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t. Tbr .l tClrG<br />

A. G.o8rlphy<br />

I. Er.lttro{d<br />



Actud! t|hi ot (i) a'lrw'ltd<br />

'de!s (ii) ( Intltr s!n)<br />

'loDor<br />

3rc') ('v) obdo lnd M'rpu M{htlo rlluta or<br />

'-t a"* ** "i,-",*d<br />

;';"'r;;;i", t"". t- Kh!ryur<br />

"r (vD sone pd! orKhipro dd um'*or<br />

rrl|nd dd (rii). PFld ahePdt4 O)<br />

Tdt tudv s rbd p'"n th4{tt' *tid! '4!dtr ot Milll, DrDlo'<br />

Ch&hn dd Nt$rPda<br />

'Thu i5 r d6.n t'sion h ht !o hom ptn orsindh ptolinc' in P3btl!t'<br />

-TrEr" @6!t! ol. usr of s![ h lt Fs'nblins Ih' s'vd Eoubltd 3s' Bdcn[v<br />

Mrirg asl od ci d e€!d.llv, hiShc i! dt *dcn ftn tdtt D!'t of fic<br />

Th. 'Ptte is etull.d i! touu|{d oflls lB ldt$h 6d b6lh e<br />

tion nonlt lo $uh lMq otEt ud fton "n lo 16l $ltlv niL' ln P&*q 896<br />

ol hlh 66to5.d of nqt dlc lt lht ph" of d' m'll hj!! olthc Th.t Fon $o<br />

eut! ltic i@ !.t rn6 0r.The 'd P"L' nor bL!'"(2)<br />

''ll ditrlv $ri6 o nint !d it it 3lving thd "itiE |r! bl*irg for<br />

Thd/dsn llt 't tr | fl||l and dtsuq dc'n Rlr s th' ont $Nt in lhc ted<br />

d@nrd&dniinrclti .rultof!4tulodNibunEiifdli'@dtdup<br />

io 3 in nd db, $lh th. G O.r $' lool ltti6 '$ 'l*4t ii |n' rdc of tMr'

nib6 86id6. uc.tujn l.r. adid i5 ithd'd bv Thdi6 unds 0E tfodid<br />

d6p.6lc ldd @ndnioB dd dvnds*nlt tl[| Thdi5 htt' I ouda' 8d elilud'<br />

to sudiv. ud h4| tsh ddp.6l! oditios boldlv 6 fien ftt.'(3) ThB "did'd'<br />

disrrict oa Sindh rcntiB one ol 0E coutiv's dBtdvs[g'd EtioB hdicdod of<br />

harlh. .duc.rion ed olh.t del.didls ol *dl'b'hs @ iNsi|ll' I lh' honon of<br />

n.tion l *.1c. 5tor.tli. rn $!rv rh f.ll &ilrled $nrt ll!.|]t6 lrdlror @<br />

h@h.dl Itjl& ..d Eli!@ o qDloiLrrv. @dtry da fd 66'letnc'ds @<br />

$. pem&al f. uG orThdi lav.laho.d Exepl lor suh6@' liv' 3l6t tdda'<br />

rhs€ e $i.rt linned oppondide for in@n' gldotllid, buinc t f4<br />

acuraions, .8 Hddicdn dd corD.l tbdocnm lhat se noE b'rcncitl fot lhc<br />

niddle 6d $! lh. to.l pod@6. Th.G e vi.bl' emmic dt'@riv's ll 6<br />

6mtun lor individurli s *dl s, fd *tol. hmnie lo misnr. !o ln' imst'd @<br />

b labou on f.m bncr tins !r lN {.86. .lc Conpo@d.d b' ditlicdliA oftets<br />

ddcomnu.ic.rion,Tnlrp.rb'seomnryi!ddel.nsdbvhiShpopd'lion3rc n<br />

iBpile otiel.tv.ly hisn ntrrerul Dd irlh nondiry dct Th. hsbhiF @ tunicr<br />

ewrbltcd b) u* dicr on ol commu!6. d4.a'n8 soc'o_@mmc<br />

opDornnii!5 bed 6 rsdiioMl pE lic.., sd tlove dl. Fpid dd i@osbL<br />

deLrioraton oa 6l'(n]l@itl @u6 lblr laaE d. vcv 3wi.ls ol 0E<br />

Thlrpdks supporE t poluLtron oloN million 3F.!d ova 2350 v'llag6<br />

Dre$.d on 19,638 lqudc Kilondtc ft.lir.10* popdalion i3 coisidlt blv hi8h,<br />

i € lbout aour nillion helds (h 1993) E oftD!.d b dE lv.iLlilily of led @(c6<br />

siiicn @ h&lty sltio@l for bll ol h.li!.5lel popul.rjo Th. @ i najdv<br />

cord.d br $d duG *irh subcsld Nrunl v.8.6i@. Th. eorl En fdl vdi6<br />

fron I m io 3oo nm. The di! 6ll L odoinDdy io@ontl |rd nc6 in July-S.pl<br />

on & 6v4!gc of 0rcc nod.nr. y4! oul of ceh l€.. Du. lo $on $e of oomoon<br />

ed incmdtnl6ins. $c !3n@lust &tiitiB u. ol $. vqy tubrt&e l.v.l4d.l<br />

dnd d.r e !r Ddir. The dg Fll i! 0E ont s.@ ofdrinlin8 sad 'r rh. !A<br />

Th. undqSro@d sda ir l.4pt betitb tilh unit d 3r.r. oft$El B1lr Th!<br />

d.flh otlroud urq sdls r.n€r. 1rc6 60 &d in d. sutllw.3r b r00 lcr in |h.<br />

''Posirion dd cddjtids ol fhd .boul r@m. Sd.rdirg soucs onlv

thoP @ kmw $no tlrc p@ullv ob*sd Thd ELdgcR tcll 0d how $c<br />

Thdd liv. th.c, in $ch a d*n rnd ho* Uq m& bolh ad' oel Thd6 @<br />

happ) In such a condtuon tls. a( no brg hdBh6 dd butc6 ot ocon'<br />

sdqarioo in rDn. ot rhal 0Ev $v lho h!! 8ire $e p4\ lhtl wll sirc lh' SEin<br />

c.d ts s@t, h. gles ! si.gL s@ loi ssl dd iNnd (40 kd 'or 'l€phef'<br />

Funlins $. Equncmdc or*.!v bo

'n.E are rr@ ca&gori* ol Plds Ssontl pleB cln Emu 9re4<br />

wilhour oh&ll Evo tlt matQ tts! rh i! ooulh lor $'n lving sd donl d"e!d<br />

lor.lv on {iB. All plds dePt '.e l Dbt! @ dnin 'liv' lor !o@ !!s<br />

Nidbrl din. In $@ potc ofThs it nis.n6 e inlcd'l of los ttG !d fi4<br />

t6Mlinrlir. h ftc9.$ of nuten ocsssrlagv dttart4 ud f"l<br />

hiNll3iuding in ln. v.[.t oa re{Eir B in ddut|lr 6d "nie ddjtqs n<br />

2. Boudrrig ofTh.. D...ri<br />

'Th. Ths Den of Dtulid rtur9"b' Sid! PttitlrI li6 ir 0E<br />

$ulh.!tb {id z@ ol sndh I n boud.d on d' sidc bv h' bo'dlt sin<br />

'sldr<br />

lndr4 in 6. nonh by dLlncl Khj4u (Now U@|tol dislid) od in 0E *61 bt {r'<br />

disflcl ofMiQuilhd.rd Badn It rPstc it conprisc

a rrlt ot runx o! KUTCn<br />


!&{&6aubo.&r.&pt dshios rtb<br />


'ABLE.I<br />



i;ffE6iDiisi{iaijlj;ii;ffiA8sTArroN cHHoR<br />

i-l*iPitaio nctatl'"<br />

so- --urce<br />

v<br />

Nomll for fie p.nod l"6l_')t). Dlb Po<br />

M@roloak'l D'penMr rtuh<br />

r'Plrshmd<br />

-siM d* d'5hcl lH m dl ed rda $df@ $t'l Mld sl,m<br />

'<br />

lhrcuehoul Thr Drelsh lgR ! cu'lb lhcc B no E derv lhird vd' Th€ e'l ts<br />

'<br />

saa"lt inf.nil. .nd b.c.@ of evec wind<br />

i-d"'*Ej)$4!:!9<br />

ffi-=_=.-,. _'a{_-g--++lrIt<br />

fcb.ut ,1255<br />

Mah<br />

ADnl t, r, 4r<br />

ffit<br />

r; :::; iii' r63t<br />

ffi14 56 4)<br />

't -t*-, s-(,.9 20t,<br />

,t ,t --l2L-,44<br />

- l!:]-----l!E<br />

db.l 5073<br />

Ocohd it ,!l53<br />

Novfitu 45 34<br />

D€.nbs<br />

'Gior! ovd blos sid! sd ves'lolo<br />

cdE tr oftutlv itsl.d sdub 4d b6n dtrouSh d6 $cb s $G hsdv *!td' (popc<br />

gi..ret) do Nliddb dor t b&rF Gts'+ etid G nu[iti* ttd ' Daltbbl'<br />

loddd qoyd. |n. tuin .!nr.l gNta @c lor !E liv6rdl<br />

Th. @dnoD dmc of lh' d6'n e thuhd (oplorbrt c!d!cifoli')' thog<br />

Galieonum totgorc.id6), AK ('alohPh ggur€r) h in$'n t*|! b$u/babrt<br />

(@ia Dtoti.r), l.0i (ddl'sr.t$) ft.i (!z'hds indic'I ir (Stlt'doo ol4id{*)<br />

rn (&Mn gdio).8loD{t Som odF Phd! e si@ in llodof t"t*' a@<br />

'h DlG sand c.lotuDis p@d. (AI) sill pr€donindc or Sdvaddn ol@id6

Sore odEr PLnl! grd o O' ddu6'al<br />

i) Adi. nti.t (btbuvbrbd)'<br />

ii} Aoa 9r.do(,Ml6r (bd,<br />

iii) C.PPes tDltylh (*d)<br />

ie) CoEdit rdhii (l'r).<br />

v) cro.i{n-t!ft.n (6d!)<br />

ti) EuPhodir Cedicifoh (huh!)<br />

rii) Gc,i! tor'ilitolia (itt!l)'<br />

dD tttdr€Paa codi"li (da,t Dool<br />

n) ktr.dii. lcanb (llio)<br />

r) Llti@brt rar!<br />

nI D!.qigqidcdGdi}<br />

x sdEdd ol.iod6 (Flo)<br />

xiiD Sr.i@5re Paolloottr<br />

!iY), zvalh! outditu (A lidadx'lv !")<br />

xv). Alsd|nF..odino"'<br />

xvi) Arinoltd'n b,&r'!o'<br />

xnil A4n rorFnd ooh),<br />

rtiD Arc.Fg|! j..qcurii (s'dEI<br />

xix) atiddt funioLlA<br />

n) B.ci..ri. ditn6.'<br />

ni) Ctmth! oolocltdi Olrsd/ do/Md')<br />

xni) Clm. bm.ty@F ('lh.@ltt|'i)<br />

inii) Ct*t 6.r$..<br />

sv) Cldb.oord ir{'Ed (l'dsi)'<br />

rxv). CYPd rc{rd! (N.srt !Fn,!)<br />

svi) PDicun lssiln (nsl)c! (Ef@co<br />

lf.ld l'lb h. t lUtrfF! ddrd si6 s@ur" rqlE id fort' b<br />

drn'E b d. .ldr dc of dE !* |nte di!'id it tL*"| rih bqditul +(*or<br />

birdr id ditulr soft li'G b..t wiLl s.6tv olib lhd h t'tino *s foutd<br />


oding in I{.m of Kudr .6 Ho@d dE n5siv' sitl dleed in O' dislrtl htrt<br />

nor arLcled oilv dE qllur. ol lhe ropL bul aie lh' ph'6i'd dvircnmnr or th' a@<br />

Thn doca in lal|ln h$ dimini$td "do' rhidt'd n!'! spai6 of lh' uiH litc<br />

Evo lodly ! nnmbd oa dim.ls fo@d ih de disrncr "ti'h inc|lde dint@ (eutn!<br />

bddtr. d.g fo\ (rulF G.mthl teltl t@s rr'61 lh*o (ln4d srn'bl hd<br />

Amne bnds th. msr l.mE i3 Fl@\ (ttF 6!tr6) Th' o0s br{3<br />

loud m the ditsicl d. prittidsc (ttv@li'6 pondocded m@nr) bn osl<br />

(q1o db.), Indis sops oul (onj3 btrr,red)' sindh niehr ja (opnmursug<br />

n.lr|6asG). hdiu or rr (6pimdsB 6i.tic6l do' (trrc9btcrr<br />

so.rdsis). ldre hawr c@bo (hieo'o'cvx spddbid6) D'ru'uldj' d<br />

N.s!F*s, 3Frlld sn Stor (tl.@16 s.gdlE) psti'uhlv in N!l'r Dr*!<br />

amng r.16 bnb ttil. nori (ci6i') dd !h'l itfi (tt'nibit p!9iltGi') n<br />

Chetuo Llub @ .lso h |h. disdct dDs!'os $!tB viz khtps' cobd dd olhcE<br />

f s4dt loui in tlE ri'rv s.6d to| sardaf (3)<br />

B. Chtr!.t i! Th:r B.iw'cn l9t&2mo<br />

r. PhYri.rl Ch.ns..<br />

rI D.ooE..Phi.: Cbrgs<br />

-Th. imr6. in the lout populalio olr:utp'dt b'ltq l93l dd<br />

lgel hs ba srLd oul .! d, .E of 12 pd@{a $d K P'ttu otdll<br />

.v.6gc. Th. popddid ol utbd e t , il t woii'd oul<br />

' 4 Deeal whidr B |n'<br />

!v.6sr !th4 sotrh Er. olllE @drrv (ApFin -9: populdid of Di'[d Thd:<br />

Cft*d' Drrlai} tn thn $v dt popuhrin o' Tht h6 ino'ed lom 5'16000 lo<br />

74?0m ir lot l. U.bd !A popul.ton hs ituFA'd fom 25 mo lo !9 (m This $<br />

n.tor iN't* &i md c6un! hN. pd t6@ d llE d6r's *@mI 3116<br />

Thd r maE . re@6 dd e dm6 fll 6 d' cullivrEd .6 o Th! em'<br />

lex2-{r -t\vrl (ADpddii _ | 0r culrir.ad aa ol lmponsr C@F in The) " {e) As<br />

0E Dolund of rsd. i! itrdiis !d Dotlltlir of lirdal n 'l9 'rtl6h1<br />

ich is four nillion h{ds in 1993 a@rdi4 to TiDP inftdlction (hri'r)<br />

Potd|l|d ot popL is 9.lq6s6 @rdi'e b figG of 1992 *'htch ii 'Dpm$roGD_

1.2% (pd Mun ) incr@ h bsl rd var! d @ o' Tht i! 21539 s{l@<br />

ribneftB. ( l0) ( Borh fi8uE iocludc sft ds of lmdtot disnco Fon tbove<br />

fiso6 n E d@ 6n poflitliot i. iftGdng dotrg snn eird DogrhiM e |td<br />

r t sourc6 sill d.cee M$ abot r.Iio tnd if il coti'u'd ths thd€ b nq'd ot<br />

erch ror ltE $.G m6tl,v lot liv' {@& roddq &d iE o|hs tuilili€s *hich till<br />

l..d Thd inlo i.d$ln.l .conom!<br />

The popuLlid ol T[d ns ircrastd<br />

9td29l i. @ lq63s squ& tib ma4 Thi'<br />

6r.3 l! C.@l .dddirs lo N nriod Cas<br />

s. |ha in 2o2O il sill bG double (l|)<br />

lbnlgsl b 1993 aom t40935 ro<br />

b dE iftlt& .r 0E ud sro*&<br />

t99s lf 6. e@d 'Ile *ill @tin<br />

Lrve sl@! poplhdon {'hici @ 3 8E nilliod in l9l tnd in 192 !t *6<br />

4 dillicrx shich hs.tcer..l upro 3s6 niuiG (t! 56323) i' 19'96<br />

'46It<br />

dcct€6 tn lro*th 6G bv o 5lt" l6n l99l _l996 bcr@ otdowllt3 rd s' e<br />

dE c.drlloB tna 1996 b 2ooo l^ 2om ttought dol poppdrh hs &'ft!s'd<br />

$@ad Dbj..ti6 wl nol ba dud' bul n *i En'in in hd$D6 3 00 lo I 60<br />

b). Condidotr. of ltun'n S'td'meta<br />

''A@rditg ro TRDP evdulrion rcDod 1993 mjor cheg's h'v' oxm<br />

rle h $c low &d vi[{.. o'Tlw ue 193? In lh' 10*16, 3trdr 6ls|ldior ed<br />

Mirhi. . ldge numb.r oa rcs shops h'v' op6'di old ktch! ('on_n'rtdloid)<br />

stlErG n v. b€! epl&.d B p*6(rcldldd) ffir !t'l ' ..itlv lq' nunihd of<br />

shop6 sd ho6 h.ve ben constrscd $oush cmrctchMts on sotdftnr ldd<br />

bv migsts &on lh. Nnl !|ts Tl@ a@thm$ hr' b€r itlodtlh 0mmo6<br />

b.v cor.n@l fuclioui6 !d e por6Ld bt uEd<br />

Th. CDD3 in lh' to*n bs$ h'tc ' ldBd roloE !d rdN or c's<br />

orcduc.d &d inponen @!UN g@& soch s b$! s 5oa9 hdB {hdd cournng<br />

k!vd), l4lilcr E dvd& sdffitn rd n'iltrc A! impontd tdd'ud 's $'<br />

svdllbilit' ofrcwsp.F6 &l dgein6 for el' f,lllch r l9lt? "s non{$slcnl

shoDk*D.E inlotud lhc.vlrudion tff lhd sle of fEt

ig tosG at l liUog6 vntcn e 6 dE o'ne of lsFDod Tht

mFnFn ol wtiirg !g. stuF: i . It b6'ls@cb4593 pddl ANog s<br />

;d.!sic!cy do of I l? as p

prd shosilg a mall4 pdlotd of Dopuhfon 3l<br />

croups lnd hqt sdl m lo I om<br />

b). Mritrl Sartu!<br />

All inditid!.ls.g'd ls vnB !d 'bovc 'nurcd'd<br />

cEs gd cl.sfi.d -ddins ro dpr @dtl s|.rG ur'k<br />

in I'DII DoDlhlon<br />

rnEid" -n6q<br />

ndi.i'.'eido*€n'd'ditot d "' Oli oflh.n22 53 p"cdtc66htri'd ?2 16<br />

cd.n{v nMied, 5 07 widosd dd ntSligible i € 0 o'l p'@r s divor"d Th' @vtr<br />

nudi.d ndgn rul€ @ 28<br />

'ls F|@( tnin G nud hiltEr lhr l||' tr l6'00<br />

'dd6<br />

peEdt this, dilIaq i.l it ibo E[.d'd dtolsi lh' n@ tse tt !t'ni'ga didr B<br />

22.46 !€B lor ntl* s comprd lo | 9 3' rE for fd'16<br />

Lilsncv h lh. l99s Cds i' d'fiGt 6 lhc 'lbililv to Md ' n6! plpd or<br />

MiL .3i6Dle bi.r in lrv |tiguas., 0E lit'd', is Mr'd in r4rs ol hLltcv Elro<br />

rd 6pr.d G F@r.8p of lilsr! pd$B tt68 th' po9d'!6 's'd l0 vs a!<br />

Th. !16&1 ntro oa 6. dic.icl is la 32 tqe<br />

Th' mL l cr! 6b s<br />

higiarr2s33p.@ls@mp.4rlb69l F€nldf4tl6in1993'Th'G@slwD<br />

dif@€ in lhe licnqv nno !v s od !A Th' nto it urhd .B is 5?2? a<br />

@mpd.d lo only 1615 p.rcat in ot.l rA tn o'd !@ tul' litdtcl is lir' um6 to<br />

f.tuL litd&l nrD howa in ubu n b hishr lor 6'L' br 2e J % poift @n!6ns<br />

b d|.| lor a.rn 16 TrhL l.s siv6 liGrq nli6 t!-' s rn dn / urbd Girld6 ror<br />


||r 12<br />

7l<br />

ffiit.* -ai*.reF.rtrrddt ree3 bv Dotur d ca56 o'ce'7'!6<br />

sddi€ drr6d goY@rEu olP.lttli bLmt'd s"L'td 1999<br />


lo<br />

70<br />

lo<br />

l0<br />

!0<br />

A'<br />

t0<br />

o<br />

Ch.n- l,l<br />

d). Fnucrliold An|rM'lb<br />

Th. pdd||€p or'duclren p'lgB n l?'93 De@l ollhe poDuhrion tg'd<br />

lO !6 ed !bo!e, includins lh@ belos prinrarv' Th' r@itts 32 07 p'@l os'r<br />

have anaiten no educ.non l ler.l or n*ti andded 6v lduc'na"l itsnnntd<br />

A ldep v&isnon dGb i! lhe 0116 of'ducaled perons in dal ud uJne<br />

@ s *ll B for nd6 ed f.nd* Th€ p'@r'at of nd6 ii 2? 39 dd for fdal'<br />

6 J? Ir is 15 95 lor ru.41 6 ag!i61 5? 05 fd urbs !q! TsbL l 4 Crls dE E!6 ol<br />

6du.iied p.6o6 bv 5d dd rurd / urbd a6a<br />



17.91<br />

t5 95<br />

27 39<br />

lq49<br />

9L q<br />

oAll<br />

fl-* oi...r.as*- "p"n rn"rycl. to"l bv populd'on c*6 o,gu-alon<br />

it.lnrj6 divisior epv.mal of Plljso bLdbrd Slpitnb€r<br />

| 999

l0<br />

70<br />

a0<br />

50<br />

m<br />

o<br />

A lsre v{iaiid *i51s in $. rdrs olldetled ps'ns m tu31 $d lrbe<br />

e.. s v.[ 6 for nar€ 4d asrdl€s. Th! p'@lag' ofn'l* is 2? 39 dd fot l6ntl'<br />

6 57. lt is 15 95 lor ual s lslinn 5?.05 lor ubdr @s Ttble I 4 81t€ lh' r'1i6 of<br />

