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The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia • Page 300

Atlanta, Georgia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

KINGDOM 5tf The Home and the Housewife and Gossip cNh Hearthstone TalVs With Women and About Wonjen. your mother had her vacation ou tl1Tehad yours and home again are entering upon your school life with fresh vigor. TBnt what of mother Mothers in general set Idem have a way of for themselves therefore all the more need for the daughters cud tons to take the matter in hand and look nt for them. These words caused me to Tthink and wonder how many soul and daughter er do onsi ler others comtort- awl 4 pleasure. Children are too apt to take all the waiting on from a good mother as a kind of matter of course" affair.

They-are in the jJbi seeing mothers wait on everybody and go from morning till night in a patient tiudof nay and they never for a moment tll1Ak she is tired and need ret But ah how many a weary sigh is stiMed that no one hears low tie tired feet ache an 1 yet on thy go from day today and ail the household are unmindful of the pain I have been a close imer and I btl children who are re quired ait on their renti are happier and make more elul men and women than those who have patient unselfish mothers who do all the waitii 01 I knew a lady who always required her children to wait on her and they were taught from the time they. were little things that their ther birthday was to be observed and if they had but a. low cents in the world it ml be spent in a present for her. She said to me once I lw saoc ept tjieir ju tifTmngs an 1 let them see I expect it teaches them to Le unselfish an I also many times t3 Mikesaerif efs fur my pleasure audit dote them good. I watched that family with in terest and saw three boys grow up always de Toted to their moth an i never unul Itul of Jitr comfort and happiness.

It leased od to iflbctherf many months before she taken from them and the devotion o. those boysMDi beautiful to bth Id I learned a lee. from that 1 man life it was that parefiii ul 1 lo their children miueh harm by being too loving and enduring in the er vice. Ch Idren cannot doXoo mu for their parent really they are not always to blame for th ir thoughtless neglect the blame lies with the in the ho their hands. Hoiuitnc thangegi the following a a piec yhkh veiy mother the Ian 1 shuul 1 ad and au 1 do likewise I wjsh there us souse way 13 Wp those children quiet on rainy day or when it is too warin for them be out in the un plajmg Said a wean ther the other ly to friend and neighbor I always no ice what little trouble you bait with your tbjldreu al though you have three more than I haw an I 1 thought erhai ou could tell sue how you managed it very easy maULer my repl 1 1 her len Children must amns or they become ci ss an 1 naughty so would you or 1 bu pose were doomed to elay all day 111 one room ere nut allow ed reads writ or sew could only sit on certain Ours and handle certain articles and' there was no one to talk to er nothing but II game of olits1re for TIS to play.

hy wed be almost crazy one nun woman or child X00 ajth must hm something to do during their waking hours i et how few mothers try to give this something to the busy lianas find sctive brains of the little ones. ou notice tjtildren out in the street or garden. Are they tT still or quiet It is true the find arau Ment in the most trivial th ngs Now I have. thought about all this and I have fixed up Be room ill. ho i the play room ezelu.

tively for my chllt. is I could not aflord II enrpet I 1 niut The Door an. I left it bare. A. yoor carl' 1.

woulol' be worn out in six months. In the winter the i is heat 1 bva1 circular stove and over ih is ut a Tire screen there noJaugnfth children burning e. The walls are pa I a rielicntegray with alepnk borl i and I kaveiT wains otme that is rue of the chief tlilt.1Us of the room. 1 collected all th toica I cou I of gaz ucs 11 1 irate I pap rs etc. au I pasted them ii ic wail from tk floor aim ct as high ns the mantle.

li tUrt of birdsand animals and those lnl i life are of nise the greater uui1 er 1 pt the colored 1 nits down smear the furnace so that smaller children ulJ ei ioy th tu and theS are i ted en au nicely that tearing eni jinjo6oiUe Then contm le I th litte snothrr. I hl ebox in the room or Jireut sues These boxes have covers that ten down an I lire pa I hd a the top tb ft 1 und the edge. that when Ihe bex is dosed they have theapjearanee of little ottomans Each chill keeM his playthings in tie loi find it 13 ha particular yroy-eHj A i ur. rYfug with kinds of IJIhu l8 ut Qut of cloth with' the naiueeni broidered un rnath among the irn iBgtoflb room. yiUid en amuse them- wives for hours in that room with only ex- uuiolls now and then to th kehen ir something to plaj tea party' wittanJ I flatter my.

