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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 4

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

yn BVPITOTU BAA Bator- tUhL YSC3a dk CO. feOt HtOT iir Taafe. aal am BTBRIO. OB a a btoaa. 47 Cay et kakfw Baaawao.

AT nriLK-i tEX1 rrn wEE-t. I ekdt- PiaUi Bboat T-AI tv ma BT mI paa TWB AIM CTSBTEAB MlifX KOSTHH i4 70 ra. wkiekvepnpM. Uaad-auerkeota Ttk fiT aafB 1 wT itn- An ram IWOMT MtadtMhM. TUB WZLY cisiiIcLz tap TUT txtxja-r.

Tfc Maw WokU Ik TIB Atwan ea con fl tX MOST1U1 ratiiotk maa. auht tbotrtt. aid kro rr tkax oaaadx wldMecav TbirUaoidoaotdepTTrt-f tborrwtUratolbtopowen aad ktapoaaae- toa of It will rcaalB Badictarbad. Jan arr UB I4. good lIht 8 liens a bora obulaod Uroarh nad.

Kat Uo DiBi iiit sst4 taat. Uoach aaB Mr Maya frwa omc nil By sfttuJ17 weaken their political Beau lit exponar BwenpaloBi tneufthJwe sain. TbeyaiMn that rewoauBt enMbe BIT sd IU draoaty aly MrbBerman they rgs that Ih proper pajhmaat of tacaiity will BAT a trrct effect a fasaro Tk UpablUaa ritofi uftid sul 1. a kat dun rat twa Coaautto UM UIM. Tkal la kal wveea by vkich Frai- dsti sifetrd will a iiyUd lv abt Ba It na BmK atatwptrlaa TB pnndpkl ita wi.

ar s4i to their ca- U4 I. Ua a4a ii sad sseta leislcii. treads prt rtirtii ud ao 14 Ui Utiwtnitud 11 li TkOLATB OrnO It at iBvlleitlr Wbcred Ut a Lb Apart. wtrar. trB Uon by soeospiisa tkcr ja 1877.

aka 4uit craa tkat the ed's of flir4s LtciiiaM en trasd1evt2 aounted to" let Air lUrr TkadBferi Baaftkt total Oaarta wt tkfauatr lacimt SIsbIIib tk ra fzI Ika. EvakUeaa part I Lieieas tar lTh a oritT at TU- rm tlactan vu sdwttedl7 rkoaea be tb 4 rtttt. Yet tbs Revablteaa aitkori tMatka aatrM vUctat by fnadaadiaf. tjsg hr lore deidg that I. sa at tk datrier lb.

bid kaaa toti WatlB di tstd glt Is. arra vatara. sd tkat is all raxi aian lb. ciMtor mart ba darUrrd rtiktlr reiarnad unaad klt aaa wb. bad seniM scat TOU Tkil MB doi tar taraiBt lb.

lam al tk siciui. eit4 area aaM cx tka KimMt- ci. rwandcraU dJaran. Ii 4oabtfa lbs aiaataral rat wf serb 11. scud rcclTt4) vkrtarrih IloBMotCakmai a aM relict dlzpaId cit.

I Li tact vbthsv iii am vtAB bi both wit rytiuIbeil Ta Mlrlk tUa. tk It UteaB ladt tiraetload Pus- tarian pr paad a pin vkick th I i o- mt eiert7 ttevptaxl. It wu decided is met I traelal tribiil scat IkaroU tkUd lrtd by tb Penis. aa tkird fcr tk 1I if KmrtatalAUrai aad a tk rdaaBMda4 Jadr thbapr ai twart. Oorldaat ta ta StesigIb st tk tarn lb.

lrsd al Mr Ttldaa will- Inr kbtd dKlfioa el tbti a sutIsiti k4 IkHr fsitb was sit tkkk wkca Ibrr tnsd 111 tkroaik psrenl a tk Rr aJi aD sws44 a party aMJaritraa rn coweesm ponatma ftrtacy felt flit P0 uiptctttil pm ald osdoas tk fruit eossLttad is Loaatiaaa. Bat ii lk lr dUmty tk Corn. it a a rt lBU anrt br ajr ty it an to Mrtct psrtr dltUloa tkal tk bad a nwr to arall loi reioilboa- oil ttat Uiey sUl racairt a vali4 tk easy kaaded uses IT tb slkaflN St lk ntborn Stabs. Tb tka laply std ia 11521 ikalaAioa isiedii. iBpoMd a lbs.

ky OoBxnax. see OICTI spud Ear doss vbal 111 taallf sblm4. wkkk WM tkta ibis tk rcpt and raeord of Total PoeticS ta pins bT boil slstcra la ac ft 1 Tbrnjb lbs diBo dtrjr Mr. llayat attatatfta lb. rrM4oey il kid Mrdly kara i wkl la kB lo a is ukli tk Ten loi sothor- Let ko lend.

hod la dkln la BOW 24 dlmiMwd Ripabipess earixt Ut zeta wk wed tkrir effi is Ik BB rcra sai tb urn. roraarr tkat bid lift BIB kit U. l4tk of lktkoraak ftpabll aa tbat sierihced I. deeeacr it boss Ii' Lcea acB iiit4 salutes. abroad mi meBt Asserts is islaM wkera.

kippil slur raaletiaractmrmakB wB. 1 IT ait teng tkat Pra idat Hay aa ski rood Bra it Ik lLcpsbhesa piety buMI codeeedd to ow tb ir Twtary coca sod pslpbe dltbcewtr lerkum ikaaJd BO brow IU DM a tka witk sari tlolscs rcabcring his wkB Eatiend wee a god deal ldci I. POUTICLI. rtUAOM. HrrtaTat Perils war dt ly talata silk scturil ilea tad tk rariac km of edetl pitrsarL Wkil iae air liberal leaaer itterad tk Asset 515 12 taror partly sad arAa ear- II wu well kawwa tkal IB sert.

or Bkf liberal bribery wu lIwfl ara heed. AttkFaaUBapoi tBatikad prurnoiuns ia tk army tk airy tad tk UTil hamr wars epnlj said scodaz3r ssi of sorrsptios. la Urt. it wu only yscid list tk tbtn eeuodi tf.ta- d. ii sauna lctral brtbor toil are altegethir it as end.

Tk poealurity of Ik a la America ii this U1876 th rretideBtul ckole wa toy tk Cm Urns laiaid by read i tk of ran an yswdyiio bad tvaoked IU ktxkaat nark. Stearns AsriasSe all pirUes womld glad by rzporan and psaubsni I. asks paeb rracoee difirmlu nil tlantrroa kcicfoctk Tbs ii eoartklng Ilk bit rac national dMtrae In tk etaai of Ala utrata pl I. rower tkroac taal of a Inr stroetoas trIrkilsea. katerar kappoaa tkat pilaf net eamo sow roaeealed.

bat UoBcren auyUk lisp. to preelad. a rpetitiono tcafidt Uutaaaly taowk. is this erUon tk tw torwal porti wets compelled by ly la rrn tkoir 14 porition Xbs ixaaocrata. aJway jaala ciasriopa or siers ritnLiat selrs4 lIst Ootrron 14 a ritfct is re buIld tk MtraiiU sell.

of tk fat suthsritOeJ St Lieisa sad to fad OB storks or tk kad guilty triad. Os Lb. Sib. haad. lUpakiMaa wt.

dieter tiair sbrer7 esapsig yepadatad ezrtrns but rithtx. prilerned ta spit sbos4sd boas tar oaten ash. SULIOrIUIS it Loaletsna. sad wore kekd at Lb. ides of a earebtne boil ssqsiry.

It to bat koworcr. tkat so's. sen sill Isad far TidiB la fvtar ii. awkward sotist reil sad sti nibta is Ibis tBporUBl Bnioa. Iltik.

rrt tk ProfldeBtul leton cam Weakicito. wuk erdsotkils iin try tka Uorvraor SI seb Mat Xat puss wa dtrkwd at Uai wbsa tk LedanlOallar scud It vu kopsd a ilasit pillttetl. und is it wore. wItch wosud sect dub- rat aid diced. ii Ik election tk best sci tat Praaid Vsder tack tk local codes sd niSosua a Lbs sleds weld.

it us. bolwrod. be rroB poliUssi pioioii tad party trsL Tk ezpsetiXle bit be a lUnaUy fibs. bed. tb etoeton ire iusotittss wbo ana Bokody reooUoni i 157 ar elan ha betel's scisethag Ik cspdidat.

OB wbea hli tkey era a ppoigtd and fry's Aaw rt rar. Jus. SP. Twtcrdiy a reporter 1 ftar kid tail with geaator Booth from cltiqrnaai tk Utotta ysised to kt late labar a la is. Gobs.

Stata which the Labor patty ba divpbyed sack exported tr tkia tk olosrioa it tat to I Suta CooTcatioa toy th par. ii rtntia tk but Coutita boa. Tb total sail Jia a fraaeiaaor wu 37 OO. th Vorkia a or sorseytte psiiisg' 11000. tl Naa Paruaaai MOO aad tkReaustasad Jtsak1csc TQOO bats's.

i then. Ik is- ac aatterad. CaaaleV hulk der ixiac 4. oi retard thu Tictary with lam. DO' thiak It 112 th a.

prodaeiBC aay redlosi re tk OM Utat ot llo ayataoafh th Wsrptg. sso party will Bar I dnidod seaoioescv I. th LoBTOBtloa. at pomaded that tk ti4 Couutartoa iktperraadodt will bo tar ur Uia It reaanily LbLbkJ tb Eeatevs pstl arid tk swqpspset ar roaarallr BURakoaabo tk osazssese it it. naa that toes tk nathodyaf Ik Wsetiagrnsa party a.

a Tkty ar a 4 eomaanUl oTlma4 ttta a libel sun tblz iaiiatarUawttkemdewB Tier ar esosalY cad hm sad lot owaon peettal wa n. and sItk tko lichen they art BBC- atarcatad Is th pvssor willis of property tko wsstthlifl ctti aaai la tk Mattap aayaanoM dlar two of tk aooBl Tteat woal 151 la rr-laall tbeypmiBaa thcT an tatWgeid aa ach to know lbs sad senoais their lbs 5. pack 4 itrisiti tb pup at th pruni tiat wax la a tress. seaciri tho qieslIOs of Oilaeaa kp labor. sod Ibis womld hire so by Coeren.

Hi tatLmatod that ttwoakd aWalTa pss Coacreaa VerY aooa uat fe a wkoleaem roatrieuoa of tb sssghaa Tki tbovrk wnl4 banith teat iseauss tt Lsbst party tall 11. thtr old has. sisis. wBtw 1051514 aM ss11a I oa tauik. Uoa Snatar tbat lkro p.

nar of is. cat oeiaaiiathM s4 a- pristlj orarw haiua ewer bsaesiag taoatriBidUcropartcr. I as lBUaod taiak a aleat 1. pMToatoat ikvoM Uo satssaj xh- aiBi- ti.itfrt It I. poaxIMa.

bat ot ppb. Th LBpatBa thoua will Is Baaioaud BOB xtcatto fcaebid ta anna ehiety ia local 4uf rda a wMerad kid wpbenscSdcisbs boaoxty UtUifaMoaalrarp ot tic BBaa Ib ta workttcmaa of euu. and wu parry oea tb La lerB atABfUBB. He til ad tac ree steer ww Latter po. Btttrtpr eUiakitkeyuoaJdBak.

IBWPM tissodsary Man that Si kerealixed. gp a er Cwaaraa Is 40. Jilt- a The Mr jfcau yaMUy bttt lb. TM rk a rtoPr spoj by tk Thtbitzer pse ml of aad 151 TI oad 4 a abat Baa aad by itt pr A Moao. a poaay oreaj.

BfH aajkber apfaarod to- JK. FOR SOTAITT. ZELI ft uroa ujr czowi" nxxcL Tito spoiw tt Alderakvocx A ala-al ftlaaPB a as TBOMBV rciuls HIBIL- BaJBj mm Wladk Lit. at ear tponuaante la- nratioaMr Ik Loadoa Dntr TaW of lay 80th. xa nvs rocardod a UUy uartoaj stats if usktean.

Wbst with retipsistal drills. roth uitU tad Boa xerieUda7x.UieBea BAT litfUoppor- tiatty lor tadaIg.a. Is 41. 55115. a ey do ass.

bawerer. xbrink 1's is is- cessused gilditlos elf UVon. wketbot it twaai ubs form of ksavj sinking thra a tb weuetg a4 of Vaneya bwreTi woa UoKortaOnap ptri4i acts aettt poseiTen wa tk PIMP slid aUp of tb llill XU-nlByweko-MUUttrata pleaeaat break la tk siissOaJ Ttis ertry ay HI sad seospI wbaterer for. aa sit psad thee. la ehipi of Ilia or ruitii-i with cbotrfal food bonor.

Tketr ebccriaeM aider advoris tircvmiUaee wu aertiialy Uzod tb tmot reitw day. Tb troop it lb. ttSO sseIsblsd a Uetr rofiBoatat ponds loot Poises 8 clock weea rats wu bibs. besyuhir aaderidora post of rtla tad UroMh dorp Bad UeyBarcbodtotbtir voaUMBJ tk tot Hill. Bad lbs they stoat oHleop I.

dark bent. sod ther. OB a tcitisg of oodden tart saW lb. bo at. lTedlceommendii opatsuosi.

Thed- Indlar foreBDdr Sir UeTird xiohls- iB V. wu th Im roach It. altos- tissad. whereoa. fay lb.

way of PIT- tbt aid Oibki to tHalo it. doaz wa Ii sake a bold i4 dtrB peabs agibat Ua laaku of a pszutng fore rea-iat sittilseily III bli tad Urett- I plrH Etphladoi bad with hiaeia ply ktietea bodr. ststlg of oao baUory ofHeyal lien Artillery one battery of laid artillery srasd with tk littecatb UnfrTi sad Royal iJidneerl. The had dupotod atone tb aad Jat- fag sent of Loespisi down facts. Alder- hot sad lb.

aetwork it voids by skied th ad aae iwd of lii panaen. sireS lromAltopnu ht readily debunk for a sttsek oa Lb soil vs1sral4. points hupoctiea. Kt Uo its dtfpoeiuoai sic etBplet thy had. Ii tact.

far sic- cisd4 that se eisa utekiac by way ol Jvorth lbs Butwa. wu wiPSisd deploy at sal oaontaad threat. hi rurht iank. aaother wu ready to mireS. at ill center and a third parted forward as lar I.

the ydlat. it Ask threatened to erie rund Si. left Beak. be aboald hold to Mabkotalyto that tsptingl7 ly trooi posIti. oa 155 blaff ipan.

chef. had ilecisd make a pua4 with OB battery placed a that it nUlbtlweep Alb ala methroomr. pduj Uo read boa Tong- 550 to Aik. and lbs infantry ticked loaf Uondco with tIMe left retssd to scat any stzstetie aovernsal fetes Ibo direct loa it lbs Hog. Back Of la it- ticking dlTMloa8irlk BU ucel.

la soprea. oommacd Major OeBfnl Per- tea. with Twenjy-Btnth. Fofy firtt sad ti biy- ixth ReciBoau at Peat sad tb Milan of artillery was inersated with visIt attack Major Oearral Asderaoe. with the Second Battalion rcns Ken- 01 lhlrd UattiUoa.

Birtlet- Ris Iwenty-flita and Foot sad smsy or iflLLrY OoeapUd lb. loll aid Mater-General Pa ksbs us. ready to toadwanos is taeecater with Thirty rtt and Ftrty alath recv vacua and loyal Bucki oulitlt. Major. ttaaenl Wsdisw savilr7 brigod.

vu thrown oh la treat of Ik lafaatry ootaaai. Ik 1 Int Prints turd. boiac Os lb. ten rint KoyaU la eeotse with a tery Roril lion. artillery tad the Forty lrbih Uwun on tbi nib.

Taw wu tail 111 poiiUao iron skies aeoord lat to theory of saoevrs ah wdor was to develop pits. of at- Uek or Sites. beet be aUrkt sad the. troop utiod pWstUD Ibo airiest of tb la tad 15 Vrvwp I UcnaaaT. Al tat TUU4 clouds roll ap and dirk aad Ui rain fell tUj totpotkinf toraotbigci 10 o'clock thapteW from WHIT'S lato ib Ai.

Vili lUUoa. Uir wu a commotion taunt brUadien sad de urn sad a lew sebatse after tb troop abed to lUatloa a. esyahcad. of di ttnr-ttbed poldton rode does HBe ttfctb CrowB Prlacsstps Cosotbeck. tDaorftoa whose breast lb.

roreted leo. oral. bust is tk aUrlof rney anotbor bponbly woBdeeoniiealaod Major Yes Psawils. Tbe headq rier stiff We. npre- eated by Car Chitle.

hub. Lteat Ueoertl Lyioit Oo 464 tucker. sad othera of the AdifMnt Heoenli tad Qurtmniiter UterTt Dpartseat aid irnosg thorn rod Lord Napier of 5151415. tax yxiLi i AiT mricnov Ovra vies. ran bad Ib oppoelnr force.

llto. wbo4softheanlrysr artillery of kttickni torts udysnerd tar Ue prpo of driving In dofender. oalpoetx. while hoary rmai a ruthtaad rixfat icatv beg to shell Lb. huthu wbesbiz Howard Elpbtstoosi batter saUcily replied.

ArriTod at cruet. tb etTilry hood no puilliBimooi fo Is fall vstTest bit a frirre of leveled nfle from which tier. is's. a wttbertag Tolley that I. their.

ariat staid bare beoa mad- sees. Ilsisara sd dtitoon. esme quickly dowB lb. ilep list. pursued by Las bin- tenth Lanseri.

who. hoverer. were not lonnidtW sosak to ycar. tar towird ItckIsS bees tathennr eo nt by Skis eaee bit Howard sdvsaod Die whole tiae aa two tSr. hasdeed yard to wber.

huii-eaea weep tb tide sad Uowi th pan. while being them- ielr eonoeiled IBM BE th. bsther Os tichi Peytos. irtiflery kept poundiug sway Ii rood earnest. making Uo dstrnie ly sail.

tee sataly of Ueir loft jink. shah alone Lb. Us twirt th north nap ran a hruk InorkeuT Br broken now end the. by the boom of a eld tun or bark ol a nine- pousder. Undereorerof ib inickewhlei Is.

heavily in frost. a. Is beaten Sow. by tb va Ueaenl Aderss began ul lag- sore to ft. wilier you's for Ih of Otnenl PtkcDhin1 rev- state tad rrxdiully werklnE Into a oi- no.

wheat is urik A oxcitm BLOW Whet. the time skontd sass When Oea Pert. on the otter fiink had ssccsadl I. tretebths ID arm tar roosib rusod pxlient sail. ot Colonel Elphinitonei poet- lioa threates its left selotnli sod whit.

