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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 1

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OiBoa.Foutb Atnw and Qmt Street Tbt Porru committee looks like a Met of the day of Judgment for Sliuil ad kia eoaftjutors la fraud. It la probable that Jo. a Bobbm bow. Withes tkat Etabt could hart fives Aanaaaoa a consulate la a srra warm cll-atate. Bkxatok lUnra got a vot Tester ay on a proposition to reotora lb fraak-be prtTileira.

Both tba Keotucky 8eaa tor voted against It It bc-frln to appear, aa the Republican aid la 1800. that "It la (be bigbr politi-Oal dutT to lavretifate electoral fraud It I a kind of "revolution" eminently aal-labctory to a swindled peopla. TaT adjnaratni; resolution of Congress aaakea It Impossible to complete the am aarj bait mm the date pecl(led. There will be dlnairrcrmrnt in tbe Henste on the i arasT bill, and aa extra session of CoogreM BMjr be necessary. Bt a curious oniric a we failed to my that the very intenatting and instructive aennoa that apianrcd iu tbe Col uikr-JorBviAt.

vestenlajr moral uj was preached by Hot. Ir. Bttabt Koniseo to a lare cona-regalion. in the Second Presbyterian church, tbe dy previous. Tbb Nass incident waa of that peculiarly Mexican kind which dutiniit-lied the cam p-i4(rn work of ilie RcpulilicaiiA in tbe Foul bent btalr, AsUfcaevN lettti-Bony a to Kiuous't motle of running aa election IvaU to the surmise that once" rau aa election tu (Minora or laic boat an.

Old Qoimmiiirr la welling belter ery rapidly. So did Hum fun. get over hia beer ConipUuut when the duie wan flxed for the Berlin congress. Oournrm-- Borr will no doubt, after all, to with Bcbocyalokf to Berlin. There ta nothing like a pruiccl ot sharp diplomatic work to put tbe Chancellor oa their le again.

1 Tbb Standing Committee of Bisbop Mc-Couit'l dioceaa (Detroit) hare resolved to prefer cbareee against their spiritual guide, of Immorality, based upon the evl- -dene before them. Tbe char (res will be preferred at the. Diuorsaa Convention, which aieeta Juae 17. Tbe Bishop in Kew York, and it la not believed la Detroit that he will return to that city. "Givb this gentleman a consulate in a va cUmaU.

This la a apecia! case," wrote President Hate to Secretary Evabt. concerning Abdsbsox. Er aut, not having connection with that place nearer than FuucbsL, gave Adk.hoh that consulate, -but Abdebsob rejected It, It would appear from Hatk' order that he believed Etabt waa the devil himself. Tu German Singer of Indiana are making our neighboring city of New Albany happy with redundant aong. The city la full of gay and happy Baenger- bunds, and the three day' test promise to be a great success.

Louisville semis her re enforcement and Kew Albany enter npon Ilia leafy month of June with all the delight of a spontaneity of mirth and music. Tn Pottu Committee took a rest yes-terdtat. Mr. Pottkb being abscnL AU the "visiting statesmen" are to be (ivun ample opportunity thia wet to repair tbe amagea Inflicted by Axuemoi, if they sen. If AjtDEBaoM I a liar, he la a liar of Republican manufacture exclusively, but the saint have been a long time ascertaining that Asdcbsom wa capable of lying.

Ill record a a persecuted Hepublican" ha been given to the world very often by tlia Republican organ. Tbb Greeks and Muasclman In Turkey, convinced that the agreement is based -exclusively on the Interest of those power, an in a very revolutionary Mate, and threaten upheaval A revolution I Imminent at Constantinople, and before the congress meets the sick man may be In a tolerably dead condition ami unable to ntter a protest against the polling ot his effect. Turkey' doom waa foreiijdowed when the fan Stefano treaty waa signed, fcsd whether that instrument be adopted us part or re-Lifted aa a whole, tbe congresa will be but the gain rrloc of the eagle over the Ottoman carcass. No eongrea of the power has ever respected the rights of the smaller State, aad -rkrj: In Europe will be cut up to suit the big while Asiatic Turkey will Inevitably be "protected into a British; province and garrlsoued by liSACOXJ-ruxo' stalwart Indian troops. At tbe Dee Moines.

Iowa, Republican convention Saturday delegates were elect to the State convention and a long string of resolution adopted, among which were some curious affirmations, aa "tbe Repub-. bean party wa called into existence by an uereen band, and recent -event show Its mission la not yet ended. That the Issues of the last war were not alone of war. but of ncbt, wrong aad crime, and tbe lesson thereof must not be forgotten. That the veterans of tba last war stould be recog-Bized at all times and in all places." When they came to Mr.

Hat these Iowa bel-- ngerents said "WttB tall eavOJeni ks lb Bi'earnT, spreaee. sisisiaw aa sssltsr Uf ot RvmBsroaa B. Bates, IBs (raa BssuMkaa an; ef Lnnu mm easirr eonltrra aaoa ban as btnst kcsMrs; rat waaas saa saon mxm am ssawav onMal slstlisA, a was Bwakas la lbs rsoks erf lu old sa-BT, sa bow assmiss step by mtp waa ms sdraoo "Mas- Csafwlsnie fuss. Bstara. oa.

Ther is a line poetic frenry about that, but here are some more steamine' morsels from that Republican banquet TVs BsfiebHaa sertv has mMI4 Itie bdrdew beaasof all lutcf at Obsrv. Tba Puma nsoia-Iksss an tRsaoasMe, ravoiaik-Bsrr aa4 enwiaal at saaiec and iiii Bsc-lovln au aboa 4 naa a put Tba! ayrdsl eradu Is due lbs Tolaa aukllrr. aba laasbt to ssve lb BeaubRe, sad Ilk akKrsnr. to to all who fouabt lu deatrur lbs astwa. TbesalrkiilsbaanaflMwIlb Jo aarr Ow boaor rBfarretl by for- iga nstloni a oa Ueo.

oasXT, aca aaav be soi a rscara, It aot defined bow the "rlsg-lovlca; men" will rise and "crush" I'otteb rrsolutlcn.i. but the eurneslly cxrremed wish tbet UmjT kit soon come borne- from bis feotling suirgests that these) Iowa Uepublicans mean to make kirn at-tempt his Airxichiiimion process of IK77, which General rtaKBMAB prevented with cooaiderabie trouble, on (he ground that the army wan for Tium and law and o-rier, and against anarchy and revolution. a- Tnr Karl of will himclf go to llei lin to hamlie Iaffiands case at lie fAl.ii.'U an Oi aeouupaiiv bint, and Knv'Uml wili haveatonleaiii. ailhouh llACOFlllXl aad Sf.iu( Kv can srwrrely im called a match for tiiu.r HirHABCK or Axubaj8T, the letter ing the most a evn -toniM in Ijir-HH-. muia iw an exeecd-inii u'fu man.

He au.l Iiskki.i had tlie kiiui irrel in the Cabinet in l'-W over'ilH of reform, and Ixl SiinsrsT nwrul In conwqienca of Ins iliefruu.iM-ul. IIiikaeu, however, unn uc i luru 'io jiowcr in 1M4 at om-e iu UiaCauutet.and Uc wa liuiiur by bring kuduenly from bit iimU- a-t rjwceUry of rLa.c for ladi to perf the dcicte and wo apteiul euibasaador to the iuu.ntint-lu cr-nterrnee in ItCC. Sjai t-ni itr wen; with a great flourish of but he certainly liw ilmt Imsm1'Sk to coie with the lr. -xT ati i rr at thai meeting. is a im i-f brnins, bowever.

i.ifi 1'ivinier will no doiiU find a i i ailvi' and he aec-l some a. tiitiev rt i lie GonT- M. A bj U.lie. and KOITA- 1 1 ri' ni't ill tilumi inu'ii Irxkrry a t'U lie Uaa tuc vttUljiiKiice i. bu a i'i tv ii; ruin e.

i KreiiCti Ji n-i yv I Wit jir aliic n' iifin Ci'mj, u- su later o( Arf-itr. wan Immu no d-tttoiiial ic arc rec.i.UJ., Vbrluy's rtpreinaiivf. i.r-not uameil iu the list. If Mi oh at FAaA in vxtle, be Wi.ald Ii li. uot at rcproscstar tivtf oi liia iloiixs of tubman.

A tbe Bxrt'lcman who represents Turkey at Berlin will, at it were, at funeral of his oMiuiry. the pw.t:rn wiU not csrtal nly be a Very aliurinit oau. TKE LCSISIANA FRAUDS. ZTideaot Takes Tettrdfty by tbt lBTettifftiBr Commits Owing to If r. Potur Abieiee.

Additiooml Item ot InterMt from thm Testimony Oirw by Kx-8uprTiaor An-dsrvooa AairM TUtt tb rrnllfil with Ht. IHrratl a4 Caf rruan Nash. Mt.noni.dum Vad by th FrMident, aad uPttaM Appoint TkU QBUeaa to Oomm nlmhip im Warm OUMt. Tbto im a SptwUl Om.m Anderson CjI! on Secretary Sherijun His House Cne, and is Rebufed. Anderson IntcrvHaw With Governor Kallofg in Hefrenc to Conrttr Natth't Cam.

aUport thtt Senator tthew- Will AU to IBM IM1 ffWr Attitl4tal TrltavMkTA, If Clua thftt Krm. cat Hu tb Oriiaul fthsifn't fO BK IO-BAI 1 9rtmi Telarnkpair iVMTvf.l?or3 .4 im Con rter. JtXif Uakl. diK- lav xhm rtsutu vt uiwUi 9 lo- uo. bru brMi tactvmfX UxMfHi ot dliaiuitvlw! dur' lun tb las! two lajr.

ml irtn tbuqernssl bom tbe froahlent aud bl Jt-eOvU am miad out ul Monte uf lb aVKsM wVipfNiilt? peraooti on tbe aubjerl pruoitttnit and alum KefHibticmtM. (Hie ot Um Isssstr. ranaaUB Mr. Hmbio i iMtirooor to the 0t turn, mm cm not tmlttk bm ttaJ wrutm tracr to Anderso fciiiaa waa dated tba iMh of KovmtMT, and mm tbea knew bat llttie abuut the trail rtii m. be Html Mr.

auaraaa mm taaa baea to dan -a Kev mtaaaa, aad aaa oaialA taal am day bad a. 4 mum ii trtiboat a batnf lalunMd UU ymni Cneada of the BDOtrtia aal gaoai mom- mt Wraar aad awAtlaraae. 1 am taeam. aad taai ft mM be aa cratina of LoateJana for Hares. Tbta icaileaien a aarf abrewd aad experteaard aasabikaa aaU.

Oatea, dat aet doiM ibat abarasa aas tttfuraffd, banted a'ely aa Bis antral at New ortraaa, ot wttat was fitaniBil tba waafc aad duBcult v-tdat ta toa PjUtCsVtt OBM. ms iTTia or TTsnaoa-T la a arm! tbal the Ke rurk Heratd oorrwpoode at. wao baa naaHlly oapoasd toratldmtlao, bow art Ibat Mieraua'a uacariaia raplr ead tbe Metths keUk bAVe andiJOHl a bed Inn'felna, aad tbe betap aeaiaawi a rtoteter luok. Ta Tnuuw ojrrataoudcaft, while rOctttif to fela party leaden, aoer adauts tbat tbera ae ao rro lUed. aeaordlasT ta lea, ta ivevect to Kaat reHdaaa.

Hardly say one era au be foaad to amy tbat tfwre mot baaai for larr.slc.UioB. Mr. rotter aaipiy tiled stated, sad alo Uie beuaorreU wtwsustalaed bis aMOua. Tas rAsaoT car or 'sitolctioV" aad "Meilrarliathia" (a atlwarwd Tte Repaahfaa Iradars aa cow rtaa and cxp'tUm. It wbte- lrad -taa Um rrerfJi'at wUl ta able to etear bts etrta, aad to be twssed tbet be wtU Cod Bettitttt; bettrr to so an thaa the aositlua aaalbed totta, ibt be baa en-vrfnd to ofTU tbe Bfiurntar Board, and other agnoia In rravd, oa Uie grooad tLai tacr iiTed by doinc taetr bona doty.

It acaxed W-oif LU tbal nox. btaxikt mnHrwi will rtre la the rust? la a day vr two wrta a ataie- ablch wtll put. him la a hecter llflht. It naat be ie.eo.her4 that tbe leuifnonr ot tnrday doe aot drnibt alia aa bt-llc! to arranice tbe fraud In New tHleanr, but a coudt.liiic It aftfrwanU 1M77. Ibe RetiubUcaa tnaasavrs pruuitaeio treat Aodenoa duwn oa cro-euiailauuo to-mncTow.

bat at pmeetil tfcrtr p-uty In Waabtctrtoa te aojloue acd 11frcafai(ed. 1 Measrs. Ia and tSMUttoa are reportrd to tsva beca nmnood In tbe rnqaiet of tbe Ke. aUlouav It ta cettara tbat aarahsj Pitkla baa brea naiK.oDl by rnqacet of Ren. Boiler, wbo antveis to be vary anxfcmt to est ea wttb WtTDe MrVcajtti, atH mi prooaby im PiUIa lor thU porptvw.

It la baUeTed Utat toe pn of 'be relebraaed woruit som romtirin will be lBqelrd two, and duenaeotw epoaectrd witb It ais-to twblio. Tbe New Vert Trlbuae baa pub-IWed a aaaibfc uf fettas Matemmts ID rarard to tft? Pourr rooiaiittiw, suea tu tbe eomntttae bad dMkWd ta wt whb duaed dotea. bad irfueed to allow br-mea to be rtreewnted be eouceel, and had oWkW-d ot a allow Bbwrmao to kaov of toe ende ecajnat mi mm aoul It eeited taetr pmnmrnm. All of lb to ta antra. Tbe oommU! sever ortited 00 eret rxamlAa-ttoas and tbe rettHMrsla asft tt la tae Br ro.tcaua to ear toetlur tba examtnaiiwei traoatd be aactes or pubtle.

