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tsbe be Sign. NoeBOOk My

been conlention
ho dalphio Phila
the pOeuced
by uoas which IM&1
ttn Thesamaind stu nteaa
al intet
ond economc ditnctiue
the colonies
but Amui
AConon thateen the
olunit f Wax AmuÍt
on h

oiee gnd stae statel, dange and small hte

between ederalists nd Ati-federalie
The Contthutton Hay tothen asa
victagy Q org notional govesonet:
doth constttidton g2 87

Belovi thh consttuton, Ahuxto nad goveOns

y thu Atides g Confeduation froh
o 81-+th Astlctes salsguandad the sule g
thedon ynds phickHhethirtcen state
sutabndthet. fndividial 30verelnty s
Antionig aÀgLoase -conedtitn. Undux
govehmen ar coganÍACd, ho.cenbal cote
Iaeecuate eeutive puouidad
ThAe axteles cuatidq congess in thefor
an adulacy baoly to thethiteen Calone
&lase andsthad lim poaens
Uhds th Atliless thu pauin gven tbo
My NoteBo0k
gtnunatg poules Bt Aotlles eould notbe
bmende'eouly as ranes consod
thlateenAtotu as Jugustd to mahoy
amerdment and also.fd th ratlfiatlin
Ho anud thad sch a shuchoi emug
equvalod do the ionavehtan

By I786, Anmuxca as erpedenclyg seious

uaneria stals oth theoepustan
unable to het
this dubt. he shiatp and tadng
acthttes mabnud supted as Sats
quallegd ainst:he over tnyy omd
Jhe wenkniyes.i sule und the Asitla
oConfdestation beome mot euidt fn
as.hoyoend dlwutngth thgs Retn
The Sbellinec by Donfe shay
My NoteB00k
Ancans do such an
CallOs hmade tor Inexfet that o
ThA Usuted fn-the chonge
lhe Wolding Auo.
Arnapoli convention do daleus' tht
poseedA ,festudngOin th wnfomm tim a
at on 25th Mar
I787, a constiutiona!
Convention as con vened at Phiadalphio
State House fn Penyhons y, wshu cth
6ouoaoles coMesns thán fust the ises
CommeHCe qnd toae
nwell-khoun igus amg th
alelgats fnclided suh as hcos
adhlngton, eleted do psusfde th conveution,
Jamy adion, chaxls Pmckrug, Berytnh
henklin hauvexnews Mos, Jamá
AOn olkes Elkuaoth, Jtm Rutledge
Jonothan Dayton, heovg Mason , John
Rabevd Vath. The oelegats shasd
a coutnontal 0o rationalist yebsye tve, as
thoy we Iovolved nPh the National
ty Gbvenment Thyy belteved that the atronat
ovesnment Should be oued am the
My NoteBook Sign

the controlotate lgatunea cthemie
asembladnafh Amtegate
the pwspae
KAh slhe
aimendment to thé to yt
hyy hae
btsoon thy choae to thoo h
Asdi des Out the fnolon
n famlng
Untted Gtates Amxtg that for
hens Constlhtton too the
has the

Ihe ftoyt debate betaseenthe oelepas

as ovesthài'conflicthng Irtenuste g2 la
ond snall tatu.Jamyadison
cent l
th à fedenatiotasfatu He
pscposedl Vtgnia plan in ushich CenaAS.
hadunuitutted poaesss to ginlafuy
ndtoxeA Vetan tat ous ànd ahosie
mlitay fasae ajaint the statis Thnglan
Aeabpscosentation fn bath hoises g
Vcongs puapiestionall to eachstats
Py No
tax fplan thy espe cted
be catoibutions
saLddad td the
withmeu Vots
Thia plan feed eppoittion espedaly th
fex the atot bupUtation drordtsgpopod!to
pepuloton: he atnat plan khouon dds th.
Ne plon put feth by litiem
Patson J'orpase unlarñeaai galatos
sth ene prer tat, assund to be frd1peraket
entiics TKË plan ave the Cargess the
to táx akd syulot tomoitCe) the
alaht to Congel totes to henau thetr
al asesant lheNen Jensey plon adk
all tuaties and a g Conesess, cQuth the laua
the dauds enfaxceable thekbugat g
Souoin each Stats Th Achlhne sa
hy oinallee stats
thue tso plans expestal the
Lh th wg tothe guation o! supsusentation.
Conventon have gtuen the fau
he Vhgfhla Plonud
Jeyplon thedven
Unath Neas haveContallad conpra
aatiest stotes coulk
DELTA/ry ie

Lo usolve the tissue, areat

On coMntee so
'each atat THH aposedfhe
Conmpslse hohlhsatatned
ligalatue stth
fot the ufee heusb the senat be gual,
ashd 'btuscen oient statu fo
lole2 house, th hause g RpsuItntative
as ducidad to have polapeotanal
Repsenttions bastol oh population sf tha
pecthve dtates Desptt the olfeani tha
tso plan nsould
9Quld have stenthined the
natiohal Qovesinmet at tht Atat erpenk.
The delinnd Cana
onal lau axs tbuatie a the Spera
daue o the dond an ecutd shave estabihd
LCoint tofoe seacart tates to aept
those measuses.
0nAansg usthalning th pasongh
attthe onubstioh ftsty thy estabtiahud
dpaatin buo thae baanche
th Nat&
the Nattanbl hovesmmauty executie
isletuei ondfudttat Seuond, thy
o establahsd
that a iyatm
Ca thck ond balantes
oths tuoo. nnot
cLenminate the
caustihatan adet1d cential
fedealjam, euticnt, the
shan poudes.
notianal and atate govesunmeuti So thh
to fonetgh aay nattinal afnse, gultiyy
icormete and coining nony. dthenp t
otteas wauld bel t the tot fhd
the Cawstthtion could be amenaed by the
Vets e thsuee-foustha a the Ktat

