e»lH>«a«±sV/ •«•!* ti« kl« p. lu li-*^* I<br />

r TITIII n. l&lxa U- liabA-^ |-T*-to,. t_<br />

KUaVS. liOa> HmlltL,lWlUUCl WtUaO'i. U ,11 •*• l.t<br />

a*SBawoo.Joiu Hlar"* ArUw'tiMDi . ,<br />

I "l^^in Cha/cb U*n>k*«, tt,/•*.•*<br />

*a,rcni ic4vao.<br />

km e-|tag-i bf<br />

r-v. 915 oo<br />

mlowm oa A»-<br />

•IVcfitM, CMrtU-<br />

Walcb and Jewelry Repairing<br />

Mayer's<br />

Boa.rdwaJk.Opp. Dottcfaty'* Pier<br />

ALL VCAR<br />

First Mortgages<br />

Six per cent. (J||t Edged<br />

Have yon mosey to loan on <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Real<br />

Estate, where the security ia firnt claas in<br />

every particular ?<br />

We have four mortgages to <strong>of</strong>fer at this time<br />

that arc worth your consideration. They are<br />

S900. $2500. $4200. and $6000.<br />

During nearly twenty yeavrs <strong>of</strong> active leal<br />

estate bnaines3 in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> we have placed<br />

nearly one and a half millions in mortgages<br />

for our clients without Ioaa <strong>of</strong> principal or<br />

interest, and have always endeavored to tierit<br />

their continued confidence.<br />

If you have funds that arc inactive^ put them<br />

to work at once drawing 6 per cent, interest on<br />

the best security that the State <strong>of</strong> New Jersey<br />

can <strong>of</strong>fer.<br />

V "X"^*<br />



Jolly Occasion Wu<br />

by Good Speeches Fmfll <strong>of</strong><br />

SxccUctit<br />

can<br />

Write us for particulars.<br />

Massey& Edwards<br />

Eighth Street and Central Avenue .<br />

lilattonal<br />

36a nh<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> dtp. D. 3.<br />

Watch<br />

This<br />

Space<br />

Will hdp yoa to financbl<br />

txttermeoL<br />

| N. GR1SCOM, RL D.<br />

tUUUTH tfT. AND WEaLEr AVE.<br />

lUtJUU, tO-A<br />

a to a p. B&.<br />

» mf.MinM.UI U>U<br />

m- c+±±i. wii rasa*, luuri ULB*. •*<br />

tj^S: AlifiS COTSSB, I. D. "£<br />

Oc«an <strong>City</strong><br />

2yes Eiamined Witbont Drops<br />

b t4 l<br />

*U£* soo4 wtVoL A-U vo/k acious Bo.xrdw.ilk. Fr-.e Band Concerts During<br />

Season. Great Fishing in <strong>Ocean</strong> and Bay. The<br />

Delight <strong>of</strong> the Yachtsman. Numerous Trains to<br />

and from Philadelphia on Three Railways . ."<br />

«««fiT 8OCIHHES. W j t h l n e a s y acceS3 <strong>of</strong> Atlantic <strong>City</strong> and<br />

