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FLYING SAUCER REVIEW 27:5 (published March 1982), pp.

2 8 - i i i
course. But the facts of the matter give volume of sub-editing that is needed canon a very sunny, warm, clear day,
no room for doubt His investigation be undertaken. she was standing on her verandah
is actually of considerable importance %I suggest, with all due respect, that whenall"... a long, long cigar-shaped
to ufology (and will be published this would seem to confirm everything gleaming craft sailed majestically past
somewhere I trust). For it throws into Cordon Creighton and t have beenthesay- house. Along the entire length of
doubt the whole question of the ing, or writing, during the past the twocentre part of the machine were
UFO/IFO interface and leaves me just years; it certainty doesnt refute it white railings. It passed over the gar-
as baffled as Phil as to how the moon den, and quite close to the verandah."
can conceivably lead to such a fantas- On sawn-off "cigars" Another report of a "cigar-shaped
tic observation. I doubt very much craft" came .from a Mr. Roger King
that the answer is as simple as some Dear Sir, — I very much enjoy Mr. whom I met around 1962-1964. He
sceptics would like us to believe. Creighton's articles in FSR. He does told me that at dusk on July 17 or 18,
Finally, I would express my appre- so much for Ufology by being able to 1955 he had been taking his dog for a
ciation (on behalf of many British translate from so many languages. walk through fields, woods, and open
investigators I am sure) of Charles I have just read his article A Gigan- countryside near* his home at
Gibbs-Smith and his work. His loss tic "Cigar" over the Atlantic, (FSRMeopham, Vol. Kent, when he suddenly
deepens the sadness of an already sad 27, No. 3). I have had aboutfivere- began to feel uneasy, "as though being
year, for late. 1981 also saw Britain ports from people who described long watched." Then he noticed that the
lose Dr. Geoffrey Doel, for a long time cylinders with "cut-ofl™ ends, which hairs on the dog were standing up
a faithful servant to scientific ufology they thought were anything from 400 stitt He looked around and up, and
in this country. ft to over 1,000 ft in length. there, to his horror, was a long cigar-
Yours sincerely, The report which I think would windows shaped craft with "rounded, squarish"
Jenny Randies, interest you most was given to me by he estimated along its full length, which
Birch wood, a Mrs. Watt-Preen. This lady's mother a half times the to be more than one and
Cheshire was aged 93 when I interviewed them about 300 to 400length of afield—
February 3, 1982 both in Sussex. In 1903, in the old could see at the windows thought
ft, he
days of the British Raj in India, the figures of beings seemingly watching
Editor's notes mother was living in a bungalow on
This will be included in (probably)thetheNilgiri Hills in south-western
next issue of FSR, when the heavy India. She told me how, at about 2.00 (Concluded at foot nfjiage Hi)

A 1 9 4 9 B R A Z I L I A N C O N T A C T E E — P a r t 1

Richard W. Heiden
The claims of Senhor Restier, eyed suspiciously by researchers, were first presented in FSR Vol. 22,
No. 4, In a short Item by Gordon Creighton based on a newspaper report, and entitled "Soaking wet
'space flight'" The detail was far from complete, and even date and place were not known.
manner, as if inviting him to enter. They had a type of
T HE witness in this interesting case was a 23-year-
old bachelor named Mario Restier, who lived and
studied in Barra Mansa, in the Brazilian state of Rio
Roman skirt, and a round cap or helmet covered their
dc Janeiro. Although it took place back in 1949, the The first thing that Mario asked them was if they
incident was not made public until 18 years later, and believed in God, to which they immediately replied,
the full story has not been told in English until now. "God is only one." Having more courage, the young
Mario was returning home from hisv father's place man entered the saucer, being led through a corridor
in Volta Redonda (also in the state of Rio de Janeiro) to a room with panels full of screens, squares, and but-
on the afternoon of December 4, 1949. He had not tons. When some of these buttons were pushed, dia-
gone too far. when, at 5.00 o'clock, he noticed a dis- grams appeared in the luminous phosphorescent
coidal object 15 metres in diameter and 12 metres squares that explained the 'locomotion of the space
tall. It was silently flying over a group of trees, to land ship.
10-15 metres from the highway. Surprised, he was They invited him to take a trip. Mario responded
even more startled to hear a voice saying (in Portu- that he would accept on the condition that they bring
guese) "Don't .be afraid. Do you want to know what it him back safe and sound. They agreed, and put him,
is? We know that you trust us." dressed as he was, in a type of um or bathtub, full of a
As Mario approached (he realised he would not be liquid they said would eliminate the discomfort of
able to escape anyway), a door in the craft opened and large accelerations and also nourish the body. Only
two crew members, about his height (just over 1.65 his eyes and nose stayed out of the liquid.1
metres) appeared' and beckoned to him in a friendly Hearing the crew say they were going to take off,