he ue
hen rom&Oth
did not wat to ahalkhi
Ohposihion som the dalytuomoth
and dabatrg agoeed to n t the atave
hetding ato the igktto
gt Cant thee
a slae vpa-vå oa fr poson

the pupoue.
stats n the Hlue detexnining alltnat
Ancthex clase g the 9cemn wa that
Congcs. Cou nat ace ettal tay
ibar on lave tmpoth t ttl the
fote fedoal tox burdn, thsuefth tave
e to be couted fo csect ttanotn

Mehodllecttonto elect the oustdbt

Ae delyatu had dsbatd on thaee dfount
LaMgacHuA Dn has to choce the fBustotadt
thagh electton by the Congss, deferton.
y the atat datsn akd thsough a
papalas electoh. Tha Philaaletphia Convtd
ogain, and an
taat ettefElectoxal Collg he

Pedoalh eng Ant fedralshi
The Philadalphlo Convelton sas dhudod betinn
felnalit onid Antt fedvaliy
Avtt fedoa liga

Colthdio balarced Cowttitióh failead do

balonte the pitea g
national Qnd Atat ovtulationsllp 'bio tektal
and stat
thyconstolsd Brlg-thy pouad o
Thusy thefedaalista ond Antt fedualih
Compsuonlaed on th Bll g2 Ripte The Br
Canals uaranees g2 realon Ralion,
poulw, parbe aserb and awoatn
Lpech, Ypus othu suhta which Koeu nahy
fromthe orginal Conthation Jhese ob
post Oroiame that enabtd the
peslerlit ahd Autifolénalixth to acept that
My NoteBook Sign.
tht the Bill Rgat
belongd to the
County supstne a.
The docuMnt that evalwed fom
debatis dA CUsfons Qnd doliberatitony dd
hae Jane deltdencies or erante skave,
Qmoqnd nattves ne not asJsud
otuatmut. TItsInpodot to
Land tdealogtal alithes 18*h (eutny
Amitca h uind for anyocNOn the
makin Aistan conatthiton

Schalaa diagued abaut the iteut o the

:Hhe coatitutton DAcu thek
sek thot emmsged apex the cfull wa

Notlonalit chools
dupsseted hy (eoge Boncsuc and Jo
exexcje o the Natfornatiat oich as
AMne gdonie anol the lopicd by
puadut 9 the nhat people cocumtst ya
the United
haS On the vee
Astkle ae colloAe uno h
COstihtion cdhfolatin ord wakigwaking gte
Nationalih hidfoins Jalungd tht tiaton
democoiatic doctudtecenaewud i os a

Lacgsusve BchaolB
tox paguUS`Ve Achoal, the Cowithtio njas an.
undemotnati docmt whese
to psuatect the sh and paefulpwehas
tn solet and to fomshat thu fullgiltenant
ol the damotatt aspiyations_ o the
'Anstan peaple. Atchaitg -to thwe
holasu,the caWhtihutth as oa
lactionagy oCument Tthex thon a
dunooat documnt fos -thm the
Constthuton usas utten by the conseedu
to ttoj adials he huld me ibeal
ve' and had wiions compsetey pomy
Socfety Chaxler A. Beaid tn An

ntexpothtlon gthe constthtten aid -..

the Consthetian Aas qn atfempt to that
Lon execesstve oemocasy in Armoia
Tn hj opfnion fatoe
opthionThe psugoussive
fntepsuttion sa basel
alanp eeanome tnes
hs that had uo
fatespsttation g

Neo CansexVative Sehool

The Neo Consevatiye Schao chalanged the
besaan ntogtatond Acto to tbm
Q conseNRUA
hathe than ia class conttt amog the
Ameatan peqple Thr måin poapdksef
Ha Achool aA Benjarminf oipht ard
Robent P Brouon AcÝnd lng. to Bertomaf
RSLLOht Revalafon and cotttton Jeaasls
AasUsented ine contnuous 'guox.
sfecing Beasd!'s ie thot a petod
A£dial' 9evouton folonedhË one
COnsesetve uacion ushich Ahsas

Acconding to Rabet E Boneon, Arveion

Ufn th N8OA estted "middle
clas dmOCIy ot gthe Amions
klanged to thé mddte closs onjwail fas
Ano! the Conatltutton upUserteal thi oiahus
sathe than the wahes o n asistoert
indtd epe class .
Conclusion &
At the Revoutlon thrteen Calontes Came
togethex to fom a loase Confealeation
ead fogmed her stat Constttu~tions. Artele
Confecxation whch poortoled fer congen
t the national dve had seme dlienc
due to ohich a need fo neu 'Constihuton
uas pett At thh Phila olalphi Conve vnton
tuso pland nseu pMOpOs éol nhich afud on
the baloncing podoers behoeen the national
and atat yovemeta Hnally, the Consthton
nohfch uas doted n 781 was maNe On
Aine Yhginia' Plan, oth madiffcation befng
don, thn the Neuo Jeuey Plan T coa
duming paist fn the Aerian histeySign.

ushichis being ceboto aosg the htobo

especially thty oehatu ov was that
Bmasatit non
almooctfe One

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