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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 1

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


HALF HUUABK. MUirillM ar Was rm immnum, mmf, mm4 aad Hum t. saw Unas. exvats ul In) mu fog gnrery mmml la sKslAkit, DAILT OulU rtrstiaaeriiaa.73 seals; ikm4 aad Uinl tasenieeat. umiWUHIk(infll Hlawit

ADVKH rirfP.KETrn. anna whirk Ik aomW da Inr iM iua NOT MAKKKO, 1UM txuarved aad aetil ordered out. ADV Kn iHhMKN kept" th laaida aflkd HP" "vefl in 01,1 innn I nnc. EARLY AliVKBTlnKKrl. paper laclodd.

940 wltboat sa raiser, lif ituiiia; KK, towmi tor a Ua p. rwa ia e.x avails Tfcoj Frralnf fat far tha Craw try a A rot IHILUU FEB ANNUM. Mara. Tint a wilK. Tha nrTrk Wrfklr AT TWO DOLLAR PER A I'M.

frr All kind af Jab rrlallBtr exeeatesl Alth dnpairh, la Iba aeatral and aaanal sawaravaad style, aad rraiaaatlc term. 4 lVA( MnlcaKdTiKcu earhoid 4 av from tha euonarribers oa shtpmenu In in if frwsd Lnesdn. Havre, lUaiburg aed UumIUm. A ti, om Kiaeatna. J.

J4 AVM at CO, 34 aad 33 Wrath gam 4 olaaaa far KhIUIhi OF all lb TtHmi pallaM aa I mm ituD laches aa UMdMil of tha aai dan baad. Tha sab acrikan hav aausual faelllt aa for snpplylng rdre with eh tea delay truss moat immntr tab par ba whase. aa thy can ev.ry day. bar. a fare rare engaged la tha aaacrtatbta nf srnrk.

They aha mas fro Girder, bills, a ad cmssltly keepo bead a larg had MipMa MKiamiar Kail w.igSt.. All ibbvaia oerad at tha lowet ea.b eric. H. HUIU. A Ire Founders, At yg Kii treat.

IIHOUATIONN HHI WALIjI AM) Kii.liirtJuirafalad ftnat Paria and VI aaa rmrf rlrhaaa taail(il collacilaa mt aaiatad Fraacb aad otaar paprhaaaia it fonnlaf paaaala oa waila fcc Tha ithMrlbar nMixeUiilly hr la aaaonnca that rlllhrnr haarnanatly na hand a ary rich aaaort nil nfihaaa baaatifal daranHoaa. which na caa supply lastanily, aad alio that aa la pnind la aihlMt aanpla al nihr of lha axial asailf aad aufBiflccal characart uhlra hacaa proeiua foai aiiaai Parla of Vkaaaa a tha aanal aUca. taatfna ihowlnlhaenmpllrTiifmatol Ihaadaa aallKhaaaaU caa alarsya ba aa hyapnlviai In AEoKiiC ri.ATT. lRprnat. aacr CiMala.

Tiff F. rabacrlliata hara raraiaad by tb raeaal arrtvaU inxa Ktimfia a earn pi. la aaaorunaol at Paary to which tbry won id aall lb atteatloa uf Jobber aad Cnaatry knln Teeth, Mall, I 'oonb. aad Hair Hraah. la very variely "Ilk Pun, Hllk llraaalnf and Wa.hCoaib..

Mlmm. Parfnmary, Work Bote, rm It HAKlxiji dt HOI7.ARD.fW William at 'IIIM'K PHAUMACY, HMITH harlaf aared from lha lle Ire a larre pmportina of a moat import a i aneoiciaea, to raaam hi baaaaMM. a aboeo. PaaailyaadiHhetaaaaa, Arnica flowera. Arnica ptaa'er, Ac.

teti KI.FI HI.IC OF TF.XAN. fiaaaa.i. Ia Orrira. Ana na. Keb.

7lh. 1X45. ToConnty harravora and Ih owoer. of clarraya, who hare th Flid Notoaof tha earn la Ibeir pnaeewioa: ill l.ll r.uertfullTcallvoarattnUoa to tha pro M. vtatoa.

of a Jutai KoluUia aupflanaiaxy to a Joint HnaoiiiiuHi rantint further time rr lb. aayaBenioi bovara m.nt line, and tha ratara of Field Nolrato lhlearal Land OnVe, pawd lkrmlr lf7, I'M ahlch aulbortiea the wlth holdin Field Note. onUI tha 1.1 January, IM; aad I would alao arn.ilv anlreal your enanpliane with Ih pro ylwma of (h aatd law for, la conaeouenra nf the abeenc of Field Note, from thla orhee, Ih compilation of correct naape ha. hitherto been prevented, and thereby tha lwaU' anea of patent, ba. alaa Uea prevented to a areat extent The above law will ba fimad oa par No lawa of lb 7th Cnaifrraa, and th Joint Rewilatioa to whlrh ll la supplaHMouuy, wltl be found oa pat Na of Ih nth Cob nraae.

I would farther Inform yon, that a dlaretaral of the above law will have the effect of rendering th Field Note, ol anrvary. aall and void, aad reader ih laad suhjeel Ui relocaiuia by th provl.toaa of Aa Act to pmvid for Ih aalura of surws fiar Ih eollection of (overnment due. aa laada, aad lor other purpneea," approved Febrn ary Mb, IrMtl, which law will he found oa paf sol, la are al Ih ll Uonirea THOU. W. BARD, Coanmimlnner, Frnaa havlnf elalma lo laud la the Republic ol Texas, eaa have th UUes lo lb tuw nerfreUMt, and patented, bt appiyiaf to r.prr.

r. HAntir.u, Teiaa Aleut, 71 Cedar at NewYork. FII I'K lOl nilV. JOHN T. WHITE, lypa I and Hiereoiype FounnVr, No.

4 Gold street, second door Poaih of Fnlton.) New York, would call th attention rd Editor and Printers generally, lo his extensive and eooi ploi aaaort menl or TYPEH. FI.OWER". AND ORNAMENTS, aa caa ba found at any establishment In America, and tn which constant additions are beiag marl. Also, Presses, of the various kinds. Chases, Cases, Brass Riil.a, Compoalng Htirks, Ink, and every article required la a Printing ottiee, on as reasonable terms as at any other es labMahment.

ll.l TYPE take la exchange tor aew at Seen taper ponnd. The repntntlnn nf this Foundry Is believed to be fully ea tabliahad, having beea founded upward of thirty years. And reference Is confidently made to many oftheleading In tb United Hbts aad the Caaadaa, aa to Ih saury and durability nf th typ. A lartr variety of Ornaments, ealeulaled for Ih South American and Meilran markets, end ripaaish, French and Portniuea Acrenu, liirnlnhed to order. FliUMa or Printers wishing In establish a newspaper bonk or ob nrintlnf offir.

will be furnished with an est! mate le detail for the same, by stating the six ot the paper, or lha particular style and quantity of tbe work too exe cuted. s37 TIIF, A aljg. MK ILFU inPROVED. at l. Plisgnnsltl, NsKlO Ccarllaadl Ta a I ro! up stairs, haa mad great Improvement, wkivkia.iin.H a ios conipflteiil and experienced htdges, lo be far superior to any that have been 1 uaaa, aad aa for an aareaabla At of th leg to Ih body, and with a natural facility ot sHotlo.

uvrea be excelled. Together wltb thte, aad lha red Helton of prices. Is a groat tedneemenl to those In want of a leg to give It a trial, and )udg for themselves. And In caa a leg be mad and does aol glv enaral aausAoetina. ao pay will be required.

A. ll. t. feels fully eonfldenl thai be will be able to do mstle to thu thai are disposed lo give him a call, as he has spared ao pales or trouble for the last flv or all years lo mak a improve men I oa thla Invaluable limb, which he baa sow aceompllsbM. Pleau call and mad to walk.

A. 1. P. would alao tavti all ot thos who were so na fortnnst aa In loose limb, to call at bis offlc, to see a ear tifteate from Captain j. w.

wahatar.or Murium, pi. having had both legs ampotatad three laches and a half be low the aad sow walks wita tha moat perleel Imaalnabl. N. B. Crutche aad Splints of varlons descriptions for sale nd nana to order.

All communications for advice strictly attended lo, if post paid. Baualactory reference can bt glven.ll required A. D. TENNIMAN IA 10 Courtlaadl street, Ilroafcs Patent F.laatlc metallic Shank llaota and ajtoaseia. sg artlel superior to anything ever before manufbe Ta.

lured la this country, lor surblliry, beauty and utility, No. I3rl Fulton street. This unlqu aad aseful laventioa haa mat th anprobe tlo ofevnry gentlemaa of last who baa fairly Issued Its valu. andra rapidly coming Into ren.ral us among all psr na. who regard eaaa, gmc, comfort aad durability aa airabl requlslt In their Boots aad Hboaa.

It makes tb boat or bo more olastte. preserves la origlaal at I hap aad gives tbe hollow part a beautiful and elevated arch, thereby ailowlag lb heal lo ba wore vary high with perfect or quit low without exposing tb pa.lalooaa strap an Injury, ll also keep tbe foot from pressing forward, aad retains It tn a natural and sy position. Th anderelnged and JoHN HICK, 1(19 Naasaa street, era tb only perawas who asks and seii Roots and Shoe with Ibis Inveailoa la lb cities of Nw York, Brooklyn and Jersey urty. Ladies' aad ehlldrens' shoe. Ladles' and gentlemen' eherrad ankle Uatler fur walking aad daaclag.

Cork Soled Bonis geaael and or the best quality, alao, nverahnes. oio LORIN BROOKS )l AND HINDEKM WAHCa Mim IMS, nia, 99 aad 31 Gold street. New York. Tbe subscribers eoatlnue lo manufacture al greatly redu red prices.

Prilling Press, Siandlag Presses, Hydraulic Presses, Ave of the amjot approved kind, among which are their Improved double and smgla Cylinder Machine Prei for newspaper aad book work Card Ptlating Maehli and lha Washington end Mnilih Hand PrasM, wllh or without their Patonl Iron Roller Boys." Cbaaes, Imposing Stones Composing Sticks, Braaa B't, Furaliura, ink, ate. ate, constantly article aenesaary snr a com pie a Printing Oflu. Including ypa. fumahed at ih shortest notica, snd on th most fa vorable semis. CUiTKS! at ai ld Type raealved ia axebangs for New, at ata cents per arnad.

luliuirs and Publishers will be supplied with estimate, la detail fiat Printing Ornc or (tindery, by informing as of Ih sty' aad unantiiv of work they desire to do. Tb subscriber are prepared lo furnish Castings of aay aiae or aescrtptioa at ibe lowest pile. Vssb paid for old Cast Iroa. Tb subacribars also saaaulbetar Cast Steel Mill, Pit, Croats Cut, Circular aad other Saws; a supply of which Ibev keep euaalaauy ia naad. at.

uug, at uu, 1L Carrinre, wan AT 'I HE COLISEUM REPOSITORY Bnadway, aaay found na of Ih I Mowra aau oesiraiM omamianii 1 1 aimagee that are kens ia aay Mtabiish sneai la the Ualad li, and autteS to the trade ol every arc Una nf the country enanarulaa I I. AHEM 'E COACH F. eiaa.Hm aad siaadirg mp I'll HRITZ AS. I'thi aad heavy RiM'KAWAYS PHAEIONS, lllkl and heavy WAIiONSaad HI In varlelr. wllh aad wkibont lupa and a large aasorltneol of HARNESS Alao, a lew aweoed baad carnages.

All al lb lowest Baa rasl nil aad warraoad. H. B. ROGERS. Crane' Patent sear, anil Eight liar 1 ar at a fWIIIR Year Clock cxnpe.y having completed tbelr seal raageioeal a Ibe elloaive maaulaciur of the ainve dwcriiiUoa of clocks, ow elfer them In lb public cither wboleaal or re ail.

at their warehouse. No. 35 Courtlaadl al price which, conaliiering the vast ins pmvsment which has been an ad, and lb superiority which these I lor ka ptaaeae over the ceasimoa Pendulum Clocks, reel be coeeidered extremely reaamaal, 10 aay lb least. Asuoag Ih My advantage, which lby possess, ws may eutiHrfai ma loilowiDg, vis: lai. Ii nquires bo care la ascertaining that th clock lands perfectly perpeaelroiar.

Tbe somber of wheels being reduced, and th aarxisatit of trtctio. ahaled. tbe clock Bead Bnt to leaned ear aaaraa. aad lb auperiortty of a clock which needs winding but oaee a year, or aay every aew year's day, be apparent in all Great paina have ha asss la enak thew clnrka wi thai they shall ba ighly trnameatal aa well aa useful. Tkiaa wablag 10 xtiuin or purcbas clocks, are rrsrwcifully iaviied to call al Ih Company's auehouae, 35 Courtlaadl a treat, tw ork.

ol lt. PAHKlH, IjrJGreeawieh j3 Mreot. wa aer of Cuurtlaad sueaM. Feaibera frnaa Is 10 4. Hair Msttreeees frnm 3 I IJ75.

Mosedo. fr.Baln. Pala laaf do from 9 In t. care Haak a do. frosn 8 I 99.

frnm so St. Osalecwe fman 1.50 to $3. Beds from 4 ka Bntsam from I to 95. Pi liows fawaB 9s. to 9 a.

Paillaaae from 3 Ms 95. Straw Matt from I tV. Toilet Table 91 as 19. Wash Baad II a I U. IMssMd 4 Mahosraay.

black Waiaat, Carried Maps, wtavia Maple, all tb dinereai stra. ta. th prices va gylag Irnoa 3 a tVSU, stncnrdl lb Myl aad Snl.b. Aiaeatwa laeaeeriailv ealad bsib PATENT PRE MIL si SCREW BElnf rEAliH.adU Tka BaHlsiead assal xamlnd before lu qaaliia csa ba aaww. lor they cauaotsril be aisled I aa adverUaesneat.

A ailvasr medal wae awarded al the Fair saf lb Ananas laatiiut. Ing thu mprovensMl. la KN. which time oarer l40Uhava bae aaad aad eotd la lb a elty. What heller proof caa bs waat at mf the aala.

at Ibe artUsl r.vrr gnvaa taniily abiid aa this bedstead, estaclally Srar lennuto. I Motels ooaraiag tiaaiaw xmwj oiw ami. bte aa thy afford harbor ios bugs, aad are very aa Uy pus np aaa laa ow. Old fauars draasad aad raMawvaasd, aad old Mattraaas aad rr aaarty as pod as saw. 1 HHU I.RAl lit 4IAI.T kKIKAiACa JVJ ia lleaHxk aad (ask Horn Laaihaf 3 i do Finished I pper dna Oak Taaaasd Calfrlkiaa Ml Preach luo PId fklti.g feather luo do RasMiaad Black Brldls latiMt aal do.

Lining and Homero Huns. Pot sale by AIMMKL a EVFRfiON, g39 47 Ferry sweet. CITY NOTICES. M. aea aad immoaalty of th eiiT of York, relaKaa lha arldraifHr ftoaa mM.

la lha aald eliy fablie aa i. kt. m.wmm 1 1 Maar. AUtanaea aad Oeaaaiaa ally of taacMyof York, aanaaat to tha prorlalaa of tha atawi Ll loch caaa avula aaa prortae. taai ua aaii m.A cnaaaMiaaltv of tha citr of Haw York tat ad to km appttcalloa la It Ropirin Court of Jndicainra of tha Paonlaor tha Btaia of Naw York, at tb wt uccial term of ih amad Court, to ba held al the capiat la iba elty ol Taesdy of Deeamarr aait.

(haiac Iba tral lay of Dacenbar, 14,) at iba P' tbaCawtaa laaldiy.or aa anm lbarer raa ba heard, (nr tha anpolauiieat of Comffl llotn noma aad iMuaMU la lha abura tha aatiua aad uhl af tha laiprowtaaai 1 WHlaataf of turn awat, a. Iba w', Whitehall 'YJZnlh a. a airawbl haa In Broad treat, al which to ba WidrnadarTaateea fcel lhM ll th. ema of Ih. tKreal 'r VicKj.

of Hint. beiwea WhitrbaM aad Iaud New York, JT. BRADT 7 tll Col tna Copnralloa. 1.1 the mailer of iEwn" Mjuor. Aldermea, me itT nfUi eltT ew York, ralailTa to thanM nTTn.

ratrth ereane, trnm Tweaty Elehlh elty, FoWUs TL dt eha Mayor. Aldermea aad Cnmmo. aaltr of the eliy Vmk mnoat to tha rrorlrkma of The Hnror. A Comtaoaalty of th city of New Vort, i'ad 10 iepeMtno tb faprem Court of Jwlieaiare of the People of the Plata of New Yotk at fta rm of the aald Coarl. in ba bald al tb Capitol la ih city of Albany, oa tha Drat Toewlay of Uacaaiber aeit (brine 'he flrtt day of teeamber, 18(f) at lha oprninf caa a beard.

