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IQ DENEME SINAVLARI IQ PRACTICE EXAMS Ufuk Taner GENEL EE —————_ ——— 3520 aban Soru IQ Deneme Sinavi Questions Practice Exams a 0 rs 0 a a Ll P Sy trkiye'de ve Diinyada! Turkey and Around the World! Fr 4 * copyright Mert 2017 Uful Metropol Egiim Kuruman ve Yayinciik Tie. Ltd. $U. Her hakia sali. ‘Bu etabin tamam ya da bir kssms Ig yasanin hokimierine gore, Ufuk Metropol Eg Kuruman ve Yayincitk Ti. Lid. St, ‘ln nl olmaksizinelektorik, mekanik, fotokopi ya da harhang| bir kayteistomiyo coBaltiamaz, yayinianamaz ve depolsnama. Tim akan Utuk Metropo! Egitim Kurumian ve Yayineiik Tic. Ltd, St. ne alti Copyright" March 2017 by Uruk Metropol Egitim Kurumlan ve Yayincilk Tc. Li. $t. All ight reserved. [No part of this bock may be reproduced, stored in @retioval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, ‘mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without the prior written permission of Ufuk Metropol Egitim Kurumian ve Yayincii Tle, Lid. $i, Reproduction and translation of any part of this work beyond that permited by Turkish Republie Copyright ‘Act is unlawtl Kapak ve Metin Tasanmi: Uiuk Tener GENEL Cover and Text Designer: Ufuk Taner GENEL Yayin Eitri: Raut GENEL Production Editor: Raut GENEL Birinci Basta: Ocak 1909 Printing History: Janusry 1998: First edition agi — Grafik ve Tasarim METROPOL YAYINLARI Composition & mustration METROPOL PUBLICATIONS SBN 978605 - 88799-9-5 Printed In Turkay ‘SSakesen Matbaaciik Tel: 490 312.995 2110 ANKARA /TORKYE Online Sats / Online Sale : wun. metropolysyniaricom Kita isteme Adres! / To Order Books Adress : Gori Mustafa Kemal Bur Na: 16 Kat 3 Kitloy - ANKARA / TURKEY Tel: +90 312 282 5315 Foks: 490 812 231.96 28 METROPOL EGITIM KURUMLARL Web — : E-mail: he 4 ONSOZ Degert YOS adaylan:; METROPOL,YOStere hazrianan djrencile 21 yi askin sirecirkurs ve yayin deste lle beraber rehberikHizmeter {de sunan kowI bir eftim kurumudur. ‘Yabanci Uyruktu OGrenci Sinai (YOS), Torkyeldeli yoksekdtrotim kurumiarinda Birenim gGrmek isteyen yabanc: uy- ‘uk Obrencerin grecekier ve sonuglenn bu kurumlara kabul in bagvururken kullanablaceker br sinavar. YOS, Temel O3- renme Becerileri Testi ve Tarkee Testi olmak Jzoro iki ayr testton olugur. Torkyelin on iy Griversitelerinde 6Granim gérebil- ‘mak igin YOStoki Temel Ogrenme Beoerler Testnde dncelile baral olan 40 puani goemek ve daha yoksek puarian da hedet- lemek gerekmekted. 80 soruluk Temel Ogrerme Becerl Tastnin 45 sorusu 1G (Genel Yetenek), 35 sorusu ise Matematik ‘ve Geometr! soruiarindan lugmaitedr Bu kitap, METROPOL EGiTiM KURUMLARIInin wzman Gffetmen kacrosu terafindan hazstanmig olup, 44 adet 10 de- neme sinavindan olusmaktadr YOStte baganya ulagmak icin YOS'o hazik yaynianns hezidayan uzmen Bgretmenierimiaden destek slmanizi ve YOS hazitik kurslarmiza katimania Snervoru. ‘YOS'e hazirinan tim Ggroncliore bageniarclyoruz. Dy we METROPOL EGITIM KURUMLAR! PREFACE Dear YOS candidates, METROPOL, is @ wel-estabished educational instution which has provided students with a comprehensive training assistance on courses and publications fer over 21 years. In parallel, METROPOL has boon in the service of guidance for you. ‘The Examination for Foreign Students, refered to as YOS, has besn designed for foreign students wishing to study in Higher Education Insttuions in Turkey. Depending on the resus ofthis examination, they can apply to Turkish Insitutions of Higher Education, YOS coneists of two diferent parts as follows: Basle Learning Skil Test and Turkish Language Proficiency Test n order to study inthe best universias in Turkey, sto al, you need to have received at least a 40 standard score and then, aim at receiving more than this score In the Basic Learning Skils Test. Basic Leeming Skils Test the in total ‘exam it selfs composed of 80 questions considering 45 questions of the IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and 95 questions relat- (ed to Mathematics and Geometry issues. ‘This book hes bean prepared by the expert educator staff of METROPOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. The book Includes 44 10 practice exams. In order tobe successful at YOS, we advice you get raining assistance from our qualified educators anc you at our preparation courses for YOS. We wish you become successful at YOS forall students. @ METROPOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. ISINDEKILER / CONTENTS 1. Deneme Sinaw / Proctice Exams 1 2. Deneme Sina / Practice Exams 2 3. Deneme Sinaw / Procice Exams 8 4. Deneme Sinaw / Proce Exams 4 5. Deneme Sina / Practice Exams 5 6. Deneme Sina / Practice Beams 6 7. Deneme Sinaw / Practice Exams 7 8. Deneme Saw / Pracice Exams 8 9..Deneme Sinaw / Practice Exams 9 10, Deneme Sinaw / Practice Exams 10 Tl, Deneme Sina / Practice Exams 11 12. Deneme Sina / Practice Exams 12. 13, Deneme Sinavi / Practice Tests 13, 14, Deneme Sinai / Practice Exams 14 15, Deneme Sinawt/ Practice Exams 15 16, Deneme Sinavi / Practice Exams 16 17. Deneme Savi / Practice Exons 17 18, Deneme Sinawi / Practice Exoms 18 19, Deneme Sina / Practice Exams 19 20, Deneme Sina / Practice Exams 20 1-10 n-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 a1-90 m~100 yo1-n10 m-120 121 -130 131-140 141-150 151-160 161-170 71-180 181-190 - 191-200 4 21, Deneme $inam / Praciice Exams 21 22. Deneme Sinawt / Practice Exams 22 . 23, Deneme Sinem / Practice Exams 23 24, Deneme Sinan / Pracice Exams 24 25, Deneme Sinan / Practice xams 25 26, Deneme Sinan / Pracice Exams 26 27. Deneme Sinem / Practice xoms 27 28, Deneme Sinaw / Pracice Exams 28 29. Deneme Sinem / Practice Exams 29 30, Dename Sinan / Pracice Exams 30 31, Deneme Sinew/ Pracice Exoms 31 82. Deneme Sinaw / Praciice Exams 32 ‘83, Deneme Sina / Practice Exams 33. 34, Deneme Sinaw / Practice Exams 34 ‘85, Deneme Sinaw / Practice Exams 35, ‘36, Deneme Sinaw / Practice Exams 36 87. Deneme Sinavi / Practice Exams 37 38. Deneme Sinaw / Praciice Exams 38 ‘39. Deneme Sina / Practice Exams 39 40, Deneme Sina / Practice Exams 40 41, Deneme Sinem / Practice Exams 41 42. Deneme Sina / Practice Exams 42 43, Deneme Sina / Practice Exams 43, 4A, Deneme Sino / Practice fxoms 44 201-210 2-220 221-280 231-240 241 ~ 250 251-260 261-270 27-280 281-290 291-300 301-310 3-320 321-330 331-340 341-380 351-360 361-370 371-380 381-390 391-400 401-410 an- 420 421-430 431-440 YABANCI UYRUKLU GGRENCi SINAVI (Y6s) THE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION FOR FOREIGN STUDENT (YOs) TEMEL OGRENME BECERILERI TESTI (THE BASIC LEARNING SKILLS TEST) {8 Ktapiok tester sizin soyut dsonme gUcondz0 élemek isin hoarlonmast. Bu teste 80 sory vere Testek sorvlann cevaplanma soresi 90 dkkedi Debistimekisiecigniz bir ceva, yumusak ir sive, cevep Kein: Grselemeden, temizce siiniz ve yeni covabinzs isaretlemeyi unuirnayin Cevoplamayaisteiginiz soruden baslayabiisiniz. Cevaple: ‘nz igoretirken soru ktapcigndalé sory numeresi le ce- vp kegidndaki cevap numerassun ayri elmesina dikkat dina | This testis designed to measure your abit in abstract re- ‘soning, 2, This tests comprised of €0 questions. ‘3. Thettime cllowed for his tes s 90 minutes. 