that they learn considerable from the tare as well a neatrfes and order with their yUjtbiugs I haj en this to my rea tiers iopiiJg it may be IL help to sjme weary mother who has her little ones alw a aWIutl her it room span give the a corner nd certain i and they will always be Tttt orCii8 Ns. male of ttft sklsa ol tats are now sought after to tt 1 OB oli ftc ost reseat mtalMi a swell ft ri lBallpcJtoetv dignity haut dt AU wfc at odd things we preyed iito jr ce to. Tli lpl tusks ant crocodile teeth. srtien mado by tm threais its linen tue tea Vbe It BdJkB set which has Ien so niuch ns of WiMictfJlJiscjstii-TheraUanait csto JS pJj testate toe Unsitg fur cross-ban fitted oil d4M4tW on I gold TrettyMdebeapcarUini could wl of alternate strips of Covered chintz a4 coarse fumltu lace and lined with pink or blue W1 The lambrequin la ltaJI different shapes stfll holds its own. bat" it not liked by come at well tie dr even a heavy fringe hanging from the on or tie curtain run on a round rod of lima or wood Rococo or ribbon work is a dainty and simple style of decoration suitable for all Vipds of drat- try.

curtains lambrequins etc. The design la stamped or drawn upon the goods Then work the Items and leaves in long stitches Kensington stitch i best for simple work senlc or chenille when. a richer effect is designed. I a wild rose is desired or the fine petals take two wiles of pint xbon not too faint and about one inch wide eat three plates of the darker shoals and two of the lighter each about two inches long. One end of the ribbon should be closely gathered aDd jewel to the outer edge of the stamped petal.

then torn it down toward the center of the flower and sew the other end carefully and snugly where it will lie hidden by a clutter of stamens. ork thecen- tee in French knot stitch bringing the knots closely together ith fine yellow silk work IL long tinenO resting on the petals finishing each with a tiny knot lastly with fine silk matching the petals in color. Sew the edges of the petals down carefully to the material on which the lower is made. Our Correspondent Rou GA. September 11 I siw La article not long tines 00 girls.

Wilt some one tell a widower of eighteen months how to train girl Mine are girls and I want to keep them girls ustil they are old enough to be young ladies. They are aged It II and I' years. Iliveinthecouutry but near enough to send them to one of the be female colleges in Georgia and board at home I am not 9 years old but I believe In. the old system void foo. as called by some or training daughters to be useful as well as ornamental They can sew knit cut and fit their every day dresses and are splendid cooks.

Now tell me how to make them neat and tidy housekeepers and to put everything in place. When they want anything they lose so touch time hunting for it. They have trunks bureau. etc. to put everj thiug aw ay in lull often nd their room in a me 5 everything on the floor or under thebed in fact everywhere but where it ought to be.

My room is kept in some better order l1t1t I have to pick up a great many things and put them in place. One day not long since one came to me and put her arms around my neck aud kissed me and said Poor tuber we love ytu much and want to please you and keep a neat room but we forget to put away our thlngF. I want some of the ladles to give me acme ideas as to how to manage my girls I do hope some of the members of our Kin-doe i will come to the rescue and help or friend out Itteems to us that thatrauseW cut and fit and cook are erymcely trained girls and mUht be allowed to be a little disorderly. especially if thfy want to please their father th will Bueaacl alter awhile. must not expvct too much from young folks.

I do hope this tatter ill draw out some of our correspondents for they have nearly forsaken us. A Woman's 8 Wish. Would I werelyiu in a eld of Of clover cool and soft and oft andswet 1th dusky clouds in deep skies hanging over And scented silence at my head and eu Just for one hour slip th lensh of orrj i In eager haste from Thoughts impatient nec And watch COWMI in ts edltJis hurry Wsdaimiig fl sdom a call or Duty's beck Ah itwere sweet where jlcntr clumps are in. tag And daisies hiding so to hide anti rest No sound except my ow i hearts urdy iiluj Roiling Itself to sietp wiLhia my breast- Just to lie there. fitted jlh fu deeper i bin That comes of liste ling to a wild birds son Our souls require at times this full unsheath leg- All woi li 111 rust if scabbard kept to lo And I am tired so tired of rig duty So tired of all my tired hands find to do I yearn I faint lo-- some of Hie free beauty a Its loose beads with no straight string raniim through Ay laugh if laugh you wilt ft my cru speech But women sometimes die of such greed Die for the small joys held beyond tleir reacts And the assurance they liave all they need Mfy Lobby TownseuI.

