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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 37

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

lt'r Win M1SS EVA At the Altar. Raweaa A. Klag waa aalted la nsatrt-neay Wednssday ta P. W. Belhe at the home ef bar parents.

New SIC CampoeU veae. Mr. aad Mrs. Chart O. Itaakla of Evs-tea aaaeaaee the agagenaeat ef their daach tr.

Mia Helen Haakia. te Ralph lioaglaad af Chicago. Mlaa Ma ad A. Atktaa aad Edwin 11. Kirk-land were quietly aaarrVed a Wedaeaday.

April ST. At home after May 1. at Na. S4U Wabash aveaaa. The eagag eet la aaaewaced ef Mlaa PUr-ewc WUaoa.

daagbter of Mr. aad Mr. Mar-cwa WUaew, Ne. aU7 CaJaart avaaaa. la M.

A. aWllgmaa. Nacarda. The aasTsaeat la aaaownced ef Mlaa Katharine i slier, daagbter ef Mr. aad Mr.

Je aeph Mailer ef Martoa. ta Will Owwaa Wash bora af Chicago. Mra. Raa Blvmeathal. Na.

I7TT Wabash aveewa. tssosam the agiat of bar daagbter. Mlaa Paaale Bluaaealbal. te Nalhaa ptr. At boms Buaday.

May Mlaa Dolll Baeaa PUX. daughter af Cap- taia L. M. Pica, waa ssarrVed te Airrea U. Chrleteaeaa at the re aea af the brlde'a father, ta Wicker park.

Tars day evening. Joeeph M. Rasrera. Jr af Chicago aad LlJ- liaa McOra ef Ptjrtseaowtb, N. were mar rted Taeeday at Pertaaaawih.

Mr. aad Mm. Rawer wUl he at heme at tha Palac after Jaae The wedding af TCualc Edward ef M'cbiaad Park aad Waller Heg ef Oeaveva Lake. took place yeaterday at the home ef the brlde'a graadfath. A Brtagtoa af llighlaad Kark.

Mlsa aUgrVS Laage. daaghter ef Mr. aad Mr. E. Laage.

Ne. ti GerflWd area waa wsddsd Wedaeeday a. M. Meyer ef Cedar Lake. lad.

The wsasoay took place at II. lacs at do Paal'a charca. The weddlag ef Mlsa Blaache Slegel. daagh ter ef Genoa awwel af New Tork. ta Praak E.

Vl. Ne. SJ bwaievard. waa aalebraied New Terh yeaterday at the real deae af the father. Mr.

aad Mm. A (drew M. Lynch. No. C29 Cmad bowlvard.

aaaaaace the agageaicat ef iketr daab(er. Mia. Alice Margaent Lyaeh. ta Mr. wnitam tleary aatea.

aea af Mr. aad Mrs. Aaatia hex tea af bert- daa Park- Re. MarshaJI Bosrasa ef Cat- mar Wfl less Tharsday algbt for llaatsvtlle, ta astsctale SI the weddlag ef Mlaa Vlra Baaraaaa te Norma a Kalb Wbltbs ad New Terk. Pather Bearmaa I tha aaci ef Mlsa Doarsvaa.

The eaaagamsat la aaaeaced ta New Tork ef Mas Eduh tans nr. daaghter Capala Cewewe twisaer. t. I Cearge W. Vaa- SWrtMiL.

Mr. VaaderfMH the yeeaeet af the tat WOiieaa M. VaadwrtUt. aad la abwat fe) year aid. Mlaa Ileartwtia KlWeewr aad Jeka Pmacta Taaek were watted la nvarrtace Tweed ay rmU( at cWtdea Aveawe prbrtertaa bwrca.

Re. R. U. sVeCt. tha aaatar.

I firai.t th iirimsay la tha preeeac af raaay frwada ef tb eewpla. Mlaa Eva May Dace aad Prederlck W. Blade were aaaintd at aa. Aleyvtwa bare a. ear-ar as La Meyae aad Clareaseat eveawea.

al e'etaek Tharsday aftsraaesv. A rswwpttea relWwed tha ssrstasar al tha heaae ef tb brvd' pareata. Na. fna North Reck well atree. The weddlag af Mlea Chartetl Ceaaat.

daagbter af Mr. aad Mm. Lath Ceaaat ef Ma. 1 Lake reel. Oak Park, ta Willi at tleary Nkchssla af Ch leave waa celebrated at Ike Oak Park Ceaaeaatlsaal cbarrb al e'eisarh Thwrwdar evealag.

R. Dr. Mervl-aea af tha Church af lh Eptphaay asVUtiac. TV tagagemeat af Mlsa Mildred Edith PnwvU. daaght ef Lie teas Ceteael Jaexea W.

pwwn. Pifteeaih failed la tee ta fas try. ta Lsemeeeaat Magb LaXayetta A4whlt. Sixth Catted State artillery, la aaaaaaced. Mlaa Pa ell formerly lived at Part ahrv4ea.

aad 1 new ta Waahlagiea aa a trtatc L4lat ApplewhHa bs feca Mlaataatpat. The weddlag af Mlea 0rtrwd Wtlee Pile, dsaahter af Mr. aad Mm. AWaaader Pale af Wetiiagtaa. IlL.

aad Chart I'lrsee OorJea af Cblcage will lake place aa Wedaeeday era-lag. Jaae XX at t.M ecteck. TV cereaseey will be pifiirm at the he teed Preabytertaa berth. Mickigaa aveaaa aad Tweatletb street. Dr.

McPheraea eOdatlag. TV rn-tiea wUl feUaw at tb Hotel Metrepot. Mkhl- gaa aveaaa aad Twenty-Third etreet. Tha avarrtaga af Mlsa May Ktlr aad R. Kerhy SlacUlr Milter ef BelaJr.

MV. as soi-emataed at aaea Wdaday at tb Hyde Park Metkediet Epalcopal church. The cwremeey waa psrfunasd by Re. Aasoa Pstlea. D.

aaatsted br Re. William Araetd Skaaktla. Tx IX, af Dubwque. The and was attended by her stater. Mia ta Keller, gad Rev.

8. Was af Charchvina. waa tha beet raaa. TV we hers were Elmer M. Cray aad WUilam IL Carter.

Tha Ptrst Caagrrgatleeal rharrh ef Sad-wVb. UL. waa the aces Wedaeeday evealag af tha weddlag ef Mia Grace Oeedmaa, daagbter ef Mr. aad Mra. Guatav Coed ma, aad Mr.

Albert Edward Da Rmer. aea ef Re. RJemer. Washtagtea. IX The bridesmaid were lease Clam Crefeat had Sarah Abbott ef Sandwich.

Aaaa Neeper of Chlrag. aad Helea McDonald ef Dabeqee. lew. Tb waher wre Mr. Vai Meyer of Someaaak.

Mr. Marsh Stewsrd ef PI so. Measra. Chart Lett, aad Walter Egr-maa af Aerera. Mm Mettle Pair, daaghler ef Mr.

aad Mr. Osrg Pair af Na. Ii; Jackaea aoaievard. waa aalted la asarlars Taeeday Harry Pos Meat to a at the I earth Baptist charch. Re.

J. lUttredg Wheeler perfermed tb ssrsmaay la the praeewee ef aeeeral hundred gweeta. Th brlde'a ealy atteadaat waa Mlaa Pteda Cewperthwaite. aad the beet aaaa waa Eraet E. Pair, a brother at th brtd.

Tha aeaer wer Meeera. Birch. Pehreaasler, Chart Career. Walter Miller ef Jjt, aad Albert IL Smith. Mr.

aad Mm. Meal lee. wui be at him af. a a L. at Na.

