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Minions ui" rh .. c:iJlIda, ' ••.••.. " ..•.. 30 [uma Suru .. ' ..•••• ,... M

The Mfiho"h<"" " 'Ill Mlnions of iheBloedspeakers (,il

Tho Desiccated ..... 3(l Th" Beauty orrea!'h ..... , b(,

.Inrroduction.. ,.," , ..........• 4- Blvod Fnrrnlicrs , •• , " .. , ' •••••.. ~ L '111" \'{r()rke,.~ I'lrFle~h ..•• bb

Plumbing the IMrI'Il~5' III _ ••.•.• ,·1 ch"d'~ M~c!!tl11lr5 , '., ••..• ~2 BIMfll}1~,dm; MdC~liltliCl ~"

II Ow to [1",1'111'; rlonk 4 Auer-stors IYokru I ~2 AnCeSITlfS (YokaJ I _ 1,;

CUSTom, of rho sh",jowIJnds .'i Chua II Bars knn _ .. , ' , . _. _ .. '. , '. . .... 3}) fu tsu Congsun b7

living in til" ShRdl1wl'l.l,d" 5 Ci1l1Jn <;1 njuko ~.> lsu wa 'Iakesh i . ~7

Btrl h , .•... " ' , , . . t\ C;:hUM Tenkazu . ~~ Do) I [-Ii rofu III i . 6~

Cempukku .. , , , , 6 The Clruda Family .. ., 33 Alternate Maho Rule, .'. r,R

Courtship " The· 'hud:1 Shug"njn School " ... H Ji.IIJC,Jsp<,aler n"fenses... ... .. b9

!'iup'~r;;tirifln " 6 The Iernpk- "fV(:J1Om, ", ...• '1'1, B!ouclspe.ak~rSpe]js,.,.... , i!

Wll . Il> N~w'jpells .. , , ,,' ' ••••.• 34 The Beasts , , , 73

Rerirernenr . . .', chudp Cre~anl'l.l. ,', . • V; I'lumhing [he Darkness [7J 7i

Funerals/Death " • } Th"TSuuQ·_ .... , ..... " ....• ,., ..... ,.". 37 Be"~LaT.ld" ..... ,..... • ' , ...... 7·l

Hi'!nry of th.> Sh;ld(}\Vl~J1iJ" 7 Plumbing (be DaTkneSRI"') _ _ ~7' J.'u,lI('lj Chrys.1wbl!111UD1 Lake, , .•..• 7'1,

New Merhaaics , "',." .... ". , .. ,',' q TS1!110 Lat,JI ,. _ ,_. ~S Kyosds R~tributilJn .' ,..... .., 74·

Shuriowlands Families. .. , •• , " .••. 10 MarorT<;unillloluings ., 3~ 8a8hd, Legne}' 7'

tfl<, Daigorsu (mn i I.\' , ' •. 1 L1 TI'.\!:lIl'h i Shi rnlcn _ . 3t! r11e I.;)gre Barracks .. , .. •.. ._" ....• _ 7~

TnI' -hL!daFa.tnily .... ", .... , .• IU Niktl$himi Shinden . . ,W The Onikag<: Ronge", ... "',' .... ?G

The Goj 1I. Family __ .' I U IYI inor TWll0 Holdings , . , , , .. , ,41 Imp"rt~lIl' Beast N 1'0 • • ,.... 76

The' Daigotsu " , , •.••• , 11 Tsukuroi Shlnden , , , , , , , 4'1 Omont , , 7t!

Plumbing the Darkness rz) •. 11 V>lllliufrh,,,,·r:,uno... .Al N"wShadmvlant!'B"aSts. 7~

Daigatm Lamls _ •• 12 J'mportill'ltTslII'O ~PGf , +2 HIlI·I BI:~.s1 . , . la

The City of tlw LOFt,.... .. 12 Tsuno Nrrua! " " " .. ,,42 Houruli oi ihe losl • 7"

Temple of the Nimh Kuml •. ,... ._.1:: Mrtuonsof the Tsuno , ,., , , 1-'\ Koku no ~ei,hl!1 , 1m

1'11..' B!o~k Finger River and Tli .. J.;Wla('1 ., •.. '" ".'. 4~ Beast M"~"~111Cj 81

roe l~jver ofrhe Dark Moon .. .• J':I TI'lUIo M'edlani'~ . , ..•.. ". . .... 4t, AnCt'MQ1:S (Yokai I ,. , HI

Ruins-of th~ K"pp.",. , .• __ .• ' 1'1 TST,JJ10 Characters .•.. , '. , ' , , .. , 44 Orschat ,.".' , III

Tlu! Forgotten Tomb (If hi Leng,. H TsUJ.1o Sleel..,. " ,", ,'" .... 4.4 Kvolin .... " ......• ,> " il1

Thdi,·sr."ri hl~ Pi r or F\.! Len.g '14 Tsuno .iylngk, ,' •. , .. 4.+ The Wall of Bones , $3

Jmpar!"nj DnigoL<u NPCi .• ,' . [5 The'Goiu, , .. , •..•.... ,., ....•... ,' 47 Uslng the WHll QfB(lqe~

Daigorsu, the Fallen Lord .. ,. .. . ., .. 15 Plumbirrg rll<' Darkness I 1 ••• , ••• " ••• , 47 ln an Adventure ...• " ... ' •• " •.•. M

D:UgOlSLl Manobu ' ' _,' 17 GO!" L,,,,d:s , .. .48 How 10 US.e rlus Inlorinr non •. , , , ...... S+

D'!igofs!I.Mt'h~nfcs, , , ' , 1$ M~iorGoJllHoldil1gs., _ . .4S TheNorrhTower... , .. ss

Ancestcrs (Yokai). lR l.louse nfCoju .' , .,48 The ;;;amh Tower , .. , 8~

Daigorsu l-i1zusb, , " 18 MOuntai.n of Shadows. . . ,48 Th!' Ea~1 Tower , , fif;

ll.a:igOlSli r'!yotanl .. , J 9 Ninuhe Temple . . +9 The \'\IalL of Bones Map, , , ,. ..,.87

Dnrgorsu HrI(~ lah ime , " ",., .. , 1 \1 .Mincr Gojl! Holdings , , , 5\1 rl1t' \XbTTower.. .. ,I,lH

lainred I rell'l~. , ' " ' lq Adorai's Gnl'e ,,<;0 13ehiJ,d rhe Veil..,., , ., ,,8'9

Yakainos Claw .' . _ .. , 1 g inl]l"rlalli GDJ'U NPO . ..,. • ....•.••.•. ' 5 LI The O~rJ,: Glrllde, ' , " .. ,. , ..•.. 89

Blades ofTrmh and.Secrers .. , _ 10 l;ortl Kyoi'ro. ,,50: Jhe kesrrrunrs ofPower , , , ..... S\!

Shudowlanus Mmaiai.<. , , , •. ".,." .2 L Ninulie E;~ai. , ,51 The rlJessillg~ of Darkness. • .. 90

al~ch~~!'1 .. , , , , , , 21 GQju Medld,!i.c.I , .• ~2 . oshl jomyako, -Dark Oracle o!'Air •. ilO

ClnICllll1" .. , .• ,,' 21 Ancestors.(YDbil. . .. 52 Yrt-.gukjN()kalsu,DarkClrad~ofE~rih.9{l

Pit-Forged Obsidtnn _ 22 TheTo,ten (JfDarkn"iiS... _ • .5+ 'Iamon Chosai, Dark Oracle of Fif~ .. 91.1

The Chuda, , , 23 Shado\\'Pojnt~" "..... .54- Malsu11.trl,DarkOrach:ofWatef, ,~O

Plumbing the Darkness (31 , :2'1 The Ninube... .. 55 Tonbo TOJ'YU"Plu-k Or~le nfVoid '1[,

chudaLa.nd, .... _ ...... _ 2'1 The-NlnubeShugenja. ..55 Dark Blessings oflhe Elenwnt,:., ... _. 91

Major GhUfb Holdings, ,.14 Thc Bloodspeakers ,,, ,,, 57 The Sbadowlands Tamr.. 92

Kyuden Churla ,.. , .. :N Plumbing the Darkness (6). ' , .. '. r t ! ••• "7 Corrupted Pnvirorrrnenrs 92

The Bloodworks , •. " ,,:1:, Bloods~laker cdls .: 'is .Meclianics.. .. 92.

Minor Chuda Holdings. • • 2(; Demons BreathAcolvtes . ,5~ EHect, IJ[ !hel~Lrrt.. . .. '13

The Teeth or the Serpent, • .., •. '" 26 The True Suns of lsawa ...••...• , ., .•••.. ,~9 Li vmg ,,,,.,d1 the T" mt , , \14

JmpD1'ta1ll eh uda Nl'C, , ., ' '. . .. 17 ImllDrta~t BIQrid$psahl' N PCl .• r •....• '", .•. 6·U Prevent tng rhe Taint • , 94·

Chucla1lliRfurrie •. ,.,_ 27 luchtban ,"'" •...•...••... 60 Th .. ~'vl:lw:EOI:gottt)uOniI.QrJ.. 94

Shahai, ..... _ 2~ Asahina YllJlnden . .. • .62 The·shadowWlds Territory Map ....... dl6


J.11)'IT 1 ILttO"l ,d I'll> l'fU.>J I dOVJ!lllnd n.l!hcJ ill; <lchmg haNd. H~ hlld rTllI!.chnl mNI' JHl wti'ting ricsil (tl)' il(ltln, rmd '1m '10m Is I hrobbrd I'rorJ:l jn'scribin.g flllliar,'tl.s j,IJlmi 1IIIIIdwd or tll'1Y fhl1llul"n (It! ~II emile,\,., )rne~ o(,mll.k 5tdL tl~ Jlt/! Ii grcal inl t: Il[ rdfe{ up,! fl,rJfWll'lmt Nearly Slx}\'Im ugo, 1,(, had begllll II ,/range lJdyssi:J' ,hal 11.1<1 !ukfll ~Ilm mid Ius oItit'llacHlJs alll1cre/55 1/w l:.mpll'L', 'rh~' had 111ft With Cl1!ltJIjJH1i1S, as;,IJS!1"11, Incrdl!;w!~, 111 iii 111 "dm el'l. Evt'l'y,-l"'(l1wLi01I I.L'ri. 10 l"l(I!hcr, ,1 lid .IT1~t IIJ/Il'rl ill C)' IIl!;i IIwlIglr1 Urtir JOI!nlt'), wmpldc, Hl'lI' problems w'l[llmJ them 10 JJI'e.,., 011. In Iqm ill', fdol'!gwrfh 0101'110 T'lllt;jl a'lId Elu,111e Sckkol.r, It~ld 111SIieri w~ry da.lI'sl.Lmrj, l>r(M,' Ifley nn.!d fil'I<1.1 J y nrlllTl,

illi'or! /I ,uI forgi1ttcil whQ' j1Y51 S~lggi:sll',J J 1/' 1l!1'i Ie ,111 tl[(1H111 ~ of Jus IT,wds, b 'IHh~ [fie<T.II'la slllck WJ II! fll.tI!_lor l1lDlIlhs <!flt!1 h rs ho 11](" coming IlnlrJ h~ Wlild 1101 ,It-ilY the 111~t~mlVrl-lyJl1l'Y: 1'11(' p,.st fewvc111T I'(lll s~e~1 him str1Ying,I~1 IWm' III WtH-k ,In Iii, .ItalY 1~1Y IIHlIl? (lflW thrJl1 hl~ J/wrmsmgly Infreqtfertlllll,stllfl~ [nr 111, lord Nil),!] SIWI~1 TnlLIi h.' lol,i, I.t WI ISproUIIbly fUr Ihr best. HLltorlill'Ul nol been u ymmg Intll! [fJ 'llotlg Him:, ,md hH v,lsmh were now Jrre to pH1'Sl.!'~ thdr OWl! ends,

Thr sqoJl bljlirl.' nil"ll l'rdr! Hu' dermis- o[fm n-Jl;cl"itrg Il'ith rOf-MIII SH-tSH, Umgtlll C/1l1tJllllPn LllrrlliH' /lru' t'J rngllSll1 11(,,111. TlwHg1J il had b('l"l1.mU)1Y vears, Ewton mrWmbfl'ed. Inc j'l1~el1J'1g !/WldJ)( 011':11 fll; finished (JlmmTltilll\ Ih<' 1,tl.!'mCl'Y'lt:s III ~)aFel' and 511l1!mari.zmg till) kmg trill uurl~ I.n. f\j'II'dea i\fiY,l, Hw I,dl' ,,:00141,1 JlHtll!y he doyu', U worlld Iw III~ 1,~g-i1rY,

"Hnhn[·smI1l!,;; n ~enlU-r!1 smJ sofl.!y. "A liisdor w/.\J'!t's 10 5rr you." "\1?h,' is i.i, B,'n hi /"

Tlte )~Iimn! 5hiftd Ullroll~tolcf'lbl)' .• ' I':ft' l\!illJfJ TiO! grU~ JII> Hllttlr, IH.)' Itlrd, b~lllu ~ a MI,ytL"

Halon ,f'mwneti, J.l tvas Ijllitc !.lmmwJ fi"'ll t.-f'yll, to bl'hrwe ltl5!fGh (I.nIltnne-r, "SJ1(iW l'llhl m."

B"I'I")1.1 )"fC8.I~d 'in!!} Hw 1l1~ flrl' mn'ulm, A few mDllwni~ lilia, 1ht l'lsdor enjrr~d flnlonbhlJy III ~1lIH!jf1lllg:of'l'tlb~s, "Thrlrrr-wl-f far ,eell'lE me, HaloYl·Sillllll. II [,I !l gYCQr il 0 1'1.01' to FlitIllly Inut 1'011,"

Hol'ori I/~",I .,lIIUr71Iy f,ll ~rl qn'i,e "il-,j iva GCIl.lrr.lkeJl-9mlL1," lin"id, "11 il I wlro ,1II1 11,)'IlD)'el£ /0 Inc~1 yml, 1'011 rill ,Il[ MfyC11.1 greerl !wnnr 1\lIJ~1 y~ur ,'C!'VIW to lurd. Sewn 1->1111 Ill:' He It)olll!d tl,lll-I" ~~mlrl l'j,J'f,Ingdy. "\\7/'11 (,WI' L-\'!II-rld YDU wuh 111 n;mi!l'Il rl-HOllymowj YOM Will ,illI/,ays h" WI'lWITIc' 111 my l1ornE"

"I dill nut gwe my I1tWle btm!~s~ I ,lid /IO! wish to rtl/~c yO'11 Froin row' work:' Ct~1'!sal1~el'l tlid, gt'Sill)'ll1g lowattl the wnllJ!g desl?

The oW m,m 9mileci. "YOII fal!f!" me, J WLl, lIot at(llll'e that tIIr work Was "I i1ltem't (n ,111;' bu.J (l ItamiIi,1I inMw EIrIJlfr •. "

I. If II of gn;;;i ItItfrrs! I~' I1U .l)'Ulld S,zarr~-SLl'lIia:' Gmwiknl wid With (! l!1mJwf.,axprcs.slOn. ~II<, be)Hwcs (I'rlll ,mll·/,Dol. lDIl1 ~e II great !Jj('cess, a5 mall V wi!! wl,\'h III read ab(Jl!f tJ~~ drm.l r!lld rmm/lcs t/1C',Y inaI' 11CUH tI1IW/, I-it: lliln bdrc!les Illai yorH 1,j/vr!r \<\Iol,dd b~ N /!)'Mt fJJlpo,rhmity I,) .'rillwi'.e IFle peopj~ or Roku,\;nrl Fhml th~il' imml f!~s."

Haton (rvwllctl again. "\'["111<1/ ~k' ),011 ntwn/"

"YOll h~nll' disnl.l5ed jh.t~ rluJdr"ti or ill! Ih(' 1{(1I11Ii' G~mIHII?" ,;]1(1, g;:sturingtowani Ore desk. "Excepl (0 nnw."

rhdiistollll11 peded.," ¥em lfI11IIoi be It'fltms."

"But 1 (lin," .~llSIHkcll mmtcd. j'Those whL! lorgrl JHslory ,lltlH reulsit If.. Scwnt 1.\115/W.\ [0 rmpress llptrri 1011 IllS t:rt;ilf wncem f'Cg(H'rlit1~ Ihi, liMIter. ¥iJlj 11,)',', oj' wurst', t,vr.lcome to do M YO~Il-\ri.5h." "li,lI11Hlllnl" l'tgnnitllg rile SlltldL11~rI.!l11ds," H,1!ori jl./.;,1. "W/rile

1 nppre[w,l" your illl:a', J!~Jltt DI (ill'LV. r am /lui 'L"lpIlhJe or Plmncimg JJ~e mf01ll1UilO11 Ilr. d~sil'e""

"'1'("", f,~ Wll)' lit' ~1'1r"1 /11f,," Getuaikcfl .Hld I)Hidly. "J lAIr/I Jell .1'011 ll.i! rOl! 'AJISIi. /0 Imnw,"

"J'orgrve m~, Gen,i1,lhwml'l1!l,'" Hilton smd nl1l11lH!siy, "1'/11 wlud wDul d rr wl.n'tmr ,of YOT.I!' Ito l'ionk1'llllll ,,'1'0 ILl I he SI']{;.1l1111/a 1'1 dst' "'vllvn [.;c/ d'ied 11'11/1.1 cn~," Gn1s~.rl'm "l!d pl"!IllilldJ'.

"I' n:pllnfr! hi'll, 1'11111 pO! 11111'11'111'1, Ha l(Jtj· ,al'lll)' , J um n pd:k1~, A crcahm' 1]j fjJlYI't."

Halon semi lTotimlg for '~lI~rlll mOmel1Js. ri;gnnllllg (~(imt~ilm1 ~nre[uUy: "Is lit!! somf ~orl ~J IO.kft' 1'1<' fillnllv {J5ked.

iI] aSSIII',' yOM 'Itll IW!, I tco~~ n:'lu·I'Ii~.m',1.1,IIl(r <0 IMIl! l111i)(111 walch L'l'n thl' Emp"'''', C()uYl. The Dnrh DaHghlc)\ Sh,l/ltIJ. ordEred If1L" to beWIiHi dose to Jbtu)'! Semru m /topts-of GOJTI,lptIJlg Ins Irouhlfc1 min.!. t fOliid mI5er<1h!y, ,Hid 11'115 left un!!r nowhere f() wllllrlHle. li..ntlail1mg wrlh Sr~llrll i.1'l1S d~llIgen1ri$.J(')' 1 FU'lmi iu' 11I')lri,1 evcrtiulilly lil>wl!a Inc, hut 1 wuld FlOl reinm to 11r~ Shadow/'111d" I~st I h h,ITlfd fOI> n1.yfadrll'e:' lJc 'im:lggl~d. "llllh~ elld. J dmo1JemJ If1l11 SeZL1nl hl~~\1 all alVirg, HI' nJ[nwed nit· to )'ft11!!in lUll)' 11111'1 lti rlllll, 11.<.' w:lIl,hl'"I.cl1 me. lXI/un h i~ brafflPI' l'Iswui'ccilu rhl' Ih roll!', Se;;(Jnr rlt,froyed my wlll'll'd IOn 10 II Ie ·ranti .. / mn Pck I~Je JIll 0111 no, J all] mndy l'elddGI a 11 d ! wish f'el/eng-f' 1.1~'11i1 tile 51",<'1(111./' l,m,1.\ for ,:0 illnill i Ilg f)I~ 11 ~ 1/!j.'V Illd:'

AgClltl, ~h~re [.11M II l(lrlg ,i/['rICi' From OI,I'nlt! i'liltartdn. 'This I" Inaancs)."

G,"/un/hlll! Hrlll.:rl wisl'fullv. "[ thollghl perilap" vnu wOlild rmlwre .. , 1:(111vill,ing," T}ll' younger f'''W Il~PI'ed !<lfWI1T,1 If11(1 H!t /1ghl, "h~ Inrltem~ ilhl1'llllllrtlllg hts facr. Ami il!~rj, ilt> fCIl1Ht"1 changed. ['hs faaJlowcd to.gethcr LH ij'J}Ie.!'e Wfre [i,h P)'lOlllllg hel'1mlir

It as r.Jw Homer vI II )lOlla mig/il. .

"MOI'tltaJ" Flalori S]lllt. "5)'1011'1 wilT he~r Df Ihi~I"

"Llld, wdl Ill' bd rCllt: IH" G~ii)·ilikNr. IV(I$ ItOI ~ollri'r'l!cd, '" 11'111 'S~l<l YII'5 ~a \,/1 J. l1l1 d II pro 1'I11,IU,IIi" CO IlytW'!' 111 Jl-w 1m pe nrl! Co Int. _Makr smIJ [1""ll.l«tlI111'\ <lnd flTe1t, will QIIly b,' II sad wl1ilper til,11 the [lLlw1.lcd Miyafr.Ttatf'~ll.lilltf is finally ~111)llg him."

Rl'!llunlwn daWlw • .!.I,1'I Haton's e,V"s. "feZlm~ rCIlllydld «:1111 }ICli, dldn'l hft'

"1\. 1 suiLl: the V!}lL'l' rital1 C-lltrfinnc,i,j,-lc fixed Ilatan with ttl! inlpli$iliVl' ion~, '~<\r~ )'011 J't'Gi'ly hl begirl? 1 will tell yOIi ell('rything I JmGJII (lbo'll! lilt Shadowlantis, ana YOII will IMnte of i.I. rJ·S you wrote Dr tl'1c oJhn l,mlis oj"' Rofw.glU1."

Miya 1:;f~lol"l ,!w'ed 0.1 Gt'l15tlil<tnl hI nmlt'mp!a/lon for 'Itot(' lame lime. "Very II/ell," fie .Iinrdly said, tt.kinglljJ his findl. "Lei I!~ vegin"



Sea-et) of tl·w $lmdol.vlanr!,'>L is a sourcebook for players and GMs who ~r.e i'itere~ed in adding-more depth to rhe iuhabiranrs of the ShadQwial1ds, especially those lll1fortun~te Lndividu~ls who have surren'dered their souls to Jigoku1 seductive power:

The Lost, Th1'ee. orher buoks have explmed. the shadmvb nd:; 111 tIle paSl - Tire tJ(lofl ~ r tile sYlt1dowl Cl11JS;'" BeQ rer> of J<1,1#.'" ~nd Way flf the ,'jil arlo lI/!rr rr tis:" 'this book differs from thrun in that ~t focuses primarily'upoll the places and people currently in the shadQwlands irself. rather ,hall. had ow Lands- beasts that wander the Empire or Ihe Tai 01 as all a.ll-pl~rvaJ Lng eviL Every· thing required tc crea.r,e wemm;lble ~h:1dowLands vUJains (or even playel' charaClers'J or run an extended c;lm.-palgn based on tne Shadowlal"los is femureJ hew.

Sccrets or IJ.u' SIi~dow1(1/1t1.I'M is bmken dow_l1. intO! chnptcrs a~ follows;

I'he Introduction deals wirh 1:1, e Si1:'ld(,wlands h-is{'ory. some genua! customs pracnced by the Lost, andsevera] .new mechanical opricns appropriate for Shadowlands characters.

Chapters Two I hrough Sb: ~3l';h dea I with a powe rful g,'O\lP within the sociervolthe ShaJ.owl'ands, the Daigotsn, the Chung, the Tsnno, servarrrs of the Shadow Dragon, rhe Blnmispeakersand ifssl1tt'ed beasts E~cb chapter presents infnrrnalion on rhe group's rerr: rorles, ;'ndllqiti.g 5evcl">d points Qf Interest tot eacharea and some adveVltll1'e hooks faT eMs, major·NPCs, and new raechauical Opti[)I1S Cor characters f"i'QDl thatgroup '(or rules-far pl~ying such characters if none exist!'

Chapter Seven: Thl' \,\1:1'11 of BOJ!~~ dt-[ve5 inro l'hl' haJJ',lired wall ef ltvrng b,me that prorects the Ci ty l~f lh~ ~OSi fr~lm p~ying HirlJ.1T10 SCOU1;S and orher invaders, All the Illf(')rmanoll. needed for~' eM to use thlt WaU ('JfBl1rl(!~aS the renrerpiece ot an adventure is pre~e11("d_

Chapter IHght: Bt,hLnJ the Veil details the darkest. most unpleasant truths about the 1:1'hadowlands, The true motivari oris behind rna ny 'Of rhe _d_ea-,lliest servan ts of darkness nre reeea led here fo r rIle Brs"t rime,

CUSToms Of'TH5:


LU/ln.G In TH-=:


For much of the Empires hi.srory there has ~>(!en TId true civilization in th<1 Shadowlands, only a few scattered 'b~ke-rnono tribes and gangs of lost sam Ltr:1L united by a In utual hatred of rhe Empire, All, of this changed a gen era liOJ1 ago ar rhe E1attlt' ,,,l obI iV1911'S Gate_Thousands of sam ural banded togl}rher 011 a march Into the heart uhLIr;: Shadowlands, bent on defeBting, the Lying Darkness bI;'K)r~ It C"llJd ~l:n:b~ad its corruprion across. me Spirit Realms, Though Rolmgan's greatest heroes were success(ulima ny· or them also paid the ultimate priee .The Shadowland" l 't1l'int spreadIike fewrthU.iugh the wtnmded1Jnd di-ing.MaIl; of , rhe Empire's defemli;>r~.fol.lnd themselves Lost to COTrLlptml1, f before the bmtJe (":lIenended. Hundreds departed the ReId eli: battle, abandoning theircomrades asrhey answered Jigoku's-eill. I ~


These scattered r{!fugees banded together om of necessity. Th'1 were hQw\villing Sl'Twmts of the Sh<tdo;ybnd,~,btrt tbi~ ~ffcll'JvJ thorn no protection (rom The ho'[riblf be:J!st$ [hile prowled the wastelands. Th~s~ nomadic bands found :mengtb in numbers.und began C() lndJ \'i.LUg~'s,tleep jn~he Shado.~\"lands, t\ IU",V J1e neraricrr v,iil~ 1nt!] lhBr hall uever set'l] Rolla" g)111. ThI'Y (Lung to !h):'.1r pasents' traditiorrs, a perversion dRokugans bushido, as a means of re-tainm,g -sanity when surrounded by madness, Asmany-of their parents hadorice been U1l' EmpircJ5 greale,st heroes. the new LQ~l alSt1 io~erited their parents' dJ.,cil,li ne and. Rgluing rech niques, They wen: Lost, hut they were also [TlI", samurai.

Though dll! lime '(Ifrt:r rht" ftmL", I:Jf Ohlivlon~s Cure is t'emt'mheretl as ;1 rime of' rc\aliv,e peacewlrh tlu.'. ShatlQ\-';' larals, there \VQCm more Loss at this 'li~(' 'than in any orher Im the Empire's histnry. These.Lost .smn ural -di,d net mJ:u ble tht! Empire; [Ot Ihe)' spe nr those decades in ~'1lc1 tesh~ rcrritotial. dispuies hOlh among themselves l\nu with the powerful beast-s t hat ruleil iln' ShaJ-owla_nds, I'heir true p[Hellti<l1 -i15 the Empjre'~ greotestenemywes not realized until the Dark Lord, DaigotSu, arrived [(l,un~ry the warring Losr f3ni,cns. The qry of rhO' LOSl'!'(l COn5lfUGri!;H1 SO(.\)l 'af[(-'r his ,app,'urnnc,e, arul the people of the s.hadowJands finally sreod .IS one.

Whe-l1 Illdlibal'l- al?p~'ared ~'lldslTllCk dOWIl1 the Dark Lord, I(Ue divrsions b~gan co lHweii-r amang "h_(. Losr once more. Wltile Illil Ily Lost rook thei r oaths to DaigQt,u In heart ana fellowed (heiT 1113S1Cr 1r1l0 exlle, most others were awed bv f JUt'hibnl'1'~ power 3nd'lckm':l.wledged him ,IS their new leauei.








Birth jJl~le .sh'ldQwi:UHls Is a rare and rrcasured evwt, as chis Is oj d;lng~r"-tl,< place frH ii child. D],lting Oaj-go.tsu's rergn, he" instituted strict laws Q urlawi ng violencccga inst cb i ldreu. The ),oUIh are tomorrows Wiudor~, af[('r all, and E"I tengwlJld'd begl'eady :±ng~e,d ro til 'rt,bbEJ of his £1:\1 ure servants, IUe h iban has lirtlercgard for Fu Leng, but he S\'l('5 thewisdcm 111 Daigotsus laws, and has maintained them. .

Tbo~lgh the Los ro bey these rules and are protecri vI' cif t~e YOlI,r1g, '10{.I11 L th'<" beasts rh,n dille II In the Shadowlands are sa fe5p,~ctf!lL Child-ren.aT" _generalJ-y kept indoors, llndl.'lr the cart' of ,! sam urai orseveral lyell-trained hukl'mo'l1:;J', On ly oncetbey have L:e~r:hcJ gempukku .lg:c are they anow~ll t()' venture GU [side, and eveu then ihey nri' watched cureftJL}:.

G S.1i\ 7111,(I(U

Once a year, during the rime that marksthe Chrysantheruurn Festival in Rokugan, rh" City-ofrhe Lost 1101ds agn;Bt cele brntion I;;'llhl [he Fe~lival of Dlew Bloc'd, AU y6U,th~ who have' ccach<.:_dge-mpll kk II agl' in th .... ptryia l\S yt'-ur r~ceive thelT uaisho and swe,ar lheir vows [{l their nl;,Sters_ After. the ensue ing cdl''brat.iGn, the new samurai's career b,~gin, with a first _gliin-pSe llf tht' blasted \...u,~tehnd that is. thl'iLhmnt;!. Gn\ups of yqUJrg ~mnLlnl.1 ~r(> takel' \lut inIt) the Shu:do\v1tlnd~ [[1 thecompany or.a large band of older: warriors. -Whar follows a]]1,J,uht, ro a humi:n.g-trip Krt>~S tbt bkak Sbdowhnds. rh~ 'Samu rat tFack ~ml ki Ll w1TJ bak~mQno,w~ I1llel'ing ~'Jl t, or linUs,

From eachlmnting hand. the- three yomhs,wilo'PHlW rbetnscl ve~ the '(misl l<l [_etil·",d and courageous an'! ,elected m foin an ('hie bqlld For mQr~ aange.totll> bttnlS, Th~,-se. wan::i;:m; nrigh, b.~ ,en i_ 10 ,kill Crah SC01.lts, an:ld >l Nczumf pack,. 1'.1, even venture imo Rok1.lg,;n -((lp~hge:l pe:tsanrviJllge,This banciIs narned the lcgionOlNc.w BlooJ, Ilnd is{earc!d ,hmughtYm rht' Shadbw# l:inJs [i:>rlt')'Olltbful zl~1 ~IlU m.ld [crocil.j(


MfLtriag.l' and courtsh i paTe. sti'i:cdy n'gifill'.llh·d_ D!1i,gotSu rec0gTI iZ~9- ~a,l)! eu. {hat [ he jill pulses-a I'l-J in h tU11;) 11 :rp.p.emes that somet.messtern from. rhe Shadowlanris Lain; ~CluJ:dlauSt' pi"ablC'Ils \"hCr!!ljllt!sILaos of rnarriage nn,d fidclity are. c.oncI'l'ned. Fearful. that: matters onovo,_ rQ1Tl~IKC:, J;J.d emotion could bring a bout rh~ downfa Il of h is en rcfu II \' bilallc,ed city; h" insri ru~ted strie; Iaws res fflcd ng marr! ~g~. ~Es·sl'.ntially, childbmli or romantic involvcnrenr outside of it marriage ~P:~1r()vt~dhJ' one's lord is a captral cmne, \1 is a h'lt~tt t~w1 bur it has also. prevented many' problems amorrg rile sometimes hloo\hhjmy~ntllthp:tilsiv~ Lost AJJ wiih m~!h1 iJ~ D~_!gQt$il'S, laws, IlJclu1-,an has seen tbis CiI,!,"'\~ 'wisdom l1nd maintai nedit during his own M.!_I{~.

Marriage ceremonies vary til ostentation 311d complexity, Daigoisn samurai rend tC)ha"lie large, prolonged celebuuions, eallingupon ,hI.?;,S'ings cif Fu Ut,ng t;jr a. long and happy marriage, Iuchiban's iollowersurc tar more -ptngmatlC,Oll_cr a P,lo0Qspraket ackncwleclges the marring- is officiTIJ, thecerernorry 1" done a'1l9 departs co go a!):oul their dail\<, busi ness,


8-::l1IlC might believe rharrhc Lost would, have litdt' in t.hl~ wayof superstitlnn, as [hey already ernbodytha; which most ofrhe Empire dread:s, The Lest know th~ truth: there Is <3 lway~ some-thing mere pd\Vli'rf-u1 to f-eat. Dea,11y oni, vt!l,lgeful '$"pirits, arid even rh" Dark Otad~H' prow 1 the ~and~ b~ypnJ the City ofthe 10SI, and I he wise 'learn how not 1'0 ofl'end their II npredicra ble netghbors, Foremost among Lcsrsuperstirions is, the b.:l'i_c: rlia t uncorrupted jade is .inczedibly unlw;kY.Bucb_ ilia rerial uot only numbs (11c power of rhe 'Iaim, bur also oauses pain <tlld UlSC0111 foi;t 1'0 pcwerlul-Shad ow tan ds creatures. The wise lea I'll 110t to ca rry it, and aither destroy )nde0l~~!1i ( 'is d iscovered or hide i_t-o-~fdy until it elm bepl;:opedy .ccrrupred.


-b~ igPt~l"~a lrHr,~i' h~·"e ~ til' ple bdicf~ -wh'e.)"e>Wfl~iS';<i ncerrted. 1'npse who defy Hgolu hav{, proven themselves undeserving of respect. As tb cy hoi'!/.' exiled theruselves from [be Celestial ()rder-. rhey do nOI deserve die men:)' even -:111 animal would be showuIuchibans r0~low~rs have slIghtly diffen~nrheliefs; thougb the result is the- same, lnchibans sarnurai believetha: pawer ls ju~tjfkQrion fat iLll)' anion, and thai any crime cornmitted war to, justifted by yi\:;nJIj-'. Forthese reasons borh Iuchibans and Dnigorsu's tQllowcl's will n'SGH to nearly ny bdic and Wnilillt U:llSPl'ak~ble acts w ,ow dwir t'l~{~mie> 10to. s"lll;)[ni~s iO:11,

~.5:TI;t5m:£1\ T

Rel'ireJnell]' is not :\'11 alwgcrher wl.k!lOwn p:r<i:cdee ml'lDhg Iht Lost. Some older Dai,"iotstl become monhoJ Ft\ Lellg.5;v Ih~J they rn:ight benet honor rhefr d~rk 1118.Sl\'I_ AU101'lgluchi-ban's [ollo:wers, reri 1'\:m l"nr is!J n he:l:t'd of. I uch i ba n nns TO jed r he~ Ciryof'rhc lQstanty brle£iy-. bUT hilS alte~'dymade-il quiu.' dCl1\ thaI 11C ho Ids :1 low opinion or I hOlil" who ~etite ttl a life of ton· tem pl~riOll, 111;IIes's rhey inTl"11d_ to conte mpla te dlC lny-st-el'ies. oFhlpoG mafJ-ic. The'I'ewllw.nksofFu Lel:g ""ho lwve nut fleL to D:Jlgotru'SDlJl1purdid l)t tb~ bJmJ'S' !.lr13loous_i)I~~kers,kcep a:1 extremely 10\' •• proJlle.


- - - .-

There a re no fnner::ds in. the ~hatl'D'" Ian ds, for Je-alh io sirnpl y of no. consequence. When someone d'Les in the Shaduwbnds. rheir bodv is disea rued surnewlrere wh"re it '(vLl! hot hr ~11 anneyance ro-others There, it l~ either ·t;kv(jured by r.he local wildlife- or, rf Jfgo.kt\ is willing, returried ro life as.undead Bodies ale never eremared ln the Shadowlands ~5 rhev ·are in Rokuga n, as ! Ii Is. I eaves I: he J oqr ope II [0 r I he .d eceased l(, return in some fonn.


fall of Ph Leug; Pre-history

Tlie .inrruortal ~'on of Amaterasu am] (_'li1fiC'·tanllll, I'll Leng, falls tn the carlh aIter a devastuung bau.l.ewith his father in which he and Ius siblings are freed Irom I b eir f;leber's guile r bv his brut her Hilled. ftl L~ ng falls [~T awayjrorn his brothers anJ ~ilil'ers, bn~ Lng' iTI.~ region domina red by non-human civIlizations, lnduJl"llg d1C' Ne<;ul:l1i, ngre, and troll empires, The sudden colllsion 0fN.ingen-doand;.t cluld of'Tengoku tears a deep hole in the esrrh and Open" a. port~ 1 to jigob,!h<l Realm of Evil The N ezurn i ·..!Ild O.gTC civllization S' are all btl L wiped out by the disaster ,ll1d ensuing chess as cru pour forth &om the portal to corrupt the mortal world, arid Ell Leng ts trapped inligoku for so Jot\g that he becomes corrupted ,IS ", e IL

The Wa.r with the Shadowlands: Year Unknown

Pu litllg leads ,t vast army or Fend creatures, elrher benr 1:0 his wi II or crea I eel by his power, i n an H ttac k en Ro kugan, His brothers anJ sisters are \I,Iot'fu 11 y un prepared for rile 3sSSJ,11 t, md their clans-are pre~~~d ti1rther and f3~t~her back It is not until the prophet SHinsei Of!'i\H counsel to Hantei that hope L, given to1"hl," Empire. the Seven Thunders accornpanying hi P1, .s hinsei nnds illlU \ l'u Leng. The Thllnd"r~1 Ted by Isawa, weaken the dark gall in combat anri ,hell bim] his immortalsou r inside twelve powerful spells created by Isawa. pq [eng S PQW~T ftlrcver"mrrupts and Tai nts lb." ~pdls-; perverting thetr origll1.EL\ functl.on. Only Shinsei 9 ntl ShO'lLI'D survive rile batik bur.Fu L~l1g is d:efeateJ mil his f(Jn:es are routed.

lh~ Nature ofIainr explored: Year 1:0.0

ern b scholar KUhi K' akann snulics the "ffcct!; (if Shadewlands Taint on curps!:'s; discovering much ofhow II lIneeL, bothrhe living and the dead. The research Is of great lise to the Crab, and saves many lives, [! ~lso establishes [tinny fundame.ntal i 8 ea~ 1 ~ fEr uSRd by maho· rs u bi w htl d i ~awer hi$ wo ,1'5, Nakauu c.ome~ to ~ bad ,mel whc~n his ['csean:h Jelves tod fat and' he is ()v~rwbelmed by lAll'llbies ]J] lus OWll hDlne_

The Saake Clan corrupted: YeaI' 401

Weakened by yeats oJ t!lmptalton, tbe- rullngSnake daimyd ChmtaTamiheiaccc'pts the promise [Jf power Dffered by a corrupt ~piri[, :lshl,}tcn aojl.l~he Snu,ke cbn, alte:ld)r ,eet.ering_ on the 'brink Ijf rar.ruption irom ycatsof ~I LlJyj~g 1n~hC), is oV(:t't~l,en by Ihe spirll' ;mel its km, and is CODsullled wlth cmILIptioIi wJ [hi n a mailer uf weeks, Thls·con.d irion laSlS: only a few mon('lls, The .Phmmlx di!i.cover riJ@ [rllth and desc.end upon lhe Sl1ike ill lhe e~ dy wi:lller mOll I h5 Or 402, wfp<jng the 111 0 lit ill a m ass! VI' ~ssa ull that hiS IOn;) ns c;tll t h.e Fhm Nights of Sham to.

A 101'1<' vassal, '1 servo nr fa mili-a r with ruaho, l;,captS J1.e desrructlou, H~ goes Iuro bi.ding and spends hi. ~"lwunil1g Y<'2t·S pwcllcing blood. m8gic in. secrerHe teaches the scrrers [0 his daught .. r, who,gI)es 911 L"O leach rliem '[0 her wild, and so on, esta b) ish il~g rhe secret 511 ake line fi;l-r C(' n turtcs IIJ (1)]11(:.

the Battl e of W h lte Sta,g: Year 442 A massive bnnle between Imperial [orces ,1nJ u largegaii+n [~c[i,orl Jil theseos around OI:OS?TI rkhf beneflrs Ihe ShadowIalTJ~ in m~n1 ways. Whe n che ga,ij in, .se n (l~ ptuin Care n escapes t he bay wi,h a srnal i number of grcar warsh IpS. th"y stumble inru the Sen of sbad..,ws. Severa] s.b ips arelost, but two. are corrupte«] and UbS(irbcJ by the se~. Tb~):' return H~ II n9.~ad ravenanrs thar tum nt the Sea d!~ Shadows fur centuries.

lb I" Battle pf Sto len Graves: Year 51 Q t

The .Empcror'~)f:Oung bra ih er Ororno jarna, now known. ~~ Iucluba n, is discovered bya Lion and 3 Scorpion magrsrra re to f be plotringagamst the throne. Iuchibanaccelerates his plans, I nr.lsing ;l,SlTIaU army tJr undead f'rom ihe I mperlal gn.lvliy~rd to 'i.j semi against the I mperlal troops, Again, r.he~e.IJom o( Akodo Rl MiIJdb!~ and Soshi Takesho fQil his er[Orl~S, desrroymg hrs army

,md capturing him before he can escape. .. l

1'he enormity of luchiban's rreachery an •. l tll_e mysrerlaus ~ Datu re o[h io powers require a. spectal solunon. The Empire constructsa mysucal tomh to oontuin Iuchfban, locklng him away OIl U disrant border and executing hi s ftJfiuwc [So

The BattIe of Sleeping River: Year? 50

l-lnving learned the secret of moving-as a spirit lrorn 111s apprentice YaJi nde n. Inchiban returns ro the Ernpi re 3 Dd instructs hts followers IIJ 1.1 mass iI vast i:(u\1 :1 til)' of corpses tor his new ;1"rm)7. His pI1111..5 are discovered hy 8,)1 is!" .l.U m I, "m.! again his agenda must run ahead of schedule His nnny is 1 incredibly vast, andonlv the combined .tuigl11 of all the Crear t Clans is able III Je~tn1Y i!_ 111r41bal1'~ sp irit j·s imprisoned 1 agaIn, "[61s time with precauuons to prev.eill his escape, of ~ U 1. hisinner eire le, only l'ajindtnescap~s'l J.

The Battle of the Cr(lS,tihg Wave: Year 716

rh~ cni lord Is11o\vl1 as rhe Maw, ravaged the southern Crib Pl'O'VillQCS lIud all but destroyed the Hirurnu ±amnyJ~ land s. Is IU1Chcs the secorul stage 'Llf irs attack targeting the ~p-lithern 0l1gu of1-H{b lands, Its- ,umy is too \iUS[ lL! be OVercome, anrl the Crab fall back, A lone ShUge11fn, KuruOsaku, CrCtlH"OS a powerful spell rher holds rhc Shadowlends at bay by makinga border river impassable. Osaku maintains her spell fqr.nearly three- months while the Crab hastily consrruct rhe Grea,t Carpenter \X!;111 wJwn [h~ spdt ends, ihiS' Mg-w's..torces canno~ take lh(!' WaLl aud sLt.Ffllr !e:rribl" losse~, Aflanking attack by the Cr<lb· virtu<1lly deSJToys tho:: M"w:~ ~tm-y, ~nd lhe bras t il'sel.r is SIll in by the Crab Champion.

T1H~ Bloodspeakers capture the .'Empress: Year 1111

'rht: .Blood sp(Cakers unc<Jver a prophecy rb,lt indi.ctltes tho· last living, Banlei will fall to J~g(J'kLI'~ power. 1'0 a.n f[uciacious strike, tht' RlcodSpeakNll surprise' and lWetWbclm the I tnpcriul forces protecnng the Empress on her ,10l1rneyhomc [l'om dw pb.oe:nix l'~nds. Her gll:1 rds are m urde red: lht' Bl0Qd~pt"Jk:ers phtn 10 5,.tO'Lfio' her und the 'i!11 perial Sotari; 00 tha( III ~ EroperN will become couupted. A totlin named Yot,u hap- 1, pens ~l pon I he scene ~nd escape.s w id1 50roril, I e~v'i ng his' own

son in the hdr's plilC~'. Yots.u;, son defhll1dy reveal, the !31Qod· ~pe<lke'rs' [~ilurc, $~l .ht' BlolJds;peakers keep Hm:hi~bill1e and the boy aJive a.~ hc.mges while l.hey [lce w,'St,

Th e Birth of Datgotsu: Yea, t 1 j,:2

Whell rhe 13JoodBpe~ke[s realize that rhe Empress 15 whh child, they spare heT life. Using a foul and unprecedented ri nla I, the lIl] born rhlJd's sou] is" m~"r-g.ed wi t11. that of an 1.I111]-~ rned on i .. The c 11 i III ls there a ftt'r ba 11 is hed ro J i goku so' that he will grow strong in rhe powers of darkness beyolld th .. Emp,i're'sability to rescue him.

The Pirst Blade Scrol] is opened: Year 11 2;}

A grievlng Yoga [unzo, WIshing to avenge the death of his darmyo Bavushi Shoju, opens the Ei [Slot The Twelve Black 5",w110 th2[ ttS'ep Fis Lung's soul lmprisorred. Over rhe next (o-ur years, <Hi the Scorpion try [0 rebll.ILd ~nJ the Clan War begin5, more (:)f the Black ScrolLs are opened as the Clans. artempr ro ha.mess flie it terrible power.

The Elemental Terrors arc. creared.Year 1126

1n preparation fm the confllct they sense .apPl'O~dljng, The Dark Oracles unite to create the Blernenta] Terrors, ani infused \vitb the power ()[ lb~ elements, Each _Omdt! creates a'Ierror of thei r element, a~1d rhe group crafts a l'ertibl~ creature from th~ raw energy within the Vold_ The Tenors' initial rampage razes

the [arnls occupied by the Crippled ROlle, [1 tribe ~[Nezumi warriors. The. Crippled Bene must abandou their horne and move north.toward the Crah lands in order to survive.

Fu Leng possesses the Emperor: Year t 1.2.7

After eleven of the BIad, Sc;'olls are opened, the. in_lpri~oned soul of I'u Leng ca n once mor~('-Im'lrge I nto the mortal world. Emperor Hantei XXXU\., whos« b.odY has been we:rkenedby the poisons ofli1s wife B1Jj'll,.'lhi Kachiko, 1~ tlie pl:'rf\lctve!i.sdWhen Crnb Champion rlida Kisads concludes his strike 011 Otosa n Uchi with. an nppearance!n t he I:h finn' r00111 to deiunnu Lhe l rnperja] power, Fu L'eng reveals himself arid. gr levouslv wcun ds the Crn b, vthose SOil yak a III Q must ba u I him W ."Httery outsider he Imperia] City:

the Second Oaf ofThundet: Year 112S

The Crea t cl ans marshal their forces and u track Orosan Uchi I home of ITu Le.ll-gS mortal hast and the seat of h L~ power. The fighting is fierce, and during the confusion Shin6~j'S descendam leod~ _tIlt' reincarnated .seven Thunders to ehe lrnperial throne room to conrrpm FTI Leng, Two Thunders are killed, as is £1.1 Le:ng_ With the dark goJ's spirl I banished !Tram the

mortal rca l m, h is armies break and the Shauawbnds is defeated. Tbe former Lion Champion Toruri Is chosen as the [lew Emperor rlfRokugall,

Daigotsu Returns: Year 113.2

Th,~ Bloodspeakers summon th e infant son ul Empress Hochiahlme back rrom Jigoku ~nJ begib his instrurtiun 111. the ,vays of maho. T,) the child, no time seems GO 11ave passed, He: is given the 112mI' Daigotsu.

The Battle at Oblivion's Gate: Year 1 i33

The forces wuhin the Slradowlands ally with th~ Lying Darkness's minions in an attempr to desrroy the Crear Clan armies rhar are marching on rhe lost city of Vclturrurm. 1'J1t: armies reach the GQte despite heavy losses, and rhe Cate ls opened 50 that the Darkness might EOnSLJme the ancestors of Rckugan, A vast aml)' of spirtts emerges IQ combat both the- Sl1;\dowlands and the Darkness. and tb"" fi~rc{l$ of evil ~ri' dt:fear.ed. Th~ Shadowlnnds 'c.Hlim$ victory ~jlrway, as the ranks of [pSI" ahd. undead swell greatly with rhe dead Cram 11lf' barrie, Additl0,uwly, the Darkness LS destroyed arid its n;11l11811f pu\.ver and minions are absorbed inca the Shadcwlands' forces.

Daigotsu Escapes the Bloodspeakers: Year 1 L.50

His patience exhausted from endurmg h is Bloodspeaker mast 'r$, Daigorsu escapes with his comrades, ·'l11on! srul Ky{ den, Though the Bloodspeakers scour the Empire [or rheir missing srudent, I he clever arul capable Da\g;t't..'iu eludes them and seeks OIU lus own desriny.

DaigotStl fi nds the TSWl.b: Year 1151

Daigotsu uses ;1 powerful mahc ritual ,0 reach Toshigoku, the Re:1LITI of'Slaughter. There, he .seeks om the T5 lll1 0, me waived and twist~d Kirsu descendants who were cast ourfrcm the Cil)' olN (gil r nearly a thdllS~j1tl years previously. Dalgotsu alerts the Tsun ro how much time has passed in Ningcn-do and t i whar has come of [he descendants of those who slaughtered their aucesrors.The Isuno agree [0 work alongside Daigotsu so loog as rhey have the opportunity for vengeance, ~ condi lion ((1 which he readily agrees.

Emperor Toturt is killllcl: Year: 115 S

While' traveling ttl Ryolm Ow~tl w meei wit b hi}; Illegirimate SOli Kaneka, Em peror Toruri is attacked by a large Shadowlands force, His Seppun and Scorpion defe-llci.efs,Canlllll protect him, and Toturi is slain by Fushin, the nlsu of Betrayal Daigorsu occupies Fushins houy during rlre batrie, d·ell.ghting In kI11il1g the man. who murdered his elder brot het Hanrei XXXIX.

The Great' Wall falls: Year i t5 9

USing surprise tacucs and l'surio magie, the Shadowlarids army besieges the Grear \VaU J'mlrl behind and captures four at its seven watchtowers, The Crao ate pushed back from dwlT defensiv« line and rnus t "bandon In uch pF rhe 'Wa 1T Champion. E-iid,i Kuroda is 10s1 in the Iighurrg. His brother KU(;1D aSS.LJID~S command and retakes the, Wall within ;J Iew months, but one towe,r is forevercorn.lplecl, RUOD orders Ihe Kaill io I'ear down the Wall arDul~J_ the Towel' o_[}\'ear anJ tebtl Id it whole ~lld llllc@1Tllpred.

Otosan Uchi is destroyed and FuLengrctufiJ.s: Year '1159 D~[gotscl mnves his l]rlTIies to the capiral ~boaTd the ghost sbi,ps or undead .gaijin Garen. Tbe deva'muioni~ mnslderahlt-, a·nd enTire ci ty quarters aTe reduced to sFnolJenng rtlinS. Daigots\!I uses lhe: con_fll~if)n r0 conceal.h-is. nll~ pUl:-pose:

he enacts a powerful ruual ar rhe SI),f1 of Fu Le ug's death to return the F:lll(m Karni to Tlmgoku. the elestia] Heavens. Fu Lcng summons ,1 great army liom Jigokuand launr hes all assault agauisrrhe Heavens Ih~( lasts tor nearly 11 )'C3r,

Daigotsu- falls to the Four Winds: -'lear 1 t 6 0

Thr Four Winds reach the CiryoF rhe Lust, prnrected br ~ 11 Jm1Y of Tad aka's Children and I he nn ifacts known 3~ Doji's Tears. Toruri Stt:Laru and Modo aneko wreak n terrible toll a-n The Lest, and Hantci Na5er1J cunningly del't:DI s not {Jllly Dalgotsu, bu r f1.1 LeJlg a,5 well, casring the Dark Komi [rull. Ten" goku by sowing doubt in his most devoted follower, Da gtltsa. Daigotsus vengeance IS rhwarred when 'Ioturl'Tsudno-sacrificcs herself to kill him, ending his threat and uniting l'h~' three surviving Winds.

Daigotsu's onlyremporary His boyhood fdl'riJ nntI ally Cojn KyQden sacrifices his life to seal a bargain f'revlOlisly made with rhe Shadow Dragon ,That cr,l!!atunl returns ,I Vor1ot Daigotsu's so III I r hau retained fOI ~a[~kccping, Q,ji.gots lj returns to life, nllitj I weaker dUl11 before.

Luchiban reborn: Year 1.16.5

Sh!!hai marripulatr-sn group 0 samural into upening luchiban:s Tomh and reaches tlw innermost chambers when' the Bloodspeakcr is imprisoned, She strikes a bargain with Iuch iban, see"\dJlg hrs <lid ill resroring Daigcr u's power Ln exchange fp-r fi:~cJ()m. Iuchiban refuse ro ncgouate, and wil h Yajindeu's aid he overcomes Shahal and !:l)KeS her to ~e.jeHs~ him fwm his ·prison. After he-escapes, be deposes Daigorsu and rakes !..1Vn rhe Cirv £If the Lost. Many of Datgot~u's fe-llowe rs eagerly accept Iuch iban's leatil'rsj,ill, a I rhmLg[,5il,ll11e remain kWal to Daigotsu,

The Reign of Blood: rear t 16$

Enact ing a rttual discovered decades agu by ja ma Suuu, lucluban and his [ollowers sacrifice the Ki-Rin, and usc lts 11[(! force, 10 unleash ,1 terrible srorm -all across the face of Rokugan. The clouds churn lind >pilT forth a rain (In,lood that corrupt, .11 who Ieel it:~ touch f(lr too long, The Lion aru], Mantis are part iculariy hard hil by rhe disaster, as the Lion armies neat the Ciry of rh e Rich FlOg and rh e Mantis ±leet (in the sea have UII j" prorecl i(/lt from dl(~ deIUE!'11tS,



The Legend ofrhe Five Rings game setting has been officlaH • preserved in rwo separate gam.e sy. roms, the Lcg~llI[ of lilt' I-'Ive Rmgs .Rf'C; 11111 Edrtmn System (presented In the PIt'l-yCl'~ GIII-d,: and GClI11r Ma'ler'~ Clude) and Wizards of rhc Coast's J20 SYST em"" (ptesented in Rolwg:1TfI,'" The official supple me nt to l lrWH ~11 Adli('IIIIII-':S"'), Whi 1(, r:b esc 'two svsterns <In' sornew hal dissimilar,· rbe ,enj L1g presented ill both 'veJ:sirms of the game is rIll' same, and rhus it is our intent to presem 3 sourcebook rhat is llsefuJ no matrer whid1 of These ,ysrems you choos" to Lise when runnilig vou~ ganJe,

Generally, when a 1l.t1W ):"ul" OJ: methanic l5 presenred, whenever "ppliqble ·we will presenr eqluvalem d;w Sysrem'· and l5R lU'G 2E Sptmn wnriollS in dose pwximilY.

R1,.des and option,q fDr the t120 Sysll:m'" lopk like I,his. 11..1I1es and opllons far rne L5 R RPC; 2£ Svsrem look like mis.

'. '~r



Occasionall y, extensive new i fJ lorramlen mal" b(,' exclus ive LO ~ spedfit svstem I such .1S New Paths Em the L5R RPG lE Svsre m or new feats for [he d2() 'S stem'"Jorn such a case, d~e infQrm~tion will f llow the same convenrlon as above. rll!': d2:0 Sy. [TTIl"M material will appear In black and the LSR RPC 2E System materia] U1 blue.

I J1 rhe case of channel'S, occas io na 1 ly, a character is n arne will be [0 llowed by, a short expla nation or h is character class in lieu ~f [1111 ~[atistir:al intorrnntton. Such ill example lllight look like th is:


[Samurai b/Bersmer 4/Sh.adawlands Veteran 'LOj Hrda :Sushi 5!Hida Avenger 31

The in(ot)]1a11(1]) presented before the semicolon is the characrer-sclass and level in I'hed 2(] System. "Tbe information presented aftel' the se rcrcclon 1. the charar ters 'rank ~l1d school in the LSI{ RP(' 11:. Syslem.

Surnet irnes tna iertnl tn U~{ be prese n ted fur ope SYSll:1TI or the other. 1,[1 ~L\Ch cases, this rext will be ccntained in u callout box wirh (I.gra background, such as [he one below. T~ headers for these boxes will clcarlv la bel which Intormation is for rh(' d2!1~')yst'el1J " :Jl1J which information is For the L5R R.l'C 2nd Edit jon ("l5RRI'C 1£"1.


One lnsutunon raccntlv intrcducedduring Daigotsu's tenure is the Idea of Shadowknds family names, These names were introduced JS an artern p t 10 fasreL greare-r un iry in tlw ranks of the Lost, [0 instill a sense oibrotherlioocl similar 1'0 that found 'among the sarnurar of Rokugan. Thll$ Far, dw rradlncn has been remarkab] , successful. The Lost famili~s m'lY not have tilt' same blood relations and long tradition or orher ,RolUlgan'i Iarnilles, b14 ihey arc nonetheless extremely loya! 10 a ne another;

8hadowlands c ha racre rs should, For d1e .rnost part. he lim ired to NPCs However, if the GM wishes to allow these characters in his campaign 01' wishes to make mD1'P derailed N P s, th" rule tor thei I' crearion are ali follows.


Tlw Daigorsu take their name Irom rhe Dark Lord, Jnd "how their lovaltvt [hell' namesake first and Iorernosr. They are fel-vendy d~:dica1"('d to Fu Leng, and firmly embrace Daigotsus twisted view othus hido, Me mbers ~l[ this samurai despise RDkugaul samurai, bea ri ng. a spec ial malice. coward nlel~1 hen; ofthe Hida bruilv, That the Crab are now the enemies oi their hated Ioes, the B'loocispeake[s, is 3 fa ·t that ruauy Daigorsu ilnd ~lifficll1t to accept

TH~ I7AJqOT5V f'AmlJ.'y Favo red cIa s s: Sam ural Starting Honor: 1

Class skill: Knowledge (Shadowlandsi Starting Outfit; ( house one)

1. Masterwork yn ti, 50 11Ol).tI,

2. Masterwork lamellar armor; SO koku, Bonus Languages: Bake mono, OUL

1H~ [7AI~OT5V f'AmU .. .Y Benefit: +) StteI1gj·h.


The Chu.Ja are loyal Blcudspe ake rv al~dacknowleJge luchiban as their mast-er. Thev art' a famil), oI muho-tsukul who practice their bloo,J magic with all [he reverence or a Rukugaril _prlesL. They are c ulrured, elegani, and well dressed ,. doing their besrto ·brea k I he 51 erect yp~ ora shadowlands mudrnan.

TH'E CHV[7A f'AmU ... .Y Favored class: , hugenja Starting Honor: tl

Class skill: Knowledge [MallO)

Starting Outfit: Two 2nJ level drvine scrolls, two L 1- level divtne scrolls (no Air spells, may sele«: maho spell." with srarting ourfir),

Bonus Languages: Onl, Yobanjin,

Tlf~ CHV[7A f' A1i\I.L.Y Benefit: +1 Willpower.


Many members of the Coju Family were unce ~l'rYill11;:,_ of the Lying Darkness, supernaturnl erearures who gave rise to dw Rokuganl myth of nih .I a, When Coju Adora! was slain and the Lying Da-rkness givtln form, [be Coju were left without the Darkness' protection in the heart 01 the Shadowlands. Without any jade, the Goju were swrfily Tainred. Th~y nQW obey [he- Shadow Dragon, 1"111' mysterious crea lure w hicll harnessed me power of Nothing ahcr The Darkness was destroyed.

The Coju H~ a strange fni11ily:Thcy Follow the whims of [he ~hadow Dragon, an unpredictable and mysterious creature. Tlw' COJu frequently act as spies and assassms, carrying out the will ofrrrorc powerful creatures, Many ofrhem currently serve Daigot~u ill exile" but a hamlfulalstr obey luch iban, As the Shadow Dt:jgOll has not )'e.i declared its ferllry on erie side or the other, both would-be masters of the Shadowlands have attempted to (lin), rhis famuv's favor.

TH=: GOJ'V f'AJi\I.L.Y Favored. Glass: Ninja St~rtip.g Honor: 0 Class Skill: Hide

Starting Outfit: (Choose one)

1. Disguise kit and one:' vial of c-01.n8 venom. 1. Masterwork stgurh: and ashignru armor,

TH ~ GOJU f' Amu .. .Y Benefit: tj AgiU[y.

ItOI{U In TM:: 5H ADO\!} J..A nD 5

It may seem curious at first that members of the Datgetsu family are offered koku' as part of their starting outfits. However, keep In mind that the Shadowlands families have begun to an adopt an organtzarton that closely mirrors their Rokugani counterparts. It is not unusual to sec a thriving shop or sake house in the City of tile Lost, offeling its wares to the Dark Lord's servants.

dludJL'<i I!?~rl' Jt:nml wha;t l1'ilgJII b~(I~l1Ie oJ IlteiTI we),' iI. lJ(/len.lfi.<~ Wr WII I ~Ii' LIar!: l,.nnl de Iflrm rff 1I''tl(L' HI illS rlIJ~ y~1t ,Ill tI ul Ii,:;), 11I~ Ilfmlh be gll.'lng ~11111 em ythmg ,,1,.1':"

'/-\ oil' ~J r~m~' l-I'1111rh!rid.

Gcnsttiken nndde£l. "J made my rql,fllilWd l~fr "wHlfv. 1 did ,1M IV1511 IQ tr.lT}'. Evw W/Wll my InYllltfe~ war l1t'<ll'gftl (II I lit' Dar~ Ltil"d~ W~Hl"1, J alii IWll\lrlh b )'Isk rUl,y I)nd,,]! 1.1) Ills Pl'E.":Plff, 1',,,,,Jmp:rrt 1, ,imply tflilt \w I'~!cHe.' IWf ~oinrwIJll.I, mrm:1QIII ..• 1/1 nnillfe, bin 11 ["fly'UHIIr :mJlrmi,y ILpOIl db,oI'ILtt' 6h,:t!I,:W:i' \li[IS IltlI 11 pliler ~\I,llrre T Jr'li welcome. Dlllg(ltsl;'S ebl11'l SIHlI:l!m, prr/J'"Ilr,lt/-it' Itl'Cds rn backs, a)j,J tnit-H}lSf ItwiJll,{ qrllckly aside md lll'l'SSl'rJ IheH 1ordh'ari f 1.0 Ihe' ,',1.n h W!-rPl tliey apPT(nrr/wd,"

HSO n Ii, Ilulli wlwl, j Iwvc I'wnra," HlltnTI ~.,h'rl. "Hllti lJolIgolsl.i'IIH.l1lUl"IU JilWI' J,~,h'/{liled Im IlumSi'[L'~l <I l'li1crlrOll oJ 01<1" OWI1 [;HI!lIr~;' !'h~1 (hry Ob~l' hllll Ijor iliad I (>III ,1{ I'la/red (or thl' Enrrlil"l', b,1I Milth lh,' IUY'lliy ~l sanlllY<~ t sho1.V~ 1m i:;n;j"erorr'

"WrY1l111rh w:'G,'nsnlf'~JJ I'cplJd. ['Dill.goLIH /1~~ !'C~JII!H!II' (.IIH,1lltg. W mead l\'har nlh.fT SI·II.Hlmvl'1l1LiI· w<lI'lnr,!' 1'111/1' flli!d., \'rgr J Iw ;0,,<11)11 KHlII YO.VI 1111 gl i L /IJwe 111 rnnl nWIl v ta 1 hen° S llic d~ll'1I1g'III'] ClIm Wi'lr- bill OM till' Dayal J'lnmdq, wilt'll ,11 marlY (lr Ihe cornq)/;:.I SalV theil' fnllwl"!!hi(' brrt:IIl"tlllllllted Ug.<IIIISI1J.IP/11, .hm.;w and Yl}'rr In •. I,y faded. A111.»y or fill" Taid.'·'! fel! l"l"gtl!.r t/rat tillY; t.vlli:tll'l[! that tlley Iwd Hot stlcruml'eti 10 till'lhlllt Bllt Dnig-obl/S .so!.ilcr;;lv·/lo! fcci i"l,amtelf (mit! !lIe El11pir-t:. Tiley Ila~~ /0<1 I"l.;thing, 11 \ i lIe rr n in .1, thqllll~' j IJ~ I rut:' EmjYlre, ,el1lli1.g I he 11mj Pll1VCl'flcJ I rif Ihr !(mm. I'll ilmn, II IS RQlwgall. rJmlls.rnlTl-lpll") (Hut debil5C'!'. Ti .l~ \.IIC who hmw pyovc,l'I Vl!r~eJl/e5 Iv,,(tk h\' lI(llliamig 10 m1.1111l11f1 Ill!' pOWi~r tlJil! lrgalw nffcn. Tfl\' ~i.HllIlnli lIIl1!1 lalle D'~Lr.ilbr. 's lWllW bl' (heY.rlfdi·!r I1nly tnlr ~mlHlraL"

uBr,l!wlv ellil (';W abrv bJl..IltLJo ,111.1 a/w Follow F11Ll'ng?'} /tAlon rls/!81.

" om. 'l19w, 1.10101'1, do 1101' f,;;.ll<l1V~,LL C':ll.\<lih'll rlwd,Jed. "hv~F1 hm Ii'l I'h~ Ell1)1lre Il1vy,: rln: 1111:111' IIrterll)'etalTLIIIS onJt.'~1f(lcl. A;r~!1 CYlmll what /-!.OIwrlllM1II, I1lftJ 1l.<11 It SWl'PWH .. A~h 1-1 Cl-.:tt, fll1W Ire would def'11c macy ifhe mel ii gobl1 i"I dn!d. r"\$k i(wen d l[Jel'e, , I. LWI1 !1tuh I 10 defi!1l' lile uir~lIes: VOII !lJdl reH'IIIe >~lIi'11 rll~r.Y!'1)t IUl5wers. Mllll 1)1\1:g0/l 1'11'11' lIIH'slio",! ill I,ll, mld I~'Y I·t) m,I'.i':r>t;,id l1i~ ,UHlvcr, . !nlhe s~lildowlL1rrd" jill 110 dlJfcrcHI. "1'11<'1,1' d'f~1Hliojl. oJ !lII,lhl.!lI IS more ltV1Fcd tJ1il11 m05f,Ind Ii, l.shdllc/o l!lSt the ~;1me. Tizey COtl;IJ':r Olaitsdut·) '11m, \l{J1t11'HJYI "liot!fll 1I]('ldl01'101 T.' 'lWi[ nlmr to men III (h II, Dill"!'! v.s."

"YV,IJ arc il~! n melli, rn'lI!w',!,~ {la.l,1I'I r~p!/ild.

"1'11 IS'll !YllII," G"1'I lliliel! (\l1iWClTil wI,lh.t dmck/.· .. , N@w Illten clMI'h~, t1/1.i IwrlJ It'll yall mol'!' e[ lvlwl J I(JIV III lhr Clly offhe Ius!'''


Th~ Dar:kl.otd~s loJlo,v",xs OI1C~> r~H1.ked more highly dlan any other .tosl s~mui'ai, but si nee ludl iban's return that tIme i~ gone. Today, the :Daigotsu gather i'n the deep southern Shadowlands In are;rs wht~re t' influence u-pon ,he monal \Vond is great .. Thele dwy ar~ reJa(iv~ly safe fmm lllchiban's IJowet. There they plot to retake wh~ J l1as beeJl stoJen from [he,tn,



jusl :nonh o(whl"re the Black Fi.ngel' River tnee rs i.he River of til", Dark Moun stands a city, till' only one,ol~1rs kind In the Shadowlands. II is TIm a Iorgorren [roll rulu or Nezurnl warren, bur'a vast and thriving serriement populated bv the Lost. Corrupted samurai, peasants, and era dwell here, IhC'.~ ctvlllzaucn a rwlsre d parody of life tn RoklJgSJi. Though luchihan and his Bloudspeakers recenrlv congllen:d lhr City o( [he .Losr, the Daigotsu f31Yiily- sll,11 considers it horne. Tht' Daigotsu f',!mHy's eagerness todefeat the Bloodspeakers and retake their ciry is {'eo Iy rermruscent [thegrinl1'esolve of the Hiruma during rhe long CI.:nt'UfWS when the Shadowlands Horde occupied their ancestral Iamis,

'TEJil'i' Of'

TH ~ run TH KAJi\1

111 the center of the 'city an enormous temple lowers above U1C surrounding structures, This was once the palace of Daigotsu, I hough 1..1 ;V.IS primaril YW[el11pJe ttl 1 be Da r-k Kamf Fu Lehg, During the period when Eu L"e;'g m\'~ged rhe henvcns, [his vusr retnple was the heart ofhis power. so it was here that the Four Winds stood against the Dark Lord and broke hirn. H was ulso .here tb~t Iuchiban fLrst appeared in the Ci'cy or the Lost an 'muck down Datgorsu, This-temple, the fqcal pol nr o[ the ,"1 ['y, Is also rt living rem inder of [he Daigotsu fiimllys greatest ;1iture:;.

Afrer conquering thecity, Iuchiban retained rhe temple as b:; hca.tlqulIrtd"s. He lras g".ne 11b., ... ut d('$tTOyillg 01.1 rernai ning symbols of Fu Leng transforming the temp! info an enorrnous Blcodspesker temple. Regardless, JUany residentsot the city 'it111 refer to the temple by lts original name Iuchibsn encourages rhis, furlw t!njoys the irony that Ful.cng's'grear:eot temple is now devoid of ~l1y re [erenee to him .

AI7V::"TV~~ ~ooli

Challenge: I n the deep Shadowlands, the pany encounters a band ofTain ted peasa nts '::::.(01"1 Ing a la~ge covered wagon. Ar Hrsr Sight lihhe player characrers they ilel', [ea'vLllg [heir burden behind, Captured peasant'S recotl in terror, beggj rig for mercy. If pressed for derails about rhclr burden, the leader admits tlie.hefound something extreraelv valuable in rhe rubble cu tside tb" City of the lOSf ~nJ js hp'Ping til bring i [ to Dillg'OlsU for agreat l'eW~Ol:d.

Focus: The wago,n coutainsa n enOIlllOUS stone head crafted Df ubs:idi.:P1; nppnxl!nlly broken off .af a ,:olossal Statl'Lf'" '1 h 'piect' is an extraQrdinary work of art, though it~ (ac:~ is gnm ana fe.arsome. Anyon~' knQwlec.gcnble in Rokuganl religion n,alizes r.hal thiS 5tallle depicts the Ninth K3ml, PrJ J;cng. If.the party ar\.'Tai·n ted ~~h<iratters trO)D. the City of l~e :Lost, th~y recognize il ~s I he head of rue statue. th::tx once s:ood in the central worship chamber,

Strike: Tht!'varty O1US[ noW decide what to do witb this artU::lCL Tl,ey <:ot:)ld ::Jf COli rSedeSlWY tl, bLil r.hcu uri.' ornel" options, D:.tigoTSU'S foJlowers would pay cbrly ror rut> broken \'die oftheit tentplcl and Itlchiba,l w(Juld go TO greal lengths l{)'see flul tbeydo nne obtain it-Tlit' bead could be a pUWeI'fHL weapOI1 1:0 bolster or destroy nWl,"a]e on !;,-if-her side of the Sh~dowlamls con.illc:-, if the dIaracrerswish "0 bec{!me a part of ir. Then ag:dhl it bay be wiser 10 simply leave the bwken slat!le b eJ 1 i nd.

THE SJ..ACK FlnG~1t ~11Ii:~ AnD TH$ ~III~~ OF' TH~ t7A;U( moon

U.OCA:Tlon I..J",J.. m ~OiLu~A.n,: LOCATIOn. 000 In THS ~AIi\S m.ASTS;t"S GVIO'ilTlII)

Deep within the Shadowlands the Black E in geT 'River splits off from the River of dee La~1 Stand, Even Iurrher 'i;nlillbe wastes, rhe River Dr the Dark. Moon exrends fcom the Black £f'nger:rhe land that falls between these two rivers is the most powerfully corrupted. inall the Shadow la nds, (or i ris here rliut rhe uaik Rami fill Anywhere beyond 'the place where the rivers split radiates extremelvhlgh levels ofr.~inl, [ade decays "dee asfasr as normal in this atea,

The waters of-d)'esc rivers Bi-C extremely dangerous IJ" [he uncorrupted. Drinking .the water llf the Black Finger n,t the River of rhe Dark MpO-J] ex .. poses the drinker to 'bin I' ,15 if he b ad 'sPent ,\11 urjlire d .• l.y in the Shadowlands" ,10J Jade aCfers no projection against [his effe.cL The .iOSI a nod other creatures nsrive

to the Shadowlands suffl<T no. Illeffecrs rCH drinkl ng' this st<l'gb;Jnt and vile warer, ~h\)llgh the wise are still wary near the rivet. ,OJ1 i a ud other preda tory beasts are known LO rheir home within the depths. Even Daigotsu's samuraiand Iuch.iban's Hio ad speakers are ca ntious when ctos~ing rhe the creatures [hal livE! ' owe fealty to 0.0 lord other than hunger.


Just an hour's trave] ~Ii)ulh of the fock e n the rivers r h'e re 011 ce ,~t;r.rod ~ b,'idge leading deeper into the Shadowlands, D~igo[;;u samurai CODstrucred (his hridg", SQ [hat th ey might easily CTO$~ the river on pl]grim.llges. to

the Fes·tering PiT, When Daigotsn and' his fQllowers.fled rhe CityohheLost, they escaped across this brirl,.ge and desrroyed ,i1' behind [hem to dissuade pursuit.Now only the ruined [OUrIdarions still stand,

df course, Dsigotsu .kriew diar h~ could nor h.ide in rhe 'Shadowlands Cnde£iriJte1y. though his ll1~gic was sufficknt to bear him across [he do/er~ S~felYT a new bridge. would be required if he Intended [0 move his troops across the river to face- Iuchiban once mote. To rh is end, he has made a deal with one of rhelllorc ill ~dligem on r d;'1f dwell within the river's depths, The beast known as Hashl is a wormllke oni l/I"bthu

broad, armoredback, Whetl Daigorsu or one of his foL1"w~ rs speaks a secret word or summonlng, Hashi no Onl rises from rue river and allows the Daigorsu samurai to use its back as a bridge. However, this service cernes at a price. Each.rime the Daigorsn summon Hnshl, r.hey must offer it a UVtp_g sacrifice. Usually this comes in the forro of ~ captured Crab scout Dr ~ peasant kidnapped beyond the w~LL

w,h;jp H~~hL ilnder.~1=1nds r he barg;)ilc it bas made, its eyesight is pooraru] i I' has rrouhle distingufshing one human troID'ano[her in the brtghlight above the murky river, If a hlrl;nan vrsitot knew the word of summoning and .offered a sacrifice, Hash ~ wQuld_gTad.Ly serve as.a bridg~. Serving meDaigors u h11:5 taken the edge off of the d ernon's once-vicious nature, however, and it is no lotiger willing ro fight E0t meals. 1£ asummoner does nor i mmediate!y offer a sacrifice or dares to attack, the oni Ilees benearh the warers as swifily ash can,

A.1111=:n TU~:: HOOIt.