In aatead lha rule mad bereia for tb apaoini mel of CotnmiMlneeri uf aiiiaiataaad lunnnant la the above a titled matter; that lb aatnr and enent of the Improrrmeat latended. la tha onealne of tha Foonh tn aue, la tb aald elty, from Tweniy Enhth rtreel to Thlrty aireei.ui ina aald elty. Uaied New York, oem 7tb. IK4S. AM Ed T.

BRADY. a7 aptdl Cnonrel I the Corporation. flUXl.S 1816 OAca Receiver of Tales, Public ft. Buildinta. Park.

October, 1846 Nolle bt hereby (ivea, thai the Tax Books for th preaeal ai now opea I Ibis office and thai I am ready to receive th taxes chanted upoa them. All persona payluf Ibeir taxes pre vious in me ui day otjaauary. win oe aiiowea a reoue ttoa at la rata of 7 par eent. per as. ma, calculated trom me day or payment la Iba orstday of February.

rmc hours lor reeeivinf tries linn A. M. till 3 r. B1. JOHN STEWART, Receiver of Taxes, Persnas aaadiac a full deecriptloa of their property to this office will have their billa seat to them, or Inay caa be had by panoaai application.

cw tjai Si or Fi.orn for the alms HOL'rE IIEPARTME.NT. Sealed propnaals will be received by the Conimitsioner, al his office In Ih Park, until i o'clock, P. of tb 13th Inst tor supplying for tb use of to Aims Hon ueparimeut. Vl barrels surjeruoe Ohio Flnnr. 360 Bout her a Flour, of tha quality of Alexandria or ueorfetowB.

140 Mldrlhnrs. The above to be New York City Inspected and to he de livered al Belltvue. foot of grlth itreet. Fast river, free of all eipraa. oa beioe notified, rjtch parrel to be estimated nor separately and will be deemed tn lhal manner, and the offers must be accompanied by a brmd signed by twore spnusiiii persons lo perform the contract, or aucb portion Ibaieol as may awarded to them oa their proposal, ank forma lor which can be obtained by ap piyug aiiMomr.

m. u. lminaiiii, commusionei. Ome of tbe Commissioner of Alma House, I New York, Nov. 9th, 1W4.

u7 IIS Fiere at the foot at Grand atreet, E. It. COHPOHATIO.N lO'l Public notice hereby given to ail the proprietor, of or persoos In terested In the water front on Ih Eaat river, extending northwardly from urand to Hroome streets, and south' ward Iv Iron Orand to Cherry streets, thai the Mayor. Al dermea and Comm malty of the dty of New York have de term' ned upon buiining a pier from tbe northerly side, and alao a pier imm the southerly side of the font or Grand street Into the East river each pier to be one hundred and sixty leei In length hy thirty five feet In width. Bnld piers to oe commenced on or ny tne imn day of Noverr.htr next, and eempieted within three months next ensuing.

And antic Is hereby given to the proprietors and persons interested as aforesaid, that they are required, on or before the expiration of aix weeks from the date of this notice and signify In writing (o the Street Couirulsslnnerthe'r Intentions to Join with the said Corpora lion in building the said piers as aforesaid, and to contribute their respective proportions of the expense ot building Ih same nr not to Mn In building the same, and not tn contribute their respective proportions thereof, as they may deem expedient. And notice Is hereby further given, that If any person, owner nf, or otherwise Interested In, th water fronts, or th bulkheads on the East River, between Grand and Broom streets, shall refuse or neglect to comply with the directions aforesaid, aad shall rot hear or discharge their proportional parts of the expense of building said pier from the northerly side of the fool of Orand street aa aforesaid and thai If any person, owner of, or otherwise interested In, the water fronts or bulkhead on the East River, between Grand and Cherry streets, shall retnse or neglect to comply itn in directions More. aid, and shall not bear or dis burre their parts of the expense ot building said pier from the southerly side of th foot of Grand street as aforesaid, that snid persons will thereby forfeit all right or Interest in said piers respectively, so built, and the wharf age arising tnereirom, according to the act of the Legislature of this SU'eln nch cae made ar.d provided. ELI A 8 L. BMlTll.cltreet Commissioner, Street Commissioner's Office, I October 14, 1P46.

dfiw PIER AT FOOT OF VESEY STREET, N. R. jriOltrOHATIOI NOTICE. I'nblie notice Ii hereby given tn all tbe proprietors and persons Inter eated In the pier at the fool ol Vesey street. North River.

thai the Merr, Aldermen and commonalty ot the city of new Yora, nave determined npon ontiutng and extending aald pier three hundred feet Into the North or Hudson River, thirty feet In width, under the direction of tbe Street ommissioner, snd that the extension of said pier be com menced on or by tbe 15th day of November next, and completed on or before the first day of March next enauing. And nntioe is hereby further given to the proprietors and persons Interested aa aforesaid, that they are rsanired on or before the eiplrailon of six weeks from the dale of this notice and advertisement, to signify in writing to the Street Commissioner ibeir Intention to loin In building and ex tending ssid pier aa aforesaid, and to contribute their re sneetlve proportions of th expena of extending the same. or aot lo loin la building tha same, and not to contribute ibeir reapecllvs proeurtiuarl of the experts thereof, a they may oeem expedient. Aad nolle a hereby further given, that If any person owner of, or otherwise interested in. the rrier aforesaid, shall lei use or neglect lo comi ty with the directions aforesaid.

and shall noi bear or discharge their proportional pans of tne expense ot uuiiuing tne extension ol the pier alnresold. inai tney win inereov lorien an ngni or interest in said pier ao extended, and the wharfage arising therefrom, according lo the act nf tbe legislature of tb state in such case made ana provided. fcklAS BMl'i otreet Commissioner. 8 tree Commissioner's Office, September iWth, 1848. sW Rw COKPOKATtOM lsjTIC Public notice is hereby given to the owner or owners, occuoant or occupants or an nonses and lots, improved or unimproved lands, anecteu inereny, that tb following assessments have been completed by the Assessors, and are lodged tn tha Street Commissioner's Office for examination by all persons Interested, viz: ror regulating, setting cum ana gutter stones, anil paving Eighth street, between avennes and C.

Tbe limits em braced by such assessment, include the several mses and lots of ground, vacant lots and piece of land, situate on both aides ot Eighth street, between avennes and also, lots oa the north and south east corner of Eighth street and avenue also, low on the north and south west corners of Efigoin anit avenue Ki. All persons whose interests are affected bv the above named assessments, and wbo are opposed tn the same, or rilber 01 them, are requested to present their oiueelions In willing, lo the undersigned, at tha Street Commis slooei's Ofhe, within thirty days from th date of this no lle. Nnrratnber 6, 1H46. ELIAS L. SMITH.

Street Commissioner and Chairman of the Assessors. Street Commissioner's Office, I Nov. 6, IHM n6 tot CORPORATION NOTICE. Public notice is hereby gtyeu to the owner or owners, occupant or occupant, ot all banana and lots, improved or unimproved lands, stlected thereby. 'that the following easeaamenta hare been completed by the aaaeasiirs.

amiiniiHiinii in in, cnivn lunimiaiiiiigi DDICS, lor cxamiDa ti by all penona interested, via: oa eonalrtieting a aewer in Twenty aeventh ereet, from Fourth Avenue to the aew. in Madiron Avenue. The limits emorm ed br aucb aaaeasment include the several nnuaea and lots of round. vacant lots and piece.ottnn.1. aitualeon both aides of Twenty arven'b tl rent, between fiM rth ail i un A mum nn the westerly aide of Fourth Avenue, Twenty sixth and 1 wentr eighth atreets.

All persona whose inutests are affected by the above named snd whn are oDOtMeil li the in me nr an Ke. nfilwm are reuueateil to prenent tiair oioeetinns in writing lotlie uiHler aigneil. at ibe Street fnmmisaluner's Office, within thirty dars lrom tl dale ul this notice. E1.1AS L. SMITH.

Mtreet Commiaioner. and Chairman ot the Aesessori. Btrest Commaaioner's Office, i Novemberfi. 1BMS. n51Ct CORPOR ATION NOTICE.

Public notice hereliy given tn th owner or nwiaara. nnrnnsnt nr neennanla hjuw. and lota, improved or unimoroved larHla, atledeil thereby, lhal tbe tollowing aaaeuamenta have been ttouipleteil by the Assessors, inn sreioiigea in rnentreet cnmmsMHiner umce for examination br rd peronna intere led, vie: For regulating and setting rurS and gutter axon, in Twenty fnorth and Twaity.fiflb between the tieeond Avenue and River. The limtta embraeed by such aaseaamen'a. include tb several houaea snd brta of ground, vacant brta and ea ol land situate on polbaida of Taetiiy luoilh snd Tweutr tifth areeta.

from the rlecond Avenue tnlhe Eiot Rivnr aloon the easlerlr aide ol alio on both w'ca of Firt Avenue. beivtAen Twenty third and Twamy aixth are alao nn ilie wefleilv side of Avenue tan ween 1 went y.iliira and 1 arenlv.aiatn atreeta. All persons whose intervals sir suVted by tbe above nsm as seaametrls, and wbo are opposed tn Ihe same, or either of them, are renoesie'l In nreaettl their in wntme to th untler. at the rMreet CoratmasitMier's ottiee. within thirty days trom ua uaie 01 ini.

notice. LLlAd L.ksMITII. PtreetCommrmoner, end Cbairmau of ibe Assessors, rtreat Cotnmiaoner Ome. Nov. 5.

ISstS. ntlOt CORPtlKAI'ION rstvTICE. Public notice hereby grven tolh owner nr owners, oceupniil or occupants of all houaea and loss, improved or unimproved lands, stleeled thereby. Ilia tne rotiowing saves. men' a nave oeen eompieten ny tne aaeaaea, and are lodged ihe Hum Ccimraraaioner's Utfioa fbraxaaina tMvn bv ad nerann.

intereMeil. vis For enclosing from the raarla br a fence, the vacant loa on the hhrck of ground tieiwren ewveiilh and Eighth Avenues, and 1 tventy nr irss 1 wemy en'iut stretMa. The limits embraced hr Btieh asrarsainent inelnd th wi.epal hnti.ea and lola of gniund. vacant lots and pierea of land, situate oa the noith u'ecl 1 went? nr a aireer sou south sideol Tweniy. aenund Mreet, he ween Hevenlh and Eighth Avenues a'ao, on lite westerly auleut slevenlh Avenue, between Twentr nm and Twenty vecnnd atreeta; alao on the corner of gjchtn Aventa and 1 weoly aecnnu Merer extennmg votitherly na Eighth Avenue 47 feet, and extending easterly on the souther ly side ul' Twentv oeenmi atFOMtt lUU feA.

Ail iwraooa whose interests are aneeiea ny in anove named amcnta. snrl wbo sreopnnarit 10 tit ame. cr either or them. ere renue.ted In oreoent their nbiaetiona. in wnting.

to the urulee aignaal, within thirty days iroa ua aat ul int. nonce. A.L1AS 1 SMITH, rest 1 nrnmwtioner, and Chairman of the Aaeaaors. Street Commiwi.riera Office, t'cttMrr atnn, lean, oai lot NORII is rterelir given that a petition haa been iirewnIM) in IKe H.u arl nf A let mam. To have lla grade uf 5th avente from 30th to 43d areet riitling n.Vt ursiw the grade ol 11 he hill snd niung in tne noiiow.

Also, atreet. bettvee! 4ih snd dh Aveno Ai persons interested to tb. sjove BnvKiettnHae. having nbiee tienato theaaa. are deared to ptr oent them in writing Ui the iieuenj.gneu.

st nia omre, o. 4 11.11 01 llecoras, oa or peture Ua 11HB day ol 30vemner. r.l.l ah 1 huh, wrset i.omnaisuonr. Btreet Commtaiuni r's Otfice. November 7.

1MK. b7 ltt PLBUC NfrTirE is hereby giaare prasuiited mi a LUmaa To have Ua wail id Bloomixtgdaa it oad near 81st 1UU. da, of IsLi Wat Btreat I nl HI 11 r. be 1.. fc I nrnul a th rat ease All resraans "frffw rmtlaa ir? wtillug to tb t'IZf.

JlZjf! 01 "cen, ei before fcLIAS L. SMITH, ovtrest Comaaavxier ifTie, i Oct. 1Mb. i Eiat TO Til I.ADIF.faTh Ladle, nf New York are la formed that tbev eaa hav th fmi VOL. XLIV.

SCHOOLS CRAQl'ET'n CLAWICAU ENGLISH AND a FRENCH F.I.IZABETHTOWN. N.J. Tbe course nf studies inelades Eogllsh, French, Ppaniih, utin, ureek Mathematics, Natural Fnlloaopriy, hem Is try, Book cut, u. Pupils are prepared for oollere or tha conatlnf aous. Tb proximity of jsiixaoeuitowa to New York, and the frequent communlcatloa between the twi) places, giv lo thla Institution tha advantages of the city aad country.

studies will be resumed on toe isi on oeptemoeT. i erma 2U0 per annum, payable ail months la advance. A reasonable deduction made wbea two or mora brothers a.e inL C. BsatietlnrorrM those who detlre aa Interview with him, that he will be, each Saturday of this month, from 1 1 A.M.Io3 P. Bemrd fc Moedoa'a book store, No.

36 Courtlaadl street, where circulars of the school atay be had. ae9 WkrJ Sraoa CLASSIC 1, HIATHE.TIAT1CAL AND COMMERCIAL INtSTITUTMN, by H. PECONET. No. t7 Bank street.

Vacation will beein oa the last Satur day of Julv; and the classes wlU be resumed on the 1st day af September. Kogtish, rrencn, epanisB, iiin, ureek, maiDematies, Natural Philosoobv. Chemistry. Ac are Included la the general cnurse of studies, without aay extra charge. I he situation and extern ot ute play grounos give to me Institution lha advantaces both of the city and country.

Terms Boarders B75 ner ouarter day boarders 145 day scholars $30 A deduetioeof 10 percent, when there will be two or more brothers. em BOOK KKKPINO eogeueraily considered unattainable through aa fostructnr, can be thoroughly and practically acquired at Joaes'i Initiatory Counting Room, S47 Broadway. Applicants are referred to former students, SflOO at whose names are registered la corrobora tion af th net mat, by Jones's method of instruction, a better knowledge of accounts caa be acquired than I attainable in aay merchant's counting room. OrtlAeale approving this method have been received from the First Auditor and clecond Comptroller of the U. B.

Treaaury, from a Committee of the American Institute, and from numbers of the best book keepers aad moat extensive merchwta In tb elty. Tb Mereaatlle Library Association have arranred for the Instruction of Its member on lavorable terms. Ticket lab bud of tb Librarian. Commercial Arithmetic aad Writing an also taught at this Institution, both day aad evening. THOMAS JONES.

Author of the Principles and Preetle of Book keeping.Rvo. price 12s. Now adopted la th first Academic lnstita tions in this country, and renrinted in England. aiyfi IA7I Win. HAPP The suthot of Scientific Penmanship and Pen making, has just published a splendid second edition of his systems of Penmanship and Pen making.

He ehallemea lb world In nroduc a work on Penmanship and Pen making of equal merit; his being founded on immutable principles, he fearlessly submits it to public scrutiny, confident It wilt endure tbe lest of enquiry, and tbe most rigid sueimtloBs of protracted experi ence, i oe bad ot the author only at No. 490 Houston, near Woosler street. Two young gentlemen between the ages of 55 and 40 wtll received as pupils lo quality aa instructors la the anove sciences, loi mediate application to be made. From the Rev. Dr.

Beman, Troy, N. T. I have examined with some attention, tbe system of pen manship taught by Mr. A. W.

Rapp.aml am lullv convinced that it has a high claim to public patronage. The whole sys'em is arranged on scientific and definite principles, and can be thoroughly attained in six lessons, I am acquainted wun no system oi penmanship wnieb can be aoenai'y attained, which gives so much freedom to tire movement the band, and which secures so much unifortnttv In the ex ecution. Having crit cally observed Ibe progress of sevcra persons wno nave written under the tuition or Mr. Happ.l can cheerfully recommend the author and his system to the consideration and patronage ot the public troy, August 1, IS.U. NATHAN H.

W. BKHAn. Hours of Instruction from to 4 P. and from 7 to 9. evening.

o3i nANCIJV'U dCHOOL al Marion House. 165 West Broadway. Mr. J. BENNETT resoeeUullv informs nis inenas ana tne public, that be will commence new classes at th above rooms, on Friday Evening, Nov.

6th, at 7 o'clock, fur Gentlemen, and on Saturday, 7th, at 3 in lb afternoon, for Ladies and Masters. The regular days of tuition are Wednesday and Saturday afternoons for Ladies, and Wednesday and Friday evenings for Gentlemen. J. B. will import to his pupils sn easy and fashionable style of, including Ibe new dances, lor trims which are moderate, lease apply at the looms, private entrance.

nA ii Ion Park Ft latin? Mcltool. CORNEK OF IINIVEHSIIK PLACE AND THIRTEENTH STREET. Lsc rcas LiBsoa Lecture I iessnna. TERMS. 18 Lessons $15 00 10 do 10 00 4 do 3 00 Single Lessons 2 00 Road do 2 50 In tb matter nf The Hudaon Fjre Insurance Com pany in the city ot Aew York.