3 Cooking ltedpe l-cci i FPVOV JELIA Remove the and seed front the pulp erj piutof jukeail one round of loaf sugar boil to a jelly tMTlKS. Beat one egg very light. silt it tir in flour enough to make a stiff dough form into alougroll cut off a piece roll it erythtuajd fry in hot lard sprinkle sugar on white ho ttrrEBaoeo Mash the grape well separate the seed and hull strain off the juice dndto every gallon of. juice add one and a half pounds of brownaugar tnocgg the whiteaud shells put into a strong jug top lightly for a week then seal up and lit one mouth draw oil sad bottle. 11 ION MABsiiiACE.

elice the lemon veythln only timing out the seed aid three pints cold wat to each pon id or fruit after being cut into piec 1 It stand fonr hours. Boll it until teuJer. pour lute au earthen bowl until the follcryig day then weigh it and to every pound of boiled adioue and a half pounds lump sugar. Boil the whole together till the syrup jellies end the chips are rather transparent. MIML if Two cabbage aud a large dish of green tomatoes as many cucumbers as you can spare either pickles or from She brine youug corn green peppers several pods and a good doll of hor erad cut them all up fine and mix together sprinkle with s-lt sad let stand a night then boil enough inegartocoYerthewaole with spice cloves and mare.

tied in cloths In it pour your boiliLg lueg jr over the pickles and 1 stay a ftvr hours then StrAin all off and whets per- Icgtly cold cover with a snIxtore made a. follows One small box of mustard. hall tin of pure plive oil half pounds bite mustard seed half ounce pf turserle mixing it well then add the other mgrei dieete and year in eoldyinegaf enongh to cover the pickles and put it away. I often nuke the mixture and bottle and cork tight and dqril1l the winter it it very nice to put on broiled or fried beeliteak ItwiUkeepwelland can be used all winter for cwklug or making Into pickles. i Ornamental Work Biiotsrs Th oblong- chip baskets that can-be bcoght for SO cents each at the fruit stares caa be made into pwtty temp or ork baskets by staining them tth vest or blue and Uning them wit jlU or satin and tying a ribbon bow on each handle.

A Pnny PICTCBI FSIHK. A very pretty frame can be madeol fish gialss. Mile airime of thin wood lath wm do eoYeVwIth white paper glne scales all ovet lUanipnt' VCtUIt1 and the effect i very pretty. chandelier globe La made of baud ot tolghl satin ribbon two Inches wide gathered slightly at the upper to fl jtsst atoge the lu est part otthe globe. with Its pointed wollopM edge A cliandejier olthweclottMs honIdh tesa 4es I to wrropondsjtlj theelog of the one with nbbozs ad fringe Crimson a 3therol anti the third of blne do a iny i te of ts da.

Is to pmehts6 tern. fabric place th lmpcessi paper On the Wfl list then the velvet with year patfeem I ap on the top. This mode ef stamping gae time teen- bletnd expense. SUUT Thii Is a good sesont c1eCl1eaTe for this purpose. perfect leaves in a glftfs jar filled with water.

In which is dls- solved ten drops 0 murtsttC acidtocacjxplnt. Keep the jar in the sun aud well covered. JUthe water evaporates add snore with the arid It will tale several weeks to. soften the Tes As soon as tie pulp tau be rubbed off place the IcatOA a piece of gUwrand rub carefully. A soft brush is best for this purpose.

then dean put the leaf In told water. Add one draehm of chloride of lime and five drops of acetic acid to each plat ot water. Let them remain its this until perfectly white Then. press in a large bsk with heary weights Golden Grains. One bad example spoils many good precepts.

Things pa4 may be repented but pot recalled The proud are always most provokeat pride. The past is the seputehisr of our-dead emotions. Love has no age. as it is always renewing it self. Wd likennbeams burn deeper whenean doused.

lah rtfgah of labor has its glimpse of the promised land. Practice flows from. principle tot as a iman thinks so will be act. Truth is not realteed to us but by a conformity or our wills to lb les Lore there is. mystery it is generally supposed that there must also be evil They that cannot weave a uniform web may lit least i reduce a piece of patch work ery good deed that we lo is not only a present pleasure but a prop foe the future.

It is a higher exhibition 01 Christian manliness to bf' i Itble to bear trouble than to get rid of it Without con fid nee friendship is but samockgry and ocial intercourse sort of war in disguise Recrestilon an 1 amusement are as necessary to ourlhcsasthc eutliihowersare to the thirsty earth. Be ireful 1 iv. tl ou est anything of the at- sent whkh then should be unwilling they should hear if present. Our sho ild be the stuff which our lives are en not bits off gaudy ribtoi pinned on for show in fair weather. in is never overcome by looking lit it but by looking away from it to Bins who bore our sins yours eel mine on the cross.

iht brings out stars as sorrowshOTS us truths we never see the stars till we can see or naught el an 1 thus it is with truth. A dinner of fragments is ofteusaid to belhebest dinner so there are few minds but might urniah some instructions and entertainment of their scraps their odds and ends of thought. farm Notes 1 There will large portion aPP5OpiitldV asp i to no at the worlds fair. to be I cd in cn Orleatt. It II 11 ird leaner and bmtKr took.

first I rize ala silver uieJal at the recent fall of the 1 enu yhania State agricultural society- The 1 light Brahma low Is have stood the tests ol ixjenn nt longer than any of our pure i coi ibmin more good qualities than. any tlter. The A eu i ork Tribune says that a grower who raises cabbages effectually i evented the. depredations of the cabbage worm by- killing nil the white butterflies than appeared the ti Id The general of Shropshire sheep is something like the Soutbdowzv They have darner fa es and legs ore about one third larger an 1 Hip nearly twice as much wool. Thy art' hardy and also racy prolific.