Challenge: l(" the J.!I-ay:er characters have an encounter With Dalgorsu Sam urai, the Daigorsu may seck to rake one rnore of them as ~rli\"ing prisoner, Any 'imprisoned player charactel' is treated with the UlITiOSI hospitatlty: Uluing his journey through [he Shadowlands, unless he artemprs 1'0 escape.

The Dalgo W;I CQl1 0$cate his weapons, of C;Ql.IfSi!; Ut,,1 tire even reasonably polite to so rhar the character does DOl become

eu raged and attern p1 W .esca' eve.n provide.

Jade 1-0 keep the character safe [rOl11 Taint. as ll~sL.i prefer,,- the taste 9£ uncorrupted H~sb .

. Focus: The Daigo rsu claim that cbey are keeping the plnyer character alive to preseIi l him to their Dark Lord, £Qnbey know that prisoners UTe less likely (0 llLlempl llJ nl.Hf-l1:: if liley bdie~eil,e~

haverinretu do so, After-a while, I;h e pla ver character m:ly realtze hi', time I, 'runniagont. Perhaps he ove rhears a Daignrsu samurai .alkirtg abeut the bridge ahead, or afcer a failed escape arrempr rhe Daigotsu might seek ro intimidate their prisoner hy telling him the true f~t(' that lies ahead,

Strike:.lf I"Iw pl~rel' character escapes, either by bts own wit and skil] or due to t. he rest oJ thaparrys aid, he m,llY ~sc~lpe ~\iith knowledge or rhe .Hashi Bridge. It then tills to the cJ'l11"acrer 10 decidewhar to do.withthis Information, Does he rell ehe Crab rhe word of summoning ill case theywish ro use Hasbi to SCOld: deeper LIllO t6e Sbarl!.lw['lnds? Does he S1] rn ruor, d,c beast an0 artern pi LO -des[ L"Dy ~t., rh us [orciug D:>igotsu's ['Wops to flnd.a new bridge? Or doe he merely put the siruarion behind him andIlee the Shadowlands as q)jitkly as possible?

zvms Of' THS KAi'7A.

(J, .. oCA.T10n '?77 m ~OI(V4,:tn;~ 1..0CATIOn SSS In TH=: C;Am=: JilA5TSlit~5 GVII7~'''l

In the eurlv davs of [he Empire, [his was a Crab fortress. The ,hwJ expa nsion of the Shadowlands Inevitably ccnsurned Haikyo .sanu K"'PP,I, tra nsrormiug ; I In m ~ \IVf~ relied mockery [if useli, It lias become a home to countless ft'Llllh1g trIbes of bakcrnouo, living in [he shattered remnants Dr the oncemighty [DrtTt'S~ Unlike Hiruma Castle, tilt, Cnb have linle JC~T(, 10 ~ak(' bock Haikyo S~1J1tl Karp;l. It was never truly lh:1:1 lmporrsru W the (:11.11 In [he firH place, and srnce ehe bakemono in[I'slfl1ion ir is just a heap Qr drsjoinred rubble. To the' Crab, tbt' Ruins "r the Knppanre an unpleasant memory and nothing more

ononrs ~O~4S

tn,' gobUns thal thi\!eH in Ih" rutns have M rdy ll;]d a true lcad~r. only oceasional warlnuls th~t 'bllllje~ [he others lntn ebevlng rheir whin: .. In recent years. rlus has ehnngcd. D:1rg- 1l1~.u'S comrade, OIl1QIli; feli ~ cerrain Inndness t()[ the ruins

and chl.lme:d t.hem as his home. 11 is here-that the goblin .. m:1I1 buill his filrge, where hi' sculpts [be fIE'sll or erher crearnres Inro mort' powerful and appealiag forms.

The bakernono [hal dwelled here were Chn()nji,. [ust :1t'ld arguably finest creauon, He rransforrned rnanv of the small, cowardly, pOll1kal bakernono into stronger, wore <lggr('$siv~ creal urcs.These stronger bakernuno quick I y TIl ulrrp lied .'tilll devoured their weaker lmnhren, replncmg the enrrre Shsdowlnnds population ufbakemono within a generation. Though tlrls new breed ofbakt'mOl1ll can be mote \yillful and Jifi1cuJr 10 conrrol rlran their predecessors, lhey have nlso pInY-I'll far more deadlv

TH£ "'01tGOTTSn TOJilB Of" f"V l.£nG

U .. OCATtOn TTT In ~OKUGAn:" J..OCATIOn X)(}( In THS ~,A.Ii\;: m.A5T:'~·S GUII7~"')

This is I he most desclate place in [h~ Shadowlands, It is 'iilllJ thnt Fu Leng's body was laid to rest here afkr Isawa bOLlJ,d his soul In the-Twelve lllacl: Scrolls, arid that all varieties or ogres, goblins, orii, and other beasts rose [rom rhe rornb to avenge their master. The tomb is certai n 11 lmpressive enough to house a Kaml's remains, and constructed in a .style alien to rhe archirecture llr the Empire. 1'1(' Forgotten Tomb and its. envitons are unique in tbl" ShadllwlanJ~ in that rhty axe devoid 01 hfe. Not even the usual deformed vegetation and 1'10st' In rhe Eorgorren Tomb

The few Crab scouts whu have ventured.this lnr into tlw Shadowlands have heell mystified by the Forgotten Tomh, Two ceuturies ago, a daring band of Crab samurai I{~J 'by leg" endary scout Hiruma Kosami ventured into the tomb with the intent of securiug it as a srronghohl. Twelve sarntrrai entered the tom bi none renrrned. Another scout group wa s dlspMched later to find the twelve, bur there were no remains, nr r signs of combat. The Klmi.shugenj;' with tb~ group Fc.>iI :)n OVeTwhelt11in·g sense of evil "Iithin Lb e lomb) !LI.1d advised the others co leave as swift Iy as rheycould. No one h;10 'it 11 ce attempted 10 lise the Forgotten Tomb.

With the aid c'>fbisT,' alltes, Daigoisu hits learnedthe truth <1 haUl. [he Forg!-!r1~ n Tom b. I L was cn:at('d long (,go by a renegade member of tJ1[' Five Llacl"" n troll whose name bas been forgo!ren. The entire rombis essentially B passage Inro Calci-do. Those who 1ingel'witilll'l filr too long are dispatched inro the RC<1lm ()[ Hlmgry Chests, to be devoured by gaki nr ro become gaki themselves The Dark Lord [tn.d.- the potentia lur such a srrucrure quI te intriguing, and. has ajwadv locked a few Blooilspeaker prisoners inside.

THS f"£5Ti:;UnG 71T OT f'V l.£nG

(LOCA.TIOn 5S5 In il.OKUGttn;" .a...OCATIOn. WWW 11\ TH~ C;AJi\.~ Ii\ASTr,t'S GUII7S"')

Tiw Fesrer ing Pi! can rtghtfully be called 0>'" heart or the Shadcwlaruls. The great sf-ething I\'OllLU] In [he earth swirls with mists and bubbling red sludge. The sky overhead is constantly wracked with horrible storms. ancl blood, grease, 3.nd biit, rain dOW11 upon il. Horrible monsters spawn from the pit, crawling ou.! of the Jep81~ Into the eerie lighl of the Shadowlands, These creatures .feed On or al't~ ea len bv the other beasts that slouch oUI oft'he pit. so rhai only [he 'most fearsome remain, The ,Fl."s,terittg Pi 1- is tlle nne place that Iuchlhan dares !lOI go, lesi even his legJ".l1dnry cnntro] of hi . .,

:-;h~dowI8~lds Taint £alreL IiV~n Daigcrsu 1S cauttous Jl~e, tor the beasts that rule rhese lim cis owe 110 [e:o lry to (he: Dark Lord

It is her!: tbB! Fu Lerig's power is 5'( mugesl, fur it is-here I h~l rhe Dark Kami Fe lJ to th,> earth and pierced a hole i I"l to he JJji; 1, ]ig.olnL Anvane mad enough to dive irun rlre pi I and ~wil1"i deep enough into UTe seething mass that filL~ if could enter Jigolm ph ysically.

The Taint wirhirr sight of the Festering Pil 1, ~i"~onger than a nyw here else U1 the ShaJowb nds. A Rokugani hour oJ expoS LIN! ( 120 minutes I is equal [0 a day of normal expos IJ 1).' to 3 corrupted envircnmeru. In addrelon thr. landscape constantly 811 iflS, cnntusi ng, rravelers. Those. who d '.;1_t';' 11 eli]" to the Fe~a'rlng Pit are unlikely to escape b"foT,' thl:!.ir jade runsthin or one of rhe b(lasts that dwells here make, them 1)1['0 a. mea]

11i\701tTAn T "AIGOTSU T\7CS


,.H £ ".AJ,..L~n J,..oal7

DaigGtsu\; srorv is rl long and srra rige one. He to rhe son of Haniet XXXVlll.. Hls mother was lddnapped by B.lllod.<;p~akers w ~[le slit' carried h 1111, ~S I he cu 11.i sts hnd pial'll1.E'J to wipe 01..\ r 111(' H ante Iii rre And rul Fill II n ,n nr ie nt prophecy that would I'n:ing ab,)U.t rh .. doom or ill<' Empire (the veryprophecy rhar cul m i nared :i nthe -51'raml "OrJY of ·111Ul1Jcr), Whe.n a hei"l'lie ~:Ql:l.iJl named Yotsu rescued Daigctsus older bwthet Sororii, til!' Blooclspeaker plot was foil~d. The cultists spared .Empress 1:'1 nch iah i rue 8~ abargaini !l.g chip sh(1111,1 they b" caught. When th!?y Jist;OYI.·"ed she was with child, thel rplam grt'W mere s i ulster;

Following the Dmde of Blood'.; commands, the Bloodspea leers bl!}j:il n experimcn ttl rh a [ would com bine a h Luna n child with 3 siJHliQwb nds spirh. ThL'ir fin;[ artenrpr: ph 3 random pe~.~~nt chlhl, resulted ln the gobhn"mrl.1l now called Orno rn. rhe second, [In e xper.inrem un YUt-s11'S awn son KymicD, bound theboy i,'ll il corrupted spirt: ufN"othing, WhtolJ the BloodspeBkers were ((lUfid,emi n rhe "I((;eS,S Dr their re chrnques, they bound Daigorsu's, soulro rhar of an lllJ narne-d onL rhe re~ult WdS a mOIt~1 mall with pawerr~l! cuno tTol aver hi~ own Taj nt, and t1.n1J1utched·rr'1.llswry of the arts uP D1'aho,

lilC nkJOcispeakct:1l wt""J"e pleased b)-, whal' rhey had \Te~redj bLl[ the OradI' of Bluod C:tud,onc.d Ihat.Ehey emild 'nor hide a child oJ I'he Hacnl'Ci Jiom rhe· E rupim's eyes fol' long. Un r! I I he Hant¢i Ilynasr)' fell, Daigc)tsll would be rcmoVl.,q fitllll Roblgml. Powl':rft.J magic D~igo(su, Kyoden, unci IJ!1loni to Jigoh! t"m over twO d<,ca(h~$,

ThuLigh Dalgntou's sr~y in I he Rea I tn of Evil ~e~1Ued Lu pas~ i.n tbe bltn k ur a 11 "'let Fu Len,!!; se I")sed rhe boy'~ presehc{> as wdl as hi.<:; g[(j~vlng power. Th" Dark K1I-mi readll'd am fium his prisun. Ih Meido, planring dre~rns WiU1Ul the chl.ld~ head. gran1jl'lg him 1111.' knowledge [,,' ·would l'l\~ed Ho) Li.lJ.lte the Lost mu re5CI;le hi llmg from rhi' Fllt'ttme ufDeatb"

Daigorsu remained wit h the Blu0dopea kers for much of hi" YOLI(h, leal"llLng wha] be could. Though he respected their magical prowess, he found their disdain for FrrLeng disgust- 11)g. PH Leng was.a powc]:il.rl figute, a divine personage, an ClltilY wor.dlY of respect and worship, As ~O·l'U us he was able, Daigotsu escaped the BIQO;lSpl.~~k~rs, [~king with him Kyorlen " I;l d Orncrri. For a Ii TIll;" rhey "";111 de~rt!cl. the Em pire, llvoiding rh ~ 131t)¢dspeaker, aswell as the Jade .Magistrares ami Wire Ii Hunterswho would lrave Je~tr:Qyet1lhccm oasiglu, Al()l')g the way tlrey met the tattooed madman Kckujin, who hel.ped Daigots u cow p lete his pPdru; for building a City of I he Lost

Forming on ,1Llian.C"t' with t.l1'~ .mysrerious Tsu nQ; Daigorsu created the 'i1ighu(larish Onisu a.nd ruled the Lust for many rears. Possessing [he demon, Fushin, Daigotsu slew Emperor Icturi and 1.11[('w Rokugan into chaos. During the rim!:! of rhe t Four Winds, Da.igm:stl became the most feBn~J ~1111 haH;:cl man 1 in Rokugan, earning his title or Dark Lord, With l1-IS collabo- t

r:a.t.jOI1 ,Fl1.:: .. I,.ng e s.c.ap.ed Meid.{.) Hnt.l. HCJ.~ .. 'med dl.t .. ~ .. ce. le~."n'l.l . Heavens, \l1"Qs~II Uehl burned, nnd m<l:ny hnnnred heroes of

[he enlpin" pl.'[ishl'd 01" were corrupted. Tb;,· L.\,JSI were IInfll:jl· i.ngll:' IO)la110 Dlligolsll, and il was o·nly when the Dark Lords own faith III Ell Leng wavered (hUT the Winds could slav him ~ nd ban tsb 1·\1 L<.:ng back 10 Hgokcl.

1\111 eve n d.e~rh \'1115 rWI rh e en t1 f(i [ D~ [gui Son Man dlS" before, r he Dark Lord ha d spoken ro l he Dark Oracle of the> Void. who had revealed Ihl.' derails .of Daigotsus lmpcnding demi~". Daigorsu accordingly yidded a piece of hip soul roi he .s.h.atlow Dragonfor safekecpmg, After Dalgotsu J led.hts IOy-ll!" y.ojirtl bo. Ky{!cien sJGrmced hil'l oelf SO that shu rd of Daigotsu's l:U-~ essence would be rerumed.The D:1I"k Lord liv,~d OTIC.'.; more TlulLlgJ, still SITOl1g, his power W:I.< gr·~'adi' ff'lhlC"ed_

U!1tll Iuchiba 11'" rerum, only Dalgotsu's most trusted 11 e 1.1- renanrs k new I hal rhe IJa rk Lnrd was not as powertul as he once was, but even lhev Jid not know [he full truth. w·hen OaigOrnJ 'rerurned tL! li·f(·, he fi1UnJ himsclfclcnnseil of rhe Iai rit , immune to irs corruption and no longer 0 ble to call upon maho, 51 rangely, [his Iias Inno way afEer red his IOyJ I ryto ihe Lost Q[ his devotion to Fu Leng. Rather, he sees it as j horrible !_:.IJ!"H'. Dnigotsu suspects Ih;!1 die Fortune of De~il1., who l[b'ly e .s thr resr of Daig_otStl'S perished 50111, hilS caused rhiSllffikrion. Unul he can ferrercur the t rurh the [allen D:n:k Lord lives a He, modifying his pu re el,'mt'111ai magic SO rh~1: H will.appear as corrupted maho to those w1;1;> FCillow him. He knows he cannot ~HQ~d to lose the lili!h Llfhi~ rernai ning followers He l1l1"SI mainruin (hi:' dlil,)"ade and appear Tainted U nd3 be can sam ehow restor!' h is corruption;

To make runners worse, Daigorsu has l\1TI~' [irnr- to sperul P lann i 11.)1: 10 confren; ;1 powerfu I Fortu tIC, Iuc hi ban ant! hls Bloodspenkers now- h unt him open I y,. and 011. mor!" tha none llCC~SlO n iuch i ban lIdS impl ie d rha t D" igo rSJ.6 ri ~~' ~ n d Fnl.l were all accor.ding to his p lall's, Whu I h(~ r tIl is is trm" <;w 110 c is ilT).m;lt.eriai-alllh<]1" mat:!'erR i.o i hHI.l.Idlib~cn b~ Jestroyed. Wirh it guUeless !TI."dma.ll like himin command of tJ1C shacio\!',ianJs, the jl1evh~bleresult !nIlSI be the destfl),n'rOn of th~ los I:, .Even i r In any 0 f h i:~ peop le 11\ I [,-"h.ger foll¢w h-i In, Diligo.lstl ta n n ... l. ~ ballJ~11 them 10 sw.:.h J fa [e_ He l1:mS".( l1eSIr0Y the g,londspe;l,kcr. If 110' <;:~.!l !lot do so by iT i mself. be wi I [set'k QUi ~1I i <"~ IV Iwrever h ~ ex1 n n nl:l r he- III - t'Wll bel{ond till' K~i1.! WillI.






Male outsider Shngenja 20.: CR 20; Medium-size humanoid (human); HD 2od6 + \00; hp 20; Inir +8i Spd 30 It:; AC 2'~ (touch [9, Bar-romed 20); Ark 24fTl~} melee-Hraigotsus Blade: lJ.l0+l1 dafllitge phis wounding ami possible decapiratlou:

SQ Daigorsu '1 ualiries t5~d)elQlV); 1-1 onoe Ii AL !.Ii;,::;V FoTI' + 1 'L, Ref i-:LU, will +17; Str 26. DeX' 1<1, COIl zo, Iru 21, \'Vfi~ 17, Ch:ll20: Height ~ ft, 10 in,

s/lilil' Illld _F~rll,: Speak Language (RokuganI, High Rolwgi1l1\, ani, Nezuml, Ogre, Bukemono), llattle+17, Concentration +28, Diplomacy t-15,lmimidate ·.15, Knowledge (arcana) 23, Knowledge (G~ki-doJ +15. Knowledge Oigoku) "1-,('5, Knowledge (rnaho) +28, Knowledge (Meido) +15, KJ1owl'edge tNobjhry and Royalty) til), Knowledge (Shadowlandsj +21l, Knowledge (Shintuo) '1.11\ Kn0''ivledge (Yume-do) ·1 1 Knuwledge (Toshlgoku) +1$. Sense Motive +1B,S:pdkrafi: + 25:

Craft Magi" Arms and Armor, Craft WondrOlt~ Item, Crenrer Element Focus (Water;, Improved In itistive, Ritual Magic, Skill FUCllS (KnQ\.llledge: maho), Versatile (Battle, Sense Motive), "'vVeapon POOH; (kata na),

DOJI)~ Temple tlf The Ni n 1'1, KaDl i.

spells Per DI1)'; t17!7!1/o/6!t>!ro!6/6); ba,,~ nc 13 $pdllifwl, ludn sdwal (5ac sitich.:u·); spell, KlIul~m:' 0 - ro 111 IfI I! ne t~)!_th i'I~1I1r.lllj, l:n.'al" 1,,111Ier, ~deci-l1l1lgic, jlmh oj liTSJg/H, knuw directioll. mr!gt' 1'1(t114, rtwl·lding, IIMri.fy j!w,llll1d tll·ink, read rtll\gfc, Stlff'~ng1\'s HI"g!~i lS[-ftlre IIghL WlJ!HHh. ddrd hHni, ,'nJure elements, ?)(l'e~lltlQHS rdt,),1t.pforecJ1Gtl from l.ill1lt, ,.eme spin!; 2nd - ei'!at!yQ1TCt'. I~sll'r re)/orr.11 Wll, IIJ[[rl~ .oblr,~I;, 1I'l'()letii.nrr frum ,1]"Yo\.\li,sriwn', WI$dOI11 1111,.1 da:rrlYi 3rJ - 'l"e<lre Jrwd cwol II'il1e1-, CHf~ lennll~:

Wi)l!llQ\, di)pd Il1JlglC,Yt'nlDllf mrSf, Sl'lyd ~Igll(i 4th - deMl1 1M,) vti, ie" ~tQnh, Importune. kami IV. iowle l"fe,at.Uf. !'''''!QYtltrJ)rl; S:rh - di'n((;miotl darir, imIlt'oLI"r! 1IIIII.Sjbli il,y,nghle-Clu5 m Igli (, <;:rywg, waLl oj ICI~i 6th -Ilfili. Idl<1rlml, /1111: saeillg, InlP ,?cin,g; 7th - Impor/tll'lt' haml Vl I, 5pell tUYj!l1'lg" Ipdl illnw1g, ,n.nll1IOIl pal HI'''') ,Illy VJIi 8th - bindl1lg, lide> of brdllr. HWW, IT re ella d-IQHgillg, w~rd 'jf vunll.j9i:h- dUnlmtnl )'I\'~nll, 1'.[/I'Il1il11, wuI1iin,l! //le WIt\', wlw't'/ o{jOltanr.

I)(llgoisu Qtltl/rtics:'rhC' Fal1el~ Lord possesses a number of unique abllitles, including the following (thl'lMl abilities have changed greally ftom his descri prien in Rok!tgiUi,'M denori ng D:aigotsu'o current relative weakness I:

Om Possession- Daigotsu may possess any oni he can see, ar will, as a standard action, This is rhe equivalent of a "l'laglC l!lf ~p~l, cxci'-pl [or 1'11(> followii1g· The onl is.allowed no saw and Daigotsu peed" no receptacle (he may transfer his soul directly imo the oni). The onis soul Is.suppressed, but awareof ,111 actions performed while Daigorsu commands ns. bod '. LJaigo[' urnay rerum 'to lils Own hod)' at-will, regardless of range, OT may shifr his soul to another Onn'liW1ill Sig.~!· of the possessed oru as a standard action. Daigctsu is aware of all ;Jbilil'le,~ of hlS.Jl0S1 and may use theln. The caster level of any

spell-like abiliries uf the host becomes Daignrsus caster level bur Daigcrsu may not cast his own spells or I!S~ his own 11~ n.IT~J alxli ues (wi th rheexceprio \1 of eh IS one) while wi tb ill a host, He may use ,111 of rhe host's featii as well as his own. He rna)' Lise rhe host's attack bonus. rather than his 0\.'11.1, if he wishes. Ii Daigorsu's killed, Daigotsus sou] returns 10 his body regardless of range. This ability also allows Daigctsu to possess any bodies recently possessed by Iuchlban or Yajlnden, lending Duigorsu ti:l believe the origins of rhis abilh arc Inure closely lied to Iuchihan's !.;:bod[ magic thuu hts ni heritage.

Unj Vision - Daigorsu may scry on an", o n i, at will. as a standard action, Th" scry attempt i alway" automaricallv successful within lhe boundariesof rhe Shadowlanris, Out'sider - Dargorsu is a native outsider: he may be bmli,hed hut nOI dil'1l1i!iSd.

Spell Resistance 15.

Taint ReslstaJlce-- Sl11(~(' his return from [he derul, D;rigOISU lTD longer bears the Shadowlands Talnr and cannot accurnulare or draw up, n Taint in any wa r. nor can he cast ,lny maho spells. Further, he gains a +6 bOllUS On all saves vs: rnaho spells,

f'om:s5wm: ,wIule! oll'wtarai t:l)"l1'!or +51 Dmglllsu's Bjade tfunctions as a +5 wrpaL kClt,mi.l of wtllln,jjng). l.Jaigot:lH'S Masl, (funcnons as a prnl1l'f Df wisdom () nTId';I i'ing r_1f pJiJtectlPlI. 5), l"llm cO[ I"C~ 1,(taIIC~ 4,4-,

DAI~OT5U. fALl-an l-O~IJ Of 1H:: SHA170WLAnDS Earth: 5

Willpower: ;-

Watet: 4

Fire: 4

Intelligence: 7

Air: 5


Void: oj-

Scbo.o1/Rank: Iuchi Shugen]u B \s~fll(hbLlI'l Dojo.Ternple ,[the Ninth Kami

Honor: 1.0

Glory: no uo,o in the Sl1'ldowlaudsl

Advantages: Allies I Fu Lerig j . Beuren's Blessing, Clear Thinker, Hanrei Blo il, 'real De. lJny, Lr-adership, Ml.lgk Re Isrance {I,), "tn>n~ ef'rhe Emil (tit

Disadvantages: Sworn Enemy (tuclnban, most Of Rnkugan, Emrna-O'l

Spells: Dslgotsu has exreusive ~nQwl"llgt' of magic, "Dd call cast 1lny spell oV!lllable to d ~bllgellJa oJ his rank. HI' r an nil longer use any 10ml of rnaho, thuugh he has \llodiU"d mosr of his ~-pells so that they resemble maho when he casts them

skills: Barde (" LnlhgUlph, ~,(~ourrier 'I. l)",(cnse <;, Diplo macv 4, Enqueue 4,1:1orsemaI:lshlp 1, HU.11IL11_g I, [nrimLda non 7, Katana 7, Lore r(;aki-do) 4. Lure IJigl,kllJ 1C1. Lore (Maho) S, Lore (MeiJl'!"", LQr rShadQwl;!ntl~') ,LorI' (shugenja) 3, Lore l'IoslHgoku) 4, Lore (l'ume-Jo) 4, Mediradon 7, sh i 111'30 'i, Tanto 5.

Daigotsu's Special Abilities: rh e Fullen Lord possesses a number ol unique ebilitles:

Oni Possession - Dargors tI i:llay possess 2 ny uni hI." carr see, at will, Tbe nni lms ,no chance to reslsr; I ts <DUllS aur lruaricallv suppressed and Daigotsu's original hodv becomes inanimate while he comrol. [he oill. Ilaigorru m'l)" TCli'lim \0 hIS own body a:r wilt, tegltrdJess of rang"', nr may 'ihlfl r, b

'cml t another oni wrrhin sight uf the p se sed om I will. DalgN1\\J Is aware of allabilitil'~ of hi' hosi 3rl11 may lise them, bur Daigorsu rna. not C;lST hrs own spells ,)1 US~ bl~ \1\ n natural abllities (with rhe exception of thi~ one) whil~ wirhir; J host H Delgotsu's host I~ killed, DQigOTBll'S ~,'n 1 returns re hts body rl'g~rd!~~~ of rang Fhis ability aLq\) allows Daigotsu [(I posfir".~ any bodies recently pu.~I:I~seJ bv Iuchtbsn or Yaj inden. l!tad ing Daigotsu to beli!tvc the origlrrs of Ihis abilily are more do Tied IQ luchiban's khadl magI\.' rhan 1m enl IWTltllge.

Ont ViSIOn - Daigorsu may VICW the location of any oni he has _ een beFore. at will, )u{ side rhe Shadowlands. Daigotsn must ffillh· a Perception roll vs, TN -HI r be unable tn view th"r unl again fc,r Dill' d4!~

(1nl TTcri(age - Spells and cffpClS which affecl OIU also ~ff,·c! Dalgctsu,

Tain! Resisrance-> Sino' his return from Ihl:' dead, Dai.g"i·~ll Ilr> [onger hears me 'hBJi:"W!:al'd. Ta i 111 a nJ <:3111101 accumulare nr draw upcnIhlnr in any way, nor can hi' r~~<;! anv maho spells. FtUTbC:l, any maho ope II thar rargers hun hJ~ it~TN ili,trl;'3Sl'd hy 1 1- nn addulon ro tlw penulry from Daigotsus t\[.3,gic: Rl'~istaI1Cf Advantage).

The Ratlings refer to the Lost warrior as M'arch-tek'ch, or Tomorrow's Bushi ] 'rornorrow' is synonymous wi th 'deall,' in the Nezuml language). Even th" Stained Paw Ratlings, fellbw servants of Daigotsu, avoid Manobu. Crippled Bone chieftaln Pep'rrchek has promised two seasons of cooked m eat ~ tid fine furs to any lbtling who delivers M'atch-tek'chs severed neau to hun. .Mano btl knows hi.< repu ration a rno n g ! heN ezurni, and it pleases lriru.

For a time, Manobu was forced to set astde hi, crusade.

W~el1 Iuchiban dcl"ea[ed Daigotsu and the Dark Lord fled rhc Cuy of th e Lost, Manobu was one of IDl:illY who followed him. In the yuung samurai's mind, there was no other rrue choice. Daigorsu had founded thl:1 city. He had brought the Lost their greatest virtories. His morher and fadwr haJ served the Dark Lord wlrh honor, Manchu would serve 110 ether lord, espeChIlly one that spat upon the ~od Daigotsu had taught him to revere. f{€ followed Daigotsu into hiding, and began girding h is rem ai n i ng forces fo~ an eye 11 tnaj counre rartack. t l galls Manobu rhar Dalgorsu has come to rely ~D heavily upon his !:!uined Paw allies, but he knows better than to question his lord's plans.

[7 A.IGOTSV 1i\AftOBUJ TH £ ;tATSJ.,T.l.Y£~

Manobu has never known any home but [he Sh~dowlal1ds, having been born beyond the KaluWail. Hs farher Akodo £111011 was ~ Lien samurai corr upre'd Bartle of" ,Jbliylou's Gale. His. mother Hlrurna Marti was J scout who wandered 100 far from (he \YialJ and rOll nd the shadow lands to her liking Whei1 her jade ran thin. Though not particularly notable in their previous.lives, they became honored heroes tlr the Lost, revered among rlie founders of Dalgotsu's dry.

'thus Manobu has been raised among [he- r radlricns of samurai, Instructed [1\ the way of the sword and ln bushido, all carefully flltered through the sinister ~'ell cf the Shadowlands 'Iamr, He is unswervingly LuY3L 10 Dalgnrsn, and merciless to all. enemies. He is· particularly hateful toward the Nezumi-as Crippled Bone warriorss I aughtered h is pa re nts several years ago, H~ has becom« obsessed wirh the. Nezurni, causing other lost to refer 10 him as 'rhe Rarsl ayeI'. , I! isan appel[arion that does not.seem to botherhirn.

Unlike many e rher Lost, Manobu dnes nOI regard Nezurni as pil.t:heric,.lalrghable~ ur unworrhy. He bas captured and uu errogateri many Nezumi, t'ager to learn as much as 'possible about These sl'rangJ;'. creatures that. SQm~how destroyed his legendar parents.

He knows rhar the Nezuml havea rich cui ture ·and tradition. as deep and lasting as rheEmptre's. He knows I b-al thelr Warriors are brave and well trained, their shugenja powerful. He knows rhsr the Nezurm Em pfre that once ruled the Shadowlands was as strong as Rokugan

He will see them all desrroved,

Manobu never underesrimares Nezumi. He realizes what powerful enemies the}' Gin he when properly organized, His scours keep a cautious eyeon large tribes uch as the Cr_ippleJ Bone and Tartered Eur. When new tribes appear, Manobu summon, his armie-s and rides.out [(J crush them before they can. unite with others, The NeZU111 i 1'1,lW recognize Manobu's tradern a rk 3 rm or, de-cora ted in thr- bones of their breth reno

Recently, Ma nobu's ohseoofan with rlre Nezumi h a-s proven fruitful·, 'WhCll Manobu'sagents discovered NCZ1.Illli ru ins deep ill I he Shadowlands, b i~ extensive knowledge of N ezurnl cull, ure ,I llewed him to re(:ogni.l;e doe t ,I j ns as prc-daung [he extste nce of rh e Empi~··e. According to Nezumi legefld, -such a city would cO!1T3in powerful magic and wisdom IDS{ to eternity Manobumobillzed lais [orces to [~l~t' th~ city f()r rhe Dark Lord, bur was vexed to discever rharrhe Crippled Borie Tribe had also esmhllshed a strong

presence in the city, -

For the tim .. htling, rhe Nezu mi ruins are splh ,e':lu~ lly between Manobu's Follciwersand the Crlppled Bone, with neither yielding an inch Dr ground. The nr Nezurnl relics already discovered have convinced Manohu 1 hat even greater treasures lie on the other s_j_M of rhe dty. He will take thern inth~ mille uI (he Dark Loyd, and with [hem Da/gotSLl shall gain rhe power be needs- to destroy Iurhibarr.

And if in ,;0 doing Manobu .\iets to .11lllghter more Nezumi, all the better;


Male hum-an. (humanosd, ShlldQwhnds), Sarnurui 9/ Daigotsus $lite Guard 1: C 1\ Wi Medhl])]~~jz[' humanoid \ h 1I man J; l-rn l.od 1 a ~ 30: hp [lll: Irri [ +2. Spd 2.0 Ft_: AC L ';l Iiouch 1(;, Ilat-toored lS)'; Ark -r2a/ltS melee l+3 karana) 1 d'i Q~'H- damage; S'QAl'lcesld Daisho, class Skill {KnQYlI~~ge Sh'H.lowbndsl,. Shroud of Death (,gJU1S undead subtype ~ ltd unmuniries. except Cor rmm unity [0 critical hits); Honor; I:

AL LE; SV I:Qn I~ I~, ReF f-7. Will t-tl!; 51 r 2.0 {12), Dcx 1.:;. 'Ccm 17, l nr 11,. Wi? 14:, ella 1-0, Taiar +6; Height. 5 (I. 91n.

<:)!lH, !lnd Ferl Is: Speak Langu age r,Rokugani:, High RaJ'_ll@!tli, Nezurn i\ lInt de "·15, H orsemanship --H4, l ntiruldate +13, Knmvledg.; (Nezumi) + 14, Knowledge (Shadowlan,isl!14. Spol + lSi l\lwtll:l's 'Iechnique, Armor Focus (pnrrtnl arrrtor), ("jetil'l''. Daisho Sperin1i~3tion (:btanu), Power Attack, Versatile d\howl{}dg~ - Nezurni, Spot),Way of rhs Lion, VOId Use, W~<1pjjn FOCLIS (ht~na), ISamUl"C1.i reclrniques emulate Lion I raining),

SJwtlmi!/al1d1 fulvers: Blood Sense, Unearthly Regener~Li(nl r S~C Cil'frtllw o{ROJWga.ll'" fon.Jdr!lll).

f\JJ()-: Temple of the Forsaken,

Poms~i.QIH: +~ J!1~HiaJ !!J'IIIOtj +3 krll-afi<i (~uces+r<tl daisho), '111111!~1 oj' 1llflufaJ (1)"IHor-t-fl 1:n0I'I. LI_( !'f._II~tmUI' +'2. Db, o,r gI,LI'1iI, !I 11< l'l,g I II.,

ClAI.GOrSV InAn..OBV Earth: 4


Fire: 4-

Ail·; 1

Void: 3

Schuol/Rank: Dai'goT,u's Legion 3/DaigOlsu Elite Guard 1

DOJo: Temple g( rhe f"rsa'!ce 11 '

Honer: 1.0

Glory: 0.0 (4.0 in the Shadowlands) Shadowlands Tatrrr: 5.0

Advantages: Heart 9f Vecngeance {Neztnn n. Heartless Disadvantages: Fascination (Nezumi I, {-)vp,rc.onfjJecnJ shadowlands Powers: Blood Sense, U nearth I)'" Regeneration skills: Battle .s.HexSEm2.l1ship 4. Hunting 4. .Inrlmidarion 4.

Jiuju['iu 2', Kenjutsus, KYI1JLttsLj -1-, Lore (Nf'llimi, b .• Lpre (Shadowlands\ 4,Nezumi LanguIlge 3.



The DaLgo·r-su family have ~ srtange re latiorish [1' wit b the ynkai, Since d1<' ascension of rhe Dark Lora, wandering spirirs dthe 'Iainred dead have flocked to ihe t;_;i1y or ['he lOSI . Some were merely eurlous, Others were f,tllcn Shadowhmds warl.ords jealous of this 1I11~,an, Some were drawn by Daigorsus conncerion to Fu L~ng; eager to serve his disciple. Daigolsll setllied I he arrival ofthese .spirits, 'aml.I,;'Ommanded h Il) Lqstro honor U1C11IUS they would their ancestors. Shrine~ were hui'lt to their accorrrplishments: A.ftet a time, many ()f rhe vengeful or jealous spirits became prorective of l);I.igorliua nd his se_r·vants. -when the Daigorsu Family was formed, some of chese sptrus also rook the Da1"k Lord's na me :ll:d lw·cal'l1e properancestors ottlie family.

[7AIG-OT5V Jill Z\JStl AI

The spirit Mizushai is a mystery even IU those it 'rhua~e~ [U protect, Mizush.rj is also call,·d rhe Mi~1 of I he Uta.:k Finger River, Fat before it carne ro serve rhe '03 igotsu [,1 m ; 1)'1 his rnalevolem ghost Ira unred that place. M izuslmt is lle,ther 111 a I e or femaTe. merely an indistincr doud that: eccasinnallv lakes moustrous fom1s. Whel1 it haunted the riverit would 1,~ad w3'nciel'ing S;:ntl; te their dooms, COlJfusiug them ;lld leading rhem deeper Inro ,the Shadowlands with its eerie moans,

Since coming lO St.'1"Vo;! Daigotsu, the spirit .has bt'coIDe more Iucitl, When it chooses-to speak, it reveals volumes about tile terral n anJ hi stor/, of the Shac!'lwlaml'l. It knows pf places no one .else has- ,(0,"1\, of creatures that 110 one has survreed. Daigorsu rheorrzes rhat the spillt is 8 powerlu] corrupted karni, a. "'Pi rit of rhe land drar has been ,ht,t(> since the fall of £1.1 Leng,


rJ\nc::sro~ T-SA1":[1AIGOT5U InI:ZUSHAll You have a .supernarural aw~y,Cne_sS of your ~llrrOl'l1lr.Jjng~. when fn the Shadowlands.

Prerequisite: Taint Rank I+

Benefit: You gain ~.+'4 ttl all Search, Spot, Listen, arid Wilderness checks while in theShadowland s, You can unerri n:gl y fi nJ 'allY location in the sh~dow_j_ands that vou have visiwd b!lfore.' [be location has ch:;mgtld $,ihc~ the lasr tlml;' yo.l1 were" there,


(3 ?OlnTS)

YllU have ,I supernatural aware bess ol your £tlHQ1.1 ndlrrgs In the Sh adowla ruls. Y()U g:n" rwoFree R~ ises on all 1 ! U III I ng rolls while in dle sh~tl(lwhtnds. Yon can ul1l'rringly find any l(f,-.utilltl i 1'1 the 5haJ"wiaIlJs rhat YOll havt' vjS.jtl'"D be fc'r(' , even if rhe [ccauen has t:h~ngeJ since ihe L_ISI ume you were then',


In Iife..lucht Hyoraru wns.reviled as a madman, lIE, betrayed. rhe Unicorn dan and. wiHLngly entered luchfbart) service during [he Blocdspeaker'sseccnd jlsi;~ull upon the. Empire. His :pillh of murder and betrayal eleVated hib] to the highest ranks of the 81MiLs:peilki:+s,. and he became jama SU~;ll:S perscnal ad viSO.I. Unfori unarel y rhe' ci ty of RY9ko Owari' &11 {[,oin the. }jl[],)d.~peakets· grllsp in _large parr b~cil·11~e !:-lyo]:~ru refused to recognize the ronin, RdchiDt as a Iegitunate tl]~eaI. J.rtrw Sunl punished Hym{\nl befort' he' left, binding th<:., luchi":' rormenrcd spitil in a bTge. stone 011 the au tski rts ot I\YOkOOWBrl.

, Afrer lea rill reg the legend of Hyo!a::u from an ifll,~rrO!;P ted III oodspeaker p.ris1'lnct:, Daigorsn freJ~d the spirit, Hepromised Hyotanl h is veJi.g~iI net' tl pon the Bloodspeakers in retu IT! Jpt hi!' allegiance, The former Bloodspcaker can bedenmged~d unpredlcrableatumes, bur be has been a powerfulally ior D;~jgpr$:u.'S' FC:H:(.~~S-_

Bloodspeaker characters fillil}' nor sel ect Hyrnaru as an ancesrunand he rmmediately abandotlsan.y character thai: wlllingly joins the BI69dsp(~kef.ll.

THI;tST "O~ '8),,00[7

IA TtC;::S1'O~TSAT: "AI<tO,.SU H .YOTA. .. \J]

You have an lnsntt\lble, rhitsr for vetlgear)l~e against the. Blood· speakers.

Prerequisite: Triru 1i~nk H

Benefit; You may ~dd yonr Tam 1 modifier to aLl dafI)agc ro llsagaius: a. Bloodspeaker, Yougaina + 10 bonus 10 >lU SPQt ,theoc:ks ag'8h.~[ 8 Bloodspeaker s Hide or DisJ,;wlse checks,

17AIGOT5U H,YOTA;tV (5 70lniS)

. You gain [tee Raises eq~n.! to YOllt Taint ra n k tin ;tU 3 Hac k rolls againsr n Bloodspeakcr and on anY' Perceptlon rolls 3gain.<;t 8 Bloodspeaker who is biding or in d isgu ise,


t\lone know .fot certair: the fare rhat 'befell 'the Empress Hoch iahirnc and Daigersu rarely speaks dfhis ructher. !dlthllr_h kJ'QWn ts thar slle was a pnsonerof rhe- Bloodspeakers lor years, '\J'd. thai she never escaped. During[h~ process that caused Daigcts II t(I become what he is, she became col'tuped, ~ritl she n6\j;, lingers in Ji.gD.k~1 as a l(cbi, Though consumecl. with madness much Qf t he ume, Hochlnhimc watches ever herson and protects those who-serve arru,

.B lO(ltis pea ke r .;IJ 8 nrc ters Il1l!Y not se lect .H yll.t<l ell ,~i an ancestor, ~ rid he immediately abandorrs any character lhal 'i\i1lIngly jolns the Blcodspeakers,

IilOTHE;tDY' DA;tI{n~SS IArtC;:SiO~ f'£ATi 17AIGOiSli HOCHUlHIm.~'

VlJll wa rch over those who honor [jlfl :Vark Lord's ua me.

Prerequisite: Daigbtsil f::Lil1ily only Toint unkl +.

B'enefit: 'You lose !lP HLJl10r whencQmmi:r;rlng a di,honor· able ~C[ 111 [he name of Dalgotsn 01- his laiuily. You gain 3. +1 proia ne bomlS' to ;tttack tolls wh~n fightin1fwithin rh.irty fem of a il,mher m em ber of tbe DaigOt~ II fainily.


(5 'T'OJnTS)

You los .. ~1CI Honor when commirtingfi disbonorable act irt Ihe 11am!! of D:l1golSu or hiS fnmily. You.gaUNj Free Rllise on ~U ,at-ra:ck rolls when fighrin"g within thirty feel or another nu-mber of the D~igDts!J family.



)fAI{AmO~S C)"AW

Dunng [he" Clan War! rhe Crab elan W3 s te III ;:rred into n n alliance with the Shadnwlends by the villainous Runi Y",rL As r"ilrt of Hids Kisadu's baTgtrin, hisson "i'u:kamo.1lc{'rpre:o a f.i em'!i ~Jl til pta mr t law ro TPpbr.p rI,P hflfl,d t'h~T- h" h"d Ill"n i rl :1 duel witb Mmrmoro Hitornf Un beknownsr to Y;1keuna, this ,,:[a\v was a parr of the hbrrendcns onl 1'h'1I! everirual] y' toolt ill{' Crab 'beros name, becoming the Ee;ired Oni Lord ~akanio no. Oni,

Yakarno eventually (Ore rhe claw [rum his arm and ,.ies rrt.yed i l wJrh I he powet of the Jade Hll nd, hUI ai, item as p.owertuf as the Claw wO\IH DOl be so e~sjlt ann'ib ilutexl. When ¥ai::amo later ascended to tbe Celestial the new Vi['ti Strn 1111.0 commlssione d' ! heEur I t.I ne of Sree L to, create po.wcrfLd. swords [('it each. of the .chm :c !'. a rnpions , .,,-;\ did Yakaillo 119 On j, reforge ttii~:dilW to be ,gJve,n -rc the m6tt'I.1S.

Ex n rime this claw-was worn by Nokarsu, the [lark Oracle -qf Earth. wJ,e,nrhe 0 racles retreated from h um a ntry! N~)btsll left ("he claw 6ehilld. Ir .)1bW .r¢~idt.cS i.n ~hr:: sbd(·,wY·".lve wher~ Nb·btsu erie e dwelle-d, awaiti ng 3 new masrer. Juchlbnn ,MI;)WS of tht' Claws exi~tencclhut hasordered his .Bl:oodspeakers riot [9 use it. He knows rhatYakamo HQ (111111~ all ,illy orFuleng and fears the c!awv.rould make a pawnof.its user .. Blucdspeaker.senrinels guard the cave. ar all time. watchfll.! for anyservant ofDaigots.ll who mighrtrvro take ine Gbw for hunself

'['hL, Is, urse ... ('xa~tly whar would happl'n_ The. On i Lnrd can seearrd hear everything that the claw's. mer sees El'JrJ hears, ~nd reports ditectly to }'u Leng.The denlon Ionl. wail!! fur the. clay rhat some Bloodspea1;el' fGolishly dons the claw, or when SQ'n1C loyal servant of Fu Leng fin,ally recovers the weapon,

Y9.l5:il.lJ19'~ Cia IV ca n on I)' he used by an mel ivid ua 1 m ISBill_£; ,\ hil:nd, wr.o presses the claws empty seeker tc rhe srunrp, (Though .t OT"i'giI131Iy adorned Yakamos left arm, the clawcan be' worn en-either arrn.) 5'0 loag lis thee laws owner wears the dB\V, II(> ~CCI.iD.lU !ales Ta i nt.asi r he were in I. he Shadow I~.lld.'l. JIJ(je clI,n protect against 1 hisaccumularion oETail1! normally

Y,flmhi.o':; Cia v'( i:J ,I mclc~';vc a pon th u t i I) 1'1 i crs J.d.1 n damageper hitan:dh~.s a rritlralthrear range OriS-20, !I cannorbe wielded effcct'ivcly 'is artac heri, rn(:fHg:h it rcqul res no p~oncieiley if i t ·i~ atr.tJ:cJH'd, \V~apon Focus and We~pon Sp(>ti·ali!'.ubon :feu5 .may hf' taken br the claw .normally:lt ntIS l\ +6 vOlpal tllhilliGe~ rnenr a:ld.ignorcsa 11 damage .red Uction. 'the WM pan: ulso ·Joe, a'lt C'4Ha 2\.I1U damagt" ,tg~illll,[ allY ltlelltbll1 uJiJ Thunder'" fal1] Liy (Hida, DOji, Mi, tHtall i, M~ !SlI, Torudr Isawa, Sno.lIro, HaYllsbl, or UlakLlj.

Yabmo's claw is 0 melee weapon thar em be wielded only wid, its own speetallzed weapon ski 11 (butifrh'e .... >ielder'~ skill L~ less than 5 H is wieldeu as ifhe had :1 skill or 5\. The Claw intlkts 4k4 Wounds in combat, but cannot be widd~d dIectively unless it is.attached, The weapon ignores ,all carapaces andinvulnerabilities, The wea pon rolls and "k~eps an extra rwo dI<:e of dol mage against any member of a Thu rider's fumll/, r .HiJlI. 00)1, Miru mnto, Hlrornl, Matsu, TOHU"i, Isawa, Shosuro. Bayushi,.or Uraku),

BJ..A"~S Of" T~VTH AnD S£C;t~TS

'The. st.ory oJ.,he$e two blades L~ .hOW .reraernbered Dilly by 3. Iiandfu I of Cr3 b pea~ants, Sliortl y a Iter the Maw conquered Hirurna Castle, the surrounding Crab villages began to fall [0 the Onl Lord's ad vancingarrates. One ofLhese Villages I Kotaru Mura, was .bcsieg·ed by the M;l';V'S lieutenant Chizare, As the slHldowlands border e·xllmded and eng\Jl£ed the village,jmle supplies dwindled.Those who lived there knew that they must soon flee even If it meant certain death at Chizarp's hands,

"fhe governor of the.village, a swordsrnn], named Kaiu Hatu, undertook one final desperate gamblt, He I.hrew his body and ~6uL into the creation of ,wq perfect swords tQ be used againsi Cluzaro no Oni. Each blade was. tempered wirh powds red ja,1e to protect it fro.m:rhe Taint rhar 110W filled tlre.village, but 'even the old master could not [ully protect the swords from evil, 'E~C'h sword was born 'With a curse, ~ ~v,;isl' to lead a fbcrlis·h Wielder to desrrucrion. Haru diedusing rhe ~W;;ll~ds to destroy Chizaro, but his sacrifice let Lhe villagers escape,

Since Harus death, the Blades of'Trurh and ~<!Cl'e.t~, have appe~n·d a number of ul:m!}s both iii tbe Shadowla rrds and Rokuglin .. In adJl:tidn to the powerful Curses whkh ro110;'ir these blades, Chlzaro no Ont~gspawl1 are sti'll parrrcularly vulnerable to the swords, and hunt their owner'S.

TH~ BJ..AD;: Of'S~C;';:TS

Of the twin swords; this one is more infamous, J t -a ppeared several decades ago in R:'yl;lko, OW3T\, :l,nJ a Chizarano 01)i spawn carne hunting it, Tb" resulting 6.lpoJ6ath reinfotce(l ... heJlthy fem: for the shadowlands'in the. City of Lies, The sword disappeared shortlv rhereafrer a.nd it~ current whereabouts ;1(' unknown.

The Blade of Secrets is a '1,3 lPced IwlullIl,The blade overCOTJleS~U crysra] and j'a.d-c damage resisrance. The blade also 'h~s 3 dangerous curse, Whe.i=lever the wielder rolls eirher a critical fa!Jure'or \l crirical hit on on arrack roll, the blade drains two Void -points. Ifths wielder has no Void. Points r~ll)aining (or nol'l(> t(l begin wirh), il deals 2 poinrs.of rernpornry Wisqo,1;n damage uisread. If the wi,eider reaches (] Wisdom, he blacks out for !l hours, Upon awakening, he loses erie poimof Strengtb and Constitution petmn.i1entiy t.f], i,s- is 1101 abiliTY score damage", b"IT a -pennnneJ,lt reduction of rhe characters ability score totals).

When,e,~r. the w"ieldr.r ofrhis sword declares Raises, the TN to htr the opponent does not.mcrease. Tbe wielder gains an addirionai die, roljedand kepr, for da.mage any. rime he makes Raises on an attack roll However, the wIel~t:'r also spends une Void Point every time he makes a RaIse (the Q,1 should keep track of thi's ,~ct'rerly III fi'rsr uncll [he wielder i~ aware of this srde of ~he blade's

power), When the Wielder runs out uf Vmd Potnts, he be:gins to lose- Barth ~t a rate. tlf on,' Ran k po:r R~ise. made, WbeIJ the wielder I'll L15 OUI of Earth. he faJls intu a cuma for 35 - (Eart h x 41 hours, Whel1 he awakens, his Earth. ,aIld~ Vo;.d are perm'illilel1l1y reduced by une, and he will fh~Iea Cter be pJ(I~Ied widl hurri.bIt area rns of via le nee and tormenr (which rhe G1>>f mayor m3Y[]Or lll-illze In 'portend di.~e events in his campaign I.


This sworel lli moreobscure than its. rwin, for whenever it appears rrs Wielder seldom survives long enough to gain much fame, It currently lies abandoned somewhere in the Shadowlands, near the parched. skeleton of the Hidn ~tim;iJ.rai who foundtd.asl.

The Blade ol'Tru rhs is a Q,4· ke~l1 Iwlnn r!, Th e b.fad,! overcbmes all cryst~l ~d Jade damage resistance, The bl~de also carries a powerful curse .. t'l..HY rime its wielder deliv en; a critical hit in combat. the crirical threat range of all attacks directed. <!gajnstrum i·5 increased. by one (after 'any ·effects which .rnulrlply the critical range), This ('!feet wears ,off gradually, whh the crftical threat range bonus

decreast ng hy tlD.l,'each day unti] irh as returned !'o normal, If IhewrelJ;er sets. ,\Elde the J3Jade ofIruths {lod d OeS 11~\[ us ei I fo r erie we-ek, -a II crlt leal t hrca t Fa nge bonuses ~gainst himcauser] by th'~SWOI{ts curseirnmedat"ly"ne!.

rhe nLilJ~ of Truths allows rus wleIJ~.:r to r<'wU 9;: on ,d~mage rolls as-if thev were 'I LIS'. T:1e: blad ... ignOl'e~ dle liw\,dilt'r.~b,illIY ol ::ih"d(w.!<mds creatures, 111(;: bbd<;: ;1hp carries a powerfulcurse. Any rime more than t W[I dice are rerollerl on the sword's Jama.gc r lL~" all dam-agO! rots -flp;Ain'11 I h~ wkIJ ... r mTI ~nd I.: t- ':'p ;In'l'''lr~ dip T~i,; r.r:t('rl WlfJ~ oil grnJllilll" d('rtl~a~itlg by nne dl(A -rer q0'1' u~)ld d:;~ hl.J'Ou, is gone. 1[ ihe Widder sets asrde t1 .. <: l~lndc of Truths and dots 1101 use it fur one week, all Jtl.lnag<: ~-'11'LJ!;e5 ~g:1insl him caused by tbe swords rU.l'SC tmmediutely end,


The _en ftsmen (Jf r1~ 'Sh"dowiul1ds are U '-cl'euti\!l.", if gI"Ueso"'e, lot, WeapPJls and WC1Js horn In rhe Shad9wla.nds are p£tt'n rna d,~ ofpec ulia r III flll! rials, a nd possess STrange a b i l i n es thanks ro thei r unique' origins,

LUlinG -Bon::

Though bone geners ily 'makes a peurc horce of mate rials for all hut rhe j11OS-r crude and primirive weapons; smlle enrerprising .maho-tsukai necromancers have made i I more effecrive, Just n.s undead.are given .a semblanceollife wlrh magic, so are bon I" wl"apons arul armor given 11 resilie nce gr,em.CF than norrnal.Thiseesilieacycomes at a price, lrowever.ns th:_ellving bone hasa thirstIorblocd,

l.iving bone we aponsarid a rmor have a +2' n:i'I~4,al enhancement bONIS that srackswitl: an)" other-enhancemen! bcnusortg: na !illg from maho. Llvlng bo·nt:. weapons must be used mi a livingiarget once per day, and living bone armor nntst be s'o<iki!d with fresh bl()oJ once per day. or ther become' 'tlllrsty.' A rhirsry liviuiI bon e weapon Iorcesi rs h elder to rna ke a Wi U save _(1)C 20) Ql"iCC pe'r hour or tu rri rhe weapon on himself [0 teed ir: Tliirsryliving bone armor force~ its wearer tn make ,(1 St-reng:t:h check (DC 20) once per Dour cor the armor selzes physica I control of it, wearer and fon;(:s him ro draw h it' own blood in some manner; 1 iv:illg. bone armor and-weapons found randomly in the ShaJowl~nds ~~~ usually tbits!,)" Livi ng bone radiates the Shadowlands liljnl,

. l.iv.tng bene has n hardness I?t 1 5 and 25 hi!' poinrs _per inr h of lb ick ness

Uving 6on~ WtJp,:1ns roll un 1'.~ttJ die on aE 3[tnck :mu Jamngi' mlh, Living hone annor gt~nt5 ~ +4 bl'I1U:>!O rl,e weaH'r's rn "lll:B~ Hit. llv!ng bone,,,,enpono nl"USl be used Q'n • Hvfng. larg~t per dlly,-antllJvin,g bQ!lt' armor 111usi be so.;, ke~1 jv\[b fresh bloud (;Ince ~. cloy, iH th~y beco me 'til irsfY,' A I.hi nily I ivhlg bone WC;lJ.lon fo~ct's: in; hulder ro make 9 Willpower rol! V5. TN ::l'(l Q!1(;:e P~T bOl:r ill' [Urn .lh,~ Wea?OIlOn him~df to J:eeu It Thirsty living

b(jn~ iI.I'ITlC)F forces il!)' wearer (l) makea Slte'nglh rail vs, ru 2{1 GJ1(X" pn hour i"1rlh~ armor ..,eiz~phr~i,al 1";1)11 mil of irs wearer and fon:es h.rn to draw his own blood III some manner. Living bone ~HT10[ and weaponsfound umlomly rn ll", .!::h"dt)wtl.ods ure l,l~lJQlly t-hir,t)'. LivingbOIJ~ nlJiiHC& rhe Sh~:Jowlill1d~ Taint


Blacksteei is low-grade Rokngani steel, dusted with corrupted obsidian during the forgingproeess. The blades rhus bear j us t eIJQugh dJigl.h,'i;: corr uprion fur their wounds rube slightly rnore pall1ful than. normal. rl:ough the Tl)i:nt th~ blades carry IS mrnirna l, those who carry hlacksteul for Icng periods ofrirul! succumbrrrore e;l\sily to poison, sickness, and tho shado\" la ruis Taint. As blflt:lc.s't!icJ ischeap, E>asVto prod uce, and P'9wc';Jul it has: become parriculnrly popular wiih rouin, bandit gangs, and other Unsavory groups ..

TIle Kun! Wlr,eh Hunrers loathe. blacksreel, for tr radiates no ebviousTaint, Any b1ackslecJw~ap.ons rheydtscoveraze CO nfisca ted and destroyed, Any indi vid uals they find forging blscksreel are arrested, and exec ured, -

Blac_ksTEel weapons gain a ~-2 d:un~ge bon US on aI I crif en 1 hits. Any indi vidual carrying blaC'kstEC 1 on h is person for: 1.:)I)gl'Y thun B n hl,>o,- ~l;.rrerS Q i pro[uPl" :p~-n~Lty .t.m (lll Fo:r-titude saves. Mnl.tiple black~teel weapons impose a cumulative -,,[ten, If a p~m;tJn uses b.lacksteel I"<l>gularly fl~:r a w~ek, this penalty incteasca by 1. The peh;lh!<,s impase ~ by blaehtee I fa.tie <JEter one week of nor using bim:ksted. }~b(;~tecl armor ha>s no bent'.fidal properties, [hough the penalties.are the same.

io,r thifr;dcter~ suffer fiG Uieffects fbI' lIsiRg blacksreelweapous, Mosrsan: ural oh.b.e Daigotsu fntnil yw[eld blac,ks reel weapons.

Blacksteel has a naroness of H1 and:30 hir points per

inch of lhitknes.~. .

l31acksrr.d weapmiS uo five .extra W"unJ.~ on any damage ruB where 10, tin" re-rollec (onl~, tmc:e p<.H" d~'m"g" roJIj, 1'.1:1)' Indiv idud I r~ll)'in g l:>l~ck~ I (·elllr! his person -f't,·t IOTI.gN than. an ho ur suffllts a +.5 TN penalty e t; all Earth, W!lIpcwer, and Srarmna rol ls. Ml:ltnpJe biDcksreel weapons impose a rumulrtive effeci. If a person uses blacksteclragularly fm-;I week, ["hiS fJenrury increases by another ~5_ Th~ penalries .Imposed by ll!ar'[Q;rl" .. J [ad ... ,afr",r one -wcck 01' nor usIng blacksrcc 1. _Bia~k'ucel. armorhas nn bent'-fldai properties, though [he penaltles arr the same.

rO~l characters suIT,,! no Ill en'ens for usl ng hlaeksteel weapons M.Q~1 sam urai of the Dalgots-u family widd blacksreel weapons .

oru CHITin

With the ?owernd lnvulnerablliries rrrariy onl possess, It wa~ 'only ~. mfHes of lime hefQre same lnvenlive 8rITrorsruj!h anemptl·d [0 create resilient armor from their hide.-l'he crab experimented wirh this fin ~ time, bu.t loul'l,d th "pro~e'5'¢s Llsed LO deanse Mi ('hi1'l11 of ~he T~lihr-aL<;o 'te.moved all Qf its protect:Jvc abd tty. SOtu e less et hlca I SD;U d, s bave sol ved' tIm problem by s'imply le\1v-ing ~he' derr:lDlllc rr.m-al115 Tai:med_ Tbus \1 rn::mber oC .lOS! Sanlu-tnl, ronin bandits, and 11UrilOtmkm tat'! o'cC~$.i()iHlly be rOll nd wearing fe~r50n:te a·nnor ca.rved: from r he, hides of oni.

Daigcts u and lns fulLowl'r. are cau r ious ~ bou L the usc of this armor. as some (')111 are greatly offended by it. The Daigorsu family create this armor on Ly [rom the l1esh ofbestial and preclatorv 01'\1. never [tom rh.· inre lligenr oni that are theIr allies.

True om c_h i (I n Is easil y disungutsha bit> from normal Rokugaai a rruor. I r ten as- be jagged. uneven, ~n d of un US"lI<1 1_ culm. ln addition, some varieties of oni chitin still n-rain a bh of l1fc - piece!' of U1E' armor might" move n[ dlPir wn 3CCOI:<1, his; when their wearer is rhreurened. Or exude blood and bile.

On.l c.h 'On 3FITIOr bestow, damage r 'Uucl'-ion of 5/+2 vade) 011 i ts wearer, 11'5 wearer is 1l1SD exposed to Taim as if h_i' were .in a corrupted cnvlrcnrneru A person who wears llli i chh in armor In j corrupted e nviro n merit exhausts .any jade prorecuun he WeaLS twice as q'uickly. A person wearing oni Chl[LI1 armor is vulnerable La spells and effects as if he huJ rhe SbacTQwbnds subtype,

ChiLLIl has'] hard ness of ... O and 2.5 h it points per rnch of rhicknzss

Oni chltin armor grants its wearer ~arapacf! -s which is ign red by jade weapons. Irs wearer is also t').1" ed [0 Taint as ifhe wen- ill 11 corrupted .env iron men r, A person who wears oui chitin armor in ;I corrupted envtrnnmem. exhausts !llly jude protection he wears twice nq quicklyA person wearing ani chiriri armor IS vulnerable to spells and dfecrs as ifhe had the Shadowlands Tairu,

7IT~f'01l.G£D OBSIDIAn

This mate-rial is the celestial counrcrbalance to Blessed Jnde, the rare and powerful tGl1ll ofjade created in. the Realm of the Blessed Ancestors. Rarely seerv outside the Shadowlands, phforged nbsiW:mi.'; perha] s ! he clOSt'SI. thing to pure evil thlll rhe Empire 11.15 seen, More powerful and steeped with corruptum wi rh ord i llarl' 0 bs I d.1 an and corrupted i ad e I pi [-forged oh~i.dl an is found (1111 y i T1 L he Festering Pit. This jagged black stone is covered with sharp edges, dUlkuLt ro harnlle \vit:!1oul recervinga thousand liny cuts. The stone absorbs :lillight ;mJ heat, causing it to appear 3S a mane black mass surrounded by unearthly cold, Any norrna] jade that comes into conracr with pir.-(9rged ubsidian is iimuedlatl'1y reduced TO black sludge. Tf bless-ed jau(' t described in iNtl1 !1f.S ,1 lid Willds) touches <Ill eqtral amount of pit. forged obsidian, bow marerlals are irnmc.liard, and whr Jly desrrcyerl.

Dahl\g-lmlJI(l-(, II TIIlI sometimes forge i «'m;; a r pcwerful J!!rk magic Iroru -rhis stone, rhcugh ii, is quire dangerous In it, raw form, The f{,~\-II samples that have escaped past rhe Wall have wrought havoc and ccrruptiou. the' wiH;:h Hunters and Inquisitors 11a\le rhus [ar neutralized and destroyed every item of P'it~f~lrged obsidlanknown to have crossed f he Kaiu wall, bur.are ever vlgilanr for more.

A piece (Jf-pi(·.f~lrged obsidian radiates a corrupted environrn e nr in ~ Lhiny-foo! rndlus. If the pit-fnrgeJ obsld ia n b already in 3 corrupted environment, 211 jatle inthe area ih exhausted. rwiceas swiftly by the resulting Taint; 'Those who carry pit-forged obsidian may not be protected fi:mn the Tairu by Ql1Y means (1l111e~~ Lhey are naturallv immune. like ,I NezUIhi Dr N aga J.

Any target struck by a \-VJ'lIpCIll made of pit,-fprgd ohfliJian must make a Fort itude 'ave (DC 20") or suffer J2 Strength damage unci gain I d4 poi nts of Shadowlantls Tainr'( Losr characters and natnral Sh arlowlands beasts do riot accrue Tai {11 ;11 rhis manner), Armor mnth,' frpm pi Lforged obsidian protects lIS wearer From allefferrs rlHH specificall y target creatures With the Shadowlands subtyPC', except for effecrs that detect Taint. Pir-forged.obsidian always radiates overwhelming leye-l~ ol Tai 111 W:J ny dl'tcd spells, whiCh art' rfLecti-ve- at doubJe ihe normal range .

. Pit-forged obsidian has a hardness LJf ~tl and L5 11 it points pel" i.nch of thickness

An)' target struck by J weapon made of pit-Iorged IJbsidran must make u un Ea1'1_h roll vs. TN 1!l Dr suBer J +2 rN flenalt;, ~n llll rolls [or "no: accrue points of ShadI,)wl.!flus Taint equal to half rhe number C \\I'r' un ds Inllicred I found down; Lo st iharacters amI natural ';;haJcwlunds beasts rio not accrue Tai nr in tl1ls manner) Armor made From pit-forged obsidian protects !l~ Wearer from all .:£fc(:!~ Lh-ar spctific~lIy target creatures with 1);1" Shadowlands: ubrype, exc(,ptfor effects rhar detecrIaint, which ate dlecnve at twice the range and always indicate overwhelmtng levels or W rrnpriu 11,



",wl'l)' mlW'

"TIII':Sill1ke nre \lrctl5IMJIClilt) fwJmg," GrflsiuhaH I'",pimfwd. "You would ofily€xpose th.ose 111110 wmhllllh~m."

HMori Frowned. "Verywd!, Whal hal1pelled IK~lt'

"T~:ril~ItZH had 11 SOjl, A~ .. J.1w Mishilile. Ajliflii~l~ I()~.ged III t'mbrau Ius hel"dage, so ttwch $I! Hall hi! eJ!el1i'U/lli Y ,itlllW! Da'!gofs!{, j01"@,Of h15 m~}11 liowni, l~efon' castmg (!\'Ide his: faf(ld(; of'sP'li!f8 to thl:

P/'roen ix, i'w eng! neen;d l'Iu !lTerl of a jarred blaikiJhe blade used l:n bll Ihe Sled ChrY,'lilihemum dHrlng fl1i rt. ° t'/'Il I lifo, I!I~! Iwd bee?1 giW~ll tll t!t~ Prtnemx 11Y t/te SepplH1."

"I wotlld hllnilv Gall mcl1 a blitde ll,cyed;' 1 Iaiv.Y! nnlitr.reci. "Mtlrdrr. regin.-i(/, rr.e'lch~ry, .. d WiH rerl'll1ylir .ilue:d Iv the clwda," 1118 Pilkidl' Db5CIVe.d dryly. "MislriftH' YI'(11J71tld the hlll!'/e 10 Dalgotm and pdilrol1!'li Jar the ;'l,gilt t(1 tIS!' It 1'0 offer re,,!!y tn oHm" I'cbuilding thi? C~l1Idli .. Thc Da1'I<.Lo1',1 rearll/.v (lgre~ii."

"l'rle Clli~da," f{n/orl yaid I\JIU'III dl~'gIHle.d. ,twessrnl1, "Tlri?

I:1I1prre''i deF!I1d~r, hal,'e been l'l1lJ'Iling dUlI'lI ,~'llh Irkr Ih,~m fol' Ol/{:l' 11 tholiland year,."

"No I Ukee thrm." Gemaihn'~ 1I01n" wa, .dark, "Tlicv (.I~ org,m,fud. il'ltdljg'fnt, ~n.d h~lv,' yeS6il)US rw lum' rnt1hD-!iIJRnJ ~mjld hopp '10 lnatcl1. They !.lse che T(~ml as I,j WC:'lIj](j!'L, IWlll~W no!" c.~;t Ilsidc Ml1a~. th." ar'~ c1angcHHls, U}lpndldal'!e, CH1HI.H.lg ami dwiom." Icr~ shoo/l his head. "Do noi drsllms tlwm. M!ya Hatori.l;fyoUl'.Empirc dots that. the}' will rise lip !PHi C,rl.ll')t ytJI~ heft,lT Y()lIl"~IlJlzc th~.l' exist."

"Dol'/leY sliJ.i 5el1/eDaJgt!15I.I~" IlatmTluk,fd.

Gert,llfhefl frowned "1 do 11O!, bww. My ... rorznec/!nll to in. slra.1~wland5 Was ~):o'kell heforr Dt1igotsu ·WIl.l d~r(lled, Mr,l,lIme !.Va,. 101,'al to 111111, bw h~ 15 ,m v-ppor·llm.W. 1f Ihr neW ford mil o{f"r him power 1l.11d Pl'i~sftge.ill' 1tI1,ly wd! tl,b,mdOiI Llmgot,u.'·

"Y@u datlll the Shoriawl(t11.J;i! ,!UlS rhllnge~~ HlIll I'! I~ sf/me nc.t.II ({nil more dClr.lgcral.!~ flIP'''!;'' Hf! In·yj saul, "bll! J Hear IltJ Iv fll emrne, jrendlery rir111 betmyt!l.,"

G~fI.l.alken .Imd~d ,lrgi'liy, "Wi'll1f' J hrlLlc ,Mi 15 lila! In. ~11I1duw[rHlri5 fu.l5 become more alld morJ! l,illC the Empm!, 00 you hO"l'lCllly betkw i,hil~ Rokuga'1I15" 1161 f!lIed with Ih~ S<1m~ rhlllgs? If SQ, then pedwps Y(JU are tmi the scholar 'rny- mUlier t'cll~l!rs yoir to be."

Hnhiri t:owtlcd, er-nbllrra.smt to hfj.t1e ~ald 5m)1(~!lllIJ.g so lwTw.

HB WilS acwstonwd 101-111 nkmg of the sharlowlr'J)1ris ~s l'Iolhmg rrWf"C )fln!! t1 !Iiolent'ytllllf"l a( sl,n wrilll.' hfMt5, rI ,111 ~f litl~ IV,U I nle, ._ "l'lca$0, ld Wi" rol·ili /WfJ" Blltlm' S~ hi. "Tell Ine n.JI VOLI 1m ow Itbmli Il'le C;hllrio1. The Empl1"l~ l'!1lm be rolll:aled,"


Thr Chuda ate number, bUI gr~aT in power. As power is the uln mare nchtevernenr among the Sliadowlands, the Chuda control {lS much land as they can seize and maintain, Perhaps because (If their meager needs, or perhaps because COl1fljct is far fwm their foremost concern, the family controls very Iitrl territory With theirincteasfng Tole as Iuchibans lldvisors and administrators. lhey- may soon expand their control. far beyond their current borders.

nlA,TO;t CHU"A HOJ."lnGS

1h(l Chuda value things that enhance the ~mily's in1111ellCe 'anel POW{,"T. Accordingly, [hey bui ld their rnost powerful strongholds en sires of mystic p wer or near to rhetr masters ..

1{.Yu"~n CH·U., A

Thi" presumptuously named Kytulen Chuda sits OD rhc outs kirts ot Daigotsus City of tl,e Lost, I he ShilJowhnJs' nominal capital nnw coruro Tied by Iuch i bon and his miruotrs. FrO.1l1 this black palace, Chuda M ish i I'll e and b ls d rsciples conduct horrific rituals in the name of their evil master, gamed ng power and i.ntorrnai.iolil tu aid in Their WH agains: rhe Empire and Oaigorsus loyalists. Even the Lost re~r this place, for it i a bastion of evil, of the foulest powers of the Shadowlarids.

The riruals conducted at Kvuden Chuda have attracted the atrenrion of all manner-of evil spirits, Kansen, gaki, pennaggolan, and all other manner of wicked 'creatures can be seen circling the black spires even during the brightesr days. These creatures do not seem to pose'any threat to the Chuda, hut athersw [',0 find themselves alone within the castle er even on irs ,grounds sam erimes Iall prey to these beasts' SL!pe matt! ra J bungers, The ch ucla find this quite amusing.

Kyuden ch 1.10,1 IVa. constructed. less than leu yecars ago, shottly after Asako Mishime was gnlnt~:J leave by Daigorsu to reform rhe Chuda family, Mishrrne gathereda small h:llljfllj of powerful Bloodspeakers whose l.oya1ly he had usurped and usee an undocumented maho ritual to summon the ca til' ftpm the warped earrh. Those few on hand [0 witness It, creation claim rharrhe earth vomited forth fhe obsidian castle as if it were somevlle thing 10 be ejecred The castle's existence is proof to many.tlun despite his normal appearance and demeanor; Chuda Mishi,fl1c is among the City llf lh,!' L(lSr'S most despicable inhabitants,

TH:: fl~J.,[7 OT BLOOD

Nothing in the Shadowlands epitomizes. the .horror or (he Chuda like the Field of Blood, a nightmarish place even the Lost avoid. It is avast field of blasred,barren, hard-packed earth lined with metal troughs rh~t corrnect to the large StOJ)(, ·pede.stahr scattered across the field. 'rhe Chudu.bring their vicrirns here, including captured Hirurna S{;Ol1t~. kidnap virtims from Roktigan, ~ nd even mern bers of the LOSl who have become weak 1.)[ unsuitable to serve they are strapped 1\1

the pedestals and given rerrible, painful, norr-lethal.wcunds. Their bload garhe.rl in the rneral troughs and J~ collecrcd by the Chuda lor Lise ill lheir fU~ll rituals, The Pields ·exquisill:ly skilled carerakcrskeep victims alive ror days, slowly bleeding rhcrn un til·they arc d·c-'t tc;d h usks. TheIr dried cm:ps.;;s· i.ned!ably-j·-i~e'a·s grntcsque uncleila beasts thai serve the Family fOl""IDCint6s.