Laacrr were called off to Beet a do wistrtsos of KifhlMBtk lteeam there. Orrat Anderson tutoc had ar. riyd. tad we. not uSs to trill himself It.

Puking his tklrnL-heii ropidip acre. tb pen. whit. hi. dnroonJ mad.

a bold luh toward the 151 wino of hi. do- leaden aeo dd is driTiBC Una back maul their Lank eonndonUy reduced nd its Intl turned toward rnborsBih. Tten. la fir 1 horns doubled up. toL ElohinitoB reletaatlw wlthdrw lie center of kit line flrbtfair ttabbomly Kill kroa that moment howerer.

hi ueail- asia ncr rar its a moment' real. bat drove kim fiowly from ndc I ridr BOW herd it OB point. now tt another saul Geei1 Anaerosa rijleaia with a rmciBr tbssr sWrmd ap Undci liiil and earned by aualL key of th psettioa 151 scud aaU uxaem lo aJck the way to Pirbrirkt. ukUur Ih re- traatinr maim body I. Sash if bar lloward t-phuunoti resolst.

mad sheld not ban boos long insult. to orar Ib taety of that ton ha be had mad. a rood liSt 1 it Bobody scid doabt. and. recor- ixiar Uiahu uaatlaala held their band.

The OMM fri Posaded. th scatter. liael woe. raUered isis ooloaiux sad wkoUdir-noa prepared to dells putka taprTiMd tlBA point. TI.

1 TbroatBoat hid his. exe td with pn worthy SITUsPtrIsd 54 tateUunao lb. tart of UeMiffereat oomaadeni th BCD adraaoed ii rood order. artUin. UBtalTC of Try syasisbI.

cover. dwBite 15' uooBlirt of harlot kaoel orlio biWaid Uon is mmnd as iae ar tw dee. ia bteCkfl4 watar aad lath sad Ur wa OB. taa WBMO a orooiiaoio shames that fosdasa for uponar oor ems. to artillery lad ewes to rtfl Br at eUo nar lor which ta Ur diyi BOB bstslbu and brigade eaaud wets Lisos Ta toil lot Uno hour over tho else spare a ad rut'S holljw deep is tasitsd SeatDsr I turkt labor be.

the Bea rerroi and rubz alts- xtled brxTaly to o4. a Uk heaTy rats oosld sat disk their eborry rtUts Ihosibitsoast bar. geneSiS Sea wets- nif to tb skis Tha Crew. Prtiios too old a soldier Vo dswiptrsUvs in Ii. rests it a s11itie dut Uy.

but Uen WI' rndcacaof bees apprersatio la ku iae Watched th laart lull bud it artillery and earalry la ky a la trot and 5. tnfaa-ry wiaria aloog with a Sr's alaU SteP thn dop sad Bad OTtrrroBBd too roo lot such aoearaey of dnesiu Tha OB blcoap aiM kept Iii. kiwevi very wall. tad Uen wit. a.

TM of otiagtlsg stess raaka. Try sap ocaalaa. to boar hoenatl wiU a aaria and barbs Sc. a hard da work will Proastb. sorts's groiad th ronawr Blanked dJnotly both to cur- let aM tut a bract stay I.

camp the roytl on departed by ppciM Traia tcaia. arUemi it Watatlo aUatdaol A lealos. levet dessd psttlkst Is ra-oemll Ohiesct Wdaeedij ia order lo kill tb liri had left beilad hia. ba as igit ipIsnrr. Slid Is a lo black dm keanlT Tailed sd rloTM.

ilgdt4 fl tk td u-il. aw UttOTd isis lb. OBuiba- IS. loager a boat Ik mall. saw little resesbhawe la th kits th Uhl-Tteed Jobapy Blak ski had arTtv4 us a tint Miry a a tear bofor Tb duraued LJik via tabs Ik hotel.

sad west to Ue dinin root sad task sapper. raruterlnr as kl ra. woTg be. At 005 55 rtday pkaotM was bind and lady hobbled dowa stairs. aid.

with thiaolpo OS. elm or. tot iat WSIIIIS. Aboat UM tis Altrr Darba a ooapodtor la oowrpapw offle wu going So's. to bar dzonr Tbe pkietes Mopped.

MrxWood rar ut oat. aad the ie Mary eocntwd her dlertrdod" low. Jaha Bak Ibena-Bd. lleeabraoedberMd brta giebed filer. tt erreaad li drew.

rwrt-lrar He's Ski bat sad thnjteBad aboctbor. fihooercaaod. Shut Morln aaaoBttd po tho sane aad vrtook oawV Tb. ssn la U. uiooeui a the ball whlxtlar 57 Xtrr lei flied.

If fl ear ienuttttfttmuAmnSTj fS enf kaookeddfwaaii sas andWdkimeaTto UiL Tie sildea Boa caanaT. rotaraed I. Uo ftersoiq to use ia VflJPT sag Hap wnl IXT WKB tatn aceoaat it this dittoUeal StiSsPl lam her.tail- ritiFry4JctlT vawlr-BtriraTMl sesoisva7. apatiia i aeaoa nr wcjina ninuii nl oawpairB. Bad ha not hold aay lormU ateetuc telxy oatthauiaeri wrk ltUntnd by taeBbor ol Uo to a sisal extent th work of Uoaaltte Tnl theaaxad dellxn hxT been sib- pcitbsd by IXatoentM amabon rr 50 5 faoary ha.

bees paid late see. wry. 55 th GenmiobeM oat of finda Ju port froes ysaiosa setic. St r5oath repraepta ta Os ib port Lb pssccIsta to Wk away frees tb Party vs's. to vs.

independent ticket Thli taforaaiMja if tar tess. tistsctory tko poaoantM I na is adsageU stosks wors iboat is egnil ysetstdaytbs MBof urket s1 beta rf- slit altesd altboaeh la a Is's iMUaooi tkrwrooaaihrktebaattaaBd is Lbs thwiril Board tb brokers wlIkstsd a tarn dlrporitloa to boy. TTB rada BoldatiaadTtBo of ro-- Tt- from ta day prcriou aad vu tore flra. it 1 ola sacred 51 a body of Bad boaa die- toted la ai Oca. ad.

vsnoedaiKdeand wu aiU ita. i Op Mid 51330. tWa aid 3V ar aboat 1 lea tkaa ta prtea oubt in Lb. wirning seeds. of I ho day for Tk axooaol atosk at rite or we.

a truU tester inn fonaorrr. and ib roliowur i aadei 10 Dim Opbir at 9a 60 kin or Orbit B30S. 10 har OpblratS0300 sear. at UcloaitaUtV Ph. soUbona won tUwt lii.

154 U- 111 exhaa 14jk lAlarry a. 11 olio 8 84 Ljaia JSe SOel Al the ole. of lee alteraoea seioa California Hoard fjom4 wilts to-morrow. A bulie. steettag bad bees led St blU part 8 o'clock p.

x. to detenain propriety of taking looter adjournment bat many ol Lbs member ware opposed to Saving a YsetlOa. and aoaa of them took dowa lb. ptiaazd eaaoa14sr Uo antiag which had koea peatod la frmi 1 lb. tecrstsrys dak.

sieess wu tb malt of Uii aot. aad it ii BOW an- deritood Uit a farther reeoa will be tibia after to-day Tae Trance of the Cso CUSIO1I4SL4 Ml int Coapesy kitS their resular assail rnetlng on TBurlay last aa oloetod tie kUowiu offiocn for tb taniinif term J. L. ArmftMnr. President and Trusarsr A.

Wlataza Tici-l rudal. sad Ii. Anon. Soentary. tWUea la tattfbral.

Bor4Tc4 r4jL sourle ano 10 Al L1SlJO5 ISO ilebeStiS SO 0 IOU 6 ko 66 Al i ir to 0 A iJj jvE fcl IM PeIeL4sis4 43 3O 10 ioT i4 ISO Balle4b MltW 40 10. 4 170 Cai io a 83 iS ait 10 4AO 764v7 irerieni suezow. IOGAC B- 110 7 aoDicker- 4eo so bfi 870 650 LrTiatau U87r 1110 MXM-14H XIITAUJ XOEirrXTY. CvrfMM 5155 Over EMSbe A ease that baa suited a eat dwl of la ujaftbMad r4- tatb Pr bit Coin it Sacnmeato. being eont et Tr th estate tb 11.

Joa A. Msan for- moth a boprYlor of tkat city. The ptl- tlootn wire a lady sod two dsngbters. who claimed to bats bees Ib Wt ant ditktnXd wi. Tk widow otsirned 0 hats steeled Jobs A.

Men. in Buffalo. New York ia 1841. and after sildi.g la lllloou for a time. S.

tart for as a. Mfo tb Plain ia 360. la lSOSsb. eu4 to ktirtroiabUn. and bid born to IB VBTC retard mi Lii lit snll Informed of tb dtk x-6 perriaor MUOB The aa of ptitiossru was sliest tk widow ad irral vitae's.

wer151 with ark sorsraie. that th Ipmpb pt de ci vs. tat Jobs AMuonwbo ten Ilflnoti for Cali fornia la 1KO. lbwiwssalo aretairk ibis simIlarity btwa tb kaalwrttlnt exhlblud by tlllanrutbl of her ba bad tad that of dcaa ed. Other sqssllv remarkable otheideoee.

prwontwj tntbcus laoppofiiloo the reuilon nsmerou relstuvee of dece ed indidlni two oa who proved eon- tisinlv tkt drrsed so married in IV toB end that be did not hr. lor Coil totals antil 1853. when hi cam. by th I timtn tad not iercas tb pui Jodge Urk to deeidinc the cue. said Shot not- wlibitaodinv tit apparent MentlfioMion br Ik claimant wito of the plots- erapaie ItUsen.

it was erident tit the llraol Mewa to tb tarn perron a the hosiss Mesas bad to la that 11. eon- ioeeoaaty between IMlxnd 1847. unfed thenia btuiaoMBBd to raising Sits family and la tb immediate veiaaty of hi. own blood relatea. Tbe leetlaoay howrr placed It beyond quevtton bat daring th to terril of tim tb Boston Iliac.

wu that city enraged in hesitant Sic trade and there surronadid by hIs owa sarcsts and other yr relitlee. and durin this in terra Ii was that the Bo. to a Mason mar- ratS porb Ass sit. and thhlldrn. Daniel aaaJoba.

were bars. Tnetvanin. decieg tn period of three ran. between 1850 sd 1553. thst th Illinois lluon Wan to California.

the Boston Mason wu not her. nor did stray. hare before lb. r-ni- at th year 1854. Ii wield an earn lspoeefbl that tk Illinou Maois oostd bar.

been Men Secniaenio dnst 16M l2cr3. as his letters ibwedihit we. enrxeed In mkanic daring lbs. yean la Tos4szsn. Plaoer and 1 aba coon- tie II oath did ret dealt bat wba tkaelaunaalBamed a John AUaMOaad lived WILD hIs betweeB 1841 and 1850 Is Illinois.

and that earn to California to hS3O. and became lost to and perhaps I evrytaod to 1853. lie. however. is deeidint lbs case is far or of th Mason boy iaid eoald not tor a moment dosbl that flepryisor Mason was a different person from pine.

the wedded. Ib titi wu tberelorc denied. COAST macs. An Indian worn. known as Mr Snail nag we.

nuirdcred near Ctnap lndcperadcace Into county. on the 24th slums. Wheatland Rcerdrr A Slteridao nrl WBBU ba a lame oot. breinse. you haow.

eo many Yous men bar cal Mjx. wn wu burned to death at Dayton. Tidt on Mooday afternoon being nub to escape urn doe 01 a borninr dwelling. Mil A. Swesoer was abut sod killed by Oliver Boyer at the ton of I.

Merrill AC sear Teoa M1105 os Sunday. tb 23:1. Tb Uitedy vu tk uli of a drukendispats. Boyer teape4. Os the 31 altlmo a nun aaaed Mont- roaery aim WUisae shot and killed by a foldier botoaric to Company V.

Sixth Covslryit Camp lie Arizona. Th todierwu atreatod. bat oqucntly MPd. Pins utsimer sod twenty IT harps 3n employed Is wheat trade on the Saa aia ketwMa btoektoa sad the head svwitlSs. Tb ileamen carry from SO I.

260 toil and Ih barrel fry's 150 to 800 teni each. Itwal 5155. BM Th following real estate tranxtetloni kaabMB riesedwi Jt Termer ta Tmwr lot 24x1X3 a lii. tMsosd ttne t7d bet heva. MtfS I Mi vnHUKJ 0 fcf- II.

arab raadm to E. UrCoarl lot 80 50 Xe I a mxVMatk beset. 110 feet of vK12t Ptlkr lotSOilOO Mao Lawawonb acra eoi ist It of CUT a4 MX wT- TOaMr 511155 aal ta Sonttyta Flttpxtri IotfiXnll4aIUa lklrMfcitrMeloab wot0rek. 0710. aUrMlvu toP DenIIIy low porttoaW 817 IlapaM atnatloitwoyaxnaiaiOfrt Math.

Men to Wtlaeney lot ISO asS 111. Iradray Tract 8218. kl L. CHroa Hank Remiss. lotiTikd bWx 60.

lot Uork 63. lat hick 54. and lot 8 Uor. 21. Pt1 TraolBoaMMaad AentisUe an ia to a BMetcan for aii tab-It nib.

ih004i sees a. a 6 a. il7 t3O. Tber auaUorUy a lie ol oaoriy 3m wkt la pBttlac dawa tkatclau of daylight rebbon deiifaaUd kinks Lbare. wh lafeat tb city at prssst la iroxtcr namben skis pefor aDd ply thou vittaliSe.

yicMla wuk rodoaUod bolda aai doab loaf eprratpondiat raeeoaa. Two i tk osdrats aemed U. Uatoa and tiawdy. wee. a tb docket at Lb.

Pollee Ooan oa aw wer lot oa if Ik proroa ioaal robbwiea. bit a a matter ooan ikey rralerred Is befell tb tea. of 5O dooatted a bill for sack lo sblItlg themselves tb anacys. 52 UtexTww with tk Pelts. Jada PALACE HOTEL nOla f.

Jaaea. etty 0 Kalll-aB ctrr Browa Ta Vr Lrad A Vib JLookanealt Like laatlaB 1 Kiaaaa wlt i Ok JO ttjr. fiCTaprar. Fmao fttttr OWo Pans Bart ijjSkSfcffv Tl dW kar7Eai S. MCP eeaity OZLXD HOTEL.

WAB Bto- acto 4 UaOwtt. 0aad Sjteti ft anivh-- sz3 tsr rBCUaadlar kisits VraI Lssds a XWOAI zxcnrnr. WBUaelatBaJlL ITtUTCo IBA4 BtayriWaAl jiraarli raoaBMato HO Taylor Saps VPBtrnoa walker d. da Taadti-r a Ort Fnak 8aeto jr tioby aW Haad. a WJatiBt aa MnPiaaaaoa.

oo Bate do JJBartoB.AamlIi-i 10 tuaaw. kacto i ryaaUaJltrleIaa nuaiaal. knka wij- ftsir' i Tort jVcSSta SCSI DOVRL A flMnL walkarTI KBPatuewa. rnxao ta A uta Bo gWAv 4aa Vn eli KrawaTN alley Tori Sri A hua Tail Aw BMno 00 tWrkeack. Piw.

isle. CUlscOakIaaS I tW I rt ff Is if Hrwo1tL Aa prara. Oakiaad WJwlcbOxkiaBd tJMaM arlcy BarcMW. Bk Olasead oa oaoa wXbVaf B4onr Uty kUttaUMaroty ktVGnwaiB.

MXotk UMXOPUUTAW 11OIEL. Mr Pile. Anal BUM. d. to.

Mairr3 Jo. Mr. tmMo-daw A Garter A f. lud Ua 1 lh. 5 51 lunge.

eity Dan envied P' Sea. eity Ward. JO. todl.f.AuiuCrai MaMAwBuaoaue 51 Dailth. city rPJwMny iollaBd or wodM.

I Jeae trr feilM tl MiUw. Mo MM UM city BALDWIN. PanoMlw. Ibrynl Tedllaloa KaaJOB OOieBtalural Mr ltiaeity AlkmTciiy I aUwVui HTrk UoianL PUladd Stole tloward. Pads bomank w.

1 cC m. Allea. ka A Jean hares. i 0 Potts. city I Urennon Uncta oi-iwAo 6Cr aTlra Kr- IreUMOTyelty tot it It Wlrnsr 5 A BrovB.

rtty ma. Ml ktw JokMoa. Ml Ed MUaJobw ndo 21. 1 keknae do I Wan. aa 1151 TIOXAL ROTIL I Lrhmu.

Testira JM J2DWr4eldFrtWsise Tile Polalsmi A Ua. Aauucfc I rI lfcplaad 11 mcr Uoool. Wets LOTita JCutwrleirt. do Mubarip. tacaell lUKilaOatf DamlU cGralhV Ileisda linU nlwf Qoergeots Burke.

lOBoy.Aat-Kk curtleaoo eilj A eat Ma Barbara I vto do I MloUoaKoikTrT OlTa Tkma Knkter.MLo. JootCKanka Tatttioaorn tuU lTI ll ti XcwbalwUtaBom Wi. 8. Uorx. Broker.

320 Montjoni- ety MneU lank th Ukiwia eaoUtljua FINANCE AND COMMERCE. sew Tess. Jaly 8 o-l wd at 100 11 A. B-1004 elosid. 100 UaluJ Mam tit Vree.T..otae of lb 7103V ex cwapoh 1881.

1117. SterHai- Lachaces. 84 8S Sr kort eight SO tar lona P-clHo Mill. 17 1 Wwtrra tales. 87V lid lB- HB Wool 4ax4 boring tea Flo ia38ot PorTiUOit1ki PDrd.4t 3aq riliatpclc OeiB iTfl4 17cT.

Oil 40c 5850 lator bleach 07 1 03 gall. at. II 1011 19 bob1 Lone Jaly Coir ol 95 15 Tilted Stitej 6 per out Loaa. l08e 4' per Seat de. 3001.

Bullion withdraw from lb. 3515 1 land Os baton. toiler. 114O Qua LiTan 4 Jalr 3. 3.

i Anr- ar lld lO 34. Clah lu 540105 hO. legal Teider. its OBO I- 11 L1 market it MS I natO lU at It 98V Mandard hOver or Mlnr Dollar Cs- ttit-tn. ar dwot al I.

par. ll Oolu. leer OeI aM. Trios VoUin synilltSlIi II7 W7a Milcan Tla tlilTW wa ttn ad to LoaJtra yartrrday at B3 4 ace HBO 23at sad la Xw York al 1 14 n4d MT OBBM. itxxt turn.

Tb. ar nrbt daring th week so cbsages wontir of sot. Bal are stetat stotdswek no. Tk lUnkt ar loaalBf kl s-elOper reel a trim ee ItUrtl. and Cal Lroaaa raU 4007 par cent So Mrantb la RMllrlaiMM lS r.

baa be. but 11511. artiTlly Gold La. remiaed rtoady oM Jiary Mlrw Wash. XUxicaa and Trod.