Bold la this city only by ExiacuB aroma. 16 lessons 15. 00 I 1 month $13 00 10 do 10 00 I SO rides 10 00 4 do 5 00 i 10 do 6 00 1 Single lessons 00 I Single tides 75 oad 2 50 RULES. 1. All lesannsor rides paid foron commencing.

2. One hour allowed on each leason or ride In th school. 3. One hour and a half to a lesson on the road. 4.

Hours for ladles from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. 5 Hours for gentlemen, from 6 to A.M., and 3 to 7 M.

6. No gentleman admitted during the hours appropriated to ladles. 7. A card of address Is requested previous to commen cing. Gentlemen keening their horses In this establishment.

will have the privilege of riding them in the school gtatis. tugniy irainea norses tor tne road or pvade to let. Ala horses and Carriages of all descriptions, and of the best quality, wllh careful and attentive drivers, on the most reasonable terms. Stable now open. Riding School onen 1st Mav.

Horses taken on livery by the week, day or month also carriages and sleighs taken on storage. jeo g. v. HATHON. Proprietor.

IS BROWS RIDINfl SCHOOL, No. 4US Bowery, near Aslor and La Fayette Place, New York. Mr. D. has the honor lo announce that his School ia opea dally for Equestrian Tuition and exercise Riding.

Terms Exercise Riding. 1 Month 12 09 20 Rides 10 80 10 do 0 00 Single 75 N. B. Highly trained and unlet Horses, for the Road or Parade, to leu RULES. 1 All Lessons or Rides paid for on commencing.

9 One hour allowed oa each Leason or Ride In the School. 3 One hour and a half to a Lesson on the Road. 4 Hours fur Ladies, from 8 A to 3 P. M. 5 Honrs for Gentlemen, from 8 to 8 A.

M. and 3 to 7 P.M. 8 No Gentlemen admitted daring the hours annroDriatad to Ladies. A card of address Is requested previous to commencing. UtT Gentlemen keeping their Horses in this establish ment, will have the privilege of riding them ia the school gratis.

Je20 NOTIC'Fv The lata firm of Mahbett. Mulligan at of the elty of New York, having this day assigned 10 the subscriber all of their property and effects of every kind, for the benefit of their creditors, all persons holding Claims sgainst said firm are requested to present their accounts, with the proper vouchers, at No. 219 Greenwich street. New York and all person owing said firm are re quest to mase payment to tbe subscriber, or bis amy authorised went, without delay. new xors, si JAMES MABBETT, Assignee, NOTIC herebv given, that the subscriber hss been dnly sppointed by tbe Courtot Chancery of thia State.

Keeeiver of all Ihe estate and etiects of Ihe Hudson Fire Insurance Com nnnv In tneritV Ot NSW York, nniauant tn thenrnviamna nr Ih use auive near to boot, saving expense anu tne tuuignuy appeareae of large quantities of pipe, promoting economy Ill BI.IC MilHK I herebv give lhal th lot 1 of fuel and hea'ibiul influence uooa the atmoanhera. JS. lowing Petitina hav beea presented la th Board of I Boom stoves lose a proportion nf heat by passing tt Into the Assistant Aldermen To hav I9tb street, betweea 1st sveaae aad East Hirer meat I a ad. Ta have 13d atreet. betweea 5th aad eth vans ties, regu lated aad paved, aad flagging aid between tbe 4th aad eth here Ibe asm a not nagreo.

To bar 21 ih atreet. betsreea tbe Sth aad th avraae. paved, carb aad guitar stoa sl, naggiBg laia, chimney others radiate the beat by swans of toag raares of Dtps near th ceiling, wbn bealib and economy require in uiapenssviioa as near tne noer as possible, Also, Air tight Parlor Stoves, for wood, of new and beautiful pattern, aad various other kind of Dart or atoves fur burning wood or coal. All Ibe above staves, for cleanliness, compactness and slmpttciry of coastrnctioa, aad th beauty sat their castings. an hmi tn Le era led la tb above propositions, having I forms aad oraanreaa are aBsrirtaaaaed anv.

aad am.a jeclasas I Ih aaas. are sarstros. n. warn wrt I aaaiuoeateru mm ewatasKat ox 1 UCl, nsoai eaauy aiaaaged, nag to Ihe nBtleretgnea, BI bis najca, ivo. a nsit mi Aaiwssa, aau tiauiv iu get out Ol oruer.

oa eg salon tb Irllh day el rsrivemeear isat. i El.lAs) L. svwmieaioaeg, Distet lHsieilsloater'a Othca, I SEYMOUR at WILLIAMS, ol 1 WatergtnNew York. I 1ST PIHLIMIED aad for sale by DAVID 9 FEU.T at CO ihe Uaiad Staara Farmer's Alauume Max aiaa, in rocsel Almanac log 1647, la a very seal aad compact form For sal lo ih trad bv tka thnna.H A il iwranns i.k. i 't. "nbiee 1 hundred, or aiagl doxca at very low price. tio. ihemo ar. de i ei prelent the'n writing lo tb ua I Co. hav alao a good aasoruaent of other AUna dersigiiwl, at hanltte.

Nn a u.u la n. nr befuna lha I BSCS, ladudtae Comic of 1 I sa. ofco ciauoner a uaii, vid reait. Bi aad English Porcelala Visiting Cards Printed frnaa Eagrtvad I rspiu Faaass la era leal maeer. at lea prices tbaa at aay other I J) Tmj 7 store la tb city, al tb First Premium Eagre ving aad PnaL I iLt Bal mg assiaaiaaaaat, jug broad avay, eonaer at uaaaa aireett.

aa and otfice 58 Wall St. VHITE LEAD Tbe "New York and ciauger 1 ww ties vv aiie eaa sjocspanv. are mar reeeiviae Alo.rnwB.tobavlt.adraat, I lTm tbeirfactory a frill assorttneai of tbe dirjereat grades Med a tk. "aalir I of hit iasuf, both dry and ground la oil, to which, they" HiMafaaee a ta abov bae ayiie tae aitenitoe or oeaiers an ptatrs vrxt Pumdry Extra, do da No. da do da BihlB JAME8 McCt LLOCGH, Papal et.

at I'f 'k I.Kt. ol all kiBds, log saspeadera. bats, can Jt veils and paataJon is, for bv thfi)uaaUty or groce, by GODDA RD.10 Cedar at, apatars. TM OF Tt HPtfTINK li barrets and 7lal bbta eaitv extrecUMl froas Wiiaiagloa. NC.

aanoniav, aad FUatr of Bulphttv, la sane aPorsal by GEO. McBBIDK, Jr. p30 r'r 1 1 46 Broadway. 1 .1. i ji an as 1 OT FOR SALE, Desbrosses streets.

au28tf TB, 'I'ilird Article ol Title 4 of chapter VUl of the third part of the alaena Reviaed ritatiitra. and that all peraons indebted to auch corpora I lion are required to renaer an account or all Dents and sut.sol moner owing by litem respectively and 10 pay the same to toe subscriber ss such Remverby tne tenth day of December next, at ha oriice. number IM Front itreet. at tbe corner of Maden lane ia the oty of New York Alao, that all neraona having in their poaae aion any propeityorerTecu of the said corporation are re oiiired lode over the aame tnlhe anbaenra inrh Keeeivee hv theoameday: A i'o, that ali the creditors of such corporation are required to exhibit their resoeetive sccounts and demaBtia to the aubaenber na auch Receiver by the aame day and also that all persons holding any open oraubatsttngeontractaol such corporation are required lo present liiesnme in writing snd in detail to tne aunaenner as awn tteceiver on the said tenth da of I lecem er next, at ten o'clock in the ldieooon, at his oince above de signateii. lintm mew York, October 24, 1045.

on'Ull REUEL 5.MITH. Man ley 'a CabokinaT. Hall, and 4'llrlur stoves. RTAPtlfLfcY'S lyi PROVED PATENT AIR TIGHT ROTARY COOK STOVE, FOR WINTER OR BUMMER, pus'esses prominent advantages over other popular atoves. By a simple movement of the crank attached 10 tha rotary top, it an revolve as lo nlaee the boilers Immediatelv over the fire, if rapid boiling is desired, or transfer them to the rear, it a more moderate application of heat la wanted.

It avoids frequent manual labor in lilting heavily charged boilers, and by not checking the draft, neither interferes with the process of combustion og ulnarv Derations. The entire circular top la lined underneath with soap stone, permanently securea, wni being a non conductor, concentrates the brat in the interior of tbe stove, thereby diminishing the consumption of tuel, protecting the top from i a injurious cipasequences ui laiuteuirue contact wttn 10 fire, and tbe attendttnui from the opi ressive heat which would otherwise radiate from its healed surface. Baking aecnmplisbed moat efficiently, aided bv the agencv of uo ngni sneei tma tones, exienaing over tne nacB snrtace of tbe oven, thus sustaining an equal circulation of the heated air around it, 1 ha oven itself, occupying the enUre base nf the stove, is amply spacious tbr all desired purpa For roasting, a tin Roaster of the largest capacity can be placed before the front of the stove, and by reflected heat operates moat admirably, la broiling oa the top, the drait passes the onensive lumea dlrecuy through the pipe into tne cnimney. 1 ne adaptation 01 tne uamper, lying nam the lower circular plate, near the stove pipe, regain tea the disposition of the heat amend the oven, and being remote Irom the fire, it will keep perfect for years, neither warping or burning out an object loa which dampers otherwise a rraned are liable. The sliding valve ia Ihs doer below the Or arch, bv a simp! movement graduates the draft.

and pleasure Increases, diminishes or extinguishes com bustion and in trout, at the bottom ot tbe a small plate to aa aaad that It ea be easily removed, aad all asbea. etc. cleaned trom under Ih oven, should any aeea muiate there. 1 be stove Is adapted to the consumption of either wood or coal, and is equally well calculated for either kind of fuel. Stanley' unrivalled Coal Burner, foe warming halls, ho tels, parlors, churches, stores, vessels, is consuucled on philosophical principle, radiating the heat directly from NEW YORK.

MONDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 1846 ftZ tUK. SALE The boas and lot ISO. 354 liljfl Broadway The subscriber offer for sale lb valu I 'I lot of rotund No 354 Broadwav.

with the dwell Ins bouse on Broadway. 96 feet bv 60. and stable ia the rear, fronting oa Benson street. The lot is 36 teet front and I rear, and 17S feet deep, running through from Broadway to Benanaat. 5 1.

o28 C. W. LAWRENCK. FOR SALE OR TO LET. A three story brick boas located ia 7th street, betweea 1st and 3d venues.

Tbe lot Is SS fact by half th block; tb bona is 50 feet deep and ia good condition, with the Cro toa water for hot and cold bathing, a good ranee ia the kitchen, mahogany doors. Ate. Tbe hotts is spacious and every way desirable. A tare pmportioai of tha purcbas money caa remain oa bond aad mortgage at per cent. lor live year, rosaesatoa given immediately.

Appiy to Allien. n.tEL.en, i iaeat, ol next 10 the Custom Hons. TO FAHnEK4 ANDOTHEHS.75re surveyed ISO to 300 acres each, la lb rona liesof Ritchi and Wood. Wastera Vlreinia. oa th waters of Hughes and the Little Kanawha rivers, and also oa th turnpike, county, aad other roads, aad adjoining th county Iowa distant I rota Marietta, Ohio, oe the Ohio river, six 1 here are several grist, saw, ana otner mllli In the Immediate vicinity.

Climate none more healthy. The soil la unsurpassed for richness and productlveBeaa, covered with th most veluabl timber, and abounding with coal, limestone, salt, sulphur and other spring. There are numerous Improved and settled terms within those original surveys. Also, IS improved farms, of 100 to 300 acres each, ia Lou don county. Eastern Virginia, on the turnpike, toads distant from Washington City, D.

15 miles, and one mile trom toe rotomae river, where boats of 100 lams ply dally. Tbe subscriber ha bad the above 75 farms personally attended la, and holds the original patents from the Stat of Virginia tor tbe same, dated 1 Mi. lor any further inlorma ol apply to ALTER KEELER, S3 Pin St, New York, next to tbe custom House. FOR BALE CLINTON PLACE The 3 story attic and basement brick house, and lease of lot No, 74 Clinton place. Tbe lease has about 10 years to run, with the asnal covenants of renewal.

Lot 35 ft by 100, with right of carriage way la the rear; nous 25 ft by 50, furnished with all the modern improvements, Croloa water, baths, water closets, kitchen range, ate. ate. The house caa be seen oa applleatioa to Swift A Morgan, No. a Pine at, or JOHN F. MACKIE, mh6 tf 189 Water street.

FOR fg a T. 12 The house and lot 964 East Broad way. The house la one of the best In tbe city, and la complete order. It is 97 feet wide and 56 feet deep. with a back building la the rear.

Tbe lot a 97 feet front and rear, and extends through lo Division street, oa which there Is a stable with accommodations for four horses, and a eoaen bouse. For further particulars, apply to LAWRENCE, TRIMBLE Sr. CO, j27 63 Beaver street. Aral rata building Ion tbr sal la Willlamaburgh, 73 situated in tha very best part of tbe village, on favor I Apply so A.ntg mcLruxa aw, oll No. IPs Naaaau aU room No.

2d floor. FOR 8AL.E On the northern side of 17tb .1 street, near the 5th Avenue. Apply to JOHN F. MACKIE 189 Water st. TO LET mTO LET The new and modern built 3 story and atttic House, located lu Ninth street, the second building west of Tompkin square.

It Is finished v. ith mahogany doors, grates, Croloa water, etc It Is ol 1 fered at the low rent of fjl75 for the balance of Aaa year. I'ufaession given immediately. Apply to WALTER KEELER. 25 Pine st.

ni next to the Custom House. s30 TO LET The elegant and enmmorltnus House Nn IH Rl.Uiil fmnlin. Ih Rjalmrv arlib MMLln the rear lately occupied by William Banks, Esq Possession given immediately, Apply to naw u. 7 Nassau st. TO RENT.

One half of a modern built, three story and attic house, pleasantly situated ia Ninth street, east of Third avenne. The present occu pant, a lespectable widow lady, with small family, will remain and occupy a part of the house, or board with the family. Apply at 164 9th street, or to o22 J. It, N. BR1GG8, 40 Bonth street TO LET.

In Ninth street, between 2d and dd RMnnai afnnritnnr hnllu. fitted nn with all thai miL modern conveniences, sucb as range baths, ate etc Heotaeoo. Apply at 104 nth street, or to oMtf J. at N. BRIGGS, 40 Bonth street.

TO LET Two handsomely finished offices. with additional room If required. Apply at 23 Broad way, oia m'l LET Pari of a house No. 168 Seventh street, nesr Tompkins square. Croton Water Introduced with fountain la the yard, and bathing room.

Apply on the premises, or at 152 Fulton street. Rent at the ratejof fan perannum. os TO LET suitable for a dry goods lobbing house, that very desirable store No. 132 Pearl atreet, will rented low to a good tenant. Possession Immediate ly Apply to GEORGE McBRIDE, an24tf 46 Broadway.

yeV TO MECHANICS, F.N AND OTHERS The subscriber hss a number of lotaaitn Lated on Amos. Charles and Washington its which will be leased on the most favorable terms. J. H. GIFFING, Agent for Estate of Lnrlllard, ml4 No 14 City Hall place.

FfJO LET Several a plendld cellars, suitable for Wines M. aome very large and some small ones Apply tn A K. HOBBY. Cffic 127 Washington and 31 West ata. rOHU a I ckluh lu l.r;'l'.

lormerly i occupied by Bmith.Torrey It at 43 Maiden Enquire No 50 Maiden lane, a21 fW LET A Coal Yard, with the necessary fixtures i complete, situate on the corner of Washington and Apply 14 City Hall Place. J.H GIFFING, Agent. LET The Cellar and Under Cellar of No. 48 Bread way, desirable for storage under Custom house seek. Apply 10 an22 tt GEORGE McBRIDE, 46 Broadway.

OT TO LEASE. Lot No, 69 on the north side of aLd '1 weoly first street to lease, apply 14 City Hall place J. H. GIFFING. A genu FVTIO LET Furnished or unfurnished, with or without M.

breakfast aad tea, two Parlors, convenient for offices, and two Bedrooms, in a genteel modern honse. Enquire at No. 54 Llspenard street, near Broadway. Jel5 tf IIARLEJt IVCHSKRY NEW YORK The subscriber has for sale a great variety of Fruit and Ornamental Trees and Flowering Shrub', for street and other planting, about one thousand ailaatbus or heaven trees of large size, also Maples, Lindens, Sycamores, Horse Chesnuts, Magnolia's, English Ash, Elms, Kentucky Coffee Trees, Copper colored Beach. Paper Mul berries.

Weeping Willows, Poplars, ate. Evergreens of large size, many sorts, some nne specimens 01 tbe Austra llan Pine, a splendid sort. Also, Fruit Trees of all the finest sorts of Apple's, Pears, Plums, Cherries, Peaches, Nectarines, large English Goosberrlea, above one hundred kinds Currants, Ac. ate. Th nsw Chinese Quince, a figure of which Is given In the new edition of the Guide to the Orchard, published by I.