Mr. fiberasao te tejuatjad ay bla mjmatei. and tab. waa aeeer deoted baa. bee aot beea eaa-toeaary to allow eoaaeet to asajnlae witneaaas aad tbe o.

war nnsnaaoai ta rcru-lnar UU. As to tvlaa tbe artooi Xr. fcbermiaa eoaaiel baa every fartiitv. It to toe oid, el etorr. Ho tblaf ever tte better draw wK a gaud uptaion of tie Is.

Q. VP. ITo tbe Aawirtated Pivea.l JntM S. Tbe pjtter fnv 1 1 aimiUfv will biui no runner eiaiiuu.i 14 tl oaumto UaMMrsctut CuatratAB Puller. AtraoM Aim thi Afxtarvoa testitVd atartlay before the Potter rrm-mi' uai, to wit ateaatur Mauaewa' Bslvlta, be calUa rre tbt Pix-mtdvat, tw load him be bed autie do prtiniat-H, sbd iber-rore hiA iata to fuilliL Tbe Frie4.1ot Ujo e.coed b.ste J.

AWDBRIiOKt ASM A 3D KKtXOGO. la tn hurrv of aelerMnz trams the aotea of Ander-p)b iwetiifHeiv HatuiMAT, auoiv lbtmtiu putuuesjre oerkiikd by ibe neuutor. Tbe axe turn Aiuar uv tntrfxtuctloa of ftberiuan letter to In oVria aud Meter, ibe wont oa tw tv ftJkms: Tbe day after lLo tveet, of tbat leuer I wba aViera te Ifte omobi bouse acd an Sarb, whn a a BBtMr of (ohtwi froia Mstb Onsfroa-'swoal liiwlct, ia wkiacli Leat Feliciana to ktaud, Saab caaf to oe and uul tbat ibe Uetiartiiac Bueid wu SMna ttrowa blw ojL I aaawd biat wby Uwy au( make a cao ftr bim. It taey aoald atala a eawi for Mr. Bavea.

Ho aVd they eoaM Bmae a caee rquaffy ae goad aa th Mr. Hares, of onora, ant ttai k- aS au LU pa-SDoal eornav.aad uf rxjtire wuuld brat bin. 1 takt: "Narib. aow vou wait It tne a lew nMOaenta. aull I bare aa hrtervk-w wbb k4-' Kaata waMeda few ntcrmrtA, aad I eaw kei-lg ap tbe avpa.

end I fuliow-a and aaid to blto: vrovernor, wbat are yougotaa to le Xaab'it re? He Mid: "Na! to beab-n, of curee. lire bm xxiry atfA'a-t trim to im." 1 nui: aaiiuft Hayea te Hy--" He twd: 1 bat utMf be a duXemrt ibln j. I aaid. aaay be a dl (.. thiue lo your but a.t ia aatce.

S'W," aaid 1 I will trU yu what you eao vfo. YuU ran ctiber retura ab fr tbe atita tooareeiktEa; uilrrt or I wili ber-4 this aoole Uiioa." He nanrtirnf oa tbe wei. and I laid ut Land oa bit afHHifdVr. aad ta a.d, "iif d. If yta aaut to put jeur Dtcs lo a bater you gu ai.oad and do tt.

I am GoreraiN' thii tate. I ruotrul tne p.Vre and moirul tbe eourta, tald be. A aurd to the vlM oeicnu" 1 aatU. "Now, 'tovernur KeUudir. if yMi lucau toat fir ibnat, tt U.mfTB mi have ifi-t rrtura Nana UjT Utt r'tAtb Coo-meional We diruMed Ibe artt-ter a few aitna'ea, aitJ be tad, MVua aad tell Nab to B.ake up a axr oaae ia at.

Laatlry, Lltute- IM'tMOI, a A TVS PASKAIX AND ASH. Tbe wttaeea aHtodT (Ojorily after arrtval In 1 wrtii tbe trrmixw wtOi Ur. iwr-tau Ur. Num. jttmtkn -suii wont pea1 tlvre? Atmrer- I (11 private ikUer ui tbe tre4deut Uvm a irwad of bis In ik Voe? kr What ane ba aeroe Aunrty-Xr, P.

B. t'taca. 'f tte Sia4iiril -h-o) H-ral1. V't re yo pr'-nt a-- ibe luin-vicw wttb tbe ADaWTi-fn, lr. vat-avo Wi tt took i-lare uerew an-1 wbat waa aiil to v-ipf Tv hat a-fc.

B.rta tin ate jroU ir Mr. Iiartmaor by Ur. Ur Anr lr. Lrall made ao atali'titente. r.

IturaM and Mr. Na-vti LrttnJ my and 'tt thrf hart ejaVr ibetr anrumf nta. lmrnul pti MJiiid tliu Kuw fnu Mr. out. Tl Itisrr- 1 -i k-1 It n-aI It wer veiy ierpfu.l.

put tt ia and a rmi ramluui; "j'lrtse a trfta im imamu a i-iJui b.p in a wan.i ell-rie. ba to a o-e." il tt K. B. aa I tot a ovtr to ibe atata lepartoieot and Oied these. AMnUMV LJLtt AT SU UMAX'S MOt'SX.

Tbe viutwa mtmt4 that be w. at to tbe TrvBAinr IVj: HttM-lsl, Ui. la.l Iu at Mr. ylrO.Uitvni to be ro.Htf at fi i-e t-ii- -iie t-vrTtitii. aixt oi in a W(L (in tnt tbe i-rVr, iiHrtartDrvd arvarlf as tor. a ft pfififi -i Di-4 rerr? fuse mr. He art a fa. tkS 'Hr. hbsjuttan, I came mr a MM Iwr have 00 tf I yt ta mr VfAn aeot.

I luiu biai I tn 0--t vxrx a pruitron 1u ti 1tn mrtront. 1 warn-h! a fruin tbe Stale Ivjsvrtaiv-nc, tud be taut 1 "Vw bad ttier rail Mr. ETarte." 1 tod hita Umt I bad fled ai? aptlsttra With M. Fieri, ard hat I want! Iiita todo rt to we In0u-n to vt ate ibe anrawrtrBcns. He ret.wi tltt be ritbfr trfotxaett 10 mae ha ludULort f-r ae tit bta tVfia.

tive la any otuer t.rher Mr. "TartB Vtarte-nt ie In aujr 4twr dVirtiiftf, aixi )uet (aoverotw Wet, of Litittlaua. cantf tu. aud I ttk up a.y tat Aad Irft, and i twrvar aaw Mr. tatscmaa Oaca uailfr iiiet lurt'-aj.

to Bt raoea-UAttiNan tc-nir lla PUter lnta4tsmtin4T uslh. uee will aeala eet -tiri nw BMimiii, wot a Andaraoa wtii oa mew sauiiued. aTTarw. ff-ni, or Mattherre wl tt ta aaid trlrbt, efc to ae icrfatq --iTe loe oncuuniea. aoa tiie iueat wjm of rjurae be ranted.

AitumosAL wmtniit rvaokcn. ub nam have been laeued ftc a-idi'tOBal Knt. of New ratm. won, a i Lae the orLgiial of Ibe Bbeiaaa fetter to Aatbrrftoe. rflrct ot Aaaroa rvlweare A tltiit Pabltc ftcatiasvat.

Dtvca.cb to the CkWacoTtatea.) Wahi-o, Jane t. Tberw baa beea a tha ei Wahin, fco. but It bae beo a revottia ia putc twWMKM-tit. Tee taen ttaataa ta ae. teener a- rwh-d.

lite Mttrr cf ABder-4-a 1 aot yet aoderaaa all dnMuailr rtij e.enees beeaoa th pww a boat aewraiera have ajt had ewou enterprtoa ii reprt-ftii-e S. Eet one auiloulv awana tbe ar-rit of Ua(ostlaT hew Yjrfe aopera, wbtea ceaaeuai M4jhtr arc.laut: but itw brual effect of the an Aiory 1. ea.ati-b.-d umnm itve ut.di of irnn vaft aiaa wwe smoioru at w.arta at t.ea-t awtij ea hi er-rwr) are ritarv 4 ri f- snsw-aa pA tatea sMrtil- tbey 1 ae fi i a-Mtaonv te re tt-em. (u oae Baa en anv ver sme-4 eff-rt dlaereuit AcWtuo. le wa honuted ev me Almtn1trmu'B peur-te a vr a tea warn he vo tv jl to tbe Mtvtira l-at, aint aa hue as tavav I (-ifrir Iksoley Maithew ea errta to bita aod trvioa ta mo a 1.

he euaU fur Mat. twaniey Maubaiwe THt OtUUlHAl Vail AMD ilNIMI BorVaBWT a4 wfti prod or before tba omaitn eaileo Bi-m. ToH onmaH, brief fptioaae of tbe fraud iu w.feb Aadrfaoa wa a alieol pertaer, bae reraaied toaJltfc mil eta site refjr abaat. Ibe LotaietaBa and Attsjeraua'a reward aa act thai aboui4 toi ana atiaaty aoib ibe Predeai aed tbe aea waoaraed Aartrreca i airarK aweervtcea rea-area, a aaw feat to uw4 aeoa ataaf ta rtmm VOLUME LIV. ha Uet uf am.

fn-ia awjasbtoa and aeerawa owt my the snakier tatcat of the eua-nerare. wbo have beea rearo-d wa rertefal aa-BvHat loeavta. Trer have beea men aae or parttoaa eaiiaab to believe thai tba Wo He Hotwa Pora-att wae really tuworaot uf all toe ertteea Umt bod beea pMetreu-a la hi aaw a. Tbe totewee aiormlMy aod impoeee of rettrmrja allweawAoa at tbe wbuo Haee aeareed a tnll namber of temeea, be tood tbat Hayes himself knew of to fteged i-rutrwl la LtMttetovne, nnoa wbtrb votee esMWb were throw a oat 10 cuant baa in, boa nee a ab rude tborh to even tne um etedlml aaeaiiaa ef the blaml, atoUlea. Trortmrii raasroawr.

wtafi mmm eiaerJed mtw aa he etoa eee ertHwl hetv. Tlvwe to eurh tMtnet f-e Ibe Mue UMk tlsai one teera la Heouhltrmn rrvu itto evea-laaftbeony aeuttanko eifina ail at tbeeipiware tf Hare-s' iwd. A ooe ke: uetnaa eejaur id hwt.vh. 'l Hunk afu-r thto wan bwra ihe wtnu 'rtvi'-eervve bfc randaiH fio to ii- pfir-tvofj t-f pt-t-tk." Uttd tt.lrtue Itrd U-M'1''--- uiu-4 te frteUi! mam a fl3r" wf tim fe tut A.Vrwi te he.l hf Mtrito Mi JUrtiaH, .4 ue la NrUi A uitr; a. nod utetil tritifvt Irnixia that t.rornU ireal be.

la ihii tuwtjHT. AikUtstn eiaiNW tbal be a -p'wu, al wah oKiaU ta aruaM4ua hi Ibe Ttvu rr-uiL mi-4 1x4 iu guilty wnxurmu. una r. i ei.Hr twn aiKrtier a-ile aid to etii. i-utwutnic tko teoactly aod lnr 'f a utu vr liacvut lu-fnnhH Uii.l viii tsriusj ram ml Atawmm to oil of Uie 'rr a-e at bifta AihU-rsuu i iauian" I be etotaeui IaWT-r, tu iw hiii it ix oj OBrtoUtmUe uce u(bq ftrj inlnt mu be baa, ev to Om li.aUurLK.

ul Uw Of UaIaAi bum. an Ivuena. Naurailv U-te an iue io.ittu rrvoked ioce tfjtf idu Ui brat.u uuirMU ibe aq Ii and tfv ait wri Aielevwn wa 00C r-waua4. Bint why km tt um he wa Allowed ulk ena aa AtHl'd bavr bllU wlH-uii It 4-A-r Doi 04- lrr 1 lift si.t uf aMor knew of ihe tsaUure Aateia MsrkuM ascept ebeitnaa, aad be has liuai ine Arat piHid a Lri3U, OiUBLooitea rotter of tii-norlnc all lite aiea wb notWpited hi ho Be-iiif n(-tir! fiaiMl. lta ii lrrun that itcio bm-o aen apiwfaed, eu 4 paOiic t-ilitdjaa oi aa ua.WeHtavns naittnt euuUI Iw vuiK.o: ibat to aUl eiatimuf a i-ltara(aa wie Ue uuif ef- tete.

He! the plM-y aero Mwtly ou-d. aueolme ratwal to lieve fttftiilaa in do with the aauUler frv would tave stevB to AUtBiDtoUsiVw, ia caae of any ex-S-om, aa ooptiftMUKf of rtaimhiaT ha maul froat oeneura threitrb tact of perwuoal kauwhlif of any unlaw fill aieene enapioyot. aeil kuowa that Hayes blawU a a atoa waa a as ut act -a tHsxrsacB wrra bwcabikkt. and oo can ade-4aad bw be woukl bard be the real rvweaa to Svarta blaesso-ctsiae fur deou-iaa Aadero to be aoat4ate4. be naire roid be tfaaa "ibto to a hwcUI reW Thea It ta aaid that ADdoraua baa duatyed a loOaT time tetiiiMf tie story; but must be roemtrMl ibat tt was aot ear? too ao be ar ar bope of oetnar iwwartted; aad seruad.

that the Red Republicans have Lad mat ta Beoallaa tbetr reeo-lu'-ioa to BMkawpea war Heye. Paraerd aod PR.a buh wiu cunOna Aadereuae teetuuooy, wBsoh, with th dotaiuetua yet to ha totroduivd. etaoda weU eooocb. Sutoe of ibe aiec wbo are to be worst abakwa up la thia woova affair, ar lieaaooratas Kevrearotattves ta correal froet Luutoaao. It will be vbowa that they have all alone; known the Aader-ana ory, aod need it, firvt, to fores the aooawe uf MeholU rstfmxent, and later, to their owa perw-o-1 advantec.