Pr7 Warrea aveaaa. A simple horn wtdl'ag waa celebrated Tweeder af iraaia al ta reldae ef Mr. aad Mr. Ilermaaa Be. Na.

ITS La Sai grrma. Tha brUa waa their daaghler. Mis CAaWELL. LUlla Beaae; tha groom Beajamla M. Ner tea.

aad thaafnclatlac clergymaa Re. R. A. John. Tha bride waa aa a (leaded.

She war Ivory sat la. trimmed with aches lac, had carrted till af tha valley. After the eere-moey aapper waa served a small eeanpany af tatlmaie frWada. tha table be tag doae ta plak aad whit. A reception followed.

After Jaae 7 Mr. aad Mrs. Nonoa will ha at hem at No. XTT Oak street. A Milwaukee wedding of Tuesday, far which Chicago fa raU bed tha groom, waa teat af Mlaa Mlaerva M.

Ells worth aad Edward Beach Ell loot t. Tha bride ta a daagbter af Leas we I Ellsworth af Milwaukee. TV weddlag took place la the CagTrnttenaJ church at e'elock. The aaatrea af bvor waa Mrs. Somaer H.

Pain, aad tba bridesmaids war Mia Kitty Can ef Chlcaga. A He Day Whitcamh. aad Lillian Perrruaoa. The beet maa waa Gorge S. EUlcolt.

a brother of the groom, and lh ushers war Caaby Nleodetnus. Madlaoa. Heary R. Hlxoa, Chlcaga: Edward Purtoag. aad Praak Par-long.

Mllwauhe. TVe bride aad groom will reeid at the Chlcaga Beach hetL Mlea Die ken Ladd hecama tha hrid af Edgar Oraal Slaaoa Wedaeaday evealag at tha bosne af her pareata. Mr. aad Mm. Ralph A.

Ladd. Na. Xtl Oataria atrswt. The weddlag waa a eery Biaaple aa. The ceremoey waa performed by Rrv.

Edgar Thorn peoa. aaatot-aal rector af St. Jam EpUceoal church. Thar were aa at teed ate, aad aaly retail vee af th hrtd aad grnuca were preasat. Mlaa Ladd waa becaenlagly gowned In whit snotr vesear.

with patat lac aad tall trtmmlaga. Her tall veil waa held la place by whit violets aad aha earned a atagle America beaaty raaa. After Jaae I Mr. aad Mra. gluss wUl be at heme at Na.

SOfl North Stat atraeC Thar wUl aa card laaaad. A qvlet wedding waa celebrated Tham-day afiirsens at the reeideae ef Mr. ad Mr. Btdaey T. Eaaeraaa.

No. bUS Veraea aveaaa. Tha brtd waa their daaghter. Carrie A del. aad Darto Jack sea waa tha green.

Raw. William White WlJeea ef St. Marh'a Episcopal charch ecBriatsd. The heae was els bars decors led with patma. aad a beat tfty gaeai were prvaeeL Th hrtd.

wba carried brtd reee. war a imveltag gewa af light taa doth, tb bodJea b1ag Balahed with a whU breadcioth vwaC Th skirt was etatarrtely braided, aa waa ale the waist. The weddiag march free "Labeagrta" was played by aa ercbestra ef thre piece. Mr. aad Mm.

Jack aea left for a trip through lbs East. WVen they ret ara they wUl at bean at Na tUX Veraea aveaaa. A pretty Keawaed weddlag Wedaeeday waa that which aalted Mlaa aat aa Val lee Wheel er aad Oewrae Crwil Ntmaseae, Mlea Wheeler la lb ashler af Mm. Marie Talle Wheeler ef Na. 41 Pwrtr-Slxth street.

Th cersmeay place at PaaJ'a charch. Re-v. CharUa IL 111 thy aaVlatlae- Th latenar ef tb edi ted with raster 1 11 lee aad A beet oa lavllatleaa had heea la-aad tha church) waa well ailed. TV brtd waa I leaded br Mlea K. Wlaaifred hfe- Netl.

a reset, aad eappertleg the greens aa waa William K. Peilewa. The Paal WUIIa. Akta Mcllrala. WUilam Meaira.

llevtU If. Kewaedy. J. Albert Dtcklaeea. aad Geerg R.

M. Twee. Par itstmlsasj tha weddlag marra frasa La- heegrta' waa played, aad hleadeiaeoh wed-dla aarfe waa the rsesealaa! meal. TV brtd waa attired ta a gwwa ef white eeiia with talle. th akin rut deml-trala.

She war a leeg U. aad earned whit Iliac. Her maid ar hwaor were green aalla with tnaamlaaaaf wbllachlfrew. Her seven were IU lee ef i awe valley. A si a 11 rocsplfcea fa ta- 'need feUewed at lh bene a.

which dec ee sled ta greea aad while. White aad ferae adoraed th table. Mr. aad Mm. Nlaameao weat ewar after the reewa- Thr will be al hem -at Ka Kut rutMta street aner May la.

DinncrSe The Tfty ctab bad a aVaaer Taeeday alxht al tha Wellington. Th aaeatatt af tha Saddle aad Cycle Hah rt ureal yesterday waa tha areas lee af aererai dl aer pautle. Mrs. J. Ramsey af Ka.

SIS Itarwa treat eatenalaed a dlaaer cess pa Taeeday area- lag la he or af Mise RosaJie Starge. Mr. Art bar Aid la eatenalaed a compear af eight at dlaaer laat night. Afterward tb party atteeded tba Maternity hospital aad iraiaiag school charily eeecert at Central Masve halL Mr. aad Mrs.

L. A. Raehl. Na. ltTt Jsckaea bealersrd, cele bested the gfteeath aaalver- ary af their weddlag Maaday with a dlaaer.

Peny gaesta wer reseat. Mas I waa Urals bed by KreU. Luncheons. Tha Chlcaga Welieeley clab held lis aanual luacheoa at Lb Valaa Leagaa eib laat algbt. Mlsa Carrie Stacy af Oak Knoll.

Glen EUya. UL, eaterlaJaed Thursday at a la ache. Meal waa a la eajoyed. TV gweete wer: Meedame E. Rlchardaea, B.

W. Staddaa. aad P. E. Klngmore.

Chkage; L. Stover. In Brwwn. aad blisses Lacy Barber aad A Me Miller, Wheatoa: Mrs. lWIe Pmtt, BaUvU: Mrs.

Mynl Col ward. Bar. wya; Mrs. Ooldlng. River Pret: Mm.

P. It. Barasa. Oak Park; Meedame p. E.

Hill. IL asset Ol D. Dodge. O. Kehnhurst, Roa Rath bora.

McCbeeaey. Kerr. La Sage. Teoeeys. Mlaa Aaaa Boyd.

Mlaa Aaaa Johaaoa. af Glea Ellya, Mrs. IL Judaoa Decker and Mra. LorraJa Jeaaaetta Plthla af No. 1IS4 Keamor veaua retertaiaed elxty ef thetr Edgewater aad Ar-gyle frteada Satarday at luacheoa aad earda.

A bwffst laacbeoa waa glvea Thtrraday by Mr. Jeba M. risks. Na till Oakawald aveawe, la has ar of Mr. WUlum IL Newman, tea af St.

Paul, bat termsity at Cnlcavga. Tba hear for th reacbewa waa a'clack. Th table waa decorated with Aaancaa beauty ran aad fern. Asa 1st leg the hat so la re-eetvtagwere: Meedame Job Dart. TCogen K.

Be tier. WUltesa Thralt. Jeba D. Hlbbard. Arthur T.

Newhall. Charlee Araaetmeg. U. If. PraChiaghafa.

