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20P/202/29 -20Pl309m4.!

20Pf202/29 - 20P/30!ll29(Set-3)

SECTION-1 1:Z. Cochineal insect produces crimpson colour dye, which is :

I Fo r <'.andida trs or B.Sc. (Ag.)/ 8.Sc. (lio ns.) Ag. Stream desirous of seeking {I) Formic ocid (2) Canninic •cid ()) Lipophorin (4) Laurie acid
ndmissiun in M.Sc. (Al,!. ) and M.Sc. in Dniry Technology!
13. Which one of the following is a rust disease causing Fungal Genus 7
1. Mustard snw fly lays egg on :
(3) Flower buds ( 4) Leaf margins (I) Sduospora (2) Uncimda (3) Uramycv (4) A,cochyta
( I J Soil (2) Petiole
2. Ind ian groin stor.ige research 11nd training institute was established in : 14. The c-0mmon symptom caused by phy1oplasma infection is :
( I) 1956 (2) 1958 (3) 1960 (4) 1%2 (I ) Blight (2) Enotion ( 3) Will (4) Phyllody
3, Rearing of stinglcss bee is known as : Who established Ph)'IOphthara infestaru as lhc caus&I agent of Late Bligh\ of
( I) Bee culture (2) Apiclturc potato?
( I) Anton di: Bary (2) T. J. Burrill
(3) Mclliponicuhurc ( 4) lridiculrure
(4) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
4. Fossorilll legs arc found in : (3) Louis Pasteur
(4) Fire brats
. . ')
(I) Mole crickc1 (2) I louse cricket (3) Springtail 111. Which one of the following fungicide$ is systamc m n111urc · .
(I) Caplan (2) Carbcnda.1,im (3) Oithanc M-IS (-') Touam
5. Litchi erincum mi tc belongs to the fami ly :
( I ) Tctrnnychidac (2) F.riophy idac (3) Tcnupalpidc (4) Bdcllidac 17. Which one of the following patbogc:ns produces zoosporcs 'I
( 1) Pvthium aplumidtrmatum (2 ) RJ,/zocianla Jo/ani
6. Vector of linlc leaf of brinjal is : (3) Bor,ytis cinerea (4 ) Phoma l!ngwr.
( I) Mite (2) Planthoppcr (3) Aphid (4) Leafhopper
11. Bacterial wilt ofSoiancccous crops is caused by :
7. Which one of the following is notan acaricide : (I) Xanlhomona.< campestris pv. Campe!ltris
( I) Dicofol (2) Spiromesifcn (2) Erwi11ia carotovoro
(3) Fcnbutatln oxide (4) Acctamiprid (3) Pectabacterium arrostplicum
8. Pollu hectic is a major pest o f : (4) Ra/stonia .wla11acearum

\I) Pepper (2) Cardamo m (3 ) T urmeric (4) G inger 19. Rice rungro bacUliform virus is tranSmittcd by :
9. 'T s haped marking on marble sized mango fru its is a symptom produced by : ( I) Green lcalhoppcrs (2) Aphids
( I) Nut weevil (2) Fruit-ny (3) Fruit bore r (4) Midge (4) Whitefly
(3) Nematodes
10. Which one of the follo"~ng orders has sponging type of m outh parts '?
:zo. Panama will of banana is caused by :
(I) Coleoptcra (2) Lcpidoptcra (3) Trichoptera (4) Diptcra ( I) Fusarium o:cysporum f. sp. ciceris
11. Fcooxycarb is a : (2) Fusarium ory!lporum r. sp. c11be11.s~
( I) Juvenile hormone analogue (2) Ecdysteroid (3) Fusarilfm ud11m . .
(4) Fll.'mrium oxyspor11m f. s('I. /ycopers1c1
(JJ C hitin s ynthesis inhibitor (4) Nicotinoid PT.I
20Pl202/2P - 20P/309,l29{9el•3)

