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. .

Gas Lift

II Mandrels
ana I Jalves
1 Lh.
Gas Lift

Side Pocket Mandrels

Carnco's introduction of the side cluding the weids. undergoes a full heat-treatment
pocket mandrel ln 1954 revoiution- process and is hydrostaticaliytested internally to strict
ized the world of gas lifiand comple- Carnco standards. Coliapse testing, radiographic in-
tion technology by providing a more spection and rnagnetic particle inspection are per-
flexible. efficient alternative to con- forrned on a randorn sampiing of these mandrels.
ventionai mandrels. Since 1954, Carnco also provides additionai quality controi ser-
Camco has continualiy improved vices based on custorner need. These services in-
and refined the slde pocket rnandrel clude cornplete magnetic particle inspection,
design to provide custorners with radiographic inspection and liquid penetrant and
technologically advanced rnandreis ultrasonic inspection.
applications. Frorn the conception of
e pocket rnandrel design to the Standard Camco side pocket rnandrels are
of the current G series mandreis, manufactured from AiSi 4130 iow-alloy steel. The
rnitted to rernain a leading supplier of chemicai composition of the steel used by Carnco
ity gas lift and cornpletion equiprnent. is closeiy controlled through rigid specifications to
assure the desired rnechanical properties.Standard
side pocket mandrels includes the side pocket rnandrels are heat-treated for two dif-
aiiy advanced G series rnandreis as well ferent types of service. sweet service and H2S ser-
and MMAseries rnandrels, the rnainstay vice. The rnandreis heat-treated for sweet service
arnco line for over 25 years. Every Carnco have a minimum rnateriai yield strength of 95,000 psi.
qcket rnandrel features the basic side pocket The rnandreis heat-treated for HS , service have a
receives gas iifi valves, chernicai injection minimum rnateriai yield strength of 80,000 psi and
, differential durnplklli valves, circuiating hardness levels that conforrn to those specified by
,durnrny valves and waterfiood flow regulator NACE MR-01-75for HS , service.
Wells drilled in formations with high pressures and
series mandrels inciude KBMG. KBG, MMG, temperatures and rnoderate to extrernely corrosive
and rnuitipocket series mandrels which incor- environrnents often require materials other than iow-
i innovative design features. One of ailoy steel. Therefore, Camco rnakes mandrels from
n orienting sleeve. precisely aligns
ices for accurate insertion into the
9 CR-1 MO steel.
~ f0-ess stee!and,aiioy 718. This
range of alterna e rnateriai choices 1s suitabl'e for
ocket. Aforged tool discrirninator feature H2S. CO, and chioride environments and a wide
roper diarneter side pocket devices into range of pressures and temperatures.
pocket and deflects iarger toois into the
ore. These mandrels ais0 feature an inte- Carnco has developed a proprietary method to ac-
rged side pocket (a solid side pocket in sorne curately predict maximum acceptable pressure
s) which allows higher test pressures in G series levels for al1 its side pocket rnandrels.During appiica-
els than ln other Carnco mandrel designs. All tion or testing, interna1 or externai pressure differen-
atures combine to rnake G series rnandrels tials must not exceed these leveis or permanent
ost advanced available. deforrnation of the mandrel vesse1 couid result.
Carnco's proprietary rnethod is based on finite ele-
rnandrels for the petroleum industry ment analysis, physical testing and statistical data.
t Camco engineers that quality is the most Test pressures are iisted in this catalog to help pre-
ingredient in rnandrel construction.This ex- vent permanent vesse] deforrnation due to in-
and attitude enable Carnco to provide advertentiy exceeding the mandrel's yieid strength.
of consistent quality. During the rnanufac- Pressure lirnits are for the vesse1 only; specific data
cess, each rnandrei is tested and inspected for tubular connections rnust be reviewed to avoid
mes by qualified quaiity contra1 inspectors. exceeding the pressure lirnits of the end connections.
andrei cornponent is dirnensionally checked
being fabricated into the final assernbly. Through extensive research and deveioprnent,
control inspections on standard side pocket Carnco is able to design and manufacture side
rels include hardness checks at severai loca- pocket rnandreis with the features and rnaterial
ng the iength of the rnandrel. interna1drifting specifications to meet the rnost dernanding re-
ifi dimensions, external driftlng to published quirements. Carnco's dedication to quality and sen-
g sizes and dimensional inspection of threads sitivity to industry needs dernonstrate a commitrnent
>gciuges caliürated to National Bureau of to rneet the ever-increasing dernands of the
drds (NBS) specifications. Each rnandrel, in- petroleurn industry.
33 Carnco
Gas L i

Guide to Selection of Camco Side Pocket Mandrels

model In the mandrel
slde pocW valves and
rewevable ride pocket
In addition b the standard features of M and K serler mandrelr. SIXdesign ledures denoted by the leiims G. E. EC. W. U and R
rds far speclfic Oppllcatlons Design variotbns. indicated by IeRers and nurnerals follwing me hyphen ln the nornenclokve.ore
peciaUzed mandreifunctions Wiih mis extensive range of mandrel iypes. Camco can offer mandrels to Sun a Hnde varieu of Weil

Basic Design Features for Camco Slde Pocket Mandrels

The letter G refers to Carnco's most technologrcally advanced mondrel deslgn and Indiwtes three innwoitve rnandrel features The hrst feaiure.
orlentlrQ slave, provtder preoise olgnrnent and insertion d slde pcckei devices lnto Me mandrel slde packet. The second feature, a foroed
Idhmlnator. guides the proper dlarneter slde w k e t devices lnto the mandrel w k e f a n d deflects laroer t w b lnto the hibing bore. The lhlrd
?gature, on lntegrolly forged side pockei (or O mlid side pocket ln some mandrelsL allows hlgher test pressures in G series mndrels than in other
mondreldedgns In gasllfl applications, hlghpressure gas ihjeîted lntothe casingonnulusflows mroughthe m i n theside of the mmdrel, ihrough
ihe p o h in Me ws lm volve and lnto the hibing.
The letter E lndicaterthatthemandrei. used primarilyln chomber Iiiappliwhons. has no pz& inthe side m k s t for cornrnunlwtlon wlth ihe hiking
Imtead, ihe rnondrd has an exhaust pwt at the bonom of me side pod<et mis port 1s extended downward info the casing annulus ihrougha iR"
plpe conneotedto thefop packer of a chamber lifl Insfaliotlcn ln gos lliiappllcoflom.high-pressuregas1n)ected into the wslngonnulurnowsthrough
the p o h ln ihe side of the mandrel. through the pork in the gas lin valve and downward through the exhaurt port
The IettersECindicote thotthe mondrei. ured h annular l i t a p p l l ~ o n sfectures
. O snorkel whlch hinctlons os on exhausf port Locotedat the boiicrn
d the sidepocùet. the snorkel extends downword lnto theoaring annulus The holes in ihe mandrel side m k e t communkate dire* wlih the tub-
1-g In gar lm applkations. hlghpreswre gas injeoted into the tubing flwi h r w h the par% between ihe pocklng bores ln me mandrel pod<et,
ihrough fhe poris ln Me gos Iln valve, downward through the sncrkei and lnto me cosing
The leiter W indlcates thai the mandrel Is used In slngle?tring. muüucne fluid inJedion(watsrflwdl Insbllrinons The mandrel has a wslng exhaust
port atihe bottom of me side pocketto protect the caring from hlgh-veiodiy turbulence aspocloted wdh waterflocdhg In wdterilCDd opersiicns,
waier lnjected into Me tublng flows into the rnandrel slde pocket, through ihe waterflood flow reguldor valve and downward through the exhausi
port. A nonretrievablecheck valve w n be attached dlrectiy to me exhauot port to prevert bocWIow nom the wnulus when the woterflood now
reguldor valve is removed
me letter R Indicdesa round M serles mandrel The round design 1s genemlly used when Increased test pressureor premium metallurgy i l mqulred
n\e ietier U indwtes t h d the rnandrd hos a redwed 0.D and a oeducad I D. to permit IriJtallahon in dual-siringcompletims or heovyweight cas-
h g In 3-IR" KBUG rnondrels. however, oniy ihe O.D. Is reduced
Design Variations for Basic Camco Side Pocket Mandrels
The nurnefal2 indlwias fhat me mandrel hasa sllghtif reducedO D. inwilon into ihe caslng onnulus Is bot desirable If the s i d e plpes
and O fuiiy open 1.D Most mondtels Wiih thls designailon have a ore exfended,ihese mondrels can be connected wiih other LT man-
reduced test pressure drels lnrtalled in the same M i n g string. In gos lliiappllcofions, in-
j&ed gos antws the mondrel pocket horn the side pipe ond flows
me numeral 3 Indicotes thal speolal wnsiderotlon musi be given throughmegas lit valveand intoihetubing Flowwi~~ also continue
to threod selection.The campletelinedsbndard end connections downwrd If the slde pipe Is connected to omer LT mandreis
moy notue applicable. or the rnandrel moy bespecially dealgned
tOr heavy-weightend connections. iiv3 ieiiers LlS indimie bat the mandrel has on integralconnedion.
iyplcally 418" NPT box, ihat accepta an Injection conduit fyplcaliy
me numeral4 i n d m i h a t theends of ihe mandrel are lengfhened
fo occommodotethe rernachlnlng of end Cannedons
114" O D extendln0 frm the wrfoce wellheod conradion LiS rnon-
dreb are used when tv*o or morefluids k i n g injecteci lnto the well
5 i n d m that the mondrel hm integralgwrd devlces rnust be kept ~eparcrte untll i h w are commingled In fheflawsfream
e m w l in)ectlonconduils k i n g run slmultaneauriy wlth This typeof Installation leaves theannulus free for other prcductbn
uses. ln chemlca- ~ ~
ihe mondrel mketihrough fhe injeciioncvndun ond Hcw through
numerai 6indlcotes that the mandrei has special extended endl Re chemlcol injection valve and into Hie hiblng
provlde rwm for hibing tongs
V The leiier V lndicates Mat ihe mandrel has more man one receiver
The leners LT lndlcate that the mandrei hm a pipe welded one ib m k e t The V deslgnotlon iJ used lh cornMnaiion with O numeral
dde fo serve as a fbw wnduii for llquid or gao tnjectlon from Me to lndiwie the number d recehr pocketr. such as 2V or 5V
wriacedirediy to me mandrei pocket LT mandrek are used when