CHUCIA T5I1iUI{O! BL.OOD'1i\A.5T::~ rShugenjil12; Clauda Shugenja 3]

1'ht~ Chuda shugen]a assigned to maintarn the .Field of Blood was p,er~t)l'L311y s,ej({cte:d fOi: the ras.J.;: py Chuda ~fi.shime. Tsirrri.ko [s rhat- rnnsr precious treasure, 11 I\1.Ull who fillly embraced rhedarkness for personal power, She Is ~xtr!l.mdy' beauuful. even by ,he" most conservarive st~'nd;n:(Lg, resembling.a riny p,b1cdahldQlJ.~he is gen.le IUi{l seductive with he:r vicrirns; UI Llntlil_g, I hem witb sweet words a tid. lustfu I premises. She deitg'h.ts Ull hei r ,s HUer! DR and vain hopes, d,aimil'lg chat it rrrakcs thelr bleed milch swee ter, Mlsh ime tolerates her b:fzarre excesses so lung as she keeps l.h.e: Chuda ~mp!y supplied wirh blood, a raskar which she excels,

TH~ T'i::.Ii\'?L5: OF v=:n01i\

Dcmlnadng [he larges r cham ber w! th; n«Yll den eb uda is [he Temple ofVenotn; rae pdmary d",jO"~11dlr"inil),gfaciJity fOr ibe ClnLd'[) f.,ii1ily. "Temple" Is.;j some.lViHi t mislead ilig,i!~ ;he ch uda do not revere' th{, spisirs '01 rht, Fortunes, They believe that magic isa of personal power and strength of Will, End thatall shllgenj3 bend the elements to theii'liking threugh the sheer force -oC their Ml inds; T6 l'b\i Ch uda. ni'~ho i's :li(' pnresj form of magic because tr dtscardsall pre rense , The strong can seize power Irorn [he .kansen, Fueling lr whh we. essence oFrhe weOl!t.To theChuda, magic ismorea philo~tlphy than a reljgiUn, .d~llJb!less "ell'(>cting Their Th.l¢'s coeperation wlrh the Blcodspeakers ovltr1ne renruries,

As a result of rh!'CIF unique curlcok, the teaching that takes place at the 'Iemple rifVenotn is l1nlikNb.frm"f~l.ny O~hlfr: tllJnple in the world, even snch bizarre and sinisterplaces as the Tsunu Soultwrster temples. Students are berated and chastised, even beaten, to foster ~Iiger,lesehtmcnt, H'ndlrl! l1egc at ive ernctions, th~ Chllda believe, a:ti\lc.t the katlSell fh~~ ppweI malro spells.therefore making it casier.ior the. studenrs to employ blood magi«. Although this method be successful, It engenders hosnlnyas former *u]ltn~s [urn on One alwd-H'r and on rheir reachets;

Thls arrangement Is perfeerly ttl keeping with Chuda Mtshime's,ns. He wishes his underlings tobe arnbirions arid com peririve, lnsHIli:";g ~ha I: they :wi:1:becn ugh t up 1n their o,w~ meager powerstruggles and attempts tel their OWl'! petry Insults. 1'.!l1S renders rhem unable to' rurn tbeir· anentk)n toward hill .. 'of course, Mishime dOd not fear my am:Ol1g his fatnuy, but ht' pri,'feTs [0 be·certato.


[Inkyo 12; Tcmpk q£Vciiom 3J

A man 11{ many To.Ies; Hanoshl has oceIl n courli~r, lllagWtn[tc, and. monk III hisllfetlme. It was hot until he fcHlll battle ~gaimi' tbe Sh~dawla.nds: ar Oblivion's Cate thaj. h.e l),eG1nH~ stlDlqTung dse:;.~ runciman. i\ftt:r bCGom CQJ:ntptcd, HO!lloshi became-convinced [hal the TaLi'll was the. key ~o enlighrenment. He Wellt so f:iras to,dtch his eyes shul in o·rder to)U).lv dev()!e himself co the Il~W sensarion's be w~s 'l'lCpel"1endng. Despite his obvtous i:nsarliry, H31~osb:i d~sCQvered rrrany new <.111.(1 powel:ru I s('crets [0 u 11 toe king rbl.! T;1ill!_

Hanosh i.'s part icular brans of mad ne-ss fascinates' Chud a Mishimc. Even tho.ugh Hanoshlis not a shugena, Misbime offered him fe~'lry,lI'hich duo mad monk Impulsively aceepred, :-:l.anOShl now t eachesat rhe Temple of Venom, and W.hi:le .. most cannorfarlrcm his rambling, .inanc disserrarlon« on the. Taint's nature, his rema:k'ilbleabiHries are s:,I.f[Jcien t [01;

Jvtisliirtte tq kec.11l him around, .

A:tJvs::n TU~~ HOOK

Challenge: Thi:dlGQk assumes the characrers.are srudenrs ~1 th .. Temple of Venom. Perhaps t-heyarc rcrin seeking :c,ntrpnCI!! trim rhe Chuda; peTh!lpsrhl'yare_Inqlll~ftors or WrtcD. r·Jl:ImeTS.:gAJ;.6e.1'ing informarion, or s'?tllerhing el~e altogether. Whatev.©.- the-reason, the characrersare students at the Temple when ,I senior se.rise'i is fourrd murdetea In a ve:ry brutal, visceral fashioj1.

.Focqs: -\S' might be expected, the Chuda are intere.~ted In the sensei', death, but not for (he reasens one wouldncrsnally expect: Magical investtgarlon.deterrnlnes that rhe.sensel wass!riinbya s:pir.H df el)'-c~pli[jnal·size and power, The Chuda leaderswish to f nd uno caprure duo spiriT I fpr i ~ ca n power a va-riery 0: i rn porta ru dark rituals.

Strike: Thl;';;piril' that murdered the sensei ,lie not ~.pp!"nt by bappensr:Hl.ce. AI1l!J:n ber -ofern birrered Br:d abused students, despising their tyrannical sensei, combined Their power to enact 9 parucul nl~ devious nrual

TH;: Bj..OO[7\!JO~ItS,

NenHlnina"i are created rhro1lgb extreme circumstances OT e~peJ:iences. 'floe annals df RGkugan~Te full.ofroles wherein tremendous acrs on rhe part of he:roes have awakened dle sp lrlrs wrr h {11 iWU1S. l"lu ilcting onrh is, I he Chuda MV.e ser OUI to create w\,qpans of power in t!1CirQWn $i.histO'r Wlly:

The BI0crdwbrJ~$. Were. ·e.sta.bhshml. ye,~.cs ago folJmvi:ng the tattooed madman Kokujins creation of the Sharneswords, This act f<l;;'~lh3ted Mishime, and he went to _great lengths ttl learn 111\ he c0~1l:l.a.hounheritu3l Although-tIllable to duplicMt: the prbCe$gj he le;_trned enough to-imagine itpossible to repreduce the effect. H0 eornrmssioned a trio of his assistants to sttldy the ll'ngth and produce similar :r!lS1.Ii_M. UllfortunatelYJ lb.!!. ·'assistants pi acedmyre emphasis Oil Koku] in's methods than his rituals. They rotrured vlctinrs a t'!m-:gtb, believing thsr their suffering a nd death wDu:d awaken the spirit>. with in I:he used to COll'rmit these atrocities.

Mishime was angered by llis, apprennces' iairml results, but on taking .. ' deeper look, be found sorner lung uucresnng, The crude rnaho -rJt([als combined with the inrensesuffertng hJ1cl beg1111 rcawaker, the spirit within [he Items, More aCClI' ra lcly, u had begun tQ replace [he ka11\i dwe lling wirhin the:Pi wLrh bnsen who had beell~\tt[ the pair), Although he h~d already disCiplined hisapprelll.ices fCit' [bei r "filii ~I re, 1<tjshi nil' nrderi:d d1em to Co.ntilltlc their rest'ateh.

m they~ars sint-e irs crealion~ [he Bloodworks, whicrh be;lfs ~n eene-resemblance to the Kaill. Forge, has steddily produced a sma!.l nlimbet0fspiriTlIHlly awakened item~ [0- use by rJlot Chud? These. items. ;lre lnvat::.ably 5illi5t;I"TJ )'rith ,j)OWel'~ ihaJ wo\dt.l re.suh In I'hei.r insl'Pit desrruc['i,onin Rokugan. Mishime ],3S been greaTly p.Jeased with the ['cstll'l .as was his n):aster Daigots1.l before hi, e}(ilc, TllC:hjbo.1i' has pt(Jv(;"I1 rnme clifficul t til impre~s,hitllSe\J bavin.g !l tceme.ndO}iS gift. for enning n~mumn8i. As a resdt,. {he BiODdworks have E11!iln s ligbtly (Jut-oJ faV()l- v{i {_h Mishi me mid the o:h,ilr' [ul Lng e,llll.¢la, but thE!l'e is·littll! ciaqg!!F.of IO.-ing their \I.; SD IOilg<ts tbl's c()ntinue rp ptoduce re$Ultll,

Cl-tV[7A AI{O:;tOV

[Shugenja 10; Chuda Shugenja 31

.Akorou was on e of M ishimes earliesr pu pi Is, ;1 ronln s hugenja 8 ngry and FrllsU;li'eci at ihc cold reception he consta ndy received in rhe Empire, Mishime sensed rhe enormity of his Taw ~JlI bi lion !mJ 'promised him the power and p,reStigC' he lnnge d Ior, AkQrOll suld his soul fa darkness without hes itarron or regr<'.l, and now he com rnands power such as he never irnagined

whitt> not n P<l11 icularlv powerful shugenja, his llfeas a renin has left Akorou wi I b a ruthless 'tense or self-preserve tinn. He has Iqy~lly served Mishrme langel' [han most, and hi" ~eniariT}' combines with Iris tendency [0 destroy potentia] threats to keep him in power. H~ wu among the thre e 9Fpret1- [ices: that Iounded the Blcodwurks, and is rhe OJ11V 1)111" 'til] llvlng, Akorou IS comfortable wuh hts position and 11:IS LIttle des ire to move upward, as bit fed' his present sirua I ion is the best he eao manage wi Llimll E!lluog unncccprab] ... risks:


Challenge; A rantocreaied in the Bloodworks comes inlo the possession ot ,I courrier ;l~wnJl11g Ihe characters' lord'S court. The hapless victim acts erratically Em 'weeks before

uccumbing to madness and going on a bloodrhirsry rampage.

Many are <Jam before the courtier .:sc."!pes into rhe wilderness, and rhe lord stands to IQ~e much [rnnnr li he Clll1Jl01 bring [he murderer of his gHf~SIS 10 j1.1S11Ce,

Fccus: The chsrncters are ordered. to bdng the mad m;UJ [Q jus lice, no marter the C(,Sl. II is d_iJ:Tic ult io tollow 11 i Ill, but the trail of bodies he leaves he lund Is clear enough" Aft"r a. few days, il becomes evident chal the man is

fleeil1g IGfWar(1 (hI! Sha.iowlands ;ll an incredible speed.

Strike: T[w couruer IS one of many recipients of iI Bloodworks hem. carefully placed rhroughour the Empire by the Chuda as an eA1Je.rim<'111 in chaos, The gpal i~ to sow iliscord among tile;' court, IIr Rokugan and, If possible, ITt tm:e rnagisrrates

into Churla lands SlJ rhat they m Igh, b.;-t:uni,~ subject ft1T the family'$ terrible I'; tun Is ! I is, afler 1l.11,

quire diffi{:"u II lU locare

stnm~" pUl'.e subjects so de<·'P in the Shadewlands,

l'ossessicms (11m the ch U nor consider directly lrnporta rI I [0 their agertda are rarely alIorde.J arrcntion. Those I.ilal I bel' do deign to call their own 'lire tYP,cally' uecjJ~sary Ior "0111<' resource Qr ~Il1QLheT, ami arc over 'ceo by one or two shugenja.


Of' TH.5: 5;:~i'£n T

Near rhe-Tsunos territory is a gre;ll ourcroppi ng of crystal rhm resernblesa serpents rangs,T[wTee.1:h are in a secluded vullev f~r fTQm prying eyes, else rhey wcu ld .[ I ke J.y have been Jc.!itroyeJ k!ng ago, given that crystal tends ro have il pamlul dfe'!::t an COITllP crea I'll res, The eh ucla discovered l'ht:

Teeth a short 'while ago and have been stLldying the crystal discreetly. Mishirne is not concerned [hat his family wilt be susceptible to its eili:ctSt blll he deeply mistrusts rhe Sharlow Dragon and its J.e\7iom Gajl! and Ninube mini 115. He h3S ordered extensive study of the Teeth Ul case they can be used as weapons against the Dragon" should that be necessary.

The Chudalaboratrrry at rhe Teeth of the. Serpent is II testarneru to .Mlshime's overwhelrmng paranoia The few vassals who serve there are eilheL' those he feels be can trust ((lr at

least anticipate), or those who are being closely supervised by rlll)st' he does. Many Ch uda at rhe Teeth of the Serpent wonder: if they are rna ki ng it possibl to move against the Shadow Dragon one dny, are then! other Chuda poised to attack orhcr shfluowl;i 11 ds minions? A ad are there those among rhe other factions poised ro d!!scroy the Chuda when the time tomes?

A[JLI~rt TV~=: HOOK.

Challenge: For cne reason Of another, the characters' lorJ suddenly Heeds 3 10[ of crysral. Perhaps a Coju assassin is plaguing his court, or dw peasants have been overcome with superstition, unJ~e daimyo has become ccnvinced he is tinder surveillance by the minions or Darkness. Regardless, he has ,, the-archives for any-trace of 11 crystal outcropping and fqlUld only one: the H irmno annals rnake vague fl,ferenc:e to a huge deposit ,)fpu.reand potent crystal Jeep wirlitn [he Shadowlands.

Focus: The characters arc selected [0 rerrieve [hiS exquisite treasure, and thelr lord outfits them, with every;tbing they need, including precious jade. The Hiruma are disgusted by the expense for what seems Iike a frivolous mission, but accompany rhe characters in hopes of gaining valuable informarion on Iheir enemies among t:b~\ Shadowlands, The trip to the Teeth of Lhr Serpent is fraught with peril, and the party could easily spend weeks battling their way through a sea of deadly opponents.

Str ilce: The prinl(Jry diffie'olIY of this adventure is in thejourney Upon lmiving ~t the Teelh o[ lhl' Serpent, the charactel's could discover Iha! the Shadow Dragon ami his minions are in rhe process of dismanrling the Chuda operation in the most violent tnea ns possible. I.FY011 prefer a more sinister Outcome, the characters' lord iI, in league with the. Chnda, and sent them not only [0 provide fresh, trong test subjects, but also to erase knowledge of the Teeth of the erpents existence and. discourage anyIrom. ~eeki11g rhern OUt in the furure,


eHU" A 1i\15H 11i\5,


No une In Ule' Phoenix lands ever suspected [h quiet and unassuming Asako Mishirne capable of treachery, much less of the ~taggi.' hlaspl1emy rhat h,15 defined. his life. Like ruany Chuda unaware of their heritage, Mishirne was isalated &om other Phoenix during hls childhood, forang him to be both extremely loyal and dependant upon lus parents, \'Qhen his mother died dul"ing his yourh, he carne to rely on his f;lthe~ Shortly after his gernpu.kkuJ Mlshimes father-took him aside and revealed their fumily secret: 1 hey were- rue Chuda family's spiritual heirs. practitioners of the most arcane black ans,

M tshrme was shucked, but also fascinarcd. His loyalty to big father was overwhelming, and be accepted his Iate cautiously, eage r to see w ha t rn ysterious new wonde 1:S Ten kazu would in [rucruce. Hi~ first kSSOIl was to conceal the co rruprion [h,1 t his IU{W c W(1 LI ill in t'vl til bly CalIS(\. _r;·LlI]:UI\.ate ly For Mi.'in ti.l1e,

this was the one area in whtch his father excelled. Mishime learned to wrap himself in an aurr of purity [hat no Inquisitor could penetrate.

Years passed. as MLsbime practiced his dark craft in ecrcr.

Ironically, his reclusive and herrnitic lifestyle gainlld hi m 8 reputation fQr pie!'y, Mishirne practiced his art's in serret, in wa rilly C\-1 l"si I1g' the farp:c he ac:q;ued despite his best (ifFbrt:;- t~1 [he corn rary He became determined to find a Way 10 a-b:mdoJl 'me fools whose name he shared. and spent years d eceivin g aU around him uutil he was awarded rhc title of Asako Inquisitor, a Iiunrer of evil ;) rid desrroyer of corruption,

Mishirne's final ass~g'l1ment as ;HI Asako Lnquistror was perhaps the deadliest and most difficult task aIlY Inquisitor ever faced .. He attempted to lnfihrare the City ()f the Lost and discover O1O);e informat [011 nbou [ Daigorsu .and his ngt'mh Mishirne regarded this :IS a unique opporr unil)" and rook to it with relish. The plan failed) however, as both his attempts at 1. deceir and the. spells th a I protected him from the Shadow hUl cis r,dlt'a. Cnnfronre d wid1.. certaln dea thl Mishirrre l:9U ii ren;d with an offer rhar intrigued Daigorsu. Mishime would swear loyalty to Daigotsu il' only be could be given leave [0 openly study rbe arts he had practiced to secret his entire life. CUt10US and wirh llrtle to lose, Daigotsu agreed,

For a short time, Mishime lived a double life, In rhe Sh,ldow, lands, he Was Chuda Mishime. the self-declared heir ro the Snake Clan's lost leg:lcy. 111. Rckugan, he remained Asako Mishime, a quiet Inquisitor starred by the horrors he wi I nessei] ill the Shadowlands, Mishtme's continued presence in Rokuga» bad 11 purpose: wlien Daigotsu Iaunched his attack Oil Otosan Uehi, was [here tQ eake advnntage cfu, A ,;onringenj or Seppun were in the ciry to present a riemuranai to. a Phoenlx representative for safe-keeping: the sword thar had ended the rnorral Ilfe of Ha nte: XVl, the Steel Chrysanthem urn, Mishlme artacked arul killed them) bwt rhe sword passed to the Phoenix in spite of his ~ffurts.

Months later. Mishi me succeeded ill wl'esiin.g rhc blaue [rom the Phoenix through simple deception - bur the theft brought Mishirne into contlie! with Reikado, rhe tIiRI1 whu hadplagued his father years ago. Vlcrorious, Mislrime brought the. blade and presented it to D~igorsl1, ~lsbl1g01~Y rha [ 11 e- be allowed to use the blade to ;VCe31.' others to' the Chuda, the recreated famiTy rhar V\~O,ll'J serve 1'111" Dark Son under Mi;;hhne's direction, Daigcrsu readily agreed,

with the prospect or recrean ng rheCh ucla before him, Mishime finally abandoned the shallow, meaningless !lEe he had led in Rbkllgan.He commirred him .ellfullv to aiding Daigorsu in creating a new Empire. He did not aJI~w his zeal to cloud his jud'gIllent, however, and was extremely selective in hls choice of who would join the Chuda, Only rhe finest,

bngln es: 11)'IIHl-rwlwi were worthy to bear the name of hls If

ancestors, and in the six yeats since [he Family W~ created, ' he hars O~llY accepted H few dozen members into his powerful [, ~

new 'aml \~ h

J il"

Mishi1l'le.'s agenda has changed somewlmt with Iucli ibans

rerum, Despite his perceived loyalty to Daigorsu, M i~h i me ~tt •.. ' considers Iuchiban a kindred spirit. Like Iuchibs 11, Mishfrne

has no faith in Ell I.e11g. HI' places his faith cnlv in what power

he can control, <1 lid Iuchtban controls more power than snycne Mishirne has ever met.

CHVUA Ii\ ISH I Ii\£J CHVUA f'AmlJ.Y I7AIIi\YO Mare human Chuda, Shu6/Isu8: CR 14; Mediu1lHI:«' humanoid (hufnanj; HD "c1r. -t- 12 and SdB + i 6 (h P S'B I~ In] t: +h (+2 Dex, ++ Improved Iniriarivef Spd .. 3!) fi":; AC 14 (i'2';lrm.cJT,





-+2 Dcx;; Atk f.13 melee (1d4-t 4, +3 tar1t!! of splill-,l<mtlgJ, SQ ClassSkill - Knowledge (Maho) (family bonus), Elemental Pocus, Sense Blemenrs.Taim Supprcssicrr Blood Conversion, SpellCcnveraicu (has converted all spell levels ro b<G [,0), Maim Meramagic; Honor Oi"LLE: SVFono;-12. Ref 8. will. +14~ Str12, Dex L5, Con L4, Irrt: 1.9, Wis 20, Gh~ 16; Taint. 4"'7, H l~: 5 ItA; in.

Sl:flh ~f1,j Fr.a!>;Speak Language (Rokugani, High Rokugani, _BakemOI1O. Orii), Alchemy +21, Corrcentrattcn 19, Craft (tanto) -'13, Diplomacy +12. Knowledge (mahb) -+-21. Knowledg~ (Bhoi;mi. x Clan)+1(" Knowle.dge\Shadowlaods) +2l, SiTY +211 Spellcr:aft +1~, Craft WondJ!olis Item, Ridden threat [Ancestor Chuda Tenkazu], improved Initiative, Maho .Focns, Scribe Scroll, Teughcess.

Pr»Sc5.lll!m ofNuj-rx 1"3 tallto of ~flell ~tDnng, ntl11'riri P{' nrfiu)111 <1·YIt!OY:I-1. hao!'! of l'emirmc:e .2.

Spd.ld(ri6Wn (S/S/4/4/4/3/2); B1l5l' DC I)' + spclilewl, Ell'jllt:lllaJF()CH.f- E(])1h, ClrlJ.d-n Srho,ol: 1 st - II'W!, mbn1'~ 11ri;'lJlt, doM-n. 111 (ltr! Ugh! 1\'0 rmds" my 0(' cllftehl~'ment; 2nd - clllrlmcs;, dt'uih kllell, infl,d I1IG~eml'~ WOIl1'!ck 1:11$ o.f Iha load" SUlrlm0f1 st\!<lnl'l; 3rd - 't}lj'/H(lJ~ dead, Wlllffgum, !Ioison, 1I1'lnll'I!lC touch; 4fh- dou_d of I'a,in!, 'inflie! crlticill fIIoutU!s. phnlllmmal IllIIer, polymorph self, 5th -1110011 01' In'~, dowlkitL 'lighrllil1te, ;/l1.y lllling;

srh -IJ ~'d(' of death, m'aie 1/,I1..II!1Hl, lIanrr; _ld\' - w)ilm1 tl]1;d.lwd, fitlgrr of J~'llk

CHVD'A JilISHlln£. CHVtJ A f' AIi\IL.Y 17AIIi\.YO

Earth: 4

Fire; 3 Intelligence: 5 Watelt: 3

Perception: 4

Air: 5

Void: 3

Tarnt:.4.2 Sc.hool/Rank: eh uda

Shugenja 5 Honor: 0.1 Glory: 5-7

Advantages; Ancestor (Chtlda Tenkazu), Grear .Desrlnv Disadvantages; Benrens Curse, Driven, Obllgadon, Sworn Enemy (Reikado)

skills: C~Jl_igraphy ~, C:hjsllij\lr~11 1, Etiquette 3, Heraldry 4, .E:l:isl'l):ry 5, Inves-

tigarion 4, Lore (Maho) b,io:te (Sliadowlands) 5, Poison 3. Srrintao 3, Sincerity 5, Spell Research 6, Steal~b 4. Tanrojutsu 4, Theology 3, Torrure 3

Spells: As head of arnaho-wreldlng family, Mishime has access to perhaps' the iargesr library of blood ruagic spells in eldshm(' .... (;;ivf'n Tb", h~ ~l .. o has a Vlrtllullytmlimjted. supply of blood , Mishime can cast any maho spell, including many previously unknown spells rhat simulate elementnl effects. Mishirne may also cas. elemental spells. parucularly Earth spells, as the GM deems approptiate.

SHAHAI. t7A'ru( DAV<SHTE~ Of" f'U J.£n(j

Yo ungost chilJ or the Iuch] fa n,ily da irnvo, I uchi Shahai wanted [or little. She was 11.1c11,1 Daiyus onlv-daughter, and bore such-a striking resemblance-to her lale mother rhut Daiyu CQ uld r~fu:;e.J1er m:rrhi ng, J r WJ5 not long <tfte.r her geinpukkn that her rbough IS "Ill rned !O subjects normallv forbidden, as spoiled, bored yotm,g peoples mind, often do. So :It First, it was ncrhing more than morbid.curiosity that led Shaha! ro investlgate rnaho,

I[ W115 ill a small COP$C of ttees near Shiro luchi known as rhe Forest Qf th!" Dreamers [hal Sh-ahai's lLfe changed forever; The [orest was fnrhiddrm, but it; was not diffituh for Shaha] to g~in_ entry Once within, she marveled at .rhl' twisted' treesthat fiupP9sedly~erv(~d ;)S, horne to evil dream spirits, and wondered at the deaths caused by rhose spirits centuries berorl~. And then shediscevered a sn:ang~ white stone burled ill th e dir t, with only 3 small portion showing, OVercome wirh a strange curiosity, Shaha! attempted ;0 u nearth r be stone.

lt \:\'31>' no stone, but a human skull-and not )t\);[ any skull, bu I une lh;1I spoke ~(j Shaha] ia whlspers only she could hear.

A ~1<u11 thai called ilsclfHgrandbrher:," and rrn-rnjsl'li to l'l;'.er.h her ser re t s. Shali.~i b€gml u descent i nto darkness that would shame not Oldy her f,nher, bm her

entire' family. She spen r ehe yearsfollowing the Clan War embroiled .11 plots to destroy .her fa_l11lly, galniJlg

allies among- t he Blcodspeakers with "grandfather's" he1p. Eve nrually, her plots bec.all1(, too g(~lldi,ose

1'0 conceal, al)d she WiIS revealed asa malm-lm/m,1 and 3 murderess. Her own Ja ther ordered, her execution. hur she escaped 'and hiJ llli.tillhe Bartle 11 Obllvions Gate,

The years f(}l~owing the Darkness's defeat were relarively 'I-lIie! 'Ones. Shahai could nor return to ihe Unicorn lands, but it was an easy matter to disappeat in [0 the Braplre-wide network of Blocdspeuker cells. Her considerable power made it a simple matter fsr her :<.1 goil) influence and presdgc an'()llg rh c

culr.and $OOIi ~h~ was given vlrtu,rll), unlimited -~CCMS ttl :he spells and rituals mai nrained by every cell sh ... visited. Slrahui'spower grew by leaps and bounds. Among her most interesting discoveries was a ma-n called Daigorsu, rumored to be rhe product bf a bizarre Bloodspeaker experiment and an exrraordlnarily powerful nmho-tsl·llmf. Tbe 'twa were insrani.y ~tI1:acred ro one another; bur DliigQtS'l di~'lPFC;JJ'cd bcforc rhcir relanonship ut'velo';)ed_ .Morirhs atrer UaitgotS1.!'S disappearance.Jeaclers among the Bloodspeakers requested lbat sbab"i ant.! him. Curious [or bee: own reasons, she readily complied.

Shahai's search took her deep mro the Shadowlands, powerful spells and Ill!' presence ~1f"gralldfather" keeping her ~ll£e from marauding beasrs, There, she encountered H11' arrogant creature callel the. Dark Daughter ofFu Ieng, who "led her tel a mysterio as City. Shahai W,(i5 shocked to d iscover the dty hild been constructed by a1;1 arrrry of Lost samurai I('A by Daigotsu, Daigorsu invued Shahai ro jo-in hi 111; she accepted by slaying .rhe Dark Daughter wi til a' powerful rUusJ ~I"lJ a,SIIDl ing her place i nt hl:' Shadowlands hlerarc hy.

The new Da rk D3;:Jgh rer actively aideJ Daigorsus war effort.

She assisted in rhesieges of che Grear Carpenter Wan and Orosan Uch], and she personallyfough-r the Sword. Toturi Isudao, i'n rhe depths of Shinornen Mori, Shahai artdher p"wn, (he corrupted ronin Mlrumoro juunosuke, were supposedly slain in that confrontation, bur the Empire soonlearned it iN all but imJlossible to kL! the Dad, Daughter llfFu Leng,

~ince Daigorsus ceath at Tsndao's hands; Shahai has worked rirele~sly ro restore \is full power. Sl1.:~ IVa;; personally respon,ibk [or locating th;e Tomb of Iuchfban and putting into rtiotion the series elf events tha r Jed to his: release, hoping thar he would beable maid in Dalgorsu's restoraricn. Iuchiban proved. fill: less gHltefl.d than she had lmagined. arid her lord lind master arracke d and l1(,1 hroned 1,er lover before she realized what was happening,

Shalrai now sirs in a precarious posklon. She is ostensibly :J.lW of Luch ibnn's most favoted advisors, yet 11('1" hearr srill yearns fur her to go ttl Daigotsus side-and aid. him In recoverrng what she be licves tU-_igh tty his, (l,l the de pths of her twisted, corrupted heart, she feels the stirr ing« of affection that Jefr alllust for ambi non an d power, thepreceprs "She .has revered. above all ,e:se f9r years. Is It pos.~j,~lt·, she wonders, l()r [he Dark Daughter ro knowlove?


Shahai is listed as a student of the Chuda shugenja school. Although she has never studied with the Chuda, her style of magic is very similar to theirs in that it foc,uscs OIl maho. This, together with the fact that she often associates with the Chuda, is the reason for ber inclusion in this chapter.

-SHA.HAI. !7A~ !7AVG"'T:::~ DF FV L::nCi Femalehuman 'Unicorn Shu7/l"'su11: CR 18; Medium-Size humanoid (human); HI:> 7d6 + 2i plus 8d8 24 (hp 123):

Init +2; Spd 30 fL; l'._C 22 (touch 1:3. tlat·fomecl19); Atk +9/+4 melee ud.4-t-1,-+L ran to of woundmg); :QClass ski1L-Spellcrafr (family bonus), Sense Elements, Suppress Taint, Blood Conversion. Spell onversion (has converted all spell levels to Mahn), Mnho Metamagic; Honor (J; Al CEj.sV Fort t'-:O, Refi'7, will +l i, Str 9, Dex 15, C01117; In! 1,5, Wis '11, Cha ~S; Taint +6; Heighr S fr, 5 in.

Dink D<11lgl1 Icr Qlud.lti~s: Shahll_t possesses rhe fbnowing supernatural abillries,

Alw~el"h [; Shab~i is considered to have all the, abilities Gonferretl by rhe akutenshi template [oun d i n OTJimt~t Advm!ures;" \>.iith rhe exception ofshapeshifi.

.Drt_rk Presenc,;; Any creature possessing either .the Shadowlands subtype or any amo.unt ofS-hil::lowlan(L~laim rnusr succeed .ar a \'iVllls~v(" (DC30) before 6ey can attack Shahai, Those, who fail <Ire unable ro .inltlare an attack against her, al L!wugl, they may defend rhemse.lves l1onn:a1ly

Damage l\(})ls1aJlff.: Shallai possesses DR25/+3_

M()/'w Folilj Ity: All rn aho spells cast by 5h a ha i are considered to have been Empowered. ! f she chooses to Empower a ~pell. rhe benefits are doubled.

s~,ills m,IJ Feflts: Speak UhgU.lg" (Rokuganl, High R.okugani, Orti), BluiE +10, Concentration +18, He,ll +t3, Hide +9, IIinuenciaH, Knowledge (b..1adowbncls) ;.-11, Knowletlge (Maho) +23, Kl1owle.dge(Arcan<1) H~l . Spe llcrafr ,I'L", Torture +13i B-)i_'od Stjr.-:eL~-t (ancestor), Craft WonJwu!;T'rem. Extend Spell, lllTI;n:eA\:>illty(spctl1, wirh dead, dispel magic; sby Jiving), 1Y1.abo Focus, MaximIze Spell, Meishodo, Rirual Magic,

Speirs Knot-VII (018/ 13(7-/7!717/6/6/4);"Ba~c DC 21·l· sp.r.1I1rvel; _EL~mw!1l1 :0(115- W't1tel~ ft.r.hi SelIOQ1.; ,,11 spells me wnml~ted mIT/I": (l- c:omnllW'C, '-rtatr waterl WI',' minor urowuls, dtHG, dded mllgICc,_Pllri.f.1' foud lTnd dYll1kj r~<HL ttH!_g!CI_ltmH1lOn.j lst-[,!o"d rue. nll"~ light wounds. detert tti-t11/'. )1l1110-1'i!- fear. rise ,Jgatn!, 511f'lli il'l"<lg~: 2nd- i~i'l'~ 111QdarILte wowHl), detefit t-~IG1-lghrs, pnitfctiMl from ,1ryOHiS, rerrl-Ollc paralYSIS( 3td ~ mlltl: filOli LH1J Wtll~r"dISrd )r!l'lgIC, ~pfak wiJI'1 deali, wamJnfld nY"rgLHIl.! {l.mshir:rj 41h - .u'I.'lnC (',0, GIDlUI (lflw.,11. /J-r"n.rt nprel'; jlQIVIJl.OYf,11 other:: 5th - nwgtt _i~n; Ilrgi1t--11-11n:~f.da)' I I 1!11l g, lill,iwllowj 6th - r.m:lr- of death, <rca re J.l1!afwd, forbldda1H:(:, IHfrm; 7th - bIa,plwII1Y, wntl"j]ll~r!d~ad, j'i,ngt'I' of dmHI, il'HflllitY;8th- m:al,r gr~r:ltn Ilm!wd, pla'1li1r hwau1g, syt>lbo/,; 9th- weird, Sllmthol1 lrlomta 1.-'1.

POHcs,itl'lS [If .Nnte: ring llfwWH"dry fl, braaJds ~f anno)' ·6, +2 fllIjto of rvql4lli.{hlg, maule! Df1utltlmll1t1.]'IOI'+2, nng ()fpyotc'tiOIl +2, JTII'f,/rLlt/(): mll:\'HII1,,''-/ ([rnlli of/,tl'll. rl(il'mied l'f"ntedrrmfi"IH11ill-rmV$, INflX/1111Zerl wn"_lnrdcmtel.IWUnds. extmdcd

SHI-\HAI, 1JT.l:j{J{ "Il..UGHT~~ OF FU L=:nG Earth: 4

Willpower. 7

Ere: 6

Wate.r: <;-

Perception; R Ai,; 6

Void: 3

Taint: 5.S

School/Rank: rue-hi Shugenju 3, Chuda ShLtge.nJJ 'i Honor: O,~

Glory: 6,,,"

Advantages: D,Ir.k- De u.\I"hrer I ~el' IlI'oprr!w5 bflll1w), In na re Ahjllty (nrmlt':Ii'>llS'

Di~nd vantages: ohl iga tion m, I uchiban and the Bloodspeak'r's)1 Sworn Enemy (Kunl Kl},oshlj, True love :DB[gOt~lI.)

slriIls: Calllgraphv 4-, Defense <.Herbahsm ,~, Horsemanshtp 4.

Hunting 3.lJlrlm~datioll n, Lor (MaliQll1 Lore rShadowland) 7. .Manipulation 4, .Medirntion 4. Poison 3, Sed,Ktian 5. Shin tao 3, Sincerity" Spell Research 7, Tantojutsu 4

Spells: !'ilah;)i has access 10 all maho rpell , plus n large number ofhc[ own devising. sbt'" also has access to al! Water spells. She knows other elemental spell, as the CM sees HI.

Special: Shahai possesses [he to llowing qua li ties as a result of bl>] ng j hot· c urre.nt O~ rk Dallgh j "F or Fu Leng.

Akutenshi: The Dark Daughter of 80 Leng is considered TO be an akutenshi, a fallen -.Jllgd orFu Leng, Shah;ji may be considered ru possess allY six: i'lflhe aktltrnlhf l1bll!ti~<:found L"L Bearers of Jade ·3t ;m.y one nrne. She may change these abll ties by perfO'rniing a rwo-hour rirual.

Carapace: Shahai POSSC5$eS Carapace f.

Dark Presence: No creature possessing the sh:lcluwlahds subtype may attack or harm bab:1I ill any way unless she specifically commands them to do so.

Maho Potency, 1\11 rrrahu spells Cast by Shahai autemancally gain [breI' :Free Raises,


Like the .Bl~)()(lspeakers YVith whom I hey have often (ound sancturrv over rhe centunes, the Chuda have mastered severai blasphemous-arts that the shugenJa uf Rokugan barely understand, Their ritual." cau infase 1iJ.cous, creations with vitality, cre;lLing .~lrnl1g(' new monsrro hies -hal' sacrifice thebe short, false. lives to fl'lrther th·" Chmla'l'·sinb.t<':lllllt;J.ests, Although many sucb ~11!i.[ies are unique. varying Irorn rlrual 1.(\ riruolJ" smaILJ1~nJt'trl of servitors have proved useful enough forth.: [mnily to <umm!t their rrearion tiles' to mCIT.crry,

TH~ 1i\AHO .. BO~n

Among the mosrinsidious Snake Clan practices was [he kidnapping of children 1:0 perform their experiments. Silent assassins ranged hundreds bf miles (rom Shrro 'Chudu 10 Ste3.1 injants in tho: dead of night, oFten bu Piling a.OWll houses und killing entire families to conceal their crimes. These doomed youths were. subjected. to horrors I hal cannot be Imagined, and few survived 1:he [mIl rituals. \'.;'hatr=ver g'Qal I he- Snake shugenja hoped to achieve is unknown, for their clan was destroyed before thetr pracrices bore fruit,

T1t, centuries si nee tht' Five Nigh,s of Shume have seen dozen of generarions of m'''!'T!F(Ht!lil1 working in secre; to revi se 3Jl J Further T hese experimeri ts, a 1 tho ugh use €If live subjects htl$ been qu ire limH~·d,PrQg[ess was limited, although occasionally a hugenja of great skflJmade major advances. Chudr Mishirne has drJIllJrlcallv improved ·upon rh", work of his predecessors: developing a' process through which ;;_ ~ubj~t.t can be permanently infp~{'d \>tifl, rIle power ofrnaho.They receive sinister mystical abilities.even [hough. lh<\y rnavnever command karm or kansen a, a shugen]a.

The mosr potent :i6iliri~sPQ;;sessed by th-c maho-botn requirethat rhe ntuals be. conducted upon inIal1t" al1ql>l'ing rhe power ~0 grow and blossom ,15 the Individual matures. Obviously, this takes a great amount of time and devotion, and rhl' Gh udas experiments haw 110 r yet yiHdeJ II harvest of aduh.rnaho-born Taised [rum infuncy, -(hert' are a dozen young (hUdn·n. all between the ages or ami ten yearsof age, who-dwell within the innerrnost cliambers of Kyuden Shiro, These are tin' m isr potent maim-born, Mishimespersonal creario ns. Wh;H powers. they ~11li 11 command upon reaching m3r~it'i' no one.can say, burru mors i!1110ng the Lost hold that rhe children ahead>, possess power like that of the most potent ll'lIIh~-I;lj"~"

\X7bile rhe true maho-born have no" yer reached marurhv, m~nY':l(:1111[s have undergone tht'..Ch~daJs rituals and no~ serve lbe family with terrible powers, Mishime eonducred his lnirlal experiments on unwilling subjects, bur afte!" an ircldent when subject gained suffrcre nr power to pOSO" a threat, lit, restricted his attempts [0 power-hungry Lost volunreers

Other Lost regard the maho-borri wirh.s 1111X of trepidation and admiration. 'rhej,)" mange abilities arid rypic,llly elitist arrirude tend TC1 inspire distrust and hostility amorrg'TI1a:1Y, birr at the same rime their mystical powers, unique even among the 'Ia int-ernpowered Shadowlaruls armies, C3 u~t' them to bt' regardedalmosras holy warriors,

The eX:ICL .rttuals used to reate a maho-born ure known only TO ~ h.andflll cfChuda, but t hey invclvehcavy 11 Ltl3J scarring and' rhe bi.ndlng of a kansen into [-'hl' su bjecr's living blood, uniring the two entlries trndl one dies, Som~' rnahobQi"Jl nll1J\i.fesl tllelt nbi liries instantly upon receiving tile ruual, wh ile others take years 1O fuLly develop thf'it' I rue potential.

TH£ mAHO ... BO:;'{n "0.]"0

Themaho-born re nd to keep to thumselves, The Chtula, seeing "['he benefit, of sequestering rheirminicns from ourskle influences, hav\' prtwid"d rh"l with a Jo,io und f~cilil'ies .m the ourskirrs of KY11l!Cl1 Chuda, Here, the mahc-born practice martial urts i 11 p-rivate, ,leveLoping ir \LD ique abj lit ies. Indeed, rhe maho-oorri aresimilar to marry samurai famlbs In [hilt their llves consist exclusiwly ofmarrial exercise, and service rothetr lords, the Chuda,

TH~ mAI-fO"''fJO~n

Current Darmyo: Nunc The maho-born are universally sworn to serve he Chuda, and have 110 leader of lheil" own, Favored class: Pighter

Starting Honor: [;]

Class Skill: Innrnidation

StarringOnrfir: Masrerwork 1"cTsubo and ;lshig"fn armor

TH~ Ii\AttO-Bo~n Benefit: + I Strength.

TH-~ 17£5ICCAT£'"

The desLct:Hed, are e paTt icular type _llb! ndead rha: carne "hCllltpllrely :IS a bY-T'TOuucr of Chuda blood-gathering rituals in the mfamcus £'idd of J3]0(.) d. l.n the F:dd, the Chuda slowly drain, vr!;.ti UlS of all their blood over :i period of days, a [tracing evil spirits wuh their horrendous suffering. While rhesc benefits alone would surely have been enough to ~ati.sfy rh.e sadistic Clrucla, it was discovered shortly aftenvads [hal the lined, [uinell h usks uf victims ofren became vesse Is ~>f excepnonal quality for rho many kansen summoned by pal.l and agony.

The. Desiccated, 25 these undead became known, are dUIf;reru (mm many farms l,f undead In the ShildbW1anJs because the' retain a semblance of inrelllgence. The spirits .thal' POEsess the bodies. can access vague memories [rom the husk's fanner life, and-can understand those who speak to them, el though th!!y' arc unable- 10 co.mrnun icare In return (all attempts at speech produce dry, rasping sounds that orren result inc lends elf ausnmd: dead flesh burst] ng forth frotn the ruined threat).

Aithmlgh crude a ad hostile, the desiccated are nor SFt] piJ. rhe)' have e't;~b!i.~b~d·~ I'Qugh p¢ttmg order, and wh11t' they nil (edsome measure of anger toward the Chuda a~ a result of I heir hosts' [arenr memories, they S(tl"VC the family of rheir own t'ree will) knowing that Theil' service will be rewarded . In man,! W:a,'S; these warped beings' 'very exisrencealiows the kanscn who occupy them the· QFPOmmity to experience life :1lIlt'!1g tlie p11ys1r.111 real In in a way-never previously.hnagined. Thev gain the abilities conferred by a physico [ bodYi "long with rh e Ll!ffiwLlicsa$socill:ted wirlr uncout rollable en:x.oli(lL1~ ,.li,d fru~nating-pal'tial memories.


Wlrh rwisred Chuda humor, the brge f:lci.lity crcared for the j·<tsic.cJ,red was builtand named III Ihemaiu1~r ofa b'1? bouse. The corpses tilkenfrom the Held ot Blond 3.[0' left here, \1,\laJJ y in a small em ptY .j"OCiil'l on the- second Boor. The Chuda secu rethese rooms well.for a newly awakened desiecaced typica lIy experiences d isorie,o lation thar rna n ifesrs in ra,g~. This does not las: 1tm.g,. ftmuliatcly,~Uld afterwards the new undead is troe ro join irs brethren. Wbfll' a-ctil1i.ties lho:se monsrrosiries conduct within their 'Pdvate abode, none .nU'1 s~y for certain.


The hasit: precept of 111:iliO is th,tJ: blood can UL) leash terrible power iC one knows the proper secrets, It is rumored (hat I'h~ Tribe ofIscwa kn~w these secrets; and tbesllitdowlands spirits known as k,mseIl will glcefull ywhtsper thcmi II rhe ea r of any wbel petition them, but the true. powt"r locked 'within living bleedcan only be TOuched upon wlrh 'common maho, Tilt> Chuda do )lOI. practice commonrnaho,

Clmda M.i~hime's absolute devctien to research has I.~dhlm to secrets rhat have enabled hhu to avoid rhecorruprion ~Q man 'I mal1o-lsuJw I sulTerc Be has a lso red iscovcred [org(~'t ten rituals that have. aidedhis :fl~,dgling family in consolidating their powe.r.

One of M fshime:S !l rs I successes W3S In developing ;l d rua] [1 a C uS.C'S U J1W.j'i 0 - twl~(l1', b 1 Q 0.0. to bilul 0 the r cteatu res. Although [6is has proven U il.slTCE"e5.s.fuJ with more powerful or lnrelhgent crearures, ihe Chuda have learned ro use. it to Lhei r advantage by 'employing smaller creaturesas scouts, spies, and even assassins Wh(~A possible. The ritual. involves rhe replacernenr "fblond ill a minor Creature, usually ,1 rat, large insect, ~)l' bird, with the 111~~)n-!>MI;'li'~ Hood. SU.dl ~1 rirua], anathema to most RaktlganL, provi'de$'.a peI'manellt· link b<:1:we:en rhe SQTcerer and beast, allowing them to channel their dad: power througb rhe.creature,

rea iures that undergo this ritual, referred to as blood lamiJiats, are Invariably transformed by it Birch appear [0 have "crimson flecks, like 11 splattering of blood, across their feathers .. Rats gain eerie red eyes and large, crimson stains 0lI their fur. Insects are larger, darker, and somehow exude a preternatural awareness'tbat belies their harmless appearance, TJli.S: makes the creatures more conspicuous, bUI sam urai rarely. notice such unimportant things as animals.

The nJa,].,o·tsuimi can focus en his blood contained within the familiar and LIse it LO perform minor rituals, The most common is a simple serving ritual rhar allows the creator: to see mwU'gh the familiar's eye.'i. This ~eemlngJ\-, 1l1JlOc.uOUS abiliry has allowed [he Chuda rowreak havcc ill Rokugun, for even me Kuni :l.1~J Asako cun overdock such a rntn r rnahu effect

Other abilities can be more sinister, The maho-15t,kal'S blood imbues the familiar witl: ihCl·lIigencefar beyond a DOtIDa] specimen, anti (he creator can send simple commands to his loyal companiou, These corn rnands 1D.:iy licit he particulatly complicated, but commands such a, "bring, me the scroll," "knock ove-r the candle." and even "put the poison in the water" are possible to those skilled lJ, the an. As a malro-tstilmi relines his control, he can command multiple creatures, which rna)' he larger and mom powe rfu I I han their mundane brothers.Rumors persist thattrue mssters ef this wretched art can even dominate the minds of weak-willed humans, nverriding their thoughts and creatiug pl!Ppel: minions that rhey can control from great distances. rf 1:11 is IS true, then the Chuda have access [0 perfect assassins that could penetrate v!~tually any defense the Empire mounts



The prod UCt ph long Iirie of secrecy ,1Ild loya tty, to o ne another jf no one else, the Chuda [ordMishime has e.1:10rmOOS reverence for hts ancestors. Those who have flocked to hIS banner, few of whom have any actus 1 blood relation- ro the homage-to rnosewho have gO'n\' before in hopes of gaining their favor and the power Lbal accnrnpanies it T1w spirits of bygone Chuda are rare a. nom' have passed on. 1O Yorni lind only a handftlJ am strong enough to retain their sense of self wbile drifting in the nothingness or jlgoku.


Barakun was a [our!h·.genemtion ['011ln Chuda, 3 descendant ~)r {he survivor of th(' mVf Nights of Shame, Unlike many or his line, Barakun was not hitter or vindtctive. He was conterir to conternplsre the deprh and complexity ~)fblood magic in a meditrrtive manner befimng a monk, He was a Il'I-aillHsuiwi, to be sur"r but approached It almost as an academic Interest. ironically, the least dangerous of all the Snake Clan shugenja to have existed in Rokugan si nee the great purge was also pernaps the- most active I)' h nnred,

Perhaps because of his unique philosophies, Barakun was net "as cautious as :many of his ancestors and descendants W()LLkl prove to be. He. was hunted by magistrates hts whole !tIe, and although he rarely committed any rrue crimes asule ftom practicing maho, he did ki II a great man)' magisrtutes who attacked him. Everitua lly, he chose ,HId trained an apprenrice purely because he feared I hal' the insigbtshe had discovered J urtng his lifetime would be exn ngu i shed u: he' were .killed .• lIe was eventually captured and executed, although his chosen student avenged his death.


~AnC£STO~ ,.£AT: CHUD'A BAv\I(Un7 Yow share your ancestor's gifl for pewerfu! maho ('[redS.

Benefit: You may add. your In relligence mod Ifier to all spell damage rolls.This only applies when USll1g your own blood to fuel a spe IJ.

CHVDA BA~AI{Vn (G l'om.rS)

You add your Insighr Rank to all damage rolh-d as [h,. resu]; gr a maho spell. This effect only applies jf Y"'U are uslng your own bloedio po\!..'(~r the spell. The blood of others does [10[ confer this bonus,


Chuda SmJuko lived during (he Snake Clado las! generution, ~nd was slain Juring the Five Niglw; of Shame a few weeks after her twenty-seventh birrhd<ty, 1L was clear from an .early Jlge. that Sinjuko w uld be;] woman of exceptional benuty, and she was ussiduously rcurted by dozens of suitors among the Chuda and the neighboring Drago 11 and Phoenix dans. Sinjukes passion was duty, however, and she never married. After her inducrion lnro the Chudas deepest level of secret-s, she b~!GUn!UI unique and dangerous assassin of all who threatened the Snake and rherr dark ways,

With h er already incredible beauty enhanced by her Tainted powers, Sinjukn would sseluce those who threatened the Snake-Clan, kllling them.Iu rheir sleep once their P~SSIQl1 \V3S spent; 011 other occastons, she would se d uce others throughout rhe Empire, Tili]1ting,rhcm and discreetly exposing t hem to the law's j ustice to draw I he attention of magisrrares aW8Y from the Snake's iudiscretlons,

"A~J( S5:AUT.Y

rAnC£STO~ f'::AT: CHV17A Sm.:rUKDl

Yom: corrupriori manifests as a sinister, seductive allure that other find almost rmposslble (0 resist,

Prerequisite: ~1\l1U5t possess the' Shadowlands Taint, Benefit: You may aJd your Taint modifier to the tesuhof any Charisma 01" Charisma-based skill roll used ro deceive or seduce others,

CHVt7A. 5InJ'"VI{O

(8 701l\TS)

Y(Itn Taint rpanifl'Stl. in \I .1:11'1-:1), allucing w:1)', drawing ethers to you with pure al tracuon and lust, \fOll may spend one Tainr pOIlU to gai.n s Free Rolise on allY Awareness rr-Il mtended I'n deceive or seduce another pers D. Olll,y one-Taint pnlnr mil}' bt' spent in 16..i5 manner per roll, U~jl1g Ihi, .abliit more than three ri me" pel' Jal' results in your g~ l)1l11g a dernngernent i sec War 1)[ til ~ sl'.,lIiIJLvlflwJs'" I.

CHUt7 A r5:ru{AZV

Chuda 'Ienkazn was, in many ways, the !nOSL successful Chuda heirsince the Snake Clan's brutal demise cenrucles hefore his birth, l'ehkaz]J was the son of a simple merchant, a man who appeared to be comm 0 FL 8 nd unassurni ng In virtually everv way. 11 was not untilTenkam reached gempukkn.agr that h~ learned his fathi!r was something ,h((erent Inducted into the Chuda 111 a dark ceremorry.Tenkazu was lost to corruption at age of i1fieen.

Tenkazu spent mas] nf his, ,tel u 1 elite ruasquerad lug ss a Mantis merchant, traveling all across rheEmpire 11,1 rile years prior tel the clan War, He learned many secrets with his dark arts, a nd -became 0 bsessed with reawakening the spirits of his d<,~ad predecessors, Fra m i ng his nell' es i , the moll] Re i:laulo, for murder, Tenkazu stole his blade and reunited the Snake clan daisho.

The 1111:r);o-lllIkfl.l rook the blades [0 the Falcon lands. where the border between 'Ningen-do and rI,e Spirit realmswas thin, There he enacted q ritual that opened a portal, allowing the evil 'pirit5 oElos! Snake samurai to reenter the world and possess ruortal hosts. Tenkazn's spirit army would surely have wrought horror upon rhe Empire had not Reikadc and' il band of magistrates dl tupte d the nruaI and dosed' the portal. 'Ienkazu was thought Jead after the battle.

He survived, dl0Ugh Ius spirit was broken, He no longer lusted for power, but hid among the Phoenix as lin Asako and bore a son, He taught his son Mishjme rhe Chuda techniques and plotted for hi In to succeed where Tenkazu had fuLled, a fuw that has very nearly come to pass:


rAnC::5TO~ f's'AT; CHU17A Ts:rutAZVl

You are particularly gifted ar concealing YOllT dark talents Irorn ethers,

Prereqtristte: Must PQSoSeso die Slradowlands 'luiru. lIenefit: You ga.mS·R :l~, 'bur only against. spells that specif ...

Ically attempt to detecr the 5hadllwiandsTaini.


(8 70ln.TS)

You art: P,lrLiL'1II:~ly adept ill conceallng corrupt ion, fon/' spell, Tech nique, Advantage, or ef[I;'Cl t.argcttng rOll thai speei Icilly derecrs rhe Taint has Its TN increased by 10, uch effects that would autornarica]l su ceed n,tlw require J conrested Awareness roll befon' they can take dfeq,


The Chuds are nat a rrue family, bt!t an order sworn to serve Chutla Mishimeand his lordluchlban. The h,nily is smal! bur icll\lenlia.1. There arc at most three dozen membersnr the pre- 51'111 time, although Nuda .Mishime tongs tt expand Iba! n u rnber tenfold,

'THS: CHV17A f'A1i\I ... .Y

Current Daimyo: Chuda Mj~himt> (See filiptnir),nt Nrc.;~ Jnr taIisl iCi)

Favored Class: Sb-l.Igenja ~

Starting Honor: 0 ~

Class skill: Lore (rnalior or Lore (Shadowlandst 1-

Starting Outfit: (Choose om: I

L Two znd level divine spells (no Ai.r spdls)

2.. ne 2nd level divine ~1.,dl and si,~ rsr level divine spells

(no Air Spells) ~

TI-iS: CHU17A f'A1i\I ... .Y Benefit: ,,-1 Willppwcr


The Chuda reach ings have survived, me cemurtes only through deception and. 'paranoia, two rraus thai have consulerably colored I be rcc hni.ques currently practiced by the Chuda shugenja serving the Shadow lands. As in the past, there is bura single master cf Chuda magic, the family lord ,Chud-a Mishime, Unlike th~ past fivt· cenrurles, however, Mishlme has taken raultiple apprennces, so many thai rhe (amily now numbers in the dozens as each of his students takes srudents ofhis own. rhe ancient writings of Mishim~'s ancestors have always .predicted that such abandonment will J:e~ull~ in I heClmda line's d em ise, bu; MIsh i me hns sworn that it will not be ,0,

. '" )

The eh uda maglca I st-yle orrginally em phasized water magic, rh e rype Fr~c l'iced hy Snake CIa n Found f.'[ .Isawa Chuda. At some point ever the centuries, however, the sryl e has s11ifteo to embrace earth, the element that ironically is both most similar to rnahoand mosr effecnve against it. Naturally, all Chuda seem to possess an affinity for maho.


(~L~Ii\::n. TAL f'OCVS: aA;tTH)

o Call Earth. Creates 2-5 small, stones,

I I'rotectionfi:om Taint. '1-1 AC and saves, counters mind control, hedges out cnl.

2 Tetsubo of Earth. Melee attack deals rd lO+ljtwo levels damage;

3 Tremor. Cat[~es minor earthquake in area.

4 Mounrain's Teeth (Splkl' S!'OI1.1"~). Crll,U'LU'eS in area take ida

damage, may be slowed.

S w.ill of Stone. 10 hp(four levels, can be shaped.

6 Banishment. Banishes '2 J-ID/1e.vel exrraplanar creatures, 7 Disintegrate. Makes 011e creature or object vanML

8 Time's Deadly Hand. Rots ncnlivingrnarrer completely. 5) Maw of the Barth, -A volcanic su-rge enrprs nearby.


Benefit; tj Stamina Beginning Honor: 0_0

Beginning skills: CHHigraph , Lore ('Maho). LOTe (Shadowlands), Sincerity, Tanrojutsu, and any two skill~.

Spells; Sense, Cornm une, Sum men, and une Dr the t\VO fal· lowing: 3 Earth, 2 Water, and 1 .Fire spell, or-"3 maho, 2 Earth, 'and l Watl"r spell,

Starting Outfit: Kimono, _iingasa, scroll satchel. traveling pack.wakizashl.

TH£ T~1i\i'j..£ OF lI£nOIi\ (n£W "OJO)

The Chuda have Few holdings that could. accurately be described <IS temples, predisposed as they areagainst religion. The-Temple of Venom, the f.11nily'S primary dojo al19 training cenrerfor new inductees, is 3 temple only in name and appearance During Daigotsu's 'tenure as the City of the Lost's leader. the Ch ucla paid lip service ro Fu Leng. Now that Iuchibarr has assumed conrrol, their sole loyalty Is to the. raw power they command,

SOClA.J,. B;n,~f'IT

The Chuda are reviled by the 'Empire and [em-cd among the Lost There is no, social beneflr for attending the Temple of Venom.

T~Am.lnG- B~I'l::f'lT

The merhcds usad to i nsrruct srud e nts at the Tern 1,Je uf Vc nom are hnlcous and, cru el, 91'.1 eiIectfvl'.

Training Benefit: You may choose [Q 19nme anyone feat prerequisite for gainjng. entry into the Itla)1lJ-t-slllcm prestige das515e~ Onen[L1J A{jLl~nlt(1Ts).

Training Benefit: YO\l.r l.ore (Mah ,! >ilia! is considered to btl one rank hlghl:T for the purposes 0 • determining what maho spell'S you can (as! Ilee CfHTjJier S,X: for mOTl1 In_l~f1'11MliJrl .111 lire tll~lill!i (II J1lillin Ipl%).

T£1i\ '? 1.£ OF lI£nOIi\.

In add rtlun to serving as the primary remple an I ['ra1nlng center or Chuda shugenja, \1 small sect of corrupted monks have begun to stud at the Temple L,[-Venoru, These eccentric i I1U i viduals congregate around Ch ucla Hancshi, ~ sensei a. rh~ Temple, Chuda Mlshltne h!15 nor expressed a desire fqr rhe monks to be removed, and thus most huda are afraJd tu move against the monks, knOWing Qf Han()sh i's strariae abilities.

Starting Honor: ()

Beginning skills: AtbletlcS, jiujutsu, Lon' (Mahu), Lore I Shadowlands \ Med ltarion, Shinrao, an y one sklil.

Benefit: Monks from the Tempt .. of Venom may !'eIect one Minor Shadowlands Power <It character .reaticn just as if ilit!)' were a t1end,.illg the" ~hadl wlands chool" tSi!:: Wlily of tlw Shr.ul- 0],(0),111111"'). Any klho gamed as a result oi' advenclng as a monk

may be a dark kiho instead. .


The Chuda combine 1 he most potent and vicious elemental magic. with !he b1a~phemous power of maho, The new order in the Shadowlands provides the family with resources. that 110 1I111ilo-t5Uf1al has ever had before, and the frllits of rheir research has been terrible indeed, resulting in new and lnsidlcus spells tharthey have used to great efFect agai nsr the Empire.

FJ..OCI{ Of" BJ..OO[1


Level: 5

Componenfs:M, S Casting Time: Lfull round Range: Self

.Effect: Transforms caster into swarm o[ lesser creatures Duration: L hour/level

Saving Throw: No

Spell Resistance: Yes (11.aL'ID tess)

You may trausfcrm yo'ur body into a SW<lJ'lJ1 of small creatures, such as insects, rats, tW small birds, You rransforrn into a number of crea IlJ res equal ro your total hit points, The..~e creaturesaretdentical to their norma] counterparts except that they each have only a ringle hit puirrt, These creatures also .have some identifying mark, such as a smatteting of crimson fearhers on a bird, a blood-red splotch 011 the Iur of a rat, or a strange Ted marking on a bu,g. When the spell ends, the creatures reform inr your body exactly as ir was when youcasr rhe spell. Ally creatures destroyed or separated lrom the group'lL the time of reforrnauon disappear, and you lose one hit poin:

fur eacri creature lost. Yow' total hit points i.ll I h(.' spell's end is equal to the .num ber of surviving creatures. Los, hit. points may ulIl" 6" ,,:ogclltlllreJ by rest, a.nd 13nly at 1.1;" l"tonnal raJe of recovery, Magic cannot heal this uai11agc.

r J-OCI{ Of' BJ..OOD

Element; Maho (Considered Earrh (01" the purposes of counrerspells)

Mastery Lev¢l; 4

Du.r.ati~n: 1 hom pef Insight RAnk of caster Area of Effect: Personal

Range: Touch

YDU mJY transform • .fino a swarm of smal] rreartrres, elrher rars, insects, or small b:rd., The total number 0 creatures IS equal to y~u~maxlmunim.lmber:oFWNmds Each creature L'; rdentlcal [0 others oiits kind, but possessesonly 0.11..- Wound. When The spell expires, Y:JO reform at the site of une creature oEyour choostng, and all ' rher creatures disappear, An that are killed ur captured do nei return, and you reform missing :,1 humber ofWcHmds equal !O the total numb!'! of dead or missing. ani.mals, These missing Wounds may only be recovered through rest, and may [lot h e- healed mag'dilly

... \







C~~ATlons "

Th, child, embody ,h, \VmJ ,ini",,,. 'rho "''''0" "'" ,boy [ create. some crude mockery of life In. their dark rituals; sorul- ). ing twist~~wn5tl::ucl'S our t:o fulfiH.lhbr wi)I,' wauld tum ~h: ,t stomachof even (he srrongesr samurai, 'fet I his bbsph(.my ts a cornerstone of [heir family's research lind experimcnratlon. Blcud familiar, Maho-Born, and the Desiccarud, t hree common.Chuda creations, were explained earlier in ,tus Ch,lP' ter, fudude\i below are the mcchantcs necessary 10 include these entities in a campaign,



You pOSEeS~ u familiar ereared from YOLlT OWI1 blood >lut! attuned to your tl1divjdtl~1 es sence.

Family: Chuda

Prerequisites: Must know at least (inc spell with tht mahu or necmmllncy descriptors.

Benefit: You g~Lf11he fimliliarabiliry a'S if vou were <1.50(cercr of£rsrleveJ. Every time you gain a level after taking I his ffill, the abiliries ,;if your familiar j ncrease as if you had gained one: level of I he sorcerer class,

f •



I 1-



}:.- ..... ~

1 .: ~. ..

flEW A,[7I1An TAGE:


[8 70mTS]

YQllgai:l a small animal ccmnanicn a bird, 1"(1\, snake, or something.sirmlar - that has b""n bound to vou bv a l~ngi hy rna ho ritu til that tntuses [he ,\ rurna 1 'with ,,(rUT blood, Yon .mav; after (IDI:' iOLLnJ of concern ration, "1.'1" tllr, ugh tnt" .lnilTI:ll~~ eyes or lSSUt" :1 shorr, one-sentence command mar Iht' animal will Iollow to rhe be!'! 1")[ it. abrliries,

n£l!I f'::ttT: mAHO-BO;tn

You have been slIbjecJ:!;:t! to excruciating nruals rhnr have infused YOlI with the 'power of blood magic.

Prerequisites: .Musr possess the Shadowlands Taint, Benefit. You gain the abiliry to cast a singlemaho jf you were a shugenja eqqal to yourcharacter [evel, spell may nol be higher than 3.rd level, and is determined by the maximum spell level that you could cast jf you were a shugenja at the rime YOLI take the feat. Example: A character who selects Maho-Born as a feat at .firsr level may gain on I y a. [irst-level spell, as rhis is ihe maximum spelllevel a first level shugenja could cast You TIlay casr this spell II number of times per day equal, to yotrr Chanama.rnodifiet,

nS\!J A"IIAn TAGS: 1i\AHO-BO~n

(12 701n.T5J T"~V~ ~omn OnJ: • .Yl

You may ~elecl anv one rnaho 5pdl of Mastery Levell or 2, You may cas! rhat spe ll as IfrOlI 1.'It'I"I:';l 11llgr>r\in "rlrl';lgb.l Rank equa I ro vour own unum ber of umvs pef d~y eqLL81 W 1'0\1 r tut:1.l f11~ igh t Rank.


Medium-size Undead Hit Dice: 2dr.H3 (11i hpj Luij.iatfve: +0

Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares; wm'r rurf Ac: 12 (j·2 na "ural)

Attacks: Slam +3' melee (luG"Z) Face/Reach: Sft. by Sft)5ft_ Special Attacks: Breath weapon

Special, Qualities~ Damage Red ucnon 8!sim;hing, darkvision

60 ft., undead traits

Saves: Fort +0, I\ef +0, \ViIi B

Ab:ilities,: 50''14, De:o:: 10, COD -, [nil 0, Wts 10, Cha 1 Skills: None


Cltmate/Terrain: Any Organization: Any Challenge Rating: 3 Treasure: None Honor: wi

Alignment: Chsoric evil Advancement: By cha meter level

Therleskcated appear iderulcal.mtypical zombles save for their driedappearance, They-are more intelligent than. (be average undead found within the Shadow lands, and rheir crude tactic and strategies can catch unsuspecting enemies oft:guard.


lone desiccated tend to avoid combat unless if is obvious that their potential opponent is obviously weaker. WOllnded opponentsare a favorite target for wanderkg desiccated. in groups, they tend 1:0 lise deception, acting like less-cunning undead ((' lure opponents Iaro a. Ialsescnse of security; rhen tt,ing ambush and fein.ting to catch them off guard 1) nd Jes I roy them.

Breath Weapon (Su): ThtJ desiccated can spew fbrUl n cloud of mystically chs rged d list particles rhar a bsorb all mo isrure from everything they touch. Thi~ cloud is t5 fe'(!l bug lind 8 fed wide 31 trs widest point. This mav be done once every d6 reu nds, R.eflex save DC I S half This. attack I nOkts 3d6 dehydratlon damage.


Earth: , Eire: 1. \'¢atec: f

Strength: f.


Rolls to Attack: <;~J u narrned, ,+ t:. 3 de h vJrJtf" at tack RolJs to Damage: 3k3 unarmed, nk+ t1ehyJ["t~ attack

TN 10 Be Hit: 22 .

arapace: J;_

Wounds: LlI: ,5, 4U: +J.U, 6U: +1.5. ;.,: lJ~srroyed


Dehydrate: The Desiccated n re o.::lpU 6] c .,f :1 J evasra ti n g ranged attack, spewing 1~)lTh .l! cloud 01' my,sl ic a I d ust Ihal ..iUliTISUloi.n:nl"C li'flO] everything. rh~( it rouchcs, This arrack has ;1 range f 1 - Feel and lscone-shapcd, 11.1Ughly tl h'l'n'o'id e ~r its rnnxinrurn width, Using dill ability rs considered J fuJI Attack.



Gem·.'nkeil nodded .,jow/)" ' Th~y m:eJt1lfIIH1>j i,n~ crecthm.l. tile TWI!\1," liE' 511Ed, lr~pring to 1/11 dOllrway Illi;j; inspedrng II /?fOllj_l gT J4JI,vas. "They ~tl(,e w~r~ k:ItSlj, I~d Illlrlly by Ih~ arnliltltlf] of Ihelr le,IIic"I' 1111(1 brim.slit'lf {rom Ihcn' ]TI,cl1ld I/W!1' home, No, Hoi .lust b,llIlslw! bui sen tUllcc3 fO walld~r fhlt Spirit Reahrs Imanchlll'rcl. Till' TGlm belifwd tIl Ill' Wlthmd Il, home, they lVD!ild eve1:illl11Uy dip olil lIIllibul mI1lFI'0111J~1!Ig J'he mQrals 0/ lJ.wir mer l1y eX8wfuig li1cl'YI," DdltaJel)" Gel1,£lIJun re~cI'led 0111 aild cUPlled n smgic Ipl n'I hl.\ iMilll; InTlI /uuke(f 11'1 Hato)"! 111 r!lUilf1gfully. • But ':i WIl, It()/ III b~. -,'III' T:iHIOQ !m I'J'I I'll, Hillari. T~UY 1~amed til >lirl.lit'(~ m lILa chaos he/,weel! il1<' Splril ffimfms ana r~a;-t'i'Y t/1e Wily' oj n:JJI!HIg bdwt'fll HII,'nl Fill' gt'n~j1TJlmi5'lh(>y mad~ tl". Realm ~fSJ'Hi,qhier lit1'1d,,,,,,,". 11111JJ1Ili'ng Cli' HlwhJe 1'0 <'tiki I:h1 RralHi 'Of }YJoridls, .. tml i) Dll.r d"y."

"I1aigoLILL" Halni'i !/ud ~~ttl)', h(Wlllg 1l-1I1i~d'bilrh 1'0 Iii, ttJr1.tIl'ig Ii ·CCIl.S(lii-ICII 'Ii;lcl ~1)l1l,eIL

"lim." :fKQthp' HTC!1t refit (fli, bni.shtng the pdals of!lw fiOlVt'r Wlt.h IllS ~I~md, 'iTh.: [m·d oj the,Sluldowlands bml{gHt thC'l,j her~to ,{m!e: him, !lot ,I) IflIl,trr Iwd vassal &1</ II) ffq~!.II1s. hI On1fl' r~' .ld1IW< I'helr gOllk, 'llIc'l ",.!lowed !J,., COI"I"11J1 "'g IO'Llch o[l.Ire s/.,adQwla~\.1., 1;0 T,lilli them, bill' II ilClSll(l I1)OH! hold Dn lhdl' 5Ilub- thimW!,i' mrtdais hIHiC' 011 y('w·j(el. when t/1., C}npil'e;h',! CI1c,Jl(lliell'J !fwm, 1I!l1hey kn~w IIILts IlIal mn1r neHi !mclI I1f1ilh!k.lI'110Yl5ter hIll fOHn:1l.ts way "III of HIt' Shat'iO[v!IHUk hL\te~ld of 1lsking wfwre I h~v had [pme-' from or why, the' Ta nlj' settled the milUer of t~te!I' aqgill Iii the ~yej of t'he. .Emr'II'~:'

"BlJi why 1h" I\;liltTO, ,.md why tl,cnJ"

Gm,aihn ,j!cllllilllll)1VCr for rl mom'Crll. "Why DlIigotsu e/1o,,' to wlllaC;1 I hi' Tsuno ilt Ilral ir\tltYlc'trt,1 do 1til111!lQt\I. PeY~laps it was til .. mone,! lu h,lJ Irill'l,dof t!Jci,r "xr>feTl(t~, or }'nhtlps he wiJswmHng !Hili I I Ill! Iflm I!!al ngl1L WllCtl Uu THill 0 tlie,reIn',11 jeel1., btJI'II.'Ferlid IhC)'ll]Jpe;,d"

".11011 Imnfs," Haiori .sclid 'lwei!)', sh'nlliug hi; temple III thought "l1d .,tlgue. "Yor~ 5,1111 Ihey ,,, ... e I,mc of tlw ~r'~li'" elL] Ih~x ,l!1l rCfl161'11bcr 11111.[ Ilttlc?'

"The 'JIlm1J Iff" ~(lidymg, IlntM:L Tlrty trail,,1 betwecn I'he SpiJil jt"aIl11" 'h'caS.ri)' rlS'we WillI, [rom 011[' yoanl In (I11(Jther. Each faIle'rl 'fnma's >pint 1.\ '[l.(ic!d·y ,t'ecoiNretllJnd rdtmtCLi t~ 1'11. hQliy, $0 1[l~I,g lIS' Ii i) mInd, T/l'r 'I:\JH10 do flol I'nady (emil n I,tnl' b~fQre "Ihcfl th"y wcrc pn[e ,m~ \,urlh lilt' Ktt'514 mw. They nrc liw v~ry ,ll1tlt' "fswlti w/w weI'!' b"'lL\llf~ Iv ri(; ~llunc ami forg(JUfl1 In the depl'lh' of thtl 6J1tl1t

Ren bm.'· . ,

"So If 1,1[01' Lier1g~amr, 111(,11;' 1/1e, oJd~T MlY" 50Iid iOllr!illn'ly, "TIN!

BUnt1 al.l>ed lLidh Pmglll'l! l1i ro·jhfl' b~lh of ~he'il' ~l,d~, /HldthongJ·, Dl.)lgolsll'lmfrtll,ql, t1'I']W 1, Ir,ttl~ to rrnilCltte liwt Will kthe cnd of the TS!JM'S "'IWY51~rt>"

HYes:' (;,I'1$[1 ibnl ,}grcr>d, dtJSlng Ii 1$ fist n.rllHl'1d I~I~ de'linllt' !1.-n4i~r.

H1 Wl1J iel[ ,\'011 Whrlt t!/)e I how of Ihe T511tlO, HIl-W I'! , lhfY IHP, ;'jronller; ,;asla. 1111.1 oldey tJI«n rJ1Ty lJ.)"my in Rokw.g"11 rind 1'<51 I1.S· I1rgI1l11.zcd. Lib'! mlY li11'ra:l, iwIV!'1.Wr, 'flu'r ~ rc not. II mloP.tI«,bie , '.' pcrI,ltlpi." AI GmslllJlfrl oJlf'lwf I'l, hruw, fll~ mrfn!"~11 r.m1 ~roJl~h /1'15 fdl, to the !_ll'Ol;mrl before d [.l}(l:( blown away by tht Night', bl'cn~.

Tsuno J..An"S

W' lr,viljg i](1 '''provinces; per se, 1ht:1'suno ,conn-o:\ H large m;ea. of land Je~p ii;! ~he neat:' ofrheShadowlands, fa,r enough s()uth thEr no ht1l11:01 has seen 1h~m,and renlrned, This Rt~almjllll1pin.g'race ofcreaTU,res has carved it'S own l'licie in the' cor" TUptC'J lands under Jigoku's influence, bringitig [heir TemJlles

rrom rhe far [cache, of'Toshigoku, Jigoku and Yt\"me-J.o to me morral realm. This shifr hasgiven. the Tsuno ,l base of operadon~and allows theta to interact with rhe other denizens of 1'11(:' Shadow lands with greaterease,

A.~ til ... Tcrmn rnn~idl>l' ih,·ms,.lvJ:'S far superior 1'0 jJl'~ other Tainted races, they rarely seek ou r rhe rest of those fl;jfLt1ei1.t~d ":2Y EJ Leng's tou(:_EJ. However, the Tsu no's posirte 0" as ad visors :.0 Daigotau arid their endless quest for revenge agairtsr t!:w Lion CJ~n have made forays inro rhc Shadowlands and rhe rest of Rokugan necessary. Thetwisred race views the Bloodspeak.. 1:5 and the Lost as pathetic, Coblins h::ve 'long slnce learned ~o quietly 'lCcompan.y anv Tsuno .. l.e.d group" if d,.e:y qOll'1 wish un early ,d eatli, Only trolls- and ogres corn 111 and an Y Sell'! d artenrion from the Tstmo,a~ rhe former w,'tc one of thcJOtlnd~ .ng races of the 1:11111i((" was created ami the latter are the only creatures (besides onil rha; can consistently cause enough damage OIte-OWOI1C to -wake if impossible Jbr a T~\1nD ro oe resurrecred by the Soulrwtsrers,

1i\AJO;l. TSVnO H-OJ.17In.GS

"Isunc srrucrnres v~-;-y between tune-inscnbed buildings that look Incredlblyancieu; and newer locations that have been constructed with obsldlan and stone rained in the Shadewlands, TJu! various .hcldings of the twisted race arc placed for one reason.military aeivautage. While SOtI1!! s.(rLtCILJreS :I[C dose. to 1 he Kain Wa IT 'and, a now the TSW10 ro raounr anacss against the Crab. others are builr or moved from oilier Spirit ;{ea.ims because of the strong links between Ningen-do and some other a given locauon.