The yewag weasea who presided at the taUca wer Mlaae Zo TuihllL Ireaa Warren. Molll Bldley, Marm Warrea, Mary Tathlll, Heiea Kimball. fVeala Nrwhall, aad Grace Thorp. Th graeeta Included Mee-lamr TILE SUNDAY rNTTIt OGCAJtf, JUAY 1808. Warres B.

Knlsksra, Marvla TC Parr. George Thorn. Elbrtdg Keith, WllUrd WUy. T. H.

Foatleroy. E- T. Cuihtng. T. H.

Oartoe. Cloud. Addlso A. Turner. George IL Martin.

Caleb Marshall, aad A. Bullolph- Orir a huadrad pwu vera la atUBdaeee. Aa erchetra of tare place rtadr4 the music Receptions. Mr. aad Mrs.

Joseph Raaeabaum. No. S229 Calomel trtM, gave a reeeptioa la honor of their daagbter. Mia Bleach KoMoUum, a( tha Standard dab Tharsday eight. Mr.

aed Mm. Wnilaa Wsilar Dresdea. N. 111 Ada treat, will bold their Srst poet-aapllal raceptlea ea WtdaMdir evealag. Mar They recall la lartielloee for Mar 1- Mm.

Jams B. Waller. No. 1711 Sbrtdaa drive, gav a detlgbiral iti la booor at Alex-1 aader Harrteoa. lb New Tork artist, taat Wedeaadar.

Tba boura wero.frwoa 4 ta I. Kim Bdlth 8L Kvaaa. eoatralto. cava a delightful program. Ilk Mra.

liraa-Barr al tba pi a. The Illlaols Weens Pre aaaoelatloe will give a receptlee al Haadet ball Best Tharsday rvwelag. Aa ad 3m will delivered by Mra. Alte Brad'erd Wile, presldest aisle frdcratjo. club.

Mail a ad paper complete lb programme, which aader tba dlreetloa ef Mra. La ara Maddea. Mra. W. J.

Ctlbart at Elgla cava a Urea leeeptloo. which wee attended br a a umber ef Chic are people. TbaraOar aftemooa at ber a bo ma. Aaalatlac tba baa Leu wtra Meadaiaea bUrabaii rallar. X.

ljrm Ollbart. Tbaaaaa MeBrlda. A. T. Lovta.

a ad J. O. U- Mlaa Mary Preocb FTeid gatra rradlaga. aad Mua HlaacbaJt. aopraaav, aaa.

Tba Daagbtara at Iba Ravolutlaar bava ar-raaaed ale a racepda ta Mra. Daniel Maaalac af New Tarb. tba prealdaat at tba aatloaat arcaataatlo. at tba Oraa4 Pactfle botel aext Tbaradar batwaaa aad 'ciwefc. Tbera ara ae to aaembera at lb aaciaty la Cbkaxa.

aad It la expected taat a Terr larae proportlea af lb aveaabera will al- taad tba raceptioav Aa taformal raerptlo) waa beld ToeeJar aTternooa br Mra. Will IL Moor aad Mlaa Moar at K. tin Waahlactaa arena. Aa- latin ta nrelrlic vera bleadaaaa J. Her- bert War.

Bnae Pike. MeWblaaar. Cbarlaa tamtlaa J. a rvrlli. tU Boar.

alauev At tba taa table, wblch waa la red. wer Mlaae Gertrude Lyttoa. Addle Batter, Margaret Oiiffliha. aad Juila Walklas. Teraa-aa'a ma ad oil as played.

Oa af tha pleaaaat aad Informal sffalra af Wedaeeday was the a e'eieck Ua glvoa by Mr. Charts Psrgo and Mr. Parg Aad raw af No. SltT Michigan aveaaa la honor of Mra. Henry O.

Lard af Brookllae. Mas. The tattled gaeata aumbered aver 10a. aad lacladed: Meedame Rack well Kisg. J.

Ogdea Armaur. amnio McCormlck. Eugeea Pike. E. Blair.

Ocarg Seavema. Oeorg Meeker. Cyras McCormlck. Wallace Keith. Clareac rc.

Chauaeey Keep, P. D. Armour. Edward Adam. EMaoa Keith.

Aahbel Ktweii. wuiiam OdelL Tb table waa daintily adorned wiib yellow daisies aad migaoaetla. Dances. The Weodlawa dab had aa aaaemhly Prtday velg. A daace waa bald at tha Keawood club Prtday even lag.

TV rrogretalv club gr a catlUo at tha Dougla dub Tharsday algbt. Mr. aad Mm. H. S.

Dwlght af Ne. XJI Ash-laad aveaaa laat Thursday evealag gave a arear tv auchra aad dancing party for a eompaay af frteada. Tha decomtioaa were Amertcaa beauty roes aad pal ma. gracefnlly mingled with the aatioaai color. Among tha gweaU were Meerr.

aad Meedame a A. O. Huat. Thomas McMlchaet. B.

P. Cobb. Meedame C. P. Grow.

A- M. Wright. P. Rail, Chart Hatch. Lorraine Wladaor.

Mlaae Hollo, Purer. Grow. Holme. Wr-fleld. Maple, Charch.

Reblaaoa. Meesr. M. T. Barbour.

W. E. Barbour. O. It.

Creea. J. N. Wright, WUlUm Holwvlg. W.

O. rollr. H. W. Allen.

B. Rotle, WUilam McMlchacl. J. K. Araald.

aad E. H. Richaxdaoa. Past. Mr.

Leon Ma ad el gave a. oalcal far charity Thariday alghc Mlaa Clraaoa af ArgyU Park entertained the Narcisaaa clah yesterday. Mlea Ploreaca Mas Na. 474 West Adam treat, ateneiaed tha Lee Aagelei dab Thursday. Mlaa lease a af Xeamere aveea.

Argyl Park, eatertaiaed the Narcissus ciab at cards aa Satarday afteraoaa. Mrs. Raata. No. K33 Mlchlgsa aveaa.

eatenalaed tha member af the Mid a ay riaW aaaca Ewchr ctab Wedaeeday. A May party for yaaag people was give yeaterday aflereooa br Mia Isabel Bach Ingham Chaadler. Ne. 11J Rash sireC Mr. W.

L. Bra ad Na. SIT Iem pater street. Evaanaa. apeae aer ei algbt for a reading by Mr.

Waida-Rlchard. TV Outlook etah met TwesJay oo at tha realdeac af Mlea ft. Na. 44 Aster street. A pap aa Lard Byrea was read by Mtse Marts Dor.

TV aaembem af Dr. Theme charch held their aaeaal each re party Tharsday aft era a at th hem at Dr. Mary E. beUea. Na.

XI Lak Park aveaaa. af I a'clack. St. Xarier' Alirmaa aaaocUitoa gave a prwgreealve ewchr party, followed by aa Informal daac, Prtday evealag. at Maaoolc Tempt hall.

TVe proceed will be weed eadow a bd la Marry beepitaL Mr. aad Mm. a me S. K3sdea af Na. eatl Butler street eetebeeled the teeih aaalversary ef tbetr weddlag Thamday algbt.

Mlea Edith Carp iter, copra, and ML Carrt lagalla. claa 1st, ceatrl bated maalcaJ asm her. TV aaea af St. PaaTt charrh chetr. Kra-weed.

gave a mleetret shew Tharsday aig ht at tba pariah boa so. Madeoa aveaa aad Pif-Iksth street, for th beaeflt af th Iacmptt faad. Maay aalqo feat ares wer tatradared. Prtday evealag waa vary pleasantly spent by the wb gathered at tha North Chlcaga Teaag Woanaa Chrlatlaa aaaoclatloa. Na.

