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Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Public Ledgeri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4 A A a. i BOARDING. riiWOor three Yonnx Men oaa mmiti a'ala'Ad .1 witbbOAKD'at 13 TOM HARP Bt. oil fit TJeTTR A 6LK BA Rftl NO. lih Iht wmfo l.

of Lf a binne, for A Gentleman end 0M.1 gAkr md Ninth, oolt tfiat alQARlTlScyThree 'r fril Jona bvm i J1L aooom roods led win. pieeeent rooms Bad qOAllIbypplyint at RACE St. twit 44 tOARDlNQ With euperlor aooommodationa. rear JJ be fad oa reasonable tana, at 1S1 Boat TH IRO Btreet, below tUttibard. OBll eVyt Tl WOtRjPVOl'Ne MKN a be aa ameM Iwji i BOARD, to rivalipaiuilv, Apply V1NK Street, below Tenth oolt flt ftpARpiNO InajrivBteforBiiy with a lri oe, ound etory Fruoi Room, fur two persoaa.

at 144 (PINK Hi. KM. OOls 3t'654 TlOAR tUNO Plea sonni U.n oeii tt'Mt anfumiahed aeond etor ROOM, with or wltboat Board, In a fart at the city. AddioMO.B., Blood' Dm lory front osntral piton TW 9KNTLKMAN tu aoojmmsted wKk Mist ora Teeom mended. rwlt nWII LAPIKSudi fuar iM.Mwnoubn 43BOBGB rk, between fooiid and Thitd.oll 84184 WltiTfOAiD A etor froiil 1 R0OMsmlableU Mao and Wile, BmnUern Titwp oaa twaooomrMiqaiaq.Bi rsraroi so a lady and 0KNTtKMAN.dri;ifii A Brnt'timnem bat BOAEDlNtt by appl lug dUB4lMABffKTtt.

anll it'W BOARD, 8lxoriilil Btudintiau tteaoooBiimwA with vardat the (JommooweaHh Hotel, aor, BKVKNTHardCALLOWHlLLBU. Poll 1WO YOlINB steady rulnta, oan been nmrnndated with BOARD, at I peTWeeB, af Ledire oan be 1 RIDGE MA AiWt 10WI eoonmoaawi4 Mil lt rpWO OR THRKB rsaawUM Mm i. J. oronunodAttdvlth uxlln(iliiA fmllf, Vkrt thur r. bo Iwldria.

Call at 14 NORTH Ht.i bctn Marktt And A roll And Fiftk tnS 8mk roe tag rtfartno roanired iraroriwr. no H'T POARDINU. A hAndaiHrwl; furnlalied Parlor aad a two rroBi V'naninraliin rriva' udia. lor A i two Front ChaRibra.rith rl v'a lh! fnllr, or two 0iitlmo, Btot rafarMO roumrod. pmviB rum.

Oll't tt'JS pltf 1A7ANTKD FURNI8HKD A iRTMKIMVrt at Lamo fnr a Uanllrmui and aia Wifa. with. cut Ahudreo. Addrou Charlaa, Blood' DatHtod. llafOTBoraiohrd.

ParmaiiMit if oomfurUlilo. PRIVATE BOARDINQ. Two or tkraa sioala GenlUnian nil baoommodd with HoArdint. CaII At ARCH Btrtot, balow 1'ABth. Rafaronoat xotiAniao', oo.t irata RDINO Havaral fautlannanon olitainplaAaant Laria aaonnd atori (ruot room! lailablo for jrntla nmn And wifr.

uuMt aii board at us BAnmin Aiao BOARDINO. Twuliandaoimlr furnlthud Ro ds nilablA fur Omtloman and Wifa, or for Hioil CrMtlemon, ia rlal fcroilj, For im jnrr nmoa. oo.a lt vis OA DIN 8 For two Men, at 8 SJ er wak Aaoh Alao, ItoLAdiaaoi tl par weak aaoh. will oomfotiaNaroiKm, at tha? K. aoraar 8KOOND aal LOMBARDHU oolt It pOAROINO AiaBtleoiAA and hi a lad or on or Xf two aiDfla iMiirainani ran ba atoomnodalod with Jkard, br aMljuj At No.

TO B. THIRD AUoaDo. Ait pock. ooH lftA flOARDlNO tVvaral Oant'amai oao ba AO on rail mralaud ordarli faaillf.blAMlrlK At 1A1 N. rwf.i.r in oolt tt'u awe A FEW Ynuai GanilAman eai ha aoomm vlttod Wlta BOAklllNO.

At No. 10 North 0IXTH El real, aornar el 84. Jabm aUaat, 1141 And onld at ha. oH tft A wk.NTL.MIAN ai Wif, aiaIi fw roam man. cOBOb'aia HOARD, with HmuiiI noma.

An. Plr N. W. aornar BKVKNTd and OaLU)vV. fwoovaia nuAHii, wim ifOAAJit no una: IML.l.rn.

onia WAMKD lwo uiluinnbrd RUUMb, with HOA HI). In a r. fur a. ilantlaman andWilr, Tla loo Uion mutt bat wren Cal'owliill odOnatra. and lialawara 1'hird tot Martiiall ata.

Aadrraa M. ldar Offioa. oolt lflnj BOAHD1N0. A eantlamAB. hi Wifa and a frw XJ nulla 6ntlaniaa.

oan aomminndatad: with OAI rornar MARMH ALLaotl OAU OWHILL tMa i rararaBoaa axahaiiiad. oolt tfat A PRIVATE FAMILY, hTini oa or two Iati flawaat ronma on tba aaonnd ximnonoapiM. wiahaiantlenjinaod wifa to lua'd. Th loo ion and ruomaaranaurabla. Aptlr at iM PINK balow filhth.

Taoaa that with to ba aa.nuuiant ara fariad. oolt tt TllRFrTllNdL (iBNTCEMF.iroM liaooV anodadatrd wlih rJOAKD, la a srivata (anily, whata thai oan and tha aoniforta of aom. (icntlamn attrni'iii tht HnniHMthin I ollria, would (nd tint A drairatila aitna inn. It balm in Uia wioinitr of TWKt.F TB Aid A l( OH Hu. RaOrxno rwiulrad.

Addreaa VVAHHI1VUTO.N. Lrd.r Oftot.oo'l A OH A NOR TO MARK MONKY. WAN TRD, AfKRBONwIaarathaArtnf IHf lurTaotrriai. Will iratrasttd aad it tad aatwithan Aaavalua mlata for eaah. Aaplr BEMNKT'rt, ARRET Klavanth.

ooH lt'iM AMU8EMENT8. HKSMRT ST. WHEATRK. Dri a. Clraia ami aruitat.fcio; tt And Ad Tiara.

Uo. Douranam at iu. ona.niai.oa At 1, Uat Niilit of Mra. MO WAT f. nin HVbniniw, wanaw piy, entitled KM AND.

Blanuha. Aha Mowatti Armand. Tr. Tai liirilxaaii 1 til, Mr. Ward Duke da aUouelleu.

tar. mil: Duke D' Anna, Mr. Mtaon, Min WAldaiirAira and Monk. RvaiB, Tn oonoluda with the Comedietta entitled fAtNT HKAHT NKVER WON FAIR VtAl'NUT JT.JMKATKIi. Dteaaoirmaaod Doora open at i rVminncr an Mr.

OMH fid I'm JACK CAVE. TJ11B KVtNLNB. the Treatrt. of JACK (ADFl. Jtrk rda, Forraat I Fnv lAoy, Mr.

Rlehlnca CJilfo'd Mr, Maroliant Mmaauia. Mm WemTaa WArelaatia Palfodil. Mr, OhanriAA ACM HI'. THKATHK. Dreaa Fa aiiIt Otrola.

toot Hit, Uto Print ttiioe, 15 ota. fiMir qpaq ai SI, Onwiinnso II. I.aat Niint of Ir.J. fCO'lT. TiilH KVKNINH.wlUUpra aesUd tie bihlrintriiiii( Dime, entitled KIAIRICK.

Maorlo.thWondailMr. Mr. J. Sonet Jim, Mr. VV 07jona I Maria.

Mr. A. Parker IMNCINU Moni. Ilnuiati and Miaa J. Valine To conclude with the Romtnue Drain oalleU MIOHAKI, KRL.K.

MiehAel Krle.the Mni Iivrr, Mr. J.R.Boott MUPIOAL FUND HALIj MR. TURNKR, tha itmiritiin BnllaH ir, will have the honor ofintxarini IjefnreAPhilulap'jAAodiannennoemora, RVINU, Oot. mth. Hewill be eeoon Peniad on the Piano hp Dr.

Ounniurtna. The Philadeipnie Biaei Uaid, II Beok. Leader, lamiagad. and will perform aeveral of their hroiite eoee. MR Tl RNRN'Baeleotioii of Hoii will oompriM nr wliuh haa lever bnf ie off red to A PhiuvUI fhiaeBineno.

Amoci othere be will iini i Let lerp mi ail Bleep in the Lard of mj Hirth la tln Old Chair Bir Ftlher Plaribua 'HIM Uni lThe Harp that onoe ia Tata' Halle," Wowlic.f Green Ao. Carrie ofAilmneOB fo lied at the Ml' 10 tTOR Kit, and at the HAl.lj on the nifht of the Conoett Door epea at Conoart to ooniinense at oolt lflit MA OiIO HAU(; Tni Bf.OOMKRS ARfi HKRK LOOK ()UT, MRi. BUCKLKy rMpeotfulif emounore. that in oomplianoe with tha Iuntfrnuerequrrtaof her ehe will repeat tha 4oloi0Oi WOMAN'S NIUB IM, IONpAY.Oot.toth, (KM; in add 'lion tnwhioh Mia ANNA VlNCLAIR. Mr.

V. Blr IIOP. end Mr. Pl.liMFH.wifl appear in a GRAND BLOOM tR CONOi' RT. Cato of Admiaaina sente.

IX epea at ball paat T. Coiuunoe at I o'oloak. For eelioolare eee iiia.ll Mile ooll it'HI ArRIK AND, KADV, THI KVF.NIN8, at Rahwonb'a Bowl. No. Bfl CARTKR'S Chair taken at lo'olook, by B.

OWKN8. oell It'tn IRAK AND FAY, 1 here Wil A Free and. At JUHIX Dc. KN I nunimmiu IK vutpht Ewni auu miuin D(e. UOOB Muan will be la AtteidAnoa.

Coait takes at eiaht o'olnek. ooU lf MIRTH AND MIlHIO fKhtt AND haLaooeeaDAVI8K.HIFPMAN.irJUOp Btreat, below lainhAid, pa HATURDAY KVKN 1N0, It A inet. Man I attendano. BinaiDi aoguneno at I o'elnnk. 8.

WARRl.NOTON, Pr. h. WARRBN, Vie rree. ool7t't ftRICKF.T MATCH. Tha retra matnh betweea the Colamhia Club of (inrmantown, am tha WtahinttoB Olob of Philadelphia, will ba played oa WON DA the tmk on tue Wee'e a aide of Um Pohnylkill, between the Market St.

and Wire Bridire. The Club will meet 9 o'oloak, At Bridie Hotel, Maikat and Aalilua IMU, kept by oelt It ta ROBT. TICKNER. PKNNhYLVANlA lN8TUtI0TrF0rPrffll BLIND. Kibihition(Try WKDNKBDAY AF. lh InatituUon, front to io'alook. Admittance eente. Unode anad bj the Mpila, alwaya tot al At th Btore.No. 1B.W1XTH rftreei, oolt wlU'r nd CHKBNUT Btreat C. BPOONKR.