summry should be usad by nistomers as an ald In detenhing whlch C a m w ride p€ci(etmndrels will most effecilveiy suit speclilc
I mdenable the mort efflclenf adlevernent of~roduotlon
aools However. os In chcorlno - onv. oroduct
. for a soeclfic lnstollatlan well oharocterlstlos
plelon iequirernenrî and many omer facton misi be lakennt0 consiaerofion It is au0 IrnpMant to noie ihcir the rnondrel rr>menclaiuie inalmies
may !nciJde addlilonol leahres whbn. foi sirnpi~cliy.ore no1 releiied to n the nomencalire. For camplete deiaib on
ies and uerfoirnc~cecocîblilles. relei to rpeclRc rrondre. Infwrnal3n on !ne ! or ccn.ac1 ine neoresi *CO soes an0 seruce


Side Pocket Mandrel C'mlng Cornpatibility

- m,,,,,,,,,,
As with any downhole device run as part of the tub- tion are installed sirnuitaneously, specific sizes
ing string. side pocket mandrels have a minimum round mandrels without welded-on side protrusic
casing size in which they can be installed.The foliow- may be used. For special cases, Carnco can provit
ing casing compatibility chart provides the minimum completion designs to allow the use of some mc
casing size in which a specific side pocket mandrei drel types not generally applicable to duai-stri
can be installed for single-string or dual-string com- completions; however. Camco does not normc
pletions. The following assumptions are made for recommend the installation of either single or d i
dual-stringapplications: 1) 9-518 O.D. casing is the O.D.'s which exceed the casing drifl I.D.
largest production casing normally used and 2) the
strings will not be installed simuitaneously; therefore, The following illustration shows the drifl diameter
one mandrel will be requlred to pass the other man- quired for duai installations.
drel during installation.
Drift Dlameter for Oval Mandrels ,

Generaily. mandrels with side pipes, side lugs or in-

tegral control iine protectors are not applicable for
dual-stringapplications due to installation difficultles. Drift
Round mandrels are also generally not applicable
for dual installations because their maximum O.D.'s
are constant and larger than the minor O.D.'s of cor-
responding oval mandrels. if the production casing
is large enough and if both strings of a dual installa- Thi$ diameler 1s greater than the sum ofme minor O 0's

Guide to Camco Side Pocket Mandrel Casing Compatibility

The API EUE-8RD coupling on the ride pocket mandiel pin thremd increassr the major O.D.


uide to Camco Side Pocket Mandrel Casing Compatibility

TheAPl EUE-BRD coupling on the side pockel mondrel pin fhread increares the malor O D Conttnued

37 Camco

Guide to Cam& Side Pocket Mandrel Casing Campatibilit

The API EUE.BRD coupling on the ride packet mondrel pin thread increores the major O.D.

Gas Lift

Side Pocket Mandrels

retrievabie side pocket devices. The side pocket of

ail these rnandrels aiso allows roorn for the opera-
to as G series rnandrels because of the let- tion of running toois, puiiing tools and Carnco Oseries
the nomenclature, these rnandrels incor- kickover toois which are used to install and retrieve

ndrel side pocket and deflects other series rnandrels.

These rnandrels aiso feature an in-

design variations which specialize thern for particulor

cornpletion applications. The Guide to Seiection of'
41 Camco

Guide to Camco MMG, MMRG and Multipocket Serit,

Side Pocket Mandrels and Side Pocket Accessories

Camco 42
KBMG and KBUG Series Side Pocket Mandr
DESCRIPTION: Carnco KBMG and KBUG series side pocket mandrels
single-pocket rnandreis that accept 1" O.D. side pocket devices. Ti
rnandrels incorporate ali the design features of KBMG series side20
~ i t s e é o m p a g e 3 9 u r c f a r mailable
e i n a v i e r o f tu1
connection sizes.
KBMG and KBUG series rnandrels have sirnilar configurations; however, K
series mandrels have a reduced O.D. and a reduced I.D. to permit instl
tion in dual-stringcornpletions or heavy-weightcasing.The 3-112" KBUG n
drels, which have a reduced O.D. and a fully open I.D., are an excep
The following rnandrels have variations which specialize them for spe'
production applications. These variations, designated by nurnerals oi
ters following the hyphen in the nomenclature. are expiained below. tv
drels with thesevariations are also avaiiable in sizes other than those li!
in the accornpanying chart.
KBUG-2: The numeral 2 indicates that the rnandrei has a slightiy redui
O.D. and a fully open I.D. Most mandrels with this designa
have a reduced test pressure.
KBUG-3: The numeral 3 indicates that speciai considerationmust be gi
to thread selection. The cornpiete iine of standard end (
nections rnay not be applicable, or the mandrel may be !
cialiy designed for heavy-weight end connections.
KBMGS: The nurneral 5 indicates that the rnandrel has integral gu
devices to protect chernical injection conduits being
simultaneously with the mandrei.
KBMG-6: The nurnerai6 indicates that the mandrel has speciai extenc
ends that provide room for tubing tongs.
@@-LI.; " The letters LT indicate that the rnandrel has a pipe welded c
its side to serve as a flow conduit for liquid or gas injection fl
the surface directiy to the rnandrel pocket. LT mandrels are u
when injection into the casing annulus is not desirable. if the:
pipes are extended. these mandrels can be connected
other LT rnandrels instailed in the sarne tubing string. In ga
applications, injected gas enters the mandrel pocket from
side pipe and flows through the gas liftvalve and into the
ing. Flow wili also continue downward if the side pipe is (
nected to other LT mandreis.
KBUG-LTS: The letters LTS indicate that the mandrel has an lntegrai conr
tion. typically 118" NPT box, that accepts an injection con(
typically 114" O.D., extending frorn the surface wellhead <
nection. LTS mandrels are used when two or more fluids bc
injected into the well rnust be kept separate until they are c
rnlngied in the flow Stream. This type of installation ieaves
annulus free for other production uses. In chemicai injection
piicafions, injected chernicals enter the rnandrel pocket thro
KBMG KBMG-LT valve'and into the tubing.
me iniecTion cona~itana fiow throuan ine chemical iniec