Mario quickly fell asleep. When he woke up they told room reserved for the planet Earth, which, strangely
him they were already arriving. They asked him to enough, was labelled "EARTH" in Portuguese
come out of the urn, and took him to an adjoining ("TERRA," which is also the Latin word), next to
compartment, where his soaked clothing and wet which was a word in the language of the planet They
body immediately dried, as though by magic They pushed some buttons, projecting on a screen images
gave him to wear the same type of clothing as they related to earthlings — our character, our feelings of
had (which caused a very pleasant sensation on the ambition and violence, and our level of evolution.
body), and also identical shoes, which had wires con-2 They told him that thousands of millions of years ago
nected to a wide belt that formed part of the clothes. Earth had been near their planet. When an enormous
Looking out one of the portholes, Mario saw that celestial body approached, Earth was taken away to
they were arriving at a type of space-port, from which another solar system. They also said that their world
were coming and going ships just like the one that was near the constellation Orion (our name for it), and
had brought him. He looked around at his travelling that Russian astronomers had already located it
companions and was startled to see them seated on a They answered Mario's questions by saying that
sofa, with heads and trunks bent forward, motionless, Einstein's theory is correct, but with some small re-
completely "switched off," as if they were two dolls. strictions: that the Universe was finite and space was
At that moment the door opened and some people, curved; in their vehicles they could not travel straight
kind and smiling, greeted htm, uttering with a musical nor leave Space, which, however, could be accom-
voice Portuguese phrases like "We are pleased with plished by the "vital energy of the body" (which
your coming ... You are the third ... We are at your Mario thought might mean the soul). They also spoke
service!" It was explained to him that they learned our of the possibility of "several vital cycles," which he in-
languages by picking up our radio and television terpreted as a possible reference to reincarnation.
transmissions. The people were all tall, between 1.80 Gigantic transparent domes, through which was
metres and 2 metres in height, and radiated good seen a blue sky, completely covered the city. No sun
health, good humour, and happiness, so he was sure was seen, but there was a diffused illumination that
they were flesh-and- blood beings, and not robots like seemed natural. The average life span of the people
the other ones. They were dressed like the two robots, there was 300 Earth-years, because they ate purified
however, in greenish-coloured outfits with a wide food that did not leave residues. Mario ate some in a
pocket on the left side. meal in a small room in one of the factories — it
tasted like candied squash.
They took Mario to visit some factories and various
stores. He walked on the streets, but during, the stroll Notes
he saw people also walking some 10 metres up in the
air. The clothing of these people was between Blue 1. Cf- Betty Andreas son. See Raymond E. Fowler, The
and green in colour. The eyes (which were black or Andreassan Affair, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs,
green) and nose of the residents of the planet were NJ., 1979, pp. 71-72.
normal. They had small mouths; Mario did not take 2. Cf. "Tiny" the MIB, reported by John A. Keel. See Keel's
article in Flying Saucer Review special issue no. 2 (June
notice of any teeth. They lacked body hair, and wore a 1969), "Beyond Condon..." p. 60, and his book The
type of cap on their heads. The percipient saw pretty- Mothman Prophecies, Saturday Review Press (E. P.
looking women and also children, whose hands were Dutton & Co., Inc.),'New York, 1975, p. 91. Also Ivan T.
always held by adults — he did not see any children Sanderson, Uninvited Visitors, Cowles Education
playing by themselves. Vehicles glided on suspended Corporation, New York, 1967, p. 163-
Mario entered a large museum where there was a- [This article will be concluded in our next Issue — ED]