DoUn ret harts and 5051's Tk a serIal hat bM very can. Ott weaker. swlDf oeacibal to Ik Milne oft of tb Gmaiaat demand. arpnol aotarloa cam Sbreagh rM rdr at a ddlo 011 Dnfti on Atlantic elticiandnwi kBr cent prtoltiBi Ivmiter Orafi par TeigtsbteTraofr oval Gold BanM oaiiia 61 Ban 1 li.rn-Dt hsSlacgs OB 154. 4 4 V1 far day ilsikoi CU1 and 40V 40V fur Cosmerc15l Ott 9 14 00 Total actor during July O40 3 Tb.

111 Satlooal Ilk Lee d. Ur. I a dir 454 tlb tofHpirc ot jr QBum ptjaUe lb. 10th last. Th HUB Motna InQriar Compaay pay a riO1 of 1 prt erat OB lb.

lOlt s1 Tb. rraar Aainleaa Samoa Iluk will pep oa tb 18th lut iBd it la ra of said a rr cent pr auras WU Tarts I Co. aartarlT tal ra nt of th. at TKaBti of Trenvee tkrotwb tier attic. halbaad.

Tkannlpu 1 rant from JaoBary 15 Jan. 30. 8 venufullvw. Dora lire- Uter tfXkiO Total EUTwballloo S31 31 043300 ban aad dart Ilrrlor Vrtw Hex eo. Total cola.

Graid total- al neant vary i lb. tog prindpally flBed toO and aler Otocki ToUvwinc an enotAlloni Bit Aikwt C. 3 1R67 1MV 106 San Sesa City sod Cotioty Bonrt. 7" 107 308 tan Yraedoe-o City and County 6 tent bond. 104 IDA acnmentoClty Itondn.

2U 2H antaClaraC mnt7l oniU. kUndfltTBood 8i heck. Oaltornia. rranriMX Ulmt Co. 1 15S- 180 Sofia n-aeird MWI a ilm lUilraad.

on.n eattrrPtn siock 5 U-to Ia nr-iic Co. in 317 raliiunflnincCo 115 117 Pinmia Fan. Innranm Co. 10 12 Uonu Ca. 70 73 Cut.

I iiuiit ac. Co 110 32 To. Granada tail marrow for MwTerk Til Paaaaa at 12 X. The Orttaba foe DU ud UUnxMlAl port all to at A 5. Tka OlhiaM an ton-row al 4 a for salts or aJ anal ports.

To City of Pools. Hookoag vIa Yokohama will da tovmomw tbe ntor from 5. Os-ge and way port. Ib XonUrvy trots 11111. kIcer sod way port.

sad t- Katpln. Its Uoo flay will be d. to. Twilg naneye1ndy were tb erbooser CadlaalorGaayBiaMaxioowilk 2109 eacka OOTB. Voised it 7212 SO 86 Hay.

it 400. sad IB OOO 0 Lsbr valued at 4001 Ida tebaaaar fur MenUs. with 823 enks ton. nla at 13e30 brt MUM Aackor. Tlctoria aotd carco.

bar rscetead tb wmianaa.1 Wee circa. larofl. Onset Cofre which extract Al tk saeIaj of la. Maxn tk presses-I for Sr Its JIb mmm4 rathw poor. a.

tb do- presets. mUa la to. list. he's. tb ye- dactd lulol lad tktdailr dKliaux pries didaot wuraot aay BrroTaowat obtkaope In prse of tb prevno yaar.

hat la this tk aitfcra a Hooln wm hi' Voni mbl dMjpatefod. bask. to fun by n. who aiy- la cnaur asabva teas ever babes. 1.

ceseui of to loaa yet. whes neatly deland hentu Weas arrived later tbaaaaaal rcotslt awwriBaJlowlu to a erta of about 40 at tk at lue- this. la ag. of tba IMWTT en aBwa sheep. caiii ltb by ftarratloa or troai tioB broactat shoal tb Onrmr waste.

dartaa- th ariy iaua It loewevor la Ih ha. Joaqali Valley 154 la Ik eolb that Ib errata IOOM Bar ted. IatkaorJitko loBtM rbtrinal la eoBHwriena wilts that of ID. ah terict woe tkaa laiici palad. tkanmty Sod and cray weit darla tk ginsier part of tk laser.

fixer wm sack waall-r 10. laforaMr an. especial Htkar. sad rry Isais. satorsalt san-los.

mad pjrward a trial a a kadCeatiet a sets- dossad oaatlaaad till Bart tte sssira rraa- a ai a pwca4kae a etopasO a food denssd aad lees OTKB tallf lea Tk. dtmlaiakdpra dvdwdaoaiawbal. T-day tkyanl werth-iatthitiB wtTnr put It avail he hens la ad thaI al tkal tim then bad aarttaad Ma. i. The ooaditioaad- dip ka is a tfUfty- Wool WM instead.

la tk kotU pactaile acraal sad eoatta4 wet weather which anrratod tko eal p-ia of tb I pnTrat frBb. Char. wkol Mnkar Wo thaa xpMtodaad II wa of its-aster r. escaag that than wars BOX Socks witch had seeen- Aaa anraretheWaoU werebrtchtor tkaa sit roar sad sc sear na BbiW that. 1 loTS.

no oktai wa lester tka seklpsied Masher. onto war paMrthU that ow. ptt a wall a Is essdtse. shame bora aarl talk T.ry Hal karri aal BMJ TktUawlactadatleiarcinai Prodaet of lbs Met- 1JM MM Va band Jaaaary lat aS OCm Tv-s Onttoa 1 7408 Veregi raon 24700 Gread total Old Vbeat dmTUtf tb taat wtek hu Pata Bitiail da3T fT fcw mim karlad1 oeemmd. I.

aw 557 lor axport than a boa BOB aetWtibsiso lbs wkols. tk srtt ka baa. siugsaoer Its's Up Ma saM at 1 OOtf 1 CT Ik 515 Pate Ik oaarid liar. bay. arkinrtlUatpiiforth okoieeat keo Old string is.

4454 oiaotoBrBat nrlrwaad yeatnday a 5006 sisal toad md aald. tatwlot as 00. UIUnr geaa3y kayo pankaaad bet UO dertog tk Teak. tkxd1itWiancanirlBtlUkttack. Tk araaoiBartet ka tBarond soswtat dirts.

tb paat 5. day. this. I a a tfltT. Tk lk ors at' preesba of a wnar yield lbs.

WM latlrtaalad aw Tkaw albf ka a ona tibaDdariJipNliBOWantkal tMbarnatwin eoavan ray wtfa otboy vista. Thssow. BtyfEBIM orb-al tk Ltrarpool sorkit BUataadatatto Lta' basSo see aboa a la1i 11 tk tkeitieedlt5 an tkat will ha avriadoTay. tts di eary trad tiO. aid prilal bar dodted oar Barter TkIZbseaM Tort posts's harobea taaettn 54 osbe rat.

hewer. Valley ka is. Bklaad acheagsL Bothy. sad kaysi are Part a Ifeav Tkr- 04 la iaUar MrekM oJ BBekIkiul. trlaB aaeoBlOat ntalNi Brta talaat S7H4W tora r4.

a pe4pS5w Oat Jaw talol dWpnat tk fBarkat ad Ik ok Sail. Tkan tad is 510. drB i sat pria an Cora eleady Eseptus ft beery roottptl Ma. MCaat. Than Is a to-d expert siMs Cob a alaw al arWy rday IbrMaxI PSOSee are Utter Lisa a weak scbela tots hetagtag 3 2 slat.

abfa- loser- aHyanlowTaadMat Tarlrttai anadncla tk aortas. Train ar apply PM racba. wItch an tor fr lraadar tow I. prl ap a. lair aaHUat Mliac at A MI per kaak Appla an to relneeir4aail lower to Brio OotdPsra anmniiarea rinandlBolt lodl onaf at 4 I Wkrt sad lIstS.

raeecttcqly. 15 aaral Krckaad the bees a qbSd sno a it arwan ii. oa prarodlac tb Xdlosai Hetlda. Tk BarkM ka 5. od am ra kl ueaaetlhed roadltioo wiaft Ui iffarl at coital a aValcn oral oodaa th by is5s of which prime weald ad- slaead.

Tk eatoscible tsSO I s4sas rattMlrackapotal at 054 oaeM bold to carry ever toy WBM witkoal Ices. Wbrtktr 50551515. tax etsd 15 I sIIIT of doxbtat pisseal tb psoepids rtalilwl baiauian. dave tbotattMBiet Visit aadUralaanBBior ttood ta ha a i oU rwiM pMt. i jrU Mtaad Ors 47A kat aim IB wla- CA to 75 do ng.

13 aTV lbe ltr nr rtr-r TUAT oiapoote. enisaie UliBi. aeslasli 1 BI 1 tL MO etl. mod old Mllllnr Unred at Tsllisaa. CA tKMrctk oU kucktia littImag at 41 bow Yr.

It at Vf U2V. Oats feOUctt. Bw 4 H7 I VnM. CUoria lore. tIOOI 0255 3 61) naaa rotiB Uow ta U092101 White.

OOkJI-lEAU 8ia So t43 43 VI loBUTr Tb pne fr tb sill sow 14 15 Vton illrer Bl CKM I riea pools. tllLlLIbCS Ice trots Ik paWS a Dow sdtama2 ton ielvrr. uootabwal oaU loriooi UlLCAKk 51160. tel. tram rh.

1000 I Ion. anal ducoaal to in tr4 POTATOlk-Il 25 cU Utlrr Ice UkAMt nnBJoM4iirrt PlaKBAs Btaaoownli nuwlwhit 4b M47i Pra. ttUMtit Hatter B4 9M 4 6 MB. an E4ETA LE CKa Cora or tsaaoa and Jt dm for hay lar Se a Carrots 7Ae etl lies- o' Urj Ailcid tO I IValiBowcr. 76e do a Gas KwChlJ Ptffe- Cr.

en cntaben. tee don i 4OeVbx BtrtBC Bean i 5 Iowa- tot box tt Uat. tfeTc i sress kra. 5. ritLll lnm Ore-ate.

O10o201 Califor 01. Ltnvio e15is4 It. 5 1. 10 eM. Urn 12V IS i II Loi Angelo.

do. 8405 Buixma 1 0 tM3kaoeh MMiiiit 536 5 100 Straw- bmlM. 4 6 chant toe comas aad 7 2P uwrrM ut25c aw Vsrvaols aft III chat. Ba. rr 7 lOc Vlw- hot PusespplcOo-dIt i dolt Ape 75o I brIm Applax 235143.

fur imtll and ffltf JSKaP llttl fm DKItl rKUII APPM. a belt for Bnn7Cbe for ilk teas Vc IlarnI 7M10ei do pttseo. 17 lh Peas ell kb TM 16le n. 4c ktn Va1d tK ll r' lvm arti WX 3 tautiraia a lur lor hart 14WIUC tsr ettl oball anui AMU- Lo. Atela.

Wnu CtiU 7MHci Pvraio. 18 14c Fil rt l. 18 UM 8 4 OttetejI white 4f. we. rr.

7 Altalfti head Cook ISOlde Strained. so. kKAXIi lutercmnreartle Pvaht toll. IhOHZiiVc. ur Mine too qaali vies rtiolea 21424.

a h- i urnu tesltr r.s a tarlnrt HMIIryti XH. jn-f at It out' l- Cats. trcsij toe. 17j twoeoi. J4 ll Do J4 e.

piohbioottln toiler. llama. 1500155 pru 14 UW Cut form. belle Lass. rrB Bacon 11 lli irn a ii 3la 1 1 In tollS ru a IBIKK-i i 10 a ran lUSwltt.

ft-B do l1o i t- tra MMr VO5 23 OtIs. I irnl do7i MIMI bU Mr-1 f. 1 AOVMrf. nmoidnol l-atllc Pill LTfti-itazaettrs. jnrnrm liv.

V3 7 15 Mb-lies. fvO 4 RahhlM. I 0 at i wi uiflbb hull i SOOV due eumcnon do. 15 lllt AMI Dr. Pllnl Illdn.

uaai wl liot fry rilnl Je Green i LL urn nr OAIM Uei rt i anovr i. The k. OaltrklB SC1 lh lalt rfcliolc lAUU-h ee Mt at 6tir 4 w-w ec. rdlue to qua Itr 7' tTIo.Ili SV for an rn d. accord nn to te id qtialltr Tbo i T.

or CM ia t. xo pl ir Vurk aa 55106. ncutnn fur wblrb art Ira til TOT eo Re Ia of Osty Produce. ELi. 183 ohs.

ri- cnuln A WM do. Stern 1 to 200 nnv SOSOdo Stan- a ye WIlIAT-hOS Ml. MwtrmnAro 734 do. Uxard bees 331 do tweabaclo to tie ToUl.lliM 13 ctU Ktba Rr 1 do Mayto. Farnwt Total 2014.

titNt50dctlo. talarL 200 lu macnC. 100 do. roraiioo HAY-20 tuBh fclalr t. 24 do.

XII. 1 51111' 40 do. Nx I Hall 8 do. Qjtoa 3r daMeKeaa Total. 12.

WOOL S. Hklinuaa 1 1 do. I' Iorl 73dViFakner 8 do man Vanoas. WINK B42 gain VnnUL f. A 48 illr.

Vart ju BOP IO kali ii tWt I rd KG 4-13 JO dos. anoiu. KLX ASS TUtu ABLE. 335ra0-02r 7:21 igot ME as TkirJ Jag Eunka pa and sOs to U. Prrkln Bark Colas flewen 61 dan foss Metbnrn ballait to MtTtu Cakrr A Co.

05 hJ MrKlnncm Jrak. 48 days tram Co. rlntihCA lMW UmmllOO niar to k1mll Kchr DaTHl A EttX lobses boor tees Cuuy. Cor I proreMed np riv PrOc Oiu lo i JortTB a 12 ri from TlmLw Lore 60 wda wool to Hlfr ni ItJlloi- gchr Org. Ocrtlaa.

88 day. tees Sin Mar. emlaand ill. UntrrpnA to as A- Co. Hear i oUn himn from Cob Rock' 14Orr HIlM I lHa Out Kbr Joha Prtrhi.

Ms 88 alas. teas Doshos hued. Itanball ro 120 5555 55. bra. MM owwiut.

to A Cnwf Co. bear Tasty Usimor. trj 24 teem itos CawtaCrax 64ObblUBUtaDaTi A antr Jalr a. ac Orliaba. JO has Dl OuotUU.

rklo. A Co. Mar OlyBtlaStotkard. Pert Towns-end 0 I rat Eb 4 Anchor. YroIn Viscria ion- BirharB rebrldaVchBaacr SHxaaaar Migatlas bad.

ber Cadina. KaitW. Gaarauw I Wt aa Ka w.l auAT Jstp 3. ttau Idaho. AUxander Astoria.

PbipUwtk Anuncan. Kara. Queuiatowa. tsr Car. lianMB en liar KrhrLottn Colin.

OSOIbOIl Csfsya Cor Poll ti aa Sores-a. LuoutM Powoa Landiae Scbr ISIS. raaeB thrhattasoea WM Laadie ft br bin tb Butch- Cbrtitrawn. En LandlBC. ackr kapaQty EarBBa haMwart Punt Par Colo Left la port 8.

Hand toa I teatoaato-l. bark Jo athan ttowea end other aiaan riiurd Per uw AB tl alM teen Tsrekt Jsty otsr tran l. Jlnl. beta. Taylor echos Jsws TowanraS and aliJL 1u I-a port PfT Ixi ABTe 24 kf Mile so kr battrrbi ai iwov laioM hhurl- 1 cakowixiUroodsbuerl boo Man beat.

I kair nrr aid tMrara. ra aultBie a. Per Lo Boot Kaadwtoai Una Wk A bn Mr. Portai Gas AGenos Ci TvUbtBaa Jrt kMikmt SI. Prestos A Ms-kiss.

Han kxnra CoIJaMra Ialtser. Doll A Cot Miller Ala hrlrtr t- i eotr. htabUUtC Ua. Tare. 04 Order.

Tuielvipi. ToiY LnwK. Jail 8-10 a Weather katwladlraib3liV IMaanll Pa rt lily tar llanlj. knr aWSl. taiM.

Jaly a ttaw Healany sad leSs TkutA Jaly 9 11 ImnO kaar Jaa24i ir naatboiol kaao Jalj X. and al Jly 7 oa Mr twirl. alk d. Jary a Srkr ktna rraa Praaneeo. SkATTLI aadJaJy aip Wm Ikortv N4c1s50.

a Vra-aana. 507 TuWS Itsits-Areessi. Jilt lark u-mis MartkalLliaklor koao Jaa 18 PORT JtAI I ralad. 321 a Tahy Set JalyS-fSrhrOH rruat0oo lay brU Lee Port VEW YOlK-ArrIvaL Jalf Sewiatti of the a. sad base.

15 2H Ms teaSeSt Or MpawaIl. PUILADkU-fllA teal rf 8 ValBnrarnoJ User. Md far tea Fraa- otis. Toaa la ri 111755. UJC JIB SO.

IWwUf Harry Jay 1. the wl A. Mnrrr af th ett Uewifcef J8. AU irU MM ctty Jaw. 80.

th WUh ft tsffZ sits ij riwt. aba TMCM. of r. AlUAwES. I Ills ty.

24by 1UT A L. rtoaa. Hw ItbnoB of rionae f. JUadal otCaa BhvaSl UT rikiny disc 80 atth rtidB of tk UM weaa by T. I la taw eitjL Vy JewalUISBUOMn Tladall to JuOvf rmirVkoth of Ul em.

I tkWdtiJy S. Err' 7 Jwil I. IX a 11. taab teAaa Patrick both of thWcHy 26210. a atrreofYorBOBt.

sued 44 anl Boaihi IT is. Oae. 2. A famr. Urrt I 4 sea mpwtfny ld tk boos this day Otharods el 1 ejtaok aw ft rt AUtthawl EatMnBal VbLLo I th-ioty.

hit 8. Xjthar AMI1 aReas XI 1 aooru ana 3 ar The tipci will lake place toW5OT 4IrMaytVcleckr a fro's the. thank af th AdraM. KliTttk lathlecttT Jaly- Marie ABU yVbl-r a aatrt of 1 ranc ac So nan. la Ihl eityrJaly 3.

I ML Her. mann Batrn of GernaaT. u4 40 yean. dor ilaafT. mnB aaalin of" uy.

amid UanUkw. MM Waham. ajrtdlAajra a sad Itloetois CL1FORNLA TKLT Actta AiaaaAr 177 rot urn i WO 01613. FBK rORXAHCCI AftsrssSs al Zowtsi at Hit. ezxosets RItVOU is Ekaka aran fSlsdItI SpectacoIs Ilj I WI IL1Lt AKD JT Pests at Ib THEATER.