21 . \\fhrd1 •Jnc of1J,c: foUt:.m·ing i_.. on example or a fungol biocontm l agcnl etTcc1ivc
lll,!rtin.o;r soil-borne fungnr plllhogcn.s- '!
29. Ultra dwllJ'f rootSlook of •pplc is :
( I ) M-9 (2) M• 27 (3) MM-106 (4) MM-111
( JJ Trlcltmlermn h<1r:l111mm
( l) llacll/11s .,11btilis 30. Vfgna unguiculata is lhc botanical name or :
(J ) P:rnrdo mmms / luoh·.,·ctm.,· ( I) Cowpea (2) French Rcan (3) CluSlc:r Bc•n (4) O IT'Ckn pea
f-1, A r throhotf')-S olfgt>.fporo
Srcclcccrthi is the vnrlcty of :
22. The method ••f rr.msm i~s ion of loose smut of wheal pathogen is : ( I) Lesser yam (2) On:atcr yam
I J) Exlcmnlfy seed bome (2J Jnlemnlly seed ho me (J) While y11m (4) Medicinal yam

(J) Sn/I bomc (4 ) Air borne 32. Root· knol nematode rcsistnn1 voricty o f tomato is :
23. Name t/Jc s tructure o f I.h e padwgcn of lnlc blight o f polalo raponsiblc for ( II Pusa Ruby (2) Pusa Shcctal (3) Pu.u uphar (4) Scl-120
!t1Jn,ivnl of the: di.i; '" ploins of f.ndia.
33. Leck is grown for its :
( J ) Oosporc rresen1 in snil
(I ) Branched stem and leaves ( 2) Clove
(2) Spon1J1giu prcscnl in plruu debris
(3) T uber (4) Bulb
( J) Myccl ium present in plnnl debris
34. Pusa Rosraj is o Vllricty of :
(4 ) J>ormnnl l1ypl.111c prcscnl in cubers scored in co ld storage
( I) Pun:line vuriety of Mu•kmclon (2) llybrid of Muskmelon
24. The 1eJiospt1rcs of Puccin;n l(Tamini.,; 1ri1ici is :
(3) Hybrid of Watermelon (4) Seedless varity of watermelon
( I) Uniccllulnr (2 ) Two celled
35. Sonar 80111,11• is lhc variety of :
(J) llircc celled (4) Multi celled
(I) Chrysanthemum (2) Cnmntion
25. Fruil /Jn.,ing foci in wnrcr and head in lire : (3) Gcrbcta (4) Bougcnvlllia
( I ) l'ig (2) Water chestnut (3) Da1epnlm (4) Walnut
38. Sk~-pincss is assoicatc:d with :
26. TI1c botru1icul form of Kiwi is : ( I ) Gladiolus (2) Tulip
( I ) Drupe (2) Bc:ny (3) l'omc: (4) Nul (3) Carnation (4) Chrysanthemum
37. Which position of' lhc codon is said to be wobble 'I
27. Bishop is a Varicl) ' o f ;
( 1) Second (2) Third (3) Founh (4) fifth
( I) A pple (2) Mango (3 ) Coconul (4) Citrus
38. A condition where 11 plant's som! tic chromosome is not exact multil)le of haploid
28. Granulation is u serious problem in set is known as :
(I ) S rrnwbcrry (2) Grape (2) Aulopo\yploidy
(I ) /\ncul)loidy
(3 ) Mango (4) Citrus
(3) Allopolyploidy (4) Amphidiploidy
(4 ) (5) PT.O.
20P/202/29 - 20P/309129(SOl•J)
20P/202/29 - 20P/30'J/29(s.t-3)