Stl La Sella aveaaa, ta Late ta Mr. Waldo Rlcharda af Boetea. wb gaea aoas very ci-vr atary roadlaga aad dialect raci- Aa atenalamaat was gtven Prtday evening at tha Harvard club. Mr. IL At wood Perci-vsl lectured aa "A Maa 'a a Maa far a Tha lealer af tha Hyde Park High school gave a mtaetrel aad vaudeville portuiaiee ta Raaalle hall Prtdar vealg.

Th proceeds will taward establishing a clasa-gmdaailoa faad. Tha Caret Literal' Praaeei met Tharsday algbt at tba residence ef Mrs. Leella Wll-oa. Ne. 4X13 Dresei balvrd.

Mil. Perm read Interesting paper. A feature af tb evealag waa a little comedietta, titled. which Mil. Well and M.

Wilder-teta appeared. About forty perse na attead-i. Th jrogrmm alee lacladed music, Mlaa Blaache Johaaoa af No. Hawthorn place atartalaed at eachre Prtday aad Satarday artamooea. Eba waa aeatated by her slater.

Mrs. W. P. Perry. Amoog those pres ent were: Mewdame Thomas Chad boura.

Jr George Rlckrwrd. Harry Chaaaaa. Harry B. Clew, Praak Andrews, Earl llambletoa. E.

P. OrUwold; Mlssea Wllsoa. Chase. Gilbert, King, Oallup, Pargo. GrUwold.

Corvln, aad Kalckerbocker. Mm Ida BaaaetL Na. S23 Party-Sixth It reel, atertalced sixty young people at earda last rrealag. Mrs. Roger recwlved with her daagbter.

Tke boose wss decorated with lilac, pink roses, and palms. Among tha guest wer Use Moore, Chaadler, lagalla. Ooodyear. Aiklneea. Olever.

Wtgf. Odell Caaey. Meears. Kimball. Cornell.

Itullng. Simma. Asbcraft. Badger. Mctlcory.

Paaers. CarVord. Johaaoa. Bridge. Th aaeaal elect loo of tb Engl wood Woman's club waa held Wedaeeday aftemooa tha Harvard clab.

Tb (Beers elected for I he year are as follows: President. Mrs. H. A. More; fllrst vie preside, Mr.

It. K. Brtggs; ercond vie president, Mrs. M. J.

CharaberlaJ: third v-lc president, Mrs. T. P. ledermtele; recording secretary. Mrs.

W. IL Emereoa: CTree pending eecrei a ry. Mr. Charles alma and treaaarrr, Mra. J.

IL Bmytoa. Tha departmat af "Horn and It Needs, Catbatla Woman's National league. mt yea-lerday afteraooa 1:1 a'clock la Handel ball. TV following ptogiamma. under the dlrectlea ef Mm, W.

E. Gallagher, cbalr-nxaa. waa glvea: Adreee, Mrs. Ellen M. Ileeretla; "Wemea aa Entenaiaera.

Mrs. Wlliiam P. Diets; 'lUnltary Ceadltlona," Vra. M. W.

Kellcber; of th Home. XlM A lie T. Krary; Iiom Kltcheagardra- I I I I I I I ST of ta be ne "Horn Spinsters, Under Ua aoapteaa of th Blu Jacket Relief eorpa procraaatva euchre waa given Wed nee day afternoon at tba residence of Mr. H. fiiaaraa.

No. Til Weat Moaro tract. Tba arg anlxallon la aunltary te tba Naval Reerv aaaoclatloa of IIMnola. Tb aScara ara: Mra. Charlee K.

i add. mode-rat or; Mr. Oeorar W. 8 Lea ford, traasarer; Mr. Marcna Bleama, aacretary.

Other la I ere tied ara Mr. Edaar A. Mill. Mr. William 8.

Elliott. Mra. W. Gray Browa. aad Mr.

A. W. Woodward. A bevy cf pretty young woise eccapled tba boxea tb eaal aid ef tb Schiller theater Wedaeaday afternoaa. Tb party war tb gaeat af Mlaa Maada fair aad Included iba following: Meedaaaea T.

Knleoly and T. ruller; leers Edub Sbrpard, Oecrglaa Fair, riorrnc Wraa. Mabel tymoad. Ploraac Ml-eon. May Wbttmcre, Edna Nrely.

Aea GIN leapt. Kate Lynch, Ella Weaver. A He Harper. Viola llammrracfalade. aad Maada Pair.

Tba party bad feea al for Ratarday. bat lb dal a changed to yesterday. Tb exaruUra board ef the 111 loo la Pad' eratloa ef Waaa'a Utiba beld a meeting Friday aad dlapeeed of large amount ef boalaeae la abort Una. Tba delegate to attend the I Vn ver eon ve-ntKm ara: Mra. Robert Kail Wile.

Mrs. Anna Parker ef Qulacy. Mra. Uaaiai M. Baab Af Peon.

Mra. Tbemai Wortblagtee) of JackaoavUta. end Mra. A. J.

Hopkins ef Aarora. Mra. Chart M. IIlggiBao ef Rlveraida nt la bar re-1 gnat km aa aire president of th Serend Con-greaatoaal dlatricC Mra. Flore B.

Eogla of RJver Per set waa appelated ta fill the vacancy. Vaoderlll afforded macb aajoysnaat to the gneat aaaabld Pliday night at the resi dence ef Mr. Arnold Tripp. No. Arilag I loa plaea.

Tba enlertaJctoeat waa prtrrlded I br profaaalaaala. aad waa of a blcb-ciaaa I varlatr. A colored team fa rat abed tba roral I and laatranfaatal faataraa. a4 a Oeraaaji I and aa Irtab corsadUa did aocaa arcat cbar- I aclar arark. Tba deeoraUoaa war all ef a Ipatraetl order, tba booea bata baadaomaly adoraed wllb 0a aad at ream era.

Tber ra alaa aa atxiDdanc of peJma. Tba o- lertalnmenl cecaa at and taaiaa anui a cJoca. Al II tKKI taa anaeana. waa Ban- brd abeat fifty, aat oa ta a dainty aapoer. to tabJ Detac fl' ted ta tha aatloaal color.

i cards war printed In red. whlls. aad hi, aad wer adoraed with a picture af Old Glory. Pol low lag tha supper dancing waa Indulged la until It waa lime ta go. Them waa a patriotic display at th Oer-maala club house Prtday afianroqa, when tha guests of Mm.

Ailea T. Height aaaembled there for aa ateraooa af slx-haaded euchre. Tha room where the game wer played waa aaa dim at color. Th red. whit, aad bin waa every a here.

Eve th tally card war I a I at ur flags, aad prominent among th Coral decorations wss a toy ship wtth a hull af red carnations aad dainty ropes of smllax sstendlag between tha top af tba masts and Iba yards, aad theaoe ta th deck, which waa of white carnaiiona. At luncheon tha ship formed the center-piece of the buffet table, from which th guest at the smaller table were served. Assist lag tha hoalee were th Mlsa Harder, About elxty gaeata were present, among wbem were Msedame TC Oroetslager. Praak Lace. T.

TC Sayler. True. E. Warrtegtoa. Glade, W.

Potter. Praak Bellows. John Flammer Wood worth. Rolf. MeUwlnkrl.

Douglas Potter. G. Prank Lydstoa. Edmund Krauae. Oeorg Harvey, Stewer.