.dud.d p@re hy s 4d rud / urbdr ds<br />


U6u<br />

ll l9<br />

15.21<br />

4t9t<br />

3525<br />

fiA D'shri# Ep.d 16@ reet. bv DoDdlton @ orsMro'<br />

3@3t6 d 6Dn e.vffi' of P.kitu lslsdb4d s'pcnbd I s{n<br />

Th. d@ln61nno n6uld G tct6t!g! ofsirddls lo popd!'@ of tg6<br />

5.24 ys of$e d6Elcr 612 56 $. {blmd do dfi6 shsDb rrcm ruol b db{<br />

d.s s w.ll 6 lor ml6 od i.n lc5 l1 is hids for nBl'5 i e 16 64 p'rcdt 4<br />

oonpd.d lo ? s6 p€r@r lor re6dl6 Tne dolmdl 'ario is nuch hiel's D abs 4es<br />

at 42 95 Dete|n lo oilv I I 19 pdcdl in rural dd Thde @ ols shfp diltoHg

h.t*M mtl. od f.d.L onbl@nl talio in ffal sd ulho @& h rural !c6 lE rlbo<br />

or m.le k noi. du doubl. lo $al ol t n L *tErd in utbs ts il i highd ar<br />

'9 95<br />

p.lml for ftal6 B lsar$t 3s 25 pe@nl for Lnd's Tablc L Sives dohan r$o bv<br />

s.x md Md / urb& a.a<br />

s<br />

f). Edu..lion<br />

'Bcrl@ 1935-36 dd l99c9l lh.E h! bd . tujor it.a$ il lh.<br />

i@b.r of s.n@ls 4d i...h6 ir 0E 4 r'lula ol lh. Th! dislrcl (App.dr - t4:<br />

Educ.Iidr.l lnfi6llcoE h Thr Di!!n0 Howv.r, lh@ h$ Fl bdr t<br />

@Gpddjrs iftr4 in th. nlDbd ol suddq 4@pr lor .mln6t .r lhc mcqu.<br />

sdl@h Sin@ 935-36. $. ndba oaf.n!|. slu{t dE n 0E Dnn tv l4l ha inca{.d<br />

6om 1,354 to E923 h l99o-91. Nlhoud in p.@lag. l.mt lhis fiC@<br />

'mt6iv.<br />

ceiinlr6 no m€ du 9 F@l ol all id@l .gc 8oitr8 8nL i'r lh. rh! di{tic1 Ir<br />

1939, 6a [A@ w6 7 p.t6l<br />

In 1935-36, d.E sE oly 2 gids niddl. sh@15 in 0E di$cr Now lh.e<br />

e 7 Hosv.( lhc@ e no srrl5 middl. schools jn lhc DiPlo dd N4a ldi&s. In<br />

ond iol! rh. Irls hiSh eh@l ! Diplo, rt'ic! m oD.r.!n8 in 1987, (miE dE only<br />

d. in de "nole dndd Tt'e nsb.r of itud-! !r $e s.h@l ha ftllo 6oa 240 in<br />

1935-36. lo l3l in l99l-92. t\F 1o tE ab$ft. ofBirl! hisn shools &!d e &ut€<br />

stDnase ofsids niddle $hook in lh. disdc! wonD t sh.n !d pdd.drc.l sltIr

.dml he locdlv @ruil€d l' addhon fi"bs'nd o' gids niddG ed hbh $h@ls<br />

.lso n.{5 lnlt 0B 6lv s! Noma cD @i!' eddsllon 6 bY soing !M' 6on dtd<br />

v rr{p lo ! d& *tEe dd is ! s'Iel ThB n snDlt tutpdlihl' h lh' van MJonry<br />

of c!* xd in |!. |@n od- dE l'* ltd od'r Fott'c in 0' Dov@ h!v' cct|e'<br />

d ddiliod !.ttlolocrc.l 6.ni'r lo 8in! mrits rMv 'M lh'ir rilbst or hvdhg<br />

This 6 lnc l!!s gvo fo. lh. itrop in $' nu'rbd ol cd suddts tr d' hhh scnool in<br />

The .de.non dcptll|Ml ru6 Pnn'rv niddl' dd econdsv $h@lr<br />

Ho@6, 0Ec e i€rv re* miidl' sd hgh *lFol fttitu6 for snb b 6tld'tot\<br />

|he f*dili6 @ .vd.bb dt tr ln' t'lut' hadqwrds' *iidr e not v'!v art b<br />

fircI ad dE rd Dititv of ltudals 6tcid\' 9li6 Frdhd EG i! l&t of hdt'l<br />

l.dli[6 ii $. ldur. he.lquttb fd tludaB 166 dE @urtleida wh'E td@L @<br />

.!!ibbL u im6ins numb.r ol lo{q c'nt HifltB ud MGlitu sd th'n drildd<br />

A t tl. shwilg numba olinniMioE ud sfit'nB in * ditdx for lh')@<br />


'I<br />

I rngroroerrcrrrenr Pnn".v s*odlD H'ah *g* I<br />

lNdbdollB d0 2e25 no4, oo:n<br />

, Numb.rolstud.nB 2o7ol 5\a2 rt-Z 864<br />

|<br />

**<br />

"ra".-* -.d ThtDtrt lges. bv pop'l'tioc;soeuiario -<br />

3l.ani$ gor..rl|Ml of Pltitu LLnst'd S'pt'nbt l99e<br />

',Iinon<br />

t). lnmulia.'on<br />

Th. olsbn aboul hG ben imllded in |h' leelt Potolaron<br />

'mm6/rlio'<br />

(.66 lor lhc !i6l nn. |o .\tluc' 6t r&cintton pbsmm' l'utuh'd bv $'<br />

cotfrffilfonhlorm ltc.@un€ gro mtc rh'l5! 69 p'Gnt ollh'dtldd<br />

b.lo* lo rs.8.h.* bar r.F.lqtG rentLd sindi't'th|! MlEr Fftane'<br />

{ 7.19l in uttd !4 rhe mr rsdr'd $@ 15 56 p'@l h'eitrg dE 161 r<br />


2e.?5 C.@ B not tds ak F@iigt of veh'rio eons lule $d fqMl'<br />

child@ i! 30.5,1 {d 2'l 16 cpetir'tv Ttble 2 l I 8ir6 dct!' orimqn'do bv s<br />

Ji,it{.'"'-"f, ?t"HJ#$:,S";;*tT^Sfiffi l*3$!*"<br />

l^TE<br />

68<br />

' d.*, il'."' ;.*' ''pon ftuDsld re3 b P'purdd @!<br />

or .*",-"i;;;;;;-"il;r<br />

P'i""a bL'Eh'd &DEnh' reec<br />

h)' Silu.fton of Uv"iock<br />

R4gcldd h dE ded prft o' Sindn Fpttgb |h' ntin soud o'<br />

lir.laFoa lo, {idl os ctCetlb ttE t diud ' *tD e ft' dN dotund<br />

g6uD th.l .xarE iI U. d*rB ol Sintlh<br />


laqD\rc v^rEr N IIrAR<br />

DE lrbt lttARralttrn<br />


t s h lqB of mql'litv 'i fo'!'d silinA l4 db&n€d i' ln' otdd or<br />

t 0% lor cmL, 30 % for st4p sd 20% lor Eost! in lhc @d nted disltrci of Sil'lh<br />

Don6rk poddion ofshcp dd god dilk is didat€d in be lietd lo h' doM bv ?0'30<br />

p.rc.m itr the Nod dtlded e.6 Th' pn6 or liv6bt hlve d€limd bv 80% ror<br />

"o,u". ,r* ,o, Ooo -O to *"al for aots Th' EMning 3'Ell tumhdE in lftd'n<br />

a.*.8 rery N..li rd hr.linned Gisl"d lo inod@ of di!.G {r4}<br />

i)' W.!.r SrpPlv/Sourc' of Dnthng Wtt'r<br />

.slc 193? SAZOA md PHED h!r' d6'lofcd ! ndb'r of N&r $h'86<br />

h lh. dcs.d ed 6 .vd tscs numbd e h ih' pres of ba'g dd'lop'd {Appddu<br />

- | t conpleed od Und.r c@ltufon PHED w er Sch'G in Th{: 4d appad'x _<br />

| 2: Sucnar Showi.S Lisr o' Up b d!t' Prog6 ol ADP'SDP scheB ol SAZOA in<br />

Iru R.$iont TIE $rEc c6inins of tuh' wls tnd nonA' hLi htE bdEhl rboul<br />

cdid;L tdi.r*ntc dE subeil s{uif'r $6 nor btuhsn nd |n' o6{nDtio ot<br />

s.rq. e@rding lo lhc rcsiddls hs hoE !e dpkd -ft' SAZDA @erns @ulled<br />

drdng U. ndd 6p @t. not .Ne if 6'f I sfioal lsat $ds in lh' "{uf'r ro<br />

qd.h dG r& ol 14. rbsq no srxgcMr fot $s|. srEr di5Dosl u dt<br />

colleuo Donls h! b6 d6'lo9'd cltug ulnltac cdd'tG 'rd *srt8' of<br />

vdlable sa&r riich @dd h. ddrclied ror |ne dnnrrng af dntls a $ doE d<br />

rdlitional h.nd due w.ns<br />

So fs d€ SAZDA lub' *ll 3urio6 i' 0E den t' trttl ndnbin'd drt<br />

proD.rly n ll.d. Ho&v.( ir is ld adv b Ell *tahs $ch oo'don d'<br />

mlint nde (0 dd M) u b' s6r'ln'd sir€n ps apil! dim'n'shrns linuces ( in<br />

E l EG) lor rhi,s ..livilv: d hcdins nuntd of *rrq eherc Rtnch {ilr t'que<br />

O.rn M: @ onnunnt DdnoD'rro it d@[e' rtrlDElmdl tnd<br />

Doj6l3: &d loc.l bodi6 otd t' clhl'llt di trnc'''\ borrupl<br />

'5ern3<br />

or E<br />

l. Mo a6 *ns' l|l' 3!b&il aquif'r i3 t'l'ne SMDA h6 n$dld<br />

sl! ddlhisaid n d. TtE @ 'l v'iob {s rokd I h'd Nr bdr fuN@nmg<br />

fdovd40dr$b.c!4ortmhdd'ldtr iu!!np ThcDra'duGroih!r!l8 n<br />

edir.d s lds dd .ontlided dd n@t aDaev'' WniL r $6 '' otcdxo' n

&nJuc<br />

i6;<br />

!;i.;<br />

'n;68.r<br />

n;<br />

.,<br />

,6 r;s- - .i<br />

*rdhi P.d<br />

J.SJL,Jf<br />

Iharparlar<br />

H-ad|t 6L ib h..n .rat<br />

Dt5trict<br />

lrat drrl<br />

sbdhb,-b'slohsbN.b6sll.Mdh.fuoEm.b!fun<br />

li'r/rryfu,Fb69r4F!'<br />

W@<br />

@@a<br />

m<br />

@<br />

GlE<br />

@<br />

re<br />

ffi<br />

m@@rE<br />


po dei ,o ntts (Ditch^) of w!l.r ro thc 3 vilhg€s ne4bv rhich panv n'l |nrtr<br />

neds Thr€ peMtr h.ve b.d .mplotld bv SAZDA lo look ln€r rh' plut dlhoush<br />

s. *o!ld have b€d sumodl Th. vill4. M6t b de pkd ha t adqt |.a'rs<br />

$tF e's lh lhe vill,s€ d oPG6L rh. tls| ed l@k ,ner ils dav-iona' O otd M 'l<br />

is oM 6pas., Forid.d m nior bdlnow @uE Al pl*nt sub6'il w!r'r c<br />

suppli.d b tlc tld lnolgh . p@p opdicd<br />

Th@ it d€d ro l@L dE<br />

'tu<br />

tsiulnl_ of cins . Rrnddll<br />

plmp b rd@ o sd M cldirxl i.plls ud on<br />

SAZDA cotlocL! @nc!.L w!l..l&k! in 0E btais (Mler pdd) Th'*<br />

ho{.v.r, @ nol loo popol{ wilh lh. villtg.6 ThEv f'd $tl rh€t sill $! W quicklv<br />

and m oc win d*l thd sitc. d*t fd n t SAZDA S GpGibililv to do e Th'<br />

c@{ele su.f&6 @ of Der qulitv dd will relos bodil-l. re{uids lEqs'n<br />

nek|l.M ln.ddiljo( th. vill.stc f*l lhx il additio l @ll in t'' wa (w!ld<br />

@ndt suH have b@r r bard nrdnar'<br />

ln n@ of E da ean.d. .,ep{ $tEE *.6 *6 slin', did poph<br />

cmDLin or . shodtre or $.rs lor dmling lor nu|l6 d rimk In s'|ft w'Id<br />

.6 - rhl SAZD ddlini3!|!6 pL r Mc .pr@i.Ld Horad. in tlt ru papL<br />

.dpLin d .bod |h. dm6 h!tu ed sin l Lbour ''rol\ed in 6rtna sLr<br />

sd sc a\io6 {4 .llrcidl h.d prnp or o||jc ffihdiol m@! or dir&lme<br />

sarq.hould be *r up d $.ir *sting *.lb (|5)<br />

The wat r ltble d.plh is tullins bt 0 5 lo | 0 merer nnoalh ud ha b*n<br />

oll@rcd furlhd drc lo lsiluE oa 6iB i. lh. ld fiG )s, Gulling r poor uGr<br />

Edurs. R bfsx nr [E motwn mn65 n $. ntn eue or *"r" b supton ctop<br />

Creud\aE is hiir'd rd 0t<br />

gosd\ tuS.ldd- lidct !d hu|M totlbud<br />

adlui. of .sA6rkd Itt !r!.lh. tunns B.aoE in' poplc imdh<br />

'!tr 'G<br />

cdGr fl.ll 9o'ii *hkh e drh.t nud_pler'd o' 4ndr'd b sdds'<br />

tusrcr fd ttoBtc @ t|d tn $rec6 ad mttrds IrE sut of fid pdt,! rm6<br />

f6m d@ ro pl&. Tl! sru{ rdd E.ul.bh for a pcnod of f'm r b6 mdos<br />

_v6f .@* ch sEls liom .Bl ofTrlub f)iplq ads up ro lsldlol xE

Itaai's WdyAssaslied Wi6 rmo* io& Of UD.r rra.ru;<br />


Dtr Rrc? TrN{Rt'^IU(/{r<br />

b,ekde+'fiLd<br />


0'. bcll @ to Rrn xtrdih villtlp Mertthi $@ d'n of B6t*@ Klnn Ttp'' 6d the<br />

bcx Deins *s lo R@ @ ducd vlr li lhi! rq dcldr ofsd sl.' ir 3lHo lc'r<br />

Nr 1o Frn d.pth s t4 f*! ln lh. *en ol Ndo lbc s&t of nin ntl s side<br />

rie rp i. 6ud dour { nil6 Bv 6k ur" lndr bl6 !d dirche b'6N ful si0r<br />

$ q .nd frc$ t'.h de @6 ov" lh'ir d'Fdbe d lhe n& of po& pPaling<br />

\'6lhs ..ndilioB dd il-s ue--( l6)<br />

'Th. qudnv ol*tLr i3 s'mnll'v vqv p@t od n dges bd€ 5 0o0 lo<br />

l5,om ppi lt is ! ch|rfu pobhn $!r hs 'lf!'r'd dE en si@ qol| $d ume<br />

wrrd *irrr ft gl rod ir mirrg ft lor @F q for t'lr@ d livdod D|E lo dc<br />

dtnirr6 dro{sl sp.ll dsp 8''s'n d'in up @!d'L! (lrdM! ofint' 'd 'oEr<br />

v.sa.tion 6 .ko !trcted '(l7)<br />

-fi..ae) rc5 b poublt / slfc dMldg sdd " otu ol th! bsc hu|m<br />

n4dt. AcordFs ro 193 Hodhg CqN3 lh' tsiliv of p'p'd u'Lr mid' lh' houte i3<br />

o.i. *r,,r". " , t **t " 0s houling uit5 in dE drsriicl Th' D"@nt'8' ror<br />

*- *- ,, t<br />

" ' - "**t tlv 0 99 P'rcqtt fd onl i|s Ar'il'bililv o' Htd<br />

pqnp d . et@ ofdtu&ds r'ra is<br />

'li'd &sligrbe in ln' turict tnidr it Gql uv<br />

dh 2 I 9s.a{ ofhNins diB Ur' ol Nll ! i6iL sl)@ ofddtl&in8 \dd ha bd<br />

E@n d s a.44 F@tr.llF6ins onit1 ll i! P'rcdt'es e 'lt$n tr pt fot ute<br />

od .Gs .l . t"r dd 4 'r2 olno$ns !ni!t dpelit'lv<br />


b[*rrr,c w,rren- ^No nunlr ung^N t,?!<br />

9L-,<br />

uu! -'h*-u,rl-mffi<br />

lt'*,fl lf ,sffi r#<br />

!1!9r 9::_ -- fi<br />

Inpotul s@ o{ dnnling s'at ouGi& th' hdc 'n lh' dtl !d ltbr<br />

.6 ie {rll *in 90 06 rd 'ra s F6ls '6redd! s comp"'d lo dt aeliibl'

peairg.s or tlntlimng so!@s w|td sut . tuft|g in lh€ diteorv of ' OoFF hs<br />

b*n rcFn d s 2.23 !@l in tlE Dildid Ttbk t 3 pbvid6 F6tt3' of ho6irs<br />

ui|l bt $@ or drn*bg hv or.Y utto @" (l3)<br />

"tts<br />


I-oNGTERM INI€STME{]L!!QQ!4!!!<br />

S-@. BRIEFoNnr R REGON D|dd tlE<br />

^|l.d..tftt'.rr, lr9 (166)' rfiPEtlNK nl!,j<br />

il Dri!.9.<br />

-'n|[Fj(''.,|||6^ft<br />

c.dti6"d,<br />

Th. PHED ns t nmbs of ddidgt *lEm6 for Thd (APpaitr _ | l: On_<br />

Coor PHED Donr3e Sch€n6 In Tht) bolh n die NEI sd urho tttl'runB Tfi+<br />

schqng co$c ofopor surf4 ilnn! rhlt dBto* dro ! c65t@l f\Etn! dp@ ldfrc'<br />

dnr!. borh rr v'lh ud lslmtor' tcdr. .\crd lom tlE btlcs ofp6tl.' t ho6 'rd<br />

@ s!h.g! dltrF At $fi dE! e h..Ih h.,rnk T d tquiE i*d<br />

lep MoFr.rit l u'r&lstud t*a.s.liE 'to dc'c Il* rhb sfe tc

dni.!, @ l6c of t haft brzJd .td ai6 io nuidti!. L !d

Tb. h..lit .ccofllhg to 1998 ccnt$ rtpott it r! und'r<br />

Th. hdlth &p!fiMr lE d'd bv lht Dit'icl ti'dd o{id oDda4 rne<br />

r.r!x. hcDittl5. Th@ @ rko oh(v hoM trd onl hollh e|ea ln add$otl<br />

lhs. @ t l.rg. numb€r oldirlrid ouncrl di'polsi'r i' rhr d&n<br />

The aollowi.g rlbL 3ho*'ng $G n'di'51 t&ih'6 afliltble in lh' dislrict ror<br />

rhe y.4 199?-93 is a lollols<br />


3. Rqrl|Hal|nco.6<br />

4. Bsic H..lh th'B<br />

02 treiei.l Govd@t<br />

tFrs.lggsEqopu.qh"cruoirrd,alid<br />

6 Mlrdiry c1|iu wdle ca&R<br />

so........-'.........,......................---@Drd,,cr".g'!confl<br />

*--';,iJ<br />

bt"';J;*t;P*ed r'r'du s'D.ib't reee<br />

-ThGc b c* ho!0iLl b€d tu os! 7'000 PaCl' inlb'lrp!'k distict<br />

A@di.B b lh. sindh hc.llh d.rdMr 'lcotuti tl* loltl nmbs o' h'ds in {E<br />

dtridE l5oloclerlo0|cn.dsolorctNhilliotp'opL whichntc'vsv7 l9o<br />

D@rk in rhi5 dtliicr 4 ttrins @ b.(| (s4 holpiLl b'd! lor bur'c' r!ld@ 45))<br />

l). Ro.it.<br />

ot Ptovilodc.vdMl<br />

02 Povircid GovmMl<br />

03 Providi.l CoehnEl|<br />

2t P6!iti.lc.s|r1tMl<br />

'"Ih.c h.d b.a D n * roodt 6mpld'd i' Thd sirc' 1937'e3 €sc'pl tor !<br />

I m'1. m.hll.d 5l@lch Itom Mithr o Ch&ho t d' fril' netdl'd slt'lch lon Mirhi to<br />

Dplo. dd . 2 mk bn.l p!t.d told lbn Mrlhi lo |tlmlot (Atpad8 _ 16 Roads F lh'<br />

Thd D'nn.o Th. onh .lrerr. ftt lkd to'd i' ltF d'$n E@in'd lh' 32 nil€ slnlch<br />

rlm Nrulol !o M h - (TiDPl (2r)