111,m,11<'11 where ad. · . (A J hasc rs . mutated 10 thymine rr,

39. J11c pl1cnP111cno 11 " I ' crunc
~.._,c is c,11/rJ 47. II' amount of Guanine base is 35% in o DNA then what will be a111oun1 ot
Adenine hlL'IC '!
( I ' I i.m~v,:r!itOH <2 J T ran si1ion (4) 30%
(I) 35% (2) 70% (3) 15%
11 ) J·rnmc,l11f111ru1n1iu11 ( 4 ) M11cro-m1Jtution
40· ~""'J'sis bd\\ t CII lrnmologow. chromosomes occurs I . 48. In mokculur assisted bockcross breeding th<.: b:rck gmuntl selection refers 10 :
• · uin11g :
l I} tnlrog.rc_ssion nf donor gene l2) lntrog.rcssinn of 11lien scnc
r l) J .cprot,•nc ( 2) l'nclry1cnc (3 ! /.ygotenc
(4) Diplolcnc (3) Sequencing of 1a.rgc1 gene {4) Recovery of rcccr1or gi:nomc
41 . 1\ hrccding mc1J1nd 1r1 , clf-pllllinu1cd crops where 010 , .
simil1lf phc1101ypc, arc sc Icclcu·' rm d Ih cir n> dcs,rnblc _P IanL, o f
. ,ceds nrc mixed
49. Identify the plunl which belongs 10 Crnssulacean ucid mclaholism :
Htn\.'IY i~ ~flO\\O u, : cons11tu1c new ( I ) sunllnwer (2) lpomeo (J} Pincupple (•I) Citrus
(I) Pun: J111c sclcclion ( 2) Mass sclcc1i 011
50. Whul is the nbsorplion peak of Phytochromc l'fr.?
f.• J l'cdigrcc ,clcctwn (-l) 11:ick-crnss sclcciion
( I) 580 nm (2) 660 nm (3) 700 nm (4) 730 nm
42. lkcurn:ru , clc.:1i un mc1h11d must su uunlc for irn provcmcni o f l\\'O .
,1111 ulrnncouslJ li,r h} britl development prugro mmc is : populations 51 . Which hormone is relntcd 10 coconut milk ?
( I) lndolcucclic udd (2) Gibbcrcllin
r l J S1mpk r,-~urrcru sl'lcctron 12) Rcciprocnl n:currcn1 selcclion
( l I lkrnm: n1 sdcc111.111 Ji,r GCA 1-1 I Rcc urrcnl sclec1ion for SCA (J) Cytokinin (4) Abscisk odd

!J. tJka,mk i tn rgnmu, r.-ti:r 10 : 52. Which plant has lowest rate ,,r phlllosynthesis ?
( I J Shn 11 D NA scyu,·nc,, >J111lll'Si7cd r>n logging Slntnd (t) Wheat (7 ) Sun llowcr

(2) Sh,,rt DNA s,·qucncC'$ s~nthcs1-1cd 011 k-adi ng s1rand CJ) flrnyoph) llum t4) Maize

(JI Shon RNA scqucnc,·, S) nlhcsr7cd on lagging strand 53. Which seed has the epigcal type of germination~
(~) Shon RNA sc,1ucnc,·s S)rllh,·siud ,111 lc11ding s1rand l I) C astor (2) Green pc~s (3) l\orsc gram (4) Mnize

110 " many phL'OOl)'Pio: dnss is po., ,-,bl•· · F- ·1· 54. Which amino acid belongs 10 c sscotial amino acid group '!
" - m 2 1 1wo genes expressing co-
tlomuJJncc in i I scgrq:?nt.- indcp,·ndt•nily ? (1) G lutaminc (2) Glycine (3) Lysine ( 4) 1\ spar11ginc

t I) J (3) -l (-l) 16 55. l'oiato tuber is scientifically called as :

The concepl o fM ult ifinc vane1ies was !(iven bv ( 1) Seed (2) Rhi1.omc
Ill lt.-ns.-n 19-i? - .
. -- C2l M. S. S" aninathan 1967 (3) Root ( 4) Underground Stem
(J l narl>arn M aC'lini ol. J \/l!fJ (-1 l H. D V .
ugo e encs 1901
56. Formatio n of ethanol (alcohol ) from pyruvate during, respiration is :
\\'hic'h on~ of the foltowin o ·5 t abo - . (2) Aerobic respiration
,,. ' rue u1 Orrl.'nta11on of 1wo Slrands of DNA ? ( I ) Anaerobic rcspira1ion
' I J f'aruJlel 1-0 each o ther (') . · (~) Phu to-oxidation
- Ann-parallel 10 each other (3) Photorespiration
:: I Circular l u each oilier (-l ) Pcrpcndi PT
(7 )
:ZOP/202/29 - 20Pl'308/'29(Set~)

