Revisit Fables' Beautiful, Groundbreaking Comic Book Covers

Let's celebrate some of the best cover artwork comics fans have ever seen.
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James Jean/Vertigo

Today DC Entertainment/Vertigo is releasing the final issue of Fables. A fantasy series that asked what happened after "happily ever after" years before Once Upon a Time, it was as witty as it was insightful and it's wrapping up a fantastic run.

But as funny and smart as writer Bill Willingham's 13-year epic has been, one thing about Fables really stands out: It had some of the best cover artwork ever created.

From early illustrations by James Jean, who covered the series through its 81st issue, to later cover artists including Joao Ruas and Nimit Malavia, Fables has consistently had some of the most beautiful covers of anyone has ever seen, setting the pace for cover artwork not only inside the comic book industry, but beyond. To mark the end of Fables' run, here are some of the best covers from the last 150 issues.