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The York Daily from York, Pennsylvania • Page 2

The York Dailyi
York, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 THE YORK DAILY, YORK, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1886. TUB FINEST FOE BENT. PUBLIC SALES. THE YORK DAILY. Solid Silver Bridal Gifts Tea Services Fancy Articles Froks'and Spoons VI A 1.1.

UOMBft t'l'HKD. During the past fifty years the proprietors of Hrandreth's Pills bve received thousands of voluntary testimonials of the wonderful cures effected by these Pills. They not only cure rbenmut ism, dyspepsia, piles, diarrhoea, liver complaint and all fevers, but greately prolongue tbe human life. One or two at on an empty stomach, for week or two is snQlceut. A wise sausage dealer never nses the semi-profane expression, "Dog-goDe Charity bawls are said to be those at iu-fant asylums.

Tbe managers of theee institutions in large cities, however, now use Ked Star Cough Cur winch relieves sick children aud pots an end to the bawl. IN YOKIC At Our Old Stand Ql Kant iarket Street. ALL KINDS OF DRY GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER. Dress Goods from 5 cents to $1.00. Vc'vets from 25 cents to 75 cents.

Childrens Underwear from 12 to 50 cents. Ladies Underwear from 25 to $1.50. Ajents Underwear from 25 to 50. 2 cases of the best Merrimack prints at 5 cents a yard. Our usual stock of Hosiery and Handkerchiefs as cheap as ever.

The F'ollowinej at Extraordinary LOW PRICKS. 3 Button Kid Gkves 47 cents. 30 dozen Mens Merino Hose at 25 cents. Never sold be low 40 cents a pair. 1 2 yards Cotton Flannel for 90 cents.

A very large assortment of Ladies New Market Coats at wholesale prices. Our 50 cent Corset is the best in the country. The onlv olace to get cheap Dry Goods is at the Original ONE PRICE Store of 21 East Market WE INVITE Particular Attention to spme Bargains in New Fall Winter Goods Just Opened r7" 12 pieces full M-tneh TricoU. all new shades at former price $1.00. I IS assorted Java Cloths, Camel Hair Series, French Bouclea aud OtU'inatis in all the new shades and at low prices.

tV All the desirable shades of Jersey Ottoman Cloths, full a7-inhes wide, at 50c. a vard: former price tV 6 pieces all-wool bome-spun Jlomie Cloths, full 22 inches wide, at 25c. A giHKi baruuin. Iw Particular attention invited to a line of French Combinations in Brocade and Stripe at low price, nr Oue ease of Heavy White Blankets at 12.50 a iair former price 00. A.

pood bargain. fa" M) pairs of Heavy Orav Blankets at 75c. a pair; worth $1.00. Iff" Will opeu in a tew days 25 dozen Celebrated Traver Kid Gloves in four 11. r.ll fni-nmr St Oil IIUII'IU M.

'W rr Also lust opened mir New Cloak cheapest stock of LaditV Wraps, Coals in York. An Early Inspection of these Goods Solicited. Sprenkle Klefiman, 120 West Market Street, Near the Rtilroad. Truth Must Prevail, SON, Largest and Cheauost Houso, CENTRE SOUARE. CENTRE SQUARE.

CHEAPEST STOCK AND LARGEST ASSORTMENT. 10 pieces new mid beautiful Brocaded and Striped Silk Velvets al aold everywhere at $2.50. To appreciate these goods you must examiue. Black Brocaded Silks at worth $1 50. Colored Silk Velvets at.

$2.25, worth $3.00 FOR KENT. Two unfurnished either with or without board. Ihe room are the finest in York. For panieuiara call a 1UA South Ueerge street If FOK KENT, A new three-story bouse on the corner of South Queeu street and Nwtoa aveooe. Rent tit.

All la order whb all the modern Improvements Gas and water. Possemlon October iss. Also, a two-story brick boose on th corner oi Korth Vtiaen tree and Clark avenn Kent it. roaaeastoa Immedlatelv. Oa (alien runs t-tf Fo.

Booth liaeen etrero. FOR BENT. A three-story brick bouse on Chestnut street, Kent, .75 per month, water Included. Inquire of j. i.

aCff A1.L. t-H-tf Bo. West Market strett. PR RENT. A brick building; 33 6x3Z two etonea, divided into four a aI irKV t11AnH- rwnm, 11 1, faetorr, or packing lobaueo.ln xtarollhe ttllber t.

if th atj.ra t.aor wan i'iinr aium. aj-i-v for Information. OU8E8 FOR RENT. Several newly llulahsd brick htmsea. opposite th Vllk Factory.

Hunt tow. Posieasion ImmedlatWy. gDMUWD B. MTERs). Desirable Rooms tor Rent Small's Mtreantile and Law Bsliding B.

ntBIKT NTMKRT. All tk rooms are well ventilated and heated by steam, watnr elonet in the hullitlng, and lr use of the elevator. Th attention of lawyer. Insurance men, and thorn lu want of good baelnee odice la eall.d te this opisirtantty of g- tilng In a good locality and In a ilrstilaea building. Tohaeeo paeker can aeciire a good room In the rear, eaay of aHM to the aileji, with a capacity of ltd to 17 eaaea.