ThM oaty aaotbar ehapter to th dlr.y btotury of Loumusos nutttcal eacker-liV. Nut a saa farratbes tbe sir of Uui4AOA nuiitka who not tainted waft the Levewtnina' sptru. hv dirty luirljiue and sbaoieleai itiidefiuded eaetor 1 totting do they aim to accomplish suouoab Theeod alwsys, to tbam, tusUfiea tbe Biesas. Po rreet Ue dleg-uet test for area that one bears very alrfc talk alrtwdy. toe uf the taoil o-nesrva-tiveot Weetera puboe aten, who has areedlty 00-iteM) this haveBWatvaa on the etnuwd of iu tutrt int up net diaei dlaUirheoca, mxM.

thla evea likfr: eatil to sta tb thliid Co oa. The luU-gstioo hmr airesdy (wougMeswocb to Justify tt before Uit oHintry." But wbcra." stM fait liuemewer. th rrvola- ns attiCAXizATor Wen." rev bed tbe nret epeaker, a at frank to avlaitt tint bv wtnd has soiin-ly 4aned. If our can only ee aaitiUdned ty etadisini frauai, then tt ts no.e tt sbon'd be hlriicnntard. turn jo ueetl aot ftwr tTnoMe.

Wbea tab wbot atary BiauSe dear I soi aura that Mr. Hayes will ba a Htax poa thi oTcnnoa coxTtHPt ar- dlrut of everrlnaa la thla country. Tle peo-: sre ix it rottrn: thev enll lietifv hto renptr pun- lijuint. whnber ta ba latpearasMat or a worm of vt am tr oh 4 that will oscrsiiwt end frees him to -iiro. You may be tHia Utere win do truunte I here are lawful ta ouowh, sad uo ooe wilt tiAi-v to stand betweoa this Tefurat aJnunaBuauja aua Ita tu-f dues.

bo arlt of etrlteiaeat and totf rest tn romln' aa tnaee as at anv lime da-tug Ui Cava uf tte electoral euont. The AlimuwiraUi lmirie are still uneortstn. betwitne the raavd puiicy t-t um aourt-cna uoe umu uaiiiea tneoi. -MORE D4MAOIKO rACTS IK BtHtaTt. It ts by tbw wbo are arqoalnfed witb th frtTTUjof the ruaifititee tbal tuoeh atore etartilnaT fneta are ta efcxa for futnre prja)urrioa, aad will ba atiit4iAhed uy oCier Tbe ieUuoov of Andei-BAio la loukAd upuo a o.ewlng a atde (Md of Inve-iifstioa, and, as lbo tauna of a awnr baairar of pen us ava reea aee.1.

will uDduubtodly be oaiieU to eiotata inmr ronna-Ttloa with the tumtxer. Anooa ua will be uw. k'l-eti swrwiai fntArn, ujv. racamra sow Jo-iare Htwn J. ouw uf rwt4A Ttertosrv.

1 he fceins in recard to I'taolry Msuneea' ewiee-tiao with the freifs. evo anxer the 9 ioat oa atuBtfeajem at na Mureuuv, nj mtKAtqg easn. lue evtdeisrw, they any. ewerly Mahilahae the fart that was lo puawwroa of fTDhte saowsdae of irsuus mat nad arew perpetrated to tsoawsatia, and tbu uom he aAutoates hinwolf the mm will be at duur houiMl to esMsi hui will out uutd Tueedar. barhiat eH 10 Pt.UudjljJiia uo bosioeeA.

Hie etamlnauorui wtB toeo be cratfoued. Ke wUl also further ta efch-f by MoWahoa on th part of tbe eutuatttiee, a there are still aat tvw fiaMiraa of loeeaeoaot tsuuitut oa. wawaj win be oetsNrd by hw erndt-Bos. ae fart, aha enormit of, utT will he aoto to eetatallwh hevood oiiMWtho. cod ttial to that Utrre was a euaaptmeT befurw tbe ee(oa iwttea toa hwuere ot tue awsjooutraa Levxy to inrow out iaaiwi wsti taiscwaa parti ibe ertrtenre la pwawioo of the com mrrew.

arw wit re' aw will toske ttva fart cpd- riaire. iba ratv rouode fur um'WhaC oat the la toaitAM. as wui be aew be ehu te vet to is to- etred. vf tnat tnm rwrwh hv rt5tratroi mid lave elvtw ce itueaivl aevti huottrvwl and Ue a ar.I-aBurric aiaxity. una betlwed tiiat these irisnes out be iw- wt out or the p-ata aot be nnrJ frr Packard or the Hav teffrcB.

and rt tt itpue tarveral day irevue eterf hjo. Toe ianviuia eomiaiuee wm nut Be aprofntol lor weni day vet. tteo 4iiauu'ia tu a frv-od thi bi jrniag that be aould ba upua ua auo cBaianiwew tTAWFSRP. eaalv Coart Dav Kaliveaed Cos. resaiaaal Asairaalv Jail sslmcl Awarslesl la Kaushasaa Hialt Ke.

(RpMMal to lb BTAvman, Jane A kvc trowi was ia town 1 -day County Omrt-anraeisd kr a aVasr as bat saweUcs of rbs DcaiocfaJc ran lirlaia. Snr Coa-r'asa, au wbea. Timer, Dortjaas, trm saa 1 wcra pnmipUv oa bans' at lbs Cocrt. jusc si 1 e'dark, and spoke la Its oroer aaawa. Tbe was awsUf ei.asiiiiisd Sa Lbs dtanawloa of p'Uiln from a nun try sasoelpoaH, sack aoeMav ea- iktralai to eosnaea tb paool.

tka was of iLm puraat fana. Tn osuiiwaii sods, sbowefl lbs ksrg its. is as Buck srraoea, Ilurhaav, bowrvsr. turn Ua la fcav a slanutv evar tba ethers, wttb Tamer a strong sscmil aaa roa a rocm naa. Tb Ms isuuad Bssas a Bast hatin sslve aad sSeeilv ssrk, wkulna saw Mlowars.

TaaopsosraValslMrbas has kota abarpir bnsaa bf lb aa atoas rppoMd to haw daiai lbs bw streaatb be hssa Isfvorr atismaiio bv lbs work, aad tbat tb onuatv wul vsa aaalasl bus. If lb aotompnak taw mare amat a soamatnuloa ot straaeta, aa i wtuua ai ssraeaer ttsa saber ot lbs ocbera suvrJe- ianaea, Ibouab a efleetlse eoaiblMiiaa will aa- qonajooabtv esrrr lbs enatr acaiaal bias. Tb op-rostooa waa soss Is vorr Utaar Damaov asd Ibai was busiSmI bf kb) loss of leadisr to-day sad a cocscqiwit ailerabea of sum verj kBsraSoat sad peevaa oxpnatioas aaaAsa eeitaia slstnewis op- an kiss. Tb lcdleubai are tba wiu bs oa of tb awot ktnar aad ala ibat ksn, bsd hi Oasral Ki 1 Jrfc? for sou faara. tiai lioni's ouptMtloo 10 ib Texas rsibvad ooaaib- oua kml lbo aHraattoa of kh DosKicTStle sna- 1-ort, saw psai saOiailiaallns IbAs to all aabav ooss- tiuca.

Tb roamrr ruwt awarded tb bufldtna of a aw all. Iu as muIMad fcr tt Mil Oesoasr ail, la licory bsastiaisa. of tbb) rtty. bsws wsb.d bars to-day ibat Bbaal R. Hurt.

wbo ayatcrluaaly dtasntiearsd froas lbo aaallibor- kond or Crab lirabatit last TksiHsi. was sssa but mdav. ihoasjB bs bas.aot put ta aa earaav about Bis booaa. UM UuAt Job d4 Dot Aaalervwa'a Sentence Camnsatesl ta. lasnassarsl far Life ttetara af lelouel Hloddard Johastoa.

isrsrfcu Dbwatcb to lbs Oarbwlowal.1 raAHariHct, Jaas t. Tb Governor ea at- tmhiy romawtsd tba wwlsaro of Mrrw AadstO'ja. cvAn-sncd of poooloa bis win at Harsviue, from iValb by kaiurlne lo taiprawaamit for lire, aadsr-sio vas 10 bsvo bsrw bao oa mday. May a. aut a rc- tta was granted antil oext Fndny, Jib 7.

Tb appocailoa keaoomButanoa of bla saoieooseam froa tbe Jadta, Jtsry aad Iswsers wbo wore la tb tnal, ss well sa (tub larao water of lbs eUlasoa of kUr.TlUe- Vf-ry srayo doabt Is saianatard by cat as to bis nut, and olaar tbat bs oagbl aot lo bay boas ssotesred to fcaatsd ea tb BMagsr rvourostaalial evktenos prodocsd. CUuoal J. Stoddard furstary sf Mob. Monad from Waahmsua dty ibis nnrtbt, Ho will kavo fur lbs Pi coaventloa bvawjrrow. Cut oosl ft.

1. M. if jor sad others, wttb ndlos, will kayo for Hoi jut tils oa Um Bore! trala. PARIS. Boaraoa aaalaaaaslr laatraeta tar lllackbarn lor Caagresa Bat Litile black aa Xarkal Caaalr Cart Oar.

(BpseaU Maptkb at Om Fasba, IV, Jaas a. Tbs tlsaiutiatlt roaaty Coav trallca was beat ker to-day, ads. Matt. Tnre pitstillnc. Tke eoaieatloB naaabnoasly toatrwetrd deksaaattovuo for Capl.

Jw. as. BAssk barn, oar praaoM aaliut kanHLbrnt. Ba baa ao i as talma ka the pant, aad wiu bs aAx-bd kya Bintiil aa. ionty.

Tber wm a Ian erewd ta town. bsraf mart. day'. Tber waa vary Utt I slurt aa tb asibn. tirssl In tat was Bsnlfjslsd at tba aiblbtuoa of lbs different asrtcoltaral laaolraaaAs, lafu lalli th newlyealeaatd btadsr.

MATSVILLE. Tba Gaveraar C'avatate Jerr, Aa. lersaa's benleare lo lasprisoaa lor.ife Jir. tfatlertoa's Lcet al are. Jfifyum Ptnattra tbe roartar bnaslj yrTHA-S, Jan I.

Cor. Merrsarr. traill sraituaaf lbs spprab Bad to ta yadna.4 "lary bs bled tb eass, and ty aay pytsata at ckv Braa, eoBBaisd Ib dVaab stubiuia of Javrr Assar aoa.Btilua by anaiasisniisl svassia of tot ka wucto hnprboaaMol for Ufa. an a aanrd AsB rraaalott wttk lbs ptnsasi ibis asvatoa. Br.

Waif soa't ktetav sa sbsroay abrbt was 1st sllissnrs aad snlias of tbs say Doath af Jaffa W. F. AlUa. Oswaao, Jaas L-fttdd W. t.

alAta, sf bks Coart at Aspsait, aisd M-dar. WASKIN8T0N. Amendment to tho Rivtr aad Harbor Bill, for CoaiBiissioa of ZafiBeers OB aiausaippi Sirer ImproTameBt, Bo ported by tho 8oa-ato Committto. Xjouimaaa Deleratlon Working to Socuro oo Additional Amend-- meat for Bopairo of tiOTOOO. rrabaallit Thai Aetloa aa th Texas a a Pari Be Railway Bill at tala 'elaB Will bo rreveslea by A4-.

Joarauieat. General Deficiency Appropriation Bill Bo-ported to th Home Yesterday Some of tba Larger Item. BUI to Allow Importers to Uso th Metric 8ystBB to ba Reported Favorably to th Uooaa. COHriBMallOBO BY TH SEBATK. ISoscsaI TtrtvaiAls Osraapoadraes af tba Coansr- JuurasLI WASHiauriia.

Jan I. Tb rlvar aod bmrbur bill, as refMfrtnl by lbs tasislo ooainilUM, Imu aa aaMmdV tucul provldiair lur a oaiini amino of Sse make always sod eun-ldor plans for ib eonao-tlun of lb perms ileal kuauluu and deepsnlng of lb rbannel td tb Mhnlasliipt rlyer, and lbs ment of aavwailua; alao pU for bnmedAaio works to saps snd tisisBss bt nio fcgtsos oo banks, aad a lbs poms are approred, tba ri usak al sin aoso ika jamwla. aonstraeOoa of i Tb tXHaaUssluBera arc ao to i apoa aa. Tb Hi ms of lb I nnlskiaa dsbasiina Is at work to sseara aa adaa onal sarnilminl to lb.) Mil, SAPropnaaos soaw tbrs aillilua Ma kuwdiid ihiwssnd aotian for ropsna af laTsas, and bopsral IbsA tba aim WUl aria to B. It Ckat tba saiiiiiilinnia wm ay ssaatsr Bi ass, wbo Cbalnaaa of Iba lavs CoaiwHia TBS BSAXn.

uas rMDT. Tas BrasU Una tubuly, provfcUaa tor a laa fraa Now Orkwas aad Oays was oSorsd to-day in tb SsasM a aa sun flaunt to lb post-odJas sppro-nuntloa km. Ita Saw Is Ouubtral. Oaa araaad of tb oppoatloa It tbat lbs but do not absotaaalv soar tbs oatbara Itn. Tb oopoaoais mi tbal lb Nov Tort Uo win bs lb otiir oa.

tkxas abo rsciru: bailwat. Tbs aoicnanstA resclutloa lo l)ouni oa tbs Itib of Jan will probably bars tbs sir cat ot fswyeatlns; any setioa al ibis istsl ia ea lbs Tuas and Facta railway. Tbsr wW as aa offurt Bads to pua lb but to law peal lb rrBBptloa ace sal cat I ayuw rapidly, aad Oa orsettmfty daily (rowta km. Tb Drato. rau wfco aoBsd Bs Bapobltoaas to adawa Cuw araat oafbt lo bs bold to Ibotr nnmslbUtty.

Thay boTo ifcifiaaid) asarty svsry laiui. of vabwtsaj biaitbacst. li. g. W.

To iba aasnnatrd Prsrs.1 WASBTVunia. Juoo Tbs Boas CYmlrtre.oa Com-irfs WeUkw sad Measure acmd to report tn-vurab tha bill lo m-Vym laia tars lo ass the BKHne sslw of webls snd cxasurrs la Otermtnlof u. riMSuojs does. Tos ousBmltu-e ssrvssl to rtMBUvral aa arnipr1Btlpn to onabat Iba liimavsl lo bs rvroenud at lb latatnatlornl Bureau of Welaliia sailMsasurcs. Dcnmarr ArraoriUAno aru.