A1 lht im bld llm Mi0I !o ch'hr it @mPld'' Nurol ro ctdht<br />

'on<br />

ier conpl.lcd A.@rding lo bdd of RdqN Sindh' Govi o' sindh h'v 2oo0 $e<br />

lonsi.m plu in Ro.d S-loci d going sn'Ns e sivq i' rh' bblcl I I<br />

SN<br />



Const ofRold lon Uh.l|ot lo<br />

ch!.n!o i. rsdo 6!\q!L<br />

2 6;;i;i6a rM un.*or ro<br />

Cllld@ vi. irlldr (l00lN)<br />

l G;-: orrql non Miotito<br />

Lhn|lor (32!s)<br />

coGr otR!.d loi Diplo lrt<br />

Lhn or(?or.rG<br />

5. cdn: ofio.d fM DDb ro al'<br />

Sdds(60lft)<br />

-<br />

200.33<br />

103.2t7<br />

94 331<br />

160.952<br />

t2l.08a<br />

635511<br />

21.000<br />

t0441!<br />

R5. !15.335<br />

qv @6tlu.ri6 of dt lollovins nd Fd* n sil ctar' Fb op9oi'trG<br />

lor tt FopL of dE -<br />

Foi..t s!.* Alldns dpk'!tut of tulo{s eee'000 @_<br />

'n<br />

m !. Th! *in ne rinihie |n. nigt lid lqxl dun4 dou8l qirrim adl<br />

dha@ dE FosdirY oldc t opL<br />


it--ou orroa o.n roct'r<br />

) ..d of Rod &6ch.nE<br />

roT^l-cocT PRO!!e1<br />

R.9]'0oM'l'jYd<br />

nc<br />

R! ll3!o - {c<br />

R! ll2dt - n@<br />

fu r32.oo- ne

tur n \.ri (aot )<br />

nt ?900"<br />

tGtffiffi"-r'rgoii-s'Ddri<br />

u vrtel I lot td)<br />

i?-mr.rtqrwogot rr tsr'oo - r"*<br />

tc@ orffi N"'tdb<br />

----T'<br />

'8'oir' "'l<br />

Itr c".i-iR"dth*ttt<br />

- Rtr6rou- tYT<br />

Vffi; D.. Dr.od.lO r0 km)<br />

FA! is I.J73.oo Milud!<br />

Elccci.ily<br />

"5.6 gid rdB for.l-LEi! n'$ t€r t6lid in Tbtt 'r o'Gtot<br />

cn.dro- Nrlo! Milhi ,{ N6a{ lcnlol !i DtDlo a 8id r.lld I<br />

N€dp.rrr 6 b b. cdpld.d i. 199! (but @uld 'st b@dc cmplcrc'l 'd n is<br />

mwcmpL&d in b.f@2ooo) Th.qp.c'$oallF snd3!rnd is:llrrionb @r<br />

|h. doGric dd ind6$i.l d4!ds oa lh. Thr dinti't for dE fu*Ebk tutue<br />

Ho9ds, Tssision.d di.tib$ion t5Ltu h.v' vc b h' dcY'lop'd<br />

^r<br />

.lcnc'w is tethbl;e db .1ln.4 du!. h.rdqur4 N'hi$ tnd E villts6 ot<br />

dc<br />

ptlsr'<br />

orhrbld sd s@n tbd (Aplddix _ l7 ClP&itv ol wAPDA Gnd sl'ltdst (22)<br />

For el*tticitv shlm ol Chdhe d'Cdmdl hld insLll'd pol6 for<br />

conpl. ng $. ehcm. bul ufonufl.lt lh. rorl hs b€n I'n in'odtl€e ro' rceN<br />

b.st tm*r to oior WAPDA olrkidt bll i is nol compl'rcd till M!'n 2002<br />

lnhlbrrinE dtltDtrs Dq*l e ml<br />

I,APDA d6rn dE f.c rr[r Errd !||rirs hN ba<br />

lsbdi.r !d Oitlo ios ti@ dP ld @upL orv4<br />

bans 0s$ded dcln.rtr ht<br />

lc.i6ing .t Mtllll clt-h@-

sui6EroIt{ r<br />

rt|^rPalxlr DNSrRrcI<br />

aa<br />


ln IE pa3L WAPDA h.d sm.hoo€d s'h'm6 lor lavn! | I tW fad'r lin6<br />

lslntor lo vajlbis. Midu to P@rko, Mi0i b Bl*6r*dr<br />

x h.d 'mull€d pol6 for @npktins etu ol $e sl*nrl" bu<br />

hs ben Ln inconplel6 lor E6ons b6l hDM lo !'nior<br />

Oul of 2,350 tilltg6 i. Tiar.<br />

rilla€6: srrvd, M!.i M.|lm Pn&geo<br />

.ish to*G, il nd Dbrid.d .hcmtl,! to<br />

nI N.tur.l Emimnacn.<br />

wAtDA hs Dovlbd .ldrdcily b nvc<br />

Hdch.d rohi td soklru: *n . olt of<br />

6f aou: Milhi tsldlo( Chtlre.d<br />

'1n l9s?. s't!a lh. GOS. tItlCEF .Id SCF .sMl l@ inl.d ''e<br />

d*( lh. Esid trs do,snrjlticrd: $tEe 6it visil sd imtEdideb lna oft<br />

of dE h.lrid lltxl$G Tha. hs aDaiaed in o$r t ddd. Th6efo..' il is nol<br />

poDer lo compad de t{o $tu.lrons. Ho$.!er. ! ndber ofchsgA hwe @u@d h<br />

fi. i|!d6 or thc Thris ro${G lhor dural dIiMnBl !|d Bpaiarlt loMrds<br />

In re37, non. oa th€ .obbrs {.\eDt one) oa lh. douel'l .fli.t d<br />

DoDuhlior shord .r! mqor hrcl in re detd@ ol rcsftdid. TlEe q6 a<br />

qvidio d[l deniforion @uld dlt b. .qt d ta .doplitu tlt .sti.ullE l<br />

l.dtniq!6 of |ne bM.gc 16 dd lor that n tr $ &lt $!1 lhed s6 slliciat subsil<br />

qar.r.l Thd h{d dlg \rlk could nol rdch Th6 lim. li. flphais in all<br />

dvdriG *s 6 tor.crinB 16.nd Bo\.fic l.n& In.dtldon. o l{ec u&tt of<br />

rh. .4 vitilcd, loc.l p!.trclEyd (locd orsdTlnonts of btG. (dd.c) h8d @n d<br />

nEn raditjoEl rolcs of tro|etr.s &d plultns lt.6 Dd of lini4 p6os rto relLd<br />

t6 *rlhou p€Nion. Hd!\c( lh't d!r! E o! hrin8 Dl4 rn t6 st .. |he<br />

sd lnucurc as sdll $mdnd tnBr. tEha.r Mdno S@ht. Inorn.r .!E. sh<br />

s rhe rilhg. oll-unro (outsld. de proJdt A6l. tcs d. cur stth alrhough<br />

'npundr.<br />

de bda {.ld.E) h.r. h.d io 'm9@ couob .nd fn6. &d !l Juglt no t[mpr ro<br />

Dror4t 16 in rh. aqrh.6 (@w hador5) 6 b.ng mrd.<br />

Wn t6 on $e orc had .tcmDb to prol4r m. l!6 & he'ng tudc on

uvE8tooaor rs l raErs MA,O* rr,QunmrDNrs or corrNrry<br />

'nuRP rx IDTSTRlci<br />

bb:/rbw 6d.ita d4Lo€tid8-th<br />


h. oth.r hsd dontrd for tu€l is Lldhg to d' ..llrg of! hrg! nunbs of |Ia<br />

PEviouly pople us€d linb.r liom $cn oM lmlsds or from mdl shNbs 'n $e<br />

gosdE6 (@w nados) c nd Ho$!rq, d in'ans nmbq o' poplc @l|*ln<br />

.nd 3upply n * n ar dE s[lls in lh. ultr ed'MB Th! qu&drv oftinbq b'dg<br />

!s.d d aud hc increled de !o the pr.s!re ol populltion aad io a chD8e in t hs<br />

.rd @rins n.biE .mn! e imBit8 nunb'r otThrit Prcviouslt t!m'l Thsi<br />

'<br />

m@l cosij.d or milLl bi.!d dd voshun Nos s iic6mg iqb'r ofpopl' hNe<br />

rard b .oor,ns ves.6blc cni6 o. the pau.m of 6e barlgc d'a<br />

Simil&t, fiih rhe {tislnd lnBinisrnrid h6 dis..r iN'd iE pol''f of<br />

sivi4 oul goslEd (.ow ne.dos) led o. l6e, !E ti[!g6 iNtl lhal<br />

@oa.lMr m so*ta hnds tor *nc udl pa.Dos dlrrE ln |hc villtge of<br />

losi Murha th. Eiddls i.srn thlr * gowtl*6 (@ tr !doE) Ld htd b€<br />

rcdued f@m aboul 3l)()O &c lo 16 lho 150 &ot in a psiod oa dinv vau slt<br />

rhal .vc.y lsiay oftE is fdLd !.d s.d for tud Pua6<br />

Ths. s€ms 1o be @s!ds!bl. N.idt in rhot dE villts6 stv b.@@<br />

drhough d. cbpFd &a hs ftllo tn th€ Tid d6lticl b.t*6 1933-39 &d |99G91<br />

0E c'ft{rr.d .g ns if,q6.d bv I | 37 Fcon iI lpiL otgov@r p.lic! ed llt<br />

|.d dd Tl|.r h6 suf.rcd fton mjor dooshls for lh. pdt 3 y.s (App.ndix _t3:<br />

Culrird.n v.E6 Cdtocp.d A@ 'n Thu le33.9l).(24) The distrid ha no turctin.<br />

rnd orh.r q!. oa ad.s 6c.tr ot d8.brn 16l of 8q324 @ (ln|drc}<br />

o). Houring F!.ilitic3<br />

I I I cotrlatuclion M.Liitl of Rooh<br />

In turd u6. r@d b!nb@ had bd fi. hajor ca3rocrion o.cnd @d<br />

ld df: br rr2 a' p.rc6r. shrcfi s6 hfh hiBh.. a . FE d4! i. conpo$ ro .16 _r2<br />

ercdrs 'n urhd e! tn.onhn @ndt ton shel h.Ye b€f, dE m.Jq c*t@hn<br />

m&nal ut d ld r@fs n urbd M, sirch 6 a lo* s'l 12 p.red 'n tur.l !!6 Th.<br />

r or bdncd .r.h.| rih RCC/RX lor.dMrinor@Gnubo.Arde<br />

ntena .t l7,l p.rcar !s!Gt 6b I rl pddr tn ru61 a4 A pdcaGg. of t J5<br />

hoEing oir.t hlve u!.d usp.cdi.d oLcpl{ of Mr.nd for thc coturon of .mfs tn

ubo .16 otd. diiria T.hle -l 13 d.tliLoan t rirl us€

n urbo .@. Fe'liiv ol s€p.nr. h!,16 hs b'6 E ottd s 23 52 p'@t d d*<br />

di$ict 2?.41 FGn in nr.l .s .*1 1 55 03 pc|€l in urbs t6 N@ of lb'<br />

ti!h6 fuility is Fpoied .1 t9 8t P.Ean ho6!r8 @r5 ii 0E di'ticl wih dnDd 5@<br />

peeai.g* for ord lnd ube |E<br />

scD.rJ. bih@m f&LtY R<br />

'vdLu' rc 41 3l Fcdued of h@ns uiB<br />

i. th. dieficr rnn lo.98 !d a899 9.@E ir dEl !d urb! .@ t*9@ficr)<br />

Ho@vq, 42.0a p..6t hoGirg utl5 h.v. r'!orLd lh.l mE or nE bslh@6 tDililv 6<br />

Mn.bt. in lh. disri.t Th. tq@Lgc ot sht'd br|nton sin 25 09 ! de hishr nt<br />

urb6 .@ s @np!i.d 10 16 3 p.Ml in runl 16<br />


URBAr.l,1993<br />

_!4!q'L 5.87<br />

1193<br />

79.3!<br />

t2-16<br />

Sd@ Dirdc' d36 Epon l.]ultduJ 9e3 b, popul&o 4r$s or!{tllr@<br />

_--''*<br />

28-52<br />

516,t<br />

ti* a".io" ***iol<br />

Ptl|'n ltlrmb'd s'flthbd | 999<br />

s.DDlo ldi@ Lcililv is Ntltad' lo 15 52 p'rcal hosine u'iB Nilh 14 3<br />

!d 4a.59 odaG nr Md dd oth.r tB Gpatvdv O 'v 6 55 F|6I houjtE qtls<br />

re u!!lg 3h!r.d Llirc aEililv. 5 37 PcGd in oil old 22 96 Pc<br />

Aho't 7s FEn hoEir8 niq h.rc r@i'd |* ollh' brri' l*inv N'ibbl' in 0E<br />

d6hcl th. figu6 ol$tlkh G much hrsh'r d 7{ tl.| pcEal n dd 'd c@Dtt'd b<br />

12..16F€trtu!E<br />

p). sar.. ol Lltdrs<br />

l6.l<br />

4t.11<br />

55 03<br />

2t.09<br />

25 92<br />

4;e<br />

Th. nEld s|E of ligtr.g 6 raogE dt d*h E.r&bk b 9246

6 n b the lu6iig Eit! in lh. Ddtid Tl* F€nts' i' odl tB s hiE'tq bv<br />

morc 6d dr@ liffi tl95.05 in conp'nen to ubd .A al 3067 p'@t( Th'<br />

p.@trgp of hoq4i @s Mg.k tticiNt67tf ||l t)isr'i'r lB4hurbo@is<br />

n*h hishe. tr 68.3s p.@1 of ho$ing lniL s conps'd |o olv 4' I t pd4| n tum<br />

!6 Tablel. 16 Dbvid. pcMrig. oaho6iig @il3 br sw' ollishti'e<br />


RURAL / URBAN !:2L-<br />

K@s.Oil<br />

*-- .;G; i'",- &.*iot Pal'r' bhn'b'd s'phb' I eee<br />

ql Sourc. of ldforntnon<br />

rAaLE r.r? PERCENTAGE oF BousEHolDs sY sou:::'Yt"'*<br />

iri^,s<br />

t00<br />

92.46<br />

0.?9<br />

4dq ,<br />

t6!_1,r7<br />

(556<br />

t.aB<br />

-Rti IN*r!t*<br />

ir si l6J.<br />

tl0l 5.55<br />

12.13<br />

s#<br />

---i;;;;;;. - d*iorP @ hbnb'd sLphbd rcee<br />

-.Ddi.tca|s|g'.ponnrdD.rl'dJre3.brpoDrlrtmtlso'8'vrrB<br />

-l<br />

'--Dtrc€ec'.F.1rl4.r-Jeesbtt'q,ry@dlrdo<br />

Th. ou.ditn tbo'rr tue of inlmaid hs bd stod lot d' irn tm h<br />

th. 198 populdion C66 !o !!6 te nEdi! covdag' Abotl 2 o p'@n 016'<br />

ho'BclElL in dr.l ta3 htE &6 b cL\ii@ I I 03 F ot ndto !d 5 5J F@t<br />

nsr.p6 s. b@ of inlotuion ahe @16'8' oltrdir t*h'd in dbD @ is<br />

clrnlch hisid rr le 62 p.lqi w. 12. | 3 F@r ndio td !7 63 FE rc${p'Fis<br />

3. Econoorlc Charrgaa<br />

.! Eo.oni..lu A.dv. Pop{blio!<br />

E otutiiN srr. toco|llio. @dpd th' DdG o"'dH s *no !€

68!gcd in $rc {orl lor Fv o. prclit in'lrdiig 6'pdid fmiv h'lpe6 s @ll a de<br />

---ia<br />

p"*, *r,o * nor *o*h8 bul looths lot *q* s v'dt 6 l'd o|I drins th'<br />

ef6€@ Ddiod TlE @mnic.llv !'riv' DDeuLid o' Ob! ii2l ?l t6@lotrs<br />

oul pogulttion od 3? 14 p.Mt of lh' !'9ulati6 !8'd l0 vs dd cbov' The<br />

D.rcallg€ of childh b.llos lo lau 6 ]6 4 | $l'il' 3 37 petql dc sludtns dd 5 37<br />

p.rc61 u. o0EE Atu.8 0F inelir' popul'lio 3124 Dsrdr e dotusrc rort's-<br />

ituluding 27.95 F@l holgiL TL rtritt ot p'niopdio "LE ps6l'*p ol<br />

DopuLtior b.r 6omic er.8on6 !n @ntk'!@r 016 ft sl'o$ h ttble I 13<br />

TABLET'? pER:ilxf; f;J#rEi;H,'I;isil::arEcorrE:<br />

ffiffi:H'*<br />

Th. F@u8p or 4txs"lh *nr! DoCrbrio<br />

lo 0E tobl DoDdn'd<br />

I c 2l t I R cri.d s 6d. rrivt!_ ot pttlEiptrd dt tn c * t@nbg' Nng<br />

eoeul.rion |gcd l0 vo .nd Ebov' 's cllLd rlftd etfiv or ptniciptlo 4L \n'ch<br />

6:|,r 14 p.@ lor tl, ddn.l.<br />

q<br />

21.11 3612 36f 21.64 ,651<br />

?3.29<br />

ta7<br />

t2.31<br />

t.t0<br />

96.$ n36<br />

5r I,12o<br />

13.41<br />

621<br />

12.56<br />

t.l0<br />

@<br />

23.1O 4l.15 t.lz<br />

1.56<br />

43.t2<br />

58.35<br />

21 55<br />

Th. r.tuEd D.nlciparioo or -liviq d' hs h@! G'd for ddvsis Th'E B a

Fd. vqi.tion in lhe &l{ilv 616 bcNq n&s 8n f@tle s ir is 59 27 !'dfi tor<br />

md6 s @np{€d b onlv tsl p'Edl for f'd'L Gulrins in d ovdll los<br />

plniciDaion €re Thc {lrilv d6 t€lw*n ruol/ ulbN .js slid{v a n i! 2164<br />

p.rcol in oral et s aBaiBl 23 l0 p'rccnt f urbe aM<br />

b). Emplov.d Popul.lion bv Occupr'io!'<br />

of$e 10Ll Gmrlov.d topul.tid in ||r' dis|ncr ?6 e7 p'6t is in $' M'id<br />

Oeur.td Cdrp-6 Srnbd Agicllc 'i FidE! worr'R Tlt *$ histe<br />

6.up.!6 sreup, @EpriliIg 9.!? p.@r L of ' d'@rsv @up{tid' ' follorgl bv<br />

C6n rnd r.ltrcd @de wortsi coBtilutng i t35 p6@t si 'ha s'dre s*6 ud<br />

Shoo {d Mdl€l Sal6 wo*6 sha.r ! 33 p.6dt<br />

The oatled oa dcup6tioMl nalli vircs ngnificddv bdwen fud Md<br />

u6, dG ln ru.l eq so31 ol di. .mDlqe'd p'@r 79 96 p'<br />

sith ciouo-6 still.d Asicukudl $d Fi.h.4' wd*6 rolloffd b! Eldtorv<br />

OeuFIid ,r s 0l p6@t lr uth.n.r4 mE dtt @ 0ntd ol dt 6plov'd dE<br />

3r.06 Dsqr is dgrScn in'clG|ELD occrp.rid folldld LI sdirslvott'G ud<br />

sloo !d Mrtd s.r6 wdt6 d | 3 69 ,.@t rd slilLd tgncdr@ !d FidEne<br />

wo .B !t |5 9 0.rc4! (Fd gou!6dsifsioBsAppadN_xll)<br />

.). EmPloy.d Popul.don bY Indu3trY<br />

Hdrold. slr'ng populttron i. 7l 15 p.rcdt is tnsaged m Asncllrure'<br />

Fodt!, Hunns dd nshing'!d l@ini.8 in non_agncuhutl hdustn6 ln runll@<br />

lh. mtl inDonsl induty is'ASncu[u... FoGl'!- Hunlins sd Fislin& shich<br />

.@db lor 75.85 D44t In utb{ t@ 30 30 Pd6t of lhe m ing populaion 's<br />

.s4itr.d sith dE Cl)m@i.v, Sdi.l sd pdldt l sdi.'J lolortd bv 24 68 Pq6l<br />

6 dv'n6 mr .d.{dr.t d.f!Ed.<br />

O. Arproy.d PoPd.lio. Dv f,nPlov|tHtst u<br />

Amng dE eoploy€d popul.tDn 72 96,.rar sll-fftl'ld 4 26t"@'l<br />

's<br />

*o ms 6 pnre €nplot6. 5 !x p.@t *oltds s go!'hmnr t'td lubomou3<br />

odoloyee ard 1724 D€rc-r s upld amrl! help€r ltble l l/ 9tr6 pcroug' or

so.tin! poo&rion by dplolrml .rrs.<br />

In rur.l @ mjqily i.e 7r ?4 D.@1 ! ldfflploted follovtd bv 4 15<br />

ud3Issgovemn nt.mplotee sd pnvd. dplov4! rdp.oliv.Iv ,{160 l3 p€rdl<br />

e uplid rmily h.lpat Simil.rlv in urbd .6 57lO p.@l e sdtunPlov'd<br />

follo$rd by 23 26 D.@l Aor!|rl|Mr @dort s. t3 59 p€|qI p.ietc .tnpk'v6 t4t<br />

4 ?l p.|gl up.id loily hdp.E.<br />


RtitAU URBA AiEAS, 1993.<br />

Soeg Disri:t .46 Epo.l thrp.Ar. 19p3. by poruhiq c46 otg&rdnt\<br />

sLli51i6 divisio'! sorhh. ofPrlst L klolbd. S.pLnh.r r99e.<br />

.I Un-Enplolu.<br />

The @{6plo}1Mr or. i! th. p@rs. ol uNmdq€d p.eB imludiry<br />

ftos. not woding bol l@linc tor wotl ed lad otf lo 6e rohl @nomic.l! &live<br />

popd,did tn rhc ili.tict Tb. lenlphtndr n& ollh. D iclk476D.@nl Ir ldis<br />

ad n.t6 !d aarl6 s *dl 6 for N.l -d utfl .6 Tl* u!dDhrM[.r. tor<br />

id6is5.lolrdaorf.tuLo6l Frar ltL,l 76Fc6r'.runl'@&d.l 7op.r6l<br />

in urbe @ A visihl. sx difq.nad .prnu Egadh3 u{hdormal Er6 wilhin<br />

.rd &16 lh. ru..j bo!ri&6 but wilh v.l\ss d.Bc ol p.rcdh8. G.bl6 | | 3)<br />

"Thc ndr mpotui indc.ror of sd chag. n rh. Thr cgion 6 rlr

iFI6& in t elon ..rivnv .nd iB nt$e Ir r9s7' lhs! q@ 3 j49 lti' nr rhu<br />

Todt, dt E @ ord 35 !fi| rhq chtr8' RS 5m p'r dly Th" cLin tt'l dra s no<br />

lhotuge olbu5t6 dd $ea G oom lorma |.ln Th' ldi'lidi's erllanbdl<br />

ond todd.r, c.|1sm6 iLc dxl ftdi ddr' Fodu'ls & r$pqLd i! dao<br />

Th4 nG bd m lddnid b rh' nunba olGMCa dqhg @ dP rt'rE<br />

(mn-ndrlloid)rc.rh h rts ud rcr Lt' dr'v n4 0!6 b€itr dcdo!'d HNwt'<br />

lh. nunbq of lript d dtun dl rn' @B h'r' lt@ tno dolbLd in dF ld 5 td:<br />

dd ts6 h.w ida!.d ht u wdlp of 65 F@|t Cd of oirl'dia<br />

'{<br />

;mns GMc h* mot lllm doubl'd TL op"&E r'd dlr thcY q ddv chts'<br />

r',ao rs uA poptc o !fio't o pry Efr bd |ns 6 fdtldda bv ttE lovdtuil<br />

(Alppadix - 19: CMca .! Nuror)<br />

Di3cu*i@ {lh GMS dnvd indic'r' tur d<br />

198?-93. (5)<br />

mnirk e t sloriod bv GMCS 6 @ IG s!4 i5 non<br />

Anr th.l upd 2ool mE cnd86 hs ona Ar $i' dm CMc v.hi'16<br />

m n6lh cdrdLd itno b@ dd ulE dr d B non bdrd tlE DGvioG<br />

hou 'tc a r<br />

"*", t-;* *-t ,- *'-"i thddb'd |o Mtrh dd<br />

'nd 'sn<br />

l-" u.. ,* n-* t t* in t'e pl6 slre o'd n ftudtoid B lFn<br />

'<br />

"<br />

rilou ro x*ror" oipto ro r'rirtri uilhi ro uft or vi'ch'fi! nshs0t'rnt'ld{<br />

h6 ispov€d @npd.liv'l'! due lo P.o o'ds ud hdpdbrim b bdmnA mE<br />

"*a*"" O* , o* ^'* j€F dc N6 a d$ Etirx @ iso w'ilh6l. d rurdl<br />

r@ r@ od in fudFr tuF rtuPon it 6p'dql<br />

gI S.lvia S"'or To TrrttPor'<br />

"A@odi.e to tr'iulion oITRDP lter'\o shoDs spe ptd lhoF ld<br />

rdicl6. hoLk drl |4 stsps lo en e lh' ltosp'd l|df tnd p.sss'c did nol q't n<br />

