Jack Skellington "The Nightmare Before Christmas" Halloween Makeup Tutorial

Jack is back.
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Photo: Kelly Teacher

Halloween costume trends come and go, but one constant in the fleeting world of dress-up is the iconic skeleton. And who better to look to than Jack Skellington from the classic film The Nightmare Before Christmas, AKA the first creature to give me literal nightmares as a child. So, we decided to celebrate the timeless Pumpkin King with a makeup tutorial right in time for his holiday. This transformation requires a little more TLC to your skin than some of the standard Halloween makeup moves, since it involves turning inside-out. So, make sure you're stocked with primer and face painting products that are skin-safe for your skull's debut. Watch and learn how to instantly become bad to the bone this Halloween.

And catch The Nightmare Before Christmas streaming on Netflix now.

Related: How to Turn Into Nancy From The Craft Right in Time for Halloween

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