4. Ifyou wish fo change on onsiver,carellly erase the wrong ‘nswer completely with a very sof eraser. Do not forget to mark your new answer, '5. The questions need not be answered in any special ore, but be sure thot the number on the answer sheet does indo. ed correspond to the numberof the question you are at- tempting inthe fest booklet. GNEMLI NOT / IMPORTANT NOTE TORKCE METINLERDE Bu Ktape sorvian cevapiorken yararlanmaniz iin baz tekrik ‘erimle ve ksotmalon agagida vermis. sontimete sem sontimetre kare: cm? santimetre kip: emt itm be brim kore: bet fordialon 14 determinant: det ‘Ondatik Kesler gostermek iin Torkge ve matinlerde virgo, (,) Ingitzce mefinlerde nokta) kulorlisir ORNEK: V2 = 0,50 V9 =0,33 IN ENGLISH TEXTS ‘Some technical terms ond their abbreviations are given ‘below for your use during the book. ccentimer rem ‘contimeter square: om? ‘cubic centimeter: em? ont w wnt square w shaded erea SA determinant det Decimals ore incicated by a cornma I) Turkish, and by Peviod Ln English tens EXAMPLE: 12 = 0.50 V3 =0.33 BU SAYFA DA TEST SORUSU BULUNMAMAKTADIR. NO TEST MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE. Deneme Sinavi 1 és Practice Exams ‘] 4 kta NAL birnden fark birer rakerm: gbstermektedie. Soru iga- +MKL4KM = Z+PtVe? fet ile belirtilen hart ya da igiemin degerini bulunuz. Nge2 ZPV Inquestons 1 ~6 ach later stands fora ciferent nume- tal zero excepted in the operations glen. Find the value 8 8 On DR BIE of ete or operation incitated bythe question mark a ; : ete ca cac Ow Ooh Aa TH caz ae 7 BBA kK KK 6 2k he ot | TK Aer Be < ABC «40 = De? a KL KK TT 28 © bss) ‘Yukardak! toplama tablogunda a, b ve o harfleri pozitit birer seyinin yerine kullaruimigtit, Buna gre, 2 +b +e acti? Inthe summation table above, the letters, b and c each stang fora positive number. What is the value of a+ + 67 Az B90 Ste NS ” s v7 2ore=s2 ™ exb=? e 24 ‘Yukaridaki toplams tablosunda a, b vo ¢ herfleri pati birer sayinin yerine kullaniimigtr. Buna gére, a+b +e kagtr? Inthe summation table above, the letters a, band c each stana fora positive number. Whats the value of a+b + 07 Aas BB eS ENTE 8. a as #]3]7]5 slale[u ale|wz|e slslel? Yukaridaki tabled soru igaretinin yerine hangi eay: gel- oe mais? rich number do question marc stand fon the table stove? NS BS ONT 18 7e]215 el«lsl? wl7[4|e a[s[sle 5s tabloda sory igeretinin yerine hangl say! gel- a « [oa|Zoel e@ "(sloala "! O@| of | ef w[aU|Ba| 2 sao aZa ollo DAA 5) a L1Oo Dorl— o> " ac /Pica|— |i ™ |pa@|izpa]— |? A 28 x00 o 40 \Which numer do question mark stand for n the table above?” > 7m 5 (> ae 98) 87g Trnava arma TeTnor0L PumLCmTONS ee e ° 2 Yukaridaki tabjoda @ igleminin kurallan verimigtir, Buna ‘96re, soru igaretinin yerine hangl gekiller gelmeliir? ‘According tothe rulos of @ operation established in the table ‘2bove, which of the folowing does the question mark stand for? ne e 10 of a fon ia Z/Olalala A|A/O}oO lo @[alalala 2[2[ala la Yukandail tabloda soru igaretlerinin yerine hangt gekiller * Bie)... Yukaridaki tabloda K, L ve M nin yerine hangi gekiler golmaliair? Which figures do K,L and M stand for inthe table above? K L uM ae 2 & BR 4 2 4 os 2 4 D4 4 2 5s 2 2 3 Sie golmetiair? a) 8) ° Which figures da question mark stand fr inthe table above? ZA ®9AD VAD > ar 200 928 p TMETROPOL VAYNLAR ‘METHOPOL PUBLICATIONS a & N*xOV_, VOOS “BOVS VOrs uXOBO _, 2 vOouyv | satirda belirienen iigkiye gore, I satin agagidakllerden ‘hangis! tamamiar? Which ofthe figures below competes I, n accordance with the relationship ostabishod in 1? ASVOV 9NVOV ONDVY BOOK CHOK OnOx ONOVY ONVOV CnOx = =OBOK 2 VIS ~ /Bre] — fee Aly eo ®. Ale “fmia| — fete NTA Alo) | satirda beliienen ilgklye gre, I, satin agagidakilerden hangisi tamamlar? \Whien ofthe figures below completes Il n acoordence with the ‘lationship establshed in 1? ‘RTO! Talo ° TSA Acted Blesoed Oyz0ed lm) fers) D) 2d + 4e Bader ‘NeTeret waaan TmETROPGLPUBLOATONS 38. BB ep 0 > alt : |. satirda belirlenen iligkiye gre, I. satin agagidakilerden ‘hangis! tamarntar? ‘Which ofthe fgure below completes Il, in accordance with the relationship established in 1? ‘) ay 38. 1 i m, nN TG IS oF 7 5 A a "RF a L Yukerideki geklide kag tane kiip vardir? How many cubes are in the figure above? Ajo 87 C7 DR ATE = 4 im ~ x2 lve esit kota teraz dengedo olduguna gir, I. terazk nin bos kefesine agasicaiiern hangiinde veri Killer konulureateezi dangedekalr? In gczerdance wih | and I whch group ofthe masses below, when placed onthe empty ayn il wl make the sceleblan- ce? Yukaridalé golede kag tae kp vercir? Naw ome Cee How many cubes are inthe figure above? A)87 3B) 88 cso D980 EST Dawe ee i Ternorou pontoons 10 |— [nao] es | — £25 50 125 100 200 Ea a Ae Bet seas at 0 oi QE ZY YANIT ANARTARIT ANSWER KEY iD aa SE aC 5D 6B TE OD lnc tac LA 120 126 146 158A 16.8 ji7.¢ 2B 1c 2D a8 wc mc mC Ias.c 26.0 z7.E 2.8 OA 208 OLE OE SAE S48 SRA SRE 37.0 98.0 9A 40.8 Isa 42.0 2B 44.8 458 Deneme Sinavi 2 yés Practice Exams 2 =, sorulardaki islerlerde her har ve sek siirdan a4 ve birbirinden farkl bier rakam géstermektedi. Soru ig ASB=? Igaret le belirlen hart, gekil ya da iglemin degerini ‘bulunuz, 7 In questions 1. - 6. each lotr stands fora diferent aaa ‘humeral and figure zero excepted inthe operations given. £ Find the value of leter,tgure or operation inctated by the ‘question mark iia SESE SE SSRSSESSSESESSEESESSISSES 48 87 «98 D8 E10 1 ora x am 3 : 5 50 ne 88 6 D7 oS 5 AA AA BB + 5B +0 cc 154 2 2e¥ AS 86 C7 Ds £9 + evs e538 Ae7 848 «048 BB ASB 6 ac cB. + BA Kok ABC xK xk a a ays7 84773.) ga E109 4 85 6) 7B mn {WETROPOL PUBLICATIONS | 7-3: soralards, | graptakd Kelimelerin hare Bier re | kam lle gBeterilersk il. gruptaki eayiar elde editmigtir. ‘Soru igaret lle bolition kellmenin hangl say! lle g8eto- rildigin bulunuz, In questions 7.- 9. the numbers in group Il stands for the words In group |. when each leter has been coded wih spec numeral. Find the number which corresponds the word indicated by the question mark. 10. L4vou7 seu WLsv2=7 Mewir=2 ‘Yukaridak! dort esitikte ¥ Isaretinin gBrevi aynidir. Buna ‘g6re, dOrddncd egitiktakisoru igaretinin yerine agaghdaki- lerden hangis! gelmetiair? Inthe equations above, the function of ¥ remains Unchanged. What does the question mark stand for in the for 1 Kas ee. uth equation? Bera N16 B17 1B IDO ovA YEL Ayes B)2t4 ) 581 ete E286 Yukandald dé eptiiae © igeretinin gSrevi ayn. Buna ‘98ce,dOrdnct agitiktok’ coru igaretininyerine agaéidkd- lerden hangisi gelmelicir? < Inthe equations above, the function of @ remains can unchanged. What does the question mark stand for in the fo- Mek b= GeTiN=? waroquatont ELgiN MeTIN a) 37508 2) 57803 cy «7608 ) s7901 £) 70408 12 ob 7a 25545 N64 2520 W5a2— 321 M31 22 & KED! bal Yukardaki d6rtopitikte&.igaretinin gbrov! aynice. Buna bre, dBrdned ogitiktld sora igaretninyerin PEK P= PEK = 7 . eet ra lerden hangisi gelmelir? SS Inthe equations above, the funeton of A remains Unchanged. What does the question mark stand fr in tho fo- ayater 5) 7634 ©) s618 uth equation? ) 5824 5) 1496 28 B27 C28 ze «ASB @ ‘METRoPOL VLA 18 L7e@enaa 16. 1 | 2 | 1 |—| 7 uf] 2 L+[o ‘Yukandeki ik Og opitikte + ve & ‘gareternin gBrevier seynidi. Buna gére, dérdGned estittek!eoruigaretinin yo- a. Py ees tine agagideilerden hangisi gelmeliir? — Inthe equations above, the functions of + and # ere Avice 8)104 0) 108) 108 =) 110 ven, What does the quoston mark tand for inthe fouth equ- ation? Ato am G2 Ota Ee 7 n/—\s fa z u 1 ri 4 LAMs—4 A528 46 Wms0s— 6 ze 44 mW aan en | m2 B10 cae Oe B08 Yukaridakt iki egitikte ve m lgaretlerinin gBrevieri Verlimigti. Buna gore, Uedncd egitiktek! soru igaretinin yerine agagidakilerden hangisi geimeticir? In the equations above, the functions of {\ and mare oan 7 ae 98 9% OM OW | eS wo. ake wt = => Ma? tes e eae $y ‘Yukandeki iki egitiikte @ ve & igaretierinin gérevieri a ek ah vverilmistit. Buna g8re, Ggiined egitkteki soru igaretinin ye 3 5 ote eer agoreae poe eis iseeecne ee poset dicts nee eats Ais B) 32 c)43 Ds7 E71 Hh 2 o 7 8 z 78, z z 3 3 7 ® 7 Ik a 6 é 8 t 6 3 4] Kala? ANT B18 1B ON20 21 21 +[alele al [2 sexes? ’ 28 ce [24 Yukanidaii toplama tablosunda 2, b ve ¢ hartlori pozitit birer sayinin yerine kullansimigtr. Buna gre, axe kagtr? Inthe summation table above, the letters e, band c each stand {or & postive number, What isthe value of axe? Aye B92 )Gs 128) 256 sarbec=? e fee ‘Yukaridaki garpma tabiosunda a, b ve c harflerl pozitif bi rer sayinin yerine kullaruimigtr. Buna gore, a+b-+e kag ure In the multipication table above, the letters @, © and ¢ each = KxLxMe? stand for positive number. What i the value of