Carnco 44


Series Side Pocket Mandrels
side pocket mandrels are single-pocket rnandrels that accept 1" O.D. sid
pocket devices. These rnandrels incorporate al1the design features of KBM<
series side pocket rnandrels described on page 39 and are available i
a variety of tubing connection sizes.
KBMGE and KBUGE series mandrels, used primarily in chamber li
applications, have no ports in the side pocket for communication with th
tubing. Instead, these rnandrels have an exhaust port at the bottorn of th
side pocket. Thls pon 's extendea downward in10 the casing annulus tnroug
a 112" DiDe connected to the t o ~~a c k e of
r a chamber lift nstallation.
gas lin applications, high-pressuregas injected into the casing annulus floh
through the ports in the side of the mandrel, through the ports in the gc
liftvalve and downward through the exhaust port. KBMGE and KBUGE serif
mandrels have similar configurations; however, KBUGE mandrels have I
reduced O.D. and a reduced I.D. to permit installation in dual-stringCON
pletions or heavy-weight casing.
KBMGEC ser:es mandrels. JSed in annular liftapp ications, fear~re a snorkt
which funclions as an exnaust wort. -ocated at rhe bottom of the sid,
pocket. the snorkel extends downward into the casing annulus. The hole
in the mandrel side pocket comrnunicate directly with the tubing. In gc
iift applications. high-pressure gas injected into the tubing fiows throug
the ports between the packing bores in the mandrel pocket. through th
ports in thegas Iiftvalve, downward through the snorkel and into the casing
KBMGW and KBUGW series mandrels are used in single-string, muitizone fluii
injection (waterf ood) instai.ations. These rnandrels have acasing exhau!
wort or the boitom of the slde woctet to arotecr the casino from hiah-veocii
iurbulence associated with v;aterfiooding. In waterf~oodoperatins,wate
injected into the tubing fiows into the mandrel side pocket, through th
waterflood flow regulator valve and downward through the exhaust por
A nonretrievablecneck valve can be aliacned directly to the exha~srpo
to wrevenr backflow frorn the annL s, when the waterfiooa flow reaulatc
vaive is removed. KBMGW and KBUGW series mandrels have sirnilar cor
figurations: however, KBUGW mandrels have a reduced O.D.and a reducei
I.D. to permit installation in duai-stringcornpietions or heavy-weightcasing
The following mandrels have variations which specialize them for specifi
production applications. These variations. designated by nurnerais or le
ters following the hyphen in the nomenclature, are explained below. Mar
drels with these variations are also available in sizes other than those liste,
in the accompanying chart.
KBMGW-2: The numeral 2 indicates that the rnandrel has a çlightly reducel
O.D. and a fuliy open I.D. Most rnandrels with this designatio
have a reduced test pressure.


i The ietters LT indicatethat the mandrel has a pipe welded ont0
its side to serve as a fiow conduit for iiquid or gas injection from
the surface directiy to the mandrel pocket. LT mandrelsare used
when injection into the casing annulus is not desirable. if theside
pipes are extended, these mandreis can be connected with
bther LT mandreis instailed in the sametubing string. in gas lift
applications, injected gas enters the mandrei pocket from the
side pipe and fiows through the gas,lift valve and into the tub-
ing. Flow will also continue downward if the side pipe is con-

valve and into the tubing.

ge40 for the Guide to Camco KBMG and KBG SeriesSide Pocket Mandrëls and Slde Pocket Accessoriés chart, pages
far O serles kickover twl running and pulling procedures and pages 11 through 14 for Application Schematics.
. .
. . .
~. .*

. ~ Camco

KBG, KBGU and KBGE Series

Side Pocket Mandrels
DESCRIPTION:Carnco KBG, KBGU and KBGE ser~esside pocket manarei!
singiepocket mandrels that accept 4'' O.D. sioe pocket devices. Manc
tured from r 0 ~ n ~d 1 t for
x suwerior strenaih and increased oressure cap
FI itv, these rnandrels incorporate al1 thsdeslgn features of KBG serie's
pocket mandrels described on page 39 and are available in a varie
tubing connection slzes.
KBG and KBGU serles rnandrels have similar configurations; however
KBGU series manarels have a reduced O.D. and mosf have a red~Ce0
to permit insfailat~onin auai-string compietions or neavy-weight casii
KBGE series mandrels, used primarily In chamber lift installations, have
ports in the slde pocket for communication with the tubing. Instead. th
mandrels have an exhaust port at the bottom of the slde pocket. This (
is extended downward into the casina annulus throuah a 112 wioe c
I nected to the top packer of a chamb'ér lm installatlo6 In gas lin cippli
tions, high-pressure gas lnjected into the cashg an~~l,sflows through
ports in the side of the rnandrel. through the ports in the gas Ilft valve <
downward througn the exhaust port.
The following mandrels have variations which specialize thern for spe<
production applications. These variarions, designated by numerals or
ters :ollowlne the hvohen ;n the nomenclature. are exoiained beiow. M
drels wlth th&e vaiiations ara also available in sires other than those lis
in the accompanylng chart.
KBG2: The numeral 2 lndicates that the mandrel has a slightly reduc
O.D. and a fully open I.D. Most mandrels with this designa
have a reduced test pressure.
KBG3: The numeral 3 indicatesthai special consideratlon must be gi
to threaa seleciion. Tne cornpiete iine of stanaard ena conr
tions may not be applicable. or the mandrel may be speci
deslgned for heavy-weight end connections.
KBG-6: The numeral 6 indlcatesthaf the rnandrel has speclal extenc
ends that provide room for tublng tongs.
KBG-LTS: The letfers LTS indicatethat the rnandrel ha$an intearai conr
tlon, typically 118" NPT box, that accepts an injecfion conc
typically 1 1 4 O.D., extending fram the surface wellhead c
nectton. LTS rnandrels are used when two or more fiuids b s
l iniected lnto the well must be keot semrate until thev are ci
dngled in the flow stream. ~hls'typeof installation ieaves
anrLI~s free for otner proaucrion uses. in chemicai injection
wllcotlons. iniected chernicals enter the rnandrel oocket throi
the injection conduit and flow through the chemical injec
valve and into the tubing.
KBG-2-LTS: Thls mandrel Incorporates the design variations of the KBG2 (
KBG KBG-LTS the KBG-LTS mandrels described above.

Gas Lift

58 and 59for O series kickover tooi running and pulltng procedureaand pages 1I through 14 for Application Schematbs.

49 Camco

MMG Series Sfde Poçket Mandrels

DESCRIPTION: Carnco MMG series side pocket rnandrels are single-p
rnandrels that accept 1-112" O.D. side pocket devices. These rnandr
- ~ ~ ~ a r o t e a l L b a e s i g R f e e t ~ ~ ~ I b e pmr o
described on page 39 and are available in a variety of tubing conne
The followina rnandrels have variations which sweciaiize thern for SKI
production applications. These variations, designated by nurnerals <
tersfoiiowingtne nyphen in tne nornenciatiire, are expiained below.
drels witn these variations are ava:,ab.ein sizes other than those
in the accornpanying chart.
MMG-2: The nurnerai 2 indicates that the rnandrei has a siightiy redl
O.D. and a fully open I.D. Most rnandrels with this design
have a reduced test pressure.
MMG-4: The nurneral 4 indicates that the ends of the rnandre
lengthened to accomrnodate the rernachining of
MMG-5: The nurneral 5 indicates that the rnandrei has integral
devices to proted chernical injection conduits b e i n
slmultaneously with the rnandrel.
ends that provide roorn for tubing tongs. -
The nurneral6 indicatesthatthe mandrei has special extel
MMG-LTS: The letters LTS indicatethat the rnandrei has ah iiitëgFd6o
tion, typically 118" NPT box, that accepts an injection coi
typically 114 O.D., extending frorn the surface wellhead
nection. LTS rnandrels are used when two or more fluids I:
injected into the weil rnust be kept separate until they are
rningled in the flow strearn. This type of installation leave
annulus free for other production uses. In chernical injectio
piications, injected chernicals enter the rnandrei pocket thr
the injection conduit and flow through the chernical injs
valve and into the tubing.
MMG24: This rnandrel incorporates the design variations of the M
and the MMG-4 rnandrels described above.
MMG-2-5: This rnandrei incorporates the design variations of the M
and the MMG-5 rnandrels described above.


Gas Lift
Side Pocket Mandrels
DESCRIPTION: Carnco MMGE, MMGEC and MMGW series side pocke
drels are single-pocket mandrels that accept 1-112" O.D. side F
devices. These mandrels incorporate al1the design features of MMG
side pocket rnandrels described on page 39 and are avaiiable in a I
of tubing connection sizes.

MMGE series rnandrels, used prirnarily in charnber lift applications,

no ports in the side pocket for communication with the tubing. instead.
rnandrels have an exhaust port at the botiom of the side pocket. Th
is extended downward into the casing annulus through a 112" pipc
nected to the top packer of a charnber lift installation. In gas lift.ap
tions. high-pressuregas injected into the casing annulus flows throu!
ports in the side of the rnandrel, through the ports in the gas lifl valv
downward through the exhaust port.
MMGEC series rnandrels, used in annular liftappiications,feature a s
which functions as an exhaust port. Located at the bottom of th(
pocket. rne snorxel extends downward into rne casing annulus. Tne
in the rnandrel siae ~ockercornrnunicate direcrlv witn lne tubina.
lifl applications, high-pressuregas injected into ihe tubing flows-th
the ports between the packing bores in the rnandrei pocket, throu!
ports in the gas lifl valve, downward through the snorkel and into the c
MMGW series rnandrels are used in single-string, rnultizone fluid in)
(waterflood)installations.These rnandrels have a casing exhaust port
bottom of the side pocket to protect the casing frorn high-veiocityturbi
assoc.ated with ~aterfl00dng. In warerflood operations. iyater in,ectc
rne tubina flows into the rnanarel side ~ocket.rhro~ah tne v~aterfio
regulato?valve and downward through the &xhaust\ort. A nonretrie
check valve can be attached directly to the exhaust port to pl
backflow frorn the annulus when the waterfiood flow regulator vc


MMRG and MMlG Series Side Pocket Mand

DESCRIPTION: Carnco MMRG and MMlG series side pocket rnandre
single-pocket rnandrels that accept 1-112" O.D. side pocket d e
Man-facturea frorn r o ~ n pipe
d for superior strength ana ncreased prc
cawab.l.rv. these rnanarels incorrsorate a l the aesian teat~resof h
ser'ies side pocket rnandrels described on page 39-and are availal
a variety of tubing connection sizes.
MMRG and MMlG series rnandrels have sirnilar conflgurations; hoï
MMlG series rnandrels feature a specialiy designed tooi dlscrirninato
receiver pocket that require substantially iess welding.