Many heat fields says the Sew York. Herald are filled with high weetls It is best to run the- mower over stieh fields. If the weeds ore higher4han ihSgrowing clover the lsnieeistsay besethigU enougli to pass over the clover. Tin England it i- not. uueontmQn to raise i ore lambs of the mutton breeds titan there ar mothers.

Sometimes as high as per cent re are rn ed that 126 limbs to ltd ewe The Hump hire Down ewes are remarkable for bringing twins. At this season of the year as the- manure heaps sare accumulating there will be frequent of fire ranging. This natty be obvi. tied by frequently turning the heap bu judi dons use of alisorbente or by drawing the wanuri. an 1 spreading it on the field.

In packing bees for winter see that. there is an abundance of ventilation not ouly through the combs so that the bees cats at any tune during the winter have acce a to their supplies Lot at the bottom of the hives so that they can have plenty of fresh aii Timothy requir a good soil to be very pro- luetive and i not therefore Itfapted to PS haut- 1 Soils hence the failures that have hlIght timothy iut disrepute. The should be I ep ud well prepared and the ortp cut hay when th bloisonu begin to bed Celery should 1 bf rarthad up so fast a it. ns in order to get it to blanch well. Still the 01 eration sliest not be commenced too early as the growth might be weakened om" what bi all things allow uobwil get into the beast in earthing so the crown is apt to rot frsss thus To keep celery pi-ice a board about nine ii dies from the cellar wall and fall ot the laiit- in an upright position.

Junemche- trosu beard place another ant pack full in tin san way. 1 tnt1prlleaCh is kceJ damp ruos Keep the cellar dark and at as ttmlelatur as poa lUe to 40 degrees. scesiiTe acidity ID cream before churning causes a partial separation of the batter fats and the acid also lertlops glygexin Irpai one of the ils composing these fats. Souring ream does not ad 1 to the quality or butter it simply creates a strong flavor of union ied cream. which the- true flavor of an ma large field divided into sections will fur- i shmoieand leiter pasturage than iftae tOlk is allowed to grae oypr tti entire sur fine at will.

By re 4uently changing the stoc life grin is allowed to grow. the unoccupied portions and will Ill be of better quality. The method also also prevents close grazing If wheat is grown in any orchard the crop Trader the shade of the trees wil' ei rally be light end not worth harvesting. TUQ straw- also will be weak partly owing. thIack of potash whiehtbe tree has taken upland partly the hadmgly the lea ea which pre venJLsthe from saajBafttja poLasb even if it were present in abundance.

In sclectnig a. breed of cows toe milk do to pay attention to. tile qualities of the breed as bet producers. In fact as far away frvdthe aptitude I fattei and filLup th cat' ctposiibl The food eaoinot make both toils and beef. Breed or" a ingle quality rely instead several.

A cow that easily fitted flr tnebatsae ts eld ava od milker. Crocks riJ1 utter to iept for several Tiu jeanse two degree of tens. penis of the. quality of the butter neat the top. The lViUJtee ptnewcont nts fur better jt placed oUea toot from the- cellar bottom npcaaleach aada tluckiT oojen cloth Dr.

tnrtlvani states in utohOJ eahir tlakfrom bush cost callea the golden cranberry was jprt nced eleven distinct forms. ha tests ok. luttrate the importance of Mowing ans fir" teed pnrpose apart from iiherjrarwtie Uua their own and that withoel tnj Distribute the pollen we would have no- led torn nd lest liable to njurythan a crop. lf probable tha eggs will ncTy as cheap in somiierjas. they used to be owing to increasedcAltentionjpvea to vanous modes of preserving.

Every however there is a large demand for fresh eggs end those kept over from summer wilt not take their place except at a considerably reduced price. But. th business jo keeping eggs frsiw summer till winter is profitable if welt managed. The farmer can better afford to raise pota toes for 23 cents per bushel than to grow wheat iorll. Two hundred busheli per acre is not a large average yield.

This would give 50 per acre. Fifteen bushels is an average yield of en rsrs of wieat The potato crop willie- quite a Ntle more labor but with. the late ini proved Tnachmery the cost otjiultivating ad harvesting an acre of potatoes hat been- very much reduced. ANIiOiraCE31IDJTS. For Major.