Pro. artetOLardManaier. D. P. BOWERS, Htue Mn la tha Laotare RoomTr: VER VEN I at 1 o'olnok.

and on Monday, Wedn day.Aad HatardAI Afteruon. Admiltaoo SA oenu. Clilldrrn under 10 lean of are hail pnoa, Parquet feAte.13, oentacxrr. Oa KRIDA ndBATUR IIaY Kreninn, Ootobrr 17ti and lath, will prerented. Mre'nn'e Cornie Drama, entitled ALL HAT sLI 1TKKH 18 N0 1 ttOIJ), Jaaper Pi am, Mr.

Thayer; P'ephen Plarn. Mr. D. P. Bowere! Martha tVibbe.Mre I).

P. Uowem Ltdy Lealhar bridie. Mre. Thaier. Grand Dirartiaeement, Tha whole to ooBoinda with the laai hAbia r'aaloauaia of TBK ITALIAN RRKJANI Oa Baj URDAY AFTr 1t, a er nLtine by UieDramitla Coinrany, And th Mrt.

Betti Family ool7 HARDBN UAULK, loi CHKHNUT BT. Voral and lnatrumntl ynKcriT i reel AttraotiiB every eveniui. on ttiM 'TtRND. A frand RHOOTINO will oma Oot lRfb. At th National lol.lfcdea,CALl.OWMIi.L BUct.ww Pair mot oelltt'SI MlrtlCAL FUND HaLU PHII PMearor ANIiFRSorT, the the North, beta meet reepeeija It to LADbl.PHIA lln.1 the North, Jwf a meat raepMiJa It to annoemna that ke oii rora iimitea pa rkid.

end will betb kobr of mnk bi hla tret a Maianeln PhiiaHelpb aon MONDa VKNINH. th tnth Oetnber AxleiatiBeraryeTenin ecraae1 lrawin roiini KBtertainmenra, et RiMrene Myetar vera, wkloh. fi the pe nine week, la New Yoik. have siet with inpiraileled aamwaa. Profeaanr br(a tolmpreeaeporj the inirdeof all, that lifnt atiiertinnient te at oorr.plete a refined, the lout natmM bwiujofthenviM mnKninenlrriy anetiy mnatei.ieito iateria txd Wirk rauiahip.

and the perfjnra'iae will oawatr BewaiU aat.aodiMfrlein Nalarai Macla.UaatnUT ofthetanaoi of witoh ewaft. onaitenttif the enencea of elnotnoitr. p. eamal ioa. meohaniara for par nalaraorwhiihaeebilie.

Ad'awtA, esaUl Ja DonKi T9 el Carriaeee BAy ha or TKikete Mr had a) lb priunpej hs 1 la order to on.winw. Aarapaatee reeMeat at a dieunne. and farm lie. Pro LTu. Krrtinroil every a ion a armr.

oolt THB Fl'NFRAL OF OALHOUN. Uat Wert of Ihi 1 1 rtat Meorauii wl Dioram. at FRANKLIN BALU la tMUriad Prooea Ke. to (ana iifw, II DOTiri ibeir limbe ia hefore the aadiea. AakibiliuB corrmrnott eaarter lot o'elonk, Adnua.

oa 'M Vat adrBiauoa. Aaraalter. bat the freee. oolt fT A CARD MHsTg RS KNIT th beet FRM ALR PHYSICIAN nf thprentday. Her OSae kt 4CHRIHiANKtrM, tiaidojr bilnwF.xtk.apper weof i he way.

Mre. O.alan reaornmea4 her re iRetaBMuif Pi11a.m pertca: atio oent rbra. ne't ifiwo KTO BALBAN OR MF.RCUY. DR.CULI.KN 11 rat liee ear eeerM direere. aor fiirar And eiaro.iB niaererx, aainker, okeaeer, air, and eity aider Stotlf it ef 11 teedra wwerj.

pr CaUin'r rerna leeerecefeir: they Beeer fi. (iftVje. ikweH nrterr4r)IXTHndCHFRRY Bte. A ri'ar'j A' ranked ad the. Doc or a re ta at'eedne The try will be retemtd ia any a ca te rot edecUduBrtAiuiAbieUma.

arMU'lrr WAWT BANK 81 lent. npiMiri. oolt ttIM WANTk.D MILLINKRBandAPPAK'eTI'lKII, At Nn SOU AUCM Biiyr 841 NnrlhHklUlMn bi mll ilrt TJ CHUB OH KHW ANTE 6, i fllfJAYTO A for aa expariea ad OntaaiM, who aaa kiea tha bel lereaoee. Addrwi Oran. loiter Odlee '9 "i'ner (or DUNt AM "8 pneallar BlXi8CiGAH.alilt Eithlh oe'l Ifl KHMAN Gira.

CuaoUee, Waitara, Porter. HaikeeMra la.dener. to be had at the Germaa Anenoy, UP ORKF.N Bt. oelt If GIRLS, Men and Boy eent tnall tart of the City and onutty. for Oenernl Work, from O'OONT NOR'Hrrnce, itAroa 'e, CIIEBNUT aboeetlh.

a PARTNER WANTkp buiineee ttal pal from one tn twn hundred par eeot, Addreei LAND, Blood'a DeapeUk. oolt It 'a WANTS A BITUATTOTTfor 0Br Homework t' can waih and Imn, Apply 8. E. eor ELV.VKNTH and CALLOWIIILL 8ta. yt AMERICAN WOMAN wirbea a 81 iX TIONuHouarkaaperdir a lenilemtB Refe renee iven.

Aply No. ito NF O.N 84. lfaw WANTED A Voant MANrfroirTthe. rrmntry, Applrfromi Btreet. bovNiBth.

00 1 lfSH TJtt A ft A dttUAflohl aa Clerk, Pjrler, Faokor, WatoliBHB.As,betroonuri9Br)ilinr jlYtn. AddreeeB. Blood'a Dtapa'rh, oHI lt74 fflANTbD fMMEplAtBLV jh LAfttft Rtl. Applr to P. MoADAM.

Bell Tavern, Weal Cheater Road. Welt jjiladrlpkiB. oolMt'tM WANTKD A GIRL, to dojrmerB knaeewor. Appli at No. 14 MARtfljT r1' WArl.

aol rtsu WANffcD (lna or teo reireolaUe filRLjJ. leera tha PrBe Mekin. None bat tnodeaaara need apply, at 437 8. BlXTB Street, oolt sH WJANTF abA Iffigt2 IIRKAD BAKINO, al 8T6 Booth FOURTH Btreat. oolt lt'gvi TJf7ANTED Fnr ood Btreet PAVKRfl, f.od wairea will be PM for iteadr, aober men.

In ealrenfflKO. F.BBA, Dlairletnf Pna. nlt ft3ii rtHJ TIN ND BhKKT IRON WORRKRS A 1 faodMaokaalaau todatwdyworkatTlSOUTH Btreet, IhePeper Wanliooee, 1 8TRAWBKRRY St. rtat WV TED A JoumrB CARPENTER, that Apply North THIRD Bt 1(6 North FOURTH ltl ANTtD A food hand to Wir Bird Cagea, Alao A Boy at Wire wnrkint. At the Central Wir Wo.

ke, Ml Soaih PI XTH 8 ll llt'tM WANTF.D TO RENT a larye VAULT eto rlnenf beer. Vnr eddreie iniiuiM mi ll.e T.a omo oolt It 'tit VTKn P.ybody know tU .31 Norlh MRCON Blre.t. la the ml In mat Imm limm Fixtuiee.andGMFIttintdon. ooltlttM ll7ANTM) A work, In FOURTH BUeel, below Federal, eaat tide IWMI bI'KI 17ANTED A SITUATION, by Tonng Woman goBth SECOND BtOood rafaranoa given, lfsat no vnru hod wore, AppiT at W. CUT I N.

THlV 8 on radee Tulf Honte. Apply at No, 141 RD ap Utiri. WANTBD tiW' whioh rood aeearitv UU1.UKH. for on Xr will be ivn. Pleaea ad 4rM O.

P. Ledier Orhsa. OOll li'ldl fXTANTEO Two younc LADIES 10 'earn the woo treiiof. appii at the srat anaoe from ue eurnar 01 mown in UAOAiXC Btreet, oolt lfluj WANThD A ooi COOK, who anderetanda Re faotori bineeei maet oome well renonirrended Cellar, IWO 8011th BKCONO Btreat, Btreat. aouveeoijin, lo oay.

OOIB II IO WANTED A SITUATION Chnmlwrmalt by a repotabl yonnt woman, a id waahtr and Ironeri the kret of reterenoet iiveu. I'leue oall at No (Aftnulh IGHTI1 Ut.N.W.aniarofEIUHTII And OKORG Pl'ta. It'Ml WANTKD A PARTNER, illent or aotive. with fpm tsoHitotennntoiBveei in a refolar mana hotaiir 1 buijreea. yie din a tplandid Interaet Ad wi lieapatoh.

0011 I ft II WANTED A STORE or 19 year or are, with food reonrrrrt'oat'one. Apply at BkOAD acdBARKLKY Btrati. NOLI). oolt lfW tPANTKD A by a oan, Man. fn ln tlia boat Baa.

BlrvaofEoohjeot. Any ptrann wiihjnf hi rvloee will pleaae eddreaa a not toC. 0., Bl.Sid'i orit it'ii ARtPPECTABLK WOMAN wiahea to eel a BITl I A JrjON IB a mtll Tf.mlw' "doenrl Hnnaework. fleaee Apply At No. JHOBoath blXTH 00 a it ns U7ANTFD TO V.

Bin. 1 1 food FURNITURE, for three roome Noohil Tn J11 reee a. hu Hkod'a I'eapatoh. oolfl lt'MR AN TtD Near the oily, a eauerl Al aV, to take i of Co" fr month, P.u.....wmx iu ihi ma, wiii ik uvea ior niairon Jk w. I ter Olho.

iivmi addrae. wlln Mftl Atl lent ai aavi 1 1 a. i.a aiieniUM a. WANTF.D A BLACKSMITH, ona that 1 ao auamted with oomrrnm emiBtry work, uih aa hoi ahoeiof wtfon and fli.u.h work and oarriAteei Mood wni knian ana a aober man ean have ateady Mbeenber, VPtruZ104 on' Nw JwMy. wiLLiAM CKAIOHN.

oo 7t OACHMAN 6k GARDENER? A Bit IIA JION wanted, by an KwliVhnSn. with or with 01 kla wife, who le an eipenenoed Onok Brai oite refenmo. Apply Iftl Bonih SKVKNTH Rt itsm onmniemled for aobriety and hoaeaty. oolt Ifl AmerloAn Woman, a SITUATION ea Child Nurie, or to take hArtof an InfAnt, Inulia at No. CONCORD Btreet.

lAauihwark. OOIH 31MH9 OQlt lf I nIAN lo it ake meoll eeelni ehnat Win and L'tnor hlora. One from the einntrp preferred I K2 one thAt I roeualMrd with Urooer an Ve! briBf annet ou.lom. Addreei Mn ORFOOR, Ledfer Oltoe. Heferenoea revulred.aMt 11I7A TED A HOY to learn the Honee Carpenter tride; one tint baa woiked at the trade era t'irf' PARRIttH Bobll Etfhth.

oalt ifgw WANTeD A JOURNEYMAN TIN PL ATE Arid BHKET IRON AvoRKtR.thr. Thelow Darbi Hnad lb Eaat (id of MARKET Btreet, VNeai Philadelphia. oolt IfSTI A llMZ? Voant Woman wiabw aSI 1 TUA TIONtA General Hnuaeeork and Oook. No. I FISHER'S COURT, Latrel rtrert.

oolt lt9M AN TED APPRENTICES lo tba Millinery and lrra nakinf, laialra At Nn, 4T PINK Btrret, three or above Bsaond. N. II Dreaaea. r.lnmki and Maatillaa out or mala, at rednned prxea On Uid a larie aaeortrent of Dreii Capi and Head llrruee Pleaae five aaa oall ooit lf ITANTFn" elnerlv Amtfinu a llll AM .1.1. 1 71 I biwik i eniioreei.

