cyclopedia of puzzles

cyclopedia of puzzles

cyclopedia of puzzles

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,PREFACE~ .... 11l1."SAlI LOYDThe Cyclopedia <strong>of</strong> Puzzles prcS('nts to that )age lUay be regarcil'u as a lit tit' family puzzledep.1.rtmcnt in jtSt,lf. containing' as it dO

NOTESTh., (,~'dQPMill <strong>of</strong> I'llr.1.I~'S rontain.. tl'l"l'r 5.000 PUWt'>l, lrick!:Ilgt's- fron> 1):.It" 910 to1),1gt' 3lH in ('oulK'CutiH' on'rr. Tu Ii",] the ;;o[ulion <strong>of</strong> a ]lUule turn tu th,'!IOlution I),'~ tlml nule allhe top the nllmber.! uf tl ... puzzl .. l"'If"'; to "hid,tht-), apply. Il "ill then 1)(' .... impl" mattl'r to lQl-'ale the Wlllthl-nrtnlOIulion. Fur ('\"oml,I,,: The lint ..ulution pa~. !I-W. M 1I0t ... 1 al i18 t')II.contain~ Ilns"'('~ '0 Iluules IIp' ..... ring 0" J»I~ 7,8. II. 10. II, h!. I~ ami U.Mlluy<strong>of</strong> th .. d,nrudt'fl lind wort! PlIl.l'.!e!I 11Imll~hf)"1 Iht' hook art' IIl'Wrnpani('(1hy Ilwit :;olulioll' eXII!'("'i('({ in .!'impl\" nUIJll"~('81 cipher: tJ.I,,1 h, Iht'].. tk'N 01 the al],hahel art' n'pn' .... lIt~od by uuwbt-rs In ('''r"'s:)()Iltlul~ "rd.. r.For inl>tlln('lellC(! <strong>of</strong> tlll';r solulion~, 80 Jo nol writ.... amI II..sk whid, Ulf'~' I\.r('. '['hut i~for you to find out.A! th" l"\'lIdcr pJ"OC('O..:b through the book h" ~1"1ll]J mnkl' nolM (If ~u"hpuuil'll II." he diooro\"!'~ lu.ve nn gin'" 5Olutiotl.'!.. If compktc, lhllt "ill betl,,' li~t <strong>of</strong> "I'riro(' I'UZ:dL"ll,"There arc no conditions attacbed tn this prize <strong>of</strong>fer other thanthat. conteSlanl's solutio Ds must be senl collectivdy- the answers10 the complete set <strong>of</strong> " Prize Puules" forwarded in one envelope,and posted not earlier thi n December I, 1915, and not liter th:mJanuary I, 1915, addressed to SAM LOYD. New York Prest Club,New York City"If ,'n" d

•,Propooiti.,.,: Call 7"" mark o!l .octlr 50 poluuoMy chum and l ... ~ uking in tlx (lqflCt'S,. An lri,h,""" would al. .\cronlingly. ~ '1'P!'!;"ide iho .... the "'h.... d;I\'. "h."... .."" -sc the mtItI ... bik the o.brk· ician ... ith--. ,10" bwy.t Ch;'",~, ~f1O.ny .. "h --, Ih~ d •• ).')'... Y"" Ii" at a cent a JI'fft' uMlliUOml ma.Jo: uaaly 50 paint>. ane. Ad,1 up (b. Maggie OJ,,,, cigar WIth,. gold land the drinker ... "h --, .h.ql:""l,'IP"numllt", on "n ,"" ",.n .kat)'tlll Il'OUn,\ It' .. ith --, \"" ...... Iman ,,-n" .--.koock out and ,.'hm . he s"m alll!JUnlS.b. ",ilot with. --, the Ikto,i"1.0 o",, I ']i,1 .ftcr ~I i' ;~ I,,·n: ... a. t"~ to ,Ilt ~rn)'''rd. o .. ,! r I,,,u,,! ,11.1,he ',"'}' 111lI' h""et au,1 ",w, f~""rlit 1' .~ that thir.r her \atllS hlac~. whiir .r a gI"", IllIy ... hr~~ anywl>trl", Ihe IiI' "fh .. w..! .. ill !.or ... 111:"'. \""'" ............,.... aohll'kM m~anr a o:lW goWngup; 1",1 talkin g alr

A REBUS.Fair ~. pn>ml-t 10 belle-.lIy /;"'1 "l"'" h ... luvor,And muoh I hn~ lht.1 no ,Iarlhe has mv-.i,0.. loearmg 011 I~ Innly pnwn" .. many be>u~ have RlCkOOt'oI1•Hm: ;. aftOI.her ItaiI Rw.d P"ul~.which ilhlJl.~t_ .. pretty rnathe­"",Uc&l pnnnple and at t~ .......tLlnc p. K~te oan', t.ll ~ .. ~n re·"",nle'l. from a .... en d""''''I~1~O. 1n .,!u,.-ti,,1l' th, hahy·ju,nl"en. r IOdju","" tho bah}', '" wi ,IIdloul (A coun' ry.) .41 The calmOS!. man IS IIOmtli\llelm.'I~ i.ale (An i!ilano:l.)H '\""y Ilwy .. enl and o'·c' Ih~,.."..~..... opun4J The ... k. must ('go 10 til an.I Ihe "Ib... ~u 1110,II-'h~"" 11 ... lilt palh <strong>of</strong> dUIY/Thmugh Ihe CU~I"m II"" •.Wh,· _",,,,M lurtles be JlIt.ood'fi«ay,"" Ih~,'" III a han! < ...Wh" ",,\0-1 y ..... W,,~ .... I p>duampl ...• Bueau,. younR men_no10 apt \(I 1,,110 .. I""'"WhY slIoulUI(:O /"r Ih~ l>lhe finISh 1'1"1'

••Hue ;5 a o()l1c.nsposM, .... ill be diJ.."""A fUme they >.I ... yo Iha,.."Tron5pC'OC­\:ktN Irom both .ide, <strong>of</strong> the balane:

~• ' eKE IS ONe OF TI"old-time problems <strong>of</strong> our, "",,~. It",,,d • datocn ra~. d, •..-n throur.h ~"e""",rat,,,,,, "',Iflout any 0lI~'. hay."'3 ,be ,enxroty 10 qU"'I,on tbe=In_ ur lhe 'e.tinguishedIt • diM...,., <strong>of</strong> some lif...,.,n miles.It is _ than. thousand )'GoB'*l and is suppoed to h&ve bee:a...... ed tloen: by lhe IOldion <strong>of</strong>~thdrecland AJf~ af"" thei. ,'it,t.",. over tho O.nes, as • while....,.... ... the eOau"", they ",e COIltinuRlly

PROPOSITION lo to ho ... mR oy pioc Ol. " f ... r;oul alz ... i. it pOII;III. to d l~ l do a pia ... In Ill.Itral,bl ~1I1 ' <strong>of</strong> • k olfo?I "' a ,;:;~,,,,form. let 11$ I ,n10the lollo ..... ng un"I""wb,cb (:Co""" ,n ..... 111n ... rth,··lhowmnn""",,, <strong>of</strong>,ru_...clI,ltIhIt!gh to intlln .. t~ to Iht""hi", lhat II>. gmt .bowm~n hadlOme funny ""* ... ~ up hIlI sl""veCan Y\lll lOlL·. thd plI .. dA Stlldy In Diyliioll.H ere i •• rute htt]g Rn thmet ... 1ol u\L wdl say 1M an ... ";,,., plainThat.oll who bil. dWl

,A ReIN."'"' .TM CAIMli. Oturch my lirat noain­),]7 n.,," con"'U or rnt cube a"d eightm"bles, or ni~equal to Ihe top!nmarbles weiglLaMy fint dtnotes a company. <strong>of</strong> .nyart or 1n.1 Hn.atum creal"", byGentral Seen', rrotarlcl.bl. A)'UIgtu Scneta'1 (If War Stanton. to Ih,.ffeel tha" .. Whil. we h.,·ell:'Of'('$ 01

,It. Reblll~cll flll, Godl ..... ~"m~ to det«~_fa.,· ... the ea.U for •• t:ondinC" vOle.1>0>0'b«,,A.,"',!",~)OU ,,·ill Il'ffi't • bo}'i:oh fa«..: ,\n...·••• ~, I, '4,70.5,mrmbOrt lit .. w( fJ!>d Ih. minority"", ,ld"""... I~ motl"" hy •n .. jority 0-' on. VIM," C~n ron ttl!jut! how I ... ny "'IU .... ere call at,thi. meeting IUrn i. 3 rolli"""""" linl. r"uler"" 11~ ,",In/:: fo!k., ,,~,id, p, .. mtspouil~t;lIc would • ."clttit. dnirtd pb«. 1 look- 00\ mrwal~1t ",d I¢u.td 0-11 lhe proper di­.ection. II wltlch M txpr~'-..:I j:.nlStI'1'.ue. 10 I ulplaintd lhe n,.IhOint­"" to ,ht nonh. I u.krd him .,hdhtrhe ...,nlr~. I ""..t: llu.t.AmaJfi i5 p.""d <strong>of</strong> 1u..-i"C" bern 110.born. <strong>of</strong> 11,. in .....,tor <strong>of</strong> tJu, """'paUlt\co nQl kne,.. WIL11 1l;1"'"l\ ""'Olt <strong>of</strong>mv Am.rican friend .. a cili .. n."

•Can't Bt Doa.o.You gn'\ .L;tn,j for 60. minuteswi!hcu\ moving. jf you .... blindfolMd.y"" ~~'I Oland a' Ih~ .i,l~ (If ..I'O ho",,, ""hind hiJ lack Indhi, hoad apin.t Ih ... >.a.lit", i. the original "011 <strong>of</strong> lheSeiI(Mt an,1 Ihe monkey bou... ••1.-.1 art numbered to fadl.i,.t •• d .. «ipllon <strong>of</strong> the nlO!llo:ty'.mult.oHere is an ~l"",""bry st~dy inarith",.tic: .. herein yoo write oo,,'nthe names <strong>of</strong> all the artid ... ;1.JId,.A RIb".J dwell wh ••• mii:hty billow, 1'0.1.'.TImgh 00.t be" hd ma",bed for a quarter<strong>of</strong> a {~ntury in "'·en· SI Paln,'k·.g:r P.""ade fino., b" bad Lc..mnt ar will put O"or the NriO,," ;nt..-"",~I"),,, .. b;oll ""'y be fnund 10u.. abve remark. and "'y IMt old~ __""d pneumonia bav:"g o,'or-1-..., C..,.,y u lan, he had ",.",hed011 aith the immoel.ol p"",eo,ion.=:! .. bm the boys met Again 10 door n. tll"m .. I"". and SI I'at­'"Ir: O:t:a the 17th <strong>of</strong> !\{uch. th,,), foundlhat thert "a, • V&n the buill <strong>of</strong> n,M 1TH'1I to tberow .... Ie,'"" ...,,,).1 111 dnDut """n w ... C"""y 1n', .. ~,1. an,1Ihe I'n'>oo 1"'1 rnw ta_out with bul "'IM..,.,n Th .... wua b"meo.! attoml't to form ....,Ihei~ht m"" in urll m ... , apm withoeVtll. a1>ll Ihen wllb fi~o. four.th,,,,, and even 101'0, hut it ... as foundthat ea~1I and evory formation a\.WBy' cam. out ... ilb • ~.:~nl .pa-.:!loe Cuey in III~ last line, Then.a1thoU/lh it atnk~ U5 ... ;0. ..!ly.Upe.... t!tlOD. ,t leeame .Iul!' th .... m~,t b.av. been ;nlbe 1'..".,."';00 hIS .. pTtlty pmiJ-10m .. lIi"b WIll ;ntete

,nilE..". <strong>of</strong> the ~T'tal MOo,.. J, .. hlCh wa. un",,·1;nKI1"~'f>lc'1Ic Ibilw,",. CumIl""Y.mtan> 10 ,. O'UI",nlln curtly whatthe c"' .. 001 the ",;odor f .... to a;II h. wu. ;"...,.Iigating the Keely,_.One ...·rilor on ,he .uhi""l i.. <strong>of</strong>the opinir>n lhal lhe .il:" h:tt .....'"recl1ndil. "ulh.""",k.1 .ignifoa.......•."d qlllf' ~ncit"t Chineoc: w

15!3f:jlRI'•PROPOSITION- Can YOII till whit the boar lrutt?I IS to .n........ th,. puzzle you need onlyana,,· .. the ronu"drum. WhatdOd the ~r want IThe PlIyus Who All Won.A. an .mprov=nlt upon the ~-OtPled nn";",, that """"' .... c= onlyla .... •• mlleh as 'he I ....... \0; fUl,.,.a fq\&&re "".Tlwy-".rJl ha

, ... ., "':lIeM.Arne ,i" .. arulthat one wfntIWO mi~ul'" an h"'"100 dow, an~ the otherone mlllul. an huu, 100rUI, ... lhal ,.-htn I looII:ed at tMmagain Ihe fait .. one Wlf eXKIly onehoo t ah~d. Can)'ou fill'u,,, QU\fl'Q/tl the dial at what li,n" ~I~",noon the watches mu I hIY" .(uledllIe,e I, an~lhcr (II,. which willpunic you: 1101" JOOn .. HI the hou.,min"~ and lIOoond 10.10,1. again &pparthe wne dl.>tan~ aPllf!, ...how" a~?!:Juch pmblm'l at. built "I'M theimmul.1hl. bWI <strong>of</strong> tho ,Iiv; : ,,, <strong>of</strong>\i..... and .'" thc''''on pu.ely "O:UM.""uic.ol IUId mtd'~""al 1 h.te .rc60 ....,., tun 100 ya,,u in leh .. lor lb • .., 1!lO

•THE G OLD BRI C K1·hi. f'\1t'l~ ~hw~ how ra • ",,,,nd I~.,,". put On )~"'.... ~ Ihinkingcap and 'tll.ly il ""I: The £«1n""*,u",",,,nt wa. actually 2·h14 anda>nllli"r,1 ~7n """aN! ineMs. )lowmra'''N! <strong>of</strong>( tho«t point. a, QN!lully.< i"""',ih ..... Ih. ~ 1lOltmalial faU."ic.> ..... a. unfor·tUMId" ~"I. Th., ..."rk. "hic!ttnir!lw1I1P"" a< 1M ""lrninati,.. 01 hi. lalw" .. ma>! ""'"r ~ tho:tnn,1. t bo>nk • .-e< attelllptM hy 1Mauthco, It Iuo. ~ d.""';!xd a~ •(".f rrcl>l< pu .. t •••wh ...... 'n tho .",,1.111 wa. '" t"t hi.k"owlt,l~ <strong>of</strong> th. ,,,hi«t by dctf'CI',ng 1M /a1\M'Y conceal.d in the puz·•• The gul..! brick protol.", i, ginn ••an illll'ln';"" ui a ... ·ne. <strong>of</strong> PUUIHwhid, I h""r /."",, b< "'1I~red la.-u.hlyt~h th_ ~. a/wa)" KWtt!.paniC'd by uplm:tli.... "hjc,h ",~11ptTnnt lM ,lu,Jc,n ittlm briog mi1-k.sJw:r.o1ll[ th.u t.M -ros eutII~ tilt ...,.• had dnftai IOJ"~.tw.l on tIUd~ before eltect.u>(• Lo. ..,hng.u It rule. tM IIIOdI"t'll ~,"Ie <strong>of</strong>Ill

ABOUTtb. way Ihat J'u •• I"ideu rome to'IS It may- be .. id ~hat the themeIIPEAK'NG" fo." /:QOr 1''''1>.. ll>c: Itt'''.II .... y bo: IIt'rn, ~ thtcd ju.t beforett. I:rand roup:Phib. II Scpl .. 1781.0. '.nItral: The: mel""",then lhat ~nabl.,. c'1P'ogramrH

"AI showing how V.IU1bl4' knowl·tdJ:c, iml'mvi", I" \h~ ",i".1. tluybt Iea_d from \ncii"gand (Utting frot.> one 101trutted c.'''phon in tMart <strong>of</strong> p!Qding, .nd it .,.. ~bct .. ~ teachc1" and ""pil th.:tl tbeImllon 1« "'auld be paid ,..h'''''''g ''''''nlh ,\.0 gu .... into bo..­mlny I"""" he d"'irlcd it with oneot,.,.,gltt cuI w,lh .. knife Sup­J>O'{ng. \110 he" ..,al p""""I. drn ..~ .tr:"~ht hne ,,-rueh Wl'>Ul\! dlVid.,\ 'n~ Ih~ ,""aiel! ;>Oaib1e n"IIIbet01 V'~,•

I_-.#C"--PROPOSITIOlf By changing the po!itlOD <strong>of</strong> the fe ... e~t possible nuruwr <strong>of</strong> the tell duck. arrlnge them10 there will begfive rOI"l <strong>of</strong> four in hne.HP. 1''';''0'1,10 "1"''' whic~ flunarJ Bay '''''''41 pltA~ure 1'1 gi'-t ~ t 10d",·k. I",~ "1'. and I m.oy h.:t.v.e 1,,1 any lucky dud( ,,')00 ""II ""Ivo Ibltul"''' oomtlh,ng which my ,,"'form hille p.oLlem fur "'e ""r""'·lly.l:«'k <strong>of</strong> ,UI a. a trulrk..m"" enabled 1'h. ph'I","" ,how. Un duck, ad_rile Vl d',\Dt",1...... y in Ih~ .hape <strong>of</strong> ii ,-. ro ...... wi, hfUUT·in ... -ro... J""' how Ih .. )" """teIbn ch~n~~ I neVer o:ould..,... rln 3r the ..'mewhnt""''''Y. wbi]e \1... Smith ""ld th, ...flIu~y. we will ""II a t _ ourpn""r .... rtl0n thM It ho,lItenl''''' to the Patd,O,l1\1 T'"z%le .., ....'ng myoufied .he ",,"I m&ll,ematioi"".<strong>of</strong> 11m I". ~ ,,,,,,n,'. LJX"'I=pt_j"r Ih. -p"""I"I1I'" or di'pI>5,n,~ "I England, 1'be ~rol'lem ,. ron· hrr I"enoj'. stI,,'" all <strong>of</strong>U. ~. ,,( .-anous .. _ '0-pll-« ..... 1

AS.C,Teo.·P~--A. SW AllM OF GOOD 8 EES.Ho", U a b'l '" cooll1uonafor the N~ .. Year "I\LolI • rHv.eryoung m,'" hal ,...".kod O\l\ ,n p",.t.ori~l fa,I",," u~'n • 1",...,1 "" ~pt..ce"'" and"'a.i ,II dnv ......,1 ill. bo.ordanlfd 4. S. 9. SlCiphtr Ans ....... -c. I, II, 9. I, 7.5. 19-Comical CDoundruma,.\\110 p ..... the bNU/Th. jodQll gue tho Jack aU.Wh~ did the wood· ...... 1n.,a, .... it saw the lamb-cloop.Why did !he bo,ner_B,.?IkeI,,,,., it sa .. the ake_".,Jl

fls S![OWINn IHlW .\IIY'..i:B puulc ""')' '.'('~"a u-l"Jt.: ""m "''''lb'''II. I alto. g\ ",m·1.013","" ' f I rul>a.\·,',,,·I ",mom!..r Ih'" ,h. 'l.uto,i,..,.-00" ...,.nes., '" "M)" ~"ung chid,." b....Jl"'t ....... 11 ~tl!e lhe tra,hnf th~1 boKie 1I'\0ry in Dl} mIndnnwlUld ""~ rm" all. give me Ml"'.e.00,,", pip' f~ t ' So. from a p"",lyin""logatin~ standpoint. ~ ,,~Iw ,.,., 30 ,Mn'l lOS he b.>.d heforr ".. \. e ... ' .... i.1 &no;>tht'r m"",her <strong>of</strong>I h~ p ~rt" , "'ho ... as a ~ivil eng'n .... ,"&f I':"r.t. )0, I tol1L.~el Ih'" ~h til« (,,, I ... ii" .. I Iu in'~I'f'''''I~r, jf tun,rthing o:ooul,1""t ~ done 10, the ,h,I\llt. In" cvml""",,"'n <strong>of</strong> the In,1 ju.t menli""ed """"'I~ bo an _)' maltor 10 n,lju,li,

PROPOSITION-What will be Ibe , • .ili'nigbt riM or faU?ERE IS A QUAINTLY~.. . told problem ," me- Her. are thtc ] I 010_",,:II win bt Ottn that ~""" <strong>of</strong> the .Ie­"""n,, ha. i" dlemi",,1 ")"Q'hoI ""dIh.,,;e "tlmb... llIt;t ""'tD. ,,~acombmo ,..;th OIh~r :noms \0 produceadd. QIto. b ..... or compound. :11, I'lIy,I" .. hl,,"< ,..;.1 110Sull'/tlmC ... ,"'II'SO".1I~.lr""xli< a~,d 111.f''''''l'h""" :..;, ... ,rI'OlIydrob.",nic acid nBr.ll>tD w. get Iht d,ff .... nl 14111 bJ'»lltting '''''Ial. in Ih" lei.l. in \,I~ct01 H, ..... n a, hydru .. "",l 1",--_,,·hioh I'(rl.lin W lilt ch.",,,,al nO­"",nclat"'.The ddfttt1\1 ",,,11'1'1 .. <strong>of</strong> all 01.·mont ",il1l"I>11""••"tirely di>l'-Ifnilar""n'I"',,",I,. 11lO i. Ih" fon'ml~(ut w~tcr a"J i"dical" d",t ,WOatom. fil 11 ,., on. alOrn Ilf 0 formw~t.r. 0 br'''1:" 16 ti,,, ... h~,vi~ rthan II ,h"", tI'" 11 /.'ml' lite '!'Ih1"0 01 "'Air'. :-low in ..-.aJt tlK:1"D\~"('"'' fil 0 ."d wh.t ... a. a",'Ide" Iiq"i,1 brcomu a Ih",k,>l""l'v "'''''1'''',"l.101 01 \hine' I know il i,n·l. a"d 1know il h """,10 may originated...... '1u ... li .... , ... hich .1imi""lethou-.an

And 101 you've I W1lDd"onll' .prh~for )our 1"''"'.Cipher A"-,,,'er.-'X>, 18., 9, 6, 12, S-Anae""o Punle.Mak. nne wutf a my.Ticsocm, \11.11 "" f,,,d "h,." We toke Ih ..tnilikm "f Ihe "1"3'" an,1 ",ark ,h., i ..", <strong>of</strong> lh~ !-iw",I;," ;n the «nlor,I~'l Ih .. lo,.r !"IN will I"rm & I','ricelCr«k «''''', anJ if We ""'rk ilwilh the tI,,,,,", ""'.bur:ehtfidd \lFQUJd puture the cow ""d thefrlI-t far fOrl)··five rb}-s. or lhoo COwanrl t hol glillg a speedy parmer­>hip,

faPf":'n wi,h [)a.klown .....,.Iynen'> ... t fL ......' " io puulo: lormfO!" \)Ur )"~:"B 10:1. Ind "'hkh'''Of")' one "'ho ~ it fbl1t1"f h"n..,ll,hat 100 .oIy .. it II OOlto. ~,~I )C\ [do not r=t",htr any otiC "ho •• aIlyfound Ihe C"OI",ecl "nfW".It i. based on In .vcry""y "'"i".,"tnn .... n\0". much lhe b

n~t" ;, a lottie p" .. t. d"";l(nCdtil iUum"l" th< pri""ir.l~ <strong>of</strong> (~n... t·lItion •• al~'h.d in I ~brll to di ••= .n unknown ""gIl! /N'" afr:t(tion:ll ~r\ 01 1 .... 11. A. 1""0 ......bu' "~.n tb.~ .... .",. ."''' .. In~'n •• u~.... , ... , .. " "'"".~ I.", b.d 1"'Ll iPolO two j';otaIt f,,,.,,,, a ".h, .• bl, "ml imrr ... ingI.,,,,,, ib r"nl,·,"",~i"j; whice••• Ji¢")y iargt-r. anrl conlain·;"Jr enLrri~1l' Pf'OerlOnt1l the fGI in threepiN:" Irom .ny ,orlangle is 10 cuiOn Ih. dottrrn

A RebulMy 6 .. t i. ""'nd in the ocean "live,A. wdl a. in 1I~ I'il ano.llhe m,n";M)' ~Id bolow lhe ou,f= ... ~ hay.Wh...., no't't W ",n can ~h;n~_My whole t .... f ... w 1>0;0«\10 I(TI'.,Dut _dOOm 13il. 10 6nd a rll'~Cirbrr An.w~T.-19. I, . ~, 20, 3,5, I~, 12, ".~"=-__ _A Rebu.Within my 6 .., ~on !:'Illant CI't'WAn aoo:hor ... ft may And;My nu" ye {"'t. lno.I«d. 'Ii. tru~.\\,,11'0\11 an...,01 ""y hino.!.Wit""'·t m.· whok .. -third.<strong>of</strong> the .. tate .11OI·!d I:" to the mother• ",1 .... e-Ihird 101M dallj(htcr ; "h""it d"·ol"! .. ,,. howC\·«. lhat tht boy5'A ChaDdeWI!"" Kate lhe cook prepvod them .. l,My firft lOa. in ,""u. t;My n."t i .... n in Lamb """ v.al,A qUllNor aT. hreJo't_Which wilb my ""oole \l,. table"""', And trul) ',wal 110 wooder,Wile" .t the boIord each iIIttt Willipbc«\,To 0« my third th,o"" under.wu a t .. in, "bieb "",".;1 n_..,.til pn:n;ill; fOT both _ boy an'! _ ,;r!.u ",oil .. the mother, O'ShaUI(­n ..'~'. mind ..... "'" in •• tale 10dmik upon lb., pt"'OJItT ..... y to ea...,.out tbe lennJ <strong>of</strong> hi, prcmi... Whatdo OUT friend •• ~i.ny the ".."'­btu <strong>of</strong> tho Icpl prolmltm. who Mve• hown ... mucb intcrell in thO$t nl r.il and vinl'j[J.r," 1IIi,1 " .hr.wd'p

e oe oe oe o~_ ERE'S a p,oLltm "'hiebhal bftn J'"uliltl{ a.neycvOf lInee l,t got 011. '; ~ Iht ,force. II. hal ",.,j.II 1!1'1(nI1I <strong>of</strong> tI, •• imalion."d alk. for the ....'11311•• 01ou t dC\lc. puulj.\,. 11~ 1",,,,11",von \Jloclct <strong>of</strong> Ihe cil:'bll, word. k·inning and mrli"s: hi. nighlly 1011(rom the 1";111 he it ;"dia,inll' AI th~COm" <strong>of</strong> Ave"". A .nd ~f.nd fit.diocu.';ng th.t probl ..... <strong>of</strong>\\'hil~"I.... rinl: ." 00I0ng. r.t us t~D 01 "p '~lial '.'t s~etpfold for )'lin )lo..1'.", ~· .... d nat ho rouli'"f""" I'",,,,d,, "" lh. diff.rm« be-1'!Ott1l • at and. leiltcn bh

~'"L_". .".Problemo 0' 0", .-vAruni .. 1 T"I(O h o)'o"ing 00 .. 11oonbl"I' mi~hl I""·' llon"'I:I, Ih~enct n-nlrr <strong>of</strong> I~e fi,,~ ri,,~ ~,,'lb:1clc to , he ,"uti"l: I"',nl i" ill Ik"~" " .. ;"'~t """'.. 11"1 tl~ ~d,nli",1 ! ~1I. I"~l dUN I" nav~lllt:llqcytlu.. II,.. {""t can to.- ,l,'CQ,-eredwithin the cxtr"doX! oo.mdary <strong>of</strong> theI!l

The Oreek Crou.a",hat'Jlogi.I' and anti­Emin~nlquarianJ like u rlon~lf\, Schliemann,Pr<strong>of</strong>. Wil­Inn, (Ottn«1e.1 with tM .yrn"'ot~'"P'Of""rtioM 01 "'"' G...,.1e en. .. hibe '"cook • .!," or, in JlUule I ... ~ •.''bow.~di"l:' <strong>of</strong> .. "'llW"e inIn borga;n .. lr. Smith "'Y' ,hot half <strong>of</strong>hio rmnty was goo. in jun thinyminut." 10 that he had ""nnl .."five rio._-woooJ 0 H :00;MA~E.hich il i ... id r."chcJ the in,ontIeddclliaalion 01 John l:",I.,.",orcl, AD_110-; .... At.;n~: but ,ilty fail«llo men_tion ttw this prinled I' "'OI"d !Ia"iag •m..,!lanQI ".."d""ity 01 i\l 0 ...... ou.