Veareanthorizedtoannounce VOLLEY DUNMING a candidate for mayor Section fire Wednesday in December James A. Anderson pf the firm oi James An den Co Is Announced as a candidate for al detman at large at thoroming city election pro- viclt 1 that the legislature shall piSi nn aGt in creasing the nsfntber of tddermen J. TYLEECOOPEE is announced as a candidate for alderman at large at the ensuing municipal election subject to the passage of an act by the legislature increasing the number of aldermen. For Councilman. Thefriendsof JAMES SON announce hint IS a candidate for council for the third ward.

Klec lion dust Wednesday in December next O. HAYNESis announced as a candidate for Coroner subject to democratic nomination. WeareanthorizedtoannDunceW STEWART as a candidate for the. office of Coroner' subject to nomination of the democratic party October. 29 ISM.

are authorized to announce MASTDJ Bm ELLasa candidate for Councilman from. Fourth ward. Election first Wednesday in December respectfully announce the name of I. U. smTII for Councilman from the Third Ward.

Election first Wednesday in December. To the Voters of Fulton County I hieby announce. myself a candidate for the Ofllceof Coroner subject to the the-democratic eon- nation. IZZYJ COOL or Coroner. B.

S. WILLIFORD" one. of our oldest and best known. citizens ask the support of his many friends in this county for Coroner. Subject to the.

democratic nomination October th ma record in the. past is a guarantee for his conduct. In the future. DR. V.

II. nODGSON is a candidate for coroner of Fulton county subject. to the democratic. primary To the. Voter.

of. Fulton County. FOR Frank. A RDlburn Is annonno. ed as a candidate for coroner of Fulton unf and respectfully solicits the support of th voters of the county at the approaching election.

WILSON respectfully asks the support Of tbe voten of Fulton county for the office of Coro ner at ensuing election October 2atii. CITIZENS' TICKET. Election First Wednesday in December. For Mayor BON GEORtrSTBlIAYEB. For Alderman 1.

B. GEAJrjJNO. FwOonndlmen Fitst rd W. MLDDLEBROOKS SuoudWard W. I.

GARRETT. Third Ward D. A. BKATTIE. Fourth Ward.

E. F. MAY. Fifth Ward. 2 A lUCK ruth Ward JOHN 0 KV1RAFRICL TO CANDIDATES.

The Constitution Job Office i prepared to print promptly and at a moderate price ELECTION TICKETS. in large and small quantities. Fa- vor us wth your orders NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NQVELTIESI Chamberlm Johnson Co. WILLRECEiVETHISWEEK THEIR SECOND LOT OF FINE Novelty Dress Goods. I xqnisite toods never thown hers before WOOL DRESS.

Immense Jtoti all styles BLACK QOODb Exquisite stales juts opened. All shads cheap ant ggodf Large stock very cheap BLANKETS quality. cheater thaaeyer CK Our 24 Inch Black Silk warranted not to split. We eoatrol in ttij market best known tQ the trade. SILKS.

JJPCHUK SATIN HERVELE USV Etc We guarantee prtcot rgattst New ork or any other market. Give nj a calL in tHAUBESLCJ JOIINiON 4 CO. SVMITJ XAKUFACTUB5B 0 Sulphuric Acid efiDegi Oil AND' OTHER CHEMICALS. I Bee 15 N. YorzyUi cornea Wiltozi Mlnts1 0 ALSO DJSTJLlER OF COAL TAH Vanuiseturar Rooficg and Paving Materials v- READY ROOFlSG tOjrdiriary and Ply Roofing ROOT COATING VARNISH Etc SOUTHERN INTEUGENCE Tina Atlanta PUBLISHED DAIL S.

AMoreCarefully liable Newspaper 4 The" Unit Fo SingleS DAILY jo The' Weekly. Circulation EEi TTOCLUB3tFITYE OB ONE OF THE BEST ADV THE do AUCTTO Railroad Cont Oxford Ala. Oc will 1 to the hlghtkt bidder a large number Steal licmrccrs Shove' licks LlacksmtUis A good deal of wbi Th1GERSOL IMPEOV Complete as good as new stud many other thongs known on lay of For farther particulars apply to Georgia. HAlBi ROBERTS CO AUCTIONEERS WILL SELL- BEFORE" Tim URfHOUSS door in Atlanta ltiltn county. Os.

on the first Tuesday. the 7th da of October SS1i tbo lot marked I on the plat of the Rockwell property by John T. HaU. Jx dated 3rd oly1883 Containing 17. 10O A srea In the northeast corner of laud lot o16ft ThUis a valuable entail tract of laud VA miles meenieo of the city.

la an excellent neighbor' hood good rod to iti half in. timber dl4lt100. cleared some fruit trees. Sold for the- heirs of Rockwdld deceased. Titles good.