ao) 3 Ste Bar HibteR ANT B89 DED a TMETROPOL YArRART WETROPOL PUBLICATIONS Ke? SLs? 3 K a[s 8 Yukaridak’ tabloda @ igleminin kurali verlimigtr. Buna go 19, KL ve M kaghr? ‘According to the rule of @ oparation established inthe ‘table above, what isthe value of K, Land M? ees aE AT 6 16 7 0 6 oz 2 16 py 2 8 5% 0 5 ‘et a ake? tr] 4 ™ El ciees wioa 3 L | sme2 m| « 1 2 Yukaridaki tabloda K, L ve M nin yerine hangi sayilar ‘gelmeair? Which numbers do K, Land M stand for nthe table above? m{| 2] 3 K ‘Yukendeki tabloda K, L ve M nin yerine hangi say melidir? ‘Which numbers do KL and M stand fo inthe tablo above? K L M ae Ft 1 21 2 2 o1 1 2 De 2 1 51 2 1 Son eas O[O|O »|O|OlO|O OlO|a ° LJ Oo/ojo/o Ojo|o fe) cot M Year tibioe sosgrtinayrie hang! sl ob Acai aeenr wetare ich ove ocustin mak sand ne le ai 2 , oz 0 4 i » © Berita ctis o oO eo 2 1 D) A ®) O sane peered om eo =o Ce) A@ OA DA\ OR AD|Seo AA] 2? rR Yukaridaid tabloda soru igeretinin yerine hangi gokiler ‘gelmetiair? Which figures do question mark stand for in the table above? ABA 308 one 2 A® oA m0] ae @a| A alo o|? Ss (doe 404| © oa! Do leco|Doe Yukandeki tebloda © isleminin kuralln verimigtr, Buna 6+, eoruigeretinin yerine hengigekllergelmelisir? ‘Aecording tthe nies of © operation established in the table above, which ofthe flloning does the question mark stand fo ‘Boe 20 oAHO Dama 3) HO 6 20, ‘JY t {Ue | eotirda belirenen iliskiye gére, I. satin agagidakilerden hhangie! tamamler? Which of the figure low competes I, in accordance with the relationship estebished in 17 “ML UU! UN “Hs “Wt | satirda belirlenen iligklye gre, I. satin agagidakilerden hangis! tamamlar? ‘Which ofthe figure below completes I in accordance withthe Felationship estabished in 1? 4 5 ° >) 5) ‘METROPOL PUBLICATIONS [HH]? | *(AsC)-G “H+aO)-> On O- “ea "BE °@3 nag "ae °53 ie m4 . . “_ Y % ars

me ag ay! a 4 el 38. L i m OM “4: = Fo Al Ll A]. 7120 4) 9 ° 4, °S 4 | Aw 7 5 Oe ra 4 naa smas O45 0)9,20,18 £)9, 20,25 78 =. a. esse 2 weN =(px? wow wan man fl (°° 2008 2007 2008 2008 i peecenrparsipnootrensanetas ‘Yokerdek gafkte 2006, 007, 2008, 2008 yarn te feemuspaisiasp wise neces N aresinalt lg egadidekierden hangisinde dof ola- Aya B42 cya 044) 45 Eee iorinipnt Above the graph whats relation between M and N inthe ye £3 2008 2007 2008 an 2009 ? ze moo? ate WN MN MeN MeN 5) ON MN MeN aN ©) MeN MeN MON | D) MeN ‘MeN MeN ‘MN MN MN MN Ma “0. 2 =. u = x? 1 ‘ Yukaridaki gekide kag tane kop vere? : How many cubes are inthe figure above? a5 8s oO D2 Bs AM B48 048 sD ESE I e eoroL aan {WETROPOL PUBLEATIONS may A682 1B) AB L.vell. esit kolu terazi dengede olduguna are, I. teraz nin bos kefesine agagidakilerin hangisinde verlien ktieler konulursa terezi dengede kaltr? In accordance with | and Il, which group ofthe massa ‘below, when placed on the empty tray in Il, wil make the soa le balance? AK BLK ou DL ED KRLL |. ve lL. ogit kollutorazi dengode olduguna gore, Il, teraai- nin bos kefesine agagidakilorin hanglindo verilon killer kkonulurss torazi dengede kalr? In accordance with | and I, which group ofthe masses below, when placed on the empty tray in Il, wil make the soa- le balance? ce vee eee YANIT ANARTARI ANSWER REY fa 20 SA aD EC CTO BC A 10.0 11.¢ 126 120 KE 18C 16.0 h7.¢ 12.4 19.8 2A 21.0 22.0 8 mLE IS.E SKE 95.0 960A 97. OLE SLE 40.8 ls.0 42.8 628 MA 45.8 TWETROPOL YAYIGAR ‘WETROPOL PUBLGATONS Deneme Sinavi 3 yés Practice Exams $ 1.= 5. sorulardalliglomlorde her hart veya geil sinden ve ‘bibiindon far bre rekarm gGctermektedie. Sonu iqart! lie bliin hart, gekl ya da iglemin degernlbulunuz. Inquesions 1~ § each eter or tgire stands ora aterent ‘umeral eo excepted inte operations given. Fre the value of ‘he tio, gure or eperation incoated bythe question mark. Bscas = AtBeCe + 253A Be Gad, 6284 5.8. corularda,L gruptak sbccakierin harlerl veya gekier biter hart veya rakamla gésterlerek, tine! cruptak sayin veya harfir eld eaimigti. Sor gartivia bliin herorn ya éagekilern hang eaylar veya hartorle gBaterigin bu- luna, In questons 68 the numbers or lets in group It stand forthe words or gues ingroup I, when each later or tgue nas been codec wih a spectic numeral ante, Find th fgure oer ‘nhicn covesponde to the fgure a word Inte by the question ra 2 B25 C)268 Oar EB 4 00cm 1 oma ouce + 0com=-7 ™ moa0 v. omce 2 eee Asse 8) 2056 oy 7123 kK = 0) 1826 5) 5239 K TMo4 A4 85 6 oF eB aaa L esa 400 sa+as? © oag 2000. LQAQ = mAQs? \ mag As 88 10 ee 14 % Aaa ANTR 5) KNA UTR D)MNR =) RINK a on aa ‘cig 3 O=? 20a “Tama At 82 98 D5 £6 Lexase Wok Xem O+OkS = OeXem=? é NAeX+e | BAB yar Vowe+a Tesea 1) SELAM 5) KALEM ©) SERAP a2 B28 aT) BOE) Ze D) MERAL, ) LEMAN a ‘WETROPOLYAVINLAR METROPOL PUBLEATIONS post ALEV sTOK VEDA = ALEV=? A) 7288 8) 1948 ©) 5352 Dy e419 =) 9827 TOL 96m 81 96:9; 15 49m 168 > 7;18;20 M144 mes 4 75% 7 Yukenaki Ue egitikte m igeretinin gBrevl aynidir, Buna ‘g6re, Ugdined egitikteki soru igaretinin yerine agagidaki- lerden hangisi gelmeticr? In the equations above, the function of m remains unchanged. ‘What does the question mark stand for inthe third equation? A) 12:9; 20, 3) 9; 10;19 ©) 12:8; 20 0) 8:8; 72 £)9;8:17 ML s¢aze=18 W200 12=26 m12a7=15 Mah2=7 ‘Yukandaki drt egitikte A Igaretinin gérevi aynidi. Buna ‘96re, dordtincd esitiktekisoru igaretnin yerine agegidaki- lerden hangis! geimetidir? In the equations above, the function of & remains unctenged. \What does the question mark stand for in the fouth equation?” N38 BS OS De ES 2. 13, 4 LA (148)=492 G52) = 1510 WLare=17 Liga =i6 MLL(R G27] =L (614) =11 N= LER (562)]=7 ‘Yukaridak ilk Og esitikte R ve L igaretierinin g6revierl ve- rlimisti, Buna gore, dOrdinci epitikteki sory igaretinin ‘yerine esadidakilerden hangisi golmelidir? In the equations above, the functions of Rand L are ‘iven. What does the question mark stand for inthe fourth equ- ation? ay10 B16 18k B 1 adb=a+20-1 avb=3a—b+2 (4.02) ¥3=7 ‘Yukariak! Ik Ik! egitiice A ve ¥ Igaretirinin gdrevier! v= rllmigtir, Buna g6re, Ggoncd esitikteki soru igaretinin yer ne agagidakilerden hangisi gelmelidir? Inte equations above, the functions ofA and v are ‘siven. What does the question mark stand fr inthe third equ ator? air Bie 18) EA L aabeasad I Qam2b=2a+b (15 mo) + (96427) =? ‘Yukaridakt ilk iki epitikte + vo mt igerotlernin gérevlerive- rilmigtir. Buna g6re, O¢ined egitikteki soru igaretinin yeri= ne agadidakilercien hangisi gelmelicir? Inte equations above, the functions of and wm are given, What does the question mark sian for in the third equ aton? EOE 28 © (28 E20 “att omes phen pcre somateer reread idle = Aa B)7 os DM Em ike! Dict wernt ™ m a Gp 7 iSiee eae coats 7 A 3 mm BEX IIe <> ae SL ca a whom of ob of Mallee aah eters ‘NETRGPOL PUBLICATIONS ‘Yukandaki toplama tablosunda a, b ve c harfleripozitf ror eayinin yerine kullemiimigtr. Buna gére, 2 —c kagr? Inthe summation tabla above, the letters a,b and c each stand fora postive number. What isthe value of 2b —¢ 2 am BR Os Ee za 2 EE PEL TTT]: 7 | 1 « b 1 1 1 1 L * |= uw a —— = ase=? _ “ e] " 2-P LOL ‘Yukari toplama tablocunda a b ve chalet post be : rer sayin yerneKullanmitr. Bune gre, + © kag? Inthe eummation able above the lates, band cach and = = - = z for a positive number. What is the value of a +c 7 no 88 «697 oe BS Pa Tales 5 res] [a aT le] | ° ° ~ 3 pb-ce? # ° sero © lewd sae? ‘Yukandaki garpma ve toplama tablolannda a, bve c harfie- 1 poatf birer sayinin yerine Kuilamimisti. Buna gore, a kegur? Inthe muttpication and summation tables above, the leters 2, band c stand fora postive number. What is the valve a ? As 85 8 | TE METROPOL VAYILARL wlalele 2 8 Ss ase-b=? > 10 e [wo ‘Yukaridakt kOk Icinde carpma tablosunda a, b ve ¢ hartle- FI pozttif bier sayinin yerine kullarulmigtr. Buna gore, a+ cb kag? In the square root multiplication table above, the letters 2, b ‘and ¢ each stand fora postive number. What is the ale] «| a Mu | a) 26) + Ketemene? @) ie} 2 Bln | we] se Yukardakl tabloda K + L + M+N kagtir? ‘What isthe value of K +L + M + Nin the table above? 