I :un f''''.""J \M to 'o"01""t ..... I~w OO In ... and wM them b:ttk I Ihtoriginal .., .. .., ...... t $,8 1'''' lot. andc1taned up ,Itt. wholt 'nnuclion btfor.hi, lrain a"i,'w. U. n .. ",It ..pr<strong>of</strong>i l on ,h. dn.1 jU$l I'Ilwo] 10 hi.~ rot .... , pric. <strong>of</strong> I;" loou. eo you ....•• kal \0 \,,11 jult I>ow =n)' 101. wortI,id out in the m .... n <strong>of</strong> flolm"'Wt,Puzzleland Park................• •............................. •• .,t., ft •••• •• ···.······,··•••••••• ,~.,,-,................... ........•••••• f f •••••••• I ••• f t ~'.• f ••••••···,················ , •••• , ••••• , •••• I,I.Jl..!I"", •••••• , •• ,.......• •• • • • • • • • • f •• ~ ••• ,. f f •• t • ','.t ••• , ·.t,..... ..... ····'··t'···tt'l tl' f ••• f." ......, , ...........,, ,'. ~t..................... t,·······'···l······ ... .....•••••••••••••• 1 •••••••••••••• ••••••••••• , f.@tt .t•.•••••••••••••••••••.",.." .ft , , ,tl"!.i.'·.I ...... ...•,••••••• tc •••••I:'t t ••• If t ••...........+ •••....... • ·f·"~ •••••••••••••• f ••• I •• ,t ••••••••• , •• It ........... tt •••• tt ••• ,. 'I" to," .....,••• It' tIt "...........................'I" ........ , •• , • ~ ......... ~ •• .... <strong>of</strong> ......... , ... , .. ', ••• 4' • .. I.......... , ••• , ••• iTrti! ...........,.,.,·e'·····......................··········, '••.•• i ••.•.........".•• t ••••••••• '., ••• ' ••• , t..,,'! , ,'I.to·•• f ••••• ' ..................t......................... i":"i", •••••..... ··········1',.."·'· ............,,..~............... . ... • f.• • •• •• • ••• t ••••• ,. t...... ,...... ....... , , ,.. 1",·;';'·;·~·~·:':·;·~·~"'=;·~·:':·~":1,.• •• f ......... ,..."".,!;;].'\ ...,Th ... an: ~hl hou5.OJ '0 mok. , CM,),).I. citel •• but IhtJq"irrri h.1. 1110 ,::one at

.Ltot tb ... "!IUd",,, ."".... th,·;. 11 nl~ 1111 DIanhon"!it""l'h~ ",-ltll k"" .. J~"Ii" .. 1u1.' the,n.in ,_ r .... "1\ lind ~-'1I)lh .. , ""IhM Ih~imp"""'u,,! Ul",Jn 1116 m .. mOr1" '1'D'ab.! ... b cqD~nl"l iuf,1' ham .lu,ly. I att .. ".!....! M.Ann'. Church ..'III.'I'\> '",.,. Ik Ua.1IA'1iXI/' l'''''''' :molh,,", at thill IaI\O day I ha, OC"""OIl t.>IU6 i~ A hrh:lu Id>'ll. (W"e,,"" \ m~; h"r~ill tile alphll ... t jou as Ihlt g","1 I,hlbn·1hrollhi s~ ,,'110 dr1lrtWu f"llow-,: PIG. 1'11". PA1", RAT;cor PIG, RIC, RAG, RAT.Ea.1 to \\'c.l-l-:a,t, ,·~,t, ""1,w~>t.1),'1:" I" Cn -1>1:".•"11", «>1. cal.Sup to h'h-~~"r. " ~". JI(>,,~bSI I O~: ""'Y be Inn.IUI"1TIeOI inl"BOO1" io th_. The \.alt

Mrs. Pythagoras'-/~Puzzle .. .•.. ", \/.' 1 ,A,.Mr.. P)\lUI.gorU, ,00II ""'UI,,~l ,..;,h l'~r'l>OUK r~rth<strong>of</strong> W othtr squ:lr .. a.M"d l"I:"nhtr.If ...... -joh In nW" ,,-hieh w,nabo do il in Ibln "'« ... , (;111 !lU'lhal \one pirqu • ••• Ih:il hili 1""" 1 ~MW it.~n b< 'Ion....'I'h....... ha.a 101 ..... Phythagoraa·n .... pu ... le.'V *,•'. ,.• ~ ",. • .>On tht principl. lhal Nf'f'J ~rut.: .10",,.1.1 '""'~ ""''' wa)"l, w. ",-ill.., ....... r .. W i.I ........... .., produ«Iwo "I" ...... fmm """ br!;c~. I"Ia« Ih. l""nl ,,( Ih~ cnmpas6 •• d th3ttho ~ ,h".. lJ t.. uk ... by.....,."j. bUI after )'elr< "f p", •• ict in.. ng t .... la!"'. Ihe m.km u,".." &""'OI'N and Ihe Dld·.i"", OJ>-A B C D- ...-. _ . - ,-I J Kp Q R 5,- ' ... - " , "W X Y Z-'--,I,- -- - . , - • . --- ,• , ,--- - . . . -. - - ...__ ._- .. __..__ -'-'~ . _ .. _:;:- "---== ; :..__--~.-.---LE F G R· -, --. . ...M"-,T V V• --_ . ':.. . -;,0"- · ---.... · .-., • •. - · . . . -- ' .• ,0- · . " - . . -~"'1'1c in "'ominl: ,h •• lph:We1 ... y:A

pnmled ~tu,.. ,h,,,,'n b)' Fill'. S- TlI1'u.".l1 !MIl""'. "hich h ... IU ... ,).,,,.!""'r. or Ie,-, loy 1(1" ...",10, i •• hv ....'n,~ Ih. n.xt th, .. ill1'lratin" ..PROPOSITIO"- lI ere art _ho",n Ihe dlme ..,lo" , <strong>of</strong> t .. o field .. tbe o .. t " .. cloud b1 580 nil ..Ihe o tber b1600. An Ic" conldIl1 43,s60 tquare fUI 'llld .. ill raj" 840 'IIU.. h ... Whll will b. Ihtrellll .." _II U .. h trO p. <strong>of</strong> th. t .... "old.?COU"R!>ll ALL it l(JOk _ rtilI 1 ""tIMe the~m .. lhrm~\11'. if! ",lin word The 1>01 •. btea.u ...... hen yrge W .. hinl:l''''Ind Rob0.'. " fli/ .. ,/.......... ... ... 'C " A.,' ;:: __ B• •,vFi"1 1,,1.1 a f"',lrclh "I"'" piece<strong>of</strong> ~I"" in Nil •• oltu ..·", al~! hrnrl\I f ....... . he ~.nle, ,,,,inl ..' th.11 thodouhle

s;"~., d .....,' • ~n""ftl1.,..1>0< if f"" .. ,~ •• ,.;' ... ,~".......... ......., po Mr $b.nko', and" .. b.o, p"'fn •• h" 1,,1 1, maT be .. ,,\." .. "'" ~f .1>< ",m~tn.h 01m,"tt.."""' .... , ""'''>" <strong>of</strong> .. _ d",,,,, .. 1.b,;, I,.., •• " th, u.ol ",.,. "''7 I,,.",f"< .....",,. .t br , . ,"" filtl1 Of ,idh"""'.... 1. .",1 1>< ... ~, bo, .... """:A",,l,«> ... «1 ,t>.nd&rd "I' Id«< 1>"" u.... amItipI.,"" half <strong>of</strong> .,.... '" \all 01 tbt otMr ond.... ,,,olt '" the drfl\lt. ad. h. w,u la,.tho: .. poci'l .. .... ,b nr 'he ~ ' '''' •• ~l Orat\ll..!) ~II ., ,b,I, 11'1""" "'"... ,11 brine ,b. ,_ ~i .... ,,,,,.,be, .., ..'0 r" ,,,,,," ;"'0 • ..,Iid obloo. _ ."d• ""If l",hu wid. '" H'1 .... b .. Iort ..

\""M,,'n h .. d, un.' ...... , '''n".' ,",.,,, " •• " ''''~''Ct:IUOt'Sh.... t.,.n0''" m.. "h Ih",go, I oa'" &IOv."...! bigwaldle'>, tool"ng "" 1f I~Y hadb\l~ '" front o( the IIOI'eII for """nt­Itu ~tllri"'. aU indicating tho... mc mY$tenUI tm,"" a('COmparuoedLy tbe """""n~nt that !.he firms~ _abl"h.,.! a couple <strong>of</strong> hundreJye:o.. "'" I do not dOllbt lor amoment that tome ouch similarsilfD on l., fOllod at l\ur1'1JIberg.wheft the watch origin.1t03 pointsww,'lI, wnb th .. a,'\ <strong>of</strong> a wMeh, canbe .",.W., to be pcGIIM. I I "a I ....-t,,",-ver, that 11K< m~re !,uule <strong>of</strong>tel:';"r .. hat un>e the wateb ,ndiQ.les.has t-n Itdd "I' 10 plll.ohtgau 'M all u.e.. oentunH .,lboIIlbm"g Ihooqht <strong>of</strong> nr ooIvedlTake )'''''' watt'h .ad ... 1 ,I to. he tUne ""ilcatnl )IIIWItl whi,'b ... ,11 be ,fIU'O_du""" to ur.1au< ,n a .. mp!o ,,·ar... vera! prol.o ems "r .he r!""k anddin.fI .... m "".., ""Ih .. h,~h everyune "'DIll,! be I"m,h~r!law many lx.y. kll" Ihat a cordand .""", ,,"l time ........... mun .c· di ...C,,,..t to,.. 10 tonvcn. ,he """""nlJlM~_ a. ,ho.. n upon Ih. w;>ddeu' 1>8.1. hy

TOLD THAT A:-.In 18\ &DI the up!>"r Il"",... wl""b."""'. w"h the re! al ..,,,,·. be "nther mo"' n ....I .... jun tl~,'co nun. In tM Ii~roonu On each <strong>of</strong> the lour lids 01the ron,·enl Of O(Iurot ,t ,. i'].oi~to be ...... ~ thAt ,I,.. p,""h!~m ""'''''''lUItl) 100 \... 0 ul'P'!r II""".. 00 that theground II"" • .I""" n\ ",.,•• t" )",ro".;d.,....J nt allw.n. ,t 00 happen" thot sft~r7lthe r~trut <strong>of</strong> tl,e French army\hrou~h tho I'yr~nees pa .... ~h.t",nt <strong>of</strong> the ynungest.ru1 nl~ romelynun. wore fnund to ha.vo disap·I"'~no~ ... n,\ It w .... nlways ""Ii~vl'd~hat Iher ha'\ been iso

ROOM\-P ROPOS ITIOII"-CIII yo" decipber tbt •• b" •• iell 011 t beIS KOT GEKER­Imo ..." Ibal .n Ihe... bt-te I workedand mado , bllt10 the pres ...!~~~,~~t;~~";';"n ""fMe\ lim madeII Will due...,,~en.:,. ~,,,t .. 1, ~uld beTo 11I" 5t.t. my earnest. d...:""til "",ke everything el ... r hy kin_de-r"8atten metbod •. 1 """"n th.t Juslbef~ I ...as promoted. ,he ... '"'"• m ... tonll 01 the .t,,·ectorII'" oi .... lIknnwnhn ... '" WI II 1"""',,,', 11-0-­qua.atanre wllh /:.motU .,,1"''"The ('Urf~,,' tolls the knen uf parT-,ogda)"In ~'""'l' ehn .... 'rum Lnl,h.n,1 10Japun;To fox one tpa.tk 01 b"auly'o h ....·•."Iv myTho I'r"PI'r o\udy <strong>of</strong> manl

•2"1-2 =4",,~F COl:RSE YOt: ALL"",,~...!and ,""]111'1,, a­t ..... and .""1'1~ .neoboliid it we OIIe tide 10 annIhilateIhe otber!T hIS problem Wa! pr ... nIN It)!ltCI a t Bangkok .n ~. wl"llowing tothe peculiar complication. <strong>of</strong> t hecue. ;t took me quile a !anll tim~to fig...., out l b. "",rr«! ",lut;onfrom .. mRlhematka! It.andf"')int.I found thai any fII alay youlh... ould lOti ... lhe ame anlWer <strong>of</strong>thand. either by inlu;lion or fromkno .. ledgl' obuined lrom pratlitalupoerience. a ut •• i, a .. aClual"f ..,,\ that ~v."yone _mttl 10 Ie"" ..to a ..,,,,,,n,! th. I,me rf! lIee ...... thry kno ..bow 10 man.e- Ibe m.ulo (malel).Why IS hl' .... 1

-•~ --.-~--PROPOSITI ON- Two \)oats ltart from opposite . ideo <strong>of</strong> II, river Ilt the same imtanl, and mut 7~ O ,anbfrom the 5bore. They remain in tbe " i~ lell minute .. I.Dd all the return trip meet 400 ylll'di Irom theother $bore. Bow wIde b the river?US'!' TO SIIOW HOW pusenr.""1'1 M~ Ihm $1.nnffi 0" ,10 )'oU had Aid ",d. M would t~ro.the ,,"crag' mortal 1,,\­ "'tum tnp ... h .... by """'f,,1 cal("\! ­ do""" 'h" L ..... k ~.ard. 1.11 the ... m • •k,"" Ih~ cut ""d ,Ined lI1twn. I found that 1:'81""'. he Wl>Uld fold. ",t.h."t" i OU' d.~,ldJQ nora~, CO.[I will be lound Ihat the ....."]1 <strong>of</strong>the ..."'" "aries a'rominr In w hi~hone <strong>of</strong> t he potaton !larry OiKIS torer:el\'e [Of hil handicap_ Th" ",,~.8,nnd and n,ore du'li~-ul , propooed t ......... ·' 1 ha, .. bor,,,,with you 100 k>ng' You h.o.~ . in·Jur'" the very (t>I11Idahotlll 01 myho.ng. Day by do.y you have 1Or­I UM mo .• no.! yet I .,....]d DOt heart.o I:\~.)'1>U "l'- When ~~ 'I'e ~, •how your ...... and poli6h attnocl«lmel Whon ron bee""", my ow ...how lIlAhy fncndl ..... ied "",I Y etyour Wlder

-IP ROPOSlTIO!f- in bow I~W movel Call you tranlpose the positional tbe whi5kyflask and the .c:rubbilli bruill.put",l.olc Un~ tl""." ..... 1'1 ... itbores YOU c.n :ecnmnA ","o.d <strong>of</strong> two lyll.obl ... 1 PlaK"".. gt''''IPROPOSITIOll'- What ill the m Olt .'QDomicai form <strong>of</strong> l ta.a.k de&ir;DK to hold 1000 ~ubic fe-et?IS A 1'R..\CTICAL~KREplum1J;n~ I.,..,,, .. hicb. will interest those <strong>of</strong> ... '. meclum.caltw.n<strong>of</strong>mmd,Plumbfis. biiel"'l:l>..>lrrland tank bulide .. _i""". '" ul"'Mn "'. ,uult 'VI), II 'ka,,, by 10... b,ch .... ou1.l "like 10.00J ...... baveruioed tho produc! to tho fourt!'po"'~ r . IUld may ,~,ntinu e w,th Ihefifth. IIxth. ""v.II,h. ote ..'.'A ""be ,en lett .quare will hold1,000 ro1 .. , f .... l'l ilItruc. but .. that.. ,....Jd .... qu, .... sao leet

•TELLM OT..-teR'S AGf:.PROBLEMBYPROPOSlTlON-Th. a~ <strong>of</strong> the three .mou~t to 70 p:1ln and the fa~bt' is juj;!; ~ times as old a.the boy, When Ibt,r combined agtll &111000110 twl(e 70 yean the lathn will be only t'!iice .. old III th.boy, What is the age 01 the mother?I'UZZ1.~:S. ~d ••• I a:n JUIl ax ~jm.,. .& el,\ Wher. call one "I...,.. flnnerl ",.hMlng dai.ios, and.t lunking to ImU$Il tho chil1n~c Hoqu"htd our onlire 1, •• ly byWlnn ing e~.ry J::~m~. no ",Uler ... hopla)'~ r.,..I,[ d,d fl01 nud}' out lb. lri..l< unt,l........ re b=k in Luumt. hut I ........, Nnl~mI. L)', u.. ""rly Ih&t Im&ole qw~-enng on .. or Urn In".,.. II therun:' questUm .. hi,-h you are 1.0ans ...... ill 1.0 ..at th. I. .., "'ph"" inbe b¢il1l w>th "',. or '''"0cOlSOl\ea".....,,

-PROPOSITIOl{- Tell which one <strong>of</strong> the playen shaulp pay lor tile gllmeall ERE ARE PUZZI.F.S 7he mek .h..... lho num""r "f 1ion lhen .n· A"" ... ~r 7h,. pn,hlem .Iw:>uld1 ,am•• eltbt-r '" I~ IUtUrn,"'"",'..~,., it wu found lha, no) 'WO o(lbe pla)'en a~ 101""" tbe ..._a""",,,. Tell ",hieh one should P"rfo. tbe H"-. "lid .. hy.AmonHNOlet! and Queries.the "",nou; qUM'ion."hieh rin.! their ""r ,n,o the puz_zler'. ....~Ium i..< the illowing.... hl1~ ronch 01 T,,~ •• l'el. •. a half- ,,"wn 'I"'y, an I w~d'iong' .\ JOIoer.I," i. ,\,1I • hale ~nd hnrt y ",.n. What three 1D1"""" arc th_a\t1v>Ugh well Ix-,'M,l Ihe Ih.... ...·hOM d,,),. a ... a1 .."y. unlw:ky1M...,;hance, ml,..fortun" and t\USoIk"'''' "~n ."'\ t.n all,,',m0'II'n'S <strong>of</strong> c-ndur­Iran <strong>of</strong> land . ..-mo.·h lhey ulen'anI .n

-PROPOSITIOIf-Can you futore (he milling lIutnbera?~.""'k Mt"t "I IheNCI> AGAIN nlSCl1S·numu,,., ",e,,,n I"... h ... 11 ",,,,,,0le. /iglllU as ohm!'n, youobnuld IJ>CICdily be able to gil"'" tbe"urn""'" .. hieh han been .. ......-I10 thaI Ihe. rum ,.;u 1'""'. Itn:alIy looks u. if there shou!d be$M1'CS <strong>of</strong> 00lTte they are st ubborn IhingoWb\' .I"n II ca' 1",,1< on fir-"n~'"C~n~ot roomt n' ourd"' ..... puz.hsuI've the ... hy "".\ .. hC't-<strong>of</strong>Ort' ollh,scurio,.. ""I;on <strong>of</strong> I~ Engli.h mono,.by abo ..'in~ by ".N,,,. 01 an u:ample that.'--"'--th~ "'m~ phCIloml'll,,"app!!n til 01>< owo. l1mted SIlII ••c-ummc), as vrt'!HWhen dO

--IQI~~rtI, ~.ITHE PUZZLE 0'01'f1tE DUTCtil'iPROPOSITION-TeU how much monty tath <strong>of</strong> the men had whtn they commenced to play11 A VE A lI. d .... lt;n ~IM.""chlllll>\!.5. ··Olt. h."" ~,.. t ." h. wmto. ",n,l llouru.l .~n .he in M\I\rd)A rnt thot ,.·,n be a butterfly(ta"'1"f';1! ~r)"A e",', noa, .. 1""on. (catk,n)./I horn.")"!.A ut T'n~" a cern (rn t ·'~r")·A ... t ,nth .. «>Id (l'atarrh).A nl thaI ~ goran' cal (uu.\ope).A d.ut;rf'>WI (al (nu.~In)phe).Why ....,.,,1,1 it he ;mpos.;bl. 10the d....,,-,; <strong>of</strong> Saha",1."",e ;11B...-""oe <strong>of</strong> lbe And ... hiclt is (o=d­W1,beol th ....110w ,,,.1 the ... nd_i

fr{HE CC 42 /W"" is a mil" who nC~1!1' hell IIIoa,1 :U R s:~mhl~r1 Bocauoe he "no hell,,,. (l>I'UO'T)_Why i. Ihe root <strong>of</strong> Ih. tonr~chke a .'ej... toJ m"nl Ilenuoe ,\',uo .." m the lI'outhWlu>.t it that whieh we <strong>of</strong>tl'nr~lum. hu~ Oe"~r (.,.. owl 'Thl\n~,--- --PROPOSITION-[f tbe water Illy b IOn In~bu Ibo1'o 1111 water, and dt'.ppun undor tho lurhe •• t " poilu dinanl \ ... only-on. inUI"Im.-Iu,-,,1 In Longlel1o ...·•K"vAllAh.'· ",''':lICn ... hil. !>ern"pylnr the t;"l>~" 01' Modorn L",,·f:'":,~;n Harvlll'd l!ni,·c,",,"Y. l$-4?1 ~ 00 ;:nple IhM "",'onc, .,. .,."';\\)0"\ " kMw\",lge <strong>of</strong> :'\lull._ (Jill ~rurinl:. Suppose. fQl" cum­_tic. Or ,."'IlOI!'). "",,1To TeU .. P ... on·. Ale.This "'NII",l i •• h ...",i.... ~n,\1 .... 1 one kn"wn 1..1 Ih. 1"'''''''11whooe "l:$ ill tu I ... dio\'c~ doA,IJ .."'''hi...ply I. iI.Wh.v ",ould an.,....\ be <strong>of</strong>fend..d a.you. oa\hng 1"", a ph.,...."I? Rc·

PROPOSITtoN-.Arrange the nine dl,its .rid .. cipher in tWIIto". 10 th.lt lhey "m add up correctly as Ihown.0,HHE CHI)';ES¥. AREwon ,l~rl u!h' """".... ..I figurC'O. ahbugh In"'mcwMy o.nlheT thor.... m 10 0\0 t"erylh,"~hack ....«h. Jolr"",,"aOO ,••,nanl ",".kwanlli 1mm t ~.""...... 10 J'l'1 tbr figu'u ... hich W('nI.es,..st.Anna. IUd, Ih ..... me both ,,·.,..1lIann.o.h or I':veWhen Y"" It"~ml' finl.I I .... t myItron.l..nd ~·"u are I"e only perxmto ~,,~ ,TIc my whlliel!e~ rI .~" ....Why .. a I ridc~."' olt(1l rooreul"'n.,,'" than a \.,,,1.' lIe sylLab1e5frnm .. h,eb if )'QU I.b ...... y 6v~I.tlon • male .. 111.HIlA,II if )"out.ke .. way four. a fHllAle·"';1\ bect>",p,c",ouI •• f you l~kc .way l hue.• ~1 m.on ",11 apl'

---OF THE-­IRON CROSSBYSAMlion " ..... ,ded \ .... ilh bec"""1l. """,ell ).btl,'", humble .,:Jd,,=,," in tbe """'1;Cftding:l,.p:>1nui."" h '" hound to the OOUD_try Wllh'lhe Itrong_ ~What'" the ",OIR wondorllll INtIn Jualuyl, For .. man to ""'

PROPOSITIOlf-Sho'll' bo .. to d]Y]de the ",05.. i., illt .. IWO "quaru.T IS NOT O~;Nf:R.\I,. from the Pyth.o.l:Orian principle <strong>of</strong> S .... teo rnO'"" ~ndunn~ than that ()f·1.~If I ..",.... n \b\ the c~lc- oU\\.IlIg h .. es on the b, .... for, PT~nc •• Eng!3nJ. If.b.ul. or s.:.,\­, bl1l\f\lI"t!:o, .. hen .• p- _II: lbe Roman antiqlles. to tell Whal i. 11 George. WuhingtMIpartfllly by a~ci"enl. il .... d,lt'OV- Ihem bo .. many beads Ibere mu.dfath."., hi.<strong>of</strong>Mh~"'~_I" .., h« tw'> Kmn~f,,'hCrj; ,R"d h" I",.... (ImlT) f~\"~ ...

JSSICAL r;LEMC ffi. pflQ --=..5'¥'\IOYD~ER E IS A l.ITTL.E, . Iludy in .ui.>lratl'on an'!~ _ - d,v,""", .. h>ch.howllhe,ml",rtl.n«: nf bo,ng ... 011up ,n tl~mentar}' anthmUlt,no mat\t. whn our ,'O(atlonin lift may be. Slven ..."h Inavonion 10 6cureo, ho,,",,''', IICI!unl<strong>of</strong> tbei. niue, (I",y look the l11lplybold .. wilh them. bul upon 11!.~hins:-thttr nndelvoUI \ lillY "",dciouslyI1eo ..., hay., \h., only elemenlry 10"""'"1:. and "no ~l.! to d"'m,,. liMe

•,•PROPOSlTlOft C, n YOII l oin 'lteptune'. conundru m. ?~PP. AK I N G AUOU Tlil "",k jokes and the nenm"al~;UI. ~1I,.ed to ~tI II ..... 01'1 n:peatedly In I..... y tllat "1"1"",.ves Il't'IIembbnre <strong>of</strong>I_"n_ and 'mptOmptu origlll.hty,[ ' ''PP l.bey I", gIVen t hisuJlportunity tu l>onM. o,'cr Ihe u roootLundrmn. Ol ~ropoundfd byFat h"r Neptune,P ROPOSI TIO N- T~H ho w t ll' O h l ynedl divide d thelr urningll.a · !>HOW ING HOW ltlr, 1I~)'......t AY1 hl< """llel':" Ilow wouU you diri& ",,·.n .1:):0. in t u i 'i~n. ~"llrn~II,>1 " ...... 1 to·'r ,1

••pl/SSU:BY•000~0 00or- , o00000~0.- 0"00.~ -"'" , •0 000 / 0.> ,0• •••000 . me tIll .I\.H TWhol kin,l cl a ",.,,,,1 .... ult:1 on,*kln~ t,h= home r",,,:01 he hadtJuao: IIw ..... lhi,' II. had two_nd 011 ........ 1PIe Ilk. ao empty """m' Re·eau"" then: is n1 .. ringle pcnon,n ,IWhioh 0!1~ { tI,. t:nlted Stat ..is Ihe largesl InJ. "1Oti1 popularlThe Itato <strong>of</strong> mMnmony.PROPOSITION_Pial;!! two <strong>of</strong>ficers in Ihe center <strong>of</strong> the field gua rded by fourteen men, $I) th"t th .....WI! no three in line.I~t'It I~.t' To make the t rou .....an

•,•",II'II II, , 1,06PROPOSITION - Make. ICluue out <strong>of</strong> III irregular he l 8«' •..-and ro"" .. IN:rfOCt squan:. i' "1 fIlL

•Fore and Aft••,-- .. . . ~ " .---- =- ""•PROPOSI TION- In bow Ie'" piaYI c.n YOII move 0' jump the pegl l,am the north t o thl.outba .. d Iba at be,. lrom Iba.oulb to tbe lIor\h?T A K Ejllmp"'8 oyer a ""8 10 a vacant hole.In un lu upc,hte mallCrl. TM problemi. to I",O'pooI! the p"'t1,onl <strong>of</strong> tlleblad, and white per in t m, Inre",number <strong>of</strong> mov .., ""d t he boo. ... IS.....'ked NUMb. Sou.h, E""I and\\"~\. In enable pllnil~ts In I"CCf>rdIhe Mq~"" 01 1M;, pia) ..,At'l'oni>nl:' \.0 an eye wit".,... the01.1 ..,10' wU "..;$6 uu.oc\JI"""".Why ...... nlilhon ",ho tre:ot <strong>of</strong>pbp;iognomy Uk. 101,j,O'R~ 1UcaU$uld inlilIULt.IlLal Ihe motla ...." 3. aflpropnate... It ml~ht havo been; nev.nhel .....,f OUT puuluUn ... "i.., il ... ~r I>";noO""C !l,," p .... l>lem u mu.'h .." 11""1.... d ru.'"lcr d..d. they wi!! ~,..."pnoes if Ibey .uc'Cftd in unraveling,t, C~ce II ,he G on lheIII'''''' lelt.hand