Apply to HENRY SMALL, OctStf Room No. 8. FOR SALE. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. A very desirable Stock or Dairy Farm.wlthln AaA 0 mllea of Gettysburg.

Ind tn a fine ft. state of cultlvatlam well watered, with-plenty of meadow, a patnrag-; also, variety of IMilt. The tract ooatama i acre (and can N. conveniently fllvl Inui two farina of which OBorsar In fine heavy timber, situated upon the farm la a 1-Mory frame hi. use with roi nia and a bank ham feet long and feet wide, lernia lo suit pnrcbaaer.

For futthr Information, call on, nr addes EDW ARD E.JOHvBTON l0-l-d3t-wlt' West Yark oik. P. OR SALE. Thirty two-story brick butts, ranging In price from to 10X1.W). Terms to suit purchaser.

Apply tn JOHN MAYKK. 10-1-1 Oor. Oeorge and Maple ts. Afirst-clasa "Fire ou the Hearth" double-heater, almost new. an be used a dntiloe h-atr7 or not as a closed stove or an op grate.

Void on accunnt of necessary change In the bouse. JNO.K. GROSS. FOR SALE. A two-story house, with two-story back hiiiMin', containing six rooms 40 feet front, side lot, 160 fi et deep.

Located on South Itsrtk-y street, betaeen King and Princess. Will be sold chesp. JOelAH BHK1.I.EY, 9 W-tf en the pteti ises. FOR SALE. A three-story brick bouse, with two-story baric bnilditic and two-story bit stable.

No. 114 South Heaver street corner of Newton avenue. It is an old esta'i 11. btd store stand. For particulars apply on the premise, or to WM.

SMALL. JR-, 8 17-tf Kxecutor. FOR SALE. One large douhle-heater, "Fire on the Hearth" stove. Can be used a double-heater or not, and a a rloawi stove or an open grate It glvea p-rfect tia-faetion In either capacity.

Also, one large tire plane heater which can be used aa a closed stove or an open rate on first story and beats second story with perfect satiafaetlon. These stove are expensive and will be sold at a great sscritlee on account of neeasart changes in the house. Tby are tn excellent condition. 8-t-tf K. OHOSS.

FOR SALE. A two-story frame bouse, i with back building-, situated 474 West Princes street. The iiouso bas )ust bien newly painted Inside and cut. For further particulars apply to W.C HAKIZH.U on the premi es. isr at the Daili office.

S-i-ii FOR SALE OR RENT. A large brick house, with two-story back building, No. 1 Colombia avenue, close te Main street. II as water 1n the house. 1 he bouse Is In first-class condition.

Inquire within. 7-24-tf JOHH K. MIL! FK SALE. Building etoue lor sale, or will be exebanued for excavated ground. tf W.

SPANOI.KR. FOK SALE CHEAP. 5 nickel jdated show cases, at Klinefelter Buck's, 1 4 North George street 4-21 tf FOB SALE OK RENT, CHEAP Oue double two-story brick house, situate North Hartly street. One twe atory brick house, with long garden and front yard, on New Baleni street. One two story frume house aud rfiHHi tot oi gromiu, wtta int'tt trrr, nituabe on West College avenue, west of Peen streeT.

Inquire oJ LEWIS P. KRAHLR, l-i-tf ts West Prlnceas Street. FCR SALE CHEAP. One Four-horse Meyer engine and boiler In eomrlete order. good a new.

TtMim-s at York fv'tarlng ootnpan v'a i ttti oetl4-tf. rpHE nndersigneil wishes to make known I t-utheom: mann factum! thnt tl: hare tne i ack' jif of leaf to aeco. which surer forsale. Thnss need nou'd di well t) eall he'ore fnrnaaslnr. lo-as rt h.

wkimkk eo. FOR SALE! (laving recently purchased a Job Printer's Outfit, we will offer for sale One New Flow PaDer Cntter, suitable for a small printing office or cigar- ooi manufactory. One New Hughes Stereotyping Outfit, Compute. YORK DAILY. M-tf Houses for Sale.

The West End Improvement Company ba lust completed on Linden avenue two 1 story brick Mansard Roof Houses. Each house eon talus 11 roo'iis; also basement and hath room. Kitchen finished with bricks and range, sink bench and large pantry Heat flue and registers aad gas in al' rooms. Latest improved water closet In bath room. Kitchen, lth room and basement kitchen supplied with bot and oold water.

High square ceilings and plenty of closets The grounds to eaoh house have a width of fset on Linden avenue with a fine front lawn, vestibule, wide halt, front and back stairs and veranda. Two frame cottages are now in nours of erection rn Carlisle avenue, fitted up similar to btlok houses ana wm oe onmpiete ty October 1 Them houses and cottages, also buildlug lt will be sld on any te'ms. Inquire of W. H. President W.