Rlker, 120 Fnlton street, N. York. A collection nfSl sorts of large standard Pear trees, ten to twelve feet high. Imported from England last spring, comprising the Chanmontelle ot Guernsey, the finest win ter Pear In Europe, Van Mans levon le Clerc, Louis bonne de Jersey, 'Knights Monarch, Dunmore, lie. fee.

Cata I goes may be had, and the trees well packed for a distance, and further information may be had at the or by mail. The Harlem railroad cars slop almost every hour at tb Nursery. MICHAEL FLOY. Proprietor. B.

Fall planting ta the best for large tree. o2 6w Removal of Hare To No. 28 1 Broadway, opposite Wash intrtora linn. JF. BROnllEt Makerand tmporter of Improved Patent Grand ft and 6 octave Double Action Harps, begs to Inform his friends and the musical world, he has removed his ware rooms to the above commodious premises, and would call their aneclal attention to a and beautiful specimen of grand 64 octave double action Harp he has just completed.

J. F. B. is constantly receiving the most flattering testimonials from the first musical talent, regarding the superiority and great brilliancy of tone, touch, and perfect finish nf his Harps, and has received the Franklin medal of the Philadelphia Society of Arts, for his improvements In this very delightful instruaaent. Harps repaired, Strings.

Music, ata. J. F. BROWNE, London, 981 Broadway, and 73 Chambers street, New York. ial9 Established 1810.

surfglcaxl and Hernials' Instrument Trusses, BANDAGES AND FINE CUTLERY, MANUFACTURED BT WILLIAM ll.tJOliLDIftG. No. 57 Chatham street, opposite Chambers. Steam Manfuaetory, No. 89 Ann street.

Tf AN VFACTCBERof all sorts of aad JL Dental Instruments, Cultery, Ac Ac; viz. Amputating, Trepanning, Lithotomy, Couching. Cupping, Pocket, Di usee ting, Strabismus, Midwifery, Phlebotomy, Teeth Instruments, Ae. Plain and improved Scarificators, with shining blades. Instruments for Restoring Suspended Animation, Inflating tbe Lungs, Ac.

Improved Clyster Apparatus sH kinds of Pewter and White Metal Syringes, Silver, anu Gum Catheters, Bougies for CBsophagua, Rectum and Urtthra, of Metal and Gum Elaatie. Splints to the form of the leg or Arm, and all other sorts Fracture Machines, and apparatus for Deformities I'm bllieal and Spring Trusses; Bag and Riding Bella; Suspea soriea aad Bnndagea. A new and Improved Abdominal Supporter; Tbum and Spring Bleeding Lancets Wood, Metallic and Gnm Elastic Nippie Shields. Pill Machine, and Medicine Cbesu of every description; Tonsil Instrument, of several new improve men eminent surgeons ol NewYork. Dr.

Joseph Pitney's Patent Speculum Am and Levater, and ail other kinds of Speculums; Apparatus for Curved Spine and other Deformities, Slromeycr A Det mold'a improved Club Foot Boards Drs. Scarpa's, Little's, A Post's, and Buck's improved Club Foot Shoes; Razors, Scissors, Shears and Knives. Parttculai attention paid to all repairs of Cutlery and Instruments, and executed with neatness aad dispatch. To wboaa It mav Com era Thia fat to certify that we. have been in tbe habit of empto) ing WM R.

GOULDING, as cutler and instmment maker, and can with eonfideBce tMonunend his Izarjrumeats to the Faculty of this country. VALENTINE MOTT, M. D. Professor of Surgery In tbe University of the City of New York. and Consulting Surgeon to the New York Hospital.

ALFRED C. POST, M. D. JOHN C.CHEESEMAN, M.D, Surireorts to New Yerk Hospital. Trusses and Baad ages applied.

anSH DA fife's MALLh. Thee justly celebrated scales I may be sec at Dale's Scale Depot ia pan as follows, I Vis Counter Scales. 10 diflereatslxes. Portable Platform, lo weigh from 2 os to 100 and 200 Iba, aad froas i la 300, 430, 600, 800, liuO, 1500, 2000, 2300,3000 lbs. Portable Wrought Iroa Platform, fhg shippers, from 1 lb to 600.

900, 1300, 1500, WOO, 2300, 3UO0 lbs. Dormant, for stores, wsrailtoBiea, Ac, lb to 1508, 2000, sarin, soon. 4000. aaimsea pcatc, svtia pisirorro aav six rvr 1, is weigh froaa 1 lb lo 5. 10, 15, SO, 30, 40, 50, 100 tone.

Alo, a scale expressly fear leather dealers, or those who weigh dry bides, wltb a large uaaatas. jilt ox tea aoorv. oar oasv oat wiMiiaasi cacansa an. lectured by Dale, will be warranted saperwe to aay ether i Please call and exsmtn. etiri Depot, 114 Front street, eraraer Wall.

GINGHAMS A few cares of 36 Inch blk and while Piaii r.imhjims. a very desirable style of goods, thu day received snd for sale by ol5 CHAS. CARVn.LE, 26 Broad st SI Tl AC 2 a) bags Pojero braaa, aew crop, laa fm M.nerva. fresa Patemso, and log aal by AYMAaV A CO, 34 tScmlhsC Jlta 1 .1. 1 ling olx mlAMBEHUAIfl er rn CLn n.

10.1 ami mx. IIHOrrlE YIXLO cassa, of varlotui braaoa aad dualities, sultnl.1 for export, for sale by aaa qta fc FOWLER, S3 143 Float street. A BKIIITIITI. AHT1CLE Fio 8ilvg Door iV Plaio PusxtUbadaad araved at Ihe low prte of A3, aunarvor farm ilea ba In aaaa a tie rare af this rtic1 haa eanbled the adaeaUaes so asak tha great aeajoctioa la ice lor aabt at the First Premiua ErrgTsvias aaa imor riate es tt. lahment.5r2 Broadwav.

comer Duaeettt, o3 fcgi A' 5 napes, asapanog auuci fur aaa 07 SHIPS FTP. A m.0? rw vnB sain I 1 1 IrtlrOO L. Tb Great Western PblnComnanv's Steam Shlna. the luacai ntsitmi. 1, aw mars, aju aar aaa power, B.

R. Mathews, Commander. TheGRRAT rditais. auin. im Lieutenant James Comamnder, are In tended iwuwi GREAT W12PTTRW.

raaate LJvei uxxtl ism aatooay 1 ith April do Siith jay do July I ith rJept Proa New Tork. 1P46. Thursday 7th May do do 90th Aug do 6th Oct th Na JT? Liverpool, per Great Wastera, fjiOO, and $5 Stew For freight or puasatre. or other Infonnattoa, apply la New York RiCH'D irvim. oh Pru im FOR CH ARLESTON.CCv Thesleaat shlp SOUTHERNER, Caps.

Berry, will 1 leav New York every alternate Satur day, at 4 P. M. say November 7th, No vember it, December 5lh, December 19th, ate. No passage secured until paid fur. No freight received on the day ot departure.

mi diii. uaaing Bisneu on boar a. For freight or passage, apply to SPOFFOBJ), TILE3TON at 5 149 Water st. FOR LIVERPOOL Regular Packet 01 ilia November The sDlendid new nickel shin WATER LOO. W.H.

Allen, maatea. will aall aa above bar regular day. For freight or passage, her accommodations being ua surpassed for room, elegance and eom'ort, apply to R. KERMIT. 76 South st.

Tbe saw packet ship JOHN E. KIDDY, James C. Luce, master, will succeed the Waterloo, and sail oa Iba 1 1th ot December. .1 rOR LIVERPOOL The New usm Keguiar Packet of 31st Novmeber The well kaowa, fast aail Fob. GLASGOW The New Line Regular packet oi' isi December The tin fast sailing Br.

bark ADAM CARR SIM! ton. Cut. Joha Wriehl will FOR HAVRE. Packet of the 16lh November pThe packet ahlp RG ND Captain, will sail oa her Menler dav aa Bnove. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to n9 FOX k.

LIVINGSTON. 22 Broad street. FOR HAVRE. Packet of tha sHih November (Thnew packet ahip ADMIRAL, Captain, J. A.

Wottoa. will sail on bar regular dav aa a boa. For freight or passage, apply on board, or a n9 FOX fc LIVINGSTON. S2 Broad street. Foil HAVANA racket ship CRISTOVAL COLON This ship will positively sail on th 12th Inst.

For freight rr baasag, having handsctn aceamosndatloas, apply to the Captain, on board, at east aid Pack slip, or lo n7 BPOFFORD. TILESTON at 149 Water st. FOR NEW ORLEANS Holmes' Una Regular Packet for Wednesday, 11th Nov. Tbe new ship GALENA. E.

8. Dennis, master, ta now loading, and will positively sail as above. For freight or passage, apply on board, at foot of Maiden lane, or to a9 WILLIAM NELSON, SS Souths! No goods received after lo morrow evealag, ltttb Nov. The ship VICKSBITRG, C. Berry, master, will succeed the Galena, and sail on Saturday, 81t Nov.

tm FOR PROVIDENCE, R. 1 The new 1 IJP Inland elegant steam propeller WASHING BsfiasaisSSxTON, Captain Brown, ha resumed her trip, to the above place for the season, and will leave New York from pier 11 East River, Old slip, every Wednesday Providence every Saturdav ai 5 P. M. For freight which will be taken al low rates, or passage having superior furnished accommodation apply on board, or to at BRIGGS, 40 South atreet. WANTED.

A vessel of 2500 to 3000 barrels aTTT capacity, to carry grain to Ireland. aia Apply tn UOUTlSAU, MERLE fc BANFORD, 015 104 Wall street. WANTKll TO CHARTER A Vassal hon.d in the Mediterranean, that will carry 2000 a 2500 barrels, may have a return freight on annlieatlon at 20 Beaver street, to o'3 BARCLAY at LIVINGSTON. FOR rULlGHT ORCUAKTER The first ciaaa jdTTi copper fastened and coppred bark MANTO, D.Lane, master, tons register, will earrv 4000 barrels, and In order to proceed on any voyage. A freight to the Mediterranean preferred.

Apply lo the captain on board at pier 10 N. R. or 20 Beaver st to au7 BARCLAY 4t LIVINGSTON. si DIANA BON DS The undersigned ha issued a M. Circular, dated 22d instant, snclosing the form of a sub scilpiion required to br made by Ihe iM tiecember next, for the completion of th Wabash and Krie Caasl, and to arlve efTert 10 the Act (if the Legislature of Indiana, passed at the last session, proviuing tor the payment of Interest oe the Bonds of the Plate.

The Circular has been forwarded to auch holders as hive furnished me with tbeir address, and in order that all bondholders may have the opportunity of I accunngine anvaninges 01 tne law ny becoming parues to the subscription, notice Is now given to snch bondholders as have not received the Circular, that it will be promptly fur nished or forwarded oa application perscnnlly, or by mall, lo Messrs. Winslnw and Perkins, Na 52 Wall street, or at my office, No. 20 Wall street. CHAR LES BUTLER, No. SO Nassau st.

Dated 30th October, 1840. o3l lm3lis IREStf ARRIVAL" 01 EMBROIDERIES LACES, CAMBRIC ate comprising every novelty of fashion and elegance, at PETER ROBERTS'. No. 373 Broadway. Ladle are invited to inspect th cheapest goods that have been offered tn their notice.

FRENCH NEEIILE WORK MUSLIN CAPES, trimmed with real lace. (7 and grt, equal to what are usually sold at $10 and Rich Thread and Imitation Lace Capes, from ZJ to e'aO a perfectly new and universally admired stvle. at St.50. Untrimraed Needle Woik Capes, Irom $3. Rich Embroidered Linen Lawn Hdkfki, from $2,75 Riviuta, Hem stitch and TaDe troered, remarkably cheap.

PROMENADE DRESSES, In plain, checked, striped and Swiss figured Muslins do. In fast colored spots. Rich Tambour Tunle Dresses, from fJ5: do, do. Tucked, 92,75 do. Needlework, from fi.

BLACK LACES. 3 cartons, of the cheapest aad best that have been offered, most excellent in patterns and quality. A few very rich Flounce Lace, just imported. 2 cartons Regency Laces, 20 per cant, under the usual prices. FROM AUCTION.

150 dozen Muslin Embroidered Breakfast Caps, from 3I cents each; 200 doz white and brown open work Hose, also Milt', Bilk Gloves, Children's Silk aad Cotton Hose, Ladles' Silk and it ton Vesta, Ate etc No deviation trom prices named. ol BKAKDIEN, YVINF.S, A. SE1GNETTE ACOn No. 36 Beaver street, offer sale lnloutosult purchasers, ALEX. 8EIGNETTE BRANDY In halves, quarters ssd eighths ot pipe.

OTARD DUPL'Y BRANDY Pal and dark. HENNES8Y BRANDY Vintage of 1845. OLD COGNAC Pale, vintage of 1833 aad 1837. HOLLA Ml GIN ROSE BRAND. RED WINE Dark color anil heavy bodied.


In hhds. CHAMPAGNE WINE Bouche A Bacchus brand. WHITE WINE VINEGAR C.LEM brand. ALSO ARGOL3, superior quality. ROCHELLE YELLOW OCHRE, best quality.

BORDEAUX COkKS. various sixes and qualities. N. B. The whole of tbe above Spirits and Win Is under C.

H. lock and entitled to debenture. my87 VwJINES. BA.DY, AC, Tf SOO hhds, qr casks and barrels Madeira Wine, of va rious qualities, part very choice. 890 qr casks Sicily Madeira.

"Colli" brand. 300 ease La Reserve" Champagna Wine. 45 hf pipes and qr ensks "Godnrd" choice Brandy. SO pipe "Viae Leaf" Gin 8 puns. Scotch Whls 10 puns high flavored Jamaica Rum.

900 casks Scotch Ale la quart and pint nettles. 800 casks London Brown Stout, in quart and pint bottles. The above are entitled to debenture, and for sale at 20 Beaver street, by sev BAtit ijrix a 1.1 viitjsitnt. ISAAC TOfX, Carriage Repository, 440 BROADWAY. Off hand and will be sold at greatly reduced price, Rockaway Carnages, to carry two, four aad aix persons Buggy Wagone.

with and without tops, which will be sold very low tor cash. Also nn hand, a good assort ment of large family Carriages, which will be sold at tae ory prices. jc9 I aw is OLD rfcMM ooiyS3eacbi I la a Silver Case, with Pencil New Gold Pen. Diamond Point Just received, iitw article, warranted to be as good. If aot super ior to any pen mnde, e.ich in a silver case, with pencil, at the low price ot $3 ea RICH A.

LoUTREL, Importers of Stationery, 81 William atreet. Dealers will bad it to their ait va stage to call and see the above Gold Pecs. Libetai discount tne quantity. era IHDIA GOODS R.HODGMAN 27 aiden iane is receiving daily from Factory. Good Cn.n afLn ladlS Rubber CarTUIge Cloths, Maclotesh Coata and Capes, Sportsman Boole, Horse Covers, Indian Rubber Shoe of every description.

Door Life Preservars, Ittens and Gloves logether with almost every description of Indian Rubber Goods. Wholesale aad retail at 37 Maiden Una, corner of aaaa a street. TH4IN AnDsTKEL WIBt ltiuaow, M. 4 ft Broad street, oner tog aai Soon bnndlae Iron wire. No.

1 to 90 800 do extra charcoal do do 700 do do screw wire. No. 4 to 18 40U do da spring wire. No. 7 to 10 250 do re.

steel wire, Nos. 4 to 34. 15000 stoeaea aanealed iron wire. No. IB to 36 1000 do bright broom wire, 23 tn 35.

60 casks firsiquai ty card wire, 28 to 35. 40 do second do do do do All the above nf Crocker's celebrated make. o31 B6 F.WMAMD BOOK PAPEK 40(i0 reams, vlx 19 x34 inches S0rif4 do 20130, lii.u 84 X38 S4 X3H 2 x33 24 x36 24tx39 27 xSU 28 X44 9tj 148 taJTiSKl do do do do do do do do do 16 10 28 lb peg 27 do 18 to 84 a do 40" do 24 to 40' do 32" do 30 to 60" do SO to is 28 10 33" do 39" do 35" do 40 to 44" do 44 so 46 do do do do do. do do da do do do in which the attention of Use trade and erainers are in vited, lot sale by CYRUS FIELD, 39 Commiasirna FpCT Warehouse, Bnrllaf slip. maiOaiCrTKKNltlKL KAUClu la quarts, ww pint and bair pinta, tor sale by JOHN DUNCAN A AON.

407 Broadavay. Agents in thr Ceiled States for the Proprietor. THoMAS A CO Ai Broad street, a anu for toe sale of Pickslaj's Pcrnvaa Caat Sieat, hav ia' star aad landing 49 case AxeBteei 21 do Shosal steel 10 Haaoir eel 72 do Square Steel BavcrtOMBt 32 do Mrbiary Steel do 80 lw UA4.M 10 bale daeiiy Rag, aamag irom ahip Ml aerva, from Pserroo, and tor sale by qli CHAMBKR1.AIN A PHELPS, 13 Frsart St. nnl nrmrimi wiia.t 1 Steamboat Union I clow a eonooTV The aeaanhoat Union. XOO t.

os measurement, teal de 37 leet nuraide the guard a. saloon on dek.l croa head engine 31 inch cylinder, fi feet otroka. latoly 6tte1 up tor a night bos! with 80 bertha, will run amiss per boar with h. It tnn ol coat nw nmnirjr in ajoaaackw three timeaa week. Caoheaeen onTue davs.