Amone tb buui'st to tha (htwtsI nflkMliy aionioriMii but ntpur.ed to iba slouss l--day ar. tba Mmiwid: To bhj tbe oVMenry tn lb aoprcpr'alloo for tbe pay ut omrers aad mm tn tK bsry for tbe flscal tosrewtlod Jttns UC. IWal Moatn tne clrtl aaiabMahnienM sf lb smral nary-yarda, i.17. To awes ibo dersorr tbat amy occur ns tbe ap-priirtailua fur tb eutupoaautua ut putuuaatan. laAMAKIl To ait lbs oXV Vtm-t tbal anyorrar In tbe rev bura uf tbr I'oit otlhw llapanintol, aCOlA).

For tbe rrroyaoit to ununrters ibe exeen nf aVpaaks be ausmrBlnsd dmwssv dotM or otbsr mourns paid uaate tnrtotlkMj katerest aial euata in yuosBMnA oms. tVMM. 1 n-Tanu lasaa arruoauo-lv or tnagslly asssaaad mnAar Um totamal laws, J. ly (Mr.) ius Iba esusaata of Uj liinasins Ooart snd ilrran sad Distil. Court.

(4 toe basuaiu in Umret ot UMasinla, and also lur Ijrurs awl alikwis and enemas ut so la la wblca i I ntml wales is cuanyusd, ut iuaeubis 1C Tra. o-wnnlUtat aaaina tb I n'lrd Ktats, be tbo taieetlntf of tvaoor aud ba tb-rrmrms tt aiay ba lorurrtpd U-a cnifcsorai--iii -l a-c rcimlr- lo Ui. rtclit 'Jf la virus, bo In tba drOrAaocT for tn. -wl year 1x77, Tnt bill also contaias lior-M ss-STi-irilins sbuat tl.HO.UAi for the lavau-ni of evnsin claims a-ndar Ut0 Nary iJebsrtii-ria osMtrarts a. I wad tato by bse-rMary hvSbraua.

Tb oo-aniwr. insrnsd ta Cue btu only toco caioai ua Sulcs a-aa waa rpfXHO-nicndrd by Iba ('ooiaiiut. r. tUpc-HlKur. in in.

A.y naoimsi unani-nowaiy. lur fo.i bit- by tbs Uouss tAw tmu of lb i-Bltia, abut ot-aacnrATioarkoa urairtABT smrax. A eoBBunkalloa tmm tbs at-eistary of Ib tnte- rlor vrsa aud kit ma Iba Uvuas k-dsy. ra-o-ou-u-a-rl- liuUalUw a-yiard be aiMCOdcd au as a-luw taa tkxacuure lasuai-turol to p. urdinary aiA s-il-uaa lausa for toa iMtlwa-alHia of mil oiM-kal advt-r-liw-rtua.

Tbo ran pr-aaci-tui-d by esatuud Iowa, tuny era's per biibilre-A autda. la ins rpm-sa of Ibe Kxrumrj, limiirr nil to aacure arst- caaas cAreuiaiiiau i Tat rt) a-rrs-i vr. loah. Tb ui-----ni Atoos to tb toar-par-eat. lata to-day Wbl sducju.

fC.mSMATK.-IS BT TWI SdATB. Tn folluwias; aooiUlAoas kars beta eoollrined by tba bt-uatei J.aiB f. Mtilatob. of Xew Tors, lo ta CuDsal Gea-ral. cbas.

sf. ktarpby, ot New Haapablre, Consal at Jtuawar. isvtTA-nos na-rtr-ccn bt thi rassinKirr. Tb rYsldnt ba deilned sa taTt-ation to auend tL eetetrstk at Vslley Furs tb In -b It on ar- etiunt of tbo Buurta. of Miss Piatt, KfiKk laans ptous lb same day at Ua uocatlv -t r- VMS rSUIAS OCTBSaAB IB IDAHO.

Taleaiains baa bsaa rlvo4 at lbs War aaot LM iM-fkaraa ami Alauoa tuat aa ustuf bm-o arpiaikio win bs oant to utuAmA nutn (A nanaura in; laeeis Irvai tbe ljfta jb vary BlaraitDf arsTATca raoai ckxxkaj. howakb. Tba lotluejami (roea Oeaenl Ucsraztl lo uetMra. JtciMaeu ass asea racefrea: lanjiD, Jvds I. Aa a war arcrectiTe Baaaetirr.

pkasr; saa ibrtAAsb ibe War UsjnaMtit, ibe Pieao- aeai, uau Kaiuioi aauais aa auaawrisea, as aaiaaUy rAaB0iee4 ta -raa uas, ao reaerraikaB la-dbaiM la im- ofparta5iU. Wttb ibe loroes la taisO. Ibe proail-s cauM be eanied out a iaaoa i tLa Sa-ou Tbus iba aaia caues ot Itslisa 'fttti far-Ikns wouiA be t-betaiod. ukA work in ibia diras-Uoa wiiia ttAst, aavs ttte aad aat mxytimm. TKE ORTT-FIFTH C0HGRE88.

Tba He a ate. BxrBxsas oe i asi kiatiox. WA5nntrmw, fx jsn Mr. EDMTJVTja' FUo. vt.l, to baVau of tbe svaa: Judjcsw I'uaBBis-tou.

to-day Aubuuued aa aairsidinitil to bs offered at Hi. ptiK bu, wkb tba rwtwnmandatlon of UjSA roa.D.luoM. as sn sdulUrsial soctka lo tbo hloua bill whtcb appropnaios twenty inousand diaavs ur tba us tAj of (be Putter toresittlu roninituee. Tbo two wicAB pruposes to approurials ttrvnty ibuosaad duliara, to be pcasvtl to Um ervdtt of tb outillnwnl lunduf tb ta-nato, to be iplird lowaid dArraytn; Lb. axpenses of cook taTMliiaUua snd Inoutrtes ss hav.

bneu already or anay barealua- ba directed by tba flinaie durum tbs sorted of tbo AXb- Tu propused nineudanant was i stoned, andrr tbe ralea. tu iba CuamulUto sa A upn swat ions, mm r. abAob iba uouss uui a aow pkuuioc MTTV OP XSCTBAl. OOTAK-V ZXIS. ktr.

BLAINE IBeau Me-I subsaltted rssmutlua tbat toe PwHlent be nqneetiid to cumoiuuknl aU Citrrefpondeom between oar fiuvrrnbient aod tbs Gorerunn-nt or ovr rintannlr valcav ronard to tovltfti. otber aawlrlme mmers to arrede Iu tbras rule unwcrlbin tbe dutr of nrutral suTernments ss srt fonb hi tb tlitb srud. ot tb treaty ot waaa-togtoa. Agreed to. tvxas abo racinc sailwat.

Mr. DORIiEV IRep- Art. froas Ins COBBlttos on Ralu-mris. revortod a Hit aa smennnisrit. to u.

natura of a MibKtluito. tb Jobnatua btu, snrtito. aiebtary to tbs set to Inoorpormio the Texas sad Pause Kallwaj Cuoipauy. pswad oa lb osAsodar. ASS STAVT TSBAHrBBBS OP TBB CXTTBD BTATU.

Mr. MORRILL fttoeu Tt.) called no lb House alH oauLbelse tbe SevTutsry of tba lrea.jry toeouatw tu Sufierliitendeuts Blots or Asayers lo many Assistant Tiurers of tba rolled States, to reeelve ir rulo and bullion of drtMll fur tbe pur-r-as by secttun SS of Ibo Itevbad rtatiilst raasra. BlUTABT POST BIAB TBS BUCK BTUS. Mr. PPTW.

EB (Rep. A W. I sabniMted aa aawnd. airnt to tba srmv sppruprLsrkaj bill, aopfopnaclns: riwwi t'v ouiioiaa a Buiitary post aear to aacB asm roa vxaarroBini. Mr.

A I IT Texas) called bp fhe Hoasa ini krovaunc lur toe toast of araat to ITJl-XTISO TBB PaBBIbBBTlAX VOTB. Mr. KDmi KimBovad to tab. apibsbtliretoilraTlo rreitovntatl electluns. and Iu provide for and n-m.

kua tb ooumtne ot votes tor President and Vira of ,1 After i er brief ftvawlna, aterloa was dedsstsd by I of. yaas. as, aawlaat Bays, aj. avetsi POBTBOVTBS. At Oa ffoaeraaoa of toa BMratoa kastoiia.

ban rasls took toe Mil estakBahltw post ruouw. vartuos sua uniia ate mo euniBittsa, aikliiaj aaw Tb eseaanTto istssad otber i txtae to ka asAt Ii ralltoad sairaus for nwapsrtlsi to antia. lakntng to to rkwinia Uoa of mall Biatter. etc. "lea at etutouauea of O-eas tbosr In rusaid to mcwwtin.

Iba bsUs mitoid satatsattoltv toe pmpaantoa snb-aiitied by too C-imaiasli a appolatid by tb an of ur Bsoavldsr lb sabtort of mall traneporunAua. Tbey satkraesd aabstaattoliy toa satcto toea of ebsnata lb kssss of inaiii. i saa Set ftua toa wetobt of soob BMtuw to to apse omiptrd by a. and tba savhwf to to Unmna by Oie rtinm would ka near ae buivb or ooiavsl miioas a mt iba em. Ibe ernsr ktoa kwladad to lbs raa waa recently iraaspnruas; as bsiw.

as kurneartB were htM oat to rallrtad ecaaaaiea ta deiiesr to Ball sa aojrkly as piaaihwi. In nasid to to ilistis.ttlna of mail amner, kaaaki Tbr suisail ana dtd Bit rksaie to rato pnwaaw. only tba eiaauneettoa af atsiur, antra was dmord bae four elsnva: Flnt, rales sualtm rat. svrtxLeal pwMweics irsdre nykaeAwa ibird. aiidailssstt fnses aiawwt uyo, ne.naaiai.

Ail insssoes sajtiiaaiwa. owe aaiaua svwnanja Mr. HABUWIBeeu Me.) tttomkwO aa atorad. Beat tbal lbs Prealdrnt and Ties Pi i Idsut, ailed Sbuos Sunslnrs. liesewsenlnrlve and tabaales to Cuuaisis.

aba Seeraasry af tba Becai and tbe Clerk of lb Boss, af Biol wa malls amy send aod ra-esle frsa Ibrongh ibe aatito awmtea or arasM euaa-Baolestloas aut exceeding twoooar to wasiat.tbs name or toa Pi soldi at. vie Pi iaiikat. Seaator. tten. ii wntsm.

ar tie'eesfe. an ism of to seoat or Clark of to Boot to as i iiaaoa tbaaMa. eta. rua a snatny aaraessna srsoed as to tbo ro-fewey of rnauraar tos trsnkhar prrrUssn. and anally lbs swtailiii ia af Mr.

HaailB was NJsrsad by a II us test any at, as foCloww Ya Messrs. Altbna. Aalboas. Blala. BarnsMe, bar, Cnat IBg.

Caaetar, borsey, tdmtnwls. rur- LOUISVILLE TUESDAY, JUNE 4. 187E aoa. RaaulB. RIB.

It nor, now. tnaslK Jonss mn.t, k-llnr. kit-kwwal. Laaaar. MeUuoaM, MaUbaa-a, MNaaeiia lnBaaoaai TsMsr.

WlnaVa and a iibsrs W. Wa' ara. kwak. toanb. isbii a IWavA, tt-ckssil, foaa.

Kaaoa, kastia, rr-rry. Hvrafara, noaiiio, ai Mrll-aarr. k1--kUha. M.S-bai aua. Ml i batwroa to Waara and Braxtt, una llao to ply tslassa new Vara and Bio isatiis ad tbo otbsr Bna to sty kstatsa bow urteaaa sad Isnlbt.

Mr. Wil HKAtM t-a-u. a.l ataaSuad aa aista atrwt. ana. to prtsrtoa toss tba boa 1st Ma sou.

Id tunas ai Knrti4k. Asitaa Mr. MaxiT iln-av. TrsJ aaieasiui aa aaayaa-tou. so as to pro-nds tbat toa krat drs-aruars of ib tlrasBslilp af Iba km Bo aball bot ke a tar toaa 1st Jaiy.

IM. snd to. Sral iki-arw. uf ibe sliosiililp of Mtund Uo. snail aot bo burr tbaa uA 1 br uary.

IK. Ifaaoe at KepreMata tires. aiu uraoprt-cp axo unitu. Wasmikutiis. Juae S.

In tbe Hctts Ibe folkiwlaa' bllla tonuAar-r aod n-lt-rTed: Ut Mr. MtMAiiii.x iimui tba powrrt of sccouMloa oOtoara of too tnual Mate Ut to buub-y rkutua, by Mr. lLASii iu-a, Mo.r-ABbtortz!aa to ul Illy a.l; duibu-s tn I ultrd Nulss Tnauvory Btaaa or Ua lmjro--wnant of Uw Mkwawaupl riror tit Si. 1-ouM li toa (julf uf MuAk-o. b) Mr.

I I I.Hk.UJi'N illnu-, lrsaal To rsatralB Iba M-resuiry ot tba russoiy Irusr. uayinir Ibe be-iw--aty bunus, exospt 1. k-a audsr Tn-aaury iujtt-9. Mr. KKiHT (rieaiu.

rs.l AnTAorlxin lb laaus ul Tutted bAalos Bute, to knuwa ss astfciosl aiunat. hy Mr. KIXLH lIKriu Ltu- Lr-TTlEd ISA of Is cetiupat iuwAtdo tra. oa rsavoa babbob. An BockB af Mr.

(tluuINUM (lioav. Tezss) Mil naa a-tprwprkuitid fur ouallbultld lb. la-uriMfSDeut uf ttalrealua barbur. jfrraasAL aarssi'S laws. TT-s Fiona.