FLT flu ne of If. LDEULE. It be presestad on EDT lib a fall rut by th iUorai Tkaalcr Compan AN OLIO. ttItb all Ib IIUW latest la tb drj neat app-amine- alt abuses pf AT can uf tta rbratcd jlr dancer JIM HI MOOSE. To conclada wtth.

lb. droasa lbs YLYINO DUTCHHAXl Or. Th. PLsntoa Dox kcat a B. ld STREET THEATER.

cuLl. 0. LOCKK Proprboto rrrfaraiaa T. AtaraacdTra K2 UATtn PHII1 I Toe fllfc IIAHRIOAW asS IIAKT. It MHI IIAKT.

IOHhtIGAI lIT. o. Patriotic 500 of lb. twhoets8r harrvi il hU funnel raltatttiB of ir tkoa. Uxlilaa lalgT UMr Hart at III.

rh Tk. 5 1 I ill arwlBfYd la rronunx lirr ca in at lcl at Uwl 5. U. T. laoo EiTr1Br' rflt fG ll lt tll 1 Mcadar Jnlr lm PtitTOR.

fcv ffU lot at terroruuno it DOS urns. A 5111)1ST NElSOM ILT. COMMIXCOQ lf rll 1 nlWTttTWrXii The sliT aMiAwviatki WORLD 5180 Till GREAT AKBAT OP Au tltMltl4EUIl Rectn sod lolf Ills. Silty ON liar Utrrjd JehB kerVrll FIIJ blrVrd. TMV Al TOIl WOO it rvry lnUrtilnm nt jr lorpartseilsre Iroyaai.

I Hi As Ml A L. t1i boot so's OPM- t- Irwin milj Esrry Serial iB4Hit batty. tit lark las- a UALDWLNS THEATER. Mnurr Xa. MAiinai Act.

Manic. Lima Tnwtur uuai LAST WL5J Or JIM JOpEPII PIERPIIT A. VAX triUBl Thl Tharada7 ET nln-jBlT dIU tiRt2D LIDAT 1 olltuNcE fff TILE RLRKT COW. apparaiK of it I WOOD. usrTftb for lh ttawra I the ravoatse siSal Wl Tfc Vltbe lbS Orrlrr Dove.

I lies lit. Henry 0511 JaIl I Yilday Kitmlmf JuJj 5th nesrait OF MB JO EPII srUPaLT la tics preparation THE OCTOnOON GRAND OPERA. HOUSE. lMioa Street. betesas IbrJ end Fourth.


Xlnioa itruM Wtw Third and Fourth. THE rOOXlt QXTEBTIOK JOHN LEACH. grast ntnett I On JUST 4r Afternoon in I GRAND OPERA HOUSE. a MrMb btwea Thud sad Feartb FOCXTU Of JULY. THE UTAH SIAGLEO HAMMEM And Ml Popular Nitloail Air.

by PVLLE PETUAUCIII. GorvaotulT Cbfaoi a. TUB OI DE Or INHERIT With Ouni of 200. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Rlaotea lOseS.

bettors Third sad fourth. MawUaerml Xati1 Ta ix Taunt UHJiiTT AIfH GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Ml. bcwea ThIrd sad roarib. rOCBTH Or JCLT AIUraooB sod XBE UEAT ASYLL CilORt Br BlaskenItbo la stems cetspaId by a Grand tchatr.

I tbsoJO I oil tile Oat. May ruins. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. UlaiIoa trft. brlWMa Th1r4 FOURTh or JULTI ATTEUtOO I AID ZYSlIXO Ota ORANO DlarLAT illitWeRKi GRAND OPERA HOUSE.

tene 554 Hanacer A. Kniui IT I Owtu to tb adto raB at of tie. nrk Maid Pissnay EDWARDs AI tin mo tea mnli4 of tb Pob a rTO.eslj aaaoai Pall partlealar. of t. ram.laia-nl sad al of post.

will 4 ta a tw day WOODWARD'S OARDE11S. TUB L4 RIOCB roVMTItt MIMT orHAi u7iTo 1 tbpt1es bytbeslaat Traced Mr T1KN. MAG3lrI CSt DUPLAY nREronKi i V15LWUKKSI THE Bl IZAVTIFVL rXUXATIO rOCXTAlH. rmUta f9n WraMa itat fTtn aBallbOla urn cmara iH XADAZ JULIA KnTTtLC4VTDZS. Baa Mract.

btt EnS atlar ya itsal. fr PIB CsseS Flu. Ax's aamU KlawvltaiB mat Tilt. Cad- taw ntall a. XOTIL TO rnn TcrnTEta OP TWCKEBT untooL 1 IVtrin Csot of Ba tai rartfornla.

beroby rn Both that will pprrrwptoB SM tr tia i la detail lot theulsss sat twit at 50805 ttatioa 15 amid bosh Dl. trK lie ssca prt aMd to xpea by naoiailaa MM Tra4M Ik am of wat mad dslis. to sued NMM CPldeptB. Atlptaaiaad1 JM aiwrt bo kl la Xdanamatloa a XaatotkavaflkaWkdaraf 151 lbasid wd rey tka rUk of Jalr. A D.

1878. a. or aM Ik BUu ae iearn arokltort wkon pUa aa4 lka BrUU Iallad Matat aU aala arabltort OBTtf yACTTTO COAST RB. ralrteZ. TytavvW IMaBamW ZiM.

BB ak oenorssa Rags. XrUCIC avTktAt THE GREAT YACHT RACE. fll EIXOATT rrCAXXB rA WItX LIATI AK At r. rtla ad FOLLOW it. YACMTI to SACCWTO IBTUf LtosiIotjtj a IB ln erodad Ik Wmr mmtr aBta.

trtt GRAND FOURTH' OF JULY ZCVBBIOJI tk tWtet 4 Tattrtaf Plaoi la rrva Boailcray sad Pa lfla Ten. EB FT. maadfr. will mU froB Thadwiy Wrf Wt KL41iAf Ja rSdtte aekr rrtriaf UufniatTrK aiMaa7i lease aala Lru Tkr la 7 a. tarnrcU Moat 7 tt 9 A.

auw ajr Bftunuin km Moo tcry Iknndaral 4p 5. Patti Claol Hr aai i vrriT at8aa FraBrar Inday esor. a al7Aa T. rattaCysa 00 rm a Maatcrrr 54 SOss aa Bwl Back Band will atraBpuj tb otrarica OSho 214 MntnoMnMiTCt. OOOlUli PkBkJMa tU.

Attat 10 llwkttrU Al 12151853 JLJI 8TII PACIFIC R. I. or JILT I 55 and tB Ik SOlaIag jt Jam. Doiiahae ail rfatt uloranU oa appty at tacnl oOca 24 oBrr MmU HCtiUU. 1.

DOCOHEIITY. CB. IUBB t. o- fa VhS A llaia Cats. no.


ALAREDA. TULUDAT. JULY 4ya. Tbf UUrarj unrten will tows at I wltk Ovettor. has tied cy.

br tli VmidBli a bliiii of ta DKkuatWa fad. hr IboraaN Mctaatos. ki. Mail PonaTbaaM tTCoiia tl. fee- halt.

Me i Mir Bfi taai WIoael a tSallbrtd had crd fur lb. eeeaiioa. 70 Priat I th bout eomspatster. la tb. arlv Athletic Gas AdmUilou Adalts 0005150 rhlldrta from 13 In 10 yar teats.

1 4B3I 1718. 1878. A QALA A I GRAID rOORTN Cf Wit CELExtKATlaX a TOl TUERNAXENT UADSIEIVI ETRAL FARM. 001110 CONCh Of ELLCT PIECES ST Till FOURTH ARTILLERY So 23 Mans-la. 0000 laralle BsadaaOcr IBB BM Dicplai of la Ik hai At IfrICtIXI CORPS or Tin OPERATIC SJKUKRS Hills lit TUB PROPEff IOJT.

rtuid vrmmm rml bf tk Oakland bl 7. MILE 110551 XAft IT UDtB for a PHr of Fifty Dolls RON. CItLh A. SCM MR. Orator of lit Day.

BO matai CbiUno dr iu 36 now. A porectalare ofBl clll at gale wll dovilvl la lh la Mllff rtekft of Dak laad. jj a THus. IIADIIIL ALL TH Wr lll TO UPEND A rOnent Sit 05154 to Macad tb FIRST ANNUAL PICNIC Gives anal' tb aa rlct of tin cooreav PROnCTIYZ IBWCIATIOH AT BJCIl a7BT 11 31 PARR. alar.

lr T. 1075. Cereal i for kkk MB Pets wOl twtvarHfd. toreaad san. oil klndi Ik old aad rottac tar which vaiaalsl.

pnat II bawanl d. C. Opor' Vasoeop4t0ao lied will la Tk I ooimlttM of AlraBMOMBt palo. to look. 050.

OB. of 000. sect toioyabl ocrailoii of tea Kia Tkkcti Mi ou. LiAse r. Tk Hood will at MarkMlrrrt karf alttacJdckA tip FOURTH OF JULY PICNIC.

MESHES ANDREW AMD UER. trot wUI ba a TKBW oa In roaita July a liii bssafltlsl isP I irrBw I rtir jot a fcwinlnnUiWaJk l.ntral racilio stan. ftal ortetn. Tfclf roTt an of tba bt rtm renal la Ib ltito isO I bouoII to draw as amass. crowd for ta day Batioa d.


1875 27 CHOICE LOTS. 27 JITIATIB 01 Llarclm. Twrink Isaspiecli. Psib. AIM VINE nF.

I ItKXCES. TITLE A1MOI CTKIT PERFECT. Par Maps and further rarrlrolan apply lo r. II XFTI 65 CO- heal 711. ro WEST OtKLAD or AM Amritmmr T.

J3MI I MKUICAL- DR7 SPfNNEY CO. Na. II ktar no. rpBKAT ALL 320310 ASD SPECIAL Who mat uIklo0 from Ik ff of yoath- fal IK or will do veil to of thw lb TU na eve. laid tb lrt of haj-aaltr PR.

PIINOkT II ruatma- tokarfotI flv. dollar lot mrj Se. oh wakn-M or Ole de of any kind or chiseler ch sa450tekee sal fall PUDDLE MEN. Then. saint at ii.

ae thirty In idxty who ar trowl led with too froitiMBI vseuiti 4 II. bladder. 0515 ac mpaai dhyariiIBiarl IB or barauu Uiua sod a akeBiB at yteat la Buar th paUal cannot aceuBBl par. UaxamlBlnf th Brtnary illanpy fdiment will a fuoji I. aid ioH penal particle.

a ill appear or th color will to of a Is mlk ba again eltenf la to dark anJ torpid apporence. Thor. era Buwy 000 who dl of IBM dUOeslty coast tb moo. which th OOB tan of rstmaI WMka-M. 1 a.

will sazaate. a rhcl care la ill cit Sacs aid a bealthy rsetttrstlua of th ffalU Br1ary cu. llflk- Hears to 4 054 8 I S. taadtn teas JO to II A. oanltalOos Thor' CMuck emamiaaXioa aad adrlc- all ajam.

UK. PIKkET A OO tf Nall Kersy Mnet. 11 no. TO THE DR. V.

I. DOHEBTT Ka TAB MARKET leasn MC tnat a MM of tk Mud. U-or. kUtaryi. dlcutrn and re-B rl- sari orgaso.

ye. aM ohyilsi 4bI2I0y Naleol weaxneM with all Its dlatatroM siam- aaac ill ekeisls and epwlal dkwao pMBlt tag worn lsfrdesc Igaseasce or holly. sad Iraial scptalaie of eroy character A. a ranch kaovloJi of tb-M di. aad tk-ir eosplosdqse rom cOmae.

pad other ross peculSe I thfc rt ePa karlly a segaired la as ordinary Uftu huTMykur practlet IB lusty yMn la Cal da ate rin 15 a- laalad adsoati tarbr m- Terau r.t- CwMBluxua to-a. umr.rrom N. 05 a a. t. la tk tr a koma.

tilt or wma for as papoblol ikoald bare TO THE Dr. GlbbOBt DUp iAaTT 00 KEAB3T8TBERCOUEB ef tsauttl raa Paaoeca. oa oems al 15.01834 lor tb treat-Mat as dtocasa. eftko rlty aid rta sad ail ata of IBM ka- iBJ tb. olyora IfBonaaaaf biOs ia rfcaw.

il.liy tnaa-L Ikauk pad ikoaLI aotlaJto ra3 ales his lbs carbilnTaM xtra my ia Euro sad tosetcst tboroatklT tb horpitala n. td of which o-BtpMfwt khwrilo la 11208 wm ask. a I. a ear Pata at a dav taaoiBayboCkBkD At liOMK. DA5CI5U iCiDEJUEtw MRS.

ADA CLARKS DANCING AOADRMY f. Howard aad Mew taatreaeiy Ma. Mall Lie 61 orlnl a. 1. t3-st MR.

A MRS. A. W. CAR LIS DAKCTKO ACADEMY roLftoM AND KIOB i lbs ad Sow. sit.

1 kicalap Kmouca Select ry Ibnmlty ad ratantar even Mean Vt MNi i rw A t. UCi-tklOBX. JB4IBU LAUREL I moot 701 cntu AXD eaBBwaca rt 11878. wuk a tall aideR. iBtearpf ufetrmcto" rot fall Inferaistlea ire.

la lotion JINS. AilKT 011- US KB 10. aaMaia. J.Ia-ipr XATA COIUOUIX USUTVTJt CAU tIIThCLA ZOASDINO SCHOOL ALL A tnawinaaJalyJl.l87 TaUTZL. oajaAT DET 1.

AWixtfl far a aotfce TXACn AID IUAT1 WILLUUTI 55 700 vaj rlaMBa la Geyentaad zamBeap tsasallg IraUMBdar eMiptedJ SW Wo ajdTWfl- IBB aad ki laadln AnlM 800 ManrtlK JPeetlaBd- Uf' IWtti. UaoOTto rVl JtEan tKrX-t lad Oa ha. to as Gals with Teal. at. uallea it 930 ra Und rtrryiU cte8tt5 KU 1150 3MSSA SrV to as ill a etaito- Arrlrat is.

SSs naT 8 oaMatart la thia a4 Mp ktoK. aiaTalllawkaU Itaa arLaraX Asoiaa Sinaks. hi UniatkiB. bails Ass Waa ao. lio sad Yaaa uHa ita Nags sad tsiraj Irter Sassy.

55505 Can cans Oakland. La AaMl aid Yaaia. aa ct at 5115 ita Trate ai nriai at raa JOM al UrKn Via Fna. IK 1 0 Matai aOi at mrmnBi ma i in ir Cola. Ua Ma at a Ta- n.

Than' days lad Seteraps sy far Track hv- Cot' ja aal Vlriiaia lwala Un wtvaaa YII sad Cones Art M. Aa KtaaaMr barf for 0850. etklyet ass takta latrd aat Or rlad coasect 1tk Iris. leavIng tacta- Oa. dallr UAP Clutt HinhMdua 1 A maidarlii Trala.

na raw aid Molaw. amrlM at Lea Lucks ml dayal ILftA av lanlngearnacleeo 7 JO A. M. AirD LOCAL TgAlai. tS a Pally i i rniiu fsi s5 irrr 8un4an xotp- d.

fc eo lr VhBJIiX UK Bxept TM. 050. So-IS JO 000 IJtPH. to arry ti condos-at. n.

Tow IK. jl Lea. ttouAHAN. tIc a in let NORTH PACm COAST RIU 1085 OX AND rtt WlCDXtSDAT MAT Ion. lH7HJruaa ilMraa roll.

rrnrn jl JCNTIX rrf of aTaTfcHTil KiX 7 1 lr 0 an. TraUa U. hiatna MKEK Si IK J10O Silo dailr ricM isIsy toe all polar. Wimalaa MlMaB4taaBata 4. Traiil ara yea ks5 fnr as.

mael ra Tta taM ry- day 7oOjas. taada i a-a g. JMr tl ilr MotptRa oat W. SutkMu. kataralM rim is a Kr ncUr am no 1AK f.

a SaaT5SSUB KS5raarkrf It raat. atir Mad Tarawa laarurP a aBMUliaiidWa Olalloas. ar loire. laaras Silts narj moral. oteeie lea' a I.

Fort BafaTl lwr Cora tall PoloISt. artiPmat. haalaa. tl Roe taint traa OFMIAT a un A Ttaftain-lttotnTT MrlM at. OUU or as MIII.

aal Mta Statleso. at aa Pmoboo at It It a. IAI FRAICISCa JLJOBTN PACIFIC St TlBe Srktaalc Bitiaur Arraigemesi. aaeii liic Jase I ma. Boat and Iraiat Will IraTA Pin tratortaco Vkwatntt BMnKt Wkarf a Mlluw 7111 AN Dallr oalHUT xe Ma4l ATE UU itFKLH TUItlMk for Ptalam.

coats Beta. lioslaouee onr. dale aid PtsOtCo Stage tloe aiad at Math ko a lor Mark to rt pr1ar urr rml for Mace' vvrtnoo St lovwdl for Lk b. Lakfpon Vradoctau llr HUblaJ ni ilsriot Cannes Sola Bar. ana TB aavthm sic at Yattts.

for Ki tTa GarofUK a ItaMlaa Ibar 54 lb. Uti- ArrlT at faijTraodagoTJU ft N. DAILY 3aB laM TirratnT VU LXfKRm via looaka soy do ttd Malooa. oaMtk a at Lak l. lor OB IBM.

MonaJ Tn TlokMa. xxl Ma day till SeIning adar leacaba. 1 do Maiajaa. 3 aau loss 3 HcaU iBr 51 LIoten- i tft. Arrr a fia Traadjao 13 J3 a.

fciaai kiraniai at tttducd Rain. i A. siJEAiHovrifUbox UUU ok I1 rnaa I a tar lT for sod lris IVmhMtli Pefoieaia SI 00 faaUU ari Il UsldsbIflg 3 1 Uesi daa4. 4 mad at FaHoa or 1 anaa TorrrtrUl bd a. UammUteC Iaoaa JUnr aa MM trwv.

ar lor mad trial Tsits aid Ins. Arrir at MB rrtaciw CJMr Frcickt lT 4 frvaa aw am. till 3 AITSTB llroata. aa jrr A. A feu E.

POtOUlKTI. a. Faav i TMrt Aft. S. P.

C. A 4 11 40 A 1) BKW UOVTR TW TUALAMEDS 242 MtS AX lANAi A 012. ARRANGEMENT Td v. Alia ill. Haata Uara.

I Sea Jo Lo cit. at. a. aad allWay a. nvaeetiar al LM Gil.

soak Coto1 siam. i tote 011 Patehea. XoaaUial rWrV Mo U. ally. I ores Mill.