Toon who mays oaf able, ahe will obtain aeaaay borne. Alao. a Woman amiable to let oharfeof lh kitehrndeeartmeni CaLLOVVHILL and MARSHALL on'lt jiepiy uie in. onr. WANTED ByAYoanf Girl, a SITUATION A HeaniBtreH.

nr tn aa.l .1 im thm mm nblM. If food Ilreie Mker. out and St ohi drea'i olothe. Apply 80 North THIRTEENTH. It IfSIt A nter aa annutemeBt irnvnrnii uie jontnr aepanmeni, ana will he willing In re nerve her board Aid Inetraotioa ia tha Blehev naliah

I.n.l miner r.niliin oranonel, rreach muaio, re mnnaraiiii for any time arrard apoa, Addreaa H. I.e!rer nW eH Ihi week. WaNIIS A Mf(AYtoN, by Wnwiaa. aa Child arae.

nr in aa Amerinan aaaiet In th orat.m ly. Apply ia JAY aod door ahiva A lace. iwuw iiinin. oolt It TM n'ANTFD A BITliATION. h.

YouniMiD.whoba a Ihnrmifh knowleluof oar of hree, and all kindiofeattl. Wonld I Weat or Boat Beat refereno. Addr "New inieiiutenoeume" IT Norths XIH St. lfaa vire WHALING 8F.S trnvit'edT Apply perennally te the on'ly raapooBibla WALNUT near lha Delaware. oolt tf ty Vlt ANTVTV In, mmtmn nrvrun tew euTernaer ny aiiareeaiDf a 0'e, With real tarn, to B.

tiuoBf Blood'i Deipatoh. for two oait ifaia) q'BR MEN thatww in Lewii itreat on Toaiday 1 Main fni iaj ui joi'iaiise Brv rwsnviea ideaii aa Uy may har, Bt wiahna to tlTAN TE 1 00 Aienta to (JaNVaisS for ae Popolar work, to whoei tl a moat I herali union wnl ba paid axeeneneedAeenta win hm flDinR llai new and oom a lilieral eaJary, A lot of eoarto Bib re for eele oh ae. w. BR AD LEV, 4t) North FOURTH aenond atory. till 1oiha pud Ni a fi B.

ls aaO ecU em ill ai In aytt etreet yeeter bemaaard of einoe. He wore a blank elntk dreaa enat, and blank eloth pant i tall and lender hni I. Any InlurnnUoa oLoanuni kira woaid be IhankluJIr rene md, by II. ROSEN BAI'M, A "fBBArtU "ANTED. A Udy.tnyeere old.

....1. min reipemea, and or Pjreeabl d.ipotiti.m. wantathnme. Adore M. A.

VV Blood' Deepetoh! for an interview, ooU ifW X1EAT GIRLS FOR FaMIUKh h.i. i' Conr.try. Cnoka, Chamoermaida, oriee. ll m.e Girli.all nation. at BUR TON'S, THIBDand SPRUCE BtTlMf mr mwmjmm m.

a WD ATAasa 4 Young man, f. a PrniriBioB store; alao a Coaokmaa. Bttnaewn lor Bank Runner, eje. i iwre, TTamneera, bl AGENCY OFFiJB. LIBRARY Bt.

Aa aotiva vownf MAN eaaabtaiaaaitaatiaa ia Grreery and Cr.mmnaina Hoaea, nwwi ana amiliea qpytiant o'l nn lee tf) rXWf) WANTKD Aa mtererieini MAN. ti.iirVT eiolaaiTe Mannba wuhltrked, and with lh above IIMMtviJ Irwm ati tp eil thnataed Per 'JXt wiittulr', Pevnanantinveat JT. ror a Tavern, witkeiA to aia nam. Addreea W. Ld(ay niKTEIL.1 I I mr WANTED To fVHOHAWH Ml kEVT trrM Dweliini HOUSE, betweea SivJr.U andtli rnaenre, and betweea Vie.

(treeta. A Bote.tivm partioalanif loxtioa.aiieof lot. of Hoa. pnoeof rent. tildree rd to s.

J.Vt Ldr OILca, will raoeive proaipi at oolef WANTED Twoor three ewiI HOUBKB.fw I allien nah and her pmaerty will be fivea. up. fty at 1T MARKET between aad 11 el. fell If a QWANTF.D Oaa twe ROOM t. by a aikia.tie,fa a raepeetaMe Amieaa fimilr.

betweea Raea and Loen ardend Fr Jat and Buta etrreie. Rest But ton seed pi Baron kUlerewx eionanyed. Add eaaA Puet otae, poet paid 'IM WANTED TO BUY OR RRNfAHii7SB for ehnat for waiokaaahwdl ha eandoele mediate aoeeeeeioa. Aedrae Baiaehtrt. BIi'b lie.

patoh.wnh exam Ineatina. oelt If 21 LOTS, ia evfe paynjiert fm adrairaMe Vmwmi nt atl a eueejaat fcv 1 1 a m. rS.rJ!"!',' Ne trmaey ie I. on the anew ftli.SK KoadaLd BPRXNU GARDEN St. Olt Ift Vmtm'Z urAJ! Colored oh'lJf a hnrt nniloArriaee, At fl South FRONT Nona need aaoTr aiaeei auE mm i 71' A A a CliAmliermAid.

la a private familr. ta a food waaher and iroaeri eleo. a aood plain eewer. Onod re ferenoei lvea. Pleaae oair el No.

1 HHI.MER Lonibrdtaiid Bobuilkill Suth eif Devenin eireer. a WA NTED TO FrT IN PKNNYUe VANIA A email OUBR, win few air. Und.frinilj ta milM front Addreee W. B. AH ARCB St.

1 11 J. 1 in ii j. rj a 1, WANTS. I7ANTKD An Intelliymt HOY. to llv.r Maxt alua, lo day.

ApplyatNo 4 THlail) Pt eet nell If Kit WAMED A GlRLboi bal wee 12 and 4 eara of Biet wiiare ikM. k.t I. r.M.I. k( SI MARSHAI.I, Street. oilt lfWI WANT' A LAD in A Wleikea a Hoaae.

Ad drrBtPHli.08,BlxdlDeepawli,ialBtafead refrreneee. oa I It lei WANTKD A LAD who kaa eome knoe.lieof the Cotsk TruuBiaf Baa neea. Apply at hi DOCK Si. oil! Irani ABALFSWOM AN ANTED, to liu: in A te'lDrr Goodi Store Apply at No 13 SECOND Street, arova Market' not Ifl Ra Nonk 1H9 A ITlVK Youm MEN tor oiee, Bi.te'i, Waliera, Fermera, TON'S. THIRD and SPRUCE Ste.

ooit ItMy WAVrtD PLACES, f. two lupariorCOOKS'l ontforaBntel, thenther prireUfimily. ra I'lDM. i neunu i HaM kil A kCil mi for a TcrBnj Wardroba. It will ao: For addreaa.

apply at the Learer Offioe. ojII if lit heautifel Ma. a bA'faia. A RPSPKOTABLR OIRl. wute Ml lira.

A TloN to do fenwral Homework a food Wukar aid Imaer. Apply at th aoraar of FIFTH and LOMBARPStB.rViSn,lk. neit 't iM eljht BUlee ftom ht City. Apply tn A.P. FORER.TempleofFanar.

oelow tUth A. taepaatable middle 'ai MaVa B1TUATION la anme kind of bueinaa where be oan be of eervice to ki errplnyar. He i eapaWa nf tikiM ehart of a aalof BoDka. Addrea Bloor 'r llerpVoh. oelt ltl8t AAkr trTABLF, roleeiant GIRL ia deaimua of a Situation a Cook nr peneral Honeewnrk.

ia a .4 to MARL weat nf Sohay Eifhth. No. HI. oolt lf 191 PARTNkR WANED With la a Peient A will pay kindaomely, Th VI I I. n.

hi, ear, 410 MARKET Btreet, Call ftom to 10 o'olnok. at oelt. if 1ST trXitdH CRiVB ABittktioM Wanted By a ProfaUnt Yoani Man, with ined refe nb'uinf Amerlovi Friend Of nee.rrsuuKaiiii watp.r Bta. oelt 11151 WANTED. A reepentehie Widow Lady ao Iamlly.wiilHlSi rUATl(iN a Hoaekeeae OTFanutreia, in rivinrpuhlio f.e mer rrtrrd.

A Bot theoaih Blood' Deapa'nh to MRS, DFAL, will BMet with aUantion, and foud reepnab referenoe Iven. oel Jf its GARDENER. A yonjif Man who hai bad year axperiere In lh buaiaea. and ia oaaabie of tak Iri oare ol a 0 rem Hnaae, wuhee a 8 1 TU A Tl umu vj BuureaaiDfl nn.IL, w. o.

ERIE St, abor Tenth, and Mow Bhinpea ID. The A river. eTA tiaer avonn Man. WANTS A PARTNER, a mmm he meda eee Amw Tha to travel Soatb. it to 10 oaa be mad per day bniineea la of th huheet reepaoUbilily.

Capita of required. Refereno fives and retired. Ad drrjaa B. Blood' Deepaieh. oolt If let WANTED CAN ASSER8 for BYRNE'S Prao Meobaaie Maohtniat, MAnafantBreT of Knlin work, NavaI Ajrohiteot.

Miner and Millwrujhli By Oliver Byrne, Editor of the DiottoaAry of Maoliinee and Me ohanio. To ba pnbllahed In Parte, oent aaoh. Aleo.rranyaeeer for other Meohanioal Work.ti Whom liberal term will ba offered. Aealt tn HENRY 0. BAIRT).

Feb' laker. oolt MI B. E. oonier Fifth end Market (treat. EDUCATION.

GERMAN LK8SON8 BY LhRMONT. Profeeeor N' ARCH Btj below Ferenth, Ternia Jt) Leaeona ia Clueaa. ft; Privata, (I0 Sohool and Famiiir hr th auarter. Reler no. Dr, Bari Paator of th Klret German Reformed (.

heron. Call for a oard. on8 tf rt rOR LAblEk FULBORN will form two German Cleaeaa, for Ladie withmf not only toaoqniiaa thorouih know ltdie i'f ihi larnuafs, but alao to apeak It fluently ia aeborttim. Faob elaaa will be oompoead ol but IViar tupil. Frth eartionjar may obtained At hi rceidenoe, LOCUST above Elf nth.

oelt lf UROFFSSOR EINDELL'8 Batarday Afternoon, A FINGIMi CLASS, for Miasea and tit ew me'ouKin nnii.oiininweei onrnr win In and rmnu wahueiv ireia, bid fair to very iriITiteBded. At Hie nreent anlleilellnn who oinnot attend aa, Evnnni am, he will eleo admit yonnfjadieato hiiafternoon olaae. oolt If Til C1NG1NS CLASSES FOR' BEGINNERS. AT INSTITUTE, Soathwaatoir. TENTH and FJLBERT 8t.

