“Molecules of Emotion” by Candace Pert

Cover of the book Molecules of Emotion by Candace Pert.

Have you ever wondered why you feel the way you do?

Considered how your thoughts and emotions impact your overall wellbeing? Do you believe that your mind and body operate independently or work together as a unified system?

Candace Pert’s startling book, “Molecules of Emotion,” provides illuminating and conclusive responses to these complex questions that scientists and philosophers have been contemplating for centuries.

Her pioneering research on the interconnectivity of the chemicals within our bodies forms a dynamic information network, linking our mind and body. This research is not only thought-provoking but also revolutionary.

Pert’s ability to explain the biomolecular foundation of our emotions in a straightforward and accessible manner empowers you to understand yourself, your emotions, and the link between your mind and body in ways that were once unfathomable.

“Molecules of Emotion” is a milestone piece of work, brimming with knowledge and sagacity, and possessing the rare ability to transform the way you perceive the world and yourself.

“Molecules of Emotion” by Candace Pert - Book contents

Foreword by Deepak Chopra, M.D.

Chapter 1: The Receptor Revolution - An Introductory Lecture

Chapter 2: Romance of the Opiate Receptor

Chapter 3: Peptide Generation - A Continued Lecture

Chapter 4: Brains and Ambition

Chapter 5: Life at the Palace

Chapter 6: Breaking the Rules

Chapter 7: The Biochemicals of Emotion - A Continued Lecture

Chapter 8: Turning Point 150

Chapter 9: The Psychosomatic Network - A Concluding Lecture

Chapter 10: Child of the New Paradigm

Chapter 11: Crossing Over, Coming Together

Chapter 12: Healing Feeling

Chapter 13: Truth

Epilogue: Peptide T - The Story Continues

Appendix A: Prevention-Oriented Tips for Healthful, Blissful Living

Appendix B: Bodymind Medicine - Resources and Practitioners


Recommended Reading


“Molecules of Emotion” by Candace Pert - Book review

“Molecules Of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine” by Candace Pert is an insightful book that offers a fresh perspective on the relationship between your emotions and your physical body.

This book explores the science behind the connection between the mind and the body and how emotions are not just psychological states, but rather they have a physical component as well.

In this book, Pert, a neuroscientist and pharmacologist, shares her groundbreaking research on the molecules in your body that are responsible for your emotional states.

She explains that your emotions are not solely produced by your brain, but rather by your whole body, including the nervous system, immune system, and endocrine system.

According to her, these systems work together to create a network of information that is constantly communicating with each other.

Chemical messengers of emotions

One of the key themes of this book is the idea that your emotions are actually made up of molecules. These molecules are called neuropeptides and they are the chemical messengers that carry information throughout your body.

Pert explains that these neuropeptides are not just found in the brain, but they are also found in other parts of the body such as the immune system, digestive system, and even in the heart.

She contends that this is evidence that emotions are not just psychological states, but rather they have a physical component as well.

How emotions affect physical health

This book also explores how our emotions can affect our physical health.

Pert explains that when you experience strong emotions, it can cause a cascade of neuropeptides to be released throughout your body.

These neuropeptides can either have a positive or negative effect on your physical health depending on the type of emotion you are experiencing.

For example, positive emotions such as love and happiness can have a beneficial effect on your health, while negative emotions such as anger and stress can have a harmful effect on your health.

Improve emotional wellbeing

One of the strengths of this book is that it provides practical advice on how to improve your emotional wellbeing.

Pert suggests that you can improve your emotional health by taking care of your physical health. This includes eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.

She also suggests that you can improve your emotional health by engaging in activities that promote positive emotions such as meditation, mindfulness, and spending time with loved ones.

More holistic approach

Pert is not afraid to challenge some of the prevailing ideas in the field of neuroscience.

She believes that the traditional view that the brain is the center of all emotions is overly simplistic and that a more holistic approach is needed to fully understand the mind-body connection.

Although the mind and body are often seen as separate entities, in reality they are intimately connected.

The mind and body are part of a larger network of information that is constantly communicating with each other.

Engaging and enjoyable writing style

Another strength of this book is that Pert writes in a clear and accessible way, making complex scientific concepts easy to understand for a general audience.

She also includes personal anecdotes and analogies that help to illustrate her points and make the book more relatable.

For example, she compares emotions to an orchestra, where each instrument represents a different neuropeptide, and the conductor represents the brain. This analogy helps readers understand how emotions are produced and how they affect the body.

Pert also uses personal anecdotes and stories to illustrate her points. She shares her own experience of feeling anxious before giving a speech and how she was able to use her knowledge of neuropeptides to overcome her anxiety.

Key points

“Molecules of Emotions” offers a new understanding of emotions and their impact on your physical and mental health.

1. Emotions are not just psychological states but have a physical component as well. Your emotional state can affect your physical health, and your physical health can affect your emotional state.

2. Neuropeptides are the molecules of emotions. These chemical messengers carry information throughout your body and are responsible for your emotional states. They are not just found in the brain, but also in other parts of the body.

3. The mind and body are intimately connected. The traditional view of the brain as the center of all emotions is oversimplified. A more holistic approach is needed to fully understand the mind-body connection and emotional wellbeing.

Groundbreaking and thought-provoking

“Molecules of Emotions” is an insightful and informative book that can benefit anyone interested in the science of emotions and the mind-body connection.

Candace Pert’s research and insights are both groundbreaking and thought-provoking. This book challenges our traditional understanding of emotions and offers a more holistic approach to emotional wellbeing.

It is a must-read if you are interested in the science of emotions and the mind-body connection.