Terms cash Jo and see the land ant attend time al HALL itOilEliTfi CO. nEORGIA ORDIXABYa omce Octobers SS4r nb V. Bowlaodbw 214 day. of 54. at may office- an In V.

UAmOCJI Ordinary. CANCER Treated seAenttesU and cured wlthant tie knife. Book on treat. bUlly trenmaiure Occaj. and uiiU le rs of a naapter ia roperty known is irH lfci irffi 6m 14 I AND WEEKli dited Or aMoteRfel Is not Eublishedin ed States.

uhscribersr ER ANNUM 24000 125 perannumj JO RE AT EZDr CZD ATBB ERTISING MEDIUMS ffll UNTRY. meters Plant f4 tober i5th oUUiJroad Carts Wagons Wheel rtu Toels etc All sorts of th la new also four ED STEAM BBILLS lppertainingt nrc rode 8 and 70 East Alabama Street Atto FOR RENT OR OmCFANDMO THS r- New Constitution Buildmg IN SUITS OR SINGLE ROOMS- 4 HEAT IND ELECTRIC WITH EACH bnfldjngcan be wa Constitution office. nave moms arranged 55 desired. AHEMPIIILL iaa5 jn ffiMSSS SlrrtJiyrok ConunDi JAMES' BANK to EXCHANGE AND BANK AeaUta itockt and bonds on nt merchants and Tinp Department-Alto FINANCE AND COMMER Bonds Stocks and Monj 1 OONITITUT1O1 0711 ATtain October 6 Xeuey Is tollmited supply at 10812 per Hew York. sichange buying at par i jUOfLWeprralua Bid.

Asked. Bid. 1114 Atlanta 71 imMa 10J Atlanta 61 LDUOO I 112 AtlsntafaSD 98 i4 120 Atlanta 84 ILBee0l :103 Augusta 71 Ito Tannah6 63 14 Augusta fc Atl 811902112 11 Macon IM Atlta rt aaica in Columbus is. AtttaTsUOUM 119 ATUBTAliniKXX. WSM saKfflg 101 1114 101 504 do.

3d 107 OenR7al823J 10 Oa Pac. led. 83 C. a A A lltlOl 1M XT 4 lst tChirIitlOl 104 consol 57 JlIUQ1Drroa. Qeoni ilC 145 Central debentM 4tChar 2 ti Bonthwe ternlOS ill Ai W.

gonthClina 28 a do. debeu MTBT YOIIK STOCKB. St ekiiB ported in ti Hew York I October e. stock exchange at times to-day was chant ly activity and buoyancy. Dealings we- distributed and prices current In many vcre the highest for some tSae past.

At log there was an advance of MB aware lad Uudsoa and toulsvllle md a scoring the greatest Improvement Grange onrl Pacific tnton Pacific nd Pacific Malj In brisk demand adrancln. K9lH Ohis wu succeeded by a reaction of 31 1 latter was on the fresh buying movement tt In andmany stocks sold up to the highes of the day. In final desllnsj some shares a fragtionally but the snaret In the ma rtrong Missouri rseiic told down to Strength of the market wai due to po ttoek tor both local and Out of town Mi Compared With last fturdutys closlnfl wereK tlJ11" IacifiCjvhicbwM per cent lower. Sales bares. Exchange tT.

Money UiS tItaDeCSI Coin 00 currency GOTernmeatsstesdy 4s lQ I 100 Lbld. fits bond duD. All Class A 2 to 71 dO.C3aaB6l- 0 Si mortgsgs orth CaroUnu. dO. P6W.

M1 lH. fl do. iondiDj- Fl B. C. con.

Brown. 105 TennesaeeSs. iJ9 Virginia ts 1 Virginia consols 3 tjheupkeOisio I do. 1211 PeniBlotJrande 10J NO Pac flea N. T.

Cent Norfolk 4 Northern Pac. ido. preferred PacifioStr" Reading Rich. Alk Rlchmondl RichWPTe do. preferred.

Vfeslera Union. I Ollered THE COTTOX IAIIKET3. CO CON3T1TUTION 01 AlUJtlAOctob ork- TheJ cotton market open jncrningatJowerCittre aul declined se whea a better feeling prevailed and ery of 104 point occurred. Futures clcj said steady SG points lower than Satardd Unchanged middling ltC. Wet receipts for two days 67079 balei 78424 boles last jear exports 52lOlbaleS 1643 bales stock 204103 baleirTast jrl bales.

of cotton futnr in Kew York to Jay onsin. October 10K October Mta mtnrea do quiet. ales iOOOl wnicn 6600 bales wer A ericani local-Cotton steady quotations IMc Good w-ldilltnt 9 middling. low middling Kc low middling oIdViaanlic. krt teport says Sales ol future dells jnen at a price reduction and cent-1 told at lower and tower rates till OcU and the third call showed a loss of 7 3 ter December sad Janur7 19 3ll 1001 slice at the list SlT8l0O.

