The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

The genius behind Zelda is at the peak of his power — and feeling his age

Eiji Aonuma designed marionettes before overseeing the wildly popular video game series. Its latest title, ‘Tears of the Kingdom,’ has sold 10 million copies.

Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma: “I would really be happy if our game encourages imaginative thinking in people, and that they could carry that into their real lives.” (Mary Inhea Kang for The Washington Post )
10 min

NEW YORK — Eiji Aonuma is tired.

He’s played “The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom” 20 times over the past few years, to test early versions of the title he oversaw as producer. It used to take him days to play through a game. Now it’s a week and a half.