Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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. 1<br />

F. L. TiDlllons<br />

1<br />

The iapottanc.Jof aquatic aud aarginal weeds ead their control i. dosely<br />

related to' theii.portance and value of water. Wae.r i. now or is rapidly<br />

HCOllling the IIOst precious and limiting resource ift'lIOst parts of our country.<br />

Deficiencies in quantity or quality of available wetaT limit agriculture,<br />

in~strial and ut~an 'development, navigation,:or r.ecreetion in msny are •••<br />

Therefore, it is not surprising that aquatic and"l'ginal weeds that waste<br />

water, X\8duce Wlter quality, :tnterferewith aconCllllic u'es of water, and<br />

prevent ite free and timely flow through waterways8hould cause general "<br />

puDlicconcern.<br />

'<br />

Aquatic weeds may be grouped into the following types: filamentous algae,<br />

nonf:tlamentousalgae, floating, rooted submersed, rooted emersed, and marginal<br />

weeds. Tbese,.types of weeds cause losses or create public nuisances 'in<br />

aquatic areaainaany ways. They may reduce the flow in canals and streams,<br />

and interfere with navigation, delivery of irrigation water or drainage of<br />

excess water and may cause flooding. breakage ,of canal' 'banks, 'or damage to<br />

bridps and.,,other structures and. _y resul't in salt""wat:er 'intrusion in lowlying<br />

coastal. areas during drought periods. Algae and ,other aquatic wee4.<br />

may affect the health and comfort of people and lh.stock by' causing unde'"<br />

sirable odor .. or, tastes in potable water, harborin's'insect pests and vectots<br />

of human di .. aae., and interfering with proper .ewe~ disposal and stre .. '<br />

sanitation. Many forms of aquatic vegetation are nuisances in fishing and<br />

bathing areas and in wildlife habitats. Emersed aquatic weeds such as cattaUs<br />

2<br />

wera infested with alluatic .. adticaDd, 395,020 .cree.to. infestad with b.nk<br />

weeds. Total estilllated losses of water caused by ... ds in 1957 was<br />

1,966,068 acre-f.at. This watar'.a. v.1u.d .t $3,626,742 at tha farmer'.<br />

h.adgat •• nd h.d .n estimat.d nat productive v.1ue of $39,321,360. The coat<br />

of oth.r d..... ,jb' the we.d .... $2.112,422.; Til. ',&Iotabco.t of we.dcODtro1<br />

on irr1aaUoD s,st .. in the 17 West.mStat .. 1* 1957 •• s'$8;113;297. '0ftf.s·<br />

cost &dduto"th.lo .... ·fr,omweed. brought tha 'total.'&1UIO&1co.tof .... _<br />

we.tern.lrrLgat1onaod drdn ... a,.t:em. tonead, $JO .Ulloo. Incf:deItli.U}';<br />

the •• tilllated lo .... pr.ventecl by.the .xpenditure " .• ,,113,297 for: '*IIJ.iIW'<br />

·.ndb.nk weed coat.-oJi J.n US7 '.8$15,860.026, .neo'· ... in' of $7,746,7·2";:<br />

This was a. 'U!e~l. ~.l',r:.tlII'a Oft the Natiaa ' •. i,llW8tl1ent 1a r .... n:h,<br />

extansion, .~ .~thereffOL"t. c!u.eted toward the d~Opment and u••. ot<br />

improved method. of controlling wad. in the irrigation and draina ... y.~'<br />

of tha West.<br />

No equall,'~ahen.lv.and, ~liabla data .r&·,available on tha extent'of<br />

aquatic,an4, INrg1nal .. ed probl ••• , tha 10.. es c.u'" by t~,. anel the ~t<br />

· and C08ta of.con~ol 1n oth.r parte,of·the United 8.tate8. However, 11'.......<br />

tary ,infonllU;1on,1nc1ll:&ce. that' "u-.1:ic wed probl __ ,ai:'eju.t a. critiCal '£11<br />

other ~rt. of·thecountrya •. ill ,tll1eWe.t. It was .. twated ' in' 1947 (5)" tllat<br />

tbeZ'. Tiler. SOO.OOQacreS of LouiaJ1ana w.terway .. anclwat1and. iftfe.tecl wi.'<br />

wat.~hyac1nth .~alU.a.torweed. P1gure. suppLi.d, bptbe U. S. Arw,y,c.,..of<br />

Engineer. (3)sh9W. that over, $511l1111/.onwas 'pa1lt.eeau-oll1ng waterhyaciath.<br />

in.Louisiana, Pl~jda, .and Al.~.•~et1Men 1905 .lId ,11155.' The inh.tat1Gif'ln<br />

·Louisi-. ba.be., I'educed aboutJJ.O''P'rcent to 2S0.GOOaere. eccording ItO' C<br />

reCeDt .atilllltea." ,<br />

. ;,-'<br />

The Central and Swthern 110dela Flood Ccm-Crol;Diatr ict ba. a De tWork~<br />

of SOOlll118. of ~ulec.n.h f. 1Ib1chthe 8II"u..i.l~cb.it...of aqu.Uc .e.clt<br />

control exc.ede "50.000. In .del1U.on, about' $30,000" 11. .,.Rt ennually fOlt'­<br />

aquatic weed control 1n the ... 11er irrigation and drainage ditche •• ervina<br />

15,570 .quarelllUuof agricultutal land in soutb ..... n:noru.. c<br />

~ .'I<br />

One way to e.tilDat. the potedia1 .qu.t1c'wead.~ 'prob1a.in tbaUnited'"<br />

State. i. to det.rmine the extent of different aquatic area. in which weed<br />

problems could o~ur. PerUnen~.:'d.~ onth.t qu•• t~~tm·fr.tl!e 1949 or 1954<br />

Agricultural Censu•• nd the 1961 Statistical A~str.ct of the United State.<br />

are suauriled lll'table 1. .,.<br />

. . j"""" . " ".: ., ~<br />

In an attelllPt to obtaill ufo_tion on the axteatof ,,,.ed prob1ema.iD<br />

th .. e aquatic. ~as .nc! on the •• teat of control PIl0p'aliI.; _ thode ,uMd ,',.ef<br />

co.tI of· cOllt1lo1.a questionnaiJ:e'!tlype, surv.y ".s iaittated in Septellbe~ "lM1.<br />

Queat1onnaire. on,the prob1-eIll,in .•Iam pond., drU"",,41tcb!lls. and 1rdallltl.OD<br />

c.n.1e weI'. sent to all SO State Agricultural Expert.ent Station. and<br />

que.t1onnair .. on ,inland uturaJ,,·lia .... nd wat.ervay."uelar,tiflcial illpoad­<br />

.. nte stoehed. witb' fish were ·se.'·,tO,J'f:.h.nd a-·rcc-l.a1on. or<br />

Con.aryat1on DePM'_ftte In all 54' atate.. . "';<br />

i -;<br />

aepl tes rece1vecl frOll 38SUta Ixper1ment Statf:Ont .nd 31· PUh and 0­<br />

C~.s1on. iDcllca,ta that vel'" Uttl. definite inf .... Uan laav.Uabl. oai<br />

aquatic area. in central and .astern region. of a type that wa. obt.ln~ct~~...<br />

irrigation and drainage sy.te •• in tha West. However, the 13 complete .nd<br />

.,.,"_A__'_" ....4l._ IP "_-* ,,0 .......... _ ... _A ..... _ ,'Ill ~_.t.a!lll. .. _ -A

Complete reports from 12 Nor~heastern, Northcentral, and Southern State<br />

Fish and Came'COIIIIDissionsindicate that the diffe""t ,.types of Ilquatic~eds<br />

cons,titute pro!>1emsmUchmore'freCfUehtly:Lnmar".' and artif1c~al f.mpoqnd­<br />

_ft .... ""Aft fn nAf"ur .. l1 ..Iu!A and Itt!'eams. This i. ".... ciallytrue ofroo,ted<br />

13 iftcomplete"rtports from Pish 'and Game Commi"iGlt.;providevaluab1e ilnfcmution.<br />

"Host of ttielnformatlcm:'OiI P8'l'centagesofqGal:tc areasoccupted 'by<br />

prOblem'wee4s"were based on 'eltt_tea by aquaUe fllNd ':apedalisu and ,Call be<br />

con!,ideredtbe iDost ~eli.ble l"afcmut:loil' 'neWava1:til1Jle ~ Only a very fev 'of,<br />

thl!l ilpecidist:i .ttemptl!ld to •• t:Uiite,tlfelllOnet.rt

....<br />

4<br />

,typeil! .oLaecl •• vec",e ·10.4 •.,8«lf·!a~f"l\d!3,,3f(11j1ll• ..,c;ti,,8,J.y. An.JlNln~~d .';<br />

arti,llicial .1IDpou .... ntl•• -natu; ..l,~..... ~ ~t~.~dlrt~"S .~£qrs~ll .~"e~llOj:<br />

.resion •• : the biPe.'pel'ceDt ...... .J# 1I1f"_'~19lbb}l\o&~AA ~ "q.f ".,q"".t~ r'Je~~<br />

in 'anYJ:es_ ar.; ... foU .... ;· ,t:11.. ~~•• ,~~ ~I~i ;non~U,"tOIJ'I·")l Me;<br />

all4e -24,root:e4,.u_neclH·'-4.4 ..~~crtecl,.... ~~&d,,"J ~. ;;J.,Qatb\8,~ ,H,~~~,:;<br />

woody plants· 16. Algae and rooted submersed we.d. were li'.. ~~r!=etL'~',Iffi.~""<br />

much more frequently in natural lakes and streams 1n the northcentral resion<br />

than in other 1:.. f,QRS,. C')'" J ,; ",.,/ cL:!!'I" n.; "-""'C' ., ,c' "·'-.f 9I";',.T<br />

The BillJle complete report frOlll the western resion was not consider.d<br />

repr!~e~~at~~ ye.of~~tlia t:r.8~Qil"c -T"~;.!:~.9.·-~Qiijit ,~;~l'n-e--lllarute-ct-m-..,t"'be-­<br />

reportfX:~ ~1~~ Wh!.~~.~atcs~ there are no ~liilr~""~n ~~y. ,~u~m:,J"lJ1<br />

situat.i~.•. t.'ttir., ,~~.r.l ~.p..Pi. r.e.I?'tlY'Al. a' ..k.lit.Wi.tli.('it~ pr._. ~~ ..l.ake .: ,. ai¥L ..~r"., ~u<br />

abun~~nt fiahiltd glllll8, ailar-few people, 1a'comp~~k':r~itn your own Nort a.t<br />

about 200 yeari--ago;' . Probably; --WbeIfiill'ihfoliiii'ttiRr'"fir'obI thl!--qunrtomiatte<br />

.urveyin,.!~.~~a. been.o,.UlIIlItIlrized, cb,e,q~, and iq~er:eted, a final report<br />

will be published similar to the joinE'riport publmt1S'on the survey of weed<br />

10ss8s, coU,~ and bene{it. of weed cOl1~rol in we~~r.rl1rrigation.q~ :d,oi,"<br />

drainage systems in 1957. ' .' ., , J,,,. ",<br />

,~'·'~i.: '. . t~ 't:):". -!~~d.!' u.ed ,for r~. _qPAUC,~e~., f'r~". r<br />

irr,1gatlott ditebe.by 1940· (lh, .W4&J:ll ~t-J.ll,,~~yWr., ,~, lIl~u:p~Il.~C;a.l, ~'t1UHItj<br />

for aquatic weed control to a much greater extent tb-an we ar. Jar ~on.t;!='O~ ;01<br />

land weeds. .. . ",ur _... 0 '.•<br />

e~.;ll.,ae in.~.•ih,, ..s.in,..c.e 1.~.<br />

, '~opper ~l'~~ ~s f1n~ JI~4 'fc~' e~trc;)~;~ :~s ~a'r~Y",a~, l~~4 .6,7),; J<br />

altd'it ls stntt~ ·most widely.1uMd_th04-.

The reawakening in aquatic weed control really' began about 1957. In,',<br />

that year the Agricultural Research: Service increasediis research effort.-on<br />

aquatic weeds from about 3 man-years to 9 full-tim. scientists. A contract<br />

was arranged with Auburn University to conduct primelty !ivaluation of 750<br />

chemical compoundS as aquatic herbicides on represeritatlve submersed aquatic<br />

weeds and to check 100 of the most promising of the .. for toxicity to<br />

representative species of fish. Previously, very fe1fof the many thousands<br />

of chemicals tested for herbicidal activity on land weeds had been tested<br />

for effectiveness on aquatic weeds by the chemicallnc1u1try.<br />

,<br />

In July 1958, Congress authodsed, under Section 104 of Public Law<br />

85-500, the annual expenditure of $1,350,000 by theU;S. Army Corps of<br />

Engineers and eight Atlantic and Gulf Coast States for the control of alIigatorweed<br />

and other obnoxious aqua'tic plat'lt growth8,lln 'Ibecombined interest<br />

of navigation, flood control,drairtage, agriculture'. fll1h and wildlife conservation,<br />

public ,health, and related purpoaeslrtcludi.ng continued research<br />

fordevelopillent of the most effective and economicoontllol measures. T"e<br />

cooperative research program, "Expanded Project., Aquatic Plant Control,"<br />

which was developed as part of tbis total program,:tnvolve's s:tx Federal and<br />

as early as 192~lnW~sccmsf.n(CI). __Iti. stilltbiL_ai: extensively used<br />

herbicide for control of submersed weeds in lakes and ponds in many parts of<br />

the country despite its toxicity to warm blooded animale.<br />

I<br />

During the early 1940's chlorinated benEenes wtreused to some extent<br />

for control of submersed weeds in Ela.tern pOncls and lakes and in western .1.<br />

irrigation canals. Research by Agricultural ResearcH service and Bureau of<br />

Reclamation scientists beginning ,1n 1947 developed.'effective method' of<br />

using xylol-type benzenes, COllllllOftlycalled arOlllat1c' solVents, for contrCiPof<br />

submersed weeds in irrigation canals (2). More than SOO,000 gallons of xYlol<br />

is now used annually for this pUrpose.<br />

The renaissance in general weed control, whlchwes' sparked by the<br />

discovery of the herbicidal properties of 2,4-0 in 1944'and really got uridarway<br />

about 1947, did not have much effect on aquatic weed control or research<br />

until nearly 10 years later. A ·few eXceptions were -'the' research on control<br />

of waterbyacintb with 2,4 ..0 by seYe1:'al Federal and State agenctes beginning<br />

in 1946, the researcb on methode Of controllingweeds'ia western irrigatiOn<br />

systems by the Agricultural Research Service and' Bure'au l of Reclamation .<br />

beginning in 1947, and the research on control of marsh weeds with 2,4-0 by<br />

the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Tennessee Valley Authority beginning<br />

about 1947.<br />

The general lack of interest in aquatic weed e~trol research prior to<br />

1955 is indicated by the fact that less than 2 perce1'lt.f the papers presented<br />

at MOrtheastern, Northcentral, and Southern <strong>Weed</strong>"Control Conference_<br />

each year were on aquatic weeds. Research subcommittee. on aquatic weeds '.<br />

were not established until 4 to 8:years after general r.search committees<br />

were created. It was only in the Western <strong>Weed</strong> Cont'rol ¢onference that an;'<br />

early interest was shown in aquatic weed control research. Beginning in<br />

1950, 5 to 10 percent of the papers and research reportS in that conference<br />

were on aquatic weeds and the Research Section incl\1ded' an aquatic weed<br />

subcommittee from its establishment in 1952.<br />


6<br />

"' .. gt StatusofMHtic <strong>Weed</strong> Centro",nd Research<br />

.'.<br />

That brief hhtRry<br />

',';<br />

brillg.g~,o tbepr ... nt WO public lnterest ln<br />

aquat:Lc weed control and rue arch ..... to be at flow t:Lde and to be .urglng<br />

higher. Ona f,ndf,catlon hthe f,ct thae 25 papen' Oft aquatic weed. were pre­<br />

•• nte4ae the. We'"SoCgty of _,1c.~ogr.. 10 a.cellber 1961 .s comptNd<br />

wlth 11 ,.pe,.s"la19~. 13 In.195$, and 7 in 1956. Aaotberlndlcat:Lon 1., the<br />

factthat.16$t,f~e~~lc\lltur.1 :.... rf.lllent St.tte. •• ubmltt.d propo .. la,f.n.<br />

S-ptell1:!er1961 f9f ,ptI;'t1dp.ti~ .1,na reglon.l , .... I'Q!l pzoojecton aquatic<br />

weed reaearcb f~d by Fedeul·,;fUl)d. d•• i.gnat&4 •• the "central Reaeucb<br />

Fund." Four of tbe .. proposals by tbe Al.b .... c.Ufor:nla •. NewYork. and<br />

Nortb Carolina State Experiment Stat:Lons weI" appzooved and funded. Prevloualy<br />

•. only ~ Al.b .... K1.1S~,·.nd Orellon Stolte hperf.lllent St.ti ••<br />

had bten.ctf.'IIe. .,in fuearch·on ,aquaUc wed control.<br />

"'.' . "<br />

The. 38 Se.t,flxper1mentStet~. wblchrepU4.·. to,my q~st1onna1J:'... nt<br />

out in Septelllber 1961zoeported • total r .... rch ..feort on .quatic weed CODtrol<br />

of 10.5 lIIIIl~y.ar... nau&l.J.y•. ~be 31 St.te'"",'" OuIeCoalml.a100e·<br />

reported. total re~ar;ch .ff~t on aquatic weedccnt.t:to1 of 24 _n-y.a:n<br />

amu.1ly.<br />

".,. ~.<br />

The total acreage of aquatic areas treat.d for: control of dlfferent:·<br />

types of .quatic weeds ln 1961 as reported by 10 to 16 State Flsh and a..e<br />

C~1e.ions .in _theutern ,Nor:thcentra1, .nd Sou~rn St.tes were 10,"2<br />

(14) .of f11_Jlteu •• lgae, 33,-808 (10) of otber f_ of algae, 15,373 (16)<br />

ofl'OOted ,sul!meree4weede, 10,5076,(16) of roote4·_ned weeds, and 39.611<br />

(10) of· floa.ting weeds., Wtth the po.e1b1. except¥to of floating weed. dleM<br />

treate4, aX'd. represent only .. U ·fractions of tbe.X'e.s in whlch these<br />

weed. were'X'eporrted to be MdOlol.9robl ....<br />

Re.99Z'ta OIl the .xtentoftr..talent of fant,poadsand drainage ditc:htl'.<br />

for aquaticweedCOlltrol. in ~tIae.. tern. oortQceatoral" and .outhern r'aione<br />

were not suffident in number for.a reliab1 ...... indication. Howewr-,<br />

there appeared to be conslderab1e chemlcal treatment for weed control in<br />

fal'1ll pond. in Nev .Jersey,' Ohio,Soutb Carolina. MWourl, and Teu..Apparently<br />

•. tbe UN of weed..contro1. practices 1n aquade ••• as is not nearly ..• e<br />

extenll-iwin. central., Southen. and Ba.tern Stat •• ; as it is in irrlgatiGn<br />

and drain ... canala oftbe Wee;t. The survey lIleIa~fioMd! earlier (8) .hCMtll.<br />

that 63,448mU ••. of.C/lDala were. tnated for: aqua'tflc weect. and.328.232,,·<br />

acre. of 4itebbAlnk weI'. treated for: weed control 1tI 19,57. These were 54<br />

and 80 percent ,re.,.ct;i vely. of the. total weed-iI1fested areas.<br />

A SU1llll8ry of I'tlp*t. ln ·the questionnaire .urYlY indicates the or., of<br />

preference for chemical and _chanlcal method. of controlllng the different<br />

types of aquatic "..da •• f.OU9WS·,vUh the number:·oI·apeciff.c mentlons' .<br />

shown in parentheees aft;er e~h .. thod:<br />

':!"",:<br />

~ .. copperwlf.te (la).; MdlUD1.r: .. nite,Q) ,carp (2). dlchlOM;(l).<br />

! Rooted 'uWreed:(D094' n. es) -~_ .~te (27), 2,4-Q (24),<br />

. .UYex -(,\2) •• ndotiwll;C .. cbanical ""oct. (2). canale!l!!l<br />

ditsbu) - ·MCh.anl~l. ",thods (7). xylol ;(4), urea (2) ,acro1'1o(2) •<br />

RgoteS !IIIH'!!CI -, 2,4-D (38!).•,;4alapon (22) ..... ~. (16). _chuie.,1<br />

methods (U), 111ve", ,P), 2.4,5-T (5). . :

,10.1ng -2,4.,;iD (19), 2,4~5.T (4), silvex (4).<br />

'Ha ...dnal - 2,4-D (34), dala.pon (26), amltrole' (13), 2,4,5-T (12),<br />

.Uvex (11), mechanical .thads (10), oil (8), bu...ning (6).<br />

7<br />

The Hawaiian Agricultural E~ertment Station ...eported that a herbiv,orous<br />

fi.h, TiLapia1llOa.amblca, has 8ive1'l excellent coril:rol of submened aquatic<br />

weeds in canals,clitc:hes , pond', and ...eservoiri wttbpermanent wete... supplY.<br />

This fish is used fo... food inlia.aii and the Philippines but is not hip~y<br />

rega ...ded as afoocl or gsme fi8h, in South....n Unlted'S~.tes where preU:mi11.ry<br />

tests have shown it to be not_It adapted..' ,<br />

Lack of time prevents lIl1.aylng mot.'8about control methods. I ...e~nd<br />

fw you... readinge recent publicllt10n by T. F. Hall (4) which contains an<br />

excellent discussion of the naeure of aquatic weeclproblems and of contrdl and<br />

management methods with an extensive review of lit~rature.<br />

Future Prospects for Aquatic'<strong>Weed</strong> Control and Research<br />

All signs point toward continued and probably much increased intereit<br />

and activity in aquatic weed control. Wehave a barger backlog of unsa1:v,d<br />

problems than in most other phue's of weed controL As water supplies become<br />

more limiting and critical those aquatic weed problems will increase and<br />

become more acute. The 38 replies to my questionnaire to State Agricultural<br />

Experiment Stations reported a need for increasing research on aquatic weeds<br />

from 10.5 to 88.5 man-years, eight times as many. The Federal agencies that<br />

have shown an early interest i~ aquatic weed problems probably will con~lnue<br />

and perhaps increase their present efforts.' ,<br />

The replies' to the survey questionnaire were almost unanimous in<br />

pointing out the need for a more' effective, less ei~nsive, longer lasti~s,<br />

more easily applied aquatic herbicide that is safe>for fish, humans, livestock,<br />

and wild game. I do not predict that many miracle herbicides thae<br />

meet all those specifications will be found but the prospects seem pr~i~~ng<br />

for much better herbicides than wanow have in coaaercial use. A totaldf<br />

131 chemicals of the 854 compounds evaluated by Auburn University in the'<br />

initial contract with the Agricultural Research Service gave 90 percent or<br />

better control of representative aquatic weeds at 5 ppm. Sixteen of eh••e<br />

chemicals proved safe for fish. Hany of these promising chemicals are~dw<br />

undergoing secondary evaluation, and a few look extremely promising irifl~ld<br />

tests. Probably additional promlsing aquatic herbiCides will be discovered<br />

in two primary evaluation programs still underway at Auburn UniversIty.<br />

Several chemical companies have recently establishe1:t sCt.'eening programs ,for<br />

aquatic herbicides. That development shOuld great:ly increase our supply 'Of<br />

promising aquatic herbicides far' 'further testing and ~evelopment. '"<br />

Biological agents probably will play an important role in futurecorttrol<br />

of aquatic weeds. The EntoDlologyResearch Division 'of the Agricultural""<br />

Research Service i. now investigating in South Americ$ the feasibility of<br />

introducing promising insect pests of alligatorweed-into the United State ••<br />

A large freshwater snail, !!!!!.!!: cornuarietis L..,"us shown considerable<br />

promise for control of certain submersed and floating weeds in Puerto Rico<br />

and Florida in investigations conducted by the Agricultural Research Service,

8<br />

control of filamentous algaeal;"U1l4e\"WaY at.ubQrn(QQivenity. Obser~t1on.<br />

by Bureau.'o~ Bec14U!l!lti~~;.,.r'cnJlt.~r:inWa.h:I,D.tOft,i~.nte that a low-ir~ing<br />

species ~~ wa~r p~ta~lJ plac. lion eaapba.ill2On<br />

th"@Qat~.t!llOr;~~.98Y. ~ya101ol!.'_ 1#. ey~ ,a.AquaUc weada itl "'0)<br />

:rel~~tl$pJJ ,;to.~•.frr.~~t.r91 •. 'll~"f.~ of· herb141dee IAc_ter and aquatic .011.<br />

and~ factors t~t.a,f~et~~lip)a. retentiQQ,; _decOllIPOaition in~•<br />

. will alao be thoroughly investigat~~.., ..Par;tiqiJl8Dt .., Ut· tbe lQ8W cooper.tb.,,·'<br />

Regional Re.earch Project on Aquatic <strong>Weed</strong>s involvina the Alabama, California,<br />

Rew).~k... and ,~.~car~J.,iDta:A81

9<br />

The Role of the State in Res idue Determinationp and Clearances<br />

with Particular Reference to Agricultura¢ Chemicals.<br />

Charles E. Palm Y<br />

New York S'\;ate College of Agriculture<br />

Cornell University<br />

The rapid expans ion in the use of chemicals in al~ phases of modern<br />

agriCUlture is one of the great developments of recent decades. The pr1lllary<br />

concern of your conference is With an important part of the field of agricultural<br />

chemicals -- the development and use of herbicides. Closely related<br />

chemicals used as insecticides, fungicides, nematicides, plant growth regulators,<br />

defoliants· and related compounds, have much in; commonin the research<br />

programs of many of the State Colleges of Agriculture and their Agricult~al .<br />

Experiment Stations. The topic I he.ve been asked to rEiview deals with the<br />

broad field of policy, as well e.s opportunity for service in the state experiment<br />

stations, regarding residues that may result ~rom the use of thelJe<br />

chemicals in modern agriculture, and the state's role:b obtaining tolerances<br />

and registration for use of materials needed in its prqgrams. My own professional<br />

experience he.s come from association with in~ect-control programs<br />

in which insecticides have been of primary concern; ye"t; in e. broader sense,<br />

cooperative research projects within our own experiments stations at Ithaca<br />

and Geneva, as well as participation Ql the Northee.stern Regional Residue Research<br />

Program from its inception, have provided an awareness of the total<br />

problem.<br />

It is essential at the outset to remind ourselves that the State workers<br />

are partners in a cooperative venture with representatives of the agricultural<br />

chemical industry, at home and abroad, and the several agencies of the federe.l<br />

governmentengB8Eld in resee.rch, extension, and regulatot-y programs in this<br />

field. In short, we have responsibilities, but they mus:t integre.te with those<br />

of others. I should like to review e. few developments to illustrate this<br />

point.<br />


Since the este.blishment of the Land Grant Colleges. through the Morrill<br />

Act by the Congress and the President in 1862, the impo:rtance of teaching<br />

agriculture he.s been recognized in each of the several states. This is the<br />

Centennial Year for the Land Grant Colleges, and recognition of their m~<br />

contributions to our nation continues to be highlighted. Further, one of the<br />

gree.t developments of the past century has been the rise o£ research in our<br />

land grant institutions, des1gIled to be of service to the citizens of the<br />

states. The Hatch Act of 1888 recognized the need tor ~ederal support for<br />

establishing the agricultural experiment stations a.t th~ land grant universities<br />

and continues with increasing support today. Then, e.s p.ewknowledge beCaate<br />

available, the Cooperative Extension programs at these ,awe land grant units<br />

was made possible by federal support through the Smith-Lever Act in 1914. (rhe<br />

psttern of teaching at the undergraduate and graduate l,vels, the conductPf<br />

research in be,sic as well as applied fields, and its ap:plication through extension<br />

channels throughout the several states. has bl'!Nilnv> A . ..,,,11 _In."""", ~_......~-

10<br />

In most Of the states, regulatory activities peJ,"ta~ing tq agriculture<br />

in the broad senae ot the term, haw remained' sepe.ril1le tram the educational<br />

programs referred to above. But I wo\Udhaste~ to ~ 1;hat these programs<br />

have needed close cooperationtrom· the educatiOl1al 1Datltutions, and, for the<br />

most part, have received it.<br />

It is worth noting that government and industry are consumers of trained<br />

personnel that are a product of the teaching and research programs of our<br />

colleges and universities. Thus, an important part of the state's contribution<br />

to the, problems we have under c0l:lSideration is its ability to provide t:rlL1ned<br />

men and womento conduct the work. Wehave been assisted in recent years, in<br />

support ot the graduate train1ll6pr08rams particularly by industrial grant.,<br />

and foundation support. The launching of the ~us.si~ sputnik a few yeqS,,!P80<br />

bt'ought into sharp tocus the need fbr support of badc :!i'8search and develOpment<br />

in the, sciences in the United States. For example, the great growtl:l.,et<br />

dollar support tor the plant sciences by federal and pr:\.vate foundations during<br />

the past five years :La giv1ll6 the universities, bo'j;h state and privately .up~<br />

ported, unparalle.led opportunities for expansion of flmdamental research ~<br />

all areas at a level never before 'known. It hasbrousbt into greater proql1­<br />

nence postdoctoral train1ll6 in specialized areasofsc~nce in all parts9~<br />

the world, which shoUld reflect in increased productivity among scientis~<br />

in the days ehead. The teamwork of'modern scientistll in attack1ll6 problems<br />

with equipment and inStrumentation that promote progress continue to 8.IIlS$8<br />

the uninformed. In spite of theloDS history of sc~ncEl in the world, it<br />

is est1lliated that of all scientists 'Whoever lived, 90 per cent are alive<br />

todayl With our current rate ot development, knowleaBe is doubling avery 10<br />

years. It has been amply demonstrated that ideas kriOwnopol1tical 'bo~ias.<br />

Our phenomenal developments in communication and travel have made us a functional<br />

part of the world cOllllDUnity,wherever we IlU!¥be. WeIDUstkeep abz1east<br />

ottha work ot scientists in all lands. .,<br />


One of the 1mportant phases ot any research prolram that seeks to a...elo.p<br />

a herbicide, iDfJecticide, fungicide or other agricUltural chemical or foOlS<br />

additive is determining whether a residue of the chemical remains in or on<br />

the raw agricultural commodity or the processed pr~~t, and if it does, .:<br />

evaluat1ll6 its toxicity to man and other warm~blood8dau1ma.ll!i. Broader concerns<br />

with residues eXist; for instance, the accWlll1lation of these produots in<br />

the soil, the metabolism of the C~unds by plants 9r 8D1mals in the eaN Of<br />

systemic pesticides, and the like.'<br />

From the viewpoint of rese,arch ,.in the deve,i9~t of new compounds, the<br />

maJor' oontributibnain the field Of esricultural,cbP1cals have come from 1D~<br />

dustry and thetederal laboratories. ' Much of the ~ in this fUndamenta.;La-ea<br />

of chemical research will of necessity cont1n\le to ~me from industry, w:\.tb<br />

occasional' eOl:ltribu't1onsfrom~edei'1!Il and sta'\;e sta~1QJU!' The production aDd.<br />

sale ot 88Z'icUJ.tural ehemicals 18 ¥ustry's businlllY, and likely w1l1ao<br />

relllli1b. Once selected chemical compoundSare thr.oujh pr1maryscreen1ll6 azd<br />

areavallable for 1Secoridary scrEi'enil:ikand deve;Lopmentai resear~h, the sta1les<br />

tra4.itionally have provided IDUchhelp. For several ~sfollOW1ll6the' un..<br />

veiling ot2,4"b in 1945 a cona1dE!table 8lIIOuntot t~ld. testing was neceHa1"1,<br />

to catchup with grower demands tor usage. The :r;oece:l1ttreDdof this research

,.,<br />

1'4<br />

keep developmental work in progress to guide their extet\sion recommendations.<br />

Obviously the benefits have not been one-sided, because;Lthe scientists in:the<br />

experiment stations kept abreast of new developments ana. acquired experiences<br />

on performance prior to grower use; industry was able ~ spread its range of<br />

environmental conditions into different ecological Utu"tions in many parts<br />

of the country and speed its decisions about the value Qf candidate compounds<br />

as well. Thus, cooperation helped speed progress , I<br />

The great array of synthetic organic compoundstha'l; have appeared in the<br />

past two decades have been sorted and finally put into ~ignificant use as agricultural<br />

chemicals because the state scientists, cooperating with those of<br />

industry, and the federal government, have provided much!needed data on biological<br />

performance and levels of residues on specific crops under a variety of<br />

conditions. In the aggregate, these data have meant mu4h to industry in preparing<br />

the petitions for registrations with the U. S. DElpartment of Agriculture<br />

of agricultural chemicals moviIlg in inter-state commercd, as well as supporting<br />

the requellt for tolerances or exemption tolerances by t~FOod and Drug Ad- '<br />

ministration where they are required. State residueres~arch, supplied directly<br />

to government or industry tor these purposes, has made ~ vital contributioZl.<br />

I<br />

It became obvious in the years immediately follow1z1g the Second World War<br />

that ~ pesticide ohemist was an essential member of ~ team of scientists<br />

working in scien1;1tic agriculture. A number of thestat1e experiment stations<br />

undertook residue research as a basis for guiding their~xtension programs for<br />

pesticide recommentlations and use. The public hearing ~ Washington in 1950<br />

held by the Food and Drug Administration to determine t~ necessity for use<br />

of pesticides in the production of fresh fruits and vege~ables brought forth<br />

much data from state sources as well as the federal and iindustrial laboratories.<br />

The obvious inadequacy of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Ac1t at that time in<br />

establishing residue tolerances or exemptions, was remed!:l.edwith the passage<br />

of the Pesticide Chemicals amendment in 1954. The earl~r legislation involving<br />

the Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act in 1~41 established the<br />

pattern for registration of chemicals going into interstjl.te commerce. It became<br />

mandatory upon the fimS application for registratio~ of an agricultural<br />

chemical for a spe9itic use to provide the essential infi>rmation by which 'the<br />

USDAand the FDA,in most instances, could arrive ata dtcision on these requests.<br />

Thus, residue data assumed a new role of importa ce in the agricultural<br />

chemical f!:l.eld. The pattern was set and residue rese, rach I became an integral<br />

part of practically all pesticide research programs. T~ state experiment<br />

station chemist, workiIlg With o:tber companions in the' inVestigations, based<br />

the residue determinations on analytical methods provide~ by the manufacturer<br />

of the chemical, or those developed through his own res8$rch. In some states<br />

without the services of a full-time pesticide chemist, t~ treated samples<br />

were sent to the industrial laboratories for analysis. This procedure still is<br />

being followed, but with increasing effort supported inlpart by federal regional<br />

research funds, to equip and staff the state experimElnt stations laboratories<br />

for the ir own res idue research programs. The 'tedllral foundations have<br />

given generously in support of research dealing with res~dues and providiIlg<br />

matching fUndS for bUllding health related facilities. i<br />

',,---- With the expandiIlg interest and capability for NSi

Rapidstr1des :lA resid\1e reseas-ch have beenllll4& possible because 'oa.:i'Cl<br />

research is prpv:l.diDc new inf01'lll&tioo on plant phys1elogy, insect phys1oloV' .<br />

biochemistry, .eo~", microbiQJ.osy and related fieids. As we undeI'standmo:re<br />

about the I118chan1!Jmof the proeessel that go on in living cell.l!l, therewWbe<br />

opportunities. to utilize knowlediein selectiveregUlil.t1on of species popiil .<br />

lat1otlS. MallYof ua were delightadto see the importance of weed research'<br />

recognized by the lMt COngreis which prOVided substanUaJ. sums tor add:Lt:t!oQe.l<br />

research on almost all aspects ot '.weed control. . '!'be... new funds will p!'Otide<br />

the states with support for workm depth in specific areas, as for example"<br />

with aq.uatic weeds, weed,.l1feeycJ.es, range weeds,ta1ieof residues, ecql~,<br />

perhaps biolog1caJ.control anc1tbe; like. Through8ll. iexchange of informat1Ot1,<br />

cooperative effort will benefit aJ.l states interested in the problems.' . ,<br />

12<br />

in limited areas. This further emphasizes the cooperat1onthat existsW'tWeen<br />

industry and state am federal· go.:rmnent.<br />

Thereare t1mes when pub1ic8efVice patentsmq cover a good am uaet\ll<br />

asr1cultural chemical, but becsWIeof the non-excluaive nature of the p&teDt-,<br />

IlOc compBllYis, wUl1Zlg to carry out the developmaa:tal prcgram 011 :res1dufls,";.<br />

toxicity studies am the like necessary for FDAaDd USDAtolerances aM'~istration.<br />

In important instances, it is up to the state stations, alOlle or in<br />

cooperation with the federal gove:rnment and/or 1nduetl'Y, 1;0 do the work aid<br />

seek the approval am registratiQn\,bf the product. SUch recently was tl». cae<br />

with some of' the blossom tl!:1nn1Zlg cbemicaJ.s .for 11M intruit set, di~) .<br />

amiae for reducing fruit .scald 011 apples stored ineantl'Olled atmosphe~ttorage,<br />

certe.U1 of the chemice.J.s for preveEl-tion of post-harvest' rots in citrus")' ClUoro<br />

IPC for use as a sprout inhibitor on Irish potatos.'in! storage, am the i1ke.<br />

Current progr8lll8' are underway to seek clearance Of 2,4,S-TPfor use inesll.blahed<br />

legume stands and with 4(2,4-IlB) for legume,ned1ing establishment{<br />

These are impOrtant areas for growers and industria. within the states),l)iR IIltl.y<br />

well ..be of minor economic concern to the chemicaJ. llI&DUf'acturerin hill totU<br />

volume ofbua1ness. The costs involved in reseat"chof this type otten deter'<br />

industry unless there is reasonable assurance of covering their investment.<br />

, ' I<br />

StUl another area of respans.ibility for, resMues of agriculturalCJiem:l.­<br />

CW is theoeltdtor state workers to determ1n8thetr·eff'ect on benef1ciaJJ'·<br />

1IUIects, for example, the hone7bee and other pollmatimg insects. M8Zl;yt:l'l11t<br />

and vegetableeropt are increas111Sltdependent on tale h

In addition to a review of field and laboratory research in progress<br />

with cooperators of industry, government, and adjOining states, the extension<br />

man must set the stage tor product recommendation and use within his areas Of<br />

responsibility, and coordinate the information to min1mize confusion. In<br />

addition, he calls attention to failures in field performance, new problems~<br />

and S1milar voids in our information that offer a beals for future research.<br />

He works closely with the county agricultural agenes on programs that meet<br />

safety standards and res idues tolerances. The extene ion spec ialist from the<br />

State colleges and universities has a great responsibility, and. his recolillllendations<br />

must be based on reliabJ,e research that is correctly interpreted, and<br />

is supported by industl'Y .in terms of' "-v"- i l ..h 1.. "'''''''n"'''ofo,, t7~. - ...... _ -- L"'_<br />

A broad area of responsibility considered :la1 many of the States and..<br />

elsewhere, is the effect of pesticide residues on flavor and other quality<br />

determining attributes of foods. With an increasing growth.in processed foods,<br />

the necessity for maintaining uniform high quality in the products is maIldatory<br />

in a canpetitive industry. l'obch work continues to be done in this 1mportant<br />

area by research scientists in food technology at the state experineat<br />

stations. S1milarly, the problems reach an1mal products like meats, egg.,<br />

milk, poultry, and the like, both in terms of possible harmful residues as<br />

well as effects on flavor and qUality. The use of antibiotics for mastitis<br />

control in dairy, cattle, for examp1.e, has had far reaching effects in terms<br />

of residues, because they affect marketability of the milk. Fortunately bioassays<br />

have been most helpful in residue determinations for several products<br />

that are used in mastitis control programs.<br />

A word of recognition should be given to several of the states in 1mich<br />

work has been 'done on the development of eccurate , streamlined analyticaJ.,<br />

methods for pesticides. One of the great break-throughs of recent months-has<br />

been the use of gas chromotography for certain residue determinations. ~~e<br />

speed of the method, plus its extreme precision, will provide research workers<br />

in the residue field with a much better understanding of residue levels Of'<br />

certain types of chemicals in or on commodities than was ever possible by other<br />

methods. A number of the systemic pesticides have yielded to the use of radioactive<br />

tracer research techniques in determining the metabolic products as<br />

well astba modeot action. Still other fields of residue research ha~benefited<br />

from bio-assay techniques, using both plants and an1mals as indicator<br />

mechanisms .<br />


The Cooperative Extension Service of the Land Grant institutions has<br />

been a great force in quickly dispensing available 1nf'ormation on the use of<br />

agricultural chemicals for specific problems and conditions to farmers and<br />

homeowners. The magnificent benefits received from their use, as well as the<br />

safety record with their use, attest to this point. The extension worker,<br />

whether a herbicide specialist, entomologist, plant pathologist or plant<br />

phys iologist, selects from the informat ion that research has available and<br />

recommends the products the.t have met with the regulatory procedures for safe<br />

use. Based upon his own judgement from field trials' as well as grower use,<br />

industry experience, and the like, he makea his recollllJlendations to suit his<br />

particular .. geographical areas and. problems. This is a great responsib-1l1ty,<br />

but is one that is being met by capable workers. throughout the country.<br />


State research workers are expaad1Ilg fundamenta:rJresearch in biochemistry'J<br />

phyB;l.oloS1 and fieJ4a allied to jp'Owtb and developlllltbt of liv1Ilg organisms.<br />

These data help materially in unde:rstand1Ilg the metab()lim8 of chemicals in<br />

livinlz svs1:ems. 01" t.heil" B1'!~I1I111,llL+'inft, in Al"li'. And .. 10.. , H .... V.+t.M"""' ....... 9<br />

14<br />

Because the topic of this papal: is the role of the State in residue<br />

detel'llinatiOnsand cJ.earances, it calls for emphas1a on the +ork of the<br />

state scientists, but recognitiOn IIIWltbe given to tbe fact that they are.<br />

but one important part of a cooperative team includ:blg industry and govern·<br />

ment work:lng for development andaafe use of agricultural. chemicals •<br />

.. The Land Ora:ntCollege movement in the United liltates has provided tb18<br />

nation with an educational resource in support of modern asricult\U'8 that':18<br />

second to nomI. in the world. The three maJor funct1onsof these inStitutiOns<br />

in.their service to the people of this country are wadt1Jlgj research imdextension.<br />

One maJor contribution of the teaching prosr8llia to tbe importaat .<br />

field of agricultural chemicals is the output of trained men and womenwho go<br />

to other agencies for theirproduc'tive careers. AskDlWledse and support expand,<br />

Qur universities are expand1Jlg'their graduate P1"OSramsrapidly. Great<br />

emphasis is nowbeing placed on·~ areas of basic researcb •<br />

..<br />

ReSl1latory actiVities withagr:l.cultural chemioals and food additives are<br />

usually asepa.ratefunction instate government, aDd nota part of the teachillS,<br />

research and educational prosram of the Land Grant 'institutions. Halfever,<br />

cloee lia.is.on.1s essential ,between them tor ,effective programs. Furtber,<br />

state regulatoI"Y programs are obviouslyeseent1al in coordinating the :l.utrastate<br />

activities. with uniform inter-state regulatioDS·ot the FDA and USDA•<br />

, .,. ...,-'- .<br />

Research conducted by the state experiment station is tr8ditional aa4<br />

essential in the agricultural chemical field. It 18 recognized that cooperation<br />

with industry and the federal labora.tories is an ~:l'@!lPart of tb,e PoP-am..<br />

The states, almost Without exception, depend upon 1l:ldustry for the development<br />

and selection of new chemicals as well as produc1Ilg and marketing them. '.!!be<br />

States work With their performance, mode of action,.atety when used as d11"ected,<br />

determination of residues tbat mq be present, 8chedall.88 of application,. in<br />

many other important areas basic to their ultimate u".<br />

Concern1Ilg res.idues specifically, many states _vedeveloped their own<br />

research laboratories for residue researcb as an 1Irqlortent part.of their is:t'icultural<br />

chemical ~am. Much of the researcb is IIIIide available direct]i<br />

to the 1l:ldustI"Yth$tsupplies chemical forllll1lation t6 the State for rese&reh<br />

and appra:1,aaJ.. In, turn, residue data as well as per1'Grmance data are given<br />

to industry for support of the ir reg18trat ion and tolarance petit ions •<br />

In inStances of minor crops where the volume of use may be small, and<br />

witb chemicals not oovered. by patents of en individualcb~, the state<br />

exper:1Jr!ent.stations ~ve assumed responsibility fOr the development of performance<br />

and :esi~ data, and even helped arrange fortox:l.city studies before<br />

applyqfor.toa:rances, registratiOllB for Spec1t1CU8es, or both. state<br />

scientists also are focusing attention on scbedules 01' uSes that must be c~s<br />

idered where products are to meet export requiremetite.

State workers have to consider residues in relation to natural populations<br />

where increased public concern is voiced about widespread use of chemicals in<br />

the environment.<br />

The extension specialist coordinates information for recommendations<br />

that will assure safe use of!l&X'ic\l.ltural chelllicals and avoid excessive resi,,·<br />

dues. His contribution ..:ls a most 1mportant liDk in the chain of cooperation;<br />

his program extends to the cOl,lOtyagricultural agents, and often directly to<br />

individual users of the pesti~jl4er He plays a major part in the public relations<br />

aspects of the use of pesticides.<br />

The role of the state university and its experiment station, in work<br />

concerned with agricultural chemical residues, will increase in importance,<br />

because more and more, modern agriculture, suburban 11ving and community de ­<br />

velopmen'j; projects utilize the broad array of 1llCl@l"Il- .!l&X'icultural chemicals<br />

to secure their IIIanY benefits. The:Land Grant institutions must remain in the<br />

forefront of teaching, researqh and extension tOplopv1de better educational<br />

programs in the development and safe use of modern agricultural chemicals,<br />


16<br />


'.. . '.' .',,'> ',".' ,I " ,'.' ,',<br />

K. P. ElUchholtz y' ·,_,.i"<br />

.-<br />

QuaeJcgrass is a widely distributed end persietent'weedili the northern<br />

states arid Canada. .It has proved to be adapted to 'Cobt,. temperate n!gions<br />

and lsfevoi'ed .by' hUmid or subJ.!tIum1dcUinstell." 1he;weed is IOOsttroubl8some<br />

in areas thatdare subjected tcqlerlodic 1 but'no,t; ,cxmtinuous tillage. It Competes<br />

stronglY with forage cropS',; gn-ins, com··1tt!d'other row crops', f'J:'lrl,ts,<br />

and: vegetables. !:t is objectionable in forestry p1:antations, laws, 'llndindustria~<br />

sites.<br />

In ordert,(, develop effecti.~Controlprogr,.ror qusckgra ss it, i8<br />

necessary ,to' consider the fectors that account,tb-r1ts adaptation in,.the'<br />

northe~ states and the reaso,ns for its pers;l.stene;:e•. ' Quackgrass spre8~')<br />

by both rb1'ZOIlIeS, and seeds. It iSl'robehlethat ~ad by seeds is J1I!)rj:_<br />

w;idespreadthanis generally rElaJ;tzed. Because or':aimi.larity in shape,t,!'1~<br />

seed is more cOll!lOOn in oats than itl seed of other'icereals. In 1957 a stUdy<br />

in Wisconsin showed that 35%of 799 oat samples handled by the State Seed<br />

Testing Laboratory in that year contained qusckgrass seeds. Seeder box<br />

surveys of oats being seeded have consistently shown that from 50~ to 60%of<br />

the grain being used as seed in Wisconsin is infested with qusckgrass seed.<br />

Viability of quackgrass seed in seed grain was frequently as high as that<br />

of the oats. In addition to the spread in seed grain the mature seeds of<br />

quackgrass are frequently harvested with hay and ultimately find their way<br />

back to the field in manure or bedding. Seeds also mature in pastures where<br />

they shatter readily and infest the soil. The prevalence and vJ.abil1ty of<br />

qusckgrass seeds often allows reinfestetion aftsr all established plants<br />

hava been eradicated.<br />

The ability of quackgrass to spread by rhizomes is widely recognized.<br />

These spreading underground stems may extend as 1IIUChas 3 or 4 feet in a single<br />

year. Tillage often extends the area of infestation IllUchfarther than this<br />

by dragging fragments of the rhizomes beyond the area of initial infestation.<br />

Rhizome production is prolific in a productive soil. Meyer (9), Schirman<br />

and Buchholtz (14) and Johnson (4) all found as much as 6000 lblA of dry<br />

rhizomes in heavily infested areas. This mass of rhizomes was contained in<br />

the plow slice and in an undisturbed sod was concentrated in the upper 4<br />

inches of so11.<br />

The life of a particular rhizome is not as long as would be expected.<br />

Sagar (13) mentioned that the rhizomes may live for 3 years in England, but<br />

seldom longer. Johnson and Buchholtz (6) found no evidence that the rhizomes<br />

lived more than 2 years under IOOrerigorous conditione in Wisconsin and a<br />

large proportion of them lived no longer than 1 year. The fact that the rhizomes<br />

are relatively short-lived is a vulnerable point in the life cycle of<br />

the weed. If new rhizome growth could be limited or eliminated for 1 year,<br />

the persistence of the weed would be sharply reduced.<br />

11Published with the approval of the Director of the Wisconsin Agricultural<br />

Experiment Station as a collaborator under Horth Central Regional Coop-<br />

___ ..1.,, '1"\__ .I. __ ...L '-1_ "In

The vigorous regrowth of quackgrass is related to the large number of dormant<br />

buds that are present on the r!;lizomes in an in;f'ested area. Weight of dry<br />

quackgrass rhizomes averages about 0.4 gm per foot.' If an area contains $000 Ib<br />

of the dry rhizomes per acre, this is equal to about 130 feet of rhizome per sq<br />

ft. The nodes on rhieomes average no more than 1 inch apart. Therefore, it is<br />

safe to assume that in excess of 1500 buds exist on the rhizomes in each sq !t<br />

of infested soil. Quackgrass standl1 seldom exceed '::tSOshoots per sq ft. From<br />

this it is apparent that 90 percent or more of the bilds on the rhizomes retn8in<br />

inactive until circumstances are favorable for their development. This reservoir<br />

of dormant bUds is a major hazard, for wheneyer. a stan~ of shoots is destroyed,<br />

some of the dormant buds Will be activated' and will very soon res13ta -<br />

blish the plant. . .<br />

The rhizomes Of qua.ckgrass contain a number of carbohydra.tes of which trit1c1n<br />

is probably present in greatest concentration. Total available carbj'hydrates,<br />

vary from about 30 to $0%of the dry rhizom~tweight according to Pinckney<br />

(12), Schirman and Buchholtz (1.4) and LeBaron and F~rtig (7). If one aSflWnesan<br />

average concentration of availa9le carbohydrates of ,40~ and a total dry ma~ter<br />

content of $000 lb/A, it appears that a reserve of 2000 lb/A of readily av~lable<br />

carbohydrates is stored in the rhizomes. Such,li!large reserve, along with<br />

the abundant supply of inactive bu4s, is ample reason why the growth of quackgr8J.ss<br />

is vigorous and w!:lythe regrowth occurs with such persistence. .<br />

The trends in total carbohydrate reserves during the year in quackgrass do<br />

not show the fluctuations that are found in many hel;'baceous plants. The work<br />

of Pinckney (12) and Schirman and Buchholtz (14) show;s that only minor var;Lations<br />

in reserve level occur during the year. LeBaron and, FeX'tig (7) found a substantial<br />

reduction in fructose content of the rhizomes djl.;r'ingthe winter, but their<br />

data are not fully comparable to the others cited, for it is based only on ,the<br />

content of fructose found in th~. tissue. Since there appeare to be no marked<br />

depression in total carbohydrate level during the seaeon, there is no most favorable<br />

time at which control measures directed at reducing the carbohydrate<br />

content may be initiated.<br />

Stoa, et aL, (15) was one of the first to comment,that the carbohydrate<br />

reserves of quackgrasa could be reduced by continual and consistent defoliat10n.<br />

Dexter (2) showed that organic reserves were reduced more readily after fertilization<br />

with nitrogen~ Defoliation by some tillage 9peration is no doubt effective,<br />

but it is inconvenient and requires the majqr portion of a season to<br />

produce the desired results. Alternative methods involving use of herbicides<br />

now'appe'ar l!I)re promising.<br />

Buchholtz (1), M~ggitt (8) and Fertig (3) have all reported on the superior<br />

control of quackgrass obtained withatrazine and other triazine herbicides.According<br />

to Schirman and Buchholtz (14) and LeBaron and Fertig (7) control results<br />

from the drastic reduction in carbohydrate reserves in the rhizomes following the<br />

treatment. !tappears that respiratory activity is maintained at a high l,-r'lll<br />

after trea'\;ment even t.hough photosynthesis is interrupted. The result is ~_.faster<br />

rate of depletion than can be accomplished by consistent defoliation or,m .<br />

other known method. D~pletion appears to proceed more rapidly when the t~,<br />

growth of the quackgrass is allow-edto remain intact for a month or more following<br />

treatment than.when it is removed. This is reasorulble for the presence:of<br />

the top growth increases the total respiratory activ,Lty of the plant. j, '<br />


18<br />

containing fertiJ.izer were app118dto the t;re8ted.ar~a~ TheappJ.ic.ti~~, ~t<br />

nitrogen st1muliltiecl the foliar growth of thegrasl ..,nd tended to incre.se, the<br />

. number of shoots produced.' Both ()f these :reSpo~se~;lIccelerlited the rate of·<br />

carbohydrate, de,P,l,~ti,on., Th," ,e qU,at;l,k,g~'~8 Plants,,.fe,'Il,PO,,, .,n", ~,",dd to, a pPlic,at10nl!l" Of, '<br />

atraz1ne a8 low as OS lb!A, but the.etfect wastrapfi1;ory, probably becaua.e<br />

of, .a sho.rt period 9£ residue, in'the so11. un~rboAQi7ions favorable f~<br />

growth' an epp%'eei81;lleresidue or ·.trazine W!lS peedecl,Ul. the eo11 for .bout<br />

2 m:lnths in ord~r tel fully dep+et.~, tpecarbohydrat~8..~ thel'hizomes.nq.s<br />

waf!generally accoll1pJj,shedwith ~l?P.J,.ications ot 41,~/J\. of atrazine and OClcasionally<br />

at th.g :l.blA rate .w~!'1' t~agewas \leel! w;retardregrowth aft.~<br />

a period of depletion. " .<br />

,., ,LeBaron an4Fertig(7) aleosl1cl~d that ~trqlz:educed fructose Qc!Ij1­<br />

centrstions in rl1izomes of treats!! plants. Tbe :re4wition was not as drastic<br />

as 'lI'henatrazinewasapplied and. the plants often ilNldeeomerecovery a1'tctl'<br />

several months. There is goode\t1dencethat one olVbeactions of smitrol 1s<br />

reduction 1nphotosynthet:l.c acti-n.tr', However, the,¢hlorotic response ~rently<br />

does not a.lways,persist long' filnbughto deplewcarbohytlrates to tq!, •. , ' .<br />

lethal P9int~, The alll1trol in the tissue is bound 'or metabo11zed so that ,<br />

eventually it is not presenti~ stif'ficient conc~ntr.tion to produce Chlo;'l)'"<br />

Eiis. '-!hen p~ologically active COncentrations o,t.amitrolare lost before<br />

carbohydrates are fully depleted, the plant recovers.<br />

5ioo.e the rhizomes in an infested area are a~nt,the carbohydrat4p<br />

reserves normally at a high level, and the dormant ~cr. very nwn.. oue., it<br />

appeared prot1tSble to determine the factors that int'lue1)Ce the activityq.r<br />

these buds.' If a means could be devised for lIiCJo.it.ng the activity of buds<br />

on the rhizomes, tol'1ar treatments for thecontroJ. r:?fquackgrass would bjs,<br />

IOOresuccessful tor a greater leaf area would be p",sent at time of tre~t..<br />

Increased ntimberso£ shoots would ,81so allow for IOOZ'!'~apid depletion olthe<br />

carbohydrate reserves than wouldo;therwise be the !lase. As an alternatiYll, ,<br />

it the buds coUld be treated so that they would reilJaindormant indetinit~,<br />

control measures might be devised IOOrereadily for the'weed would become'Jiillch<br />

less competitive and a large portion of the rhizomes would probably die trom<br />

nat~l causes withii1a year. 'Consequently, a, seri.e!S

during t,he sUllllller.is l,ower llndthe quackgrass is therefore able to develop<br />

more aggressively. In areas where the sOJ.ls are warm for extended periods<br />

during the SUIlIInerthe quackgrass is inacti va for long periods. This re

20<br />

June. Applications ot .300,lblA over five dates dJ,u'ing the growing season<br />

gave' sO/Il8Whlltg;reater activitylete in the se~so~'bu:t ~d llOt' fullyoyercome<br />

the dormancy oote4 during the early l3ummerll1Ot?-tb~. T~ second tOI'lll ofciormancy<br />

is therefore related to an mremely JP.gh~~:r'gon-nitrogen ratio in the<br />

rhizome tissue.' '. , " ,<br />

A third torm ot t'ormancy was shown by Meyer (9) to arise trom apical<br />

dominance. The inhibiting etfect was JOOstprono~d. uhen a shoot weBpresent,<br />

but this tom of d'Omancy co~ 1;>ed6Jl¥)nl3trateclOJl~{l1zomes sections ~'<br />

when the sheot ,was r'en!oved. ,The buds on nodes ~ta1 trom the tip enved<br />

the least activ:i.,ty.Thef.act tbat all budtl pos~,s the same ciegreeQ!:IlCtivity<br />

inherently ~l8.sd8Jl¥)nstrsted'bycuttingthe rhizoM- int-o single node sect1ons.<br />

TA/henthis was dbne, ~e buds t1'omthe various lop.j;,~ons on the rhizO/I1e,sbowed<br />

equal activity ,!t1d IGadeequal shoot growth.<br />

While it can be demonstrated that apical doMinance exists in quackgrass,<br />

it was tound ,this, diq,no,t acCount tor all ot the ~ dQrmsncy noted in the<br />

tield. Meyer (~) 'rembved th~ s_~

5. llslapon and other chlorine,ted organic !lciQs,iS:well as MIl, reduoed wot<br />

growth of ~8Ckgress drastically, but did not IlI8terially reduce bid<br />

dormancy is otten cited as the mechanism involved. A IIIOreexact evaluation<br />

"-" ot the response atter treatment with the chlorinated aliphatic acids is that<br />

bud activity is in fact maintain"', but thet the shoot growth is sharply<br />

reduced.<br />

The dsstruction of shoot growth after trea_not, with dalapon interrl1pts<br />

photosynthetic activity and some reduction in carbohydrate occurs, but at a<br />

rate MUChslower than in the case of plants treated:'wit,h atruine or amitrol<br />

because the respiratory activity!s lower. The residue of dalapon in the<br />

soil and in" the tissue is dissipated rather quickly and after a period of<br />

several, months partial regrowth .-y occur. This regrowth develops from<br />

buds that have remained inactivewb1le the dalaponwes present. Shoots that<br />

do devebp are apt to grow vigorously because of the relatively high carbohydrate<br />

reserve that has been lIl8inte1ned in the rhizome.<br />

The bud response followi~t~tment withMli is somewhat siJnilar to that<br />

observed with dalapon. Zick (16)' snd i1eyer (9) both found that bud activity<br />

was not altered lnaterially, but that the shoot growth was greatly reduced.<br />

Maximumresponses occur only under conditions that fmr absorption ofb<br />

chemical. Applications of MHdo not destroy t,h.' folia,ge so carbohydrates<br />

continue t~ accumulate. The maintenance of,th~ shoote also serves to maintain<br />

a considerable degree of apical dominance. Eventually inactive buds on the<br />

rhizome are releued and when t!lis occurs, teg;rowtb, is abundant and vigorous.<br />

21<br />

1. Quackgrass is a widely distributed and persistent weed in the northern<br />

states and ilj. Canada. The plant spreads zoap:l.dlNb1 both seeds and ridzomefragments.<br />

' The rhizomes are abundant in t,he surface soil and "<br />

normally maintain a total available carbohydrate content of 40% or I1lOre<br />

during the year. This, along with an abut1-dant'lUpply ot inactive bU~ ,<br />

on the rhizomes, assures vigorous and persi,stent,regrowth after de!o]J;ation.<br />

2. Qusckgrass plants treated wi.th,atrazine show marked reductions in the<br />

'total available carbohydrates in ,the rhizomes. The speed of carbo~te<br />

reduction 'is accelerated by maintBining shoot growth on treated plants<br />

and by adding nitrogen when a def~ciency ot ~e element occurs.! major<br />

r.esponse ot quackgrass to ,am1trol also in-volvesthe depletion of carbohydrate<br />

in the rhizomes. Amitrol may not persist in the active form<br />

in the tissue long enough to deplete the resel"VQ to the lethal point.<br />

3. The activity of vegetative buds en quackgras's rhizomes is reduced or<br />

limited by (1) temperatures above 25 C,(2) w1dec.rbon-nitrogen ratios<br />

in the rhizome tissue dUring late spring, and enapical dominance of<br />

shoots or terminal buds.<br />

4. '!'he growth substances inql.l8ckgrass mq be .~ lliaterid other than IAA<br />

for this cotnpoimdhad no detectable effect on the activity of vegetative<br />

buds. TIBiI.IOOdJ.1'i.edpolar transport of bud irJhj:biting tectors while<br />

NAAand various herbicides inhibi t~ or, el1ilQ.nated bud ecti vi ty.

22<br />

Literature<br />

Cited<br />

1. Buchholtz, K.P. Use of atrazine to control quackgrass in com fields.<br />

Proc , NCr,{;C17: 25-26. 1960.<br />

2. Dexter, S. T. Seasonal variations in drought resistance of exposed rhizomes<br />

of quackgrass. J. Amer. Soc. Agron. 3!I:1125-1136. 1942.<br />

3. Fertig, S.N. The effectiveness-of combinations of plow-down, pre-emergence<br />

and post-emergence treatments for quackgraSs control, 1960 results.<br />

Proe , NCWCC15:3l2-311~. 1961. --<br />

4. Johnson, B.G. Natural and induced dormancy of the vegetative buds on Ilhe<br />

rhizome. of quackgress (Agropyron repens (L.) lleauv.). Ph.D. thesis,<br />

Univ. of Wisconsin. 1958. -<br />

5. Johnson, B.G. and Buchholtz, K.F-. An in vitro method of eValuati~ the<br />

activity of buds on the rhizomes of quackgrass (Agropyron repens (L.)<br />

Beauv.). <strong>Weed</strong>s 9:600-606. 1961.<br />

6. Johnson, B.G. and Buchholtz, K.P. The natural bud dormancy of quackgrass<br />

rhizomes. Proc. NCweC14:29. 1957.<br />

7. LeBaron, H.M. and Fertig, S.N. The effects of chemical and cultural<br />

treatments on the food reserves of quackgrass rhizomes. Proc , NEWCC<br />

15:319-328. 1961.<br />

8. Meggitt, W.F. Herbicide combinations for quackgrass control. Proc , NC\r.rcC<br />

17:83. 1960.<br />

I<br />

9. Meyer, A. A study of factors affecting the bud dormancy of quackgrass<br />

(Agropyron repens (L.) Beeuvo).Fh.D. thesis, Univ. of Wisconsin.1961.<br />

10. Meyer, R.E. andBuchholtz, K.P. Some factors affecting the activity and<br />

growth of buds on quackgrass rhizomes. Proc , NCtllC 17:37. 1960.<br />

11.<br />

12.<br />

13.<br />

Mudd, J.B., Johnson, B., Burris, R.H., and Buchholtz, K.P. Oxidation<br />

of indoleacetic acids by quaokgrass rhizomes. Plant Phy.- 34:l44;148. 1959.<br />

Pinckney, A.J. Composition and vitality of quaokgrass roots. North<br />

Dakota Agr. Exp , Sta. Bull. 334 (Tech.). 1945.<br />

Segar, G.R. A~2rn repene - An introduction. Proc , British <strong>Weed</strong><br />

Control Cont. : 9-263. 1960.<br />

Schirman, R., and Buchholtz, K.P. The effect of atrazine on the carbohydrate<br />

levels in rhizomes of quackgraes , Proc. NCWCC17:19. 1960.<br />

Stoa, T.E., stl,JrlauglUl,V. and !'1cColly, H.F. Control of quackgrass by<br />

tillage. North Dakota Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 244. 1930.<br />

leo Zick, W.H. Factors influencing the effectivenes~ of maleic hydraZide<br />

in control1inlZ auack,,'!"/'''''''' Aa1"n~'" ~ft~~__ Tn..... L~ - -, - .,.

23<br />

• ·i<br />


!!'he Bearch -tor lUld·de1te~pment of promising. neillC'helDicals for weed eeatr!?l<br />

hIlS continued. rapidly.. So. ctoD has the Ileamlh,fornew ,uses for old :<br />

herbicides. Treatment method .... ' tilll8,the additiOn of adjuvants, and th,<br />

"correct" fOl'lllU:La't1onhave found ·'tl\e1r place' iathe:. fittJ.d of herbicide<br />

and practice." ~.•extemied \Ia.·of! newhei'bicidal :eheild:caJ.sis hardly<br />

r."eareh<br />

. '.<br />

possible withou:t khowleilge and :aU:1"ization of .thet acv. factors. .,'<br />

~~ U;,'<br />

Physical and chemical combinations of herbicides or herbicides and<br />

adjuVants, which l arebffii1g inteniidTely studied, appear promising as a means<br />

of increasirig heZ'btcidal actiVities or extending ~- selective properties:<br />

for weed control.<br />

Equipment is being -developed ~ mod:i:fiedt(j~'~ proper placement and<br />

to. take advantage of the physical properties afforded by herbicides formulated<br />

on"~lar IlIatel'ials. . . 'i 'i .,' .1,<br />

-~~ ~,<br />

Several chemicalfamiliesWwto ~d contrClli:.~ been introWCed ad<br />

apPear promising as herbicides':1n vai'1oussituatioblh- 'Only time and use Y.Ul<br />

prove the worth':ofnew herbicides.":<br />


Arylamines - Eli Lilly- and' Ccmpa!!y<br />

Dipropalin. (If,l(.i,di;'(n~prbW.J;)~, 6-din1 tr~"~J,analin.) was tolerated<br />

without visible injury by-a large number of field and horticultural crops when<br />

used as a prtl-.mergencetrea1lmen.t~•. <strong>Weed</strong> control..-: gdod to elCcellent •. .JIB<br />

withmilny heZ'bieides it appearsthatl ilIore chemical'1s 'reqUired on heavier"<br />

soils. Field crops which tole'r&tW'6-8' lbfA of. tMeo

'1'r1floralin<br />

(N ,!-4l"(!"~olo2.6-41rd.tr0-4-tJl:i't1uorOlleth11aDaliDe)<br />

appeve particular!7 pI'OIII18ins·in a DWllber of field and horticultural crop.<br />

as a pre-emerpnee treatjaent •. F1..ld,oorn, cotton, n..x, peanuts, and<br />

safflower tol.rat" 6 lb/A or more of this herbicide without risible sip<br />

of injUl'1, wbereu ~ broadl.aYed and P'au1 weedswere eradicated 01'<br />

controlled at rate. of ,. lb/A or 1•••<br />

!ronoU, eubap,eaulif1otlitr .... ,'CollUda, ,fi.w.r ....<br />

, baDOftr ..w,<br />

kal., llma~ beazuI•. lIWJtlu'd sre.... Jl&Il*l.1. pe.. ,~, lIWHt CO"" aa4<br />

turnip tolerat.d 8 lb/4 of tr1f1W1l1iD applie4~I"PDC•• ' PipHd,,....<br />

graae,carpet , era .... and'laBaqU&rtere .... .er.d1cate4 on lipt"l<br />

with 1 lb/Aw 1 S~l illcOl'JlO1'U1_ of tbie _~ .DbaIlC•• it8 .<br />

h.rbicidal actint,-. A~catumottriflora1Ul", .,~ted &PRJ or OIl'&<br />

p'anular carri.r after "l.an cultivation at 1&7-b1 appeare pJ'Olllieins.<br />

. tisccmpOUlld.hU done a ,004 job cODtrolliDl 0_....in t\lrf. D....­<br />

to turf baa beeri',"ported wh.re .b1Ib.', rat.8<br />

!!!.r<br />

, -'. I-<br />

of ~atiOll were uae4.<br />

(~£oLVj:j=ntt=:_r5nc.<br />

Thie herbicide appears promieins for th. pre __ l'pne.!:lODtrol ot ~<br />

broadl.aved and 1I"A887we.de in a wide variety of crops. Buckwh.at, cotton,<br />

C0wpH8" .f1a.t" _lh,and' .. pbHQe~ to _.,~,tol.r&llC. to 41b/A<br />

whe:reaaoorn, ,u... ~_, pe~" aatnowel', llIlC\-,~ toJ,vated &II..<br />

as 8 lb/A. weed control wae .xc.llent. Ba7.r 405~1"'tiDcl \I".. a<br />

direct.d sPRJ or in SJ'&Dula1'f01'lllaft.r cl.an cultivation at l&7-by.<br />

• ,i: ~-'IJ<br />

S.v.ral P'Us crope and SJ'&881 we.de appear-Yei7 tolerant to pc.t-<br />

.... rpne. applicatiOll8ot .4-8 Jib/A.· Y'; '.'<br />

.Dip." cl -' EM I4.Uz:e' CO!P!ily ... JJUebB'9o/IilAA.y<br />

. . , .':':J: \', ",.";: ,

Some damage to runners rssul ted frOlll'the high application rate 0 Postemergence<br />

treatments with 5 lb/A gave good control of weeds in cucumbers,<br />

cantaloupes, watermelons, and squash. Post-emergence treatments at lay-by<br />

- after clean cultivation would seem prOlllising. This herbicide appears to<br />

remain herbicidally active in the soil for extended periods, a characteristic<br />

which should be noted.<br />

25<br />

Du Pont 326 - E. I.<br />

emPont de Nemours Company<br />

The pre-emergence or directed post-emergence application of Du Pont .}26<br />

(3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1-methoxy-l-methylurea) gave good weed control in a<br />

number of field and horticultural crops.<br />

Field corn, oats, safflower,soybeans, and Sudallgrass tolerated 1-2 lb/A<br />

as a pre-emergence spray whereas ·lIIOaJtbroadleaved aadgtl'assy annual weeds wers<br />

controlled by application of 1/2 lb/A. This herbicide also looks promisiDg<br />

for the pre-emergence control of annual weeds in sweet corn and carrots.<br />

As a directed post-emergence spray, Du Pont 326. reportedly looks good for<br />

weed control in corn ·and cotton at rates of 3/4-3 lb/A. Some oontact injury<br />

to the lower leaves of corn has been reported butthia was short-lived.<br />

HPC7531 - Hercules<br />

Powder Company<br />

Limited trials show that the HPC7531 is extremely active at 4 1b/A on<br />

most crops and weeds as a pre- or post-emergence treatment. Peas, sorghum,<br />

and Sudangrass show limited tolerance to pre-emergence treatments. When<br />

used as a post-emergence treatment, 4-8 lb/A of HPC7531 acted as a Boil<br />

sterilant.<br />

HS-55 - Badische Ana1in and Soda Fabrik<br />

HS-55 is a combination of n-cyc1oocty1 dimethy1urea and butyny1 N-(3<br />

-chloropheny1) carbamate. As a pre-emergence spray at a rate of 4 1b/A or<br />

less HS-55 may be useful for the control of a number of annual weeds in corn,<br />

lima beans, and sugar beets. At application rates of 8 1b/A or more HS-55<br />

acts as a soil sterilant.<br />

Ago<br />

NFM5778 and NFM2995 - Niagara Chemical Division,<br />

FMC<br />

Pre-emergence applications of NFM5778 (4,6-dinitro-2-sec-buty1phenol<br />

acetate) at rates of 6-8 1b/A are promising for control of annual broad1eaved<br />

and grassy weeds in field and sweet corn, cotton, peanuts, peas, snapbeans,<br />

and soybeans. Few crops show tolerance to over-all post-emergence treatments.<br />

Pre·-emergence applications of NFM2995 (methyl !!-(3,4-dichloropheny1)­<br />

carbamate) appear promising for weed control in field corn, cotton, peanuts,<br />

soybeans, Sudangrass, sweet corn, lima beans, and snapbeans. These crops<br />

tolerated 3 1b/A without visible injury. Annual broadleaved and grassy weeds<br />

were controlled by 1 lb/A or less. Anover-all post-emergence spray caused

26<br />

some damage to .test: crops. Granuw Or directeOgt..emergence .tna~.,a~<br />

lay-~ may :hold prOlllise. ;:<br />

. •. . '. :' . . .. }. . ,:. ~,.: . . '" ." ."f :', :<br />

The thiolcarbamates continue to be promising as exce~lent. her~ici~[~n.<br />

a number of weed-crop situations. The high activity of several' of these compounds<br />

as pre-eme1"!Wncetreat.nts .'1Ul.dthel.owllc.t~·tY'as post.,.eJI)erpnce<br />

,treatments add to the versatilftj 'of' possible l18eii~" Soil-incQriJoration and<br />

fol'llh,tlation.stlldies arecontilll.liq -rapidly_<br />

R-1607 (propyl di-,e-proPYlth10lcarbamate) .an4a-1870 (eth1l-di-~~J..:"<br />

thiolcarbamate) appear particularly promising in a aeries of vegetable, leaf',<br />

.salad, 'and cole .cropeas ,pre-pluting soll-inc~t;l.pnor pr.-emer~<br />

treatments" R-l6o?ia report~.J":I'1 promiains'~-l!I01beans ,as a pr........ ~e<br />

treatment; with the granular f'OI'lIIUlation superior,to~eemulsif'iablec0DPJ8n'"<br />

trate spray formulation.<br />

':' The 6>1b/A'rate of R-2061(p:I'OPyl eth1l-,e~~lthioloarballla~) l.ooks<br />

go:od as. a :.pOtJlt...tanaplant tr •• ~t in "tomatot,.. ,peppers •. and str~berr~.a .<br />

at 6lb/A; . ~ep.riOdof

27<br />


ArthlW W. Galston l<br />

The Chemical control of pJ.Qil groWth is largeJg.~ empirical art which<br />

has only occasionally approached the level of a pre~table science. This<br />

empiricism is largely a consequence of our imperfeot unqerstanding of the<br />

nature of· the action of growth reg~ator,y chemical~ .such as the auxins.and<br />

gibberellins. It is a constant source of embarrassment to plant physiologists<br />

and biochemists that roughly 35",~s after the disoove1'!Y of auxins we are .<br />

still completely unable to. describe their mode of. &lotion in plant cells.<br />

Lest we become too humble and emba;rrasaed about this sta!te of affairs, it 1s<br />

well to recall that nowhere in biochemistr,y or phys1010gf :l,.sthere complete<br />

understanding of the mode of action of any honnone} even such well known<br />

systems as insulin have not been definitely pin-pointed biochemically. This<br />

has caused some people to wonder whether if, in invelitigating the mechanism<br />

of hormone action, we have not been barking up the wrong tree. All of us<br />

have been looking for chemical effects, and in order to lilXPlain the ver,y<br />

great efficacy of very few molecules of the honnone,we have tended to assume<br />

that the hormone either becomes part of an enzyme systelll; or controls the<br />

action of an enzyme system. Only in this way, it has been believed, can we .<br />

get the proper amplification to pe:nnit relatively large biological effects<br />

to be produced by a small number of molecules. Nonetheless, this line of.<br />

reasoning has been most unrewarding in the past and In fact we still know<br />

of no honnone whose action can be oompletely explained with reference to ~<br />

partioular enzyme system.<br />

Perhaps a part of the reason for our ignorancElof the mode of action .<br />

of honnones lies in the fact that we are only now beg!nntng to understand<br />

the structure of the ver,y complexl1llichine which we call the living cell.<br />

Just as one could not hope to understand the funotioning of an automobile<br />

engine without knowing in detail the structure of its component parts, M<br />

the student of any aspect of cell physiology cannot hope to be able to<br />

supply definitive answers without an intimate knciwledge .of the structure of<br />

the cell and of its component parts, In recent years a revolution in our<br />

understanding of cell structure has resulted from. 1;tle systematic applicat+on<br />

of electron miorosoopy and ultra-thin sectioning to tJ1e ,study of various<br />

cell types. BeeauseI believe that this new info~t:l,.on is basic to any<br />

discussion of oell physiology and of auxin action, ! shall preface IIl;y<br />

remarks with a brief description of our modern view of tpe plantoell. In<br />

so doing, I would like to remind you that while the o~nar,y light mioroscope<br />

is able to give us magnifioations in the range. of 1,000 diameters<br />

with a resolution dOlm to '.2 mierons, the eleotron lIIicrosoope has already<br />

given us olear pictures at 150,000 diameters magnif1~ation with a resolutipn<br />

of 0.003 microns. In faot the theoretical limit of resolution, being based<br />

on the wave length of the radiation employe~ can be imprpved still further<br />

by two orders of magnitude , This clearly brings us liown to the range of<br />

molecular dimensions. We should therefore expeot ~t ~thin the next<br />

several decades, the ~stematic improvement of elec~onMicroscopy and<br />

related. techniques will permit us to have a fairly qetailed view of the

2S<br />

J<br />

complex moleculail" architecture<br />

o.f the cell.<br />

I would like to show you tiNt a pictUi'e' 1)£.a cell in the root tip at<br />

maize. This is a transverse sect1on~ l75p, trom.the apex. T~e large.c~<br />

tral bodY is t.be nucleus with the darker c~1ft aNa8'andnumerou, Pclres<br />

in the double ,nuclear membrane. "The elongated c~ ·~through 'the<br />

cytoplasm are portiOns :of the lIlidOplasm1oretioUlliifirwl\ioh represent,Pt'ojectionS<br />

of'theriuolear doilblemedSrane •. The :nUllllili'OIls olub sba,pedor.· .<br />

106undedbodies Withintemal pro~cti6ns are thftlli1~ohondria with their<br />

cristae. The' grouPsdt sh61't ~swith veliliOUlul:.rIds&re Colgi bodie •• ,<br />

The lighter stipPled-apPeai'1ns~sin' the ti~pWin ,are the vacuole$.:, .;..<br />

Certa1nlyth1sia a beautiful 8rii "canplex maohifte~d'ItJ represents a strU.~<br />

ture towl'li Mial.l1'h7siologioal'data must be %',ete1,i8d'ff, indeed, we ~ to<br />

understand what we are tal1d.ng a~ut. .,". .<br />

In addition tothenumerousoytoplasmio structUre1swhich wehave jUst .<br />

seen, the plant -oell also posed"s a complex cell! will which is physic~<br />

quite rigid during lIIOstof the dtrveloJXDllntof tl'~;'beU arid ooilstrains the.<br />

protoplast frOlnexparvH.ng undet' the intlilenceot lnti!lrnal turgor pres~.<br />

Chem1cantthi~ 0.1;]. walloons18ts of'such mat~us' ¥ pectin,. polysaoc~ ,<br />

rides of "aMolis 'types (including cellulose), lignins, and proteins •.. T~_<br />

plant o;VtolOS!st, 11Sing light,lIlfoiQscopy, has b~'"abJ,eto dist1n~s~. ~. '<br />

middlelameUa-which we novibe:l;ieve to be mairily p'~ctin ~ nature, a p~<br />

wall which iis pl'ii:lllirily 'oellulosi'c and a secondart'·;,au which may oont4n,<br />

almostantthing. : This wall is'tx'Ucturemaybe contllulbu is but it is usuai.l.;r ,<br />

perforated by numerous pits am holes and electron mi~rroscopy has revealed<br />

thatoytoplasmio strands and perhs,ps even branohes .Of the endoplasmic 1!etioulUlllrUnfran<br />

'cell to cellth~~these per{ora,t1~ -. Thus, despite i~.<br />

separli.'tio~ into ~sorete wOoden'}ld~s,the l1,v1ng,.partof the plant bodr:<br />

does represent a p~toplasaa,~ cb,htinuum; thereap~!I to be easy 00lllllW1ice,..<br />

tion between cells by means of" their cytoplBSJlliq ,oQnnections.,<br />


pel'fQ.,..d,-.ear17M1932. that the administl'&tto.a of auxin to certain<br />

tnes otplUtceUsresults'1n;III'1,1ncrease inth.'l'1a.ttic extensib1l1tyot<br />

the1f8ll.-Sinee, .. we haveedd.htore,the Wall constrains the protoPlU­<br />

1110' contentll:.in their growth, a loosening up ot wa1l structure could lead to<br />

stretc~;of tbeceU under the 1Iitluenceot intemar' turgor pressure.<br />

This. 1s .the:lnterpNtation usU4lJ.T-J;sLvento explaiD"the cell extension pre;..<br />

mot1ng actJivi1l7 ,otauxln.· ' .<br />

iUntol'tunatel;rth1s cannot be the ClOI'IIpleteanewer. wemow, tor exa»­<br />

ple, that auxin promotes division of many cells in the plant. Manyyears<br />

ago, it became clear that cambial divisions in ~ spring were initiated by<br />

auxin OOIIIingtmll the growing bu6' above. TbSue ~tures of cambiai' and<br />

other ceUa trequentlT require an endogenous source: ot natul'al or art1t1~tal .<br />

auxin for tbecont:Uwation of cell division. The initiation of adventitious<br />

root., "hich 1nvol"'. celldiV:1e1cmin the per!ctele, i. also caused br.' ,<br />

auxin •. Clearl, then 'cell diTiision promoting .actiOO8 c;annot be attributed<br />

to the wall. In hot, since one generelly thinkllot the nucleus as the 1b1­<br />

tiator of the cell division cycle, one is tempted here 'to regard the nucleus<br />

as the intracellular locale of auxin action.<br />

But eventhb picture is not Oomplete. ~~ thirty years ago, Th1- .<br />

mann·aI1dsWeene;r,worldng with thecel18 of ~Coleqptiles, sb:lwed that<br />

the applicaUo*'o! awd.ntOauxf~t1cient c~li.wQUL~ initiate protopJ.Umic<br />

stream1ni':~ thatremovalot,.aux:l.n would1'$iE!ult tn a diminution ot. protoplasmic<br />

eti'ftla:l.ng~ . The~le aspect ot t~(·~~trol is that it CU1<br />

be ·exerted within several minutei. To what organeU8are we to look here?<br />

What is it that controls cytopl&lllll1,cstreaming? In :t~t we do not mow•.<br />

Th.. olosest we'canoalle is to 8~ that cytoplasm1c·.'t~am1l'!8 is quite obvioulJl7<br />

dependent 'on·an energy supply and an 8lttern~s~ply ot OJq'gen. Since<br />

it is the m1tochOndrion in which rtlspiratory activ1.tyl,s localized, we are<br />

tempted to consider the ml.tochondr1on as the seat.9.f plant hormone actien in<br />

this instance. Or perhaps we should look to the so-called "structure!es8<br />

cytoplasm. II<br />

In factex.per1ments pertoJ"llBd,lD8n1years ago ,!?yHenry Northen sho,e4<br />

that the eppllcatiOfl ot auxins to

30<br />

One approach would appear to be by the use of'labeled auxins. satya<br />

we now have techniques available for homogenizing,tnd differentially centrifuging<br />

out the intact organolles of.a cell" theoretJ:cally at least we could<br />

feed a labeled auxin to a plant eeJ.l and after spjlDning out. eacib. component<br />

of the cell we could count each .fraction to see 'Nha'e theradioactivityi'S'<br />

localized. I ,shall return to /fame experiments on this subject later. This<br />

technique is tricky in that the homogenization procedure may" in fact" cause<br />

the removal of labeled auxin frama particular organelle or, conversely" may<br />

artifactually cause its adsorpt1onon to an organelle to which it is not<br />

normally attached. '<br />

Perhaps a better technique would be histochemic4l autoradiography.,<br />

This technique has been of great utility for the m~clil&1" cytologist,S±noe<br />

it has permitted him to localize nucleic acids in the cell with great precision.<br />

Unfortunately the plant.growth hormone is present in the cell in,<br />

such low concentrations that this technique cannot ~e.employed. In 'factI<br />

do not know of anY work along these lines which hasi1yielded useful data4,:or<br />

the plant physiologist.<br />

I would like now to describe some experiments performed several years<br />

ago in collaboration with Dr. Ravingar Kaur and later with Drs. Satishand<br />

Nirmala Maheshwari. We decided to 'at!:llck the probJ,em of the .localization.a!<br />

auxin action in the cell by feeding C 4 carboxyl-labelled 2,,4-D to th61iJ:OWing<br />

cells of the pea plant and then atter hamoget4zat.ion and, differential<br />

centrifugation of the cell, counting each of the f,ractione. Since both ,<br />

the fractionation scheme and the basic results have. alreacl,y been pUblishecl."<br />

I will summarize them only briefly here. After the ,first homogenization<br />

we found that the cell walls and unbroken tissue fr~ents, which deposited<br />

at lowest speeds, contained a, si¢ficant number of counts. These however.,<br />

were readily removed by regrinding ,and rewashing.' We concluded that, in<br />

reality, the wall did not contain f:$.rmly bound 2,4-i:l. Other particulate ,<br />

fractions, such as the chloroplasts, mitochondria and ~crosomcs containe~<br />

smaller activity, which was very readily removed by gentlo washing and<br />

recentrifugation. In fact, the results of many such experiments convinced<br />

us that the great bulk of the labeled 2,4-D fed to tbe plant cell does not<br />

attach to any particulate fraction but remainsint~final centrifugal<br />

supernatant'fluid after homogeni~ation and centr1~uistion. This means<br />

that it is either in the vacuole cr' dn the clear Ils'\;ructureless ll fraction,'<br />

of the cytoplasm. ' '<br />

In order to see whether the 2,4-D 10calized1n.this way might poss1l:>ly<br />

be attached to a macromolecule, such as protein, weatt~pted both dialysi,<br />

experiments and coagulation of proteins. The dialysis experiments told us<br />

that,the labelled 2,4-Dpassed readily out of the bag, ~lthough not SO<br />

rapidly as similar material not 'in contact With pro~~in. All in all, ,the l<br />

data indicated no firm binding ot aUXin to protein..~he precipit.:ation<br />

experilnents, also, showed some small activity onthe,;coagulatedproteins."<br />

but whether this occurs in vivo or in vitro is hard to tell. ,What intore"ted<br />

us most was the finding that auxin'markedlY depresse,r:i t~e heat coagula'billty<br />

of the proteins in this phase. In fact in certaih~eriments the coagulability<br />

is so altered that there is no protein precipitate at all in the<br />

experimental (auxin treated) series, but/the control (auxin free) series<br />


a copious precipitate deposits after ten minutes of boiling. Subsequent<br />

experiments have revealed that this effect is proportional to the concentration<br />

of 2,4...D employed, both in stElllla, where 2,4-D promotes growth, and in<br />

roots, where 2,4-D inhibits growth. The minimal effective concentration<br />

appears to be about 10-6 molar in both tissues and the effect rises linearly<br />

with the logarithm of the conoen~rat1on emplqyed. There is no evidence of<br />

an optimum. Certain of these facts have, of course,. compelled us to doubt<br />

the physiological significance of this phenomenon, for, as you are aware,<br />

a graph relating growth effect to concentration of auxins applied to plant<br />

tissues usually shows a sharp optimum concentration, for growth promotion.<br />

I believe, however, that this is not a serious stumbling block, for in our<br />

laboratory we have obtained evidence that the growth inhibitional phase of<br />

auxin action on stems, at least, is quite separable from the grolvth promotional<br />

phase •. For example, in experiments with excised pieces of etiolated<br />

pea stem, it can readily be shown that when sugar is added to the medium<br />

there is an auxin optimum, but when sugar is omitted from the mediumthere<br />

is no auxin optimum. Regarding the lack of difforential effect on root<br />

and stem in our protein test system as contrasted with differential effects<br />

of auxin on root and short in vivo, we need only remark that there is good<br />

evidence to believe that the basic action of auxin in all tissues is fundamentally<br />

the same. Whether one aohieves growth promotion or growth inhibition<br />

as a result of auxin application is probably the result of secondary<br />

reactions of various types in the different tissues. At any rate, we do<br />

not believe, at the moment, that we need to relegate the results we have<br />

found to the limbo of the physiologically meaningless.<br />

What evidenoe do we have that the phenomenawe have discovered are<br />

in fact biologically meaningfUl? In the first place, the effect appears to<br />

be elicited only by those t,ypes of molecules which show auxin activity.<br />

For example 2,4-D and indoleacetio aoid are most active, phenylacetic<br />

acid and.2-3-5-triiodobenzoic acid are moderately active, and the antiauxin<br />

p-chlorophenaxyisobut,yTic acid is cqinpletely inactive. Secondly, only<br />

those cells of both etiolated and green pea plants which are capable of<br />

responding to auxin from a growth point of view show the altered coagulability<br />

pattern of proteins. Thirdly, kinetic studies have convinced us<br />

that altered heat coagulability maymnnifest itself as soon as two hours<br />

after application of auxin, although the usual time lag is four hours.<br />

Since we can first detect growth differences between .control and treated<br />

tissues in about one hour or so we are at least close to the range in which<br />

our effect must operate to be of significance in the control of growth.<br />

Fourthly, gibberellin, which produces no marked effect on the growth of<br />

excised pea stem tissue, is also without effect on alteration of the heat<br />

coagulability of proteins, though it does appear to synergize slightly with<br />

auxin, as it does in growth itself.<br />

an'the·chemicalside we have also done certain experiments to try to<br />

understand the nature of changes wrought in the proteins. The first question<br />

would appear to be this1 Is it protein itself which is changed by auxin<br />

trea"bnent or can we possibly be altering something else in the tissue which<br />

results in an altered stability of the proteins toward heat? The first<br />

thing to remark here is that the altered coagulability persists after prolonged<br />


'. '.32<br />

. dialysis against 'both EDTAand vater. Therefore, ,'wnatever is 'be1ngCh~Fed<br />

,_"is a macromolecule. The precip;ttate itself is 11Iorethan 90%protein but<br />

'does contain SOiftenucleic acid)~ ,sbinepetrtin' tyjle subs.tances and airlaU qUtq1­<br />

'tities of lipid. While we have found that' the .~&fi"tilm of cOmmercial ~~'to%'Us<br />

pectin will, in fact, alter the heat coaSU1abU1~"of pea proteins, tho;<br />

.quanti ties which we have hatt to add to produce this >I'lffeot are so large as<br />

.to be physio16g1cally unimportant in our, e:xperimen~~ ,The. crucial'test, .<br />

of the hypothesis that: pectins 8rtil altering the h~~~ coagulability of ,', .<br />

.proteins would be to isolate the pectins from pee.s~ add them to the proteins<br />

-and exaininethe effect 9fphy'aiological quantitie'is~fth\>se matwrials 01,1 "<br />

the 'heat coagulabilitY' patterns. We are currentl;r. pvrforming such exPeriment.s,<br />

.. . ! .<br />

Wehave also found that the auxin-induced reaction can be inhiBited<br />

,very markedly bY'ethionine at about 10-.3 M.Ano~Elr !ntp.bitor which SQElzaS<br />

to work fairly well is p-fluorOphenye.lanine.Siijde'bcith these substanclilS'<br />

are amino acid antagonists (for tyrosine and methionine rospectively)' We '.<br />

,.,.infer thllt protein synthesis '~ be involved 1ntJ11s auxin-induced roa~ori.<br />

This is a h!ghl$ tentative conclusion which must. ~·'axami.ned further, :.<br />

especially in view of the factthe.t ethionine is aleo'a competitor with .<br />

methionine for methyl group transfer reactions WhiChmayinvolve the pectins.<br />

Other' genara~inhibitors which have been found ett.octiive aro 2-4-dinit1'qphonol,<br />

at about l~ molar, iodoacetic acid at about 10-4 1I!0.larand potassiQlllC1!lnide<br />

at about 10-3 molar. The reactionalilo fails to occur in an atmosphere' :<br />

devoid of oxygen."<br />

Wehave als~ attompted to obtain evidence for .or against the fo;rmation.<br />

of a of anew pr?tein under tha:1pfluonqaof auxin \:)ysubjecting the par,tia1ly<br />

purifiGd soluble supernatant protein to ,electp:ph~sis both on paper and<br />

on starch. Our resUlts to date show that apprClXi!1l8telyfour maj"or peaks.<br />

are present in the electrophoretic patterns ot the: prqtei,tls, at pH 8.6 .. '<br />

with verona'l, ·buffer. .These se6ll1to be. altered qu~ti~atively as a res)1lt<br />

of auxin application, and one new small peak arises as the resUlt of8UXin<br />

application. The interpretation Qt:these :r:esu.J.ts1s ~ome'Hh£'.tuncertain, .<br />

and must nwai-tf'urther work•. Ou,r ,.tentati've concl~on is, however, that ,<br />

auxin treatmont has somehowalterod the protein :spe'ctrum of the cell, ,OM<br />

that such alteration may lead to somo or all ot thegt'owth effects noted'<br />

as a r"sul t of auxin applicotion. . :' . . .<br />

References<br />

A) Some of the data for the conclusions cited above aro"£ound in:<br />

1) Galston. A.W, and Kaur, R. An effect of a\ixins on th0 heat<br />

coagulability of the proteins of growing plant cells. Proc.<br />

Natl. Acad. Sci, (U.S.). l!2,,1587-1590, 195~. '<br />

2) and • The intracollular locale of auxin actiam'<br />

Ane1'l'ect of auxin onthe physical state.~f cytopltsmic proteins.<br />

in. Plant Growth Regulation, Proceedihgs of: the IVth Inti.· Conf'er-J<br />

enoa. 355-362. Iowa State College Press, 'Ames, Iowa. 1961.

B) A general review of the subject is found in:<br />

33<br />

3) Ga1ston, A.W, and Purves, W.K. The mechanism of action of auxin.<br />

Ann. Rov, Pl. Physio1, 11J239-276. (1960)<br />

C) . An art~c+a sUlllllla:t'iz1ng the Il'Y ll~olog1cal and chemical data will shortly<br />

be. sUbmittea, to the American Journal of Bot/UlY.

34<br />


Wuu..n F. Muri8og.~""<br />

J<br />

..I·am go1ag eortla1Ce It-mybwIlDe8*:iodayto ~;ii6DIisl~'lIlyour~..r Jl~ -,<br />

tb1s not from any feeling ofmal1cEltoWaidsyoUor from diD'titb8rnpessim1s'rri'WtI1Cb has<br />

as Its goal the negation of all construet1ve thought. Rather my hope Is that what 1 have<br />

to say will sharpen your notions about the resource weforesters work with and hetghten<br />

your appreciation of the problems that coufront us.<br />

One of our biggest problems at the moment is dec1dIDgwhat Is a weed. IrODicas<br />

it may seem, this Is actually the case in many parts of the region. Our forests on the<br />

Atlantic seaboard are extremely complex biologically. We have many tree spec1es<br />

that reach merchantable size and many that have a present or potential use in terms of<br />

the wood that they yield. Then toft there are wide regional differences among the for·<br />

ests of the Northeast •• from the boreal forests of northern Maine to the pine barrens<br />

of NewJersey. Bach vegetational region can lay claim to a number of species that<br />

are commercially desirable or soon will become so. In one forest with which I am.<br />

famWar, there are upwards of 20 spec1es that reach tree size. At the moment, ODe<br />

is about as good as the other in terms of the financial returns we can hope to gain by<br />

se1l1ngthem, and I for· one would be reluctant to call any of them weeds.<br />

One cannot escape the fact that the Northeast Is a forested country. The rural<br />

landscape is a forested one and this becomes particularly evident as one travels the<br />

hUlcountry to the north of here. Woods we have lots IIf. And as the miles roll by<br />

and the forested landscape unrolls before your eyes. the realization comes to you that<br />

this Is a wild crop over which man exerts only minor control. Mlch of it, like Topsy,<br />

Just grows. The degree of stocking, the species composition and the distribltiOD of<br />

age classes is none of our doing; the events that shaped the forests of today are now<br />

history and it is sobering to discover that many of the chaDges that brought about the1r<br />

present cond1tiODwere similarly beyond our control.<br />

As U the wide extent and the biological complexity of the resource were not enough<br />

to deal with, we are sooner or later brought face to face Ir1th the ownership pattern<br />

that underlies this resource. It too is complex in the ead:reme. Land ownerships in<br />

the reglon are characteristically small and the land is owned and taxes paid on it by<br />

people who have a whole arsenal of reasons for wanting to do 80. Bven U it were physically<br />

possible, let alone financially desirable, to manage these forests intensively over<br />

wide areas, management prescriptions would falter and fa1lin the face uf such an<br />

ownership pattern. Bothsocially and economically. then, our contrel of the resource,<br />

crude as it may be, 18 further constrained and we are reduced to the role of consultants<br />

who, by our powers of persuasion, hope to influence others to do what we think to be<br />

the r1gbt thing in the right place at the right time.

This narrative of ineptitude must be tempor8rilylillJ.ted at this point to allow me'<br />

to draw your attention to the forester's peculiar burden,.time. Without appearing to<br />

be pedantic, I would like to emphaSite that it takes a longtime to grow a tree. Commercial<br />

hardwoods of sawlog size talf:eupwards of SOyears to reach maturity, while<br />

our fastest growing conifers need 35 or 40 years before they become saleable. Whether<br />

due to climate, past geological events or man's activitY, it is nevertheless true to say<br />

that the lengthy time periods tnvolved with the productiOn of mature forest crops in the<br />

Northeast constitute for the forest manager, as opposed to the manager of any other<br />

enterprise, one of the most serious impediments to IIU1Ilagement. Howis one to plan<br />

for an SO-year period? And how are such plans possible when so little is knownabout<br />

the resource we would control and when the climate for control, of even the most<br />

modest proportions, is so inhospitable?<br />

Butlet us proceed. It is an old aphorism that tlieworld is many things to many<br />

people and this is nonetheless true of the forest and the people who use it. There are<br />

those who work in it, those who live in it, some who huilt or fish in it, many who<br />

recreate in it, ,and appreciable numbers who draw their water supply from it. The<br />

forests of the Northeast are experiencing all these uses today in some degree or other.<br />

In some cases, these varied uses arecomplementary; unfortunately, it is more common<br />

for them to come into conflict with one another. Use creates value, and it has<br />

been our historical experience that use changes with tirhe:and with it the values that<br />

arise from such use. Ours is athn~that breeds ~ and we are witnessing today<br />

rather revolutionary changes that prOfOUndlyaffect the'uses to which we put our forests.<br />

These changes have their origin in the large centers of populanon that separate the<br />

forests from the sea and have to do with the geometric nature of population increase<br />

and the flourishing development of oUr urban way of life. The peoples of these heavily<br />

populated areas are on an active crusade for "Lebensrauin" and they are going to the<br />

very place where they can gEt it easiest, the woods. 'q1eir quest is not only one of<br />

acquiring living space but also of finding solace and seClUSionfor short periods of time<br />

aside and apart from the press of people that daily surrounds them. Bytheir numbers<br />

and the economic power that they wield. these people have created de novo a use for<br />

the forests of the region which is both popular in its' appeal and pre;';ing in its .needs,<br />

As foresters. we have not been trdned to meet this ch4Uenge. Our management<br />

techniques are fashioned around the production of wood fOr uses that are of long sranding,<br />

such as lumber. pulpwood or poles. We are not ecpipped to handle the diversity<br />

of use that arises' from the recreational use of forest land nor are we able to prescribe<br />

with any intelligence when confronted by a request for management techniques<br />

that would have the effect of upgrading the aesthetic values of forest property. Here<br />

again, we are reluctant to say categorically that this or that is a weed tree and should<br />

be eltmtnated, For who is to say what is weed arid what is not? We are dealing here<br />

with subjective preference which it is beyond our ability to objectively determine, Our<br />

present asseeament of the greatest good or the highest value that the forests pOssess<br />

may be so altered by the passage of time and the changes that it works that there will<br />

be those who, in future time, will setiously question oUrsanity.<br />


36<br />

I wouldlike to.adpinsult. to ~ry by dwelling.for a ~pme,nt on the uncertainties<br />

that plague the forest' manager' int[1e~9i.l;beast. I woUld~U1ce'tP paint for you a v~~<br />

pictute of Jo Sylv~ JuattecentIy. grad~ W1thabacb~oi:~ f\)restry degree froma<br />

leading school ofbi~~OJlUte. Jobas ~.luclcy enough tq)lU?-da Job as manager 9f,a<br />

10,OOO-acretr,.ac~ ono~tlapd inS,~utheastern New Hainplh1;re. apd he bril1fJ to~e<br />

Job all theentliliSiasm 8ndlcnowledsetlui.tbis training and~:r years can muster. '<br />

His einployer's WtJ:'UCtiODSare both ~rse and to th~ point ,~-, "operate in such a mal'.·<br />

ner that I get a netreturn from my in~~ent each YetU'.aij.devery year."<br />

,~ , : "f' _ ' ',c.'; i _ );' !<br />

Jo bas beeq,thorougbly' school~ 011bow to cruise timber and how to measure, grpwth<br />

rates, sIllshe proceedswith a1acrity~ow.ake a detailed in~tpr)r of the forests wUku:<br />

bis Jurisdiction. This'done, he figUres' Outhow much ¥bMin saleable wood pro~,<br />

ducts, at what rate bis growing stock is increasing, and hOwmuch he can afford to cut<br />

each year for the,n,ext 50 years. Let's assume that he C;~ cut the equivalent9flOOO<br />

cords. of wOodper year. His next Job is finding somewhere .tosell the wood. fie "<br />

scouts the area with1na lOO-mile radius of bis forest and dls~overs' that he can sell<br />

some white pine to .a pail and tub faptory, some spruce PUlPitQ a construction co~,<br />

'some 89O'dgradehardwood logs to a flirnlture manufactu;rer. and about 500 cords Qt,'<br />

spruce to~ pulp mUhome 75mUesdistant. He goes ~'tq,bis desk and figures Out<br />

what he bas to cUt, where and at whats.eason of the year,WbatJ:he prices must be to.r<br />

bim to show a profltQtib1s operatfou 8ndwhat si~e crew ~e Willhave to bire to .~tbe<br />

work done most efficiently. So far,' it aUappears str~rward and quite wi~ .<br />

the compass' of bis' tecbD1cal ability'. '.'Sowithout flirtheJ: ~,'J9 IJegins to operate Jds,<br />

woods. ' . .<br />

Let's assume now'~ '10 yeaks~"ee1a.psed and th~:~e are paying Jo • visit to<br />

see howhe is gettp1g on v- ~er all, .lite mostfores~ei's,ba is a likeable chap., .<br />

Imagine our di$may and horrOr whenwefind that Jo is no longer there. He was f~<br />

two years ago. It dOesnot take long to find out why. On,tnCJIiry, it transpires ~<br />

the pail and tub factory went out of business in the interim, tbe,construction firm<br />

started using altun1'munpiling, thefuriUtui'e manufacturef~d buy cheaper hardwood<br />

imported from Liberia, and the pul~.JllU1had sWungover'tO,a's,emi-chemical process<br />

which 81lowedit to use low-grade sprGiuthardwoods whichlt could buy for next to<br />

nothing in great quantity'from farmwqocJlots in its immediate vicinity •. Poor Jol<br />

In ~erence to ~ current public, demand for a hapPf~. however, let us<br />

continue in time to the year 1980 wh~ .~ luck would have it, ,.e happen to pass Jo's<br />

old forest IJ881n in the course of being tdlcenfor a Sunday ~ve,by our married ~ter<br />

andfamUy. We are surprised by~l~~ sign which says. "TranquU Acres" and'~<br />

on to announce thatcamp1l:1gfacilitlesare' available.tothePubUc for a sum of $5.00 per<br />

family per night,that sWimming andtenDis are' available "",side attractions, and.<br />

yourfricmdly hoSt is Jo Syl"a~ Notb1J:lgw11l do but that we stop and see our friend.'<br />

, Weare greeted at the'ooor by a.corpulent hunkof cordiality Whois all set to sign'Qll.up<br />

for the weeItend andwe have some tJ;oUl:I1c identl,fyingourse1'Vesbecause of the bifOcals<br />

and receding hairlines' that we have acquired in the intervening years since our last<br />

encounter. We soon reestablish our relationship, however, and we find that not only

does Jo run a recreational facilitythat'isih~llV11ypatrOnl:ledtheyeataround but healso<br />

has a portableparticleboard'assernblywbioh he hss mourit~(N)n struck and whioh'he<br />

moves fr.om one bloWdownarea totbe other. The hurtlclihe6f1971lookedlikea i ,<br />

major disaster for Jo at the time but this new particle boa1'dinachine that uses small<br />

red maple stems in short lengths as its raw material enabled him to convert a seemingly<br />

hopeless situation into his biggest mOJley-tnaldngaSset oVem'ight'almost. SUitably<br />

impressed by the resUtency of the' maa, we take our ISave and ,marvel for the remainder<br />

of the day on the magtdtude of the changes. that have occurred in the short time' thEIt1iie<br />

have knownIo and his forest..'<br />

'11/1y reasons for relating this tale must surely be obvioos. I wish to empbasize<br />

for you that risks and uncertainties ~as mu~ a' part of the natural environmentiri<br />

forest management as the trees themSelves. lfour hlstadeal experience is anyprecedent,<br />

we can be sure that the future Willbring majorchallgeB in price for the prod&lCts<br />

that we have to sell and that these ptl:¢e cbanges will be affected to asignificant'degtee<br />

by technological de:velopmentsthat create new uses for Woodtlndin so doing make suddenlyvaluable<br />

species Whichhitherto we considered valtieless.In short, we can'<br />

expect present uses to change and newuses to develop fOt species that we attaeh:aouse<br />

to at present. The forests within which these species grow are just as likely to change<br />

in ways that are not orderly or within dur control. It' islfllte within the bounds ot'<br />

poSSibility that certain orour more valuable specieswUl sucO\lmbto some pathopn<br />

such as has happened in the past with birch, chestnut, aDdnow perhaps white asia.<br />

Cat'ac1ysmic events, such as fire or;Wind, may affect out grOwing stock in suddeft and<br />

serious fashion so that we are impelled to reviSe our cutttng schedules in such a way<br />

as t,osalvage losses or rebuild out inventory • And all,ot't'hellechanges, I would have<br />

you',note,are eXtraneous to the forest and have nothing'cddo Withthe way the trees<br />

grow or how the forest composition changes overtime. Their influence is great,and<br />

their significance is the greater the more intensive the degree of management. In<br />

other words, the more elaborate the management ,program fora given tract of forest<br />

land, .the more disruptive is the effect Of events of tbisnatllre.<br />

It becomes evident, then, that the forest manager ... eneompaesed about with a<br />

plethora of variables that he can seldOm:predict or control., More often than not, he<br />

operates from mcompl~e knowledge of the events which 'f/ill d~emnine the COllt1m.led<br />

integrity of his' enterprise. In this tndeftnite aura of ehaz1Seand uncertainty he bas<br />

now been preSented with a herbicidal toOlthat enables hiDlto control with greater<br />

efficiency the composition of his forest~ All well and gOod. He knows too from the<br />

experience of others ~·the effects of· suoh herbicidal tr.eatments are not whollypre~<br />

dictable, that they vary with the nature of the carrier, 'Whetheroil or water, with the<br />

season of the year in wbichapPlied, the type of vegetatiGlftbeingtreated, the sprouting<br />

ability of the species treste4,.and ·the intensity of the treatment. To add to his misery,<br />

he:does not know nor canhe 1~W$.th._YcJegree of cetUtnty how-much such herJld~<br />

cidal treatments will' cost wqenappliied to bj.f;lWoodsaact1heBites that they grow on,<br />

and there are cohflictingopinionB:a8to the lJestchemica1'1llD.'iIpply and the bestmarmer<br />

in which to apply it -- foliage spray, basal spray or frW by axe or tree injector.<br />

Then, too,he has long considered that there are certain sites where it would be<br />


38<br />

f'~iQl~. ~bQtb~micaUy andpb~Q&UY' to r~~~QU8g.1;'Owth bybe3:~qi~<br />

contro! Q1tb' '~w~" haJ:dwood$~ JY?:one has giv. ~JtJ,:IeI1l~,whereby i,le'Pan<br />

iden~ dtes~Nli. ~~ the ground" .'ffJ.e~nder otttis~ taO!ql~Y for~tersha,e<br />

us~ .these ~Qals at aU. "<br />

ba~eqtheybave doDeso wlthgood JU~J,nt.<br />

:P1£ttbey:<br />

this w~d contro! WQI'k, .and hav~ beardor read aboQt~~~, ~, ~d' I wUl~f<br />

mention som~C)f.~ more si~c. ijBeB as they ~ ~or .asthey are likelY,,~,<br />

develop in the near future.<br />

'<br />

AsklBUlar lin" wiPespread ~8I;teristic of()U;~~:woodJ,ands in the Northeast<br />

is theb:::den8iq ot:~~. Inv~ythere are t~·~~.s~ per unit area. f\>r<br />

I Pave seens~'~<br />

the~0l.'e81:$to ~npidly~ ~tb18dense veg~ve~ rntlitates aga1~t ~"<br />

natural etUQYlntllt-QfthewOOd$by _~. The naturalinf~tyof the soUs .the,(;~upport<br />

these dewle:WISlQC1ehas a UmitiJ)g ettecton the nwnberot:"teR\S that reach oper~e<br />

Sizes, the c~~ being the.UUsMllcalfor l18tUl'a1JOl'f!St to-be compot!Jed;o(<br />

large stems ratberwide1y spaced 1W4.~r these stems to-be ~erspersed wlth,1W~ous<br />

smaller fltQl.1llJ•. \I81Jallyof a dlffer._pecies. In most9l¥'eB, the prOOuctivity~the<br />

site Is aQeCflatelY:\ltWzedby the ~ trees so that ~".~er trees ~me:~1<br />

impedimeot.. U ~"re \lncerta!n "'the abI,llty ·of~ 9Ver~1;Qry trees to repr~ .<br />

theJD;selvesQX'.wereoperating in anar.., where sproutiQl;was not su

Another pote1U:ialuse for chemicals in forest management has to do with the thinning'<br />

of plantations that are compoBedot species that are liable to infection by~<br />

annosus f Tbisrooc rotting organiBm'epreads both subtei'raneally and by spores and<br />

is particularly serlousin plantatiou& tIU\t are in the pale stage. Thinning by the conventional<br />

method of cutting creates stUmps that are infection sites for the activated<br />

spread of the pathogen but it is possible to circumvent thi8:difficulty if the trees to be<br />

thinned arc poisoned by frilling and allowed to disintegrate in place. Since so many of<br />

the earlier tbinnings in plantations do not yield usable wood, it is entirely possible that<br />

this means of thinning will not only cost less but be productive of fewer hazards.<br />

There are many woodland owners today who are interested in growing Christmas<br />

trees. Where there is available open land, there are few problems that a good mowing<br />

cannot cure. The situation is somewhat different with those who plan to raise their<br />

trees in areas that are already wooded. It is possible for them to clear off a patch of<br />

woods and to maintain this area in an open condition at the expense of much time and<br />

labor. A more feasible method involves the thinning of the present forest cover to<br />

permit enough light on the forest floor to encourage the growth of coniferous transplants.<br />

We have tried this and it seems to work. We thinned an oak-maple-hickory stand<br />

rather heavily and after sprouting had taken place, treated the cut stumps with a<br />

2, 4, 5 - T solution in kerosene. Some months later we planted the area to 2 x 0<br />

Norway spruce, and after one growing season they appear to be doing well. The competition<br />

from what hardwood sprouts remain is inconsequential.<br />

The release of conifers from hardwood competition has always seemed to be a<br />

most logical occasion on which to use chemicals. In view of what I have said previously,<br />

I hope you will forgive if I do not wholly subscribe to this seemingly obvious contention.<br />

I am ready to admit, however, that there are some sites where the relative productive<br />

potential of the site under conifers is so superior to anything that we can hope to derive<br />

from hardwoods grown on the same site, that little doubt exists as to the advisability<br />

of chemical release work. I am immediately reminded of some of the problems that<br />

our cohorts to the south are faced with. But there are large areas of the Northeast<br />

where conifer release is not justified economically or sUviculturally and, as I have<br />

tried to indicate previously, wemust know more about site quality as it affects growth<br />

and be more certain in our predictions that future markets will offer suitable compensation<br />

for the costs involved.<br />

There are many other subsidiary uses of chemicals in forest management and,<br />

depending on what you do and where you happen to be, they may be of considerable significance<br />

to the success of an operation. I have encountered references to the use of<br />

chemical weed control in watershed management and in fire protection and both, in<br />

their respective local areas, were considered to have great promise. The emphasis,<br />

however, continues to be on the herbicidal control of "undesirable" species, and it is<br />

this type of blanket prescription which prompted me to enter upon this discussion of<br />

change, uncertainty and the insufficiency of our present knowledge about what is or is<br />

not desirable.<br />


40<br />

For ifc~be our ,lot and\ll1certainty $tree t:benMe'hadbetter be fle.xiblein<br />

our purposes and a4ept.at altering~. •We onlyD.y,iatJle face of troubleifW6 ..ch$inel<br />

our eltorts. into asl.1,ISe andsaetUl

Newapproaches in the use of herbicides<br />

turf llIlUIagement<br />

c. Richard Sk~gleyl<br />

in<br />

The control of weeds always hils been and probably always will be an important<br />

factor in the'maintenance o-f turf. A review of the literature dating<br />

back prior to the advent of theintrQduction of 2,4-D, ancl modern day weed eontrol<br />

practices .would bear this out.<br />

Someof the earliest reports on selective weedcOl'ltrol in turfgrass callle<br />

from the Rhode ISland Agricultural Experiment Station. Experiments had been<br />

started in' 1905 to compare fertilizer mixtures' designed to affect the soil reaction<br />

differently. An acid, neutral and alkaline· fertilizer was each applied<br />

to different grasses. three years later differences became ~Jite apparent'<br />

betweengrasse$ and by 1910 it was .noticed that weeds were least abundant on<br />

the plots receiving the acid fertilizer. Although Kentucky bluegrass was .<br />

favored by decreasing the soil acidity, clove~ and weeds were more prevalent.<br />

ThiS work was continued for manyyears and a number'of publications wet.<br />

written which included data from these trials (3, 5, 6, 8, 10). It is interesting<br />

to note some of the early reactions to the ~&sultsobtained. Hartwell<br />

and Dainon(8) in discussing the work !Stated that "Ongen.ral principles<br />

perennial grasses will be permanent to the extent tha~ their specific requirements<br />

are fUlf~lledeither naturally or artificiaJ1ly". They also wrote<br />

that "Even when the specific needs' of a grass are known, it is not ,always advisable<br />

to maintain these needs because the growth of certain undesirable<br />

pl arrts, such as weeds and fOUl grasses, may be promoted by the same conditions".<br />

For quite a number'of years the "Rhcqe' Island weedle•• lawns" received great<br />

publicity. Here was an admitted case of penalizing the desirable grasses to<br />

aid in weed control. In 1910 with little knowledge available what choice was<br />

there?<br />

,. .: - .. - . ',",<br />

These investigators continued their efforts, however, until they were<br />

convinced that it wasn't soil acidity 2!t 1! but rather differences in plant<br />

tolerance to aluminumwhich increaseQ; in thesolls01utionwith increasing<br />

acidity.<br />

It wasn't until almost 1940'that Rhode Island gave up trying to control<br />

weeds in turf by keeping the 5011 in.~ acid condition. It had becometoo"')<br />

diffic1.ll t to maintain any kind of91'assunder these cc>nclitions'- even Co10ni/l,1<br />

bent. .' . ,<br />

Sprague and EV8ul'in a NewJersey bulletin, (13) published in 1930 made<br />

this statement "In general it se,ms sensible that fertilization to control<br />

weeds shOUldbe cor'lducted on the ,basis of ,encouraging vigorous growth of the<br />

turf sa that grasses may successfully compete with weeds. The development of<br />

excessive acidity may cause more trouble than the weeds themselves". Researchers<br />

in both states seemed to agree that keeping soils 'very acid to prevent<br />

lAssociateProfessor of Agronomy-TurfManagement.University of Rhode Island.

42<br />

weed growth wasn't the best answer. Amongprofessional men in the field today,<br />

however, there still are those who are not convinced that the acid soil theory<br />

of weed control should be discarded.<br />

Reginald Beale (1), writing in Great Britain about 1930, made this statement:<br />

"There are tens of millions of pounds spent on education every year and<br />

yet there are still manywho cannot understand that' when ~{eeds come up in a<br />

lawn, or elsewhere, it is a perfectly natural occurance, in fact it would be<br />

unnatural if they did not, because every part of the earth's surface contains<br />

seeds or spores of some sort of weed or another". He goes on to write" It is<br />

essential for the owner of a lawn, no matter if it be sown or turfed, young or<br />

Old, to fight the weeds year in and year out if he wants anything approaching<br />

a good lawn". Mr. Beale then goes On to explain how these weeds are to be<br />

battled. Small lawns, those up to about 15,000 sqU~re feet, can be handweeded.<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>s in larger areas may have to be suffered in reluctance. He did sugg~st<br />

one chemical treatment if the turf contained a great many weeds. A material<br />

called Carteri te, or lawn sand, COUld,be broadcast at a certain rate. This<br />

notation was made: "Lawn sand being highly caustic will burn everything' ineluding<br />

the grass, and will kill upwards of 80 pere~nt of the weeds, only the<br />

very strong and deep-rooting varieties escaping". Can you imagine a rec~.men.<br />

dation of this sort today?<br />

In a book written by Dickinson of Massachusetts (4), published in 1930,<br />

a few chemiCals are suggested for turf weed control. Dusting ammoniumsulfate<br />

on the leaves of certain weeds, or painting them with a concentrated solution<br />

of the chemical is suggested. Iron sulfate spray is suggested where dandelions<br />

are numerous.<br />

Another book (2), published in 1933, listed i+on SUlfate, copper SUlfate,<br />

sulfuric acid and sodium arsenite as chemicals available for selective weed<br />

control in turf.<br />

other chemicals often suggested through the 1930's for spot treatment of<br />

weeds were kerosene, powdered lead arsenate, powdered fertilizer, and sodium<br />

chlorate.<br />

This paragraph appeared in a 'past issue of turf CUlture (7). Can you<br />

guess when it appeared? "A few years ago when the news of a cheap, effective,<br />

reasonably safe method of controlling weeds in turf with chemicals began to<br />

spread, there were manywho harbored the allusion that this was the final<br />

answer. There WOuldbe no more we$dsl Simply sprinkle a magic powder over the<br />

lawn and presto! - a perfect lawn with no work involvedl This idea, more than<br />

any other, has retarded the cause of chemical weed control by producing disappointing<br />

results. Some illusions are dispelled quickly, others gradually;<br />

this one takes no time at all. The first trial convinces anyone that che~al<br />

weed control is but one step in the production of beautiful turf". This might<br />

logically be from an article written today but actually the date was 1939. The<br />

chemical in reference was sodium arsenite.<br />

Just where are we today in turf weed control? . First, I believe all turf<br />

specialists are in accord that good managementis the first and most important<br />

step in control. In the recent book on weed control by Klingman (1) this

43<br />

sentence would bear this out". The importance of practices that produce a<br />

strong and vigorous turf cannot be overemphasized.<br />

Items that are generally agreed upon as necessary of consideration in management<br />

are proper establishment procedures, selection of weed-free seed of<br />

the right grasses, correct usage of lime and fertilizers, proper cutting and<br />

intelligent use of water.<br />

Proper method of establishment involves several things. The soil itself,<br />

soil additives used, if any, slope and drainage all have a bearing on the finished<br />

product and the ease of maintenance - including weed control. One procedure<br />

that is often recommended, and many times employed, is seedbed sterilization.<br />

Haphazard and sloppy procedures for establishment seem the rule rather<br />

than the exception. The use of proven soil sterilants such as methyl bromide,<br />

calcium cyanamide or sodium methyldithiocarbamate could very well be included<br />

as one step in proper lawn establishment. Manylawns are lost or end up in<br />

poor condition because of weed competition in the first few weeks after seeding.<br />

This is particularly the case since most lawns are started in the spring ­<br />

despite years of education to the contrary.<br />

The selection and use of good seed is also related to weed control. The<br />

seed buying public, it would seem, places most of the blame for lawn weeds on<br />

the seed companies. This is hardly the case but the high weed content listed<br />

on the label of many of the cheap "supermarket" mixes might make you wonder.<br />

Wedo knowthat some seed lots contain weed seeds that cause real concern ­<br />

mouse-ear chick'<strong>Weed</strong>, velvet grass aOOcertain ~ species. Good seed mixtures<br />

containing small quantities of tall fescue or Highland bentgrass also<br />

add to the list of complaints about weeds in seed mixtures. Most of the cheap<br />

seed mixtures contain a large percentage of annual ryegrasses and other coarse<br />

textured species that may be temporary under lawn conditions. These temporary<br />

grasses often disappear quickly leaving large bare areas in which weeds may<br />

flourish. The use of high class, adapted, seed mixtures is very important in<br />

~he fight against weeds.<br />

Low, wet areas or high, dry ones that might have been eliminated with.<br />

proper grading or construction often add to the lawn weed problems. The chances<br />

are good that certain weeds will adapt to these situations muchmore quickly<br />

than do our good turfgrasses.<br />

It is a most unusual soil, here in the Northeast, that is not inherently<br />

deficient in the major plant nutrients and is not considerably acidic in reaction.<br />

These are conditions which make turf production within the region a<br />

more complicated job than in many other areas of the country. The better<br />

turfgrasses, currently available, do not perform at their optimumunder the<br />

conditions normally prevailing. It is necessary to add nitrogen, phosphorus<br />

and potassium to most of our soils. It is suggested that they be added in<br />

good quantity when establishing a lawn and at least twice a year thereafter.<br />

It is also desirable to lime soils regularly to develop and maintain a pH of<br />

6.0 to 6.5. Unless these amendmentsare made we can expect persistent weed<br />

problems. There are many more weed species, covering a wide range of adaptation,<br />

than there are lawn grasses. It is only when the grasses are receiving<br />

a reasonable supply of nutrients that they are capable ·of holding their own<br />

against the multitude of competitors.

It might dispel some confusion here to hazard &1'1opinion, shared by<br />

numerous turf specialists, regarding fertilizer usage. - Manydifferent grades<br />

and formulations of fertilizers can be used successfully in a turf management<br />

program. The~e is nQ single grade ,brand, or type that is yet recognized' as<br />

being superior oV4trall. Certain ratios are often given as guides and application<br />

rates are suggested but beyond this it has been Clearly demonstrated- that<br />

dense, vigorous turf can be maintained with many different grades and formulations<br />

of complete fertilizers.<br />

Perhaps it should be made clear also that too much fertilizer can be as<br />

damaging to ~ maintenance program as too little or none at all.<br />

There should be little doubt anymore that cutt£ng height of turfgrasses<br />

is a critical consideration in the management of lawns. Numerous studies have<br />

clearly indicated a close correlation between heig/ltof cut and depth and extent<br />

of rooting. Qoberts and Bredakis .(12), in a rtport from Massachusetts in<br />

1960, reviewed 35 years of root studies. A number of concjusdcns were drawn<br />

on the basis: of these many studies. A very important-one is as followsl<br />

"Regardless of the type of grass under experimentation, clipping or defoliation<br />

at regUlar intervals inhibits the development of new roots in comparison ~th<br />

nonclipped tu;rf. ·Onmost species and strains this reduction in root development<br />

becomes progressively greater as the height is·'lClWered"•<br />

. There are differences in cutting height ·to1erance among the genera,<br />

species or varieties of lawn graScS8s. These have been pretty well detennined<br />

and every article on cutting management suggests minimumcutting heights for<br />

the various grasses. Grasses that are cut consistentJy, shorter than suggested<br />

invariably become weaker and are less able to compete with weeds. In addition<br />

to this,grasses weakened by too clos.e mowing are; 1_" able to tolerate herbicide<br />

treatment. The problems encountered in treating close-cut golf course' ­<br />

turf with herbicides Is a good example.<br />

Another facet of cutting height relates to weed seed germination.<br />

Ught intensity minimumsmust be exceeded before certain weed seeds can<br />

germinate •. T,1'leCOllllllOn crabgrasses, for instance, do' not germinate or grow 11'1'<br />

fairly shaded areu. Keeping the soil surface shaded by maintaining a dense<br />

turf, cut at recommended heights most assuredly aide In reducing the weed<br />

popUlation.<br />

Water usage in turf management is important in +ooeedcontrol. It has been'<br />

very. enlightening to me to see firsthand many clear cases of weed infestation<br />

positively correla~ed with improper water usage. This has been most Clearly'<br />

shown following. the installation of irrigation systems on golf courses and<br />

home.lawns •.. .fQai!3mIi' crabgrass, bentgrass and evetta few of the broad1eaved.<br />

weeds often flourish and gain the ~pperhand within two or three years fo~Xowin9<br />

the install.ation of irrigation systems. This is particuLarly the case whe~<br />

the grass is cut too short, is thin, or the water is 'applied lightly and 'fr$quently.<br />

It is likely that an increased incidence of disease is many timel!;'an'<br />

intermediaryin-re,pect to turf density, water usage and weed population. In.<br />

overly ..wet ..collditions.disease ismClre prevalent and damaging and frequently'<br />

thins the turf open:l:ng it up for invasion by weeds. ' .

More and more each year since the advent of truly selective weed chemicals<br />

the publiC has come to rely on the herbicides as anessentail part of turf management.<br />

I doubt if there are many who would argu& with this belief. <strong>Weed</strong>s<br />

such as crabgrass, Veronica, mouse~ear chickweed, mwhlenbergia, dandelion,<br />

plantain and, when out of place, bentgrass are seldom controlled by management<br />

alone. There are other weeds in this category also. Mlny of our commonturfgrass<br />

weeds are controlled readily with 2,4-D. I WOulddoubt, however, whether<br />

there are many turf specialists who still don't have certain qualms, even after<br />

manyyears of research and use, about recommendingthis widely used herbicide.<br />

Injuries are reported every year, as are failures, even when the material is<br />

used to the best of our knowledge. Because of the many interactions amongthe<br />

wide range of variables governing the growth of a given piece of turf we still<br />

cannot predict with accuracy the reiponse to herbicide treatment. A chemical<br />

that is dependable in one area of our region may not be in another. Endothal<br />

is recommendedfor the control of a Veronica species in one state in the Northeast<br />

but cannot be made to work safely in another. Chlordane, for crabgrass<br />

control, has given erratic reSUlts from one location to another and from one<br />

season to another. One of the newer crabgrass herbicides, Diphenatrile, has<br />

given excellent results in two years of testing within one state but has done<br />

poorly in another state only 200 mil~S distant. Calcium and lead arsenates,<br />

although exhibiting real possibilities, have not been promoted because of lack<br />

of consistancy. They almost always give excellent control of crabgrass but<br />

on occasion they are damaging to the turf.<br />

The reasons for variable results with the many herbicides are numerous.<br />

Most of the reasOns are not clear or fully established. Weknowthat soil<br />

type or texture has a bearing on results with chemicals applied to the soil.<br />

The base exchange capacity of the soil, influenced mostly by the clay and organic<br />

matter content influences the actiVity of herbicides. Microbial populations<br />

of the soil govern breakdown of certain herbicides. The persistence<br />

of these herbicides in the soil, then, would depend on the size of the microbial<br />

popUlation and the rate at which they can increase.<br />

Time of application of herbicides - spring, summeror fall, is critical<br />

and for various reasons. The growth rate of the turfgrasses and the weeds at<br />

the time of herbicide application is most important. This has been documented<br />

and reported, on many occasions. Factors governing the growth rate - soil<br />

moisture, temperatures and fertility levels must always be adequate for the<br />

optimumtiming of herbicide application.<br />

A recent study by Rice (11) at the University o~ Rhode Island indicated<br />

that the roots of certain putting green grasses reach their greatest depth and<br />

maximumextensiveness during the spring months. Extensiveness and depth both<br />

decrease during the summerand roots remain shallow even through the fall<br />

months. This study is not complete but if the present indications shOUldbe<br />

born out by further research or review then mid- to late-spring application of<br />

herbicides to turf for selective control of biennial or perennial weeds should<br />

prove considerably safer than late summeror fall applications. CurrentlY both<br />

seasons are suggested with the fall season frequently being favored. Additional<br />

studies of this more basic nature are badly needed in the turfgrass field. Regional<br />

projects on turfgrasses, completely lacking in the northeastern region,<br />

at the moment, could be most instrumental in conSOlidating and validating many<br />

of the loose-ends and conceptions or mis-conceptions currentlv exis~ina_<br />


46<br />

It is intere$tingtolook around' within the region to see how many herbicides<br />

are presently .being recOJlllllendedfor turf weed control. The number is few.<br />

This despite the fact that manycheuii~als of. proven potential are available.<br />

Howmany of these J.nterestihg chem1cal ls are actuall y'being reconrnended orPJ'Omated:<br />

2,4-0, 2,4,5-1, Silvex,'sodlum' arsenite, phenyl mercury, calcilJll<br />

arsenate, potassium cyanate, the atsonates, Chlordane, Zytron, Dacthal,<br />

Diphenatrile, .Endothal, Calcium Cyenamide, Vapam, methyl bromide? And there<br />

are many others that could be added to this list - both old and new•<br />

. 'I<br />

There are many obstacles to'overcome befon we clln actually get off the.<br />

ground and feel that we have a "new approach" 1n tUrf. weed control with herbicides.<br />

Progre$sin this field has been slow. It is Slow for as Dr. Klin91J18n<br />

.,(9) states, "Be~au&e millions of ccnsumers and hundreds of turfgrasses and<br />

ornamental pl~nts are involved, the job of educating ~sers is more complex<br />

than in other areas of weed conllrol" .../.Wecertainly have come some distance<br />

since the introduction of 2,4-D. With closer cooperat~on among states, with<br />

the federal goverl'lllent and amonglndustry the next 10 years could be much more<br />

productive in developing the fielo than has all of the past.<br />

Li terature<br />

Cited<br />

1. Beale, R. Book of the lawn. Cassell &Co. London. 1931.<br />

2. Cubbon, M. H. and l'8rkuson, M. J. Soil management for greenkeepers.<br />

W.F. Humphrey, Geneva, N.Y. 1933.<br />

3. Damon, S. C.<br />

Ext. Bul. 48.<br />

The making and care of lawns. R.I. Agr. Expt. Stat<br />

1927.<br />

4. Dickinson, L. S. The lawn. Orange Judd Pub. Co., Inc. NewYork. i9301<br />

5. Garner, E. S. and Damon, S.C. The persistence' of certain lawn<br />

grasses as affec.ted by fertiu"zationand competitlon. R.I. Agr. Expt.<br />

Stat Bul. 217. 1929. .<br />

6. Gilbert, BasilE. and Pe~et,F. F. Toleranoe ofcettain weeds and<br />

grasses to toxic aluminum. Soil Sciill'iCe 39: 42a-428. 1935.<br />

7. Grau, F. V. Chemical weed control on lawns and sports fields. Turf<br />

Culture I: 53-60. 1939.<br />

8. Hartwell, B. L.and Damon, S. C. The persistence of lawn and other .,<br />

grasses as influenced· especially by the effect of inanures on the degree<br />

of soil acidity. R•.I. Agr. Expt. Stat Bul. 170. 1917.<br />

9. Klingman, G. C. <strong>Weed</strong> control: As a science. John Wiley 8. Sons, Inc •.<br />

NewYork. 1961~<br />

10. North, H. r. A.,Odland, T. E. and DeFrance, J. A. Lawn grasses and their<br />

management. R.I. Agr. Expt. Stat Bul. 264. 1938.