Only 405 tougl at the third calls October 7. VMareh 1040. Futures dosed I steady October S-100 and the balance Sj than-last tr andNov ember delivery It 4 i Movtmber and. December deltyery 4KiE December nd JanuXT deUP :6 4W4J January and February deUtl tra ry ndHarch delivery April delivers 5 KMi April and i W4r 5 8 futures opened qule. October dettverj 4S 4 iwio1' traba dellTtry 5 64 seller' eember delivery 5 WA seller' silly delivery 5 54 tae1len lanll riley delivery 61.

wymFebruai delivery 4M saUces March naM April and ell tellers fuiurel quiet. October 0 PJ8- tMan-g clans October delivery October and NomDWf delivery 4W1 Vcw-Iier and December aeUTcySUjfl April deliTerjStl u1lm Aj ery a 64 value ftrtnrai closed erj rilal KWHiVt yifj tf AUM 11 new cotton HcJessj net iptl iwy" J. cousotldterl net receipts 4i 1' Great to continents 61 C' e' WOMAN andthe ofI Heuth wneTa1bWlth. tWo en nd t. ii 1j' 9ur vae1 tion upou 8Ch fre hi neral or erore or matt In fi 4 ever onei4er 1fasure.

itiDg JXlaUtJ eour They- are dO nigbtin atient gkiiJ4 fwa1' i an Wf JII a i j1t and to day anda 1 hou hold :3. otthe pain. heena mbaerver sn believ. re- ied wait ustfulmen ll waiting mthers in rld I nceCpt eir ctra ngslinllet it anolllso till seake tacriflca plla ur amid it goo wA hed in. lerethud uJlallay do- nmothr and nolful pleased Goo I fillet liar fr en of 110) wee behlJld.

19J11rom gU' wlUaI jmte cHulIlo in their er. iee. Children do too their nAhel who' never requires service at TnE UUDY exebange gives ollowin piece in lanlliIl uhl go and jlwi was jcl1ildren a it is or to in pl ng iatthor day hr Ialwaysllotice UtU-etrouble ehildrenal- 0 ough thall ant it. A dUI replied iend. use1 ome cross anl I.

Suppose we 1all in were allowed iteor ndle usto Why weJbe in good heajth have lheirwsking Yet thissolJiething tothe ae iv6 You in tvn I is amuse- i in things. ow DO the hoilse th room clu. fli. notllfl rd C1Irpetl 1nint :11h.e anlleft in six 11 i heated by little his is put wire teretno no danger or the pjng will Ii pointed tle1kllte grill II pal pink lJor ht wlius is ea coui. out mnsgsziucs illutrated lpa ci till time the almost a Ill nllt" Pi( birb snd of child- fJUS lumer pints dowunear NulJ elljoy I ib Ia ted tjieai is hn06 iW" continued tl uiec li ve an ues Th 5 fasten anti 11.

C1Vit um tb b' uiebl the appearance cU mlUl9. kPi in is rror rty. Ilurs till th name ens- JI" ilrn lage My children rO lH onl lllhe hell for tea rtattermy elf th irom pie- as urdenviLh have given always t1 a whole t. th 4) Idr na gnJgiv th rtain i Wt of their own IUl dW 11i tfd. rk Jl1bX or 8Il.

ll ru ow iOIer lOl nu dhu ksTl1rho be pl ut9f. f4I to tve ta hatsae. i' 5 tJhnJ ed i leteeth. 1 ijiJJIw San Ii 1l uU1 tO lt it1l 11 lm- tYr It 4m Vlr i l1 Ji I eJl sju ll41ethlcb betaIGU1ueh i Iot fJ ttu lit th d- t1 A 7 5 i UuJQ c. t1ltt1 ttQf' tf 1 Il rei147 biii Pre and cheap OO 114 bow a1 ofdOwir dClllit i 1 ce li1iedwl bYlOm8 1 ct on oO dr Th stltches---KenrlDgton Is If roeis for le.petali eu rkeua4e shouldbe clOlelygathered we 1 ou er WD ed Work the fen.