Tne foliov. ng rnandrels hale variarons wh ch spec alize rhem for sp

wroaxtion awwlicar,ons These var1ar:ons. des anarea ov n~meraist
iers following'the hyphen in the nomenclature, are explained beiow.
drels with these variations are also available in sizes other than those
in the accornpanying chart.
MMIG-2: The nurnerai 2 indicates that the mandrel has a siightly red
O.D. and a fully open I.D.Most rnandrels with this design
have a reduced test pressure.

MMRG4 The nurneral 4 indicates that the ends of the rnandre

lengthened to accomrnodate the remachining of end

MMRGd The numeral 6 indicates that the mandrel has special exte
ends that provide room for tubing tongs.
MMIG-2-6: This rnandrel incorporatesthe design variations of the MM
the MMIG-2 and the MMRG-6 rnandrels described abov
Multipocket Series Side Pocket Mandrels
DESCRIPTION: Camco multipocketseries side pocket mandrels feature rnulti
ple receiver pockets thot occept 1-112" O.D. side pocket devlces. Manufac
tured from round pipe, these mandreis incorporate al1the design featurei
of multipocket serles side pocket mandreis described on page 39. This serie!
includes MMG, MMUG, MMGW and WFG series rnandrels which arc
available in a variety of tubing connection sizes.
MMG and MMUG series rnandreis have sirnilar configurations; however
MMUG series rnandrels have a reduced O.D. and a reduced permi
installation in dual-string cornpletions or heavy-weight casing.
MMGW and WFG series mandrels are used in singlestring, multizone fluic
injection (waterflood) installations. These rnandreis have a casing exhaus
port at the bottom of the side pocket to protect the cosing from high-velocih
turbulence associatedwith waterfiooding. in waterflood operations, wate
injected into the tubing flows into the mandrel side pocket, through the
waterflood flow regulator valve and downward through the exhaust port
A nonretrievabie check valve con be attached directly to the exhaust por
to prevent backflow frorn the annulus when the waterflood flow regulato
valve is removed. WFG series rnandreis are primarily used for high-volurni
waterflood installations. The side pocket of these mandrels has a single
poiished bore which recelves the WF-FS waterflood flow sieeve or the WF-C
waterflood durnmy flow sleeve.
The following mandrels have variations wn ch speclalize thern for specific
wroduction awwlicat.ons.These variations. oesianated b v nurnerals or let
+ersfollowing'the hyphen in the nomenclature, 8re explaineci below. Man
drels with thesevarlations are aiso available in sizes other thon those listec
ln the accompanying chart.

WFG-SV: The designation 2V indicates that the mandrel has two receive
MMGW-SV: The designation 5V indicates k a t the rnandrel has five receive
Gas Lift

ui spacsr bar 15819 with th. pulling tool end oll Oh4 serisr kickover toolr abora.

Seepage 42 for the Guide to Camco MMG, MMRG and Multipocket Series Slde Pockef Mandrelsand Side PocketAccessories
pages 58 and 59 for O series kickover tml runningand pullins proceduresand pages IIthrough 14 for Applicaiion Schemaiics.

O Series Kickover Tool
Wireline Running Procedure
for All Camco G Series Side
Pocket Mandrels
FIGURE I A . In the running procedure, thevaive,
latch and kickover tooi are made up ont0 the
N reiine tool srr ng and lowered throbgn The tub-
ina ,nril the kicxover tooi is oe ow the se ected

FIGURE IB. The kickover tool is raised slowiy up-

ward through the tubing until the finger on the
kickover tooi contacts the orienting sleeve siot
and stops. Tension is pulled on the wireline untii
the tool reieases and kicks over. The toois are
then owered unri a oss of weght indicates rhat
the kicxover tool has ocated the s de ~ockerof
the rnandrel.

FIGURE IC. Downward jarring drives the valve

and latch into the side pocket of the mandrel.
FIGURE I D . Upward jarring shears a pin in the
latch and releases the running tool frorn the
valve and latch. The tool string can then be
retrieved frorn the weii.


O Series Kickover Tool
Wireline Pulling Procedure
for All Camco G Series Side
Pocket Mandrels
FIGURE 2A. in the pulling procedure, the kickover
tool and pulling tool are made up ont0 the
wlreline tool string and lowered through the tub-
ing until the kickover tool is below the selected

FIGURE 2B. The kickover tool is raised slowly up-

ward through the tubing until the finger on the
kickover tool contacts the orienting sleeve slot
and stops. Tension is pulled on the wireline until
the tool releases and kicks over. The tools are
then lowered until a ioss of weight indicates that
the kickover tool has located the side pocket of
the mandrel.

FIGURE 2C. Downward jarring securely connects

the pulling tool to the valve latch.
FIGURE 2D. Upward jarring shears a pin in the
latch and releases the valve from the side
pocket of the rnandrel. The tool string and valve
can then be retrieved from the well.



KBM, MM and MMA Series Side Pocket Mandrels 1

Camco KBM, MM and MMA series side pocket man- part of the tubing string. These mandrels 1
dreis are the foundation for the entire iine of Camco single side pocket which accepts l"O.D. re
side pocket rnandrels. These reliable side pocket side pocket devices in KBM series manc
mandrels have dernonstrated solid, dependable 1-112" O.D. retrievabie side pocket devicc
performance in thousands of installationsaround the and MMA series rnandrels. The side pocke
world and are available for a wide range of gas lifl. mandrels aiso allows room for the operatic
çhemical injection, waterflood and chamber lifi ning tools, puliing tools and kickover tools v
applications. used to install and retrieve side pocket dc
standard wireline methods. All KBM, MM a
Manufactured frorn premium rnateriais, KBM, MM series slde pocket mandrels are constructe
and MMA series side pocket rnandrels have eccen- pipe and rnost offer full tubing drift
tric swages on both ends which are threaded in a modate normal wireline operations througt
'variety of tubing connection sizes for installation as ing string.

Gas Lifi

uide to Camco KBM Series Side Pocket Mandrels

and Side Pocket Accessories

1 1 -05042 1 62 1 BK. BKT. BKF-6 1 EK 1 E 1 NIA 1 NIA 1 NIA 1

Guide to Camco MM and MMA Series

/. Side Pockei Mandreis and Side Pocket Accessories

1I MMAEC 05292 64
R-20, RPd, RD0.5,


Side Pocket Mandrels
DESCRIPTION: Carnco KBM. KBU, KBME and KBMEC series side pocket ma
drels are sinale-~ocketrnandrelsthat a c c e ~1"
t O.D. side ~ o c k edevics
These mandrels incorporate ail the design febtures of KBM series side pock
mandrels described on page 60 and are available in a variety of tubir
wnnection sizes.

KBM and KBU series mandrels have sirnilar configurations; however. al1 KE
series rnandrels havea reduced O.D. and a reduced permit instalii
tion in dual-string completions or heavy-weight casing.
KBME series mandreis, used primarily in charnber iifi Installations, have r
ports in the slde pocket for communication with the tubing. Instead, the!
mandrels have an exhaust port at the botiom of the side pocket. This pc
is extended downward into the casing annulus through a 112" pipe CO
nected to the top packer of a chamber Iifi installation. In gas iifi applio
tions, high-pressuregas in,ected into the casing annulus flows tnro~gntt
~orts in the side of the rnandre . rhrouah the ~ o r t s
in the aas
" lift va ve ar
downward through the exhaust port.
KBMEC series mandrels, used in annular iifl applications, feature a snork
which functions as an exhaust port. Located at the bottom of the sic
pocket. the snorkel extends downward into the casing annulus. The holi
in the rnandrel side pocket communicate directly with the tubing. In g(
iifi applications, hlgh-pressure gas injected into the tubing flows throuc
the ports between the packing bores in the mandrel pocket. through tt
ports in the gas liftvaive, downward through the snorkel and into the casin

Thefollowing mandrel has a variation which speciaiizes it for a specific pr

duction application.This variation, designated by a numerai foiiowing tt
hyphen in the nomenclature, is explained below. Mandreis with this varil
tion are also available in sizes other than those listed in the accompanyir
KBM-2: The numeral 2 indicates that the mandrel has a siightly reducé
O.D. and a fully open I.D. Most rnandrels with this designatic
have a reduced test pressure.