other well-known resorts<br />

•mrcetr be Aba* to crawl. *aS tars* 1<br />

• * *">W b* craahad tv ttaa-1<br />

oaaV" fnaad* raai'rtad to ta* •<br />

tm, I cairt aay w*> •a*"<br />

-Tw rafttim *r* filtiaa"<br />

-Ifcej anu tittH Mt aU.<br />

••ry Haw » rataav om rafl<br />

kaasiv cor foraaca t» too aaaO I<br />

AaViea Praaa Marfi Taala,<br />

ir* la a pa ta a tartar true* Mais<br />

I<br />

Twaio to Win M. Oaanaaa, wka w«»<br />

•aaaojaa«akcn<br />

"Bow «an I adrta* aaottar maa<br />


Btm.[tnm&wtttomiatakmt AAwtmttimham<br />

I to avoid tfc* la*! «a» ev oppi-npnv<br />

I ||g| (0 gH"^» ttMflUB-ff BaawttltM OAA •••onin<br />

• Matardar<strong>of</strong> aaeb moon,<br />

i o. Utrnt sscrstArr- H.<br />

A ftallrjt&< atOtS LoOaUl AaMOclalllOO<br />

TYtltaft narvdaiv tn U»* mooth.<br />

'fao.a.<br />

urricc uuuut Iiui^m.<br />

(swap. as.<br />

Ptaooaa: BsUSii-Wl lain —H UB-A<br />




• to « p. m.<br />

• u*ea<br />


•-• Dentlart**<br />

809 Central Avenue<br />

G. F. STARR<br />

Dentist<br />

Cor.<br />

Hoor.:<br />

utuai<br />

(<br />

J. Tboralcy Hafbea, P. D.<br />

OcaxaCny. N.J.<br />

LAKE<br />

Uodertnlccr ar*d Ernbatner<br />


^4. It will pay yoa to Ri*e Da a trial.<br />

o . Oi*a ms a trlrj.<br />

C t-i. BACON<br />

, sorkniAaaMp «od txuiaaaa j<br />

u b m azanUoaalty good pmhJnm to uks<br />

. I tav* DO a<br />

y f<br />

c clerical Core* to<br />

OO7 e«t<br />

8TOBB for Dry<br />

M' 'W<br />

5^Vf W HiljJb O OoodB, Hotlona and Men's Wear<br />

Spcclol at thin Blore—Pour Mootlii' Trial Subscription to<br />

" price, 40 cents). Foar<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly 19 cenU (Regular<br />

Big Spring Faahloo<br />

March. April. May,<br />

Munlon designa. Ask<br />

coontcr. We are also<br />


WOBLD<br />

Numbers. Fehrnary.<br />

ilrastrating latest May<br />

abont i at the pattern<br />

making great reduc-<br />

lionb ID some lines <strong>of</strong> goods to make room tai Spring Stock as we most<br />

h*ve Uie room. :: :: " := := PaoME »J<br />

OBI Aahtzry Aveimo POWell'8 <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. H. J.<br />