* *a. t*t Nou |h.r. e ord 40 loch 6nbluhMB M'rhi sd r@tdtng<br />

'n<br />

orer 25o Job5 nrc 'r'6!p ddr *irp fd<br />

,J*loor*o*. * ** "*r'rcd<br />

* *, O *. tn *'"' in t Milhi r'!sho! pul rL n'foE @ htd to ao<br />

"<br />

^.<br />

"der<br />

6d of The to .d !8h ! hus! @ul -

At th€ tddror rdcr .ddt (sr!d ui* tr6t''r) 6 *dl dE 6 r<br />

Ldjrg dst E cl6Lrcity * lw.cib artilsll'. tddhs f*iltuns |.Ih' wrk! ud<br />

rht d &trvnn6 suld 5@ h.6lbti5hcd Et6t@ il dE tdd' f'[d'r d!@ M !<br />

.6n ror such tumdas'(26)<br />

An.. 1993 !o 2ool moE ltcilitid q"vtitlbl' MoE nunb€r ofholcls<br />

d€ dsrc in Mithi ,Diplo,Illdto! Vslio ' Cndh{ dd Cheho<br />

Moi. 6lbdilhMt5 @ ovd lh'e @p!r'&ivdt Evd cvc|6 e are h<br />

E in MnnL dipL.d chdnr t! Mithi n"!4i6lor eto dd G1cl6 s' olso<br />

hI C..F. Irdu.trY<br />

-TlEc wE cltD'r tod' d me lh6 50 F@l old!' il|,8ts vilil'd<br />

durinSdE fE|d rnp h dl c6 rht Mrc6 $* childM *noh'rt ba r{Fd bv '<br />

Uca-*tro Ua artia eirca frining tt LLntor rta n !s't ro b' ' ndor ctpd<br />

med..luins @.1r.. A@rding lo |n' tet ird ol$' dildd mrhlls et $' r@ni'<br />

*O -"*" *.t, * R57Oo pa mnlh TIF n@b'r of l@ns t nad'lv<br />

incr4rins and aboul so pdent or0E bqs trno s 3 on rhd 6@ '@ lhe<br />

".**. -**'O For .rspk d dt logn Meh * tdnr $'E w 2 l@m<br />

'" irt. ', . '*" - ot t ovc' so p'EN \od o d6' 16ft In lh'<br />

'9oo<br />

Lunio rdd.Mt @lside |he TRDP PA tEE s' | 0 l@tu eith 30 childo s*rtg<br />

* mt rf, rt*, O** ""'.* Utttd lO tfll l l pcrdq ud lh' csdinffi of@rr<br />

... d'b€.ltt4 bc.oe olt h'r of [sl dd c@ raltlud<br />

Fs i6 rtr@ dntdd r' *dr!B d th lo.c n!' |sl ht6r m<br />

arltdl@ dd d!. cna|'lta e qrir' drdiDt thr da $ill 'or b' ts*uhu'lrB ln<br />

.ddiu4 lh.* fo is & dinifttl.r mE 'mEd 3 d'r €Crboor<br />

Th. l@G e tl 6n'd b\ drEprddB id m'dtlda fd dE urbd<br />

dG ofTh{ tn{iiltt. dr"r' s@ iGdled n 0r ulb'^ s'{lqcs }ica !E cbldr<br />

$a€ brc!$l aom lh. to61 d'e dd |n'd n htlF so!t' d d' ltd $<br />

'|n snrG

ups Mdy of thn h*w dnrg ltldion dd tlcoholiB Th€ no!' to lhe vilhs6 ea<br />

mad. bs@ rl cur lhc mddhtut o!.dF t 66 Dd hldc |nE rl'sN d moR los<br />

Dol e o*. tB r6duins Covdmnl od pubt'c t"€M* coemins ir Md<br />

All ibo4 tpon s uDnlogtt TRDPI CtPd lMddun'8 h6<br />

d.cr6!d sin* 193 'l99. DE lo tow nr6 ldtud pbblcB \tidr niddr€ dx<br />

ke nor g'vurc ..d rf g'vtng oFn mt ntrmc ruit4 lo bv culllnS fi' stg6<br />

'tuldM<br />

dd doing injwli@ in cdcdrdion o'm86 Pdpte srh'd tns r'nie tow of n<br />

't'<br />

Md dlncd lo morc lo citi6 of tht pori@ '! K@hi' Eldnb'd dd o$d lo'<br />

Lbou dd mosv voui8.|l]ftl6 c aglged in E dv mtdc slrr6B 4d<br />

'dine<br />

moE 06 cltD€t Al pcdl ot v ft* @p'l nuut'duins 6inss e in Thu or'lv<br />

fe{ hbous hrv. Lt n dE advde for M'd l'hu bln tu0v hboff i3<br />

'l dtry<br />

bsir &d cvd on di.tv slgq loo in eo' er"' $ tdd nE d6spd nuur"ruins<br />

hrd d6!.$d lhB sort bd nos dlF sirct 2ooo n is !t'n !on8 ro itu@$ dE to<br />

dpon ot c.tpcls Ac@rding lo sdcq of TROP !d MSSTA D'v'loPMt<br />

C@utlsts, in 6.i. boor in Sindni ' &L RlA K@6_d Bd' 1999 12% of'ndd6<br />

@ efiins in c.tDel indultv OOs frtt'E & d@ thi tirvs ot'!p' (23)<br />

Al hs 0m. r 2ool r N obs'd tut $re nnddl' nx e @ming<br />

dredy ro nsufsruaR ud 8rv' {'uU' rd6 dd th6 Apon i d'ralh du' b $E<br />

hdunry is !s!h lEuine d@u63trt '<br />

i). Rdilr.na Ecoto|lY<br />

'Sma tm. 'mmnond Thd! h!r' mrSEFd do'g H$ ficr m'm'k to<br />

|he bamge .6 ir $e drv t@tr. or in Pdods of ddght !o wd a fan ta'ds<br />

Thk misdnon ss pntndi\ fo' f@dinB dd ${'nng fi'r eindi ellin8 lhar dre..<br />

podw; atn sunMns dough' 'dditic Hosos b'uo 1937 !i le92 6d<br />

"*r tccrine t".Ua .fTndit tE nEdt!ry !o $t !rb! lrd oultid' Tht |o srl<br />

s m6oN. ltilor ncr.E 'n lmdr ffr@6 do6tc $tts labour '' sugd<br />

laclof,d. atil s .dplotc6 r sordmdt dctd'Ms Ilq 'd ur1nrIe !d$d<br />

R5 I Inrr b {.(rtt F mmt}t v h€s clrn rhd tml'6$ho '@rc rchitm'<br />

mon6 fton 0! ct6 htr€ losl r dr F .8nc'iruE "d n itrB .e lcl od er

ld ro o|he6 n'lhs lh{ @llivaft n dcmsdves<br />

ln,osi M.fi lhd e ovq | 5 pssm *e jna i' rh'cili6 @t of |hsn<br />

6 bilor nr.5te6 an 8..Mr flclon6 o' s @06 od or a popohrion of tbout 300<br />

Youns.r boys e b.ing gdnEd lo laE SiN dh th' dsh*s in Ths poss<br />

ds.l skills, dd dEit'lor.de' us g\'s th'm eME<br />

s,.l s).1d, {E vtc Mjonv ofs\ilkd o!1 dgrdls b'lds b 6B csrc'<br />

mobrliN r a d4rytng<br />

ln ldditio 10 lhis ogFlio'\ lh! Th! 'hc nsv' olso edo@d rht den<br />

in@ t937 Thq ltv. o K'ndi d rtdslb'd Nd tlEu tmh6 {h'rc lh6 @<br />

asrgcd i! hsiB d **tie- ttd 1sl lh' d'6ai h "in s.en' Mtv ThrL h'v'<br />

o!$ 66hlish.d shoF in |n. cili6 $hd' lhe! ell Thdi hsdicruns t'd cmplov<br />

Thri..slscdn A nut'ld ofs'dr JFp @1B op'@ drcu8l tildkmn h lh'<br />

derr or thdslvG .d s n'ddld A@i|Its lo 0s lshmlol stFp owF lhd!<br />

d ltt.in 10_15 !u.!opdlou i!dE bhnlol'DiPlosaalonc C9)<br />

and |99t nd Thd6 h'r' b€r nrgELd b birES' .6 nd c[i6 d<br />

lhn dd. mjor drio of Llou ( rc'tjng in ciri$ s lliloE ft'r @ lfi)o.()ooo bd<br />

duc io d6rtuilh.d n *.1 @6 il in P*ir! dir 3dor tl$ ir $fl4rut<br />

innudc.d. l,6pi|. oa thd rliloE @ 6ning 8@d dd lhetr nedtd of livFs h6<br />

'mpo{{ @mpunvdr Ar $it dn'' p@tL lh@ rtF hs "i liv6|o'r o' bu$6<br />

in Th.t, deFad upd 6nnde 'ccbmv' ftm b'ng' 'E ri 'iti6i Jd rhts<br />

r.nd is ins.6itu d.v bv dlv At rhis rid' 'vc'f oN $lo mosllv com' oul fom Thd<br />

.vd nud6t! .rxl dF* rno e ii stoh ol in Sov'lIMl hb @tu lonard ad<br />

pn lhc El6ng rnd rE dG doL4hr @nd'ud ]n Dd lll'r utu &d cD s'<br />

rhd morc fis fi@ *'lD s. Io$ pdd sotdMr sdB On' thinE 6 h @mhon<br />

n-L **" tr@* ** ncGdE btr.r'orr*rlt6 d.@e th'<br />

noqv od at! 6Dsdn@ ud girc 16 nd6 to h@: iEort otth'r is!rthis<br />

ud b.ncr Pb fot Thd<br />

i). In.tt$. ln Animil PoPll'fon<br />

-fh.t. h6 bd .o lir6rsr 'gs r Tld ine 1936 Th' €86

.$blirt d . gos|n d. of s 4 pdsl pd !q<br />

Tbe vilblgs f'd rfid siE l9t7 rn'<br />

d! ofgo$rh hs bsr nud! n@ E patlc dumS dEdoud poo4 iglitd tEr<br />

einal w.E dE 6lv 6li.bL $ue oa in@e He TRDP sN" ol 6' ainal<br />

Dopuhion in rh. TRDP, PA in l9s9 .d .grr in 1992 ha 66t'lisl'ei t 253 p46r<br />

hctle bd*q l9a9 !d l!t*2. Th. tt Jor tr|le na b.@ in @s {Atpdda _<br />

m: Lirdct Pood.ld ofTh.tt<br />


OISIRETn96 tryodcr<br />

1. g!6137<br />

C€U€<br />

TOAL 3.36 Milli@<br />

uxal32<br />

@!9U2<br />

So||E uv.dodctu<br />

l! l9sitdcu B J.4Jnillis (Ap!adtr-2o)<br />

In lgel oorcicd w 3 33 m'll'o6 (SAZDASOURCE)<br />

l. lert;bacd 6 | 0o mllo6 l^r Intoducrc. To TRDP)<br />

ln 1996 Cd6 s t.36 miUid (lirc slo.t & Agti., .as)<br />

ln 2ool Foier.d E I m b 3.{7 millE 5 Oo _2o<br />

'{ 16}<br />

tl 6ii i3 !e (!d iEr i! o le $tr n jbrld ml !. ). |ha ih.<br />

.dsdrd |o lir. tret dio tor Th!. s,rich $s tlsdt moE l,rr rwi4 or thtl<br />

{ sh@ld rdctllv hlrr tcn in l1r8?. ha 3prc up (il ss 6lt 0a lm i. $hd il<br />

cqtd b. lo !.r loo h!t. Thit '||.e rhd if lt€ der ha !o 8amb ,in ls<br />

r'll h.(. ro b. rd f.n dn nulr ffi ltd f,in i..d !o t pl &d<br />

M.4v vill.spR r*l lhai d.y @uld .IIod lo ndl li.d lh.it eimlb 'f

d@ 6 . @td ror tlxir dltv prcdsl3 6ar dimds a*l t 'tra!" $u@ of<br />

loddd -IlEy pon ool lhd dE oolr sllabl' dtit '|ldEl<br />

i' slp<br />

(buflc o'l)' ltiich<br />

middl€d. by fom tcn tr hdl lh€ dsttl pri'c' Altqnahv'lv lh'-! htrt lo ac<br />

; qdtlis orn $.@16 io lne urt6 td Tht rFad &dhsis th'lirrelrh<br />

-",0 i".-u-o"d, ,"uu* on* wuld ftlt ed rhc dd simti pi'@5 muld go<br />

!p<br />

Mon vill.3.u *no o$'d uin'k tq' €$in $tr n $t |ndcr lhtl<br />

s66inea d@ dd nol.cric'llmt ellvnv tt "s PoitLd orr mc rh& o* td !<br />

-* * * "* *.* * 6d' or 8d! alE r'lkt ofNtslDlrt b ridE in<br />

i."in *.*". *'" **" ! r&sc tirnn or Lv6i*t 'uch 6 c'trtc cund'<br />

"i' - 0,"- * *n -* d* n@bd or !vano'\ n d'dffi! G 101106'i,t<br />

hI AgricuXu'd AcdYitY<br />

-Or ro die ld|8 ddd( 'g'ull'td Etrir n 'rE {k'd hc r'd*'d<br />

cendcr.blv (Appadn - 2l : Ad of lipo|rd Cop6 s'n l93o"e2) Tnt nm<br />

.M. sd roc.l vilhAd f*l lhsl tli'ullu' sll rct so b&t lo lh' prc l'37 pcfion<br />

. -on "* ,* ** o"* of 6.ltr ri't hs' drltd .dddrB n E '<br />

**,a'o rt-tv Howv'r. dE old't 84dd d'liflt'lr f*k dh'$* &d h! '<br />

3trds .rr*nr6t lo flobs (31)<br />


CRO?SINl0e743-<br />

cop<br />

Ar3 (4.6) PbdGoo lMDndr)<br />

orh4 l9.tlt)<br />

sd@ Di.tnl dc'$t r'pon in"Pdrs l9es<br />

dEli,rloq flic diliio sorar||Mr o'

-TtE di{rir b Dd in lstulh@ c il n dv &Fns uod rir !n sdt<br />

i. NlgrlEtu. Th. soil h Pldt s d'ienv h.ving lh' Ds vdi'lv ad vield good<br />

lyDd orjos.r and b.jB (potj*lun rypnoiddn) A tmdl tonid orrh' Ntearptr*d<br />

dlr. ir mrden b ffii51olhills rd |n. [n6dtv$t|@dinsll'n m *ti'h<br />

cuhivirjm h onied on by cmfring" njn'N.lq lnh bqdi Colbn (8os-tPiun gqs)'<br />

Wn rl (tncun stivd). rd olhd gdda producc @ Ftrduc'd h it TIF lrbL<br />

slro*ineds.rd p.od*d@ ofnqd.topsd{inc 1947-e8 iisira b'lo{ (32)<br />

l). l.iigrdon<br />

'M61 of dle Lld i. lid .nd dFr.f@ lh' .d is €ndEb dctad'' of,<br />

nin|ll ,oM id bq,E G !E Dir ctops sIoM d dr$Lr!d in d<br />

lhs. e m dtd. lh. nifi bnns mitLr!. b lh. l,nd Thec @ evo badrg6 dths r<br />

|he djerric! rlict @ iristLd bt Mnnru @rl'(33)<br />

m). noniculaur<br />

So@v.sdrDl6ddsu.ridffi (cnrnn6Ing!i!)p@d'cdi' Fd'lrrcr<br />

lor lh. yd 197-91. de trodudid<br />

$'a a rollo{ts:<br />


n). Arii!.n.I A.livi.Y<br />

AFrA.i6)<br />

Produclio!<br />

PoFiLlm .dB d8@tM.<br />

_Anis.l *tiv's in Tht ha incrcsed to cae. !o rh' cn! turets rr E d'rcLr<br />

a@.!d lrd m.g.d bt Tts nddl.|m dd 'r6d\gh 6 qh pbdu'd ntr<br />

trErcd.ls a r 6n! |h. p'!d*b ol lldt lu{Lrl ,i u{d lsoud tur5l h6<br />

adLn ( in $ft .6 lh.y e mr produ@d u! mr.l. ! tbr o'shtr& ns coG up<br />

Th@i!m ld4E nu[.lhrcn od ollh.ir *@l hn 6F r r rs Th' pne ofrhr

ttsr;I--.t'<br />

sdu.tE<br />

l|lf .<br />

.r6Jl.'r"r..rf<br />

r.6.tut* ||ard.<br />

ilter Dkttlct *<br />

!||lr<br />

rr''E.lFeirr{F r<br />

ffi<br />

Etr<br />

G<br />

E<br />

m<br />

ru<br />

ffi<br />

@<br />

Ery<br />


w@l hs inlled 6d RS IO F la in 1937 ro RS 25 Sidilab Llh4<br />

lolgd nuuf&ln.d ot wk€d h Ths h &! srbsrtd'l qualilv blt hn|6 ed<br />

d€ ql ro Kttdti Dd tlvd.r&bld in irc@ing nudbe " (34)<br />

o). Thrr'. Min.nl W..lth<br />

-n qDloi|.to of Thd 3 nh6'l wdo ns irtoed_ Si@ 193?<br />

sdn B bei.8 .xLrt .l in N.$r' exl @rdiit b l'&odq UE vorft of Chir<br />

cL!-' hG 8 qm.d 10 Mior ns hs nd ds npl'd i'r dE h' 3 vs HoFd<br />

"rivi9 hB<br />

dre sd,.l lalina .mna dl rbsis na dldg ds 6cld rip i! lhtl lhis<br />

nol b.n.lil€d UE Thd6 Tne Lbou.6plo!ed. both ar |he CniD cbv ud gaiL<br />

niEs, n fM olh.r p6.6 of P.ltt8.<br />

h it tumdld td L4' d"6'tt of @d h'v' ta disvssl Ed<br />

sha8jFra r Thd Oor@l86loSi* ddllhtd @t o dd 64liq ii<br />

1982 ldl cdrdEad dtilllE oFdo6 Tlt 96DL of 6' @ d6 ml Ui'r lhlr lh'E<br />

e .4 @!t dA6ili od, il lh.@ 'r'' rl*-t suc |h!r th'v liL lo loplc nd $'<br />

srdi| nin t i! N!s!t. f,ill nol ba.fit bv lh'fr Th' DC s6 no Doslnliv o'co'l<br />

dn did opdt[o6 b.9nii.s in d. n@ tul@" (3J) Th' 'horc d*rit'd posil|@<br />

is tc@.dtia io TIIDP 9l ddElm<br />

Nd !o Rrn ol ktchh lh@ @ sllc| plE6 "trd sI { b' 'xt'elcd<br />

djor i.dslty h tlE dirncl Onl! of ke fldory' liv' cstd ind*lti's td<br />

noumillt @ arnbbb h $. dislticl "Al lhis tm' 'l B 'ncrcns<br />

Mtnilg<br />

_sulthu d.tost d. fdd 'l l({d!hd H rt<br />

b6!6 rroiL !i* id chrD dar Co't d'Dot6 h'r' b'6<br />

sndl r hgc. |B tsltnlol Thlt 6 @ ol tt' Il ple6 in

K{rooNJxat ttl,!8 at N^cAxraf,x r<br />

rll r' rltu$rlcr<br />

lt!r' fi& fi.{t|l,r sbpLds/

Grmit<br />

Th. Iturpsln disthr conpris'd itsxhNsibl' Sood qutllv sdit'<br />

d.pdits .t NsStrlitd on Pt! Ldi' bord'r EnnE Kd@njhar Re!' of mouobin s<br />

clga$d in gd t ninins ed Dolishing Th'@ ts a<br />

'*,". ,.cal .t.a -.r.* 're<br />

;r oa ooLntial ror inv€lddt u sEnite ninins md prl)6n!3" {36)<br />

Tht. Cod D.eGl6<br />

Idpsrd didrcl i! 3pe!d otd d ol@ud 20 oo0 sA@t lilo@Lu<br />

'd<br />

i5 idcliri'd cari'ld hwins sriDde

d8d lbou sl F..ot a! 1c.., ou of lil 64 Ftst e 'bL b try |n' Ioln<br />

.dy. [&dlv p.opL rc d'L io plv lor u9io Iu' Jooo amu of looi'frdn lG<br />

so i*.,4 t..*sr{E rrco- to F 'ntidh 'r! |br' lo!d @l!rh l0<br />

dnn&.Tt t.!! bcn|b dloiaoGE<br />

o} zrNqr.<br />

Ot nx|'drttu'<br />

(3) tta C


A. Ge€raPhY<br />

l. Brck Ground<br />

"Pddsts @tn3 of fou' Pon'cd tB goi

,,*, -;;;*<br />

H;;]*-<br />

3. Clirrlie<br />

''{N ro ! oEv't'm lidn:v dd llE tbsiE otdE sdlors' rh' cl'tllle<br />

;;* !d 6 nod wrbre nE" avcos' rdrFrtuft or t<br />

" o** *d lrd tr*.ot ida mdh' 16 Bu'<br />

i*,* L*" t* t $dd o 45 ud qltiontnv ro5o r' rha rcdlEn p<br />

ji' ;';-* ;'-,*"* ." "onst @rcd rscoblb6d bolsrs or<br />

t"r'- i-*"* yd *d' i P'rie! nu.orclosr't! sdion ic 52 d'ci<br />

ff;ffil",o s** i"'oto r'o' pr""' *r'rr' Hvddabld is on 'h"c<br />

D|asn dlc ro c@l br"z'' (40)<br />

4. Florr<br />

'sindh lid on |c borddt'fl| ofropiel ntd 'rd6 moicll nsio$ td d<br />

p.rn of rcnh !..t tolth motrs|r b(n dc ro' ga baxft'd ns b$<br />

Th. dNitt'i vegt|.dl<br />

Tnadqq i3 ittdic{M ofits hor tid drv cli'n&' whrc} i! @nposd or '<br />

dtmtni.s of dcddds' ltd zti

On phs eDdty itundNt d dae rd..t of PoFis spiciser. (Ktndi) and<br />

ofrMstl spdng up, wirt gr.$ tusrocts ofKtdh gN ln lh' rcrc 'dd Plaj$ lnd d<br />

r sid dund a bushy groMh b fou.d t{rvi.g in cht6'1q fi$ the quaititv of elt in<br />

lh. v'il. if eI i! $und.nl it will b€ !.lv.don P4iq the 1sf,"5 opq, tMiJ( and<br />

