acabar que conjugation

acabar que conjugation


Hi again, well, now I have the same question about acabar que + infinitive which I think means "that something has just happened. "

updated Jan 14, 2016
posted by heldin52
I don't know why you haven't received a vote as yet. Thanks for filling out your profile. Daniela has answered your question. - Jubilado, Jan 13, 2016
You post indicates that you had a previous one, but I cannot find it. - Jubilado, Jan 13, 2016
Thanks for filling out your profile , worth a vote from me. - ray76, Jan 14, 2016

2 Answers


It's "acabar de" Acabo de contestar tu pregunta.

"I have just answered your question."

enter image description here

updated Jan 15, 2016
posted by Daniela2041
mañana acabaremos de comer los restos de las fiestas, does that not work? - annierats, Jan 13, 2016
Yes it does. "Tomorrow we will have just finished eating the remains of the fiestas." It's sort of complicated, but correct. - Daniela2041, Jan 13, 2016
:) - FELIZ77, Jan 13, 2016
Thanks daniela. - annierats, Jan 14, 2016

Acabar is very versatile, it can mean to just have finished doing something, to have run out of something, to be done with something.. Yes is again the answer to your question, Just like in English: I'm running out of petrol soon, I have run out of petrol, tomorrow I 'm going to run out of petrol..

updated Jan 13, 2016
posted by annierats
To say "I'm running out of petrol soon" You would use: "pronto se me acaba la gasolina." or"se me acabará." - Daniela2041, Jan 13, 2016
Or even "se me va a agotar" or "se me agotará" (I've got a million of 'em!) - Daniela2041, Jan 13, 2016
:) - FELIZ77, Jan 13, 2016