MAIL BAG machine was right over some of the cigars" high in the sky, being circled
houses on the Green. Mr. King said he by six smaller craft, all also cigar-
(Continued) drew all the curtains and hid in terror. shaped. The two boys had stood for a
He was quite alone in the house at the while, watching the scene, until finally
him, and light was beaming down time. alt eight objects had climbed so high
from the windows. The object was A further local account of large that'they were lost to sight
only about 100 ft above him, and it ctgar-shaped objects came to me from Yours faithfully,
followed silently as he and his dog ran Mr. Ronald Neal of Swanky, Kent, (Mrs) M. Fry,
for dear life across thefields,over a who reported that, also on July 17-, CONTACT (UK) N. Kent
sttle, and across a road and up the ' 1955, he (aged 15 at the time)_had and S. EL London Area,
slope of Meopham Green to his house, been playing a ball game with his Investigator,
The Old Forge" As he and the dog friend Colin Drayton (aged 10 at the 250 Long Lane,
stumbled in through the door, the time) when they saw "two enormous Bcxleyheath, Kent
A 1 9 4 9 B R A Z I L I A N C O N T A C T E E

- P A R T 2
Richard W. Heiden
Continuing the detailed version of the remarkable-claims by a Brazilian student, which had been touched upon by Gordon
Creighton in his item "Soaking wet 'space flight"* in FSR Vol. 22, No. 4.

the Diario de Noticias February 6, 1968, in an article

R EADERS' learned, in Part 1 of this article in the
last issue of FSR (Volume 27, No. 5) that Senhor
Mario Restier, aged 23, of Barra*Mansa in the State of
by Carlos Neto.3 The case was then investigated by
Dr. Walter'Buhler of the Sociedade Brasileira de Estu-
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, «had claimed that on December dos sobre Discos Voadores (SBEDV).4
4, 1949, he was taken aboard a landed craft by two ap- The witness's father had died in November of 1962,
parently friendly crew members. When he agreed to but an aunt of Mario's told Dr. Buhler that she
be taken for a "trip" he was immersed in a tub Full of remembered that many years ago, she had heard
liquid which, he says he was told, would eliminate the about the strange experience from a brother (Mario's
discomfort of large accelerations, and so on ... uncle), in whom Mario's father had confided. Dr.
Buhler also checked with a pharmacist who had been
After what seemed like six or eight hours, Mario a close Friend of the witness's father, but he did not
felt homesick and wanted to return to Earth and, as if remember hearing anything about the UFO experi-
they could read his mind, his six guides told him, "We ence.
know that you are desirous of returning to your Dr. Buhler was naturally surprised that Mario Rest-
planet." They took him to a ship just like the one that ier shouldfinallydecide to "come out with the matter"
had brought him, and each one said good-bye to him after 18 years. Mario even made contact with a "Miss
in a musical voice. Sharp, of a foreign embassy," Who gave him "facilities
Mario was impressed Jjy the fact that throughout and recompense" so that, with his help, a propelled
the experience none of the guides gave any indication craft might be built, similar to the one whose opera-
of pretense to show which one (if any) was the leader. tion was explained to him in the saucer and in the fac-
.. The process on the return (rip was just the reverse tories of the planet Through Miss Sharp, Mario was
of before —, the crew asked him to go into the tub, he offered a trip to her country, all expenses paid, so that
slept there, he woke up, his space-clothes dried, they there "the subject can be examined by experts . . . "
dressed him in his original clothing, and they landed. Mario hesitantly confided in Dr. Buhler that he
Mario was let out near the place where he had been had, in fact, had a second UFO contact, in September
picked up, though not at the exact same spot of 1956, about four years after he went to work in the
When he got to his father's place ten miniltes later, iron and steel industry. This one occurred at about
the latter scolded him for having disappeared for so 8.00 p.m. on the way to another place his father had,
long without telling anyone, worrying his family. It in Bocainha, near Barra Mansa. When he saw the craft
was only then that Mario Restier established that it in the air, he had the feeling that someone wanted to
was April 14, 1950. He was away from Earth Four talk with him. After he had walked some 100 metres
months, but, by his estimate, it was only three days at more, it came down and landed 2 metres from the
the most! road. The man who got out was dressed just like the
In one of the factories Mario had picked up a sam- men on the planet he had visited, and his height was
ple of opaque material measuring 10 cm x 20 cm X 2 the same, though Mario did not recognise his Features.
mm thick. He brought it'home, and Found that it did He greeted Mario something like this: "Mario, you
not melt in flame, and he could nd"t break it. This are again in union with us with respect to your project
helped convince his father that he was not just making to build an engine ... You can go ahead with" it... We
up a story about the four missing months, or had had will be watching... It will never be used for the bad
an hallucination. Nevertheless, the elder Restier ad- of the people of Earth'..."
vised his son not to tell anyone about his experience, Mario asked him about the time difference, as the
in view of its fantastic nature. first contact ha'd seemed like only three days. He re-
After- his return, Mario was suddenly impelled to plied that this fact was explained by the "Space-Time
acquire and systematically study books on general Contraction" and by the "Synchronism of Time."
physics, electronics, optics, and nuclear physics. His This contact did not last more than ten minutes,
Formal education had consisted oF high school and a and Mario did not enter the craft He explained to Dr.
course for television technicians. Buhler that he did not tell this to the press or to other
Mario Restier's experience was first published in people because it would seem like "he wanted to pull