my ssll 0eC,y-L.fdl pbft oa the Goos. foot ords<br />

ttrnr! rlcLLd ,itl Ko!ir.. ..d nilt F!io' .r s to[N'<br />

D. Ahtlilor 8L@r\<br />

ii). Ahnibo i!di@ G,p.tevc'di Booti)<br />

iii). A!{tild dn@ri.<br />

iv).<br />

^6dr albic. v).<br />

(!.ht!.!u)<br />

Adr. SsEg,l G@tbt )'<br />

vi). Aod g.snotoiEtt' (b@r).<br />

ti0. ,sd bnd os (br),<br />

viiD. A$ngalur no.riii<br />

ix). c.PPst .PMr (ldrur)<br />

x). Codniphod oulol (rusdswaao.<br />

n) Cotdi. otnii (!e).<br />

nD. Crctd5i| burhi. (d@).<br />

xin). D&di!q|.B.'<br />

nv). Expbotbi.ctldifolir('Iltot)<br />

w). Cwntiuo!.(ladi).<br />

Ki} LYdunhtb.tm(M).<br />

Rn). Mim$ hd|t. (U*r.rt O'oi t!xt)'<br />

piiD. Pdid.o.Pl'rylb(rbP).<br />

xn). RlbzF n E r ($st/ {r@iul<br />

'rc<br />

n ! a...d in rlc trv.!d cLt naio" 'G<br />

i). & osi! sPP Atisi&$.Fna<br />

ii). Ck re bEnlry c!.p. (ihdn kh'rd)<br />

iii) Ewhdtli! h.r.,<br />

iv). Kiddi! i6nr,

Ptioo tu tkln (ct),<br />

sa&n Fs!ti..a (d&ns €tc<br />

n .ir oflt.lrrvd $t i. rb.ilbvhl ttaio' rd:<br />

o.<br />

iiD.<br />

v).<br />

!i0.<br />

liii).<br />

xiii)<br />

A@i. @bicr Otbut/batur)<br />

Ad{ fdGiu (vilLti Frd b.G)<br />

Alh!8i C.nElorun (@ k.l!n).<br />

F.gpiir ctt ic. (&mltool<br />

Hd,otorriun uoP&m Gttu un*./ Oot chto).<br />

EuplEdi. tiluf.6 (riMiwd).<br />

Ridru.@tulit (.t!ttdlsd)<br />

Cmhrus Crlds {dh.run),<br />

Dddh.!gi.bd M.t*).<br />

Anni& runh,bb (!db).<br />

Bo.rhlvn difte (.!t'iooii) €rc<br />

Th. bioft h.tq $si.lcd *irh hlM bli$bn contirc to n'lc th' floo<br />

ndr lilgd crc of6p@.Iy disritd chr.crs. Ittls Ph ! found ohiv|l'd ot *ild nA<br />

tl* vi[g6 i! dE .lbvi.l t d & a lolbs:<br />

Aadid . indk (|EI).<br />

C.snn@ cquietfoli! (l@odiir'{ $tt h@).<br />

€!8.ni. ,ur$olD (rnnl<br />

M.srifd iidt (A!,n/Ats),<br />

Mo.nEr Fr.y 8p.tdr.,<br />

Mu$ S.oi.ntm (B!ld).<br />

P.rri'!o.ti. Spp (ltid oft dc.I

xiii)<br />

NiD.<br />

D hidlhtin dde (iutsb'jakni)<br />

Pnoaix sFlsstis (dl€s),<br />

Pb$fin stidsd (krdi),<br />

AoEi.rsrk (B.b!!B.b!o,<br />

The rcgion i3 .lio dondl rith ditdtt '!td potdx ttd 5'€stl hk'r $tich<br />

.ho{td in !btr5 ohudn rld si{qunic Mii3 s flroes<br />

C.orophylun dcFottt,<br />

C6vo|tdu pluiolit (rm!U<br />

Ipo||u ..qudict (iFriittg sldy) a.<br />

ll.rt l d n didrl d..tt lord i. t p@iG td:<br />

StoE8tin di|nd6 (mE*lt I<br />

Tdox o.icirdd ($run),<br />

^E{@n<br />

$od (st4.r).<br />

Sddm jdiol (dq.Y-i6d@Y).<br />

c@d6illo$(AEr).<br />

Dh.toD Alb. (dh.twdhon +Ple)<br />

saloDn stxilii3 (*hii)<br />

Typb .lcpl'!,tti@ (cl.phd gri3J p|n)<br />

Rhom sno.! (.|nt{rudhd chdi).<br />

Aidss ofnddd ) rrdjo0 &d

No. tlr. s dt th. tollosina teci.t rE foudl:<br />

AburoDls spp, qFtus 5!P.<br />

Ptngnit6 ltrk. (nuroI<br />

Tunlrix aniot.t! (.nrcli or rDr)<br />

Srl$1. fo.d

Arab trN.l6! h!€ d$ *nna.b.{t s* ui ls ofsidh Unfonunddv thcSnduals<br />

ct ng. ro u &d cfintl. p.tticuldlv !ho!t A'D IOOO dd th' dcrcschmnt of sd<br />

d6totld norc and noa oflhc rdui'ing ltg€tdion Thjs' @!pl€d wnh b'd lei@huEl<br />

pErk ddi|g dE 14'qturv .in pud'lltlt lL d'!*tusioi of indtoos 116 ro<br />

nEI. w.v llor tup! q4 l.ts the osgdin8 bv [o'I! of 8@13 aid qtds bumiry and<br />

fNlty imglr'on hrve led to qMrcn@nLtl ctEnS!! UFltting $e bal'M of Mtur' Nd<br />

b€ing unf.vonbL lo ditrtd lifa TIE on4q6s of tlE d'

llE|qs in lopolttid in ft lc in'l?95 Fd in ml. is t24l F|6t<br />

PoNlltion of Sindh ruol ie 15.129,129 od ol ohicfi 8.010.593 !r. male af,d 7.296 731<br />

ac faiL Poflladon ofsif,dh u.b.n is 14,661.812 od ofwhich 7 792 499 m tid' &d<br />

6.869.111e. fan&. (42)<br />

PoDul.tioo of uorn is iMins d.v bv dav mdor ii@s in pofli ion ha<br />

,{r Dl€sc @ lL @dny of bltoee .d Clnid.d ta is going |o b' dda!'d d@<br />

to d.ouStl Dd *!Fty or riwin. wtd !i@ Ia( rd F6. Popohtion of li@n6k is<br />

at$ inqesns *hict .l$ pur Pr€3s@ on tlE e.omsv of rh. a6 As poB!'do' is<br />

inc@ilg !d Lrld |quN snE, $ lud !d so|rc sill dda' *nn tnt slft dlio<br />

and if i wil @ntiruc tho lna b nc€d of !.eh of eu.6 for liGlt@k fodd'r "d ns<br />

oths f..ilili.s, *hicll will led ea fd Fo3Pdirv<br />

b). Conditioo of Huntn S.ttlcmcn.s<br />

Mljor ctss6 h.vc t*d plc in rhe ro@t .nd vilhg.. of sirdh 3iM 1988<br />

ill 2()OO In rhe qiri6 ed toM $cn s Hydslbtd Ncwlbshah. Suklur. Lakana<br />

shit.tFir, Mirpt th.s rd .ll othds, l.rtF runhds of B slbps.n

GFrddtl5 to p@id. -od. .8!s panic{htlv of ftrlis vd'B dnldd 'in ddslv<br />

p@ple A5 u$tt, ih.rc is cl,Mntr.ti'on of poplladon 'l clri'in as' digrts lik' 0 5<br />

'rc $'<br />

folloviig t$le girc3 p.|6lo8c dinribotion of populstion of sitdh bv Sq lid ffve v@<br />

rgcgr@P t d s ndo in 6p.d of rh. br lm 6s5":<br />

ACE<br />

CROUP<br />

rAaLE- r 21 sEx R^Io 4!qj9E-g9u!q!!!!9|<br />

t9al<br />

MAfE<br />

poo,r.ro".a ho"ng o* tpss bv PoFrldion orgr"izrtiot\ s'rri'6<br />

pd,"^ rrlmlbad tFren cNu' Burrdrn sindh'e)<br />

dk-...,.. - --e<br />

FEML,ALE<br />

""liir.",'""*.'J "i<br />


04 145 154 891<br />

t9 l?o t54 t58 104 5 to9 2<br />

tG!4 12.9 12I t2.6 120 lt87 !17 |<br />

15.19 85 t0l t24 | 104.3<br />

t0.0 l153 t02.0<br />

20 24 3l 9.2<br />

2129 84 87 8.6<br />

3Gl4 6.0 5.? 10 5.l 127 a<br />

t5-.]9 50 48 t09.5 I t9.5<br />

41 4.5 4.1 106 I t0? 5<br />

l3 37 .]6 1.5<br />

5G54 3! l.l 2.9 t216 t200<br />

55 59 t1 2.0 1.3 !lL! !v2<br />

t41.8<br />

lt9_2<br />

60.a1 2l l9 LA<br />

126.2 r22.t<br />

l.o 09<br />

t2 IO 0a 08 129 0 4|<br />

0.9 ||42 lll0<br />

15+ l2 t2<br />

100 t00 100 t00 0? I .?<br />

Tn. .bow tabL r@ld Fval rhal poPuhrin it rddivdv v@'g 4 ts<br />

mDonion !nd\t 15 y6 !g. grdp both for nuLs !d f'nul6 ir legc rhough it hs<br />

aigh y dcl'dd in 1996 s @ntp'r'd |o lgsl TrE d'tdL tg' lrdF sc {Fwing<br />

proponio..l ida* for ta. EouF lt-l9lo 10_14 !d d"li* for asc sdp' lt_39 ro<br />

sct4 Tt?idllt lh. .ac adp 5iJ9 is $o{ing rgj'd iM6* i' its ooDonion Tn'<br />

D.oF.rih bs .!|rn rcnimllv d6li'Eri fot tdvtic'd 'g' sdpt i ' 60 'Id oq<br />

Th. d4li* in rh. dlv 'g' 8ro93 loplltrin Prctonion i' bclow l5<br />

@ld bc r toitiE ti8n of fddlitv &di* i't'pccti€ of dE Ad rhl ch d figrdnv<br />

o,gl h.w de ifrPov.d Ho*dcr' h b 31iI to be sa thlr tlt popuht'on hrs t gol<br />

po.aii.l of gtouh dui'g tL 6ritrg Fio4 c votnE Ddok *i[ st@ i' o 'tb|rt' '

poMnal $.c! oftutuc binh5. As .tg,t& nlldte 'ge Sroup3 tlE proponiotEl wEtlon<br />

@uld be.tdbut.d to crry owr ofrh' popuhtioq which w'e in rh' voung'r rgc 8rouP3<br />

in d. la.{ 643 TIE d€di* ii ihe poPortid of po!|ilrion s rdvte tg' gdF i<br />

'<br />

60 airt oq @dd be drc to ddiw (F tlrsmn of t€fi dd duE tid in tl*<br />

'<br />

!86 stdps in rh. lsl 6tu3 or bdlo eponing of t86 dd in d' q$s<br />

'rumqrtun<br />

Tn d6.I s rre (dls fd ctttv IOO f@rL" ItE iEas€d b<br />

I|!.? in 198 6 @mpftrt lo llo7 in lg8l sni:t b rvpiol in tlE ra5' rh'r it hE<br />

incqs.d for P.rhta Punj$ lad NWFP Sinil|Iiv tl! s 6110 bv 5 tlD tg' erdps<br />

.rc.15o dwiig soF tvpicrt t'ora in ea of tlE &'i sa( r.lio of te3 souF lG34 ro<br />

4t-4e lEw rlso iFase4 *til,t did bG dE lo doB of'tc "poni€ of ids s d<br />

6v€Esc in IgEt d l9S Th. &{'nd'&t 6iio hG al$ iiprw€d b ll t perdr in<br />

1993, ,t!ch s 93 9 Pse io 1981<br />

b). Mrrihl Status<br />

TIE folk*n|8 l'U' tiv6 IE<br />

di$nblton of poFJtxoi or sidn (l5 ts !d<br />

ihc l98l ud 1998 en$ss<br />

dF niw li.tuG of did<br />

"ru3<br />

.hoE) by 3.rd NnV uib.. .d fo'<br />

Frcn th. sow il mid b' otstd lh'l FoPo'tid<br />

poplltlion hlr ir66!.d *nh @nspoidng dde in th' Dopuhti@<br />

of rcG mro<br />

propodion of<br />

o-onty *i.a U,rt fo, not.s 4 w[ $ fontlcs fton l98l to 1998 @nss ll i3<br />

hovtc mt. vstlry lhll i.6a' in dE Fopdlim of lEE Mtd tid ddas in lh'<br />

DroDdrid of oGtlv drcd b 'd'dtdv tighq fd 'an'l' This oig||r 4* fdihv<br />

delin ii $c lo.8 ru. in vi4 ol th' flct $!| inci&d of mcn'8' ha d*lin'd<br />

Th. os.l divon d Folodbn is alnro{ dnorllL duiig l93l to 1993<br />

6es. Ar tu s difdrrilb for s 'r' @@Fd $' ldd hs gor uP for f@16<br />

6tc.i.lt lioi utud fsn 16 Th' Prcponio' of wiLowh@d ht' dd'&'d tim 5 9<br />

o.@n ro 49 Dqdlr' wnicll nist|r h' duc ro 'bri'liq d'dic Tt' ProFrim o!<br />

*idryhood b 3ig'ifdmfv hiSls in fon'16 in 6npds b n'Li *'h'h Nrlt b' d*<br />

ro Gi@irg! of tElcs rncr *idowhed

'f;HJ.Ll[*:*ilf;.8',."iiHi^iil'9'if ifr 's#?[f I'Hl,i"<br />


REAS<br />

Bdh Sc<br />

Cu@dy M{icd<br />

u4!<br />

Drut rl<br />

;fif"-u,-fii*n,<br />

'i'i*.- "iiilii^* "r<br />

AND 1998CENSUSE<br />

*';lR8' bv Pop"hxo oryai'l'o 3r'Br<br />

p;r'$n rcdth'd (Fom cd$! Burrdi' s'ndn 0.12<br />

0.t2<br />

e)<br />

|f * @nt a rut l / urb" dif,aqnitls iL Fdn'€p of 6d Mi'd is<br />

higis it urb.r tq3 borh o leSt !d 1998 in @{6d b rh' D'oponon ol @@rlv<br />

nEi€d whict i3 hiShd in tur.l 'ru Tl* widosed proponid i5 cbliclv hisls 'n<br />

tural a]@ in co.tr.ct to di@@. vhich is iighs in utbtn ru' The lMt8l $ar!s<br />

di*ribution in dct il bv .4. trd s is gjvd in T'ble No t 24 bv whlch it wourd tppor<br />

lhd nnnbd of Ft .gin is i@lina tt v@nsF<br />

nEI6 6 sdl faELs wnh ! strgli €d8' fd n'16<br />

c)' Lilcr.cy<br />

tg6 i' lt-19 2G24 both fo<br />

Th. lird&r in th' l99s c.N3 d'lin'd $ rtE 'lililv of ' pd$n Mo dn<br />

@d . wio.Ds !'d mtc r splc lctrd in xv ht4tr's' rh h.s @''d in<br />

'r<br />

tcffi of hl6*y do lrd @Fr'd rs Fcqr's6 of litdtr' Pden lldg rh'<br />

potulidon of l0<br />

q64<br />

.!d .bor'<br />

| 127<br />

7t6t<br />

16,13 35 0t 28.m<br />

2216<br />

t3 t6<br />

1t.22<br />

6A22<br />

219<br />

t0.10 9.ll<br />

257<br />

5.01<br />

29t<br />

t15 192<br />

0.17 0t2 025<br />

Thc 'tD liralcv rlrio amng thc poFil'li@ !s'd l0 yqd xd sbove oflh'<br />

orovid u 4t.29 Fd h hrs sistofiotlv bt l] s4 p'rcsltgc poinB ina<br />

'Fd!'d<br />

,*t t-n*,t.nt-"- k i! tudr ligtE fq t'!i'' 5/| Jo @nplEd ro 34'?8<br />


pd€ fo. fan 16. Tls. & CrrD dimtacs h tL litar'v dbd of ru61.|E Tlse<br />

is d$ a widc !! i.lioi bct@n mlt dd ensb tit..rcf r'liG in borh Oc '16 ln ru61<br />

lrcs th. nrio of tund. to n L lirdcv b I to I !i i! th' urbd a@ ir is I to l 2<br />

T.bbl 25 giv.s litocJ 6do by s aid 0r!l / ut'n t6dqFc ftr tlF tac 196l 'rd<br />

t98<br />


t99E<br />

*-<br />

fu;-1998<br />

Prc'ldd caN3 R.?on of sbdh PoFld''r cos orsDiatiq\<br />

il;; Di;d.'. c.*;-" orP'ti"a tc'ndd M'v 2000<br />

d). Fiuc.tioul Atbiod..l<br />

Edlo.id mc.ts ttE Jlorug. of tEii'd 'd qotirfi'd Npow dicl| b d<br />

imponfl t dd for irc6di8 Prcduclivnv td "'dalting ccdDDic gowlh' Lr|r! o'<br />

€duc.tion l .rtrinmd ir (s.forc' .gri.l fd dodopMt pl'ns' om lec of ehicfi<br />

Thc F@t €P of .dueLd FFB lrc<br />

Only tl4 76 P.@ft of th. popuhioi .g!d l0 )t$<br />

lriruy @ dlud.d in $. provic TL t.@oig<br />

&t.duclriot.l instilotio..<br />

lirdr.l ..lio t nol hiel| ongh<br />

$d rb.v., qcludi.g lhos b.ro*<br />

t5 24 Flar h.@ f€ 4r.td€d<br />

Lis. wndons disl in dE nli6 of 'dFl'd FeG i' tuttl 'nd urbtr<br />

for tules b t4 00 tnd for t@r6<br />

2l lr s :5 27 fd tur.l $ .B.id 6.] lr uthr' .16 T'Uc | 26 $v6 rh r'to of<br />

'd<br />

sqs s e.ll s for tndes and f.dd.s Tllc Pqeit'gc<br />

'4<br />

.duarcd D.@ns by *x lid turV urh6n r6'dc@<br />

EOTH<br />



54.00<br />

25.27 \142 It?9<br />

6l.ll 69 24 5t 96<br />

Prc"i*id coqr R.?olof sidh PoFrnion cdB3 orslni2|tioll<br />

sdi$6 Divitotr Colm;a of P*isr4 l5bn6'4 M'v 2000<br />

GA ---tgcs<br />

.). EnrollD€nt R.fo<br />

Thc dolns|l nno nEen4 .t PalgnlrF or stldo s ro poplldon 5'24<br />

s. b 32 78 e.rcanr in dF p6!i@ ThG o@lMt ndo difs 3'!tPt bv |l.. "d<br />

3.x. lt b highd for nEl€s, ie 3735 P.rc.,tr @dpd'd ro 2t?0 for fcmtl's Th'<br />

cnolmdt nlio in urbd .!4 is 46 54 Pa@it .dp|r'd to onlv 1960 P€@d 'n or.|<br />

ds ln turd dd $..!rio offaulc ro Frte ddfrdt i5 I lo 2 s in ulb'n t@ n is<br />

I |o | .2 T!bl. L2? ais .mltEt io !v s .nd ddtuft6n GidaE Edu'{'on h8<br />

iFas.d du. to au'aB in Door fi.n B |nd l'bod Nur$* of ldFlt |nd<br />

3r'ldc!i5 hs iic€scd 3@ l96a ro 2OOl Girts Gddrid is idsrB; Gitlt |rc 6[dla<br />

fo ud du. ro $rdlBjob o dt 6.$ of.du.I*n<br />

TABLE - r 2 7 E\ROLMENT Mrto 8YIEI 4!q!!!4q<br />

qEq4!-4RE^S. lee!<br />

3218 t7.15 2710<br />

25 a4<br />

l2 55<br />

4t 4l<br />

s."-r laes ko'i:6-6;i6n ors'ndn Popdaton cdes otsdiztion<br />

srn*6 D@'L col@;Er of P.td.t\ lClubtd M!} 2m0<br />

0. Fdoc.lion<br />

ffiP*m As P.ttc .a. of<br />

PoDqlaio! l0 Yd And Above<br />

.)4 2l<br />

O of rhc rdd.d*icd Ddss:riI pdefl tuc p&*d Fidrv le20<br />

nildlc..d t?84 mtriol.tiom Aid rurddLio' |h' F@d'g' tlli lo e(x' fd<br />

inrd.di.l.. 7 4l for BA/B S. . aid 2 65 for M,!ll S' T'ble t 23 9v6 the diinbution<br />

of cduql.d pdem by s. .d@tioid llllinmd tnd Nnl/$bd 6d.c



So'cq t-'cq tcat n@incal coss Rcto.t of sindn Popuhtid cosls o.8miz.tioi.<br />

Stati$ica Dlision. Govmftni of P.tisld, ldMEb.d Mav 20OO<br />

g). Immunizt.ion<br />

Ttt qu.dion dldlr imitrrlh hs bdr iftlud.d in lh. 198 Cdgs for<br />

rh. ft.{ riE to adu.rc dr tEiDtkh p..€nnrc L!fth.d bv dE GovdnG f.@<br />

rift ro lid. tt is @nrging ro nor. thlt 6145 F.d otllE cn d@ b.low l0 ya6<br />

.sc hwc b€n rcrorkd s t@ind.d snn codiddbt lisD' pse !8c tt $ou ?2<br />

pdent i. udd aA.s ompded lo 5? 14 pq@t in tuial d6 Thoe Nt t@itu|ed<br />

w€r€ lo ot p@r* leins the rd i. 26 t0 F@nt s rct tnown Th. pd@ lgc of<br />

veiMtion lmona m.l€ .nd f€rale

torll asildilfty of drv cditl. mlid @q!t (i' m'!d va) td{ds for 0ll'l<br />

oi[ion toB ag.ild . f..d r€quicGn ot tEll tumidflt df 4 42 millid to6 in o'<br />

'ln Sindh i.rd to fltmn& etllc b"'ding is inpotut @n@ic a'tivitv'<br />

paniobny in Kohi34 tal tl* Tnu adoi'3 'd tl$ lo ! etd dt'fl in the fqrile phi$<br />

ofde vdl.y t Ae tl.ds dwy3 Gnpl'd rl|c rdbca w h kss r@ure lh'refo'€ cade<br />

liiing ..d tusrling is comtnoi Cntlc brcGdiig 're ooe inpont ro lh€ Thd aid<br />

Kohinrn ds €s, b.ing d.pendds for th'ir sn'ni'e o' th'k liwsrck<br />

Ditrerat cgions ql€rcd for dif'mr 6rcgoti6 of tivd@k The KohislM<br />

scrMlly sppon.d L.8. nmbcr of solB l !h"9 thdgh cattle dtd qnel e 3l$<br />

--- '<br />

* 4," *,n" ooot luv' t l"gc nust€ of6nb {nme $' uppd porlon of<br />

$e d&t .txl th. vrltqv is wdl rmM fd thcn .eb<br />

B!trro6 e fond in lsg' Nnbqs it tlt ddh rd d rb' btn*s of llE<br />

tnds. TIt trc.dt I. lilc 6!l ofDdhi dt"'rqit'd !v CDlr' ed'd Lr"tls hdE 'nl<br />