E. I. i. lKiantn uq. a-f-r FOR BALE.

-aSJ Building Lots On North Beaver Street, and also on th Newberry Road; also on Hamilton and Jefferson which connect Paver street with George street north of the Oodorua creek. AU will be supplied with plank walks hydrao' snd gas pipe will soon be laid. A pew school has been opened adjoining Cottage Hill; but purchaser of lota, tf desired, can have this territory annexed to our borongu on short thus obtain aooess to our borough sohools.Por commanding laeation.dralnagt nearness te our manufacturing sstablUhmenh and the centre of ovulation, these lots are unsurpassed. The oommandlng view at the lnur-aeotion a. Jefferson avenue with Beaver street makea the lota In that vloinity especially destr able forooMagee.

Tsrsa eaay. Foi furthei Inforniattoa eall aa er addreaa. a-UMf W. lfi.vOIla 1L'BLIC SALE ON Friday, October 2, 1885. Tbe DBdersucnM.

exrentors of the last will and teeUuuent XTirl K. Weiikamp. laieaf York township, Turk eonntv, Pa, doaed, will lell at pal. lie sale, 0D Ui iiremlsea. Ihe toi-lowlng valoahle real Miate, situate la eld Vcirk township, about four mile from York and ahoat one-eiKMA of a mile from Inneravtlle, on tae double witWoas road, to wit: The Home Tract or Mansion Farm of ld deredent, a1 olnln lauita of Henry Weltkawp, Michael Hoaaoi), Oeortfe T.

lueia, andarkers.oonlalauia' aeras, niore or leu, on which la erveid a aerlj sew Two-story frauie Wsatherboarded Dwelling House, Bank Bim, with wnnos ahed aid corn vrth at-tachd. with o-her outhnildinvs. Tl-er la an exoellent younx orchard ot fruit ire na the preuilsea alru twe well vf sever-failtrx watxr. 'I his tract well adapted aa a track fariu beinir In eloae proxlmltr to markets. Anj person destrlUK to view thes pivmlies cn do so by sailing on the executrix, rvaldtni therron.

Hale eooinienee at 1 o'clock of said day, when terms wlU be made known by WhlrKANP, JOHN S. KKh Mo la 3t Exoeutora. PUBLIC SALE ON Saturday, October 3, '85. The nniterslKied will sell at pohllc sale at Mo. 4'JW nwwtli Cewrc a lot of IT ousel lokl Goods, rnnslatt of ou parlor suit, hair cloth, icoed aa new: 1 ehamlinr sets, to yards hoiue-n ade ingrain and lliree ply carpeting, 1 dosea eane sral and otner cnairs, 1 lounge.

niesei-piaieu itiiuhls heating suve, rangs, parlor stove, bed ding, glass, uaeens a Ml tinware, together with a large tot 01 outer oousejiuia goooa. Sale to poinu enee at 1 o'clock. C. H. HOVSEMAN.

Sin A Mabklcy, J. ('. K. Moore, Aucuoueers. Io-1-ta Clerk.

I 1 UBLIC SALE -o- Valuable Real Estate ON SATURDAY, OCTOP.ER 17tu The nnilerslKtied will eflrr at public aaleon the pri-wl in tart. York, on tbe south side ol hast Philaoet! hi street extended, adluinlng hldffe Avenue M. church on the and i Ird Mill, on the Weal, the following valnab'e nronertv to wit A lo i piece of ground Ing on said i'hlladelp a sucet fifty feet (K fwi) an'' eitendlng In nngtu depth ene hundred and flity feet (l. nitl to an alley 1 lots of twenty-nve lt front, on which Is erected two-atory do title frame veiling houe 4" reet mint ana 2S reet aee-, or eaen ii.mA Iwt with a nna-storv frame hack bulidliig attached to each bonne. Iaeh of said house has seven room with a hall to each.

A pump with splendid water In rrontor me duiiu lug 1 he lot Is in good eonditlon with an esoel-lent irairfn ta eaoh house. Possession given on April 1st, isse. Sal to criniiif nee at 9 o'clock p. or aaia nay.wuen aiteuilaueewtu be given and terms made known by LI AH W. HtlKN.

AiteLtfortha heir of I nianuel res seil. AMUSEMENTS GRAND BALL Fourth of tbe Series by the Colon SociaWe Saturday Evening, Oct. 3rd, FREE's" Th'ele's orchestra will fnrntsb the ruolo. (ioodordtr 1U be mslntalned all ladles who received luvttatlotis tof'fnier balls areoor dlaliy invited. Qranil march at o'oioek.

Tickets, 25 Cent, tb l)v oroer of COMMITTEE. WASTED. BOA HDEKS WANTED. So. 2 East Col-lee arnue, eiond-story, front roonn, e'ly Itnnlhi it.

90lw WANTED. Ladies aud gentlemen to work at home salary $5 to per eik Distant no objection. No nnvassing. No sump tor reply. lloMh MA Nl'FACl USING Fultou New York (Hj.

Us- im WANTED. Help, ladies and gentlemen In city or country to work for us at their wn Union rtaylltue or evenlnir. The bnslin-ss Is light, pleasant and easllv itone. No eanvas-Ing peddling, good salary paid Stuart work era wht devote full tn to It. Steady employment furnished.

