La Palabra Del Día "hondamente"

La Palabra Del Día "hondamente"


hondamente ( ohn-dah-mehn'-teh )

adverb ( deeply, profoundly )

Welcome to La Palabra Del Día

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There are many native English speakers here, most of us can offer great suggestions to the English sentences. I will do my best to go through them all, too. For the Spanish sentences, edit your posts according to the native Spanish speaker's suggestions. Use today's Word of the Day in your own Spanish sentence (and include the English translation as well). Try to use the word in a completely new way and vote on the sentences you like best. The winner will be chosen based upon the correct use of the word as well as the number of votes.


Write sentences at least 5 words long, but don't write a paragraph either. Write your Spanish sentence, but include the English translation as well. Make the corrections suggested by other users and moderators in the comments section (try not to use personal pronouns unless absolutely necessary). Use your own words! (Don't use a translator, copy from a book, use song lyrics, etc.) Please keep political, religious or personal statements to a minimum. This is a practice game.

How to post a picture

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1: Después de las terapias, los novios se dieron cuenta que seguían amándose hondamente.

After their therapy sessions, the couple realized they still loved each other deeply.

2: Antes de enojarte, respira hondamente y cuenta hasta diez.

Before you get mad, breathe deeply and count to ten.

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updated Mar 9, 2017
posted by rac1
Gracias princesa xx - ian-hill, Feb 12, 2017
Mi amor , lo hago, lo hago . How are you lovely gitl ? - ray76, Feb 12, 2017
Morning mod mates. xoxo - rac1, Feb 12, 2017

9 Answers


"Sentí hondamente el bochorno de haberme caído el pantalón en el centro comercial, y todo por no haberme puesto cinturón."

"I was profoundly embarrassed by my pants falling down in the mall, and all because I had neglected to wear a belt."

updated Jun 8, 2017
posted by DonBigoteDeLaLancha
Tell me that didn't really happen...lol - rac1, Feb 12, 2017
No, it didn't. It happened in the restaurant where I worked as a busboy. It hard to pull your trousers up while you have a tray of food balanced on one hand above your head. I did get a good tip from the table. - DonBigoteDeLaLancha, Feb 12, 2017
Hahahaha :) - rac1, Feb 12, 2017
What, no pic? ;-) - AnnRon, Feb 12, 2017

Siempre estuve hondamente involucrado en la política, pero hoy estoy

hondamete en el vino porque en el vino hay verdad,

pero en la política hay mentiras.

Mi viticultor dijo eso.

I was always deeply involved in politics , but today I am deeply into wine

because in wine there is truth, but in politics there are lies.

My vintner said that.

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updated Feb 14, 2017
posted by ray76
Thanks, Raymon. xo - rac1, Feb 12, 2017

Muchos expertos están profundamente preocupada sobre la futura del mundo. Según ellos, el problema del cambio del clima es muy serio pero todavía hay muchos políticos que rechazan a creerlo.

Many experts are profoundly worried about the future of the world. According to them the problem of climate change is very serious but still there are many politicians who refuse to believe it.

enter image description here

updated Jun 8, 2017
edited by jennysk
posted by jennysk
To believe or not to believe. :) - rac1, Feb 13, 2017
We need to look at actual facts. - jennysk, Feb 15, 2017

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La música hermosa me afectó hondamente.

The beautiful music affected me profoundly.

updated Jun 8, 2017
posted by kristinmwmoore
Love the piano. :) - rac1, Feb 12, 2017

Me estoy preocupado hondamente por ella por que la última vez que la vi, se ve muy triste y ahora no contesta su teléfono.

I am deeply concerned about her because that last time I saw her she looked very sad and now she is not answering her phone.

updated Jun 8, 2017
posted by hunterr
I hope all is well. :) - rac1, Feb 12, 2017

enter image description here

Estoy hondamente triste viendo las devastaciones de la guerra y el sufrimiento de la gente allí .

I am deeply saddened to see the devastation of war and the suffering of the people there.

updated Feb 12, 2017
posted by porcupine7
I agree with you, amiga. It is devastating. - rac1, Feb 12, 2017

Disparé y di hondamente al blanco con mi arma" (una honda). "I took a shot and my aim was true" (with my slingshot).

updated Jun 8, 2017
posted by DonBigoteDeLaLancha
Like David. :) - rac1, Feb 12, 2017

The man was profoundly ignorant of the obvious truth.

El hombre es hondamente ignorante de la verdad obvia.

updated Jun 8, 2017
posted by Matjam
Good one! - rac1, Feb 12, 2017

Él creía hondamente que va a descubrir las ruinas de una civilización antigua en el hondo del mar cerca de Honduras, pero sus colegas creían que simplemente se estaba metiendo en honduras.

He deeply believed that he was going to discover the ruins of an ancient civilization in the depths of the ocean near Honduras, but his colleagues believed that he was simply out of his depth.

enter image description here

updated Feb 13, 2017
posted by bosquederoble
Little play on words there. lol - rac1, Feb 12, 2017
It is interesting to think about the name of the country Honduras, isn't it. :) - bosquederoble, Feb 12, 2017