Delfoaa. Two af the Bars! concerts ever held la Chicago were glvea during tha past week for charity. Th beneficiary was the Chicago Fraternity Hospital aad Training School for Nursery Maid. Th eoscert were ef th ensemble variety. Taaye.

arte Gerardy. La Chaume, aad Bendlx coauibutlng fbe umber. Th first on took place Thursday even Is aad the ecoced Saturday afteraooa. Thursday programme Included Paure a Pint Quatoar. op.

15; eeoeerto fa minor for two violins. Bach, aad quintet la P. Cesar FraDck. Th a umber Satarday aftemooa were: Plana Quatuer. op.

T. V. dlady: serenade for nolln. viola, aad 'cell, Beetbevea. and quintet, op. Castillo. Amoag those who atteeded tha concerts wer. Meaars and Mredame O. P. I'ptoa.

Gerg Plummer. Stanley Fleetwood. J. L. T.

T. Drtlt. A. A. Parker.

General J. Black, TL. PL Doud. and IL T. Birck; Meedame Cooper, It.

O. 8loa. Dr. Barak Jlackett Strveesoa, S. E.

Graaa, A. B. Adam, Madellaa Wyes. Regiaa Wal-soa. Chart Pop, aad Robert Roloeoa; Mtasea Adam.

Alkea. Martaa Doad. and Mll-dred Webber: Meear. Theodora Tbema. Ralph I sham.

IL O. Tewea. Bruae Steiadl, C. IL Steveaso. Ralph Booth, aad Judge She waiter.

The second af tha Mas Beadla subecripUoa recitals took place Moaday la tha Hotel Metro pel. Artistically It was aa great a trU as tha first. Mr. Bendlx was assisted by Leopold Godowsky. who.

la addltlea ta piaylag several solo a ambers, accompanied the violinist In the beautiful Ooldmark suite tor plea asd viol la la major. Both were at tbetr beet. Nothing more delightful aad scholarly tbaa Cedowaky'a rtadilioa af three Cbepta studies aad th chea ta sharp mlaoe csa tmagiaed. group af aelee- tloe af which these were a part won tba plaalet aa eecore. for which he bowed hi thaak.

TVe beaut If oKpris Bong from tha "Melaterslagem at Narwraburg a "sprtng aog" by Grieg, aad maturfca by Wlena wskl. which roaetltated eae of the group played by Mr. Bead 1 1. were eathuslastlcally applauded, aad Mr. BeedU acknowledged th decooestra-tko by playtag aeaaiUully Salat-Saeaa' "La Cyga.

Among lhaee present were: Meedame Johaaoa. John Jllerrtrh. Robert Rol-eeoa. Jeba IL Walsh. II.

Bailey. Prank Gilbert. Henry Prank, ICmaaael Mao del. Rod-dlh. IL H.

1 1 am mood. A. G. Petti bone. 8, E.

Creea, J. J. Mitchell. A. E.

park. Mlwsea Jeee-pkla Lock and MaadeL Th Beat and laat recital will take plac "tomorrow morning, taa um bert being eoatrlbated by Mr. Beadla, Mis Jeaale Oabora, and Mrs. lie-Burr. Oeeeta at th mas leal at bom held Wedaeeday afleraoea aad evealag by Meedame P.

Vaa lawegea aad IL Twaad Buckley aad Miss Helea Buckley at No. (J 14 Madl-aoa sveaue left lingwrlagly. for the event closed a aerie af aa. delightful taformal tertalnmeot as wer aver held la Chicago. The.

II I tsf ta assume, hsv donetnore tward establishing a spirit af congeniality aad good fellowship emoag th local mulct aat wb bar attended them thaa aaylhlng ever glvea. It was foe thl purpose they were taauguraled. Amoag thoea ha hav enjoyed ad rendered enjoyable the sis heme held dortag the present seaaoa are: Emll Lie bl lag. or Tme, Mrs. Gene lev Clark Wllsoa.

Wiibelm Middelscbulta, Aaala Remmeis Th acker. Mm. Lines, Mis Mry Wood Chase. AHaa H. Spencer.

W. E. Seebeech. Mis Grace Ens mincer. Roosevelt Puller.

Mrs. Burtoa Hansen, Mrs. Brest Bwa Richer, Mlsa Martaa Carpenter, Sidney BTden. th tat Oeorg Holme. Praak Moore, Mr.

P. 8. Bagg. Miss Kst Vsnderpoel. and MU Helea Buckley.

At Wednesday's sntertslament socn tb sams artist cantrtbated to the programme. But saastclaes aad professional people am by aa meaae th only aaea wb hav atteeded the aeries. Each af tba latter Is requested bring frteada. aad that tha laity among xnutlc-iovera bss hsd aa opportunity enjoy tba I re prom pta affair. At Wednesday's entertainment the taa table, which wss beautified with carnal loaa aad plak-shaded candelabra, wss presided aver by Mra.

L. W. Great aad Mlsa Katharine GueeL Th parlor wer simply and tastily decorated with bloitomlcg spring plasis. Coming Events. Mlsa Louise BaaaetL NoZ" tS Porty-Slilh atreet, will giv a tea oa Saturday aftemooa, MayT.

A May party will be glvea by tha Monarda clah Wed Deeds evening. May 11, at Horn club, Nw tTI7 Wentwortb irtisa. The Moatros dab will gtv Its fifth dm-maUc entertainment Thursday evening at tha Vlacasacs club. No. o0 Via ceo ne avenue.

A ceo cert by the Vnlvemlty of Chicago Glee, Mandolin, and Ban) club will glvea la Christ church, Michigan venue and Twenty -Fourth atreet, Friday evening at I o'clock. Th third aad last reeftal by Mr. Max Bendlx take plac oa Meoday morning at It a'clack at Hotel Metro pale. Mr. Beedlx will assisted by MUs Jessy Oabora and Mr.

Hess Burr. Mm. W. P. McLauxhlla af Na.

tf Ruth atreet will gtv a bull: breakfast for 100 ladle aext Wedseiday nooa la honor cf her daughter-ta-law, Mrs. George McLaughlin, Frost, of Bt Loult. whose wedding took place Feb. 11 The Ladle Auxiliary ef St.'.Tl' hurts Is eerafletlct for Mra.

D. T. Burka; Mlaa Catbartn GoskIo. I I tb tor W. W.

Mr. W. ron. W. Pro Mar party, to given at Humboldt Park refectory May 4.

lr. J. II. WaUh ta chief of the floor committee and Mr. R.

P. Walsh la aaalstant chief. 2 Illinois Free association will meet at Irl bail May I at p. tnv for the reruUr monthly metliia Tha programme win devoted to tb latereeta of tha lllinola 8 tat a Fed eratloa of Women' club, and I In chare of Laura Chamberlain Madden, chairman of lb aaaoclaUon. The anna! banquet of tb Whit City club will given satnrdty.

May 7. at 7 o'clock, at tb Lrland hotel. A splendid programme ha been arranged. Mr. Isaac Fleming wilt be the toast master, and several art lata well kaewa la literary, znoalcai.

aad dramatic circle will participate. The Twentieth Century club will hold lta crty-alxlh meeting at tba reel dene of Mr. aad Mr. Prrdlnaad W. Peck.

No. UZt Mlch-Igaa avenue. Prtday evening. May at o'clock. Tba club will addressed by Richard La Oalllvae ef London.

England, apoa the ubec: Tbe Becond Coming ef th Ideal." ThUwlU bthalath annual meeting of tb dub. The Arche dab will giv a. beaeflt for the Blae Jacket aad Patriotic fund at Rosalia hall Prtday evealag. May 2- A lecture will delivered Chart W. Srymonr of Nw Tork oa -Tb Passing of the Spaniard.