Addteas, FRAKK EATON, Manager, Boston, Box 3153. H8-JW A 1 11V1I1 A XI ttj I 7cO0 seenid hy I KMT HORTOA. zfJL CiE laierrsi I armors vo a uo.yus lalrreal Payable Mrnat-Aaaaally. at office or bank of mortgagre. I years' eiperlenee.snd never lost a dollar for any euatouir.

Heec of tvrerenoe giveo aa to ability, Integrity and 1 H.lln U. uiisiii nutuuiuH un i iii-tiiur kiv tni? rererene ann psr lculrs. LKHUI.II, SISIIKK Ar f'O ard Loan Agmts, Ab.lrae, liaaaas. WANTED. Young ladles In city or country to work for tbeir homes; en pl ymnt no listraetlons 1 1 liny work can be aent by mall (distance ohee Hon); 16 to per week can be ui-de csn-vasstng, paitlunlars free, or sample of work uiatleil i or four ceiiis lu snips.

1 1, ur addresa Most MAs'r'G Boston Mass. P. Box IWItt ANITFn An active Man or Woman Vl I every county to sell our good. Salary, if 3 ar ataaia and i xpenses. or commission.

Expenses in advanoe. Ontrit free. In 1 AM aI il I'M iTiMniDn llit.i Waac i Mass PRICES REDUCED. -DENTISTIIY Dr. T.

A.BIake.oftine lit South Penn street, York Pit IT in .1 teen years' experience, I feel eontldent in gnaean-teeing entire sat if faction and an. prepared to do all kinds of work cheaper than It ran be done any place In tie Slate All work insured for Ave years. s-iura THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE of Newark, N. is one of the oldest aud largest life Insurance rom- panl' in this econtry. It hsa been in exia'ence over forty years, ino has fortv million dollars isaets, with over do 00 surplus An active and energetle party Is sired to represent this mini oanv in he York dlstrlot.

Will give the risht party a liberal contraot, A knowledge if tre bttsineaa n-t eonaitiereo esseuiini. autiresa I). A. KEYE8, State Agent, AiiJ Walnut street, ihilad.lphla. 9-21 4 QHAKTER tfOTICE.

In the Court of Common Pleaa, of York county, Penn a. Norton ia herebv riven that an aonlloation will be made to the said eourt on Monday, the dav of October, A. iss, at 10 o'clock a. under the Aot of Assembly of tbe Common waaim of Penngylvanla. entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and Regnlatinn of rrtlr Corporatiooa," approved April 187.

and the supplements thereto, for the baiter ol an Intended Corporation to be United Firemen's Union, of York, Pa tbs. i-hsrirr and object whereof is for tbe irntunl 'nteteat ol the United Fire Department, of Ca. and the protection of thi cltUens an of the borough of Ynrk, and tor ths pnttoses to have, possess and erjoy all the rlubt-, benetita and privilege ot the said Aot of Aseutliy and Its Supplements. GEISii, ZIEGLEB BTRAWEWTOGE, tlll-3w Solicitors. WANTED.

WANTED Vonng men and ladies to learn telegraphy. Position when eoin etent. Railroad and oommir. systems Indu-etuent to tUoee applying throng this advertisement. Oct terms are reas'ibabt andonrOnlloge Is the thorough equipped onl in thcoonTy a rood ehane for yonn ruee and lwlles wishing pleasant and lucrative of mt aad responsibility.

Adtlreaa. stamp. aoiirw Coiiaoi. HI 17. (jheatttt ktladelfkla, Vttfg you ft 4.

THE YORK DATLT II the 0DJ7 Daper ID 'orl living by tlngrph the asaocvUc Prm Biws, and in vutmstiea vw nmnmn, i No II IUst Market Street, ui-oJt HOUM, H. w. gp AJroiXIi, Xntors it. kudus, i. ruin rtiiMr.

aav-rork Boron- aaosortbet served jla rr, at in oems par javasir tx nr at tli I'A'Lf ot vn ifntlxt Inelndad.) One Vr jtayettle Hi anee, S' months, tun iniK-niw trwr-MitRM rt ri r- parnb'f In sdvar'. Ov 1 I term: i It mostta. ft r-v bota Buaaeajsona THE YORK WEEKLY. Fill wafcKi.TisihoniyHil County. nd 1 published evrj Friday, a tan low rateof la wnt per annnm In tJ cj itinty II.

K' ont of the entmty. It a snrnnie'y ol an inn tie. and loecU B'vuoftbd waes.tegemer wtti a. tt.p irt ix (train Product '-ci, OaitK sane mod Motier n.arke'A it tr ft AiLunt oi aiat-uiir. iit i v-iaii'a la poUto(5 ft I'-a cif.