-120'2/29 - -130W29(s.t-l)
S7. Prorein •ynlhcsis in cell is grouped under one ofrhe following allegories:
( I) CntaboJic process (2) Anabolic process 67 • Ra1io between weigh! of wnrcr vapour and volume of air is :
(3) Ribosomal dc111Z1iva1ion process (4) Ph)'to-remcdloLion. proc;ess ( I l Specific humidity (2) V•pour pressure dcficil (VPD)
(Jl Relative humidity (4 ) Ab:,ulutc humidity
58. Whill' bud of Maize and Khaim dis.-asc of rice nccomP411ied with siunkd growth
of Maize und R.icc is caused by the deficiency ofrhe following : 611. While bud of maize is caused due 10 dcficicny of :
l I) Nlrrogen (2) S ulphllf (3) Zinc (4,) Mnnganesc (I) lroo (2) Boron (3) Linc l 4) Molybdenum
69. 'Solcshllin' is an lmportnnt variety of :
59. Cdls devoid of wurer is called as :
(I) Japanese Mini (2) Polmoroso
( I) Turgid cells (2) Imbibed cells (3) Deionised cell (4) Flncdd cells
(3) Sue red Tulsi (4) Polll\O
80. Sms urea dis.solved in one litre wnrer will be how many ppm (Pans per million)? 70. The seed ra1c ofTPS (True Potato Seeds) is :
( I ) 50 ppm (2) 500 ppm (3) 0.5 ppm (4•) 5 ppm (I) 100-ISO kg/ha (2) JOO-ISO g/ha (3) 250-300 kg/hu (4) 500-1501!fba
6 1. Indore Method of composring was proposed by : 71. Nitrogcnuc cnl:)'Tllc hns iron and molybdenum in the rntio of:

( I) William Gaud (2) Robcn Mc Carison ( I ) 10:1 (2) 12: 1 (3) 9 :\ (4) 1: I
(3) Albert Howard 72. Seed dispersal mechanism possessed by Bid~n.r Pilosa is :
(4) Mok.ichi Okada
1!12 . ( I) Presence of long owns (2) Adhesive barbs 011 S<:cd
Herbicide of u:n:a derivative group is :
(3) Adhesive seeds and fruit (4) Fleshy fruits
(I ) lsopro1uron (2) 2, 4-D (3) Simazinc (4 ) Atru:ine 73. ............ ... is the 0uid portion of milk minus fat globules, almost similar 10
1!13. Rcncctant lypc of an1i- transpirant is : skim milk.
( I) Kaolin ( 1 ) Milk lipid~ (2) Milk
(2) Phcny lmcrcurigaccrate
(3) Atrazinc (3) Milk Scrum (4) Whey
(4) llcxadeconol
74. Clol on 'Roiling test is done :
84. Soil solu1ion P is often called as :
(I) To detcnn!ne the heat stability and pH of milk
( I) Quality facto r (2) Capacity factor (2) To dctcnninc the suitability of milk for hen\ proces.s ing
(3) Quantity factor (4) lnti:nsity factor (3) To judge the elcalincss of milk
1!15. P-fortilizcr for higher efficiency in maize crop is applied at : (4) For estimating the extent ofbac1eri11I contamination and growth in millt .

( I) Eanhing up (2) Sowing (3) Silking (4) Tasselling 75, Wh ich of the following breed of Sheep has higl1cs1 average wool production ':
86. In system of Rice Intensification. age of seedling used for transplanling is : {I) Kamah (2) Dcccani (3) Gutcz (4) Lohi
( I) 25-35 days (2) 8-15 days 76. Calcium/ Phosphorus ratio in Buffalo milk is :
{JJ 15-20 days (4) 20-2 1 days (4 l 1.80
( l) 1.10 (2) l .40 (3) l.60
( 8) (9)
20Pl202/29 - 20P/30!l/29(Set·3)
20P/202/29 - 20P/309/29(s.l-3)

n• Rate of genetic change of u population due 10 selection are de1ennincd basically

84. Choose the corrccl stntcment :
by :
( I) The freezing point dch:rrnination is less reliable thnn refractive index for
( f) I krirnhifity (2) Selection dctcx:ting added water.
(J) Generation lnlcrvnl (4) All oflhclhrcc (2) Toe fortification of milk with milk powder or lai:tOS< inmascs Ilic fr«'t .in~
78. Choose lhc com:cl stalemenL in relation 10 Gravity method of cream separation : (3) Skimming and dilution with wulcr raise the, pH of milk.
(I) Velocity or rate at which fat globules rises increases as density of fa1 (4) If the over-run is too low. Lhe product become too light and OutTy.
(2) Velocity or rate at which fa1 globules rises increases as radius of fat globules 85. Rural Development as a ..... ... ...... . . it connotes overall development of rura
decrcns<-s. areas with a view to improve Lhc quality of life of rural people.
(3) Velocity or rate 111 which fat globules rises Increases as viseocity of skim ( I) Concept (2) Strategy (3) Discipline (4) Phenomenon
milk decreases.
86. llcing uninvolovcd and feeling "leave me alone" is Lhe nature of ............. .
(4) Vclocily or rate a1 which fat globules rises increases as density of skim milk
decreases. style of leaders.
( I J Autocratic (2) Dcmocr.uic (3) !l.aissc7. Faire (4) Benevolent
79. Which of the following constituent has highest densily (kg/m 3) ?
87. Board of Directors/ Top level administrators meed high level o[ :
( I) Sucrose (2) Glucose
( 1) Speaking Skills (2) Human Resource Skills
(JJ Soll (4) Protein
(3) Technical Skills (4) Conceptual Skills
80. Optimum growth 1cmpcratUn: for Mcsophilic bacteria is :
88. The established behaviour patterns for Lhe members of a social sys tem. LI
( I) 20-40°C (2) 5.7"C define o range of tolerable behaviour and serve as a guide or a standard for
(3) 50-70"C (4) Below S"C members' behaviour in a social system arc known as :
(I) Folkways (2) Mores (3) Norms (4) Culture
11 . Miri breed of Poultry belongs to :
(I) Andra Pradesh (2) Assam 89, The sequence of stages of Adoption should be: :