For Secular Msaio OteratloG eei.Ac Wednerdae74, P. Church Muaio, Chnini Friday 7, Jl Olaaae fjr Miaaea, nun cAti. JI.P. AUtnadvaaoa. Lad.i and Gen tirmen, now' lh um.

aom and tea for your lv. 0lt f96 CRITTENDEN fc BROTHER, at their COM MHtOIAL IN81 ITUTS. 140 CHK8NUT Ste, baltw Fifth. ieoh BOOK KEEPING, WRITING, ard COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, Plea oall and a Ciroular.for pe.rtloolAra.ol8 Kit I 1ST nt LFTTERf REMAINING 1 BLOOD'S PICK. DO SIXTH DESPATCH Ol FC THE WEEK 1 1ST.

I'IMHU UVI, AnrieMluME Aihburner Mn LI enmiimri RtilrudCord'al Halated Mra llatr Mr KeaibMiraB Kaee Miaa IP Hitey minni a Rooh Bridiat RueMiiaS iximeiater nn Brooke Mra BumeMrijl Buiby Ana a Cola Mira I.G Coofaa Hr drat I'aviee MiaaL perry Mre Dui.ton MrM tvanaMreA farree tea af, HiekVlealC FcrreatMu A iSnephardMitiR ilAurenne Miaa Biineon Mary mm.reauv ier. mmi mre McKlroyMiaeM i Taylor Mary A MoCarthyMra iTbom Mit aB oMsatera MrtCI bompen Ana rnoninn Miaa lorminhlia rm.ri nn urtkMr WellaoeMiee I'OornianMlMV Watum Ann U'uoruianl Oawald WillkMnM PitoinMrt Wood! Mr ABO ri kahili GENTi.EMKN'8 iv.iun r.fiiM iin Ami I Jonnana II s.ihv wni AppKChkiltt BoyieM Brown Jam Brown 8 A IJnhnet' Wm Hal ten KlTu Sewell Re Jaa jonee vnj Miller Mr (Smith Afnrrie BpeilerDr WH 1114 on AB tewirt Kont 1 aiiwiA Wm la ephfna tfrn Btevenioa A BliokmankCo SukerLD Tritdman Mr Turner aie Kir hard MoAlpin Alex DatiAoh naoh Dr Dkwn Ci wm MoCanalacd Jdo piokwn ColWm McCiintook imwerv Huhbi nniemur dilv Mol auibllnj VoNiell M'tinylyTho MlBBlRiee IlMia Kitoli it Erjaid unatnn IlriuhirtDO Wadiworth Rev lir Gaaie Orr Joha Pinker too PreitWm PaintarThoi keep A Relir Sarnl tVailao 8 Walah Kev Warder Joha Weaver fainl jeiietiMr Glazier A name in i. Hailaulot Paml Wnirt JL iWileon Robert neroiooae ItmDhill RC Kenonf Jnehn HolliBfiworthMi'MiohaidaG wroaner. tnoB Vtant8C rwin 'Ihna iRi'tenhntieeH UNPAID LiBT, iHollohinTbo one re OallleWT aokeoc Albert umonll ltl GetlerSG tiieenDS uiaerL HBnley Jnhri Mott Murphy Jo Form Marklaml Moore Gallyher'Walter Mra A CARD. M.B.

8UOTT. Aalrolofer, never fail to fivati(hotion on all aliaita or Life, Love, Lew, Siokneee, Travellinf, A. LadieoSS; Geiitl. nwu mv neuviuee wruien, my, irueeiion an werd by fitter, 1, No SO DUKE between wreeaann nohie aid New Market and Front. lfn MBKOUGHTON and MADAME CRAVEN, Editor of the Monthly Horooope, hr neat aneeea.

Thoeewh have not had aatiafaotioa wim othere, wonld do well to give tleym a trial. Nattvitle jru rn eja i uuiiee zo ere nentiemen 6" ei. PALM Street below Brnwn, between Ninth and Ti enui. dAUtlOi IN 1 A ttill LOAV kiuit trial AfeTROLOoYI MKlJ if URN 1 beet. She anmei.

k. .11 othere FAIL. It is thii faot that indaoe illiterate auooe. pitender to try to Ireltat her. It la bat riiht to me puoiie wj evoia an mnee wnoee iganraooa cf lh tree erinntBlee nf the BAienne hrlnn it rrpnt.

Mr. Vanhora (bnw th likeneaa ol a futar eiuiiejDu, eoeeni iriena. ii i well known to the purni Mliiie that Mr. Vanhora wu th firat, and ia the on, peraoa in hi roan try, that ota ar.ow be proven by thow aar.da, both, mamed and ami. Triiae LaJiee oeaUGenilanani.

No. GEORGE aeoad mivmt mvuww gym Plata. OO 1 1 1 4 U'RB WARRANTED IN ONE AND A HALF DAVSI DR. A. BUSCH, la' Ntvrand Armv Sorjnn Inlorm thMe wboaaaffisted of all kinda of cw i wi, ewer uianeee, inai re oon tiauwjth irrActioe 6f ourinf any of th elxrv dienr dera.

Dr. B. sure etrioturee of lh krethra, without inetrarnrai. In oaeee of lf ahuee ha never baa jw in wn, inra perieoi neaitn. li IB ol 0 ia at 1 UN ION teinw Seonnd.

011 If cyi Ot SI Hi TV; i)R, Dfc LA VI iZ. ATI 1 ATR UM KN T3, the'Sinly 'InfAIIIWe oare for aeroiialweakr eee, InrW iairiary rniaeione and onaormulant onmelainta. mar he eent to any part of the linma. trr addreeeini tha LISPENARD York; pure lo. Partlonlan nvan frat.e.

nr ie paid applioaiMin. oelt aoda'r DR. LANGOLF, well known fir many mra inthla atv.BA 74 SPRUCE Street, helnw Vkird. onV alt with hi patient ia Prwnoh, German and Erut lieh, and ooniinae hi inarant to eure ll drevJfitl oaaea, aaoh a tetter, ileet, ae daetiautire habita, etrioturee, rhenmatiara, oaiioer. aloera, end all deli, oatediaeeaee.wtth hia new and lcfaUlN Herb preparation, imported fruen Frano.

whiok perf.inn a ra.ll. eaJ eure in koure. Or. p.oonre proo by eer suoeraaDd eloeri, in their suet oletinata forma, wklok he hae oared perfeetly. oelt It let A CARD TO LADIEI4.

AD. PR I.APVK'B um etill ireater repwelioa daily, booauee they here bee letd by tlH.of tV end tehetha only infaJlible remedy ke Female Irreeulentieeor their omiieeiienoe. Tbeir prortieer remnv every InierreptioofM to lUoriinal atet. Thee are auld, enle, and alwaye eertaia. It require but thieenr four d.ea tnoonvinoe any eaee.

Pkyei iAne them in their praotieo. end know then to be InveliialWe. Married ledie ahntild eell pereonallr.or aeed their erne by letter Ina Female Phyeioun, wknia Tbereaa be Bent any dieiuee reewred, wiLk full aadaoaA. aennai laawaeaoa. Friee eee eiaale brnx, 91.

AlloTdera, eoat paid, witl NirenarvedatN. NINTI krl done ahnvw Arefc. Ke auto, eell If TyyClOR YtJURSF.Lr Pnvetaly.for ete wrjof thePlCKKT fe7 err On Hi On Phveiejea. WiUiOB handred wiravinfa, beinc of the kiilieet lmpnrtene to married people, or thnee nntempUtTne fVffii. w'LLiAm0UNG.

M. Sr? dueu Uie CniverauTof Pena'a. The varireMloriaa of reOTet Di feofitary habit of yoaU, are 1 wiimi, wi reel pee II ruua lanf eate. The er oa aelf abaaa I and fte tl, Meo. wk BBieei eMaevw ia wennr ParliMUkr and ebon be read by evrry ana.

Yoarar aav beea rmportaiaUe In anratraotire dieaaai La eleAiBB lunHlMi bmIm iAa 1 tat a aopy af thie truly Bjeelal wort, ftrruurenvwan Ife eitr.eotfti aw ariyura aoateenptatuif thtak of ratwaiPt aoene withoal aoopy af the Poo et AeaaL. pi aiaa Dr. 1 ranf 'a Trea'eMoa ywrf Owe Phreineja. fSmfK' 0H NVrf Street, aad will fmfm nwi and or kia owe, ao metier ho kont aundlne Either i mrtted to hi PnelS leUwraftioa byoher auwuta. HLmZTSzTJl Iff tBBi" the MMmeJ Phra jntj mwted U.

Taewh kev. la, areVfcW aalvew ky aoulary viae ere aieo irmeed. wotrld do weJl a rerany oaeee Ihew livecia the Mode of ibiib KewT AnTee dil th mi It, tani rileiwitar HJITTT thaa hie brother proYeeeiirrJad totAw LZTZZ af kia baae aad rady7 eijorBoiaa aDet tetk atwrtv aeOnalaeilel dieeeeee. partioekwly aleeee eeoe ai boor. 0nmt.

Brave, or leea. peine ta ifce heed nr knaeej, wenoenal rternMiar, emotaa, (ravel, lirtwilan tiea, dieeeeee aneinf frnee rot pi eioeew. wl erea tatwatitata he blew erf et, aaahiee tK tfcvarre rrv rrlt to all whe cay piae taeevjeetvee gar. eeAi ii'm ASSISTANT TEACH EHB1B Flnt "cotton, Firat Sohoo; Oiatnot, S'A'iSH PUBLIC B0HOOL HOUSE, oa SATURDAY, Nov. lit, a e'olook, A.M.

oolt BBwrtthkaAf KM I FOR BALK AND TO RKNT. COR SALL Tr SHuP at Unnfreu He'l. No kDBoithTHHID8 ell It aW QTO RENT A eed a'nry COAMS'R. e. ered en famthed, (or a 0ntieman'a ode ni, BUS.

ELEVENTH 04 Ml POR SALE Th STOCK nd FlTTITRPHnf th Trimm.a Store), at tha aoraar if TENTH aad Street. oell lt'TH DroR BA L.K A food DRINKING HOUSS' d'ip. a eve 1 aeiB. Apply ai No. DKOA TUkl fctre tola or after te'elk '69 TO LEt A larta ROOaTTand I ia urrmn, a.

a.iuiita ahem n'anot. oelt If lifhlwork. Si tail N.WKft IInq.nealNo.4 Bow iia ciua 1 tl St 'eta, heinw UBranal. i If 7 mm. FOR SAXF A beaatiful OOT TAG le II Weat Walnt etreet.

fimrih imt Wret ot William. A I tpply 04 Boa tk FIFTH Bt, If TO LET A Bw foer elory Dwellina H0U8R, Apply BRJ.HU or Rent. V. oill tl'rt iu i laHoneriai I oewmq BixeK.Bitfjve ai TO RENT Two ROOMS. Daw eent IJKllehea.

I DA ureal le vilr. aonvt rroec. 'lie aware. III tf 4 ChEA A latioa, oa SI ()T i lh Franklia JT Lead Aeeoeuuioa. fa BIXTl BALA, Si.

A.pT at tee Cijar Mora, GEA aAAntuvrn Road, aeeoad door oolt It'll anova si astir at. of a'l inouflBhraae, i trmfl tha Kktikni Pant Land Corn oriilnai prlne. Apr rn SmU FRONT FRONT 8k oeu if QTo LEf the three eterr Brink DWELL I NO. with two etory BaokB.iildii.ita, No. T1 South Bight etreet.