Mr. Seyase-jr la aald te be aa eloquent speaker. Tba e)eet to the fit: lag eat ef a member of lh naval reserve aad each ether patriotic at tb Una demand. Ticket for lb forthcoming performanc of "Adelaide. te given at Central Music ball oa Thursday aftemooa.

May IX. may be bad ef the following member of the Reckferd College aaaoclatloa. neder whoa auspice tb play will give: Mr. H. IX Cook.

No. Mil Orovelaad avenue: Mr. P. P. Pertlboa.

No. Warrea area Mra. J. H. Strong.

No. IndUna aveawe; Mra. M. L. Wheeler.

No. 441 Woodiawa avenue; Mra. A. J. Earl-lag.

No. Sin Michigan avenue; Mia Cochrane, tb Devonshire. No. 2Xa Twenty-Eighth etreet; Mr. Prank H.

Andersen. Chicago Beach hotel; Mr. Arthur Blsaell. No. t20 Ws-heah aveau; Mra.

B. O. poacher. No. Asbury avenu.

Evaaatoa. and of Mr. Orerge B. Carpenter. No.

lt Stelaway halL The foil owing have engaged box for the pcrtonnaac af "Adelaide'' ta be glvea by iria Mispnam. Mlaa Julie Opp. aad members or tne tiaaiei rronman ccropany, at Central Mosie kali. Thursday. May IS.

under tha auspice of th Rock ford Callrg association: Meedame P. IX Armour. P. D. Armour.

Jr Hugh Birch. IL WUmott, J. K. Robla- oa. George 8averna.

Ralph Emerson, Wil liam Talcot, A. J. Earllng. Dresden, and Mr. B.

B. Can way. Th patron asses Include also Meadame H. 0.sftra. Coon ley Ward.

Mil- ward Adams. C. C. KohUaat, H. H.

Kohlsaat, E. B. BaUer, J. IL Hervey. C.

J. Barnes. J. P. Wilson.

B. Doad, O. B. Taft, A. A.

Spmgae. Frederick CI! man. P. 8. Johnson.

L. B. Stephens. Curtis Remy. Joha Kirk.

J. 8. Lard. IL D. Cable.

W. D. Marsh, Andrew Me- Lleah. A series ef aausaally good concerts Is bow being given at University Congregational church. Fifty-Sixth street and Madieoa aveaaa.

aader tha aasplcea cf the Lad lea' Aid loclety. The concerts ara andrr tha man age-meat ef WUhelm Mlddleachnlt and Sidney P. Blden. aad the assisting artiste are Mrs. Proctor amlth.

soprano; Miss Jeaaette Darca, plAniete; Mlsa Maud Jennings, ptaniste; MUs Martaa Carpeater, rlollnUte; Mr. Predertck W. Car berry, tenor: Mr. Edmaed Schuecker. aarpist: Mr.

Bruno Keebe. Tiollalat; Mr. Prenu Eaaer. viol a 1st; Mr. Carl Brueckaer.

ceil 11. Two af the concerts have already takea plat, bat there are three nor ta rive, aa tha evealaga of May S. 12. ead 19. Tboae wha will contribute numbers aext Thursday are Messrs.

Kucha. BrnecknerMld- dleechnlte. and Bide a. At tha laat concert. neia April zs.

art lets were Mlaa Durno. Mm. Sml.h. Leon Marx, aad Mr. Middle- acbulta.

Aa the Uckeu cost hat ceata. ad- raiasioB la witola the reach af alL Personals. Mm. J. Ogdea Armaur Is expected to retura Soma this wreolag.

Mr. and Mra. Joha Adams Drake of tha Kenwood ar In New York. Mrs. Orlando Smith of tha Lexlegtoa left eaneaoay lor nw lork.

Mrs. Addison Thomas nd daughter hav returned from Florida, aad ar at the Hyde Park noieL, P. Marlon Crawford, th eovelUt, Is la Chlcaga. guest of Mr. Mod lac maa.

No. in Micaigaa avenue. Mr. aad Mr. T.

Boa! and the Mlaae Boa af Na. 1713 Michigan avenue, returned wedaeeday from the West. Mrs. Theodora W. Let to af Keawood.

who has bees visiting la ths east for lh past two moo tea. aaa retaraed aoma. Mr. aad Mrs. H.

M. Ralston. Ethel Raattoa. aad Mr. J.

G. Ralstoa. ar at the Chl caga Beach hotel for lh season. Mr. aad Mr.

Aaguetaa P. Richardaoa af No. 7 Bellevu plac have takea a house at Highland Perk for tha summer. Mlaa Mary Dana, tha Mlaae Sham way and Claytoa Dana, weat ta Galena Wednesday to attead th Great memorial exercisea. Mr.

aad Mrs. J. Brooks of Na. 23S Dear- bora aveaaa will occupy th Barnard boa. Caaa aad Oataria streets, efler May Mr.

ead Mm, Cherle J. Mortimer aad Mr. aad Mrs. George P. Sbepard are tba guests at Mra.

Heary J. Evans at Lake Oeneva- Mr. aad Mrs. Dae let Gardner aad Miss Flora Gardner ef Evanstoa her returned after a four mom ha' visit ta tha South. Mm.

Pair aad daughters of No. Xtl Park it- en a will leave ta a Bay ar twa for Delavaa Lak. a her they Intend spending th sum mer. Mr. aad Mrs.

L. Hutchinson. Mr. Carl Heleew aad family. Mr.

aad Mrs. WUilam Keaaedy. aed Mr. Hud sea arrived la Parts Moaday. Mr.

aed Mm. Madhtoa B. Keaaedy. No. Mlchlgaa boulevaxd.

will speod tb sum mer month la Evaaatoa. where Ihey have takea a bouse. Mr. aad Mrs. M.

D. Bachsasa, wtth tha Mlseee Buchaeaa. aad Mr. aad Mrs. Oordoa Buchanan.

ln Moaday ta apa Ibelr summer aoas at Oco Bom woo. Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Ellicott, wha were married aa Tueaday la Milwaukee, hav arrived at the Chlcaga Beach hotel, wber bey wUl spend th summer.

Mr. Arthur J. Cataa reached horn from abroad Prtday. Mrs. Catoa ead her alster, Mrs.

Eddy, hsv remained behind. Mr. Cataa will probably rejoin them la a few wseks. Mr. D.

M. Keaaedy aad Mlaa Kennedy of Brracus. N. am th gueata af Howell Keaaedy. No.

Forty-Eighth atreet. They came ta catcago ta attend tha Wheeler-Nlm-moos wddlng. Mrs. Eharidaa Dwyer, Mrs. Dwyer La Point e.

sed Mrs, A. La Folate am oa their way from Paris for Chicago. Mlaae Daisy and Dolly be rid an. waa accompanied them, have remained la Pari wber they am attending echooL The following cabin passengers, booked at Chlcaga office of th Cunsrd I In, aalted Europ yesterday oa th steamship Cm briar Mlas Anna Gordon. Mlas Pow- derty.

Miss Msrgaret Meadows. Sir Thomas Tmscrod. Bart, Rev. I. A.

Crewe, Rev. James O'Shea. William M. Pitshugh. WUilam H.

Hammond. Louis P. Motegle. P. J.

Paulson. Arthur Allen. Mrs, Margaret Allen. Mlsa Nelll Allen. Owen Callahan.

Mr. and Mrs. Matt Olson. Master John Olson, Mr. and Mrs.

liana Ollbertsoa. Mlaa Laura GUbertsoa, Mrs. HlckJentoa. Mis Marths Loony, J. D.

Irwin, Mm. Elisabeth Hayter. Miss Nelll Griffith, Miss Bridget Mslloa, Mrs. A. Cook- Chicago arrivals at the Holland house.