FLYING SAUCER REVIEW 2 7 : 6 ( p u b l i s h e d J u n e 1 9 8 2 ) , p p . 19-20

a lot of embers to his sardine" (Portuguese expression and sincere man, but we cannot judge the technical
equivalent to "blow his own horn"). aspects involved, and we have still not seen or ex-
Mario told Dr. Buhler that the principle of propul- amined the interplanetary artifact that he says he had
sion had to do with two atomic reactors rotating at brought back from his trip."
great speed around a very resistant axis. Two
"condensers" would catch certain particles that were
carried away by two "deflective coils," with the esta- Notes and References
blishment of two "fields" — one vertical and one
horizontal — which, in turn, would produce a large 3. This article was probably the source of the account in
magnetic field, enough to neutralise the Earth's. A Saucer News (editor Gray Barker, Clarksburg, West
powerful solar battery would eventually be needed to Virginia) 15:2 (whole no. 72, summer 1968), pp. 17-18.
start the engine when it is in space. The aliens found But Saucer News did not give any references. Mario Rest-
ier*s contact claim was also the subject of an article in the
it interesting that Terrestrials had found their own Rio de Janeiro O Dia of April 22, 1976, which was trans-
means to partly substitute for the different material lated and/or cited in Flying Saucer Review 22:4 (pu-
and methods used on their planet. To construct the blished November 1976), p. 23, and Official UFO (editor
'Vehicle," they recommended to Mario that he reduce Russ A. Rueger, New York) 1:12 (November 1976), pp.
the design to a smaller model than the one he had tra- 21-22.
velled in, and whose operation was demonstrated to 4 SBEDV Boletim nos. 60-61 (January-April 1968), pp.
him on the screens. 12-18 and 24-25. Boletim Especial 1975, pp. 38-39. The
present account is drawn from the SBEDVs report
Mario found that he could have finished the con- 5 Mario Restier's compulsion is similar to the one that
struction in two years if everything went well. Four overcame a Wisconsin man who was driving with his
steps would be necessary: daughter when they saw an aerial UFO with occupants
1. Studying up on the subject in books, which "he visible through the windows. This sighting took place
thought would take two months." June 15, 1973, near West Bend, Wisconsin, 45 km north-
2. Raising the job site, the necessary conditions west of Milwaukee's city hall. Afterwards he immersed
and tools existing in the country that could be himself in the study of physics and spent all his spare
time in his basement laboratory working on flying saucer
"adapted to help in the construction." propulsion.
3. Making up a list of iieccs-siiry materials and
machinery, including an electronic computer and a
programmer. A preliminary budget for the construc-
tion would also be made.
4. Construction of the "engine."5
It might be noted that until 1959 (ten years after AVAILABLE NGJWON C60 CASSETTE
his first experience), Mario suffered from acrophobia
(fear of heights) whenever he looked out the window songs of space, time & fantasy
of a building.
Dr. Buhler's own assessment of the case was as fol-
lows: "Sr. Mario impressed us favourably as a stable by