BAVI OaDaW. aaVAiiptMia tunc esaraed uo to Pn 0tiO ia tko Montr it. JOB PRINTING. in tappUoA wltt ll tk itt style I ol-rrtw. we re prpnd to rtu all tina i rliitlija, a.irtU Btii, i'uoi ii4 ti) kliKln or pltuu 4iirt fain' work witii netHM din-ptcl.

and at nhort nodoe. "Snow me your licenntvf jtia aid French Kiiirk-rjt lo a poacher. "I'm mt bunting friend." said 'the Tin only looking for my wife, who run away into the wood with a oiii)) fellow, a neighbor of niiue. When 1 tiud her 1 11 nhoot her, and the fellow too." "Thai alter the Said the gamekeeper, with a jiriu before you go any further show me jour maniage certificate." In a lecture at the itieetiu of the Medical Association, Dr. lioherts pointed out the current error that wiues aid diges tion "Which," the action, of saliva to a marked extent, mid ha e.

a retarding eflecc on peptic thonght eServocuij; wines wele the least iujiiriuiis, uud that wineti taken with table wains did not euibarrass NaliTary aciiou. Distilled spil it taken in moderation weie found to promote i.ieKtiou very distiuot ly. Th attendants at the oholerit hospitals in Madrid and elsewhere in Spain are ail Sisters of the Society of St. Viucant de Pan), and their nreheuce seems of us much efficacy as medicine. All the regular attendants tied.

All these self-sacrilicinn women are lauies by birth, obietly from Navarre, Cataluua, and alencia. In au ordinary hospital the duties which fall to Sister's lot are uuplsusut enough, but in these cliclcra hospitals, forsaken by all, one shudders to think of all they have to go through. Henry Uijjn, of a Xew Orleans Creole family, was a brisk, brcght young feilow wheu he dissappeaied from that city twenty years ago. He has returned broken down in health but not in spirits. In the time of hie absence be was a Lieutenant in the navy, an inventor of a machine for hich be "ot IGO.COO in Tans, a jjambler who spent that money in a year, a tighter, in the French army in Mexico, a buildei of dredges for the Sues Canal, an i now an agent for De Lesseps in Panama.

He thinks that few men ive more persistent, ly been alternately pauper and prodi- Kl- William Nelson senior of the Loudon publishing firm ot Thomas Kelson Sou bas ofl'ered to defray the cost of restoring externally tie little Norma church ithin the walls of Edinbnrj; Castle, know as Queen Margaret's Chapel, to as near as possible its original condition. Ttiis interesting fabric, at one time degraded into a powder magazine, is one ot the oldest ecclesiastical structures in Scotland, having been built by Queen Margaret, wite of Malcolm Canuiore, toward the end of ihe elevsutb ceutnry. Tbe Nelsons are anioug the wealthiest ot publishers, bot thtn money is repatrd to have been largely made more in cotton speculations in thiscouutry years ago, than in their publishing isi-oea. Ox of tbe ntct interesting eases in the great fisheries exhibit in the National Mmseniu atWaabiagton is taat tilled with artificial baita and lares n.d bytbe primitive rices, as well a et mvderm iLsnufactare. Here are scores of drai's for bass and bla'i- rish: crawfish, helgramites, frogs, insects, and minnows made of soft rubber, bard rubber, or metal, each cleverly concealing a hook; spoon bait of diverse ruateri Is; artificial flies by the hundred, and the neatest of books to keep them in, and queer little Inres contrived by savage fish.

ermen, who bad never beard, of our ela borate flies aud artificial bait. A sample of these is the ajahkaljiijak of the Fludson Bay Eskimo, which is au ivory fish about four iucbes long. A line is passed through the middle of tbe back, and fastened to the belly; here is a small tvwry hook that Teaches from an inch to tw iuches below tbe fish. The principal use of the ajakju fak is not, however, to book fish, but to lore then within reach of tbe spear. The Eskiuiu lakes bis little ivrty model aud lob it up aud down in the water, generally in a crack or through a bole in the ioe made for the purpose, and jwatches in quiet until be espies a fish coming toward his lure.

He then begins to haul gently on hi line, if tbe fish follows, until it has ap proacbed within reieh of his spear. Some times a greedy fish will make a rush and swallow tbe bait, bnt this is not the inteu tioo of its usake. The ingenious natives of the Alaskan and coasa have invented a great variety of these arti ficial lures, as well as a revolving tpooo of ivory or boue, spinuing around the shl of a bone hook, precisely upon the prin ci ile of out silvtred trolling spoons. Tbe intense summer beat often causes, a niun to get ont of patience. The nse of St.

Jacobs Oil will all cases of rheuma tism would soon cause doctors to get out ol p.itianta. Black Silks at 50, 75, and X8 cettls, $1 Colored and Black Kli milliners, Unmet Latest Novelty in Datuaiue, Plain Silk Velvets, all colors, Banks Piddle 12th he stunt, til -nov 7 Philadelphia. NEURALGIA LH. C. W.