11. Rice, E. J. The effects of cUltivation and gypsumtreatments on seasonal<br />

root growth of E2a~ and Agrostis palustris on putting greens. M.S.<br />

Thesis, Univ. of R.I. 1961.<br />

12. Roberts, E. C. and Bredakis, E. J. What, why, how of turfgrass root development.<br />

The Golf Course Reporter 281 12-24. 1960.<br />

13. Sprague, H. B. and Evaul, E. E. Experiments with turfgrasses in New<br />

. Jersey. N.J. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bu!. 4971 30-34. 1930.<br />


1+8<br />

'WEED CONrROLBY DIME1'HYt..:mRACHL6ROl'E1lEPHl'~'1'l!:<br />

ALO~ ANDIN<br />

CEm'AIN CCJ.lBINATJ:otlS<br />

L. E. Limpel, Paul H. Sohuldt, acdl n&tYid Lamont 1/<br />

[<br />

Dimethyl tetraohloroterephthalate in pre-emergenoe applioation onto<br />

freshly oultivated soil pos ses8S II remarkable residual aotivity against lIIaby .<br />

annual grasses, e.g., orabgrass (pigitatia spp.),' tbll foJCtails(SetaEia sW.),<br />

and barnyard<br />

weeds, e. g.<br />

grass [Eornoo~o: orus-galli<br />

purslane (JlrtiJ:C _ olenoea<br />

(L.) Beauv.] and some broadleaved<br />

L.) and lambsquarters (Chenopodium<br />

~ L.). However, at reoommended dosages, it is ineffeotive for oontrol of<br />

ragweed (Ambrosia spps ) and Gal1ns~a spp, and usually provides only partial<br />

oontrol of pigweed (Amaranthus app- and smartweed (Polygonum spp.). The<br />

utility of this ohemioal would be greatly inoreased if it effectively controlled<br />

these latter weeds, but none of many experimental formulations has<br />

enhanced activity. In a continued effort to broaden the uses of this herbicide,<br />

it has been combined with several other materials used in pre-emergenoe<br />

applications.<br />

There are two ways in whioh combinations of weed killers can improve<br />

weed control I (1) The mixture lIID.ybe synergistic, i.e., a given weed speoies<br />

may be far more susceptible to the mixture than it is to either of the oanponents<br />

applied alone. (2) The mixture, in a simple additive fashion, may<br />

control a broader speotrum of weed speoies. It would be expected that oases<br />

of true synergism would be rare, and unless there was an antagonistic interaction,<br />

simple addition of spectra of aotivity would tend to be the rule.<br />

h order to take full advantage of this type of addition, the two herbicides<br />

to be combined ought to be as dissimilar in this respect as possible.<br />

Cbviously, such combinations would be restricted to use on crops which<br />

tolerated all components.<br />


The herbicidal materials used in these studies are listed in the table<br />

on the following page.<br />

In the greenhouse test, soil contained in metal flats 12" X 8" X 3"<br />

deep was broadcast seeded both to pigweed (bmaranthuB retrof1exus L.) and to<br />

barnyard grass. Each species was restricted to a specific area of the soil<br />

so that pure stands would be present. The seeds were lightly covered with<br />

soil, and the following treatllB nte were then immediately sprayed onto tho<br />

s oil surface I dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate, CDEC, and NPAeach at<br />

2 lb./acre, dimethyl tetrachloroterephtha1ate + CDlOOat 2 + 2 1b./acre, and<br />

dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate + NPAat 2 + 2 1b./acre. The treatments<br />

were replicated three times and three untreated nats were included as checlcs.<br />

The flats were retained in the greenhouse untill good growth had occurred in<br />

the checks at which time total fresh weight of the aerial parts of each<br />

speoies was determined. Per cent control was calculated on the basis of<br />

reduction in fresh weight as compared to the checks.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,-- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - --<br />

Common<br />

Active<br />

~ Trade-mark ingredient Fortnulatiop. ~<br />

DACTHALW-50 dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate<br />

50 W Diamond<br />

Alkali<br />

CDEC VEGADEX 2-chloroallyl diethyl- 4 lb./gal. Monsanto<br />

di thiocarbamate<br />

E.C.<br />

NPA ALANAP-l N-l naphtllyl 90W Naugatuclc<br />

phthalamicacid<br />

crrc ORl'HO3-CHLOROisoproP)l N(3-chloro- 4 Ib./gal. California<br />

rrc EMUISIVE phenyl carbamate E.C. Spray<br />

DNBP PREMERGE dinitro-~see-butyl 3 Ib./gal Dow<br />

phenol, alkanolamine<br />

salts<br />

2,4- D CROPRIDER 2,4-dichlorophenoxy- 4 lb. ae/ Diamond<br />

AMINE40-2 acetic acid, alkyl gal. Alkali<br />

amine salt<br />

2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxy- Experimental Diamond<br />

acetic acid Alkali<br />

chlordane CHIPMAN<br />


octach10ro-4,7-methanotetrahydroindane<br />

and<br />

related compounds<br />

50 W Chipman<br />

49<br />

·In the field tests, treatments were applied in 50.gallons of water per<br />

acre from a one gallon hand operated sprayer equipped with a Teejet nozzle.<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> control was always calculated from 4 or 5 independent estimates of the<br />

per cent of each plot covered by weeds, regardless of species, unless othe~<br />

wis~ specified. The most commonweeds encountered in the field were barnyard<br />

grass, crabgrass [Digttaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. and ~. ischaemum<br />

(Schreb.) Muhl.], pigweed Amaranthus retrof exus L.), purslane, smartweed<br />

(Polygonumpensylvanicum L.), ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifplia L.), and<br />

galinsoga.<br />

Each plot in the Lima bean test was 3' X 30' and dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate<br />

at a and 4 Ib./acre, DNBPat 4 and 2 Ib./acre and dimethyl<br />

tetrach1orophtha1ate + DNBPata + 4, 4 + 4, and 4 + 2 Ib./acre were applied<br />

one day after cultivation and planting. There were three replicates in a<br />

randomized block design, and the combinations wore applied as tank mixes.<br />

Treatments were sprayed onto 3' X 15 1 plots two days after the onion<br />

plants were set. Thero wore four replicates in a randomized block design.<br />

The following treatments were applied, the combinations as tank mixes:<br />

+.A+.,..n..... },'n,..n+_t:u ••onh+'J.,r:l' ....+~ ..+ do .......;1 J ,"" J____ "T'nf" _..L ,<br />


50<br />

In the third field test, in which no crops were included, a somewhat<br />

di~terent' approach was taken. The test area was thoroughly cultivated with<br />

a rotovator,and then divided into four equal blocks or replicates. Bands<br />

4 16" wide were treated with dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate at 6 and 2<br />

:l,b./acre, sprayed. in a north-south direction, the length of the replicate,<br />

each replicate being treated separately. Also, untreated north-Bouth barns<br />

of the same width were included -in each block. Baoos of the other herbicides,<br />

5 16" wide were then applied in an east-west direction, the width of the<br />

replicate, crossing the bands of dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate at right<br />

angles. Dosages applied werel'Crro at 4 and 2 lb./acre, NPAat 4 and 2<br />

lb./acre and.2,4-D'at 2 and llb./acre. Again, each block was treated<br />

separately and untreated east-west bandswereinc],uded. This procedure<br />

resulted in a series of 4 16" X 5 16" subplot~ containing all combinations of<br />

dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate with all dosages' of the other herbicides.<br />

In addition, subplots containing each dosage of each herbicide alone, as well<br />

as untreated oheoks were formed.<br />

Plot size in the crabgrass oontrol test was 7' X 7' with three replicates<br />

in a randomized block design. Combinations were applied as tank mixes<br />

in 100 gallons of water per acre. Dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate at 10<br />

and 5 lb./acre, 2,4-D at 0.5 lb./acre, NPAat 10 lb./acre, ohlordane at 40<br />

lb./acre, dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate + 2,k-P at 10 + 0.5 lb./acre,<br />

dimethyl tetraohloroterephthalate + NPA at 10 + 10-and 5 + 10 lb./aore, and<br />

dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate + chlordane at 5+ 40 lb./acre were<br />

included in the test.<br />

The amount of weed oontrol whioh could have been expeoted from the combinations<br />

was oalculated and is reported in eaoh table. The following<br />

formula, whioh was derived from the literature on inseotioide synergism (1),<br />

was used to oalculate expeoted weed oontrol assumiDg oomplete independent<br />

action of the components in the combinations I<br />

x = %weed oontrol by h6rbioide A at p pounds per aore<br />

y = %weed oontrol by herbioide B at r poullds per aore<br />

E = expeoted %weed control by A + B at p + r pounds per acre<br />

E=x+y-~<br />

This equation is oonsidered to be valid only when applied to a given<br />

speoies. When oombinations are evaluated against a population of mixed<br />

speoies, the relationships beoome muoh more oompli~ted. However, it is<br />

assumed that oaloulations of this sort give a meas~re of enhanoed weed eGOtrol<br />

due to a broadening of the speotrum of susoeptible weeds. True<br />

synergism, unless very pronouncsd , w::luld tend to be masked when oombinations<br />

are evaluated against mixed speoies.<br />


The results are presented in Tables 1 to 5. There e.re three instanoes<br />

where certain combinations appeared to provide oontrol of given speoies<br />

greater than expeoted I' dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate plus CDECagainst<br />

barnyard grass and dimethyl tetraohlorotcrephthalate plus NPAagainst<br />

pi~eed (Ta?le 1) ~~. ~im~~hyl_tetrachl?roterephthalate plus ohlordane

__..:I<br />

whether or not these apparent cases of enhanced control are meaningfUl should<br />

await further evaluation.<br />

In the field tests (Tables 2 to 4) against populations of mixed speoies,<br />

certain trends seem apparent. Most combinations provided weed control<br />

better than eXpected. In general, greatest benefit seemed to be imparted to<br />

the lower dosages of dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate. Differences between<br />

actual weed control and expected control appeared to increase with time. In<br />

other words, the oombinations responded less to dosage and provided longer<br />

control than the herbicides applied alone.<br />

TABIE 1<br />

Relative Effectiveness of Dimethyl Tetrachloroterephthalate<br />

Alone and Combinedwith CDECand with NPA­<br />

Greenhouse Test<br />

Dosage, Ib./aore<br />

Dimethyl<br />

tetrachloroterephthalate<br />

other<br />

2<br />

o<br />

CDEC2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

o<br />

2<br />

NPA2<br />

2<br />

o<br />

Per cent<br />

Pigweed<br />

control 11<br />

Actual Expected<br />

85 81<br />

81<br />

87<br />

53<br />

o<br />

53 93<br />

78<br />

Barnyard grass<br />

f.ctual Expected<br />

96 81<br />

38<br />

11= Actual per cent control based on fresh weight.<br />

= == = = = = = = = = = = = = === = = = = = = = ===== == = = = =::;: = =<br />

TABIE2<br />

Relative Effectiveness of Dimethyl Tetrachloroterephthalate Alone<br />

and Combinedwith DNBPin Field-Grown Lima Beans<br />

Dosage. 1b. lacre<br />

Dimethyl<br />

tetrachloroterephthalate<br />

8<br />

4<br />

8<br />

4<br />

4<br />

DNBP<br />

o<br />

70<br />

9.3<br />

%weed control, days after treatment 1I<br />

40<br />

Actual Expected<br />

95<br />

66<br />

4 .CJ8<br />

42 93<br />

85<br />

o 4 41<br />

2<br />

97<br />

80<br />

78<br />

36<br />

51<br />

49<br />

Actual Expected<br />

80<br />

30<br />

11= At 40 days the check was'4 per cent covered by pigweed, purslane,<br />

'\.. ... __ ~<br />

1.._______.:I _.L. I • .:1 .!.L an .L

6 . 2,,,""D2 90' "88 77 54.<br />

"l 0'> &') ",n· ?t:.<br />

52<br />

TABIE3<br />

Relative Effeotiveness of D~th,yl Tetrachlorot~phfhalate Alone<br />

and Combined withCIFC, in, Onion Traosplapts .• F:ield Test. '<br />

- - - - - - -~. ---<br />

DAAage, Ib./acre<br />

Dimethyl<br />

tetrachlor~<br />

terephtha1ate CIPC<br />

8 0<br />

4 0<br />

8<br />

4<br />

o<br />

- -- _.- ~ -----<br />

------~;~ - - --<br />

Per cent weed contr612S<br />

. tree.t1nent~.1J<br />

Actual<br />

63<br />

36<br />

4<br />

2<br />

97<br />

82<br />

4<br />

2<br />

o, .. ~. • I<br />

76<br />

41<br />

------------ --------------------<br />

days atter<br />

Expected<br />

1/.==The check waS. 94pe.r~tl!lt ~overed by. pigweed, smartweed,<br />

.ragweed, purslane, gal1l'lSogB., and barnyaJd grass,<br />

. ..-. -<br />

=========================.=.~-~===========<br />

TABIE4<br />

Relative Effectiveness Against <strong>Weed</strong>s 'of Dimethyl Tetntchloroterephthalate<br />

Alone and Combined with CIFC,'NPA, am 2,4.;.D • Field Test<br />

- - - - - - ----- --- - - - -- - --- - ---- - - - - - - - - - --<br />

Dosage, lb, lacre Per cent weed contrDl at days atter<br />

Dimethyl<br />

treatment.JI<br />

tetrachlorc. 31<br />

42<br />

terephthalate other Actual Expected Actual Expected<br />

6 0 57 33<br />

2 0 36 7<br />

6 crrc 4 81 82 55 48 ..<br />

2 '4 86 72 45 28<br />

() 4 .57 23 ..-<br />

~,~.<br />

','·6·, (,lIPC2 80 ' 70 49 38<br />

2 2 :S'--.. 56 ·16 14<br />

0 2 31 8<br />

6 NPA 4 86 88 70 52<br />

2. 4 91 81 66 33<br />

0 4 71 28<br />

6 NPA 2 85 72 65 39<br />

.:2 2. 84 58 48 15<br />

0 2 34 9<br />

92<br />

62<br />


Dosage. Ib./acre<br />

Dimethyl<br />

tetrachloroterephthalate<br />

other<br />

6<br />

2,4-D 1<br />

2 1<br />

o 1<br />

TABLE4. (Continued)<br />

53<br />

Per cent weed control at days after<br />

__ --..:'~_- tre~tl!..lolY'--__ = _<br />

31 ..,...,.--,~L;2...:...",,_~...,.<br />

P.ctua1 Expected Actual 3.xpooted<br />

86<br />

84<br />

43<br />

Jj =At 31 days the check was 97 per cent covered by barnyard grass<br />

crabgrass, purslane, pigweed, and galinsoga, and at L;2.days the<br />

check was 99 per cent covered by the same weeds.<br />

======================================<br />

TABLE5<br />

75<br />

64<br />

71<br />

55<br />

12<br />

Crabgrass Control in Turf by Dimethyl Tetrach1oroterephthalate<br />

Alone aOO in Certain Combinations - Field Test<br />

Dosage, Ib./acre<br />

Dimethyl<br />

Per cent control 134 days after<br />

tetrachloroterephthalate<br />

other<br />

Actual<br />

Expected<br />

treatment 11<br />

10 0<br />

91<br />

5 0<br />

43<br />

10 2,4-D 0.5 91 91<br />

o<br />

0.5 0<br />

10 NPA10 87 91<br />

5o 10 26 43<br />

10 0<br />

5 o<br />

chlordane 40 65 45<br />

40 4<br />

J/ = The check was 23 per cent covered by orabgrass.<br />


Dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate has been tested in various combinations<br />

with CDEC, NPA, DNBP, CIro, 2,4-D, and chlordane. In general, the results<br />

were qUite promising and tend to encourage additional research with these as<br />

well as other oombinations.<br />


1. Busvine, J. R. ·1957. A Critioal Review of the Techniques for Testing<br />

Insecticides. Commonwealth Institute of Entomology, London. 208 pp,<br />

41<br />


54<br />



E. F. Alder and W. L. Wright<br />

Diphenamid is the tentative common name for N,N-dimethyl-ct,ttdiphenylacetamide.<br />

Last year at the regional weed conferences<br />

we first reported the selective herbicida1.-propert:l:.esof thie<br />

compound and other substituted diphenylace,amrdes (1,2,3).<br />

Confirmatory eVidence has subsequently been'published (4).<br />

Diphenamid is an effective pre_emergent herbicide against annual<br />

weed grasses and several annual broadlea! weeds. It has shown<br />

useful selectivity in several horticultural crops. A list of<br />

crops which have been tolerant to diphenamid at rates through<br />

eight pounds per acre is presented in Table 1.<br />

Table 1. Crolls Tolerant to Diphenamid at 8.lb/A<br />

- - - ~ - - ~ - - ~ - - - -<br />

tomatoes (seeded and<br />

Peppers (seed4d and<br />

Strawberries<br />

Snapbeans<br />

Lima beans<br />

Peas<br />

,Potatoes, Irish<br />

Potatoes, Sweet<br />

transplant)<br />

transplant)<br />

Cabbage<br />

Nustard<br />

Radishes<br />

Turnip •. l<br />

Kohlrabi<br />

Rutabaga<br />

A list of weeds classified according to their susceptibility to<br />

diphenamid at rates of four tq six pounds p,r acre is presented<br />

in Table 2. Diphenamid has given excellent control of most<br />

annual grass ~eeds tested. Broadleaf weed control has been<br />

promising but variable. Rainf.ll or irrigation'soon after treatment<br />

improved 'the broadleat weed control perto'rmance of diphenamid.<br />

1. Contribution of Eli Lilly and Co., Gre~nfield Laboratorie~,<br />

Greenfield, Indiana<br />

2. Head, Plant <strong>Science</strong> Research, and Plant Physiologist,<br />


~ ~_~ __<br />

L<br />

L<br />

Table 2. <strong>Weed</strong> Susceotibility to Diphenamid at 4-6 lb/A<br />

55<br />

Susceptible<br />

------<br />

Crabgrasses<br />

Foxtails<br />

Barnyardgrass<br />

Goosegrass<br />

Stinkgrass<br />

Cheat<br />

Pigweed<br />

Lambsquarters<br />

Carpetweed<br />

Chickweed<br />

l-loderately<br />

Susceptible<br />

Wild oats<br />

Fall panicum<br />

Ragweed<br />

Smartweed<br />

Wild mustard<br />

Purslane<br />

Tolerant<br />

Jimsonweed<br />

Velvetleaf<br />

Venice mallo.r<br />

Field<br />

Tests<br />

Tomatoes<br />

Diphenamid was applied to field-seeded and transplant tomatoes<br />

in 33 experiments at Greenfield, Indiana and at other Indiana<br />

locations. A. total of ten varieties of field-seeded and transplant<br />

tomatoes were tested. Spray applications were made with<br />

either a modif~ed Hahn Hi-Boy sprayer or a ~~lky spray unit.<br />

Plot sizes varied in the different experimehts but were usually<br />

greater than 50 square feet. <strong>Weed</strong> control wa~ determined by<br />

counts or visual ratings.<br />

Table 3 presents data from a typical pre-emergent experiment<br />

on field-seeded tomatoes. Application was made immediately<br />

after seeding the tomatoes. Grass weeds were large crabgrass<br />

and yellow foxtail.<br />

Table 4 presents typical data from an experiment on transplant<br />

tomatoes. In this experiment diphenamid was applied as an overtop<br />

treatment on the transplants pre-emergence to the weeds.<br />

Grass weeds were large crabgrass and yellow foxtail; broadleaves<br />

were pigweed, lambsquarters, smartweed, and ragweed.<br />

In all tests, four pounds per acre was adequate for weed control<br />

on light soils. Six pounds per acre was needed for heavy soils.<br />

On heavy soils, field-seeded and transplant tomatoes were not<br />

d.amaged by diphenamid at rates through fifteen pounds per acre.<br />

In one experiment of the fiv~ experiments oonducted on sandy<br />

soils,.moderate early injury to the tomatoes was noted at the ten<br />

pound rate. A. month later this damage had disappeared. Final<br />

yields were not reduced in any of the experiments. It is apparent<br />

.~~+ A~_~_~~_~~ ~ __ft~_ ~_ ~ __<br />

~_<br />

~<br />

' __ ~<br />

L _

56<br />

Table 3. W~ed Control in Fieid-Seeded tomatoes with DipLenam1d<br />

:>Percent <strong>Weed</strong> Control<br />

- - - .- - - - - -- ~ -<br />

Diphenam1d' Grasses : B!o~d!e~v!s _<br />

_ _l~:!l! _ __ _ _ ~igw!e£l _ !:a!!.lbtq~att!r~<br />

Wettable<br />

Powder<br />

4<br />

6 8 "<br />

12<br />

Granules'<br />

8<br />

o<br />

99iHt 98** 70**<br />

,96-!Ht 99** 67*it<br />

100{t* 99+*':~ 8S*it<br />

1,00** 99+*{t 96**<br />

,99iHt 98** 67**<br />

0 0 0<br />

(8.3) (63.4) (2.7)<br />

~ !I !I<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

** Significant at 1% level<br />

!I Number 'weeds per aqu.are foo,t<br />

76**<br />

87*it<br />

9S*it<br />

92**<br />

~ )<br />

Table 4. <strong>Weed</strong> Control in Transplant TOlllatoe~ with Diphenam1tf<br />

- - - - - - -- - ~ ..-<br />

',93**<br />

'97**<br />

, 96*-1t<br />

98**<br />

~<br />

DiPbenamid ...: f19tCen~ t!e§Q ...CQP~rgl __<br />

.. ..1~/! ... __ .. gr!,s~e~ _. __ BrQ!d~e!v!s __<br />

Wettable<br />

powder<br />

2<br />

46<br />

8<br />

o<br />

o<br />

(23·l)<br />

.,' !I<br />

** Significant at 1% level<br />

!I Number weeds per square foot<br />

3)<br />

78**<br />

74** ,<br />

8)**<br />

The effect of diphenamid on final tomato y1elds is demonstrat.d<br />

in Table,. ,Tw.o typicalexp,e~illlents ,are p8sent&d which show<br />

increa,sedyields obtained from diphenamid t:l!.eat.ed plots. This'<br />

increase Wlla probably due to t-he control of :weeds on thoseplo·ts.<br />

~<br />

"j<br />

r ,

- - - - - - - - ~, - - - - --- - - - - - - -<br />

Tomato Yields (Tons/Acre)<br />

-.~ -.-- - - -.~ - - - - - - -<br />

Fie~d-Seeded . Transplants<br />

- - - "-- - - - - ~, - - - - - - --<br />

Table 5. Yield Data on Field-Seeded and'T~ansplant Tomatoes<br />

Diphenamid<br />

__ l~/~ _<br />

Wettable<br />

Powder<br />

2 19.5<br />

4 18.8<br />

6 19.6<br />

8 18.7<br />

o 16.7<br />

15.8<br />

20.0<br />

20.4<br />

20.0<br />

57<br />

In five trials on seeded and transplant green peppers, diphenamid<br />

gave no damage to peppers with comparable weed control to that<br />

obtained in tomatoes.<br />

In experiments on first-year transplant and established strawberries,<br />

diphenamid has given good weed contr()l with no damage<br />

to the strawberries at rates. through eight pounds per acre. Above<br />

eight pounds s ome le.afburnand decreased runner production was<br />

noted.<br />

Table 6 presents data from a typical experiment on first-year<br />

transplants. Diphenamid was applied two days after the berries<br />

were set. The dominant grass weed was large crabgrass. Lambsquarters<br />

and velvetleaf were the dominant broadleaf weeds. Tpe<br />

latter species is tolerant to diphenamid as i.ndicated in Table 2.<br />

In several experiments on transplant strawberries the plots<br />

were placed under cultivation after the first weed control data<br />

were obtained. Subsequent observations indicated that shallow<br />

cultivation did not destroy the weed control effectiveness of<br />


58<br />

Table 6. <strong>Weed</strong> Control inT,r&1lsplant Sllraw~er1'1ies with Diphe:n:am1d<br />

Dtphenall1id<br />

_ _ ~btA __<br />

Wettable<br />

Powder<br />

4 68<br />

10<br />

12<br />

Granuleljl<br />

4 8<br />

12<br />

o<br />

- - _.-'- ............ ....<br />

..,;' ' .-<br />

.'- - - - - -<br />

_P:r:~t'_w.!Q~£Q~t!:o! _ ,,, Strawbeuy-<br />

_ ~r~s~e~ __ ~~~~d~e!Y~s: ~ !n~u~Y"_R~t~n~~ _<br />

98** 57** 0<br />

99** 72** 0.7<br />

99** 65** 0.3<br />

99** 64** 0.7<br />

100** 79** 1.0<br />

98** 76** 0.3<br />

100** 87** 1.7<br />

100** 92** 1.3<br />

0 0 ",I<br />

0<br />

(12.9) (5.6)<br />

"EJ ~/<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - --......<br />

** Significant at 1% level<br />

-'!I C-noefhot, l-3*sl1ghtinj ur 1, 4'~6-II1)oderate<br />

il1jury,'T-8-severe i'njury-,9 ..cciJiipJ:etekUl<br />

'WNUlllber weed,s per ~,quare f·oot<br />

~~<br />

Report~ fro;m se:ver~l investig~tors indicate-:ddphenamid to be<br />

pTomising for the control of weeds in Irish potatoes and in sweet<br />

potatoes at ratefl of four .t.o s:d.x pounds per 'aJ:re.<br />

, L'<br />

I••..•<br />

I r<br />

Lima beans, snapbeans; and peas have shown tol.erance to<br />

diphenamid at rates through twelve pounds per acre. Table 7<br />

presents data from an experiment in which these crops were<br />

included.<br />

t: :

Table 7.. <strong>Weed</strong> Control in :l:!c,Ql1llIeswi th Dip~~namid<br />

'-<br />

Diphenamid<br />

___ ~bLA _<br />

**<br />

Wettable<br />

Powder<br />

2<br />

4<br />

6<br />

8<br />

12<br />

o<br />

- - - - - - - - - ~ - ~ .' - -<br />

Signifioant at 1% level'<br />

.. ~e!c~n~ !!e2d_C2n~r2l_ ..c.!o2JnJU!Y.R~t!n~s~/.<br />

59<br />

Lima Snap-<br />

..G!a~s~s __ .B!o~d!e~v~s ..b~a~s .. _b~a~s __ P~a~ •<br />

93** 58** ' "0 0 0:,<br />

99** 66** 0 0 0<br />

99+** 74** 0 0 0<br />

100** 88** 0 0 0;<br />

100** 93** '0;.3 1 00 0.,7<br />

0 0 "0 0 0<br />

(207.4) (12.2)<br />

pJ<br />

.: ~<br />

pJ<br />

-.'<br />

. - - . . . . - - - .. - .. - .. _I:,:•<br />

'2./<br />

O-no effect, 1-3-s1ightinjury, 4-6~o4erate<br />

injury, 7~8·severe injury, 9-complete kill<br />

Number weeds per square foot<br />

Summary'"<br />

--<br />

',~.-<br />

Diphenamid,has shown considerable promisel,or the control of<br />

annual grass and,several bl'oadJ.eaf weeds at rates of four to<br />

six pounds per acre. Crops -on: which diphe-namid looks par- .<br />

ticu1arly promising are seeded and transplU\t,'tomatoEls, pepp-e1's,<br />

strawberries, potatoes, the legumes, and some of the cole crops.<br />

Lite~ature<br />

- ""'!""~.- - - - --<br />

Cited<br />

1. Alder, E. F., Wright, W.L., and Soper'; Q. F. Control ot'<br />

weeds in vegetable.'erops with a ·substi tuted<br />

diphenylacetamide.Proc. Ncwee ~. 55. 1960.<br />

2. Alder, E. F., Wright, W,,'L., and SoperVQ. F. Control of­<br />

, weeds in vegetable crops with a substituted<br />

dipheny1acetamide. :'Proc. NEWCC1$:69-72. 1961. ,_c'<br />

3. Wright, W. L. , Alder,; E:'.F., and Sope'l'l Q. F. Control ot<br />

weeds in vegetabh and agronomic' crops with' a<br />

substituted dipheny1acetamide~ Prot. SWC 14:<br />

126-192. 1961. . .~".<br />

I. T ~_~.. A .1. .ann ~TJ.anlL r. _ The nre-emer2ence herbicidal

60<br />

sbMmP.RClMJ:Sm'lIlil$ OF''IV.PeNr32,W v<br />

1<br />

,ADIl SUBS':U!l'UrEDUREABEBBIClt8, _<br />

R. ,n-~ Swe~~ J. o.C~ne and'acK,rp..:~.<br />

~l'Jtotyqetable Crops, Cornell university<br />

In 1961, the Industrial and Biochemicals Departmeat of the E. I. Du Fon't<br />

de Nemours and Com.PanY, Inc., released to investisators Herbicide Jfo.326with<br />

the technical nameof 3-(3,4-DichlQl'OJlbenyl l)-l~.l-metbyl utea. The<br />

company.listed such attributes as pre-and post-emellpDee activity, relatively<br />

rapid disappearance from soil, aDdreJ.e.tively low :t;~ty to mammals. The<br />

herbicide was susgested pr:lme.rily U "post-emergeDM.t#rected spray on corn<br />

and pre ... mergen~on soybeens. Ot.1MIr-crops which ~\])e treatedwitb directional<br />

sprays were also stated as possibilities. carrots had been fouriii to be<br />

tolerarxb of berb:l;cidal quantities applied. as pre-emerpnt sprays. PreU m1nary<br />

reports indicated pre-emergence a~t1ons could~~Elrated by such crops,<br />

as snap, dry, and lima beans, squash.,4nd potatoes.' ~urY was found. on<br />

vegetables -1ncluding_ cucUlllbers, red beet.s,., and ,:toma~ " ". ". . ,. ,. ,.<br />

The purpose of the tests reported here wastp-o ~~. the .perf9rD18nQeof<br />

326 on various vegeta:bles and nutgrass. Where'pre_rgence tolerance waS<br />

indicated, post-emerg«iUQetea'te _~ se~ly~t·. aJ,~s, conducted..<br />

,1--; L .-.) ~ " ,--j ,<br />

Experiments with Carrots<br />

,,,; 'j . . ',<br />

There were four tests with carrots; two were on coarse sand, one on s~<br />

loam, and one on muck. The two on coarse sand were ab8ZIdoned after pre11.Dl1Dary<br />

n-ote taking due to severe crop damap. trom heavy st~. The muck test aDd the<br />

one on sandy loam soil involved botb'pre";' Ei.Ddpost-emergeat applications of<br />

about 25~tut."<br />

cl1emtcalsatsevere.l-zetes 0Cb. weM.")~8 were lIlBde~t ~.<br />

vals during' the season. "Although· Mrv'est. l1'eCOl'Cls W8ft '~n,. yields are 91-,<br />

questionaelevalue, cbec~" otf~ld rW;J'1ab:Uityp.beClUJSeweeds were.~ x:<br />

relllOved'p~"aa· tUybecame ~nt :I:n tbt.vadc~uB iP~ots. .' , .r c : ,<br />

-I J.:.'"<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> and crop ratings of the mOre~ign1ficant llBter1als in' both thes8iJdy<br />

loam and the muck soU tests Qe·presented1.n<br />

behaved quite differently on thet"ilO--solls-.In"<br />

t.111e 1.<br />

regard<br />

Several materials<br />

to weed control, the<br />

pre-emergel1ee-applic:AiQlUJ ~C~, ,J:lact~, f'.ytt:OPj~.,~~ and D1J?be"N'1d<br />

were much less, etf~1."thOn mUQkto-. o~lIandy l~,·;;BQveVor, Pre":emerpnce ­<br />

treatments of Dtll'ont. ~6 .as 'weU.·"" .~U'lural~,;~~ ..and mc showed 110<br />

si¢fic:ant 1nfiuence of so11 type on weed control. As wasto be expected.,<br />

post -emerselSce:!lerb:r.c:tde.. ~re .1101; ~u~I;lqed. by. sou, ~ '.: .,. ,.<br />

~'_::"l L ,(i: ~;-:-, ",., " :" ",!' ..,"', '~_ .<br />

Altbo~sb"'~' r,s~e"to .• r1?~s .1n"~'f¥l ..~.1nnuenced by<br />

herbicides, Dipbenamid was exceedingly toxic on sandy so11 and not harmful on<br />

muck toU. ~S1llce ~edpQ::.lt;r91. .. ~ P9Q.r."1,h .J>.1phenamidpn .the<br />

muck, it isprobablt!ltbe.t t.bis ..~... ' 1.&1 ...was.eit~ ...~~.~ rf- ..18bt.~.... adsor'!Jed or'<br />

quickly broken.aown_ S,1Doeop.,~.aoU ~phe . '_ ;.'p.~ ~tive1Y long<br />

lasting results, it is unl1ke~ that decompositioll'" as1mpoi"tant as<br />

adsorbtion. .c" ,-" •<br />

, f·

Table '1. Rat.1lISstI 'Of carrot and weed responses to herbioides six weeki<br />

_____ f!l!O!i~.Jl!B!t!D.s.._:.. .. ;:. ... __ ~ ... _<br />

.'; .,'. .'". '. weeaa~l . Cro.JIH,<br />

.Qh!m!c!l__ '~b.!!..~ !1!!i!!,lC ~a~ !o!in: !U.!:k.: __ S~_l~~ _ ~__<br />

Amiben ,2 gran. At p1anttns 7.0 2.0 B., s.o<br />

elPO<br />

Dacthal<br />

326<br />

326<br />

4 II II 11'8.0' 3.0 s.o 7.0<br />

4 II II 6.5 ',".lhO B.5.:di.5<br />

8 ".. 7.5 ~.5 B.' ;8.0<br />

6 (9') ,,~, 8.5, ""IIo~~' 9.0 ·'J·8·.o<br />

12 "", 8.".0 9.0 BS<br />

2~,~~~ ::: t~;. ,.0 ::g 1B.,<br />

, 12 II II 7.5 l 4.0' 9.07.5<br />

1/2(·) 1111 ,.0 9.0<br />

, 1 II II 7.5 '-;.5 7~,6.5<br />

1 1/2(3) "" 9.0 B.5 B.' "6.,<br />

1/2(-) Early Post 9.0 9.0-.<br />

1 II." 9.0 8.5 B.o 6.,'<br />

. 1 1/2(3) II II 9.0 9.0 9.0 7.'<br />

Dip1'opalin 4At planting 7.5'3.0 9.0 9.0<br />

8 It N . 8.0 .8)5~' 8.5 8.0<br />

It<br />

.. Early' Poet 5.01'.0 9.0 ,'1740<br />

8 ". ~ 1.5 t.o 8.5 ".5<br />

TrlflUl'al1D 4 At plantil18 B., 7.' 8.57.5<br />

8 II II 8.5 8.0 9.0 8.0<br />

J)ip~eMlilld '4 "" B.5 c3.0 2.0 vs.c<br />

8 II II. 9.0' "3.' 2.0;;' 8.0<br />

lpazlM··.· .<br />

(30031)<br />

1/2(·) II II' 6.0 8.5<br />

1- ' II ". 5.0 6.5 8.5<br />

1:1/2(2) ".. 6.0 j. 8.07.5'<br />

. ,1/2(·) Early Poirt . ,.0 .. B.o<br />

. 1 II II 5.0 6.5 8.0<br />

1 1/2(2) "" 5.0 8.5 8.0<br />

·2 "" " 4.5 ,~o '8.5<br />

.. II II ' 6.5 8.5 8.0<br />

6 ( ..) II II 7.5 6.5<br />

2 Sl-aD. Incorp. 5.5 6.0 8.0 6.5<br />

4' 'I. II 6.5 'c'r 6;'0 7.0 6.5<br />

Solvent 75 811. Early Poet 8.5 8.5 ~<br />

Qb!c!. - ..,.': -,"'7' 1:-0_ -:~~ ~.~ 2..Q 7~__<br />

!/Rat1ug of 9_perfect crop growth; complete weed kill. 7..commerclal crop growth;<br />

cOlllmerclal weed~rol. 5-moderatie·cropgrowtbJunacceptab1e weed<br />

control. 3-sev!tMcrop damase; poor weed control.<br />

J.oocropkill ; complete weed to1eranoe e-<br />

~Pisures In parentbe&ls ·indicateWbel'e1".tesoD·~k differed from .tboee 'on<br />

the 'sandy 10Blll..,<br />

---- ~---<br />

_..I.."_ __ _. '1 ...11 .. __ ~ __ •• """'&_ft<br />


62<br />

Du R)nt 326 caused slight early stunting of carrots on muck. However, at<br />

barvest no differences in yield could be noted. In tbe t'WOtests on coarse<br />

sand where only early records we~.btained, 326 caused marked stunting at<br />

three pounds. It was for this reasOn that rates were kept at 1.5 lbs. ma.x1mum<br />

in the sandy !oem test.<br />

Ragweed is a severe pest not controlled by Stoddard Solvent. Tbe t'WO<br />

tests abandoned early, were in fields chosen primarily because of bigh ragweed<br />

population. These tests yielded some data on ragweed control. The follow1nc<br />

materials failed to control tbis pest: Cbloro !PC, Dacthsl, Zytran, Dipropalin<br />

(post-emergence) and Trifiuralin. Du R)nt 326 gave excellent control of<br />

ragweed. Other compounds whicb performed well were J:.pazine and Solan.<br />

In the planting on the sandy loam soil annual grasses were a serious problem.<br />

Ipe.zine and Solan gave only fair control of tbese pests. Du R)nt 326, however,<br />

performed exceedingly well. Tbus for a wide range of weed species on widely<br />

different soils under either pre or post-emergent conditions this chemical was<br />

outstanding.<br />

Nutgrass<br />

Ex,per1ments<br />

The activity of Du Pont 326 and other chemicals was studied at two locations<br />

beavily infested witb nutgrass. The materials were applied pre-planting at botb<br />

locations. At one location they were also applied in the "spike" stage and wben<br />

tbe nutgrass averaged 6 - 8 inches tall. The results of the several tests are<br />

presented in table 2.<br />

Timing bad a pronounced effect on the response of nutgrass to Du R)nt 326.<br />

Pre-plant applications whether on the surface or incorporated gave unsatisfactory<br />

control. Disappointing results were also bad from the "spike" stage applications.<br />

At both of these timings the foliage turned somewhat yellow and early<br />

growtb was slightly retarded. However, after about three weeks tbe nutgrass<br />

foliage returned to a normal color and the plants developed vigorously. When<br />

treated at the taller stage, the foliage turned yellow and gradually became<br />

necrotic. No regrowtb occurred on any 326 plot treated at the 6 - 8 inch stage.<br />

Atrazine performed less satisfactorily at the spike stage than is normally<br />

expected. EPrC, however, was consistently excellent. Dalapon gave widely<br />

different results at tbe two pre-plant locations. Tbe authors do not have any<br />

explanation for the poor early results ~b Dalapon at King Ferry. Generally,<br />

early applications witb Dalapon have givfn results similar to tbose obtained<br />

at Binghamton.<br />

ReSponse of Additional<br />

Crops<br />

In addition to the results already reported Du R)nt 326 was used as an<br />

at -planting treatment in one test on muck, three tests on sandy loam, and in<br />

three tests on stony silt loam. R)tatoes appeared to be tolerant, however, no<br />

post -emergent tests have been conducted on this crop. Other crops including<br />

cucumbers, muskmelons, peas, snap and lima beans, tomatoes, beets and spinach<br />

were either severely damaged or killed at rates needed for weed control. Squasb<br />

were moderately damaged from pre-emergence applications but were killed by

H<br />

,<br />

'ta~l!. g,._~e~_O!~ut~• .:.:.'tO_8i!V!,1'!.l..,Q~~~&!!&tl~!ti1!~'__<br />

6.:8_ 1!;!Ch!.s<br />

£h!.m!.c!l ~b!.... _ .. '!!!.-'R.l!!ii'2L;~ _ ............ "~!t!< .........<br />

DeJ.apon<br />

Atrazine<br />

.~ , 7.00 .<br />

~. .JC!!1Ib$Y',:KingTeeg, .!iDe Ii'erq<br />

).0<br />

3.5<br />

10 8.50<br />

2 5.75 5.5 4.5<br />

4 7.50 1.0' 5.5<br />

,6;.,,· 8.75 8."<br />

EP1'C(Inc.) 2 6.5·<br />

11;., 8.5 ' '; 8.5 8.0 '<br />

Du Pont 326 1/2;<br />

•<br />

1. 2.00" 2.95 5~0:'.<br />

2 -<br />

3 5.25 ~ i.50<br />

~<br />

6.5<br />

Check ;,", 1.0,' -':,1",0 ,'1.0 ' '1.0"<br />

;;-9:~~: :e:t:~ :f-t:P"'~~~~~."'c:.::Q~~~~; :f"'t~~~~."''''<br />

5.unsat1sfactory control W top growth. 1. heavy complete ground cover.<br />

Ratings made in early August. .<br />

6.0<br />

8.0<br />

8.0<br />

8.0<br />

9.0<br />

2/ All pre-plant treatments at King Ferriwere diS~•. ~Y the E}ltam W8lI<br />

incorporate4,at<br />

i1D&h&mton· .. ",", ,.;<br />

. .... ,<br />

post-emergeneet~t.. ~" covet crops are'~ well whe~ .~·was<br />

applied in June OIlslWl:Y1OBlIl..<br />

s~ and Conclusions<br />

• '" .• "")",C,"<br />

, 1. In1.4Q1lel'1mant& on~.~ frOm~e'~ to IDUck,DI1.~~t<br />

326 @IlVeexaelant 'eont1'ol ofaW1lit r6i1ge of azmUl4<strong>Weed</strong>sinc1.ud1ng:c~~s,<br />

Eragrostis !!E.', barn;yai'd' 'srast,~i lambsquarten J ;purslane, gal1Deo_,<br />

ragweed, senecio.,. and 1.ad;Y'8thUmb 8IDl\1'tveed.='SOU t)'pe hadl1ttle ,Qr<br />

no influence on res s.' , " ' ' , ,<br />

2. Northern il.utgaSllWU etljlec~. lIusceptlblA,:to ;post-em$rgenceappllcations<br />

of 326. bat; vas not coiJ.t1'01~ by' pre~;,pdlce t~ts.<br />

3. C8IT0ts were tolerMt o~·~. irw. post~sence applications of 326<br />

at rates adequate to control either annual weeds or m.ttgrass. Post-emerse~<br />

appl1ce.tionswere very.ffei:lt1ve1litO~·5and 1.0 ~~'~'t¥ acre but abQ~:.<br />

twice this qU8lXtttywas Deeded pre~t:sence. ,~' ' ,'"<br />

4. Potatoes tolerated pre-e'llBrgence applic&t1oZUl,l;>utit is not knovIl.if<br />

they will tolel'atepos-to.emergenO'e''trfttments. .. . . '<br />

5. IDng residual ai:ltivity j,s apparently not a PJ'l)blem on sandy loam.<br />

Information talao1dng tor ot~eoulS' .<br />

63<br />


64<br />

OP AtmtO mIAZOLE<br />



Jr. It. HUl, ~1. H. 'Lachman, D. N. l1aynard<br />

and W. C. Lincoln, Jr. 2 "<br />

University of Massachusetta Agricultural Expedment Station<br />

Amherst, Massachusetts<br />

Introduction<br />

Donnalley and Ilahn (3) have reported that they applied Cl4<br />

labeled amino triazole to the leaves of the Northern nutgrass plant.<br />

Autoradiograms of treated plants ahatTedthat the chemical was trans· ,<br />

located in'the plant and into the tubera. Subsequeae'tests showed<br />

that this treatment reduced cermination of the tubers.<br />

The object of this experiment was to detemine whether foliar<br />

applications of amino triazole are translocated to the inflorescence<br />

and if this treatment has an affect on seed germiaatiOn.<br />

}~terials and 118thods<br />

Plants of Northern nut grass (~eru8 esculencu I<br />

) were erown<br />

in the ereenhouse and treated with~4 labeled 3 am no-l,2,4<br />

triazole; the tacced atom was on the S-position of the triazole<br />

ring. The specific activity of .this chemical waa 0.9S millicuries<br />

per millimole. A 4500 ppm stock solution, contaiatngSO microcuries,<br />

was prepared by.addinz distilled water to the sample.<br />

Each treatment consisted of a ten microliter droplet, with an<br />

activity of 0.5 microcurie., beins placed inside a: lanolin ring on<br />

the plant.~eactiv1ty was aimUar :lD all 1;&8e8,.but the site of<br />

appl1catioD and the duration of the treatment wa..... r:Led. Five<br />

microliters of a 0.1 per cent TritoD B-19S6 spreader .olution was<br />

added to each droplet.<br />

At the end of the various treatment periods,ithe Unolin was<br />

removed with absorbent tissue.. 1heaerial po~tion of the plant<br />

was harvested, sectioned, placed be~~een blotters, bound in a<br />

lThe project was financed in pert by fun4l!1fr.omN(tftheastern Regional<br />

Project NB-42, "Studies of the Life Hf.story of tio~t:ilern Nutgrsss<br />

(Cxperus e.sculeDtu,) as Related to Possible l1ethoda of Control".<br />

2Th~ authors wish to thank lomchemProducts, Inc; ~.upplyin8 the<br />

Cl4 labeled amino triazole. '<br />

Contribution No. 1337. }~ssachu8etts Agricultural Experiment Station.

65<br />

plant press and dried in a f~ced draft oven .~DO·900C. Sectioning<br />

of the plants was neceseC'Y because of thdr: luge size.<br />

Immediately following each cut, the encl. were,~r.ed in melted<br />

paraffin to seal them and pr:~Dt leakace of 'the plant .ap out of<br />

the tissue during drying. The sections were

. ',':<br />

66<br />

iJ . f. third treatmeQt involVed the placingot, tIiIi h.rbicid. 011<br />

tbe pec1uDc'le.' midway,bet:weelfl'lthe rillchl •• ':ptrdUQote base. '1be<br />

ten' m:fiCl"oliterck'oJ)let' ..... cIed'ioto' t'".equal parts aa4<br />

.aCh .pat:t;'''Pp1t8d to d1ffere.": pedUDc1".'1b1W'~t:hre. p.chmc18s<br />

-of th&'Uiabetll""trest~' With the total clo... ·beldS 0.5<br />

mierocutte •• ' 'No tritOn "',u'ed. ~lban appa1.' tfo a 7S per cant' "<br />

sture' ·t.liiRl fol" '.three.clay tnatment p.rf:04itlt' wa.trAn.- .<br />

locat.d up the peduncle aactl!achll and lnto.st1ke. NoDewa.-':'<br />

lIIOVeddown tbe peduncle. fib•• imilarly applied to a mature<br />

umbe'l,tbe tIIlMlli\8ntwa. agaiU-f.&1tothe apike-.f'bUt there •• al.o<br />

a .Uzht· aiovemeat dCM1"tbe ptdunc1e ~ . . ,0,' c . ' .<br />

.-.... . .<br />

\ ,. , .<br />

Field plant. which vera tr8atecloo AuCU.t 17: eXhib:Lted a<br />

l114t:kcldcblfttseititheir app.aruce by Aueult2t.lnthe plot 1'••.<br />

ceiv1Dgtwo pOUlld. per .. e'. thawtera.s luuI:~a1oped a a1:Lgbt<br />

chlorod.; planta in the four pound plot were darker yellow, and,<br />

tho.aid eM eight pound plot wara nearly Uub-=bI'own·. '<br />

. . . a~<br />

I.~ Had' harvest t:l.me;Sapt8lllber 1 811411>':,the planta that Me<br />

sprayedOl1I.ugu.t2G hed .bOuttb .... colot!' as :those :Lnthe chMk<br />

plota but those that hed 'baeD'Ipnyad ,011 Aupt, 17w8n st111' 'I<br />

chlorotic. It was noted that the plants sprayed on Aucust 17 hed<br />

fewer .alde 'p.inflorescence and plane. tr •• cecl with eight pound.<br />

of tl1e cbelllica1 pl'Oduced Ollly:wenty ..f1ve puJ·CleIt'of the yield<br />

barvested from:the two pOund tr.eatllleDt. ;.,",., '<br />

Analyats of thedat. ar8l'pre .. nted in' Tablet[; '1't is reedUy<br />

appareatthat emina tri.BOle ·-.pray. had a deieten.ou. and sten:LU·<br />

.cant effect 'onaead serm1natton •. Hhen the tna'tlll8tits a~e compared.<br />

it is leen that seed from the check plotl 8~aated .isnif1cently'<br />

greater than tho.e from any of the otber treatments. A lineal effect<br />

extsts 8IIIOngthe rate. of applicat:Lon, with the higher rates of the<br />

ob8lllical giv:Lng the pooreat g4mDination. Seed from plots treated<br />

on Auguat 17 1dth e1ght pounds of amino tr:LallOle germinated only<br />

ZS-30per .,ceat' es well as' 'thNe from me.cbedc·p'blts. ~1hen· oompar·<br />

:Lns the·d.o£appl1catloNl,1t CIIDbe 't:h&tl~be'Auguat 17<br />

. ,:'" . 'tr.atment., gftmil\4-red onlyqiftty per oen1: 11 .s,>those tba-t·<br />

were treat" on Augu,s~t 2.·.;'mu.d1ff~r8llC8 i.hi'sJ11y~lg1lit1cau1: •<br />

In th... teaCa, the time of.ti8!V'.•• t had .1\0idl~" On·the rate<br />

. of' germination. "Jj- ;, '<br />

.'-S"m'n<br />

. ,.:\" ,j<br />

. The autorad10gratlhic taelmique was U8.4-'4lO diet.l'IIiinet1'i.~.t<br />

of tranalOC&t:Lon of C14 IIID1ncrtrt.Bole inNol'_J:In nutgrllss, The<br />

:I.IllaZe1l1'evealed that this .ch-.d.cal istrand.-tea froDlthe p01n1:<br />

of application to thesead l;t1lies .'l'he8l'l101itlt:Slibch1ngtha spika<br />

depend. onthac118tancefrOlll·,the point of.,.sltcadon it muat t1:'8II'el.<br />

The grMe.lt·.acCUIlIUlatioa ,tn 'theapik. occ.a i. _ appl1cation 11<br />

to the peduncle, while the least aC4U11lUlat:LoD.:OcCur.whenapplied '<br />

to the bract leaves.

67<br />

Tablet. 'lIi! EFFECT'or AN'INO'l!t'IilZOLEsP.tAYGAND<br />

mm'01!'HARVEST ON~t1tNATION .OF lnITcm.ss 'SEED.<br />

t :..: ~. ;. . . .;. • . •<br />

Checl~ 44.56 52.44<br />

2 Lb./Acre 'S117 '32.10 33.81<br />

4 Lb./Acre 3/17 30.78 26.14<br />

8 Lb./Acre S/17 14.25 14.31<br />

Total l1inusCbeck 77.13 74.26<br />

2 Lb./Acre 0/23 34.73 45.57<br />

4 Lb./Acre 8/26 35.94 37.17<br />

8 Lb./Acre 8/2G 31.15 35.03<br />

Total Ilinus Check 101.£2 112.27<br />

Total 223.51 244.47<br />

L.S.D. (.05) ~ 12.13<br />

L.S.D. (.01) 19.02

Pollar appl:l.cati.4mso. '~no tr1uole .~~·¥ate ,o~ .two, four,<br />

and eight poqcd.ller "Cl'er~l~ed in a .....

69<br />



George Bayer ,Bodgerdfsrgsn and Joseph Cialone Y<br />

For .the past several yearsplutic sheets. Poth, black and clear and V!lU'Ying<br />

in width have. been .used commerc1ally as a methodotCClntrollingweeds,<br />

stimulating plant· growth and 1m,proVing small fruit $:Id vegetable quality •<br />

. ':his report is c01lQerned with,the applicat1()n~ a liquid petrole1,llllmuJ.ch in<br />

cOllbinat ion with herbicides Which IIl!ght serve some of the same purposes 8l$. the<br />

black plastic sheets. but to be 'PPLied as a~~pr~ alter seeding or prio~·to<br />

transplanting. Work done by Kaye&:Wiggans21 ind:1cated that the effectiv.ess<br />

of certain herbicides ' was enhanced when used in coaPinetion with aspha1t~ch.<br />

Experimental<br />

Four tests were carried out duriIig the 1961 growing season at Ithaca. The<br />

sandy loam soil was ploved, diskedand harrowed with a meeker to prOVide a uniformly<br />

f:Lne s~ bed. The randomized plots were eaeh 3 x 15 feet and rep.l.:lcated<br />

two to four t1meso.epending on the nature of theJt.,1t. The herbicides were<br />

applied with a ~ proessure-operated Small-~l,ot spraye. 1' •. For. ease of operat. ion<br />

in the latter two tests the petrole1,llll mulc~ wa, oppUed.; using a hand o.. rateo.<br />

1.5 gall.oJl;garden~type sprayer connected to a standard spray boom equi~w1th<br />

two 8004 TeeJet ~~type noZZles.<br />

In total; seyendifferent~heJilJ,cals were exam1Jledin three categories relating<br />

to the mulch: under the mulch, ~ with mulch an4:;no mulch. A fourth.C)~check<br />

category was that of no mulch and no herbicide. Application of herbic;l.de':fllI.d<br />

mulch was on an overall basi.s. In the first test two rates of mulch were tested.<br />

Since no differences were observed" only one rate wasused m subsequept -tests.<br />

Crops were varied according to chemical. SQlIlfl:werechosen on the be,sie. of<br />

present herbic:Ldal practices but. several sensitive grops were selected as ,indicators<br />

of chemical. toXicity or &et1v;l:ty.<br />

The foUl'. tests were started respectively on JU~ 16, July 7-10, Augl1$;tl 7,<br />

and September 1.<br />

!JPaper No• 469of the~partmentof Vegetable Crops, Cornell University,-tthaca,<br />

gj~;~duate Assistants, Department of Vegetable Crops, Cornell University .'<br />

YKays , W.R.aDd S. C. WiggaM,Oklahoma State, S~water, Oklahoma. Soil<br />

stabilizers and herbi~ide combinations for weed. ~trol with horticultural<br />

4 jcrops • Oral presentation ASBS.. August 1961.<br />

:::tFormulation E.A.P. 2000 except as noted.<br />

Part of this research was made possible by a grant in aid from Esso Re8ear~h<br />

and Engineering, Linden, New,J~sey.

70<br />

In general, the s~ lIIOU'tur" 8M 1:Uth did not:~ ~tly between tests.<br />

The one exception in the. J'uJ.:Y7 -'10· tellt will be d1sctJiiie4 in detaU later.<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> species and-populat1onvarhd- 8Omewha't~ tests, but included:<br />

redroot, purslane, gaJ.1nsoga, henb1t, groun4sell, crabgrass and be.rnyard grus.<br />

The area tor:test No.1 was bari'cJwed, planted 8bI\.tl

71<br />

1 CDEC(Ee)<br />

2 " "<br />

3<br />

4<br />

"<br />

5 " "<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

COM (EC)<br />

U II<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

14 EPrC (EC)<br />

15 " (Inc.)<br />

16 "<br />

17 " (Inc.)<br />

18 "<br />

25 Check<br />

26<br />

27<br />

4 M:Uted<br />

" Un&!r<br />

" No<br />

" Mixed<br />

" Under<br />

4 Mixed<br />

" Under<br />

" No,<br />

" Mixed<br />

" under<br />

11 Atrazine(aa.)2 Under<br />

12 " "No<br />

13 " " Under<br />

4 Mixed<br />

" Under<br />

"No<br />

" Mixed<br />

" Under<br />

19 Dacthal(50W) 8 Under<br />

20"<br />

21"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

No<br />

Under<br />

22 DNOSBP<br />

23 "<br />

24 "<br />

4 Under<br />

" Iio<br />

" Under<br />

No<br />

No<br />

484<br />

484<br />

706<br />

706<br />

484<br />

484.<br />

706<br />

706<br />

484<br />

706<br />

484<br />

484<br />

706<br />

706<br />

484<br />

706<br />

484<br />

706<br />

9.0<br />

8.0<br />

6.3<br />

.9.0<br />

9·9<br />

5.7<br />

8.0<br />

5.7<br />

2.0<br />

8.3<br />

3.0<br />

4.0<br />

4.3<br />

2.0<br />

4.3<br />

4.3<br />

3.7<br />

6.0<br />

3·7<br />

1.0<br />

8.0 7.1'<br />

6.7 6.0<br />

8.3 6.7<br />

8.0 6.7<br />

8.0 ~ -:>./ 5.7<br />

Sp1nac~ Tomatoes<br />

5.7 8.3<br />

3.0 8.7· .<br />

~ 8.7 7.6<br />

4.3 8.0<br />

2.7 8.0<br />

Beens Corn<br />

1.0 8.3<br />

1.0 8.7<br />

_ 1.0 8.3<br />

Beets Beans<br />

8.3 7.3<br />

8.0 8.0<br />

8.0 8.7<br />

, 7 0 ~.3<br />

" 6:7 7.3<br />

Cabbage Carrots<br />

7.7 8.0<br />

8.7 8.0<br />

5.0 7.0<br />

Beans Corn<br />

6.7 6.0<br />

.4.7 6.7<br />

7.7 6.3<br />

Corn Beans<br />

8.3 9.0<br />

Sp~h Carrots<br />

7.3 "7.7<br />

Beets Tomatoes<br />

6.7 4.3<br />

Cabbage Corn<br />

28" No 2.0 1.0 6.0 7.0<br />

~weed Rating 9 .. complete contr4 'i 7 .. cOllllDerc;Lal ,control 1 .. no control.<br />

~prop Rating. 9 • perfect growth 7 .. acceptable 5 .. stunting 1 .. kUl.<br />

:U Poor stand of sp1l:l8ch in all plots .•

72 J<br />

7 EPrC (Gr~)<br />

8 " !f<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Jf.':f.')',:<br />

~v"),<br />

3 Shallow<br />

• 'II<br />

"<br />

:bee!p<br />

" ,.Il<br />

" ,.''!b'tl,inc.<br />

" -t., II<br />

.-, t<br />

13 Check -. )<br />

14" ,C,',j,<br />

Y Shal10w~n:corporation 1/2".<br />

, .<br />

gj Mulch .'R!te of 484 Pi/A.<br />

~eP incorporation 2 - 3 inches.<br />

'JJ<strong>Weed</strong> lIti4'~ Rating'~'isee footno~e tab~ 1.<br />

lYFigures:.:J parenthese~ ~e from a ·t,1f'th'~eplica1

!a~l~ 1._ ~!:.c!: :!!1~hJl!:e.::m~d_h~r£i~i!!e!!.~' _<br />

Chemical Rate/A Mulch <strong>Weed</strong> Ratin;.! Crop Yield<br />

-1- mC-CInc.r- - _lE.S lT- - - - -NO'~ - - - - - g.O- - - - - J:.bt.!)?~C£.;.. -<br />

2 II II Mixed T.; .44<br />

3 II II Under 6.5 1.09<br />

4 CIPC (EC) 6- No 8.5 1.67<br />

5 II Mixed 9.0 1.06<br />

6 " Under 9.6 1.37<br />

7 CDEC(EC) t No 6.5 1.06<br />

II<br />

8 Mixed 7.0 .57<br />

9 " Under 6.0 .91<br />

10 CDEC(EC)+ CDAA(EC)3+4lJ2· No 7.5 1.18<br />

U Mixed 7.0 ·52<br />

12 Under 6.5 .61<br />

13 CNOSBP 5 No 8.5 .15<br />

14 Mixed 2.5 1.15<br />

15 Under 4.5 .81<br />

Av. of 4 checks No 2.2 1.15<br />

Yes 1.0 .56<br />

73<br />

!J Supplied by Esso.<br />

gj See fOotnote 1 Table 1.<br />

Summary and 'Conclusions<br />

1. Agricultural petroleum mulch frequentlY enhances weed growth.<br />

2. Herbicides can be effectivelY used in conjunction with this mulch both<br />

mixed with or under the mulch. However, each chemical must be eVaJ..uated individualJ,.y<br />

with respect to compatibility and effects on activity.<br />

3. The residual effectiveness of CDEC.a~ cDAAwas~~ng1;hened when used<br />

in conjunction with mulch. ..<br />

4. Compatibility problems arise with certain herbicide formulations such<br />

as Atrazine Bow,IJe.cthal 50Wand DNOSBPamine salt liquid.<br />

5. The physical condition of the soil surface is important when using<br />

petroleum mulch since this factor materially affects the type of seal resulting.

74<br />

!'&2. 1!. !±.._!,h!, ~HJ!'~o:: !n_IfI!!.l=.hJ2.~1.i2.ll!"",,; _ ....-:~ -X-.;.o~<br />

2 1 2<br />

'. <strong>Weed</strong>::J" , Cl:l-OpRating=-<br />

__ M!t!,r!.&i _ .J.~f!._ _ ..M~c~ R!,t!.ns. C2.~ __ !'!.o~ __ ~ _<br />

-JI. Atrazine(80W) 2 Mixed r# 9.0 8.5 1.0 4.$:<br />

2" Under 9.0 8.5 1.0 2.5<br />

3 It No 9.0 7.5 1.0 1.5<br />

4 Ale.nap3 (EC) 6 Mixed B 8.0 8.0 9.0 s.o.:<br />

5" Unde~ 7.5' 7.5 9.0 8.5"<br />

6" No 8.0 7.0 8.5 8.5<br />

7<br />

8<br />

DNOSBP 5<br />

9<br />

10 Ale.nap I (wp) 6<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

EPl'C (EC) 4<br />

15<br />

Mixed B,<br />

Under,<br />

No<br />

Mixed<br />

Under<br />

N()<br />

Mixed B<br />

Under<br />

No<br />

8.0<br />

8.5<br />

9·0<br />

6.5<br />

6.5<br />

8.0<br />

9.0<br />

8.5<br />

8.5<br />

8.~<br />

8.5<br />

8.5<br />

8.5<br />

9.0<br />

8.0<br />

9.0<br />

9·0<br />

7.5<br />

9·0<br />

9.0<br />

8.0<br />

4.5<br />

4.5<br />

5.0<br />

.9~:d:,n:'<br />

16 Check Yes , 6.5 8.0 8.0 7.5<br />

17 " No 7.0 6.5 7.5 8.0<br />

18 Check Yes 6.0 7.5 8.5 8.5<br />

19 It No 7.5 9.0 8.5 9.0.-_<br />

20 Check Yes 6.0 8.5 9.0 8.6<br />

21 It No ·'7..0 7.5 7.5 8~.S<br />

22 Check Yes 5.5 9.0 9.0 '. 8,:5<br />

23 It No 7.5 8.5 8.0 . 8.'5<br />

24 Check Yes 5.5 8.0<br />

' 1<br />

E5 n No 7-5 1.0 ><br />

9.0<br />

8.0<br />

8.5<br />

8.5<br />

Y B • A basic mulchpB7 - 8. ' All othe~ mulch 'pH 3~1j. trormulation EA2000'<br />

gj See footnote tabJ;e 1."d<br />

6. Altho~gh'~P(ECf nonieJiy requil'~8 ~nccj~rll.tion, it appe~to '<br />

haVe equal' activi1;Y' when not incorporated if' ,covez:ed.,~ a COlXtinUOUBpetr61,UIIl<br />

mulcllf.1lm.. EPl'C (Ea), also ~rfo~ well when m:lxed.':wtththe mul,ch. ' ';<br />

8.5<br />

8.0<br />

6.5<br />

7.5<br />

8.0<br />

,~ '."~

75<br />




(Abstract)<br />

L. L. Danielson and W. A. Gentner !I<br />

Earlier studies (Danielson et aI, <strong>Weed</strong>s 9:463-476. 1961) showed that<br />

technical ethyl N,N-di-n-propylthiolcarbamate [EPTC]had long, intermediate,<br />

and short persistence when applied in 40 g/A of acetone, No. 2 ruel oil, and<br />

kerosene, respectively, in soil-incorporation studies.<br />

Continuation of this research to evaluate the effect of volume of kerosene<br />

on persistence of soil-incorporated EPTCshowed that persistence is<br />

short at 40 g/A and increases as the volume decre .... s. The period of per.<br />

sistence is not affected in the range of 40 to l38s/A.<br />

Measurable but limited differences in persistence of soil-incorporated<br />

isopropyl N-(3-chlorophenyl)carbamate [CIPC] and 2-chloroallyl diethyldithiocarbamate<br />

rCDEe] were observed in greenhouse studies when the herbicidesvere<br />

applied in 40 g/A of acetone, benzene, xylene, No. 2 ruel oil, and kerosene.<br />

Persistence of soil-incorporated ethyl N,N-di-n-butylthiolcarbamate (R-1870)<br />

was similar to that of EPTCwhen the same-solvents were used.<br />

Fourteen liquid petroleum fractions were evaluated as carriers for<br />

impregnation of EPTCon uncalcined 30/60 attapulgite applied as surface and<br />

soil-incorporated treatments in greenhouse experiments. Persistence was<br />

differentially affected by sol~ents and placement.<br />

Four petroleum waxes were used at 2, 4, 8, and 16 olb/A in a continuation<br />

of the study ()f petroleum fractions as carriers for impregnation of EPTCon<br />

40 lb/A of 3O/60-mesh uncalcined granular attapulgitefor use as soil-surface<br />

treatments. The persistence of EPTCwas differentially affected by the amounts<br />

and composition of the waxes. Persistence of EPTCwas inversely related to the<br />

amounts of waxes used.<br />

11 Plant Physiologists, Crops Research Division, Agricultural Research Service,<br />

u. S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, MaryIand.

76<br />



(Abstract)<br />

L. L. Danielson and W. A. Gentner !I<br />

Uncalcined attapulgite granules of 15/30-. '20~5-, and 3O/60-mesh sieve<br />

sizes were used in greermouse and'growthroom studieS to determine the etrects<br />

of, size and number of granUles per uni t of soil arfA.or soil volume on tht<br />

activity and persistence of soll-surface-appliedail4 Boil-incorporated ..<br />

ethyl!! .!!-di-!!-propyltldolcarbaaiate [EpTC). '<br />

EPTCwas applied at 2 Ib/A on.5. 10. 20. and 30 Ib of each clay carrier<br />

mesh size. Granules were prepared by dissolving the-required amount of'<br />

technical EPTC in kerosene at. rate of 20 ml of ~roe.ne to each lOOg1'am~<br />

of clay carrier. The granular preparations were appiied simultaneously ..<br />

surface treatments to soil in plasticized paper cups and as incorporated<br />

treatments in' quart plastic containers of soil. '!tie so:l.:l lised was a It 1<br />

potting soil-wuhed pit sand IIl1xture. Nine replicates' of each treatment!lere<br />

prepared for bi~&ys with ryegraas on each ofthtee dates (ilJllllediatel;r.'<br />

after treatment and 2 and 4 weea). The entire exPeriment was duplicate(f'('for<br />

concurrent studies under greeDhoueeand controlled" grOwth-reom condi tiozut~<br />

All containers were sub-irrigated., 'Average tempe1'8tur.s in the greenhause<br />

were approximately 80 to 85°F for. days and 65 to 70 0 for nights., Growthroom<br />

temperatures Were maintained at 70 0 • Air JIOvem.nt in the' greenhouse was<br />

slight whereas it was rapid in the growth room. Glieenhouse light intenft~e8<br />

were relatively high as cOlllpar8d with approximatelY l.5OOfoot-candles ilfthe<br />

growth room. "<br />

In 4 weeks surface_applied EPTCwas dissipated in the greenhouse and<br />

the growth room irrespective ot carrier particle 'she ornumber, but n*'ot<br />

~eoil-incorporated chemicalcwu'dissipated. ~ particle size and DUmber<br />

therefore do not appear to be critical in the effeotive use of EPTCin<br />

granular form ineurface or soil-incorporated treatilbents. Field experieftC'8<br />

indicates that similar studies on slightly soluble, highly soluble, and'<br />

vapor-active herbicides on granules are necessary.,<br />

Soil-surface, chemical di~siP41'ed more rapidly,.1.rLthegrowth room in<br />

initial and confirmatory experiments. Evaluation of greenhouse and growthroom'environments<br />

suggests that air movement can facilitate dissipat10ftot<br />

soil-surface-applied EPTC. '<br />

!I Plant Physiologists, Crops Research Division, Agricultural Research Service,<br />

U. S. Department of Agriculture. Beltsville, Maryland.


77<br />

Introduction<br />

!fBn;I"verfl10ns of the· 10garitbm;1c tJi;e sprayer baVElbeen devised sino« the<br />

advent of the Chesterford Logaritl:ml1c Sprayer, intrQduced by Hartley, Pfeiffer<br />

and Brunskill in 1956(3). The uses for this type of sprayer bave been covered<br />

by Leasure (4). Efforts bave beep.-.de by SOllIe worIEers to develop a logaritbmic<br />

type s:prayerwich~uld be. su1~le for small plots (1,2). In the opin1ol1 of<br />

the autnors moat of these efforta bave failed to· give .. sprayer which 18 truly<br />

suitable to small plot work. ~.t ot the sprayers· aeveloped have used COIIlPlicated<br />

and expensive components (1,2,3,4) and ease of handling with respect :to<br />

portability has in lIIOs'tcases been overlooked. It is realized that simplification<br />

can result in sacrifices in accuracy and other desirable properties,<br />

however, if the desired properties p].us simplicity ean be incorporated,· gains<br />

can be -.de in the range of areas where such a piece of e(Jlipment can be<br />

utilized.<br />

In the work of Ries and Terry (5) with a small p].ot sprayer, the various<br />

desirable properties of small sprayers for experimental work were enumerated.<br />

They are:<br />

1. Accurate herbicide appl:J,cations should be easilY attained on "small<br />

plots" of either a few or a few hundred square feet.<br />

2. Cost should be low.<br />

3. Construction and operation should be simple.<br />

4. Operation should be accurate and efficient under a variety of soil<br />

conditions •<br />

5•. Changing from one herbicide to another should be rapid.<br />

6. Contamination between herbicides must be II$gligible.<br />

7. Agitation of spray liquid should be adequate for a wide range of<br />

materials and formulations.<br />

a. Uniform pressure should be maintained.<br />

9. Apparatus should be sufficiently light in weight to permit easy ope~'atioD.<br />

by one person without need of wheels, tractors, extra personnel.:',e6c •.<br />

It is felt that these features are applicable to 8Il\Y log-sprayer designed for<br />

small plot use. In addition, the property of requiring only small amounts of<br />

chemical is desirable where new herbicides are being tested. The Ries and Terry<br />

sprayer was designed on the basis of the 9 points which they outlined. The<br />

size of their sprayersystem further allows their lJPr'I!lIYer .to f1ll the requirement·<br />

• J

. . . . '. . )<br />

figure 1,. Aachematic ,dr$w1Qsof the 1Q8N'~tbn1c COllOeD:-:,<br />

tration ,spra.ver when in position for spr8.y1ng.<br />

78<br />

of using only small amounts of ch8lll:lciU~<br />

With the above in mind a log-llpJ'&.Yer-.s :aes1gaid using the Ries and Terry<br />

sprayer as the basic component.<br />

Design Features<br />

Tbeautbcir$j us !trig, the bas1c'Mes andTe~1BiIIIlJJ1. ~~ti!lprayer (5)/,.'hi.ve<br />

adapted the unit 80 tbSt'a logar1thild.o dosage curve *~ Obtained. Tlie _~,.<br />

, ifiedsprayer c'OD8ista·~nent1.a.U:y' dr ,two DaSieim1t. of! 1ll.fterent size :C6'ilbeCt­<br />

,ed in series • The :un1t closest W~~hEi co~t$O~ 1S·.:" que.rt glassroUlld'"<br />

milk 'b()t'Ue: Bt'ld,Sft'V'eSd~S tlledllueRt tank or 8Our~ ."'Jti, un:l..t .nearest.·'fIbe '"<br />

bOOlll i8 a s1lllUar~1;bottle e.ndlsietVes as the,(:on~e chamber. 'l'be'''I'<br />

pressure'soU1'Ce 'is l a COoacylinder rt'bh a, pre-set, predUH-regulating vaJ.v.~ ~'<br />

(Fig. 1.,). ' : ',', 'If;;' ,;., , : k,<br />

c ;'_'-'.; •..1.:\':;'<br />

In moetlOglOSprayerselabor8te .. chanical 88itaUOn :1;8 proVided, ~;<br />

none is incll1dedln the:present iDo4ltJ.. The mixing otJthe 861utions in the ",'<br />

concentrate tanlt is accomplished, bytbe h;ydraul1c :force Of the diluent etttWlng<br />

the pint bottJ.e. The inlet 1s adjacent to the outlet and this plus the faot.; ,<br />

that there is only a relatively small volume (1 pint) in the chamber makes<br />

6deqU&te m1xingposslble."<br />

'"<br />

" , The factors affecting any spray apparatus such as pressure, nozzle 81&tJ.,<br />

speed, etc. govern the range of output of this spra.yer. Since the sprayer must<br />

be carried by band,'walld.ilg' speed ~8an 1IlIpCrte.a\l,faCtor. Ex,per1enee.'bas<br />

shown that walking speeds for d1etbClit8 up to 40 feetI:can be controlled qu1t":~: '<br />

accurately without the use of any special pace setting devices. For this re&8on<br />

it is best to keep plot sizes Within this limit unlese:llpl!!cial means ate uaedto<br />

set a constant pace for the operator. To overcome some of the problems involved<br />

with :walking speed, a float valv.;cons1atlng of .. roODdf'lflOOdenball has been put<br />

in the diluent chamber. When all the liquid in this chamber is expended the<br />

ball Sellls, off the 'outlet and' 1nataat'1,y cuts Ofttl1e~s.ure supply. ..SilLtie the<br />

two containers are connected in series, stopping the flow of diluent 8't~, &11 '<br />

flow from the nozzles and the dilution of the material in the concentrate tank<br />

stops. This markS the end of the plOt, which isthell .. sONd and dosage .. ,<br />


79<br />

Do~ Calculations<br />

The actual initial concentration of solution 1n the concentrate chamber is<br />

unaffected by distance or area covered, however, the initial dosage rate/a<br />

converted from this concentration does vary as to total area covered. In<br />

general a given amount of material is placed in the concentrate tank depend:i.l1gon<br />

the desired total plot size aJild'the desired dosages. The float valve (wooden<br />

ball) on the 'diluent supply has'the advantage of allowing, accurate calculation<br />

of rates used in case the desired plot length was"''missed'' by the applicator.<br />

With any spray application,·&peed must be constant. .All of the above generalizations<br />

regarding dosages with·this sprayer are based on the assumption that<br />

walking speed is constant. If the desired plot length is not attained, it must<br />

be assumed that the speed was incorrect but yet coostant. Data by Riee c$X1d<br />

Terry (5) show that

80<br />

A half -dosage distance of ~Q.l.?:, teet seems to be .best due to the fact<br />

that any shorter distance would nOt give accurate results unless crop and weed<br />

populations were heavy and unif01'lll.<br />

J<br />

Discussion· s.<br />

.. 'j~;: j • ! (-. ~ :'~,'1<br />

rt .:f.s realized that certa1nl1m1tationsare~llt:;I.n .this sprayerdu~<br />

to the size of the d1J.l*1tcoutawwused.. rt canbe,J~~ulate¢ from'the'r..,<br />

forlilula of Leasure (4) .1iha1l when one quart of diluellt M. ~lIted 't!:IrQugl;lODe<br />

pint· of conoeutra1le the 'initial conce.n:t;n.tion 1D.the ~r.-t. chamber '101'1+,1.<br />

be hal'Vedtwo fUll tline. and al.moat a third t1llle. ,',~<br />

E\teo this ~1m1t 18· riot reachtld wi:th th18aP1l8"lot~f.,_ to the fact tbs.~'the<br />

f~oat vabe stops 'tbe :tJ.owbefore one full quart has "'

Selective Herbicides for Several Crucifer CropsY Y<br />

81<br />

Rodger H'argan, Gao. Bayer, Joseph CialOneY<br />

In NewYork about 16,000 aeres of cabbage, 5000 acres of cauliflower, and<br />

about 2600 acres of broccoli are grown each season~ Almost the entire acreage<br />

is transplanted rather than dffoeet field-seeded. For I!l8llY horticultural and<br />

economic reasons reaearch workers and growers are investigating the technique<br />

of field-seeding. Whereas witlf transp:J.4nts, the n~ for an herbicide is minor,<br />

with field-seeding there is a'\I'Jmost impossible weedproblem unless an herbicide<br />

is used.<br />

The pu:rpose of the investigations being reported here was as follows:<br />

1. To investigate crop residues with the more promising herbicides under<br />

a wide range of so11 and weather conditions.<br />

2. To evaluate weed control potential and crdp :r"esponse to the more<br />

promising herbicides under the above conditions.<br />

3. To evaluate in a limited fashion chemicals Just recently released to<br />

research workers for their potential as herbicides ,in crucifer plantings.<br />

, Field Evaluation of Promising Herbicides<br />

For several seasons, resear~h in Virginia' and by the staff at Ithaca has<br />

shown that, CDEChas potential for seeded and transplanted crucifers. In' 59<br />

and '60 the authors found. Dactbal (DAC 893) to be promising. In 1960 Zytron<br />

performed very well in a limited number of tests at Ithaca. In 1960 Dallyn<br />

and Sav!yer (1) reported Dacthal as promising. That same season Sweet and<br />

Cialone (2a, ze) reported combinations of CDECand CDAAas being worthy of<br />

further trials.<br />

Tests, were conducted in 1961 at 15 locations representing up-state New<br />

York production areas for broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. These tests<br />

were designed to evaluate the promising materials noted above in regard to crop<br />

response, weed control, and chemical residue in the crop under a wide range of<br />

so11 and enVironmental conditions. In addition, tpe factor of field-seeding<br />

vs. transplanting, was investigated with broccoli and cabbage. A summary of<br />

peritnent conditions for each test is presented in Table l-<br />

Each test COntained 4 replications with treatments randomized within each<br />

replication. 'Plots were one row wide and 20 feet long. All liquid materials<br />

were applied with a small plot, CO2, hand operated sprayer. Granulars were applied<br />

with a small hand shaker.<br />

~Paper No. 468. Department of Vegetable Crops, Cornell University, Itbaca,N.Y.<br />

~Research Assistants.<br />

J!Much of the work conducted away from Ithaca was supported by a grant in aid<br />

from the Diamond-Alkali Company, Cleveland, Ohio.

')<br />

')<br />

!a~l~ !.__ ~~ ~f_~r~~£o!!.d!t!o~_t~rJ!e!.d_t!:i~ ~tl_b!:.o£c~J.!,..:.C!b~.~~_C!U!.1!.l~~ _<br />


83<br />

Susceptible<br />

weeds<br />

Tolerant<br />

weeds<br />

Dacthal, Zytrfl)<br />

and CDEC+CDAA:!:I<br />

lambsquarters, redroot<br />

Eragrostis sp. purslane<br />

crabgrass,<br />

ragweed,<br />

nutgrass,<br />

bartlyard<br />

smartweed<br />

Equisetum<br />

gras s , galinsoga.<br />

De.cthal<br />


Crop Responses<br />

no symptoms on $!JYcrop at<br />

no symptoms on $!JYcrop at<br />

$!JYlocation.<br />

$!JYlocation.<br />

Zytron<br />

Three instances of severe' foliage symptoms in 15 tests. - Two<br />

of these ,"'ere due to the liquid formulation. One occurred on<br />

direct-seeded broccoli.<br />

y Chemicals gener6lly performed similarly on the several weed species.<br />

However, in lII08t locations the level ot weed. cont1'01 :W815sUgbtly<br />

lower with CDEC+CDAA.<br />

Broccoli and cabbage were combined in alternate rows in experimental<br />

fields at locations 4 and. 5. All other tests weree1:tuated in growers· fields.<br />

In these instances the entire crop production with the exception of weed eontrol<br />

was according to the commercial practises of the particular grower.<br />

DacthalWP was applied at 8 and 24 pounds; zytrtm either liquid or granular<br />

at 8 and 12 pounds; CDECgranular was combined nth enAAgranular at 2+2 and<br />

3+3J.bs. - ;;,<br />

Results<br />

and Discussion.<br />

A sUllllll8rYof crop and weed response is presentell in Table 2. Both De.-ethal<br />

and granular Zytron at 8 pounds per· acre resulted in good. weed control, and. good<br />

crop tolerance on all crops whether direct-seeded or- transplanted. -<br />

De.cthal proved to be safe under all conditions"~.,en at rates three-fold,<br />

which were needed for weed control. In the earliest tests, Zytron liquid,<br />

however, proved toxic to crucifer foliage. The symptoms were chlorosis in areas<br />

of the leaf where spray accumulated; cupping of leaves was also noted. General<br />

stunting of growth accompanied theaesymptoms. Zytl"On granular was, therefore,<br />

substituted in the later tests, and no damage to fol:1age was evident. The$s<br />

symptoms of damage were generally. outgrown at barve8tand yields were usually<br />

satisfactory. Zytron at 12 poun4s caused some damaseat one location even' on<br />

the seeded crops. This indicates a possible narroW:'Bafety margin. <strong>Weed</strong> control<br />

was generally good with both Zytronand De.ctb61. -lli!l't;h materials were effective<br />

agb-inst redroot pigweed, laIJIbsquarters, purslane, crabgrass and Eragrostis<br />

megastacbya. Neither material controlled ragweed, smartweed, barnyard grass,<br />

gallinsoga, Equisetiem sp., or northern nutgrass.

84<br />

COmbinations· of CIIlC and CDA!prQved safe on ~ • However, weed colll'Ol<br />

was in most looatklDa· sl.1ptl;y l.cMIr than ttiat obtatniQ.<br />

with .eit.her DaotJl&l.Qr ·Zytroa. <strong>Weed</strong> specie toleraDQeand susceptibility<br />

followed about the Slime pattern with the combinationS as noted above with<br />

Dacthal and Zytron.<br />

Yield data of good reliability is not generaJ,l;y .v.uable from these .tests<br />

because of the need for harvesting plots differentially depending on residue<br />

sample needs. Incom,plete yield records, however, tended to bear out the visual<br />

ratings of crop response.<br />

Samples for residue analYsis were obtained frOIDiau lOcations. All slll,Ples<br />

were submitted to the appropriate comp8llylaboratory. Detailed results are not<br />

yet ~va1lable, however, the pre11miJ:l!l.rypicture locke. Vilry good for Dacthal·and<br />

for CDEC-CDAAcombinations.<br />

Cabbage Var~ety<br />

Reseses.,<br />

A county apnt work.~ with the slime treat~8," those in the 15 teats<br />

described above, reported severe CI8mllgefromZytroncm:seeded cabbage. An<br />

investigation was made of such factors as soil, environmeo:l;, rate, etc., butno<br />

cause for this trouble was evident. Two .factors vere suspect: the formulation<br />

used in the ageo:l;'s work was somewhat different from that used in the 1960<br />

Cornell work; the cabbage varietywu a newl;y introClucedYellows Resistant 8Lory.<br />

Tests were iIIIIIled.iatel;yconducted 0110cabbage and brocaol:l to determine if tor.. '<br />

mulat10n -were a faC'\ior. These tests.indicaUdno differential response beUeen<br />

1959 and 1960formulat,ions regardles" of rate. A tee1;, involVing five var:let:Les<br />

of cabbage was then conducted. Marion Market was inoluded because it was the<br />

variety on whic;h an.previous CorneU.berblcide wOrkh14 been done. In add1'Uon .<br />

to the new YeUowa.Resistant .~~ yv~y wb,ich l:la4.-.en'damaged, two B'tabaard .<br />

strains of Danish Ballhead were included, one of which was yellows resistarlti.<br />

Also included was a new hybrid C~.<br />

The exper1meo:l;al design for chemicals was a randomized block with 4repj.1­<br />

cations •. Dacthal and Zytron wer•. iLnc1udedat 12 po\Dldaeacb. Individual. plots<br />

were 6x2o feet and the f:lYe ,var:Le1:lt,.verf:plwecl •• .ayatematic order<br />

lengthwise of eBlOlapl... Plot.' were fitted, seeded • treated JulY 11. The<br />

sandy loam soil was moist and in excellent physical condition. Light shovers<br />

followed plao:t;1ng.Tb,1spluswarlll weather promoted rapid germination and an<br />

almost perfeet .stand resulted •. ,.libeJlt.be plant8 llIl!l:re.wall-eatablished the7 .re<br />

tbinned.tO.a~tely,one.per toqt e>trow.'<br />

. . .. ,. .<br />

,"The variety :L"e.poDSesare presented in T-.ble .3. It is readily apparebll<br />

that· Dacthal. badDO adver,e eff~C't on any variety. HlMmtr,. Zytron was 'Y&l'1eble.<br />

Mar1onMll.rketwas.llI:)t.inJ~ed. ,Iiles:a..tant Glory&Q4aedstaDt Danish,. bowYer,<br />

gave severe s)'lll}YtQlll8 in eertainr.i¢ates and DOt-~j;he others. The otber<br />

var1et.1esvere, .not1Dflu.e&ced~~c"it -.ppears tbati,the Zytron damage re ...<br />

ported from the field, was poa.ib;Ly d.lMtto diftereDt:t.a. varietal response.

85<br />

Marion Market 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9<br />

Danish Ballhead 7 9 8 8 8 9 8 8<br />

Resistant Danish 8 9 9 9 6 8 8 9<br />

HYbrid C2A 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 7<br />

!!e!i!t!n~ Ql2,q __ .3___ 9___ 2.__ .3___ 2.___ 4__ .3___ .~ __<br />

Rating Scale: 9 .. no injury. 7 = commercially acceptable crop.<br />

5 = moderate damage. 1 = Crop dead.<br />

New Chemical Evaluation - 1961<br />

There were three tests conducted on fine sandy loam soil at Ithaca in 1961<br />

in an attempt to evaluate new chemi

86.<br />

!oa'.!?l!~._ ~2.h!.s;;.o!~g_f~r;..;7.:c.\!1!!og~,W!C!t!O~ 2.f ~! S.~!,<br />

Days following'· ;. Test 1 Te8t-2' Test 3. .<br />

__ t!:,e!t!,ni __ ....;,....;q;:;,__ ~u~e_7_ ~ __ ...;.__ :!U!l_l! Aug~sig,4_ ... ...-<br />

-- ~<br />

0 .00 .00<br />

"<br />

1.45<br />

1 .65 Trace ·32<br />

2 .01 .05 .00<br />

3 .78 :.19 Trace<br />

,::"li<br />

4 1.08 '. .07, .03<br />

5 .00 .15 .00<br />

6 .50 ;00" .00<br />

~.-<br />

.1, -.: .Ol'·· .ce .. .02 '<br />

..-.-,.~; ----1- ----------~:...----------.~<br />

__ 'to!.B!.<br />

~<br />

~ :_l·Q.S__ .:..-;- ~.!i8-~ _' 1!,.Bg,_..:...,.<br />

It can be seen in Table 5t_,z)lphenamid was ucept10nally variable. l1n<br />

pe1'formance between the several te8't:s. It is thOupt; that the leaching 'QItiabJ.e<br />

may accolmlifortbese difference8ioiDacthBl gave UD1tormly gOod resuJ.ts. There<br />

is toxic to crucifers at .<br />

higher rates. Trifluralin was outstanding in weed·corxtrol. Except wbel'il..'leach,.,<br />

ing wasprQbab~.severe it appears to be safe, even at 3 or 4 times the. d,c)sage,<br />

nMded 'for weed ooDt1'Ol. CIlEC..cDAA'performedwell ti'bb .:l1ttle crop.Cla1IItIPand<br />

generally good weed control. However) in the second test Wbere no heavy ri.1ne<br />

occutX'ed)' weed coetrol was only. mediocre. .:, ",<br />

Those compounds performing, unsatisfactorily, et1;be~ beCal»e of poor 1lIHd"<br />

control or because of crop inj1.li7. are listed in Ta~ 6. '"<br />

l. 'DacthBl:has a wid.eme.rg1nof safety on seeded or transplanted b:l'oCco11,<br />

aa~e,and cauJ.ttlower. :rt is effective on l11811Yannualweed species. .... '<br />

weed~'6peeies tolerant of DacthBlare ragweed, S1II&1'tiJ8edand galinsoga •<br />

..~.Zytronhasc.•pprOX1mat.ly the sameactiv11lyce,a DacthBl as tar 88 .«i .<br />

species ;is coneened. However" 1lbere seems to be Ii' 41stinctly narrover .~.<br />

of.crop. sat~ty.Tbe ,granular formulation IIlUStbe sUbstituted fortbe l1q11td if<br />

cruciterfol1ale ispreseDt.<br />

3. Cabbage. .,.,ieties appear tc! react d11'fefeat1ally to-Zytron.Irl ODe<br />

tr1al two ;yeUows reeistant varte\ttee seemed to be'.eresu8ceptible than-'l1Dnresistant.<br />

However only 5 varieties were included in this study. More 1lCrk<br />

is needed on this aspect.

Table 5. Bai

88<br />

2,b!!D1C!1!.<br />

.;..' '.,;...._<br />

!e£J.:.2.._!!e~!:.<br />

.!!D!~t'L!.:f!c.!.0!7.;.~ W~=,~,!.~.... ctuS1!e!:.~:.;<br />

Chemicals lacking crop '." Chem1clU.s~Xli ·weed control<br />

tolerance but 81v1n8 . and/or 'croJ,jt"oleranee<br />

ade~ateweed control .. ". " . '.. ' ..<br />

- - - -:.- ":"~ - -: - - -lbsZA-: ... ":" ...... - - ....- .. .,.,'.. - .. - - .. - rbi!A:~" -<br />

Amchem 61-l22 4, 8 . Amchem61-

weeding of Lima Bean. With Chemical Herbicides<br />

Char1el J. No1l 1<br />

The weeding of lima beans is tBportant in reduoing the cost of production<br />

of this crop. DRBPhas been commoolyu.ed but the .earch continues for a ><br />

better and le .. expensive chemical. The expertBent :reported in thi. paper>18<br />

a continuation of work started a-few years ago.<br />


The seedbed was prepared and pre-planting treatmente made June 1. Tha.e<br />

treatments were t.corporated in the .oi1 with a roto~i11er .et .ha11ow. The<br />

following day the lima bean varlety rordhook 242 wal leeded. The pre-emel'lence<br />

treaenent. were applied from 1 to 6 days after planting. Post-emergence treatments<br />

were made 10 day. after planting. Individual plot. were 27 feet long<br />

and 3 feet wide. Treatments were randomized in each of 6 blocks.<br />

The chemicals were applied with a small sprayer over the row for a width<br />

of 12 inches. Cultivation controlled the weed. between the rows. An e&timate<br />

of weed control was made Auguat 24 on a baais of 1 to 10, 1 being moat>.<br />

desirable and 10 being leaat desirable. Bean harvest wes completed September 29.<br />


The result. are pre.ented in table 1. All chemical •• ignificantly increaaed<br />

weed control a8 compared to .the untreated check. There were aignif~<br />

caat differencea in wee' control between the treated plota but the higher ><br />

rate of treatment of most chemicals gave sufficient weed control. The 8t~nd<br />

of plants waa unaffected by the treatments. All treatment. except U-4513<br />

at the 1.'8er rate re.ulted in significant increa.e in weight of beans.<br />


Taking into consideration weed control, 8tand of plant8 and yield no<br />

chemical treatment was superior to DNBPapplied post-emergence. Many<br />

chemicals did a good job of weeding lima beans without injury to the<br />

stand aad with increase in yield _ compared to the UQtreat.ed·aback<br />

plot. Someof the mo.t promi8ing of the8e are Atramatryne, Trietazine,<br />

Herb. 326 and Hercules 7531.<br />

89<br />

1 A.eociate Profe,80r of 01erlcu1ture, Department of Horticulture, College of<br />

Agriculture.and Experiment Station,Penn8y1vania State Univer8ity, Univer.ity<br />

Park, Penn8y1vania.

90<br />

Table 1. <strong>Weed</strong> cOIJ~~.l. Itend of plante and yield of Hubeans under<br />

chemical herbicide treatments.<br />

. r f),' '.:<br />


A~U"e Rate •... ed<br />

·Wt. of<br />

PeZ'Acre AppLication Dayl O-trol Stand of i.ca<br />

,Cb.. 1cal 11:1', fl'Gl Seediu . ··n-lm P1Ilnte :111.<br />

Nothing -- -- 9.2 91 8.4<br />

Tillem 4 Soil lac. -I 4.7 92 13.6<br />

" 6 " " -I 3.5 85 14.7<br />

AmJ.b~ 3 PlaatiDg Time 0 -3~2 91 14.4<br />

" 44 " ." 0 ·4JO 93 '15.4<br />

PrOlll8tryne 2<br />

"" j 0 ·l.a: 89 'i6.l<br />

"<br />

3 ." "<br />

0 1~7 90 '14.9<br />

Atr~t~. 3 P,...-..rgance 5 1.3 90 1'1.3<br />

'~"<br />

" 5 , 2.0 91 16.2<br />

Trietazine 4 " 5 2.0 92 16.3<br />

"<br />

" 6 :" S .1. ..., 92 16.8<br />

Herb 126 2 " 5 ·),0' 85 14.3<br />

• 1,' d .<br />

~~. 3<br />

,<br />

.. ,<br />

S .1.3



William V. Welker. Jr.<br />

1<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>s are one of the maJC?3!' problems in the culture of sweet<br />

potatoes. Four to six CUltivations per season plus hand weeding<br />

are general practices employed in sweet potato culture. Chemical<br />

weed control measures would appear to have considerable economic<br />

potential. The project was initiated in 1959 with greenhouse<br />

screeni~ 9f chemicals on fo~ varieties of18weet potatoes. The<br />

most promi 13ing chemicals .\'fe~etaken to the field in 1960. Most<br />

of the treatments were repeated during 1961.<br />

The field experiments were carried out on a sandy loam soil.<br />

A randomizedcomp~ete block design with fo~ replicates was used.<br />

Each plot consisted of two rows 30 feet long with a guard row on<br />

each side. All herbicides. exgept NPA (N-l-naphthylphthalamiC<br />

acid) which was applied as a granular. were applied as sprays.<br />

The sprays were applied over the foliage of the sweet potato<br />

plants shortlY after the plants were set in the field. During<br />

1960 the plots received normal cultivation between the rows beginriing<br />

three weeks after the herbicides were lil,pplied. During .<br />

1961 the plots,.received no CUltivation af'terthe herbicide treatments.<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>sW:~re counted several times during each season.<br />

All plots were hand-weeded at the normal ~ay-by time.<br />

, '<br />

The predominant weed species :r;>resent . both years were<br />

crabgrass (D1~taria s uinal s (L.) Scap.)., pigweed (Amaranthus<br />

retronexus r.. iambsquarters Cheno odium album L.). arid common<br />

ragweed (Affibrosi •• edata taken included weed<br />

control. inJury rattemiS11f',Olia<br />

"01 owing herbicide application •. yie1d. internal<br />

color analysis. organoleptic tests. and herbicide ef'fect on storage<br />

and sp~ou.t1ng.<br />

. The speCific effect of the herbicides ,upon yields weed control.<br />

and quality factors will be discussed., Amiben b amino..... 2.<br />

5·-dic~orobenzoic acid). casoron (2.4 dic~orobenzon1trile). diphenamid<br />

(N.N-dimethyl-i,-7(-diphenylacetamide}. and dacthal<br />

(dimethyl tetrach10roterephalate) appeared acceptable with<br />

respect to all factors studied. NPAwas not included in the 1961<br />

experiment because of its harmful ef'fects upon skin quality found<br />

in the 1960 experiments. CIPC (isopropyl N-(3-chlorophenyl)<br />

carbamate) injured the sweet potato plant and reduced yield. The<br />

weed control obtained with CIPC was less satisf'actory than that<br />

obtained with the other compounds. Diphenamid was included only<br />

in the 1961 experiments.<br />

These studies indicated that the solution of the weed control<br />

problem without a reduction of sweet potato yields is at hand.<br />

Additional investigation of the effects of herbicides on quality<br />

is needed.<br />

91<br />

lHorticulturist. Crop Research Division. AJzricultu:ral Rf'HIAA,.~h

92<br />


Results<br />

Date treated: 9/6/61<br />

Soil motsture:medium below, but dry on lurfaQe and 1n seed zone.<br />

Soil type: sandy clay loam<br />

Plot arrangement: One row of each crop was planted on a 3,ft. bed<br />

110 ft. long.<br />

Herbicide treat.ents: All herbicidel were apPl1e4 beginning at the rate<br />

of 16 lbs/A and decreasing to 1/2 lb/A with a half dosage distance of<br />

20 ft., using 125 gals/acre at 40 psi. The width of the sprayed area<br />

was about 5 ft. There was no cultivation or haRd weeding.<br />

Rainfall data: 0.52 in. the d4Y prior to makina the beds and planti.,.<br />

Soil surface and seed zone dried out rapidly and remained dry until Sept.<br />

14 when 0.67 in. fell. Subsequent precipitatiollduring the 4 weeks dter<br />

planting was: Sept. 15, 0.14 in.; Sept. 18-20, 0.35 in., Sept. 28,<br />

0.40 in.; and OCt. 2-4, 1.98 inl.<br />

and Observations<br />

Visual observations and measurements are summariced in Table 1. There were<br />

several herbicides besides the standard treatmenta WhiChshowed promising degrees<br />

of crop·weed selectivity. The material with the wid.. t safety margin on most<br />

crops was Dacthal, giving good initial weed control to 1 lb/A while showing no<br />

crop injury at the highest rate of 16 lbs/A. except on apinach which waa tolerant<br />

below 4 lbs/A. R·1870 was equally safe on moat cropa including spinach, at<br />

l6lba/A, but 6 lba/A were required for good weed control. Other materials<br />

showing good selectivity on most crops teated were Trifluralin (, to 3 lba/A),<br />

Tilla. (4 to 8 lha/A) and Eptam (4 to 8 lba/A except on spinach). Zytron<br />

(4 to 6 lbs/A), Randox (3 to 4 lba/A) and NIA 6370 (8 to 12 lbs/A) showed "limited<br />

possibilities on apecific crops.<br />

It is obvious that the dry and hot weather cond1clons at the time of appli·<br />

cation and for 8 daya afterward had a major influence on the results. Unuaually<br />

high ratea, eapecially of the thio~carbamates, were aece.aary for good weed<br />

control. However, crop tolerance also resulted at correspondingly high rat.l.<br />

Increased efficiency from theae materiala, as well al Vegadex and CIPC, has<br />

consiltently been obtained when foll~ed by rain or Iprinkling. Trifluralla,<br />

Diphenamid, Zytron and Dscthal, on the other hand, are apparently not so subject<br />

to volatilization and loss under adverle weather and 8011 conditions. Othew teats<br />

show. however, that Dacthal is very dependant on precipitation getting it into<br />

the aoil before the weed seeds ge~lnate.<br />

Trial No.2: Pre· ... rgence herbicide applicationl 08 six leaf cropa ustng<br />

conventional plots.<br />

Methods and Materials<br />

Crop varieuea:<br />

Spinach - Old Dominion Blight Resiatant<br />

Kale • Vates Dwarf Blue Curled Scotch<br />

Hanover salad - Early<br />

Collards - Vates<br />

Turnip areens • Seven Ton Salad<br />


Diphenamid 1 1 , ~, 1 ~ Good above<br />

1 1h/A<br />

94<br />

Table 1.<br />

Herbicide<br />

Selectivity Range. from Herbicide Applicati~'; on Five Leaf cr~~.<br />

Ul1nsehe 'J.osarithldc 'Spfly_r. ' ," , "';<br />

" ':(' Good Control lelidual<br />

MaximumRate for Crop Toll!Eance U~!!/jH """O'ba/A. )" <strong>Weed</strong><br />

SptDaclt' 1a1. . COllard. ~~rniV"Cr.'.·' Gra•• e. Broali-""Contro1<br />

, .. '. :' '. '" ,..' '. 'leafl (11/24!61)<br />

R-3400<br />

R-3408<br />

R-341S<br />

R-1870<br />

Tillam<br />

Epta.<br />

CIPO<br />

Vegadex' .<br />

Vegadex<br />

+CIPC<br />

Randox<br />

Ve8a~<br />

+ Randox<br />

Dacthal<br />

.Zytron<br />

NtA 6~70<br />

Triflural1n<br />

J<br />

~." '! 4 ",.", '4<br />

\ I. ~ .',<br />

16 '16<br />

16<br />

8<br />

4<br />

16<br />

8<br />

&<br />

'3; 2<br />

,·to 16<br />

"\<br />

4 + 4, 4+4<br />

4" 16<br />

11<br />

3<br />

4 "<br />

6<br />

8<br />

4<br />

! • ~<br />

16<br />

8<br />

4<br />

4<br />

16<br />

16<br />

8<br />

8<br />

'2'j:. 2<br />

16 ,16<br />

6:+1~"'j 6 + 1-\<br />

I v<br />

4+4<br />

;,J,<br />

'16'<br />

'~'6:"<br />

I<br />

6<br />

3 + 3<br />

16<br />

2<br />

6<br />

4<br />

6<br />

, .... L·"<br />

,I ..: :-j<br />

10<br />

12<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

4<br />

10 3,<br />

',; ~,;:,]<br />

8<br />

10<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

~'poor<br />

Poor<br />

"~oor<br />

1»oor<br />

i' .<br />

-\ 'rlalr<br />

a\ove<br />

"'8 lbl!A<br />

'4<br />

4'Pbbr '.';'; 1<br />

6 +'~~3 + 3/4 2 ...;-\.' 'lii'<br />

a1>ove<br />

;'8+2' fbi! A<br />

" 3" .:<br />

,.,iJ<br />

IS<br />

,ri ..,'<br />

'2<br />

e;'<br />

3<br />

1<br />

4<br />

'8<br />

3<br />

1<br />

'~~or<br />

"a'1.r 1<br />

"flo".<br />

:"'+8<br />

'fool'<br />

3' COOd<br />

'abcSv.<br />

6"lb'/A.<br />


95<br />

Date planted: 915/61<br />

Date treated: 9/7 & 8/61<br />

Soil mOlsture: medium below, but dry on surface and in seed zone.<br />

Soil type: sandy clay loam<br />

Plot arrangement: Plots consisted of two 3% ft. beds 20 ft. long. One<br />

row of each crop was planted per pl~t, with 3 crops per bed.<br />

Experimental design: Random~zed block with 3 reps.<br />

Herbicide treatments: Spray treatments were applied on 9/7/61 1n 30 gals/A<br />

at 30 psi. Granular materials were appl~ed on 918161 using a small hand<br />

duster. There was no cultlvation or hand weeding.<br />

Rainfall data: Same as in trial No.1.<br />

/~ea harvested: Hanover salad and turnip greens were harvested on 10/31/61<br />

The yield data represent one row, 20 ft. long, of each crop per plot., The<br />

other crops will probably be harvested in the .pring.<br />

R!§~s<br />

and Observations<br />

The visual observations in Table 2 and yuld date in Table 3 general~y.agree<br />

with the results reported for trial No.1.<br />

The most promising material .from the standpoint of weed control and crop<br />

tolerance in this trial was Triflural1n, although there was sign1ficant irljury<br />

to spinach and cress at 2 IbslA of the 4 e.c. formulation. Later trials u~der<br />

cool and moist conditions indicate that spinach may be 1njured even at 1 Ib/A of<br />

either 4 e.c. or2 G formulations. Both Tr1fluralin and Diphenamid gave very<br />

good weed control even at 1 IblAof either formulation. Diphenamid, however,<br />

showed no crop selectivity except at 1 Ib/A on Hanover salad.<br />

,<br />

The .tandard treatments of Vegadex, CIPC and the.Vegadex + CIPC mixture<br />

gave satisfactory weed control, especially at the hiah rates, with little or no<br />

crop injury except from 2 IbslA of. 4 e.c. CIPC. Undltr the prolonged hot, dry<br />

weather conditions, these and most other herbic1des conSistently gave slightly<br />

better weed control from spray formulations compared ee the granules. The..<br />

opposite was true, however, of R-1870, although even at the rate of 4 lbs/A it<br />

did not give as good weed control as the standard treatments.<br />

The use of Dacthal agaln resulted ln good weed control from the 50 WPformulation<br />

while showing no signlficant crop injury except at 4 IbslA on spin.cb.<br />

Lack of moisture prior to the germination of the first weed seeds probably<br />

contributed to the lower degree of weed control from the Dacthal granules.<br />

While Zytron and NIA 6370 gave good weed control even at 8 and 5 IbslA,<br />

respectively, severe crop injury in many cases limits ~heir potential. ZytWon<br />

appears to be safe only in the gra~lular form at 8 Ib.,,(A, appl1ed to spinach,'<br />

Hanover salad and collard.. NIA 6370 seems to have greater selectivity on these<br />

same crops, with no appreciable injury from 5 IbslA in either the 4 e.c. or 5 G<br />

formulation, or from 10 lbslA in the 5 G formulation.

96<br />

Tlble 2. Vilual Crop Injury and <strong>Weed</strong> Contl:01 Rating.<br />

~ .... weed<br />

Herbicide Formulation' Rate Spinach Kale Ha,lover, ~. 1A'id.Turnip. cr;;;; Control<br />

J<br />

R-1870 6':e.1:•. 2 '10 " 1

Table 3. Yield Data on Hanover and TUrnips 97<br />

Averase Yield in 1bs/20 ft. of row<br />

Herbicide Formulation Rate Hanover Turnips<br />

R-1870 6 e ,c . 2 22.7 25.4<br />

" 6 e.c. 4 27~5 21.5<br />

" 10 G 2 28.0 21.8<br />

" 10 G 4 23.4 23.7<br />

CIPC 4 e.c. 1 21.7 21.1<br />

" 4 e. c. 2 25.1 18.3<br />

" 5 G 1 32.0 17.8<br />

" 5 G 2 22.8 16.1<br />

Vegadex 4 e.c. 2 24.8 24;3<br />

" 4 e.c. 4 27.1 21.7<br />

" 20 G 2 '··28·.0 23.2<br />

II<br />

20 G 4 23.0 23.7<br />

Vegadex 4 e.c. + 4 e.c. 2+\ 28.3 24.1<br />

+ CIPC 20 G + 5 G 2+\ 26.1 23.6<br />

Dacthal 50 WP 2 25.1 22.1<br />

II<br />

50 WP 4 ,24.2 22.9<br />

II<br />

2\ G 2 25.9 22,,1<br />

" 2\G 4 19.7 21.9<br />

Zytron 3 e.c. 8· 18.9 10.9<br />

II<br />

3 e.c. 16 8.2 1.5<br />

" 25 G 8 30.5 14.3<br />

II<br />

25 G 16 23.5 8.6<br />

NIA 6370 4 e.c. 5 30.9 8.3<br />

" 4 e.c. 10 13.7 0<br />

II<br />

5 G 5 27.3 12.8<br />

" 5 G 10 25.2 14.1<br />

Trifluralin 4 e.c. 1 31.3 23.4<br />

II<br />

4 e.c. 2 33.3 23.1<br />

" 2 G 1 26.4 25.0<br />

II<br />

2 G 2 25.4 22.9<br />

Diphenamid 80 WP 1 29.7 14.3<br />

II<br />

80 WP 2 23.4 7.8<br />

" 5 G 1 33.4 14.7<br />

" 5 G 2 25.5 7.8<br />

Diphenatrile 5 G 5 32.1 27.8<br />

" 5 G 10 24.8 23.6<br />

Check 25.2 21.9

9S<br />

Diphenatrl1e i. worthy of further .tudy in both ,ranular and .pray torab~<br />

latlons. The granular material gave fair to good weed control with complete<br />

tolerance of all crop. to 10 lb./A.<br />

fugmpAryfnd eonclu.iop.<br />

Preltminary investigations with .everal of the new experimental herbicid.es<br />

offer promising possibilities of alleviating the more serious weed problema _till<br />

facinS ··leaf crop growen of Eastern Virginia.<br />

Decthal, a-1870, Tillam, Trifluralin and Diphenatrile appear to be equal,<br />

and in some cases .uperior, to Vegadex and CIPC ln crop tolerance. These<br />

materials offer po•• ibiLities especially during period. of the year or on weed<br />

.pecle s :where the preseatstsndard treatments often faU. A longer period of<br />

effective control may also be possible from some of these chemicals, e.g.,<br />

Trifluralin.<br />

Further trials and information are needed at different periods of the year<br />

to determine the influenca. of climatic and soil conditions on the result.<br />

obtained from these materials on specific crop. and weed species.<br />

Literlture<br />

Cited<br />

(1) Daniellon, L. L. Evaluation of pre-emergence .pray and granular applications<br />

of COECon vegetable. leaf and cole crops. Proc. N.E.W.C.C. 12: 17-22. (1958)<br />

(2) Price, C. D. Pre- and post-emergence weed control in leef crop. using<br />

h~bicide combinetiona. Proc. N.E.W.C.C. 13: 510-516. (1959)<br />


<strong>Weed</strong>ing of Carrots With 'pre-lilanUng, Pre ..emergence and<br />

Po.t-emerget!ceApplicatlonl ·of Chemicals<br />

Ch~r1e. J. No11 1<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>control hvery impbl''tant iii the early It ••• S of growth of carrot ••<br />

Moat coaaercia1 cropa of carrota.ate' aprayed for ".14control with Stoddar.d<br />

Solvent. Other chemical. have without recent years benn found to be effective.<br />

This year's work is a contin~tion of work .tarted a number of year.:<br />

ago.<br />


The seedbed was prepared, pre.p1anting treaauent. applied and .eed.<br />

planted Kay 2. Pre-planting treatments were incprporated in the .011 with<br />

e rototiller .et shallow. The variety grown was Chantenay, red core. The<br />

pr.,:,,8IIIergenceapplications were made 1 or 3 days after seeding and post- '.<br />

emergence applications were made 33 day. after seeding when carrots had .<br />

their first true leaves. Individual plots were 28 f.et long and 2 feet<br />

wide. Treatments were randomized in each of 8 block ••<br />

The cheatca1s were applied with • small sprayer over the row for a wiath<br />

of 12 inche.. Cultivation controlled the weed. between the rows. Anest.:L".<br />

mat. of wee.~contro1 was made July 28 ona basis of 1 to 10, 1 being mo.t<br />

des~r.b1e and 10 being least deillr8ble. Carrotharve.t was completed Oct. 6.<br />


. The results are presented in table 1. All treatment. except the po.t~<br />

emergence Deetb.1' treatment significantly increa.ed weed control as compared<br />

to the untreated check. The belt veed control tre8llleDts were in the so11 iilcorporation<br />

treatments of Ti11am at·~ 1bs. per acre, in the pre~emergence<br />

treatments 0.£.PrOllletryne at 3 1bs. per acre, Ipal1ne at 3 1bs. per acre,<br />

U 4513 at 3 lb •• per acre and Amiben at 5 1bs. per acre and in the postemergence<br />

treatment of Solan at 6 lb •• per acre. The stand of plants was<br />

significantly better than that of the untreated check with the post-emerg8ace<br />

treabaent. of Amiben at S 1bs. per acre aad Solan at'6 lb •• per acre. Many<br />

other chemicals had a .tand equal to the check. Significant increasea in<br />

yield as compared to the untreated plot were found in the following treated<br />

plots: in the .oi1 incorporation treatment R-1856 at 4 and 6 1bs. per acre;<br />

in the pre-emergence treatments of Herb. 326 at 2 1bs. per acre, U 4513 at<br />

2 1be. per acre, zytron at 10 and 15 1bs. per acre, Amibenat 5 lbe. per acre<br />

and Dactha1 W-50 at 8 lbs. per acra; and in the post-emergence treatment of<br />

Amiben at 5 1bs. per acre and Solan at 4 and 6 lbe. per acre.<br />


Taking into coaa1derat10n weed control, stand of plante and yield the<br />

best two treatments were the post-emergence treatments of Solan at 6 1be. per<br />

acre and Amibenat 5 lbs. per acre. Other chem1cale that look promising for<br />

the weeding of this crop are R~1856, Herb. 326, U 4513, Zytron and Dactha1.<br />

99<br />

1.. .._.... • .I! ..... 'I __ .. _._1 .. _~_-. ft ... ... _I: u __ .. ,,_ ...' .... _6 ,.".11<br />

4 ft<br />

..... ",

100<br />

Tab1,e 1. Weei· cem:rol. stand (>f pl.aat. andweipt .of~t. of carrot.<br />

under chemical berblci6.tre .... nt ••<br />

Ipadne<br />

Amiben<br />

Daethal W-50<br />

AiDiben.<br />

Daethal W-.50<br />

Stoddard Solvent<br />

Solan<br />

"<br />

Chemic.1<br />

Nothing<br />

T1UIllll<br />

II<br />

R-18S6<br />

II<br />

Berb. ,326<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Prometryne<br />

U-4S13<br />

"<br />

Ipadne<br />

"<br />

,'.<br />

"<br />

,<br />

Active Rate<br />

Per Acre '. j Applle.tionDay.<br />

Ibe. froll Plant1Dll<br />

-- ";"--<br />

4l' 'lsbU Inc.<br />

6 ""<br />

4 "II<br />

6 :", II<br />

" \<br />

2 Pre~emergenca<br />

2 "<br />

II<br />

, '" "<br />

2 "<br />

3 If<br />

2<br />

3<br />

I"' ..<br />

' I'<br />

10 "<br />

1.5 'J, "<br />

S " ..<br />

8' n<br />

S<br />

8 "<br />

70 gal...·<br />

,,·~t-"rg.<br />

4<br />

6 ~ .. ' "<br />

2 ',;, "<br />

3 ""<br />

Lealt Ilplflcant difference 51­<br />

1'1<br />

*<strong>Weed</strong> Control I-lOt 1 Perfect Wfe4cCoQtrol.<br />

10 Full <strong>Weed</strong>G~th.<br />


'*<strong>Weed</strong> I<br />

CoDtrol I Stand of<br />

"ltiol0l i P1anta<br />

• i "9'.8 i 140<br />

e r: It.8 I 26<br />

o 2.9 6<br />

o 6.1 I ISO<br />

o 5.0 13S<br />

1 4.6 98<br />

1 ' 4.5 37<br />

1 i.i '5'.0 S4<br />

1 '2.4 29<br />

1'i' ""6.3 SO<br />

1 "4.0 18<br />

I'<br />

"1;<br />

6'.0<br />

'3.9<br />

118<br />

68<br />

3 6.8 130<br />

" i', 6.4 ISO<br />

3' ! t.3<br />

3' '" 5'.8<br />

99<br />

191<br />

33; ." ~4.3' %22<br />

33 8.6 173<br />

33<br />

33<br />

5.8<br />

4.3<br />

160"<br />

12S<br />

'3 2.9 219<br />

;3 h 6.1 126<br />

ss I', 4~S 130<br />

1.8<br />

2.4<br />

S6<br />

, 74<br />

Wt. of<br />

,lOOts<br />

'lb ...<br />

l ' :~::"<br />

~7<br />

9.2<br />

11.6<br />

10.9<br />

:4.4<br />

:"7."<br />

'4'.9<br />

n',;4<br />

; )%a'<br />

9.2<br />

7'.3<br />

12.1<br />

:'11.0<br />

'1f)~6<br />

l1ii8"<br />

"I.' 6.S<br />

8.5<br />

13.0<br />

13.1<br />

6-..5<br />

81<br />

3~4<br />

4~4<br />

,U<br />

;1'<br />

, . :<br />

I'<br />

.' .. \

101<br />


J. C. Cialone, G. Bayer and R.D. Sweet.<br />

Introduction<br />

New York with about 15,000 acres ranks all one of the leading onion p:L'0­<br />

ducing sta1ies, with the majority of the production centered in the muck soil<br />

areas where '<strong>Weed</strong>s are a serious problem. Growers have shown great interest in<br />

herbicides as an aid in reducing weeding costs.<br />

Most of the acreage in NewYork this year was treated with cbloro-N-Ndiallyl-acetamide,<br />

CDAA,sold as Randox. This prosram consists of a 6 lb/acre<br />

rate of the liquid formulation of CDAAin the crook stage of onion development<br />

and subsequent applications of the granular formul~ion as they are needed<br />

throughout the remainder of the season. CIPC (cbloro-isopropyl-phenyl carbamate)<br />

is used in combination with the CDAA,primarily in situations were purslane<br />

(Portulaca sp.) has not been controlled by the CDAA. In general, the above two<br />

chemicals have given .very satisfactory results over a wide range of environmental<br />

conditions on muck soils. CDAAdoes have the limitation that it will not control<br />

purslane other·than in the seedling stage of development and does not have a<br />

very long period of residual activity in the soil.<br />

Since CDAAoften gives injury when applied immediately after planting, if this<br />

application is followed by rain, and since liquid formulations may give Uljury<br />

when the onion has reached the nag stage of development, the early period of<br />

safe use is a short and crucial one. l't can readily be seen that with the great<br />

variations in spring weather conditions this period of safe use may not alw.ys<br />

coincide with the stage of weed growth at which CDAAwill be most effective. Any<br />

chemical which could eliminate this crucial timing with respect to the crOp and<br />

still be an effective herbicide would be very valuable. Tests conducted on muck<br />

soil in 1960 by Althaus, Langlois and Gleason (1) indicate that a combination ef<br />

CDAAand TCBC(Tricblorobenzylcbloride) sold as R8l'1doxT, was effective e.ge.1nSt<br />

purslane, gave generally good weed control and g8velittle stand reduction wbOn<br />

used at 6 and 9 qt/acre rates. Romanowski in 1960 (4) indicated that this e

102<br />

because past weather reco:l\ds indicated that these two lbcations generally have<br />

very different cl:1mstic conditions. .<br />

General<br />

Standard Chemical, Rate, Mixture and Timing Tests.<br />

IdenticaJ. .teats were conducted at Oswego and Elba. locations in growers'<br />

fields. IrIdi vidual plots were 5x20 feet haVing four rQVlI of' onions lengthw1M<br />

in each plot. In Table 1 are presented a list of trea1llllents, rates and t1lll1Dc.<br />

!a~l! h._ [~2.f_c~ic!,l!,_r!.t!._an~ !1l!i~~ .., _.., ..,.__<br />

_ _ _ _ _M!,t!r!8!,s_U!.~ T!1II!.2.f_al?\'hi~a112.n ... .;.'_<br />

Chemical<br />

CDAA<br />

CDEC<br />

eIPO<br />

CDAA+ TCBC<br />

CDEC+ CDAA<br />

CDEC+ CDAA<br />

fI<br />

It<br />

"<br />

"<br />

CDAA+.CIPC<br />

4,6<br />

4,6<br />

4,6<br />

4,6·<br />

3+3<br />

4+4­<br />

4+2<br />

2+4<br />

6+4<br />

6+6<br />

"", '<br />

. Oswego<br />

~-MsiV 1, 2 days after planting<br />

~-May 15, onions<br />

in crook<br />

~-May 18, lO-2~ onions in flag 8'tqe<br />

tI "<br />

1st MsiV.8, sailleday as planted<br />

2nd MsiV17, onions in early crook<br />

_________ .... 3rd~_2i,...,..0~11! !nJ!.Bi _' _<br />

*rates .based on quantity of CDAAapplied. (solldasRaMo~..T)<br />

. Each plot 'Wasreplicated three times with the chea1cal treatments randQm1zed<br />

in each replicate. The timing factor for each chemical. treatment, however, was.<br />

not randomized, so that the three times of application: were side by side in ..<br />

pre-set order. The t1m1ng f'actor,tben, is composed ottbne sUb-plots in 'bhe<br />

main plot which is the chemical treatmeJ1't. There was a. check plot in each tier<br />

of each· replicate.<br />

Although each treatment was applied at three differeJ1't times in relation to<br />

onion development, it must be stressed that each plot was treated only once, ...<br />

that is, different plots were treated at each of the three t1m1ngs.<br />

All chemicals used were the c01lllllercial liquid fol'lllUlations and all combinations<br />

were tank mixed. Applications were made with a hand CO2pressure small<br />

plot sprayer. . .<br />

Visual weed and crop ratings were made· in each location throughout the· .<br />

season •. At OSYeSoall plots were hand'weeded on July 5th and weights of weeds<br />

were taken. Yields and stand couJ1'ts.vere taken in September at time of bar'leet.<br />

Stand couJ1'ts and field records were taken on the 15 feet of the middle two ron<br />

in each plot.

Weather conditions at the two locations weX'equite. different. At Elba<br />

precipitation came in the form of severe thunderstorms through much of the<br />

season. A severe hall storm on June 23rd when the ou1ons were approxime.tely<br />

6 1nches te.11 was extremely detr~al to the C1'Op. Both locations he.dabout<br />

the se.me total precipitation for May, but the precipitation at Elba seemed. to<br />

have come at a more crucie.lt1me in relation to crop emergence. In addition.<br />

the particular soll used at Elba, was very subject to compaction, and resulted<br />

in poor stands. It was est imated that at the' flag stage at Elba 30 percent<br />

of the seed which had germinated was still beneath the -soll and never emerged,<br />

regardless of treatment.<br />

103<br />

There are several other factors :wbichmust be considered before examining<br />

the results' obtained. At neitheX' location were effoX'ts made to measure the<br />

weed competition factor. For this reason y1e1

104<br />

~a~l~ ~. _C!:.0l!, £e!JlOJ1!.8_ ai QS~i0:. _ '"' __________<br />

, . " T1meof 'l'reatlent ------- ' -- '. '<br />

Chemical ,,'. At_Pl~t~," - -~-S~~7.· - !.l!8_Sias.e<br />

~r!.ailll!.ni __ ~J."2..LA__ [~_8!.8!!i,;. ',- ~__ Si~.;..· __~ _ -.si~_ ., ___<br />

CDEC 6 7.3 281 6.3 248.6 7.0 268.6<br />

CDAA 6· 9.0 296.3 9.0 29 1"3" 8.6 264.0<br />

C'lEC 4 7.6 236.0,,;r 7.0 268.6, 7.6 256.0<br />

CDM 4 9.0 3a6.0 8.6 293.0,. 9.0 304.6<br />

CDAA+CDEC 4+2 8.6 294.0 7.0 223.6 7.3 282.0<br />

" + " 3+3 8.0 284.0 7.6 266.0 7.0 267.3<br />

" + .2+4 8·3 293.0 8.3* 289.5*, 8.6 288.0<br />

" + " .11+4 8.0 27J..6 6.3 2!1o.0 6.6 240.3<br />

CIPC 4 9·0 304.3 . 9.0 265.6 '9·0 284.0<br />

" 6 9.0 ·265.0 9.0 288.3, 8.6 271.0<br />

CDAA+QIPC 6+4 8.3 304.6 9.0 300.6 9.0 290.6<br />

" +' " 6+6 8.5* 265.0* 8.3 265.6, 8.3 283.0<br />

CDAA+TCBC 4+10 8.6 277.6 8.3 265.3 8.6 263.6<br />

" + " 6+15 8.6 278.0 8.6 247.3 7.6 249.0<br />

CK 9.0 264.9 9.0 264.9 9.0 264.9'<br />

. .'<br />

*---'-~-~'-~--~-------~-~---~~~-------~----<br />

.'. ..',' . '..<br />

•¥&nS of only 2 replications.<br />

!:.t9 • perfect crop; 7. commerc~ acceptable; 5 • ,~rate damage.<br />

1 • crop completely killed. Data t.-n June 12.<br />

'!:.a~l!.l._ ~e!.dj"~_C£.op_R!.s~~s!. !.t_E!.b!.. ..:. _<br />

2oh!.m!.c!.l_<br />

~e!.d_~ni1"2.J.3! Qr2l! ~t!.~Q.O~is<br />

!..b~~ __ All._ £ __ 'E'J./ All.__ C__ !: All.__ £ __ ]_ ~ __<br />

CDEC 6 6.6 6.3* 6.0 4.0 6.0 7.3 71.6 141.5 144.6<br />

CDAA 67.6 8.3 9.0 6.6 7.6* 8.5 '105.6 159.3* 190.3<br />

CDEC4. 2.6 4.0 4.6 7.0 7.0 6.3, ·U5.6 143.0 166.3,<br />

CDAA, l,., 7.~ 8.0 8.6 ... 8.3 ,~~.6 149.3 188.0.<br />

cDi"c+ciiAA - W- -773:-"'f.b -870....- - 3'l; -770-8.0: -,~ -,.t3'-14876:-"r7g.5,~ -<br />

" + 'II 3+3' 7.3 7.6 8.0 4.6 7.3 8.0 81.0 108.6 148.0<br />

" +" 2+4 8.0 8.3 8.6 4.6 6.3 7.6 69.0 130.6 165.0<br />

" + " . 4+4 . . 8.0 8.6 3.0 ,2.3 6.0 8.0 . . 44.6 146.3 191.6., ..'<br />

CIPc-..."'-,."4- :- -27P- 4'.~'"'476- ...- 8.3':-e73 1l' is - :-115'.o"'14'370"r~.3 --<br />

Q~_ _ _ _ 6 _ .J:.O.;. §..§._7:.0 §..Q_8~.o_ a.§..;;.: ,:.;,l2§..Q. _1!t2.0_ ~78.6

In contrast to the damage noted in EJ.ba from applying either CDAAor CDEC<br />

at planting, itI Oswego CDAAwas not toxic at any t:l.llle of appJ.ication. C~,<br />

however, gave some damage at all thx'ee times of application, with the crook<br />

stage being most severe. A heavy shower followed the crook stage application.<br />

It is believed to be the cause of damage, just as in the first application at<br />

Elba.<br />

At both EJ.ba and Oswego combipations of CDAAand CIPC followed the general<br />

pattern of CDAAalone with respect to both crop response and timing. This is to<br />

be expected because experience bas shown onions in the early stages to be much<br />

more tolerant of CIPC than of CDAA.<br />

CDAA-tlrCBC (Randox T) was similar in per:(ormance to CDAAat both locations.'<br />

Treatment at the flag stage generally gave less CrQP inJury than, did treatments<br />

at other times. Much of the data Obtained follow the CDAAresponse. It is .<br />

difficult to evaluate the effect of TCBCsince this, chemical was not appJ.ied<br />

separately.<br />

At both locations, weed control (see table 4) was best at the last two applications.<br />

This probably was due to several factors. First, in the periodl)etween<br />

planting and the third time of treatment, temperatures were quite low and weed<br />

development slow. In this same period rainfall was heavy and soil fixation and<br />

other forces were active which tend to reduce the effectiveness of herbicides.<br />

Later with higher temperatures when weed activity did reach its maximum, many<br />

of the chemicals were probably below their maximumlevel of activity.<br />

!a£.l~ ~._ ~!.s!.~_C~n~r~l_a~d_w~i~ ~f_w~e!!sJ~~v~d_b;r, !!a~d.L ~uq3.L Q.s~~o:.. _<br />

!,t ]!.a~t!n~ £r2.0~ ~t~! :El!g_S~8§.l!<br />

Chemical lbs/ 1bs. lbs. lbs.<br />

!r~t _']l~n~ __ A__ !!.e~d~ _ ~u!.s!.an~ W~e!!s_ .Jl~~~n~ __ y~e!!s__ ~U!.s!.~e_<br />

105<br />

CDEC<br />

CDAA<br />

6<br />

6<br />

19.33<br />

14.96<br />

1<br />

2<br />

CDEC 4 15.33 1<br />

CDAA 4 10.40 3<br />

CDEC+CDAA4+2 9.20 2<br />

CDEC+CDAA3+3<br />

CDEC+CDAA2+4<br />

5.10<br />

16.23<br />

3<br />

2<br />

CDEC+CDAA4+4 11. 40 3<br />

CIPC 4 29.20 2<br />

CIPC 6 29.83 1<br />

CDAA+CIPC 6+4 8.65 6<br />

CDAA+CIPC 6+6 11.25* 7*<br />

CDAA+TCBC4+10 6.33 9<br />

CDAA+TCBC6+15 ,5.03 . 9<br />

CK 34.97 3 "<br />

1P oory -two -replicates. - - - - - - -<br />

9.36<br />

6.46<br />

9<br />

2<br />

6.53<br />

4.53<br />

7<br />

2<br />

15.76 6 22.40 7<br />

8.0 3 8.2 5<br />

7.06 4 10.07 4<br />

5.30 6 6.63 6<br />

5.70* 5* 6.96 5<br />

4.46 6 2.93 6<br />

24.36 2 26.30 2<br />

21.30 1 14.93 1<br />

3.30 7 3.16 7<br />

6.60 6 4.36 7<br />

3.10 9 4.10 9<br />

1.46 '9 1.03<br />

__ 3!!:,.2,7 3 3~.2,7<br />

'9<br />

:1 _<br />

At both locations regardless of timing CDAAgave more effective weed control<br />

than did CDEC. Where the two chemicals were in combination at Oswego both<br />

the 4+4 and 3+3 lb. rates gave effective weed control regardless of timing.<br />

The 4+2 and 2+4 combinations of CDAA+CDEC were not consistent in weed control<br />


J:n Oswego at the. latter two times of applicationcmc at 4 or 6 pounds gave<br />

better· eontrol of purslane than did CDAAat s:l.m1J.e.i'mea. Combinations of--these<br />

two chemicals·at 3+3or 4+4 gave fair purslane control.<br />

CIPC was generally inadequate in weed control at bOth locations regardless<br />

of rate or timing. For some unexplained reason CIPC even performed poorly in<br />

control of purslane. For purslane control CDAA+CIPCgave better performance<br />

than either compound·used alone. CDAM-TCBC (Randmt-T) at either 4 or 6 pounds<br />

gave excellent weed control at both locations at au times of application.<br />

Purslane control was virtually complete at all times.<br />

At harvest. CDAA+TCBC plots treated at the third stage were nearly devoid of<br />

all weed species • However• an occasiOnal weed did apar. Growth was .slijbt<br />

and weed foliage ·exhibited hormone-like symptoms. whioh indicates a longre!dual<br />

from the TOBeportion. it should be noted again tha't' TCBCis automatically .<br />

added at the rate of 10 and 15 pounds when 4 or 6 poUl!idsof CDAAequivalen:tiis<br />

applied from the cODllllercial combination. t'1henever a chemical exhibits season<br />

long activity there is inherent danger it may carry over and cause damage to the<br />

succeeding crop if it is susceptible. Most vegetable crops including pot8toe's<br />

fall in the susceptible class.<br />

Su.ry<br />

and Conclusions<br />

Tests were conducted on seeded onions at two muck soU locations using-'<br />

various chemical treatments. at different rates. combirlations and times oftr'eatment.<br />

Rainfall and soU at these two locations differed markedly.<br />

R,eD.1:ts.indicate that combinations of CDAA+TCBC give excellent control of<br />

purs1ane and otber weed species over·a long period of time with only one aW1icati<br />

.....<br />

Whenapplied in the early stage of onion growth. CDAAapplications if 1'01­<br />

lowed by heavy rains caused severe crop damage.<br />

Whenapplied 1mmediately a:f'ter planting or in the crook stage CDEC.if<br />

followed by rainfall gave crop inJury.<br />

CIPC used alone faUed 1;0 give adequate weed control resardless of rate.<br />

timing or rainfall.<br />

CIPC+CDAAcombinations performed much like CDAAalone. with respect to crop<br />

response. but '<strong>Weed</strong>control in general and control of purslane in particular<br />

was IIlOreeffective with the combinat1lm than with CDAAalone.

107<br />

Literature<br />

Cited<br />

1. Althaus. R. E•• R. H. Langlois. L. S. Gleason. <strong>Weed</strong> Control "11th Randox T<br />

in Corn and Onions. Proc. NEWCC15:94-99. 1~.<br />

2. Cialone, J. C. and R. D. Sweet. Combination ofcmo with CDAAand Other<br />

CompoundSfar <strong>Weed</strong>ing Vegetable. Proc: NEWCCl 15: 73-77• 1961..<br />

3. Meadows, M. v., S. R. Orsenigo. and J. D. Van GeJ.uwe. Interaction of Sol1<br />

Moisture, Beed Treatment and Herbicides on Onion Statlds and Yields on<br />

Muck SOU. Proc. NEWCC15:100-106. 1961.<br />

4. Roma1:Iowski. 1960. Personal OOIIII1unieation.

108<br />

Ch.. ical <strong>Weed</strong>ing of On1"n. GrownaD Hinera1 SoUa.<br />

, 1<br />

Charlea J • Noll<br />

A1thClughmoltt onion. in' tha,..-"th.'at 'are grown "o~lIUCk .0Ua, a<br />

conaiderable acre ... i. grown on mineral aoi1s. The'co.t of hand we.dinS<br />

hlab' thaltlh.re ,used it l1111it. the ~.... ,Proeluct:l.on colt. ,c<br />

could be reduc.d and _cr.ege incr ... ecllf adequat."c_iAla1 weediq were<br />

developed. '!'bi. y.ar. experiment il a continuation of work ltarted a<br />

nUlllber of ye.n .10.<br />

onions 1. .0.<br />

The onion ~ad.ty Sweet Spanilh... a.ecl.d tbill ayth •••• db.d was pUpared.<br />

The pr.· ... rl.nce treatment. were applied 1 'day after'a.eding, the<br />

emergence treatment. 14 dayl aft.r ••• ding and the po.t-emergence treatm.nt.<br />

17, 21 or 22 dayl after seeding. Individual plot. were 28 feet long and 2<br />

feet wide. Treatmenta were randomized in each of 8 block ••<br />

The chemical I were appli'dwith a ~all .prayer ov.r the row for a width<br />

of 12 inches. Cultivation controlled the weedl between the rows. An e.tt.8te<br />

of weed control was made July 24 on a ba.il of 1 to 10, 1 being moat deairab1e<br />

and 10 leaat delirable. Onions were harvested September 25.<br />

USULTS<br />

Th. relu1ts 1"1- prelll11ted in table 1. All chemieah except Exp. R I:I.gnifi~"nt1y<br />

iocreaaed weed control as compared to the untreated check. The<br />

belt weeded plotl were treated with Prometryne, Diph.namid and Dactha1 and<br />

Ipazine at their higbest rate. Manytreabuents wignificantly reduced the<br />

stand of plants. Only two treatmenta had a stand sizn:l.ficantly greater than<br />

the untreated ch.ck plot. Th.a. treatments were Dacthal and CIPC. A a1S·<br />

nificant increa.e in yi.1d was obtained where Dactha1 and eIPC had been<br />

appUed a. compared to all other treatlllents.<br />


Taking into con.ideration weed control, stand of plants and yield the<br />

be.t treatlllenta in this exper1lllent for weeding onion. were Dacthal appUed in<br />

a pre·emergence application and eIPe applied at t1llle of onion emergence.<br />

lAssociate Profeasor of 01ericulture, Deparbuent of Horticulture, College of<br />

Agriculture and Bxper1lllent Station, Pennsylvania State Univeraity, Univeraity<br />

Park, Pennay1vania.

Table 1. <strong>Weed</strong> control: stand of plants and weight of onions under chemical<br />

herbicide treatments.<br />


Active Rate '*'<strong>Weed</strong> Wt. of<br />

Per Acre AppU.c4tion Days control Stand of OOione<br />

Cheaical lb •• ·f. SeedinlZ ~11.10) Plants lb ••<br />

'..<br />

Nothing -- -- 9.4 61 1.8<br />

Dacthal W-50R 8 Pre- .... rgence 1 4.0 112 9.4<br />

It It<br />

'. 16 1 2..3 104 11.9<br />

It 24 . It<br />

1 1.8 120 11.0<br />

It<br />

Exp R 8 1 9.5 37 1.5<br />

It<br />

" 16 1 11).0 51 1.4<br />

" 24<br />

It<br />

1 9.6 45 1.5<br />

Zytron 10<br />

11<br />

1 ~~3 83 5.S<br />

" 15<br />

It<br />

1 5.3 55 4.8<br />

Diphenamid 6<br />

It<br />

1 1.3 10 1.0<br />

It<br />

9<br />

It<br />

1 1.1 2 .1<br />

U-4S13 2 "<br />

1 3.5<br />

I<br />

67 3.9<br />

" 3<br />

It<br />

1 3.3 58 ~.S<br />

Atratone 2<br />

It<br />

1 4.4 27 :~8<br />

CIPC 4 Emergence 14 4'.4 116 7.7<br />

" 6 " 14 3.1 141 11.2<br />

Randox T 6<br />

It<br />

14 5.4 81 4.6<br />

It<br />

9<br />

It<br />

14 5.9 71 4.8<br />

I<br />

KOCN· 12 " 14 7..0 68 2.3<br />

It<br />

18<br />

It<br />

14 7.•1 45 2.•1<br />

Atratone 2 POlt-emergence 22 J.9 50 S~8<br />

Prometryne 2 " 21 2.•0 8 .9<br />

It<br />

3<br />

"<br />

21 1.1 3 .3<br />

It<br />

4<br />

It<br />

21 1.3 6 . ~.s<br />

lpadne 2 " 21 4.3 22 1.7<br />

It<br />

3<br />

It<br />

21 2.6 25 1.8<br />

It<br />

" 4 21 2.0 5 .9<br />

It<br />

Casoron<br />

17 B.S 37 1.7<br />

It<br />

17 1~0 33 1.7<br />

"<br />

~<br />

Least significant difference 5%<br />

1%<br />

*<strong>Weed</strong> Control 1-10: 1 Perfect <strong>Weed</strong>Control<br />

10 Full <strong>Weed</strong>Growth<br />

1~3<br />

1.7<br />

31<br />

40<br />

2~3<br />


liQ<br />


S. 'L. Da~ and R. L. sa;q.;;ti:' ,<br />

""<br />

Blght years .,when tranaplanted_et Spanish type<br />

oniQl1$weretiret groll1'1on eastern:~ Island, the main weed pests were,,,<br />

ohiokweed and puss1ey~ Some orabgrass and barnyara-gi-ass would oome in .l&~r<br />

in the season 'bv.t presented no signifioant ,probl,~ Four Pounds per, ~ore:' ',,<br />

of OIPOapplied in direQted sprKyS at apprOXimately three: week interTa1s', '><br />

togethllr with a relatively smal~ allDunt of hand weeding,g~ve growers good<br />

seasonal control. " '. .<br />

ChangeS have: occurred during the past three to four<br />

years which have requil'ed a rs-&y.aluation of our--eerUerresults. ElrC&l~t·"<br />

weed oontrol is still adhieved up until June 20-25: when the grasses begirt"<br />

to ell18rge. Th1-"date of emergenpe is apparently at least a week earlier, .'<br />

than :1t used t.Obe, possibly bec~use of higher soU tsmpe;rature due to llic'k<br />

of :weedoover, and in addi;tion, J.coentuated by a IIIljIchhigher infestation pf<br />

grass seed. The grass problem, particularly barn;y-.rd, hall multiplied man1i'old.<br />

With PIPO pro'Vi,ding little if ant,oolllllElroial cont~l, growers have had to ."<br />

use oonaidezoable hand labor to k~thei1' fieldsFeHeMbly ol~through ,<br />

harVest.' , ' , ",' , ' ,<br />

Methods. . The two majot'varieties grown ~ EarlY Harvest and<br />

SWeet,Spanish,' and though the latter is deoreasirli:in importanoe'the weed<br />

problem in it is greater beca~e,,.t matures later. Seasonal and layby<br />

exper1Jllents wereoonduoteli,therW:OI'e, on both.,,A,lthough OIPCis still _:liisfaotory<br />

through IIDst of June, it,~s felt that other materials should be',',<br />

tried to determine if the,y woutd:provide better early oontrol of germinat~<br />

IftSs. This in tarn would allow 1&ter appl:icationof SOmelayby' materials<br />

known to be effective against gra,ssbut injurious to onions if applied too<br />

earJ:9'.· , " .. ' ,',' '<br />

Early Harvest~ transplants Weresei in the field APr:l.~ 12,<br />

treated May 8, .JUne1.3, July 5, J(1ly 28, and harvested August 8; Sweet Spanish<br />

were set April 25, treated May 1$, June 1.3, July 5 end '26, and harvested<br />

August 17. Theherbioides were applied with a t'WO-llOw,uaotorlllOunted "<br />

sprayer and directed towards the base of the plants. Prior to each application<br />

all plots were rated, and established weeds re1iPved .;.- by hand in the<br />

rows and shallow oultivation between ron. 0"', '" '<br />

Onions used in the layby experiments were treated at<br />

three week intervals during the first part of the growing season with OIPC.<br />

All plots were clean cultivated and weeded before the layby treatnrants were<br />

applied -- June 29 on Early Harvest, July 18 on Sweet Spanish. The liquid<br />

fomulations were handled as described above; the granulars were applied<br />

directly over the row and the foliage brushed with a trailing rope.<br />

Additional experinrants were conduoted in cooperation with a commercial grower<br />

where the grass problem was much more severe than on the Researoh Farm.<br />

The Early Harvest test, the only one reported here, was applied June 28 and<br />

July 6, and the crop harvested August 10.

Results and Discussion. The data, particularly for the herbicides, were<br />

sim:l.lar on both vari.eties; therefore, only the results on Barly Harvest<br />

are given in this paper. Differences which did occur in the Sweet Spanish<br />

experiments are ,mentioned in the text.<br />

111<br />

Table 1.<br />

Results from the seasonal trial are summarized in<br />

Table 1. Results from several herbicides used on Early Harvest onions during<br />

the growing seaeon, , Treatmmts were applied 5/B, 6/13, 7/5 and<br />

7/2B; crop.harvested 8/8. ' '.<br />

Treatment<br />

1. CIPC 4 lbs/X (3 Ibs 5}8)<br />

2. CIPC + Vegadex 4+1 Ibs/A n that they improved grass control. 'The deletion of the<br />

first spray (May 8) involving any of these three materials was unacceptable<br />

because of reduced control up to July 3 when the third application went on.<br />

Zytron at five pounds per acre was comparable to the:standard but only the<br />

ten pound rate gave good control of grass. This higher rate reduced yileld<br />

when applied four times but, in treatJll)l1t #9, where the first application<br />

was left out, good grass control was obtained without affecting yield.<br />

The material looked prom:l.sing and should be tried in conjunction with tbt<br />

use of CIPC early in-the season. Dacthal looked \fel'y good and rates up to<br />

12 pounds per acrewet'e used throughout the seaecn without affecting the<br />

onions. None of the treatments had any effect on yield ot the Sweet Spanish<br />

variety. Prospects are reasonably good that our current seasonal recommendation<br />

will be able to be improved.

112<br />

The data tr01lIthe leyby trialQOnductod on the Research<br />

Farm are given in Table 2. ....<br />

Table 2. Results from laybY' treatments on Early HameR ·onions. Applied.<br />

June 29; weed control rated August 10 iJlIIIediately prior to<br />

hanee:1l.. '<br />

"<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> l Yield Average<br />

Treatment' tlohtrol 'BulA Bulb wt.<br />

1. ClPU . 6 lbs/A liq~ ..2.':F' 616 0.68 '<br />

"<br />

2. CIPC + Vegadex 4+1 lbs. 11q. "l~8,;t 56i .63<br />

3. CIPC + Vegadex 4+4 n II 2.5 579 .66<br />

4. CIPC + ~c:bx 4+4 ,II It 2.7 602 .67<br />

5. Vegadex +Randt!x . 4+4 It 11 3.5",. 589 .64<br />

6.~Vegadex 6' It ft<br />

2.8 :' 588 .65<br />

7. Randox 6<br />

Ii II<br />

3.0 " 598 .61<br />

8. Eptam 4 lbs. @:mn. incorp., 405 493 .56<br />

9.:Eptam 4 ,It ,11 surface 3.5 535 .60<br />

10.; 'EPtam 4 It liq. incorp. 4.0 512 .62<br />

11. Eptam 4 It' II surface 3.2 599 .65<br />

12~, ''l'111am 4 II pan. in corp. 4.5 588 .64<br />

13.'l'illam 4·<br />

It 11<br />

surface 3.4 600 .68<br />

14. "l'illam 4<br />

It<br />

liq. incorp. 3.2 ' 540 .67<br />

15. Dacthal 16 11 liq. 3.0 628 .68<br />

16.U ..4513 4 ,II liq. 2.8: 568 .63<br />

17. ZWtron 5 11 11q. 3.0 585 .64<br />

18. ,ZWtron 100 II .liq. 3.2 521 .62<br />

19. Amiben 4 It liq. 4.0 557 .63<br />

20. Check 1.0 616 .67<br />

L.S.D. 5% 60 .05<br />

1 1 - no control<br />

5 ~ excellent control<br />

, " '. ." ..The grass po~tion in. the. ar~ ot.this experiment<br />

was consi,derably h~r than that of the preVious o~, hence control rat~s<br />

for similar treatments were some.t lower. None ot.the treatments, involv..<br />

ing CIpe, Vegadex,. anina~~cm, proVided satisfae't.-"<br />

ory oontroll1ll~ll harves1i t1me.·Ep~",m, incozwrated.1nto, the soU, gave<br />

very good control but~e granuJ,aZ:formulaticm d~in1tely reduoed 7101d and<br />

the liqUid, althoughthe,~f.t:erence was not s1gnit1oant~ -probably had a<br />

similar tendency. On t~basis of previous experience the effect of the<br />

granular was not unexpeoted but .ttl-is was the firstti!n11l ,the liqUid had<br />

appeared to haVI1latlY'detrimental effect when used at layby.' Tillam,<br />

granularineo"porated. also gave very good control li\nd had no adverse<br />

effect on the orop. On OUX' lighter<br />

SassafX'as8 10aJlllil: it<br />

'WOuldbe safer<br />

either to use Tillam or reduce theX'ate of Eptam .to .perbaps three pounds ,<br />

peraoX'e --'on Ear4rHarvest at le~st.Amiben wasltf'eq:l;ive against grail.<br />

but its efieot on yield X'equiree further testing..D4ctbal, u-4513, and<br />

Zytroil; as used under the conlti.t1ons ot this experiMl'l1;, were not satisfactory.<br />


CIPO, Vegadex, and Randox Singly or in combination as<br />

layby sprays, wet-e unsatisfactory.' Both Eptam and Tillam gave excellent<br />

control when mcorporat.cd into the soil. Eptam reduced yields of Early<br />

Harvest onions on light Sassatrass loam but not on lie dium heavy Sassafrass<br />

silt loam. Amiben looked promising, Zytron was variable, and u-4513and<br />

Dacthal were only fair at the rates used. The Sweet Spanish variety was<br />

considerably more tolerant to several herbicides than was Early Harvest.<br />

Interestingly enough, .no treatment had any eff'eet oil Sweet Spanish indicating,<br />

as in the seasonal experiment, that this variety is considerably mor€)<br />

tolerant of herbicides than is Early·Harvest.<br />

The mst rigorClustesting oonc:tlt1ons for the herbicides<br />

occurred in the experiment sunrnar1zed in Table. 3.<br />

Table 3.<br />

Treatment<br />

1. CIPe<br />

2. CIn + Vegadex<br />

3. CI'Pe +,Randox<br />

4. Vegadex olo'Randox<br />

5. Eptam'<br />

6. Eptam<br />

7. Eptam<br />

8. Dacthal<br />

9. Dacthal<br />

10. Zytron<br />

11. Amiben<br />

12. Check<br />

Results from layby treatments applied 1'.6Early Harvest I'nions ~<br />

a commercial field. Treatments 5, 6 and?' applied to dry soil<br />

surface June 28; rest applied July 6 and irrigated. <strong>Weed</strong><br />

control rated July 25, 7. de.ys prior to onion maturity.<br />

1 1 - no control<br />

5 - excellent control<br />

.'6 lbs.<br />

lil1.<br />

4+2 liq.<br />

4+2 l1q.<br />

3+3 liq.<br />

4 gran., incorp.<br />

4 " surface<br />

4 liq., incorp.<br />

8 liq.<br />

16 liq.<br />

10 liq.<br />

4 liq.<br />

Yield<br />

B5G~<br />

625<br />

574<br />

584<br />

614<br />

542<br />

592<br />

555<br />

546<br />

588<br />

646<br />

603<br />

N.S.<br />

The results on weed control were in fairly. close agr~~ment<br />

with those from the work on the Research Farm.. Eptam, four pounds<br />

incorporated, Zytron, ten pounds, and Wben, four pounds, gave very good,. .<br />

colllllerdial conttol. None of the other treatments were considered satisfactory.<br />

'!here were no effects on yield, probably because of the soil type -- a me~llm<br />

heavy Sassatrass silt loam.<br />

SUITD'IIary: An increasing grass problem has _de growers dissatisfied<br />

with the performance of CIPC during the period June 20-25 through<br />

harvest. Seasonal and layby experiments were conducted to study possibilities<br />

for improvement of current recommendations.<br />

CIPC, Vegadex,. and Randox combinations throughout thll<br />

growing season did not,provide satisfactory grass control. Zytron andDDacthal<br />

looked promising.<br />


114<br />

weediOl of Sweec Corn With Chemical Band-cid ..<br />

CharLe.'J. Noll 1<br />

More than half, ot Jiaenll8y1vaD1a'. 24,000 acr .. of .wet corn are weeded<br />

with chemicala. Mo.t 1arg. growr. lrowing for freah _rket us. ch.. ical '.<br />

h.rbicides. A. th.r. i. no lack of good herbicides to weed corn, this experi·<br />

lII8nt wa. deaipe4· to COIIIp8rethe bett.r known ch.. ica1. with tha newch.... &1.<br />

thought to b. promi.inl for the weedinl of thi. crop.<br />

The s•• dbed W8. prepared May 1.5. The pr.·p1anting tr.at1Mnta W8r.<br />

applied just ahead ofs •• dingonMay 17 and incorpo ... ted in the .0U witb .•<br />

rototUler .et.hallow. The vari.ty seeded was. 1tt.The pre· ... ra••• ··<br />

tr.atments w.r. appli.d 2 days aft.r ••• ding. Th. "'1'1.nce tr.atm.nts ....<br />

appU.d 17 day. aft.r seeding wh.n corn was in the .pik. stag.. Individual.<br />

plots were 36 feet long and 3 feet wide. Treatment. were randomized in •• db,<br />

of 6 block ••<br />

The chemicala were applied with a small spra~l'ov.r the row for a width<br />

of 12 inch... Cultivation controlled the weeds betw.nth. rows. An .stWet.<br />

of we.d contro1wa. made July 24 on a bali. of 1 to.O, 1 being most d.sir~l.<br />

and 10 being l .. at d.sirab1e. Corn vas harve.ted Aqu.t 23.<br />

USULTS<br />

Th. results ar. pr.sented in tab1. 1. All ch.. ica1s significant1y1Dcr.""9d<br />

weed control a. compar.d to the untreated chacko Th. best weedCOlKro1<br />

treatments were Atraz1ne, Herb. 326, Diruon .and Pa10D~ The .tand of p1anta w••<br />

unaffected by ,the treatments. Only ~he Atra.tn. and: tPa 2,4·D treated. plot.<br />

had dgn1ficantlymoremark.tabb 88;1 than the unt,...ted' ch.ck.,p10t. A<br />

h:l.gblY·."pUle.at tacna •• in .. iglac o.f mazltetab1e ear., as cc.par.d to _<br />

un,tr.ated check plot was 'ound wh.r. Atraz1ne, 2,4-1> &IMltha lower rate of·<br />

Herb. 326 weI" appu'edat time of Co1'11elll8rpnc. and wh..... DNBPat 6 1ba•.<br />

per acr. and RaD40xat 10 1bs. per acr. w.re appli.d priOr to corn emerpnc ••<br />

Many other chemical. had .ignificant increaaea in welsht of marketab1 •• ar.<br />

at the S%1ev.1 a. compar.d to the untreated check plot.<br />


Many ch.. icala wh.n applied to corn gave good weed control, no Itand<br />

reduction. and incr.a ••• in yi.ld~. compared to th.untr.ated. ch.ck plots.<br />

Th. outstanding ch.. ical in thi,experiment va. Atraaina.<br />

1 . . .,. , . .<br />

A' sociate Prof.s.or of' 01erlcu1 ture, ~'Department of BoFticu1 ture, Coll.g.<br />

of Agriculture and Bxperiment Sta.tioD, P8IlIlaylvanuoJtat.Univer.lty, Uni.,.reity<br />

Park, Pennsylvanu. ..'<br />


Table 1•. Wa. control, stand of plants and number and weight of marketable<br />

ears of sweet corn under chemical herbicide treatments.<br />


Wt.of<br />

Active Rate *W... d Stand No.of MItt.<br />

Per Acre Application Daya Control of MItt. Ears<br />

Chemical 1b,. from Plant ina (1-10) P1antl Ear. lb ••<br />

Nothing -- -- 8.3 53.7 36.5 23.2<br />

TU1am 4 Soil Inc. 0 4.0 53.0 42.3 31.4<br />

" 6 " " 0 2.7 55.5 40.3 29.8<br />

O.M. 1306 10 Pll'.-emergence 2 4.8 51.0 . 38.5 29.2<br />

" 15 "<br />

2 ".3.7 50.3 43.0 ·31.9<br />

U-4513 2 2 5.5 53.7 39.5 24.9<br />

" 3<br />

2 4.0 52.5 30.7 20.2<br />

CP 17029 3 " 2 •• 5 52.0 39.7 27.5<br />

" 4\ 2 2.8 54.2 43.3 31.8<br />

Casoron 3 2 5.0 53.0 40.5 27.7<br />

2 4.2 52 5 38 5 29 1<br />

RandoxT 10 2 3.7 54.3 43.0 36.8<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

15 2 2.2 53.2 40.0 29.9<br />

Randox 10 2 4.7 54.3 41.2 30.1<br />

" 15 2 3.0 51.2 36.3 27.2<br />

Nia. 2995 4 2 .. 3.8 . 50.0 40.3 30.8<br />

" 6 2 2.8 50.3 41.3 n.1<br />

Fa10n lOG 4 2 2.0 50.8 41.5 2'9.7<br />

" 8 2 1.5 51.2 3•• 5 28.9<br />

Palon 44E 4 2 2.7 53.8 39.7 29.3<br />

" 6 2 2.3 51.0 40.7 28.0<br />

DNBP(Premerge) 4 2 3.7 49.8 39.5 28.6<br />

" 6 2 3.2 52.5 42.3 33.2<br />

Atrazine + DNaP., 1 + 2 " 2 1.3 51.5 44.5 31.2<br />

Simsaine 2 ." 2 5.2 53.8 41.3 27.5<br />

Atrazine + S~azine 1 + 1 !me.rlence 17 1.0 54.2 46.8 36.6<br />

Atrazine 2 17 1.0 53.8 45.0 35.4<br />

" 1 17 1.0 53.5 45.0 35.3<br />

Atrazine + Surfactant 1 + 8 17 1.0 53.7 44.8 34.4<br />

2,4-D Amine \ "<br />

17 4.5 52.0 45.5 33.4<br />

II::<br />

" 1 17 2 7 51 7 43.0 31.8<br />

Herb. 326 2 17 1.2 53.2 42.7 32.4<br />

" 3 17 1.0 51.2 39.5 27.3<br />

Di1ll'.on 2 17 1.2 51.2 41.5 31.0<br />

" 3 " 17 1.0 48.2 38.8 28.9<br />

Least significant difference 5%<br />

1%<br />

*<strong>Weed</strong>Control 1-10: 1 Perfect <strong>Weed</strong>Control<br />

10 Full <strong>Weed</strong>Growth<br />

115<br />

1.6 N.S.D. 7.2 6.5<br />

2.6 N.S.D. N.S.D. 8.S

2. Graduate Fellow and Assoc. Prof. of Horticulture. University of Delaware.<br />

116<br />


, 2<br />

R. B. Seely.and E.M. Rahn,<br />

Field-seed1ns. peppers and tomatoes is a possible,.ElIAns of reducing the<br />

cost of high p1liJttpopuiations wh19t ~eem necesilal:7 r'ir maximumyields.<br />

High plant popul,atiOfl8 appear to be especially nece;: :; for high yields<br />

where tomatoes:are,to.be' mechanically harvesW. ' er,oneof the maii'i<br />

obstlacles.in r~ld-seed1ng is to prevent weed growth-in the pepper and toIlI&to<br />

seedlings. CheMicals a;-e needed to control these weeds until the plants are<br />

large enoUgh to cultivate. An effective her~icide is also needed to contrOl<br />

weeds in tr.nsplanted tomatoea and peppers. Wteds become a problein in<br />

the row soon after transplanting and between, as wetlas in, rows atter l&1~<br />

by'until the eJ;ldofharvest. Reported herein are several experiments con"<br />

duCted in 1960 and 1961 in an attempt to solve these problems. "'<br />

Procedure<br />

and Results:<br />

S1milareXperimentS<br />

Field-Seeded<br />

Experiments<br />

were conducted with both peppers and tomatoes on a<br />

Norfolk loamy sand at the Georgetown Substation of the University of Dela-'"<br />

ware,' The principal, wee~,s on this soil were crabgrass (Digitaria )an~:,;,<br />

alis), goose-gra's8 (Eleusine indica), nutgrass (Cyperus esculentus, a 'squarters<br />

(Cheno odi mum), pigweed (Amaranthus retro .xus, ragweed " "<br />

(Ambrosia a lw,-and smart-weed (PO~gO 0 er). Morning<br />

glory (Iiomoea e racea) and carpetweed (MOluBO . c ata appeared occasional<br />

y. , .\<br />

;In 1960, 12~rbicides or herbicidal combinatiofta were tested on Cali':',<br />

fornia Wohder peppers and Del. 13-2 tomatoes. Plot *!ze was a single row<br />

7, feet long. Pepper rowe were 4 feet apart while tCllll&torows wet'e, feet<br />

apat't. 'lberewere two replicates in randomized :t'l~k8. , PCP (pentaohlor~<br />

phenol), KOCN(p~8sium cyanate) plus TCA(sodium triChloroacetate) and "<br />

Tillam (proPl1 ethyl-n-butyl thtolcarbamate) proved io be outstanding. ,',<br />

PCP, applied Ju~ibefore crop emergeme, and Tillam, lincorporated just before<br />

s.eedin ĖI . by ,t.,wo,'diSCingS" were applied with a losarithmi, csprayer. "<br />

KOCN,161b/A, plus 'l'CA,.3Ib/A,.was applied in a baD:! over the row with a<br />

single-nozzle hand sprayer. Results showed that the ainimum rate of PCP<br />

required to control weedsws.s 3.61b/A, while the ~ rate tolerated<br />

bY'the crop was 6.1 Ib/A. Comparable figures for TUlam were 3.5 Ib/A and<br />

4.91b/A,respectively.Other herbicides tested weN: Sun Spirits<br />

(Stoddard solvent),TCA plus PCP, TCA,Dalapon (2,2-ct1chloropropionic acid),<br />

CIPC (isopropy1 N (3-11hloropheny1) carbamate) plus Pqr" Vegadex (2-ohloro- ,<br />

ally1 diethyldith:Lolcarbamate) plus PCP, Solan (N-(3-chloro-4-methy1phentL)­<br />

2-methl1pentanamide)" and Zytron (0-2-4 dichlorophe~ o-methyl isopropyl- .<br />

phosPhoro amidothioate). .<br />

___ ,.,' I<br />

1. Published as Hiscellaneous Paper No. 411 with' the" approval of the Director<br />

of the Delaware Agricultural Experiment Station. Contribution No. 75<br />

of the Department of Horticulture, November1961.

'Ihree experiments were conducted in 1961. In1;he first experiment,<br />

the above three outstanding herbicic1es, or combinations of herbicides, were<br />

tested on Calcom peppers and Del. 13-2 tomatoes. Spray applications were "<br />

made with a single-nozzle hand sprayer • Tillam gran\llar applications were<br />

made with a small hand duster. Plot. size was 2 row:e, 20 feet long. Treatments<br />

were replicated three tiDIes in randomized bl~s. Tillam granular<br />

and spray at 4 lb!A, incorporated just before see41ng by discing, raking,<br />

or by irrigation, caused severe injury, particularly of peppers. PCP, 5 lb!A,<br />

and KOCN,16 lb!A, plus TCA, 3 lb!A, applied just before emergence, gave good<br />

weed control with no significant crop injury.<br />

In the second experiment in 1961, the following herbicides were tested<br />

on Calcom peppers and Del. 13-2 tomatoes, using a logarithmic sprayer:<br />

Diphenamid N, N-dimethyl- 0(, ~ -diphenylaoetamide), from 10 to 1.5 lb!A;<br />

Dacthal (dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalic acid), from 12 to 1.8 lb!A;<br />

Stauffer 1870 (ethyl di-n-butyl-thiolcarbamate), from 12 to 1.8 lb!A;<br />

Tillam, from 12 to 1.8 lb!A; Zytron, from 20 to 3 lb!A; and Geigy Prometryne<br />

(2,4-bis(isopropylamino-6-methyl mercapto.s·triazine), from 10 to 1.5 lb!A.<br />

Plot size was a single row 15 feet long. Treatments were replicated<br />

three times in randomized blocks. Rows of peppers were 3t feet apart and<br />

rows of tomatoes were 5 feet apart. Tillam and Sta,uffer-1810 were incorporated<br />

just before seeding, while the remaining herbicides were applied<br />

just after seeding. Diphenamid was the only outstand,1ng herbicide in this<br />

experiment. The minimum rate required for weed contz'ol was 2.6 lb!A, while<br />

the maXimumrate tolerated by peppers was 4.1 lb!A, and the maXimumrate<br />

tolerated by tomatoes was 1.1 lb/A, .<br />

In the third experiment in 1961, Diphenamid, PCP, and KOCNplus TCA<br />

were evaluated on Calcom peppers and Del. 13-2 tomatoes again. Treatments<br />

were applied and replicated as described above for the first experiment.<br />

No crop injury was produced by any of these treatments (Table 1). All<br />

three treatments gave perfect control of broadleaf weeds. Diphenamid gave<br />

perfect control of annual grasses, while PCP, and KOCNplus TCA, gave near<br />

perfect control of annual grasses.<br />

The following two treatments were super-imposed on the PCP, and KOCi'l<br />

plus TeA plots in the third experiment, to extend the duration of weed cori:.<br />

troll Tillam granular, 4 lb!A, raked in, or Diphenamid, 5 lb!A, applied as<br />

an over-all spray. Both chemicals were very effective for extending the<br />

duration of control of both broadleaf weeds and annual grasses. However,<br />

Tillam caused considerable stunting of both peppers,arxl tanatoes. Diphenamid,<br />

on the other hand, had no adverse effect,<br />

Transplantsd Peppers and Tcmatoes<br />

117<br />

Procedure<br />

and Results:<br />

These experiments were located adjacent to the field-seeded experiments.<br />

Therefore, thfl soil and principal weeds were silnilar. Plot size for both

118<br />

the pepperantl tollato expel'1men~"'s :3 rows 36 teet :l.ong. Pepper row.<br />

were 4 teef. apart, .While the ~rows wen Slept apart. Treatments<br />

were replioated tour tiines in ranllblliized' blocks.,. Herb~cide treatmentS<br />

used:l.n'the l$l6Oexpedments are'pi'esented in rsbleJ ,2"antl 3. Sprays<br />

were applied

a- Table 2_"COIIlpartsonof' Several" Herbi\)1dEta tor <strong>Weed</strong> contrP.1~<br />

.-f<br />

.-f<br />

Transplanted Peppers in 1.960, Georgetown, Delaware •<br />

Herbici3: <strong>Weed</strong> Control on 8/1.9 2, percent Marketable Crop injury<br />

and rate Yield, on 7/20,<br />

Annual Tons/A percent<br />

BroadJ.eats GrasSes Nutgrass<br />

TUl8J11 spray3" 4-1.b/k 58 33 85 4.0 0<br />

rar. 61b/A 60 71 89 3.9 0<br />

" ,<br />

fi.1laa-$p<br />

Eptam gramilarJ,<br />

2 1b/A 55 40 83 4.2 0<br />

Eptam granular3 , 4 1.b/A 70 68 95 3.7 28<br />

Amiben granu1ar,<br />

5 1.b/A 85 81. 64 4.9 0<br />

Dacthal. spray, 8 1.b/A 71. 58 38 4.7 0<br />

Dacthal<br />

granular,<br />

8 1.b/A 25 53 53 3.7 0<br />

Cultivated check 100 1.00 1.00 3.3 0<br />

Unhoed check 0 0 0 3.8 0<br />

LSD 5% 22.8 27 NS NS 8<br />

1.. Herbicides were applied 6 weeks after plants were set in field.<br />

2. '!his was 7~ weeks after herbicides were applied.<br />

3. These herbicides were incorporated by two cultivations.<br />

) )

120<br />

Tillam spray,:6 lb!A, and Daethal granular, 8'lb!A were superior to<br />

other herbicide treatments on trarmplanted tomatoe;_ (Table 3). Eptam<br />

grant1lar~ 4 lb!A, oause4 a burning of the new ~th and Amiben granular,.<br />

5 lb!A, caused a moderate stunti~ of plants.<br />

Calcoin pepper plants were aet in the field on May18 for the 1961<br />

experiment. Rows.ere spaced 3, teet apart in:' plot that consisted ot'<br />

3 rows 25 feet long~ Herbicide treatments were rePlicated three times 'in<br />

randomized blocks.· :Eight weeke after traneplanting,-herbicidss were a,pplied<br />

to cleanly cultivated aoil as 'described above for the 1960 experiment. '<br />

Cultivation was discontinued except on the cultivated check plots after the<br />

herbicides were, applied. ' "<br />

Deleher toinatotransplant.e were set in the, field on May10, 1961. Rows<br />

were spaced 5 teet apart in plots of 3 rows 25 feet long. Herbicide<br />

treatments wer8~replicated four times in randomized blocks, and were &11­<br />

plied asdescrUled above for the 1960 experiment. After this, as with the<br />

pellper experiment, plots were not cultivated, except for the cultivated~<br />

c~ck plots.<br />

'Most treataenu-ti gave goocl to excellent weed control with no adver.<br />

effect on y1elc:bl of both peppers and tomatoes. Results for the best<br />

treatments for~eppers and tomatoes are presented in Tables 4 and 5, ~­<br />

epectively. Various methods of soU incorporation of the over-all Tillam,<br />

spray, 6 lb!A, were evaluated in both experiments. Rototilling 3 inchu<br />

dee,'p, two, cul t1.Y,', ations, , inc}:l,of ir, rigation,l?r two cultivations follOwed'<br />

by t, inch of irrigation were slightly better I118thodsof soU incorpora'\;ion,<br />

as cOmpand with raking, inch deep, or by a single cultivation. Soil<br />

i:';:orporation of TUlam granular, 6 lb! A, by! inch of irrigation, was;<br />

superior to incorporation by two cultivations in both peppers and toma1;pes.<br />

'!he best spray and granular applications of T1l1am were essentially equally<br />

effective in each experiment. However, the spray aJ:Plication of T1l1alll'<br />

caused a il1igl:1t burning of foliage, which was presumed to be, due to the;<br />

solvent in the Tillam formulation. '!his was not noted in 1960.<br />

Amiben granular was more effective when t inch of irrigation followed<br />

application on peppers. This herbicide was not used on tomatoes in 1961<br />

because of injury caused in 1960. Solan, 4 lb!A, plus Dacthal, 8 lb!A,<br />

applied in an over-all spray when weeds were less than! inch high, was<br />

v8r)""effective on tomatoes but gave severe injury on peppers. Stauffer<br />

1870 spray, 61b!A, incorporated by two cultivations, was less effective<br />

for weedco'ntrol than Tlllam applied s1mUarly.<br />

Conclusionsi<br />

The:.ltiLlowing herbicides were most effective for weed control in fieldseeded<br />

peppers and tomatoes, Diphenamid, PCP, an:! KOCNplus TeA. Diphenamid<br />

was slightJ.y more etfecti'Vl!l in the control ot annual grasses. 'ltiis<br />

chemical was applied just after seeding at 3 lb!A on peppers and 5 lb!A on<br />

tomatoes, and gave excellent control of both annual grasses and broadleaf

fJ Table 3. CcBparison of Several. Herbicides for <strong>Weed</strong> Control in lTartsplanted. Tomatoes<br />

r-I in 1960, Georgetown,. Delaware.<br />

Herbici~ <strong>Weed</strong> Control on 8/1il-, percent Maiicetable Crop injury<br />

and rate Yield, on 7/20,<br />

Broadleafs .Annual Grasses Nutgrass Tons/A percent<br />

Tillam spray3, 4 Ib/A 68 73 75 26.6 4 0<br />

Tmam spray3, 6 Ib/A 79 83 89 27.3 0<br />

Eptam granular3, 2 Ib/A 78 69 83 24.1 4 0<br />

Eptam granuiarJ, 4 Ib/A 91 79 91 22.7 4 28<br />

ADdbeh~ar, 51b/A" 58 76 48 19.5 4 13<br />

Dactbal spray, 8 Ib/A 75 63 50 23.~ 0<br />

Dactbal granular,8 Ib/A 53 53 70 27.4 0<br />

Cultbated cbe ck 100 100 100 28.6 0<br />

Unhoed check C 0 0 24.6 0<br />

LSD S% 16.4 17.1 23.1 1.8 7<br />

~.<br />

1. Herbicides were applied 4 and 7 weeks after plants were set in field.<br />

2. This _s 7t weeks after last herbicide application.<br />

3. These herbicides were incorporated by two cultivations.<br />

4. Yields significantly lower than those from the cultivated check plots.<br />

COll:LUSIOlC3(continued): . weeds until crop plants became siX inches tall. Ho crop injury was<br />

noted at these rates. PCP, 51b/A, or KOCH,16 Ib/A, plus TeA, 3 Ib/A, applied a day before<br />

crop emergence were almost as effective as Diphenamid.<br />

Tillam spray or granular, 6 Ib/A, or Amiben granular, 5 Ib/A, were most effective for<br />

weed control on transplanted peppers. 'l'1llam spray caused a alight temporary burning of pepper<br />

foliage 1:1 1961. The most effective methods of incorporating Tillam spray were the following:<br />

Rototilling 3 inches deep, two cultivations, t inch of irrigation, or two· cultivations followed<br />

by t inch of irrigation. Tillam granular am Amiben granulE~. were most effective when t inch<br />

of irrigation followed just after application.<br />

) )

)<br />

.~<br />

Table 4. Most Effect1v6 Herbioide Treatments ilt'l'rall8pl::mted PepPers 1n 1961 at Georget'oWn, Delaware.<br />

Herbicide Method of <strong>Weed</strong> Control oil 10/16 2, percent Marketable Crop in:ury<br />

and rate l Incorporation Yield, in<br />

Broadleafs Annual Grasses Ton3/A Percent<br />

Tillam Spray, Rototilled<br />

6 1b/A 3" deep 95' 90 16.1 10<br />

Tillam Spray, Cultivated<br />

.6. J,b/A tlQ.ce 97 90 ·15.0 10<br />

'l'1llam Spray, t" Irrigation 87 85' 10.0 10<br />

6 l.b/A<br />

Tillam Spray, Cultivated 97 95' 15.0 10<br />

6 1b/A twice + i"<br />

Irrigation<br />

Ti11.am,Granu1.ar ~" Irrigation 97 93 15.3 0<br />

61b/A<br />

Amiben,Granu1.ar ~tl Irrigation 88 88 16.3 0<br />

5' Ib/A<br />

Cu1.ti va ted che ck --- 100 100 17.0 0<br />

Unhoed check -- 0 0 15.0 0<br />

LSD 5'% 5' 9 tiS 3<br />

1. Herbicides were applied 8 weeks after transplanting.<br />

2. !his was Bi weeks~a1'terhe~b1cide aw1.ication. ..<br />

CONCLUSIONS(continued): !he treatments described above for transp1.anted peppers were the most<br />

effective for transplanted tomatoes with two exceptions: Amiben granular injured tomatoes to a<br />

N considerable degree, and an additional treatment, Solan, 4 Ib/A, plus Dacthal, 8 Ib/A, applied as<br />

~ an over-all spray when weeds were less than f inch high, was veryeffeotive.


~ J<br />


'. j, " •. . .<br />

:C. c. Wyatt ,V and R. J. Cond~JI<br />

D~cJt-seeding of tomatoes is an ~ortant means of securing high:'<br />

tomato plan~ populationespeoially with small determinate plants destined,for<br />

use with on4e-over meohanical h&1"ll'ester. '. " ,<br />

During the past five years studies of direot-seeded tomatoes haV'j9'~$en<br />

oarrie4 out lin the...Bowling Green, Ohio area. The principal problem en~r'itered'<br />

has been ~lW germ1nation and gr~ of tomat~ seedlings as compared to!Jl)rEl .<br />

rapid gro .' of certain species r:eds in 0001 soil normally present ih'late<br />

April and e rly May. '<br />

I ' . "<br />

Sol4n ~-(3-chloro-4-~thYlphenyl)~2-methYlpentanamide) was reporied<br />

by Sweet and lubatzky(l) to show promise as a seleotive pre-emergence herbioide<br />

for direot-Eieeded tomatoes. During 1961 a series of tllO plantings of dfioect~<br />

seeded toma~oes were made on Menn1ll Loam soil. and subsequently treatedWfth<br />

Solan. 'j . .'<br />

Procedure<br />

Fol~owing preparation of the soil with a rototil1er, varieties ~ball<br />

and Heinz 1~50 were seeded on May 4. Three replicates 72 feet each receiv:ed ,<br />

Solan at th~ rate of four pouncl8 per acre in 60 gallons of water on May lJ;, and<br />

May 15. Ap~lications were made with a hydraulic sprayer. On I~ay 11 a few<br />

weed seedl1~s had emerged and tDmato seeds had sprouted but most had not:<br />

broken through the soil surface. On May 15 twenty-five per cent of the tOmato<br />

seedlings h~d emerged and a very large weed population was present. Just'~r1or<br />

to cultivatibn on June 9 tomato seedling ani weed counts were made. Following<br />

CUltivation on June 9 accurate<br />

..<br />

records of the time to weed and block the plots<br />

were made.<br />

j<br />

.'<br />

-'<br />

'<br />

'Follbwing preparation of the soil by harrowing, a second seeding or<br />

Fireball wasj made on June 5. On June 9 Solan 1'8S applied to four replicatAls<br />

of 72 feet each at the rate of 4 pounds per acre in 60 gallons of water. 'Many<br />

weeds had broken through the surface of the soil on June 9 and the tDmato seed<br />

had germinaf1ed. Tomato Seedling and weed counts were made on June 21.<br />

, ,<br />

Results<br />

Tomato and weed counts are reported in Table 1. The predominant weed<br />

present in ~e nay 4 seeding was smartweed (Polygon1um Persicaria L.) with<br />

lambs quarters (Chenopodium.M!mm. L. ), pigweed (Cb~OPOdium paganum 1'1eich.),<br />

red-roof ( anthus retronexus L.) and crabgrass Digitaria sp.) alao pre~<br />

sent. The p edominant weeds present in the June c;seeding were of the same<br />

type indicat d above.<br />

11 Registerf:Jd trademark of the Niagara Chemical Divis:iDn of Food Hachine17<br />

and Chemlcal Corporation.<br />

Y H. J. He~nz Conpany, Pittsburgh, Pa,<br />

J! H. J. Heinz CompSlliY,Bowling Green, Ohio

Table 1. Seeding and <strong>Weed</strong> Counts on Field-Seeded ~to Plots Treated With<br />

Solan Premergence.<br />

125<br />

Lbs of Active Broadleaf <strong>Weed</strong> Grass<br />

Treatment Chemical Acre Count 6 Sq.F~<br />

Solan, 1 ~ek 4 .t.99.6 24.6<br />

After· Seeding<br />

Solan, Just Be~ 4 20.0 6.6 56.0<br />

fore Seedling<br />

Emergence<br />

Check 46.0 318.0 20.0<br />

L.S.D. 5% 21.9 95.4 N.S.<br />

L.S.D. 1% N.S. 158.3 N.S.<br />

B. Seeded June 5<br />

Solan, JUst Before<br />

Seedling<br />

4 51.5 4.8 1105<br />

Emergence<br />

Check 4 53.7 109.2 5405<br />

L.S.D. 5% N.S. 37.8 27.2<br />

L.S.D. 1% N.S. 55.9 hO.2<br />

Significant control of broadleaf weeds was obtained with all treat~<br />

ments of Solan. Control of grasses was not significant in the '~ay 4 seeding,<br />

but was significant in the June 5 seeding, after pre-emer-gence Solan treatment.<br />

A significant reduction in seedling stand was recorded just prior to<br />

emergence treatment, May 15. Following applications of Solan en May 15,<br />

emerged tomato seedlings were either killed or severely injured. No reduction<br />

in seedling at and was obtained with other treatments.<br />

The man-hour-s required to hand-weed and block the May 4 seedling stand<br />

were recorded on June 9. The man-hour-e required to block and weed tre treat~<br />

ments was 14.2 and 23.8 for 4 pounds Solan just prior to emergence and one<br />

week after seeding, respectively, and 31.2 hours for the untreated plots.<br />

Because weeds and tomato seedlings were large, it follows that the man-hours<br />

required to block and weed the treatments was greater than normally anticipated<br />

for all treatments.<br />

Summary<br />

Excellent broadleaf weed control was obtained in plantings of directseeded<br />

tomatoes with pre~emergence treatments of 4 pounds Solan per acre. No<br />

reduction in the stand of tomato seedlings was obtained when Solan was applied<br />

prior to emergence of seedlings.