I paa tho> puulf1 OR 10 OIl,. l""'!lgfn .. n.h. an') will ... k tb.m 10 disco'.. , til« \ocg,hly <strong>of</strong> \1". no.erl mIL"., ronco~I",! in 'ho rttnlIck. which IhealLl "1-"'" tlta ,I!l!O'A REBUS_A NI'l ,.Ie_1('''1 h"". a~d P"" .,"'\ gune he'lI !>rC)'pb., ,\~ ... n. 1.1. IS, n. J. 18_PROPOSITION··-5ho'llf how Ib~ eijht crOWl setUed on thfl cOm with DO three in • row,X01'1::D OR:'\ITHOLO·g"l. dHCTlb"lI: tb.h.b,\.I an,l UKnr'IY o{\""", \011. how h."-,t,,.. oed n nek <strong>of</strong>mara".-I'"K oro .... d~Im in theJ>i"luf'O. and the punic II 1.0 p\.oce• ,ght MQ .... on lueh pOIlIU thatthe ....... no two CroWl on Ihl' u.merow Dr dlaguna1; Rn,1 on that lhe~ ",Ih the jrUn i!"",g amund 1Mfield ..·.,..ld find ,t ""1'-.-.-;", -",,-,-.-.~-. -< n ~ery,lInrt co.t· R""",,

THE DOMINO ........."""""PUZZLEBY.sAM1c>b••PROPOSITION HoII' m&ny point. Call h Icored in .. game <strong>of</strong> dominoes?gUSED TO liE VERY .. h,eh .".,y be utilized to ..,h·e tbe prerotl""ned amI"!!""",nt br' .. et\t{\>uli.tl ...·110 may nOthI"". let <strong>of</strong> donun(lfl-l con,-.,'''tnUyat h.nd, thlt Ihe Iknell oho ... acomplete In <strong>of</strong> ~wrnl)'~ght """"ea,number. )1", them all Ull oarciullyInd .,.hll. domg .., relum lhe o~eyou h.ad. ~l the-.me li~ \dhnRtho.thfm tlilt tbe lWO ~ni .......II .... ;, an.,\Per I>\>nl~ .. hich incidenl.alJyiolroduta I ...... ~OInt . while t he "\.herow" .... "~~u. an,1 lull <strong>of</strong> .. ro .... h,ehthe urn",,,

..,boo! hk. c lencisoP" Bee." ..he tort. u'. Wbat is I!I01e puul"'lthan tha~ toJI~I. 01 woro. wben Ihecaunt~u dcduceII. ""o"ldbave appured to Ihem 10 bo olher·.. ~• RRBIii.aly lim. g .... lle lady, yo" II'vc \.l1:.;"..,.,\:Who,,,, ..-;Ih a ... I1\ No 5 alldtWO S. t"m up ,'OU w(beau)Wby ,•• h""" .m.rtcr thAn.fOlll ll«a,,1C a hone .a" ru~ wht"be;s ,n a lrap .",1 a In" c:uI tOusolved Riddles.Probably every ono 01 tbo mlllio!\Supon milli""" <strong>of</strong> r>eol'le"'lou ba".eIIjoyed LtW15 Carol". masterly aod",a1i.t>e desenpllon 01 the vagon ••wbich flit through our mind. whilein dreamland I1.:oVt poDdered onreertaill un,."..ered ronUDdrunlSwhIch wera iI"en loy Ahce in Won'd •• land_While Alire, the Mad Mln:b HareInd the CTUy Hatttr..ere .nlo),nltheir I .... tho hnU~r AUgg .. ted 110m.ri~dl ... a"> hi. hQII\e In tllilcue the lover ~I quite a d .... nc.10 )011""'1. but cakulate !u.Ioole .... 111 a rem "round ItWb.o.t (1;.1 Adam and I("e do whe1lthey ........ ul'"ned from MtoIT~ "11Ii...:l Cain"\\ nat Wwn ;J m"", fr~qu.ntlyd ....·n' Cork.What kind <strong>of</strong> a ......,ptacle is that_hith iI alwa~ .. alking pe!"lik~ I pair 01 sugar lcop' fittau""thoy ..... twn ~I>\K'''' Jui"",1Whicb is bel.t~rl ~LinB the giro0\' youf choice 0' half R loRl an,-:.ke!. In it.l' Whidl ,1 ,'!lU lik. 1 .... 1.lfimOllC

h appear! ,ha, !iva c1~ver _boys formed • pannershil' andpooled their issu~ to '--1 tn • RO"'I.totk <strong>of</strong> paper" .... hitt. IMy rall1N<strong>of</strong>f hke hot ukn and IhnI fi«ured"P !,heir account. III follo ...., TQJI1Smith .old ooe paper more than on.quarter d ...... bole Lot. while B,UyJO)ftea di.pooed <strong>of</strong> one papM Jl'I01"et han . quart .... <strong>of</strong> the remainder.Ned Smith told ona pa~ ,norathan. quar«:r <strong>of</strong> wh~ t ""U \eft. andCbartey JOTIfl diJpooed <strong>of</strong> Jurt ona?"-per more than I quart .... <strong>of</strong> lheremainder. A this lUIp <strong>of</strong> thop me the Smith' ",ne ju.t 100papen " hend, wi lit tle Jin"ny JOneJtho youngest kid <strong>of</strong> tho bunrh . .oldall thai were left , lO;n , his !ritodlycneount •• the Jenu .... on out by howmaar paP''''' eannot .tand.My...,.,1ID'Ilm. n·.lrouble. a. iUu.otrated in tho! 10110 ..''ng pictu", :You _. some ChArita!>ly di.pooed""berner ha ... lo«n working An . nd­I~ .hIoin ruket on "" unouspectin«public. and _ . rt!l ,tani,,!: pint.The ""ry i. all "ghl a. wid. bulh .. malh"""li"" arc .~I!bdy 0111 011:;", and P"'''''lIt a pretly probk:m'" h ngle rol","", 10the 'tarting poinl ",Iter making ~eo",t (>(\ hlO I',ur fMmIhe do ..... "f .Iot {'''I •• t .. 1 ~~ W""';ng_Ion. Wal..-lay JanUi1ry lot. 11196,On ... ·bch (I:t,. uf the ..... k wuuld h"",turn w the nMtinl{ \-'Omt IHe.., ij th~ "'.v a I)ul~hman gavetil. V",blcm: "Suppo.e t .. o g .......tart lrom 01'1)nh'~~'I'1'k P ..... kblld •.,..,1131;""... ith .... hlCh 10 k­gin the new ya,., II i, ~ p>il, u,.oo.h«"(1)' i.leu, ahhoo&h ba....t ""..... ""Ii< pTincipl", <strong>of</strong> ' .... m.t"1 ,,'ellwo;rlh h.o"'mg.or .."" ... , it i. undcr...,..s lhat nop:opcr ' . .. asl.~I, ao II>. diamond.,,"""

Liter..., Rebuo.H~I'\) i8 King l'wl~LUY'1 gl'\'Qtpu .. l" <strong>of</strong> H!lnnrlng :I pyramid,wbleh for thtll bio lotn •• ""11, An,1 Iheyillumal' ,,~,. ..",•.,>lion 01 ..'hal L'lunnl. ~ i ... loner .... hich I !('lYCyou two "·... k. ~ I" "",i] \('I """her.and .. hiIO'"",nT <strong>of</strong>~"OIl un ,~ ,ha, ,M ..."",01 one .tate tan be ..,.!led ''''h ,"'0kilt .., ..·M" 1'0"0 otIter lUI":, ""'Y belpent" 10 add up 100.'"nul" "'Lt.,\ILE.'·Look he Ao.,. <strong>of</strong> """venI. Ihick int..id ""lh p"1~ III brighl,'d.Th ... ', nOl the ornallnl otlt th,n''''''' bchoI

•II, , ,Andent Euplian Punle.NO. ,.o ... ..,. ... cr ud1 hn"(' at I~Mt .llP~~"(! ... 1 In![ettlng ou~ <strong>of</strong> my Jlh'\l'ro:~ V"Ill" wall! <strong>of</strong> 016 ~cl4(lelllY tllb!K'UOI!. ""'\ whil~ I tmve h.nIIpl'roprllll~ na",e for the llk·turd'-George Wuhlnglon ,.. ex·c1t.lmt'(1 hia ira!'! llothu, "yourfalber .-y. be ne,""r lume billhll~k wi!bon~ hi, cigsrelt.-$ dbal'p'lDrlng. lIe leftafullboxoDlu, desk ",bell b .. went 10 tbe"ilIagll!hl, ",oming for a bt:l«r,or *1m., kind <strong>of</strong> a 1001 ho wanlednn,1 ",.ben hI) came ba~k, half <strong>of</strong>III .. rn we", /Wne. W b i III be.poke 10 Ihe nwn folks about it," h"lf <strong>of</strong> wh.u.t ...... re ldt di8ll11-_red. rie .. ent o~"r to Frank.I ,,'~ I"~ 10 I{edIh, 'rl ,,{ hit bu_""i,,1 ,laughler 10d. "",0 "II" "wi..! ,h,~ do",,, the01 ~ ].>C,f"", cube 0; woud '0,-,\ ""lo

;early day. for tlte blntllt <strong>of</strong> .. tern_peranee rpnillltion, and .. h",11will t..., the ""time. and ekill <strong>of</strong> 00.younlf 1'11 .. 1;,", The ~robl~m ;.to bqin from the on!'" It', and teUjll'! bo .. """"1 different ouy. onecan Iud the .... rning wt>rdt Red,Rum and Munier .... 1"""1 be.na:alIeNed by delirium treme"o. Com.men. localllyL. hidden in tbe description <strong>of</strong> thepietua.PROPOSITIOIf-Ten ho .... mucb. temperr.nce town mad. b1 coin&, Itlto the Jlquor busine-$a.AN ELE. ",tail price. The punle il \0 tcllbook_how milch pnlfil the I.Own .... d. oniu li'llioro~"--A-"C,C.c,c.-­My~. who II •••\.alive. tooluci .r~,n,T ....._me, Ihen a beLlI. I a.",Bloodlhirsty. hold and "';ld.ThRt pre)'l on many a h"Ipl_lamh,And cll de"""", a childI'cwl, owl, ""IIWhy i. to de>g'. taU a gre.o.t oo"elty'flecall.., no one eVer Aw il ~Iore.u,If ."1(:1'011001 lalb;n. dit"h .... hyio he I,kely to m ... ,~ bta"lies <strong>of</strong>Ill."", ... , B«a11Je the fall 10110""nght Dill:!' lho, Sprinr, and he mu.­tbe Summer-tet bet .. .., ... hnu.Pray, UII me, I""i« il '-OIl

•PROPOSITION WhAt w .. the circumference <strong>of</strong> the circular trick.I~ 0;';1-: OJ'"""1\1Il I""n y CHt al'O\lnd01 .. ,'('rt~;n ,liamel".~ ... ~"I III be r.IlJO~·"'as lou~(\ thlt Ih. OULer... h..,l. "",M t",o tuma to the inn~ron ..' (ln~; thn "'he",,!.In making the ,urn1',,, an aec; •. ttMo.I vuu1e. ,". d~ T hereWM'tl neit~ nUl ....'.. nor otagaevm. bfot.'ecn lhe p1'nta =tioned,III ~"~ry on. bad to '-'"'lTd oyer the""",n\ains br u..,--, b>' .. hich ismeant 'n .;. Ulride <strong>of</strong> • sharpb.:o< ked donkory .... ,houl ~ Of"stil'TUJ.'I. 1'h.t I .... ,hs are II Jteopand ""rmw thaI the hllle dankerfaUcontinu.o,Hr.'" the .""..,1., muslhe prt'pare Be

PROPOSITIOft-."Ihe ..,.'rr:a]11'1!eI; an ord.ard. II" t"~ a, aTftI""n 11ut~h~ ..,.. nlpf!M in e:mPt rperi""lie illway. maintained that lbeprifteiple mighl be ""fried Itill fu~th~r.so as eo brin~ in other groupings.Rnd ".hn 1100 pktu,"" m('ffly.how whl'nl the $Cl"",eip. m""t. th~ fool<strong>of</strong> lhe two i. killed Sometime. itenJ. l;~e the lra~y 01 tbe Kil_kenny caU."Th ..... on", .. ere I .... Cfola <strong>of</strong> Kil.kenny,F. ... h lboughl theno ..... one

"lhe peOn!. Wh"" }""-' I ..('ome fa.m,:"", ""'h Ihem Y"u ..-ill ream '"rna -'" I""", ,n....,n'ly _I ..,11 00Ufl1>rJ:,n 10 "rigirul'~ ..,-nuno.l",rns andp" .. I.s "I ""'"' .nth ~A pnmHn01lt riliil",,-.throll'" ,."JO_ .."'r <strong>of</strong> Ih~ ~.ty I" the P.~_Y qUite an""'I"",nlanno_ or ..... he lamed ", a~ .d~',"n'~,p_-'),1" den. h,"lher,-' he ask~,.. he l'dll~ th~ ::o.n,,,,,,I', bead, "d"yn k~~ .. "'h'>' 3 iai'hful ,.1nJ..lIg LO tM n ..."J.oO.J>Cn ..nrt ...... lmgM YDung Kho.>I m>rt"­..-I LO._ hn ""10k loy .kl)1.th.il1/l: il1u~Ir.U:l, 011" <strong>of</strong> ",h,rh ...... 1118picture .110...·11... h eh. by the ad.li·\lon <strong>of</strong> ax Ilra'Rhl mar .......,11 leUJII$I. what Ihn hill .. 1'>.ud d"mime "'00 !wimv .... heam III this IILmOII' old ~,&Ie_ "" ,I muted '&1' ""lh all oldChestllul about .ea.l,ng mad d8ba

1fully a10f1J{ lhe oi~t tai] <strong>of</strong> lhe """' •.. ,I txIIm".ing the ..,nI.. nrk m,n_uldy. he """"lOJ lnok ~l' in'I",""glyand ....... [ DY. stra,,~ ... d3"1... g~alM .. h~.n a gilUll dlK.I wi.!> U! '1UU1t my nM lritn" PT, Ilamum, ... ,hff.nna ""Ilh lheabo"e 1tl othiU' ""C1.\1"r ",h;.'1> h~. I~ ovenum.,.-l I>y "Ill;', 1,.,1'"". lilll

••,PROPOSITION B ow l%lJ.ny step' was there to the 014 tower1.100 fct't hiSh, A very ",.~",ble which the eiro ... mRnyitincrnm ,.... rlns whot\llt.t fa. (.ove' R o:-entur)' the limit Of .lepJ there .. ere.~p COt:R~I, ALl,. h~'·. tHken Ih~r ",,"morouting en ~bc'ed\'y fira t"~t}· oleil .. hallh~ .. enlin.n1l1flhIUlnprethn, .haut which t~ wound & ',i.tru••spi"" .tain:uo .. ~u~ at Elh" (.Ihow),What. urnl.....;un~' ",en ~ n e,..l1y"Of\c "'~Ih • '11',111 I. .... y ....\'IIJ.\

Ihis wmld"';ul pme s-a I..'Oft·Uh«I u.. loins: 1'1 the- applIrentP>Qdera\;on <strong>of</strong> hi, d""",nd. ' ..... OMgrain <strong>of</strong> ",b""ll.... the firrt oqua .... <strong>of</strong>the ch ..... b<strong>of</strong>,rd. '''-0 I()T tbe _0.1,1000r lor the Ibm.l. ri,ht lor lhafourth. alto.! III! DII. alwa)" rto..,bhu,I .... .."h oquare UI) to the any.fOll,UI{""nb oquare <strong>of</strong> ,he cbC'a·booonl.Tho JunK afit the ""ry ..... told to S~mbhe exclaomed "It is not truc. IIlane "",n ..-auld ha,'~ ouId ""eb aIt'eal m"""ti"." ev"" for .. thou",nd.. line. .... mu"hl--Thc: ga_ bet>d,· te,·"""llhu'Will then .< .,n .... 10 noth,n, chanlCO_Cypher A .... 6, 0 7. 21. II. s. aWh ..... ;~ a ..,I,h ......... ry dUlfit-able1'""",,,,' When ho pra.eIlU .... m.(al",..),Why i. Ih. earth hk~ ~ Iothnol.tate> Ro {;tee 11 ,IWhich i. tho, wl,I,,,1 n""'? Theio" La (Iii.).••(,.iIn wh.u ~ ....("f'I! tM g

•cb""rfully r::ive my DWl'I vieoq 01>.ny plUPOI'ltiCM 6red lUi ~ ..... Jrun~, like the rest 01 ~he claII.Ii"ble '" he ""ught on the ...-rona lide<strong>of</strong> the argumon.:':. ____ _II~~\1\~,~&~rPt, ·-•, •• ..----~ .., .....~, •, ,• • •" • ,1~) ' "• ,• .. •I•, . '•~~• •• - , ••~. ,..., , ,'\•~','. •,, I-PROPOSITION-How lonc. chase bas the turhy led Jolly Old Santa Clau.1~~H kE IS A " /(H'M'YI'"uk I, .. the j"nn,l .... hieb aff<strong>of</strong>t!t ••"'11lI)' ,,~Is.~nu. CIa",," • ""'".., ehaoo: ~munted hopeIh~t he will ""me ,itnc or olher he.. bte 10 bu)' a hen,. a"d ~ monlrey •.. hioh will enal.olo h,n, to ""0 Arne.­k •.One fe 110 .. 1,,1.1 me "f " b""h .....'1m h,,~ mol wilh great ... ~ in,~n'.IU'ling" .hOl" i

• .. .•-•PROPOSITIon Toll how fu apul ue Iho btid ... ,~' KRK IS A PRORI,Olfrom !h~ l)('i,"!~r l' \ .!,m. nl Ille' Har. an"ll~unJ •. " ... hirh "',11I -. 1nt.," .. '\h~Y"\lnllfot...wl>,\e ., tho ..."'~I,m. ,t mal'cau>C the .1"l:t-,h \.10",,1 \0 """,....aneW ,n so!!le <strong>of</strong> u. 01.1 ·lImo 1"''''''d,",,~ "",II plu .... nl !'«On.... I;Od a "'nn .... h. wM and\I wu a hopeI .... ,uk to try tocatch him 11,- .. d""'llul\ow, •• hehad ~ ~tlnd ha!­lO run before he COtn"' 10 lhe !uck~b"d~t. whlOh i, not Il>own in thepi~lureTIw problem i. pre .. mted 10 our,,'rolltgt "u1~";. an·l h'gh vh""lhoy •. M w~ll 0' all olhe ... malh~·",ati""ll)" ,,,dinc.\. for the pu,!",,,"<strong>of</strong> t~MhinK" .,"'ple n"~ woll worthkno""'''g,Wh}'.'.,-."C"C,-,"C"m-''''"''.-,·pm" like" "",,,we-In' n~c""",,~ k.,.,pi olfI~ spaTh_\\'h)' uhhn POTU"W~, {ow kl1e-n..r Ihralphat...1wonlrl fnght~ .. llud' 0 I C l'(oh.' I ..,., Y""JWb,' ",un .. ",a~tl~ •n .... !:i""...,cnt pi"'-~ and an old·ra.lUntted quarter' T"('nl,· «nitWhal i. Ib, thea!",'1 "'.~ to tou)'.. !:i,Mle' II"" • lottie ~;e,n~ftn!1 l"\ II. ,,,.,\ ,n'What pnle"';"" ' •• pslm.nlHe IS • man ~f "tt~ .. ,•,,•PNuPOSITION- GutSi the proper dil tanee to driYe th e b.ll.[i]p COURSE EVER\', ",,,,;nd.,,] "'. "f Ib~ l",y "l,o "",.kt·j,pla,·jnggoUnow. )""'''''''''\f:c frunt the II 1"1 00 R ~AMI tn,,.....,, I",," loy wh,,·h Iu prom,!Itd, ' and ""e" th. I.o.!v on .... toy 1000.hn~ "II"..., I hav~ ,tm,-k I", Wli. to return I t.: .. lChes .1 .. ht'n... ho, a r~ .....«4 agn. II lI~niu. ",110 II .., f,·nlve.\ ft ...;nn"'~he ltCU hom~- dKlared lto .. much "".t~m bn~1 on malh~""'I;''', lIu What ...... 1;. hn,,,""" .."bout Wt·IM""nl'" it """ to ...;n~ in a le ..... Ih.o.l ","ml.o"a·tion <strong>of</strong> lhe 1'11'0 ,I.. tune .. ,,',11 gtlIMre_"Wha.1 .hould to. lbe p~ 1et'tIlCh01 "rokes 10 learn. to 'fIin OUt m lhe!cut _ib!c num!,.... nf ~Irok ... ona n;!I. HO )'aNI. 21S yanis. 400yaro. and H5 y.nh?..WIwm t ... doc mool Ioke .. hllmanbttog? When he ,. bet ......." .. ",anand .. boy1I0w d""" .. boy 1001< if )'m> hurthim' It '"-"kef lum )'dl Ohl (yol.,Why

I,"., \ {•PROPOSITIO " -To tell tho coli 01 t h o puppy dOl!II " l'fER AIUH\'INO AT{.J .. happy unrl~r· stand·~ UIJ:'W"h OUT C~I~.lLal- . ",~~hl,.,.... r~g"r"Lngtill' ,,'.,.m~nt <strong>of</strong> theinJemnl\,e' dflnaftJ...! (or the a\_u.k, "[lOn our mlmon.VI ..... andh.1v11', eonv'n,· ... 1 \h..... <strong>of</strong> the ...,.ceIooily o. ~dunl"~ <strong>of</strong> bo:~",gthemoeh'" ;n pt~"""nNI to d""'1:'-ttl. ",Ih lhe ..... mlnned 1m";'" <strong>of</strong>Ihe world. R little liglit tn4y be:\h,..".'11 "1'01'1 tho" n.cthod. <strong>of</strong>finUllt-e, .. i\!u;'ro.llng In " 5ffi3l\w.y IIOmc 01 Ih. uilfo,,,lt;O$ whicheonfronteo.l our l~~e rommts-" one'"in th" 6(:\llon,.ol o( the aWIl,d <strong>of</strong>""IlUgl"IThe {'hin."" """1>1 ""'ney thnwand.<strong>of</strong> )'~~'" !.elu,e I!u: Chmti.o.n~ra. but th." inability to romp""""..., the lundan ...... u.l ptincip!. dr.'k ;nl" an"hi I'll",,', hou",,) Ik~'''","" hi, gaiti. lo."ken lind hi. Iud.t """,I ill o:om~ I>f Ii .....[,ott...,. (rom ... mch. If y"" t.o.I,;e IWO.on~ """",n_' Su", ....'i">IW lwo f:n~li>b -.ronIs. One <strong>of</strong>.. h;cb. !>oint

•mmy not;e.bl~'" frnn' the wo.k·. " .hop ",/",-h allOw, th.oJ. .dn~l~g~ <strong>of</strong> 'nK~nu'ty. ,,,,,I me\ is, If thesmall"'l Iq .... n. rcll~blru l IDch.lbe Mll! _ld be 16, and I I,.. 'a'se.60', makIng In &1181. He .... ant.lt"rn.o.ke B ,,,,rf«(ly "IU""" .hutler forhi< "',ndow. 9x~. and. a. th,c it. nom.llenal to '1'110'''. lie a,ms 10 !livid"il mto Ih' f~ .. e'l p''''''},I" n~m""r<strong>of</strong> p~ .. hi,'1> ... ill fit totethu and{ann .. ~tfe.;t If .mal~=t... d ""1'1"'< ... alualL,,,,~ f 91. frum", math,·IM!).C~l n

•PROPOSITION_If tho mOOD "'AI llI .. d~ 01 sreen cbun, iota ho .. maDY plecu could JOu : IIt.lgb, '''''I 01 • kill/a?~PEA"lN{; i\B01,;T.., . Ib~I",,",[,'hty"'lt=tlnl!d, ..,,,,,, tbtml~l, th~ in·fl"~"",, 01 w,lI puwer,"~ all)'. a "ou-i op«:&l •ID .. _I ,-""lrilouu"" I" ~ "''''''.-t,,\ J""r" .•. 1. .,\ ..."h lu ....)- 11",\U\ Swa'e,bnd l!i~ ..... wer .ti&n Scien~e ... !~ o( tilhelp them'W,th .. pelo",1 and rul ... markMf .th~ picture" moon wit" six'1,-~ , ~hl lines and ""'" h~.. manyp!e""""Ily you. .,11 !>Ote "d,lk",nc-e t~""'«n this RnJ the/nm"UI problem "I lb. Iloa.nling1IU' 01thr inll"",,~ er t h~ e!lTth'8 alt"'"C'tI~n an.t pan into th~t 01 the mn(>nM, skOld\ i. drum from • d~·..-ript;nn puhltllhed at the 'i ...... 01hi.f _to hu, as Ih~ runlr """nothing to d!> with Ih~ ~d"~n'u","fIt' b

-PROPOSITION_Sbow how tbe Turkish emblem ml,. he 'uniformed i nto the Crul acler'1Croll hy divicling il into two piecu,PROPOSITION_Soln tbree cODuodr u ml cooo~cttd wit bR I DDLES A\'I). COfIundnlltll a~ bulthyeu,,", ..., for the gray_",.. m."r In th" t.mun. we..... 1I .. k our ~-ounll "....~hlu 1.0 au .... lhi. jlCL('k <strong>of</strong> tutOnable",.,uodl'Uml "tuch ....."' 6red 011dunnr • celeh""i"" <strong>of</strong> In,le""nd.~ ncc day. II appears ,IuI',lb':'J'who W"", uJ"nll • walk .1111 h ..falhe., askrd whr lluol hor had Iheletter V on hi. nag, In,l l"" hoy whohe>.nl Ihi. r"noark IlSked _""theedan thl"~hA~eol.i.~ ~el':;::;":~~c~S:ancen .. I,}ie. ddtnoling .he wdl.known Turbob "nsigo aK:Un.¢ .""&HI,dt 01 • knight, upon ""hmc.!Iitld may be ...." the ...."sadtr".-Draw a teprelM1la.iins Ih~while d ...."'. In,! .hen in Ihe.imp[..., Wly, Bnd by rutting inloIbe lowest flOOI'ible pi....,. Ir:>.nsfonnthe TurxWi dMil>" inlO the eo\ ....,.y IQ hep aman'. love) NUllO rl lJe,:,"u.., lhey ...­(ku.......) eVI!1'ylbJ.bgHow do l"': """U "blond pig" inIwol

PROPOSITION-Gues, the size <strong>of</strong> the two l tonel <strong>of</strong> u kJ, ... ,.. what II Ihe ol,JtllP''''''' ul lumllur. In the worlJ >Th. nlull,pli""tion tableWhy" a ki .. lik •• ",,,,or' lIe_call."" II 1: lIo"'...... it ""~ noptnnl,If you ...., ~ ('Qunl ..."n~ "\\'''''1 k.,.- 0p"'" u.., door 10 thep.,u,.nl,aryl II'h,.·ke,·\\'h)',. a rig _,,10. ~url)' tntL~_IlOllOn hke Ih. ~hoo' <strong>of</strong> H~lnl..t·.fother' D«::ooIlSt he cuulol " un) un_foldWhy i. II Vln"" ... 1 fidolld, .. fe~ th ­.ral ~3L1l.' Il('t'au

••=-PROPOSITION Arrange tbe1] . ERE IS AN 01'_porturuly ff .... r y .... nJ:: . puuh.,. 1>n=ninll Ih~ lloop Snakt... WelL ill ., called On at"oount 01 iupecutiar mod. <strong>of</strong> loronIw ~ha I,~i~ht Df II>< poI~, .., Il"ok 4 ""IHho; IIhuw~""ph 01 Ihe.... -n.,. j1!.1 "" 1", was taking R r~'I.an,1 '"" ~,""rylhinlr is tru~ tJ> n~lure~nout 1M lJuul., 1M .r you bavey,",r ""I.< nl"'~l )"et~ \Vb ... II '" It! T(e"'l!ty).\\ hy IS • wa'ler lilte • ",,,,,-horse rBttau..o "" "''''' for 4r tbey go.Why ought .. ~y ........ to "No'.. pla,lluna:_When IS .. bellit....:! not .. bed.stud' When it"s .. h\t~ buggy.Why, "'Mn ):"" ,ore going nut IIfwwn, dn a nUlroad "" .. dl1

[+liie Old G3.&pU,(:.I:Ie'fIIIOYD.IIPROPOSITION C u i the inlv the fll'l'ut p ossi bl. number vI piecn which will IIIw , etber a lld for m. perfecl . quare.01' OED.'r_~ l rv wi\1 I'""d ht'" an'nt~";"llng ,-lml~n ~u,_. lIcut.k,n ",'I~dl ~"n be"!IITlIDEXTS1'1 . ~ ..,ly"" l>y up",,·, ,nul JlU .. l~ m~\hk.And ,f )'I)U put me b.a,-k ag";n,That I Rm thrrr i."I"" rlIUQ,Ikoa!JiIAlo. 'twi\! lb." ~1'1'I'~rWllh"", mi,Ukt thaI I am~.Hf.heood ap.;n ,-",,11 want no ""'"',U""au"" 1 at,.."y' !'" n therate <strong>of</strong> I ...... t~r a «nl.... the lim1?CfO"fly eggs Werceo.ten during the lint wu"'" at "".1111

•,P ROP OSI TION-THEj§ANJNGTOWE~~pi5flA classicalpuz.zle.BY~.TeD bo" <strong>of</strong>ten tbe baD .. ill rebound..'aatn& ii, "'e;~h LOne ,,/ ,n" .., lie, I'mIMm •. h. ball lfUlIld u,,~d ~fon: II~_~-A R E BUS.So .._ mv .."""nt. !in~ IIw ""nd"';Ih d,';"")"1BehN,\ nM! •• nd \h... lAke .. It......Ian,} ural,~ev~..... ...hat 1't'IrIWn.., An". I'llrl,,;:¥ dis""p."'" 11w ..... n.u, t; iii! af A lundI'rov,d"""Wby "un 0..,,,, .onff).A f"'!in~ k' ''''_n. ~~Ic,;t ,NIh'" '110 1.1 .'-e.,,' nno fo't,1>." t"''' l'I'~'" fijlt,- "'N~«'d.I.'y , .. ;c~ 'wo invnn4i,j,· ,,.It,I:':H.V ,.\' V J,II'h,' " ~·t"O'IIlj"n 1ik~ • t~ j lu ']lJe::au,,"., f>m .. ria~'I'I~ a, ~! pliOl nQI ("'tUor ",10the pmhlem "' .U_ ,\ i, ""'rely ~mati..,. nf r ..)\";n~tl,al ,t IS I~''',hleU> rt.:Irt f,om a ro:-rta,n f"';nl "f Iheto"n ~n B~. u ...tho 1>3Sly "'un he: made <strong>of</strong> dough(de).