Gas, hath, and all moderi llWElX. vmm, laun, ang ati nvMiera naveniencee. Apply No eSSonth FOUR to THUS. 8. Ml TPHI.

I TH bel Cheenut. ll Sf iT ay FOR SALE IjABd FIXTI "rnoat profitable SALE AiaSaorifie. tka GOOD WILL kne a jevera man. a lD a bustreee, by a per eon wko is oo aelled Id Im. tha oltv.

ia a lewiaia Mldani nflertd, it liheld at only 81 oeah on. a 7 year' 8, Convayanoer, Icaee. CHAS. K. LAnit.ll ool 4T MArahall roper.

apWiRE KO 8A 1 Ttia GOOD STUiJA ana ia iuhbb oj ma ion. Herd ware Brand of Gen ft. ShuaaTi. deoeeeed. aad Core to let, lot ether with tha Dwellm.

If ceeirali'e. For teiwie, apply at Lha p.emiaw, 14 North tECOND Green, or to North Front P. B. ULLEB. 4 Buath Front atreet.

roll atfchf IM EiBoftw. QTO LET A HQUBR ia Amber urett, near Front and PI onix. East Kaneinftnn. Rent 4 X4 riiontli. Innuir at 16 N.

EIGHTH Street. ooltsfioy QTO RENT A aonvanient three atory briok DWELLING, with Ga. on Jumper itreet, fiiet above South) rent flio. Apply to A. CARVER fc W.

wrnr of NINTH and rjtreer. oeii tfBi DHt5u8Ena1uhY oentral ud deeirable ol larse end ktnletme th modem imemvementa. in a deeirable Iooatlon. and where lhara onlv two eersonaiB farnilv. For addreaa.

eaelv at IheLedterOrlioa. oo I tl'IU fee. CHEAP AND VALUaBLB FARM LAND F0R BAXErmaMduvteiy adjoininf the town of Marion, UM oounty.lownof Forest, which ha lately been mad a part cf JeBeraoa. Ttna th best nd moat deeirable part of th South wear am part of Pennaylvani. Tha land ia food, and lie county Im frovint 1 will ll a portion of my land ehrap to et ler.

in tract of or ion aorei. Call at my oSoa, No. 16 FARUUHAR BUILDINGS, oeeoilt tha cionanie. ooi iyr uillek, TO LET Tb WELLING PART "6 HliUBBNo.lO DOCK BtrMI, a few door below Seootd, weeteide. Room for Mood eitsd privaia family entrano front lha ator.

To be let toaiUirBpoteideprivuimily. I noire of E. oolt eodft'lW dlBoaih Fiftk abov Walnut. TO TAVERN KEEPERS. For aalcohtap.

I 1 the FIXTUR ES of a itnall HOTEL, aoneinihf 'A fei No, AS SOUTH oell lo7 bdabi. rt'n i luvr.oitri. bib FOR SALE Two briok HOUSES. In Parriah etreet, near Boh '11. Third, for 82VI eaoh oolt uoable the amount to build them.

Inquire At tha the am N.K. corner of Bireet, Spiili Gi ifl KLFTH and WASHlNUTOM aroen. JOHN P. B08KNBERGER. TO RENT TwoOFFICESon third Hor of baiidinits Boath Fourth at, App: MITCHKlLh No.

48 Sontk te THOS. ruuk lit oalt Sf 41 Street. QFOR SALE Th GOOD WILL, STOcTT, nd FIXTUhES of a Grocery and Proviaioa Stnra, lowdoinf a tond bnnoeei. Apply at tha Southweet oorner of MARLBOROUGH Street and FRANKLIN Avenue, Keciinfton, oolt It'll) FOR 8 ALE A double ttuea abiry BRICK nintn et aouve rrlin, 6M. Alao Houm, I room, for ttsn.

Alao, Buildinf by 70, for oaeh. Apply to JNO. CHRISTIAN 8t ab. raintliT IflT iua ew raiu. i au vim.

nejiia FOR BALE Th American BOWLING 8A 1 iAiun.iii(;nniif rt i Fourth, under in iwanei The Aliavaend TUr all iofoodorder. For inonnatli inquire ni the Saloon, or at the Wiahimton Hoiim, bANSOM. Street, aliova Sixth. oolt SfSTi FOR BALE A new three atory Hnok HOUSE, with double baok beildinsa. situated nn Fifth above Coatee 1 hee ell tlie mndeni imsmvementa.

and II boilt in th beat meaner. Lot 86 feet front, el feat deep i handaom ide iard. Ad. tKKM oaa ra niaui va wunfef uaeaireu. Aypirio JliSSK VVILLIAM8, oa1 8trH4 7 W.W.

corner Fifth andOtayi t. TO SOCIETIES, lAilKiKS, Ae Hiihlyde cprated and epaqioue furniehed MREt INO ler: in th s. mj i.r. i i IM ADEI.PHI Hllll.n liu, riri ti etreei, rjeiow Walnut. Applr to J.

Bouth" wmeior VALl5uT and FIFTH Streets. ooll lf 9 FIFTH Street, below Walnut, Qo8Mlj etlpertT, ia lb ISTOWN PROPERTY' CHANGE. A valuable Corner Pro perty, ia the centra of Nmrislnwnl Mtnrea mim i.weuuiisi win ov atnu narfain. nr exonaniea for Bpmi Girdra Property. Apply to J.

ROBERTS, MornttnWB, Pa. ool8 lf 70 KENT Oae or two three atory DWELL with donbla liaok hnildirute. rreleta with Mall mri mf deei. timemvemie.ite in mm. beater, lanie, hot and oold water.

br.Hi, aia. Aah land Place, Boa. Fifth between Bprnoe and Pin, oolt If 76 A. COCBRAN, 142 WeUutaL QTO LET PART OF A HOI' SB, to a ri aeorabla family, numbenm not more thin fha penoti. Th rent will vary low, if aatnuu tnry refeisooe oaa ba liven.

Inquire at the Drue Store, oorner of Hchaylkill EIGHTH nf RACg P'rt. ooltlfSti mmm 7, enu rjoni, Third strteta, four stories hifh, with le re Parlor in aeoona srory.u exoellent dry Base Dinin etmnvi eiw eilaini Ronm nil rraaemenl Hllonsa, nn rmi aa. r.lZmii modern improvemnni. Pnoe ekid. Three fiiorth.

unmrwh iMin nvBse, water I modern imDrnvenweie. fl to puiohBM rooner mvy remain rm the proaertv Bl. ALle, Vi iW LITERARY BlHJIKTIES, UrTP LETrA laria and oommodiou ROOM. eee.rrriuiiitiy lUhted and wall vrmulated; Mitahla v. ieRw.u,ii vio i.iierarv rnioietiei.

Kent low. Aeilv in R. MTIkrCI. bet. Market and Oherne.1 and 6th and 7ik.lMt'MT if AND DWELLINGTob wi rofin, wiwet, east or Tenrn, lrqaireat th Northeaet oorner of TENTH and BpslKin niBiivM sci.

iniui viori. OOIR 7 FOR A A Deeirable RESIDENCE tmJ JlvT. 5" tweiiir iwo leet wide) hM TTL rant, ke. Tha lot ia ft. by im feet.opeaiM baok.oa a ifertwule etreet, aaa ia laid out in a handsome tardea, eoritnia IH a number af freit trees, frapa vmei, Aa.

Tni QFOR SALE The GOODWILL, LR4SM a'd FIXTI RI.8 of the Hotel. aurnre7 ELB VENTHaiaCBERKY BtrMU, Appli th. Property. A firat rate A KM.ia New jersey, onntai ami ITAaoret' la a huh atate of oultivatioa, with ell the improve meat, Dwellint and Tenenta' Hoeses, Barn, PithiB mile of a railroad station, where onnveranna wvj.1 Mniinieiiw DBiiaiiuTBtoiie. i a ik "7 yrk od Pkilkdrlphia.

Will bedisaneedof tn awelaooOBV nxoAunf ternes. Inqeircof ROBERT MORRELL. noH lt'W Coiner Carpenter and Deokt ar Vu, A. 1 llOaorra.iB HaoksCJUnty, PruiylVBiCe BiiJm from Trenton, in a bun mtmiM nul bbIbb A Farm of eoiee. on Loaf Iiland, vlilnd aell at im per aera vary oheep.

Several Farm in New en ay, la (Aa vicinity of n.uwn tww iLmiumMt A three Btnr, Hnnk Hoaea. 9RA ttnerk lltllaM.k A four efnry Briok House, fire! baiaw Boh Seventh streel.loreals a bv tain. Tbre Gnxnd Rent, twoof awoeaoh OS! of IBS. Apply to A. B.

WINDER. sei KSiaie Kensre. (MlMt'IW 6 Pho nil Block. DAN EXCELLENT TRUCK FARM, Cere en tmty. N.

for aaJe oontaia tpt 47 aoree, with (nod buildmia. I rnlla dis IDGB or oi tniKUbr. ledelphia, ie PI 3d hnuss west ot or JACOB BAYl.RS.oc the premire, CHARLES LVNK.Phi Bokl. Bn'h: oelt ilt PUBLIC 8ALE Will M.ld at Patais I ISalei.oa Fifth Dev. the Od of Teath ru'k i tk Moath, irk.

P. oa the, "T' i.V'l'',, A M. CTU ninf 130 Aoree, lira ted ia Gwvneddlowienip, Motif oevery auaatr.ed imnlnt lh Villaieof Sprinthouae. 17 mile froea Philadelphia, frontiot oa the Sprintivruae and Bttaiahani Tsrnpile, aad oa lh Pimneytowa Tarneike. The Farm ia in aiuod ttof cu Uratioa, divided eeiue a laue pniwurini ej Meadow, and alMi, In tfl, iktroni.

toand fn Phitadelphia, and the Nome towa.uovteatowiaad nbiHla nal. Bow ia potreee wni, wkeuenpHHed, rase thveik Mid irn, dividinf it TitJaia dispauike, steel eaer. 'eje. py DANIKL FOULKR. CLEM EN ONES.

oelAemwfc'Ht, fee. kXECUTORB' SALE OF REAL Ea ees. MTATK. Will aold aubiie aa SCS vAJche Frerer', Hotel, ia ire yof Wilmu.e ea tpa.aa WFINFSL AVj th at Velee. rmlnwiBfJIEAL EHTAlivLaU the 71 orty at Jaawi Biiaeeoa.

dee. fin. 1 A vaiaaa Tractor LAna in aaid ally.Ma tslilm aoree, more or pee, with tha imareramea'i Ibero areeted, anneietiei of a two aory Brwk siea. antieieiie, e. a two elory Brwk ink a keaeeaeiH kilekM, tkrwa rooeae ea and fnar oa ia a ar Iwa eier sae, kt hevee, (rem ta a aad eta Ste.

wne ana Brat Moor, ai arnee aeBa, kt knee, Irem oa a aad eta Sic. There are oa the preeueee Mgher nf fail nd rea BMMal Ire a. trcee viaea. ki Iteedoei happens that re.ev.av wees in ISB.U mttmmrrm eaie wiuua tee erty BBBM ae a trmmAnf imm atmrA kmile, waieh wavteaet valaeeie for a Iva'e rtridteao. arfar a pereoa WeaWaf la tarry oa tea araakief ken, rNa.