126<br />

The1!1me-reqUired to hand-<strong>Weed</strong> and block direct-seeded tomatoes was<br />

reduced by m~e than one-half when 4 pounds Solan wasapplied just prior to<br />

emergence of tomato seedlings.<br />

Lttera~reCited<br />

1. Sweet. R.&... and V. RubatzkY.· Herbicides for Tomatoes. Proc. of N.E.~, J<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>Col@r01Conf. ,ll: 84-92. 1959.<br />

, 1


Colen C. 1ITyatt 11and J.<br />

Introduction<br />

D. V11ieonY<br />

127<br />


Experiments conducted in 1960indicated that Vapam and Allyl Alcohol<br />

were two chemical compounds that might be expected to give a considerable<br />

degree of weed control and at the same time increase the stand of seedlings<br />

in the dil"ect-seeding of tomatoes up to the time ot blocking and thinning. In<br />

the 1960 trials these two materials were mixed with the 10p three inches' of<br />

soil with a tractor-mounted rotary tiller in bands approximately 16 :Inches<br />

wide. In some instances the treated band was coveNd with a polyethylene tarp.<br />

About 12 to 14 days later tomatoes were seeded into the treated bands of soil.<br />

Because of the favorable results obtained in the 1960 experiments it was<br />

decided to continue the experimentation.<br />

Procedure<br />

Vapam (sodium n-methyl dithiocarbamate), Allyl Alcohol and Tillam<br />

(propy1ethyl-n-butythiocarbamate) were included in the 1961 tests. In<br />

addition, various types of mulches or sealants were added to the treated bends<br />

of soil in an effort to evaluate their effectiveness in slowing down the<br />

escape of the Vapam and Allyl Alcohol from the so11 and thus improve their<br />

performance in killing weeds and fungi in the surface imh or so of soil.<br />

Tillam was also mixed with the soil alone and in combination with Vapam and<br />

Allyl Alcohol to increase the degree of weed control. The treatrents used<br />

and the results obtained at Bowling Green and ',~o~, Ohio are indicated in<br />

Table 1.<br />

The soil was thoroughly disked and harrowed to put it in gio d physical<br />

condition before it was treated. The treatments were applied in cooperation<br />

with personnel from the U.S.D.A. Engineering Laboratory located at Wooster,<br />

Ohio, with tractor-mounted equipment designed and developed by that laboratory.<br />

The chemical compounds used were incorporated (mixed) nth the top 3 inches of<br />

soil in bands 16 inches wide, where so indicated, by spraying them on the<br />

surface just ahead of the tilling equi.pmenb; In a few instances where the<br />

rotary tiller was not used about 2 inches of soil 1'I8rethrown over the sprayed<br />

band by means of carefUlly mounted dis ca, In both meth>ds of application the<br />

soil was smoothed and packed somewhat in a rounded mound about 2 inches h1~er<br />

in the center 'han at the edges. If the treated band was to be covered w:l.th a<br />

polyethylene tarp, this covering was then laid and the edges covered (sealed)<br />

by means of specially mounted discs. After 4 or 5 d~s thetarp was removed.<br />

If liquid sealants were to be employed, these were applied by placing the<br />

selected sealant in a paint sprayer operated by compressed air fran Which it<br />

was sprayed on the treated band of soil. These so-called sealants were left in<br />

place and the seed drilled through the mulch some 10 Dr 11 days after the<br />

treatments were applied.<br />

y Research Horticulturist, H. J. Heinz Company, Pittsburgh, Pa,<br />

Y Professor of Plant Pathology, Ohio Agricultural Experim"nt Station,<br />

V"oos~er, Ohio

128<br />

Table 1. To,atoSeeo1ling and ~eed Counts on Plotls'tl'9ated1"1'th Several::<br />

Chemicals at Bowling Green and Vooster, Ofi1O, '1.961.<br />

Chemical<br />

Mixed<br />

TUh<br />

Mulch 15011<br />

None<br />

None·<br />

PolYethylene<br />

Tarp<br />

Polyethylene!<br />

Tarp<br />

Asphalt<br />

Asphalt<br />

2" Soil &<br />

Asphalt<br />

Latex<br />

Latex<br />

2" 5011 &<br />

Latex<br />

1<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

Yes'<br />

I<br />

Yes<br />

f<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

SoU Set 60 Yes<br />

Soil Set 60! Yes<br />

2" SoU & No<br />

5011 Set 60<br />

2" Soil No<br />

2" Soil 'No<br />

None Yes'<br />

None Yee<br />

POlYethylenel Yes<br />

Tarp<br />

Polyethylene I Yes<br />

Tarp<br />

I<br />

Asphalt I Yes<br />

Asphalt ! Yes<br />

2" Soil & No<br />

Asphalt<br />

Latex Yes<br />

Latex<br />

1 Yes<br />

2" 5011 8< No<br />

Latex<br />

5011 Set 60 ,Yes<br />

Soil Set 60 1 Yes<br />

2" Soil, 8< t No<br />

5011 Set 60<br />

2" Soil . No<br />

'2" Soil No _<br />

Location<br />

of<br />

Two Allyl<br />

ChemiCal Treatmen t<br />

T111am<br />

Tillam<br />

& Allyl<br />

Plots Vep8111Alcohol .:.:Ti::.:U::;!!::"~'..::&c...V;;.:.a:£p!:.::::.=m....::===-~;.;;;;..,.<br />

Alcohol None<br />

.....ooster<br />

B.Q.<br />

'!rooster<br />

B.G.<br />

B.G.<br />

Vooster<br />

B.O.<br />

B.G•.<br />

V'ooster<br />

27<br />

23 25 24<br />

23<br />

32<br />

29<br />

25<br />

23<br />

25<br />

32<br />

36<br />

23<br />

35<br />

23<br />

32<br />

30<br />

24<br />

3L.<br />

26<br />

28<br />

36<br />

48<br />

33<br />

'j 0 I,'<br />

B~' seedl~~Stand'r Ff;e1i~i';B.S!W' si<br />

"'~08ter 23 25 ISh' '. 18<br />

B.G. . 26 20 .-,<br />

B. G.<br />

,",ooster<br />

. B.G.<br />

. -, ' ..,-<br />

~i..;I·<br />

-,T.'<br />

B. 'l!'eed Count per 10 Square Feet<br />

B. G. 125 118 6S;,<<br />

'f'ooeter 213: 8~ 28,-·<br />

B.O. 18 25 '.<br />

'Wooster<br />

B.G.<br />

'\"iooster<br />

B.G.<br />

B.G.<br />

"ooater­<br />

B.G.<br />

B.G.<br />

Wooster<br />

B.G.<br />

B.G.<br />

?ooster<br />

18'<br />

.159<br />

98<br />

164<br />

108<br />

130-<br />

4J:<br />

167<br />

L3<br />

124<br />

62<br />

122<br />

3<br />

135<br />

44<br />

90<br />

86<br />

23<br />

.56<br />

126<br />

29<br />

41<br />

76<br />

45<br />

.I!I!;,<br />

.!" :<br />

32<br />

7<br />

20<br />

13<br />


Following emergence of the tomato seedlings,.<br />

were made to determine the comparative effectiveness<br />

stand and weed counts<br />

of the treatments used.<br />

At Bowling Green workers experienced in blocking, weeding and thinning vegetables<br />

were employed to go over the tomato plots. The average time required<br />

to finish each differently treated row was recorded and the data are reported<br />

in Table 2.<br />

129<br />

Table 2. Studies of the Time to Treed and Block Direct-5eeded Tomatoes Treated<br />

~th Several Chemicals. Bowling Green, Ohio, 1961.<br />

Chemical'<br />

Mulch<br />

Chemical Hours to "eed and<br />

Combined Block One Acre of<br />

~th Soil Direct-8eeded Tomatoes<br />

Vapam<br />

Vapam<br />

Vapam<br />

Vapam<br />

Vapam<br />

Allyl<br />

Allyl<br />

Allyl<br />

Allyl<br />

Allyl<br />

Alcohol<br />

Alcohol<br />

Alcohol<br />

Alcohol<br />

Alcohol<br />

Tillam<br />

None<br />

Tillam & Vapam None<br />

Tillam & Allyl Alcohol None<br />

None<br />

None<br />

Yes<br />

polyethylene<br />

Yes<br />

Soil Sealants* Yes<br />

2° Soil & Soil Sealants No<br />

2" Soil No<br />

None<br />

Yes<br />

Polyethylene<br />

Yes<br />

Soil Sealants* Yes<br />

2" Soil & Soil Sealants* No<br />

2" Soil No<br />

None<br />

yes<br />

yes<br />

Yes<br />

8.50<br />

5.67<br />

5.67<br />

5.67<br />

5.67<br />

9.07<br />

5.67<br />

7.09<br />

130<br />

Table 3.<br />

Rates ~d Dates of Chemical Trtlatrnent and Seeding of Direct-Seeded<br />

Touto Trlais. Bowling Qteen and wl"JOster..,,6M.;0'1961. .<br />

Bowling 'a~eed'<br />

'\ '<br />

Vapam 5PGallons/Acre<br />

Allyl Alcohol 50 Gallons/Acre<br />

Tillam 3 Pounds<br />

Latex* t 600 Gallons/Acre as Formulated<br />

Asphalt* 600 Oe.llons/Acre as!'onnulated<br />

SOil.Set* ' ,:'609Gallons/Acre asP'ormuJated<br />

1l1.dthof ..Tres,ted LMld<br />

Row"iidth '<br />

Date of Chemtoal' Treatment<br />

Date of SeeQing,'.<br />

Rate of Seed:fug<br />

16" ..<br />

48"<br />

MaY. 4<br />

May.1$ ,<br />

4 Seeds/Foot<br />

,wOoster<br />

40 Grd16ri.~/Acre .,<br />

60 Gallons/Acre<br />

h Pounds<br />

600 Gal.lons/Acre as Formulated<br />


indicates that several of the treatment combinations halved the labor required.<br />

The use of Vapam or Allyl Alcohol reduced the time by about one-third, whereas<br />

in most instances it was reduced by one-half when polyethylene tarp or one of<br />

the sealants was applied. This was true whether Vapam and/or Allyl Alcohol<br />

was mixed with the soil or simply covered with soil with a pair of discs.<br />

131<br />

Literature<br />

Cited<br />

1. Sweet, R. D. and J. Cialone. Proc , of N.E. l"eed Control Conf', 15: 107-110.<br />


1]2<br />


AS A<br />


~nald H. Moorel<br />

Research and Development Department<br />



Middleport 1 New York<br />

Solan l N-(3-chloro-4-methylphenyl)-2-methyl-pentanamide<br />

has been tested by a number of investigators as a herbicide<br />

for tomatoes l over a period of four years.<br />

Sweet and Rubatzky (1) found Solan to give commercial<br />

weed control and to be outstanding in lack of crop damage to<br />

both transplant tomatoes and field seeded tomatoes. Saidak and<br />

Rutherford (2) in 1959 and 1960 trials l found Solan to be reliable<br />

and effective as a herbicide in tomatoes when applied as<br />

a post-emergence spray, one month after transplanting l to weeds<br />

less than 3 inches high. Schubert and Hardin (3) found Solan to<br />

give commercial control of broadleaf weeds in post-emergence<br />

treatments. Grass control was satisfactory only for about one<br />

month if the grass was not more than l~ inches high at time of<br />

spraying.<br />

Results of preliminary field studies of Solan as a<br />

poxt -emer-gence herbicide tlor tomatoes have been presented previously<br />

by Moore and Dor~chner (4). It is the purpose of this<br />

paper to summarize performance data which have been obtained<br />

over the past two years.<br />


Tests in 1960 were conducted on the varieties Fireball<br />

and Red Jacket. These included both field seeded and field transplant<br />

stock. Treatments were applied as broadcast sprays using<br />

a knapsack sprayer. Fifty gallons of total liquids per acre were<br />

applied. The experimental design was one of randomized complete<br />

block with three replications.<br />

In 1961 experimental procedures were similar l but with<br />

the follOWing exceptions: Sprays were applied at 40 psi and a<br />

volume of 30 1 rather than 50 gallons of total liquids per acre<br />

was utilized. In some instances rather large areas were sprayed<br />

With a given treatment. SUch plots were not replicated. The<br />

formulation of Solan used for all tests was a miscible formulation<br />

containing 4.0 pounds of active material ner ~allon.


Transplant Tomatoes. Experiment No.1. 1960<br />

The chemical tre.attnents in this trial were five in<br />

number. and consisted of the following:<br />

a. Solan at rate of 2.0 pounds/acre;<br />

4 applications at two week intervals.<br />

b. Solan at rate of 4.0 pounds/acre;<br />

2 applications one week apart.<br />

c. Solan at rates of 2.0. 4.0. and 6.0 pounds/acre;<br />

single applications.<br />

Both grasses and broadleaved weed species were less<br />

than one inch high when the first treatment was made on June 21.<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> species represented Were pi~weed (Amaranthus retroflexus).<br />

lambsquarters (Chenopodium album), buckhorn plantain (Plantago<br />

lanceolata), barnyard grass (Echinochloa crusgalli), and yellow<br />

foxtail (Setaria lutescens). None of the plots was cultivated.<br />

1.3.3<br />

Data on weed control were taken at three intervals<br />

throughout the season. The final counts just prior to harvest<br />

are reported in Table 1. The most effective treatment was tw.o<br />

applications of Solan (4 pound/acre rate) made at 7 day intervals.<br />

There was an appreciable reduction in weed population following<br />

all single treatments, but in view of the size reached by the<br />

surviving weeds, these data may be misleading. Thus, in the case<br />

of the 2 pound rate, the escapes developed to such large size as<br />

to interfere with growth and yields of crop plants. At both the<br />

4 and 6 pound rate the escape weeds were considerably reduced in<br />

s:'ze.<br />

The total number and pounds of tomatoes produced for<br />

the entire season for each treatment are reported in Table 2. No<br />

significant difference was noted in the number of tomatoes<br />

produced following any of the 5 control programs and the cultivated<br />

check.<br />

Although the untreated check was not included in the<br />

analyses of data, it 1s obvious that all treatments had significantly<br />

more fruit than the check.<br />

Considering the total number of pounds of tomatoes for<br />

the season, the treatment receiving a single application of 2<br />

pounds of Solan per acre yielded significantly less than the<br />

cultivated check in the case of Fireball. This was interpreted<br />

to be the result of weed competition.<br />

Transplant Tomatoes, Experiment No.2, 1961<br />

A test was implemented in 1961 with the purpose of<br />

-" ".3 __ L...! -.._Of "" L'I . .. _c _ _L ~ _

134<br />

were used, but as already noted, sprays were applied with a<br />

tractor-mounted boom sprayer. One treatment'consisted'of 2'<br />

applications of Solan at the 4 pound per ~cre rate. The first<br />

of these was made about 2 "~ks after trarisplanting (July 1),<br />

and the second at la;

harvest was covered with weeds, and tomato plants were very<br />

small. Harvesting in this area was very t1me consuming, compared<br />

with either of the treated ~eas. '<br />

Total seasonal yields, both iq ~bersand pounds of<br />

tomatoes for each variety, are s\UIlnIarized1n Table 4. All varieties<br />

except Roma produced a grea~er totalwe1ght of fruit in the<br />

treated than in the untreated. Only in the case of Roma and<br />

Homestead.61 were there slightly more fruit in the untreated than<br />

the treated. This implies that Solan did not.have an inhibiting<br />

effect on the set of fruit!<br />

The varieties Hom~stead 24, H J.370,Manalucie, val~~t<br />

and Rutgers California produeed somewhat fewer pounds of tomatoes<br />

at the 8 pound rate than at the 4 pound rate. . The fact that the<br />

other varieties produced eq4al or greater .weights of tomatoes at<br />

the 4 pound rate suggests that one is working with a good ~gin<br />

of safety when suggesting the lower rate asa commercialpract1ce.<br />

~ Seeded Tomatoes, Exper1mentNo. 1, 12§Q<br />

Seeds of the varieties Fireball and Red Jacket were<br />

planted and Solan at the rate of 2, 4 and 6 pounds per acre was<br />

applied to the seeded areas on the day of, and 2, 5 and 7 day~<br />

after planting. Each treatment comprised a single row 10 feet<br />

long and was replicated three times.<br />

Uhder conditions of the tel;lt, ~'stage of gr-owth" of the<br />

tomato plants varied from "not,germinated<br />

ll<br />

·to Ilbreaking the·<br />

ground ll • <strong>Weed</strong>s at the various test intervals varied from "not<br />

germinated ll to one inch high: Results of stand counts and percent<br />

of weed control, as taken some two weeks after the last<br />

t'eatment, are ,given in Table 5.<br />

Treatments applied on the day of seeding had no eft~t<br />

on germination of either variety. Control or weeds, while partial,<br />

was far from satisfactory" Delaying the tneatment even 2 days<br />

did not reduce crop stands, a~d resulted in appreciable controa.<br />

It was noted that some weeds had germinated at the time of treatment.<br />

When applications were made 5 days after seeding, crop<br />

plants had germinated, but had, not broken the soil. <strong>Weed</strong>s had~<br />

germinated considerably ,but were less than one inch in height.,<br />

Under these conditions the stand of Fireball was reduced when<br />

Solan was applied at 4 and 6 Pounds per acre, and the variety<br />

Red Jacket was reduced only when treated at the 6 pound level.'<br />

Control of broadleaved weed species was good, but grass control<br />

was marginal.<br />

The remaining plots were treated one week after planting,<br />

at Which time weeds were one inch tal]:., and tomatoes were<br />

breaking the ground. There was a significant reduction in crop<br />


1,36<br />

',L,),) ;~)o, j:',.' , "-<br />

stand or lHlreballfOl10Wi1:iiPbotfi the 4 ~46;poun4 per acre-,til~atmenbs<br />

, While there was a tendeneytoward reduced stands of the<br />

variety Red Jacket at both the 4 and 6 P01,U'l(tp~r acr-e rates, these<br />

reductions Jw.ere ~ot l!l1~.1t'1~~~..weed cont±". ,..9..1.-We.a cons1der.ed~~.0<br />

be good, ranging "from 86to,:99 i percent of, bfo,a.:~leavedspec1es, i<br />


An additional 2 years of tests on field transplanted<br />

tomatoes have continued to demonstrate the value of Solan as a<br />

post-emergence herbicide.<br />

Applications of four pounds of this chemical per broadcast<br />

acre made 14 days after transplanting, and again at lay-by,<br />

have been well tolerated by the varieties Campbell 146, Glamour,<br />

Long Red, Marglobe, ES 24, H 1370, Homestead 24, Manalucie,<br />

Moreton Hybrid, Trellis 22, Valiant, and Rutgers California. A<br />

slight temporary foliage chlorosis was noted on the varieties<br />

Roma and Homestead 61 at the four pound rate. Two applications<br />

of Solan, each at 8 pounds, resulted in a temporary chlorosis<br />

to Campbell 146, Glamour, Long Red, Homestead 61, H 1370, Moreton<br />

Hybrid, Trellis 22, Valiant, and Rutgers California. The<br />

minimum seasonal yield increase at either rate over the wltreated<br />

for all varieties except Glamour, Homestead 61, and Roma<br />

ranged from 64 to 243 percent. For the latter three varieties<br />

there was an 18 and 9 percent increase, and a 5 percent decrease,<br />

respectively.<br />

Solan, when applied at a rate of 4 pounds per acre to<br />

broadleaved weeds and annual grasses less than one inch in<br />

height, provided excellent results. Repeat treatments were<br />

necessary for seasonal control.<br />


1. Sweet, R. D. and W. Rubatzky, 1959, "Herbicides for Tomatoes",<br />

Proceedings of the Northeastern <strong>Weed</strong> Control Conference,<br />

13:84-92. - -- --<br />

2. Saidak, W. J. and W. M. Rutherford, 1961, lIChemical <strong>Weed</strong><br />

Control in Tomatoes", Proceedings of the Northeastern <strong>Weed</strong><br />

Control Conference, 15: 124. - --- ----<br />

3. Schubert, O. E. and N. C. Hardin, 1960, "Evaluation of<br />

. Several Herbicides on Tomato Plants", Proceedings of the<br />

Northeastern <strong>Weed</strong> Control Conference, 14: 8i-85. ----<br />

4. Moore, D. H. and K. P. Dorschner, 1960 "preliminary Studies<br />

of Solan as a Post-emergent Herbicide for Tomatoes", Proceedings<br />

of ~ Northeastern <strong>Weed</strong> Control Conference, 14:85-101.<br />


.J<br />

')<br />

)<br />

Table 1<br />

Treatment<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> Control with. Solan in Transplant Tomatoes - 1960<br />

. j ..<br />

Average No. <strong>Weed</strong>s per'Square<br />

Lbs. Active Date of<br />

Per Acre Applications<br />

Foot - Aug<br />

Lambs-<br />

Pigweed· quarters Plantain Grass* 0<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Solan 2.0 6/21, ~~ 3.3 0.0 0.0 5.0<br />

four applications 7/14, 2<br />

";<br />

~lan , 4.0. 6/?:J., 6/28 1 e.0 0..3 . LO.O 4.6<br />

,', ~ I<br />

two'appl1cat16ns<br />

SOlan<br />

one application<br />

2.0 6/21 3.3 0.3 1.6 4.0<br />

Solan<br />

one application<br />

4.0 6/21 2.6 0.6 0.0 2.3<br />

Solan<br />

one application<br />

6.0 6/21 1.3 l.b 1.3 2.3<br />

CUltivated Check --- 6/21,<br />

7/11<br />

6/28 8.0 6.6 0.0 3.0<br />

Unt:t'eated Check --- --- 17.3 96.6<br />

- _ - -. ' - ' ..,. -<br />

4.3 9.0<br />

*J)arnyard.grass and yellow foxtail grass<br />

'lQ.JB?toefLtran~p;Lfln~~~6/3/69: .<br />


~ Table 2<br />

.--l<br />

Average Number and Pounds o~ Tc~atoe8 per Plot per Season For Tomatoes<br />

Receiving Foliar Applications o~ Solan - 1960<br />

Treatment<br />

Lbs. Active Date o~<br />

Per Acre Applications<br />

Average No. Tomatoes Average No. Lbs<br />

Per Plot Per Season Tomatoes/plot/<br />

Season<br />

Fireball Red Jacket Fireball Red Jac<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Solan 2.0 6/21, 7/5 82.0 146.0 18.6 37.6<br />

~our applications 7/14~ 8/2<br />

Solan 4.0 6/21, 6/28 75.3 152.0 16.5 34.9<br />

two applications<br />

Solan 2.0 6/21 75.0 114.0 15.0* 25.2<br />

one application<br />

Solan 4.0 6/21 83.0 150.0 17.6 33.0<br />

one application<br />

Solan 6.0 6/21 81.7 142.0 16.1 37.9<br />

one application<br />

Cultivated Check --- 6/21, 6/28 83.7 149.0 21.0 36.4<br />

7/11<br />

Untreated Check --- --- 25.6 14.0 2.9 2.2<br />

LSD .01 25.6 56.0 7.2 16.2<br />

.05 18.8 41.0 5.3 11.9<br />

------------------------------------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~<br />

*Signi~icantly lower than cultivated check.<br />

) )

)<br />

)<br />

Table 3<br />

Results of an Application of Solan on Commercial Scale for Control of<br />

: t .•<strong>Weed</strong>s in Transplant Tomatoes - 1961<br />

Treatment Lbs. Active<br />

Per Acre<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>s Per Square Foot - August 9.<br />

Date of<br />

Applications Pigweed Lambsquarters other-s<br />

--~--~--------------------------------~---------------------------------------~--------~---<br />

Solan . , .. 4.0 7/1. 8/1 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

two applications<br />

Solan 4.0 7/1 11.0 3.0 1.0<br />

one application<br />

untreated Check --- --- 39.0 14.3 1.2<br />

------._---------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ .<br />

Tomatoes transplanted 6/16/61<br />

Plots cultivated 7/11. 7/18/61<br />


~ Table 4 Total Yields in Number and Pounds of Fruit for Each of Fourteen Tomato<br />

Varieties ~eceiving Foliar Applications of Solan - 1961<br />

Rbte Rate Rate<br />

Per No. Pounds Per No. Pounds Per No. Pour<br />

~Acre ,of of Acre of of Acre of of<br />

Tomato Variety \Lbs.} Fruit Fruit (Lbs.) Fruit Fruit (Lbs.) Fruit Frt<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Campbell 146 4.0 286 84 8.0 326 101 Untreated 156 L<br />

Glamour 205 65 242 86 177 ~<br />

Long Red 364 105 351 103 139_<br />

Marglobe 331 65 278 67 133<br />

Roma 720 93 841 100 910<br />

Homestead 61 310 97 349 99 346<br />

E.,S. 24 492 101 518 110 212<br />

H 1370 575 151 570 128 315<br />

Homestead 24 342 93 293 81 170<br />

Manalucie 345 94 289 85 185<br />

Moreton HYbrid 447 120 497 140 280<br />

Trellis 22 601 102 638 115 348<br />

Valiant 520 149 491 . 134 322<br />

Rutgers California 259 66 210 54 125<br />

s<br />

c<br />

~<br />

~<br />

E<br />

~<br />

/<br />

E<br />

C<br />

r<br />

~<br />

Date-~f-T;~~t;e~t~-7/6~-7/28-----------------------------------------------~t;-pi;~t;d;--E<br />

) )

')<br />

')<br />

Table 5 The Effect of a Delayed Pre-emergence Application of Solan on Stands of<br />

._ . Field Seeded Fireball and Red Jacket Tomatoes - 1960<br />

r1:>8.<br />

Act/ Date Stage of Avg. Plants/3 ft. of Row %<strong>Weed</strong> Control-July 14<br />

Treatment Acre Treated Tomato Fireball Red Jacket Broadleaved Grasses(l)<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Solan 2.0 6/22 Not up 21.7 12.0 23.9 58.2<br />

Solan 4.0 6/22 Not up 22.3 15.0 21.4 87.7<br />

Solan 6.0 6/22 Not up 22.0 25.6 43.8 48.4<br />

-- v, l·<br />

Solan 2.0 6/24 No.t up 14.7 13.7 83.1 98.6<br />

Solan il .•O 6/24 Not up 16.3 18.3 80.9 95.3<br />

Solan 6.0 6/24 Not up 23.0 18.7 85.8 97.2<br />

Solan 2.0 6/27 Not up 12.7 15.7 79.0 78.4<br />

".,-<br />

Solan 4.0 6/27 Not up 9.3* 12.0 93.8 53.1<br />

Solan 6.0 6/27 Not up 8.7* 8.3* 84.4 65.7<br />

Sol.an 2.0 6/29 Breaking ·17.3 . 16.7 85.8 83.1<br />

SOlan 4.0 6/29 Breaking 5.6** 9.0 96.6 13~7 .<br />

-So-lan 6.0 6/29-. Br-eaking~ n_ ~- 7.0* J.3.7 98.8 84.5<br />

Untreated --- -- 18.3 15.3 21.3(2)<br />

Check<br />

N . LSD .01 11.5 9.9<br />

;:l<br />

fiJ-Grasses-:-BarnYard-graSs-&£~iiOw-foit~i~------------7i3SIgnlflcant-dlfference--------<br />

2 No. of weeds per sq. ft. in untreated area. ** Highly significant difference.

""<br />

~<br />

Table 6 Bvalu~t1.on of S&l~nto~ ~aedcontrol :fuRield Seeded Tomatoea - 1~1<br />

Lbs. Plants per foot of Row 7/12/61 %.<strong>Weed</strong><br />

Act./ Dates stage oi' . . Cbntrol<br />

Treatment Acre Treated Tomato Red Jacket Fireball Manalucie Roma ·9/11 (3)<br />

------------------------------------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - -<br />

Solan 3.0 7/1, 7/20 Sprouting 4.4 11.3 6.1 4~0 81.3<br />

Not up·<br />

II·<br />

Solan . :4.0 7/1, 7/20 ~.6 10.8 5.0 4.4 93.8<br />

(,.<br />

Solan 3.0 ']/5 Breaking· 3.3 3.6 6.2 0.0 .- 73.1<br />

ground-<br />

Solan 4.0 7/5 Some 1" 0.1 0.8 0.2 0.4 85.6<br />

Solan 8.0 7/5 Some 1" 0.0 2.3 0.3 0.3 91.9<br />

Solan 3.0 7/10· l~" tall ~.l 1.3 0.1 .1.9(1) 79.4<br />

Untr.eated<br />

Check 3.2 13.8 5.8 4.4 i6.0(2)<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

(1) Counts made at end of' season<br />

(2) No. weeds per sq. ft., mostly broadleaved weeds<br />

Tomatoea,planted 6/28/61<br />

) )

144<br />

All Jva1_Uoll of Cheaaicab U.ed Porthe WMdi. of Tomato.s.<br />

I '<br />

I Char1•• J. Noll 1<br />

W.ed c~tro1 i. the ~aateat limiting factor ~a ~uc~.afu1 8I'oving of<br />

dir.ct 8eed~d tomatoe.. Mechanical ~iD8 i. inacleql.1&taand hand weediDl<br />

too expeaei,e. :Ulltil good chemical we.dinS i. de"lo~.cl the growing of<br />

direct 8e~td. tCl\lllltoa.in PellD8ylvania will b. limited in acre.g ••<br />

The we, ding of trall.p1aated tomatoes by m.cbaaicei1 means is not ae<br />

difficult br..~e. ~fadequate c'bemi•. 1 ... ding could be delve10p.d it could<br />

~ed\IC.prodrtiOD· co.t ••<br />

i<br />


In the! direct .eaded tomato exp.r~ent the se8ctbad wa. pr.pared May 24.<br />

soil iDcorp4n'.tlon treatIHllts vere applied and rotqti1!1.d into the sol1<br />

May 25. 'l'h. tomM:o variety l'irebiLll, was leaded tliat :s.e day. Th. preem.rs.nce<br />

tt:atmeat8 were appli" 4 days after .eedins and late pra-emergence<br />

treatments re applied 11 day. after .eeding. O~ S~lall plot received aa<br />

additional ptlioatlon 41 day8 iIL.fter ... ding. Indtvietual plots "er.1:; f •• t<br />

1001 and 3 ~.et Wide. Tr.... nts were randombed fon.ach of 6 blocks. The<br />

ch_call ".re applied with a 8ID&11sprayer over tbe ~ for a width of 12<br />

iDehes. 'l'h~ plot. wore cultivated. An estimate of weed control wa. made<br />

August 14 o~ a ba.is of 1 to 10; 1 being mo.t de.irable and 10 being 1ea.t<br />

dea1rab1e. ,N9 barv .. t record. ware taken.<br />

In th.ltran.P1anted tOlll&toe. the 88111evarie.t y 'wa~ g::otm. The seedbed<br />

wee preparels June 5, the 1011 incorporation trea~•• maet. June 6 and the<br />

tOlllllto.. tr.~p1aat.d June 7. Po.t-p1anting treatlHnti. were mad. 5 and 22<br />

day. aft.r~.r .... Planting. with th.. n08•• 1 of the. sP\'ay.r dir.ct1y over th.<br />

tomato p1a 8. Individual p10ta .... 20 feet 10111:ancl S feet wide and con­<br />

.i.ted of 1, "lant •• ach. !reatil,eDta vere rand4'mi~ediD each of 6 blocks.<br />

The p1~ta were cultivated. An e.timate of WMd oontro1 vea made AUluat<br />

14 on a baa~a of 1 to 10. Tometoe. vere harve.ted ,twtce, August 22 and<br />

september 1~.; 0Il1y marketable fruits were harvested •<br />

. . RESULTS<br />

i<br />

The w~ control re.u1ts in the direct .eeded :to.to experiment i8 pre-<br />

.eat.d iD tlible 1. Although the Triazine compound. g.-ve the b.at weed control,<br />

they grut1~ raduoed the atand of tomatoea. The Dl'Ph$amid plots had f_<br />

weeela, tha lot • .receiVing 9 lb ••. p.r acre were reJ.aUYely free of weed.<br />

throughout he growing ... aon. '!'ba only other tre~t that gave any amouat<br />

1 . . '<br />

A•• oeiate trofe.sor of Olericultura, D.partment o~ HQrticu1ture, College of<br />

Agricultur and Bxperiment Station, Penn.yhaa!a ~atie Unlveralty, University<br />

Park, PallD y1vallJ.a. :

of weed eoneee I without inj ury 'to .t(llll8toes was in the TU1am treated plot ••<br />

Although no yield reoords were ta~.n it was thousht tha~ yields in the best<br />

plots would have been good.<br />

The results ln the transp1ant.a tomato exper~ ls presented in table<br />

2. All chemicals B1gnificant1y increased weed control as compared to the<br />

untreated check. The best weed C0l1tro1 wes in plots treated with Diphen-,<br />

amid at 6 and 9 1bs. per acre, Stam P-34 at 6 1bl. per acre, Prometryne at<br />

3 1bs. per acre, Casoron at 4%lb•• per acre and Tl11e. at 6 1bs. per acre.<br />

145<br />

Only two harvests were made and only ripe marketole fruit taken for<br />

record. Plots treated with Dlphenamid at 9 1bs. per acre and Tl11am at 4".<br />

1bs. per acre had a significant l~rease in yield as compared to the untreated<br />

check,plot. The yleld from'the plots treated with the chemical<br />

Stam P-34 at 6 lbs • per aCre appro~hed B1gn1fiC8ftee.<br />


In the direct seeded tomato ezpertment, it 100ke at this ttme that<br />

chemicals .cou1d replace other mathods of weed control in the plant row.<br />

If this is 't~ue, direct seeding of Cpmatoes is a possibility in Pennly1­<br />

vania. The beltareatments wereDlpbenemid at 6 and 9 lbs. per acre in a<br />

pre-emergence application and Ti11am at 6 1bl. per acre in a pre-planting<br />

loi1 incorporation treatment.<br />

" I<br />

In the transplanted tomato experiment, the outstanding chemicals<br />

were Dipbenamid in the post-plantiPi treatment. Ti11~ ~n the pre-p1aneing<br />

soil incorporation treatment and Stam P-34 in the delayed post-planting<br />



1. Associate Research Specialist in <strong>Weed</strong>'CO~trol, NewJersey Agricultural<br />

Experiment Station; Head, AgriCUltural Research,<br />

Seabrook Farms Co., Seabrook, New Jersey; and formerly Research<br />

dAAiAT.~nT. in ~~m ~~onR_ RutgP.~R _ the ~tRte TTniversitv. New<br />



R. D. Ilnicki, T. S. Gill, and T. F. Tisdell<br />

1<br />

147<br />

Within the last several years there has been much interest<br />

in thiolcarbamate herbicides as evidenced by the many orop-weed<br />

situations investigated. To date, there is little or no reoorded<br />

information on the use of propyl ethyl-n-butylthiolearbamate (Tillam)<br />

either as a pre-planting or pre-emergence herbicide for weed<br />

control in spinach. Previous work at this Station and elsewhere<br />

has indicated the effectiveness of this herbicide with little or<br />

no injury to several horticUltural crops. .'Research has shown<br />

that delayed plantings following applications of other thiolcarbamate<br />

analogues will reduce injury to horticultural crops. This<br />

study was initiated to evaluate the effects'on spinaoh and weeds<br />

o't several planting dates fOllowing pre-planting application13 of<br />

several formulations of Tillam.<br />

Materials<br />

and Methods<br />

commeroial propyl ethyl-n-butylthiolcarbamate (Tillam 6E)<br />

and formulations containing two different h¥drocarbon carriers<br />

were the treatments evaluated. A low volatile, seleot paraffin<br />

traction haVing oarbons above ClR~ served as the oarrier in one<br />

blend (EAP 4160) and a somewhat nigher volatile naphthenic fraotion<br />

above C1R was used as a solvent or carrier in the other<br />

(EAP 4161). The two experimental formulations oontained slowbreakiqg<br />

emulsifying systems and were identioal in all other respeots.<br />

The three formulations ot Tillam were ,applied as pre-planting<br />

treatments on August 29 a!t rates ot 3 and 5 pounds per acre<br />

with a knapsaok sprayer oonnected to a boom:'equipped with five<br />

nozzles spaoed 20 inches apart. The applications were made in<br />

water dilutions of 40 gpa to a finely prepared seedbed of a sassafras<br />

sandy loam soil at Seabrook Farms, Seabrook, New Jersey.<br />

Plots were 10 x85 feet. Only 8-1/3 feet of $ach plot width was<br />

sprayed for the entire 85-foot length. The outside borders served<br />

as bufter areas and as checks to allow for any lateral movement of<br />

the treated soil at time of incorporation. Immediately after application,<br />

the treatments were disked into the upper 2-3 inches<br />

with a Meeker harrow in one direction only. Check plots were also<br />

inoluded in addition to the border areas between plots. There<br />

were two replioations of all treatments.

148<br />

SpinaCh wasplanted withan8-row 0~.-c1al seeder,1nd'1­<br />

vidual rowlB.,&paced12 inohea':apa%'t{ on A~t 30, September 2,<br />

and Septemper 5, giving plantings of 1, 4, and 7 days after herbioidal<br />

applloaUons, respectively. Eaoh pkn,ting consisted of<br />

two or thr~e drill strips aoross the plots. Brior to eaoh plant·,·<br />

ing, the area was reworked with a Meeker harrow in one direoticn<br />

aoross the plots., After _ch;planting;an_~valent o.f t-1nch of<br />

rain was applied to tbe area:- ,'seeded..<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>~on'troJ;,and crop~njury rat1ng3',~ made on sep~<br />

28 and Ootbber '18' using the fl.-cale 0 to' 10~~re 0 • no eft.c~~.<br />

10 lit stand Or vigor reduced leO per oent,.'!';:. ':.r: •<br />

.j.<br />

Result..-and D1.souss1!>ft':<br />

. , .,; .. c.; ,<br />

In ta'Ples 1, 2, and 3 ..a:re: presenteds~riflls of weed oo».t1'Ol<br />

and spinaDb 1nJ1.Wf for the. plantings madEt:L-.;4, and 7 days, ~peoti'Vely.<br />

atterapplioatlonaoithe th.ree f~~tions of. Til~.<br />

From these data it oan be seen that the planting made soon<br />

after herb~oidal appliaat~on8 was relatively safe for spinaoh and<br />

that bette*, than adequate 'weecroontrol. resuJ.t.e. d.. It 1s als.o evident<br />

that 9V.drall weed eont~iJ; was 1mprove~': 'ldth oorresponding<br />

deoreases ..in' spinach injury, ,Jgy. delayins sp.~qh planting. ..~<br />

was espeo'1~lly~true for the two exper1me.pta-kf,QI'II\ulat1ons wi~,the<br />

hydrooarboi'loarr1ers. Therecwas a slight ~;tlease in broadl.,.;ved<br />

weed cont~lw1th the lower·nJ;te of oo~o!al Tll~ in th8)p;la.nting<br />

made '7 days aft.erappl1cation. , There .W4. a similar· trend: with<br />

regard tograsB .;control ,; ~4tr i this was-:~ot signifioant.<br />

The experimental formulations were Sl1~h~lysuperior t~,~~meroial<br />

Tillam with regard to weed oontrol and orop safety. The<br />

formu1ati~ 'Containing thena~hthenio hYdr9~~bon fraotion was<br />

slightly m9re effeotive and se,fer than the,iforlnulation Qont!-1n1l;1g<br />

the paraffinio hydrooltXlbon,fract10n., ... ' ";~' ..<br />

Allf~rmulations of Til~ exh1bited~sidual herb101~j[:~<br />

actiy1tyof long duration •. -Tbiswas mar. j)~l'lounoed for thepsses<br />

than for the broadleavedweeds •.. Gelierally",the two experim~~l<br />

fOrmulati~8 effected slight:ly longeracti~1ty than oamm.rcial·T11­<br />

lam.' Agai~. the toJ;'ttlulat10lt' containing the" paphthenio 1'raot1on was<br />

slightly nt.t'esuper10r to' the.:f'ormulation·'W:1th the paraffini~oarrier.<br />

.-+<br />

'. '. ~ -: .-.

Stulllll&ry<br />

A study was lh1tlatedto evaluate th.)i8t:t'ects on spinach and<br />

weeds ,of sevettal planting dateSf"Ollowin£ripre~planting applications<br />

of three formulations of Tillam. Two exper1m&ntal formulations,<br />

,one ,conta1n1nga paratfj.n1.c bYQ.%'

150<br />

Table 1. The residual effects of several formulations of<br />

Tillam* applied as pre;..plartting treatments one day<br />

prior to spinach planting on weed;tcMtrPl and crop<br />

r injury .** Fo:mulationsappl1ed Augu~t 29 and spanach.,<br />

seeded August 30, 1961.<br />

Control l ,;.;<br />

<strong>Weed</strong><br />

Crop Injury<br />

Treatment Rate, Broadleaved Grassy- ;:, Stand 2 Vigor3<br />

Ib/A weeds weeds<br />

,Days after<br />

AppUcation<br />

30 50 30 50<br />

:-·if'<br />

-'30 50 30 .50<br />

Tillam 6E 3 6.8 1.0 . 8~3 8.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0<br />

5 7.8 5.0 9.0 9.8 I.!? 1.5 1.3 0.5<br />

EAP 4160 4 3 7.1 1~5 9.4 7.0 '0.0 0.5 0.0 .0.0<br />

5 8.5 0.5 9.5 9.9 1.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0<br />

EAP 4161 5 3 6.0 0.5 9.0 9.0 1.0 3.5 0.0 0.0<br />

5 9.5 7.3 9.8 9.7 ;.0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0<br />

* propyl atbYl-n-buty1thiolcarbamate<br />

** average of two replications<br />

l'Based on scale 0 to 10; 0 = no effect, 10 = stand an/or<br />

vigor reduced 100%<br />

2 Based on scale 0 to 10; 0 = no effect, 10 = stand reduced 100%<br />

3 Based on scale 0 to 10; 0 = no effect, 10 = complete kill<br />

4 Herbicide dissolved in a select hydrocarbon paraffin fraction<br />

above c l8<br />

5 Herbicide dissolved in a select hydrocarbon naphthenic fraction<br />

above C 18<br />


Table 2. The residual effects of several fbrmJulations of<br />

Tillam*applied a&pre-planting t~tments four<br />

days prior to spinach planting on'weed control<br />

and crop inJury. *....Formulations applied<br />

August 29 and spinach seeded September 2, 1961•<br />

151<br />

..lrltle'FC-:.ntrol 1 ...<br />

Crop Injury<br />

Treatment . Rate. Broadleaved Grassy Stand 2

152<br />

'~llam* appl1edc'u, pre-planting t~tments seven<br />

~ys prior to spd.na:ch plant1ng. onsweed control and<br />

prop inJury. ** Fclmnula tiona "a~n~Ued August 29 and<br />

spinaoh seeded September 5, 1961.,<br />

Table 3. I • residual efr ..... , of ........ , f"""*,,,,U..,. of C<br />

.: , ,I'· ,;<br />

"Treatment<br />

'..':-Ra te,<br />

lb/A<br />

'WMd ('cctra1 l Crop In,1ur:r<br />

Broadleaved Grassy '~ ,Stand 2 , 'f,fgor3<br />

weeds weeds<br />

30'" 50<br />

Days atterApplication<br />

30'50 30 50 30 50<br />

T111am 6E~; 3 7.0 0.0 9.5 10.0 0.8 1.0 1.:0", 0.0<br />

'5 ' 9.0 : 3.5 10.0 10.0 0.5 1.5 1.0 1.0<br />

EAF"4160~<br />

,"<br />

!<br />

3 9.3 ,0.5 10.010.0 0.0 1.0 0.:0', :::0.0<br />

5 9.5', ,'2 ..0 ' -9.8 J.0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

EAP4161 5 t"\ 3 :8.7 ".1.5 9.8'1,0.0 0.0 0.0 00'0 0.0<br />

5 9.5 ,5.5 9.8 10.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5<br />

* propyl ~thyl-n-butylth101c~amate<br />

** average lof two replications<br />

lBased ori'sleale a to 10j e -no 'effect, 10' ',j,!.!3tandand/or<br />

, vigor re~uced 100% )<br />

2BaS'ed on s!ca:le0 to 10j 0 .. ' riO effect. 10'*[ s'tand reduced 100%'<br />

3Based on 0' to 10'j O='no err$ct, 10 ";comPlet~ kill<br />

4 .' :: I " , ,'''C'-''' .. " , ,<<br />

Herbicide 'dissolved in a select hydrocarboriparaffin fract~Qn<br />

.above 0;J.S , ':,.<br />

5Herbicide dissolved in a'select hydrocarbon'naphthenic fractiQn<br />

above 0tL8



, ,i: ',d<br />

W. J. Lord 'ead J. S. BaUey:z.,<br />

15.3<br />

One of the chief concerns of thAlmanagera ofloffbush blueberry areas il<br />

the control of weed apecies wh:l.ch·~t~ out theblu ..... rles and seriously<br />

interfere with harveating. In 194'8"'. weed survey in'r~b.e lowbush blueberry<br />

fields in the Granville-Blandford area of Massachuaetts revealed that the<br />

cOlllllonbrake', 'l8r1dlum aguilinum t ..,(:h a serious weed in many places (1).<br />

Previous work (1) has shown that 400 to 600 pounds per acr. of polyborchlorate<br />

applied'l,)J;ior to "burn" will et£ectively control the cOllllllonbrake,<br />

but this matel'ial'injure. the blueberries. Whenthe polyborchlorate was<br />

applied in the fall previous to the year of burn, recovery of the blueberry<br />

plant. was better than when it Was applied in the .pt~ng'after the burn. T~<br />

difference waa highly significant. The difference in brake kill betweent6e<br />

spring and fall applications was not significant. Following either fall 1957<br />

or spring 1958appltcations the number of brake. on'the ~lots was less tn<br />

1959 than 1958, 1ndtcating'a carry-oVer of the chem~c&1.<br />

. \<br />

.. , ...'<br />

Whether,ornot'brake're1nfestadon occur. andhoWfa.t the blueberry<br />

plants re-establish them.elves fotlawtng the application ofpolyborchlorat~'<br />

are questions of vital importance to the grower. 'ThIJ'work reported here wall<br />

undertaken to answer these qu.stio~••<br />

Method' ilndMaterids'" ;<br />

In the .fall of 1957, six s~at. rod plots were laid· out at each of three<br />

locations. Polyborchlorate was 'appU~ at 400, ,500,. and 600 pounds per acre<br />

on half the plots at each location On'November13, 1957 and on the other half<br />

April 25, 1958. Before treatment .;jquare-yarcls~t"on of each plot was '<br />

measured and the brakes in each of these squares~ouPtedr The number of ,<br />

blueberry plants 'waa counted on f~r,l-foot squates ~hOsen at random on ea¢&<br />

plot. On August '7, 1958 post-treatment counts of brakes were made and on .<br />

July 14, 1959, July 12, 1960, and September 13, 1961, counts of both brake.<br />

and blueberry plants were made. No ~ounta of bluebeiry planta could be maa.<br />

in 1958 because the fields were burned. From these data the percentage kill<br />

of brakea and ,the percentage recovery of blueberrYi~ants were calculated •.<br />

,. " i", .,',<br />

For stati.tical treatment b1'a~lysis of variande the percentage. of<br />

brake control'were transformed to.nsles (3) and the 'percentages of blueberry<br />

plant recovery to rarik1t valu8.(2). The mean' irt" compared by the .<br />

method of J .S. '!'Ukeyas modified iiy Snedecor (3) .~lIUference necessatf<br />

for significance is expressed as D rather than LSD.' ...". , ,<br />

lContribution No. 1329, Masiachu•• tt. Agricultural EXperiment Station, Amhe.ret<br />


154<br />

I<br />

.i,;,'!,(.<br />

·t~,<br />

:',';,',.?<br />

.ijgcat1gD"<br />

I .<br />

,II<br />

J;~I,:.<br />

it"'\~""~';;,";,':" ;-' -: i"t,' - ~'\iL}" , " . ,<br />

'!r ..&.n~ 9pntr~1,:: .L\ Ap&1.U l u !!<br />

·.'."f ..,.<br />

(~ :.)liJ t'·<br />

~~'- ", -,;. ~""_',;., ('''j',-[''' .' ":"',' J (J 'ni::;:.\. . '" -1:,1 'I 'i);;<br />

D fqr ~~ l~v.t, -, ,36. .Val~e.,:":L~~ ~b. 'lI!lIe ~.t!t,rH4r. nQt 8~8"U.ca_1J. "<br />

different •. j . .,':. d.-""<br />

'_n::-';'" ',,: j ..: • ::nL'}_~" . ~.::" ~::'j ;;,r;'.~ ..i:'- " ,'" ",:. : ",,:, ;'1"<br />

Brak~j,09~~ol JollC11!inS,_8pa:;~Pt,applic~t~~!D~rl1f&!t~.!tt.~ l:~n'dt'f:: f4U<br />

treatment .nd the dlft~r.nelt,,,.,.:,§~g~~Y,l\~snU~~.IpS~.;c~:"8Ja o~the.~If4b_<br />

control in iang1e. for the fall treatment va. 50.58 and the .pring treatment<br />

69.89~Tb'U.~D,,,d,,.fo~. th'fJ~ 1!4;~c,~nJ; ~"v.~,"M,~S,.~7 Qd :t;~e1 ~Jl1C;~<br />

level, 7.64" .~~e~ ~ th.:l.n~.~.t~O&l b.tWll•• ;,lol!_~~Cl1I and tim. :()ftr ....~At '<br />

was higb1~ j.~SIJ~fieant 'Ta~le ~~~\i' .', "J' j'Y:' -" «: j: .<br />

. ; . ", '.'; - I., ,;;;'1 ';..:' .. -I;.:'<br />

Table 2 • Hean per cent brake llontrol for the faU'and .pttng treatm.ntl of<br />

po1yborchlorate at ~~~.._"lQeat~on.. ~., : " '. .'<br />

. ..' T.I'OI!·"1_·; . .. .;<br />

C.i!·,r ;\j·r.t:,,- •• '-·'::·.,-'~-~:·1J.,:~ -:,~"'~'r.iI'_'_ --.j"'i~~-"-:~:'-".~ - __ ,<br />

. . ;~. "". r~':-~'J",i ,,.,;.1L,, r; J _;111 : _.<br />

. .'t~~qt :':. :"'1' \ I: A.:fl~n,i :p~ r,::lAMlf,: P::t:,4Df~e;,<br />

- ...- ! ..... !'~ ...l- .sllJl~"',r ~~~.. i ...a.Jlt.~ r :","~ i ...i~ ... i-~.I!941J ...<br />

Fa~1;.(1.11. i.~S1.J.,I:, ~2.~,1 ·.'.$,~.~'KJ."··. ir 'J'6.5.;~ "~I ,;;$~•.~. a. I:' ~.2 ..'),. 4S ..·~J.:a<br />

spdna (4/~/$e>., ~,9,l.21 ,&4.,&::~ j )69.4 li ..~t~'" a I 86.4 I,. ~,.4.b<br />

D ~~r .1;' l~~i:~ '~'-Ts4." ':va~~M .~tf;h t~~GUIll•. ~~~t~; '~r~ n~t ~i~1~~~aQ~~'<br />

dlft.r.~~·1 ;:·;:.:,·~,'-H;: / ••; ""'~!. 1.. '':'l;,; j";(' ... ',' :_;, ">"~-'l~i':7i< ';' . .' i .~,,_ " .<br />

, ·Th.~ta:~'b~·)fh.. dhl.t.~c:·~,~~i:w.~n .~a~8 1~1{'tha per centbt~ke '~~t~oi'<br />

in ana1.ell,.tt~~Q,~~ ..frCIIIthe:"~~p.. 4~d~pr1~a t;¥~•. ~t;. lo~t.iqq,~~. ~~ not<br />


Table 3 - Mean per cent brake control from August 7. 1958 to September 13.<br />

1961 following treatment of plots with polyborchlorate November 13.<br />

1957 and April 25, 1958.<br />

X!!!: Per cent control Angle values<br />

1958 66.6 54.7 a<br />

1959 76.3 60.9 a<br />

1960 81.9 64.8 b<br />

1961 75.9 60.6 a<br />

D for 1%level - 9.24. Valuesw~tb the same letteraranot significantly<br />

different.<br />

Table 4 shows while no differences existed between rates of application<br />

for the spring treatments, the fall treatments did 8bow differences. The:<br />

differences in brake control betwee.n means of the 400 and 500 pound rates' of<br />

po1yborch1orate applied as a fall treatment were significant. Less brake<br />

control was obtained with 500 poundBthan with 400 pounds. Atone 10caUOIl<br />

brake control with the 500 pound rate of po1yborch1~ate wesnot as effective<br />

as the 400 and 600 pound rates.<br />

Table 4 - Mean per cent brake control for the fall aDd spring treatments of·<br />

po1yborchlorate at 400, 500, and 600 pound rates.<br />

1.4L21/181<br />

Treatment I !a.!1_

156<br />

tbe .pring, 1-9.48. Tbe LSDat the S per centievel·.a. 1.69 end at tbe 1 'per<br />

cent level, 12.28.,In ,fact, C1bebitueberry planta 1D'tb.plota treated in tbe<br />

spring have"Jnot COllI"pletely recovere,d tbree ye.,ra deer'treat_nt as indicated<br />

in Table 5. Tbe differences between year. or rate. of application were not<br />

.ignificanll.'1'be,clrop. in per cent recovery in 1960 for the fall treatmenU<br />

i. difficul' to explain.<br />

Discus.ion<br />

and Conclu.ion.<br />

The dat~ preseoted show that tbe brake control following an application<br />

of polyborc~orate per.i.ted over a period of tbree year. and that tbe control<br />

w.. ,be~er::fo1lC1W1ns .pring. 'than fan appl1cad ... attwooftbe thr":<br />

location •• On the otber hand, blueberry plant recovery following the 'fal~:<br />

applications, was better than that witb spring applications.<br />

, Both .,J,8IIlIlU1'It Of brake kill"~d blueberryidj~JtY were variable •. Tkl..<br />

wa.. probablldue to difference. in,Talnfall, in soillt1P8 and depth, 01' £a;. '<br />

.011 mo1stu~ at different locaUon.. Since wild JJ:lunerry plants grow'"<br />

.eed, the c!lpaw' :an BClIlIetlllea'Iutte diUimUarand1ll&y vary in their",<br />

.u.cepUbUi~ em reai.tance to. polyborcblorate inj\1l'1.')<br />

Altbous~ .pring application of polyborcblorate reaults in better brake<br />

control"itaj~e:at tbattime, ila qtaetUonable beca":~f injury to the blue-"<br />

berry plants. However"inar •• , _ving .uc,b heavy lNIpIIl.t1ons of this weed<br />

that harvest~ng of blueberries is difficult or impos'ible, .pring application.<br />

of.p01,.,orchlOC'ate.would b. f.a.ible. In le~.4 tbe differenc,.,,"tft'<br />

kUlbetweenl rate'.f400, 500,!lDd 600 pounds of pO~cbloTate wer.en~· .<br />

• ignificant. le" than 400 pound. mey be enough for adequate brake control,<br />

particularly for the .prins treatments. Thi. i. being inveatisated.<br />

Literature<br />

Cited<br />

1. Balley, ,~obn S.'andW. J. Lord~ 1960. Conuol of th.common brake, 1',<br />

Teridiumlaguilinum L., in lowbuah blueberries with p01yborchlorate.<br />

Proc. l4tb Annual Meeting Nortbeastern <strong>Weed</strong> Control Conference. pp. 60-65 •<br />

••• l,<br />

2. Fi.ber a.d Yates. 1938. Statistical tables for biological, agricultural,<br />

alld, mecll~al:Il.... rch. Ol1verandBeyd, Edtnburlb.<br />

3. Snedecor, G. W. 1946. Statiatical method.. Collegiate Preas, Inc.,<br />

Ames, I~a. SOb,ld,.<br />

; !<br />

r ,<br />

I s,<br />

t.'<br />

Tbe p.olybol'chl«ate ua.4<br />

__<br />

in the..<br />

"<br />

.xperiment~ was !Juppciled by the PaCific,'<br />

~_.A~ ~A ~ .~

lAssociate Research Spec1alist in <strong>Weed</strong> Control; Assistant<br />

Professor Pomology; and formerly Research Assistants in<br />


R. D. Ilnicki, C. R. Smith, T. F. Tisdell, and C. F. Everett l<br />


Annual weeds are a serious problem in strawberry production.<br />

In the present system of culture it is difficult and<br />

time consuming to keep the rows weed-free without seriously<br />

affecting the development of plants and runners. At present,<br />

there is no safe herbicide .with residual activ.ity long enough<br />

to allow the plants to become established during their critical<br />

time of development. The object of th~s stUdy was to<br />

evaluate some new herbicides for annual weed c,ontrol during<br />

the early stages of development.<br />

Jerseybel1e plants wet-a set on April 12, 1961 and on<br />

April a8, following an initial cultivation, the following<br />

herbicides were applied in quadruplicate:<br />

Herbicide and FormUlation Rate, lb./A<br />

Dimethyl 2,3,4,6-tetrachloroteraphthalate(dacthal)<br />

50Wand 5G , 4, 8 16<br />

Dacthal + isopropyl-N-(3-chlorphenyl)-carbamate (CIPC~<br />

50W+ E.C. 6 + 1<br />

2-chloro-6-bis(ethylamino)-s-triazine (s1mazirte)<br />

80W . . .. It<br />

2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-diethylamino-s-triaz1ne<br />

(trietazine)<br />

50Wand 4G . . 2, 4<br />

N,N-dimethyl- ,7\, j -diphenylacetamide (diphenani1d)<br />

80Wand 5G (Eli Lilly and co.) 2t, 5, 10<br />

50Wand 4G (Upjohn ce.) 2, 4, 6<br />

0-(2,4-dich1oropheny1)-0-methylisopropy1 phosphoroamidethioate<br />

(zytron)<br />

E.C.<br />

10, 20<br />

Ethyl di-n-propylthiolcarbamate (EFTC)<br />

E.C. and 5G 3, 6<br />

t-butyl-di-n-propylthiolcarbamate (R-1856)<br />

E.C. and lOG 3, 6<br />

Ethyl di-n-butyl thiolcarbamate (R-1870)<br />

E.C. and lOG 3, 6<br />

Propyl ethyl-n-butylthiolcarbamate (R-2061) (Tillam)<br />

E.C. and lOG 3, 6<br />

In addition, several untreated checks were inclUded per<br />

replication. All thiolcarbamate herbicides were incorporated<br />

immediately after application.<br />


158<br />

,<br />

OUtstanding treatmentttT1.ncluded<br />

,<br />

thet'ollowing herbicides:<br />

d!Phenamid - allra.tea were effect1 ve ,but the rn1d-<br />

, rate (4-5 lb.) was about optimum. The<br />

highest rate'~had no effect on stand but<br />

it decneaeedEhe vigor of the transplants<br />

and the rooting of runners. The wettable<br />

powderwaacsuperior to the granular prepara~<br />

tlona butlt,also caused greaterreductiona<br />

1n vigor.<br />

dacthal - allratb~ere effectivfl'arid the rn1d-rate' '<br />

(8 lb.) was more than optlriium. There were "<br />

slight reductions with tht 'highest rate.<br />

The wettable powder was sori1~\'ihat safer but<br />

not as effective as theg~ariular. '<br />

zytron ,- both rates ,were effeot1v... There was no,<br />

increase:lin herbicidal aot1vity with the<br />

high rate.<br />

Tillam (R-2061) - both rates were effective. There<br />

was a slight increase in ~oadleaved weed<br />

control with the higher rate. The granular<br />

preparatic>n,c'waasuperlor to tbeelliulsif1able<br />

concentrate ~ut it also produced slightly<br />

more inJury.<br />

'<br />

dacthal + CIPC -th~scombinationproduced excellent,<br />

weed control out it caused' some injury to<br />

stand and vigor of transpl~nts. The rooting<br />

of runners'wasalso delayed. The control<br />

was compa~ableto dacthal ,alo~e at the mid-,<br />

rate. ' ,<br />

Ekc - this compound was effective at the higher rate<br />

" I but some injury to transplants resulted.Tbe<br />

granular was more effective than the emulsi~<br />

fiable concentrate.<br />

The s-triazine herbicides were injurious to strawberries<br />

notwithstanding that they prOduced outstanding weed oontrol~:<br />

There was no difference between the wettable powder and the<br />

granular preparation of trietazine. '<br />

All other herbicides ,were ineffecti"te in this study.<br />

This experiment will be continued through next year.<br />

After yield analyses more complete information will be<br />




S. A. Anderson(l), L. E. Curtis(2), and Alexander Zaharchuk(2)<br />

159<br />

In 1960 several herbicide treatments looked promising for the cortrol<br />

of weeds in red beets. The experiment~ reported in this paper<br />

are a continuation of last years work. In both experiments total<br />

yields and grade y~elds were obtained to determine the effect of<br />

treatments on yields.<br />

Procedure<br />

Expt. I was conducted on Ontario silt loam soil at Gorham, N. Y.<br />

Detroit Dark Red beets were planted on June I, 1961. Tillam was<br />

applied and worked into the soil with a garden cultivator on May 25.<br />

Pre-emergence treatments were applied within two days after planting.<br />

Herbicides were applied overall except for the two high rates<br />

of Solubor, which were applied in an 8 inch band centered over the<br />

row. Sprays were applied with a knapsack spayer equipped with a<br />

pressure gauge and six foot boom. Granular applications were made<br />

with a special small hand-powered duster.<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>s were r,smoved by hand from the check plots before mid-July in<br />

anticipation of yield performance in relation to any possible reduction<br />

or depression of yield caused by chemicals.<br />

Expt. II adjoined Expt. I and conducted on Ontario silt loam soil<br />

at Gorham, N.Y. Tillam was applied on ~~y 25, 1961. Detroit Dark<br />

Red beets were planted on 5/25{61 and on 5/28/61. Plots in Experiment<br />

I and II were 6' X 30' that were randomly replicated 3 times.<br />

Tillam was worked into the soil immediately 'following applicat~<br />

with a garden tractor to an estimated depth of 2-4 inches. The soil<br />

was prepared for the second planting by tilling with a garden cultivator.<br />

Results<br />

Expt. I Table I gives the results of weed control, beet effect,<br />

total yield, and size grade yield. Each rating for crop and weed<br />

control represents an average of the three replicates. Total yields<br />

and grade yields also are averages of three replicates. This is<br />

also true in Expt. II.<br />

Expt. II Table 2 gives the results of weed control and beet effect.<br />

Discussion<br />

Expt. I Treatments'worthy of note from the standpoint of weed control<br />

and lack of beet injury are as follows: Tillam pre-plant at<br />

4-6 Ibs. E. C.; Tillam granular at 3 Ibs.; Solubor at 20-40 Ibs. of<br />

elemental boron; Vegadex at 4 Ibs. and ACP61-81.

"'1<br />

)<br />

Table 1. Pre-Plant and ~rgence <strong>Weed</strong> Control on Tab1e Beets<br />

Rating* I Yield<br />

Per Acre<br />

Chemical Beets <strong>Weed</strong>s (Tons)<br />

T'<br />

Tillam<br />

, Tillam "<br />

+ 3 + ~. :Pre. SDraY' 2.0 2.1) 21).1..0 : 2..6 2~".1.. J.2 ..I) TL'71Q.'7-'<br />

Randox<br />

Solubor ** 10 Pre. St>raY 0 2.~ 2l.~? 2.8 28.L.. 1l.2 lA.? Q.L..<br />

Solubor 20<br />

"<br />

Spra.T 0.2 2.8 22.80 2.0 39.5 44.6 9.6 L..."I I<br />

Solubor -m " 8" Band 1.0 ~·l 2'L so 1.A 28.8 L..I).8 1s,n i R.7 I<br />

Solubor l..O<br />

"<br />

St' Band 1."1 L...2 2"1.'70 2.L.. "I1.Q I 1.1)."1I 1'7.'\1 ?Q<br />

Zvtron f,<br />

"<br />

Snl":lV 1:;_0 ~_A<br />

z.vtron 12 n Snrav '\.0 s,n<br />

Veedex i: Snr.a.v O.R ~.f, ?l..Q~ 2_1. ':10_1. l;(LO n di-,.o j<br />

"<br />

Vep;adex 6 Spra.v 0.8 "1.7<br />

"<br />

I 2'i.7~ I 1.2122.2 I L..'i.7 I H , 1,£ .,<br />

ACP 61-81<br />

A<br />

Sn,."v 0.'7 ':1.1.<br />

"<br />

ACP 61-62 2<br />

"<br />

SPrav 5.0 s,o I i i<br />

Check - - - O. o l zs.so J 1.h I"", e: 1"\ o 1""£' "c !<br />

*<br />

**<br />

Visual rating system: o - No weed control - no crop injury.<br />

5_- Complete weed control -cClDJlll~t:.e c~p destru.cUon.<br />

The rates given for Solubor are based on elemental Boron and not manufactured product.<br />

The 30 and 40 lb. rate of Boron is that for the area in the 8 inch band. The rate per planted acre<br />

would be 1/3 of that reported in Table 1 since i-owwidth is 24 inches.<br />

s<br />


161<br />

Table 2. Tolerance of Beets and <strong>Weed</strong> Control Obtained with<br />

Tillam E. C. and Granular<br />

:<br />

Lhs. Rating ***<br />

Active<br />

Chemical Per Acre Timing * Beets <strong>Weed</strong>s<br />

-<br />

Tillam E.C. .3 0 2.8** 3.0<br />

Tillam E.C. 5 0 1.3 4.5<br />

'N 1 1~... n~~~. ':l o o_~ ':1.7<br />

Tillam Gran. 5 0 2.7 4.3<br />

Check - 0 0 0<br />

Tillam E.C. 3 .3 0.4 2•.3<br />

Tillam E.C. 5 .3 0.7 .3.7<br />

Tillam Gran. 3 .3 0, 3.5<br />

Tillam Gran. 5 .3 l.e .3.8<br />

Check -<br />

':I 0: 0<br />

* 0 - Applied and incorporated into the soil 5/25/61 - Beets planted'5/25/6l<br />

.3 - Applied and incorporated into the soil 5/25/6'). - Beets planted 5/28/61<br />

** This average reading influenced by one high reading from a questionable<br />

replicate.<br />

'<br />

*** Visual rating system:<br />

o - No weed control<br />

- no crop injury~<br />

5 - Complete weed kill - complete cr6pdestruction.

162<br />

Til~arn E. ~" 4 and 6 Ibs. as well as Tillam granular 3 Ibs. gave,<br />

fair to ve y g.o.0...d weed contro..l with some.su..ppression ... of beets •. ~ie -..-I<br />

would sugg st further trial E. C. 4 to 5 Ibs~ per acre and g~ular<br />

at 3 to 4 libs. "In this material we, appeal" 'to have approachecfthe<br />

level of be'et tolerance. ' !.<br />

Solubor at 120-40 Lbs , of elemental boron gave fair to excellant weed<br />

control. There was no apparent suppression of beets. at the lower<br />

level but suppression incr~ased from the 3U-to the 40 lb. rate.<br />

Yield data !compared to the check plot is very favorable in respect<br />

to the weed control at the 30-40 lb. rate. As the season progressed,<br />

Beets overcbme the earlier suppression effects. caused by the Boron.<br />

The 30 lb. Irate is suggested as the higher rate could leave toxic<br />

residues in the soil that would affect other crops grown in rotation<br />

with beets.<br />

The 4 lb. rate of ~«gadex performed more satd~tactorily than the<br />

6 lb. rate because 6'f damage to the stand at the ~igh rate. The<br />

grade yield shows this in terms of a greater-percentage of beets<br />

3" and up in the 6 lb. treatment.<br />

A C P 61-81' gave good weed control with little damage to the stand<br />

of beets an~ merits. further investigation. Yield data was not reported<br />

as two of the three replicates were damaged by heavy rains<br />

causing doubtful results.<br />

Zytron gave excellant we'ed ,Control at both .rates but aliSO killed<br />

the betts. Beets emerged but died within a week.<br />

Expt. II With the Tillam E. C. 3 and 5 lb. rates tho weed control<br />

was good and beet injury at. a Yowlevel with: the exception as noted<br />

in the table. The same is true of the Tillarn granular 3 lb. rate.<br />

In the case,of the granular 5 lb. rate the beet injury was marked.<br />

Yield and gtades were taken and were fouPd to be rather variable<br />

with chemical treatments substantially exceeding check plots. The<br />

results wou1d indicate that for this trial, planting immediat~ly<br />

ftDDwing; in¢orporation of the Tillam was an acceptable practice.<br />

Vagadex has .been ill use for weeding table beets for several years.<br />

Res\1lts are iextrt3mely variable rangingfrom'~od weed control and<br />

no crop inj~ry to a complete lack of weed control in the a~sence of<br />

moisture. Severe crop injury often results. ~th rates per acr~ as<br />

low as 31b~ •. actual when temperatures rise ,'tosS and 90° F• ,Faced<br />

with the possibility of hand weeding costs running as high ashfty<br />

to seventy live dollars per acre, growers in ~entral and Western<br />

New York trE:$teda substantial acreage of beets with solubor in 1961.<br />

Twenty-five pounds of solubor (20.6% Boron) waedissolved in 20 or<br />

more gallons of water and-applied per acre of beets in 24 inch rows.<br />

The spray was applied Pre-emergence on the planter in a 4 inch band<br />

over the row. TQis approximate,s the rate ofJO Lbs, per acre of<br />

elemental boron in the area actually covered in the 4 inch bana and<br />

represents an application of slightly over 5 Ibs. of actual or elemental<br />

boron usually required for nutritional purposes o~ our alkaline<br />


163<br />

Results generally were good weed control with only slight crop effect.<br />

Severe beet crop injury resulted from boron toxicity on one<br />

field with pH below 5.5. Considerable suppression was observed in .<br />

another field which may have been associated with lighter texture end<br />

somewhat lower organic matter. Since solubor is used for weed COn ..<br />

trol when the normal borax supplement is omitted from the fertilizer,<br />

the pOSsible danger of Black or dry rot (boron deficiency) should be<br />

considered in the complete absence of rainf'ollowing planting.

164<br />



Arthur Hawldns 1<br />

(IDNrROL<br />

Directing a spray appllcatlQn .0£chemicals to the· soil tor weed contm<br />

atter the Ja.st cultivation in potatoes is practica.:l4r impossible with standard<br />

potato sprayers when potato vines are large. Special equipnent would have to<br />

.be devised to part the vines and direct the spray on .the soU. It wu suggested<br />

to growers that low pressure spra7 equipment could. be used to spra7 the chemicals<br />

behind the hillers WlUe maldng the final cultivation.<br />

During the past three years, three Connecticut pot,ato growers equipped<br />

their tractors. with low pressure power take-oft pumpe and equ1p11Sntto sP!V<br />

weed control chemicals on the soil while IIBking the tinal cultivation with<br />

two-row equ1puent. Th87 obtained control of weeds with the chemicals applied ~<br />

One of the growers built a platform at the rear ot his traotor to support<br />

a 50 gallon metal barrel which 'IIIIl.S used &8 a container tor the spray soluti6n.<br />

Copper tUbing was used to make the boom which 'IIIIl.S located behind the barrel.<br />

Twonozzles located behind each rear wheel and three nozzles on a drop pipe<br />

between the rows just behind the barrel, were directed to 81%'a7the soU.<br />

Regular potato sJra7llI'· nozzles with No."3 discs and 30 lbs. 1%'esstu"llwere used<br />

to ap~ 8 gallons of solution pel' acre.<br />

With a ditterent kind of traotor, another grower raised the drawbar<br />

sufficiently' to make room' for the power take ott-pumpJ the barrel WlUI located<br />

off-oenter on the drawbar.<br />

The third grower, using a tool bar (drawar removed), located two<br />

rectangular-shaped metal tanks of 4O-gal1on capacit7 between the wheels and<br />

the oontrols, the tanks were bolted to the axle housing. The spray nozzles'<br />

were attached to the spades held b;r the tool bar at the rear 6t the tractor.<br />

The nozzles wre direoted to spray the soil behind the spades. Thirt7 pound<br />

pressure was used to aPP4r 12 gallOI18 ot solution per acre. Rubber hose WILS<br />

used to aupp4r the nozzles irlstead ot copper tubing.<br />

1 Agronom1et and Elttenslon Potato Spec1a1ist, Universit7 or Connecticut, Storrs,<br />



Arlhur<br />

HawldML/<br />

165<br />

L8iv-btWged cont:rrol in potatoes was obtaine4:ldth granular formulations<br />

of several. chemicals when b~aat by hand a.tterthe: last cultivation in<br />

Connecticut in J.960.~:report;ed yield ~s of potatoes where<br />

chemicals controlled crabgrass' &rIiicaused little dr' no inJur;y to potatoe ••<br />

It appeared desirable to make hrthe1-com.parl.son& Usihg a commercialJ.y avaUable<br />

granular ohemical applicator. .<br />

. In 1961. g1'IlnU1ar formulations or several ohEll1o@3.swere aPplied broadcast<br />

with an eight-toot granular chemical a~V. Thegranulea were<br />

applied ldth1n Ii few hours to one day a.tter the fUtal cultivation of<br />

Katahd1n potatoes in six commercial fields. The hopper was adjusted to a<br />

height ot about six inches above the pOt~to. foliage to obtain satistactor,y<br />

spread of the granules. .<br />

f ....<br />

Burlap bags were attached behind the machine to brush granules 1'rom the<br />

plants to i'ed.uoe 1njur;y tram leat absorption ot c*"a:1n chemicals. The<br />

distribut10n of, granuJ:.es appellZ'ed to be unitom and l"esulted in unitorm<br />

control of weeds on the hills and between the rows nnder 1961 conditions.<br />

Ettective control ot weeds was obtained with '&I'llhular to:nnulations or<br />

some ot the chemicals applied at adequate rates with the granular applic8.toi'.<br />

Increases in yields ot potatoes to ~5% were obtained where crabgrass or<br />

barnyardgass was controlled. The high yield i.nIll-ease occurred in afield<br />

where a heavy population ot crabgrass was contro1.l.ed and potatoes were not<br />

ldlled by t'rost until Ootober 16.<br />

Since the machine used was of the gt'avity-teed type, a oonstant field<br />

speed was maintained to obtain a unitorm rate ot application. It was<br />

operated at a field speed ot 4 MPH(352 teet ot travel in one minute).<br />

When caJjhrating the machine, it was pulled at field speed tor a di$tance<br />

that would give 1/20 acre. The granules were caught in a piece ot<br />

plastic i'iJm.; the .contents were weighed in a pan .en a scale weighing<br />

accurately in ounces. It was 'eas1er to repeat ealL1brations tor 20 lbe. or<br />

more ot gNnu1es per acre than tor lower ratee.<br />

1/ AgronoJllist &l'll1Ex!;ension Potato Specialist, University /')t Conn., Storrs,<br />

Conn.,' ., .<br />

2/ Hawkins, Arthur. Post-Hill Chemical. <strong>Weed</strong> Contrel in Potatoes with Granular<br />

Formulations. Proc. NElNCC151100-181.. 1961.<br />

3/ Manutaotured by Gandy' Co., Owatonna, Minnesota

166<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>'control experiments w*Irish pot~tQ.§:ttr

u.s. #1 potatoes and weed control estimates are shoWnin table 1. The sources<br />

of the herbicides and their chemical compositions are in the appendix.<br />

Table 1. Average yields of Katahdin potatoes and weed ratings from posthilling<br />

herbicide applications (R.I. 1960).<br />

!J:J!A Bu/A <strong>Weed</strong>Rat7n gs*<br />

Active U.S. 8/24 60 Annual<br />

Herbicide Toxicant # 1 Ladyatthumb Grasse$<br />

1. Falone spray 4 364 7.4 8.8<br />

2. Falone gran. 4 376 8.6 5.5<br />

3. DNBPgran. 3 379 8.4 4.0<br />

4. Dalapon gran. 2.5 364 7.4 3.8<br />

5. Alanap gran. 4 364 8.0 7.9<br />

6. Dalapon spray 2.5 358 6.5 2.0<br />

7. Zytron spray 10 403 9.4 9.5<br />

8. Zytron gran. 10 387 8.8 7.4<br />

9. Trietazine spray 2 399 9.5 4.8<br />

10. Tr~etazine gran. 2 373 9.4 6.0<br />

11. Casoron 4 323** 9.4 3.2<br />

12. Casoron gran. 2 329** 9.6 2.2<br />

13. No treatment 399 7'.1 2.0<br />

14. Dalapon &DNBPgran. 2.5 + 3 342 9.0 3.8<br />

15. Falone &DNBPgran. 3 +4 361 9.0 7.9<br />

16. Alanap &Falone gran. 4 +4 352 8.8 8.5<br />

ISD at 0.05 56<br />

*10 =no weeds, 1 =no control **some physical damage to tubers<br />

167<br />

Someweeds were already established on the crowns of the hills previous<br />

to applying the herbicides. These were disregarded in the estimates of percent<br />

weed control. Only the weeds which sprouted from the freshly stirred soil<br />

after hilling were rated. The annual grass popUlation was mostly foxtail and<br />

barnyard millets from the broadcast seeding. Ladysthumbwas the prevalent<br />

broadleaved weed.<br />

The following chemicals produced a marked reduction of the ladysthumb populationl<br />

zytron spray at 10 lb/A, trietazine spray or granular at 2 lb/A, and<br />

casoron at 2 and 4 lb!A. The casoron which was applied before hilling caused<br />

considerable pitting'of the potato tubers. Granular DNBPalone, or combined<br />

either with dalapon or falone, produced fair control of ladysthumb. Alanap,<br />

falone or dalapon alone were not effective in preventing growth of this weed.<br />

Results with the herbicides that usually inhibit grasses were disappointing<br />

in the control of the millets. Falone spray at 4 lb/A of toxicant gave<br />

good control while the granular preparation was only fair. A combination of<br />

granular alanap and falone each applied at a rate of 4 lb/A produced a satisfactory<br />

reduction of the annual grasses. Dalapon at the 2.5 lb/A was ineffective<br />

during the 1960 season. Likewise 2 Ib/A of trietazine was not as effective<br />

as in former seasons. Zytronspray at 10 lb/A produced a marked reduction<br />

_ ~ __ 11 ... _.L _ ,. __ • ••

·168<br />

The yiel? of. U.S. #1 Katahdin potatoes from the untreated plots was 3~9<br />

bushels per a,qre. StatisticaLan~J.yses of the yields indicated' that a .d1!ffElrence<br />

of 56 bushels was significant at the 5%level. Inspection of the results<br />

showscasoron was the ,only material which significantly reduced yields. 'It<br />

can also be seen that in 1960 with. adequate rainfall and fertility the heavier<br />

stand of weeds did not reduce the potato yields .....'Ibis is probablY duetQ,the<br />

fact that the annual weed"crop"'Iii'late potatoes usually does not becomeestablished<br />

until the vines mature, flatten out on the ground and lose manyof<br />

their leaves. Thep:-incipal objection' to late, 8,I:IIUl.el weeds is the difficulty<br />

they cause 'in the use of mechanical diggers, the increased tuber loss in the<br />

field and the amount of soil and debris that must be handled at the grading, shed.<br />

Procedure<br />

Pre-emergent'herbicide trials, 1961<br />

The area of silt loam available for weed control during this season was<br />

not uniform with some low, moist spots and higher, drier ones. The large size<br />

of the plots, 15' x 48', helped to bridge some of these areas but some variability<br />

was inevitable. The land was in redtop sod the previous. 2 years. Redtop<br />

sod always exerts a favorable effect on the succeeding potato crop. Delus<br />

and Kennebec potatoes were planted 'on April 26 with 1600 lb/A of 10-10-10-2<br />

(tc) fertilizer. The pre-emergent ,herbicides were applied on May16-17 using<br />

a calibrated low gallonage sprayer drawn by a tractor. The rate per acre was<br />

40 gallons of spray. The granular materials were weighed for individual 'plots<br />

and spread by hand a,fter mixing with coarse sand. The area was not cultivated<br />

until June 26.<br />

The rainfall<br />

drought injury.<br />

Results<br />

.was scanty during July but the ,crop showed no evidence .of<br />

The amounts of herbicides per acre, weed estimates and yields of U.S. #1<br />

tubers are shown in table 2. The principal weeds were ladysthtllllb and ragweed.<br />

Randomweed counts of several one, foot square areas for each treatment indicated<br />

that the triazine compounds, atrametryne, ipazine, prometryne and trietazine<br />

at the rate of 3 Ib/A of toxicant reduced weed stands considerably.<br />

The herbicides svph as dalapon, falone and zytron Whenused alone were not effective<br />

on the broadleaved weeds. The falone and zytron, however, slowed 'the<br />

initial growth of ladysthumb. DNBPused with these later materialS reduced the<br />

stands of ragweed aM ladysthumb. There were very few native annual grass<br />

seedlings at this time, and no conClusions were reached about their control.<br />

Foxtail and barnyard millet broadcasted over the area after hilling did not become<br />

established due to heavy vine cover and the dry July weather.<br />

Just prior to hill ing on June 26 the weeds weN pul Ied from random one<br />

foot square areas and their dry weights determined~ The weights were lal'gely<br />

of 1adysthumb with occasional ragweed and a few annual grass seedlings. !The<br />

. dal.apon plots had a .thick cover of 1adysthumb.Th& check, the dal apon and<br />

,.falone trea'bnents still showed considerably ladysthumbat harvest time. Those<br />

combined with DNBPwere fairly clean at harvest •. Th~ .~~tatoes were dug on,

0'<br />

~<br />

Table 2. Pre-emergent weed control experiments with Kennebec and Delus potatoes (R.I. 1961).<br />

Average Av. # weeds per sq. ft. Gms. Ratin!<br />

Active Bu/A June 12. 1961 Dry weight Ladys-<br />

Toxicant U.S. #1 Ladys- Annual <strong>Weed</strong>s/sq. ft. th1,lll<br />

Material Ib/A Kennebec Qe1us thumb Ragweed grasses June 26 9126!t<br />

1. D!'eP+Zytron 3+f) .. 646 491 3.0 1.,9 2.8 . 0.21 9.]<br />

2. DNBP+Dalapon 3+3+{4 post-) 674 433 7.2 . 0.2 5.4 0.22 9.~<br />

3. DtI.'BP+Dal apon 3+3 573 464 0.6 0.2 3.1 0.43 9.~<br />

4. Zytron 8 508 407 13.4 6.2 1.9 2.93 7 .~<br />

5. Amiben (gran.) 5 525 388 9.7 4.2 1.5 2.06 7.t.<br />

6. Zytron 5 509 414 12.8 5.8 2.2 3.18 7.e<br />

7. Falone 4 534 388 14.2 5.3 0.3 9.04 4.]<br />

8. Falone 4+{4 post-) 566 390 16.2 6.9 6.1 9.07 I.e<br />

9. De.lapon 4 589 388 24.4 9.3 4.0 22.32 2.~<br />

10.· P'rometryne 3 654 459 0.6 0.3 1.6 0.48 8.1<br />

ll. Atrametryne 3 539 436 0.3 1.1 1.4 0.33 8.~<br />

12. Ipazine 3 517 461 0.0 0.0 2.4 0.08 9.~<br />

13. Trietazine 3 661 441 0.0 0.8 2.5 0.05 9.~<br />

14. Trietazine 3+{2 post-) 612 406 0.4 0.7 1.2 0.04 9.e<br />

15. No cultivation<br />

- 579 390 11.2 6.0 5.6 11.05 1.~<br />

16. CUltivated - 590 438 - - - - 7.e<br />

LSDat 0.05 NS NS<br />

*low numbers - high weed cover,<br />

10 = no weeds<br />

)<br />


170<br />

Yie.s of U.S. #1 Delus potatoes ranged from3~a, bushels to 491 bushels<br />

per acre; and those of Kennebec',fran 508 to 646bu~helS per acre. The variability<br />

of the individual yields was such that no statistically significant<br />

differences between treatments ~' ,found. Th, sPCIP'11:1c gravity of the Kennebec<br />

potatoes averaged 1.078 and,the,Delus 1.083~:'<br />

Procedure<br />

Post-hilling and layby herbicide applications, 1961<br />

These tests were randomized in blocks which alternated with the pre-emergent<br />

blocks. They were planted ,at the same time ancf:Ileaeived the same fertilization<br />

and managementexcept that they were CUltivated on May31, June 6, 16,<br />

and 20, with preliminary hilling on June 26 and final hilling on June 30.<br />

Ladysthumband ragweed were eliminated from the tops of the hills by the cultivating<br />

process. The field was overseeded with millets but the heavy fOliage<br />

cover and dry weather minimized the stand.<br />

The post-hilling herbicide sprays were applied June 26 with a calibrated<br />

sprayer at 'the rate of 40 gallons to the acre. The granular materials were<br />

weighed out individually and mixed with sand befo" spreading by hand. A few<br />

plots received vine-down applications on August 15. The vines were green and<br />

leafy but had opened up enough so herbicides COuldreach the soil. Trietazine<br />

spray prod~ced a little yellowing on the older leaves but this effect disappeared<br />

within two week$.<br />

Results<br />

The materials used, stands of weeds and yields of U.S. #1 Kennebecand<br />

Delus potatoes are shown in table 3. The yieldS of Kennebecs ranged from 500<br />

bushels per acre where the double application of t1'ietazine was used to 631 on<br />

the falone plots. The controls averaged 590 bushels. The maximumand minimum<br />

yields of Oelu6 potatoes were 481 and 341 bushels per acre for these same two<br />

treatments, respectively. The check plots of Delus produced 438 bushels per<br />

acre. Unfortunately, the variation within blocks was such that significance<br />

could not be established at the 5%level. It is suspected, however, that the<br />

lowest average yields obtained from the combined application of trietazine at<br />

layby and vine-down is in part due to the heavy application of this herbicide.<br />

Whentubers of the, Kennebecvariety were dug in ~9ust for trietazine analysi~,<br />

smaller potatoes than in the check plots were found. ~ext season it is<br />

planned to' harvest potatoes at several periods to see whether the post-hilling<br />

spray retards tuber development.<br />

The weed stand was rather light. Proper CUltivation in June produced a<br />

nearly weedfree area. Ladysthumb(Polygonvmgersicaria) and some of the<br />

annual millets were present. '"<br />

The data in table 3 show that granular falone, alanap, zytron, eptam,<br />

dalapon, and amiben were effective in reducing the stand of annual grasses.<br />

Falone spray and trietazine spray were also effective.<br />

Repeating'the application of falone or trietazine at vine-down was no more<br />

effective than the post-h~lling treatment alone. The repeat application of

Table 3. Post-hilling weed control experiments with Kennebec and Delus potatoes<br />

(R.I. 1961).<br />

Active toxicant<br />

Ib/A U.S. #1 <strong>Weed</strong>rating*<br />

Vines BulA Ladys- Annual<br />

Material Layby down Kennebec Delus thumb 9/26/61 grasses<br />

Falone 4 631 481 7.2 9.3<br />

Falone 4 4 629 440 8.1 9.5<br />

Falone (gran. ) 4 554 421 7.7 :9.0<br />

Falone (gran.) 4 4 514 406 7.4 9.1<br />

Alanap (gran.) 4 458 391 6.0 9.0<br />

Dalapon (gran.) 5 505 428 5.8 8.5<br />

Zytron 5 598 445 5.0 8.6<br />

Zytron 8 589 416 5.3 8.6<br />

Zytron (gran.) 8 621 461 5.6 9.1<br />

Eptam (gran.) 5 571 445 6.6 8.7<br />

Eptam (gran.) 5 4 550 428 9.0 9.6<br />

Trietazine 3 506 405 9.0 9.2<br />

Trietazine 3 2 500 341 9.4 9.5<br />

Amiben (gran.) 5 593 465 8.6 9.5<br />

No chemical** 590 438 6.3 7.8<br />

*low numbers = poor control, 10 = no weeds **regular cultivation<br />

eptam seemed somewhat more effective in reducing the stand of ladysthumb. Where<br />

eptam was used at post-hilling and vine-down the plots were nearly free of this<br />

pest.<br />

Falone retarded the growth of ladysthumb while the other "grass" herbicides<br />

did not materially effect it. Trietazine prevents the development of this weed<br />

rather well.<br />

Summary<br />

The grass herbicides, such as falone or alanap at 4 Ib/A, eptam, dalapon<br />

or alanap at 5 Ib/A and zytron at 8 Ib/A reduced the stands of grasses without<br />

altering the yields of U.S. #1 potatoes. Dalapon and zytron at 5 Ib/A did not<br />

appear quite as effective as the others during 1961. Repeat applications of<br />

falone or trietazine at vine-down did not increase the effectiveness this year.<br />

A repeat application of granular eptam was more effective than one application.<br />

Trietazine is an effective herbicide for annual weeds. Its effect on the rate<br />

of development of potato tubers needs further· investigation.<br />

Literature<br />

Cited<br />

1. Bell, R. S. and Erling Larssen. 1960. Pre-emergent and post-hilling weed<br />

control tests with Katahdin potatoes, 1958-59. NEWCC, pp. 201-206.<br />

2. Ilnicki, R. D., J. C. Campbell, T. T. Tisdell and H. A. Collins. 1961.<br />

Progress report on lay-by weed control in potatoes. NEWCC, p. 55.<br />

3. Trevett, M. F., H. J. Murphyand Wm.Gardner. 1960. NEWCC, pp. 207-213.<br />


172<br />

Appendix<br />

Alanap NaugatuCk.~a(.,sodil.JDl N-l_naphthyl:phthalamate<br />

AmiPen(gran.) ·...Amqhem l~ 3-amino-2,!)-di~orcbenzoic acid on 24-48<br />

.attaclay<br />

Casoron Niagara ~~ 2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile<br />

Casoron (gran.) Niagara 4%2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile<br />

Dalapon (gran.) Dow '1~ salt of sodil.JJl1,2-dichloropropionic:<br />

Dalapon Dow8~ salt of sodil.JJl12,2-dichloropropionic<br />

DNBP Dow '3 lb Igal. alkalarnine salt 4,6-dinitro-,Q"<br />

~ec-butyl phenOl<br />

Eptam,(gran. )<br />

Falone<br />

Falone (gran.)<br />

Ipazine<br />

Prometryne<br />

Trietazine<br />

Zytron<br />

Zytron '(gran.)<br />

Stauffer<br />

Naugatuck<br />

Naugatuck<br />

Geigy<br />

Geigy<br />

Geigy<br />

Dow<br />

Dow<br />

,5% ethyl N,N-di-n-propylthiolcarbarnate<br />

, .~ Ib 1981. tris.(2.4-dichlorophenoxyethyl<br />

phosphite) ,<br />

1~tris-(2,4-dichlo1'Ophenoxyethyl<br />

Atrametryne Geigy 2~ethylamino-4-isopropylarnino-6-methylmercapto-£-triazine<br />

2!)%2-chloro-4-(diethylarnino)-6-(isopropylamino)-A-triazine<br />

2,4-bis<br />

triazine<br />

2-chloro-4-(ethylarnino)-6-(diethylamino)-£triazine<br />

2 lb Igal. O-(2,4-dlchlorophenyl) O-methyl<br />

isopropyl phosphoramiQothioate '<br />

25%O-(2,4-dichloropHenyl)<br />

phosphorarnidothioate'<br />

phosphite)<br />

(isopropylamino)-6-methymercapto-2~<br />

O-methyl isoprOP~l

~/Pe.nt>:r lITn. h.7(L T1o:oTl.,:r+.m .. n+. nt' V.. a,,+ ..,hl .. ("",rona ("ro",n .. ll TTn'hr .. ",,,i+.v T+.h .. ".. IILV_<br />



173<br />

, R. D.Sweet, J.e. Cialone, R. HliIorgan<br />

Department of Vegetable Crops,COrneil UlI.iversity<br />

Potatoes are one of the leading inter-tilled crops of the Northeastern<br />

United States. New York is second to Maine in total production. Although the<br />

most concentrated area of production in NewYork is on Long Island, significant<br />

concentrations of production exist in several upstate areas so that in total<br />

there is about the same acreage, currently 44,000, in each region. -<br />

Generally speaking, the Upstate regions have shorter spring and fall<br />

. seasons than Long Island. Consequently, the crop is in the ground for only<br />

three or four months as compared to four to six months 'on Long Island.<br />

Furthermore, weeds such as annual grasses and nutgrass which germinate and grow<br />

Vigorously only at warm temperatures start fairly soon 'after planting in<br />

Ups1,;ate areas, but ~ not start for one or two months after planting on Long<br />

Island. Upstate the potato plant especially on muck grows fairly rapidly and<br />

is likely to provide heavy shade early in the season and continue to prOVide<br />

shade until Just prior to harvest. In contrast, Long Island potatoes start<br />

slOWly and, in addition, are often left in the field a month or two after the<br />

.foliage has been drastically reduced in vigor.<br />

The purpose of these tests was (A) to investigate under Upstate field conditions<br />

the relative merits of selective herbicides which have been previously<br />

reported satisfactory and (B) to evaluate new chemicals for their potent1ai as<br />

selective herbicides. '<br />

Field Testing of Herbicides<br />

COllllllercial fields at two locations, one muck and the other gravelly loam<br />

were chosen as sites for testing the relative merits of several herbicidal"<br />

which had been reported as selective and effective in potato weed control., At<br />

both 10catiotlS treatments were made pre-emergence Imd early post-emergence. In<br />

the pre-emergence treatments, no eultivatiml was given except at hilling. The<br />

other plots were cultivated normally. Post-emergence application was made a week<br />

prior to "lay-by" on the muck, but on the mineral soil 'treating was actU8illy at<br />

lay-by as far as the plots were concerned ewen though the crop was only 1 -' 4<br />

inches tall. On muck, however, the plants were knee-high anda1lllost-'touoli1ng<br />

bet_eli rows. The crop was planted on mineral so11 about May 22 and treated<br />

June 1 at).d June 15. The muck crop was planted May " and treated May 24 and<br />

June 28. There vere four replications with individual plots 3 x 15 feet pl.anted<br />

to one row of crop.<br />

Results of the pre-emergence applications on bOth soils are presented in<br />

table 1. It can be seen from these data that muck so11 greatly reduced the<br />

relative herbicidal effectiveness of several compounds. namely. Hercules 8043,<br />

Dacthal) Zytron.and RobInand ~ F-34. Moderate eduction in herbicidal<br />

effectiveness was noted for T1llam, Hercules 7531 and Dinitro granular and<br />

liquid. Trietazine was inconsistent. On the other hand, CDEC+CDAAwas more

174<br />

!a~l!. !.._ ~io_~_W!.~J~'i!'1J!'!.s_t!? IN.:.~~e_h!,r~i~i~e!.. _<br />

-.'Wfti~~itlngs!l<br />

Crop Yields<br />

Muck . -"v - Mineral Muck M1iiereJ.<br />

Qh!.lIl!c!l__ !!.b!'__ !.~._ JJ~!.8 !-!!:o__ O!:~__ .;._ ~u~ bJ!.__<br />

Amiben 4 7.9 7.7 5.2 7.7 541 330<br />

EP.l'C 6 6.5 '7.0 7.7 7.0 580 439<br />

TUlam 6 ,.0 ,.0 7.5 7.0 530 340<br />

Here. 7175 3 8.0 8.0 8.5 8.0 360 150<br />

7531 4 5.5 5.5 6.7 7.7: ' 537 387<br />

" " 8 6.6 6.3 8.5 8.2<br />

'·386<br />

1/<br />

8043 5 2.2 3.0 7.7 6.0 ~~~2I 42S<br />

CIlEC+CDAA4+4 8.2 7.7 6.5 6.0.::- 565 334-<br />

DB . gran. 5 4.2 6.3 8.2 6.5 678 360<br />

DN+Dal 5+7·5 7.6 7.0· 8.2 7·0, 590 420<br />

Trietazine 4 4.5 7.6 8.5 . 6.2- 582 384-<br />

Dacthal 10 4.5 4.7 6.5 6.2 602 340<br />

Zy'tron 10 3.0 3.0 5.5 4.7 u.Y 350<br />

R&H F;'34 6 3.0 3.0 6.0 3·7<br />

___21<br />

DN liq. 5 5.2 6.0 7.7 6.2 540 361<br />

Check - 1.2 2.0.. 2.7 2.0, 534 356<br />

~ ~b:q~:r:,-s~:'~~,-b:r~~ .; ~~~~.- - ~'~.--<br />

& 9-eOJDP,l.eteC9ntrol; 7-eolJlllllt1"ciaJ. contrOl j 5-uucceptable' control ;3i11J1OOr<br />

~ control;labeavy rank weed growth.<br />

b._Yields, DOttaken, b,ecause of poor early- 1lElX'fprmuce •<br />

effective on muck than on m1DereJ.sOlls. In taetrth$s treatment vas ~<br />

outstanding for both broadleaf and grass control OIl muck soU.<br />

Potato resppnse was generaJ.ly favoraple. The only significant reduction'<br />

~ from Hercules 7175• This compoundhad previously shownpromise on m1nereJ.<br />

8011s 'uDderconditions of loy raiDtall.-, ,.<br />

In the ppst-emergence tests. ,few cbanses ... t~made in chemicals and<br />

rates used. CIlEC+CDAA granularalld Falone ~..wreadded onlil1ner&l~<br />

soU~ ",.Zy'tron, F-34, and B..-e043vere el:lm1.Dlrtedhom1;hemuck test becaaH of<br />

poor performance pre-emergende.<br />

'/'L';:--<br />


In table 2 are presettted weed a*1' C%'Opresponses'topOm:-emergence appll.<br />

cations. ODeoft!le 1IIOB'tII'tr1ld.rlg''WlIIed:-~1't'e occur1'edon mila. Here, no<br />

weeds developed after la:y'ooby. This ,vas undoubtedly due to the rapid heavy' ,<br />

foliage growth of the pota1ioes plU& ,the relatively e81'!tbarvest.The ~-,!'at.<br />

ings which are in the table were taken approximately six weeks follow1ng trdtiDg.<br />

Ratings taken at harvest are not presented in the table, but were practicall,y "<br />

identical. This indicates that ear1:Ychemical' aet1vitt plus crop shading can<br />

give sufficient control of weeds under Upstate condit1oDs.<br />

~a'e..l~ ~',.. ~~a~o,..&rii_WfJ..~ ::.e2Jl2.nr:i~!.t:.e!!!::.~C!. !!,e::.b!.c!:.d!s.:.<br />

____<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>Rat ' , ,,' Cr2;P Yield<br />

MuCk'::"- - Mineral "MuCk<br />

Chemical Lbs. B.L:--Grasa B.L. Grass " 'Bii':<br />

- - Mineral<br />

iiU•. -<br />

--------------------------~~,-,~----------~<br />

Am1ben 4 No weeda2J 7.2 7.2 536 424<br />

EPl'C 6 " 7.2 7.7 '..21 ...£J<br />

Ti1l8lll 6 " 7.0 7.2 526 360 ,"<br />

Herc. 7175 3 " 8.7 9.0 ' 195 9j<br />

93<br />

" 7531 4 " 7.5 8.5 3879: 423<br />

" " 8 7.5 9.0 390<br />

Falone gran. 4 6.0 5·7 390<br />

CDEC+CDAA 4+4 " 7.0 6.5 454 ,422<br />

DN ~. 5 " 8.5 7.5 658 405<br />

DN+Dal. 5+7.5 " 8.7 7.7 406 39;<br />

Tr1etzaine 4 " 7.7 6.7 401 450<br />

Dacthal 10 " 7.0 7.2 615 392<br />

Zytron 10 4.0 5.2 317<br />

R&HF-34 6 7.0 7.5 404<br />

CDEC+CDAA 4+4 6.7 7.0 447<br />

(gran.)<br />

!C~ c~!. :. 2·1 5.:.5__ :.. _ 23~ 32 6 _<br />

r QClt<br />

9/3ee table 1 for species.<br />

!/9=eomplete control; 7-eommercial control; 5-l1nSccept&ble control; 3- poor<br />

control; l-J:leavy rank growth.<br />

~Thorough tillage plus rank top growth prevented subsequent weed developnent.<br />

£tParts of these plots were harvested at 3 intervals for'residue ~seslhence<br />

A ,accurate yields are I1nSvailable.<br />

~ 6 lbs. instead of 4 lbs. of 8043.<br />

, ,<br />

r __<br />


176<br />

There was less difference betwen chemicals on m1neral soils as compared to<br />

those obtained on muck. Almost all e,bem1cals gave adequate weed control.<br />

However, Falone at 4 lbs. and Zytro~ &1; 10 1bs., were :l.nf'erior. CDEC+CDAA 'WaS<br />

only borderline in effectiveness. This is in contras't)"to its excellent per ..<br />

formance on muck. ',);<br />

The crop waS.not seriously redu~e~ by 8lJY chemica.). except Hercules 7175.<br />

Experiments to Evaluate New Chemicals<br />

In 1961 two tests were conducted With potatoes a:Bll attemtt to evaluate<br />

crop and weed response to new chemical.. One of these was located in stolJY<br />

silt loam and. the otl;ler on muck. li:achpl.ot was 3 x 15'1'eet and 1iIBS repJ.icated<br />

twice. All treatments were made shOrtly after planting. Chemicals known to<br />

require incorporation 'were hand r$ked.<br />

Potatoe~ responded favorably to almost all chemicals. Two exceptions 'Ilere<br />

Hercules 7175 and Rand.oxT both of which injured the crop. The weed population<br />

was limited pr1mariJ.y to redroot on the mineral soil. Many compounds were active<br />

against this pest. The muck test was heavily infested with perennial or swamp<br />

smart weed, P01ygonum coccineum. No chemical provided any control.<br />

A sl.l!llll18rYof redroot response to the various chemicals is presented in<br />

table 3.<br />

Table 3. A summary of redroot response to chemicals applied pre-emergence in<br />

- - - - - P.Oiai'~~cePtib1e - - - . - - - - - - - - - fi,ferant - - - - - - - - -<br />

Chemical - - - - - - Lbs.<br />

nafapon - - - - - - - ~ - - 5+fo-<br />

Chemical - - - - Lbs.<br />

- - - - -AJich'em5"1:"8f - - - - - -2+4- - - - -<br />

DN 3+ 5 Diphenamid 4<br />

Amchem61-122 4+8 Bayer, 35850 2<br />

Amiben 3+4 Hercules 7531 2<br />

Dacthal 8-1-12 Monsanto 17029 2+4<br />

Zytron 8-1-12 EPI'C gran. 3<br />

Diphenamid 8 Til1am 3<br />

Trifluralin 4+ 8 Stauffer 1607 3+6<br />

Dipropal1n 4+ 8 II 1870 3+6<br />

Bayer 30056 2+ 4 "<br />

Bayer 35850 4 II<br />

2007<br />

1856<br />

3+6<br />

3+6<br />

Du Pont 326 1+ 2 tI 3400 5+10<br />

Geigy 27901 2+ 4 " 3415 5+10<br />

II 30031 2+ 4<br />

II 34161 2+ 4<br />

II 34361 2+ 4<br />

Hercules 7175* 2+ 4<br />

" 7531 4<br />

EPl'C 6<br />

Til1em 6<br />

stauffer 3408 5+10<br />

Randox T* 4+<br />

--------------------<br />

6<br />

--------- ---_.-----<br />

*'roxic to potatoesj all others relatively<br />

safe for pre-emergence applications.<br />


Since rec1root is only one of the IIIaJlYweed species Pr"ent in potato f1e1ds~ the<br />

results are not particularly" de:f1n1t1ve. If, however~ redroot is the principal<br />

pest, certain chemicals can either be el1m1ntted or tried at much higher rates.<br />

The principal value of the data is to point out that for pre-emergence use, the<br />

research worker has a Wide lattitude in choosing chemicals whic probaly will<br />

not be toxic to potatoes.<br />

Judging from the weed results obtained with theee compounds in other teets,<br />

the authore Suggelilt that particular attention be paid to the following new<br />

compounds: DipheJ:l8m1d,TrifluraliD~ Du Pont 326 and Hercules 7531.<br />

Summary~ COnclusions<br />

177<br />

Two ex;per1ments wel'$ conducted • the effectivElQ4!Ss and safety of preand<br />

post-emergence applications of several herbicides, on potatoes.. One 'test was<br />

on muck~ the other on graveely" 108lIl.. Two tests were .conducted to evaluate new<br />

chemicals as to their· potential tor selective weeding of potatoes. One of these<br />

was conducted on muck and one on m1neral soil.<br />

1. Muck soils· gre$tly reduced the herbic1.dal effectiveness ot Herct,Uee 8043,<br />

Dacthal, Zytron, and HolD and Haas 11'-34. On the otb$r band CDEC+CDAA activity<br />

was much improved on muck as compared to that obtained on mineral so11. .<br />

2. In contrast to previous work by the authors Hercules 7175 was toxic to<br />

potatoes.<br />

3. Both chemicals and crop shading markedly influence weed populations at<br />

harvest.<br />

4. NO chemical was tound to be toxic to swampor perennial smartlll!led,<br />

Polygonum cocc1neum.<br />

5. A large number ot distinctly different chemicals are safe for preemergence<br />

and post -emergence use on potatoes.<br />

6. Of the newer chemicals, Diphenam1d~ Triflural1n, Du Pont 326, and<br />

Hercules 7531 are especially outstanding for pre-emersence use. It is not known<br />

how potatoes wUl react to Du Pont 326 and Trifluralin it they are used<br />

post -emergence.

178<br />


. CDM, D~,':4ND or~ cHlj~c;~ .<br />

.AriblkHalddnel;;;:f L<br />

~,"<br />

GnnuJar formuJations of CDM, Dalapon and other ohemicals were applied<br />

a.fter the final oultivation in s~-4l fielQ80t Ka~ potatdeSwheN ~<br />

grU8'~..b&rnl&:t'd~a88was expected. and occurred l4W.. A Gam;,'granuJ.6,tt';<br />

ohemical appliCa:tor was used to. &PIWthemater1a1eln'moet<br />

of the tests:. ' .<br />

Materht s ADaMethods' ",<br />

. ,. J<br />

GranuJar f'OrmuJations conta~5 to 20%acti'Qcoh~..]a were appllM<br />

within a fewhOUl'li to ..one ·~af"ter f",irial cultivatiol1f,ot Kat4hdin potatoe,:; 111<br />

several oOlllDercial ti~ during the period JuiT6 to;A'uq ).5.' :'<br />

C~isons of rates of CDM (~doJt) were maderlth hand-spread appll~tion<br />

on plots:3 rows wide x 16 fe~ 10ngl repl1oated.) t.sateach of two.­<br />

locati~. Inother"teets granules of COM, D.alapon~4 other ohemicale wl'e<br />

br~ w11;h' a Gtmd:r. Lo-Hi 8-toqtgran~r chemic~ /ij?pllc"tOl' in plots "<br />

8 teet x ~ t6 80 te.1S'I: long. The treatments were repllcated 2 to 4 tmes at<br />

each-location. The gravit;r-teedtype machine was c~.tedat the fie1d speed<br />

used, 4 MPH,before entering the fields. Provision Wasmade to brush granuJAle'.<br />

ott the plants. See details in previous article, Use of' Granular Chemical<br />

Applicator tot' IqbY' <strong>Weed</strong>Control.in Potatoes.!C)<br />

In meet instances the sUt loam to fins sandy loam soils were moist at the<br />

time the granulee were applied; in ,all cases nea.r],y ~!nch of rain occ~'<br />

within three day! afterappllcatiori. Nearly three iriChes of raj,n occurred ,"~<br />

most of the locations during the period August 22-24; this reduced f'es1dual '<br />

effect of some cnemicals especiallr at locations witl:1:,~er soils.<br />

Results iJIWDiscussions !"\.<br />

!!U! s::CDAA.:In colllf.&risonS'Qt CDM (Ranck:i:ij-'i~'12, :3,and 4\lbs. P.":i<br />

acre at several J.ocat1ona,the:3 Ib~rate provided goOd"to very good cont1'OJ"<br />

of' crabgrass during the earlY' part of' the "season at all locations. Follilwing<br />

the heavy' rainfall August 22-24, the 4 lb. rate was superior to the :3 lb. rate<br />

for crabsrass control in most of the tests. Where a btavy popuh.tion of crabgrass<br />

was controlled with :3 and 4 lbs. of Randox per acre and potatoes were not<br />

killed bY'a freeze until Jate in the season, imreases of 20 to 25% in yield<br />

'~f potatoes were obtained over adjoining untreated plots, Table 1.<br />

Control of b~rd grass with CDAAvaried with locations. Under the mozoe<br />

'moist soil conditions at Fann D, 60 to 75%control of barnyard grass was obtained<br />

1/ Agronomist and Potato Specialist, UniversitY' of Connecticut, St6rrs, Connecticut.<br />

The author acknowledges the excellent assistance of H. C. Yokum,<br />

former4" Research Assistant, in installing these tests.

w.l.th 3 and 4 Ibs. ot Randox per acre respectively, wb-1J.e 85 to 95%control<br />

was obtained at Far:m.S. Increasecl yields otpotatoe. were obtained with<br />

contrOl'dt ba~d grass and some :1alDQsquarlercontro-l at location 8,<br />

Table?<br />

179<br />

Table :I.- Eftect or Granular Fonn~tlons ot COM, and. Daiapon Applied at<br />

. ~ on Control ot Hig.h Popu.la.t1on of Crabsre.ss and on Yield or<br />

Katahdin Potatoes - F&1lIlG - Connecticut 1961<br />

.CrabFaelS Control<br />

Active Rate ...L21Ch~<br />

Yield 1/<br />

%of Chegk<br />

CDAA 20G<br />

(Randox)<br />

it lbe/A sAO =722<br />

3<br />

4<br />

95<br />

100<br />

85<br />

95<br />

121<br />

125<br />

Dalapon lOG 4 (All 70 ?/<br />

5 wilted) 95 l24<br />

, t<br />

1/ Yield, on s:1ng~ plots 2 rows x 50 feet, in percent ot adjoining check.<br />

2/ Adjoining checkcl&Iaged by spray tracks. .<br />

~ 2! DalapotH In a field with a heavy popuJation or crabgrass the use<br />

or Dalapon at 5 lbs."per acre resulted in nearly 95%csbntrol"and was far'<br />

superior to the 4 lb. rate. Control or crabgrassw.l.th 5 lbs. Dalapon resulted .<br />

in a 24%irorease in yields of potatoes over yields on untreated plots, Table 1.<br />

The crabgrass tleedlings on treated plots grew 3 to 4 inches in height befar~<br />

death occu1'!'ed. ,,'<br />

Moderate control or barnyard grass was obtained with Dalapon at 4 and<br />

5 lbe. per acre and resulted in ihorea8ed yield of potatoes at two locatione<br />

where this grass was the JI':l.maryproblem, Table 2.<br />

Table 2 - Effect or GranuJar "Formulations of CDAAand Dalapon Applied at<br />

La,y-by to Potatoes, on J3a~rd Grass and Ytit-ld8 of Katahdin<br />

Potatoes, Connect1cut - 1961<br />

Farm D<br />

Farm S<br />

CDAA 20G<br />

(Randox)<br />

Dalapon lOG<br />

Active Rate<br />

)bs/A<br />

Barnyard Yield 1/ Barnyard Yield 1/<br />

Grass % ot· Grass % at<br />

Control Check: Control Check<br />

9/22 9/22<br />

% % %<br />

3 60 2/ . 85<br />

4 75 2; 95<br />

4<br />

5<br />

50 1123/ 70<br />

75 99 4! SO<br />

%<br />

III<br />

21<br />

1284;1<br />

107 5<br />

1/ Yield, 2 rows x 50 feet, in percent of yield of adjoin:ing check.<br />

\....... 2/ No adjoining check for cOlllJ:'B-rison<br />

3/ Average of 3 comparisons 4/ single comparisons 5/ average 2 comparisons

1i!<br />

l~<br />

, .' . . "<br />

ot!!tf~l!hem1.cals: Falone at 4 !bs. per acre ~ good earl)' control'. P'1 '.,<br />

grasses and bro&!heated weeds 8;ta1lloca~ions. Pc)1,1~ heav .rains,~,t;<br />

22-24, thill rat.e was not auf'ficient in 80IIIe cases. " . .-<br />

. . ". ~<br />

Zytron at 7.; lbs. per aore looked pranisingtor crabgrass control earl¥ ' '<br />

in the season but this rate was not suffioient later~' . GOodcontrol of 'crhh':'<br />

grass was obtained with 10 and 15 lb. rates in 1960~ .<br />

Tested at one looation, granular formUlations .~ Eptam and Stautter R-1607<br />

applied at 4lbs. aotive pera,oJ;'lJ-&a'" 1Ocx1and vel'tSOod control respe9tlvely~<br />

ot grasses when the granules werll cultivated int.o.tbe IOU soon (20m:l.nuteeJ-·<br />

atter application. Control was not as 100d where cultivation occurred1::letore<br />

rather than atter application. Fairly goOd control ot lambsquarter and'~ed<br />

was obtaine4. v., /.'<br />

a coU:~'W:/~=~ie~p~:t~~:rw~: rt~cnUtt~i: ~~a~th<br />

d<br />

potatoes at several location6j rates ot CDAA(Randcae)were also compare<br />

small plots at tllO locationa •<br />

. Better orabarus and be.i'n:Ja1'dgrass oontrol ... ··obt&:!nedwith 4 Jha. ODAA<br />

per ac;l'e than with t.he3 lbe. rat. in IIIC8toases, tol.1ow1ng leachins oo~Dne .<br />

~ Auguat. .. . .<br />

Dalapon at ; lbe. active per acre gave cona:ft1erably better control ot<br />

crabgrass and bari:G'Vd grass than the 4 lb. rate.<br />

Falone at4 lba. per acre sav.-·sood control ot. sruMa and broacllAt,ed<br />

weeds early in the sea60n but th1a rate .wasnot ntftc1ent 11Mer conUtiollls'<br />

favorable for leaching.<br />

Eptam.aM. stautter

181<br />


M.F. Trevett, H.J. MUl'phy, and Robert Littlefield Y<br />

Introdulllt<br />

ion<br />

This paper is a report on the effectiveness of the herbicides<br />

listed in Table 1 on the control of annual broadleaf weeds and<br />

annual grasses in potatoes. Comparisons were made between herbicides<br />

applied singly, Block II,and between various combinations<br />

of herbicides, Block· I. Com1:lination treatments were applied to.<br />

dete~mine the likelihood of aomplementaryactibn that would either<br />

increa.se percent total weed oontrol or lengthen the period of<br />

effective weed oontrol. .<br />

Procedure<br />

Two blocks of Katahdin potatoes were planted in a sandy lQ8m<br />

soil in late May, 1961. Block I was planted 22 May, Block II was<br />

:planted 26 May. .Seed pieces were spaced 12 inches apart in ro~s<br />

42 inches apart. "Planting" treatments were applied 24 May in<br />

Block I and 29 May in Block II, two and three days after planting.<br />

Emergence treatments were applied when about 5%of the plants had<br />

emerged: 12 June in Block I, ahd 13 June in Bloo,k II.<br />

Treatments were replicated six times in randomized blocks .of<br />

single row plots paired with untreated plots. Herbicides were<br />

applied with one pass of a small plot spraye.r at 40 pounds pressure<br />

and 50 gallons per acre volume. Potatoeswel'e hilled three times.<br />

The final hill was 24 inches wide at the base, 10 inches high, and<br />

6 inches wide at the top. .<br />

The principal broadleatweeds were: Wild Rutabaga (Brassic,<br />

rapa Li), Red-root Pigweed (Amaranthus l'etrotlexusL.), Lambsquarters<br />

Pigweed (ChenopodiUll1 album t.), Ragwe,ed {Ambrosia<br />

artem1s11!gUj. L. h andsmal'tweed (POlY~OaUll! pensYlvanicum L.).<br />

The annua! gl'asses pl'esent we.re: Barny-ar Grass· (EOhlnochloa Cl'USgatp<br />

L.) and Foxtail (Seteria viridis L.). '<strong>Weed</strong> counts and~<br />

ra ngs were made- approximately twelve weeks atte.r treatments.<br />

11 Associate Agronomists, and Technical Assistant, respectively,<br />

Agronomy Dep8r~ent, Maine Agl'icultural Experiment Station,<br />

Univel'sity of Maine, Orono, Maine.

182<br />

Beoause o£ spaoe Um1t8~lons in this ,eper,signifioanoe<br />

arrays derived £rom Duncan f s Multiple Range Test are not given tOI'<br />

annual weed contr01. Annual grass pontl'ol,. hc*ever ,was estimated<br />

by number ot plants survivirig tl'eatment in quadrats, 6 inohes wide<br />

and 25 £eet long. For stat~Jtioal analysis, number of plant. pe:r<br />

quadrat were converted to\{i + .0; • For statistioal analys18, pe~<br />

oent annual broadleat wee~ contl'ol was oonverted to angles.<br />

Signif1oanoe was determined at the 5% level.<br />

Results<br />

",' ,"<br />

In both blocks, y1eld was related more '~l.Q•• lyto broadle,ill'<br />

weed oontrol than to annual .ar~8S oontrol: thehighe.r the pe.rc;4Itit<br />

b.roa'dleaf weec:!,oont.rol, the.l1I1gber they1eld. ~1eldwasnot olosely<br />

related to annual g.rass contriol beoause o£ 10K ~otentialstand:r<br />

compared to the .relativel y high potential stand ot annual b.roadlear<br />

weeds: oheok plots ave.raged 2.6 annual g.ras8 plants pel'<br />

squar-e foot in Blook I and 2.8 pe.r squal'e toot in Blook II, oompared<br />

to 30.5 annual b.roadleaf weeds in Blook I and 15.7 per square toot<br />

in Block II.<br />

Although a oomparison between plantins, appl1cationand en:uwgenoe<br />

appl1cationwa8 not intended tn. the exper1.Da.... Ldesign of thee.<br />

blocks, in Block I all emergence treatmentsoutylelded 'planting<br />

treatments, 'Pable2. The hi.gh8.ryield toll:Qtdrngeme.rgenoe tl'eitmente<br />

is related t.o .peroent b.roadleat weedccmtl"olt all emer.8ert,oe<br />

treatments gave highe.r peroent control than all planting treabm~t8.<br />

Beoause all combinatiOns o£ herbicides were not app11ed at botp<br />

plant1ng .and eme.rgenoe, 1t is not poss1ble t:C1oonolusivelY asoel'tain<br />

whether the cl1tfel'ences in weed control resulted £.rom oharactel':h- .<br />

tics o£ the herbicides or resulted £.rom d1tt.:renoes 1nrain£al1'<br />

£ollowing applioat1on: 3.29ino,bes of rdn .t_llduring the firsti<br />

four 'days after the planting application, O.S() inChes tell dUI'1b$<br />

the first tour days atte.r the emergence appl1paUon. Detil t:rOIll'!<br />

Block II, howeve.r, indioate that part of the ditte.rence, at lea~t,<br />

was due to rainfa.11. The planting appl10atiCllI .1nBlook II wel"i<br />

made 29 May,. 19.611 Sf.ter the. he.av y. 1.'8.inS .. fOl.lL.'.O. wing B.100k· I aP.<br />

tions. p110a-.<br />

In Block J:t:wnere coMparisons betweencplanttng and emei'genoe<br />

appl10at ion otthe. same herb1ci"e can be mad.. , ,incont.rut toSlook .<br />

I, nelthel' yleld no~percent. bro.dleaf weed dentrol i •• ssoolabed<br />

withtirile of appl;1ce'Uon. T.1l:1S ... oonclusicn _PJlUes torylelds 'bO-.'<br />

6 and 9 pounds ~i~gal'e 5778, ;Land·,4pounds.Q! Atl'ametl"yne, aria4<br />

pounds P.rometryne, . and tor percent bl"oadleat weed oontrol,<br />

to 3, 6, and 9 pounds o£ Niega.ra 5778, 2 and 4.»Qunds of At.rametDJDe,<br />

and 4 pounds ot P.rometryne.<br />

, . ',.,' .'.;; t '.<br />

No single herbicIde o.r oombination ot h~191de. in eithe,r" '<br />

Block I or Blook II gave signif10antly h1gber"potato "ields 01." give<br />

signitioantly highe.r b.roadleat weed control than the standard<br />

treatment ot 4.5 pounds DNBP.

The following comments on the various,hel'bicides are based<br />

on observations made in 1961 and in previous years:<br />

ATRAMETRYNE ANDPROMETRYNE:appeal" to cont.rol annual grasses<br />

better than tl'letlzine; may be 'less effective on<br />

ragweed than DNBPJin the absenoe of leaching rains<br />

may be applied either at planting 01" at emergence,<br />

and at a 2-4 pound rate may be ueffe~tive as DNBP<br />

on annual broedlea: weeds and mol". effeotive tha~<br />

DNBPon annual grasses,<br />

CASORON:<br />

DALAPON:<br />

one pound pel" aCre does not etreotively control annual<br />

weeds; 2 and 4 poUnds in p'l"eviob.s years has signifioantly<br />

reduced yield. ~<br />

DIPHENAMID: more effective on annual grasse$ than DNBP, but at 2<br />

and 4 pound rates is less eftectiv$ on annual broadleat<br />

weeds; requires reintorceml!lnt with other herbicides<br />

tor acceptable total annual weed control.<br />

, ;<br />

DIURON: applied alone, has not consisteritly given acceptable<br />

weed control: applied with DNBP,has frequently given<br />

a longer period of residual weed control than DNBP<br />

alone. The residual period was not lengthened in<br />

1961 tests. '<br />

~:<br />

DUPONT~:<br />

in combination with DNBPhas usually increased annual<br />

grass control oyer DNBPalone; frequently the period<br />

ot residual weed control is unaooeptably short.<br />

peroent control ot annual broadleat weeds is not<br />

usually exceeded by other herbialdes but often has a<br />

short residual per fod of sa tist«ctory con trol: controls<br />

annual grasses about half as ett~ctively as it controls<br />

annual broadleat weeds; in heavy infestations of ann~al<br />

grasses, usually will not give aaequate control but<br />

usually has given more nearly satisfactory control than<br />

other selective herbicides.<br />

183<br />

FALONE:<br />


184<br />

~: Solan has cOIltl'!?+lec1'annual: .b~p"dleaf weeds u<br />

eff.!)t1ve1y UJ?NBF,but hal ~~t, cons1stlently controlled<br />

annual grass better tlian ONBP; Solan has<br />

.been safely llP!i:lie4po.t-~lMlrl$l~e at a 6 pound nte;<br />

annual weed control 118s bnn· .... t1sfaotory follOWing<br />

post-emergeno~ IlPpllcation,U'",.eeds had not developed<br />

mGre than one or two true leaTe. and if .annual gras.es<br />

"Ilr. less than one-half inch ,tall •.<br />

, :.' ,.". ¥-

185<br />

S\:U!U!1fryand<br />

ConclWtlon<br />

No hel'blclde or COO1blll.'tlon of herblc.!des tested gave s1gnificantly<br />

higher yields of K.tahdin' potato •• than the stand8!"d<br />

treatment of 4.$ pounds DNSFper acre appo.i.ed at'emergenoe.<br />

Herbicides that did not diffeZ' s1gniUoantly in etfecton<br />

yIeld from 4.$ pounds DNBP included planting applications ot'3<br />

pounds Trietazine, 4 pounds Prometryne, 6 and 9 pounds Niagara 5778,<br />

4 pounds AtrametZ'yne and emeZ'gence application of 4 and 6 pounds<br />

Solan, 2 and 4 pounds Prometryne, 2, 3,4, '$ pounds Dupont lZ~, , ,<br />

3,~6, 9 pounds Niagara $778, and 4 pounds A~!"ametryne.<br />

Combinations of her bIoi des that did ni5tCiHfer sigriitioiiDtly<br />

in effec t ,on yield from 4.$; pounds DNBP,inoluded emergenoe applioations<br />

ot m1xtUl'es of Duponlf')26 and' Frome'~!"tne or Diphena1l11d-or<br />

Atrametpyne or Zyt!"otl or Tll'1etazine, mi:lct~s, of DNBPand ,A,b-rjllI1etryne.<br />

or Zytron or Diphenall1id or Dalapon or Proll1etryne or<br />

Trietazine or DiUl'on, and mlxAiures Solen &I!ld'Diph41A#imidor Trlet$1"<br />

zine.<br />

Yields and annual wee,d pootrol tended\to be signifioantly lower<br />

when heavy rains fpllowed ,pplloation.<br />

Herbloidee giving slgnj,t~cantly lowe~:;a~ue.l broadleaf weed<br />

control than 4.$ pounds ])NBP'wp.en heavyrs~s' did npt follow applios<br />

tion inClllded, ,emergence ~PP1,".Lea tionOf, 4,po,~ds Falone and planting<br />

applioation of 1 pound Pllsoron, 2 and 't pounds Diphenall1id, and<br />

2 pounds Prom~tryne. Herbl~~des giving signifioantly lower annual<br />

broadleat weeQ.control whe~.nelivy rains followed applioation included<br />

plaritingapplica tionof 3 pounds FrPJ!l.etryne ,-a mixture Qf 8<br />

pounds NiagaI'a $778 and 10 pounds Zytron, ) pounds Atrametryne, 1<br />

pound Casoron. 8 pounds Niagara $778, 2 pounds Diphenamid, and 10<br />

'pounds Zytron. ---- ,--" . '<br />

He rbioides giVing signifioantly highe!!, annual grass oootI'ol<br />

than 4.5 pounds DNBPwhen heavy rains did not follow applioation<br />

included planting appllcatiQq of 2 pounds ~ipb.enamid, 2 or 4 po~ds<br />

Prometryne, ,.~, and 4 pounds.'\t,Pametryne. -4,tJ1d 6 pounde Solan, ar..d<br />

2, 3, 4. and $ pounds Dupont 326. H~rbioi~@s giving sign1fi~,ntly<br />

higher annual grass contrbl than 4.5 pounds DNBPwhen heavy I'ains<br />

followedal?R+:lrcation included e,lI1~J:'genoesp.p.1-1(lat1on of 3 pounds<br />

Dupont 326,.l1liXtUl'es of Dupont 326 and A-:t"Ill8~l:'yne or Diphencdd 01'<br />

Prometryne ,o~ZytI'on or TI'iee~azine and amix,ture of DNBP and<br />

Atrametryne. ' , , "<br />

The most promising new ,herbioides tes~.d in 1961 are Dllpont<br />

326 for either planting or emeI'gence application and Solan for<br />

either emerg~oe or earlYP~l!I,t-emergenoe application.

186<br />

It is suggested( tblJ •. ttt4.2.kU'reql.lenoY'with whioh oombina tions<br />

of he~bioides oontrol annual weeds signiticantly better than the<br />

more etfeotive oomponent alone results trom tailure to oOllJbine'<br />

hM'bioidesth&t'8re: ~ompbll'um.rr orc' beoau8~f' &ne or the other<br />

oomponent maT:not1 have b'een a1bt>11eclat· appopil" time tor maximum<br />

etteot1vene~"8"iOitl beoause one or the componeM'8 giveaadequate" ­<br />

oontrol of both annual broadleat weeds and annual grasses -- ,<br />

as sum1ng·that" ade~ua teco'ntlt:o~ omy not neo~ll.lr 11)' .a lwa tl mean., ,<br />

100% oontro;l .. " '.c l ' .I'. ' "-<br />

. ","; :·~r.~ .1,:',; ,;')1 (' :';--; , .~'.• r.<br />

Table 1. Herbib1de8;Used.in lti:>t.s:toes.<br />

'-; \', l.~ .<br />

Atrametr~e ,;'" .,'~;:,:~;mero&pt~:-4:~'(eth:11Uli~~ ~Jl, SOP1"opYi.m1n0l:~·<br />

Ca-sQt'on: ;. '2.~lbh1ol'obeni'~itri1e,' !' :"j • r-v ; ' . , .<br />

Dalapon 2,2-dichloroprop10nic aoid .0'<br />

Diphenamid N,N-d1methy1-diphe~y1acetamide, !<br />

D1uron ;.3".(3,4-dioh'lol-o)hetl'yl) "'l·.l"'d1m.t~U1'ea<br />

DNBP 4,6-dini tro-o-secoadal"Y butlyll'lieilel' ,<br />

DUP"ont326 3.-.O.. ,4-diOh.l,O.r.o.,p, h.e,nYl)..-1-meth,01t Y-).-l!1ethY1W'ea<br />

Fa~one ' "t):'1&"(2,4-dich.1el'oph.en~~yetih"11~o~h1te .<br />

Niagara 5778( 4,6-d1ni tro-2-see-iObutylllhenyl acetate . .' . '..':<br />

PrOIlHttl'1Ue ,'2-;meth)'J.meroapt-o"4,6-b1S ( 1Boptt(1)7~a!il!.no) "1-tr1u1n~<br />

S1mazin ' f2'-:-ohli:>l'o-4,6-M. s'h~htla~JnoJ ~8"til':lUil1~ ,..•. ,J, " .<br />

Solen " .. 11"O-\3hlol'o-4-llifiitHylphEln,1 )..~iilj,t~11-pen.tanamid.F '..<br />

Tr1etazine'" ,2-Chlbl'O-4-d1ethtlammo-6-&t, ~t1~m.tnO"I-tl"~~Z1n.e ,':, ..•..;<br />

Zytron ;:~ ,:;1i~~~:~:~;?l'Oph~1l) ~~~met~tf,tl80P~OP!lPhOSPh~~,~...<br />

; '-:L(";' < .';. ~ \,i ,<br />

.r.;h, ,<br />

,.J<br />

,_<br />

EM ==appl1edf,ab":elrJergenoe"PL = appl1$d'wtP-plant1n.g. : j<br />

Rank 011 ='iJsElntiallyo(Ulplete contro1,c1d.;f"!annual weeds;<br />

Rank 0/)·2'= l-owest contt"ol.' ' • "<br />

. . ~. " "-'.' ,.~ .-~ .~of.<br />

,.... I,<br />

Beoause, or'spaoeUm1tati6h.'a'1nthbp.,p~ S'ignit1cance aJ:ft:~l'<br />

187<br />

Table 2. Potato YIelds Following Application of Various<br />

Combina tions of' Herbicides, B100k I.<br />

Rank<br />

Annual Broadlear<br />

Acre rate of herbioide<br />

grass ,'weed<br />

(ao ti v~ ~edien~J,._.. ~__ ..!2.!:!~.2=.i!U.!~~_...'::.:::~~=--....J::.:=:':~:':'<br />

Bushels/aore control ',control<br />

4.5# DNBP<br />

EM 467.3a<br />

20 17<br />

4.5# DNBP+ 3# Atrametryne EM 463.8ab<br />

7 15<br />

3# Dupont 326 +<br />

3# Prometryne<br />

EM 437.0ab<br />

5<br />

1<br />

3# Dupont 326 +<br />

2# Diphenamid 80W<br />

EM 432.7ab<br />

6<br />

1<br />

4.5# DNBP+ 10# Zytron<br />

EM 425.5ab<br />

15<br />

1<br />

4.5# DNBP+<br />

2# Diphenamid 80w<br />

EM 422.7ab<br />

1<br />

3# Dupont 326<br />

EM 422.$ab<br />

1<br />

3# Dupont 326 + 10# Zytron EM 421.7ab<br />

1<br />

4.5# DNBP+ 2.22# Dalapon EM 421.3ab<br />

1<br />

3# Dupont 326 +<br />

3# Trietazine EM<br />

4# Solan + 2# Diphenamid 80W EM<br />

3# Dupont 326 +<br />

3# A.tI'8metryne<br />

4.5# DNBP+ 3# Prometryne<br />

4# Solan + 3# Trietazine<br />

4.5# DNBP+ 3# Trietazine<br />

405# DNBP+ 0.6# Diuron<br />

4# Solan<br />

3# Trietazine +<br />

2# Diphenamid 80W<br />

3# Trietuine +<br />

3# Prometryne<br />

8# Niagara 5778 +<br />

2# Diphenamid 80w<br />

3# Trietazine + 1# Simazin<br />

3# Tr1etszine<br />

3# Tr1etszine +<br />

EM<br />

EM<br />

EM<br />

EM<br />

EM<br />

EM<br />

8# Niagara 5778 PL<br />

3# Tr1etazine + 10# Zytron PL<br />

3# Prometryne PL<br />

3# Atrametryne PL<br />

1# Casoron PL<br />

2# D1phenamid 80W PL<br />

8# NIagara 5778 PL<br />

8# Niagara 5778 + 10# Zytron PL<br />

10# Zytron PL<br />

Untreated<br />

414.8abo<br />

409.7abo<br />

409.2abo<br />

406.2abcd<br />

393,9abade<br />

385.5abcde<br />

377 .2abcde<br />

357.5abade.f<br />

PL 355.7 bade.f<br />

PL 310.8<br />

PL 296.8<br />

PL 295.8<br />

PL 263.3<br />

257.8<br />

255-3<br />

252.8<br />

229.8<br />

186.5<br />

170.5<br />

159.3<br />

149.3<br />

112.5<br />

73,8<br />

cde.fg<br />

de.fg<br />

e.fg<br />

.fgh<br />

.fgh<br />

.fgh<br />

.fgh<br />

ghi<br />

h1j<br />

hijk<br />

hijk<br />

ijkjkk<br />

l~<br />

3 9<br />

2<br />

14<br />

1<br />

10<br />

17 8<br />

12<br />

18<br />

22<br />

24<br />

16<br />

29<br />

32<br />

31<br />

27<br />

23<br />

25<br />

28<br />

21<br />

26<br />

19<br />

30<br />

11<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1 , ...<br />

16<br />

19<br />

22<br />

21<br />

20<br />

23<br />

18<br />

24 2$<br />

~A<br />

30<br />

29<br />

26<br />

31<br />


188<br />

Table 3. Potato Yie1da Following Planting and Emel'genoe<br />

Applioations of Val'ipua Hel'bloldes,:B1ock II.<br />

Rank<br />

Annual Annual<br />

Acre l'ate of herblolde Bushels per sPa as bl'oad1eat'<br />

(aoUve ms£edlent) aore oontro1 weed eontl'ol<br />

6# Solan 1liM .512.7a 8 1<br />

2# Prometryne EM .503..5a 10 1<br />

3# Dupont 326 EM .500.7a 1 1<br />

6# Niagal'a .5778 8M 490 •.5a 18 1<br />

4.5# DNBP+ 2.22# Da1apon EM 489 •.5a 16 1<br />

4# Solan EM 48.5.)a 9 1<br />

3# Tl'letazlne PL 480.7a 22 1<br />

4# Atl'ametl'yrle EM 472.3ab 7 1<br />

3# Niagal'a 5778 EM ij67•.5abc 2.5 1<br />

4#Pl'ome tl'yne PL 464.6abc 13 17<br />

4# Dupont 326 EM ij61.8abc<br />

1<br />

4#~l'ome tl'yn e EM 461.5abc .~<br />

1<br />

9# Nlagal'a .5778 PL 461.0abo 28 19<br />

i# Atl'ametl'1J1~ PIt 460.0abo 6 18<br />

#Nlagal'a 5178 PL 4.56.2abo 21 23<br />

5# Dupont 32 EM 4.51•.5abe 3 1<br />

2# Dupont 326J EM 'li50.8abe 2 1<br />

4 •.5# DNBP EM, .433..5abe . 27 1<br />

9# Niagal'a .5778 J!ltII !.j.27.0abo 14 1<br />

2# Atl'ametl'yn$ PL 413.7abed 19 22<br />

2# Atl'ametryne EM· 1j.12•.5abcd 11 1<br />

2# Prometryne . PL 377.7 bede 20<br />

4$ Dlphenamld .5OW PL 374. bode 17<br />

3 Niagara .5778 PL 370. A ode 30 20<br />

4# Dlphenamld-5OW PL .369.0 cde 12 25<br />

2# Dlphenamld.8OW PL ·.325.7 def 1.5 27<br />

Untreated 322.8 def 24 32<br />

i# Falone EM 318.8 der 33. 30<br />

# Falone EM 318•.5 der 26 21<br />

1# Guol'on PL . 309.7 ef 32 29<br />

2# Dlphenamld-5

Residue analysis of potatoes treated withtrietazine<br />

for weed control. l<br />

C. E. Olney, R."S. Bell and T. W. Kerr2<br />

The compoundtrietazine, 2-chlor0-4-diethylamino-6-ethylamino-s-triazine,<br />

is a new herbicide being tested for the control of annual grasses and other<br />

weeds in potato fields. The present investigation was undertaken to determine<br />

whether measurable amounts of this herbicide would accumulate in potato tubers<br />

following applications in the field.<br />

The tubers analyzed were obtained from an experiment on herbicidal weed<br />

control reported by Bell et al (1) elsewhere in this journal. The potatoes<br />

were planted in late April, 1961 using four randomly replicated plots per<br />

treatment. While both the Delus and Kennebec varieties were exposed to the<br />

treatments, residue data were obtained from the latter variety only. The<br />

treatments and the amounts of trietazine (active ingredient) applied as sprays<br />

and the occasions when tuber samples were taken for residue analysis are presented<br />

in table 1. The pre-emergence treatment was made on May16, the posthilling<br />

on June 27, and the vines-down on August 15. Harvest of the potatoes<br />

was September 27 and 28.<br />

On each of the 4 sampling dates, 4 pounds of potatoes were obtained at<br />

random from each of the 4 replicates. These were then halved lengthwise and<br />

the halves diced into half-inch cubes, from which a representative 200 gram<br />

sample was taken. After homogenizing in a blender, each sample was tumbled<br />

with chloroform and filtered through anhydrous sodium SUlfate. The extracts<br />

were stored at 25Of. for future analysis.<br />

The analytical method was supplied by the Geigy Chemical Company(2). It<br />

is based m the conversion of trietazine to hydroxytrietazine by acid hydrolysis<br />

Table 1. Residues of trietazine in potato tubers following application in<br />

various treatments. Kingston, R.I. 1961.<br />

Treatment<br />

Active toxicant<br />

Pre-emergent 3<br />

Pre-emergent plus post-hilling 3 + 2<br />

Post-hilling 3<br />

Post-hilling plUS vines down 3 + 2<br />

and the determination of the latter by its<br />

line technique.<br />

Residue (p.p.m.) in tubers<br />

on dates indi,atedl<br />

189<br />

190<br />


H. J. Murp!+y and ,M. J. GOV;E!~<br />

This paper isa progreasrf3port of pote,~o ;vine killing;<br />

studies made in Maine during the 1960 growil:lS l\I~aaon. Eva1uat1-on<br />

of harveated tubers waa made quring the 19Mi;61 atorage aeason.<br />


Five new chemicals whioh had been reported t.o be of some<br />

value for desiocation of crops other than pqi;atoes, and twost~n..<br />

dard potato vine killing materials were teste~ at Arooatook state<br />

Farm, Presque Isle, Maine in 1960-61. ,The primary purpose of<br />

these trials was to determ:~ne the rate and the oompleteness of<br />

kill, and the possible effects on internal tuber quality.<br />

All materials were applied in 100 gallona of water per aore<br />

to green potato vines on the dates indicated in the various<br />

tables.<br />

Using the rating aystem given in Footnote 2 of Table 1, kill<br />

ra tinge were made at seven, and again a 1t fourteen days after<br />

matorials were applied.<br />

Triplicate samples of tubers were taken/lt harvest, from each<br />

of the six replicates for post-harvest studies. One set of samples<br />

was uged for residue analysis. The romaind.ng, samples were stor~d<br />

at 4S F. and ret SOoF. for examination duri!l$,thewinter months.,<br />

Storage oxaminations consisted of snipp1!l8 the stem end from eaoh<br />

tuber and classifying each tuber as to peroent of vascular ring<br />

showing disooloration. From those ratings, weighted values were<br />

computed as reported in tables 1, 2, and 3. ~<br />


Table 1 and 2 indicate tho effoct of several desiccants on<br />

vines and tubers of the Katahdin and Kennoboc"potato varieties.<br />

Data in these tables indioate that all materials were of some<br />

value in killing potato vines. Methylated napthalene, howeve:t?,<br />

was not partioularly effeotive. Ammoniumthfoo¥anate and Reg16ne·<br />

(diquat). a.t all rates oaused oonsiderab1e intorhal tuber disooloration.<br />

Disooloration was more anvere with the Kennebeothan<br />

with the Ka~e.hdin variety, probably beoause of higher air and<br />

Associate Professor of Agronomy, University of Maine, Orono~<br />

Maine and Teohnical Assistant in Agronomy, -Aroostook Stato<br />

Farm, Preaque Isle, Maine. - .1

soil temperatures at the time the materials were applied to the<br />

Kennebec vines.<br />

Table 3 shows the effect of several rates of sodium arsonite<br />

and of premerge on rate of k~ll and tuber discoloration. Rates<br />

of sodium arsenito above six pounds per acro, and Premerge at tho<br />

2 quart rate caused considerable internal disooloration. Same<br />

of this internal vascular discoloration is not caused specifioally<br />

and only by the chemioals tested but appears to be associated with<br />

death of tops, whethor doathl& brought abQut by chomioals, or<br />

mechanically by vino boaters, or even by drenohing with ice water.<br />

Of tho fivo new matorials tested in 196o-6~ Reglone, known<br />

commercially in the United S~ates a~ Diquat, and ammonium thiocyanate<br />

are ~rthy of f~thor testing.<br />


Table 1. Errect or Several Ch~cals Used ror Vine Killing on Katahdin Potatoes<br />

Aroostook Farm - 196o!1<br />

.....<br />

-.0<br />

~<br />

Desiccant<br />

No treatment<br />

Sodium arsenite<br />

It<br />

\I<br />

Premerge<br />

Ammoniumthiocyanate<br />

Rate/acre<br />

8 Ibs.(AS203)<br />

It,<br />

2 qts.<br />

~<br />

\I<br />

Activator<br />

Sodium silicate<br />

Ii gals.<br />

40z.Plyac<br />

5 gals. ruel 011-<br />

KilliA&<br />

ind~<br />

4 3<br />

1<br />

3<br />

Tuber'~Ch1p<br />

diSColo::!70n<br />

ind .<br />

color,,}<br />

index.:tl<br />

0.3iji.E<br />

0.2 S.O<br />

0.0<br />

0.5<br />

4 oz. Plyac 2 . {).6<br />

3 oz. sulronated . ..<br />

activator 5 5.8 1.8<br />

Penta-Chlorophenol 2 Ibs. 5 gals. ruel oil 3 0.8 5.2<br />

Arsenic acid 2 pts. 4 oz. Plyac 3 0.0 5.0<br />

Methylated Napthalene 6 gals. 4 oz. Plyac 10.04.8<br />

Reglone (diquat) 2 Lbs , 4 oz. Pl;yac 5 6.0 6.3<br />

11 Materials applied August 30, 1960.<br />

51 Relative rating used ror vine killing.<br />

1. Poor kill or both stems and leaves.<br />

2. Most leaves killed but poor stem kill.<br />

3. All leaves killed and poor stell kill.<br />

4. All leaves killed and rair stem kill.<br />

5. Good kill or both leaves and stems.<br />

J! Discoloration readings made on January 25, 1961.<br />

y/ Read on N.P.C.l. Color Chart l=light: lO=dark.<br />

5.2<br />

5.2<br />

6.2<br />

l (

(<br />

(<br />

~able 2. Effect of Several Che~~cals Used for Vine Killing on Kennebec Potatoes _<br />

Aroostook Farm - 196o!1<br />

Desiccant<br />

to trea merit<br />

lodium ar-aenf te<br />

II<br />

u<br />

II<br />

~onlum<br />

It<br />

"<br />

thiocyanate<br />

Rate/acre<br />

8 Lba , (AS203)<br />

8 1bs.(As203)<br />

8 Lbs , (As203)<br />

8 Ibs. (As203 )<br />

~6<br />

5%<br />

7i'f,<br />

Activator<br />

Killi}W<br />

index.=t<br />

1<br />

5<br />

*gal. sodium<br />

silicate 5<br />

1 gal. sodium<br />

silicate 4<br />

It gals. sodium<br />

S11icate<br />

3 oz. sUlfonated<br />

4<br />

Tl.i1:>er<br />

color,,/<br />

index.V inde~<br />

0.0 4.6<br />

2.1 4.2<br />

discolorat~on<br />

1.6<br />

1.4<br />

2.9<br />

chip<br />

activator 523.9 5.8<br />

3 oz. sUlfona ted • .<br />

activator 5 57.1 6.4<br />

3 oz. sulfonated<br />

activator 5 56.4 6.6<br />

3 oz. sulfonated<br />

If<br />

10%<br />

, aotivator ~ 59.6 1.2<br />

~enta-Chlorophenol 2.1bS' GR-7 plus acetone .o'.a. ~.2:.<br />

n 2 Lbs , 5 gals. fuel oil 1.8.2<br />

u>se~c acid 2 pts. 3' 0.0 .7<br />

.. 3pts. .1.5 .• 2<br />

n 4 pts. 5 -4.3 -4.4<br />

~ethy\ated Naptha1ene i gals. 4 oz. ftlyac 1 - 0.5 ,h.ll<br />

gals. 2 0.5 4.0<br />

n gals. n ~ 0.5 u.o<br />

ieglone (diquat) 2 U>S;, 11 5 15.8 4.5<br />

n 4 1bs. " 5 23.7 4.4<br />

n 6 Ibs. " 5 30.2 4.4<br />

Materials applied August 23. 1960 in 90 gallons of water per acre.<br />

Kill ratings were made at 10 and 14 days after materials applied.<br />

Discoloration readings made on January 23. 1961.<br />

Read on N.P.C.l. Color- Chart l=ligl:lt: :to=de,rk.<br />

4.2<br />

4.5<br />

6.1<br />

t:;<br />


ab1e 3. Po~ato Vine Killing Discoloration Stud~es - Maine-1960 - Katahdin and Kennebec<br />

Varieties<br />

.....<br />

't!<br />

-- -~- - Df:scoloration Indexd<br />

Killil;l8<br />

,;<br />

Dealc()~~<br />

,<<br />

Bate/acre Actiy_@..~~~ __ Jndex.o!{ Katahain Kennebec<br />

~o treatment - . -~ 1.0 0.0. 0.2<br />

sodium arsen! te 1 lb. (As~03) 4 oz. plyac ~.o 0.3, 0.3 .<br />

It 2 Ibs. ' ,".0 0.8 0.5<br />

" 3 Ibs. II " .0 1.2 . 0.8<br />

n h Ibs. II II 5.0 1.6 1.4,<br />

" 6 Lbs , 'II It 5.0 3.0,' 3.0<br />

l!' 81bs. '11 n· 5.0 16.2' 26.0<br />

It 10 lbs. II ~. " II 5.0 31.4'" 42.5' .:<br />

premerge 1 qt:. 5ga,l8.fuel oil ", ' • ", " •<br />

•<br />

Roto-beater<br />

Ice water<br />

Fuel oil.<br />

only<br />

2 qts.<br />

p1us 4 oz~<br />

• II<br />

Plyao 5.0<br />

5.0<br />

6.2,<br />

15.0<br />

5.8 .<br />

16.2<br />

3.0 0"3' 0.$'<br />

100 gals. -- 3.0 0.5 0.8<br />

~ ga1~. ~_ __~ -- 4.0 0.5'____0.5'<br />

V A:verage of two dates ,,~, an~ ~d~ys flftet- $em1ca~s applied on August'~, 1960 •• '<br />

?:I ~ighted average of au l'epl1c.tes of eaphvaJ,"hty or a "total of 360b i tubers. r;<br />

Examination of tubers made at two dates December 7, 1960 and January. 25, 1961.<br />

"(;<br />

'- .<br />

(. (

195<br />


Arthur<br />

Bini<br />


Applied h~r1:>icide researcn is carried out to 4fvelop newer and better<br />

methods that can be used by the cOllllllercial farmer and 'possibly the home<br />

owner to control weeds in his plantings. Chemical control of weeds in<br />

ornamental crops has been invest1g",ted for several years and IlIWly reports<br />

have been presented at this conference. These repo:r:t;s included data on<br />

the herbicidal activity of II1Bll¥cOD;lOundsand the tj)lerance of a wide<br />

variety of ornamental plants to thel>e com:pounds. Mijch of this information<br />

has been utUized in formulatilli useful and success:(1,Jl weed control practices.<br />

Usually growers, with the advice of their county agricultural agent or<br />

COllllllercial representative, try tb.e more promising wbicides on a small<br />

scale on their crops 'under their own specific condi1;ioIlS. Then, if the<br />

small scale treatments are encoU1!8g:LJ:lg, the groweru,ses the chemicals on a<br />

larger scale.<br />

The' encouraging results of the experimenter or successful usage by a few<br />

growers occasionally is followed by poor, if not disasterous, results by<br />

other growers or home owners. Thil$ paper will be concerned with some of the<br />

failures and what we think are their causes. Werea4ily tell of our successes<br />

but conceal our failures. However,detailed lnfoa:mation on the faUuresis<br />

essential to the development of a BOund weed control prol!Wam.<br />


Ex.perimental preemergence treatments of plantinss of small gladiolus corms<br />

on sandy loam on Long Island in 1959 (2) with simazip.e granular and liquid<br />

resulted in fa;trly good control of most weeds at the- 2, 3, and 4 pound per<br />

acre rates. The gladiolus foliage showed some burning atter emergence but<br />

leaves that developed later were normal. A highly s~nificant delay in<br />

nowering and a significant reduction in cut nower y,Leld resulted from all<br />

rates. There were no significant reductions in corm yield. Similar results<br />

were obtained by other research workers in other states. Consequently, in<br />

the 1960 Gladiolus <strong>Weed</strong> Control SUI/IIIary published in, the North American<br />

Gladiolus CoUncil Bulletin (3)simaz:l.ne was not reo~nded for use on<br />

gladiolus by any of the experiment stations. Simazine is not recollllllended<br />

for use on gladiolus by the manufacturer. However, inclUded in the 1960<br />

Sl\llllll&'Y were grower reports of good weed control, witil, simazine under their<br />

conditions. On the basis of the favorable grower reports, one New Jersey<br />

grower band treated all plantings of corms and cormEU.swith a preemergence<br />

spray of 1 pound actual simazine per acre. There WIle good weed control.<br />

On the rolling land there were several knolls of s~ soU with heavier soU<br />

on the nat ground around them. Gladiolus plants on the sandy knolls were<br />

severely damaged or killed. Gladiolus on the heavier soil were not aftecte,d.<br />

A check on the amount of material used, by lookinga:t the amount of material<br />

1. Associate Professor, Cornell Ornamentals Research Laboratory

196<br />

left in the container from Whilih the herbiCide _~oniy verified the<br />

grower I s estimate of the rate used. We aSBuplean even application was made.<br />

6imaz1ne applied on sand;y soU lo,,·in organic matter is harmful to gladiolus.<br />

A home garden gladiolus entbU8!e.st treated corn in 1960 with 1 to 2<br />

pounds of simazine per acre. . The following year he. planted gle.d:+olus co;rmels<br />

on this 8ameso11. .The gladiOlU8'folill8e was b~'liurned and manyplant"<br />

M~ . . ... ~ . ," .<br />

In the semeyears, at the OrnamenteJ.s Rfilsee.rCll:)h~atory, gladiOl~'<br />

cormels were planted in the sprins-of 1961 inso:O. treated in 1960 with ~ ,10<br />

pound. rate of Bimaz1ne1n theepritlgfollowed bY'-Ei.;n5 pclund rate in the-t~'.<br />

Corm yield in the treated soU was 346'grams of c~ ~er 4-foot plot· c~ed<br />

to 454 pamS1'1'Omthe previously untreated soil.ttiisreduction in yiel4,<br />

from a soil rece1vi~ a high rate6f itimazinewas 1:ess'l!ievere than that><br />

sustained by the home·gardener we-used a muchl~re.te. In. soUtr~~t~d<br />

in 1960 withatrazineat the s8lllerates as the. Simzine,thei961 yield we;sreduced<br />

to, 129 grams of cOrms :f'rOiDa 4 foot plot. "JAti-az:bie is reportt'd 1;l)<br />

be much IIIOreharmful to gladiolus than simazine (2). . ,-<br />


Most evergreens are qUite toienmt to simazine:!his information ~~<br />

been reported ~ times in papers -from experimenti'1rtationsand in reports<br />

from commer-e:LaJ. nurseries. Tbfsihae been summarized in anew bulletin b~<br />

Ahrens (1). On LOZlg-ISland, tWb eXperimental plantt!:igsofHetz juniper vere<br />

tolerant to two yearly applications of simazine at 6 to 10 pounds per acre.<br />

These plantings received treatment s starting 1 or 2 weeks after the small<br />

liners were transplanted into the field. A landscape. gardener made 11:, plfl,llting<br />

of Andorra juniper and' some 'siJIel1 ornemente1 trees:bn II- steep bank in t~.<br />

rear of a customer' shouse. The soU was a poor, ~ subsoU norlllllll.1'"<br />

used as backfUl. To control weeds, the landsC~'8.pplied. granular simazlne<br />

to the planting at 'Which he thought was 'the recoiimehd'eli rate. There was .<br />

excellent Wed control. SoonlllOa'b of the junipers-:were d;y1.ngand some ot.._<br />

the new follage on.the small trees, especially chem, .showed symptoms'of<br />

silllG.lllneinjury. The lawn below the beJJk had sti- 13aks of 'dead grass Where'<br />

simazine had: wuhed'trom the bailk •. eateful inveljltiP.tion ShoWedthat the •.<br />

actual alIIOuntused'we.enever lllE!88U1'edbut a conse~lve' eljltilll8te wasat<br />

least 16 pounds actuaJ. simazine pel' acre. "'" .<br />


On another bank of'sand;y soU'a planting of' En&Llsb;'ivy was care~<br />

treated by a home owner with aimalline granular at8 'poundS actual per acre.<br />

The high ratewea used to el1m8tequa.ckgrass. Sev~e injury resulted exdept<br />

Jsoll.<br />

Where much peat moss had been lIieor;Porated into the- Prelim1narytests<br />

at the Cornell ~teJ.s Researcli Laboratory endEd; Salisbury Park by-the<br />

Nassau County ~ultural Ex'tension Service showed S~ilieto be a .'<br />

promising herbicl4e for English ivy and several cith'e'rgr-ound covers. Ivy'<br />

at the park received 12 pounds ot simaz1ne one year and 4 more the next.<br />

This was on heavy Hempstead loam to Which peat IIIOss..~h¢ been added. Lar~~;,.c<br />

~lJ<br />


197<br />

scale tests on 2 cOlJllllercial plaz:rt1nSs on heavy soUsbowed some initial<br />

burning but later recovery. ' ,<br />

, Apeopy planting at the st~te University ASr1cJ1t~al. and Technical<br />

InetHlJte, at Farlldngdale has. re~e1ved allnUal wint~ tr'eatments, of diuron. "'<br />

up to .4 pounds p~r. acfe ands1illa.Z~ne' up to 10 pOU%1~W per acre for suc.cess1ve<br />

4 ye~e. The treat~nts were 1lIelii:~. ~n a. planting ot:,~,ed varieti,es. . ,',.<br />

Tolerance to .the chemicals e.p,d ~ed.oontrol at .the v~ous rates have been<br />

good: 'Results on commercial pliUltinSs usually have'been successful. Alt/;ieugh<br />

there have been some reportl3 of uneven weed control anainjury t'o peOniesL[L<br />

where granular sime.zine or, ditii.iOrihad been used. The rates were in the range<br />

of 2; to 3 pound~ of. f11\1%'on' or 3 to; 4 pounds a.ctual s;t.ine per acre. Usually<br />

injury has been due to uneven a,1sM-;bution of gran~e., Some of the cro~, "<br />

injury may be due to a variation in the tolerance of,a.few of the mapy<br />

varieties to simazine or diuron. Where simazil;le had. been used for 3 ;Ye$:t'Jf<br />

011peonies, and: d.a1' lilies a redUct1.\lln in vigor was~. '<br />

Soil type ,is one, of the fe.ctorlil apparently respQns1b.le for some, of the<br />

inj141'y when herbic-1des are used at high rates.' W1:tQaJ:IYchemical herbic~~<br />

growers should determine how loW.a :rJate they can use, On their crops and, s;t;W ,<br />

get adequate weed control. RecolllDe&dedrates for l:LBhter soils are usuaJ.;lq<br />

considerably lower than for heavier soils. Herbicides are selective and<br />

should:be tested on a few plants ora variety befor~ lllitge scale usage.<br />

Herbicides must be used at a safe rate and be evenlY !~pplied. I<br />

The usera",<br />

frequently need help in selecting the proper herbio:l.ae,calculating dosages,<br />

and selecting proper application< equipment to avoid diseppointing results<br />

from the use of herbicides.<br />

Although large scole tests b.a,v.~demonetre,ted ci,~!lZ'iy that herbicides ,can<br />

be used safely on some crops for one season, some growers of perennials I1a;ve<br />

noted A reduction of growth after two or three seasons use of the same<br />

herbicide; This e,ge,in eliJPhasizes the value of using'l9Wer rates alternating<br />

with other chemicals and/or cultivation. ,. ' .<br />


1. Ahrens, J. F. 1961. Chemical control. of weeds in nursery plantings.<br />

Conn. Agr. Expt. Ste.. Bull. 638:41p.<br />

2. Bing, A•. 1960,. A comparis0p,ofsome herbicides in flo'jl'ering and corm<br />

yield of gladiolus variety Friendship. NEWcC'14:148-155. , '..<br />

3. Bing, A. 1961. 1960 gladiolus weed control sUDlllia.ry. N.A. Glad.:Lol.us '<br />

Council Bull. 65:71-74.<br />


198<br />



8.YJ. F. Abrens, D. V. Sweet, and J. R. Havis 2<br />

Si.aill8 baa lIecOlM1qeful.lor weeel cOlltf:~l 1.n"ooely ornamentals.,<br />

Conaicler.bJ.e~8l'~atiOD .1n pla1l¢j\.t~1.'J:'ADce baiJ"e,ffeporteel, however?iti,~~ll. in<br />

rate. of_.all1e .aDcI.tIIIOnapl~t- .pecie.. .So!). .t",e, is recopheel to~lu.nce<br />

~~::i;:t~1i::~:i:~.;;t~~r,~~p~:;=~t.J=:i::~i~~t~e::u~:I"',~~o;y<br />

were planll8d Joillt17 b7workefa .t the COllD8ct'ic\it~&I\4.Ma.sachusetts .... IC,u1..<br />

tural Exped_Dt Stations.' .... '~. " . .<br />

" .:.' : ,;;.. " '<br />


Tta ar"Dilou .. tdal ... ; eoDclucteel atWaltliiui.· Mes.achusetta, allcl't1le-:<br />

field test vas conducted at WIDd8Of:,COIU1ecticut.,; ':~~"<br />

GreeEs •• eri_atu:<br />

The so11 mix cOllllated of 2 puts of' ·ft .... ncl7' 10_;' 2 part1l.:aat1,Wl<br />

peat and 1 put baak sand. Dola-itic limestolle .a. addeel .t the rate of<br />

1/2 cupful per bulhel. Fertiliser rates were. 0, 625, alld 1250 pounds of<br />

8-16-16 fertiliser per &Cre, calculated 011 an area basil. SImaline rates<br />

were 0, 1, 2, .ael 4 ,_d. actual per .cre, ca1eu1at:ed 011 an u .. basbic:frOlD<br />

411l'aoulu<br />

soU, _d<br />

f--.alation.<br />

the Illxt.es<br />

ruUU .. zoanci ai_d .. were tboroullll;y1llixH vith<br />

.ere placed, io wooden f·lat.,I foot x 2 feet x' 3 1__ s<br />

deep. Bachtr.at_at .aa replicated thre. tt.s. . cr..<br />

j'J,<br />

PIve' plat. each' of tile followilll vare .at "zoe-root In each nat~'<br />

1m! media .IiW!.. (rooted cutU~~)<br />

LlIYatrY! ibol&u! (rooted cuttl~)<br />

Tsu,a canadeyls (l-year seedUnaa)<br />

The pPert.llt was set u,on JuDe 22, 1961. ,Atthia t1llle cOlDP~d~e soil<br />

s&IIPles of. euhof the fertllher treatment_wete :tUblIlitted to the Mol''' quick<br />

test. .<br />

, So:l.1S&lllple. were al.o talulll on Auplt 1 fr_ the 2-pound rate of.<br />

silDadne. Followina ue the result. of the Au.,astl testl:<br />

Rate of rertllhatioll pH ~ .!!!!t P205<br />

o 6.3 VL L M<br />

625 6.2 L L MH<br />

1250 6.0 MH L MH<br />

These qUick test me.sur"'et. show that<br />

existed durina ~h. perioel of ob"J:'Vatlon.<br />

~o Soluble Salts (1-5)<br />

VL<br />

L<br />

K<br />

.sitterences<br />

. -r.,<br />

o<br />

2.<br />

10<br />

1contrlbution No. 1333 Massacllusetts AgdculturalIXper1lllent Station.<br />

111 fertility levets<br />

2Collnecticut Aaricultural Experimellt Statioll, Windsor J University of<br />

Massachusetts Field Station, Waltham (dece •• ed), and University of<br />

Haal.chua.tta. Ambe~8t. ~ap.~tively.

l!!!! Experiment<br />

A factorial experiment with 3 replications wa. conducted on a Merrimac<br />

sandy loam, part of which had not been fertiUzed fn eeveral yean. The<br />

soU was Umed in AprU 1961 to bring it up to a p8:,of about 6.0. A 10-6-4<br />

fertilizer, with 50 percent of the nitrosen in or saDie form, was applied to<br />

the 9 ft. x 21 ft. plots at rates of 0, 333 or 1,000 Ibs. per acre and disked<br />

in. Three days later (April 18, 1961), three'to five plants of the followins<br />

types and ases were planted into the plots:<br />

199<br />

!!!2! cuspidata - once (2 yr.) and twice (5 yr.) transplanted<br />

Taxu. ~ Mcksi - once transplanted (2 yr.)<br />

I.!!!!! canadensis - twice (4 yr.) and three times (5-6 yr.)transplanted<br />

Ligustrum ovalafolium • once transplanted (2 yr.)<br />

Eu0nY!llUs radicans • once (2 yr.) transplanted<br />

Granular simazine was applied over the soil a¢ rates of 2, 4, and 8 pounds<br />

of active insredient per acre with a lawn spreader. Simazine applications<br />

were made either at 2 or 7 week. after transp1antins. Injury evaluations<br />

were made by three peraons on July 14 and srowthof'lome p1antB was measured<br />

in the fall. control plots not tr.ated with sima.iDe were hoed at 4- to<br />

6-week intervals during the season and at the same time, elcaped weeds were<br />

removed from the simaztne treated plots. '<br />


Greenhouse Experiment<br />

Twoweeks after iniUatioD of the test, LiIU!trum began to exhibit,<br />

chlorosis in the no fertilizer treatments. By the -Irit of August markad<br />

differences in shoot growth and size and color of l.aves of Ligu.trum were<br />

seen. The plante without f ertUh.r had small,.chlQtotic leaves and weak<br />

.hoots. The plants in the mediulllfertility level lII!4ev1sorou. growth, ,<br />

leave. were normal size and medium,to light green ia· color. The Ligu,tr,<br />

plants in the highfertl1ity level made vigorous growth, leaves were 1arae<br />

and dark green. Neither!!!2! nor ..I!!!S.! exhibited foliage difference. or<br />

growth response to the fertilizer IeVeIs. '<br />

Characteristic I1madne injury symptomson L~lfl!trum were lOBSof .<br />

chlorophyll on leaf edges, deve10pins to browning oftha edges, and death of<br />

entire leaves in extr8118 injury •. RatiDgs of deareeOf injury were made on<br />

AugustlO. TberaUnss in Table 1 ,showthat the 8IIOUntof injury to<br />

Ligu.trum was markedlY influences by the fertility treatments. Tbe most<br />

striking influence of fertility 'levels was seen at the i-pound rate of<br />

simadnewhen s,tilvereinjury was exhibited at the lowest fertility and no<br />

injury at the highest fertility level. It was also.tnteresUns to note<br />

that one pound ofsimazine at low fertility gave comparable iafary to<br />

four pound. of 8imazine at high fertility. .<br />

I!!2!, and'Tsus, failed to exhibit injury symptom. from any of<br />

the treatments.<br />


200<br />



stUdDr' ' Petti1izet<br />

, , ,1b.:1 , ; 1b• .!'A<br />

o .\11 level.<br />

11 o<br />

625<br />

1<br />

1250<br />

aate1<br />

RAT~",~. ON,AUGUST10.<br />

I "I J!ilUtt RatiDs2<br />

I~, "<br />

:' i;;<br />

0.00 . a3<br />

",1.43 be<br />

h' :::,O.qoa<br />

0.00 a<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

: ,4<br />

"<br />

0' '.':1<br />

625<br />

1250 .,,";i',"<br />

o<br />

625<br />

1250<br />

':18• 16-16' fal'dl1~r<br />

~o-aoiDjuYf''''lant.daad<br />

, . ~<br />

u,,'<br />

, '3~10 d<br />

0.80 ab<br />

0.00 .,<br />

. 4.50<br />

. 4.50<br />

.1.87,<br />

e'<br />

a<br />

c,<br />

3p1pl'e. withd:ll~.rant iettel'8 'a'i{'~8ltlf:l.cantly<br />

different at p-.Ol' '<br />

:~ i '<br />

,t 'I.,<br />

Pield ExpefimeDt I '<br />

" ,N,!dllli~icant injury '!a. found, in the l!D!, 07;' laraat't.ul5a ev.ti at<br />

8 poutut. of active dudae pew.acre, sliilbt'lJijuy wa. obaerved tD the<br />

nallerI!!!i!!(4yr. becl-grclwil~lanta) at aUrite.'ofdmazine but,'"";<br />

fert1Ut~1s'bad no appueat effect •• , 'Alt~6it ,ie reporte4ly';a<br />

pUmt ofbOrcleru'ae toleraaoe 'to .f.IlIazine,L1s,rQa .bowed prOnQUDce4,'<br />

disc~I07;'ationoltl,. 1D one replication where ra , ,l.tl as tha granular::<br />

silll8sine vai balal,appUed. ,'ID thi. caee tbt!d~~qI07;'.tion was IIlUQh'-!ore<br />

.evere .tthel_at fertilitY );eve!. , Silll8z~-'affectedgrowth 'oftii.l' '<br />

Lipltnua OD~1 at the 8 1&,' per.ere rate. " , "<br />

Eu09Y!Us proved tob.ethe beet indicator, of s1lpazioe in theeoU,<br />

D1ecoloratioilof ~, .~thc?ush confined to 'i_'_SiDs in ma~~~aea,<br />

was found in 'aU' the.illl8dae-.tr.ated plota, ",'Al.t!'tiOUghllO Buonm.pfab<br />

were killed by .:I.mazill8,.evere yel10wiDgand l(i.aof leeveawae evi4tMt<br />

oDplaatatreatedwith the a.;"OIiia4per acre late;: ,'1'bia diacoloratt~'<br />

wa•• omewhat:reducall at.,the btlhel' fartUU;y 1~18~ 'aa ehown ,la T.~U"Z •.<br />

, .' " "',' J ',' " • "", 'r<br />

'. 'i'imaof .bIazi~ appltcadoD~fter plaatilMiba.4 110dgniflcant:<br />

effact 011 the'iaju1.";Y ratins aD'd,the data frOlll .tlW 2'" aad7-we.k ~reatMate<br />

are combinecl.in Tabta 2, .: Wb8" the veedawerecotitrol1edby periocU:c'<br />

hoelUS, growth of the fa.t growiUS lUolte. and"Ltsp.trum . "ae .ffect'H .<br />

very little. b,. added fertilizer!.<br />

Sima.ina at 4 Ibe, per acre appear a to .tt.Dlate growth de.pltetbe<br />

foliase diacoloratioa, To properly aeparate compatitive effects of waads<br />

vith chemical .ffect, pel' ee, future work should iavolve r8lllOVingwead. J

frOlll plot. at .horter i*nalt (~ to 3.,.. > •• out the .ea.on. Iven<br />

with sen.itive plaot •• uch •• t::!zau.,. d.e.leterlOU. competitive effect. of<br />

w•• d. appe.r: to out:wi.h .f.maa .. ,.•n.oU.<br />

o<br />

o<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

WIll ;2. urllC'J:Of,naTILQll ,ON,SQ.fUPII INJURY<br />

PI.'I'III~~'<br />

.' 'TOI170t1J1*"MPW6"<br />

5i_aiDe Rat. .rft'tilb.t;.a~.t ' Di'~016r:.dcHI Growth above 6't3 ..<br />

,Pa.IA U..~/. :",. R.t=~ ". ' S./plot ,. ;J:'<br />

o<br />

333 '<br />

1000.. ,:1

202<br />

'Ch"ica~;~ CofttrOl,1.<br />

f!Ml t<br />

CbUriP~il 'm:l\ d;:,l<br />

CSu1tivatioit'ib field' ofe.t.'lihfid'llOod1' C)~talll'.... lta in good<br />

weed control ift area. b.e.e.npl .... Nn.' ..... eI!~.VitWillpta to ou1tivat.<br />

very c10.. ,to,p~n~J:'~a re.ult!.!~,~cban1oal1nJml~~·plaftts. ,if:<br />

_lean<br />

. "'~':'~fl1'.;~q<br />

culu. i.<br />

m' , •. &." •• _,._...._.~<br />

not po.aibWJit tou1d be lIed.able<br />

q, .. ,:'. ..<br />

In areaa-1fheN.<br />

to apply a herbicide which haa both a poat-.arg8Dc. and a pre-emergence<br />

cida1 activity. ' : '.~;. 0<br />

berbi-<br />

~(f<br />

The herbicide, uaed in woody-ornamental p1ant'0ti. Uin1y of th. pr."<br />

emergence typ..~ltbouah a fev.,~an be us.d<br />

a pr.- and po.t-ellersence herbid'..<br />

aa a po.t ....<br />

:)<br />

rs.nce or a. both<br />

f[i<br />

Several berbl&1des and herble1.e combination ..... teated for pre- and<br />

polt- .. rgence weed control in an e.tabUabed I!!Y! planting.<br />

?!,'j_1~ 1

6.50<br />

Table 1. Effe,ct of p"e- an

204<br />

TIa foUow11l8'U_U1enta gaft:'''a.tti~"tory' wee&~l: Alitldne at 2'~ l ••.<br />

and 8 pounda per acre; Atratoae aDd Simadne, ~'l +£:S.8ftd 2'+ 6 poundl per<br />

acre; Atra&1ne-8G at 4 and 8 pouDda per acre; S1m&IIlne-4G at 8 pounds pel'<br />

acre i -and· APe 68-"at'8 poum!rpft" acre_' ..._.... . . .<br />

, ... IJ:~ ~.'<br />

._t',1n.!~,u:~~f! P.19tS tr"lt'~i.JtLtbtbel•..bemu.u.uat111 shoWd' ....<br />

weed CQl1t~ol; Aal1dne at 8 po",pd~ per .cre; Atr.t. aDd SiJladae atl~(t.r~<br />

.tradp;~llG at 8 pouDda per a~!~i and S1mIldne-4G .t, ~., pounda per acre.<br />

" ..... ~J;: ..'; . . ..V . . .<br />

Tt14a"redOlDi~t weedlve~ ..lel1ow foxtail. quac •• II. d.ndel1an. chicory.<br />

IDUJ,C:«.d ..,.Srllell.folitall. lamb-quarter. winter,cr· ••• C&a.d., th1atle, tUlllbl.. ,~.<br />

PennaYJ,,~~la ... rtweed. dog f~l. and gJ:een pipted •. Other weed. ~I!'h<br />

tt..oth", ~n ragweed. yelle,l.pdsorrel. vild ~~t. prickly let;t~f',<br />

barnya~~~•••• three .eeded ~~fUry. nodding .purp"lwbite cockle. ground<br />

cherry. purple lovegra... v114 \1:?~kwheat • milkweed ,. \~"ckeeed plantaia.<br />

cUl'b~ .~ock. Ml1~" burdock.. .rauab~.. aad...dowIlybrOlMlr ....<br />

(' ". , \' I) .•<br />

10·hublc1dal injury va. ,RI!.-rved on any of the T~ plana. even<br />

tboush ..t'h4t. b•• al foUagetwbic~(~ sprayed. val in an ~Uve .tage of<br />

growth,!,.<br />

i<br />

. -, ,:",' " .<br />

:p~v~ ,pre- aDd POlt-emuS.:': herbicldel and ee-blQ&tton. were appUed<br />

to par~~~ly-c1ean. cultiv.tedp.l,antingl of mature I!!!I! plante. Three rata.<br />

of a,p.pU.ca:UOI1p.lu, ao..untreatllcLcbeck nre ...l'ep1icated .four t1lDa. in a -- _ .<br />

• pUt p1,oe deeign. O:i<br />

•<br />

Attar: 12 weelul tbe follo~ treatment. gave IOOd weedcontrol with no<br />

injury ,to.ctlva17 sroring ea~.~.hed I!!!:!! plante: AaaiBioe at 8 pOUDd. per<br />

acr •• Ati.toa •. aoc!S1lIlazf.oe at ...2 ..+....6 pounda p.r.ac&:e~ Au_iDe-sa atS-pouncIa<br />

per acre. aDd Simuin.-4G at 8 pounds per acre. .<br />


205<br />



Al~ertDiDario, H~ H~~arris, T. L. Curr,y and L. G. Utterl<br />

Field studies were intt1a~d in 1959, at~'P;;inesville, Ol:lio, and,<br />

expanded in 1960 and 1961 to detJ):'liI1rie bo th the weedicide activity oi'DACTHAL<br />

l:lerbicide (dimethYl-ester of tett'ao!lloroterephthalic., ac,1d)and the tolerance<br />

exhibited by ornainentals to trea1flftih'ts with this material. During this three ...<br />

year period, awi1ie range ofsee¢lJ~;;:transplanted and established ornlll\lentlil<br />

crops in 90 genera were evaluate¢,:in~ found to be completely tolerant to<br />

DACTHALherbicide at rates up to~lS'p'ounds active per acre. Such broad. ~roP<br />

tolerance WO\lJ,dpef/llit spray an~altl~ular treatments: to. be made in seed beds,<br />

lining out ofnur~ stockand~.'],i!.hdscaped plantings when these crops ate<br />

grown on mineral soils. .....<br />

Detaiis on the: procedU:f.e$~d results of these tests follow.<br />

Materials<br />

and Methods:<br />

Ornamental species listed in the following cai;egories were treated<br />

with DACTHALup to 15 pounds active per acre in the three-year trial. The listing<br />

shows plant species and yea,r(s);inc1uded in the field test program. (1)<br />

indicates inclusion in the 1961 tes~; while (0) is for 1960 and (9) for 19S9<br />

test periods, respectively:<br />


Abe1ia grandiflora 1<br />

Euxus sempervirens 1<br />

Cotoneaster sa1icifolia 1<br />

Deutzia gracilis 1 "<br />

Euonymous~ compacta 1<br />

Forsythia intermedia.O, 1<br />

Hedera Helix 0, :c' "<br />

~gea sp, , Nikko ,Blue i<br />

I ex Aquifolimn 0,1' .', '<br />

I. crenata convexa 9, 0, 1<br />

Juni~erus chinensis, Hetzi 1<br />

Kalmu latifol1a 1 ..<br />

r:rgustrmn :vulgare 0, 1<br />

Magnolia SoUlangeana 0; 1<br />

Mahonia nervosa 0, 1<br />

Parthenocissus tricusgidata 9, O~;.J: -r<br />

Philadelphus virginalJ.s 1 ._.<br />


Achillea spp. (mixed) 0, 1<br />

~ genevensis 0, 1<br />

Anchusa myosotidiflora<br />

Aquilegia spp.:,.(llybrids)<br />

Artemesia albula 1<br />

Aster spp. (mixed) 0, 1<br />

C'iiiiiPanulapSrsu:ifolia 1, .<br />

Chrysanthemmn aPP., (miXed) 0, 1<br />

Coreopsis ver~icil1ata 0, 1<br />

Dianthus sp, , Her Majesty 0, 1<br />

Dicentra spectabilis O~ 1<br />

Delphinimn spp, (mixed) 0, 1<br />

Echinacea ~urea 1<br />

Erica carnea. ,<br />

ii'e'UcIierasanguinea 0, 1<br />

Hosta undulata 1<br />

Iberis s~rens 0, 1<br />

* Registered Trademark' of Diamon4 Alkali Company ,<br />

1 Senior Research B101cgists, Formulation Chemist, and Manager, Agricultural<br />

Chemicals Research, respectively,T. R. Evans Research Center, Diamond<br />

Alkali Company, Painesville; Ohio .