Rr\'"f ,he ."val ~~rnt',An,1,,,,t 11" aJ~..,hr,,,,.,1,,~no'u,lu..,1 ""''1 .hl(:O,·,'.-.:o1 tMt, h\;~ ~11I(I'1'At m~ .. dlnnl" h,' ),.,1 " ......... ,I'ri..., rrl Ahe ,,,,,",,, III"""~.:IIy whol ",,,,t ,,,,,,IOl ,tnn"""111",,1':.(11,10., .\M_ Il. 21. IB, 11, 21. 18.

•A REBUS.II Y ft'" iI the "....... \0 an artJ.:Leit'""o.Po. IIl·hn ~nddand;.,. \0 PUI on'''''''linen;It .",,,.... fmm tbe tOtal, 1',·1' b ... rdI"""ple .. y.An,J ," made fmm lhe Iirin at ...._0",,,,1 erayidy led the 5arDe ul"on the• lIrt ann <strong>of</strong> h" ..-aJe.. 10 as \0make the roods .,.,gh 0..., QUnC10hght to the pounot, but .hen hecame \0 oeU il he ""ve"""'- lb~ >Cales10 U to Ii"" one ouna:'O Ihe poundshort. aDd .hul m.1de S2S by =\-"'"It appet. ... to l>c-and "" a maIler<strong>of</strong> fac\ IS_ v~ry Rnlple proLlrm.WIth dear an,,1 .ulli"''"''t ""'13 forIIu! PUI'JICi':I'" Sevmh"l".. 1\ •• 1II.u: the clevun .... 01 OlD ""penbookk~ \0 6tu~ OUt a Nlm!ct.. ~r to lhe queohon as I.Q bo ..much d.d he pay fM t"" ,.,00..'Why;' • younll la,lv', al1" aft ....lhe Iur.. rc:od, negr ....).Wbat io the diffenn"" hrt ...""".. hlIl and a 1'.11/ One is hard to,~get UP. the Ol~r'" lur.rd \0 I:et"ownWhy is • lasv dflS bh a hill/Dectlu"," ~ '" a .r.,. pup (.10"" up).A ' .. hi~b ...,Il amu""!l]l!RE-, the young ("lb. You, ., lift. Unclr J{a,b.,,, =e10 to.n to ._ hia ,",Ier Mal)' ,Inn,.nd ..... ,lu'nl( \h•• i~h""ht'n'~Ycam. to tba< ;mvooinJi: looking Mlellbo ..\\ "' ,Iu> skrtch. ,..h." R H"' .... u ... " i, .,.10(00 10 ..).Wb.:it i. that ... hieb touches oneLuI U~I",", t..-o I A ,,·ctl

... , t' '••·"••PROPOSITION What wu~!' n)t.:ltst:, fOOT­... htl .. MW n 1I"• tU·j""L.uy,,- Wru ....[I."·.~'I••• tbaI[ 'nth UIIr ItUII""t ",. m"dil,,,,,. tlf III~ \>",I,I~ ' n.und"mle """~' m.>iOI..,,, Ib~1 i~. I~""'"A'" 1".1.[I" kn" .. u, h""'~v~t, Iha' Ihtte..."''' "",1M", ",f~rtt lint loti <strong>of</strong> _hid>.... Iuove any u..:"use he keepo h ..,jayo «IQI from nioe 'ill Ib

-Well - (flended~coJ11., ,•TtlEPROPOSITION Why _II tllil tutlmon;allik. the Amorica" W.., <strong>of</strong> rr"hpolldo"celOCCASIOS ,.!~ <strong>of</strong> "" ("Upl. ",",mhld .-\ ~reen J.ear1I'l'.\KEw.,t~r tll",,,,:11 the In­mMV d,II.",nt .lI...... that .. e (v,ur).n~"ef knuw who ",a~ .han"" 10 Why ~ ,t "hu1 "I ri~I."he .,k"..1 m~ I"~ 10'. ~ .~m1 t.-.ti·IDOmo.lln th:lt elf",,!, ",h"'h I oh .....luUy d,.1He '""" • deHf Idln ... And Ihluol him ""mon",I,', In. M 1II.ill~ pIaNo.Tlu'DUjlh the ..."fld I =ke mytOUT,F.v...-ywh= ftt the "~me bou.,If yc ,hey~no l1um\.ot'n .. oM. f om ~\I~rt "f the hurna" frame. :tiM,An'l. R~m.Whid, i. Ih~ 1'>

CHARADB.y " !>lords, J'O'I"h.apl mr fint may 40E .... )'eg1n ta •• ng."\_.1 ()I~ gJuta; lhe. __"hcn hr;mol .. an bogln_11 "h,M d~lWtei • otu!lid dl,S fin

u.., old min Our into ~u,'b an un_J'l~"ble p"",on t~at hr 1.11 If>oulhaYIng 10 _ Iht 10 .... /> da~'a <strong>of</strong> OUT ~,., ... "tllat.b.",. f", Iher. 8"' trw...artIOn!;: 1lI..-M are fam;liAr "1th thea..iVet'lt <strong>of</strong> lbo. .. on 1m,.,.,.. an0 furniol;~l m. '1Ial;the aul.j«'1 ,nan """",nat «"""""""nf ... bat sh~ caJh.o.I "the alb ... day,"To l.eU the ~Iory in her I>",n way.obe "".1"Wt h .. J just am"ed u lb"_wile!; 'Ulion .... heo"e the trama aJ_"'.'''' P"OJ. ",hen ..., lound that the",,,,,ted I!!::.", to giot the 1le nf lbe .... ·UnM <strong>of</strong> the '''''chmarked "'.Il. C or I).The proloi"", iI 10 tell j ... 1 Ito .."""'Y lImN the enlf'neo-r mu.l ~Ymoe; IlLat ii, clLanp the d,rect,onnf lua en,rJne to 1 .....'''= the IHoIOf C'OU"'" lhe hrokrn-d"wn m~lnt~ _ he uoe-l .... "''''0 •. I.>U\ m ... t.... !>Il>he-I 1>. ,ull..J Ill"", ),,"1 b",t ......... ""r The ran rna. t ...dra .... ,""gly "" touI,I", t'>gcthor inany nqwret! ~um\.oen.The prnhlem ""mp'ia "'ilh lhenrdinary rules nf pn.ctil't ~ it~iv"" to lest. you, inll"nulty an,1dcv"",e .. in di:«'Overinr ~he 'l~ick·est ]X>Whle WIly to pau thB broktnde ..." trruoWhat i.o the dilfe .... n". het ......,n• lItol)' an" an npl'l~' On. Y"uhave t" ~H ",de lIer tQ '"luee.....an,1 the "Ih ~ot ,';,krWIvo i. the Rfnt"'" d,;ck~nk,lle.'l'"k"('0 I'm ...t'. thf'. J."'n "I .\r'

-•UNifORM PRICES .IIII•I•PROPOSITIOlC-lIow un you tollth. priu 01 oney article uhlblt.4 10 Ih •• Iado.?~_in~ a\""'1 tl1l' en,,,", • ..",. \0 1liiY a)""",t primiti." way" they Iu...,.,{ ~ ,,,,,.,,... 1.& tuggminr tbe bom 'hc

IBIry Jl~. M,l l'mf .c •. '~\ IIod"' .... In.1 ~h~t d ....... <strong>of</strong> ...,t.• ha..pt"flr ... I ,,"ISh. 10) I.

PROPOStTI02l' Show how to use up half <strong>of</strong> the grin d Bto n ~ .~. l-: C,\I.1. AT'l'RXTlO:-l, to t he foIIQ""~S hillelittle I1nnd.tone Pl>ule\. ,. JrIvcn )"ot In I!IIlW IlultIh. gtU.\ ""lIal>oo <strong>of</strong>oquanng lhe circle un to. CltPWaNand laughl in a IimpJ ... y. 1(1 .. 10be or ,n"'II"",Me ... rv'«I ,n Ihe om,·nuy _tUbop.It ia 101eIl Syruo,Mpled their ....... ."d bought aIftOdi.tOll •• bul U tbey II"N .,-n.)mil .. apart. Ihey ~ tUI theelder ..... n obouW ketp tbe 11'1Id1llOn1stone unlIJ be b~ f'fduO'td ,t ,n .,...just """,.half. WMO ,t lhould betotntd o,~ to the otboerThe mlld.t ...... WllI u.o.clly 22,ngnIphy <strong>of</strong> the world. Ibeyace presented ""lIb Inolb ... Jeaon ."tUddrn ",\Jet_ T hey Ire ukt' .. ,,' ~~n­, _ Ikm~n pa~'i":> 1" I;.~'",Ih :0. =eo. ;on"",11 lOOnIiDd 'he Host,Cypbc:or AnL 16. I. J. II . I . 1. 5,When docs ~ "'-"n "",.,., to become• maol When .... turns into .. Lo.<strong>of</strong>.' 7J0 ... Thin, I I a TimeI "rn ....."i",l...! <strong>of</strong>" ":mpl~ piChi.ing vuuI. Th,,-h T ... "l''''ng upon,1'1

_THE_PROPOSITIONI-How large wil1tbeir Hocks became?I~l:~t~!~;~;:~~~~'f.::: my~lery ~h I"'nd.r,.....,.Find .. ...."d wh;,'h wh."I,lac5.,' Tile Arno, b«al1S

A. C:fi)N~J=:--- -PUlZLtP:.~~~~~M1QtI>~o ,~~.o~;~~;;~:;j~~, .. twelve letter word and tbange if'; position in lbe fewell number <strong>of</strong> moves.IS ,\N INTP.R."'o,d puule builtupIl lhe 1< ..... 0( o,y uM• cl 14 15 1'u .. lc. In !.hat~ERE~!\"'Ith .... IS "'I'POt, WhICh, leingUlri\nnl'ti V> the lnft"cn"" 01 ~vildemons. i. hmt.>l~ to 1~~

CONCEALED GEOGRAPHY.~5, That littl~ hml " \",r.nel(:1,1 rr.~ ,boo..-rc-.s to di..,.,,·~ • .,..,e ""')' to.-li~ide 1M ""ke 11110 1"'0 l»ecft 01"'l"al wpe and Ii~.110'" u",n,' <strong>of</strong> our dncr pUuh,,,can ....,me t.o'bM- ...-i.lance hy ,how.ing ho ... thr d!l', head may I .. di·"ideuntroml~ny,My Ihi.d ...... mbl ... oompany.My ... hn~ puuln CQmpany.Co·llUII-I~_ or ...,t.Cypher Am. 2. 11, 7. 1. S. I. ISWhIll .. more -.ondmul than"bor..: ll.at lICouMry )101 N~,'or I. ~lTor long Inurn •1-'hant (1(".~•.)s," II "n~..-om ... th ,heC ... al 11

A ';mple but ;nleresting probl~m.s.veloped from • Ibnlhng ad,,",­lura .. hich belt!! me: durinr my ....eeQI <strong>of</strong> the pyramids. TM "'ide .....yw may ob$ente, ...... armed..,tb anrrord for u... po.".,... <strong>of</strong> lIaY"'g ""yliODl .. hkh might rome OW- w.y.and it ..... -'ipulated thnt 1 ,,",. tobave the .k,no from any we mIghtQptUR. We we.. jun p"'p'mngto clunb W omaIleT <strong>of</strong> the CbeopI_be!:> one <strong>of</strong> tbe '-I" ... hich infeattbat naghborhood c-me in vie ...I haatened to 1M top to pbce mybelon~ngl in safuy, taking Ii"e.up5 at .. time. my ,wde Ii". andthe lion Rven. The .. toation ..IOlMWhnt rompUcated,.1 the o.ket~h,hQwo IhM none <strong>of</strong> tbe .... e •• un!_meaU win bring .. ny OIIe <strong>of</strong> thepr.rtieftotheeUCtlUmmit. Nuor·~. despi\.e the ract <strong>of</strong> lhe "'''Ul\epf being out <strong>of</strong> VIew. you willliodIUIt~t dat2 to .. "maU the exacthf,ght<strong>of</strong> Ihnt little pynmid.I m~y ... y inddentllUy. that therucaIly guide .. born I hutructedto " •• se the lion' •• kin .. hile 1 de-­poIIited my btlonglnp in safetymust bYe IItOIen ~ "'''''', u Illeft< ..... him ap;nloRI-BUS.l.el collet 11 you na"-l'My fint.In my go",'n y",,'l1 CRUse my-'.And make my ...... th ,mpelu"",,,M my .. hole;. evtr rt, lin, _Ilea in a rude 100M,BO"'1

gWAS USflF.RED IN., _ to ,his _rld ,II ISSS.Thu .... III tha oLd~1I...... J.avny da)... but tbebloody waf" that libe,_.ted to many othcr$ t,"'''rh, no """IIboon t" me. I h~ ... e ..,,,,fd, manymuterl and, though II moy Mt be­OOmt m. to oay so, I ban AI .... y.been ~ ~nthatmy nwinS W. had (0"", to anend My ~hief objection _ .. that~ kept me III • dark cloat in he._ I wondered If IILtt1! ,",re .... ybrllhter qu&rten ill the bo>utt, butif th£.e were I new:r cot. chan ... to_tMm,forlw.. bpt.~on. tlUs IW"rUW ml wh_ the onlyIIImI'M <strong>of</strong> lirht I ",1 ..... hen myIIItlo m'n .... OpoetlM lhe door tott" cut one..r the min,. dreueo thaihung alxnn me. Dut on. day .. hon,h. w ,," l:iving I piny 10 he.- girlInend. ,he broughl m. OUI Bndproudly ,hoW«! "'" to her oomp;lIl'10M. ImmedIately I bee."", anoh)"", ..r mvy a"d on. liltle cirlmo", ~j!et lhu the .tli 10 0 .... me011..-1 bet bnocelel for me which Iam vny *'"110 oay my lillie .,.....I""", &ttf'\>ted. Bul my new pas­""'"'"'" ..... hke all \.he rw.---sbe""rted "'Ih me w,thout I "."in!:",and I IIh..tJ "ever forgel my f .. li,,1:'.. II."."" p~SIed m.on~ d.o.y;n" drygOO

•-COIICEALED GEOCRAPItY.102 Tile """,ani..\ .. na. poIuhathe 1'1.1-*-10.1. F.,... ""I rou ~,m 100 lOW104 '" Theodo", ,""e alreadyl(Tem,,,r)',)105 Th .. 1"'''''' "I ""hH Itnnln •• 1.~ .t btl ,,'orot <strong>of</strong>mc«M. d"", h,s..."rt! ant." SUan!:" tbatt!tuJe familiar .. ith the Ilry ,,-nd iuwnt~mpt;blc cit m(lJ; indo .... it "'jlhI>. Cl!rtain air <strong>of</strong> ","umed pride ... henlh~y have outtnOU'ed"!:Ie d,fi,culty:tnJ "'lei";,,,' .' I ha\-e cut theGonlian·k!lOti"J\~'COn:hng to hi.t "".re '""lJI'CIally.1 01 is tafc to OIly tl,.U .11 01 our~ un h"" . un obtain Ulilt.o.n", fromlhei. bir fri""dJ; in Ihe matte. <strong>of</strong>~uon with • pair <strong>of</strong>Ki..."...The pulZlt ;, deoigned eOPUlar a l lbe teubore as",·ell ... "t Ihe mounu.in_retDl'U- It(In ...&r ... bieb many t hou·..."do l andmight;' ~".,n.'1.12 Lt.1 u' fnn. cnn,-.nllOn 10."'.1i=l~ 1M ron.h""" <strong>of</strong> lhecru_

PROPOSITION Sh01ll' th' 100d man ud hil 1ll'if. ho1ll' to catch the chick ens,II ' WAT('Ht1'\G Til" wcu IWO \)1'1 ~hirken. whi,h could ,n how mIlDy mt)"" il " poui!>1. In" I , g~mhot. <strong>of</strong> pl&)'ful dot:", .h.·.y. b" fO\lnd in Iho g .. rJ~n ready drive lb. chieJ.:e'" in.., ",eh ... J>OSit;onthat botb <strong>of</strong> tbem arc cornetedk,lt .. n, an.1 nt" .. dom... l1~ animal. w. an! I ~ rcmi"drd 00II <strong>of</strong> ... g .. me <strong>of</strong> tag, and a.Plurtd,to chaUenge ""yon. 10 catch IlI

,• • • • • • •• • - • • • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • - • - - • •- • • • • • • ..• • • - .. .. - •I-" .. - - .. •- •Proposition: Sho .. llo .. 1he Merchant m.ullrcd the wiDe and .. a~ r .~F COL'R5E EVERY ""'"lilin 01 In ""ttl number <strong>of</strong> galln '·... rkoblt problem 01 '" kindrx"'ne. and I", m:tny yeo .. blIlIed thepuuli"l 01 'M ....".kI to >MOet II>lhe leul poIoIible nmnb ... or """"'.... ~U lhe ttIlI.ni]>ullot""," "'Me ch"",tun",," fly =ny ie hI., hem reoImeeooed and"""Wo....7 R.~~ I Icmak: nartte an.1 bpoltion and lorm •d...titty.12. Rc-""tse a liqtlor an,l ural. acrime.An")'(u wm be '''10",1 .mon!\' lhefollowin!: wor~,: R1S and re,um \.0 o;Ia1ting p«inl.al~ making the le._ """",hienumoo <strong>of</strong>··51"'i~ht·· mo,·es ......"""Id term it,ll. punic It.ngnag>:Th Break_Up 11.1 l be Conun_drulll Clu b.I luYD .I.. ay~ Leen ,.~ry partial\.0 ~nundmmo, and am lim! '"tile t..lief t .... t thoro are al>UUtth;rt~n million ucmYc\y '\U", 8pl'.-.Il in thaI,"...,,1 ..."·.,,,1. ' 'I:''"'' II. the "",t. ' .'·The,", ;.:,,·t .n)' ren,' _,-ISm,~h. "When""n apple 1';"/.','Wh." " an apple pie "'hat 1 yougump'·' rolled .. ~ e tal from alll"'rI.' ,,! ! he: 1"tI

PROPOSITIOII-O'!~~:"'!..Guen the oamn <strong>of</strong> the Iwtln haysiBEEN"cI •• <strong>of</strong> • do ..... boyo,eall"" UP to pve !.heirM_·-':!. photOfl:rt negro like a "'hi\.

-HE•1] -RRF,i, • p«:lty triek.. nil "'&\CIlOll, wiheh'. - will Bmuse the you,,1I'/Q1b .. hn lIlSIy not ~ fR­- milia, .. ith the Jl,;n",f"~Involved. HalTY hu JliVi'n hi'• iltc, tfn matchel, whie" h~chalkng('S her 10 armog. ""that they ",ill look like ten: ,bein tum """ give" him. ~r in the.ha pe <strong>of</strong> oU "~t.h..., which he "10make look bke nothing at aa .. Seeif you un gu_ t'- t .... I,""pl!tricltl.A REBUS.loll' _d II • noeluL appenda,eto my lim, and my .. hole II toa!.>ridge_Cypher Ani. J, 1 1. 18,20, I. 9. 12Wbat i. thol ,lIflfretK'(! bct~n •motlu:or ud • 4ar~r' Tho> laUeThal ruon to lhl'"e, and the f~has wven to .... , ...Why IS • pol,l",.i.-" like .. V"'ndpiano' Ils:- n1he. ... ~n·. ~al~58. v...."n'\oe' li"gtnng t!Ull. the111'01 May."59 00 }'OU keep }'

ZOOCOG'CALSPECIME.NSfROM ALi.COUNTRIESNO FREAK3- ""-MONSTROSITIt.SPROPOSITION_The problem il to . how how .nd where to plBce loother it., <strong>of</strong> the first magnitudeOllIS ODD I' e Z Z Ll, A CIUH Coin Tri ,,{ (In!}" Iwo "I Ih,' "",n' to,""t 110,'", .0".11 Ihrn loe ~, .• n.w. <strong>of</strong>f(~,,~,,_~ I'ne It j • .I. "en ""'I,Ic.r""·~. Ju t th'nk ,.f ,t' O~lym.,,-,. I .. ·" ~f 11", (,.,i!! """""Mf'e~! '" '" ~. I" _ke ;\ 1 __ 1o\~ 10rounl Ii, ... "'",., ;""t.",1 or ",,11IlIn ... 1Iheade, th ..... wu.

PRQPOSITIOF-. ..~.,:C".' ,MI.ro.! II"re. h.you uk fur TO.;k .;;;;"""Th_ c"",,11 a poun'I." ..I h~ dootvT ......·ci~h me All manyFilld the 'll'eight <strong>of</strong> the turkey ill troy aDd avoirdupois weightpound. <strong>of</strong> wt 3, I OIlld yOll OUll.:",<strong>of</strong> turkey. hut •• I dnn'l l1kc yGM... ~I", alwgrthl':l' ........ ,n weigh It"~. r "pin .. t my pIa"" ""d I wi1\P~\' yo" the di!fn.• ~_""pted t"" p"""""tJQn and ....""1,,,...... th his ull. t.v.l to bis ... r.prise fnund lusblbat "fl'Y httt.. ~olt'1"" ...... dl ... liberal portion"f.. 1\ ",,!uin'u~ 1n.1 a • ..,..,.. ~. ,t gu1 fuu. hnrH1.lind ... had ",>t lak.., un that UI,.,.ling.-r . ...., .. ouM have Cnt,n",""... ""knlal. in ... ""t is 10""" ... ill the8 AIldil;"n <strong>of</strong> I m~.. ~ulot tInl_"", "I' 10 Pi~hf. and kn

1.tPROPOSI TION Find . n um b • • wbieh, by ~ou n Uni . o uod a nd . ou n d, .... ill pio k Out a ll tb, boy •.flI . 1.L I'l:ZZLJSTS .\1(1-: mow',1 r~ ""Ivt' II", l'~zzlc ~""u;:.~~ t~",,:,ar ",,( 10 tl<strong>of</strong>'. nn_ u_l .m', he a""u"ltO'l1:'10" the 1' ... '1..... 't~rt'nJi ,,,,,nt.•tTIM! alOft 'V!ry i • .-d"'",1 h~ .."'._II "-~ oma!le.t nun be . ... h",htiI"m 'n a ,," I. ""J .~'""I I.t> com,\ "r '~lroJuct'''n tu ,,:1 bu ... " rhanceolo!"f .,·cry ,h"l4:'o"nl h '''''0 unul,,',11 ,.... ~~t ,t Ih, 1"')"1 and 1 ...,,,tiU.~ On" day II",t len ebi:d",,,. fi,-~ girl~UQI'>rtllJl.1I. m.>I, ""·1 I>H'O .... &n'! ~l.eI ..,J ". \h~ ',,,1'\'V" 1>0).". "'lunUnl; ftom oct"",\.I/,ft. nllf' <strong>of</strong> f"un'! fiv~ pM""". ;\ litd~ gtrl(h" el,.,.,,,,n ........ ".~lhern~ l ",.'n found tbe".,."..,. 1,,,~ To:nmy M,,~.a., I .. ,1~\")Ul m"" who I»1olO\ ....! ,hil t."h ....\ d.umj/W'Iloc'T ,he '"lind" re"ily t....1""1(0"1 I·, tho ....,.... J. He b:od },....."[)j~,nq p~)y, 1M!"" haJ ..... t h,'"to •• w" lho: 1,,,1101,,1 .~.j ,J.,q",), Ih~un~I"'yen Th' ..... nl, ...'" '" IUd, a n'an.n ... ,IL.. 11,,, IhinN'nlh man." I h~unIN" an tfif~n hb,-. in .. rirdr, "" th"l l.vcou"tin~ ron,\-! ~n, 1 ."un'! o,,,!taking ~ .... \" tv.,." thirt"""lh ,,"0.that all <strong>of</strong> IIHl IA""h w,U to. ....",II I h~ ·'Chrilbal ~k IUpply <strong>of</strong> reUt a .. y wane c-ut " 1111 f,,' ~"'_ whi,h win f., ~h ... 10 U10 make two G1'ecl< .-roues pi "'10

I•,Ihe hlc ... is th.o.l .. hooebox ~u luUn tbe "'''''' pinch ... h •"'1m) The ."uff.... 1Why h",·. "'i~ly people n.v~rquam!lcd' B«3U>e they h ..,.., alwaY'Il(!'eedWhy 'Ira ~ple 0/ short ",e"",,­i« n~nly tovClOU./ lkeau""they'", alway. for'gel l,n, acme_thingAccident I nsuranc'To I:I't .. WAY Imm the Ilru,jpry<strong>of</strong> m,'lhr"",tirl. how.ve •. I .. il1itlultl'llit a 8QQoJ Ilory I h •• nt thtolhr r dBy .. Lout a "'rowd hlack.smith, who w ... canell on 10 .hoe B• pirit

......--•,PROPOSI TIOIItail 01 the dO(.HOWmay I~Ih. """,t",-.:a",'m,,'I\i('h ,",'last 'um-~,- "n1 ... .. h 10Iithnugh 1a.:k Jald ilnot b.lie'·c he ...... Vtryvaluable dng, C1f _il,ly ~Iongedto fOm~ poer fBmil" "'ho ,,,,,Id notafford lQ 1_ him, h' .... nuld haY'I Mle down, taken him by th~ taiL•.. ,"thc hurt <strong>of</strong> thc applc tree illike theI.IId d-..hod bill bT~ln. out "pinu a,~).-:k IIIlid R greal many ~.hlni', Lu t on~ <strong>of</strong> Ihft best wh,~h In" .",o~mUe, .. as a chall ""'gI:! tolell wh y the hea.t <strong>of</strong> tl>4t apple t fllf!....... hke the t.o.il 01 tilt tI",' I ami'!'''''g to <strong>of</strong>(.,.. pnza I~r Ih' 1 ... I.o.n.~wen to 1""k'. «mund","" .~dIuov~ m.d ... OOrt'f)C"\ sXd"1',,],.r m"l4hreg..u..ng ,he 0 Ii ....""lu,red 10 n.l~ OJ' .,.. 1 ."Ih ondag~''''1 the WInd. I "ill D~I.hak- halLwn pUule I ;!:u,uale .n~r .. I." h ~Ul>t in,,, Ihe ream!01 S.n,."..lhu""nt '. lamou. Inl'.mun.\ It... tll{~1 To-.;ffS"p_ 1I>4~.. 1,,,U"inlajlaln'~ the WInd, ho'" lon, ... '0..1I =1.them mul.,. y"" _ in our P"'_l ul'1l. but T hev beo'" thmkin' it 0"""'.ad Bn)' """nfY, oul,,~e ahttl •• mall ~h""p ..... "nlply m.rlea ",...,."",,,,I,,m "I tb~ mattn andB~recl to .. II I. up Ih. n_xl timewe I;Ot t~\h er 0" Ihe "'Kilt "fthe P"'" /1~h\ ] .... on .. $! hal ~nllmy victim pve _ "'" orde., rood.nywheu in town. I Iwl ''''''''ihhAu al, ... dy I ,\" "'" f(Jt" the .. MOn.10 nut """""in&, I dropped """,nd\0 my fnwJ tho muuk~ 'I",,,nl~. Tbeo T ...,,' "-rr,~ndto Ikob, the Inn '" heh~ard Ih~ ]!r~!'.... lIi{'n h. briJ;beneduf'o 'Wh,,-, ... tho 1. ne""" \,.,Ihort <strong>of</strong> ra,h> If he knOWI hisbu.", .... h~ u" .!wa~.,. dnt ... tnOI\.y.Why i. 3 pruden' man lih" pin!1I~u. .. 1". h~~d I'",,·ent.> him from&,,-,m~ I"" {."WJ,~n Y"" 11>11:0 In " drum .. hy.u \'OU" good Judge I lJ""nu", youIt~ .. both tid ....~,

