
Blue Seed Saturn game cover

GS-9014, released by Sega in 1995

screenshotThis game is an adventure/role-playing game that uses a card-based battle system. It has been described by reviewers as having a unique battle system and as a somewhat non-traditional RPG. The game utilizes anime FMV during battle sequences instead of the usual sprites on a background.

In order to play this game you will need a modded Sega Saturn that is capable of playing import games. You can usually find copies of the game for sale at online auction sites or at online game stores that sell used games. Screen shots and pictures of the instruction manual are courtesy of the JVG Fanatic gaming site, RIP.

menu screenshot The intro cinema for the game has been posted on YouTube. It is identical to the anime intro with the exception of a five-second inclusion of a new game-only character.

Instruction manual: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

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