Picea glauca 1<br />

Pieris j:aponica,O,..l<br />

Pinus ~lvestris 1<br />

mots~a taxifolia glauca 1<br />

Rhododen ron' .catawb1ltnse·,0, '1'<br />

R.,molle9,O.1 " .....<br />

Iiosi1ii'WtU'lo~a japonica, 0, 1··'<br />

,B.• IWP, Radiance. 0, L '...<br />

~V~()uttei1,<br />

SyrIIlga V\(sat'is.1.'.<br />

Taxus cu~:ldata 9 ~ 0, 1<br />

i~ta t:iitata.9, 0, 1<br />

T':"":Cs<br />

lfhli.a oec den is ~ 1<br />

srga canadensis 1 ..<br />

We selia sp.,Java Red 1<br />

, ; + ~<br />

'U-.<br />


.. .' :<br />

f .-'<br />

1<br />


, .,\<br />

;, !'.<br />


,. c . ;'.<br />

Malus.'SP·'·;t<br />

mca's'p'o a:<br />

tfr@ sp, l'<br />

r,osmos ap.,Sensation .1' "~'. . . . ._._<br />

~h~~9:·pi~r~er~al.l.,~.}·.<br />

Helianthus sp.•, Surtd8id a r'<br />

Helichrys\lll .bractBat.um·1 ..<br />

Impatiens balsamtria 1<br />

Ipomea RUilu.tea 1 -. .<br />

I. sp.excana alba 1<br />

tat1Xrus odoratus (miXed) i<br />

Rira i~is Jalapa (lIiixed) 1<br />

~uamoclit sloter1 1 ." -<br />

agetes sp., Naughty Marietta 1<br />

'ropaeolum m~r 1 -<br />

~innia sp., umination 1<br />


ilf<br />

Aohillea f'Ui~endulina 1 .<br />

A eratum sp.<br />

A ssum saxat:l.le· oompactUlli1<br />

t em s ttriotoria 1<br />

Aster spp.,

The 1959 and 1960 replicated field plots variedinsie,e and de~~<br />

depending upon the availability of 'species, plant characteristics and the number<br />

of replications. Plot sizes ranged from 9 to 27 square feet and replications<br />

from 2 to 14. All plant rnaterials were grown on well-drained sandy lOalllB~ .. ;., ....<br />

The formulations used included DACTHALW-50~DACTHAL G-5F~ a five<br />

percent fast water disintegrating granular and one' and one-half percent granulars<br />

in two ,formulattone, DAC'lHAL;~l.5F and DAC'lHAIt'G-l.5S,; DACTHALG-l'.SF<br />

has the prope:ptyof .relatively fast ,water-dhintegr&!ll1onin comparison with<br />

DACTHALG-l.5S. Tb.e~e granulat"f'oI'lllulations were applted at rates to give',<br />

10 and 15 pounds active per acre on the herbaceous ornamental group and 5)'10<br />

and 15 pounds active on the woody ornamental species.<br />

The wettable powder was mixed with water for application at the rate<br />

of 150 gallons per acre with a small plot sprayer. The granular formulations<br />

were applied by hand with a perforated shaker 'for,e_e of application and to<br />

obtain unUormity in. distributiOn. The plots were treated as soon as possible<br />

after transplanting, usually the ro1i6wing day. In some instances, where<br />

treatments were delayed because of inclement weat!J.e;rJthe plots were handhoed<br />

beforeprt:j;;.'Emlergence treatments.<br />

.'<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> c"bntrol data were obt'ained by making weed counts of the entire<br />

plot area , except in the case of RhOdodendron mo11e;(plots~ where the high<br />

purslane popUlation dictated counting' a measured small plot sector~ <strong>Weed</strong><br />

counts were made twice at approximately 5 and 11 weekS after applications.<br />

Plant response or injUry evaluation was based on observational<br />

ratings on a scale of 0 .. no injury to 11 • entire plant dead. These ratings<br />

were made at the time of the two weed counts.'"<br />

During 1961 ~ woody shrubs i. bare-rooted tr$~ liners and perennial '<br />

herbaceous transplants were planted in two adjacent:'ireas of approximatel;y'<br />

three-fourths acres each. The ornamental species in'each of these areas were<br />

planted in double rows with three of each species opposite one another in<br />

adjacent rows. This gave a total of six plants of each species grouped together.<br />

The plantings were replicated four times in each area for a total of 48 plants<br />

of each s pedes. Seeded annual and perennial flowei-ing species were planted<br />

in one and one-half foot sections within each row. The two areas were on a<br />

poorly.;drained Caneadea silt loam. i,<br />

One area' was sprayed with' DACTHALw-50' atthe rate ··6f 10 pounds<br />

active per acre and the other with the same formulati!c)1'l at 15 pounds acM,ve<br />

per acre. A 50..gaJlLon, tractor-mounted low pressureIPTO:"driven field gpta;rer<br />

was utUizedfor app¥ng DACTHALherbicide under actual field conditions.'<br />

It had a boom·containing a Tee Jet 8006 nozzle and the sprayer was operat13d<br />

to deliver 56 gallons of water per acre. All crops except the trees were<br />

treated with a topical application> pre-emergence t~ tihe weeds. Application<br />

was made on a band 20 inches wide. The trees were spra:red on eaoh side of' the<br />

row pre-emergence to weeds with the nozzle placed on the end of the boom to<br />

cover a swath 20 inches wide from two sides. Some overlapping in this application<br />

occurred.<br />


, '; , "~ ,j i,<br />

!p1ot1e'~ OGnsll1ted·pr:l.mari~;'<br />

,'lhe,weed. spectra in the 349S9-1960, tellt<br />

of crabgrass~,,~1ene' and lambsqu8rtera, lohich'were:tl"ecerded aeparatelt, and<br />

of commonchickweed, red sorrel, ragweed, smartweed, pigweed and horsenettle,<br />

which 'Wlill'e.lpmpedtogether, in the ,miscellaneous' oolUllln'oif."the table which<br />

foUQWs, ain.Oe,these were minor compared with theevual11feed popUlati()ns~ 1<br />

Ragwee~J,emaZ'twe.d and('l;1l~Z!8enettJ.e were riotfouzid ''to''tie..IUElrieptible, at 'least<br />

to the' rates"O'f ~G$'HAL herbieideus8d ,in these·test,,, i.' Intermediate to v~able<br />

control. of, p!gI«led."was obtained in ,the tests.iJ:)atallhown in Table ! are[·r<br />

fromrtoe BQst~niv,plots. d [ ,:', "<br />


Form.<br />

w-50<br />

G-1.5F<br />

G-l.5s<br />

:1,'::r'": .'1..<br />

,TABLE I<br />

. "jj"

209<br />


Average <strong>Weed</strong> Cont~l ExhibitedbtiilACTHAL<br />

Formulations Applied on Ilex crenat&convexa<br />

Percent <strong>Weed</strong>rControl<br />

DACTHAL RatEi Cr'a\)grass Purslane taiilbsqutrs. MiscellaneG\is<br />

Form.' lbActive/A 7/6 EZ5 7/8 8(5 7/]':8/5 7/8 .8t:><br />

W-50 5 100 100 98 96 94 100 48 52<br />

10 100 100 100 100 98 95 46 .j?<br />

15 100 100 100 100 99 100 42 "46'<br />

G-l.5F 10 100 ).(10 100 100 95 99 53 ,746<br />

15 100 98 100 100 92 100 36 ::4"'5<br />

G-5 5 97 94 99 99 90 92 36 38<br />

10 100 99 100 100 93 96 36 41<br />

15 98 98 100 96 91 94 47 50<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>s!ft 2 of Check Plots 4 6 . 2 3 1 3 1 2<br />

Treatments applied 10/23/59 and 6/10/60<br />

Crabgrass, purslane and l~squarter s were the, predominant weeds in<br />

these plots. Ragweed, commonchi,ckweed and grape frQm,pomace are included in<br />

the miscellaneous column. Good weed control was secured in these plots<br />

throughout late fall. The effectiveness of the two treatments could be observed<br />

in the long period of weed control and a sharp delixwationwas observed in the<br />

fall 'between them, and the unt.reabedcnecks , createdby' the germination and '<br />

invasion of Poa annua at the extremities of the plots. The absence of Poa<br />

~ in the tra'iited areas strongly suggested effectllve control of this <strong>Weed</strong>.<br />

The results reported from P31'thenocissus tr1cu!!pidata and ~convexa<br />

plots are' typical for all thE; herbaceous and woodY or~entals under test<br />

during 1959--1960. "<br />

As can be seen from the list of ornamentals which tolerated treatments<br />

with DACTHALherbicide, plant response is quite favorable. However, duri,r\lL<br />

1960 seven herbaceous species exhibited some degree of plvtotoxicity as shMl<br />

in ~l'able III.

210<br />

, "<br />


~<br />

DIarithus<br />

Iris<br />

taVandula<br />

Teucrium<br />

Veronica<br />

violli<br />

Plant Response Exhibited: ,"'Seven Herbac.o.asOrnamentals to<br />

FarmulatiCin8;:,and Rates of EaCDlAL<br />

2 o<br />

1 1<br />

51142 '10<br />

2<br />

o<br />

2<br />

2<br />

o 2<br />

1 1;<br />

5<br />

1 2<br />

o 2<br />

1 :)j<br />

2 2<br />

10 it~:~on 8/?I~:~b~·5i51b_, '<br />

o \0 0 0<br />

o "0 '0 0<br />

58 5 6<br />

o 0 0 0<br />

0"0 0 0'[<br />

o 0 0 0<br />

o 0 0 0<br />

The '1961 tests, hoWever, do not conf'1nn tJ111.these species, when<br />

transplanted and treated, are injUred. Iris planted in 1960 were from div;i.sions<br />

while those transplanted in 1961 were no~It is sliggested that t hepr~ "<br />

cause of untavorableresponse to this species resUlted trom poor divisiori5~<br />

rather than to phytotoxicit,r from chemical treatment.<br />

,• 'AllwoodY'shrubs , trees and perennial her~eous t ransPlantslined<br />

out tn 1961 'exhibited nl) phytot

Where the weed eompleJl;conststs of annual grasses and of certain<br />

annual broadleaved WEed species,DACTHAL herbicide can be economically utilized<br />

in commercial nursery plantings.<br />

It is evident that economical control of broadleaved weeds such<br />

as ragweed, hOr!36l1ettle and smartweed cannot be obtained with DACTHALat the<br />

rates used in ,these. test,s. This confirms previous findings of their lack of<br />

susceptibility to DAC,THAL. '<br />

It was also demonstrated from the data that the wettable powder<br />

and G-l.5 formulntions were more effective than the!l-5 granular because<br />

optilnum coverage of the treated areas with the higher concenbrated granular<br />

formulat,ion coul.d not be o~tained."<br />

211<br />

1 '<br />

~{ ;<br />


lA.aistant Profeasor of Orn.mental Horticulture, Col18ge of Agriculture,<br />

Th. Penn.vlvant • .Rt:A~. n"fv "9_"n4 1)a" 'D .. __ .1 _'.<br />

!'l;;~ :<br />

Pr .. ~1abt'WetdcCoftt~ol<br />

Chilo Baramaki 1<br />

in Ha~ rtantillg8 . 1:>'<br />

Dudng.l':60. Pft)Ia1sing,re*ult:iI were obtaiMd 'tnt1ie ueeofpre-plane'<br />

herb:LdJe. inrtbaoontrol of '.filS!!.' in pfttl1tA~,I\S pl*iiJt:iog.. , The te.t8 vm<br />

' I, .<br />

expanded thi' year by inclucling narigolds in the tut.... '.ISroof tbe..o~:o<br />

promising chemical. in 1960 were kept and three other. added.<br />

I.!<br />

~Jr~')<br />

BArEHuM' !.lm'J!m!Q!S' ')",'<br />

,,',• ':,~"<br />

• ':.i t-. ,'.,: ;Jj: .;": .' , l~jJJ;,<br />

The te,te were made in a Hagerst.l)l!ID.ilt l~gtll'lchwa. Z'Otottl1~rrL,<br />

several times to a depth of 5-6 lnches. Pivo herbicidal at tbree concentrations<br />

plu. an entreated check were replicated three times in a split<br />

plot design. Bach plot had an area of 100 square feet.<br />

The herbicide' were applied on June 5, 1961. The air tempe•• cure w••<br />

in the SO's and the so11 temporature at 6 inches depth was 6BoF. The herbicide.<br />

u~ad included Casoror., EP1~, St~uffer a-1607, Ti11am and Vorlex. Bacb<br />

of the fir.t four chemicals were applied by fir.t mixing tha chemical with<br />

a .ufficient 8IIIOuntof water to maleea gallon of mixture and then sprlnkliq<br />

this amount on eech plot.<br />

The.e plot. were rototi11ed to a depth of 2-3 incbes immediately after<br />

herbicide application. Vor1ex we. injected into tba sol1 with a fUllllgun.<br />

ODahundred eighty one ,injection., each approximafl8ly 9 inches apart wera<br />

made in each plot. All of the plots were heavily weterad aftar treatment.<br />

Spry, a dwarf double Prench mari801d was planted in all of the plot.<br />

at different date. following soil treatment. Bight plant. were transplant.d<br />

in each plot at tbe following interYal after treatment: one day, two day.,<br />

one week, -.0 weeks, three week., and four weeks. Another planting ws.<br />

made in the fiftb week in the Vorlex treated plots.<br />


The plots were checked for weed prevalence on July 5, and August<br />

17, 1961, which were approximately 4 and 10 week. after treatment. Tha data<br />

on weed prevalence I.e .UIIIJlar:lzedin Table 1. After four weaks weed control<br />

in all treatment. was good except in the check plot. and tho.e treated with<br />

Vorlo at ~ and I.iquart per 100 lMluarefeet. After 10 week. good weed<br />

control wa. obaerved in the plotl t ....at.d with c.aoroo at 2, 4 and 8 poUDda<br />

per acre, EPTCat 10 pound. per acre, and R-1607 at 5 and 10 pound. per<br />

acre.<br />

The predomineat weed. were: tuableweed, gre.p pigweed, green and<br />

yellow foxtail, lambaquarter, winter cree., Pennsylvania smartweed, and<br />

hairy crabgrae.. Le.ser frequent .. eds included: canada thlaUe, bitterdock,<br />

dog fennel, three •• eded mercury, pur.lane, ca.mon ragwe.d, black

......<br />

1.67,<br />

213<br />

Table 1. Effect of pre-plant herbicide. on weed. w~.lence. Treated<br />

JUGe5.1961. .L<br />

,<br />

C" , ''C'' .<br />

Active . u_ ... "-evalence* '.'<br />

Herbicide Rate Ju1v5 1961 AWl. 17 1961<br />

.' ., , '.<br />

cesoron 0 2.33<br />

I,; 6.67 L..:,<br />

21/A 1.00 r~ ,'> 1.67 .,<br />

MIA 1.00 2.00<br />

81/A 1.00 >-' 1.00,<br />

..,.<br />

EPTC -: 0 ..';'''- 2.67 .<br />

7.67,,,<br />

21s1/A ., :.~ I 1.33, ,. 6.67 :Ji<br />

SIll.. 1.00 . -:'"·.:'\'i :' 4.00<br />

101/1.. 1.00 '".:,., 1.00<br />

,.<br />

. ,<br />

a-1607 0 2.67 . ~ 7.00<br />

21st/A .. 1.00 -, 3.00- If'<br />

s'/A 1.00 '-"r', 2.33 I<br />

1011A 1.00 -t. 2.00<br />

.<br />

..<br />

Tillem 0 1.00 6.33<br />

"<br />

2'11/1.. ", 5.00·<br />

SlIA 1.33 3.67<br />

101iA 1.00 3.67<br />

Vodo 0 6.00- 8.00<br />

\ Qt./1OO sq. Ie;. 4.00 . ~) '. 10.00<br />

\ Qt./100 sq. ft. 3.67 10.00<br />

1 Qt./100 sq. ft. 1.00 6.67<br />

* 1. No <strong>Weed</strong>s<br />

10 • 100%<strong>Weed</strong>Coverage<br />


Effective weed control with little or .. injury to the marigold tr ... •<br />

plants "18re obtaiIied with EPTCat 10 pounds per aCl'e. and 1-1607 at S<br />

and 10 pound. per acre. Casoron at 2 and 4 pounds per acre gave good wac!<br />

bindweed. ,.. cldial·.purp,:c ..... ;ul1ow .• heab:l.t.~:;""'1··.: p1ataltl., "'J,~,::<br />

shepherds purse. quacksrass. milkweed. velvet1 .. f. pokebeny.'badock.<br />

yellow woodsorre1. IlUstard. c~n niptshade. white campion. wUd lettuce.<br />

chttlary, srolJDdchen'y. n,me--teand saDdworr.·yanw-.- dandel1on. lIIOun- ...",.<br />

ea~~. chic __ • l.a4,nepta~.~~e. .~; ~ _ . ~

215<br />

Table 2. Bffect of pre-plant herbicides and weed competition on marigolds.<br />

Checked eleven weeds after treatments.<br />

~tDe of TransDlantinR After Treatment<br />

Active 1 2 1 2 3 4 5<br />

Herbicide Rate day days week weeks weeks weeks weeks<br />

Casoron 0 0.83 1.04 0.38 0.58 0.58 1.25<br />

211A 1.21 0.67 0.50 0.63 0.17 0.25<br />

44/A 1.50 .1.88 1.33 1.00 1.33 1.25<br />

81/A ·4.50 3.71 2.29 1.67 1.17 2.25<br />

EPTC 0 1.13 1.63 1.21 0.79 1.00 2.08<br />

2W/A 0,67 0.25 0.71 0.42 0.46 o.n<br />

5'/A .0.29 0,33 0.25 0.08 0.04 0.08<br />

1011A 0.33 0.46 0.71 ! 0.42 0.21 0.54<br />

a-1607 0 0.92 .1.54 1.50 0.79 0.96 0.88<br />

21t11A 0.38 0.33 0.13 0.29 0,13 0.33<br />

511A 0.75 0.50 0.04 0.13 0.38 0.38<br />

1011A 0.08 0.71 0.21 0.17 0.17 0.13<br />

Till am 0 0.71 0.54 0.58 0.63 0.54 0.75<br />

2%#/A .1.13 1.08 0.71 0.50 0.58 0.47<br />

lilA 0.29 0.38 0.33 0.42 0,00 0.38<br />

10#/A 0.83 0.67 0.53 0.21 0.71 0.13<br />

Vorlex 0 2.13 2.33 2.00 1.33 1.83 1.38 1.83<br />

t Qt.!lOO sq. ft. 4.58 4.25 3.21 2.58 2.88 2.79 2.83<br />

\ Qt./lOO sq. ft. 4.25 3.71 3.21 3.44 3.06 2.83 2.92<br />

1 Qt./l00 sq. ft. 3.17 2.42 2.29 1.00 0.92 1.42 1.33<br />

Plant Injury Scale:<br />

o - No Inj'lry<br />

1 - Very elight chlorosis or necrosis<br />

2 - Slight chlorosis cr necrosis<br />

3 - Moderate chlorosis or necrosis<br />

4 - Severe chlorosis or necrosis<br />

5 - Dead

'::;'.' .<br />

21:6 - ..<br />

' .....<br />

Table 3. Height of llIIlrigold p1anu<br />

treatment.<br />

in inch.... 1~_ weeki after<br />

T~of Tranlu1antiu<br />

After Treatment<br />

Active 1 2 1 2 3 i 4 5<br />

Herbicide ··bte da" d.,,1 week .. ekl .. ekl weeka .. eJr.,<br />

C.loron 0 .. 110.2' 10.13 11.42 10.71 10.21 9.71<br />

211A 7.71 8.71 9.92 9.42 9.00 10.25<br />

4I/A 6.25 6.00 7.67 8.08 8.13 7.92<br />

lilA r.es 2.83 .5.58 7.21 7.96 ·7.92<br />

EnC 0 9.42 8.75 9.33 10.13 9.63 7.58<br />

2.,11. 10.~ 10.50 10.58 10.58 9.83 9.75<br />

5I/A 10.12 11.08 11.17 11.75 11.38 11.54<br />

1011A :1O.0S 10.79 10.58 10.38 10.21 10.08<br />

a-1607 0 11.04 9.17 9.42 10.08 8.71 9.96<br />

2\111. 10.3S 11.21 10.88 10.38 10.83 10.25<br />

5#/1. 10.67 10.54 11.13 11.17 10.17 11.13<br />

1011A 10.25 .9.00 10.75 10.21 10.71 11.25<br />

Till_ 0 10.33 11.3. 10.79 10.67 10.08 9.88<br />

21s11A 9.58 9.88 10.08 10.33 10.08 10.46<br />

Sf/A 10.71 10.33 .10.25 10.58 10.08 10.58<br />

1011A 10.11 10.13 10.67 9.86 10.79 11.00<br />

Vorla 0 9.79 8.79 10.29 11.13 9.38 10.67 10.13<br />

~ Qt./l00 Iq. ft. 2.08 4.21 8.38 19.15 8.58 9.75 8.96<br />

.~ Qt./olOOIq. ft. . 4.13 5.38 7.71 '9 •.54 9.46 9.17 8.04<br />

1 Qi:.I1OOaq. ft. 3.63 6.29 1.08 :9.00 9.04 9.13 10.21

.217<br />

Pive pre-plant herbicide. were applied at three concentrations. Marigold<br />

plants were transplanted 1n tbe treated plata one day. two days. one<br />

week. two weeks. three weeks. four weaks and five weaks after treatment.<br />

After<br />

~ , ..<br />

io weeks C8soron ali. 4 aDd 8 pound,,.... acra. £PTC at 10<br />

pounds per acre aDd R-1607 a~ S and 10 pounds perM ..e still produced<br />

good weed control.<br />

The renlts indicate thlat •• 18Qlda can .aCely be tranapl.nted in'<br />

the BPTC, "R-1607. and Tlllam traated plots one day after treatment. A<br />

few days dalay 1f88 naacl8d in. daecasoron and Vodex. tlleated plata.<br />

Effective weed control wit:h,UtUe or noinjuc, to the marigold<br />

traDaplant. were obtained with-me.a 10 pound. per acre. aDdR-1607<br />

at S and 10 pound. per acre. ca.orol1 at 2 .and 4,peuads per acra gave<br />

good weed control but at least a week after treatment was necessary before<br />

transplanting.<br />

.i .<br />


lA•• i.tant Prof ••• or of Ornam.nt.l Horticultur., Coll.ge of Agricultur., The<br />

'D , a 11- _ ,r- _ 'D_.1. 'Da._ ••• 1 •••• 'lI!l<br />

218<br />

Pre.Planting Herbicid. Appli.ation. for <strong>Weed</strong> Control<br />

in Petunia Plantlna'<br />

., maiko Rar~kli .:~~j", i<br />

In the 1960 tr1all two chemicall, CalOron .Dd BPTCg.v. highly<br />

proaiilns' re.1ilu'., pr.-plaM ... rbidd •• '01' 'pet.... 'pl.aUng.. The<br />

two chMtC&l. wrel'.coatlnaell t.il te.t. in 1961itijei:1lerwitb neY cba8tca1a<br />

thought to b. promi.ing for the ... ding of thia crop.<br />

r.<br />

Th• .,.._DC .... OODClUcCHon a 1I8gec.COilnf'IUt 10. IOU. 'lbe<br />

.0U was rotoUll.d •• val'al tiM. to a d.pth of 5 to 6 inches prior to<br />

treetIMnC.',IIt.·plote were, loa'.qua". f •• tin·'autlo-Th. pl'.-plant<br />

herblcid •• WH .ppUed at t ..... d1ft.rant, raCe.cos.th.1'with • unUM'H<br />

check'~ 'Th. tr ..... nU .. r. "pUcatH thr •• t •• -in a .pUt plot d.d ...<br />

, . ':.~ ... f<br />

Th. h.rbicide. uaed:<br />

C&.oron (lIi.gara) ••••• ppli.d .t th. r.t. of 2, 4 .nd 8 pound.<br />

of .ctive ingr.di.nt per acre. A lallon of e.ch .olution<br />

... applied to e.ch plot.<br />

,BPTe (St.uff.r) - we. appli.d at the r.te. of 2\, 5, .nd 10 pouDd.<br />

of .ctiv. ingredient per .cre. Th. concentr.t. w••• ixed<br />

with • .ufficient amount of w.t.r to make • g.llon of<br />

.ixture, which we. applied to e.ch plot.<br />

1l-1607 (St.uffer) - w.. .ppli.d at the ... r.t.. .nd the ...<br />

unn.r •• BPTC.<br />

Till.. (Stauff.r) - w.. applied at the ... r.te. and conc.ntration<br />

•• !PTC and 1l-1607.<br />

Vorlex (Morton) - a 100'%.active •• t.dal we. appli.d at the rat.a<br />

of ~, \ and 1 quart per 100 .quare fe.t. Th. Vorlex ...<br />

inject.d into the IOU .ith a '.laUD. 100 lnjectioDl .. re<br />

made per plot at a .p.cing of 12 lochea by 12 inche ••<br />

The h.rbicide. were applied on June 1, 1961. All of the plot. except<br />

tho .. tre.ted with Vorlex were rototilled to a d.pth of 2-3 inches after<br />

applicatlon. All plot. war. h.avily watered aft.r treacaent. On the day of<br />

treatment, the air tepper.tur .... in the 80'. and the .oil temper.tur.<br />

at 6 inch •• depth .a. 60°'.<br />

The varlety grown wa. Sllv.r Medal, an '1 hybrid multiflora .ingl.<br />

petunia. Blibt plantl were traDlpl.nted into aach plot on each of th.<br />

dat •• following tr.atalent: one d.y, two d.y., four day., on.... k, two .... ,

219<br />

Table 1. Effect of pre-p1anthelfbicides on veed~v.1ence. Treated<br />

JaM 1, 1961.<br />

Active<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>Prevalence'"<br />

Herbicide Rate Ju1v 05 1961 AWl:.22. 1961<br />

Casoron 0 7.33 10.00<br />

211A 1.67 8.33<br />

"<br />

411A 1.33 4.00<br />

I'<br />

alIA 1.00 2.00<br />

EPTC 0 7.00 J.'';; 6.67<br />

,<br />

2%,#lA 4.33 1.33<br />

o5IIA 2.67 6.00 '<br />

lOIIA 2.33 7.67<br />

R-1607 0 8.67 10.00<br />

:<br />

2W/A 6.33<br />

9.61<br />

"/A 1.00 5.33<br />

I<br />

10#/A 1.00 1.67<br />

TU1am 0 8.00 10.00<br />

21t11A 7.67 8.67<br />

511A 5.00 8.00<br />

10#/A 2.33 5.67<br />

, ' ,<br />

Vor1ex 0 8.00 10.00<br />

\ Qt./100 sq. ft. 8.33 10.00<br />

• Qt./100 sq. ft. 8.33 9.67<br />

1 Qt./100 sq. ft. 4.67 9.33<br />

"<br />

'" 1. No <strong>Weed</strong>s<br />

10 • 10~ <strong>Weed</strong>Coverage<br />

');'<br />


The petunial in the Till .. treated plots exhibited little to moderate<br />

reduetion in 8rowth due to weed competition. Thi. injury decreas.d a. the<br />

herbicide concentration was increased. No injury WI obaened due to<br />

220<br />

and 3 weeks.' . In' the Yorl~ 'tnatad p10te n add4t¢oaal planting. was .......<br />

the fourth week following treatment. All of the p1ants'vere watered at<br />

the time of traD.p1anting and throughout tha grow:l.n8 season rainfell was<br />

supplemented by 'OYUbead' irrigation. .<br />

RBSULt8..1!mDlSCYSSIQl(:'~_<br />

The jlote were checked tot weed control July' and Ap8. 22, 1961~'i"<br />

appro~il88te1y 5 and 12 wee~.'ter treatment. Table 1.• ~ri.es the<br />

perfol'lll&nce of the pre-plant·;~rbic:l.de. on weed control. The following<br />

chemietl. _bowedgOod ",.4 CQ~Cr91 after 5 .. e~1I j ..CI,-otOIl at 2. 4aluL_.<br />

8 PO_I per acre, BPTCat 5&fld 10 pound. per acl'~, a-1607 at 5 and 10.,..<br />

pounda .pel' ecre, and Tillam .• e,-.10 pounda per acre. After· 12 weeka the .'.<br />

followiD8 chamicala .howed~cl weed control j Caeoron at 8 pound. per<br />

acre and a-1607 at 10 pounda'Par ecre.<br />

. . .<br />

Predominant weedl in the ,lou were 18111baquar~er. yellow foxtai1,.;\ ....<br />

green p~d, Caneda thiltl •• Pennly1vania 8I88rtWed.aad purslane.<strong>Weed</strong>.<br />

of 1e.. ~r frequency included ,d,nde1:l.0n. yellow wood.orre1., three leeded<br />

mercurf, .tinkgra.s, barnyard'Sras •• v.lvet1eaf, b1ack;~indweed. common<br />

rapreed. lren.f.osa:aU, hairy .crabll'a .. , pur,ple 1o.Y-ara.. , mustard,r.Q\IIb<br />

pipeed, .'181 's p1aDtain, 8ro\1ndcherry, timothy. ~urdock. wild 1ettu,ce •.<br />

and ttab~.... ed.<br />

On September 13.1961, approximately 15 weeke efter.herbicide application,<br />

the.. petUDi.. were eX8lil1l\8d.for aDy detr.:I.alHt.•t ..•ffect. due to '. ..<br />

herbicideand from weed competition. The data on ~e type of plant 8~<br />

produced L. 11IIIIUri.ed in Table 2. , •. ..... .' .<br />

, . \<br />

The petunias in the check plots were IIIOde;r.t. \:0' .evere .tunting due<br />

to. weedcompetit;1og. '.'the plant.~p the. Caeoron titaeed plota .. I" f~ ....<br />

sUsht to moderately stunted. The petuniaa in the 2 pound per acra.plota<br />

exhibited a1:l.sht to moderata injury due to weed cOllJ1)~tit:l.on. SU$Ilt ..',:<br />

stunting aDd necro.il waa observed in the 4 poundaper acre p10ta, this'<br />

injurt .a. due to a combination of weed competition and herbicidal action.<br />

Plantl in the 8 pound per acre plot. Ihowed moderate Itunting and .nacrosis<br />

due to the herbic:l.de. The herbic:l.de in the 4 and 8 poundl per acre treatmenta<br />

appeared to have long ree:l.duel activity.<br />

The lIetunia plants in the BPTCtreated plote exhibited sli8ht to moderate<br />

stuntins becaute of weed competition. No injury from herbicide wa. obsened<br />

even wilen they were tr.lplanted one day after treatment in the hiBbelt rate<br />

per acra plote.<br />

The plant. in the a-1607 treated plota had 111lht to levere reduction<br />

in growth Where weeda were not controlled by the chemical. The petunia.<br />

in the 10 pound pel' acre plotl were not injured. The petunias Ihowed no<br />

herbic:l.da1 injury even when planted one day after treatment.

Table 2. tilat' of pre-plantbftb.tcld •• and wed,OomIteUt1on on petunia ••<br />

Checs.tflfteen -.k.,·gnr tre .... nt. " . I<br />

221<br />

Herbicide'<br />

Active<br />

Rate<br />

o<br />

.""'Ll' 2<br />

cl.y da"<br />

EPTe<br />

2\1/A<br />

S/f/A<br />

...lot/ A..<br />

a-1607<br />

Till_<br />

Vorlex<br />

o<br />

:.<br />

" •.,<br />

.0<br />

r'2~tA"<br />

5i/A<br />

1~1j.<br />

"'0<br />

1'2\#/~'<br />

Sl/A<br />

10l/A<br />

Plant Injury Scale:<br />

'3.08<br />

2.3&<br />

2.'7<br />

.~!02c~;<br />

3.13<br />

3.13<br />

3~46<br />

~.04<br />

• :':~,lf~~'<br />

2.54 3.17 2.79<br />

2,96 i,is 3.00<br />

3.33 2.61 2.50<br />

2.29 2~~ 2.58<br />

3:~;~ 3.79 3.71 "3;th; 2.88<br />

2.92 4.46 3.59 3.50 3.29<br />

1.25 1.92 2.11 2.83 1.71<br />

-. ;0l'~' .r.u 0.92.;O'~,~L. 0.75<br />

3.46<br />

3.S8<br />

3.88.<br />

5.00.<br />

;'<br />

.,<br />

2.17<br />

3.33<br />

1.79<br />

2.79<br />

2.96<br />

2.54<br />

1.46<br />

O.~;<br />

3.33<br />

2.08<br />

1.79<br />

1.17<br />

o - No Inj a'~y<br />

1 - Very .l!g~t nacrosis or .tuntlng<br />

2 - Slight cecro.1. or stunting<br />

3 • MOderate n6cro.la or stunting<br />

4 - Severe llecroais or .tunting<br />

S - Dead

I<br />

222<br />

J;'<br />

.'; .. ~pl4ant;.,:lq .~. Vod_ lI c.d1W»tA; •• ~,.. oda~.Co aevlilllla!r<br />

injury and cleaChclue 'to weecl ;f.t~1IU14:UD~ .c,UQndlt \ aDel<br />

\ quart per 100 .quare feet. In the 1 quarC ~r 100 .quare feet ploc •. ,1,<br />

..... t-.of-t:o.-pet. ........ vh1.ch we" • .u-aplaDCecl.¥fttA~-UH&1.WHk-weft!,-:':t.­<br />

kUleq,,\lrr.~~•• ~.."""'''J\;.H.llr .. pl~Ced CWOCo four "eka ".<br />

'anir·c\"ii(jiHlit"re tillecl Wuv.iJllY .tuDt~ b1 a ~ClIIIbI.._t1on of<br />

~~~~~L'~!"" ant! "-l ~~~~~.' :;...:...._._...:... .. . it!!·,<br />

'£h~ '1>1~. ~~ted Wt~h ~~i07; '~F .10 ;~. per ach exhibitecl dlio~,;'<br />

be,t we~~tZ'C)l ~ the t~~e~, ~ta. bad very little or DO<br />

clamage.~ .en tnD.planted ont i:f~ :!lfeertreac.ent, Plot. treated<br />

witb C.~ ac8 pouncl, per aen hiId'800cI wead oooCl'Ol but .howecl<br />

'ilOiiel'n~U!r~ot1iepetUD1~', '.(~.c.'" ..- .."-"-'-- _. .. ....._. ~';:;.~<br />

ca,olrou~ 1i"rC.':a-1607. fill .... aDelVode~ vere appUed at th'ree<br />

raUi.-petUiiUII'-wre tranllp1alit~'oneach of f1i4iaaci,'fol1owing<br />

treatment), oile ct""cwo-cle1e~,.f~;cley~. one .ek. CWO"ek,. thl'l8e<br />

wek.. an~ four "ek,. . . . . . .<br />

~-I'j. ; i '.. f ;. •<br />

petl~a"co~ld; .ately bc"-t&Ji,iailtecl 1~ the IPTC. 1-1'607 aad TU1..<br />

ptOfi,-'·oi\e:lfat·U~;~r- tr.lltaiellt:~ nijil:i inth. caiOl'On~.at.cI plote' n~,:;~:'<br />

injureclbY the '.~icld•• · P~~"": in thie V9Z'lex treated plot' were' ...<br />

injuracl ~r t~a ~~cal if pl~nt,el ~tbin ~. fir,t two welt, follov1nl<br />

treetmeqt,~ iet~~' t~.n,pl~~*e4 l~ plo~•• ~owf.na poor .. ad control<br />

!8!!~~!~~~e~~,!C) ,e:verely."!ja~~·.by w.~:*d' c~.,..~.~~.~n.. '.' ... _ ....<br />

.. ·Eft!e~~i.a "'~cI control ~Jb:1f.ttl. ornO~,.. a to the petUD1a"r-r';<br />

Pt.~D~' .:.'f 9...un4)n. P10tl tr ...".:ei' ..vl.:,.t.b ..I-l ..60! lit.:.. O'~~' per acre, Plotl<br />

t~.~ed ~~Ca~to~ at. 8 po~,"p.J\ a~re ba" _, ~control but<br />

.~.t~i~~-p~~~~ Iw!' 80ml 1Djud~l. ~)1e' btarbicicle •. .: ....~.'~_ ....<br />

:"·'S<br />

• f<br />

,\<br />

~ ;:

l<br />


DALEV. swur 2 AlII) JOHNR. HAVIS 3<br />

223<br />

Production of fteld I~~ berbaceous orn_ntale iothe northea.t<br />

bas been handicapped by leck of.conomic.l weed c:ontrol practices.<br />

Recent. report..ussest that atiladne may bave".au.,. on perenniale (1)<br />

~nd casaronon annuah.(2),'1eld trials "ue cpllducted at WaltlWa.<br />

Massachuseth, to ~va1uate .the •• two her~icid~~and CIPC on 22 peJ;'e~ia1e<br />

and 11 annuall(18' famiUes represented). ..<br />


The plants

224<br />

_lUtTS<br />

The data on number of -.dlllalt lta~.d.iI tOtalt1me of weeding,<br />

presented in Table 1, luggest that the t~ee herbicidel gave comparable<br />

weed control,att.ir lowest, ~d41e and highel&:;~.. relpect1~ly.<br />

An exception ii noted in the p4!rell.ftid,. that tbe tille required to we.cl<br />

th.lowe',trate of ca'Oron wae ile.. erthat of thet;heck than the low<br />

rate, at tha ot~r. cl.'-icals., .' .Tbeshorter t~e~~«ded far annuab<br />

allcomparedw1.th perennials wullue to the slD81~ei,plot ,iz.s and probal>ly<br />

better sol1 preparation before ,t~' herbicidel, wer,.8PP1f.ed.,<br />



PJB!rwi<br />


None<br />

CIPC<br />

CIPC<br />

CIPC<br />

S~<br />

SlMUtNB<br />

SIMA~:m,<br />



CA30RON<br />

':t::-"'--::::-"'~~~:..::===:'<br />



(l",./A) WEED~HGi', TDG!,(Minut.s>*' 'WBBDINGSTDG! (Mimat.s>*<br />

7 1/2<br />

15<br />

30<br />

1<br />

24<br />

2'<br />

4<br />

8<br />

*Average of t~ee<br />

3 ll; 181 '2<br />

2 if 73 2<br />

2 SS 1<br />

1 30 1<br />

~, ~ ~<br />

1 34 F:; 1<br />

2 141 2<br />

1 46 1<br />

1 24 1<br />

replications.<br />

, The re.~on,e of eaen .,ecl •• to each rate ol,;tbe her~icide at t~,<br />

two dat.' of observation haa been prepared but hal motbeen included in,<br />

this peper in order to conserve space. Anyone lnt'erested in obtaining<br />

these details.".y request copies .from .the junior ~thor. Table 2<br />

sU~r1.. stb re.ult,s by ebbWil1J',the highest tat.' ~,feach chemicalt~<br />

wa. tolerated by the plante. ' ,<br />

None of the chemicals tested was lafe for all plante. In fact,<br />

eight epee ie' ,could not tolerate even the loweat ute of any· of the tu ..<br />

herbicides., .More plants could tolerate CIPC thp I~z:l.ne and casoron.!<br />

The datapre.ented in Table 2wo~i4 allow one to choose certain plants'<br />

ofll,"r\tich o~~lIIQI'e of the ~J;'~f.cide. might be ~.dl!ucceuful1)' for<br />

controlling weeds~ It 1& belleved, however, thAt' wide acceptall,Ce of<br />

chemical weed control on these herbaceous ornamentals will depend upon<br />

develop~ntof materiale. f~,,~~~olls or appl~o.Uo. techniques that<br />

wUl be eafe for a wider variety of speciel.'<br />

This work was perUafly supported by a grant from the Columbia<br />

Southern Chemical COlIIPany.<br />

53,<br />

27<br />

12<br />

11<br />

22<br />

13<br />

9<br />

22<br />

9<br />





lJJI./A lJIa./.A 'lb1./A<br />

A1YIsumlaxatile 0 2 0<br />

Aquilegia crimson Star 0 0 7 1/2<br />

Arabil rosaa 0 0 0<br />

Campanulacarpatica 0 C)c 7 1/2<br />

ChrY8anth8lllUlll coccineum 0 0 15<br />

Delphinium SummerSkiel 2 2 15<br />

Dianthul deltoidei erecta 0 0 0<br />

Digitalis gloxinoides 2 0 7 1/2<br />

Dimorphathaca aurantiaca 1 0 15<br />

Euphorbia splandens 1 2 15<br />

'atlhedara l.. ai 1 0 15<br />

Gaillardia srandiflora 1 ,0 15<br />

Gyplophila pacifica 1 c 0<br />

Redera Helix 1 .() 15<br />

Hemaroca1lia bfbrida 2 4 30<br />

Heuchara unguinaa 1 0 0<br />

M1osotia sy1vatica 0 0 0<br />

!'rilllUla hybrids 0 .~ 7 1/2<br />

!'rilllU1averis 0 '..0. 7 1/2<br />

Rudbeckia gloriosa 1 0 15<br />

Veronica Ipicata 0 0 0<br />

Viola cornuta 0 0 0<br />

~AY<br />

Aster BaU Mix. 0 0 30<br />

Browallia graodiflora 0 0 o.<br />

Celosia cristata 0 0 7 1/2<br />

Coieul Ball Mix. 1 0 7 1/2<br />

Dianthus barbatva 0 0 0<br />

Lobelia l11cifo1ia 0 :~ 7 1/2<br />

M8;18~if Naught1 Marietta 2 0 30<br />

Petunia Double Mix. 1 '2 0<br />

Phlox twinkle 0 0 0<br />

Verbena Dwarf 1 0 7 1/2<br />

Zinnia Giant Cactus 0 0 15<br />

225<br />


1. Bini, Arthur. 1961. The uae of several herbicides on perenniala.<br />

!'roc. N. E. W. C. C. 15:154..159.<br />

2. Haramaki. Chiko. 1961. ,lvaluation of levaril pre·plant herbicid ••<br />

for petunias. !'roc. N. E. W. C. c. ISl13G-134.

226<br />

Chemical Control<br />

of ~1¥1~s and ,Nutgr&l!/JiinINursl!ry Liners<br />

by Johh F. Ahrens 1<br />

Quackgran .(Agropyron raPins) is )d.dely distributed in nursery plantings<br />

and occasionally lias mte n the abandomment of fields forornam.ental. 1t<br />

Nutgrass (Cyperus esculentUs) is less frequent in Co nrle Cl t :lcut nursery<br />

but also pl-8ll,itings<br />

MS been dillicurt and expensive to control. The use of simaziNlfor<br />

controlling annual weeds in nursery liners is becoming an accepted pract~~.<br />

The objective of this study' was to evaluate chemical.J\leans of controlling:quackand<br />

nutgrass in nursery liners with and without the p~ ,of sima~ine for 8Rl'!ual<br />

weed contrOl.' "<br />

\ ') ~ ::,.<br />

Materials<br />

and Methods<br />

The area.aeleoted for the test was infested with a denseetand of q~kgrass.<br />

Although nutgraBs plante were not in great abundance,t:h,esoil was infes~ with<br />

tubers. The soil texture was a silt loam. The heavy growth 'of grass was mowed,<br />

raked and fertilized with 560lbs./A of 8-12-12 fertilizer on October12,l960.<br />

The quaokgrass was groting .v~r~: on October 26 when ~e fall trea:tIneQts<br />

were applied on 61 x 12 1 plots replicated three times. '1'he!cllowing mat8ii'ials<br />

were used in this test: '<br />

a) &mitrol (J-amino-l,2,4 triazole) 50%water soluble powder '<br />

b) atrazine (2-ohloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isoprop,ylamino)~~riaZine)~ W.P.<br />

0) dalapdn; (2,2 dichloropropionic acid) sodium salt . " '<br />

d) EPTC (ethyl di-n-prop,ylthiolcarbamate) 5%G. .<br />

e) propazine (2-chloro-4,6-bis (isoprop,ylamino)-s-triazine) 50%W.p. .<br />

f) simazine (2_chloro-4,6-biS (ethylamino)-s- triazine) 80%W,P. and 4% G.<br />

The fall treatments were applied in 70 gallons of solution per aore with<br />

a knapsack sprayer.<br />

rate of ! teaspoon<br />

Dupon,tspreader-stioker<br />

per gallon of spray.<br />

was added weach solution<br />

'<br />

at ".<br />

_.<br />

The area 'was disked on April 9, and again on April 20, after granular \EPTC<br />

was applied by hand to the lIIOist soil in one, set of plots. The ground W8(p'lowed<br />

and disked on AprU 22, and on April 24, the .followingdcinds and numbers' o.t<br />

nursery stock w~re ,planted in each plot and t~immed to uniform sizes:<br />

Fors 1& ~termed1a. 1 to 2 year old - 5 plants per plot<br />

her s a oblca, 2 year'liners - 3 plants per plot "<br />

tsuga cans ens s, 3 year seedlings - 6 plants per plot<br />

~ ~ ~, 2 year liners - 5 plants per plot<br />

Eleven days after planting, the rowllwere ouJ,t:LVf,tedand granular simazine<br />

was applied over half the plots at a rate of 3 lbs./A. A lawn spreader with<br />

large wheel.s was used to apply ,the ,granular ,simazine. ., '<br />

, ,<br />

..' .<br />

1 Assooiate Plant Fhys.iologiat, C.onneet1outAgrieultDal .llltperi~EI1t Station,<br />

Windsor ,,;<br />


Because of the lush growth of quackgrass, nutgrass and annual weeds in<br />

some plots, all plots were cultivated with a tractor on May25, June 19 and<br />

August 1. Counts of quackgrass and nut[rass were made in June and September<br />

by taking four one-square-foot samples from each plot. After the ratings were<br />

made in June and July, weeds were removed from all the plots, including controla.<br />

All of the plots were weeded, cultivated and seeded to oats in September.<br />

The nursery plants were evaluated by three persons in August and the new<br />

growth of forsythia was measured in September.<br />

Air temperatures were slightly below normal and rainfall was above normal<br />

in April and Mayof ·1961.<br />

Results<br />

and Discussion<br />

Control of Nutgrass As shown in Table 1, only EFTCat 5 lbs.A controlled<br />

nutgrass appreciably on June 14. At that time nutgrass control was almost<br />

complete with some small and deformed plants remaining. The rating of 9.2<br />

is the better measure of control on June 14, because the counts included<br />

the stunted plants. Had the plots not been weeded and cultivated at that<br />

time perhaps EPTCwould have continued to control rnrtgrass , The ratings on<br />

July 18 and the counts in September show that EPTCno longer was effective.<br />

Although simazine as a fall or post-planting treatment had no effect<br />

on the first crop of nutgrass in the spring, the data clearly indicate a<br />

suppression of the second 'crop of nut.grasa with all of the simazine treatments.<br />

In nursery plantings, where hoeing every three to four weeks is a<br />

rule, arv suppression of nutgrass such as that by simazine would be of<br />

c.efinite value.<br />

The final counts of nutgrass in September indiuate that none of the<br />

herbicide treatments had any lasting effects on the development of nutgr3ss<br />

from tubers. All of the treatments, in fact, had more nutgrass thAn the<br />

oontrols, most likely because the treatments all controlled quackgrass which<br />

appears to suppress nutgrass germination.<br />

COntrol of Quack~rass The data for quackgrass are given in Table 2. Fall<br />

applicat~on of s~zine at 3 oro5 lbs./A, atrazine at 4 lbs./A and propazine<br />

at 4 lbs. provided about 90 percent or better control at all counts and ratings.<br />

Amitrol and dalapon alone were somewhat less effective. The pre-planting<br />

treatment with EPTCprovtded 93 percent control of the first crop of quackgrass<br />

but later evaluations indicated a reduction in control, whereas most<br />

other treatments provided better control at lat&r evaluations.<br />

Although granular simazine alone at 3 lbs./A provided relatively poor<br />

control ef quackgrass, it greatly increased the eff£ctiveness of all treatments<br />

except EPTC. The combination of fall applications of atrazine at<br />

4 lbs./A or simazine at 5 lbs./A with a post-planting treatment of simazine<br />

resulted in almost complete control of quackgrass fbr the season.<br />


_'.<br />

228<br />

Table 1. Effects of Herbicides on Nutgras~<br />

Treatme~tsl June 14 July Ie Se")t. n<br />

--1)'a11-- -- Spring<br />

i'l'<br />

Herbicide He-rbicicl.e Shoots<br />

_ !:-_bs./f._._J)~.j.L ~_~J't!. !Latirl.r0 Ititing 2, Shoots<br />

per sg.ft.,<br />

Heedy Controls 96 0 0 19<br />

Simazine 3 161 2.2 -6.L~ 41<br />

Si:llUzine 3 110 3. L~ 6.5 26<br />

Simuzine 3 Simazine 3 172 2.5 7.2 25<br />

SimazinG 5 207 .5 5.0 L~3<br />

S:i.nazine 5 S':i-maztnG3 129- 4.7<br />

'I;.ri,..<br />

8.1, 27<br />

Atrazine 2 232 .2, 2.7 45<br />

Atrazii1e 2 S5.nazirie 3 148 1.7 7.2 28<br />

Atrazine L~ 239 .7 1.0 52<br />

Atrazine 4 Simazine 3 13d 2.9 6.5 36<br />

Propazine L~ 151 1.5 ,3.5 L~O<br />

Propazine L~ Simazine 3 126 I~. 5 g.O 37<br />

EPTC5 3.2 9.2 2.0 73-<br />

EPTC5 +<br />

Simazine 3 22 9.5 6.2 73<br />

Amitro1 e 103 2.0 2.3 35<br />

Amitrol 8 Simaz:i.ne 3 136 2.3 ~.5 30<br />

r:-"<br />

DalaC)on10 75 1.8 1.7 39<br />

Da1a;,;on10 Simazil'le 3 102 h.? , '-T'" 5.7 35<br />

___ _ _ -4 •.. ~ .. _ _ ', __ ' .. _ ~, .' __ " .,.,. , __ _'. _ ,.... io..- ~<br />

0. _<br />

lRates given in terms of active ingredients.<br />

2visua1 ratin~s; a - no C;ritrol~ 10 ~ 100 ~~r cent control.'<br />

.' '1"-.

Table 2. Effects of Herbicides on Quackgrass<br />

Treatments<br />

June 14<br />

. 'Fall -;;';S"'p'-r"-:i-n-g- Shoots<br />

Herbicide Herbicide per Per cen!<br />

-1.~8.--1A _ ~..J£. S9,ft. co,1trol Ra,ting 2<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>y Controls<br />

a o<br />

Simazine 3<br />

59 7.1<br />

Simazine 3<br />

90 9.1<br />

Simazine 3 Simazine 3 2.4 97 9.7<br />

Simazine 5<br />

92 8.2<br />

Simazine 5 Sin~zine 3<br />

97 9.8<br />

Atrazine 2<br />

10.9 $4 6.3<br />

Atrazine 2 Simazine 3<br />

92 9.4<br />

Atrazine 4<br />

l:-.5 94 8.6<br />

Atrazine 4 Simazine 3<br />

98 9.$<br />

Propazine 4<br />

$$<br />

Propazine l, Simazine 3<br />

95<br />

EPTC 5<br />

93<br />

EPTC 5 +<br />

Simazine 3 3,$ 95<br />

Amitrol 8<br />

26.3 61<br />

Amitrol 8 Simazine 3 10.5 $5<br />

Dalapon 10<br />

41.6 39<br />

Dalapon 10 Simazine 3 14,6 79 $.2<br />

L,S,D. p=;05<br />

7;7 11<br />

p=.Ol<br />

10,5 15<br />

0.9<br />

0.6<br />

1.6<br />

o<br />

5.8<br />

0.6<br />

1.1<br />

a<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

6.3<br />

10.9<br />

1.7<br />

$.9<br />

3.0<br />

97<br />

98<br />

94<br />

100<br />

78<br />

98<br />

96<br />

100<br />

97<br />

98<br />

82<br />

77<br />

59<br />

94<br />

67<br />

89<br />

16<br />

21<br />

229<br />

Sept. _1_2 __<br />

Shoots<br />

per Per cen!<br />

so,ft. control<br />

26.8 o<br />

6.0 78<br />

- - - - - - - - _.-~. -- - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - - - - -<br />

lper cent control based on shoots per sq.ft.<br />

2Visual rating: 0 - no control, 10 - 100 per cent control.

230<br />

UndoubtAldlythe three oult:I.vations and the' two hoeihgs on the weedy plots<br />

during the season added to the effeotiveness of the ohemioal treatments. The<br />

stands of quaokgrass in the oont:r9.1.».lotsw.ere reduoed by about 60 percent from<br />

June to September as a result of these operations.<br />

Control of ~uaJ. <strong>Weed</strong>s An abundanoeof annual we.19dsand bindweed (COnvolvulus<br />

arvans!s) Vided the plot areas ~ The annual weeds were predominantly ragweed<br />

fAmtrosia arte~iifolia),orabgrass (Digitaria ean~alis) and yellow foxtail<br />

~ lutescens). Ratings of these and other annua weeds are shown in Table 3.<br />

Fall appli'cations of amitrol, silllazine, atrazine and propazine all appeared<br />

to deorease the. stands of annual weeds, especially in June. Beoause of the '<br />

oompetition offered by the nutgrass in plots of these treatments, however, little<br />

can be said of t-heir real value. Dalapon had little effaot on the annual weed<br />

population althOUgh EPTCappeared to control bindweed.<br />

G~anular simazine, applied at 3 lbs./A aft~r planting provided satisfactory<br />

control of annual.weeds for the season. Bindweed did 'not persist in plots<br />

treated with combinations of atrazine, propazine or simazine in the fall and<br />

granular simazine in the spring.<br />

Plantin s Nona.of the treatments injured"any<br />

~o~~e~n~u~r~s~e~ry~p~an~~s-s~e~r~o~u~e~y~.~~e~~o~r~sythia were slightly disoolored by the<br />

atrazine treatmlilnts but th~ injury appeared to be temporary. The forsythia grew<br />

vigorously, and made more growth in the treated plots than in the controls<br />

(Table 3). The forsythia grew poorly in these plots where annual weedS and/or<br />

nutgrase were not controlled.<br />

The oats sown in September yielded information on residual activities o~<br />

the triazine herbioides. Qats are very sensitive to the triazines. The Only<br />

plots with pronounced injury to the oats were the combinations of simazine at<br />

3 or 5 lbs./A in, the fall ",ith simazin,e at 3 lbs./A in the spring.<br />

Summary<br />

Combinations of fall and spring pre-planting treatments with a post-planting<br />

application of simazine in the spring were tested for their effects on quackgrass<br />

and nutgrass in nuraery liners. A pre-planting, ,soil-incorporated treatment with<br />

EPTCat 5 lbs.!A'controlled the first crop of nut~ass but had little etrect on<br />

nutgrass germination after two months. Repeated applications of EFTCmay be<br />

needed for seasonal control. Simazine greatly suppressed growth of nutgrass<br />

during the summe~.<br />

With periodic cultivation and weedlng,.. fall applications of atrazine and<br />

propazine at 4 1'c;s./A and simazine at 3 or 5 lbs./A provided good centrol of<br />

quackgrass for the season. Seasonal control of annual weeds and excellent<br />

?ontrol of quackgrass waS obtained when these treatments were followed by a<br />

post-planting application of,grapular simazine at 3lbs.!A.<br />

None of the herbicide treat~nts seriously af!ectedthe newly-plantod<br />

nursery stock.

Table 3. Effects of Herbicides on Annual <strong>Weed</strong>s and Forsythia<br />

Treatments<br />

"Fall --spring<br />

HerbiCide HerbiCide<br />

.-lbs.j~.<br />

lbs.!~<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>y Controls<br />

Clean<br />

Simazine 3<br />

Controls<br />

Simazine 3<br />

Simazine 3 Simazine 3<br />

Simazine 5<br />

Simazine 5 Simazine 5<br />

Atrazine 2<br />

Atrazine 2 Simazine 3<br />

Atrazine 4<br />

Atrazine 4 Simazine 3<br />

Propazine 4<br />

ProDazine 4 Simazine 3<br />

Amitrol 8<br />

EPTC 5<br />

EPTC 5 +<br />

Simazine 3<br />

Amitrol 3 Simazine 3<br />

Dalapon 10<br />

DaLapon 10 Sil:lazine 3<br />

o<br />

9~2<br />

9.7<br />

8.7<br />

9.3<br />

7.0<br />

9.8<br />

3.7<br />

9.7<br />

7.0<br />

8.8<br />

0.8<br />

8.5<br />

o<br />

6.4<br />

2.7<br />

1.0<br />

1.7<br />

231<br />

Forsythia<br />

GrowtllalJove<br />

Discolo 30 em.<br />

tion 2a- g!plot<br />

Aug. 10 Sept. 13<br />

651<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

0.3<br />

0.3<br />

0.1<br />

o<br />

o<br />

0.1<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

1229<br />

1239<br />

848<br />

14l~0<br />

856<br />

100$<br />

1250<br />

1139<br />

952<br />

1130<br />

1197,<br />

1212<br />

1290<br />

1005<br />

721,<br />

1262<br />

702<br />

11:.61<br />

- -- - - - - - ... -- -- - - - - - .- - - .....- - ...- - - - ...- ...- - _...- .- - ".;",<br />

. .<br />

IVisual rating, 0 - no control, 10 - 100 per cent control.<br />

20 - no injury, 1 - sli~ht injury, 5 - dead plants.

232<br />



C. W. LeFevre"and W. E. Chappell 1/<br />

Virg,inia Agricultural Experiment ~~t1on<br />

Bl.. sJ,urS. Virginia<br />

The production of toxic substances by certain plants was DOted as early as<br />

1832 when D8Candolle observed flax was inhibited Bp~ge and oats by hors ... ttle.<br />

Since that tillie, considerable cirC\Dlltantial evidence supportins the presence of<br />

these substances has appeared and more convincing evidences are now accUIIIUlatins.<br />

The literature on this subject has Hen comprehensi'v;ely reviewed by Livingston<br />

(1907). Loebwins (1937). Bonner (1950). B~rner (1960). and Woods (1960).<br />

Artemasia vulgaris is rapidly spreading over lIUly areas of Eastern Virginia.<br />

It bas few. if any. natural eD8lllies and has the abillty to choke out crops and<br />

other weeds if allowed to grow undisturbed. Funke (1943) included Art_da<br />

vulgaris in an experiment designed to compare inhibition of various plants near<br />

hedges of species thought to secrete toxic substances into the soil. Plants<br />

were inhibited up to 100 em. from Mt_sia absinthl. with the effect grlldually<br />

tapering off in the last 50-60 em.' There wes' UDifo~ inhibition up to 60 em.<br />

from the Mt_sia VUlgaris beyond which tbe p~,'\nts were DOrmal. Funke attributed<br />

this effect to mechanical oppression of the Vigorously growins VUlgaris branches.<br />

Plants growing near Atriplex hortensis were not affected. In another experiment,<br />

seeds were placed in shallow bowls' containing either sailor soil mixed with the<br />

leeves of Artemisia absinthi\D or AJitemesia !!!J.garis. There was reduced gemination<br />

in the bowls containing plant'material of both plants, but the effect was<br />

greater from the leaves of Art_sit absinthi\D.<br />

In this paper. we are presenting tbe results of the extraction of a s,ubstance<br />

from Art_sia YUIgar1s wbicb is inhibitory to the growth of alfalfa<br />

seedlings.<br />

Materials<br />

and Methods<br />

Art_sia vulaaris used in this study was air dried and ground in a 40<br />

mesh whiley mill. Five g. of the ground meal was placed in a colEn and leached<br />

with 300 Jll. water. The solution was evaporated under reduced pressure at 45 0 C.<br />

and the residue dissolved in 100 mi. distilled water. This was diluted to make<br />

a series of concentrations which were prepared for assay.<br />

Extract of green Artem6sia vulsaris was prepared by placing fixe g. green<br />

leaves and stems in 100 mI. water in a Waring blender. 'f'here it was ground 20<br />

minutes and filtered with a Bachner funnel.<br />

lAssistant Professor and Professor of Plant Physiology.

233<br />

The inhibitory activity was assayed according to the method of Lell'e-rte<br />

and Clagett (1960). This consisted of placing 5 alfalfa seeds in 5 mI. be~ers<br />

containing a fileer disk wetted with .5 mI. test solution. The seedlings were<br />

grown 4 days and the percent inhibition was calculated in relation to controls<br />

grown in distilled water.<br />

In later experiments, ground meal was placed in dialysis tubing with one<br />

end open and autoclaved. The meal was saturated Wit'6'water, the other end of<br />

the tubing was tied, and the bag was placed inaso6let extractor and extracted<br />

with water. With .thia method extraction and dialy.sis ..were accomplished aimultaneously.<br />

Results<br />

and Discussion<br />

Green vs.<br />

Dry Plant Material<br />

The results of the alfalfa seedling inhibition test showed inhibitionwaa<br />

present in both green and dry Art .... ia vulgaris (Table 1).<br />

Table 1. Inhibition from green Artemasia vulaaris<br />

compared with extract from dry meal.<br />

...---------- _ _ --_._.--_._--_-_.<br />

Green<br />

Dry<br />

Percent inhibitionoiSeedling growth<br />

* 58./100 2.58./100 1.4g./l00 5/8g./l00<br />

92<br />

95<br />

----_ ------ _ _.._~_.._--<br />

ii<br />

95<br />

44<br />

92<br />

50<br />

73 .<br />

* Concentration of extract in grams plant material extracted per 100 mI. 8OJution.<br />

Extraction from Flowers, leaves. roots, and stems<br />

Extracts from soxhlet dialysiS extraction of leaves, stems, roots, and<br />

flowers all produced 100 percent iDbdbition of alfalfa seedlings at the concentration<br />

comparable to ~ttract from 5g. meal in 100 mI. solution.<br />

Table 2. Inhibition from flowers, leaves, roots, and stems.<br />

Control<br />

Flowers<br />

Leaves<br />

Roots<br />

Stems<br />

43<br />

oooo.<br />

00<br />

100<br />

100<br />

100<br />

100<br />

Since the inhibitor was found in all parts of the. plant any plant material<br />

could be used in f1arther extract1onl. thus a mbture,.of the above ground .parts

234<br />

we:re used .1n tbe .:r8ll!&1nde:rof tq::@tW\y.<br />

Effect<br />

of "beat<br />

'J<br />

,';,- " .<br />

When a coiuam packed witb'~:'drYed meal wasa~to~lav.d b.fore ext:rac~icm.<br />

tbere was no loss of inhibition (Table 3).<br />

I&:able.3. Effecit,o~ aut!clcv:1nl on inhlb1t~ of<br />

a1£alf,a seed1iaa ..gJ:01l1th.<br />

.......<br />

------_._<br />

.;.;.-.._._.:.<br />

---.. _~,~.'.._-_. ---...-..._-..,..'.'-.~..;.-.._..... _..-..•;.....<br />

• '1_<br />

Percent Inhibition<br />

Concentration * 5g ./100 ml. 2% g ./100 "g./~OO 518 g./1oo .. 5/].6/100<br />

..----_ --•.•..••... _-.._-- - - -- ---_..-.-_ ..----~.<br />

Autoc1aved<br />

100<br />

87<br />

89 71<br />

Non-Autoc1aved<br />

88<br />

90<br />

85 71 56<br />

<strong>Vol</strong>atile<br />

-17 .<br />

-_..--_.-_.-_.•-.••••.••••---jllt ••••--.•••--_..•••_-~.--••••••.•.•_-_ .<br />

* See footnote Table 1<br />

This showed that the<br />

'.<br />

inhibitor is<br />

.,-,<br />

.8t.le at 1200 C _2~ peifor 20 minutes.<br />

When'the first 100 iDl. passecn:brough anautoc"!.ved column ltwas .vaporated<br />

and the wa,te:r,cODClencedunde:r, _ ....oe pack. The ... ay showed alfalfa seedling<br />

growth slishtly. peatier tban ~t, pf the controls. It is evident from this<br />

e:cper:lment that the active principle 1.s non·vol.tile.· ..<br />

Soxhlet<br />

extraction<br />

AcOiDparison of extractionefflCiency of severa"!' solvents was made ualng<br />

the' Soalet ext:ractor. Art_s1., vuJ,8ari! llleal wu.ti:aClted 48 hours.<br />

.-.._.....-.-_.-<br />

Table 4 Soxhlet Extr.~JI;~D<br />

.....__._...-•.._..._.~~..~_....<br />

_..-....._..<br />

Percent<br />

Percent<br />

. . gerad:ution . inhibtttea '. .<br />

._-_.---._-_..------_._--...__...._-_._-_._..-~~..~_..-.... '<br />

Control<br />

Water<br />

Methanol<br />

Acetone<br />

Eenzetle<br />

Xylene<br />

Pet Ether<br />

Chlorofo:rm<br />

95<br />

00<br />

15<br />

4'5"<br />

85<br />

95<br />

9S<br />

50<br />

'00<br />

100 u<br />

79<br />

8!l<br />

68'<br />

13'<br />

16<br />

71<br />

The solvents were evaporated and the :residu.s shaken with water with a wrist<br />

action shaker for 20 minutes.<br />

The results showed, the inhib1.tton was most sollable in non·polar solvents<br />

(Table 4) • However. there were 1.Dbibttory substaucuJ extracted, by some of'the

non-polar solvents. Table 5 shows that an inhibition extracted with chloro#o~<br />

can be separated from the chloroform by shaking with water in a separatory 'funnel.<br />

Similar results were obtained with benzene.<br />

Table S. Removal of activity from chloroform with<br />

water in a separatory funnel •<br />

._-._._---_..-.-..... _.-..---------------_.-.-.--<br />

Percent<br />

geradnation<br />

Percent<br />

inhibition<br />

---_._.-._-_---.' -.- - _-----_.<br />

Extracted<br />

Chloroform<br />

Water Extract<br />

80<br />

30<br />

24<br />

70'<br />

235<br />

Whenone g. dry meal was asbed at 625OC. for 4 hours and 20 ml. water<br />

added to the ash to makeup a test solution, alfalfa seedlings grew as well: as<br />

,controls (Table 6). The ash solution was basic (pH 12.2). HN03was added"to<br />

bring the solution to pH 7. However, seedlings grew well in both solutio~s.<br />

Growth in the basic solution is explained by spcretion of organic acids from<br />

the alfalfa s4edlings as the pH in the basic test bad come down to near pH 7<br />

at the end of 4 days seedling growth.<br />

Table 6<br />

The effect of ash on inhibltion of'<br />

alfalfa seedlings.<br />

Dialysis<br />

-----------------~_!~~~~~--_:~~~~~~~~~-----<br />

Control 37 00<br />

Ash (No neutral~aatten<br />

treatment)' 42 -13<br />

Ash (Neutralized<br />

with HN0 3) 39 - 5<br />

.-.~--~._-.--.---...._._..----_..-_.<br />

__.._---<br />

Autoclaved extract was placed in cellophane dtalycer tubing and the tubing<br />

inserted in a cylinder. Water in the cylinder was changed about 10 times during<br />

three days treatment. All material outside the cylinder and the heavy concentrate<br />

which did not pass through the casing were concentrated and diluted for<br />

asaay. Table 7 shows most of the activity passed through the cellophane tubing.

236<br />

Table 7 Iffect of 4ial,8110n the iab:lblUOD<br />

.--------- ... -_ ...... _._ ... -- r-- • • • ,...... • • • • - - ..,~_.. " ... - ... _ ....<br />

,-rcent<br />

Percent<br />

a~natlon iDbl~~tj.on<br />

....-..__.~-.~..-._-_._......•.<br />

Diaijzed·<br />

·10<br />

Non d~a11zed 95<br />

_.__..-.-_<br />

-_..-..---<br />

_.- _- _---,-------- .•..._-_ -.-<br />

As a result of this expertment aDd stability to heat.fur~ber extractions were<br />

made by placing autoclaved lIleal in dialyzer. tubing aDd eXtracting in a Soxhlet<br />

extractor. thus extracting and dialyzing in one operati'Ott.·<br />

Ion excMne;e<br />

Table 7 shows the inhibitor is not absorbed to either cation or anion<br />

exchaqeredcs e-. JlIe~e was very. little 19S5 of act~Yitlon passage throuah<br />

Amberlite lR..l20 oratt,e.r havil16 passed t!;irpugl1 bot~ ,t:1;1isresin aDd AIIlberll,te<br />

lRA./too. .... . . . .. .' ' :<br />

Tabl.8<br />

----.-. __.----.~.~~~---.._~-----~-~~.-_.._-_..<br />

Perc.nt,!.~ent<br />

germination<br />

inhibition<br />

-- -_._ _.~-- •. _ •• • • .•..... • • .• -,"!' •.. .,-~ - ••• _ ..<br />

Through AIIlberlite<br />

m-120<br />

Through AIIlberlite<br />

IM-4QO. .<br />

o<br />

o<br />

100<br />

•.. _._. ~O.o<br />

J'.J<br />

Paper<br />

chrO!l!&togIaphY<br />

Deionized and dialyzed extract frOID 5 g.Att:s-a~lgliris was streaked<br />

on one 19 x 19 8&8 470..A filter paper having a Wba .;lfo. 7 wick. The solvent<br />

used was isopropanol water (90..1o-v/,,» 1nan~.~phere. Discs t..ere cut<br />

out of the chromatograph with a cork borer and placed in 5 ml. beake ..a. Each<br />

disk was wetted with .5 ml. water aDd 5 seeds were added for assay. Mostof<br />

the inhibtor was found between Rf values 56-72 (Figure I). This was aheadof<br />

_thy! red which bad a Rf value of about 47.

237<br />

Figure I Bioassay of cbrOlll4tographed extflact<br />

,<br />

~ick<br />

------_.<br />

__.__._.. _._._._--_._.-_.<br />

0<br />

Extract Streak 0<br />

-I<br />

I<br />

--Methyl<br />

Red streak<br />

~=i<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

Methyl Red 0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

Yellow 0 I<br />

0<br />

1<br />

0<br />

Front 0<br />

0 ,I<br />

0<br />

I<br />

i<br />

Rf<br />

Control<br />

o<br />

9<br />

17<br />

24<br />

31<br />

37<br />

43<br />

48<br />

57<br />

64<br />

71<br />

77<br />

84<br />

92<br />

98<br />

Percent<br />

Inhibition<br />

o<br />

16<br />

-I<br />

-4<br />

54<br />

-9<br />

16<br />

14<br />

-21<br />

100<br />

60<br />

80<br />

77<br />

22<br />

-27<br />

-31<br />

11<br />

Summaryand Conclusions<br />

Agueous extracts of 5/16 g. Artemesia vulgaris when diluted to 100 mI.<br />

inhibited alfalfa seedling growth over 50%. The inhibitor was found in green<br />

and in dry plant material and could be extracted from either leaves, roots, stems,<br />

or flowers. It was stable to autoclaving at 20 p.s.i. for 20 minutes, but was<br />

destroyed completely when ashed. It was dialyzable and nonvolatile. It was<br />

soluable in polar and semipolar solvents and partly soluable in some nonpolar<br />

solvents. Inhibition e:~tracted with nonpolar solvents could be removed by<br />

shaking with water in a separatory funnel. The substance was not absorbed to<br />

either strong cation or anion exchange resins. Paper chromotographs run in<br />

isopropanol and water (90 - 10 /) in an IIIIIIIIOniatmosphere showed the inhibitor<br />

or inhibitors to have an Rf value between 56 and 76.<br />

Literature<br />

cited<br />

Bonner, J. 1950. The role of toxic substances in the interaction of higher<br />

plants. Bot. Rev. 16:51-65.<br />

Borner, H. 1960. Liberation of organic substances from higher plants and their<br />

role in the soil sickness problem. Bot. Rev. 26: 393-424.

238<br />

Decaodolle, A. P. 1832., Physl,oloBfA VageUle. 3:1414~1475.<br />

Funke, H. and B. Sed1D8~ 1948. Uber das Wachsstoff-Hemmstoffsystem del'<br />

Haferkoleoptile-UDd del' Kartoffelkncille. P18i1tii36:341-379.<br />

LeFevre, C. W. aDdc. o. C1aaet.t.1960. CoDG8ntraUoD·.of a growth Inhibitor<br />

from Asromon repens (Quackgrass). Proc. N.Bi-<strong>Weed</strong>Cont. Conf,14:353-356.<br />

Livingston, B. E. 1907. Further studies on thepr~~l'ties of unproductive soils.<br />

U.S.D.A. Bur. Soils Bul. 36. 71 pp.<br />

Loehw1ng, W. F. 1~37. Root interactions of plants. Bot. Rev. 3:195-239.<br />

t~oods, F. to1. 1960. Biological antagonisms. due to phytotoxic root exudates.<br />

Bot. Rev. 26:546-569.

239<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> Control and Residual Effects of Simaz1ne and of Atrazine<br />

Applied to Soil Prior to Planting ~$ery Stock<br />

A. M. S. Pridham, Cornell University<br />

Simazine and atrazine have both been used in wettable powder and<br />

granular formulation in two series of tests since J.951in plantings of evergreens<br />

(~ and Thuja) in Cornell nursery areas.<br />

The 1957 series of plants were rototilled and replanted in 1959. Rototilling<br />

has continued throughl961. The originaJ. plan of the plots is no<br />

longer visible from the weed growth or lack of it. 'Evergreen crop gro'l-rth is<br />

normal.<br />

Red l~idney beans were planted. in JUly 1961 in soil that had not been<br />

treated with triazines as well as in the old plot areas. Germination and<br />

growth were similar in both sections of the field, indicating that the soil<br />

was essentially free of triazines in the area of the bean root zone.<br />

A second nursery area was treuted in 1959 to till sod before planting<br />

nursery crops. Simazine and atrazine were applied JUne .21 and 22, 1959 at<br />

two rates, 5 and 10 pounds of active ingredient framlCeach of two formulations<br />

(wettable powder and granular) as well as surfaoe· application and in-­<br />

corporation of the herbicide by rototilling 3-4 inches immediately following<br />

planting.<br />

During the summer of 1959 timothy sod was eliminated from treated plots<br />

except when simazine was used on the· sod surface in granular form without<br />

rototilling. Dandelion was st1muJ.e.ted in she and dark green color. Bindweed<br />

was released but re-invasion by seedling weeds was of minor proportions.<br />

In 1960 half of each 10 x 10 I plot was rototilled and the nursery indicator<br />

plants, Ligustrum oValifolium, EuOnymus fortunei, Pachysandra terminalis<br />

and Forsythia intermedia were planted in the freshly rototilled soil. The<br />

indicator crops oats, buckwheat and later red kidney beans were also planted.<br />

Typical growth response of these test crops to triazines was found only<br />

at the 10 pound level. Not all plants of an indicator group responded within<br />

a plot. Growth of beans was normal in soil samples taken to the greenhouse<br />

in fe.ll 1960 for testing indoors under soil moisture at field capacity from<br />

intermittent misting.<br />

June observations in 1961 indicated very little residual response in<br />

test crops. EuOnymus fortunei foliage in granular simazine plots at 10<br />

pound level showed yellow margins on a few leaves in young growth typicaJ.of<br />

triazine injury in this and other crops including ~ and Taxus.<br />

A single strip was rototilled in June 1961 at right angles to 1959 and<br />

1960 rototilling. Red kidney beans were planted in a single row through each<br />

rototilled strip. Growth and color of the red kidney beans in the untreated<br />

controls and in the triazine plots were very similar. Samples of 10 bean<br />

plants at flowering stage were cut at the soil level and green weight taken

240<br />

immediately. The weights are given in 'rf!.ble 1 anq.',liIhowno consistent trend<br />

nor statistic~ valid difference even at the 5~ level. under these circumstances<br />

the plots ~ be regarded as having a tria:tS.ne content lower than<br />

that plVtotox1c to nursery crops tested.<br />

'rable 1. Green weight in grams of 10 red kidney belln,.plants at first<br />

flower stage following' June planting in, con'jlrol plots and in<br />

treated plots.<br />

5>.11<br />

Type cat ion<br />

S011 tl'eatment No. of 'plots<br />

,Rotot1lled<br />

Control<br />

Eptam<br />

Simazine<br />

Atrazine<br />

Mean weight<br />

SNt'ace,<br />

16<br />

888<br />

214.25<br />

246.13<br />

233.75<br />

215·00<br />

224.69.<br />

204.56<br />

220.12<br />

248.75<br />

206.50<br />

216.95<br />

. S1mazine and ll.trazine, have. given .good,control ,9f established stands of<br />

Agropyrbn repens. Reinfestat10n, howeVer, fol;l.ows unless sCllleadditional<br />

control measures are maintained. Spot spra;ying,aultivation, plowing or<br />

weeding ma;y be sel.ected but pro3.0nged residueJ.ac4onis not adeqUate to<br />

prevent re-estab1ishment of some weeds and release of' others from a minor to<br />

a dominant position. Hedge bindweed, Convolvulus a.i'd' was present in.<br />

mi~ilmOUntsp1n"1959 but eJ.1 plots showed some '6, :wee in autumn 1961 -­<br />

7~ of eJ.l the plots rated 5 or,more on a sceJ.e oto through 9. Grass stand<br />

was eJ.so rated on stand density. Agr'?PY3'0nrepens, was present to 50~ or<br />

more in rototilled plots. '<br />

'rab1e 2. Stand of perennieJ. grasses present at the close of the third<br />

seasonatter a s.1ngle &?plication O,f atrazine, and sima.zine<br />

based on rating 0-6to1:&1 for 3 repl1ca:tes' and duplicate<br />

ratings (hence 6 x 3 x 2 = 36maximum). '<br />

Rate<br />

Not .rotot1lled<br />

1959 04<br />

~ototilled ."<br />

Herbicide lbs. AlA 1959-61 ,960only 1959 & !§O0<br />

Control 0 27 18 18 17<br />

Atrazine 5 26 22 23 17<br />

10 30 24 22 13<br />

EPtalll 5 30 20 21 20<br />

l~ 28 23 17 18<br />

S1ms.zine 5 20 15 20 13<br />

1:0 2; 11 19 12<br />

,-~, '

Rototilling was done in June·' SO that the 1959 and 1960 data represents<br />

re-establishment over the period June 1960 to November 1961. In the fall of<br />

1959 three months after treatnumt little Agropyron repens was present in<br />

the plots receiving simazine or atrazine. This was true also in November<br />

1961 following June 1961 rototilling.<br />

Summary<br />

In a Dunkirk' silty c1B¥ 101$ simazine and atraZine applied on the SUI"­<br />

face at 5 poundS or at 10 pounds' of active ingredient per acre are effective<br />

in controlling Agr0J2.:'Lr.cnr~pens'antt'seedling wceds'ror one and possibly 'biro<br />

growing seasons. Ro'';;otiJling 2- 3 times at the closE! of the second aeason<br />

largely reduces any herbicidal value and permits nomal growth of red kidney<br />

beans during the sensi.tive juvdhileleaf' stage on through to flowering stage.<br />

Normal growth of all indicator plants tested is taken to indicate that the<br />

soil is free of herbicidal leveis Of the herbicide applied. Incorporation<br />

of simazine or atrazine at the tfm~ of application increases the initial<br />

efficiency of the herbicidala.ctibh.It is ljJ~ely that incorporation<br />

assures placement within the soil. and minimizes loss through run off or '<br />

spreading to adjacent plots. ao~dtilling once a year in present tests<br />

appears to be as effective as herbicidal appEcatj,on used once in a three<br />

y'ear period. <strong>Weed</strong> control value is lost and phytotoxic effect to indicator<br />

plants was not evident after the second year following application.<br />

:References<br />

Pridhem, A. M. S. Crop, voed !Uld.~oi1 aspects of sil'nazine, atrazine and'<br />

other herbicides in greenhouse and field tests. Proc. 14th<br />

Almual Meeting N.E. <strong>Weed</strong> Control conr , 142-147. 1960.<br />

•<br />

-----a~:t~r~a~z~i·ne<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> control. and residual effects<br />

applied to. sod prior to planting<br />

of simazine and of<br />

nursery stock.<br />

Proc. 15th Annual MeetiDg R.E. <strong>Weed</strong> Control Conf. 174-176.<br />




Jolin S.<br />

8&11ey2<br />

In the northeast strawberry fi.1ds are cu.tomari1y fruited only onc.. One<br />

of the chief reasons for this i. the failure of growers to keep weeds under<br />

control. The use of Sesone haa helped but under 'CllII8condition. results. bave<br />

been d1sappointing. Several other chemicals have been tried but none bas been<br />

widely used (1,2,3,5,6). Therefore, the search for a better weed control<br />

chemical for use in strawberry fields continues.<br />

Materials<br />

and Method.<br />

In mid-April, 1960, virus~frea plants of the variety Surecrop were s.t in<br />

plots 5 feet by 12 f.et. The mother plants were s.t2 feet apart, 5 to a plot<br />

and allowed to form matted rows. The materials t ..... d and rates per acre w.re<br />

as follows: Eptam 51 granular at 2 and 4 pounds; NeburoD 18.5~ W.P. at: 1 and<br />

2 pounds; Trietadne 50%W.P. at 2 and 4 pounds and Zytron 25%on clay at 10<br />

and 20 pound.. Each treatment was replicated four time.. .<br />

The plot. were hoed and cultivated until June 10 so that the plants would<br />

be thoroughly established before any treatments were applied. On June 10,<br />

after thorough cultivation and hoeing the Trietaaine and Neburon were sprayed<br />

over the plots using one pint of wat.r per plot. On June 13 the Eptam and<br />

Zytron for each plot was mixed with a double handful of dry •• nd and broadcast<br />

by band. The•• two material. were then cultivated in lightly with an<br />

iron rake.<br />

By mid-July some of the plots were getting very weedy, especially the<br />

untreated plots. Therefore, all the weeds on each,lotwere counted. S1Dce.<br />

very little gra.s appeared in any of the plots at t~s time or later, all the<br />

data will cover broadleaf weeds Oh1y. Those present were mostly purslan.,<br />

Portulaca 01er~5~; red root pigweed, Amarant~~lt retroflexusj 1ambsquarters,<br />

~~~ ~j and smartweed, Po1ygonumhydropiper.<br />

After the weed counts were made all plots were thoroughly cultivated,<br />

hoed and on July 26 and 27 all plots were re-treated.<br />

By September 23 some plots had become very weedy again. Therefore, the<br />

plot. in each block were ranked for weed population so that the results could<br />

be tested statistically by the rankit method (4). The most abundant weed at<br />

this t~e was commonchickweed, Stellaria media. After the ranking all plots<br />

were cultivated and hoed and no more chemi~applied either in the fall or<br />

lContribution No. 1328 of the Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station.<br />

University of Ma.sacbusetts, Amherst. Mals.<br />

2Associate Professor of Pomology. Department of Horticulture, University of<br />

Ma.. achu.etts.

243<br />

in the spring of 1961 preceeding the picking of the ~rop.<br />

Results<br />

The results of the weed counts on July 15 are iiven in Table I. The<br />

treatment means are compared by the method of J. S. Tukey as modified by<br />

Snedecor (7). The difference nec.... ry for significanc.,is expressed as.D<br />

rather than L.S.D. .<br />

Table 1. Percentage <strong>Weed</strong> Control on July 15, 1960 Following Herbici4.<br />

Applications on June 10, 1960.<br />

Rat. Average Transformation<br />

(lbs/a) No. weeds per to angles<br />

_T.I..!t!!.n t ,,(a.:.i.v .§.0_sS.....fl.Jl!01 __ !£o!lt,to! __ a!:.,ta.ae_v!l~e__<br />

Untreated<br />

Trietazine<br />

Trietazine<br />

Eptam<br />

Neburon<br />

Neburon<br />

Eptam<br />

Zytron<br />

Zytron<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

10<br />

20<br />

139.0<br />

2.7<br />

4.0<br />

20.0<br />

29.0<br />

27.3<br />

44.3<br />

47.3<br />

51.7<br />

D at 5'7.: 16.62<br />

98.1<br />

97.1<br />

~5.6<br />

79.1<br />

80.4<br />

68.1<br />

66.0<br />

55.6<br />

*Differences between means having the same letter ar~ not significant.<br />

82. 33a*<br />

81.05a<br />

67.94ab<br />

63.58b<br />

63.46b<br />

54.75b<br />

54.4lb<br />

51.85b<br />

Most of the materials gave good to excellent weed control. The outstanding<br />

material is Trietazine. The two pound rate seems to be just as good as the four<br />

pound. Eptam at four pounds per acre also gave sucb good control that ther~ is<br />

no significant difference between it and the two rat .. of Trietazine. The<br />

difference in weed control between the two rates of ·Tr1etazine and the other<br />

materials is significant but the differences betwee~ Eptam at four pounds per<br />

acre and the others is not. . . . .<br />

Table II gives the results in rankit values (4) of the plots on .<br />

September 23.<br />

Table II. Results from Ranking on September 23~ 1960 of plots treated<br />

a Second Time on July 26, 1960.<br />

Rate<br />

Rate<br />

(lbs/a) Rankit (lbs/a) Rankit<br />

!r!a~m!n1 (!.!.l_ !:a.!u! Ir!a1m!n~ .-;__

241+<br />

The Trietazine plots were abaost entirely free of weeds while the<br />

untreated plots had a heavy infestation. Again, Trietaaine rated the highelt<br />

and there is no difference between r&ta.. However. there il no .significant<br />

d1ffer~nce between Trietaz1ne at .:j.tb,r2 or' 4 'pouncit per acre. Neburon a~<br />

pounds per acr~' aDaZytron at 20 pouildl per acre. ''J', ."<br />

2<br />

. -, " : ,'. \ • 'l • , ';., ~<br />

'In the .UllIIilerof 1961 the 11eld80f fruit 'ftom"cile'pl6ts wen obtatn.~:<br />

These data when treated by analysil of variance give no lignificant diffetlhce<br />

between treatmentl. Therefore,comparilonl between 'treatments are omitted. Thil<br />

relult IUIge'tl tlia': ilone of the h.rbicidel changed "th., yield of ftuit"<br />

lignificantly. ' i'<br />

Conclusions<br />

I • __ : 1.. ,<br />

. When de&1ing with h.1'bicid .... 1t:1.8 neverlafa todtaw bard •• d fa.t' ,<br />

conclusions from the results of one yaar or one crop cycle. However. th. ,data<br />

'presented Ihow that during the one two-year cycle for strawberriel, most o.f,the<br />

'"materials did a realonably good job of controlling broadleaf weeds. ,but 't~<br />

',Trietazine was outstanding in thil respect. The yields ineticated no adve~"~<br />

'effectl of the herbicidel tried.<br />

Literatur,<br />

Cited<br />

1. ClIDpbeU.R. W. and G. S. Atteridg. 19'6. Comparilon of some chemical~')<br />

applied as residual pre-emergence sprays to control crabgrall in est.b1.iahed<br />

Itrawberry plantings. Proc. 13th Ann. Meet. North Cent. <strong>Weed</strong> cene , Conf.<br />

p.62-63.<br />

2. ChappeU. W'. E. and'1; L. Bc$"er. 'Jr. 1959. GraUl'rand spray applications<br />

of certain herbicidelin s~r_erries 'and raspberries. Proc. 13th Ann.<br />

'Meet. ,North.astern <strong>Weed</strong> Cant'. 'Con£.p.64-68. ."<br />

3. Curtis, O. F. andJ.P. Tomkinl.1958; . Herbiclda'''effects on strawberry<br />

,yieldl., proc •. 12th .Ann.Meet'.''ltorthealtern We.¢',cont.Cod. p:S3-59.<br />

, ...' '.:",~, ",. .. .. .. .. .<br />

4.M1t:hellon. l.; F., W. R. LachDiatllind D. D. Allen.19~8~ .The use, of the<br />

','Weighted RAlnkit~',Method in'variety tdab. prdcf;~er.Soc •. Hort. Sci.<br />

7l:33~-338. ,,", .<br />

5. •. Poulos P. L. 1958.' N'eburoll: newelt of the subitituted' urea herbicidl".<br />

Proc. 12th Ann. Meet. Northeastern <strong>Weed</strong> Cont. Conf. p.45-49.<br />

, • ~. ".:. : I" r-n- " '; ,<br />

6. Rlhn. E. ~. and J. D. Fieldhouse; 1960. EvaluaCl~~ dfseveral herbicides for<br />

.strawberiies. Proc. 14th Ann. Meet. Northeastem <strong>Weed</strong> Cont. Cpnf. p.55-59.<br />

7. Shedecor, 'G. W~ 1956. Statistical ~ethods.<br />

Iowa. 5th Bel" p.25l-U3.<br />

oott".iate Presl, Inc. Am~~,<br />



Bxpedlllflnt II.<br />

In 1960 a .~d axp.r1. .. nt;:~r.e.rte4;'~',~0IQIlH):l!.v.ral rate. of<br />

S1.IIIazlneand the u.ually te~~,;,rat4t; .of ;DR1..... The plot. were lald out<br />

In an orchard planted In 1958. Thl. orchard contalned flv. tr.e •• ach of 21<br />

n.w varletie. all on Ba.t Malllni.W:t,roPUtoclt ••<br />

The treatment. con.lsted of Dalapon at 10 pounde per 100 gallons of water<br />

8Ild &UtaI1ne.t-.10, U, .20,25 and 30 pounde' a.1.:,pa':> JiOO-sallone.AppUoat1C1n.<br />

"er' .. de. OIl' June 16, 1960 Id.tila 3-plloo c~.. d 'all' .pr.yer 00 G<br />

are.,4 to, 5 feet LA d:Laeter around, .ach tre.. AboUili2o,.quart. of.pray wre<br />

und, for 7 tr.... TbeDalapoa plDb were ,.1vea a .teCllld application em<br />

Augu.t 18,1960 •<br />

. The exper1JDeAtal layout cout.t.d of 6 .tr.at1Il .... ' upl1cated 7 tilll8••<br />

Slo.1. tl'8e, plotl weX'.~ed. 1\'...... " were.pace4:1.0::«hat ,t;here wa.at<br />

lea.t J 0118 \lntraated Ilraebetwe.1l1 &lraC.d treea'.' rhat.f.e. til each block'<br />

there were 6 tr.ated trees and 8 to 10 guard tree.. ,-:"'"<br />

on September 7, 1960 e.t1tlal •• iiware .Ue:of,t:h. effectivenes. of the<br />

treatlDenti by rating the plots frcmO to 10.Or'epr ••• nting no control and 10<br />

repre.ent1ng perf.ct control (no WI.deot gila" pre •• nt). Th. averale rating.<br />

for the treatment. are glven In the table.<br />

~'-Jq;." .r.: ,,!"",jB :'-L':: ~:t;J<br />

RaUng o£weedCoDtrol ifollCW1.DI AppUcaUOD. rof. »a1apoll and; S1ala'£".~' :I.<br />

)_.' ,~:~.d I ; ; {,:"j j fl.!"-:'1 ' .:, ; : i .: \:,::.i!<br />

I Rate • .J Ap'KOX. .::::...;.; ";;'-(.i!f:-.,,;;;(;.;;RJt!DM ,~;l',-<br />

Ir.!a.£!D.!n! l.!!/.l0.Q,Sa.ls..t__ l.&!eJ.a !e,Et,!1D,2e.!1.,_11,602__ Maz.ll1"19.!1<br />

DalapoQ' ,1Q .s: ,:&-10 '; rqRWtb',o •• Ctill'<br />

Dalapon plot., which had been, ..e,pl'qed .5 weeks b.fOldl' the,e.t1.lllatelJw.n-_cIa' •<br />

.'.r'-, J J',.1. IH."v.:. " . • l:·)'U,.l:.~P<br />

In theSpl'1nl: Qf 1961 lt WA' '.nned, IlbaIlAIlO8!Jl.; ratl'lJil; .the foUowi~,:~el'­<br />

vatlODS were_de:~,l)S.Cllll8 ar."J'~ __ny broadlaaIJ .... de WIre; cC*tns~,<br />

the ,'t'alaPQn plcaU ..,:. 2) MolIt oftiMU ... d. caD1ng:,_kll1ldlo. the,S1llaslne,plClb',<br />

were quack gra .. , AaropYron repen.. 3), Gran c_na> tIlCo"the:SliIIaaia. .~<br />

looked stunted and yellow. 4) S1IIIadne was not eff.otiv •• Ia1.~stclnq~ll~o_f.l,<br />

Potent111a !p.S,- The effect1vene ••- ofSlmazlna ior- ... d control was stUl"<br />

eVide~;'lJ;, IIIP1l*ib aft.ri~pjil.Cl.t-J.·ClO'~.upH1a11)'J':at "taoa .tJ! U,to 30 p~,~<br />

per 100 gallem. of water,'j' "";>('>1,\, :cd:",. ""',;: ,'I'.V~~\·'t<br />

: ;~l~.;:;.a,<br />


Li£erature<br />

Cited<br />

1. Chappell. W. E. and George WiUialIIa. 1960. We.d control studies in young<br />

apple orchards. ,Prac. 14th Ann•. Meet. Northea.~~,Wee~ Cant. Conf.<br />

217-218.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Curtis. o. F •• Jr. 1956. Growtb of young apple trees weeded with CMU.<br />

Cras. Sesln. MR. or na1apon. hoc. 10th Ann. Meet. Northeastern <strong>Weed</strong><br />

Cant. Conf. p. 297-304.<br />

, . ..', 'F<br />

Curti •• O. F •• Jr. 1958. ,Gr•.•• and weed cont~,under peach tree'. :Proc.<br />

12th Ann. Meet. Northea.teri <strong>Weed</strong> Cont. Conf., ....100·107.<br />

r<br />

, '<br />

247<br />

4. Harrison. T. B. 1957.<br />

(Dow Chemical Company)<br />

Chemical grass control in orchards.<br />

13:14-~~.<br />

Down to Barth<br />

5. Larsen. R. p. and S. K. Ries. 1960. S1mazlne for controlling weeds 1n<br />

fruit tree and grape plantiQl'. <strong>Weed</strong>s 8(4):671~'77.<br />

6. LeUe. J. S. and R. P. Lonile,. 196(). The conla:ol of weeds around yoiuia<br />

apple trees. <strong>Weed</strong>s 8(3):422-4~6~<br />

7. Schubert. o. B. 1959. Effect of recODlllendt\danclexcesa1ve rates of,<br />

certain herbicideS to apple trea. of varyins ase,., Proc. 13th Ann. Meac.<br />

Northeastern <strong>Weed</strong> ceae , Conf~p. 62·63. .<br />

~',<br />

.'<br />

j ...<br />

, ,<br />

i<br />

r .<br />

248<br />

...../<br />


. " DIPHENAM~~: ANDPROMETft~, . t • • ·'~.~!i~ .•<br />

.: . 'M.I~i'~l'e.,.ttari4"RObe1"t Lit'ti.:ti~id1:;' '.<br />

'J<br />

Hl.;< •<br />

..·:).C~>·,<br />

This papel' .i.a a... 1'e pol't ... Qn ...• t.he ette~.t1...y~ .. ' ... as.rv. ot the,he~.~g:~.dU<br />

'Uated in TaN.':llon:th.ci)n.~Ol ot annUd',J)i6~~eat' we~d' ~'l<br />

annual gl'assell .h1'Cazll'oth' . ..'<br />

I<br />

:.\:i'l~<br />

Pl'ocedure<br />

. ';"iJd<br />

"~ , ",'1<br />

Long Chantanay oal'l'otls ',tere planted 'in". loam so11 12 .rune, .<br />

1961, ,and wel'e eventually thtnned to tWl?inqhea. Tl'eatmenta._l'e.<br />

l'ep11oated .... A'·ta .. 111'a .tlandom1zedbio~~ b.t 'e1ngle-l'owp];Q,ia<br />

pail'ed with untl'eated plotll. Spl'aya weite app:u.ed with' one pa',',<br />

ot a small plot 8pl'.yel'at 40 pounda pl'es.sW'ean4 ,0 $dlon4.;~ .'<br />

aore volume. ,.i"blc1d ..awff'~ 'aJ)pl:led to 1i:l~f'rent lle1"if)aot, p~ota<br />

at 'plan t.ing(12 June) Ie t the "oCtt)'ledona.ry stage (26 Ju-ne),~n~"at<br />

the tl'ue letit stage (j July).·" '. ,. .<br />

The pl'~oipal bl'oadleat weeds wel'e: Wild Rutabaga (Bl'assl08<br />

a L.), L"ambsqual'tel'a (Chenopodium~ L.), and Spurl'Y<br />

el' ula a ven is L.). The annual gl'asae. p1'8aent wel'e: Foxtail<br />

Se 81' a v.), and Barnyal'd gl'aa8 (Eohinoohola 01'uafalll L.).<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> ooun 8 an 1"atings were 1I18deten weeka atte1" tl'eatmen •<br />

Results<br />

Hand weeded plots, and plots l'eoeiving 4 pounds ot Solan pel"<br />

aOl'e eithel' at the cotyledonal'y atage 01' at the tl'ue lear stage<br />

or cal'l'~ts, and 2 01"4 pounds or Pl'ometl'yne applied at planting,<br />

pl'oduced s18J1irlcantly highe1" rields ot cut-ott cal'l'ota than all<br />

othel' tl'eatments except 4 and 6 pounds or Amiben applledat<br />

planting, Table 2. Highest numel'ioal yielda wel'e pl'oduced in<br />

hand weeded plot., and in plot, l'eceiving 4 pounds or Solan at the<br />

cotyledonal'y ste! ..<br />

11 Associate agl'onomlst and technioal assiatant, Agl'onOMYDepa1"tment,<br />

Maine Agl'ioultural Experiment Station, Uhive1"sity ot<br />

Maine, 01'0no, Maine.

Tl'eatments ghing un.811~!8facto%'yy~.eids inoluded: planting<br />

application of 6 pounds of Solan pel' aCl'e, 10 pounds of Zytl'on,<br />

4 pounds of Diphenamid, and 4 pounds of Diphenamid plus 4 pounds<br />

0t Aml08l'1,Table 2. ';, '"1· I<br />

249<br />

,. I, .:" '_~ :.' ;'.~ '1 (1 " ,,', '.! ',; ;~: .<br />

Low fields wel'e aa.8oe1ated eithei'w1tb, !'1~adequate w~e'dJcbntl'ol<br />

ol.'wi~h n..l'Ucipe.· indu~811c; nop injW'y'. ~ LM

250<br />

,~ ­<br />

, ..,)'<br />

rv:: ":<br />

" ' C .. .,i...: _. . • ;- ~ • - t.b,r:LJ, \ ;(~rr<br />

In 1961, as in previous yeal's, SOlan applied in ca:rrGh' at<br />

eithel' the ootyledonary 01' at the first true leaf stage, s~ti.­<br />

ta~,t 01;'1,1.y ~",ct;~9U"'annua~, "Uda' and; anual( '1'8S8U .wi thoil~<br />

toedu9,t S,. ; tnl yJ.•.~'q~l'e4: tot bandweeded: Jpl ot _, .: SU18t8otOl'f'<br />

.Qn~rd· deJ)~Il., tl,qn, .ppl,.1~g~;Sol.whilft we.d_ 1a" "uall, pit.'e*,­<br />

al?}.J.be/cpr" Ml'e.~ tan one".ol'dlwo tl'ue bari.'tla.e develop.d.;'·~<br />

., ... '.' J_'.');.,'-.f;};:~,~ __;~ :., 'i'.:') \~' "'fl:l, r-:,,'; , ',::','-..L,<br />

PlanUng.r"IPpUoatlOi1Jot,;dth81' .2ol'dV JDowtdl ot PJlc::lmetl'~<br />

;;9:?<br />

~~::~4:tori:e~~l'O~\l~~d.,tield~<br />

,.!. )1;<br />

DO~ :'.~~~ltlNat~ytdi~~'ftt<br />

.: " " ",I., '_'/,)' '1''If.' " . • ~:i<br />

'. -. _ _ :'~ e 1'~1

Table 1.<br />

Designa t ion<br />

Am1l:)en<br />

.\ :<br />

D1phenam1p<br />

Frometryne<br />

Solan<br />

Zytz'on<br />

Herb1c1desUseQ,<br />

~ .Q.,arrot,s.<br />

, ,,:1',<br />

'\~i.; ',:" Ac;1.ett....;; .... ~-d~'1\-en-t----<br />

j~1~o,2,~~1chlOrOb&~zJ1~1aotd'<br />

~'~rd1methyl_d1PhenylaCe~amt'e<br />

Z~~b. thylmercapto-4,6-b1s<br />

I<br />

'<br />

\.(18 p;opYlam1n~)-s-<br />

~h1ne .! ..<br />

~~(~-ChlOro-4-methYlPhen~1)-~-~~tih~lPentanam1de<br />

0- (4!,4 -d1chlorophenyl) -o-jnet~y:t; '1'sopropy;lphosphoroamu'oth1oa<br />

te ..! . '<br />

, ! 1 -<br />

~.' '": 'I<br />

: i<br />

;-' 1 (,<br />

'.., ~ , ...<br />

i ,<br />

I:<br />

0.<br />

., .;<br />

l..!<br />

I:<br />

, I.)<br />

. I<br />

~'i<br />

. .;'<br />

-j<br />

,1 .. '<br />

'.;!<br />

" ,<br />

i<br />

/.1", 1- .-~ •<br />

, '"I

)<br />

..,<br />

~~ble, 2.. , Yield ot Car~ts. Following Application of Various Herbicides.<br />

; -."<br />

Pounds<br />

of<br />

cut off Rank (1 - highest. 11 = lowest)<br />

carrots Annual Bi'oadleaf Number of Weight l<br />

Acre rate of he~blclde per 25.' grass weed cal'l'ots per cut of:<br />

(activE! ingre'diant) of l'OW contl'ol control 2$' of row CQI'rot:<br />

.:H.and 1fe~d': ..,<br />

'4# so~. c<br />

" , ,~.aaY<br />

4# Solan.<br />

4# Pl'Cimetryne<br />

2# Prometryne<br />

6# Amlben<br />

4# Amiben<br />

6# Solan<br />

10# Zytl'on .<br />

4# Am1,ben'+.4# Diphenamld<br />

4# Di*enamld 8Qr1. .<br />

Coty:!:l24.1a<br />

Tl'. 20.6ab<br />

Pl 20.3ab<br />

PI 20.3ab<br />

Pl 19.4abc<br />

Pl 16.9 bcd<br />

Pl 13.4 cd<br />

!pI 11.3 de<br />

SOW l>1 6.0 et<br />

PI 5.4 f<br />

L.S.D. 5$ $.3<br />

11 Coty = applied at cotyledonary stage of oQI'rots, 26 June, 1961.<br />

T1 = applied at true leaf stage of CQI'l'ots, 3 July, 19b1 •<br />

. Pl = applied at planting, 12 June, 1961.<br />

y Means having the same letter designations do not dittel' significantly at the 5%level<br />

(Duncants Multiple Range Test).<br />

2<br />

8<br />

10<br />

1<br />

i<br />

5<br />

11<br />

941<br />

1<br />

~ 236<br />

10<br />

891<br />

11<br />

4 359l<br />

2<br />

81<br />

11<br />

10<br />

1<br />

i<br />

2<br />

3<br />

$<br />

19<br />

10<br />

8<br />

11<br />

N<br />


Table 3. Percent Broadleat <strong>Weed</strong> Control in Carrots Following<br />

Applioation ot Va~ious Herbicides.<br />

253<br />

. ..<br />

Ac~e rate ot<br />

active, in6tedient<br />

Handweeded<br />

4# Prometr;yne<br />

2# Prometryne<br />

4# Solan<br />

4# Solan<br />

6# Amiben<br />

4# Amlben + 4# Diphenamid 80W<br />

6# Solan<br />

10# Zytron<br />

4# Alliben<br />

4~ .Di~henamid 8G1<br />

t. eD.51<br />

11 See Footnote #1, table 4.<br />

Ply<br />

Pl<br />

Coty<br />

Tl<br />

Pl<br />

Pl<br />

Pi<br />

Pl<br />

Pl<br />

Pl<br />

Percent broadleat<br />

weed contDol<br />

Table 4. Percent Annual Grass Control in Carrots Following<br />

Application ot Various Herbicides.<br />

Acre rate<br />

(active<br />

L.S·P.$%<br />

of herbicide<br />

ingredient)<br />

4# Prometryne<br />

Hand weeded<br />

2# 'Prometryne<br />

4# Amiben + 4# Diphenamid 80W<br />

4# Amiben<br />

6# Amiben<br />

4# Diphenamld<br />

4# Solan<br />

'J.O#Z)"iron<br />

4# Solan<br />

6# Solan<br />

Plli<br />

Pl<br />

Pl<br />

Pl<br />

Pl<br />

Pl<br />

Coty<br />

Pl<br />

Tl<br />

Pl<br />

Percent<br />

ot annual<br />

o(mtro~<br />

grass<br />

11 Cotyo= applied at cotyleci0l:lary stage ot~arrots, 26 June,- .1961.<br />

, Tl ,. = applied at true leat stageot carrots, 3 July, 19b1.<br />

Pl =appl1.d at planting 12 JUl),e, 1961.<br />

~ Means ha~1ng the same letter designation. do not ditfer significantly<br />

at the 5%level (Duncan's Multiple Range Test).

254<br />

Table 5. Number of CsrrotaFPtir 25 Feet' ot,aew'.<br />

Acrerate-of<br />

active in8!'841ent<br />

10# Zyttlon<br />

4# Amlbel1<br />

4# Solan<br />

Handweeded<br />

4# Solan<br />

6# A1lilb~n<br />

2# P,r.oltietr;yne<br />

6# Solan<br />

4# P!'1).llletryne<br />

4 Diphenamid<br />

+<br />

PlY<br />

Pl<br />

:Ooty<br />

, .. r<br />

:. Tl<br />

j Pl<br />

Pl<br />

Pl<br />

Pl<br />

Pl<br />

BOW 1<br />

;"ig,'<br />

."Number o'err-ots<br />

per 25 felt of<br />

, ,tlOK' v,~ ',' '<br />

Y See Footnote #1, table 6.<br />

~ See Footnote #2, table 6.<br />

dJ<br />

';;<br />

Table 6. Weight Pel' Cut-Off Carrot Fo11~g Applioation of<br />

of., ya.rio~s He.rbic,~c!~,~ •.<br />

, "Acre 1'iltEl at<br />

actiYe1ngredlent<br />

Handweeaed<br />

4# Promet.ryne<br />

2# Prometryne<br />

4# Solan'<br />

6# Amtb~n<br />

4# Solsp .<br />

4# Amlben<br />

4# Amiben+ 4# Diphenamid BOW<br />

6# S91sn<br />

lO#Zytl'on' ..<br />

4#Dl'henamld<br />

'.'BOW<br />

: L.E.p.SS !<br />

Y Coty= ap~lled at<br />

Tl = applied at<br />

Pl =.applied. at<br />

y Means hav11lg the<br />

,Pl'y<br />

,;fl<br />

.Ooty<br />

Pl<br />

Tl<br />

Pl<br />

'Pl<br />

, Pl<br />

Pl<br />

P1<br />

,.,1e<br />

co&;yle4o~ary stage of oar.rot,' 26 June, 1961.<br />

true leaf stage ot oarrots, 3 July, 1961.<br />

plant1l1h 12 June, 1961.'" .',<br />

.1. • v;·'<br />

same letter designations do not dlffe.r sign1f1­<br />

cantly at the 5% level (Duncan's Multiple Range Test).

,255<br />




M.F. Trevett and Robert L1tnetiel~<br />

Introduotion<br />

This paper is a report on the etfectivene,s of the herbioides<br />

listed in Table lin oontrolling annual b~o,aleaf weeds and ahrlcial<br />

grasses in sweet oorn.<br />

Procedure<br />

Seneoa Golden sweet OOl'nwas planted in a sandy loam soil.<br />

5 June, 1961. Treatments were replioated se.en times in a rand,0­<br />

mized block of single row plots paired with untreated plots.<br />

Sprays wel'e applied with one pass ot a .ma11p10t sprayel' at 40<br />

pounds pressure and 50 gallon8 per acr-e volume~ Planting al'P~oation,s<br />

of herbie1des were made 6 June, 1961, Jll'eemergenoe applioations<br />

were made 13 June, 1961.<br />

The prinoipalbroadlear weeds were: Wild rutabaga (Brads1oa<br />

~ L.), Spurry (sperpjula srvensis L.), Ragweed (AmbrosIa<br />

~m1si1folia L.), and Sma~tweea (P01asonum,pensSlvanIoum t.)4<br />

The prinoIpal annual grass wls Barnyar ,grass (Eo Inoofiloa '<br />

oruspjslli L.).<br />

Results<br />

Treatments that did not diffel' signifieantly in effeot on<br />

yield at the 5 pel'cent level from the standard treatment of 2<br />

pounds of atrazine per acre were: 6 and 8 pounds of Niagal'a 5178<br />

applied preemergenoe, planting applioation ot 10 pounds of either<br />

R-3408 01' R-3400, 01' 3 pounds or Ca801'0n, and h~hd weeding,<br />

Table 2.<br />

Treatments pl'oducing lowel'yields than the six best tl'eatments<br />

did so because of eithel' inadequate broad1eat weed control<br />

or a reduction in stand of oorn, Table 2.<br />

11 Associate agronomist and technical assistant, Department of<br />

"'-' Agl'onomy, Univel'sity of Maine, Orono, Maine.

256<br />

Annual gl'ass, avel'sging2,,8 planbs'-pel',.quare foot in untl'ea<br />

ted plots, ciid not seriou.~.1 oompete w$.:ool'n fol' mohtW"t<br />

and nutiiients. ,&ooedleaf we.df" on phe obh... ' J:!.and, pl'inoipally<br />

Bl'assioa leie L., avel'aging 20.$ plants pel' squal'e foot in untl'eated<br />

p 0 s, 'sharpJ,.y I'eduoe;dryields when ~l1didste hel'bioidu<br />

gave less than 80 pel'cent oontl'ol. six pounds of Niagal'a $778<br />

pel' aOl'e did not diffel' signifioantly fl'OM 8 pounds in bl'oadleaf<br />

weed oontrol, Table 3. Ten p,OJil'ldsof 81thel' R-3408 01' R-3400 gave<br />

signifioantly bettel' bl'oadle"at\teedcontl'ol than 5 pounds of 81thel'<br />

hel'bic1de. Ten pounds pel' aOl'e of R-3441 dld not diffel' signitlcellUyfrom<br />

;1.0,pound. of R-3408, Table 3. '~o pounds per 80N of<br />

dipnellamld gaveun.a tistaotoU;.o.ontl'ol ofB~ue1ce species, ' buth<br />

gave fa1~ ooritl'ol of I'agweed.<br />

Hel'b10ides giving signifioantly highest annual gl'ass oontrol<br />

inoluded Dupont 326 at 3 and 6~po~d aOl'e I'ates, 3 pounds ot Dupont<br />

326 pel' aOl'e plus 2 pounds ofd!phenamid, 2 pounds of atl'uine, and<br />

8 pounds ot Niagal'a 5778. Eight pounds of Niegal'a $778 pel' acre did<br />

not' ,d,l,:!'fel' Sl 8Pl,fl,O$ntl,Y f~DP1,'?,', pounds, ofcUlpbecamid, Table 4.<br />

R-3490 and R".3408 did not ~i,tf.~ a1gnifioa~.:l.~,1n annual ~a.. :'<br />

oontl'ol, Tabl,e 4. .' :' :<br />

Plo'ts'that bad I',eoeivea ,a6 pound pel' ,~re nteof Dupon~, 326<br />

hads1gn1tican~ly, fewer cO-Nlplanta per 2S f.-t· of row than 'plo:ts<br />

reoeiving any other tl'estment', 'Table 5. Plo.fiJ t'ut had received<br />

a 3 pound pel' aCl'e rate of Dupont 326 elther' alone 01' in oombinatlonwlth<br />

2 pounds of dlphe~d: had s1gnit\l~ly fewel' oom:planbs<br />

per 25 f~et 'of row than all ,l'~1nlngtreatJl1mts except 2 po.und~ .'. .<br />

per acre,of dlphenamid alone. ,;t!eno6, in -'p~" ot, t.he neal' lI18X~uil'<br />

annua'l weed con+-:roloptdned,.3, pounds pel' '~ 'or Dupont 326 't. "<br />

too high a I'ate fur pl'eemel'genoe applica tion in sweet oOl'n on~dy<br />

loam soils.<br />

Summal'Yand Conclusions<br />

Fol' nine weeks., aftel' sp:pl1oa ti on, 2 pouods, per aore of " '<br />

atl'ulne (wettable powder), 3:.apd 6 pounds ot Pupont 326, and 6<br />

and,8 pounds; of N1agua 5778 iave oomplete opntro1 ot annual ",<br />

bl'oadleat weeds in, sweet cO""o'- Two pounds p,1' aore, of a tl'szine, 6<br />

pounds of DUpont 326, 3 pouAds of Dupont 326 with 01' wlthout.2 '<br />

pounds of diphenamid, and 8 pounds of Niagara 5778 gave complete<br />

oontl'ol or annual gl'ssses for nirleweeks aft~~ applioation.<br />

Compal'ed to all othel' h;l'blcldes tested,i6 pounds pe~ a01'8 of<br />

Dupont 326 significantly I'eduoed stand of oorn. Three pounds pel'<br />

aCl'e of Dupont 326, 2 pounds of diphenamid, and a mixtUl'e of 3<br />

pounds of Dupont 326 and 2 pounds of diphenatdld- Signifioantly'--<br />

reduceci corn ,stand co~al'ed.,to 2 P,oun,ds ,0,fatpaz1ne, 6 and 8 pom,'d8<br />

of Niagara $778, and'~ and, ·10 p,Ounds of e1theI! ;Ft-3400 01' ,R...34.l1.<br />

COl'n stand in plots recei v:k1geither 1 pound of Banvel T or 3 pounds

of Casoron per acre was statistically exoee~~only in plots<br />

receiving 2 pounds of atrazine. """ '<br />

257<br />

Two pounds, qi' a trazinep8.t!&cre and 6 ,pe-wtd-e of Niagara S178'<br />

produced significantly higher yields than all other herbi9ides,'<br />

tested except a,pounds ofN18gara :$778, 10 peunds of either R-3408<br />

or R-3400, and 3 pounds of Ouoron. I~'<br />

,:.... , ,

258<br />

Table h 'He~bic!des Ueied':th-SWeet qo~n•.<br />

:':<br />

p., ',';<br />

,"., .~ ~. .<br />

,'• ..' r.'j ...<br />

: ~';. ,J<br />

AtI'azine<br />

Banvel T<br />

CaSOl'on<br />

Dlphenamld<br />

Dupont 326<br />

NlsgsI'a 5778<br />

R-3400<br />

R-3408<br />

R..344l<br />

2-methoxy-3,5,6-tl'lchlol'obenzolc<br />

2,6-dlchlol'obenzonltl'lle<br />

N,N-dlmethyl-dlphenylaoetamlde<br />

acld<br />

3-(3,4-dlchloI'ophenyl)-l-methoxy-l-methylul'ea<br />

4,6-dlnltI'o-2-sec-butylphenyl acetate<br />

2-benzylmel'oapto-4,6-dlmethylpY!'lmldlne<br />

2-(4-ohlol'obenzylmel'oapto)-4.6-dimethylpYl'imldine<br />


~.-!<br />

_ 1.37<br />

~ Table 2. Sweet Corn Y~eld Following the Application or Various Herbicides.<br />

~.- .<br />

N<br />

Acre rate of<br />

aotive ingredient<br />

~ _ - .~-~ . ":.'

260<br />

Table 3. Percent· Control of'Annual Bl'oadl.if :<strong>Weed</strong>s in Sweet Com J<br />

Following Application of Various ,jezibicides.<br />

Acre rate of<br />

aotive ingredient<br />

2# Atrazine<br />

3# Dupont 326<br />

6# Dupont 326<br />

8# Niagara 5778<br />

3# Dupont 326 + 2# Dlphenamid<br />

6# Niagara 5778<br />

10# 11-3400<br />

3# Casoron<br />

10# 11-3408<br />

10# 11-3441<br />

5# 11-3400<br />

5# 11-3441<br />

5# 11-3408<br />

1# Banvel T<br />

2# Diphenamid 8aw<br />

pJJ}<br />

Pre<br />

Pre<br />

Pre<br />

80WPre<br />

Pre<br />

Pl<br />

P~<br />

P1<br />

Pl<br />

Pl<br />

Pl<br />

Pl<br />

Pl<br />

P1<br />

·:Me~ns<br />

oObverted<br />

to ahgles<br />

90.00<br />

90.pO<br />

90.PO<br />

90.90<br />

90 000<br />

88.15<br />

75.05<br />

66.83<br />

65.19<br />

57.68<br />

~~:~~<br />

37.58<br />

3Q.IO<br />

:J.9.40<br />

Mean.s<br />

reeonverted<br />

to percent<br />

lOOoOsY<br />

100.Oa<br />

100.0a<br />

100.0a .<br />

100"Oa<br />

99.9ab<br />

930.3 bo<br />

8405 od<br />

82.4 cd<br />

71.4 de<br />

52.4 ef<br />

52.4 ef<br />

.37.2 l'<br />

34.7 l'<br />

11.0 g<br />

11P1 = appl1ed at planting; Pre = applied p~eemergence.<br />

.,<br />

Y Means having the same let tel' designations do not differ significantlyat<br />

the 5% level (Duncan's Multiple.-Range Test).

Table 4. Peroent Control ot Ann.ual Gra.. ·SA Sweet Corn Following<br />

the Applioation ot Various Herb1oides.<br />

261<br />

Means<br />

Means<br />

Aore rate ot oonverted reconverted<br />

act1ve1ngra41pnt t.Randes to percent<br />

3# DUPODt326 + 2# Diphenamid 80W pr,)/ 87.61 99.eaiI<br />

3# Dupont 326 Pre 79.45 96.7i<br />

2# At~az1ne ~wettable powde~) Pl 79.18 96.5.<br />

6# Dupont 32 Pre 77.25 95.1a<br />

8# Niagara 5778 Pre 75.96 94.1ab<br />

2# D1phenam1d8OW·. Pl<br />

G 5 • 08 67.2 bo<br />

3# OasOl"on Pl 5.16 50.~ 0<br />

6# N1&gar' 5778 Pre 34.71 32. od<br />

lO#'R~400 P1 23.02 15.4 de<br />

5# R- 41 P1 18.~4 9,9 de<br />

1# Banvel T Pl 17. 0 8.9 , de<br />

10# R-34~l Pl 15.55 Z,2 ': de<br />

5# R-340 Pl 14.96 .7 de<br />

lOll R-G406 Pl 12.95 5,0 5# R-3 00 Pl 5.38 0.9 e<br />

. '" - ""WR ~<br />

dania­<br />

L.S.D. 5% ~8,38<br />

11 Pl = applied at planting; Pre" applied'JPel8mergenoe.<br />

Y Meana having the· lame le'41er dUignatl1011,Fdo not dirter<br />

oantll at the 5% l ... el (D~.an's Multlp1. Range Test),<br />


262<br />

Table' s..' HumbelhofCQrn:;ihQt,,,if:.zo ,2$,F'_-';t~'l,R~. ,<br />

. Aor. rate of ;,'<br />

active ingredient, .,<br />

2#,\A~~.. 1ne,."<br />

;; -, J<br />

6#,NI,'i'l'a 5778<br />

8# N18iar. a 5778<br />

10# Rt;h41<br />

10#:....·Rt.34 6 O<br />

5#,J~-3400<br />

5#r,R-)ij41<br />

51,R-3408<br />

10# R-.3408<br />

\.)<br />

•<br />

=<br />

,o,,'!.<br />

!..<br />

r ..1<br />

11 Banve1 T '. . . I<br />

J# CUQl'on c, ~<br />

?./j.Diab..nam1d 8OW..'. I ; ,.<br />

3# DUPQnt 326 + 2#~D:1phenam14:8OW<br />

3# DupQnt .326 ." ii<br />

6# DUPQnt 326 . ; , •.<br />

~ ..'.",'.__.,s ._.,-.•.£,. t 4X, a ,·4 ; ._.<br />

_-,vrn-n'S·d.H<br />

oonverted:<br />

\IT.+ .9~.<br />

1;': .' ",: ' .<br />

.. '-~"Il'f"'-­<br />

reoonverted<br />

to n\lllJ_er8<br />

1I P1 = a:gp,~1.d,~tpl~tlng;,i.re =·appl1~~.-p~merg~Q". I,<br />

?sIMea.n~~~tn8';/:l•. 8~ .!~~l'.,des.18natlQ,M,,:do not. 4Uf;el',.~1~<br />

. f1oant.ly,%~;~ ,5%leveJ;, (Dw1Q8l).'. l1ul!~-e Range T-.st).. iJJ " ..<br />

V"<br />

. 1,



Oscar E. Schubert l:<br />

This study is being cont1n~1i to detennine th~:-number of years a single<br />

herbicide application will give ~'significant redubtion in poison ivy when<br />

compared with unsprayed chec'ks-; .Add1tional detail's tli"'the experiment and<br />

yearly results have been repor1:;E!~Jn the ProcEledings of the Northeast <strong>Weed</strong><br />

Control Conference (1,2,3). .... ".!: .<br />

Seventy-two plots (l/lOOth"acre in area) were::~ls.ssified according to<br />

the relative denSity of poison ivy, and then groupc'~lnto twelve replications,<br />

each with similar poison ivy stands. Six replications composed of six plots<br />

each were laid out around treell' ..8:Qdo.nother sUe replications were laid out<br />

in spaces between tree plots itf the tree row. The~erbicides were applied<br />

at ra.nliom within each replication. '<br />

Between A\lgUSt 13 and 17, ,1957, ATA, 2,4,5-'1' ~~ter, Sllvex, 2,4,5-'1'<br />

Amine, and Ammate were applied tQ, J(ell established.:iioison ivy in a mature.<br />

apple ore:bB.rd'. All herbicides,~x

264<br />

Table 1. Average number of poison ivy stems in six l/lOOth-acl'e replicated<br />

plots one, two, three, and four rears following a s:l.!l8le herbicide<br />

annl1cati" on,'<br />

I" AuriiI" t', 1°'1,,) to, "<br />

~iIf. - _ - - ~ ~__ '" - - -j"Tt'- e"&tlb1:", 'i,i,s, --,-he4, ',.... iIf.----'-~l'!'C'- '. 1,een,'ifl

265<br />


Oscar E. Schubert l<br />

The 1960 strawberry herbicide investigations for a combination of<br />

herbicides to control weeds witb a minimum of hand-""eding wel'e continued<br />

in 1961.<br />

Experiment 1<br />

Catskill· strawberry plants were set in early Ap#l J 1960, and weeded by<br />

hand-hoeing and a rotary cultivator until June 19 .. On June 20-21, and on<br />

July 21, seven herbicides, or combinations thereOf, were applied at ran40m to<br />

four replicated plots (9 feet wide and 12 feet long). Information about<br />

average weed weights, kind of weeds controlled, and :number of runner plants<br />

formed during the first season I s grOwthwere reporte!d (1).<br />

It was not entirely feasible to fulfill one of the original purposes of<br />

the experiment--to determine if herbicides alone co\U.d be used for adequate<br />

weed control without any additional hand-weeding--si!1ce the weeds had to be<br />

removed for weighing. In Treatments 2 and 6, the ~tity of weeds removed<br />

last year was small (0.43 and 1. 45 pounds per plot c.ompared with 112 pounds<br />

in the non-hoed check plot) so these treatments may ~pproach the goal.<br />

On September 28-29, 1960, ~bout three weeks after weeds were removed<br />

and weighed, the plots were divided .into three SUbplots (4 feet wide and 9<br />

feet long). Two subplots in each plot were treated /3otrandom with<br />

additional herbicides on September 28-29 and/or November 4, 1960. The<br />

entire series of treatments are pres.ented in Table L<br />

The planting was mulched with 'ltheat straw in ear~y December. The<br />

strawberry plants came through the light covering of'mulch the following<br />

spring; therefore, it was not necessary to remove th,mulch.<br />

On June 14, 1961, careful observations were m~ in all the plots<br />

regarding plant vigor, stand, berry size and set, ~ possible herbicide<br />

injury. The vigor of each SUbplot was estimated as a percentage of the most<br />

vigorous hoed-check plants (rated as 100). The aver~e per cent vigor of the<br />

two subplots which were treated in September and/or ~ember is given for<br />

each treatment in ·Table 2. The analysis of variance and all comparisons<br />

among means were computed on the percentage data after the percentages were<br />

transformed to angles (angle .. arcstiJ. Jpercentage). .<br />

lHorticulturist, West Virginia University. The cooperatiq~ of the following<br />

companies in supp,lying the herbicides used in these i inveis:tigations is<br />

gratefully acknowledged: Amchem'Products, Inc., Diamond Alkali Company,<br />

Geigy Chemical Corporation, Niagara Chemical Division of Food Machinery<br />

and Chemical Corporation, and Stauffer Chemical com.;e.riy. The author also<br />

wishes to acknowledge a grant in aid from the Geigy Chemical Corporation<br />

which partially supported this work.

,<br />

,<br />

~J.:. ! .....!e~!c!d!:. ~~a~!S_aV!i~_""2.£a!&~1!j_S~~~~ ~!&.:.<br />

" ,- ....<br />

, ~ ..... .. '-,'" ~. " ',- "'~ " ,',:. -"-,<br />

.Herbicides applied Herbicides applied as a Herbicides' a.pplied Herbicides applied as<br />

June 2O-21.L 1960 s~ on July 21.L 1960 8eR,teDiber 28-29, 1960 c _sR.ry...;.l(!!,~Dibe!. ~,~<br />

Treatment HerbIcIdi'· - - Ratelr - HerbIcIae - - RRte- - - HerbicIae - - Rate- - Herbicide-Rate<br />

number and lb/A and lb/A and 1b/A and. lb/A<br />

Formulation a a.1. Formulation a.i. Formulation a.1. Formulation a.1-<br />

- - - - ..... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s:liaii'ne:aow- -175- -<br />

__ ! _ ~ _N£n~ in£l1:l~~~~L~~_-ti __ ~ N£I1~ ~ !a!.S!~~~ .t4.:. 0__<br />

~.. ' . .; ;. ... S " ine- , '. 1/ 5 .. .: ., '.. '. ,,:...Simazb~. 1~5<br />

"' 2 c' ;~'tam-5Gd, + 'Y--- h 2le ' ;+4.0',;, -......~ ... " ,6.0 .• + KaraU-ailC. ,M.o<br />

..... - - - ~;--& - - - ";-l~.'.--''''''' ....- ~.:=rr,,:=,~{_,;_. __ -_.~.-- -'- --~~ - - -'- - -.- - - - - ..-.- ~ - -- --<br />

__ 1_ .:..':"C!8£r£n.:.~~_ ~4.:.0__ N£I1!. C!8£r£n.:.1iQ. 2.:.0 !O!!e_ - -0';;.,- _<br />

, Simazine-ovw- 1.5 Simazine,-uvw.· 1.5<br />

4 + Karsil-2EC ,+4.0 Karsil-2EC 4.0 None ' 3-Kars:U-~" +l.p<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -S'LJBz'Ine-8o'W - - 1.'5- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ "'"- """.-=:::'-<br />

__ .2 ~.!i!-~ 4.:.0__ +_~.!i!-gE£ __ ~.2. N£I1!:. !a!.s!l.:.~ 4.:.0__<br />

-:-'-:J--<br />

_-.2.__ -.'S~~-~_.3,:.5,__ Kyy.!.:o'gB£ ,~.£. _'- _S.!i!:z~~:...i_2.:.0;.. __ !&£s!1.:.~._ -.:4~0__<br />

267<br />

Table 2. Eftect Of'herbicidet~el[Ltments on plantv1go.r and weed control,;<br />

;r~a;~n; - -vI;i· -W~ed. ~o~t;'i'o~;o~ ~~s~~c;~bIcId~:~lIed. - -<br />

J~e 14, OCtober 24" .. '- - - - -'- __ .~:~ - - - -- - - - --:<br />

_____ ..._ ~... 1261._ ..._ ...§.iH!&!:!,a<br />

_<br />

(Mean ~)c (Mean j)C<br />

e_ ....KF!i,! _ Qt!!e!<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

16 de 20 c<br />

45 bed<br />

, 6e<br />

70 ab<br />

15 c<br />

35 cd 42 bc<br />

78ab 71 ab<br />

81 a 74 ab<br />

60 abc 76 ab<br />

71 ab 76 ab<br />

51 abc 88a<br />

1.5<br />

3·0<br />

3·0<br />

1.5<br />

3·5<br />

3·0<br />

1.5<br />

3·5<br />

4.0<br />

13',0<br />

1~;0<br />

12.0<br />

8.0<br />

8,0<br />

'110.0<br />

/1_":.<br />

12.0-Eptam<br />

6.0-Casoron<br />

8.0-Dinoben<br />

24;0-Dacthal<br />

------~--_._----~~'~------,-~~---------~<br />

aExpressedas Percentage of t1u,lmo~t vigorous hoed~c1leck plots (rated as ~).<br />

bA weed-free plot would be given a 10C/f.rating and, a complete weed cover l[L CJ1,<br />

rating.<br />

'<br />

CAverage ot four replications .~e~s in a;;olumn19tl1 the same letter do not<br />

differ s1sn1fican,tly at, the 'fIi.., ieve1 of probab" 'F!Y' The percenta ges",lIere<br />

transformed to, angles (angle. =arcsin percen } before ma.k1ng .<br />

statistical analysis since theve.riable cor..J:l,sta of the proportion of "<br />

individual plots s:rfectedwhe~'the distributioJ1,tends to be binomial'u<br />

force. " .<br />

. '.{.I<br />

The vigor of plants in Trea~nt 8 (the' fO:l;'lller,'lIhQedcheck" which<br />

received only'o11,e application of S$mazine and ~rs.U.) "id not differ<br />

significantly froID plants in Treatiments 5, 6, 70Z'~9 which received<br />

greater quantities of herbicid.e.,·Only plantsin~tment3 (Casoron<br />

alone) and '!'rea_ntl (the fOrmer non-hoed checkf:,.,re significantly<br />

poorer in vigor than most of the ,t:rea~d plants,<br />

. ", ;<br />

Plants in Treatment 4 (in whicJa a total of 12 ·pp~ds of Karsil plus. 3<br />

pounds of Simazine were applied) were lower in vigor than Treatments 5, ,6,<br />

and 8. Many of the plants in Treatment 4 had both chlorotic and necrotic<br />

areas on leaves. The leaves were often "tattered" in appearance since<br />

portions of the hecrotic tissues were broken off.<br />

The vigor of plants in the "check" subplot (with reference to September<br />

and November treatments) did not differ significantly from each other. The<br />

stand in Treatments 3 and lwa, "pc:lOrerthan in all.,other treatments.<br />

,j, .<br />

Interve!nal and marginal chlorosis 1 presumably,Q,ue to higher, levels of<br />

Simazine, was observed in Treatments 6 and 9 where a 2-pound application was<br />

made on September 29, 1960. No .chlorosis was detec~edin Treatments 2, 4, 7<br />

or 8 where only a 1.5-pound appUcation was made Onj-WOVember 4, 1960. All

268<br />

of the above pl\;lllsj exce1:ltTteatnlerrt' 8,_rell1v.n,,~jl"5';''POund applicati01l.(<br />

of Sitllll.z1nein 'June or July . ''S1maztne"inJury WU' IIIOre-Prevalent in '<br />

Treatment 6- fl1iIAn:iaTre&tment9~:'l!t 'Be_as tllWlb':e1ther the .KarsH '<br />

following th6' Siazineappl1cation"1ntensified the~tof injury, or the<br />

Dactha~ 8.4'Pl1ed" .1;he·.._t1me)·_W'~ased the ,BIlO'lilt.o.t.c1l.lQ~sis .No .<br />

chlorosis was found in any of the subplots reee1v~iPIlly" the J~e or July<br />

application of Simazine.' "<br />

Plarl.ts,~8~plots~ceiving ~ add1tiOnal2.~und application of<br />

Casoron (TJ;U:tlI!l'Dt3) on September 29,had many re,~sh.purple leaves,<br />

whereas those in the II un,treated" s~plot were no~,,',' ,.,in cOlo,r,,' Most of the<br />

plants were killed in tbesubplots-,w!th a total 1;>1: ~,pounds of Casoron, lllld<br />

very few runner plants survived in'\ltie 4-pound s~p~ts. r<br />

Berry set and size were similar ,in all treatme~~ except Treatments'<br />

1, 3, a.nd4.Altbpugh it.was not po!Ssible to obte.:i~/yieldrecords in e~h<br />

of the 108 subplots, there is no doubt that yields were decreased in '<br />

Tres,tments 1, 3, "and 4. In SOllIe "ot the other treatments increased berry - .<br />

size tended' to ottset any' decreases in berry' n~eili, "80 large yield<br />

differences' wrenOt apparent.' " uc ,', ,<br />

The strSwberryplarit~g Was"no~ weeded at eiij"'1fJfte'1n1961 (the oD'J.i;'<br />

hand-weeding ~1~ donepr:tQrt.Q.~~ 19, 1960 0tli~ 'the Augwst ~~"~<br />

September 8, 1960period wbena11 'lieeds were remoY~ M'Wei8h1ng). On'"<br />

october 24, 1961, ·the per cent Clf':~~d control: "~~'ted for each plo~.<br />

At 1:histime some plots were stIllalJllost completeJ.li:~-ttee. The ."<br />

average per cent of weed control is pl'esented in Table 2. The percent.s<br />

were transformed to angles, and the statistical analysis made. The<br />

comparisons among means showed no differences between Treatments 2, 5, 6,<br />

7, 8, and 9 although the average per cent weed control: varied from 70 to 88<br />

per cent. Wee413OBtrol:was .18Bi1'f!eantlypOo1'er1ujTN~ts 3 and Itban<br />

in all othftttell.tlient8, except ~atmEint4. Th& dIl1Y'major shift in'd!t'gree .<br />

of weed col.'l.'ttOlf1'Olll19&:>to 19'61oacurred'W1thT*1iIIient 9.