TOtjUCHI SHln17£n

One or t hu.rieweradditions to the Shadowlands, the I e.mple of the Tsuno Soulrwisters is still one of the oldest srrucrures in Rokugan, Toguch! Shbld!'l\, also known us the Temple of U(JOI", was created by the TStll1Q hundreds of' years before Voil1,I[I'ltIlTI, Oblivlons Care, or any of the.orher ancieru races' eXT'3"Ilf relics, When contacted by Dalgorsu to Join him in rhe .Shadowlands, rhe Tsuno Soultwisrers knew rhat they would need to.brtng their stronghold to the morta] realm. Powerful Tsuno .LT\aglc. ~bil~ted rhelr temples through the Spiru Realms and placed Toguchi Shindl'n 'h~tw(,f'n Jlgnl<LI. Ningl'll-d" :1IHi Tosh igo ku,

The Tern p Ie' of Doors, while priln;tdh ~6idiIlg in N iiig~'1r do, ha.s secrion~ that bleed into the Olher two Realms 21',d allow the T5U11Q shugehj<l (as well as groups of Ravager;,) :0 move between them whh ease. Withol!: sttru <l convenience. travel betWeen the Spirj t Realms can be extrem tJ.y J a IlgeroL:5, That the T'UllO 113\7;; bc,:Qme maslers Qf ;:;,pidt IJ,e'nLm tr~~'~l ~peaks T-otheirhud ine,s'S a.nd indomit~ble wilL Tn is goes double for the Suu)twis[crs, < of th!'ir c:ollllllg-lJ[.ar.:e rites involves trave!Jng to ("each of ,11e $:rirlt Realms and de.feati\lg a denizen in comba,. }Y1any would,be- graduat-es have. fDund thenlsel"es to'm 1i.J11~? froth limb Or slli:n:xled in a Spirit ReaI:n for cem.tlti<'s whe11.they :u.nd\'!·esri mated an unknown fOE. ihpse w hp db SUT,rive the .gru c j i' tlg prucess nrc ~o.tne of the llard-tes[ of their race.

Covered in mneS and C(H'vings thardepkt the Tsuno defe:ltingnl,iny diffcrelltraces ana Bleil' cycle l}f death :1l1d resurrecrLon, Ioguchl ShIncl~n is a monument to dwTsuno's sITengt:l.

If anything can be viewed by their culture as reltgiuus, u's .thetr devono» ro prorecri ng this structure and their reverence of the Soulrwisiers that Inhahir it, The main temple is over 120 fcc.! tall, "full'he gttmmls cover as much ,lIrea as ~ small l{'Qkuglilli Gity, Thl' other building, on temple ~Tounds are used Ior eqtupment storage, or residences Cor, the Scultwisters 'lnd their students,

The interior of il1(' temple Is expanstve, well-crafied, a Ild uncient. Lro n Lc:llIJ}. th e temple walls are rem i 11 i SCel'1 I 0 F [he' Asahicas grand.Temple of rhe1y1Drrung Sun, every last inch carved with IS I es of [he Tsuno race, Unlike thatpeaceful Crane temple, the walls ofTogucl1i Shindcn are covered with srories of war, domination, and destrucrion. Tsuno SOli [twister neepuytes often .top anti read the tales as u ~n1l1Tf' of in~pimrinn_ The older Tsuno shugenja have long since become accustomed I tI I he terri bY e stories that SUlTll\IJlJ rb em.

T5U no Yokos-him:!, leader of rhe l.:su~o ar Toguchl Shindc n, IS generally referred to by Ius rule of Supreme Souitwistel'. Assisted by TSlUlO Nintai, Yokoshlrna b,mughtihe temples of the TSUJ10 intn thetnnrtal realm. Heis hoi an irnposing, figure, but most I511Dll know l,f _his my.s;tical abili~ies and bis reputntion [or cruelty. 11108<: few wbo have studied under Yokoshimaare sornc of [he mOS! powerful Soul twisters known to rhe race, and also some Qf rhe most sadistic,


[Fighter 6/Shugenia (Sotiltwister) 6;T~-uno Soulrwister +J Tsu no- Kira hides a dark .ecret u-nder herordinary exterior: she is rhe first Tstrno to believe rhar the humans might eve 11 rtll1lJy ,{efeat her brethren .. Afrer rnulriple defeats at the bamls of Shinjo Shone, 'IoturiIstulao, and others, Ki:ra has cencluded lha~- although The TSU110 h:,ve 5t:'e_ngth and 'C1111nlng,

the humans' superior numbers and raruiliartry with Rokugan might outweigh them. She has hegJJn to study human, closely, watchingthe Blocdspeakers and the Lost Kim plans 1'0 expand hentlIcli~s to the lrtmtinl'Ccl samurai dF;lIhug<tti,

Kin does uo t know ~hal Sup-reme oulrwisre r T/iUIlO Yukoshima is aware of her studies, allowing them to conrinue out of curiosity. Yukeshlma does 110t believe thai' the samurai

nf Rokugan can ev .. rprevail. ' lIT figuT\lS IfKitncan Ilnda l1~W weak ness ro explol t inthe 11 uma ns, S-C mur h rhc better. Yukoshima has informed the sensei of Nlkushirni Shinden of , thiS mallet', and Kizuarn ha agreeu to a rnurual exchange of l

":" .. ;_~, 'T"Vo .. ~.o=-nbH'L!. OmhOnJ:"'k ,pJ%lning,,,,i,,,bould Kim I·,' I,

~:"::' ,":~lng u"~

Challenge: The p~rry. while visiting a [cured 1-J Ida gel1('ral !' in a village a few miles southwest of Kyude n Hida, has.been II contacted t,y a KUl1i -shu;genia who wishes too 1TWt't wl(b rhern. Local. villagers sal' Lh,,1 the shugenja, KUl'l1 Mo rihe i, i:'i gone ror long periorls of I une and onLy shows up in rhe village to resup-

ply before heading south pas: the Raju WillI. »

Eocus: The tall and gru{f ~-hllgimJa rells I hem a tale of { several Shadowlands creatures he bas captured, .me of yvhich ~} sounds like a Tsuno lO anvcne famiLiar wlrb rhern (anvone with KuowLedg-t'!Lore rela.ed to the Shndowlaruls er just aboutanv Lion), til<,' Kuru oay$ tllitl he needs a gi\lllP ofh~Idy .sJlTIurai tOhelp hirn slay some of rhe bensts wh!l have rattled ' the cave where be lives. He was wounded in the mosr recent anaek, he says, and does no: know how InU .htime h e i has lefl. FIe- assures theparly ttUIl lu' is l.ain,'·.ltee and submits, ro an.}' rests npCi!ssary to get the 1?~ny ro trust him, TeSlS cornu up negaiivej though a shugenja witb Knowledge/Lore (::;P1l'1l

Reulms orTsu:no)'l11.ighl sense something amiss. Only-a speclf k:alJy trained Kirsu or Kuru would consider [he anomaly anything bur the hngel"ln'g effects of ill! ance tor's presence,

Strike: Morihei is actually a Tsuno named Kaimen, a sruderu ol Tsuno Kira. Tllc magicwith which she has masked Kairuen's.Taint and chauged hL~'hllpe cause hirn constant pain and soon. kill him, (hough nor before the -pany reaches h is cave, Appearing ro be one of the creatures trapped in a cage, Kira "springs h ee" and fights ro immobil ize the parry tal he r I han kill fher.n. 0 I'lC,(, she has subd tied them, the 50111 rwtsrer tortures each party member 1n an attempt to learn cll eir weaknesses. The parry is not doom ed; the remains of theJ.i5gLliseu Kaimenare tound by a p a ir of KLint Witch Hunters, who qUJddy track down tbe characters, O'I1Cl' found out, (1, if dose to defeat U1 the inirial combat with the pEJ·ty, Tsuno.Kira attempts [(:1 escape through a portal into Toshigoku with her inforanarion. The portal. cleverly disguised as ring of stalagmites n ear the back of the cave, teraains open (or several hon [8 arrer Ki ra leaves.Irs UJ? to the party whether they Iollnw Kira into the unknown-or simply thank the karni (and the Witc.h Hunters) that they survived,

n.RU5H11i\1 SHlnt7Sn

Training center forthe TSiIj1() Ravagers and location of the Tsuno Bushi "school", the Temple of Hatred appeared in the Shadowlnnds at the same time as Toguchi Shinden. As ancient as the Soultwiste [S' temp le. N Ikushim i Sh i nderrs exterior is similar, covered wirlr tales in (he cuneiform language Qf the Tsuno. Unlike Toguchi Shinden, the stories Qr rhe Temple (Jf Hatred desuribe.nncienr Isuno heroes arul specific hlsrorical events.

TIl(' denizens o"tNlkLishimi Sh inden oft cn ;ngue as to whe-thrJ.· Bushi or ~oultwistlU training is the more dal1gerous of the two regimens. The Tsuno Bushi understand thaI Soultwisters are truly powerful, 'but many of them have seen farmore combat in fj week rhan a Tsuno -shtlgen,la might see in a lifetime. Tsurio trainees are given real weapons the instant they begin [heir training and must flghr t1lrougb their entire sch lJohng wi!'haul the benef I of l:h<t Soulrwisters' flesh-m endlI1g spells. Those who become too i:tljll1:ed to flgll'r any longer commit 'a Corm Ill" seppuku and their bodies are.incinerared,

Those Tsuno who survive axe feured: they usually become leaders in the packs ofTsuno rhai ate left in the Shadow lands to fcrJd: tor t bemselves, The packs survive throug]} team work, cunning, and stamina, lighting 01'"[ oru, yokat, and crher Shadowlands creatures. Such trials create a powerful Ioyalry among pack members, who ofren sacrifice their own lives to protect Ql10rhu in their group. Subtle spells cast by the resulenr Sou ltwts rers at Nikushinu Shinden eventually generate a weak form of rdepathy am o ng Tsuno packmares. Their loyalty extends even beyond dearh, the pack rn USl recover the body of anv tallen member, no matter the COSL Ase practical point, this m~8)1S rhar most of [he Tsuno killed on a miss ton are revived hy Soulrwisn-r magic, but the. pac'k members vic":' 'body recovery as II matrer or honor ra rher than logistics. Leaders of such groups art usually Tsuno Ravagers, the TSLI 00'$ elite rrcops,

. Nikushirni Shrnden has at its center-an enormous bUilding more than 2'ob fee, tall, bristling. with spikes and. towers ro defend the temple complex. The structures around theterrrple art' mostly barracks for troops and foundries rhar forg,e rhe. powerful Tsuna Blades_ Spedal quarters arc set aside f01" visiting'Ts.l1.UO, tox the 'M,lSler Sensei., 3l1d f01" th.e Tsuno l:iousr Guard, L,ut til ~lthe[s receiVe iclen.rica·1 barracks, no matterwha! their-rank or p-ainlng.

The In (en at of the Temple of Hatred. has Sam e small cha Illben; fer rhe tew resident Soulrwisters; the resr .IS carved into tra inl ng dojo, Classes meet at all hours, E nd rhe clash of weapons is a constant background din.


[Samurai 16i 'Isun 0 Ravager.Tsnno' Bus hi ~ J

The leader of the Temple of Hatred is an old.Tsuno Ravager named Kizuaro, He is a gnarled, battle-scared Tsuno who is deeply respected by all members of his race, as h" is one or ooly three in the history of his race to have never needed resurrection even rhrough all of .his travels through th('Sp.iril Realms. The 'pry old 'Isnno always wears a special set of armor anti his masslve.Tsuno Blade, Like other sers made at the .loundries :()f Nikushimi SbiJ.1Jel1., Kizuatos armor is malic of TSW10 steel and took more-than rwo years to craft. Du .. ring that rime, Klzuato taught classes and directed his troops from rhe forge, never moving ~.J1 inch during the entire process, Hili presence and fortitude awakened the arm: .. rr, mskin!!; IL d1.(only .known TsuDO Hem to contain several kansen's ble 'l;i ngs RS wdl as the energy [)f the Spirit Realms. The ma.gic makes the. armor Indestructible and even heals Kizuato :IS he wears it. If tire \'llJ 'Ravager was formidable before, he is now UI1S(()P' pable,

Tsuna Kiznato has ordered his troops to bung human specimens .frDm the Grear .Clans ofRolqJgan to study, but' has been ralarively unimpressed with W1l3t he has seen so tar, Matsu Domotai made an impressive show of sramina, but eventually he began to be corrupted 'by the Shadowlnnds. Kizuaro continues rolrave humans broughr in, but, at this point he holds little hope of gaining ano/ uselul lnforrnarion from thienl, Special jade and crystal-lined chambers near .his quarters holJ the prisoners and n~tilld the 1~i.nt spreading through their bodies. Perhaps he will eventually n'ncl <1 .. human worth . (if his time.

A:D'Lls:n TV;t:: H-OOlt

Challenge: Tlris Lei an advennrre Ior a parry made primarily ofTsuno player characters. Two members ~1rrhe Tsuno House Guard are retiring to become sensei at Nikushuni .Shinden. The party may participate in a Set of contests ana battles ro deterrn ine IV ho will .Hll their pos itions.

Focus: The player characters h,l.Ve three days to complete trials efstamina, dexterity. 311.d tactical knowledge. During that rlme, 'hey are not allowed JO rest and any spell c3sEing done b)' mern bers of the group 1ll1.IS l be approved by one Q[ the Ravagers who are. judging the contest, No magic )nay be cast except for The most. basic healing spells. Those found other spells or equipment other rhan thar provided hi' the judges will be removed [(Om the contest and expect ed fa commit sep puku for dishonoriIig [he traditions of the Ts uno,

Strike: r£ the party succeeds in gentng a member or, rwo into the "Isuno House Guard, they gain OJ wodd of prestige and responsibility However, they've also gainedenemies aruong theTsurro that failed. One gmt\p in particular.rnade up oConehorned Tsuno (the otherwas broken off and Jnrenrionally J1Dr healed), dea-rly i nrend to avenge their loss, Even iI the party didn't get any m em bers into the House Gum:d, [he erie-horn .. d pack will find a reason to fight (maybe most oflts members are i nsa ne, or perhaps it's the ill lluence of a urside speljcas 1'erS). Ir's. LLp to th\? party to decidE' h.ow ('0 handle the situation ~nd may even define the Tstmo ~bde of honor in your cam· -paign.

f\IKV$Hlml f'OUn:IJ~Y

The rlwges of (be Ts uno are active day and nigh[, manned by Tstrno with both Bushl, and .Soultwister [raining as well as all ,ldvdIlCEd_kuowkdge_of rnerals and rn i rrerals, These Tsuno, coll<lcti\1e]v .know n as I he- FlIIn,\Ce, create b!ad es rhatl:l1 e ld steel ;llld IJbSidlan In, a m ysrlcal process, They C" hannel e 11e rgy [rom the Spn'ir Realms into the metal, lllaklllg: the;' sree] especially de~dly ]:8 those who travel the Realms: Such bl~de,~ are sorne of I he srrongesr materials-in Rokugan.Eac h TSU_ilO Blade takes JIlOIt; than three mD11ths-IO forge, and i~ consid ered more valuable than (he 'Isuno d1a'[ wields it.

The massive curved blades forged by rht' EU-l=nacc! are cooled in speciul vats with w,net kept [ust a have Ireel.ilig', Sucla n eUGIing bath wcu IJ_ rypic;tJI)' rnake a metal brittle, bu t some part of (he process of Forging causes the tee water to. S lrengrhen I' he blade insrea d. [11 u prolcn ged batrls with Rekugan i .sarrurrai, the resilient T,UT)O weaponswill evel1tl;JflUy break all bur the ftn.est Kakira or Kaiu steel

Th~ Nikushirni Fountlr y also crafrs Tsuno armor, but has no quick proCESS to ereare smaller pieces of their sp,,_Cia_L ~teeL \XI hile lli,adl;' wi th rhe same rna teria Is a, rhO' Tsune Blades, the armor requires n much mom complex r1 rual, binding [he' many secrious of steel together spiritually, Those Fsuno WJI0 wear significant amounrs of armor (like tlre TSUl1Q H-1:I1l5<? Gm]t.d) must have each member individ.ually fitted, and the enchantment fl[ot'es~ requires them to be physically present at the fQrge for the year it takes' (CJ create each suit. Wh,:n fin'ished, the armor rurns ,1 ruSTY brown or orange, usually match~g the- skill to nes of i IS OW11 cr. Becauseof the d uration Df lh.~ process, Tsuno arm 0r i.'i far: rarer lh~ll Tsuno Blades,

1i\ln01t TSUI\O HOL"ln(iS


One of the most secret lot8tiolls of the Tsuno, this temple -is dedicated ro the bealing and resurrection cif1,'sUllO who baye rallen .in bartle. MOJ1y Scultwisters are brought here shonly afrer t_hey are deemed fit' fOTcombat by rhc Sup re me Soulrwister at Toguchl Shl~lden. Dna-they learn 10 patch lip their brerhren, 'Isukurci Shinden'i head SI,JUlrwlsler sends them into Rukugan 10 accom-P,)1lyg'lUUpS O[l{;lWg(1fS dUdi1g [he!r camp8_igns of terror.

The position of head S_Ql!lrwi~ter at the Temple of ,\;:lending rotates flOll1 yeal' to year, ~ lluwing the more exper ienced Tstmo- ~hugl'l1jn [0 work OI,Lt In tl1e l"ield with elltlO' R;lv~geT pa,c ks ~'r to ,rachat one of the other l'emples- Th is also ensures th~J. hO on e To uno gains i n£ l.IeElce over th oSC' who decide who wLTI be healed ·01' raiseil. ThE' 1"'£UhC have neVer actWlJJ)' had a prabl ... m wi;~h (be S"lprenw -SqultWisrer ofTs,uku wi ShLm.d ell becoming politically corrupt, but [radinon mancia,res lhe change, so tJ~e Tsuno petpehJate. it,

.Lo"al-!,'d Jeep wirhLIl the Sh;l_dowknds, the-TempI ... of MendiRg is- connected to Nll<{lsj,lrni Shjlld~n and ,[oguchl Shindeu by ~evetal smaJi portals [hat can (mly be op(~ned by SOllltwist"rs ()fi dehet (' mi.."L"h is- allows the transpo1tofbodies fur re.~\m:el:;r:iDn and conversely allows revived Tsuno to easily re~mme t'hci r poStS_.

T'he interior of rhe lC'ln-pie h,)~;, 110 mark-Lngs_ on itS walls w,halsDl"v_<'r. Tnt Tsuno believe lh~t if all ene,II1Y Wt~re I.G t:vcr

find the temple, tales of their .co,m:i nual resu erections and lli.J's!iGaIprocesses mlgh: give the foe an a;8valltage- itt Iuiurc combat. Even the doors rethe pqrrats to the otlier Tsuno rempies are bland and unremarkable, so as to rna ke Them useless to an tnvader,

Thl'- current Supreme '$ou!rwister efTsulur,Ji Shlnderr is a y~mng Tsuno named Mosagl who has hcJd the pOSl for only rwo monrhs. He has grOWll into his role quickly, but is still amazed by ['he, number ofT-wnQ [b~.t gP in and OUt of tfw temple each day, Th~1 number has .increased marked I y as r he Tsuno auack the Lien and dw Combined might: of the lmper- 1al Legrous. Mosagi is SCire he and his subnrdinat es are 'up 10 I the l;lsk of healing or reviving all ,he troops cerning in, bu] the increase in casualties,


WhUe not exactly tu Rukirgan, the-gateway tllt'h€ Vault -oF I he Tsunc can be Iouad ill the Shadowlands, rnasqueradtng as a p,l i r of 5[3 rues that revere Dalgotsuand Fu Leng, Sp",oking tb e correct command phrase opens'J portal to Gakt-do, the Realm of Hungry Chos tS, which lends a irecdyi n ro the Tsuno structurf' there. This is whee!' the Tsuno keep rheir spoils of war' nemuranai tlwy have acquired fwm fallen Rokugal"Ji S8IDU!'lli. tn~(eritils from other Spirit '!J,eal ms [or Soultwister inrantalions, and anYlbing else: deemed to be useful for smly. The' Tsuno .a lso house he re soure of rhe more darigerc us ~plri rs they've found in (heir reavels of the Realms, with the ides thilt rbe-;' mJY be useful f{Jr any rnnnher of parts or abilities the):' rnigh I h:lVe.

The vault has several small rooms rowards the Iront of rhe structure 10 house rhe gLTardS',und arrendant Soultwisters, The rest 0-[ 1 he b1;lild tng is dominated liy a ill ul 1 i-level safe rha t PtJl on 1 y be opened by the leaden; of (he l h re:C' te 111 plas (;if tbe Tsuno.and the Captain of rhe Tsuno House Cuard, Such precautions Euard against these who might wish LO steal or destroy tlre Tsunos treasu res,

Most of the hems sroredi 1'1 I.h e vsnlt wouhlsee tu useless rc most Rokugani, being relics from different areas of the Spmt Realms or cages that huld specimens of differ;ent spirits Mel races dmt dw Tsuno h~ v« com!' aCL'OS5. One level .in pa rntula r, ho-wevN, is RO protected that no one but OJig'Qtsu or luchiban could bypass i1[S wards, locks, and guards, This is where the TSllI)O keep the magi cal irerns dim they .have "ike!') from rheit enemies, Lnduding th()~e lool)?d (rom slain _Ro-kug(llii samurai,

Sorne [j[ the items 1n th is level include jade and ,crystal katanas forged by the Blessed CUHrd In Yorm, shards o.f rhe carapace from N iknsh i In i (rh e Oriisu of Hai red). one 0 r 1:11(;, only cages known l'!'l be- ~bl!_' to trap rnujina (or my creature from Sukkaku, 'for rlrat t:nmtel':):ll1tl various sets qf armor made ro protect 11 on-Tsuno tr~\1elers from the r:l.\!<1ges: of t-he- Spi ri[ Realms.

.of parl·i.c.ubr i lltl'rest eTe Ine ?ma-ptms o( luc hi b@11 dl:t! t JnJ been buried. in I-he Ancient Ma,lsoleulR Ln OIOS'li) UehL A speClal de tBchment of four of the TSlmo HD (lse Gu:ml pw~ect the we,lpuos In Section of [he ym.dl while sevcn,d s'o\llrwislets Iese,lrch the ~1ChllntmenJs thrit 're:~reu the ;m;"l·· na.l. While lhe Tsu,no QfigLolllly believed lhe we~j)O!lS to be forged by luch ibanand his m! nioils, thl'ly b8ve d iSOJvered thaI ~_ t rbe katana;;, yariand ft1mi liberaTed [ram themau~olcm]] are acl' em:hu'lltec\ ttl,hclp slay ,he Blood spea keTs, A gGml]1 pf TllChib11's-f-oll,'\-vers have been n_egoriaringwith -rhe Thunr, Jor

Ihe weapons evcr SlllCC they learned of 1'l1. elf existence, bur have yet to o.ffer anything (hilt rhe twisted mcl' dN'm~ morl! valua bl c: d1311 the pott'-ntia 110 dispooe of Itleh iban.



11i\,1'O~TA~ T TSUnO ni'CS


rsuno runrnr

Nintai i, rheonlv son of Ktshe nku, a powerful elernentalisr responsible [or breaking the alliance between the Five Races. Thll founder of a kltsu sect c~!1ed the Otder of tb,.e Tsunc, Kishenku yearned lor power, Tn an alrernpt w harness the -powe.r 0: the crystal city which rlie Five' Races builr, Kishenku ne<lrly destroyed the world.and the forces unleashed during the coup slew him, Nintai a~ld -the rest of en!' Ordet; fled from retribution,

Soli Izuruo, .the las! lorn of the kirsu, hunted them down, 1v.t,~ny live~ were lest, bm in the end IZl-lllllp. Hnd .his followers trtumphed. As they were a peaceful people, the k'itsu did not wish to slaughter thtl Order of theTsuno OLLl:'ight, instead deeming rr appropriate to banish them to Tcshlgoku, the Realm r Slaughter, The remalningkitsu magically c;x:ncd Nintai 3:'l d the rest of the Tsu no order Irom rhis Realm, binding:-t.hem- nominally forever - in.Teshigoku

They lost hope. of ever escaping, bur then a yourhfilJ Daigotsu approached Ninrai, Normally they would have killed him like UJ1Y other, but they could hOI deny his ~-,rr~ of power, Ninrai spent a timeless time talking with Daigo rsu, who informed .him of the _great changes In rhe morral realru.Discovering that the kiISU had been .slain and all but swallowed; by the Don Clan, he thirsted fUF vengeance. After centuries of lmprisonruenr, Ninral followed Daieotsll'" :i11~tn:r.riCln,.1:O lead I he Tsuno to fl'tO!;dom, alrhcugh the. Tsuno were .noraccustomed to owing anvsorr of Fayor to eve]'] powerful members of a lesser race, The young malio-tsukai lefr them 10 their TI{'W freedom, but promised th~tQI111 day he would return to them,

Their lime- in Toshigoku had honed them IIlf:} ,skilled warriers: nothing in the Shadowlands could thre atcn them, Nj nra'; did no I: be:ii"vl;! di.u! physical ptowess:was enm,tgh .. Ln order tel conquer Ningen-do, they would need t\J supplement rhe ir might with magic, Rather than return to rhe mortal realmimmediarely, Nintai and his brethren began ro explore the Spirrr Realms. He Idrn<~d 1' .. 1 harness the powers of each dominlon.and incorporate rl.eminro his OWI1ITIag(c: \'(til'en he. had fi.nally mastered the ruysteriesof each Realm, he' founded. JJL., !JWTL schocl in tl:u.' temple ofTl,;Igu:elii ,shi.nde/l to instruct others, In <lddition to magic, Toguchi Shiriden also trained them 111 ~he arts of-war.

Daigorsu a ga i n vis] ted Ninrai, He asked the Toll 11(1 to ail y themselves wjrh the Shadowlands tba~ Daigotsu now con(rolled, b retu rI1 [or the knowledge rhar had freed them, As a partnership would also give N rntal a chance toave nge thekitsd, be agre~d" lk ,11sQ taught some uf !Ji~ u aft Lt}, Daigotsu,

hewing hirn how tcrnanipulare the essences of the Spirit Realms and creaje.the Onisu.Realizing that the ensuing chaos would he the perfect cover, Nintai lefr Toguchi Shindt .. n in the cne o£bis besl' sf.udenr, TSlllTO Yokoshim;i, so that he could

~-fnally P\I:tS\Ie: his revenge. ,

With me "Empl'wr's' dearh at the h:n,ds of tm Ot1iSU, rhe btgan to wl'enK: havoc On the Empire. Uoder Nintais direction tbey traclceddowll the .lairS ohhe Naga [lnd. tQrtured them tn p:heil:', sleep, Nlntal's Sou1twh;ter magi, 'transported D:ugotsu'~ troops acro~s the breadth ofRokugall ill an ilista.l1l,

sreppmg between rhe lugh=.arc.$ of rlie sleeptngNaga ail-cl rhose of humans across the Empire. Tlns rechriique even breached arulcaptu red the Kaiu Wall Though be was unable to keep the \VaH, Ninra] kaew he would.always be reme,mhexed as the creature f hal succeeded in rak ing zhc w,ill alter hundreds ()rV~rS of Shadowland failures_

While ql!singwJnCOI1 destruction throughout Rokllgall, rhe 'Tsunosoughr the City. ci!"·Nlght,lhe. sarne city that h d taken Kishenkus life. Nintai knew (bar ifhc could harness he city's powerhe couldsimultaneously desrroy the UOH Clan Jlild. the rest of the lower races, In tht.: Unicorn Clan's lands he discovered the crystal citYr bur: ir b~r11~P.f'n f'l1('hil rlrN~ I n stith :I way rhat the Tsuno were barred access. Throl.lgh lh~ manl' ularion of Mow VOT.'du, 3 shugerija excnvatirrg lhe ciry, Nirtai h~C1 lrisfathers remains returned. to him .and resurrected lirm. Nintai was finally reunited with hi, ialhl'l', hut not for long. Due tn Hanrei Naserus interference, Kishcnku was slain and his body immolated; With his farllet'$ soul forever lost III Jl;l"i'do, N I ruai vowed vengeia)'\c", ug,tin~r the so f'\_ O£'rqlmi,

Nimal could not have foreseen ehat Daigotsn would be slain with [he h~lp of this same infm:illting courtrer, \'\!it.b the Dark Lord's absence, many of the inhabitants of the Shadowlands reverted to infig·hl'ili.g. Nintai waited 10 see what new power would take control of the. Shadowlaads, and shnrr I y afier Daigorsu' death and resurrection, Iuchiban appeared in the Ciryof the Lost, W' seize [hc't1~,k em pi reo SU:.5peG(ing Daig91~U Was not yet done with rhe mortal plane; Tsuno Nintai mainta ine d. cordial relai [0 n s wi rh tile new I'll ler of the S lia d owlands, stopping short of decbirin-g- his allegiance It) Iuchiban. Tsuno Ni ntai .11:ilS cledd&d to .remain neutra I itt the war berween luchlban arid Dargotsu, It benefits the TS\.U1Q 511r more to wait 'llntil the stronger of the, two emerges with victory; II' the. end, the two would-be ltdt:l~ uC the Shau.owLm:ds are only human and. not worthy of true 1oyalty.

T5Un.O n.Ut-TAI

Male Tsuno, Shugenja (Scu.ltwister) .18: CR.~ LSi .Largc Monstrous Humanoid CShadowlands, Spirir]; HD H!d6+71: lip 152: Irii t +7: Spd30 fr.; AC 22 (l:Ou~h l2, Oar-footed 1,9):

Ark + 'I HHg~ nddl1!3l1 + l4-/+9, 2d6+4 ,dll11.:Jge; 50. Fear Aura, Spell-like Abilities: SQ Damage Reductiol1I0/;2(j;1dei, Detect Pa,ssage" Blemcn tal Focus (Ai r). Scent: Hcnor. 0; At eE:

SV Fort I L, Ref+s, W.lll-i·8j SU' 19, Dex l6, Con rs, IJ)J 18, Wi.> til, Cha 20; .Heraht 8 fl, ! in,

Dojo:"Toguchi ShL~den.

S1dllnrnd F':I1IL Speak Languages Ichlkli liudo, Knrm, Mujin3, Naga, Ogre Onl, Rokugarn, Tsunc), Bstr]c HD, Concentration +:>.1 .Diplornacy +20, Heal +15, Inrimidnte t 10,. Knowledge (Arcana) 1-15, Knowledge ISnJtiowlancisl '11+, Knowledge- (Spirlr Realms) +21, Move Silemly +10, Scry ;·IU, Spellcraft +2.1; GJ'eJt Fortitude, Improved lnitiative, lron Will, Lightning Rltflexes, Power Attack, Rnu:l1 Magi", We.p·on FOCL:ls (Huge [;Jlchion). ,

spdll per Day (6/e/81'lli!7 /7/6/513; /;else ~)C 1'5 + ~l,\dll~vd; slemental Foew - /1.'11', Tstnlll Siwir.Wlsin schOll!_): o-level - Agdsha', wl,nll, wll filllAau, ghOi15omul, gtlld{.!llU, ,na.slr Df 11I,1£,ll, ,n,ighf OJ,laVC5,/,tWLV direr;tion. SHilchgu's1urgc;, wlmp'7s ofHI1' kamr;. I ,1-· -'hlm~d 1IJl'il'l,S, lmrfl hlg li~nd~, c.l,enfe~.r i1ir, f\'rlllw' J~lll, reg'l';;' o t'~w,d!l,rI'Dnt', 11lmsrence of ,uri 2.l1J -'Tc·j ~haLi 1'101 cr, Jlnmcr b[ade,l!ls"l)1, ,~f ll.~ linn, 1(J(n.te 'lh-lerf. mrs!" llf f~m" Y~~(!(.hng mr,,·Y"Ol';' 3,rd -1111 [mule dead ,wli lightrring, di,pid magi, 11ll6't~, JJllli'lhfll~Y;· fth - d.iIW/ oj tarnl, discern lies, Iwl!ui'lrmtnrT te'un/,n, li,gfII.lJI1!g btlli. the fin'S JI'om Tl'1,I,hi/1j 51h- fli I MlilH 1tI1'1 .~,onr, grIt oj' lIh' k<HTI<fJ, im.proU(rd III VLS"ibli.d Y, O,ttrl!HtlO" .:nrbra.~c, ,crymg; 6th - n"'llLr

I<ndt'llll, ([otnrllille tJr~ m rnd, rifT ~i!~,1.I, Wllld U'illJ~; 7th - filII>" P/iCI'IlYI rl[dfess ddli.~i'. gu<!rdmn of <lIT. Valll.ih;' 8th - bhSSnlFUr I-Izo, m!(I.~c. gi,'itU:I' tllTdC;ld, I.flccfl<iilll'\' .:lml,d; 'lIb - rilc ruin t, re!t'- 11lJrreJ I ron ~I rtf(

, 1'01 esswm: nllg of roLHlfenpdls. 111111111 ofti'SI" rtW:tll'fl, + I Img"!aldUOIl, l-oh!' of the magI +~.

TSUJ\O nmTJ!'l1 Earth: :2 Willpower. -IW<.lter:-!-

Sfrl>ngth: (i fire:

Airrs Taint: 1.1

sl:hool/Rank: Ts uno', 0111 [WiST,('T S DojosIoguch i 'hinde-n

Honor: n

Glory: <l

Roll~ When Attacking; 6 k s Rolls For Damage: Sik..!

TN to Be Hit: 3U

Carapace: 7

Advantages: Clear Th.inkerv Heart ofVengean e (Liun ), Qilkk

Disadvantages: Driven lto kill Naser.,), Ovcrconlident

Sp Agony'~ Embrace, Bln ng Sled, Burn [~e Sc u1, Commune, Drink rlu- Soul, Esse-IKe () - Air, Heart of [he Inferno, Karmic SunJclillg,N(ght ufStTeam5. Quiescence f1J All', .Sen~e, Separate the ~oul, Summon, The Eye shall Not See. The Fires from WithIn, Tb", Smith's .La rn enr, Twi ted FODll

Skills: At h l.e t lcs 6, Hand-t i-Ha nd ", HIStOry ii, Lore (Herbali sm I 5, Lore [Karni) Il" Lore I Shadowlands) ~, lore (Spirit Realms') ro, Stealtb 5, Theology 5 Torture, 5, Tsuno 'n!ade 6

minions OF TK£ TSUnO

Ttt £ mll{ATA

Thl' free Ogres a;'c one Elf the few rices rhe Tsuno respect. Most creatures never escape the. powerful thrall of Fu Lengs rhe Qgr~' l:me€' more walk tlw' Shadowlands ruled by rtone. Wilb their supernaturalstrengrli, Dgres are fears0me opponents ror even sldll<~(1 S;Jt)l1:I'raL Faced with the prospect of having 10 rely an gobTins ro ~rrjk~ terror in die hearts-of Rokuga ni, Daigotsu sent envoy, iorhe ogres, only ro have thera re tu ri1eJ in pkc:,,·~ .. Finally Ib i.g 01 su asked the Tsuno ro approach them. ill the hopes that they would prove more SlICcessful rlran rhe Lost and the goblins, Tsuno Kurushiml lind 11is small pack of R<lvagers upproarhed a strong bam1 of ogres 1~'J by the c;ul111ing Rayobun. I-te.lli~Jng: that the ogres respecred stre.ng6 mure tha.n words. }(llru~himi cbil1lellget{ K:tvobun TO LmattJed combut,1~hou-gh KayobLlJl was :lskiHt"L w:l~l"Ior, .Ku[]dshunl hlld cmlntle~s c~atllnes of experienGe tn i he Re3lm of Siauglll'er. ArreT g.ubJuihg [heir le8der, Kuwshimi' made a pau with the OgT~S pr0inising tbern 11cir ftee.domlo return forrheir IDyalty ro tht:1"slll10.

the few Ogres following the Tsu no are <ailed the .Mikata. an archaic Tsunc.cenn.mcaning "those-who Figh t beside the race ,. MaSI Free Ogres view i:he_Nilbra as Tsuno slaves .. l'he two groups frequently clnsh, and than ks to the rechruques rbe '[Slll1.0 have taught them, the Mikara usually win, The Mlk;m rOSSt~SS a:I of rhe srrengrharrd LtJpning 'l,r lh(:,~1 Ei ee Or,[C brethren, but .have ulsc learned discipline. Instead fll small gro11pS on their own, rhey work in deadly concert with one another, :::'he Mikata are- alsc better armed thaarnosr ogres. They J13ve mastered rudimentary swordplay, ~l1d in I1H11Y cases wie Icl.a rot:ged rio-dach i (rare ]1,.11 karanre honored I'll rh ~ Tsuno blade) Instead of a ma.keshift rersubo,

The Mikara follow Kayosai, son of rile Ii,>gemlary Kayobm, As fe3T$.Qme a warrior as his farher, he often leads raids ugains! [heWnl!' Kayosai Intends to see r11<' Crab Clan obli ten te.d, a, he 1101ds [hem responsible fOJ his fBthe·r'E death, Hi" main_ grudge i~ against the .rab harnpion, mil only I).: K:wobun's death, but tot rhe utter disdain Kuon has shown the (lgr,cs. K;lyOSH~ was 011. rhebarrle.when the Crab retook Iht'Wllll, and marked the scorn wit h whica Kuon rejected hls Fatlwr's proPtJscLi alliance between the. Crear cifms and the ogres, Kayosai would ljke to teach.him how foolish a mistake he made, but realizes ihar his people are better served br follov;'ing the tommands of the TSUl10 !(lr 110W.

)m:. 01 rhe favorite pastimes (J~ the Mil{;1W is to C3ptmc J s ani u tal and set h im free to' wander 111 r he 5 hadowlands. Thl:)' sutreptlriously followhir» until he ls within oiglll ofrh~ will or .Hiruma Castle. Just as rhe samurai believes he hasescaped, rh6Y subdue and butcher huu.Jt delights doe .lVUbta to watch theirvtcrhns realize their freedom W3~ merely an illusion, '[hi? Mikats have claimed a small. area Lll lh, City of the Los, ('(' make them rnore easily conncred by the Tsuno, bui Iew Free Ogre" wi~h rn livl' in ch .. sh;lliow I - rhe Temple pF lbt- Nimh Kg m [. Most inhabiran rs of rill: ·C i I Y of the LoSI1mDW beuer th an to wander wit hi n I h.r,j I' sector, as the ogre. e r'!.j OJ' LO rmentingthc weaker races,

F.a[ the most part, the Mikata are employed as shod, j I'Q()PS in attacks against the Wall and guards for rhepathways the Tsuno use when iraveltng between the Spirit lZe~ll11s phJ Nin gcn do .. Any task thnr l"equ_jtes bloodshed or marti a l prowess ls entrusted to the ogres. They rarely guard Tsuno captives; as ,he Mika t~ do not agent wi til !lw phi [0:;0 phr rtf hostages. TheTsuno h3Y" to be particulnrly careful rcstatc which prisoners they aodt wish 1'11[eJl or slowly rorrured to death, as the ogres are. easily bored. Even lC,!rven specific eli reef vel no I: to h a rm captives, the Mi kaea a re best .not I.~ n unsupervisvd, as L[,ey iliay ruuueru 011 those inthetr care merely (0 prove their Independence.

In many cases the-ir assistance has prQV1!1" invaluabl e, as many Rokuga.L1i beHeved the ogres to be ncutral nrui] the siege ugautst the Wall. Not a true vassal fancily tn any sense, the Mikara help the Tsuno wuh rhe clear understanding th;H they can quir their service. at any time .. Proud Df their newround freedom, they art" <'.as!Ly offended by artyonc "rhu thinks 11al they are servants, This bas led to fricl'iCI1 between the arm,g;l11t'r\;UI1!) and [heir ogre alllc5.lhe alliance is ll"nUOUS <11 nest. for [he Mi kata [['e1 as,if Dili go LHI decciv('11 them. Mos'l Qf 1 helll Me afraid of Pu U1.l'g's t~lUrn) 11 rrd bear J" ~J LQv~' liwtbe mat] who g~\'e him hI$' fn:l!Jom. SOlDe vassal· ot luchiban have ;lppmacbed Ki:lyosal [0 "'JOG him to :the new Dark Ltml'i; side. MjlllY Mikuta \iVQllld willingly jOil'L hlchibans cHI~e, lJ only tv spite DalgOl)al, Th .. T~lI no'" noutrality has rr:e~ If'd unreSt among rhf' Mikara, who languish w:ith no bailie, to fight and no blood ro !>pilL Ilis only l:<urushimfs reasstlranct' of fl1tun~ plljuclo:1 rhnt have kept the .Mibto IOim] LO Lhe toJl1l),

1"he rare ogre spellcasrers are .particularly interested in the magic of rhe Soulrwisters and have endeavored to learn the spellcrafr of The Tsuno.Tf they could master death as the Tsuno have done, ,hey would be a fOKe to be reckoned with.

Tsuno Ii\~CI+AnICS


The Tsuno are not recommended For a normal campaign setting. They despise the people of Rekugan and would £intl [itt le value ln allying rhcmselves with samurai even For a shan rime, For rhe most pan, the Tsuno respect only the original Five Race-s and have lirr1e[cgard for 'Enyone else.

1.llrger<ih[lI1lOfi,' powerful than humans, a TSWlO averages aro und eighr feel In height and is a11 siriewsnd .m us.c le. Sou] twister characrersare .srna ller in stature bur j list a~' deadly, u~ually taking lip a weapon specializattcn, just like th<lir huslli counrerparrs. Rules' for the Tsurra Soultwlster Sc hco] t;an be f011 il d in Way of j-l1~ sh ligen ril..'" Rules f(jI: the. Tsuno Bushi School call be found \:11 W~y ofDte Sal1Wml.'"

Tsuno receive a +2 racial modifier to Srrengrh and a-2 modifier ro Dexrerity. They canrior ta ke any of the elan-specific technique and ancestor fears, nor any of the !oUowing:.Ear of the Emperor; 'Perceived, Honor, and Void Use.

1\:; they are ruhuruau lrv lI'JLlJIl', T~UllU .1] nut It;lv~;1 Void Ring. 'For purposes L,f rank advancernem, II 1:'11.1 no requires 20 {ewer Instglu potnrs \() advam.:e to Ihe n'l'Il School R~ nk. Thev may n!'l Ulkr rhe Techniques 01 <til Y of rhe Clans. Tsuno are also barred from taking rhe [01- lowiJ16 Advantages and Dlsadvanrages; Ad~'p't<ld BIl'od, Deathseeker, E:II' r the Emperor, He-w llf [be PNlpll', tnrpertal Spousaand Momoku.



The black-tinted steel ofISuDO armor and weapons is rhe subject elf much speculation, Lion, samurai, Imperia! generals, and Crab researchers have yet to claim cquip+renr [rom it 'lsuno attack, but all agree there is something crberworldly about the rnarerlal, The TsuDO guard [he secrets of rheir steel jealously, since it could easily be- turned against them to devasta.ting effe:ctAtthe end of's conflict when the Tsuno carry away the bodies of the fallen, a handful of.warriors always enS,LT!" that DO pieceof'Tsune Weapon or' armor is l"[t behind either,

Aller centuries of wandering the Spirit Realms, the lessons thai the sages of [he Is uno race learned wcremerhodtcallv applied [0 the arts ~)f warfare. Tsuno' steel. elilerged not' ~~ a result of a secret technique in forging metal, bUI applying arcane "Hi; [,~I rho: "1"~d <IS il is Iurg"J.TilL· ,,,)ull;ng-).n:c!~L rruelly damages those w110 draw unusual power From tfw Spirit Realms or ventu re outside rheir native Realm.

WeaPOl1salld.~nnot can be tnadeIrom TSlIllO steel, though onlv cutting (slashingand piercing) \"t~~pan~ such as katana, naginata, and arrows beneflr lrom it,


Tsuao steel·armor gain <1 d-lenllancCl11ellf bonus under most circumstances. WheD being attacked by a creature outside of irs native plane or aJJecred bythe influence of another planeunagtcalcc by means of a Spirit Realm's Influence), this bonus rises ro t4.

(j(Hfer I,wel; 8th,i P:r~l'eil[mll'e~: Craft Magic Arms and Ann9f, prol~ctln)l Jmm lmlY): Mnket price: +2 bonus.


TSWlD ~t(ieJ weapons galn.a +l enhancement bonus under rnosrcircurnstances. \"o/he11 atracking 11 creature outside of irs narive plane or affecred by the influence-of another phIle (magical or by means of ... Spirit Realmsinflucnn')t this bonusrises to H.

Cast~r lwei: 8th·; PYt'n'(l Ii 11 iie:s: Craft Magi~ Arms and Armor, protedlOl1 ;'01'11 (!IllY); MflrluJ prrce: +2bonus.


Armor m3ae from Tsuno swd raises the wearers TN to Ill' Hit by '1 n WI'WJ1~VLLr he, Is being attacked hI' someU"1I1igL,ulsiae Lts native 'plrj, Re,).lm 'If tcuched br' Ilk inlluence of a pint Realm outside or rhe one It ls curremlv in. For exnm le, a human samurai atrm:lung somerlung in !S-lUJ. armor while in Ningen-Do would ~tli'",r no ill t'11~cl;. Huwi-ver.Il ihe Lion were Tainted, r fighttrig the llulllL/ 11l -he' Realm of .':llaugher, rhp TWl10's rN tu Be Hi, w'luld. itH.'W;J~., hv llJ.


Weapons rnade Imrn Tsnno steel punrsh enemies under ~rmjj;H r ircurnstances. Whel1 artacking u t;]r)!ci 111111 is Ill)! wuhin Us nwn Spirit Realm ur under the H1!111~nl;'t' of a Sprnr ti{ .. ,dm tkll 11 ]S nor "I1IT""r1" 1I1 Th" ~fl:wkpt" _g:lIm:) Free Raist, OIl both utruck J!nJ d.mag", rolls,

rsvno Ii\AGIC



Level: Sor 5 Components: V, S Casttng Time: 1 action Range: Touch

Target: Creature touched Duration: 1 minute/level (D) SaVmgT1uow: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: YeS'

This lnsidious spell causes the. target', couy and chi (0 become altered by any weaknesses dH.W bear. The' target is affeCTed ~5 described below:

• Jr the target IS a. spellcasrer, hegainsa Spell Failure chance !,;t "ft·crlll£: di vine-or arcane spellcast ing) equal to 2090 minus rb e.lowest of .his.Strerigth, Dexterity, OJ' Constituricn. Th is faill-lre-·s-.:acks wid] any existing Spell Failure, chance, except m u I tiple castings of this spell,

Non-spellcasrers recalculate their arrack and damage modifiers using their ~QWI.'S[ non-physical iUlrib\lw.

• Creatures without u'le Void Use ft'.;Jt are- stunned. for u.1"4- H.>-utlds.

• Creatures wu h II l-lnnorare uffene.d hy nlllfu.lio1"I for ln6 rounds (crearures wirhotit any hnncr rank are not affected by rhis],

Creatures af£(~eu~d \1Y the Shadcwlaruls'Tamt are notsubject to <my effei:t~ 0 1- thl~ ~pd1.lts .dIce ts 'an.'- cum ularive,

ill thlsrnnnuer, [he spell h as-a 111% + S~ (hm:tte per casrer level Oh(lCLe~~full.y summoning the named [.lrgel_ Failure IJ11'l>U)S ['6(> GlstLng has r1(1 effect, though. another arrernpt may be made"

Caster Level 1-6


11-l-4 15~19


Tsuno HD 7





I'he 51.1 mrncningis inW<"tfec[, ,md you musumaintain CulJ (:011- !!'::'lltrati~n fiJI" the durrrricnof \h'js spell or the summoned TSUl10 rerums from whenceir Was summoned.

(iVIS=: or i."~ Si't~IT :;tEAl..IilS Conjuration (Creation]

Level: SOl" +

Components- V <;

Casttng Time: 1 act ion

Range: Touch

Duration: Special

Savin.g Throw: Forurude negates (h.FmLc~s~ Spell Resistance: No

S"I~*i c;:n"m~ Evocation

Level: Sor 4

Components: V, s CastingTim.e: L action

:Range: Medium i lOt) rio +10 flo/lvi, Target: One creature

Duration: Lmlruue/level I D)

Saving Throw: Forrirude negate,

Spell Resistance: Yes .

.By calling upon the mysteries learned by the Tsuno Souliwisters and Journeys i 11 rl.,., Sril-it Realms, vou sever "the. connectton between one target crea;ure-and a Spirit Realm. It LS uor currently , in.The most obviot.s and deV'dsratingef:ect of this spell-is thatthe rarge[ hmneelint e ly loses 3 U benefit~ 01 any AnCt~stor Feats (unless the target is wirblll_ theAnceswr'" RClJ11l uf resldeuce). Thj~ also has the sanH~cf["ccl',asl[ yOLI had C8$t dlip!1 m'ilgT[ nt, the target, bur only spells cast .by

creatures nor nauve to rhe plane-you are bod, currently Il1 are affected.

CAl.).. TH;: S71~lT Of my s:;.onti:-.

Conjuration (Summoning) Level; or3

Components: V, ~ Casting-'[Une: 1 action

Range: Self E.£feq;·Sununoned Is II f10 sprru Duration: l minutc/levt'll.D) Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: No

( ne qf rhe rninur spells That allew [h~ Tsunu ttl CroRS between tlw Spirit Realms, rhis spell summons-an el! b ~ r T~TT!"ln to n lr,h r b"s!deo '(!lU .. The size. oJ the Tsuno summoned depends 1)11 your casrer level, ;hough the spell may b cas; on ~ spedBr TSl,Ill.Q earlier I n the same Jay \1;~lth the intent to casl Ihe sp~lllga.i..u_ that. day to Sum moo that same target. Tf cast

One () the. deepest secrets of the Tsuno Soulrw.sters, rh is spell allows the 'Isuno to rrsvel between the planes wirhour sujferlng the ill effects of a .Spitir Realm's touch, The target becomes immune ['0 ~]Jy of rhe effects of a Spiri: Realm's Conrrol, i110Ilgh he accumulates points of Control nocnallv Atlectca rn_.~tnres,g:l1rl no ~pecbl abiliries or status "ff~cri; cl~L;; to. these levels of Control, but may ~e targeted and affected by effects rhat check tor such levels of C0htwll,'!,1f exa mple, although a cre atu re under the effect of this -spe U wouldaccum ulare p'oinrs of Shadowlands Tame, 111.' wou ld ~1I ffer no ill .effecrs :fi-Oli'l the Taint lind CO)] ld not draw upon '[he 'tIl nt fiJI' pawl.' [-0, bur h, would still bewounded by a,i"de strik,I.This spell rrormaJl}' lasts for ,\ number elf day& '\'4uallu yuur caster level. Casters of level '12 or higher may choose I at casting} to make "Ell", etlc'CtsF"crmanerH until eirher dispelled .J[ changed by anomer casting of Ibis spell

TWI5T£D Si'I~T Mastery Level: '1' Durarion: 'L minute

Area of Effect:, One rarger Range: Touch

Tlns insldious spell causes the target's body andcht [Q become altered by any weaknessesthey bear The HttgeJ Is affeded as described below:

• If the character ls a spel.casrer, all ofhi~ spells have their rasting TbIs raised by :20, l11i.nm5 x the casrers lowesrphysical Trair.

• Non-speilcasters use' rJleir Iowesr non-physical Trait instead of their Strengrh when rolling for damage,

Creatures with s Void Ring less than '4 are STUnned and unable EO acr other than IQ ddl.'hd themselves from attack for a number ofrouads their Ring is below 4_

Cr;!MUreS al-I ... Cted by the Shaclowlands Tainr are nor subject to .any effects 1)[ this spell. It e[fed" ~I~ cumulanve.

S?I~T ~;:ru"n~ Mastery Level: "1- Duration: :s rounds

Area ofEffl"ct: One rarget Range; roo ft.

Bv ulling upon rhl.'- mysteries [earned by {he Tsuno Soulrwisters ~nd (heir journeys in rJ1eSpitit Realms'Jo>u sever (he connecrto n between one target creature 311 ,a Spicit Realm iris nor currently in, The most obvious and ievastailng effeet ol this spell is rhiH the target immediately loses all henefirs of a.ny Ancestor Advantages (unless the-target is >G"ttn"cmly within trie Ancestor's ReM or residence). ThiS also eruls ali spells casr on the target bv creatures not native £0 rhe Spin. Realmrhe target is in.

CAJ.,J. TH£ S?I;{IT OT mY B;{OT)t~~ Mastery Level: ~

Duration: 5' rounds

Area of Effecr: .self

Range: self

One of the minorspells thar allow thc Tsuno to cross between the Spirir Re-;\.lD1~ this speU summons another "['SUllO [Q fighr beside (he casting Soulrwister. The Tsuno is rypir;t1 in qizl" and statistics, thougb Rarses.rnay he made to increase ilTraiJ on [he summorred T~ uno on a one fm: one.basls, The; spe II rna '!' be COlSI on OJ speciftc Tsuno earlier in the same d-ay with rhc mrent to CIi.'!1 the spell aga,n that .lax to suuuucu I-hal rarne largt·l. if cast in rhL~ manner, the spell bas Its TN raised hy 15. Failure means thecasttng ha~ 110 efreer, Ihougb_ another arrern pt.rnsy be made,

The sumrnoningis Irnperfeer, anti Ine caster must maintain (ull ccnuenrration for the duration of rlus spell or rhe I'UnI" rnoned Isuno returns from whence II was summoned.

«sUIS:;: Of" TH.£ 571;t1r ~A.LIi\S Mastery level 4

Duration: Specia:

Area. of Effect: Oue target Range: 'Ioucb

Oneof the deepest secrets of the TsuDO 50\1.1 twisters, this spel I allows the Tsuno to rravel between -rbe planes without suflering the ilJ e.ffectsof a SPIri! Realm's touch, The !(I[get becomes lID In 1I ne 1'0 lilly of I he effects .of a Spirir Realms Control, though Ill' accumulates pcinrs uf Control normally AlfCCled creatures gam nu specia l abillries or status eifecrs due. to these levels of COntrol. Out TIl:]Y be targeted and aiTected by eff~("ts that check for such levels of Control, For example .• ilrhough a creature Ul1Jer the effect (.)1' rhts spell wouh! accumulate points of :;;ha dowlands Tairu, 11<' wo.tld suffer ne ill eEen From the Tainr anc could not draw upon tl](· Taint tol" powers, but he would still be wounded by a),;de <lnkc.1'hi~ spell normaJJy lasts for a number 01- ~bY!i equal 10 VOLlr caster le-v!:L Casters of Insight Rank 'I- or higher Ill:I)' ('h'"l)Sf> ('If rll$rmg) to make the effects permanenr until either dlspelled OT changed by -:I nother casring of this ~pelL


The-lands rhat are horne rc the Shadow Drugon have becomeamorphous, -Illil ucnced by (heir .inhabitauts. Much like the Shadowlands near [be Festering Pit. [he ground and sickened vi,getati:rn shifts with alarming regular: ty. Unlike rhe resr of the Shadowlands, however, here it is due to [·he reality-warplllg touch of [he Darkness iT1stea~ of the influence or the Taint" There are f"ew constant srri.ctures OJ" sites In.the Coju lands. Only that which serves the Shadow Dragons pUI1)OSC remains untouched by the changes in the landscape.


UnIikfr :.h". twisted mockeries of cwilizaricn that the last SarnutJilll:"ilin;ain Or rhechaortc rubhle the goblins and trolls lay claim to, the hcldings kept by the Coju are eerily pristine and human. Tbe buildings are almost always bone white and shadow :Jbck. standing out against the "S'lIJJemll~uraJ darkness of 111<' Shadowiaods,

HOU5£ OF eo rv

in the Cirvof I he: LOft" only two building.s srand DUt against the spraw]'il1gmass of houses 3JJJ other structures. Ifill titanic Tetnplc ~f the Nimh Karni reaches endlessly inro the ~J..:Yi easily o rtsrr ippi ng the rest t)f th e dl}' in magJ,lficence. Second only to this.sacred srre is the sprawling and sinister House of Coju, the physical center of the Shadow Dragons power 111 Ningen-Do, It i~ from hem .rhar the Ieared assassins flnd stalkers af l'he C;Oj,l! serve the Whim of the Dragon, ana even the fearsome Lest samurai avoid-the structure, The GojLJ ami their stronghold are free or the Taint, butwalk 'openly wirb rhc blessings ofIJaigot-';u and fhe Shadow Dragon, lnsrtll-ing both mistrust and awe,

Even ~fH'r the faU ofDaigDrsn, rhe Coju have lost none D[ rb<'ir standing within the ranks of the-Shadowlands. Tht' support r;U the LorSIDf th(t Shadowlnnds may begone, hut few are willing to move againsr lh¢ demon nlnja.Bven Iu -bibilll does net know how to df'~J with ehe minions of !ih a dow, as he does not wish to -'llTm rhe corrupted Dragon's wrath.


Ihl;' HO~lSe of Coju, I he rtailling ground ftlT the assassins of I he Shadowlamis, does not fcrgive fa.i lure, The gre~ t castle has a large open courtyard for mzrria] practice, and a deep maze of twisting runnels.and dead ends underneath 'for stealthy u:ai.nlpg, As a creuri o h of t he-.l9hado}-V Dragon., "voer.y piece d The grounds ucdthe structure is alive and reacts ro its environ.rne nt. The masters of the Coju acaderuy-ojren direct the House lQ strike down st ude ntsas punish menr or destroy them corrpletely if they have failed'. Gojul<limina[~d in this manner are returned ro the shadow Dragon, -possibly reborn larer dcep within the catacombs to haunt unwary students.

W"ithoUl Dittgll[~U ilin.'tiir.g [heir acrtvtttes.fbe GOJu have turned their atre ntiun. to recrui tmern. Secretly, [hey have begun corr liP; Lng those wb a .ha ve 3 ba l1110nd Daigcrs ~'s ideals in tavor or Iuchibans rule. Though the ninja an! careful nell 10 (haw artent-ion Ie) theit activities, l'l:leyaTe l1oIoverly

coucerned With thei r cheree ofvtctt ms, A Blcodspeaker of no parricular consequence drsappears every day 01" so, a od the ranks of the Coju swell.


[Samnrai S/Ninja 3/Shadow Walker 10, Darkness Spawn Template; Shiha Bushi 21GoJu Ninja 5]

The master of the House of Coju has become increasiagly bttsy within the past few years. As the mortal m,l$[tN' of,the Ct;'jll family, Shingo bas fQuncLhlrnselfb('reft. of rhe Shadow Dragou's guidance more frequenlly than 111'. isaccustomed TO Though the sensei would neverquesrkrn his irnrnurtal master. bt~ cannot help but wonder what 171'aneJ' has drawn .he

hadow Dragol1 away from his cgenrs and his IJlOSt trusted mlnlon,

Though things have become uncertain, one thrug Is dear to ShiJ:lgo - Daigotsu mUSI be restored to power. The rule of .luchiban is unacceptable, as Shlngo knows that the .BJoDdspeaker master wi 1 crush rhe Gojtl ar thee Fi~~t oPPof.tlrriiry. Wl~ere Dalgotsn S3W the Hue potential 01' (11C l.0JU, rhc usurper wants only power forli lmself and wi 11 blindly destroy anyrhl ng in Iiis way. Shingo' has quietly beguna can-._pillgJl agai_lls! Iuchiban rhar he knows will end with (}J;1C 01 rherr deaths,

At1V5:n TU~: HOOlt

Challenge-There have been ietWITS of a mysterious splrit in the lower catacombs ctllliilg [he weaker assassins, -Wbu.e such activity is hardly unusual, these incidents have begU!1 1.0 draw the attention ofthe Shadow Dragon land In ,lI),"1'1. Ihe rnasrers of the Coju school), Whatevet"opiri, this may be, it is nor 'urrde r th e influence 01" conr rol of tlre ~h~dow -Dragoll.

Focus: Attempts 19 Identify Sf even purposefully conlrcnr the spirit have failed. 11 Comes and gees as it pleases, never encounrering rbe groups hunting it, b'.1 c always returning 10 desrroyanorher Coju. Some are beginu ingro :be lieve the spi!i ,is akansen conrrolledby U1e Bloodspeakers in rerriburiou .or the act, the GaJlf h-~w perpetrated agal nsr [bern 111 secret.

strike;The spitlf i., the s'7ul~l[:,L restless ShoS'um nlnja that died in the 'Shadowisnds, Iar from horne. Unable ro complete its journey LD Meido., it followed on errani Goju assassin back to _dreCily of the.Lost, Bnraged by rhe.survival of {he Coju, ~[ desrrovs ihe m when [r can ana bid_es when it must. l~h u~c6e~hd, the spirit may well.spark a War h~e!weell the {':IJJu a'nd l'heBit:)odspeakers,nlnsuming the entire City of rhe LOSL :n i ts (my.

movnrsm Of" 5H A [70\!lS

·oll1c\v.bere deep in the recesses of the southern Lost lands is a ;110 unrain ofdark gray storte ,Ula pale Ilora, Thr: M\JUJ:mlin of Shadows is a testament to the realiry-rwlsring power of -0<' gJ, adow Dragon, for it does no I' always appear in the ~a m e Iocalion. Erom-fill" s\v;ay, the Mountain appears shrouded in rnists, though ,IS one draws closer ro the landmark ir becornes dear rhat il. is not entirely subsranrial, 'The Mountain of "h:l(!ow~ seems to be G sennent thing, animated by the wil I ot [he Shadow Dragon andicalcusly guara_e,d by an elite cadre Df Goju Stalkers. The unwelcome mel.", their end S·WiftiYi the 'Very mcunramsblfrs h",Jow t"1'1Pir feer and drops rhem to lhElr death, or the minions of rlre Dragon deal with tbelD.

The Mountain of Shadows also harbors @: dangerous secret Known only co the Shadow Dragon and a handful d his most powerful minions. 'When_ DaigotslI created the Ashura, rhe

.<hsdow Dragoh was enthralled by rhelreleganr and 'puccli' CesmlC:tive nnrure In his search ro;.JISCo'Ver' how rb~' L~td of rhe Shadowlandli had created such magnit"icf'nt servants, he srurnbler] upon the ~mwe r in the Rea lrn- of Dreams. J)illg015U had' found the dreams 0'1':. sleeping' I?ll [l'ng, In these dreams Ih~ A::;llUr;J hap been creared, bp:r -rh" Shadow Dragcn found. ~i.inl-e[hillg else l1S wel1- a mrmrrtain ofdal'ke~t shadow, GqJtl Adcrar, thl' humau master of thf,' Darkness.t hq[ pel'j~hed in TPatity at the Jumd.s of TS3\'fa Hochtu, was a I iv,""~ nd w('11 In th i s c.iglml1UJ:e mirror; In S't['ad l)f p1de ndy awa i ti l'lg the dt:;i I h of Fu [.e11<,\\, Ado'nlj ha.l turner] Mi.L"wtmto Hirorni agsi nsr "he ether Thunders. tailing, claim to her soul and her Clan Frorp the twisted nrtcl {"',rIn L<'.fi_s p.~" kt "f rh~. D',.-;tgm., 1\,J01] IH~! rts, Adoral ruled 11]S pWll1d.ngdLJ111 thnr opposed even Fu Leng's riomininn.In Rukugm .. In I rigU{·d, [he Sbadow Dragol1. 1"<'0"1.',aled dl£" gtcatesr p~ak i'n t hese d reams-out of the f6:rmltlss Nothing, ,lway {nim the eY('s of D[lig('lISu, Im:blb4n, and jny cihar power LI~ the Sha.ddwlU11.ds


-rh"e, ()[hervwrlilll-I bJSl.iD'I.1 or the Togashi ·bruily was twisted into lhe- center of the Lyillg Darkness' power ln the srtange JWU'Q, and IJ',e Shm~owDq'gQn found j tq ltis lIking, Crawlb.g with sh:rdow~ buth liliv<: aNtl IllLlIl,:1aJW, tbe Dragon ha,~ .r.amed [be. castle afle.r rhe f~l.leh previous t)frhe Coju for his ow IT am usetnenr. Though Adomi' rulecl eb iscnsrle in Fu Leng's dreams, the Shii:d~w Dragon did nut bother to, recreate taat detail ami instead claims the twisted stronghold fqr his cwn .. rhe castle seems to be consmntly bathed in rnocnlighi, hight enough to darken and ,Iength,:n the sb adows that cover ILte halls and rooms of the structure. The b:)iQUI of Kyuilerr Adom. ceusranrly shifts. DB lhr $hadtlw Dragon's allJ be~~tI!'i! of lIS nnsrable nature.

It lswitn-ill these halls .[;11.:: lJral?;on enacrs Its mnst secrer desire, and rituals. .Far away From 8)1.' pryil]g eyes or Ih~ (:il Y ur [he: Lost, rlre Go}\] arc 'fFe" to -p1;JJlwhaleWr they wish,(.'V£'.I1 .the. desrruction "'[ whichever Lord ofrhe Shndowlard~ eme.rges vierorious urrce dlC r::6nOict betV;'e.o=a Daigotsu ancf Ifl':hi,bllnls over, NOIle save rhe GOlean' Iyelct)me here, except [::108C that the Shadow Dragon chooses 10 f:(l.!TUpT 'person~Jy, thOSi' wb", have fhi" SlTllligest wills or-mOot depraved sDlils ~,re hougbr bdOl't! the sbdpw .DdgQllli~te ill. dl~ bowd~ of Kfuden Adcn':)! ~tl it !nay ,~aV'.lr their torrupti~lh f-it~t halld.


I Shpgenjea.-6/1vfOl'ik 6, Da.tkne~s Spa\\r-D, Template: Aga,sh2 Shugenja 41

Onc" (1 f tht' To.gf1sbj i,r :'11.'111, slw·ns<>tl wasconupted lJ)' thO:' Shadow D.r;J;g.C!n tW:J Y,e:HS ~f[er Gojl.l At!QfJli'~ death H rhe ]aIT1~· ofob_l:ivl.on's Gate . .sluHlse-n bad 'bee Ie a [["Inured senJ, s~an:hing for the meani'up "fhi·s COll>,-tmlf nigluJllnes and attempting- to [ bi~ i ll.IT~re inst fOT Jc,trLlCTioJ1. b,ysiud y- 1:1£, th~ TaL', tie ,TIc!""r f6lJlid. pc'n<:,i'!WitJ,,6e "'lbg,\s')'; Qt'dcr., but when the shadow TIngenl touk him Sl:ullsen. hJUnd his I'mI.' ttl Ilillg_ H!! hn-;; bl'corn~ a t:nlC I and (alCi_11atingH1~5rer of rtiani:pwllt'inn, nlllll'njoys ntitb.il1g morl! {hml l¢ad Lng Empl~~~ f;JoL~m their d(l1.1n:e;,

I;Xfhendm shad.ow ljragoll neated the f"f,mmT<l1J1 of Shadows, Sh llllsen {imnw biIrJ:;;~lf inexplicably d FJW n to it. Though h('lud never lllso'beyeq hi~ 1TI@Slt:r, [he cornrpled, was wmpelled (0 go III Ibe Mountain and. see I hb,castle <ll ll:S penk, eV.~n rhollgn i-b.E:' Sh"dol1/ Drago]" fotb~de it \'{!bm the uhimlu(al niOtlnlniJ1 ielLtS0J 10 obey the Sh-adpw Dr:lgnh's c'pmm~nds lc> JeS1W}' the monk, and Shunst'n~l.fprJed 'by then\(JsL

experi encecl as sassjris of the GO,l u [0 reach his goal, ,Ihi' Dnlgoti wss b('fuddled, rn, j:htl, realm of Fu Ll'ngs-di:l',lll1S; tli" corrupted li_lgnsb i ShlUlSe,1l ImuYlsitell an Lither 'Iogashi :inO)lk andcncou raged him Hi displace th .. Darkness. [rnm the Dragon Mountains. \VlhiJe the Shadow Dragon is unsure if ['h i ~ Shu men will be 'IS tra lWfOL!S as the -d rearrr-rn ouk, J( i dear Ih~! rue corrupted mod, bdGng,~ on 1'h<" Mi'lllF1(:a'il, ill Sh~dL'l\v for now.

nmuss T::mI'L£

[.UC;I ced in the far southern reaches 0f LD&! -terrttcry, t he I $\mngh()lJ lYE the NitlUh~ farnily remains a jealously gl[ai'cied secret. Those who ,~llrviv[}J the deE!rl~ of Goju AUQr;:a; anrl -r.h(' rnad ness af tht> Taint \\'J!l'eciIl~PTably drawn to -bis place in the e,\I'll' years of [he- Shadow Dragon's exisrertce. whll,' il1(' corrupted Air Dragortwas learning of Iht' Taint thin JlaJ !_oach(~cUt and the ·pO\~i(!·t{)f :ht Darkness thnr it h<l-d stolen .b:om the l:eail Adorai, tht" scattered remuants o( Lh.!' J:,nJ~.ub(· slowly reg:uuped. Unwilling :0 bea slave to the ,;>.,h1111S of Fu Leng's per Dnlgcl11 bur unable to deJ1y rhai rna'll)' Inid hec(l!:ri(· Tainted, the Nin-ube ga'l~he\'ed here in the de.e-pes::;h~dowf," of rhe Sh 11 d I)\V I~ nds and wa ired, s.k il led ,1 fter centuries ,of j nflltraILng d nJ disappea ringwnl.out at race, rheir existence, was unknown to eV~I~ ~he'Shadow D~agQ.n, For ye:l.l:s, the Ni:nub(" g~thetcd without knowing wny,

Tt was tilt' [I !1yidding 'essence of Coiu Hosch, the Ninj~ lvlysrk:. th-m Iwd gi,~el1 herself t01nple!tJy (lUI ur lave Cor I he Darkness, rlrar had gatlwri\d her hew 'chlldren', Though :;h~ -did net reveal herself 10 alLof these: N1ll1-1b~, she. mld tben.scH~ appointed leaders wliar they must do - it would be dw dULY of the Ni.!'lllh~ ,0 h-ring dow:n dle Shadow Dragon mid testore the Darkness [a its rightful state eurstde rhernfluence or rhl' Dark [(am .. , l1m:,,,gb the l':.J'i.nj" Mystic, who ironita.lly ~Ki:;t~'d only l1l tlw whim olrhe Shadow D'rflgon, [he N i-ml be restored theu connection to the primal Nothingand t'eg~i:aeJ much of I he power CJf I be Darkrress.In short, the Ninja Mystic rm~l~ [he place of eu! II .\Jo ral as I1Je.h uman faG; of a new ba rkness, thou g'b rnu eh wen ~e\".

wllho!IL knb.\Vin.g their true master, m:my !Jrt hI:'- Nirrube used rhetr shadow m a,glc 10 craarc -3 gnw temple of H1.'iUbstan~ hal darkness whcr~ tl{ey wulJ worship Goju,A~nrai. M<lnyGf I hirtn be I ieve they serV<.' rhe immortal master oL the D<]rknl's~ fitIll, fl-i,d they hoi disJbm:ed of their nOI'1()i:ls, The Jewl'r Ill,fIt know ::tbou! [he HUe St3le of t{{Jseki,. the Shadow Dragon, and thl' Qilrll.l .. e~s. Lh ... il:'ss likel,? rhe NiI1u'be Met0 cndl tho:

Dr"gon~~altcnt lOt1

TH~ ==tS<.l or r'An ltV

D,eep Wjtl1111 Ihe· heHI or NinLlbe Temple llesan !I.nil~ct Ch:ll hold" The te-ITibk p.l1wer'Or the DarkKamL The Egg of !,',m I\lI .has a dark :1 iswrv of its OWJ), Ihough it was most [~ce nl l}' Cl~ed fa -cre~t" 3 mad double of Ihe Cram.1! Thu.lldet:, Doj-i I·Ioluri, dllring'i[,~ Cbn War. Art~l- the ddenl of the ~ill5c 1::101 LU:lr .1 ~avenging Ne~lImi .sql1irTelecl il ~1"7ay~ llla.y .in rbe lTeasll1'(' h(iard on small [rib¢! fcirgencralluIls until Ell L~llg'S llS"smTiL QJi tile Cel~sti~1 H<;,ayeJl~ ;31Low{·J the Park Kami t::I onceagili'n l'e~ch 1m" thr llltlft:J I reaLm and 1:cEresh irs pD~vec Tile- hh;~ ~H[)turi rose EO ,e~ror1ze the Cr~l'1e ~nd. swore fealty 10 fu 1,'ng's t)lo-nal repl'esc)'i[ative, D,li'gorsu. Dvb-b~d Daigol~u Hoturt, t,ht chfLd of rll!; .Egg wus as power.fpl 'as hew3;; .cun~ nll1g a:nd became one of n<lig(JtslJ'~ n1u;;i -fear('clli{'llte.n:rnts.