Colonial Greenhouses<br />

Ooean Heights<br />

£>n main Shore Road, bejood Sotoera' Foist, (or<br />

C« RwfB». km aaA tetter Plants<br />

(TuaTiaa TO ruacui •« resedanlslriAl<br />

fear<br />

• eefes **a. wbcra Ibay *r*r* ttntiy<br />

•oUTtaloed bj Lbe Ha* Ua VAj *A-<br />

KlUi<br />

party<br />

tn»lfdlb* meagua and<br />

-any club <strong>of</strong> Iba American Power Boat<br />

y<br />

lo Ibe taltorlog bu*Joos la<br />

ato** 00 Htgalb aUtxt, la Iba Bourae<br />

Building.<br />

Tbe article* Included -nlaa »utt<br />

'palXamA. alAra Qxture*. daa^i. ifM*.^<br />

•ewlog mAenloe aod prv*Bl<strong>of</strong>f board*.<br />

Tbere waa some lively bidding, aod<br />

Ibe proeaeda <strong>of</strong> tbe eat* amo-uoied to<br />

T&o -Ale WAA at tbe loatAocs <strong>of</strong><br />

R»bert Flibtr, wbo broulbt tba acitoa<br />

In 1 erover rest m ttM *um uf ttio<br />

A. C. Ho.«ill(tpm«olKl Mr KUbtr.<br />

lb« report <strong>of</strong> Ibe commUaloacr* <strong>of</strong><br />

Me»«aieat on Iba CoTtolbLao iv*out<br />

Uu.wo bAa bc«a received and died<br />

by Ibe CUy Commlxlooen. A bea'-<br />

leg <strong>of</strong> tbe properly owrxra lalrrcxted<br />

will be beld ou March IS.<br />



Folly 300 ato-mbera at Mcct-<br />

lag* Held ta St. Pa<strong>of</strong>s<br />

Charcb, Atlantic <strong>City</strong>.<br />

Tbe aooUAi aeaal JO <strong>of</strong> Iba New Jtr-<br />

aay M K l^attna-o* opaoed In tit.<br />

EWul'a Cboicb. AUaultcCtty.Tatwtay<br />

ai«olo» Tbefraloreuf jrrt»rJ*y'«ara-<br />

aloo WAA Iba MraKa by rUabopTbro-<br />

doje Hruomoo. <strong>of</strong> CbaUaaoaaja, wlx<br />

la ptnU log ovar iba co<strong>of</strong>trctioe<br />

Ttae opeolaat aeraoo WAA<br />

by Ibe-Rar. Dr. l^eoo K. WUttaao.<br />

A-bory Pat*.<br />

Tb* bannaaa *emtao opened y*»t<br />

day morning wUb rally 300 nMmb*r*<br />

aU*t>dano*. Tbry rapnarDird &JI.<br />

OU<strong>On</strong>tobrn. wttb SAO rbortiM* "Ho-<br />

le tbalr Jartadlctloci.<br />

KaJlo»lng la Iba program forth<br />

week and Iba «aily c«rt <strong>of</strong> next wca«<br />

Tbunday—CoDfermoa boalnaa<br />

•ration al tf 1 i and eacb day al<br />

bour. Uaiottuoal eervtor* mrb day al<br />

A. OB. Peuucoetal a*r>to* ear<br />

day al S SO p. m. KrMdax*o*eano<br />

•crauy, 7 «o p. en. Tba H*M. J<br />

Uoclaa end Kdfar Hlaa*. U. O.<br />

apraktra<br />

tdAy—Laymao'* AaaoclAlkoo<br />

10 A- a> and 1 io p cs. Aoolvc<br />

Uoard <strong>of</strong> Coattrroc*) clAlcnaata, 7.iS.<br />

Addma by tb* Kav. J. B.<br />

D.<br />

CWturdAy—^30 p. m. AODI<br />

buicU T»oap«raneark>cia4y. Add<br />

by Ibe Kr*. Clarraca- TrmA Wilaoo, O-<br />

D.<br />

Huoday—0 a. m.. lo-re ttaM. 10-30.<br />

HIOOO, Miabop Meodcraon. 8 p. cs<br />

irdloAlloo <strong>of</strong> deacon* aad cMrre,<br />

'.iA. aveogalMio acrvtca. ooafcretiire<br />

buccb.lbaRer. CbAtiea M. HoawaJL<br />

Mooday exwl To*aday—(V»rrr*no*<br />

NUlOJl.<br />

•4 *•••<br />


TO BUILD $3000 PIER<br />




0 b* discs ta s»T*»b»lrrt»»<br />

Cbsitaaattb II.<br />

Under lbe aui(4ce* <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

uilllary, a soar, rcclt«J will be<br />

1 Ib* Vint Frtst>yt<br />


OCEAN errr. m: j.<br />

> you a daU-<br />

to own yoar<br />

It** dtgnlflad and<br />

etoiia aanaa<strong>of</strong><br />

boan*<br />

b«ld la Ibe loJge room or Ociau Cuy<br />

Couacll. N'. 10,-U. <strong>of</strong> A., at i o'clock<br />

Thursday arieruuou, March IB.<br />

BtAle aud uatloual ortlctrs will be lo<br />

atteudauce, and they will remalu over<br />

olgbt lo visit ibe local council at Its<br />

caerllog tb*t eveuluK'<br />

Tbe members <strong>of</strong> the followlutc couu-<br />

cllo have be«u luvltod to alicud Ibis<br />

eveolug »es«lou:<br />

Valley Foncir, No 6. t'aiudtju; Prus-<br />

perlty, Nu. Io. Atlaullc-<strong>City</strong>; Krleud-<br />

sblp. No. £7. Cold dpriug: Tuckahoe,<br />

No. 4». Ti^ckaboe; McKloloy, N .. &CI.<br />

Hcullvtlle; Columbia. No. 61. Llo-<br />

wood; Heolde, No M.PAUrmu; Holly,<br />

No. &9. Wildwood; Ciescsol. No-UI.<br />

(josbeo, aud ludepeudeuce. No. &i,<br />

Cwtsrville.<br />

Nearly all or theae couuclla have<br />

already accepted Ibe luvlutiuu, and<br />

Thursday eveulug. Usrcb Id. will ba<br />

oue<strong>of</strong> Ibo big oljctito lu iba history <strong>of</strong><br />

the local couucll.<br />

Hold Pfoprlclon 1 Bl««:lloat*<br />

Tbe rrgular moulbly inecllug ur Ibe<br />

Hotel Proprietors'Association <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> will t*> lie Id ou Moaday eveulug,<br />