Thnrs tavi aad Sntur. days at the Hint of Robinson sr. Terms aomrnnvinatins Sale positive to the highea bidder. For particulara apply oa board at 01 ta auwuooeer. FRIDAY.

Nov. 13. At lSnVlnek 'h MnreWanl, trveh.nM. Chancery Sale I'nder tha direction of Lucius Robmson. ansa.

trr King areet The enexpired term of rear. ID months and ciEutur pnsiasge, naving spienuiu nccommouauons, i ladar. Iroine June IS. 1840. of si Ithat lot of land in tnegthi piny vai vonru, atioot oi itooaeveiiaireet, as.

H. or so n9 WOOKHULLat MINTURN, 87 South st. The AI Br. bark ANN HARLEY, Capt. Robert cott, will succeed the Adam Carr, and sail on her regular day, the 1st Jan.

FOR HAVRE The superior French brig ARVE Cape Gtraudeau, to be promptly dispatched. ror ireigm or passage, appiy to BOYD 1INCKEN. Brokers. at HI I rd beginning st a pwnt on the sonth side of King street 50 feet eaa of Vanck.eontainioc sti by 75 feat, toeetbar with the aaoort nances. I haneerv S.

I TTnder th dimeiinn nf I.neimt Rnhinoon mas ter CharlUMl street Tb unexpired tersa nf as years, 7 month, and 14 days trom Mept, 16, 1040. or all that lot of land in he 8th ward, on the north aide of hail too st, 375 feet east from Varick. containing 23 fl in. by 100 ft. Chancery Sale Under tlwdrieetion of Lweios Robinson mas ter olrrei Tiie anexpired rm of to years, 7 months and 14 dav.

trom Sept 1 1840. of all th.t lot of land in the au ward, on the no ih side of Charltoa at, 336 ft 3 ins east from Var ick. ennlaining 28 ft 8 ins by iOO ft tflr sUKO. 1. KOLLINs.

ansa ststb avcTtaa Bnias Room remered to 37 Wsn street, 6. B. R. will attend poraonally to sales oi Household I'unutio addition to Ibeir sales of real estat. dta at the Exchange.

THURSDAY. No. i At 13n'elnek at the Mercnanu Exchange, Chancery ga le By order of J. fnshman. master Wster Mrert The bouss and lot nf ground known as Nn.

53 vv atersr. cnaintng in wi Tth on wster a. its its ins. ta rear lb it 4 ins. in length on the north easterly side tjO feet 5 ins, and on th southwesterly aide AO ft 41 inches.

Dry Dock street iota in fee. each 33 bv 84. on the was aid of Dry flock at between llth and Ivth its. near the Novelty worba, being the only vacant lots in the block on that aide. The lots are af Datura) soil.

MONPAr Nov.13, At 10 o'clock at Seelsv'a Hotel in tbe village of Athens. A farm of about 111 acres lying in the immediate vicinity of the villarenf Atbena. th ettv nf Hudaon. handsomely aitn atad on lb banka of the Hndaon River, commands an ex'ensrve and beautiful view of the Caukill mountains. Th whoa ana undei cultivation and in good stone and wood lenre.

Also, about ton lots nf sronnd in the villas of Athens, to sethr with building? improvements he eon. Alan. Wharf Property A larg atone and wood dock with a isrg trame nouse there in. 4 Ian. a lara atone huiMing with wings, porrh front, piazza in rear 8 br 6C feet.

Tbe whol will be sold without rsasrv to the highest bidder. Title perfect. JA8. M. MILLER.

AtlctMHieei BV JAITIES ffl. 1HILLER, Hardware, Real Estat, Leather, Roots. Shoe, at Ha Liberty street at its tnnction with Maiden lane TUESDAY. JVbv 10. At 101 clock at wore No 2 Li iarty atreet.

Boots and Shoes 1000 eases boots, alines and brogans, ttonsfsi. ing of every variety suitable for southern, western and northern trade. Sale positive. FRIDAY. JVov.lS At 10 o'clock at More No 4 liberty at.

Birmingham. Sheffield, Germrn and American Hardware. Cutlery, ate, 300 packages and lotsof fresh hardware, lust im ported and manufactured, enrrsnting of trace, log and nail NO. 25 PINE STREET A 10 A S. THE EVENING POST.

8. H. LUDLOW. AixetSDsKn. DTT E.

II. ICTH OW A CO. Office Na fj svaB strsat. (Iiaai linnt.l Pales of ihrpa, stocks, household see. panduaj iy anontea so.

A Recrater is kept Ice the disposal of real estate at private aala, aaa tor nrocBruiK ami toanme money oa boml and nwngaaa. F.riN Kf r. Vn. 11. At 10 o'clock, at tb nou.

No. IB Futtoa street, aaar Briadarav FJerant New Cahinet Farm ite TH. entire atork of a anana fvrt irer A eomolete sasoitrnent ot anahocany and bHsek sratnnt fornHur. made na the beat manner and warranud: sofas, chain, divans, eoocnes, etloeraaa. wardrobes, book eaaea, bed.teaes, snuhsuinda, Voitaire chaira.

dintn. breakfast, eentr. sofaaad Card lable. Fiamrh plain and drewtng nnrasos. etc etc.

Catatonias oa TuaMlav morning, anea lb coous caa be ex amined until the hour of ale. Sate positive rain or ahme ThCRSDAY, Th. At n'eloek at the Merehanta' Ezehane. VahsaWe W'llliaawbargb Lais Partrtina PereTrptory sabof all thatvsluabte wt iatj. in nf Willi.

tMlMir. at the lanrlineof the Wilamsturh and Pack alio Ferrv, and at wif tea room attached, on South Third a between Dili and 7th at. 100 from (hu. The home a by i. finished ia arioder ayle and of the beat material, folding doors, sr.

tea. at. in good neiehbnrhoud and between the twe ferriewi. Lot xS by 1U0 feet. Part of the purchaoe miner to remain oa bond aad mott ssse.

For full particulars arplr to the aoeiioneers. I l. 'j i 1 i.wm ti atrvoi. commencing rag raa oortnerir or notn7inai, vrtlltail as above, her regular day. I Mch totUbye rtfi tos, andowa oa a man of tbe Doohsa For freight or passage, having splendid large aad coarfort I esuta as aua.

ST, S8 and in near the ferry. aula accomodations, apply lo tha Captaia oa board, ai west aide at Burling slip, or to 0 WOODHULL St MINTUEN. 87 Soulh st rMoecnaang75. The packal ship LIVERPOOL, 1300 tons burthen. Capl.

John Elririflce, will succeed the BoUinguer, and sail on ner regular aay. ist ot December. Crrepaaalenc af tla Evealag Past. JUcUBSTVg LcL 20. 1 SKETCHES DY THE WAY.

Mr. Editor upoa great Here for arven mtlet our way ia cut oat of the solid rock at an immense The drotb, vane from aixteea feel to twenty five fcrt, and ia aome pUcea reader cut way quite dark There ia here descent in the ns no means, lage of Middlrpart. Here activity serni for a long time to haw slumbered, if we may so judge from tt sooabrs snd dipiy appearance. Trae It is, comparatively, a new place, andaalue aeemi lo have beea somewhat to not bcatowiaf upon it natural aid, like many, in a hurry, and have aot lorn; to raed tutc upon He faults or its beaaliea. Gradually tbe western sun declines, and he jins to impart it mellow influence upon the country around nr, gtviuf to it a most majestic and grand appearaocr.

But liiet we may get a more perfect knowledge of ihia country, lei us, as we advance, impress ourselves with tiie idea ol leaving tbe packet at the next vtilsgr, which bears the name of Medina. About 9 o'clock in the evening the bowman's born ta beard with lis long shrill blast, announcing lo thi passengers that the desired village is gained, and to the inhabitants of the place that tbe packet is near. Here onr city customs are ado ted to a certain drgrre, erpecially by tbe proprietors ot the diflrrent hotels, in keeping "runners" aa tbry were called, whose business it was to take charge ol Ibe baegage of travellers, and to get as many ot the passengers to stop at their inspection honsrs as possible As soon as the boat bad struck the wbarl, tbe voice ol tbe runners" were beard exalting the bouse to which tbry belonged, at the eipeuse of all others And at thib time we were quite tortunaie in getting a good place, having made a good selection iron, tbe numerous hotels a ehort distance from the CauaL Here we stopped the next day. Tbe village is fiuely located upon a rise ot ground, and containing about eight hundred inbabtUnta. The streets are very fine, regular, and well paved.

It is also the market place for wheat, there being in the place three store bouses, one of which at thai time, was said to contain about 16,000 buahrls which was to be floured and then transported Irom this place to New York city. In the afternoon, having engaged a horse and carriage, we lett the village with a view of becoming still more acquainted with the country, and to our salislacuon, found though it was new, 111! the same appearance of industry and enterprise was apparent. Tbe land was extremely fertile, gen erallv level, and well watered. Adjoining each house. tan! po.

handsaw do: drawing tmves. pad, cheat, cupboard snd nJ perhaps to toiary Intending trunk locks, tea kettles, satire pans. Carolina hees candlesticks. anuners. rnoie.mvessno rorss.

poesmeuitery. oercnr sntves shoe and bread do tea trays and wai'en. britannia German silver and iron tea snd table spoons, round snd square bolts, etc etc Cataloguesaad goods ready for examination two days btlore tit sale. THURSDAY. Nov.

19. At T2o'eloc( nttta Merchants' Exchange. Will be sold under Ua direction of Plnln T. tussles, ma star All that certain lot of land known as 97 Ann mt, bounded as ant. Inws 00 tbe southeast sole by a lot ol land new or lata of Joha Mnkrr.

nn the nor hwest stile by a lot 01 land now or late belong, ing tn Alexander Baird, and inthereerky and newer ate hi longing to Richard Fletcher, and in frnnt by Ann at, containing in areadth in front 3J ft I incn.nnd tn the rear 23 ft 4 ina or therenl bouts, and in length oil tbe north we aide tS It, and on tb Bortb east aide 58 feet. igTnoMY J. BI.EECKER Aurtinneei. BY A Vr J. HI.rj't'KER, OtTiee No arrant W.

II I ne snrtsenner na. awKisini air. jnata as. a the nnrtioo nnd commts ion butinen. and now preparf tn friT Sis attention tOrUwofersidw'rirUMMi.

A reristar will be heo kirrthetfDsnt ol nlann pnwiy tij on rate nonine anu lor tb proeunnc and loaning ot mooey oa boao aad aoiv etnles af Household Furniture. Ptncks. Ac Ar. attended tn a bereiotur, AN THuNV J. BLEKCKKtU TUESDAY.

Nov IC. At 12 o'clock at lite Merchants' Exchange. (Iiaot previously dtspnsed of et rmvsa sale.) Broom street Th substantial well bo I It two story house recently oceuoied by K. Boonen Graves. No.

431 Broome st, with the valuable lot in fee. as by 135 feet: booae by 40 feet shewing three stories tn the rear with a lines buiining, a nriea stable J5 feet square fronting on aearrtage way le Cro hy street, built lew weeks since, belongs to the premis a Immediate possession will he given nnd part of the furniture mar be retain a at a lair valuation. Terms 10 tier cent, the day of sale, 15 per eent on the delivery of the deed and the balance may remain 00 bond and mortgage at 6 percent for 3 yean. For further pailictt lars enquire of tne auctioneer. At IS o'clock at the Men hams' Exchange.

Fthssaawnl Place, nn 10th and llth srreets. on avenue A and 13th streets Tha valuable 4 atory brack boose and lot on anutrteaat enrner of 2d avenue (Slttyvesant Place) and 8th a. rent the tot 27 by rio tt: house if by bb It, wi a two story bnex Tea room lt in depth. The whole finished in modem sly, with nntuied attics, under cellar, ettv A Uo, the 8 st'try hriek boese and bar No. tIS Tenth at, on sontb side, between lot and 2d avenoea lot 25 feet by half tne bloak in length: bom Si by fti ft, fiunbed with mahogany doors, rear pi azza.

under celliir. etc. Alao, the 5 brick dwelling houas of 8 stories each, mtnat oa the sooth side of llth at, between la and 2d avvnuas, th finish, ed bnaernenta and under cellars lots each 29 ft by halt the block in length: the honves sll finial ed with baMcaeoa and under eel lars, and rent tor S4 a per annum each. Aim 4 vaomt Inta vrnrmii oa the AtSM, a isciit wui eruuiHJ mi A and libh the eorraat lot bang Hi ft avid, aad each afthe 100 feet. A loo, 1 loton tlteesat side avenue A.

lat won T3th and 13th streets, rontsintog 2b ft 9 ins by ltXJ aeet. The terms of silewill lie arcomrnodating to the Durbhssers. The title is beyond dispute. Lithographic maps ol ihe above property may obtained ot tne auctioneera previous lotnesaw. two bri hnitae between an sub No.

35 Jay at. eat atreeta. with the anexpired term of ihe lease tor 7 yean of lla lot, 'U ft 6 ina by 9J h. Also. 7 Valuable Building Lota.

arh JS ft SI ins hy 109 ft, sita term of the first above deaeritied nremiaaa t. Sit venis Im. the first day of May 187. and the term of the last described p. emaea a 38 years from the 1st May tW5.

See mister', advertiaeinent, FR1DAV. 13. At o'clock at the Mereban's' Exchange Aaieneea' rtle Tnitla. aTrml for Ih Itenent nf the rredf. tor.

of Eiisha B. Seckett, the followitig preoerty exmarting if judgments, notes and accounts against vaiious psraoos in Urn and other stales Also, vanona pareeta of bna situated in the states or New Ynrk. New Jeraey. Ohio and Michigan. Valuable Btureaand Dwelling Houses on 8th avenoe near 14th street The four well built 8 story and attic bnck buildings as store, and dwellings with finished basements and the 'mo situated en the weaterly aide or ihe miel improved part of fjth avenoe.

commencing next to the northwest corner of 14th each lot ft 4 ins by SU fL the bnildinga are each 40 feet deep, finished a storea and dwellings with granite fronts tothe first stortea. which ar 1 ad. niimhlv arran th dwelling emits ef the tVi and 3d stories are fim.hed wit told ing donra, merba manteb. the croton water laid on eta, the walks and yards sr flagged and psvod. awning otla.

etc the steps, eopmga. etc. are 01 rrsmiv ICDGAR JENKINS. AnfllOMsw. BY E.

JF.NKIrv ck II. II. Store N0.8 opposite New su, and near Bruadwar. THURSDAY. Nov 1.

At 10 o'clrck ar the sales room No. Wsll at, A RtlendHl aaorttneiit nf 1 htoese Laratwead Ware Compra n.i ,111 lunula im tea eaddtea. work boae. writing desks, backgammon boards, ebony and merba. top ta Patnte'd aad Enameled Porrela its inating of vases, toilet sctu.

parlor seats, mantel ornaments, with great variety of porcelain ntifnl nrl wnrt hnvam. eran and cshrriere ahawls. etc. Vienna Jesvelry An invoice of necklnces. hatpins, rings, braaat reticules, card eaaea punes.

combs, card reeet ven and paraaolettea ail warrantai fine pated am virgin sir and the atttnrs warranted real tarauvasa. gaiTMta. ovals. rrs tab and pearls. Abo.

47 rairsandeettaof entire new style London. Pens. Berlin and Vienna msde mantel, table snd Dter branches, girandole and eandetabraa. wuh sew arte lac pattern Tyrolean. Roast.

Bohemian aed Parisian pai'tanu. Bohemian Glaaa Jcaa elegant speeimens RnHemiaa class of thn rarart rubv. sliver. turnnolM aad ervsoces. Mantillas Real cashmer mantillas, Bysantine half rioalts.

op. erstiptieta. sortie de la ar. Turk ah. camel and Paristsn cloaca with heavy fringes, sn'endtdir embroidered and richly lined aad trimmed and warnntad nl Pari ian aaka.

Egyptian Porc.i 10 1 ease, comprising card aceiaeis, maa. FRIDAY. Nov 13. At 11 o'clock at Ihe sites room No. 8 Wad st.

Valuable Oil Painting Panieulan hereafug. TUESDAV.Novll. At 11 at lla sale. room. Nn.

8 Wall at, A Pplendd assortment ot R'ewood Furniture. Wat. IMJMUPIT, Auc titteer. BT DCnONT ale IIOSACK, Store 115 WtHstwat. D.

A H. will aead peraons ny to sales of Household FtrBitar also to Keairssta' ae ate. ami ureaj THUKSDAY. Nov. ij.