(3) Madhya Pradesh ( I) AIEfA (2) AElTA (3) AlATE (4) ATAIE
(4) Gujarat

2. A general rule on feeding concentrate per 2-3 litres of milk is : 90. A is an assertion and R is the reason :
A : ' Risk' which is an uncertain situation about future which intimidat•
( I ) I kg (2) 3 kg
entrepreneur 10 accomplish his/her vision.
(~5 ~ 007~ R : An individual who wish 10 be an entrepreneur should accept moderate 1
(I) Both A and R are cocrect and R is lhc correcl explanation of A
I. Moisture con1cnt for loose hay should be in the range O f(%) :
(2) Bolh A and Rare correct and R is not ilic correct explanation of A
(I) 19-22 (2) 25-28
(3) A is corrccl and R is wrong
(3) 29-35 (4) More than 35 ( 4) A is wrong and R is correct

( 10) ( 11 l
20P/20 2m - 20P/301 121(S.-3)
2 0 P ~ - 20P/30t ln(Sel-3)

. d 1--'«i"on arc dc1cnni ncd balicall•v

77. Raic of!!Cn.-uc change of a populauon uc 10
84. Choose the correct suucment :
c index for
b.• ; ( I) Th• freezing point dctmnin otion is less reliable than rcfnmiv
(2) Sdec1ion c1<1cc1ing added water.
t II Hm1.1hilll) s the rrc:cmg
(~) All of the three (2) Toe fonilica tion of milk with milk powder or lac1osc in=ase
1J I Gcnenu ion ln1erval
78. Choose the corrccl s1a1cmcnt in rc:lalion 10 Gravity method o f cream
separati on : (3 ) Skimmi ng and dilulinn with waler misc the pl I of milk.
of fat (4) If the over-run is too low. the product become 100 light and
CI) Velocity or rntc al which f111 globules rises increases as dcnsily
inac.oscs. mcnl or rural
s as radius of fat globule s as. Rural Dcvclop menl as o •. ••....... • .•. • ii connote s ovcrnll dcvclop
(2) Vclociry or ralc 01 "hich f11 globules rises increase areas with a vic:W 10 improve the quality orHrc ofrurnl people.
(2) S1r111cgy (3) Discipline (4 ) l'hcnom cnon
( 1) Concep t
/JJ Velocity or rntc al which fnt globule s riJ1Cs incn:asc s as viscoc:i1y of skim
milk decreas es.
Being uninvol ovcd and feeling "le•ve me: alone· is lhc na1urc:
nf .......... ... ...
(4) Velocity or rare 11 which fal globule s rises in•-rc ~ as
density of skim milk
style: of leaders.
decreas es.
(I) Au1ocro1ic (2) Dcmocr ntic (3) Laissc:1. Faire (4) Benevo lent

Which of the followin g constilu cnl h4s highesl density (kg/m ) ?

