La Palabra Del Día: "abocarse"

La Palabra Del Día: "abocarse"


abocarse ( ah-boh-kahr'-se )

verb ( to apply oneself; to meet )

Welcome to La Palabra Del Día

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There are many native English speakers here, most of us can offer great suggestions to the English sentences. I will do my best to go through them all, too. For the Spanish sentences, edit your posts according to the native Spanish speaker's suggestions. Use today's Word of the Day in your own Spanish sentence (and include the English translation as well). Try to use the word in a completely new way and vote on the sentences you like best. The winner will be chosen based upon the correct use of the word as well as the number of votes.


Write sentences at least 5 words long, but don't write a paragraph either. Write your Spanish sentence, but include the English translation as well. Make the corrections suggested by other users and moderators in the comments section (try not to use personal pronouns unless absolutely necessary). Use your own words! (Don't use a translator, copy from a book, use song lyrics, etc.) Please keep political, religious or personal statements to a minimum. This is a practice game.

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How to post a picture

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1: Adam decidió abocarse a escribir su tesis para acabarla definitivamente.

Adam decided to apply himself to writing his thesis to get it done once and for all.

2: Los directores ejecutivos se abocaron para discutir la empresa mixta.

The CEOs met to discuss the joint venture.

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updated Nov 4, 2016
posted by rac1
Hola mod mate , how goes it . - ray76, Sep 28, 2016
Hola Ray, it's going great. How about you? - rac1, Sep 28, 2016
Hola cool chick. Gracias :-)! - Jraider, Sep 28, 2016
Hola chico, de nada. :):) - rac1, Sep 28, 2016

8 Answers


A veces me pregunto y a la misma vez peleo conmigo mismo, ¿si de verdad uno debe abocarse a las normas de una carrera? Si las mismas normas son las que tienen el mundo en un desbalance. (todavía pensando en mi acción)

Sometimes I ask myself and fight with myself that, If one really has to meet with the norms of a career? If those same norms are the ones that have this world unbalanced. (still thinking on my course of action)

updated Nov 4, 2016
posted by SalvadorRSPR
I know you will make the right decisions. Hola guapo. :) - rac1, Sep 28, 2016
It's an important cholice. Take your time :-)! - Jraider, Sep 28, 2016
We all need to eat, so sometimes we have to compromise, hopefully not too much. - jennysk, Sep 29, 2016

I've decided to apply myself to reading all about the pathophysiology of epilepsy the whole day, since it's key to figure out its treatment.

He decidido centrarme a estudiar sobre la fisiopatología de la epilepsia durante todo el día, debido a que es fundamental para entender su tratamiento.

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updated Sep 29, 2016
edited by luisssito
posted by luisssito
Keep studying hombre :-)! - Jraider, Sep 28, 2016
Very nice, Luis. I hope you find that cure. :) - rac1, Sep 28, 2016
Rac!!!!!! :) how are you? - luisssito, Sep 29, 2016

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Marie Curie, esta mujer famosa se abocaba a la investigación de la radiactividad, y juntos con su marido anunciaron el descubrimiento de dos nuevos elementos de la tabla periódica; el polonio (al que Marie nombró en honor de su Polonia natal) y el radio.

Marie Curie, this famous woman used to focus on the research of radioactivity, and together with her husband announced the discovery of two new elements of the periodic table; polonium (which Marie named in honor of his native Poland) and radium.

updated Sep 29, 2016
posted by porcupine7
"Marie Curie was the famous woman that focused".... Sounds better, amiga. :) - rac1, Sep 28, 2016
They were dedicated scientists, but they paid a heavy price because of it :-)! - Jraider, Sep 28, 2016
You are right Jraider - porcupine7, Sep 29, 2016
Thanks Rac - porcupine7, Sep 29, 2016

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Vamos a abocarse abocamos con al almuerzo. Lo compraré.

Let's meet for lunch. I'll buy.

updated Sep 29, 2016
edited by Jraider
posted by Jraider
Hola Jraider: "Vamos a abocarnos". Saludos! - LuisCache, Sep 28, 2016
Por supuesto Luis! Dumb mistake.... Gracias :-)! - Jraider, Sep 28, 2016
Look at those claws! - rac1, Sep 28, 2016

Quiero abocarme cada día para completar un número de tareas en el jardín .

I want to devote myself every day to complete a number of tasks in the garden.

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updated Sep 28, 2016
posted by ray76
I have an idea it's work. :) - rac1, Sep 28, 2016
It's hard work Amber but someone has to do it , I am a martyr to the cause ! - ray76, Sep 28, 2016
Working the soil brings you back to square mate :-)! - Jraider, Sep 28, 2016

Los agentes de ventas se abocó con el jefe y crearon una nueva estrategia de mercado.

The sales representatives met with the boss and created a new marketing strategy.

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updated Sep 29, 2016
posted by AnnRon
Don't you just hate that ? - ray76, Sep 29, 2016
Oh, yes, that sounds like fun. lol - rac1, Sep 29, 2016

Hoy nos abocaron para repasar varios asuntos, la mayoría de los que fue muy fácil, pero en un caso otro comité había recomiendo una solución con la que no estábamos de acuerdo, pero no parecía dispuesto a proveernos suficiente información para entender su decisión, así que todo lo que pudimos hacer es crear una contrapropuesta.

Today we met to review a variety of issues, the majority of which were very easy, but in one case another committee had recommended a solution with which we were not in agreement, but did not appear willing to provide us with sufficient information to understand their decision, so that all we were able to do is create a counterproposal.

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updated Sep 29, 2016
edited by bosquederoble
posted by bosquederoble
Is this Congress talking??? ;-)! - Jraider, Sep 28, 2016
Typo: "easy".... :) - rac1, Sep 28, 2016
Thanks, Rac. I almost went with "went very easily". :) - bosquederoble, Sep 28, 2016
I know, you had that left and right brain working at odds. lol - rac1, Sep 28, 2016

Para ser médico hay que abocarse a los estudios por muchos años. Recientamente leí que un médico dijo que aprender la medicina no es dificil pero hay mucho.

To be a doctor one has to apply oneself to one's studies for many years. Recently I read that a doctor said that learning medicine is not difficult, there is just a lot of it.

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updated Sep 29, 2016
edited by jennysk
posted by jennysk
Being a Vet is harder , work that one out mate. - ray76, Sep 29, 2016
more animals? - jennysk, Sep 29, 2016
Either one is a lot of hours, not just for the study, but the amount of time you put in as an intern. - rac1, Sep 29, 2016