: Seepage61 fof theGuide to C a m KBM SeriesSide Pocket Mandrek and Slde Pocket Acaessories charfand pages II through
cf Application Schematics.

Series Side Pocket Mandrels
DESCRIPTION: Carnco MM, MMA, MME, MMAEC and MMW series si
pocket rnandreis are single-pocketrnandreis that accept 1-112" O.D. si
pocket devices. These rnandreis incorporate ali the design features of h
and MMA series side pocket rnandreis described on page 60 and c
avaiiabie in a variety of tubing connection sizes.
MM and MMA series rnandreis have sirniiar configurafions; however, h
series rnandrelsfeaturewashout hoies in the upper portion of the latch tu
and MMA series rnandrels do not.
MME series rnandreis. used prirnariiy in charnber iifi appiications. feoti
W ~ S ~ noies
O J ~and have no ~orts
in the side Docket for cornrnun'carionh
the tubing. Instead, these rnandreis have an exhaust port at the bottom
the side pocket. This port is extended downward into the casing annu
through a 112" pipe connected to the top packer of a charnber iifi instai
tion. in gas liftappiications, high-pressuregas injected into the casing (
nuius fiows through the ports in the side of the rnandrei, through the pc
in the gas iifi valve and downward through the exhaust port.
MMAEC series rnandreis, iike MMA series rnandrels, do not have washc
holes. These mandreis, used in annuiar lifi applications, feature a snor~
which functions as an exhaust port. Located at the bottom of the si
pocket. the snorkel extends downward into the casing annuius. The ho
in the rnandrei side pocket comrnunicate directiy with the tubing. in
iifi appiications. high-pressuregas injected into the tubing flows throu
the ports between the packing bores in the rnandrel pocket. through 1
ports in the gas lifi valve, downward through the snorkel and into the casii
MMW series rnandreis aiso feature washout hoies and are used in sin€
string, rnultizone fluid injection [waterfiood] instaiiations. These mandr
have a casing exhaust port at the bottorn of the side pocket to protect i
casing from high-veiocity turbulence associated with waterfiooding.
waterfiood operations, water injected into the tubing fiows into the rnc
drei side pocket, through the waterfiood fiow reguiator valve a
downward through theexhaust port. A nonretrievabiecheck valve con
aiiached dlrectiy to the exhaust port to prevent backfiow frorn the annl
when the waterfiood flow regulator valve is rernoved.
The foiiowing mandreis have a variation whicn speciaiizes thern for spec
Droduction a ~ ~ l i c a t i o nTni
s .s variation. desianated ov a nurnera folic
hg the hyphen'inthe nomenclature, is expiained beiow. Mandreis with.
variation are aiso avaiiabie in sizes other than those iisted in the accc
panying chart.

MMW-2: The numerai 2 indicates that the rnandrei has a slightiy reduc
O.D.and a fully open I.D. Most rnandreis with this designat
have a reduced test pressure.


Gas Lift


Conventional Gas Lift Valves,

Subsurface Control Accessories
and Mandrels
Camco has manufactured and llfl valves feature floating valve seats which
marketed a complete line of con- serted into and seal in the seat housing. Thef
ventional gas liftvalves, subsurface seat facilitates changing the seat size in <
control accessories and mandrels valve, makes repairs easier, improves r
since the Company began in 1946, capability and is more economical to manu'
and demand for these high-quality than conventional seat arrangements.
products rernains strong. Carnco
supplies conventional gas iifi equip- In addition to gas lifl valves. Camco aiso si
ment for a varietv of standard ap- waterflood flow regulator valves and rever!
PIPI" plications as well as specialized ap- check valves. Waterflood flow regulator val\
plications such as tubingless completions and com- used to regulate water injection in waterflo
pletions without mandrels in the tubing string. Prod- piications. Reverse flow check valves are usi
ucts in the Camco line include injection-pressure- each Camco conventional gus lift valve.
operated, production-pressure-operatedand pilot- check valves protect the casing frorn bc
operated gas lifi valves, waterflood flow regulator through valves below the working valve, ail'
valves. reverse flow check vaives, B and C series plication of pressure to the tubing for clrculc
mandrels and packoff. concave and macaroni acidizing and prevent cornmingling of produ
rnandrels. duai gas lin installations.
11'1 Camco injection-pressure-operated, production- Camco manufactures conventional gas lifl mi
, ' pressure-operatedand pilot-operatedgas lift valves for installation as part of the tubing string an<
are available for either continuous or intermittent flow stailation in tubingless completions and corn1
gas lift production.Fabricated of stainless steel and without gas lifi rnandrels in the tubing string
Monel. these valves feature tungsten carbide stem C series conventional gas liit mandrels are ml
tips and Monel seats [tungsten carbide seats are as part of the tubing string and installedinto tl
'1 I available on special order]. and most are modularly B series mandrels are used with 1" O.D. conve
I! constructed for low-cost redress and repair. These gas lift valves. and C serles mandrels are us'
l , valves incorporate either a nitrogen-chargedbellows 1-112" O.D. conventional gus lift valves. Thes
or a sprlng with an atmospheric-pressure-chorged drels feature a fuliy open I.D. and are avail
bellows to provide the force necessary to maintain J-55 and N-80 grade steel. Heavy, oversized
the valves in a normally closed position. Either injec- lugs protect the installed conventional valve
tion gas or production pressure entering these valves installation or retrlevai of the tubing string. B
1'; I provides the opening force necessary to overcome series conventional mandrels are internally di
the precharged nitrogen pressure in the bellows or standard drifl specifications and are hydrost
, '1
the preset sprlng force. These durably constructed. tesrea to 6.00L os Camco oacnoff. conca
high-performanceconventional valves also feature macaroni gas lib mandrels are used in comr
arae aornes ana a flua aamoenina aevce to ore- that do not have gas lift mandrels in the tubIn(
vent vibration and chattering duringoperation.~ o t h Concave and macaroni mandrels are also
injection-pressure-operated and production- tubingless completions. Packoff, concav
pressure-operatedvalves are available for elther tub- macaroni mandrels are hydrostatically te:
ina or annuiar flow, deisendina on the seiected man- 5,000 psi.
d 6 l and reverse flow check-valve. Pilot-operated Camco conventional gas lifl valves and man(
valves are available for intermittent tubing flow gas fer producers still another option in solving s
lift production. application requirements. Backed by year:
Carnco conventional gas lift valves are rnanufac- perience and research, this equiprnent perfori
tured in a variety of port sizes to provide a wide range sistentiy and reliabiy in the most demi
of selected volumes and flow rates. Most of these gas applications.