120-8) )122 124) 125 value of a+c—b? x J a ” 8 AM 838 NST EB 2 ele lela wle| | « a] | = | a |e *l*le|s va) fo 7lel«le afelel? ‘Yukanki table © Iglomine gre dGzentenmist Buna g®- alslele re, Kye L kaghr? ‘The table above Is organized according to the @ operation. apetele Wiha the value of K end? ‘hase enenytseteaees Yukandek! tabloda soru Igaretinin yerina hang! say: gel Dts) 128: 12 Which ruber do question mark stand forthe table above? Ns BS 8 oe % ‘erro vara wernose.PusLcaTon® mow 2/25 -EIS-[J-? L K 2 1 ~ t. 1 i. 2 ATF Be ©) wlefap = Kem Let Ma? D> "7 Yukaridek! tabloda K, L ve M nin yerine hangt sayilar galmotsi? : 7 \Whion numbers do K, Land M stand for inthe table above? “s 4 as as 2 3 32 3 3 os 2 2 Ds 3 3 53 2 3 2, o. L aw m. ™M v ‘Yukandaki tabloda K, L ve M nin yerine hangi sayiar gelmeticir? a + | +? Which numbers do K, Land M stand forin the table shove? fe iE a ” 8) o ns 2 2 8) 2 2 4 o 4 2 4 >) 5) Dd) 2 4 2 4 4 2 2s a i _ BFFs ease 0m : a 2 > IS an He 3 Bjasa+20 Alasrb4e D)2asbs2e c)zasbec Basbeze (\-aa LY = 1 fe o® ® GE) eR] off GE) STs) ne B16 C1 a B90 A)6+3+2 864343 )s+243 D)4r9r2 E)4r249 a. aes ep 38, 8. 2 | = x? “LI = Tarali alan (Shaded area) = ? 2? A128 3) 13 6) 13,5 dé Bae Ajg7 898 C99} 100.) 101 LMETROPOL vArENLARI ETROPOL PUBLICATIONS 40, Ae 28 c)90 ae ae a ‘Yukerdaki terazlerin Og do dengede olduguna gre, I, terazide soru igaretl agegidakilerden hangleini gbstermek- tedir? All three scales above are in balance. Which of the following does the question mark stand for inthe third scale? oun py 0000, Boon Connon Ejooog |. ve i. egit koltuterazi dengede olduguna gre, I. terazi- nin bog kefesine agadidakilerin hangisinde verllen Kitlsler konulursa terazi dengeye ger? In accordance wih | and Il, which group ofthe massos blow, when placed on the empty tray in Il, wil make the sca- le balance? L a a a ‘a —* 3 “— o-y 4 Le xevem yo xeYen Go eer SM4NeR oo & Ass B64 c}72 yet E86 rae a KR RKRRK # * ia A252 Ca? Dyes Ea u 2 ve aw om 3 2 Ty Th xv xv Dw a 3 2 2 xv ave aw ‘YANIT ANAHTARI7 ANSWER KEY fA aA SE 45 SE 6C 70 BO TRA 13D 14.0 15.5 164 2A 2.6 228 2A 24D 28.0 20.8 30.8 31.0 324 lB OLE 35.C OA 37.8 SE 92. 408 lii.c 2B ac mc HB 30, WETROPOL PUBLICATIONS Deneme Sinavi S Practice Exams 5 ( T=5 sSorularda Iglemiaras her har eifrdan ve Bir] | birinden fark birerrakami gSctermektedit. Soruiga- rele belirtilon hart ya da Iglemin degerini Bulunuz. In questions 1 ~ 5 each letter stands for @ ciferent ‘humeral zero excepted inthe operations gen. Find the vvalus of letter or operation inctsted by the question mark. KA KA KA = ABK=? KA + KA BKK A125 B25 C251 D)SI2_E)Set 1. AB BA > BABA=? BB0 Aone 8) 7373 oy 1919 ) 8282 ) 6464 = As? 2 FA mts 5 86 7 De eo FA? +FA UF A838 a) aa4 cia 0) 868 z)e09 1 20426 UL 4058-8 L301 1.5075 =7 Yukaridaki dirt egitiite @ igaretinin gGrevi aynidir. Buna gre, doredncd esitikteki soru Igaretinin yerine agagidakt- a KL KK lerden hangisi gelmelidir? Lk «ik, 7 In the equations above, the function of @ remains 72 LLM Lnehanged. What does the question mark stand for inthe fo- 5 86 O7 D8 9 an eapitontt AB BIS CSD. D)aD E00 ‘METROPOL YaRNLARE METROPOL PUBLICATIONS 7. i 36m22=28 ws7m44 mat 92-18 WV.2612=2 Yukandaid dért egitilte Et igaretinn rev! aynudir, Buna ‘re, dorconcd egitiktekt soruisaretinin yerine agagidaki- lerden hangisi gelmetidi? In the equations above, the function of remains unchanged. What does the question marc stand for in the for uth equation? Ay B19 C)24B7EAB & 1 aveneni2 W2eai-9 ML sse12=14 1v.25061=7 ‘Yukendaki drt egitikte @igaretinin gérevi aynidir. Buna ‘g6re, dérdined esitiktekd soru igaretinin yerine agadidaki- lerden hangisi gelmelidir? In the equations above, the function of @remains ‘unchanged. What does the question mark stand for in the fo- uth equation? ato B12 14ST 1 4,8,11,22,25,50 WL 2,6,8,24,26, 78, ML, 5,18, 20,60, 65, 195 Mw? A) 8,30, 35, 175, 180, 800 5) 4,12, 15, 45, 48, 124 ©) 2,6,9, 96, 40, 200, D) 9,9, 14,42, 47, 141 ©) 1.5.6, 40, 43,215, 10 1 4,8,24,05 wh 4, 12,48, 240 416,00, 40 IM 420,22 A) 120, 840 B) 100, 600 ©) 80, 400, 0) 60,240 540, 100 1 ® ® eo 2 ® ®& mM 8 25 B)28c)s2 as NAD 2 1% at Aas 1B * “ ® 2 w = 2 3 ° B42 49 Ose BED OS® 3 ©) ome) 2 * 4 WA wy WE SMEN)-(K4 =? Ns 84 68S OT © [ead ‘Yukaridakl toplama tablosunds 2, b ve c harlleri poaitf bi- rer sayinin yerine kullanuimigtr. Buna g8re, “AL Mm ME kage? Sees Inthe summation table above thelattrs a,b and c each stend Pied {ora postive number. What is the value of om 3s 2 eo Dm 8 4 e 82 yeep eee r eee at ) os pa eS w TNETROPOL YAYILARY METROPOL PUBDEATIONS ‘Yukandaki garpma tablosunda a, b ve ¢ hartlert pozti bl- rer sayinin yerine kullaniimistr. Buna gOre, 2 kectir? Inthe multiplication table above, the letters a, b and c each stand fora postive number. What is the value of a? at Be o4 D8 =F 7 *pPl?] leP[e a «| [a b | [of = a-beon? Yukanidak! toplama ve carpma tablolarinda a, b ve chart ler! poztif birer sayinim yerine kullarsimistr, Buna gore, a-beckactr? Inthe summation and mutipliction tables above, the letters a, b and c stand fora postive number. Wht isthe 18. 2 ele[*|]4|* ele[e[elele elalelelele =[lase)9q]9(050)=7 clolelalele dle efelefefal> Yukaridak! tabloya gre soru igaretinin yerine hangi hart gelmelir? Which lotor doos quoction mark stand according to the tab above? Ae ad Oe db Ba 6] 9 18 | 24 2| Klis 9 | 12] 18 4 [a4 [a7 4 fof e = K+ ‘Yukaridait tablolara gre K + L kagtir? valusa—b+0? ‘What isthe value of K + Lin tables above? AB 87 )7_—)2D EN Az B28 28 aT ZB 20. ‘Sonu (ees 4]+{[e]afa sl[2[e[al2 slalzlele s[sle[s[? ‘Yukeridak! tabloda soru igeretinin yerine hangi say! gel- melicie? ‘Which number do question mark stand for in the table above? ys 84 6S BOT L afn 2 |. sabrda belirlenen Iligklye gére, Il. satir: agagidakllerden hangs tamara? Wie ofthe teters below competes In accordance wi he tlatonsipeabished nt? A ft ® [tr ° [k Th Em f la = ile Te >» [k af fk]7[e \ Fl WEIN | + Cc)” Ke, a a D]e|x]o) | ve Il yukancek! tablonun fart birer parcasidir. Buna g6- +e, II dekl M ve N nin yerine agagidakllerden hengisi gel- meliir? | and I are two diferent parts of the table above which of the following do M and N stand fr in 12 bi 4/3/6/7 a N elelsle eo + zl7Le[s ee stelel? - 218 © ‘Yukardakd tabloda soru igaretinin yerine hangi say1 get »o @ etn Ticino onsen sand rh tet som? ox © eT ga Oe oie area co 28. at *[Ale[O]a[o = Almfo[4[olm loooa||| ° elolalmlole = [Al a[Alalol 23o|||eeel|lo o mololAle|A Olmfelo[alo eee|lo o 2 ~le@eAre?]e(Oem-O ‘Yukandal tblode @ iglminin kurllan vedi Buna n ®) ol Seca pees 2] Pe] OL According to the rubs of @ operation established inthe table above, which ofthe folowing does the queeton mark stand os 5} ee fo? AA 8) ag om a0 z. \/ W | \V 219; lo VV V 0}0 2) Oy | \ / 9] 9 I | ‘| ‘| \7| N71 ? 2 , Jit ‘ ‘O|0 5 oO i IO “V7 3) OW = 2 TY 2] af ay da “KE 28. 1 a ™ fa | * 1 1 a. ™ ] 1 o] ff o] | Ela O 2 => + F - fe a} :f ae ” » a "NS BL og OD 0 4 ° 6 ° >) 5) OC ye 0 oO 9 2, L a mow I — +2 A) 8) co 2) =) = } ¥ a 32 L a me w. +(§): 2 9} } ; & ~Keol™ IN- 7 a 5 9 A) c) oO © ° Dd) 5) f . 9 2'e “ ‘eroral arma ‘METROPOL PUBLEATIONS 3a. " u. ™. 1 ©O O® O®@ @O-@0-00 -? ©O O®8 G® %O@ »@@ 900 200 ®OO @Q ©0 Co® 68 « = o00 © ODA — taizi2 S@A noe 1 RO@> 12:3 o00 seo "oe0- ? A440 Ayaz at 23:2 Os z2 DATs ALS ‘Yukaridaki gokil 270° dénddrildiginde agagidaki gekiller- on hangis! olugur? \Whan the figure above rotates 270, which ofthe following flute is formed? a o ‘WETROPOL AYIA 2 7 = DA+PN = XK? 7? oF 1 re NS > 8 Petes oa a al eee a a Pacer aerial rerhranrewie ha pop a teeta ode eee ran : = ‘Bh Le “ mE I "DS °c fl ee : 5 e sl a icp pees ieee ea none : Pee noneranee tear come eterna 3 sn = v 8 » Lo m ™ 14 ve lI. eglt kollu terazi dengede olduguna gre, IV. terazinin bog kefesine asagidakilerin hangisinde verlen kKAtleler Konulursa terazi dengeye gelir? In accordance wit Il nd il which group ofthe masses be- low, when placed on the empty tray in IV, will make the scale balance? aod eA oA DAAA =e y MINT], I Alole lala) ~ a=? eS o KlL[w[nye]_ al BT? e(Alm[o[a|*° = a oe tha e a 8) ° 4 a a . ©) ° A a a . cm + xe? 0 20 = 20 i] =P? Aye Baar cya yaa) as 10. Ko zy aca ‘YANIT ANAHTARI/ ANSWER KEY Peat ates fe ae ap 4A SE GA TO EE BE IA tLe 120 136 140 15.8 106 © 120 96 144 17.8 18D 19.0 2A 2.e 28 23.020 ps2 2. 