New Ters. for tb week ending April 21. were: Harry P. Robinson. Mr.

J. C. Welter, Alfred hL Waltea. N. W.

Harris. Henry Smith. Mrs. William Hal Thompson, Mrs. William N.

Pr louse, Mr. Ott Young, the i Mtasea Young. Mr. and Mr. W.

W. Kimball, H. Wlaelow. Louis Msnbelmer. William L.

Brown, Oeorg T. Loker. Edward O. Elwek. D.

Kent, Erastus Poote. O. W. Holmes. M.

L'Dlon. Robert Vlerllng. A. K. Coleman.

and Mrs. S. B. Chapla. Mr.

T. Cam be a. M. Ryan. H.

N. IUglnbotbajn. J. R. Mor- Mr.

end Mrs. Prsok Aldrlch, Mrs. M. Salisbury. J.

C. Neely. Mr. and Mm. Joha Ann, A.

S. Kull. Mr. and Mrs. John Black.

Mr. and Mrs. P. 8. Oorton, E.

E. IL C. Lewis, H. MUler. J.

T. Edson. The followttg tt a cf cabin pasaeegers boohed at th Chicago e.T.c cf the Hiraburf- tot ttclr'3 Puerit 1 Bismarck, tailing front New Tork April XI. l4: Mr. and Mr.

L. Bchoecbrunn, Mist Caroline glmon. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wachsner, Mrs.

Aucuatua W. Green, Mlas Grac Green. Mlaa Rebecca Whitehead. Mrs, a UcbtsUm. Mra.

Q. P. EkiUlngs. Mr. Hugo Klapproth.

Master Leo KUpproth. Mlas Aaaa Kiapproih. Mr. H. BmaJlan, Mr.

John En gel. Mr. Charles R. Zeits. Miss Mary Bachmano, Mr.

G. P. Melsel, Mlsa Ottilia Melsel. Master Herbert Melsel. Dr.

aad Mrs. Budget, Mrs. Margaret Sue her, Mr. Joseph Beer, Rev. August Bl finer, Rev.

Alexander Biwlec Rer, Joseph Locber. Miss Ursula Hoch, Mis Carolina Panoch. Mrs. W. R.

Wilson. Mr. Praak Loedlg. Professor A. Pseth.

Mr. and Mrs. Msg Ksppner. Mrs. Elisabeth Hertlg.

Mlaa Agnes Buager. Mr. Georx Carl. Mrs. Caroline Bradera, Mrs.

M. overt, Mlsa Anna Meyer. Miss Com Nlaaeo. Mr. and Mra.

War re a L. Beckwith. Mr. William Cheater and party. Mr.

aad Mrs. Leopold Popper. Mrs. Ida Lire Del. miss Else rebel, Mr.

George A. 8cbmldt, Mr. Hmnu Leu be. Mr. and Mrs.

WUhelm Andrea. Miss Anna Andrea. Master WUhelm Andrea. Mr. and Mr.

Hartwlg ueppe, Mr. and Mrs. P. Herman Roesaler. air.

uustar p-aaaaaer. Mr. Oawald Pfaff. Mrs. Predertck Maaealt, Miss Emma Schroeder.

jars, uora aenroeaer. Mr. aaa Mrs. B. JoaeDb- Mise jeaei tsmmenca.

Mr. U. p. Melsel. Mr.

E. RoUchUd. Mr. J. Loult Felchtmaan.

Mrs. A ma lie Kunx. Mrs. Msrgereths Nlaeen. and In- rant.

Mrs. u. H. Gill. Miss Ottilia Morres.

Mrs. H. Wagner. Mm. Bertha Aurutla.

Master urr Angusua. Mlsa B. Turb Mrs. r. J.

Wtnd. Mia Etta Wend. Mrs. Anna True. Mr.

Arttnr B. Danker. Rer. L. Hefela, Prctassor Andrew N.

Fax. Mr. Joha Ahrans. Cream City Society. Special Cwrreepoodenc ef Tb later Ocean.

MILWAUKEE. Wla, April SO. Th mar riage of Mia Mlnerv Ellsworth, daaghter of Lemuel Ellsworth, ta Edward Beech Ellicott af Chicago, at Plymouth Conxrex-ationxl church, Tuesday evening, brought many peo ple ta rrora, Chicago aad other cit- ea- It was one af the moat notable weddlnaa of th present year. Th brtd was attended by her slater. Mrs.

Sumner H. Paine, and Oeorg Ellicott of L'rbaaa, Ohio, brother of tba groom, waa best maa. Tha bridesmaids were tha Misses Klttl Cox. Chicago; Claim Whitcomb, Lmiaa Pergiuon, aad Alice Day or this city. Tba ethers were: Francis T.

aad Edward Furlong. H. R. Hlxoa of Chrca- go, aad Caaby Nkeodemaa of Madlaoa. Lit tle Mir Helea Pale aad Master Sumner Ellsworth Pals, nice and nephew of the bride, wsr attendants.

Professor Louis R. Eatoa presided at th organ, aad th charch a-aa beautifully decorated ta greea ead white. Th ceremony was performed br Rer. Judaaa Tits worth, while the organ played softly Th Sweetest Story Ever Told." After th ceremony a reception was glvea to the relative ad moat Intimate frteada by Mrs. Sumner H.

Pain at her resideae an Farweil ave nue. Th hostess was sea la ted br Mm. Wal ter O'Nell sad tha Misses Rosette Bacon, Mian I Whitney, aad Minnie O'NelL The ent-of-town truest were: Mr. aad Mrs. Joha McNauil WUaoa of New Tork.

Mr. aad Mrs. Charles Moses of Chicago, Mlas Lovertna Ellicott of Cincinnati. Captala Eugene R. Cox af Chicago, H.

R. Hlxoa of Chicago. Bertram Doyoa af Madison; Messrs. and Mea-dames Charles H. Ferguson.

Jr, of Chicago, Ernest L. Clerk af Evsnttoa. Arthur Gull-bert af Racine. Porter of Chicago. Prank Bull ef Racia.

aad H. Crandall of Chlcaco. On the evening before the marrlajce Mr. aad Mrs. Edward Pergatoa gsvs a dinner af fourteen covers at tb Milwaukee club la honor of Ml Ella-worth.

Th guests were Mi Ellsworth's bridal party. Including, beside Mlsa Ellsworth and Mr. Ellicott, Mra. Sumner Pal, th Ml Cox of Chicago. Alice Day, Claim Whltcomb.

Lillian Ferguson. Messrs. Nicodenra of Madison. Hixon-of Chicago. Freak Furlong.

George Ellicott of Urban. -Ohio, and Edward Furlong. A large reception aad mnaicale was riven Wednesday afteraooa by Mm. Oscar Zwle- tusch aad Mrs. E.

Clinton Carter at the home of Mrs. Zwletasch. No. 15 Ninth street. The reception was given la honor of Mrs.

Mine Schilling of New Tork, who wae th soprano soloist at the Arioa concert, Tuesday evening. Th hostesses were assisted In receiving by Mrs. Edward Sco field of Madlaoa and Mra. Oeorg Collord of Chicago. Assisting la th parlors were Meadamee Arthur Groaa.

Al- i ben Kohlmaa, Joha Sutterlee. E. J. Mullen. Arthur Pierce of Brodhead.AIlaa Plac.

Frank Hoxi of Chk-aro, Miss Lillian Guenther af Oshkosh. and Miss Kate Pier. Meadame Rob- en Johnttoa and Bernard MeXaney were In charge of the dining-room, assisted by the Mtsae A ana R. Robinson. Jeesie B.

