Race to Extinction

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For FMT:

Live Animation V1.1L10

ヤフオク! - FUJITSU FM TOWNS/FM TOWNS MARTY 関連ソフト/... (yahoo.co.jp)

Pack 130000. Ahirudanna-san has this book listed on his website. Only Disk 4 is applicable to X68000 and FM Towns

ヤフオク! - CD-ROM&BOOK「CD-ROM4枚き 」フリーソフト&シ... (yahoo.co.jp)

Windows 3.1 with Multimedia Extension V1.0. Was very heavy auction.

ヤフオク! - FUJITSU FM TOWNS システムソフトウェア/日本語... (yahoo.co.jp)

Habitat. This version was sealed and went very high. I bought it for the floppy disk only as I already own a copy with a bad disk.

ヤフオク! - 未開封 FM TOWNS 富士通HABITAT ハビタット (yahoo.co.jp)

Another version of Habitat but totally undumped.

ヤフオク! - FM-TOWNS 富士通ハビタット V2.1 L11 ハイパーコ... (yahoo.co.jp)

DAPS for Windows. It's actually for FM Towns and def not windows but you have to load TownsOS first.

ヤフオク! - データウエスト DAPS for Windows DEMO デモ PDS... (yahoo.co.jp)

This lot had Muscle Bomber Demo, Secre Demo (I already own it) and Scavenger 4 Demo. It went high as you can see.


Went very high.

ヤフオク! (yahoo.co.jp)

You-Mahjong Part 1

ヤフオク! - FM TOWNS オリジナル you雀 きみと し・た・い ... (yahoo.co.jp)

Manami.  The floppy is damaged and I'm going to try to repair it. It has one bad area of sector 62 that is failing CRC when dumped with Pauline and Greaseweazle.  I will make a seperate post to discuss this issue if any Patreons are interested. Please comment below if you are.

Second-hand PC game Manami Ai and exchange days RED-ZONE Red Zone FM-Towns Operation unconfirmed Collection release product - Japan Shopping & Proxy Service (zenmarket.jp)

The Marty twin double disc set with the Not for Sale disk. I think it's the Red one. Also got a flux dump of the Kid Pix Jr floppy.

ヤフオク! - AEg077I 80 FM TOWNS/MARTY ソフト 4点まとめ NH... (yahoo.co.jp)

For PC98:

Admiral's Decision (I also have it for FMT)

Surugaya -< Used > Admiral's Decision III [CD-ROM Version] (PC-9801) (suruga-ya.jp)

Puppeteer's Legacy

Surugaya -[Adult] < second-hand> evening fog ... The Puppeteer's Legacy (PC-9801) (suruga-ya.jp)

Momokan for me 

Surugaya -[Adult] <Used > Momoko-chan for Me Apprentice Nurse Hen (PC-9801) (suruga-ya.jp)

NEC Demonstration CD-ROM. Unusual and has no particular markings on it.

ヤフオク! - NEC デモンストレーション CD-ROM (yahoo.co.jp)

Pia Carrot.  Needed floppy.

Welcome to Surugaya -[Adult] < Used > Pia Carrot (PC-9801) (suruga-ya.jp)

For Mac

Sexy PK Ban World Cup.  I purchased it very cheaply beause I wanted to see what it would be like. I missed this purchase a few months ago with an FM Towns Marty bundled with it. It went very high. This is for old 68030 Macs.

Surugaya - [Adult] < Used > SEXY PK World Cup Edition (Mac) (suruga-ya.jp)

Always remember that Not for Sale...Sample...Demo discs are generally pretty rare for most platforms. They're very expensive for PC Engine and Saturn.

Also my scanner arrived. It was around $400 USD for this scanner. I got a really fucking good deal because normally the Epson 10000XL with A3 attachment starts at $1700 USD new.  I will make another post in a few days about the scanner and what I intend to do. It's meant for scanning games.

I went on a huge rant a while back about preservationists being quick to dump a game but not quick regarding other forms of preservation.

We see the best ways to preserve games isn't just dumping. It's very easy to dump a CD-ROM with Redump's method of preservation. I don't fully agree on their format specifically for PCE, Dreamcast and CD+G discs though.  Dumping is the easy part.

Scanning properly is end-game. 

This is the Mahjong game that I just got. Now notice in the center there is a 'spine' to the clamshell. I need a setup to flatten it over time. It will make scanning take a really fucking long time if I do that, flattening 2-3 clamshells in a 24 hour period not to mention any manuals....but I need to do this the right way.  Everything will be scanned. Floppy disk, CD-ROM front and back (in case the ring-code is not viewable on the front), registration cards, manuals, ad-flyers etc.

However I need to calibrate this scanner with an IT8 card which will take some time to make a profile.  I need to consult more with Gaming Alexandria and GPS regarding scans as they're the only Game Preservation Groups in the world performing scans.  GPS albeit is more strict requiring about a $5K USD scanner that I'm defintely not buying.  However I might buy the Fujitsu document feeder after I get more feedback from it's performance from debinded manuals.

There is a stillshot from my friend Hubz from Gaming Alexandria performing scanning with the Fujitsu document feeder.  Now the reason I didn't get this one was very specifically because I need a flatbed to fit the gigantic clamshell cover over the document glass.  The feeder I might get used at a later time once I'm more experience in scanning so I can scan books faster. I also need to research binding books or re-binding.  If you ever notice a book usually has glue sticking the pages to the spine. The problem is that my collection was very expensive. De-binding almost kills any value or chance for resale.  However I think they can be re-binded so to speak.  I should practice on something cheap first.

There is a reason I titled this as "Race to Extinction".  I drove about an hour after school earlier in the week to pickup a Laserdisc player.  It's a very charming media and I might get into it.  Well, I was requested if I could setup dumping laserdiscs with the intention of dumping laseractive games. Laseractive games are still not emulated and still not properly dumped as more decoding and seperate dumps with the Domesday Duplicator are required. I didn't purchase one to get shipped because....well I'm not the brightest crayon in the box but I suspect a laserdisc player is extremely vulnerable to the shipping process.  I could probably ship a LD player already calibrated ready for dumping safely and intelligently with bubble wrap placed inside the player strategically and the reciever would have to open it and remove it. I don't want to take chances.  I need to calibrate the LD player to the service manual specifications as well as change a belt inside it causing the tray to stick.  After that I'll be ready to build a Domesday Duplicator.

Laserdiscs are analog media with the video encoded in composite on the disc surface.  As far as I understand Laserdiscs don't have a form of error correction (at least I don't think) and any light scratches or dirt will impact read performance.  So I need to practice restoring my Land Before Time laserdisc with Novus before touching a Laseractive game.  Laserdisc stands a radically higher risk of extinction due to the fact that humidity, bending,physical harm to the disc surface impacts reading radically on the lens.  There are already discs with laser-rot.  So as I was requested by my friends, I'll try to help them maybe at the end of summer with Laseractive preservation.  Once we have super clean dumps we will probably see an emulator in MAME or even an FPGA Laserdisc player on the DE10-Nano (which was discussed at one point. Not a fork of MiSTER).

One more thing. Atrac17 has been very very busy with Darren and JT on Arcade preservation with MiSTER. Take a look at his Patreon please if you haven't already.

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