, ARCHIMEDESju.1 ~Urtju, Ihe" WltI and lell howtM ocn "nd hn,...,. we", ph'l"""~h ..Archi"'t

,PROPOSITJON_ Tel! how few Itepi nud betba top, ueppine t",ke 011 nery Uep.WI! 0WAt one <strong>of</strong> lliooe martAI""" who tltillk th:n, I~y kno .. It all, wuDl5CJlOOLlIOY,qUI",lne .. lind ca.neraboul the .... ~'elll 01 .. bri~k If abnck wel,o:h, thn:>e-qu&l1cn' <strong>of</strong> ..br~k all.! thn:>e-qUll.(eno 01 a poun,J~~ tlla ""''' retnt1.tlIIfyounll' Inl"" .,..,11 ha,'o 10 go "I' uoJdo .. n th"t lo.ddcf m~ny lim •• ~Io ••they hit upon the correct ......... ,lb. ladd •• I" eo up and dowli an d up 10Nili'h! it n ••• , .mh allltJ horron,SWfftly • ....,.\"),,/:" ,n hill b'''*'It ,And Ow ca.. (II fan"" wm> ....Mom,n" m .. ts. \0 lull lb. ",·,,01.E:", be CO'Inco ,n all hie I"lttdnrHark' .t~ llUlk\- ....... OJ seen'SIKIIlItg' !,~" a =,' apprn"d •• d lence berai.o

"\"''',,).~~~.TC"~ S"' .... ~ .....rate...A "ReolGO

ITHEATRE ...... tI'OCH­Iioa. d.,." not tOfIflirt with Ihe ordinanceas postM on the wauWhat Is the olden tree in Am ....ita 1 The elder ,r""S TPROPOSI TION_ Tell whlII ' the men au laughing at.E CALL TilE AT_CHARADE.(""tinn nr our puuli.u Bth~ld my lint. "1th cautious ai~,1rmiuc the ~ for 3Dda,:aina tich aft "'''''~ 0" in t~ wiLt. ,11 ....,...., 1,."..y,and aJl/luul:h ;1 " ... 11 f~il" ... "" r ..... ~ tame ""'. mnmlN. ".,. twJ •II)(lIt A"'" ';"Ii: lin .. ~t Ii., ~'I""'"0/ wr cno1r d,,'II. U .. "'U ""'1'''''U,roUr II CIInme IUIllthe, ~;,·cn tu I'~'rig III n '">

Ih· ",hi"h "' .. n 10&0 Ihci. h,'It"; ~"e". hflO .. ",dly",,1 loura",I"'IlM. m)' Inrr.,!>.1.... \ th3t ~ }'''''''' a".! mon •.Thougb o.Illh. h"",. "I ,lrn,,,n.Rej"". ,1'1 IhnJc an" .•.o"hcie~.JWhat'" the di:l ... m·c Iootw",," aclourl A~d .. wh'llPW ohilol' Or..poun ... '

A REBUS.My flrot if a ..,10. ; my serond lUIagreeable e.u .......; my tlnrd IU\art,c\« t>I dDlh,nc .• nd my "hole a..,l~,ral«l chara.cte •. de .. 10 tbe)"OI1n. folll'l.eyp"",,r Ans. 18.5, 4,18.9. 4,9,14,7.8. U, 15. 4.PROPOStTIO" lato h ow ftw pittu need !he able top be ell! to compld e the do, bOIl5e?T RICKS "l""yl keep tllt L.,ob' Bc~~u.. Wlt"li'lL.atwhi~hn;~bi~h.fl,eo,"tl'e bu.ine .. it a joinl "IT,,;" h,,·, hal no fPel. An'\ ye, ""'a ..II'hat key i. Ibe barcl"" to 1"",- sbor:ll Pu,t,A donkey.Why i.ll1m <strong>of</strong> lho pict~ ....l ures (I"ck\'d }'''''nt),~. ERR IS A SOUVENIR, Imm our ""11.~ du.y....·ruth will inIH"'" ,h~, )I"·t"il,, an"",'lUI"".4. ToaC"USe d(JllalIng lbey-,,::::::::::~A CRYPTOGRAM.E IOIOOOlOOOlOOO U N 1100 A TW ..X NAn...... t: ... eommunication.Take l be bta ...... y from _.thing we ut .nd md:e it read l1li1lou,1T A".. lI,..,ad and but~ ' be-00""" "",

,~. ,ho"~nl: how ~hc keen.". _ .. _bilitoM, wben conflntd wothin thelinu,a(;,,", <strong>of</strong> the ""t1o, ..., I tnter )VU'hou"" with 1'1.3." .....I.lQ. ~{y I!ij.!b ........ ught tU,,,,,,a.\,on bll..-I the .nemy ""b utl~r dis.IIIILV (Slait 114(). thtv OQly lighl lhl!ir "-". ~'h, &5 told by ,. M~th ....~:. 'Iule the pic and .... y berun It,. known th~t Tom cn\er.:d1M far pte .htJ.. n al the top on tb.n~hI han.\. The pig ..-as fOIltina:at t"" Moe <strong>of</strong> the tr.., 250 yam. w.unto an.1 Tum e~pl".-..1 it by al·wmyo running. "''''''Ily to ... arda. 't,.. h,le lhe p.g made a bee·hnet"",at,l. lhe lower rome ..... hawn.Now, aJILU""n1: thai Tom .... n o"e·third llUle. \blLn .be llLg. bow latd.d th .. 1';1; run lo:f"re be .."" orl.yo$O~. tbe Ot~. six a.eonlv I.nt (Lent).\\'hy i. a ~'al~hdog bigger b}' nigbtthan by dayl Beng the merrrwedd,ng belli: OJ -..d to haH 0TLgI'~ ..."7A R.IUS.I R«ivtod the loIknring eom",u01_1 I)r. HaypteOLtrVtn.httlc d~,'"bf:hold goi

•J. Rew.I Chcr:T tile pilgrirn',lrmdy ..... 1.AI lui!. he on Irom day to day:CutUiI mr. and I Ibm am foundWho, .t"" .... " rio on cnll.,.....,.,...nd:C"rt.iI ""(t nton.'. and b~ i~ion"",,11 fi .... J I '''' an inl .... jny 10 ..,., ... ,,,,,",.,, 10argue .,."h I ""1'. bul how m.ny 01"", .. Itye. puuh>ll can Jr" .... th;,«rnun,'.um by tolling Ih .. ""IUT. <strong>of</strong>the charge _!:'lin,1 lhal pro<strong>of</strong> )ittleIrid?W hy h.ve millCrly ]>oN)p1. ne v~quarrelrd ~Deca,,,. tl,ey Ie". 011"'_'" a-grl'r 90''''"1>. '" as 10) a,.o:r­"lit ~, 1'.inonml WUU~itt

•n.. abovr p~",~ ,,( Mv, ... ~I."J'0, lou. yn •• oM,'"ch" h:un" .... root hi'" t.., ."",'.pi...... I". il hr hlod.· 'h.... mr ,"00,''I ,i'hoc ••••. h. n',,51 h.,"~IId ,h....,....,,1 ...... a' 1ion andl[lIV~ 10 !:uncltmuit.I uhd Don r«.lI'Q il "IVIICC'tl had ;LQO!h .nne...' .nrl lca\'~ron«al«\.,\n''''or< ,~ ,"" ~\» ..... 1\'il! be l.x,"d""""'g II .. f"~,,,..in~ ",,,..d,:M.d,. 1'_ln".,. M·~,i .. !i-moil,I. b,n.~. F h",', (I,,,,.,,. \·""'I'I,in-l.!'-Iat::. A_ro",', C-",I, ,,.. Il.~..-Ik«.l ho ... fa ...-~ h;obIo.k "'1""r... rtf!.. in ...".ll~... ,,,,iny--tKoI lbon )"OU art li",il.d to

1"9.' I~nlahzing me withMltnr ~f hi, ",i~bIY ",aiM",. on po.1i1l",,1 '",,,,,,,,,,'. 1 rclAliated bl uffcr­;"1: a p""io vI "'~. "wn. "hich <strong>of</strong>feNa wi{l~ rnn/:" "I 1"",'i1'liiitieo-fn"im a';"'1'1. Irick ,,'!li,h a chilJ mi!,:h'if111'>aIn. ",inule_lo an rndln.dc',.., 1l\'''''K'h \\'oboter", L"nabrian o:.e.«1 bl.1 "" •.Th. idea <strong>of</strong> tho Hmry G""lI""nule is 10 "'I«t ....... d 01 Iwd""ku,",.,. and .. rile a dilTtrt:n1 I(I~ ""each <strong>of</strong> Ihe """n'..... Then blcrthl'M1 up in ~Iu ord ..... bq:inning'lfith Ih. ~ ... letler <strong>of</strong> ,h~ "".. d.2IKl_ in bow fe .. jump")'Ott C>.n nWce'''''' "01' vcrv gr«n.A Cryplogrtlll\I Y Y , own WI'tf l ,1immut:thl< I,,, ... f fltamah. wbich~"i.e Ih~lll"l'ri ... t "'U'! not "",y ~m/)~ Ih:l.n one ,J,,., nt a Ii.,.,.. andthai IX' m!l'! 1,1.« Ih .. ,Ii"" I'n an~",n~ '" IhM 11t ... ~ j, nn .,1>.11 •• ,liS("below il. WhIn .. och a "'''''I,I,,;;!o\tdruul •. ,,'e gi>e Ih ..", in'l rll;'locnoIi.,., i""" Ihe 1"Il <strong>of</strong> Ih~lower .nduk In how !!!any tran",,, "'''' Il, .."hang. now t .. ""d.? ,. .... dj ... arein on. pil ... and )''''' a.t allow .. d I"'{\ollo~r pi~ .. > to "',ih! ''''. hill arc neve,1«nn

PUZZLE OF AN ECCENTRIC \NILL\"hm Care, Joon Son,lh rlit11'Y mo,. II,," hi, wif ••b,,! that ,h. ill rClu'n w .... 10 ,~.iv.i"" 10 ",u.h mer. lllan Iho" el,ih!.Tili. a"."".mont p .... ified d,. pJwi"". who in Ih';, ill"""''''' 01 fig·,"... ~ppoood Ih.1 thoy ,,",",h[ 10 ••nothi")!, .•• ,11,)' w""ld 1:« JI"I a.m".h I",m Ih. chitdr tho I",.J".",I.I II wOJ ape you ........ two <strong>of</strong> my lim:M 1 M~I .... win lerm an utrm>c:My .. hoIot ""rtain. 10 ....oml 121«,Wild and ","",nlic as a drtam.Cipl~, An,wt •. _.2. S, 7. S. ''1,'"A R.buII~h wool. i, acltnowi~ a pix" <strong>of</strong>,,....And lor me <strong>of</strong>t a wi~h i •• xpt...-l.My h.~"'! now ~i.pl.cc and 1"','11quicklv di(", • 1

"~o On~ would btlifI', I"" tim .. .,moo,. ont¥, and the b.bn~ in ~Yft.'Thcr.', a pu"l" to riv" the PQltrnaJlor("~I a poin. Some two-cenl'WIlII", len tim .... ",""y ""e«em.t2l'l'I>l U IWOlI, and llIe haLon •• inheo! J nOl figu.e it OUI Ind 1.11 ho",many otampalhe got for h •• d.Jllu."A R.buaTake the ""ad <strong>of</strong> a 6." and the h""rt<strong>of</strong> an ace,Wilh on.-fourth <strong>of</strong> whatever i. mean.nd bole;To thu. add, title <strong>of</strong> highe>1 degrCI and bHe>t <strong>of</strong> mor·tala }OII'I! Itt .J WU Iniml .. ] ;nlo Ihp m~~rn ..~f "

. Tl1f WL.OING or~ .SOLOMON'S TEMPLE.'A·~~io.rD.-,•~.-='"'~-~,,; ","'~;;.M IMi-e b"ihling block. wcr~ Cl.rrird byth,~" "",n. u .be...." in 1M .kC1th.and iI II", Ancient. w •• ~ SO cnotand ""i~ntifio in lhi) port i.,,", •. _ a",he. r"'~1 II) be i~ the U~lhlmgQI the ",M,' I"'tts. " wClUI,1 ",,,,,1••a I'fonde~Iy mod .. 1 finl .. UU:rl nc·., Hpir~To rise abovc :m equal,To pity <strong>of</strong> my """I h,. c!aim,A "'quam in I~ ""'Iu,,!.A Rebus.Tab • nntnt,.,. and ...".,..t it,.Add .net"". II) emrlrt' iI,A .. " Ih.n I think "{>tll! ,!uiokly knowThat I am nc;th •• dul! nor alQw.A Charade.The troop arranlrtd InT baltic,W;thQut my A",t wOIlhl Hy.And "'h.>1 nnnol 1>< 'CP'

•-PROPOSITION Show bow the mell I bould dil'ide their m ODI)'.LlJE GIVe O\;K PUZ· the olh ... oml ... he agr=! tu lake", ~Ii'toone(lfth_ntturlll 90 otOnt. p •• ."nning y:lfd /"r what, pmhleUl. bm...,.,] 'u""" t he he \,nn !lleorff!lr..nd """,t "" ,Ihei. war .... )oicing.They u. nQ d,e;ilih· <strong>of</strong> figuring ""t bow murh.....".k uob man had done at thepriC't.greed IIpCn. to Nm an ~II.ol.a"""'lIl or money. and evul""",,,h... l""" a Mmplicated sl3Le 01a/Jain which made bot h Df the men0. how much ...,rk... me",nouM 01 mone)"_ ,IIrt """re. andlld Kentuckr.Ought,t" I..! kept in gmrohe ronsist0/1 Th= ",'",wiled comfort ....\\'1I.n ;8 ~ gil"," not" ... ito

Rip VI .. Wlnkl. Punl.,Th~ uld Dwe'l, !>""'~ pI K",:-r"pid,from which ,I... ",,,,10m 1omtJJc, Int pin.II;' ....'n.m that l""~ pb,'td "';Ih.... h Iklll Lh~t Iny d~;nv IlIrn 100u1, oneb111 at .. t~. 'Oiho (;I.n oulve I""pmblrm lhat now coulTOnl1 Rip VanWinkl.'n,., I:tlle Man.,.,! lh ... ~ r "'''' l a;"~~:':n '~\~l ~I~~;~"';l!!~;~ j~~ , Rip h.o. Ihe ~hoicc 01 twenly.l"odiffrrtnl !"A~'" ony nne <strong>of</strong> 1m, Iwo T "~.ing:~ l';n., ur an,' t )'OQ nur ..... "11 ,h~ numbor<strong>of</strong> lC'tt~rs, (lit ,"VI ]"hn IImrySmi,h,) T1>

Harry .... eoIOpletcly fIOO\p1u.ed.and aeb OUT younl( pUull.", to brlphun oul by ",Uonin, a I .... word •.gPROPOSITlO" - How mI.P1 word. end .. ith cion?NRRSI'O"SE TO A. I tul(bl)' c"",~bm,,"u,,. l~tter lrom a lady ... b• ")'I \I.;.t h..- ~bMren. \.O.ke INelle,·ed. Ihulhe dictionary "''''' "th" only pia,..w~ peace. p..,.perilr. and haPfli­""" roull be lound.· Rul Ih"ydiocow n""ryI'>IIt "I. b1t1" 'Iuandary ... lUch loolcUh,m 11>0. mller nigbt in a drea",II" IbougM be ...... paMilng tbl"OUjlb... , ....... wood. 00 hH "'''Y 10 ",bool.when he ""', a wUe .:..1. who tookb,~ di ..... beft. .... they mv ....romploJ.n ...,\h",,1 rawsWhat au ........"",t.! cn·,b_..",1 a!>«UrI,.. "",,,Uun '" Ihr .".J.lif Irn,y ~I.l nnly .""ak~1>y u~ (P-....,biu.)\'1'>11_What " II~ lhlI,· .... "", ""t ....... ahen a",1 an j.l1c mU"Clan' On.la)'" at pl ..."'~.Ih~ ".ho. play. Mlco",,""W~t·. Ihe rliff~,.n"" 1"-· ......."your la.1 ";\1 .n 1 ',",WIlI.n\ .. n,1 •... an whn t" ..."Ien as m".-h IU h.tan' One i~ "'1I1\to-ame infatnall'tl .ith thef'U"le an,l It>0 numbcn,":il1 ad,l up thirty in I"", t!itr.m\!d"«I'OO~Fig 2 Fig·3Ic' , - • " •, • • •, , • "• • - I IZ I II "-" " ~ I:;::j'"The Picllic Puule,When Il

•,1'1", ]ap"nc>II..... the punic i.me .. l,. to (" tbos ••;rhl pieces ,moa perf«t cin:le.A O'band"My lim iJ the SUPrmlO H.ing, mysecond • __ mblall«'. and my wbole,tb. high .. , epithet that CIOn he be­. towed upon .. horo.A Char&de.lily fi.ry arithm. l i~ ...... k our pu ... li,l'l to Inns!at. 100}78in\CI.t

T1Io Game <strong>of</strong> lIalrimooT'King p" .. I"pa.!e o;,it. Ilo .. Dark­'D"'n K;".k'J;artcrty <strong>of</strong> eM,ln'tl­In!:" a ''''' ...:tlly ""'1 f~'n •• nar~,,·hon h. met Jill whom h. bal hom..- •'implc q" •• I:on. jll!! I.). ;nl"."...lion:"If Ih ... ,,"II- wiU e:ltch thrtt ra ..;n Inrtt minut .... how lng ,,-oc.M iluk. th~m to cotch four?"" How long,....,,'1.1 th~1 ral 1;\.01 "ilh tnt« (.O;IJIfter him 1JU'I 13k. a look at tho: picture ••It wu I:i,'''''' .• ne! rtmo .. th~ 1m",to ..,TI,~ loachor !13.'" the", i. noth •int:: ".Ied in th. propo,itio,it ;ol1 01 ahund .... ! rn ... fnr alln Ih. rato h.a~edispoltd 01 "il,.t)'·ni"" rail en seh.dulelimr, ",hat wi!! trn-y do .10 th:Ill"." rll? One •• ' kilt. a rat ,n thr«minul fOOl can ..-aile a mile in~fl:hl minute', how long ...-QuId itlak.Oh.lmolT. the Ru .. ian. who ha.t eigl,ttoes on C2.. figu_"....".­Ii., and )'H oamt .... d1·kno"'" ptOI>I)­siticnl or th. lat bo:lI .harpnt tho ... illl andI •• th )"" 10 fil:l

Good AdTiclThe Architect'sPuzzle-.I Iq>. " .. ,II t.U.< ~ II"",ro ~. IlWI ill"m'ltN bI

'\lhil" "niO}'i"&, .l:id~y rMe 01 IhetHo",el Sammy prop'"lndtd • PUZzlewhich ,.,ke'l much trtdfd,II 1>0 ornaIl dccontionTo _ animal bnd;And me poet., =buiOllYoull (luickly dildoM.1£ .. ilh .U .~itiony"" ,;,hllr tflInspoK.o.i.gft 19ain to tnnopou me.'Ti. full worth YOU' .. hile:For you Ihon will u pou m;i,hl· ..... 'I*"SI,.You ..... Y 1:'.' Ih~ Tuti_F .. "i.Or }"'" "... )" , ,'.At II,., ,~bIO ,,! ~b,la,"" tn'lahnl),"'1>< lonk oix. the...... "ould be fourtttn. 1bc """trlll'tf ,,, ..... up four. making lheoc«e t'ighlttn: lhe Clth.r pb}".".,u ....up Ii ... , 0",;01: ,he lotal to tw..",y-I""r. ,"'hioh ,,·in .... in. al h ... oppon.mt ... "not mok. ',,·""'y_li .... :uul itcnmpello:d 10 Ill'> :obi>« lha, /iJ:u",.n.. mi"" .. btli .... ·rd in \utky nurnboo".and ..... e ;1:'"O

If.,.e ;. an OOrl lillie puuk whkhDCCUun!!.hr 01","' day at an .,then'meOonduring ~ ... ~It is .. fe to say thaI lho lun •• pot!.and ."0...."'. <strong>of</strong> bripl id""s bt­I,,"UD a lot 01 romping ocholo .. d~,A$ muclo 10 wrptlllh. "ils and in­}tc1: vim and go uno a '->y', c .... m:­\cf" .. do ... rilhmetic or ~.~ ..,We neft' I~I lhe: jokao and 10m<strong>of</strong> the rtenS hour. and 0

The Hard\N'are StorePuzzlein h1(bron~ ... ~, on II ... 11 ,I 1 •• ",1,,~n.", i •• ~ri .. ~f,impl. ,..,l~,~.,,'hd, ilt, "ratc ~rtldt', .m, ehul"".nrl ",.),1 il for h.','m,' I"" oem pr"liti, "'()UJ,l haw ""'ullin. 'l"ort., nl>. ~li~1 by the secondnlake. 1he third?~UBSTItUIION PIrZZLETl", noble kni/(ht ha. cl,Sro a \'ery pteu1ia, mDtIO.to change 'mc leuc, 10 know w!'~1 word wo.. in~nrled.You will have'~7

Lillie Tommy Riddk. ~rostntstwo r-ml~rkahl< 1,,, .. 1 •• In. the oemliduatlO'm for en!" and Un_CO", on. pla,e being .. onh • eupami ,,"ucor, 10 lhe rot 16 more ar·l,cI .. ; but a ... IIC ... ,..0'. _'thonly J CtnIO ,!>e "".,1< 10 "'"..., "'"CUIthan cup •.Can )'0" loll how many cups Ih.could h ..·• b'.>11ght with h., mQnty\>II Sat"rday 1One. upon a time whm tillleBo.Peep wu lemling her Ilock! uponIh. hill. <strong>of</strong> Punlcl."d, one <strong>of</strong> h.rm~ny .

Liltle Tommy Rlddlel annOunoelll,a! Ihe a

Here i. a tantO"! pri,. pml>l ..", 1i,,"fd '" ,!!$;I. nlf""\j( ifl.ooo a ••pi ... f"r 'he hr" ~ " ,,,,("t ,1",,,,,,,11'"'""', 10 1monl:t 11. .. fi~"!r" 0",1 ,I'M,~·~.6,7.R!).. \\'h"l1 \\,~"I,I a,1d ~pIhe ".,.,en to R.. 0.'1 II! ",..",I ",il·lion aM".". onl) IWO were I"""dto be C!'1"'C1:l.'-AC-::-"C- ... -Al fi", I'm .d~ / ..... ;nte~Jlor".f.Behead. and )OU'U fi~d 1'\. a p~on 1M .IIeII:B"t bdIn .. hirh d,,,))· 'I."c me pus.Ca".., me m".h ~ .. p ,-.,H«1''''';~ me, ',wwM be h: .. 11 toA "'"". giddier .. J,,'ion.Bohat) .pin. "',.., .t~bbnmn....W il) oca= c..:..pe

05""'-1 0 ,,».-r., • .. .. • ..,I.... .. ....m• .. .. .. .. '" .. '".. .. .. .. .. ..illm.. .. '".. .. .. '".,'" ., '" '" .. .. '" ..• •PROPOSITIONDivide the lIeld in to lour part..IS AN ODD The I(Inl n", unAble to divi~c1 1,,, .. 1. I>.oro upon th. lano.! amioably, ... thd four t,~l"'""iLi\ity f di>";..!· re~l\y [umuhed no ~\ue to guide;"g .. ",!u."e !ield. UPO" them, to lhoy "".nt to 1.w ,,'ocr Itwh" h there" • rnw <strong>of</strong> .~d "lu.o."n an incid In tM Par 1\11:1: ..\;1111' <strong>of</strong> I; tbeme i. oo"""moo.W .... at a pll"" ralloo Four o..kl, but ,t iI nt-edl_ 1.0 ..., that . be"hi,-II dom:'-N 'u n.",. frvrn 1M problem and Iketch il gi'en to ~bo ..ma,,, facu 01 ltu, _ry as 1 puul" i. anI wu Wid lhat p,,,,, Ook> d.rivedImpromplu "" •. fQ!ten up on lb.ilS !I.IUT1e fro,,-, Ibe fa"1 Ihal on. IIf 11lU' <strong>of</strong> the ln~m.OI. lIOm"wh,u Inthftw.l.rJy ..,nl~ .... who _ord.o. la~ Ih. "" I II~ <strong>of</strong> .0. chan"nge 10 fill Ih"tf1lCt <strong>of</strong> land. havlnlt' d",·,~1 It 10 bin al tOln theeqllol portionl. as ,ndicalet! I,y the ben pnuihl" ~"" .... ",Peili, •• " <strong>of</strong> Iwr nnden! (lAks, .. hi~hhad alw"y. ROVed ... l .. n~lTIA,b." Wh~t is 00\ OU!' A tOnfi~grat i c",,~A R EBUS.An animal li",,1 <strong>of</strong> hi, \",,1,Bring J" I ,,,d:,,,,,1 \" I:" .' ohem,.\S and IIJdw", ... "holh 01 lhe- f~m'n'n~ gtn,l~r' Be.COlU" OtIC' i. an a""h..-, (Ann [lu. l.th" other a charlalan {('n.,WIt.Annl .Whal a.., .he req~i"'~ 1M a lad.y.,.1\0 d"';ft"I to enler tb" .""if, al~ay. I"",~,"xf"r:l qu, \ pm '1"" anJ Ihen >.I •• "",'ll.u~1 if .ht d,,~IVb" w ... Jo~~h·. luln,' The,.hAI~ tht hroul:hl him upWhM is the onl\' I.ain <strong>of</strong> whi, h~""rv one n\ake~ Iighl' A ... indo.pan".PROPOSI TI ON Sho1\' how much .... ire it will t.h for tbe '1I'It~hbo.. r d.fl1 ' S SHOWING !lOWI< 1t\!'1IUs... It""'i Ilu,zlc irmallon n",)' bemy hud.. \locked up fro'" mne toI,,,,., ..... We JUm')inn. ("'I as ';1II 'h~ .hnn.....Ien~qh 01 "ire, j{',itlg {",m Il to A""'.... nl: U"_",s the .-.n""", <strong>of</strong> the.,.uy_!."" "10al"t5 TI:r. "'1UIl,",,,.,, ,ul'r

A ChuadeWilholll.....m~ r.r

IN ANCIENTGREECEI.=.••PROPOSITION-Show how t o "'hl 777,777 fr"nc, by belting only the multiple <strong>of</strong> liven.11 E RE(',,:-"T STATE. t,m~ u i:lultrating the mt .... lIbsurd·mont thut ...,,'" ooe 4d ityor "'hM ~e known f01' lOme""UI\ 171.777 fran .... at umo u "RO$llyn'. lud").Innte C ... 10 _ .. n. the Jf you. eannol produce the eJonbri5 49 frann It""" 11m ..; IMnJU fnlnn! ..... en 11m"; Ih.." 1.401frana ... ven tun ...; Ihen 16,1\01f .. nao .even lima; then 117,6 ~ 9f .... nCl II