At li o'e'ock et the Merchaca' Eicrtange. Chancery Undr the dirlrtio.i of I. V. Fowler, msster Tnoa two lots "on the westerly adeofSth avenue, oeginemg at a point 34 fi 41 ins from tbe sHsraa a a of Utb street, and knows on said map aa Nov 63 and 6T. being 34 tt 41 ins by 76 ft, A bxi.

that I 4 on the aouth side of ldlh otr et, beginning 135 feet from tiie wtat an! oi th venue and ath side of 16rh aeeet. knara ea said aaap aa pan of tot No. fa, bung ty kii faetli inches. At 13 o'clock at Exchange, fancery Sale Under tbe direction nf T. I 'lerke, maater All that lot of ground kn wn aa No.

103. formerly lfSj Gold a bounded north by ranklort street, containing front acaH rear Si leet 10 10s. oa the rsbssdeaiotig Kraal ton areet esteet 11 ina. ea tneSWadeatilestsius. For particulars sse manet's adwrtaa.

meat. JOHN J. gVVlFT. Aercooeet. BV tsWHT ck JlOiiGA.

Store SWIFT A MORGAN will anve tbeir tnrrsoaal areatina aaisaof hesxaeiiobi furaitua and out di oa ie gnoeraiir abate eaieet raalestate.vtnrks. fce.atrH Pvea TUESDAY. Nov. a At lie'eWv at the Merehanta' Exchange. Chaoewv Hale Coder the dteeetaa Isaac V.

aw lev. tr Ail last eeriiia lotof lend a roapMCing all point oa Lao I RICHARD OAKLEY. Aact. IIY B1CHAKD 04K FT, Store Nsl 3 Bread areet. "Pha wlyaeriner errers ma aervieo.

esse wtll aa, haa. ana. bs the sn lea of Beal balst. Horaahoid Furasluse. aAd to paaapart.

gossw aor. tnnjs sn gnu aw in swjqara Kit tt A all UAS.LET. Jt puiwatw car Sevsrsl btrre and avadera dweibac It 11 nana la Sid aad aad kntb and Kib particulars sevir ana aoe be aad to rert cood btata taoneex. N. 3 broad atreet.

be ar ada to eeet good bearasa, daweabl aSoMS. A ran. vaenm. ma tn aa svrnue, svawa A. Mh street, an street.

tan el sta loanswili P1BI3GKE It Of vartotas bread aad qoaUilea luii sappiy eopstaBtiy ea hand aad tor stle by jg. tsvnit rr lui ixa a rtt ur.K at 142rtoaistTCf, stop Drxrs iDrtvioe usys, uiat uujciti war uou its view was to seek a good place, which is very desirable to the traveller This we found at the Mansion House, at a short distance from the canal and rail road, and occupying a very conepicuous place in the city. Kochrsrer is a very large basinet l.icr, numbering about 25,300 inhabitant. The buildingjsre not quite as compact as in many other cities of this state, aod ire quile old in appearance. Tbe cify is much noted ior its flour mills, which are situated upon the Grnesee river, and almost surrounding the much notrd lalls which are about 80 feet in height.

There are 23 flouring mills here with 100 run of stones, snd avenging from 5 to 600, 009 barrels of flour per year. Besides fheoe, there are many manufactories and sawmills In this city there vrhssroh atrtc! matjy other public buildings, snch DaUar, Ul wult.Il tunc oic univ, nu i 1 Arcorde in a fine specimen oi architecture, 100 feel in front, 135 feet deep, and six stories high Their are several Literary Institutions, of which the principal are the Franklin Institute, and the Athei seuiTi ICochester was founded in 1812, by Rochester, Irom whom it took its name. In 1817 it was incorporated A3 a village, and on the 2Sih day ot April 1334, as a city. It now includes an area of 4,324 acres. Two miles from the cilv.

noon the Genesee river, is Port Car ihnge, where the principal boats upon the lake stop, I lTte' tn vet ot tbe The and thereby lurnisniug a aeciaea aavsntage to no chesfrr from Ihe increasing commerce by Lake On tario Still, in order to connect Ibis harbor with thr cily, a very beautiful and expensive road has lately been built upon the west aide of the river, and much oi the way is cut from the solid rock at the cnnimou expense of $42,000 for a distance ot only two miles. While in the city, curiosity induced us to visit Mount Hope Cemetery, concerning which we bad heard and read much, but still bad only a faint idea of it form and situation. It lies about nail a Vine irom the suburbs ol the city, upon a very high eminence, and contains one hundred acre of laud, twenty five of which is set apart for the burial of the irieods oi tha innr. whaae circumstances will not admit I hern to purchase "lota. I nere ia sureiy omrtuiug otaia i tn the ide.

of a niece of land being set apart as a nnnwea, inienr nmiuw II place lor tne Dunai oi ine ucsu us ucuumiaaiivtia, for, as I learned, all seels bury there, with the exception of the Friends and Catholics. It seems that mankind feel a sympathy for each other, but which death alone will call forth, that they none, arivma to departed worth a monument lor a which is to be tranemiiled to lair agea 1 was moch at ruck with the regularity and order in which every thing aDDeared. Ihe srouua was in us natural ate on ih west oide.rf" 5th avenue, between 113th and listb sis. I ,,) with roads leading in various directiona. ror turtner pa tteiiiaiappiy to tne encttoneer I Hammersley and Varick streets Chancery Sale Cnder th di.

I while the rnO0Utnr0U are Kaltered around among the faction of fravid Gamin Fjn master All that enital nndi. I and iltnlieh a one. Wrre SSCred to the IrUSl yided half of tbe re idue ol the term, of 38 reanof. in and to ail I eornmuted to thrm Tbe relative elpenae of ihe lots that lot known as No ill, bounded northerly tn front by Haa I ttti.L jlll ih. meraler si, i by 75 if.

I was from $10 to SaOO. and that ol the mounmrnts, Also, atlrnat lot ol ground nrnrsnl eo ll southwardly irom the from SltMJ to QOJW isoming can eiceea ine vniue Trl, llte l0rhe burial ol thr dead. Commercial. Foreirm Iflarltela. LONDON Oct 10.

Circular of Baring Brothers A Co.J Considerable activity ia market pi ices, with few exception, bave exhibited aa upwaid tendency. Provision remain dear, but the rapid recent advance has brought forward large supplies, and any further impritvemeai in value seems fos lb present problematical. Demaad for export baa been general and extensive. In the cotioo maa ulacturing districts there are eocaplatnta. gooda being doll of sale, limited amount of bnaiaaee doing i yam, but generally speaking the operative classes ar ia full employ works ob railways coelinu lo give greet Intpuls to tb eonsomplioa of Ibe country.

Money has continued a boa dsn I thus far, but it haa bean ta demaad for the Co ti seat laaiy, owing 10 the high rates ot discount prevsiUng st Uambro, Ac. Ashes la more damned, and with small suppil, price have advanced 8 pot 21s 6d, pearl 27s, octree I pearl 27s, pots 26s Brandy Inactive, best breads 184S Cognac held alia. 8a es nf cochineal again isr.e 680 kngs ebafly Honduras silver, 4a Sd to Ss8d, being fur csananoa agaia ra trier cheaper. Cocoa more inquired for at 32s to 35 for Brazil, aad 32s lo 48s for A firmer ton la coffee, and at lb several public sal th trade hav showa arore dis position So pare base; ratner nigcer pneas pa a tog Jamaica exporter bave takea 3500 Brazil 27s us 33s nd, 1000 Pe daag 24s, aad 31XJ3 bags Costa Rica 86s 6d to SSa Oa lb Coalinent a want ot animation still prevails, aad at Ham bro, where large supplies have arrived boas Rio, price btve slightly decllaed la nr com lour let larg business sgain doing and prices further advanced of late there has bee Maa excite aseat, aad 10 day tbe trad was heavy, a. bui for th wbo of tb English wheat having bee taken by a a peculator, oorm pikes could hardly hav beea saitaincd.

Demand tot fl.iur also limited. Th duty oa forsiga wheat is row 3s per qr era Boar, 3s per ben. Our quotation for 8 are, wheal SeUaOsa qr fre. floor 33sa36i for aweet, aad 31sa33s for sour, both free, 3 ad 32a34s ia boad ia bbis: foreiga bar icy la bond, 34sa38s; oats 24sa2t, aad ry 3tii38 pel as la quality. Aa active demand continues for Indtaa cura, iincee ot which have beea dnv.

a an, owing lo it scarcity; for he yellow Galats, aau at home. 49s 6i per qr haa beea Brade afioal, aad a email cargo of 90U qr Am, oee third whia. bill of lading ia baad, ba beea sold lo ar at Ms per 4H0 lbs; oa the spot we are entirely without supply, aad can not give quota lions. Camphor ia more demaad at 7usa72s fid. Bales shellac 37saSOs.

Rhubarb mora saleable from (ar comaxm. to 6d for good mid. Turkey opium 10s 6d; the public sale sine our last bav bea aeimpottnnt. II de find ready buyers at last qu tatitam Hemp, price advanced roily xTl per ton, and desnaad guod at Peiersbaig deaa J33a33 10a. ouahot 32, half deaa M) Manila 3136, Ry lu a 2B Tn qoarteriy sale of Indigo will uirolaat Ic axir they ciast ted of 21,407 ch, of which IO 0 wttbdrawa, owing 10 tbe dulnesa, aad th quaality actually sold diss not exceed WJ3 ca, at 2d.

Id i.btive July cur rencv. The only change la Iroa ts a daclln ia Pcolcb rig, sates oaCid4 1U a XJ li 6, deattaad lot bar and reikroad god and foreign al prices of 3d iasL Ivory s'a. ce aad warned. Lardsgala deam, 41 a 48a. Br pig had X.

8 If, Bpaaish held al 18 aad Mrs if here would bring as asacb Llsaeed cake ia ecu ve deaaaad. aud Ata Mail ltt a XrS 16 ta qaaauty. Otis 'mm oviag. a perm sdvaacrd sad ires, 84 aaked aad 82 bid and refused, so lb are 10 a 1 paw seal ji ia, cod gj, ollv a last auxed. lianaed 21 4 spot, 2 delivery ciisuu Four Banatbs, st which I ge sales; rp33 palm 38 3J, csoa ant 3ua 40t par cwu Pnrvl arar svu wsrra tn uavei or porn, quota Am Inoia nees prim aaeas 73 a 77s le, aa pora 77.

bid. Rata iowtr. Chang 1 Caroliaa. rUllpetre firm at 24 6 a 27s. Seeds btesaa linsssd, wt.h arrival, decile as 45s oa sput.

us ai biU en' Greene. Wnreur, Iaarrrts and Grand as. raumiog Borih I Ar'k W47sqr. Raw Bilk dull. Sped Ire 6: arr at ai xng Cttrrmar, 63 fl, and rtmuisri b8 hy 100 ft, I see le moneral riquawt, paaet aaarc aad gd deawr, nau.

em, ma. rai inai anm CSSlSeae vag ipaittl dntant 130 f' frva theriE C'trner td Gr nd. caulaia ir.g 94 by HO ft. For isarlicolaa advert jr asent 1 stv 'aal'. a mar atiehi kauhtn aasier aaaa.

Sugars bar bom use La rath autre demand for expos! m.e inquiry, rincpall for rte giua, a nere Tery Urge ansat tios hav takea place recent el advaac rate a cargo 4r 50 boxes yeilvw Hav ea to amy al 25s 3d, sat there are atdl bavers i aroort oeale rataa fi cargo re a lovsng sbip, xl. nawr At at rearssarg pnr. at length IsBpeuved. aad srar root gneat watt Haeasm J4 otr luacai. 1 1 a tow a Utriaaar aavaasa.

waiai aa aavra avusd. aad salsa ed I gtsitu a saw aaa sa apoa. 47 Ad aw all ibe year, aaa sot to tor apratg iivr Ciod Tallow wi.n a ranoiiy snag ta aay soa a TaliOl maKa pr cvrf, Crinc an aiau. 1 mm aaa oaaioca Insid ecrcwL Tea, vrt'taoot tmpremeat. B.ncaTt I'rxe la Hv bsad, bald ai 601.

Very litis do ng 1 Tobaccos Tarraauw aans ruetgb, i2fM bba 1 1U per ewt Aaa ma Soirits. 49s par cwl ra boad. WbaicurfS llrtusb m4 at AllO; at paella sal last srerk IwaglK la at 1801 baad. Asaartcaa stocks, so Utti that peMas an aaly oarlswl, I of tb JoaraaU if riiannii Lffiims IsXhOaSckar. loan.

Jaca a aar ssrt Clrcalar af 3d bast, are aavw I LIT.IVTt11 Ii loaada aatlrary ksss as cTtT. Use Oit Bsasa aaorkasaal dJlt TJ' fT Orw" wkk wo ake oa cala I tb bosiasaa ava 703a. k. axpa taTb. i I VU Bass Island al lutaio nor tit.

Th. 17th loat. was aooat IO.ou bai JZT.T?..'". "77 COO hav. be about 13.

(md I ia lb last two day. Th stock ia this port a aatad aat easa tweto. awcaof Aaaanaata a cj.koo, asniaa na se. iloii hats aaala luTta la buad a aew la aeaaaad at 34 a 33 aat baa Car aavaart, aad nou a worta ts oa a xas pes tw the dun snll srithla a fo: might be i to lae aiauaaaa au of 4s per qusrser aad 9s Sd per bW. daty I atay a nasd 34 6d to 36 aaar hot.

ladle iaxra uc aoanEnins;e 01 UOCK JaaaTla'si aad has rWbad tha reiaUvry high DOrt ia COS ll the larxre and oanmnclinnnf.kela mi I i ii.aaaq TfYI lha I Abort Haa hats Tsraalia has Ma damaad la th xp priwrruioa; ia III u. aar ewt fctna eastward direction. There is no more plrvaant way I sauceis ot ncaai luaort; bat lb saarkat haa aw kaiuasn of if a peraon haa Icieure time to gpead, I 1208 a Amabcaaroa have beea aatdatSs aaar .1. lha .1 I I thaa the Central CdoaL UVtRPOOL. Oct.

17. Ash Daring th asoath a good deosaad aala aarvsaraJ haadrad bhla aiiouiaKtair ewt fat aotsusd pearl aaar kt cloaad at 47 6d. Brtanaina. large apwards of 10 iobs sold ia eoaseqaeaca of tb pre at tow rata, bat aa advance of has bawa obtained oa last nricas, aad tbe tt? we carefully and grada.Hy tTjZT TT sceud by mean, of five double lock Tbt. bi TvZZSZSi Jamaica, and ahw to Ftudiins.

snd boanoVl also br Second t. 1 very beautiful Tillage; the arrets being VrrV I m9n asacb la damaad. aad araars sxara givaa at advaaced tmr trfiMhloeof'oaMalrlettitr(errronthaiith txt; m)w, lor lxrc mrouaass. laaprusad, and tbe raaeral de of Seatk Beventa atreet, and known a the Uriawoald pro 1 rega'aT, and the scenery around It Tery imposing and I iMde I. i aistrteiappearedta la aawad aal baalihy Terms ifl ner eent rash at the Km of ouid eet 1 romantic.

It! populatioa i Increasing rapidly num. It' la boo land, a lew yi ago, aig wasaep d.aad onto, fir of Mt next, wkendaadaarKl poo Mn will harieeo, I IRK, inthetnwn 0 1K an. in I Pfcs were 2 ad per (oa lower; this Is aeatriy reeoarered the ou ia nee on had and mortraee. ddeaired. for 2 or 3 ran.

benog 10 lM and now about 10, I h. present qaoatiotrs, dllvmd here, answebaal bar 5s, vtrir rn.iT. tV. i I UUU ine nousra are gooa looking, ana many ol I rottaa xii.aaiimoa xto, hoop ill, sbaelxiAno. i them quite new and in fine everything denotes great eoteriinse and industry on the part of the inhabitants But we atop not loug here.

progrrs at th rate of six miles aa hour, we are borne along easily we descry at some distance be fl.treet,eachS(3n6ina bv ft. he ahote lott are bao fore the small, aad by flourishing Til tifntir aitiMted either fr bteioen or private pnraes. heme the princioal arret end within 8 minutes walk of tha Perk alip rerrv. Part of th nurehasa aaooev eaa remain oa bond and nrM sa at 8 per cent. Maps can be had of tn aoctioneect.

17 K. tag Wicket shin HOTTa. IfWj sons. Caot. Ira I W''Vm Scotch pig 4 6a.

Oil Otiv. basiim ea a saaall seal prices iuuy saaiaaiaara. notdasrs aot dapossat giv way pauaa a ia raa to ta aigb artta aat X3g sag sua anew ngt ly a lower pnee ha bea ace. peed miaa aaaaast so 1000 toos, sibitb bruaghl X34 .35 per ua; vary UlU eVag Ash, price remains to aaaa naie iiod Dk.t Rac Daasaad aisckoacd, sed th great HrqadT which exisiai lor sum tlm has greatly taiiea ud it praweal; sales nags at private aaa pobue, breoght lb bsitowii ate tils aaar ewt for Ba bold Brained aad end while, ata for mid whit. Iba to 19a bar good ao tsa akaa, aad 17 lis 6d per ran.

low thee pra are is lower. rVaitiastra very ittu going for user ran ta still aakaA. Sogar A vae aasajai aa Baaaaaa arm, aaa oua rasas aad arsas Havsaa bav fooad as yen from 54s pair ewt far Aaa whl and 46s lo 50a tor brown to good yellow fw bags aad Veaesawia hav bsea take ane tb Ial of Maa at an 54a for aunng grained, aad 55 to 37a tsar (ua yellow a few baas of Part Rico at 94. per ewt, eeing toldlag aaa try. Tal low coatianee I inprava 5CH per ewt obtansaat igPYC; assail parcel of ota America a bar.Bg vary Ba.

broawhi ills lad per ewt Tobacco To Ibis data. hbda aad a few parcsu Virriaia leat and atrins were uaaa for Instead, tb remalndat Waiera U'lpa, by the boas trad ta prte a ao alt ratloa. Wool without eh nge; foreign hav aot beea a ssocb la demaad all kind of British are dull prices rsaerally a shad in favor of tbe bnyer at ntsat thai ta oareiy aa avarag busloes doing eons Bars are acting sua us gieaieai cauuoa. LIVERPOOL AMERICAN PtODUCX MARXKT. Sal of beef and pork haa beea extremely dall, aa eoosumptlna has entirely ceased, ard tbe prices mast be considered iowasr.