March 8, at the residence or Mr* and<br />

Mr*. George T. Mauu. ^MJHtdftrloy<br />

aveoue, PbUadelphl*. All nicnib«re<br />

are urged to be preseut. as mature <strong>of</strong><br />

Importanca are 10 com* before Iba<br />

meetlug.<br />

dlt VlatAjb««.<br />

It waa atAtad by Olrecto* Tburo at<br />

tba weekly rolling <strong>of</strong> Ib* <strong>City</strong> Coo-<br />

a>..''.'•'".•<br />

y<br />

Dr. Allen Uaooa tor Mt<br />

tbabaaobfroctat<br />

JoarnbO. Ct<br />

drawtag <strong>of</strong> a<br />

from tba BcatdvaO, BfaMOaf]HHV»<br />

la to ba iraia* Umttmmmat<br />

tnt Ccota tba n**iil •*«•..•/•» a<br />

<strong>of</strong>lbaetobl<br />

Intel ptiMlmi ta Uta>|awa«l<br />

ua»*aodtaar* !••<br />

toa<br />

Tbaj>caa Uaa fmmA ^.ttM<br />

PAto»«i«fj;ri)iiiiia •••>*•>••>,<br />

Tt>* m -, street, ftills-<br />

elpbl*,;VbarleaJ.Carrau, OdO2 U*o-<br />

n aveoue. Oatk Laue.<br />

Tba coat <strong>of</strong> taa<br />

13000.<br />

It la propoead<br />

Lsso* basd wiibm tk» 1<br />

from tb* foodaaattvad I<br />

anipla**aadda**<br />

9000 <strong>of</strong> tba >^*^'* pay aavoaaa. > •<br />

Tba dob acOoya, I hmoga ta»aaa»-<br />

taty <strong>of</strong> Dr. Ooraea. a aswaa4«sw'MeB><br />

on ib* att* al tb* rwmraal aa at 91*<br />

year. pJOA any 1<br />

batarted owtngtotb*t<br />

tog tb* taaaa abooid taa<br />

ba Ib*<br />

fate9a«a4'la<br />

an to ba<br />

FOB KENT.—TZi Asbury aveoae.fur-<br />

Ubed or u<strong>of</strong>uralebed, by lbe year,<br />

rooaia aod ba>tb. WUI rent cheap<br />

or Ih* winter mootbs. Apply W. W.<br />

A^tTTL 722 Aabiiry aveoue.<br />

ad». 11-28, tf.<br />

Uaawali<br />

at tba<br />

dclpbla eiceptlag<br />

Upptnoott,<strong>of</strong> thai<br />

UUs ctty, wbo to an<br />

won a fl«mtg«t Bay<br />

a b* bo pee U> traaeplaot ta«<br />

Otty.<br />

oUowlog tbe nieetlng tb* aB**a«ar*<br />

adjoaroad to iba ««i"*"^ •ooxaol'laa<br />

BUteobooaa. boJ Ja<br />

meet, PraaidaotCnareU<br />

vacated Ib* chair aad<br />

appeal for tba duVe<br />

cioslog bis remark* ta* 1<br />

it WAA promptly<br />

unaalmouAly carried, tbmi<br />

UIA <strong>of</strong> any deaeriptloa<br />

allowed on Ib* pfctr.<br />

Tbe pier commrrfaoinuiifi—i s*r*Ak<br />

H. Btewart, Waller Chaadiar, Jaaaafe<br />

O. Champion, CHATI** Bfagtama. DtJ<br />

E. C. Wactoo. Claytno<br />

and WUltam B. Tiliaaaj<br />

Tbe member* <strong>of</strong> Iba Bnaow c<br />

toe are Frank R. 8t*wart, 1<br />

WUltam F. Bhrtvar, B.<br />

/Cook, Arthur H. Jooea, Otaootw flstl,<br />

Joseph O. Champton. Clayton I<br />

Brick and WUUam E- MaMaJ. .<br />

Tbe general report "<strong>of</strong> Iba pit*I<br />

millce wu read by Dr. E. C Wa<br />

ur this city.<br />

All the prominent<br />

club were present at tbal<br />

well aa a number wbo do aot<<br />

tleod, drawn by tbatr Inlanat ta tba-<br />

proposed project. •<br />

The club facia that wttb Uat eoaapsa,<br />

tlou <strong>of</strong> this pier, U will bavai<br />

which will maka a very atrnaaj I<br />

to ibe average Oslkarman.aa4 ajQi flf<br />

1 be Karno time be adding oaa BMM-*»><br />

the many atlraeuoo* <strong>of</strong> OaaiuCattV<br />

A letter waa wrtttaa totb* Wat p<br />

PATtmral Tuesday p<br />

l.bolldlbepln. Wbn Ua* faaaaa}!<br />

Is Krmuted, work will b* *tar*ad oaTJbai<br />

coostiuctkoo <strong>of</strong> tbephet. .* ;<br />

Tb- lUv. Dr. t.harlea'VastlyBajaatf<br />

<strong>of</strong> Philadelphia. weU kaawa to taaVI<br />

y. where be spend* a DolUao af Ut*c<br />

summer ««asooa, mad*tba smMraar at<br />

tbe weekly luncbaon <strong>of</strong> th* tbT'<br />

or ibe <strong>Ocean</strong> CUy Yaebt Clabal<br />

HL James. Pnlladelpbia. laat rrat<br />

His speech was oa "Tba flaoafU*,<br />

rived from Rellgtoo* Bevtvala."<br />

reo— PopU* la OMal<br />

Rliioen prrfanax. Aill—T.<br />

NEL<strong>of</strong>fln. adv,S-l,Vt..<br />

Kid nlo«e* clrmoil to two '<br />

Pries .10 aad 14. Jotta* BattvlaM) '<br />

tailor. t*r,ipli<br />

Oar TButtaatuB; -Department<br />

Mew Bprtng Fabrtca<br />

It'o pone too early to place yoor order for<br />

well leave that to you. What we want is Just aa<br />

uhowing yoa wbat'a new. •<br />

All Wool Fabrics. Perfect Tailoring,<br />

• *» jUtmrr-Am— OrrartCtty,

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