MO ass Vaex. AS. tonasmttai at Los aoaiftemte aratonaad to IMlBar at Lea Calox AJTOa raiaidat-n osfo a aadNnt sib jfeia Forrtea a aeal TTTIIBM Mill IBBI ajfctl WBJ L-i 5 l. GAIIc 1 5 I nQ rK Sunder.

HUM. CAB. Ito taptria-iadeBt. GKO. EL AOCOS PB CBkP--Ai.

PLEASURE SOKn- I10T LS. ZOOM yU-UfHTflt MOTIfS TO TOCHIBT AMD IMULIDa. raTof itt. 5 Hai VaiMaiBt sd al ktaiTof ew kaTraTba5 rCM ThPt rMr MiaT ZSiSs1' SS siBjSotiSr pesebed ky tke lack au la th U. fk iroaadianreeualiciad Waatinl I.

Ih a. vio Omk siasder UntoaMk. la. wttlo. at pens tbna fc 1552 wan cow fceia 65505.

Pap. MB wSOaiog atnMaatouUoM naanoan lbs's SOASSJA i toj- Ka- L. LABXIET. FnprMor. mm writ oen WMWPIHT Tea Cot1PestA.

Oawor Brock laatiaa- RtplB Tiad Tall hiqT 55 aCSAWPLBH A PlsToU i Lsedtoi tBrrxrEixlaaJa4ABtrka. AJtMlVltlO of all lial. l. ta at. etoitY MMWw 114 waaaM Mriat.

I OREGON rBl CO. I eel Mall 14t TA tad s4ASI4IIA. ojti-i w. ttat ra txrr TM's. a a JU DiBertBr al rsiHanI Cases.

wrth HBBIBJ is kalleasi. sad II. aseoartis M- Ln a ir all pals's la vn a. ukia uci 554 Slab. rrMoeM CotesIn a sad lsis Taeoavrk TlefcHa TSoo4 vales a.

Purtliaad all best. la aaklaetna rr- any a. at tk 5000 of tk OOBpaay a Oat- OUUXDOIP. Ijesi. PAOUC CUlT CWIFAIT CaV fcVttt KXgfJii Jaltl4 alfA I oi 8 iaV.

Jaly 34. al 9 kt i oE.VATOB ly 2 mt 9 a- POT BmiBMBta of Innahl koala th laay OWM 2. 1 rerCaad. t. taaet a as PorUaad.

aain sad KaJraad sad llaat fnr all pethu If tmeoa. ldako TarntaTHa Brttiak Vaiamk-t aaA lrw xrf. Mid VdM ra Oneoa. WmbIsoS VnrtMry Sntmm Ca koa" IS 9 kareas Arc Rack a UanbVdtBtTlaadOpwil thy krpaa. a ntn4 laaUxpr t- r.

sen. 0:3. Sr. C- Ito. Eiac sad Pig is tkrkasIaw ri.

la Maa oe loeamatv. Moat o. 4 a4 wk Zzescck StSen5Jp ASUJS knadwiy barf err eatarday I Pt BU tor tko nr aid PaoSf Grow. tr a Artles 1 Mae. VwaatTf T.

a sits. at 7 aMock Komuny a at sea 1551 al VJM a. J. Mararaf. bmn MaaMny BBdayd sa4 i nacBo ad of wiSe slit aOMBraay Ik lsaatnlea Twkrl laciudIsI seaS Md fc 811 M.

ratara sap oh. CViaiane i To aau rm no Mara. MMeatan aadr Jaly txramaa trip. 05551 a MSdall LaadamrtM back Ik ith at 7 IkMt Ho. habeas's has lbrao Chnn Harford.

Gsv5a Mass Ikvtara. 5. BatwatBta ad a lee- a-4 sad Saaet ran sad Uaavry Sr 15505 Isotara. Seats. ai oAn tei aa 0455.

Asakee. asS titn TKO UMrOrliaha call al Pwt sad Lbs aa.r eaUa a tUarforti aai Paa wa piic a. lir ialte ad ai i at fmaat ort IiartCirdli tk pUo aa jtaf raw Lohlsi 151 bpnat- Oaililepa Tbf aktiaatr oJdUan the lisle pUn eatlMeaa. uv i sad ratlrail sake Ma tb tkra-Mn lor ail lbs priactpat IMM Iw th taMrfar Ma IS racan a VCBMB. allutk Tltit oa ld Bta- BB ry PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHiP CS THE VOMATS rrEAXEU WILL Lilt.

1 Know al II CiTT Ok1 al" JClT lOrai for EOkuilAMA aad U. a MM jnT ora rer PANAMTkBd EW tOftK nmt at SlAZATUS. UANEAklLLd. LA 504 ACAPULCO. eoaatlss so tItjtJdl whet CITT OF XIW TOEEjriT ra lAelorAa oaeraaamnJi4 tUEatllpk Satiate UOVT-CLl' A wl 00.

Blta nlaaali CUNARD V1TR' 251 TIEW OF DlMllIfslIlioi tk of ioH- oB Ih Mr t-HllMU- ip iade Mitlr ailpwMMoi ar. UM IM atward paran Los Qw aMwa I law 1 ort Mmls rMla awndl ef 5O kl 4 111004. a Bonk 43. SOBTB 1 Ll lK CX AtrtaH4. Jaa raoa mw na Wd Jaly LaMta- a.

Jaly 8 Ba W-dV 7 rtbia. lJ 10 eyihla Wed. Ue 14 UI PA AAGE. BrilMn nariylai Mrac Ml see Is Iea.tdallOas IO tWK RT rtMuiwn Bol roryiaa itarra 50. 100 aM tlxu.

cold so la MBH na Tskais IO foH. 15015 locket ea tt on Urm. Meeru it ywy low ral-f ltoilita tkkl Iroai UTCTVOVI sad towa and ill 01551 ui a puti tvor at lowail raUa. 1 brea bit ti ladlai tat Bulfert. Olar OIve AMvrrp KB 46.

po t. lbs at 054 St M-dlten ao-aa porn. for frM r. pljiu tklva paay fflc 4 I wwllB- vnwa. LLs ajrB lStKtTj ArtaL Near to teneneny.

tee-a AatiraD Vrw yea. a Ml ijua ad J. a Tklwi ardUaaf or sore the. axwl a tti- to iknic. iW.

term tra-r ctB teen. ta O- a fecyvllt Jilai pnclBdiaj lrk rr aaaa Ui cam alwsv. wr us pplmiloai Mix. I. tl-t tU XIO CO.

Aawaila. It. tit rmt B4rw fEtf" I2DEPLlDEflr UK IX FOB ABTOBIA ABO tBD. kBAt 50 a K. u-t a AT OKPCULIe- 888 Tisa RATES or PAsOGg AID PBEIUIIT Btvrma t-na- mm skis f- 7 1 00 Bridal tta-m.

i Caw aeccauuvlatio tb-r akia a ike fmct a lletara Slakete will be HTB it Ik us rat- bueaahllBf perloei la make eieanioa to th loiBmJia kwi and TI it Wfi a sad ntara I Ps Tnne- wttia wa taw. waD all th. osiot la 575215. 500 and at In. xprac jr Trf77 Wrt rwH ad knl toiaaiua.

Pot trosbt or paia-i. aaolt to OCCIDENTAL avid OttirNTAL. Ileasshp CHINA SirdT pAW Lea W-artMraj-erintaaxi Bna TOLOHiMo- UlX Coaa tu-tM Ek SAUCELITO njRRT UrketMnetl IB llttl fj C3. 11 BIT 1 4 4 trl Las I. Mir at 7 a.

MtWXtolaaax Jm ftri-b 8 aT 2 Xkl lu r-aTt. toa-Motla- wtthK. fc B. BAUC LXTO PERRY. ropmrnTr TUB.

STLL1a EA Will Is Pra5ai. 4 a I- A Ext. I a AT OVLCCE P. 1. ILl YlAxcip ATZ1T eat.

AKCHOR auaaaPnaebv STATE tii ZZn itHrtaToZ Zms fz Zz friSh 4Ju tti KmTK LEGAL IIOTICES. sssasjssijtt Sifevs str itii EsB wa Miens. do. attn AtwraAT kr decalar dm i Jo- tXE GOTHAX I1ToIY BlatT Ba TSS 07 1177 N. vJb Omrtaa tha pail tweiT aoa boon as dnaa km I rival PTCBrlUrt dealt to It lb lisok arcnntl Milan.

Ii aaay runanil MaReS tnbtad. sad sa. tlcs. Thor sass. a proBMB that this steal 1 rid p111.

fag taTeataoBf1 vasO Is Krtaaa. ard tk import. a 1 tar all gent Pwn lombtWIy Inc that acre iiflala tapnreaeat la tko i a of ooAtry tko en npneodmtediy tars. IT krtilaiia lairi a mat aster its's abroad ka keel pndato aliai aad hare kav a hi lo ia ra- by tk tr3aspetsdsa 50 iraii board. Tkraualoiataer tkeprtesi yoxriA trad brUkur.

6 itr as lbs i k-aorad. however. so aaa1 ini It appoan tsil lscreve la see oaraartl t-arer kw mack ol too pn- das I lvotssal aides. a wealth. pp lbs iseisisse fold Sisser' Ill BABM nut ad reaenl poSh.

alt i tscenaad la tie aoteaeoof 0 Wall Mn bi i Prior thai aback to I of Spiral. wore ba a bean. Ik a porter of price scot VaaOor Wk. Hr- Raise i tna sos spessJss I. 00 ia yen 55 555151 del Sdaf lie paa aad aa af wan HTM tno iwia tko flees sessed I is i to Will etnot dkrpoMd to an Will itroot lasted great ll soIls-i Mt tmk in sapotal.

la Uo Wiautol IH kl apooanavo ftI knar ax ma BAOOOOOO 51 najy sissy. lal Mi is sea a sIst a I Int hi. parsliaas were OB 9 til 5555 baa ad Uaa U1 lone sub JIT aoa 4 ra Op. axant Coess sat Lata kUldiadaa4 hUiBAU ii tOOB ci i'- a iaaj bogy was IB th vlrd the ill. VikdaroOt wataaaf Miati ox Til Ur la be ik i Tklan isabeco I isasdaq railroad i ru kaaiiy aiae S.

Saps aw Mr Uwrui of rate ill aropanasee wwl tad his Tact t-rtaal May ooltssps ky tie rtacaJ tk Iwaty-ikte irMpj ar is heist of tok irwMBraUB Theireoa Mwerir. 54 lees Mini Ttr Inc's hIIg lug UakeiTylo-t la JaaoJa rta buy Sock. and ltded rally was ihoat to I d. a raral mOrass. p.

ttlo wu pessoosg la oak laJaly Unali as tiseae proati tie. town oolUoss Jutei rtadMlbayer Sal as it i Ma ki a 11 as pall it bid a I list voald pact pnpot-M BUI that oa th iwhl JJ a load 5 cock. sousaisi.1 at I tred in4 ty taosasad 4 aowxaad akan eoaiht i MB was ta at lotJ used a oaesbstoa I. 4 Mr. aU wag keaTtly 555 I tad oonssnlsO is bay aai Mk TM bit all A ealI BOB Itr took aaa u.

Bt8r fpjonin4 Nppoiod lbs. la lb. MB poiitioa. Sisal ttuli pa that corpora Mrid Ual Tcrrtkna Laos. .14 uka ar I Woetora Laioa wu lo- bl to sad lbs.

koatkl fr Jolat Sal4i ucea WM Bcid By secret azTaagosest ml i bsadsrboll as. trss 25421 aaarly aa of I Luoa us sarket I lU this ttntrerata. II ire. la a pouti to kq teeoiit xpt ii Pt Pael I latanlly and. a halt so taumiUd at am.

a Shares. lbs riee a 550 wit LSsOOIO a Kruwtr- llrt bites A Ojiacy. was A 3W i UajM a81ki Lets TVl ll Mi Lit IA MUnako mji. if fernJ. i Nw Toik Coil leney I t0t laxa.

IV ta totkl rtoeka Mr. tl i bad Isa tal win liTtnd or i 2 teioct A PMB a ii 1 MIBlltW Til I Hagis. ssS Mr. 155 hi a asl0eu hap is 1 S1toul. taw look ul nv a of Dsiinc ekes iterrvgaied or tb sadie bo OBpUtaly aye taat arwaad fa tad Sal wk had pat so th-J ther whet was rmir 1 looked better.

Mr. BeB badly so S. smbt5oil Ltk PaUli 4 with Water Cakl that kit. GoIet wuaaail lost aad. I.

mote rtnko pews. saud Klurday. lrSedkli Ooald had pLasI hia-f niea situ la dji afl looked s4 tknaik diaconrai had poach MB We. lbs Major wu Brady Uieaii Mr. tioaU1 adril dUaoretod ntutJoo ti keen their a knew hUiorranltcd poan lowuu Boraiaf ho 55 ll baa plies sad pitekof hi nB Ttrcl By potrie.

srWatses day to 7 Uenhyi psIakst spas kas adru IS. ooatnt bite. 1 Inc. was rotar OB. lb.

Tw prsta tad UehiOp ball lid sacs caking I lbs leader at Tw lh Ii. ippraaeb of wira feanlon and while there with Wiliuui LTaadaT. 5501 thins. I lisle ess I hone It ClBiauli ward ra woti a took tor which bay piaaunl. aid ho taps taa aqi iattac Iv an but I protect Sal itoekx i haarry aaailmi lb.

jUehaara. Tha rsitssa1 I heath ssrsasu of ATart paai aid wkil 55. auniy rorwaod I St Ills utata sensor. rdtheta. Lala4 ina Cs20l lioa to al rat.

ka wuk arau Mraxi of Ih own ii tie sItheegI well dinetod as. I oeated. .4 xrt a poa Wie-es. te Lob. 4 atnl.

Kw ik toatl oa woat ap harply. it lbs ko Atlaanoaad was kM al we i af Aarart 1415. 0. i tk Mk wen Op to ward 83. Aa adlhtio rrea Ik ball BOTO IJaUoa at telegraph tab oauUe kairuel Wax vatseoc vs.

bewaa forButMB 51 a pool oa a reaieof versed OS. Mw roaalau atia la lbs roaonJ. I Uttlo at id tBT-l aat Soil. Mi. Yuderbilt CotrtL Lako faon Aid Mow Tem Uoekx.

axpestoas BT hia athlcB pra Tal laadaa bsagbl tlUaoa 1 S. to 84 la 15. asa i 4154. wlU among I 101 txJaad sat Naru Cans. tad Aiaz.asdei- yonaaiakaiy nMoaaU Molwasks.

sad St. MnA ktaetty wills astSaMaen Slats Bl I tMlIko MUwaakeo i Leap yaane. Is wkak tkay I aaootUoatanMoa tus. Ttjfvtt Maoaaaattat 1112111 rtoOiaI tattil as alMam lffw ii I Tw i CflUONICLE mUBSDAY JULY 4 1878. 1 i.

I I VIspU stb tUTUs 1 tLRxm TWfl TIL I V. wi Cu I UI 3 u. 4dtatZ Im Wv. I ftL wM fl Th. i lb.

Iawn LWc TLLL2 60 I 11 2 UN I 1 ga t. JvsUgaUs 14S4 aTaa xbt 4 sv Tt the 4 IM Frs3at St bbs pow ii I IO2IIWIUrfLI24ItI2bIJPU mas a I en I Dam enpI fr. me ipcsi th. W2Sen relaUni kM Irlt I. th.

aM nI I. Mi. biers bit I. dizaMb4 pbU a. II.

ps ksat U. UT etqrn t. Th. mM Lb Isersu sal iii is Mspp 24 Ori sd lb. bays.

ztded the iet I lb. I. I ik. sbus 1 bs dsbt cbol vde au be I usisrie. Tb.

vunsi Sr. ow. jl4 I 1 k. vi. od is ioiAerlcu IasttbailIctiybliedkiii rcibrsWd bvtw c2 errelaUcci ss p4.

sSaMnt pent siIedth Tb. dsieIni 1 lbs ibi tsp. tb Ia salselty dci eb sei dt1e. lid. tbdv 1.

triad sd en. lbs be. IIUsWttIs aIlciebpieee. rlserd rlgbUyrsisrnd tkl ep- imnl Totes. dad lbs enops wi.

be. yt scud 57 ienpt2e shsibsqstlsj 1i Menbirsa rse e. ptspsc4 is. uiwu ti lb. albird ike un iberd apci4 4 4 lbs is lbs wsrs I bT tb.

OIkIP jPV sd alibis lb. ii- scat lbs Rpbllen It tlr7 pines usld lb. lbetr Mutes sS Is tenlsll.sare4ed Iti siss fle sIn s. tavstlgls loisi ii. ibs ih.

Ther Jb5 Jdics1 l. op A bay. Sash w. isilbernors cc pot- be tisl dsscnss dves 2L tsyosUia4 is ii. pSi a sswke I.

vs. Saul tuner Plies etsedbia power. I. cited-big- vi. oft.

lb. has it' his vetnrythu liftad to lb. Will. rosplio Lb. cid 0ss Lbs Ithpsbtlesu.

ii bce sppoustM to Isprorcil pevssoii ebustr sri akow. ors Prldsi II. sd ci lb. kit. ow.

thir w. sot stuns 1 1. her twi ircit wets dqIy lb. skis. s.o.s.- sir.

Lb. of tbet a beriusbi pesO. At lb. Ii's Urns upoatsea sad 1 Lb. Lbs Lbs tae this.

It. is- ead ii lbs lbs vll 1 1870 Ike si lbs friudi lb. LId. ofrerorj sod be like nsatesaidnrac. lbs ipeteetof a Cbkt Miitrt plsesd pbs balpof slew I bstesrkppss faclesnei be ps tab.

lbs mst7 qentios Lbs two lbs the feet. I sat as tksY id bees if us I. is svsdug fat it usponsatjsatloz ert. tI. is a 4 ttt5.

yea 0 lb. Isdorsl tallg I. ISdICiSI trtbsnsl staLl lb. at Ike Pssidsst lb. 1 i be 4 Tkieo bees sgnil1 tI.

skies sarnes an elund is lb. skes bballtht 25 0. lal potty ioilag vpirs lbs. cbs. ii I.

Iborifors eenbel thai V.s- iT. slosh bars as ass. it sesrtiis lag bit Ike. ski lbs nss4et ustksebseeit ike peples soithe psla. 1 oopbitors iecidoitilhj Is Joral pwor ThzcLI7cuLt UBDZ ith Wbs 5Mrsob ay 1 5.

udgt 2ri A. sobad a talL astor J' Lb. Mtal is l. is skid baa is1 etsgtb cbs 41. gst.

Ike lb biab us. Tb. vets 27000. lb. erbjii D's.