2.8 2.4 m8 0c 3.02 ) 150 30 180 153. 98.0 38.0 95.8 7. 28.0 909.0 40.8 =) 120 60 180 lat.0 «2.0 42.8 HE ASE Deneme Sinavi yos Practice Exams T= Soa GER Fa Ba SET WE 5 Ase Sinan fr er rakam gourd Sore Ae ert bation hat ye Geom defer po) tm Inquire 1 = 6 eh ler sands for aoe sok numeral zaro excepted in the operations given. Find the vens ne ae on Ow a7 t aBC SBE saeaseever a7 ee n7 Be ow BS te omK cue ee Tee At 92 98 oe ons 2 Ke rea kA Bxke? Ka nee SRC, FA FOR RIGHT pace ‘akan io gocierra I. gupta! way ele ‘elimigtc. Soru Igaret! lle belrtilen kelimenin hang! sayi lle gdsterlaigin! bulunuz, In questions 7-8 the numbers in group Il stands for the ‘Words in group I. when each letter has been coded with ‘specticnumoral Find the ruber which corresponds tho "Word indicated by the question mark. A)1SS —8)268C) 5550) 255 FE) 955 7. HASRET S Bo MANTAR BC AG? HANTAL + HANTAL =? Bo HASSAS acc SANSAR M2 880 -0)35- AS) O a zresri sy avaare © s76879 Dy a7ates 5) 476474 8. BORDO DEKOR KERRE i as KoLcu + 5A + ABBAR? ae fae ay 4304 8) 70300 ©) 26709 ay 9108 Byers ©) 1909 axe evi Dente 5) 1881 wernorou ane = TRETROPOL PUBLEATIONS & 1 2ae61s= 42 WV, 892 @ 333 =? ‘Yukanidaki dért epitikte ® igaretinin gBrevi aynidi. Buna ‘re, dérdincd egitiktekt soru igaretinin yerine agagidaki- lerden hangisi gelmelidir? In the equations above, the function of remains unchanged. What does the question mer stand for in the fo- 2. L abo=2a0d 1 W aopeast 1 ‘Yukaridak! lk iki egitikte © ve A garetlerinin gBrevied! ve- tiimigtr. Buna gOre, Uetncd esitiktek! soru igaretinin yerl- ‘ne agagidakilerden hangisi gelmelidir? In the equations above, the functions of @ and A are von. What does the question mark stand for in the third equ Aba? vacation? A) 168 B)169C)170, sD) 171) 172 mer fen boi ab ; bate Deere eer b 7 bee 2 tot atom aso 1 258 220m i 50 # a8 M728 278 Yukandaki dért esitlikte # igaretinin gérevi aynidir. Buna Gore, dérdiinci esitlikteki soru igaretinin yerine agagidaki lerden hang gel? Inte exatons above tenon of #remins Unchenged, Wa does the quaton mat sand forint fo ca een os A)786 = 8) 967 C) 826-0) 794) B15 3 ‘S fe o D 6 at i Las [2 J $f ewend 5 Wit w9e=13 = Ke? Le? M Mire? Cte ‘kara dot pte tae gre ey. Buna se et fe, rin elt eon garetinyerine ogi ae ierdon hangs eimai? In the equations above, the function of z remains iaSehee 6 unchanged, Wnt dese question mark sand forthe em 4 tout equation? Bowie Awe 89 Om Oe Be Pore Poorer * 1% “Te[ss “Pele! Fll®l« =| _[s 2 = > i @ Saeb-en? ‘tant opama ve gre tnbllanna sb ve hart. tr post ber sey yin slang: Buna ge son etogire Tibet Inte sunmeton an mutpleton es above ha ites, band stra ors poste na ais eve S(N+K)— (Me La? luea+b-0? ee ce cae ne 98 9 oH BI « Gle]ee 2 0 - i rere ™Tx7aloye a sasbscn? 5 @ Yanda tplama tablosund be chal poet be cles rerseynn yer tiling: Buna ge 248 sctre ‘Yukandaki carpma tablosunda 2, b ve ¢ hartleri pozitif ® birer sayinin yerine kullaruimigtir. Buna gore, ‘nthe summation table above the laters a, band coach stand subeckae? “ Spee tn: Varin vent Inte muticaton ls ove tera 8 and ch = ‘stand for @ positive number. What is the value of ae bee? we 49 u as % ys BS AIS 8) 16 cir Dw E19 er reno REO 18. ex & 16] 19 | 2 7lsl4l? ‘Yukaridak! tablode soru igaretinin yerine hangt say! gat meligir? Which number do question mark stand fr inthe table above? A138 B14 15D) 7 4]3]s 3 Ke? eat alpioc ¢[ojofa old 14) O10 ol? ‘Yukaridak! tabloda soru igaretinin yerine hangi gekil got molidir? \Which figure do question marks stand for in the tabla above? ‘A 8 90 1D AA =D" )§ [7 «full tla le c [we [mw fa uly [™[r[«[n w[«[w[« [cfm tft [ule [w [wv pees, = [xa ye Kh Qe 2)? a- 4 Yukendaki tabloda o igleminin kurellan veriimisti. Buna Bs 4 ‘gre, soru igaretinin yerine hangl harf gelmelidir? Oe ‘According to the rules of « operation established in the table n- 3 ‘above, which of the following does the question mark stand tor? oe in AK BL OM DN BIT 22 24, emA/DAG 1a) 5 Be OIETe) re u Al «[7 | s lone joan e Olef—lo]7 Ol elite ‘YukandalttablodaK, L ve M nin yerine hanglgekller get motir? ‘Yolendli tobioda K ve L. nin yerine hang! sayiar gelme- Whi gues do K, Land M tan forin to table above? ware Wien numbers do K snd L stan forin te table above? “(Gal e] (oo e 4 mA) 1D) n a2 1 Aen ° >) (Ao) A 7 log oO » — 14 "eA @A) Qo e) 12 W a g rf+fele uli {afe« m[mlale wlelsl[a =, Yukandaki tabloda K, L ve M nin yerine hangl sayllar gel- mela? mL 1 now Wich numbors do K; Land M stand forint abe so0ve? ae : 2 ALM a-as ” 3) ° oa a1 — 2 m1 44 >) 8 e224 2 C8 | g oo. Be [=> = ES> oe a | Same oe ay =f goe : a ~ - n Se fF pee ap tH & a 33. L a m. ™ bat ails ul | Lt ! A ~? i | UL L H 1 ‘Yukandeki diziyl hangl gekil ilemektedir? I Which figure continues the series above? lu | ? ” an. ° ” a 1 ° l 1 fu °) 5 D) 5 Mh 4. A aw DOs } du | -64@.. ou-o | 8'@? > 8 Se a) we ‘METnoPOL AMMAR {METROPOL PUBLICATIONS 32, 7 oy \ — tis — 259;232 x - 8525251 "i i at 948 og pas Bar ABZ 8) 151522 0) 2515254 D)2525431 5); 25251 2 Soru igaretinin yerine getrilmesl gereken sekii bulunu. Find te figure to replace the question mark. Se E WETROPOL VAVINARE ETROPOL PUBLICATION Bee a oreae Dy af orp Lou Le |. vell. e6itkollu teraz! dengede olduuna gre, I terazl- nin bos ketesine agagidakilerin henglsinde verilenkitieler konulursa terezi dengeye gelir? In accordance with | andl, which group of the masses below, when placed onthe empty tray in Il, wil make the soa- le balance? aM =) Ma ok DKK E)Mek op 4 XYZ a4 S?et ii 4 2s 2 8 145 OG FB 6 5 3 » £ & 3 7 2 4 Yukandoht gekide kag tane Kp verdt? pias How mary cubes aren he fgue above? ee A 827 C)28 2B) 20 s ‘WeTRoPOL aranaRr Twevnoro1 PuaLcaTion® m. iv AgaGidaklerden hangis! yukand verlen nesnenin agiimlanndan biti dele? Which ofthe fotowing doesnot reprasent ono cf the untold forms of he object given above? al BY BY | deki cisim agagidakllerden hangisiyle tamamlanirsa, I de exit? Which of the folowing will tn the object in into the object in 7 ” i 5 ‘YANIT ANARTARIZ ANSWER KEY hE 2D SA 4D 50 6B 70 &D l.D 10D 11.6 12A 128 14.0 15.0 16D WD 14D 19.0 2.0 2.A 22.0 2A 240 l25.0 28.6 27.A 28.0 226 SDE 31.0320 IE 88 95.4 96.0 37.8 SRE ORE AOA ist. 42.0 43.0 48.0 45.E Deneme Sinavi 7 vos Practice Exams 7 T= so TST TA BE KL kK ‘kam ile gésterilerek Il, gruptaki sayilar elde edilmistir. elk max (ABC) =? ‘ALAN —— ancy ARAN ang Reet ete tes ajses eyo cjss7 78 Eee pyveis E108 = 7. orld gute tinea hae Ber kL KL Ke ame getorlro I grup sayin ae emit ‘Soru Igaret ile belirtten kelimenin hangi say! lle g6s- eG terildigin! bulunuz. 20 Inqunsten 37 ne suber in go tc te ‘words in group |. when each letter has been coded with a7 BS os D190 Et spook nr Find te rome wc oresonds he wor ndeatd by eo qusion are ABA ao. n m ™ = eee i 6 74 62 40 Co 7Te a 33 24 ? 