Wi'thDaig(;}tsu's Je(eat ilt'the-Fmnils Oflllo'hi"bm'l. the Ninub~ fqund a i.ll~iqu 0' opp.orrtmity to ~t,tike a hlt)w llgalT!sr. thl' DirkL[;)[(1 md si twit,,' thEmselves db'se to fllC b i pan to b.i'ti:ay 1,j (l~

later, Th,' 'Ninrrbe nppn),'l~b:e-d I.llch Ib~rl., pronusirtg £eaJry_ Us!.ng t..lei:r connectlon to thepower Dr Norhillgi rhe aunrbe~i"s otcreation, two powerful Nirrube confronted Horuri and. forced his, essence back into The Egg of 'I''an Ku. Th ev rhel. NiITu6e,p.ff",nad ,h'i-l:igg to h,,,d;'_ib311, whq ;" ,_,1m i.nstructcd (he Nillub{~ to g\lard it [or hi'lll until the' d~y hecalled £Or it, B~ca II se the 1:;g;g represen ts Inc h ihan's trust in the' N i nu be. tbey keep II ~atE' in their huldeu 'Temple, ~mJ. [lope'may rouch i r unril luchiban is prepared tp usei L &ho\11 d IheEgg be', lost, I uchi ban's: wrath would tum upon the shapeshihing ninja and I heir plans would scnrter rorhe wi rul ,

runvss OCiO,W

[Slillgcnj,a6/Ninllbe Slrugenja 3; Nin[]"DeShugenja 3] She is the most tn(~rei:l'sc;v.'ll1-r bf Ninub'c Eis~L and many N rnuhe report to oguku imhwl of thefr d;trk 11' isrress, Ogo_ku. 15 [l(!rtdy leiya] ~u Eisai and hcl.ieves that OJ11)' through he, le~_(je~:ship will the Darkness be restored TO It,., P,CViOlIS ~Me_ Though she [,:15 been a.chfld or the shadow tht .longerrhan 11~F m is-tress, Ogoku has' been burd e r hit by the Ios s of theili nrrnerta], TIl',SteT . .sh~ is prone tor nts ,of i nsanlrv and bloodlust III timescf.stcess, but remil\ as both ;i spy mid infiltractor,

Jiuno:;t <i03'UHOLDlnGS

MYI'iad amallstructures dor the- lands of the. Coju, teBing·.of rlie newly rndependenr minds of the C.oju minirms, These landmarks are a l most ~.lway,~ lht! crea.tiori (Jf the i:lhad,)w Dragon';; minions and are as real as the S;t0UIt :illJ. earth th"yarebuilt from. WitholH excepnon, these strucruresserve a personal purpose, bat evenrueily [aU i.oto Jj'sr<l'painc: their ereotu.i'i1 are drawn [-urth·):-·I· ;"[9 rlu- Shadow Drag_on's SCTV;"C-,

A"O~AI~S G;'lAV£

A,s-mall~hrine dedicated to thc Master PI' the ba·rkne~s lies just outsidethe Mofmtain of&h8;d6ws~ Hone recall WhO erected [he memorial, thou.gfi·j'( is kept in ~ stale of decent tt' newly corrupted Golu.~"oll1e miaionsmlstakeIt as a sh ri nco (0 rh e Sh adow Dragon .an d worsh ip accord il1g1y. orhers realize shrine's tnie nartrre and attempt rc use i! ro anchor their slowly'fading memoj-ies. The ShadllW Dra~olJ allows the shrin« W ~tand only due to me amusement he ii~1ds hi watching such.asph'ations crushed.

The phYs· remains ofAdnr~; 11'1" with in th Is <;11T;'W, though few areprivy l~1 this secret . Eve» rlc\Op in Th~ shadowlends, the inElllence of the ShaclowDrllgon. kl'eps lh{ .. -bones of G'Oj \1 Adora! From rising.again in sendee to. Fu Le ng,' H owever, should.Its locarion reach the ears nfthr Bloodspeakers or-even

luchiban, I ba,_rmrty very weil change, .

IIi\?O;tTAnT GOjU n?CS

GOjV J{.YO.:rI1tO,

H £Ia OF GO.TV '(YODi:n

In tlae Sh;1 dtJwi8nes,hbnor is" a joke to the Tainted beasts and alii:' to the Losr. Honor: isa nodse.l'ha! the samurai of R('lkugan place around r lie; r own necks. and th~ armies of the ShudrfW-

lands nIl' more than wil] ing to ttgh ten .r. 'though the Daigotsu arul his gw('t'~ian; Kyo'Jeri, had a somewhat malleable view of the concept Cif110llOl'i -mey never atrern pled co force their

ethics UPOIl subordinates. ,.

One of the LOSt, how!'vel·" POT need the idea forced lLp0.11 him, Hirnmori, II son of the Ikorna house a rrd fI. samurai who became l'~in-ted during the: Battle of aNi viori's c; ate, fd I .nto deep despair when Dligotsu 'became the master of the Shadow-

lands, Wher'i;' the Tillnl once wiped away all trace ofimman regret and ernetirin, the. .Lord 'of the sh~dOwlarids blessed his foUpwe~:s wi 1'], I h~ (t'e~ v.HI 'prevtous ly dl'~i·l1.rJ lh.~ITI:, Nnw f-u Ilv aware of what he'had been and whal h~ had become, Hircmoui's sou I warred a-gai:bSt Itself. Thrrugh he h ared rh e Empire and. his cla n f@I'llIJallcio)1'ing him to the Shadewlands, he was 3 man without honor and. purpose. He had (:litecl his pte'vi'gls ITL:i!.t"TS,. ";S\I nwor! h,y us !·hey were, and. his reru rried sense :of self despised his shortcorn: ngs

1 ri..eHc(r, D,aig6t:;\I's purtge rallsed H iromeri to .regain his sense of honor Though the fallen Lion considered seppuku ru ease the strain on .his s.tJ(d,lw

. reat/'.ed tinT tlYf~tli'ig sw::,b <1 troblc act LUTO d. selfishatrempr ro end htsown parn would only PQW' that he was a dog without honer. Insread, HirOlT,OO 19t)1~!O-d tt} th,i;'~Jnly example Ill' could Gnu in the service t)rDalgo~su: Goj u Kyoden.

T he Ub~'id,ian Cliarnplon l'ascillaL~t! l firomorL!{YLlltCI1 served two masters, D'.1fgolsl1 and rh- Sh3~tqW Dragon, withour [ailing: in his duty to either. He ube e.J wuhourquesrion when given his cumrnands, and served even wast-lear he disagrecrl wirb his orders, Hiromori made it his goal [Q become wun'I~')' 01 K)'c~de,n\' respect. <luJ l'lll el't"d DaigQ1W'S leg_iI1]1S. Ihe Ikorna recalled Ius lessons atthe rarrica] 'r"()('11~ otl'fle Lien and quickly beca lne a valuable asset. Hirornori was ;1 talented gcnemL3l1 J a powerful warrtnr, ;Hld , n unde I' two years he became a parr of LJa.IgOlSU·~ persona I war council.

It was shortly af:et this [hal I lircmorf wok ,he .un,. I srep in emulating his iJol.Th!:Taimed Lion petltioncd Kvaden fOnll. audience witb the Shadow Dragon, ,1 rare reque even mote nUB!.)' gr:mtE'd 1,-1\[01"".-1 bud HudkJ the \\,"j'k;Jlg~ u,' Ihe Darkness !mJ understood lh;1I by bee rn ing one wlt]; lhe Shadow Uragon, lhe Losr Lind the Gtljn would never truly-lose his \lid S110ll1J he fall in 1m Lk Deciding that ! ht· Shadow Dragon sh(;:ttdd determine t-l irornorts 6(e, Kyuden agreed, arnl theman IY:l,S left [0 s.rnk~ his bal'-g~in wit hrlw master (of the D~ ik.J1C~~ i npcrson.

Jkurna rIh,O'nlOl'j' never emerged from. ihe HOllSE" oj- Co_i>l.

His soul lind mind were laid bar>! before [he Shadow Dragon, ;i-nd rh~ Dragon \Va\ilillluseJ by HII'IJIll(,\I"i's arnbitluns and sense of honor. 1 t warned Hiromori.that his dnvs as u typic:nl samurai, Tainted ur not. were over The place of Ibe Gl1ju, l.'V(,11 Ky od en, was in the shadows, sen'ing in t1w daJ'kn(,,:i~ where even ~ml ft'.ar~d to tread. WithoLlt a lUUl:.b of i"e,lT, 11 iromorl accepted the Dragons otTer. quietly relisJling [he opporumiry to serve in an eveu more ~1I[ecapndl\',

. To honor rhl" man \vlKI had s(::fv{'d ~,an IJd, HI romorl look :be name !<YQjiro, :'h~lUgh the Sliadow [)nlg"~l und Daigorsn :,otb rh0lf.ght Kvoden would have taken .L1tIeu,';e to the torme·[ Lion nanling hlmself as if h .. were rhe (jbsidian C.hampious son, Kyoderisair] 'I1n~hlng. SJlendy, KyoJ."rI was .sn ['i,sHed Lhnl he had crcared a legacy 10 pass along, and he knew KyojiHlwas a worrby successor should 11e fdll defendmg Daigorsu's ItfL~.


Human Sa.m6/NLn 4 (Former Lion, Darkness Spawn Template): CR I 2,1.,' Iitnnaooid; H D r>d Hl'r12pJLIS 4d6t4: hp ae: Inii .L.~; Spcl 3(lIi. AC 1 ~ I, louch 1+, Ilat-fc ned 19): Arrack +llllliwiy l(nllHtll -1·15/'1-10 l1wJee;Q Class SkiI: ~ Knowledge (!:Iistc)ryi (P:unil)' BanLlNI. Darkness Spawn ~uaJj~ ties, Ancestral Dal:~h(), inea k Artaek .... 2d61 Ninja Dodge (I' \), [ llcanuy Dodge IDe;,: bonus 10 AC I, PI)i$('ll Use, Speed of Darknt'iis; Honor 2;AI..LE; 51.' Fort ttl, Ref .. 10 \~rin t-ii) S.lT 18, Dex rs, elln 15.111i i~, Wi.:;- 10, .eh" ,14; H."lght S Ir, 7 \J7l; Shadow Points: 10.

:Slnl1, ;lIla f!!I:t/"s; Spe'8 k Language lR\lj,Ug8 ni}, Cl irnb + 17.

Diplotnaoy -t- lj", Hide ",9. Intimidare HI, jump +17, MI,lvr 81el1IIy +9, Ride +'13. Sense lvi'eitive --I.~, Use Rope ·t-9; Blackened Honor (Anc('Jit(iI: GI.'jIlKY0c!{'-nl, Child of Shadow, Cleaue. Crear Cleave, Power AlTack,W~y ,[ 1 he u~'" {lal-ten I\..,.i(',,-),

rJ('j,~: NmK; K"ia: No"')",

PilSHSSIMII,' +1 HllhpIYh~II!11HI. (ancc,tral daisbn ! 'I flJlkvJl' wa.luz(lsjIl (3!lct'St[itl d~i,jUJ), 'i<'t\[.fr~" ('I )!1',Iil'tJJOII i-;, rwfl'lJ[ Ilrm':f) t-lJ

~OJU }(_.YOJI;l.Q Earth: 4 Willpower: S Watel'~ S

Fire: 1

Agility: [,

Air: 3

Reflexes: 5 Void:.!

School/Rank: Akodo $us~i 2/G0ju Ninja 2 Glory/Honor.: 0.0/2.7

Shadow Points: 5

Advantages. Child of Shadow, AI1.Ce.'5'OL Goj:u KyvJeu Disadvantages: Contrary

Skills;: A.thledcs 4, Bard 2, Battle 7, Defense 5, History (Lion, Clan, +, Kenjutsu 7, Kyujutsu 6, 1.ore: Coju Family 4, MeiliwdoP5.,Ninja-ro 5; Ninjutsu e; Shin tao 4, Shutiken 4, Stealth 6.

Weapons & Armor: Katana, wakizashi, yumI and 20 arrows, Ilg11[ amlOr ..


liUST~5SS Of' THE nmvas

EJ?ltl. The name burns-in her memory as [he ollly reminder-of a life d)9( has been consumed with. auger, guilt, aru] violence, To those rha 1 (ull,;w her, 'Eisaf is' a I'earless a nd rcerciless leader, To herself Eisai is s stranger arid :1 distant dream rhat cn ly rueb rhc blnetl1ess wlush led to her corruption ttl I he hands of the Lyi ng Darkness,

Llke many others, the Ni::1ube .mistress was COTI11,]crel differiont before beingconsumed by the Darkness, Her 113 me was DIKe Giri, I'd~lty,"lhe name rofa Ulan, She was.a conremplarive monk in a minor temple tc 5 hins ei ill the southern Dragon I a nd s, T.l.e orph an ~d daughrer "r farnIt~rs sla III In one of III ~ countless conllicts between the Crane and Izort Clans, she was Ji:'stered ('0 the Brotherhood befo'rc ~he. could stand, GI.r1 Dever knew her father or her mother, nor even the P lace of her birth. Her entire W:!,' was LI1 the temples, studying the eXI or the Tacin serene contraxt Til rhl> vi,olencI!W.o·, b~d ~~jq;T1 het rrne life away before sill! could live -I. To ease thl' strain that her beauty bt;gall to cause in the tnonasrery, she rook rhe name uf a rnan and J vow of silence.

During the Clan WllI: Giri watched with horror as the Greal Clal1~ turned upon one another and rhe twisted blasphemies ofthcShadowlands walked Irecly wirh!» Rokugan, When the mnssc s ,o[dl:lplac('.d [HW('l:'l, WL1lLi"L~d sarnurst, nnd dIJ1t'T hopeless began to pour Into I be Temples, Gin oecame D tl 1"("less agent hhe Brotherhood's meTOY, Her V~)W oJ silt'n['(' begilj] to gd unnotlceil, as she bat! neither the lime or inclineriori to speak to anyone 1I~ she moved W1!n. rhe speed Df lilt.' wind [Tom One petinoncr [0 the IJ.eXL

\Vh~n Th~ armies of Yogo junzo cam 19 the templesof S[llnsei, looking for the Little Teacher-s descendent, Ciri' order began to-prepare foe the u~,t'vHable. Wil h dlL' clans struggli ng amongst themselves, what chance did a $J]]aU t etrll'll' have 1:0 be spnreil rhe wrath Dfthe Shadcwlands? On the day rhar The Tainted man .rresntes cam,' Ior ;iri's temple, she knew she would become rusrnnother orgorre» easualrv olthe \va!". JlI~l J51he ·arnw bC~'Ill.m PUl !:he ~emple~f1 Ihi' rtm:h aJ10lherg~eat army QPpearea ~f,emiligly from n0whcl~C< Walking frQm .thei111s!'s of tbe 1U00.U1talns, we Dragon Clail ~a.muraj cur rhr:ougb rhe lmd~adl \Yuill' Agasha shugenJa and fit·('br<'a lbfug ~ilT!iJOed ~monh b,lrned away the 0]11 a.nd gL,blU1.;l th!lf .1l.J()il against lhl'ill.

It W'15 men thai she saw him. Tit;;, immortal and Ji.vil1f' scm cifTog::.shi, Hoshi H~ was .Lm1gnifi."el1t and unst!JPP<Jblt, -;]~ ifbe we-re. th~ wt,lth of the- Vdy CeleSTial Heavens camp ro reSCLle 11('( rrOli1 rh~ unholy beasts. Though she l1f'verspoke ro him thai d,lYJ her !TIt<illmy n~vn le.t go otLi:Jgashl's s!j,n, .lj~J she knew she was destined ro rove bim Ycars late]", wh~n lhe


~ .. ~ .. t,EtI

i. J - ~,

rise of Hlrorni as O;t:Egon ch~mp)on forced Hoshi and the Togashi monks ErOJ"J1 their hOID~, Giri was Ih~rt' when the Brcrherhood welcomed the h~nished Dragons, 'When Hoshi announced to his allies 6is' intentions w reclaim the DragO'l.l Throne From. Hitorni, by force If necessary, Gil'i was among the ffrsT to swear fealty to rhe half-god,

A[ this t irne n nother silent rnunlc jo inad the ran lcs n~ .Hoshi's swel] ing a tmy; Eisai, N on e k 11 ew \v here sbe C3 III e frbm, though she was welcomed with a stra ng~ se rise oJ inevitability, ~~·if she had a I WJ1 ys been parr of Hoshi's order, Withjn weeks, i.t was deal' that Hoshi WBS smitten, ~nd Giri's heart shattered. Hew could this have huppei1cd-;- She was the .sarne as ElsRl- silent ailc1 beautiful" a wise monk whoh ad 8 -Plj[!1' soul arul n pure love for hirn, Had Eisai suffered or cnrlurer] the trials C-ili had? Itwasn't P9$~i61e. ·Giri became I) bsesse d with the llly~I~r_ioU., womanand he-r obsession quickly grew into hatred. She wanted to be Eisai, wanted whatever i I was that set her apan, Her h:ltEcdgrew so great [h'a r the Harkness came for her SWiftly, ;rLready W8 i:cnil1g Hoshi's arm y close II' due. TO his plans fiiJ destroy 1:1 itornl.

-When Gi pi disappea red one .nigh I, never' to be seen again, fe'w noticed,

The Darkness made Ctri their Bawn, sbowi 11g hergreat VOW!"!"I always -promiSing that soon she would be as remarkab1e as Eisai and steal Hoshi's heart ~wa')t E"e.tltu~ll.y, these .g.oals were replaced by i_nflkting pain upon Hoshi's order of IIl1JJ1,b; and destroying the agenrs .of the Dragon Clan once Hoshi deposed l-l itoml. toler love o fTogl!shi's SQn was completely forgotten, and all that burrier] within her was-the need to be aa greatas. ,. .someone.

Bv the time the Barrie 5r a bhvion's Ga re s:JW the desrruc['jon' of Goiu Adorai, Ninu'be Ciri had almost completely forgotten herself. Al0IH': and abandoned. by the .D~ri{ness,.she found ethers like herself, leading them deeper into the Shadowlands, She didn'l·how how she knew, bur it was clear [0 her' th"t the Darkness bad no, been completely destroyed. Her cosmection 10' il was enough to keep IheTai_n>\~ ttomconsl:Irning her completely, me! she taught others how to harness l'hf. power of Shadow withintlrem wirhout arrractlng the attention of the new 111 asterof the Darkness. the Shadow Dragon, W'h~11 one of her mininns finallvasked her name, all she \"ould reca LL was a face of seren iry 'anJ beuuey .. a nd a £] ngk .natne, "Eisai," she- rep lied, 3ncl the a nger l.ha I; was sparked by that revelation caused her to- destroy the ninja, that asked, SinCE that time, none have spoken rhe'ir mistress' name', except ill wIiL"p{'_];~ to one another,


Human shu 6/NSh 10 (Darkness Spawn :rem.plate); CR l;'l,MeciiLim-si1.e humanoi J_j !-iD 16d6t 32; hp HJ7i Ini r +6; Spd torI Ft.;.At. 2H (touch 16, flat-footed 23); Arrack +2ial!ltrd nrnJIl('n of spaa. +1.-2/+7 melee; SQ clas$.SkiJI- Move Silently il"Hlhily Bonus), Darkness Spawu QU'llliiies, Elemental Foc(i~ - Ait, Sense Elements, Shulabi Magic. (-AiF X3,Watex, Fire)] HouorO; AL NE: SV'F01-t +7, _Ref -l- 15, WiliITH; Str 14, Dex 21, Con tS, Int (7, Wis 8, Cha 27; Height 5 Ft. 4 in., sha-dow Points: 111·.

Skills lInd JeUi5; Spealc.Language (I{o.h._ga.1li), Conceuttatio 11 +11, ;CHlft (Bonsai) +22, Drplemacy ",:27, Knowledge (Lying Darkness) +22, Knowledge (Shadowlamls) +22. Move Silently +25, Scry +22, .sp,ellcraJt +22; Child of Shadow, Combat CastIng, Dodge, Bxperrise, Icrprcved Disfj.l'.m, .Facel ess Soul (Ahct;'slOr: r-iiil.ja Mystic). Weapon Focus (Ninjato).

DlljO: NO"l1~; KIJIQ; NOlie.

Spell~ Knowil (6/8/8/8/'8/7/7/ G/ifl: b - ,~alh Df h, slgir r,g(ltlicl'in&; ",lirt g1l1'r!m1Cc, dllU, ghosl' 5O.uml.. know d{rediml, detcrlli1l:r.gU, Sl,ft"engl/s mrg~, rre,qf~ wnt<'I', flnrhlgJP~~lf; 1st -!JIe;:~t';] wmd_" Ch~llgi' ielf, ~!leed of hrclIJ.I'l, oh,nuing I1mtl ebbllig SM'eng!h, lame SPlY' t; 2nd - !lenten's I'own, ,i istmdlng spm/s, know the mmd, wimllJhill; know tim slw,~elv!;, I.he Ii"" Ihal hllltl; Jtd - fake (ougIl,', rlnin+Hdinlu/da ifvoyaflre, gllst cof,Wifld. the 1111"1'1' [lfum!, liSi'~i n'lllg<ei 4tb - airv.l1llJl, wh!spjl)'.1 of I'wiltghl, ShOHl,wammg ~III11P, I:lII'e lirrltmlIA101md,l; ST_h - p1111 hhal"lnf,l,.r~r~llsjrnt nnngc, d-imen,jon d()~r, rim RJ5ion , ltryih.g;6rh-- tlcrf, Idcpoi"I.legmd I-orc, ran/yol I.\Ig~ I. her; 7[ h - ·m LII ~ltd, 'ppi$.D'1 or I. h.' -\'V1f1<ispid-e:r, Ih~ l'C'II.eim Ii If& drop; 8th -,I,lyn"j k.n.IV~".:pI1t!'f dOQr

jJn,llcs.IION': +2 !amt~d. flil'ljaAo OfS[Wiid (nlloestra.1 dais-ho},iwko[ m_../tmr ii, Of1)wteclwl1 +3, nng 4 WL<Il/·el'.Ipd1f. b09ts-of~l:tlding ami ~winging, I1.nwleJ of na..i1u'fi/ 1tl1ll(lf +4, (*, IIi'r;!wlismflt,4.;:a::l SAl Earth: ~ Willpower: 4 Wi!ter; 3 Perception: 5 Fire: <; Intelligence: " Air 6

Awa.reness; 7 Vord:.U

School/Rank;, NI n uhe Shugen ja :; G.lory/Honor~ (to/ftO

Shadow Points: 9

'skills: Acting (' AI hletics 4, Climbing .j., C-fa[[ i_Bl.ln~aj 11, DefrMe ~-, I10rglCry (" lore (Dragon Clan I (j., L\'In' , LYIng Darkness) S, Eriquerte ."i, J\·!3rupul.;l[[oJ1 t. Nirun-to 7 t'Jin.h:nsu 5., raison 7, Shintac :j,Slilceri.t:v I), ;)t:eal[h 7, Tantu fr

Advantages: Quitk Dtsadvanrages: Insenairive

Weapons & Armor: Katana. wakizashi. vurni and 20 arrows, light arruor,

Spells: &; one elf the. most piywcrful bl'iJlg~ touched bv the Lying Darkness, Ninube .Eisal has an imrnense number oj" AIr and Willer spells as innate nblti ries and can pos~.ibly gill"h(~[ rhe POWeTtI) csst otlrer spells if she wi,hcd_. GMs should Ieel free [\1 inclurie- any ~pl'!llbtly fe·t·lappropriMI' for Eisal's arsenal,

(jQjU m.~CKAnICS

AnC~SToas (YOI(AI)

like .orher creatures of [he 1illnt, I'he servants of tb1'; Sharlow Dragon .have nQ ancesrors in rlie sam e sense a's tradiuonsl ch aracters, Souls corrupted by the Shadow 'Dragon are eventually absorbed fu Uy by the Lyi'ng Darkness, !:-lQW(!,Wf, S{_1m~ such vtctinH have' either roo strbng ~ sen:;-e llf sdF co be fuily

ionsumed or are roo much use to tnt> Dragon to be Iorgcnen cornplerelv The "ancestors' of the Coju are visions, dreams, and hallucinanons the Shadow Dragon sends to its minions ror guidance ill:).d Inspiration III rh!· hmn oft! p'~Wll that served In an excepuonal manner, These ancestors are nor subiecr TO the pen a I ties i In posed by the influence of the l.yin g D~~:kncss seps ra L ing ~- cha racrer [10 In his ~ nCGstQJ' abilities.


G(ljll was Inc ~f the £ir~[ mortals Inllv subsumed -by i he Dark, 11(,5S. His rearCed arul hat .. Xul nature inf-ected it - i he Darkness d id nor ,0 much absorb GOJu as become :1 shared emit ·,.\']rh hirn.Thouah the Darkness had alwavs moved towards Iht• g'l1:l1 {,If unrnaklng all of creation, it was G("'ll'~ bitterness that turued the superriatural force Inrr a truly evil emilY 10 a SICk mocker' of rhe F~mdk~ of Rokugan, C:OJll gave his name 10 those who fell to I hr in ilw!nce of the Shadow for rhe short ti me rhev bore ~Jly na III (> ;1.1 all, Eventu ally, ~ha-pc~b tfi:iil.-g se I'~ vanrs of rile Lying Darkness C:lIT'IC to be kriown as "theCoju," and. Goi II took-a nether name for hi mse II ED (,1St aside roe Ilecring memory I}f the rnan .he UJ1C(" had been.

Coju Adorai was the mOI1::J~ mind at the ~-OJ'e or tht: Lyil't'g Darkness for O\"eT a thousand year~. Leil alone, the Darkness was just a formless and mindless aspen ofNoth lng, much like the hmriamental {'l~menrs of rhe nnt erse, Adof3i twist e d the Darkness 311J nearlv drove it victory over dw lands of Rokugan until he WaS slain 6y IS3wa FI.ochiu,W1ht'11 rhe powe.r ell" the Darkness coalesced into the newlv-corrupted AIr Dragon. the spirit of Goju Adami passed into it as- ;\,011, creating -The Shadow Dragon. Adorai l'lftt~n v"isit~ The dreams of those who share a dose: cunn zctiun wil h the hadow Dragon. Though the two are dlsrirrcrlv diff:inent heings. Adoral has become fullv anchorcclhv rhe existence-of the Darkness in rhe had"lw Dragon rU1J wnu'ld cease til b e i.f the Shadow Dragon wert ever destroyed.

H=:A~T Of' OA~I{n;:SS

[f.utCi:STO~ Fi:Af: C;OJU A"O~ll Clanr None.

Prerequisites: M~y 1101 huy .. r he Voi d Use feal.

Benefit: On'e rer d ~y, yml may g~fn an enhancement bonus to one. of your a-n ribut es ('.qua l 10 your maximum Shadow Points. Til is benefir l;)5'TS for a number uf rounds equu] rolla1f )r01\1" character leve] i Hlllncleu down).


£5 70mTS)

')ill'" {,31·JJ (lay, \,IJU may raise one uf ynur lralt b}, half yuur maximum Shut!u,," Points, ThIS' bt'lle-flt llists fl'ra numb 'T ol minutes "qual toY01lT Insighr Rank


Kyudcn wa, the child lC'ft to [he Bloodspea kers when the ronin YO[~Cl replnced the Emperor's kidn~pped t:bil..J wii Ii his own SOD. Thml,gh YOtll1.l. Ira_lied the child I,f dw T.impe.wr. hit> OW11 beir was losl to the Bloodspeaker cult and pre~umed dead. rJw abandoned .:hilJ was not shin, rhc)Ugh rbe m.aho· £sukal rulr destroyed much oJ Wh:H the yomh w,owd _h-av", ben)nw, When he came cl age. il was dear !h~)'OWlg man rerained a SHOll,g sense- of honor despite 118; life with the BlfJodspea kers. '[hili" wotil.a h:lvtl caused dle ~ult to kill him, bur his loyahy tn Ihe m.MJspeakers wa ab~ohtlc and b10 ~kil1 with tJY(~ b lade iuc.r~dj ble..

bL1LILlitiOQ tt' all this, th!! sen ol Yotsu beca rne a du~" LTlemi of another young member of the cu l r, D,jigo[SlL Alre~dy a powerful rnnho-tsukai, Daigotsll~ influence was enough to afford his iricnJ ct rare luxury alUQD!?, the Bloodspeukets - '1 geml'lI kk 11. I h the Etmng~ ceremony, Kyode 11 took tlw Ita Ii'! e of 1 he mall who had, murdered the Hantci's witi: alter she h~d gl\1'~1'1 birth eo Daigorsu, Kyou<:,o served Itt' Daigotsu1s side for yc,l r~ ~l11 ri I his Imbahm:t~J .soul attracted 'thl' ajtcntion of the l.lvi ng Darkness. Pasciuaredbv the man's sense ulhuuor despite his :1l1egiance.s. the Dl;rkm!ss consumed Kyodun slowlv and drew him aW-,IY from the Bloodspeaker rcll, Year later, when Gojl! Adumi was deteared and t1lt' Shadnw Drag n rose in his place, Kyodl'll'S Indornirable will preserved hiS se-nse ()f'self H is loyalry to Dnigotsu earned him a death 111 [he hands Q'f rhe Lion Champion, MalSU Nimuro. He was restored whe,n Daigorsu took his place as Lord of the 'had(~wlamh, a goodwill gesture From the Shadow Dragon.

Finallv, when Teturi Ts uda 0 destroyed the Lord of the Shadowlauds, Xy(lde1J returned his mastera nd friend's sacrifice. Now ftJly consumed by Lbe shadQ\\' IJragtln, rhe memory ur the legendary Kyoden is sent to rhose rare C;0Ju who walk !b.~ PlUS [ Ji1ficull-parh. of all- honor and durv


rAn.,C5:STO~ f'i:.AT: I403'V ICYOD::.n.l Clan: Any.

Prerequisites: Any 1:10n01' rankabove 0, ar least 1 $bllUOW POl 11\_

Benefit: You ,10 nut lose Honor-while petfonning a dutv in service to ! he Sh adow Dragon ur ant 0 f his va$.~aI~. You g~'i II a,

_5 circu mstance bonus 10 avoid any effects, rnagtcal 01' 11111[1- dane, to manipu late vour will and turn you from your currenr mission or loremostdutv. You may ignore [he ;'uishoRlilrahle" rcquire me'nt 01- any Prest lge class you would othe rwise yuaHfy fur and yom J1{.l!10r may not rise above 3.


(;3 70tnT5)

YIlU do not lose Honor while performing a Jury in service ro rll", Shadow Dngul;l or an" of nb vassals (unless Ih e loss com . from fill1 iIl_g a Test of Honor), You gain .~ Free Raise ro avoid nnyeHec.ts, mag_J.":u! or mundane, to manipulate )'!>m will and [Urn you fl'orn YO\Lr current mission or foremsst JUt}'. YPlir HUI1(,lr m~1' nOI rise ~bu\! e 3, ~nJ if i1 ever drops below 1. yU'U lu~(' rhr- b~'llefirs of I his nne' stor permanenrly

TH:: run.r J.\ 1i\lISTIC

An those that study the lying Darkness know the n:W1(' of Kuru Hosch Infecred by the Darkness as a small child and raised by parents that were n01 her own. Hoseki was [led to a bout every aS1 err Qf her We, leaving her ~LWD b ling lh n.nlgh 111:1' exjsrence, in shorr, Hoseki was the perfect vlerirn of corruption ,11 the hands of lbe Darkness, TI1Pugb ~he. f~ iled to rak e her place as a Kunl shugenja, The young woman f{~lt an unmuurlt[ alld unnamahle connection (cO for'l;'s be-yund the ka111i. 'he aould fe·" I th,.. shadows in ,b,· ~ame " .... ny Lh;> shug 11)3 salJ she should seIiS~ 11(' t'il'tnents. By rhe time ~ miHitm of rhe Darkness elme calling to her, she was nmdv IO cbim h(~T trtIe birtl1Tight.

W'ha,.. t'ts [he ~I[lry IJJ Kuni Hoseki "part [rom cl'!L1ndes~ simIlar tale.." ;,,, her fanariCfl1 dt'votlOn 1.0 I h" DaJmcss and the

JIVeSl1l,l1e power she c~me to control whIle remllJnihg mmta_l F \

I ,-! 1 I 1 ,.,,~. . '

am $ome,~'L1f)t 1uman. Tel .Rose d, t1e Dar t£tesS' was ,the ~



lumll)' and PUll1l)se shehad. always been missing. She . gave .. wry partaf her soul to it, and within. a y.enr rhe Ninja Mystic had Iergorten every trace of her li[e with the Crab, Eighteen years of existence were mtenncnally alld complete!:, :tnnihil~teJ br the lonely girl who wi,ped only co find a place fh \ be. world. Her fierce drive to become 0)1e wit h I he I)irr knesswas tewartl ~cll by Goj 11 .Adora i, anti rhe N} nj;'\ Mystic became one of the TII0St powerful exrensierrs of the Darx 11 c.>'S.She be'G:PIl1 e as unstoppa ble and powerful as .the Darkness, an d vet somehow wasnever completely absorbed, by I L

FimlllYi when [he Darkne5~ was g,ivn) a nam.~' by Htrorn i, Hoseki found herself being drawn back inm reahty ... until theShadow Dragon cauglu the woman's powerful essence and drew ir Into itself Thoagh the Ninja MysllC'S power I;; now part of the Shadow Dragon, s be figl:rrs'agH i nsrrhe power Ijf her Jl~W master and atrempts IQ returri fhe Darkness to its previous state. Unknown .ec even thegreat Shg]ow Dragon, her 'Influence extends wi i ho U I i L~ .... v 11;;",11 (. $1 ,t' ~"[d.,, 1 lit: remaining Ninube to Ihisd:1Y •. working [(J achieve her goaJ

f' ACi,J,.i£55 SOVJ,.

HrAnC~S1'O~~ run.r A Ji\.)ISTICI Clanr None ..

'P~er\'qTIisires: Must be " member (,r the Ninube ramily.

Ben"fLt; Once per day, y(m rna)' complel'<!dy shield yourself fi'O)Tl allauempts to detect your ptesencewhtle moving with srealth (such as with rhe Move Silently or Hide in Shadows slci'l fs), So long ,IS. you remain unnoticed bv mundane means, vou cannor be derectcJ by my superriarufal means (sw:h all spells or-kiho fcat~l short of the direct i nrervention ora Forl1UI!: ,'I' more -PRwerful being.

nJnjA 1i\~5TIC o ?OJ.nTSl

Once per day; VOLI may c rnplcrelv shield vourself hom an attempts to dete~tJour presence while moving with stealth. <;11 lone. as ynu .remain unrmtice j by mundane means, Y-0U cannot be .derecred by aq.v supernatural means I such as spells. kiho, or abilities that rely 1;111- something other rhnn the Bve natural senses) short of the direct inrervenuorv or a Fortu I'H~ OJ more powerful being, This ancestor :nay be ra ken on ly by members of the Ninube famiJy.


lung a~o, rile, en rill' tailed Nothing was created when 'J ~llIall l)J ( U[ cruario J I h id . .J5 Sun and MooIl Wfn r -Lbo \I t I h t morral realm gi \ling everyth Ing 'i1 riame and form. Because of it" ltndefl nednarure, Norhingwas boimd, to IlO sil1gle fOFm, rhough II also had no identity of its own. Iri a fir of lcneliness, il touched the mind ofanother being thai shared its pain ofisolatit,ji -Goju, thl'"Il:inja driv.cIi from !he cbn 01- the -SCOrpiDl1 W shnwthc Emperor 'rhe loyal~y orIhe dan. 111'fected bir GoJu's madhe .. S. the NOIhlng was rwisred imo rhl! Lying Darkness tharevr;'lntuijlly lrilocLlo Claim and ullm:;tl<e ~ll of i'-xiSj'ence. That which lhe Da:rJ,n(~ ~ n,mched W3l; grameJ great pO'l'ver, no ll')ngel'llQlLnd by the laws of the CelestIal Order. The ptke for s\lch powr-r \vn~

great; Im\vcver-~vcr¥rhing claimed by the Darkness forfelted its. own identity, beccming sole.y an extension of rhe untlefiried tying Darkness. Each roul 1L took m rhls W;IY unraveled a small bit of reality created hI' Sun and Moon. bringing CoJu and the Dal'kJtes~ -closer to undotng cD!'.lirton.

When 11].eh,etoJsawa, Hochil,l desrrcyed Coju ar the B'an.le of oblivion's Gare, what was left of the Lying Darkness was thought to have been obliterated by Hirorni, the new Moon, Separated from rhe madness of Coju, bi; rbnnless enriry wa once again Nothing, neither good 110r I'vH. whal few undersrandis that Nothing had become such anancient and pow .. e"ful prcscI1.C:c in the urilverse !har ro corrrplerely tL(!sho), it, even by glvi ngu farm and shape as Hltorni had, would JJ:1Ve cause a great imbalance in 'the Celestial Order. A sliver of Nothing exists 10 this day, unknown by nearly all (lClhe moiial worldand fH.;ed of tl'le- need ereatio n.

SmllYI the vlctoty of Isawa .Hochiu :l:ld come ar a terrible price. G@ju srood at the heart of a greer corrupt army in the 'J·,,,J_qwlaTldt, and norre. could reach 'hinl before being dr:i;--e11 mad by theIaint.The mtghty AIr Dragon, heedless pfdl~ consequences, took Hochiu upon its back and flew him to fKe Coju, As the two fought the holy Air Dragon was claimed by [he touch ofF14img- a blasphemy du' other El~m"nt~l D~agons 111'1.,1- the- Celesrial Heavens will never forget. Twisted byrh e Taint, the Jcl.U: Dragon becalm" a I hing elf rlnrkness, spire ... and Shadow. Hochlu slew GQJ'1, reartng me touch of the Lying Darkness [rom thousands of Gpju'~ minions. As they wert' so deep within the Shadowlands, the influence of the Dark Karni's realm rook them almost immediatdr, reducing: same [0 gibbering madmen, othetsl:ITHy becoming lhe demQ!l ninj.l whispered .abou ! to lhis J.ay.

The dYing G oju called au t to any that \vquld save him G:om his doom, and the-Shadow Dragon heeded him. II and he became one? absorbing rhe power ofi-I:e lying Darkness into the corrupted Dragon. Though dimtntsbcd byrhe powers o['l Moon and t11C death of his morral form, Coju still commanded a scrap of the Lying' Darkness' power and shared il wir-b the 'haJow Dragoo. Thougb the 'badow Dragon draws irs Influence by corrupting the primal Nothing, it is not powerful enough to completely devour the Nothing a~ Coju bu-d dnoe before. The Shadow Orngone~lSaw<IY a1 the na rura L fOrhlh!s~ness a little at a. lime, growing slowl y In power and influence with each d.ny.

Because of rhc shadow Dragon's narure, the path ,of the Lying Darkness arid [he Ti\iIlL of rhe Shaduwlarrds have become Intertwined. Effectively; the r.elatiunship between the- Shadow Dragon and rhe Coju bas become like that of an Oni Lord and. its spawn. Those rhal serve the-Shadow Dragon are much like the Goju ninja of old, though the commands of Fu ~rng's realm guides rheir master.

5H ADO\!l i'OlnTS

Thou:gh the i')iays to gai':!:l the Taln: of [he Sh~dowlllI)(h ure rna» y, the Shadow Dragon ill ust be at least i nd ireorlv in ,",olved with the cor nrption of a soul by tire .Lyin,l; Darkness, Tlw touch of the Shadow Dragon is enough 1'0 cause snmeone to conrract the Tainr, blll it will rarely share 'irs power with tl105(, who .have already been corrupred by rhe Dark Knmi. The: 5hadow Dragon prefers to keep .its servants its O\Nll"mJ Ihe intluenccLlf the. Shadow prCY'~11t~ Its minions from gaining the Shado,..vlands "I"iut.

One o[ the mos[ eli reet w~ys lO gain the anenlipn of lht Shadow Dragon is ro prepaH'. any rinlal tIl its name, Thb\lgh tilLs method ~e( simpitl (:n.l)lIgh, lhe eKI,rence a(dH'

Sh~d(jw Dng'H1 is known to very few. rho; nr~Kun understands [hat Goj u was d('_±~.!ltclI becaus« hl" revealed .h i.:l1sell- ro Lh~ Emnrre anti WJ~ srrurk JOWI1_ rur thi~ reason, the S h.atlow :k~g()tl' does not malee it.>elJ known to those outside (he Shildowlands, ·thOl.I_gh·cerniin high-rarrkfngri1\>mb"«l's of dw SCG)Iilion ami Dragon Clans ]uv!" be~[;)l1w. aware of lts ~xistel.\t;1'. since rh~ ilntr1t· vl-Obhvion's Care

Extsring Imrrions.oi'.[·hc Goju.aE:o G\ c. d irect iheatton tlon o[ lheir master tll others, though thi.: \inlllJ must b. e ~qmcv"h~t willing. TJ1tI DaThnes~ f~"Js 011 ~in ll'1d vic e ~~ i.r i.'i q i I [ rouchcd by theanger ol COJll.'Mil1iol1,~ Drlhe- :;had0w bl"~l&;on often approach those who ,I l'I; 3 m of a 1T".I:iitit> n, Jcarh, or glory; rhl? Gojll !eml rhest me-a and wUIIl'0q ,io';VlJ [h" pl!.[h 'Dr' dark deslre !I "11 I i1 [.he)-' are cornlf,1ted b~i us .nilu.eLlce. In. lh~ t~:l.J" Ihey become faceless Gojudrawlng others Into the sb~d:Qw

,JralRdtis tnilucncc: .

CHU.&' Of" SHAO'O\!l m::w f"~J:tT.l Clan: Nom:

Pren!4:uisit.cs; M.uS[ havecontact wirh 1] n, tlg;en[ "I The Shadow Dragon, G};fs approval

Benefit: YOII piJl two Shadow I'()in:sif vou possess 110n~i orbe r\~ii~c you g:ill1.(lll"'. YDU 1.il3y sp6i1d yonr shlldow :P(Ji nrs us ifrh",)' were Vo£J PI' nts in (he:~'<"Cl same' Til!)IJ ncr ns lh::.'iCI·ib(~d by the Vbid US{' l:eat. I 0 ~ny instance [hal requires you to spend l Void 'Poi 11[., you Tmy instead spend 11 S.lndow POI nt,

SPCI;:ia.,L:. Once Y',:11 possessthts fen, )'('W may .no; .ltaTl1 _hl' J£'pths o.J rhe VOId Dr V,)fd Use i~:at" You mil)' $d~i'l lb.i.>:: ff~at n1U I ti pi e t i meg, each tl me .1 rrt'r the :ll rs I _gmntIJ:l'g "I mare Shaduw Polnts; !f y(\U PQ"~es~~ tllt' Depths I.:If 1 he \loi'd ],11" \Ill: rl l},i' nwto prior N s.;:lt:c1ing· [ilio Iear, vou l1lay 1101 u,s'e Void Points if diJing so would lower your currearamount of V01d !'aint's !sodaw yoUr haxilTIlI:ill number or sh:~d'(lW Points. (?or eX~lTIpjl:, if Y911 b~v!',a ruaxirnurn pf 1 Sbad,lw Poiurs, )/,01.1 rnuy nor spem[ VoidPctnra ifnm bw 2 or !e:werVQid P(j;ill~S'3.i. -he rirne.] W.hcn you select rhis [eM, YOll may choose to givr. lip orre oJ your Deprhs al rhe V(Jid nt VoiJ.U~I.' Featsta ga'ih:a [l!'rmanent +L bonus tt' any (.,[ Y\lllr atrril.utes :Inti a nurnber (.)f Sha~jD\'iI POJptS to rcpbcce' lhe: Void Points lnsr. Y(JUf e haracter ~.l~[~ [Hld{' [goes: .se).'e..-alotner c h'lJ1ges, d·,"tnH"d. 'j n- Tob 1" .L.L Jcpencltng lin his maxim lim sh rrdp\v Points


Points '-2


Lose the ability to cast 'Vj:)fd spells. All rrragic<il ahem ri:s., kl loc;lteyou. are. tte:lted a~ (fyou h·av-B. SR 15.

you must spend a VOid point 10 :gaiT) the: bel1ents ora ny a nn'sto, Feat, wh i eh lasts: on Iy 1 min ute You gain DR 1 I~ (crystal).

Lose the ~llity 8th level or higher diliil'\e speHs lexdudii1g maho) .. GilJr r:.hl'Jl1$,esejf as;an spell"ilke. ability, cast as.)l, sorce.rer pf your cnal'<'lder level, three times a clay.

Your G M determines if ),OlJf charaCter rerrlaln~ cinder yo tj" contro I.




CHILD Of" SHADOW (? ';'0'". T .A"L'A.n.TArq~) '(Oll gain cwo puints of Shado'-'i corruption if you posseSIi nOlle,. u·[hel'wi~c YOU gai.n one. Y<':,u f,~il~ <l llUlUbe'r uf Shaduw Points e~cb .day eql:d to yOIl.I" total. Sludow corruption. :cank ~nJ )'0\.1 may spend yaur shad()w Ptll nLS liS lI'they wert-VDId POl-nEs.ln anyin~ra:r.ce thatreq4ires.ym.1 Lospend a Void Poml, 'i'{lll may i.nstead spenJ a Shadow

Churacters and GMs.are encoumgcd to p] ay UTl the factrhat ss : be Lyi1ig Qi\l'~neSS gains _r-1OJ"~: control overn character, he

I !)~i;'S more sense [] [" se It EVe'n nra 11 Yi i he rhara L' ,<'-I' 1'.'1.11 be driven insane by the Shadow Dragon's lflOLIC]]Ce, unabl« W reca [[.oj n r of h is chi ldhvo.d: rnemortes, the faces of _I~lS kNell Mes, who his friend!; alld all it's are, 'or even the ?l'(:"viC1U~ tby.

TH 5: n.lnVB5:

Those I.hee[. bear [be :nAm,' Niuu he were severed Eroi'!'! r.h~ LyIng. LJar::r.ues's wbmll'wasr.amed at OhlivionsOate, bur felt La t'ht.: touch or the ShAdow_amls Taint b~rore rhe S'lmdow Dragon to,'![' to .pqw~r:Tb('Y-T¢n:i:a:in ollt~id~' the iiifhtitncp of th~ Sluidow Drugon U,l1 d die Lord of i he- Shml()w laruls, creat in'g all unpredicrable influence. in we cpcranons ef borh.The Ni n u be' despise the-Shadow Dragon, believir.-g II ttl 11av~ s[ the llowt't-of Cojll Adoi'aiaTIlL chllined rhe e;!ijll.tO [h~ will ef Fu leng.Tht,y seek a way to unelc wh:n LaJy Mthlll 113~ I WHllrght,311r1 destroy [he Shadow Dragon's grip Jll the OurkneSS.

Though rhexhadow Otago:J.i.s nware-of'rhe exlsretice Or[ne ' Ninube ~'nd know riiat they operare outside rL~ influence, I r has not ",?enly move-d againsr I. bern. Instead; I he' Dragun attempts t;> .find·~ W~'Y to ·d'ra'.", I'hemWiilingly under ilS- controt Whllc the' Shilt!UW Dr;lgan dehlys. the NEnllbe g~QW IDptC .powerful each d~Yi ·llIld.pI;>OIl they will be able to Hflnd ~lgaill~r ! heir lost cousins,

The Ninuhe scorn rhe Tal'pl ot the Sh~dowhll1d~ und those that bear it. but undersrand rhat II grea: many 0r rlrerrrwere subjected te) Fu Leng1,<; much [ora time utterAJCl'il.i h:Jd b('el1 d eSI roved. Been LlS'C (lo[ i his, Tainted Ni nube are .nor unheard (lC bm rh~'y never .iH.h'<lnte far wlthi n rhe pllwe r structure lif lht' "['."

THlE mnlfB£f"AIi\ILY Favored Class: Shugeui<l 'Startfug'i:lonori o Class.Skill. ~\tov.!' Silently

Start tng Outfi t.; Mas rerwork aigueh I, 1 J"iTS~ level, A! r .spcll swills,

!}lU:IU;, Lapgliagt:s.~ Bakernerro-Ogre Gnl

Speeia 1:Al.IllJt.mberS" of this f:upily,p;;iin the L) Darkness S 11 b t"/,pewr 1.:_pC) int di" rhe Sh;_ldov.dnnds!aior.

TH·lE runusa f" AIi\U .. .Y Ben.eElt: H Awat:en.e:s5 Glory; (J.O

SpeCiaJ,; M,em bers of th:5" .fa mil y ga l:n .:Inc po Lll! of Sbadbwlandsl'ainr or Sha-d(;lW corruprion.

THi£ nlnUB5: SHUGSnjA Ci'iLE5TIG£ CJ.A·SS)

the N'imlbe'Shugeni8 dmwtl", bulk of rim iT ICHnb fnllTl Tlws(' ~I )'ihn w(;n; Tarl]'r~J qftcr Goj l\ Ad6r.~ i ,~~as J~~-iitroyed 'and r~m;J i h ~ i·n chi" Shm!olvbnd;o. Orhc~~ uti, drf[v"n in liy ~h~ pi'ml1 i.s~ DF b

~:;e~' ~f.d ~~,~,l: ~~:~!$l~~~~~~: ~I;: ~~~~I~~~ L~:~lIS~; l~ ~ji:, ~

Hit die: d6, i



~~QVI~;:m;:I\ TS

Base Attack Bonus: + 2. Alignment: Any evil, Honor: Dishonors ble,

skills: Concenrration (8 Ranks), Spellcraf [8 Ranks), Feats: Corn ba [ Cas Ii ttg or M arrial We~po n P~tJ ftcie ncy

(,>\ny), Face] ess Sow.1 (Ancestor: The Ni njil Mystic).

Spells: AbHity ~o cast 2nd levelspells,

Special: May forego th€: spellcasring requirement Lf [be rbar"ner has ar least: spoints of Shadowiands Taint. Musr make conracr wi rh the, exjsti'ng Ninube,


The Ninube Shugenjas class skills (~n~ the key ~bjlllY for each skill) are Balance (Dex), BJ\lH (Cha), Climb· \Sr.r.l, Craft n ntJ, Cather Information (Ch31, Heal (Wi',.), Hide [Dex), Knowledge (all skills, taken indiviciually)(1nt], Mow. SUendy (Dex), Profession (Wis), Scry (lilt, <~XdlI5ivf, skill), S:pelltraft (In!), an? Swim (Slr)-

skill Points pcr Level: 4 t· lnt modlfiRf ..

CLASS f'£.ATU;t::S

The class fe~iures of the Ninube Shugenja.

Weapon;llldAtU1.o;r Proflciency: Ninube Shugenja areproficient wi th all sim pi e Well P01~S,!, in ja-to, .bJo,wgu.ns, and the shuriken,

Spells pel' "Dar The Ninube Shugenja IS rranred l.n: (he" of both the karni and the rnanlpulanenof the primal .Nothing. When·!l new Ninube Sh\!ge.nj~ level Is.arraiced, (he character g~in!l new spells per day as if he had a b.o .g~i ned ~. ievel in any .spellcastl ng class he had bef9re joi I1l11g [he .Ninu'be Shngenja. H¢ does rim; however, guLn ~l1y other benefits of gn:in"i:ng'a level in.rharclass (such as improved ~1;r11~C dements abLUty, turn undead, etc.1. This essentially means thar.a Nin 1.1 be sh ugenja ad ds his class iri N irru be Sh uge·nja to h.i.s class level in a previous spcllcasung class lcr rbe purposes of derenmrung spells known, spells -pet day, and raster level, Shugellja m.;ly multlclass.Ireely wil'h this class,

C haracters with the Darkness Spawn template and any level s in this, class I gllore the Darkness Spawn's. resrricticn o n spellcasung,

Characters who enter rhe Ninuhe Shugen]a class wltb no .previous spellcasrmg class levels follow these rules, but are C-bnsider.ed to be shl.lgenja: widl an Elemental Focus of Air who ruay cast only ':\il",. WUler, and Ma ho: SPells. lhelr Mal spellcaster equal to their Nlnube Shugenja class level,

Snim!lbi Magic: Al flrsL level and every two levels theremer, the Ninube Shugenja chooses either-one elernenralrype of magic (iJlciuo i I:]g },if ;Jono:) 01" on e school of magic ro be cast as Slrinebi Magic, A NinubeShugerija's -Shinobt M,lgic is the manipulation of the Darkness and the N orh lng, creating false imnges, or urrangin.g the pa~(·tem~ of real tty in small ways-more su ired to the Ni nube (albeit briefly). 'Th i $ ea ,ISe1~ effects nearly identicaJ ro n0l"l11,118pells; bur clIffl'rent in sever;ll.vrays.

Shinohi Magic is I.ess "re~I"and ~hus Jessef'fective at aIfc.;;t· ing other things. D~tlliJge £i'om Shinahispellsis C!dk.ldm:ed <1$ j f yuu bad one less cUSter level, and dny Des t(]l.avoid" damage .from sucb spells are deneasctl hy 2.

ShinQhi's ot1erworldly nature makes 'will sav;es 8;gain.:'lt it more ~)i ffiClllt SpeIrs with such sav€!s have tlwir DC, "l"iii~edb)" 2 amI last as if you had one mOlT caster leveL

Whenever you are casting spells from an element ot'Schoo!

YOlI hilVe chosen it) :make ShiIlOhi Mn,gic, you lliI~y"$pend one

ShadowPoint to increase your effccLivr caster level by one [01' that speU's casting, This may be done only once pet casting .

You may select [he same elClnenthchQQI wirl: this, ability m;t'l.hipJ~ times. Eacb Owe YOll. do so, th(' dfectS"st~ck (i.e, SQV~ DGs inCrCil!led/deo;ea:;et.i by an aJditiollql 2, bei.l1.g .able tIl' spend till ~dd:iti:on(\L Shadow Pcint on spells ro increase 1'01.11" caster levell.

Strike From Light: Though caphble assassins, the. Nl nu be have always served -priHl atil~· a$ infi~tra tots an d lJ.1fQffi\Dt:i:GIl gatherers, The arts of the Ninube m3h them especially capable oHnsinuafing themselves into an area to recormolter. .For c~ch day the Ninube spends at least [hlny 1'n.i11 ures' of meanit}gfi.:t.l c6nta.ltt~vith a person (pot simply stayi.qg in the same area urinot iced)', he gai.n~ Ii +j circumstance bonus on Charisma-based skill checks witb that pers('JIl. these bonuses are cumulative, bur rheir total may ncrexceed the Nlnubes level in this class, These bonuses HS~ lost, ifrbe N inube "misses".n day with: his vicrim, bur Ih", bonuses decrease by a single poiIltpe;r absent day.

face of One tho-US.2nd, The masters of the Ninube's an can infilITate.:lli ygmup, no matter haw secretive or pa r<moj J., given time. Subtle manipulartons tjf. tlw mrnd allow the Ninube sh ugenja to pas, hrrnself-off as a welcome fIi end Irorn som.edne's:p~.S!; erperhaps a distant relative. A number of rtuies per day equal to the Nil1U be Shugel1Ji1's Charisma mod.lfier, he may fGrce someone he has eye conracr wltll to make a Will save or fall under the effects of a d1l.l:rm spell. The DC of t he save is Ul '1· d)e N i nu be S:l:tllgeJlj~.'5 caster level + his Chartsrna modi f~er. The subject treats l'he N muhe ;is· iE hii5 Story (eJd1er frien.d or re<lHivc, whichever is-more plauslhle) were completely HU€j and will likely blame hi mself [ocr any logil=al f..1Uaci~~ that arise ["What do yq,n mean m r au nl never l1ad any children? I must have a dJIfe tent aunt i1.1 mind."). Th iR effect lasts for a number of days equal to the Nin ube's Chu·ismn. ffi·odjfier. if the target saves succe ssfully, the Nlnube Shugenja may n8'1 LIse this ability tin him for another two davs. This abm ty may not sim ulraneousl y affec.r mere creatures rhan the Ninubes Charisma modifier.

At 1("'I1th le\lcL the Nlnube's an is so perfect r hat the df",cts, last for a Llumber of weeks equal ro, t~!' Nmuhe'sCharisma modifier ins lead of d a y~. In add ilion, the Nin u be Ina.y U ... ~(' i his 'ability to dOl11!1luru anyone creature which has fewenoral hit dice or character Ievels than he has. This effen lasts fbr a number of hours equal m the Nilluhe's Charisma modifier and mar no! be saved against (tb.ough GHi be prevl'nte.d by dFcct~ such asspel] resistance and p rotechMI ,spells as If rh(' 1'4"i11[1 be

had cast rJom:illatioll). .

Face of One Thousand is a superna LU ral ,~biJ i lY.

TH£n.lnVB5 SH-v(j.£n:r A SCHOOL

Benefir: +'1 Awareness Beginning Honor: 0

skills; A I h lerics, Lore (Lyj n g Da.rkn ess), Me d r! 3 [I·" iJ.

Ni.njutsU 2, Poison,

Beginning Spells: Sellst>, Cnmm"ll nt!, and .su m 11)." n, pJu.~' ~ Air. 2 W'~!er, 1 FI reo Ni l1ubc h:)ve a.n afl'mil\' for AlI ~"pells ~:nd ~ deficiency for Earth 5pe.lls. ChQ!<l.-ti:rs w"itb an'! amount uf shadowlamls lain! Jr r:hamClcr crca!i.UI1 mU~1 give up" [hei I" initW Fil'e~pel1 for ,t Mab(l ~pe11.

"111In(l'sI.lrIJ H"l,I onu (I;!C oI JIJdllhrll]',\ geMl'Q!S, Tod!1)', I'le 13 'IlICj'd¥' (lJlel<tl1JI)1eh' powerful nlMdspc'Iker. llpent Wl1lf lHl1f willi 111111, Ilj iw IllitHles hI,lIIlan ron11 (.I, 'lbly III [,10,"

"So he tOil IS po! !111/11111J.:"] ItlllHghJ QII lwrc Whrll.lllgi11<' Dr !lIe :1U11gl'l, oJ IltH11tlll '111'1111['5."

"r [,1 1\ 1111 I.o~ iWmi1ll. bull couldn't lell Y01! whn,t he hlllkfd like bdor~ h,' md IIrdllb1l1, or CWI1 wlwi he loab Irkr today. ! do Im-Ol,v ifw'lilC IVa,1 one of /lIe It'll' lllU11fHII 1\'iITI nO n[lINl'~jl"lbil.lly 10 I,/ll' mlli1(l, m <Q1igil! TIJriribmll(1 fix Hm! problem. HI Wlj! pOWI'Y-!IHI)j,'ry alld Il)!g"Y I,ong hefoyc Ite Wil5 ~ Bloodsf'Cili;CI, rll'1a In: Ira, Iwvcr hesn (l/Ol1,', Mall)' Bil:w,hpellkn5 i,l! prev 1:0 HIe pretty SMll1ds of power,

"1l10(]d.ll'ctll~('Y:; rl1'e oJlm lell by ~J.WgMljr;t, llUllhe}' ),-IIL}~ rir;veJ' br;~l1' ~,¥chIIJl.'dy .11,ugnrjn. tl'llYOI'I!, W~I' feels powerless IIn,'/ dowrrlrflddl'1'l IS ll, poleJItltli H!\md 'pen kcr"

Hatnri lighrd. "\'Ol! cOllld be ~~rHdr dc.,o'l[,lng lillie men III -tell 1.11 rO'.lghcnol 1111' .EmI'i re,"

"Mayi' I[ran thaI, How YOII clJn wulctlill/l1td how IJie pcrllLwtry feds "bolll thr ~.'r.b!rn.1 nrd~I'~ lr rs' 1'101 ~11~l!sr11l1 III be rocrced 11110 ,erv Illiile. Mo,] 13100d speakers WlJ'i (~ ifl!m vlll ag~1 I'h a [ haw )1 CV~l' rmmul'f lin' t::nlpcI'OI':.1 gram di' tha j)rosl't1'it_)' nr~~1 mlmiT<l1 !enoul,"

"ArB f'l'U dd"l1'uhng Hl4fl, GensarJ,cn?" Hilfon l{sb'lJ. rhi'l(lYimily. "No. tam S111I1'/'1 ilxpllllnmg them, rhe greatllst tflreat comt's fral1'l rvilhflor, {mil tl'H' 13ll1'ld~PGa.kcrn [HrcllwilY, gomg to h~ HlINlll1.Ihe ErI11Ilrl'. YLlii Tvillr L1 )'Imley or 11-1£ fnn:e~ !ll" Sll~dollil'lfIds j1<IUe an·~\,,'d agmnsl .II1E .Empm:., HMIl.nJ Begl/l. wI11l rill: dn -elll, ~t1I,j th,; IW1JIrn 1>\'1110 n'l" do the nl[!~1 tlanrage Willi till' 1~<1s~ exposure.. t\ l.lIUlld~IJ.CIJlw-Ci111 Iw Iraillcd 1/1 ~I~ lTIO/lfh, <Inri I~ miclyl une wn tVl"I'rtli /1 gl't.'I1J drr.T oIhIHl(J,; !t;;;JilY1' f;" PI" sh. is stopped.

"\'(,'hen the irp11'lallOlI Dr 111(1]W I' .\Hel, thill . .Il IIHI1"I wIIIII!I1.Ung/y he IIfbl~(l':O II, In MMIrl.II.s fUlMer, alld 11m !Bmplal"I01l dwd1. 1J1 so marlY {Dr ,'n i,mg, YOI,! 111.-1 r r!'~1 'HmH~jl tha.: 1101!-1' nf'lll mil)' r~,I. rHSIIFI,d"

H!.!Lm rtoddfd. , . .NllW J !i1li1cr-;lnHd LV/III! ),011 Ilr~ Wlyilig. Sllsperl. l'vi'rYOllc. rim ~oHllds 5l(5pimn;siy lrJw Ihe sor! of plot a Bloodsl'cuf1cr wUllhl crlgll!l!' 11'1;"

'~!'I1>Q!hen rCt)"li'~acl a ~l1l1l-lJjl,!I" slntI.!.dIe JI'Orlj IIi, r~bc. '''HaIIJ)"i, r 101.1 voIll was fwlliwlld, I1m1 Indy I 11m IW1." IIi! l'mmd, loultmg down. When he [ooim1 IJp, 11 wClsta !'nat !laton';' gme, "T'iw[ IS a COlllltl,,}! pIny r11lWll.g any jl1trlllgcI11 ,IO!1, In (real.' ;H>piciOll. Bill it !Vol,lt! 11f'l1l[!7rl~ Ilalr as we!lwe're 111101 tlb;(JtWd~' true:

ll.1tOJl l1odded.l~i'lI1g the new lJij~'rttl,r!I[1f1 1,1~,. SilenCE once more 'mg1Jffll <!!lfl' Ib; IWI)),..(lVll ..

Bl-OO"5i'~AI(£;t C£J..LS

Even ;.frer the return of Iuchiban. n1\lSI Bloodspeakers do not r; rrnallv gather in [argt' groups. The vas! majority are Ol:ganized jJJ ~m1lll, independent cells unified "Illy by d1eir loyalty 'W Iuchi ban, [lIl:h iban maintuins COI1t~ct. wi th these numerous far-t1l1ng groups through the Oracle of Blood, an aspect of himself with which he appear" in lhe dre~ms of his chosen fuTt~ wers, 1 hwugh the Orad!!, he rnaimains iCc-us .ltid din~cnon among what would otherwise be chaotic:mu dl.sol'gani~etl groups, This section describes a number o[thes(t independem -Sloodspeaker cells.

OSli\OJ'CS B:;t5ATH ACOJ..YT£5 rvrucoan CSJ..1.)

The, Unicorn's great [ourney through the d~sel'ts and ,~<li,iill cities was, wirhout question, the most dramatic single act or any clan, They were exposed to strange and alien plulosoplnes which supp!a ntcd The KI-Rin Clan's Rokugani sensibilities,

Tbough sh i njo and her follow.ers Iound many alien. cultures wtrh 3 variety of magical.arts, !.hey never once ran imp il cult of nlcriw-tsu/uli. Thus, when the clanreturned to Rckugan, they were ill-prepared for what rhey f(lund,

were the storv of the D('1l10l1'S Breath Acolytes known, 11 would be a caurienary tale ro those who wnuld forget ,he power cfrhe Shedcwlands,

Inchi Ryutaro, a direct descendant of luchl and cousin of the daimyo, mel a stranger on his clans third ruglu inRokugan.The stranger had a Phoenix iKelmr,.and spoke of a CDVE!T alliance with the Unicoru. H[' offered a trade or inforrnation, and to show that he was bemg truthlul, taught IlyuLaro rhe r(JlIndatioHS of his magic in anight,

Thts new magic was strange, and ucalled upon mystical forces that. Ryutaro had only vague knowledge of Ignorant of the dangers and trusting the srrcnger's hone ed words of welcome, Rytltarn dove lnro This strange. magic,

II took less than the .nIH night f~)J" the Taint ro take bDld of Ryutaro's mmd. With the ccunse l or the: visiror, Ryutam learned to control this strange new power, Tbus, not even flllly aware of what be was doing, Ryutaro became the fi.rst Unicorn Blocdspeakcr.

Weeks passed while Ryuraro and the visitor secluded I hernselves in strrdy. Slowly, with the assistan ce of rhe 'fa 1111 a nd mind-manipulating nlallO, the visitor f~uly indoctrinared Ryu(<IrQ Into the pathi; of darkness. Satisfied, Ryurarobid rhe visitor farew('ll and set about the 1,15k of fanning II cell within his clan. He knew the majesty of luchiban, and he knew the power that awaited him Lhal he could develop with a]Jl('s,

Lodny, the Demon's 'Bream Acolytes are the ughtest-knit ce.\l of Bloodspeakers, Their members have genuine respect for one another, seeing one-another as allies that stand and fall together, As an enormous cell (nurn bering an asrcnishi ng thirty-six members), they often fj_nd themselves under-investigation by Witch Hume ns, Inq u isl tors, ~ n d of ]a l e, jad {' M ugisrrares. To. counter these investigations, rhe Acolytes wlll Dfren hastily traln "new recruits" to throw to rhe samurai, Those who survive are occasionally slaughtered, but occasionally allowed to join. the eelL

The most notable recent member from the L1em.011's Breath ACo lyres t~ Shahai, \.\T.hq has become the DH k D~ ugh rer of Fu Leng.


[Iuchi Sh ugenj a S/BloQdspeaker Cultist 9; .Iuch i Shugenja 2/llloodspeaker 41

Ryunrrostill lcadsthe cell. .. mazingly. I h., long 'SUKe abandoned his. family name and pretense of humaniry, am] lives in an LJl1cler.grouh,J complex in tlw eastern reaches of Utaku t{~r.lirory, nea~ the Dr<!gon ffiounrail1S_ HI;' is a being of tt;emendou.s power, rhough.he values his freedom from Talllt far too much to ever Irull' use his talellts .. A£tet llil, RyW31't.l saY$, h..! has a.Lready been corrupteci once, Hl' recognizes I b~r rhe Taint has changed his mi:nd. and rhough he' doe~ not regret LI:, lhl' thoughr of it h.ppening :.tgain terrifies hirn_

He maintains his lifewiu, judicious tise IJfmahn, anJ l)CCUF1CS .his tlme with t,he day-w-d~y concerns of leading a Bload-

speaker cell, I Ie trains his [ullowers, protects the CJV'em~ he livesin. and fi nds pEUy thrngs to U111US(! him.

Ryn taro's fear of becomi ng 'Lost I;; ,1 com men. one, th-ough VeT)' rare among' such lung-lived rnaho-rsu tai. 'rhough-11; is aware or Iuchiban's return, he has no: [locked to the BboJspenker founder's barmer; as h(' is roo close ro becomLllg fully L05L

lfRyutaro became Losr, hi; would truly bt' {j G.l1·Ct.'" to reckon wirh. LJtllil that day, he IS nearly .harrnless, pn,il'l(ed with Iear,

TH~ T:jtU£ sons OT ISf.\.\!IA

Since before [he Empire, the Isawa have been the unparalleled -mastars pf tht' mvstir- Ierces.Todav the)' nre $hu_geil_ia without rieasnre. as HII Ih~ :ntly girted slrugenjaare. were, or were, trained by the Phoeni».

Bu: at thee dawn or rill" world there were only fhe Isawa, and' rheyhad not come to know Shinsei's Tao nor the hal'1Jll1ny ()f the elemcnts.ThemagN: that Isawa ll~ed was that of blood: powerful ~n~ dangef(JL[s; lor W~~ the 'lllagic ~1f11lQncl (hat g~v~ rhe Trl be of IS:iwn the powe to sran d u tl to Shtba's divine "light Ir was the magic of blood that laid the toundatlon'S :01' much elemental magic,

It was rhe magic (lbloud that brought FlI Leng to hi~ Im('t':>_ The True SOI;S of lsawa have histrrrics rhat the ~hTIgenJa of Gisei Toshi those to forget lORg ago; the magic of blood was once the mightiest force in the mortal realm, .ltwas blood 11m shaped the Empire ll)1d would surely have USh"T('d in an ~ge of rnorta] mom, huJ tl)'~ Karni never f:Jl"n,

J sawa was Ih(' migb tR~SI wi<;)_deT oE blond magic. bUT hts brothcrTakeshi WES almost as powerful, \,(!hen Isawa became }l Th uncle r 11 t S11 i nse is side, Ta kcshi stayed behind ro guard dl(' l~ih~. And then, the Sons' htsrorre read,:l wave of darkness spread across rlw land. Blood magic became [ou], aud the [;011- sensusof the "lJ",rs ,,,,:15 11181 1,'1.1 l.eng's spite nccomplish what his will conldnnt, and ensure: rhet [he magic (.h~1 bound him could never again J~, ~!.1.

\\7ithiu days, all bunh., \Yeah'sr mcanratlons became rnzardcus, a, rhey now atrmcted the [null ansen I har had spread ratuughour the worl«]. I n desperarlun, rlie l'ribe, 'rrow the lsawa family o{ rh" Phoeriix dJ.,,'ptE'd el~ lllnss('-!h.:: e[emerilal ism of Shiuscr. Tnhsbi rejected rh is wholeheartedly. "\'V'by should we throw off the reach i 11~S or 11:1 'if bro: her, and my f.1he,!:, andmy t'a1h~['s hub(!.r'" Ill! argued. ,'w" !lid nOI kneelro one god. \,>:It: shall certainly not groveltn :lI1PI,her,1I

Takeshl rnaiutained liis blood magic- practices, and ir was his early experirnentnrion thar [t'Ll to the modern re;r!' Qf 1113I1u, (l)r i[ W,I1' inl [t':lsi ngly ~ce_[] i1~UIl{:le31l even lwft'rt' 11 ,\"'vali shown to b\~ dangerous He garbe-ret! apprel1tices, e-qua Iy llilwillingw ilCC(,P: the c-lements and uncaring aboUT the kan en

Once, Tahohi's L'ea(1hil'\g~ tillJ,gbL nlJwtu hnrntlss bns"n safely. witham lerri ~lg [bern C011tamtna[~ the C1ISter'S spirit_ A.'i [he Yl.:-~rs W(,flt hy, tV('[t thl,;safe tnfih_ObeCol'ffiC da_Dgew1Is, Y"a rs before Ku :11 j :-.ialu11l Ll idleD lificU the Taint, J$aIN~ TQke-sh i had bewme ill~ exarriplf wine plmc.nlx chn Ilbwul1b.e 11<1'1" gers of their old. wavs. The petsecutiot thaI Tllkesbi ami his 'rude l"its tilted d r(we l,hl'!TI into hiding. They km'l<l the)' were c1t>s(' - wry close - ttl breaking the Cllt 'e.

Then ,he ulllhrnklble oCClIued. Takeshl, in aD (',xPE'riIilE11t desigm~d to w:Jrd offkansen [,om all aJ:~a loreveI, drew lhollSJlitlS of buseD 1'0 l1im ,it once. The brother or lS8wa became I.l1'H in SN'QllU<;, a.:r_d he 5h :Jl"ed his lwwCound P(]Wt!:r and understllmling with hi, studel1t~ I l11.rnedfll rely, [ht:rcafl~r" I !"losr were lmwiIUn~, nor ,hatT'lj{eshi fared" j

Takeslris students j.,,lllclci hlrn witlun Jays, bopJng tllHI hy ritually' sla 'log him they couid I!Xpunge -rh_e Tainr from rhdr bndie , bur rh e ir arternpt Fatled and they 100 bt'cnme oli511l11eJ by the Tai n L

Their bkK;dm u gtc became easier, working with the kunsen rather than agai nsf t hern. Takeshis sruden rs became- the firlil rnalip-tsukai [0 stand independent of I:h(~ ShaJowbnd~. EvenOtomn [arua, rb" man who. would become Iuchiban, Spt!111 several months practicIng thetr methods after rtudyLng ~h~ Nakanu !iCTOUS._

w11cn Iuchibaa rose ropcwer, The True-Sons saw an alliance With the Bleodspeaker. as only natural, as rhey were fWD 01", kind, Iuchlban, [or hrs pan, had the Son Infdu:aled and co-opted. S() the offer of alliance became an OffeTQf fealty and subjugation. Tlrus -did the -title Sons of Isawa.bccome IT Blo[)d· speaker cell

The Sons still hold tremendous powet', ~l1d find ic easy \a \X'itch Hunter; wouldsay 'disturbingly cas;?') to recruit Crom the Isawa.larnily, thplIgh they fu.;(:epr 8)1}" Phoen'iX'whowishes to find 11'1.;<.' Pt)WCF, Notable recent members im:luck IsaW;1 Tauava rna, the Necromancer of the Clan Wars. and Asako Kau;hen,}i m i no t Blood.speaker who fough.l :igaio.<;t hi' brethren and th.' Lying D;:1.I:be8s during the 2( :Q8YS of Darkness.