Urn proor--d tn tb aaisrdwstloB of tha bin aiiMSMiiii, it tou-ri roroniA law.s Mr. larllJr by.) la tbs ebalr. Mr. am i N. olterM aa amsad-nenl f-n-ytlu( lb.

muural Irum Ibe Ktole to tbe Folnal iurti-f aulU fur lbs rkjauoo of Biato hivsairalast aoy biwrual utl-cer. Atk-uu-d IDS to vs. lAU-lbar until a was aid tb MA. raa suutAar ai'a oca T. Tb SPKAKKM anautsnead Iba- iaiutiilBssl af Mr.

I.inla llo-u. Mkt.l as tlsllur to Wert Puts. In-t sad Mr. Uoau.lnu. Mo.) wbo to aaabk) to l-UbI.

to ciiaannnr of utbsr aatoa aax-aas. Tb Hons tbsa look tecsse, Ta. Tair sss-atua to lur tb dwnawlua uf tb Ufa sat tos bui. CINCIRMATIe Obi Maacal Agin Ei I are 4 Ystar4arTba Me arch tar Darla'a Ba4f-Mro llai-rlsoaU Grava CIa(has fIBaU B01U roC IB riCotLE. Obctjibati, Juae I.

Tbe ssareh Ba- the body of yoaaa Oavta, wboss grsre al (tort Bead wss rubbed bstor tost of to Rea. i. MM Harrkma. aad wkk aartk tod to to borrlbss dbaosmy ot Maiilaeaa body. stlU eaotbioBS.

Tb Boa. boa. Harrbaa, Joba Bsrilsoa and Mr. Davta. krotber ot-tbs deeratadt amanpaaled by aetoraTes, sdala sxptored lb Uaa edVal CnOee baCdtnc bvdav.

Tbma bodJe wars foaad Bt pa-k'e, wber fbey were bslne mm tor tb aaxt ittsl n's aaa, but aoaewsrakk isinad After a km saareb, aU to gray etofbee whs had keen strtppsd fnaa Mr. Barrkjca's body, witb lb uospttuaof a tbat. war tunad stulslsu aauug tb rafters ta to loft of tbe kufknng. The friends of tiey'a foal emftket tbal kls body waa broogbt to Ctoetnaatl, and an ao tiring la toakT flora) to ssrnrs bran of B. LE8AH0M.

Coaatv Coart liar Speech from fie a. nrkols -Pools Bold aa the Pies Toaraer. IFpeetol Dbpab-h to the Lbbasob, KT June Tbls wa Cbtmty Cnort day. Tber was a rood crowd, bat vary UaJ stork on toe sutraec. Farmers report wbeat ss revlrtog.

aod prospects maeb betbsr tbaa was tbougbt, Oea. Josepb P. b'arkoB. of Barron, ta a waoV ntned apsrra, presratod ta lb Detaocracy bit rktm for Ma's Aadttor. Tbe faearr-l hat nany friend here, wbe niH rupport him heartily.

Pods null las- abet vd eating and drtoklng at toe FTvst Aemrtauoo. Hsrrisoa tb, favorH oa tng, and era 11 oa di lottad. JCOTTSSUR Three Per so as 5rneaalr Iajaresl by i.igntatac. lp.oal Dmpsbei to toe oTT-rrsn. rx Jan 1 At o'dark tots Bortiing 11 bt nine wrack Bm rssldsnce of Joseok Koowitua, la till patfe.

acrtously tojartog Mrs. tadoa, her Utt a daogbtar. aad Maa taidwen, to astant girl, and V4ng anraodsrab: daaag to to bouaa. Mtm, Knowlin wss lying oa a bad to to eafad tojory. Tb boas Is a oca a ory brick, aad to pretty badly tore an.

THE TURF. Viretlliaa. Warltelsl anal Taleaa. nissertsiAiseisisu isnersar rtiTATi, June At tte races to-day the tract to In gixxl oirtdithje. Tbe weather was cAafcly sil wbtb.

i a sneauaare was lair. rrwT SAfv. Ibe flrv race for a lab t4Mse 11. mfle-dMh tor a.i as-ea. au sianeo.

iDeittuusuasnunmiiju Vlrjllbsit I ftoort-uae. tteeeuwuud Time tWi SX4HKO bai-b. Tbe seecai race, Burnet-boos srsres. for Otree. fear otda, mile beat, bad muiy-fouf rim Ins Hosts snd even suuters: HarJekl 1 1 Marorr I H.

Pwluncy fwli Palmer r. Earl of A a. (litres llA 7 Time t-f, la lbs ssroOd beat Cupras brute hat tog. Tbe Races at Ot. Laai.

Or. Lnrts. June S- Tbe frat atoetfrsr of fb at. UeiM Jorkev i In sod Trotting Aatneatooa will ka. aod Iba prospects of rnrram ar evea graator toaa lbs most aanaiune axpartad.

baarty all tba noted kuraea ut tb Booth aud Wast ar bera, aad bus aumeorsof borsemoaand kwarsuf tun aponebars alr-ndy smfnl, aad mora ar coming. lbs nra to-morrow biaa Extra Pay rare, on and oneHikrlitb mls, entriea lo wblrh duaed today, and euBMluito on of lb Seat Bsldsaver broagbl toavibar. rook sold to-nlgbl on fbbi race as toll-: Prsd Kle BM Jack Hantv ....10 10 Miss Mauoy 10 BUI Bass Elanl. Aod Sr. olbm for lea amounts.

Tb Jnouary atokaa (or tues year olds, Bllie bsat. smd as lottows: Hlmyar $100 Lender Kb llaxioo. so Mcilnnr a la tbe tores-quarter ailie daih tr fl'llea. Verdict brouirbt shuut 4 to or-r aU otber Vlt'or tbe burdl inoa, BuA au4 fur Ita. Caidiog 14 aaa Bbcdsa T.

The Preach Derby. Lovims. June S-- lesnaure wca toe Preneh Derby yoterday onmlug In tore, k-ngtbs abend uf UudMX, and will probably now auppbilJt 8W Jotb as favorite fur toe Esaten tarty, lor Ue btne- nisi oous of tbree to on. were orftswl and lour te una wanted against kirn at tbsatuly veaterday. lattiaa Oepi-eofatioas fflraasrlf For tittest ia Uia Basis Bnaat Cm, Idamo, Jane a.lxte BaaBoek latliajRi Jat trklaj iated Kloa um -tH-fra.

a taa oerteod nma, T5 allies frotn Buata i'liy. Tba aTper semiMMl. Tbe IntlUiis thea aJiurtl two frvlsttw tcaas cairrlne arms, ammualtksi. The 6tie of tthS ao)sirs la aakaowa. 04.

Beenaaed, artta 70 caralt TTtveat and SO istlii aa. la seJttaa' a f'areetl Btexcai to casoaa rstrte. 1 aa Indavas akxai tba trail hrft la tabiA oa Htm aAifaroa! of tte ttouom. It la reportea Utat ttoaes ara ouo iiMtaas rssafoM ta Ute leva fcetla. Taetr tvortttaa ts wmry aroaf.

TbeY-aava wotMi, arssar aad (rasa aaanaa to Itasa tassa ail sumaiera A asai Bpeetli ot rftteeas ef Itiaj ete has loat Bvev bHd lo oanea SBamas la faatVar s-tikTT. alrvaa- ttie (Haij1 Tba Baseta was well aAosttdati. Chief Juectoe UaUiesar aBa aU taa lesdlnc citLeaa were laeaaiiU Tee estMbirt of Qw. Hrajaaan was oumHr-mnt In (he eUjerw vrBai. itU Bu efj rolled UH'Bief rees to gn to tba ieiW of Ue smera, hot wttb tbe exta-fwa andatvataaatiiaf ttomt Uy wuulol Ba(beauBBrst af Maaow CioeefiMr lrmaa teV giantai fioa avisa to eciar eAwreepoajtleai, aaeiBsx.

ine itanamisjiya am. eeedtaxa beta to-day wiil be mt-r roa aa poNta vt.rtn-BBj. mum awmi ihii- wnjiwi as wionbr. SALT LAKE CITT. raptaraat Trais Rabbars JaO trial llecitlsst Kelntiag ta Valaabla am.t rieeiuri Iau Laxx, Utam.

Jaaa A barty of enrrsa en. from Baa una, Wr, bar aapiarad lb train tti wtll Immt he, utloa. Tbsr oBarad III tie iwsaaaner, aibaaroaly rata wees tsiutteis. wall am sanmers wm smed with kwg-rsug nao. Tbn sboa only were are.

Tbey Amlad lb erlB at Int, but by threats sad the atalesuoaof tops one usifsmsl and ailotod to party to wber to wa tehee ad none wer eraled. Tbaoaoka stoe tamed rute's evatraea, and says be aad on otber rams froa rbeysaa. asti ihe otber twa frraa taaaaa, akera tosy kaatf nrm aimed a baak robbery. Tbe Supreme Coart to-day eternvad raa This tbArd umw -w wwi, aai wecvoeo ins rasa as vm.vm-rm.iBm ri.M.iaa twifvay mvor OX 1WTWA and toe ramrany to hrM good antO he to laud a SL-auu due fckn. and decrees Ibal ks abao ksv prwsr- mmvm wwr, immmm.

KlDiBI UnJOSiei VS eaxme tb beat to I'toh, ss-odactog aboat a mdUoa Suitors raariy. lUSIIESSUOUBLES. Fatlare at Beitder at Maaebester rauare 1 Cara as tars. LowmB. Jan laa Covrner.

bui Hr. ad Manrhestor. has faAtol. Llaktlkua are mi ASojaO. rAnxxx or roas-aarwrr.

-LrryBroot. Jacr tellers to aaaraKieed sf H. Inland tin. enru-npoAert. LawAlulea, maicaiaes are alas rwwrtr-i In connertioa vrub twewbec Aa Irrrrem a existed BU Laai, Altoa aaO Terra Ha ate ktaiiraa.

Lon Jea At lb saa ml meettne of the Borrd and faxMbnlders of to. St. Louts. Anon and Terr Haoto Ballroad Csmiaay. beM ber kwtsv.

tne totsvwrng tarsctors lae ejeAemsa were eier.ed: w. B. CutniBC TboaMs Deany. Joba S. Henna, Joba M.

Bnrke aad Aatooav Gilkeaoa. The aew hoard organised by kwmng W. B. rvtawg Itiailiai. tton.

W. Parker Vtot Pn lltal and Trsasnrsr, and A r. Utaar to a story. a-iunaMy asna saa iiailii Jia-na-d tu. txamrt aaiauoa.

Prwdiac -o. tb nsis wont aaaiti a. aod auus IX-uruc-A. was aa anneal fi i mm tbe IiuerW Oatt toiaTaWtolbeTetogrmphBto. Jadga a.tarr.

EaSMAECK'S TEA PABTY. Papon ia jbolatioa to tbo CoBfroos Utia oa tao Tablo of tho Brtt- ua Hbso of Lord BoiiabtuT'o AoceptAvnoo of Oonnany'a InTiUUon Qoa-Ktsbb to Moot Im Bor lin Jtuko 13. LoHo BeaeaBslsld. Hallsbary oa4 Oao Bassell to BeBreaeat treat Brltala. Fail are of tbe Bui taa to Attend tba Moaqu Friday Fear oi OutbreaJt Iaf erred.

ZMsappoiBUnsnt rjansad at Athsas By tha AgToaBtaat Batweaa Sag-land aad Haaaia. Retentmenl of the Roumanian! Anticipated, If England and Austria Oo Not Pro-vent tne Retrocession of Bessarabia. Consternation Reported at Pera Bs-Cause of tha Bslisf that tha Turks Will Resist it Forcibly. Xassiaas Jtat Bolaxlag Varllk rrspara-tiaaa aeath sf th Balhsba. TUE Ml'SIVLM Alt REBEL.

Lokdos, Jna nrreral specbri dbialcJe troB CwnatbAilABoato say to ftoMaa falatd toaitond to Muaque kTMay. whereby fear at an outbreak ee- Tbbl Ounsuawtoopto news ta chack toa otnnrwna ana wnuAncy at toa TBB COB41I Losoua. Jans It saAd tbal fbs rnrgims win bs auaiiimsd uf toa futkiwtog powers; Blmisrck and unu Ton Balow fur tstnaaaT. Lords BraeosnaMd, kalbbury and uda II few Grant BrRala. fnant ShuarakaT aad M.

B'Oalrtt, Baawaa fsinas aador at BerUa. tor iisilt, tonal Aadramy sad Vea Usymerts for Aaaana. Wsodlngua and Ds WL. Tautor for rraaco. Omtal Cora and Cuant Ds lauaey for llaly: not yst kaowa wb wtlO th rcpinwriinllu at Tartey.

TBB OKAAKA. A aorratpoatArni at Atbsa telagrape tbat toe atisuaii al ur ween Engteod sad sUaatooMises great dlmppototaM-at tLtere. Tb Uraeka expected lbs a-naxalka of Thins Ir. Eprua aad ema, la tosar dhappnlnlBwsH and desiatr al tbe ssprecuacy as-cared for tbs BaasrlSDS tbey will be ltuty to take anssuria. Tbs Orssk amy'aiay va A d'spskrk ftocs Bocnsrasi mys: If England and A ostrta do not prrrent Ibi reuoces.fca uf be.

Arabia Ibe wsnilAistil of to Bonmaaian acalusl tbea wm ksstruogerlbsn kt agatoat kians for laAlng toe karritery. oonnaaa itks at Pkba, Jan S.Tbe agrewmenl bilaetu Pnrlalrl and Bona craa'as amsbievisnoa hers, nsoause a hmitrved to torolv a sstiamueil wbtok tba Turks will iwshwforslbty. BrssiABS CTT OTP Akb EIUCD. bt tbs rscont OrkltnT tn fUmrnolls four band red Bu i Ism went cat mU hv lbs IMks and all killed, roar hundred mors, seal to tbetr relief, ar la acrkv anvoAB ratrASATioKs. Tb Randans sr aot relsxiog warlike prepsrstloos out of to Bslna, oa Ibe contrarr, tbey are very active.

