La Palabra Del Dia: "aislado"

La Palabra Del Dia: "aislado"


aislado ( i-slah'-doh )

adjective ( isolated )

We are currently looking for a corrector for the Spanish sentences. If you are interested, please send me a pm. Susy is unable to continue with this task as she has other obligations that require her attention. In the meantime, please help one another out as you are able.

There are many native English speakers here, most of us can offer great suggestions to the English sentences. I will do my best to go through them all, too. Use today's Word of the Day in your own Spanish sentence (and include the English translation as well). Try to use the word in a completely new way and vote on the sentences you like best. The winner will be chosen based upon the correct use of the word as well as the number of votes.


Write sentences at least 5 words long, but don't write a paragraph either. Write your Spanish sentence, but include the English translation as well. Make the corrections suggested by other users and moderators in the comments section (try not to use personal pronouns unless absolutely necessary). Use your own words! (Don't use a translator, copy from a book, use song lyrics, etc.) Please keep political, religious or personal statements to a minimum. This is a practice game.

How to post a picture

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1. Los sentineleces, quienes viven en el archipiélago indio de Andamán, son considerados como la tribu indígena más aislada del mundo.

The Sentinelese, who live in India's Andaman islands, are considered the most isolated indigenous tribe in the world.

2. Mi vecina es una viejita que tiene una existencia completamente aislada.

My neighbor is a little old woman who has a completely isolated existence.

enter image description here

updated Jun 7, 2014
posted by rac1
My isolation would be complete with you by my side . Thanks for working so hard whilst i have been Absent Without Leave - ray76, Jun 5, 2014
You were not feeling well, that's reason enough. :) - rac1, Jun 5, 2014
Hola Rac, gracias - porcupine7, Jun 5, 2014
:D - sara4ever, Jun 5, 2014
Hola Porcu. De nada. :) - rac1, Jun 5, 2014
Hi Sara. :) - rac1, Jun 5, 2014

15 Answers


Tendríamos que usar una computadora aislada para hacerlo sin problemas.

We would have to use a stand-alone computer to do it without problems.

enter image description here

updated Jun 7, 2014
posted by jphip
Good one mate. - ray76, Jun 5, 2014
Got to be smarter than they are. :) - rac1, Jun 5, 2014

Me gusta estar en una isla , aislada de humanidad por un tiempo.

I like being on an island, isolated from humanity for a while

enter image description here

updated Jun 6, 2014
edited by ray76
posted by ray76
can I come and spoil it for you? - annierats, Jun 5, 2014
It is soooo good , I cannot wait to get back there. - ray76, Jun 5, 2014
I would love to be in that water right now. - rac1, Jun 5, 2014
You could be rac, - ray76, Jun 5, 2014

El templo se halla en un lugar aislado.

The temple is in an isolated spot.

 photo cambodia-phrom_1765495b.jpg

updated Jun 6, 2014
edited by ian-hill
posted by ian-hill
I was just reading about these trees. - rac1, Jun 5, 2014
The temple of the forest is replaced by the temple of man is replaced by the temple of the forest. - Jubilado, Jun 5, 2014
I was there last year it is just incredible , and slightly humbling.Thanks Ian. - ray76, Jun 6, 2014

Me parece que los problemas nunca son aislados, pero ocurren en grupos de tres.

It seems to me that problems never are isolated, but occur in groups of three.

enter image description here

updated Jun 6, 2014
edited by Noetol
posted by Noetol
:D - sara4ever, Jun 5, 2014
Have you got 3 credit cards, by any chance? - annierats, Jun 5, 2014
Es verdad. - osas-baby, Jun 5, 2014
No, his wife has the credit cards. - rac1, Jun 5, 2014

Tener una casa llena de parientes me hace sentir a veces que queria ser aislada por unos dias.

Having the house full of relatives gives me a feeling at times that I would like to be isolated for a few days.

updated Jun 7, 2014
posted by bubamaria
Yes, I feel for you, it's extremely tiring to be unnaturally nice all the time... - annierats, Jun 5, 2014
I know that feeling. :) - rac1, Jun 5, 2014
Would subjunctive "quiera" fit better here? You used the imperfect. Did you mean to use the conditional? - Jubilado, Jun 5, 2014
From Native speaker: El tener la casa llena de parientes me da una sensación a veces que me gustaría estar aislado por unos días. - Jubilado, Jun 6, 2014
Gracias! - bubamaria, Jun 7, 2014

**It seems that a dog, even a puppy, is able to fit in our society pretty well. Do they feel isolated? That is what I always want to know.