[Isawa Shugen ja 4/BloodspcakBr Cultist 10 /Sorceree t; Jsawa Shugenja 2/Bloodspeaker 3l

Mlchikam prefers to think of.himself nor as a Blcodspeake r

-t hough he cer.tJ-lnly works fOJHnd besid" I 1,ldlib ins m Inions

- butas one of the inheritors o[fs:Jwa's true powel'. \11 I,ll is h ..

is nOI dissimilar ltom most lyE lhe other True Sons. save lh"t he J1aS genulne disdain [or his, He 'rules' the True Sqn.~, if only because he Is ~hG cldcs: member of-the celL

The Bloodspeakers as a whole are, as far as Michlkarn lconcerued,a thilJ's culr b:1SeJUll;1 philosophy cftebdlioll [i'r its OW11 sake. TJ1CY h3v_i:" no trw." goals, preferring rnimlless destruction for irs QWn sake. Hatred, Mlohikata !lay" accom. plishes no:hing. T1H1S, wl'wn Bloodspeakers come 10 him fot assistance in Phoi;-n'ix 1,aI1,h, Mich.lka-tll often Ti;cIlJin:s f.",:h~6 errands ofrhcm -si m p ly I'CJ i nCQ,1l ve nie nee ihern.

l\,.1kbikHa'~ u ltirnat e goal is nor the dissol urlo n 01 the Empire.rior _a.nything I)f the son He deskes a rei urn to the DIll days l)f the Isawa [nbe when :::lloot1 magic wall hor. conrrolled by Ell Leng, and Isawa magic ruled the northeastern lands wirh our paral lel or question OJ' i ncid enr. His cfforLS are dlrecred to thts end, flU! 111chiban"w~r,

Wit h Jt:chJ.nanr(:t,UTned, alnl the l~loot! pt~~-h.r~ more I' ;l(tive th;jrtJe~~rl,j_)1lchlbta's threachery is illk-Till11C,d.. Th 11' hl~' ~ nat '[o_ppe (lim [rOm res(!at~ ing Isaw_a Ta reS 1i!i 1l1f:'1 10, S, fi HI' b,as Ilt'll been as ~-utce5sfLll as he wOllld likt', bur 11(' h~s I created an i:ncanratlon 1'_Gt [cITIoveTililltfrOll1lndividu31 ~pelL~, t which he callB "burn] ngaway the darknes;;" He Imow·s [h 8 t iff luchibal1 were to find c]llt aQlmt his spell, lw wuul-LI Ii~ ~ l:ewa t:ded, btl t If Jucb tban fmmd ou t why hI' (]'(."~ red itl he would be tJ senolls tWlI-blc,

Mic:hiluf.l w{'Hdd dcsper:atcly lile a trustworthy all,:,', though he has yet.1l'te.t none who could play that role,



'·~1 IIi\ i'O;t TA n T

• ;I~ BJ-OODS?£Alt£;t

~ nl'CS




_ .. _._._..... _:_ • ~ j


TH£ f'11tST BL00[7Si'!:AI{5;t

The Empire or Rokugan has faced inn umerable threats in:i rs thousand years. Inrernal wars, Invasions, supernauiral endrles and even dark gods hove all attempted to destroy the Empire, and all have been defeated by the unired samurai who.defend il. With their lives. Of them, one stands __ nrt as rbe most .horrifying, terrible threat ever faced. It was so exp'pLlonally dreadful partly beca use it came. So close to succeeding. and parr! 1, because irs orrgln was in something 8.0 familiar as petty human emotion,

Tuchiaan. The Bloodspeaker, A name thai causes terror in child and adultalike, even iet modern Rokugan, A single man w huse izcd S9 rnnch d auk-power antl S.Q TIll1ch inflrrencc among the disenfranchised rhar he nco·rly destroyed Rokugaa notonce hut twice. The enormity of hIS power Fascinates and confounds shugl'nja, and bl;shi simply state at the blades and wonder how they- could ever 'have hoped to fam Stich U .man. H,1.Ilid[eds all across Rokugan offer prayel's' of thanks every night (:131' the Blood speaker was de£e~ ted a ndb as hot returned,

Until now

The man who would becotne Iuchiban began life as a contented child namerl Hantei [ama, the Ertrperor's·second Son. .Life was not as idyllic as some would imagine. {o,[ a young Hantei, ,H, jarna found himself disregarded by other children for no reason other rhan that his brother wo'uld be Emperor and he would ~e .11othing. Even as a child, [ama found his resentment and anger growing.

Afrer hls gernpukku, he was fostered ro the Otorno Iarn i1 y arid became Otomo jarna, s u,,,,enja and scholar who workedquietly in Otosan Uthi.'o sh/fne~. whik surne believed Jama's hermit-like- lifestyle to 'retlecr piet)1, In [1'uth J,ama had simply grown disgusted wirh the company of his fellow Irape rials. He wisaed .norhing to do with them, ~lthm1gh hf' ("f)"ld Eeign.kinrln_es ... nnd c~'".m:es)' SCI weLllhat none ever suspected the wellspring of rage-and hatred he concealed wit'bjJJ

Ororno [arna began his desceru inro dll;rknC5s in the year 499, when he discovered an ancient cache of scrolls lhat included nOT only a copy of Kuni Nakauu's .research, into the, Taint, but a [osr and forgotten series of books laft in the dry aE:er the g~iji'" inv:l~ion ar \v6ite Stag niq.ny years be fQ,re , \X7_ith these works, [ama began tel create a new fClem of maglc, As his c,~lt began Ie: grow] [arna mastered a particularly ·clark and terriblesecret: he removed his own heart and locked jt away, guaranreeing char he could not be.kill~cl unless his heart was found and destroyed. [arna too k a new .na me to' cornmemerate .his new power; Iuchiban, The: Blood ·Speakel~

With .bt~s culrrapidly gro\vi ng in power and influem::.c, Iuchiban began to expe ri menr I'D Increase his power, H~ ordered his Iieurenant Asahina Yajinden,a gifted crafter of m 'ijticaJ.items, to create swords of power that would curse the

samurai he hated, The Bloodswords ernbod il'd the opposi tt of reuets Qf bushido, the codl' rhar Iuchi'lran despised TIi:ee Bloodswords found rhoir rnark, and rhe Lion. Crane, and Crab Charnpiens all died within two years of receiving them, O:'lly I'lli' Scorpion, Champion .survived. Unlmowrl to !uchib,lt1, rhe Scorpios began a quiet investigation into t be origin and nature of these deadly blades.

Iuchibans .cult was poised to begin ~I!; overthrow of Jnmas elder brother, the Emperor of Rokugan, His plan was bcrh simple-and srnisrer, .Heand his mirnons would conduct ~ ritual that would animate the corpses in the I mperial cryprs in Ot osan. Uch1. ThI., flTmy; which would be pro recred from oppos: tion by the Roktlg'a.lli's reverence Eor r herr ancestors could qUickly overwhelm the Emperorand hiS court, killing luchiban's brorher and holding the Imperial Court hostage to ensure theBmpire.would be loyalro theirnew ruler, the dread lord luchiban.

The dark plot was halted onl y by circrmrstance, The cooperarion "f a S~oTpi.Oh magi~!Tal~ ~IlJ J. Lien lcg:!bh;lTi' C7t.l1os-ed Inchiban's plan weeks. before' n came [0 fr~litioll, Facing an assault on hIs ruausojeum headquarters by rhe Imperial Legions, Iuchiban was forced to proceed with the. ritual incomplete, arrimatin.g ont)!;! fraCtion of the corpses that would have -cisen.1.lnder the proper c ircumsrances. 111ch ibn bad planned :for emergencies, andhad a secret escape roure .for htm and 'hi's followers. -Vn£ormnaIe.: YI Scorpion magrsnare Soshi 'Iakasho, who had discovered his plan, had also discovered his bolt-he le, aml was There to capture hirn fot the Empire.

luchiban W'1S believed gone [QrevcT., j1.[S undytng bedl' unprlsoned within a.mvsrica] tomb bdL( s.Pl'.ciFiclllly to contain him, but his soul lived onas 9 vengeFul spitirtha~lks to the teaching of his asstsrant Ynjinden. For years, he moved through the Ernpirern secret, manipulating his cult and planninghis revenge upon the Hamel and all who folll.Jwedhim_ Exposed by an lse zuml, Iuchiban was forced toaccelcrare his plans. His followers gathered thousands upon thousands of corpses and massed them near Sleeping River. Po, s.t'ssi:qg.;l new host, Itlchibar:. animated the vast army and prepared to march against the Empire. Only the combined might at all the Great Clans was ableto .5tqp-himj and lse zumi bearinn a special tattoo was able to i m prison 11,lcl1 fbil n's immortal spirit, which was then chained a nd beund deep [lJsJdp a. vast tomb that was hidden far from the eyes of men,

Recently, IllchJl:an was roused from his cenrur ies-lcng

tupor when one 0, his greatest acolytes rhe Dark Daughter Shahai, penetrated his tomb alongside a small band of u11WIrring samurai. Shahai bargained wirh the Bloodspeaker: she would release him if he woult] return D~ig6LSi, 1.0 ppwer. Iuchiban and his treacherous Iieutenaut Yajinden, whose spirir was imprisoned within the Tomb alongside hun, chese t9 accept Shahai's offet.As seon ashe had the advantage, Yajinden a.n,d Iuchiban combined their power-to overcome Shahai and c<:erce her into releasing them without upholding their end ot the bargain, luchiban has gone on Hl conquer the City of the lost and unleash ~ rain of blood upon the Empire, corrupting countless Individuals.

If the Hearrj ess Is nor swiftly returned ro his lomb or clesi;wyed, hi:~ lust Eor carnage and power will know tro hounds,

IU(HIBAn, TH5: f'1~ST BLOOOSi'5:AJti:_

Male hum an Sorcerer 1 OJ.Blood5peaker Cultist 1 O:c:!t J(l:

Medi"lln;-si7.C"_hum~noid tghadQwl~rid~); }{U 2odr, (70 hpj! Init +2 (+2 DO'x); Spd 3U; AC 12 [ 12 touch, '10 [lar-footed 1;' Ark +.1 W{ll~mlHlg k'dau,; .r'15/~·1 0 melee 1,ldl 0+21; SQCI,1ss ski l1: KnG)wkJgr (rna fHJ-) (I Till; rei ta'''' i II' boT' us}, e le rnent Eoem; fm~9hol, ~CllK~ elements, tilt' elelilent~, dark wisdom, Bloodspeaker'sdeal, Ynjindens first lesson. luchibcns ,<Jgacy; Ya.iil1deJl~~' fimi lessen, blood p;:jth, Im:.hib:ln qualities; f-iUJlor·'O;.A.LCE: SV Fort -I! 2:, R~r.;$, will +1.4; StT 15, Dr,'cI5, [(m,! 8, till 20, Wis t.~, Cha :::!6:Taint -t-IO,)'I'1'allimuID Vt,>iJ: 2;

Helght.5 fr. 111,]]. '


!m::bibn possesses a number of unitjucal1ilitic'iinclutl-lng .the "01 I owing:

:A.ri"',li'lfl,d '!Ill 11 I 5illipl't:l~)ml; Iuchiban automatically suppresses my effec~ that detects or specitical iy mrgets Sh.HJUW.ands creatures wirlnn .loa fe~t of himself He mny $t,tPpre,;,; thi~ abi.lity at wi] 1, or alter it ~41 that the (·freer applies Olily to himsflf

Posse>s!on: As a standardacuon, JL!Chi_b~J1 ,nay arrernpr agazl<' mark that allows him to pIJSM:cSS '<lIly livrng humanord crcarun" within thirty [:'<1l.1'h\1 rarger must immediately make a :Will save (DC ")4) or become possessed bv Iucldban. }llchiban:~ fptnn:t hosr bud)! 1Ii1 mcdtari!J y d ies, The ra.r_ge1'~ Dudy hccoITa" lucb_b,m's new hosl budy,and dv: formcr-ocecpnnr's spirit lmmcJi,udy dies, luc:bi.b3n's rbysldl abililY scores 6("COITl'i" those of the .host body \ llnl.e% they are l~ss

than H, In Wbkh (;1~C fh~y mcrease to L~), Tlie hosr bl),dy retains an;' naturalabllttlcs and ongoing magica_ eHectsi but otherwise flU itS ptev,;'QllS abi.ities (except ror hit points) are lost and replacetl with Iucb~bar\-'s, There is no lirnn, to the aruou nt ,,:- timt~ that Iuchlban.may remain ill ~ hosr baJJ" 1 r II", initi81 will save is ~l1rces~fl-1~, l]1rhil'a" re"";n,,. in' hi" previous body. and [hv target is immune rorhis dIe!;! [or ten rrunurcs. Tl:JJs is ~. mmrl-ulfeering supe manual effect. Once Iuchiban possessess body, the body is considered his own and hE' cannot be. removed by )lrnlecl'rOiI fro-lll rvd, .exorcis rn, or similar methods. If [he aOS1 body is killed wirh Iuch.ihan fnside, Iuchlbans splrir is jmlTedtJrcly'~xp('nca and returns ro Jus new phys'icul -bud" that of the CTIlb :s!llnmm Ka .. iu,

f!lom:l- /lfils!rry:W ),1'11 using -his own, bleed as amurerial c:Q_mpnncnt or tccus fbI' a sp<,ll,Juthiban takes no d3Iila-ge,and '[teed make no ConcenrrarioncheckIfhc wishes to use rnsho meta magic he ill US! fake damage- normally

DmMgc R<ljw~IJGli .1(J/1~4 applies to an)' hosr body luchiban occupies.

D'ldl: KllIl!.dedge: t\.U skills are class s.~ilb for luchfbarr, C;,j.!jllT Mnglc: I uclu ban I"uay select spells from the 50[(;;1.'1\\, spdllist CiS well as from the SpeJlli,I of wh"teverd:i~s hl' happens 1:0 be ~dvili.1ting,

1.:.'.' .. '4.-. -.' • '.

\J, ..

t - - '

Lflml~r1iJlll\': lllc:hib~ll cannot h~ killed by any means unless the Hidden Lleart of luchiban Is destroyed.

Impi'&lld !:.(wt's) 1 r Iuchiban successfully saves against any ef.fe;';E, with -il "pa~tia l' resuh, the spell does nor affect him, Manifestarrcn: It .not possessing a host body, fuc.j,ib'ln r~n force his spirit to take lI1t311gible fonn for one hoLl1" per day. In [his form: he has the above listed Slats for his "sp irir Iorm."

Rl!gL'lltCmil(l)l 6; Iuchlban rakes subdual damage from all attacks nhOLlgh W1.0C<1d He rldllll1111y inuuune lu subdua t (bmagel regular dam:<ge mfl ictcd as subdual damage ls inflicted. on Iuchiban norrnally.) This regeneration does nor affect his h(.,~j hficlr

51,d! Remtnl1"" 25, 35v" maho elr<:~ts,.

"kilb ~lfld 1'''''11,: Speak La11£,l~ge~ Rokugani, IHg.h Rckugani, Mekhern, Of) i J. Alchemy +18, Concentranon +13, Knowledge (lh~di sOfc'cry) +28, Knowledge (rnaho) +-28:, Knowledge (nelnuplnnl) -t2R, Knowledge ('nobility and TO a.!cyJ +28, Knowledge (Shadowlands} +9, Scrv "'-28, Spe.Ucraft-I·2B, Craft Arm, and Armor, Cr~ft \Xlondr9U:~ it\,,]U, Perce iv ... d Ho nor ,1<:2i, Forge Ring, le'lilership (26/, Versattle (Knowledge (kind! sorcery), Knowledge (nobiJlty and rQyalty)l, Void Use.

:!<J:!diJ i'<'I' D,IV: (6!S!S!S!S!7!7/7!7/6) baw DC 28 -t- spd1lc\leI, illl spdlHIl"r (;))lwi~md ulal'lll;Spnl], Known: ~)- rF(IW,' mMk, ("lll earth, wll fire, COnHtl'lllH' wltl1 dmh'Il!l, dded magi, .. d~tr,(1 porso,i, glHJ~ SOIl/1d, pre,j,inigilr;Uofl, mllf rl1r1gl(.,S(.IJn1l10n: Ist - hloolf ril~, ;;mllrJ-d·'~'''1 Ihllg!Jug~ JcrdlllA)<1tdl, ot>SWl'/./lg I'ldol, f'yok.;tiort j'n:H11 gond, ,md?_leriahit nTml; 2nd -llit,ndJ, dH1'kn,e5~, rtllH!p'ntr., iocnte obl,al, 111' II:; nf feClf, j IW1'1H11l' lW1i t"1H; 3 rd - Lilli/II a k d~qd, dr, Y~ LI~I~ISS, 11lJild Sl!ritll!~ IliOutlriS, Ipeak LPrth drllfil lirtmpim fOlic/I; 4th - CtrlillW llye,IH~al1 f'll'YL't )lain, ri~i' ,<.g~ill, w,dl, 11{ hOfl~5i 5th - C101UtbJ;, :WrrtLld ojlm-1l1Clllc, .~Ifl, 0.1 rfl",/wl1Sel\, ilillg!f Jtir, rl rghthIlH~; 61h - (l'C<ltr. 11'f1(leatl •• inrk fclV(H·~. 1ltl'l.d tlrwm5., uhmtHm gro!n.!c·d:nmelli 7th ,tpd fof.; b!aipiw'l1j, Hood of liu' r.tges, kkJ~11t wdlrOHI Cl'l'()J'; 8rh - cl'eul" wr'll·ref II I u.l,,'ad,!;,'relTfer Ilia, 1111' bind i ngl .ymiJ()J. ,rap lhe s,ll!l: 9th - :nc.rgy <lImn, "Rise, r,II,/[r." sou! HI1d, Iva,l[ nJ Ow hlllShe,:.

F-<)S5es,;ILlh,: None.Tuchlbun h;,s occasionally been knO\III1 ttl :!.IS~; the Ruby ot Inchiban or other powcrful maho items that bear hi, name, bur generally does not ):dy uporrIrems, His ow It 11 ~ ru raj pow cr is us ua !Iy' :ruffiu e II r.

IVCHIBAn.. THii f"I;?'ST BJ..OODS?EAI{3.~ .Earth; 6

Water: 5

Eize: 4

Intelligence: 6 Air: .."

Void: 4

Shadowlands Taint; 8

School/Rank: luchiban's ga1'.Ill1 magic makes him rhe

eqnlvalentof a RatU{ a Isrwa bugt'nj<! wlrh Eanh Affinitv.

Honor: 2.9

Glory; ,0 (9.1 when alive)

Advan-tages: Cadt:nce, Hamel Blood, Hean DfVE-.ngeanlZe (Dragon. Cb.n, lmpedal F=ilie'" Scorpion LIm ),1-1earde~s, tfaciJ.>.Nhip, l'erce.ivccl Honor (2 L;Jnks)

Disadvantages: Ba.d Repumtion Q.uchrbanlt Bmtcn's Curse, £J;lrk Fall', Jealou>y (ddcL brother',. OvercoJ1Hdem, SpOtled

Spells: lUi:'hih{J,n It,,s all known ma ho speJs as In:nate .Abtlitltos, plus any number or other nO~J'mah(l gaijin spt'lh thar rese'mbledw spells in the Player's GUl,de, The fUll lim il of his magical kni.lwle'rlg,e is difficuJt to 1, and is ultimately left [0 rbe GM'~ d[s reticm.

SlUUs: Courr rer J, Et rquertc 2, Hera Idry ,Lon: I gaiJIn !>rrrq'ryl S, LQ;p (rpah.oJ 1!), Lore (Shadowlands) {, Mcdituticn 7, ~pcllcrnfL 9, TatUQ 6, Torture 7,

Speclal Abf.ltries: 1 uchiban possesse: anumber L,f untque ;l:bilitms.

A,JVM1Ci'.1 '!"cl1lli SU)lprC5\f(m: .Iuchtban auromat ical]

5 uppresses any \:'Lfec\ tjlal detects ur spccifica II}' l;Hg~IS Shadowlauds creatures wtrhin Luo Ieet of hims-elf. He m;IY "Suppress this alJ1hry at will. or alter it so that the effect <l:ppl[I'~ only re hinlsdf

P1\S,e,Wlr,! Luch ibnn may an e nrpt D posses any living human id creature widull trun), Ice by [eckinggazes wlrh them. rhe target 11.1ll~1 make an opposed w'illpower roll or. become TlOSsesS.;,>tl ~v Iuchihan. Iuchibans fOl:mer:host body lmrnediarely dies, Thl! target's bod" b~come~ Iuchiban's new host body aml the former occupants .r;piritirnme-ditudy .dies: lucb ibaas physical Tralts tempcrartly become those 01' [he hosr bod,}' if riley are greater than Jus own. 17he hosr body rera i ns a 'lY narurul. abf1ines ~ll]d .I.1llgLJIUl;;' ~ect;;-, but otherwrse all lts previous abiliries t lncluding WOlllllls) are IOSI 11l1d" replaced witlr lucbibans_ There Is no, limit tc the llm0lJ rn or time LtD OJ r Iuc 'tib~ n m:ry remai n ]_, ~ host body rf the targets mlnal \X'illpower roll is successful, ulchi ban remains in his previous body ~ nd I he target is immune to this pffecf for ten minutes. Once .luchiban pas sesses a bud y, Ihd)lJd Y iH':!JQ~iderecl his own and he cannot br. ernoved bv exorclsrn or similar methods.

Bt I' L)',I 1l'ftH I f'rJ.': Wl1en cast lng mab o lf5)ng hll: own bl"'I'.1, luchiban rakes no W Ilnds unless he makes Ralses (Rut including Free Raises). luc-1iban gains tWD Fre e Raw'S when casnng rnalio (not C" Raise, [or Innate Abillnesr,

G!>·ilP(!£C~.6. .

I fnprrl'id .M,,:glc Reml<1I1Cl"TJlc TNs 0 a11111 aho spells ':IT getlng Iuchibi3fl are rncreased by JOuDless h" is 3 wjllrn~ rarget,

Tml?wrtal.fty: Iuchiban ranno] he kille.J by nny tneans unless rhl' Hidden Heart ofl.uclilban ,15 destroyed. Should hls body be dCStH1Vcd, he regenerates in an irrvisible, rncorporeal stste ~~ll~ rc four months larer, Itl rhis [ortn, he can neirher arrack nor PJSe 111 agre, CIte 0 ulv a bility he m,lY use Is hfs ras session ability.

Nf,. ~11'fesl'll Il'1"/.j If IW! pessesstng a hosr bodv, Iud] iba n [~11 force-his spirit to rake rmglblelonu br one hour-per tlay,"fu Ib is form. he has rhe listed stars.

RCf,t'Hllmj'loI1: Iuch ibn heals t1 tire of Wail n cis eve rr .round, ~Ven li he b injured beyond )he. Dead lev .. !'

ASAHlnA .YAJlnO;:n, SLO'O[JS'?SAI(_£~- 1i\A5T£~ C;tA~T,S1ilAn

Asabina Yajiilden's beginnings were ~'ery simple. He W;l·S a, Crane and lived most ofhi!J ~arly life i"'irh 110 signs that he was nny dtlJe.renHwm the dozens of'young men ancl_ wotnC'Jl W:1U began schooling 11l. the Asahlna arts alongside him. [n shon order, however) the elder Asahina no.ticed Y;Jjinden'~ iNcredible gift for artifice. Th~ young maIl tna.ster~~d the ~ncit:'.nt art of T:;angusuri ill mere we'cks, and was crealLng new anJ.1Il1pr~ssiVe ferishtls long before his gerupukktL Ya,iinden was hcrald~d as one of lhe finest s~l1gel1ja bfhts:farniiy,-and great thtngs were e;.:pe.ctetL

He quickly grew bored. There. was no thllUel1ge in the arts hL.,> famJly pranked, mId he. grew weary of their looking to bimfor gra,nd new Ieat. of rllagic. J,i' was orilt<l fewye~rs aftl:r

his g'~II1pukhl tluu he began to. vcarn for cxcrtcmeiu. Fil11!l1y, he used h Is gift, La L(ain rhe iiw-Qr ~lf ~1~vl'rall.mpPrtah~ rnembers of f he Crane leadership and arranged a posluon in tlie (;0 lJ rrs al OIO,an lJchi. Surely the br:ges! CHI' 111 rht Empire would hold·romethl.'g of rnreresrforsn I !1l'cllig.ell1 and engtg'i:l:g yotmg l'ila'll '.

Yajrnden was in ~:_lttll;;jn Uchi L('~~ rhnn a month beJ.nn·.

III ee ri J1 g rhe c 113 ris· Ororrm J ama ~ II s. personal i [y was euler, bUE m,lgne-ric, ~nJ Yaii ndel} vias drav,'11 10 hi Iii. t~v'er time, jama b,'g~n to "hare' S0111 e or h i~'1 hecrjes 'of mugrc wi th the- yOlJ_l1g shllgCJ* YajindenL inuigned. became lani,,', CQlIn(.:.l11 t, IJven whe n th6r experiments I\IPled dark and sinister, ~'ajihd~n d [dl~61 break illvayA[ lasr bl' had found sorncrhing Lh:-~l tmeresred b.irn.

It was nnt Linin alter Yailmlf'n had fm!w!l rh: [:i.~t",;,lswt_,;d!i lorhis masrcri.hni t(H;'ir·ma.chinalic'lIs wen: exposed, Th" -pairs plans for might have w.m~ 1In~{eT\ittea it riot in thE'.lnlerr~.repH· ,)f~ pairofm"gisrr!t':I;\~, llnfon:ul1.~H:ly, Ih\, 5c.orpiuJl magistrate S~'S hi Takashowns far more-c u nn i11.~ than '[arna, -,1.,1,"" calk·J Iuch iban, ~l1d llrr~ngc'rl fOT beth Iucb lbsn '~nd Yajiadenro be captured loy tl:w .L0;t\·joM.

The lorane, (unous, devised n pun lslrmeru (0 match the enorrn it)' of Yaj i uderi's cd mes, Radler than allow .6 is black kno\ 10 continuetn be a ihrear the p·~.cifi!lt Asahina erased his memories, leaving hi IT! l\ simpletort, Satisfied, the A~[l.hina 1.,.[[. Y:lj1JJdf'n's- shanercd husk to rend the gardens in rhe Impel'iai CIt''!.

Bur Yli]inJen had triurnphed. 1;-1r had mastereil.a lH'Wili't:bt' tmJd tt;'n~f(j_t hisspirit into o d1(:'T5 , bodle.S' . He ~witcbf,d his nj!ld wirb (h~l or ~:1 Imperial g'wrrd i[m seconds belcre his 1:1lnd waserased, Idaving t h . .::guanlll 'Simpleton and him de,to t,l the E.mpire He bid'in 11'15 ne.i,vl(']en:llY for;1 while before leilv,ingtht\ lmd 'I to exp lor~' 1.) tilers, He spen r a ecadeswanderi"lg rh~ l:'m PJ rQ' In il vanery 0 t"'hod ies ~ I1r i L ct long last, his I:1;l'SLer rerurnud thr.:Jugh t1w S~111& technique. Together, they ~bQC1k the fOllnd;itton<; 0'1' Rokug<ri1.:J.f d'leBatf.le ofSlcl'plng kiver, In the C11d, they WBr;: d<oFe.nT-(.'d, bur Y8.ilmhmt~scaped his TIln5tersimprisonment.

Ai.t~r remmies working for Inchiban, Yajl 11Je::n b·nd come to h~~t' hi ru, Iuchibnn haw grand rheories, bu.1 II was Yajinden who held forgt:d the Bloodswords. and if was 'l~jiI1tkn who rnastereel th!' a rt of rravel, Be was Ilw true master of the r~IGb.dspetlkc'L', 'am .uchilaan, FllUI;if~l!:ger, hI."' devised j plot to afai.n nis.maStet's 1'll] pnsolled s..piri t ,l its powr..;t; 'In:aking I: im dl(" one true mast·cr of du' dark ~ns he' hllcl- >lJw~y~

,Jn~;T.mitd ofbcillg. .

Y;!jind'"ri'~Flm 'nr~dy ~ur:(~i".,-J~d, Pn<~/>~,ing ,I Kliil.\ ~,+ifchhURler, he opened l\Jchiban's LDlllb anu made his way 10 [he b.ner.!Ilo,t chambers. Thete, he u~ec1 <!J:l lln:ifaGt l.lfhis Ql'm. devis,lng to HU.[:KIlliDll Ill!:hrball's Lap!11'e ~p1t;ii anHhl~gan \0- absorb its power lh.: limt'l}' il'1l'etvennon oJ;j group of samll"ai hal i:ed hi, pl"ll' il.nd lr wa., '{aJi llden who found hi.msdf absorbed by [h~ r,~\lenu.tiS Spiritllf [uc-hib;in.

ror Jec~J e~ he e:xJ);i'"d .a,<; n~'[ h rng mOJ.t- [haM J. shadn"" wl(uin the more, powerfu.l Bl()od~peilke.t's Spll'1! .. i:l.e wE.d~·ecd Dhly by sheer colncldel1Ce: when Shalui. the- D;\d( Da,ugh:u! Ofrll [eng, c.ame to ,!~aLrhi' power jif bch(b~n, Yajlildt'll SJW a h o:pl10nu n i 111 He .offered h is ~~.I'r.ur ~l ·pm_poo.iti 6J1: The Lwo woulJ r('lgel'h~r overpowt'J her, and r.K~'P'<' .. A.s~·jsm!lce and fealty for I~is fl"e~dom, YajindeI11-calized. WliS E FaiT trade·.

-FeEltyl~ o.:nl'y HS tel.i:>l.htj,' as Th~ h(li1'6r,t)flhe-ll.l.~n wn'0 ,wenr~


ASAHInA .YA.:nnD5:n

Male human Crane Shl.1l.J/Bloodspeaker Cul tisr til: eft 22: Medium-size humanoid (hllm~rlJ.: HD :Wc!o',lll (hp 90); Init +(,: spa 10" J~.; AC 12 {tour-.h t 2', flat-foOld 1011 Ark +~ wOllmllltg W'JIUzllSl11 l'U/+8. melee! (ld6BI; SQ'ClitS~ s1dU - KnoW ledge Cl1h Intao) ~f'amjJ y bonus J, Sense Iiletnen ts, Element Focus (AII-), Bleeding: the Elemcnrs, Dark Wl.sdom, tl,h)od:~'pe{jkM'6: LkaJ, Ya:JLn den's i.'in·tLe!rsQn, Iuch iba'n's. L~gacy, Y~i i nde 1):S Pinal Lesson, Blood Pa I h,~~j inden Q_ll~ 11· 11(~H; HnnnrO 1.1), AL N.t: $V Fort +"7, Ret +.5, will +15; $tr 12, Dex 14, Con 12, .In! 1"7, Wis 13) clt.j zo, Maxrmum VOId POlJlIS i; TaihJ .,.9:'iHelght 'ii:t. 1\ in.

~'~ ,1-1, 1/ n.! Fe" k Speak. J;.a.ngl"'ge (Rbk'.lgl'n i, H 'S·h RIll<l\g~Ill, [{,ami), Alchcmyd£o, Bluff +'1.7,. Coucemrare +2~, Diplomacv +2:')., Disg'lis,', 1-15, Heal .. 23, Inrimid"te:+l3'1 l<no~ylcclge (11-1",me.rlls\'1·9,.Kn:c,I-.;,1('Jg(' lS,hadQwhn.ds,J 1"26; Kn.b ..... kJ_gc·(Shititno,) 'f-i I, 5'peJln:~ ft r26, Bleeding I'he. El-eme'nLS Blessi [1,g of /\1.1'1 Gnlfj' 'M~gTCal Arms-and Armor. trnproved Intnauve, I Maho Focus, Perceived Honor, Tairu Repression, Void Us,,

srel Is Kilimirl (.6/8/7 P /717 (6! 6./6, b'N.:U'(; 15 -t- '[wi! IM'rI, 1;)C. 17 _;. "pel! Iw['1 fa~ 'lrr ,1.lId l]1.<!iHlI; (.) -[(III flrp, nn:l';J,'.fc"cl l'r1al\i<', ~!lyt, Dash Ill' il1S'igil!,. JItglii oj d~]ihi )j([tl1ol'lflg :i.wirl g!W,1 INHlil, gilidame, I"md Irld~l[; lsr - nllj,C ,FeilY, rh(l)l!1~ lelf, ebbm,l'f jirellgfh, eXrlGi'/lhd'lj\ rdnrr/, s.drl~ ( JlU"g'~, ~.lwp;,.2nd - ':11 r~ IIHnl.cfIlrr l\lolll1.d5, ,j l fed th 0 light·" EHI!I<lnc~ of (h ~ 1.1' r I'ld, j !l,n I.d m (1<.i('FW I~ wrru louis, ilJ ill nilJnSL\·',IorNJ, tt'l)1 h'y'j iTHld1; 3:m - dark lII[/1g.I, [I; fi( ~r wca!tlU", f~'l>a J~ ngl~6, g'!I] t!1 Il'l/1rli." lI]1il.11111!lly;. 4 t \ - I! iT rrud" hhnlri I hf~ rL 1'1)-1 pCt; plw1'J 1m Inel i it? !Iff, .1'1 C (lge! I.n, 11.11111 ~jrllcc; 5t·h - gIR'tl('lIli' bnm:n. 11.!ghfn."!~f. 1"<1YW'g thr ,(ml, !)'!~II'(Jl ,1/ all'. Imiw.IJ.QI.V: i>th .,- "It.'j,((~ b!-ln"I<!l; acn:I,' unJeml, dllri1 ~1'Vilil, 11"'nll.: 7r·h -11);11'1 jog, ha-j'~(sl vJ 01<;.11 Ill, S.HI1'IIh')I!lllll, lnllL oj cll.l"tlf; B.fh - ("lw, oC1Titir g'ic<,afn ~I1Httlli,i, )<l:lIlh:d mWl,ln.!I' thr IOld; 9lh-emrgll dri.1lrl,·illllil~'[lm, Iil!lil'i1I.d: l\lelrd.

YAJ"IT\.[7Sn. O\lAl-ITI.£S

Y,1ji nd en possesses.a n Limber Df unique a bilirics,

Ariwfilwl Tllilil SM.N'I"NHnl: Yajindcn UllfOhl[lirnlly suppresse ,3 Ill' effect whkl].. d erects or specifically targets ShadbiVlaJ\ds creatures within lOll feet of lnm,el1: He rnay suppress Ihi, .1~iJit)';\r will, or ~l1elll suilrar ilu- dI",,~I JII>pJk;. onlyto l:,.iJ:Jselr.

S!'lllr~m<'j\rLlIrwn(.y: Yajinden 11efd~ no (O'at5. rocreare on1" magic .. ]' irem. AU r(ealto.n C05[~ Jllr him 8r~. reduced by to!.\:. and Lhe bel1efit~ hom I·he Y,ljindtns Frrst Le~soll daso.uhiltl.y ~re dO~lbled \tllll,~' po!efrti;.tilv rcducihga.n item's ~olll by 6()'MI,

JJ'l'SSI"~#iIl: Ya.j1nden m 8yHtC)11 pt TO posseS'<8 n)' UV.!J1g hUII1.anaid CI'cawr¢. wi.tbLn t.hln)' feet b)' 111cking gaze;; With I:h{,Iil. The targel; mUST n)~lce all oppD~cdWili Pl1W!;'l' roll or becon-)!' PQsses,(,rJ by Yaji nUt'n. Yajil1~ell's rOnUel" llQ~iI bG'dy immediately dies. The tal',gci's body becc)l1les Yajinden's new hO'~t bt~dy Jild the !f.lmlet m:Cllpllllt's' spirit i..n'lll)fc1i,][l!ly ,lit'.';. Y3ji.nden:sphy~icnJ Tl'aits: tc'mp\'lral"i1y b~C01J1C' [hp~1" ul- th~ lwst bl.ldy if th~y lue g[cater tho,Ii his mVn, Th~ 11Q:<:t bC'd'l' n;mim; any mm;'-iJ ibHirie:s md ongc\lng m3g.ic:L eHer,ts,bUl (J'l.h,,~n"'ise· 11:11 ito' ptevit)lJ~ ~ bi liril;'s line: 1 uding hi: poin [~I'.~·n· If ll"iS1uJld replaced whl1 Y-ajilJden'", Th1\Te IS no Hmil tl,' ,tlu' amOlmi oEtime.thaf Yajindcll may nlm:ain in D host budy. If.lhc i target'S inltial''W<i:llpower :roll is successful. YajindeTl .renHlins ~ ill preVious. bo.dy·anJ the'ttrger is. il'nmtrn~tl;lthis ('ffed fOL II. 'len mj11ULtS, On~~' Yni,1mlt>n Ij~lg,·~.'iS«~ ~ Imdy" tlwbndy i'·G"_ll~ .'iidel'cd his own ~nd he ciln:hm b" r,enlOved by J.'mttldlOl'l J1m)'1 'I evil, (h:iOr~ism., Qr similar met.iods, Yajinden'.> Cl.l~-ren:l h0~t [~ c.hebociy 011h,' asc.eticC:lrl'ographer ASak~l M,isml 1 sw S~mll"r til!' I'h()fIIIX;" 1\11£""S .36-37).

A5AHIn.A YA.TmD~n Earth: ~

Willpower: 7 Water: 4


Air: "


Shadowlands Iaint: 9.4 School/Rank: Asahina Shl:gMja 5 HonQt.1.9 (2.9)

Glory: (l,0 (7.6 when dive)

Advantages; AIl!t;;;; (Blvodspeakt"rb), Caderiee, Perceived Honor (1 rank), WaY' of the Land (Crane, Imperial)

Drsadvantages: Bad Kepurarton \Yajinden), Dark Fare, J ealousy (Juc6ibah), Obligation l'Iuchiban and the BloQdspeJkers)

spcl1s: Y3jinden knows all n111hQ spells and possesses many as Irrnare A.bilir!es. He 0 lso has access to many elemenra, spells, and while his Affinity is for AiI, he has overcome his Deficiendes and can cast Earth ~pells with no penalty. The full limit of hrs magical knowledge is left ro the GM'~ discretion,

sk:ills: Courtier ,Etiquette 4) Heraldry 5, Lore (mahoi If, LoU! [netnuranui) S,

Lore (Shadowlands) 4, Meditation 6,

Spellcraft 7, Tania 6, Tsangusuri 7, Weaponsmithing S.

Spe.cialAbilities: Yajinden possesses a number of unique abillnes,

Adllanced riHtl,tSu,pjJres~ioll: Yajinden anromarically suppresses any effect which. detects or spedIicallv targets Shu dowle nds crea ru res withln 100 fee! of himself. He may suppress rhrs ability anvil:, or alter It so thar the effect applies on! v to himself.

P,mession; Yajinderi' may attempt m possess any living humanoid creature wLtbjn thirty eet by locking gazes with them. rhe target IDustmakll an oppose Willpower Toll or beceme possessed by

Yajinden. YaJinden's former host body immediately dies, The target's body becomes Yaiindens new host body and rhe fonner occupant's spirit is perrnanenrly forceo lnrc Yajinden's previous bod!, Yajinden's phy~i911 Traits tern. powly become those of the host body if they are .greater than hisown. The hast ~ody retains any natural abilities and ongoihgmagicalclI\!!Cts, but otherwise ill its previous abilities (Including Wounds) are lost and replaced With Yaji.Rden's. There is no limu ro the amount of rime that Yajinden Dlay .remain m a host body, if [he target's initial Willpower roll is successful, Yajinden rema!n~ in his previous body and the target LS immune' to r.his effecr for len min ores, Once '{~ a jinden possesses ~ body, the body Is

censidered his own arul he annor be removt1~l by exprri'sPl r siJIlilar JTle!·llQV-s. Y+1Ji.nden'.~ current h~'~1 i, the body ul rhe asce nc carrographe r Asako M.iS3Cl (Si'C 8':CI,d, HI' Jlu' PIIO~mx;" pp.g~' ;!6-.ltl,

.:rAIi\.A Sy1tUJ


The man who would be jams 51.] ru wa s bor n Into ~ minor vassal fami lv of the Shiba as 19a Sum .. His parents were ji-sarnurai, ':l,~ ,iv:ere their pa.rems before them. Suru's father

was ,the daimvo of the. tiny fa m'ilv, and Sum was destined to be leader rOQ, His life W~S circumscribed 'by subservience ro his betters. and - if.he was rrulv fortunate - a loveless marriage for political e~c1s,

Suru wasa sullen boy, and made hlii feelings .known at every p()~sibI~ opporrunfry: .He kicl~ed peasants he passed ill the streets, ,';eemg thern ,1$-fl remhrder of his inferiority to other samurai, and he insulredarryone who·go,( il1 hi. way; Hi') tender age, his parents, goodwill, and his rank (low as lr rei" he was ~ ill above the local militia) were rhe only- thiilgS rh:ll kepr Jliln alive. Even this depressed SI! ru, J£ he cOU ld n'r be of any rmporrunce. and certainly the d_aim}'~f;.i ·of a very small vassa lb:n.lj tv '""'IS .of n-o importance, he. didn't waut to Iivll His p~"f>nt5 Inmpnce.l hi~ behavior b.n coulrl not change It, Sum's outbursts became more and more Itequent. When he was sixreen, he heard rhat the YOll.nger san of the Emperor was going to be -passing ~rollgh his.village, and his parents would be WHiting: on him; taking care of his every heed. SU[U [JIm ulateda plan: he would speak ro the Emperor's ron. Th is boy, [] ear 1 y the sam e .age a·s Suru, was the reason he und his Family lived among t'he peasant!', barely wealthier; than the farmers tbey ruled. TillS. boy was rhe came of-all Suru's Irusrranons, and he would speak his mind to

him. That he would probably he cur down tor his words did n'i b.other hirn: after all, life was haTdJy worth living already.

Ot0~TIO [arna carne through the village on the way til Shim Shiba, :iJ;lu SUIl,l watched him be gr,eewl by his pnrents. Minutes went by, and Suru's rage and frustration built quickly, ;-le al-']JI uadr~ll. the 11ll.pecLM l t et i nue (LCJl1~i..o[jllg ur m.\.udy 0tGmQ,_r atna.anrl a. Single- yej imbe, -as jarna 'W~S [)'-.I; second son and quireout of ["'for by Ms father), wavingto andgreeting his parents as. if nothing was lit all was amiss, He bowed to ills parents, and rurnec to the Hanrei as if [0 kneel. Instead. Suru leaped our <It: the Hanrei boy. Streaming lit the top of his I.Ut,gs, Suru tackled him before rhe yojImbo had il chance to r-eact.

Coincidentally, a group of bandits had planned to .kidnap the Impertal child. whel1 they came through secondslater, finding a: s~ml.1faI couple,~wo mud-caked boy£ wrcstllng and a singl.t: yoj:iinoo who turned to face tjleTn, they cut the three

samurai JQWn b~lo:e they had any chance ro even -draw their weaponsThe bandit-so btood srill dripping from their blades, asked Suru whe rethe Harite i boy W?S, bur jamu could say norhirig and Sum stammered that he did not knowThe band It CQLI ld not identify J}lma themsc] yes, as he was covered in mud :111 d was nor read i I')' i den rifia b lc !IS anyone signiftcanr. The band its n:>depn, searching tor the h;y, leaving the- ;Wb teenage boys alive. .

SUfU look his hands back from I1r(HlDd jams's neck and. looked at hi~ parents_ [arna could.not help but-stare ar the dead bodies, When rhe two bovs found the.r voices, J~1_m,1 ordered guru to take him I'P neErb-y Shiro Shiba_Sm:u, dumbstruck,

complied. -

When they arrived, lama rhankeJ S1tnl,mcl6ffered a boon far lIving hls lifc.llIna granted Sun! his name, if Suru would pledge his loyalry and serve him. Suru, never one ro back_away from all opportuni lye rook the name Jamn Suru. Even :j n this, befriending tlreson. of ehe Emperor, SU ru found the entire world acting ~gil!llSl. him, as the- Emperor bera:~ed Janlii end pe rp e rual.l y rhrearene.-i ro exer ure StIrn nV(-'T E'~Try quarrels.

Yell rs pa S sed, .>1 nd. The rwo beca ill e gcn uine, fEn at close, friends. The Emperor died, and Otorno [amas brother rook the throne, t\ rradutca held. Tama wok me c tomo name and a lesser pcsuion In the courts, No longer was he the Emperor's son anu second in rne lilte ofsucccssion.Itc was the Emperor's uWli!tT, aud long ~tnc;e!,Jut ,[ -favOT.

J<1m:\, ill his brrremess.conflded inhis one friend his anger Ihal fbI" him there was no ascension, N~thing more could be g~med. S\lr~ grinned reminded him that once he 1'00 had thouglu rhat way,

A elution came jon [be for-in of a nrntd nr-wcomer to rhe Imperial ,Ci\y named Asahiria 'i'ljlnden. SUl"U never trusted. him, bur [am a saw potential. Already Involved in rnaho research after Iris discovery of the Nakanu scf 011 s , Otorno Iama approached Yajinclen, developing first a rapport, lind eventually an alliance. Suru was ever wary, a he did not trusr or like Yajinderi. Even aftcr,he three men journeyed into gaijin lands to [earn the secrets of khadi magic unri -were 01"only Ihrce members or the Imperial retinue to smvive, Suru never fully trusted 'fa)i nden.

WI11<o:n Yajindcn and jarna began their maho deve10pm-eIll i D earnes L, 5111'11 a rre ni pted to }oi II them. Aiter-ail, hewas IQyal (0 [atna ;'Ind Wished to assist, aware .::;11 the time that rnaho could beneflr him as.much us the TWO samurai.

Sura had no aptitude for it. Much to the dismay of the two mahc-tsukai, Suru ('O\lld not sttrnet the attention of even a minor kanseu. Unperturbed, Jama and y."1jincien hLI upon a solunon, one That would become Blocdspeaker tradufon: rhe cri)fyj ng (.If an ~ lly rhe same as any .other 100L Yaiinden foul")da way FCll' >11.(:' k<LliSen to imprint into Surus Spirit the: same mag-

- , ,

ical aptirude he carried, and thus Suru became 101m instant a

lll.lgblY ,h,lgellja ami rnaho-tsukai. The imprinting was nor: (O.1i q.lkr<", as Stir-I] r ever gra~p<;d the mere advanced concepts, hut it \V~S deep enough, to ,d:J.ange Sun.s character forever; No more w-as he rl,c wry 1oyaLsei-vanr o[ Oromo Jama: now Jama $l!l1l, rhe ge11eral ofluchlbaD, was a dark imo hare-filld 11lan,

SilKe 14C,hib3I1'g f!rs\ <l.ppe,ltanCe, there- has always heen a man named Jama sUn!. HnwcvCJ:, it has nor always been the same persun, Every time lu.ch_Lb:l.ll remrns, he calls upon a 13100dspeakeI to becQm-e the new Jama Sunl, This 'per~"()n is d1e.n·gmutcdlh<! power::; of [he. ot'lginal Sl,lI'U, ,ind '~S time goes on becomes man' ,md morc Like rhe origInal Sum i)1 behavior aml c1:tar:actt<r, Th~ ctlnenl lama Emu is an.oddiry, fot he pro-

nounced himself lama Suru long before Iuchiban escaped his Tomb. Suru claims he was granred his powers by the .Oracle of Blood, and as luchiban does not contest his claims no other has argued with,

J"AJi\A SV;.V Male human shulO/Il'loodspenhr Cultist 10: eR 20, Medium-sine hu rnano id (htrman); HD 20064'20 (bp911):

Init+l; Spd 30 ft.,; _l"C 11,(much 12, [lat-footerl '101: Ark +4- lugmlli+Ii'/+12melee Uo4+7 crit, 1:'J-20!Xl)i SQSe_ns(~ Elements, Blemem Focus (Air); Bleeding rhe Elements, Dark Wisdom Bloodspeake r's Deal, Yaj i n den's First lesson, L Iuchiba'1'~ tl'gacy, Y~jinden's Final Lesson. glopd Path, Sut'n Q:ualitiesi HO!lOr O)AL NEj SV Fort +9, Ref tH., will +1.7i Str IS, Dex 15, Con 1.6, Int 1o, \'{tis 17, Cha 12, Maximum Void -Poitit$ -5: '":"':lilrr +9"'~ HeiglH.5 iL 7 UL

Skit/,'l!lIil- ,FC~t5: Speak Language (Rdhlgani, High Rokugani, Rami), Battle +30, Bluft+i6, C0I1cenrrate+13, DlpJomncy +n, Heal '1,[ 61 Intimidate +18 Knowledge (Eleme-msi + I S. Knowledge L.Shado",vlands) ~26J Knowledge (Shintao) "·)2, Knowledge (War) +8, Move Silendy ti2, Sense Motive ;,26, Spellcraf +26, Bleeding the Elements, Depths of the Void, Leadership, Maho Foclls, Taint Repression (x2', Ve rsatilc (Battle. Sense Motive), Void Use.

Std1$ Kl1own{6/8/7 /i./7 17(6/6/6. bMf DC 1 Ipr/J I~vrl,

DC It t l_!lclllevel for l1ir ~l1Li maho): 0 - "L1H fire, daze, dd.d nlllg,rc, (late" [lasl.! oJ InSight, Jhgltl oj doves,. gaHrm"tf: ,wIH, ghM:1 sound, glildrl1u~, l:ead Il1ag'IC: l;;[-Cllml~ fCfD:, d-Lflpge 1.1!, dJbJl"lg !ilrmglh-, t'~pedillCllj.l t:e1r.e(lI,_->I.lcMJ 11'l1<lgl~, .i1~e/1; 2nd - Lllre mod;;l" nIt l-\J(lrl'1(ll. lid-eel tlwlIghrs, gmJrnm oft11c llIillri, ll1]Jlc.l rnQ.1mJ)'L' Wllllflds, ,-1jrrlI'l101l sr,lIimll, winlf.)'" lotlth;,3rd-·llay~ IVillg~. nm.' oj weak.ness, fa I.,. tongw,gni._li-tljLt1mcs, 11w1,!rIYi > - I'm' and Noon, h~,n't rrr1jlH: phil)) ta HIla 1 f?illCf, 1,!:se agar,:, I, _llnke; 5th-giftoftll(' kill1;I!t), nigiltmlmr, pwycing 11'll' s!'lljl,_iymb,,1 vflllr, Imi1alLaur; 6Th -blfule !lI:iYfl_I'T, n-UI!~ I mdt:11d, dnrk jiWDI'Sj harm; 7th. -l1wI !Qg. jUITI!€M 0 ,liilfth, wmmoll om, 111mb I) earHr: 8th - atlhpuLh}\ 6reCll~ 'grr:ain iilideatll IWllj',:.t aural hup I-/1t'Mlal; 9th -l'1W'_gy dn;till, impI!'1SloII, >otd hrnd, w~n·d.


Suru-possesses a number of unique abtllues.

"[lli~t. Adtlptill;wll~ Snru mever mastered the abIlity rhal both Yajinden and Iuchi6an sham' to suppressIam r indef n i reJy by. sheer force of will. He can, however, spent five minutes rnedirating to suppress his Tili.l1tCfltirely for two hours.

Spdlcllh~ I1bILthe~:Stlmhas rbe following spell-like abillnes, Their saw DC is i7 -t spell level. 1/day: hl1te'5 hwrt. obsi,iian (l rmo)"j 3/day: Ilarlm.1s~, lainI strike.

TJ:lmA SV~V .Emh:5 Stamina: 7 W!ltl!'r],

Ere: 5 Agiliiy:fo

Air: " Reflcxes16

Void:: 4-

ha(lowlands Taint: 9.1

School/R.ank; enIt <If the Illood-Red M<'Jon "I f,', W!l~' "/Ihr .'liu,Q"Ntla;" 1"I};r'-91)! Bleeding the Elem.:n.t$-! Asallln3 Sbugt'J1ja ..

Honur: (',Ll GIOJ;Y: u .• l

Advantages: Allies r Bloodspcukers i, Heartless, Leadership Disadvantages: Bad Repurarlon I 'unll. Dark Fare, [ealousv ITu hiban], t )bHg:nh.ln (Iuchiban and the Blo, dspeakt'n;) Suru knows all rnaho ~pcJl~ and possesses man~' as Irmate Abihrie«. 1 II' dso has access to many elemental spells, anJ while bi~ AIfinuies are for Ma60 and Air. he bas overcome hi~ D~'fkit'ncks and can C'!SI Wata and EarLh speJiR wuh no pedry, Th e Iull llrnlr {his rnugiral know] eJ~e are lefr to the GM'~ drscretion.

skilis; All! rulogy 4. &<I! II" 71 Euquerre 4. Heraldrv ~. Fli 'irl)ry R.

Lure I Mil.h u ) S, Lore (Sh3,1owl~InJ~ I 7. M",dlls!iL1n b. , inceruy c', Spellcraf 7,5te;11tb -, Tanio 6, Iorrure !

Special Abilities: Jama ,';, uru possesses the [".Lli'w~ng umque abiUI)',

Taint jl,dnlJtnlll1ll: "urn never rnuste red rhe abiliry thar b. rh Y'lJ ill den and Iud:tihan share: to ~UJ'PT<'~~ Ta II][ inJej i ni te 1 y bv sheer force of wrll. HI' Gill, however, spent five IDlI111te.o' rnednuting l r suppre his Taint enrirulv for TWO hOlIIS_

mnuons OF TH£ BJ.OO"S l'£AI{£;tS


Tlw average Crane Clan samurai ktl0WS little about the .Shadowlands Talnr. H<, believes that the Shadowlands and its servants are fat away from his lands, conralned by the Crab an,1 their Wall. ThJs hx attitude has allowed a very dangerous Bloodspeaker Cell to flourish in Shiro sano Kaklra.

Asahina Touji wasconsidered a prQdigy, by his Asahtna sensei; the air karni seemed TO foUow.bis will faSler than they would for anyone else, Hi magic talismans performed better ! han allexpecratronsand rnan y sh lIglOnja of the school began to proclaim.Toujl as the succe ss or-ro-be of rhe Master of rhe Asahina School.

When Tb1(ji rurned seventeen; however, his supporters were appalled at the cataslI"Ophe that occurred, Touji's rallsman s no longer functioned, and hone of the kamf would respond to his spells, NOone of the shugenja21 the school could explain Ihe disaster, and the k;1.1l.1J near the school refused to explain, Before experts (b1duding Kuru tsukai-sagasu) could investlgare the matter, news of the deaths o[Tauji'S parents reached the school and the young man disappeared, A year later, Tou]i entered rheKakira Artisan School as 'Doji Adoka.'

The Yoke, of AS:ihil"~ Yajinuen had always GIllet! to Adoka, nnd a few 1110mhs before his 'catastrophe,' it let! hun. re a secret alcove lu rhe Asahina School. There Adoka found hundreds of maho SEroUS, sc rolls that Yaj i nden himself had hidden. Adoka read through the scrolls, unable to resist the temptation of vast know ledge and power. The spell DIlI1(Jng wn.1r Drm(lI1s cauahr h is eye, and the voice inside of him whispered, "Wind b!iJ;1I LIItml.J ,lie fo (/t:sJr(}j Hie Crone lUI! lvit.h dancitlg!"Tcn years lurer, Adoka had become The fOlU1dt>r of the GracI'fuJ Crane Dojo and the leader of the Be-a cll')' of Death ce li.

the Beauty of Death ceU currently has tell members, All of the maho-rsukai have been extensively trained in [he an of danceand music. Most of rhe culrrsts work as sensei in the Gr~ceful Crane Dojo, except for a few whose Taint symptoms have progressed roo far to mingle in public, The dojo bandles a Ii-v.: dozenstudents pel' year:. The dojo is g('m\ine and ;IUo[ the students leave tbe dojo more skilled than when they had

entered, H(,IWI:V~T, some of rhe more eager, lcs.s skillful students leave the dojowirh unnatural beauty and an unhealrhv dose of rhe Shadowlands Iaiat.

Kl-lltlTl-l :;(VKl-l\UA

(S11ugenja 4/Artisan 1/1Hoodspeaker Culrtsts: KakUa Artisan 1 /Bloudspeaker 3)

Tll{' ru rren; head fir the Beauty of Death cell ill the handsome and charismatic K<lkita RLikaWIL l'1:e was once ugly ;111.1 inept, and was mocked by the ("SI of the students, Hi' eagerly took, the powers and beallll Doji Adnka offered him and never looked back at the life he lefr behind, Rukawa gladly helped Doji Adcka in all that he uiu, be helped Adcka IlnJ a sutrable dojo. and he-helped recruit the other maho-tsukai lor rhe cell, When Doji Aduka could not hide his Tamt any longer, Rukawa covered for his cell while Adoka ran. He made sure to erase nil ccnnections between Lhe 'C;niceful Crane D(}j(1 and Doji A:t1oka, 311d replaced .Adob as head sensel or [he school,

Rukawa is not' and has .never been a good shugenja, but 111.' can cast [lancing With Demons bette, than everyone else in the cell. He uses ma he nltel_y, easung iI occasionally ro keep respect in the eyes of the other Blocdspeakers. He is nor a~ dedicated ro the Blocdspeakers as he should be: 311 be cares a bpIlL j~ 1"1i5 beauty and powe r, He has acknowledged luch iban's power and plans to Iollow hi.~ route ['0 glory,,, sorneda " For now, Rukawa ls much ['N,' comfortable m hlR position to ch3l_lge anything,

THS l!JO;U(3;tS OF f>J .. £SH

The Twillght Mountains are a major [earure of the Cr-.16 lands, goingthrough the Hide, Knitl. and Toriraka provinces. There are [ew settlements, and those settleruenrs are small and sparsely populated. Toritaka phanrom hunters parrol ihe area at all rimes. looking for signs of trouble. The First (Jill Jied there, but the Ct~ b samural .have Iound no traces O["nl int ill I he mounralns.

The 'Workers of Flesh tell has quietlyavotded discovery [rom those patrols for nearly fifteen Yl':,lrs, The, cultists of die Worker> of Flesh cell arc' very paranoid of derecricn (even more sa thaLl normal Bloodspeakers) because of their location in the middle of the Crab lands, Because theyare prudent and "kp[>p f'l,dti~t :lcrlvi:y ttl a minimum, no one suspects any l\'Tp~1gdQ1ng,ln the Twillgh r M(~unwim_

The Workers of f.llesh nile was created by the infamous maho-rsukai Mohai a few yeaTS after the end of the War oJ Spirits. Mohai narrowly escaped the Jad e Champion Kuru lFtagu and his wife, KuniTansho, by cutting his conneorions with hIS Bloodspeaker.cell, He reached. the TWilight Mouneairrs .lls"lniGklya~ he could anci disappeared into them, He was' Ji~llppointed at the lack of corruption where [he First ani spilled its blood, and at losing many maho scrolls to the Jade Champion in hIS haste t-O flee jusuce

Eventually, Mohai set but to create <l- new base 0 fppetat10ns in the rnounta ins. Afte.r 11 month of traveling, he. se lee ted Tea ViUage' and went to work, Mohai seduced the first vi!Jag-er very quickly andea,tly.E-ta are not treared as badly in the Cra b landsas elsewhere, butthey aresrill treated as eta. Many were. ~~ger- for power over rhose who oppressed them all rhetr lrves, Mohai shared his scrolls with them, and they took rhe lessens

of po wet roheart, In a year, rhe culr grew tcr twenty- eta. .

Moll at left soon afrer following his cwn _goals, and the flrsr villager he recruited -" an eta called Tanner ~ took over as the head of the cult. 1-11' was more ambitious than cauticus, and decided. to go work at Kyuden Hiaa".At Kyuden Hida, he proposed, hewould be able ro gain access tomaho scrolls and Tainted items that tile Hrd a co.rrfiscare from rhose (cal attacked them. The-resr ofhis cult was dubtons, ~Q he te.[t thE village with only one other cultist.

It was an error that nearlv desrroved the culr, He was caught .mrnediately and executed along\~thhis follower, Two Knni '>Hf~I!'i-$("(gaw scoured Tea Village for raore culrtsrsA quickthinking eranamed Shovel.lerrheir most disposa hie and most Tairued GIll r isrs 1~:Hm[ their Taint j n fran r of them, The WItch Hunters quicklvexecuted the Six in front of the v vhole village, :1I1d figured that the-grisly, deaths of the rnaho-rsuknt would Ji_seOUT:lcge any more would-be Bloodspeckers. "theW'he}, Hnnrers have never again focused an T(.'3 Village, which suits the quiej eta ofrhe "Workers of Flesh Just fine.


(Expert 4/Bloodspeaker Cultist 2; Bloodspeaker 2) shovel is an eta whoburies the dead arnrnals.of'Iea Village. He is old 31;d Wt~nry' of serving his samurai superiors, Hi, new life as the cell leader suits him; I'he erher cultists finallygive him rile respect he deserves, Also, [he rnajnriry abbe. celrs rnaho scrolls. lit;' in: the tu .... mels underneath his hut, and the knowledge.flf such power nearby emboldens him. As the.cell leader, he leaves 1:ea-' Village to fi-nd out more spells and injorrnaticn [or b.i5 cell; Shovel cnjiJy~ those trips ourcf rhe austere village as much as leading the 'celL it,,;;e.[£

Shovel has learned thattheanclenr Bloodspeaker leader namedIuchiban hasrisen from the dead, but rhe thought does not chri!1 him, He Tsafrald. to show tlwceU ro Iuchiban; after all, rhe first Bloodspeaker is yet another samurai who would see him as [ustanorher era.Hefears the day Iuchiban turnshis eyes an Shovel's sinaU edl, aml ~ryendy hClpeS that {t-,;Ni1J never come,



1{IT5U GOnG5Un

For rhe Kirsu, d1l" reign of Klrsu Okura was a shameful Hrne, No other family bas ±"alLen sc far so fast, and. yet managed. to persist. c.ongsul1·was rempred I'O darkness as a young boy) ns heIcsred JC would be unahle to- match h is brorber's prowess. Hulyuan, Gong--tm's·yotlnger bro 1 her, was a brUiiant military mtnd.and highly praised bv c I the g<!I1t'tal.s of the Lion armies he served. n. Congsun, Oil [he other hand, was never-as physi~allyot menially gifte,l, nor was hi, xcnnecrion to-the ances[Drs, so hlgbJy praised among the KitSLI.

Ccngsun, u nable to remain for~vt':r in Hui'\,1:l1111'~ Sh3~OW, turned deeper irnnthe darkness, There, he fOllnd power and allies. Kitsu ()kura gnll1teJ him leadership of part ofthe 'Iainted Kirsu, and [arna SUn! included him In the scheme-that eventwiH} slew Ryoshun, the Tenrh Kami.

D e s ptr e .. lus po we r, ~C:cm gsun was e ven ( lIU Ily sla ill :q~" lei s Iiule brother, though his hardlll spirit lives on.

STAno 1"AJ..J..


rSH AlJO\!l.LIlt:\.17 szuon An. CS.STO;t rs.AT:


Gongsun shares his powers of darkness with you Clam Lion or any Talnted character

Benefit; You may apply hair Y"llr Taint rnodlfler as :1 profane bonus to all attack and damage rolls, 3 number Qf times equal to your Taint ill0difier each dny. YI)ub~g_ih play with two points ofTainL

1(IT5U GOnG-sun

N ?OJn.fS)

Congsun's srrengrh has passed on to VU'LI. You gain 0 number of unkept dice on all Strength rolls darnagc r~lhl equal tv 11, U- your Taint Rank, 1'1IUJlJeJ down. YO[] begin plav wah rwu poinrs fTaiut,


lsawa Takeshi was ls,~wa's younger brother, thongh rhe 1WO were not close. Tb ey fought constantly growing up, and Takeshi alway , end-ed 1I.P as rhe loser in their frarernal dispures,

Whe11 Lsawa left ro JO[11 the SevenThunde 1'5, Tak esh i mocked him, s<l),Ilng .h a t [he alliance with I ttf: Kauri Shibs was not worth Isowa's.lif1'_ When blood maglc became corrupted. as 9 result of thE' battle with Fil Leng, Takeslii became TnJL1ri. ated, bur focl,l~ed. He refused ro give 1.11 rc [he corruption ofPu Leng, <lI'H: spent the rest of his life researcldng a way LO t-ree himse:1J ~nd h is magical heritage from r1ft'rainr.

An experiment gone :Wrong on the eve ¢fhlS success led to Iris doom [see abllvel, and Takeshi became- lost, his loyalries shifting from the Isawa La the Shadowlands. AB a yokai, he watches over lns 'children', ensuring that enusuring char they ate guided towatd the same dark magics that, consumed him,

i'£AC£ WITH TH;:

DA,utn£Ss rSHADO\!l1-An"S;'7Ho~rll:X AItC~STO';l f'EAT: ISA\!IA TAKESH 11

You have Inheri red 'Iakeshfs :)__bil1ty to avoid the Taint Clan: Phoenix or an y Tainted character Prerequisite: Shugenja level 1

.Benefit: You gaina maxi mum of two points of 'Iaint. per maho spell you cast; These points of Talnt caUDOI be further reduced, but II can be eliminated .larer. You may learn maho spells as Lf Illey were not maho, blH simply of another (nonopposed) element. You begin play with two 'points of'Taim.

15AWA. TA.I{~5HI

(5 701ltT5)

You gain a maximum of two points ,lfTail1l per mahu "reil )I!'U cast. These points offaint canner be lurrher ,<,Juced. but n can b(' eliminated hlte!: You begin play with IW P'llTIiS r,[Tainr.

170)'"1 J-l1;tOFVJn.1

Hirofumi was a COTIiClUpOra ry of Ororno [ama, one etf the most prominent Crane courtiers of his day.

Once, when lama's brother fell deathly ill, Hirofumi began (0 befriend Jama, bopirig that [arn a W011ld be the new Emperor and Hirofumiand he and [he Crane would benefit from their friendship. After several J,lYS went- by, 3nd jama h ad warmed up [0 Hirofumi, J a)11 a's brother .made a full and miraculous recovery.

Hirojurruleft lama's side insrarnly (0 return to the heir's presence. Passing it oH as "co nsoling [arna,' Hirofumi did not even suffer disfavor from his blatant politicalploy

Iama went to Hirotuml and asked him, "why did you abandon me,? 1 though; we were friends.c,

"1 thoughr you were gofng to be Bmperor," said the other bo1'. Th is was nOT" forgotten, even years I~ ter when hath boys had grown Lip. 'When Iuchtban's armies attacked Otosan-Uchi, Iuchiban hnnsell. came to Hirofumi. Terrified, the courtier promised anything to Iuchlban, as 10)1g as he promised no! to harm Hirofurni, Iuchiban, with a wicked grin, infused the courtier \\'[1:0 a Significant amount of Taint, then slit his throat.

Hirofum] awoke i11 Jigo_ku,.,md bas suffered eternities of torture in, the centuries since. He has been forced to grant his bles.siug to Tainted Crane and others as directed, and he sees


M aho Level Taint POlllts Gained

1 l

2 I

3 1

4 1

5 4

6 2

7 1

8 3

i 4

whar rh .. Bloodspeakets have done to the Emptre with Jns help. At this, he wee-ps. He is oat allowed [Q become Lost, for it would end his suffertng jf 11.1: 1;ega~n to lik e w har was happening. !--Ie Is simplya vessel for pain ~na sulTerip_g.

Iuchiban, for his pan, forgot about Hirofumi three hundred years ago.

o A ;l.1( TOJ\.GUS

J:"SH A[';IOl!JU no S.lC~A J'I,.;: A n.C_;:STO~ f'5:AT:

"Ojl HI~Of'VIi\I:I

You have Hiroiumi's social ablllues.

Clan: Crane 0 r any Tainted character-

Benefit: '(011 gain a +2 profane bonus to yow: Charisma. Yon

begin play with 2 points of'Iaint. .

DO.T. HI;l.Of"UIi\I [8 70JnTS)

You gain 11 Aware ness andvt tL1 yvu_r Lour-tier skill YCll1 begin With a rank Clrr.1illl.

AJ..T£~nAT~ IilAHO ~U L£5

Onen!aJ A,jv~l1tuY(lS presents rules that-do Dot st,ktly represent Rokugani rnaho, The alternate rules here more precisely depict [he. strain of calling on Ell leng and jigoku, - .

When a character casts a maho spell, he automatically gal11s Taint and risksgai uirig mere Tainr according to Ta b I e ~-l.:

MahQ and the Taint, An unskilled mnho-tsukai can easily become _LO"s~ after 11 few days df maho Use. Those who have 'prospered with the power of the Dark Lord - even those Lost to the Shadowlands - have all found methods or -protectlng themselves fro~ rhe Taints psychological and physical :havoc.

Thenow-defunct Scorpion crganization called [1,' Shadowed Tower. (SCt' Secrets of Ih.r S'orprafl;'" Jinges 2U--94, Ilnd the omt'iwly of eM (I}ller- Five) is ;l recent example or a successful muho-based erganizatiorr.They.had Sitch a technique, borrowinga concept from the Bloodspeaker cult, The various cells of the Bloodspeakers have. all developed de~ellses against rhe Taint,

It is iruporranr rosrress this poinr, No successful organization of rnaho-tsukai hal; existed since the fintW1ir against ell Leng without a. technique to de:fen d against the Til rnL . Even rhose who dwell in the City of the Lost do not dare use maho unprotected.

Taint Points Risked a









Minimum Taint Rank a









To avoid gNti ng the Tall, r Itsred j n I he Taint Points ltj~;(eJ column, the c.haract<'r rnusr make a Torritude "Save, wirl: a DC of 10 -r-spellIevel.

The avoidance L.)tTaint Is not inhf'l'ehtiy goo{L A rninirmn» lellt'lu["rail11 isrequtrcd to cast maho spells, as shown unrahle ~--i These win:' avoid [t'" T~i "I <,,,tLr,,lv limir rlwrn <p i'wl In thelr eve nrual power, as the 'most Rowerful magic.only CDm (~S to those: whomligclud12s:l deepconrrp] or already.

Once- per d:ty, any. character \'.110 knDWS one or 0l0I1" rmho spells can peTCOrm_:1. ritual rorernove one 'polnt of Ta int. thiS rannor reduce Taint Ra n,k; i.e, you cannot remove 3' point if :its remova] would lower vour Iainrtrrodifter .. (SeCI~lg¢ 13] (lj'Roblgall'" [0>" nW>"f 'r4"I'II','hr" ,VH yhl' n""I;)


Errata to Way of the Shugenja'5 -Sloodspeaker Cultist Prestige Class,. found on page 91:

When using these alternate rules for m.aho, the Bleeding the Elements cla.<;s ability is inappropriate. Each cell has alternative training methods. found below nnder "BlooJ.speaker Replace with the following ability:

"Suffer the Darkness: The Bloodspeaker Cultist gains a bonus to Fonitude saves to resist accumulating the Taint Point!> risked equal to his class k'vd of Bloodspeaker Cnltist:'

NPCs in this book are not designed with this ability in mind, though it is strongly recommended dIal this option be used.

A1.T;:~nAT;: Ii\AHO ·~U.1.;:5

Rul~'h for rn.Rh'l i11 rhe Lq,!t·n,.l \If ilTf £'111,' Rmg~ Rlir: ~r~ :1.8 rf)lI(l"V~. Th('~~ rule; stipns~'d to: previous rules,

• N(""rrl", nnyune :,111 learn a nd cast a rnaho !ipd1. though rrain i ng is required ror aJ I bur th~ sl rnplest spells. Th" shugenJ a's. rmt.l,l ral gjIr I'" ~pl!~ k 1'1) d-,~ I(m11.l fs irrelevant; til .. kansen will ~pf'3k to ~lnyonewho is willing' arul qulre :LWW bcsldesi, Rare ir.d.lvll.hl~l~ cannot cast maho: hUi less xhan one I n ten lhouS<!nd i<. affected I hi.- way,

• TuIeurn a mnhu 51'11' II, 3 C nRrn ct er m u s I spend a wer It, 1(;) learn we flrsr mahuspell, bur unlv a I~w hours [01.' l~HH spells. l'li~ roll ttl learn a nEW 11l:l1l.O spe l] is. Spe ll Rc~c(ln:.bin.nrlb, with a Target Numb"" ',If (M;1!;ier.y 1. ... " .. 10). 't'he charscrer can lld.lhel" roll not keep more die!" than he has at Lo clT 1 Ma ho I, ,dwugh even n()VIU~~ find rhey rio nor have difficl~ltv lel1rning the mnst advanced spdls. The characieralso rl'~,>i\' .. s urw point pe-r M3:;tl ery Level, which cannru b~ reduced,

• To C3St n rna no spi-ll, a c haracter must have the Low [Maho) sk ill at rlr higha than lhe Mastery Level Qf Ilt~ ~;pe.llhe wi$b<,~ ro iearr!. To cast ;1 mnlw "p"ll, rnll l.ure lMaho Ir E.anh, agauisr ~ T~l"get Number ul \5 x; Mastery It'vefrrhe caster must a Is.' s hl,td the bklgJ uf JLl ink llIgenr bd flg:n! le:tsl 1_ X M'lste:r'l Leve l) WlJunds worth,

• The amount (lfTa.irn con t[,h:te·u wuho lit pnm~C!-ion is equal I"' i lie J;rf"H'JF '" .b"tw"ell t he-TN of rh e ~p-el1( R"L~d i "eluded) and ,rhl' ~oral of tbe roU Irlad" RCIn .. 'lllbllr tha t a ca~tH canalway.l1 Ch'10S!.' npl toj lu.·el' tllf' hig_hesl .11<'<" roJled, ~nd liKnaslng a characters LOTe (,tvlaho) £kil1l·m]( (an bc' an e-f[ectiVI' defellse 111 irnd of i tseH_

t B1.00"S;t5:.AI(£~ ~~:~

D£f'SRS£S l . I

These feats represent [he many abilirles or lh(' V3tlOUS f ~

Blocdspeakcr cells, M0~1: focus on rhe reduction and pre- ~

ven 1 io 11 of dH~: acq II lsi cion of the Shadow la nCl~ Ts j nr, l'

wbkh many Bloodspeakers go [9 great lengths to :;11idd i

rhernselves {rom. }\.fter alii many reason, malic [5 the means to power, bu t If you subjuga ee yourself ill th~ process th~n you have ggjnC'd noticing:

Treari hese tee h n iques a, renin ba nd Techriiques (5<:1' 1i1<' r. ~ R Stem Ii "I _E.l1I i ~Il l'1 L1 yl'!", litrllll boo I~ 1'. 'i. '171 wi r b I h e tollowi-ag J'Nc"-ption~: each character tan have I.)nl~· nrr!;l; Hnd all requirements, includtng.experience pOlnr expendi lUI;(', rnusr 61'" met.The Gult of rlre Blood-Red Moons 'technique fmm Wny ,)r!lv Wafl '" is TCllrilired here for cum p lereness,

B.L£~"In.G THE £1.5.1i\::n TS


Youcan turn the force ofTabf .away from you when yOhl east, Olano.

Prereqntsites: Con Ut. oUG 0;1 .racre maho spells, musr be a Blocdspeaker,

::Benefit; Whi.'!1' )1011 C:.f~l. rnaho spell, you may Taln] rill.' areaarouad yt;lu in lieu qf taklng the 'fain) UpOl1 yom~d[ Ie you .;Ia SO; you gatn two f~W(~ points CifTah1t when f3srmg vour .spell, the- )Jnm",diate area shows sym ptoms ofTaint: plants wilher, s"fLuary takes Em ~ fiendi~h look, animals louk , .aWay. etc

BL££17lnGTH £ 51.~1il5:n. TS

(CUl. r OF THi: Bl.OO" ... ~::" mooro Type: i3Joods.peakcr Cell

Required Tralrs: 'Earrh4

Requited Skills: CallIgruphy L Cipherl. LO(<1 (Mahoi :'I. M e,H 1.3 rion 1.

Other Requirements: Ilnrk S(!C[(l1 (muhc-tsukai), Shadow[ands Taint \atlJ'.:lsr 4 points), Shugel1J~

Technique (8 points):The muho-tsukn has tnlw:!1red rhe an ofrurrung the dark power-of hiS magic awav fron- hirnf'df. dispersing u to Lhe'd.eme-nrs.1iach lime- he casts rnaho, M m';])/ r.:J.:lkp 3 Willpowel' roll vs, the-same TN as tlae spell, I[ rlus roll is successful, then the arnounr l'fTuinl h.u accumulates is Jowereti t:! onl'·lillrrll1 (round JOWJl). UnfortllrlJtdy, tI,:' use of [his technique rs no; ~ubtll'. rhe Immediate ;Jre.(l shows sym proms of'Talnr: pla ill'S wi .her, stat uary rakes :11'1,:J. Fie nd 1 sh look, anima 1, look a way. etc, The cu Itls! may choose lWO m~ ho HpeUS when he learns rhls tei:)uiiqllc,

B1.0017 ... f'01l.G::1'J


You have developed a barrieT between '10(1. and the darkness, .inhib!tingyour aecuanulafion '0 fr:a U1t and yOUI" [latency with maho.