HhNN, ot Kaltimore, hit dtw-overed that twtract of Cclrty HcU and the Kxtntct of tit'nntn rhawumiile 1-lowers combined tn the form Pill, thr moit womicrful nervine in the wnrid and inTariabiy curt StOK IUai'Achk, Nirvous Rkadachh, Neural- OI4, NmWvOL hHKn HSSMSk, I'A- it, St. Vitus' Danck, and all nervoua trouble, aft thev act dtrectlv upon the nervous sitrm a a nerve food and txctttT ol nerve matter. riv re invaluable to all nervou people, and Pr, Ptnton't rt-ptitation asa specialist in the trfAtment ot nervous diBeasenat once jrivck them a )iih standard. Bold by all drujr's'N or set. to atlilrehscn receipt of rtce-5oc.

a boxes tor 1 2. so OthcejN. Howard St Blli more Mil 1 1 A Axeniia, York, Pa. faepifc-om-eod. DR.

NEIHAN STILL Extracts Teeth Without PaJn Bv the nse of Gas, Electricity. Anes thetics or by Kreering the Gums. Full sets of Teeth (or front, $5 tlO rr Pel. Will guarantee all his wors sod insure 11 tor hve years. 14 WEST MARKET STREET, Orrr FLbrlSmiliaerr Hn, York, Pa.

rpilE Penn R. L. Association will sell three two-story brink houses; ls a lot of ground feet front, all slmatd on Sooth Penn strret. York borough, on weekly Installment. Any person de'lrlng to avail themselves of bla rare opportunity to secure a home on easy terms will call on U.

B. WALI.ACK, Hf York. Pa J. F. Itl.rri.

SOUTHERN ELECTRIC COMPANY find IeeilerMin TKI.Kt.K tfll. 1 fr.l.l tIIOK, aaa I ItTBIl mm Ti tt III.NKKt THE GAMEWELL Fire Alarm Telrgraph (trarH.i, AND EQUIPMENT A SPECIALTY. N. E. Cof.

Nortii 1 Lerafloi Sts. tLTlnOHG, JID. uaris-tf G. W. HOOVER, WHOLKSALt A BKTAIL DKALKk IX FIght, Feei, Salt, Potatoes, Soaps, Startb and Viuffar.

SPECIAL AQKNT FOETUS Gold Dust New Process Flour. IT EXCELS THEM ALL. Ho. 6 East Prlnms Street. Fork if.

K. Hprrnkle's Old Miauad.) K-H-tf nnomno theel yxtu i Mtao sigcins Situ 1 I Ik 1 I a ItJM fv i ur ikvrniBiii'i (-ill uu Iit Ii rtw .) hood, efftu mf Indiswrv-tiuB. It lrarl. ar4ea (tmiifMevk. It mm Hint 111M WltilftUt U-t llku! Rliifc.

FniLe M4 ct (aj id 4 ui )i la Mry, M.i-pfcly. Kprr matorrha'avt Mtrleiara. ric. I mpv rm remuvod Lain uirwc th.urs. Tiioau Athifs-A itti i atawotrr tuid C-mm Mptlon.

if B-tt Id t'n' lvt -uir cku Iw pdjrwantmLl eaired, ftieffreavea rrmu Pb irtatt ottn-r to uf twraoaml. kursm u.t i priMn. tiduri A. H. to i audSui -P Wuo.t.fto 1.

Wimtls-aad Bitunli 8v-eitia; unnl lu. Irt, 'fhrl a Mctu Uiol'LY friTaiaigui tw dvttrils. ii 10 rlien yim Al OS and cum a gi ll KICK ittn ll otrxra. sua la siamp fiir Trutk," JxpoLn of 4MUt Bressler, wholesale aaa retail stealer ALL KINDS OF COAL Office and Van! at Kin? St. Bridge.

I 18-11110 PBBstEBTB lOtB SIGHT INTO jr--k y-rJ- PROCrBE L0.G UAPPI5ESS Tie Telescopirjaectacls Eye Glass FOR BALE fit JEWEL1EES ABD OFTICUNS WestTIarfcrt ML. Opw.nailaaal Itaasa Notice to MilleMj Owners. The undersigned bas invented a new process for making Hour to compete, and superior to the roller flour, at a cost of one hundred dot lars to the Burr, with the guarantee to glvetnli and perfect satis raotiun, or no charge. Address J. X.

GEMMELL, 7-il-m Shrewsbury, York Penn'a. TRY A SACK OF Gold Dust Elour -FROM G-, W. HOOVER'S ft: BAST PRIKIC'KMI ST. The best In the marker. Iron Roofing and Sidme, Fire, Water and Wind Prcol beauty, and dnraWnty, it tne standard roof of the tjiiiled states.

17 For prices and anip. call nn F. L. Seiffert with Bang her, Knrta A Stewart, York, Pa. S-M-U Victor lingo's estate will foot up a million.

meiber's Umilra are the Nualitfblef There would be fewer clouds aud brighter suusbine in many households if every dispirited suffering women reiilined what a boon Dr. Pieroe's "Favorite Prescription' for til weariness and maladies to which her sex is liable. No lady who givea this wondeifnl renidy a trial will be disappointed by the result. It not only acts promptly upon all funo. tioual cleraugemsuts, hut by its rare nervine aud touiu properties strengthens and repairs the whois system.