mco Conventional
nd Subsurface


luide to Compatibility for Camco Conventional Gas Lift Valves,

Subsurface Control Accessories and Mandrels

IR50 1 NIA / N I / 1.50 poaou,

J-50 Momroni,
1240 Momreni. 1 l"ng'Q1 / 1 NIA / NIA ( NIA 1

1-40 PmkoU,
" 1 kl 1 NIA 1 NIA ( NIA 1 NIA 1 NIA

JW-40 / 1-40cnnrnrs
ILAO Packou' 1 Ihtsgd / NIA / NIA 1 NIA 1 NIA 1 NIA 1 NIA 1

'XIUO ue!per iol!d aqi oi Xtddo suo!~m!j!>sdre e q l ,..
usya 6u!gnl) 431 ro oi p e u e p ~Apeuiio~rom (iouq r q a e~n~rerd
.(m~q uopnpo~d)j ~ d d
' X ~ A I D AO T Q ~ , ut ~ I O P U O Ceio r p e r l s u o ~
' aAIWA 0-9P-r JoJ ,PIC PuD ,,91.1€ ',,8/1. Pu0 seA!DA OP-tl?
JO4 ..91./€ PuD .,8/1. ..
aJDsehlm 'Cï0 1.104elclDl!DAD sez!s yod
'..zFI€ s! seAlDA oç-tlr 'a'o ,,8/9 104 elqDllDAD ez!s iiod
.MOI) JDjnuuD JO Bu!qn+i q & ! eJO) pasn
pu^ aJnsseld uo(+ûe(uli o uol+onpoidJeq+leA q p e l ~ l a d oeq
u m S ~ A ~ DOZ-tlr
A pu^ O-9~-r 'OP-U~ 'aApn 43e43 MOI) asiaAai
pu0 laipuou luuol+uahuoû a+o!ido~ddoe u 441~pesn
UeqM '+DesôAlDA Bu~+KIo~) D eAWq SûAlDA 0-9v-r PUD 'aA(DA
43ûqû MOI) ûSJaAai ~ ~ i B a +UD u laADq SaAlM OÇ-ar 'SMOlleq
eq&uo &OD O+ainsseid uo!&onpoidMOIID 4044 spes ie~ossoio
amq ~ ~ A ( D0z-d~ A pu^ Ov-ar 'Oç-Ur 'uo!$(sodpasop A!IDU
-iou D u! S ~ A I D A0 9 ~ -u(qu!ow
r O+ hiosse3au a o ~ aq+
o ~ ap!h
Ioid Buuds leuooul UD pu^ swolraq leuoA Ajd-~lnw 'paBioqo
-einsseid-û!~eqdsow~w ut/ ~~ol+lsod pasop Allowiou D ul
sahlm 0z-a~ puo 0p-d~ u!ryu!ow O+hiossemu aoiol aql
S ~ D I A O SMCiieQ
J~ ieuow . ... ' ~ e 6 . ~ ~ ~ ~ e 6W 0SûAiDA
..Aid-&nud ~11c.
1 o l - i r q.0,,zïc-i pua S ~ A I D AO-&- pua b a r q.0,,i 'sanion
os-ar '0.0 ,,e/c sepniou! seAloA JO euIl s!q1 'uo!pnpoid +JI(
so6 MOI^ Bulqn~ +ueUlwia&u! JO snonu!+uoopep~ado-einsseid
-uo!pnpoid 104 pasn 4 ~ ~ w l aio o u senph y11saB pe+txado
+inSSeJd-uogonp~id IDUOllUeAUOS 0 3 W D 3 :NOlldIa3Ç3a
'OPERATION: In production-pressure-operatedgas lin appli-
cations, production fluid enters the valve and acts on the

minus atmospheric pressure) times effective bellows area.

and into the production conduit.

1 Noie:See Daae 67 for additionai valve specificatlonsandcharacteristics and in-

Conventional Pilot-Operated
Gas Lift Valves
DESCRIPTION: Camco c o n v e n t i a n a l p ü o t ~ a t e £ l ~ t t #
tubing flow gas iift produc-
tion. This iineof valves includes 1" O.D. BP-2valves and 1-112"
O.D. CP-2valves. Each pilot-operatedvalve consists of a pilot
section and a power section. A nitrogen-charged, multi-piy
Monei bellows provides the force necessary to maintain the
pllot section in a normolly closed position. and an lnconei
spring provides the force necessary to maintain the power
section in a normaily closed position. Both these valves have
fioating valve seats.

The power section of 1" O.D. BP-2 valves has a flow area
equivalent to a 318" port. Port sizes avaiiabie for the BP-2 piiot
section are 3116" through 318" In 1116 increments.
The power section of 1-112"O.D.CP-2 valves hos a flow area
equivalent to a 9/16 port. Port sizes avaiiable for the CP-2
piiot section are 114 through 112 in 1116" increments.

OPERATION: injection gas flrst enters the valve pilot section

and acts on the effective bellows area. As injection pressure
overcomes the precharged nitrogen pressure in the bellows,
the bellows is compressed and lifts the stem tip off the seat
to open the pilot section injection gas then fiows downward
through the valve until it overcomes the preset spring force
of the power section. As the power section opens. Injection
gas then fiows through the valve, past the reverseflow check
valve and into the production conduit.

Note: See page 67 for additional valvespecifications and characteristicsand in-

formation on speciflc vaive and rnandrel compatibility, page 68 for additional
technical data and pages 11 through 14 for Application Schematics.


Gas Lift

Conventional Waterflood
Flow Regulator Valves
DESCRIPTION: Camco conventional waterflood flow regulator
valves preciseiy regulate water injection volumes into multi-
ple isolated zones through a single tubing string. This line of
regulator valves includes 1" O.D. J W 4 valves and 1-1/2"
O.D. JW.20 valves. Each regulator valve consists of a hard-
èned Monel piston and piston housing, a stainiess steel
spring and an integrai reverse flow check valve. A fixed
orifice in the piston of thesevalves allows an lnfinitely variable
flow rate adjustment within a speclfied range.
Flow area for 1" O.D.
JW-40valves ranges from an equivalent
118" minimum port to an equivalent 7/32" maximum port.

OPERATION: Water injected into the tubing enters the flow

regulator valve. passes through a fixed orifice in the piston
and exits through a variable exit port into the zone belng
flooded. If the pressure differential through the orifice in-
creases. the piston's position changes in relation to the exit
port and restricts flow through the exit port. Flow rate is main-
tained at a predetermined and preset rate, regardless of
changes in pressure characteristics between the injection
Stream and the zone being flooded.

Note: See page 67 for additional valve speeifications and characteristics and ln-
forrnotionon specificvalve and rnandrel cornpatiblliiy and pages 1 1 through 14
for Application Schernatics.

B Series Conventional
Gas Lift Mandrels

DESCRIPTION: Carnco B series conventional gas lift rnandrels
are instalied as part of the tubing string and have an exterior
poried lug which accepts a 1" O.D. conventional subsurface
control device and a reverse flow check valve. The B man-
drel series inciudes B, B deflector lug, BR deflector lug and
BRS deflector iug rnandrels. All B series rnandrels are inter-
nally drified to standard drifi specifications and hydro-
statically tested to 6.000 psl.

B rnandreis are designed for single-string Installations and
are norrnaliy used in injection-pressure-operatedtublng fiow

B deflector lug rnandreis are designed for dualstring installa-

tions and are also norrnally used in Injection-pressure
operated tubing flow applications These rnandreisfeature
long, tapered lugs weided in line with the exterior poried lug
to protect the lnstailed subsurface control device and allow
the rnandrel to easily pass other rnandrels during installation
in dual-string applications
BR and BRS deflector lug rnandrels are designed for either
singlestring or dualstring installations and are norrnaliy used
in production-pressure-operatedtubing flow applications.
These rnandrels, like B deflector lug rnandrels, feature long,'
tapered, welded-on lugs for use in dual-string instaliatlons.
The exterior poried lug on the BR and BRS deflector lug rnan-
drels. unlike the exterior ported lug on B rnandrels and B
deflector lug mandrels, is located near the rniddle of the
mandrel and is called a capsule lug. The subsurface con-
trol device is instalied into the top of the capsule lug, and
two O-ringsin the lug seai above the holes in the device.
These holes expose the beliows to production pressure. The
reverse fiow check valve Is installed into the bottom of the*
capsule lug. BRS deflector lug rnandrels are specially de-
signed to accept Carnco J-46-0conventional gas iifi valves*

B Mandrel B Deflector Lug

With Valve Mandrel With
p n d Check Valve and Check
II reprerentr on integral joint threod, on API thread form i n which the box ir integrol to the tubing ond no coupling
ir required.

N o t e See page 67 for information on c o n v e n t i o n a l v a l v e and rnandrel cornpotibillty and p a g e s

11 t h r o u g h 14 for A p p l i c a t i o n Schernatics

C Series Conventional
Gas Lift Mandrels
DESCRIPTION: Camco C series conventional gas lifi rnandre
are installed as part of the tubing string and have an exteric
ported lug which accepts a 1-112'' O.D. conventionai su1
surface control device and a reverse flow check valve. Th
C rnandrel series includes C, C deflector lug and C
deflector lug mandrels. Ail C series mandrels are interna1
drifted to standard drift specifications and hydrostatlcal
tested to 6,000 psi.
C rnandrels are designed for single-string installations an
are normally used in injection-pressureaperatedtubing flo

C deflector lug rnandrels are designed for dual-string ii

stallations and are also normally used in Injection-pressurc
operated tubing flow applications. These rnandrels featur
long, tapered iugs welded in iine with the exterior ported lu
to protect the installed subsurface control device and allo
the rnandrel to easliy pass other rnandrels during installatic
ln dual-string applications.

CR deflector lug rnandrels are designed for either singlc

string or duai-string installatlons and are norrnally used 1
production-pressure-operated t ~ o ' n gflow applicar.on
These rnandrels. I de C deflector lua manarels. feafure lonc
tapered, welded-n iugs for use indual-string installation
The exterior ported lug on the CR deflector lug rnandrel
unlike the exterior ported lug on C rnandrels and C deflec
tor lug mandrels, is iocated near the rniddle of the mandrt
and is called a capsule lug. The subsurface control devic
is installed into the top of the capsule lug, and two o-rinc
in the lug seal above the holes in the device. These hole
expose the bellows to prod~ctionpressure. Tne reverseflo\
checd valve is installed into The bottorn of the caps^ e lu€

C Mandrel CR Defledor Lug

Wlth Valve Mandrel With
and Check Valve and Check
Gas Lift

Nurnhr firimum
O.D. I.D.

I 1
2 375 EUE C Daflmor Lu
Ob502 I M W 4.531 1.