Lard has advanced fully 2s aad allow expaneaeed a larther rbaof as ad cart, froaas ahort supplies "sd heavy deaaaad. Tb lata arrivals af ehaaaa have showa a decided iaiptovenaent la quality, aad price bi conaeqnswea bav adsaaead tally 4s I 4 soar ewt, bat with lacreaag supplies Ibis will aol be sustalaed. Asbea, both pot and pearl, remarkably scarce, aad prices bav advanced tmpiBjy so xe par ewt. uua or ail kiads are adv aciag. asd palm has reach Um.

Heasa ia nail ranntv a mat held Sraly; aad srooi has partially recovered tb Ua pioja aatns. 1 FREIGHTfl AT LIVERPOOL. Freights hav remained, aiae oar Hat report, without say Improvement Gooda of all klada are exu eaoely acauca. aad great difScalty ta fooad ia loadiag vasssls, rvea Barter engagemeBt allow article affected by th aew tang an retTM oa board aatil It comes into oners ooe. sua New York, by traaalaat ships, 6a goods 15 par ana; coars 12s earthenware 4s 6d to 5a ataad weight fa Cd to 12a 6d.

Boatoa, Oa goods 20s eoars 17s 6d hardware 15s to 20 eanheswsre dsad weight 12s ad so 15. Philadelphia, Una goods 25s coarae 20s bard war earthenware 8s lolO deid weight 12s ad. New Orleans. goods 20s; eoarse 15s; hrrdware 12s 6d Ss; dead weight 8s In 11m ed. Chartsaioa, salt as sa 7a An goods 2s; hud war 90s aan haa ware 7s (Fock at Boalt, which by the way were principally tew, was a nae i thrifty fruit orchard, the trees oi which were so load HAMBURG ed wuh their rich and mellow looking fruit, thai I Alter our last report the eoooa market was rather quiet many ot their limbs were fcent to tbe ground.

In I latterly there has beea aa unprovad demaad full ia aiaa quiring what would be done with so many apolea, we I eaaea higher pneee bay beaut paid. Sales of hid daring were told thai a great share of them would never be I weak are reported at 7900, aad lha stock ea baad aaihered. but would be left to rot on the ground. I "uuu "owing la oils. ia the evening we returned to tbe village, wuh the view of taking the packet again for tbe cast, having been well remunerated (or the time and money we had spent.

About nine o'clock we again ael sail npon the canal bound for Rochester, upoa wbat is called "the forty five mile level," there not bring a "lock" in that distance. This journey was accomplished by sun rise the next morning, after having spent a night for once npon packet boat, couched upon a narrow I shelf, where we must necessarily lie very still or "fall chains, sreelrards talile butu, eaa TutU; plate binges, cum oat 0 maeb t0 the Annoyance of the travellers combs, vices, anvils, axes, hoes, bed screws, mill saw files, bar I i i eomus. rices anviia. axes, noes, oeu screws, mill saw nies. oar 1 i.

the ot ourselves. lo The market for eottoa haa Utterly improved slock la hand ao small there hi beea aaly a limited bsniaas transacted holders ask higher price, and la aoas laetaae es have wttbdrawa their pereela entirely. Balsa af hide dull, prices unaltered. Ric era sac boas ssnall, aad usar ketdull. AMSTERDAM.

Firm aad stsadv market for eottoa fair amount of sales have taken place sine our last. Rica has receded a pon tic sale consisting or xsj.uw bags Java, a aauancefl 10 euase on lb a aw says. CALCUTTA. August 15. Accoaats froaa the planters eetatino very unfavorable, and estimate, ata considerably lovrer.

Th eron will aot exceed 90,000 fy mds. bat may mil below It. Raw Silk in better demand, aad prices slightly improved. Hi Ik Piece Goods dull, aad ao sales of Corahs. Saltpetre demand lews aetiv market, however, almost bare of God aa and otner better sorts.

Shipping Intelligence Iatlc go wgatrlaer. Coist or PoXTxaa Altblattok or Pxanca Lion. Ca fact IG, this light on the coast of Ptartngal was convert ed into a fixed light, for the obiect of enabling seaune is distinguish it from th revolving light tb Barling 1 leads I an innu to poacted revmvtiig light that a ueoiirs of on sjap bi Vincent. PaXTlC t.OTULiaD COTTST vvarl rsotnng light was established oa Kenudden Point, era ibe a exiremlty ot i vstnaad latoad, 1b tat 55 fi, brag 19 9 E. Tbe light wtll conunne brleht fug 4 mingle, aad tha be ejelipsad 1 minute.

Tb lan lorn to 58 feet is height, aad ibe light ltd feet above tb wv of th aaa, ao inai nay xeea at in uauncc of 10 auies. Diarua CoasrLiTa, Lesooa, Oe'. 15, 1845. Oa the small Islsnd Vetro, north of Lolltad, la bit 55s 15" and loa lio Si a revolving Light wUI be ex hibited ia a Light House 35 feet high, aad 50 feet above ta ana aew Light which will used for the first faraeoa tbe 15th Ocutbar next, and afterwards kept burn tag ibe same time ss tbe other Lights in this Kingdom, will giv lash every quarter minute, aad be visible froes a ship's leek at tbe di taac of abort, ill sail (Danish) ail arunsd tbe Island. At ihe aams time, a Light will be exhibited la the ire manner oa the Bouthera end of Ageratucalad Haihoisa.

about miles (Danish) trom Veins, la a Lantera elevated on a poia 16 feel above tbe ground, and 34 feet above in level or the sea. As Iba apparatus a aloe to aery a beacta br day. a red and white colored Batooa of 3 are. diarneusr will be placed for greater coasptcfsoaia aa a star! above ibe Lantern. This, ktpl la a lio with tb Mill, will shew ibe course for catering Onto Sound froaa tb North Oa th 1st of October last, a Beveiviag Ligblwas estab lined on Refsuddea Point, or tha Sontb Wet stremity ot the Island of Gothland, la UUtad 5d 54 aad kvagitadc 18 09 E.

Tb light will coaUats brsght log kalf miaaia. aad will tbea be clined log aa laserval of a mast aad a half. Tb laa tare is 56 feet high, aad tha light 106 feel above in lavai in aaa, aa inai it Bay a aaaa a th laBcaot 17 ml las. fcUiyai Board of Trad, Copenhagaa, rwpc 1M6. Foaangl Orrica, lath Oct.

Blr I aat directed by Ytacouai Pslmerattsa so masaul to KieeutW riale of the Estat ol Was. Aitkin, deceased The I tablet, upoa which may be inscribed tbeir memory, I you. for the iniormuloa of the chairman ed csasnlile at cellar oyd's, copies of adespaicb aad its iacbaare froas bar Majesty's consul at Llsboa. announcing Use saaiahDnaal sTbcw si, aala ior th guidaaee of vsaasu arrivtig at 81 Michael's. (Signed) H.

0. Aavtsaron. To Wn. Doosoe, Esq. Secretary, Lloyd's.

No 1 A Red Flag All vessels at aachor must imaoedi atrlv atake sail oa account of lb weather. No. 2 A Whit Flag Veesels ka eight caa aafsry gaaks for the BBchorag No. 3 he 1'rt cologed Flag. Kad la the tarerra.

aad White ronnd tb border. Voeeel. Bust ant sad thsir boaa ob shore. It being vary daugemus lo aitmpt taading. The lignala wilt hotstad oa a fUg saff, Cms lorn boos Uuay, Poata Delgada.

Spaken. Brig Csdet, of and tbr Glooceateg frcxa Buriaaa. Nov. 3d, by batk As at Bcattsa. fm Bosarra.

An Anaerican pck ship, with paamagnii, a bowing a red burgee with a alar, ob Sept 24tb, lat 46. loa 37. Albert Henry, for New York, Oct llth, lat 46, haa 56, by th Carubyses, arr at Liverpool. Rruroe, of New Bedford, from Fayal, Bept llth, lat II If, loa 27 by tbe Egertoa Owe, are st Cork. Bhtp Lucas, from Nsw York toCaatoa, Sept 271b, lat 30 ft a 38.

Core.ea, frog Boatoa to Caps of Good Hope, lat loa 16 Sept 8th. Guinare, frtaaBoatx toCalratta, lat 13 loaHW, oa SepL lxi b. Jobs Perrv. Ul SO.lo 11. hy Oa Ariel, an at LisarosML Wsairingtoa, froaa Liverpool to New York, with loa ef boatoa fd Bept.

Faralam Parta. On Coast of Sansatra, May 37, al Asaahia, ahlp Scakloa, Nutting, lust com. idg: eelv Am. Ar at tap ow,, Aug xi, snip vontca, IJesaeaax, fm Bo. loa for alculla, iH Bept 3.

At Accra, Coast of Africa, Sept 8, bark Active, Cal iceap, tor wiaosrsra, a xi aay. aie Aug so. Brig iinHsaaiTg. 1'VU. for Prwritlesvc.

At Araesaaa, Aag 18, barks NIVs, Haat, fa wiadsrarxt Rhnderie Dha, leeward. Sid fas Rio Jaaeira, about rSeplxS, bait Ho, Wiagata, NYork. Sid fm Beg aa la Grande, katwass 9th aad IStk alt, brig Mohtu, Muarca, NYork. At Bonaire 18 alt, brigs Vancouver, Diiakwassr, fros and ftr York, rami an AaaerVra. Pornrov.

for Boeaoe. 301b. Sid Ifitb, brig Drald, Rice, Bosloa; ldtit, sell Cyras, Cbaas benata, rag arm. Ar Bl Havaa. IBtb alt hark PlovA Jewatt, Isrtea; 90th.

brig Fraacea Ellea. Maaroe, Pcartiaad. CidaOtb, beig JCavi rm rttJti Mart trum tin Al Matansas, 23d alt, brigs Nnotnaa, Baastxrd, log Boston, few dava Portss Blew rwsn.ll frig do, BBC: ach Glsg, rrawver. faa a. lih eJaarrered to prnesed to Mo bireaBdrewnwtthatargoadlcasar; brie Peaa.ylsraa, 1 fas Pbiiad.

ar ltUb. Sid J8tb. barfc Merita, aSajedhtw, Ttiesl. Ht Ink 10.1 II A. hark HamTB.

HasbaOB, LOBdoa: Fswctt, Fllaa, Mary pun; braf Mary Bilart, Mathayaat. Ida. Pmlth.NTcgk; fJeUnvFarritt, Pbiiad; ach Melvilks, Sawyer NYork. It HnaUS. tan Mivir' aavaM perUsaeed a biavy gal oa th.

5U Sarpt. dtng wbh the 1 vmt n. Hatnrdav last, an" Cap Sabl Baal la; nd. saw rk Prlaceos Alice, Dnscoil. fa Uvcsri mm 41 JMhn with loss oa spare i una aaa.

ta. Bark brig llii aa, lyshaaee. nrm TJveraooL I 'd, flu 1 4. ships Themla, ix igbirta. Lrponl Alfred, Terry, do; 1 aaroa.

uaii, iB brig Mary. IVoddi. Havsaa ach Raven, McUswei Vsleelia, Ireland xrttb. ship avaeaa, 1 aymr, iverpooi I'neiathaa. Davids.

Bull BL Clair. Foy. Loodoe brig Pekl. Harvey, Ardresaaa SPib, bark Exporsar, Re laitb Ladt Naaasr. Salam, DuMia xSib, bark Hsmpfoa.

Grabam, range naoatb hrtgaaita Baraa, Joha aoe, PbiUdelpbia. 30th. brig Eliza, Wllsoa, Ltveopooi 3lw, ksrig H.ary, MsPee, Ardniaaa Warrior, Mclitosb, Greeaock. 1 Frew Liverpool aad Mber Phlpptng paper. I rsa STsatt saxr Barrias Uv I Uvssr ML.

Oct 4 Ar Fssay, Sampwa, Mobile; Sth. rVuiss, Tsylor, Sa king. HaiWaa, ad Coiosnbo, Jaana, lee as: 6b, Rilae, Crow)), drr Lard Welllegtoa, HHI.MnoiM; Bbe aaoab, West; Pbiiad, (had SdaaBeaw arssaed maa tb for yard Sept); Mil loa, Ued.eaaaah (wtlh loa uf bead of limiaaasl, awaia aai ml mpma eeck bnsuw. balwarks. Ac rent Stii Yo.

aabans. Bailey. Yoak; 81b, Menu to, Edwards, Dtndea, araavw, aad Sta pbea vv huaey, rupbara, dee, atb, Aadavsoa, pssaii.M stiver; lot. Hcary, fsalter, Anmlacbtcots, wit too oa mwmm rails, bulwarks aad sal's, sad pan Jack had tbrowa ovas a brrrnea froes BE. Hpt Is, tat SO, rMt, Ltae, NYora; 12th, Arataaieaa, baxigers, NOrleaas; I4US, Otabcta, (1) Jadkma, sn.aa, it nil.

Uaeoa tb Waal, w. .1 T7aao ri a in Aisoar istkb, 10 A WvssaaleaJ, Magckas, Pbllada, wilh ln.inel.arna. Makv. tasei, cij itnn anal A oaooTVeav. Liaiaw aaan.

7'" .1. Khiiod: Panbewoa, Zl'lZZZZrZ bTc t. Saca.aalt; aaad, NOas; AlllaMsea, vasomsaaca liiksiiad. fT 1 ft i nil asaaydaa. ate; Uth.

OtaraarK aad fU4oae, aMc lath. esrHni. Ots 15th. Gaea HaaUaw. (naviag gal haak a Htk, laar eras) dec Bayal Bagoa do; Taaa aavtag part back with stir daamg.

by ceaatag la aaavrt with a ssar) Boat leia, H7 AdrVsa, CHtasda, aad Varanaua, aw NOta tJassaaacsa, Bimu I Tib, Cariaaabae. Maiaackasstas aad Caatunesaaa, Pbiiad Headarana. aad T.a.n. Ola: IStb. rr.

sVk Debit. Mobile: lata. MUlascwat. aad HerraM RoaAasal, AnaiaghWiaaV via. eaua a as re, la j.

Lata tag A Aaa. rang, ftr A arte Baxoa, aaaaltaaea. aad Warrea. fee Bosto: Man. Cbilsaaaj ry, Cnraiaaala; aad AaAa, aaobtut; iimds.

Kxaaator, imussax. ajaaaa, unaaaa, Margarei. 1 aary (asaba, Fraacai, aad Fsaev, tar hew Onual i Ctammb, Orpbsnaa, Paatbaa, Praacaaia. Pstrx Hevjnr.auad Oaanrg. aar New York; ata aadnab, ar Pbiiad aaa.

aaii Savmanah. Sid ft Bavra.W. XUh, MfVlar dib 7 arte h. aad Praaaia KNYorxcath nih brail, lytb. Mae aolta, NYork.

Lnadla AaaWt, Fssaea Peyaa, rWhattaa, Jaasaa If an par. aad Tails bs an. few Kim. iiu. rim Hul al ay.aadSilmdaliraaaa, New Yark: Vsassuiaa.

aaT ostaa. Laaaiag at Loadra, Abbot Lard, to NOrleaae; Margareg go id, for pia York twoansaw Maa Pi TSw Orleans Cld rTtV. M.rt rnM TI.W arv i. 7th, Jeaa Lue, aa Oaaaraa, fcr Nw waa, blari fti nar IMU. haaea, af la th OysW 3J alt.

Bid ti't0? Oarra.i.ri T1 Pt ivaaidas, sar Haw Orieaaas Fn aTrT; Ut. Juaiit. do; Lfibee, NCa iala; Warsaw. Kaaaahoak. aad Caaaa.

Philadelphia Joaeaet, Ctsaa. Tb Edlabarg, Jsckn. iw PT ilh the I rbTr ataaxa Bar Antwerp. r.H!i Vib baa a sails aad tb damaged. ar at Sid fas Gssaoa, Oct 1, Ch 2d.

Clara, Pre hallow, lgbora. 1 rte1' Masalaa; Th tJntwrior. Hoyi. areas NYark a. Oam, about Mat all, ssaky, hanag kmmmmLvL.