'h ",<br />

4. Tillam lOG at 5 lb/A a.i. raked in 1/2 to 1 inch plus Trietazine'<br />

50Wat 2.5 lb/A a.1.apPlt~d as a s~ .. .: . I<br />

5. Trietazine 50Wat 2 lb/A a.1. plus Simazine 1 lb/A a.1. applied as<br />

a spray.<br />

6. Dacthal 5Gat 15 lb/A a.1. applied on surfaCe' plus Trietazine 50W<br />

at 2.5 lb/A a.1.<br />

(~69<br />

Tr,~~l1t '~,~. ~ only ~~b,tc1de treatm,ent .•~t¥.~ ,sa.Ve 'good weeet9BDtrol<br />

thr01JBbo;ut 'tAe,19t:lJ;,seaaon . .. l ,~, } ~ , .<br />

~, 1[;,. 'f,;,,1 _ T'rJ<br />

From ·~·1n.torma.tion pre~~1i~here ,and obse;vr8:t~pns1n the fieJ.d,rl-~<br />

appears ,encQ~~th&t herbiq~dfJ.or. combinat1o~,o:t"herpicides will b~<br />

able to 'conilrQl w~ in strawberlf1esfQr at +eaatFne;ortwo full SeaSQp.s •<br />

• :i: :.} ,-,<br />

~RATURE 0I!I!ElO:, [ ,1' , ~<br />

;':.').t: ~~..., ,,': '.J't: '<br />

1. Schubert, Oscar E. and Peter C; Rogers. 1961. Evaluation of several<br />

herbicides on strawberry plants during their first grdwiilg sea!lon.<br />

Proc. 15th Annual Meeting NEWCC: 160-166.<br />

,', "..<br />

:'rj ,":;<br />

',1::;"(;<br />

) " i<br />


.' r:: ' ,.:1,,:"<br />

WEE])CONTROL INmt'l'AtN VEGETABLBC1I)P'S";' 1961 1<br />

~:J . ~.:.~: -:.:;n.: ,.. ' t.r, ,.<br />

W. H. Lachmanand H. F. Vernel1 2<br />

t,,() t;::': .:' ;J~ .:<br />

The purpose of this paper is to report relultl of telts conducted<br />

during 1~6l to field-screen .certain chemicall al potential weed killers<br />

';:e;:e~~:::ft:~:o;:;et=::::~~~l:~::da:~~:"sc::o:~~C'i!:;<br />

,v:erYflne" .. nd~ l~am. The ~d il well drained. has a high ~ater<br />

boicting c4PaCi.t,t and i8 infetted imt\uaUytdtb. A".;{ioroul grOwth 8Iil'd<br />

veryheavr 'atam:lof annual:'~"c011s1lting iildbl'f"'of a 1d1liture ·of; :::.:,c<br />

"'p:t~'ed,'8a1i:dsoga, crabgra ... : 8hepherd"F •• ,I'.urtweeci, lamb-'." ",[',<br />

quarters and purslane. Amplerainfall during the period when the<br />

chemicals were being applhd'.~dto provide conditions that are<br />

generally conlidered ideal for killing weeds by these methods•<br />

.... "..... -.':. '~»~(,..,.::'~,>:/:. -. ,., .or~ ,- oj<br />

~ '-,..<br />

.!&weetCorn<br />


Asparagus<br />

The results of weed control tests in asparagus are presented in<br />

Table II. Crabgrass was perhaps the most persistent weed present in<br />

th*i\plots.<br />

Zytron was included in the tests because this chemical is considered<br />

to be very specific for controlling cra~sra~s. vThere Zytron<br />

was used, weed control was satisfactory for several weeks but long<br />

before the end of the cutting season these plots were badly infested<br />

with pigweed, lamb's quarters and crabgrass. Atrazine, and more<br />

particularly Simazine, was vel;'y effective in coatrolling weeds in<br />

these tests. This was also true in the 1960 tests (3). No significant<br />

differences were displayed among means of the plots as far as<br />

total or marketable yield of asparagus spears was concerned.<br />

Last year we reported that where monuron had been applied yearly<br />

for four years an oat bioassay test indicated that none of the chemical<br />

persisted in the soil over winter (3). A cucumber bioassay in the<br />

spring of 1961 corroborated the earlier finding, and also indicated no<br />

toxic residues from 2.5 to 5.0 lb. applications of Atrazine and Simazine<br />

made one year prior to the test.<br />

271<br />

Tomatoes<br />

Certain chemicals that have some herbicidal properties have been<br />

reported as being selective for tomatoes. Results from testing some<br />

of these are presented in Table III.<br />

Tillam was incorporated into the soil with a rototil1er just prior<br />

to plantin3; Amiben was applied as granules and Casoron, Sola~Diphen~id<br />

and Dacthol were applied as sprays at lay-by. Only one application was<br />

made of the chemicals. Although Solan appears to be the most promising<br />

of the materials that have been tested, in 1960 when two applications<br />

were made, considerable folia3e injury resulted to the crop. Broadleafed<br />

weeds were controlled well in those tests but crabgrass grew<br />

rampant. The one application in 1961 reduced growth of broadleafed<br />

weeds without perceptible foliage injury. <strong>Weed</strong> control was not good,<br />

however, and crabgrass was abundant and vigorous. Yields were not<br />

affected in the 1961 tests here but in 1960 Moran (4) reported highly<br />

significant reductions in yield and fruit size in tests conducted on<br />

two different soil types. .<br />

Seedling tomato plants three to four inche.,talU were killed with<br />

a Solan spray at the rate of four pounds per acre i$1 50 gallons of water.

TABLEI.<br />


~ale__<br />

Planted June 16, 1961 - (3 Re;lt"~ions)<br />

; '1 ~:<br />

wee;'~ontrol<br />

Yield-Lb. 1/'<br />

T1me I-Poor to ~nttable •<br />

.'Applied 9-hceUent Ean<br />

..,._Chemisa!.". _S!1.U£cJ.· ':;'.1.6Ll2,I§..l_ _ ';"V~f~l- SL2j.l§.1""'· ..,.__<br />

Check-Cultivated,.O' 46•<br />

4.0 Lb. Atratine Ge1gy . Pre-eaierg. :g.O<br />

4.0<br />

11<br />

Sima:d!le<br />

11 11 11<br />

;'.0<br />

t."<br />

2.0 11 Atrazine<br />

11 11 It<br />

8.0<br />

,':l' I<br />

3.0<br />

11<br />

S1mazine<br />

I. 11.' 11<br />

9,0;<br />

1.0 " Urea 326 D1.IPont "<br />

11<br />

273<br />


(4 aeplications)<br />

_R,!t!! ___<br />

,£h.1ll'lc,al __<br />

Heed Control<br />

Time 1-Poor to Yield-Lb.<br />

Applied 9-Excellent 5/11/61-<br />

§.o.!:!.X's.e;..' _ _5Ll1/&1_ _ _ _ 2/2/&1____ Y1/§.'C_<br />

1,6 Lb. C'TG DuPont: Pre-emerc· 5.3 7.2<br />

2.4 "<br />

3.2<br />

II II<br />

2.5<br />

II<br />

3.75 II<br />

5.0<br />

II II<br />

"<br />

" " " 7.3 7.7<br />

Atre:~ins Geig'j "<br />

"<br />

II II<br />

G.O 3.3<br />

II<br />

7.0 7.0<br />

11 II II II<br />

0.3 7.6<br />

9.0<br />

II<br />

Zytron D~~~<br />

"<br />

II<br />

" 9.0 7.4<br />

II 11<br />

2.3 3.2<br />

15.0<br />

II II II II II<br />

5.8 9.1<br />

2.5<br />

II<br />

Simazine Geiey<br />

II II<br />

8.8 0.4<br />

3.7-5 II<br />

II II II II<br />

9.0 9.0<br />

5.0<br />

II II II II II<br />

8.8 6.5<br />

Check 1.0 7.8<br />


274<br />


'(4 a,pUcations)<br />

~aS.e__<br />

Ueed Control<br />

l-Poor to<br />

S-Excellent<br />

,..Ch es 1£a! ___ ,- _S~uI.~ __ T!lII!&1!.l!8!i __ 2.11lL61__ !1!.14.-1b,:.<br />

3.0 Lb. Casoron Niaz. Lay by 0/4/61 2.0 21.1<br />

4.0<br />

II<br />

" "<br />

II 11<br />

2.0 27..,7<br />

4.0 " Solan<br />

11<br />

" " S.S 22.9<br />

4.0<br />

11<br />

D1phenamld Lilly " "<br />

3~S 23•.3<br />

6.0<br />

11<br />

" "<br />

11 11<br />

4.3 24~S<br />

4,0<br />

11<br />

Dacthol D1&.Ait(.<br />

11 11<br />

3.3 25~0<br />

8.0<br />

Ii 11 11 11 11 11<br />

2.5 22'6<br />

12.0 II 11 11 11 11 11 2.5 22,9<br />

4.0<br />

11<br />

Am1ben(Gran.) Amdttin<br />

11<br />

6.0<br />

11<br />

8.0 "<br />

" "<br />

" 3.5 25..9<br />

11 11 11<br />

5.0 21.2<br />

11 11 11 11 11<br />

5.0 20.8.<br />

Checlc 1.0 18.4'<br />

0.66 Gal. Tillam(1ncorp.) Stauffer 6/5/61 2.3 24.4<br />


~<br />

C'l<br />

TABLE tv.<br />


(3 Replications)<br />

_ B,a£.e_'<br />

Heed Control Crop Appear. Yield-<br />

Time Applied I-Poor to I-Poor to 1/<br />

Pre-emerg. 5/11/61 9-Excellent 9-Excellent Lb.-<br />

Ch~s.al !o~s.e !.o!.t::.e!!}!3!k.61lJ.I§.1_ _6L211§.C 6L211§.1 !OL2Q/§.1 _<br />

- •. ~ -; ,. c, ~. ~ - ,<br />

&AOUto,"".na~~l; e. ,_ DialR.,Allt...<br />

5;~0- ,Il -l:Diihit ' ~ , AmcIlieIlt ,0: :-:<br />

1.0 _ "Ipaziae Geigy<br />

4.0" DIlcthol Diam.<br />

9'.0, II Zytron Dm7'<br />

AIle.<br />

2.0 "Hercules 843 Here. Powd.<br />

4.0 II ,Solan NiaZ.<br />

1.0" Ipa&ine Geigy<br />

,lOO"O,'~l. _S~ Solvent ,~$ocon,y<br />

3')ot;Lb~ ND1~;' , ~ __<br />

12;0-'''' ::nacthol '~.,-AlI~;'<br />

1.5 ,. 'Ipaaine Geigy:<br />

2.0" Solan Niag.<br />

1.0" Hercules 843 Here. Powd.<br />

6.0" Zyt1:on Dow<br />

6..0" Solan Niag.<br />

4'.0," Hercules 843 Here:. POWlf.<br />

4.0" Ami1JeD Amchem<br />

1.5 .. _ ipazibe Geigy<br />

4~0 Qt. R8D4ox'1' Mon.an.<br />

6-~O It .." 11<br />

5.0'1 tI .l . "<br />

Pre-emerz·'<br />

..<br />

-"IS It . .<br />

11<br />

11<br />

"<br />

"11 II"<br />

Post-emer3.<br />

11 II<br />

11<br />

"<br />

l're..-#g.<br />

,'" ":,<br />

" ,: l"ost-emerg.<br />

n "<br />

Pre-emerg.<br />

" "<br />

Post-emerg.<br />

Pre-emerg.<br />

.. II<br />

----------.-------------------------------------------<br />

1/ - - -<br />

"<br />

II<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

__<br />

'__5.7.<br />

3.0- '<br />

_5.7<br />

6.3<br />

8.0<br />

,7.4<br />

7.7<br />

4.7<br />

" 7.4<br />

~ 6.'( .,<br />

- 7.4<br />

5.0<br />

6.7<br />

6.3<br />

7.4<br />

8.3<br />

8.3<br />

7.4<br />

6.3<br />

4.0<br />

5.7<br />

6.3<br />

- Means included in brackets are not significantly different at the 5% level. (Duncan' s)<br />

Multiple Range Test.<br />

7.4<br />

4.7<br />

6.3<br />

7.0<br />

7.0<br />

6.0<br />

7.0<br />

6.7<br />

6.0<br />

7.4<br />

6.3<br />

5.0<br />

5.7<br />

6.3<br />

7.4<br />

5.0<br />

5.3<br />

6.7<br />

4.3<br />

2.3<br />

1.0<br />

1.3<br />

111.9'<br />

110.7<br />

110.3<br />

104'~11_<br />

l04.Qj<br />

99·U<br />

S6.&<br />

95.9<br />

95.9<br />

95.2<br />

95.2<br />

93.&<br />

91.4 I<br />

89.4 ,<br />

88.L-1<br />

86.9<br />

86.4<br />

85.!L.-J<br />

73.5<br />

36.<br />

24;'21<br />

17.61<br />

) )

276<br />

Carrots<br />

£<br />

Seeds of Ro)-alChan,~~~ ~!e 'p~~~:~~?¥:l'~a~et. Jr; plate :hO:l.<br />

number 9 in the ddll seeder;.:n\e p~a~t. were-not thinned_other thaq;<br />

the thinning that re~lted .. tnjury'f~ the berbtc1des. '~esultli o~~ '~.<br />

the tests are presented in Table IV•. It is evident that Randox Tis'<br />

least adapted as • potenti~l,h,~b,i~~!ie 1", C:~}'9.t~.•, ';l'hill treatment r~<br />

sulted in poorest'wead e~n~~l~; greatest C1:0V ~p ,:and~owest yt:el~<br />

Using the same ~~teda, fOt: e.v.~,.tion.; ~!t, qb~:calwi.,t~:most promi~<br />

was Zytron; this·;was,alsq; tne':;lti ~e 1960te.~ '-'(2).,P'~r poundJ .~<br />

of Solan also performed l7el1. ;{t h·interestlnc that- 100 gallons ,of<br />

Stoddard Solvent' ~aused some c~op injury and affected yields advetseij.',·<br />

in both the 1960 and 1961 te.t.~<br />

-'J'<br />

'c- QRpclu,&opf" :.: ~ ':',-<br />

.l,:.:':,~~ or:(' ~:: ,\", (, :';-:,f " •• ; :1i ',", .!~ ..<br />

The results·~ubl~.b.d :J1~r.: .!loutdj1C;~·."~'~eJlp~t.4lcla. a fi¥l i~<br />

asse •• lllent of the chemicals in,,~lved -bt' the te.~s sluc.· the balance<br />

of em1romental ~nfluence.' ar ..: extremely' impo$ant !n determining ,<<br />

the value of all herbicides-. "-ther pbs' or mtlus m:l~r to major,<br />

variatioDs may be ,expected from trials conducted under other con- .<br />

dition-.. Ther«f~~e, tests conducted over a period of years are<br />

necenarY to evaluate the potent1d of~~cl!. pr~~ct. ':'<br />

~. '. }.<br />

,'1 1, I<br />

LiteratureCit~. ~<br />

c '<br />

. . .<br />

-I. DunCan. David B. Hultiple ranee and IllUlt1ple F tests.<br />

Biometrics 11:1-42. 1955.<br />

2. Lac_n,<br />

vecatable<br />

H. H. and H. F.<br />

crops - 1960.<br />

Vernell. Heed control<br />

Proc. NmlCC15:223-231.<br />

in certain<br />

1961.<br />

,(),~~ .>1. .. ;' O!<br />

3. Lac:hmall, H. H. -Somll' feaearchl. anaweed' control' methods<br />

~t~ asparagus. hoc. NmlCC 15:215-222. 1961.<br />

4. HoralJ, 'Charles H. Post-transplanting and lay:'by weed,<br />

contrC)l in processing tomatoes. Proc. mmcc15:70-84.<br />

'1961. : r ,<br />

r . '. ~<br />

1'" i.~' i ~ ,<br />

,'>\ (~ "<br />

I :'.) ..-", ','.i' '-,<br />

-'.<br />

,''-.')c: (<br />

':1 ( ,<br />

•.:!."<br />




277<br />

W. V. Welker. Jr. and T. J. Monaco l<br />

Two e.Jtperiments were conducted on transplanted tomatoes duping<br />

the 1961 season as a continuation of a project initiated in 1957.<br />

The objective of these experiments was to eval~te herbicides tor<br />

the control of weeds from the last cultivation through the harvest<br />

season.<br />

The variety Rutgers was used in an eJCPeriment at New Brunswick<br />

on a Sassafras sandy loam soil. The plants were set May 31 and<br />

the herbicideswere applied July 18 as granular formulations. The<br />

plots were maintained weed-free by cultivation up to the time of<br />

treatment. Half of each plot was cultivated immediately before<br />

application of the herbicides. None of the herbicides were<br />

worked into the soil. The major weed Rpecie~ that developed af.ter<br />

application of the herbicides were CrabgraSS~1fitaria sangu1na11s<br />

(L.) Scap.) and fall panicum Panicum dichtt f OrUD! MicbX.).· The<br />

minor weed species were pigwee ranthus retroflexus L.) and<br />

lambsquarters (Chenopodium a1bum<br />

A randomized complete block design with three replications<br />

was used~Each p~ot consisted of two rows 3~teet long with 7<br />

feet between plots. Three pickings were made during the season.<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>s were counted to determine the degree of weed control.<br />

The herbicides used may be placed in three categories as<br />

follows:<br />

Excellent <strong>Weed</strong> Control<br />

amiben<br />

3 -amino -2 . 5 - d i c hl o rob e nz o i c acid)<br />

tillam<br />

Propyl ethyl-N-butylthiocarbamate)<br />

diphenamid ~ N.N-dimethyl-c-'-diphenylacetamide)<br />

4 & 8 lb/A<br />

4 & 8 Ib/A<br />

3 & 6 lb/A<br />

Intermediate<br />

dacthal<br />

CIPC<br />

CDEC<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>.Control<br />

(dimet~l 2•.3.5 J 6 tetrachloroterephalate)<br />

(isopropyl N-(3-chlorophenyl)carbamate<br />

(2-chloroallyl diethyldithiocarbamate)<br />

12 lb/A<br />

6lb/A<br />


278<br />

Unsatisfactory <strong>Weed</strong> Control<br />

CDEC . (2-chlorQ8.lky:l diethyld1thioc;arbamate)<br />

plus ".<br />

CDAA<br />

(2-chloro-N,N~diallyacet~de)<br />

CDEC (2-chloroallyl diethyldit~o~rbama.te)<br />

plus ',. -." ~'-- ,<br />

CIFC (isopropyl N-(3-chlorophenyl)carbamate)<br />

i:1aethal (dimethyi tet:ra,ob!Qroterephala te)<br />

plus<br />

CIFC . (isopropyl N~(3-chlorOphen1l)carpamate)<br />

4 Ib/A<br />

plus<br />

4 Ib/A<br />

4 Ib/A<br />

plUS<br />

4 Ib/A<br />

6.lb/A<br />

,PlUS<br />

~·4,:lb/:Il<br />

. . ) .. .<br />

None of the herbicide treatments listed cau.e~plant injury or reducedyield<br />

•.<br />

. . .<br />

~e .second experiment. ~~onducted ·on ..' l1ghtersandy soil<br />

in southe:rn New Jers.ey with the variety Campbelll46.The maj:or<br />

weed that developed in the experimental area was cI'abgrass.and,<br />

minor weeds. welle lambsquarters .and pigweed.': The herbicide: :t:reat ..<br />

ments wereappl1ed as granUl&1'8 at lay-by to freshly culUvatled,<br />

sol1. A ~orniaedcomplete. block designwJ.th four repl1cat:t&ls .<br />

was used.'l'hr$e pickings were.made durirlg the season. Visual'<br />

ratings of weed control and plant injury we1l'e made tbreet1me.,c<br />

during the season. .' _.<br />

The herbicides used may be placed in three categories a$<br />

follows:<br />

Excellent<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> Control<br />

amiben<br />

3 - amino -2 . 5- di c hl orob enz oi c aC.id)<br />

EFTC<br />

ethyl N.N-di-n-propylthiooar.bamate)<br />

tillam ~ propyl ethyl-N-butylthiocarbamate)<br />

Intermediate<br />

R-1870<br />

R-1856<br />

dacthal<br />

CIPC<br />

Unsatisfactory<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>Control<br />

~<br />

e thy l di-n-butylthiolcarbamate)<br />

t-butyl di-n-propylthiolcarbamate) ,<br />

dimethyl tetrachl¢rotere- .<br />

phalate), J -.<br />

(isopropyl N- (3-chloropheny;1)earbama te·,<br />

'.<br />

.~ ""y~~"" '."'.<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> Control<br />

2 &:41b/A<br />

3 &:,6,lb/A<br />

3 &:o"lb/A<br />

3 &:6 lb/A<br />

3 &:6 lb(A<br />

~,.lb/A<br />

o'lb/A<br />

CIPC (isopropyl N-(3-chlorophenyl)carbamate) 2 &:4 Ib/A<br />

None of the herbicides used in the second exper:1Jnent reduced yield.<br />

EFTC at 3 and 6 pounds per acre caused visible. injury late1n---bhe<br />


279<br />


S.M.<br />

Raleigh l<br />

Variation in genetic strains of quackgra's was very evident in<br />

1961. These stiains can best be observed by applying treatments across<br />

areas where corn bas been grown.. 'Cultivation tendlt'to spread strains<br />

up and down the row. These strata. have been observed especially with<br />

Atrazine, but also with Dalapon and Amitrol-T.<br />

Plowing, preparing a ,•• ed bed, and planting the same day the<br />

land is plowed followed by good 4ultivation will reduce the stand of<br />

quackgrass considerably, especially if a chemical is used whicb is<br />

injurious to q\lackgrass and not. to the corn.<br />

The pre-emergence application of Atrazine at two pounds per<br />

acre, (data in Table II) with A*1trol-T. Dalapon or Atrazine reducedtbe<br />

stand of quackgrass very little.. In other fields where Atrazine was applied<br />

as pre-emergence the day of planting, the quackgrass was reduced considerably.<br />

Under these conditions rates of four pounds and higher did not give much,<br />

better control than the two pound rates.<br />

The control of quackgca•• with Dalapon (Table II) is rather poot.<br />

In anotber field of twelve acre •. where Dalapon was used with and without<br />

wett.ing agents, the control was much better. There were six replications.<br />

The results were: Dalapon, 5.92.pounds alone (Dowpon, 8 pounds) 93%, with<br />

Dash added, 96%; Dynawet, 97%; rab, 95%; liquid All, 93%; and Tritton x<br />

100, 92%. Four pounds of Atrazine in this test save 90%control.<br />

(l) Professor of Agronomy, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park,<br />


2130<br />

Table I. Pall and Spring .".Ucatlons of herbicides on quacl~gras.<br />

Cora Pleat .. ··Hay 25, 196L<br />

tl'nivers1tyP,ark. Penneylvania<br />

. . - - - - - - - - - -aiel- - _DI - -.- - -.. --..._ -<br />

Chemical. WbeJl.applied lbtt./A Plowtd· ,.lowed Plowed P!lowed<br />

: '. . •. ..•:. Uav 25 ';4a!. 16 "'"c. 9 -. 10<br />

- - - - -. - -. - "':'_.- - - - - -~~.a.":. -1----;.'.".--<br />

- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -.- -.- -(ff,"'loCoOcioI; -10,-C:;Plete;;;&(1)<br />

.AIIIitrol-r Rov. 4 : .4· 6.5 6...6 4.7 2.0<br />

. Hay 13 4 9.5 5.5 6.0 1,7<br />

Alaitrol-T Nov. 4 2 7.7. ... 6.:8 5.7 4.3<br />

Hay 13 2 8.8 7.0 5.3 3.7<br />

).\<br />

Atraz1ne Nov. 4 4:0 8.9<br />

Hay 13 ·4:< 9.3 I<br />

8..6<br />

8.0<br />

8.3<br />

7.8<br />

7~3<br />

&.0-<br />

Atraz11W ..lIov.:4 2:.". 8.0<br />

~ .:'! 6.7 5.0 2~3<br />

Hey 13 2 . 8.3 '!,<br />

5.3 5.0 "6.0<br />

AllDL.trol-TaDd NoV. 4 21·2 9.0 6.3 5.7 2.0<br />

Atraz1ne . May13 2,12; 9.0 6.3 7.0 S.7<br />

c:<br />

Da1apon Nov. 4 11.1 7.3 7.7 6.7 3.3<br />

May 13 5.92 9.0 6.7 5.7 4~0<br />

Geigy 34162 Nov. 5 4 5.3 4.7 3.0 1.0<br />

May13 4 7.0 6.5 3.0 1.0<br />

Geigy 32293 Nov. 5 4 9.0 6.5 5.7 1.3<br />

Hey 13 4 9.0 6.2 4.3 2.7<br />

Cbeck 4.0 2.0 3.0 .0

281<br />

table II. The control of:'4oaekal'au tittb.'j)ltlnl<br />

AppUed ,-y 24 and 2S<br />

applications<br />

"<br />

Atrazlnli -2*<br />

Atraz:Lne 1<br />

Atraz1.ne 2<br />

Mlitr,ol ..t<br />

,Am;~rol-t<br />

,:' ,'. ;-:",r:'"" .<br />

. ',C j ril\llli,~l-T 'j , •<br />

AJa;f. fa'Ol..T<br />

'<br />

1.>8:.1' .<br />

fl8~y;<br />

;-1I Crr:) t·';'<br />

...~ ...jJ i" .. ".<br />

..j$-, "~,'<br />

9.5,<br />

9.6.<br />

8.3<br />

a~5<br />

S.O'<br />

5.&r<br />

.7~0<br />

.,"7r.:'l:,:,;.',<br />

Atraz1.ne 2**<br />

i.~rad4e .<br />

Atradne<br />

.' ..-&<br />

9.S<br />

9.S -<br />

7.S<br />

7.8<br />

2>.0>-''''-.<br />

2.0>1'<br />

Amitrol-T L<br />

AmitJ:91-T2 ' ,<br />

Amitrol-t 2<br />

AtrazLne 2<br />

AtraUN<br />

.A~~ne·,<br />

'"i<br />

. -1~i8<br />


2. Assistant Professor. Department of Agronomy, University of Massachusettt,<br />

Amherst. Massachusetts.<br />

282<br />


Jona.<br />

Ve~gri82<br />

Atrazine (2-chloro-4-ethylamine-6-i80prop,lamino-s-triazine) and<br />

other herbic,ide.areavailable wh~~Il,,,ppear to provida reliable mean8 of<br />

controlling quackgral8 (Agropyron repen8). Atradne:'.uppresses this weed<br />

significantly ~utoften recollllend_" t.j;e. fail.to e.radicate it completely.,<br />

The persi8tence of this weed i8 related to its primary mode of reproduction.<br />

i.e. itl rhizomes which usually ate distributed in the l'low layer. Rhizomes<br />

vary in length and depth and thist·a. our tests indicate (2). i8 at leatt<br />

part of the explanation for failure. in controlling quackgrass with chemicals.<br />

Atrazine sholi14 be applied c.•• clole as pouible to the rhizomes .It<br />

is re.sonable to conclude that mi.i~g the herbicide with the soil should<br />

be advantageous. The ch4llllical will be closer to the rhizomes and under dry<br />

surface .oil conditions mixing ma, provide better moisture conditions for<br />

atrazine to be tAken up by rhizomes and kill them.<br />

The main objective of ou~ trials in 1960/1961 was to investigate<br />

the importance of mixing atrazine ",ith the soil by rototUling versus leavtag<br />

the material on the surface. Comparisons were al.e .. de between fall and<br />

spring applications. In addition'to'atrazine. other promising herbicides<br />

or their combination. were included.<br />

Procedure<br />

Trials were conducted on a well drained gravelly sandy loam. The<br />

area had a good unif.,. stand of quackgrass. Plots wlere 12 ft. by 28 ft.<br />

Three replicates were used. Time :0'£'application and ~ates are given in<br />

Table II. Fall applications were made on October 10. 1960 and spring applications<br />

on April 27, 1961. The quaclgrass was from 5 to 7 inches tall.<br />

On May 19 the exper1lilental area w". "lowed. disked, fertilized and prepared<br />

for field corn planting. On May 22 after seedbed preparation, atrazine and<br />

EPTCwere applied as shown in Table-iII. Treatments 10, 11, 12 and 20 were<br />

rototillad about 4-~ in. deep immedtately following application of the<br />

material. The next day on May 23, Ohio M-1S silage field corn was planted.<br />

Thus treatments appUed on May 22 aMybe considered lUI being made at planting.<br />

Atrazine is only slightly soluble ·in'water (70 ppm i1l':water) and moisture<br />

conditions in the soil at the time of application and for the first ten days<br />

after application are critical fo~tbe effectiveness of treatment. In<br />

Table I. rainfall and temperature data are shown for the various treatment<br />

dates. With each date.of application, the moisture conditions were favorable<br />

for the action of atrazine. On June 5 the whole experimental area was sprayed<br />

with 6 pounds per acre· of dinitro' (DNB') for annull'lW4eedcontrol. There wa•<br />

._-----------_.._----------------_.- .. _._----._---_.--_._------------<br />

1. ContributiCn No. 1336 of the University of Massachusetts, College of<br />

Agriculture, Experiment Station, Amherst, Massachusetts.<br />

..--- .

no cultivation during the growing season. All herbicide rates presented 1ft<br />

Table II are expressed in pounds of acid equivalent or active ingredient per<br />

acre. Quackgra88and field com teeponse to dUfereb«: tl'eatments was observed<br />

throughout the srowing season. Q'*'1tgra88 .ta~d es~tes werelll4de on July 29.<br />

Quackgrass control as well as sil_.e' ,com yield data

284<br />

A,.· t.)· if'/' (<br />

.,., Tb,41~~ pJ.ota prod~~".. w srcnrtJi, of ~1tgft8lt which anoqi"<br />

cCl!DP~t!!ldwith!=011':for plant nu~~ ..tul ,ep.daU4'~ ,fol'watel'. All tn.,..<br />

~"1ncre.. ecl dla~ c.om ;11.1"'t#~Ulcantl,. n, !'/.<br />

.'<br />

'>I $:J;'TCpve eKc.llentC;9q1;~lof Cluackll"'.x~c(.,:n wua1gnUiCaDtly<br />

injur.d and yield88:f~ected. Th. c~ill8tion treatllelltl of da1.pon, amltro).-T,<br />

and G-34162 witb'fn.adlle were a~~Q!,.~mising in controlling quackgr'88 in<br />

field com. ' " . "","L<br />

In I~neral all treatmant~.,,.~~fect1vely\con,,}.1:.d q~ackgrai8. ,~~r,',<br />

aeems that the CJpt1m\lll\rate of at11ldtae to control ~kJna8 11 al'OlJDdtf.~bJA.<br />

Although atra.Ln-e can be applied nec'.aafully in th. ftaU, early sPring o.t::<br />

p1.nting time .~l1cation8 seem 1IO''t. practical. The.e ~OUld b,.pU.t .~P~i;'<br />

cations - 2 1blk:on fo1iag. in Apl'll'~d 2 1b/A 2-3 week. later on pr8p.r'~ ,<br />

seedbed at com planting time. 811111.1'results h,v. b•• n obtained el8ewh,e/=8(l).<br />

Results from this experiment alao 'lJbstantiated ptei\~ui' f1nd1~18~3)tha(..i . ,<br />

mixing the atl'dlne illllllediately '~.l' applications with the loll improves', .<br />

quackgrau coRth1. By mixing th.! ~h-'mica1 with th.:lio~l·:f.t COl!l8S in clo,-r<br />

contact with t:h.,'mau of rhizomes ~d: sol1 moisture cond'1t1oni'are better'lo<br />

facilitate ab80rPtion of atradn. ",. the roots. In 196:1."'tnCli6i weumad~"otl.<br />

rhizome depth .in the sol1 and the effectivene,s ()f ~tJ'IlI1118. Wooden bo:v:~o'" .....<br />

l'x1 'xl' ware. set in the field at Bl'ound level. 'rh~-inch and 9"iechthtl!i~ .<br />

cuttings were planted horizontally\~-inch and 4-inc!liil'.eepin the .oiL~Jn<br />

order to e1mulate field condition'~'l'hizomes were p"i±it.d ~ho at a11llOs~ ',-,rtical<br />

angles of'·60":70o so that the t~~'ends were one inchJfrtlm the surf.ce.~,':_<br />

Immediately afta. planting, atrazina'at 1 1b/A and 3 lb/A was app1iedaa'sorface<br />

treatment. The average relative nl1ilts ,of four rii~Hcatc,s are presente4ri~<br />

Table III. Atrazine at the rate of, l' IlblA as Ii "urfideaplllicaUon did' not ,­<br />

affect rhizomes planted four inch •• deep. At t'be'3 l'tl/A rate atrazine gave<br />

comp1.tt controlc:;fall rhizomes planted ona inch deep in horizontal 01' vertical<br />

position ltut some milliomes survived which were 4 inchea away from 'the allP'11~4<br />

atradu. Por.~::s'iiateat effect of atradne, 11: 11 of first importanc:e~'<br />

get the Mterial as close as POUib1. totherhizo~fJ~ It 1s of inter.~t~tio<br />

note that rhizomes p'l!aced et a 60-7Q .'~$le wft;ht~e)

SummaryandConclu.1Qp'<br />

1. A quackgrass control in'lteld corn experiment was conducted on<br />

a well drained gravelly l8ady loam. Atraziae, methymercapto<br />

analogue of atrazine, dalapon, amitrol-T, and EPTCwere used. ,<br />

285<br />

2. Atrazine was effective and most promising in controlling quackgritllB<br />

in field com. TheciptilllUlllrate was,'. f'f.b/Aof active<br />

in8redl.nt~ . It may be appl1ed in thefail~ early in the spri~$<br />

on quaoklra .. foliage O'r:(Wt'planting' on a iJ"r'!paredseedlled. These<br />

prellminar,v trials indicate that the 'most praCtical way to apply<br />

atraZine is as a splitt:reiitment 2 lb/A oi:t"'oUage early in the '.'<br />

spring arid 2 lb/A at plut.f.ils. Mixing the ~.~razine with the soU',<br />

increased the effectiveria.llIignificantl,. J~oget conclusive .<br />

tesults moteCests should'&e'conducted.<br />

3. EPTCand combination treatments of dalapon, amitrol-T, and G-34l62,<br />

with atraziDe were also promising in controlling quackgrass in<br />

field com. EPTCat 6 lb/~ rate injure~ t~. com and resulted in<br />

decreaaed yielda.<br />

•<br />

Literature Cited<br />

, •..1<br />

1. Fertig, S. N. 'the effective1les'i'lof combinationsbf plow-down, preemergenee<br />

aad p08t-emers~c.:treatments foi,qUackgrass control,<br />

1960 results. Proc. Northea.tem <strong>Weed</strong>Conttol Conference 15:312­<br />

314 (1960).<br />

2. Veagris, J~n88. The effect of rhizome length ..avdepth of planting on<br />

the mechanical and chemical control of quaciSrass •. ~ 10 (1),<br />

1961.<br />

3. -------- Cheaical quackgra'scontrol. Proc. Northeastern <strong>Weed</strong>Control<br />

Conference 15: 385-390. (1961).<br />


286<br />

Introduction:<br />


8tQl!M'II!,Ia; Fe7!ti~ '(n-:<br />

::\.<br />

, .• '., - _,., ', :" "';; _ ::-r", ;~j,:.J .:.'HO : 'r .:-;:",);.- . " .... :<br />

Quackgr•••. ;cplllMt~;tI~'C&ll be,f" ..pIlIJortactor 111-* yi.~d of com for<br />

silage o~ forp'a1A •. ;Ita I!8du~1qpiJ1D,.stapdot ~lo8s e,nd.reduce4 compet1tiot1l,s<br />

to .be ol!t~ by. c~~ppe%!,.tlOras, ~"tJ3ey IIIWJtbe.<br />

frequent ~ pr(lpeJ,').~t1med. ; TJ:ut,.~pf: a a1D{1le ClJMiCl~ ,01', 'CQIIIb1,natlon<br />

of chem1cal8pl~ q~t~ope?:''''1I~'ha''ProveJl ~.SIliliY let~ect1ve1n controlling<br />

qua.ckgr~s,. 'rhe',cp~d*¥!,t1on of~ ePlus Pfe'" :~"'IIZ'J.y pojJt-emersence<br />

herb1c1@,~~n\l wp.l ,elind~".~assC9IIP8U,to.ton :l.n corn for the<br />

growing season and Where moisture, 4-f,~t1ng o~~~t1n ;y1e,ld:l.ncreases<br />

of silage 01' grain by 50 - 100 percent.<br />

Method and;.<br />

frss,q,u.i;e::<br />

\ ,:.' _' ;'~ ,1" 'I -}

If or where farmer acceptance of a chemiceJ. treatment is based on visueJ.<br />

observation or the absence of vegetation, the above treatments would be considered<br />

unsatisfactory even though the yielda may not be affected. 'Including<br />

the cultivated and non-cultivated treatments, 18 )'leld values are represented<br />

in the above treatments rated as poor or fair in control. The yields from 9<br />

of these plots are, however, in the first 20 highest yields obtained in the<br />

experiment. A clear d:l.stinct10n should be made between seasoneJ. suppression,<br />

reduced stands and kill or el1m1nation of quacltgr8ss when writing for or<br />

. - . . - ~<br />

:287<br />

are reported in pounds per aereef 20 percent lII01ature hay equi veJ.ent •<br />

The CQrn silage yields were calculated from the harvest of 2 - 10 foot<br />

.ections of row,tuen from the center area of thecml;t1vated and from the<br />

center area of the non-cultivated portions of eaoh treatment. A random I<br />

sampJ.e was ,ara~;f'rom the harvested plants, chopped and a 2,000 gram sample<br />

of chopped :ulaterial was oven dried to determine dry matter content. The<br />

yields of IJilage in tons per acre at 75 percent moisture were calculated<br />

from these values.<br />

Discussion~<br />

All chem:lca]. trea~tson the corn stubble plots (Table I) when combined<br />

withoult:l..vat10n resulted in e. significant reduction in the competitive<br />

effects of~&s as indicatedby' the silage yields. As shown by the<br />

y:te~ds of quackgz!ass foliage '911l1l1l.Dytreatments, however, the effect was dUe<br />

to a reduction in the vigor and jp'OWthof quackgrass rather than effective'<br />

klll.<br />

Whenthe plots were harvested' in September ti1Elre was an excellent cover<br />

of quack8ras. on treatments 3, 5, '6, 10, 12 and to a lesser extent 14. _n<br />

though the yields of s1188e were GOt significantly reduced on these trea1j.<br />

ments, the ~ll of quackgrass was: rated fair to very poor. It is fair to '<br />

assume that had mo:l.sture conditions been less favorable throughout the growing<br />

season, 'the y1elds would have..been reduced by .M¥eral tons· per acre.<br />

A CClZIIliletekill of quackiras.$ is possible by ~ated applications of<br />

plow-down and pre" or post-emergel)ce chemical treatments. The same total<br />

SlIPunt of eJJemical :l.n split applications has been tar more effective in<br />

killing quackgra8s compared to a single application. Where kill of quaekgre.ss<br />

is desired, the cost of an additional spray treatment is Justified.<br />

The silage yields from treatments on the sod area (Table II) are eJ.S().<br />

quite uniform Within the cultivated and non-cultivated plots. A significant<br />

yield difference at the 5 percent level does exist'l\l4!ltween some treatments.<br />

Considering the combination of cClll,POundsand treatments used, however, these<br />

d:l.fferences are small.<br />

Also, based only on the yields obtained from the cultivated and nonoultivated,<br />

the Value of cultivation would be questioned. Visual ratings on<br />

the oontrol of quaekgrasll at the tlme of harvest, however) shewed a definite<br />

adve:atage for cultivation in kill1ng quackgrass. Even though the yields do<br />

not reflect it, treatments 6, 10, 13, 15, 21 and 23 were rated poor control<br />

and treatments 14, 18 and 22 were rated fair control.

') )<br />

.;/ u<br />

" .<br />

y~ ~ca1 I ,; ,~ CheDdCl,' . ~~: EeI··1 ~ I I<br />

1* Atraz1ne ~ 0 11+_8_ : .. n" . . ' .' i8"'~i'" ~ NO- - -<br />

2It<br />

3*<br />

4*<br />

5<br />

6<br />

1<br />

8*<br />

10<br />

II<br />

9*<br />

Atrazine<br />

S1mad.ne<br />

G-34696<br />

G-34361<br />

2.0<br />

Jan~-~J re.Q, "~, ."<br />

~. F2.0 "::(<br />

.~. 0. ,- ..r<br />

Pro~ne:.<br />

G-34360<br />

Atratone<br />

~.o<br />

2.0<br />

2.0<br />

::!~:t~~:<br />

. ,<br />

G-34696<br />

G-3436l.<br />

Atratoue<br />

2.0<br />

2.0<br />

Atraz1De.::: '2'.0<br />

~:'"~ . ~<br />

~ e.~<br />

Propazine 3·0<br />

G-34360, 2.0<br />

I a.e<br />

-~.... -<br />

Bone<br />

,,,,'WQ.;<br />

12<br />

"",~_.;i._<br />

1280<br />

-----­~.<br />

13<br />

4.0<br />

16..6<br />

340<br />

14<br />

" Atraz1JJe I 2.0 16.3 15.5<br />

310<br />

15<br />

00 1------- r---- '1-------- l18osL!0.<br />

I..;--- I Atraz1De IU<br />

r ..~ .I .255<br />

re16 p!Jeck .---- -:::==:1 --~-_L=:---- ------~ 9.1" 4.~-~-~~<br />

. *S~ chemical, ra1;e per acre and methOd of treatJl!etlt used in lYbQ. . .all.otller trea'tmeDts the cheln1~a1 vas changed<br />

.q ~<br />

;·1.30<br />

1367<br />

l.26O<br />

61.5<br />

495<br />


,~,<br />

~ Tab1.e II. Chemical. Treatments Used on Sod Area and Yiel.ds of Corn Silage<br />

('0/ andQuackgrass Foliage. 1.961.<br />

I - c Tons of silage corn Ib~(A of" quacltgrass<br />

P1ow~wn ChSn:LCaJ. - Pre.;me;;~ce lloat-emerge,i;lce at 751imisture rollage at 2i:1f,moist\<br />

~at~ ChemieaJ.'BB£e/A Chemical. Rate/A Chemical. Rate/A. Not Not<br />

No. 1bs.a.e. P.bs.a.e. _ bs a.e. Cul1;1vated ~ul:tivated Cultivated Cultivate<br />

,I Atrazine 1.0 Atrazine 1.0 ------ .... ---. 21.5 1.9·9 60 70<br />

2 Atrazine 1.0 Atrazine 2.0 ------ ----- 21.3 21.1 331 0<br />

3 Atrazine 2.0 Atrazine 1.0 ------ .._--- 22.1 21.1 --- 20<br />

4 Atrazine 2.0 AtraziDe 2.0 ----- :<br />

----- 21.2 20.5 15 5<br />

5 Atrazine 3.0 Atraz1ne ' 1.0 ---_._- ----- 23·9 22.8 None 15<br />

6 Amitro1-T 1.0 Atrazine 1..0 -...---- ----- 1.9.4 20.9 455. 400<br />

7 c Amitrol-T<br />

lO ~ ~, J¢raz1rW" ~1...0- -."-~-- ; ----- ~c'.3, .~ 20,5 ~:c.'J .: 40<br />

8',;0' Mntrol-7<br />

." ~ "At1".8.z1Jie ':, '~:

290 ' .. i '~r I.". ',-:<br />

: l.1 r, '" '<br />



.".- -. ._.-_...• --',,' ..<br />

H. M. t+t~ :~d,8,., N. h~t,a<br />

IntrodupUQA_ " )'J ~ S-:' I<br />

In order .t~ ~ogtroi~r i .tallll1·~~p.'rllDD~~)f<br />

' •• ', ~'<br />

~~~ci~"lt 11 neceaaary,e1ther<br />

directly. lnd1r~t11" to ,#,n4!Jcet.::d •• tructlono(~~e org~n.which pe~p.t·<br />

uate: the plant,., IIltb,~ cQ. ~.quc.kcC... ,the plal).1:""rtl re.ponl1ble fot lt1<br />

perennta11tyare the ma•• of under around atem. cal1ed~rhl.omes.<br />

The 'uormal Ute otlildlvldual"'quiCkgra .. iiiizome;"is pr~bably not mucb ov.r<br />

a year. It i.not alwaysappreclatedthat this characteristlc i. one of.t~. few<br />

lmportan~ weakness_' tabarent i~; ~c~.~•., rb~.;b.~. of .pecia1 inte~~at<br />

ln the use;of herb1c1d •• for the oogt~J: orer~d~cat~. ~f quacklrass. A cbemlcal,<br />

to be effective .. maJ not n_cea.ari1~;Id.~l the plant Mrl8bt or directlyc.uae<br />

itea,th a.~ d.cOlllPOdUQftol tbe rh9"i< Control ... , "'.ffected indlrect1y by<br />

lnduclnldormaaoy or preventin8proc§~.!~~!l qf., no rb1aollea until the netum<br />

deatb of 'th.·~an~·,~avif·l:.ken;'pl~c., 'J However, ~h, A.l~tion that a dlr,ec,t<br />

u1sUolt~lp .:/CUt. b.tween the e~~.ct;~ oj a tr.a~m.nt "" topsrowth and le;s :effect<br />

on aurvlval and actlvlty of the rhl.~' may be lubject to error, especially<br />

wbenquackgr •• , control from different cbemlcala are b.inl compared.<br />

Thls i inve.tigatlon was ~a~r~ec;l ~~ to o1?tain a mOIj. complete ~ow1.d~e, of<br />

the pbyl1plogy'Of tbe quackl~a... r~1••• 8apeciallyall l-t ls affected by, b~rblcidel<br />

a.d IIIOdel'n,control' recoaae~~t~~a~A :prev,lou. "apar reported on the<br />

effacta of tre.dDe~ti ontberfood re.erv. content: of :q~Ckar"s rhizomes (2).<br />

The .xt.nt of ~blzome carbobydrate r.duction waa t6bad 'to be more a char.Ct~latic<br />

of t~e berbic14e us. thaD' it ••• ~"'.te4 'to-fopsrWtbsurvival and re,rowth.<br />

It 1i r.alonable'to luppoae that. I~~l.,r ,raau1t1 ~outd :a1Jo be expected fr~ tbe<br />

rhizome survival: data. : , "', :', ,<br />

. '". i 1. J '.<br />

Materia4<br />

and, .1f.etboda-<br />

,A deicrlp~i~n of, .~ experl~'t~:::clta1gn, ... ,Uot; acbedu1e arid procedUre,<br />

and ~aboratory /II.t~cI.,b•• b~n gl~ ~:prev1ou.p.per.. (1, 2). The field :Plots<br />

were located near Itbaca, N.Y., on a Mardln ailt loam .oil which had a unlform<br />

aad heavy quackaraal infelUtion. Th. treatments were replicated four tim.',ln<br />

a 3 x6 .p11t-plot factorial. .'<br />

H'of<br />

Sample. of quacqra'lrblzOlll8" "r. collected p.t_~cally ulinl a ate ..l<br />

cylinder., All aoil and foreiln l118~t!lr :J'~re relllQved by ~a.hil).l iaa cement li1xer.<br />

The r~1zomes were tbendried, Welshed, 'ground, mixed thoroughly. and analyzed<br />

for c,arbohy'dratll content. Since fructo •• polymers, 1••• .! fructolana, :w,erl_,faund<br />

to be the pd~1pal food reaerve cO'Q'tt1;Uent quackji-.I. rhizomel, quantitative<br />

carbohydrate determlnatlons were baa.d on tbe free fructo •• content fo110wlna<br />

acid bydrolyall. On the baah of th. rbi.ome. obtained frClll one aquare foOf of<br />

1This include. part of tbe work don. on the Ph.D. study at Cornell Univer.ity.<br />

2Plant Pbya101olllt, -Virginla Truck ixP~~1ment- S~at1~~,'Horfolk, Va. and<br />

Profei.or of Agronomy, Cornel1Un~~~r.lt~, ~tbaca, N'Y",respective1y.<br />

~ ,

so11 per plot at each sampling date., the yield of l!",~omes and their fo04 reserve<br />

content were determined. The yield of fructose p~l&l1it area was subsequently<br />

calculated as the product of these two determinations.<br />

291<br />

Results<br />

and Di,cussion<br />

Main effects of cultural trea~~t,:<br />

\<br />

The main effects of cultural treatments on the' yield of quackgrass rhizomes<br />

are given in Table I. Both the plowing and fallow treatments resulted in an<br />

early decrease in the yield of.,J:l:a:f.'l:lIDes<br />

about, 4PJpercent. The effect Df the<br />

single spring ploWing tended to a~~ease throughoutlthe experiment as regrowth<br />

of foliage occurred, although it continued to show lower yields than the uncultivated<br />

quackgrass. The effect of continuous fallow, on the other hand, increased<br />

and resulted in a decrease of a\)o,~$, 7S per cent infhizome yields by late autumn.<br />

'"<br />

J<br />

The depletion of total carbohydrate yield due to cultural treatments was<br />

especially severe as shown in Table II. The dataabow that the first plowing is<br />

by far the most important s1ng1e)c~l~ural treatmenti'resulting in an earl, and<br />

rapid decline of over 70 per cent' ~n the fructos."eld. Where no further<br />

tillage was appl1l!d, however, tlHtfood reserves weregraduaUy replenished. By<br />

late autumn the plowed plots were no longer significantly lower than the uncultivated<br />

plots, and by the following spring the re~~don of total carbobY'lt:ate<br />

was only 24 per cent. The fallowereatment continu.d a gradual depletion of<br />

fructose yield to 94 per cent by late autumn, which 'persisted to the next spring.<br />

Main effects of chemical treaem,~.ts:<br />

The effect of herbicides onthe'dry weight yieids of rhizomes was always<br />

significant throughout the experim£\~t, as seen in Tab,le III. AU of the :urbicides<br />

with the exception of DalapOn caused an early and marked decrease in rhizome<br />

yielda. Although only Atrazine.bowed a significant reduction of about SOper<br />

cent by the first sampling date" tbe rhizome yield;teductions from Sfmazine,<br />

Amitrol-T and Penac ranged betWeeri.~S and 39 per c~t. Throughout the remainder<br />

of the experiment, Atrazine, Sfmazlne, and Amitrol continued showing,gradual<br />

decreases in rhizome yields, resulting in eventual declines of 88, 76, and 68<br />

per cent, respectively, at the f.l~,~ aampUng date'Jl Thes,e three herbicide,s<br />

resulted in consistently lower survival of rhizomes than Penac or Dalapon. While<br />

Penac showed only minor changes from the initial decrease of 35 per cent throughout<br />

the remainder of the experi~nt, the effect of ntilapon was gradual and·<br />

continuous throughout the growing ~aon resulting. in a 56 per cent lOBS of<br />

rhizomes by late autumn. However, lta effect decre.sed during the winter and<br />

early spring, showing a reduction 01 ,only 31 per cent by May 10,1960.<br />

Since the herbicides generally, caused simultan.£lous reductions of both<br />

rhizome yields and fructose content, the effects of chemical applications on the<br />

total carbohydrate yields were considerably accentuated, as shown in Table IV.<br />

Atrazine gave a very sharp and~arly,decrea.e in Ir~tOBe yield of 88 per ~ent<br />

by the first sampling date one mOnt~:after application. Thia carbohydrate<br />

depletion increaaed slowly throullloUtthe year to 97 per cent by autumn and 99<br />

per cent by May 10, 1960. Simazine showed similar results although it reacted<br />

slower, with an initial reduction of 72 per cent, and a 94 per cent reduction by<br />

late summer. However, its effect decreased during the winter and early spring,

292<br />

Table I-MaiD' Bfieed'Of

418'<br />

293<br />

Table III Main Eff,ects of Her~1c1cl.a on the Yie1di~fQu,ackgra88 RhizOlae4lr,<br />

at all Sampling Dat~a;~;<br />

Sampling Herb~cide Treata;e~tj¥e~JUI (lba.Jacr~) Significance<br />

Date !lb, , ,I (per cent)<br />

June 1S, 1959 Atr. Siill. 1<br />

11760 2120 5<br />

I<br />

lJAIireated<br />

" Mean<br />

4760<br />

Aug. 5, 1959<br />

Sept. 10, 1959 I sLil.<br />

I 680<br />

I Sim. Atr.<br />

I 1060<br />

!<br />

1220<br />

Ami. ,~. ~l.l<br />

1680 I 19'80 2060 ,<br />

~,-odi'3:l' I<br />

Atr.' AmL!I~~r. Fen. I<br />

700 1220 1240 1640<br />

,<br />

i it I<br />

-.,j'J t<br />

No herb~'<br />

2460<br />

1<br />

5<br />

1<br />

5<br />

i. ,<br />

4700<br />

3660<br />

Nov. 10, 1959<br />

May 10, 1969<br />

Table<br />

IV<br />

I<br />

I Atr.<br />

I 340<br />

, 'ii' ,<br />

Sim. AmL'I'~n~1 Da1. No hef~,~J<br />

§SOl 88~ 1.1?2.0, 1920, 27~!t<br />

.." , , ,,'<br />

1<br />

5<br />

1<br />

S<br />

~960<br />

Main Eff~~ta of Herbici~e. on the Yield ,) vructoae,from QuaCk&r~aa<br />

Rhizomes at All, Sampl1."Jlatea.· ,<br />

Sampling<br />

Date<br />

Herbicide TreatmeptHea~s (lba./acr~)<br />

June 15, 19$9 , Al;r. Sim. Ami..<br />

, I<br />

No h.~b.<br />

82i l<br />

Significance Untreated<br />

(eer cent) ",n<br />

1<br />

5 1,873<br />

Aug. 5, 1959 Atr.<br />

§l<br />

Sept. 10, 19591 Atr.<br />

I 26<br />

Sim. Ami.. }~en. 081. Noll'~'"<br />

27<br />

i<br />

21 A :;<br />

• 5Q4 15608601' I<br />

I I<br />

I<br />

Sim. Ami.'Dal.. I Fen. I N~ h~~.1<br />

43 186 210 I 401 I 762<br />

1<br />

5 1964<br />

1<br />

5 1540<br />

Nov. 10, 1959 I Atr. Sim. Ami. ,:,~l. 'Fen. I Nohe~~!<br />

I 42 80, 276 t<br />

i<br />

633 I U3~<br />

_<br />

.':; I ,I' I<br />

May 10, 1960 r Atr. Silll. Ami.re~. IDal. • No !luI!.<br />

I 7 83 112 1'302 3S7 588<br />

t )j<br />

I<br />

1<br />

5 2463<br />

1<br />

5 597

294<br />

;~~~r::~~~~r::::~~::U:~l~<br />

:~;~!~~0~h~::Oin~::1::jf~~'!:::~·:0·;e;a~~it'~<br />

fall an~ held ~on~~ant., tUlthe. {o1.~Cl'(l~._epr~Df!I'~~'~ .o~ the reduct1~ ;0.£<br />

rbi .. e. by 'e.c,thefructose1tifcl ;ehOvel al\ iutl:'tl1. etecl1ne of 37 per Q~~,<br />

WhiCh'increa,"'. ['loW.ltlto 53. p.'~..,by ..•. late .au.~UIIIIl .."•. a:::III.~_.. 'tb. en.-decre.s.•.ed 'to.···. 7+9'-"<br />

per cent by the nell;t sprln8 •., _ D~'iijieiiiAoW.dno •• ~~~ioJ1 the.f~lICt,~<br />

yle1dl, but call1.ed .·a fa1rly~~lcf'''.c;,~~e 4~rJ.bI :~~~: .~~ to 72 per cent in<br />

total carbohydrate.. The effeelt ofDlftlapon· cleona"iI~.HDI the fall and winter,<br />

re.u1ting In a reductlon of only ~t~r:: cent· by Maylo-;-I96·0.<br />

Interactlon beeweett cU1tunf.q~cah~~~' t'l'eaitm~Q~:: ;\~, r<br />

, ' . -, I .. ~".<br />

There wae no liplflcant tRt..... loa between the-.ffectl of cultural treatmenta<br />

and herblcldal apPUca!:i~i-~if~. auivlval ot~ltb.ea ,unUlthe ~a~t, ~YCl~ :<br />

.~~inl date,. : . . '. '." ";,: .i : '.", ,)c'" '"<br />

~ ..~<br />

'k explanation of the il1t:eracf'ioou1' be given by cOlllparing the effecta of<br />

the different herbi~idel witl" -eac~~¥~ra1tr.•at~~t..,,~.~ fi~a1 1aq>~i~J d~t. ,<br />

given ln Table V. "rhe IDOltl:tti~\\1 c~ari.~ 1,."".r ....:jlo cu1~lvat1on wal<br />

app1:ted. The hllgh_it rhllom."yl'e1.d "a~ not .obta1~e4~ 'the untreated .od, but<br />

from p10tl trea/:ed with Dalapon or r,-l!. Thouih tlM:£i~ferencel are not lipificant,<br />

they do indlcate th,atth'~~n~.rbicicle.~l•• ti~ .ffe,c~I,~, 1~,<br />

de. truftion of quae:fcgra.. rbisc.d' unl •• ~: accompaz:ilad bl'; ~111.g. treatments, even<br />

thoupr topgrowth wal killed and'regrow'tfl .uppre .... ltl;_apon.At the oppollte<br />

extreme wa. Atradne, which actually !~.'\llt~d in lei.' rhizomes .urvivlng when<br />

applied to uncu~tivated p10ta than,~ell lupp1 ... n~!d~y_plowl~orfa.l1ow •• "<br />

Quackp'''''aocf·'~i'eat'd'W'1th Atrli.til~ alia18ft uncl~'tii~"'4 Ihowed a 9~ per' ceilt·<br />

reduction ln the rhlzome infe.tation by' the followiiii".pHng. . .'<br />

AcCllllpar1'''b of-the"h.rbldd •• *thtrf the plent' tr.. tJ.erit indicate •. tfi~i 1.11<br />

herblcidel l~t.a~:highlyd.. Y'eantreduct!on~ ~rhill'Ollle yie1d- ""","<br />

compared to .pring p1OWingwith-:nci:Ji.i&+cf.d-~ -Thi.,:_~.p.rtdue to •• ~~u1ati,<br />

influence of plowing on tat! su~~equet:lt ~0trt:li o~,tuac~t.... rhlZOIile.'<br />

wheillto herbicl.e w••• pplied,·lhowiq'art inctea.e'-o~~t 50 per cent by May 10,<br />

1960 over that ~f the uncult-tvat_::tIIaeeIt-plota •. The r.sults of continuous f.llow<br />

tended 'to elimi'.te or ma.k the .he~~eI4d eff~cu.ll"~J... ther uniform,anej ."<br />

complete de.tru •.ti~ of quackF".j'lrh1&~e. ; '...•.. Th<br />

e ·~t•.~~:- tbat, by th!! follOWing<br />

rprlng,<br />

69 per cent<br />

the, fallow traatllllllta-r48U.ii'd.<br />

whe. no herbicide was udll.to<br />

in rhi8'" ruction ranging from<br />

81. per cent' when Atredne was applied,<br />

compared to theuntr::eated Qheck)t~t:.;:H:There wereDO-.~f,Uicant<br />

be tween, any of the fa llow treat\!Jetit!.; ", ,:. . "" . .'<br />

d1ffere~c.,<br />

.. .. ,.<br />

,<br />

I : ,.:, ,", .', , ; , J.,'_ .....!' - . ~'0:[:-'~ .<br />

The lntera4tion between cultural' alid"chemic.1 tre.m.nts on the tou1<br />

fructo.e yield "al .ignif1ca~t a.t .1J.-.am.pl1ngd.tea.-'~'leaeral ..' any c;om~~.­<br />

tionl of treatment.lthat resu1.~~~o~'.:~.n.ein t~~~d of'qu.ckgrssl rhlzome.<br />

simu1'uneoualy causH a change"!ll th.t.fOod i ••• rv.·· . "t·of the rhlllom.1 in the<br />

same direction. Conl.quently., tha.~enc:.-of the tieatmente on the totd<br />

fructole yield "as ~sually accent""tea-;; Table.V1 'i?""~,lUIIDAryof thein~~~<br />

act~on data frOll th~ firat, la,f~ tft1, ;~d t,lna! .""'UIlI'ietatel. - .\-<br />

. . .'<br />

.\..,. _.~,._., ...,....<br />

All treatlllllntl wlth the exceptiOQa ,of, !JllculUvatR plot. treated w1!:~ ,".,<br />

Da1apon or renae relu1ted in high1y's1snificant carbohy4rate yield reductiona by<br />

the first salDl)Una date'. The aillll:1e u1owinll: treatment eaull/ld the ftr ..d"",ifta,,"

Table V, }nt ...... e..• ,fa~, I;i.,on.,B.~. ~w..ee.ll.:..~..ht~f;.,..l.,.a.n.. ,.~. ,.:B., eEb~C;~~&ilTf~atm.ntl.o,<br />

,'t~elaof·QI1acq~a~.·~~ft"" ~'8J1IPlecl"XaA9, ~960)<br />

th",j<br />

295<br />

',d"; .<br />

NoAultivation<br />

Pattow<br />

Fallow<br />

Pa&ow<br />

Plow"<br />

Herliicide<br />

Atraa~ne<br />

Atraa~e<br />

Simaaine<br />

Pense<br />

Atraz:r:'ne<br />

Significant<br />

Ipt<br />

1%'<br />

'.~ 260<br />

: 380<br />

380<br />

380<br />

400<br />

Significant<br />

at<br />

·U<br />

Per Cent<br />

Re!i?};iMlfiLL<br />

.; j\~; • \'<br />

~".<br />

87<br />

",)l:;v·';."<br />

,~,,( 7:il.: ) ,;<br />

I:; ai:<br />

87<br />

Pa~low<br />

Amitrol<br />

\ 460<br />

Paflbw<br />

Dalapon<br />

'680<br />

~. 1 .'<br />

Plow<br />

Sima&1ne<br />

740<br />

75<br />

Pal~w<br />

No heJ:'bls:ide<br />

920<br />

No ~~ltivation<br />

Simaztne<br />

940<br />

69<br />

'.,l (·0")<br />

Plow<br />

Amitr~l<br />

1020<br />

66<br />

No '~~l.t1vation<br />

1180<br />

~\.'~'<br />

Plow<br />

Plow<br />

No cultivation<br />

No cultivation<br />

No'iultivation<br />

Delapon<br />

Penac<br />

No herbiCide<br />

Pense<br />

Dalapon<br />

No herb'icide<br />

1360<br />

'1680<br />

3000<br />

3120<br />

, 3740<br />

4440<br />

J<br />

55<br />

~K:;<br />

. (! 1',or{ t,<br />

Per cent<br />

increaae<br />

4<br />

25,0.;:: "<br />

48' .'"<br />


296<br />

Table VIr l.t'iietiOti.;'~tw.-"J~idi~.l:.Il~"'~tb~aili~:;~.at""tiid~ t'e 9ldi\T<br />

y(.ld ofPtuoto •• "~.-t1ijc:ltlfa.,. n!.aul~.tThre. SampUq Dete••<br />

Treatll.IlU ",\'"gj::,<br />

i.': : _~ ".. j f .; ,,"!r; -:;<br />

....,,1·· ...·<br />

June 15. 1~59<br />

'~/~cr.t) ,..<br />

·~,~1lJ.. _ '.<br />

New. 10. 1959<br />

Mean<br />

(l~,.~~~~~)<br />

'auc<br />

Pallow<br />

'enac ',',; , Plow<br />

Feuc· ,<br />

r1<br />

No cult~<br />

Atra.hte 'allow i<br />

Atrad"e Plow<br />

Atra.tDe 10. cuU.<br />

S1aIa.~~e , Pallow i<br />

S1lIa.fM Plow ,<br />

S1IIa.~.»e No. cuttl.<br />

,<br />

I<br />

AlI:ltr~r"T Pallow :<br />

AIIl:ltrol~T Plow :<br />

AlI:ltral-T No cult~<br />

-:'\<br />

150<br />

80<br />

457<br />

.' 127<br />

,,276<br />

'c 819<br />

141<br />

368<br />

1049<br />

.;:<br />

14<br />

147<br />

,'f!~';'.ri<br />

s: .<br />

'GO [J f,{<br />

",~,~"<br />

"1"- '.<br />

\Jl')J .\<br />

~;:\<br />

',jj'p~~ 0',;<br />

Dalapou<br />

DalapOJ1<br />

Dalaporl'<br />

No herb.<br />

No hetb~<br />

No h~b.<br />

L. S.D.~ .11<br />

L. S.D., ~I<br />

i<br />

rallow ,<br />

Plow<br />

No cult.<br />

Pallow<br />

Plow<br />

,\ ~13<br />

~9<br />

1560<br />

[<br />

,'14<br />

129<br />

, 276<br />

1873<br />

'iI,<br />

, IC<br />

,~10<br />

1.,1 67<br />

No ,ult.<br />

i '<br />

1420<br />

2463<br />

:,br-." OJ .~ l<br />

57 "<br />

llW'J,<br />

'. .'Ji97',<br />

, , -v.r J rUe) ('f' .<br />

, : '590' ..<br />

·,'J.O.ru.) o:'.

plots showed smaller decreases with the exception Qf Atrazine, which gave ,an<br />

early decrease of 95 per cent with 'no cultivation. While the difference. 'between<br />

the cultivated and uncultivated t.ttazine treatments were never significant. the'<br />

undisturbed .od treated with Atrazine consi.tently Jave carbohydrate yield. equal<br />

to or greater than when Atrazine w~. supplemented by tillage. The effect of<br />

Atrazine alone increased from a .evere fructo.e yield reduction of 95 per cent<br />

by the fir.t .ampling date to Virtually 100 per cent by late fall. This continued<br />

to the follow1ng spring. "ibdicating that no live rhizomes remained.<br />

Simazine. without cUltivati~(.~resulted in an e.arly reduction of 76.~er cent<br />

in the fructose yield. WhlCh iacre.sed to 97 per ce~t by late fall. By ~he<br />

following .pring, however. the affect of Simazine decreased to a 73 per ce~t<br />

reduction in fructose yield. Whllespring plowingt'ended to slightly augment the<br />

effectof Simazine ontht(ltotal food reserves throliShout the experiment, it, also<br />

decreased from a 99 per" cElnt,depletionln late SU1lllll8t' to 87 per cent by the<br />

following spring. indicating,thatat least some live rhizomes survived.<br />

Similar trends. but wi~h les. striking reductions, were generally oD.erved<br />

for the other three herbiCides. 'In all cases, Amitrol-T. Fenac and Dalapon on<br />

uncultivated plots induced a, reduct,ion in underground carbohydrates which<br />

increased to a high of 83 per cent, SOper cent and ,75 per cent. respectively. by<br />

fall. The effecta of these herbicides ceased or d~lnished during the following<br />

winter and spring, however. show1ng a reductio~ of 7lper cent for Amitro17T, but<br />

increases.of 1 .per cent for FeMcand 42 per cent fot: Dalapon. While the .ingle<br />

spring plOWing after application of Amitrol-T,Fenae'or Dalapon was yery effective<br />

in stimulating or prolonging the rhizome and carbOhydrate yield reductions. their<br />

effects ware,nevertheless, diminished between latef.ll and spring.<br />

There was generally a clos. relationship ~e~e.nthe appearance of the quackgrass<br />

rhizomes and the level of food reserves they contained. Vlgoroua white<br />

rhizomes with many fibrous roots were always relatively high in carbohydrates.<br />

As the prevalence of roots decreased. the, rhizomes Fadually appeared more<br />

diacolored, and their carbohydrate level generally dtminished accordingly. When<br />

no fibrous roots remained on the IIh.izomejoints. the rhizomes appeared 1n ,various<br />

shades of brown corresponding to the degree of deccDposition and carbohydrate<br />

depletion.<br />

297<br />

There was a general relationship between the elfects of cultural and chemical<br />

treatments on tlle Eurv~val ar-d regrowth of rhizomes and their effects on the<br />

carbohydrate content, of rhizollles' ... presented in a pi'evioull paper (2).<br />

Of the cultural tr2atments. spring plClwingresulted'ln the most rapid<br />

decrease in yield cf t'oth rhizomes and carbohyl1I8tes; As soon as new topgrowtb<br />

developed. however. c&rbohydrates were gradually restored and the growth of new<br />

rhizomes was stimulated.<br />

Repeated cultivations during the growing seasou'resulted in a continuous<br />

depletion of rhizomes and carbohydrates. Although more than 25 per cent of the<br />

total dry weight of rhizomes still remained in the fall and the following spring.<br />

they Were greatly weakened due to a allllUltaneous reduction in food reserves,.

298<br />

.. ' .. _ ' "'. ," ," lj(,':.'~,.),: '. ':.'~~I:"_' ~ . ,: "1<br />

Al~hO\lgh r'4uc~ionll in the ,)'~fUj;o,rhizOlD8l1 a... ~carbohydrate. re.ultecJl '<br />

f,rom aU he,'tb.iC.~de.·I..t..,~" t,h..e, ~hem.iC"....<br />

degree of the d.pl.t~ol)lI. ~ey .'lt9,r ••ponded dUfet.ly in tile intarectt'"<br />

With cultural ttaabaenU'I~ .,,><br />

1;I.tl". .f, '.. reofil'O'l)l,l'i". rQJy' in thente, period all4<br />

. . ,,:.,',. ,';'1 ,'.'<br />

Delaport, A1pit1iol-~: and Atrel~q., tI!~~ Ibowed lIomawhU,l1l11lar afhcu onj'~.ckgra..<br />

foliage.' In aU :!:lallell, the 1;CtpIJ:l>Vthcealed,.' -rlll'a t1llle .of app UcaUOII, and<br />

gradually diedback'after about two .. ekl. Little or no regrowth occurred<br />

thrCNp'ou,t t~• .,J.l'OW~~i,l~alon on .~t~.Il!~e tr.ate4u4:or plowed piou.lOD the"<br />

under8~undor8~n.. and. c.rbohydraty" (..b""ever ,~l.p., lIbowe4 very littla, 'P:<br />

reduc~.l.on.duritil tha fiut three ~~..~ch of eM 'i_ctton in yield of~; , .<br />

rhilome .... nd fructQle.tbat occurred ·bylata ..faU WalMCO'fered by the folldlriq<br />

Iprlns~, Aaui1:~O~-~" _hUe lbowiOS,a ,.~ rapid and.qeNncluctiOll in both<br />

rbi.omellalld carbobydratel, wallll~~ jto DelapOQ,1Q:A:Mtitreached it.; ....<br />

effect bylat~ fall,' d1lllinbhi~ .~t by Ipr1q. ,;;-,,·.ffect of Atrad_Jw ..<br />

lIIOlttapidandcciaiplete,relulting ill'd.ltruction of virtually all rhizomel and<br />

carbl)hy~rat.1 by late f.U. ,,:, :" .1\"<br />

, i~ ',<br />

The eff.ectl of.IUllluine and P~ ,' >0' ':1.1 'Ji~ "'-<br />

Alt' the ,he,r~~c,~~... appl1ed ,difl ~relpond equa1iiy,« in the 18me way'tw' ,<br />

culturaltrea~'ntl~ The herbicides, lilted in the order of their dependency<br />

upon pl~iDg fo~, ~ff.c;tiv~, contrOl" ,1,l¥8Iured by,ehe l'e4ucdon of rbizOIIIIti' and<br />

food re.~~el!.,.~." followl: D..lap~, renac, 1tm1trol~T. Slma&ine and Alultrail.<br />

J)a l~potl art( renae Ihowed no ,~It~~~~~Y to caule 4i.e~t" dea tb and decOllpol'Uon<br />

of quackara~s ~~~~clIII.. w.h~D not h~l~.~ 'by tUlale.,.'Ac;~adua1 andtemporar, . '..<br />

reduc.tion.inJoo4re,ervei (.nd rhi,l!!M, yield took place.' ,HOwever, thhha,Ni'en<br />

over cOllI! by 'tllefC)tl~JQ8 .pnng. ',: s:L ,.<br />

. ': .... \. ,,', .. ' " .' .<br />

Itmitrol-T'relulted in greater reductions on unplowed plots than Dalapon or<br />

Fenac, but was: sUll 1II0re efficient if followed by plowing_ Simaz1ne ao4 :'_::,'<br />

Atrazine resulted in greater depletionl of rhiz~el and carbohydratel than ~be<br />

other herb,ic14ea ,eiepll,r with or wl,t.h~tt1lla8e. St.ma:a&utwal benefited.l!flhtly<br />

by plowin$'~4trad~•., ilpwever, lbow. noincreale in effectivenell from,eitWel'"<br />

plowina or'f~~~01f dnc:e~o live rb;1&.... : remained by 1ft., fan. I.,<br />

:; .,' '<br />

Llteratyte<br />

i;i~ei'<br />

.. . ' ~ "t:··'· ,:, ,~, ,<br />

': '(1) LeBaron, H.,H. arid FerUg. S.· H. Relationship. between control of<br />

quackgt'an (.vL'mY£.Q!1 URSD.!) aud carbohydrate content of rhh OllIeI •<br />

Proc •. ~.F;.W,C.C.14:357~362. ;(l.~.(;) . b<br />

:, . " . /' ;,-' :--. :,,:o/,.~... . ,;;',:.:'<br />

(2) LeB~r~~,Jl~) ... ,;.• nd~ert18, S.,". ~ effect:. ofclua1c.l end culturel<br />

tr~atllla)1t." ,on the, fpod relerv~~tua~kar... rh£b:oiIa.', PrClC. H.E.W.C;'e.<br />

15:319';'328.' (1961)


R. Ao PetQe. and H. C. Ycmu.'1<br />

299<br />

~~ have been tried tt>r selective weed control in alraJ.tabut<br />

to date none ot the materials CCIIlIIIIIl"oUJ.l1' available haw given broad<br />

spectrum wed control as well as sutticient selectivit7.<br />

Since the practice of usirlg P'atn companion cro~8 for new seedings ot<br />

torage legumes is nowbeing quest1oned2, there is en· increasing need tor a<br />

satistactor7 herbioide for use on nw seadings. Testing of some of the<br />

older materials as well as an:vpraa1sing new materials should be done on a<br />

continuing basis ..<br />

Procedure: The experimental area'" on the .Agrcmom;y. Research Farm,<br />

Uniwrsit:r otConnecticut, S!;orrs,Connecticut. The principal e:xper:iment .<br />

discussed below was a SUlIIIIerseaclinB ot DuPuits alfalfa seeded on July 28,<br />

1961.<br />

Pre-emergence applicatioM were made on August 2, 1961. Approximat~<br />

25%ot the alfalfa seedlings had snerged bY'the time or treatment. Postemergence<br />

applications were made ClI'1'August 15, 1961 when the second. true<br />

leaf ot the alfaJ.ta was about to e:xpand.<br />

Plot size was 5 bY'15 teet repl1cated three times. Est:llllates ot stands<br />

were made on October 10 and yields were determined on October ll, 1961 b7<br />

harvesting a strip 39 inches wide on each through the centGr ot each plot.<br />

The domina."lt weed species preSent in the experimental area was old<br />

witchgrass (Panicum cap1llare) with an adm.i..xtu... ot large crabgrass<br />

(Digitaria sanguinalia). Only a trace ot broadleaf weeds were present.<br />

Sub-samples were taken tor determinaUon ot dry matter and, when<br />

necess&r7, tor hand separation to determine the percentage ot alfalfa bY'<br />

weight in the plot.<br />

In another e:xperiment, not discussed in .full in this paper, several<br />

herbicides were applied On a spring seeding (April 'Z7, 1961) of alfalfa..<br />

Included was diphenamid at 4 pounds per acre and G.34696at 2 pounds per"<br />

acre both applied as pre-emergence mater1Als and dalapon plus 2,lv-DB as<br />

a poat-emergence material. Rainfall oocurred within two hours ot the time<br />

the pre-emergence materials were appl'.ed.<br />

Results: In the spring seadings,. the diphenamid ga-n outstanding resuJ.ts on<br />

a'Uali'a in terms ot weed control ntb no indication ot injur;y to the alfalfa.<br />

lAssooiate Professor"and, former~~ Research Assistant., UniversitY' of<br />

Connec~icut, .S!;orrs, Connecticut. ><br />

2 Peters, R. A. Legume Establishment as Related to the Presence or Absence<br />

of an Oat Companion Crop. Agron. Jour. 53:195-198. 1961..

300<br />

This JilaterialOC8ip1et.:l7 conf;1'o11ilt,bOth the~~th. broi.cWi&t .....<br />

Included were ,.,nowtox1;a1J, (Setar:la lutescens); J.uop erabgrass (Dig1taria<br />

sangu1nalis), old w1tchgraee (pam,,~a.p:tJ.lal'e), aIxl.barrqard grass<br />

(Echinochloa orusgalli). BroaclleatWMde included black lI1U8taZ'd(Braseica<br />

nipr), COlllDlOn chickweed (stell&ria 1lIdia) 1ambequarter (Chenopodiuma1b1D.)<br />

and1"OU&h¢l&'med (~hws ·,.Nti1ioa.Zl18~. '!'heN: ..... little i1'id1oatiqa 6t<br />

re-invaeionot· .... later in the ~~ naaon. ' .::'<br />

_£0'<br />

~A.,,·<br />

Chemical Actiw T:1Jneot Graeq "/i).. l.",<br />

Treatment Fpmulation MatS'14l Appl1caticm <strong>Weed</strong>stend Dr;y Mitts<br />

l~R':<br />

"rl<br />

1;1 Rat1lrsa'QE Yiel4 "<br />

' ' ~"<br />

. '. "<br />

Neburcm<br />

,~wp ~, 1.0<br />

lSSO~<br />

Neburon It II<br />

-~"~':.. 0.6 1390<br />

"<br />

Dacthal 5Q%WP It<br />

" 4- 1.3 1550<br />

Dacthal II<br />

'I,<br />

It 1.0 1360<br />

Diphenamid, 8O%WP , It<br />

0 136Cl<br />

D1phenam1d It 6 II ':1,". 0.3 lO9O'<br />

Tr1f'lural1n 2G ;3<br />

"<br />

0.6 6;0 "<br />

Tr1f'lural1n 2G it<br />

It 0<br />

21'<br />

~. !<br />

G3469f?<br />

~wp 1/2<br />

It<br />

2.3 1225<br />

G34696 It .1, II ',d::; 2.0 ll80<br />

l/2-<br />

Diuran ~wp<br />

II (1'(' . 0 '5l$ ':"ir<br />

Diurcn n 1<br />

It<br />

0 3lS<br />

,II<br />

2,4-D Amine 1/2 Pcst.-eIlJ8! ~;.,.: '7'00 290':\,'"<br />

DNBP .3Jb Lf:./G 1 1/2<br />

It<br />

3.3 13.30<br />

DNBP II ,. 3.6 ,1;80<br />

.<br />

" ,.'::".~...:'<br />

2i4-IIB + dalap

301<br />

In the SUIIIIIlf)1' seeding, the highest"yields ot alfali'a were obtained trom.<br />

the low rates of neburon and dacthal with the dr.vmatter production comparable<br />

tor each chemical. While not si~ lower, somewhat lower yields were<br />

obtained trail ~,lllb.; dact~a SIb.; diphenaJll.i;d, .3lb.; DNBP,It ,<br />

lbo; and 2,4-IJl plus dalapon. Yiaa;dS wre ~ign1f'ic~ loiter, however, wh~<br />

G34696was uaEid..DOubUn$ the rate'ot 'diphenamid or D" resulted in a '<br />

hi~ signif'icant yield reductionotthe alfalfa. Serious injury' trom both<br />

rates was obtained from. tritluralin and diuron o<br />

Control ot the predominant weed, old w:l.tchgrass,isindicated by the<br />

estimate ot stand given in Table 1. Oomplete grassoomrol was obtained tl'd!ll.<br />

both rates ot diphenamid and diuron and trom. the high rate ot tritluralin,<br />

with CQrlplete selectivity obtained onl,y with the diphenamid.. Alfalfa was<br />

serioual;r injurec:1 by diuron and tritluralin as stated pt'eViously 0 While not<br />

cOJllPlete, good' grass oontrol was obtained trom. both rates ot neburon,<br />

dacthal, the 2,4-l1B anddalapon OCIIIIb1natiODS, and the low rate ot tritluralin.<br />

Only tair control was obtained from DNBPand G34696.<br />

DiscussiG£1<br />

Diphenamid was outstanding" in its degree ot selectivity on alfalfa in<br />

both spring and summer seedings ~ gi 'rlng ne8.1·~ complete weed control without<br />

injury to alfalfa at the .3 lb. per acre rate. This material merits further<br />

testing on alfalfa as a hi~ selective, wide spectrum pre-energence<br />

herbicide 0<br />

In-the summer seeding reported, neburon and dacthal were quite effective;<br />

however, these IIIll.terials have not generally cot.trolled as wide a range of<br />

weed species.<br />

Two JJmitations ot l1mP tor weed oontrol in altalta are shown in this<br />

experilnent. The nat"l'OWrange ot alfalfa tolerance is shown by over a '$if,<br />

reduction in alfalfa yield as the DNBPis doubled from. 3/4 to li lb. per<br />

acre. The weakness 01' DNBPin post-emergence control ot grassy weeds is<br />

shown by the poor rating at eithe!" rate compared, e.g., with dj,phenamido<br />

G34696merits turther testing on alfalf'a, at rates ot 1 lb. per acre or<br />

less. While it did not give complete old witchgrass oontrol in this experiment,<br />

in a separate trial at the storrs station this mat.erial controlled a<br />

tair~ wide range at weed species. The dalapon plus 2,4--DB combination<br />

caused tempor8.17 injury to the alfalfa as evidenced by leaf curling and<br />

stunting. Injury<br />

spring seed1ngs.<br />

has been more frequent at storrs on summer seadings than<br />

The injury noted wu outgrown, however, by tJle time of<br />

an<br />

harvest.<br />

Tritluralin shows no promise tor alfalfa weed control because ot severe<br />

injury. The injury pattern is unique in that emergence occurs but development<br />

beyond the cotyledonary stage does not occur on most plsnt80 If' further<br />

d3V810pnent does event~ occur, multiple shoots torm trom the coty.ledonary<br />

"--'" nodes resulting in multiple small steme.

302<br />

Selective,' cOntrol.of ~s~ (PeD1C1D'o~JJare)in a 8UIIIDer, '<br />

seed1ni ot ~a1iaW&8 obt " ",' pre-emergenoe 'appllcationa ot ~,<br />

dacthal &QddipbeneiJdd aM !rc!n:~rgeneea~ationao! 2,4-m •<br />

DNBP. ,DiPb~ in particular:,~ts turtber c~.. tion on eltelte..<br />

DNBPwas selective only at the lower rate usedfbi is.), G34696caUsed<br />

8CIIIl8 Jielt;\ ZI«1uct1on but merits furthIS:' tesij.ng, blr~cl1Dg lan:r rat,..,<br />

DitU'01'1,trit,Luralin and 2,4~ abOwDO pranise torp.emergence use ori '<br />

eltalta. ",,, .,' "<br />

The OoOlJe:rat:lCllof the tollCllld.ng oompanies ift:r~ chemioals 1.'<br />

aoknowledgedl The Dow Chemical" CO.J AmchelllPro

The results were similar to those obtained previously. There was more<br />

arsenic in the bluegrass grown in the 1 and 100 ppm P nutrient solutions<br />

than in that grown in the 10 ppm P nutrient solution.. Likewise, crabgraas<br />

grown in the 1 ppn P nutrient solution had a much higher concentr~tion of<br />

arsonic than crabgrass grown in the higher phosphorus nutrient solutions<br />

or thall bluegrass grown in the 1 ppm P nutrient solution.<br />

ljlir~~ Research Officer in ••<strong>Weed</strong> Control, Field Crops Section,<br />

Canada Department of llgriculture Research Station, Fredericton, New Brunswick.<br />

formerly Research Ass; st.",11t.-: DAn",..t.mAYlt, "f' ","'10m 0.,.""" l~,,+"~.. o<br />



C. Fred Everett<br />

l<br />

and Richard D. Ilnicki 2<br />


The phosphorus level in a soil is considered to be one of several<br />

factors which influence the phytotoxicity of arsenic.<br />

303<br />

An established Kentucky bluegrass sward was fertilized in the fall<br />

with three rates of phosphorus: 0,75 and 150 lb. F20S/a. The soil was a<br />

Nixon sandy loam which was low in available phosphori\ls. Two pH levels,<br />

S.O and 6.0, were established by additions of sulfuric acid. "Low lime"<br />

tricalcium arsenate at 0, 3, 6 and 9 lb. of As per thousand square feet<br />

was applied the following March. Grass was harvested in June and August<br />

of the same year.<br />

The arsenic and phosphorus coneerrtr-atdona in the grass were not<br />

affected by the additions of phosphorus to the sward. The higher pH slightly<br />

decreased the arsenic content of the grass. The application of higher<br />

rates of arsenate slightly increased the ars~nic concentration. There was<br />

no visible sign of injury to the bluegrass.<br />

In the greenhouse Merion blue'grass and crabgrass plants grown in a<br />

nutrient solution with 10 ppn of phosphorus were preconditioned for one<br />

week in nutrient solutions having 1, 10 and 100 ppm of phosphorus. "low"<br />

lime" tricalcium arsenate and sodium arsenite treatments were applied and<br />

the plant tops harvested 24, 48 and 72 hours later.<br />

High levels of phosphorus in the zmtrient solution reduced the phytotoxicity<br />

of the arsenate treatments to practically nil, but they did not<br />

influence the phytotoxicity of the arsenite treatment. The phosphorus<br />

concentration in the bluegrass tops grown in the 100 ppn P nutrient<br />

solution was five fold greater than that in the bluegrass grown in the 1<br />

ppm P nutrient solution. Bluegrass from the 1 and 100 ppn P nutrient solutions<br />

contained two to three times as much arsenic as bhiegraae grown<br />

in the 10 ppm P nutrient solution. On the other hand, crabgraae had the<br />

most arsenic when grown in the 1 ppm P nutrient solution and by far the<br />

least when grown in the 100 ppn P nutrient solution.<br />

"low lime"6tricalcium arsenate was synthesized in the laboratory and<br />

tagged with As7. This was applied to nutrient solutions as above. The<br />

bluegrass and crabgrass toPll. 6were<br />

harvested 9, 18 and 36 hours later,<br />

digested and counted for As7•

304<br />



W.E. Rauser 1 . and cJ.:. S\.iitzer 2<br />

Abstract .3<br />

This study was tindetiaken to det~:rrnine the general<br />

persistence of Amiben (J-amiM-.:2,5-dichlorc:benzoic acid) in sc:l,.;l.,<br />

and the effeot of leaching, rnic·ro-crganisms.,,: and otherfaotors, on<br />

its aotivity. .,<br />

Amiben was used as the triethylamine salt formulation<br />

oontaining two pounds acid equivalent per gallon. Application of<br />

herbicide was made to four 50il types - muc~,sand, clay and.jl.oam ,<br />

Herbioidal aotivity in soil samples was qetermined by using'a<br />

biologioal test based on the dry weight of oat seedlings.<br />

Leaohing stiudd e a wer-e carried out; in glass tubes, 9 in .<br />

by 1 13/16 in. After leaching, the soil vras pushed from the tubes<br />

and sliced into one inch segments which were then tested for<br />

~liben activity.<br />

Amiben applied tqmuck (at 3, 6 o:r;~ Ib/A) and leached<br />

with 2, 5 or $ in ()f water was found to rem~,;in mainly in the.~pper<br />

-,ne inoh layer. The greatest movement dawnt-iard was found with the<br />

highest rate of chemical. Leaching was Independent. of the inj,tial<br />

moLst.une vcont.errt.rof the so i+'. or the volume 0,'water applied.<br />

As little as 2 inc~es of vlat'er wa~I,folJIld to remove<br />

amiben almost completelyfro~ the sand soil whereas almost all of<br />

the applied chemical was found 'an the surface UJ,ch of clay,<br />

regardless of the applied ylat,er-.<br />

"<br />

The direct dependence of the downward movement of<br />

herbicide on the application rate, but not on the applied water,<br />

sugf;ests a mass aotion effeot in \1hich the herbicide was swept<br />

along allowing adsorption on colloid s(')il constituents. Soils<br />

high in colloids (muck) woul.d be expe ct e d to, retain much of the<br />

chemical near the surface wher-eas those containing fe",., colloids<br />

(sand) ',"auld be unable to hold much. Such expectations were'<br />

supported by the data obtained.<br />

Research Officer; Canada Department of AgricultuNe:,<br />

Exper-Lraerrt al, Farm, Scot·t; Saskat chevran ,<br />

Associate Professor, Depar-trnent. of Dota;r.y, Ontario J,gricU:lture<br />

College, Guelph, Ontario.<br />

Paper accepted for publication in 1Jleeds~ The Journal of the<br />

~;1eed 80.ciety of America.

In another experiment, loam soil was treated with amiben<br />

(at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 or 6 lb/A) at 5 week intervals for a total<br />

of 7 applioations. Oats were planted in the soil after each<br />

application. In general, the first herbicid~ application resulted<br />

in the greatest yield decrease relative to the check. Further<br />

amiben applications produced a lower constant yield depression at<br />

all rates. Therefore, it seemeQ that there was little build up of<br />

herbicide toxicity. Since leaching from the containers was<br />

impossible and volatilization was unlikely, the loss of herbicide<br />

(lack of accumulation) would seem to be due to either chemical or<br />

micro-organism breakdown. In experiments designed to separate<br />

these possibilities, it was tound that loss otam1ben toxicity<br />

from incubated soil was more rapid in muck than in clay. There<br />

was no detoxification in sandy soil during the 10 week period indicating<br />

that microbial breakdown of amiben is negligible in this<br />

type ot soil.<br />

When the two factors leaching and microbial detoxification<br />

are considered, it would appear that leaching is the major<br />

factor in amiben disappearance trom sand. Loss of actiVity from<br />

muck and clay soils is dependent on both leaching and microorganism<br />

activity, with the latter probably being more important<br />

in muck. OUtdoor incubation of muck and clay soils showed that<br />

considerable breakdown could occur during the cropping season.<br />


lContribution No. 1046 Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station.<br />

306<br />

Nutgrass control stUdi_a:!n corn with .~zine and<br />

its '-residual effecb on a foragese.-dingl.<br />

r<br />

, R. S. Bell arlCFP. B. Gardner2..J'<br />

" ~:"<br />

~irazine has proven·to be an efficient herbicide' ·t~r the control of c&:t1:&in<br />

weeds in corn (1). ~r1Jninary repma(3) indicated'tfiat early post-eme:t'g4!nt '<br />

appW1ations of atrazine., at 3 t04pounds per acre '9'&'"'seasonal control of~tgrass.<br />

Donnalley and Rehn (2) reported tha·t autoradi~raphs from foliage ~pl1­<br />

cations ofami't:roleand atrazine to nutgrass plants !:leiring tubers showedthat<br />

atrazine dio not aCCUlll.Jlatein the nUtl'ets but was re'8dl1y translocated throu.9h~<br />

out the plant. Atratineresiduesdlilappear slOWlyfi'&t the soil and rnayc:~U~e:<br />

some dilll!ageto a forage seeding the following spring.,."<br />

"J:'<br />

Procedures<br />

1960 Tests<br />

~nn. 602Acorn was planted on May25, 1960 inBHdgeharnpton silt lO~,$oi1 .<br />

fertilized with 1000 Ib/A of an8~12"12..2 grade. The;'Subplots were l5'x 3~~'<br />

and ther~ were 4 replicates of each'treatment.One ~Hof plots received' 2•.5<br />

lb/A of atrazine BONshortly after planting 'and 5 Ib¥A'\¥tienthe plants were.l~.<br />

inches high on June 30. Other ploti5 received atrazin~~atthis later date at 5,<br />

7.5, 10 and 12.5 lb/A, respectively. Fifty gallons per acre of spray was used.<br />

Four randomized plots received no herbicide.<br />

The tests were not cultivated during the month of June so that the nutgrass<br />

stand on each plot could be estimated. Several'randomized counts of one foot<br />

square plots indicated a range from 1000 to 2000 nutgrass plants per plot. After<br />

the post-emergent herbicides were applied the area was CUltivated twice to loosen<br />

the soil. This incorporated the atrazine between the rows and dislodged much of<br />

the nutgrass.<br />

The 1960 rainfall and weather in general favored the growth of corn. There<br />

were over 3 inches of rain during the 3-week period following the post-emergent<br />

applications of atrazine. The corn was harvested September 6.<br />

Results<br />

The yields and various nutgrass counts are shown in table 1. The corn<br />

yields ranged from 4.2 T/A of oven-dry material from the check plots to 4.8 T/A<br />

from the area which received 5 lb/A of atrazine. The check plots were heavily<br />

infested with yellow foxtail grass. Analysis of variance showed no significant<br />

difference in yields due to treatment. After harvest the nutgrass plants on<br />

each plot were counted. The average number per plot ranged from 21 on the<br />

check plots to only 1 where high rates of atrazine were used. The reduction of<br />

nutgrass in the control plots after CUltivation is striking. This reduction is<br />

.; ._~

apparently due to severe competition from the growth of corn and yellow foxtail<br />

grass. Atrazine kept other weeds out of the corn and, combined with the corn<br />

competition, almost entirely inhibited the nutgrass.<br />

Table 1. Tons per acre of Penn. 600Acorn, nutgrass'count, and forage survival<br />

in plots treated with atrazine. R.I. 1960-61<br />

307<br />

Atrazine<br />

b A<br />

Red clover<br />

& timothy<br />

survival<br />

Jet<br />

5 4.8<br />

7t 4.5<br />

10 4.3<br />

l2t 4.4<br />

2t pre-,5 post- 4.6<br />

no chemical 4.2<br />

2112<br />

2496<br />

2160<br />

2060<br />

1056<br />

1584<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

21<br />

641<br />

777<br />

657<br />

633<br />

557<br />

620<br />

12 30- sOIl:<br />

10 0- 5~<br />

5 0- 5%<br />

3 0- 1%<br />

12 25- 75%<br />

17 95-10O)b<br />

l$D at 0.05 0.4<br />

* estimated before CUltivation by 4 random 1 foot square counts per plot.<br />

**these counts represent plants from tubers dormant during 1960.<br />

Scarcely any nutlets were produc.ed by the small weak plants present on 9/7/60.<br />

The nutlets which produce next year's crop of nutgrass lie dormant in the<br />

soil undamagedby atrazine residues which maybe strong enough to destroy a crop<br />

of red clover and timothy. The winter rye on the areas treated with more than<br />

5 pounds of atrazine per acre was destroyed by sprinq,196l. The count of rye<br />

seedlings per foot of row in mid-November1960range~ from 3 from the heaviest<br />

rate of atrazine to 17 on the checks. The area was plowed in April 1961 and<br />

seeded to red clover and timothy. The stand was unif~rm and vigorous for about<br />

3 weeks, when the roots of the seedlings contacted tie residual atrazine.<br />

Estimates of forage survival in mid-June showedcomplete elimination of the<br />

forage crop where 10 to 12 Ib/A of herbicide were applied the previous summer.<br />

Nutgrass, however, was growing vigorously in these plots, indicating a high tolerance<br />

to atrazine where no other competition was encountered. The numbers of .<br />

nutgrass plants per plot ranged from 557 to 771 with no inhibition indicated<br />

from the previous herbicide treatment.<br />

Procedures<br />

1961 Tests<br />

A nearby area heavily infested with nutgrass was selected for the 1961<br />

tests. Both Penn. 602Aand Penn. 602 dwarf silage corn were used. Therewere<br />

3 randomized replicates of each chemical for each variety. Atrazine SOWin. 40<br />

gallons of water per acre Ivas sprayed at rates of 2, 4 and 6 pounds, resp~c~<br />

tively, before the corn came up. S,imilar amounts wen applied 3 weeks after'<br />

emergence of the corn. These res~'!:ive dates were ,rune 6 and 29. Granular<br />

preparations were also used. These,,,~terials and the, results are shown in<br />

table 2.'

308<br />

Results<br />

.~' ;,,~, .<br />

July 1961 was considerably@-l..-than thep:revj,ous July, particularly the<br />

first 3 weeks after the post-emergent atrazine. ComParative accumulative rainfall<br />

for these seasons is shown Jin,U,ure 1.<br />

Nutgrass in four randOlllon'!'_~!J?9-t..square areafl.2!l.plot wlls~ounted on June<br />

19 indicating a range of 1000 to 6000 plants per plot. All plots were cultivated<br />

on June 20,27 and July .3 1;()·~:?>.9sen soil.and '.~ the later date to incorporate<br />

the atraz1ne. After layby,:aconsiderable infestation of crabgrasses<br />

occurred and lTI06tp10ts receivinga1;~azine at la)'bll._11J,.well as the checks .. had<br />

heavy' stands of redrooted pigweed. The pigweed grew as rapidly and as tall as<br />

the ceen,<br />

The corn was harvested on August 15 at the' fUll pollen-shed stage in order<br />

to prevent further development of weeds. As seen as weed estimates were made,<br />

the area was plowed.<br />

Because of the tangle of n.ut,grllS.Sand crabgUIlS.J it did not seem feUible<br />

to try to count every nutgrass pl:ant' on each of the 72 plots. <strong>Weed</strong> estimates<br />

were made by cutting nutgrass, crabgrass and pigweed;.at ground level frOlll:lIt1<br />

area 3 feet wide (1.5 feet on either side a corn row) and 7 feet long. These<br />

weeds were separated by genera and the grams of oven-dry weights per sample<br />

area are presented in table 2. Analysis of varianee of the oven-dry weights<br />

showed that the 602A corn produced significantly more yield than the dwarf corn.<br />

The average yield for all treatments'was 3.01T/A of Penn. 602A and 2.72 rIA<br />

of Penn. 602 dwarf. .1'he analysis ,~owed there was no significant interaeUon<br />

between treatlnente and varieties u>!.r as dry matter' wasconcerned. Therefore<br />

only the average dry weight f,or t;he;.,2 varieties is shown in table 2. It

ab1e 2. Average dry weight of corn (rIA) and nutgrass, crabgrass and redrooted<br />

pigweed (gm/21 sq. ft.) on plots treated with atrazine 80Wspray or<br />

granular atrazine (2~). R.I. 1961.<br />

Lb/A Dry' wt , Grams per 21 sq. ft.<br />

atrazine rIA <strong>Weed</strong><br />

80Wor gran. Corn Nutgrass Crabgrass Redroot totals<br />

Pre-emergent<br />

2 3.07 217 20 237<br />

4 2.96 83 20 103<br />

4 gran. 3.05 10 3 13<br />

6 2.88 104 11 2 117<br />

Average 2.99 103 13 117<br />

309<br />

Post-emergent<br />

2 2.85 108 126 13 247<br />

4 2.90 158 115 214 487<br />

4 gran. 2.93 144 36 348 528<br />

6 2.72 62 137 199<br />

Average 2.85 118 103 195 365<br />

Pre- and post-<br />

2+4 3.03 89 15 104<br />

2 + 4 gran. 2.76 83 39 122<br />

Average 2.89 86 27 113<br />

!SO at 0.05 121 94 240<br />

No chemical 2.37 120 20 784 924<br />

Post- 6 1bs.<br />

No corn 399 513 187 1099<br />

!SO at 0.05 0.32 147 265 282 339

310<br />

.. C."<br />

(/)<br />

QI<br />

4<br />

.c<br />

.... g<br />

t::<br />

....<br />

.... 3<br />

co<br />

c....<br />

co<br />

Ii<br />

....<br />

0<br />

t::<br />

0....2<br />

...<br />

co<br />

....<br />

s;:l<br />

o o<br />

<<br />

1961<br />

1<br />

o<br />

o<br />

«$"; ..'<br />

/J<br />

10 20<br />

Days after treatment<br />

Figure 1. Accumulatedinches of rainfall after the post-emergent applications<br />

of atrazine. 1960-61.<br />


311<br />

The most strllt~Mrr~ct. ~fiIIJI * t~~a:r;';jt~S!t ,_l\:t'/';·U<br />

..... '-~.,..; ~.~::~}!: 1(lj"r;,t,:,~/~ ..ti l !-rt)j",,-x .c.~I'"~, ,1~lfr;,~~::':~r hIlt"' tl'~:':~>r ,"j ~~r~.th!.Ij~·,·'<br />

L.::···.·)·,(' 'I"', r;":r:." ~·.:8;•.r 'co'· ~:t'.,Qited-H :"j,.,Iq 8,""::' :; '-:J';, "8 r;•. -r:<br />

"+) ~Q~:" ':"~:' .;;"~~.",,,-.,JJJ. ~,~'; \-aut fI!t,rf-+ -: ~~., ;~~"("''t'Q+'''': ~~·'f;;~. '\',:~';'1""~) ~;~c-Jl~,"""r~;~l,,~rt,fi~\~~~:' ~h:h' :Agr. e~o.,:,\<br />

06!tll'~.JiP-l~ill.';f :,.-, - '.'l tllR.LLt'r .,~,~'1"": !,"'rJ ;lflS..':'-,'1"'! " '. ,;':3 ','n.1C;'·<br />

2. rF~ll~" -w-.e'FJ.{anCI~;;"dfJ.o RatIb.;rl'1%l;.]: TranlJ.ciMitd.bw,of' mnitro1.,;'.ti+ '~,'') ,}~:'," :i':~ ~l.n,)r~,:~~·: ··~ri;!- ;:-)'l't b-3nlt1J,-;,; .yt~~-.! :'~~b b.f;; ~."'f<br />

';'<br />

':'1': )' >:j<br />

hf'i,"!')'I'""':~:<<br />

::..;,'J,;'.::-~L, "I<br />

l·~-·:;t:<br />

'.""1.: ,..,;~ ..~<br />

: ~~ (~,.I. 1'=';,:':;<br />

I',<br />

",':. F' 'l.":'-:"<br />

",-i ,:',,---. :;:"{ ~~ ".<br />

"'''. "''-''; '~~,'; -')!,<br />

y'J;.·!~r'):) [l)j'r.r"!rJ b::'s t,J2.t:r.C:1..,'r~i' ,:·r.::::;L',. t~;::~l~r::i'i:J~~ L':··~··<br />

.....j-df'1fi":l'~~ ,,:,~e:'l 1", "(,J,(8':( i7tV.£nU ~·v:l(: ..- ...· """! :L'-'::V~ JI-YH!-'! ,",;"<br />

.·7;':}): .~~';,r;'~:~r .r.l~rl'c,,~· t.: l i '1Q ;;'ft '! s qeG ,

312<br />


J.T. :litcb:l.n, R.'."1iUcet, and 1C.:B.'t1tmruldt 1<br />

.: .' .,,: :d i, ' b,',-,,: '<br />

. c~ION ::"U\<br />

"<br />

NewHaIllp8hire.hr!llershawti*lri unsuccessM 1ft att8lllptl!ltecmitiol '<br />

nutgraBJI.in"li.ld oom :bY'cultiTattclbi 'In ebservat1Wil irials, !'ptalll at'-tr8nd<br />

6 pounds active ingredient per acre satisfactorily controlled this weed in each<br />

of the''threeeucc:eu1Ye slMlsone(1.9S8:.. 1960)(2h '.

313<br />

RE9lfm'$~lfI)DI3CtlSSION '1.", ~:; c,<br />


314<br />

are given in Table 2. Oreen 'fIIII~::r1.1" ·of'w1l1~tr.atlll8tlts exoept Ti1lam, 4<br />

pmmdll per acre, 1I8re eign1t1oanitfurgeratthi'-'11leTel than from the no<br />

henh:" Jcheola~"ttee1luDt. TlW", tJw-"·MQ\ e1::\.1Ire11n.,weetmmta re ..<br />

sUltlid;:1nis:tgat~o.ofll:J!i':(U) :1a* __ tft:wi_~.than· th. Ti11arl t~\-·<br />

mena:alld,theneb.ck~."':'" ;'l"H9d$-;" ", ",.,;f 'r.,[T" ':", r. ,~~ ,,0,<br />

,~:.,:. ,sr.'Ld.~ ihe'!1O·~id.·t1Iea~;__ th 'Of the T:Ll1Mll; .... 1lmente.<br />

. "'~ [;,::.,1 ::',' "1' r.,<br />

-i"';' '; -l'tf:tlameti:-tlhe flJUlllbw.J6f'1'p1:anta.1D:tneaa-ttd area of! each plot<br />

wer.och1ft'hlli 'J1!H MlniDGllber:·'of''1l_t_ per .... ;.. ~1:'~eat.menta_':21J800.<br />

No hfJ'bft'td_ tfe.t1I_tn.1gn1fi«:Jllftl/r'Jrictaced tbe'P~ JIopul.a;11OD.. ',;n;';'<br />

·...·...;:.1""1',·Hi"'F'·'.; d,;'-i':":'i.'1J'J~1 _;r,.,,',~'" .:',',"·n.. ' 1Bf l J' :' ~r'.;'):Jbs iT]: f':··',·:,:'" ".,d t , ...'smJ:;~r<br />

.... c,'.:ti.;,:nj~bl;e)~41 -JUfeo1;,'oiI· . ~:"1:"J \ Ie'<br />

.. ;-;yii .~+'''.')<br />

Herbicide·<br />

Atralllble'; h" J 'n ;';- >.b;'<br />

A~",~, :',: ~ ~j~~"2<br />

plua Atradne 2<br />

Atra~e, r,..2<br />

Atrallline 2<br />

Atral&1Jie 4<br />

EptaJli." i. [ 4<br />

Tlll*:: .. 4<br />

TillD;' c," 6<br />

None;:-' ;'

315<br />


1. Fertig, Stanford N. 1961. Preliminary results on the use of chemicals for<br />

nutgrass control in field crope., Proc. NEWCClSt334..33S.<br />

2. Kitchin, John T. 1961. Varieties, methods, and aids for timely vegetable<br />

production. N. H. Progress Report 7(2}t9..11.<br />

3. Vengris, Jones 1961. Nutgrass control with Atrazine and Eptam in field<br />

corn in 1960. Proc. NEWCClSt~91"392.

316<br />


R. H. Cole.. ,C. D. _le~~end P... B-.Spdnger, Jr. 2<br />

. The objective of the .. lm.tigatlon.1ru to determine the<br />

rate ofappl~cation ofAt~~ioe (2-chloro·4-ethylamino-6­<br />

isopropylamlno"l-trlazine)iaftd EPTC(ethylJ; N-di-n-propyl- .'<br />

thiolcarbamate) needed to control yellow nutgrals (Cyperus<br />

esculentus L.) in field corn. Comparisons were made between<br />

pre-emergence and post-emergance application. of Atrazine and<br />

liquid and granular application. of both herbicides.<br />

Nutgrass control result. with Atrazine and EPTChe".<br />

previously been reported by Vengris (2, 3). The effect of the.e<br />

herbicide. on corn and nutgra •• plants hal been investigated by<br />

Donnalley and Rahn (1).<br />

Procedure<br />

Two nutgrass control test. were conducted in 1961 at the<br />

University Substation Farm, Georgetown, Delaware, on a deep,<br />

well drained Norfolk sandy loam. In Test I a heavy rye-vetch<br />

cover was plowed down two weeks prior to planting and in Test<br />

II a rye cover was plowed down one month prior to planting.<br />

Fertilizers were used as indicated by soil tests to approximate<br />

yields of 100 bushels per acre. The plot size in Test I was<br />

12 feet by 60 feet and in Test II, 12 feet by 30 feet. Hybrids<br />

with known performance were planted on the dates indicated in<br />

Table 1.<br />

Applications of pre-emergence treatments followed planting.<br />

Post-emergence treatments of Atrazine were made approximately<br />

three weeks following planting. Wettable powders and emulsifiable<br />

concentrates were applied in water with a bicycle sprayer.<br />

Granu1ars were applied with a hand shaker. EPTCwas incorporated<br />

with a hand rake directly following application. The rainfall<br />

1. Published as Misc. Paper No. 410. Contribution from the<br />

Department of Agronomywith the approval of the Director of<br />

the Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Delaware,<br />

Newark, Delaware.<br />

2. Assistant Professor, Research Fellow and Assistant Agronomist,<br />

respectively, University of Delaware. Mr. Springer is<br />

presently Technical Advisor, Central Chemical Corporation,<br />

Hagerstown, Maryland.

.~ pattern following applications of herbicides was remarkably<br />

similar in both tests. There waS sufficient precipitation for<br />

activation of herbicides and for rapid germination of the corn<br />

and weeds. Tabl~ I lists t~frates, application dates and forms<br />

of the herbiciaes studied.' ." "<br />

All plots were cultivat~ once after the first nutgrass<br />

ratings were recorded. Ratinis of nutgrass and other weeds<br />

present were also recorded atbarvest. In Test 1 the only weed<br />

identified at the t1meof t~:fi~.t ~a~ing,'ias nutgrass. There<br />

was a very llsht infestation pf commoncreDltas. (Dyitada<br />

sanguinalis) and horse nettl~~(S9lamum carolinense) in some plots<br />

by harvest time. In Te.t II l;he predominating grasses were nut.<br />

grass, crabgrass&nd goosegra" (Eleusine indica); and the predominating<br />

..broadleaveswere rllgweed (Ambrosia artemisi1folia ,<br />

pigweed (Amaranthus retrof1exuS> and morning ,glory Ipomoea<br />

purpurea) • l.) ,. '<br />

Resul~<br />

and Discussion<br />

Test I: All of the weed. e~cept nutgra.s were initially controlled<br />

by a pre-emergence ap,lication of three pounds of Atrazine.<br />

Three weeks after planting, none of the Atrazine treatmenti were<br />

providing nutgrass control. ~e Atrazine plus EPTCtreatment was<br />

giving virtually 100 percent ~tgrass contro~ on the same date.<br />

One week following the poet-emergence applications of<br />

Atrazine, the nutsrass plants began to die where a total of six<br />

pounds or more Atrazine were applied. Dying occurred somewhat<br />

earlier in. the pre- plus the post-emergence treatments than in<br />

those where the application wee totally pre-emergence. This could<br />

have resyl ted from the s~l1 ~unt of absorption from the leaf .<br />

surface.- Six pounds of Atrazin.e were giving 'effective control<br />

when the seven-week ratings.wa~etaken. While the Atrazine had<br />

not prevented the germinatiqn' of tubers, plants were killed when<br />

the food reserves in the tub... were depleted. A total application<br />

of ni~ or twelve pounds9f Atrazine gave complete nutgre.s<br />

control.<br />

The Atrazine plus EPTC~r.atment had lost its complete, ,<br />

initial nutgrass control by the time of the seven-week ratings.<br />

By this time it was ranked as .giving no bettyr control than six<br />

pounds of Atrazine alone. The work of Raba "';.would suggest that<br />

the dormant tubers, inhibited ,by the EPTCdudng the early weeks,<br />

were now viable.<br />

1 E. M. Rahn. Peraonal correspondence. November, 1961.<br />


Table I. <strong>Weed</strong> Control Ratings of Two Nutgrass. (pntrol Tests Conducted at Georgetown,<br />

Delaware, in 1961. ' (10 = perfect control, 0 = no control). ,Averages of<br />

two repl~catioft8.<br />

'.'<br />

Test I: Planted' April 25. Chemicals<br />

_rgen~Hay ~S.1961.<br />

, , ,<br />

appUedpre-emergence'AprU'<br />

' "<br />

26 and· post-<br />

' , ,<br />

;.<br />

~ , (.) .. ':",~_::, . " O.~ ~< ~~ .;i::~·O', c. i O~~~j :._:- ;~<br />

(1) E~c-' Cbrn ioJ~ry 8J1iP~<br />

" .C· ." .•<br />

, ~.~<br />

'"".<br />


Ratings at the time of'gJ;Vllst; although generally higher,<br />

showed little change in the relationship of treatments.<br />

319<br />

Teat U: ,All the nutpat. weedcont17O-1i' ratings of comparable<br />

treatmentBrecord~d 'in th:l.superiment wereb,l8her than those found<br />

in Test 1. This was part:LallY'attdbuted ti).' ehe less severe ahd<br />

less uniform nutgrass infestation found in this field. The area<br />

in which Test II was conduct;ad:was lower: :Lnorganic matter than<br />

that of Test 1 which would condition the results to be expected<br />

from both chemicals. ' :<br />

!l<br />

Three pounds of Atrazine." pre-emergence or post-emergence,<br />

were effective in controlling nutgrass in this test. Granular:<br />

Atrazine, however. gave 1e.8cuns:Letent and-slightly less<br />

effective control than liquid application8., .<br />

Four pounaof EPTCgave.exce11ent earlt' control and highly<br />

effective controL throughout the season. The nutgrass growth,'<br />

such as that observed later in the summer in Test 1, could have'<br />

been suppreseed in Test 11 by the shading effect of the tall<br />

broad1eaves growing in the EPTCplots. Granular and liquid<br />

EPTCapplications were equally effective. EPTCcorn injury<br />

symptoms, twisting of about 10 percent of the plants, were<br />

observed in all plots.<br />

Summary<br />

Nine pounds of Atrazine were required for complete control<br />

of nutgrass in field corn. Three pounds were sufficient for<br />

effective control in one test area; ho~~ever, six pounds were<br />

needed in another test area. Four pounds of EPTCprovided<br />

effective nutgrass control, but corn injury symptoms were recorded<br />

in both tests.<br />

The time of application (pre- vs. post-emergence) of Atrazine<br />

was less important than the rate of application.<br />

Granular Atrazine gave slightly less effective and less consistent<br />

control than its liquid counterpart. No important differences<br />

were observed between granular and liquid EPTCtreatments.

320<br />

,.',<br />

"i', .: .:':» \i ..td';,3.fH,:,:-:'<br />

2. V~~i8, J.onas. WeMDJ:Ol'lt-ro1ia. fwlc1 epm. Pt'oe."'·<br />

14th Ann. NEWCC. p. 367~)69J', ?1960.; ,:Jr<br />

.3. , VlWI8r~., J~ • Nu~tp'.ueontro~ wt'th Atrazine arut'~<br />

Eptamln £t814,c;orn in 1960. r"l'oc.15th ~:IIBWCC. p. ,391.. :)~,'<br />

392.'1961~' '.1



P. W. Sante~lII~ and J. A. ._Z.<br />

In recent years' NutgraS8(c;ntl~' esculentu.~)hasbecOllle more prev~lent<br />

in Maryland. There have been severa: reports published on nutgrass control<br />

and a regional bulletin is in press describing the life history and reproductive<br />

capabilities of this weed. Thf,spaper is an exten.~on of this work in Maryland.<br />

The promising' chemicals ctrft~ntly available ar~' adaptable only to nutgress<br />

growing in corn and potatoes. ll4lqce. the follow:l.ag,wot'k has been limited 'to<br />

pre-planting, pre-emergence and pq'~~emergence apPl'~tions in corn fields·in<br />

the Piedmont area of Maryland.<br />

'<br />


The matedal.were appliedil'l all three years (1959, 1960 and 1961) ,,1.th<br />

a Wcfd. sprayer deU"ring 30 spa. In 1959 and 19,fo the pre-plan~ing ~rWs<br />

were incorporated.y cross-discin, immediately at a'~pth of 3-4 inches. In<br />

1961 a garden type roto-hoe was used. Rainfall data,for the three years i~<br />

1:I.sII.d in Tablet., .<br />

TABLE1. Raiafall data (inches) for the years ~?5? 1960 and 1961•.<br />

at" tile location of ehe nutgrass coritr6t. l!!XPeriments. .<br />

..,.1959 'May 1960 June 1961<br />

3 0.3 1 0.34 9 0.25<br />

4 .Pre-plant ,8 1.5

322<br />

Other infOrlllation unique to .f'bf the three'y~8:ls Ustedbelow:<br />

!ill - The, pr.-planting treatmen~ fif"mc:'*er~: aPpu.'a' ohMay 4. There were<br />

no rlants visible at the ,time., The,801l1l101st'UJi8 w.,.,8~ •. ~ l:0rn waa;planted<br />

on Ha)r1l, and the pr .... rsenc • .u~t.oIEPTC· ~ '~traz1~ .weI'. ,.cltpl;~n.·,;<br />

May 16. ,:. '. ' -" - '" . . ....I; '.'"<br />

.;., . ! _. ..... r t ~l cr.",.<br />

Atr4dne :was"applied .. _in on:Nne4, toa d!ffeient' series of plots •. At<br />

this time the corn ,was 8 inches. ~~lllU1d the t:'u~,sr'''''E~~':~S ~chestal,l~<br />

i -,' , .. " '" ).',' ( .... . " , .. ' , (~r, -: _ ',' , _ " .., : : :; .i "\'. ,'.<br />

1960,,.:The pre-plantf.1\i treatlDritr 'Of !PTe, R-1607 ·•. ~~'2.~Q,. ,all .DJ4tet:~~:.<br />

of the Stauff .. C1t4imicalCoIIlpany,_iii applied on HJ1t;, ,'the soIl .mo;l.~tqlrJl<br />

was good. The corn (Conn. 870) was planted and At"tm'neapplied as apreemergence<br />

spray on the 181118 da~.'!i'!Y" ,'y •<br />

, .. p.c:'s.j:-8lIfr.senc;e~e~Jl~s?9,f:J~~"'~~ were ~'l~. ~" dates: i1l, a ...;ir~te<br />

experl:litel1t. ~ #t~t ~r~nt,,:¥'''';:>IIJI~ on J\&I18'.~n1'l.w·torn was·8 r1nela't:;,dl1,<br />

nutarU8 was 3::-5'ltl~hesin hdg~t ~,.1n ~ 6t9'rJui.)stap. r , " , ••••<br />

f", _, ,~~'c t, .,'",,1 ", ,:"l.~';~ti·'·'''' ..' . :)r-",,~l-,">':" '.':-'; .' .. L.'.I:.." i<br />

Oil the aec6ftd date oftr.eatme~t, 'June 22, the corn was 15. inches, tall;'aiUf ;<br />

the nutsrass 8-10 inches with 9 leaves.<br />

~_.,., {',":' ,L; -,

'\.......-<br />

TABLE2. Ratings of Nutgra~s Control and yield 01;,corn for 1959.<br />

Rate<br />

Date ~tin,g * yield<br />

Treatment lb!l£acre time ~ ~lO/a Bu/acre<br />

EPIC 4 Pre-plant 9 8 0 110<br />

EPTC 6 ,ire-plant 9 10 2 92<br />

.................. ~~~..,••.•.••......•. ,•...•......•...<br />

EPIC 4 h.-em 3 2 0 108<br />

EPIC 6 Pre-em 3 1 0 102<br />

•••••••••••••••••• ;~_,J ••••••••••••••••• i ••••••••••••••<br />

Atrazine 2 J'-=-e-em 3 5 2 110<br />

Atrazine 4 }I;e-em 4 8 7 103<br />

Atrazine 8 Pre-em 5 9, 8 112<br />

•••••••••••••••••••••• I.e' I,' ••••••••••• • ,e .•••••••••• I ••••<br />

Atrazine 4 Post-em 9 6 99<br />

Atrazfne 8 Post-em 10 10 104<br />

Check 0 0 0 107<br />

•.323<br />

* Ratings on a scale of 0 . no control. 10 • complete kill<br />

TABLE3. Ratings of Nutgrass control and yield of corn for pre-planting<br />

and pre-emergence treatments in 1960.<br />

Rate Date of Rating * yield<br />

Treatment lbs/acre Time 6/22 us 10/6 bu/acre<br />

EPIC 3 Pre-plnnt 7 5 4 116<br />

EPIC 6 Pre-plant 6 3 3 110<br />

·.....................................................<br />

R*1607 3 Pre-plant 7 7 5 102<br />

R*1607 6 Pre-plant 4 2 4 113<br />

·.....................................................<br />

R-2060 3 Pre-plant 2 0 1 94<br />

R-2060 6 Pre-plant 5 4 5 111<br />

·...................<br />

,.....................................<br />

Atrazine 3 Pre-em 6 6 5 106<br />

Atrazine 6.5 Pre::'em 7 8 9 104<br />

Atrazine 9.5 Pre-em 9 9,; 9 119<br />

r.h .. r1, n n n nn

3~<br />

.!2.§Q- The me applied pre-pI_tins, as shawn in'f8hle 3, had about the' 'ame<br />

pattern of control as indicated for 1959. Good early season control was obtained<br />

but thb contt"Ol tac1ed samewhatAt the end of the '•• 'ason. Two analogs of EPTC,<br />

R-1607 and a-206O,were also i1UiobJdedin the pr."~lng applications. ot<br />

these the R-,2060 was considerably less active than,BPTC but the R-1607 was as<br />

effective or perhaps a little more so. -t-<br />

Atrazine as a pre-emergence' treatment did not '~control the nutgrass<br />

adequately at3 -pounds.. However,. 'at 6.5 or9.S 'pc1lllid.'sea.on long control<br />

was obtained., There were no sianificant differenc •• in yield between<br />

treatments in the pre-emergence experiment.<br />

".,<br />

In a sepa,r,at~ exp~riment, At¥,wne wasuse.d .at. .1" 4, and 6 pounds at two<br />

stages of nutgrass growth. The results as shawn in Table 4 indicate that at<br />

stage I, when nutgrass was 3 to 5 inches tall, 2 pounds of Atrazine did a<br />

fair job of control but was not entirely satisfactofY. The 4 and 6 pound<br />

treatments were satisfactory the entire season. ~ application of 2 pounds<br />

of Atrazine at stage 2 did not control the nutgrass" and 4 pounds did not give<br />

season long control. The nutgra'as at time of treatillent of stage '2 was 8 to<br />

10 inches tall. -The' 6 pound application on thls'mature'nutgrass'resulted<br />

in axcellentcontrol.<br />

TABLE4. Rat~ngs of Nutgraas control and yield of florn for postemergence<br />

treatments at ~o stages of growth in 1960•<br />

..<br />

Rate zi!te of RaiQif * yield<br />

atment Ibs/acre 7.. ,ill 10 6 butalire<br />

Irt<br />

N~t8rass<br />

3 - 5 inches<br />

Atrazine 2 7 4 3 125.8<br />

Atrazine 4 10 10 8 ',134.0<br />

Atrazine 6 10 10 10 130.2<br />

Nutgrass<br />

8 - 10 inches,'<br />

Atraz:lne ' 2 j' 2 2 119.5<br />

Atrazine 4 7 8 4 ,123.8<br />

Atrazine 6 8 9 9 ' '133'.4<br />

Check 0 0 0 97.2<br />

'UD 05<br />

• 29.%" - '<br />

LSDol • 39.3<br />

* Ratings on a scale of 0 • no contrpl) ,10 • complete kill

All treatments produced si~1f~c~tly higher y1e~ tqan the check<br />

except for 2 po~dlof.Atrazine ~t~~',~~ 2." d'.[ ': .'. .<br />

. : -, ,,_. ' : • '~"J _ '.- '. .<br />

1961 - As indicated in Table 5, this' was an excellent year for Nutgrass control.:<br />

The pre-planting treatments of EPTC,Tillam, and R-1870 all gave good control<br />

of nutgrass for the entire season. The £PTeat 6 pounds, however, significantly<br />

lowered the yield of corn. All other ~terials significantly increased the<br />

yield. On the basis of yield and lffl~dlcontrol it woul~,.appear that R-.1870Jls<br />

the most prOll\idngc!hemical in th1~.~o~p.. • . .<br />

TABLE5. Ratinls.of Nutgrass contr()r'~dyield of cci~:for 1961.<br />

Rate :.'j Date of Rattms * yield<br />

Treatment Ibs/acre '1'1;-.: @W /'JJ!L.abu/acre<br />

_;_. t<br />

)(·S<br />

EPTC' 3 pre':'}!f~t, '8 9 84.1<br />

,EPTC 6 Pte~~~~t 8 7 ,10 49.6<br />

, _..... J<br />

Tillam 3 Pte-plant 8 2 3 86.2<br />

THlam 6 Pre-plant 10 9 7 89.6<br />

R-1870 3 Pre-plant 6 8 7 91.4<br />

R-1870 6 Pte-plant 9 10 8 87.1<br />

....~..,....•..........•............. '.....•...•...•.. ....<br />

Atrazine<br />

0-34162<br />

4<br />

4<br />

Pre-em<br />

Pre-em<br />

............•........••...•.•.••....<br />

10<br />

10<br />

10<br />

7<br />

10<br />

10<br />

, ........•...........<br />

91.8<br />

80.7<br />

Atrazine 3 Post-em 9 10 98.4<br />

Atrazine· 4 •Post-em 10 10 ;00.0<br />

Atrazine 5 Post-em 10 10 86.9<br />

Check 0 0·· 0 69.0<br />

LSDos •<br />

14..5<br />

L5D Ol = 19.6<br />

.• Ratings on a scale of o • no control, 10 • complete kill<br />

32;<br />

'The pre-emergence treatment of.Atrazine at 4 pounds provided good control<br />

'--" and resulted in a significantly higher yield than the checl~. Another Geigy<br />

material (G-34162).at 4 pounds per acre tave good nutgraa. '~ontrol but there<br />

"'ascorn in1urv evi.d..n~ in.,""" 'l'll"foa U_._. __ ~t. _ _ .J.'J u'

326<br />

Atrazineappl1ed as- a post-etnergence treatmentwllen the nutgrass was I<br />

2 inches high with some old plants up to 6 inches resulted in excellent control<br />

at 3, 4 and 5 pounds per acre. 'lhl!)'ie1ds were aign,t£:icant1y increased at',<br />

all rates. '. J '<br />

§UMMARY<br />

The resufts of three years of work wIth nutgrass control chemicals<br />

indicates that the carbamate materials have promise. The use of EPTCat<br />

6 pounds did result in decreased yields in 1961 butth~ R-1870 used in 196~<br />

appears to be very promising. Thti advantage of these materials is that they<br />

do not have a residue problem in tbe~uceeding crop.<br />

As many investigators have Showit',the use of Atrazine at rates exceeding<br />

2 pounds precludes the growing of anything but corn the follol-Ting year. In<br />

order to obtain satisfactory nutgrass control with Atrazine a rate of 4 pounds<br />

pre-emergence or post-emergence is necessary. If anutgrass stand does appear<br />

in corn then 4 pounds as a post-emergence treatment will give excellent<br />


A<br />

327<br />


328<br />

Table II. Percent conlto1:'.Uh po.t:· ... ws.nc. applications.<br />

Atradne' 1,2,3 93, 77 98 93 100 65<br />

Atradne with ,.<br />

wetting agent 1,2,3 95 99 100<br />

Ge181 34162 1,2,3 93 47 93 60· 97 60<br />

Gei81 3229~ 1,2,3 81 50 89. 37 100 60<br />

DuPont 326 1,2.3 SIS, 40 99 95 100 73<br />

LV·4 2,4-D 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 9$' 0 99 0 100 0<br />

, -<br />

theperc:ent weed control ~n Table II 11 ~0lD different te.ts~ "<br />

Neither field wae cultivated. na-r. were tblck at.~s of annual broadle~(<br />

weeds where the broad1eafs were sprayed and heavy .tands of annual gr.. s••<br />

in the oth.r test.<br />

All compoundskilled the b~oad1eaf weed. with the three diff.r~t:<br />

rates. DuPont 326 and Atradne weI'. beat on the __ 1 grasses. Atradll8.<br />

18 a little weak·on crabgrass. The wetting agent ~ed to Atrazine caua.a<br />

more rapid killing of the weeda. DuPont 326 muatbe applied as a directional<br />

apray.<br />

~ I .


• isitaria S~u1nal1s) and pigweed (Amaranthus<br />

retrotlexus) were seeded by and to specific plots· wIthin tne ex...<br />

perifuental area and subsequently were thinned to the desired densi<br />

ty .within an la-inoh wide band over the co~ row. <strong>Weed</strong> dens1­<br />

ties oorresponding to treat~~s included: (1) weed-free (2)<br />

4 grass (monoootyledonous) wee

..<br />

330<br />

The experimental areal"8C~*ved no tiuce,thl'oughout the:~..<br />

ing season, the weeds :I.n t~:,~epte:r:'24: inl1b 'Jltmpsbetween rows being<br />

controlled by a directed spray applioation of atrazine at 2<br />

pounds active ingredient per •• c~ u.tlli-z.1ng',a 1a:l.apsacktype sprayer.<br />

The atrazine applioation was made as a post-emergence treatment with<br />

respeot to weed development. <strong>Weed</strong>e not killed by the spray were<br />

either removed by hand or by hand hOeing.<br />

Perlo41cinspectlons ot-UlPlots we~ ii!e,tQma1l.ltaintg,e<br />

desired weed,-populationand:ctori~emove uriae~1~a~~ weeds. /~~',<br />

" .- , , '; 0" ' " '<br />

Data w~r. COlle~ted d~1q':tlle seas6~ .t6(f~~e.t'o1l0wing:~~nt<br />

he1ght, -ear,sboOt emergenoe i I1lkemergerioe"i (,ear ),;e1Sht.. tase:e~', ~, .<br />

emerglilnoe, pollen maturity, and grain y1eld. . r, '" " ' •<br />

Cornae1ght; - < ,» ""-" , "<br />

. - ''''. ' .' ;':.: 1 ~ . r.·.) .. "'d,'<br />

Themean oom, he1ght, ,(-vC't'1oal d1stande· f'*'o m the ~Oll~~<br />

to the t1p o.t'thehighestexteaNed lea-f) was!~ l!llgnif1cantJ;t'lnfluencedby<br />

-broadl4!l8t or grae.''W8edg dV1..!% r~season; h.owev-~...<br />

there WJoIUl:de.t'1n1te tendenofl ~or the b1'Oa~ weeds to red\l~ ,'<br />

the mean he1ght of plants more so than grass weeds.' Nitrogen '8'1gni.t'1oantly<br />

1noreased ·the mean he1ghtof co~. .This was espec+ally<br />

apparent it1mulated tl\'i- earliness of slU.<br />

development to a s1gn1f1oan~:~.nt over t~,ro~~plots rece1y~Di:<br />

no nitrogen., ,', . !. ' ,"[<br />

Ear Height:<br />

~ " ': /. _ _ _. .,' ~_:. _ " . , . ~:J' L<br />

The mean e~ height (v.. Ucial height tram· s011 Surt'aQ8 to ear<br />

attaQ,hment node) of corn pl~8 was UnatteCittd 'by weedt~e o~Aena1ty,<br />

h~wev~, the1J18an ear height within n+i;rogenplots. was .~';'<br />

n1.t'1oantly greater than tho.', O'tplots reoEi1:V1r1$no nitrogen.<br />

Tassel<br />

Emergence:<br />

Braodleaf and graas wee~;tlpparEmtlyexot.d no 1n.t'luence'on<br />

theearlin, esao.t', t,assel emergence, however,; ,'~tro,,gen appli oat,.i,J.,M", S<br />

a1gni1'1cantl:V st1mulated the" re&%ll1ness 0:: ta"elemergenoe o'\!'er,:;<br />

plots l'ece1v1ng l»n1trogen" '-, " ',:"" , . . -;~~~<br />


Pollen Maturity:<br />

",l. ,.<br />

Broadleaf weeds tended to delay pollen'maturity (pOllen shedding)<br />

whereas grass weeds apparently had no ,effect. Nitrogen~plications<br />

significantly stlm~ated the earl~pess of pollen maturity.<br />

".! . ,... "<br />

~:<br />

The yield Of corn in bushels per acre at 15.5% moisture w••<br />

significantly reduced by bros'clleafweeds atlloth levels of weed,<br />

infestations over that of weed-free or grass'lnfested plots which<br />

did not differ significantly from one anoth~:r·.· Dry matter production<br />

of weeds per acre was closely associate~ with corn yield.<br />

The dry matter pl'oduction of, ,grass weeds pe:r·acre was significantly<br />

less than the production of broad leaf weeds., yorn yield was sj,g""<br />

n1ficantly increased byappl1dation of nitrqgen. .<br />


332<br />


GlWIJLAB.Am.1CATcai$l<br />

~.~C'. Glace,J •. A. ~ and P. W. sant~2<br />

'. :" ,'''~ , .;, " Lr1d "',; ": ~,',~·:)S;):". "<br />

(;t'anylar 'b.rb~cLde8 are .incr~i.I4Ds in 1mportan~et.pthe eastern Unite4"<br />

States, 'a8 is'evidenced by increaBing'sales of this form of herbicides.<br />

However, there has been considerable question as to the efficienty of the<br />

machines used to apply the granular particles. This is one of the main<br />

problems confronting those who would rather use the granular forms of<br />

herb1ci4es.Tb,e i!n~ortance of th'dlJ;'0blem is becOllliqal~~ acute as<br />

herbic1d~. ,fOtlDul~~X:s Jllake granular;:JII&~rialsmore con-.~tr.ted, part1cularlyt<br />

where the rates apPlied per acrear.~ 'lUa;Y low. 'rhisl!'.Wez:wntwas set UP- I<br />

to .dfitetmine if, tht.te,.11 vari~i4,~~ -(n cOIIIIIlercial.srMUlar appliqators.<br />

MaterJ.!1eend<br />

Methods<br />

" _ ' • .,i _ ,: .'.' .'. . . r -':,<br />

Four different granul.ar app~~~tOf~s wer,e compare~. "Two of th •• e machi••<br />

were row crop applicators and two were of the law spreader tyPe. All were the<br />

most recent models of machines widely available on the market. ,They were as<br />

follOWs: ' .<br />

Applicator 1 - A row crop herbicide applicator, planter mounted,<br />

ground driven, 2 row type, the output regulated by a dial on the<br />

rear of the hopper which moved a plate on the bottom of the<br />

hopper and adjusted the hopper openings, with a flanged force<br />

feed rotor bar (agitator) inside the hopper at the base, the<br />

flanges treversing the full width of the hopper.<br />

Applicator 2 - Similar to Applicator 1 except that the flanged<br />

agitator bar inside the hopper did not traverse the full hopper<br />

width. The flanges only covered the immediate area of the outlet<br />

holes.<br />

Spreader 1 - A standard 2 wheel, oblong hopper lawn spreader, with<br />

the outlet holes covered on the outside of the hopper by a base<br />

plate. In operation the plate moves to the rear to open the holes.<br />

The output is regulated (by means of a c~librated plate on the<br />

hopper) by the distance the base plate is moved.<br />

Spreader 2 - Similar to Spreader 1 except that the output is<br />

regulated by a dial at the upper end of the handle. This limits the<br />

degree to which the handle can be turned to open the holes in the<br />

base of the hopper. The base plate moves to the side to open the<br />

outlet holes, rather than to the rear.<br />

!/ Scientific Article No. A952 Contribution No. 3315, of the Maryland<br />

Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Agronomy.<br />

1/ Graduate Assistant, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor,<br />

respectively, Department of Agronomy, Maryland Agricultural Experiment<br />

Station, College park, Maryland.

'--' The applicators were tested undertbe conditi~ns whielirWould be encountered fn<br />

normal practice. The row crop appJ;1cators were mount~d on a planter and tested<br />

on level land that had been worked and leveled as for corn planting. The planter<br />

shoes were run in the soil. The lawn'spreaders were tested on a bluegrass lawn.<br />

The granules distributed by the row crop applicators, were collected by<br />

placing the delivery tubes into bOttles and the material collected was weighed.<br />

The outpQt of each delivery tube was collected and recorded separately so that<br />

it woulc be determined if there w8s:a difference in the rate of delivery. A<br />

calibration box was designed to collect the herbicide delivered by the lawn<br />

spreaders. The settings on the appl~cators were not changed during the course<br />

of the experiment. The length of each run was 150 feet for the row crop<br />

applicators and 75 feet for the lawn'spreaders.<br />

333<br />

The variables<br />

were:<br />

(1) Three granule sizes - 30/60 granule size l~ 2,4-D; 24/48<br />

granule size l~ DNBPj and 15/30 granule size 2~ CIPC.<br />

(~) Three speeds (2, 4 and 6 mph) for the row crop applicators<br />

or two speeds (2 and 3 ~h) for the lawn spreaders.<br />

(3) Three levels of material in the hopper (~ full, ~ full or full)<br />

The materials used for the different granule sizes were<br />

commercial herbicides on attaclay.<br />

For the field applicators the tachometer on the tractor was used as the<br />

standard and the tractor was run in the lowest gear which would attain the<br />

desired speed, so that each speedwou1d be as constant as possible. A<br />

speedometer was mounted on the lawn spreaders so that the speed could be<br />

determined and maintained as a constant. Four repetitions were made with each<br />

variable, and the data statistically analyzed. .<br />


The different applicators used~atied in different ways and so each wi11'<br />

be discussed separately. -<br />

APplicator<br />

I<br />

The weight ·of~materi~l delivered by the machine decreased as the speed'was<br />

increased. This might be explainedtn that once the nt.terial is carried over .<br />

the opening it becomes a matter of gravity feed and the faster the rotor bar:!s<br />

turning the less material will be able; to pass through the opening before the<br />

next blade will sweep away what is left. The left delivery tube yielded<br />

significantly ,greater amounts than the right side.<br />

The effect of particle size was highly significant with most of the<br />

difference being between the 15/30 size and the two smaller sizes. A sharp<br />

decrease in the amount of material delivered occurred between the 15/30 size<br />

particle and the 24/48, and then there was a slight increase to the 30/60<br />

'--' granule size.

334<br />

Table ~. ,~,~fect of speed,~~~d. size and clap. of hopper fullness,C)I\ -../<br />

t\,\e~nt of granular.~1al (in gIIla) delivered by Appl1catQr 1*.<br />

, .<br />

l'i./ "<br />

~< 'J: Degree of Hopper .:rullness<br />

Particle Size i full \ full !:!ll.<br />

~<br />

15/30 1,16.4 a 112.5 ... 113.8 a<br />

24/~<br />

" ~ 'j'-1::<br />

lM+.9 de 131.4 de! 129.8 cd<br />

30/60<br />

~~ f<br />

1.33.1 de 126.0 be 122.5 b<br />

4 mph<br />

15/30 7.9:.8 b 66.0 .'<br />

24/48<br />

'j',<br />

69.3 ab<br />

82.6 cd 83.6 cd 81.6 cd<br />

30/60 .sa.s d 82.6 .Q4 79.5 c<br />

2.m<br />

15/30 53.6 b 46.5 •<br />

49.4 a<br />

24/48 58.1 c 58.9 c·· 56.9 be<br />

l:<br />

30/60 I 57.3 bc 58.5 ere, 55.6 be<br />

* numbers fo1,~owed by, the a... letter within anyone<br />

speed are not" significantly different from each other.<br />

As shown in Figure 1, the ~P"" to which the hopper was filled made a<br />

significant difference in the 8IIIOUrit'-ofgranules delivered, with the amount'<br />

delive~ed generall)!' decreasing .. the·hopper varied f'om t-full to full. With'<br />

the1S/30 material, the ,-full hopper had the least output •<br />

.Sp'ced had a significant effe4ton the output of the different particl. sizes<br />

(Table 1), usually the 24/48 particle size having the highest delivery rate<br />

while the 30/30 part~c:1e size feUll_tween it and tlle',lS/30 size. The is/3D<br />

particle, size .output wa. s1gnif1cantly lower than th. emeller sizes at all<br />

speeds.<br />

AppU.sator 2.<br />

, ,Output varilition due to particle size was not .. great as in the previous<br />

instance and the yield of the 30/60 particle size fell almost midway betwe~nthe<br />

15/30 and the 24/48-.

335<br />

Figure 1. The effeetof partic1esize and degree of hopper filling<br />

.(\; fUll, , full or FUJ:l) on the output 'of'::'2 granular applicators.<br />

9Q<br />


.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

8Q-<br />

r-'-"--<br />

I<br />

!-~:<br />

i---·<br />

!<br />

!<br />

AqLlCATOR2<br />

15/30 24/48<br />

Particle<br />

* i~di~~tes the columns ~r; ~ignificantly different from<br />

each other<br />

Size<br />


3.36<br />

Table 2.'J:h,e etfe..ct Oi .. , spee4~. J':~."MeleSize. anci..~.". of hOPper..fiu.ill8!~~' .<br />

the ilmount of' granul«; JII'otedal (in pa),-. ae~ivered by Applicator 2*.<br />

.. . . . '.~<br />

., ". ' . _. ., ,<br />

_.'[~;:J)egr~e of Kopper Fullness<br />

.~<br />

Particle size I; full ; full ~<br />

2 mph<br />

15/30 103.3 b 101.8 ab 108.6 c<br />

24/48 10!).6 cd 101.1 ab 112.6 d<br />

30/60 98.5 a 102.1 ab 108.8 c<br />

4 mph<br />

15/30 50.8 ab 50.0 ab 49.9 ab<br />

24/48 51.6 abc 49.1e 56.6 d<br />

30/60 " 52.1 abc 53.5 bed '$5.0 cd<br />

.)<br />

6 mph iJ I,<br />

15/30 36.1 a 35.5 a 36.0 a<br />

24/48 34.5 a 34.6 a 37.8 a<br />

30/60 37.0 a 36.3 a 38.1 a -.<br />

c<br />

* numbers follGw.4bythe same letter within anyone<br />

speed are not significantly different from each other.<br />

This applicator also showed a significantly higher delivery rate from the<br />

left side than from the right.<br />

The output generally decreased as the level of material in the hopper<br />

decreased. but not necessarily in a linear manner (Figure 1). A s1gni£icant<br />

granule size x hopper level interaction showed that the granule sizes did not<br />

react the same for all hopper levels. .<br />

Different particle sizes did not act the same ~y at all speeds. As is<br />

shown in Table 2 the 30/60 granule size yielded the lowest of all sizes at<br />

2 mph (-\ full) but almost the highest at 4 mph. Th. effect was mainly linear.<br />

A significant speed x hopper level interaction show.~c~hat ~he output of the<br />

different hopper;levels did not act"ln the same manner for the different speeds.<br />

The -\ hopper level output consistently fell between the output of the full and<br />

~ hopp~r .levels.<br />


337<br />

SRFeader 1<br />

On this spreader only the main 'effects were significantly different and<br />

all were linear in effect. The output was inversely proportional to the speed. .<br />

as seen with the previous applicatoi'll. As the particle size became smaller there<br />

was a consistant increase in the application rate of the spreader (Table 3).<br />

Also the amount delivered decreased as the level of material in the hopper was<br />

lessened (Figure 2). The lack of statistical significance between the columns<br />

in Figure 2 for the 15/30 granule size is due to the wide variation in the<br />

amount of material delivered in different runs with all variables constant.<br />

Table 3. The effect of speed. particle size and degree of hopper fi11ingoh<br />

the amount of granular material (in gms) delivered by Spreader 1*.<br />

Degree of Hopper Fullness<br />

Particle Size S full ; full Full , .<br />

2 mph<br />

15/30 441.8 a 516.3 b 538.8 b<br />

24/48 553.3 b 545.0 b 610.8 c<br />

30/60 642.5 c 609.3 c 613.0 c<br />

3 mph<br />

15/30 362.5 a 384.0 ab 417.8 be<br />

24/48 453.5 cd 444.3 cd 476.3 d<br />

30/60 491.0 d 568.0 e 563.0 e<br />

*<br />

numbers followed by the same letter at anyone speed<br />

are not significantly different from each' other.<br />

Spreader 2<br />

On this lawn spreader the three main effacts were less linear in nature<br />

than with Spreader 1. There was again a decrease in the rate of application<br />

as the ,speed was increased. The amount delivered of each granule size showed<br />

a slight increase in going from the 15/30 to the 24/48 granule size and then a<br />

sharp increase when the 30/00 partio1e size was used. When the effect of hopper<br />

level was measured with the 24/48 particle size there was a sharp decrease in<br />

the amount metered by the spreader between the full and half hopper level.<br />

followed by a sharp increase to almost the full hopper rate at the quarter hopper<br />

level. . ..<br />

The interaction of granule size x·hopper level showed that the granule<br />

sizes did not act in the same manner for all hopper levels. as shown in figure 2.

338<br />

Figure 2. The effect of particle size and degree of hopper filling<br />

(~ full. \ full and Full) on the output of two lawn spreaders.<br />

,...<br />

....<br />

Ql<br />

Ql<br />

....<br />

U"\<br />

,...<br />

Ql<br />

'"<br />

~<br />

600<br />

!<br />

j,<br />

I<br />

:<br />

500<br />

450<br />

~ 400<br />

I<br />

I-~<br />

~--,.-<br />

!<br />

\<br />

I<br />

I<br />

-_._.'-.<br />

I<br />

i<br />

._..--<br />

I<br />

I<br />

sPREADER1<br />

I<br />

-----.,~.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I I<br />

I I<br />

I<br />

! I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I I I I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

;<br />

~I<br />

1\* FI<br />

i<br />

\ \ \ F* % IF t<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I I<br />

;<br />

,<br />

I<br />

550i<br />

I<br />

,-1--"1<br />


35 r<br />

I<br />

I I \J % F*I<br />

30o;._.-L._,._ __L __ ..L<br />

15/30<br />

1-1 II<br />

I<br />

---I<br />

~ %*1F<br />

I ;<br />

_....L-_ 1L. !.<br />

24/48<br />

-1--1,<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

\* % i F , I I<br />

........._--~._._,._-,.._-------<br />

Particle Size<br />

* Indicates this column is significantly different from<br />

.. 1.8 "", .. 1.__ 1. __<br />


Table 4. The effect of speed, p~~cle size and( d~ee of hopper filling on<br />

the amount: ,of granul.q :.. !erial (in"SJlUl) ;da~ivered by Spreader 2*.<br />

339<br />

Part1c1e<br />

Size<br />

", ", 'Degree qf."Holner. ·rul1lless<br />

'\fuli ; full Full<br />

15/30<br />

24/48<br />

; :;. ~<br />

414.3 be<br />

,l..!!!!hj 13<br />

>ti"- t<br />

394.5 ..<br />

" r:;f ..<br />

369.0 /l(<br />

409.8 b<br />

450.3 cd<br />

~l'1<br />

30/60<br />

1502.0 e<br />

r:<br />

434.~'b~<br />

484.0 de<br />

I,. ,<br />

15/30:<br />

24/48<br />

30/~Q'<br />

.r- 'j ~'~n ,'.<br />

332.3 ab 309.3 a 342.3 abc<br />

1""7 ,:<br />

.-,;,,:~.8 d<br />

.,<br />

*' numbers follciWeCLby the same leiter at anyone speed !,­<br />

are not significantly different from each other.<br />

'-t' ,<br />

The hopper levels again, d~_act in theltame manner for the two speeds.<br />

The output of the full hopper was the highest at 2mph but the middle value at<br />

3 mph. The, i-hopper level output ~a;s the lowest th~hout.,<br />

S~;AtI~ CONCLUSIONS.:'<br />

FOU1"'gl'anularapplicators ~:L"e~.r~qmparedundar~ndf.tions similar ~o '-"<br />

thosewhtchwould. normally be en~t:ered. Thevarq.,ti,On in the amount 0#;.<br />

granular material delivered by 2 .fi~ld applicat~:~cl ~ lawn spreaders W¥ '<br />

measured;' the variables being ~~~d speed, partip'1,ci size and amount of,:<br />

material in the hopper. " "" ' ,'.. . ',:,<br />

For all applicators test;ed,~h,~, output wasin.y~rllely,proportionalto the<br />

speed of themacbine. The various"particle shes );.~~~ddifferently as~~<br />

spell.,d,',and,hO,,P,pe,r content change,ii,"',: ',LAt, so the vat",,ia:ti~tf,' W,J.,",thinan"Y,one par, t,i,~,la,size<br />

was not consist ant as speed and, h~p»~r content vl¢i~~. ,,'J;he amount or ~~F~al<br />

in the hopp~r, hac!a significant; ,not' necessari1YJi~ar.effect (In thewe~~t<br />

of granules, deUvered. '., ' ' ' ';c<br />

There was considerable variation between spreaders as to their reaction<br />

to a change in the speed. hopper content or particle size. In one ap~~£oebor'<br />

the output was inversely proportional to hopper content, in anothe~ itwa~<br />

directlyprCilpOfU()nal. There waS':also significantmili.tlon in the daliv~ry<br />

rate Df ~el1eft ~d ~lght side.,~f ~he fieldappllc~ors. For the la~rn8preaders<br />

there was considerable variability ia the amount of :~erhl delivered trdmone<br />

run to another at a constant speed, particle size and hopper content. This was<br />

true t~ a lesser degree w~th the field applicators.<br />

..";~::l::<br />


340<br />


OF 2,4-o-D r ON lmRBIOI»ALA'CfIV'ITY<br />

ThOlll&S'1'. T1i!I~'~1"artl!'R1chard D. IlniOki 1<br />

; .. ,'" ,- ; r ,"<br />

.~-~.;:<br />

• ~'1 " I'<br />

Granular tormulat~~ot many herbicides have been available<br />

to research workers tor seve~l years. Some ot these investigators<br />

report better weedoentrOl with the granular preparations (1)<br />

while others state that the liquid torms ot ce~a1n herbicides are<br />

more satistaetdJi'J (3). ,,', ,<br />

Previol1s J'work in Ne.'Jersey(2) indicated that a 10 per cent<br />

granular ester ot 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) gave better<br />

oontro1 than a 20 ~-aent ester. It was t'urther observed and<br />

reported that a_s10w-bre~downpart,io1e re.ulted in a higher degree<br />

ot' con'tlrol;,than fast'disintegrating particles,; however, more<br />

corn injury was also noted ,with the 10 per cent granular ester.<br />

The present study was designed to further investigate these<br />

findings and to,'detertn1ne' ''the etfectivenesa ot' several sizes of<br />

clay particles and two types of granule br~down.<br />

'" ~ ::1' ' . «,", -: t,,'., " .:<br />

Metlid,<br />

and Materi!}.a<br />

",'<br />

"~'I'<br />

• " .1',:<br />

An experiment' was condUcted on a Sassafras sandy loam near<br />

.Jamesburg, NewJersey. N~,.JtFsey No. 8 ~rid field corn was<br />

planted at the rate of tOUr"kemels per hill in 2l-inoh hills on<br />

May 17 an~,t~nned,to two p~ts per .h1ll,~ JW1e 19. The,plots<br />

were, t9UX'.rowP'witte ,and 12 ,~1l8 Ions., Herb.1:ei.:/,anci three ,m__,~, ,~izes Of. the g%!aDu1arcarr1er.L1quid<br />

prepara~ions of the two fQrmulat10ns w.,.<br />

inoluded for comparIson with the granular materials.<br />

1.<br />

. .' ~ ~'r ' . ; i.<br />

Fbr,merly R'~roh Ass1ataat and AS8001a~eRes.arch Special~<br />

,1st .in ~ C~ps, res.peci1vely, Rut~_· the state Un!ve!"lo<br />

s1tj,:. Ne\t(.~wi~, New~r8ey. .,<br />

I ('<br />

J )<br />

, l<br />


Table 1: Herbicidal treatments used in the 2,4-D granUlar experiment.<br />

Formulation<br />

Granu]ar Breakdown Granular Rate<br />

concentration<br />

percentage tlP e size, mesh Ib/A<br />

Amine 10 RVM(1) 30/60 1 1<br />

II II II<br />

24/48<br />

II II' II<br />

20/35<br />

II II<br />

LVM(2) 30/60<br />

II II II<br />

24/48<br />

II II II<br />

20/35<br />

II<br />

"<br />

~ RVM 30/ 60 "<br />

II II<br />

24/48<br />

II<br />

II II II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

20/35<br />

LVM 30/60<br />

II II II<br />

24/48<br />

II II II<br />

Ester 10 RVM 30/60<br />

II II II<br />

24/48<br />

II II II<br />

20/35 "<br />

20/35<br />

II II<br />

LVM 30/60<br />

II<br />

II II II<br />

24/48<br />

II II II<br />

20/35<br />

II II<br />

20 RVM 30/60<br />

II II II II<br />

24/48<br />

II II II<br />

II<br />

20/35<br />

II<br />

II<br />

LVM 30/60<br />

II<br />

II II II<br />

24/48<br />

II II II<br />

1. Rapid disintegrating particles<br />

2. Slow disintegrating particles<br />

20/35<br />

The treatments listed in Table 1 were also studied at three<br />

pounds per acre or 2,4-D. Cultivated and uncultivated check plots<br />

were included. There were three replications or all treatments.<br />

The cultivated check plots were hoed once during the season on<br />

June 19; however, due to ino1ement weather the treated plots were<br />

not cultivated at all.<br />

341<br />

11"2"<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />


342<br />

Approximately five weeks after herbic1~1 applications were<br />

made, weed control and corn injury ratings were made by several<br />

independent observers using the scale 0 to 10, where 0 =no effect<br />

and 10 - complete control or kill. These data were transposed<br />

to square roots in O~d8r to permit more valid statistical<br />

analy~is.<br />

The corn was harvested trom the two center rows on October<br />

2 and 4. Yields were determined by obtain1ag ten butt samplelS<br />

and drying these to constant weight, then converting all fiel~<br />

weights to 15.5 per cent moisture.<br />

J<br />

Results<br />

and Discussion<br />

The principle weeds observed in the e~erimental area were<br />

barnyard grass (Echinochloa crussa11i) and lambsquarters (~podium<br />

~).<br />

The weed oontrol data expressed as square roots for the .<br />

three granular sizes for the two partiole breakdown types and at<br />

the two rates of herbicidal applioation are presented in Figure 1.<br />

It oan be seen that the material carried on the 30/60 size of the<br />

RVMtype granular effeoted less weed control than that of the, LVM<br />

granular type. The 24/48 size produced a higher level of control<br />

than the 30160 size as RVMgranu1ars, however, both sizes displayed<br />

comparable oontro1 with the LVMtype.<br />

Whenthe various mesh sizes of the granular preparations were<br />

oompared at the two rates, irrespeotive of granular breakdown or<br />

granular ooncentration, two interesting observations were made.<br />

Firstly, at the li pound rate the 24/48 meSh size produoed the<br />

highest level of oontrol the 20/35 mesh size produoed the poorest<br />

control, and the 30/60 size was intermediate. Seoondly, the<br />

inherent differenoes observed at the lower rate of 2,4-D were ob­<br />

1it4rated at the three pound rate.<br />

The effeots of particle breakdown and granular concentration<br />

on weed control, irrespective ot formulation and particle size,<br />

are presented in Figure 2. It oan be seen that the 10 per cent<br />

ooncentration granular showed better weed control than the 20 per<br />

cent material with the RVMtype. However,'phese two ooncentrations<br />

gave similar results with the LVMgranular. .<br />

There ~as a slight differenCe in weedpontrol in favor of<br />

the 10 per oent ooncentrationat the high r.te of 2,4-D. When<br />

these two conoentrations were. compared at the 1; pound rate, ~he<br />

control was similar. .

·000<br />

.000,<br />

I<br />

II<br />

!<br />


SQUAFi...; OOTS .:::I' 0<br />

o (IJ (IJ<br />

co .~<br />

~ ""'-co<br />

.:T<br />

~-q<br />

(IJ ~~<br />

": , co<br />

! I<br />

! 1- I!\ ~<br />

n<br />

, l~<br />

r-~<br />

('/')<br />

~<br />

d- I<br />

0 (IJ<br />

0<br />

~ -<br />

I<br />

RVM<br />

LVM<br />

LIQ.<br />

Fig. 1<br />

.:T<br />

(IJ<br />

--'-r<br />

0 ~<br />

-<br />

;<br />

.('/') 0<br />

,.- ('/')<br />

i<br />

I!\<br />

('/')<br />

I<br />

n<br />

l~/A<br />

,<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

d-<br />

(IJ<br />

I<br />

3/A<br />

I<br />

343<br />


". SQUAREROOTS--<br />

I~ !~<br />

.ooq<br />

I<br />

~<br />

0 ~<br />

r-f<br />

\-'i<br />

~.~-<br />

I I (-I<br />

I ,<br />

I<br />

I~<br />

I<br />

1 i<br />

I I.. (IJ_ I ,~<br />

I I ~-.c:\I<br />

I<br />

I 1 ~<br />

I<br />

--,<br />

.<br />

! I I I I<br />

,<br />

! I ! I<br />

I<br />

!<br />

I<br />

RVM LVM<br />

Fig. 2<br />

* Distance reauired for sia:nificance Rt c;

344<br />

The degree 01' oorn inj~ obtained with the various particle<br />

sizes and breakdowntypes-!e.graphioally presented in Figure 3.<br />

The ettect 01' granular sizt!LlUld rate ot herbioidal applioation on<br />

the level 01' inj~ is aleQ,shown.<br />

It is evident that there are no real ditterenoes among the<br />

various granular preparations with regard to size or breakdown.<br />

However, there is slight t~end toward more oo~ inj~ with the<br />

higher rates 01' 2,4-D. Although not shown, the amine gave slightly<br />

more injury than the ester tormUlation.<br />

In Figure 4 the effect ofpartiole size, breakdown type, and<br />

rate 01' herbioidal appl1oa~on'on the oornyields is illustrated.<br />

'The yield presented tor the liquid tormulation is an average ot<br />

the amine and ester and the two rates 01' 2A·~D. The ditterences<br />

among the various treatments w~re not statistioally signitioant.<br />

Notwithstand1ngthis laok ot sign1tioance~there is an interesti~<br />

trend toward higher yields with the 24/48 size g~anUle at the Ii<br />

pound rate. Although not r~resented in this tigure, the ester<br />

tormulation resulted in higher average yields than the amines.<br />

Generally the yields obtained with the liquids were higher than<br />

those with the granular treatments, but again the ditterenoe was<br />

not signiticant.<br />

The poor weed oontrol ob~erved (in certain cases) with the<br />

20/35 size may have been a~trtbutable to the smaller number 01'<br />

partioles per unit area with this granule size. The same amount<br />

01' herbioide was applied per unit area with all granular sizes;<br />

however, the 20/35 granUla;-has a~prox1ma~+y t as many particles<br />

per given area as the 30/60~~ze (4). Thus' with the larger size<br />

particle the herbicide distribution would be t that 01' the 30/60<br />

size. It oould very well be that the 30/60 size particles would<br />

be subjeot to taster disintegration than the larger sizes. Theretore,<br />

accounting tor the lower control with this size.<br />

Notwithstanding that oertain trends toward greater weed oontrol<br />

and/or corn injury ettected by the various granular carriers<br />

were not statistically signitioant, it is believed that with lower<br />

rates 01' herbicidal applioation these trend,s, would be more clearly<br />

demonstrated. AS was evidenced in this stu~, many expressions<br />

were masked at the high rate 01' herbicidal application. These expressions<br />

should be more pronounced at rates lower than the It<br />

pound rate used in this study.<br />

. ~. .:

2.5000<br />


),<br />

,<br />

LVM<br />

Fig~ 3<br />

3 Ib/A'<br />

70_)<br />


'~<br />

OJ<br />

,:::t<br />

~(\J<br />

60-<br />

0::;:-<br />

~<br />

~<br />

~<br />

SOl<br />

40- I<br />

RVM<br />

~<br />

II' ~<br />

LVM<br />

Fig. 4<br />

0<br />

\.0 II'<br />

~~~<br />

• .:;I" ~<br />

(\J ,

346<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

8.<br />


A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of several forms<br />

of attapulgite as a carrier of 2.4-D.<br />

In this study the 30/60 size gave better control with the LVM<br />

granular than with the RVMgranular.<br />

The 24/48 and 20/35 si~es appeared to be affected very little<br />

by type of particle breakdown.<br />

All granular sizes gave comparable weed control when the three<br />

pound rate was conslde~ed.<br />

The 24/48 particle size resulted in a higher degree of weed<br />

control than the 20/35 size at the lower rate of herbicidal<br />

application.<br />

The 10 per cent concentration granular produced better control<br />

than the 20 per oent concentration granular at the lower<br />

rate.<br />

There was a slight trend towards higher yields with the 24/48<br />

size at the l~pound rate.<br />

The somewhat greater weed control and lower corn injury obtained<br />

with the liquid formulations were not significantly<br />

different from those obtained with granular formulations.<br />


The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. R. J. Marrese of<br />

Diamond Alkali Co. Cleveland. Ohio. for his assistance in preparing<br />

and supplying the herbicides for this study.