A three elorv Bnet 'or ted Pwellref oaew, la a beMMneea pert nf Ine eete, a twe ator feme bWiMbm netfeeae panofthwlnt 9. Tkrse Hw Lets Terree ia per tent, at tne en, sand the reen wader ef awa half, oeor bernra lh day of Merck aeit, with Beci aad "jmKTm OC'JetlH LB. POfttKB. 4 w. PI'BUCSALB OF TWO VAI JFARMS Wili Mdat Publl beFTwrrM.ia THV 1AV, a I 'aTok.

two BI.ICSALB OF TWO VAI4JARLB aae ruue Baie, wt nov. erw.rkjain. as eaker III Acres iri Kereaee, kaewa aad aaleheaaed mra pwteeaeat AM ereO kaee aad aaleheaaed mra im estate or tee eeeevn eveennT. em. Ti siislnr mim'i ewe wile from im Btleem Tnipie, ev fce ie a ir ee eiNBretpniB.

md na Kk faTm a i. Brat mimvmlmA.J atacipediy rwlenf, tmi m.tmm Amt aniMAMel. II Bl Bnw Btktoe etsu. Weeuira'oei well wetered and dmaed Inln ov.v.ruect teMe. by Mteiteeued fesna all ia fnod reeejr.

Thee ae fera a lai Aana vmrm bi ars nrwee rew" wian rivilitva Ia 11 lil 1 Ctef tkieeeiree pmeerty. arel to vneeertjie tniac Ij a earvAesiM. Me de en by apelyifei aa IM an. eee, to Boy Of Ike MbeeHhere. WoreauioM yen ke.

a ai jva a tArtwt teeter. HAKlt BKUtCTA. TOUILniNO IXTB.a A aaay for iri wwnu in uuun ma aaek and. aro oonldbe ep Unproved as to piy a I art Internal on iiVi.t,I!'"' BEACH above Kenitntton. oclt lf4 a onmtoMahie two atory Stone DWELLING S.UJJ ad earl fVame; Hi at, aad other neeeeaary ooi heildiais P'" Hoae.

over Bannt of laatinf water, aa. ablic Mre ataa aeveraJ times a nm m.A pr vraeiatjara 7 VV vV vv OFFICIAL ItKT wiHTuI CAABiaaf aa. Goetrwee. Johnaton, Wlisf HiRlar, Ihrrnorral, Cleevor, Netive, CasieW PeevirtllMMMr. Suoiun, W.

Clove, D. Mclkmeld. N. CITI 4 co.TirT. sevd.

Helm, W.A N. Tlxiniiieuo. Andre N. FreMeoeMrf li. Flrtrlier.W.

A N. Vinyurd, i Comntf Cmmntiitrntfl. FaunrW.AN. lvr reeve, D. fun If Trretariv.

W. AN. Klitt, V. tVewar Avdtlee. Green, WAN.

Heiminc, D. Jooee, rrar. tVhoyler. V. N.

Gokleniilh, D. Hnrned, N. Clrr Oeerlrr Stilitui. Iiugbliri, D. Sliulti, N.

atari irmciAL Ttriii, fiwyrrwir Cearf. Coulter, Whig, Ciaiily, Cliaiiur, Meredith, Jeeiup, Dluck, Democrat, Campbell, Iwi, Gihon, Loivrie, IVDtCIAt, TICkCT. DtllrirlCrl. President Judge SliarlwiajtL Ataoriata Jnctgle Stroud, 1MJ Srryt eXr: di itt tK 41f5r7Hr7l317l ttfl NHrXBoHi WHlftW 311 4 MX lft Tie i SW7 4e4j r.v'inm'e 13fli)il513l JL1 mi oi i fii.W 'iai iinr. Oo43MI Findlcy, CorrnrtM Pleat Pretidcnt Judge Thompeou, w.

Jonee, D. Atiorint Judge Kelley, w. N'. 1 Allieos, Brndl'ord, D. Jnhnaon, D.

Tnnyer, W. coryiTT Ticiii. Struler. Jarkanq, P. Hnmilton, W.

Touchatori. Workingmen'i, AiiMiUy. Ginord.W.kN. Giriv, W. Brown, W.

Springer, Vf. It N. Alanleraon, W. Lloyd, i Mctlritl, Reel, W. AN.

Ripka, XV. Miller, XV. Demenra, Dem. McDnnough, Iech, Goodwin, Skinner, Rubicam, Snuder, Painter. Huplet, Hague, Scott, Chrietinn, Able, Willi, Fox, 5411 H771 biani 4 2731' J7W i77H 4741 nv TOK BALK AMD TO REITT.

OPART OF A HOUSK TO LET, to a imtll family No. 418 LOATJIS BUeel, aliova Tenth, UVI Hi oolt lt'ry QTO RENT Twotdioinini ROOM 8. Intuir in GRF.EN Btreat, aUIA Amu below Broad, ertru ah Biur a oolt am am.iMimil,llin,MiOCi seven roomi.9 per month. Apply eor.GIRARD Til Ikll Ulll ,11.1 lAvrnn and BKOADSt. oall Ittet 0 OFFICE ROOM TO LET On tha leoond Jnor.

at la N. oorner pf THIRD and CHE9 NUT Bta. WUI ba ranted low. oolt 1fl94 M. HOOD WILL lliin FIVTITRCH ITIID 1ALK AA No.

124, SOUTH Btreet, lielow rxK.uii. oell tt'lT TO 1 l.ET Two llPPk milium U. led. KVANa'PIra Proof Bafe Store. 61 South tBECOND 1 door helnw Ceasnut.

oel Ull QTO RENT A oonvenient three atory Brick HLU8K. No.n South Tenth heJowBhipMa. Bent Apply 321 WALNUT. olt lfsa a FOR BALE A three etory Briok HOI SB. nini 111 rooms.

Bubieot toiimall ground anev, No. 4 BEVENTH lv Nobl. If mm 01 nooiv H. lie mm. f.nwa vev.

BM8ohylklllEiihtk Sgtind Market sirred. Fixtum for ule. uood cienu lor a titand Hhnm MLnrm. For addreei, Inq litre h', i.wuies ivnioe. ooi it rommodioua three itory briok OUHK nn the nt "i.lreet.

thrne three dnnrs CahbiK I tl AO. O'N KILL. 141 WALNUT BLoaTO Ml It Bi vei iDwtLLia. eee. ach.

Beveoth and Ftloeit with rani, and hot eo vrninr In f.r.u A NQ.I0BOUTH PENN tXjUARE? ooll tt'r QrAu A nanaanrna PARLOR and CHAMBER, anfurniahed, in I pleasant part of A food woMioBjotafhTBiolAU, FnTtaddress. inquire at the Ledier OhW lfa; WLL and FIX rjTt'RES of the Barber Shop, oa Oallewhill at "on door below Marahall. the preeent occumdi liAboutleavinf tie our. Anexoellentopportunuy presenteil toany onedeiirooeof purohmnt it, 2f6o atft A ne, three iiory BRICK riDWELpNO with bvok building "enuth aide of Via between 8ohuyl. Sixth and Seventh.

Aielvtn M. D. L1VKSKTTKR. oc' IfISS 86 Arch It, bouib woe. Ab.

north, In betutiful iituAtlona. with lane lota of groand attaoled tn theai, ib WMtmimter, Wm Philadelphia, alsu, a larie number of BUILDINS LOTS, 2'i nlV? W'onajere. Apply to JOH.V LOAN, Lancaster Pit, Beer Cathedral Cem. ia, 1 oolttt154 Co'nw pro I PERTILB, aitua in tha Diitriatof Sprint ear "den, For JAb. 8.

PRIMR08R. 1 lt1gr ifk, N. Thirteenth itreet. OK BALK A thin tory brick HOUSE, utiu on Teach itreet, below Oirard avenue. Alse.

nee en tha lot, trontini on Alder' Will ueeoldlsieev la a Mn koaee nea 8ne to djoO; eome clear, other sunjeot II? "ff Apply to VV. ADAMS. oolt U'tlS Ottoi, 274 Beventh ab obi. Ain.BevM imAllar nTO RKNT A hudsnme D' Forks of RR At TtiWAr TOR Kff A IiiJmm nxBvi I run Port of fig AN TOW oada nd Si nolt lfiw WARNICK A LKIBRANPT. T0PHY'8IClANB.

OM0f the beel Il tht city. CaainnpiBtoafoodaraoti nKilarata. Tkii it aa oppnrtuiitv laid beet lout ion raotio. Rent witbr address T.W., Ledier Office oe 'l tl PKINTIN OFFICE FOR REN (Third "ory pver a Hi ok ilore one tf th beet ataadi for Job orTioei; Philadelphia, termienir. Id uireatl4j2JTHIRD8trMt.

com emAwS4 TO LET A Uueeatorr HolsE witA doubl hick luildior. Btorv baths, leria sardan larie M8fcVENTH N. nf popli E. Cnrner and rent in Bprint (ie dea St4. neaire Qa 1 5.kIirr are tory HOUK, with baok baildiaia, two etones kirk; bath, and food vara, oa vskall etreet, near Pop' lar alear of all mcamliranoa.

Pnoe, 4. Te ml tKVS'm. mmm TliN Ta and BPRINU oon st ais WANTED A PURCHASER for theintera' I retirlni partner ia an F.etailisliedMuaf tenne Bnemeee. tkst aeva tiai, ii i JU 631.1(1. Addrea at the 1 erirer rhne.

"OUiNrvllliNUK, net 1tiij iiRBALK llieeool) WILL and LEASE on ns the lrmt.niann P. mnA I 6sAHot HoutMia the euy, located ia tl every heart af the our, and in the beet baainema aert A nm WOOD Pie. rvas vv. aornar a Bcvii rH and OCA el llt OFOR BALE A 4 Brink pwtllini, aoahaia imiix rooms aulkitnaew baok, ea Wood street, Twe fik. aorU aide, for AM.

Apply te R. B. 8K VtN Til aad 8PR I S(J WAR lit. ft. oo I Atr75 QJO LfcT ROOMS, to a small fsmily.

wiihowehildrMiAlen aamAll Room, with eua a PWURTH 8j, one wr be low Franklin. ar FOR BALE OR HF. NT A lew, kandeotnt E. ia Teotk 1 imree etory oriel H0U8 oaildiBi. hatk hens.

rente, (as, ktatm a'l tnreuih. aompieie. Rent 8341 vsiw eiaae, uo Barunen. ii, WatOKUK rec a rr ortk drd etreet. r8Ai vai.uarlb Foiieinaw.

FOR SALB. WiU be eoM oa the f'emiwe. la the Jvilleee af Cartetautna, oa tb Pstiadeiphal and Oetaatha Railroad. ailee froea Phi lad paia, aad at fioss latoeeser. eo th.h of Ontoher.

all olork a lAeetxe IRON FOUIiDR Yand MACHINE SH3P. M'ity of Farteru and Pkaeka. kevie beeei rod water power. ud veral DweHietaer atieoM.rvthelan'e. t4m eaoh aehuecorTere Tt euin, lm, aotiai.) af bad heeiik.

It od3l? L. BOON. BHOK BTOPB eeUisf af tn iae bsetn. eon rioi i area ORE to lax. It.

K.enr Pi PJXTl'RKI. and PAINS aaa L4J lAwArt Bt, lee It itrj K. JAMAS. Oa PfTTT1 aaa. Tk, far linrHit raw CRUNCH, anew be reetej tor Mo wmi.rvm, ubc steiBjinaa aeitaree, oy aeel i na akejAMrrH W.

aor. af CALLO'V. HI 14. end flwiH Bte ill aJt'r i r. terMMersdasibl bank kaild.n...

wnA vceTe impraseaiseie. lals liue teee Futt Hea. fseesv aanraa aittnt Na Ar blaad sea Baa. FUtk Btreet. bet veea fpreasaad tmiiL PKKOKT or 1 1 tM North Tkirteeata etreet.

a FOR PAIJ4 A tues 8 TORE end twULC vilteeeof Peon Keaire. fe Nurraewwi ea ir miie twTrliCl I. eUeat 2M I eo.e e.ljB lAB. B. PKUIXOAfi.

i. rliiJUSr'J OD WILL and FIX TV ES of on of th bet tCeiinf aad Drinking e8JooB. 81 8. SECOND Bt basement of Na thlrV A lotion Store. nii.1t9wi H7S3747 Hjand 120 11s lVj) nn! FOR THE; CITY mi I.