IHEBoY'SAGE..-PozZLE­.w.,?", .. J1f1!:PROPOSI TIOlf_Guell lbe boy'l age.1] . ERE IS 1\ RF.MARK_able .ge "rohlcm. wh,ch- ] ani lUre w,lI amuse 1Myoung fnlk. and ot Iheurn. umeo!>C'n up. 'In'hoe <strong>of</strong> ..... lOn;OI( for lOme ()f lhe wioeacre.whomake a lpea~lty CIt IUlt;slka!calculatioo •.II .ppe.... lh.~ ao in~iou. oreccentric «-ache., .. Ihe c., .. maybe. being desi"",s "f brin~'nll t .....pth .. a number <strong>of</strong> oM •• PUI"'- ,nl.O" clAa M w" 101'llling, 01i0ft0d togive a priu ~h day to the side <strong>of</strong>boy. or g.,rlI whole combined at8would prove to be the I!fUtIIl.Well. on Ihe 1i ... 1 day there wasonly ooe bey and oat girl ill a\lendaobined a~ .. "I the twobeya _tTl ."actl)' I",CO .. much ..Ih,.get <strong>of</strong> the ~wo ~rl •. to the boy.camod 011 Ih. honor. <strong>of</strong> thaI d~yand divided the pnoel boot"""nIhom.The b.o.ttTe waxed ... arm no,", be·tween Ine J DIltS and Drown famHito.and on the fMlrth day the tw" liN!appU-red ate"mpllIIled by th~ir old ....",It'; .0 it ...... then tbe comblnod.~ o:>f the three i".11 .'Plnol 1Mtwo boY". and the girls 1Fl)n <strong>of</strong>cou ...... "noe mnre LringonR th ..., apaIll' 10 JUII t ..... tlu.t <strong>of</strong> 1M boyaAxain tba ctruKl:lc .. ~t ,9/?"r men 1 arrested on the Bo~,,,~""AAny or tnry 'tyle <strong>of</strong> puul. whichudt .. int~t 0. Affo.-d. ~muarrneot4 Mncfidlll. in thol it train. Ihe mindto ""nctnt.... te and pu .."e a line <strong>of</strong>thought 10 a dd",il. pU'"JlQk. Mazepunl .. are alwa}" inr.rc"ing 10 boIhyoung Ilnd old on BCrount I>f th~ hi.­ter""l U$DCi.,l kill,Thoogh lM)-'re kill..., by the Arneevny da,..Ciplltr A"''''~,-20, 90 13, 5-wh"'l ""'. uwtb 75 c..,r.. I buoht~but I. ,,·heat "al now "OrIh •• "bu.h.1 h" WU ,,''''illl: S8 pt. «towhich he t),.,."gllt ·w•• t"" much. 'Can you loll how large th. bnn" ... '

PROPOSITION~How manycoi!lll had the monk,.,\H£ OCT lll'Jrnnt.:· rt'm&rked • rom·mun,,,,,,,,,'c g OIl' IIlkyon da)·I. Th~re... ~ COIllplainU thu the un~ ...printe ... _Id l>uy back bloch <strong>of</strong>m"rtl$ from ooll>Ort" ....... 1 ",,",,""men .... ho ......... not in sOOt! standinKw,lh the llJIOci~t;on The pr<strong>of</strong> ...oion.oJ walk,ng K"';"';'!. I,.d L"8 kit!·int: 1 0"" i. "",;lul\ ",,,b ,'\l~mp~I kill, and Ill" olhtf killing w,thintent 1a11Why i. a """kluo fellow llka aman ~t.bing.1 a shAdow I B..: .. usehe 'trikN at notl"nll·What Ihip

A RebUIITo mtfl.. need, oor mal" '''I.leIIl inIInto; my .. kok is what .he w ... ta.he.!!. " trlnopnot. the Lhinr .nobaugh'Appear>. and .. hiy,· and w;i1 alk In)' 1'111'.J~ frim'ls to h.lp toll'C Ihe ronl>nd",m... 10 what ,,,,, ... 1 I~_ i. in­,.,.1(':>,,,,] by Ihe ".ath •• a ... k (m ~ch,,,..,h'Ieq>I.?\VIrile goiug fTUn In .... ne .. 10Gbigow •• di.WlCto <strong>of</strong> 189 mil ...w~ the tou.ist has 11M: clK:oice "IlooJoi"t d",1oopt on a veritabl • ..:=icrailway, or <strong>of</strong> bumpi0lt the ~an,l oI>oQI.init I"" elml .. on ~ lumberinKc>Iei"J:' j ...., ho.lf • dayquiehr.Frurn ,Iu., ci,

•150rBY•- -- --- -,- -~-:c::--PROPOSITION-FufY four lulou. tOll pl u acron the river.COlkSl, ,\LL G()()!)"uuh. t, .,. IBm d II .., ''''Ih lh. url\~·h"nu~~I'1''' .• )'1~!T'<strong>of</strong> the wumry.mAn ,"'100 had to ferry Itfo:l1 <strong>of</strong> a clock' Heron on tick.Wh- is a lira ..... tooIh lOOn 101"_(Oil"';' It i. .inte ..... t.~ She mc the ...,.Id like a cal'l 1.0;1'n..e~"", it ;,. far to Ihe end <strong>of</strong> ,IIf a t ... o-.. h .... 1W .... Ir'ln i, .. bi.cycle, and" 'h"",-whtunt a.. b,eb develt>Vl'dbuyet W(>Uhl 1 Ihe bn"The 'U~\"."""'r It'J .. nn~t S60~ ··m",,, or l.s.,·· .. hid, ... ""ont "".i.bclOry to .be porch ........ ... We ldl hi,., arguing ..."h ..,meK",y !Jid•. and .h&~ting I"..., ....... M he in 'htlri~nl!:ula, lake. &ut-rn,," 1..,1 a< .hoWl]hy "'tua,,, pInt. "I liO. lib an,! H""" The p",h'~m ,. ~I I""'u!",rintc,elL to tho ... <strong>of</strong> a malhe",a,," .. 1Tell how ma"y aeul tbe lake Tdin~ 10 u_".,1 ~thod.,p,,>"arMy u.eful hole i.<strong>of</strong>tm .... nl.ed .he..:Tran,J>OW ... f

"Bf.Al'INGTHE:J>uZZLINC PA~TNERSHIPSA Cbarade.An objecl 10. ""hid! many Ibous.>n.t.110 .;gh,A bIul·,13,·.. 1 hi. wolccone at Joy,,,wn,'t"~lt'l 10. PI ... ""ntvill~ .;muII:Ulc,(l",lv "itl. Ih. ,1'1"'nuf< 01 l.hllnccn-di • .,. .m

-"c;.:." .. lut. pil •. "",', play ..game <strong>of</strong> ""hf f~r fun while...., k.l Ii .....(lAWin lbe Flo"..",. King.dom," sayo • d,.lin·guilhed trav.l.... .. . on ........ nac:cident w""'" Ib" o,"~uminl <strong>of</strong> ap40lfonn llreciPltated a workmanfrom the ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> a l<strong>of</strong>ty building.II. nruck lIqIIarely 011 tbe head <strong>of</strong> •Pf..,.....·by, .. hI) was killOll instantly..hile the lu~ky fellow who tumblod"early a hundred f""t ",""aped with.C"Ut IlCI1Itclt.In "hi! .bove narrative. "",ngftall It may -.n. we find the d_rip_hon and lenni <strong>of</strong> • caPItal PIlulelully ..... fl1-h. Th' lIocltI. "hi,hsecun: ~ bead ... d wriSU <strong>of</strong> Ibe un·h.llllY culllril .... ho .... in lbe PICture• ....,'" made /""" • oquare!)ieee<strong>of</strong> wood. which w. a", told ...... di·vided into two l'i«es, Like .nmalhemal.lcal p",ble"". the propoation.... n "'= worktd .ilh~r WIly,vi~ .. to ",ake • pair <strong>of</strong> Jtoo .... il'l the picture, for- bead.ndwnsuohheculpril. Asa1nadyrudl' exlll .. nod, lhe two pi«eIfannIng lhe &toc:i

(JndeS~sFobChN"6VSj\t4I ~OWAS SllOW~ A eIl,­iou~ 111 c!do«a >eries <strong>of</strong> fb ""tIS ,,"orling nut th~"'rr~1

Of'r1,IFcOUNTI~(Jr'I ' (lU(I(ENSII BWRET AR~HATCf(fD'BYjA~~yp•"• 'I •PROPOSITIQK_Ho,," ma"y ,ripe yin". ~'Q be pllnte", Dot ololcr Iban nino feet ap.rt, In a Iqua"plol cOnlainin, "n.-slIt •• nth <strong>of</strong> a" .cr.?~F.fF.RRING TOthe pO\,ulllT ~nd c<strong>of</strong>- Ih. "-Iller,,""t <strong>of</strong> liar_t""', Vlnc,'ard. ,I may~ ...,d thAI t,,",= ,. a»>DIble 11n\":>11 f>. "",,pbn:o';"" '0the l'~t'" "0 hadun,l.rtaken the difficult !a,k nfcull"'''!'",r tho rod:y 00;1 <strong>of</strong> IhMb;o"." ,.Iand, ...... red with tbeai..! <strong>of</strong> hill ILuie 11.,,~h t .r Manh.,tn set eul '''mel'''''\. To en""u',ago h~r. I. well •• ,n heu <strong>of</strong> olher~n"m.r'UO". he 1'l t"lOkt. occa.."", is takento S1tV th.o.~ an ac.... is 208 feet and710·1000 <strong>of</strong> a foot "'1UMlu,"" ""1Teet. "nto,.., enl.erpnte '" as II> produao and ,Ii•• (d}'H)_n. II tlte pmfiu _ th" resull. o!o,jmet!If th,

THE YACHT RACe-FS! ~I:O bluah .. i. ad·""red lu, h~, d,,,,,kIIIII ... i. a nl:l.nk"l:ivi"I:" [):I\' 1''''­.de. rcpn:ocm"'l> ~ lurk,'.' .hOOl inwh,.h ! ,." .. l'"licil"'I":tc ul ~ f"l tu,h~ "",I I rcmcm-110«1on hi. back;DUI.oIl! .1"",1

PROPOSITlOIfT.ll thlaiu 01 tho two Iqu ... bo~.t that urn. by npTon.'-. ,"' \ '" '\I" ',",.' ,,'.,~!'Rl(IS A COMPAX., jnn 1''''''. 10 th~ plum.~ , \"'.. Utile proLlem~ "ll\,'h illu,lr~( .... ''''y• P""iml: po,nt m 1',,,,,.loral "'''''hAn'!ac(-dthe ~ .." l'''~n t"~elh~r "lid "..."".ur«\ the;, p

Sam Loyd's Endle!UChain Puzz1e.

Little Tommy Riddles co,'o ....:

Little Tommy Riddks ~nnO"nce,that 1""1; ruul~pat ••",1 th~ Princes.ElljgmJ arc ,nv( .t1~1"'1l' th... crct. 01 the falT\ I wanl 10save In"""", forr' h. "k('.-.1. i. souod,l)(ock'ni; ... al> a.r.ure 1m!. the grOWldwh"" 1 (an btKin. to ... 1 right now'"I. b,k.! I" "",mIle. h,m, bul I ):'>I111m I" corrtnC'l 1 jo,1 try to< JOda,.. at If, 'h'lling. a

.". '.'Tommy Riddl .. ea))~ aUe~tion to• w""d.rful WUt Iu.,-e bch <strong>of</strong>the four ",rccu~

unpUZZLELANDT(lmmy Ri,ICu ..''''' '"lI'... ling I~I, fIII'-... do~i,al problem 11 ... 1 ()(casOon ;1ta!.:.n 10 "'y tMt M •. i.Q)"\ l' .... nt~\it bdo .. the Ii'>t American ChessCongr.Q In 1851:1.It. 0l!a.rU •.1 ani what I wa" whicl! ;. $0 muehtilt ""'"",,I'm not "lu.I I wa •. but quit. the re-"rsc;r,:;;~,~;" till night I do oo!hi!ll"An Enllli,h loumt in the .. ild andwoo11, We.t w.o, infot:mcrl that ilh~ .. "Mtj 10 .. alk on 10 l'ik.laW'!the .tAIl" wOuld only 1:c for I,.., ~uillino .... ~n~ ao they have hut on" innodr, 50 they are roml'dlerllo d,awur- th.ir inYftlli~e re..,,,reo Theokoccb she .... lhem d""u."ing Ih...... yl and mearu <strong>of</strong> """urine t ... <strong>of</strong>tOm on. to lhe beo.l ad~tag •. Theproblmt. i, "''''y be S

E ere il tho b",ou Zoo~.olhalo .• hitb I porpet..,1.ed .. "'l1"~thr~! dlY" It It ",o•• lr I ... .l .. IUlIi <strong>of</strong>.n tb. b,roIJ, 'beul .. ,,10. .. .... d .'topi., thi.p \.lI11 .nld \IIIhn,hl .f. II 10 uJ. 10 "r \.hat......,. UYio, thift! rn 10.. ... " ••I ••" .... \II fo,," i. tho pl.tur •.~"~ltl ro, T"~ ~"i'c~Ttn CAn......... ,,~..,j .." .......,".«1 ,"..'. " .... '" '"', ,", """' sr'~I'Tl~'~0:':'>L ~_, .... , ", .1", ,.j ,,"" ,.", , ••...................... ~'.·ho ,'- ....... ~ .. dot,Io~ .._, ~.._, ...... _-, ... _-' ..... .............. ,_ .... -.... .............. -,"",,- ........ __ , ....... -.1."'" ....... ,,',,_ ''''', ... no .-"""" 01 .. , ...... h~ ......... 'k ......._ ........ 1< .. ,fI" .. ~=:;r~S'*'" - ~'-';f~,2j§f1 ,IThe ~l",\~ ~ rnn::ark~ble Rebusf'l'nl •. ""in.", by the late(~"I:. .In M",m.r. 3Dlho, or"T,ilby," 10, hI< lri

........... ~__ 11n ,,110 is UCU5t~( 0 expreo'in!:" hirmelf in the ordi·nary. under~la",l~b1c ... "" lhal~\ 01 us cl!."o~ lIe.ays'··Rq;:o.rthng the ,,,,Iue <strong>of</strong> aU <strong>of</strong>my ktte~ .Jr,wn: I w""M uylhatIwO a~ wnrlh .'x .hl!~ .... ten are... rIh ten d"lb1'.. , ~. J .......t'"',. K ...; ....:tt •• ,~ J" .....; I. c.,,,"t ...", ""'; •. "'OM!' )

,LANII211. And the tree th.1.t T\e\'1"\'stand, ,till?29. And the trR Illat got up?30. And the II"« thai waS laIr?31. Au,l lhe "ff neither lip nordow" hjlI~31. The IT"" [ be 1",( left?3~ An,1 ,,-h.l1 guj.!n The ;.hipsl' go r"rth?.15 Tl,~ ""i>t>Jlhiest lrff>.li., -\ncI'I •• "lid t;I ..ph .. t ,".\,Iolt"" I,*tlb .. _110 ....... .Iuot, U!I .. lb. ~.h'. 01 """,...", ... 4."..... Ill_." tU ."". _110 .....-....., lb_ ~.II'" ~I Zulu ".M ,.,.. ".I'Ilk ban.. 5T\'DV ,~ C(\J"~ r.!OCurllv.T .. ," t· .... ••· ... -_. _ ..... -I'" •• " •• ,~ .... - ._"""- " .._d .... ' .. __ • .. " ......... • .. ·-'- lOtgirl I" ~ lrlIcy ri.Kk, ..... If Ute QT goe. 3tthe rail' "f ''''IC' I1t,1c:s an hUT :utdIhey On 1\'~lk at Ihe ml., ,,( Ih""'­miles. an hOllT. h",,· ['IT "

SOLILOQUY OF A PRECO­CiOUS- LITTLE CHICKENDlSCO~TENTED WITHITS JlO~E."Here', ",lal's iOinr 10 fly theBoss Ihe y:r.rd and m;,ke thing'whooplI won', be sal on by a hen,I .. ant 10 \'OWl up wnh Ihe n~n,Fbp and CtoW u fat~r usteT,Fight anti Wilt like rull-flt.J~f'OO'>ler.Join lhe uni.:>n lI.{1I.a .....,.."Sma.b and bu)..: a "LIblicdll>n~r. "'hue il was bop. lI~w !I1Juy "'Od many per­'''''' numben-I) il "ne. 2lI 1$ another,Tim, J. 2 ~nd 1 an Ih~ onlymunbcu Ih,t di'"idt e:.'wdle---"ls, <strong>of</strong> Cl)ur-cWhat nut?"FiIZSmart-"Wel!. I Jhuuld '3YlTo~ )',,]~ "r "" cl:l:' i. ydlll(~""CRAZY CLOCK OF ZURICH.SW;'8 t~"ri;""" ;11m1 k briefly S1ale.1 th.J1 Ih"dm,..,h W'U 1~,i!1 JI:y whkh hJ!It i5;' IIhich. thr"uj!h "',,'" error <strong>of</strong>Ihe pr~"ll\an. i. a 5C1I-e";~leni m;spro"t.nn one side it h, Ihe perl""llyprimw and numl>l:red f~cer<strong>of</strong> a t"'tnty-d"l1ar bill, wh,le 01'Ihe olher .idt i. Ihe "'luaUy per_f«1 impre;,jnll <strong>of</strong> a Im-

,A Reb ...-My fint i. a • .,riOI)' ,hinlr,Of :>;'3I\1r.', own produce,An~ many who ha •• k,.t ... limbHave 1000nll it «I KTU,t u .. ,IPM'" Ihe pcttn\lln hal to roU~th. moi' from .ixly_thr•• 1tr AnI ....... ·-3. '5,;10, XI. IS,' ..Ii. Charade.A \.... w.' w;,h two bu.'\! "n;I"You1! have "'hal twxll 011 ....... n~.There arc ,,,.... ~".lIy 1:00'1 an­."" ••• to Ihi. chara.it. ~. 16, OJ, 7. IS,1,13. or I, I~. 1.7,18, I, 13-,; ,••,,+,,~~A Charade\.adiel, a ri,ldle I lubmi t:Tn fifty now add Qn~; .And, ho.viol: thhown YOOT ... ·n.You may my ",hoi" put on.Cipher An."· .... -1 2 . '. 3, S·A Rebu.1" whole tun 3 lolty po

DoI-Tommy Riddle. h ... pf~,",,!' IwO.~c."tic"allr ~,""! p,,,,, .. ",hid, h.1' ... ,1;". ",.It ''''\'' 'X1T dr"" '"h'c"lot 3" h"",. 1\:"1: 1',,,,',,1"" ..r

-Th.r. • • '.':""rulbl. probltmwhich come. ,,·ith ,II. whin uu',m~ whIch "'ill ill"-~I ... 11 ill .."h.th.. IMY pia)' the ga"", or not.II .. a ""lvie arnngCC,a~ alw.y. ~rtDC'" :md pb)' ODeKame at c:tch 01 the 6n toble.. Toman,1 :\,~1I ar~ 31 ... partow". and arc10 play OM" game wuh each <strong>of</strong> thermmet! (DUpin. "'n

PROPOSlTIOIf-TeU ho.". l1IuGh they dr.nk Uld how to divide the remainder into three equal poriiollf,.I!; A Jrer-L!NGtrick ... 1",·h "".t Ih. King 0 1 Sw..,who up"", 10 Ih. h~n~ n{ the !'rin­C~" Enil\f11~, .,,!,milS ~ punl~ uponh,.

IIDuOfl lII,,"ch.,ulctI enlcrl:linl ourpuuli!u with an ~xhih;t;on <strong>of</strong> hi... o"~erf\\l .n,,,,,,I._ Il~ .. ,h"",;"!:P ,; n~"u En,!:",. ),i, Ita;"",! If,,!:1which he all. "The Digill," Hecomnu.nd. Ihan to form a pyra",j,J0/ nine frocs wilh tM l.r~t al (heba .... in the fc,,~n """,,ble number<strong>of</strong> hops. 'novin~ ""e fr Baron .,.. • ~hman and;\ is tolri",nc.1 jn;lnd <strong>of</strong> ~iol'l'up "n-;eaworthy v~~Is. 0"« 1,000per )'.-:u- went to the boltom fromm·c. l ..... ding and o'·ct';n!nr;Ulcc.The Plinuoll Mark i. <strong>of</strong> len m:ld.wiilt only one circle, but /l.I T. Plim_~a IU'­I'lims.oll,p.onOU!lCcd pu"ij,t, Inltwho, itr.",," to _;ay, h.ld n.\·.rh."d 01 a l'r~lly I'nule c()"nt

:TttEDAN1.5H FLAG ,-JPUZZLE­Ie}})·•PROPOSITIONthe fIIg., .,,0•;~~~Give the dim,ol inoa <strong>of</strong> a erOBI which will be JUlt II large u the relt <strong>of</strong>the "~"tll ~f the whit .. or.,... whirht3KOII "I> eXil/;t!y Olle_h3lf <strong>of</strong> the'1>1"" / -~~~7~~-A CKAIIAtll::.My Ii ... , i. ("".--sixth, <strong>of</strong> .. otep thatis !.. !.\ ~,,

:1~ .:j. - -.,IHrre are t .. o rr.1typuulto btIongirc to I""OIl ~ ... Wxd to atinll> fo",' p;«['ythagor.l·, c1a .. i­cal p,oIdtm ollhe «"',­~inati"" <strong>of</strong> IwO "'lila'''.",e otin I)oX'l>ll White',bup.,n 1"',,1 ... wh;"I! illu"l'3lrt annlen.ion 01 the fan""" ['OtU /u;­notunL Ma. Ik~"" White h:upurt:Mwl • pi«t <strong>of</strong> ]ineoleum .• nd,hlv"'l:" a lilli( pitus to .... U! forma perf«1 oq ....,1O.It contain. aoimpl .. bul pretty t«"""'rical princip!y •yo''''g Iad~ Imm IloJI"" ••,""i....,.'the bo""'hoId by """''''II: 'he loan <strong>of</strong>a dimi",,'i .... ITf(enl"""" Irunc:o\!"1~. ron .... 011 it •• "mmil .nd oemip"fonled"ilb 1)'ITIm,'ri..-a] inden­""iOll""WIw land iJ like & IIICTf)' dog waggm~hi, tail? Am .. d .... (A mtTl')'cur).Wh:1I ;. Ihe ,Iiffe""ce !>clw... n lli![ht ..;n and. 1"',nl( ~nll~mln?(1"e i, mill .nd Ihe OIhe. Mr_A Chand.I upli ... l. m~ny wh..., trained wellby Uri,To .Ioh lon' 01 ""1: an impuls(!i,np.o.'t.Tboo~" In i;3Y ply r,ml"R and ,,"yymay KOttI,nUl boppy if mHi, }'OU' 'ife .hall......CiphtT An •• n-.-14. '5.20, SoHo. fir i, it from FclJmary 10April? A M .. t:Itl.v ..!t\\",In mod." .!lim m,' whole il ~,In y.)"d., p,drn gay;It', ID\"~ly lorm olt bra\'" Ih.,,~(ll ,,·in'.'·' tlM;ng oLoyCipher An ..... r.-'9, I~. IS. 23, 4,,8. 'S, .6.A Par.d"';ca] Word PunJ..Wh..., YOU, JUC' on m) l.uIt Iooi« JII" like my t-k;WlIogar h.rIa";"!!" ,11. r,,,,, and niM pound... oll(hl. on One .ide 01 Ih. oc:o.l .., 50., In I~a"e but ,ix I""'J"J~ ol'''Ifo'.;1IIhe 1Irg.: ba~, rhn>. weigh in" nutfi,~ pl1l;ng Ih;rly cents an.l ~.mml

,..... ReMTo I;oo.n <strong>of</strong> In)' 6,.,1 would but WI.low ~ rcd:Oh«I,To aU it lo .. h.1ppno«f. and thou at10.'" _,nd,I'ut .. bo it ., "nl..,!ing, "" c.olI"", <strong>of</strong>""'],.. \, nvt I" n:j";,,,,* ,,' the .Ighl 01 mYII"h,.oI. ?t:iphrrill "'3" ~;n.~I" ,,'''''Ie denote' a ''''pid .11,So ~n,: Ih" 01:1. t" d""" }""rwH.C;I,It..,. .\ns.. ~r.-8, ~', '3, 4, ,8,21, IJ.JU II to l110w 1\Qt"cm«s are .. ti.lactory,~The bou .mi]'" bmiJ:'llly upon hish,thlul crnp]oyee. II M a«tpled Ih ~~ndm.,,'. but .. Iwinkl. in hi, othereye set toIIlC 01 Ih. boy. ,0 lif{l,.'n~a. to wh ether or MI the "Bo.sm.M .. "'i!oC move by a«eptink Itcr~rc flO!li tion . Q.n)"Ou lol! 1Apmr_ <strong>of</strong> Ihe popuLar in,,,,,b~_tion 01 oWtI;cs;n 0\" public ,d'OIJ!J.II'. wil! ,"" ... hnw B \it'l. h,g.(1I · I1'3~pul! mi&fa ~ ,,1;\i.«I1I;I muff .... te lb.I'rineil'le ,lo! "it( ;" Ih.Ih,,\ .hlch ~. ,I h .. 'M~ fin,1 i: _n wi",,,, the fin« .).....'" A,,

[-=~PROPOSrTION-- U the Three Gracel, with rOleS <strong>of</strong> vari~d bue, meet the Three Graces laden with goldenapples, and eacb MUile ,an each Grlte the .. me qualltity <strong>of</strong> roses lind received the .me quantity <strong>of</strong> IPpies,how many 01 ueh did they bue?,,::C'.• ,S GREtf.\N Problem <strong>of</strong> the Gracea and Musu. Wh)" are pi ..".,. ""ble c~~!'J.C·tet'\l? Ber4""" 'h~y arc grand,'"an~"n thot "f dusk;,! '",,' an .1-Ihro. h ~" ~legmd .h..-h.. m.albemat,ralAs throug" Qlympi"" ganl~n bow·Slm!! ..'"1 til,..,., (;lif Grarol. cullingf\" .. tHOf l'erCuuu:-..0.,.." and v, ... ied h~.Frum pInk and ",-bite 1n .....,.., the .... me.The quo.ntitics <strong>of</strong> earh p"",bim'1 do nnt hf.liev" th:at .. d...,nIn"cons .",,]lingan equ31 nult\~r <strong>of</strong> ~ppl." lindrn ..,.1\ i ... pretty I'''u]" rur ourl)\u9u 10 mul... ? R«aUte It.. :lll h,,;u-t..Why i.s an a" ;1O",c",ed man I,k ..a"""" adJe like...,"lOt o"erount' T~y ltft IXItbh1nlly d~n~.Why is • ,.....,.. 01'l. &. good at ne,.. ,..bm("undl lIee ........ il·. ~-m" e:tedWhy do I~e Salvation ~yta..... .. .. Ik on Ihar heo:lIo' To..."e IIIrir ..,1"" (!lOUIs).Why il the I~u .... W fu JOIIIip1B ..... u ... ,~ 'lllIk•• ill willWh,ch i. ,he!

TD.EJ: un-I.E lIOYS FOITX1la ",elHillw pockel.boIt .. hat 'null(hang. t ...... wu in the boool< andIt"". i1 to ihtln. Ther. "·3~ ju,158 cnou in ~i" ooin

II"' .. , .r ..·...... ,~••" .f ......... ' .. tH .... i •• ,...."1 b,,'" ruvl< "hioh.... j, .. ,f n, h.d ..."r.' ,.,1;",,1 ,,,,,,i';.~ 'W"'l'''''' tu 'h, "tn,,,, .lId .. ~i'h..,II I"",""IQ "P'Y .1. ,-< .,h,., ''''''1 "~,I, '~pn" ,Ita. (1,,« bul. ur

' €?'1t~~"''\lH~ J(.., .........." _ .r " jJl, ....., ('>.....r·"r••"... " ""',CII"'''''' . .,.,.0 •. lie"' •• "" ''0 'U httplDeoetttd04 '...,m A ......WUt II 0.. _Of! nitr.h]. du ••t.. wiad 01". r ... lie! TIt. re.lItUPEI'S Pl'lZLE.G ...... I •• f "''''. _ ••,,,", ",""en.~ ... " ,. ,to ",,,,,, •• ,., .... <strong>of</strong> , ..........". ",." '" .... ;." ... "0:"", f.,. 100,.,.." •I.". ldd ,,,,,','._1,, .. """ " .... ,~"..,~. _ I. , .. ~... ).k. ,"""'" hs ... ;,.1 •• , ," ~; •• 01>,..., ,,-, .. "'" ......... ...-1 • ""'~ .. ,~..,. .. ". __ ,..!ltd .... n •~J" ft;fl fo, ,.., ~.n ,.