Th. olr1. @Lonv irurcd in Mtln Disicr ii 6nid

Siidh.'(,14)<br />

2<br />

t.<br />

5<br />

of imFov€d brc€ds of brcilcB and lav€t! ee 'silrbl' lhro!8hout<br />

irnitg hrs tN nrrii.d 3rrs of. mjor irdlllrv tnd nilih of<br />

in this tosi!r4.. 6lei.tlv .a!d Kl|.hi ad Hvdq'b'd trre<br />

mor€ f.v@bk Tne ubl. Ho* $os nun$'r of liEs@* 'n<br />


7<br />

3<br />

9<br />

ffi tr- - 3E l8al<br />

Suf"to<br />

32Art$4<br />

2615944<br />

6755214<br />

!2t7A5t<br />

0075350<br />

o5!0r60<br />

(nt5t72<br />

E79?905<br />

iffi cass o. rt""lc{ltlSYh5l*<br />

OrsEnizdoi- L!hd. (Frcn C.es repon ol smo @r re6l<br />

di @hue s.riiti6 ofPltidd Iq442000 P 204<br />

1986<br />

1996<br />

iitr$3 5464000<br />

t6l!!!!<br />

2 g!tr lo<br />

l -JZ2(,94 2615984 l?1m00<br />

5<br />

u"-ler<br />

67551J4 o7l(Do<br />

-onn53<br />

-oot535o<br />

0225000<br />

00610@<br />

0500160 o6ca@<br />

q ooot]?2 00q@<br />

I t549qrJ<br />

rh6"n5-fr; -,n'-*vffi 6glr*or re8! & w b rn rec6<br />

in ..ts..pon of sindh |993 Ct{t km* bdr6 bo1h e r€9oni of €tu3<br />

iL wli€r Suppb / Wrter For lr'igttion / Sourc' of D'inki's<br />

W"cr'<br />

Mo(tv in .irb Dd ros w'rd $pglv is wo iig PoFlv td in oc .l@<br />

,ls. s.l6 $Ddy i5 Dl.vlhbL lls. h.n Pu{c s"ko Nll'bL for @tmon e<br />

lor $tob olony sotne timq prcbl@s b..om du€ to llcL or'Ldnchv dc

In thc bdrgc .re!" Ris lndN b m.in !tu@ for irigrtion; $erc uc @tls<br />

.r*l 3(l6n..d sdd@|e th@d thd !.ld d.lE to lhc ltd aor iriS.Iiod D* to<br />

lhc qrciry of watq i. tndus the m8€s of w.t.r dd.qs. influencing the 38ri.{1tu..1<br />

P@pb nne 1988 ro 2001 hrve instdlcd luh. wclb dE lo l&k ol w.td of<br />

lndur Anolh.r min rhins is rh.r bB lddlods g.l tua 3hdc of Mr€r rh.n Pdr<br />

lodlords, duc ro IlEir po|ni@lly pr.se rnd innu.M do rnd they .rc ale P.oleled<br />

in&mlly by g('tmtrsr tundi(r6ri6 Now i.20Ol b.&rc Dins dEe ii l@ d&n<br />

scity of w|td in thc lndus Pis. Due io thi3 aSricaltur€ h g.niis lfet.d<br />

'Esy a@3! to po0bl. drinldng wara i5 N ofllE b6ic huM nclds upon<br />

qhrch hrgdy dqEdr hann c.hr. of th. p@d. li.lio9|G6o iidd of quality<br />

lMng Avdhbitiry of dnnli a Mld rhtugl rll sres ii rhe provin@ is shom in<br />


waTER t931!t098<br />

t980<br />

COI\STfu-(;I JNMA<br />

IERIAL ARE's<br />


AREAS<br />

URIIAN<br />

l@ t@ I@ t@ t@<br />

bNr)<br />

3432<br />

2085 1.16<br />

tact<br />

5t.t7<br />

4263 11t1 |]5l 6A2l<br />

EFG{')<br />

1@<br />

6t 68<br />

t92l<br />

198<br />

nt5<br />

o85<br />

1|6E2<br />

t1.45<br />

241<br />

.]1.t4<br />

261<br />

,l] 2t<br />

t.29<br />

2\4<br />

6t7<br />

t299 t652 541 7Ul I t56<br />

988<br />

t5l<br />

1309<br />

t6J2<br />

7E<br />

t42<br />

20]<br />

t0t7<br />

t2 83<br />

_9!1<br />

c!<br />

DE to r@ndi,R rh f'guc my mr .dd c!,c , op ro l('O<br />

lrt -<br />

Sore: 1998 Provi&i.l Cen$! Repon oa Sitrdh. poput.rion C.nss Org{.i,,rion,<br />

$.dnirs Diviioq GoEtrEu of trlir.a tCadb.d. M.y m)o<br />

Of rhe rol.l hocing unir i. tG provi@ .bei ,{2 pd6l hos h.tc @s<br />

lo ap.d w.lq, enid i! 74.18 F€n in L6.r rd rtd t7 psqr i. tud ltc<br />


supdy of pip.d wnd insi& lhc hds in Sindh i! Mil'lle ro 37 1? Dqqt h(d'g<br />

[its 6s 2l pd@nl in urb.n s.g.i t ll.5l Frqt in tu'l !l@ showitg I significsltt<br />

inpromol sine I98o whqr it I drxtr 2l F lai al 0relimitl l4d 42 6l Ise in<br />

utb! r 3.76 F6t ir ru61 @s<br />

The othd dllm v 6.d olce of dtiilits elt€r b hld Putrt' whhlt<br />

s.fl6 3652 percc housing unils ii $e Prcvine, tnh t22? p€rcdl in lhc drd s<br />

.i.!. tbot 16 pcr@n ii !tb.n t@' Ahlll 22 F d |vx's sill ue wdr' td'd 'nd<br />

orh.r $ur.6 ofdrinking waicr in Provin@ " (45)<br />

j). Dniffigi<br />

The dniEse shqG e cmpltllldv be|rd sne Prcvious @ndnio$ in<br />

*lFl. bdrge a|4 of S lh In $c uib.. rd dnintg' b 8md blt in tu"l .l@ il is<br />

d good. The v.L. of bual6.S Hvddtbd Suku!' Mipulht5 L' daldtll<br />

orlld cnk3.td toM on b. ustd fo. th. purpoe oflgtioxurc aid $m p'n oflmd s<br />

b.rucl .gddtbnl.divitY<br />

Ll Hc.lah li.ciliti.s<br />

TlEc il m ror.llv.lsgc in inoa€ in 8(|!t!rlffi diqsrsic"d oRrl(:<br />

blt tumbq of d@ro6 hs ircd5.d in pnvde se|d du' lo in @npanot ol P@rous<br />

f.dni6 ti 3pit of $is PopoLior i3 iN6ina tnd llt Ptgic of potlldon 'oltt<br />

lhlr rh* f&il is erd littL<br />

In th. Friod of Pift<br />

o$d cdtruclid *o.t sls good<br />

Hcdln (Pc. i.n llx{snd<br />

Minind Mr Muhdnd l$$ JuNjo. th( aRI t'4<br />

Ans lh.r no prodiftd ch.nscs .tc on rlt aran<br />

TABLL-r,l HosPlt ^L lttD l^clltttEs loL slNt'll<br />

DOdS (MBBQ t.t9<br />

3JO<br />

lt6<br />

q!o<br />

t23<br />

761<br />

?.02<br />

src--, rtql"**si.o u,"*n..tt' i-.-lLm /effi-rr lon (Sinr!' Bd s!bd('

Hospi.rl B€d F cilili.s for Sidh<br />

D@Ma aLe shov rh.r the dtia prdire is hanng lO,9E0 b€& for fi.<br />

popuhtion of ov€r 16 millioc which nds rhft h orc b€d for dsy I,l 16 p@pl.. Thc<br />

public s-ld otr6 29,?48 b.ds 6 @nprr.d to t6,777 Mde lvlihbL by in privrte<br />

3€lor. K&ehi $urt ha th. Irgdt nlmbcr of Mr 4,83E. TIE Nntq in lud€s 2,04? in<br />

priv.G se1o. In $is dienc( lnere is on. b.d for.v.ry 533 p.oplc for ! popuLton of 2 8<br />

N.usl'€o f@a dirdd h.s orc hed for dsy 1,876 p@plc. vnde d!6c e<br />

294 b.ds fs lhe popul.aon of I 2 millio. pople The orhd disrries *,18rc o*r 1.000<br />

p6!1. slE . h€d e Udkot.d Badiq bnd.d br,r.ob.b.d (oF bed fo 2,952<br />

p@pL), Ghot*i (2a94), Sa'ghd (24? | ), Shilorpur elao), K!fuhi E !r (2075) sukkur<br />

tnd Mdir dLrrids e thos dis.icl! ,is. rh. loe.s nuf,td of p@pi. d|c dc b€d<br />

Sukkur ed Mdn dhrid hlv. one b.d fo..vcry nody 400 p6pl. *h.c fie @nbs of<br />

b.ds t 1.801Dd 2,401, 6p&1iwly<br />

A@din8 io dldti, rha. & drin ni$oi@plioN ii rh. ni.& of<br />

pldn6 r€ga.ding lh. eal. of h..l$ si6, i$ f&iliti6 dd s nuIpow in thc<br />

ptui@ Tnt hs lcd to dions lnd plus, which harc p@rcd io b., u.$l.d fi.<br />

provic Uilit rh. r6i ofthc @nry, dE pop{lltid ofsindh t d owNlElmi.ely<br />

tur.l Roughly, 49 Fr @t of lhc populalion liv6 in cni.s Tl. dotun points to .<br />

w of dEgod€r.y aioiSlt th pnt5icn6 oploy.d ft t on6 @iDhin d rh.r<br />

physicilns do noi go |o dEk pl.es of posring in int€rior of Siidh Biving t '!en lh.t<br />

lhd. e @ feilitie for rhdn in tho* al6 TIE b.ic halrh u.its .d di{dsi6 &c<br />

bdcn ofbaic .ccds, such a lvaihbility. tuppon hcilide !d sirldon The sc fs<br />

.Fy f.m rom3 ard ueally undd rh. @' .ol of@ fadd lord or oinin.ls<br />

U.dd si .i@fu.B\ no @ty toin d dooor i3 allc ro *ort Th.<br />

qFns uc of rhc vi* thd rh. $lurion de3 nor li. in rsifninS of ddo6 m. ro$<br />

$.L. lr ti6 in dtirB ch.na6 in th. ply srtudur.. *,inh L I|m.qun.d., git.g rh@<br />

oppondni.s to @mi@. th€i. m.dicd .dution rltr@gh o.-job r6ini.a art pro@rids<br />

Th.y uidd stu rh€ n4d aor e inr€nrcd dindd hcrlrh @ $pr@h wnh<br />

linlcg. ro lbqtuq sondlry .rd rdi..y. $ rho* dod6 do .or s.t in irohin .nd<br />

d,o mt |i.l dcp.ivrd. (46) (DrM lt-lc200o)

l). Rords<br />



INDUSTRtsS, FUEL &<br />

50.00<br />

lt0<br />

125<br />

0.01 6.000<br />

tt4<br />

0ll<br />



PLANI.IING &<br />

4Z5.UJ<br />

90.00<br />

lo.dl<br />

23.00<br />

4b 0@<br />

!,082 rt8<br />

E.39<br />



1t.00<br />

9.t6<br />


RURAL<br />

t90.00 14.15 ?05.000 tt 67<br />


890.00<br />

E7 @0<br />



HEALTH l@.00 9.00 t93.331 414<br />

ALL OT}IERS 241t0 6.07<br />

t0 08<br />

'r5l809<br />

frt7ffi:3fi6.Fvrusind!-!1-!3.8-^'g @-rr htn'(siodh<br />

rL N1ur.l EtrviroDncrt<br />

"Sire 198&2OOl . nuEbq of cbl€ps h@ o@d.d o lh. tnituda of<br />

bssge aru of Si lh p.ovine loe.tdi th.ir dt!.d avirolltMl !d *Peidlv t@$de<br />

16 Fd.d. e goiIg to t d.3brtd. R igd&d it goiiS lo b. ditid.d to f.ffi bv<br />

gov@tur .nd prcsrc of Popuhtid is dcc@ii8 thc ms.h.d Ne|r ro ciriB ad<br />

tl)m q@!.rhd i3 inc6ens tuiia d6..dfcdi6 CrePfcd .]6 c rl$<br />

ddr@ing. Ar pl.src of populrtion id..g llE i..d. ol iimil@. ifulle in tinb€r<br />

ue for ih. prcprinS n@s in vilhg6. Ar th. enc ti@ in |

prcmled wNld sl|onagc conditioit 10 th€ disdva.t g. of sgiculru.e @ff '(47)<br />

DE ro rh. CFtug. of srd c pLnErid rrd @p3 .rc dd*in8,<br />

o). Howing Fscililics<br />

r ). Co6rrucrion Mrcrirl of nooft<br />

Th. qu.lily itrdq of co(sltu rion of rcob indiol.s thlr 2t.51 FrGlt<br />

hoi.s 6its in tl* p@i@ htE st nb.d at spry of @f. @rnns.d sit[ RCC/<br />

RBC (eiifocd @ided bd.k! *nh @ar boidiid, f,lid b 560 F@t in urhd<br />

.,a B .g.i.s only 6.14 lq€n<br />

in onl .@. Thc tqd otRCCJ RBC ddtucrin ha<br />

iE@s.d ooiirdd$t f.m ltoll 16 p.@r in 1980 ro 25.51 P.@t i. 1998 itdbting<br />

e i6pov.|M1 in n|'d{d of conrudion.<br />

Abdt 49 ps6r ** r.pon.d s @nnrud€d with molv bahboo in th.<br />

| 98 Cdgs mah hiShd .l .!out ?5 Fca!. i! tu d .|6 Th. !!. oaorna ucFifi.d<br />

mrdr.l i.llE @n5tDcli@ of r@G us.bod 5 Fqt i. 1998 Ca$3 a shom in<br />



t9ao t99B<br />


lm t@ l@ l@ t@<br />

R@RBC t59l tl8 l,l,a 2l.t J0.@<br />

9A mt7 ,ot 86 1218 12.25<br />

tu 2t zi 2r 50 6,|6 2la<br />

t !. ro r@nding lh. f'$6 dy nor ldd d.clly up lo lO0<br />

Nor sk.d I sDa.t. d.gory in 1980 Cdst<br />

Sd@ l99a Provimi.l C6{i R.?dt ofsi.dh Potultim Cds Or8&izllio'L<br />

Sbini.t Divisioi, Cowmnd ofPalqro. I!Lr!br4 Mly 2000

2). Cooting Fu.l Us.d<br />

More rh.n 60 p.Mnt housing units i. lh. prelinc us wood/ btush*ood !s<br />

@okjns ft.I *ith abost 90 plrent in ruEl .nd 21.42 Frc. in !.b.n 3@ Gos h the<br />

2d mjor ru@ of @ling tu.| .s its !$ h8 ql.nded to morc lhan 32 p@.t houss in<br />

1993 agsinsr 14 65 p.t@l in 1980 lt b siSnili@tlv hiSrEr rt 70 71 p.@r in urb&<br />

d6s s lg.jnsr onlt I 27 pdc.il ii tutllv.rt O. rh. oth$ hand th. uF of t@sc oil<br />

6 @king tud hr6 ddlin d @Nidqlbly.r Prcviidd lcwl 4p!.idlv in u.b6. ru $<br />



l9u)<br />

t993<br />

co6rR(rllo,,r<br />

wa{N RTRAL UIBAN<br />


ARFIS<br />

lm<br />

65J3 tol 2t!,<br />

D-n o31 ,l.ll tta tJ5<br />

oJ' l,39 !2,r.! jt<br />

tl6tt 3.|l ,r0 tl5 )32<br />

oa 6!u|j!!tl. nlG'E d r.lldlyw 5 lo.<br />

sdr6: 1998 PBi*irl C.@i R.pd of Si.dh Popi .lion cder o'gxiziio|\<br />

sr.risi6 Diviliot! Gov€r!*t ofPrlisr4 bludd. Mry200o<br />

3. Avihbility of ScprnL Kitchcr, Ar|hrooE |od Lririne<br />

Flciliti..<br />

M@ lhe oFlhird .r 14.69 p....t ofthc hosing UDB in lhc p.o!i@ h6<br />

s€p6nr. tids|. niahq.l4790 pc|6t in urbu .4 a c@pnql to 24 63 p@q!t i.<br />

turrl '16 F&iliry of sh.r.d kir.hcn ir.v.il.b!. by 12..16 p.rql. hiah.r.r 3765<br />

Ptr6l in uft.n a comp.r.d lo 2E.50 pd6i in ruri .@ NoN of thc lil.ho facility<br />

n apon.d b, I high a 46 8? pac.nr of$. hoGing unns in rh. tu61 d6 a cmpd.d<br />

io o.ly 14 44 p€r6r in urbu u* oflhc p.ovi.e







100<br />

24 6t<br />

t00<br />


,2 46<br />

!2.85<br />

28 50<br />

4647<br />

71.65<br />

t4 t4<br />

t00<br />

tl.9l<br />

100<br />

tq<br />

100<br />

12 2t.92 4J.21<br />

t4 94 55.1| 8.,16<br />


t00 100 t0o<br />

35 36 24 2t<br />

t0.5?<br />

20 08<br />

1408 55 69 570<br />

Duc lo NndiIg of fsla Ny d .dd qi.Nt uP to l0o<br />

Soud: 1998 Prcvircisl c.N3 R€pon of sindl! Popuhion Ccnoi Orgei"llioi.<br />

St|rici6 Dindd\ Gomt of lr.linsl. lsldtbd M.v 2000<br />

S.9|nt brtr@n fr.ifty L .v!hbl. lo 31 9l p.rdl of thc nousna units in<br />

rhc pred@, ffi fte d@Uc !t ,1314 F@r<br />

in urbo |6 G Mp.t d to 22s8<br />

D.@.t in rur.l !ls. TIE pdqlage of shdcd bdll'on !t 41 2l n much hi8ld in<br />

urto gG ii @np.r!d to 21 92 F€ in dd .|4 Nm of Oc b.thrm hcilitv i3<br />

rcpon.d ruch hrgnd .t 55. I I Pe6l<br />

of $e houi.g unir in or.l da $ @ip$dl lo<br />

846 FEn in utbs .@ ScA.nt lrrde bdlitt k:njLblc to 1536 Fdl of rh.<br />

hdliig uiit3 in th. provinc.. .bout dolblc !i 499? p@tt in utbd !t6 a @mpd€d<br />

to 2tl2l rc@l in .!.1 !I4. A F.d ra! of l0 57 of tlE holin8 uil3 e !sit'6<br />

shu.d hnnc felrty, much highd al 44 ]l pd6r in ud.n {qs .t @mpar.d lo 20 03<br />

,dcqlt in rurl e4. Mo.c ths 3,1 D@cil of th. hdslls lni|s h.t r.concd fiB of<br />

rh. ldnc f&il'ly .rilruc in tlE ptori@. lhe fi8ui. of which is nuch hgnc r 5s 69<br />

p.l@r in tud s4 3 @mp.t d ro only t.70 p.6l in udte .@ T.blc _l 16<br />

prcvi,cd pd6l.a.. oftbGina uins by rilchq\ b.lh rdn ..d hGE Adhi6

p). Sourc. of ldorm.tion<br />

Th. ouc$id dul sllt@ of infomrion hd b€r tltcd 60r th' nflt lift in<br />

of uE<br />

rhe t998 pop{Lrion C.n$ to .!s $. tn dit .l)gaep Abor 42 F@in<br />

hdsing unilr h.E ..a$ to TV, @und 29 p.|6l to @sprpd.nd 29 75 pd@r lo<br />

6dio in th. p.ovi@ TV ridd ship rcpon d doubl. at 67 46 P.r6l r urod IM 4<br />

@dpltcd to 22.18 p@nt in tu61 de8 Simil&ly us or pflnt ft.di! (nsp,ps) B<br />

rc@ncd dmolt rh@ tic tr 45 34 Derdr in u6.n a@ @npu.d to 16 25 FlqI ii<br />

tu61 .lg rlblFl .3? pdid6 p.citrg. of lbu$nobs by $@ of infomlton<br />


TOTAL<br />



AfL ARIAS 5,022,392 4187 29.13 28.83<br />

2,850,939 22.tE 2125 t6 25<br />

2"17t,10J ll04 45 )4<br />

So|er 1998 Pr@iEid C.|s R4Dn olsindfi PoplLrid Ca$t OrgDizaijo4<br />

St|dnie Dvisi{a Govdmt of l.tice tsl.nub.d M.v 2000<br />

q). Source of Ligbfiog<br />

E|@tnciry is rh. @t @nmn sr@ of liShling in rhc p.ovine Thh<br />

hcility is .v.ihbl. lo mE lho t0 F6r ho$ing unils, 9l F@r<br />

in utb& and abdr<br />

5l Dd61 in d .l@ A tg'ifi.!,n inDro@t h.5 b6 ob$rd ii rlE u* of<br />

d..tkity $ it her.nodcd ftm.!o!r 36 F.qr hous in t9A0 ro ?0 oBD€@r in<br />

1993, p.li@l.rly in .r.l .@ wls. rh. $pply h.5 qrdd.d up ro 52 62 Fcnt dudns<br />