3g as 94 98 96 57 nto 92 oF om Ba a iene Teo RETO oe ee Wetse1 9 @ 2-16 ML (@ 4296) > =7 ‘Yukaridak kiki ogitite <> ve @ igeetierinin gdrevier! ve- rilmigtt. Bune gbre, Ggdnet ogitlikteki eoru igaretinin yeri- no agedidakilerden hengisi geimetidir? In the equations above, the functions of © ané @ are sven. What does the question mark stand for in the third eque ation? ajar B14 cy ata jase ey 114 10. L 72 20—25 H oo@is=i5 Mi. 62 @a6=56 Wy, 984 ADA? ‘Yukantdaki dért ogitikte § igaretinin gSrevi aynidi. Buna re, dordncd egitiiktekisoru igaretnin yerine agagidaki- lerden hangisi gelmettair? In the equations ebove, the function of xB remains Unchanged. What does the question mark stand fo In the for uth equation? Az B90 4s SRS tL atb=(eab)-b aad=a+ (amd) L amb=(a+b)x2 (em@ag=? Yukanek! ik Ug esitikte %, Ave m igaretirinin gBrevie- Fi veriimigtir. Buna gre, dOrdOncd esltiktek! soru igaret- hin yerine agagiekllerden hangisi gelmelisi? In the equations above, the functions of #, & and mare given, What does the question mark stand fori the fourth equation? Aje2 884 = 6B GB CENT 12, Yukaridaki dért egitikte ¢ Igaretinin gSrevi aynucir. Buna Ore, dorcincd egitikteki soruigaretinin yerine agagidaki- lerden hangisi gelmelir? In the equations above, the function off remains unchanged, \What doos the question mark stan fori the fourth equation? “Sd BP ie-76 Bal Ea ale ale els Nm 81 sess ESE [METRGPOL WAPOA 1" x 4) (2 Q © Ds © s 2) (2 = K-(e Mena? As BS o. 3 Ayiet Byte o5 pe 7 = Je oFes 12D) 196 £) 205, 18. Ao 17 ee 18. *T2Ple] Elelele al [7 a 8 a8 ‘ota garpma vo toplma tallands bv ¢ hart Ir bel Be ny ine err. une ate °° sagt Ine mieten ard ua te ove he letersob od eas tar ep nab Whet iste ot PE 2 13 13 4 yt git a8 a8 of of of * GepPle a] _ [88 3 = max(a+b+0)=? © 49) Yukandaki garpma tablosunda a,b ve charfleri belli bir sa- ‘ymin yerine kullanilmigtr. Buna gére, max(a + b + ¢) kag- tr? In the multpication table above, the laters a, b and c each stand fora specific number. What is the value of maxfa+b +0)? A100 -B)1O1C) 102) 109) 104 *Tal eye xJalo ra [ia] a . El] blr eT [s > e+tege? ‘Yukaridaki garpma ve toplama tablolaninda a, b, ©, ¢,¢, 1 vve g harfleri bell birer ssyinin yerine kullaniimigtr. Buna bre e+ #4 9 kagtr? In the muitiplcation and summation tables above, the laters a,b, c,d, 2, f and g each stand for @ spectio. umber. What Is the valve of @-+! +02 Ajo B)102 ©) 118) 24) 196 °]]7]5 ali[sle 7[ 6 [7] 7 ¢[e[a|s ‘Yukanidak! tabloda soru igaretinin_yerine hangi say1 gel melidir? ‘Which number do question mark stand orn the table above? a2 BS 4S 2]5/e we[ 4 [K [za as|s [fife sa] m [aa fee. = KeL-Ma? Yukendeki tabloda K +L —M kagtr? ‘What isthe value of K+L—M In table above? Ast B23 NSS 2] _2[27] «[as] 6 sal ef as| ela 25] 8] 25] e[ar| vo le vo] | 2 [9 ai] 10| 19] 2 elefu| a] ? ‘Yukandaki tabloda sory igaretinin yerine hangi sayier sgeimeicir? Which numbers do question mark stand for inthe table abo- ve? N]ie] = [refs] Garfas vel 5 we vei Mala] © [as |r [08 wie 4. oO] 3] 4] 5 1 [lf a 6 | 8 [2 [at 7 |16[¢ [se = AsBec=? ‘Yukandaki tabloda @ Igleminin kurellan verimistir. Buna 98re, A+B + C kagtir? some eh OOlOIATA Oolojojo OOOO] «| ==? OOOJATA) heath | O]O]O aE ‘Yukaridak! tabloda K ve L nin yerine hangi gekller gelme- air? Which figures do K and L stand for in the tebe above?” ak so 0 xA O 20 0 2O &A so Oo e JATO[O[Olo} Alojolo ofA ololelalo|o oloAlo/Alo ofofofalola Ol|Alo|ojoOjA =[(AceD)eOleO =? ‘Yukandaki tabloda @ igleminin kurallan verilmistir. Buna {96re, soru igarotinin yorine hangi gokil gelmelidir? ‘According tothe rulos of @ operation established in the table ‘above, which of the folowing does the question mark stand for? ‘According to the rules of @ operation esteiished inthe table oO aA 20 above, what is the valve of A+B + G? a 5 A86 -B)E2 «OBST EB a ° ‘eTROPOL NOI TWETROPOL PUBLGATIONS oo c. a ") “) oa 5 > 90, Agagidaki gokllerden hangisifarkidir? ™ L - am Nv. ‘Which of the following figure is different ? Wit iioe a 5 ° aa 1 2 (C [E (Ic ag 8) Pp om : - - Ea ) 5 a oq) iG TERR NERorOL PORES st 33. | nolu gekil her agamade katlanarak Ill nolu gekildek! gibt keesillyor. Agagjidakilerden hangisi bu geklin egildiktan sconrakihalicir? The first figure is fold In each case, atthe third figure tis cut and opened up. Which of the following Is the last form of the first fqure? “cS a : G-&- 00/8 [> ff XD s 2 ” 2) 9) A) aX co . Xx 7. - | ve Il nolu gekiller Ust ste Konulursa agagidaki gokillor- ‘don hangisielde edilir? Which ofthe foliming figure wil be obtained if 1. gure and I figure are superimposed?” 4) 7 >) ‘Yukaridaki gekilde ABCD kare, E, H, @, FP, 8, V,R, K,L, NM, X ¥, 7, Znoktalan bulun- ) s)cec oe a jee a a2. L ° ‘Agagidakilerden hangiel yukandak! kibtin kapal halidir? ‘Which one ofthe folowing is the closed form ofthe cube abo- gee ‘9G ‘Sektin karst Kenartarinda ayru gekil olduguna g6re kop sola dogru bir kez déndirdldrse agagidaki gekillerden angie! olugur? Ifthe cube has the same figures on the oppesite sides, When the cube is rotated to the left once, whic figure wil be formed as below? Ay By LZ >) 5 An B12 O13 Oe ENS as L\? eee ters 2 cr oe? & OY nS aot te ear tetanic B) 5a 144° 126° 90° Cc) 90° 126° 108° 36° ‘D) 108° ‘30° 126° 108° Siete et By | Sh =} 2 ; sede a + ; iL i 2 fa, Hil. Trete Thode ok > + 3 Slesres Hib needs oabewe 5} : ; Tbode "YANIT ANAHTARIZ ANSWER KEY [Re BA SB AEC 6D TE EB nc te n.c 26 120 wc 1B 16a Iy7.A 18.0 19.6 200 21.0 220 2A 24.0 las.c 26.0 27.6 282A 2.0 SUE LC a2c lsa.A SKE 95.6 960 97.0 CAB ORB 40.C ls.8 42.8 42.0 40 45.0 Deneme Sinavi 8 Practice Exams 8 1,2. sorularda, | gruptaki Kelimelerin harflen birer rakam ile gdsterilerek I. gruptak! sayiarelde ectimig- t. Sort isaretl lle belirilen kelimenin hang say ile 0steriiaigini bulunuz, In questions 1-2 the rumbers in group Il stands for the words in group | when each ltter has been coded with ‘Specific numeral. Fnc the number which corresponds tho Word indicated by te question mark. 1. SARIK KATIR TARAK = ART ARTI KATAR A) 18758 Basis? =o) sr138 0) 85157 E) 25738 A 1345 92956 G5eo07 1954 2365 s779 4153 e269 s578 87 H7438 a6 8 7852 4 ABOR = op 1698 Ae BB O10 ees = AsBs+D=? & kK Lk ouKM +4 =MLK > NeReT=? “TM TNRT Ae B17 C18 ots EA 6 yo 81 G2) ewe finden fark bier rekam gBstermettedi, Son Igeret iebelirlen hart yada igiomin degern ulus In questions 3~6 eae eter tan for a ifort rumor 2o70 oxcepte inthe operations gion. Find the value of ite or operation inctated by tn quecton mark ABB : sua BA BA AXB. 2 a re WD r2ta4® Bee ou Ate Bm Ce DaB eas N16 B18 Cer Oak ESR ‘ernoroc vara Ternoroc omLomToNS 449216 BL eabeaten 7 o tL ampeasb—2 sans tt aeoztext)-2 ih e204 Nv @AneGma= Mse72? ‘Yukanidaki ilk G¢ egitlikte A, m ve @ igaretlerinin gérevie- ‘Yukandaki dort egitlikte + igaretinin g6revi aynidir. Buna * verti, Bune gre, drained eititekt eoru gare fre, drdincteptkil sor igartnn yore apa ni yroeagallrdonhanglel gener? a inthe equations above, th tretons ot A. mand © re This apis chew: fr headin her What dae th queen ar arnt req unchanged What dos the queston ark stand fr inthe fo tion? uth equation? Wa Be) EAS Ne BNO CTT ye ED 2 L C(4@om)>omae 12 e0a4d@)AeDa — MW 4 LIN) — LM mh 0 (i204) 47 \af a6| |» [ze e € Yukeridski toplama ve garpma tablolaninda a, b vec hart- ler pozittbirer sayinin yerine kullaniimigtr. Buna gre, b eager? In the summation and mutipication tables above, the letiers a,b and ¢ stand fora postive number. What isthe vas lue b? NB 896 O7 DB B10 cor elel7|s|7 sfelslsle slezlelel™ slslelel? ‘Yukandakt tabloda soru igaretinin yerine hang! sayt gel ‘eli? Ag 86 «4A ‘Which number do question mark stand for in the tbe above? a7 B88 680 EH 7, ‘METROPOL vAWIMLAR ETROPOL PUBLCKTONS flex) adm eum) > K=% Le? ‘Yukarideki tabloda K ve L nin yerine hangl gokiller gelme- li? Which figures do K and L stand for inthe table above? beetle aw a a 0 ° oAA @ xo # be a . Agedidak! sekillerden hangisi dijerierinden farklicir? Which ofthe folowing shape is diferent? AE] OO 25. Agatidaki geklierden hangisl digerterinden farkusir? Which ofthe folowing fgureisctforent? VRA ) 9 *, 1 am, ™ @ K®) : x vL vi va. © ; © Gg L 423 m6, 3,4 ‘Yuka! potlerdan hanger oak Satie sit? ‘Which of the given figures above have similar properties? x nae pe ree Anas a 287 =v wanes 240 ner a 24s meas 9854 — gaa6 03688 1.87 page Hea 524s 8 NeT a Ko]? Ko (| P || © SB @ (fA 2 L/ ” i [iat] « £03] God |[ro 7 ge ) Noms Ze > 8) 2 37. Sekllde, ABCD kare, IBDI = 8 cm ve o.