KittredBe. Edith Carlson. Eva and Ruby Frettinger. Be-1 ead Anna McNeaey. Birdie Knox, and Helen Mills.

Tb Misses Miriam Carter. Re nal Young of Chicago, and Martha Borchcrt poured lemonade la the library. The guest of th avealng sang "Ave Maria. by Gounod, Hcnachei'a "opting Son. aad Nevlns' "Dor- and th numerous gwewts wer also treated ta Bongs by Daniel Pro hero.

Miss Bessie Daggett, and Arthur Shattuck. a A "dock party was glvea at the temple of Ivaaboe commaadery. Knights Templar. Taeeday evening, which wea a rather unique affair. The ladles ead gentlemen vert at tired la white duck, with bright Bashes and aecktlee.

The affair waa arranged by Arthur Paatke aad Emll aad William Schmidt, who wem assisted la receiving th guest by th Misses Alma Do rests a. L. A. Wakefield. Ida Maaegold.

Emmie Schandelo, Emmie Oeuder. LI axle Goerrea. Alma Fleming. Ida Wlnckler. alia Hersberg.

LUllaa Kindt. Prance Kohl-Mat, Bertha Plckhardt, Catherine Theruer, Verm Relchel. Clara Blamenfeld. Eli Kucha, aad Alma Schmidt- The Amphloa mandolin and gutter trio, composed of Messrs, William Stahl. Will Eettler.

aad W. S. Clark-son, plsyed ta tha reception parlor during the evening, while Bach 'a quintet furnished tb dance music Th grand march began at 10 o'clock aad was led by lss Alma. Fleming god Art bar Paatke, Mlsa Lizxie Goerrea and a EmU O. Schmidt.

The young women wersf chaperoned by Mesdames J. P. Theurer, Ern-c est era berg. H. Fleming, August Zlnn, scd IL RichcL Tha marriage ef Mlsa Florence Wallis and William Case Mitchell took place Wednesday aaaal si aw at er1yw ir ah rth TK rt-nm elf Kara KwHlaa'a VMlaif) aaa Hiwa aaa avw -va tuv vi iu parents, Mr.

and Mm. Welter W. Wellis. Rev. iiovira u.

tu ueorg penormea ice cere mony. Miss Adel sills was msld of honor end William Grebe waa beat man. The bride wore a gown of whit taffeta and carried a white prayer book. The house wss decorated with lilies, roses, and carnations. Mr, and Mrs.

Mitchell left for the West for a two weeks' wedding trip. Mr. Samuel W. Tall mad ire. No.

4Z Mar- noon from I to I o'clock. The reception -room, library, aad dining-room wem all prettily decorated with palms, ferns, and cut flower. guests by Mrs. David 8. Rose.

The ladies 13 aalsted la the parlors and dining-room were: Mesdames Each Merrill. Joha Russell, J. M. Sheridan, Edward G. Cowdery.

and George Bar-tie tt. The Mlsaea Com Walsh and Bella Ogdea eerred punch. Among those who occupied boxes at the last concert for th present season of the Arioa club, at which Professor Tomlins a pes red for tb last time aa leader before a Milwaukee audience, were Governor and Mra. Scofleld. General and Mrs.

O. Zwietuscb. Mr. and Mrs. Carter.

Senator and Mrs. Roehr, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Everts, Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Gross. Mr. and Mrs. George Wis well; Mr. snd Mrs.

H. A. Heath, aad Mrs. Scollard of Chicago; Dr. and Mrs.

Schimoaek, end Mlaa Paula Schlmonek. Mlsa Ellea Sabla and pupils of MUaauhee- Downer college. The directors of the Milwaukee College En dowment association met on Tuesday and elected tha following officers for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. H. R.

Vedder; first vie president. Mrs. George T. Lindsay; sec ond vie president. Mrs.

Tboross H. Brown; third Tic president, Mia Alice Chapman; recording secretary, Miss Jennie M. Mallory; corresponding secretary, Mrs. William Brockway; treasurer. Mrs.

M. A. Board ma a. Tha marriage of Miss Lottie Schuster al Waukesha to Charles E. Wood of this city wsa soicmnlxed at 2:30 o'clock Thursday at tha homo af tha bride's parents.

Th bride wag attended by Beth M. Sherman of Milwaukee, Jack Bond was best man. A wedding supper was eerred. Mr. and Mra.

Wood have Son North. They will live in Milwaukee. The fourth entertainment' of the eriea given aader th auspice of the Social Life-club of the Unitarian church took place Friday evening. It Included musical numbers and the production of the little play, "Lord in. Livery." by Psith Van Valkenburgb, Margaret Hamilton.

Rebekah A. Dyer, GaibraUa Miller. Edward Pratt, W. Walter Kellner, end Joha Groom. The play was followed by a dance.

a a The Calumet club' closed Its' social sesroa Thursday evening with a minstrel entertaia- -meat aad dancing party at the clubhouse. The programme waa la two parts, one consisting; of songs aad Jokes, and tha second of specialties by Messrs. Krause and Williams. To this were edded a Tiolin solo by Arthur Psntke and cornet by Charles F. Moll.

Dancing and a banquet followed the programme. A calico party and eotfUon were glvea by tha ladies' society at tha German-English -academy Saturday evening- at tha temple of Ivanhoe rommendery. which proved to be a brilliant affair. Mesdame Frederick orel, J. W.

Sutterlee. A. Helmholts, L. Lots, Joha Barth. II.

Doerflinger. J. Subm, A. Blats. P.

Aude, P. Melnecke. H. Ulhlein, A. I'lhlein, and T.

J. Pereles were in snarge of tha entertainment. A whist party was riven Tuesdsy afternoon by Mrs. Edward Dewey. Martin street, la honor of Mrs.

L. Busn, wno la tee rues; ol Mrs. D. M. Brigham.

Those present were: Mesdames Bush. D. M. Brlghsm, W. A.

No- well. M. J. Russell. William Cromtle, J.

M. Cromble. and Glen B. Croasman. Tuesday evening Robert N.

McMynn of thla city was married to Mlsa Elisabeth Palmer, daughter of 2. H. Palmer, in Madison. Mlsa Helea Palmer, sister of the bride, scted maid of honor, aad Howard Greene of Milwauke waa beet man, Mr. McMrna ia member of tha lew firm of Fish, Gary as Upbeat.

Mrs. Frank Loch art Tibbits snd Miss Tlb- blis. No. 761 Caas atreet, have Issued invitations for a reception to be- given from 4 ta -t o'clock Monday afternoon. May 2, In honor of Mrs.

Fred Page Tibbite. Moaday evening at Dr. aad Mm. Ide'e "at home evening to parishioners original poem wem recited by Mr. Rebecca Perley Reed.

Mrs. Beatrice Harlow. Miss Csrlotta Perry, end WUilam E. Andersen. a Miss Lover! ne Ellicott of Cincinnati and Kittle Cox or Chicago am the guesia of Mrs.

Sumner Paine-, No. 64 Farweil avenue. eae Mr. and Mrs. Charles Catlla are preparins; te open their residence, Nc Hi Farweil erenoe, which has been closed during tha twa yearn they were abroad.

Judge end Mrs. J. G. Jenkins, snd Miss Jenkins, hare gone East aad will sail for Europ sbostly. Pewetleally.

Tha author of "Th Private Diarist," In Corn- hill, writes: 'I walked) with the vicar, wb. told me some snecdote of an ordination examination. Th best wsa thl: Th question was. 'State what you know of Christianity la Britain before Aagustlna, and the answer. 'Before the coming of Julius Caesar.

B. C. SS. there waa -practically aa Christianity ta Tha practically la good." MIS 3 GKOr.GINA FAIIL.

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