MXHiaat krsHDi asha. It to betiered tbat to Urand Vixler. Mt-brmet BosMl PaJat, to b-yuar to todttoa tbs eulton tu recall MUtbat rasba, to order to poptuarla Ib new Government, and tbat bt tb IMbVaa refuses, Miihsamt wul resign, tearing to odloo Mabmoad -Daamd euprems. whereby levolutlua sruakl probably be pracluluued. BATOta.

A aew protest of tt tlibahBiirts of the warts ns tbat any advano tuward Bs-touaa wul be lorctbly resisted. tbb aumi rt aiitMgjrr. Lobdob, Jane in tos Uoas of Comiuons tbls en-uinj, psT to regard to tb rimgress wr bud oa Ib table. Thi CJosir of toe Urbeuoer srsted tbat am atcuawubi BrraaUoaof Osrtnaay toaeoBgramto ka bald to Jerlln efi be tatb of Jaws fur lbs ftws duns di a of tbe WasAy of raa WersAto; aad Lord a of tiermany nviiatton, with toa Eogtaod aadencsndt thai all tbe great sowers are asked to smtat to In tras itlsnawl.m ot afore. said treaty.

Tba UtoneeUor eooOnnrd tba an- atawjesnient toat Lord. Uuo BusseO wul nxr or tag dtvitatiob Tb roOownig ta Iba text of to uermsa cot of ta- vitotkm to In Tbs tmdenlsned, Emsssisdir of lb Emperor ef German, baa toe boner, by order of bfc turern-ae-iu to iw lo bw KxeelaaT. tb. Moruwl, of iweaij uv run. mm- roreva-nt anairs to ber Maesty.

vorea bresl Hnui.a aual lie. 'and and Ktopres ot India, to luuuwiug cum- UOIUWJVK la rxmfietolty with tb tomsrtre btrrn by fbs aiMun-nnnsanaa Anoiiiet, to. tMeernmeas or kls Msles.y toil eror nss Uim sham, tu ie-uiM te too puwers wbo am Ibe eAgoeuanea of Ibe utiles of iMa ana 11 to in cuosrum at bcrUu. to dhr eu-s tbe of toe prelimluary troiy of esn Meranu, euoxludrd bstam-a Rossii and Turkey. Tb sorernzK'nt of hi MsJreiT to giving this invlbitloa to tne tluveruuieul of her brlmnnie Msjery, anderatanrts tbst in m-eetiang tt tbe tovurniueut ot ber Mvjeety eonnrots to ndralt free dhw-nsrlon of tbs bMS of lb con-eete of tbe tr-cslr of etcrafxk, and thai It hi iv-ady to puUctuAle tow-etn In tbceyent of tue accmKacce ut sll tba powers laviteil.

Tbe turv ammenl of his Ma)eety prupusaa to ax tbs in lug ef Cong row for June II. Tbs underabroe-1, ta krtogtng tbs above to tbe of kia sjeabency. naa toe boots In ask biia to be good eoouga to SA-wuelot bAi ss suist posslkis sit to reply af lb twiLlsb iMmrameat. LnsD SALntarvr's toit, Th following to Lord BaUsburry's reply Ui to for- Tb aaetyiieu, her Maleaty'ssrrs-rlsal kutitiy of Male for rm-eara A frab-s, has toe boaor to a-uusr dee lbs receipt of bis Excellency's efwasTtaMuealtoa, tording ber MaVsty's (ruearnaant to take put la a eieteraes at Berlin for toe atmaaina of to. sUpaln-tosmof the Bretlmlnarr Iresiy onax at baa MeAane betweea Bu- aa snd Turkey.

Tb obder-abtaad, biking his Exeelk-mcy'a rrbal tnrhrnauua ibat toa toTltaaua kad beea ssntoa tbs same terms to tbe uther pterers wbo ara skrnaturtea oi Iba eats sf Paris, aad omlnalaaiUng mat Ibeas sun-ers au. al to too tovuauou ua lbs toraa staled to bto ExcdletKry's note, has lbs bunor to infiM-oi ha Kx-eeliency tost to GoverBtorai of bar Msbwty wiu bs ready lo tak part ta a win. mm at lb daw men Honed. BSBAMXS OP BAM. GBABVTIXS ABO TUX BABqCB OP MABTtsarua.

fa tbe House ef Lords to-elgbt rarl Orsn-rPle heartily eontrmtukued lb Ihelioeern--toetit tbat tbs aaa taafaau Uwmy wws sbuat to bs discos ad by to powers la a nsurtaw; but bi-tb Earl GraaylUs to tos Huassrf Lord, snl tbe Marine-, uf Harungton tbe House of Ow.aone rwwuuvd tbe selection of England's replnia nialivaa to to enaaveasoa to gruaad Ibal a aaa Inexpedient A 4 toa rreeiier and I'urrkra eet-rrtory to bs absent at to mow Hue. Tb Mareojs of HsrUu.toa also erjaaelainsd tbat toai straueemaot hneea kog-buMl's raorerjentattres aneuuaojed citber by tbe tWblnet ur Tbs mmitmr wa. not fttribed to any touto. Tb. ubjectkms were mm, by Lord Bra enn Held, to the Hsiee uf Lords, snd by Mr MaHord KnrUMote, la toa Commons.

Tbe sabjeot was diun-peo. DSX-BBB BT PkOtT-g TS ILAS. BrtsaAnB. Jon A derera of Prtoee Mltea has beea puM-toed, wh'eb orders lb mtaexarloB of- parts at Old Serrla outakkt.of toa kr iindartea fixed by to treaty of San eaefenu. BkatABB AMP korM ASIA.

Lospox. Jan S. A dhmatrb from Bocbareat tars: England ta-omtood to raeugnlas tba iadetienaom of to red any terraory to aT EagUsa sop- sort. VHK TCBEkTB krTBlbiBilTArrVia, A ConstsnOnopAs dknato-b says that Laefvet Paaba wm ks raa ef um TarkMh raisiauiiisllm at tba Brr-Baeoaareas. to toeuabt ibnl ibeatoar will ka a VAkXA.

Tha Fnmtoas hav offarea to nerapy tbs bekrbts anawsadtog Ti fib Turk. arrcAA wrranaAWAi. A earramreadeat at St. Patarsbarg says tbe attempt to arrangssutaaJ withdrawal froB to netghbor-heod at Cxssaattaople has beea abatidoned. A Vienna c4ra says BeexAAxAtoaa aa thai snb- Jact aut abnruy ka leatitosd.

ayawAoriow A sr. A to. 0kf aatinaritnaBI aa laprmtalaUya to rag LgVAJrr bbbaua. fBTASIIBorLB. Jnaa A Tb.

Levant Herald by to Turk hah having pakiaaad a kHtee eonsidmtd tetwenatent to aa samnuaa, ton a. aaa been sraaraa to aaa tany-etgnt PET-PIT, MICH. Tweatr-oixth Aaaaal Caavaattaa af tha lalernatiwanl Typwgraphtcal I a taa Re aw rta Read ksa Caaaaatl-tee Appatatad. tirmorr, Jva Tbs tweatytxtb amaai mtton of toe rBteraatkaaal Tybogrncmlral I' mi ain toto axxmlng to tba ( itiaaiis at tba CKy HslL Tbe umumUoa was called to order snoot ton e'doek by t.ymaa brant, fsstdaui of toa fto. krra TypngraphlcBl I'Moa.

Afier aa Hnorraar. prayer by toe Brv. Mr. Ely. MY.

brant torroduerd lb Vtoratos to IWCrotl la lbs bb to. toral Typo-raoblcal I'nloa. Tb Prasiibjul of tbs lidisasllisml Catoa tore took ibe ebair and aasniiiiml to euarsauoa ansa and ready lor Inatai. Tbecwnmareewa crratnttolt was astulattd.aad sseem taken lor aa hour. tm resenm nor.

tbs Pre-tdent "read Ms rerart. tor' wbteb be urged in. of various aawaure of Bxerwd to tbe ctan. The afteroooa issrtoa wss at toad to toe uedlag at die reports toe ferrets ry. Treaearar aad Currs-apoadlag kaeretary.

too aopmaiiajent of ston Hag committees snd otber matin work. The euovea Hon meets seam at arm as-WKwrow. Tbk-q Oek-tiaat. Thlneea Lb aulad tossed Lo at Bis OI4 Tneks. OaLvtattob, Jaas A A Hews mt tal from taa Antonio my ladlaa, wbo srs tarpinsd to be from hlexiea, are raiding the Westeta rowaorv, and hare killed ar ea posted two IRtAs son of Mr.

Cessna, a thttg ratter. Tht ladkAB sad Ogat with tlotoea. towed to ka toipbad. sLnaalo rktik to oil l.oadim aAoefc ktebnrge. PaurateArg Sisssnk aaysc Lord Brmxna.

atoeong caassB sartotaeltoa here. Taar toamnsfssr toMBartaatioaat CnasiluU- Boptowai bf mi suBtLAlis Baton, sa yniattS Ti "I i aianitsliM ta wbtok dtors aet oa the Bran. A nssrntl eaaaark to Sas M)vosa Mew fraa aa Aatukto cans as sovml dlisalak troB url Park necrm toal ai tatf-Se bead of (aula anv ansa tinea arrow tb ate era ef ea-atry to ta pwruxa. It to i if sod tost rscraltl nig mr i tmgatoriy as aatonto. A LEAVENWPITH.

Rt. laterweealedOaeH eedrea aad fllaetr Madatar tn iba kaltaael Ctaslsry Yesterday I at ted a la las Cue ait Caere. LxATkswoarnx, Jaaa t. Tbe retostos sf 10 soldier amsed al Leteeaworth to-das tnsa Turl barker, snd asrs toterred during Ibe altarauoa la to national Cmoetery with military boom Tbe bndlea ware taken from Ins depid to army wag-ma, draped to SagA. and are mipaturd by Me sumusoy uf tbs Twensy-tblrd tnfsntry sod to reglaienta band.

The sroeeeetua nss very Imuutlag one, bring o-Uraly ampAe and uapretentloa. Tb Lked Hates tlrroll rourt nnrefied this Btornlng, wllk an anususlly tortt alteuusuce-uf promuuMU tautistsra. Joxlg JUto UUlun UI pre- The Press Caaveattoa. Testeruay't Evening PoeLl At a meeitog at tbe repreeenlatlve newspaper men of IXAiienlle, yescerday, It ns. re-ltfd tbol 4iti sc.

credluid uewipupar uiea ke furnWied a lik bsiVeA for toe special LulUfitlli tnr hesrinii bt fa Huu-klnstlile. Nu uruAiea ur cx-newspavor me will be reeOa-nuel on the erlaJ car, but. ut courer, a levu-tor pSMMAe on tbe uaiu ill ann.a toem to tbs utlier rare. Tills setkn to aiad. necoMary by esuer of Jutlcs to ibe nuaoad cvmianjr, and It aoullev unly to tba LuuiAVtllo usr.

lbs airwuie-bk-uis ars ituUreU to lbs bands uf tbe euouulttoe at tbal point. tm mouoa. wwaoeetded that tbs LnubrUls Com. mtuee oa Arrsngemeuls.

coasbtlug if U. C. I udrr-. Eauuct Lucan ami ti. A.

Jonra. runliuni lis rxtsteore uufil ibe arrival of lbs tram at liulbrle. 1 ta Oitouilttee has tb bmLzes. and dLuibuto tbem hi ac xirdanr. wttb tu.

above toHractluns, at tbs laiAvevontMi Uotat, to-aiorro. ai 1 a. lUopkinsvllle Jvew Kia-I Tbe pragrsmms for the orrasloo, as fast as made out. ss fotkiws: rne members of tbe aesurtotlia and tbetr gumis will aieet tolurmaliy at Miearl llall mt A. Heduesdsy.

Al 10 u'eiork Ibey Wl.l vroeee lo Ib fair gnaiada, where a bartaue wi be glvea by tbs clllzeos of Hivkluerlile. Hmn toe Inersry exerrbes uf Ua stru.Uou will toko 1 Uce, begiontog at II o'etueA. Tbeas wiu ouestat of aa adaram of n'oas ay ilua. James A. MVbeu-Bk; a reply to tb ram by Mr.

owlet, of tba LoutovLu Eieamg Post: rrwd-tot of tit poem by Mr. a. c. Mercer, late of toe Loatovflkt Commercial, and toe debeary of tbe Sonus! oration by Henry Wastarsoe. of lbs Oic-Bixa-JursjiAt.

la tosysutog Mr. and Mrs. faun. M. lAalnas wbl fecsrr tbe memorrsaf toe pre front half pssl sersa ta bstf ami tsa o'esock.

At bell-new ten a bop, green In honor of tba press, will utke at tbe rourvnotue, Etcbkorn eetebrntod ar-bwdra fltralablng toa bumc Tbarsday Bugntog at balf-fasl mgnl o'c'oc to ator1atloa w.11 totve oa a apsetol tra at for EarUogtoo parous of Inspeettag to Beato and M. Bevrtsrd eoal Buass al tba place. A dinner, to bt glvea by to pcvprtoion ef torse mlass, wiu fora one of toe ptonmnt bjauui. of this naa. In to afternoon tb patty will retura to Hopklnsvltle SA khuul o'dork.

Tburaday evsolng a recep-tlua wia be uiudsrsd to the bv Br. and Mrs. Jam Hodman, at tbetr ieiornc near iba dir. Tber sre eumr Isaiuriw of to ptosrauune nut yst arranged ss to Urns, which will bs saisainowl to due time. We Bast every aewspsper ta tb Stats will be represented, and tbat iba meeting will pro on uf lb aBaiest and asost proaiabai tar bald ta lb bto-tury gf tb smialslton.

The Back ye Biader Perfect Oac-eess. iBperauCorrsHirvoenre of tb Krw TJstrxnil b. May We started two Buekey Btndars to-dar, oo In very henry oats. Tbey gave enure sat iaf ac Ion. Could sell a hum number If I bad Bene, ab aorrv I did ant order atore tan.

Eaaar tkarxr. Bnkf as, May tiCS. Tb Burkrve Rlnder bougbl of your flyers ftrae. works to perfarv Uua. bo mors trouble to rua tbaa a plow.