Lb. psitseisi PDOOssd lb. ssAder sib 1. tbi it ptdariuse ek.sgstalb.Co.- sUisttaa. 15 oiy tiib lb.

orcywiIi ik. b. lbs ess aerTaur. lb. It.

lb. lb. 2:0 ssitaks sbost Lb. ii tent 547 4 tbs nr I it. ati hwslTi sad It grsso bersmor I.

tithsadssesescb 5 Sun so iw aesI 54 1. en. 151 so's. pores. pun then I.

be. teSSStaI5ehISLs5Ie4 t5 I I lbs tub. tie say pnsa dep- lbs 5O55S 4 1 site g1 ill 151 peesses. sad ie iasgk ii dip lbs ike tienwu. I th I.

1 sield Mely 505 tkiMsZ Ic lb. ievuis Tta. be bar. lbs Ike a Is toi ba- lea isthsstkstIk53i tvwksbeie perasaist at u. liPiitse.

sat. sab sen. Slink tbsri laih 2 bt. sot seer bl. Is.

Ics4ad is sitail is Eaet I I5Id 1 estoti7 5leig ogh soorsg a I. Ms kss Itthr sd rsep. barns. wi 1 sMworkttgsuifLm dutss4 Is IS 50 kiusri irsp. istiag tMa iblskitbey sIssid ask.

tk1v05 sal 15117 aeswut4 wick lb. 5 55e ienesatsockalaisbooibs a. sad ssse sf05 t2lisgs. fl. sg w.

Aeo4 Pres s2i lb. Iuis4. Mimi' bid ii idil bi oiudot4 Msd h5505s 51 7 tN FOR A LRv IBZ srtII I1. I. fRsla end atsar great prrnioit nap it ptaslo upa lbs LJe Sea Muksa bIagsrd4 II en- sir tLsis bs lust.

oppor- is 7P. tLelrhboeskcthor u. things lbs M4l Lesi pbw eerie's is lbs 1Icth Varnp at lbs vies eloise ifibi Pox Rather Ikit ekoss Ike boise US 1 15. if. testy-die 111.

tesi lbs fiits gpo45g15yf lb. Tb. ielock. i uder dos you detpssd 2 iS. des.

bnr aired lii somsseln force. tudor tr sea lb. sod 05 dckecaised Lb. ialaoekai 5 Twa Ins ow C0UTYICSIIOYL ply lies a if 1171 lb. Si dii iS.

adsta lbs pds. pits. hg Ito's Altol. sight 5' it Sis ausiUsa. tis es irtk Stats.

to sensot aid 55 kigontrazd atkIrdpubd 5 il baboaid los I. itseog 5 ups ba to 5 sos a. algbteseepAobVili milker ooarnadang ilos Lb. rid an dirscttoa diewios 8w Thomas vs. Oe.enl the Twen3eotstk.PoryAesl the.

bUsns lbs te- stout hiateausokiitleth ow lbs lhlrt4rtsad Yertislsth lb. usurp oats's 5. lIeu the XarutJtorali Lbs bat- e17 St is7I ohghth 15 LbS 11111 the sack hi. si tie the ii rolled I 4eruaos dgxkaodtb still. tier.

was ciuidirsbie doabi whthsr lbs evw wesid sot pftt p11 be winded. aid Lbs a. Sat. Ben al4ssted tossosklngtornotktege bstshorig beltre lOoelock ruluistbs AsbVaIs tattoathesua I. lbs ike 4 lbs liase.

lukth. rosa lb. ssa hedqsrr Omral Colotat lenrali PiCLISIWASY go Lb. u-liLt. Ike tb.

lbs iatPCItIWhiII Lb. bavgup batteries lbs Oh. to. rifles. lb.

osrigo ssses liascwsir lb. hello. 1 tbsmars. selves among lbs the Its. lb.

See boomofa Seid-gianorthe liedr cover oftbournoke. shle 5. sts.l- lb. loll. lb.

pool- 0. lb. 0 lb. Lbs a shin. be aO of tb.

5. uecseded WsU and osowitbowsver hI. cars bldrovshis ridgslartdg en. Brad lb. the casts.

the isklaths bid lb. lorci this. Si. 55. lia lb.

put as SQYIUYYI esevated si os I th. so is buS ttwdcsiS tsrs41is was of Cr. ragstot Istbsrdrneoas ssssadare tat sad kat1si. os as the sos4fkehsvy nigh lb. I.

diplay SYthO it iaesukesstchisdtkasrtlatUS artilierwand savaizygsbiidthtbe ceni 4th. 51515 tkiwiik ve sTaid rosik los. 4h1scpsIs lbs ssesise tats tbs 5 aSic reys Watdocbil4 i SliCk. La 12 1c. S's rLuent 0 lb.

be badlcft bebIsdhIa wbso. dress. nI Ohs aid the Lbs to Ike LIske. bnzbaa lb. Ohs dlnr- Nrs.

std 11. 51. 1 they Darbas a seq. WI. stepssdMra.Wsod- i7 rYsca SbyTaaed a Mi tkyeatsed 1 shesat Sir.

6hi oreaasd rtd th tie counts. hS Is suhcoet. ok. uS. eeveaaed sac.

54 115 Ti. 6beriE kposke4 wI bAa azad led St's Is Wue west Ike cOs. 51 yt5beriw5 Ikiaceosat 15 sesli. Is ist7 5t STill 54155tYL 117 A Jesrussf. leer spceizt sin P50 bernosrstlo Cos.

rocu coasttt his aotytdeeldsd Iaieaiswifactlea is tbeppsroscbtor a CoiiilUs. list want if lEads will ocipps thwork ofIke Sevsl baorrstdssseshrsf45Seee. 5. the 17. lie- lk8satb a iks if lbs lbs aM il aeatws SI 0 5 Iesati senas sls palg1 so ii jt Keats ttoc' A Lust.

TiS1 av5at Tisssretay. readl os ik mdkct batagaidsrl Ibis senses slight ebangs. sod IS. tensed 1snS 514 it as sdvaooo Oil tbq dsyprvIouaM Ira1tbilss sea 1 lb. I wasis qits goat ds.

sad O' 153p. mu 55 1 5 lbs bat. e4i. ii then lbs sales wire id slssreafOphigat4460 at 1ODsres UcIwi at XIkwi114t5 t4 5tpls1Q I. ad I aIry.

Ci heatork. 15 JetSal ietii 3dtb 4b Cal lOt. 3D 51 01q psc50 ill I1 Plait 4 0 6 0' Yb. 3it Is ieh4r. sonio 541st 2 Si dearssa Ills Di4 N.

Tb lJaatics. 56 585 sw Pt. M. IAtrs. 71.

5 ILal dats5. hs 7 lb. post a- ths pro rtty 0 leo wistS. reosttol tbba.t.sadlttsnovus- ror. Itialog sad oscTI the V.

J. a Bcr4 TSd7 sacs. 06 s61ts. oa t. a at 10 3OaaS.

20 14 15) 5 1 1 40 10. 17dbsfta4is4O lWJueiei 8154570 1ciot 8U3ai 0th layazhiOe 84th-tIleli 200 St llci40c 40 iilti 1110 Mcza14ssl4s. otietierpo 40 ii 1iiess1Is. Do Ce. Itil itariOi15Jt 2J a 5l5 ISIso220ttc di a Its.

80enwllllis ho Crc. rthto bOO 1100 104 100 Trcr 4. oc lpfl1ie 60tnus6hstoh atOCrets21e lots rat- i1e 1151 JS1IaOO 40 Jsckt8 10 tttlas1 i0Q1Otb 68 AkIIsdT6Iet 40 so ss 75F 57ise 5PM Msde Qa. 45 Jtia.50h 0 1letvbr 4 rO tab. L14s4ii4s.

p0 Jaatw3 70 1014 dodZe bused iN kssstld41141s 115Ce. 40 et4is bSMo2 3 60 Opbir501odtti 4015alAsh itt 5 iotoe 30 a z.o..i.S 40 aear 11' i0tbeallsr9 set hSJls DO. iVtil12 60 dl I0M tioc 1s 8As. 2lOtpaatdlg1 hOs2 S0 45 1Ce. 1t Troi3Itlc ishIiso C2Sst2Oc 40 Lnhmhs hsa8sOO DO 10 YdsehL7 55 as SMrasisbe tesit Isu-rest his just bess deided In the Probite a contest en the of Lbs the and dauber.

sUeooas Tb. aeworkb1ie41a4 started Cry the hlalnaia bear bet him cusps. tall depsrvior en. 15. sad the diseased of A.

bluoo vbo forcsli- IornIsIlk0. IL. plttiaoir thai dezead tG dcoisd sass. Ijoeto. tutu ID.

Ithma. the p15w. lb. the WitaeeI videntthst ilizool. Me.

be lb. persona. be 1541 and thee. ii boaiaase asd lbs lb. latsrvaloftimsth.

in to- heat. aai Job. Toets agsi. lbs the a. sordid b.

beilantiti lb. the 2 cc shewed thai b. i 1 ties. us h. tie clairnani married A.

ilaon isO Dii be r. Ii favor the it. the ID. tltien el to post boos tysWlItiwnoo wuburudtodntb lbs Miles Ce tbe The Ike rSsalI BoyerecapeL 21st isaac Wa. Coal.

The iodier as sieequcntty twenty Ire lb. 5. Joe 151 the bar 500leu 25055. Tb. 4 ITseasrlAasI DTnrieT1t24s12 5 Set beath.

f. 1. LvjtotoA. Via 4. fleenl.

ItS 2SiSd e. or lie. wet. place. 115 tat 14 1 Ai 501r- Mcrislt4 5 Xf mrs.

rsoa sad Tad. irets sad 5 3iz2asa. 51 crsse ItemS XSl. ezrsos LibMisdevia. licCostttiSfrlOiiOO 1155 tt5.

rsesplOb w. uiis is 2. Set 10100 2 5al. 0150 t- black 20. lash 55 me stiuis.

es II. Ikatati au-at 106 fact Os 0 ales. isi to P. 1 5. 001 tas we yisz at 5.

lot. 7 lid 5 Teet lIosconad isa ett4 .1.0.1. o. gala 217130. A Palpabti PSonli masIfesUusIsokt seergyatas- ptlsgdovs who ittthselti gyategosrnbesi over before.

haldaws. sod dosbles et lb. l. lii. Osieti.

I. asatwor is. thele pcooesstoasl as if osreihcytarefcrred lbs 150 as I. the 1 iS. Jadg.

aam RtLLL Lwaitats flJaectt V0CMrkbTs. ruen TB1hlrenhaJse Wbseler city I I. Pree05 ucie. 50 151 ii 4' blcaoiieisiLIoswi sriVssetty OT Ira It Zen A bciskolIaoi Ii Mser dti5i1 Ornietta. 4.

srdetiist fi teas. OseOsaall boat. Vs trip JtpevenrIwNY lAbetcOseds5. MOhoreuco or A ZenbOSeet Tedisad a. it 1550 Ne.

Desist. Ii it bidag. Deni. Jbitbiwbakfgty eZMCoalber la ppebaLllihI sit Uassdiic. or.

lIen. La. as. it 0 bcNlUan Sleeved Ls1i wiesreesSle Jf10sw Zs1asvO1sTCulaiSsV5ie I AracS TsaSsW Wild les C. We V5eni.

JI Faseberd. di he I 0 or I 0 2r a sel iles tosa. 1551. Coda 5. Lttet6tis SCortstIea4ese.

ZwkaIeIk JTIZenS en ZV MwtyTJbrlde 0 hse5. Casierd. I I5iscWkseYi I faltenes. itsia PIsIasa I lIoN. Pasta a UWSt4ensVaitcp dLYiawi MWisainek OwmliaOiklaaI 5 wiua urkieM J575Lbsalde AW 5Zaet i 7aD alps le I QsrhaS MIst he Mba.

IlsybyIlts Pit. cIanteIeni 5 ktrseser Zap. IcISs5ISSIII. Mu. tieeravsli.

I ZI1f 5twrkto1Ierr Joochiw AlIbi is Obork. Sal lOaf fl 5 Asbis ihISsiaiS If flu4Wo4lfl. Pt. a 5i55 Ala eaeea Tyroso 4 rielisnir. 055015 0151111 eli LDOIIUsiCGISYII ielatiri 5IttirUa1545 I w.

iI lens. I i ayioalss hse 553 ucx MOreL WOaetalitatWal 115.55 MaJoes C1rgrtlleIaa ICioeaaswlk1oO 4cl. DeliS JUieaaseuclti PEirgtnoilk Jsts Macsi. Tb kyIleovaaaMck 2 g. iSiS 4 Xtesrtsaen5 CAGrterafkid1Mg 1' WalsD ttlr len 4 btdly last Cr.

sen wstesici Soillhclty is. s-p 0 ilevS lie. Iasi JistrTis 1I5n 0cs bllU. JCPtablaaan pi Ted Platens. Pas Jce T0ooastesa KrIiItticltp VAIIscat 1e1a14weI1twkTsrk LJILosz4Pbfladsi 5M5ciesisSWpscI kAlIesLenka OIXIDZITAL UOTZL.

I ctt PtSoalwAcoGCgoy OTleasaeoieri sri a ci 4 Daie A idea Its 0 Jathesnn. So Ma 4th. OAUaItAXaUocI I sewir A 5 3 4 bsMaojdHavisyUte icGrfh DelmszLonlWI. 45 I 51 Oloy. Anthem CII 4 p1 or s5e lb.

CQ IIUi5 DIlynT lOeL3 omnomas. 2s dtloitst. a 45.14 eaed 1005l 2 1OQ lclOb loc7. 1OI. 1 at solo 4 las 1750 1PSIOor.

Wol.4aist lIne. PaUc24534e4 Fall Cog sDOc iflarri. 14417c. 2. 415t2 4Ao Wsstar Bleachal.

I2O0O ap.e-ai. SOc WIale 9741 skcslCllOSi L4oesols. II4 4q L140OUO. Lzvatpcc. Jot ilani-Avor.

I 50 114115 IsolabI. I a 11th bazIug silaog Pu' VSlira or as. goeled 93 alivor 2 45saaal. UieoV7 92OO3IO. 4.4 beslonyeetrcdaysi 13lo4 92SSns ow uosstu Moa.

the ha. Rite fluakseIaan1c al 5. cattaleril at as IPteas PaIethori Ct very hors liar lb. lbs se qooatfoaa yeetsedy 011 are drova stiipef rmazf Pill t4S Dra50stD15 hEn. 3la4Ii cr01 SPD540b4 II1IL 4Oloi4hls4 lore-lit.

for Cttes p1464 Prevlo.toI.--- 77Wl to 515204036 dOsee the rIO. sf15 per test prannoin is p. 0 155 rate wello. Con aartsrIyetaInnot It I. it Dial Ti.

rauipts lto Ii. wee. as faillees I ater--ar 12I6MoO lan 431lWh0 Filvor 021.043.800 laldbscnsd dOlt- tstwe Mezcu. 015000 Total Goti bsfllua17434100 7434100 Soc. Cosmtwlce blt06 tIsilco.

0 cotn012800 60t2S 37390703 as S1' qeilt. toGas Wiley Vollwugareqaoldluns Don432O1R67SiO6zi tnalaOm. 104 B. l7. ity pc r05tA i-i- Vi4 1U6 lakisodt7t Bo45pecat.

10 312 LeI bet Its PaciAeBssk. 1111 120 Flint 154 III' 54. Ir0WSPSOGs lISts 300 Ipiteat Vill0c Waler Cu. it3. tslsatlosdlrCsa 351 5abs.

20 21 i1 0d M5aa 1 70 e1trSlL 21 23 iutillacw 63 08 lenroceCo lsasisTyolisemneCo UMsLo1tiettewiC. CtatllyeernttooarsscCo men 8oa5. ero 08 GranMaeOa Sew York vtsPsaiasa112 has Diego ports. a. let p.

sal seas 151 be di. lisatcr. lb. Most. lSekicp1c.

lb. Cadlaslor Gosjwis. Monica. with OtT bales 35000 yalsal 12enou bolt AaCbtrTIcIorI 8. the a we tbfaflowIgt AIth sttboeeao IS.

a the lb. as did as as oh tDapea lag I the p. lb. a WaoI-growrc-i s5v beyco. 5555 eye.

ti. IDsa esoal ales war. actS. owiat enef absi040pcsat Lbs pcale ooaeaeeats Sm. ceacidoitboy by tb.ol-en.v dsrt thsrIy k- Its.

lb. osie have I. Lbs serak lb. ION. tloetb triyl DwidISrICOl asmiepatod.

1505's aloes of lb. dio ta the prducocs sajetattrbtadIc lb. ti Shale. sciahot at Ike ID. Ii ben tSeeebspoZsetd WItS ass.

Tb. 15mw. baysis Davis all rrfoad his to- tSs em en a. 5S5 Up sd aosod lall cast bietoroha. bad bess alldpeSd esestottiss bayea kid Sell.

lIaslactsen have hesslt frertt sad beastly hevtagtaks. a orgsrpeo rtIcs if iS. cii. lbs. oaM titalrts base as sIte sics br has ii ebay was 550 thoragv jatm parobasl sc aotlorabi Twicw the 54 21.

es the aoaber toetsts Isiporo dislssbsd pots deslicd ezamebal. they see Meat this at the flees 1st sd slthattlistbers bees a vialS aid toad ataSes as ps-leo. esasdtis si the tO ha. ton. 0.

as sls white sbsrteoenslera tIe v5 sidIdasged lb. IDe Sipe a Inst deal at atbby WsM. ice4 Dy lack at 54 prescatatthe daptdag lb. Is wa. Ike 11.

en Seat s40sSa ss un As 55 sTarer. lb. Wails sesbIat CI. enat. vu thai iesiSo nesartabla a.

aSses xy IS Ike eeasis barnasdieada. Tb. fol1ewlsiatM1. ace 5115 5 UabaisdJesaOryls 2l42DOo reset- Wbaidsrslg the iaeteetbabss isin d3esry ecsn. Ma lbs baa oo 11 CIS ttessbeda 10src vililag I i for ISa elsa.

ear 5. sutew 54 as. 51 iraleasld Ia IWO too. 1 53S1 slUs IS. Shout tbep lie ny1e liSa 5ck.

Tho u-s. aictel eke bof Ia atla 5. Tb. lert 5 wash ass. Tie wesiberbo.

Las. sere Lye 5th sad jrampocts sow ate list lbs tarval will toes 5wib pezsf Xagbk to tas 51kM. asS moets Is daed a 10. ended ic. lesdlag esriatrade 5 poreairtcr.

Xw far Ia Ihv5wi. the kumcperlkaeal i PachhsltiSltbsaed5. I505itapeeSii jrtcae 5asw Ts. bsleadalts lie tm as sg cisc dasad. wak lb.

OS. Lid saks sea. otascad is XsOls. Llk 62 2Dper Cbgetsbler In slower sd sc are drigls lbs II Si frsalyiad vs I.e. oss as seeto bakl fttralteet aaiioeec toe.