Parece que un perro, incluso un cachorro, es capaz de caber muy bien en nuestra sociedad. ¿Se sienten aislados? Esto es lo que siempre quiero saber.**

updated Jun 6, 2014
posted by sara4ever
I hope they feel loved. :) - rac1, Jun 5, 2014
Los perros no crecen sano como aislados. Son animales sociales como seres humanos. - Jubilado, Jun 5, 2014
Hola amigos! - sara4ever, Jun 6, 2014

enter image description here

Tu puedes ser aislado por un tiempo, pero ni modo, el mundo te alcanza tarde o temprano.

You can be isolated for a while, but not always, the world reaches you sooner or later.

updated Jun 6, 2014
edited by porcupine7
posted by porcupine7
¡Es verdad! - sara4ever, Jun 5, 2014
Suggestion: ...."while, but not for long because".... - rac1, Jun 5, 2014
I agree with rac1, or you can say: "but not always". - Jubilado, Jun 5, 2014
Gracias amigos - porcupine7, Jun 6, 2014

En cuidado de la salud,los pacientes que enfermedades contagiosas a menudo son mantenidos en aislamiento.

In health care,patients who have contagious diseases are often kept in isolation.

enter image description here

updated Jun 6, 2014
posted by osas-baby
Oh yes..I always feel for the medical personnel that care for them too. - rac1, Jun 5, 2014

La campesina tan guapa tenía un app que convirtió su móvil en linterna . Con la ayuda de aquello rayito brilliante de luz pudieron ver que estaban en un túnel que daba a una gran bodega, en un sitio aislado. Olía de vino, un olor bastante agradable. La jaula de las gallinas se había roto y las gallinas ya anduvieron sueltas..

The good looking countrywoman had a mobile phone app that worked as a torch. With the help of that little shaft of brilliant light, they were able to see that they were in a tunnel that lead to a huge cellar, in an isolated place. There was a smell of wine, a rather pleasant smell. The chicken-cage had broken and the hens were now roaming free.

enter image description here

updated Jun 6, 2014
edited by annierats
posted by annierats
Amazingly , I was in a cave system without a torch last visit and then all these young kids came along with I phones and lit the place up , it was fantastic , I want one . - ray76, Jun 5, 2014
The chickens were looking for the wine. - rac1, Jun 5, 2014

Es muy injusto para mantener a las personas autistas aisladas.

It's very unfair to keep autistic people isolated.

enter image description here

updated Jun 6, 2014
posted by nahian003
It does not help them one bit. - rac1, Jun 5, 2014
But , understand their world, and offer them what they need , do not be disappointed if they react differently . We are all the same in a different way. - ray76, Jun 6, 2014
I agree with you amigos. - nahian003, Jun 6, 2014

In the book titled The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe, published in 1719, Robinson Crusoe was isolated for twenty seven years on a desert Island.

En el libro titulado ´La vida y las aventuras de Robinson Crusoe´ por Daniel Defoe, publicada en 1719, Robinson Crusoe se aisló por veintisiete años en una isla desierta.

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updated Jun 6, 2014
posted by GabriellaMonique
Great classic! - rac1, Jun 5, 2014

Pensábamos que era solo un problema aislado ,pero cuando hablamos con los otros,nos dimos cuenta de que casi todos estaba afectado.

We thought that it was an isolated problem, but when we talked to the others, we realised that nearly everyone was affected .

updated Jun 6, 2014
posted by aocroc
By what...is the big question. - rac1, Jun 5, 2014
I thought you might ask, I don't know either - aocroc, Jun 5, 2014
Lol - rac1, Jun 5, 2014

There are many isolated villages in western Alaska.

Hay muchos pueblos aislados en Alaska occidental.

enter image description here Unalakleet, Alaska - que una vez que fue mi hogar. (that was once my home)

enter image description here Mi iglesia cubierto de nieve one winter's day... Unalakleet, AK.

updated Jun 6, 2014
edited by Esteban_317
posted by Esteban_317
Esteban, your pictures convey the word perfectly. Perfectly. - annierats, Jun 5, 2014
Very nice. I love the photos. :) - rac1, Jun 5, 2014
gracias annie(s) : - ) . . . - Esteban_317, Jun 6, 2014

Los prisioneros son mantenidos a veces aislada para su propia protección o para el castigo.

Prisoners are sometimes kept isolated for their own protection or for punishment.

enter image description here

updated Jun 6, 2014
posted by AnnRon
Hopefully in the right way. - rac1, Jun 5, 2014
Tis an isolation in an isolation - most sad! - Jubilado, Jun 5, 2014

Si las personas son aisladas pero no lo eligieron, pueden hacerse deprimidas. Por otra parte, aislamiento voluntario puede ser muy valioso para la mente. Por eso, pasar un rato aislado es una parte de varios religiones.

If people are isolated but did not choose it, they can become depressed. On the other hand, voluntary isolation can be very valuable for the mind. Thus, to spend some time isolated is a part of many religions.

enter image description here

updated Jun 6, 2014
edited by jennysk
posted by jennysk
Yes, it can be good or bad. - rac1, Jun 6, 2014