U. M. Pauxirs. Rasa ab. Tn, Mav 1TS.

winders wnrt to prrfrrilon. Could nut do better work. Ko questloa about Buckera Binders; too ar ail rtibt. Hi nt Ban. Df Qrorv, lu.

Msy 1. 1 But eve Rnvw went Into ne'd-trUI with kUrab, MeCoriulck and Wood, and aouoped them oat. oxstott A irt. Mr. Viiik.s, 111..

May St. 18TH. Bnrkere Binder In Iris I with VTmd, liberie sd Adam. A rreiicb, brat them badly on draft. Binder did splendidly, buid two on too ground.

L.U. Paiab. llAliCBSVIUK, May Si. ism. The Buraeve Bluder waa etblbtted Bear thtt place yrwrnav, end waa pnnioBred by all wilnuawd Its oparalloo a perfect sum as.

Two wtjre Bold ua to Sold. Tbe Americas Piactitioaer. The American Practitioner, edited bv Urs. D. W.

YaavietiandTTawpnUisiParvto. Pauiiriieuky Joba P. Mortoa a to. LoBAsttlla. We ass to receipt of toe Jnae nnmberof the Amer-hma Piaimtloner.

Tbe orkrlnal oommanlmtlons ars from In. J. Mttosr rotbergul, of Lcadon; Dr. M. a.

Unite, of nileago; Dr. r. Otto, of New Tor ctty. and Dr. A.

HxeU, of Indlaaspulto. All tbeae anl-rlt are of great Interest, and three of the amhort sre fell keowa by toe proanarron ewywberei. This by toe way, baa always been peculiarly fur. lunate In etiaerm. msny of tl n.M dlstlngulsbed mea to the waa Endowing tbl'S teminal AjuluunlratAnna.

nu m2 rtnmT' U-a rltb.x of to Bionia, and Inaily mites ami uuw ira. W. mtmmt He. U. rtluf t- n.T..

another of lir. Vaadell's mua ttnereHUng toilers raietioat suae iu toe pTTSiauxmsj and Doc-oroiee-iAaiI reader. Tb June number eomptelee lbs ant vo-un-e uf lM7ci.acd with tbo July numbiTB rood note A offered to every pbysAeiaa wbo baa b'A slnatty tobsrnbsdtoaimiawotahtosubscrtotiuo. ItrAtcUas, In tbe Sauk sml vr-M (epmally. sbuuid tee tn tt Iba: the American Prartlttonrrbe-lhetaeuoKrlp.

Uo send sun-wLsiuns lo tbo pnblltnsrs for one year. 1 is) Oae Ceat Damages Allowed. rmctoo, June murh-eoo'rited case of Jthk Ntuge cnfnv tue IVaud of Trs'l? rmr.s Bp before Jodee Huyer. tort week to Ibe form cf sn ap. pihwtlon by iitura-es for a writ of cosndaruu.

lo com. pel ibe board lo rtaostsie bun, and tbe unnsusl mode of )ury trkU wa reeled to. Tbe Jury tola luis-tilng bmatrbl In serUMa sieseilns one cent damages aemn4 tb defendant, and uuless a new tra! a greutwl tba maauamus will The yenlivt was baisHl cos-fy on lb Intlriicuout that, auoougli to board migbt dtortpUoe or sxool BMiiibers. yet tuat could But do so until It I tad complied witb He owa m-es la rains like tbls. snd bad alven he acrusod' a obwostonsauttbaaltoBWlevtuaoosot his gulil.

Base Ball. Tnx LooUvQle and Atlantic play at Loab-vnt Park tba coming Tbarsday. nxvtLABD, jun k. roreet aty, Alkwbroy Bolbtog. Pboviiicikx, Job t-Pr-jvldeoc, MlivrAB-kos.

t. Bc nsana. Jane A Bnffaloa, BocJtesters.w. MAantasTAa, Jane Manibmuis. Ptore, Rartaa lalelligeaee.

ab rauvrutrn. June A Arrived gfcfp young Amtrlia. front Kew tar. Ubob, Ja-e A Arrived iiav ateamstlps Pale. One, from BuaAon; Adratle.

truai Kew 1 oik. LoKbOB. Jane A A red otaetraoixli Ins fttnm-Ma and larmday, from New Koik; swuarbutd, irat Telegraph lastrameat Bait Deeislaal. Nrw Toag. Jrme A Jadge ftonrntd, of toe nv-rtor 1 baa alven a eecsmn in tbe suu ty tba At-toutk- and HsrtOQ TckitsUi Couipsny ys.

Geurara B. Prasoott, W. eia Loloo Telegrst et to aetarmine to into to to salmis of Edam cttadrdpiex, and utber tok-toaiibla ni-rtnis To erBkiint todbmitostd auk oasts. The Charter Oak Iaf e. HAarvfian, Cnire.

jmve A At the tegular aieet. trg nf Uw director, of tbeCbarLv oak Lii to-osy, beurgeM. Hanboiiaoew. PrcsKtent pro fsm. was elerttd permanent rvesAdenL A circular to pi.ury-boHters relative lo toe levjent- ouwliiloa or tbe-coui- psny sdo ns rnoects was -Tills nj agreed and will bs kaaard to a tow Oava.

Oregaa Electtoa Yesterday. FOkTLABD, June A Tb eht-lvfl pssstd atr aolet. rr. A yrry huge veto tras uooed. kveuirus irom the nty and toe Interior are coming ta vary slowly, fmlug lo tbe number of IKAets to tbe Beldandtb nntuunt uf wci'abliig and traJiarf.

ft ts In at preaeol to make any esitiuatc aa to tbx nmnl It to eAPecled tbat by to-moriuw autna euttcla alun ota ke armed at. Tho Presideat Nat u'tii ta Evaas. ville. Fvassttij. June rn etdenlHarcs and meen.

bsrs ul ba who were ojtperted he. July bare nottoud tb. autburltlea tbat, in vatw ot exbulng pnlttiraf eiopllratluan, ILe Prtnldaat atU aut leave a asblntfiiAi By. Iasaraace aa t'haaey Warehaase.

Ctncrwar, O- Jane A The tosnreoreoe raoet'B waretoose. at Anal a lorheetor. was placed aa pa-lows; I rsokllB. of Columbia, SX.UO on bulellces ai.d aiachlncry; Merrltants', of Kewsrk. of M.

L.HUS, tOuO; Msnalsciurers'. ut Kewark, fMMl oa cunt an Twa Chargee wl Fargerr. BAr.rrvoar. Jane A la btervtmlnai rvens tbe rrand Jury presented oeurge W. BAsbop.

ei-Jmlsw of the tirnrans' Ooort, oa two cbannwot forgery. Both for forglngnamea of parries loeeroT- rntes or stura watoa utastoaaato kad ken kg order of to Court. Yaaktea Iadtaaa Traahle CviM-AOo. Jane A Beea was tsemlsad baea tbat aareaty-Sve Ysakua agoncy indMum hav. gone north to Ua vicinity of to Brni agency, where tbey have been sraaUng torn.

troiiDle smoue tbs Bruw. nad fears ars snMrtslnart Ibal turn will ba mill ii over oy ike car. Ftoaroic, bTasb. Jnae A Th Bee. rj.

c. Bar. by lbs sera lo-algbi. Jaattc Harlaa at Chteaga. CwsrAOn, Jaas series Baraa.

tha ratted Bam uupri ms Caart, was to court to-day. and will saala snoot a moatk. The ktwyars and coart not. ebu ikto afteraooa gar aim a klunni aagroBtpta extaa-BehaeSrer Billiard Ratch. rwwjaaa.

Jwaa A The bexlna SihasOer ktBtard sjmtek was SA-raarad ta aU tot points to-day. Tbs Bret gnat to to as paired la Kew Tor wttola forty Bars, stuaiuim as naa an Kis Hatch aa tho tAranaa. Jaas m-n inalag BtataVoa to Tbaavea to-day. te ween llltfgm an u.m:l, fur lb aimpsnashl and A-ew, woa by to to Hamtus will row agna tb Amer-haa cnaaipa tow year.

nf Reseat ptjea oil la tag Oytnlim. Pnit-AnsxewiA. -Jaaa A Okgaiebas frian eh artoeiusl mining potucx la tba roai mstoa Biiicaie a general revuniptloa of siming orssnt'inas, waa a fAvil lore of anrkasak. Boar af Visiters Orcaaisei. Wrxr rmav, B.

T. Jam A Th Board of Tbfton to toe Military Academy organised wttb Dand A. Well. fTvAvluawA, an rvof. A.

A enable, linrslary. Bv Ire at Osreola, yaeterdsv, three NEW SERIES NO. PEREIAL FPREIQN AFFAIRS. EatBarat Williaai'e CaaOtliaa OaU farlarv Here Abaat the sasala Th I raa ClaO Cel. Iibii Btssaareh Eg.

Bee led at Berlta Lass tight Th I la I. laa Ba4(l. OERMANY. copDmok or rua sai txoa. Btstix.

Jane A Aa offdal buurtia tssaed frrm Ibe palace at o'duch 111 IV morning reports tbat Ibe Emperor paasrd quiet Bltibt. Tbe psia frvm ha wound baa been alievwied. UU physicians con. stdsr ba eoudHioa wtaAactury. th raBAJC nruaa.

Bratnt, Jane A- Tbe condition af tb Feipsror cufatluue mllstsctury. Tbe eAAvt of tbe urw tbal anutber alteuiut a si Biaiw iw tbe life uf tbe Emperor was aausAtidmie, 'I lie uulburet of public feeling stent Ht far keyuod Ibe mantfeatatlon. li-adc ua tbe prerlous octasUicss Nobe rtraeded tbat of Hoeuel to the. wrlouaoe. uf ks iruii.

a crowd steembied aiuutMl tue paiace. and lorrcd lie wsv totu tbe building, it uuly eiperved oo re se.tug soAAtfseforv news cf lbs Lmisrot's sua. aud a Araiag tbst lbs IotsI mxcifesutlon mittbt ha euCerln Imui bis aoumls. Tne tot ber tbv Kaipsror wss tbot I. slaves Ove-mlnu'-es nalk Irom tbs torn uf Uusdet's slu-mut.

I b. BOBAA-tBO. Ik. KobeHng ram to Berlin few weeks ago from Msilc. He red a furtiA-bed room ua tortsid 1 It Inter den Liuuen.

from tbe window uf wblrh ibe shies were Orv-1. NobrUiig1 wss ba-meriy In toe dnl servlca of tbe kb.Rd.iw 4 haxony. He was a regular contributor Iw the arfrtcuttural ul DaU, and areata tu have been hi easy He auvlled sgrbaiLuir.i snd aauoos In Halle aud Lrtpste. Ilr. N-jbe'ltig cjnilu: rooover from toe Injuries be tntlictod on hiuiaeli at the tints of bis arrvat.

II Is asmI Hist be bad au amutpuce la tbe cr.tue. lir. hobeiia to neiiber a koasilei out aa rura Bjoutaur. but is a uf fautily snd l-o-cltlon snd fair Ills hrelirt am ttrot-rs in tMe army. Ur.

KohrUng adtulls Ibal bin plsu bad been lurmed fte a lung time. He had aroonipilera who bsd bsea la eummauicalka Willi kua ou Um aubjeci ut tos ateetelbktiuB uf lbs Em'paruT lur six tvaafhs, ratacs B.n-BAkia rxraryxn at babxib. Bebub, Jan A Bhaanrck to axuaciad bar to-Bight. Brtxxns raoa vaA paiacw. BxkUB.

halaMia fcwosd from toa fatoos tba evaatog saps toe wsailUna of toe Eta-peror to aaUafastury. STAnakjri or tbb bobtb oebmab baxattb lb raferear to to report ibal Dr. bobeiing. tbe sealtont of lbs Emparur. sad aecompllres, toe Nortb Uermaa lieame mis that wbea km amber Waned htm avaua.

be owntod montng anytuBay for Iba dead, aad sasaw.d meailesty wbea aakad a to tot to eotvAsil to arlm toil asoa baa. abbjvaa. or PBtata aaaiABra. Brxi IX, job A Inaii an ka arrived. BOB or TBX AW OV BOT tXTBAtTZS.

Loar. Jons A INTVwJ bslvrlns fcwoee) tmm tb Koyal Paiare at Berth, sat to m-snbM la rarer, nee to the roadlllua of the Emperor are has ef to shots to bla arm have aot ye keen extracted. Tbe ducne bus -Wetded so bate tbem to work then- way eat, Iu ar Bimnri i at at maa. StotoBeaw smd. Iw.

NaVttng' ran. faie sre eons-atiebd ttweml stannss aileg that hobwing owtesd ba aa hv aibawel by Aot drawa tty eioepAraues a tbuul to. Emparur. A dtepatea from Bsrnto save a saport to tmislll ikare tbat Ut. huaottog to It I.

ONCAT BRITAIN, va ibaeo'e rAaagMwaa. Lobdox, June A A dispatch trvea INibUa aa-nouneea to. arrival uwie. at o'clock toa avornlng, of WT pa ttas ra uf toe wrewaed lam nr Idabu, Tbey i--ul t.i. prmaiuoVvof Utm alsbt at tbe rail road tormfnas.

The rnustis expeed la Uv-vpuui lo-nignt, logfbur vita the ktobo a arew. tt a now staled thai in. stosaier kls bo tank to 8f-teca mia aes, arter striklag iba rorks. Mie Ilea la blueteen fstbmns nf water, midway betweea triulue-bt and Brandies Koeks. Her top gallant ma.s are vuibte at low water.

Tb usweuvers speak gbiy uf U.e cubuuet of Cap. Hetujea and Lis crew, and bare drawn up Wsumomai to ibat effect to be pre-soaled tu Ibe owners. rug okoaHxs xrxrcxeT. Th IotsI auoiler of rertons onlbnard the trpn-cltid Orcewr KurruTNt was W7; of tne. VI 7 are kfaown to bs saved, six odScers among the lost.