AIIOL'T MAGIC SOIJARE.S'l'bc ....."""''''"'' <strong>of</strong> """,ben 10 til."'"" k fP"""" ,bc .. 1, ..... "" on ,,.. .... 01 ... ,.t1_ OCOI'" «"_ ltormt ,nn,'" on poe< ...01 POP­.!o•• id«. 3 2, l! or_.l I', ". ~ 9, 8 .nd12, ..... 11' ... n,. JI",.;!>I. 1)"'Ot".leal.., 01 "1'"",,1.. r"'!!on ... ~I,h "n b.I, ,,.,........ .. . 1. "r'. ,_,'Da ....,..,1 " ....;••: I ..... ~ 1._, .... n " ... to, ......., .., ...... """ o. t.",~"Why ;. II _10. ...... 1.01" thlll .."'-I'I Tht (0111' IIIU .. a dl .. tho.... k .... kts • dill~t

n,,.. 10 • ",.,tY li,,\O IP"" ..... 11'0 • 1>"",,= PIa< •• ''''''''''. ,._Ord10 be ....,~..,. ~" N" 1 ••"~ • _" ""I'~_ Jt!. llv," .It...,,,,,,,, ,n '"1 ~,,«-.-." I ...'obll.,..•. " lar •• l'''~ pi" ...TIlt ..... ~ vi "n... """... bid,..,.. .,1) ~, ...( In" "''''!'1 ,,, ~ ... ,....• _I ~,,"",,,, ~. ,~..........,"' II < 1>",............. ". ol .. ""'.npn.I1i"" ''''''"01 tf«TIl< TilIqt ..... thy .. >mI,;Th •• mrth, • mwuy ""'" I, h.,W"b lo .... """ .1 ..... , _ ..And th. ",uld .. <strong>of</strong> 1,,, hr ... ",.,.".." .. It""'" .0 I"", _,,"Or _he" b. "f""An i. ""'I II.d ,; ... ;. 8 .. h""...1Id "'" bt>fI .. lit"""" "n"' and!>r ••••S,ili. h~. mufll..,j drum ... r< !;.ali"",r",,",lO! ma.,h .. ,. Ih •• '''' •. "-Ttlc- O.I",,'," 01," ,,,,, ... b 1"'0 •• lm,1I In ,b.ro!l".·ir.~h"",'A ~'hyn, 'I'tf .. ,110 ","""w I ... ...r.,o....r ,ho "'~' ~ ..... Ill, CQ",o....r ........ 11 I'>m 1IUIJ' "'" btlit.. it.tah ..,. .... «1 ,~.. , ,hc lh< 1>"'0

CAlf TIm DLlW UOVALI110 ...... ,. _podut> hu. 1._,!lint ncvlt"r I&t 00."'I "". """Ph"" .tUb lb.I ... "T "11"•.·'1 '.. "" ..... I~'''' ,d,~o! ""'",. lut.lf, m .. 'M,,! g,! 'h.... 11-..'h"...J,,'--!h'" '

•.f>_~~;J ~~ ~ r THE TRADES UNIONS .~~L'_,;. 1 am contracting for the erection <strong>of</strong> a new.... ...,.; TL", I. I't'UU,no .... oal _ .. u" ••••• , ~ .....'-lo _., .. 0&1. a,. ..... , .... , _.~. _,,, .... ~ .•• , 01 .......... ",_" "'''' .. II, ., •• ,_ ...... or.,.·,,..,,•• ,,," _"ooI.f 1M '''''' I • • ,..',., ,'",_... ~. "b.. OU"" .,.,.. to .... , ... ' , ...... , _ .. ""'., .. -....... ~,terml can be gotton by contracting withAllied Trade. than with men individually.For instance:The Paper Hanger and PainterWill Paper and 'aint for $1,100The Painter and Plumber for 1,700The Plumber and Electrician for 1,100The Electrician and Carpenter for 3,300The Carpenter and Mason fOf 5,300The Muon and Paper Hanger for 2,500What i. the cost fOf each kind <strong>of</strong> workerecting the New Home for our Puzzlers?......,.- ..." ,~,...... ,-" ............ ,...,. ,b...""o, " II ,n'~''b''''..." ..,. 0,'. " .. ,., . . .... ,"0"-" .. , .. " .. ,.,- "".,01'''''''' .~.."'r'"" .,~...,.., ...._"'"" ,10, ... ..., '". ... ,h.........."'''...,," ~ ... "I'.. " . 11........' ..... '" ... or '..., "r...'"......•......'d"" .." 'j 1o", ••" '".....,.~. t.ot .... t. I'" 00'''' "'"'. ,....."""""".V' wOo, _0. '~" ",,0.. 1InO! '" tM ord",o,.y up-t1""'1< <strong>of</strong> s ....'kcl=pawd.r. ho.....,l~. Ucciag"" ",,,d...,dea;r.phy. and ,ho lik~, and it doosDOl illU>lc~l. ~ Jili;On," Tho" ~""slopped a Cked, "Why aceyou goi~g to Cut..'"' and f'31 "'tlghtht.;n his Irm. ~nd e~I 11" aa:n"n1! IIt:ln!:lro up ,brough Ih. J"'CUhar ""•• <strong>of</strong> on «.tntric old la,ly Fi.!!.~ bOIlgh, Omt shoe: Itrinll'l andd~ f~u. I'lml U nuny pap ... <strong>of</strong>pino, followr/d by .'~hl Urn ... U manyh.lIWorn<strong>of</strong> " Ub'qlH' .hllndec d'""'n f...,."lilt a/I~in <strong>of</strong> oTt!,nary hre lasrrOft a com.tr.n. n.ry.rlw &lIythine ~bo"t 1IL1tben'~t'CIor ,,0.>1. ,\,,, ...." .... <strong>of</strong> f>Ct." ... ",111"",10,] an·l c:orric!d oul bya mUl ,,-ho "... PO .lftio:icn in com_''''''' Inth!1Wt;" du, "" could DOlCmpUlC "mplt in«ce;! ~nd Iu.J oncha feu <strong>of</strong> !>tm!: ch~afftl al figures1""1 h. "',,d.1 ,"It malo. Ih. deal io~n)' other wa)'. It 0Hnl. 1""1 "" w;,bN to buy ap'«. nf J>fOP",n ,."dh:!vmll an aLhornnt. <strong>of</strong> ligmu,n'onW'~. and iul.1.-..1. but u Ihe """'or....., flCtuuty .... onh Ju'l S per centa ytar to the party who oold, thtqur.ti"" il to d~,~rmine iIBI ho"much he rnlI)' got fo. !he property.( ~!r=' >,ag for nel, anide just a, many..ms as ,he bough! numMr <strong>of</strong> 1""1ankl.. She

-~•I'[jjl:l RE/i\NANTPUZZLE-.-... ,",... "., ......... '"" " ..... ,........._ ,·,,'n..-'....... ,,_ .. "" c' ........ ., '.....~LA""--.."",... _-..,.. ,"no .'... ",'" ,.,.~-,..... ........"", ...,,, .. ,., ..•,.:. .:...'.'. .. ,, '.' ..:.'.I :...:" ;...;... • .'. ..;. .'> .. ,, .• < • • '. .;. •, . ,.;.:• < • .:. .,,;.'. ' ..,'. ,.;.,WlIo' !1 I, ,h. , ~~.", ,,'or " •••• It.. ~. rot I' " ,...... 0( ~I' ,01,.,••,r ...."Wlt., ~,,' "' ••'"jo", ....... bI ...•,,,- '·r".~L...... , " h', " "., • ""'''''_1 I< , •.. 'hl., ~ ,_, '" ,,"I' ~ n).("(t;~'l'I'ral.t:A. ,bO'O!"J ~" .. rbo ......., vubll

IPl,," • 000.4 in th. n", 'po" "I'>X'," • I,"e, frCdJI • try",,., •• ,' .. h., \"t

1. Tak. a I.tto< from a lo\\"n inT ."ntoote and Jene a lown in ~OrtltCaro];na.2. }b.t drop a J.l1er Ir"nt • ti,'c,i" "'.11' York and lea"C a 11',,,..1",hicll tnt2il.' to nlUrntu, IOftly.J. Tllkc I lentr fro," a town inOro""", and loa'. a "".gtr.4. Take. klltr IrO/1l • tity InFlorida and In> •• counly in 10"'LS. Take a ~I.r from a riVbl.,.15. Take a leu •• from a )low 1 •• -":;'- lo",n and lrase a d",in <strong>of</strong> m()Unta,n5.16. TAke a l e tt ~r from a state :mdI.,.", what btl",,1:'" 10 mc.17. Take a !clIO' {r(lln an islandand I ... ~,. younl1 animal.18. Take ,. t'1\er fr(lln a :-JewYork lown and I ....". a wild animal.19. Take a letl", from a foreign0ni~hlly pm ... L1lJough rol •• lId mic. !I~ fromlhal bird in nin,What bird is thol? 1be ,.... '• . DlI ·this.

•A DOZE)!, OF LEG"'!. SI'.r\II~-T10~S.I. Scp., .. , • ", ... ,d ... h"h r.p,,,,n!,• ~.~

Ith. luI iI1UltntiOd by ptVring that •boIlI. ,,"O\dd t..lance wilh m"gbuttliA RcI>IIIWil', my fin. do lhe ... attn """Ieod.Or 'tis ....., in the putn, .. on,,-.My _d bri'WI all 10 an aidAnd "'y ... itok·, <strong>of</strong>l e-fl"o:ctcd by'

A",,",WIC Il.'l TO PUZZ~IU'OlV DO I N uau u.OI OOIOB ., The.. dOW"" ~7 ptQblt-m i, wivedtoy the r1Il~ which pr. the blade <strong>of</strong>,ha, ..:in,O SUl! a ".w.procket wh .. 1 w'-' ready at hom.,and could be rt pl:.c,d in len minnt ••.Now then. if th.y left hem. at toA . .\1.. and ... uming th.t they didIh. best lI"t ~in:u""Ia "cn per_rnitt'~, aC m«t the lady. 3~_min_ute speed-Ih. 21 9-17 m, : mmdingwheel. 10m.: 5 mile. on his ownwhe. I, .t J--miDute rait_ 15m.: 18,,"01:l-17m,, 9 15_17 mil.,. wollting. romu,ute.poed----Jh, 17 !I-li'Il,; 2.1~17 mild riding hoo"o. fi," ",iQu,".veed-lh, % 8-1710.: t"tal. S """...Htr rccOrtl-JJ 3--17 mil., t" ~ccid.m,five-mjnul~ ,~J_Zh 4S15-17 mile< ",.J':n~. 2O'minu,"op«d-Jh. 17 !I-lim,: 23 :;" 17mil., ridi"g horne. f,vo_",inute .pee~_Ih. 56 8-17 m.; tOlal, II houn;.M.ny I>V"rlol\'er," wiil not ~Wly.Te be exact. oil( dn.en do ••"p 50 that theup;rdupoi. pound weigh. ,i~t...,onncu whit. Iht trl>y pound ...·eigh.but t wolve. Of CCIlue, neilher C:1S.i. oorrecl, .. it will be: I""nd WIthe d: pi..,c-. "I paper being tlothingbut a ddu,icn 3n~ a ,nart. Th.pi«cs 3r~ to ~ 1'la

AMa"" TO ..... _H'D LDTdI10 'hi 01""7 "f hidd,m ali .. w.fIlId \h~ InlI"wlDl: I.""ha. pl;KU in,Mi. rel(l1b.. n.OI". kakil(h. lAlla,. Omaha, MI.'(001, lilica, W"'",, .... , Ko.walk, AD·do""" J::Iovft', DertJy. Yo.k. Th~bo.,Rndill(. Rome. Early. Dayton.Lowe!! and EU"'l'OnhCb.n.de, ~ l etapbYlllcl. nIIOUmOOI TO COMVUmOli ..vuuTh....., "'('~ \47~.. calt. On \h.linl oounl !he affi.mali~e YO\( w ..fOUlld 10 be. '0 the Mgali..., YOI~ u.. 10 J, bol .,Iom ~levtn votes .. ereInlDf.........t from 'M ~ ..... b~~ 10tbe ....goli~e. the "-,.,kill i, <strong>of</strong> u .. in !\j1CQ•• ring ~ an_1'0'.'_l'ythagonJ' n,le "'III give II. al1 ... 51 Ihe ,i.... f th~ "'I""'C 10 beformed. I"', if ... d""dt th. "'"PO'11110 four ",ceo,. by eUIII~g 'n the""nerming, Ihe lcal wi,hfrom h. to a d"...., p'""n, hla Ih.an,w •• U giVUI i, lx>th diffialll ando.ciml1~,,.'Thc Quarrelsome !>l'cighbol'l madethn, How lOOn w,lIthe hou., minute .n,\ «'trc an"rro' .nJ i[ ... ill indiate Ihe lim.at "'h"'h it will arriv~ANSWERS TO PUZZLt:S ON PAO£5 29 TO 37in e:uctly6 hra., 10 milL. 50 sec.. The secondhand occur. Illidway belween thehouc and minute !wid! 1.-427 tim~.ro·t.,. IZ boo .. (43.200 U

ANSWERS TO P UZZLES ON PAGES 17 TO 44ANSWI:RS TO PUZZLES ON PAGES 44 TO S2The I'rtt,d un,nloI~n pittts a. 'I ......... ,Ouck ,hnot'''1t" .t H ......... ,j". Bayi. ",:,'rd by ~ha"~"R Iho "''';,ion(If Iwc' ll'Kk •. a •• h",,·o. which go.n6\"< '0'" "r r, ". ~-li"" Ill'! p!a d,.,.l,d inlo'.riotu d;Krq>an. Smith·,fh~.p f ... i. ~ r;""~ N ~ qll Ut_N",hin!l. ,,/ eo"r..-, "'\11,1 br m~ ••M'"...! 'h~\ Ih.t a ,luI.,,,! ,1o""bhob •• hod,1 ... ~ .I),.,)u,f'I.e .. i, Carrol'. """'key 1'11 .. 1. i.aboul u po.r.od"-'Oial at a ,=, conundrum",hirh ;, IfOinl( thr round~.as 10 ,,'ba' ;,; il tlell ..·iII It" dnwn 0chimn ... d",,·n. bul "'ill IICIC t:O upa dUnm'r I\p? (L·mbr.li.,j Th..-.:. r< th, ... po ... ibl. c""oequ~I\C1"' In",Ittt j,om in t~~ mlltapc

ANSWERS TO PUZZLES ON PAGES 52 TO 59ANSWERS TO PUZZLES ON PAGES 60 TO 70moth(r I .... ice •• milch at the &Ough­I .... and the ..... t .. icc .. much .. 1Mmath(r. n hecom« a simple mall ...10 no,.,..,. oul th( 1trm, <strong>of</strong> tM bequestby ¢ving the daucht .. """_1Ot • ..,th. the mother ,,,'o-Hvonth,""d tM IQn lnur-,"~,.That vi~nr ItIn"Ch.n\ told tb(13 and 15 ,ftRO <strong>of</strong> oil.t SO emU~ ~.:- 14_ lie Ibo told 8. 17&Ild 31 1t"" <strong>of</strong> "'''''pr It 15 cenu=$14 So he IwI the !'.l pi. b,urelItft ... hieb Wall wonh $4j5, or $? SII,acconliog to ... b .. tbtr It routaio.ed vln~t 0' oH.Chandlt, Clpbl'ts.Ma.,... age probl ..... bow, chloclhe wu onc~ throe limes II old atAnn ... l.-c a. Iry 11 to 4, ,.-hi,hoh", ... I d.tr ... oct <strong>of</strong> II yoaff. IQ. ilt heir tornbint mll,", hu~ had ,~1 .... 1 ~ .. muld make t./tf- IIf~I,," ... , .. ",h JJ om". narryhad boughl 4 lor 12 Cmll. 10 h~lhould hIt.e I «nl. Ttl pri( ... U Ihe dealer has rcductdtlte pdo. 3-S u.:h ..... rlr down, Ih.next should be 51 cwU 1 milt,..oum_ TO ...... n .... ntThore ,,'o ing rOUle. ohow Ih(.... wu to Puul.I:lIld Pa,Ir's.mm~'. Rot.u, in th( .. ory <strong>of</strong> III

ANSWERS TO P UZZLES ON PAGES 71 TO 78AftISWERS TO PUZZLES ON PAGES 73 TO lJ4Answrr to !he rln.!.Ioapl h id • .Ik>t.i,. it> W.."d an,j child·hk(IUnpii'11 Ih. H",k' ("••""al""pn::d>km ... h,d, t""'dloed 110. ~II~"I',,"<strong>of</strong> ""nw'"T ,h,rt." ,,,,,-,,, iIllon:g,"n,," ,,'Iti1. the",10 climh io .."I t>t" "f 1M hnek..u... it1~,ut ... hun,". ,,11 01 ... lIi(h, al,hown by Ih. 'IIwing toI'1"«1 a,,·.we'. i. n,,1 n""o"'~'YW. "ill f'N al'l"-'n,,,,, Ih. woiJ:1I1U 1~lluw;'M" Wal~h",a", ZIO ""und,;M •• Wal,h",.". 90 1>011,,\1.; dC'f:. ({)po"n~'; I"by. 30 PO""']" whkh w.I'.oo: ... d In h'·,..o. u foll~w,Fi.,,_Low~. baby •• 10 )>OO Ihe docks ,,'a. in·twdlld to 'qlrfiOnl the hour wh""I'residmt LilXOln """ ~~Ied.Th" rumor ""!;,,,al..:! [rom the lactthalll\.1ny l>ubI", dock> ..... t< ''''PI>eJ~I i 2! a. !II. to 'I 10.en ... qll.:lrt h •• ...tly gou 40 (IJ­,m;,II. \kalll('a.Rnln'but«t. sn'p""1 and eacll recei ....:! $Z in thedi

ANSWE RS TO PUZZLES ON PAGES 84 TO 90ANSWERS TO PUZZLES ON PAGES 9 1 TO 98hlI ~', .,ld«1 to th~ """ilt", t'quall70. ;;., ,h~ roother', -':0 .",1 ...."tn,Uno:< Tom'ni' al:t "lu~J. ;0. ThtnTommy gd. fwr umOi ~. ull. Rn,j.$ ,he £alh.r and ""'th"r both lakeon u.., '"""'" n\lm~r 01 Y"'''. W~find that tho ...wine <strong>of</strong> tw~t.,~t,,,,.,.Tommy" fir1< ~i.i.Jc(",1.1 IllIvc th"nowc. di"iJ«l into) Iwo I!"mu!>, <strong>of</strong>fiv" luv~ On a oj,lo, as .huwn to.­low:No ... aon,in". Iht ('lay by imitatinghi, play, II h. ,Ira.... t,,·oita"., 011 1h. kl! .i,lo, yuu mmld", ... \ht corr«fI'",di"l: two from1m: righl. If h. draw. a .ine. It ... -.ulu in • CU""'" complical;"" 01utram- to PnDlina Letter.O"r y ..... og folk. have come noblyII> "'y ,;,1 in dct'I'IIe'UIg ,hat "'Ypto­]::tOo",;" 1~I~r lrom my boy on theI,"". and lell "Ie UllIt instead <strong>of</strong>being a Kn Klw< nOlic~ from th~)Inlly '\lcCui1c ~''''On i, buk .... n.!fo' jIOtO.l"'" !'" Tm, '" on ,. (ba(:k.word) ~ 1',,1 """""'A>n (.if:hl 0'0).All <strong>of</strong> which i. a groat .. hoi to anal)xiou~ paTmt.The Water Lily Problem.("dld say,: "That whm 11"0.1>0,.,1, <strong>of</strong> "" arc inle ..... t w"hin acirol~, the product. <strong>of</strong> tllt partl <strong>of</strong>""~ ",'~I be eq .... l Iu Ih. pro.luotl <strong>of</strong>.b .. po.'" <strong>of</strong> tho Other" Thore:lor.in .m: fnll"",,",, ill .. Ira",., tM 'u"f"". <strong>of</strong> tm: ""It. r""", .h •• 110","I ,'~ the lur/ace <strong>of</strong> tllt "'>ltr, ".mil" ,Idun Ih.:Il I"" ;'~:h,.. An I we..ill flo"lhA\ lhe lake w,' ""I)' 17 OSinches. in dc-pth.The Mium, Number..... the d'gitl • .w up .5. which intum make 9, Ih. lum nm.t alMl1 Q. th.~rore: Wt know that 8;" Illp ...... 1""1 the oqw.r ... <strong>of</strong> lb. IMlelind b

ANSWE RS TO P UZZ LE S ON PAGES 99 TO lOSANSWERS TO PUZZLES ON PAGES 106 TO IIIPl"Qblellll <strong>of</strong> Hiltory.To that ~uri" '1""y <strong>of</strong> Ih. n,nel"'nJ~rO\" w' "_, "f lIu" ....'. !li,..wry <strong>of</strong> t:nKI~nJ ,,-il;,h wore tn bo~""n~l be equal to tM root 01 \be rc·m~'ndeT. Fo, ""ample:1'~ 689-1321 =6To!:1: .. by boi;io-Ilinjc ..·ilb a h ... frum C w It. If\be-' pLty.r Ibm """rk' fromJ to K. \be finl ..-iU_.. Iwoho:lU by markitl£ from K to 0 I.lIdP 10 1.. and "JI th.n play lhe Wall·ing m",·., L t H. irutcaJ or KOrinr,,,-0 mo .. ho:lu, The oth •• playernOW JC(Ire. lhe Iwo ho:

Otp III puodSlJ 01 p:o·'101 ;KJoq I'to~ljl l~n cljl "! tlt»ljlU~I"ld "IIL"",!J()J'V 10 .wo.. '41' r=UO~ ~Iund "1'1 ;jUl.," l~q.L".ul1 01' :kip 1>000 .. 'pUr5l~n ... ''II ~"ru.t11'''' ~!l JIjIl!Uli>:1' ,,'mel "il'l!1n.u" .111 "l".AI3,("""I'A ''1' .t'!""P OJ 0 IU(UI ~JU1qli'!111 , .... :1 J.>qlO .'~J '?ql "I 1"'1' doJp,pia wn' .... wow rmb> \['''' .~)J".,.001 ;I\uow "'II01 !~b.> ",oJOS '41 I"l""Ap' '~I :.''''1''11''''''1 0Ij'" '1'!1""'''''r>4"nliO!I'!P""I.L 'IIII~' '.1003 • 10"."00 lIwl"~J JO '!jllln'.I11 '41 lfu!-~J~J 0 UO!lt.l)'lIm10 ....... ,(q 'A~ ~4 •..::Ullom:) "~J'41 10 .zut~JI(nnd, JhJ3At '41 JOJ Iln,!U,1' 1>01 $~ UOII••• nb 1II"ld '41 I'IQ •.....'1 U! fUOWw!'-JiIa"!q=JI·'11 ''I'"'' VlllO .... 4",4·" ·.AlI-~jJY~ 11' ..... 4 •.'~·A').JoJ s, '4' 11)4 ....·os ·.AlI·~lu""1 011 1'1'10'" '4 pI/V"·.IJ~ 011 1'1110'" .4' J>J""!IWIII .10 'lOW ~''11l .... y ".4M o.'y iJ •• 41 ....... '!'I P'"~IJY ".'0\ wo.L J"fI I"'ltJhUOu.QpI.,~,)I 11113:10 .41 1'"1 llfotwl.2II) d»p iJ..qu""''P .p.1):1 ""I' JO .l:IJ A'lU;O~ pU1l . lIlpLt''II OIl "nw i"J U'I "jJJ!, "1"""41 JO '!l!P'" "'II 1I~ II, ,_nb.> '1)"1 ""Y 'V '»UII) "II 10 \"41 .)!"I"II )Sn lll '1:1.I!, J,\ IIO ''11 10 Ol~-'.jWll"'!•• tli 'J.""! ''[1 .~ l~tJ it"!"'1 ell 01 1""'1'" J.,no .41 '0!'I" "lywd n!')'" • JOJ -I"" ns • 10 'JU,'[1-0"'1 "(.3"'" !':w.... 1d • ·... oJ""'I.1"1U''fI...... 1 .. q"!tl" JO )O(U ... ailio.'11 "'IIU!..·JnuJ'[""'w >1'"'~lo().O!.ll'u~ OMI Mj l"'I'lo)""" "I~"->u()'"'In:). JU 41>1"""'"1':oIl:l) .... 1\ UU~ 1lO'I' 2I[l DO .I"l....""'I"" "1""11-0"'1 [>U'I! 0"1 ~lt'1b.>[...."".c'1 ... UUB lIunl 3']1 "0.. -·i"').Jt .41 JO JlI:1"·,, 3rul ~'11 "'III'·" p'l'oJol ""I' JO liOU,'" 1'1'0."3'11 I"'no.n:mot lI ........ '1 lnq .0.('1' 6f.... !nfw Pi ....... 1"" .. '''10 .:~n I nq~ 0.1 .p~woq 01 ''IallO .. '0 ,,'pJU ' !.I(I "'''''110.~341 ""n"'>tl ... :~lbll!''f1 YO 1"'''1'A'''II :>s,,'t»!t.. ,:O'O! I '!J~,=e,p 'IQ'I'!lUOW1! .... ~lel ~ 'wn...:'1,oquo .IOJ... "'oi ;osnn>pUO.\\qlInrul[l dUI '.~IY 01 In>;m ....''''.~d ""'!-'IU "41 01 P'JIb' A'ntI"I""'JXI".' "·'3U ,jOJnj J!. ... :>1 l['1 'lap lIun!J ... ~ " A"I"~1 S2 WlUpunUlJ.1.~ I.P-'o'I litiS·pn!-lo.:ns-.u....vH;)"9Zl ""Il,)IIIO,:Uq put rflew.>lJI"'"allun.lf 0111 "tJ Wl«I

all (If 11'11011, but S1dney Smith',p..n!. turned upon the w!>I'd "duo,"TootsDlMnllW 01 • rightangledtria..,!.. Tak •• lril.ngula.J)lf:« <strong>of</strong> po",,' and """P il around• pencil and D 10 C is the Imilhand A C the hypothmuoe-No ... In the Beacon Tower prob­I .... !he Might to JOO feee, and, ••the di&mC'ltion o f simple malti·plieatiort 10' anyone who can do ojx·ty.lh • .., ....... without an .rror, and.. hen we .." Ih ...... wer il looks easyaftd ytt no human mind realize o.gTUp5 iu irruntttsity. It was .,..,ylor ~ to compule bi, rton <strong>of</strong>wheat, buliO ..... nl tho: grainJ .. as adiff.,..,nl "",n.r.A trinion it • ...,.,n oum~ if youuy il quick, )'H "'.., cannot grasp it.Acclf, wO\lhlgive u, (15+15--]=2'.1), the 2'ltht.mI, lhat i. 16.J8.lxt6,384 oquabZ68.43S,436 lor the 29th term.T~ the 29th term multiplied byi, .. lf .......w give Ul (29+29--1=27), ,he 57th term, or, in othe.word!, 26M35,~56. muhiplied byitlO:li gins n,057,m,oo1,927,9J6,fo. tbe 57th ,trm_Still applyidj! the rulc, multiplytho S;th term by the 8th (S7-t8-1=64), lor lhe Ia,t Of' 64th lCnn. thaiis 71,O.:7.594,oo7.9.?7,9J6XI28 ,,~.,9m.J7Z.DJ6,854.n5~ for thelast IC1TII.No ... all <strong>of</strong> the 64 ttnnJ mu" beaddN \(lg~her. Tbio would be: aI'.rtty big addition, eaou.gh 10 frigh_I ... the aoerag~ school boy. Tbis ioOvertOOOd"'iJ, "";tbe prepond~rance <strong>of</strong> opirtion i, 50ov .....·hc!mingl), in bvo. <strong>of</strong> thew~'ght 01 the bird being add"" tothat <strong>of</strong> the box, lhal il ... ouId bedifficult to vre .. bl .....""""bI" argu.m ... t for Ihe cth~ •• ide, d"'pile <strong>of</strong>the popular btIid thaI ,u.h wouldhe the CIM. The 1"'Op"""der <strong>of</strong> thequesli"" cilOd tM familiar problem<strong>of</strong> the fr>h i" • va •• <strong>of</strong> wate., b\lt11, ••• a .... t",·o v ... ions to I"",, problem:.Ih. !>ne "'hiel, a,ks why a fishrill 'nto a lank <strong>of</strong> ""~'.' ...,... n1>linc!""" il~ we'ght ~ a. ~illy joke.. 'I dOC's ,"e~.. the wergbt. link ..the \2.nk be,ng lall to the brim andmoulth water OHrilows to eq,Wiz~""'It..... The pmbl..., nf the ~shi, not the ... m~, .s the ,.-eight <strong>of</strong>the ~th is th. lime as the WO'e' an"tbe fUh fl .. lII. Th~ bird ;. h .... vierlhan, Ih~ air and rnpporl$ il5tl/ byIInki"ll' do ... n u~ the air and thero .. ~r <strong>of</strong> .""h otrol.:H would undoubtedlr.how on the di.al the di'.f.,..,.,.., m ..... ghl bet"""", d", birdInd i" lIi.pbc.m ... 1 <strong>of</strong> aiT.The man .."lth the """'ley ... ~ inCo ....er-..coUIIlrJ' RlDlIllu(.Fin! t ~~'Ihc am ..·...' It may"" .... d thallh~ hound rtml back IIIT'rds I foot ""II I and 1/11 <strong>of</strong> an,nch to the Idl·1und brid"". andIhence .croo. ,h~ IicI I ('lit the hy.pOIhe~U'IC !ine 71J:lnd 7/11 yard,.Tm. .trow. Ihe bJ..., to be I!-5Cy~rd' from the 1>0""" A.~ I:oing hy.'1"'" route. ~fathrmalidan •• howtha, the louI I'ngtb al""g the "analwpUI,j be In and 4/11 yu,h. P1u.Ih~ 25 yard. to tho II ....., pI". the250 yardl 10 the right.ha"d bri~g~,would n'an Ihe di,""''' frombridge to bridge 386 and 4/11 yardoas DIle Ii&! <strong>of</strong> ~ IN~le, with 600yarn, as th. OIber, ""h,eh gi~CJ 71Jad 7/11 yards u Ihe lien <strong>of</strong> thehypotbmusc. kconhng 10 EucM·.lotIy· .. ,· ... th propos"'.... Thispnwa the an"'''r '0 be COI"fC'CIwltich I will now proceed to obu.;';by the natural pur.1