.Prerequisjtes: Cha 'l;\t, l'joe qt l1l0re mahc) spdh, illll.S[ b~· a nI9ods.F~akeL

I ,

Be n efir ; All you gain Irom your maho s-pells' is reduced b1 aile point, All saving throw DC::& of your maho spells receive a -2 morale penalty.


(TAUGHT BY m.Af\Y li\lnC'il C;:l.LSl Type: Bloodspeaker cell

Required Traits: W:ller ~

Required skills: LoreiMaho z.Medimtlen J

Other Req uirerneri ts ; Dntk Secrc r (m~ ho-ts ukai ), Techn'ique (+ pnints]: The maho-tsukai h a s omewhar Ji - ranred hirns .. II trorn jigoku and its power. M:Jhu beco es more difficult. but the Taint is also (la~eJ ~ignifkanrly All ,[, his mnho Tbls Increase by S Wbem'wnhe cultist ge[~ Tairu from maho, be r .. duces the Taini accumulated by two pou-rs

~J..Sli\sn TAJ... DISASSOCIATIOn. C4;:n;:~Al.l

Youhave cut )'0 1,JrS elf off fwrp me kami, and rhe kansen {avo'l: you.for it

Prerequisftes: Int Holol one or more rnaho spells, must be a B loodspeakeu,

Benefit: AU Taint you receive from any source, including yom own rnaho spells, is' reduced by one point, 'YOt! cannot cast d [VLn e sp ells.

~J..~li\.sn TAL DISASSOCIATiOn ("~mort5 ~;:A.TH ACO.L-YT:::S)

Type:: Bloodspeaker l.:t!ll

Required Traits: Awareness I, lruclligerrce :3 Required Skills: Lore (MahD! +, Meditation 2

Other Requirements, Dark SeC ret tmnh o-tsukai], Shllgenj~ Technlque {7 polnrsk.In .srark conrrast tu the Blood-Forged techmque, !lIe Demons ]w:l:rh Acolytes cmhrll;:e th_"i! amnecrion to I'[goku, i'ot"snking till' []'3l[llloll,,1 Ri)b Igaru ele--meurs 1I:L a t hre e-huur rrrual. This sacrifice appe<l~C:!i the ksnsen, reduci ng rhe Taint they lnflict. The disassuc.iated rnaho-esukarcan drop-as many dice 3~ hl' wisbl!s wht:n C~sltng mah 0, making-it much easier to recei v~ less T3.!l1l fro m casting

spe j I. However. the hum are forever lost to any who undergo Lb.· ritual, rhose who doso rnav never ~gain cast lill i'1"!l'''llt~1 spell

GonG5VTeS CJ..OAI{ r<s-£n£~AL]

You perceive the subtle shifts III the energies oi jigoku, (Ind can thereby reduce the amount ufTaim you receive From casrIng rnaho,

Prerequtsires: \Vis l3-1', O;1l: or more maho spells musr be a Bloodspeaker.

Benefit: You may-make a Spot check (DC 15-hmmediately before ca,tlng a maho spel] to reduce the Taint gained by one pointIfyout Spot check result Is 20 or .hlgher, instead reduce the Taint gaiJled by two' points.

sonssvres Cl.OA1(

(TAUGHT 7~lmA:~IL.Y B.Y TH~ [7gf'UnCT TA m 1;:0 I{ ITSU, ",OUI AIIAI l.A B J,.::: f'~Om. mATl.Y CVJ,. TS·)

Type: Bloodspeaker ceIl Requited Traits: Wafer +

Required Sh-ills: Baule _.1.ori' IMtI,h H, Me(~lati"n 2 Other Requirements: Dark Secrl.'L \nHlho-t~ukai). Shadow" I~ nds T~Il1[ Ill. t.Ieasr -+ points)

Technlque (10 points}; 1'111' msho-rsukal has learned ro sense rhe ebb ~nd How ol the Jar}: energies t+[ jigoku and can take 1dwmt;\ge of its nearly-irnperceprlble shirtB. Atrer he roll, 10 -::a~r (1 maho pell, he ms}' retroactively declare R,1iBPS which have no t'tI~l.:r. other than to decrease rile diff"'r~nre between the TN and thp. result. ('[he Taint received Erom casri ng a 111a.10 spell is eqU111 to [he .lifference between rhe roll and the spell's 'I'N, so e~ch such Raise Is effecdvdv five fewer poinrs.ef Tanu J£CtLIDuJcHed.1 TIlt' cultisr 11l8Y aho choose two maho 'pells when he learns rhls technique,



'{ou can lead ritual maho spellcasring, channeling your energy with yOUI' lellow rnaho-rsukal, i ncreasirrg tht> Jlower of be maho and .red ucing the T aint gained,

Prerequisites: Abiltry to cast milia spells, must b~ a Bloodspeaker,

Benefit: You ma.y cas t nil your rnaho s pells 3S L'it u als (Sl'~ page 87 of Roiwglll1'''),i\ny Taint gained by the casting is evenly spJi-t amongst those participating in the d rual, All participants

gain 3!' leasr one pdi:n, -

mOHAI·S J.SGACY tTHE \!JO~(~~5 Of' f'.L:iSH) type: Bloodspealcer Cell

Required Traits: Agrliry '\, Awareness 3 Required Skills: ALlCOPSY 2.. L01'~ tMahl'.I2

Other Requirements: Dark Secret (maho-rsukaij, Shad wlamb Taim I,j[ bST 4 pOl: nrsl

Technique (8 points): The rnaho-tsukai casts his spells will) -the help of lus peers. He may cast an his rnaho spells as rituals, L1n [f the b Ighli";r Rank rnaho-rsukn i 1'0 I '" re C;ISf till' spe ll, H<, gains a number of Free Raises equal to the number ofmahcisuka; lwlping in rlll' TIfual The Taint gained lrom tho:: mal:o 5p~U Is evenlv dlstrlbured mall partirlpanrs, wirhevervoneg<ilning at least 1 poinr ['fain!.

ST:rt.lJt5 TH£ AnC£STO;tS J:1i\ i5:TA 1i\ A~'C]

You corrupt the.connections between yuu aud your ancestors wh_uccastilig- 11-1 aha ro stave off the-lai til.

Prerequisites: Mustpossess at least one ancestor feal, nbility to casrmaho spel,s, mils'! be a Bloodspeaker,

Benefit: You mayforf<~i_t the abi'lilies granted vou by one of your ancestor fears for 24Jl0urS to reduce [he Taint gained Irem casting a maho spell by two. You maydo this ll1uldp~" lillle~ -per (_l~y; bur r[)iy one' per maho spell and once per ancestor ieadorfeiLl':1 (until it returns)


Level Mild >J

Components: V,S, M. Casting Time: 1 action Ra.llgi.::':Il~ucL Target: One creature Duration: Permanent. S;I,vingThrow: wiIl n'cg<\tcs Spell Resistance; Yes

This cornruori BlotxispcaI<\'r 1: L1T.<;_~· In£litt~_ un overall .weal,l1e"- s, Mah.o saps th,~ victims body,. mind,~l.l1d ,spiff(,

Your target Stln~~rs a-2 profane penalty to all of his abiHry H'T)!lJS, anrla -Jpr!'Jfam: prn.~lty to all skill checks, attack roUse, -and save DCis for sb ugenJB speIlllhe casts,

ST;tllt=: THE AJ\C~STO~S

ems- 'B:A:ll"r.Y Of' [7SATHl Type: Bloodspeaker e-n RequrredTrai ts: Vn,icl4

Rcquirca Sl~ins: Lun' (.Mlll,.,) 'I, M""i i tllti 0 n 2, Hie tory I Other Reqtrizemenrs: Anv Ancestor, Dark Setrt'I lrnahors uka [1, Sha Jowlands fa i n! (a! leesr 4 poi illS I

Tech.nique 19 points); The mnhu-esuka: has leanw.d IIJ stave l)f"i the Til lhr by reJitcc!i ng 11 LO his con necr ica 1'0 h is ancestues, Once pltr day, he may choose IC! reduce t:beTlilI1l accumulnred.Irorn casung :I rnaho spell by [we W' he does 5Q, hi., ancesror« withdraw from him tOT one d~.y During chis ritne. I'hlJ ancestors gIVe ~-o bel-lelll!> rn hirn. :Eve!"y r.frnl· the 1TI~horsukai uses rlus rechnrque, me ancestors deny him the-ir bene-fits tnT one addrrional d(lY if rhe ;;ttKC$TQfS shun him fOrl'I1C full week. [ber leave per-mtln~ntly

rnmr ;t5:1'1t5:S510n [G·-an;:~A1.1

Your Taint IS well- hidden.

Benefit: For th¢ purposes pfphytiical effecJ'S ;l.jl~ defonru· ries, yoJj:r T~'Lm_ Rarrk is con si-cieted t,\I b~ 111 Filii ranks. IOW,cr.

Special: This' fe,n lllay,be taken multiple times. [[5 ·effects ·stack_


Transmutetion Level: Mah l' Components: .~ s M CastingTime: .L hour

Range: Medium I lot) ft. + 10 ft.(lcve'l) l"a,rg¢:t:. One pe rsen

Duearion: 1 week /Icvcl

Saving 'throw: wm negites

Spell Resistance-Yes .

ThiS spell ls unique to [hI' Death uf B(>amycell. 'tbu (L1I'a willip,g$ub:.aitllteJ dal'lt.e w[(h kansen summoned hI' this spell, rr rl'rc kansen ore pleased wtrh rhe dance, they gram you beauty b_~ curses '{om· opponent,

Ii the-dancer makes a $u_ccessfuIPcrform(Dtmce) checkat DC' I 8r he may ,:ilhl!.rgiw the 1<l.rget an l~ilJi.~]lC~lj,_et!1 bonus to C;hmi~ma,or 1.1441 points Dr i'nnief I d4+ I poIni-s of remporilt'Y C 1'1 arisrns Lhrmagi~. -rh[· dane er (nil¥ needs to willi_ngly' ~i~l1ce Tor dle· spell tt:iwork~ ~E' d()<,;, not n.el·d_ .to. be a-Will:t' of

rh is spell, .

"'{(tIer/ill c:,lmpOI1C]'T ~ (l ne or I he ta rgef's possesslons.

HA.1W5:5T Of" "EATH


Level: Mah 7 Components: \~ S, M Casting-Time: I action Range: Touch

l'atget~ Ohe crearu re/round Duration; I rcund/Ieve] [Iii Savirig Tlirow: \'{fiJI !legates Spell Resistance: Yes

YOli call forth the dark powers within tJ1e blood oilhe living-to make it cease eo Iuncuon, This rehriv(fiy srraple incantation requires.a great deal of pow('-!.

\'V'hde rhis spell is active. yon may s.lcay one creature per rcundwhh shnply.a touch.

DA:rt.ltnSSS ;tISlnG

Enchantment (Compulsion] Level: Mah 2.

Components: V; 5, M Casting Time: J minute

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 rt /21e\~elsl Ta'rget: Onecharacrer

Duration: Perrnanem

Saving Throw: Will negates (see text) Spell Resistance: Yes .

You. sumrnora ,1' k<llHCH arid bind It to anorher character, Th~ kansen's effeq is subtle yet pr6fo\m:d; at nearly every choke tile character is faced With, the kansen counsels impulsive and dangerous acts. A courtier afflicted with skansen may find that he speaks his mind even when inappropriate, or a bushr may become ~nore irrtrable and likely to perceive everything as a threuttn his hon or,

Once per day, the GM :may 'have rhe kansen attempt to compel a specific reaction, If the' character fails 3 Will save againsta DC of 15, the l{ansen takes control of thecharacrer's action.

cu~s~ ov W~AKn£55

Element: Mllho Mastery Level: L Duration: Pezmanenr

Area of Effect: One cr sarure Range: Touch

This common Bloodspeaker curse .inflict" JI1 overall weakness. Maho saps the vic rim's b{~Jy, numl, and .spin!.

/\1.1 rN!i fur [hal mIg!'! are Increased 1 +"2-0n1y one Curse o[Weakness Gall a!T~Ct 3 character at once.

Raises can increase the 11'1 penalty by one. Thu~, nYD 'Ralse'i increase !1lt'T:'J pcaairy [0 ~·4, three Raises increase the TN penalty IQ +5, etc,


Mastery Level: 3 Duration: Permanent Area ofEffe-Cb l Targ • .,;[ Range: \ DO fr,

Thi~ spell is unique LO rhe De.'ltb of Beauty cdL Lb~ mahorsuka] (or awilling substuute ) dances with rhe Immel! summoned b~j thfs spell, The dance I~s{s [or un 1,00.1' c.,f [ull conce nrratron: at [he rnd ot 'the hour, dn~ Jll1:n:r makes ,I Dance/ Awareness roll at a TN of 5-:< lhe;P CDSI alan AJv3n~ rage, If the kansen are please with the dance, thev permanently bestow lip n Ih~ rargeL a-n}' pers mal physiral :>T m mal Ad.\!all,a~e affecting them atone, For example, they could gain Dangercus Beautv or Magll" Resistance, bur nor :111 Ancestor, Kha rrn lc Tie, 0 r Soc ial Posi 1 ion, _f~ i 1 un- 'i rt sum mo 111 il[' 01" dancing means the maho-rsukai Ic:lnd the danrer: burns h')IT1- hly, taking rkr Wounds per I' porru of Advantage ~OUghL_ The wining dancer <11l d [be ruaho-i sukai equa lly shan' [ he Shadow b nds Points rJU! re \III fro rn rh IS 'SF" H. The only needs to w!llingly dance for the spell to ',vl,:k; ~hp dancer does not rifled to h. e :]w;. rs- nr r h j~ ~pr II

Tlw rnaho-rsukai may mStea9 impost a Disadvanmge on J vicum that is present ;)nJ watclnng he danc« lr rnusr be a personal phvsical or mental ~isadvllnt:lge alfecuag the vi rtirn alone. I'he maho-rs (tK;i i must offer the ka 11 Sell an o bwct lhat is owned 11)1' rIl(' victim.

"A~I{n~SS ;l.ISlnG

Element: Maho

Mas tcry Level: 1 Duration: Perrnar 111 Area of Effect: L Character Range: 15 ft.

A Bloodspeakcr c .... n summon a kansen and bind II ~',I anmher character. the kansens effecl on a person LO: subtle yer prof,i~und: :tT nearly everv choice, th kansen counsels impulsive 3J]U .Iallger us acts. A courtier ;,'tini led "'(litb H kanse n ms\' fin,i ~)'''I he speaks hj~ miJ\~ even when Inapproprtatr, cor a bushi mal} become more lrrtrable and likely to perceive every-rhiIlg ~s a , hrea ( to his .honot.

nee per cia', rhe 11 may have rhe kansen atternpr rL1 compel a specific reaction. lithe character [a_Us 11 sunpl .. \X7illpowertull against ;lTN of 15. rhe kanscn takes conrrol of roc hararrers aCUDn:

three l{:.uscs allow the caster 10 1.1'Krl!JSe. rbI' TN required fur sell-conrrcl by s


Element: Maho Mastery Level: S Duration: 5 minutes Area of Effect: sdt Range: 11 uch

Tbe Blocdspeaker c:aTh forth r he Jlo\V1i'l:S ufJigt ku in n unsubtle fiIsluon: pun! dC3rl1. This spell 15 nor lwnvily favored by Blocdspeakers, H it rends 10 kill ruaay and turrnpl few, btu it certainly hns its use. for the more battle-ready cultists. For .tlw durarion ot the spell. an 'one [1, .. Bloodspeaker touches 1D1J~1 ruake an brtll roll rrn -5) <.lr~1.' slain instarulv, The Cas le !' mIT)' 1l131l1taJn Ihl' spell, allowing hf m 1.0 continue "lol.LcMng and killing for anexrra time "qua I to I he lniti:11 durarlon, b TI.!p2ying (he initial \Vound COH. This malntenan " Ju" n [incur new Taint,

TWI Raise' allow the caster Itl Incre se the spell's durarion land any subsequent maintenance I by liyl' mmures.


The D§,'Tt:S, on t, goblins, and.or her ShadowhI' cis beasts lack the cohesion of the more org~l)i_zed Slradowlands facnons, but their-sheer numbers let thetn d.airn 11 number of sign1fic<1m

sin's in tne Shadowlauds, '


In the year 1 i.33, while the other clans ana the restor: rhe Unrcorn rough! the Lyfng Dnrkncss at Oblivion's Gate, [he Mow family banled to deterruine its own fate. Ar die climax of the harrte, Kyoso no Oni be!rayeJ and slew Mor.Q: Tsnme, leaving th~- Dor)? Mow Fmc"s J lsorgnrrized and- demomlized', Tb i~ proved. to be: [he undoing of Ihe Dark.Moto.ns rhe legendary Unicorn Khan Caheris ealitly routed their .rematnlngTalnted


Pallen Ch rvsanrhernum r.. a ke is: surprisingly serene for a 511<,: in the Shadowlands .. Chosen by Tsume fOr the rrees along us ~laes and rhe blood-red sakura blossoms they greW, Hilmi Chcysamhcmuru Lake b 11U klHgl.,r the hub of acrjvi~y il once was. Scattered about [be 110W qnier lake and decrepit barracks are a few skeletons, some with broken blade!'; still impaled where their bellies would be, Items of nny value have long since been looted, All that remains are scattered scrolls derailI li.g events Irorn the reign of the 1);1 rk Mota and a tattered haltbanner, bearing a snap of the (ll'jgimi! Dark Mota mon and ph rase: "., . bur can never yield,"

The once awe-Inspiri ng eb.cail1pmenr, or Fallen eh r'ysanrhemum Lake have faUeli inll~ disrepair. t\ barn, oJ ogres has .setrled around theLake, creating a lllHkeshifl camp LIp-on the ruins of die old. Most lither deruzens of the Snadowlands gi,ve this band a wide berth, as they nrercputed ro be the o,g[(j~p~rSbmdly selected by [he Rea 1m Qf EviJ to exterminate the remnants of rbe Dark Motel - rae GiWS who survived a±t(!nmth tililure_

TH ~ K::::7 Of" 'FInAL ~£GGTS

With their defeat on rh« field of battle; and r;.he prea.k,illg of the Blood-Curse, the Dark Mow found that rh~ Taint that had sustalned them was leaving tI,.,ir hodiesa:nd souls. As [he Taint weeded) many withered, their bodles suddenly SLI bjecrrc r he ravages, of 3gC_ Most horrifying was the fact that, as the Tainr left them, their lreewill returned - leaving them to grapple with the enormity of {he cri mes Ihli!Y hadcomrn itted. upon their kin and Empire. For some, seppuku was the answer, t1 fLnal attempt to atone,

ThQ,c who diJ TIm irnme d in rel y s111Yl:he:mr,~i.I·es tool> refuge in the only maJor fOl'f,fic.1t:l'on constructed near Fallen Chrysnnthemum Take, Moto Tsurn e's f01'j111;'1' headquarters, 'I'hcte, the Moco did what tlley equid [0 fulEHI rheit origirral missiori - to assist the Crab il' conrainingrhe. Shadowlnnds threat.All of the files, ID.;!PS" snd rmlltary .logsaccurnulatedIn centuries of-warfare, agilinst :he . Ernplre were carefully cornpIled In rhe hope Ihili the Roltlg<U1i WQ1.tlJ liUllltal'<IY Iinil therrr anclllSc them to mike back a~ tlw dark god" Jii:;oku, however,

had mhet pLans.

Evt!n as tll'~ enfeebled Dark MoTtl \v.ere finishing rhe.irtask, a force o£ ogws and trolls we:-e se])t t9 ravage their camp and

sIal' the sh-aggJersc TJlI! two [~C('S, who 'common ly ,~ttfl'ered when the Mom $()Lght "sport" during quiet tlmes, were eager lor vengeance, The beasts ensured th~l the Mom lived just long enough to see their efforts put to rhe Il~rch. AU rha L remains within the keep an: shattered bnnr-s flVI'rllIn",d tables, ,Ina redemption.denied.

ADLl5f{rV~5 HOOK

Challenge: LkornaGome, an Iruperhrl Histotian, h;l,'; requested asslstance in "verifying the nccuracy o[ ce rrain reports." The fad tha t Corne has requested the assistance 01" "i'qJjviduab exp.elienLhl in ~lIl'v!ving, The Shatlowlallds" implies tharthls Is far outside the usual realm of Imperia I expert i:Se_Pu bHcly responding to an Impe rial summons represents a golden opportunity to improve family- fvrtlll\es -soITl!;lhing the' dairnyo or p8rt)' membersare qulck (0 point OllL.

Focus: Go me T~ chrcn ic]i ng Ihe IWe_lH~ r ha t ecru rn:,d during [he W;H Against the Shadow ot:t5id." of the war itself. Although Unicorn records indican' that the Dark MOfQ were wiped OUI during the :final battle, Cn:b L6g~ -from the Kaiu Wall recorded several scattered groups of riders (lying aver the Wall and rerreaung into the Shadowlunds, Recently, Hiruma scouts claun to haw located what "ppear, to be the base camp-once used by the Dark Mow, and G(II]1.e woild greatly appreciate i; jf the pes could determine the> tl'L11 h of rhe martcr,

Strike; In.addirion to the.hazards of t±w Shadowlands itself, the pes 1Ulve to contend with the polnica] ramifications of theit mission. The Unicorn are certain Iy Lnl erested in. the -:Iltimarc fares otanv of their brethren who survived the conJkr. Likewise, the Crab are put off by Gome's rcquislticn of a gEllerotlssuT.lp1y of jade [01 the mission, which they feel C,R l(1 be put ro far .betrer LIse ,llpplying troops ~ n the W'all. Although little remains lnracrar the Lake, one h~lf-mrn. scrcll ~n·IIl.S to indicate that rhe Dark Mom sl!ii~d the Ancestral Swurd dtheKi-llli:, the blade Moro Cnheris wielded durbg tho conflict.The scroll further stares that one elf the Mota l'itm:t1!'d. to vemu re lhwugti the Shadowlands il1 ill) at tempt ttl rerum. the blade tc his CIQI1_ ·J"he possibtllrythar a sacred nernuranai Qf the Unicorn mill exists would cause quite a stir in the <:qUl1S - II rhe Pq; choose ro reveal this inforrnartcn,

It.YOSO·S ~~T~IBVTIOn (Si'AUlnlnG =om T OF naw KY050 no ann

K¥O~Ci .no Onl is unique even among Fu Le ng's myriad Strvanes. Most en! arc formed when ~ pac I is ferged.. between ]igQko and .J: nT01'l'31's soul, linking lhe essence L1[ -r;hl' mertal wtrh the.oni-ro-be. Kyosu stands alone, for she is a merging o[ .humllJ1.and oni,

The l11t'rs"r K'iQsq 31:J. I he Oll! "~~el,C,e ere ared a creature that rerained Kyosos basic ld('jJ.tity,~gnin~d .and warped bv ]igoku. More than most of the Losr, Kyoso retains a link to her torruerhurnan nature. \Vb.Jle thi~ h3S pnlsided her wLth the ability to manipulare and wotk witlr ibc Empire, it bas also left her with distinrrly human arnhiuon and harred, wbichhaveled her to her currant-sltuation.

Her arnhi,iqt1 p,!'oye }1(;1' to betray Moto 1511llJe (11' l:mll:l ." mutase her personal power. Daigorsu h]l,Di:shed he~ t_o. Jlgo_ku ana slew-all her onLsplll",n, II'S! hel' schel:nes interfere Wid) hi:; p1a.ns. However, rh~ very humanity thai led ber lO be trey Tsu1ne hl1~ lerr her ~ temlOll:S, bLrl pcrsisrtlll., link {b Nillgtn-

do. After )'cars of struggle, Kyoso bas fou nd a way ro send her spawn hack into the Empire. Kyoso jepreSerus b powerful rhird party in the struggle between Daigotsu nnd Iuchlan lor dominance ill rhe Shadowlands,

Kyoso has had many hidden~ lairs in her yeaTS In fbe Shatiowlands. Although Daigotsu sough, but her most recent lai,-.mJ confrcnted her there, Kyoso prepa red. multiple hideaways and. bolt-holes in c-ase of emergency. KyosO's Rerribntion is the- £brill I ail- KYQso ever rested in, rhe place where sht~ took sanctuary immcdiaeely afte.r her transformarlen frctn .human to rrni. Freed from rhe conventions of etiquette and morality, she let loose the ~ngnish and rage that motivated her ro become an ont.The feroclry other anger blasted the landscape, drove the native denlzens away, and perruanently marked rhe Shadowlands.


Ald10ugh cnt, being foreign to Ninger-do, could he banlshcd by-~u£Hc.iently powerful .shugenja, Kyo:;\) srlll retained a sliver of humanity - which she used 19 protect herself,

Kyoso's Sanctuarv is as Iuxurious asshe could make it in the barren hills of the Shadowlands, A handful of knickknacks hint at her former ljfe asa human, such as a tor n kimOD(lwuh I'he Agasha mon, bur mOSI nne signilknlH only to her, The runes and wards towards the back cjf lite Sanctuary combine [tgoku's .dar:k lnsightswtrl- ttle Agasl13's knowledge .r alchemy, forclDg ingen-do. to hlelltlfy 'her as the daughter uf rnorta] parents. Kyoso l,as warped the essence of Ningen-do around her horne. Here, Ningen-Q.CI recognizes her

nOT as n.n. ani. btl t as .a l, uruan,

Ningen-do, much like ]lgoku, is a possessive realm. Whde it is normally necessary tor a porral such as rhe Festering Pit to be inplace for travel [0 occur between real rns, Kyoso's Sa·ncUlary treats Kyoso no Onl J!nu her spawn as natives to the Realm, til mugJ1 rtr KYOSO has been abl e to send her-spawn back into the Shadowlands, in spite of Dail$0tsJ;r's

ed ict ba rri ng b CF: acctl$;S to the known porra Is. Although KyoSQ has ncr 'ret rerurned to Ningen-do, she Is monitoring the struggle between Daigorsu and luchiban, wa iring IQr au opportunity to avenge herself upon Daigotsu.

Strike: Kyoso is prImarily concerned with srrjking back, prefc:rdbJ} without 6Gvll,g:he~ hand in these matters revealed, She r~ quite wiUir.g to cease the attacks if rhe PC~ were ro bk!.' care of the problem individuals for her. If the pes refuse, she continues ro have supporters of Daigotsu bnrtally-slaughrered

n.lO!lg with IJH~i1: associates, lnbOCl!Jl.l O~ orherwtse. Tf [he f'Cs accept, [hey must come to terms with the fact that dwy areallyinj; wirh 8 n en h


The Journals ohhe kgendary Kuni Mokuna contain rnany countermeasures ag~jnst tlre Shadowlands' power. Although their techniques have been disseminated by the Kuni Iamtly, resulring in rhe survivalof.inany saruutal, Mokuna and his ideas remai 11 scorned by most at die Empire, This has forted the Knni to postpone several ptQ,rnising lint:s of investigation

due: to absence, ofresources OT presence or Imperia] scnrU.hy One such unrraveled avenue of itlVcsTigu, t ion, concctnsr negr:rblin known as. Basher, Basher. was ,j ,gobltn of unusual wit, .capnble of hoLding ar. lmelligern conversation with a human. Basher realized tlrar hi, kill .h(>edeJ ~o de-velop inrellecraally before rh!.'}' would be able [0 replace nl-lmanlty as Fu Leng mrended. He sought out experle nr es a nrl rip-p(lrr1jn~ilii'!l In engage In discourse, often nlkihg at kl"lgth wirl: &1'0 ku 11;1.

In their conve rsations, Mokuna learned, a grea r deal.abou: goblin" ~mt! their sociery; In rurn, Basher gleaned insi~gh t i'n to h urnan sue lety, .dS wt'li as the underlyirrg lugic beJ1ind su h concepts as ~ii:i_;;;) "money" and "government" Basher imparted these lessons [{ (he goblins In Big Stink, hopIng thai hts race could grow beyond

Ttl Lengs initial vision.

1\ccol;,rnlzing tb at many (if th~ ether gobJlIl$ shp'ply laeked l he ca P~~C)Jy ro gl'asp th('~r concepts, Hasher reallzed rlrar there needed to be~ moregc bl; ns like himself for me race 1'0 advance. Basher adur·ssed thi . problem i:1 3 distinctLy - hakernono t1\,lllnerl by fnheriflg ,15

many progeny as he possibly could, anti taisb:gthumhimsdf. Within a rew genenltioiis, Basher's descendants took over an erutre wing of Big Stink, uno wen' even clever enough to hide :IOI'll the goblins rom the Deep Shadowlands when they carne !U desrroy the pscudo-ciry Basher's heirs have returned and carved their own .horne .out ofrhennns. for now, theysperrd their time teachillg: each other concepts such asmarhemattcs, waiting-for the day rheir skill. and prowess will le"ti them ro ascension over Rokug .a n :ind die rest Lif I he ShH-tOW! ands,

AI7V~nTV~£ HDOIt: An oru SC01{l\£[1

Challenge; Mo-re than ~nythjng else, Kyosols de£LD:ed. by her all-corrsuming need to avenge hetsdf ou those she [~ch have wronged. her, ch ief on this list is Daigotsu, Even. though she' does not: want to. intervene personally, Iuclriban's seizure ofrhe City ofth.,ldsr has given he!' an opporrunlryro st-ike back at Daigotsu.

Focus: With no structured pUINer base; Daigotsu must r<:ly on his secret, sURpoqeltS \I,,·jehU, Rokugan. Kycso J135 been sendtng her spawn taro [be Bmpire co assasstnaie key individuals in Daigotsus network. Although few PC;:s would have a problem with the Shadowlands fi.ghti:lgirself. theamount of collateraldamage ·,erne of these assassinations bas caused is staggering. -rhey stopped,


OUl' of tho lessons Basher passed on I.U Jiis children wall the:

Imporrance of breeding. ntr lhe st ruugest, siuarfest, allJ must attractive (by. goblin standards) goblins have been accepted 1111'0 Hasher's line. Tb is Jl~S resulted i D ;] stea.~lll y improving s t ock of gcbll n*~, which has- given the era b inc reusing 'Prob!el:T1~ on tI'll' batt le.Ield over the last Ft·w·cLec'~d\:s.

'The hut ortglnally occupied hy. Basher has-been converred into a combination shrine and library. In irs capacity as a sjrnne, artifacts sl.ll.~h:ls walking sticks Basher used and rhe teacup wirh whlch he shared tea with Kunf Mokuna are pre" served. wirh extremely protective guards at the door. likewise, rough records contain the Lineage and accomplishments of goblins rn Brrshet5 Line sucb llS Thuk-Kig], whose infamotrs "War Machine" was used ro good effee! d ucing ~he siege of Otosan Uchi..

iH~ OG~£ BA~~ACJ{_S

Before Ell Leng's fall from Tengoku, the Ogre race had apnmitive bur thriving civilization. After the spread of the 'rai~t, the Ogres slowly had theW minds and wills "upped, turning them into dulllhr.afls in the service of the dark god. Wllil~ mostof the Ogres succumbed ar the same time. a few of their .keenesr minds spotted the degradation in time to act

The Ogre~ npidly realized that coun tering the effeCTS of dw Taint W~5 beyond their skills, bur were UeterrtJlned to leave some vestige of their culture intact. They took a villages.from their Tainted brethren, and proceeded to [abor. Painstakingly, u,ey dug a she] ter beneath the floor: of one of I heir buts and placed In it 'items such as carvings oftheir historv, tribal totems, and personal rrlnkers, Even as their minds began to cloud, rhey buried the evidence of their existence -by laying a gia.il1 sronesver the floor or rhe hut, trusting thar their now feeblemind(1.d kin would not thinlc to search underneath the

ground, '

Ogres.stlll llve in the form.ervillage, although they are a far: cry-from' rhe.desperate souls who created the memorial Scan afrer the free Ogres Jil'lished their memorial, they were overTIllJ b eheir Talnted brethren I who reclaimed the village The highly rnilltant lnhabitantsof the village live, serve, and fight (ot .Fu Leng, never T!lalizj:ng rhar their own past is literally beneath their Foorsreps,

nt~ J..AST STAnD OF TH£ F~:'E O~~ES

. In the middle of the Ogre Barracks is a small pyramid of bone, • fossilized by the Taint. 'The current Inhabitants of the Barracks claim that these bones are those \if a rival tribe of Ogres that they crushed toclaim :the land for their own. What they do not reallze is thar the "rival tribe" _:_the free Ogreswanted to be slain defending the village,

As they were finishing their work. the Free Ogres faced a serious dilemma, Many erf therr num her had fullerr 1:0 the Taint I and the res! were weak enin g. In addition, other Ogres had bt!gUll to attack the village, believing that the Free Ogres had been h,)lITding food ;'1'11.'1 weapons. This made llightimpossible, as the maw bestIal Ogres \\~ourd rear up the village and destroy its content, to find the "secret cache" if they ran lIway.

The Siege of their village gave the Free Ogres a fina.l way to both escape Fu Lengand ensure that tlrelr work would be preserved. The Free O.gres concealed all their stores in a "hidden" location that would be found by a CUl:SDry search, ana intenrlonally weakened their defenses. Within days, the rest of the 'Ogres broke through the walk Knowing that their deaths would preserve a seed: of I he Ogre .lieritage, and that each l,lf rhelr kin who felL before [hem would also be freed from bondage to Fu Leng, -thl1 Free Ogres foughr with conviction that any samurai would respect. After rhey fell, the surviving bound Ogres looted the Village, finding the "hidden" food and weapons, However, the true work of the Free Ogres srill Iles beneath the ground, wairing ro be rediscovered.

TH5: anUtAGS ;tAnG 5: 5

While me Taint can be concealed Irom humans with proper preparation, animals, particularly bOTSI.'S, shy away from [hose who are Tainted. This has proven to be a ignlflcanr liindrunce [0 the LC)SI, as the majority or their orukage-c=undead horses animated by the power of the Taint - were lost when the Dark Mora tell. Tr~vt:ling through the Shadowlands is hazardous even for the Lost, and steedsare greatly valued.

Dalgorsu's attempts to civilize the. Shadowlands were hampered hy the lack of ready mounts For lU@ssengers. To alleviate the problem, he ordered the creation of the Onikage Ranges -pens dedtcated to the breeding of new onlkage ton-he use ofhis lollowers. Periodically, poniesand.horses wen- srelen from [he Empire and taken to the Shsdowlands to replenish depleted stocks.

Tne Ranges ate barrens around the. Chy ()r Ih(> LO~t where onikage roam freel y. A rrempts to keep the onikage in traditional pens failed dismally, as their equi ne I nsrlncts combined wuh the Taint resulted in several unfortunate incidents with lheir handlers. They remain lost' at hand when needed, and provide the CIty with an extra line of defense, as d1C onikage TO~l11 in verv aggressive packs,


Dai.gGtsLi realized that stealing ponies and Jrorses Indlvidually would be both i11ef£icienl and insufficient fot the Shad:Qwlauds' needs .. He instructed his agents to select rhe finest steeds rhey could find - mostly Crab war ponies and a handful of Unicorn horses - andbring them back til the Shadow' lands. Here, in special pens shlelded from the Taint, they could be bred.

Daigorsu issued strict orders that the fi:tt('st and strongest specimens be used solely as b~eedil:\g stock, bur the rest of rhe Foals had another fate In store, After reaching adulthood, steeds are taken to the Slaughterhouse. Once the onikage-tobe has been slain, (IS corpse is carried roa separate area, well ~way frum rhe pens, where it is reanirnared by the Taint. The use of the Slaughterhouse. has allowed the Shadowlands, with careful conservarlon, to steadtly Increase the numb!"!' of anikage they have available.

11i\?O~TAnT B£AST n?CS



the past is an undecipherable haze to Omoni. \X/hen he tries to remember, his mind bums with pain,and fin the most part he is content with nor remembering. His origins, his experiences, howhe learned to bring flesh to life, and whetherhe is rruly.a man or a bakernono -Omoni prefers to let these quesnons lie unanswered.

He cannot stop the nightmares, hO\Yever, and there be is forced ro face rh .. Hm]J. He remembers, He remembers the cultists ho lding- him to a crude stone altar. He rernern bers the excruciating pain that filled all parts of his bt)dy as [he soul of a bake mono tnvuded his mind and as his body mutated rc

sorue.lh Lng beyond hu 111 a.L1._ He remembers the dmnow_; wairmg eag('rly [Q rievotrr his -soul as the Bloodspeakers opened a portal ro Jigok:tl itself Arid he remernbers jigoku.

Ornoni l:glJ remember hiscnildhoecl in J tgoku hyuer tha:n cmyt-blng- else III his pasr, for h15 experiencesrhere were roo honld for even Datgotsus magic tel erase, J igo.Ku. Went OD ["H~ ,ev<:',t, D never-ending [nnJ uf to,tmJess t('itai~n and countless oni.Jt was rorture, patn, ·('.XhUu'l'ion.11\ su rvive, (ltl1l:mi let the gobhn side of his mind Cree; in rime, it became as easvas 'thought to suhrrri] to the beast in lihn __ By the rime he 'eft, Onh)ni"no longiI[ aada-hurnan side ilnd agobltn side; there W"lS only Ori1()I~,

:rilln!!YI Daigotsu led hirn out of Jlgo'hl and into the Shadowlands, After the years; spenr in Jigoku, [irrle-in the Sh8rk~Whinds tmdd JisitlIb (.'lilloni: besides, nothing in the Srradowlauds seemed I'll he ab Ie I'D wtrhsraid hls Friend's -P0Wl>T_ OmOlll bc~gged his Irierul Daigetsn to N:1SC his horrible memones o[.ligokll,.f!11C UaigQtSll agn;ed..

Omon; ,did nor '~110W 'it .hewas -Indy- agoblin or ~ human.

He l"eh 11[> was h urnan, for be looked human.and he Ielr like a human mest- of the tirae, However, there were days when an Lili,toppabl~ ange::- rose 11) him :~nd srrimal iiI).'Puls~s urged him to kiJl Hi' couldn'r prevent himself tram obeY-lOg those. urges. If Ire was human, why couldnt he control those urg/'s?' I f be was gobbn, why does he [eel so' much Ilk~.'1 human?

Onmni hegan roexperirnerrt with yJptllt:cd goblins [0 vent his [rusrraticn. Jf J find CIld tAI!JIlI mail,rs if gobl11'i Il!,\obJin, he reasoned, 1 will f1fHl D Iii whtll 111'il ty ~m .1.0 h'is disappoinunem, 116 ~JI]nd rlrere was lH)ili:ing unique a bout agoblin. 1 r he man! pulated the go bltn's lx/ay x 1ittl~, ~c could make ir a human, if nOT STrOE.gel:; Ona whim, ~1e forced those-changes i 11 the goblin with hishands: to his surprise, rhe goblin did not die::lt greWCYen,mpl'c , ...,and-\Y!1er: 0-I11oni1l!t it loose, it killed n(l_~j"[)' a dozen norma] goblins before il was.everwhelmed. Ornon I smiled; be could fina Ily Jlelp Daigotsu in his ouest to rule the\ls.

. The Lost sarnuret that rollQwed DalgOtSlll1otiC'ed rhe times when Omoni become un predicrable, of course, and begaQ lIJ avold hls presence. Whe.nOmoni attempted to talk to rhem, d,ey could barely hide their dlsgusr, They were Tainrerl, bur lhey were licill samurai, J l'~ contrast, Omoni Wf!.S neither satnnral nor human. Omon i Fe! r thc.d isgusr, and th tew himself into his dUlY; Daigorsunever judged him, and when 0111On1 :did good work O~ligotsu was pl;!asl."ld. Daigersn ilskeJ him to make the goblill~ stronger, [0 111ah EhcInbbey Iris bidding. Omoni now had rhe perren excuse ID Live amongst [he captive-goblin It'ib,es.whete no on .. talked ttl him with veiled abhorrence,

!'ince DO'igot:iU~S def<'!at, Ornorn has been lorn with regret and indecislon. He serves Iuchiban, working beside Ysjinden to create new beasts and weapons D':' incredible power, He kilCrW,', that Iuchiban doe~ nor respect him ail D~i.gots'l.l didwhen [he Bloodspcaker l!'lpks upon Cmoni, .his expression is

pun.' disgust. ,

And yet there is Tlorhing- Ornorii can d(). Ornuni swore an 08[h to [he Shadow Dtagon th~! he- ,V-Quld always obey ['he' brmd rhat Ilel,iAHual,'uQ, l-heLili:QtedJ-lanl'ei sword, and :"lOW that bladeis in Iuchiban's -j)o$SeSsifll1. 1 r Dmoni escapes Iuchiban to serve Daigot5u"h-e wUl hay," violated [us oaxh TO rhe Dragon. \'<1hOI, then, WOLI.ltl prevent the Dragon - the' twing rha1 i"''S11 ITN,t',,,,,i B.:rigo.l.slj. ~ fro'!TI violating his own oarhs and rel'urning Daigorsu-'s50ul wllClTC::e -it cam~,} Omnni m:u~t;trQ lfu'lger 5erl'~ [he D~ tk Lord 1:.))1 f_ 11 f !oy~ lryll) rh ... Da.,"k Lord. i[ is a C(mLrmlk.Llon.lh~1 ~g"made rhl' gllb-Jin-man'sli.fc tlyen m[)t(· cOl'lihned iUlJ tormenwd (han before;

om.on.! ¥ale bake=Quo Ftr 9/Ualgotsu's Elire Cuard 1: CR 10, Medium-sized humanoid; HD 9dm + 18 plus 1012+ 2: hp 92; Init -Q: Spd 30 Je; AC 2.5. (much I 3, Ilat-focred 10); Attack F2. 'htlH J'l.I'llidy .1~:t!lnll" 4-13/-1'8· melee ('I d1. 0 + 3 da mage + 2d6 vs, gcodj: SQ Flesh SClilpring, shrout! of Death; Honor G;.AI G£; SV fort "Tit. Ref +6, W'iU +3': Str 'f7. bex L!',. COil 1'4. lnt 11, Wis 1.0, Cha Hj H!:ligbt 5 ft: 6iH ..

SJli!k.jl'I'irr _Fe.Hr,: !i,peak Language (Rokuga:ni.BOlJ<em0Jlt)li Climb +3, Lnt i rrri dare +B, Knowledge (ShadowLand-sj +8. Knowledge Uigokp:),. ,9it-, Listen + 6, Spo!' I- 6; Armor FOG\.js. (_n idlr, Cleave, Dodg-(', Hunge.r of {he Maggo~s, _L-npnJVc"d Critical, Improved I:J:l iti ative, Improved Unarmed $nib-:, ~ Power Attack-The Shcdow D.ragon, We~poll Pocus rk~f~n:l).

POssc'>5!Om: +2-1<j:en~ rxhll/Y bti:lfI'll1, illde tlYI1lD1' +1, 'FllljJ~lllr l"i,~h!ml amwr-+3. j~l)je: Th~$kill Knowledge (Jigokn) has been hrdderr from Ornoni's mind by Dnigotsu.

omon! .E.a;rt'h: ~ _Reflex "~ Wat=:-4

Stamina: 'l Fire-:-1-

Air: '1

Void.: 1

Shadowlands 'Iaibt: 11:L/:iW" n::;,'lbli11)

s.chool;Rank: Daigossus Legion 3/ Da_igorlld~ Elire {;uarJ 1 Honor: c:

Glory: 7.6 (fl.U away from the City of the LO!,'l \

Adva ncages: True Friend (Dalgorsu), Q.ui~k, Heart ur Vel1gr'<:nce (J31l'lt!{L,pcll.ken,)'

Di Scad " ant ("· R"n "f'n'~ en,,,,,. n",vp-" I f)".,r,.-"y r h.BJopcispeotkersY", Mnmokc,

Shadowlands Powers: Blat~-enl'd Claws, Bkn1d Dominauon, Ch ilJ g[ Darkness, Terror of Fu Leng, [1J:ican ny Speed

Ski.lIs~ AT), ler ics +. Battle 3, Climbing t , DeFense 3.

Hand-to-Hand (;, Hunting :;,. lnrimidatinn '1, I~, lore Dig-ok-u) 5"', Lcre- iSh:irJowlanJ.s) ~', Crsfr: Flesh S.;;ulpling!>, Stealth ]1 Torture 1

." The' AJ vantages, 1)iSllJ vantages, unel skills marked wid'! 311 asterisk have been removed [rom Omoni's censcrousness by Daigorsu: Omnni rernern be rs I h em on 1 ydnc u g 11 d rearn ~L


The Sliadowiands has had many lords, hom powerful.demons such as the Maw to. zealots such as Yoga ]Ul1Z0. Foul baketnorro, gig!lJ1tit ogres, disgusting hags, and highte111ng oni all .roam tIlt' [arids Fu Lt11& perver L·t'.). UnLil Tei.;t:tu!y; no matter whar power was ascendant in this I,md of elernons, u seemed, rhat the Shadowlands was doomed to Fail, susceptible to the chaotic Eatu.r(' oflts'(>\'iL

Thingschanged with the.srrival of the. Dark Lord Dsigorsu.

Seemingly out of nowhere this powerful maho-tsukai turned the Shad;i,~'bnJs into fl' realm of controlled evil. B.y no means I:; th~ eruu.e landscape 'a beacon-of law and 'Order, but under Daigotsu's ha~d mono powerful denizens came. to. me fore[ronr. Stronger gublins from the Deep Shudowlands .10.]11 more powerful onl .and formerly unknown heasrs. Constructed tcrmrs have grown stronger, a-J}d even Spirit Realms $uch :as Caki-do, Tush igoku, rmd Yume-do have spawned servantsIor the Dark Lerd.TheShadowlands is still a _place where only the :;\Tonges!' sllrvive and I,be weak are trampled, bu: the snrnurai oJ Rokugan have begun to realize that a once-scattered realm nDW has its own version of the Celestial Order.


While some 10s1 samurai settle for the hideous orukage as mounts, the more powerful among [hem seek OUI suong:er and more reliahle steeds. Rare creaturescalled

Hellbeasts rI,1[] wild ill the deepesr regionsof rhe Slradowluhds tirele~sJr seeking out prey, They are- mass]yet s.t •. indlng between eight and ten feet at the shorrlder.Hellbeasts are.covered

In hicleonslv thick bairless ~kin and arc ;Qughly rh~'sh8Qe of gigunric boars. Hellbe3~rR' hooves are _lagged and

their tusks massive, bUI their a bi li ry tocnnrtnue ri relessly 1s. rhe ir most valuable ?SPf.'Cl, -rb.ese creatures loa t be ~dng ridden, bu: can be subdued with the promise of horseor-humanflesh.Onlyrhe most -PDwerfq_L of the lost seck OUL.a hellbeast for,or rnou nr ht'rS1]Se, until subdued, thf' creature will arrack aayrhingthar gets nearIr,

H'~ LLB i:l1.5 T

Large 'Beast (Shadowlauds) Hit Dice: 5dHii-25 (53 hpJ Initiative: +0

Speed: 50 [c.

AC: 15 (-1 size, 6 natural} Attacks: Core + 13 Damage: Core ids +13

Face/Reach: 5 t. by lofi./5[t. Special Attacks: Trample j!lff + I '! Special Qualities: Ferocity Saves: Fort +9, Ref H, Will +2

:\:bil-ities: $t"[28, Dex Ii, Cnn 21, Int 2., Wls 1.~,<.:hR IU, Tail1t ;;

Skills: Listen +9, Spor ·,8

Climate/Terrain: Shad{}whnLis Organization: Singular Challenge Rating: 5,

Treasure: None


Alignment: Always Chant ic flvll

Advancement: 6-U un (Large), 13- 171:-11l (Hllg~ I


1:-1 P JI hiJ~s ts figh I. wrrb tlw r<!Y.O<.-i'ry' of an oni ?rh only ~ligh l..V more control. A hellbeast will allow itself t,b.hi:' controlled during combat by a rider, but always wants to arrack the nearestcreature. Left co itself a hellheast charges. gores, and trarnples the ncarestcombarara., Hellhe~o~S seem m have ~ \k~gh!! for hLll'se 2nd human tlesh.

Ferocity (Ex): A hellbcasr Is a frightel11ng combatantand WillC0l1.tll1\ll' LO Cig:11r \\,tl'holl! l'"nolty,evl'f1 while dil,nblcd or

dyingtsl:c tile Pll!}'~r'ftI~ nd:1lOo4.L ,.

Trample (Ex): Ahenbeast can trample Medium-size or smaller creatures for automatic gore damage. Oppom:nts who do 1~(1t make artacks.of opportnnuy agaillsI the hellbeasr can arrempt 8 Rdlex sage (nelS) to h~ lve rhe dam,rg"_

~1[11n<.1 A HiiEJ,.L:B·~AST ]3[,fore rlders can mount a .helllJcasl tbp)" rnus succeed ,I[ a Handle An irna l check (DC ;10)- Hellheasts are rarely w[IJjng llH)U)HSI bur.can be ~ligh tIl' SJJ bdue d bv feeding them horse or

l1lLm(ll~ Ilesh (lower the PC b 5i.

Carrying Capacity: i\ Ijghr load fo, a .hcllbeasr is up CO 4011 pounds; ~ rncdium load. 401-800 pounds: and a heavy load, 80J-I,20(1 p0U11ds.

H £W-Bi:I=lS'T Earth: 5

Fire: 1

Agility: oj,

Water: 'I

Strength: 7

Air: :1

Rolls When Attacking: ·lk4 Rolls "or Damage: 7k2 IN to heIDt: 15 Carapace: 5

Woqnds: 25; t-'i: 5\1: -t {JI 7,' 1 11~ luO: Dead

, h:rdowlands Pow ens: U"holy!ns, Terrible Armor, Bcusr Ilr Fu, Lerig [.QuacJnlr<'11i



Gorel A hellbeast's normal arrack is an atrempr ro gore ir~ upponenr. U' 'UCfl'ssfuJ, (he crecrure's massive tlU;kli rip open skln arul Jpstroy armor, Per every raise a heJlbeasr makes on Its a( tack r!:lll rt 'Per manenrly lowers ! htl benefit 01 armor bV .2 1111 ure d opponents [lui \ .... earing .arrnur suffer 5· furth e r W~~unns: (!3cb round unrl I rended,

¥Qunt: While ran", hellbeasr: are rlre pTeferreJ mount [l,!" P Wt'rful Lost samurai because Llr then IerocIly and resilience, To be ridden, ;1 hellbeasr rntrsr firSL be rnounred: ~ll Athletics, Jiujutsu, or Horsemanship toll,TN .W. Even afmT rnounted a ruler m List subdue l6.c bease and gel It used w being nddf'fl while II attempts to bu k and gore. consecutlve Horsemanship rolls. T:!\l :20, .! 'I, anJ 30. Failure on an" ,,[ these- rolh means rhe h e llbeas: has bucked the rider and SLh!l<'55fuU)1 gored him. A ~ubdued he llbeast allows that rnler and .no nrher to mount H unnl de.rh.

Trample: H e llbeaSts can declare an arrack wh i le running ar m., SPI!IlJ. They are consid"red IU be FuJI Arrackmg and keep two extra damage dice. Ah ,llnea"l may only perform this suack once rwry erher-rcund.

HounDS O~ TH5: 1..05T

The. creatu res called rhe Hound.s of the LOSI criglnate at [he Festering Pi t of Pu Leng, v. rious Dark Lords would cultivate Some of the minor ani spirlts that crawled around the en trance to Jigoh! and place rhem into [he bodies of Rokngam dogs and wolves, The resulung creatures are akin 10 rabid wolves. bur ca-n be ramecl. The hound~ an: Iearsorne-and when .in the wi ld travel

in tm:).i»ing packs. While tamed, they rypically serve Obsidian Maglsrrares 1Il groups using-their uncanny ability to track any thing- Tainted or odu'rwise- through rh ... corrupred lands.

Hounds are 6 ideous red-eyed mockeries ofreal wQI ves.

Their bodies are emacrated and shall" bones protrude frClm their bodies Et odd angles. Th.¢ir have massive jaws help them teat through any kind of food, as do their razor sharpclaws. Even tame bounds refuse to subrnir to auy restraint, like a €Ollar.

HounD Of' TH=: J,.OST Medium-size Outsider (Evil,'Oni) Hit Dice: SdS+8 (30 hpJ

Initiative: +2 (Dex)

Speed: 30 [I.

AC: 151+2 De.x, ~3 natural)

Attacks: 2 claws +7 me lee, bite + 7 melee Damage; Claw ld6.+-l-; bite ld6+6 Face/Reach: 5 Ji by 5 fT./S ft,

Special Attacks: Fear

Special Qualities: Scene. onl qualities Saves: Fort +6, Ref '1"6, Will;-.5

Abilities: Sir t6, Dex i s, Con 15, l nr 1, Wis 12, Cha 10, Tawl7

Sk Hide 1'4, Listen H, Move Silenrly H, Spnr +6.

Wilderness Lore +1'"

Climate/Terrain: Shadowlands Organization: Solitary, pack -101 Challenge Rating: 3

Treasure: None

Honor: Nil

Aliinmcnt:Ahvays Chaotic Evi] Advancement: 5-16 HD (Medium-size)


Whe nHnunds Sense prey r he y becern e ra bid a nd immcd tatelyarrempt to- aHlrc.k. .By themselves rhey always }'uil Attack the nearest creature. When in groups thl~Y .have 3 pack mentality and attempt rn work together [() brii1g down stronger fo<::s. Hounds alwavstry to bite an oppouent,

OrriQualrties (Su \: Hounds donor POS,0S the alternate .fq rm IJlO te lcp a·thy (; bih lie"

.Eear (Su): DC I 3. Add 1 to the DC for every three Houn .. Is, up to DC i6.1arget is shaken. tI the Hound succeeds at its bi te attack the target III us r c h eck against Fear a gain.

Scent \Ex): Scent ranges are tripled when. tracking a crearnre who warm blood OJ' any ShadowlandsTamt. Hounds ca n d isringuish among types of Shadowlands creatures. skills; Hounds receive a +1 racial bonus to Listen, Move Si i'''I1'lly, a ad ,S~Ol checks and a .;.1 racial 6Qnus to Ride checks.

~- I talse receives a +4 racial bon u s [() Wilderness "Lore checks when tracking by scent

HOUn.D OT TH~ 1-05r Earth: 4


Agility: 3 Water;

Air: 3

Reflexes: "

RoUs: When Attacking! <;k3 Rolls For Damage: 1'11<.:3

'IN to be Hlt: 20

Carapace: 4-

Wounds: 1 (,: +5. 24: + J(J; j6: 4R Dead

shadow lands Powers: Blood t;>en se, FIl Le ng 's Hunger, Taint Sense

5i'~C]Al. A.BIJ..ITla5

Fen: ~_Tltis increases lsv one for every three hounds In 3 'Pllck to t, rnaxtmum of 1">. If the Hound 'r duo Last .Iamages an opponent chat character must make another Fear check.

ItO,ltV no 55JSHln. TH~ ::r.\7TY SOUJ..S

'the Kokuno Seishfn are one of the Dark Lords newest erearions -SpilLits ripped from Mcido and imbued wuh [be Talnr. Dt.rtng his briefs tay ill the Realm cfWairrng Dalgotsu took advanrage ofEmma-Osweakenedstase to steal S01nt of rhe tortured spirits residing there, Other Realms have previously been mixed with Hgoku [0 crenre such berngs -as the Ashura, the Caki, andthe Pekkle, bur never before has a creatureof Meido been' altered rhi~ way. ihe resulting spawn were no': eritire ly intended, but have proven very useful.

The Kokuno SeishiJ, consraruly seek the release thai should have been grained thern: afrer !'he Celestial Pattern decreed rhem cleansed. The}' lack identlry and strive TO steal orb e r s souls iii crd'er to galn a se ns(', of Ed£. Un bke th e Living Darkness. th .. K<1kn nn s"i,sh ill del' not steal !?pirilual energy to unmake the world. Radler, they strive ro harness enough kharrna to finally break free of rheir horrid state and uscerrd ro a different Realm.

Kok\.l .'l1J Seishil) retain. C!ilougb of their connection with Meido to share some of that Realm's qualities. Their insubstantial bodies are indistinct and coveted with misty gray cmerg)T, Under this SpiritLlolfog ~ie~ it hl.IITUm body in full samurai armor carrying a katana. Neither the spirit's armor nor its katana can be removed. They are difficult to derecr lIDU very resistani to magic,

Wheil1\oJruDQ Seishiti are lolled they return to a:,si1'e destgnarcd by Daigotsu Inside the Temple of (he Ninth Kami wheretl.ey must purify themselves, Every line they use their fcaJ:sorr,e spirit I eud d.tral.h. they becomemore tt'ulthey lose SOID,e ,of thei r connection with Me ido , 111 order to. [orne bark to '"life," a Kokq no Seishin mU;T re lease all of this stolen energy.: This to!TI.lOUS process. removes all stolen abtliry points along with the precious kharma it needsto con-

unue its cycle through rhe Celestlal Partern. Tr takes: 3 number Q[ days .equal 10 rhe amount of traits it has taken for rhi. process to Iihlsh,

KOI{V no S5:ISttin

Medium Outsider (Shadowlands, Spitit) Hit Dice: l1dS +12 (66 hp)

Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex, -t4 Improvedlniriauvc) Speed: 30

AC: 24 (t2 Dex, +7 spirir armor, +5 natural) Artacks. Spirit pladl!"+15 melee

Damage: Spirir bla;ie1dlO+2 and spirtt rend :Face/Reach:.5 fro by 5 ft. / 1 tJ ft.

Special Att-acks: Spirit' blade, spirit rend

Special Quahties: D~mage reduction 25!+~ (J~Je); SR 25, .natural iE)vlsibiliry, spirit armor, twisted elements

Saves: Fort +9, Ref +'10, Will +9

Abilitie$: Sn-H, :lex 14., Can l21,Int 12, \Vis tz, Cha 17.

Taint -I 0

Skills: Bluff +1;;, Concentration +16 Hide +[5, jtrrnp} 14, Usten+H, Move Silently +1.~, Search-Ls, Sensc-Molivel<4, Spot+J$"

Fears: Cleave, Co mhar Reflexes, .lmprove d Lnit iatjve, Weapon Focus'{Spirit Blade)

Climate/Terrain: Deep Shado~.I:itJ.d.s, any lrr-nJ and

underground brgani7..ation; Solitary 'Challenge Rating: is Treasure: None,

Honor: Always U Honor Alignment: 'Neurra] Advancement: (3, FlD llvlediqm)


Kokll no Seishin seek OUL ShlJg(:Jl)<l enJ those weak agams] the] r ~l1jri'[ rend assault, They US\~ their invi$\billty und magic resistanrcs to get close enough to make \ heirattack ;mil ayniti anyone those thai, can bYlxlSS rhe i r clef(;n~esr They J1:r:1l. rarely seen outside of bartlc.

Spirit Armor (Ex): A Koku Il¢ Scishln wears heavv arrnor that is all extension of itself and rhus cannot be. rus:n'liled or Jeslmyed. It protects against both corPOI"{!'11 :,Ind incorporeal anacks,

Spirit Blade (Ex): A Koku no Seish in 'wields .1 katana [h,lt is an extension d(itsclf >1l1J t hus cs nnor \;e dlsaj_[I;~U III destro -ed. These weapons are. incorporeal ignoring corporeal armorand negating damage reduction,

Spirit Qualities (Ex): As spirits, Kcku rio S65hfll gail1 3 t4 racial bonus agarnstall enchanrmeru effects except those of other spirlrs. KokuTIO Seishin can sense lilly passage to [igoku

within one mile, .

Spirit Rend (su): Living creature .hu by a KOKU !10 Sei'shi0; arrack suifer l Ilegative energy level. Every rrrr ei; rakes' rwo levels of uegatlve energy it !!lay choose to suppress one oiits other special atracks OJ specialqualities ;]nd pe,ll1Jancmly gain one Hlr Die, gainlng all benefits of advancemcm, TIll suppression bt."for one week.

A.'lain Kokuno Seish in with anv stolen hit dice is sent back to the Shadowlands. It must lower u~d.l bark 10 Irs startlnghh dice at ,f! ram of orie die per week befqrc it can beCOIH<' active ag'ain.

Twisted Elements (Su): A Koku no Seishin's spell :re~isrance.affecrs nut only it$el( but everything' in 8 2S-fOQt radius around It. A Koku no Seishin may negate or: reinstate this e£fl':CI ;\5 <t free action, 115 of ten asrr likes.

Natural Invisibility (Sp): A Koku no Selshin .rernains invisible even 'when it attacks, II can cancel OJ:' resume .his ability as a t'ret' action,

I{OKV no 5~ISHIn. [~1i\7T.Y SoV~) Earth: :.1


Water: ')


Taint: "'I

Rolls When Attaddng: xk3 CSpec!3.i, ce h"'~111'l Rolls For Damage: Xk3 I Sperral, ~ce b,'law I

IN to Be Hit; Special

Car apucc: 10 \ Spea ia I \

Wounds: llJ: -J,,; 15; ,.1..0; 51.1: Dead (Spe ial)


InvulnerubilirvThls ability is Iusl ha. taken more taan duct: points with 1[, Spirit Rt'nd arrack fJ~U f,citJw\,

Mttp-c Immunity: /'1 Koku no Seishin ,'IC'.J{~S a spfrirual \Idid 10 f~~1 n rklund its body Ih~~ adds-i 15 I.~l Ln\' TNs uf 1llf spells cast ill the area, Thi~ a bil i ry LS lasl once rr Il~ l;l.kt'.D more than £iv{' points wirh irs.Spirn Rend arrack.

Bland: An .J!.,:lVa~m·slHDlI ,tt 11 TN of 15 is required t~, " .. nse a Koku no .srishin·~ presence, Thi abilir}' is [,)S[ once it takes an Y POLntS " .. nh its Spirit R" nd arrack.

pirit Rend: A Koku 11:0 Seishi'n aITJGMs the verv snul ,,~irs opponent 1.L rargers J \Tictim'$ Trair and makes 3 contesred u~L1 again I lbat persou 7k4. [[ sue" sfut the luger loses a Jcmporuy pomt lrcrn that 'frail a I,d rhe Koku no Seishin ga!Q~ 11, POr C\'{"l'Y two Raises ir nmkes eu [he roll h rakes one

extra -pninl. Tbe ~cr.ijn regains points at a "W.: of one peT day. Thi~ arrack can never redure II victlrnsTrnit below ene,

Special: An y ume a Koku no Seisbin's Eartl.lblg Increases from its splrir rerid attack, it beals 25 Wounds.l!5TN ro Be Hn is eq1.tal to its current Reflexes X I:, plus ~. I [rolls ~ mrmh~ ur dice t~) artackand Jor damage equal I'D irs CLlHI.'Dl Agility and Scrength, respucnvely A Kocu no Selshfn's Carapace is lowered by one ear 11 time It successfullv uses 1 IS Spirit Rend J((~C:k.


Tb ... jlhlj(lUI U[ Lit 'Wl~Ub'f~t.l ~pirits that serve-as ),ukai are human, even though the ma;oritY' of the ShadowlalIds is hot human. Ibe mai n reaso n rh ar spirits such a, ]'UJ1;':o and Yoshirnitsu rettrrn instead of the average bakernono is because they possess wil.lpcwer, a stronger sense or ~elr. However, not all yokhi were fmmerty lllIDU1' Occastonally, a gO(11 in I hag, (roil, or some other horrid beast retu rns [0 offer us "guidance." ·Wl111e· these ::Jcings are unusnal, there is no doubting the power they offer'. '


One of the rnore.urrusual yokai 10 crawl back from Jigoku is the being known as Orschnt. 'this. goblin hero iva, one of the. fcw bakemQno roelevate himself.above the. raving hardt's, Orscha r was 11 wa rrnonge r d Hong Kuni YQ[i's reign. He W:IS brave-to the poinr ofb,eing suicidal, bur always returned crOll1 battle with ba rely ,a m,ark. on lum, He began to be worshi ped as a demigod am Ql1.g rhe ,gobU n race and was believed to De nigh invincible. The secret ro Orschars power actuallv catne trom anothe goblin.A wizard calling 1 rselfthe Exa1ted Ugu made a, deal wlrh the- wa r mo n g e.r. He would cast spells to make Orschar impervious to the em bs weapons if the goblin leader would bring him spells and nemuranai (rom those he killed. A deal was Clade UJ1d a "hero" was born.

Unfortunately for Orschar, all pacts haw an end. Yori was d(!~eated antl ~hiS ~mlY !v~l?ed out B,olh Orschar and Ugu were slam and their spmt:s dru'Led rato Irgoku Nommlly, Orschnt's brief glimpse ofglol'Y would not be enough tu suunnun hiui I. back-as a ),0\.;81, but Daigorsu's arrivalchanged thm. With DaigOlSU came a more powerfu] race or bskemono from rhe sourh-

em Shadowll1+11ll;. Among these creatures was ~ goblin wizard thar SOqg:lt ro. empower his brethren with kansen and the 5Ql1JS of demons. His magic was nor powerful en iugh ro actually bln(lonLJo other goblin~, but he didmanage to pull l rschars soul our ofjtgoku, Or srhat no Y'qk;ll currenrlv "guides" a goblin hero named Gakochtul; but would be wilhng to offer lus aid to any creature.

J\ · .



Yon are gronted protectior, when perforr» in.g (hi ngerous or suicidal feat, in ccmbar.

Benefi t: You g:>il.l damage red ucnon 5(;ade while making a fuJI arrack. You must make a Willpower save (DC 151 during enmbar or declare u Full \!t-tat:k agaJrrs( rhe most powerful

I;'11et1l:' In Right. C


(6 701n..T5)

Those gtilded by Orschat 81-1' devastating in cornbar. bur are constantly pushed towards T~ck1I!'S$ attacks. \Vhile n :lk1ng .1 FI,IUAtt:lCk, you gau13 CHap-ace 0[<; thar cannci be lowered hy non -magica! rnerhods, Duruig every torn bar YOll must make ;J W'iUpower roll againsra TN of 1" or YOU are pushed to Full Arrack rhe mesr powerful enemv in sigh!.


The- being knowr: as K -olin 0I1C~ served as. yojirnbo to the dreaded Yoga J1.U:<zp. He was renowned lor his \lhtlHy with tilt' 61ade.aml said to han' mastered rhe inmeacles of Iaijutsu, His monstrous leonine frame charged into battles, SI;lYllig with borh katana- and talon, Kyojln defended the dark sorcerer up until ~he serorul Day uf Thunder when ~ rnonk named 'Iersuya defeMeJ hlrn, ND o ne , including Kyoj!n, h!.ew his tragic beginning,

Doii Kyojin onceserved in Doji Raigl!'s honor guard. 11 is rnasstve Irame and strength were unusual Icr a Crane, but-ills _power was tempered by the stud)1 DE iai] utsu, I [ was rumcred rhar Kyo)in would one day join the Kenshinzen and possibly even become iller r maSter-bLillhe man KYl;Jji.n served was corrupt, During his time asChampion, Raigu was revealed ttl 1,,, one of the leader's of the Goznku allianceand stripped of his status, the men who served under him were disgraced; those nor killed we.t~ put into poslrtons Elf 'beneath them. KyoJl11 was sent to> rhe W~lL

lhe Crab received the large Crane with l,nli' slightly mure ent huslasrn than 11 s Crane brethren lefrhirn With. They mocked his iaijursu style. telling him that it would be useless agHin:Sl rhe slavering hordes of jigoku. He was assigned ill [he I;'onf Ul1CS md eventually ended lip in ~ unlt {)fbITsl't'ker~.llll one of lus (mit' s Fornys into dle corruprcd lands they were arnbushed by hundreds ofbakem01lO led' by 0 [lew t}'pe of om. Kyojin fought" hard as the men around him [ell [0 the beast's Iury, Lhedernon lefl him ror lasi, t-onslJt·:ril1g hirnwcnk. Kyojin knew rhat his single-sworJ rechniques WQlJd never prevail against SUGh a foC'. and restgned himself to death. In tlrat instant, all the fury, despair, and hate thai had festered since his IOTd was dishonored welled. lip ill Kyojil]. A red haze permeated his VtSIOI1- then nothing.

He rernemb ... red little afrer waking, The bodies of-courulcss goblins strrrcunded himand the ani was gone.The haze had laded, but so had all memory of h is fo.]:111.e'r lire. Th e beast t holt rose Irom Doji Kyojln's soul stood on fGlll\" legs and had a body of a demon. Kyojin picked up his' kSIUll3 a nd -a strip of doth 1'0 use a~ a mask and began a JlI'~W Iiie in the l.btk realm.

f';:A.~=:D DV5:J..IST

CA.nC:i5TO~ f'$:AT: JCYOTtnl

You have an awesome cl arisruaand a demonic lfghr in yOUleye thar frightt·ns Y0ul: enemies

Benefit: You j!ain a fear effcc! thai only comes inrn play during a 11 iaij utsu d uel. Tlw DC is to YOLI r level + yowCharisma modifier. Opponents who faillneir roll sulfer a-5 penalty to rheirl aijursu focus chcd~ Opponen rs who refuse :1 duel YO'u p.ff~r m~y nor spend anv Void POrn.tii ell .my c1biIIty rhur requires Void againstvcu during rhe ensuina combat.

Ityo:rln. (5 70lnTS)

K zoj ln grants ou a Frighre nmg presence when in sing] combat You have;1 Fear rating of 5 while in an Isijursu Duel, Anv uppcnent who refuses J J uel you LJffut lrnrnediatel y loses 3 Void Pumt and may nut speud Votd PI'Jln!S nr u~(,! VuiLl related abiliues against YOLl during the" ensuing combar.

dcsrroy the 1'11'011"(;11 Empire but W 1;'1)l)SlJUW ir, Datg(ltSD orgnn i ~~ d a g rea I C i iy ur dw Lost, an d C~ used 111,' n In J WO.iIU'!] ovcrwhrlme.q by tilt' Sliadowlauds Tainr ro embrace the darkn ess.jn tb"tr souls instead of BgbtinJ! ir a1~J belrig driven insane In tl g.eneniti(lri, Uaig()tstl turned li gn:m SWath llL the ::;h"d ",""'I~ nds inro a Jorkminor of R"kuglln .. H,' was aJ:l lirnpemr of an entireiv difte·rc.u1T Empire - the Lost were .lY1S samurai, the goblins andundead hispeasants, and the faarea Onlsu his Champions,

Perhaps one of the most hOlnftc c6\nge~ Daigorsu brought about was the creation 'llf a great wall separating his new Em pirc fro-m Rokugan. It{jni~allY. t he Lord of the Shadowlal'ld~ gr~\~ weal")' tif incursions by Hirurnu ~COlHS nnd Uida war partiesjust as the Crab clan created (lieinv.all to curb rhe .llnt'nd ingi·a~sallil of the Shadowlanels.

Daigotsu:s wall i~ forraed elf I he bones of bothh is fBHed servants and the corpses 8[ his enemies. S'dme uf flU' jutting bones Ul'C the size ·DE 11l1ge trees, while a dose' inspecuon s hews the skele \ on 0 of nezurn i1 humans.and wh J I: many eta b have ag:reedis a'i1 unusual amourrrof L'tpWS. Th~ WalJ of Bones carrie« nu wither~J Elesh ot muscle, ortly c leMII bone torn from {hose D~j'g(l[sU hOB found unworthy 111 some regard. Even t hose rnorta]s slain j n rlw S hadow] and", cannot be certain to ri •. to ~.g~in ;J~ ln1.detld to attack RokugtJ n, .Itisteatl, [hose the Lordof ,hl! Sh adowlan ds d.toem~ 1.mfi' joi n rhe cndl ess pit.!s Df bones orr the-wall.

The Wall has onlv one poinr of entry -.11 single gate tit its centerrlrar open, tel' the Oll Iy path d irccily to the City- t1[ tho· Losr, rIle \1711.11 LJfBone:; slanJ., caller than even ,he Kaiu WalJ, making a-n y son of b rge-scale assa ulr over i he wall J m poss lble, while' the walls d.efense j~ hardly perft>u-as-inglt man or small stout team could fi rid 11 way over 0 r arou» li. the Wall of Bnncs - tht' fL1HI-B.(a[loll, is total insurance agains: an ussauh on rhe eL[")' of [be Los r. Ally such I'ore<" WQlI td h ,lve [0 contend with rhe Iorces fir the Willi of Benes' g'lru, andthe unnarurul ppwer QI the shudQwbl1.·d, plus 1.:h~ ~ai1l1y defenses eonsrrucred by the LOot sam ural \ mall)' \'[ tlW.lT;l ex-CI'3b) WQU I d be enough to III I'll bscka ny force the Empire could reasons bly organ i;I,,_

Due 10 the current '1HI.gglf.' [or pawcr i:11 tlw Slladtl\vblllls between these loyal 10 Daigorsu JnJ rill'S'" wIll' toll'lW luchib3n, the gare ar [he 'W'i1[r ofBDlW5 has been gr.ipped hy a <ju.ier tension. Th(lllgb [he hush i stationed rb ere would rise up ro jClil1 their master' OaigotOl1, the)' hBVf' hila rd onl)' j·utums.l:i[ his fate since hi,<; death ~l the hands oiToturi Tsudao. In !ludi~ lion, the command[''[s of,h<l [armIs h{~n> rtahze they cannot aff\ll'd "{laUOW il1figJuing r(l.con~llnc rho: loS[ at tlle Wall of Bones. \ !ntotHlllQtdYr ·t.bey do nor bel ievc lLlci1j ban's followers shart" their s~r"St' of duty ':l.fld silL'utiy agrH' Ih~l some day one of [he"akers will corne to sabotage the Wall j LIS I to h,u"m it, LMl btl~hi.


In An A."II£n TU~£

The Wall cl Bones syrnb .. ,lhe~ the ~igniflc!l.n~ ,'11~l'Ig(; 110 [h..: brg~l1iz,l[ion (If the S.bauowllil;d:; bT\llighr .,mOU\ hy PaXgt'[SlI, Though ;Jl1lon(; the Crab ir is common knll\"'I~Jgt rhru rhe Daigorsu was a dark reflectiuD of the Ernpircin 1.6" deep shaj.lowbl1d~, the massive fortifiC;lIinn Is a ~Iadt re m Inder bf 1 b~ th real.

• The w.alJ of Bones I s of gre~H i In po rtanr.e to clie era h, a 11(\ Hrrurna scours regularly studyit from sfar ,lIld up dL)~"'. All ; pan)' (or a group LII1;1rr [he cummnnd I1r I hf' Ct'llb) .:I) uld timl i hemsel v es em S u c h rn hi oi LJ ns,

• Much like the Kaiu Wall 15 ro traditronal dlUc[(ters, the Wall .of Bon e~ rnulJ serve as I h t bac kJ iTI P lor ;.1 g·rjlU pilI' LO..'H characters. E~ pectnl lywi I h 1),1 igl,\!'SII depl1~e-d by Iuchlban, the wail is seetrrg a[l rncreasiug nurribe r or Tainted crcatu [lOS turrung rhcir at rcnnon to rh~ Dry elf The Lo~l.