1 CR Dihoor Lug 1 W661 1 WdOl 1 4.719 1 1.995 1 4 1

1 2.875 EUE 1 C &aor Lug 1 06504 1 06501 1 5.084 1 2.441 1 4 1

4 5 W EUE 061% 6.875 3 958

Note: See page67 ror inrormarion on conventionai vatveand rnandrel cornpatlbillty and pages
IIthrough 14 for Application Schematlcs.


Conventional Packoff,
Concave and Macaroni
Gas Lift Mandrels
DESCRIPTION: Camco conventional packoff, concave and
macaroni gas lifi mandrels provide a rneans of installing sub-
surface control devices in wells that do not have mandrels
in the tubing string or in tubingless completions. This line of
mandrels includes J-50 and J-40 packoff mandrels, J-40
concave mandrels and JSO, J2-50, SPB and SPBJ-40,
macaroni mandrels.
J-50 and J-40 packoff rnandrels are installed in cornpletions
without mandrels in the tubing string. J-50 packoff mandrels
accept 518" O.D. subsurface control devices, and J-40
packoff mandrels accept 1" O.D. subsurface control,
devices. Prior to installation of these rnandreis. the tubing 1s'
perforated at the desired depth, and a tubing stop is set
below the lowest tubing perforation. The packoff rnandrel'
and subsurface control device are assembied with a loweri
packoff on the botiom and on upper packoff on the top. The;
assembly is lowered into the tubing string and set on the tub--
ing stop so that the packoffs seai above and below the tub-"
ing perforations.

J-40 Packofl 1 06350 1 1.859 1 NIA 1 29.813 1 4,000 1 0.622

J-50PackoR 1 Wd69 1 2.250 1 NIA 1 24.375 1 3.W 1 1.484

I 1 SPBJ-40 M-roni 1 06803 1 2.750 1 NIA 1 32.250 1 1O.W 1 0.785 1

Mondrels in there tubing rize O.D.'r ore commonly ovailable in EUE and NUE fhraadr Other threodr ore ovoiloble an requert

Note: See page67 for information on conventional valve and mandrel compatlbllity and pages IIthrougn
14 for Application Schematlcs.

Reverse Flow Check Valves
DESCRIPTION: Camco conventionai reverse flow check
valves are velocity check valves used with Carnco conven-
tionai gas lifl valves that do not have integral reverse flow
check valves. These check valves protect the casing from
backflow through valves below the working valve, aliow
application of pressure to the tubing for circulation or acidiz-
ing and prevent comrningling of production fluids in dual
gus lin installations.This line of valves includes 1" O.D. BF and
B-1 valves and 1-112" O.D. CF and J-20 valves. These valves
each have an elastomerlc sofl seat and a stainless steel hard
seat. The initial seal is between the valve's stainiess steel
check dort and the sofl seat. These check valves can with-
stand 10,000 psi differentiai pressure and can be converted
from velocity check valves to positive check valves by the
addition of a spring.
Flow area for 1" O.D. BF and 0-1 valves is equivaient to a
5/16" port.

Flow area for 1-112" O.D. valves 1s equivaient to a 112" port

for CF valves and a 9/16" port for J-20 valves.

OPERATION: Camco reverse flow check valves require fiow

to close. As the differentiai pressure across thevaive's check
dart increases, the dari contacts the soti seat and then the
hard seat to forrn a seai and close the check valve.


Carnco 80
Gas Lift

Accessory Equipment
Carnco supplies tlrne-cycle con- of these controllers are regulated by either a
trollers and rnotor valves as oc- rnechanical or an electric clock. Sorne controllers are
cessory equlprnent for use with its also available with a bourdon tube for pressure
gas llfl equiprnent. These tirne-cycle control.
controllers and rnotor valves are
durably constructed to perforrn con- Carnco supplies elther directacting or reverse-acting
sistently and reliably under the rnost rnotor valves for use with its tirne-cycle controllers.
demanding ollfield conditions. These valves feature durable, lightweight construc-
Cornco tlrne-cyclecontrollers palred tion, a range of seot sizes and a high pressure rating.
" . with the appropriate Carnco rnotor They are also available in rnaterials suited for either
valves precisely regulate the injection of hlgh- standard service or corrosive, high-pressure-drop
pressure gas ln gas lifi installatlons. These controllers conditions.
and rnotor valves con also be used to shut in flow
lines ln plunger lift applications or control flow in rnost Carnco tirne-cycle controilers and rnotor valves corn-

of gas lift equiprnent provldes custorners with a

Carnco tirne-cycle controllers are snap-acting con- single, reliable source of complete gas llft systems for
trollers available in either continuous-bleed or a wide variety of applications.
nonbleed versions. The opening and closing cycles


CT Series Time-Cycle Controllers
DESCRIPTION: Carnco CT serles time-cycle wntrollers are
snap-acting pilots used to regulate the opening and clos-
ing of direct-acting or reverse-acting motor valves for gas
llfl service and varlous production applications.The CT con-
troller serles inciudes CT-8 and CT-26 controllers. These con-
trollers feature weatherproof cases that are easily acceî
sibie. If desired, additional controls can also be easlly adde
ln the field. CTseries controllers are used with the appropria
Camco D serles motor valves.
CT-8 tirne-cyclecontroilers are continuous-bleedcontroile
used primarily with a single, direct-acting rnotor valve.
controllers use a continuous-bleedflapper valve and
a timing arm that contacts pins in a timing wheel rotate
a clock. CT-8 controliers can aiso be supplied with a bou
don tube for pressure control. Controllers with bourdon
are normally used as tubing cutoffs to elirninate the
tion of gas lnto the casing after a predetermined pressur
buiidup in the tubing.
CT-26 time-cycie controilers are conventional gas lifl con
trollers that open and close either a direct-acting or
reverse-acting motor valve. CT-26 controilers use
nonbleed, three-way valve. A timing arrn in the CT-26 c
tacts clips in a timing wheel rotated by a clock. Contact ti
[the time the motor valve is ciosed in a direct-acting
valve or open in a reverse-actingmotor valve) is controll
by an adjustable timing screw.
OPERATION: For CT-8 controllers, as the timing arrn is raise
the flapper valve opens and allows gas to exhaust from t
rnotor valve diaphragrn.Supply gas aiço bieeds continu
through a srnall orifice while the flapper valve Is open.
tinuous rotation of the timing wheel causes the timing ar
to lose contact with the pin, closing the flapper valve. Wit
the flapper valve closed, the supply gas bieedlng
tinuously through the srnall orifice builds up in the motor
diaphragm and closes the rnotor valve. If the CT-8 CO
is equipped with a bourdon tube. a preset amount
pressure forces the bourdon tube to close the flapper
and trop pressure on the mator valvediaphragm.This
the motor valve closed regardless of the movement O
timing arm.

Carnco 82

For CT-26 controllers, as the timing screw rides over the clip
(or clips), it raises the timing arm to allow the three-way valve
to open. Supply gas flows through the three-way valve and
loads the motor valve diaphragm. causing a direct-acting
motor valve to close or a reverse-actingmotor valve to open.
As the timing wheei continues to rotate, it moves the clip (or
clips) from beneath the timing screw and allows the timing
arm to close the three-way valve. Supply gas then exhausts
from the motor valve diaphragm. causing a dlrect-acting
motor valve to open or a reverseacting motor valve to close.

Note: See pages 4 1 through 14 for Application Schematics

Camco -

D Series Motor Valves

OPERATION: For D-7A direct-ading motor valves.

Camco D series motor valvesfeaturea high pressure suppiy pressure placed on the diaphragm holds the
rating, a large 7" diaphragm, iightweight construc valve closed. In the closed position, increasing dif-
tion (approxlmately 60 pounds), an insert-typestem ferentiai pressure from the inlet [upstream)slde of the
and seat for easy field replacement or conversion, stem and seat assists in holding the valve closed.
a position indicator and a three-way tee (one lnlet When supply pressure is released. the valve snaps
and two outiets) to allow straight-through or 90' open.

Gas Lift

For DR-7A reverse-acting motor valves, supply ferential pressure from the iniet (upstream) to the
pressure placed on the diaphragm holds the valve outlet (downstream)side of the stem and seat assists
open. When supply pressure is released, the valve in opening the valve.
snaps closed. In the closed position, increasing dlf-

Wte: See pages 11 through 14 for Appllcatlon Schernafics.