79. 3
87. Board o f Directors/ Top level admini strator, need high level of :
CI J Sucrose (2) G lucosc (2) Human Resourc e Skills
( l) Speaking Skills
(J) Salt (4) Protein ( 4) Concep tual Skills
(3) Technic al Skills
80. Oprimum growth rempcra1urc for Mesoph ilic bacteria is ; The establis hed behavio ur pancms for the membe rs of a social
system, th
1, J W-4o•c c2J s-1•c defme a range of tolerabl e behavio ur and serve as a guide or 11 standard for ·
membe rs' behavio ur in D social system arc kno•wn BS :
(J) 50-70•C (4) Below 5°C
( I) Folkwa ys (2) Mores (3) Norms (4) Culture
81 . M iri breed or Poul1ry belongs to :
89. The sequen ce of stages or Adoptio n should be :
( I) Andra Pradesh (2)
( 1) AIETA (2) AEITA (3) AIATE (4) ATAIE
(J) Madhya Pradesh (4) Gujara1
is : 90. A is an assertio n and R is the reason :
82. A genera/ rule on feeding concent rate per 2-3 lilrcs of milk intimid at
A : 'Risk' which is an um:erlJlin shua1ion about future whic.h
( I ) I kg (2) J kg cntrcpn ::neur to accomp lish his/her vision.
te 1
(J) S kg (4) 7 kg R : An individ ual who wish to be an cntrcpn :neur should accept modera
of A
83. (I) B01h A and R are correct and R is the correct cxplana 1ion
Moistur e con1cn1 for loose hay should be in the range of(%) : A
(2) Both A and R an: com:ct and R is not the correct explana tion of
(I ) I 9-22 (2) 25-28
(3) A is correct and R is wrong
{J) 29-JS (4) More than JS (4 ) A is wrong and R is correct
( 1l )
( 10)
20P/202/29 - 20P/309/29(Se>l•3) :lOf'/202/29 -10Pl30l/29(Set-3)

· h •xploi1s opportunities and creates

91. Srnl<'mcnt-1 : ,\ n entrepreneur ,s one W o c. 96. lne philosophy of cx1ension is 10 teach people ...... ...... ... , ,
. - I ·I · h 1hcv
ru.~'-~d, m .,oc.:1,·ly t1iruug 1 ,, 11c • crc111e the palh.
(i) llow lo think
., JJ • b"'J.n"'"sm·m r:-nL• 11ernlh· un-no1icc the npponunilics and hence
.:,caremenl- _ : ,, LIJ '--J •
(ii) Not What to think
J •

follows others bur satis/ics needs of people in soc1e1y.

(iii) Why lo think
Scfcct the correct cmubinntion :
t I J 8 1Jlh Srutcmclll - I m1<J Srntcmcnl • JI nre com:cl (iv) When 10 think
(2) Boll, Stll1emc111. I nnd SwLemcni - JI arc incorrect (I) (I) & (ii) (2) (ii) & (iii) (3) (Iii) & (iv) (4) (I)&. {iv)

( J ) Stntemeni . I i.<corrcc1 and Sta1emcnt - 11 is incorrect

97. In the lower pan of demand curve, the price elasticity of demand is :
r~) Srn tcmcflf. I is i11com:c1 and Srnrcmcnt - JJ is correct
(\) Less than 7.cro (2) Unity (3) More than one (4) Less lhan one
92. Community /Jcvcl,1pmccnt l'rojcct was initiated on the rccommcndotion of':
98. The Statlllcwy Liquidity Ratio (SLR) is fixed by :
( I) Bal\l'WJlrai .\!ehta Commillee (2) Grow More Food Commiucc
(l) Finance Ministry (2) NABARD
(3) .\fohan Singh Mch1a Committee (4) M. S. Swominathan Committee
(3) RBI (4) SBI
13. Statement - I : ()nc of the drawbacks of Gurgaon Project was village people were
never nw<k the rrogranunc planning for them. 99. Under perfect competition, the demand curve of a finn is shown by :
(I) ARCurve (2) VCCurve (3) MCCurve (4) AC Curve
Srnrcmcnt · JI : Due to which 1hc programme could not develop leadership;
uurhority \\'as exercised on people rather than monitoring voluntary Toe relationship among price elasticity of demand (cd), marginal revenue (1'>
pnrticipu1io11. 100.
and average revenue (AR) :
Sekel the correct combinntion ; AR AR
AR MR (4) ..., , , ~
(I) ed - AR - MR (2) td"' AR-MR (3) ,d s MR-AR
11) Both S1a1~m~n1 - I and Statement - TI are correct
(2) Both St.a1cmcn1 - I and Statement -11 arc incorrect
101. Scale of finance is fixed by :
(J) Statement • I is corrcc1 and S1atemen1 - 11 is incorrect
(I) Commercial bank (2) RBI
( 4) Statement • I is incorrect and Statement - II is correct
(4) District level technical commi
!" l~di~ ~ontcx1 meaning of the term 'Extension' is transfer of technology while 102.
l.n first stage of production, elasticity of production remains :
(I) Advisory work (2) Rural guidance (3) Capacitation ( 4) Education (I) Less than one (2) Less than zero
An. ~utonomo_us institute cs1ablishcd at state level for providing consultancy in
(4) Equal to one
(3) More than one
proJ.ct plan~ing. .appraisal, extension wid management training specially to
A l"MA funcunnanes : ' 103. In perishable commodities :
( t) Marketed Surplus= surplus
( I) En trepreneurship Development Institute {EDI)
(2) SAMET! (2) Marketed Surplus> Marketable surplus
(J) MANAGE (3) Marketed surplus< surplus
(-1) StaffTrnining Unit (4) Marketed surplus= Tol.31 Production
( 13)
( 12)
20P/202/29 - 2 0P/309/29(5"1·3) 20Pl202/29 - 20P/309/29(Sel·3l