IL the 90ih Sepc asaayaasaa Th bark A Jeanne. VI Bail, fa Caiaeaa la Amsw. dlsa. arr at tsariaaontb 3d alt, nader tsri aaaaai. win.

1 of oeck kad. ata harusf beea oa Ivtv iscaa IrUhSept Tb bUaoka rta Uvarpaol for MYswk, Wbr lanjerad aa having gat am Core, a date, would has wdasbassa. 13 Tb AraaiiBta, arrived al tha pan im NOriaaaa. eacaoaalered a bamcaaa 8th alt. aeT Can Hara.

rss, aad loat a pars, aal la, Ac, lor, Oct ll Tb lxaue an al tha port fa Boatoa, psas rd iitk alt a ship, aad a brig aa lb faUaysriag day, both disreaaaad, and Banking i tb anMsrssrd, rijrmMta, Oct wl bm Ni soe, nf BWloa, faa Bavaaaaal to L'verpV with has af fcr aaa head. antsa mast prong, maud suae partly washed assay, aad least of aaaUeal la straasaaa, was 4 ia 1148. lea 36 W. bv tka Faraaasr. aaadlcrra, ar bar 1 irern.ioa, Oct Th Bsasry, Sailer, ar tm A pause leav aval taaaea 16th Asa.

aad oa the Btb. sab aad lam alt. rawed bawvv s8waKI which esalt satis, ea the t9ta. ia tax 41. laa 5A.

aag.lohiadrsila,kslaikais4tiils,ts4 threw aoa amos sra na ta XJi. la bu 43, lea 59, Tb Tnoassa, Van, haa, ar baa ua mjoha, Nt, Mai Uf aca I5ta Bit, and ea lb 2th. ta sat baa 23. a bng, of aboat ata aas, a wltb Surt.t aloagsidas, asking oat alorea, Ave; lb 29th, La ku 46. at.

saassal a larg ship sraaan toggajd aad shado. d. Dobila. Oct 9Ual'b Torraoee, tascAa, fa WnfesaL a Qaebec, wbich pat tela Maa af War Eoada tab la. I.

ajrttb baa of aaaa la. ate. Oa tha 27th. saaaad a ba ai jury Mans, raBBlBg lb ssas asswre. aad a vial i asiill more ar Ma diseased trow toes et was aad aala.

Oa laa 30th, la lat 49, loa 22, pasaed lb bail ot a aaaaai, aa oeed lo a ssrasisf, aa Bra, aad bant ta th sraar's "Prasaoatli, Oct 3d Tb Heeihambntaaat, arrived esT thai Bon fsa WTerk.xerisssd a sadua harraeaas, tea BE ta WNW. 19ih an, aad aaaasd awvaaral vaaaatavrtlk baa of aall aad spar oa lb three tot lowing days. A huge ship, wit snpiaasa gnat, sraaartuag.d aad aba doaad, sra paasS la lat 47 M. boa 98 laa Bualint, ar ia th rtvaa. Bmyraa, Oct xW Tb A aartraa bark RDa, esaith, hsaca for New Yerk.

waaea sbor a tha aaad baak Beat St Jaaea'a Castt. la this gulf, ban case tf a raw gaacbarar lag aart of hag carga, aad pro leaded apaarsatly wubaxU hank Foaeiaaai. OcA 7 The Trlaitv Use tma aa Caadvrus Baad, was panjy a sbatd dowa ia ibe ga aala day. arvLlas. Oct tie veal saseasa af balararka.

a awlaa wear, aad a Brass lock, also a bead ss gaarsee board, with raaaa arrav aadgjlawal.wasa sartad Bp aaar lat Blag. WatOTrbra. Oct Tb Ui aaiL Btagc arrived frnaa loaaicaa. rrportt that about 3a ail, off tsa Laud's aa. aa aw a bng louader, a pea maatng low aid bey a boat was aeea with eight ream it it, which ale wsrat dowa betair sb eenld eeaap wuh K.

rearisascaia, Oct a Tbe gverbard, Haaka, fxa Bl aa la fhg NO.ktaae, which pat la bar saakuag. aaaat dtaebarg. Klasal, Oct 7 Tb Malabar, ameest at lha port aaw atb 83d aad aasaiiyoa beg bassaa nas; sua day la lat 47, loa tu, aaw a ahlp a tb Worth diimassad, aad a brig with (ore aau ataadiag aad waug logged Archaaggl. ZVd Bept A vessil ea Are aad ahaost kmrat ta the srater'sedg. was see at th eatraac af tha W'bila Hara, about 35 mil sanb at lUidctia Ulanst, by tha Aera, aera.

books kf lb Hir Edward, aral Bit, hi lat 40, loa 40, a targe ahip, with aaly tower Basis ssaadiaa. Oa SSd last, Warringtoa, Uverpooi ta New Vark, with Caa rjpokea Oct 8th, Aa ship Joha Parry, Ul 50 loa 11, by tha Aral, ar at Uverpooi. pok Bept 13th, lat 11 loa 17 VT, loscea, rlvw Baal lord, ft Fayaf, by th Faa lea, Osram, ar at Cork. Six rVeoc lOtb, lat 41, Aa sblp ilaraa, faa lb Btatea, tntaiiy disaiasisd. Spoke Sept Kth, lat 34 torn 3B Baraa, Llv'l le Pa sacoia, by tbe Atiaatkiaa, Oriot; aiax Havr.

Freas th List Oct. GravBiasi. Oct 4tb. ar Maygevrev, Crabtre. TTTiliaas Deal, 3d, ar raese.

Bed lord, aad aid tor Kostaardaaa; l.trooa, Blsacbsrd. sad Bid for York. Portsattoaiia. 3d. ar RartablnV Toreler, Breetea, fog NVork: 4th, Nor ibamberlaad.

Grtswold, sid ISth. Cowea. 3d. aid Jaswphiaa, Howes, Amsterdam. Brtsaoi, 4th, aid Cosavo, Oaiasrbridga), York.

Uyde. xd, ar Catharine. Scott, Jl id. Hod sea, Doaee, York; sid 3d, Gthra tar, NOrlesaa Shields, xd.sld Vercma, Hear, cVaatoa. BsiaKare, Bept xlta, ar Napier, tenferd, BalDascar aor Petal sbarg; Kih, relaa.

Hnk, Lisbon for eteickbotra. Haaabarg, Osit Sd, ar New Ywk. Bogs, New York; Baarphaai. Kroger, do. Urease.

cVptSO, ar Bra an Koper, Pbiiad. Hrtvoni, Sep 30. ar Glob, HndKxa, Caarasioa. eVheide, Oct 3d, ar Kuryph, Arnedes, NT ork. Naples, Berxxli, (rtst, New xon.

Froas the Usg af Oct Off Darttaonth 3d, ar NOrleaa for Absrr dour. Porl smooth, 4ih, ar Wsslmiasar, Hovey, I oafHa, tv si. an I i Ii Havre 9tL ar Powhaltaa. Btoaa. Cbarias to.

Matnaa. den juvaraio, niax; a raise. Baccar, aiisiiaa; leva. rieg. Beec tier.

NYork; Peyton. Browa. Maisa: ttren. Drinkwalcr NYork; Jaa Howo Boway, Gibraltar. St Helena Aug 12th, ar Alkaoa.

Caa laa, aad aid Uta for York. From th List of Oct 7. C.ervres, Kth, RUltn, Hlaaca, NOKeaaa. Hlveet 3d, ar FaaTM.Madtsoa.NBedrurd. Antwerp.

4tk, ar Archiaseew, Buekmaa. NYork Har 3d Albany. Crearfbrd, NYort; ith, Amaxrta, Murray, Boatoa. Tritate Sept 24th, ar Kennedy, Marti, Trinidad a Cuba. Mauri tiua, July 96, 1 at Kensingtoa, Giehaas, York for Calcaua, Frssatth List of Oct a.

Graveeead. Tib ar xrthuonberiasd. Grtswold. riYork, PorturMMth. 7th, ar Eve bard, Haak.

Bremen, for NOrlaaaa, leaky. Belfast, 4ih, ar Arabia. Hawkiaa. NOrtaaaa. Ke sinor.

cVnt 30. ar Esther, Faiaadag, rltockboia fog NYjrk. Alaaat, Sept 28. ar Sever, Cbeevei. Manoa.

Gsana, Bept 24 ar Bolla, Geoerana, CtMiMMtua; 96th. Daadeaao; Ebs rreaa, NO leans; Stb, Clarissa, Lual, tUo Grand; 30th, Adaai.Piaggio, NT oik. From th List afOctt. Deal, 8th, ar Aralalss. Wagaaaywr, Galvaatna aad sid fog Aatsrerp Wakoaa, Paia.

Riatiardaa for NOrtaaaa; 3d, Pursuit, Spraea, ar frcaa Ih itver far NOrleaaa. Porte won tb, rah. ar Clittoa, lagersoii. Havre foe NOrVaasts. Off: lynsoolb, 7tb.

Fraaclsaco, Biraaa ior York. Belfast, fftb, sid. Lord Duffrea, Raaay, NOrksaaa, Akardasa, atb, ar Poaaoaa. fobby NOrhsaaa. From Lloyd's List, Oct 10.

Gravasaad. Oct 9. arrived Rlalta, Hamsoa. fa Nw Or leen Gtadiauar, Bnaiiag, New York. Ponosavootb, 9th, ar Llgentka.

Biaacbard. Otlea, Got hen burg log 8 raa sab, lyde. Oct Ssar Coiocmey. Wrlghl, York. TzL Oct 6, ir aHaepaiaa, now, 11a van a Gorraaaa, Bep Yd, ar Athraai Wilaoa, NOriaaaa.

Ushea. rtpt la. ar Banded Eter aa.Avwiar. NYoeh 20. Hyde Alley, Boreeey, NYork 24, Floreaea, Panlasa.

Ria Janiro. Cadis, rapt 18th ar Dsv aaarh, Fnat. Bogdeaax SWth. Albeit, axieovtcb, York indetta, Galla. do SI si, Aoroaa, CoaataatlB.

New Yerfc. ibraltar. cVrpI S7. ar Caraa. Bcabil.

Ysrk iih. sid Ra bert. JerfsiosB. Chsrhwm Manasaa. Phillips, NYork.

Fms tb Lisa ef Oct. It, Grevcacaal llth. ar Glad law. BuaUaa. New Ynrk.

OaT Portlaad, Btb, ar Veroaa, Howes, New cuius for boatoa, Viyo. iota, si aarsnaa, tjassiiioa, for Few Orteaas. an. 2d. ar SbanM.

Msmsaaa. New Onaaaa Maiauv. Braaa, Nesrcaati 3d, Lyoas, Gross, Lnaaaoa 4th, Boa fcVhlea, Msaoka, Baldaojoe. Tarsal, 7th, agTrteaaog, rrr, NYork. Crkvaa lb.

Msalo, Last, do. Flushing. Btb, ar Hotlaoadexr. taawt, fka ntlafo fci Box to. bavtBg spraag jib boosa aad boss apt it.

Aatwarrp, llAb, ar Anatatua, Meyag, mere, 9th, Gram. Raab, NYork; TaiUhaUP" Ho dart, dn. rort Mabea, Bept 3. ar Trtaldad BiaenJa Rico; 7th, Bavera, Cbaavar. Warw Oei as tatb.

Veto. MT sosti, ra Paxrva Cabelio. MarsarilUia, 6th. Bng Miarbail, i.vw 1 too AtgtaB aiy, aasg as, aaswomaa. wo, air.

Preaa tbe Jl ef October 13. 12th. id We.lal.aqr. Hevary, NYork; IJJ gona, lsiaor. ata atCecila, Job eaa.

siryao, for Healagor; Naar, K)org. 1 org aor etnea svoim; iusigl, Arnold, uaawg tor rsainaax r.ii vves atch, Lavacb, fm Patwabairg fed Baaxoa; Active, Predsrica soa, fm Block bona for Hull; Byron. Psarsoa, Parabrgh far NYork; EhxaJalb. Hrodsoa. Riga for Melds.

Gothen burg, 30tb Bept, Vityflnta, Jinaa, 1 era. crooaa ta OcL as Adler. Hobcam NYork; Maoac. BoUlare.NBedfrjrd 8tb. Agnas.

Wareaed, NOrteasa. Flushing, Or 1 8, ar Cba ToltntT Rack. NYark. Aslwerp, On 1 1, ssd Etlsaoa. NYork.

narasr, uci as ssasswaw awi. Newmsa. Lavado; rSaiem, uaawv, sw. ataiwaiiaw. tjai.

ar CorSoosa, Ixrwei, rsinsaaa awvae DeaL frora tha rlvw aaal sailed Goliaa, Rata, If Oriaaas. Cerwee, Utb, aaUed. iUtaaa, a cranes, raurvaovoa; Ligoaia: Marshall, tork. roruaa roaoa, uia, sen, Vasoaa. Bosvsa, Baataa.

Falssosub, 13th, lied Iwtuaar, Otaa, Savaaaah. Brtslot, 12th, aaJsaai, lady Freak, la. fatiawlaOn lorSi, Ilia, or, aau, aasvana sor Hsvre, Chrbattaaa, 4th, ar ovoa Oocaar, is Verb. BVJseida, litb, ar Cbas Carroll, Fooear, NOrieaaov. Mbsal tar, li S2, ar Ivtsosrsa.

raiaa, ssaiagm, aaa aaiwa aeg Yerk; Gilbert, Civ, Malaga, aad aai led log BalUarxra; Leila Rookh, Burrows, Rabsaraad; Oct 2, Gaaiaa, Bertraad, Maiaum, aad sid fog NOrtaaaa; 4th, Cbauaa, Tswass, do, for York, Frroa tha IAst ef Oct IA Belfast Oct 13, sid Bta.dard, Millaa. lfOta. ar Mary Plaaaaat. Wonts. NOta; 4th, Stinala, Piag.

aa. Trieese. 3d. ar Jaa Cash, Philad. Elslaoee, lib.

ar Vssay,, a ior Bsettua; Mb, lw.ltorary. Cetkry. Paraassexug for Boaot. Grave od. 14ib.

aid Maicla. liarward. Baal. Ca Bo, 1st, sid Char lease re, Packard, laaaaina Id, Oara, Peaballnw, Laryhora. TtVau.

9a. ar Carib, Va ateraaaa, Ha vaaa; 3d. Lycargxa, BrtrarB, NOrig; OrewBiaa, ffmi'h. Jse asea aad 4th, Aaaoieeu, Frosa Ua last sd Oct 16 DeaL 14th Ar LeibatixJUeeabaeBi. Y.

aad aid for Haaa barg. Pat bachfoCarw, liib. Allda, Faa, fee hOra. Plyasaath, LiUo, ar Edlabaug. Jackwa.

Maiaass for Aaa watp, with ka of aall. aad r. rider daasagad. As twerp, 14th, Cbarlea Carroll, Foalar, NO; Cawiaa fiaa rraaa uva use mt uci 1 1. LoadoB, Oct 16, eld amtsrards.J raska, nisavary.tarVsa i.

Cock. I4tb. sid laetl. Call. Haves Una a.

ib, ar iJibssrla, Rartiett, Loadra; rrtb. Bavasaid. ca, atay Canneilla, Hepklns, Past Rasai tb saalaia. Aaa sssaa. fas rk, aad Pilot.

sVag fs a a afbbi arrived la tb Waaees. xsarivsoea, ma risaUayAIaw fOMIa Gravasaad. 17th. as WsJpoi. TVasaay PJ Deal, 18th ar Haaa.d, aVowana.

Pnwaaih. IfbA, mU Clifsna. Isaeraatl. NOrtasaa. Pardaad Rasea, tfsth.

Ilpnala. Elea ckVidJkYork. OsT Eiagabradga, ItVub, ar Tagaoae, Praa, NYvrk. Clyd. lith, ar Sasa, aVeatt, NYrk ad Rarasaii.

Glover. Trip. Nw Oiwaaa; Aaa Hanavy. Beaat, A TorV ratlM3anrMsuaildCbai1aaiaa. Ceatleasarg.

WiA. ar Emma, Hag, Tork. Bl Psnaansairx. Ma, Napaal, ford. Haiti Bier.

Brrasea. I3ib. ai faabella, Aadrise. ft Yek; Ariart: Trlixe Baltiaaoaa. Msasat, Wb.

NKNI Middee. iTk. lath, HNatd be bo, York No a. lsaa JtWs4l Pmcisaa, Kjog. do.

Flask lag. Pi a its ea. a. Maraaila. Havre.

Msgw li. LeaUa, Gs breitar. 7lh. Wright, Zaaae. aad aid for Lnapaai.

tra, Ag 3I. Pesrrsaarg. Marachalk. aalas4 fxh Sepa foe Malaga; fwsa 4tb, kulona. 'J1 JSJfT Amliada.

Bnra, A llib, CmnuvrnM, Ixvtb. Bleeor, Coo. Now Yr "T'ml Daploaauda. Eiatoora, baartfae Bcwsob; tialllaara, Iaaaja A Dabaa fog Mass) Ed was, walsayat raasrg so. Ml, da at ta Ta oo B56 Wkia WrapplB do, 18x94, CTROTW.niI As".

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