347<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

Danielson. l , ;4. L. Ef~~rt;", o.f.g:ranular., herbicides on yields of<br />

. '1;o!llatoes and--fWleet·potatoS's.' Proc. NEWCC. 10:116.<br />

1956.<br />

lln1c1s;;l..,R •. D•. arid EYe~t:.~ C. F. Tb:fL.ei'fectsof several car­<br />

. ,·r1~rE;l. of~~~DI~d1t,storm'4a't;.1ons on weed co~rol<br />

i~l~n the r~P9!lBeo.f corn.:. l';roc. NEWCC. 16: (i!42.<br />

. ; 'j, j<br />

3. Meggltt,'W .. F. ·prognssrIreport on her!i1eides fot' weed c~ntrol<br />

. inoorn andCI(ilybeans. Procoi-NEWCC. 15:259. 1960.<br />

".' , .." .. ,<br />

t •• -~ .! - .<br />

4 •. T$cbnica.l·~ormation..~~.i53. M1neJ;'~~ and Chemicals ~J;'Por­<br />

Ei,t1on.of Am,eJ'~~a! December;,~59.<br />

i ,I<br />

:·,c...<br />

. • c':'

348<br />

J<br />

I<br />

Introduction<br />

SELECTI~~~~uirm~:t~~~ID:fTH A NEW<br />

'G. ·n.~,~~l# _A~.)ii;~~:' ancfll~[.~ y~er2'<br />

. ",'<br />

,ae.ul1:s fromexterrsive. UbOratoryCana JtS.eld studies- have ..<br />

de)bOn,.ttatedtt\a~,:~,...(3~4"d:L~~bt~n;yl.) .~,:,.tf(~::-l-methylurea<br />

is a l't'omisil'lS .agrteultural chiuiieal f"or co:rnni~Cl soybean culture.<br />

This compound, coded as Herbic:lde 326# combine.. 'both post-emergence<br />

and pre-emergence herbicidal activity on annual weeds which<br />

.pe~ts~l~d ~i~"tur~a .~Qmc.~urrent; .~~fh,on1:2;o~<br />

p~a9t"'~'•• ~~_<br />

crops. . B~8' • "'1i.flUle .:~od~t provides,'~tbl'roorngrower with<br />

a choice of two methods of.ed control. For greatest economy#<br />

it may be desirable to use a rotary hoe and po8tp~e the use of<br />

an herbic:i:tde·until: a weed,#.oblem develop,) it fr 1':he:'corn field~ . c­<br />

Under such circumstances#'Hirbfcide 326'a, .odttected post-emergence<br />

spray will eliminate most existing annual weeds and give<br />

residual control of weeds which germinate later. lo1hereearly<br />

protection is desired# application to the seed bed shortly after<br />

corn is planted will give pre-emerzence control of germinating<br />

weeds.<br />

Results from widespread tests on a range of soil types have<br />

demonstrated that Herbicide 326 will provide effective pre-emergence<br />

control of annual l'18edswith safety to soybeans. Good to<br />

excellent results have been obtained with pre-emergence and postemergence<br />

applications of Herbicide 326 on carrots.<br />

Herbicide 326 has a favorable pattern of disappearance from<br />

soil after the desired weed control period. Bioassays with oats<br />

have shown no detectable soil residues 3-4 months after treatment<br />

and fall-sown cover crops have grown normally.<br />

(1) Contribution from the Industrial and Biochemicals Department#<br />

E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.# Wilmington,<br />

Delaware.<br />

(2) The valuable assistance of L. E. Cowart# D. W. Finnerty#<br />

F. J. Otto, H. L. Ploeg# M. B. <strong>Weed</strong> and A. W. Welch of the<br />

du Pont Co., and commercial and institutional investigators<br />

is gratefully acknowledged.

',-- 34~<br />

3-(3 ..4-Dichlorophenyl)-1-methoxy-l-me~y~\1t'ea3 under t~<br />

trademarl< name of ''Lorox'' WeMKiller has.received federal label<br />

registrations for pre- and post-emergence Use' in field corn grown<br />

for grain and pre-emergence use on soybeans grOl'm for seed. '<br />

"Lorox" tleed luller .. formula~d as a 50% wettable powder .. will<br />

be available for sale in l1~~~d quant1tie~ during 1962 forqpth<br />

crops.<br />

Physical and Chemical Propeie~es<br />

Pure 3-(3 ..4-dichloropbenyl)-1-methoXY;c1"'methylurea is a l<br />

white crystalline solid (m.p.,~3-94°C.) wi~p.a low vapor pressure.<br />

Its solubility in l'later is 7~.ppm at 25°C. The compound iS8~ble<br />

in water but decomposes slawly in acids and bases. It is subject<br />

to microbial decomposition tinder moist con4~tions in soil.<br />

Toxicology<br />

and Residues<br />

The approximate lethal. dose (ALD) by q#al administratioq .eo<br />

male white rats is 1500 mg./l~. body weight. vJhile the chemiA.al<br />

causes slight :l.rritation totne. skfn and e~s .. it is not a,<br />

sensitizeX'. Long-term c~onicstudies are ,'in' the second. year:<br />

and the results indicate no toxicology problem. Analyses have<br />

demonstrated no residues in corn grain." .<br />

-<br />

Pre- and Post-Emergence <strong>Weed</strong> Control in Com<br />

Summary data are now available from a.total of 73 tests<br />

conducted over a two-year period in 21 states. Tests were conducted<br />

on different corn varieties and under representative<br />

conditions of soil type .. weed $Ol'lth .. and-weather conditions<br />

existing in the major corn-l>re,4ucing areas ••<br />

Results from pre-emergenc;~' tests Show~hat soil type is d1e<br />

predominant factor in the selection of effe~tive use rates. In<br />

the Corn Belt on silt loam and clay loam soils of moderate to<br />

high organic matter .. effecti~ ~ontrol was pbtained with rates<br />

of 2 to 3 pounds 4 per acre. No' crop irijurywas obtained at ~ce<br />

;'<br />

..,J<br />

(3) The du Pont Co. has propOsed formally to the K-62 Committee<br />

of the American Standards ,Association that the term 'linuron'·<br />

be established as the approved common (aeneric) name.<br />

(4) All rates are expressed on an active ingredient basis., "

3~ J<br />

.. i,c matt.er" which<br />

these rates. On, lighter .~Hs" low in orMD<br />

predominate outside the Ct>it;15elt" rate8~:f:3l4 to 1-1/4 p~<br />

per acre gave effective .!~:~ontro1 with !lP adequate safety .<br />

margin.' ':.:' , .. . .<br />

Fo11~8e spray's of H8r~~~ide ~26are~tgbly effective on;'! .<br />

grOWing annual-plants. AHnl.cdve effect is achieved by directing<br />

the spray nozzles to wet the growing portion of the weeds'<br />

while avoiding the same on corn 1>lant!J.Th1s, type ofapplic~,- .<br />

tion has been most promising when thec~ft--wes at least 12 tnches<br />

tall. lolhennozzles were1llC?unted so that~spray struck only<br />

a fetl inches 'up the cornit~tk, only sUIM*~tt-=Ul injury to the ,<br />

. .bottom leaves has been noeed. ~leeds up ttL 0 inches tall were<br />

,controlled Wit:h,~"l/2 to ~: ,peJtindsper acr.~' ,These rates he ...<br />

. provided' adequate'residual~ed controlog'the various so11 H~S<br />

prevalent'1ncorn"growing areas. Established corn has shown a .<br />

good margin of safety to directed post-emQrgence applicatiog ••<br />

In Corn Belt soils" where rates of 2 to 3,!~s perae:re'ari;<br />

recommended, rates up to .6 pounds have be..~ gon-injurious. In<br />

lighter soils" With recommended rates of t~1/2 to 2 pounds ~<br />

~re ,,4 'poUnds has proven jeh to corn. s'Fay volumes in ~.,.,',<br />

range of, 30 gallons have perlormed wep.. $pr.ay pressures of<br />

40 p.s.i. or'lower arene_nded topre~1'ltmisting.'<br />

In t1¥)st sit~tions band';treatments W£llbe most econom!~al.<br />

The weeds remaining ;;Lnthe middles can be removed by cultivat;ing<br />

during the spray operat:Lonic...:The nozzles· fl\ou-ld be' mounted ahead<br />

of the cultivator to el1mi~te weeds on tl).e edge of the band.<br />

This procedur$"would red\We",.tM amounto~~X:bicide requ;l.re!;lLPY<br />

ewo-thfrCts. .:' " '" .... . ... :,. ' .'. '<br />

The an1'lUaigrassesan~. t~oadleaf .~~~.~ich .have been 'fe<br />

controlled satisfactorily With recommended r.tes include foxtail<br />

,(green" yellow ..and giant) , Crabgrass,; bams.rd grau or. watergrass"<br />

smartweed" rasweed, purslane" lati1b,":quarters" pigweed-l<br />

" .., ',", ", ' "" ~' " ..J ' ; t I<br />

buttol1We.ed and cocklebur ... .: ... i<br />

. RepreS$ntAt1ve weed'c~~olresult. ~Qyield data are·<br />

'containedin Tables'l throlJgl1 6. . .<br />

Pre-Emergence' <strong>Weed</strong> Control<br />

in Soybeans<br />

. Resulu~m field t~~:..dUring a ewo-year period at 30)<br />

locatioga in U states have,·demonstrated chat Herbicide 326"<br />

appli~d at re~oUlD8nded rates, will provide effecti~ pJ;'e-e~gence<br />

, , ; r' •

weed control with adequate safety to soybeans. Tests were conducted<br />

under representative conditiqns of soil type, weed gro,"lth<br />

and weather existing in the.mejor·soybean-t*~ucing areas.<br />

On silt loams and clay loams with ~de~ate to high organic<br />

matter, commercial control was obtained with 1 to 2 pounds per<br />

acre with adequate safety margin. On lightjr soils, low in<br />

organic matter, rates of 0.5 to 1 pound per.acre were sufficient.<br />

Results from tests on lighter soils indicate that safety to soybeans<br />

increases when the depth of planting ~s increased from 1<br />

inch to 2 inches. Representative weed contrpl results and yield<br />

data are contained in Tables 1 through 9.<br />

Pre- and fost-Emergence We~ Control in CariEts<br />

Carrots have shown a high degree of tolerance to Herbicide<br />

326•. Satisfactory weed control has been ob~ined with 0.25 to<br />

0.5 pound per acre for post-emergence treatQlents and from 0.5<br />

to 3 pounds per acre pre-eme~gence depending on soil type.<br />

351<br />

Disappearance<br />

from Soil<br />

The growth and evaluation of indicator .9rops is the most<br />

practical method for the determination of residual activity of<br />

herbicides in soils. This method was used to follow the rate<br />

of disappearance of Herbicide 326 under a wide variety of conditions<br />

on so:Ll types rangit;13, from sandy loamswith low organic<br />

matter to heavy clay loamswlth a high organic matter content.<br />

Soil samples (O-'V" and 4-8 11 depths) ~'1ere talcin from treated plots<br />

at 20 geographical locations :j.n the United S;1;ates. These areas<br />

encompassed the important corn and soybean-I¢oducing regions.<br />

These sa.mpleswere compared with untreated .amples fr.om the same<br />

areas in oat assays in the greenhouse. Data:.were taken at 21-23<br />

days after planting. .<br />

Results from these st~dies indicate that phytotoxic concentrations<br />

of Herbicide 326 disappear from the 'soil within 3 to 4<br />

months after treatment, when used at rates of 1.5 pounds on sandy<br />

Loams, 2 to 3 pounds on s11.t .loam soils and 3 to 6 pounds per<br />

acre on heavy clay loams (medium to high organic matter). Thus,<br />

there. should be no problem to the next crop.~

')<br />

')<br />

>,'<br />

t .). -<br />

Table 1. <strong>Weed</strong> CO~tro1' 'lNaluations and Corn. ,Yields FollbWlngD1recte4 Post­<br />

Emergence Applications of Herbicide326- Mi.d~st Corn Belt<br />

Average Percent of Overall <strong>Weed</strong> Control, and Mean<br />

Rate .' Yields in BQshels Per .Acre<br />

J Lb. A~tive Farm 11' Farm #~ ,Farm 13 Farm#4 Farm #5<br />

Treapuent ,fer :6cre '-., ,,6 W]y. 7 Wks. i ~ Wks. • 3 !Jt!. 3 WIes.<br />

lfftbii:~ .~~: '~i ~E' 0~'~5:·Q ' b ~)11'~ f3'Ulsf._v~ ~~.5) ~,;; 1::~ ,',~'" 60 (64)<br />

" ' , 1.S ' )7 (99) 65 (77):-'87(107) 72 (84) ~'75 (68)<br />

, " 3.~ 83 (103) .,92(93),' ~90 (106) 18 (89) 33 (68)<br />

.. 6.0 93 (101):97(101) 95 (100) 87 (93) 95 (76)<br />

GJ;QWer"a - 65 (105)30 (37) 85 (35) .: (80) 75 (58)<br />

Pror;r:aiclJ "<br />

~ c ':,<br />

UJa~t.4' ContrOl<br />

.~.<br />

t. 'I :;~<br />

o (79) r,<br />

n<br />

.{~ :_,..~<br />

& ill) "<br />

.;<br />

e (65)<br />

~',..j "

Untreated<br />

Table 2. Directed Post-E".sence <strong>Weed</strong> C~trol in Corn<br />

Du Pont Researlill\hp - Newark""pela\'Iare<br />

Control<br />

353<br />

Rate Percent <strong>Weed</strong>,Control<br />

Lb./A '. Grasses ... &:'oadleaves Yield<br />

Material (Active) § Wk. 9 Wk. 3 \o1lt. ~ Bu./A<br />

Herbicide 326<br />

II<br />

"<br />

Hoed Control<br />

0.75 98 68 97 95 89<br />

1.50 :99 98 99 99 86<br />

3.00 99 99 99 100 85<br />

·'8 95 ,00 45 81<br />

0 0 0 0 80<br />

Keyport silt loam. Three repli~Hltions. Com ...12" tall at time<br />

of treatment, weeds were 4" tall. No injury to corn. <strong>Weed</strong><br />

species: crabgrass, Panicutn, ragweed, smart:weed, annual morning<br />

glory and horsenettle.<br />

Table 3. Directed Post-Emergence \-leed Control in Corn<br />

DuPont Researcn Farm - Raleigh, N.C.<br />

Material<br />

Herbicide 326<br />

II<br />

"<br />

Rate<br />

Lb./A<br />

(Active)<br />

0.75<br />

1.50<br />

3.00<br />

Percent <strong>Weed</strong> Control<br />

Weeks After Treatment<br />

l'<br />

)'6<br />

ao 63<br />

97 99<br />

"100 '·100<br />

Crop Injury<br />

No injury<br />

to corn.<br />

j'l:<br />

Untreated<br />

Control<br />

0 0<br />

..<br />

Norfolk sandy loam. Three replications. Corn was l

354<br />

"<br />

Cultivated<br />

Untreated<br />

'1'81)1.4., !'re.E ..... tlCeWe.d;;Colll.. ol in Corn jO;<br />

Iti:!ltKa1k,"n11n!",: 1<br />

Control<br />

Control<br />

.... 'ti~.IA'<br />

, (Ac"tiiir·'<br />

.T'<br />

2"<br />

4,<br />

(3 cul~vations)<br />

Percent:.weed Control<br />

3 WkttI ,; 5 lns.e•<br />

81:-vs: .~ 56<br />

90"--" .. 84<br />

99 ex.o 90<br />

......-<br />

\l\., ~ ,_<br />

o )L.:~ 0<br />

Yield<br />

, ',Bu,s'A<br />

:,." 7<br />

··.~',94:~,::;,·.:<br />

Joll<br />

101<br />

'62<br />

Clay :l,oam. Three replica~tons • weed species: annual lI1Orad.ng<br />

glory, smartweed, velvet leaf and Canada thistle.<br />

Table 5.<br />

Material<br />

Herbicide 326<br />

" .<br />

"<br />

Hoed Check' .<br />

Untreated Control .<br />

Pre·Emergence <strong>Weed</strong> Control in Corn' "<br />

Du POnt WeaESh Bra 1;:!fm18rk,Delaware :,l',iC.'<br />

Rat~;Lb./A<br />

(Active)<br />

0.75<br />

:t-&Q'<br />

3.;QQ,<br />

:"~;:Y,·<br />

'L"<br />

Percent ~ ,Control· .; r~j.;<br />

Aftg',§"Weeks .Yiilld<br />

Grasses Broadleaves Bu./A<br />

96 100 90 .<br />

,•.99 . o'.lQO ..89<br />

100',8,.' .100 84<br />

9"595 80<br />

,0 ~. 0 42<br />

" "'i ;.'-. :1\• , _' ..<br />

l(eyport;sil~,loam. Three-replications. ,:-Jiee.d'ispecies: c~_._<br />

grass, rSg'<strong>Weed</strong>,smartweed, pigweed,' Japanese"millet and rape.<br />

Material<br />

Herbicicl.'<br />

"<br />

"Ii<br />

Table 6.<br />

3.U:<br />

Hoed Check<br />

Untreated Control<br />

0(,.:.<br />

Pre·Emergence ~ed Cont:IrQ1:in Corn<br />

Du Pont Research Farm· Raleigh, N.C.<br />

Percent 1o1eedControl<br />

After 4 ~eeks<br />

G Sl~.~~" J92,<br />

.J,' .~:: 98<br />


.s<br />

....<br />

__<br />

Table 7. Pre-Emel'ae~e<strong>Weed</strong> Coner.lin Soybeans<br />

Van Wert, Ohio<br />

355<br />

Rat~ Lb./A<br />

Percent <strong>Weed</strong> Control<br />

Material<br />

(Abttve)<br />

, 4 Wks. 6 Wks.<br />

Herbicide 326<br />

1.0<br />

66 73<br />

"<br />

2.0<br />

97 96<br />

4.0<br />

99 97<br />

Untreated Control<br />

o :0<br />

I<br />

Brookston clay loam. Three replications .-<strong>Weed</strong> species: fo*tall,<br />

buttonweed, smartweed, bamya.rd grass, raS.ed and pigweed. So<br />

injury to soybeans.<br />

" .: .<br />

Table 8. Pre-Emergence <strong>Weed</strong> Cont~ in Soybeans<br />

Du Pont ~esearch Farm - Newark, Delaware<br />

Material<br />

Herbicide 326<br />

"<br />

Hoed Check<br />

Untreated Control<br />

Rate Lb./A<br />

(ActiVer<br />

0.5<br />

1.0<br />

1.5<br />

Percent<br />

After<br />

Grasses<br />

W8edControl<br />

4 Weeks<br />

Broadleaves<br />

88 93<br />

90 95<br />

95 96<br />

98 98<br />

o . 0<br />

Yield<br />

BU.,A<br />

20<br />

32<br />

32<br />

28<br />

9<br />

Keyport sllt loam. Three replications. <strong>Weed</strong> species: crabgrass,<br />

Japanese millet, rape, pigweed~ -horsenettle and purslane.<br />

Material<br />

Herbicide 326<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

Untreated<br />

Table 9. Pre-Emergence <strong>Weed</strong> COfltrol in Soybeans<br />

Du Pont~search Farm -Raleigh. N.C.<br />

Control<br />

Rate Lb./A<br />

(AE!!ve 1<br />

1.0<br />

1.5<br />

3.0<br />

rcent<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> Control<br />

3-1' ~:W1ts 5-1/2 Wks.<br />

47<br />

90 03<br />

99 97<br />

100 99 ...<br />

Norfolk sandy lo~m. 'Three repl,ications., ,~9y,~eans planted 1-1/2<br />

inches deep. <strong>Weed</strong> species: crabgrass, foxtail, pigweed, lambs-<br />

_ ....... _ ... _ __ . ..2 __ .I ~<br />

...~_ ~_.1<br />

__ ~<br />

'L. _

356<br />

TRIFL URi.;,m~p:OR ,'·~EME:Ro!]fT<br />


S. J. Pieczarka, W. L'. Wrigbt, and E. F. Alder 2 "" • .,.I<br />

The herbicidal properties of trifluralin (2,6-dinitro-N,N-di~!­<br />

propyl-a,a,a-tritluoro-'p'-toluidine) have been investigatedd1.n. ~be<br />

field and laboratory. "T"rifluralin appears promising' as aSff.:t..: ,<br />

lective pre-emergent annual grass and broadleaf herbicide f.Qr_,..'Qlbeans,<br />

lim~bean8,snapbea.D.~"ireenpe_h;'\'O~'OCO, p,eanuts cellcotton.<br />

These crop •. haVl;lnot,'h.o.wn ,in3.1:l,ZlTf:r,~, trU';j.uralin ,aR~<br />

plications aehigh as 8 poudds" per' acre, sur-taoe spra7, or 4".;<br />

pounds per acre, soil incorporated. Rates of 4-6 pounds per acre,<br />

surface spra7, or 1-2 pounds per acre, soil incorporated, have<br />

given excellent annual grass and broadleaf weed control ... Table 1<br />

contains a l1st"fdw.eed8".c.~~:f.ble to'tr!.~li·n •.<br />

~,~ :,";j ()'q ui"<br />

Table 1. <strong>Weed</strong>'sp'e61Els Suiifc'ep:tlble to TrU'rur'&lin Surface<br />

SpI'&7 at~-6 lb/A L',<br />

- -'... --'.~.- -<br />

Susceptible<br />

." -<br />

-<br />

-'I'i' - - - - - • .' ....<br />

':.,:- Moder'ate17<br />

~ p • ~u!c!p!i~l~ _ •<br />

Barn7ardgrass<br />

Crabgrass<br />

Foxtail<br />

Fa:ll. p,anicum<br />

Stinkgrass<br />

C~petweed<br />

Ragweed<br />

Chickweed, common, .;' S.llIartweed<br />

LJaNquarters:<br />

,CL.<br />

UP8: e d

experiment is reported herE!. Trifluralin Wal applied to Clark<br />

and Haros oy soybeans with a. Jf~"" Highb oy spre,yer. Plots wer'e<br />

5 by 25 feet, replicated 3 t~es. Triflura11n weed control resultsare<br />

given in Table 2•• rs,·1;e of 1 pound -per acre gave excellent<br />

grass weed control ·1~ this experiment but only fair brDadleaf<br />

weed control. Four t06 pounds per ac~were necessary for<br />

good broadleaf. weed control. :Nel ther soybean variety was damaged<br />

by any of the treatments.<br />

Table 2. Percent <strong>Weed</strong> Cont~ol in Soybeans With Trifluralin<br />

Surface Spray ;<br />

- -- - - - - - - - - -<br />

- - - - -<br />

Percent <strong>Weed</strong> Control<br />

Trifluralin<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4 6<br />

o<br />

-,<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - --<br />

grts~~~<br />

93<br />

96<br />

99<br />

99<br />

o<br />

(65.9).!?J<br />

B~o!dle!f~/_<br />

56<br />

84<br />

88<br />

96<br />

o bl<br />

(2.5)_<br />

357<br />

Grass weeds were crabgrass andfoxtailJ<br />

broadleaf weeds were pigweed and smartweed<br />

'E./<br />

Number weeds per square foot<br />

~o!l_I!!cgrio£a~ign -- An experiment was conducted to determine<br />

if trifluralin activity is improved by soil incorporation. Trifluralin<br />

was sprayed on the soil surface with no incorporation,<br />

raked lightly into the soil, and pre-plant incorporated 2 inches<br />

deep. Herbioides were applied with a sulky or:ig to plots 3 by 15<br />

feet, replicated 4 times. Soybeans, snapbeans, ootton, tomatoes,<br />

cabbage, and cucumbers were planted across the plots.<br />

The results indicate that pre-plant soil incorporation of trifluralin<br />

increased herbicidal activity 4-6 t.imes compared with the<br />

surface spray application (Table 3). One-half pound per acre o·f<br />

trifluralin pre-plant soil incorporated gave" better weed control<br />

than 4 pounds per acre as a surface sp:ray. It'aked plots were"intermediate<br />

in response. Cotton, soybeans, snapb~ans and cabbage<br />

were tolerant to all treatm-ents"J tomatoes and cucumbers were not.

·358<br />

Tablej~.<br />

-~,he., _E, fre, ~t8," o~ D,"",t;:.i~_ht.' 'Sp,1;1. "T.r,~:~,",n,teon Pre ..<br />

~me;r.lebt <strong>Weed</strong> Cqnt~pt.l;~it"h. Trl!lu~~..<br />

..- -'~ ..<br />

.,. ,(<br />

Surface<br />

Spray-<br />

...<br />

. Rake<br />

'\ ' .<br />

0.5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

o<br />

...,W<br />

Pre-Plant<br />

Oontrol<br />

- - - - - _.- - - ....,.:;- -<br />

Soil Treatment': Surfll.cespray--no incorporation;<br />

ralt.~soil incorp.oMt1on by. hand<br />

r"kiUIJ pre-plan1(a.oU incorpora~oD<br />

with rot~~or<br />

Grau -w,eeds were cr-abgrau and' 'f-;~iiJ bl'oadleat<br />

••• d8 were p1gve~4 aQd carpetweed<br />

. yNumber weeds per 8C1~~~e. ·toot<br />

70**<br />

57*<br />

87**<br />

87**<br />

-65**<br />

o<br />

(1.4) .<br />

Y<br />

- .. - - - ..-<br />

' ......<br />

i, ':',"':: r<br />

With 1;.he cl.~Jl\o~sha..t1onot ~Prove'd activity- ~~~ritlural1n on 8:011<br />

inc or.oporat-i.on:, another expel"1me1"t. wasc ondu~~1n, which 8ever ..l<br />

commons011 incorporation ~e~.quee were cQJ9Pared. Methods<br />

were: dO,uble .disking.once llpd; ·1(:wiceJ ra,king·.::the soil surface J :<br />

rotovat.!OJ1.~ and4inche.s d~Jcand Ilotovati\. 2 inches deep, dlelayed<br />

6 hours after trifluralin application. Tritluralin surface<br />

spray was used for comparison. Plots were 5 by- 15 teet, replicated<br />

3 times. Crops planted across the plots included<br />

soybeans, snapbeans, peanuts, and cotton.<br />

I~ •<br />

! •

Results are given. in Table 4~J'Rotovation fti4elearly the be~'1!'<br />

method of soil incorporat:f:on." The orderJol'activitywas rotovation,<br />

raking, delayed rotovation, diskin')I'surface spray. None<br />

of the crops were injured-by any treatment.<br />

Table 4. -A Comparison of :·86i:l: Incorporation Methods with<br />

Tr1tluralin at 1'''n;!A. Expressed as Percent<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> Control<br />

359<br />

!r~;f!~a!i~ !!bLA., .... _ ~e!:c!n~ ~e~.. a~n~r~l .• ," i<br />

__ 8gq lr!a~m!!n!: _ .. ... Qr!!s!e! __ ....P!g!e!!d..:<br />

Surface<br />

Disk once<br />

Disk tWice·<br />

Rake·<br />

Rotovate-2<br />

Rotovate-4"<br />

Rotova'te-2<br />

Control<br />

1t<br />

It<br />

, 6 hrs.<br />

--- - - - - ~<br />

..<br />

,1\<br />

70*<br />

77**<br />

90**<br />

97**<br />

100**<br />

79**<br />

o<br />

-(~.~)~-<br />

26<br />

;1 63**<br />

~2*<br />

86**<br />

94;**<br />

96**<br />

iJ: 83**<br />

--<br />

* and ** S18n1fica~1i'at the 5 and J,.!percent level.:,<br />

respect1ve],y,.using the tJ.'~nsormation 'fN:O.~ .<br />

, :. ," '. ,. ',.<br />

Number oi'w$eds per square]foot<br />

Leaching stud1~8were conducted with tr1:tlU:flalin to determine the<br />

rate of leaching from the soi]" surface and 11he depth of leaching<br />

in a soil column. Three soil types were used: Princeton fine<br />

sand, Brookston silty clay loam, . and Hough'tcm- muck.<br />

~eacbiDg_Fram autfacG •• A measured quantity of soil was placed<br />

in _number 2 catlsprovided w.ith' .~bottom drainage. The s oil was<br />

flooded and allowed to drain 16 hours. The trifluralin was then<br />

app.lied at ·2 pounds per acre--to: the soi-l surf-ace and 1, 2, 4,· 6, ­<br />

8 or 10 incbes of water was paned through the soil. 'Fresh II<br />

weight of crabgrass plantsgrow:n from seed;p.anted on the soi~<br />

surface was use~_as a b1010gic.l assay. ' ..<br />


360<br />

Ta~leS. ,Tb.:~,,~hlnl ot'tl!Uhral1n atl'ilb/AbOJll the So!l'<br />

8uZ'~..o••. ,Expr •••• 4 ..s Pero •• t, •• 4uot1on in Growtll: l<br />

ot C:ra_.ratp' ~I h"," , ,~ ,<br />

- ..-- - -.;'.<br />

.'p!r!l~t_R!d~C?1:~~n",~! ,£r!bsr!s! ~r2~_ •<br />

... ~,!~ IDQhlS .;.t',:,.olJ }fajilt<br />

.Sii;L tne ••• _ ••• 0••••• 2•• ~":: .6 •• § .12<br />

Princll"tOn 'tine sand "99 97 '96 i,T ,,96 84 ,90<br />

Brooke.tonsiit)-' :ell'a,., l.oamiOi'):100 10O-:J.do 2 100 100100<br />

Houghton muck . " :9':1£.:90 8S, :19".'80 '74 74<br />

------~-- ..~~--------- ----<br />

The results arp,presented in,\Table S. In the fine sand there was<br />

a slight reduction in the .. ~t of herbicide present after tbe<br />

addition of 8 ,incbes of wa~lt- Tritluralin did not leacb from tbe<br />

aurface of tbl'H .. ~lty clay~. The 2 pounds p-er aore rate ot<br />

tritlural1n ln, H.oughton mucJt';JI:.a not suffioient to capletel)' kill<br />

all the orab,ra.s, thus ineW-oat-ing ada$)rpt1

In Princeton fine sand, tritlupalin leached ,tic a. depth of 8<br />

inches, reducing subsequent cr~bgrass growth 29 percent at this<br />

depth (Table 6). In the silty'o!Lay loam; little activity was<br />

found below the 1 inch level. These results confirm the results<br />

from the previous experiment which indicated trifluralin did not<br />

leach from the surtace in th!. soil.<br />

361<br />

Surface sprays of triflural~ngave excellent,~re-emergent weed,<br />

control at 4-6 pounds per acre with no damag. to soybeans, snapbeans,<br />

lim. beans, green pelU!, peanuts, and~;otton. Soil in .. '<br />

corporation increased activit7Jl ..6 times ovel' surtace sprays. ,<br />

Rotovationprovedsuperior to o:t;her incorpor~tion methods.. .<br />

Tritluralin leached very slowly trom the surtace of sandy, silty<br />

claY' loam, and muck soils. The compound leached to a greater<br />

depth in sand than in siltY' claY' loam.

lA~sociate Resear~h_Specia1ist in <strong>Weed</strong> Control; formerly<br />

362<br />


R!P~ Ilrt1ckij lJ:

Included in the lima. bean test were ,the standard formU~<br />

lations (R-1856 6E and 100). and the expemmental formulations<br />

EAP4030 and EAP4031. The\design was' a>~andomized block I'<br />

with three replications.<br />

The soybean experiment was a split plot factorial with<br />

two replications.. The 1lla1.n-,plot included'rates of application<br />

and the subplots comJ1'8ted of unincorporated and in- I<br />

corpora.ted treatments ofal.l'fonnulationlJi'randomized completeiy.<br />

m£<br />

The experimental formulations were evaluated for weed<br />

control and· crop toleranoein strawberries, corn, and soybeans.<br />

, ,I<br />

The strawberry experiment included commercial EPTC<br />

(EPtam 6E and 50) and the formulations EAP4001 and EAP4002.<br />

Rates of 3 and 6 pounds 'were used for the"oommercial EPTCbut<br />

only the.lowerrate .was uled for the latter two materials.<br />

All treatments were applied in quadruplicate, in a randomized<br />

block design, 16 days afteJ:I,transplantllll8~'<br />

Included in the corn experiment were commercial EPTC<br />

(EPtam 6E and 50) and experimental formulations EAP4000 and<br />

EAP4005 at rates of 3 and 5 pounds. The experimental design<br />

was a split plot factorial With three replications. The main<br />

plot included rate of appl!ca.tion and tn. subplots consisted<br />

of unincorporated and incorporated treatments of all formulations<br />

randomized completely.<br />

The soybean experiment was similar tlo the corn experiment<br />

in design. Rates of. 4 and 6 pounds were applied in duplicate<br />

for the following formulations: EPtam 6a"and 50, EAP4001<br />

and EAP.4002.<br />

363<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> control and crop injury ratings were made periodically<br />

using the scale 0 to 10, where 0 = no effect, 10 = stand/vigor<br />

reduced 10Q%or completektlLFor the ~e of brevity, details<br />

concerning .planting,appl1eab:1.on;. and observation'da1#'es.<br />

have been omitted here. TheB13may be f'OUIldin the summary<br />

tables elsewhere.<br />

Results<br />

and Discussiop<br />

In tables 1~5 are presented summaries .01' weed control arid<br />

crop injuI"J ratings for the·e.xperimental formulations of R-:1856<br />

and EPTCapplied to the various test crops. For ease of di,scussion<br />

each thiolcarbamate herbicide will be discussed separately.<br />

J •.1<br />

J" ~,

364<br />

data thatEAP4031 was 4.., t1mee moreaica". than R-1856 6~ , ,J<br />

or lOG,on,soybeans and J:1ma!beans.' The:1'brD\ulatlon EAP 4030<br />

was silllll.:larly' more actlwt! tllan the erhul.sti'i:able concentrate:<br />

on the granular preparatlon on l1ma b~b'ut there was riof];<br />

dlfference on soybeans.<br />

jJ': ;!' '''qi::'<br />

ll'heseaetivefoI'JI'IU1a't1ons, conta1n:Lal.i:paraffinlc hydrO';':,<br />

.. carbon asoairr1ers, wera.characterlzed'! aa.'fb8v1bg greaterre&ldualactiV1ty<br />

and they tet8:lned their heJ4>1cldal poten~y Uhf'<br />

Di'ore tha.n t~o months on soybeans. The same results wouldbeantidlpated<br />

bh lima beans had additional weed control notes<br />

been made. ,:,.<br />

It ls' .interesting ·tOo'note that incoJoporation had no<br />

effect onan1",'o:f theformu~ationsandth.tun1flcorporated<br />

EAP 4031 was slightly superior to the incorporated treatmenO'<br />

notWithstanding that this difference may not be statistically<br />

signifioant ~"! ;, '1' '}<br />

InJury to ,soybeans wab h1sherwjithi lIAP,:4031thanwi thiaily<br />

other formulation butth18d1njurywal! .1a1Je~;outgrowri. ' ..<br />

These data indicat.e .tha'tbroad.%'ut~:ty tor R-1856 i',<br />

possible and that its use may not be limited to grassy weed<br />

situationd. - , :f. 'Cl"<br />

" br!.<br />

;:} ....:..,Cj<br />

The errectso:f the Vat-1ous formulllt:OClrlltof EPTe on ct'op.<br />

response and weed ·contrO'1JaN'summarized r,hr 81t'rawb.erries:;c:<br />

corn, and soybeans in tables 3, 4, and5;'T~tre'epectively; ").(:<br />

'. Fowmula't1ons. EAP 4001-·:and"EAP4002; -P.@n1t;a1ningaparaffime<br />

hUdrocar1:Jori as acarr:1er, ,.ffected\ gtl!ea"ter in! tialweetf.<br />

control' Wtlthdecreased inJUf'\v to\,stra",~ transplants than' '<br />

commercial E,ptam 6E. These two experlmental preparations were<br />

comparable to the granular preparation but less injury was<br />

produced.:' ' ' ') b r:i.<br />

,<br />

In1't1al; activity of'EA~4001andEAac#OO2 wasorily -lJ.)<br />

, slightl,. beeter,than the :ciODlAerolal,fomUllafttons on soybean.,<br />

. but their;aotlv1t.yperslst.ecS~ longer.' c.r.,lnju%W was less on<br />

both corn and soybeans with the experimental .formulationB).-.l.l""<br />

including also EAP 4000 and EAP 4005, on both incorporated and<br />

unincorporated test Jllb~,~' ' -:3<br />

i Generally, incorporating theformulattcms effeotedgreater<br />

weed: controJ.;jhowever, ldth(.EAP 4001 bn'BbybJansthere wa.s no<br />


Table 1. The Effects ofS8veral formulat:llons of t-butyldi-n-propylthio~carbamate<br />

(R-1856) on weed control<br />

and baby lima besn injury. Thaxter baby lima<br />

beans planted andtormulations appl:ied June 2.<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> control and crop injury ravings made<br />

July 7, 1961. *<br />

\#<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> control l<br />

Treatment Rate, Br;oadleaved Graa.es Crop Injury2<br />

Ib./A weeds<br />

R-1856. E.C. 4 ~.8 3.3 1.3<br />

6 1.3 5.3 2.0<br />

R-1856. lOG 4 1.0 4.7 2.0<br />

6 1.7 5.7 5.7<br />

EAP40303 4 10.0 9.:0 7.3<br />

6 10.0 9.6 7.8<br />

EAP4031 4 4 9.8 9-.:.4 5.7<br />

6 9.9 9.4 1.0<br />

* Average of three replications.<br />

1 Based on scale 0 to 10; 0 no effect I '10<br />

reduced 100%.<br />

stand/vigor<br />

2 Based on scale 0 to 10; 0 = no effect •. 10 = complete kill,.<br />

3 R-1856 dissolved in a select hydrocarbon fraction above C18<br />

and containing a slow-breaking emulsifier system.<br />

4 a-1856 dissolved in a seleot hydrocarbon fraction above C18<br />

and containing a fast-breaking emulsifier system.<br />


366<br />

Table 2•. The' effectsot,~a~tormulat1lOn. of t-butyl .<br />

d!t-n-propylthie!clWbamate CR~l9S6·):(at· four pounds<br />

pel/acre on. WEled.control and flo~ean inJury •.<br />

Clark soybeans~larited andfor~at1ons applied<br />

Treatment<br />

June 5. <strong>Weed</strong> control and crop i3.l'Jj\t1'Y' ra't1ngs made<br />

.... -<br />

JUly 13 and. AUgust 20, 1961. *. ',- .<br />

G%'8ssea'<br />

weeds jJ .<br />

.Bl'oadlea~ed<br />

l.,) .... __<br />

Crop rnJury2<br />

'38<br />

Days after Application<br />

76 38 . 76 38<br />

76<br />

r- .'<br />

R-1856, E.C. U3 3.0 0.0<br />

r4, 2,.0 0.0<br />

R-1856, lOG u 2.5 0.0<br />

I 2,.0 0.0<br />

EAP4030 5 U 4.0 0.0<br />

I 2.0 '0.0"<br />

EAP4031 6 U 9.8 10.0<br />

I 9.2 :1.0.0<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

0.0'<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

3.0<br />

1.0<br />

* Average ot two replicat1~.<br />

1 Based onsaale 0 to 10; 0 .,no. effect, 10 .'~tand/vigor<br />

neduced 100%. l'<br />

2 Based on seale' 0 tv 10;. ·0 ... ndeft:ect, 10 • complete kill.<br />

3 u = treatment unincorporated.<br />

4<br />

I = treatment incorporated into adil immediately after<br />

application.<br />

5 R-1856 dissolved in a select hydrocarbon fraction above<br />

and containing a slow-breaking emulsifier system.<br />

6 R-1856 dissolved in a select hydrocarbon fraction above<br />

and containing a fast-breaking emulsifier system.<br />

, ./.<br />

~ • I "; ~

Table 3. The effects of several formul~1ons of EPTCon<br />

weed control and ,strawberry inJury. Jerseybelle<br />

strawberries set April 12. F~ulations applied<br />

April 28. <strong>Weed</strong> Ratings made Jane 9. Data on<br />

rooting of runners obtained July 1, 1961.*<br />

367<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>Control l c£up In,1ury<br />

Treatment Rate, Broad";' Grassy St~2 Vigor 3 Rooting<br />

lb./A leaved weeds of<br />

weeds<br />

runners<br />

EPTC, ,E.C. 3 6.5 8.1 0.0 2.9 Slight<br />

delay<br />

6 1.2 9.4 0.0 2.7 Slight<br />

delay<br />

EPTC, 5G g 8.2 9.8 0.0 2.1 Normal<br />

9.0 10.0 0.0 3.2 Slight<br />

delay<br />

EAP4001 4 3 8.5 9.4 0.:0 1.3 Normal<br />

EAP4002 5 3 9.0 9.4 O.p 0.1 Normal<br />

* Average of four replications.<br />

1 Based on scale 0 to 10j 0 no effect, 10 stand and/or '<br />

vigor reduced 100%.<br />

2 Based on scale a to 10j 0 = no effect', 10 stand reduced<br />

100%.<br />

3 Based on scale a to 10j 0 = no effect, 10 = complete kill,<br />

4 EPTC,dissolved in a select hydrocarbon.traction above C18<br />

and containing a slow~breaking emulsitier system.<br />

5 EPTCdissolved in a select hydrocarbon fraction above C18'<br />

and containing a fast~breaking emulslt~er system.<br />


368<br />

Table 4. The effects of several formula~1~8 Of EPTCat<br />

three pounds ~:aere,on' weed c~~rol and corn<br />

injury. New·Jeney,No. 8 cOXtlr';1'anted,May22<br />

and formUlations applied May 23. '<strong>Weed</strong> control<br />

and, crop 1nJururatings made July 2 and,<br />

Se~~ember 8, 19~~.* .<br />

WeecfControl l<br />

I<br />

Treatment Broadleavec1" Grasses; Crop Injury~<br />

weeds<br />

Days after Application<br />

38 76 38 76 38 76<br />

EPTC, E.C. U 3 3.0 6.3 2.0 4.0 0.0 0.0<br />

I 4 8.0 3.7 9.0 6.0 2.0 0.0,<br />

EPTC, 5G u· 8.0 6.3 6.0 3.7 0.0 0.0<br />

I 8.0 5.0 7.5 5.0 4.0 0.0<br />

EAP40005 u 5.0 5.5 5.0 4.0 0.0 0.7<br />

!. 9.0 8.2 9.8 7.3 2.0 0.0<br />

EAP4005 6 u, 1.0 3.3 1.0 l'.3 0.0 0.0 ,.<br />

I 9.3 ·9..0·, 9.3 6.6 0.5 0.0<br />

, ,<br />

* Average of three replications.<br />

1 Based on scale 0 to 10; 0 = no effect:. 10 = stand/vigor<br />

reduced 100%.<br />

1t<br />

2 Based on scale 0 to 10; 0 = no effect, 10 _ complete kill.<br />

3 U.• treatmentunincorporahd.<br />

4 I = treatment'1ne~rpoX"ated into so11 1mri1ediately after<br />

application.""""<br />

5 EPTCdhsolved'in a se1ect:hydroca3:'bonlraetion above C 18<br />

and containing a fast~breaking emu181fte~ system,<br />

6 EPTCdissolved in a select hydrocarbon fraction above C 18<br />

and containing a slow-breaking emulsifier system.

369<br />

Table 5. The effects of sev~ral formulations of EPTCat<br />

four pounds per acre on weed control and soybean<br />

injUil"Y. Olar~ :fl';ibeans plant~@rand fomulatlons<br />


370<br />

,"~ary<br />

Exper1men'taltormuJ;a~of'<br />

R-1856i~d .ZPTCwere<br />

evaluatedt*the1rherbl~aal. activity oif$everal agronomic<br />

and hOI'ticUlt'-Ui"S.l crops. 'Htgh boiling pirl'itt'inic hydrocarbonfracj;1.ona,.havUlg<br />

..car.bon nUDlbw8-.aDos1e-Cts",were used-·<br />

as carriers for these herb1~j.de~ ~ "<br />

.;~ ..<br />

There were 1nit1al 1ri~iias~s in we.~i(rontrol with the .'"<br />

experimental formulations of' both R-1856 "'ti!ddEPTC. Simiiar""1y,<br />

tliere-~ai3.- greater'-~'jisTdu:al act1 vrty from these pre-<br />

.,parations than from the c6mniercial formulations. These increases<br />

in activity were especially pronounced with R-l856.<br />

It""wa-s-'observe-d'tha"twtth-e-el't"ain fortnulan6ris it was not ,_ ...<br />

necessary to1ncorporatethem1nto the 1S011·surface for 'I',<br />

improved activity.<br />

It may be concluded that the effectiveness of R-l856<br />

can be extended to incl~.~ broadleaved weed aotivity by<br />

formulating this herbicide ineertain hydrooarbon carriers.<br />

Acknowledgements'<br />

i<br />

i<br />

The authors wish to acknowledge Dr., Robert H. Salveson,<br />

of Esso Research and Engineering Company, L1nden,New Jersey"<br />

for preparing "and suppl:l1ng,~tbe, experimental.'formulations of'<br />

thetl'lo .1!h:l.Ql.Q,ar'ParoatesL. .cr.ed1t is dus.h1m,f'.or h1.s assistance<br />

in obtaining data in the field and for his aid in preparing<br />

this manuscript. -: 1J<br />

Cred1t1.~lso due StaurfeI' Chemica! Company for supplYfng<br />

R-1856 6E and lOG and Eptam 6E and 5G.<br />

~,O ~).<br />

, I<br />

..:;;:. -<br />


• ~ : .• \ • ' -' ..,,:- ',-" ' > • '.<br />


DOGFENNELtlf i ;3MA: LL GRAINS' .]-~<br />

,..\"<br />

R. D. Ilriioki* ,<br />

. Dog f~~el (Anthemus o01ii~) oauses se»lous losses in s~n<br />

grainproduotion and is alSO.'l ... ·..p.e.st. in other .•••crops and pasture~.i<br />

in the Northeastern States.,:~ previous wOX'kat this stat~on:<br />

it was found that of the phenoxyalky-loarboxylio aoids evaluated<br />

for post-eI!1ergenoe oontrol the.lf.lpha-phenox;'fQX'op1onio aoids were<br />

the mostetfeetiv'e' in oontr6;ll1ng this speo:1e's~ Little or nOt<br />

signifioant injuxoy to small grains results if these herbioides<br />

are used within a oertain q9~~g~range at. tolerant stages of<br />

growth •. 2-(2.,4,S-triohloroplte. '~.">.-proP1onic.. aoid (silvex) was<br />

the most aotive of this gro\olp.p(J.,,2). ,c .<br />

31r<br />

,<br />

InjurYtcJ~i!!EUl gra1ns ~,I):,irnrn1nent )"'l}el;(~pplioationsare<br />

made at er1tioa.lstages ofg.@~p. ~1noe 1nA,ury may ooour r~i<br />

application'rates nec~ssary·'r':Qr;·.dog fennel o~trol an attempt '.'<br />

made to det.elop r.ormulations:W-Woh would be.".ss phytotoxio to .. (<br />

the grain but. whioh would reta1~their speo1(~o1ty for dog r~~l.<br />

,I '.• '.' .. • '.. . .' . .<br />

Maten&~ and MethC!4!!, ;, , " _<br />

• , , ::';" .i. ,;' c , " ,~,I.(:,~, " ~.:>:..<br />

Formulat1otisof silvex,~fng high b01li~pararf1nio frao~,~<br />

as oarr1ers,~repX'epared as:aq\?-eous disper~.pns d1frering onlM,in<br />

their emulsU1e;t', ·,systems.The ]1udrooarbon 'fmot1on was a select.<br />

material havingcarbonnumber.sabove C18. One formulation (EAP 4019)<br />

oontained. a s;Low~bX'eaking e~t+ls,3..!'1er and tpe.;p1;iher (EAP 4020) contained<br />

a fast-bX'e~k1ng emulsif'~X' system. ~t.P preparations oQntained<br />

the same hydrocarbon to .perb1cide rat~p. Commeroiallya"rallable<br />

silvex (propylene glyool butyl ether esters) was used as a<br />

standard for oOJllparison with1;ihetwo experi~ntal systems.<br />

'. • dO • '- ,_ ",1'<br />

Dog fennel infested ar.ea:~~,Qtbarley (v~J.), : Wong).and wheat<br />

(var. Pennoll) 01lth~ oamPus. .ot:.the New Je~"y ~gricultural Elc,.,<br />

periment StatiOtlwere seleot;ed to receive hel'b~cidal applications<br />

of these mat~t'1al~~ ,Ratesot 1/8, 1/4, 1/~hi,;I~U1d 1 lb. per aore<br />

were applied on AP:rl1 21, 1~6;J.iJn 40 ~a wi"\:;~:an experimental<br />

sprayer or the. typedesoribeq.1;>,¥' Shaw {3). Tbe experimental<br />

design, for the two small g1'Un.areas was a ,pl1t plot with<br />

three. repl:t,oat:1,ons. Rates ot:~'liplioation oonstitute the whole<br />

plots and ~o;rm~lat10ns comPll~e.ltd the sub_plo1lil. Several oheok<br />

plots werealsoinoluded. P1Qts were 6 Jl; 20~feet. At the time'<br />

of appl1ca~:1on1;~ small gra1ns~and dog fenn~l were at the fol.<br />

lowing stages of grOwth:<br />

baz'ley c" jointing I .<br />

whea1Li_ ,la te tille:ll'htB:- early joint<br />

dog;~Et:onel - 2-5" t.all;2,..9" spread)<br />

4-10 t-.111e1's•<br />

Period opservat1ons we~: ~de throughou~:the course of the<br />

experiment ,and ..apyunusual elt'AAts were X!eool'llled. Not~ths~<br />

\.....- that tille~ngappeare'd comR'l-e.i;e. at time of n-rQi.cidal applioation,<br />

. .1:-.

372.,·<br />

~~;~li~~aW::ie:t:d ~=Q~r~~~=;::~~~~;O~e:l:1<br />

made on June 29 and weed controls and crop injury rat1ngs were J<br />

made on July 5 and July 17 for., barley anci .at l respectively.<br />

Plots were harvested on July 10 and July-l?1 respectively, tor<br />

~~n...<br />

;.'.<br />

:~.·e:~~f.. ~¥~.a·..~e'~t..... se~..~i.iQ~....a~..~.~.. d,r.· ;:t~.~.' ..<br />

!i··r.:.<br />

t 1 .f.;omba.::.:n(:!R<br />

..... :..."<br />

were .,~l~ctl!CL~t%'8.ndoml~.· ,itbreS1)8d~C~ldi,';~d, wej,Sheds ' an4.i '<br />

the- 'data~ convEtrted to we1 ; ~el' thousa~" ,zonels., ,"'. ::1,,"'<br />

.! .:_ • '_ .' '.- '-~l j. : ..• ~~,- '. •. '. -..> " . • ,<br />

. . Al1~datawere ~nalyZ!~[i~rSP11t piot.:~~ranQomizedbJ.o.~<br />

designs •. ":::':Lc'. . ,·:n~Wheat was·riijt ttfected by aHt·t·ormtilat10n.' '.1'.neee<br />

data were in agreement w1t!l~~1er Ob~~~10ns in whioh barley<br />

exhibited greater abnol'!ll8.1t hre8p0n8~ from the new formulations<br />

than .f~~the OOIJ1lDe~o1a.;Lf.p.rm\.\..la~1.9.,~, A+,l!!ilv.ex.. ~.. The, '':l<br />

fomu](a.-t1o~ ()'?ll. ~1tU..ne; ..the... '~.,1ijW., .....brea~n..g' ~.'..... ~~.n..et ..f~otep,. ··.·"Ia::.<br />

grea~r abnormal SI"o\ft~~eson 'dog ~i1: ah4,.barleY than,<br />

the f0z!tl\ulat-,!;oh oonta1n1n~' '~: tast~br~~~j~II1U;I$1'on. ..:1. ~<br />

,.,. 't '; ." ..,~ . ":,' • :'~'.I'.J ..... ,.- : :,·',~ ..;... d'" :~, ' ... ,' , . .r:.-<br />

at1:Otl~dri' ·~1l'~.··~mat,1oh~ .,p¥t<br />

vat10ns are eV1~...ent. Whep c~.a:J;'e,d. t,o.....t.h~ c;1;~~ate...d. o.... ~eok .nQ ... _,:rate<br />

of anytormulat'1on effec~eg.''':ae;~t'ea~'e~..~,~~ ;n~:se-s inn1.\l!l1?e~ of<br />

barley t.LUera., "''llh$.'. nroi'tllU.,1.H. one. Y1ere'.:~, . p,.~.~~.mo.,t'e, 'e-.r.1t1.9~. ". Y..<br />

(spUt plot--:Ul&1Y~18)1t·~.J~v:ldent,that.. '.<br />

'I'1ere,%'~ater:~-<br />

,o-reases·1'n' tiller tormat1GR tram tM t1t,O, 1'& ).Q,tiQnD.cont.:1~ng.<br />

the parafr1n1Gl·!'Z!8.ot1ons :'t~,; from the,:o. _, r~~al- rOrp1ulat~ow:. '...<br />

moreoverl····.the :~c.rease. wa8 l,sreater wi .. th....:.~h.r1"t).?:'mw.a.t~o..,n'..ce..Jjlt ..~~.-., ..r<br />

1ng the fast-lWeak1ng emU.III.~..... n.'. ,.Th.ei.~h.~;~~b.n.."01'. tQrttl .. \lla.,.~~~. .x<br />

rate was 81gzU.t1cant • Genlftlly , d$cr.astti fb n~l:!ers, ot b~~ltti'''<br />

t-Uler.s~result.edas rate8f1ii.. Q~.ased. t.r 9m ..";lg tb... ·..'V.tt.pO.Und.' .•. ;.·'~.~.J.er'<br />

produot1on ..1ncl'eaaed With lntireas1ng ",te!,' i11Q.V~ 1/2 POUrid,~: i"<br />

Inoreaseswere, not as grat \ftth.thetormu ~~~t1 cOhtaln1nat~<br />

fast-breaking emulsion. These data su~stan~~te obse~at10ns'<br />

made in the field. Alth0U$l\St:Uler1ng Wisalmost oompleted at<br />

time of hetb1c1clal·appl:tcaUon, tbehishHXoates of treatment<br />

retarded maj,n c~1m devel0P,mes)t-andt111erlng continued. This<br />

situation was not tl"ue .. ,tor'''lil'eat.<br />

Wb:eat was..'·8t.1l11n ..t*uUUe1'1n<br />

g .....at•.*.'. e.~) '1; ..·.·.he. ·t.,1me...1' ....:..... ·.'i~'<br />

. herbJ.cWlaJ.::iEl.pp11oat1on. 1f'ItoJI7<br />

seen ,that 8;'11:.rates, 01' tl1e cQlieefomuIa"ilorilfl l·' generall~d.e';' --<br />

creased tiller production. Furthermore I when tormulations were<br />

compared more olosely (split. plot analys1q) ;i.t was ev.14ent:t .... --tfte-<br />

the pl>e8~n~~tf~g~~.m,tta:s,t .~ ¥ ,

Heights of barley were significantly reduced by silvex containing<br />

the paraffinic carriers at rates of 1/2 and more. These<br />

formulations had no such effect on wheat.<br />

That the two experimentaitormulatiotls'bt silvex were more<br />

phytotoxic to barley than the-commercial fOZlDlulation is furthe~<br />

evidenced by the yield data, Notwithstanding that commercial<br />

silvex reduced yields, the reduotions were not as great as those<br />

from the two experimental formulations. Rates above 1/4 pound<br />

of all preparations significantly reduced barley ~ ields. On<br />

the other hand, wheat yields were not reduce4 significantly be-,<br />

low the check by any rate or formulation.<br />

From the data on kernel weights it can be seen that this"<br />

quantitative response was somewhat related to tiller formation.<br />

Greater decreases in kernel weight resulted from the formulat1Pns<br />

containing the paraffinic fractions than from the commercial<br />

formulation. This decrease was greatest with the formulation<br />

containing the fast-breaking emulsion. The same was true for<br />

tiller formation. The interaction of formulation x rate was<br />

also statistically significant for kernel weights. As with<br />

tiller production, increas£s in rate of all formulations effected<br />

corresponding increases in kernel weight. The reverse,<br />

relationship of tillers to kernel weight might be suspected.<br />

The explanation is easily made. Since the high rates of herbi~<br />

cides tended to check the development of the main culms and<br />

often prevented the formation of heads, the ones that did form<br />

were larger in size and weight. It is known that checking the<br />

development of main culms results in the format~on of more<br />

tillers. No such response or relationship was noted on wheat.<br />

373<br />

From the data and discussion it can be seen that herbicidal"<br />

activity and general phytotoxicity of silvex was greatly enhanced<br />

by using paraffLnic fractions, in aqueous dispersions, as carriers<br />

for this herbicide. Of the two experimental formulations,<br />

the one containing the slow-breaking emulsion was slightly more<br />

effective on dog fennel than the one containing the fast-breaking<br />

emulsion. The same generally was true with regard to their effects<br />

on certain yield components of small grains. There were<br />

instances when the reverse was noted. Additional work is<br />

needed to determine whether the latter is mo'reapparent than<br />

real.<br />

Summary<br />

(1) Two formulations of silvex using high boiling paraff~c<br />

fractions as carriers were compared tQ"a commercially<br />

available formulation of silvex for dog fennel control in barley<br />

and Wheat.<br />

(2) In addition to weed contrOl, the effects of all herbicidal<br />

treatments on tiller production, plant heights, yield,<br />

and kernel weights were made.<br />

(3) The two experimental formulations were more phytotOXic<br />

to dog fennel and on certain Yiel~ c?~ponents of the small grains

374<br />

Table 1.<br />

...L ; c,.;<br />

. . "~~ ~ , ...-<br />

Treatment<br />

Av.:<br />

S1lvex<br />

4 P ara t f in10<br />

(EA/<br />

6' lZ4<br />

71/2<br />

8 "1<br />

Av.'<br />

5 P j ()~9l,l/8<br />

Si1vex (EAP 40,paratf1n1C<br />

'20)' ,<br />

(9j 1/8 1/4<br />

11 1'/2<br />

~<br />

10<br />

12 1<br />

Av.<br />

Check'<br />

(13)<br />

carr1ez(con:ta1n1hg a sl~,:"b~eak1ng emul~j,ra.~r<br />

0.0 2 .O~:) 0.0 Q.O<br />

. ('~.~05' . 3. 7 .,~; '. 0.0 ..OB,.33.<br />

.¥ 8. 3' [" 0.0 ' •<br />

',10:.0 10.0 ::5 0.0.-7<br />

3.4 ~~.Q,I 1 1 ,<br />

. i:<br />

carrier ~onta1n1ng, a fa8~break1ng emu1s1t~<br />

0.0<br />

"0.0'<br />

3'~0<br />

10'.0<br />

3.2<br />

'.--<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

*Average of three replications.<br />

i Based on scale 0 to 10; 0 = ni-·-effect. 10 • 100% reduction of<br />

stand. ,i~l '.r<br />

2Based on scale 0 to 10; o "'no effect,. lO:"'~(Um:pletekl11 •.<br />

,.<br />

" t'· •

Table 2. The effe,cts of s~\I'~ral formulat1~ns of sllvex OT! t4.Uer<br />

formation, p1an;,,~1ghts, yields"r and kernel weights of<br />

barley. *<br />

Treatment<br />

'ci..l1ers.<br />

n9tn 2 f<br />

L.S.D.'s<br />

Rate (split plot)<br />

, " b'-05 N~ S~<br />

0.01 N.S.<br />

Formulation (split plot),<br />

0.05 6.3<br />

0.01 , N.S.<br />

Treatment (randomized block)<br />

0.05 N.S.<br />

0.01 N.S.<br />

Plant<br />

heights,<br />

inche&-,.<br />

Yield<br />

hulA<br />

Ker~~~Wt.<br />

wt./IOOO,<br />

grame,<br />

J ;<br />

f'" :11<br />

Silvex. proPYlene glycol bV1:ylether esters (commercial form~ation)<br />

lil<br />

lA3 'S7.7 ' 37.3 44.4 35~f:5<br />

11.4 51.7 36.0 30.9 40~ ~<br />

1/2 43.7 34.0 17.2 40.' 6<br />

1 68.7 35.7 14.8 ' 40.58<br />

Av.<br />

",55. 4 ~~.8 26.8;:,39.35<br />

Silvex l<br />

Av.<br />

paraffinic<br />

(EAP~019) ,<br />

5 61' 1/8 1/4<br />

7 1/2<br />

1<br />

8 1<br />

Silvex l<br />

paraf~n1c<br />

(EAP ~020),<br />

~<br />

f6 l 'i~<br />

11 1/2<br />

12 '1<br />

Av.<br />

Check<br />

(13)<br />

carrier containing a slow-breaking emulSic¢ ,<br />

li6~3 37.7 36.8 39.~4<br />

42.~ 35.7 29.0 35.~<br />

53.3 33.0 13.8 39.06<br />

64.7 33.0 7.3 ,40.03<br />

51.6 3:4.8 21.7", 38.42<br />

carriercorttaining a fa~~-breaking emulsfOi,.,<br />

44.0<br />

44.7<br />

41~3<br />

51~7<br />

46.9<br />

48.0<br />

37.3 35.9 39.~~'<br />

35.7 29.0 40.~<br />

32.0 17.0 32.07<br />

33.3 5.3 38.~<br />

34.6 21.8 37.48<br />

.';.;<br />

35·L, 44.5 34,••9;1,<br />

2.9"<br />

N.S.<br />

5.6<br />

8.4<br />

N.ij<br />

N~S:<br />

,U'':<br />

N.S.<br />

N.S.<br />

~.l<br />

•3<br />

1.15<br />

N.S•<br />

N.S. 7.0 2.71<br />

N.S. 9.5 3.94<br />

f .;<br />

*Average of three<br />


~ .....~._<br />

376<br />

, . "".1'&1<br />

'labile 3.. Ili6til7to .ddgr_l,C'a~''''h~t 'r91~bW1ng t%featment!.w~h<br />

J1'fGrmulatleDs~~ ~!S11ve%i·.· q '!", "<br />

... .. ,'-' ··,····· ..-Ino1m;y ·Ratings<br />

" Dog !~_1 Wheat<br />

, ".$~'nd1 u :.v~gor2 "'Sta.nd 1 V:tg6f.!<br />

'f' '1 f<br />

, sf;x~x4J~rrf1:~~c, carrier contairiing a slow-breaking emui~1~n<br />

!fl: ~<br />

. ',~Av. . : "<br />

3.0<br />

·4.6 8.5<br />

10.0<br />

6.5<br />

';0.6<br />

0.0 .<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

Check<br />

(13)<br />

. '.", , . ( f-l. "<br />

*Average or three replications<br />

lBasep on scalE!.q to lO;,?:- no errec,t, 10 -. lb6~ reduCltii6n"6t n<br />

stant!. " ' , ' .<br />

2Based'on sca1~'0 to 10;'0'. no erre~t~<br />

~. r..' .• "<br />

~'_:.<br />

I .<br />

~.._.... ....,<br />

.....<br />

-..­<br />


Table 4.<br />

377<br />

The effects of aevel8.:1 formulations of silvex on tiller<br />

formations, plant" h-eights, yields, and kernel weig1)1;sof<br />

wheat. *, -r I ' .<br />

Treatment<br />

4,;<br />

d<br />

Ra:~~, TlllieJ:!lfj,' Plant, ,;', Yield<br />

1b/A no./2 1 heights, bu/A<br />

inches<br />

Kerne1.Wt.<br />

wt./lOCO<br />

grams<br />

Av.<br />

propylene glycol butyl ether esters (oommercia1 formUlation)<br />

, . 1/8 . 39. 7}-i~ 45.3 J:'22.2 45.4<br />

1/4 34.7·'1 44.0 ," 21.8 47.42<br />

1/2 30~()\ , 43.7') 23.3 48.07<br />

1 30.0 44.0 22.5 47.92<br />

.;33.6 44t~' 22.4 ..' 47.20<br />

Si1vex,- paratf~~ic<br />

(EAP4019)<br />

III ~<br />

Av.<br />

S11vex,- paraffjnic<br />

(EAP4020)<br />

~<br />

16 l i~~<br />

11 1/2<br />

12 1<br />

Av.<br />

Check<br />

(13)<br />

carrie~oontain1ng Sos~~-break1ng emulsion<br />

32.7<br />

33.0<br />

30.7<br />

32.1<br />

·3~.2<br />

carrier containing a fast-breaking emulsion<br />

33.0<br />

33.0<br />

46.0<br />

41.0<br />

47.3<br />

38.2<br />

L.S.D.'S<br />

Formulation (split plot)<br />

0.05 5.1 N.S.<br />

Treatment (randomized block)<br />

0.01 5.3 N.S.<br />

45.3 22.4<br />

44.0 25.9<br />

47.0 27.5<br />

46.3 25.6<br />

45.~ 25.4<br />

45.0 25.8<br />

45.0 29.7<br />

46.0 27.9<br />

45.7 24.6<br />

45.4 27.0<br />

27.4<br />

N.S.<br />

N.S.<br />

46.12<br />

46.12<br />

46.82<br />

47.25<br />

46.94<br />

45.59<br />

47.59<br />

48.37<br />

46.97<br />

N.S.<br />

N. S.<br />

46.58<br />

47.12<br />

*Average of three<br />


378<br />

Ae1m,gw1e:dae!!!ent ..... ,~<br />

. . ".,': ....,- . .' " ~. ,;. . ., ~.> i. '.f ":-:":. -,<br />

T11~ author Wishes to aoknolwedge Dr. Robert H. 'Salvesen of<br />

Esso Researoh and Engineer1~ C_~paNI.1r+p.,~.h.__l)Te,wJ eraey 1'01L~:-, :<br />

,p-repar1ng'andsupplnng'tM-exper:rmental formulations of silveat<br />

and. tOrDow"Chem~~',Compan;y'J;t1QZ"l makingclmRONave.1la.ble for t~~_ "<br />

stUdY"' ..':.: . I.: Jrr,";: ;J:'. ''-~'" :',:f '. ...: ', '<br />

'-~:\ri "",<br />

Referenoes<br />

1. "Iln;oki~·~Th~:'~:t:r·ect~·'·~:~~4_D. 4-(2.4~1~): 2..(2.4-DP) • ,;~~~-<br />

, . ,. , Sllv~f' on whe1!'~\:,~d oats., '~': \: {<br />

Proc., NEWCCl~: ,\266. 1960. /,.(<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

'.£><br />

v '<br />

Ilnicki. R. D.' ·".r<br />

, .'!'he activity of several'substituted benzoio and<br />

pl;\enoxyalkylcar~9JCYUo a9i4~. ~,small, gra.1ns an

,:'<br />



,f',."<br />

Behne, P. W. and Morgan, B. S.<br />

r<br />

In the spring of 1961 CODh1lElrcial type applications of MH~30 were made to highways<br />

in thirteen Eastern andM.:.d..\'1ei9~Eln\ s-'~ates and ct;tiii'da.Tbese spray appUcations<br />

. 1 , Lf,C\:J .:' ,<br />

W'3::,estarted in mid-March in North Carolina and continuod into the Northern Sbates<br />

through June 1.<br />

Four or six pounds of the active material in 50 ga:ii~ns of wr.ter solution' wore<br />

used per acre as the basic mixture in these treatrents,. ~iiSpra.::rs were made on (1) es-<br />

!'! \<br />

ta'lillished grass after it obbafned 3-'lf inehesof new'sPr1Iig growth; (2) established<br />

'( 1<br />

grass mowedto four inches prior to spraying, and (3) estjiblished gr&.ss which was<br />

sprayed and then cut to four inches 7 - 10 days later. fol::"c11"T:".ng al::" three<br />

methods<br />

of sprayir1g l'roperturf manageuent reB1.l,lted in highly fI~tif:lfactory gr-owbh oonnro) .•<br />

,,' .', '..,.!<br />

MH-30 materially reduced or~ in a ~ ct~sea, eliminated.:m6ting. This dependEfcfupon<br />

~ • :' t ~<br />

the par ticular management program in a given area. In'80me instancos the use.of'<br />

.• Ii,:<br />

MH-.30would.Ls~nl'!:jO:Ded1).otUl:n::indm,lS!bets:.ot'l!lOW.ngj :tit'S:pr'llOwing costs_ ,2j 4-Dwas<br />

added at the rate of llb./A:- where1"'b~'I'~,j.:jeaf'we~de, 'WIilr~j lj. problem.<br />

Spray' equi,pm,entJhad·,poeedonec.cf t~" major, prl:itbaeA\S:>l;licoiMtercial'hdg_yr: appli-<br />

. ~,', . . "L' '. " ~ i ' '.<br />

cations, ,eilpeaiani.!lt,the ,hard' t·o:,mbW\areas:which'weri'l!.leo hardto'spraY":br.con.,. ,"<br />

ventional ..spray equipment .', In eooperat1tn':,wi1ih the,F.l!il~ lIb'ersJmdBroe.· Oo-li

380 I ',,'iei:[f If ,;f<br />

'l't ')eI4EMic~J9'bON'J,~:eJb\,)~~~A¥lGN1~_~~NNSTLV1aNiA J<br />

. ,'(:~ J)r:,J"J:', T~:;;)'!':·':1ifJ')_O;;:)CJj~\JJC'~J.~9~_.p. "':!~"d:\tw ~'~:':~\,':"':.-','~', ,:.j ~t~'~'~ (\ "<br />

,L :;±':l)lI'bl~wm".,fIe~tJlii!p~d.Ut'~ht!qp~FPQ81:1:,' ,<br />

7" ~"Jr~J1.1~~i~i ~"Jv~ii~g~~Jja~;;'~A'\l'.a f~o~'tia~·t~q~~ce f~r bru~b caiii~ii if')<br />

,',J . :,~ ;-::;' .. i ,r .• ,·:f:"~F' "j,-: '" (,,~I-,~i':~,t,~.

4. Undesirable dead stem.,lio not remain on-rigbt.of.way. Contrary<br />

to some popular opinion we find dead stem. remain in lines for two<br />

to three years and may cause considerable trouble in communicationline<br />

.. particularly in wet weather or tif,*bey are ·covered with<br />

vines. . ''j,:' I ,<br />

381<br />

1<br />

We do not U88 dormant apr"y,metbods. M~•• !01 our railroad can be'<br />

sprayed with D&tT and Where ornamentals or crops are present on adjacent<br />

properties they are treated wi~b Anunate. . .!<br />

.,c'<br />

We dO not make generallJ.'''' granlliarbru.~control chemical •• ince.<br />

we have found them to be not tqo,.f"ctive at ec

382<br />

Chemlcal.control ofMUlad .vegetation: ,oniSlIo\J1.der Areas of Main<br />

',Track.:,: ,;,'" ,,'.;, ; B"f ,':''''~':lo 'I.'"<br />

Our'purpose l;leJle'tato ~I:ItJDr retard,tbe .illlJwtbof all vegetation in<br />

an area extending eight to ten feet from the ballut border. Thi .. treatment<br />

should be desiined to improve tbe appearance of the railroad and maintaiJll<br />

track ,drmnap Dy'preventing 'e'licr~meDtof veg."UIdrltnto ballast.<br />

. :~;'l,'l";. :', .,.-, "Ie ~'l ,·;"t.~lr;·-r..: '. ::?:i<br />

Unfortunately we know of nos'ingle chfimi'deflWMch wiU effectlvety ,<br />

control ~he wide spectrum of vegetation found in shwlder areas. Varioul<br />

chemicumixtul'e.Sha ... been u.. asiftthout .ueceJ.'~IW''ri'a.onable cost. MOlt<br />

of thea.mixCaru·'COI1t"ht,acoti&R:tJknler'to redu'e.'ieg.tation to a. pre..;.~rJence<br />

state. a iJoil',ete.Uaftt tG,contt'df ;Haies and, millit 'ah'uals and ,a hormone' "<br />

matelJ'lcl 'to let '~oodt' pliante aad 'Il\oO*.'alea'ts. ' ;,0 b" , . r: '<br />

" We, hav.;I1iJ~:coatact iimrla10n sbouldeil'-lt14~"'bul: satisfactory .<br />

resultl r84uiN ,UpOcJ'th.e. appU~hl peT Year t~~;8nt'''areae and the, t.~t~(<br />

coat :applied t~ cOJnPanble'to tbat'/6f i a.good co~bl~~ti tteatment whiC~:~~n<br />

give lealOll cofttre1~th' onlnlplftfc.ar~n. ,,' ~,.i ; >''',<br />

.' " ~~.' :', \' ,',I " '{d J.~,!),;.' ,~;t:,etC'.~).' .. I.",<br />

We have also tried"eyli&A4l\C'ldl'llil"s :whlcb'\fb'generally more etf~~'.<br />

tive than contact killers. but which do not give a lO~ J.li'~' even with two<br />

applications per year.,,-<br />

.. ,. Here again we'a1'e in'nee:a'b'fsomethinS~IW;:'l chemicalor mbf,~r~"<br />

of chemicall which will p'i'ovidetCbm:~lete control of )ihoulder vegetation at a<br />

COlt of $ZO per acre or leu would be mOlt desir~b1eJ . .<br />

.' ;.: ;' _.~::' .";',r' t:,' ·.i > -~ 1., \'<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>Contl'ol<br />

¢<br />

on TrackandiShoulderA.rea~'~ Branch<br />

dH l L! ,Y'<br />

Lines<br />

.<br />

OU; purpouhel'e 'i8 t(H~.td growth or!r.ii\lc~ population of ~~~d.'<br />

in the track ItructUl"e and on shoulder,S over a totalwidtb of 16 to ZOfeet.<br />

Syltemic and i<br />

chemicai;~c;;:~:~~:ot:;>~~~;~:~:~:t:~:; ·:~lt~~s:a;:r·i~~:t:':::.~n<br />

we have beentestini weed control ,cn,e~ical~ sin,,,~~,ll~~LO~r proceclure is<br />

:a~~~i~~I~:l::~~:~l:~a~J~~':a~~ ;:;.:I1:r;~:!~~~~I::~:·1a;::~~:,'

areas under service conditionsa~ various poiute o!W,the system. Those which<br />

perform satisfactorily here are usually approved for general use.<br />

Conclusion<br />

.~<br />

Vegetation problems f.. ~~ ~y railroads ar".generally well kno_ to<br />

suppliers andmanufac~uren of",e~4 control chemil;al.. The ever increUiug<br />

number of weed control chemiclf.\8 ,nd comp.ounds on the market are evidence<br />

of their interest iu solving the •• pr,4>blem8. Use of iJDproved applicatiol1:<br />

techniques a.nd moreeconomical.elective use of a~.ilab1e chemicals will:<br />

help us to reduce our costs, b\lt~e,ultimate in we~ and brush control wUI<br />

not be achieved on the Pennsylva"aiaRailroad until ~w.r cost, more unive!'­<br />

sally effective chemicals are available for use on a large scale.<br />


R. R. Cunderson l<br />

I could discuu the hie tory and the many virtues of the Western·<br />

Maryland Railway Company at.relit length., be'cai1Wtllm a member of a<br />

team'that has tremendous pride' In' ~u'r property.' H6We1ver, I fee I sure cbat<br />

1<br />

each of ,you are famttiar withwfllitT'biight uyalOq tlut line. I will ther*·'<br />

fore confine my comft*nts to on.<br />

i<br />

of· the probleins'thit i8 of particular i~rest<br />

to this group. OM· that many of u.'_hare. Spe~ineslY, I will o~tUneou:t~roblem<br />

of controlling weed., gra .. aa4:bru*h, on'our"i'operties, ourobjeetive<br />

in this regard, and what we ar4H:lomg about the prcMeM. ' " I..<br />

I ~i ; r., \(<br />

Our railroad originates, historically, in the tidewater area of the<br />

great seaport of Baltimore, Maryland. Physiographically, our line traverses<br />

the Piedmont area of central Maryland, cro .. es the Blue Ridge range of the<br />

Appalachian Mountains and down through the South Branch Valley, an extension<br />

of the Shenandoah Valley, westward thru Hagerstown, Maryland. We then<br />

follow the Potomac River to Cumberland, Maryland, and its North Branch to<br />

the headwaters, crossing the Allegany Mountainl and then following the Welt<br />

slope of thil range thru E;lkinl, West Virginia, into the extenlive coal fields<br />

to Weblter Springs and to Durbin, West Virginia. Our main line, weltward,<br />

at Cumberland, pauel thru one of the natural gaps thru the mountain range<br />

and climbl the East slope of the Allegany mountains for approximately twenty<br />

miles. Croseing thil range, we dowly drop down the Weltern Slope of thele<br />

mountains, following the Casselman and then the Youghiogheny Rivers, to<br />

Connelliville, Pennlylvania. We vary in elevations from plus 4 at Baltimore<br />

to 4,067, which, I believe, ie the highelt elevation reached by a Clase I<br />

railroad east of the Mi8liseippl River. I thul delcribe the areas on our lines<br />

merely to accentuate the variety encountered on our relatively small property.<br />

The weed, grass and brulh probleml are almolt as varied al the physiographic<br />

areas.<br />

Climatic conditions are very favorable to plant life _ temperatures are<br />

moderate and rainfall is plentiful. Average annual temperature is in the mid.<br />

fifties, and annual rainfall varies from 35 to 43 lnches. Snowfall il heavy in<br />

many areas, providing good protectlon to many dormant plants and seedl We<br />

have abundant sunlhine and right at the height of the growing seal on, the 'month<br />

of August, we allo have our wettelt month. These conditions produce excel.<br />

lent farm cropl and fruit, but are not helpful in our effortl to control growth<br />

of vegetation.<br />

IEngineer Maintenance of Way, Western Maryland Railway Company

We ,prpbablyhave no speeie of g~owth tha:t:i'''i'ecullar to our raitzfoad,<br />

but we lUre have variety. We h..... ''1~me spots of:blUei. bermuda, and crab<br />

graUthat would be welcome in 1iD.. t'bome yards.'ltWe alsohave quack,lWitch,<br />

brame, wheat gran.s, and foxt.i~,il 'we haul lal'se'~ntities of all commili'­<br />

cialgrainsand leakage from car. adds to out" pro1dlm; particularly in "'rds<br />

and the storage tracks at tbe elevators. Three .pea'le. of weeds are a pirticular<br />

problem; namely, bouncfla'llbet, tnilkweed~f!.nl:i horsetail, Many'e"reeping<br />

varieties wait outside the collift'Ot pattern and tUn eome in as soon atl:'Other<br />

resistance bas been knocked down. Sumac, sassafras, wild cherry, locust,<br />

are some of the more rapid growt1l,i ..'peeies that'~me a hazard to our signal<br />

and communication wires and to ri"onat road cr0t'81ngs. I I<br />

'nt. )i, ,.<br />

I have brieny outlinedthepllysiographic ana{eUmatic conditions ~J1 .<br />

our properties and some of the' preblem growth that~we encounter. I do not<br />

wish to leave the impreuion that wetaccept all of tiK. in resignation. On'the<br />

contrary. we hav e,, what we think:' to- be, reasonalHylg'OOd control of weed.,<br />

grasses, and brush, on our railroad. I can saYI with reasonable assu~~e,<br />

that we have close to 90% control of the .•~ problems. We do not have complete<br />

control - and it is entirely pos.ibl.:'that we neve'r ~lU reach this stage.<br />

:1'<br />

Previous to 1951, we prcWidea our tnen with'lh.nd scythes, brush hooks,<br />

and a couple of rather crude W86'd burning machin"'; At that time we were<br />

paying our trackmen a basic rat.(~f:$l. 39 perhout{! We could then spa~ men<br />

to cut down' special problem are .. and, after the oeIler work was layed b¥.they<br />

could be used to clear right-of-""""" I think, in altt'airneas, that we d1d.<br />

rather complete job - but it was'latways a case of.dllng an existing .i~t1on,<br />

and we accepted the fact that regl'owth would occul'ftbe'following year, or'years.<br />

As wage rates crept, or leaped, upward, we soonlO

3~<br />

own,.root.g~p~ ~f'!f.•. tl1e:p~_,p•..j. completaly-killedand.· ina matter<br />

of fQur or fiy. ~.r!lJ ~Qi. new ~,,*._rnande athlUi-. Other .pecie'i1&J'e<br />

. genera,Uy '.lower ia their neeet~o par.tilcola1fty thole that de'VIe'"<br />

fro!P:· ••• c:l.1.~l'~.II" .... ,i~colN,ts,;~'.pro.bl cm.Ob prop.rly. We CQaItmt<br />

o~r bru.h ~9#tl'ol.prmi ..,ily JO'~""'P.1telUl. area"'wedonotpaymllC~at.<br />

tentlon to~ru.b ,~•• whe,r•• ~tn."".J'••1lrlct.vl.iOlll_tlae vicinity of .i •• b<br />

or &;t r o!,d cr.oa,.,iQa.. qr ~~'II,\i'H,.uIQ 1:l:outlitut4," ~a~ d to etructurq_.<br />

bulldJDSIl. I w.nl;dl.,f,c:~••. boWcwtl""'d~the•• ,.:it"'i ..... a biMatet'.: ii"<br />

• " • l :-:!{~,;:..:, ',:~i~-< ..1",: t~:·r ·:-;:::lP.L<br />

Shortly af~r we tl'8J.ttUU.r,_ with .c;beznLi:.at,we ,made,our flrat.lWforts<br />

to control weed. and. gr~.'" 'f'\~A8~9~rnendedt.zftica1.~ ..Our first· :bleatment<br />

consisted of two balic ch.mica11. One wa. an average of four poundl<br />

of 78folfl~Di.ch1~o.propioni(); ~w..~ums.u.. .. tt.Jgal1011 of coocenttate<br />

solution. T~ot~r .wa. on.an."..~.,tbie.quWJd•• t._four. pounda'O( H.:'<br />

Dl&clUoroptut~oxyac.t~ac:.id peJ'l._~n. The •• ee .... l'ate mix .. we're '~.'<br />

1utedin.~a~er: at~. I'aw, of lt~k~ ~d Ito 100 r•• ,.ctiv.ly:. and applie-cl1doag<br />

theri&ht.o~.waY;AAd·U1 ~rdS,\ .nr., , . . ·1iY'

control. At the end of the third year we omitted tr.atment between the ralls<br />

in one yard and regrowth becameve~y evident. wti thereby assume that Ithe<br />

sterllent prOpertysbollld be continlied each year htorder to maintain cOdtrol<br />

and, to date. we are following that practice. 1 do not want to imply that the<br />

material that we use is the only o~ that will produ~ip ~~sults - 1 only report<br />

what we have obtained.<br />

'.'<br />

'C:'><br />

..u<br />

387<br />

.' ,. ..' .;'., . ,,' c·' T<br />

The'good ruultsthat we qbtained from use Of drY chemicals in yards<br />

led to furth~'r.,a~Pt.te..atlotl.,s •... · We' d., ~s,~.i:.l.bute,thll, marte .•. :r.;".ia,~. around signals", ,,~o.ne<br />

booths, relay-boxes a~d power ,wif~,~,macJ1ine •• b~ndlpgs. fuel tanks, ~~<br />

beneathsor:ne bJi'idge structures.':!., also have distributed material ben8!~th,<br />

pole lines that are not a~ceUlbfe,flom track. 111" tli\s ease a small handf~; of<br />

material placed tna pn~at the 'ba•• of larger gro~~ will shortly remov,\tl\at<br />

problem; You are aware that sol1..,.terilent type n\&~er,ials are rather ~on~<br />

selective and that' care ~ust be:exe~cised in their,~:~~o as not, to dama~:<br />

growth adjoining your properties,., However. we hare l.iand applled matel1ials<br />

without harming apple and peacli'trees that were leeil than fifty feet away. We<br />

have shared in:payi,~ claims af,ter~sing liquid ~.r~~h k~llers. but we l1ave had<br />

no claims resulting'tre>m dry chemicals. 1 mlghq~ention one intere!lt~.complaint<br />

that has resulted from our us.e; of dry chemic"ls and this was in the<br />

vicinity of our grl..in elevator in~~lt.tmore. <strong>Weed</strong> growth was rather lux\l:­<br />

riant in thi* area and ra~sfoUl1,dBo~dharbor. The~o,wth was ellminateji.<br />

the rat population substantlally:?{creaeed, and thF,lI'mQVed further away for<br />

harbor, many of them off our property. I'<br />

. 1 have diverted from my,t'i.rfJ menUonof we:fld and grass control within<br />

thebeI'm s.ctlonalol1,g our lineol r;oad. Our initifJrm.thod of control w~s<br />

repeated the secondyea~ and ouroyerall results ~e still spotty, generia~ly<br />

good, 'but with discouraging effect lolponseveral a~~s. The following ye~r we<br />

added a thir~ cheJPic::al to our prev:iplol8 mix, namely,. Baron. 1 wanted to avoid<br />

use of any trade names, butthech.mical terms loriAis product are too "pauch.<br />

This was adde,1i at the rate of fOl.lf po,unds acid equly~1ent per gallon of concel1,­<br />

trate and diluted at the rate of? 5,.,.,1l0ns of water~f This total combinatiqn<br />

produced milch be~ter results b4!t ~ appropriatiol1,~,..a. not sufficient to,4over<br />

the entire railr,oad a1)d we lost,onse. of 01&1' previo~ cQlltrol in these un~~.ated<br />

locations. ,The following year 1lVeJ;'~verted to our i,l:tial program but 1&8814 an<br />

aromatic 0\1 in ,s,o,me of pur le~JII. b;'o\lblesome are~,,, This oll was fortif~p<br />

with rather small quantities of pe~chorophenola1l4 of Z,4-D. We were able<br />

to hold the degree of control that we had developed but there was real room<br />

.for improvement .• ,Early in thi'p'~r we had an in~fl ..ting e~perience.<br />

I' .,., . ,,', " "j, ,'l ,- ,<br />

One, of, the ~anufacturer. ,o!l;Iasic IlhemicaJ.f.;koew of our attempt~o<br />

maintain a planned contr,ol program." We were askefl.to set aside 80me ail'"a.<br />

of our most severe problems an,djc'ooperate with~~r research depart~nt in<br />

test appl~atioDofvarious produ

388<br />

amo~~s.ofte"" :re'I,\Ui~~~om ~!~~~~P.~Y 'pilot, P~t,,~:Pl\' We Mted fz:~<br />

these, testa~p~~(:~tiO~l'.~hat t~e b~~~,~~~c:~It.)(.c:;:Mqlf .v~,~i~~m\Yi904-:,<br />

re'l,\l~s,~, ,','I'b,ts~eVel~ed i",to a1-';~~ 9~r;e.'pJ).~ClJup,~qB-J;~m ~ follo~~.. ,<br />

year. " ,1 .e: "',, ""l;:, ~:;iwd.rc':i ';, ." "\,<br />

" 'i ./1". '~ ~_'"" ,"._ ,;'flllIj'.)! j,',. (,"'::, "en,9d: ~~:- ::,,,., :J-l'~ '?i Ị<br />

Our first use of CMU as our principal control che,w~"l'llas 4~ne,~, ..<br />

conjunction with the same aromatic oil previously tried, except that it was<br />

further fortified with Z,4-D. The oil "I'as ..ppll~d, ~",~. rate of 2.0 aa~lens<br />

pet a~re, o~e ,galt~n oI'Z; 4-0,p'~i~r'~I'j:.~d 'tAe',~¢~l!';",~' vM~~ in ~,t•.·,ra~ "<br />

of applica~io~. T~, ci~sai~ .of:C~'tL}f~tt~~:(r~)I~ 10,!,~drZO po~,~\a~r a~Jl~' ,<br />

This .e~~e~:nt~ation '-~.'J ~~lec.ted'\).ydl1)e.•~v~ti,on.9t~M~Wt, p1,o~... ani;l,wit~,~...<br />

sidera!lon ~t.the 4e~~itY; of ~z:o~tR:A:;t~js}r~at~R~rJ=,I,a.J?p'li~.d,earlY ~JjUM,r.<br />

The ~n~tia1 top ~mr ~ t~~ ~l1'wa~"V$l,rl.:iOQd, "a'.,I1~""l,s ~d. ra~~8.l1 ~or~.d.r9~ .<br />

very favorably; ~n·tri.~,;mittl.Di t~•. ".lf~e~Hn,tq. thA;tf:PY-!"Y'{eexpe,rien~AA:,~<br />

beat control'l:hat we ~ver had - .~,~~, :~er~ effe,ctlr,jlcli0~trqlled, ev"n J<br />

t~Jllhe<br />

i;liffic~lt bouncing bet. Gran ... ,were ~•• Q contro\\O~tJl.~lfCfl~t ~n,."oe u~a"'t<br />

continue. t6 be a p~~blein to u.,') ..~jf~,'our ~~~~t~.~ PrjpIl4.· •.· .~ ,. ,<br />

, " 'r~e tr~at~~nt~at IhaY(Q~~e~lLbOv~:~~; ~rsjjeu.~~~f~,J1l1.ve ,~~~cs-,<br />

for the,lJu't t~w ye~~ejand wa.,:':*'~d}I\£llyear· ..•9u~rtC~tro',h,a,...beeno9.7 hrr<br />

served by otane ou~.t'd.e our Cotrl1>anl:.~~d: i~~C;i:.e;P!"'fa, i1?eini,good. W'~j;,'<br />

8 .. ~~t.wi. t.~l'.n.. 0.. l1t~.~r.II..Y..p..au~.~~. r....<br />

' ,,<br />

~~ L '.'<br />

have ver Y.li;tt1e,.b. 011.*,.,.Cift.<br />

?f.,i.1. k.••.. weed c..on.tin,u.<br />

to growbuHHs .tunted'and doe~ DotCh~'adup. Ji~~~r~.~t;lDOW h~~,e~pql~ ,<br />

of horsetail although we are hopefut tttat 'the ~h~ft,1il:'tt ~eveJ1tua~l! g~t d,~~:<br />

to these roots too. . ..,l) . ,<br />

'C~Udoeiinot:kfiep seve~"t '~Cie:. of81'a8i.n~1it of' ~esp~a.y p~t.t~.r~<br />

in theprobletti'a'rell that. ImefttlBliei£'" Soil'in tbi •• :fxijo~lle 'area does ·not,·1.<br />

retab, the .tntlenti'ch.m'ica1' DeW~ai s'u'rface a.utMie'\\hime to.now ¥ttlon:<br />

on the roote of' th4f'1"••e. ,a1thJulh'lt'd6'eske~p' do.jft·tli~gene'ral\V.ed'ptob~<br />

1em within the.pray ~elrn; 'rMi yjar -.\>etreated 18is !itob\~ma.rea dilff,r - '<br />

ent than the :i'&stOf·Our 1ineil,'trj{ij1iodium 'trl:cblt?l'~cC!ta~e it .ixpol1nde.'p.~<br />

galloll. "dUate'd 4inwater.. I bavewatafie'd tbb al'eacl'olely attdIatrl.• ttlih~"':"<br />

fu1 that we .will fhtcfw()me .ris\Wl"tb.l wiUbe' ec-onb1mc'allyleaiibl&; I Seve....i'<br />

::~e::~~:::n~~a~~a:~~:~~il~:et::fct*i:~~;~r::~tia:\i{~':~D~ ;<br />

prod\icnt\aH"~d;lt!t~~t' iii thi~."a.-. t!~:.an.~... ~t.t8.:.~tim~t,i~~.,.:eff~c..tiV.·,e'~it..~~.F.~J.'<br />

'II.:.'."<br />

test plot v: We 'HtJPew.'Can get a fait'fntr tu'tof thi,_ ri\ll~rial thi. comins~",<br />

but, at the prh'ent tlme, it iandti:trifime'rd ..ttyani~te. :. " .. :, _',<br />

; -';- '-,'. .: ,_,,~>1 ",'?' ~:.J;I;', .;~').: ;.:",-, • ',1 • ,11..:'.',<br />

OurGomp.1lYri~eived scririe tjifiblh:ity in t95lcJ~~D'~e J'Clinedwitla: 1 W.'<br />

DuPont ComPlLny in a teet applic~!i~n of d~y cbe~i~ale_ ffo.~ II.he1iC,op~t· i<br />

Dybar Ferlu1"okt, i1lpeU~tform, Wi. kfepoette d o,"er .:1feU'mt1. , uedpn ot ()_~!<br />

raildld It Ift-ate'of Sa'pOUnds peraere' mUe, aM'edai't~c!to'aboutat6;)f()Dl,!q<br />

wide area beneath our:'pole' line. i i 'Thill wasapp 1ted. ijf~Ch of,ttiat ,year,' ... ~ ,<br />

we had~l()\ihibrmalrai'rdal1 until'k80Ut'ih June; TWlotrtlbalgrow'tband"''1'Ii .<br />

',,( .i . • Of'" ": ',,'j" d" .' J '10 ::,'1,., '. '. ,- 1 .:; • :'r,.)'., t ' "<br />


initial defoliation was evident late in July on sumac, wild cherry, and locust<br />

in the treated area. We also obtat:ned considerableir~S8 kill and good ,ffect<br />

upon most weeds,<br />

This experiment was c~ted to give uS..~ look at a new tool fo~<br />

application and it was our conel.albn that accura.teccontrol of pattern and<br />

concentration was obtained. The tool is fast and is not hindered by traitlc.<br />

The payload capadty is rather' •• 11 and loglstics\lecome a problem. We<br />

have not furthered our use of thtstool, but several other railroads have done<br />

so.<br />

I have trouble pronouncing some of the names of chemicals that we<br />

deal with and my ability to posiUv.ly identify a s~tie of plant is ratbetlim­<br />

Ite d, This is a highly specializji:Uield and the problem is only one of many<br />

that we have in our everyday work of maintaining a railroad property, But<br />

it is an important problem, and * that cannot be ignored.<br />

389<br />

-<br />

I, for one, do not expe;t,perrect control -c'omplete elimination of all<br />

plant life within a,reas that we trea,t. I even questl,n whether such an ~d<br />

development would be morally gQOd - it might con~~vably be come anot.r<br />

cold war weapon and potentially, DJOn dangeroul tban any prelently known. I<br />

think most of us will accept a ci)nkol that keeps down objectionable weeas and<br />

tall growing grallel. We need to keep growth out of the ballast section beneath<br />

our track •• o'that drainaSln. not blocked, Vie want surface drai!age<br />

to get out of the ballast section and into our drain':,. ditches. We want,"<br />

sufficient grQwth,preferably of the low growing typ. that has good root., so<br />

that the slopes of our cuts and fill~.do not erode a~ay; The modern highway<br />

letl a good example. but we do not,.have their acce,. to tax dollars to pe~mit<br />

us to have oUr rljht of way look like a continuous -park. We mUlt have 'control<br />

at a price that we can afford to pay. I do not question that we could obt~in the<br />

ideal results by using chemicals that are available today, but it would take so<br />

many different o~I,and luchqu.nt~ties, that we cannot presently afford the<br />

ideal. We remain hopeful th.at t~re may be so~ ,all-purpose chemica,\ tn<br />

lome laboratory that will permit.o!&r<br />

• .<br />

objectives ~ remain<br />

,<br />

within ourpuclgets<br />

I<br />

.<br />

So, in avery real sense, we are dependent upon relearch that is ,being<br />

carried forward.; We want to cooperate with thelepeople and we admire their<br />

high standardl, both as individuals and al companles. I value my auoclation<br />

with sales representatives in thtsfleld because th4t..'yare knowledgeable !gentlemen<br />

and keep UI all informed ofd~velopments -: ~~ind them very patienr :wlth<br />

people like myself and I thinktbey give me honestaDlwere - it remainsi up to<br />

me to properly weigh their entm.8ialm for their productl. I value the advice,<br />

the concern for our problem, the cooperation and the follow-up lervice.,that<br />

we receive from those, who apply our control program. I particularly appreciate<br />

being here today because I feel sure I will ~.oaden my underetanding of<br />

thil problem, and take away far more than I have 'eontributed. Thank you for<br />

your kind attention.

J ..... ') .<br />

Three' Y~ar :Summary oi'tl'l~ "C:Oillparlsonot f tertailiHerbloldei'i<br />

for Guide Rail So11 Sterilization in Connectiout ';' n..<br />

E. F. Button;.' Agronom1stL'am>l,Kees'iPothar~wM.ter1als TedlUlie1an .<br />

. ,ConnectieU~t&tat9,Highway c!).eputment '<br />

., . . ,


In 1958 an experiment was designed to evaluate the weed.<br />

killing efficiency of two soil sterilants,diuron and simaziqe,<br />

and to determine the relative extent of sU1"face washing after<br />

application. No bi tumencove:r was used on'plots. 1<br />


Diur.on and simazine were each compared at 10, 16, 32 anct64<br />

pounds active material per acre in 10 square-foot plots established<br />

on sloping areas. Four replications of each rate were made,<br />

with two replicates at one location and the other two each at<br />

different locations. The treatments were applied on September 30,<br />

1958. . . .<br />

The plots were evaluated for vegetative control and downslope<br />

damage outside the plot one year after application<br />

(October 8, 1959). Vegetative control was rated as zero for no<br />

effective control to 10 for complete weed control. Down-s;lope<br />

damage was recorded as the number of feet below plots showing kill<br />

of weeds. Ratings were made in October 1959, July 1960 and<br />

August 1961. .<br />

Table I: Amount of Diuron and Simazine Applied Per Acre on<br />

Roadside Slopes in Central Connecticut<br />

(September 30, 1958)<br />

391<br />

Lbs.<br />

Lbs.<br />

Treatment Lbs. Commercial Treatment ' . Lbs. Commercial<br />

No. Active Product No. Active Product<br />

D10 10 12.5 SlO 10 20.0<br />

D16 16 20.0 816 16 32.0<br />

D32 32 40.0 S32 32 64.0<br />

D64 64 80.0 864, 64 128.0<br />

\<br />

*As "Karmex" diuron weed killer (80 per cent diuron wettable., .<br />

powder).<br />

**As "8imazine" 50-W (50 per cent simazine wettable powder).<br />

Ten square-foot plots, four replications ot·each treatment.Replications<br />

at three locations accentuated degree of slope and type<br />

of watershed for the plots.<br />

REPLICATESI & II - GlastonburY Route 17. Plots 2x5 feet across<br />

the slope. Top of plots eight fee·t below guide rail cables of<br />

fill slope. Manchester gravelly loamy sand, 35 per cent slope.<br />

Growth at time of application was a sparse cover of sandbur, red<br />

fescues, equisetum, tall fescues, some brambles, and broadleaf

392<br />

REPLICATEIII - Portland Route 6A, near intersection of Route 17.<br />

Plots, 2x5 feet, across an e~avated slope, about 10 feet from<br />

the pavement shoulder. Gr~b at time of ' 'toPplication was .8 dense<br />

cover of chiefly red fescues,. some .bl\legras~, some milkweed ~d<br />

equisetum,and a few small,b:tJ'~b:l.es •. ~alles'ter gravel under, the<br />

plots; Manchestergravelly~o,amy sand ab9~!the plots. Slop,<br />

under plots about 25 per cent and above plots about 40 per cent,<br />

length of slope above plots about 50 feet ..,<br />

REPLICATiIV-Columbia, in~~rseotion pi ~ute 6 and 6A. Plots<br />

(about 3.2x3.2feet) about 10 feet from edge of pavement sho1j1lder<br />

on a gentle slope (5 to 10pe.r cent) ~.No q~rb at edge of I'0$.dso<br />

pavement w.atershedcould run. across the!p1~ts. Hinckley.sanelY<br />

Loam, well draiJ?Bd under .t~e :;plots. ..GroW:1{hq~ location a la~n..<br />

like texture, composed of bluegrass and fescues, with someb.nts.<br />

FIELD DATA ,,,"IT<br />

195~·~·· 1960 - *961: 1<br />

Table II: <strong>Weed</strong> Control Ratings in Pld"ts One Year<br />

Arter Treatmant (October8 f 1959)<br />

Treatment Replicates i<br />

No. t II" III .. IV<br />

D10 Grasses 9.5 a.5 9.0 5.5<br />

Broadleaves 6.0 5.0 7.0 10.0<br />

SlO Grasses 3.0 7.0 6.5 5.5<br />

Broadleaves 4.0 " ·-·!fyO . 5.0 -10.0<br />

D16 Grasses 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0<br />

.. Broadleaves . 8.0 8.0 6.5· ·lQ.O<br />

'816 Grasses 4.0 7.5 10.0 9.0<br />

Broadleaves 7.5 8.0 9.0 9.0<br />

Variation due to material rates significant at 0.1 per cent level.<br />

Variation due to material source not significant. Variation due<br />

to replic~tion not significant for grasses, but significant ~t<br />

five P13r cent level for broadleaves.<br />

Applications of 32 and 64 {)ounds active for both products showed<br />

complete sterilization (10) of both grasses and broadleavesln<br />

all plots. Note: Nonsignif1cance is here£h meant as below tpe<br />

20 per cent level. .<br />

Tab].e lit: One Year Measurement of Damaged Area Below<br />

Plots as the Number of Feetof Killed Vegetation<br />

(October 8,1959) .

Replicates DlO 810<br />

I 2.0 0.5<br />

II 1.5 1.0<br />

III 0.5 0.5<br />

IV 0.5 0.5<br />

Treatments<br />

3.0<br />

2.,<br />

1.0<br />

1.0<br />

0.5<br />

1.0<br />

0.,<br />

7.0<br />

Above 'Dama~ Area<br />

3., 1.5<br />

1+.; 1.0<br />

2.,· 2.0<br />

9.0' 6.0<br />

7.0<br />

7.0<br />

3.0<br />

10.0<br />

Variation due to material soti~be not signif1pant; due to replication<br />

significant at five per.cent level; and due to material,<br />

rates significant at 0.1 per cent level.<br />

Replicates<br />

I<br />

II<br />

III<br />

IV<br />

Table IV: One Year Sterilization Ratirl$s for Grass in<br />

Damaged Area Below Plots as !Designated in<br />

Table III ,;<br />

!2lQ<br />

8.,<br />

8.,<br />

10.0<br />

: 5.5<br />

SlO<br />

4.0<br />

7.0<br />

6.0<br />

9.0<br />

Treatments<br />

Above Damaged Area<br />

393<br />

MEt<br />

1.5<br />

1.0<br />

2.0<br />

8.0<br />

s64<br />

8.5<br />

10.0<br />

9.0<br />

5.5<br />

Variation due to material source not significant; due to replication<br />

significant at five per cent level; and due to material rates<br />

not significant. .<br />

Table V: One Year Sterilization Ratings for Broadleaf .•<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>s in Damaged Area Below Plots as Designated<br />

in Table III<br />

Treatments Above Damaged Area<br />

Replicates DlO 810 Dl6 S16 D32 S32 D64<br />

··s64<br />

I 5.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 5.0 10.0 8.0 8.,<br />

II 5.0 7.0 8.0' 7.0 7.0 10.0 6.0 10.0<br />

III 7.0 6.0 6., 7.0 9., 7.0 10.0 9.0<br />

IV 10.0 9.0 9., 4.0 6.7 4.5 7.0 5.5<br />

.<br />

Variation due to replication and material sq~rce and material<br />

rates not significant.<br />

Table VI: Second Year Sterilization R~tings for Vegetatilon<br />

in Plots (July 1960) .<br />

Treatment!3<br />

Replicates ID:Q §1Q D16 816 !2.35. 832 D64<br />

I<br />

6 7 6 9 9 9.5 9.,<br />

II 6 8 7 8 8 10 10<br />

~<br />

TTT "i' "i'."i' R ? ? q q.q q.q<br />


394<br />

Variation due to replicatio:q ap.d materi.al source not significant;<br />

va~1at1ondue to Illaterial rat~lI verYh1'glU1~:j!1gnif1cant at th~,.<br />

0.1 per cent level. ., .... ...<br />

Table VII: . Second Year M~asurement ot,~amaged Area Below<br />

Plots as the'~umber of Feet of Bare 80il<br />

(July 1960)' , .<br />

,nft;eatments AboD',Damaged Area 1+<br />

1<br />

86 4<br />

Replicates ID.Q 810 .' 816 zsa aaa D6<br />

I 0 0 1 1 2.5 2 6 4<br />

II 0 0 I, 1 1 •.5, 1.5 3 3<br />

III 0 0 0 0 0<br />

I· 0 0.5 0.5<br />

IV 0 0 0 0 ~.' .. ". 1 6.5 6<br />

Variation due to replicatio~sj.gnifican.t at the 5 per cent level;<br />

due to mate'rial' source not 's'1gnificant; diiEi:'"t¢liiaterial rates very<br />

highly significant at the O.lper cent lever; ... .<br />

.) .<br />

.'Table VIII: Third Year Sterilization Ratings for Vegetation<br />

'IIi'"15Iots (August 1961) "-.<br />

TreatmeE!!<br />

Replicates m.Q 810. !>16 816. D ... .. ~ D64 ,m<br />

I 0 1 2 3<br />

6"; 8 8 8<br />

II 1 0 0 1 2<br />

8 7<br />

III 0 0 8 . 6 6, ~ 8 9<br />

IV 3 3.5 6 5 9'· 8 1 0<br />

L<br />

Variation due to replication and material source not significant;<br />

variation due ,to material r.ate.~ significant at the 5 per cent<br />

level. .... . ., .. ..<br />

Table IX: Thir~ Year Mea$~rement of p~aged Area Below Plots<br />

as t e Numberpf Feet of ~:r~ Soil (August 1961)<br />

Treatment Aboveppaged Area<br />

D64 s64<br />

Replicates ill.Q SlO 016 S16 ~ ~<br />

I 0 0 0 0 1 . 0.5' 3 1.5<br />

II 0 0 0 0 1 1 1.5 1<br />

III 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

IV 0 0 0 0 ,1/' 1 0 0<br />

Variation due to rep'licati9J:l',material source and material rates<br />

not significan~;


One Year After Application (1959):<br />

395<br />

Observations one year after treatment showed a high degree of<br />

weed control but some weeds, broadleaves in particular, were present<br />

in many of the plots. There was regrowth of some grasses<br />

such as sandbur and crabgrass (shallow roots), and of broadleaf<br />

species such a Linaria, Stellaris, Lepidium and Chenopodium within<br />

the plots at the lower two rates. Living plants of equisetum<br />

were found in both the diuron and simazine plots, except at the<br />

two higher rates.<br />

I<br />

Eliminating the two higher rates in which weed control was<br />

so complete as to show no differences, the data shows diuron t¢<br />

be appreciably more effective than simazine on grasses, and equal<br />

to or slightly more effective than simazine against broadleaf<br />

weeds (Table II). In fact, on grasses, 10 pounds of diuron usually<br />

performed as well as 16 pounds of simazine (Tables II and IV).<br />

Thus, these tests indicate that the first year diuron gives more<br />

effective weed control than simazine on an equal active ingredient<br />

basis. As the rate of application increases above the minimum<br />

required for complete kill, differences in the materials are not<br />

evident.<br />

This difference in efficiency between the two compounds must<br />

be taken into account in evaluating the data on surface washing<br />

on slopes. As can be seen from the data, the effect of down-Slope<br />

washing was not appreciably different·, between the two compouncll.s<br />

at equal lower rates. (Table III) Both materials tended to wash,<br />

as would be expected. At equal higher rates, the effect of diuron<br />

was more pronounced, but Whether this was due to a greater ten~<br />

dency to wash, or to its greater herbicidal efficiency, is not<br />

clear from these data.<br />

Second Year After Application (1960):<br />

Observations the second year after application (Table VI)<br />

showed 50 to 60 per cent vegetation control in the plots at the<br />

10 pounds per acre rate of both materials; 60 to 80 per cent c~ntrol<br />

at the 16 pounds per acre rates; but 80

396<br />

Third Year After Application (1961):<br />

Observation of th~ P'l~t~' the' thiia ·yeal"-_,'af:t.e;rapplication!<br />

(Table VIII) indicated only 10 to 30 per cent vegetation control<br />

at the 10 pounds per acre rate; 10 to 60 percent control at the<br />

16 pounds per acre rate; 20 to 90 per cent control at the 32 :<br />

pounds per acre rate; and 10 to 80 per cent control at the 64<br />

pounds per acre rate.<br />

In general, most of the area which showed some degree of<br />

below-plot injury to vegetation due to herbicidal transport the<br />

first and second years Was recovered from the harmful effects by<br />

the third year. (Table IX)<br />

Most of· the areas which recovered from the effects of the<br />

herbicides are now filled in with the species of grasses adjacent<br />

to the area.<br />


In general there are a few main conclusions that can be<br />

offered:<br />

1) There was no long term significant difference due to<br />

source of material under the conditions of this study; howeve!,?<br />

the rate of active herbicide used was significant up to the third<br />

year after application. It is doubtful that. ,any visible control<br />

will be evident by the fourth year after application, even at the<br />

highest rates. 1 ,<br />

2) It would appear that the optimum vegetation control per<br />

dollar of expenditure would be obtained at the 16 pounds per acre<br />

active herbicide rate.<br />

3) Type of soil (sandy soils used in tll.1s study) might pt'esumably<br />

have some bearing upon the rate of vegetation recovery',<br />

and upon the, extent of down-slope transport of the herbicide.<br />

4) Prevention of concentrated water running over treated<br />

areas would materially help to reduce down-slope transport of<br />

herbicides. (There is no substitute of good construction and<br />

sound run-off control.)<br />

r .<br />

5) Departmental experience with 6 to 8 year vegetation control<br />

under guide rail fences after soil sterilization with herbicidesis<br />

presumably the result of an adequate bitumen cover<br />

applied immediately over the sterilized area? rather than to the<br />

rate or kind of herbicidal soil sterilant Whlch was used. Thel<br />

bitumen cover prevents re-entry of viable seed to the treated<br />

soil, and materially helps to prevent down-slope transport of the<br />

~homi~Q' i~~o'~_

1. Button, E.F. Bndwrfg'h~';J .L. ,C!onlpEff1s'lm of Certain WEled<br />

Killers for Roadside <strong>Weed</strong> Control in Central Connectic~t,<br />

Proc. Fourteenth Ann. Meet. Northeastern <strong>Weed</strong> Control Conference,<br />

New York, J~I~~~q, ,p.p·l - 8. .<br />

Greene, W.C., Use 01,:,""~¥~~mic Gr~M..(~ller in Highwa~<br />

Roadside Maintenancer'O:PeratiofiS, ' ,proC!'. Eleventh Ann. M~et.<br />

Northeastern <strong>Weed</strong> Contl"ol.·, GOPfer~p- New York, Jan. 19,7,<br />

pp 310 _ 311. .7'IT ,'. ".' " .:'1'<br />

Anonymous, Waging WaY'dif<strong>Weed</strong>S aIi.dT~l-ush!, Rural RoadSti<br />

<strong>Vol</strong>. 9, #5, Sept.-Oct. 1959, pp 23 - 26. Also, Button" E.F.<br />

Connecticut, Believes in a Sound Roadside Maintenance Pjrogram<br />

---, Better Roads. April 1961, pp , 23 - 25. :It_~<br />

I.<br />

«I i<br />

, -<br />

, ,<br />

.rr:i:<br />

',1::>"<br />

• ,,~ ,I<br />

, -c ...

398<br />


'J<br />

OF I., T~.~E~~ ,IN POTABLEIf.pR<br />

JaT<br />

., '.....<br />

• K ~.• , ~.b'<br />

'; ."; " ,'. d ..,.,<br />

d'ARD:a.GRICH ,'I'!(<br />

.CONStJL~n«t~m OHmtt,Sf;,:~:<br />

EDlfA'ittHt: [hltlCH, INO. )~l<br />

PAT~N~ ".NEI'iJERSEY.,<br />

. .L"<br />

... d<br />


Fayllon Lake Comnunity, Illc., a water ooJllP&rG' looated<br />

in a<br />

residential area in NewJersey, obtains their water supply entirely from<br />

well sources, although they maintain three lakes tar reoreational<br />

purposes.<br />

Two lakes and two wells are signifioant 1n terms of this paper<br />

namely, West Lake (65 acres), South Lake (30 acres) and the South and<br />

Viest wells 1008ted 1BIDediately offshore of Scnth lAke.<br />

The two lakes are interconneoted, in series, with the ~Iest<br />

Lake flOlt'ing into the South Lake. The South well i8 located in the<br />

proximity ot the dam owr which South Lake flows 1Dto • stream. (See<br />

Figure<br />

A).<br />

In the SUllllllerof 1960 \U'ldesirable growtM were prevalent in<br />

the two lakeS, and the lakes were treated With a OCDDeroial herbioide<br />

(Kuron).<br />

luron is • propylene ~ol (C3%~C9~) oontaining butyl<br />

ether esters of 2-(2, 4, 5-TrlchlOJ'ophenoxy) propioDio aoid.

399<br />

The treatment consisted of applying a '2:ppm dosage of the<br />

herbicide 111the Westlake and lppn in the South lake. This was completed<br />

in August 1960.<br />

In September 1960, 1JIped1ately £ollowing."ll1rricane<br />

Donna, a strong<br />

medicinal taste was prevalent in tl1! well water eJdDating from the South' .:<br />

well. No silfliticant taste was apparent in the West well.<br />

This persisted until the period between November 15, ·1960 and '<br />

December 1, 1960 when the taste dilll1nished and finally disappeared.<br />

However, in December 1960 the taste returll8d as strong as had I .<br />

been experienced in the past. This reoccurrence coincided With the 18Y'1J!l«<br />

of an und~ater cable in the lake by 1. T. and T~"<br />

These two incidents appeared to lend weijtrtto the considera- I<br />

tion that a distrubance of the lake bed was at lea~ partially responsible<br />

for the production of the undesiralile taste.<br />


With this history as a starting point aridtbe taste still persisting<br />

in January 1961, samples Weredrawn from the' South Lake (bottom<br />

sample), the South well and a point in the distribution system which<br />

embraced a combination of the South and ,Jest well waters. Trese were<br />

anaJ¥zed, the results of which are"tabulated in Table I.<br />

The cClllparative analyses 'olthe South Lake water and the South:<br />

well revealedsutticient difference's to establish th'atthey were not the<br />

same water. This~of course, did not rule out tbe'~osslllility that a<br />

portion of the<br />

; . - '"<br />

lake water was present<br />

" ~<br />

in the well water.<br />

Since Kuron is a phenolic compound, pheno'i determinations were<br />

performed on all samples With negative results being obtained. This<br />

coincided With preVious findings by others.

400<br />

Since tbe.d1cinal ,taster was p1n-po1lt~~la"being iodoform,<br />

iodine determinations ,were peJ't~ and'rewaled • 'interesting pictUre.'<br />

The South Lake water, a8 obtained tran the bottan, contained 0.65 ppmot l<br />

iodine; the Soa'l;hwell water 8IC1(the cOllbinatton'wI1Jf _ter contained<br />

0.1.5 lndO.20 ppmof1od1neJ tWW8st wellal~oGnt~U.rJed onlyatra~<br />

of iodine which waa not suttic18tlt'tc produce the dDagree ablit'taste<br />

found in the South ".11. '<br />

class1f'ied as ~iani.t'lcant, it .My necessary tofU •• 'tabl18ha "threshOld ll<br />

This was accompllshedby"applying<br />

inClre'.a8:liDgly' larger dosageS .,<br />

iodine to d1st~4water .an

401<br />


Although. the ~~estwell water did not re"..lsignificant concentrations<br />

of iodine, as an extra precautionary maasure both the South I.<br />

and West well chlorine feeds were increased to .3 ppIl. This resulted in<br />

immediately abol1shingthe iodoform tastes from· tbli cfi>tllbinedwaters<br />

from the wells.<br />

The West well chlorine feed was then reduced to its normal .feed<br />

With no il1-eftects in te~ms of:tastes.<br />

The Sooth well ohlorine :teed was maintained at .3 ppm for the<br />

next two months aftArwhi'lh it waa'det:I'eased in sllla'll increments to<br />

ascertain !Whether t:,edisagreeaoleta3te would r.etnrn. It was found that<br />

the ohlor:imefeedwas eV9ntuall,v'returned to normaiwithout resultant ill<br />

effects.<br />

For tbenext eight months, there was no 't'lrthtr eVidenoeof a '<br />

taste problem. HoW'ewl', in Septeirber 1961 it rppJleared, immediately<br />

following Hurricane Esther. The clulorine dosage was 1l'loreased, and the<br />

taste immediately disappeared.<br />

At present, the chlor1neteed has been ~ned to nomal, and<br />

there is no evidenoe of a taste problem.<br />

A recent analyses obtained on November 2, 1961 revealed an<br />

iodine content in the South well to be 0.05 ppm (irlsuftioient to produce<br />

a diSagreeable taste). A bottom sample of South Lake revealed a concentration<br />

of 0.28 ppm iodine. This' 'is considerablrlllss than the concentration<br />

found in this lake on January lit 1961 (0.65 }lIIilm)but indicates that<br />

the effects have' not yet been fullY' dissipated. ,I<br />


The taste problem that occurred on three aeparate occasions

402<br />

prior disturbance ot the lake bed. The offending well was, in ea~h oil"" "<br />

the well located imDIld1ately adjaent t.o the o'ferftoW'dam ot South Lake<br />

(South well). The well located:,atrthe tar end of \au"same lake did n~'<br />

exhibit8l)y:taste problema (ifut·.wellh ,':"J',I;,<br />

In addition. the conoenvaticm ot iodine::wa. cCMiderably<br />

greater at the lake bottom as callpared to the concentration found in '.:<br />

the lIe11 water.<br />

These considerations re.ulted in the the'Clll'Ythat the iodine:lf.'<br />

present at the bottom of the lake ,and, tollavr:Lng cSistlU'bance of the bottom,<br />

significant alllOWltsof iodine found its way into t'be South well supply.;':'<br />

The reason tor the contamination ot the South well suppl;r and I':<br />

not the West well l!IUpplycan be attributed to the :tact that the tlow<br />

pattern in South Lake is away from the Viestwell and toward the South - ,­<br />

Well. Further,;:it appeared poSldJ:lle that the1odtJJe· was concentrated<br />

in the illD.ediate Jr88 of the 'OWU'fiolf dam (bd SClIIi;h.:. _U).<br />

The 8Q1rce of the iodilrJe. of course, ~ a IIG'stery. It'<br />

did not appear feasible that the disturbance of 1:bt'14ke bed alone was<br />

significapt in it.elf ,.ince o~;QisturbaDces ba4 outainly been encountered<br />

prior to this past ;,ear 1f1tboUttbe prQchlCltion of disagreeable '<br />

tastes. Neither oculd the herb.101deitself b.etezwed,'the cl1rect respoas:1ble<br />

agent since ,its chemical ~updcel'Jnot include _torm of iodine. r,<br />

The onlY remaining SQlrc •• then, appeand to be the undes1rab3let<br />

plant Il'mbathatwere ett,ouw~ destro;,ed: by the herbicide. PossibJiF<br />

these .f'resh-Water plant lVowthlS, upon beingdestrapd, resulted in the<br />

release ot iodine Which eventu.U7 settled to' the ,/lab bottom.<br />

Seaweed (or kelp) is known to be a significant source ot iod~;)<br />

althougn these are of salt-wat,r,origin.

403<br />

In the light of these data it appears desirable to give consideration<br />

to the derivation of a classification of fresh water growths I<br />

in terms of their iodine content in order that effects similar to those<br />

experienced herein can be avoided in the future. Further, it may be<br />

possible to harness these effects by controlled feeding and thereby<br />

derive more beneficial results trom these effects.<br />

It is the sincere hope of the author that this paper will result<br />

in stimulating minds more familiar With this problem to ascertain the<br />

possible far-reaching significance of these findings.<br />


Grateful acknowledgment:ls given to Fays on Lake COllllllUnity,Inc.<br />

and, in particular, Mr. John Stoveken, for their allowing the presentation<br />

of this material and their sincere aid and advice in its completion.

404 '<br />

.':<br />

, rl<br />

r, ·,:t'i I~' .i\,'v<br />

'~'- '. -"<br />

./<br />

'i/' :~\<br />

, ,\ / .....' ,,~, ~ /( J: )<br />

"",'\ IN/" I ! ,f" '"<br />

\i,fLEI /<br />

"-. ...._- ...-~<br />

I-~'~:""-,_..~N6...;..T<br />

\ ..... ,/.:;.. I<br />

- vv,-'..... ~<br />


405<br />

...·1!MLE I<br />


DRAWN: V{ednesday; 1/1l/61 ANALYZED:Wednesday; 1/1l/61<br />


pH<br />

Specific Conduc~ce, u mhos<br />

Phenol, ppm<br />

Iron, ppm<br />

Iodine, ppm<br />

Chlorides, ppm as Cl-<br />

Taste<br />

Note: N.F.· None Found<br />

Ii''l'l<br />



no;<br />

6.70 7'i.022!<br />

7.28<br />

120<br />

201:<br />

201<br />

N.F.<br />

N:.~'" r r, N.F.<br />

0.35 0..08<br />

0.08<br />

0.65 0.15<br />

0.20<br />

12.8 9.1<br />

8.5<br />

:"l' - FalrJf'" Strang medicinal;<br />

strqmedio1:D41;<br />

iodoform<br />

1odQfotJll·<br />

'1'1<br />

j I<br />


q<br />


f;<br />


')<br />


0.0<br />

1.0<br />

2.0<br />

Strong 1lled1oinal (iodOform) taste<br />

Strong medioinal (iodoform) taste<br />

~J'<br />

Weak mediciizlai (iodoform) taste'<br />

·Ii' :<br />

No diaagrfNble taste<br />

"'.~. ~a

406<br />



by<br />



'This disCus.ion deals with a summary of some results of<br />

cOIIlIIlercial appliCation. on .eveHJ. different lakes within potable . 'i·<br />

wetersbed areas in. Northern New Jersey. 1'I* Jrrol l.o\\t' ;DI · are the<br />

result.e, ob.ervations-:·. .<br />

I. COZy LAKE -<br />

CoDdlUons: ~ tetal lake area is 30 acres with a maximum<br />

depth td tt teet and .. j avera.e of 4 feet, with a total of 100<br />

acre feet. The illejor .... d .pecies was Najas mlnor, wlth minor<br />

species ceratophyllum.6Jljo, Potamogeton criapu., Nuphar sp., Blcdea<br />

canadenai., green filamentous algae.<br />

Application: An application wa. lIIade on llay 22, 1961, by<br />

Roy Younger, Conaul t inc Biolccists Inc., Philadelphia, Penn.ylvania,<br />

on Cozy Lake. The lake waa drawn dOWll6 lnches. OI1e<br />

appllcation waa made of 227 ,allons of AQUATIOLfor a total<br />

concentration of 2 ppm.<br />

Resuit.r Excell.n~10Il11l0:l. of .U ·'.xcept Elodea<br />

and al,ae. In mid-Septe.ber Najas minor had commenced to<br />

regrOW il1 ... 11 patches.· Elodea canaden.~':"!!I!~"1Itar~.d.totake' ..<br />

over one end of the lake. other species were not present. An<br />

alr .. ·.~trol t".t_Dt:!~f,':9,,5 ppm euso wa... de to control<br />

4<br />

algae bloolll.<br />

II.<br />

Condi tiona: The total lake area is 18 acres with a D18ximumdepth,oflO:r.et<br />

.anIL_e-liverage depth of 7.5 feet. Tbs major<br />

weed speciea was Potamoreton cr1spus, with acattered Myriophyllum<br />

sp. and Blodea sp ••<br />

Application: Two treatments were applied as follows: OI1eon<br />

June 13, 1961, to the north dde of the lake and the other on June 23,<br />

1961, to the aouth side of the lake by W. C. Hall, Chemtree Corporation,<br />

Rarriman, New York. The lake was drawn down 12 inches,<br />

and a total of 225 gallona waa applied in a aplit application of<br />

112 gallons for a 1.5 ppm treatment (in treated area), with onehalf<br />

of the lake being treated each time.

407<br />

, '.". '.·',',~'l~rL,i;'. "\" , ,', ,.'~;':P;1<br />

Results: Effective •• d' 'cootrol. was obtlftbed for the season.<br />

Ob!,&~""#CJ.IIilI aD4 comiten~,!p:.~1lerqU811tY,~.~ .,.d&byf\1chard .'<br />

E., ·~:r)1 '~"',icVa11ey W~~,.COlllllli•• l0G ,l4il:td,•. Falls,. NEtwJers~y 'I t '<br />

. as fo1~: o. [! ' . i"<br />

. :-~ ,.'i:.,.r-., ' " ,....<br />

.~ , ,. ;,.l,."<br />

"An ef~ective ~Jt~p was obtat,~.~thout ,l"<br />

.pp~~nt iDcreasej,n;~, water odor,d.,. ,to, the use of<br />

AQUATROL.The increa.e in odor when ltct'id Occur \Vas<br />

due primarily todecayillg .vegetation.<br />

, I ~ , .,IiO~ ~<br />

",urther indic8;t~1f:!S were that mi~~~~plc organisms I,.<br />

, were Jl.4led initial~t'. ~ the use of ~, and this in<br />

,t""D 1011~ed by an,~usincrease~ t~. water<br />

i bacteria. however, q~~tebahnce ap~ecl to have .been<br />

,re"ained in about 1Q'J11J1~ to 2 we.les af~~r treatment." .<br />

. "&.w:tie,ns: Total l,~'.~ea is 140 aczij' "lth an 896 acre. f~i<br />

vo~" "i,th ~ average ~P~li.:pf 6.4 f.et •. ~ .. jor weed specie.,!'<br />

was fo.t~ton c~ispus ,with, aliae patches ~~entthrougho,u~ t~ I?'<br />

lake prior to treatment. .<br />

.' " " ','._" d," '. ,:-L.~I ')'7" .'C . "" " ,,,:' < .4.,L<br />

;:,: ;,:Ape11eeti,oJl,:" A sincle~l:LcaUon wu 948 ~onJuly 10, l.~l",:t~l..;<br />

-by;.Ro,VoQlllrer,COnsul t~).1~~Oiists Inc. ,. ,~~de1Phia, PeIlJ1~~~""1 n,<br />

vaDU!Gp~ylD8 3:45 ga110&\8 '~, AQUATHOL to ¥~.cres at a CODCjJJl-.'· .<br />

1;ratiPn',of .~ ppm in the;t~a;~~ area. ,':} ..'<br />

. ·-V·',, '. v.. ,~.~; " .,', -)21:.1'3<br />

.: 1,~.~1t.r ,~..CODtrO; #l"bieved was90l ~h,.a limited alllo~t<br />

~~.t-~-l'-p"th, b7,:-:id-Septe~Ft, .: The en:tirela~ .was .treated with<br />

to: control~bloODl.. 't,<br />

,O.5pP1D,CuSo..<br />

y;:<br />

.IV..,MIg!:'@OI1S- .~<br />

Various other lakes In New Jersey OUt81~oi watershed areas<br />

, -relt~a~cI:: "loth very ~cl,~.ults when "l'PM-Jca~10Ds were me,de<br />

alfa1~>t~, ~ds speciUe4;:oo the label ancl*recommended ratea.,<br />

This,c~IDci.desvery well.~the results ob~d in the rest of .<br />

the l1n-ited state. and cana~..;<br />

~'.;<br />


408<br />


Five sprq JII1xtureswere tested 111oonoentrat1Qa8 rqizlg from 1 to 2<br />

pouMs aoid equivalent ot 2, 4, '·T per acre. One JIIf.xtunwas applied at til)

dltterent l"atespacaoreand"~"at threerattlX\o' give a·total,Of<br />

eight te,t8. __ b1014eSUJe4 •• 2, 4,'-T'Ind.liWert eJIIJlsioh Gr't><br />

a, 4,' ...T.:.A1l' •• JidrturelJ'We')iIade at the fi1ifb:!oi'<br />

r l :9, one pll1't"'t<br />

herbioide at tOlrff!JOUl'li28M!diti:idtalent 1'er~J:'Io ~ parts ..ot" ,t;l<br />

oa:ft'ier~ D1tfle:rInt'l'a1lElsotaOdlolt1on were ao!B:.lIobyappl~ dftr __<br />

8IIlCNDtset :'Q8,.-.tid.x1lu:re t6jd-;;'~. Table l.,,,..ie:lx pairS otJlllitdb!Sbg<br />

l:lftb1oide tlflrq ~te,te. 0~CL:h 'C :":\n:::, '.' , , ' )(<br />

409<br />

. .'. 'L') 4' .' ,!"r~~, i\~ "J \)~'1'. "1 J..,,;,:['<br />

OUB ~;:t:eo~:r=::tL~~::'~Ci~O:tr~<br />

a oonventional emulsion whioh is oil-in-water. Conventional oil-in-water<br />

emulsions have about the sema vi8cosi t1 as water • Invert eJWlsions III8Ybe<br />

thiok like heavy eDg1ne oil or 8Wi ~se. The increased viscosity<br />

results in increased droplet size, a reduction in dtitt hazard, and in-<br />

CllH. .. d4epolJ:l.'Wot

410<br />

w.r.~J~s,·'X4,Pi;.[~vgt..~~.c,.aq,'to·lIII1ce .. :AU,<br />

:DOt'WJ4:)M.£"'~t.J4s~~.>c_.~"2Jr.4, J!!It~;t=-d,a _tt,tldok<br />

ore8Dl"!~~ ,~_. "ttlt1lfl4.IS',~",,,,,,, i,t·.IICIt:1'ftQ.VDt,:q,\ -.:..<br />

ag1ta.4'2,,'"4c,,-~ I, 'Lat!

411<br />


ireatmentettect was dete1"Jld.JJtdby measuriDg'l2,3concentric circul..­<br />

plots ear~ in september the yee atter sprq.i%1g. tow 1:xt'UBhwas measured<br />

on .COl_acre plots (radius 3.72 teet), high brUBhbn .005 acre plots<br />

(radius 8.33 teet), and trees on:.~.acre plots (Mdius 26.3 teet). The<br />

plots 1ieI'e mechanically locatedbyconpass andpa(fbg; .<br />

The first .two matching test. were made in JlaSftohusetts in a white<br />

pille-hudwood stem less than tCll"V teet tall. b majCll" hardwood speo!es<br />

present were ~e;y b1roh and red lI8P1e with SOJlle oa1t.aDd shrubs like blueoberry<br />

and hucklel;lerl7. The hard1llOCldswere for the'lIOSt part taller and ~e<br />

vigorous than the pine.' .<br />

,<br />

Twopounds 2, 4, ' ...T in 4.' gallons ot No. I ruel oil per acre was'·<br />

matohedagainst two pounds 2, 4, 5-T in 4.' gallomi: of water. As shown'b.<br />

Table 2, the water JIlixture prove4to be less etfecUve than the matching:1,,:11<br />

JIlixture and was less eftective than 8Zl;Yother herbiCide mixture testel!. •<br />

Twenty-eight per cent ot the low brush on Test 1 showed no damage (Table 2).<br />

This \Uldamagedvegetation was huok1eberry and blue1Jerr;v'. The undamaged :J,ow<br />

brush in Test 6 was maleberry and1aurel. Huclde1:«"rY, blueberry, malebe1'1'Y,<br />

and la\l1'el (all ericaceous shrubs) proved resistant::1n every test where they<br />

ooourred. In all tests control o1'hard\1lOCldsin the: tree olass (2" DBH_up)<br />

was not as good as control of the ;Lesser vegetatioD; Jmly ot these trees were<br />

beyond the eftective height range at the machines ,.ed. In dense stands Ithe<br />

lower branohes of trees were ldJ.1ed, but the tope 1JIIK'oeleftintact, bee_a<br />

spread Of the mist was checked on hitting the bottm ot the tree orO\UlB. IA<br />

second spraying would do more daJDageor probably kS1l the tree it it ere :'less<br />

than thirty feet tall. \.<br />

İ<br />

The second set ot matching tests was conduete4·f~in:New Hampshire so'1lhat<br />

the sensitivity ot red spruce and balsam fir tOthe:herbicides could be judged.<br />

Tests we:t'econduetel! in stands w:I:thpille, hemlock,'Jred spruce, and balsaDlfir<br />

JIlixed with hardwoods whioh were general~ overt~the softwoods. ~ of<br />

the trees Vlere less than forty feet tall. < .I •<br />

Test 3, too pounds 2, 4, ' ..T :I.n 4.5 gallonsot No.' 2 diesel oil was<br />

matched ag~t Test 4, two pounds 2, 4, 5-T in on8'!gallon of No. 1 tuel bl1<br />

and 3.5 gallons of water per acre. Here againthelllittture with straight o~ .<br />

as a carrier was substantially superior to that oon'llWting part water (1'&1'1e2).<br />

On the other hand, the mixt\l1'e with the oil-water oarrier, Test 4, gave '.<br />

better control than the mixture 1I:I.thstraight water; as the oarrier, Test '2.<br />

It is probably safe ..to say the JIIOre oil there 1s. 1:11' the' JIlixture, the better<br />

is the hardwoodoontrol.<br />

Somedamage to cOZlifers waS observed on all t.he!test areas. JOOst I"<br />

damage tooon:l.fers was observed on Test 3, the area''ti:re&ted with the diee.1<br />

oil mixt\l1'e. Six small suppressed pine were foum'iaad:on the plots taken<br />

in this area. This damage probably occurred, beoause diesel oil, being less<br />

.i;;<br />

I) .

412<br />

volatile than No. 1 fuel oil, stapon the tree lozIpr and has a more lastiDg<br />

toxl0 eUeot. It should be merrtioned that d8111118 to conifers occuiTl!l\\<br />

on all plots. 1be ~ other ~0IlU8r ... reoarded>on a plot on Test 2<br />

1ibereft_only was used as .~er. Sp.ruoe,t.Izo.,·*D1hemlook1l81'e~'<br />

sensitive tQ all herbicides tbu p:lDe, bl.1tdaJIBP to.' these speoies did DOt<br />

exoeed an acceptable J.evel.. .An/ClOoasione1leader '. side branch was k111;tc!,<br />

bl.1tmost of the trees sho'Ied ne:evidence ot'dlllltie ..L . : ~~,<br />

_ diesel o.:Q.. J$ttUre did ':noll...appea:t' to .:.. ,weU ar to 'hq' in.<br />

the a:I.r·as.lq as tM. llihter,~ oil. There lIIm'egares of Wld811111fe4<br />

trees ~.. en the strips, en ~ft1on that the JiIae:i1al did not dr:l.tt·WU.<br />

He1gbt.~netllation tid not eqWl1 t.bat of the othe1"£~s. Diesel oU' .<br />

should not be used in partable mist spr~rs, because .the operatCfl' will"04<br />

the d~ dr~~d with oil. It No. 1 fuel oil or 1c«l'oseneis used, it w:Ul<br />

evaporate t.rolIl tbeoperatar. re~, and he w:Lll 'ei:DI. -the. day dry and' ~artable.<br />

lllmber l~ oU is SI.Ipe(l'icxr to d:l.esel aU ltieoause it gives herd1lOOd<br />

~trcJ. equal to 01' better thIUl.4ieeel oil, gives; better he:l.ght peJltliratien,<br />

and it does less damageto con:Lttlll'e..<br />

I • [j<br />

11:Ie.th1rd set ot matohillg:te.ets cOJllPuedoil.Lzttn.es at the rates of<br />

oneand,t'WO,pounds per acre.'n. sta!lds treated .... s.tural and planted<br />

Wbite piJltl.in'teJ'spersed with bsrdwoodtrees aDdsJaollibe. ),bat of the trees<br />

were less. than 1.JdJ:'Wfeet in be:lcht. Aspen.was 1M pl'edom1nanthardwcca;<br />

$pecles. Test 5,t1lO pounds 2; 4,,'-T in 4.'gallClill of fuel oil per aeH;<br />

was.matched.ase:1JlBtTest 6, 1.J)OUIId2, 4, ,-T 1D .~~ tallons of fuel 011)<br />

peraQre. ,!loth ~a_nts gavegoccl control of h~swith little.,p:I.M<br />

damage•. '1rea~t.t the two-poulld leVel wassoDe_t better thim the ClI1ltpQ\lIld<br />

treatment, bIlt the one-pclUDI1,'treatment0OlllP .. d ravarably with ot1Jiiif .<br />

oil treatmerrts c~cted in other tes~ (Ta1lle 2) .~st of the low b:rU8h'<br />

which showed :DOdllDl8J8i.J1these ~sts wasmalebe1'17,. huo1l;leberry, and laurel,<br />

species ~ch were :Nllistent to·,eu the herbiQide.?te.ted, as :DOtedeu11er.<br />

'1'1ft:lwhite oaksover laflin d:1.~·,end'more than'i!arWfset tall were JIn1ed<br />

on this area. Co,u.l of aspen 'WI very good except "Ib8ilthe trees -.rea1lo've<br />

the effect~:,erqe of the eq\dJlllltlit ~ the canap, was,80 dense that otiJ;fthe<br />

lower branches were hit by the mist. , :::;" . . , ; .<br />

ResproutiDsooow:ored a~ only on 8IIl8J.1e aspen end red map18~<br />

Sprouts 'IIe1'eDI101Lmorea'bw:ldllDt;thesecond Y88r .at* spraying. SollIeof the<br />

heed. high aspen atandswl11ch bd, :exQellent h&1'd1lP04:'oontrolthe first yeC'<br />

. wit.b only l~ of the. stems sprcmt:tng·were severe;l$~ting with the pm. .<br />

at the end o.f the aeootld grow1JlBsoson. This eXpe~Cle coupled with ob.IervatiOXlS·on<br />

other .Bfeas treated w1tb.mist blown ,4Doe 1~7 pOints up·tljjt<br />

fact tJl,at c~oJ. ami·not o~teJd.ll :l.s aoh1eveil1d.th mist spr~. TtIOor<br />

more treatments may be Decessuy to briDg a slO1i'l1respOZl4iDgstand ot: Si:lftwoodsup<br />

tllrough the oaqpetiDg h8:rdwoodswhich ere rell4ered less coupt1t1va<br />

by the treat.meAt.ar ld.J.led. fJR411!DOd damage :Lsotlills1Progressi va, and Gtmtrol<br />

may'bebetter 1!!18e.e~ or tb1r4Il'Pwing seuon attei'. spraying than it ..<br />

the first ~,;"re... demaged .oclI'd.fers, on the otNr hand, quiokly rt~1'•<br />

.-1 I<br />

'!'bree sets of tests were made matching the stl1ldud oil mixture of<br />

2, 4, '-Tasainst anel invert elllJ1sion of 2, 4, '-T. One set of tests was

, 413<br />

;. ' "1 ' "':j " •<br />

made with an: aaid equivalent of one1pound per- acre II 8%;liitwo sets were made<br />

at one and one~ pourlds per .~.. , Tb$ are_so _,.~ were abandoned fields<br />

invaded by harc11n:lpds'wh:l.chad",. pl8Jlted to odiJifere. Most of the vegetat1.on'WaS<br />

less than th1rty teett~taiu~' ,. I •<br />

, .". " I<br />

Test 7, om 'poo1ld 2, 4, '-T:':1n 2.~ gallODe ,dfl1'Uill 0:1.1per aare., was<br />

matohed aga:l.tlBt Test 8, one poua:J4,1nvert 2, 4, ,..,~ ~ ..'O gallonstuel o~l<br />

and 1. 75 g~ns Of water. In t1ltlditterentsi tuattoliS· on different days ,<br />

(Tests 9 lUld,cll) the oil JIlixture~:.pplied at one _,one-halt pounds per acre<br />

was matohed against the invert se».wtion applied a~ ~, S8lll8 rate per acre<br />

(Tests 10 and 12). .. : ': f • '<br />

, I<br />

Good hardWOodcontrol was "oh:1~Ved on ell siX,ar •• s treated, and the<br />

invert ell.llsion ,ave control wblI.'lh' 'Comparedfa~·~th the stander,d p:l.1<br />

lIl1xtUres (Table' :2). There appees to be little ditterence :in suscept1bil it 7<br />

a.mo:cgthe speoies when treated .a.th the two mixtun, ,(fable 3). There 11M<br />

less drift with the, invert emul8~oni which reduced~ effeotive range ot,'1ihe<br />

blowers. Treated st1'ips should! be less than twentliitl1'88tin width it sattftactory<br />

,ooverage,18 to be atW1:led .a.th invert eDQ1eiOns. These tests 'Mj:iUld<br />

iXldicat'ethat this material oanille more safely used I tban regular 2, 4, 5..l '<br />

where danger of damage to agriOU1tural crops CXl'other nearby vegetation is a<br />

taotor.'<br />

I<br />

It was hoped that greater he1ght penetration lIIDU1d be achieved with. ~<br />

invert eII.Ilsions th'a1').with re~2, 4, 5-T,beoauaethe droplets ere ot:<br />

largersize. Th1s :t'esuJ.t wasno,:eVident, however,lon any 01' the three tests.<br />

An exam:l.mtion of the eUeets 01' the various, hi:'bicides tested on ~oies<br />

groups (Table 3) 'does not indicaije that one mixture; is effective on one $7OUP<br />

of species and not eftective onanother. The herbieid~s which proved mo$'t<br />

et'£ective were equa1J.y efteotive on:en species at ~d'lOQd and about equal<br />

in their damage to -cO%liters. ' i<br />

~<br />

,. '<br />

Costs ,are 'bf,Setloni88 acres *ayed in' f~t4!I'n'llO'.rld.Dg days in 1~9<br />

and 1960. 'Costs rqe trom $6.17 to $10.73 per acre (Table 4). Materi$,<br />

labor, and,machine costs increase' with the QPP'lic¢on. at more material per<br />

acre. The use 01' 0:1.1in the mixturesinoreases tlJel cost modestly but improves<br />

hardwood eontl'ol greatly.'Increasi:cg ~ v.cJ,ume01' herbicide applied<br />

may some:whatiIDprove hardwood ~tl'ol at a ,s~tant11!J. increase in oost tCXl'<br />

the small gain attained. Howe~, oosts tor even :tIe most expensive app1!­<br />

cation are stillV8r7reasonable4t'$J,.0.73 per acr~:fCll' a siIlgle treatment.<br />

It some additional spraying is %lece~sary to achieve:tlJe results desired,<br />

costs will be increased accCXl'dingJ.r~ Two light' ~s at one pound per<br />

aore will proba~y give better !'onttol for the DJonCt spent than one sprey<br />

at the two-pOUIld'~ aore level~ C . . .