Sri tlfl es. 11. ira diMsit edIPIIeS stat 4465 Ct Ockeral saab be. ens lbs lu baa sod eosdlttoeswiagto Lb. I.

let. a ISO. be 55 Is's. teenS a p15 bi4s ill be dooM. at the irs tIM 11 wIll rridsi flrke Sc aId Orals Ore silo do.

load esea cterwtsi apenkid. it 554 0PCrOUs. s4 105 t47ai bastkssrsia alpMas Li. 6 U4 74G sO4ea b7LS bItt. the WUIAT TriIOO qalet.

MtrIg CIGALI dit1L halis 2tLOetree4oWMIlllssdeUnred 661 5141151 Ocr51se. aoeitna1ty 1 05' Wi eeL tu dab hsstU2s. 000 di. al 157SoeIOIS sat. 0454 rrnsad 111gw 3 0842 lOi 3 11103 16 51 eti QATS-Q0IL QUUOSbISatCI 2301 505 cii.

t2ooOabloll 101 131551. leS8l 15 Ten. 42I543 5eb-Tho 15. the 51415 slonhiyer ISUCKY. irheea the 305 HAS 51sotaOcaI 17e44 St.

5 fIt t15Qa.Oic Cel to soot. 1114 i lcoties asuildiecoeatbelhate4. 7fats2 tI. 5115 cltoes 2 cOt fsat 114. sd 161 WIG 03 5 cal.

05151 15 bate. 14 5J154 36 far sal-s. setoe kisS. lottlie 15 Oj Celery. ratt.

Is t. 5 765 a at's 1teO2tt 5 it lIes chIt. Pet rc. fre7c br1d Pc 304115 Pc' lcd 20 15 1 Baj 1152. Pm 5 23k5e 15 a Zgg 5121 44440 V1t135'-labaa 4 ie fOatlO Umse.

lllotdlS is 3 Ma 110 soan hans-h Otes-catat. toni. 54s5 51 ad 7 54 I raay letos 76112 5' I Sour. 1. 5.

5650 1156 EanptsevI. salter it o. C1 5 Audii fat urge base. Strep rts 71cet 1 25 5 Ion JOa. Oas Is- 5 Peacico.

sbaotrt cdlA06l Plain Peszs75c 51 tUMho is. OsIt 111. Ito. 5t Satateap. 344 45 raps 1515 100 2 FIIIJIT-Aplltsi.

5 tort 7cetsc or oln 17101tca tell ttaa-kborrea. Ilk hide toataIitoeecaltoWso 5I5551535 158 f. tie. sal qa4re lo Alaoaats. claw Itesat WiloataIIIIJr.

CkIlllMtcz lSaldc. betort. ltaol 5 I 8140181 Sr 2sats- C.a.s- OlaC LIOlIS. 370 TtnothyOIiatt ta. ItIllCT 45ca 51 2 h1likKAitle a I 7sOe.

32eeIIe 0. tJasrt I' tc 15350 211084. Ptlret. 141511Iaea Stfattsta rrhaeeaillIhcs lloJIlgwa5saIias. oih lOeIaillSeaalle a tted a torts.

Psaaatlca raaaoai. 5 ci iad Lalefls tcOO 52 lytic ds31sItt54 Ms-a lorfIllS 11 8051 1 0000td olOlolallc loroera. 224 24. 5 O15oI1141735 oasr lsot b4sIidorna Its tosat kesotort. 61L30' old.

ooee7 lIrallen. tIll 53 POet4 54 4p 53 ISO 012 idtw Polie. 1243 tO 5 511 5 bluEs Alt hid' sIottoto 111. lIlee Kpa vyt5SPoIsi 5 sad 5s. a hp- 8c a ltodv Fasratatily.

7M7ht' aol slQc fur Iledsad the sUer on ahspoOag W000t2nlot. do. Fr. Soother a184 3a- pItamto co te bsty l2s5 It. liPlIc.

Lean re arIasora. 42423c fall. 15 orry4o10c sa tranelasa tttse Horkel. Pa siarlo. It wsk tetueia aloll.

Cries. aeltIScconod hollooluj ire losttlterrt 0 muss to elsa tol i4T1ON-3't4a 5 thelitter for choir. tlttessl1stlsthe 2 Itt1ic7aZ. a. qosllv a I SO11O rat.

oras S. nit Peacis iorpa for aol qoctolioefr ailver all. ReceIpts ZIg ibm Cs 4. 11 1' Teanoy 30110 do. SetS.

15 Walea-osa. AC. do. A 144o Bi 12M. itabli See.

671 Teol2014 as. SOda. 015 ltaltMd. DOd IrKsni 124 it hlsriua 11 73 dat. Taksse 0310 5 Uc bisato 0 laos 6br0tykVtlr Cl At laltsrd A Ball Odo.

Tot.I. 1650. Ofichathy 112 haLo. Altoona ijotohalivor MIolatotte 2754ohLVces 2 do DIII- Total 408. talc 51 1303 ItoVsrloeon 01 218 alL 542 PSAIIIY114t.afle toss.

JO blat. 1 9. tSr IIUTTCII-32't 114 Van 148 ttisVarI 13 Parloas. 111 II. wior I.

Waler II. Wahoo I. Water Jolt. Lair. I safe toaIIl aItwilla 43O2wI 832aae' 235pa fr01 eaofilo447assacaa.

65Lozc 11sppss3 Sr. Wnsncuay. Jot S. Ptwr 0oo sOls tO 15.111. 20 ic-ann tree.

a pen a u5rk 4. hOtestiryIrt as. taks-oSla Ms Os. oogarfo Gevs. or.

bIsSow. a boat. frosatTimLer Htggini 8 to. laSnall tons fypca2 earA sNOlaYeeatOtoeI I1besofrai 140rtd. wed Os.

a oba arballlirsap rd rtry tacti 0 ledO bbS tiasetat han. Wl.icsay. Jo 0tyIali. Stetbard. 1 J1ihte1 611 Schaiser.

a Jr. Wciiat. 01bhp ck foIst LrttCoItIIie los brasses. tInes' 1t1t5t511 lb. spaQtyhagsusa1sStwarte PoColcaa May 5 aal JaaOba 3001ber aarecigtd rises-is.

2. ts boOIng. IporSasas Lee 24 bfbIli betor lea 25 jsLn wool. 010 aliieglts 100 hoaileetd sod. 2 be.

eta. 120 24 eji 6 obskc exteves La. olIve Lsbri Jertyeetao 4 51ckloeas A I' Jsoor a is a lees 15 sat. ilablali Cs WLJs sT s. a.

tapt uIidtesik4. fli MIIDOCI2O Pd. 4. he. J7 3 1 3 bath Ioreossbim Pig Levi- a Smaicitos.

it 1s1 5arJss54m 1 oslo I. 2 btesaga cia aolnd Jail eu sesers P-aaraacaea. 511. lsbtsrkoseJaso JIAI44i4 hallS. 11 itawlor sea tiaciere.

tLgflttI iadot Ge a lfhgriaoOa Orasderi. znv.i. dii is 01 fl L'5t- lb. I Ce Mast. P550.

xx Sld of Sen. 21 JIly hbtp rsPrebI Ii Pirrils scSi. TICTOIIA Peiled. Jstt Pr atlp Coals rIttsiiiM barb ty lack. tsss kkaa- Antj esc 2BAM May 6561 2 it.

Jakasso. ste baa grasebas 40517 2 I Wctstled ieae 5-15' at ha. OsIiedJaas 11 Sr bark Pates's TsasMa Vyeaosea ls lbs tty lbs wiLd wifa Of 1IJat 1 tie wikOfJ S. ttil lb. 16551 lpo1 LLAhdrlc5aladaatake la lbS ilty Jaly 1.

lb. Jak. 1Psilersstadacbtse. Ia ZojisId. Oats Se- Ha 165 St a city 15.

tseoIsise Is biidIi. as ties e5IhieesaI0 1. A- x- oil Oa Liv. Larva WSISen Ie Ibea 1. t2511tla 8wiwileis65esLDeLstMa tCLhSVA1134 lbs ty.

hti Slain' saJCelaa SO M. vru1si tlLOetl. hi by lie P. 7 Jewail Ia tI. Geseje Y.r othOf tblseltv ta 7JwsII.

0. 0 5 An. Shea. 3. Warn Satlys Cf Yerassi two.

0084 iS- It. So I 11 Isttosezty. Idher ams Jsesre rnsocbaodl3dau. ar 4Ira at eIIock p. tertbszth5st aotIOfl 546 la cat daly a salt Tatht.clt JaSiSO.

150. Hasnsustsea Jsiyl horSes Yraisc at Macn. sand 2dso. nUsEETh. IiyOp Lwioa e.

IlAiTIX 4ac VOVISTU-leISt TWO 1 iI thakasprats' Pie wIln teos Two flsadru4 flagssdswat Soeaet7 I OirVc aia tstsea4aI Uslie 0IaII1OI 651501551 rara I 151001. yenaI stogat sraIO.ast TIlE flADE1llATEOYSTCIIIMEO7CIIIYSCll 40 A tlJLLlIIUZCSt ar the Pen 065cm. CALIZO1U4IA BUIIlLT ZV0IICGIUY DnOt 5051Mw 1103 a WIlts lb. caiuocnla tie. the as Ore pearl idthe ceebratedjlg JIMMY of ship ow op BUSI7 9Perfrenaesa s1at 1 411U455 Pooaea or at Ii I I II P5t8IIG5 Sad OuR I sad 15 Iharria 1 sallE AXIS GKT In CELEOKATE PlIED lIcrajnorlvehlfamote SlrnlIaaIos oi hr.

I fr. payet bosI15Hatt ilILIVAJIN htKuirn4L Sy loi I yidoeI SpetOtIca. 5 liALISAXY lath. tao Mffilate. Eejliooot of hot 4 wC At baett afilvrtaa ant- 0 51 okeici atU4 than.

oh I. Temp el Puialit-ila-nrtt ofiallent 111th. :11 hsn4yJl PCOTORtteo MVSH STREET TIILOTEL Cats. II. l.cas.t Prsprltsse TOM 0iLT I.

ISIS SSItIIY StoaT. WedssO aid Osturday liliaea TOOXY PAaTOH TOOSI PAOTOK en 8 A 0 it AID 111 121111 TOCPY COsSAXY Is IS. GREA7AKRAY Wateei and till. leltrro lcki 0 liii sad itey Keaoody. TI eataiebteo Itarry I JshakereIIIFak PASTOR epe-ar lii- litCId LICAL ot it oar.

Trwutl Ustua 0 lltLtDAY fleapposraoee a 1 5W 000's. Ibsalsesa WI. Ti. If Saw EvtstsgJuY7 0 30SEP11 It 0 00 0 0 2 RE ONtThrCrED iriS AFTERISOON AD LIETINit PLAMTATIOM 21W 50265520 DA2Ca12. ortuit pRirri.

brtwra 551 ESTIePPI wilt ho dbocomed by the Trnpensoioaler drs alkealn YOrRTItOr tder I Csntuuied GODOCbO Cb. TabIcs. bIle Psstl5ul Ceatise ro a 1a THISTIIS VloiIiAl eAT0Ja tsr lilt UJIOS ureomndeal tbettOLelIS oh II hAl ft. H0thClLLkll LOUT 150 31011150 with PYRAMID 0 105 aI1tLDHFZ II SPLEXIIII COdICIL 2515. itreet 0 JVLYAttersoes iilai.

stUEAT lortedlag Fortsysl. I OPCLLZ sad Fourth. lpeIaO P511111. PfsrIsases I sf Msnoger.k I. lb.

aatoearsseststf Stork aid as is rqsesi of sail of 555 Mialbeca. lb. COJIPLIMEXTAIII TETIMOXLay. aol YsisO-SY EwemlsgJaOy 50. 157 ttb as aasessaced.

tO. l. publlhedtsl 151 OLIOMIOrI I Yw. Orasi EstisOsOascses Aflssisems sad vtsIa CNTATTI205 or Yrs's neotIsiL 0 WAIRIMLTO2. MrTlitJS.

W. LIES 1siisalsi iIIasoas4 Opts Rem. Aeenaea a Is BlenSsI. A03111t3T FIRE WOUOLII sos. enciT05S 12' 55 sail kGb.

Is ekaee. lb 61 aaes Siisi ie. A 1. Opaws so' ELOfETIOM. Drascili sd 1- pptwlsdis.

Torase asda 5tows 1 rSldac15iaTTbSats TO TIreIinWiOCE5Y t9st laitsSua. el at' ttle. hop owfos plasa eyctfaatsaas a ho lrhet. pejoe4 1 zusled S. iM blhdss stealS lobs as II.

iSa Moors Pistlea Iforestdbe1ws 1 AD157 laosS the1hl pc Tin 5. awardsd lie S. 1. Pt 5711 Xees. Jsse 34 1175.

44. 1 S. O1flh1Pcthu cois a vs i- see IL. 205111's SAM Rend hiss July 4 to S165 4 Iatsc4 data. I.

P20CLlcfltAgt. TACHTBACE TPM UTEA toutA PAZ 217iL TZZT I FenceS Aid jlyt ala. leip the las. P50iaial4a. 2.

the setebratcd isata isi pe Pa149. 1riWI fltnal TZI2 MAOMJTICJNT IIDZWUZIL 1. Sicaaslata AXCON. si DEFITT Iessadr WbcokouA fJalp 34 at 1 o'clock ca. at O5 tIe.

at Yr. aaassdap Itoh Tbsrlag i 1mb. al royal day. 5eturnisgIsaMoeo tore mum 4 thai IS en do at Psa Fe. belt 7 a- r44 00 jlka lb.

00DAU SAl IOITII 11. FOIIETU MXIUIIOYL TOCED TRIP TS SOLD 01 TItI ts s4 vatO Ike P0541. slit sic fr5m- 4. WaDsastsacorase woart for bet OsIststlloe 1t3S57 oUer 515 Veer Ad. 1 1TIS----- OILEBMATIOM Ax's ma.

aT. Ito 5uiey AT byth. Iralts. ObeDetarat5 at alnta irlohsal Pocus ltealrI Mail Grit. ient fe.

Nay s-pam I Lisa si toes eagsgrd will be awar1tl to the a tbearleua Adtataboat-Adelt 12cpM sad of laisa. 1101 110211 lbs PKoFmoloM. GramS Tasraascsa lbs Light Sift eCItIR. Admlelawo Day aoslLieaIng usdor 1epar at I rorelpi. the be bell.

I 4te uablasal. W. AL WHiMS wregiIto a lb. 0k. 151115 Usaday.

Pal ShedS' fo which Mosey el I. it. be aUntaor Aeras masse ban prd So 00 eu lieS maSs. tr. ebarfltOcsscko s4l7Oip ii 10 80 P1115.

wUlbod oslo. oh I Lrrnao tIter. few inlIntO walk from Sb. StoIcal rcai depo4lau Laces blogyovelsemeoftb. beSt thioc lb.

I. do. Us. soattosed. OREATAUCTZON To b.

the TCDo 27oHoIcz List. I se.h sd 5vemOruth Stretta. liVE mINCES. 61 dl. vsy Eaa as Wi AILSOIVTELY 12.

usurY bsveti asS Wood htrs T. U. OEDANAselsoev Un Vr Pk4L aadLayk lokesi Is. Ye-lie-v. 0ev tabse-je.

Gir. Correct Ia. no. Is OasiS. toeintIOa 055 reaedaeI bye 1.

75p ttoaIO2 oemeskrespls nfl SPINNEY Ke-arwy SLIT Iltowes. TOUNU MEN lbs eheet. flteaIea witld welIbsayell tbcscoe b. ivastnt bern 0 tbolecoereslcnnehsaaoil will CciUtc. a- tad44allac dseae shcb 5.

10515. 1. sO 0 ttleS torte seal byalgftt soarl- Ill taralal woiksIag a lb. tin the dImoIS a py 1. aomotiaace 5 the ida sltah baa eta.

las 5 1 mail a oe lb. Sb. rcoisi 10. tiers oh. g.ahtO-arluOri 5.

a. Or. agkeiosstatIos de4dre 6. tallcrajIreeoVll. P1kS17 SW.

ha. 11 ATTLICTED. It. IIOISNIITIWO MARE all dlos ODe geailo-arl. qsaaEo.

erry 45is 54151 ns Is WI be tlIoten. his very large prsctl. f-f the peat CaldaIa as- 5 liu0505c. I soSitat lots baser. em I a.

p. Paalsti 11. esaatiy eN1 It 55 clal Iasene hery aisobcld a 547 SI 151. SUSfiCO t1fitnTT. a4t 700 Harlot 5005005 Masdoes.

GlbboisDlzpeniary riaciers L6SiT 51117 cODZ11 IiOteeI Nbeci lb. eSili Of lie. sasnssere oasis. en- wcska eansoal en it 1 the acss dSeea isO vi. os lb.

sick ilicad Ii Oat iSckR ha. 0avai4 tssbesli Lens. the vrlenttspIs1. aitnalog a ScsI vbscihoeaspVstWIs rotsetbenla 1 his envie' Dot. abort.

ass 0. tenna adka. tpnssiybiCbILDAtlIO35L All a. atoathas 55511 eoatslstlai bariss ovens- abli tiaItfwtto Ad4rsiDLJrGI2154M 11. 1067.

Si. braaaea Ce aa I. voI. MRSAW CARLL 3 1501711 1105CM II 015 Pnsdits Daadag GSas taco- a. 0543v sad Ismdav essis sad Lid- 5.

every sd tO4stkiIItD bUad AL ceuOIt. QIES2AND POrNO 1ID1L5. L3kV fIlIllit AIStALS1hl0lC wall asoeseaAsrat L387Tatba wit 51 3 the J. 510 P. isa Mat.

taL XAZAcOLLEOaIZ MArCA Oesllt Oat llt37S. OsDlsoop t8gajiA LPrtcIPeL I' 8 7RLI9eiEnAm Ca PB5 a soussem JVLVlISTS Aiftll61bita0ttoeh WILL. LIATI 57 d5A A. 35 1 5as en 5JOP Rorhadnsoeas Toabe 5. Sapa Wale I a esci.

5552 155 5 heck t0adar. eli Weodaid its- is a Us ethiC SI baa 54P 8. AlTpe las Fnas. e5SlApalh tTi1jin A- 51. bead.

8rtboia oULI 5s4ag herensdstim is tyl. Yarry tlkafla MCITOaa Iran. lLSpa S. 51. oi.

den Paac 04ut Teals el. VkSad Psey- sad kIts- a. As at Jsastaebp a. kl' in Ivsso0eUMSa. a.

SJIUU seater Trot. ITIa Uskisad ucryj II aaablsaad5aevaan. esYresckrett5lLa. :1 Poeosioaturs Sent. Jtttaei I Sails lIlt.

CeAses Arts Ls 05015 tlsaarM MiTrsIi at. I II. Oaadsyo eiopeoEYotW uu seccoitt Ssrbe-otooLaaetsat soaenttai Lb Test. IS tlltss the top. rel 15OJIaa Kaseofa 155450 sad Mw.