104. .-\t z.:ro kwl of pmduc1iun : Maximum lixation o r K • ion tnkcs place in soils dominated with "hich t1pc " !
r.2> re = vc clay minerals ? ·
rr > re ~ Fe , vc
(J ! H : - J- C :,n re = FC + vc - MC (1 ) lllite (2) Koolonitc
(3) Mon1morillonitc (4) l-lalloysite
105. Th~ decision "Whn, ro produce·· is tukcn with the help of:
( I) l.uw of Substitution (2) Law ofdc11111nd 114. Which of the following is an example ofS oxidizing bacteria 'l
(.1) Opponunlly cost prindpk (4 ) Law oJ' diminishing Return ( l) Thlobacil/1i, (2) De.mlfo"ibriu
(3) Rhlzobium (4) Azospirillum
106. Al break even poinl :
( I J rR = l'C-VC (2) ·rn = FC - VC 115. The csscntiality c.r iteria llf nutrients was given b y :
(3 J 'II{ - TC + FC (4) lll = TC - VC ( 1) A.moo nod Stout (2) Barber
(3) Cute and Nelson (4) Brady
107. Net capita l ratio is equal 10

( 11 Current assets/ Total liabilities 116. In an alkali soil the exchangeable sodium pcrccntngc sh ould be :
(2) Tutul liabililies/ Toial assets ( 1) > 15% (2) I0 -1 So/o
(J) Tota l assets/ Total linbilitic.~ (3) < 5% (4) 5-10%

(4) Current assets/ Intermediate liabilities 117. If a soil bas moisture content at 0 .3 bar suction is 0.35 cm 3 cm -:i and nt 15 r
108 . If the rnrc o finnation is .5% it is termed as : suctfon is 0 .11 cm 3 cm - 3 , what is the plant available water content 7

(I ) Creeping inflation (2) Walking inflation ( I ) 0.24 cm 3 cm - 3 (2) 0.30 cm 3 cm - 3

(3) Runn ing inflation (4) llyper inflation (3) 0.46 cm 3 cm -J (4) 0.l5cm ~ cm - 3

09. rbc Black cotton soils of India are dominated by which soil nrdcr? 118. A soil is medium in available N, then soil organic carbon content. will b ,
which range ?
(I) Vcrti,s ol (2) l.nceptisol (3) Entisol (4) Oxisol
ti) 0.5-0.75% (2) < 0 .5%
10. In Latcrite soil the s;o2 / 11120 3 ratio is in which range? ()) 1-2% (4 ) 1.5-2.5%
( I) <2 (2) >3 (3) 3.4 (4) >S
119. In neutron moisture meter, the source of fast neutro ns commonly used is :
11. Montmorillonitc is an examp le of ..... , type o f c lay mineral. ( I) Americium and Beryllium (2) U ranium and Beryllium
( IJ 2 : I (2) I: 2 (3) 2 : 2 (4) I : I (3) Plutoniwn and Beryllium (4) Rmlium a nd B eryllium

2. The comprehensive system of soil classilicalion is popularly known as; 120. Soil 1exture analysis is based on whic.h or lhe following law :
( I ) 7rh Approximation (2 ,' 8th ApproXJmatton
· · ( I) Stok e's Law (2) Lamben and Bear's Law
(3 ) 9th Approximarion (3) Darcy's Law (4) Fick's Law
(4) I 0th Approximation
( 14 ) (15)

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