Kml* oil is rhe send inpon! sre oaligh nr trJ ue hrs howcvcr<br />

delin d igni66dy f'om 61 50 p66r in l93o ro 27 78 pd6r in t993 Th€<br />

pqw .gc ofoc of sc a.llilB in tlE d.8qy of" orhdr" i!..9di.d qlnc @ni..t<br />

ar 2.14 F@t i. ftc D.@iM c Cbm ir t.bl. I l8



t980<br />

t93<br />


TERIAL<br />

AREAS<br />

ATF,AS<br />

tm t@ t@ l@<br />

1592 6116 ?06 5262 9]m<br />

6l to 3583 .10.49 nfr 454. 5.t5<br />

254 lz t?5 114 2n 185<br />

Dueto@ndin8ftcfi&6mv.ol.dd.x.ctlvupto 100<br />

S@re le98 Prdirirl C.|s R.Pd| olsltdh PoPi' ion Cqgr orgui'irot\<br />

sbi{ie Divisidl Gom;.fl of P*in ,\ |i.t[brd Mlv 2000<br />

3. F,.onoDic Ch.rg6<br />

!). f,.ononictlly Acrive Popolation<br />

E@.mic.tly !.riw popuhri@ codF d th. pdeB of itlF s *lb @<br />

oslg.d in $m. rc rd P.v or prcft iDcludins ui-p'id rdilv lElp6s' Pqsons rct<br />

wting bqt l@ldi8 fo. edr c *dl s tho* Lil ofi. ddi.g ds' ttfo@ Fiod<br />

No ccomoc dd.lopftnt ph.ning o. b' @ocdcad @nPlcte fithoul<br />

iMrDoi.li.g IsPow tlding Bci.l. w.ihl'litt of dth fr$n otlE src"' llE<br />

poplldion c.Nt pdid$ b.ncluMk dr! for ftt purPo* Howes it3 tep' i5<br />

linit.d .@ps.d to laloor fo@.trd tupo*. $dev bee* of thc mmim of th'<br />

ndbq of qudrio6 3iM . wiav of roflct e to b. @w'd in iE poFiltion cd3<br />

The $oo. of th. ntnpoG d.t in thc 1998 CcN3 b dcf*d 6 @nMictllv 'dive<br />

popoLtior vn;h @npns rlE Fmns of .itt6 s who e d8!8.d in etu work ror<br />

pry o. Foit inchding unFid fmilt lElFs' Fgfu<br />

not *qldng hn kFling for eorr<br />

6 q.ll s de lrd of dudf,g lh€ rcfc.cM pdiod .loig *ilh (ht! 6 th'ir somic<br />

lcliviri.! or i'nu*ics, @p.liont $d ddovnd r.oi<br />

Eomnic.Iy .c'livc popohion |o th. tol.l Poputalion .|rc tm'd 6 crud'<br />

.divity or p.rticiprb. Er. in tlE 9mvire it 22 ?5 p.@'t h ir ho\rtc 12 73 F|@t<br />

of th. populaion 4cd lo ys ed .boE Th€ popll.lion oor in ltbd' toE @npd6<br />

childr.n l* lh& lo valr ha*iB, 5tuddis and othc6' tlF p.@nL96 of which to

ft. ior.l popolrrion e 30 50 for childq ts tht! lO v@s' 64 ?2 fd hNeei6' 3 08<br />

for sludo(' .!tl 682 fo orlB T$tcl lg 8i6 $c ld@ttgt o' poPltalon bv<br />


B.ir<br />

s-*-tesT-;t"li'"*' nfr. si"at' Popuhion ccis orssizd'on'<br />

*-.i;J*D'.'-<br />

c*;dr "t olP'k"a lrld!!'d M'v 2000<br />

Thcrc n t wid. vdidion b.tq6 f,d"nd fdtd' rcfrncd ptnicip{ion nrd'<br />

h ir 58 8] Dc.4r for ad6 @P!r.d to otlv 2 % Pd@tl for f'Mlcs" rc$ltng in '<br />

vcry loe otttll Plnicipltion nle .on96r'd to othq c@ntri's' ttbush lh' tulc<br />

pmi:ip.ion 6lc .mP@ ftsnblv snh othd @nind Gqhllv hbdr fo@<br />

p.niot.lioi r.l. i. |fr€(rcd bv l4l of indu$irlialiot! aticrnbrd dddopMl'<br />

cdu€lrord altmn.nt. sio@nomk @m\ ac bul 'n I of Sindh tht PaniciPltion<br />

[l. is tridily of*t b tlE low krd offqn'lc Fni'jFion Th' dnv lrbd 'ctu'd<br />

.diviry r.t.s do nor diff.r mwh a i is 12 56 pd6l in rudl 'nd l2 88 in urbs lts<br />

bt f,mploy.d Popobrior bv Occapdion'<br />

Aboul It Pdc.nl<br />

RURAL<br />

of lh. lo|.l<br />

.gdohu..l !d 6nsY *0*6' closdY<br />

URBAN<br />

2215 4lm<br />

n)5 58.80<br />

t0 50 2998<br />

ao4<br />

3109<br />

2t4,<br />

?8.53<br />

v2r<br />

3930<br />

v.12<br />

t.65<br />

qjt<br />

v3l<br />

24.t1<br />

5181<br />

2661<br />

4t.t6<br />

$44<br />

8.6<br />

215<br />

97.55<br />

t6<br />

]t.85 2$ 4.n 11.86 3.rt3 63.30 11.34 65<br />

9!1 oa ll.14 lSla 2E<br />

&6 Da4 t.6t 517<br />

6.82 lz4J 053 lt.6? 0ll 6tt lt.14 014<br />

I,A7J 5&33 a$ t2% 966 151 128a 580' l.l9<br />

t4a6 1t.95 t726<br />

l.t0 1675 17ll 5.rO<br />

Irb@r fo@ i in Mior Ctr@P4 ' ttrllcd<br />

ioflo*ld by Miq G@F9 ' dond.rY

o@p!lion', E o.t

cI Employ.d Populstio! bY Ind lrY<br />

Alot 39 lqenr ofthc wortins poPllaion b oEas'd ii M!j$ Dvtuid-l '<br />

Agioltur., forcary, hudtios ltd fthins' th. idt mjo' Divilion-9 ' coltmnnv siAl<br />

rd D.eirt sic.s' k rcpoft€d .t t5l9 p'@nl which B 'loFlv folow€d bv Majo'<br />

Dviron-s ' @nnndi@'aponed.t ll 08 psql in th' p@iM<br />

TAETLE-r 4r EMPLoYED PoPLrLAltoN<br />

lj'iEffiY:',**'l<br />


URBAN<br />

HltiB!dfdS-<br />

ffi-s9til;6ci.@-f<br />

n.95 99 D&, ?t 09 ?.61 3.14<br />

014 0t4 009 05<br />

oll 0.t2<br />

3.70 lt 14 t.@ I t29 r580 l5al 1552<br />

04t o9 05t ot2 0t7<br />

0.,16<br />

lt6a<br />

I96<br />

t02l<br />

J14 189<br />

26 210 t2,<br />

l5l9 t52,<br />

8.8? 890 72)<br />

st,dh PoFildim ce@s oqani:rrio'r'<br />

--- --<br />

d*'ni*oi"iti.n, o-*;dr or P!tin!4 lildlbd Mtv 2000<br />

tn fu.1 sG msr of the populadon ir su'a'd in Mio' Diviton_<br />

'npl'rved<br />

I 'A8nohuE, fdldry. hu' ina &d nshinC. uhich @ms fot tboll 7l p'@nl<br />

whdd in urh.n t4 Mllor Dnisiu e onmtrtt si'l $d P'@nd edic€s" is<br />

rcton.d tt 2l tl P..61 TIE tuil inpond Mior Divirid-6 " whololc and r'uil<br />

md. dd rBl.urult .td lrotds .Gpon.d r l66t P'@t i3 follow'd bv Mior<br />

'los'd<br />

d€raik of woddng<br />

Divi3i@-l' M&uf.dunng lt lt8o pqcdl Trbtc 241 erlB<br />

8tl LJO 4t t5a 1Z<br />

3t4 t2l l.4l 1661 1Xl<br />

l3l<br />

031<br />

fi<br />

I]? 015 5.95 612 t92<br />

o34 otl JN l-tr, LA}<br />

?.@ ro75 a.5l 2!E tl rl<br />

615 5b | 162 868

d). Enployed Populrtion bv Emplovde Sittus<br />

Amng thc @Plov.d poPuLtioi in the ptoline t039 p'@nt t tdf-<br />

.mploye4 higl4 !l 66 t2 p.@nt in tutd '@s 6 'mPatld to 34 8? pcrcd| 'n urban<br />

!16 Il u *rolh lo mc ion lhal mosl ot *l'mplov'd e mtl6 The n'n impondl<br />

p.rdtrs. h ddoyes (pdv!t.) ar 25 54 wilh dmo$ $' sioilr Pcentlg'<br />

drl6 s cdp!rc

@ouhrion. lr it 14.43 p.dnt rcFned in rh. provin@ ThG undplovneit nr' vFd<br />

for n 16 .td f@d6 s wdl s fd ru..j ud ulhd t@ 6 gi€ in dlcl 39 TlF b<br />

dploye dtcis 14.s6 Pdsn<br />

tur.l .rd | 6.75 for utb6n a6<br />

f). Tr. Porrtfor<br />

tor nEl6 ltd 4 69 for fotr.tca ttisll95Fdtfor<br />

Th.nd if,Poda indi4lo. of sicl 'hu8' in lh' Sindh 3us 't Dqas !n<br />

ld3po.r !.livily dd tu Erurc ln l9E8 rnsePoftrin ws @iPtnlivclv tttv litd''<br />

Todly ds! .E t ii,!s, *.sds' tG56 dd or3 in l'igrt @d$q Th'v & @dPttllrwrv<br />

iEaling dly by dt Nunbd of ldps o dmd dl! hc mG !!t douucd in th'<br />

'll<br />

lGr fq yor5, !d |r th. 5.tu tirc f!rc h&! irda!'d t@ ErFdituE of Minttinins of<br />

rchicld hlt itur65.d in sPn. of thll op€ntors fed $d the' @n 6ily cltrgc flo and<br />

p@plc dn .trord ro Fv thdrl but Pssdgqs<br />

N6)<br />

-TYPE<br />

!ry th|t SB d l@ ru'i'<br />

I^Br,Er.4r r.vpEs oFvEqqlqi!9qM!!!q!!+ggjq4q<br />

oF vEHlLcEs 'oN RoAD'0n<br />

Motd cvcl6<br />

Tui.3<br />

Picru6, D v!!!tLq!q<br />

888,4?5<br />

lllS?0<br />

401.909<br />

t],8?l<br />

22.44<br />

10.419<br />

||.l5l<br />

42,00c<br />

52,973<br />

S** Sn'alCo'r wOti "<br />

g). Serrrct S..tor to Trrnsport<br />

921,?98<br />

t13,120<br />

413,950<br />

lr,071<br />

24,r51<br />

1t,802<br />

I t,802<br />

t?,969<br />

51,514<br />

S.flic s.cid to tnNpon m'tC'p sC"' ptn3 stoF for v'hicl6 hd'13<br />

ttd r4rhoF to s..v. mtupon s.fr t'd ptteg'rt w! ks in 1988 No* ' dtvs lol of<br />

dl thd feilhi6 & .vlribb rcrc lh! praioos s'c v c@p'nsn is v'rv dimolt<br />

Th* felilica e iNrding in sprl' of thtl th'v t' ior d@gn for lh' d'm'nd' At rh'<br />

sm riG h b @ry diffiolt !o 'mg' th* flcititi6 to 4r'ry1Erc b@!* of dcns<br />

oopulalio. F kd i. o..t .@ Th* efli6 h'rc iFa!'d th' io6' fs ih' toor tdl

). Crrp.t ludurtrY.<br />

C.rPd l@n b nol i. Sindh bflg. {6 ba:le of 'weB aid alts lr'<br />

!rc avrilabL in rhc ahrp. of olher d.ilv wag6 in fms and in ioMs and cili€s But the<br />

s.rc tim l@nt *aving fo. clolhs @ in tu61 e6 ttd in !rb'n aut<br />

i). R.mitLnces Ecommy<br />

P6DIG ol lh. bardee @ no* going |o cili€s &d do l'bou! sork or si@s<br />

in tow md cit,6 lilc K.fuhi Htd..!b.d -d sukku' Monlv K@hi is absorbing<br />

p@pL in Lr8.r tunb6 Pdpb crre it cilics,i*l bd6 do lht *!* of md sawt {rd<br />

gcrrs s !l@ns' lllor d!l6 h 8.F*il. ridtnic $rn" hbod in $g& nils'<br />

f!.rod.s, anDloyd in gov@E d.P.nn 3<br />

Now s d.ys f!!@ rc laving th' wo'k of ftn'r dld sre hndlods<br />

!U' for lbedrng n@ .Imd<br />

rllo*ld rhdn to 80 to orb fo. Mrt be4* hrd ! 'ot<br />

duc lo sdty of ml6 SdE hrn G t l.L'g clsr"s !'rd sadi'B gm voig<br />

Fdple ro citi6 in rh. 3arcn of hhoor dd tlE* @ .@8h fot lhir linl.d i'cd So<br />

ftdy poPle h.w gom b cni6 and lllG gol lhcir busict Dd hlw open'd sho?5 ii<br />

cirics. In $.h . w|y thcy an &d end ih.n mnev to thcit flmilies in thor n'ri@'3<br />

jI Incrl !c itr Animl PopuLlion<br />

As wc k@v that sgnelurc .crivitt hs d€rered du' to shorlag! of ul.i<br />

*hict k disss.d in dclrb in lh. a$ohurc ddnn! ud ounl c'lnotrft x u cld<br />

rh.l ena D@. f.ff3 h.w nor spl .!tldnu. prod@ lhcn for lhc dins tho' neds<br />

rhcv.dl fi.ir livcrct A.Frhd @n fo. d !@$ i' |ncidt it rh{ 'Dl 'il'lilitv<br />

of foddq is rlE din flaor The rm nln f.ctoR e s'd'l indidq n rhs rrft'<br />

which is clqr lion lh. 3nuatur<br />

k). Agricrlautt AclivilY<br />

ASddltuF divity in Si'nh h...lccarcd in iE Llr 16 FB SFldiB in<br />


PTV ptogdtn, Cff6l Meags WAPDA Ahned Khtt Bhrd on Monddv 5s<br />

D@obq 2OOo eid lvs.ge stdt of wltd in @uttds !€se$iB hs r€Cistqld ' "'ord<br />

drcp Th. a*oge 'gdd of !ro..d w.td in T.rbcll. 'nd MgEJ' bt'q 6ot!'d on dF<br />

f$r of D@b.r dldng lhc pFvia8 lo fr6 ss I 7 miuioN d@ f'd ftt lcvd b m<br />

sr.dult dctim ftm lt5l yd ud lhB h.! 6cll.d |o I 29 millir)t|-a@ f'd' HG slil th|l<br />

E 0ow of walq h c@Eys mjor ii6 hs de tutt'd r 6rid d€diF Th' tF'8'<br />

flov of Mlq dorins prcvi@3 lO tqB in djor 'i6 3 14 nillios @E r' L!9<br />

y{ fiis now 6 ngg..d 12.8 million..@ fd .d $' trsd b @'nitu'og As rc<br />

k@w $.l for lhc tgridlturc in Sindh. nrcd.. Mt'r h reqln€d *idun vtrd This<br />

adivity dd@Ed .ul@ric.Iv Al th. m. litu th. Enftll h's tls dcr'tr'd<br />

serarry Inig'rion Punjab lalcd Mti.ed said. pcdry Ptlisttn h in illc<br />

gip of rep.{.d dry y€d Ttus uatiotr hB Fomted v.ld shonagc onditiotr! to the<br />

di$danr.gF of lgn@lruE *.td Thit tirution i5 cmdgng b@.4 @unlrv des mt<br />

hlw @uned ruEbd of *.tq r€.M)i6 to no.G rui|lM @'rt of *.tq durinS wt<br />

yqrs, which gG wst. lno s<br />

S€.tuy ltrir.lio Sindh e'd lo l&ll. rtE p@iling rdd iFn'A'.<br />

f.m6 sldld opr tu $*ing sop. eiich @.sm. nitomun atr@nt of wdd Hc eid<br />

if oil 5..ds & r.tl.c.d wilh $s&dc cultivdio. onidcratl. mn of *arq q b'<br />

ev.n. He urg.d lh. fffis to.dofl . nrdrcgy lo fiis clld $ rhat ddinum prcduclio.<br />

is lchia€d by uinanininui w .r (4E)<br />


-T<br />

L l:l ? l4.l l L615 |<br />

Rie<br />

sus|'ce<br />

corrd cm)_ 8.16l<br />

t?0 3 .210<br />

6<br />

0l 9l I<br />

r?50 t30<br />

Loa I86<br />

!?! 776<br />

898<br />

1.9t0l<br />

?t11t<br />

7t.l<br />

55<br />

1i6<br />

l.l2:l0<br />

:,t77.1<br />

TndoE lrd Tub. wlls (ln Nunb.B) l9?t I934

S@@: Sildh Govi Wd Sit .<br />

3,90E t6.542 8,142<br />

1,995 9,481 t6.236<br />

Ldl Urilizrion ("00o' E .r|G) t99?-98 r9E-99 1999-2000<br />

r4,081<br />

14.051<br />

5,685<br />

4,||l 1,88t<br />

sd@ Sitdh Covr. w.,b Sic.<br />

;-t***.*-j<br />

All C.oD3<br />

00)<br />

l99?-9A l19&90 11999-2000<br />

l rsoJo-Tr:oJ, Trt5 E'<br />

r3030 8t.63<br />

wlrd wi$drwk (lr Mtr)<br />

Fdrilizd Ot TtL. (ln ' 000'\19!9,<br />

Sou@ Si.dh Co!i. w.b Sid!<br />

F6|F.J F !h crd, (ln '@:419!!)<br />

t16.40<br />

@].96<br />

261.U<br />

9r t?<br />

t1t 7l<br />

,A t6<br />

52E.06<br />

t991<br />

2A511<br />

t10.441<br />

45 t7<br />

52E.31<br />

t99E<br />

295 65<br />

SoL@ Sildh Govt. w.b SirG.<br />

For llE upfin of .stlcult@ the govt1lllmt i.6lina 3!'p for wad Gq'rd<br />

M...8.r WAPDA in !. int.di€w, SundNy, S@ldba 2000 frcn |-3horc {id tht'<br />

WAPDA hs DrcD.r.d e obiliou n8td pl4 fot s*h.n smg' @nPlcx ud to<br />

sis."ric d.v.loPtstt Pmjd, fd dvs ' R@iN @' dd div Thd C'ndt *tich<br />

i.crqd. Gmddi'B ofcldd! Bd.g.1! hugc @5l of& 178 billiod to b'E6t nillion<br />

Genr.l Mdgcr WAPDA Anmed Khd Bh(i sd rhll six-fc'd€d<br />

chdn.lJ cdls h.v€ ben gropos.d in Sehuu B@g. on d' l'ff ud riafit brnks H€<br />

d$ eid lhd .ivsin. prcid muld povid.lh. Ftrudt inst'lhiion of 'boul 430oo<br />

ob. wlls for .Gli!bl. idr.rioi feiliv H. s.rd thd .pproFi'tc i'rhrtudor'<br />

dalopnnl s@ld de bc undcn.ka th.@d @.nod'or of 'ldrn [6 H' sd lh't<br />

tut wclb rdld bc Avd ro Hmica (l.ftr) T.106 snh ebidiz'd d€tnorv 616<br />

He sid lh.t @ns.qu.lly. . bis boosr mdd b. pro\id.d to rh' @'omv of Rcvs*

l). lrdgllior<br />

Witltrn tn€ h.t 45 y.!ts, thr@ iniSstro' bsrn€$ hare be'n @nsrrucrcq<br />

dos thc lidus it lh€ Prcnn@. The @'m!d tB of lh' th@ trftgca aG Sukkur<br />

bamee 312 milion lFd,r6, (orri b!@ec I 12 dllion helttc'' "d Clddu bd'g'<br />

Lt?2 nillio h..;L6. (5O)<br />

tnl Ho.ricolturc<br />

'Tl8 Sco4pnid etultion of Sidh b€ing inrcmcdi't€ bcwe'n th' Afii{<br />

$b-@ndnst ed sdth Eisl Ati4 lh. 0oB thut iiclu&s lh' Africo l6'iM od<br />

Anbs iyp6 otr w ntnd tnd $. trcic.l mnsoon ('nh) $?'<br />

on th' otficr Dutiis thc<br />

hol $ffi se|! oilv rmprcd tuit. gtow *dL qnn' duiS lh' @ld {d bfrng<br />

vim6 ..!s win liit . ai!fttl .ffi toficd ild Fxmpd vcad$b 'n fruns dhs<br />

A @ lirc of honjcultuE stdv L oni€d on in pb lrion o' *a'r.ble<br />

gnded and orchlrdr Suc$ m .'dde b al Oov'mndl f'nn d MirDrrkha Th€<br />

s.ogaph,cd !tultio. of Sitdh dlows thc dlrinio' of liuits ecn ts dtr6 (ph@nx<br />

syulv6tns, bc6! (Mue s.!i.mvui)' tulbqrv (Motut Alb) m.[p (M'8rif@<br />

Ftutu gro*in8<br />

N@sry protdrioo fton<br />

wrr-(tl)<br />

e mos $ccstul unds pd.nnitl imstr'on Gvd lhe<br />

lDl dd cold ud for winds cloF P'riod fruils grov v'rv<br />

FoGriY/L.!!.| n.VNd'CF'<br />

lollows lh! @ue of lh' riv" dd D ech<br />

'The ford oi siLlh sdd.llt<br />

sr.!t numbcr of the u. rivd.n lhc* Mtunl lo'c{s dc $pplcftnt'd bv lniici'l<br />

*.ding Arnuil inund.tion r Oc onlv srce or Fil|tion tor th* foErs Th' $Mval<br />

dd sroMh of tn* fordt d.F|(|t upo' lh' i' dinv dunli@ rnd frcqdcv of c<br />

noods condrudio ot b.tr.8o .ti @$.cudl 6pt!|3M of onl tv{d ha gadv<br />

.lt cd lL l.ds Rrvd @6ved Thb h.5 Er|!@d 'i!6 04 !d dE li'qEEr of hisn<br />

llo.ds @lting in lihnio.id ot ii rlE l.vd ofdvqb'd

Dw lo lh. mdn Lrirg Nr@ of6. lndus ndunllv lbwiig on a bddgeq<br />

*vd.l hundrcds h.dc r eod.d !.d d€p$h'd on enhd bel 0ood 5€as Mnunlv<br />

wh€n dy .cqdion talG pl@, efllv silt is innia v o@pi'd bv lduit diei! (l!i)<br />

sr€hldm muj. (rt h), .nd PoPulus dphitic! (hab6n) One thjs ldd is $thiliz'd bv<br />

rc$!& sil dep6itid\ Acao! nilode (b.buu b'bd) @tu dtuiilv dd i5 soft tmd<br />

drifo,lly ..ad@!.d with l[. Datsgp of rirc !'d r'8uL' 3i[ d.?ositioi\ rlE .d<br />

b@G hisl y . t o.c.ion Iv iNfltlicd. Ar ! a4 'lid lPqi6 $'n $ Po$p'3<br />

oEri! (k ,ir) SdLtdon ol@i.Ls (lhbr) Tll1ru 'niolo t||!) nc r.pl4 Aoci'<br />

ijloti@ (bsbul) The yicld of nwrift for*l is<br />

'simr'd to be I 0 m@)@ With bdr'r<br />

iipuis, fi.F torcsts hlw the Pole id lo imprevc $e vi€ld turcdnc fordt sppon<br />

lhousd of P@p!. bv Pdidjng psiudgq fi41mod linbq foddd podt of khlbt<br />

e!i\<br />

lDnc, ltd no}6 td nEdicin"L'<br />

Crtsls inistt d pL.rlliN of Si'd! tlt' l$M G inLd r4€s l@ od<br />

nvo* lddl bul iellr.d frm lfll8 flood w'16 b onhd dnb"kns s @bltud'd<br />

in the l93os. P..!6ilt rh. pllnlalios e itri9t'rl ftod suklur l(olrl &d Glddu<br />

B.trls.s inigtron syst.ms. D.lbagj. sisshkh@) is rh' roin spdid rtoM i' Uppd<br />

Sindh pl&tutions, wnib Asi! njlotio (t6buUb!bt) is Ej!€d in |h' lowc' Sindh<br />

Euo&rtus emtidul.nsis (btd{_mushk) is bans i6asnslv plm'd if, rlE dnG<br />

pld|'tiotr s il s t fad gresng ttc us€d for i lurdl F| por6 O d std6 Stos in<br />

rh. itrigr.d pld.rio of Si'dh & Sdtu|n Lb'!i$n (Sdtl) Moot Alb!<br />

(Mulbdry). sFgiun oFlnn ConlgF|i leifoliu (Ko/Elhopdtcil) tnd l.tl.ld<br />

ld.d.plEb) (lpil IPil)<br />

M&grov€3 d !| Pr.s' b'ina dd'lop'd '5 inpon'd dsttl for613 wlh<br />

grdr potmriil Th* lodls arc lql'd i' lhc d'lilic rcgn[ of l'dus Ritr in Kmchl<br />

.rd Th{6 Dierid Th* fd6ls !. uniquclv 'd'Pr'd |o w||d l+g'd 'rn Orvgd'<br />

d.licdl tdd md n{! whc. m olhd pL tMr6 { elt rold'd 3p66 ' v'cm6<br />

nuu (|i.lff' @turtuB e4'. of th. rord vcSd'r'on 'n rle !6 orln Mn +ci5<br />

srosing in @8tovc tbrcet s' @ti'opt t'8al (clud) lid Rnia9hoa tuqool'<br />

(t!mni) Th.* l016t3. b.ndes nlung dviroffi'tt'l vd* sls prord rhc Ks&hi 'rd<br />