(Continued from page 12) D R e a m
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Cf. B e t t y A n d r e a s s o n . See Raymond E . F o w l e r , The A n d r e a s s o n A f f a i r , Prentice-

H a l l , I n c . , E n g l e w o o d C l i f f s , N . J . , 1919, p p . 7 1 - 7 2 .
Cf. " T i n y " t h e MIB, r e p o r t e d b y J o h n A. K e e l . See K e e l ' s a r t i c l e i n F l y j n g
S a u c e r Review s p e c i a l i s s u e n o . 2 ( J u n e 1 9 6 9 ) , "Beyond C o n d o n . . . , " p . 6 0 , a n d
h i s b o o k The Mothman P r o p h e c i e s , S a t u r d a y Review P r e s s ( E . P . D u t t o n & C o . ,
I n c . ) , New Y o r k , 1 9 7 5 , p . 9 1 . A l s o I v a n T. S a n d e r s o n , U n i n v i t e d V i s i t o r s ,
Cowles E d u c a t i o n C o r p o r a t i o n , New Y o r k , 1 9 6 7 , p . l 6 ' 3 .
T h i s a r t i c l e was p r o b a b l y t h e s o u r c e o f t h e a c c o u n t i n S a u c e r News ( e d i t o r
Gray B a r k e r , C l a r k s b u r g , West V i r g i n i a ) 1 5 : 2 ( w h o l e n o . 7 2 , summer 1 9 6 8 ) ,
p p . 1 7 - 1 8 . B u t S a u c e r News d i d n o t g i v e any r e f e r e n c e s . Mario R e s t i e r ' s
c o n t a c t c l a i m was a l s o t h e s u b j e c t o f an a r t i c l e i n t h e R i o de J a n e i r o 0_ P i a
o f A p r i l - 2 2 , 1 9 7 6 , w h i c h was t r a n s l a t e d a n d 7 o r c i t e d i n F l y i n g S a u c e r Review
22:1+ ( p u b l i s h e d November 1 9 7 6 ) , p . 2 3 , a n d O f f i c i a l UFO " [ e d i t o r R u s s A. R u e g e r ,
New York) 1 : 1 2 (November 1 9 7 6 ) , p p . 2 1 - 2 2 .
SBEDV B o l e t i m n o s . 6 0 - 6 l ( J a n u a r y - A p r i l 1 9 6 8 ) , p p . 1 2 - 1 8 a n d 2*1-25. Boletim
E s p e c i a l 1975, pp. 38-39- The p r e s e n t a c c o u n t i s drawn from t h e SBEDV1s
M a r i o R e s t i e r ' s c o m p u l s i o n i s s i m i l a r t o t h e one t h a t o v e r c a m e a W i s c o n s i n man
who was d r i v i n g w i t h h i s d a u g h t e r when t h e y saw a n a e r i a l UFO w i t h o c c u p a n t s
v i s i b l e t h r o u g h t h e windows. This s i g h t i n g t o o k p l a c e June 15, 1973, n e a r
West B e n d , W i s c o n s i n , ^5 km. n o r t h w e s t o f M i l w a u k e e ' s c i t y h a l l . Afterwards
he immersed h i m s e l f i n t h e s t u d y of p h y s i c s and s p e n t a l l h i s s p a r e t i m e i n
h i s b a s e m e n t l a b o r a t o r y w o r k i n g on f l y i n g s a u c e r p r o p u l s i o n .

The Mario Restier case,
December k, 19^9. \
«7 i>
(a) Mario Restier with his
daughter, Feb. 8, 1968
(when he was age kO).
(b) Exterior view of the c* HBL
•.'r.i."-^'J-^C^ '
(c) Interior view of the
(d) Clothes of the crewman.
(e) Shoe and wires. - ^ . J
(The drawings were made by
Mario Restier himself.)
•2 0 ] * * r l ° *••**•*•* "•»• 1945
kojt 00a *o aaoa (8/2/68;

The a b o v e i l l u s t r a t i o n s a r e from t h e
SBEDV B o l e t i m n o s . 6 0 - 6 l , p . 2 . The yS '\f.£»
phot-o a t r i g h t ( a n o t h e r p o s e o f R e s t i e r
a n d ' h i s d a u g h t e r ) i s from t h e 1975
s p e c i a l , p . 38.


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