Tbs Tlnjes prima a dlatrmm toe BiL biteilf. thbieaiulsimuimof to a-clsddisoster. lisbows tbst tbe brueeer kurfiuat and kuetug Wllbelm acre Me-mttig along oa i.rallel ibio.ckiae btretber. The Wllbelm waa oa toe left band, or lo aoaward, and el ahead. Two meraLAUtAwu ending aoruet tbeb cooras from right to e-n, both Imn-elaiA.

ported ttv-t beuu. aod lauwed aatera of toe a-arebannuen. Tneorderwss ibea siguae-A to 4urbuard balm." wbk-b tue trfoater kar.arst ob-red. resuming ber fanner course, while toe aurtiig uimtm eoauaued to port bar balm Thi bnaidU tbs tamels dlrtctly b3 OUOASCt. oabca ros cit.r's gxrajttirion.

Jodge Mr Jemes Icsbsm, of to Metrnpnlrian lloet-ourt. so-iUr Badass order tor lle estrsli. Ouo of uiay, to. aileaad furger, who vras fur Ibe OAuai period. SPAIN.

Taoor raoa (Tsa. Lnsrox. Jure A Msdnd dleratrh 'says Ibe rpsnsdi (rovsinmeol has euutractod be Ui Irsnsport oi oion buma brom Cuba. Ibey bsdle-banned. MtBn-rkaiAL runs AxrxiTXO.

June i. A llendsy corrpepoodenl a etwACr" aUubbKia erlals la g.werally ex- a. am tne pienw Toe CuruiUunaiaas anujer CmATmi2 ms are uiuiiiu. me win aw wecttwu wul rats. VENEZUELA.

rttxiwzxi or ihb nrvK or umnvrrATiTn Nrw Ton, Jmjsf 9. A imam frona (Xviftu mmfm: JOmtf Mlrur4 HvUTnlUan. ut lht Hwm ot UnvaM-ntamoja) af VoKoJaUfc-la. was mmtn (Ua to 11-vTAiMt tKmiiloo, ot i1m TnUiUoU A tti-puir mrvrnv kt uw two bh. iq of Hiilccl Carnoe.

hkotilr tU tbo rtHoct, baruttlou nMi iscaai.jii tn ttm uiioK, mad Urom ml bin wIUm. It, Hsvlitox owtlfvj him cm a reru.Tr, it miTvmi Itkmi ot him Uu-DaA, Juein de Martm Lu uxti. aod ttrd rngm-m. mvum-kK Urn crpsl two huu, both 4 mrbi-cm loot ctTtjcc, ui4 ktmnmikm tom ihm ojaliic. MEXICO.

civi. tiVit.Kiy))i iwrrvrvrs. aALTvmon, Jum 4 Hrtml stetpntm to th Nw rum aCeMflt Part ntfutm thmi ttrm frocu (tatt oUhm- tudr Halm UuU (u. JtxlvjVt aitwMl mmj" OAt(4rT' IXKiU IttvlU Mcte.UsBJQArO IO IWdlTM MtflM, bat mm fa-tiea oiT. KO 4-ftMlUUr IIV fMTtcd.

EatmNtrlA BOW 00- rmniMXi nnr pioMttu jV-vraa. oraoulnff a Uoog furve mod prmriDM rare UxmiitSmtito fva4ktaAJ. rwirrfiRi-ii tr u-m iamtutxii. t. PrrBrrro.

Jumo M'tte fwou-Xteb oom ds artecwwt, mod mat bm toumd tor mew vrtmu rmxcx oosT.iax ua.korr bittkk. t. PrrvroiuvMa, Jono LJdor imnmAmXad tn tettrr. Bat Htmodj rmcun to FRANCE. vrIXlll BOItjEL AV THE OT DEaTTTF.

ViitArii rs, Jrm. ib (Tuimbrr of tfjium to-bj Bunt, MiiKtirrof War. rotmmrd uum- tow ib9acAiiitMu(a one uWr ho d'amrlv boaa pruilDji bav boa olT-ojr. and left, ajWlanna; ttaac um oukl mnm ovom. HuatUai jjilguc bim lo ym au.oiion micu juaut4alAiU.

ITALY. rsnrs iituwn imt ra iirpurr. RoYi, Juof In ihe (lumivt-rnf latv to-day Uw illll'W ul nOs.Iin. lat-ttn, ItaUrd UaiU UM tjoltV ftT WS aVloUWO. a aVUIt.LLn lf atttt Uiaillulial j( Im.

la V.ut tht ri'vou for wul titomj an lCfvaaa ot tuir autliic. af lira. three StXem KiHc4. FtniNo, Pa itm stra wro tUVfvi io. ear mi inu-oro iDtm tear Iwtuo by tbo eannaj la ot amLavOi.

aot. ADD ITJO AtTltl VERAHD WEATHER Weather lnollcntioas. WM PlTAatalPT, CtllMX BiOJIjU. OTTfCB. WjUITI.

1JTUM, I). Juiitf 1 A. M. frntMce. Uo Ormtamtt Upper Jf rttiruv am4 iVtAc re-ll-an, raiaV Mrotorter, coier ucm to north taivsi vci A.iAr.

alltf drat mt it Umi wcaiiWr, pTccf iftt in Utm JLaC tinU nul tiutt Utm bywaxo-to nai rttln. ft ibo LeOtrar MlMnurl ailtrrs btjrtMr prommro, low or afLaiKAtiaTTf rU-mr aVDd aHJTUiwet vuKla. vtxrtoa ismiLeam aud "nmmm auucuarj at oraikd t4avta, LtU A ipeoa. I rt Hitroti, taijrdtjkjt ifiaAML lute, BuAak. Uucbomter and 0wMtt.

ftraMinriixit, Jane 1, Mffhtwnenrr rmm mt ttaf-Ihfhi; clear duniia lie ditv; wind tram too wutt; mercur lo H9. Rlrjr 10 s-10 tee, aoaot aod Caii-UMT. Aitcf, 10 r. Mitaj'rsv and a. M.i Ora KajrliS lditmid.

Boon; t-iY-rr loc ft r. u. Down ttuwluai a. OeCt Miliar, r. Ukk tobon 9a KAt-bangr, A.

C. tkmiAllTt Bmutxm good mud itkiuim ptt Irri, Jane Ntfftjt- ArriTv-d Nfal. Koo Hut. krukuk; I UT Uetoa, Viaburv: hf'tom Su Iwvta, lrBjuur1 river. lariMt -4jvvras BB'if.

Kvontttik; Mmottau fe. Paul, kaiifo 1 IdcH: and 1 IncLee abuve kfj watw. Ciemr mtmt MnrrtTTS. Jvne t. ftirnt.

Rtw fmtra Itwta; fjvnda fact intMa. Ccnr; aaaxtmno Uirmon-otor On. Arrlrd Kau NuwLaod, UtUe Hockx btvaa. ctectnnail; Sorum mad tow. Onto nren I'lt-frita, VM-k-Ourv- lwrVaav TaVrttrer.

ImmA and kala Unoef (tne lnuer taal nlrtiU, bu Lotile. SrRb. POP-T, JweeS, MatrTt-'" tce enirM mm storm, too joo urrmrn ow, lb aMAtnltur. Kirar rmmm or JnCcrmun tooura. Tbruatetiine tmtn.

CLOTHING. JUST RECEIVED, OAK MALL 1UMI lltWIOTOr Men's Yacht Cloth Suits; Men's Fine Flannel Suits; Tenth' Yacht Cloth Suits; Boys' Fine Flannel Suits: Men's Light Cassimere Suits; Boys' Light Cassimere Suits; Alpaca Coats; Dusters. John m. s. rotrvTB Ajfp trta.

MACMIMKRY, MljlY; TamtH mtrt9tm aauraaaOTaaf ait, it That is the Word. Wu will opa this wtfk Sperlol BoricalB) la all the btartmia bf our Three Hteres. ISIjL.TC DEPART3IE1VT. Black Groa Grain Bilks at TV. SOc.

gSc. BOr. fl. $1 10. 84, It 00 ribort pb-ee of 11 axl and rVtripe btik (ur Children.

Uc. Irrcaa bilka frura Ihe cbrwtwwl ko tbe On eat. Moat eArcitnt Oreaadiaea, la new Uau. at Sue on the dollar A large stixk of nice Drews Uoods at Oc. worth dXIc, Purmuer Hlark Camlvta, all wool, 8 inches, 60c lilai-U It-! Buntings al i3o, wih AOc Hiaok Altaveaa, lftc, XUl, 23c.

Stle. Pure Mohatra. U.V; ttwater price. 4ile. hi Ik Urrnadines, 10c; 1 run frame Orenadinea.

SOr, worth due Corded JrotieU. 8c. wunli lie; Pique. worth 12ic. Colored TsrUians at lftr, worth Victoria Lawa.

10c. 12c. 15c, Sue. fiood Cotton. V.oc; l.onsdaie.

7 Fruit, 1 Loravlelc Cstnlirir. li.c: Lanrdon. llic. We will sell l.lm-n Puita X3 per twoL Kcsdy-nut'le Hlk Hull. OJO.

lace Curtain, half price. j-acire ri a i murritas, im-w arnsnls. We liave largrat Mixk of Hoaicry In ihe city. Our iilioe dt'tMArtiuent is tilled with New h'hovs. Gaiters and Clippers at low praam, I.AIMiE ASSORTMENT HICH GOODS LOW PRICKS.

PHYSICIANS Having occasion to prescribe Port, Slierry or Bordeaux Wines, can rely upon those purchased from our house having tho effect and taste characteristic of their different growths, being purchased direct from the growers, and imported through the -Louisville Custom-house. A. FONDA SONS. IMPORTERS, 113 Fourth Avenue. FINANCIAL.

Illiiil Stales Unmet Stts. The KENTUCKY NATIONAL BANK, under appointment of tire Secretary of the Treasury of dale January 20, -will rccciTO. deposits on account of subscriptions to tho 4 ner cent. Funded Loan. All issues of U.

SJ Bonds supplied or exchanged, nifd the commission reasonably low.5 i mvTj -pisaATtttMp AGRICULTURAL AGENTS Champion Reaper and Mower. Long's Steel Tooth Hay Rake, Barnes Tiffin Revolving Hay Rakes, i invincible Vibrator, Thresher and Eagle Engine. Jackson Wagon. wiiiY truss-rod axle, Avery Double Shovel Plows, Avery's Walking Cultivators, Meikle's Double Shove! Plows. HO nrft vHsrUIjLB-AuTT-kir4p MIRRORS, ae.

FiTCH MANUFACTURERS OT Blirrors, Sho w-Cases, Ivloldings. Also Nos. 73 and 75 Da cwaiii "UTTER, ao. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENTS FOR THE Fountain Creamery ALSO Kentucky Jersey Butter, The only Tlutter koM la thU niarkft made from Kenturky Rlne-gravss. ond mode exproHitlT for our tradf.

HIBBITT SOlsT, ssTB) MoTaTUHalS-lOrtp 1 COAU, PITTSBURGH COaL. Ots. tlTt Sir? rrdard the y.irmnf -ro 4'oal Mao Crn t.alijL, diivr-l im Wftetono it our rt.icr. nd Klr-r to, r.riic lbrm away ol fui tofi.ter wili Bail II to tclr 1 fi i ocs4 to mpiAy iu ua. tv-NvTIirl IMrron.

Krr Market. ta otiot-t rKii. o. To the Wholesale and JcbLiing China, Glass and Queessware Trade. An Afesltvaee of A.

Jaeprr ti I wiil wll to tbe trade, at from 10to20pvrfeat.dlnroaiit for fash, at 2fv5 West Mala LonlsTllIe. a very larpe aaa earefnll' selected stork of China, (Jlass aad Oueeasware. ChaadrllerN, tt. Special atteation arlren to mall orders, HTalfllEII K. JUMIH, lalnw.

jarl eoStfle Sale of China, -Japanese. SllTor, Bohemian and Glassware, Majolica and Faience. A' I asslsae at A. Jsirer na. I win.

foe's short UBS. neter, at areeAl, re4 ratea, th Ursa See Scsalar. rsser aa Orsa.ieats4 f4 at Fowl sveaws. This sAarfe baa beea WKA eera aa tavt. ate Bast wis.

as mMmm m.r. Ma ArdelM mmtm tar w.ildlaa an sreaeea aaaaiialfl la varartv sn aeanf la Has Buato or a eat. i IrHAl a. JOmm sarittf BOOTa AWO MOK. Low rrleoo, tao Prlaio Oaall-tv, the Klerk of Heeto 04 Miee-t taaa- at I Xtt 1U1 I Mala t.

lnlHI.ay It the" eHitloBl' drammlna; tkat frv valiasrlth the (Oo4 kfMMtv'Mj HARDOTRB Lscts, IiotJ, Hiciei; Falcx-Vliss, lc A. McBEIDE'S 80NS, VI TkvrO 0 irooiof ill, ar. aalAl taif-lo a. under eoarkst 1 1 tw, li ttttcl A I.v ul.ylllei. MtOrCINAL WINES.

L. C. MURRAY, Cashier. I IMPLEMENTS. FOR THE and 112 Main St.

LSWDSEV, Bed Bottom. Fourth Avenue. Butter at 30 Cents. ASIt It WEMT MIRKITSTIIICT. D'JCK VESTS.

DucklTest A 1 i.lm Ip CARBITS, e. "i'OtT WILL Hto) laVTffvMC Mai sgntal trlotkM latar of CARPETS mum OAtsicast Certains of Msst Pattercs, MATTINGS AND OILCLOTHS IM MS AT VAklKTT. AH mt a)w-Bt mt to-' mroT mrtrnkTm moomd. mt WsttMcKNIGHTS rtirnvtitiiiuisi, mt kstaa I Air aa reana. aifO eAa-l Carpets, zc WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WB bmrm aarrhtl for mmM.trm imm tmtnwrm piawssiTa-tarara.

a imifm attd mtmt ot Hn ortnt. mr tvrnrUkg teUfst TA mrm twlllaw ttsai Xowmr umm bmlorm. R. DUI7CE Hat. raw kM, 'waa as naa.

astfu i 50 WALL-PAPIR. UilLL-PlPEl BEDUCED PBICES. TtslarsvaSvariBBat itM.ras Is Bas sua, svaaet WOOD BR0TIIE113 aaa eOOaOava) MB rooata AVUFay $1,50. 4.

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