•MOO!'1 Problem whe~i"Proleuor Spurwood undertook toTO""" the mOQixlerninol>u Iong,"e muluply by "" f'~1 i" ,i~ minn! ... hutIh,\ ot II,. e"~ tlf every .ix-foot,dimb be "",,uld slide bock thrte... hil. t.kin&, "TesL 1'he height o fthe p000,," ,. wdl knOWD- One.(,f Sir Walt •• &011·, krlighu ~gund011\ the hei!:hl "i ~ I""'~r ..,Ih lheaid "I .. '..,-;0111 I ..".." I"n • oIeare ..iJlun",.,ion <strong>of</strong> th~ prineipl" i. I(i~e"in CUllan f>Oylo·, "The Whit. Compony,Hwhc~ Sir Kil(el and hi, Ir'l.].nt corn ....'l., ,,·erc locked "p in •btol~l(ed c."tI.:"Th. griukd ~l'Chrr tonk ~ ....]kng!h. M rope from h~ com",d ....nd knOl"nJ( 110m! logtth.. he.trtl

"ill Q-P.l).C. E·F. II·G. I.F. L-K.N-M ond A-n. but IU llItre 1C. 100 lI .... vy, he got17 OIlnctl for I pound. WI1.n hesold th.m by • w.ight one OUncelitbl h. pvc 15 OUIICCI lor. pound.t.nd had IWO ounces ovtr. 1£ theselwo ounces were $Old al the sameprice. 00 a> 10 mob: $23 by ~h""ling.il ;. plain lhat the two ounces ""1>ruenl2/151'" 01 "hal"" paid for1M wbQlc aflJ durged for ,he ISounces. OM·6fto:cnth being worlhfl2.SO. 6I,o:cn·fiflcenths. Dr the,..hoI...... ould be SI81.!iO. whic:1l, ifIbc~...... 110 question <strong>of</strong> tummio-.ion. wtlUld to. ,,-hal hc paid for thegood~,We 6rod. ho ... "1". th:lt "" ~«i,-ed 2 pcr c ... l. from the ",Ik ••SJ ;3, arod $US lrom the p"~,making 58 brokerage in u..litihin that 51«!pl •• h:!.'e puul~ It Willtold t .... 1 tl'" smch showod t h~,ud"..· 'Und 10 bc It Ih' Ofl!lO'ilcwd <strong>of</strong> a '''''lang.,lar field. boundedby a ro.\d 01 a mile long on one oideby Ihrtt-qw.tten o f • mile on theoth.r. By the ro.\d. Ih,~fore. itwould be a mil •• n~ Ihrff--••ThLt .1 afly POIDt. but ow­,,;g 10 the ...,.,gh g""'nuIls car J) to D. pu.\hingE OUI to nl:hl; po....... againthran!:'h 'Wilch (eighl mo.'".) : JOIUSG 10 D. f'U.h'''1I OI""~ OUt to rigbt,I'Dlt'ioe gnn th",",~h ,,,-itc:h againj.r,,.en """'... ); JOIU, n to O. andpa..... litn>U,llb ,wilth ~~ bel"",(foorteen ""'~HI; pull< A 10 J) afI.Mt throuo:;h ."";tth for the luttime ("""",,,Ieen IIIO"HI: I:oes torighl. lhen d,u~ A. n. C, D. E. C10 Idl and bad,s (; onto ... itch(Iwenly mo""I; dra .... A. n, C. D,E to Id ... bach them 10 nglll (I... en.ly.''''O mo ....); got< 10 Idl alon •.bacb up on ... ilch 1.1 A .and I.l.k.,C I~ lell (twenty_f"". mov.,); goes10 nghl, tI'm pen .. C\'~rythinl: OUt toI.fl. bacb Il. , "",10 ,witc:" (lwemy.""VI"I triO, ...); pull. G. A. 11. C. D.E out 10 I~It, bad,. th'!M tn rif;htIhm lakn F to 'i1(ht and h:td," up10 ,,..,lth and co"nect.. G to H. I(Ihirty"""ne rno".:», and is now prepared10 go ahc.o.d on lh. Ihirty._end move,ANSWERS TO PUZZL&S ON PAGES 16.5 TO 172:UalI_ PrIce l'lwle.My lrimd .... 100 .. al expl."nin&the ."u1I,Ionn pnc:." IYO''''' 01 dOingbu>ln .... It the! Klond,ke. lbowo.l methat ,he priu o{ ..... doIla. for Iqoart <strong>of</strong> li.l1co OM end <strong>of</strong> lhe firsl en pLaytkn ~..nd lbe stupid an .... e ... 10 1"'- el.'!yconund"'Itt>_ Of COUrv be .houldha,.e rcp!iOO.l.1

ANSWERS TO PUZZLES ON PAGES 172 TO 178ANSWERS TO PUZZLES ON PAGI:S 179 TO 181"'Iua'" <strong>of</strong> tl,,;r ~iM\tttt"' Knowingfrom OIlr l'y,h"go"an problem,th.;ol a "l".fe .I.awn ""Ih," a CIrcle,,·o:.d~ contain ."",Mor c,.dc in.,half Ih~ 'i.~ <strong>of</strong> llIe larg0' tltat ho: began at lOA? and:? an,j I!-II &«ontoro. 8i. Co",". 88.Xwm:tnd)', m Alban .... 90. o.t"".. 9-1. I...>.bra1] com. <strong>of</strong>f ;f youIu~e nol produced an unfonu .... t.tang'" by Iwi,ling tbe coni.R~arding lhe probItlance lrom ~ ernter.caUtm thi$ w •• 2n",adily coml",l. that ,n., di~from C to Il i. 30 f~, II 'nch .... anda. from A to 0 .. i"'1 half a. 1""1: .any p""li'! will '~1~1 di>co"erthat Ihe triantl .. X X co.o be fiutXl..;tlt Ih. lrilnj:l .. \. Y '" form 00.oblong JO (.... 1 II in,h ... by IS I .... tSj{ incha. 7hm 477Y, I,'tl c"1',e­Itnts jo.! on

Th& M~t <strong>of</strong> Bapad.The numbt, at d,. end 01 a paragnp!!""DDI01 d,o number 01 ~.nipub'ionl in ,hal [Qragra!,h.The I,hd «no."", f>.J 1foI •• w~,.r,.nd the barr~1 J I V. pit hoMy, Fillthe Ih.« lG.pll bottlu .. i,h houty.pouring ........ n;nl; I ~ pll into 2_pll. IMUU~. tbul (mplyi,.. bar«1(~).By mean. <strong>of</strong> the 4-plt mca..u,(Iill band from hbd. C>~IUllIy lavin~» plL in .·gall nlellSU~ Gi~thll y, !'it 10 ""rae! So. I IIImnn. 0 4-p[l me .. n, •• etum 2SIfoIIl <strong>of</strong> ..",.r from h",reI to hhd.Pour I» pit boMy from 2-p11"",Un«: inlO 4-p11 .......".. PDDr2 pit .... 1 .... from NrT.1 inlO 21fo11tmeasure and rrm.n 10 hhd. J.)n.w<strong>of</strong>f rm>ai>,ine I Yi pit "'al.... f.ombIo.",1 into 2-ga1L mea.m. and gi ••thi. 10 ",,,,,,1/\0, 2 Pou. IV, 1~ILhon.y from 4-~1!. ">ealn'~ into 2_pi!. ",rain .. (37).R~I tM .. hole ollhe opcnoliorulin bll paragnorh 11 more t'mel!. 10that (i ca.nelJ Ih.,11 h~"" .~. !lnton th. 10th Jnd 11th ' "!,,,Iition. in­,,,, arc to be accounl.... fo •• whicll can II ..... bul tw<strong>of</strong>ed and three h.c.>d. amoog lhem. so!I does nOl rcq''''. a vi~,d """P_tion 10 .untti$t tIw. the "'!n.Ction inlhe ug. which abso. lher.·fo", the butcher It'-incd 62 pound, <strong>of</strong>ialt 113 cents a pound. wllich wouldbe wonb $I.8I'i 10 <strong>of</strong>f .. 1 IIi. Ios£ 01J4 cento On the tu.k.y. So ,he an·...... 10 lhe problem ;., Ib:ol I""bu.",,,,,. """'"' .... , $1.51 ~d onthe ,,·hoI. dm.B IU'1l. at lb. Zo.hI that cornplialed bit <strong>of</strong> (ld Ih • .., SI:r.. T" p ....duec Ih. an.w.r. ~m di"itaninr point. 10 cOUllIoot ~lllhe boYLAs di>(O •• rt\l by lOme 01 OIl'dC\·., pu .. li u. lho soIUlion is tJb.t:.>,1(t! by COIt1"""cini: Ibe 17 •• hould gin • (0"..,1 ... nt~. 10that his Ii ..... &hould be I.k.,. 10 be3}1 minuI... W. find thi. anS,,·t.10 be ;'"",.reCidml. bu.1 to u_pIaln the m.,."ing o f the jolly Hibemiao·.~.II may be said thaI""r yount I"' .... isu rcad~y loeattdthe mcidcnl .. cont:C'!l!t\l in u.., ...._Icncc: ~Dcgora. M •. P. (h,C) (HIC)A COod balm ye'" get if I c;ouldgel '" y •• cag. I"E ... ryonc. how ........ did not "I'­prcciatt the subtlety <strong>of</strong> II ...... d.."..;~g- the n'DC dummy taLio", as "".mon. nor IIis slUff;"!\" inlimation thatM •. Sb:o ...·, name &hould be .pelled~ p.ha ... r· to .. y MlhinR .:>bout hi.crib.i"" <strong>of</strong> M., Shaw', f""m"",rin Ja)1nr thaI he IUId nol hi. gOO

ANSWERS TO PUZZLES ON PAGES 202 TO 208ANSWERS TO PUZZLES ON PAGES 208 TO 217t!UIDl-DIUDODI', BalIIXIII..Ah"""t ..,tr)' OIIe. n~lh"",~ti~laft'...... ell u put.li",. 1 the comm""..,.ror01 suW""">: that Ih. windwQUlJ ......... g. lip t,·e... at w"uloi beth. case il ¥I'e ",ent ttn minUles willilb. wineo 01 gold ... cuM weighO'l'U 8S au ...... and ..... know thatlhe ~'O\\'n "'.Ighed bul 63, 50 quaean amount <strong>of</strong> ,ilv•• had ~ inlroduc the~''''I ... r, "V,n,..., nl"·ith;~.Tt.bby ud Sport.Of COO"". malty "",thfltuticw..and 1"'ll1i'1'. in b';"ing the amwe. It>110.:01 exat,n~ rx. bet ....... !he uland dOC .... y II ..... ~ Sport 'pr;r.DCfi,'. I .. , al c~h bound and tho:: .... tonly three, bon Tabby made h.'pIOnit' 10 $pon'~ Ih, .. , they wouldbe ","ng .... tho 'am. ral. o f 'pecrl,>0 the race obould be a 110. It wouldbe a Ii. il ;1 _re ". "lIog:bta..-a),n ..:· bul ill running.o lbe ,uke .ndbo~k 'C\'mly_ti,,( yard., =h hall<strong>of</strong> th~ .... ~ "'nul" be 112~ fff!. Th.dOj!; ,,'ouM be ~ptlIt:g goes l..10 Iw in all,"'lIkh i. a waHe <strong>of</strong> five feet. TheC~I would ICc . bere and back in sev­'"IY"i" l! len d'ff ..... trombmaiton couplQ, we'ghed, aodthai their ~r .. e ,,·eighl. mo>1 ,,"y.been S6, 58. ro. 61 ami tiS pound.III prado>« .. eirh .. as gio"" 01 129,125. 124, 123, Ill. 121. IlO. 118,llti and ll~ The 1_ hghleN 10-~ ""'.'I .. (i~h 114. ,;_'"find by compori"", <strong>of</strong> the<strong>of</strong> the third "";I';hl ",Ih Ihe.nd the '-IIidIw.h·e C."ts 10' lhe lot. bul InldeIh~ rrO

ANSWERS TO PUZZLES ON PAGES 218 TO 224ANSWERS TO PUZZLES ON PAGES 214 TO 2llA_,'. Plbll <strong>of</strong> the WoU.The ~I ..,.... cr 10 the IlOry <strong>of</strong> thehungry we>lf wbo ;nll"'.........'td •""';"qU .. hcat! If heh .. nine_l. nlbs o f a bu.hel h~ mUSIOnkinally hove 11.\,1 1009th. <strong>of</strong> IIn""el; The mill.. look I_II andleft him II-9th. or on. bu.h.1.Solomon', Templ, Punlt.emir.the Iber Iwo IllCT1 mull10 IWf lhal distanc. each,give lhem the best powbl. workingpooilitlt1l .......""1tIw:r $1.10on a«t>IInl <strong>of</strong> th. ditch being d~ri. an be lho"", tlw. .f the. first .".,;dug 55 5·9 yardl at 90 C

.. ~.JIIl .. l~ ..... ta uU .. bat iJ th~ but.1Iot fot R,p to make to 10m theTa ..,tlIia the clwnpion>ltip a lSI""'1 Hnlktw, Rip .hoold naw!.:nod; t1a"'n p,n 1"0. (0. 50 as ta d,.vLgt> ~"'~ into cla,,1tI..D is like a squalhnl; child, b«a\lleil mak." ma mad.E is lib London, boa\lle il is thecapit-' <strong>of</strong> I::~nd.F is like .. ~,hhook, beau.. ilmalo", an «1 1«1.Gis. hot day. bca .... il iOlhe middle01 Augu ...II i,. cu"' lor d""fn~-M. because;, "..kn lhe ~u Mlt,J .. Ihe lucky .·owcl. ~.u ... it isin b1iu ",h,l. It ;1 in h~1JANSWERS TO PUZZLES ON PAGES 232 TO 234andth< OIho., in purll:~'nry.J is lib your nnw. ~.u .. ;1 ;.n.xt to )"11t Ca",,",puo1e . n''''dly "hieh the authord~.." 10 pili _p'" ,"" mark,",. I al·.... y • ..,min.1 than uj PuLk·. ad,'''.10 ytltD1j( COUp!.,.. w""",pI,'.ng mAr·,;mony: "\Ion','lu lho fir3278>01.The lint char.lde itI,e OCXI Margin, thenJACK Al'>D JILL PUZZLE.In tile Jack and Jill problem, itbeing clt;Lt Ih:1\ 60 fect down hill;s equal to 40 f~1 up hill, we teeIhat Jack aecomplishcd the equiva·II:IlI <strong>of</strong> ],360 f«lllld Jill but 1,2Qlwhm they tlUit. which _h')W5 thti.';1'".,\ I , I.., in ,he prOp',rtinn <strong>of</strong> 6JI" (~ .\~ Jade ~~U Jill by 5-63" ,<strong>of</strong> hi, time, which was eqw.! to bha. ml1Mt, I.{J <strong>of</strong> his time u equal1(1 6 1COOIIdJ, and his whole: lirnt,thtrc!o.." wuuld be 6 minutes and18 s«undJ. which i. !lIC correct'rawer to the problem <strong>of</strong> jad

Sil'OCC' an i",emnenl <strong>of</strong> 42 emu",ill prod'l« I d,ffe",ncc <strong>of</strong> 1-241h<strong>of</strong> 1l pound ~l\>~n the IWO meth-0115 <strong>of</strong> pur~h.1,ing, " i, dear lhatshe mu~t ml'e,1 .jij limes 42 a:m~o r $20.16, 10 !.~in 2 pound5 by Ih~Chri~'m:L.S method.Inn$tiog- $10.08 in lurloe}". andthe same amount in ~ >,he re­"i,·ed 42 pounds <strong>of</strong> one mnd stipounds <strong>of</strong> the other, whel"Ull had~ bought eq~] quaol,l,es <strong>of</strong> uth~ would have rcaived but 96pounultcr.TJ- 21. Deed.Til>: H., ItD,..""p' STOll" sells:H.onn",ts, gl~.. .padcs. bol l.,lock., buckel •• tack,. l>;l.il~. c:L~te",."ove ]iften, ~w,. pulley •• monkeywrtJlcha.white leaw, qU3YS and,prinp.'"THAt FuIfCH CJ.Yf"T'Ot, AAkread5: ·Tai grande .petile" .. lit_lle too long 100 w&il for I.... TheP. S,. is IUt'fl!'Kd 10 me.:.n "~dlite, Augusta. Um... Ca.r$Ot1.Oeburn. Atchi",n, ro, Nile. Seine.and Don.HORSE TRADE PUZZLE.Sixty dollars i. ha!1 the CQ5t <strong>of</strong>tht an,,, ... 1 and thra:-qU

,ANSWERS TO PUZZLES ON PAGES 256 TO 2&4ANSWERS TO PUZZLES ON PAGES 265 TO 270!;Ir lri:l.ngu4r pynunid, Ihe number<strong>of</strong> layers "'ill be Ihe same.To fi"d \he lIU1nlJe. <strong>of</strong> egp in ..squa'e py..,..,id ",ulriply the "wn·w <strong>of</strong> CliP Lllhcmalic_ally e"prr:..Tin: CIUNr""'L CL.\~ buriedCII~' puz II' (""c~3Is I~ ":,,neAnn"" ...TilE BOY'S AGE PUZZLE.Tile (U'M girl wu just 6J.'! d:oy.old, :m,j Ih" boy twice ;u much,,,",ultly I,Z7(, d;,ys. The ".::1."1' lhe boy's age :rs3 1·2 ycars eulit'dy O"erlook~d thcf~~I\,rt' <strong>of</strong> in~rt:L,iog Il,. agB <strong>of</strong>the pupils from day 10 day,37e ,n 11,etflmpany <strong>of</strong> any gentleman unlcilher [,arlCC "'as ]Ul:!l,3' if MW 1I""W.t 01 fish fmm 33 ,oJ4J migllt ha"" b,'Cn ""ughl, as o"e!11J{, try ""llCl1mcntal;y by \:ivlI1J:A rum 0 1 II f",11 and Ihe Ij',anlili~.sto t... r~ci""'d by \l1e " ,hc ..1"""'1m aP!'u""L Therc being Ii\'~I ~,nn.r., how"",r, ",II" arc \0 rccei,-e"ILlal :Lm"unb in Ihe fi",,1 cli­~-i'i"n, il i. clur 'hal 110" numlJermu.t be 35 or 40. T~ke Ihe tatterJ1Ull1ber an,1 il =dily ..,In:. a,,:1.h",,; I""t .\ ha,l!'t, B (0. C 14, D 4an,l Ii: I\, ~Oll' if B, C "nd D pooltheir is!".,.., m.:lkin1l: 24, each gets!l,alter which 110 mattcr how """'YJ"in and Ihen di,;de thrir slocks,the ,I",,..,. tcmaiu 8. but if anynumbo:r ;', "xpc,imcnl~1 ..;Ih, e,'mi{ Ihe full cnuld bc chopped up, it'etW,I~Q il5e!f illln an odd rompli·cation.WEARY WILLIE PCZZLE.Willie had t",,~1ed 72 mila andDtuly only 50l when Ihty Iir!m JO}·to,", toP!u",m"ille .. -as 126 mil.,..AKSWER TO EASTER MORN.In Ihi, pr. Uy pnzzl~, ..-hil~ed 11') liltRed Crou p,oblem, thert. are to befnur pi..:e,. which wi\! iii tn/!"Ihtrand form the lymnlCtrical (in:d

ANSWERS TO PUZZLES ON PAGES 270 TO 276ANSWERS TO PUZZLES ON PAGES 276 TO 281A\"SWEn TO TilE ME-SSE};.GEl{ BOYS 1'l.'ZZLE.It "in ~ f.;.un,1 Ih ..\ IIMryb chainstolIld be m;"lt from filll. eoilll andthe pm'",""1 eagle, so th~\ 1l(I IWOrould be ex.mJy .. like.II ,~ ""'idenl Ih3t Ihe 13r~ coincould be Impended from anyone<strong>of</strong> the f,,'c holel, and" ith eilher~i"e to".,.rd yon, whkh wO\1td nuketen p'}SIible thang1'" Alt Ihe five-~I pif« can be pLJ~ in eightpooiti'lIIs. the5e twCl alone "''~ the...·idth 01 Ih" slnp ruund d,e lut"hieh took lulf Ih fICld." All <strong>of</strong>... hich r~uires a hllie uplan:II",nto tn:lke dear to 1111Iitematiti:uu,",'ho will unde .. lam.l il Lc:uc .... henwe say: from Ihe ."''' uf th~ Iw·,,ides ,ubstr~ct tllr ,Iiag",... l and di·vide the renain

-ANSWERS TO P UZZLES O N PAGES 28 1 TO 289ANSWERS T O PUZZLES ON PAGES 290 TO 298m>.inlkr. if any. will ~ I. ThUll,!he: square <strong>of</strong> 5 ,~ 25. and di, iMdby " Itnes :\ mlt:lim]er <strong>of</strong> I: ~nd.apin. 16 l .. ing • ~"3~ numbtr.an be di"id~1 by oJ ",tI,.. m h~vinga IT.llwnder. lL mn·\ b.: UU,jH',tood. h""'",·tT. Ihal "heM!'sqU3re num~" .Iw,,' lhal ptculiarity, OIh"" m1l1d,.,.... 1i~ ZO Qr 21,etc.. Itt not "1nare numbtn, al.tbc>ugh di"i>,hl~ to) oj. de.SOLUTIOS TO CHICKESi'L:ZlU:Jo;;iah ~nd Mari~ n'lUl h3.ve:IwJ 300 chick~n', with ;~ mough10 bit sixly dar •.llultiplyillj!' .J(O Ily (IJ I:i'~ Ihenum~r t<strong>of</strong> iu,Ii""h~,1 daily dtition \.oe 1"lI,,,,·~1. In,1 7Sd,id~,. ""Id <strong>of</strong>f. Ihc:n 225 di"idedinlo 18.000 ~ho"l Ihal tI,e lee,1wOl,ld !~.'I SO d21", whe,..,,~. if]O!IWt purchaJed a hundr'N txlrafowl,4OO di,-iM«cI, i'\.\II::I.M ••,,~,.. 1.lt •• ol .... 1 'h ,,"lIrt, .1 T,...n",n, i"" ••" ..., ,. ... ,,,,,,,,"~,,..!, r"0,. w" EJ, ."" .~. ,.... thr T W .n~ V•,,", .. rt~ .w.I, .....'l")lf: " ....

ANSWERS TO PUZZLES ON PAGES 298 TO 308. NoCe nut p'le f. miul", an,w.nTIIO ~ .., .IIOwo rot ..... It1P lJI IG_: ... _" "'r boo ... 001 blJOUI. (II> til, blao .. 1Il"" ..!0ERS fir.1(,110e k"lo: .nd ~II both ""'"'ur.'wilh thl! mixture. l.uI"II: Ilno.l 'J-17<strong>of</strong> "1'I'1.·j... k in Ih~ mi",urt. Fillup 'h~ tub f'''m the cill .. w.rr~1 .ndit will con",in a m, x'''''' <strong>of</strong> 16 Itn.".. much cid~r a$ al'Pl~-jKk.I ...... "odi"" do. __.1. " it _.. ..... I ...... ,100, , .... it -.~ I .......•A • • •--. .no! • .... I . ...". "'''no. __ ..... .t.. ooI, .. lo.b1e 3,Mr. and Mn. n. ...... G. and 101.:WIle • • :lolr. and Mrs. C. vs. P .and K.; table S. Mr. Ind Mrs. W."5. C. and B. On the scmndround Mr. and Mr ... S. mQIo-, tolabl, 2, Mr. and Mrs. 1- 10 tabI,3 ••\1 •. anti Mrs. B. 10 boWe •• Mr.ano.l Ma. C. to bobl" S, ~nd M ••anti :loIn. 'V., who Wet. al !.able S,go round 10 lable I. 11M: JOWtc:rouplo ItO in OJII*il" directions..T. ~nd N.1tO 1.0 I:'I.blc S, H. and D.go up 10 (.>.ble I. G. and M. go t.I:'I.bl" 2, P. and K. go 10 tabl" J.and C. and B. 1(0 to lable 4. Onth" Ihird r ound Ih. !..Ur>< ch:l.ngoa~ repe;tted. 100 tltat at the end <strong>of</strong>tht fiflh round no player h3! playedtwicec at tho !loa""" lable, and themarri.d touplo ha,'c rnIIll"'tedagainst (\'ory one 01 tht singl"pair!.T ... I ...... , ,,,.k .... . .., ~""'f I ..Ib_ too,.. 1'_ .. I .., IUod ,..... ''''~ _,~•• ,ot. ,h., ~ ..... _...."f_, • •• "' .... _ .. , I .... ... ." ...... ....In Puu.lel.and. Ih. King <strong>of</strong> S"md;vid" .II~ tbg in 1"0 p,ec ... a.lIt"",n. .nd lum. lbe d"""",d·lItlpt ._Id' I t! .... lI. ~,. ~ ........ 1 .......... _ . too,.-..., ...... ..................... ...,~ .... no" .. ' • . , ............. ""'""- fOf _to... .,,'". _ .....,..,...ow __ I <strong>of</strong> ... _ ."" s....,' 1.1 . .... .. . Il)o_, ,........... ...." ., . So h, 0-... . ....... ,....'_to ......!. .... ...... ...... ....w..."., .. ,_••"" ...... ,...... TIIoI . I '....... "'" >........L_ 100, $0_. 00" I. ,''' "', ' W. ""","h' , _10

The an,"'er 10 lhe pilule <strong>of</strong> lb,Gr:lces &nd Muso neceuit3.te that-=h <strong>of</strong> Ihe Ihree GraeeJ had 144"pples. and evcry one <strong>of</strong> 1M: nine.Muso 48 Rowen. Then kt ncb<strong>of</strong> Ihe Grxcs gi'''' " doatn "pp\eIto t«ry M~. and Itt t.ery MUlegive 4 Rowen:. one <strong>of</strong> e:ach hut. 10Qeh 01 the Grace, and it .,n beloond dDt utl'y Gnu: and MIlHhas Utrtt do"" apples and thr«dottn nowen, and that the /lO,",'tnbo.ing nine <strong>of</strong> e::.th eo~, thtlrilores are "n juS! alike.This leature <strong>of</strong> the pn:Iblem i.not a ClItch. bul W;U ....·idmtly in.tended. .. lhat patt <strong>of</strong> Ihe myltC1)'"'hid> imert'Oted Euclid and Arch.i·meda. and which h;u ~e Ih.legt:nd 10 famous.THE COURIER AND ARMY.Following Ihe rule lor IOlvillrp,,.zltt <strong>of</strong> thi, kind. which is tomUltiply Ihe length <strong>of</strong> Ihe army byits IC"glh. then divide by 2 and IhelIlu,l.rt root multiplied by 2 and IddedIQ the length <strong>of</strong> army w,l1 givethe answer. we finpl .. : .... , -........ 4 .Of ~ .. J .. k ..-.0n>pI ... th. __ .. ,!'an.EST5.n.. hlaok 1000

,RI!Y).fING DlR05Tb< folio."", word. 1., Il+< "' .. Fir """'" Bo<strong>of</strong>oq

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