I i I I I H) fin! Hi i 1 I II I i ijet i uiijantv ina 94i rJ iJiHffl) oof va im ai im i nt! im 411 9iH ii si am rm 74 3aislle.rt,l7l3l SaatWilKI luvi i U74 IM Uwti V7 il ni tmn ti it, i sw, iu ti a i i i i i i ill 41 i i i i i i 14 hj SnaN tXt tlfd 947 Mtrj tWl tmt 9ofll Iti7i IM WI HeA Ui (J AvJ 1TI nut in mr ji issw itnl ati 71 5M tnn i tl Mil tW jn 11 sa i divert jj 4 it a im I4. hi) dsJ tij taif i 71 iwra fi iH ri tK nm i'J Q7f 114, tin il rl m4 I 1 I 1 Yd win. ill ii tin. on, iu ami 4 1 4 tcM 1 th4 SCrt IrTJ B7I l.Ht Sift, mi ooii waiwiiiTii! cH tia 114 um Il I I 1 I S3 IN 1KFJ3271 SWt lrM 171 AJ Oiufiilti lirt OKI kVrilVll.l't'A JU SOli ItpA tr. 907) i ml fx t.

trr jiii. ir ai? im rwJ k1 mm rlrN4: VU 4r7T 6TO1 41k fit 44, JU WTi lOOj li! ihtI Mi'inM wo. axi mi itlrWMBl 1511 40 MoJ 1K7 Ir NairiOi SH iwl llefl 1011 17 lOj SIT I531I 14 lift 1 an im isa iii mi ti aart im IMl AMI. 0Ce lr ll I7IH, rW AV'k SJa lied i 6.1574. SIH "I Hii'jT a.iitri mil tti 1 I nrrt iw 211; oar iiii'jT a.iitri imii tut ina tUi; iK ej.

I Jl nw, life, tmi Km II1I1 in' XkV li iiK Mil. 41171 llrk llll I7I Se Dlee ttr. Alt, Hill t' SI7' aift Pis IITV J64, I.Wf.AkUt ItAir tioii HNI 14 isp tTM otft. iiejii.i74Hi st: mnii iw ii! Hni MJ Xi ItMTf flOSI Lit Ml iwl rMi 1471 1MI jtlully I72HI tfT 30OI 1K11 Mil il bi am 3i iioi.J Aitl Tl rJ wi I f7 Our 2i717d fed aS IM llri Oj 4t lIW7j i wi i onrJ nsii lonivn, ooti yi ja, ai 47i eonj viatm Hfi i vi iviwuk tmJ i.J niA, oil mi II 1 cm nr xt4 lt.f?7l tan I rut iil I7i I ore) i'a ni 3 lo. hh.

6e no 11 47 67R aillildtiliHWl, Ml W.f. I.Ve i.v.i, txNi ens MUhit, 174.1. st nt ivr. inti 'llt' IM, Olir K5.Hil7.5k HI Mi 11 1K1M1 .1 I5.k 4r 0U5 WVIrth lN I I 3PMliA TTIktaOOTl QSSi i 7(H I I sa 77 ton Tin M' IHI fkkt. rM Snii.l7 VA, Wf.

'MT lilt 317; IM Me. 371, Mi ins. 210; Sit I llr iVJln fel ens. tori 17: BfW. IM a 151 i 4 60'tj kMr17ritlj Stfj IN 10L, A 235 a 1I.1JIIKI filT) IW7 IW IN If' trKWIi 45 OVl Mil 015' KH r.Mnr.

irkk 1 I JIT' DttlHSfillTSlt I 4771 010 ffTrt 15 374I 4t 1 4 7 Ll1fe.Mt1 JW i A5AI ih 34 KlttlHSfillTSII S7l aw i2 lar rtfWI lltrrtltA VIS! 1:171 1W A 7 7 71 II 4l I i7nlJi4 a 1 131 14" 470 tlSltelSlB WW Oj 9ll7fBjl77 14H 4701 60 miKiailTSBI 3M II lllKIMU 14H 470. 65. fr. letlMITatl 3Sf, mi 101 1IWirSI4ll 14H 47rt 6X1! Klelae7 J9l HKll 161 Mr r.M4'.M HW 4701 6.571 3 1 17 JhV 47Sl 054 'J 'lrea 1731 473 6iVt! 474i 65rt; Iwl! 9 )R'IN7llt! I7 DIPT 14S iimm mm r7 3' a77H.H7tr 'V JJ 3H, ink ll imi 101 ClllfVWW, mil to no. 10L, I ioi! 05l I JI7M4I ITffi 657, 835 IW3.I7J3 3'i7 lr 31 i3Lsj jieji frJ 341, 118 4011 11M Vf.

Al UJ1 in 65' im.17ftlh!5l5l 231 as: 231 svyl 34; 4 an til' 3i 230 3 1 3 llrrl IW Hl4flUlM t581t 1M 4W HI 115 8l SI lid via 843 61 llll J441I 97W 1431 11H UKUl 84B) llll WW 8411 5, I7! 64 SOl l'JOj 3ii, lKl'h 3 Jtk Ind 6H llnrihl 'HH 63 JSHi 101 mrasrair KKk IK17) 344! till 61 llL449l 74 sat Ihi iw 34 113 4U 113 410, 61 ten Hint e. 1 win IIH JSII low vi vi 1 trri am 12T on li Oi; 123 IWI VZi mJ ck! It 133 7 7 7 7 7 FOR SALE AND TO RENT. a a e. cm. wvo, iwiuw IblvvaDia, wiu not oeta.

eaedtljai FixtU'M. Patent Rwt ud food Yrd. Aa lyatNn.rcOMMERCKBtreet. AAj 1 ESTATE. BTOCkS, Ao.

tiIOMA8 n. iv oALr, to oe eo a at roDiie baic, oa TUESDAY EVENNO.OotobJ ji, iwTal'Uti poeipnnen ent on aoonurit or weather. iDis, niuierioBa ana waiieoea. BuiidVi Lota, Wat Ally, Libertir. Dwellina.

Ill Pine at. u.moH mj, 1, v. iflBoQuiq oeounu at. Modern Dw ling, Boh'U Bixth atiMt, North of Cherry. TwoBiiildi'gLntaadjoinlnt, Ilwtllinie.

Westi Brosd, ValMlileTraot Woodland, Chesnut Hill, Valuable Traot Coal Land, Northumberfmt Co. Neat Residence. Walnut and Sen. Third sti. Two Brink Dwelliits, Oernantown Road.

Three Bi 10k we lingi, Bprnoe itreet, Last of Bah. Front. Two vaJneMe Bnildinr T.ot it VaioAble Farm, i miles In.m Wilmint ton, Del, (V Fall desoriptinns in cMalogue at tht auotljn tort. M. THOMAS A BOMB, Aiie're, Welnot etreet.

tw" P11M10 Bete every TncadAy. A Ure amount of Krai stale at private ralr. oolt ill 11..... u. A iu a FOR BALE Or Exoliame tor loud Citr Pro n.

3 yejuso.e cum Anitunisi erty, a vaJuab: BTFAM 8AW ANDtiRIST with ut ona aor of tn.ui attAohed.ii'iittedai Kaaton Point, nn mil from th town of Futon, Talbot county, Mnrylnod. Th Mine, boMcr. ahinery ko are all in comp ete TneMilla are ia eueeaeafoi eeeneatkevi, with a ron of envtnen mora 1 1. an Iter ean do amp initios t. The I amber easiness 1 i ihipbuildiof auiht ba ea ried oa to proht ill oon nrotion with tlie Mills.

Steamlina'a ply It and front Bal'. naire daily. Theilejve prnpirty il will worthv the attention of a praotiral mm A pelv to AH. K. PKIMRQiK, IBtN.

THIRTEENTH Bt. It AUCTION SALK8. tl, V. MAt KEY, Aaetlaneer, Ko, 806 MARKET above HIXTH. la roe bale of New ixd Beoord hard Book.

rained EiifrtTinvs. Music Intruroe. ta. A. THIS EVENING, ffVilffriP Tn.ya b.

Ai INSTRUMENTS. Alio, I Ml Denial kstiumnt. otlt ltl rAWNHROKER'S IAR8R BALE Of 801 TCHKrl.Jt iu tlMICAI.INH'rB UM EN I'd, Aa. ON MONDAY MORN I NO. Oot.

at luo'olook. at I he aBotion aur of C. O. Maokey.No 116 Market street, li Or Mud Bilvwr of Jewelrriar, PirX rJooIi! and a variety of miaoallanaou Artielei, of Gold heavy and do t.le bottom Leveret Sold Anohor LA'r and Lapine Waiohea; douVa botrora thfeer La vere; doable and a ula cue Silver Watcheet Bold l. 'H'1 Rlnfj Ppcctaeie BJMl Ate I IM' BAkaifml kl U.

rctaelM Pistole; ra sod UN indTraBBoooi Clookai say I sex Porke; Ma iner a Compaee; Lookiu iuimi riotura rrarnra; Chei men. Also, Book: A "57 'b elBTatflAtf Ol 14VaI inrkATta art mimm 71 1 "I wee B.wiwwfiiui anauuua oolt tt'lM vv oorner Third and OaakiU ste. PYTD ais Dan. MEN'? ArTD BKA KA'WN asljs Anil ASHfONBLB CLOTB1NS. fiLUU NO, A.

T'NBITIlkkU fn b7Lrct.d Sit'mJ SaU If order er Yam Loan, Bnktr. ON IA mhtFi Chariaa'o ifaaker'a m. No. 806 Market itrMt. Bv, andUlhlnhriSko'vl, rdHi veered' cith, ttJlJPttiiie and other Monkey BJpl iCaaimerePMte; Blaok Hello, L'aehmere.

Plaid and Fuev Veeti; ikarJ an aaeortiuiu ot Joy Clothiaa, aaiavbAto lAa aekBia Valval ri'i'if 1 Fro Merino, Buwy ilTSi Ua iMABtilbw am VmieA: ffhrWkMSWJ Vi. rJi "iieoue, eioo nop Bilk Vaiet. Caehmere, and a ha, eome i aia, mi i pen, eua Plain Bar Btat Lent Shvwle Plaid, Frrnok And Lcilisb Merino. D. 1 im.

iK? mere, Cbu.ti, andwAJie preeaeei akirie. and Ik, usual asortm.nt of Un.esUiHe? m. uBiior Boie. uoentarpaoM Blexkete, tlheeta. Bereadi.

Had nw i tame, I illow And Boister Caa. Linen, h. asaimeie, a. other Table Covers, and other art lawuiratri, BBiea, I ne WBOia la Bui NOTICE Thebriher rmmmmmrmTw attention of eitr aid onaelry Cftthln dealer! la tk tL'KV1 will i I riraiiiM IB in MS Ulnth the ail HV. BBB Ol III pen awaluy.