Price red used to oue dollar, liy druggists. Garfield's tomb baa fresh flowers on it daily yet. aalleis. We wonld caution tbe Public to beware of lH-alers offenug Kemp's Balsam at less than the regular Price, oOceuts aud as oftcutiines imitations or inferior articles are sold as the genuine in order to enable them to sell cheaply. m.

tsnntn is our ageut for York. Sample bottle given to you 'roe. A temperance movement Shoving the jug undor the counter. throat, toothache and all other pains and aches are promptly cured by Salvation Oil. Pi ice "J5 ceuts.

Coughing Clar Comely, charming Clarissa Clendenuing, carelessly catch ing cold: creeping chills came: laia congti-ed continually ciuel; cionpy cough, that i- it l. i wouiu nave hiucu uer.uau sue not useu vv. Poll's Cough Syrup, costiugJo c- Mrs. Spriggius, states to it she is very much interested in "this concussion as to who was to blame tor the corrosion between the Oeuesta aud Puritan." Nerveas Debililalrd Tie a You are allowed free trial of thirty Aayt otlhenseot Dr. Nve Celebrated voltaic Heir, with Electric Suspensory Appliances, for 1 lie speed relief aud peimaueiit cure ot Nervous I'ehility, loss ot itality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles.

Also, formally other Complete resto ration to health, vigor and manhood guar anteed. No risk is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet, with full inforniatiou.tertus.etc, mailed free by addressing oltaic Pelt Marshall. Mich The country seat that always rents Tbe barbed wire fence. Tae Kxriirmeal Nat Over.

The rush nt store, No. A Fast Market street, st ill continues on account of persons atiliutetl ith Cough, Cold Asthma, consumption, to procuiea hoirleof Kemp's Palsam for the Throat and Lungs, which is soldaon a guai ii ii tee and is gi in entire salislac ion It is a -ti i ('mi' niit'ij. ic-Ml ct ntsan $1. 7'riul tize free. My son, if auybody smokes the filthy don't che v.

Ir tH.tIEH'R ROOT HITTER Frazier's K(Mt Bitters act strongly upon the Liver and Kidney's keep the Powels open and regular, make the weak stiong, heal the Iiinirs build uu Ilie nerves, and cleanse the blood ami system of every im purity, hold iiv Druggists, t'nee Ul UU Dale A. Hart. York, Pa. The tooth of time Oue extracted on credit. The laiprndtag Danger.

The recent statistics of the numheroi deaths show that a large majority die ith Consunipti n. This disease may commence with an apparently harmless cough which can be instauty by Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, which is guaranteed to cure and relieve all cases. Price 60 cents and tl. Trial site frr. For sale Wm.

Smith A druggists. No. 3 East Market street. Established on a sound basis A brass band. What Is aiarrbf A lothsome disease of the muscles niem-iraines, principally of the nose, hich iu-tues dyspepsia, biliousuess, throat trouble lid a Vuriel of ttt her disease W.i nut cure fhemwlrt.

Keller's Catanah heuiedy is the only known preparation that absolutely cures this i fieiisive disease nil thoroughly purines the blood. Ihe ledicine is no nostrum, but an artielf real merit and has a large sale ow ing to its irtue? curing tatanh aud all blood lsorders. Do not neglect a chrouic cold, 4 cured betore it takes firm bold on the vstem. Price $1.00 a bottle mx liotile forJoOO. On receipt of $5 00 by Sam'l F.

h.eiier Lo liarrisuiirg, six bottlos ill be sent, express paid. i or sale by Dale Halt, York, Pa. The food for prize-fighters Bound steak. Hunt's Eemedy cures Brieht's Diseases of the kidneys, nervous diseases, female wellnesses. II ant's Remedy cares headache, costive-nes, dyspepsia, diseases of the liver and kiduevs.

The best doctors nse Hunt's Kidney Remedy among their most valued prescriptions. Passing fair The street car passenaer. Ilesloai's Acid fbanphale. Daak wilh SadaWilrr. is delicious.

All druggist have it. It is refreshing and cooling. Try it often! A coat of paint has no buttons on it. Trrv Karraw scope. "Yes, I had a very narrow escape," said a prominent citizen a friend.

"I as confined to my bed for a jear and my friends gave me up for a cousuptive's grave, I began using Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, and here I am, sound and hearty." You will rind it for sale by Wm. Smith Druggist, No 3 East Market St Price 50c aud $1. Charles Fraucis Adams, is about to give a town park of eighty- one acres.! A Slim rum fnr ItKil.T ltluaHmr. Tfliln aud Ulcerated Piles bas been discovered bv II- UT.ll! ur.

iinaitis, tan inaian Remedy), called Dr. Williams' Indian Pita I A single box has cured the worse cronio cases oi or mi years standing. No one need sniier live minutes after applying this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions and instruments do uiore harm than good. Williams' Indian pile Oiniimit absorbs the tumors, altays the intense itching, (particularly at nighmfter getttuu warm in bed,) acts as a poultice, gives instant relief, and IS prepared only tor 0 pri Tate parts, and for wothine WILLIAMS Prop's, I Sold at Dale Uart'a Drng Store.York.Pa 41-inch all-wool Satin Berber, 3H-inch all wool Satin Berlter, 3l-ini f-wool Sat'ti Berber 24-inch f-wiMil Satin Berber 50 pieces 2i-incb Cashinews, all colors, 20 pieces 29-inch 15 pieces 20 piecea 38-inch 10 pieces 44-iuch le 'Alma Cloth 10 pieces Prunelle Cloth, 54-iucheg wide, 10 pieces All-wool Cloth, 52 inches wide, 10 All-wool Cloth, 54 inches wide, 10 Coral Cioth Cords, 54 inches wide, 50 different styles of Dress Goods whioh better than any House.