= 30° ise taralt alan’ kag em? dit? (x =3) ABCD isa square, BDI = 8 cm and w= 30°. What Is the area, of shaded fold? (n= 3) As B90 C)s2 as BAO |. vel. esitkolluterailer dengede olduuna gére, I tere 2zinin bog kefesine agagidakllerden hangisinde verllen kat- leler konulursa teraz! dengeye gel? In accordance with | and II which group of the masses. below, when placed on the empty tray in Il, will make the sca- la balance? an BOA 00 DO 500 |, Ive IL egitkollutorazi dengede olduguna gére, IV. te razinin bog kefesine agagidakllerin hangisinde verien kit: leler konulurea torani dengeye gelle? In accordance wit land Il, which group of the massee be: tow, when placed on the empty tay in IV, wil make the scale balance? A whe > |eAA CAA 5AmA ~ Ti Ls 5) a. ‘Yukandaki gekilde grdinmeyen kag kp varchr? How many cubes, which we cant see them? a2 B19 C14 Dyas EY aa 3 ‘Yukardaki gekll kapalt hale getirlirse hangi yizeyler birbirine paralel olur? Ifthe given shape is closed, which sides willbe parallel to each ‘ther? A) BaF-DaH 8) B&D-G&H ©) AgF-Gay D) DaF-Day 5) ASG-BaD METROPOL PUBLICATION ‘Yukanda A ve B nin boylarinnyillara g@re degisim grag verilmigtir. Buna gre 16,rlda A ve B boylan arasindaki ‘ark kag em olur? ‘There is @ lenght-year graph of A and B, in the given graph stove, What isthe ciferance betwoon ther lenght in 16° yo- a Ar 82 0 930 (8 44, Seblideki dalresel gratikte, vvell Gn oranian nedir? Inthe given circle graph, what Is Es? ab 5b 4988 pemeei ee 48562 ropes wae az 98 of De #8 oo semoroc ana Termoro: PomLomTON® 7. Lae 540-16 7 + 24=25 Neea=? | ‘Yukaridakt drt esitite ¢ igaretinin g6revi aynidir. Buna ‘re, dOrddncd egitiktek soru igaretinin yerine agagidaki- Jerden hangisi gelmeticir? In te equations above, the function of + remains lunchanged. What does the question mark stand fr in the fo- urth equation? Az a2 26 D)28 B20 1 12we4no niewee=4 UL 1828 3=36 Wv.2428 6 =? ‘Yukaridaki dért opitikte 2 igaretinin gSrevi aynidt. Buna re, dBrddnci ogitiktaki soru igeretinin yerine agagicaki- ren hangis! gelmelidir? In the equations above, the function of Wf remains unchanged. What does the question matk stand fr inthe for urth equation? a4 Be 16 Dyas E36 Lemb=2asde amb=3a-2b (4.2) (3) =? Yukaridad ikiklegitikte A vem igaretierinin gBrevieri ve- rlimistir. Suna g6re, UeUne esitlikteki sory igaretinin yeri- ne agadidakilerden hangisi gelmelidir? In the equations above, the functions of & and mae given. What does the question crark sand for in the third equ- aon? a2 Bs 4) SS ‘WETROPOL YAYIMLART 10. L awe. mage. ML (626) 2408) Yukoridai kiki esitlkte # ve (igaretierinin gSrevier ve- rlimigtir, Buna g6re, UeGned esitlktek! soruigaretinin yeri- ne agagidakilerden hangisi gelmolidir? In the equations above, the functions of and are jlven. What does the question mark stand for the third equ ation? Ay153 Bytes 0)179 Oy 189) 188 no 47 2 7 42 37 oT oe 18 2 2 3 a8 4s 18 16 19 2 2 28 a 1s 2 8 noe 3 3: >t 8 x Ae be or oes Her 'WETROPOL PUBLISTIONS ™“\.Gra-: n Ja = ne as 7 14, Vandal gekilde M, H ve T nin yerine hang! sayilar go! melidir? Which numbers do M, H end T stand for in the figure above? .[ey~s noyt 15 0)10 Aas =K+LeMeN=? B46 a7 yas aD ‘ (a) u o# r yw ‘0 ® ® 5 4 8 we @ &© o a be = => (K+L+R)-(M4N) =? > 8 ‘0 =) cae a 109 ae Be C) 10 DW ee 1. 4. 33 Ea L 6 ul me 24] = Keitel | ‘antl gama tune Marr ele e sayisinin yerine kullaruimigt. ee Buna gére K+ M+ L kaghr? a2 & 4 In the muitpieatontablo above, tho ltrs K, L and M each 3 @ specic number. Whats the value of KeMéL = Dy ease ten tee stand for @spectic number. Whats the valuo of KsMsL = ? A7 Be 98 D1 BIE ou 2 « a 5 oe 3 4 18. +]e[ole a s2 | 128 20 ela lslclo b “4 16{ -[ 3] -[ 5 a6] 6] -| fra] >K+Lem=? 40 | 8fr0| - ‘Yukaridak toplama tablosunda 6, b ve charter bell birer = = sayinn yerine kullanimigti. Buna gre, ¢~ 8 kagt? a In the summation table ebove, the letters eb ve c each stend Stukanchid isbiode KEL kogort tora spectictama wri na Wala oo 87 What is the valve of K++ M in table above? AB -B)7BSC8B CYB =) 108 A192 820 Ce aD 21 wl efile = A+B=? wl alas e as |e] ls ‘Yukaridaki tablods A + B kaghr? ‘What isthe value of A+B in table above? Az 822090 ge SA KT]N goo N[ NK Hale “fwiett] = "Lele u[ Kk] Pigls Nit RLH|? |. satrda bolirienen ilgklye gre, I satin agagidakiterdien hangis! tamamlar? Which ofthe numbers bolow completes I, n accordance with ‘lationship estabished in |? z ®) TF ° Tp a F R F P F » TF ® i a P RB F m =? 2 * Aa Bis oj2ss 8 Dj1s4 e143 AeliOe Ykardakltabloda @ iglominin kurallan veriimigtit. Buna | 9 6re, sora igartinin yerine hang! gekl gelmeliir? L Ques ‘Accoring tothe rules of @ operation eetabiched in the table ove, wich ofthe folowing does the question mark stand nD —rerovas tor? n, 5 1g ugs— a=? Aoreded —Bcseed ojaced % 2© D) 26.446 B)2de28 <<] - - Obl n 6-4-8-8- “aw OD "® "@O at. 1 . mow AD0+)an+00a + + ° =? yoaa doa 9400 ° a = Dm00 = 90m ‘s a 2 OO) + DOO] + |O*w @|+|||O<] 2 “XO lel] *[SO Oz] KG ‘WETROPOL YaVINAR a a o<[o) [ml-fe] 5 4) BEORGS e 7 e] 4 +[e[>| [ele] = clo] folm|4) fy) = e = A = ° om eg 38, ABCD kare ve B noktast 8 c ABI yl yangap kabul eden ‘gemberin merkezidi. Buna ‘bre taralislan kag om? dir? ABCD is a square. Bis center of the a 7 Cirle, What isthe rete of cose section area? A)3-2e B)2+2e 0) Ala) D)t6+4n a(t +x) "Le J A nonx xe? |. vel. egit kot terazi dengede olduguna gore, Il. teraz! ‘dokt x aguligt agagidakllerden hanglelair? In accordance with | and I, which group of the masses below to equal x, when placed on the tay in Il, wil make the scale balance? ag BAA ona 3000 Aco 4. 0 A | a a L.vell, egit koa terazi dengede olduguna gore, Ml teraz nin bog kefesine agagidakilerin hangisinde verlen kitleler konuluree torezi dengeye gellr? In accordance wit | andl, which group ofthe masses below, when placed on the empty tray In Il, wl make the sea le balance? aM BKK ) Mu D) kK E) KKM. *t ea ES tH "eS ‘WETROPOL PUBLICATIONS — a +? tle[ifals 1 3 7 | ar Can rhy ed: a OpATY ORD WN - ; ; Lia. 3] 4 = jana ok UMN oKLMN | oKLMN OK LMN 6] | T Z 4] ‘Yukaridaki situn grat le dalre ayn bligler géstermekte- q prepprtr eater aa EN mortise cement ? ‘YANIT ANAHTARI / ANSWER KEY een ais a | SuasenGuELeeene oo peepee ae == Deneme Sinavi 10 Practice Exams 10 7-2 sorularda, 1 gruptaki Kellmeterin harier! birer rakam ile gsterilerek il. gruptakl sayilarelde edilmistir. ‘Soru lgareti ile belirtilen kelimenin hangi say! tle = sbeteragin butunuz wine Ih qlosione 1-2 the ruber group Islands forthe Toe words group |. whan each leer Rao boon coded wih ‘specific numeral. Find the number which comesponds the Ae B12 O15 D168 Eat ord inated ty tre queston mar 1. alae La e2in = Aizee? MEAL Larl K - M = KeLeMen 1) 2664 Bante overs cK ek eM 0) 4527, E) 5435 cow a As Rm OSG EIT 2 ITME cau am = Rime? went ALAN ny so7e B25 caso RR ew oyeree Bens LM MK em. 65 753 N25 B38 CeO eI 3.~ 6, eorulardai ielemlorde her har erirden ve bir Bicnden fark rer rakam gdstermekiedl. Soru ise ‘elie belren hart ya da glemin degerniBulundz. In quesions 8-6 each eter stan for a ifort rum ra aero oxcopad inthe operations given. Ft the value leer or operation inctated by the question mare a KK LL 2 «KIL Lm = Kote? Seer aera es as MM KK 3 zs ae BT OB Oe Hm Am BH OR OD OME i U, 2@bd=4(a-oF M 49270 G¢1=? Yukaridak! lk Iki egitikte. @ ve @ igaretierinin goreviert Veriimigtit. Bune gre, Uglied egitikieki soru igaretinin yerine agagjidakilerden hangisi geimelldir? Inthe equations above, the functions of @ and @ are given. What does the question mark stand for inthe third equ- avon? 16 2 18, B os ee mo ae oF os & 8 bk (ORAM A2)=2 (10 m2) A (6m2)=2 tm, @4)m(9.45)=? Yukaridak! lk ki epitikte A ve m igaretlerinin géreviert veriimigti. Bune gre, Uglied egitiktek! soru igaretinin yerine agagidakilerden hangle! gelmelidie? Inthe equations above, the functions of & and mare ‘Given, What oes the question mark stand fr Inthe third equ ation? aN 2 4 D6 HB 10k 2e3~31 56 Mm, 6e3=63 W. 46427 Yukandaki dért egtikte ¢ igeretinin gOrevi syndit, Buna re, dorddncd egitiktek’ soru igaretinin yerine agagideki- lerden hangisi gelmetii In the equations above, the functon of remains unchanged. What des the question mark stand fr inthe fourth equation? Aes B72 C)7B ys EBM ML sr ez2=99 WL 693937 =75 Mm, 39.21 =20 are ue? Yukaridak! d&rt optiite 4 Igaretinin gBrevi aynici Buna re, doreldned egitikteki soru igaretinin yerine agagidak- lerden hengisi gelmelisir? In the equations above, the function of 4 romaine unchanged. What does the question mark stand for in the fo- uth equation? A B28 ce DaT EL 2. 