Table 2. Effectiveness of Various ForDIl1ati-' Ion'. 2 •"'JIll,., ::4n 1Z3l . 5.:fl:l:K> ~ ~1»,'<br />

..' . •. " '''-. . . -.,.; .. , ' .' ,I 1<br />

245-T .Water ! 2 1.%4i~ I 9J.j 3909 [34,i 364'·. 2541« 1199 3,4, '.~J 9 '.73 13 ~ i 6 .-4'7:~ 124 3$.131 ;41i<br />

·~:TlD 02-l-2-1~!6cJ-l-m-+-!;33~8-1-~t ~ ~~3- 2221~it;;;? ;676 66-+20'~s4j2, 163~.h;r5-1<br />

:~J~.f.':'=.<br />

it.~.-l~.,1J.=.,~.~.'~.=L.;~ §i,.~.=~.<br />

1..=.l.~~<br />

~~".'=~~.'.C.i'I!:.+.<br />

t7-t.<br />

~~".'.,. :"':'~':='".~f~.<br />

:t;.§., ..~~.9=1<br />

245-T 'Oll' ~~: 2 t~~ :1@.\18:'38'6':- Yi1."~ 126ii5laDt :~ 04!:u.a:~: ~;ill156' ~1~ 3 f1<br />

·~T-!~:- ~(tr;';!;4-_tii!m -{;;;? ;;;;!;;1~4-~ r~b.l ~6~;'- ~i;t; ~r~~-!<br />

·---!---·-l-,-t~---'----I----'--'" ~-:--,--I-~-t-:,r- i- ... _ L-,-+-,~I-i-I<br />

245-T!Oll .l'Il375 1 °O . ~ ! - :..,..: ... :~ \2501171-1-i47, ~illl122' 9L"7L2 I<br />

-,--I'-.l .. 'r.T],·-.J; .. ;.~•.•. :;.,-. +'.-. -.~' .~~-I.'.~.- -:.-. 1.. -..11:-.\ ..; ' ~~.. '.; ..~•. '!~·'1•.... ;.t~•.",_..•• 1.;\61<br />

~1;..~..<br />

. ,,--,,··,-r· ........."'i".-<br />

'. t.,<br />

·.-.·1-f--:.- •.... .,... '-'.. -.:..<br />

'.i;.·~'.~..<br />

'1' ~tttf~l~:~-lT~~':* ~~--I~-it£;IH1~ -"ltJti'I ..<br />

-.-[--r-L---n,_l<br />

, , ... ':_~~"':"'-7 -~-l--I""-+-'" ----1~~-+ ..b -~~:!"!,rl '" --:,' .<br />

rnvert O+W r li. W 25 ; '55 63:m 1]2 l ! ,i 89 ";';"; 22 1'1 '10;24:4816]JO .~35 I<br />

----'.--..--1--<br />

-.-~T,--~-J..-t. -t- - -'--'.- -. '.' - - 1<br />

245-T 'Oll ' 1tlll25I'lO<br />

-.1"•.-:---J.-.<br />

! l25 i15 12515 - ~o i83,300 17 -I ..- !92 311 ~ 122105' 35 12 I<br />

l<br />

----:--. --.'-.-..1".--'.--r +.-. -~-l--.'I-. j-. -1-+.,.-~ ...1,-...~!-. -i-.·'-.' -.,-,-:<br />

rnvert 3 jO+W 11t 18335\100 I i.. '- I I- r. 94110061..;1- t';31168 !47 79 22 . -- j<br />

-- - - .... - - - - - T- -:'- - r - i - r -;-- - -J '- - -:\' - - - ,-t - -I.,- T. - - -r - ' -1- - - I- -<br />

Ave•. ,324272 ' '70 113:292 7 ; 716,78 ·221.14 8516 ,28 2 78 28. 66 23 1IJ9 12810<br />

• , ,-". .: .' _. . .. ". -, _ _ ~ ~. I -..". _ _ .. . - _._. .. , . ~<br />

_____ -.:,,"" ,"-_ L,...L_.l. ' __ '__ + ~~.,.. _1,_ ....:+._..l,.. of'.....~ _ '.' ... __ I.....1_ "", __L.; -- I<br />

~w - do.wiater. , "::.' 4 S/J.l;~t:steDMli~'~~ ~,,:->~ *~~:~_~~;~..~<br />

o - Iliese1.,oi,;l .;> 5 ~lII1" .. 'SOI'or~, de~' -:.. c;Ho!Ie. ~,Ii188 ~ *detQliated<br />

:wer1; - 2,4.5-T 6 Severe - 50%to 80%detoliated<br />

1<br />

.,<br />

l<br />


(<br />

(<br />

. Table 3. Effectiveness on Speoies of Various Farmu.latiODS of Herbicides<br />

- - - - - - - - .• - - .....- - - _~4--,=T_1,n ~ !:t~JJlsA net. !:m.:. e _ Ie!.t~_I1_ - - - - - ... - - -1<br />

~_f'!~_t2 P..2 11 12B!I 1_T!:lJ.~...,6~ !o_11 ... 9~ 12B!IJ:-~Sr;...@.Q .,zm...~u;Q _<br />

. rIP.! ~-~...<br />

. De.as. J.S!.~I;5l~ b,~-I~~~.:> ,~~~_~t7 ~~_-I~~ ~~·L~A _- _--<br />

.. ~!Jl~' ~.j. i6l, It.02J6J.4Q"JI1'2P+ - 1-I_716<br />

t22.<br />

t·ml . I i<br />

l8. ~9__<br />

.•.~.i. ..... -'. - ~ _ ...... -'-. -i- -t -. -t.- 1.'-.' ~..J.'i: .•I:'~.~ '4 __.<br />

:_~"1_91.1 1..5_ZI$D;"JI". + JJl~ 1.0..;.ul9 ...6g,...3S '2Q~ ~O_I_ I<br />

-- ~1i5· ~ _ _--<br />

lJJ6U5o. _91.J. 9Q9_~ ~ u....l.l29J34 .s«....2.zaJ.J_ ...AQfl z ~ .... lI$ _<br />

- . I· ,<br />

- T - - - - - :r",k!'2-4 QiJ. !,tldT: !~ !:~<br />

i?-IZ7ll_?:1..!U2 J:l,a..I...:u iJ.2..A4.J.7-iJ22..i46.<br />

"_- - +':"._- - I _ _ _ _ "t.,. or-.l6't A7~ 1.8fUI- - ;- T - ~ - JJ, 1.3""..<br />

: ~- iu-E---1-.-+--- "-<br />

._ ..... _I __ ..... ~__ --_<br />

-+;<br />

.... -'tl/t..l.OJ1:-+.-_ ....._[-:f.- -'.p4. ~--I<br />

rUt-...<br />

~ ~ : :<br />

;~<br />

,<br />

;-.--11l-- --..... ~., - ~ - -I ~,,~,',i-.ttJill'<br />

~~~.'!'-~:. 4.. :~~·' .•. ; [~:. i.~ ~,..~-.....<br />

~~~~t.~,,~~I.~ ..<br />

1'.':~.'~•. ·:..•..~. ~.~i..m.,i ..Zl.,-"ii<br />

Il:-wd •<br />

~mAl.;.andi~<br />

.~.:::-~ -~.'~. t.iO~<br />

- - ~ .,. -! ~Q ...?2.-'8. . - ~-j - -to- -9.J.J!~I...3aL 2. ~.. I<br />

- '. -' ...- - - -~~ 2--i-"'t--to-±~:z.2~l.O ~ 2.8__ .<br />

___ L... I ~ ~ _ _ "_ 9Q9; 27. 4'5.j.l __ ,_ -t_ :..... 17l.4.lt18~ _ .a 2 _ _7__ :<br />

2P25 .J. ~ L7...l- - -' -.:. - [7.L7_ ~9.l. aLa,_..1 _ ::I_ 29J.2dI§.213l_~t~L 10__ I<br />

1<br />

..i--J~H!~~~''-3...<br />

- - ...-.-- 15"!"li9t9.<br />

(Combined) .<br />

-.- - _1- - - -. -. - .....-:.- - - T - - &'-2-1 Ul_0:t1~a1 J. ~S;.~ ~ ~_~a~_1~~~6t2.,~-- !<br />

~Cae! i-'lU ~~ 1-7 14_ ~ +_ 4- l-4Q.6..J fP. 9.) JZ.'~ 1_7 .....:_ ~. 2 "1Ȯl3J.' 23.1~ 6 6_<br />

4<br />

!!6.d..2.o~ l<br />

~.~_e. s_ i_<br />

ZlJ,Q'.','. "to &3. 2r :..1.2J_ :,~. ..1.•D,(I2 \ ..2& ...... IJ.! ~•.t.-.6~.. ..o ~•...........<br />

"~".J.3Q.' ..<br />

!rYt4J.Ll46'-"l~49~~:-:'-~. ~....l ~9~?U~.J4.:.RMQ:<br />

'~...-.ii&P _-S' - -..:•..- ....-- ". __ =",~-,~;,."",r~.r:Z3J~;lIl~ - ,"-'c'. ~~ft .. ,.-" .~~. I<br />

..: p<br />

-',"-- -l:g--~t~~- >.+"'~~~'-~" '1~,1~1~l;~~lJ.+~I;J>~Z'- •...iA..<br />

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121_1l4<br />

i!'~~121J.'19 .)33_~ 1_ J


417<br />



By<br />

Carl. C. ZimmElrID&n*<br />

~.a.wk Tree Farms<br />

R.F.D. No.2, Box 180<br />

Laconia, New Hampshire, .<br />

'I'be Northeast has an i~(lreasing trend toward permanent forest I<br />

holdings by urban people, who use the houses for sUllllllerretreats, week-end<br />

recreation or retirement. They do most of the work on this land themsel'lnes<br />

as a spare-time occupation, because. hired labor is. ,e,xpensive even when it I S<br />

available. These holdings are mostJ,y less than 1,000 acres, and each tract<br />

is gener~ly less than 100 acres.<br />

Typically, these are m:i.xedstan's of val~le hardwoods and<br />

conifers in which various weed trees shortly predOlllil.nate. Some of the mo:-e<br />

serious weed species are aspen, gray birch, swamp maple, wild cherry, andl<br />

elm. Cutting these weed trees ~s not satisfactory ~cause re-sprouts frQlt<br />

the stumps and roots become an even more severe pro1:llem.<br />

111eanswer to this problem seems to be an ..1nexpensive and simpl,<br />

method of selective chemical weeding, involving little investment in mechWcal<br />

equipment. Blanket chemical applications either from the air or ground<br />

are inadvisable because of possible damage to desizWille forest trees or nearby<br />

crops and ornamentals.<br />

In three years I experimentation at Blackhawk Farms, fenuron, which<br />

is cOllllllercially available only in 25 per cent pellets at the present time,<br />

appears to be a promising tool for forest weeding.<br />

The Site<br />

Blackhawk Farms consists of about 1,000 aqr,es of typical north- •<br />

eastern woodland, in six tracts around Gilmanton, N. H., a few miles southeast<br />

of Laconia. lUl six tracts Were at one time pU'ts of cultivated farms<br />

or pastures, but they have now reverted to forests and brush •<br />

The. over-all forestry aim is to develop this .total acreage into<br />

an economic sustained-yield tree in unit. The pr~nt program started in<br />

1949. Unt11 1956, the ma.in activity was planting con:lfers in abandoned<br />

fields. Cutting was the only methOd used for removius weed trees.<br />

* A 50ciolo61st at Harvard University, who treef!U'DIII for an. avocation. 111is<br />

project is supported by a grant from the Permanent, ;6cijilnee Fund of the<br />

American Academy of Arts and <strong>Science</strong>s.

418<br />

EarlY 'Chemical Trea~':,<br />

. . .. .. ,:,;)<br />

Chemical control of weed trees began in 1957, mostly with a one<br />

:Per cent solution of 2,4,5-T in 011, applied by hand as a basal spray. Although<br />

this was effective, it was laborious. PrOlllllling 1958 trials with<br />

dry fenuron in a sawdust carrie:r;"irid later with the 25 per cent fenuron<br />

pelleted formulation, led to 'an~l!insive experiment in 1959.<br />

An 18-acre piece of Illi~ forest (the:2-Durgin field) was chosen<br />

for this experiment. Applications were made in May 1959. The fenuron pellets<br />

were applied in a heel depression at the base of each weed tree or clump. The<br />

rate was one-quarter ounce per tree or clump (a slightly heaping domestic teaspoon<br />

or 1.9 grams of the basic chemical). A few weed trees were chopped down,<br />

rather than treated', where they seemed too close to" desirable trees for sllote<br />

chemical use.<br />

'",<br />

Altbough the summerwu very dry, wide's~ad defoliation was o~erved<br />

after the fall rains began, jus't before frost .1Jul-:jJ:lg the winter and e~iy<br />

spring of 1960, neighboring conifers showed somebro'wning of the needle tips.<br />

However, they recovered during 1960, and grew with increased vigor. Seedlings<br />

more than doubled their top growtb. Most of the ~'d.trees showed ad~tional<br />

defoliatIon andtlnally died. Mantof tL.:Jse whichlu.d', not die continueddafoliating<br />

in 1961. A number otthe weed trees tha~'surVlved into 1961 we~e<br />

multi-stelll!lledbirch or stump sprouts of swampmaplflNl.,The explanation tor the<br />

birch survival seems to be eUherthat more chemiclil'should have been used per<br />

clump, or It should have been spread over more are!',., With the swampmaple<br />

stumps, apparently the' feeder roOts, were too far ~the point where tba<br />

chemical was applied. -, ,<br />

'[f'<br />

A group of profession8.ltoresters who in:8;Pectedthis tract on July<br />

25, 1961, considered it an adequate job of forest weeding.<br />

,me}260<br />

Experiments<br />

Beginning in July 1960, further chemical weeding was lmdertaken on<br />

about 35 acres of a 50-acre phce (the l-Proctor lot). On this land there ,<br />

were many valuable hardwoods intermixed with small pines. Since the selecti v­<br />

ity of the 1959fmmronapplicat1en.had not beenetlmp1etely established, ';the<br />

program started lIIIl1t1lywith 2,4, 5-'tapplied in fri~.; To redllce tranepgrtation<br />

and labor,jelliedsod1uma1"senite was shortl:f'!Used tor the weed 'tr,"e~ "<br />

close to desirable ones • ' ;j , "<br />

As continUedobservatlotFof the 1959 f~,a;pplicationslnai¢~ed: ,"<br />

its safety to nearby untreated t1'eelt" more and, IIIOre't'.ehUron,was applied '4\lring ,<br />

~:~u:~:::so~P~~~d "~~ ~:~::eer:a:t::l'b~~h:~~hOd. ,Mo~t rJf tlie" -<br />

....._~..'.~ .,<br />

Repeated inspections of this area in 196J..1n4.1catethat,,-tbe 2:'-4~~,lT,<br />

treatment wasettect1 "e 'without n6tleeable re-sprOttt1n~. Tr~es -tJ:"eated With _-<br />

sodium arsenitere-sprouted severely, even where the'stems w.ere,kiUedj liut J<br />

many of the larger trees did not ~e at all. ,8 - '

There are a number of reaso~ for unders{anding the mode<br />

fenuron in tree-killing and for,recognizing its effects at various<br />

of acHonor<br />

stages.<br />

419<br />

Observations during 1961 of the trees treated with fenuron in the<br />

fall of 1960 indicate that about' 80 per cent of t*irihave been surely Idlled.<br />

The same problema of inadequate dOsage or poor d1i1tr:l.bution for multi-stemmed<br />

and large trees appeared again in the 1960 fenuron program. However, no valuable<br />

trees were damaged with :f'entiron, except onelSat-ge wolf oak., Fenuron from<br />

four nearby treated trees ap~ntl;y was taken up 'by its perimeter roots on<br />

one side and the whole tree defoliated late in 196!L. '<br />

('<br />

Two general conclusiopswere made from the 1960 program. Fir&t~<br />

fenuron could have been used more Y.!.dely in place"bt the 2,4,5-T and so4fum<br />

arsenite, with consequent redUction in laborarii'l. :I.lire-sprouting. Resti-l'tS<br />

with fenuron would have been be'1;ter on larger and :Jz1Ulti-stemmed.trees w:Il1lh<br />

higher dosage and wider scattering over the root tone.<br />

!!.he 1961 Experiment~"'<br />

On the basis of 1960 success, fenuron w~used in 1961 for weeding<br />

10 different forest areas, ranging in size from slightly under an acre up to<br />

25 acres. The total was 61 acres, requiring 318, pounda of fenuron pellets or<br />

only ab?ut five pounds per acre. The first ap:plic,tion was made in Mar~h, on<br />

snow, ~d the work continued throuP Sept ember 20,r'" During the summer a 'few<br />

modifications in application were adopted. Fenuroo'Wll.s applied in the dbttventional<br />

manner on' the ground, and, for close work~" tn various homemade jellies<br />

or pastes in hatchet cuts. Dosage for so11 applieation was differentia-bed for<br />

various size trees, up to a full ounce of pellets, for a 30-inch swamp maple.<br />

The, spoon was abandoned for hand applicll-tion. Ex~pt for close work, the<br />

pellets were slightly scattered at tree bases, in~ead of being concentrated<br />

in a heel print. In most areas, the duff was scuttedaway so the :pelle1;SWe1'e<br />

put on bare soil, and then a duff covering was kicked over them. (A tabu}.ation<br />

of these 10 "commercial-sc~e" treatments is, ,available from the authOr.)<br />

In the first nine, and. a first :pll.rtof tIle tenth, of the fieldis,<br />

injury symptoms from "Dybar" fenuron, weed and brush'killer were quite evident<br />

before the seasonal changes of foliage by the ,mid.dle of October. In each case<br />

all the smaller weed trees (up to six inches d.b.1i}') with few ~cept1ans., were<br />

defoliated. ' . ,<br />

" ~<br />

On the majority of these weed trees, a s:econd crop of lee:vee ~<br />

started~ as occurs in the spring When,a late frost 'freezes early leaves,' In<br />

most cases, the second crop of,1eaves also showed chlorosis. That is, the<br />

chemical, either remaining in the ground, or, w4at:)s more likely, rema.1n1ng<br />

in the tree systems, was interfering with the proclliction of the second crop of<br />

leaves. The inner wood of the trees was still cle~, White, and seemed alive.<br />

Although definite results will not be evident until 1962, the I<br />

preliminary shm.>:ingwas excellent ~<br />

~ of Action"'!<br />


420<br />

S;!.nce t~es treated w:Lthfilnuron d:J,es~or may recover from<br />

what a.ppearto ~,~ot1Qeable eff~tJ,1t is import., to recognize the vaa';f,ous<br />

symptoms and to be !Il!le to pred;l.1;'lf,~ether an atf'~~~ tree w:Lll d:J,eor r~over.<br />

, ". :.":{j :):\; . '.:-: 3 ._ ". . ,:<br />

, 'The.cle~t case is ~t"C!f the healthy.: ~ maple leaf duri~<br />

the height oftheyre~feed:J,ng,~ }ligh, photOsyn~~8,,,jleason. L1ghter-~d<br />

spots first appear in the tissue; Qt'"the leaves b~~'J:he veins. These ~<br />

be detected by' lookins through the leaf toward the sUn. The colors of these<br />

spetliJ chanae ,b~d on the l1gb.t,.:pectrum scale, Fen-yellow-orange-redbrown,<br />

untilthey'seem to be delIA.Jq&terial. ;tn ~J~antime, ,the edges ot j<br />

the<br />

leave8~eatld. ~;,~ the l1v~n~.~.af is reduqe

.n_ots, "'hhin a few months after: ~pplication, mO$t:pt its effect is lost~.If<br />

the aUll!DJeris moderately dry, treli\ted trees may n~:..defoliate completely that<br />

season. In a wet summer, however, trees may defoliate at least twice.<br />

A er;:'od of active 0 . and trans irat .·is necessar for effective<br />

kill.' When enuron is app '. to the soi, tj,;lIIQyesinto the roots;<br />

SOmewhataccording to the rapidi'l:r: pf grQwth. sucqessful usage has been~e<br />

at Blackhawk from Me-rch through, No~mber, but mOliltJ:apid results were frqm<br />

June thrOUgh Ausust.$ leaves ~OW, tlley transp1;;!li1 ~oving the chemical ,t-o<br />

the leaves Where it affects Ptot9'~"f.;hesis. Photos;yl1thesis is naturally .pt<br />

affected under the best growing conditions. Since tenuron seems to inhi¥;t<br />

Ptotosynthesis directly, the lea'fes seem starved tor;' sugar, and chloroPtYJ1;l, .is<br />

not manufactured. The lack of chl,Q~oPtyll further ;-educes the total Pt0i;pc<br />

synthetic activity of the affected plants. Then t!¥!: plant appears to drapon<br />

reserves of sugars and starches in the roots until these are depleted, and the<br />

plant finally starves to death.<br />

Applications in the late f.'Zldwet fall o.f ~60 did not show material<br />

results until after the highly.act.ixe growth period ;t;n,midsummer 1961. ~ly<br />

spring applications in 1961 did. not show any eftect,untll late in the s~r.<br />

But applications Iilade between May2~ and July 5 .shQYe

_.,"<br />

h??<br />

on Vigorous ~owth within 8 year or so. Hardwoods (black cherry in particular) J<br />

t.r~at.ed w1t.l1'milcl,40sep. of the chelll1calin 1957 ~d 19;8 showed very eVi~t .<br />

chlort>t.1Qs1gpll,th~ tirs:\; yearb~~edovered their' ~sor completely by 1.958~d<br />

l~. Rell"ie:t.ed t.reatment with ·"~):1dose :rn1961:'~.0JIie-Th1rd field) a~en..ly<br />

killed them.' ",''- ... .' ,J-<br />

. ' .·,Aj;lpeent1ythe k~1l1ng,:~r:~ tree with t~',~C1i~c:al 1s1argely •<br />

problem otgetting·' sufficient ch~c.." into the tr". . At forest applicatl.9D<br />

: 'rate.", the l.onse , Viit,Ot'. the, cheill;J. ....~'.(.'in,t. be gr~,nd,'~ .•.~', s n.ot very great,.~one<br />

season atthlHllOl!lt i but oneaPPJ.!8ation mayiI:t:1~i b~ing about partial aefoliation<br />

1n broadleat ltrees the"tH!ra season a:t.'terapPlication .. possibly<br />

even lat.er. ' " .<br />

. . Thull asa-forest tooi'i't!.:!s' eveIi valuable~rthesecontinued ~lal<br />

d.efo1iat1ons,'u ~tl!~~orest isO;:!d.IIlOl'l\! and, JllO~e:iiOU1creased penetrat~ of<br />

t.hesunl1Sbt. ll'Iu'thftlllore, th~, ,,,.~,' seems affected,p,a total organism. Wbat<br />

:kilJ.s the tl"ee, aleo'seems to ldl,f)

sater method ot tree-killing close tb desirable treet.On pure speculation,<br />

in the tace ot doubts from some advisers, an injection method was first trled<br />

with tenuron in september, 1960.,:, A,watery mixture was made up from fenuron<br />

pellets and poured into hatchet gashes in a number of weed trees.<br />

, • ".j'" o':~ .<br />

Since then, about a doz~1:l homemade fo:rms Olttenuron liquids, pastes,<br />

jellies,an4 salves have been made and used durin. r_year 1961. several<br />

aMi ti ves have been' used. These bMre been injectecl~uneath the cambium ~rs<br />

ot several thouae.ndtrees of all rises and types. ,'a.'81m of the project ~s<br />

to de,velop a' one-1no1sion, one-inpct10n quick. metbcl'6,ofl eliminating weed trees<br />

in situations where applications, • ,the ground coul6 epdanger valuable trees.<br />

So far, the results of tbese experiments hue been' highly sa.tisfactory.<br />

"![be influence of the chemical fenuron s~ :tOJ be the same, no I$tter<br />

whether it is introduced into the tree through theJ:!OQ1;a or injected almost<br />

anywhere beneath the cambium layer ot the trunk. However, further time is<br />

needed to, confirm theae results.'",'<br />

Conclusions 1,:"<br />

.rr<br />

lAss tban a1"1'lICt10no1' 0Qli percent of:tb.ule81rable. trees have<br />

been afflicted in tracts Where fenu&'Onhas been used'4lor tree weeding. Of<br />

thesel iIlostwere an],y sUghtly t01ilohed, andexper:tilIllIC* iJ.ndicates that .they<br />

wlll, recoVer:. In other words, with due precaut10nsjJJ*iu non-selective nature<br />

of fenuron, 1snotlul; important danger in its use as ~~st weeder. Most of<br />

the valuabletreesiatfected wereintractswh1chwerllr treated when there ••<br />

snow on the ground:. Apparently tbe snow water. puddJ.e4the chemical away ttom<br />

the'point ot app1icat1on.u;<br />

',':-1 ~" ~)I ;'::<br />

It is believed thatth1s study shows clea!:ly that fenuron pellets,<br />

applied: to the grounll,' constitute ,':usableand value'ld.e'1nstrument for 'the<br />

necell~jweedillgjot,.torests. It., alao suggests.' ev:LcDtncefor further study of<br />

injection' t:reatBIEtnt. '!be .'ord1~, t'orest owner. ~an fIIoW· beeome a silvicide<br />

expert it he learns to, ustlthis' cbell1cal. He needS1IObther equipment except<br />

a pail and a paint marker.<br />

This chemical is not a "treatment" but a "tooL" tor forest use.<br />

Each tree, each plot, each acre, can be approached according to its needs, arod<br />

toward an OY8J;'",;a1J,.d~siSQ "for 'A yal\l~ble susta1ned~iL~ forest.

424<br />


E. G. Terrell, Jr.<br />

SOIL Fu~I~,N7<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> control in forest tree nurseries continues to be a high<br />

labor cost operation despite the general use since 1948 of<br />

petroleun distillate or oil sprays. (2,S). In the Northeast,<br />

weed control is complicated by the great variety of species<br />

grown for reforestation. Some are tolerant while others are<br />

sensitive or intolerant. Seedlings of Scotch pine and larch,<br />

while ordinarily not killed by moderate amounts of oil spray<br />

applied during the first year, are often damaged so that<br />

plantable-size seedlings are not produced Ul 2 years. Hardwood<br />

seedlings, which are intolerant to oil spray must be handweeded<br />

or cultivated.<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> control in seedbeds is most important during the first<br />

year when the small, relatively slow-growing seedlings are<br />

least able to stand the competition of fast-growing weeds.<br />

Hand-weeding is costly, and may do considerable damage if<br />

weeds are allowed to get large. The use of soil surface<br />

herbicides, such as Neburon. before or soon after tree seed<br />

germination causes high seedling mortality in some species.<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> control need not be considered sep~ately from the control<br />

of other nursery pests if one treatment will provide effective<br />

control of both. Soil funigants. ~~hich erradicate or greatly<br />

reduce the numbers of living weed seeds and weed vegetative<br />

parts, as well as nematodes. fungi, and insects. are useful<br />

nursery tools. They can help the nurseryman get the seedlings<br />

past the first critical year with a minimum of damage by pests.<br />

Soil funigation is not new; in fact. it has been in use since<br />

World War I left large stocks of Chloropicrin (4). Funigation<br />

with methyl bromide under hand-sealed plastic tarps has become<br />

standard practice in some Southern nurseries. but adoption of<br />

the practice in the Northeast has been slow. Labor costs,<br />

soil temperatures. sowing times. and tIle severity of the<br />

damage by weeds and pests in the Northeast are quite different<br />

from those in the South.<br />

The development of a tractor-mounted combination injector-tarp<br />

layer by the DowChemical Co. led to our resumption of funigant<br />

testing in 1959 (1,6). Results obtained from an application of<br />

one of the test materials, Trizone. is reported here.<br />

l<br />

1 Manager. Saratoga Tree Nursery. N. Y. State Conservation<br />

Department, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.

Material<br />

~izone is a,mixedf~g.. t with the fol~owing composition<br />

by weight (:l): ::::f', t<br />

f·J·<br />

Methyl bl'~4't'l<br />

•. 61~0%<br />

ChloropiQl'4p t'<br />

:.jao.O%<br />

3",BromopropYM (proparg<br />

. , , , " bromid,) ,~:' 60;8%<br />

BrQlllj.nated Csh¥QroclU'bons 4 ~.~<br />

. . p •<br />

It i. a, :l~~d ,t (j8o,~, ~1l pressures~29 lb. per sq. in. and<br />

is, supplielll in 175 lh."iA:ly~~er".Re~ dosages are from<br />

1~O-2QO lh.per.;ClCre 4JPeIJlI\ing upon tma·Wtv,erity and the nature<br />

of the I\4l8t Pro~18lll.1 ,.'/ i .<br />

" . ';r

426<br />

Sinc~! staJ'ldardnurset'y Htd»eds '1"efM"~'with·as:i;c."foot'J'<br />

center-to-center distance between paths, the S; t'bot· ·tarp does<br />

not extend to the' center of the path4 rnotii8'

427<br />

On November 16, 1961, at the end of the:f1~et growing season,<br />

~OO trees each from a treated and ~treated row were randomly<br />

se1ectedfor comparison of; height,

428<br />

.r><br />

SUrlfnary.and'Conolus!o*,'lo i" i I.)(?<br />

. . .. ...• . ',intI 'l' " 'ne<br />

Ah;U.·appll1aatiotlofi.lrizoneat,the'l'aM:of 175 lbs per acre<br />

.was 'Iuiderto'nursery seedbed. withanin:Jictor-tarplayer machine.<br />

Broadcaiitr.:beds of.white·tipruce were i SOWft·?1n'· the usual mazmer<br />

about one month 1a'tl!'r .. 'i. Observations !nathe'S\IlI!ler of the first<br />

year indicate good weed control in areas not contaminated with<br />

weed seed afterfumiga:t.1aa. Modificatidn8 of sowing. methOds<br />

have been made toireduce"tihia type' o;f'caoRt/llllination. A substantial<br />

increall! in stocking, height, and diamet .. was apparent at the end<br />

of the first grOwing.MUon.;.!") "<br />

'_,pC :. _ . .' ..~_:,t_t.,_._..."<br />

.Trizone, a relatively new soil fumigant, has performed well in<br />

;the Saratoga production trials. Use of this material seems<br />

justified where 1) weed control by other means is more costly,<br />

more difficult, or more damaging, 2) plant stimulation e~f~cts<br />

can be utilized to reduce the time required to grow a plantab1e<br />

s.eedling .:' . '; , . r<br />

Literature,<br />

Cited<br />

1) Dow ~hemical Co. Trizone triple acti~ soil.f~lant<br />

.'-.", Mit i'edh, ,Bull •..'l;ICt;; JMay ,1.961. ~ .<br />

2),El-ia~, E. J •. j""C:;.·use OfOii'~y for the control of<br />

_ • i ; GwBeds in conifetl'OlI8. nurseries. ;l-l~:' Y•<br />

State Conservation Dept. 8 pp (Processed)<br />

1948. .<br />

,,'j ,SD11' fumigation>je"aluations in white pine<br />

.. ;Hy)seedbeds and otbe!!i ..ftursery investigations.<br />

TREE PLANTERSNotES No. 41 pp:17-21,<br />

April 1960.<br />

",.> " . L 'T3q ."·1<br />

4), ijeWhaU, .A.,G. & Il«IUI',.'Bert 'So:U:i\:Inigation for nematode<br />

and disease control. Cornell Univ .• Ag.<br />

". Exp. Sta. Bull. 850, September 1943.<br />

5) . ~t0i!C;:1UIU? I _J. 1;1., " lIUl,ling nurser)t _elb; withoU sPl'ayei •.<br />

"·'i;v..,~. Forest Sel'!!:'; I>akeStates FOl'est Exp.<br />

.; j c. Sita • Tech note,H() .,1 p (Processed)! ,1.943.<br />

~",: ;~ uc<br />

6) ~~~' G. 0 •. . ;id3jp;Lz~ -.l\nett(l:rlipll1! action. so:U,'<br />

'J. J ~'~:- "'<br />

.. p:\.gan"t. DOWN' 'J:O'BARTH1S (14-) 2..5,.<br />

Spring 1960. . ,;:;,,:;,


429<br />

Robert R. MorrowJ.<br />

"Hardwoods<br />

Cons1derab1eearly work in chemi-thinn1ngbSrdwoods was reported<br />

in 1959 (3). At that time the importance of a eqm,plete frill for<br />

dormant season deadening of most NortheasternU~ted States species<br />

was stressed. Top-kill was cllousedby adding cil~cal to the frill, .<br />

to make a zone of dead wood. Successful chemi-Wdles were made with<br />

2,4,5-T in kerosene, 2,4-Din kerosene, and .rosene alone. The<br />

former chemical caused a wider girdle and appea3d to hasten topkill<br />

by as much as two years1n comparison with 1'2,4-D and oil alone.<br />

Wiant and Walker (4) have recently confirmed t~ Glil alone is sufficient<br />

to cause top-kill when e4ded to frilJ.s.··'<br />

In recent years there has been considerable-;I.nterest in the<br />

performance of amines of 2,4-D and 2,4,5~ in ~arison with esters.<br />

Such interest is spurred by reports that top-k:1.J.a., especially of oaks<br />

in the growing season, has resuJ.ted from aminee4D partial cute (some'<br />

li terature reviewed in reference 3). Comparatiw tests of amines, ,<br />

esters, and oil were made in 1957 aniI. 1958 on a-.riety of species<br />

in woodlots in southern New York. All chemica1lf rwere applied in a<br />

complete frill at a rate of 2;"3 ml. per inch of,·tiameter. Most treatments.<br />

were made in October and November; a few W2'emade in February •.<br />

Table. 1 gives the approximate .t:tmerequired for -~b percent of the<br />

chemi;"girdled trees to be 90 percent top-ld.lled~·<br />

In mo@ttrees ,that required two to four YeEll'Sfor top-kill l there"<br />

was little kill the first year. Occasional treg'cling to life for<br />

many years, even though completely girdled, prerilliably thr01.1gh root<br />

grafts. In general there was little difference l!Ietween trea.tments<br />

in the time required for top-kill. A few cases 'Of live wood bridging<br />

girdles were found in the 100(1 ahg ~,4-D amine1treatment. These<br />

occurred on large vigorous trees, mainly red map;ij!. This may have<br />

resulted from polilr spreading and transJ.ocation cStamine in water at<br />

near freeZing temperatures. On the other hand, kerosene s];:reads and<br />

soaks into woody tissue rapi~ .at low temperatures.<br />

lAssoc. PrOf. of Forestry, Department .of Conservation, Cornell University.<br />

The' author wishes to acknOwledge the ektensive cooperative<br />

tests carried out' in western KeY'.York by the Nelt:l'ork State Conservation<br />

Department under the supervision of District Forester E. J.<br />


430<br />

Treatment<br />

400IFahg 2,4-D ,e.m:I.ne<br />

(undiluted)<br />

~00/l ahg 2,4-]) amine<br />

in water<br />

20# ahg 2,4,5~ ester<br />

in ke:t'Oeene<br />

Kerosene, '<br />

100# ahg 2,4-D amine<br />

in water<br />

(in a second woodlot)<br />

'<br />

Species<br />

beech<br />

red maple<br />

sugar ,lIIQ~<br />

wh1te,ub::,<br />

basswood '<br />

beech<br />

red _~'~<br />

sugar ......:Ili!l'.<br />

blaCK ii~Cb:"<br />

, J<br />

beech :,': ".~.,<br />

"d JIlIIl~<br />

sugar-·1IitPJe'<br />

Wbi:teu!l<br />

basswood, :<br />

~00# ahg2,4-D amine ",bassW0d4w .<br />

in water<br />

~okory "c ,.>J:'<br />

(in a th11'C1woocUot) Amer1QMe1m<br />

blaCk :'olIe-rr<br />

wh1te:'O!ak' _ ;i ..<br />

400/1.ahg 2,4-D ~ne<br />

(placed in Pe.rt;j,'1.<br />

cuts 1 not C01iIp].etetriU)<br />

,<br />

No. trees j.b.h. range Years<br />

~3 4-~4" 2-3<br />

5 6-12" 3-4<br />

5 ,5-10" 3<br />

5 'J::;- 5~ 9" 3-4<br />

3 'lV~" . 6,. 8" 2<br />

~9 '~-15" 3<br />

24 , '6-15" 3-t<br />

30<br />

0 5-12" 3+<br />

1 ':.y 7·~4" 3-4<br />

13 ;7-ll" 3+<br />

~.<br />

. r'_ t. " 2<br />

'J.,<br />

9 ,4-ll" 2<br />

';~~~d,<br />

4 5- 9" 3-4.,<br />

'1r<br />

4 "4- 7" 2-3<br />

[::"'t' :<br />

2 '.5- 6" 2<br />

"I Sf<br />

9<br />

"',f 5-14" 24<br />

2 6" ",-,8"- 3-4'<br />

4 ,6. 9" 3<br />

a<br />

~'1J .<br />

5 " 3-4<br />

2 ',',;d'o:" 7 " 3-4 n-:<br />

.px"'-' 4 . I ,<br />

lao " . '4-12" 3+<br />


These tests show once aaaiJithe need for ecmplete frills in dormant<br />

season cl:I"emi-"th1nn1ngin Nort.be..-te:rn United states. They also demonstrate<br />

no advantage tor ~.' over esters or 011 alone in dormant<br />

season work.<br />

431<br />

Conifers<br />

In 1957, a preliminary report (2) was made concerning dormant<br />

eeaaon application of und11.~: 2,4-D amine in partial cuts for chem:i..<br />

th1nn:1ng pine plantations. Briefly this report stated:<br />

1.. In red and Scotch piXIe pl.a.Utations, trees 3-5" d.b.h.<br />

received, 2 or 3 cuts per tree.. Each cut received 3-4 mJ..<br />

of chemical.<br />

2. For red pine treated in November and ~ch, the terminal<br />

leader and uppermost whorl of lateral branches died back<br />

the follow1ng June; the whole tree was top-killed by the<br />

end of sUIlllller.<br />

3., For Scotch pine, death of trees was sJ.()wer; edge trees with<br />

large crowns sometimes recovered.<br />

4.: Presence ofa few dead red pine trees ~acent to treated<br />

trees suggested caution in recormnendiqg the new treatment.<br />

!<br />

\<br />

Subsequent red pine growth studies have eSt' :blished the probable<br />

reason tor death of untreated·· trees in the plan :tion as a combination<br />

of drought e.nd shallow soil 'which predisposed t weaker trees to suecessful..<br />

bark beetle attack. S1m:iJ.ar bark beetJ.ei damage has been found<br />

on numerous red pines on poor sites in recent y$rs.<br />

In the past five years, applica.tion of UDi~uted 2,4-n amine<br />

in partial cuts has been made in several. plantat\Lons of moderate size<br />

to test the general utility of this method of chemi-thinning. These<br />

treatJ!'StXts are described in Table 2. '<br />

Nearly all trees in these stands were top-klJ.led by the end of<br />

the graw:l.ng season following tfeatment. Exce:ptibns were hemlock, which<br />

was not killed, and sUllllllertreatments of Scotch ~d red pine, which<br />

resulted in slow kill over .most Of .. two growing s.asons. Slow kill<br />

was observed occasiona1]y in treu, with large,c~s and in trees<br />

with fewer than one cut per two inches of di8iJiet'r.

')<br />

')<br />

C t1<br />

c, r .L..j<br />

\' ':,~<br />

~, c ('<br />


Th:Ls ch!~ca1. tx'eatme:n1!_1IhClJ.ose~ as80C!ia.ie~Jw1th lJm'k .beeUcl·'·I. (;<br />

~e;to ~re~ia. ~,pi:Di,~.JF1n.~peJ. ~~JleftJit involve:Cl.,nor- ·'t'<br />

mall;y'18 "pj.1;obed out Qf~l;~~s, but~;,pr dying.,1lrees a:t'I!ll'"<br />

susceptab~.·)i~ 'cbem1~~ted tree~<br />

't~\i~ '.lowl3'·dy1ng.~,(0.<br />

prime targets, end beetle populations ms:ybuild up following treatment<br />

of extensive~. This pOP\llation build-up poses tD questions:<br />

(a) What roles do beetles PlaY in kil11ng treated trees? (b) Will<br />

the build-up cause success~;. ~le attack on neighboring healthy<br />

trees?<br />

" . . .' •. :'e I ",' "~.. ,J<br />

~~ 6f,j;he .chemi.ca1.·a~.sto betrElO.~4 upward in narrow<br />

bends above the point of application, leaving sizable streaks of live<br />

wood ~etween. ~ WQOA.~Ii!: ~~.1nd1cstedl;ly ~ration of liSP<br />

wood following treatment. ·~ry,Uttle ~~xus1ocat:lonis indicated.<br />

This has been verified' by treating one stem of twin red<br />

pines; p,s~ o~ the tre~ :f;tem dies. S1nc:p:~e tree dies;t'roe .f<br />

the to:p do~, a tree ~th a:~ crown is ~i~d... Treeswitb.<br />

large crowns and large areas of live wood between dead tissue may<br />

live ;LolIgel'qr;eveu.recover~ F~ s~ch trees 1;9)~., they must e.itber .j.<br />

be overtopped. and .~d out ~~,colI\Peting .trees .• '__e-girdled through<br />

progressive dying of live tissue along the stem.· Beetle attack may<br />

influence the latter process, but its significance is not known. In<br />

most of the treatments, beetle activity was abundant and trees otten<br />

died quickly. In at least two of the areas, there was little or no<br />

beetles activity; good top-kill was still attained.<br />

Whether or not bark beetle population build-up might become sufficient<br />

to endanger healthy trees is not known. In most of these<br />

treatments beetle activity was sufficient~ heavy to cause the base<br />

of treated trees to be ringed with frass droppings; even so, no untreated<br />

trees were dameged. This fact appears to be especially<br />

significant in respect to the white pine stands which had never<br />

been thinned and contained many non-vigorous trees suppose~ susceptable<br />

to beetle damage.<br />

The use of undiluted 2,4-D amine is cheap. The chemical cost<br />

of most thinnings is about $2.00 per acre. The labor time required<br />

by an experienced Ban using hatchet and plastic squeeze bottle 'With<br />

chemical varies from 1.5 to 4 hours per acre depending mainly on<br />

ability to Il'.ovethrough the plantation. One cut for every two inches<br />

of diameter is otten sufficient. For particularly fast kills to<br />

reduce bark beetle build-up, for trees 'With large crowns, and for<br />

speeding kill following summer treatment, more cuts are needed and<br />

the cost will be somewhat greater.<br />

In sU1lJlllarY, 2,4-D amine in partial cuts is en easy, cheap,<br />

non-hazardous, and effective method of chemi-thinning many conifers<br />

in the dol"ll8nt season. It is particularly applicable to plantations

',<strong>Weed</strong><br />

434<br />

becauH ,~tlIt'~·, '1sUni1ii!lf\ Weuts~" ril.t~ ,eOziIplete'.'ffl~et,<br />

ere-tar ._~\W ~~&H(~11'dlf~i~ work.~~~'<br />

and~·;(;J.)iti;de '-1te~e4iJb 'W6fiod:'sUde~.M::f&.-'k:l1:t1ngd1~~:I<br />

. p1ne;1ttc~j ''bl\Us'theH_~be'Y:I;:;;­<br />

':,'1 C•.f ;<br />

:-\.J (1".:"\1;('<br />

.' i::l i'c'l:lJt,<br />

, .'!,,··DII,·<br />

J :t)1.~,·<br />

I'. J.sC;,-l"·'·:<br />

'rc<br />

,<br />

~:: i_'1::_~,-j"1<br />

... ', ".;" , ,;<br />

. . ~.<br />

... ..~;

:<br />

if.. . '<br />

A Comparative Study of the AppUoatlon of<br />

Three <strong>Weed</strong>1c1des, Kurosal G, Kurosal 5L<br />

and a 2, 4-~E.~er to Three ~e~ 1n<br />

Long Pond, Dutc~,ss County, Npw ~ork.<br />

, .. ","<br />

435<br />

Made~ene E. P1eroe, Vas,ar College,Poug~eeps1e,'New York.<br />

t - .<br />

" , . ,I' "<br />

The purpose of th1s stu4Y.was to oomp~e the results of I<br />

the applioat10n of three w.~4191des upont.b,Jjee, separate plots,<br />

The weed1c1des were Kurosal G,Kurosal 5L, .~da 2, 4-D Ester,<br />

All were app11ed at the same concentration of act1ve 1ngred1ents,<br />

2.2 ppm. In the early SUl11m"1'."frequentobIl,Fv,at10ns were made<br />

and records lteptnot onlYct, "tAe effect up0ltthe pondweeda, b.t<br />

also upon nekton, plankton".~ benthic or.l.ms. The duration<br />

of th1s study was from May jl ,~ October 4;~ +96~.<br />

'"',,<br />

I w1sh to thank Mr. warr-~ ~oKeon, alld;~ Kenneth W10h Qt<br />

the Poughkeeps1e otfice ort~! ,Ne'liYork 5,ta~ Conserva t10n ~,<br />

partmen t for the1;r .haLp 1n14h; ;f'1eld. Mr. 9.!tto Johnson again<br />

gave the use ot his boats tp.r'r~he season. :1)oW'Chemical Company<br />

suppl1ed the produots wh1ch wWe being stud~ed;and Vassar<br />

College provided a small e;~,ant tor oovering:.tudent assistance<br />

and transportat,1onexpenses.:; ,,','<br />

• J J<br />

Cond1tions in Long Pond have been oal"efJ1J.ly descr1bed 1n detall<br />

1n prev10us papers. (~1'rce1958, 195~f 1960, 1961)·<br />

Three exper1mental areas wf#'e~ staked ou t , , ,11'jo·~of" these were ],0­<br />

ca ted wi th1n the shallow lj,ttoi'al zone (l ..

436<br />

several speoles of Potamo eton ,(Po amPlifol~S, P. crispus,<br />

P. pusillus, an.... ~.• atans •. Othe.r sUb~.rc... weeds are present<br />

but in limIted'a"_ • . . .:. . " ..' '.'<br />

.' ',

'j 437<br />

petioles, now elongated,f'ortoed miruature arches above the'L·'.<br />

water; the ,pads overturned and theentire,jplot presented a4"8ddiSh<br />

oast oompared to the surrounding untreated green area.UBy<br />

the end of the first week, the surface supported a tangled mass<br />

of stems, leaves ,and bloa'8dms, whioh stlon:began to deoompoee.<br />

From this point on, deoomposition proceeded slowly, more al",,1y<br />

than in previous years. Whereas the surfaoe of treated a~••<br />

usually had been free of pad. by late JUll,' they were not.tjoee<br />

of pads until August or earl~ September i~ 1961.<br />

In oaves or little bays of area I II" where the waterw&s<br />

qUiet, the 111y pads disappeared more qUickly, as well as mQre<br />

oompletely. In the region of the ohanneL~exposed to win~<br />

and probably a small ourrent, the treatment was not as effe~t~<br />

1ve, and even in september oonsiderable ngmbers of lily pad$;<br />

dotted the surfaoe. Submersed weeds (Utrloularia) responde~<br />

in muoh the same way. They.were reduoe! cr nearly eliminated<br />

in qUiet waters, but not in the deeper and more exposed ohannel<br />

area.!<br />

.-: J t) I<br />

Areas I and II oan be oommented upon'·together. Exoept',ltor<br />

a narrow band olose to shore •. these areas responded suooesst.lly<br />

to tr~atment. By early september the surtace was well olea~edof<br />

111y pads,and the submerged weeds (mostlJ: Utrioularia) had·IQeen<br />

ei tbel" eliminated Qr muoh re(1uced •. Along~:the west shore, a cmos-s,<br />

hornwort, and some water 1111es form an:exoeedingl~ dense b~r.d&r<br />

of 8 feet in wldth. These plants were not eliminated or substantially<br />

reduoed. As fo.r the Potamoge~. it is very diffioult<br />

to judge. InsparElel-y populatedare",s. it seems to di~<br />

appear With treatment, b"t in densely popQtated areas, ther$c<br />

a,ppears to be no reduction lP number of pl&;nts. l<br />

, , j'<br />

One halr of area I r!&j:utlved a seoond.pp110a tion of K~sal<br />

G on July 5, three weeks. afUr the first¥pllcation. Thisn<br />

treatment was made ~in order ,.to test the v1:80Zlof a large pa1i~<br />

of NUpp!r advena whioh had not. beenaffeo'ed by the first appli<br />

ca tion.. By the end at . twoweeks, thepA,ants were dying. ~d<br />

by early September they w8l"'e.-declmated, bu:1l.not oompletely<br />

eliminated.<br />

.I 'r::- i '<br />

It may be oonol1uded that, ln genera1., ~~haea, BrasenM,<br />

and Utr!1oul~rla res,ponded l1uooessfully tOfJLIlithree weedio1i$8<br />

when applied at a oonoentra1iion of 2 ppm. ".No one of the thl"IH<br />

weedloides proved more effeotive than the,-other two. I<br />

The summer of 1961 3,n P:utohesEl Countl:W8,:S hot and humid<br />

With all" temperatures oft.enj,n high 80'.S~; low 90's. FrPm.i:<br />

May 31 - September 20, bottom, tempe;ra tur~-ttd):r- the pond variei1.<br />

with the usual seasonal ~enQ.. Op May 31iot.ne temperature "Joil<br />

a 0001 60 0F, whioh rose sharply during a hot period in early<br />

June to 78 0F. During the AA~terohalfo:r. ~nei .and early JU::LY,<br />

the pond oooled to a conatan t, 74 F, but %?qse",galn by mld.... Ju.iLf<br />

to 80°F. Although no sample~ were taken 1~ AUgust, it is

"<br />

, 438<br />

reasomlb;Le,',t!o &Hume the -!pdDd ~rema1ned ,1i4Nb' the 80°': level 't6~<br />

,seT-eral w.o., , By Sep'l;e.m'ber~O, bottoll' ~ratures 'had ' ,<br />

falleD' '0 ,680F. 'jf ( • 0: 1<br />

~ : . ~) ~;~~- j" .:~ " ~<br />

:'llM,d:1sJlOlvec1 oxygen t~«n.ected 10. geliel!lll'the s.ea.son8il.' ",<br />

. ~re.n.d· ot .~~:ture. As.,':1nrprevious 81U11111er,s, the dissolve4F',<br />

oxygen, OQft'ten!t>otJ 1ii1e Qont~li area was oonaiste:ntlytheloww.-t'.<br />

on May; 'J14')'J::t,w~8;,9.,5 ppn.G7J!tlep' ocourrell e's:toltdy deorea:~'[~'<br />

a low of .5 ppni 1n la.te;:Jlt~, followed 'bJ ;t;rrreadlng of 5.6 .;<br />

ppm on September 20. Experimental are~s showed the same trend.<br />

In. areag;!::a:ndi II on I-~':3lrt)'t;ha diesolve4J',oitygen oontent wa!l<br />

lO'ppm.. d1pplng to 1.4 ppaq' f ,and remainlni!,tl IItt'OI,tnd 7. 4-7.8 ptml ~<br />

as ;Late &S),Se:p.1A'emPer20.,~difJsolved: ooqg.en oontent ot ~)<br />

III, el1OWed,ol.o:.e:roorrela.ti1l)tl with tempeftture. On May 31 1~,<br />

was' 'l0. ppiili, Cdecreasing daMn'g'JJuly to 5.53~, and returnlng'bt<br />

septeml!1er. ~ to'?_, 2 P~'.::) DIn-a' appeared, :'0 be: no c;orre1a tUft' .:<br />

oflcUtYi!;eni contbt'wl'th' the1iappl1cation of tn., weed1cide.'<br />

. 'j!:. *~ \ "':':'~)(.:.·S~~ -" .liT ,;T f:.<br />

The pH read1ngs 1n all areas showed the same trend. The)"<br />

were highest 1n May and June, deoreased to a lower point by<br />

late JUl." aAd:.r$maltled at tl1'l1s1evel'8VeftOaa late as September.<br />

The .~rla1l1on8 ;oocurred betw •• n e.) ....7 ~20lj 'lhe pH of' the \(jon:-i'<br />

trolareawalJ oons1stentllYf.:1l0wer than all Iothe:rs, 7.8 - 7/l.<br />

i<br />

c,<br />

Exper1Dlental"areaawere e1tdl.l'~ to eaohother'andshow$d '1,.' '<br />

va:riat1on •."beheena.3 ....,7~~4. ·No co:t'lrela1ll1on of pHwlth the"<br />

applioation Q.ttih.weed1ctd"'loan'b.dedUCJH~ , ',FCC<br />

',~'. t- .~ . ~:;"! .::-!I"·r ~ "l"' j<br />

'The:planltt6ri identll~JOt&nbe grOUP~ ae "in' prev10uli<br />

i<br />

,.; "<br />

yea1'8: M~Ph1ceaelCh1~l*10ea.e; Pro<br />

micro-organisms revealed a faso1nating pioture of' the ohange<br />

oQ~t'~ngt~w1~n,,~he plank-Wtll pdpuJ.atfod'O!J1;htt liIaason p'ro~-:"<br />

re'ued'.: ': , I:D<br />

'In bGth'e!Xp~Ii1ll1ental::andJ 'control aio_'.i large aqua tio<br />

vertebrate4,' 't'1eh, ,froge,' 'ahd:tur1l1es yij!'e ~serit1n -abun- , ..<br />

danoe atid (li1cvel y:l n:behavfb¥.;,'!' : Many adu1."t.fililh and large<br />

". .t<br />

sohooliir Of'

Helisoma, Menetus, fhYSa andValvata; Peleoypoda (Sphaerium);<br />

Amphipoda (the scud ; Isopoda (Asellus); Insecta (larvae or<br />

nymphs of Mayfly, Damsel fly, Dragonfly, and Midge). The<br />

seasonal trend: ot populatlpn, W..s refleo,\;e

:lBummary<br />

'eI'<br />

. (<br />

1. Th%"e&~xpe1"1IDenta], ar-e•• Were ohosenli_: the shore ot:,rtidhg<br />

Pond.: :NCor these weH'ohe ao:re, one •• but,a halfaoM.<br />

'v. ~ fIJ"-':>: .. :;<br />

2. Observa t-t.()hs.on theeeVA8 J were made ·lll"OlIf May.)l - Oot~<br />

4, 19p1. . " ":j,'~.; ';: ':).t .. ' '<br />

3. Prel1mlnary et-udy of the tollowingoondt'tione and organ­<br />

1.llls,\' __t...o~r.~Qg QU1;,t...r2ll!Jlay31.,-.J'Y.n4LZ;. ,bQttOlll temperatures,<br />

.pH"jA#.:ssolved, oxygen ,oontent, plankton population,<br />

benthio 'popUlation " lILrgeaquat10 vertl!lt>1'ates, andpondweeds.<br />

Afte.%-treatment, thiS prooedure wa~repeat.ed June<br />

14-16, June ZO-23, July 5-7, July 22-24,~.hd September<br />

19-26. "<br />

4. The three areas were treated on June 1) With the same concentration<br />

of weedicide, namely 2.2 ppm. Area I received<br />

Kurosal G, Area II a 2, 4-D Ester,andArea III Kurosal 8L.<br />

5. Within a narrow marg1nal border of extremely dense growth,<br />

surtace and submerged weeds did not respond to treatment.<br />

6. Wlthln more open portlons, although stll1 of dense weed<br />

growth, weeds dld respond.<br />

7. N!iPhaea odorata and Brasen1a sp. were suocessfully ellmlna<br />

ea1n most areas.<br />

8. Utricularia purpurea was eliminated ln many areas, and<br />

greatly reduced 1n most areas.<br />

9. Nuphar advena was dec1mated, but not ent1rely oleared, even<br />

after a seoond application.<br />

10. The three weedioides used appear equalll etteotive. No one<br />

appeared to be superior.<br />

11. The temperature of the bottom water showed seasonal variations<br />

within 60 0 - 800F.<br />

12. The range ot pH was between 7.4-8.0, and followed the<br />

pa ttern of the oontrol.<br />

13. The fluctuations of dissolved oxygen content were between<br />

4.5 - 9.5 ppm, and paralleled those ot the oontro1.<br />

14. The plankton was represented oonstantly bl the same groups<br />

as 1n previous years. The rlse and fall in abundanoe of<br />

individual plankters refleoted seasonal trends, and were<br />

obvious in both experimental and oontrol ~reas. No period<br />

of deoreased numbers or aot1vity was observed after the

i s. The benth1c populat1Q~ W¥", OOr,ls',tantlY~"",p:resented by the<br />

same forme as 1n prevloUf-':lfUuuners. An1'"S1gn1f1cant 1nore9.se<br />

1n number ofa81ri~le speo1es was exh1b1ted by exper1mental<br />

and control areas, and therefore interpreted as<br />

seasonal. ' . ,<br />

;' ',"1<br />

16. Fish of all ages, frogs, and turtles, were present and<br />

lively 1n treated and control area~ throughout the summer.<br />

r'",:<br />

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,.',~<br />

:.,;;'<br />

.. ,;<br />

'. :l1. i' : :'[.::1<br />


OuBaVATl. ~Cl{:J)IS'DlDoTtclr:ijQ~.~'.1U wA'1'BIIHIUOIL ...<br />

. ~.IAY• .1961'to'. ;<br />

Jolw.~. Steew)/ V~ 0. Stot:ta. V ~!=1.' R. GU1.tJ'<br />

, ~\.. '1 .<br />

1'ba 1aY¥101l of the uppa' a. ky ftIiOIl 'r Bur.. 1ao .. tamilfoU<br />

10 .... Gu~r R1~<br />

ill 1954. e.1Cbau1b• 'PllICflJlllll'''' c:ollacted 10 the<br />

did DOt bacaaa eppanDt U1ltU ~ 'l t".. cll.oz,."<br />

at; .. beacI of t:ba Ba,.<br />

dv .. 10 1902 u.4 tbe plat bad"'" .. tabU ..bed .. eM l'otellUC Rivu at<br />

lau, 'f.Dce 1933!/. B,. late 1959. tr ........ ta of • pl ....t .. re fOWld dl"Uti ...<br />

over .much of the 1&7.ao.d.... baa had baccaa ... 1ubed wherever QVUOD­<br />

_Il~l co11dltlou .... Vt1lfact:ol:1. Ss.aee flOla. tr .... DtI CD .Ul'Vlve<br />

1" ,.UD1tie. of 20 pptloil(BeaveQ, 1960). tldal ~ta could cany UviDI<br />

plao.tl 1oto the &a.haI' portlOlll of lIlO.t •• tu&r£N; of Cba8apaakeBa,..<br />

Bvr.. f.u. .. tand.lfoU c10•• 1ylte •.-l.......ve watena11foU 2 1OPbr U \III<br />

exalbescep'. wb1cb 11 fouucl nf.Dcf.,.U,. 11l al.ci... ...... '1'be 4i ereDCeI<br />

10 eppeuace betwau tbaae two .pacle. ere for _ II08t pert relative.<br />

Leaflet .epellta OIl the upper portiou of the •• __ 11,. DUllbel' lII01'e<br />

t:ba 12 In Bur.. l .... watena11foll .. fewe tban ll) ill the utlve speele ••<br />

Inte~leaflet .pace. In Bur.. lao. wtena11foll .\1&117 &l'e .maUel' t:ba<br />

tho.. 11l the utlve .pecte.. III addltion. leaneClt of Bur.. ta .. tulIIl1.<br />

foll often &l'e lDOI'ecurved. 1bue two ch&I'eoteri.adc. slve tb. l.af of<br />

J/ '.tuxeat W11dl:l.fe Re.e&l'cb ceuC&l',<br />

Laurel,<br />

Mar,.lad.<br />

U. S. Fl.b tad WUdUfe Service,<br />

Jl Kal'1l ao.d Game u.el IIl1u.4 rub OOIIII1. .. iOD, Pf.e:tIIUoollobertsoo Project<br />

W.30-R. ~li8. Mar,.luel.<br />

J/ tafonatioo supplied by OorcloDI. SlIlitb, t. ...... Valley AuthorU,..<br />

!J./ hu.cl. H. Uhler, UDpUbll1beclreports.<br />

il "t. P&l'ta pel' tbouaao.d.

443<br />

Eurasian. wa~lfoil a W8t.f~~ appearauce. ,,"ter buds ~ seeds ,of<br />

the neUve s~c1es geaerally v.' twice as 1&1'8'1,.'thDse of Eurasian _tel:­<br />

mil foil. Both apecies. grow~t..i.n. alkaline waee.cbabit8ts •. Eurasian<br />

watermil€oil, hQWeVer., is the, "~7,sp.C1es of KYIjOpbtllum known to grow<br />

iD coa\lt,1 ~e.l;. ofapPl'ecf.q~.:,~lia1ty. It 'pnchaoes vigorous growth<br />

in waters of sa~1D:I.tyup to ~O ;pp(;aad caa grow li&Ulf8her saliD! ties ' ,<br />

(Bu ••• 1960). '<br />

Theobjectins of these<br />

'Objectives<br />


444<br />

taken OR' the spedes, bd' abu~ of, nad."pl.~ '!he Virginia I~t~~te<br />

of Marf.De:sae .. cooper.tedR:tltsuney 11\ V~aj the Maryland NaWta1<br />

ResOUl'ceslutitu.,M1p.d' s~ti tileatea &ClII'""Dft~WashiD8ton, D., q~,: .<br />

, along the MBylua4 std. 'of, ChiQPO c R:tver, ad, .11ODS .the Weste~ SJi6tt<br />

to theh.u"o!·,Cbu.,..u Ba1i :theMarylarael"'aaid loland F18h .. ., ~<br />

Coam1.u1d1l·•• t.ted tn the s--:f"g lII6et of the -ilUtern Shore doWn to '<br />

Tal:bot County.' . . .J ',";S' ,<br />

Siuce previous studies (S~. aDd Stotts, 1961) had indicated that<br />

phenoxy cCllllpOUDds,parttcular~y 2,4-D1mpregnated .~~ttaclay gr&DUles,<br />

were the 1IIOR.en.cU". cbeadllliAJW;fcWcontrol tit adlanwateX'lll1.lto1l10<br />

tidal ,ar... ._8IIlPtiasis In 19M !We OIl refl ..... '·ol techD1ClUes.of· ttl.. ':..<br />

I\I8Dt and on cn.... to·determ1i1ie':'·wetber other P.'''~]>benoxy comp~.~,<br />

be8ldU 2,4-01>tIIDU1dg1Ve 1Iuec:8Htdi results. AbOift5;000 pounds ofgr~<br />

pheDoXyfCJzWalatl ',' .:..:' .: •.". '. .iJbY")<br />

:piopyl'elie '81,"1: fobUtyl ether"~sbf 2,4-0dlchlorcS2<br />

" ·':·pheao.x)'a~·tecld . )

Empb4sis was on testing DOD-volatile esters of 2,4-D lmpregaated in<br />

granules. Series of randOlllized. replicated trea~ts, with checks, were<br />

made on liS-acre and l-acre plota in fresh and brllidciah water habitats<br />

during ti~, of slack low water. 'lbe dosage rate .... re 10, 20, and 30<br />

pounds a. e.. per a... Chemiuls WIre applied duriiIB the latter part of<br />

May and early Juae after watend.l~ll was high enouahto reach the water<br />

surface at ebb tide; most of the treatments were. made when the temperatul:'e<br />

of the water was above lSoc. Other phenoxy formulations were applied at.<br />

dosages of 5, 10, and 20 pounds' •••• per acre on Lilo-acre plots in both<br />

fresh and tidal water ereas; X'epU.catioDS were made at the 10 pound a. e.:<br />

per acre rate. testing was cont1aued until after taitial flowering.<br />

Additional tests of both e,tews and amine sal~ of 2,4-D were made et<br />

high tide, when dispersal of herbicides by currents would be greatest;<br />

these tests were made on 1/2-acre ADd l-acre plot.. EDdothal. which is a<br />

highly .oluble and readily dispUs.d formulation, was te.ted at 40 pouDd,I<br />

a.e. per acre on a 2 1/2-acre plot in a small bay at dead-low tide to see<br />

whether it would be effective under such favorable conditions.<br />

Herbicides Were applied frOlll a l4-foot boat. "tlich was propelled by, a<br />

5 horsepower air~thrust motor. Granular herbicides were applied with a<br />

knapsack power sprayer (Solo Model 60) strapped to a seat in the center of<br />

the boat. A hopper .of the type ,used for farm tractors was cradled in a<br />

wooden fr8llle on the gunnels of the boat and attached to the knapsack POlfllr<br />

uDit with a rubber bose. '1be gr ... les were fed by::sravity into the rotor<br />

of the air-thrust unit and dispersed through a 4-iach rubber hose and head<br />

device in a 10';'foot swath. 'lbe flow of granules was regulated with a<br />

pointed stick that fitted the opening of the fuDDel. Liquid formulations<br />

were applied with coaventional power spray equipmeat from a boat propelled<br />

by an air- tbrus t motor.<br />

Results<br />

Distributiog Studies. The rasults of the survey in the Chesapeake Bay<br />

and PotOlllac River region in 1961 indicated that the area of infes tetioo of<br />

Eurasian watermilfoil toteled about 100.000 acres &Del that new esteblishments<br />

were occurring at a rapid rate. This is in contrast to its known<br />

range of 50,000 acres in 1960 (Stotts, 1961).<br />

'1be rapidity of invasion 111illustrated by the records of aDDual OCtober<br />

surveys. of the Susquebal:lna Plats, an area of major importance for waterfowl.<br />

Previous sampling of stetions sbowd the following. frequencies of occurrence<br />

at vegeteted stations in successive years: none, 1957; 1 perct,t. 1958;,<br />

47 percent., 1959; and 84 percent, 1960 (SpX'inger et al., 1961)A '1be stJtYey<br />

in 1961 X'evealed that Eurasian Rtermilfoil was pX'Uent at 88 pucent of' the<br />

stations. 1Jl July 1961, a silil!lar auX'Vey showed that 71 percent of the :<br />

stations had Eurasian wateim1lfoil.<br />

445<br />

1/ a.e ..- = acid equ.ivai~t.<br />

~l Also, P. 'to SpriaSeX'. V. D. Stotts. and C. K. Rawls, se., unpublished<br />

field DOtes. 1961.

446<br />

Another illus tration of .aplodve growth U '. very rapid increale in<br />

erMka at the mout:lt of the ~ Il1ver. which ii.tl .. thervery importUf:<br />

waterfowl ana. No Bur.. 1aD _CMtJll!dlfoU wu UO__ rtll .urve;ya made dur1111<br />

the .UlE8r aod fall of 1958 aadli59, but it .. '-~ IIDd cODBpicUOUIby<br />

1960. B;yOCtobc 1961, the creeb'1Ifte cOIIIpletet""'tted over with thil ;<br />

.'plllDt, IIDd oati:vaplantl. indUldl1ll highly del1rllltle duckfood .pecie' .....<br />

virtuallyabl81lt.<br />

Ck"owthof Bur.. ian watermilf.U i. gel18r.ll,,"~ent alons • horeli.l·in<br />

shallow watar expoled eo .ever.-).¥aVe lIDcl tidal ac'll\m. but oyster drel.gel<br />

bave picUd up rooted .pec1.lD8U;, at: depths of 14 t;O'!'16feet offshore frOIl .<br />

SC1118of thele ar.... 'lbe plllDt grows best en soft. mucky bottOlllS. but allo<br />

rapidly invade8 hard IlIDcl in protected ar....'<br />

Althoush Buraalan wat.ermilfoU is spreading'.' 'rapidly in the upt)er<br />

part of Chelapeake. Bay. it .... to have reachecl'iblllllXim'JIII rar.ge in IIIIICb<br />

of the Potomac River. In fact, ill recent yeat'sltJ'b .. decreased 80mewhat in<br />

certain are .. , lIDcl cleQ8ity of· 8l'wth hal been ob...... d to fluctuate. !ti8<br />

factors caudng these reductions in growth are un1cD.owD, although salinity,<br />

turbidity, tidal currants, cal'J' i6fe.tation, aod "'ii1bly midge larvae<br />

infe.tetions may be involved. 'c'<br />

control ~1ments. Gr.. ·le81mpreguated1fitff'2.4-Dccmtinued to :,ive<br />

better contro~the otherp .. ..,. cOlllpounds. ''iId:e:is significant d_e .<br />

2,4-D also :ls the cheapest p~compound on the IlI8I'tcet. Accordingl,..,<br />

telta were made pr·imarUy with ·f..-lations of 2.~.<br />

'1be tlIr_ elter80f .2,4-» (bR~tball()l, 1860ec'tyl. and proPylenel1lcol<br />

to. butyl ether) gave almolt cClll91eu control at ..... rate of 20 pOuDda<br />

a.e. per acre. Under ideal situatioDB of limited watel:' movement. the 8Ill1De<br />

salt of 2.4-D applied at a rate of 10 pounds a.e. per acre gave similar<br />

results. Envirollllel!.tal conditioDB 'cIS\I&Uy did D.Otpermit maximlJllI co..trol<br />

,wi th amine sal ts at· low dosages. hOW8"er. Under varying condi t:l.')DB of tidal<br />

.movement IIDdwave actiOn. e.ters of 2.4-D gava 11IO:'&.'G.9IJs1stent control than<br />

did the amines. 'lbis may have bean because the DGIIiIo801ubleas tel'S havellOre<br />

residual effects .than the soluble a.1De salts of2i4-~<br />

. Good control at high tide relAlltedfrQIII app1lOatious of esters of 2.4-D<br />

on l-acre pIaU. On smaller plota and friDge areu, bowever.better c')ntrol<br />

was obtained at low tide when the vegetationbel~' eo,contain t3herbic1de.<br />

Molt herbicide granules una.1n this study __ of 8 to 15 inch IllUh<br />

hard-baked attaelay. smaller .t&e.:were difflcultl~,u.e. Soft granulea<br />

gave • faster diapersal of the. eatc and a sl1g1atql faster herbicidal<br />

reaction thaD the ba:ked gr!lllUlu. .!be 80ft pellat.. 'bOwever, usually<br />

crumbled more ~ly aod, for' tb1e rauen. were llICIIl'eQifficult to uae •<br />

• j ..;.,..,

447<br />

. , ,<br />

-. I':'V'est~a.ti

448<br />

'."I.e. ..0.'. 2 i4o'Dllt'1Q{Iouads .. ~..'.••....• (t:~. ':'81* .•' .~ •..• 1..~O'.·.· ... ·.'··i·-: a .' ~'~hie.itavoir.bl.·~Oitit ]"~. Jd:thea'ter.<br />

,.•. 1a,.·C'C8":.'.S.'~·.1.·..'<br />

of<br />

,c:.~."""1<br />

i~:.<br />

'.'.'<br />

.., ..... ~. ·eoagi •• ';tiolttioot., .;· •. ·•• i~:" 2'~D beuu.·.·of~.:r.<br />

l'Uldull1'-.u.ct",~·:BuhalaG 1~1_..' coqaT~1S1214.0!>~~'':': '.:<br />

=l.'~.b._.~~=.·.".: ;~."'."<br />

..1. ood<br />

..: ~....•........•... ::.= ..·-.<br />

t..~~.~ './.J.· •...<br />

. ~~.1::.•.. ~.;.' ;<br />

Ba1~ioD.~.·~~1 t:8'~ti~~]'t~,,; l~.•.l.<br />

;;:..' .. ~;'~ .,'<br />

.~•• C~~·::l!)';."<br />

Beava. a. r. 1960. wa&:ee'1li11t8n"tudf.~J~ ~\lcbe•• p.ake area. - ..'...;:<br />

. ~ DepattlleDt: Of .... arch aDd lClWi~OIl. Ref. No. 6O-if~'<br />

• III1Mo.;, 5 p. :. . ',.,,~ -;'1g . , .<br />

" , ','. 'r' .' . !l":~-:~;'."! :' ';:~J,:~«'<br />

;. """,.,, 'i "':l< .:::!. . -c. 9~~~ .',~; "<br />

uavell'··D;o 1961. •...... ian .. urMlfo:l.1 in Chei.aH8&··'Bay aDd thePOt~t<br />

River. Preseated ac':"'tbaofth8'Iitlliriftat. COllllllill1onof"~<br />

the PotomacRiver Basin. 7 p.<br />

" • ' . .' r " :,:OC·:. ','<br />

P.ttan.B.·C.,..J'r~· 1'54. DMP.te_of ..... riaD's-pec1es 'of -: ~.<br />

. Mrdopb,U_ .. 11.... 1.. b,~·.d~.of the in~#_ /~r<br />

__ .' tal'Nt:weeIl··!e";'ItiM80eli8·hm'i~.":!o spicatum 1. in:':-'<br />

NevJe1's8)' •. JtbodclWa: (670): 213-225'. :..~ . .' c,,<br />

SprlDpr, P.I'. (S~~):. ':'19J9~ 'SUBui:y oli:ltWspncy meetiq OQ,.<br />

Bur .. t. _teJ:aI:116;t1:. 'i,atu:.hltY:llCil'llk 'Ieaearch .Center. . ; '.!<br />

~. ", '1}L.:~·


2 .3 4<br />

G. Francis Beaven, Charles K. Rawls, Gordon~. Beckett<br />

''"..<br />

449<br />

ABS'l"RACT<br />

Oysters, crabs, clams and fish were held near the center and outside<br />

of one.acre tidewater plots of Hlri9phYllumfPl~tum L. during<br />

and after treatment with the butoX1.ethanol-ester'o,~.4:D at several<br />

specified rates. Mortality of the caged animals in 'reated plots and<br />

in controls was observed for five weeks. Examinationof native bottom<br />

or~isms in the plots was madeb, hFdraulic dredge aadby grabs with<br />

a Petersen dredge. Results indicate that applieatiOl1 at rates as<br />

high as 120 lbs. acid equivalent per acre are not dl.ect1y lethal<br />

to the caged animals. In one instance an anaerobic,eondition developed<br />

that was lethal to both caged and native animals. Whennormal<br />

aerobic conditions are maintained,tr.eatments of 3OU,. liE/Aresulted<br />

in no mortality to the native macro-fauna observed and did not<br />

kill the valuable native plants.' Groupsof animals:eiposed to the<br />

above treatnient are being analyzed fo~ herbicide red¢ues. I '<br />


"<br />

,I '<br />

, :1,<br />

The ChesapeakeBiological Laboratory of the University of MarylandNatural<br />

Resources Institute, in cooperation with the PatuxeatWildlife Research<br />

Center, the MarylandDepartmentof Ga.m$'andInland Fish. and the Virginia<br />

Institute of Marine <strong>Science</strong>, is engagedin a joint research programupon the<br />

varied aspects of invasion of the Chesapeakearea by ~sian watermilfoil<br />

(Myriophyllumspicatum L.). This paper,deals with preliminary observations<br />

of the effects upon certain native aquatic organisms that result from milfo11<br />

control by 2,4-D in tidal estuaries.!<br />

Acknowledgment and sincere appreciation is expresst4 for the help given'<br />

to this phase of the study by personnel of the above agencies, by the Taft<br />

Sanitary Engineering Laboratory, by the manycooperat1!18',shOreownersand<br />

marina operators in the areas where the experiments we:rliconducted,and by<br />

Mr. Robert Wakefield, a student of Antioch College who'bred in the field<br />

workduring the spring and early summer.<br />

': ,<br />

(l)<br />

(2)<br />

{J}<br />

(4)<br />

Contribution No. 192 of the Nat~ral Resources Iattitute of the Uni~<br />

versity of Maryland, ChesapeakeEiological LabQtAtory,Solomons,Md.<br />

Senior Biologist, Shellfish Investigations, ChesapeakeBiological<br />

Laboratory.<br />

Biologist II, Aquatic weedstudies, ChesapeakeBiological Laboratory.<br />

Biologist I, Aquatic weedstudies (nowgraduate .tudent at OklahomaState<br />

University).<br />


450<br />


A major aim of the toxicolDC!aal~ttudles con4~ br.the Institute<br />

during 1961 has been to determine Whether or not the field application to'<br />

milfoil of attaclay pellets impregnated with the butoXT_ethanol_ester of<br />

2,4-D causes lethal effects upon species of~ommercial importance that<br />

occur in the Chesapeakearea. A second objective was to determine if<br />

herbicide residues are present lal tissues' of ·food sp.des held in experi. ,<br />

mental plots durinc aad after treaUlent. An addit1_1objectivehas beellc<br />

the accumulation of"dati. concernliii,~the etfect of treatment on other<br />

aquatic aniJilals and plants natlvelto' the treated ar ... ~~<br />

~ ,.:,X ~ -, '1 ~,<br />

This particular f'ormulatiOl1of a,4-Dwas Ielect4citor the study be;.;·'::<br />

cause ear11er research .(Beaven,1,601Steenis andStotti., 1961) had' '<br />

demonstrated its etfectiveneu and apparent safet", •• used'for mllfolli<br />

control in local tldalareas. '1'" . fl' ;'<br />

rl ~<br />


·i.- -"t' \ .' 'fl.<br />

Important commercial:fisherits!or the easte·rn-,zofster (Crassostrea<br />

rM:inica), the blue crab (CallipHttssapidus )ud.-ahe softshell clam<br />

M arenaria) occur in the saltier waters invaded bVmilfoil. For this<br />

reason, the primary area selected for st1,1dywall..tb.t1,lower PotomacRiver<br />

where these three species occur. Field trips were madein early spring<br />

to selectll1llfoll irifestedcreslts:ol" 'coves where onwcll. plots could be<br />

laid out. It wasessentia.l that [the.e be well sheUtJ!edand subjected to<br />

a minimumof water dispersal from:tlde and wind moveMnt. The three most<br />

suitable Potomactributaries meetlng·these specificatloDs were St.Patrlck<br />

Creek and 'Wblte Neck Creek on the Ma17landshore amULOwerMachodocCreek<br />

on the Virginia slde.In each of ,these, oysters aril:planted~ commercial<br />

crabbing and f1shlngarepracticecl taM.'beds of naUte,sottshell clams are<br />

present although not exploited commercially. An additional area, Dundee<br />

Creek near the head of the Chesapeake, was chosen for observations in<br />

fresh to barely brackish tidal water. ' :':; "J.<br />

r:,.,"<br />

In the'potomacexperiments't~l'ee replications 9'l-itreatments were \",<br />

madeduring late spring at 3Ellbu:,acid equivalentdt 2.4-D per acre.<br />

60 Ibs. AElAandof'untreated control plots. A single plot treated at th.'~<br />

rate of 120 Ibs. AE/Aand a fourth control plot .werf,lIalaolOCated in this;'<br />

area. These provided observations of applications, madeduring the most<br />

favorable period for herbicide effectiveness, at double and quadruple the<br />

quantity shownby'priorexperiBlen\t,(30 Ibs. AE!A):te,beaufficient for .<br />

good contro~. SUbsequentobse~at10's this lear (Slfenls et al 1962) have<br />

shownthat over large plots, 20 Iba. :AE/Acan supptijiAlillfollunder proper<br />

conditions of application.<br />

;:.;." J\'" :<br />

Each one-acre plot was roUBblf"square in shapeJ.-d"contained dense"<br />

beds of milfoil. Plots were measured with floatingpolTethylene rope and'<br />

corners markedby stakes set firmly in the bottom aDd projecting eight or<br />

more feet above the surface. Each plot was designated by a number. Average<br />

depth was apprOXimately3 feet with tidal fluctuations of a little

more than 2 feet. ExceptionalUdes several feet ~yond the normal ran~<br />

occasionally occur.<br />

'<br />

Nosingle creek in the lower Potomachad suffIciently extensive mil.<br />

foil beds to accommodateall ofth~ replicated plots and provide adequate<br />

buffer zones betweenthem. Tbethree creeks selected were as nearly alike<br />

as possible but had slight differences in salinity-and in other characteristics<br />

of minor importance. Since it was moredesirable to replicate<br />

measurementsof the differences in 'mortality betw~n groups of animals etposed<br />

to zero, 30and f:IJLbs, AFJAof 2,4-D than tOrepl1cate identical!<br />

treatments, a complete series of the three treatmen~swas placed in each<br />

creek. Hence, plot numbersfor one each of thethfee treatments were<br />

chosen separately and at randomfor the individual' .creeks. The site of· 1<br />

the 120 Ibs. AEtAtreatment and'of a control were¢rawnfrom plots near J<br />

the mouthof \'lhite NeckCreek. Plots for each typ~f of treatment in the i<br />

low salinity habitat of DundeeCreekalso were chal$enat random. "<br />


Collection of certain envlronmentaldata begaa·in early spring when<br />

the plot sites were se~ected. ~ing the period o~test-animal exposure,<br />

the salinity of the MarylandPotomactributariesu~ually varied between<br />

7 and 9 parts per thoulland, whllethat of plots in]he upper portionot<br />

the LowerMachodocwas ap~roximatelY two parts lo~r. salinity in Dundee<br />

Creek remainedwell under 1 ppt or essentially tr~~h. ThePotomacvalues<br />

were about twoppt below the seasonal normal tpr that area.<br />

j' .<br />

Water temperatures rose irregularly during the study period and generally<br />

were below seasonal normal. At the time of.herbicide application<br />

in the MarylandPotomactributaries (May29-June I), water temperatures<br />

ranged between18.5° and 21.5° C. , During the preceding week, they ran<br />

from one to twodegrees higher. Whenthe Machodoc:plotswere treated on<br />

June 7, water temperatures were unrecorded'at the time of application but<br />

were ranging in the low to mid.twenties as determined from parallel data.<br />

During the subsequent period of observation, water temperatures ranging<br />

up to 27.5° were recorded in the Potomacplots.<br />

In DundeeCreek the water temperature was l6.~o C whenherbicide was'<br />

applied on May20 at 5:30 A.M. Higher temperature~ had occurred at this<br />

location a tew days earlier and on'May21 the tem~ature was 18.5°. No<br />

further temperature readings"were taken in the'to%\cological study plots'<br />

at this location. "<br />


In each treatment plot, cages of experi~ental animals were placed<br />

near the center, about 10 ft. outside the plot boundaryand at a point<br />

about 200 ft. outside the plot. Oncontrol plots, animals were held near<br />

the center. Limitations of time and personnel did not permit replication<br />

of cages at each holding site.<br />


452<br />

. '!'he cages-used were tw~toot:~bes constl'llCltMlot. half-lnch mesh<br />

galvaniziQ hardware cloth fastened by hog rings. A hor1znnt&1 parti Hon...<br />

about 8 i~. above the bottom divided the cage into two compartments.<br />

Ropes and buoys marked the pos~t10n of each cage .~. the water.<br />

~ , . '':-•. . ,'., .. ~ J:-, ' '. ,; ';<br />

One'Or two days before herb~¢.de applica-t1on ... c~ cage in the Pot~<br />

tests had 25 oysters and 5 blue crabs placedint. ~ttom compartment~<br />

5 small fish in the upper sect1,Qn. In Dundee Cre.~: lQ.fish (pumpklnsee4, •.<br />

Lepom1sdbbosus) were used.~.e Potomac fish w~ ... mixture of pumpkin,<br />

seeds, whiteperch (Roccus wr4qanus) and yello~Jlerch (Perca naveseMl).<br />

In add1Hon sottshell ~l~s ~ere placed .lP:bread tins 6 inches .:<br />

in depth and fll l·25<br />

~ with bot toui:8011. Corners .Qf•.,8iChtin wer.efasterieci to<br />

ropes lea41ng to a buoy line. '.tb~~e groups of c. were placed beside<br />

each caeeln thtj Maryland PotOlll8.C, tributa.ries..~1al cages and trqs: ,<br />

containing large Bl'nups of each .nlmal were plaoe4,;'fiI,t. the center of one of<br />

the salt water plots treated at )0 Ibs. !EVAto provide animals for resi­<br />

·due tests.<br />


All .ca.gecianimals in the '~land Potomac'tii~tar1es were examined'<br />

daily for. the fi.rst sevendays.~ter herblc1dea~t+l~t1on. Dur1ng the<br />

second week they were exam1nedt'fl.ce. Exam1naU~tben were madeat .<br />

apprqximate ten-day1ntervals Ullto the t1me"';he~~es were removedat<br />

the end of five. weeks. In the MaCbodoc,on the t,\t~lnia' side, two e~ ..<br />

inations were madeduring the flrst week, one the second, one the third and<br />

the cages removedat the end of the f1fth.<br />

Ananaerob1C.c:ondition deve10pedin one of ~r~&> lb. treatment .<br />

. plots and hd~scrlbed separat~~1.·; \;lith the abovf e;t~eption, no important<br />

differences were observed .in mortalitiesoftest~lmals amongthe thre~<br />

creeks in the Poto~ac area. Statistical analysls:Qfdata from the siml~$r<br />

plQtsls notwarrarited and the~e plots are groupe!:to,ether in the summary<br />

tha t tollows. '11<br />

'. OYSTERS.Nodead oysters were found in any' of th~ cages. except1~<br />

tn theanaeroblcplot, during tbe.,first two week~, A,few scattered deaths<br />

occurred durlngtbe following thr.eweeks· that ~~~x1mate expected ~or~<br />

tali ty amongsimilar oysters In thIs area. Th.1s'f@'*place both in co,",.:<br />

troIs and In· treatment plots e . ,! .condensed,tabu~~on, of the number of .<br />

oyster deaths is shownin Tabie r. ., ..<br />

~',<br />


TABLE1. Responseof oysters t~ different concentrations of 2,4-D.<br />

Total animals<br />

in 4 plots<br />

Days<br />

ExPosed Control<br />

14 Live 100<br />

Dead<br />

24 Live<br />

Dead<br />

o<br />

98<br />

2<br />

3.5 Live<br />

Dead 2<br />

Total animals<br />

in 3 plots of<br />

.30 lb. MIA<br />

Cen- "<br />

ter edge ~200f<br />

75 75<br />

o 0<br />

7.5 7.5<br />

o 9<br />

74 73<br />

1 2<br />

7.5<br />

o<br />

Total an1ma.ls Total animals<br />

in 2 plot. of in 1 plot of<br />

60 lb," AI/} ~o lb, AELA<br />

Cen- .... enter<br />

ed9'200' teredge 200'<br />

so SO 50 25 2.5 25<br />

o o o o 0 o<br />

75 48 .50 50 2.5 23<br />

o 2 0"" 0 o 2<br />

7.5 47 49 50 2.5 23<br />

o 3 1 o o 2<br />

2.5<br />

o<br />

2.5<br />

o<br />

453<br />

~. Noclams in the containers died durtng the first weekex- I<br />

cept in one of the controls where nine were dead·on-the sixth day. Crabs<br />

were feeding upon these and attacking the remaining live clams. During<br />

the second weekdead clams with crabs feeding upon themwere found in all<br />

of the remaining plots. At the end of the second weeknone of the experimental<br />

clams were left •<br />

. Crabs have been'observed elsewhere to attaclt::and consumelive sort<br />

clams that are exposed above the bottom. It is theorized that in our<br />

plots crabs were attracted as scavengers soon after the first death occurred<br />

in each container of clams. Since the liv4ng clams were thinly<br />

covered by soil they were easily uncovered and at~cked by the scavengers.<br />

Crabs continued to be attracted until all clams ~re destroyed.<br />

CRABS.The normal morta:H.tyrate amongcaptive crabs is hIgh, es';<br />

pecial!y after the first few days of conrtnenent, Furthermore, dead crabs,<br />

together with any that becomeinjured or that molt, are rapidly consumed<br />

by other crabs. and predators s~h as eels that canenter the cages.<br />

The large numbermissing from our cages exceededexpectations and rendered<br />

the numberof dead recorded, two from the controls and two from the outer<br />

cages, of no significance. If it can be assumedthat most of the missing<br />

had died, a doubtful possibility, then the numbei~of survivors gives some<br />

indication of the extent of mortality. For this reason, the survivors<br />

are summarizedin Table 2. Initial numbersare fisted since a fewcra~s<br />

were lost before herbicide application.

454<br />

TABLE2. Surv1~l of C888dcrabSi..:<br />

'J.',<br />

.' ~<br />

Tota'l1lUlDber Total l1'lJIiNr Totalnumbel' Total number<br />

in 4p10ts, 1n J plots .rof ' 1n ,2 plots ot in 1 plot of'<br />

30 lb. QtA' 60 lb. WAr feelb. il/A_<br />

Days Cen-c:' " Cen- ,.,,' , en. '<br />

Exposed' ConttoA' tel' *e'200' tel' ed«e,p' tel' edge 200'<br />

o days 24 '14 14 14 9 9 '9 5 5 S<br />

1 day 22 1.3 12 11 9 9 8 S S S<br />

7 days 20' 1.3 10 .. 9 8 6 e 4 4 S<br />

35 days J<br />

. 2 .1.~t.; _ 2 4 • 2 3 5 ....<br />

F1na1 % 15.8 14.3 ' 35,1;;, 21.4 44,4 44t~11., 40..0 6'0.0 J,OO..Q<br />

FISH~ The6h1yl8,rge mortal1rY'of fish occurred. in one of the control<br />

cages~any of those fotUlddead appeared to have becomegil led in small<br />

openings or to-have, been caughtb! crabs nipping them through the horizon..<br />

tal partitionot thecaie. Du1'~ItI\the first weelt,'4Il1dat two later periods, .<br />

holes were folUld in the top ot'se.,eral cagesthat,:perm1tted the fish to<br />

escape, thus accounting for most:ot' those missing.,,' Table J shows theobeo<br />

served fish mortalitY in the ,Potomacplots for the most significant, intetvah.<br />

TABLẸ3. Resp6nse off1sh (.3 speC1es) to differenit'concentrations of 2,4-:0.<br />

~ .:.'<br />

'.'<br />

Total number', Total number Total num1ter Total number<br />

,in 4 plots 1n J plots;d in 2,'plot8"c~t in 1 plot of<br />

, JO lb.A'E:tA:' 60 lb. AEtl" ~20 lb. AE/A<br />

Days Cen-:. Cen- "" en-<br />

Exposed Control tel' edse 200' tel' edQ 200' tel' edge ?QQ'<br />

1 Live 34',· 25. 24, 25 20 2(l' ,120 10 10<br />

'"'lu.<br />

f()<br />

":0<br />

Dead 0' 0 0' 0 0 0<br />

-,<br />

7 ,Live' 26 20 14", ,':21 19 19.~i6 10 9 9<br />

D,ad 8 0 1<br />

: Xl!'<br />

'! 4 1 l:?("~ 0 1 1 i' ,<br />

J5 Live .17 0 2 "l2 9. 16 ,0 10 9 9<br />

1,<br />

LJ.·,' i<br />

Dead 17 0 1 s 6 4: ' 11 0 i 1

In the'Dundee Creek series. ,one of the f'1shdltdbefore herbicide<br />

application aJld Is exclUded.. Onthefil'st day aftet'lappl1caUon, all i i<br />

were al1ve~' Thisdseries remainedlilChecked until ~9f,aays after appl1catioil.<br />

whenaga,inallfish. present. wel'.',Ulve though.s everilhad escaped. Local I<br />

fishermen 'occasionally examined the) Cages througho'l1t f'the period and repor~<br />

ed no dead fish iii them up to the 'time they were '1".'84 1n late summer. ' .<br />

Theyalsoneporteclthat t1shing'.sgood in theplot,trom which the herb~';;:<br />

cidehad. cleared the milto1l. Tnetisb caught apPe$ted ttl be normal and "<br />

wel'l!of excellent·"flavor. ' "<br />

1 '1 t j r<br />

.M!mOBISDmtQPMENT. The'p~e'Where anaerob conditions developediasffn'.,a;cove'containing<br />

veJlt'it41nseM io 1 ;~61"owth. The bottom<br />

wasasottmuclt ",Hh water depth'9t,4 to fee, riding upon tidal .<br />

stage. Rate of 2,4-D application was 60 Ibs. AE/A. ,'lEttects of the herbtl"<br />

cidewere well contained within th~ plot and, ast1)e mass of weeds died, it<br />

sank to the blJttom and was not dls»laced by current,. On the first day<br />

aftu :aPPl1,cat1on,all'a.nimalste~~al1ve. 1abula~ of the oyster!! isi<br />

shown.1nTable4. '. '" ',::- .! " •<br />

~: .., ~~ . .2:1,.r :<br />

'Days<br />

ExpOsed<br />

i. TAiLE4. CIJMRLATtVE lfBER<br />


455<br />

r.<br />

1 0<br />

,f 0 0<br />

~. ,..<br />

i. 1<br />

5 4 j •.•.. :;O 0<br />

9 8<br />

, 0 0<br />

rj r<br />

16 16 2 0<br />

~ IJ<br />

34 . 25 2 relllffed<br />

Th~ 5 fish and 4 crabs present In the center '~ at the time ot application<br />

were alive after one day. B,rthe 5th day, 1 t~sh and 3 crabs were<br />

dead. On the 9th day, :3fish and all 4 crabs had.df~. One fish was alive<br />

on the 16th d81andnone atthe end of observationsFNo predation occurl'fi4<br />

lnthecenter cage but did occur:1nthe other two. )'two:fish survived to the<br />

34th dat in the' cageoutside theedte and 2 crabs t~\'the 16th day. .<br />

NATURAL FAUNANDFLORA.Numbersof fish, mostly menhaden (Brevcer~<br />

tYTannis) were observed swimmil18in,the Potomac area plots both beforea<br />

atter treatment. ~ottom samples were taken by Peter,en dredge in early May<br />

and againih mid~JUne trom the trel~ment plots in tat Machodoc. These have<br />

been analyzed by Dr:MarVinWass of~ the Virgin1a Iri~~~ tute of Marine "<br />

<strong>Science</strong>. He concluded that, for these samples, thedetect10n of changes due<br />

to the experiment 1s ne~ted by na~ural seasonal Ch!Ulgesduril18 the long<br />

time interva.l' that' resulted from pO'stponementof thet's~heduled treatment.<br />

'. . . "( .

OnAUlUst2,3rd the1abol'f,tQr,~, researchves .. l.~equlppedwlth'a"·<br />

fine-mesh.ed,~ydraul1c dredge, _e transects of tIIe'::,Machodoc Plots;; ThiU<br />

d~vIce.t:eect1vell .".shes: outl~~"tijeQottom'ancl;'rlBgs up all matet1al~y<br />

thatl:1IJ1 b~reta,lned on the, t~~ghtb.""lnch.. e.,beit. The sampl1ns H<br />

depth ,8~t~s to)8 1nches.b8~'f:r~he bottom-wat.erillbtertace (ManniJlB,'r·!,"<br />

1959).~ept ~ lntheeJla8J'oll"chP1&t, r1lU1erOUS s,.teeof l1v11l8clus, r[Hi<br />

worms, ~9-,other ,an1mals al?Pea,Md[!\o,beeq\l6llJ!.~t both within "udy' :<br />

outside the tres.~ed plots. M j~~~.rest in eval,.lift&'effect1nness ot·r~_e~<br />

herbicIde against milfo1l wasthe evidence of extenslnk1ll1ll8 otlll~oU<br />

roots in the treated plots, although such roots were so abundant outside<br />

as to reDder oP':rllot~Qn of the,·-I\leMe verydifftcult.·:;In,theanaer,oblCAplot<br />

all clams "',ere d.~, ,an, ,d~e\l.P",ij'J!J!yyst1x lncheeof ,btJrOi~iIatel'laLcont&'liM:":<br />

none of ;the ,invertebl'a ~esthanreff'l"bundantly (pre.-". short distance oOlt.<br />

814.eof the:Plot bOundary~, .i"jC

workers. springer (1961) cite8& numberof references and gives values as<br />

low as 1 ppmfor d.amageto bluegills by the butyl:'ester. Other esters<br />

were less toxic and the sodiumsalt was tolerated.~,by rainbow trout at eollcentrations<br />

up to 112 ppm. It is thought that in somecases add1tivesand<br />

impurities mayaccount for muebot the observed fi,h mortalities.<br />

457<br />

Noreferences have been found that give toxicity of 2,4-D to the eastern<br />

oyster, the blue crab, the softshell clam or commonspecies of estuarine<br />

fish. The presence of inorganic'salts in seawater'may possibly a.lter the<br />

toxicit1 of 2,4-D compoundsto a species of fish Ill, salt water as comparedto<br />

the samespecies in fresh water. IA series of experiments is underwayat<br />

Solomonsto determine the toxictt,of the bl4tOxy ..ethanol-ester used in:ollr<br />

field tests upon the economically11l1portantestuat1ne, animals in both fresh<br />

and saltwater aquaria.<br />

A preliminary series of observations on cage4ranimals was madein the<br />

Machodocduring July and August of 1960 (Beaven, 1960). In that series. no<br />

lethal effects were detected upon oysters, crabs or fish at the centers of<br />

three plots each receiving a different formulation··of 2,4_Dat 40 lb. AE/A.<br />

A fourth formulation at 20 IbsoAE/A, however, killed all animals in the<br />

cl18e. These tests all were madeduring higher walter temperatures than In<br />

1961 and with plants moremature. Milfoil control was poor. In the plet<br />

where the animals died, the treatment produced little noticeable kill of<br />

milfoil and anaerobic conditionfwere not a factor. It was postulated that<br />

toxic impurities in the formulation caused the observed animal losses.<br />

In late June of 1961 an adlH.honal one.acre treatment of JOIbs. Af./A<br />

and a control were placed in the LowerMachodoc.lData from these are not<br />

included in the preceding tables since they were not directly comparable to<br />

the others' due to the later appl1tation. Fifty d*1s after treatment, all<br />

oysters in both plots were aUTe, 2 crabs survivelin the treatment co.red<br />

with 0 in the control, and 8 fish survived the treatment comparedwith 9 in<br />

the control.<br />

.~<br />

Although data for crabs are 'weak, the resuQt~of the studies to date<br />

indicate that the formulation of 2,4-D used, whenapplied in a similar manner<br />

at concentrations of JOlbs.AEVA or less, does not·directly cause a sl8hlfi­<br />

,cant .mortality amongthe econeetc.'forms exposed, iner amongthe observed!.<br />

native bottom fauna.<br />

A serious threat, howevel',·til oysters, clams-:and other bottom org!llAisms<br />

'is evident in treated areas~en large mats of decomposingmilfoil remain<br />

upon the bottom. Parallel kills. 'of native fish. Cl' crabs maynot occur !in a<br />

small plot, even though those caged in the anaerobic plot did die. As free<br />

swimmers,these animals can moveout of locally unfavorable areas and it is<br />

noteworthy that, though liVing abundantly in surrounding water, no native<br />

fish or crabs were found as dead specimens in the plot. However,if dense<br />

milfoil beds over an entire creek are killed, with subsequent anaerobic development,<br />

it is possible that a heavy mortality of fish and crabs in it<br />

mayfollow.<br />


458<br />

Th~ anaerob1c condlUon obstrved probably flas(tugely con:t'1nedtl)'


460<br />

deteJ'lnined by a modification .~.: the 4-amino.~tipyrine colorlm~t'ic<br />

method (2). Analyses forphe~ol were made iJIl.o.rder to asoertain<br />

the background level of these naturally oocurring compounds fr~<br />

decaying vegetation and to oq~~~t the 2,4-DOf data. The 2,4-0·<br />

was determined by a modified bhromotropie a~~ color1metrio<br />

method (3). '\<br />

Materials<br />

. . . ..-.. , -; , ;. " , ':t ,,~<br />

The granular formulatiori,QeOntained 20 p,tr oent by weight.oid<br />

equivalent of the 1-so-octylest,er of 2,1.L-dh~oropbenoxyaoeticiaoid.<br />

This material was added at tnlil rate of 20 po~s of the acid ..<br />

equivalent peraore or at theo,oncentration~ll.34 mg/l. This,<br />

formulati.on was f.oupd also to contain 0.65milgram of 2,4-DCP or.<br />

a ooncentration of ~.36 ug/lln the lake. " ,<br />

Table I shows the chemicaf quality of ti1~.lake water. just I .<br />

before addition of ~he 2,4-D.· The high pH value of 9.4 was attlr1.buted<br />

to a tributary,cl[lrrying dra~nag~ from ,a l1~e,~one quarry. The<br />

bicar.bonate, (.to.~&l).alkal1nit.y·.... _.nd thoe tota ..l..fha.r..dne sa were. of ,<br />

low to medium conoen..trationlil.,,' the color v~+ e or 20 is fair1Y<br />

low for surface waters. Or8~ni~ matter was ,.asured indireotll<br />

th%'oush: the ohlorin$demand an-¢oB.O.D. analy~s. The valuesai'.<br />

0.4 mS/1 ,.ana. I. 3.5 mg. /1, r.espect.i. ".el Y, indioa.,t.!E.. ,mall amounts ot,<br />

organio matter. ,The natural or background '.~~'hold odor numb.~<br />

of 2 was~ulte low and was qual1tativeJ,y IdeD~ltied as "earthY"i<br />

or "musty'. Small, insignificant amount s 01"_'interfering sub- :<br />

stanoes were repo;oted as 2,4-D epd phenol. lfo2,4-DCP was '<br />

detected prior to herbicide t!'$atment." I<br />

Results<br />

No significant eftects on the chemical characteristics ot pH,<br />

total l;1ardness, and total alkalinity (Table It bY' the 2,4-D weI'$<br />

observed th%'oughout a samplintp~riod ot 70 ~.1s •. LikeWise, th~re<br />

were no signifioant devlations.tromthe orig~'al values tor colpr,<br />

chlorine demand, B.O.D. and d113i!Jolved oxygen'.~ These latter<br />

analyses were made primarllytl)\observe any slIeondary etfects<br />

on water quality by decaying vegetation. Apparently the release<br />

of organio matter was too slow to register an appreoiable effect.<br />

The threshold odor number remained at the value o~ 2 throughout<br />

the sampling period'.,!lhe slS1'lticancecf thi. oboorvElt!on is .<br />

discussed later in the paper. ' I'<br />

Table II shows the oocurrence and perslstenceot 2,4-D,<br />

2,4-DCP, ..andphenol atvarioue t.1meinterval.a....up ..to 132 days •.<br />

The maximum conoentration ot 2,4~D, 49.5 ug/l~ was observed<br />

13 days atter treatment whereupon there wu a'"gradual decrease I<br />

to 13.0 ug/l atter 132 days .'J:'!?-ese data shQ~, :1:h.at very 11 ttle<br />

2,4-D was detected in the "r:ree~rlowing" portion ot the lake<br />

despite the fact that the he~btcide was appli.~ at the concentration<br />

ot 1.34 nig/l. .• " ':,'

461<br />

TABLE!<br />

Chemical Water QuaU1?::rof Rockawa::F:PaiPkLake (a)<br />

Analyses<br />

pH<br />

Total Alkalinity<br />

Total Hardness<br />

Color<br />

Chlorine Demand(c)<br />

Biochemical Oxygen Demand(d)<br />

Temperature OF<br />

Dissolved Oxygen<br />

Threshold Odor Number<br />

2,4-DCP<br />

Phenol<br />

2,4-D<br />

9.4<br />

4?5 mg/l as cac0 3<br />

54.5 mg/l as CaC03<br />

20 color units<br />

0.40 mg/l as C1 2<br />

3.5 ms71as 02<br />

73 .<br />

119.5 %saturation<br />

2<br />

0.0<br />

9.0 usll as phenol<br />

8.0 ug!l as 2,4-D<br />

(a) sample taken 6/27/61 and analyzed 6/28/61<br />

(b) average of four samples<br />

(c) contact time = 15 min., chlorine residual (OT)= 0.1 mg/l<br />

(d) 5-day, 200C, B.O.D.<br />

The ~,4-DCP exhibited the same patternpf' occurrence and<br />

persistence as2,4-D in Table II, but at lel~er. concentrations'.<br />

There appeared to be a slight increase of 2t~-PCP to the 10-11<br />

ug/l range after 70' days •. A spot check f'orf,l2,4--DCP was made at<br />

132 days where the concentration was observe~ to be 13 ug/l. A<br />

very low level,. 5.0-15.0 ug/l, of tlbackgrol.U1dl'phenols were<br />

observed.'<br />

Discussion<br />

The use of 2,4-D as an aquatic herbic1~,~ releases 2,4­<br />

dichloropneno1 as an impurity 'from the CO~.OOlia1 formulation.<br />

A oaloulated oonoentration o'f' 4.36 ug/l 2,4~ in the lake<br />

would have resulted from the g:r-anules of 2,!tt.:Dused in this.<br />

study. The possibility also exists that th;B ~h10rinated<br />

phenol would be released asan'intermediater;biologloal<br />

degradation produot of 2,4-D •. There is s o~ eVjidence to<br />

support this statement from a preliminary report on the<br />

effect of some aquatic herbic~des on water Cjua1ity (6) and<br />

f'rom a study of' 2,4-D degradation<br />

, .. by so11 rtLt;croorganisms (5).

462<br />

Ooout't'enoe<br />


chlot'onhenol,<br />

~<br />

Be1'ot'e ( a)<br />

1 hout'<br />

2 days<br />

13 "<br />

22 "<br />

27 "<br />

48 "<br />

55 "<br />

70 "<br />

132 "(b)<br />

(a) June 27, 1961<br />

(b) Novembet' 16, 1961<br />

Dete!'minat1on.~verage 01' Four Sampling 'Areas<br />

2,4-D 2,4-DCP Phenol<br />

~ . ug/l uBIl .<br />

0.0<br />

1.0<br />

3.0<br />

2.0<br />

.5<br />

2.0<br />

0.0<br />

11.3<br />

10.5<br />

13.0<br />

()\<br />

.. :..J,. .'<br />

Th~ 1~~a1s 01' 2,4-DCP shown in Table II oan be oompared<br />

with threshold taste and odor oonoentrations reported by But'ttsohell<br />

et al (4). These investigators 1'ound that1;M'major ohlorination<br />

produot. >$".otP.heii6 ...1~. (C6H5.OH).we. Jo .... ~ ?-ehlorophe.nbl,. q.-ohloropheno i".'<br />

2,6-dlohlvrophenQl, 2.4-diol:).lprppnenol and 2,4.o-triohlorophen I'<br />

01' these 1'ive cbmpo~ds. the ,~~OP. 2.4-Dcp.~nd 2.6-DCP were "<br />

1'ound to be. the major' taste~M odor produoEl~~'.' Threshold i'<br />

taste aRd odo:rcbncentrat1o~u~,C?f' these 1'1ve'cw,lor1nated<br />

phenols a~e 'g1veri1n TaolerfI.<br />

The odor level 01' Rockaway Park lake water was not af'1'eoll"il.,<br />

by the observed concentrations of' 2.4-DCP in Table II since th,<br />

threshold:value of'2 re~il'j.eit:\,r;()nstant thro. 70 days of' .<br />

examination •. A'. 81'0.t ,checkwEl.S;.~adefor thEt ~yp1cal medicinal'<br />

taste .andodorof'chlQrina~eq'MenoJ,s at 1:32.:ldays since a concentration<br />

of' 13.0 ulzll of 2,'.4o:..n.CPwas f'ounq}.,41,'Nomedicinal<br />

taste or' odo'r .w.as,,o.bserre.d." .... ,.¢h .... ·.ese dat.a ~re.,.J1n.··.g.eneral agreement<br />

With Buzwttschel). ,sinc~t~, concentraticmsot2.4-DCP did<br />

not sign1ticantIyexceed tho~e'~equlred tQ·~ar11a taste OP<br />

to raise the thre'shold odor level. . . .<br />

.,-,"" i<br />

, .... . ,f<br />

2, 4_D~~q:~:mo~~e~~~\;tw;~t,tror:~dQi3~edrYf.d i~;~e u~'~ao;er4!<br />

not verified by subsequent analysis and, therefore, were not<br />

considered valid.


Threshold Taste and Odor Concentration ot Various Phenolic' ,<br />

Compounds(a) !<br />

Component Geometric Mean Threshold-ug/l<br />

~ ~<br />

Phenol<br />

2-CP<br />

4-cp<br />

2,h.-DCP<br />

2,6-DCP<br />

2,4,6!~TCP<br />

-,..1000<br />

4<br />

"'1000<br />

8<br />

2<br />

"'1000<br />

(a) a~ter Burttschell e~ ~l (4)<br />

7 1000<br />

2<br />

250<br />

2<br />

3<br />

~1000<br />

The data also indicate th~t any 2,4-DCPpresent in a lake<br />

treated with 2,4-D would be there primarily'~san impurity ~roin<br />

the ~ormulation. There is no evidence from this study to<br />

suggest that,an appreciable oonoentration 0~'2,4-DCP would<br />

arise ~rom the biological degradation o~ 2,4--D. I~ 2,4-DCP<br />

is an intermediate degradation product, then apparently it<br />

decomposes at about the same rate as 2,4-D.<br />

The data also show that2,4-D does not Persist ~or any<br />

appreciable length o~ time. This compound apparently reaches<br />

its peak concentration soon a~ter application whereupon it ,<br />

decreases to levels that reach ~ sensitivity o~ the analytical<br />

method. In addition, very small amounts o~ 2,4-D, 13-50 ug/l, ,<br />

were detected in the "~ree ~lowing" portion o~ the lake that .<br />

came ~rom the initial 1.34 mg/l dosage. ThIs'may be an empirioal<br />

reason why, in this particular study, the degradation o~ small<br />

amounts o~ 2.4-D is not a signi~icant source o~ 2.4-DCP.<br />

This study, perhaps, presents a more realistic picture of<br />

the occurrence and persistence o~ 2,4-DCP in a 2,4-D- treated ,<br />

lake than the carboy study reported here last'year (6). At '<br />

that time, there was evidence that 2,4-DCP oouurred and<br />

persisted at levels high enough to produce taetes and odors<br />

according to the data o~ Burttschell. Since this investigation<br />

was limited to one lake and one type o~ ~ormulation, however,<br />

additional ~ield studies are needed to show tme.'e~fect o~<br />

various concentrations of 2,4-Dand of other types of formulations<br />

on taste and odor water quality. The previous carboy study<br />

showed that the ooncentir-atn orr iot' 2,4-DCP impur,i ty varied considerably<br />

with type and concentration of ~ormulation (6). The

464<br />

pOBsib,i11 ty ,also eXists, tha,,t,',"O,8,O&,Yi, n,8' a"qu,,~,1,c ,vegeta tionmaYi,J<br />

release2,4-~DCP as a metabol~!f)

(1.1-) Burttschell, R.H. , et al., "Chlorine Derivatives of<br />

Phenol Causing Taste and Odor", J. Amer. Water 1Mks. Assn., 51,<br />

205 (1959).<br />

(5) Audus, L.J., "The Decomposition of 2,4-D and 2<br />

Methyl, 4 Chlorophenoxyacetic Acid i~ the Soil", J. Sci. Food Agr.,<br />

J, 268 (19$2). .<br />

(6) Faust, S.D., Tucker, R.J., Aly, 0.>}4., "A Preliminary',<br />

Report on the Ef'f'ect of' Some Aquatic Herbicides on Water Qualit1",<br />

Proe. of' the N.E. <strong>Weed</strong> Gontrpl Conf., <strong>Vol</strong>. 12, 546 (1961).<br />


466<br />

Seed and seedling to~e~ance of lawn.~asses to<br />

certain ~~ass herbicidea!<br />

E. J. Rice and C. R. SkOgle~2<br />

'" Several herbi'cides will seiectively control crabgrass when applied i{<br />

stands of established turfgrass prior to the germination of the crabgrass,seed.<br />

The degree of injury to established grasses has been quite well determine~ . .<br />

under \llanyconditions;.· Very little knOWledgeis avaUableregarding the action<br />

.'of most cra.bgrass herbicides whenappUed to the son p:Hor to seeding turf ..<br />

grasses or when applied to iJJJnature grasses.<br />

There are many instances when it would be desirable to treat soils before<br />

seeding, at the time of seeding or shortly after seeding. This study was undertaken<br />

in an effort to determine, under one set of conditions, how long residues,<br />

toxic to certain perennial grasses, remained in the 80il. A second purpose was<br />

to ascertain the length of time necessary between seeding and treating with certain<br />

herbiCides at various rates.<br />

Materials<br />

and Methods<br />

The test plots were located on a soil that is classed as Bridgehampton<br />

sil t loam. A productive, well-drained soil, it had been fallowed for two<br />

seasons prior to 1961. Fifty pounds of ground limestone and 25 pounds of an<br />

8-6-2 grade fertilizer per 1000 square feet were added to the soil during the<br />

seedbed preparation on June 21, 1961.<br />

Nine chemicals, most of them at two or more rates of application, were in­<br />

Cluded in the test. An untreated check was maintained for comparison purposes.<br />

The chemicals, formulations, and rates at which they were applied can be found<br />

in table I.<br />

All chemicals were applied to each of three grasses - Merion Kentucky<br />

bluegrass (~ praten,is), Astoria colonial bent (Agrostis ~) and Chewing's<br />

fescue (Festuca ~. The bluegrass was seeded at the rate of two pounds per<br />

1000 square feet, the fescue at 5 pounds and the bentgrass at one pound.<br />

Each block or replication consisted of one 28-foot strip, 66 feet long,<br />

for each of the three grasses. Each 28-foot strip of grass was divided into<br />

7 4-foot widths through the entire 66 foot length. These 4-foot plots were<br />

treated or seeded, the fUll length, at each treatment interval. The 66-foot<br />

length was divided into 22 3-foot Widths, each of which received different<br />

chemical treatments. Thus, each individual plot size was 3- by-4 feet, and<br />

there were 462 plots in each of the 3 blocks.<br />

Chemicals were applied according to the following plan:<br />

lContribution No. 1050 of the Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station.<br />

2Graduate Assistant and Associate Professor of Agronomy,respectively.

Code<br />

A - seeded June 29<br />

B - seeded June 29<br />

C - seeded June 29<br />

D - soil treated June 29·<br />

E - so11 treated June '29<br />

F - soil treated June 29<br />

G - soil treated June 29<br />

treated 2 week~'later 7/12/61<br />

treated 4 weeks later 7/28/61<br />

treated 9 weeks,later 8/30/61<br />

. seeded - same d~y 6/29/61<br />

seeded 2 wee~s Jat,r 7/12/61<br />

seeded 4 week,SJater 7/28/61<br />

'seeded 9 week$~ater 8/30/61<br />

The test,area was irrigated fre~ntly throughout the season to assure adequate<br />

moisture for germination and'gtowth of the gi~ses. The grasses were cut<br />

at a height of 1 1/2 inches as need~' following esta,plishment. Clippings were<br />

removed when they were excessive.'<br />

'<br />

Those plots seeded 2, 4 or 9 weeks after the solI was treated were hoed and<br />

raked 1ightl y prior to each seeding date. This most"ce~tainl y caused some mixing<br />

of the chemical with the soil. It was necessary~however, to remove annual<br />

weeds and to loosen the so11 surf8~e to prepare a sa~isfactory seed bed. In all<br />

cases seed was spread with a mechanical spreader. Chemicals were weighed or<br />

measured in amounts required to treat individual 3-~~ foot plots with the'ex~<br />

ception of treatments 20 and 21. These chemicals were applied with a mechanical<br />

spreader .• DrY.formUlations were mixe.dwith one Pint,.~ef dry sand and applied by<br />

hand. The liquids were added to one pint of water ('1't>0gal s/A) and applied with<br />

a hand spra~r at 30 pounds pressure. r'<br />

Grass response to chemical treatment or treatmeQ~ interval was determined<br />

by comparing the growth of grass on the treated plot, with that on the checks.<br />

Assuming that, inmost cases, the stl!nd and vigor of,fihe grass on the untreated<br />

plots to be 100 percent the grass on'the treated was~scored from 0 to 100 percent.<br />

The scoring was done from 2 to 4 weeks follow~ng treatment. This depended<br />

on the length of time required for the slowes1;.grass to attain sufficient<br />

growth to be properly scored. '<br />

Twoor three suosequent read'1ngs were taken dur~~9 the season to determine<br />

whether the initial injury was of a temporary or pe~ent nature.<br />

ReSUlts and Discussion<br />

Table I presents the average 'turf ,scores, based 'ondensity and vigor, of<br />

the three grasses when seeciing was done at various in'l;ervals following the'application<br />

of the herbicides to the S()~l. The averag~,;turf scores on the th1'ee<br />

grasses receiving treatment at va~i()us intervals aft~ seeding are given in<br />

table II. These scores are forttie'first readings ta,~en on each plot.<br />

The scores for each grass at ea~h interval were~ubjected to analysis' Gf<br />

variance and the least significant difference at the ~ percent level was ob-'<br />

tained. This information is also given,in tables I .~ II.<br />

, With only a few exceptions chemical treatment re$ulted in some reduction<br />

~ in stand or vigor of the grasses. ',There are a few general observations that<br />

can be stated regarding the results obtained in this study.<br />


468<br />

First, soil treatment within a few weeks prior to seeding grasses was more<br />

risky than application to young, established grasse •• Injury was greater when<br />

treating the soils and seeding~.~ later than when seeding and treating<br />

:am-.u. later. ,. -<br />

Second, four-week old turfwas'more toleram; of,.chemical treatment, in<br />

general, .than wastwo-week old 'turf.. This trend dMLnot continue through the<br />

9th week. ,For some reason the~~ui:tant injury wal,-greater, in general, on<br />

the turf treated 9 weeks after,s!ted~ng than on yQlll)le%'turf. One possible explanation<br />

,would be the weather condItions on or following the treatment d~te.<br />

The growing conditions on August ~O\:h were consid.$ly less favorable than, on<br />

July 12 or 28. The fescue and, ~oa lesser extent,i!the bentgrass wereno~<br />

growing as rapidly, or exhibitiil,9 a.Shealthy an aPJ)Ul'ance in late August as<br />

they did during July. It would appear that gr,pwin9'~onditions at the time of<br />

treatment, as well as age of the young plant, are important considerations in<br />

timing herbicide applications. .' .<br />

Third, although chemical tr.a~nt often thin~ or delayed the initial<br />

stand of g1'88S, ePloughplants ofteo'remained in hea!thy condition to eventually<br />

give satisfactory stands of turf. -tables III and. ~ contain the turf rat:f,l'Igs<br />

taken at the end of the trial 1n m:tl:l-betober. -COIlIPU'isonsof the turf scores<br />

between tables land III and II andr-J will clearly,lNu this out.<br />

The treatments that did nots!9J'!ificantly lowel';the turf score are shown<br />

in tables I and· II. Whenthe soil was treated at, ~prior to, seeding only 41<br />

treatments out of a total of 240 failed to significantly reduce the turf s~ore.<br />

Twenty-one of these 41 treatments were associatedw1th the use of calciumJ)%'0pyl<br />

arsonate and the combination ofca1c~um propyl and 'flcium methyl arsonate..-.<br />

Diphenatrile and the light rate :of ~ndane plus Chl~ane accounted for over<br />

half of the other treatments that did not significantly lower the turf scOre.<br />

In table II there are 91 out of, a total of 189 vestments that did not'<br />

show a significant reduction in turf score. This wo.lfldindicate that there is<br />

less injury associated with foliar applications of the chemicals used than with<br />

soil treatments at or before seedin9~ Only triflura11~was unsafe to all grasses<br />

at all rates and dates of application. As is shownQll the table, certain rates<br />

of all other materials appeared safe to one or more grasses at one or more time<br />

intervals. Diphenatrile, Bandane, Bandane plUS Chlo!dane, Dacthal Gl.5 SY, and<br />

the combination of calcium propyl and calcium methyl arsonates appeared to.be<br />

relatively safe, to use at certain .rates or times." '<br />

Two trends which appeared duril'l~. the test are a. interest. First, the<br />

grasses with the largest seed were l~jured the least.~rom soil treatment with<br />

chemicals. Injury was greatest tobentgrass, blue~s was intermediate 'and<br />

fescue was injured the least. . , ' .<br />

Second, when treating grasses ~(ter seeding, thet !time interval required<br />

for safety depends somewhat on the, ra:t;e of establ1shrnef\1t.. Bluegrass is slaw to<br />

establish and was injured more frequehtly when treated two weeks after seeding<br />

than was the bent or fescue. At later treatment dat .. ;the blue was the most, ~<br />

tolerant of the herbicides, bent W$s':totermediate and~f.scue was the most au'-<br />

ceptible to injury~ , "

SUIIIIJ~, ~ Conclusions 5'<br />

469<br />

The following chemicals at the.cre rates indie.ted were applied to the<br />

soil at seeding, 2, 4, and 9 weeks prior to seeding;'and 2, 4, and 9 weeks after<br />

seeding. three different turfgrasses: trifluralin (N,N-di-n-propyl-2,6~dinitro-4-trifluoromethylaniline)<br />

at 2 ~ 4 Ibs., Dip~QRalin (N,N-di-n-propyl-2,6­<br />

dinitro-4-methylanlline) at 2, 4 and 8 Ibs , , Diphennrile (diphenylacetonitrile)<br />

at 30 Ibs., Bandane (polychlorodieyclopentadiene isomer) at 20 and 40 lbs., 75%<br />

Bandane plus 2~ Chlordane at 20, ~Oand 40 Ibs., Qacthal (dimethyl ester of<br />

tetra chloroterephthalic acid) at 10 and 20 Ibs., Daethal SY (experimental compound)<br />

at 10 Ibs., calcium propyl arsonate at 40 lbs~ and a combination af calcium<br />

propyl and calcium methyl arsonates at 50 ibs, .<br />

Merion Kentucky bluegrass,Astoria colonial ~grass and Chewing's fescue<br />

were the grasses used. The first treatments and seedings were made on June 29<br />

and the last ones on August 30. Turf scores based on density and vigor of· stand<br />

were taken c;Iuringthe season. The· a~rage scores Qnj'all treatments are given<br />

for two complete readings.<br />

Based on the results obtained under the conditi~ns of this study the following<br />

conclusions are made:<br />

1. Calcium propyl arsonate ancI·combinations of'·calcium propyl and calcium<br />

methyl arsonates, when applied to the soil at or prior to seeding certain<br />

lawngrasses, do not appreciably interfere with germination and growth of<br />

those grasses.<br />

2. Nine weeks after soil treatment with Diphenatrile it is safe to seed<br />

Merion Kentucky bluegrass, Astoria Colonial bentgrass and Chewing's fescue.<br />

3. In general, soil treatments with herbicides prior to seeding turfgrasses<br />

are more apt to result in injury than are the same treatments made after<br />

seed germination.<br />

4. Dipropalin, Diphenatrile, Bandane, Bandane~hlordane combinations,<br />

Dacthal ~Y and combinations of calcium propyl and calcium methyl arsonates,<br />

at certain rates, may be safely applied to 4~ek old stands of turfgrass.<br />

~ , .. .<br />

5. Bandane, the arsonates al'ldDiphenatrile appeared to be the leastphytotoxic<br />

to the turfgrasses. .<br />

AcknOWledgment<br />

Appreciation is extended to the Velsicol Chemical Company,Eli Lilly and<br />

Company,DiamondAlkali Companyand t6 AmchemProducts, Inc. for support in<br />

conducting this research.

I. Average tUrf scores- of three grasses seeded at intervals after the application of herbicides to. the<br />

seedbed: first observations.<br />

~<br />

Triflura1in 2.0<br />

Trif1uralin • 2.0<br />

Dipropalin 2.0<br />

Dipropalin 2.0<br />

Dipropalin 2.0<br />

Diphenatrile 11.5<br />

Bandane (E.C.) 4#/9al.<br />

Bandane (E.C.)., ~,4#lgiJ,t<br />

Bandane (Verm.l .' 7.5';<br />

Bandane (Verm.)· 7.~<br />

,:c<br />

Bandane (Clay) '.' 7.5<br />

Bandane (Clay 7.5<br />

Bandane & Chlordane 10.0<br />

Bandane &Chlordane 10.0<br />

Bandane & Chlordane ulO.O<br />

Dactha1 2.3<br />

Dactha1 .' ,2.3,<br />

Dacthal "~ '!'., ~~ S;l.!f<br />

Calcium methy1arsonate '*'.'6.0<br />

~. c,<br />

Calcium propyl arsonate '18.0<br />

Calcium propyl arsonate 12.5<br />

Check<br />

tSO/5%<br />

2<br />

4<br />

2<br />

4<br />

8<br />

30<br />

20<br />

40<br />

20;<br />

40<br />

20<br />

4(,<br />

20<br />

30<br />

40<br />

10<br />

20:·<br />

10.. t'c<br />

50<br />

'40<br />

o<br />

o<br />

17<br />

17<br />

3<br />

20<br />

7<br />

3<br />

:.37<br />

~20<br />

63<br />

40<br />

63<br />

47<br />

33<br />

3<br />

, ,,3<br />

~:t7<br />

80<br />

13<br />

100<br />

17<br />

3 . 10<br />

o 3<br />

27 50<br />

23 43<br />

7 23<br />

30 63<br />

13,. 27<br />

3 23<br />

50, 57<br />

m ?37<br />

57 60<br />

27 47<br />

67 77*<br />

33<br />

23<br />

57<br />

. 53<br />

20 43<br />

~'.-: .~<br />

fb ':)it7<br />

77* 87*<br />

90* 83*<br />

'100 93<br />

24 20<br />

3<br />

o<br />

20<br />

20<br />

3<br />

57<br />

50<br />

:30<br />

33<br />

'27<br />

63<br />

37<br />

57<br />

37<br />

27<br />

1'0<br />

•. 0..3<br />

,,', °0<br />

7 40<br />

o 17<br />

30 70<br />

13 63<br />

27 60<br />

43 83*<br />

50 73<br />

~ .60<br />

4b ~·,·73,<br />

2~ . i1'<br />

63Ti<br />

40 63<br />

70 83*<br />

47 73<br />

33 60<br />

33' '67.<br />

l~ "Qn<br />

9'-'-~<br />

.93* 96*c93*<br />

97* 97* 90*<br />

97 90 100<br />

16 26 19<br />

3 7 17 17<br />

o 0 10 7<br />

20 30,73 53<br />

13 7 53 30<br />

o 3 17 7<br />

57 87* ~7* 83*<br />

43.~ 77* 77<br />

.io 2,32i iC\"<br />

:3l!- 43,63<br />

'13:'~<br />

17 17, 33·· 27"<br />

40 6083 67'<br />

20 17 23 3<br />

77* 53 90* 77<br />

40 43 60 57<br />

17 ,'23 37 33"<br />

o -2043 30<br />

;i,-. '.- ~,_- :.+~ :', ~...l -' .:..... :-~<br />

::'<br />

.~. h ,~<br />

.j) ::.) "'-+ ...' '--:<br />

u<br />

83*<br />

n<br />

100<br />

20<br />

20<br />

10<br />

60<br />

20<br />

20<br />

90*<br />

~<br />

23<br />

7.'D<br />

Xl<br />

70.<br />

33<br />

93*<br />

70<br />

4-7<br />

41<br />

1&<br />

13<br />

97*<br />

97*<br />

97<br />

23<br />

43<br />

20<br />

77*<br />

73*<br />

40<br />

93*<br />

90*<br />

67<br />

80*<br />

57<br />

73*<br />

53<br />

80*<br />

67<br />

63<br />

73*<br />

30<br />

40<br />

83*<br />

97*<br />

90<br />

21<br />


III. Average turf scores l' of three grasses seeded at intervals after -the application of herbicides to the<br />

seedbed: final observations.<br />

.r:-<br />

~<br />

Lbs, active Saine time 2 wks. later 4 wks. later 9 wks.Tater<br />

Chemical % act. Per acre Bent Blue Fes. 2 Bent Blue Fes. Bent Blue Fes. Bent Blue Fes.<br />

frifluralin 2.0 2 27 27 33 3 7 13 10 20 37 17 20 63<br />

frifluralin 2.0 4 20 7 10 0 0 7 7 3 17 7 7 20<br />

Dipropalin '2.0 2 83 80 83 67 80 83 70 63 90 50 77 93<br />

Dipropalin 2.0 4 63 70 80 37 37 57 40 23 87 27 20 87<br />

Dipropalin 2.0 8 43 67 63 7 13 33 3 13 33 10 13 57<br />

Diphenatrile 11.5 30 80 87 73 77 83 90 97 100 83 90 10 90<br />

Bandane (E.C.) 4#/gal. 20 70 70 47 73 87 77 90 90 80 77 60 90<br />

Bandana (E..C.) , 4#/gal. 40 40 37 30 33 37 ~37 50 53 60 33 33 77<br />

Bandane .(Vem.) 7.5 20 87 100 90 73 93 80 90 90 77 73'10 8?<br />

Bandane (Yerm.) 7.5 40 93 83 80 67 60 67 63 53 50 30 30 70<br />

Bandane (Clay) 7.5 20 90 97 90 87 97 90 93 90 87 73 80 80<br />

Bandane (Clay) 7.5 40 87 90 73 73 67 47 57 50 40 33 50 73<br />

Bandane & Chlordane 10.0 20 100 97 60 100 93 93 100 97 87 83 87 77<br />

Bandane & Chlordane 10.0 30 93 100 87 80 93 87 97 83 70 67 70 90<br />

Bandane & Chlordane 10.0 40 97 93 87 63 80 67 57 60 47 40 57 70<br />

Dactbal 2.3 10 50 80 80 33 77 73 17 53 67 37 47 87<br />

~- 2.3 20;( 40<br />

, ,- :4'3 3Q' 10 67 :40 )-~ 1$" 27 ~'(- 7' '·1'1 2?<br />

Dacthal 1,'5 10 40 50 33 10 40 40 3 2~ 47 7 f7 41<br />

:alcium methyl arsonate + 6.0<br />

;alcium propyl arsonate 18.0 50 97 100 93 100 100 87 100 100 93 93 93 93<br />

:aicium propyl arsonate 12.5 40 100 97 90 100 100 83 93 97 90 83 90 97<br />

:heck - - 90 100 90 93 97 93 100 100 97 93 100 93<br />

score = visual observation- of turf -density with 0 being bare ground to 100 being optimun density.<br />

= A~toria colonial bentgrass, Blue = Merion Kentucky bluegrass, Fes , ::Chewing's fescue.<br />

l (

93<br />

(<br />

(<br />

e IV. Average turf scores l of three grasses treated with herbicides at intervals after seeding: final<br />

observations.<br />

Treated Treated Treated<br />

Lbs. active 2 wkS. later 4wks,' later 9 wks. later<br />

Chemical % act. Peracre Bent Blue res. 2 Bent Blue Fest Bent Blue Fes.<br />

Trifluralin 2.0 2 57 83, 57 43 60 0 50 47 13<br />

Trifluralin 2.0 4 10 53 13 17 40 0 23 50 '0<br />

Dipropalin 2.0 2 93 93 93 83 100 77 97 100 83<br />

Dipropalin 2.0 4 87 97 80 63 90 43 63 87 67<br />

Dipropalin 2.0 8 70 97 80 53 77 13 77 73 30<br />

Diphenatrile 11.5 30 83 100 70 77 97 70 83 100 87<br />

Bandane (E.C.) 4#/gal. 20 87 93 63. 100 93 ~3- .- 100 97 ,'~,<br />

Band-ane(E.C.) 4#/ga1. 40' 70 'SO 20 ·83 ,17 ,5Q', &J;' '87 ,50<br />

......<br />

Baraane (VerDI.) 7.5 '20 ~ 10(> : 83 '90- ;93 Q3.,' .' laG . ~OO sO<br />

Bandane (Verm.) 7.5 40 97 93 67 83 87 20 93 97 60<br />

Bandane (Clay) 7.5 20 100 100 83 93 100 50 97 100 83<br />

Bandane (Clay) 7.5 40 100 97 67 90 87 17 93 100 63<br />

Bandane &Chlordane 10.0 20 93 100 80 97 100 67 93 100 87<br />

Bandane &Chlordane 10.0 30 90 100 90 97 100 53 100 100 83<br />

Bandane &Chlordane 10.0 40 100 100 77 ~ ~ a 100 100 77<br />

Dacthal 2.3 10 73 lQE) _,37 ., ~" .:100 - 21,: c 83 ':',97 70<br />

Dac~l 2.3 ..:,20 ii> f~ ;~3, .~~90 \.;;;.13 t; o~ w ~,~ 10 5-~' o~ ~, ~ aO'S-loo C!lIi<br />

..,1.~,~<br />

Dactba1 1.5 , 51 n '17";" '61; ""90 13' ~ 77 '97 '60<br />

Dacthal Gl.5 SY 1.5 20 80 '93 ""33 . 77" 93 17" 93 . 100 '"83'<br />

Calcium methyl arsonate + 6.0<br />

Calcium propyl arsonate 18.0 50 100 100 90 100 100 73 100 100 47<br />

Calcium propyl arsonate 12.5 40 93 97 60 100 93 43 67 87 10<br />

Check - - 93 100 93 97 100 97 87 97 100<br />

f score =visual observation of turf density with 0 being bare ground to 100 being optimum den~ity.<br />

t =Astoria colonial bentgrass, Blue =MElrlonKEmtuckybluegrass, Fes , =Chewing's fescue;<br />

~'~:.1 . , ';..., ;7<br />

"1 ~ ",; I'·; t~~ ~i.~·,-~ ..-,"<br />

. ~ ,-.-.......;....;-<br />

,., .<br />

~I' '.'<br />

~<br />

'...:J<br />


474<br />


cRAlGRASs CONTROL'!W'l'MtNTS O"NsUDtn.c TtlRP<br />

QlASSBS<br />

.w. B. CbappeJ.~~. a, B. SctDiclt-i!J<br />

VirSida Asdcultval BxperiMnt Station<br />

Bl",,~.i .Virslni. :j ~<br />

(',<br />

Four ·turfar..... that are sauerally grown in V1rslnia w.te chosen tOr<br />

this .tudy. ;They weI'. Merion bluqra8l. cr •• pins ncl fescue. coaDOD·bemicla.<br />

aDd s•• e1cl~ "nt. .The.. in obj841~ ,."a' to fiDd o~t,.*, .•,.._Uins plante of :the••<br />

speei •• vera isusceptibl.' to cert.La- cbeaica1e tut, tltdshown ptOllis. of OROtrol1ina<br />

cnbar." wben applied as pre .... rg.nc. applic.tion.. S<br />

• -", . ). J' • ) ··1

\....-.<br />


g;!:<br />

Treatment A. Lilly L-36352 2% 4#/A<br />

II<br />

B. 2'1. &IF/A<br />

C. " L-35455 2'%. 4tH/A<br />

II<br />

D.· " 2% &IF/A<br />

E. AmchemNo Crab 20% 431/A<br />

F. Chlordane 60% ~A'<br />

G. Bandane 7.5% 2OO/A<br />

H. " 7.5% 4OO/A<br />

I.<br />

II<br />

311gal. 20iJi*'<br />

II<br />

J. 40fFlA<br />

K. ~ytron 8% lS/FlA<br />

L. D,actha1 2.5% lOO/A<br />

M. Dipheny1 acetonitrile 11.5% 4I/A<br />

N. Check<br />

475<br />

Treated - May 1. 1961<br />

Seeded - 1.- 5/7/61<br />

2 - 6/14/61<br />

3 • 715/61<br />

4 - 7/19/61<br />

5 - 8/2./41<br />

Chemical Treatment - Density l-All dead<br />

10-viBorous plants<br />

B I A K H D N G F L M ICE<br />

5.20 5.47 5.535.67 6.27 6.80 7.00 7.27 7.40 7.40 7.40 7.47 7.73 7.73<br />

--------------------*<br />

TUDeof seeding - Density ,,).~U dead<br />

'-lO"lVigorous plants<br />

7119<br />

5.98<br />

8/2<br />

6.21<br />

5/11<br />

6.62<br />

715<br />

6.86<br />

6/~<br />

8.0:1<br />


Seeded - May 24• .1961<br />

'Treated- 1 - 6/11/61<br />

2 - 7/4161<br />

3 - 7/18/61<br />

4 - 8/1/61<br />

Chemical Treatment • Density<br />

1-All dead<br />

lo-Yigorous plants<br />

B A K G J D N FMC E H I L<br />

6.25 7.88 7.88 8.63 8.163 8.15 8.15 8.88 8.88 9100 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00.<br />

"--' * Figues underscored by a continuous line are not s1pificantly different.

476<br />


(lh<br />

T1me of ".d108 averyes • not s:l.8!lifKaot en<br />

Chemical Trea_Dts<br />

Not s:l.&nificantly different.. \<br />

,I<br />

a:..:~ . ;:~<br />

Triated - May I, 196]<br />

$edH - 1 - 5/20/61<br />

" ' 2 .. 6/17/61<br />

"l- 3 ~ 7/10/61<br />

4 .. 7/24/61<br />

Seeding<br />

dates<br />

6/17<br />

3.76<br />

5/20<br />

4.83<br />

7/10<br />

5.26<br />

7/24<br />

6.14<br />

1-Dead bluegrass<br />

lo-Ytsorous bluegrass<br />

'.I ';' '<br />


Chemical<br />

TreatllleD~' - Dendty<br />

S"ded. May24, '196:£:::·:<br />

lWeated • 1 - 6/22/61<br />

7/15/61<br />

1/21/61<br />

8/8/61'<br />

B A K D T C I H I L. G F N M<br />

1.75 4.63 5.88 6.38 7.25 1.38 7'~~ 7.50 7.63 7.1i 8.00 8.13 8.13 8.25<br />

,,>•. , 'S" ,<br />

Seed!Ba Date!'':' 'PWttl - Not s1p:l.f:l.saot<br />

. :1J J~


"'1'<br />

'~d - May 24, 1961<br />

~eated • 1 - 6/26/61<br />

7/17/61 .<br />

7/31/61<br />

8/14/61<br />

477<br />

Chemical Treatment • Density • 10~{6J<br />

1Q/"100%<br />

1!"Dead plants<br />

B A KD L MJ F E ~ N I G H<br />

2.67 4.00 5.75 6.00 6.42 6.42 6.67 6.83 6.92 7:08 7.42 7.50 7.58 7.92<br />

Treatment Dates • Pensity<br />

7/31<br />

5.90<br />

8/14<br />

5.90<br />

6/26<br />

6.83<br />

7/17<br />

6.83<br />

ladead plants<br />

10-100%<br />


Treatment<br />

A. Zytron<br />

B. Dactha1<br />

C. Cal. Prep. Ars.<br />

D. Btmdane<br />

E. Dlpheny1 acetonitrile<br />

F. Lilly L-35455<br />

G. Check<br />

8.0%<br />

2.5%<br />

20.0%<br />

7.5%<br />

11.5%<br />

2.0%<br />

Treated - June 30, 1961<br />

Seeded - 1 • 7/15/61<br />

2 • 7/29/61<br />

3 - 8/10/61<br />

4 - 8/24/61<br />

1S#/A<br />

101/A<br />

43#/A<br />

201/A<br />

4#/A<br />

4I/A<br />

Treatment<br />

• Density<br />

FAD E B G C<br />

2.75 3.67 4.67 4.75 9.83 6.00 6.75<br />

1-Dead grass<br />

10-100%<br />

Seeding date<br />

8/24<br />

.. ..:?<br />

- density<br />

7/15<br />

I. .,..:<br />

8/10 7/29<br />


478<br />

In general. the treatments applied before sMdi_ resulted in more':,<br />

injury to the &'Nss'el than did thole which were steeled first and then treated.<br />

This could be ~cted slnce most seminating seed are usually killed e.. 11y<br />

in the pres8ace of IIOst herbicid.s. Poor ItandS of SUIS in the treat aDd<br />

seed plots can be partially attributed to weather oonditions at the time of<br />

seeding. Abetter technique would have been to treat at different detes aad<br />

leed all plots at one time.<br />

.:L ..<br />

Under the oonditions prevailing tn these experiments • the .dipropalin<br />

ceused considuable injury to bent, fescue, and bl_srass seedlings. 'rbi'<br />

wal true ~n the pre-seeding aDd po.t-seeding appl~tions. As ~ndica~ by<br />

the data. t~ere W8I little eff.c~ o~ the other tr.~s on srass stands.<br />

. . .; ~ . ., ;:'. ,-. . .<br />

!'rom thes.studies it appears that seedins p-alSes are not advere1ey<br />

affected by the'more cllDIOnly weed·lJre __ rseac. et:llbp'a31 control treatll8llts<br />

if they are three weeks old 01'1101'8. On the otberUDd, s.&dins SOOD after<br />

application may not be sclv1sabl.~ . -<br />

", ...<br />


479<br />



"f),' 1<br />

J. M. Mch, B. R. Flem1Bg, A. E. Dudeck ~ G. J., Shoop<br />

. The objectives of thj,s lJ:twiywere to de~m;ine the effect of<br />

several preemergence chemicals on seedlings of tht'ee major turfgrass<br />

species 'Whenapplied at varying intervals followiq Beeding, and their·<br />

effect on the germ1llation of tbeee: grasses 'WheneNded at varying intervals<br />

following applica tiona :.'}<br />

Mater:Lals ~ Methods<br />

This stud;r was conduo~~ at University~k, Pennsylvania on<br />

HagerstownsUt loam soU with a pH of 6.3 and med:lumlevels of avaUable<br />

phosp.orous and potash. Initiation of the study was delayed until<br />

la te spring due to inclement weather. The area was trea ted with hot<br />

methyl bromide at 1.2 pounds per 100 square feet in late May 1961,<br />

following root zone tillage, to eliminate any undClSired plants during<br />

the growing seaSal. Prior to ~J, seedbed prePQJlltian, 45 1bs. of<br />

10-5-5 (70% ureaform and 30% act;tvated sludge ni~en) per M was<br />

applied.<br />

Turf was maintained at lilt height of clIt, throughout the season<br />

with all clippings removed. Irrigation was a:flllied for establishme~t<br />

and maintenance, however, the turf: was allowed t,,,..mowmoisture stress<br />

prior to maintexumce watering to a:llow any possib:J;, trea1ment effects to<br />

be expressed.<br />

Post-emergence Test. On June 20, 1961 cOnunOnKentucky bluegrass,<br />

creeping red fescue and Astoria bent mre"eded in individual<br />

3 x 63 foot adjacent strips at 2, 4 and 1 pound p~ M, respectively.<br />

Three foot sod strips were placed parallel to eacl;l(series of seeded strips<br />

to facilitate mulch removal, irription, etc. ~:experimental design ""'s<br />

a triple replicated randomized block with trea1m~t dates, grass species,<br />

and chemical trea1ments the respective factors.<br />

Chemical trea1ments lIilI'f awlied in J,x9 foot strips perpendicular<br />

to the grass strips resu1~ in 3 x 3 foot 1a'eatments an each grass<br />

species. Treatments were madeqat 6, 38, 69 and 190 da,ys following seedimg.<br />

Preemergence Test. '1he'above chemicalt.reatments were applied<br />

at similar rates ana piOtSizes toa prepared seedbed on June 26. All plots<br />

were mulched w:1,th,first-cut fo~ge at approximate~ 100 pounds per M to<br />

assimilate a turf cover condition.nd to, preventllflJterial movement and<br />

exposure to light. The three grass species were Meded at 0, 32, 63 and' 93<br />

1 Assistant Professor; Instruotor and Graduata J\.msistants, respectively.<br />

Agrono~ Department, Pennsy1vania State University.

4BJ<br />

days follow:lng the ohemical treatment. Except At the first seeding date<br />

which was made with the chemio6ltreatment, eaoh.tWbsequent seeding date<br />

was handled in the following' manneI'I mulch was removed, seed applied,<br />

covered with'sterili.eed soil, :rolled to tim, l'eo4'everedwith mulch and<br />

watered. MuJ.chwas finally removed on the basis of control plot germination.<br />

'rteatmente. Six oherid.cals were involved in both the pre- and<br />

post-emergenoe studY' at rates 1teted in Tables ];~iand 2. Bandana (po;qohlorodioyclopentadiene<br />

ismers witb'60-62% chlordane );.s, emulsion concentration<br />

and on attapuJ:gite t No-Crab(caloium prowl ar8~teh Dacthal WP'(dl\illtth.vl<br />

ester of tetrachloroterephthalio acid), U-4513W'~N~ N-dimethyl-il.x ..d1;phenyl<br />

acetamide), Zytron emulsion (~(Z, 4-dichloro~) O-methyl isopropylphosphoramidothioate)<br />

J and D1~trile (diph~oetonitrile) •<br />

L1qU1dformulations.~:appliEld with a)plot sprayer at 35 psi and<br />

90 gp8,Dry IIftlterlals were

substantially until after 69 elvs. The 100 day _tment reduced stand of<br />

all species by' 20.30 percent with continued discoJlin'ation 50 days after<br />

application.<br />

f<br />

481<br />

ztirfiili showed the longest residuaJ. effeJi on grass germination<br />

from comple ibi tion at the 0 day treatment to;ja maximumof 30 percent<br />

on bluegrass after 93 days. Bent germination· was completely inhibited for<br />

0, 32, and 63 day treatments and only 8 percent showed following 93 day<br />

treatment. Seedling stand redu(lt1on was complete tor all species aj:; 6 days,<br />

60·90 percent reduction at 38daye and 20-40 percaot reduction follcnJing 69<br />

and 100 day treatments. The latter treatment continued to show discoloration<br />

50 days after app1ication~ .::<br />

Di~natrile showed the greatestspeciea:.'differential effect for<br />

both ge:rmii'ia on ana stand. At 0 date bluegrass and bent were greatly inhipi<br />

ted, followed by' a sharp increase at 32, 63 and 93 day treatments which<br />

ranged from 67 to 98 percent. Fescue emerged at 80 percent at 0 day t;reatment<br />

and ranged from 87 to 98peroent for following three treatment dates.<br />

Bluegrass, bent and fescue stands were reduced 88;--58 and 40 percent,<br />

respectively, at 6 day treatment, 2-15 percent at J.8 days and showed no<br />

stand reduction for the following two treatment daities.<br />

Under moisture stress, no treatments we~ observed to show possible<br />

root reduction except for severely injured plots where all plant parts<br />

appeared to be affected, even -at optimum moisture.:<<br />

Oonclusions<br />

The effects of preemergence crabgrass ohemicals on the germination<br />

and seedUng stand of bluegrass, fescue and Q.itnt were studied. Differential<br />

species effect was found with certain materials on both inhibition<br />

ot gemination and, seedling tw:'f.In all instanoltii injury was correlated<br />

with age of seedlings, but with varying effect. Provided that acceptable<br />

levels of orabgrass oontrol can be aohieved, cer~ materials appear to<br />

show promise for situations requiring use on seedllng turf and at periods<br />

following seeding,<br />

o·<br />

t •

')<br />

')<br />

' :_B!.ue~s•. Fescue au:l~"I;.~ at O~ 32. 63 and 93<br />

_.. , ..Tab1Q.1.·•..• ~.. ~t,-Ge~1;;i.~~.••~...<br />

j'QUow.i.ng~-caJ..pPUcati.on. Data Re~'30 ~ After Seeding<br />

: ;':-DrQi<br />

Materi.a1<br />

Bandana EC 20 a.i./,. 7 90 95 100<br />

Ban,dane lCI 40.a.i./A 0 ~82 82 9?<br />

WaneRf4Jf.c;s: io:'ri~1.ii J; ~ C' "s! §.,B6?'..f3<br />

BA.1:ldAnAlttap.<br />

No-Crab<br />

DactbaJ.-W<br />

u-$JJ W,;! ;:_~., :' ;' ~~ a.1~7A'~;.,;. ., tl 4 4~' ~<br />

~on EO": - , :~ 15~a.i.ti· ",; '~ 0 5 30<br />

Dipbena tril.e<br />

Rate<br />

40 a.i./A<br />

5~<br />

10 a.i./A<br />

30 a.i./A<br />

o 32 63 22<br />

24 S7 72 83<br />

94· 96 93 100<br />

6 S2 87 77<br />

1 78 88 95<br />

..E.E§J.22<br />

38 92 92 100<br />

22 80' 8-3 72<br />

i:<br />

r; .....<br />

{... r , L;<br />

~10<br />

_.c<br />

ft+' B7 c 95<br />

48 55 68' 85<br />

91' 93 96 100<br />

24 43 70 63<br />

~O~: .}' 37c 67<br />

r~ .._' ~'. '.. ..' (:<br />

c: (;<br />

:0 ). J!f 15<br />

80 87 88 98<br />

°E2l21<br />

2 83 9S 100<br />

o 72 80 88<br />

52 78 78 95<br />

8 57 72 87<br />

82 9S 97 100<br />

o 12 4 15<br />

o 13 77 87<br />

o 0 0 8<br />

2 67 85 98<br />

* Based enIK'lnt:ro1p10t g~~.,<br />

E'J<br />

to ..:t

~<br />

1;ab~, 2•.. FexQeDt ~tle.,.•... , ¥l.,".. S~,: of ~.<br />

' ~. 1::'.:~ _ Ben<br />

...t ~~.": .<br />

• 10~, 38, $, 'and l80 ~ At1lielt':~ Da.~~ 30 J:)qsc c r:<br />

. h1.1 0<br />

Cr. Red Fescue<br />

No. of Days<br />

----<br />

6 38 69 100<br />

38 18 4· 0<br />

8t J~ J3 i.i.~<br />

1725 0 ·0<br />

Astoria Bent .<br />

No. of,Daya<br />

.2....~ §i.•..• ie2<br />

80 22 6 0····<br />

;.~: . :'f,'t<br />

: SiP~~J3 ' ~ ,; d" ~<br />

..... l t; en<br />

t"--~! e- ~ •..<br />

":ij~33 ' ~ .. 0';,<br />

Bandane Att&p.<br />

No-Crab.<br />

J)IIc~ w<br />

1J-bSIJW"<br />

Zytron<br />

Be<br />

40 a.4/A<br />

5/K<br />

10a~,<br />

2.S~<br />

15 a.i./A<br />

60 13 0 0<br />

1 10 0 0<br />

t3,,:?:!.3, 0<br />

··100 2S 15' 20**<br />

100 60 20 20**<br />

35 27 0 0<br />

12 22 0 0<br />

~. 2'57 13 ;, ~2<br />

100 c~ J5"~<br />

100 87 40 3s-*<br />

67 23 O' 0<br />

1 1() 0 0<br />

.::~_80 ,~;, J",<br />

~.:65 ;~ ~:. 3oJ.<br />

100 90 25 20**<br />

Dipben1:ir:Ue<br />

30 a.i./A<br />

88 10 0 0<br />

40 J5 0 0<br />

58 2 o 0<br />

* Based QIl ccmtra1 pl.o~ 8~d.<br />

** ShcN:l.JwvariabJ.e degreq of disco1aratli.cm atter SOtllqB.<br />

)<br />


:". ',J<br />

P~E~ C!',.<br />

O~.C~G~S 'F.~HEMICAJ.Sl<br />

.€I~. T'~ll~ J.t-~nd}. ~dd4Pat~2 .<br />

Several chelillc* ~~e ~Pl"'d ~~ t~rf a~ea~s In:'~rder to· determine their<br />

effectlYene.1 for pr. •• m~'rle4h..... bgr •• s control. • seda:of plots was<br />

l~ out in 1960 and a s.con~I.~.1 in 1961.<br />

')Procedure in 196'0: .:~ f:j 8" • ,., 'J<br />

,~ .' ttll'Q "- q C1 .,"',~ u :';.:<br />

! ;'; Seven tle--X1iencei cra1Jgrau c.ontrbl a.Kale wer~:tested in 1960<br />

wifh,'th. followinl& ~.C$;tvet- {\)Pre.~r8.nc:k·eo~rol of ;:~bgrau _ .u;<br />

(21. ~eir effeetlv.nel. under oetural precip{~atlbD and irri,-tlon; and (3)<br />

T'hei~ effectivenesa at different fertility levels. •<br />

>,:~p~ot8i~ere •• tabUlhed on fairway turf w~ict!; contained a ~avy infe.tation<br />

of~~~r"'fln ..~.5~t J,he ,~~t.~~ch~et~. ~lf Cours,~ The per·<br />

ma~tjgr.,s.. conliated mainly of blu.gras. (Poa praten.e). i~ermixed with<br />

a ~itl,~ ~~t ~!b~ ~ro~1t:::Ja1~tr~.) ~d ,~.e,. (Fe.tuc~~ rubra) .<br />

~ ;~ ;~' 'H,.UJc~ ~ th~ ha~lc~es,wer~1 c~r~ in five 'blocks. E.ch<br />

bl:~fi.On.rf&d Cit 24. 4'xlO plot.. Treatm.ntl 'ware repUcat~ three time.<br />

W't~~~~.c ~J blo~1 z: " 0 o ,::. :::~ i(~ r: ~<br />

,.'-j i~.l ~ M )'"<br />

.l::l_-8<br />

'--I The pKof the test ar .. 1 was 6.0. ','Fo,* blocks recei~d 50 pound.<br />

ot:1-a1"'10-10 fertlliser per 1.000 Iq.ft. The fifth block rec!fved no lime<br />

or;f.f4tr~;i1izer in either 1960 or 1961. f;,.<br />

\. -t' " I " ,.j<br />

;:'i;,g ~l~ ch"i~1..;'re-';p,He4bn April: l4;ia 'I'bth years at rates recom·<br />

mettdtet;by tJ::hlf r~"rc:.Uve,JII8IUJ,f.c~re~. ,AU ,~ry",~tltdients<br />

cl~~. co~~i .aiI . fOr .... of .'Prading;' Lt~uid' tri&tmantl<br />

were mixed with<br />

weI'. appU.d with<br />

a ~paac,\;~ra~,f·,..;j, c: ,':0' ,'-i .:~.<br />

,C t' '" :.' ..'<br />

" -;'i ~Ga. ,~rbicidea which lbow.d promisina control of crabgrase in<br />

1~60were igain ~tp~ad"o bf,O o..c.<br />

~ ")Resulta in 1960:<br />

_.~ :i:.<br />

the. fi,ve b~'j)c~j in,.1961.<br />

,=" B.c.ua~ Iof, the insipd.fleant d1ffe.qanc~ batw•• n the fertiUs.d<br />

v"aua th ....,l\GU.£.,ttt1ael plal jed ~t",~ntJ1e ... t.1 pr.cipitation verlUI<br />

ir.rigatior{~ptots. re.u1ts obt.ined from the 5 b10cka h.v. be.n combin.d .nd<br />

ata 8hownln.)T.~. ~~ :~~ (;~; fj ~: '.~.; i< c'<br />

•••• • ';~.f';;J._ ._~_. _•• _~._._ •••••••• _ •• _• • • ~_•• _.: •• • • • ••• _. ••• ._<br />

1. Contr"~loQo .--1334 of ~ u..ivaHity, o(,;lIa... chuletts. College of<br />

Agricu&t.r._ Exp.riment St.tlon. Amher.t. Ha•• schuI.tta.<br />

+, Z:~~ './ {/<br />

2. Assi.tant PiOfa.ior~ancf'In.i'r:uctor .'DepAl:t.t Of Agronomy. University of<br />

Hauachue.tts. Amherat. H.... chu•• tt.." ,"

.10 t<br />

TABLEI. Pre·emer •• nca Control of Crabgrass with Chemicals<br />

, , Amherst, Ma... 1960<br />

*Eatiaate ~ Control<br />

Ulrbi;idl. BlCI.of.6DD1£;IClog. •••6ua••1960••••••• ~<br />

Dacthal<br />

2S lbs/2S00 sq.ft. 99<br />

Zytron, Dry<br />

6 lbl/1OOO sq.ft. 98<br />

Arsenical complex 20 lbs/1OOO aq.ft. 63<br />

FHA<br />

7 pinta/acre 27<br />

Calcium &rsanate<br />

Zytron. Emulsion<br />

12 lbs/1OOO .~.ft.<br />

10 gal/acri "<br />

73<br />

99<br />

Chlordane<br />

80 lbs actual/acre 89<br />

Check<br />

watar 0<br />

* Percent control basad 00 average estimatad by<br />

3 individuals.<br />

'{',<br />

Procedure 1961:<br />

In 19~1 two of the five'bioeks were re~tr•• t*4W'ith 4 chemicala'<br />

which were most effective in cOfttrolflng crabgrasl i. q1960.<br />

To detemine<br />

r the residual .ffect of the fo" chemicals. 2 of the' 5<br />

blocks were left untreated. The fifth block waa see. with viable crabgr'"<br />

seed and not re·treated with chemicals. This was daDe to obtain a truer<br />

picture of residual effects.<br />

All ch~icals were appl't.,a'at the same rat •• ali in 1960. Result' 1!r$<br />

shown in tables 2, 3. and 4. "<br />

Resu1tl in 1961:<br />

TABLEII. Crabgrall Control in Plota Retreated in 1961<br />

Eatlmate<br />

iltbl;l~l. IICI.gt.6»»ll;lt£gO i.QQotEQ1.<br />

Dacthal<br />

Zytron(granular)<br />

Calcium arsenate<br />

Chlordane<br />

Check<br />

2S lbs/2S00 sq.ft'.<br />

6 lbe/1000 aq;ft.<br />

12 lbe/10OO aq.ft.<br />

80 lbs. actu*l/acre<br />

watel"<br />

95<br />

99<br />

99<br />

" 97<br />

(, 0<br />

,.•,<br />

i<br />

"'I<br />

TABLEIII. Residual Effects<br />

Bexbic1da.<br />

Dacthal<br />

Zytron (granular)<br />

Arsenical complex<br />

FHA<br />

Calcium areeDlt.<br />

Zytron Emulsion<br />

in P1~~"ot Retreated 1D(,1~1<br />

Sathlate<br />

, ~~J:Ol~<br />

16<br />

2<br />

15,<br />

1<br />

'(:' , 53<br />

!'j 41<br />

:1' ",

Lima and ferd'1izer applications showed little effect on 1:ta.-ir .nil<br />

effectiveness of vadoul heJ;'bicid... r "r. ",.<br />

4S6<br />

TABLEIV. Re.idual Effect on Crabarass Seeded Plot. Rot Retreated in 1961<br />

Herbicide jH ;',". J,' "l'".,,):.t~l'. '(<br />

------------ ,.' "':'I;..!.~•• ggottgl_ ...<br />

Decthal<br />

Zytron (granular) ..<br />

Arsenical complex<br />

Calcium ar.enate<br />

PMA<br />

Zytron Emulsion<br />

Chlordane<br />

Procedure:<br />

..........• - . ,<br />

: \ sdJ<br />

:" '1 "ldJY<br />

,. i.a.l;q<br />

\ Bdl'<br />

J:.sV I<br />

t-d.l. I ~. I<br />

17<br />

46<br />

18<br />

39<br />

11<br />

69<br />

63<br />

{c,:·, .<br />

~ Li, .. :"<br />

, .;~ ~1.f··<br />

Several new introduction. a.well as those chemicals which had<br />

controlled crabgrass satisfactorily in tbe 1960 trial. were used. A,~r~.~<br />

of plot. 4'xlO' were set up with tbree replication.. The established turf· '<br />

consisted, of ~w;lq. ~uesral'. U~... J:r~v~.l.h) 1 0 ~lltll'''' (,Aa:ro.ti.palustris) I<br />

and .omeryegra6l(Loll,UIl spp.)~.t;i~;ar.. was be.:VJlNll:nfested With :~r..b~~' .•<br />

The sol1 was • sandy loam. Pertilber was applied totbe area in the fair of<br />

1960 and again: i~ t~!,sping o~ ~~~ll" The ch~~"'.~~9,e~, applied at ~e<br />

manufacturer-nc ... nde~.;r&te•• on"A.trj.114,.196Lj·T ,I,.: ,.,.,,; e,:<br />

(iJli.l<br />

,f!'"<br />

Relults: • r.:t ',-, 'j<br />

! i..> .nlr" t<br />

TABU V. EffecU.,.p •• O~ 're ..~~pn,~.; Crablra .... ~.rol. C".. icall<br />

Amher"t~"Mass. . 19'61' ""'-~';.' .<br />

• 1" 'i' . ,f ql<br />

Herbicides* Lbs. Active<br />

loarl4ieotLi;rt<br />

:,"'Jj;,';<br />

Dacth.l (Swift), 10<br />

Zytron, Dry (Dow) i':: :r' 15<br />

Calcium arsenate (Linck) .... . 4U:<br />

Calcium IIrsenate (Linck.) 8~6'<br />

Calcium arsenate (Linck)123~'<br />

Chlordane . 80',<br />

Diphenylacetonitrl1 (Connco) 2eL4'<br />

Diphenylacetonitrl1 (Alldco) ...2,5.4<br />

Calc1U1l1propyl arsonate (AzilChem) . Jl3.S<br />

U 4513 (Upjohn) . . 2.0<br />

\'dI (.~.<br />

i .'