Paraoaa tor aa. mar'iTaaV. 2. vU'eT orinaityataialAuiaeaenn. MvBeaaep wo vriaa to ispply tnemeelee, wita CwthiM.

lleeT I i( DAVID VAN LOAN. Broker. W. AriltH, Aictisiar," Oerner of SOUTH aot BARRON Baa. FAWNBROKER'B EXTEN8IVR nit nv 1000 LOTOf BRS rCPtntN'A 8AAONABLB CO 1 I n'eic, al rh i sue.

ma atora. MHAMKN'S CLOTH INie. via. 8Hdtd bm up eaok. erese and frock eaua.

aaeet of wkTell arenade ia the aroat lasejoMbnTelrlaVola asolk. ailk real: eeolh. oasHssera en BBlnnett pea'aknua aid BUTaaTheo2 hiii? ahirta. seers. Ao rwavna; aia, euoea.

eLlL; "vn4id' rdlk, call a. ease mere, a'paena. aia aad ether dnasVi i terkerl kvoc Tits et aa bou. kd a vanati ataaAeT urt SA WBtoABAlAA, 1r 1eyeeinM led Jvv detCovwlea, 1 V'JWW' lb rps nal aueauon of ti publl win neoeea mr exara nttea tSlsdie7 tl'JCk ir' at II e'esrek I be Kea awbtr imaedi.teir afie Pti I Pfp Pt'eet ae vw rVveeia. I J.

WOLBKRT tk A aene Been. pk to tweea Tlurt aad FoertA. CABirvFTFtliVl Tt't ON Tnaanav iiiiivisuKrir Tf tl Bt Irs inv al 10 aeirk. el ha. 404 aad 468 611 tS 1507, 134 lilt Sol Si st i I5U 134 ixi Hi 6 4.) 15(15.

134 WCli 6i 1 17 131 133; ti a a an ivrji 1:0 I avrwt. rMMr iw vv earaietvc. lart BUck of Reesaenod. WsJailt and Mak gany Oaraeei Frrniter. eil eeMena'are ia theTa'eet fy'e iara.y frlheaeoerwlnt privet Bala Mar MexA Auaed Ail pa Meoiiej.

teell Aa AND COUNTY. turn' t47TA XM trfOte 1 mi, Mi im a 111 i.tu! tst liJ .1 i ea ifii, I.e. rrs a'J iati ai ti i il iJ' tail 911 llu. 1a1M 1.14 I tAla li aBdA et Mi tlVM 81716 37U WI76 turn J. 4' 44 7i! lien wr ufi in "'i tpc i BfU tvi irio.

a 1H 1 I tlMkj 701 1 JUl 111. P3 tia 212: et irj iaj nJ vi 4u mr. ia ui "111. KM ON 151 41 '1 tin. 9fti 147 an 958 50 I 8757t 8527I tIU l.

re I Sl Ji 67 tl sink hp mm "1 iir 71 itt rwi 5711 Ifr'l Ik IJllj 1.14 stmi li 67 1 anif ei sH 25eM tbnt viiit ias ia i Xt i lilt 11(1 4tv 1:11 111 fkil Sfr." B7' aVr' iJ 17HM ft I7 84: 81156 2ll.r sioot Itnj 2.511 sni 3U ia tin 3u. SIO! 85(1 Ke S79 rw rtt 5ioi mi, ni 9 47405 iTti 97iJ 1 91 air 7 MP rrl 761 47177 i.ii I 31V 3(b an 20' 117 iA 405 2J1, 11H 39.1 5711 15051 m. eae; 1M I'll ii vtri ml anv art, 301I loir 3tw! 711 54 1534 lJt 87011 t320t 82176 0. 8751 tJtr Wf IIM tt iur 400. Mi 13 Ht 8t 6 li I 'l 64 SO jit 304 70 ISA ui If, 113 TJ, 13S 313.

3311 68 10157 sr 5 5 2M 89 lOol JW 3DI ii! 131, 39(1 ti 14 LH71 I'M rn, rn' iism! 8511 so I 1 16k J6 WO 14 1' 16528 41 826 907 235 135' 1W 80S, 890, 10O 364 2U2. am 100 80S. 800! 1(10 3tU 84, 80 100, 3tXI 8M. Sikh 100; 305 ss ts i 67 aMtl 60 1630 nor, 1 soH au 135, 138 sirr 131 i 16258 16364 iwry IKMl 2lH 67 ttef Sti7 nil tm KIT, 23; 13H 89 300i lOOi 3il) 2i; iox aoii 10361 sor tty 1st 13S 63 851 16.108 8)17 X15, 134i Xie iuu gnu 68 2501 102let 16308 SOT, 235j 133j sot 13 137 8M1 8H 100, 3Unl 64 li 13M 2M1 Wrt; 100 63 831 1173 16flf 16566 1404.1 1395 16.K 14065 131108 1328 16371 1.1018 16531 il v.n". l.fti 134 804' 3w8 807 08, wl 88 841 I 131 8201 13, 391 li 833j 130, 373 76 66 II 61 121 IM ISM 3 76 S43l 61 124 tSS 144 200 143 SbH 142 3901 77 14: 6.V 1'Jfll 130j 3H7 1301 423 I d.fl 132.

39C 13 373j 135 17:1 T6 6711 124 78 613 76 6451 111 142j 133j 391 12 M2i 1301 13oi 13k 3M TS 64 126 1431 130i 76 67(1 AS' 1241 141 133 412) 1351 30(11 67 641 75 674 6.T l'Wl 142 1301 3Hnl 3t 5l 1311 301 40. 144 131 8(1 80 80 to to 8(1 76 ri 1658 21 34 1. I tm AUCTIOIT BALES. STEPHEN B. POULTBHER, Aaetlea 8PRIN8 OARUEN AUCTION BTORr! Not.

103 Ad 104 BAhDEW SuTiv. NEW AND Pgg.g'HOUBEHOLD THIS MORNIN9, Bni, aaotloaSt rra, will le Mid. a larje and general va.ietyof Fumiiere. eompnanf Bofu Sofa Bedsteil Warobat fa.f Mfri toSh5 able, Cane cent Chaira. WrrtiaocW Feather rdt.

Looking fxieee, Oaret? BIukIV. cttire! euiiridi. Wtih atuMle, CJttTbUvChjnarBii mar, Kitoken Ao. 8TOYE8 Oooktri jwnvei. Aa.

BI PERIOR NKW FURNITURE. jn. iupior mede Manntui Bureau. 1 Walnut TbWm.1 Sola iBb'e, B4 teada, Ao. A gen U) between Delaware Sixth and "event! atieeta, and Ch letiuaod CalhariM etree's MoyaeMaaintVai I o'clock, will be cold the entire Fmarea, still of larie Boa Pao.

IlKilera, Tuiii. e. KtTi" R0 Kraine. iTi? a Premie, with certain lHlonvr Pirturee. to rent.

App ipstioaind eiAminatioo to mala only in till day of raie. ooia ISAAC NATHAltiA. No. 18 Notth TBI RD Street, hve coon anoia Aroh BA1.P.I1F Hiilteplliii FL'KNiilIRR nrrn Bb PUlNU, COOKInVbTOVESS. i WUINCE B.reet, (iluiaT.0.!,0 Uanat, ud betw en Eleventh and a fih ala 1 treeeea; Mahogany Burewui; Can' al Chaira; Ten Hr ni T.l.iu.

sa ii 'h (Mill; BMi and B.dt Fm.0Jtf":r' blaeia; Wiu Ulaaied; ButUee; Coal Gmte, Ao Beer 8AM I AL FIALD, Abc'p, No. 445 MARKET Htreet. above Trwnjrtk LI III III9 Rio'olnck. Blove Flhowa. ocU ll IM in.

FRA tK, Aaclleaser, Oornar of SECOND and TAMAN Stfeeta. POSITIVE SnSlfLnSHlYlTO(ai AND tlPf At II 'clock, at No, 083 Frukford koad. irvrra oka itreet. ib 86 eht Ureenl hEX Wins. Wh7.key OilTvimT arT tea And Spicy fSaddtfa, c'ttm and 1 fclaSTk May be examined av i on the nMmSLTS ST.

M08K8 Kitmaa. Ma. 84 Boat SECOND HtreM.arxve. ina i BtaBdi.r eif.T:rr TUtSBAY M08N1 T3 BeTf, 'loi, at th MerahaaU Codna. Hona Abo, ia Store, 04 a.

Seeosd rt eelATnel a. Kirasiw CV.f ithip aad Browa Btnf, il.fyCep and Cora Meal. 8. D. AO.

PREN tEUFMIore. ftp, 402 AR KETStT eeaVlxi6 O1! VB.PEMETERY. CHOICB LOTS ta tha IioSARBV AreeU. Plulaoipga? mlnm P)R. A.

W. GRIFFITHS haa rerenved rrtaTm NEW halfha and fur ait miKA k'ejean I ur iwrt and eetera, wtsnle end BHinaiea. aim or ale eeiJ la TI Owaa Ban ami Crewa Hi i iiefa nOMFORT SHAVING trr pwroeie klHFISP KOWUTH BFIIRlRAlT lilua. PruoTil 1 a aaie et toa PaWhe rf, rru" MAA81 A TOI8CH. oaM 8wl tvo.

see n. in wni a oo. mj bhm at rwet. "Jli) fM. yo aanr.t trietT at Md MA RKBTBAA.

alI lnsU aaChBM. aire: Bey re, Caeaael. aad Bread ea4 rprwoe, jVIADICAL ee'e ma pllirillk All amai ra aad Bailor, eaoawiiaiieka umm MreenovadM2eRACB Strwet, three deore Aieeva iNiihth, where thev wij he eared ef ail fcraaof "aeT tata DiaeaMB, laaas e7 tM.skiB, aad all eina ra veiuraj frea BaHMry Vioe. la Pali rer Bartanv af wiaj iua looetin. trr.

aad not OoaesN Dr, a wiU ha da DiaaasM Ceaes. Let are ALl rUAt ism Ceaes. Let are ant paid and Meat elan till SiTLiy al; la the eheneet, eaAea) llTi SHia.MrBaHi "Ma eeBeiawa? deenthraat M.a. iannaaj. nr eenaa et ABeeV N.

vv. corner 1 1(1 II iinhim Bu. HV 7 M' Md 4eetrTMvaa l. let hwlrlw prtnnml kU aZ MSll lllll andaeVB ma ue mrmm.f TTm Awful cnaaeeueuoee of terri be aaladr. ImrmmMmt JteeeHd.

a ,111111 FeeAvMM, hM reei.ed errena IA and viae la aaM ef im ana de.iiraiaawvveBalarare wa a aal aewee. ese MM BbeaiiteBad kdie. BeeM ete taiVwesaa ef AW aealtiM tewaaa raasrwi Be kWaTnZLTiL? i a nn iim Mr K.S Book oa th lirimui mo( law aa viesoea belei ef rerATwiil La 'AM 1371 Utl rj Mi IM iJ 4l ul rTvi" IP 8T RXTEN3IVB ABSORTMB.tT af Warranted FeraMa 1 3 every daor.ptiiip (French Plate Mantel and Fiar inn. nil (lAB YO RBELF. No oaa aeed MtTer rArea a aelinataTeHMMS I.

'ill BeMM BVI ATS BBanekael. 'I LlU AalLUlI'ial aTAa tti al lav rv a aa emrai tBAtAiw v'V FOUND a rwrtaia rernedr. Fer a.e tfl Mar. ae Tan ta.i. rwfcil aad ta the) tsir, eoeitivwy ewree ad mil knlMl aSk rvSJept anavjrptKvs.Mly known ka Aim.

VM ITt kaettf eta, la a peat fam keuer. It lot.

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