Camco's Standard Terms and

Conditions of Sale
The equipment. materials and services [herein referred to os the - - - - ,~~ -
~ ~ ~~ ~. ~~ ~~~

"Products"] whlch ore set forth in thls publicotlon will be sold by Comco. hereunder. even If c a u k d bv me sole neulioence of Comco or lts

incorpmoted (hereln referred to os "Camco"] only upon the foliowing ernp ovees or n conl~nclionw h nogligonco6160 C~stometor onoinei
terms and condiiions of sale: crc. îeo. hoaerer. mot Camco shali be iiable for its own wil h i mircon.
d ~ c3'i Io .'e ic aci n g o w fa th
1. APPLICABILITY: 101 ixceoi as 10 00 N for as of d o m w e coused bv Camco's w i,hl
(O) None of the Standard Terms and Condeions of Sole herein set
f ~ i l hmoy b e odded 10, modlfied, superseded or otherwise altered, ex-
cept by a wrliien instrument signgd byon offlcer of Camco and delivered
by Carnco to Customer. Eoch Shlpment received by Customer from
Comco sholl be deemed to be only upon the termsond conditions hereln heieunder, even If ooused by the sole negllgence of Camco or In con-
set forth. except os they moy be added to. modiRed. supenededor omer- lunciion with the negligence of O third Party.
Wise altered os provided below, notwlthstandlng any terms and condi- [el Camoo will use reosonable efforts to transport or cause fo be
tions that rnav be contalned ln onv ourchose order w other form of transwrted personneland properiy tothe worksite. Where such slte 1s off-
C~slomerana n o k inrrolî na C.rtomer s octof a-pi ng or povingfor shore or In inbnd waters or on terrain not accessible by ordinary t ~ c k ,
!ne Pioddcts or sim loi oc1 of C.s!onei Camco may notif)' the Customer Mat lt requres oppropriote transporta-
@) Anv lvpograonico CI ciel CO er'v nnro n is slblect 10 correc. tion. h such event, Customer sholl, of its own cost and risk, furnish such
r on ov Camco fransportationand b e rerponsiblefor the sofety of oll Cornco personnel
[cl The submission of a quototion by Cornco ln resoonse Io and property so transpoited. even though arrangements on Customer's
=stomer.s req~esttoi O ~ ~ 0 1 0 h oaoer n riî. c o ~..tei o i expiession of behalf for such tronsportation moy be made by Comco ot Customeh
occeptance of anv lerm of Condition un.:? n 3, t 3 . e oeer se1 forin n
- - ~ -
~ ~ ieaderi
swndence. w&noti&s.
- - " ~ . ~.~~
hotwitnrianano on. ouo'oiiols
~ - ~. Coire.
-- -
ourcha& ordersor ilmilar Instrumentsrelotive
requed. Customer ogreerto promptly paya11costof tronsportotionor to
promptiy relmburse Comco for such transportalion.
10 the Products, the terms and conditions of sole set forth hereln ore the
M The provisionscontained ln orner Sections of mese Stondard Terrns
and Conditions of Sale shall applyto services. except as modifled by the
on v terms on0 conoiiionsoppiiwo c lotneraie of the Pio0.cls 070 I r e Section labeled "SERVICES."
occeptance of a qmidion rs~edoy Camco Ir express.v r ieo -c r e
teims of srich adotanon. ïhc tionsrnina of a odichase ofdei o~rs,oii 13 III. PRICES AND TERMS OF PAYMENT:
suoh suotation'constltutes on occeptonce oithe quotation and the Stan- [O] Unless otherwlse specified In mis publication or on a C o r n
dala Terms and Conddionr d Soie or sel fonhInereln nrne pLicnase oraer quotation. solesconfirmationor Involoe. me prlces whloh areset forthon
aglees ~ i t sdch
h q~o1ohonwini respect Io tneaescilpion of !ne Proa~cls ony such quototion, sales wntlrmatlon or invoice issued by Camcoore:
10 oe L i n shed bv Camco as rnown on the iace tnereof. ?ne auont N prices Ex Works. F.O.B. or F.A.S. Camco's Plant. Houston. Texas. as defer*'
thereof and the ourchase Drice to b e charoed therefor Anv a d d i t l o i l mined by Cornco ln accordonce with Çecfion IV hereof, which ore ln ef-
31oifereni ierms or corditions ot sale set 16nh in tne pdichase ordei 01 fect on the dote of issuonce and ore sublect to change wiihout notice.
oine' comnin&on horn C~stomercre oolectea Io DICamm and sholl Notwithstanding any price set forth on any of sald documents lssued by
r o i ce erec' e or bindino ~nlessassenfed Io ln wili ng oy an omcei of Comco. the invoice prlce will b e the prlce Ex Works. F.O.B. or F.A.S.
Comco's Plant. Houston. Texos. ln eiiect on the invoice dote. or me dote
(al A sa 6: con1 ilionon or s mi ar form l s ~ e by
a Camco OLnLont of cornpletion If shipment 1s deferred on Customeh instruction.
10 a Cusrorner s ,--.cioseorder consrihtesan expeaon daccapbnce @) Prices set forth ln ony quototion or sales confirmation do not
of sLcn pdrcwae Ir2er b A suc? express~onof occepiance is expressiy include soles. use. excise or other taxes or lmport duills, documentation
cond !.one0 LW" C-sioier s osrenl IO me Standara Terrns ond Cond charges. freight. tronsfer fees or simllar oosts or chorges. uniessspsMcally
tlms of So e us nere 1Sei tom MI zn assenr w i oedeemed io nme h i i indlcated thereon. Unless Customer provldes Camoo wlth O tox exemp
glven ~ n l e rnotice
r io rne co?'ior, ir ieceveo oy Camco w lh n ien doyr Von certlficateacceptable toiheapplicoble amount
from tne ootc of !ne so es conf r~0'o.i oote Alv ad0 non01 or diifoient equal 10 any sales. use. excise or other tax whlch rnoy b e imposed on
terrns or conolhons of sa e se7 '01'1 n n e D~.croseorder or otner com the sale or use of the Producis. as well as ail of the other abovementioned
municotion flom Cummer ore oblected 10 bv Comco and shall not be coh or charger. shall b e added Io the prices set forth on such quota-
eifeciiveor blnaing dnlessassenl&~c n h..rg O, O ? 31 cer of Camco tion. sales oonflrmatlon or invoice.
(el Wnere Camco does no1 irsLe e t l e i 3 ~ ~ 1 or
0 1 C CO sa CS confr-
(O)UnleSS omerwise agreed lnwdling. terms d poyment are net mh
mahon and shiw Proodcrs pLisboni Io C,rione's p.-;noce crdcr s ~ c h fhirty (301 da* following the date of Involce. which. to the extent possh
raie rhol be rLogct toComcos Stanaoio lems orio -cm tlcr j O' So e ble. will be the date of delivery.
o s set lorlh OnComm's involceana CJstomer sho oe oaeneî 'c 10.8 [dl Any amountunpaid atthe end of thirty(30) doys frorn the dote 8
agreed mereto Lnlers Products are reidrneo Io Comcc A 'n n t e l 30,s invoice shall bear Interest at the rnwmum rate allowed under applicable
of daleof Invoce. In whicneventsdcn salesnol beçaiicai ed 10- O pu'. law. plus reasonable aiiorney's fees ond court cosk If colieoted by 08
W S ~ S . Anv adainonal or dderent teims or conditioiis of sue se' 'Cr$? r attorney or through court proceedings.
ihe purchbe order or other communioallonf r m Custorner ore objected [el Ail poyments sholl b e made to Camco, Incorporoted, Houston:
to by Camoo and shall n d b e effective or binding unless assented to ln Texos. in legai tender of the U.S.A.
wrlting by an offlcer of Camw IV. TRANSPORTATION:
II. SERVICES: (O] In the absence of specific routlng INtrucnons tr
!al Services rendered b y Camw ore onb lecnnica or advisory in Comco sholl hove the rlghtto slect the date of shlpment,
r c r ~ r e,men anv sbcn SeNicesOre iendeiw. C.siome< wi ielain hiicon- ond the routlng of shlprnent on behalfof and for the occou
1.3. c.sIod\ and smeN sion of !ne wok or Ine well ana the c o n a ~ cor l [b] Unless otherwise prevlously agreed in writing. a
ooeration thereof. and O reoresentotlveof Customer shoil be msent with shlpped ot Camco* option. elMer Ex Works. F.O.B. of F.A.S.
full outhorlty Io direct operotions. in Houston. and occeptonce of Products by Customer
[b) Camoo does not promise or guarantee results d its services. delivery to corrier.
Camco reserves the right to terminote its seNices and remove its equlp [cl Customer sholl give wrliien notice to Camcoot anyclalm for
ment from the well or worksite ot anv time if ln its ooinion such aciion 1s age. error in shipment. or error ln charges wlthin thirty (30) davs
receipt of Products or such ololm shall be deemed walved
[d]Customer ogrees that Camco shali not be liabiefor
or destruction of CUstOmer's Products OCCUrring while ruch P
In me possession of Camco. except where such darnag
Customr fuilher warrants that prlor to Comco's commencëmentof the orises from the sole gross negligence of Camco.
services wdered. lt will glve Comoo 011 rnoterlol informotion known to le] IftheProducisaresoidfor exporlfrom the U.S.A..thentltie to


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