BxceUentcrebgraes COM.1 was obtalned'lKl:h Bactha1 and giatiifhr<br />

Zytron ln 1960 and also In 1961.'" , I<br />

Ch1ol'dane,.at 80 IbsiacMr rate. gave SObel!C:oiltrol 1111960arid:<br />

excellent contl'Oltb 1961. ,! ' },;.(;<br />

.f\j I i ~} :,' ..<br />

CalctUIII a'r.enate gave.fab control in botlli 1960 and 1961. ; AU"~a<br />

treated ln' 1960ilndre-treatad :tIl,'1961 indicate. excellent control in 196\'~<br />

Good and· excellent· control wer.) obtdned by doubU.** aad tripling the t"<br />

reco_dad rate 'of applicatiOWl fot:' this chemicd:.'l':t! '."<br />

v),:):<br />

lneffective.<br />

FHA. wIlich 11 not r~oaed for<br />

' ,'T,'<br />

pre-e~*ftce control. was 'j<br />

" ;'1;,<br />

The u.eR1cal compleX'fpl.e poor control;'!lo'<br />

ZytroR emulsion gave ·e.callent control ia J t 960 . but it also 8e"'rely<br />

injured the desirable grasses. Zytron M2025 which~.used in 1961 gav~<br />

excellent control of crabgrau ;"','4id not injure 'file desirable gras.e~~J<br />

Dipheny1acetonitrU geve excellent control at the higher rat.eof<br />

application (28.4 tbs> per acre)'. lCalcium ptopyl'~odateand Upjohnptoduct<br />

U4513 were ineffective e. pre-emat .. nce crabgra8s'i1njrs. Grase'in pl'ots<br />

treated,with U451~ ap~ared stunted two weeks after treatment. Five weeks<br />

after the date of. application. the turf in these plots was severely injured<br />

and did,not recover.<br />

Atealtreated with eft"~Ca1c1um arsenate. Zytron emulsion. or<br />

Chlordane 1n 1960'aadnot re-t~~ in 1961 had the, lowest re-infestation<br />

of crabgra... 'lbe apparentreli«~ control of t~ chemicals could have;<br />

come about by' control of new seed Which may have come into these areas or'<br />

possibly by.agreater kill oLthe eid.st1ng seed in 1960. The fact that<br />

some degree of control was found 01t.1the plots which were hand seeded wit~ :<br />

crabgrass indicatel the possibillt"of some carryover of these chemlea~."<br />

from the 1960 to t.he 1961 season. ( 'I '<br />

''J<br />

{;<br />

4S7<br />

.;inq;<br />

, 1<br />

hH'l<br />

: 1~-:r~q

4es<br />

1'.o~~1ty, ", .ewf!r''''rsenc. oz.. ...... AC1.U.utQ\,!!!IBe.:LcCh'aue.<br />

. ' .. J. Troll, J. zaJc, and D. Wadcl1Jll.t_ l . . . ; '1O'~'1<br />

Sev.-raJ.:;pT~~JlCe crab.,"" .killers we~! ,,111ld .to pUN "<br />

.tand. of nine well .stablished ,ra.' species. The JIb:t1; type·".. ; '.'r! '1: j<br />

Sudbury fine, .andy loam having a pH of 5.5. Th. c~icals were<br />

apPl~d.at .t~ r.c:.aa 'r8cpumenc11l4;bIb,the I18nufac.... :rad, in two<br />

ca,.", a~; lldjij,tlQllJljl'&t8.. AppU$JItiOIlll were:__ .' April 27, 1961;. Yu,,·,)<br />

The plots ,,,.r.<br />

i<br />

thf"· '-QHHloted:P81iCllllically to noCle'.' ti£l coloration CI1l.:; t!,:<br />

other eigns of injury. Herbiclcl ... ,l'ate' of .pp·U..cLOD, and l'e.ulta '8",,0,.'<br />

li.ted in table 1.<br />

U45lJ. ,inJ~rJAl:.ll, ap.c18.~.. tH. ·At; fiut,t.,.Uectaof .<br />

this chemical stunted Sl'owth, but oolol' wes normal. After fifteen ; ,··ql},;.·<br />

daya, the stunted plants started to die with very little recovery.<br />

In this, as well aa in another .... r1... at, tbil.~a1w"·1118ffect1ve<br />

in controlling crab~aas.<br />

Chlo~d'll. ·.&D4Aip~.llYlae.to.l"U did not. cau.t. abtervable damage<br />

to anyo~ t~.'F'",stl.tr.ated.· . " . . ;"ea,,';,:' .•vt u: '1.'<br />

InJ"'*~"8aQ4:cI~"dol'8t1or&.,"... d by chlllllica1''1~llber thanU4513 I"l<br />

weI'. notlastins. .<br />

; . ':~',;',,'~ 'J i':" ~l',: ".,\)-"'~.,!.. i.:rjr.,,- I<br />

'''i,,'l'ab~''tf'~o;' _«8(:,t,O£. he Crab8l'a.l,ao.c1fol Ch_ica!Slr,,,i::{ v l"<br />

,on ~t.1;Il~a~TvfQra' ,.t Alllbern,Ma ... h1l.. tts, ,1961, ;'1 E.li:,:<br />

,'il ;~.;9·" 'c' .b9Ji'.".:I' .., ..... ". ~:~.,jll···j<br />

." lr,J .v: , .'1 tir";'" $.., I ".N"l'r." :<br />

.t~ ~e~g .... ';,r)r<br />

....<br />

~- .U.diJ~L",; ..<br />

Q"al8~ ~ Jlal!t !f,'!)<br />

Rid Dal1tha S S r,)<br />

Zytron-:q~ ,. '. S S S 'C ,il 2<br />

., .. 1'1< 'J~",)<br />

Dll118t.:f.C,c..~ .. ,I.~i "<br />

",J aI',1<br />

Dimet ,J'.~P'+'i'!' .~ , "<br />

,'eoeB '8 .;.:d,·....<br />

.,'.~ .Hi'S S H S S8 8,,:1 ,:;n"<br />

Dimet P.C.C.+ - Linck<br />

Chlordane<br />

Dlphenyl.cetonitril - Corenco<br />

Diphenylacetonitrl1 -,Alr100<br />

Calcium propyl ar.onate - AmChem<br />

U 4513<br />

U<br />

Extent of injury 1. indicated by S<br />

*Supplied by designated compan1e.<br />

1. Contrlbut:l.on No. 1335 of the University of Ha.. aobusetts, CoU.ge of<br />

Agriculture, Experiment Station, Amherst, Hasl.chusetts.<br />

2. As.1.tant Profes.or. and Inltructor, Department of Asrono~, University<br />

of Hasl.chu.ett., Alllber.t, Ha•• achu.ett ••<br />

1<br />


Pre-emergence Crabgrass Control<br />

A number of chemicals are now !lva.11able for the pre-emergence controlof<br />

crabgrass (Dig te~ ischaemum, 12.;.sanguinalis). This paper reports the<br />

results of our 19g1 trials in which ocemercf.al, f'ormuJ.ations of sevendif-·<br />

ferent chemicals were observed for their effectiveness in the pre-emergence<br />

control of crabgrass.<br />


The experimental plots ,,'erelocated at the Cornell Turfgrass Research<br />

~lots, Nassau County Park, East. Hempstead, Long Ioland.<br />

Two separate areas were selected for these trials. one area, designated<br />

"poor turf," consisted of a thin stand of native bentgrass and loed.<br />

fescue and was selected because of its reliability of crabgrass infestat:tbn.­<br />

'i.'he experimental design was a complete randomized block with seven treat':'­<br />

ments in quadruplicate on 7 x 7' plots. Four plots served as checks. ~<br />

area was fertilized following application of the chem1caJ.s excep-t; for plots<br />

tre,ated with the arsenical-fertilizer formuJ.ation (Pax). All the chemicals<br />

were watered in.<br />

The second area, designated "established turf," consisted of a unifqtm<br />

and dense stand of Kentuclty bluegrass, red fescue, and bentgrass. Little<br />

crabgrass was present in this area in 1960 even though a heavy infestation<br />

(70'f"crabgrass) had occurred in 1959. In order to provide conditions more<br />

favorable for the development of crabgrass within this area, it was subjet<br />

to a rather severe renovation treatment prior to the application of the .<br />

chemicals. Th€l area was clipped at a height of approximately t inch. ,<br />

Several passes were made over the area with a Henderson Thin-Cut set So the<br />

blades cut into the soil approximately t inch. The pre-emergence crabgr8lSs<br />

control materials were then applied and watered in. The experimental des'Jign<br />

was a complete randomized block with eleven treatments in triplicate on .<br />

7 x 7' plots. Seven plots served as checks. The turf was maintained at·..'<br />

approximately 1 inch, well fertilized and adequately irrigated.<br />

The materials were applied on March 29) 1961. All of the chemiCals',<br />

were in granular formuJ.ations and were broadcast by hand without a.iluent.<br />


The materials 'Used, rates of application, percentage crabgrass control<br />

and turf injury ratings are found in Table 1.<br />

1 Assistant Professor wld Professor of Ornamental HortiCUlture, respectively,<br />

Cornell Univer~ity, Ithaca, New York.

} )<br />

Table 1. Besu):ta.Qf 1961 pre-emergence ~s con~ trtals':Q()rneU ....assau COunty Park Turigrass 1<br />

~1ication: March 29, 1961 Ii1jury ratings: _ 31, 1961 Control ratings: July 25, 1961<br />

Plots: 7 x 7' Established turf: 3 replications Poor turf: 4 replications<br />

Proprietary material Acti ve ingr~ent<br />

1. Chip-~' 'grtmular calcium arsenate<br />

';) .<br />

;~l .(1<br />

2. Halts<br />

3. Pax<br />

4. Bo'-Crab<br />

'5· .Agt'1cp~grass<br />

"~.roi -,<br />

6. Rid<br />

7. Dow Crabgrass<br />

Killer<br />

Percentcra'Qgrass in check<br />

ch1~ ~i reie.teei~CBIIP01J!fI'f~ '~ 0' .. ,<br />

d1P~llearsenical<br />

calcium<br />

propyl<br />

dacthaJ.<br />

zytron<br />

cOJllPOU1lds<br />

ar80nate<br />

Pounds of<br />

Formulation!M<br />

15<br />

~6/<br />

20<br />

5<br />

10<br />

10<br />

~<br />

, 10<br />

20<br />

B<br />

16<br />

Established turf Poor t1l<br />

'.J 1 Injury 2 ~<br />

Control Ratings Control<br />

99 100 96<br />

.\. "_. -r-.,~ ..." '.-1<br />

• ; ~<<br />

~ '; o.o .Ell<br />

95 1.0 71<br />

2 0.0 25<br />

2l 0.0<br />

40 0.0 69<br />

87 ~.3 --<br />

100 0.0 98<br />

100 1·7<br />

96 0.7 99<br />

100 2.0 --<br />

I<br />

'90<br />

0<br />

0"<br />

-:t<br />

l.<br />

2.<br />

Percent crabgrass cont'ro1 calculated on the basil3 of' averagenulliber of plants per square foot in ·chec<br />

at the time of estimating; average of' 9 l;lamp1es,_3 o~e square foot samples per replicate.<br />

TUrf injury ratings: O-none; 1-slight; 2-modera'tej3'-severe; 4-comp1ete }till.<br />

3· Percent control based on estimates of percent crabgrass in checks at time of estimating.

Crabgrass Control and Turf InjUry'·- Established ''l\irf<br />

i~.<br />

ZiY'tron (Dow Crabgrass Killer) and dacthal (Rid) gave 96%and 100% control)<br />

respectively. When double the recommended rate was used, 100%control<br />

was obtained with both materials. However, 8'l1ght to moderate turf<br />

injury occurred when these rates Were used (zytrolt' caused some thinning of<br />

the turf at the normal rate ofappl1cation). 'l\u'(;:1njury, in this case, '<br />

was expressed by the failure of the red fescue and'bentgrass populations to<br />

fully recover following the pre-application thinnfUei and mowing treatments.<br />

491<br />

The same materials used in experimental triaJ,.s on establisHed turf<br />

were also used in the pre-emer~nce crabgrass cort~ol trials on poor turf.<br />

The results were similar to that which occurred on 'established turf, although<br />

in some cesea, the reduction in crabgrass populations was not as great. The<br />

most notable exel!1Ples of this were ,With chlordane-{Halts) and with the t<br />

arsenical-fertilizer formula.tion (Pax). Crabgrass control with chlordane<br />

was reduced from 91%in established turf to 61%in the poor turf areas, with<br />

a similar decrease (95%to 7l'{o) observed for the e..rselilical-fertilizer fQ1'IIlUlation<br />

(Pax). Calcium propyl arsonate (No-Crab) tUid diphenatrile (Agrico<br />

crabgrass control) gave n greater crabgrass control, than that found in

492<br />

corresponding plots on este.bl1~4~,. but were ~~ll not .o.s effectiveaa<br />

the other materiaJ.s included in thei!le triaJ.s.<br />

Another point t1;lat is feltd)~;:ieof SUfficient~:¢t to be reported<br />

here is tha.t when the annuaJ. sr$BN began to devel~ in the poor turf area,<br />

it was obs~rved thEtt approx1mo.1;G~;LOi of the gro.s.were that of corn- .<br />

grass, Pan1CU1l1d:l.chotcu1flor:um.· '~s is an annual JfRlecies of grass that,<br />

OJ.th~not cOIDIIIQn, 1.s apparent~ t'oundas 0. lo.~ ~a. iJl some areas on '.<br />

Long I,sland. This was first b~;t, to our attant* severnl years ago quring<br />

post-emergence crabgrass control trials at our research plots (3).<br />

zvtron anddacthaJ, gave excellentcpntrol of this ~ srass (m).Cnlchm<br />

arsenate, however, did not appear to be effe:ct~ve end the FanicUlll continued<br />

to develop.wi1;hin the13e plot. even thoughc~ass control was excellent<br />

• It appears, ·there:t'ore,.t~ cal,oium arse~ ,10 mqre selective. in<br />

its toxicity to tho various -SPftc~s.·of annuaJ. gr~8e~ ~e.n either qtronor<br />

dacthaJ.. ~is ~ ~an :U/i)Ortrmt consideration ill ,~as where Panicum<br />

species are 0. problem. It should be emphasized th~,:the8e are only one<br />

years observations.<br />

NOtutf' inJlri:y- ratings couldb.mado for BDYofthe chemicals within<br />

this area becwse of the lack of Ilutticient st-ands Orthe desirable grasses<br />

to make accUrate ratings. , ,<br />

Under the conditions of thes,e trials, a ll\IlI1ber"~1;he pre-emergence.<br />

crabsrass. control chemicals gave soQd cOlXtrol ot ~sto.ss. ~ron and .'<br />

dacthal continued to givc excellent. crabgrass cont~~ (96to 100%)althoUgh<br />

slight to moderate turf injury was noted. Turf inJul-y by these materiaJ.s<br />

was confined to red fescue and bell:l;.p-.asswith nOI\lli~ent injury to Kentucq<br />

bluegrass. , Calcium arsenate was ',~so effective 111,~rolling crabgrass.<br />

(96to 99il. Chlordane and .the ars~icaJ.-fertllizel fOrmulation gave goo9.,<br />

control of crabgrass on established:. turf althoush ~ degree of control ~<br />

reduced in ,trials on poor tUrf'WhG~ larger populat~pns of crabgrass ...•.<br />

developed. Diphenc.trlle gave, on:Iy .:~ intemcdiate, ';j!ve:L of control at,1;~~ '.<br />

recommended rate although the degree of control incr~ased proportionately .<br />

as the raw of ll,p;plication was incrilased. CalciUlllWopyl arsonate gave only<br />

negligible crabgra.ss control. ."."<br />

Pan1cum dichotOlll1florum wase~;f'ectively contr64ed by dacthaJ. and zy'ti-on<br />

but was not controlled in plots treated with calciuilf arsenate. .<br />

Literature<br />

Cited<br />

1. Mower, Jl,. G. and J. F. Cornman. 1961. EltPerilneij'i;s11l pre-emergence<br />

crabgrass control. Froc,H.E. <strong>Weed</strong> contt=91C6nf. 15:264-267.<br />

qrabgrass<br />

control.<br />

. .<br />

3. .' 1959. 9b¥rve.t~ons on pre-emergence'<br />

and post-emergence crabgrass ~ontfOl, etC.Proci~N.E. <strong>Weed</strong> Control<br />

Conf. 13: ise-rn, "


JobD1t'. HaVis 2<br />


'::<br />

493<br />

The area used for this t.at had been ..... dto a fairway mixture<br />

about fifteen years previously~ The grasses present were mostly<br />

bluegress and fescues. Miscellaneous weeds were present, includlQ8<br />

dandelion and plantain, but very little natural: crabgrass.<br />

During the first two week. of April, 19&1, the grass was mowed<br />

to 1 1/2 inches, fertilized with 10-6-4, and a light top dressing of<br />

soil was applied. The area ¥as then seeded Wf.th5 pounds of weed<br />

seeds having a high perceDtapof crabgrass, ,l'the area, 32 x 60 fe.t,<br />

was dlvided tnto24 plots '1:'FliO feet in siH/le This provided plott<br />

for 8 treatllle!¢s, ll\clud1ng.'a,reheck, replica_ three times. The'<br />

area had a slight pitch to the east but not _fieient to cause<br />

excessive washing.<br />

Seven granular pre-emergence herbicides were applied April 14<br />

at rates racollllll8ndedby tu "'lWfacturers, a.':.11ows:<br />

Per 1,000 Sq. Ft.<br />

,:"H<br />

(Pounds)<br />

PAX- "new" formul~~ (more arsenic~ •. Less N) 20<br />

Bandane 7.5%<br />

6.1<br />

Tricalcium Arsenate 48% (1961 formu1tlion)<br />

16<br />

Dactha1 2.3%<br />

10<br />

Zytron 4.4%<br />

8<br />

Ca1~i~ Propyl Arson.~a 20% :r£.,<br />

5<br />

Diphenatrile 11. S%<br />

6<br />

Irrigation was not available. The spr1Dg weather was cool and<br />

moist, rainf,dl during May"measuring 4.67 1...... Crabgrass in.the<br />

test plots germinated about JUne 15. The fiutweek of July the turf<br />

area was given a second appl1cation of fertiliser and sprayed with<br />

2,4-D to kill broad-leaved weeds. The grass was mowedweekly at<br />

1 1/2 inches. 0,1<br />

L. t.e.,<br />

lContribution Number1331. Maiiachusetts Agridaltural Experiment Station.<br />

2Department of Horticulture, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

494<br />

ae.u!s,'I!IIDi,cua.:Lon<br />

leUlllllted crabgrass cOll~,. Ausu-t 11, 1961<br />

(Avera.e of three replications):<br />

u<br />

zytron 991<br />

CaJ.dUll :Ars.nate " ' 851 'oj t<br />

B.n4ane 85% ' ,:;

..495<br />


J. M. Duich,B.R.Fleming, A.E.;Dudeck, G. J; ~op and J. Boydl<br />

:. ,'.;, , ,:-1;"'" , ",', )<br />

The object of this study ~, .to determine ~etfect of various<br />

commercial and eJq:leX'~ntal preemer$en~el crabgrass c~cals under practica:lconditions<br />

in southeastern Pennaylvard!l where crabgraap is a paramount problem<br />

and permanent turf difficult to"produce. . .<br />

Materialp!w!<br />

Methods<br />

The test was conducted ~t. ~ Springhaven C~ (golf) in Wallingford,<br />

Pennsylvania on two. areas.'l'et!t area No.1 was'#Ie practice fairway<br />

(irrigated) with a history of heaVyc:t'Apgrass infels~~On, annually, and a .:<br />

large popula tion of Poa anmia which predOlllinated spring and fall and usually<br />

faded during the sumiii6rperIod. B+1,l,e~ass, bent and t.,scue accounted for less<br />

than 20 percent of the pemanent turf population. ..<br />

Test area ijo. 2 (non-ir:rig~~) was located~ a fairway satllrated<br />

with seepage water frOlllunderground' springs, primar~y".in the spring and faJJ...<br />

Turf was predaninantJ.;r oreeping ben.~~ !2! trivialie, a~ traces of bluegrass.<br />

.: ",-, ,'rfi<br />

Single applicat1onsof ~~c:m._treatment were~on April 3, 1961<br />

two weeks prior to earliest anticipated crabgrass germination for the area.<br />

The region was characterized by unu~ cold, wet ~th~ which delayed<br />

the initial gemins tion of crabgra!'li' ~or four weeks ph :Area 1 and six weeks<br />

on Area 2. Poa annua growth was also unusually heavYdne to protection from<br />

heavy winterenows and-moist oandi~ for most of i~ growing season. Poa<br />

annua faded ctuickly starting in mid-Jv.],y, A further ~cation of climatlC<br />

conditions was the fir$tmOW1ng date or April 27, wb1~ is late for the area.<br />

',11 . ,<br />

-.. , O l:<br />

Indivic1ualplQts were 6.x,~ ,.feet with thrll$,repl1cations on Area ~'<br />

and two repli6at10na on Area 2 w1~,j;Q~ controls per ~~lication. Liquid '.'<br />

materials were applied with an experirii'8ntal boom sprayer at 35 psi and 90 gpa.<br />

Dry materials .were diluted with tOUI'QUSrta ot soil a~applied by hand.<br />

There was over 0%18inch of ra:lJi.1'allo"'r a three da;v.~Od beginning the daY<br />

following application. " ".J .<br />

Plots were rated period1o~ throughout the .season for discoloration<br />

and injury. Final orabgrass co~, detemination WBS made on October 2 on<br />

the basis of estimated percent oov~~ ~ce partial co~l often resulted in<br />

more vigorous crabgrass growth due ,to lack of turf c~:tition.<br />

1 Assistant Professor, Instructor, G%'llduateAssistanf/ GI'aduate Assistant,<br />

AgronomyDepar1lnent, Pennsylvania State University and Superintendent,<br />

Springhaven ClUb, respectively.

496<br />

D±!3pa,~n~ Resul te)I?<br />

.,l-ta,terials!, rates and percent crabgI'E\ss,~1}ro1 for bothtE3st areas<br />

are shown in Table~. A h1ghe~ 1MI of control' _ obtlt1nEldonArea 2 1IIith<br />

the exoeption of 7 of 28 trea'bDentl, 4 of whioh gave the best oontrol in the<br />

study (95 peroent or better). A higher level of control on Area 2 due to<br />

pe:nnanent, turfcompetitionto~p'ass germina¥:l.~ ,:wpJ,1ldprobab~have resul<br />

~d :11'the col.der~ wet soil?ot1d:1 tions had ~,~ ~ther delayed ge~tion<br />

on this area •. Delayed germina'tL0nand loss Of~:t1ve toxioiW over:t;bne<br />

oould be interpreted as the explanation for ~o:wet,[~:vels of control in~ral<br />

for some of the materiab. ' ,'t.!!) " , '<br />

U-4513 was found to betc:nc to Pea ~&nd resulted in almost<br />

oomplete el.1Jninationof' this species on Area-I""'6Y.Junel. Consequent1:Y',<br />

with little turf compe'tition the'tj,;,45:J3plots, hEid>J&"l:iigher level of crabpss<br />


Table 1. Peroent Cr$~lX'ass Control ~ Single<br />

Applioa tion of Preemergence Materials on APril 31 1961<br />

Springhaven Club1 Wallingford 1 Pennsylvania<br />

-<br />

%Crabgrass Control*<br />

Material Rate ~ Area 2<br />

Zytron M-1937 l$:~~i./A 99 92<br />

J.i>.<br />

Zytron M-1329 lO,""i.!A 53 84<br />

Chlordane G 90 a~i./A 95<br />

,Chlordane EC 90a.i.!A 50<br />

~~:<br />

Chlordane - Halts , 6/11.<br />

' ,<br />

;,G<br />

, 35 79<br />

Bandane - Va. l(le.i.!A 4 19"<br />

Bandane - Vem. 20 ••i.!A 45 36-<br />

Bandana - Verm. ~O,a.i.!A 65 52<br />

Bandane - Attap. 10 :a.i./A 26 ..3<br />

Bandane - Attap. 20 ... i.!A 56 19<br />

Bandane - Attap. 30 'a.i.!A 97 S4<br />

Bandane EC 10 a.i.!A 10 - 9<br />

Bandane EC 20 a.i.!A 18 20<br />

Bandane EC 30 e..i.!A 48 68<br />

Daothal - Rid lO,ffl .'" 68 64'<br />

Diphenatrile - Agxoico 10jM ,<br />

"1'.: 33 4,7<br />

Diphenatrile- Lilly 30 a.i.!A<br />

--<br />

31 38,<br />

Diphe:o.atril~·';' LV 2-21-61 6~ 34 76<br />

Diphenatrile -LC 2-21...61 ,6'/M, r " 34 $6.<br />

35455 - Lilly 6a.h!A, 48 68<br />

Ca. Arsena'teG-48 16/li<br />

"r~.:<br />

98 72<br />

Ca. Arsenate + P205 IS "'2IM ~.;" . - 1 52<br />

Pax<br />

497<br />

2~<br />

74 64<br />

Ca. Prop. Arson. - No Crab 5: - 14 19<br />

U-4513 50 W l a.i.!A<br />

,~u - 4 - 2<br />

U-4513 50 W '4a;i.!A - 4 -33 1<br />

U-4513 G 1 a.i.!A - 4 11<br />

U-4513 G 4 a.i.!A - 1 ....L<br />

Average 40 46<br />

\.....--* Based on control.

498<br />

1 . 1<br />

J. E. Gallagher and n. J. Otten<br />

The 1961 pre-emergenoe orabgrass oontrol trials compared<br />

the effectiveness of a number of cOllllllercial formulations" experimental<br />

materials from other companies, and a number of our own experimental·<br />

materials.<br />

Similar rates and dates of application were used in tests at<br />

three principal sites: AHCHEMResearch Farm, Ambler, h.; Oak Terrace<br />

Country Club, Ambler, Pa.; Pine Valley Golf Club" Clementon, N. J. Sites<br />

were chosen because they all had a past history of severe crabgrass Welt&­<br />

tiona. The turf at each site was rather thin" open and closely cut. : The<br />

natural turf at eachsite was a m1xture of bluegrass 'and fescue with sane<br />

bentgrass.<br />

All materials were applied as a dry foZ'lllUlation, usualJy on<br />

vermiculite or an organic carr:Ler. All materials were weighed out in advance<br />

according to the rate and plot size. Applicationa were made with a meo~ca1<br />

spreader or dusted on by hand, depending on the plot size.<br />

Plots at Oak Terrace CCwere ,f x 20f or 100 sq.tt.<br />

Plots a1l Pine Valley GCwere,f x 10' or ,0 sq.ft.<br />

Plots at AHCHEUResearch Farm were 18 n x 16.6f or 25 sq.tt •.<br />

A total of about 7,0 individual plots were applied at these<br />

three locations during the 1961 season. .<br />

1) Agricultural Research Departmen1i, AmchemProdUCts, Ina., 1\I1lbler,i'eansylvania

Materials 499<br />

(1)<br />

(2)<br />

(3)<br />

(4)<br />

(5)<br />

(6)<br />

(7)<br />

(8)<br />

(9)<br />

(10)<br />

(11)<br />

(12)<br />

Calcium propyl<br />

ZiYtron<br />

Dacthal<br />

Dacthal<br />

Chlordane<br />

Dipropalin<br />

Trifl1Jralin<br />

DiphenattlUe<br />

DiphenatrUe<br />

arsona.te'<br />

Tricalcium arsenate<br />

Lead arsenate/arsenOU<br />

oxide complex<br />

Calci'Uillpropyl/calcium<br />

methyl arsonate mix<br />

(Amchem)<br />

(Dow)<br />

(Swift)<br />

(Swift)<br />

(Scotts) ,<br />

(Lilly)<br />

(Lilly)<br />

(Lilly) .<br />

(Agrico)<br />

(Chipman)<br />

(Kelly.<br />

Hestern)<br />

, (Vineland)<br />

;;,':2Ojg'on vermiculite carrier<br />

4.4%on organic carrier<br />

,~, on organic carrier<br />

2a$3%on organic/fertilizer<br />

carrier<br />

e% on vermiculite carrier<br />

2%on vermiculite carrier<br />

2%on vermiculite carrier<br />

~. on vermiculite carrier<br />

5.85%on fertilizer carrier<br />

48%on vermiculite carrier<br />

8.5/25.1%on inorganic"~~er<br />

It.7/5.3$<br />

f.;<br />

.0J:<br />

Dates of Application as Related to Crabgrass OrCfth '<br />

Evaluations<br />

AMCHEMResearch Farm<br />

Oak Terrace<br />

Pine Valley<br />

CC<br />

GO<br />

0'<br />

on vermiculite<br />

carrier<br />

March 18<br />

: !1~.~<br />

pre-emergence<br />

April 18 ',1" , pre-emergence<br />

Hay 18<br />

'.0 " a.t emergence<br />

June 5 early post-emergence<br />

July' 17 late post-emergence<br />

",<br />

Aprll13<br />

pre-emergence<br />

, May' 17 ,}><br />

early post-emergehOe<br />

r<br />

June 5 ,'" 'early post-emergenoe<br />

July' 17 .' .;:i late post-emergenOe'<br />

,~.<br />

]"~':-<br />

,<br />

April 18 :pre-emergence<br />

May4<br />

'," pre-emergence<br />

June 10 ;.:.; early post-emergElBOtl<br />

) ~<br />

Visual estimates of the ,proportion of each plot infested wit'll:<br />

crabgrass were made at intervals throughout the .... Bon", ~ese were cOnl'pered<br />

to the untreated check plots to obtain the Per Cent Control figures reported<br />

in the following ,tables. )')<br />

jl ...<br />

,<br />

;;r1! "=<br />

By the middle of A~ the crabgrass:ip1'8stat1on in alluntMted<br />

plots was so complete that 1.1;"~ or no tur.i'grOl!t~ showing.<br />

~,. .<br />

. ,: :1

500<br />

Da1;ejJ01 e~uations<br />

~,a.;t'ollClW&I.,<br />

, . " l r I<br />

,.AMCHEJ{ Research ~t June 20, JulT 24, August 24 "<br />

: "September 29<br />

, 08k., Twrace CCt r·",,· June 20, Ju4r 27, August 24<br />

September 29<br />

~.<br />

',i1~e Valley GCs June 27, JulT 22, ,Ootober 11<br />

./ '"j '.<br />

( r', .i<br />

iThe sp,~.~~f·" ~961 ~,.t~'~:Old and~:~1l)kt\,~he PhUadelphia.',; sr:<br />

area,as. it wasin many other parts of the North... , crabgrass emergence<br />

was two weeks to a month later than usual, and growth after emergence was<br />

very slow until around the middle of June. Muchot the emerged crabgrass<br />

was still in the 2 to 4 leaf ,s'tap,on June let.' _ ,<br />

, ' . Ra:lntallwas constant ,\brR'I,1ghouthe SUJMr· and temperatures were<br />

high enough to t,Cl(Drcontinuous ,prmaxim'lllll emergence of crabgrass. There<br />

..ere no distinct. ~.ods of crabgrNs emergence and growth as is 'lSSualin<br />

our &r84.0.. ,~<br />

\'r<br />

Hhile no n'lllllerical counts of the actual stand of crabgrass per<br />

unit areaw.ereT~to compare~.rstand to previoUs seasons, visual<br />

~uatione .:1ndica:ted.,that the nat'Ol'alcrabgrass iDtestation was much more<br />

uaUom andseV~than in prev:1oul years. Thus, it is possible that in<br />

the past seaso~.;8Il.ef:fective c~cal producing 9Sto 98 per cent control<br />

may have left 10 to 15 crabgrass plants in a 50 to .100 square foot area.<br />

In 1961, on the ,other hand, 95 to9S per cent control of amuoh larger<br />

number ofsp%'out~gC1!E!bgrass seedS!imayhave allowed 50 to 75plants to<br />

develop.in the881lle plot area.' J:<br />

Whentransformed into the visual estimates used in our eva+.ua~ions,<br />

the larger n'lllllberof plants present would greatly reduce apparent contfo.l.i<br />

Thus, a chemical ~ have controlled 50 per cent of the crabgrass plants<br />

actualJ.¥· emerging,bU.t those ~g plants wou14:'beenough to completely<br />

intestthe plots ,and wew~ld8ft;].lIa'te this as' n(j,i,~aren't control.' .,:' ,,'<br />

This probably accounts for the reduced, etleotiveness 'of material's<br />

such as dacthal, zytron and tricalci'lllll arsenate, wh1ch have been consistently<br />

effect~ve :in our, 'tUttt.1t1- previau.::years. Theon1.:j liUlt.erialsproviding _<br />

more than 80 p.. oent· control t~th$., season ·1fMtritluraJ.in at 4,"~ ,<br />

and 8 lb/A and d1lll'opalin at 8 lb/A.<br />

In 1960, salcium propyl arsonate showed IIltcellent tolerance to<br />

established turf and new turf planted before or after application, good<br />

post-emergence activity on crabgrass, and aat:lsfactory seasonal pre-emeraence<br />

crabgrass control.

D~ed. 011\., the 1961 tr~~epp:rteClhe1.'el ,~~um.·prCWl arsonate<br />

showt!defirt1te p~~genoe ac:~i, tr on crab~8 !p,to the 4 to Sled'<br />

stage,•....The best treatments lfi~)~ .oOll1poundw~e;)liW).1ed in May, 'about<br />

two'weeks after orabgrass eimergenoe. Rates of lt _ lllb/1OOO sq.£t.<br />

gave cc)ntrol comparable to pre-emersenoe treatments at 15 lb/A of zytron<br />

~ far SUPlil:rj.~ ~o~$~emergenoe treatments with recanmended rates of<br />

dacthal, cb,lo~an., ,diphenatrile, tr1oaloium. arsenate and lead arsenate<br />

compJ.~ ", ..',' .:; . ; ';;,<br />

501<br />

.' >" Tl:J,e. oomb1nat1on,of caloi Ulll methyl arlf()~~ and calcium. propyl<br />

ar~te may1'lave s~ht~lncreased initial pos~enceact1vity,<br />

but"d1d not increase pre-emergenoe residual aotiviV in comparison to<br />

oalcium proWl ars~te alone. . "<br />

Turf tolerance<br />

T6,; only,~ounds oausing o1m,ous ~$,~ur:r in these test/.<br />

plots were ~ur~ and trioalci~:arsenatee: .~uralin thinned the<br />

turf slowl\r".aver ail6riodof severallllOnths. ~1um. arsenate caused<br />

a general fo1iage ~ within a week after appl1catlon, and much of 'the .<br />

g1'a8.l!l neverl'eco~ d~ the remainder of the,.e,ason. ' .'nL"<br />

'"\" .,<br />

..,'"<br />

\' >~·1<br />

Conq1l1sion<br />

"l:"<br />

: . De,oause~ a c0lll1!;lnat1onof weather o:on91101ons in 1961 - coldt'cF"<br />

wetltpring,dela;re4;;crabgrass genrdnat1on, warm)..wet;sumrner- all the<br />

prirtl:l~:pal s~1~t1~(llrabgrass control; chemicals ~t~ av8ilable produced<br />

uns&¥sfactory crablfass ,control~.,WhUe QO de~tf reason for this can be<br />

presented at this tillie, possible' explanations for these failures are<br />

exc~s1ve or,abgras8,:~ergenQe"1clachi~ and b1olog1,qal breakdown. "1." '<br />

Calcium.propyl arsonate, applied as an earl\r'pos~rgenoe<br />

treatlllent ra;t~er th~ a standard pr~ergence trea,t-nt, produced seaecndi.' :('<br />

crabgrass oontrol eqUivalent to the best of the long r8aldual pre-emergenoa:',<br />

crabgrass killers ;lncluded in our 1961' tests. .<br />

" . -,;:,1..<br />


502<br />

TADLEIt Comparison of "severalc¥mercial and, exper1:nental pre-emergence<br />

C:1'abgrass' control Ch~W, applied at OaifiTerrace, Country Club,'<br />

Pine Vall~Golf Club I "AMCHEMResearch 'am.<br />

< .' ',\ ' :>'~ ", .. ,-.,.." ". '''!:l<br />

Rate<br />

'f;'percent Crabgrass Cont,t-gl<br />

1" ~ ,-<br />

During Season<br />

***<br />

Material Per Acre Applied Location * June JUlY ~ ~fug.<br />

Zytron '1$ April' or ~ 85 74<br />

"<br />

'1$ Api1,l' pry<br />

:~~~1~4,·.,; . 92 "'~<br />

**<br />

Dacthal 10 April or ';~ n 34 is<br />

10 April or 92 85 49 32<br />

10 April pry 97 94<br />

** ,;68<br />

Diphenatrile 20 April pry<br />

i<br />

65 "22<br />

26 AprD:' OT 37 32<br />

**<br />

J,p<br />

30<br />

26 April: ACP 17 April' pry 13 ;0,<br />

** ** :: ~ .'<br />

.:t!<br />

Trifluralin 4 April pry 'too 100<br />

**<br />

96<br />

6 April pry 100 100 ** 98<br />

6 Harch ACP 68 91<br />

** .. ··i<br />

8 April pry 100 100<br />

**<br />

79<br />

;~ "/','<br />

6 Apra pry<br />

90 **<br />

6 May ACP , '6 93<br />

**<br />

6 Apl'H." pry )[100<br />

98 **<br />

r:<br />

'~<br />

~.,<br />

**<br />

DipropaJ.1n 4 April pry<br />

:';'<br />

Lead arsenate 870 April or '~ 53 20 0<br />

complex<br />

(fo~<br />

Tricalcium '160 April' or<br />

Arsenate<br />

(form.)<br />

-,e":<br />

"<br />

71<br />

',~.,<br />

53 .?fl<br />

'_'r<br />

"<br />

Chlordane 60 April or 20 13 18 0<br />

60 May or 56 0 12 0<br />

90 April or $0 42 20 8<br />

120 April or 30 8 14 2<br />

120 l-1ay or 59 13 4 0<br />

* Location: OT - Oak Terrace Country Club<br />

PV - Pine Valley Golf Club<br />

ACP - AMCHEMResearch Farm<br />

** No ratings of these plots made on these dates.<br />

*** Averal?e of ~ renlicat.ionsa Contro1 basp-rl on cOl'llTla1"'l Ron t.o unt."'""t,P.rl

503<br />

'-- TADLE2: Crabgrass oontrol with CaloiUll1Propyl Arsonate ·using various<br />

rates and dates of application.<br />

Peroent Crabgrass Control<br />

CaloiumPropyl Arsonate<br />

Pounds per 1000 aq.· ft.. Looation* AfPlied ~. AuguSt:<br />

Dul'§Season *** :!iii.<br />

1/2 or April 0 0 0 >0<br />

OT May 94 84 47 26<br />

3/4 ACP March 34 0 0 -0<br />

ACP April ·95 70 31 37<br />

OT April 30 5 0 0<br />

ACP May 100 96 il4 57<br />

or Mrq 94 69 35 15<br />

ACP .rune 82 97 72 24<br />

ACP July ** ** 51 30<br />

C7l' July ** ** 25 16:<br />

1 ACP Mal'oh 18 25 0 0<br />

ACP April 50 29 6 2<br />

C7l' April 82 64 35 40<br />

ACP Mar 100 99 82 41<br />

OT Mar 96 95 79 4'<br />

ACP June 100 98 78 33<br />

ar June 96 90 69 32<br />

ACP July ** ** 66 27<br />

or . July ** T** 18 8<br />

'--<br />

11/4 OT April 69 40 18 3<br />

or M8y 96 92 85 6'8<br />

OT July<br />

** ** 37 13<br />

1 1/2 ACP March 67 25 0 0<br />

ACP April 91 88 55 40<br />

OT April 69 40 4 0<br />

or May 100 100 94 58<br />

OT July ** ** 43 16<br />

* Looation: ~ -:. Oak T~r::ace ~ol1ntry Club; ACP.. AMCHEMResearch Farm

504<br />

TADLE3: Pre-oemergence and poet-energence crabgHaS control with a<br />

combination of calci\Dl1 propyl arsonaw"ald:calcium methyl<br />

arsonate.<br />

Per Cent Crabgrass<br />

Pounds per 1000sq. ft.<br />

Cont1'01 Dur~ Seuof1' ***.<br />

Ca~h'Op.As. 08;..Meth.As. App¥ed Looation*<br />

'.. :& P¢«, ...Iftl!litI.<br />

.44 .14 .<br />

.66 .21<br />

--<br />

-<br />

or<br />

94 48. 24 :3<br />

~ ACP<br />

** **<br />

$1 30<br />

or (~ 82 5$ 10<br />

June PV 72 79 28<br />

**<br />

~ or r.** 41 2<br />

~ ACP ... ** 29 7<br />

'.88 .28 MI(y OT '94 84 79 l.6<br />

June ACi? 100 98 80 37<br />

June PV 97 88 48<br />

July • ACP 'H<br />

$9 ** 10<br />

**<br />

J~ or ** $1 J6<br />

**<br />

J..U .3$ or 96 90 80 .,<br />

J~' or<br />

** **<br />

39 7<br />

-<br />

1.32 .44 Mat or 1

505<br />


" 1<br />


.. 2<br />

E. F. Alder and R. B. Bevington<br />

I<br />

Diphenatrile (diphenylaceto~itrile), dipropalin (N,N-di(n-propyl)­<br />

2,6-dinitro-£-toluidine) an4 trifluralin (2,6-dinitro-N,N-di-~propyl-a,a,a-trifluoro-E-toluidine)<br />

have been extensively tested<br />

as pre-emergent herbicides for turf at the Greenfield Laboratories<br />

of Eli Lilly and Company. Sixty turf experiments, consisting of<br />

over 3,500 plots, were conducted. Emphasis in these inve~tigations<br />

has been placed on thi determinatloi of effectiveness,<br />

appropriate application rates, ,duration of ~ctivity, safety to<br />

turfgrasses and ornamentals, effects of ea~ypost-emergent applications<br />

on weed grasses, and length of delay before reseeding.<br />

lli12h~n!!tri1e<br />

The herbiC1dalproperties ofd1phenatrlle ~ve been previously;<br />

reported in detai1 (1). At 3'0 pounds per ap:re. the. compound ,~s<br />

controlled seedling weed granes (barnyardgl,a,~", g ooaeg r-as s ,<br />

.foxtails, and crabgrasses) in turf. D1phen,.trlle is completely<br />

safe to established turfs, trees, shrubs, a~'

506<br />

Table 1. Re8eeding Resulte:afiter APpl1cati:bn' of 30 lb/A<br />

Diphenatrile.Ex~~essed,as:rp.jllo:ff to Turf'grasses<br />

- - - -.- - -<br />

Days Af'te'r<br />

Treatment<br />

1<br />

10<br />

17<br />

24<br />

37<br />

__ ~yrrg~a~s_Injpri Ba~ing~ _<br />

__ B!n~g~a!s_ ~l~Elsr!s!

Table 2 presents a summarY~f crabgrass cOp:1frol results obtal-ned;<br />

wi th dipropalin and triflural:1n. With 6-8,pounds per acre ot',di ..<br />

propalin or lS pounds per 8lll'E! of trifluralin, very good

5"8<br />

d1propalin ortrifluralin 'at ':rec ommendedr~t.es gave full-sealsc)J1<br />

-cl'abgral!i1J control. Excelleft1icontrol was'Ob-tained from mid-Mnch<br />

treatments 'Which were sUbjeet~d to over' 30. etnches rdntall and'<br />

irrigation water. Substantial control wasI:Jbbtained as long illS'<br />

216 days atter chemical application.<br />

. ... .I:'<br />

Table 3. Duration of Crabgrass Control With Dipropalin<br />

and TrifiuraJ.in ..<br />

ApplIn<br />

_D!t§<br />

_ _<br />

Feb. 16<br />

Mar. 3<br />

Mar. 16<br />

Mar. 29!V<br />

Apr. 13<br />

Apr. 27<br />

May 10V<br />

May 17<br />

May 24<br />

June 2<br />

Days<br />

Jijl!Pleg<br />

216<br />

201<br />

188<br />

175<br />

160<br />

146<br />

133<br />

126<br />

119<br />

lio<br />

Dipropalin<br />

~ __ Ttit l u ra11n _<br />

l! ;t.bLA_ J. "&bLA_ _2 _JJ2/~<br />

81<br />

69<br />

69 69 8S<br />

79<br />

86 71 94<br />

86 47 91<br />

83 74 91<br />

87 68 90<br />

97 8'7 96<br />

..93 81 94<br />

92 :1j 84<br />

).:<br />

- - - --- - -<br />

Calculated by estimatingl:(ercentredUC~~,o~ 'in crabgrass<br />

cover: (Sept .. Zl) in trea't.d plots as C~~ared with untreated<br />

control o ,<br />

!V ' POOl' application due to ht'gh winds<br />

,1' '.<br />

V Crabgrass germ·inationstar.ted May 3<br />

~l .:<br />

, ,<br />

~a!e~y_ t~ f1!n~s -_ Dipropalih and triflural:in were observ~d ,t~r<br />

safety to turfgrasses in 31 experiments. Observations were made<br />

on bentgrasses, bluegrasses,.fescues, ryegrul!I, Bermudagrass,., ftnd<br />

ZOYSia.. A..pplications of dipr. ~palin,. thrOugh;.~J;.;{).' pounds per ac~.:',:<br />

gave no turf grass damage in ... ny test. Tri:f1Ul'alin was safe )).p' .<br />

all turfs at 2-3 times the 'i'ecommended rateiDamage occurred a:t<br />

6 pounds per acre inbentg.rlul." b1uegrass,:111id fescue turfs; '~ome<br />

damage was obs,erved at 4 pounds per acre. ,''ZOYSia and BermudagtaSs<br />

were. not damaged by 10 pouna~ '1>er acre. :~., " . '. ,<br />

A large number or \Toody orn8.111enta1s/ fihrub.~..,'·vines, arid estab;L1shed<br />

annual a.nd perennial flowbrs have proved' '.to1erantto tri'''; .... , .<br />

tluralin,' even at very high' Jl,Jlplication ra~e:e. or 1e. trees ,3e<br />

shrubs, 2 broadlhf ground cOvers, 3 perennl,U species', and 6, .<br />

rose varietfestested, none sh'owed damage t1l'trifluralin at 1'0

)"509<br />

pounds per acre. Thirty ot~ Joung established annual flower<br />

species were undamaged by tritluralin at this rate. Dipropalin<br />

~has :been le~.s w:1deJ,;y,t.,s,~, ,~,8hows 8:~a!' satetyto '0%'11&;':<br />

~en~tal~~::""i" '." ;}' ::' .: \~i" .'... J.,<br />

la~l! ~o·it1=~'~"P~ ·Act:L,!:~i.J:~';'· Severa}; ,e~1ments 'show ee.tfenUa1f:ythe<br />

&~,~uults.:aJ.N!"''F') given in TabJJeJ. In this e~llrlmentera~gr8,-Si"<br />

t~8t beo .... ,.,ill11:11e in' untftated are •• on Jo1.tI~.<br />

A,~, the,:'M"7~~' ~ppJ.ioa.U()n·4.t., it was in.'tbIel ..leaf' stage; '0W1.~ ,<br />

M'ay17 ,the .?,:!,l.~.f stage JC~.~,M.y 21.1,the '2s..n4 3-lea£ stage'" 'll'1d<br />

on, June?, . t~e~.3 ~nd 4_1 •• , .~'Ie. Excellitnt control wail o~Ubed<br />

with both dipropalin and trifluralin through the May 24tJOI.t. ..<br />

ment. Activity was reduced in the last application at the 3 to<br />

4-leaf stage. Dipropalin and trifluralin at recommended rates<br />

control crabgrass throu~h:;.~._a::leat etllge.<br />

J!e!etdin~ c~~¥.~te! -:-, );>iprClpa~il1, .$ondtritl ur~l~D l!ere app.l1l!d: aZ}4<br />

de~iz:ab.~Ef ..t·u.r'.,f',g~.,."'.d..~e s ,w.e..1" ;'~.'." !!-QQ~d .at the 1i~~ of ehem1ca.l .,&:P.Pl1­<br />

cati6n,'an.d, ;threeand, si,x ,,~~ f'ollowi~& rW.... tment (TabJ.,,,,4).<br />

Injury ratings vere made -s1'1' to seven weekI atter each seeding.<br />

No injury was observed with either chemical six weeks after<br />

treatment. Current recommendations are to wait 45 days after<br />

treatment before reseeding.<br />

Table 4. Reseeding Injury of' Turf Grasses after<br />

Dipropa1in and Trifluralin Treat.ent~7<br />

- - - - - - - - - - ... - - - - - - ...- ... ....... ...<br />

Turf<br />

Ir!a~m!!n~ .GraaS!!S - - .O_W~s.!. ... .3_ W lE s" - -<br />

_6...w~s.:<br />

Dipropal1n Bentgrasll 4 3 1<br />

8 Lb/A Bluegrass 5 4 1<br />

Fescue 5 3 1<br />

Ryegrass 3 1 1<br />

Triflura1in Bentgrass 4 3 1<br />

2 Lb/A Bluegrass 5 3 1<br />

Fescue 5 3 1<br />

Ryegrass 4 2 1<br />

- - . - - ....... . ... - ...... - - ...<br />

!I l-no injury, 3-moderate injury, 5-complete kill

510<br />

aUlIPIl iri<br />

'-1: '<br />

D" ""<br />

Diphenatrile at 30 pounds per' acre, d1pro~alfn at 6-8 pounds per<br />

acre, and triflural1n at lS pounds per acre have given ,exce':i~ent<br />

full-season control of weed grasses in turt •. Spray tormulat,ipns<br />

of dipropalinand triflurcUnare easily .jntepared; sHghtJ,Yb!.ghar<br />

rates are required. All three cOlllpou~d.f' are sate for use"'On<br />

turi'grasees, tree's, shrubs'; roses, perentiS.r.l 'and most young"<br />

annual flowering plants. All three materlt!s kill crabgrass in<br />

turf through the 2-leafsttge. Reeeeding •.!lc'an be made 30 day~<br />

after diphenatrile and 4511ays, atter diPpofaH.n or tritlural1n<br />

treatment.';···:<br />

, \ ~l 4 •<br />

Lite_aturs Cited c'<br />

--- - - - - - -<br />

1. E. F.Alder,W. L. wr1~ht" and Q. F. S,~er. Control of,;~'~ed1­<br />

ing grasses in turf w~th diphenylac~tQ,D:ltrile and a substituted<br />

dinitroaniline. ~r)oc. NEWCC15 ,)~,98 .,302,. 1961. .'<br />

. 'I

Pre-emergence Control of CrabP'Q'UIIi,n Turf- w1·~ Fall and Spring Treatments<br />

:J .. F. AhrenS;7,R.i,J.. Lukensal1l:tA •.!!~:~Olsonl<br />

t ;~l ':'fC' "" 'f'<br />

" ; J:.~ j:" ~ c, .,' !";~~.~. /> :""1':..,d

Fall ve. spriif ~nts .. 'Ibe",obl1.:cUv.ottbUl~'IIiper1ment was to determine<br />

the relative eleotlveness of tall and spring tre •• nts for the control of<br />

crabgrass 1n turt. The test was conduoted in l'1t. Cal'lll8l, Conneoticut, ..Ql1 turf<br />

seeded' inthel i splllll1' Of .1960;1ill'''~l' ill!ictU1"e otK.ntieJq'· bluegrass, ..uto~<br />

Celonial b4inll!l .... ;.i~,oheWiil:"~.:),..du.;. -'Fall treiWiits were applied' 'oi;~:" ~.<br />

3<br />

Ootobtlr 10,~1l~nandJ:.prlng'tH~fMhtt were at,)PU"'!~:April 27~ 1961. .: , :, .<br />

1.,;11,' ;,~,u {.',} ~Ji: ~~.£l ,~ fa ee'.; " ," 'La i.. ,'. (>"1.1',,,<br />

Cra~rass emergenoe started .Mi i"JrY10 but'fis ''iie1a,ed beeause of:cjdti:t<br />

temperatures. Stands of orabgrass in this test were excellent, averaging 40<br />

plants/sq.tt. 1n the oontrol~l;~lttf'D.l.g1tar1.'lacpmum was the prinoipal<br />

species. .<br />

. ~:1i>~,i;j~~ Z',;. 'j'-;:J"J :; " . J;S'~':':' • H,I' - ".<br />

c 'Ms'~ifh_ 111'~~: 0./ thee.ttl 'applicatione!,or:8ilery lUlrbicide tiOn~Wjli.d<br />

cr~.)bQtR,1Ilb& "tall .ppl&'ca1Jl~, althdughl'" cH.tterence w.ass~Jlt··<br />

'thie ,lowratee:~oI: ~Jj c~~\md calo1W1laMha1le • The 1nter8et~'Ofil·~tJ<br />

seasOlt tJt\ appllL-"lmWith oheJdQ'W&IiI' 'statisU:CdlT Significant at jr,;.f~os.<br />

"Pax" and dacthal !fere most aff'ecte~ by season o.f .apP~.'catio.n •. T,he res.Ulte<br />

'"""It,'that h1gbet'u~.of ~. are'i'equi'riCl !'OT'fall' applicati'dti ~<br />

~i1'lgilppUda~nay)'1nd1catii1f'1:lfitt- pert of, the' li_rMbide may be lost~"<br />

the fall and winter.<br />

_treatments on rough turf Several comlllerc~aJ?1;r.av.,a.il~ble an~ eX?,ef1me.9,t~<br />

','.' , rp .. ·.fiii.i'iL~m'we%'e[.tllt-flBt$d "~a st'8n~~ ,rtiugh turt in ~orl,'<br />

··Crmneoticut·.,'£j'!W-rturfUoons1$:ied'6t'lha Jl11X t ur e 'bf·blue~aell, .red fescue,' .1.\a<br />

f~ftlIIe i I 'Col.ul11eritssr.,., a1'ld"·ilIiMlleneoUs·weeds'4-. 1 ,'Tl'ie soil was as,andf '\l)lI!JI<br />

of generally low fertility. . . "".,,!., A .<br />

~1'8111l rfe*~ler' wel'ie;~d 'in 'earlY Aprtl'-and' ad~tional f'ertl-11zer<br />

was at1pliedJ fiII'\lunit': and"July. 'I'd 1tlWur~.8 stend' ot-'ij~abirasli, the area .<br />

.overseeded oOrJ'Ma1'f3". ·;:wi..; ',:.;'\n]~,'i . ., .L'!-T:'.L, ... , ., "I. ".,<br />

cOmmericalUVailable .materials The herbioides weiN applied on l!/.q. ~. ~"-'1'<br />

4' x 2Q"d;J.!i'fIillO!i£i&ithi'e&, tt.- •. Orabgrass.llIIIiIFjenoe,lltarted b~' .<br />

Mey 10 erni. 2P,:lndifJl~~onsr.~~te'low,:,avet1qtDg' '.l..6;plMte/sq.1.'t'e''lU·'<br />

the I1I)trelited plots.' . Y

Table 1. Effeo~ of.Season of ~p~;cation on Crabir!'. Control and Turf ~Pdury<br />

Herbioide<br />

Calcium<br />

arsenate<br />

Rate<br />

aoi.<br />

Ibs./A<br />

'310<br />

740<br />

Chlordane 70<br />

140<br />

Dacthal 7.5<br />

15<br />

"Pax" (8%N) 880<br />

1760<br />

Zytron 15<br />

30<br />

513<br />

Peroentage Percentage<br />

Time of,'):' contri)l of thinni<br />

ApplicathD Crabil;'~~ of tur~<br />

Sept. C::, July 13 Sept. i4<br />

\,~ : ~'Ii' ;.[.<br />

, Oct.-_.... 8503"-- 0 '0-<br />

April 90.7; 0 0<br />

Oct. 98.0 0 0<br />

April 99.3 ' r~ 8 e<br />

Oct. 85.7 ;,) 0 0<br />

April 87.7 0 0<br />

Oct. 89.0'i', 4 0<br />

April 95.3 2 ,0,<br />

,.)<br />

Oct. 86.7 0 0<br />

April 96.0 '~: 5 0-<br />

Oct. 97.3 2 0<br />

April 98.3 )0 5<br />

,;~ ',rLl<br />

Oct. 31.7 0 0<br />

April 46.0 0 0<br />

Oct. 64.3 ' 5 "0'<br />

April 86.0 .'. 2 0<br />

Oct. 87.7 , . ,<br />

0 'G<br />

April 92.3 0 0<br />

Oct. 93.0 0 0<br />

April 96.0 12 ,(),<br />

\;;<br />

L.S.D. .05 9.6 _.,<br />

.01 12.8 'I<br />

---------------------------------------<br />

lAverage ratings of two personSio~r three replicates.<br />

At the lower rates of app~cation, zytron, di~penatrile, and chlordane<br />

provided 90 per cent or bet,ter' ~ohtrol of crabgra$~"; whereas calcium pro~yl<br />

arsonate and calcium arsenate proVided about 85 pel; cent control of cra1;lirasl'<br />

(,Table 2) •.. "Pax" at 880 Ibso/A,,anCl,'. dacthal at 7S,;,;LbS./Adid not cont~J,..crabgrass<br />

satisfactorily. These rates of "Pax" and d~P.thal apparently are taolow<br />

for consistent. oontrol of crab~~a~~.·' .<br />

In general, cr~bgrass,contro1.,with zytron, dag;thal, and "Pax" in 196;1.was<br />

similar to that obtained in 19~~. Calcium arsenat$was less effective ~n 1961<br />

than in 1960 and chlordane at 101bs./A in 1961.we, somewhatmore effeotiye<br />

than at 60 Ibs./A in 19600"<br />

In addition to crabgrass, zytron also appeared to control Oxallls spp~<br />

in this test, and both calcium arsenate and "Pax" appeared to control sheep<br />

sorrel (Rumexacetosella).

514 ~<br />

Tab1e2. Cr&bgraS$'Contr01 in Rougl\ Turf with"Spr'.inif'l'reatments of eo_HI!ally<br />

Ava:l.lable NateriaJ.e<br />

.'r'-)'I<br />

CJ".'!"s Control' . iT<br />

. d'l.<br />

Rate perceli~..'.; No. Plants '. ss, Percent;!<br />

'"a.l. control.::" .. per SQ.ft. 2 .thinni<br />

Herbicide lbs./A August 21 Sept. 2 JUlj 17 Augus! ~l<br />

Untreated plots or.<br />

,<br />

3.77 0 .0<br />

Calc:l.UDl 370 66 1.39 16 6 3<br />

arsenate<br />

740 9~ .67 3 0<br />

~l ~<br />

,('0,<br />

CalciiWll 44 6~ 1.2~<br />

6 7<br />

propyl<br />

arsonete 66 80 16 10<br />

-. ;",1;' ~_~ r '<br />

ChlOrdane 70 91 1.26 1 0<br />

140 96,. ' .26 0 3<br />

Dacthal 7.~ 66 1.63 3 :3<br />

'l~ 93 .j.: .69 ~ .3 "";>l:'<br />

Diphenatrile 30 99 o' : .39 6 6 3<br />

60 99 .50 13 15 3<br />

IIPaxII(4%N) 680 31<br />

'!<br />

;,' I<br />

1 "\,.J<br />

2.39<br />

2 0<br />

1760 69 1.17 3 3<br />

Zytron 15 98 .17 0 0<br />

30 99 .11 0 0<br />

---------------~--------------------~~~<br />

,.<br />

l,Average ratings of two persoruJover three replioates.<br />

2Averege ot B:l.xsq. foot samples·,.~.·u:~h ofthree·~lloates.<br />

3C010nial bent appeared to be thinned.<br />

: -__- , ' ,_.,0(:' '. _ - . _ ~- _ . '1'~': . - ,. '. .<br />

The higher rates of chlo,r!!~,~' ,e.taot)'l,al,,IlPa*.~1 '1~n4 zytron did not 1p.1)lre<br />

the,turf .in this test.zytrortaotW11J,.! sti!'lu+ate'~'" '" wth of t~ grasSes;,1IP4<br />

olover. '. D:l.phenatl':l.leat, 60 Ibs~/A, Qalcium areen!!,. .:1; 370 Ibs./A and c14~ilpll<br />

propyl arsonate at 4~ r681bs~IA,.11 caused 10hi . of the t).lX'f. Ca~pm<br />

arsenate and' diphenatrile appearid to be thillJ?in~ ~ , •.o~lonial bentgraE!8:"w~~reas<br />

oalcium propyl arsonate appeared to be thinnins the ascue grasses.<br />

er1mental materials The mate«ii~ givenl!\TabJ.rfwere applied onMey 6,<br />

., in tN ce-re p1ieated plot~. 'G~'11u1ar zytron,1.,poluded in this te~t •••<br />

standerd, provided excellent cant.fol'of crabgrass ~~~h~o injury to thetqif.<br />

Zytron also controlled spotted spurge (Euphorbia !!!!!ans) and la1otl~eed (PoJl~<br />

gO~umav:l.9ulare). '"., 0: /'1:,' ~<br />

,. [':.

Table 3. Crabgrass Control in Rough Turf with Experimental IVJaterials<br />

Rate PerO@tage , d'L<br />

control\~ ;Q~abgrasS Pe~t,¥e thinning<br />

Herbicide ~ugusti Ju~8 August 21<br />

,"i:;:iA<br />

"Bandane"" , 20 70.0 . :~.r 0<br />

' [<br />

40 97.0<br />

0<br />

Dipropalin, 5 99.{)·· gL 0<br />

],0 99.0 62, 15<br />

Trinuralin 3 99.0 l~:, 15<br />

6 99.0 3 .; 35<br />

:'1(..'<br />

j<br />

515<br />

u4513 4 77.0<br />

f~'~<br />

26<br />

8 94.5 95<br />

Zytron 15 99.0 ~. 0<br />

"<br />

u4513 controlled crabgrass well but killed moi~ of the grass et thB,8 Ibs./A<br />

rete, leeving on~ broadleafed weeds. Trifluralin~.lso was very injurious to<br />

the turf. Dipropalin et 5 Ibs .•/ P provided good control of crabgrass and was not<br />

injurious to the turf. At 10 lbs.!A, however, dipropalin caused consid~rible<br />

thinning. "Bandane" at 40 Ibs./A provided excellent control of crabgrass and<br />

no turf injury. Of 'the new materials, both dipropaIin and "Bandanen warrant<br />

further testing_ "<br />

'. ":,l,' L-"<br />

Effects of mowing height on herbicide effectiveness In the spring of 1960,<br />

standS of turf grasses ~lere established in unrepHgate

516<br />

,';1:".i'"'f'!r": :~,j i: .. r ~_o~,~..<br />

and decthal. The best control ot crabgrass was obtained with zytron at the<br />

2-inch cutting hei~ht. This test reemphasi,zes:bhe need for proper turf<br />

management'.in. cr~b.8r~~_~~t~l, at!)· ~r, ,,~_thollt~:M'herbi cide. .<br />

-,'. '~,! - _. "< • '., ' ~- - • " , '"1<br />

Table 4. Effects ot 1'1owi~ Heights and Herpic:ide Treatments on nrabg,..~<br />

ContrOl in a tuM' Nurse1"1 .'<br />

Treatment<br />

Untreated<br />

Mowing<br />

heiJ.h.t<br />

~<br />

1<br />

2.<br />

Zytron 1<br />

151bs./A 2'<br />

Dacthal<br />

1l.a5nil./4 J,.<br />

2·<br />

Vis!1al estimates<br />

Percqp.tage<br />

area<br />

covered bY<br />

orab¢ass l<br />

OI'abgrass counts<br />

69 0 32.7 0<br />

25, 64 12.4 62<br />

4.3<br />

0.2'<br />

94<br />

99.7<br />

0.9<br />

0.3<br />

97<br />

99<br />

1.,..' »,<br />

11 .- 84 r3lil&n :88<br />

1,.9 97. ~Q" 97<br />

.<br />

, j(':;<br />

:;. ~... ..::<br />

l~'<br />

liS<br />

,:"<br />

L.S.,P.' .0$' (<br />

"~,, _ \.. :. 0, J ,.J<br />

-; -:,-",T'- - r,,-l'~ -:!-; -:-- - ~ -'-lrTi - 7'-~-- - ~:'-lr"r;'.-,-'!-·'- -.- -.'- -"~[',:'<br />

l.Aver2ges over eleven turt grasses grown alone or in oombinat10n~ ';.,.,.;'<br />

2Peroentage control based on compl'r;son with untreat"q. HJ.0ts at 1" cut1i~~ .<br />

.height. . ,..... ' , .' ..::";.:.~:":"'::. .. .... .~,- ~(~.:.:._) : . " '. ';~':<br />

3.Average~ ;of to~~~naom 'Cl.tt.,' ~aJilples'in~ao~,~ol~~v~ turf 3ras~s.imixtures.<br />

. ,<br />

Although the interaotion betw&en ohemicalssdtllllOWing height wasnpt<br />

statistically signUicant becauSe 'Of smeUamoUiiWf"of,crabgrass in some' grass<br />

bloCks",it appears that zytron '"elfless atteoted':b!fout'ting height than daothal.<br />

;It the l-inch cutting height, control of crabgrass wasuna:'atfsfacrtory in SOII1ll<br />

of the dacthal plots. It is clear 'that slow' ou't'fjUbjects these herbiCides to<br />

a more severe test, than a hiiJh·Out. lI'urther wcii'ktfloUld reveal how oth.eJ'<br />

materials are affected by mowingheight. ~r~ .<br />

I '~, ".'.: '_ " _" , . , , .",' , _ .:~" -"! .t. -.' . _i:' -'. ': ,', ' :<br />

Residual trtectspfherbic. j.@es:s.~,Q'l:,.abgrasJL,.' ~~,nd., ',Pl,"ots i,n NewHevep.i::,','<br />

treated to!,th"pre-emergence e;r .~. es inApri-r:-~i we:re part:i.ally ,r~ated<br />

on April 29, 1961. ''l'he only cihanges were sli]ht increases in the rates, ~ "<br />

chlordane and "Pax" in 1961. The results are shown in Table 5.<br />

A~ ~~" .o.,lson.<br />

'i'J ::'<br />

iDbJ:<br />

," ,': j~,<br />

lAhr.,en...s',. J., r..'.aP,d,.i<br />

,~..JJt, ap.~1P..aria .01'll!l .J. , r}~ ~."'.',lI\IilrgenceHerbiCiQeS,for<br />

Contro], of ~.~gras.s ~ Proc; ~1l.'j'IqQ :lli:~7.6-~.!9~(1pjp,). '" .""j r. "<br />

1 • -~, ,. T,' • ~;-,r.' [;j r.""''"-~ (j ,;.. . . '::l; ,-.- r'.<br />

"':'cf! • " ~i<br />


__<br />

·517<br />

______________ .. __ :... ~<br />

lViaual<br />

est1mete8 by three persons.<br />

..... ._2 ...... ;.. ... _,.l __<br />

The treatmenta 'tfttt pI'orided 98~r cent orbettit: )~~trol of crabgrass .<br />

in 1960 also provided. large me~~ of control inl~~~ These j,.nclude!lcalciUlll<br />

arsenate at SSSlb •• /l, dacthal at 10 lbs./A, and zyti'Oil at 20 lbs./A.l·~tments<br />

applied in 1960 that did not control erabcraae in 1961 included. chlordane<br />

at 60 1bs./A, "Pax" at 784 1bs./A, qt2'on ,t 10 lbS./...&"., ,and,daotha1 at 7.S lbe./A.<br />

• . ,< "', . • "'" .•• '<br />

The SSSlbs./A rate ot calci_ aNenete in 1960..... till tb1nnin~the.~<br />

in 1961. In repeat treatments, calciUIIIarsenate at )'10 lbs./A and "Pax" thinned<br />

the fescue-bluegrass turf' but .ytro~•. 4acthal, and c~l'dsne d1d not.<br />

'1'!le1960-appliostion of chlo~at 120lbs./A, :~*ecl poet-emerg~.iltd<br />

not control crablft.s that season •. I~ 1961, howe. vel', ~~t70. percent<br />

'j(<br />

IH<br />

caQtJol<br />

was obtained Oft tb1s plot without !uribeI' treatllle~... 'Controlhel'e was a ruJJlt<br />

ot residual chlordane in the soil. Because of ita 1~ 111' •• " •.ha .A~' ....:...

. ~lS<br />

residual cemtrol of crabgrssi~oiitnnet!''td tfiCi,tl~£wij .f~~riate also can ;'bi.r~tiri_<br />

buted to residual chemical ac.tiJd,ty. Although teste are in progres$, it is not<br />

yet .knownwheth.tF;jgirri'4±d~a+;rettects of zytron .nd~~~cthal on crabgrass the<br />

~~ar, f~~lo~-;.~Wt;~e,~ residual ohelld:o.1·....ctivity"-or- the' prevention<br />

.·or·~~e:¢~~;:1.'n the..leU~atment. t'1;.~es on residU81e~~cte ot<br />

~s-Qlt) 'iJless 1M', .) being ccntAn'Ud. ..'-<br />

f; ') ~ f~'i,; ~,~ :mr \J,~~)'!:<br />

SWlImaryand ConclUsions<br />

itfumpBriso~':Were made of~.veral pre-eJigrg:~~6:berbicide~£6r,~",qg~~~1<br />

of cr,abgrass W.established ~t. To evaluate ..the performan\l8S.,or;'v:ar.~ ,:~<br />

ohetid'cals, efftdts of season 'of application, residual activity, a~ .h~~ ot<br />

out were studied.<br />

.'<br />

Spr;l.ng app~ications of dtihium arsena1;.e,:Cbi~ne, da'c\'hal',' iiPax',j:'!iridi:.i<br />

zyt1'9n 'oontro],ll'd; orabgrassb,tter than fell" a'p'pffo~tions. ,~thoj1g~,~,~plicatiOns<br />

may'be' -Slightly leSS' 'injurious to turf, spring appl~cations appear to<br />

be l1}9re·practj,.,C;Jl. Severalttp.ngs may happen to lawns bct-ween,OCtob~~.~'­<br />

that-' could red-b.icethe effect1"vtlneas of fall appiications,' f.e., rakirig"o~.leaves<br />

and ~ass, flcwliin~, etc.. o :>" .. Tt~Yf '.\. "(sri.,,,,;,'<br />

Raising tti"el:<br />

height er c~t" from 1 to 2 inches sreatly r~~u'ced cra~~~~~:'<br />

..'.,8.1...'.'f.• ,...._al<br />

pop~ationa ~. increased the. ~£fectivenesso,t. ~y!tJ:pn and dac:th<br />

imp]jcation is',that good cr@~asa control may.pEIachieved evep :w~th· ,~~ll1Y<br />

inetfective he-tbicides if the'turt is mowedhigh. It also can be expe d .<br />

that ~ood o~~l of crabg:t!Js, in closelyc~1;. ~'1111t such as~:tt~8,;~'"<br />

wil1)'r~quire high rates of ap~lication or.~8,hlYHM'fective msterials. .:<br />

At normal 'fates of appUhhtion in April or -early May, an"di' th/'l~b~iied<br />

mate~a18 tes~,g except "Pax~~ controlled cr~8i%'~...."atisfactority~1 ,'1'!tql~mentel<br />

materia~!, "Bamane" ~pd dipropalin, als9Provided good ~on~~~-rtO'T .<br />

,qalcium a?i~lffiate<br />

has inj~t'd Golonial bflH:Ii,r."frand fesou~~ljl~~8Ic~ut<br />

in 8,ometests~~~liereas "Pax", s caused little 9r no turf inj\l~.. ,~LM~;.<br />

apol:l.cations m'at be hazsrdouS' th both materials. Calcium propyl arsonate-has<br />

injured fe8cl1e~bluegraas..turt j,n. two...di£fe;,~t-,UNs... ' - - - -..<br />

Even at hi~h rates of application, chlbi'dei'14i'1tajY~~t iri.1\l~d' t~rl i~~.~<br />

test. For COllsistent control of orabgrass, however, rates higher than the<br />

o~r,~~!' ;:s.~g~~t!%;! q~~Z:~~ffl dr,~ ,,~t 6Q.lbs.1 ,A;l~~o~eq.ed. ,- . :,. ';:,,,1'1<br />

. ;.' nrphenlltrfi~~~'; je~ ~~;hete "fiSt f;~h~' .f'iJ'.st.tlmt:)j'.i961~ ..~ i.njur~~~tJ.i.l<br />

..:~,~~~~.~~~~~,:·:t~n,-r J()~.jl/!:':·~" ,.~;~~,~~~~,~,::;', "~' .~"r ...,~.·'l.:-tl;·'·;·· :,~~:.:'jJ .. ""."" \'T~"·) ".1"" .<br />

. .',';.-i"S~gg~~U~c6'.~ci~lj~f~~;' ~adti{Ji sbd"ti~h8';e ilo;ri~ist~n~li p~~vided<br />

.)~.q~=:.r:~r~t,?f: m~t~~·s, '.'~t¥':\\ ~~~101,14t .iw.~,~!p.JIlOst.q1' .t~ qollllllQl1~lp-t<br />

,_j:'~:,~. ~,~, ! A\.e:J.! i"\',~ ;" ·t~tl'n,::, '~,:'.' '> 1 ',.J f lflr'1: J.. .': .. .f:~ "!,:)<br />

- . Resid\i~l; Jdi'itiJ8f\1.tJoraf)~ajJc~I'~e6odd~~a~'ori~tbee~obt~ined with'si~le<br />

'1/.ll..P.,P.l..i.ca~,~..o.ns.,<br />

i'5srlbS"''&;'-aMIi' , itli~ne 'at-\:uP, t.w,""w"'J e..I,A,t1a~I',tWll in ..rl..c .... ~9t . ,JIt1e~ .e. at<br />

r(~h1lf"re.s.i~~.'-;,,'. ~~.J~~.'.

lAs80o~~e ~!~r, ~?rm~~ Res~ch, Aa~istant',,:and Graduate stUdent,<br />


!:": '..: '. r1<br />

R.'A. Peters; H.:~:b.iokum, and Ie..C. 8teverisl<br />

'.' 'j ~<br />

. .<br />

'19<br />

: .. : " I :~. . ,"<br />

Presently a large numbw o~ herbd.cides are avallable which 'show,pr:azdse<br />

tor selective :control o~ crabgrass in turt. Further e'YSluationisneecled ot<br />

available materials'used under a range ot conditions and at various ~s of<br />

crab~ass growth. .<br />

, ' .. (.,;<br />

Procedure: The aperU1ental. areas were laid out Cll'1the lawn ot the tJn!iyersity<br />

ot Connecti~t at storrs. The areas were subjected to the same tert!ll"zation<br />

and ~g ~ent as was thttt ~ ot the,.campua Uim. Individual, ~ot<br />

size. was 4 by 25 (eet with each:~~. replioatid tbree times. fort!le<br />

pre-emergence and emergence ~t. Onone;~gence area ~ A)<br />

each plot was 4 b7 10 teet and ~ ~plicated fOur~8. On the otlllet:<br />

post-.E!J]lergencearea (Area B) ~ p;ot was 10 bY'."~ .f'~ and was ~~ted<br />

twice. ""i ,'.<br />

,.1 .<br />

All ot the JDA¢eriala used 1I$re'granular except tc# the dactllal an«:<br />

M-202; which .·.were appl.. ied as.. sp$8. at the rate 0..•t ~~.~ons per. ~~~.'. The<br />

crabgrass P"lent,.. small.creJar&Js (Digitarla: i . ). The;~<br />

perennial. gr&N species was Kentuck7bl.uegrass with an,admixture ot .co:{bniaJ.<br />

bent on the ~gence sites. ';" "<br />

The pre-Ellll8rpnce apPllcations'~re made oriMaZ'cll.~3l at which tU1~ the<br />

bluegrass was just beginning to ~ up. The eij1ergence application.· were<br />

made on Ma;r15 when less than 2; ~ent by estiiate ot the crabgrass<br />


520<br />

- .<br />

\.. ; ."," ,

521 '<br />

Chemical<br />

Check<br />

Zytron granular<br />

Zytron granular<br />

Dacthal<br />

Dacthal<br />

Tricalcium arsenate<br />

Tricalcium arsenate<br />

Diphenatrile .<br />

Diphenatrile<br />

Dipropalin<br />

Dipropalin<br />

Diphenam1d<br />

Diphenamid<br />

NIA-6.370<br />

·NIA-6.370.<br />

CPA<br />

CPA<br />

s.s<br />

13.0<br />

6.5<br />

13.0<br />

305.0<br />

610.0<br />

22<br />

40<br />

5<br />

10<br />

2<br />

4<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4.3<br />

S6<br />

Pre .... egoe.- :&aergence -,.',.<br />

5.7<br />

1.0<br />

0.3<br />

0.5<br />

0.3<br />

1.0<br />

0.'<br />

'\.' t".<br />

4.4<br />

2.2<br />

0•.3<br />

O.s<br />

1.0<br />

1.2<br />

0.8<br />

0.5<br />

0.5<br />

0.8<br />

0.,3<br />

4.0<br />

4.0<br />

s.o<br />

7.5<br />

2.8<br />

0•.3<br />

,:~, ~'<br />

All ot·the. pt"e-emergence mater;1.tls used-sytron, d.acthal and calcium<br />

arsenate-gave ve17goodcontrol.9t' crabgrass at all rates used.At·';:r<br />

81118J'gence,'the Balie three gave ~. good results;- ''!'he other materialS-­<br />

used only at emergence-diphenatrile, dipropalln, !lZldCPAat the 86 lb. .i'e<br />

rate-al80gave. very~dcontrol. The 43 lb. rate of .cp'Awas SOlllewhat r<br />

:¥ .<br />

less effective, being rated as good. UnsatisfactoI7 r$~ults were obtaIned<br />

from diphenamid and NIA-6.370,with the fomer rated as poor and the latter<br />

as no control .::' Turf density j,n the experimental a'l'ea was poor at the. t1M.>.<br />

of treatmentmBldng evaluation of turf injury difficult. No obvious ~"<br />

to turf from tJrJ:Yof the treatments was noted. ,l"',<br />

j,n<br />

Results obtained from pos~8ence app;J.icat:JJms en Area A are giwa.. ..<br />

Table3.<br />

yery good control, as ~W Jul;y 18, ~961;,l'" obtained fran tu<br />

roytron M-2025, the CPAformulations and .the 4 lb ••-'of tritluralin. . '1'lIlI'<br />

2 lb. rate of tritluralln gave fair to good control, whUe diprop8.lin gave<br />

poorcontrol. Neither NIA-6.3701JP,Z' :l11phenatrUe __ c:ioJJt.rolat this stfIke<br />

of growtn at the rates. used. v • t .r<br />


5~2<br />

'rab4t13.· ~gtnc. ·QGabtiol:of' C~II'''''',!urf uEvaluatec1<br />

b;r Stomta1llt:lutee..:- ..... /,$1.'<br />

ctt_oll '..<br />

- --~. L.: .. r"<br />

Check .<br />

z,tron ~5,<br />

CPA<br />

CPA<br />

r<br />

CPAin J.O-6..:4 fel'tWser<br />

NIA-6370 :,,)<br />

Dipropalln .<br />

Trit'luraJ.1n '<br />

TritluraJ.1n ".<br />

Dipbenatr11~'<br />

:::)!:tlJ6loabIl'US<br />

Control Rat1np<br />

"~ Acti.... '.,'1:';-. (0 • no cover; ~:}·I: .,~<br />

J'i@'I'pjr acre····'·_·10 • cC:mpl.ete00Wl")<br />

15<br />

43 86<br />

43<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

4<br />

30<br />

,C<br />

6.5<br />

.0.8<br />

0.3<br />

0.0<br />

0.1<br />

6.1<br />

4.7<br />

2.1<br />

1.0<br />

7.1<br />

'.<br />

Table '.J.: '~vea the results of poat-emergence I,ppu.oations on Area B.. 0,•<br />

Table 4. Poat-cergenoe Control of Crabgru.~1n Turf as Evaluated.<br />

'b;y stmt"Zlrt1mate~A1'e& lJ---- . ' .<br />

. J<br />

Ch8D1cal ).<br />

, , ;<br />

Check .<br />

.......<br />

CPAin 10-6-4, fettU1er.<br />

CPA·.'·:··.·.<br />

Diphenat.~ .:<br />

z,trcln' grat\Ular<br />

. z,tron M-2025<br />

PMA .<br />

"11',<br />

. 10• o9!!i!?J4te99!BJ .<br />

"rx1fJJ',',<br />

,..",' ,p•<br />

ase<br />

no<br />

Control ~.",.'.<br />

cover; . ·d.' .<br />

4.0<br />

1.5<br />

0.3<br />

3.0<br />

2.0<br />

2.0<br />

1.0<br />

It ,IWU ~ itbG the hig1l*' ,_eol CPA(Mt':a,O'pve control of ~,<br />

caJllOft wb1illlolc1,,* {':rUol1Ulalle"'). " " D!'i. . :.•. '<br />

·1".". .\ .»•.~",.;', • ~,~ ~, • ~(<br />

··Turt .~... mtedb;r .'T 7M1l'OD the ~;treated With t~<br />

w:1th'the 4 lb. rate Biv.lng an &wrage of 20 pero~.f&ereaee in the deMft7<br />

of the blWllI'us.

523<br />

::;3S,<br />

a:l<br />

. Sati18tactol7 CRlfttt"Olof lIIIaU:~U8 W&8Cl~ fl'CIII1appUoat1one<br />

ot.u..~ _Ueclas'&Pl"Il, ..... pm8 applio"'AlU sytron#dactbal;:c:,<br />

=~!t~::t;~~~wE~e~1::~i,;;~~:<br />

di~d, ~~~,s,.S am CPt:;~ 43 lb. per ~~\<br />

1a1fi1:I'W1th<br />


524<br />

PRE.._RGENCE<br />


,',' . . . :0'.<br />

CONTROl.XJ"TURFGWS" 1~: i:<br />

, "):t 2<br />

C. D. Kesler. R. H.'lole, and C. E. Phillips<br />

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness<br />

of severa1chem1cals ...• far;the control:," crabgrass on "<br />

established Kentucky b1uegra" turf. :'~;; . 'c<br />

. ><br />

Materials and Methods .,<br />

'-. " 'J~J1' .<br />

The experimental area.,.. -located on tIbe l\8r1cul tural<br />

Experiment Station Farm at· ... rk. Delawan.'Chemicals were;<br />

applied to a Kentucky blue'g'tatls·turf heavlJ,:tnfested with cribgrass<br />

the previous season. 'rb- crabgrass t()pulation cons1ste~ ,<br />

of approximately 90 percent smooth crabgran ~Digitaria ischaemum,.<br />

and 10 percent common crabir~s, Digit!rl",~ulnalis. The<br />

plot layout .. a randomized block designlQ9Qf sting of2 r.p~ications<br />

and 17 treatments. hch plot mea."red 12 feet by 20':Jee~.<br />

'fl':, ';<br />

The soil was a Matapeake silt 10amofjWledium fertilltywtth<br />

a pH of 6.0. Fertilizer was applied in the early spring as<br />

indicated by soil tests. The area was mowed once a week to a<br />

height of 1 1/2 inches.<br />

Pre-emergence uterial. were applied .. March 20. Emul.ifiable<br />

concentrates and wettable powders W8~.,:applied in water ·1jith<br />

a modified bicY

The area was not irr~•• · Within 24C'ltobl's after the<br />

application of the first and second post-emergence treatments,<br />

there were .70 laches and :1t,l::rlnches of. precip:Ltation, respe~<br />

tively. No precipitation ,ococ.rred withio' days after the<br />

third post-emergence application.<br />

~ j l ;J<br />

525<br />

Periodic obs.rvations" for turf injury and crabgrass con-:'::·<br />

trol were made following application of the chemicals. Dis- .'::; .<br />

coloration readinss were taken 5 days after each p08t-emerg ... ~~<br />

application. ' The>percentq •• of crabgrass contrl:)l and turf ..r.~li',<br />

grass injury weredeterminid by averaging Httutes of three '.::'L"<br />

independent observers. : :.\,<br />

~;_ {:I':« ',<br />

The herbicidal materials used and rate of active ingre- :h<br />

dients per acre are included with the data in tables land '2.,'1<br />

Results<br />

and Discussion<br />

Table.laa.d 2 show the ..esults obtaldta With the chemi';"~C'<br />

cals used in this experimeltt~·, ;,m~' :<br />

None. of t\\ .• pre-emergent. chemicals produfed any obserY~:.~·<br />

able turf discOloration ort","f injury.Zytron liquid formulations<br />

were the only trea~dts producirta excellent control<br />

of crabgra .. dUring the entire growing season. Granular zytron<br />

and,dacthal W-50 gave goodeontrol.'<br />

'1::1:<br />

Tricalcium arsenate and calcium propyl arsonate produceef: 1<br />

excellent control early in the season. By mid-summer, contr

526<br />

Table 1. 'l'a):lsra,. ContrO.k1d:th Pr.~Herbicid.s<br />

. 'l';Jq<br />

aag·.<br />

I a.t·.J4.<br />

Zytron, gran. 15<br />

Zytro_t1-Ua9·<br />

15.'<br />

is<br />

Zytron.H-20~S, ..<br />

Da~tJ.l4tW~sO . ~10".<br />

Tr1ca1c1.\IID.Jr.e~..<br />

.6-5",1.'<br />

Calc1" .. P\l'op~l(, .... o~~e . c41!16<br />

PEWCF-28 . 30.8<br />

PEWCF-I08 30.8<br />

PEWCr ..1U ;.,30 if 8<br />

PEWC,p..iu .: ;,,,37119<br />

Niagara 6370 5<br />

Control<br />

,j.' ',. :". A':'-~.<br />

perCeDeecatrol of Crabsl'GS<br />

Ju·lyJ>.t:..Aug. 15 Sept,·b<br />

", h,;-:,.., ,,;.<br />

100 91 80<br />

·100, J.t:: 94 92<br />

100;n' 93 92 !<br />

90',':10 .88 82,<br />

9&,'I~:" 48 48<br />

90 :,iX!): 50 42 i'.l;<br />

75 • c.', 69 65 ..-:<br />

85 85 82<br />

90.r"j'~ . 83<br />

95don 82<br />

10 oo<br />


the application of theae treatments. Evideece. of discoloration<br />

were noticeable for more than 3 weeks after the last application.<br />

Both DMAand CMApermanently injured the Keatucky bluegrass reducing<br />

the stand by one-third. At least 90 percent control of<br />

white clover was recorded in area' treated w,itb AHA.DMA,and<br />

CMA.The broad1ed popu1at:i;oQ,.in these s,.,. treatments was<br />

reduced by more than SO peJ.'c,q.~. .... .<br />

SUlllDl8rytpdConcluslons~;<br />

Pre-emergence and post-_rgence crabg~us contre)' chemicals<br />

were evaluated at the University of Del"-re during the<br />

spring and sUDlllerof 1961. . . .1 •<br />

Zytron liquid gave excellent control of crabgrass during<br />

the entire season. Zytron granular, dacthal W-SO, PEWC'-108.<br />

PEWC'-111, and phenyl mercuric acetate produced good control<br />

528<br />

Pre- andpost ..emergejljCec:rabgrass contHi in lawn' turf l<br />

'i t .... "., -<br />

R. B,. ~~'~C. R. Skog~~<br />

If man could find a cheap,*,fticfent andsaf~;bbeinical to control the'<br />

"d"""""'" '~""I"'" ,','<br />

conrnoncrabgrasses', Digitaria l'cblt*mwn and D " ungulntUs, tu,;f, t:ech~<br />

nicians would be able to solve many chronic compla' 's. The crabgrasses"he '<br />

versatile in that they grow vigorously under the various cutting heights normally<br />

employed for turfgrassesi'!~ 3/16 inches;,,:r~~er unmowedconditions,<br />

they grow into robust plants often reaching three feet in height. Because of<br />

their sun..loving hab,it and heat,to+uance they ~f..1~,t,and grow under ~ry<br />

high temperatures whel) basic l~~ ~asses fail. 1JlIae, grasses can aho :N~y<br />

adapt to fmile or infertile soil conditions var~9 greatly in reac:ti~ All<br />

of these factors may need to be c:onsidered in attempting to develop a themical<br />

control.<br />

Methpd§ and Hatedals<br />

, ~ ". ' :l<br />

All rates of applicationare,'iven in pounds '-. acre. Injury reJdinS.<br />

are read aSI 0 = no 'injury, 5= complete kill. Plant counts were made,p'¥,:<br />

counting crabgrass plants in two one-foot squares per plot. The average of<br />

plant counts was calculated and uS,ad to compute t~~ ~rcent control over check.<br />

Pre-ernergEince<br />

site<br />

The area selected for the pre-emergence tria!F.was a level, well-d:l'aned<br />

on Bridgehampton silt loam. The grass stand was several years old and<br />

consisted" ~nd.iJll1n1shing ordef"9f Col onialbentlW~ss, Kentucky bluegrass and<br />

Red fescue,. ,',_, " :/,:: " '<br />

,j--"""".' (.•.. ::"-'" '.·',-·Jr~""J<br />

In order to provide a untform stand of crabgraas'the test area was overseeded<br />

with crabgrass seed in November of 1960. Seed from 1959 and 1960 was<br />

mixed and broadcast over the entl'nLarea'<br />

inch and scarified with a verticut.<br />

J,' "<br />

after it< hlld been mowedto 3/4 of an<br />

'~.i: ,F'.<br />

Throughout ibe :1961 growin9('~~'$on the 9raS$,:JI8,~owed as neede,d at ,a,<br />

height of 3/40:f~ninch. Hea~~c:~ippings we~e ~~~, ,Frequent 11gh1

529<br />

The chemicals were applied May3 •. The day was: clear and windy with 'an<br />

air temperature of 50 0F. The soil was wet and cold.<br />

Injury to the basic grasses was recorded threti'tiJnes throughout tl)e,season<br />

and crabgrass coverage estimates were made on August 11th and September J~th.<br />

C.rabgrass counts were made on September 19th. ',' I "<br />

The chemicals included, the rete of applicati~h, and the companies sOPPlying<br />

the materials are as follows:<br />

1) Triflural1n (N,N-di-n-prOJ'¥l-2,6-dinitro";'4: trifluromethylanilinel<br />

2, 4 S. 6 lb. Eli L11ly Company." . ,if . .<br />

at<br />

2) Dipropal1n (N,N-di-n-propyl ..2,6-dinitro-4'lrnethylaniline) at 2,.4.&<br />

8 lb. Eli Lilly Company.' .[' '. ,~'<br />

3) Diphenatrlle (diphenylaoetonitr11e) at 30 Llb, Eli Lilly Company'Cat<br />

26 lb, Agrico Crabgrass Killer; at 30 lb, International Minerals and Chemical<br />

Company.<br />

4) Dacthal G-l.5 (Dimethyl' ester of tetra<br />

10 S. 15 lb. Diamond Alkali Cheniical Company.<br />

chlbroterephthalic<br />

,,,<br />

acid)l}t5,<br />

;;'<br />

5) Dacthal W-50 (Dimethyl ester of tetra chloroterephthalic acid) at 9.8<br />

(Rid), at 10.8 (Vitogrow) - Swift Chemical Company.<br />

6) Niagara 6370 experimental at 6 lb. Niagara Chemical<br />

Machinery and Chemical Corporation. .<br />

Division, ,Food<br />

7) Bandane E.C. (pOlychlorodicyclopentadiene isomer)<br />

Velsicol Chemical Company. ',1<br />

at 10, 20 S. 30 lb.<br />

8) PEWCF-l08 (Chlordane and polychlorodicyctbpentadiene isomer) at'47<br />

lb. O. M. Scott Company.<br />

9) FEVCF-lll (Chlordane and pol ychlorodicyclbpentadiene isomer) at 57.5<br />

lb. O. M. Scott Company.<br />

10) FEVCF-1l3 (diphenylacetonitrile) 37 lb. O. M. Scott Company.<br />

11) FEWCF-114 (polychlorodicyclopentadiene ·iibmer). O. M. Scott ~ompany.<br />

12) HaltSF-2b (Chlordane) at 59.6 lb. O. M.~co.tt Company. ' .<br />

13) Tricalc!um arsenate (Pur~e) at 355 lb. A~oW Seed Company. .<br />

14) Calcium propyl arsonate (No Crab) at 40 11:>. Amchem. .<br />

15) Zytron (o-(2-4-dichlorophenyl)0-methyl iS~~OPYl-phophoromidoth~~te)<br />

at 15 lb. Dow Chezn.ical Company.... .:, ' .<br />

16) Corenco 106 (DiPhenYlacet..o.nitrile and DiS~ ... 1'1 methyl arsonate.Hex a­<br />

hydrate) at 31.1 and 5.4 l.b respectively. Consolidate Rendering Company.<br />

17) SD 6623 (Tri methyl sulfonium chloride) at 6 b. Shell Oil Co~pany.<br />

lb.<br />

18) 75'){,Bandane and 25'){,Chlordane at 15 and 5,.20 and 6.6, and 30 arid 10<br />

Velsicol Chemical Company. I, ": . .<br />

Post-emergence<br />

This area was located on asaridy loam s01l th~ was heavily infeste~,with<br />

smooth crabgrass. The stand of turf was thin andcpnslsted of Colonial bentgrass,<br />

creeping red fescue and Kentucky bluegrass~th,the former being the<br />

most prevalent. The soil in the test area was oflbw fertility and the turf was<br />

mowed regularly at a height of 1 1/2 inches.

530<br />

Prior to each chemical application the area was watered to assure sufficient<br />

moisture for growth and~~ q~plywith the4'~ections for the application<br />

of the dry materials. . ,<br />

The first chemi~al appl1cat1gns were made on~JulY 18 at which time the<br />

crabgralls>s:>lant¢.,we:qein the 2-3l;d stage. The~'Ywas clear and the ail-temperature<br />

was 85OF. The second ~p~lication was m~!July 28. The air ttlllperature<br />

at time of application was 82Of. The third application of chemicals was<br />

made on AU9J.I~t 10. The air ttJllP8J:8ture on this dill was 85Op.<br />

Table II shows that some chemicals<br />

)<br />

were applied only once while others<br />

we~e,applie(t:twoor three times. Certain chemical."or rates of various chemical<br />

s , causeif serious injury to the turf afterth,()fiI.~st application. 1llese<br />

treatment~ were not ,repeatecl. Candn other trea1lllents controlled crabgrass<br />

satisfactcirilywith'two applications so these chemic;a}.swere not applied a<br />

third j:lm,. The third applicatioQ}V8s made only wtw.nit appeared necessary for<br />

safe a~ a~equa~e control. :<br />

,Throughout the, ,growing seasol1 soil moisture .' ,not limiting for any prolonged<br />

period of time even thou~,.~etest area r~ived no irrigation except<br />

on :t;reatment dates.<br />

i"·:'<br />

F01,!ril')jury ratings on the' ba;sic grasses were.:,Jl;a~en during the season with<br />

the final ones, plus plant counts, on September, 19.;<br />

An analysis of variance was run on these plan\counts and the percent<br />

control over the checks was calcVl~ted.<br />

Tl1elJlat~ri~lsincluded, the ,rates used and ttMt;companies supplying the<br />

chemicals are as follows: .'<br />

, , " :"<br />

, 1) Niagara 6376 (exper"ime\'ltal) at 6 lb. Ni*ra Chemical Division, Food<br />

> Machinery and ,Chemical Corporation.;i<br />

, 2) StainP;"34 (3,4-dichloroprepionanilide) a~~,and 4 lb. ChipmanChemical<br />

Company,' Inc. ' >' ' , , ' 'Jl<br />

,3) Ansar A:"l2. (organic arseJ'lcill, As 44.3% ,byiVIt.) at 1 ~ 1 + Wetting<br />

Agent, 1 1/2, 2, 2 + WAand 4 lb. Ansul Chemical~pany.<br />

, 4) ,Ansar A~~(organic 8rs.n19a1, As 24.~,l;2yr:Wt.)at 1 1/2, 1 1/2: + WA,<br />

21/2, 3 1/2, 3 112 + WA, and ,5,lb. Ansul Chemical! C:QJlItlany. "<br />

5)'Super,C;rab-E-Rad (Ca191U1l!acid methyl ara~1;e) at 21.5 lb. Vineland<br />

Chemical CO!IIpimy., ":! ,,': r<br />

6) Methar 80 (Dis odium methyl arsonate H,xah~rate) 7.2 lb •. W. A. C.leary<br />

Corporation.<br />

'<br />

7) Super Methar (Ammoniummethyl arsonate) 16.1 lb. W. A. Cleary<br />

Corporation •<br />

. ' ,8). Lofts C 7abgrass KilleJ:, (Pi~odiun methYl ,,~oRate Hexahydrate) at ,<br />

2.85 lb. ,Pe

1) Ansar A-12 at 2 Ib + WAand 4 Ib and Methar 80 controlled significantly<br />

with only one application but injured the basic grasses severely.<br />

2) These chemical treatments - Ansar A-12 at 2 lb, Ansar A-35 at 3 1/2<br />

lb, 3 1/2 Ib + WA,5 lb, Super Crab-E-Rad and Super Methar all controlled over<br />

90 percent of the crabgrass after two applications. These treatments caused<br />

'i++_'~ +n mnnC'T'::a+c +OI"nn.I"'\"'~""''\t .; ... .;1........ +1"\ +h"'- ............"'"' ... 4 ... 1 _ ....... ~ ....,..<br />

The liquid materials for bothp%e~ and post-eme~nce trials were applied<br />

with a 2 gallon pumpsprayer at 30 IDS pressure arxl.'volume of about 250<br />

gallons per acre. The dry chemicals were applied with a calibrated spreader<br />

set according to labeled directions or by mixing weighed amounts with dry sand<br />

and broadcasting by hand. 1:<br />

Results<br />

Tables I and II relate the chemicals, rates of application, number ofap.<br />

plications, average plant counts per square foot, percent cover of crabgrass,<br />

injury readings and percent control of· each treatment!~er the check.<br />

Pre-emergence<br />

531<br />

Whenworking with living organisms one can rarely expect perfection or<br />

exact resul t s, It is pleasing to note that fifteen df·'the 44 chemical treat- .<br />

ments resulted in l~ control ofc1'lIibgrass. These themical treatments are<br />

as f011011SI Trifluralin at 2, 4 and· 6 lb; Dipropalinl'at 8 lb; Dacthal G-l~5<br />

at 10 lb; Rid (Dacthal W-50) at 9.8 lb; Vitogrow (Dacthal W-50) at 10 Ib;<br />

Agrico's Diphenatrile on fertilizer; Purge (Tricalciuilfarsenate 355 Ib); Nlill<br />

(Diphenatrile at 30 Ib); DOlI's crabgrass killer (Zytronat 15 Ib) and finally<br />

Corenco 106 (Diphenatrile & DSMA31 and 5.4 Ib}, . '-~<br />

There were also four chemical treatments with over 90%control, namely:<br />

Dipropalin at 4 lb, Diphenatrile at 30 lb, PEWCF-l08 at 47 lb and Trifluralin<br />

E.C. at 4 lb.<br />

Somematerials which gave 90 - 100 percent contrbl also discolored se-.<br />

verely. They were Trifluralin at 4 and 6 lb, Dacthal.G-l.5 at 15 Ib and<br />

Zytron. Most of the chemicals that reSUlted in onlyY~ir control showed<br />

little phytotoxicity to the turfgrasses.<br />

It was noted that some of the chemical treatments, Niagara 6370, Bandane<br />

atta. at 10 Ib, Bandane Verm. at 10 Ib, Halts F-2b, NoCrab, SO 6623 at 6 Ib and<br />

Dipropalin E.C. at 4 Ib had a higher crabgrass count than the check plots.<br />

There may be many factors involved here. Twowhich stand out are that the infestation<br />

of crabgrass was not heavy enough to canceFexperimental variatiOn<br />

due to crabgrass stand or possibly because treatments,r'lctually created a m~±,e<br />

favorable condition for germination and growth of cra~rass plants.<br />

Post-emergence<br />

Again in this test it was encouraging to find that fifteen of the treatments<br />

controlled over 90 percent of the crabgrass. Within this range of control<br />

there were other interesting reSUlts, mainly:<br />

,>:~ ". ,

u<br />

532<br />

3) Those trea.t,mellts which weft, applied 3 time .. , gave little injury,;8nd<br />

controlled signif1~ant1y were A""Un~12at 1 1b,). lb' + WA, 1 1/2 1b, Ans*, '<br />

A-35 at 1 1/211)." ~,1/2 + WAand2.V2 lb. ' 'lc" . .<br />

Two chemicals, Lofts Crabgrass Killer and Void, controlled significantly<br />

but were under 90 percent.<br />

The Niagara 6370 and Starn F-34 at 2 lb and 4 1b per acre gave very' little<br />

contro1..t<br />

.~': ~j<br />

At the :tiJlleof final, crabgra .. counts, no inju:q' was apparent on the ballic<br />

lawn grasses from any of the treatments.<br />

SUmmaryand Conclusions<br />

Because ol~ c~~tinued in:tertJt in crabgrasl\"clmtro1 in turf, the University<br />

,of Rhpde, Island Agricultural ~xperiment Stati1mconducted pre-and<br />

post-.merge~e crabgrass tria1sd!.irip9 1961 to eva1Lllte22 chemicals. The<br />

chemicals were evaluated for effectW.ness in controUing crabgrass and for<br />

sa fety to perenrUa,l. turfgrassehc ,•.rbf.rates of applieations and other specUics<br />

were follQWed according to manuflcwrer,s I reconmendatd.ons or suggestions. ,·rr-hOse<br />

chemicals which showed satisfactory:chemical controlGat one or more rates ate<br />

as followsl<br />

Pre-emergence<br />

1) Trif1uralin<br />

2) DaGtha19~1.~ apd Dacth1l1,W..50<br />

3) Dipr()palin ., '<br />

4) piphenatri1e and Diphenatrl1e<br />

5) Zytron<br />

+ DS~<br />

6) A:VCF-108<br />

7) ,Tricalcium,arsenate<br />

Po~t-emergence<br />

I'" ," .•<br />

1) Ansar A-12.a~f\.n$ar A-3~',<br />

2) ~alGiUQI ac1d methyl arson.te<br />

3) Ammoniummethy1 arsonate<br />

4) Disodium methyl arsonate<br />

.:,<br />

!.<br />

I;::Yf<br />

+<br />

" 5

( (<br />

Table I. Average percent crabgrass cover, injury rating, crabgrass plants present and control over check<br />

plots for the various formulations and rates of pre-emergent herbicides tested.<br />

crabgrass<br />

TrePtinent % act •. 'llJ/A<br />

plants/sq. ft.<br />

9/18161 7/~'/61 9/1 8/ 61 9/18/61<br />

% control<br />

Over chec<br />

1. Tiif\W'.ali,n .(V~m.) 2.00 2- 0,,0 1.0 0.1 0.0 100<br />

2. Trlfil¢.aJ.ifl., (Vei'm.) 2.00 4 Q"O 1,,3 0.5 0.0 100<br />

3. Trlflliraiin (Verm.) 2.00 6' 0.0 2.0 1.5 0.0 100<br />

4. Triflura11n (Fert.) .92 4 0,,0 1..0 0.5 0.0 100<br />

5. Dipropalin (Verm.) 2.00 2 2.J 0.0 0.0 2.2 54<br />

6. Diprop.alin (Verm.) 2.00 4 0.7 0.0 0.1 0.2 96<br />

7.. Dipropalin(Verm.) 2.00 8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100<br />

,~~ D~~l.~JF~t·)\f9,2· 4 1..7 O..Q 0..0 1.7 64<br />

,g~ ~¥;ne~V~. i ll'.:iQ. 30 O,~ O,Q' 0,0 0.2. 96,<br />

l~ ~aF:iJ.tl (Fert.) [.~'~~. ~d h~' (/.,0 0.0 QJ! 82 ..'<br />

It. Dactha1G"1.51~50. 5. 1..3 O.b 0..0 .0 ..5 . 89<br />

12. Dacthal G-l.5 1.50 10, 0.,3 0...2 0.1 0.0 100<br />

13. Dactha1 G-l.5 1.50 15 0.,0 0.2 0.5 0.0 100<br />

14. Dactha1,w-50 (Rid) 2.30 9.8 0.0 0,,2 0,,1 0.0 100<br />

15. Dactha1 W-50<br />

. •(" i togrpw) 2.53 1'0.8 0.0 0.3 0.7 0.0 100<br />

16.,. NiA~7-Q,-;;" -- . 5.00 6 16,,3 0,,0 0,,0 13,2 ,0<br />

l~L_ 0"0<br />

~-mt.c. f:~~~:<br />

\;,~ 00<br />

0;<br />

- .. all.- ci'n'__.G. Z~ . ., £1'& &:8 ~j<br />

QV<br />

..<br />

19.. SWam!" 'SoC. 4 1bfflal. 30 5,7 ().O .~2 2.9 46-<br />

20. BtfndaneAtta. 4 Iblga1. 10. 16,7 0,0 0.0 8.8 0<br />

21 .. Bandane Atta. 4 lb!gal. 20 3,,0 0.0 0.0 2,,8 39<br />

22. Bandarie Atta. 4 1b!gal. 30 2.7 0.0 0.0 1.0 79<br />

23. Bandane-Verm.· 4 Ib!ga1. 10 16.-1 0.0' 0.0 ·10.5 a<br />

24. Bandane Verm. 4 lb!gal. 20 10,3 0.0 0.0 1.7 64<br />

25. Bandane Verm. 4 1b!gal. 30 2.0 0.0 '0.0 1.0 79<br />

26. Diphenatrile<br />

. ,---<br />

-(Agri6e-}------ .--. 5.85 .• -26· ... -0.0 0..0· .., .---0.0. -O.{). 100<br />

.l:~'·i']~~; i (·::.'~,:;J-·1'j<br />

Ave.<br />

no.<br />

~.<br />


Table I (Coot'd)<br />

27. JSc.F,~iOe t$~4 :<br />

28. '_ f;'111 22.3 ,<br />

29. we:F-1l3 , 14.5 .<br />

30. laC F-1l4 11.8<br />

31. HaltsF2b 23.0 .<br />

32. Trica!c!tID arsenate 51<br />

33. Ca,lplL1!lpz,ropy1<br />

_.,~~a*- 20<br />

~.tt~(~H i:4<br />

36. C~nco 106 15.9+3.ISI#.<br />

37.. ' SO6623 4 Ibl.ga1.<br />

3a. Zytron E.C. 3 Ib/ga1.<br />

39. D!propalin EeC. .4 Hi/gal.<br />

40. T:I1ifluralin E.c., 4 1b!gal.<br />

41.. 7$~" ,<br />

.• ,.~ ... 10.<br />

42...,~, __~\L~~~'-: ~j .) t.;(·<br />

. -~~... ';. 10:<br />

43.. .7'$ ~ane . .<br />

~ Chlordane 10<br />

44~<br />

45.<br />

Dacthaf<br />

Ch8ck'<br />

G-1.5 SY 1..5<br />

*Injury ratings 0 - 5; 0 =no injury, 5 =complete kill.<br />

% Ave. no.<br />

Crabgrass<br />

cr~ass<br />

Rate Cover.' ,ave. plants $q. ft. % control<br />

r1ir3);1 9hB/61 OVer e<br />

47 0.3 ()~O O~O 0.3 93<br />

'SJ.7 4.0 '0..0 0.0 1.0 79<br />

37 0.0 6.0 0..3 0.8 82<br />

30 0.7 0.0 0,,0 0..'5 89<br />

59.3 18.0 0.0 0.0 7..7 0<br />

355 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100<br />

, '<br />

*<br />

40 5.0 O~O O~O 6~O<br />

. 0<br />

30,_ O".Q -P..O 0,,0 0.0 clOO<br />

15' 0,,0 ':0 ..., 0..9 '0.'0 '100<br />

31.1+5.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100<br />

6 31.7 0.0 0.0 12.5 0<br />

15 1.7 0.0 0.0 1.2 75<br />

4 21..7 0.0 0.0 8.3 0<br />

4 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 96<br />

15+5<br />

I~"r<br />

0..0 .0,,5<br />

6~ 39<br />

( (<br />

Table II. Average injury ratings, crabgrass plants present, control over check plots and number of<br />

applications for the various formulations and rates of post-emergent herbicides tested.<br />

act· Lbt ton 7/28/61 8/7/61 8/10/61 8/15/6<br />

1. Nia 6370 5% gran. 6 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 93.8 13<br />

2. Starn F34 15%verm. 2 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 95.2 12.<br />

3. Starn F34 15%verm. 4 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 94.0 13<br />

4. Ansar A-12 25% 1 3 1.3 0.0 0.2 0.1 8.2 92<br />

5. Ansar A-12 25% 1+WA 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 96<br />

6. Ansar A-12 25% 1 1/2 3 1.0 1.5 0.5 0.3 1.3 98<br />

7. Ansar A-12 25% 2 2 2.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 7.2 93.<br />

8. Ansar A-12 25% 2+WA 1 2.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 9.0 91<br />

9. Ansar A-12 25% 4 1 4.0 2'.3 0.0 040 7.7 92.·<br />

10. Ansar A-35 21% -v-<br />

1 1~ 0.0 . 0,0 0.0 0.0 7.5 93 .<br />

11. Ansar A-35 21% 112+WA 3 1.3 0.3 0.3 0.0 4.8 95<br />

12. Ansar A-35 21% 2 1/2 . 3 1.3 0.5 0.3 0.3 2.3 97<br />

13. Ansar A-35 21% 3 1/2 . 2 1.7 1.0 0.0 0.0 6.7 93<br />

14. Ansar A-35 21% 3.1/2+wA 2 1.7 1.2 0.0 0.0 6.2 94<br />

15. Ansar A-35 21% 5 2 2.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 4.7 95<br />

16. Super<br />

Crab-E-Rad 8% 21.5 2 0.7 0.2 O.{) 0.0 9,5 91<br />

17. Methar 80, . 75%,.:. c--.;" '.c .c, 3.2.; 1 .a,o . ,.(41'. Q.

536<br />



Cla;yton M. Switzer *<br />

Considerable variability in the response of' crabgrass (Digitaria"<br />

sPP.) to herbicides has been f~n4 by JI1&ll71nv8StJ,~tors. This variabillt.T<br />

is influenced. by such factors as '.1011moisture, ~w btl'lll1,cI1tT,soil •.<br />

air temperature, soil fertility, tillle of treatment relative to stages of·<br />

growth, and to variety (or species) of this grass. Sinee it is impossible'<br />

for a home owner to control such factors to any great extent, it would cap,:;<br />

pear that the most acceptable crabgrass herbicides will be those that are<br />

effective over the widest range of conditions.<br />

. '<br />

At present it appears that' in general. the p;:-e-emergence crabgr&s.<br />

killers are most effective. While the use of this type' of herbicide fi:ts,'in .<br />

well with the operations of professional gardeners and golf-oourse superintendents,<br />

it has oot been widely ac~epted by the aV'J"llIe homeowner, probably<br />

because of' the tendency of t'he~layman not to.w+.rtY about weeds, i~ects<br />

or diseases until they beeane apparent .to. him. Therefore, investigati~s:on<br />

the cClltrol of crabgrass in turf· should continue to include chemicals capable<br />

of killing this weed after elllersence, as well.4f the pre-emergence materials.<br />

An ideal herbicide woul'l1eeemto be one wtth both pre- and poisi;-;,<br />

8IIlergence activity, and having sufficient residual effect'to make yearly<br />

application unnecessary. .<br />

This paper reports on the results of experSlilentsusing pre- ~<br />

pos1;.;eJllergence chemicals, and on the residual effectiveness of ,SOlll8 of these<br />

chemicals on crabgrass.<br />

I§1'HODS<br />

All experimental work was ~ed out on tIMumpus of the Ontario<br />

Agricultural College. The turf gra'''s were mainly'lentuoky and Cenadablue<br />

with SOIlle oreeping red fescue .end ereepingbent gruil. Plots were 100 sq.'<br />

ft. in area and in most experiments. treatments were replicated 4 times in a<br />

randomized block design. The areas seleoted were OOTeredwith sparse tUrf'<br />

and had bean infested with a hea'V)' orabgrass population the 'year previotj,s ~<br />

treatment. Sprays were applied (100 gal/A) with a knapsack sprayer and<br />

granulars were distributed by meanaof a small fe~1.z.r spreader.<br />

* Associate Professor, DepartmerJt.of Botany, Ontario~rioultural Colle$e,<br />

Guelph, Canada.<br />



Pre-emergence treatment: The efrEf~ts of chemicals<br />

applied Apr!l 27 - May 1, 1961are presen~ed in Table 1. Rainfallon<br />

the plot area between April 29 arid May 3 was 0,78 in.<br />

First crabgrass emergence was noted in the control plots on<br />

May 15th. -, .<br />

S37<br />

Excellent control of crabgrass with no injury to other<br />

grasses was given by all rates of zytron (-bt:rt1fliquid and<br />

granular formulations), dacthal (wettable powder and granular),<br />

diphenatrile (diphenylacetonitrile) and dipropalin. Diphenylacetonitrile<br />

(Agrico formulation) gave good control (over 90%.1<br />

at the lower rates and excellent controla'e--the highe st rate.<br />

Calcium propyl arsonate was good at 60 Ib/A but not satisfactory<br />

at lower rates. This chemical had a strong inhibitory effect on<br />

clover.<br />

. Pax (36.5% metallic arsenic) and Chip Cal (50%<br />

tricalcium arsenate) gave good control at the highest rates but<br />

were poor at lower rates..T:r.:H'luralin causedmarked burning of<br />

all plants in the plots and, therefore, was not satisfactory<br />

even though it gave 100% control of crabgrass.<br />

Similar results were 0 btained in 1960 -d.n an experiment;<br />

in which zytron (liquid and granular), dacthal (granular) and<br />

calcium arsenate were tested,<br />

Residual effects: .The 1960 plo;ts WEl!'eunintnine.d and<br />

observations-on-the:residual effects were made periodically dUring<br />

the summer of 1961. Some crabgrass was found in all the ;<br />

plots, but those treated with all rates of zytron (a, 16, 24 Ib/A<br />

both liquid and granular) and those treated with tricalcium<br />

arsenate at 15 Ib/1000 sq. ft. or with dacthal granular at<br />

15 Ib/A, had considerably less than the others. Control with<br />

both 16 and 24 Ib/A of zyYron exceeded 90% throughout the s\.Ulllller.<br />

The g Ib rate gave fair control (50-70%) as the granular formulation,<br />

but liquid zytron at a Ib/A did not have as much residual<br />

effect.<br />

In another experiment, set up to stnrdy the effectiveness<br />

of application of pre-emergence crabgrass herbicides in the fall,<br />

plots were treated on Nov. 14, 1960 with zytron, liquid and<br />

granular (10,20,30), dacthal, wettable powder and granular (10~15,<br />

20), and tricalcium arsenate.(5-,7!,10,15).Rates of zytron and<br />

dacthal are Ib active/A, and of tricalcium arsenate are Ib active/<br />

1000 sq. ft. Only the plots receiving the low rate of dacthal'<br />

granular and the lowest two rates of tricalcium arsenate weren()t<br />

completely free of crabgrass on July 21, 1961'" 'However, by August<br />

31, crabgrass was noted in all plots except.~hose receiving 20 or<br />

30 Lb of zytron or 20 Ib of d/icthal, al.t.hough, plo t s treated with<br />

~tron 10, dacthal 15, or tricalcium arsenate 15, contained on~y a<br />

few crabgrass plants. On11 the: highest rate ~f zytron caused any<br />

turf dffinage (some thinning) and even these piots recovered by early<br />

Jurie , A m::l,...l.ra~ ~+-.;"""" ,.......:...._ ~~ L'_ -

~______ ,<br />

53S<br />

Table 1: Control of crabgrass by chemicals applied before<br />

emergencfl.<br />

1<br />

'1<br />

j. j'<br />

Chemica-I<br />

Zytron<br />

Zytron<br />

Dacthal<br />

(liq.)<br />

(gran,.)<br />

(W-50)<br />

Dact.ha.L (gran)<br />

Calcium propyl<br />

arsonate<br />

(No-Crab)<br />

Diphenat~ile<br />

(Lilly)<br />

Trifluralin<br />

(Lilly J! ..'<br />

Dipropalin<br />

(Lilly)<br />

Pax (36.5%<br />

metallic<br />

arsenic)<br />

Dipheny1ace~onitri1e<br />

(Agrico)<br />

Chip-Cal (50~<br />

Tricalcium<br />

ar-senabe) .<br />

'<br />

Rate<br />

Ib/A*'.<br />

8<br />

:1.6;<br />

5<br />

1.<br />

15<br />

.20<br />

40 60<br />

20<br />

3')<br />

40<br />

.;:)'}1 r' ":<br />

Cr~bgr.a~s C~ntro1 Rating·*'<br />

July 21 Augugtr c'23<br />

4<br />

··4"<br />

,.4. 4:<br />

4- ,<br />

4-'<br />

3<br />

4<br />

'4 4<br />

'4 r J<br />

4 4:<br />

68 4'<br />

4<br />

10*'<br />

20*'<br />

30*'<br />

25 50<br />

75<br />

,10*'<br />

15*<br />

20*',<br />

o<br />

1<br />

4<br />

O'<br />

1<br />

3<br />

i~<br />

4'<br />

4<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

J<br />

Turf<br />

InjuloY<br />

None<br />

II<br />

II<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

II<br />

"<br />

Slight'<br />

Heavy<br />

Heavy<br />

None ,<br />

" II<br />

J.. __<br />

"<br />

"<br />

1 I<br />

1<br />

.:P "ro<br />

"fI<br />

fI<br />

" Slight<br />

Rates a~e 'pounds 'of activ~ material per i~e - except Pax and<br />

Chip-Cal ,~1hi'ch are pOunds'of pro duct per~,J.OOO sq. ft.<br />

** 4. 100% 00 ntrol; 3 = over 90?~; 2 = 60-90;::; 1: = 25-60%<br />

o = less than 25% control.,,! rt.<br />


Post-emergence application~. Data from several experimsnt.s<br />

carried out during thesUl11lner of 1960 'are summarized in<br />

Table 2. . .<br />

Table 2: Effects of various 1?ost-emergence treatments en<br />

crabgrass and turf (1960 data}'t<br />

Pot.<br />

Chemical Treatment Date of **<br />

Application<br />

Cyanate<br />

P0t. Cyanate<br />

(repeated sprays)<br />

FVl 734<br />

(Rohm and Haas )<br />

Zytron<br />

Disodium Hethyl<br />

Arsonate<br />

AmmoniumLethyl<br />

Arsonate<br />

*<br />

**<br />

***<br />

~ ~~~ ~:i :<br />

3 oz/3 gal '"<br />

1 oz!3 gal *<br />

2 oZ/3 gal *<br />

2 Ib!IOO gallA<br />

4 Ib/lOO gallA<br />

8 Ib/IOO gal/A<br />

10 Ib!lOO gallA<br />

20 Ib/lOO gallA<br />

30 Ib/IOO gal/A<br />

6 lb/IOO gallA<br />

4 Ib/200 gallA<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2,4,5<br />

2,4,5<br />

1,4,5<br />

1<br />

1<br />

4,5<br />

4 2<br />

2,4<br />

2,3,5<br />

Corrt.r-e L<br />

0-4 ***<br />

2<br />

2<br />

:3<br />

4<br />

4<br />

o<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

:3<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

Turf<br />

Injury<br />

None<br />

SLBurn<br />

Burned<br />

539'<br />

31.Durn I<br />

Sl.Jurn<br />

None<br />

Sl.:3urn<br />

Burned<br />

Sl.Burn<br />

Burned<br />

Sev.Burn<br />

None<br />

Slight<br />

Applied to 400 sq.ft. only, all rates in terms of active<br />

material.<br />

1 = June 6; 2 = ~une 28; :3 = July 15; 4.= July 25; 5 =Aug.4<br />

a = no control; 4 = 100% control<br />

Good control was produced by potassium' cyanate even at<br />

the lowest rate tested vrhen tr.eatments were repeated 3 times.<br />

T"TOsprays gave fair control but one was not Jsufficient. Temporary<br />

turf burning occurred in all plots. Similar results were<br />

obtained with the arsonates but they were consideraoly slower in<br />

action and not as effe cti ve as cyanate. It "TaSnot.ed that the<br />

effectiveness of ammonium meth¥l arsonate vras increa sed when<br />

applied during a hot day (85°F)<br />

Zytron '.Jurned crabgras$, bent grass and fescue at all<br />

rates and killed them completely in the plots'sprayed ~lith 30 Ib/A.<br />

HO"Tever, the blue-grasses in these plots were strongly stimulated<br />

by the treatment, so that a healthy, dark-green, pure blue-grasq<br />

~ stand of grass was produced. The greater injury to turf from<br />

zytron in the post-emergence plots as compar-ed to the pr-e-emer-gence<br />

may have been nar-t.Lv t,h" """,,"1+ '"f' h';"'h~~ +~,~~~~~ .. ,,-~ _ ...... 1.._ .... ---

54'<br />

In a similar po st-ell1~rgence experij]l~nt. carried out in<br />

1961, herbicides were applied June 27 when the crabgrass seedlings<br />

had 5-8 leaves and were 1-3 inches in height. Data from this<br />

experiment are presented in Table 3.<br />

Table 3: Effects of variou/t.post-erI1ergence;1lireatments on crabgrass<br />

and turf (1961 data)<br />

..<br />

·Chemicai Treatment<br />

~<br />

.t-<br />

~..Date of Control Turf<br />

. Application "'*<br />

~~4 **'" Injury<br />

--~.-...~<br />

I<br />

\<br />

Calcium propyl 60 Ib/A 1<br />

arsonate<br />

'4 None<br />

mA 1 n*/3 gal 1 ,2 None<br />

(l()% liquid) 2 oz"'~ gal' 1 , . :3 Slight<br />

~Z"'?J gal' 1,2 '. 4. Sligllt<br />

,<br />

2 OZ'" 3ga1, 2<br />

4. Slight<br />

Disodium methyl 2.2 lb/A 1 1 None<br />

arsonate 3.4 lb/A 1 1 Slight<br />

3.4 It/A . 1,2 4 Slight<br />

4.5 It/A 1 4. Slight<br />

3.4 lh!,,- 3 3 Slight<br />

Ammonium methyl 6 lb/A 1 3 Slight;<br />

arsonate 5 Ib/A 1,2 4 Slight<br />

12 Ib!A 1 4. Iloderate<br />

Potassium cyanate 1 oZ/3 gal<br />

400 sq. ft. 1 1 Slight<br />

2 oz/3 gal<br />

400 sq. ft. 1 3 Loderate<br />

,<br />

-1ighland gz-anu.Lar- 100 lb"'/A 1<br />

~ None<br />

(1.87% disodium 200 It'''!A 1 -- 1 None<br />

methyl arsonate)<br />

'"<br />

"''''<br />

"'''''''<br />

;ieight 0 f product per 400 sq. ft. - all other rate s are in<br />

terms of active material.<br />

1 • June 27;2 = July; 3 = August 1.<br />

o =no centrol, 4. = 100%control<br />

Excellent control of crabgrass was obtained throughout<br />

the eummar of 1961 in the plots treated ''lith calcium propyl<br />

ar-sonat e , and in those treated with the highe.r rates, or given<br />

repeated treatments with ~,DMA, or'ANA. the latter three<br />

materials caused slight burning of turf gras~es for a few days, but<br />

there was no permanent effect. The late appJ;ication of alA (Aug.l)<br />

to partially headed-out crabgrass reduced th~ stand markedly, indicating<br />

that there may ~)e value in such a treatment where eal'lier<br />

applications have not been c~rried out.

Control with the granular formulation of INA was poor.<br />

Potassium cyanate was used only once. Iteaused discolorati:on<br />

for a few days, and gave good control of, the crabgrass pr-esent at<br />

time of application. The eff1ectiveness of-calcium propyl arsonate<br />

when applied post-emergence to the crabgrass was interesting. At<br />

60 Ib/A (of active material) good control was' producted by<br />

applications from April 29 to June 27. f<br />

541<br />

In another experiment, c~rtain chemicals that usua~l~<br />

have been regarded as pre ...em~rgence herbicides for cr-abgr aas "<br />

aontrol were applied shortly ',after germin~ti:on (May 23, 1961) when<br />

the crabgrass seedlings were-in the 2-3 le~f stage. The results<br />

of this experiment are presented in Table;~. ,All of the '<br />

herbicides listed gave good .control when ~sed as early postemergence<br />

treatmentj· ' "<br />

Table. 4: Effe.cts of certain chemicals on":crabgrass when<br />

applied soon after emergence.<br />

Herbicide Rate Control Turf<br />

(lb/A) (0-4) * Injury<br />

Calcium propyl 40 3 None<br />

arsonate 60 4 None<br />

(No-crab)<br />

Diphenatrile<br />

(Lilly)<br />

40 4 Slight<br />

Zytron (liq.) 16 4 None<br />

Dacthal (gran.) 15 4 None<br />

* o • no control; 4 • 100%control<br />

DISCUSSIQ.!::!<br />

~n the basis of two years results, the outstanding preemergence<br />

crabgrass herbicides in the Guelph, Ontario area<br />

appear to be zytron and dacthal. Data for 1961 alone indicate<br />

that diphenatrile and dipropalin could be as good. However,<br />

growing conditions were excellent for turf throughout the summer<br />

of 1961, and it is probably safe to aSSillne that the chance of<br />

obtaining good control would be better than if the turf grasses<br />

offered little competition.<br />

Several chemicals applied after crabgrass emergence<br />

(Potassium cyanate, ~lA, ~, and ~lA) controlled crabgrass, but<br />

more than one application per season seemed to be required and<br />

some degree of turf injury was brou~lt about by each. The use of<br />

some "pr-e -emer-gence " herbicides (calcium propyl arsonate, zytron

542<br />

da~hal and diphenatrile) at early post-eme~g9nce appeared ,<br />

promising. Xi' such .results .Gould be repeatedconsistentlYi' ..<br />

chemicaJ,s.oi' this nature woQG.1i!seem to offer the best posslbilities<br />

f5r becoming widely, accepted'crabgrass herbic.1.des. .<br />

h . '\ ,"'1 , '"Ie' \ . (<br />

.:.. "'!'he.,q.u.e,$tj..on ariseI!J1Whether there:8tdual effect of .some<br />

chemicals '( zytron in particular) was dUE!tOITetention of the' '~'.<br />

chemical in the soil, or to lack of crabgrass seed at the surface<br />

because of 100% control in 196Q. Since th$" lfas also 100%<br />

c9ntro1 in 196b in the plo~~'t:&"eated with 'po

544 .<br />

Table 1. ~~~~f:~::~on~:!a~~~~ ~it~jt=~d ~~i:me~~~JV6Et >-/<br />

Chemical<br />

oalcium' &l"s$natiF:I; ..<br />

ca~;~~Ump,z-O~t+<br />

c!u:O:f'd9.ne' ..'"<br />

e.a,~§d#~e<br />

c." " ,) ,'.. ' .<br />

dacthal<br />

l;~':'<br />

dlp!:ena trile<br />

zyt;l'on<br />

'.'i_U1<br />

TabI!~~<br />

. 'I bf1£ ,:,., .. / " .1 t"'~\;·<br />

Ra~lt/A. Treatment Date<br />

c ide~o :~~r;~""~;':r")~l~) .'r-:'''iqr1:t~:,<br />

, ~ '-' 1LL.)Ci.... ' '~"~;. i?n .. @i') ...... - .<br />

c%"S:bgra~~(Rontrol<br />

," "", ;..., -'anI" :'·~'l'<br />

.elJ!!i Jl - '.' 1"''''18 Qw,.j '--j" '·6')<br />

. '-'.,; b' , '" (lO'T:::: "T ..·.'(;)(1·.. '.<br />

·•.~~...<br />

)_, .~~'\.1!~ ~~~·~.Nf;lW.Je-~:s:~.. ·~61. >. ·;~~I1:. '<br />

\i ;... T..J.ln t',", ~Ti'ti8 '!t" .q'ihqUn.<br />

. ;~~:ili~~..<br />

..<br />

~;et~ft<br />

~~~~t.r.Se;~..g~l'~~.y'~~~~.~"i~. ;~ti~.3~.~~~rt·,1,.,<br />

ban~<br />

II· .<br />

II<br />

II<br />

trifr~l1;ra;L1n<br />

II<br />

, vermioul1-~ :'i ~ ,;Jl.(r;'I';' .80.0.,,'1<br />

." " II, IcJn 4,.} '1:0 J. 91,.7 ;3rt~:',<br />

II ,'''I,:£'[ ,.6J :;cto'1C;~ 96,.&;',i:"ll;·:;j,i<br />

- r. ... lS'i'i';r,rl~~:Y c:;:~ .10 ,;y.. • }.O'l~~ l" ~<br />

'::.:;s ".,.... . .':,', ',J'l\, ;' " ;;.;··.H'1~ft·l"'· '.', ··l;-ti9J"<br />

>,~ryappJ.~..t~1>n g$.veQ~tently ~~~l'abgraller cont!t."Cd.tr:·,<br />

. ~~~~~:- ~~a=:a.~~n:::~"Jt~hfj:~~~~~~~::·~n~~::~'.<br />

palin; however. 1t was comparatively small for trifluralin and<br />

zyt:ron-.<br />

''::: J't ; r E 10 ')) i' . . 'i'1'<br />

.: q.J: SUIl!tna!W: ;) 'H~rt:~l:: ' a'r<br />

• f:,:,.;j ,,'1"-"">" __" ;':~, :.~ i;'L·i~".;, ~; ':'jrtlC:J"3 ...·;, ..., .'. ~,"L"Vj:,] .<br />

. l'.':P~lla-~ II It:r~tlUl'$:U..'8M1a.:·zytro~~ ~:: t'p. 97 per~t [., i<br />

P"~~~r19§l1:1;l$.8l,'a,'/3 oQp.pn>iJ.'as.:"~liJeQ;:5.-Jl J.lilllj:El .•' ." ;"'.sO1 \<br />

"'~,. . k~~::,~ip~.tl'll~b&1propal+fu:(~~ne:, and" Qs,Wurn ~<br />

arsenate gave crabgrass co~ ~~t ra~"~ ~ to79pel'~.··<br />

3. Bandane , dipropalin , and triflura11n treatments suggested<br />

the respective optimum treatment rates of 30pounds ..

.. ";' -:' il; JT!.: .'\ i~'J" ; ~Jdj<br />

1. Professor 1n Turf'grass Management; fo~ Researoh Ass1stant<br />

1n Farm Crops; and. AS,soo+§j;e R~~ear911 ,_,Q~a,J,.1st .1n We~'i- QQntl'Ol<br />

i .respec:t1 vely , Rutge8...r-the state' !lMvarsity 1 New 3'.~ey<br />

Agr1cultural Exper1ment Station, New Brunswick, New Jersey.<br />

,~;~ 545<br />



'I.' [",' . •<br />

R. E. Enge1 1 R. N. cook l and R. D~Ilniok1 1<br />

I:W'I.<br />

'DAb&tract I ell ,,'!,<br />

r·~.'.l. :"';: r.fa~~,j Y-:;:1<br />

'.The eftect·of 'date of tJt_tment em pre~s.noe' crabgre.A contI'Ol<br />

in turf'was studied WUh,1e!ght herb:Loi1_:and three tztUtlient<br />

dat.es. ,:sa.ndane, 'caloium us_te, oalci\lnlfttO'Pyl arsortate; ~0t4ordane,<br />

daOtlha~, diphenatrllej,ltr.1tlural1n',;.ai!l4J :z:ytztonwere· a~,1:l.ed .<br />

onMaX'Ch 29, Apr:U20 1 and; "'17, 1961.' :AJ.1i: tx-ea,tmenU tl6r.- l·ln<br />

tr1plicateon'a lawrtturf Wtttheliapi'(i!ldom~c~f Kentuoky bl-sra s s •<br />

The spring aes.lon :andcrabpan, ge1'lllinat1~approx1mat.lt' 2<br />

to 3 weeks later than normal •<br />

. ~"rf, ;::' -11:L-',j<br />

: Crabg2l'asa'est:tmates·t ... ·i.n'Septemb' .. Showed: " (I) od.1Ibm<br />

ax-sen&. teand "dacthal gave' beR))·reaul ts 'Whe~.,p11ed: in Itraztol'i) c~'( 2)<br />

ch;Lordane. ·,.d1plWlatrlle ,antl!C08rlc1tUrl P:rOp'f11:tai-ilonate~ve~l'le!,..<br />

lUshest ratings··'a .. May treatilleMs;and (3)'~tlurallrt and ,~on'<br />

produced good control at all three'dateB.,J:tlandlinega,ve itlPhlthest<br />

rating with March applioation,. but it ci1d.not appear t,o be<br />

affected severel$! bytreatmettt "Oate" .S1ncd!'~~18' cheinj,

546<br />


-,,~lJh:... /" (1,' ',.~; FIr,<br />

by Me- :t. Sutherland<br />

, ,<br />


The effectiveness and depend~bility of a soil active herbicide is<br />

greatly influenced by such variatcros as leaching, photodecomposition,<br />

,~,e~~l,d~~~tion, and:~~~tionby sodll$l>Uoids. If achemlcal<br />

,,"iibAA' fOJ\~ ~~~oundin qlle.llt.ion is nota vaiJlBblea bioassay technique<br />

~~ o1;'teJ'l~1J.11~,Ile

541<br />

Distr:tbution of radioacti~tl through soil pl'otdle:<br />

A procedure was developed where layers of soil"in 1/8" increments<br />

could be counted directly in a gil' now,windowlesll1>roportional counter.<br />

A stainless steel tube with 1/8"w811, 1 314"diameter, and 6" long was<br />

sharpened on one end. This tube was forced by hand.'into the treated<br />

containers wi th a rotary motion until only It" of t~ tube remained above<br />

the soil surface. Moisture conditions were such th ..t.'the soil remained inside<br />

the steel tube when it was pulled back out of the soil. The core was<br />

then extruded out the top of the tube 1/8" at a timer by. inserting 1/8"<br />

shima at the bottom. Since the planchets used for counting the soil were<br />

only l:t" in diameter this allowed'" of the outer edge of the soil layer to<br />

be trimmed away. This minimizes any shifting of theo:soll.l profile due to »<br />

friction between the soil core and the tube as the ·core was first forlOOd or<br />

extruded. Planchete containing the· soil layerswe~ drlied at 125 0 C for<br />

one hour prior to counting.<br />

Chemical recovery and identtification of radioaot1vity from different·<br />

soil levels.<br />

Larger samples of i" soil lay~:rs for chemical apalysis were collected<br />

in a very similar .fashion to that ciescribed previou .•;Ly., The aluminum tu@<br />

used to obtain the coil core had 'a 1/8" wall and lOOaJ,ured4" in diameter<br />

and 10" long •. The tube was forged ,into the ground by hand and a soil core.<br />

4t" deep was removed. The soil. core was extruded' out t~e top in t" incre,...<br />

ments and collected in a petri dish., The average dW Weight of each t laiYltr<br />

was 80 grams. ..<br />

Fifty grams of soil from each .~ layer was Plac~"in a 250.cc beaker ~<br />

mixed with 50cc ofa 10% Ba(OH)?aol~tion. The mixtqre was boiled on·a· bot<br />

plate for 30 minutes with occaei.onal, stirring •. The.fll;Lurry was then transferred<br />

to high density polyethylene centrifuge bottles and centrifuged at<br />

2500 rpm for 10 minutes. The supernate was decan~(1nto a 250cc beaker and<br />

the precip:ltat,e resuspended in2$cp boiling water al}ll,centrifuged. The .<br />

combined supernates were adjuste4 to pH 2.5 withC9ll\ff!ntrated H2S04' The"<br />

barium sulfate. tbat was formed tias J'!!mond, by. centr~llgation and supernate •.<br />

decanted off. .'rilebarium sulfate !l;j~ resuspended i~,J.5.cc water and centr-ifuged.<br />

The. pH of the combined sUJI!lrpates was readj~ted to 2.5 and extrac;\ed<br />

with three 25cc portions of dietitl¥~. ether. The e.th~~xtract was backwaSp#!d<br />

with 5cc of pH 3 water. 'Ihe ettle.r. e,xtract was then~laced in a 125 round '<br />

bottom flask containing 5cc of methanol and evaporat~d to 5cc on a rotating<br />

flash evaporator. The 5cc of methanol concentrate was transferred to a 10cc<br />

stoppered graduate and diluted to 10cc with methanOl. One milliliter<br />

aliquots of this concentrate were pippetted directiyonto a stainless steel<br />

planchet with raised concentric rings in the floor (Nuclear - Chicago Corp.<br />

GC -12 sample pan). The planchets were dried on a rotating platform under<br />

an infra-red lamp located approximately 6" above the samples. The samples<br />

were heated several minutes after all of the volatile liquid appeared to<br />

have disappeared and then counted.<br />


5M<br />

Availabili ty ot the· rad:llcJacrt,1T.L·ty in the'va.soua soil levels to . _<br />

germinating sO:'(beans: , "<br />

:' .,' ,.,-: '.' '. I ;'. :0J.:' 'r.,·<br />

. '1\fenty 'Monroe soybeansve:re 'planted ineachdin···x Ji" petri dish .:<br />

containing '!" layers of soU 'fl'om.each treatinent~,!'0tiI.y the three ,"'~rs<br />

from the: top 1,," of, soil were ,sampled. The petr:b.tdiicSheswere place. 011'<br />

sand containing a heating cable:to maintain thetJench temperature frorri<br />

75°C to'60OC.·Theseeds were ,allowed imbibe for ~ days and were then<br />

removed trom the 'petri dishes .. · Soil was washed m lmd the seed coat WliS<br />

removed trom eiach seed to minilld.ze· any surface· clthtandnation.<br />

'<br />

t· C;' .<br />

Analy'sis of 'the imbibeu seeds ,included an ~al1ne digest to hydrblys~<br />

any Amiben plantcOl1iplex. 'lheS'w 6 grams of·.e'lln. seeds weregroulld in<br />

25 grams of gl:vcero1 with a lIlCl1'!tarandpestleand' transferred to a 2! ciII :it<br />

20 em test tubei' Five gralllsot"JroH pellets was ''-G4'and the oontents ,", "<br />

mixed with a thermometer. The test tube is then d.'iIllIlersedin' a 150 0 c on<br />

bath for 15 minutes. The test tube is adjusted in the oil bath. so that the<br />

glYI:lE!:i'ol~~fltU:'h 9n.ttle wa:l.l!.!L~fthe test ~.im.·l:>nl'y a miniinumamciunt<br />

,of stirring is required.<br />

Aftler the 'hydrolyses is'twm,pleted theoon~s"btithe test tube is "<br />

transferred tiCf,a 2~Ooc centrifuge bottle with t~ aid of 50cc of dist1'lied<br />

wash water~Ube'sol'utionisU'\eni ,acidified w:itltJ'tel'loehtrated ~S04 t,o B<br />

pH of 1 or lower. The fatty Bcd.d's·that arepree1111tated on additioh of the.<br />

suUuric a'cid are removed bY'e1Cttacting the, acidlc) ablution with two 2S'Clc<br />

portions of petrolel.lm' ether.:.;'. emulsions thllttwe~ ,forllled were read;l.1y<br />

'broken by centrifugation. The pH of the solution wall adjusted to pH 2~S<br />

with NaOHand the solution was then extracted with three 25cc portions of<br />

d!el.hyl fether.·~ evaporatidh"ot the diethyl 'e~ri and plating of the<br />

mettumoJ: conoeiit~ate is the 11'_ IiIS outlined 'P~ous1:y for therecovert<br />

0.f'rad1oaoUVfty-i fi'6m the soi1-" .! . ),0, ; .<br />

. ; I .. , . . ': :" ",~I • .', . ")1t j<br />

The radlOlictift'&Olut1bnif"~lita1ned rroi1lth*!.~!1.Y'sis or "'hetre.sted .<br />

soil and imbibeC1:sbybeans weN. eXOdned by one aaenUonal paper chroma;;.<br />

tographyo. 'Sheets' of Whatmai1'NO.4 filter paper'iJ!3 emby 19 cm,were used<br />

in;an asoendirigchrbma'ta'gra~c¥:tank. .The deviellJilinent so1~t1on used waS<br />

twoparts'ri"Q,~ol : one p8I1l"~l. alcohol : ~helr~ 2 N NHhOR. The f',<br />

~heets wetes~ after deveIbi:bent with a ~ss gas ,flOW detection<br />

he~d' oonnee,tedto "ll"scaler." C~· Jbn1benstandl1Jld8'.'werelocated on eit~r ,<br />

~pots for acc~te comparison~JD., . "<br />

side of unkhewn<br />

..' ., . ,. I '- : .' ' ~ " .• • ,. . rJ<br />

,r'<br />

')<br />

," ;'.1,)<br />

tr:'<br />

·'!.3f ·

549<br />

•RESULTS<br />

The distribution of radioactiv:j.t-y in the top four inches of soil<br />

four months after a 6 H/Atreatment of c.I4Wben can be seen in Graph I.<br />

It is to be noted1ihat the h~8t concentrati6ft otradioactivity is f~<br />

in the layer of soil 1/8 n to 1/4"below the soU surface. From that point<br />

on there is a gradual decline in radioactivity. Direct counting of untreated<br />

soil1ll1der the S8itte conditi 9lUl.yields an avera~\ of 13 counts pprmin .. uiiF of<br />

above background due 1;0 the 'natura~ oceurring~:loactivity K40•. The lOll'.'<br />

counts received therefore, frcllIl'the 3" to 4n 1~ are still greater than that<br />

received !rom the untreated soil·. ,",<br />

' •. '.f<br />

The comparison in dil.8Wi1bution of racH\iiactivity between the 3 H/A<br />

treatment and the 6 HI! is shown in Graph II. 'iIill*el/2 1t soil layers were<br />

collected and counted d1rec~.Obviouslt one~s pot obtain as quite a<br />

clear picture of the radioactive distributionwh1jft l/2 11 layers are oounted<br />

as compared to 1/8 11 layers. The olose similaritj/:ln oounts reoeivedbe'tween<br />

the 3 H/Aand 6 H/Atreatments is undejItandable,e1nce both applications<br />

contained exactly the same amount of C Wben.\.:.I£ Graph II had pl',en drawn<br />

to show the total amount of Wben for each 18i181"'- instead of the Cllf fraction<br />

then the relative length of the bars for the 3 HtArate would be twice as<br />

long as indicated while the bars for the 6 H/Arate would be four t:iJlles as<br />

long. .<br />

Of the various chemical procedures tried a barium hydroxide digestion<br />

was the most efficient in remov:lng t.he radioactive components from the soil.<br />

The choice of this partioular alkali was based upon the work oonducted by<br />

Ercegovich in reoovering Amitrole from the soil. (2)<br />

Table I is a summary of the results of analyses of the various soil<br />

layers using the barium hydroxide digestion. In each case only a part of the<br />

radioactivity is removed. For inste,nce the alkaline digestion of SOgramsof<br />

soil from the 0-1/2 11 layer only decreased the counts from 4S7clmto 29Sclin.<br />

This drop of 162 clm from the so11 surface represents a recovery of' 62,420<br />

clin in the purified extracts. Dy plotting the recovery data in Table I from<br />

the various layers of soil it is possible to approximate the total amount of<br />

radioaotivity present in the soil. If one ass1.lJll8Sthat all of the radioactivity<br />

in the top four inohes of soil is Amiben then this would account for approx­<br />

:iJllately 17% of the Wben that was originally applied.<br />

Paper ohromatography was used to examine the alkaline digests "to<br />

determine how much of the recovered radioactivity could be attributed to<br />

Amiben. Examination of the Rf values in Table I indicates that the aotivity<br />

reo overed from the lower two layers was not Amiben. It may be a complex of<br />

Amiben that is stable to the alkaline digestion used or poss;\.Ply an entirely<br />

different oompound synthesiZed by soil o!'ganisms utilizing C14 from Wben.<br />

,\ .

550<br />

GRAPHI - Distribution of radioactiv:l.j:.y in the top 4" of so11 four months<br />

after a 6#/A treatment of Cl4 Amiben.<br />

·);~.,1<br />

oj<br />

a~';<br />

't ,,;<br />

:;,~)l:"",'<br />

.'" :~. f, ,~.<br />

-.'" ,.<br />

,:! I:.'.'"<br />

£.1£.\-<br />

, ',v,J...<br />

. : .:<br />

;.~..<br />

nJ<br />

i<br />

>0 ~_:",I<br />

I rreeF ~i<br />

;r{.t ".<br />

~;~r.:(~<br />

.:~.;. 0/<br />

.: ",'c:i":~, i<br />

",".. '<br />


GRAPHII: Comparison of the~.tl;'i~ution of rad~activity in $Oils trested<br />

wi t~ 3#..and 6#1ACt4r_ben four monthriJafoter application .~, ..t<br />

551<br />

Soil<br />

Depth<br />

0"<br />

1/2"<br />

1"<br />

11/2"<br />

2"<br />

3111AAmiben (50%)c14)<br />

_.<br />

. Co~tB per minute 1<br />

100 200 300400<br />

----------------~---I<br />

xxxxx.xnnxxxxxxxx 425 XX<br />

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<br />

xxxxxxxx 254 ·XX<br />

~<br />

mXXXXXXXittX<br />

XXXXXX 224 XX<br />

xxxxxxxxxxxxx<br />


XX 163 X<br />


Soil<br />

Depth<br />

0"<br />

1/2"<br />

1"<br />

11/2"<br />

2"<br />

jt'"ll't<br />

~611IA. Amiben (25%c1 4) J<br />

., :,Counts per minute<br />

j' 100 200 .300" 400<br />

-----I-----I-----I---~-I<br />


~rmxxxxxxxxxx:xxxxx 485 XX<br />


xxmxxxxxxxxxx<br />

XXXXXXXX244 XX<br />


mx:xxxxx<br />

2153 XX<br />



Ii[ 152 XX<br />


TABLEI: Reeovery and identification of c14activity from soil four<br />

months after a 6#/A treatment of c14Amften.<br />

Soil<br />

Depth<br />

Direct count~ of Soil Radioactivity<br />

before hydrolysTS! after hydrolysis recovered<br />

0 11 _1/ 2 11<br />

li'le'-l"<br />

1"~1 1/2"<br />

457clm<br />

466 elm<br />

171 clm<br />

I.···<br />

295 elm<br />

195 elm<br />

112: elm<br />

J 62,420<br />

clm<br />

~)))9:,.420 elm<br />

:., r>:<br />

" p C 35, 430 elm<br />

0.58<br />

0.56, .<br />

1 1/2"-2"<br />

167 c/m<br />

113 elm<br />

34,150 clm<br />

.\ r.<br />


552<br />

. . The~ gt iSoy'beaD g(l)rininated,~,i)12W layers of soU '~ous17<br />

tNeW iWith 6-1/1.of cl4 AtntbtrP'are tabula'ted. i :fjC\Tab1eII. These results<br />

are strildng17 different than those received frClllthe soybeans orig1nal17<br />

planted in this same soU just prior to application of the chemical. In that<br />

case 222,Soo o/mwere recovered from a compara~1t,8tllge and weight of soybean.<br />

In add1tic:m'pa~c~tograp~ of the radioact~'ti7 recovered from the<br />

soybeans treated pre-emergent revealed that the _terial was Amiben. ,nt<br />

values fcnmd in fable I oleai~:;1ndicate that'iltfifadioactive compon~t:.<br />

absorbed f)ythe'soybeans p~~n soil 4 month. after application ~ "fult<br />

.AIlliben. . .... .. ,- . ._. '. ' .<br />

The reatl1ti1 reported in this paper doM' e11minate the poss,~bil1ty<br />

thats1gnif:1olZl'U 10nes may Wo occur bywaYo.':~h1ng, photodec~tion<br />

ormic1"Obial ~Cnm~ .<br />

TADLEJI: ~of e 14 activity from imbibed .~ seeds planted'<br />

iii dUteioent layers of soU 4 months after a 6 H/A treatment<br />

of e14 Amiben .<br />

-1/"<br />

...f" ...',<br />

SoU Depth<br />

(inches)<br />

Saed l>1eigt1t<br />

(e) "e<br />

o - 1/2"<br />

1/2 - 1"<br />

1 - 1 1/2 11<br />

* Rf value for Amibenin same:!tlaDkO.SS<br />

Radioactivity<br />

Reoovwed<br />

2,220 elm<br />

1,S60 elm<br />

S3 elm<br />

::.)f:j<br />

..\ "<br />

0.34 - .41<br />

0.34 - 0.41<br />

SlDfMARI<br />

~i·'•. ' . ,<br />

-, NOrm8l~':tnefherbicur'a1';activftljof~d1sappears w1thiri 6to 8<br />

weeks .at,. appJ.1oation to soil •. ;1:,w~s .I~en,.eralJf beUeved that thieloli'll of<br />

aotivity. was dUe to an IiLctualdisappearance of Andbenby either leaching,<br />

photodeeOMpodtiooQl' microb1a1\ae"OIIIposition. A taaged field trace:f.·-a~<br />

is desoribed that showed signif:1cent amounts of, AII1benstill remained :1D.<br />

the IIQU four .on~ .after an ~pl1oation of 3 H/1am6 H/Arates of (IlA'<br />

Amiben• .<br />

Of the variOUS methods tried, an alk~1Il. ~.$estionwas foU11!Lt9be<br />

the ·lIios't'effiofin"t:l.i1 recovei'!Jiirwioactive mat.erraI from the soil •. Moet of<br />

th ..·radioactivelllaterial relllovedby digestion was identified as Amibenby"<br />

paper ohromatography. However, the majority of the raaro4ct1"V1ty at111i'emained<br />

tightly' bolmd to the soil even atter repeated alkaline digestions.

"-...-..<br />

J.4 The distribution of r~tivity l'esulUng from an application<br />

of 0 Amiben to the soil surface was dete~ed 1>7d:lrect counting of soil<br />

collected in 1/SIlsegments from the soil profile. The highest concentration<br />

of radioactivity was in the la,yef,,'~ soil located ~~". to 1/4"b~low tpe,.<br />

soU surface. . .' , .'.' . f.. , . .<br />

~53<br />

itt'::thiltop 1/21'l~ of four months old ~ted<br />

SO)'beans' gmrunated<br />

SO..il contained 2,200 c/m•. In"q'()'~ ... " ,.st when_the soybeans had been planted in<br />

tlle soil just prior to the apP. ~~~on ot 014 Amiben and harvested 5 days<br />

.later the plants' contained 100" .8 as much radioactivity. Furthe1"%l1Ol'e,.,<br />

chromatographic EIlCa1Ili.nationof ~~ "Ioybelll1$.plantea in' .the soU ~our !J1on~,<br />

after application of 014 Amibea'~maled that the im8J.l amount of radi()~t:.;I.ve<br />

component present was not Am1b~ ,.,In contr~t it haii previously been sli9im<br />

that the'majority of'rad10aoti't1tf·tound in soybeaDs' planted just prior 'to<br />

the' treatment was Amiben.<br />

~ 1 :",lr:<br />

It is hoped that the 1 ilfti1abili ty of the' cllemical methods desc~ibed<br />

in this paper will encourage other ;investigators to examine various soil<br />

typltS for the:lr ab;Uit;' to comb~~::Nith Amiben so tightly that it is not<br />

biologically available. ' '. .'<br />

(2)<br />

DIl3J;.:tOGRAPHY<br />

,\. :';J..J,,'.<br />

;"j" .,<br />

(1)' Ercegovich, 'O.D., studies Oti'tbe Analysis & Persistence of ATAin<br />

Plant Tissues & Soil: Doctoral Thesis 19$7; Pennsylvania State<br />

Universi'b1'.' '.t',' • • .<br />

Dondarenko, D.D., Decomposi~ion of 0J.41abe:):ed' Aininotriazole in SoU:<br />

,Procctedings Fiftee~b '.l\mUal NCWCOpg. !J1958. '<br />

. [. . ... '<br />

. ,<br />

(3) Rauser, toT.E., Factors con~~g to tl1eloss' cifAmiben Phytotoxicity<br />

in -flOils: 1961 Mastel'lf~sis, The Univereity of Toronto.<br />

",' ' ...<br />

.~ '/ -~ j

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