• (;,ettillgpast the Wal.ll)FBones could bl'rh" pri·t1lr~OT ,('!UJ :1l"iWnlllre ill. dw Ciry ,,[the Lost. Churacierswho hnd their WJy past rhe tva II mBy tl.nJ g.eltin,g. b'Kl, ro The Empire an eve n rno re d i ffiCH 1t .t:J 5 J,c"

HOW .,-0 vss THIS .lnf"OilIi\ATIOn

Bach .of the m;l:for ~re~sl)f I he wall i~ pl"r~~llww here \Nilh ~:11 I:he i nfon:natiolH1GM should need [() US!' It. Each section conlai.lls ~ henJing entirled ':Ai 11 Clarice." whirh sumruarizes [\10' cunrponenrs tjl rhat an:'~, Cnlain porrinns q( th« wnllhave their own descriptions, \vhicb rilJY b .. read aloud lu phy(~n, lr the GM SD desires, Individual CM~ are encouraged to aitcrur expurul rhe inforrnaticn pn:.'>t: nwJ h~rc III ~ui t. I hd r own gai'nes,

WA.J,.J,. Of'HOn.55 f"OilCES

The \'Va II olJ.ktn esis al l1lDS t ~xcl u;;i'le.1y ~ IU Il".d bv \.'/.11 rri lm d I;a\y.!~., hom Ih{'r~llk'iaf the' Lost. The onJ)-' cxreption ttl thiz are dJe 11"<1.ho-b;l.IkaJ under the .employ of the ma,krs of th" g~.te, ",htl serve- ciS spil:illl,\1 F~ci][laIL1r~ and ~dJ i'Lfc-poINer rn Limes of ... ,isjs.

The fCJ F.ces lJ C Ihe L~)5t on the We 111)f nOIl\'.~ V~ l"ywil.,lJv ill thell' q b,iJi.tlcs anti 5L'arislk~, hnvi 11!j b,'en drawn [r'llm every Cll1-n in thl' hlpi!'(' Typk:d b.lj~hi range iWID l{'vo;.ls 4 10 f;> III rhe sa Inlll·8\dllss. whi II' orffct'['-" 0 I1d COl11ma[1' d~rs .. tng~ from lewls 7 to 1 \J. Tlw rn>lh<H,tlk~i il'l -chI' g~t(:, there a(f r('jv~'r fha-11 ~(), vary i 11 th,' I'!Im~ trl.~triIW[.

The fllrces: of rhot' IO!i"t911 Ull' Wall o[lIones 1/,lrv wi III I)' Ln t'll'h, a hili ties ~nd ~;t:tl'i.~ tics .ha \!U1.!l, brl'"l"T draw 11 [rum eve.r]' Chn in lhl' Ei:nplre, 'Lyplcal bush! :H1.: Sello,,] Rank t or 2 In some clan's 6mb school, while officers 0 nd <:omm;mdt'ts·of Ih,~ fon:;e" rhere- are School Rank 30,4 The maho-t:5tikal at !he ga Ie, of w h iell I he~e. ~ rl' relV~r ! hJ n 50. vary ]I] the same mannet.

TH£ n.O;tTH TaUl~;,{ AT A (jl.J(nc~

The Non h Tower J,. ,,'1 so called the ,5uPfly cJ;owe, ~ fte..- [he staT" 1ge rooms on irs gro;lln~ nOO(, LL1~ the least populared oJ thetOllr towers because II has fl-O m,ann"d S,!'1I10.n.~ orher Ihan 111(' gl\,lrtj p~Jsr on the gtq(l1ld Houo: With vantage -puint,s on thel-Qp fT[jor that ll1cllJd'~ hOlh,,s'j,deo cf I'h,(' WaIl of Bones, onlY, the nrosr ulerrand swlfres: servants ate posted here. The North Tower usually 'Spoil'S in rruders, ,IS iIl(JS! groups [rorn the E rnpire move in from the Kal>I-Wa'll t~) the northeast.

1. GUA~i1 70::;T

:JJ ~IJ die manned S_~Cl,iri[y. pqsi1i()n.~ at [he- _gale. rhcgU:lrJ pOS.1 an I he N ott h Il'lw.c.r is helieved to be the most i mporram, There are at least rl.ree Los [ bushi on guard here at. Hny time, arid LWO or dn:et:' more phiS it hdl0~tsuhi during time.l> ef alert, Thne lin'I1C' supplres In th~~ g.L,wd Toom itsl!!lf, and myone attempting ro. enter rhe NQ.nirTower wlrhcur pro;m_f authoriry i~ detained by force.

2. w;: A.,?OJ\.5"O~,tS;:

The weapon cache in the Nonh Tower is caslly accessed bj! tlicse in;i'ige rhe W:lil of flOFlt.'S, but inaccessible to inv;IJr.TS, The WOlD containscountless liac·ana. wakizashi, vari, <lm1 a. [,mdfLd of o;her cornrno n bushl weapons, Ther~ ,d;.t rio yUID-L ar other rang .. o "",capon;, hereas they are g,ener:ally ho-atdeJ ~Jl_ the ~jppi'r Ilocrs of ta'ch [O\,.;er.Therc an: noguards posted I(J this room: n o one is.expected l-O enter it ,except the, SUP1jtY, :lffi-cel'lln JLlt;,_ Those cauglrr in the room POT any longer than ir takes ttl: puss th rOllgh ir are subduedand punished. Sometimes luddess trespassers ,a;l'E 'i1dde:gW the Wall,

3. A-;ui{O~ -STOUG:£:

Shnllar in forrnanJ [unctl!m to thl;' n~'~ rbI" weapon s,\)r • .ge room, the armor storage mostly contairis bits or armor InteHd~d To replace de~ti:oyed equipment. There, ore no single [un suirs of armor here; ThQt1ghth~ myriad pieces of ashig~ru, lanaellar, and.other armrrr rypes.could ina pinch, b(~ assembled iruo several dozen suits, \'-1a.o guar.di~):ls wi_rfr severely :hmagcd (IT' destroyedarmormusr requisition replacements, mJ gene __ mEly stay Of[Ctf!-lIY ,until [heil' equipmel11 is supplied, CQ'utlllessHI'IDQf-re:p,ait supplies arnl ~'~(Jls in. rhi'" room give

the appropriate skill clleek~ s large bonus. '

14. ;:C,VI?/its::n T STD;tA~;

General srrppjies such as rations, bedrolls. ~nd rope-are stored here and w'(ucin:J by atleast th ree armed bushi . .Th(illgh 110t as immediately lraporrant J~ the weapons-and armor located r:warby, these staple. Items are Important to [he 'COnIinL\ed smooth operation of each tower, Tho;;", w.l"hingc to use.rhe S-.Ippi ius hert' ate nO'1 qll~·~-ti ()_TIt·u m uch, bu r artern pI.," to rarn per wrrh the eqLllpll\Clll or. add lli13Ulhqri,zcd i.te:TJ1$ to rbe stoc:kptle [In: dealt with harshly, This mom_ 81'<;<;1 conmin, the stairs ;Ipward~ t.o the topJloo]:,M'rhe Nottb T(!wcJ:.

11.. \!I::,5Ti;;t[\ au T wOle

I'nis .arcll<1rpDst fac~g 'theei Iy-of t1w Lo~i._ {leeri\t'd "~ n('cessity ~y rhe p.:1n1Ilo.hi .L'"~t ·Cr~b wh¢ hd p;l!J COfloITllct the Wl11, only Ihe rnG:;!' lrus:ed <ri'chers ;In' asSigned m thi~ pos-llic\l1. Th is- -pos t, _[~Oll;[' of [he highest honors, i.n the berst army. ~nd :htl,sf' ,vbo hold it jCbinmsnd T['!;pikct imd f~.<l-r. The luj'nr:J1'Y ~'L[]]CI icin of this ]'ICisitLOI1 is ['0 '·1l51.m~ d-,,,_re anl 0[1 attel1,lpts to

rake rht· rower, Irorn the wesr due CO some i nremal struggle for power, Though civil WUT has yer to occur, fha ri5'in,g rens ioris berweer; Iuchi ban rand Daigorsu rn aice it seem

inevitable, .

12.. <$-VA~C' 7051'

The enrryre I he second 11 l)oMf rbe N orth "lower is gunrdcd so thaJ- rto nne eau slip by fJJ1d surprise the archers, The room is wdllit8nd usuallyguarded by bushl who have been. blessed by:F)J Lel'rg-wi th en lranced' sense's and perception The room is .11 ueh lirge r t-hiii1 any of I. he o:her rooms in 1 he rower. AlliiaSI three bcUsb i arealways on gwar(.j he-re, and the archers ott either sidt?.ot tile rower 1811 back to this loom U their posinon is O\'l'TTUl!l_, Ln add'iti'l)n, th ar e are nu.mercus bowstr] ngs, arrows, and tool" to <lid in the rN:(Wt'TY 'lnd repair urborh arrows and ,YUIlli,


'thi~ archer post Dv;;rloaI.(£ [he nor-theasterrawatch [nm, the gareandofier, sees action. Between ~his PO-bIt on the No-rw Tower imd the poston the BaSt Tower; the i1rehet.1 DE the Wall of Bones, usually (end o.ffinclltsibIlSh-oD1 dvt'.r::ly bn·IJ Hirurrra scouts.

TH it SOUTH TOl!JitWl.

,AT A. GLARe::

Ol-ntLlh-e- towers ar the gate'. tilt' Sourh Tower-is the least likdy ~.Q;1rid in lirrH','oLHl attaok, B,e_C;ti1lSed)rth~s, ilis-us-llan~ manned by d1.l' least experienced OJ:' usefiil 0 f'Losl. Jl'us'b i who shewpromiseare efren staTj0l1ed all the South TOWer, alld pl'om(';Mon~ or J'el;og(lit;,iol1 L'_5ually mean reasslgurnenr. The Towar also "2rri,,~ rwo o( the Least st-r:,(tegk,ulr1rnpDr. rant feature.s ofthe g~tf·~ the secolld<lry barracks and ;! om~U ehrinl" to Fu 1!'11g. '

G. tSUA;t17 70ST

D':~pit(" rhe corrrparattvelyrclaxed .1:1:1ITtTe of theScurlr'Iower; il's'gu<lrd posr ls manned by experienced' :md serious bush], Due to the presence 01 the barracks.and the ,h (1 I)e,. there is no srrict pDlity- on who is allowed through 1'0 I'hf.' lower, rhoW!,h t'1111 bush. Tf.'jx,tting (or clLrry_o_n th(,' upper nobj~oi- for d_ut}' 111: dw guard room may c;,(rrry j Ft.J!R COin pl.clUC111 of we:iJ:i/:tilS and armor. dth~rs may-have qnly ~ small W(:aPQn suchas 3 wukizashi or tanto aud no arraor, Coupkd -with the w;;rchful presence 0[ Fu Lengs shu 111':. lhi~ srreasu re ensure, none CI:OSS rheguards


These are the seccndary Irarraclcs, and most offJ uty busbt Spend [heir time here iF they are .nut in rh e shrin e. Bed toll.:;and minot peu;on<rI_elJ~l::ts lirter th~ fiOQt, Hen· the Lost engage .iri. 3,Ciivi\ies' that rnake them seem less ilk!! i hl~ Tainted .:lbotbinarb;ls stories paint and more [ike_ RukllgJni samurai.. They sw~V stories 'of ~<:rvi'c'e ::)n the waJl- how'Tn,anY wd-d beasrs or .R6k,\lgani thE}' ]13ve ]-lm~a i.n the paST \vee.k:) ill ~hc llm' of U.llty - or-simpJy drill_k so:png s~_ke -anci,h,or;n 11 in SilCJKC. Then1are alwllYs a handil.d ofblIshi ht'rl', ~nd (Jilly ont' wken gl.!ar:d tlTI duty at any !it:J.c',

8. 5H-:~ __ m.s

A Jl:ilr~sfLi'cl ,hrille tei Eli Leng 1,;1l11nects to thO;'. seoonJa-rr bar- 01(:1£ thnillgb agapil1g hol~ in ,:he i:nner pone walls. TIw Jagged ~nd broken bones.anHllld r.h~ doorway a[l-va,YlltlOZe





~' f ,


'k 15. nO:;:TH our LOOI(

, The.rrorrhern ot\dook of the .Saurl, i~bWerwlll;Ches over (he'

,1 illltt.t y",J 11[ lht gnie, Whm Lhe We~L ·J.'u~Wt:l Is Jl ltt.'[,Lhi~

j arcjrer 1)0$1 must quell any' problem at the Inner gates, The

~j Ieast experienced. scldiers at the Wall of Bones are :genernlly

~ posted here. as this oml(lOk's aI(_'heT~ have IWVt'f had to fire.



The u:p~r)100r6[ ('lIe SQ. 11 l ~ Tower ,sec.'s a ~~(:at. dl>aLgf lHlnk, as cheshilrs chaLlge more Irequemly than the etlrer Ibwers. !i Due [0 the South Tower's unofflcial role asa training ground,

,1 r hI;' sh iEts j)rc shorter 1<0' !!iford newcomers ruore bp'portunhy

'1 to adjusrro serviceat the WaH (}fl1one~', Guards here are the t fluesr 0: ilte ruosi [nexper1em:;",d bush] ar the wall, <1$ Ihey

~ guard the two arrher pOStS :'rom possible arrack. iZ.uards here

I 'are soon promoted to ,itlorher POl'itj011. At lensl three lsushl are

~ ,a! I',>ays of} guard here; (lnd lh,c :arc~e[s Q II, e Lrhe!' side of th",."

~ lOw~r f,il.! back lO tins room if rhe ir posuton is overrun .. In:

a J d 1110 D, l' he H' 3 re 11 u m not s be W SJ rrows, and 100. ls [0

. ~, aid in the TeC;(lVery.mld rcpuir ofborharrows ilUU yu-mL


Thi,~' archer 'poi;t ~va_(che.~ bo rll the i 11 ner ,):,lU,J o( rhe 'gate <lno;! the southern clul ofthe outside. Archers tb!lubow promise are often po$tt'd here' to continue their training. Thi~ vantage [Joint SC~S Ii (tic cofnb;JI,:l5 rTtost iittac ks ure Irom 'Tainr-m addehcd bea~s or E.p'k ugani SC(HtfS, from th~ np,rtl;ta1ld east. Non<'rheles5,the post is considered a proving, gwu.nd nnd Ito bus-hi Fa~-;:" their dury vcry seriously

blOl)ci,\\;hidl IRldJ.les arid slowly drains irt~t;fthe Two rnaho-tsukainre permanentlv posted here to atterul rorhe spiritual needs of the bus hi. I'he shrine isconsidered tbega'te_ls .most sacred sire, ancl while noguilRis are. pos teel .here, hone are necessary None of the L.o~t· w·(.IL1_l4 be f001isl1~l]6ugp [0 attempt to JefJ(> the Shrine to ):he Dark Kami, and. all of the: 10101 on : he WaH.would die before I'he, allow I he shrine to fa Ll Into an inva'de.r's hands.

TM =: SAST 'T'OW::~

AT A. ~LAnC;:

As it is rhe towerchar heads the outer protrusion of thegpre ITorn the W:811 of l,!:,)ne.s, ~le security ~nd staffing of (he Easr TO\1,7et ~.rt' pri.moq concerns, If bears dw bTu.nt or anacks while de.fei,ders'f"rom the North and South.Towers assault the enemy uni rnpeded Because or rhts, the East TQw{~J is b~avj_[y torrified and. Filled withonlythe most elite bushi, A position at I be BastTcwer, no rnatterrhe role, is a. serious d isti q~,10I1,

9. G'VA~'[' i"OST

Due to the na! nrc of I he E,1S1 Tower's role in rhe defense ol-·h~' Chy.o[ the ·[OSl, se.wFi'ty Is ttnel:!)' paranoid b), even I he most harden.el,l i{l1i1 i wirch-huurers $PJ1da [d's. No less thall ren ~rnted' bush! -are on pes t here ~11 an y rime, and thai' fl un, 1:lt~r double, within mtuures iJnecessnry. The poor serves as bNh " secu rily checkpoinr to the center- elf 1 he gate's defenses and a pool (If manpower to d1"~W llj'lOR should others fall.

10, =:AST OUT ,-00](

The.only posiricn in :tiny of the rowerswhercaruhcrs a,rl;' ] oc a;re.d 0 n th e gro undH 00;;; th is rOOlIl se rve 5 a 5 U P P(lT t role to confuse attackers The staiTway between Ibi8 WDIJl and the upper 11oot· is unusuallv brge i.n order ttl <\l1ow runners to :;H0¥t' quickly back 3nd forth, The archer slirs here an' concealeilby rilel.18:tunll fQnn~tion ~f-rbe Wall of Borics, so an arracktngarmy.wculd have to be quite dose m notice a"lything. These >lrC'h(lTS fire at II ground-level. truj~c.10ry once nn attacking aLIl1 Y' has ad apterl to .the ecristun l min of arruws. from above, Flringarrows at Slice tl low .arigle requires budl Irn m!,n~1' fJ~nn'f)tn.ri",n ~ nrt mOF(' rh'i n ",'1 i I,ti p- ;l,~S;·.~t~n," .. rW!J1 one lor up t!.\ [,hre_~) m'lhCHsul"li .sratianed here atall rtrces,

18. OUT LOO){

This I .. a,r;gl", U-shapecl outlook gi.l/e~ archers p,osl~d here. fuLl crrmrnand of both sicks oE t.hemai.[i ga'~es, Several siege engines are starioned at each COrI1C-r of the area to .supperr rhe archers and rnahe-rsuknt consrancly an ([lit)! In rlus rcem. Only. I.h·<:; most ell~.e Lostrearkstnenateassigned I'd this srsnonand their sk1Us are enhanced by- rh~ twisted maim' of Ell Le ng's 'ch()sen,l.11t! ma ho-tsukal srarioned here add I he ir Erepower to the archers', assls: rhern wid! their rnagie, arid pro· recr rhe-ourlook :H'~,I wHh prorecnve spells, As the mOSI obvrous and dead'ly fortification i.n the giue .~ req', I h e EastTower i.og.icaUy dr3\;i'S most of the arrennon of ~ny auacken

19. 5Vi'71..Y 5TOitAG::

The East TQw£1' is Ihe Qn e Tl1 ost easi 11 r~ll nIT Ft"Oint he res I l)f rJH' ws'll of Hones, Because ~rflh\.s, n o11pply ro(Hn 1.5 mainrained rn c~s" t he defenders are unable ro reach the other towers. This small cache of weapons, nt11l0L and ruisce.laneo'l,l$~uppli~s wouldlasr fqr i'llSl over a week ina siege. Th-?T~ is aiW?yo 'one bu~h i 011 gUllrd 'who isto de.srra)' ilw equiprnen; if [he tower is about to 'fall into ellemy bmb.'The items !l1 rhi,· room are niiimained in perfecr (}rd~rly'groups ilnd.thc area is k~pt imma.clllatt> t~l allow nl11llcrs ~l1d ai·~1t"rs to 1ll9V'<' brrwNm the thr'et' dO,t1F\va-ys, iu the. jlfC[ wrthoLit pa\l,se_

20. ~VA~O '?05T

like [he guanl P05( OIl thelower'Door" rn is to(}111 is wan:hed hy only the :mOS,! ITuSIed Ios r hllShL NeHle .tn·,W p,lSS -excep.l Ihe i",i nti ng l)m~~1! r ijn ~,,;~ tt b 'all'd d1Dse II sS.igncd td t h", l-arg~

~~ .

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- ._





, f

. - ,

8 rclrer post rl181 almost COI1'. pie rel y c in: I es T be u pper [locr. A t -[t:'i.l~t four-bushi llft'_u1wiys o'nguard litre, ~nd Ihe archers.on ~id1er ' of the tOW&1" f~1l back to This roornif d-wir poshion i, (lVe'nUIL In addit-iol1. then' an: I1UTncr01l5 bowsrrtngs: arrows. and reels 10 aid in [he 'recovery andtepatr ,of borh arrows al,d )'1.1111L



t r

TH~ W;:ST TOW5:1l.. AT A. G1.An.a:

TiU' hidden secret of I'Iw W'~11 of Bones, I be \;Y~5t '[OWl'[ jlnd the, wal.s that co!,neCI it ro 1 he, North and South Towers He ludden ftmn view beneath the blackened earth of the --Shag" owlands ar rn;:fS[ limes. OJliy when the gates are oven (by (hi< CQ 111 In an d of the gal e 0 fYlce rs. or otherwise I ro allow [TaIfic thrDugltdl.t" .area 'dues this rnassive 5 ITllC I me rise from Lht gI;oUl)d destr9ying UD)! possibility of a I'IISft cJ.nrge beyond the \Xfil11 or Benes, Those III rem Pi'! ng , L~ch racilcs or w110 bit TO show propel' Hlrhonty to pass are caught in 11 merciless krl )1n,g.ZOl1e ol ~ rcherssnd -slt:ge (,TIt;ine nr~,

S.BA ~-;:A.CKS

The main ba rraeks of II", '!ltlP urea 31'1." on 1 he b(11!'Om [1m)!" llf the h kid en Westll)':"'eT. A-bardyorga ni%e~ sprawlbf bed rolls und personal effeG~ covers the f1oor,wil.h just enough room Tn w~Tk hN\,'I'<"U th,·m· As· tlw '1re~ sp('nd .... i1'11<:! Dr'its urne . be lowgrolU:id, the main tloorway on the wesrwall is used only wheEl the tower is up. Otherwise, bushirepcnlngtoand rtOlTI their P(~S[S must exit HJ the .top floor and than to the surface ,I bove. ":.\vo bm;hl are on .!l;.turd here at most tim~S i " l hough there isliule, caU for sec uri ty. An assault Ull the Wall olBones would have [.I) be over;whd-ning_ ro reach th L~ part. Likewise, ~my sor of rebellion. [[om withl.!l c.Gu.!d 1t.1lsi!,,;b .... contained,


, i

. l ~


i' THE msms

t Th"J:i\gil1~'is8, ba.i· ... ly suntierrr CQl1StTUC1·d~3.L I'"ql:ii'es:h~ lull

~ concenrrarion ofal l,:_a~t o~:ie spellcasrer capable uJ.G1St! rrg 'lrd

~ [eve I maho spells to iuncrlon, ,

Il Luge Construct (Shadowlands)

'j Hit Dice: 2nd 1(1 (,I 7511pj

f Initiative: +0

~ Speed::J

I AC: 22_~-2 size, +'12 narural]

Att,acks: Slam + 20 melee, r:ttaptrl_l H re ,20/t, t 5 tim ged Damage: Slam 2d 1 0, eatapul r frre (,di,

,Face(RealZh: tOft, by J.Df,t,(5ft.

Special.Attacks: Tain; Blas;

Sp_es::i;lj Qualities: Dam ,l'g!:" Red lTC ri un, 1 -' If·j Ii >IJ_1"), regenerarlcn :ttl'

Saves: As q)[llTIiading IllahrhL''iu']{ill

Ahtlities: Srr: 25 i -Dex 10, CUll-, Ill! '2.Wi,<; 1; Cba ~

Climete/Terraln: Shado.w hllllls Organization: S-olitary Challenge Rating: 12' Tr:eas1.11'C':· N 0 rie

Honor: 0

A lign!:TulJlt: A I \V:lys la\'"ful «v II Advancement: 1'1 -30 H 0 l br.~.e'l

CO TilBllT

Tltc I:.i'rg'ine ls prt-nartly a wcapun of r.LI.nge-d J(·~[nlCtl._m, dl(.)ug1, is can P:IJ'!o'l ilsejf~nd ~bm .imoany hostile t~)rce., that get near i-l. The ~LIU attack requires no runho-rsu knl rl:~"lslance,

Tai'nt JHast: Olll:'<;; utlc-hro\.l ud, hi a,LcLili~n 11.l <I'hYb!tbcLr. artacks, tl1t~ bli!:tn~ rnav fin> a ,hvi- of conccnrrnred l'i-n- ~'ml Taint CJlt'i'gY h¥~lt<'a:Li.llg>15 damage ru II:; com 1"0 II er I'll is ~ bpI has' H rang('- O'flDO ft, T]n' blast dea Is cds nrC' .hl-m;lg<! in e\~"rything v"trlli_n'a30-fb?I radius or [he impucr 1 Reflex save D( .2() For haH-=-aam: a g{') Creatures widwul any\d'S T~lJ11 cnugh I in [he bins: rake 3.11 :lddi I [onal 1 ~\df' cliyi ru,· [hm~ge (Witli no ::.~vet Tllj"i~ II supernaurral abililv .

TH:: snsms

Earth: ~ AiEl Fire: :2

Agility: .1 Water: ~

Stl'ength: 7 Taizat: Irmste

:Rolls when Attacking: 6h 1 ra nged), 'i k4 \ melee) Rolls for Damage: Speoinl (ranged), 7k41 melee TN to be Hit': 10

Carapace: a

wounds: [5U: -+!, :100: +J, 25n: + 5-, 300: Dead

Special The E1ilgJn~'s ranged auack has a rangeof 3UI) feer and strikes eV!'TV'lcbing within 30 feel of I he impnn [or +k+ Hrt: damage, Th~ T2in[>(~d nature of !he- attack deals an addir!cm:1J 61<6 Wounds to a.llyJlli1g r:nlgbl In tbe bl~~.t· wirhout rheShadowhrnds Tainr, Thf~· arrack TeqUlre.s a mnhn-rsukal cspab!e of casting at least lnd level maho spells ro ir.rAln 5 "',-'unds OTl himself .

rhe Oracles' subsequent 'wrath, The Dark Oracles fi nd L11 is Jesn-ucrioll unsarlslylng, for the Covenanr alwavs disappears tncmentsatter 6avlng been LIS!~J ln rhis manner:


'., Of' [7 t(;U(n£SS

'Ii ~tho\lgh the Oracles ra rely ta ke direct acrion.againsc mona 1

1,., .toes, rh('y Indtrectlyaid the nllies u[ Jig~}.kJ+. DlU'ifig UW Clau

"f War;, the Dark Oracles carne together and creared the cni

known 3S the elemental terrors, beasts of Incredible power th'r pbgded rlre Crear elms, Thii.- n'erited an imbalance that 1 was corrected when the Oracles of Lighr created [be elemenJ tal uemuranal to aid mankim] against the terrors,

1- The elemenral tertorswere an exception. Th!l Dark Oracles

gCIl(>mll) aid Ot,hCI S" only through their bkssings, and rhat but , r:Hely. Pew HII' found worthy of an Oracles-blessing, alrhough I.those wlo do prove worthy find their :pO\'VefS augmented [Q

~ ru;tQ"i~h,i."g ij.T).,d r<;ITihle levels,


_ [7A;U{ O~AC1.£ Of' AITZ.

A shugenja sel·ving In the armies at the Battle qf obb.don's I a. ,5mhl [ornvako fell to the hadowlands :o_rces in the

heaviest fl_ghnng "tVolturnlli11. She was taken :~mm the bard7field by ogres to (:ace. " fgt'e. lOO horrible [Q imagine. Shortly after she arrived ar hei' captors' (~"J11p, [ornyaleo began 1:0 hear. whispers r hat o[[ere.O her tremendous power if only she wcukl surrender b,er soul, Dreading rhe alrematlve, JomyakQ accepted the 'immeasurable power; of J Dark Oracle ..

A few l]i-oTnh~ ;il}er· accepting Oracnlur, jomyako ga"" birth to a SOil she had conceived during the march on Vol I urnum. Knowing that her htlihartlty was rapid lv drai ni ng away, Jomyako found the boy's farher, the.Phoenlx bllSh!.Shib~ Karsuda, magically restored blS mental facilities: despite his

'I corruption, and gave- him custody of their son Jomyalq,. hl1$

'~1' ~ t)nly recently discovered rhat Katsuda stil] serves Daigotsu, Her detachment allows; on Iy rare moments of a ffectiQI1 fin: her son Katsu, bur in rhose moments she suffers fHTihl,> p"in over his less,

of .,Ill theDark Oracles, Jomy~Jn/s reason for InyaltYI.o lha simplest; rheorder rhar ~he Dark Lord has brought to rhe Shadowlands permit. herto feel some sernblance of her IJJ(! before sh e entered the 5 hadowlands, BefQre his rule, her lue was ~ chaotic wbirhv~nd of madm'sl; a.nd despair, ~"d she welcom~sthe order Dnigot5u brought, .

TIi-S IJA .... { BU::5SJl'l~ OT AI~

'osbi [omvako prefers to re rn a i n 111' so l itudc, permitting visitors only in certain drcumstanceil"such_;i5"\\iheIihersOI-l D[ Daigorsu wishes to see her, Alrhough mort' approachable than other Oracles, JQ1nyakQ Is Ill'll i kely to besrow: her blessing upon mortals. Tn ose who recues I favors .sre refused, ami these who persist ate destroyed in parrrcularly excruciating ways,


[7A;tI( O~ACI-5 OF ~A~TH

The l1llgIit'.s~ ~nt1 IllOS[ viot~nt Dark Orade, \'asuki Nok:ll5u j' nl~ Lh .. on~ most-likely to fab· d.irect ;l'crion ag~insL .he forces of ..;"hf'n given an OP1.1OrlLlniLy. He .Tcceplcd tbe 1nll:ci-en ot a Dai'k Orade's povver undet dmess, Ee<;:au~e DalgotS]J wishd t;O blnd NakarsLl,lw 10[IU t'e.d. I iw Cr~ b s,nn 11 I'af for nearly thirty yeors b'l{ot'e N'okar<ill, finally aeq·uiesceJ. 'pledg-

ingl"liS life and loyalrv to Daigotsu, Despite his corruption 311d. his -power! or perhaps.because of it, Nokatsu bas no choice hill to serve Daigorsu evan though he hares hrrn above all txlwrs.

Nokatsu dwells, within the Twiligh: Mounmins' blackest; cnldesr ["et;t;s.'i~!;, rar (0 ihe scrub of Crab land" He muves through th'!! earth v" ithout difficulty, and rare 1 y ~la vs in a Il'{ prl rri ell In r toea tion, N oka ts u, respects OJlly 1"<1W, II nJ ("1 renod power, He J13S hee[kkm)wFI to (jfferhis"p~ [TOllage [Q [hos,e few beings [hat have soughr him ant arrd survived hi's wrath, ELs will has been rhwarted only oncein recent" memory, when rbe corrupted shugenja Karsu used the Oark Covenant of Earth to force Nokarsu to rebuild Sunset Tower ill Otosan Uch i,

TH ~ D A. ~I{ BJ. ::5511'\.(1 Of' :: I-litTH

Kuni scholars believe that it was the Dark Blessing ofE,lrth thar allowed tilt' oni lord the Maw to devasrarion upon :he Hirurna lands, Wlwthc-r Ihls is true or nor, pone can s,IY .lor r.ertai n. Nokarsu is extreme ly reluctan t to bes row his blesslngupon petitioners, but any who fuU'iJl his requiremenrs would .suf!"-Iy be unstoppable forces of desrrucrlon.


[7A;tI{ O:jlACJ,.£ OF' TI~::

Tarnori Chosai carries on rhe legacy 0 his brother, the infa- 1I10U:;> Ag.1Sh;l Ihrnnri whobetrayed hts family. his dan, und 1115 Empire. Chosa~mdNI.i~l manipulating Tamori. the 'previous Dark Oracle of Fi re, into causing the Dragon-Phoenix war th .. Four '\Xlilicis eta. When Tamori was killed by the eonibined cHdrtS ofl<;adel:s ill both claus, the mantle rell (Q Chosai, who accepted h only to end the end IdS painof irn rnoIaticn that his d yi r~g brother had cursed hi til wil h. I sawn Nakamuro Imrnedia.ely used the-power ofrhe Dark Covenant bEEre to Iorce Chosai to Ilee Rokugan, never ro return ..

Chosai DQW dwel.s deep in the mounralns north o!"I{Okllgunf his mind broke. by the fury thai burns within It, He has ~trrat:te:d a few small bands l,CVob:mjin whe revere him J a lire god; rheyate his eyes and hands in Rokugan.The Dragon have' Heated a defensive series of tOWNS along (he Erupire's :M[[h~l11 edge to keep a consranr 'tigil for Cho.~ai lind his minIons, impeding the I)ark Oracle's agenda Daigorsu has Dff~red what aid he can Chosai, e)lrning the Oracle's loyalty, OJ: as much loyalty as be can offer from beyond Rokugan's borders,

TH£ DA:;ul BLS:5Sm~ OF f'JG

Chosai grants his hlessing rat her fr~ .. ly, fnr i t i~ 01111' lhnmgh 1.1s morral agents rhar he may seek revenge a;gail1~t his (o=eT dan, the Dragon. While he may choose unly one to .bear his blessuigar a time, 11' can use lus magic ttl augment many agents ro use against die Dragon. Thl:' faCt that the mystical energy he wields CC'!1SUl1)e hi. mortal agents does ]]01 concern Chosaiat ,all

Ii\ATSV' TV1tl,

"Ag_){ O~ACJ.:: Of' WA.T~~_

The faIl en Lion Matsu Turi is an abominaricn of everything Iiis former clan holds dear. of all the Dark Oraclc'l, Tll!'! is d";' greateSt contradict [On. H,t" hates the .L1Q+l 'wi!.h an 1.mmatched -paSSIon, yet will not alJow others ro speak ill of Ibel'n. l·ur.! cleaTlr consld-enl shrider against tbe Lion tb be a personal attack) anJ he demonstrates il' by unleashing his niL! po,VeL

TLlT1 has Ibrg~J a strange ~ II i a nce of con venlo'J1.Ce With tb.l TSUD01 the corrupted spirit beings Heared (rom the original XilStl r'lee. TIl\;" Tsuno despise Tud, but [<,«,and tetipect hi~

p6\"\C'lIT. Turi cl>llsiJer$ rht, T~tUl0 crude beasts, but rinds them uf enormous value ill I,i~ Will' agairw their mutual foes, rhc Lion. Together, rhoy discovered rhe remains DC Akode ()neEve, which Tun force .his ,J;1I1 ro gram him an apprenrice while cl1~' Tsirno rerained /\lwd0's no-dar hi, M ,II 81.1 Demo- 1 ai tli warted Turi's "Harts hI' CQmTI) irdng seppu ~1I al rer sweanng his Loyall" all act that g@ve rl.e lhl'k LlI·acl.!' reason [0 reHect on the true meani ng oni onor,

o~11gc)[SII bas ean''l~.Ll Turi's respect and loya'lty rh rough his ru [bless leadership and promotion ofwisd<.1li1 u~vvell as power among the Shado\Vliln~ls hierarchy. ).,1o,e~o than any other Dark.Oracle.Tnri has rremendous respect tor R.okt.1J~'Ul';; SOl'!ai order, 'vend he loathes the Empire [hat spawned iJ_

TH£ "A;{K BJ..::SSJn4 OF W):\T~

Ma tsu Turi h as lx'en ac [ively see king ~ mort al age n t ht' COnsiders worthy llfbearing hls: blps;si.l1:g. Turi reralnsenoug.i oi.· his humanity to be [rus+rated by the restrai nts Ih'11 go\~em his actions, and wishes (G rake lIJ1J,Ol"C aciiverul ... in rhe pbli!j"C~1 and, srraregic act lvl ries i..(1 rhe Shadowlunds. 'Years 1lgo, 11(' souglu to extort a willing; apprentice [rom the (loll by rausorning the remains of Akod" One-Eye, but \\'.15 thwarted by Do rnorai' seppuku, Sinn- [hal time hehas Y6t,[O find a worrhv pupil, although he has not stopped searching,

ronao TO;t.YO.

DA:aJt. O~A.C1.£ Of" VOID

'Ionbo Toryu is the rnos! tragic Om-cit', 1.igbl or Dark, He was once I!levated. to thl' PO!;iliOllqL ~-:ll'ucle ofTh under. 'Tengokus ehamptcn otJu.orL\ll heroes anti the Thun der Dragon's avatar in N ingen -do, "When Isnwa Kaede, wi fe ofE mpero I: Toturiand 0I1Jdl! ()fVoid. rook the tlirnne foil~lwing her husbnruls death, she created an elemental .irnbaiance thar 11a,l to becorrecied. The Oracles were never meant to rake :l direcr rule in the 3[f~irs of mortals, and by doing so Kaedl' creareda need to balance the equarion.Iorvu accepted the burden arul became the' Dark {_ll:ade cf'Vofd, leaving the position as Oracle o(Thuudcr vacant, Torvu snuggles [0 -mainrain his honor and purity clt:spitc the un believe b le power and "fain Illw.l LQur~t:~. wrpugh his system,

Toryu makes bl~ home in rh,e rULl;L.~ DrVoluuuuU1, site of one ~lf htsrorvs greatest banles, the: Battle at Oblivion's Care. Th~ gate, now: destroyed, C311 sfi 1I yield great powe:c to t:ho~~ ,Wbll know its secrets. Toryu once g~arded rhe gate as the ()rndt· of'Tlumder. bur now merely observes as a Dark C'irtcit" unconcerned over who comes and {toes lhrough his dornam so J1l11g as his privacv rernain relatively uninrerrupred.


As. ycr, T\HYU wsiot.'i tlie ~il·(·" call of corrupuen. Taintci] he ]]Jay be, but his soul remains pure, !Ie has OJ1CC been sought (Jut ami ashd Thl' qucssion 1:0 which every mortal is entitled, but t]l11S' far none h aS$ough l' h is" bless! ng', ;:tnd none lla, been gTarneJ ihat power. What "vi I ~·ol.ll~ eome, Imm rhe DiU,l1 Blessing or void, Iew Jnre conjecture,

[7 A:aJt. S1.i:SSlnG

Of" TH ~ ~J,..~Iil£n TS z:n.5:UI f'£ATI

You have received the bk~Si'l1g of a Dark C~acle, {md aD the power thaL entails.

Pr.e e: Tn H:ce'IW rhe blessing of S p(JTdrul)lr el merit, you must bav~ b{~(jn subjected to ~ 5])1:11 of thOl dement cast by the Dark Or-jell' olthar clement aru; ~ucc('~~ftllly saved aga.nst itsefrects.The DC of tlns save must be 8! least 3, toqtl<1hly '1~ ,>I prercquisin- fur the Dark l~lessing p[ j Ill' EIl~menrs tent.

BeneBt: XOlf may USI Sl,eJh .of'LhiE eiemenr ;)0 I r {'lHI we re a shugenja.of [evdeclUll.l to ycur character level arid will' po~;sessed the Elemftmnlj:aclisilbilityfor the given element. Yuti gain . R 2(1 versus <10 spells or this element and S'R J l) agaii1:;-r allother elemental spells. YQ~I arc J viable target for :my spell that spcc-Jlcaliy targets Tain.ed or corrupted rargers. evert I r you d no! p()S~e55 [he Taler.

Special: l nly one being m,IY pOS$e~S the hl{' of fl plltticular clement at any given time, For instance, um' per~(Jn may possess fhi' lJarR Blessing ~)f Earth and anorherthr Dark

81 ess: ng llCWTa rer ~011CtllTC [\.[1 Y. hut they IDd), 0\)'1 both possess ; [he Dark Blesslrrg of Eurtll a: the same lime. No one rnay huv« t more Ih'lD un,. D:nk ~l"~'~in!l F,,01

DA;Ut. B1.::55In~

Of' TH == ~L~Ii\~n TS

cn~UI AUVAn.TA.G~: 20){7)

You haw gaineJ the hle'>sing (I a Dark l racle aml gatned i1 j measure ,,\f that ,r;rd~s power_ In order l(,.l t:Jke this Advanrage, you mU~l have met with. am] gained the ravor ur n Dark ' Oracle. Having JUl1e SU, Y'l.r rnav cheese to take rhe Dark Blessing ot that Orac1e's' clcmcru. l. 'l'!ly one being possesses lilt' blt<s:;lng_uf each deIHeJ1I1H a lime You !;'.~in rh e :tbdlry to cast spe-lls of (me elemeru as i.i" you were a shugenja IlL rank equal to your Wl3J insight Rank, You -:tn' rnmpletely irll1"11-UU(' 1'0 spells of Ih [5 clerncrn, and p;2in _Ml1gk Reaisrance !II 11, e

maximurn level versus spells ("1f all other elernents, 1


;'AIS£S AnD [7U~LlnG roa SHA170WJ..An"5 C;tEATV;t£S

1.S~ ~"G 2E:

For human characters, Void reflects how well the character can use all the elements in harmony, As a result, it is "i.1scd as II. mechanic for duclulg and Raises. Unfortunately, many creatures native to the Shadowlands do not have a Void Ring. How do they deal with these srtuationst

In most ca .s es, a Shadowlands Creature doesrrt need to duel. However, if such a situation docs come up, these creatures use an average of all thdr Traits (round down) to deteemlne rhe numberof tiruesthat they may focus. Raises are likely to be far more important, Use an average of all the creature's Traits {round down; to determine the maximum number of Raises it may make,

For a Simpler result, the GM could rule that all Shadowlands creatures mav have au effective Void of '2 for the purposes of Raisi·ng and fOCUSing only, 3if they ar<! within the Shadowlands or another Tainted area.



· 5nllr~.Onm.En TS

J' A character risks becoming Tainted a nywhere rhm the power

-" tif corruption 1s smmg tb' [he envtronment, Genc.rnll.y I his

1 Bpp'! ies 'anywhere In 'thr Shadowiancls, and in.a feW'other

, places rh wugho ur Rokugnn, The Shadowlands Marshes of

, rheShinemcn, the Seas (If Shadow, and the .horncs lit rhe

t Dark Oracles radiate corruption in the: same way a~,rhe,Shad-

, ("vland.~, and otn!"F areas where darl? m:.!'gk is srrong n\~y

~ ca1"ry 3 sirn i1ar corru ption 111 the eM's d 1St: rerion,

fr 1n.SCttAnICS

:1 1'01' en'!)' [by spent in 11 corrupted en viron ment, tbe charac-


" l<:.r nrust lnllk", ~ Fortirude save, Thi, ,11\',1o' beghi:s: ~I DC lO,

~F h

f but jncl~~asi',:~}r51?"'r e'jC)h addtllona.l.Jay.. Ii:> PC decreases

#' by-_~ tulJ d,ay spent Gl:ltslJe rhecorrupred CIlV!tWl-

j meru, 10. a, m lnimu m elf Ill, (Rt'1TI,lln~ng i n th~ corrupted

f .l'nVir.jhm<i1:J1 wid; I'he prorecrton of jade negates rhe need

;.1'. J?f saves and P1lwems II~ ~C f1'°1.111 LncteJ}-",1g! bd' ut docs n.olf··

dccreaseIr.i C raraerers railing chis save gqUl 1·4 points 0 Shadow:ands TaInt.

-f 1



Perhaps no IOru. inRokugan ismore Fear~J ilTid mysterious lhall the Shadowlands Taint. The pervasive, seducuve essence of Jigokn wells EOTth frcrn tl11~ f(~St<.'Iing:: Pit and 'i)Qvc.r; tlw ~61'.t1-" W;csrqrn section . of' H;d<..Qgall. N o 'mo'l:ttil t';~n I~ng >',:ith_.;tand the presence or r he Taim.

The following section corapiles rule~ .fur d.~a1iiJ.g ~jth rhe Ta ill" ~(tm e drawn. from other ,vahl mes, others 'prcsellred lu>re·fodhe frtst.time .. All have been clarifted and updated.

Any [iir.'e '<I person I~ irijurl'd In a corrupred c.llvi ron rneru, mere Isa chance I hat ,hew()und will became infeCTed WiTh Iainr, Ira character's WOJ.illCS are bound (Helll cherk Yo, DC 15') then there is no ·danger ofccrru prion. Charac t e rs WI rh unreeatedwcunds rnusr make an Fortitude :m~l" vs, DC2(l or accumulate I-~ poin rs ol Shaci()w.i;inris Taint, Once ;t chararrer bas an 111 fcCi ed wou nd, I~e' conri I1l:.I<'S co accu mulnte Taint

as 'if he were in a corrupted erivironmenr, reg:l1:dles~ (1:[ 'lhy Jade he carries, unril Iiis wounds are successfully treated, Only one attempt '1;0 rrear ITp. infected wound mar he made per d~y, ill' DC 1 5 pi us S for ~veql dav it has gOll0 untreated.

f· Ji\~~~~e~~ >\~~;:~:::~J;ar::~~~!u~~~ e nvi-

. i rornuen! has a Ch,\JK\20[ atll:acling :1: k8nsen +arhe» than it karol, rher,eby corruptlng himself. TIw rLr~, lime B ohugl;lljri

casrs.a spel] tna corrupted environment he must make a Forti rude. save (DC. 'S} T r- this save fails, rlre Spe U rl,itht"L fail1; or has ;;;dn\l' ra nd omC"fft'rf Th~ r lWJ'~['r"l' ~ lsI'! g,~ i n~ I r14 rr;l11f~ orShad,)wl'imdsTai,nL At rhe'GM'R discretion, this rarrdorn effe('1 111UY be beneficinl jf the characteragrees to ncci'w.:! ~d" poinrs' ~ft:jillt _LI).Stea d_ For j'(ldi1:ionnlspell~ ca~F ill' the 'cormpted dwimnment, tlw 11(; ofth.ts ~,lV(~ jhct('al'e~ by leach

Ii m e the ·chaTllcrel: makes a successfu] :,an~, !Jr,,.J by l' ,'ndl tl me he f.Jiis, The character cali reduce ~hi,;; oc ba<:k, [D 5 hy meqitnticrg for ellihchnLlrs'~nJ making;1 (:on!;en,r~lWl1 ,betk (DC: 2.11l or bv T-C m,)1rung out "ftl1\' Sh a,1owI ,mris J(II: 0 ne day (t" t'V",)' f"lila uf DC abuvl' s RCl1.LJ I/.Ul~l~r ,11<'0 SbddvwIMI\ .. ~ t:Ol' even am: day tlurlrig this per iod resrores rhe DC I o il;; b.i:gh est le vel, as du> k:ms'" [j te n J l!' l'f I .. g e r ~ n J walt r(~,1' shugenja to re [urn.

OS'TS'CTIn<q CO~;z,U7'T=:O ~nul~OnJi'{;:n_ T5 .shugcnj:lor these with experience in wilh till" Shad· owL[I:nds cnn Dfren sense when .hl'Y have tcntern! 'l1 Ci;>truph·d t.llVi [0 n rnenr. A sh l:gt·O.fn wh~, ~ rrerup ts re ~:1,1 a J1Y spell ur draw upon any maglG irr :t ccrrupred area I S ill(,J to >1 'X'isdom dwelt I DC I ,I. If (h is is snccessfu I, hc imllwJ ia ti;'ly Tc.llli1,c'stheHeais ccrrupred and C;;.1r1 fl'.lSl> ~iwlki1s[Jng twfc.!e he risks eorruprien. r\ny character with Knuwledgc (.'iha,lowlandsi can spend ten mil~LJjeS' stlJJ.ylllg the area and make a skill check (DC rS!. If lhi.~ is successful, the charaererirnrnedial:!;'ly rea I izes rhut the area is COITll pled.

SH ADOWUln[7S f.lnCS:ST01tS (.YOltAI)

1720 SY5TSmi

The yokai described in this book are effectively Shadowlands ancestors. Ancestor feats cantyplcally only be taken at first level, mea.ning that these (eats are generally exclusive to NPCs. However, at the GM's discretion, a player character whQ later becomes Tainted may be allowed to exchange the ancestor feat he acquired at rust level for a yolroi.

1-Sit It?G Z£.:

The yokai described in this book are effectively Shadowlands Ancestors. AnyTdotCd character may purcha.!ie them asam:estors atenotn:u1lly purchased, At the GM's discretion, n Tainted. cltanu:.ter may exchange any ancestor for a yokai with equal.ot" lesser dmracter point oost.


IOf :rverl'Lbl' spent in a. corrupted en II; renmem, I hi: lh:ir3ner mU,~I make 3 ~lmple Eanb roll. This toll begins;l[TN 5, and mcreases by 5' for eat b addidonal day. This TN decreases by 5 for each full day :>pC:,1 outside T hI:. corrupted e nvironrnent, to a minimum of s, (Remaining in the corruptei] envirunmen: with [he prerectton of jade negates the need fef $3\"<.\:;.:ll1J pre"ems rhe TN from mcreasmg, bur tInes nor decrease it.J FaiL ing rhis roll means (hal the character gains l~) ppintS olShadewlandsTafru (,roll one die and dIvide t:y two, n,l~U1dIl1g up),

m:ro~JI In CO~;z,V7'TS:" ;:n.vl~on.lils:n_ TS

Any umea J.1C1:$OfI I!; injured i.n 11 corrupred enviromnerrr, uwt;' I.~ g chance that dle wound 'Will become tnft..'Cted and eause Taint, Ii" :! characters woundsare bound I MedIcine! JI),Tei ligence roll vs, TN 15.1 then there is no danger tlf corruption. CharaetcDi WiTh ImlTeated w9unds must mak!;' an Earth rot v.'i:TN 15 or m'I.'Um\lia[CI-S palms. of Sh~dow~md~ -Thin!. Om:t':'3 (.hamCLel ha~ an infected w(lillip, he c(>minl!e~ [D. acamnila te 1",1 1m a.s·ifbc were in

a corrupred environrrrenr, regardless of an I' lade he carries, until hi~. WO~I ads.are suceessfullv fTl'!fll:.'.d. Only On!' .. tmmpt 10 rrear an ml:ectt;'d wound mar he mad" P"f ihy,.lll TN 15 'Plus 5 [(If cverv J,ay II h;l~ gone unrreared. .

mA{1IC In CO~1{\l1"T~[J ~n.."'iiOI'\Ii\==n T5

A mugiill[J who 3[;emrt:. io rasr n spell in a cnrrupred envl romuenr has ;1' chance 01' atrracring 8 kJI'l~e'n rather than 0] kami, therebv corrupting himsel r_ Tb;' Firar tinre "J ~hUgl'}lj~ C.1~tS <! spe II in ~ corrupted en vironment, the DC (,e Ihl' spellis increased bl''' If rhls increase causes [he .5p!.·U to fail. the spdl either does nothlngor h3S so me random cf[I;',q-.Tht' chaf:l.' rar III~() g~1I1' 1-5 r(Ji nrs '.Jr sh;ldowlll.nd,~ 1\1i nt r he does nor gaw [he Tal m If he would have failed regardlcss o( Ih(' TN iucrease J . .AI the ,GM's d tscrerlon [.], i S 1:tl ndorn clTe,a rnav he befl,:CI:C b Iii till' eh ~racrer-Jgn:Q.s rn :lCCHW' 3~1 "point~ ,[Tilj 1~1 i·m·lra,1. for addiriorial spells casr in the WrI'UPIt'U ,envinnment, dwTN ;;,frhis seve Increases by::! each time rhe charnch-r casrsa spell SHCCGs~ful!Y,3-ml by III each nrne Iw lails (even, it hl' did not tailJ'Jf to tb(· TN inc.rfi:Sci, The t: h~rant't fan reduce this TN back to '" by meditatil\g hiT eigh t hours end rna king II Mt'xli lariOI.l!VoiJ roll vs, I'N 2(1 OT by rernaini fl.g pur of the ShaJ.:..wJnml~ fi.,c om' J;lY ror ItVcry pnim L,ITN sbcve 5" Renrrning .to th," sh:lldowlimJ~ fo r even one dav (hlt-ing th is prriO(ll'f'st(~r!;s dl<~·rn 1(' irs highesr level, as tilt' kariscn rend rl;) liIlg{~t·~!)d wail f\'r'5hll!W'nj~ ;.~" return,

O=:'T5:CTUtcg. C07l~Ui'T=l' ::T'lIlI;,TS Shugt'nja orthose wi111 e x rperience in deali ng with rhe ShadowI:mdll ~n <'Ilen SCM~ when th~y J, ave enre re • .1 a corrupted envi.rontnen [ . .A ~h.Ugr:lJjD who .1 rrcrn pts to cast a nv spell or draw Upot:l ,any magic L.~ entitled to .1 Pen::cprbn roll 1/5. TN 1$, If 11m is successful, he lm.nlediardy real lzes the area Is corruptedarnl can cease spellrasung before he riskscorrupuon. Anycharacter; With Lore rSn::1.c{Qwbnd,,·j fan spend ten mtnures S"fudymg the m:;! ~nJ rnJ lee a skill roll vs. TN 1 U, rF rh is is. successful. the character immeJi:lle:ly IT'llli7.l;'s rhar dIt" urea is corrtrpted.

STF~CT5 Of" THi: TAinT

Tl\t'TairJt~affl'cts t~?$e infected by il bJ)th mentally and phySica Ily, and rarely oJtens two imlivtduals In rile same m:111IJL;L". I'he LOSI whn fo llow Dalgorsu RI1Q Iuchiban arecorrupred huma ns who rnairuain -some .rucasu re elf san irv, a nd fu IlC rio 11 more ur less n-onrtall" as a _gmtrr;r([hough their: goalsare 51.ilI de.cide,dly sinister), Other corrupred 1.ndIYidual:s are less Iorruria te, ·becomlng rElving Shad owl" nds mu d men or ,j nh Ulll a n TIm nstro s iti (~S,

'chI'! Taint is measured in r}l 11k" with every. ten pO¥llh of Tainr b(~stowing- m~e ralil.k, In 1'Iw cila system rh!~ rank Is ]'ep~ resem.,d by a rTlod.:i'1er (7 ra n kg; aLTai;l jse~res-sed as Taint -r7, {(n' ~.xaTIiplei . .Bach. time tbe character recelw~ Ihree p(lint$" of-r':iint, lH~ uevi"lopsa MiJl0rSymptom, Ei:eryrlnl.(" dw dlar';Lh;~ lc<.."iY<:rs a HeW Rallk oi"'TailJl1 he Jevelop.,;" Majm S)'mptom _ ThiS rank is·.re[cw..',d ttl ilS the chaTnc'('~,r~s sh~ diOw,la;-.ds Tai IiI Rirnl(, dll'iUgh i[ may also be refer"ed tQ as .. Shadow:hrtds Ranl: Or mc[e1ya Hacnk

, These ntles for d.istriburing sYlupt(,JiT15 are rnel'e.l.y a gUideline., A:n eXln~mel.y Tainn,dchii.raC'tei;:!s sym ptDh1S tend to pile IIp, sljQ~lld add 'irit; dr<l\vhiic.ks ttl, the C~ll',pa,lgn\ nOl ted.lolls bocirke,eplllg. F~et Frse todistribute·as many 01.' as few sympm.l11s to Ta1nred chlltacters,as yOll deem £1r,

~lbJliteTmfn(' what son o£ syrnptorn is devdoped, roU CIne: tho eaeh timt' a neW symptom is ~tqllfr.erl.

Roll 1-4 SAO

Roll 1,-6 7-10

fo:o1iil.or Symptoms Pr.tyslcai s.ymptqm Mental Symptom

Ml:1jor Symptoms Ph),sical Symptom Mental Symptom

These syruptorns are lefr ro YO,l [ d iscre tion, I hough extensive 1J5t~ can be f(1l.jl).~jn, Rnlll,-Igrm"· MiL. \i;rily DJ tM~ Shaci(Jl.I'/mTh'"

Ji\ ~CH nrucs

A char~ae,:- wuh any physical sympwm may drew upon hls Tainr 1:0 add IT as 71 modifier to al,y phy$iQll skill check (St~'~ngth, Dexreri ty, tit C,O ns ril uticri ~ or m,il ee attack Tal L [)m fig so cau ses the character to gain an additional poi 111 of Taint petrnanerrrly A character with phystcal syr:l.ptmn~ ~,l'$(\. ~p'pli#.'s h is Taint modifier as ape.naltjl'on nH sotia.1skil:L c.becks ex,,~pr Ior lntimidarecliecks,

A character with any mental symptom may drew upon his Tairit .to add it as, a m-oJifif"r ill ;my Wil.l.'~'1Ve. Dob« so causes the ~ haracter to gam frn rrdtliti:mal poin r ofTa~nl_pei:m'lnen{ly. Any individtl'll.spenkingm ,I character with a. mcneal symptom may rnakea Sense Motive check to determine that sorncrhing invwl.lg'\vitb MIll, QP:poSt~d Jy the T~iFlte~. character's Bluff check The. Sense Motive roll gai:1tS n +2: bob LIS for l'3ch :iddirional symptom beyond the filSt.

Achatactl'r whoseTaint Rank is 11Lgher than his highest ·~bil.i'ly score iftudHler becomes Lost, ~ corrupted N I'G under control. of the DM. Lost.characters rnay n:q:lo)lgcrspehd Void, tnily no longer draw upon rheirTairu as describedabove, and no l[ji1g~r acmunulate Taint til cerrupred envirenruents or b)} ll~ii)g maho, rl,mlgb ther ffi'~y 119V;,gilip' :u!vnl,cllt! Sh~dbWlands powers (.,ee C1':fQlul,{" (If'l\okllg,m'Ml. In addition, rhe Los! character gains a humber of Corruption Points equal to hi~ Taint Rank. These may be spmt tn the same manner as Void Pomrs are borllla1ly spe'l"H (JisS,J'1l1.ihg rhe chacacrer has the Vahl USe fe~t),

ms.CH: A rues

A character with my physica] symptom may draw upon his 'Ialnr UJ nIl! nnd d-rop extra dill,' <::quul to hi_!! L1 lnt Rank on 3n)' SiT(;~gth.? I\giliry, Sramina, ~r Relkx.!~-,:el3rl!d rcll, Doil'~ so causes the ~h3.1.'aClel [0 gain an addl tlorial pornr .ofTalflt. A character with pliysi,ml svmptorns also applies his Taint m)Jdi!,-i~f.a5 a penalty on all SOda! skill,~~C"epl fln Innmldurion checks,

A characterwtth my mental sympTom may draw upon his Taint to increase tI:uoT,N of any spell being cast upon him by his Tainl Rank. Doing so causes tbe character [0 gain al') additional pO'int o(1:11nt pennanently. An'} individual spltllking ['(I a.chBtacrer w1[h a mental sympfOn~ may make a Pe.n:e?tHlfl roll [0 determine. something is wrong with tlu'm, QPPQSd by Ihf Tainted character's Awareness'wll The Pe'weptiQ[)o [C!U gains 3 Free. R.ais" for .ear h addidonal ~ymptom b<:yQl1d the til'S!',

A character whoseTainr Rank is.highcr t.haIi. his highest" Ring- becomes .Lqst., acornlprcd NrC \l.llde.rcl"lnrro! o[ rhe GM. Losrdi'tl.r:lcters m;Jyno iODger spenJ Vo·i.!, nl~y no long(!r draw upon the above abiliti(Js, and rIO longer ;lCCIl1Du!ate TaInl in corrupted t'llvimnffients' or by tl~ing IDsho, though. [hey ma'y now gail] ~ll:hlanr:ed Snadowlands power, (~tj' Wny r[ llie SiwarrwliH1ils"'j. lu aJtl iriilll, Lht' I.()5! cbari1'cter gabs a n umlwr of Cm:ruptlOll P.oiJ1ts equal [0 filS "tum! Rank_ These may be s:pel.'lf in t.he S31i:w m3nn~I ;IS Void Points are n'onnall)' SPCrH.,

LIVinG \!11TH TAinT

There l!> no reli~lbl(! cure for·rhe $hadnwbnds Taint .. Even rht' CQb have :0.0 treatments outside of 1;hl;' scl(i[)]n-l+-~I?J _IJ~r3c I:ion spell, T1)"<, best thing a Taimer1 individual oan U!') lsstop drawing upon his Taint and hope that it doesn't get ,my worse. :Even rh is ts not ,1 gp-arantee that rheclraracter ,\,\,).\ 1 HOl become corrupted lurch .. r. Once 3 person h~s becnme Tainted, the infcnioll will slowly WOrSl'l1 untl] it overwhelms its host.

Tea Qf Jade J~dals will prevent any [m·ther corruption if taken ahtly, There are other methods of curing the Taint pcrmanen tty, bu t filll,'! a 1"(1 extremely di fficull or unknown to r,he general populace.

The [uUowin,g tahle indicates the Interval ar \"ihich one's laint 1'.111 jncrea:~e,


Constitution Earth Ring Check Interval

7 or less. 1 1-4 dayslRank

8·-13 2. 30 days!Ran~

14--16 J 90oay.sjRank

17-19 4 180 days/Rank

Z:Oc-21 5 3;60 days! R a n k

22 or more 6,6 years/Rank

rn.:£CH Antes

At the enJof this interval, the character-must mph n Thrtltude save (DC 5). I r succcssfu I. rhe DC increase by 5 with each addiriona] interval urui] The IOU is failed Tbe TN is then reset al 5, Eachumc [he ron is (ailed, rhe character gains, an ,idditiomtl sb~dowhmcL~ Pnint. U' he possesses j_ny.shat1owlands Powers ll("(" Crfl.lliJru.1 [If RolnrgIll1'~), his corruption grows even more sw.!rrly. Minor Shadowlands Powers bestow one extra pclnr ,0[T"ili11tr each. per tnrerval, Major Shadowlanels Powers bestow rwoextra points DEtail'll, each, per interval. Greater Shadowhnds Powers bestow three extra poimsof Tainf.each, per inrerva], A regimen of acupuncrurc, mediralion, pif.'cJ1ty uf SU 1"\" a 11 d ~ monastic 1 i Iestyle lets the ch aracter make another save, and decreases-addirional Shadowlands. Points by on e per power. en) is assumes the character has, not been ncrively \lsi rig hb S!latlowlal1ds Powers. n'(\"se Powers which.canno] be.deacttvatcd do not COUll[ ~gatJ1s.t !;his.!

m:£Ctf A n,.ICS

Arthe end of this Inrerval, rhe cliaracrer rn liSt make <l.J:I. E;:Uih roll vs, TN 5.1I successful, rhe TN increases by 5 WIth, each additicaal Interval until the roll is f~riled, Tht! rn is fheTI reset ar 5. Each lime. the rollis failed, ihe character gam, '311 additional Shadowlands P-oint. I [be possesses 3 ny S hadewla nds Powers (lec Wr.1y of !lIe Skl1 dnW/r,lIIJ ''''). J11.5 corrupriou grows even mcreswifrly Minor Shadowlands Powers besrow one extra of Taint, each, per Iarerva 1 Major Shadowlands Powers bestow two extra points ofTai n c, eat h. per i nrerva], Greater Shadowlands Powers bestow rhree extra points of Taint. each. per interval, A regimen of acupuncture, medirerion, plenty of sun, and a monastic lifestyle 1,,-,;11 tel I he characret make another Eanh roll, and decreases additicnal Shadowlands POUlfS by 0 ne PI" r power: (Th I.'i assu mes [he character has nm been activeJy using his Shadowlands Powers, Those rowers which cannot be dC:jctivatei! do not count J,gain~t this,)

'i'1t.5:I15:n rms TH;: ram T

Tht- best W;lY t6. deal With the Talnr is bot to aceurnulare Ir in the l=trst place. The. easiest \'j'B\, to do so is through the use of

Jade. Carryin,g jade i na corrupred "11\Iiro nm enr i ns:w~:d rra nsfE'rs all corruption rhar would have hlected the carrier into his jade. This works only for a Iimrted time, asfollows (a "piece" ofj@de is counted 3S cne unit tlw length and wid tn of ~ man's Iinger):


Pieces of Jade Carried Duration of Protectioll

One 7 days

Two 12 days

'Three 1 ~ days

Four 19 days

Five 21 days

These times 'are approxnuate, and the GM can always rult· that the corruption 11l au area is more Intense than nerrnul, causing the jade to deplete Irs power mare.'lwi.ftly, Near dJC Festmihg Ph, for example, the abov(' VQILrtDt'S of jade wouhl last only one-tent h l he norma IIL1,n(~, if that long. Jade t:!oes no! prerecr.against corruption accumulated b.y inju:ry or use of m-agic tncorrupred environments,

As Jade Corrupt, if: slowly bocom(lS soft, greasy, <ll)t! I5J~ck, eventually melting a.way into dark sludge.

TH£ m.AW: ,.O':aGOTT£n onl .LO~D

Orthe oni lords that have been created during Rokugan's ex!srenee, only Aktlm~ 11.0 Oni (,~,)) truly be sai·d 10 havewrnughr :the .same destruction as the MaW, '~l11d even its claim can he disputed. The I¥llIW led the si11g1e most devasraring attack on Rokugan smce the first War with Fu Lerig, although DaigQ1'Stj'S retgu could rival Lhf beast's achievements. lr was the Maw's pow·enh.31 'c.rushe:d the Hiruma lancls;Taln,red Ih~ Kuni provinces, and requi.l:!:d rhe ccnstrucuun of rhe ieg!,,-ndary Carpenre r WlljJ,

Unknownto all save the Maw il'~elJ. the creature W,lS summoneu i nto liie world by Kuni Osu.kt, ~ youn.g shuge_nja wid, boundless ambition. The .1vL1w Iulfilled lrs bargain, £,THnting Osuki great power by teaching her the secrets of 1 Igoku and maho, bur then defeateu her and stole 1'11(' p9wJ.~r of lwr 'sour, hecomil1'g:ll") Oni Lord, Somehow OSLIki survived, and turned her new knowledge against the Mow by holding its armies UI

bay with the River of the Cresting Wave. .

The Maw was bani~,hed to Jigo.ku fallOWing its defeat, anu O$uki'~ death severed i.1;:N;ol1ne,-.tlLiil1 to Ningen-do, preventing it Irorn rerurriirrg. Only when Daigorsu assumed power did. the Maw fj'113Hy return, surnrnone d by the Dark Lord's incredible pOWl;'I", The beasr hns kepl n low profile, biping it, rime unul it can make a.sCCQ11d phy Ior p"w('r. If rlie Crab should discover that the M8W has returned, dw)' would "pare no cffdIT toward ~layil)_)?; the [dt creature,

TH £ mAW, J,.OST om J.,.O~[7

Ruge Outsider (EVIl, Oni, Shadow-lands) Hit Dice: 20dS +2QO (190 hpj

Init:ia.tive:3 hi Dex, -2 size, +4 Jruproved Inhisrive) Speed: 30fl'.

AC: 24(+1 Dex, -1 sih~. +15 narural) Attack: 2 daw~ +31 melee. or bhe +31 melee

o an) age: 1.11:\-'-1 I chn'\I,$, 2d_6-1·] q b'il~' FacelReac:h: 1 U [I_hy ! C.I fLjt:; tt,

Special Attatks: I rnproved G~ab.. S"'\'\liIQW \'M"ho.Jt' SpecialQunlifies: Oni qualities, csmsurnprion, rl'g~ri!'r8i:ioll J 0,

spell-liki' ~bilitl(·" m~ 18, ST{ 25 Saves: Em +21, Rt'[·~H,-Wili +14

Abilities: Str 33, Dex 't::'. Con,'IL\, lot ,18, Wb. I ',.eh>! L I Skills: Ilalrk I".2'}, Inrimi(bt<! .,23, Knowledge l<;:rub cbn'i -.27,

Kn()wlt,dge t Maho ] 4-17, Knowledgr IShadO\vl;m'd~l -21 Fears: Cleave, Crem Cleave, lrnpseveri Crit.i.(;J Illinarmed'i. ln1ptov~d Initi1ltiY:l', lmpr()\)-ed Uam m .. d 5'itdk~. Powe r Attack, \Vcnp6n foms (_lmamwdl

Cfirnate/Terrain: Sh:l,JQWj:Pld~, ;lilY l(lno ,gnJ lLl1ckrgrOlind Organizariore S(';lIi"~IY

Challenge 'Rating: 2,

Treasure; None

Honor; AlI"'nys n Honor Alignment; Chacnr evil Advancement: 21"-4' _HJj IHur,e)

rh(' Maw isa .£:igmiti r beast, roweri flg a bove evert the IHr~('_;;1 ogres mlq oni (h:n normally populat e I he -,'llyail(lwl':lT1d~, lts wptili311, otJ'Hn,gdy h urnan fC3,U res are 110m in(l·(ed by lts ll"l1ly massive mouth, Wil h expands ~HII of ~ II prcpcrrlon (0 the remainder .oflrs to.rn. I rs 1'0\\,', U[,!Q1l I·OWo til" reerh 'iil'e visible from any angle


The M-nw ls p('f'IHP~ rlte dra.d i le sr ki 111ng ll1;lC.h ine- thaI ~i.nge n-d 0 has ever see n, cnpa ble 0[, laugh rer i ng tim Ire l~giQno of samurai in st'cq'nds, II wade, into nead·), :JIlY 1:0 ml>;1 1 wI.lhLJUI 111~~; 1""vll,):agl'nv.;"[JLU LluuJ'"IlJ 110'1,,1 nl,~k flo uuly hcsltaricn 1COIl'l~S when be suspectsso m e thing unusual is arriis«, a mild paranoia [I doveloped wble spending centuries in Jig61m awai ting a chan ce for rev0I'ig'!.

Corrsumption (Su): .. Mncb like ,he 0111S\1 Ha kai, the .1'",1\\1 ga rns jJL1WC I' from the snu ko[ rh esc i r ldlls. lhe Mawgains l ds temp,~l')Hy hit point, for each oppbnlmt it consumes trll'cntgh_ use lit .the Swallow Wbll]'\ ~bi.111Y descnbed below, ALl mile!" benefits of advancement \s\lch as .higlrcr saves, bas(_' attack, and caster level for spells me spell-like d b'i lities] are-also gained, Tllis, bt1w:lit lusts fOl' om: week, afroot wlaieh time lhi! tvLlw l(jse~ one bot. ttl; hn dll' rt:r wl::eJ unnl lt rcturris W lh,' above .starlsncs,

lIuptovetlOn1h(E'X~:To use this ability, ili" Maw rrursthit ~ L31:ge. Of smaller cppouetu wi'!b a st.ecessful btt e nnack.Jr rna y I' he n .at te rnp I. to ;;1'" I"!' a g.r~T:,pl .. as a free acnon WI I hnu I pnwoklngatl attack of 0ppoHunTly If [he lvlaw is suecessful wil h il S gl'il]1picClec.k it m,IY a iCt:.mpIICl';;'0,· the COl' whole tlie nexr round.

Oni Qualities (Su): ALl on1 h,lV(' certain qua, described on page )" ef Crear RO~\lgaIl,

Regenera riot) (Ex): I'loh' a'I1J h en ora b·l~ wcapens do normal damuge Lo. !Ll,;' Maw,

Spell-like Abilities: The Maw ll1ayc~SI spells as ~ sorcerer of tt3t], It;'vI.'L All spells cbS$ffied ~S uecrorna I\,CY or maho \ipel,ts an' considered W have gainedthe Dei1eliil:s ~1f rhe Eri1:p\:lwer Spell feaL

SW~ Il.ow wh 0 I!) (Ex) Thf'lI.fHW r~ 11 try r-n ,W~ 1111'.'" ~ jt(3 b 1,,,,J opporrenr of Large or srna lJ!.'r~i~e -by niaking it sueteSilfll1 gnfpple check. Ori!,t inside, the 'lPJxin,en):: talcs- 2dIOTS pain IS of crushrng U?HlHgC ~nJ.3dl Ot! 11 "pOh1 ts l,r an.d Jamagt' euch J:(lund.JI is pcssihle for .3. swallowed opporietir to ctit his

W~r L! U r hi'i nn Inl ng I ml [10 PI 'i 1:1 I J.b IIHtgi" Hi !iW d.l g"~11 W rracllAG 311i. Any holes caused by such nnescape heal the 1,,1 [owi ng rutmd.

TH£ IilAW) 1.051 om j.O~"

Earth- 10 Stamina: 1.1 F'irc:'1>

Water. HI

Strcngtb;l~ AJ.r~ 'i

R~Us when Attac.king: )nktl Roll!l for Damage: '.IkJ

TN to be Hit: 3~1

Carapace: .. W

WOUIlds: ~OO: .... ~: "."D· Illl. ji"';-, 1 l~: 5TJn~ -as, 75[1: Dr,1d


Ora] LOf.d Qu.alities; rile MdW ~N.>t·"""5 Ihl.' ~ .. m", Inc I edible', abllirk.s commnn wall' Oni Lords, nhhoughIr gt"'lwfa] Iy ['r{.f"_l'~ to use us phvsical might ,~S lrs primary w~arl)n. TIl(' Maw Il1U)' create smaller, weaker versions of it ,..If rn use as its m-ini(.lllS, The power-of Ihe~~ treations i~ dcpellJ.'nf lipan dj·~ number thai the Maw (:311., being:<11 -one li.lLe.. inc Maw mar. bl~ta.!"!!ly surnmon Ionh up II:' , SUl3Ih'_f versions 1'10 ilSdr; oacb roughly equivalent to a zomhte. If nnly rwenr ... are summoned. (.hey arc rnechanlcullv equlvuleru ro ogres, lmJ if 0"[11y ten -are ,Uf111110IlCdJ thev lji'1' equal f!J 1 ignhl no (111 L

Maho: The Maw mE)' U5l:! any maho ""pd! a:<. if il were J tnaho-tsukai <.If LnslJlh I. Rank fl.

Multiple Atrllt~l;:s: Til!' M~\';/ can nl"tllJ:. dll'TOt' ti rru-s ('<'r round. typlGlJ1y two dow ;!TId t'ne bitt' :H'!3d,,-PCF rnurrd.


Many Lost have symptotns that cause them to appear as undead - Fleshless bodies, carrion stench, 01' thi' l'Ihiliry to (",ommstnd orher Ltlcewtse, some-undead seem to retain a shred of their fonner humanity and behave lUuch as they did in life.

Among Illchihan's followers, intelligent undead are disdained. Undead are seen as tools, and mtelltgent undead ate merely zombies with delusions of grandeue.Iuchfban would add that these pathetiC WJ;etd1eG have!t1ready proven theirselves lIDworthy by fi1ili.n; to remain alive.

Daigotsu's foUowers disagree with this sentiment.

If an intelligent -..mdead is powerful and capable. Daigorsu has a place for that individual among his annie$. Tsu.knro and Kyonl, in fact, are among his mort trusted aud powerful agenrs. Daigotsu's followers believe that intdligt:ut nm:kad multit bt: blt'~sed by Fu Leng, for wbyelse would hccboose 10 return them ro lite?

of course, this argument just causes luthi.ban to despise urulead all the: more. A wretch who must rcly upon a god's aid to cheat death is beneath contempt.

To the rest of the Empire, most of this is mere semantics. A Crab samurai generally careS little whether the shambling abomination before him IS an intelligent: undead, a Lost samurai, or an an.i in human form so long .as he can determine a way to SWifdy destroy it. •

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