Bin Qasim poss from sill.tion !d dosio' Tlt, lcl 6 p'fd br-di's grcu'd ror<br />

shdm , ud fodd.r ld litdrel

nr ro,Thrr/Roctt Kohi .o<br />

Th. dns.Lnd of Sind[ miilv ldt d in rh' sndvThd ad r@tv Kolisrd<br />

$bsist o. fi. s@nty ed e@lic minf.ll, whc.e grow oDv srub rnd gr$ sp'c'€s sch<br />

$ r@M uxlulan (lo[irc). C.pes .phvlh Gint) n|vtdm pdica Stlvld@<br />

oloid* Gn bs), A@i. Scn grl (Konblul). Aqir sv,i i@ia nildiq (b'bul/br!a)'<br />

Aftir Jac{um ii (buri), cahropis Pr@B (!rk). Rei'ls ommuniqs (h€run)<br />

PGpb julifoB (ddi), P@ePis gLndlo$ (ddi) Plosi! didu (trndi) Zi4?hvu!<br />

nunLri! (olui), Ziapt[s |@turie (bd)' Comipls' mu*r'l (kl *h") cdrrru<br />

cilidrs (dh.tu.), Cili.ru t'ifloG bhtn) Cnru us @tucv nit (tuho) Biliph@s<br />

cindic8, C@inj. ddifoli. (sol6o), Ajnida d.p@ (lunb), cvnboposs'<br />

jter.@$ (k.rtF.i} hniurturssidm GmFd dlis@n polvsdid6 (Pl6g) TrE<br />

drgdtid $ppon loel .s $dl a higdrorv livd@r hdd5 thtl d.gri Fon itig'ld<br />

@i The rlg€ @ldition had deleriontcd du. to 'xlrdElv t@ &d 'mti' prtld or<br />

6in6ll !i !i@rl.in la.d raurc." (52)<br />

nl Anirnrl Activig<br />

Ani..l ldivily io Shdh hs iNdlcd 1o c.rq lh' crtt rul'$ It is erliclv<br />

@s.d by middl.fll\ ii Si.dh aibotlclv wlt h" ids*d !d !t rhii dtu n is<br />

inlroduc€d dl ow. tutin& W. ltv. pdndlv ob*Rcd thlt 't kLnab'd Mai<br />

Llnor. s.d P6h*r shops e. op.n€

@t of MutliF rtd *!od6 L.qc m.l trw w tlE Pdi$ in<br />

(51)<br />

o). The Minc.{l W€{llh<br />

TtE 6plodion oa (e rhing, is i*6!i8 d'v bv dtv ic 1988 to 2000<br />

$ my oil vdls c ao{nd in Sindn tt d. ..ft ritr orhd td|)l6 & de rv'iLbL<br />

h Si.dh $s. is LaDc L&td cod D.ldoP|6l comp&v ! Joint v6tua o' tle<br />

Covcrnia.t of Pakbie. WAPDA $d the Go@ir1tMt of SindL hts he' fomed lo<br />

d*lo! t 18. solc of ninins of r|E r,ttld d'lort b $ppt a Prcpot'd WAPDA<br />

po€ d|nt .arbt d Kn t tc. n* taDC h.s drg'g'd ' CIiIE 6rn ro Dr@at' ' sudv<br />

@ hir 4i9.d r qlnirc td r 2oO MW coal 6itd P(|M Phnl ff,lcd bv Lrru<br />

Cod D.vdoDrenl ComtrnY.<br />

Ks3)<br />

COAL<br />

-TNERAL<br />




Pi(oDucrloN (in 'ooo' t98<br />

t99<br />

p). D€bt Sttius<br />

2.115,197<br />

14.1t2<br />

S-@ sir'dn so{ *.tdt.<br />

So miy &r||E.tt

Kf|cfti. In tig row ldq lvPe of eotds N rlEa ttd limir'd opDon@16 e oq<br />

rI PosLl lnd Tclcconnunicrtion<br />

This t.blc show rhtr<br />

R.dio li@s .c d€cenng<br />

TV sd3 @ r@.4 Posl<br />

Etr-dffioic dNiaEs-:-<br />


t997'199i 198-99<br />

ffi<br />

1,805<br />

t.872<br />

14.923<br />

?4,650<br />

7E6,?96<br />

900.626<br />

?0,005<br />

2,96<br />


i--v sETs PErooo"HousE Hor,Ds<br />

t91G1l<br />

28 89<br />

A.*I|k<br />

5i sr*rgoq.o'irc<br />

lll. Pu.pole of this Stldy<br />

Th. purPo* io b. .ndncd, bv wnd's th's ludv 6<br />

I To @llat fldr .nd fi8!r6 on th"xisinA ondilio's of rsto-<br />

r T. ddult€ thc D.rfotue of go*nm tnd NGos dd rher impacr i'<br />

i*l;'iit-i'-iL .r s"'ah: 'nd dd.rir ttt sosh n'c or 'tdt<br />

I To ui.k i.,*l rn. slwc of nwi6 rn B'ngF Ara Dopl' in lh'<br />

NhctgrBl of rhb 8od .nd oths rcl{t" o!,4r€<br />

4 To dt. . d4.tls bal6 rh' tgloi'!'d i'dusltid ol Ttu Hth<br />

AanlEp Aro and d.lul' 'l with other td 'r nc63<br />

5 To t elr . boEtn vilid bt ahrdns E roL ol'aDrt'ed ndlrn 'n<br />

Lh. @nomc &vclopMt orThar Dstncr<br />

6 To lsd d. ldd of i@ft .dl e4sEd mt3 rtd .6 b<br />

-dE 'dd*<br />

(t flltin! lcvel s *.ll s cr'de iMtrv'3 ror rDr<br />

? To dbL PLnF\ Poli', M'rcs" hGrd !d aNi*so<br />

@ nb{t. i. rh. Ptu8@<br />

of thb indurq<br />


E To do06gp Tlwi€s ro p.niciPd. in thi! i !m g@.6tittg indtlrrv<br />

9 To girc . dd tiion of d.vdoF6t of lgren !.d indutrv lqdiig Thr<br />

inro e ndu.ai.l @Mry.<br />

lV. Scop€ OfThi! StudY<br />

TIE Agtc6.!.d idlslry, 6 r $b-std. PhYs u inpo.l! reL in lh.<br />

@mmy of e, dnt.Y. lt .le Pbvid.. r .situdglE tumbd of jobt in bo|||- N6l<br />

rdurb|A .l@oflh.@ ry'<br />

nE dh on .gro.b.!.d inddlrv' 3'* €e 8d Nitrl $tu taliccs" litflcr<br />

.id cdu.{ion l *lF @ps..d eith ods d.r on *@mk clsn'rdtdcr' 't p@idts<br />

iGig|n iito d€ fr.rds rd pl@s of si.L @wic ltd d@ftlphk 'htngrs'<br />

T1la* chrn86 @ lqy inpotur'r fo' ltE lomhdd o' Poli'ypLnn''8 sd<br />

.dnii3t'.lbd of ProstmFd fot @dtw $d *id d'v€lo9f,s't<br />

V. Hypolh..!<br />

A Th. Ain of Atbn.rih of Po6rv Ct bG AdF&d f Lql orgrunims<br />

" "-,iJi**,iiJJor. a'aLa {als {e E"ong'd bv Pov'diig<br />

Awso's b P@Pk o'Tha<br />

(Allvilioo of Pownv _ tad o4tniz!|iod + Livd€t)<br />

B P.oBE !n horFtit of fuDtred tndutry w@H tad Tnt ro e<br />

{OGd.Fdr oarlet = !@l qluiaxd6 r uvciod + Rd& + ELdE6<br />

l. bi ..aod for dinin rilg runl povcrv. bong<br />

'<br />

d;loDm oa.sro{.s.di'donn6<br />

2 Cralk of lstqB.trdrs TntB |o u ddv fd"d fmLd! for lh'<br />

!|lr'os of fodd6 fot liv€ir@t<br />

l<br />

lnnodldion ofdtrcfDrnla 3t!rd ld sfav drs<br />

BnnginS up liE tNt{ (uim.L lirhn !Pci6 r& lidlp- sr nd h!d) bv<br />

producing 6$lc nut6i.l ud inlrod*ing shqi-l@ bc @ dtdndd<br />


5. Slcp3 for con!.rvdioo of 6ngEland bv plstinS indrgdo6 dnd €bIic planls<br />

6. Taitiry to uiddst nd thc blncfrs of mqoP3 (un$s!d trm'al v.3dltion)<br />

ddm heFctic.lcdcdltios<br />

t. Thtdu ndurrd ccomtrt<br />

E. PiitinS of in@hc l@l ofP.oPlG<br />

9. En omgltrcd oflocrl ifilSoroB stils &d kme'h'w<br />

lO. Bo.frt to Poo. .l gns rdr lcvd<br />

ll Mlion of! bdgh tulc<br />

12. To Prcvi& l.d $!'1s pot!'sioi (bd' ud liwto't) lo ttE poor Thui6<br />

13. R.docrion in nisrdon of ittdi8dro{t k'd'n dpd!' ald 3r 'd Poplc<br />

having !moe'ho* oftlE rctt<br />

14 Boo6l protbdon of tgobts'd ind!'ry'<br />

vl. Re!.nrcb Methodolo6l<br />

Dala vt! @Uccred to tchbve th' rclult for thc pdrPoe t'oF !d ht?olhds<br />

of rhis $idy Fd tlE coU.did of d'tA th'r! s' two tt?'! of cf€ra'€ |nd $urc''<br />

A, Primtry 9ource<br />

TIF n tho4 for @iduding inquid€r ii odd to 6lld pnflrv fi! of<br />

@b...d indti.Y. d b' of $r'€ tP"<br />

i cle Studv Mdno

goqrnqr o6ci.l'. Pd Rdds. SAZDA Ttu Sadr'<br />

t 6 .le @lk lcd b {6titcs ot c'owtntErt of sindh !d Thd'<br />

Gr.nq B.nk orB..8l.d.6t Runl dddoPtc{ sudid 'r|d ornas<br />

I is tunhd @['dcd bv NCG sd Snr(lis of fosg't ongn r@<br />

dmitd s1!d6 or ooruilq Sdntlit l|dntr GoF r dd tridir n3 ofRdlird<br />

V . Llmitaoona antl OefiGlenckls<br />

rhc qtdn ofd.r. ..o"--v ofthit tldy ls @lrci'4 it ba ed<br />

l. In Fo6t 6s.s, rlE incd' td Fqrot5 ti utt'd('td: $d'&rc {itv<br />

@!ld d appllcilt. lhc inPonatuc of {tb nldv *T * * *<br />

;;;;i,,r"**"r"rrc!ort'niotror{Evhdi'i'dro'wr or<br />

*n *o.n- Du' to $i! den th' infodtdon FodLd bv than dv<br />

t offi ot tddl cd ho$d'old dnfrdu6 do mr dirrln Ptota<br />

.l'Dn|s orrr,gr trsin* rnnttcno Th'r'foe lh infondim dlrngro<br />

il;"*" ."<br />

'** " c'rod'r'd on {E b's 6f trE hsr mnrh s<br />

r iP uu.t iMft dltl uttdd difiadl hanl5 of r4dx cdld mt b'<br />

;; au. to th' r'c1 rh'r t'v frqu'ntlv Gh!s' rh'i h**<br />

ili* ," .-'cy fd d' wtitrg tvp€ of hnsi6 dorc dunng<br />

" ""<br />

dF Y.a. d.Y .ot b' @d@r<br />

a Thar n6d. of b'!iE d"qd. d tt' qi5rhg itu'rion t ftrq'Dl'<br />

"onaiio* ro, " t"tl"o' lf condhion i3 f'r!'sL dtn i@* mv 'Nras<br />

hcyo'd tlxft dt"[166<br />

( lt r@! @v 'Mlht ro @Fpld' rhc qldi(ror6 Th' d'Mtcd dd' of<br />

'-"i u-*. n - "-<br />

on ' fia'd M'rth rhd' dv 'l$ b' lrE

infldE of ssodl iodrdi"' on lh' .dtu1 of dnrl' Tls'forc' llE<br />

a@r.cl of dar. fo. th' qrtmg tvPd of bui6 dore dunns $' v{ Nv<br />

VlIl. Conclusion<br />

Frcm thc d'aliLd tudv of fi' tlblc cluptd w @ftlld' thll lor or<br />

ldond'y dd! Fltt.d lo th' subj"t dd ncc$s!ry fd lh' dissio' is Sivo in thi3<br />

i"* in*O * t *' i! 6od dc ccs I ee8 ror rhdpdle 8nd<br />

"" 'ltsprd 'Gpon<br />

JL-* "irt"n t* *' is n@ v'rid 'i't"ont' th' od* s,* b'cu5' or<br />

i*r"ion or *.v uoav in rr'" -riontl s.!!v' obsd'/ins rhc b'cksrdrd w @ndu@<br />

;; ,, * di$dvdbsp r'ed wbd w @nsldd upon rn' d€nognPhc'<br />

.*, .-'*-<br />

"**<br />

'"'*<br />

ro tmw rhal banslc dca is no€ addlaged io<br />

0or" hls dd livdro& in dads lho w @*<br />

'w'v G461'<br />

Ihd i5 good oi v for tiv*to'k ss ed rcn'@ps GDsdMd Pldndio')'<br />

*- * ,",i" L"-i-'"- d'b thd * 6G to kd tur .. rl* Fi'rv rdcl<br />

;;;<br />

;;;;;,<br />

*"*<br />

;;<br />

"''' "ucn bdd th rn'rP!*r tn Middr''r's'nd uP ro<br />

;..*'<br />

"'io orrhlrP&*s t m!'h bat' rhu bdas' da orsindh<br />

" t" *'* * *sl8r!d!dc led b"r4e d is linl' iishd in nto ti'n<br />

Th.rptdd du.lo low f&ilili6 t@hbt' ii Thuptr&<br />

T|E MiEral5 ol Tltstpdtd nv pro* dE b'rtq Od bsnrg' tr"' if<br />

qpfoaa uO-roca popfc r" gid b Nr !|(t rcv'ttv it sl6 Tlft t roig_<br />

'htEd<br />

1,.--* * t*"'<br />

"*n the policv of fie solFndtn Ar th' ldct of i6n'd'trc<br />

'ffi;-;"; or rhd rh"c i3 i"d or iiD'ov'Mt or<br />

^"nscrand.<br />

,fr'.,;" .* u'**t rlE tutue of Tb' i livd@l sirh lcll'Ids'd<br />

il;:;;;<br />

" ; t""'wo<br />

ronutdro.tr6i'ion o'pov'nvmddsropnor or<br />

r Nldi{ion ofpov.nt in Tht 'Ptfth'F (toct! o4l.iatdt '<br />

2 DcvdoFFt = Pdrh'v.l (lo"t o'8'o2'i6) + Ut'.ldr '

I R!d.41 Htni.A Tdelh+Rlgi@ Pan_ll lHddY ot Thd Dsd a€ of<br />

' ii.i; j,'ari il si"ar" r"'8u"J") tsindh' Ad"bi oo'a t!fthoo Hvddibld'<br />

Sindh 1988) PP 4, t<br />

Si'$hka Aod,anY, 42.!<br />

ffffio*" 6fii8 rsqr' u" "dnrn odo6d 1006<br />

i:ontNr..rotr\ K{tli. Po Box No IrD''<br />

ffi.11'"fr'W.-"-*ffiffi*m<br />

Sindh 1988) P aot<br />

Sindt 1988)P291<br />

-..rffi<br />

.ll ftlisr "r rn! D64 ry "I<br />

i A.ltbi Bor4 J.n5|bo. trY..t|M'<br />

04 (sitc dddor.d bY s{gA4,Da9!!'Y'<br />

i.iiliiJrJr"T rin qrt' tuo'|.tco u't t<br />

" 3iiffi #fl f, *S*#;I#;"'lTS'"1lil#iJff<br />

;*" *'<br />

ffi D<br />

is};r,8"ru.1'I*r tstrffi{trr tur-urrcrrf s.* rr'.ir'iia"- r'nrl (scFlu K Mry I93) p 4<br />

'" t**ffi",9,'i6*i* flsffiffiffi<br />

fi-wrceo s"* ,r* ir',ia- t""o (scrlu K Mr reol) P 4<br />

"3i1ffi f tff .ffi .*#"@,0*.*.i; j#S"ill'H';#il1';*<br />

ilfiiff ';,Ti1'}ifr''.or .r'rr'. u'rar.'* cua''i<br />

12 Arif Hts. Dr riom A HtdY<br />

ft*n<br />

rcerr s.'.,,-&ii- i'"aiscrlu r v'v to$t p n-r<br />

l3 Arif Hrs\ Dr' Fioo A HtdY<br />

Evdn rion 1993 (Gdtfrmq*<br />

ii-fiTi"dl\ u"i,a ui'" oitl'-:<br />


p Disrrit cdus<br />

9!, (poFiatiof, @$s ol8.nr.|br<br />

(UNCEF) Slc ih. Chrldd lund {SCF)'U K Mav -laal)<br />

ffi;iG"*<br />

r.t"-brd s!flotrbd leeel P I I<br />

AriaHastl! Dr. Fiom A tlsrdY l<br />

d"ir'i ; F",'d rscFlu K M'v rcer'Pt?-8<br />

'' Sff#"'S;"'i*;'&.Jr*if;d'i-iiiF'"i'1.*ct'it-t<br />

ftftt#;a-"*<br />

16.<br />

l7<br />

lp.6<br />

CDFrnio @ss d8&izrlio'r'<br />

IE,<br />

Htr;ffi ffi m' Iifrmruu s'etaib'r reee) P ]o<br />

ffibliff-il F'a.' uni*ar'r* ct'u-r<br />

19 AdfHts!.4 Dr' Fiod A HrdY<br />

ffifficrn<br />

s"* ,r' 6ia..i""a rscFlu K M'v re3) p I I<br />

20 2oAnf H.!s o. FioM A HrdY I<br />

tlgl(cisn'cn or S'd\ U'ncd N{i'B Chldm ! Fund<br />

6cEn s.s rh. cnildm Fund lscFlu K Mrt 1943) p 12<br />

2l AnfHssd, Dr Fions A HadY<br />

il' r6i6;;;i't s'r9!.. YfliiYI<br />

ftS5.en<br />

s.* *liiii- i'tiicFru ( M'v rg0r) p 12<br />

id.'-*"i J si"ar, u"i'"a-"ur"*<br />

ffifw.en s"". *ii,ii*i'"aisc+u K Mlv rea])pr2<br />

"$[ft:ffiffikffiffii<br />

z2 tuifHlssdr Dr Fid A gedY<br />

" ilHfr ",s.'Hl"l*',.rytr ffiSffi-=;<br />

ftffiii'.*iiii'-i"tiv tru K M'v raol)pp rr14<br />

t5 Anf tlrs$. ttr t'ont A tltdY<br />

ill,S#'";,"i6.'i'-i .*-'"'1, i-" "Jl:i,jllf l:<br />

frffiffi-* A;;;;;iicrru r v"Y teet P'a<br />

ffi"-"-i*mi#ffi<br />


;.r;;'*;r ic."**"i .;1-14t " t111;1i'5Ji<br />

2?. Adf Hasa D. Fi@A HrdY<br />

E-rtcerr<br />

sr*,t*ii'ra,- rund (scr)_L k M'vIe9lrPlr<br />

"ffi#ffi*<br />

29 Anf lla$d, Dr Fr@ A HlrdY<br />

s"*,r.ii ;i; (scFlu K Mav rer)pD 1516<br />

J2<br />

r Poi..r (I&O!<br />

1i!!) (Mithi<br />

il:ffffi"'"'",' &;i;r eTlg5l5Ji:""i.!|"-'<br />

ffi-urirceD<br />

ilfi;.,il (c;,-i :1^..'fl; YTi"J,T:l:<br />

frr.,r*-rcerr<br />

l0 Arir tus'\ Dr' F od A HddY<br />

s'*,r' iirii-i'"4 rs€Flu K M'v ree,) P 16<br />

;iffi ;ir-6;;; "r'-i"11'. YT4JT:'T:<br />

3l tuiltltsa Dr' fiod A HddY<br />

14.<br />

J5<br />

ffi-rcen<br />

1999)pPl4<br />

s"*,r,. &ii-i''a iscFtsu v' M'v r99])P re<br />

kd N!!. (lsLfrbrd PoPllation 6:3<br />

*#t*ttffi" i'ffiifi 'r'L'iJ s-"'t"<br />

I<br />

fT<br />

#-"*.**,!H*i"'m't'ffi;<br />

#;,l'ffffi;"f$iiltl'ffi1<br />

ffi ,trkffi t'--*..-+*# j!**;f ii,T#.*mT*ffi :<br />

ffi tr","*-'t#"""*;,['iiililf<br />

;"f $15"!]'"Hil<br />

-Anf ll.$. or roM H'rdv f<br />

t*t. {GovcmnHt ot S'dlL Udtrt Na'ons^Cfildrd ! | md<br />

""ta,-<br />

pD le_10<br />

rurrt erl sr* rr,. Cnoo r"in (scFru K M'v l9el)<br />

i* **"***' q-,, :."= y**::"*1 u***1 ffi<br />

+l$ilT jfr ;ffi @-D""d"F"''-Pdte&R'r'<br />

aon$hsG 1999) PP ll-lt<br />


42<br />

p98<br />

46D<br />

R f<br />

& (lr@b!d Popularion ..Ns<br />

of P.l6t a l3lrnEh.d S.l.nb.r<br />

. (khm.bad PoPur.r'oo dss<br />

ofhliru lCm.b.d MtY 2001)<br />

, o.L.Ebrdr<br />

pofol.rid cog3<br />

suri5tics Divisron, covcmddl of P.trne, lsltrobld MsY 2001)<br />

orr|nia|in $!dcn Diviiotl<br />

pp 3l-14<br />

pp.l08-109<br />

IgD, (dcnb!l| Populaton @$t<br />

6ffi.r of Pdtic.a tn.mbd r''laY 20ot)<br />

nd! UrE (C.trd.d toFid'on<br />

ffiii6i6o"i'o', ao*i*nr or P.kisr'tr r3r'n'b!d Mlv<br />

48 !'uy'/ M!on.@m PU 5/12lO0O<br />

49 htrp]M b.@d6@tr/3ro.v/SOOOD/SOl04/SDl0427hm<br />

to Covl. of sindh, oftcid wcb3ir..hltp //lw Siidn sov<br />

ffiffii:i;ffi.66r--ul""<br />

@21-29<br />

pp29-30<br />

n/2000{lgllla!rl,.hld<br />

pusiidh tt-aianc'/<br />

2ool)<br />

!99!, (l3l.m.b!d PoPol.td csus<br />

c.".*i ot PltBh rclubcd Mrt 200r)<br />

ffid<br />

r04/sDl04?<br />

!998. 0C! b.d PoPul.r'd @$t<br />

oa P.Ldd lsldb.d M'Y ]mll<br />

5l Govr of Sidn omcirl w.hit. hrp: //w Sindh gov plJsindh tr 't lrrccl

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