The Mega Duck WG-108 (also known as Cougar Boy) is a handheld game console that was produced by Hong Kong-based Welback Holdings through its Timlex International division and came on the market in 1993. [1]

It was marketed under various different brands worldwide including Creatronic and Videojet. It was sold for about fl 129 in the Netherlands, and for a similar price in France and Germany.

In South America (mainly in Brazil), the Chinese-made Creatronic version was distributed by Cougar USA, also known as "Cougar Electronic Organization", and sold as the "Cougar Boy".

The cartridges are very similar to those of the Watara Supervision, but slightly narrower with fewer contacts (36 pins, whereas Supervision cartridges have 40). Conceptually, the electronics inside the Supervision and the Mega Duck are also very similar. The position of the volume controls, contrast controls, buttons, and connectors are virtually identical. However, the LCD of the Supervision is larger than the Mega Duck's.

The Cougar Boy came with a 4-in-one game cartridge and a stereo earphone.

With an external joystick (not included) two players could play against each other simultaneously.

Publication number USD349929 S Publication type Grant Application number US 29/008,818 Publication date 23 Aug 1994 Filing date 27 May 1993 Priority date 4 Dec 1992 Inventors Siu Y. Lee Original Assignee Timlex International Ltd. Export Citation BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan



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