6e 12 nh 5010029 m, se6~ 18 w. Lene? ‘Yukandaki dért esitikte @ isaretinin gbrevi aynidi. Buna ‘96re, dBrdiinci esitiktekd soru igaretinin yerine agayidaki- letden hangisi gelmelidir? {In the equations above, the function of @ remains. unchanged. What does the question mark stand for inthe fo urth equation? BS > Na aa 12 ‘METROPOL PUBLICATIONS 1% — fs} 2[+ 17 [3s 6 a A182 O25 SSS a3 5 OF oe BMS 16. 1 [SO] aves uf = 22¥B ag 1“ un (@,)\ =2 A A488 es) EET a veTnOPOL AMAR s 7 18. +lelefe + [o[o[o #[5[4[8] _ aces al [ee AsBse elelalz 5 Le @ e[elele ‘Yukeriéoki toplametablosunda a b ve ¢herler pozti bi- gor ceyien yori bxendeagi: Barwon ‘Yokarsdek tablo* Ilemine gbre dUzenlenmigtc. Buna aire, A*B*2 erin hang! seyiar gelmeticir? ‘The table above is organized according to the + operation. Inthe summation table above, the levers 2, b,c and d each REO siand for a postive number. What isthe value of fee ee react SB y A1 2 «3A OS 3 5 at pr oS 92 of 2. a]9]2/4 6 [a| x [2 «[tlelo 7 [ao [m [20 Lat Ma? %8 *]*[>]° ‘Yandel tablo A Islemine gore ddzenienmigt. Buna go> 2 fo | re K, L vel nin yerine nang sayar gelmetiir? le | The table cbove is erganized accor to operation Wich el) 12 rubers do K, Land M stand or? = arbe ‘ . i ‘Yokandek garpmetablosunde a,b ve cherlrbell biter s2- ae = " yn yerne allanimigt. una gre a+b © kaghr? » « #8 as |n the mutilation table above, the letters a, b and ¢ each Sted sd = stand fora specie number. Whats the value of a+ b—o? D888 40 a5 88 OF DB OO 5 2 16 45 % TTROPOL AML ‘METROPOL PUBLICATIONS a = Ke ‘Yukaridak! tabloda K ve L nin yerine hangi sayllar gelme- aire ‘Which numbers do K and L stand fr inthe table above? Bok at 7 yn 6 on 6 Dis 44 |. zal] als] a2 «fall? ‘Yukaridak! tabloda soru igarotinin yerine hangi eayt gol melicir? \Which number do question mark stand for the table above? A485 O68 DOF AB % 23.24 sorlarda Ic golden kine! gol gkanléiinda edo edlocok kl blur. Inqueston 23-26 you evtract cond gue tom tho fit on what would be the raul? ee < “4 @ ‘METROPOL PUBLICATIONS Jaret! yerine hang goin getinime- > eo. ok MM re S. “|= 2 Pa el “Hal @ OS @ ® “A Hite EH? “Hoh oy "hk ‘Yukaridakl gokildok!tareltalsn kag om? ir? ‘What isthe area of shaded region? A)22-B)23 C24 BCE) 26 37. Agadgidaki gekllerden hangs digjerterinden farkndir? Which of the following is ferent from the thers? ‘D OD a? >) 5 ‘METROPOL YAY np: ® aC ‘2 @é 42. ‘Yukanidaki gokiide kag tane kip vardir? How mary eubes are inthe figure above? aso B52 C54 OSB ENB 48, L u u ™. ~ ~ +? e a 8) 7 9) a | L am 4, z al 4] 2 ‘Agaiidakllerden hangisi yukerdaki kipiin kepelt halldir? Which ofthe folowing corresponds the cube above? a i] aoe 2) 5) az 700 Command | vel, egit kolluterszi dengede olduguna gére, I terazi- nin bog ketesine agagidekilerin hangieinde verilen kitiler konulurea teraal dengeye gelir? In accordance wih | and Il, which group ofthe masses below, nen placed on the empty tray inl, wil make the scele balen- oe? aL BLL DELL EyLLLLL, ouee YANIT ANAHTARI// ANSWER KEY FS 26 86 aD 5 6D 7B RC aA 10D tc 2B 126 KE 18. 16C 7.0 8c wD mc 2c mB DME 25.0 2A 27.0 26 2.0 SAE SLE SZC ISA SLA 38.E SGA SLA ORE 908 40.c la.0 2c 436 440 USE Deneme Sinavi 17 yos Practice Exams 111 4 2 15, sorlardekl iglomlerde hor hart etirdan ve Bir ahh sea? Birinden far Birr rekam gostermektel. Sor ge ao ral le belt hart yaa igemin deerni bulunus. i quesions 1.5 each ate sands fora cfernt nar NS 84 OS De a7 marl azo excepted nthe operations give. Find the va- Ive otro operon notated bythe quostion mark. 1 ABCIEE sal -AA_leeE > ABCI=? OAS oak 304 ORM 07 Ay8601 8) 7881 )6221 0) 5061) 4001 s KK KK minty + max =? aw WN A798) 8 BMH 2 ABA 1 8B Dap +5180 38040 24 828 O)42 yas EAA 6k amos soma Least a8 am oom 18 1. Am? ‘Yukari Ih Og esikta vem igartlernin gérevier ang vertimist. Sune gre, d6rdined esilitk! soruigaretinin Yerine agaGidillerden hangit gelmiir? eas” In te equatons above, tho fundtons of and Bc48 ‘ven, What does the question mark stand forte fourth equation? : 8 : ne » aus | AS B15 «C)18 Da 816 Dee et:2 | METROPOL YAYINLARI io PUBLICATIONS. 7b 402=26 H 304-36 ML sat=15 602 ‘Yukendaki drt epitikte A igaretinin gBrevi aynidu. Buna ‘bre, dorddncd estikteki soru igaretinin yerine agaghdak- lerden hangisi gelmelidi? In the equations above, the function of remains ‘unchanged. What does the question mark stand for in the fourth equation? Aw Bt 28 Dyas E48 4926 t= 24 e205 = 32 5038 2 = 69 IV, 7544 se =? Yukandaki dért ogitikte 2 igaretinin g6revi ayn re, dérdiined egitikteki soruigaretinin yorine agagideki- lerden hangisi gelmelidir? M552? ‘Yukandak! dért estikte ot Igaretinin grevi aynicir. Buna (re, dordncd esitiktek soru igaretinin yerine agagidekt lerden hangisi gelmaticir? Inthe equations above, the function of wf remains Unchanged. What does the question mark stand for inthe fourth equation? at Bs 010 © D202 at 10. 4ea=2 wu sea-16 16 m, ee2- 2 3 1M aeb=? ‘Yukandak! dért esitikte @ igaretinin g6revi ayridir. Buna ‘96re, dBrdinci esitikteki soru igaretinin yerine agagidak- lerden hangis! geimeliair? In the equations above, the function of @ remains Unchanged. What does the question mark stand for in the fourth equation? In tho equations abova, the function of romaine nat. 5) 8-2 ate unchanged. What does the question mark stand for inthe ab ate? a? +b? fourth equation? patch? 49 BOGS se sor ab 02 WETROPOLYAVIAR 1. a A 6) alls) Glala) Gre w) : G nw 9 94 Oe as 2 De 82 13, fr 2 8 3 @ = KLe Ma? aya ays oy16 D7 &)18 8 re yh 7 0 13 al fe el [st ® «| fe 2 S teptecta? a,b ve c sayllan arasindakd toplama ve gikarma iglemieri ‘yukanda verlen tablolards tanumianemigti. Buna gore a? +b? + c2 kagtir? ‘Summation and mutipicaton operations between a, b, and ¢ ‘are defined inthe tables glvan above What isthe value of ateotect? Ae B86 = G60 ee) BB TWETROPOL PUBLICATIONS 16. +yalele 2 [| [2 ]sas2s0=7 ° 2 2, b vec arasindek! toplama iglemi yukandakl toplama lg- lem! tarumienmistt. Buna gdre a+2b+0=? ‘Summation between a, band care defined in the table given above what i the velus of 2 +25+c=7 Ass B40 Cat) NSD 1B. *]2|*]4 2|s | s/o a[r|2| = +[o[7l? ‘Yukanidak! tabloda soru Igaretlerinin yerine hangl sayilar ‘gelmelicie? Which numbers do question marks stand for in the table abo ve? ee Dyas e156 XSAN be Lys] iS Ly [xx/8 AX) ¥x/ S[Al * Cee S SAIN = 2 Ly! AIS} - warboont (9 #4) (99) ©V)e de) 2? el= Yokerdat abo glmine gre dbzelenmigt: Sune g&- ‘Yukendakd garpma tablosunda a,b, d harfierl bell birer sayt= re yukandaki iglemin sonucu nedir? Ccianae mie ead beac “The table above fs exabised for operation Acco to In the multiplication table above, the letters a, b and d each stand ‘the table, what is the result above operation? fora pec runber Whatis he vat a+ bc? We He GR Og AY 82 8 «Os BS we 98 OM vy i =a a 4 AIO/OaInA IAIOIOCIOIA IO} DIOIAIC IDA CAIalol? ‘Yukandaki tabloda soru igaretinn yerine hangi gekit get reli? |Which figure do question mark stand for the table above? XO 2A on 9 HO */O|xM AJA|D DI B|S OJa|D[K (lol Mlll|-? ‘Yukaridakt tabloda soru igaretiin yerine hangi gekil gel rmelidir? Which gure do question mark stand for nthe table ont &X * |[=S4/e «jaa. ula [ola alwlelo Sc ‘Wand bods, Lv Min yeh ela go mae ae Vii nurbrs @oK Lard Mand nao showet &J- : ees ae A 2 Y 2 AS 8) oe o 3 8 4 4 Og i oh its m4 4 sa > 24 3 7

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