44-iuch newest style Beaucleaux Cloth, -52 inch Homo dpun at 62j; a great bargain. 54-jncb All-wool Home Spun; a great bargain; 75 cetil-g. Street, York Pa. Room with the largest, best trimmed and Newmarkets and Miss isses and Children's (XI, $1.10 and $1.25, Goods, worth $1.26. ouly 1.00; worth 1.40.

worth worth worth worth worth 15. 1.25. 90c. 60o. 30e.

tloc.j 43.j 20o.l 10 cent. 12, cents. .20 centa. 25 cents. worth 65c.

75 worth 90o. 59c; worth 7So. 68c; worth 90o. 90c; worth $1 5. we cannot weutiou, and cheaper aud 90c; worth $1.25., auuu worth $5.00. worth $6.50. worth 00. worth $3 00. worth $6.00.

worth $7.00. tn 00. wm i YOUTH'S WEAR IS Special Private Sale for 10 Days cf Works of Art. a great many ladies object to buying goods at auc-tiou, the entire stock of stone mantel vases, hall vases and mantel ornaments will be sold at private sale at P. Alt-land's auction room.

All goods marked at lowest price 4-2185-1 THE OKIOINAL OYSTER DEPOTS? No. 131 S. Queen York.Psu Families. Partita sod Bupperi supplied with the beat Salt Watrr Oviters. Cherrystone, York Rivr, Saddle Rock and Norfolk Oysters, Bj ihe Quart, as, 33 aaa 4 rem (a.

FRIMD OYSTEIISs I 2 Ovttcrain a box 3t il on a dih, delivered for" fl-Ow SALOONPIUOESi 10 Fried actJ Stew 1 Raw Ovatenon lh half shell, per do-. Patted "Uyatera for frying, pe' doz P. Oystera delivered free lo all parts of the citv. Call' aad ee ane. Orders by poatal card promptly attandad to.

ep-iVT. sT AyProp.r, 1 a Ml BID ov pair ueiuiau oianama. at, 25 pair All-wool Red Blankets, 25 pair All-wool Ked Blankets, 25 pair All-wool Red BlaukeU, 50 pair 1 White Blanket at 50 pair All-wool Paragon At 25 pair All-wool Btill'alo it 10 pair Lalilornia iilatikets, 25 styles of Bed Comforts and Quilt, Corsota, Chenille Fringe, Feather Trim-mi ug, Laces, Gloves, Stockings, Yarns, Table Cloths. Napkius, Sheeting, Tickings, Bed Fcatheis, and everything kept in a first-class store. N.

B. Flannels aud Cotton Flanoeis, Muslins and Calicoes, Very cheap. FOB ME.TS BOY'S FULTON SF ANGLER. FOR READY MADE -A-HiSO Gen Hats, Cap all new Stock, and at the lowest possible prices for cash. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere.

Prices correct. No. 3 South George York, Pa cordially reromaMi vour as the Wt wtne tf known touBKiOonuirhcBe, 4Uid Oleet, hive toM considen and in every case i hsUkjivn ftatlaJaWUCO. AlroU A LUk. HodscM.

Sod by LXijic't. School Supplies mr alv kids. J. C. ROItfEY, No.

228 W. Market St, 9 la taw a "Liberty Ealiabteaitaa the Wtrii" Tbe Committee In ebargd of the coEstrncMMi of the base and pedestiii tb a -eai work, ia arder raise faasa far I la cnauplrliaa, have pinpared a nuoiuture -titt hi tie ir nA in KeyjIU, the Siauie oroused ei'ies-Mi, Wtotel-eliverd, which they a'e no dellverinir unhacrlli Ts-hrooghoutthe United jtvaat Oar ilolr Rart. This at -raeuvo eunvnnlr and Mantel or Desk ornaineit Is a ptrftt oe-simite nt the modal nrntsbnd hy tne artist. The uett lu same metal, Krtltt. ticM at fir Dallara Kaeh, The d.lgnsI Hiame aud Pedas'al are rrn-feted by 0.

8. Patent, and the models can 'i furnished by (At OvmmUl. Address, wit It remtit sto. HIC11ARI BCTIER, Mecratarr, jnanoM iuouitt of tlin statu of l.tiir,y, a-tU SI Hrmr CitrwM. rtw Tarh.

TO 4 D4VS.J r- fQavmatma not At aauaa S.heur. I 1 HMnaVbrttia llriu Chialctl Ct. CtnolnnaU.aTB i.

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