551 kansi 5:35 c. 5- is Tailaps less. Ames s-ia 400 LJtti skirt owl Liadia is Sloe 1ktr4easi Overland Pamcspr. is 115 sealS SI IL 47 at ii. iide Se.

FvssCOOSTSGL i IW123 AcAiTRiU1T To O1 it4 OALLA3D 01. io i1 ljSS.llcAOnltTrl i TiP 1251 ItO 7151135 Wet PMI 010 Is. 1155 015 5wp p. 8311 3015 050 vOlt 1015 SS03SaS 5015 ps 5- ii 0 iS2 lee I 55 11 051 051 065 ist its ills 4n 110 55 I hl I. t0 you PIL 015 LIII Iou ii Oi 4.

ls 11's 420 5045 Lt Itt 150 I Lit lICu 1:3 ose 210. CO Ills snm St. IX'-- I3O 015 500 rnI In Cs 030 i Itiat Con I alttD 11411 ies 3 T. fA1105eUk-'Czacpo IL Ilsw500 p. a.

Ta ok Eel UI PS. C. aAt7hiIWthiiOlbidlIL. 1i1t11 ijIFU 41 ou hIS et611 ieeS it aLlO pip ILS a 100 01 alas 5501 1151 14. 5.

0 1tla sP ee o15 015 1. 0. Cs 75 I 154 P. S. 741 a Lie It tta 151 a.

lillel 551 135 tl 415 IL I 045. 45 040. 23 035 p. a i5j5. 040 1045 050 015 11 1LS1L.

iits ant ta u-teL P. 5. S' 5e aso r. I'- IL i- ieu 100 511 I. 45 51-- Iwillo ss 5 1' ILls 045 Cbaeare itt Pa ewt I.

aS 055 155 005 Wetvakld atie lettsahA sSo. entail leto a ezesod bras oAf. tteo RIO a 0155CM HISETE. Too's 13 VLhK1lT 1116 A. 1113116 P5.

hru. 0 0 I o.OS a. 15 ittfE- ezra ltos5 Jswkrs 101 sd 106 bet. l05 sloE. laS Ala Towlil ItL ti PaM.

Pp SEMitEs ARI1ANGEMENT 17 Scuba aIlS i-aa so R1. R40 A. a. 1:43 450 0:10 and LIII P. 5.

farina Latnol 0Lk1J1YI115tO0L. 5. 1130 513 tat 6143 p. a. Ise SIN hot.

to. 01611 ton Pa. Traacts. sap 1 100aeaid31ASU asidS.IDs- a. 08.

33 od IhaiS 0. 8. oatd hadd se-I et p. LI hyo So ORSY5I of idaoU P. 5.

lal1 hot. 55500051 ISa 1155. Is. I'- hosadoro b.r.y- Wretal. a Oaadpyn4Spl Oi sadtfty5tUl 0.

1 mmd. da17ioopthaady Sac Toansie. 5a0 Proncbe. at I p5. I yas Seitss L1 500 ciday ask Oral.

for Dsass Mtllsoad Tap tFag. day tar keaTIatbecCorn eci Poal. basis. 015 5rpo Isechodor 0 atIer. tenkavzvu bad 00.

415. 10 Sore oat klt-eollabj TSgb this Is-is jusoe.a MIltesont. Is Ms. ii 1110 P. a.

SIiiir1wSiO5sL mMerkri. OUl foe isi51an Rotors srtve Sea 1116 Ps lure. foe lit. rual trIps haIrfax. 01 Ghsa 12 lenboo03Iasaiflet.

JNILWIAJHL23TWII. PIP tf Gincral itasacir. Coal I Idol AfesL AI IRAKCIC2IRTN B. 1. Ss-bclile-Itam'ser fascusulag day ii 7 dos Sri WasothulnoIrmI WharflaiIII5ia s- i ALDslstvDdsavenooOedl stilt sI.

nail ttPMLtsoTAiIh Ito. 0. ay aJ. a Scatprlgi Lklab. StflaiI Ba Ta.

tlea IlaytsI z65 Sit. itme Ps Frsncdo 715 p. ar zrryecft 0 uet Wa flags ciiSaolloai 00seiay AtJj a 3 12aldaerg SvMFaaPaaclem 1253 p. bate- ZAoV xui SAn isrv tii boo. ke tveGa be.

pta- Joiooboe 1 2 PiSIa hales 52 53 lilt farlsataa YeoituUlrb01s. 13. Ktttenr CwiStri a 52 651 Yor5vtlle Eonbloasd tAeraevibs 43. ArrlveoIts LbSps rrlahilnd En 01112 5- a. doiyzcep1aeea it.ieootIls- Waklsgbsss Wharda oyraI1routEs4aaas A AII100IIpt P.

11. 2 00 40 AM's SIJIMER leIs. rIOMMXXCINQ SATVDIY 31211. lEN. Ii- as tIt fuetho etestcss adbsnts wall at lb.

Sow oavy Lsllag Innsas heaul sd. Hut. lewis-i dos. a. oil Way PLato.

Cater Hasabaialiayleyp Poach Pmoa Wader. loss. ISis. it vIa Viriehed Puanola. iliol a.

00sdd Co's SoaaII to ti o5a slit Ms. and tciaen 5rs. en Alasast all Wertttatlaus etars wIll esa kiSaat. Owe 554 seraloga. stsi.

lea. Matatous sod aIGo5i. antlviag sallss a. 11115551 LEA 00 SiIrkslCFW lop 600 I 040 I I JShOl 4:20 5 i1TlCr51ripcum Jo I q50. I b3oO aed iio cay.

GM0LirAGclO3rl. Gm- Vase. Lit ALx. RVZ ZLNQ iOCMITSAMD P10121 SP174316I SOW iCILY 1g. I aLd Sad iti psse.4f sen wes4oe.

pal teeslhdal Saalhlles. psi seen osntaslo rates Of iboeaszem EMItS itora JoIs15ter bId. ad qetco httos tsie 555i4 ho loo5aijaat I8sSda. en. sotlaO 554 ooieolaly Os essy 55g.

whlrh Is provided ailS a lb. trl.os ls pc55aete itIlkaci. room sad sopei s65 lsoeesrsao s4so54 lb. Peases sos SOwed jam nit asfle sad 51 Ma Jen. sa4 at 15 V5065 are r55IStlc bad Ike 54 Ib.

dahto sm of lbs lemay Pssibosoartstooek lbnesjb osivag. 5 I. enop. ad Se 01. aes 5 ascos-aiofsenpen oi A zxs DC.

04111 biylJa Wsoszptoa tI5IIib01ies5st Wads. OCid hILLS lt5 mid. by Sb. Iaaie. 6241.

bIt tON fall coaaIalslaslt 2. M50Oe1Ii04awenatnsL I tta ffU1 Mee P55261 I eseng. LaloiM 0005501. 50. cite ldaoa 5.

ou. 5ehlaeot0 Iserieatwa. leattI. sad fra-atI taseFred Sotw or se appll lb. gODm Cepsaps 235 TON TZASS1A1Y Lotcola Imsetsi.

erek ziat5. itasbabit hla0 tli5sl Hry. i.o.-Aagwie. Pacts IhrOsza MaIp eras. lao 0552.

Cal LaOs 550. sd eel. bakrs sod Sesbscs Cease asOaIlsws S. IDABO WISISSII111V 1aI 35 5. ar 00.

IAM ASLbascsay Jie 7. II 1. 2 osi8T5t.1siy kaca5st4P S. 4 3owi Seirdni at 1 P. 5' OINSTkTlSIjyerp Ibooslasal 555 0 Jati 5.

at a. as 0. 5-408 bTt5SCes5 isIs 550 5 A. a tURtZASAn 41 54 0 5 laat Pa a 5 4 clay Jaly2lOsiOis as- rIa 5 stIheL AbeTs 11ssoss Cil I.e. Main oiegaa Ok.

1100. tsadig tosgal with wiser esassthag 0 be 05- es 504 55age pad frsigio as law rate. Scab 551. los liib5dt ne as si icr pm- esagan 154 he aadeium- sailer Iloate Xs.t50rsoes Pist naCIhya ia 9 tio.s wbe0 shirt 5. Ia 4staid wlevtpg plares Pasta tas.

Mct. tsIIa lleQaa. p. 3 p. lose.

eaatalboa sa4s 5M7a4askte3eatenpo aerbast a. I Pada44. ow ilk. braaasos2udaYIiL Alit Said 155 zest kiss sape 5 1 a oises 55554 0:0. 141 I.

sad c. Ass sOS asSess awn- Teufli 51 irvrsia 4t5 f5a5555 4 tMadallLssdurttiU backttIthsIl 05aesCsrsra. Sd BsaavIts MacasS MIght aoietexprso satlie Sac srest Oats Meals Ii. 0 Ms Los Angais ass 5. he Ilosaise-ealla 1 PaCt Haobsd Pa poeagcoelen Sela.

IsIs 1I. TJ1CkIOViOI4 II iS so lb. rosS. tca with 5. plenlOheistoctor 051 fTtkt aslilsalios ucs.

oil 51 lbs OOii 014 Xen15scryltrnl. saasL 7181125 5 XL Lien. is S. 30 hsak0 Pa. fesaen aMIHIP 1 sifllroatl2vi 1IAZATtAHLA1IU51LLO teiplAs slosait iw 15 penOl 5th 1 A PLL51.

S. lakOa I. asaS fran hassp. by say lbs. 5.

akall5s In I OVXIWTOZV IrIs ersa sleItk.t.tb.k letlSiiLCLVALCSLASttaioO aiD. tacScuSODarlad5. loam' 5 TfbIA ILL TAGoMA aipt ULTsIA esscsotlpoao TAcOMA wall SortS. P505 5110505 hr et" enb5S4b5. Ii a.

aa. dsz 5 bellsg as Wbattuisc I loathe ec oem-es apply is ft. u0. VIEWO 1 1 the 5 etIlioo tO. this it.

lobe psciOed posIes 5j all 5s5l thzrseewart pas Qawiceawe I. berO er 05ag soeOtlea 56000 43 it 5000554 0. sl 150 U. borea 4 nIh. rtaiOa IS soiL lie 5300 S3erpoislg lsIheWbatdJ rTlIrI Siflitfi AMDIOITB 4.

itsisI Malt ltIciisabloe 0118218 ISIW1OIE XD LIupooI. tALUItO AT LIJaM 841505. llssia45e.Jaly IRaolaWesl ae. Ocitbi5e4Ji 20Ieytbl. WoiLAai 1 Lb wtalaWodJsv 1714iisiaWalAag.

2 5tsbaWdJalv 24 Aadesrnfalaoula W1D2IDAT a rsuAbooskw 0aa. Till PJJSAGL Py bamsr. cactyhag nssrsee 150 sal 100. gold 5. iorage Ii itsgs a.

asssaoss tat 515. e1d ailtaiosnt O5bt. it Io aal pot. 55155 PerghIc 550g. cpplj so th.

Cposays e65c S. a. Ian ores- 00 FR tie IaS tosaaadJssaa-Tk. Canard Us. aheM LclsltOs peowses trVootO CS.

froaicy 4 Its r' alt pooallbtp stdl Ia low Usid eidagea S. spwd so WILL- 031 ljal 50 Ars at. atre iItI LINE. UTURIAiD 5015 Ill SPLELPID WW 5011. 5 Ml Asclos skIs.

tIUEAT 1112 IllDO. WIll nil Ole's Wharf KIT 070101 SLTUDY 1 IOeclecks a. beets- slog Js 15 1871. I ate's ilasaas go rsaag hlesos Ii is flgb ii 5 ee Ta. Cbs OterrsftS ebb I.

vie I. lb. slel as Mw af Samba 0aM aid ho. by asp iLlS. ratos.

lb. esablI. os Ito. etosIts vIe. it.

CO561Se1 as. rat. Is rase5wita of Posalalas at a I 5430 crnerfISalckooahpsp 05 aevIls.a4- brtuh 5asa 52. corenFtooaJ as. eta Tlrkrts 0.

for 12e at 3. 8 Is Mosee-enn- errot alo Osiad lintel. aii as ha. 2' lOst. cemrWi carL JAPAN slant esricw 15.

isO BOssas. access aa4 HINGEONI Ccactoag1oe Ekobaswtt oseas- is 655115. 4Jssast. seltit Setnr3la lSIosJsauaTsJt 1 fhPf a 1 TacaMc otsi L. 51p.

515. 20. Tsclis 1I. S. Piasi a.

sl4 I asa Ticks. file hO. eO 8. 2 Saw Rssgas ott Polla tool IILG4c0MAN Cs1PaaeA 00. H.

ILDELT Praldisi. etaf TER' 7ots II 550 a. s. P00. nt SOlIDlY YlMFs sas Pram- ls.4t00 1 lu.

i S. So 4000 lOO p. a. 11 a. t330 8t40 Maadav a extra vie Is.

ipoosts' sitsbip Is seeseootn. 51iT511. Lellalenla ItsstwSLCLtt qlidpol BaUCTLIp VOVsTn Or JULy is. pe. Taiteat if 030.

asS saks a. Siaseills. A P5550 5ee0saiedatOosa asaga 5eZ gaen asS fart. Lii 5SOeeseea a asIa desi aM als o5 PTIIO3 8505 sos 004131 OAsIS iaridlai all Is5tosn 54 3aonlta TIClees Li 1rls. sage 2.

Tt PosleasS n5ye.o- 011 hPoaSenoaaoieierrea For Sjmks to- I lOwListo GebIIN 81 2. VVI5C20LIVTL a. osd enasesy 2111 OEN 145 rPuoW VtP50S ItUW2 OTAT 6 ENYs1i buriday Joan 7 StAtist Pan.u-c.ys Pint mltia. silo Is 573 seaodOia I. esra- sodoltos Ses4 csht ian.

Kate sik. 51 padead isIs. S1o hi fow ret. ArsTII I Cii. h1O TIC 06505 0101 st Itanbtckaao soll-Ijaf sMBnAiip Mitt.

Lii 41115 MLtsalrlg37 CLTbtsc 1. Sitaibipa Of5. Tlbis.Qs ftea' ciii Wetyb1 a4 hoer lerklsefi L.odm- calMs. bats t.Ltim-a snow. Golkooka thrttlsalaaad CemhSeeIO a I jwP 5.

UXRRs0COAgasa 6ILW.eet.0se.e'ssaslo TO1wi TO CIIDI7OZs 117411 Or 4' 5 IseIsle hStv slyseb the a ha sor ad' lbs toaoo of kacowi IsOtra. Oess5 e. Ma sacri aackere wilDs. Dear poatie shoe- 850 lIe 07 MertheaSt 1. tkaaj.

sl itoot hiOwes. lsatem-ey Sad Iaess the epss 5. the plato zsrz 5 515. el Macaws CoAl MlsiIJ54uijrsq f's voId z1u 0se Ms. Jam- R.

Tbi 5 deamlda 154 Mi. Duiaatipaaltwilvss hi agemia rna. kaidrad as twsIy loll. sa. Iueaaee a Li be sacs bsdois bsitsoif IIds lowsaccu bas the ii 1 15.

eees aSh. esutrotisi bavi ha. bee 5 Ike gesi There 5 alas a liii. di ii ala. 555 Nagasa.

lbs apwaacs a ypic to Is. Is vats AntZISSIsd be asrsmga lscenhwacbil a. aaoptaies 51 55 11 Ia a 5. Ii. ursa It.

Ph. pa. gooted lbs ii aireen os ibs Pr. Is lSsabsck basias halani. bectaebesra lbs sos.

tsr 55 Vas 0. lag Ia. do a paalaaad as 5 weisgoefrieewia tab. is be sos Woiltzst slaposests ball spats. Jy tajsspaas4l4 IdlIssi spoiasasalrsseollsS 1.

aLl LothaWbisgill. hI. apes. ft. knagus I iaad Its aIaIs lb.

ahaaloaert lbs healS sm ataaV soothe sOon ass array Vaidzbua dlod aaL 11 aclsftsoeetiyas She Sands Tasdarbalt. wba Ps 12 asseS spaealsaoa salt I. gyasI iasealalmr epstalSsppaflaIarsaa tie Cal lr sel5r51r. Ya4rsaijss cal 5. eezasic 5i 6.

apatet isprenass vs oa s5 51 Vaalrball eat Is 5prissi 1577 1. ha ph MachIss. taattj hal isa Sis lsIor 01Saa bc pistol. The uisosl boris. 015 large at Lilac 0 oh 5s asosgad Ste.

swartag rsss 104 Pacadi Ielaqrslb La har wets si 14 a iii nowlal status ur 814 lbs 8151 It oasdrLli as. i. fails. gasses. 155 5514 ilsat.

preen Li a us TboOe en now. toll sq svtag II a heavy lose' Ji bell. On 15 lead eatloek lsJaitbagrate praearesttork I. irLssl boyce Ice ssssht sc U. had a.

ike 0 pasilaato. Uetgsl sf0 4 5:0 cbs. be Is. Is Otald he kecossenl issvsihlsil 1055 TI a esasda 0 soIl. int S.

PosI blelsfr posed 352be was is. Lslooad so ha cue WeetroUsioawsoih I Ils sooth colD I isesst 55. lost if evocytSis. Calesasd 55511 Ii. was a Isi.

prisse 5 A Sai LIi1. ill a e0tscY. Somers. lIssloalIi taos. bo 2k ltti' jt I Isrrob3oMwYoh jeraiyVetrsi40.

Wbaas- Ijsoes 01 a. stl. Ibeald eaha 5055 Ainoosas I 0. SCIL as IS tsbai pie fopj miasta. a.

So the 11 Oh hesas Late patbiacotwttb Iiai. 51 was a sot 51 sew seas Mr. Leaedala tbvasohlbez 55 advi. So kesa. sassy 5.

Mit taSlvd apos cave' listsisitliai chase. 0 Slabarbevskople 21. TUe Ii I Os 74iO aid ad 15g as Ike eboetip iidi a out. py5 and la for highs iguco. AdIOs TwasIi Stsrak.

alihid lie ae5aslatlscs Is he TSrt RIses. whileS 7-- 5. Pot dioreesid tkeae. al In Inst bso enalatra. 51001k SP05 cntrat.

3ie lel Coat 551. elarpl lb. stock Loot agaisatsia seat TI 60tt We 55OStS1 I7 Jim Ilsethwosru 11411 00 rsao most Atlashs as'S Paris. aier bldai IsgsfAassat Lb. east 7' 5.

atva0th. bails. Is a dad sossiolirabI. II b1 Las Csosl sad Labs col. SI absadsol en rena actL isteldjavesoaiaat I lassos ZoatSIlaploe Tb.

enSas skisSs see. 5aeflsTl saet Ike Is. 5055 sad Z4nS ii 15 soot tie islaoeetoa soass eauk a. say 6e aenail tot a slta ciseki 1asha A. ka I- aaasossi4e 1155.

rska 1 yes diseoveril.

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