ose- With silltwork few 1011 IDg finishingtmCh 8cwthe Coriesl oudent. GAj I arU le' Will50mc Jer til arellgc. I llie in thf country en ugh best boardt ID not9 as welll19 eyory-dsy Ilr 5' trunks everything away hut I find mess the bed room betterorder so WEG doh ope frien It seems that girls that can very nicely girlsllntl mt ht they succ el We pc I en I b. held With scen ted feet. JusLfor to the Worry ger neck it coursing Wisdom's It were whrrejloY ar meet- da.

ies own sturdy btUlng br a. t- with dec listening SQJ1 uoshC9thlog 5WOIIs wtll scabbard-kept tired-so rigid uty life's loo wlthno gtringrunl1 ng crude JOYs rea YTOwnseut CJIfP Removethe sln and to every pint of juice I1H poun toajeUy. Beat to I a ollg roll rolliHery thuurrd tFrlJ ant to two eggs whttes. and ra Ii IO tI1ce lemonveryt1lu. onl lng WIltH ea pooud io tilecea let tweutvfonr follcr.

Ilg 3Y fruit add one Jillbe who MI Ill pkltsor horse nd I Fprin lc It rthegarto cover the whole lti it vinegar it it le tJy nl de all oilbalf tbi haUounce I th in. oo1d tinegat thcpicklC of Len inlxt bot tlghtand wjntettis tapu on br ed beehteakIt wi11keep weU. and 1fi ter inglU1o lVot BuxusT oblong Ilt bt IIh 5 caQbe POf work withredor an4ijni gthem aribb 1. A madeof1ish 3f' eJrmeof 1 woo4l CQyetWithwhte ps anti i gluezh aUQ ltln4lIuUU. alo terlp U1 11 SnaniTol A pre Li glo aQttotlJr t- 1t i 1cl1 th t1ftth I Up Wll JstaboJ t1 lul Par The 19 td 11 illq i 1a ab i 11 i4tbi fringe of ystlk i t1h color fihe ri l1ot th lDt lr' 4t ll l1i rtef1lt Yi GUtef t1 ita bbOn9 of eQth or tlltw.

tlliWr ue i. ST1Ir eIt lt Yst. l1tt i tWQ i flr 2 l. 4. er w1 11 ii' 1" t1 JI 1411 he to 1 pet i 1 son ep1aoe olttb.

hmth Ve1i kwit4) JIQ tb 1gB iit e. ao.g 01l ttLhwt rli1wliiCh1tAtli Of 1Ic1 LtQ pin Ketpthe intbe and1veU cov As the water re th I the1yes. As. lf. thtlC4l ft brush forthts l1n A andJiy aeetieacid th ulluipetre tl1white withhellY on.

many pas ot led. are mast proTokectatpride. asit it. like snubeams wheo. Vft5V lDAU lJotre l1zed bra dis Ovrics Where llppov ii we mal produce pi ce work.

Every onl Iurthc of mnUn138 trou Lie rid it. Wi confldssee It mo ry an olw8r III and our lives as the gentle showers are how thoo gayest hith theyshould r. should 01 woven orercome itbut an inc st ll81LS sorrow shows ught el-e-and be1h best theiro1ds n. ill he Ilarie Dflpropti tM a prlIIiulI1 posliry held its New 1hl' 11 1 1lIrd gleaner bind fir prize Iltthe lenrsylvania eiety' light fowls xlelinwnt IOI1 cr line coztbinivg New York Ttibunesays raii cabbageeileclulllly prevented dpltd tions i field. ts-pc is foes ab mt third attl nearl hard e' filletlwith.

highweels tis momie' oV reueh' lth orc higbet l1M growing kniHs lly he set lel1vugli S8 is raise more ar. 0000 times Il more ed i I1Dlp briugingtwin5. ire ca fir oy tt l. bujudi- dous sal is throu ees access so lanhave ai requirs 1 il deep mid for the gin bed. 1 as in operation as wefkeueJom thereby.

Alllneall nO l11 to iB 8 pi. roUron Tokeepc llry nin icLes lek tll in Nine liuches trOll1lhi pla pIU It samewny 1 Ifteed I ep. darkandat a egree xce ive in befQreehurning fa ts sleselopsglycerige ou oils th add it un UIe the A sectjong fur- ri more un a if tb6 is graROY f. ttw freiuenlIy stock aJo ed Qn tbeuDQCcapietl obeof tter qua I al a revelU 1os6grazmg wl1 ho ten pjl tJlrel is in of. treeswiH entraUy Tls .8 weakpartly th J8cl lVhie-h.

the treeh ta. ken. Up tand. par ding by theJeyegWh pre. vefltSLtheV3vlieaj inbu dance seltetim V4 get as.

Ilr frl itld tot agd Iibl fsoLcanssot 1t 1i er Dr sj gl JitY ad Of ACQw is tneb1t is i kJl lceptfol U01IthuhottldlleTer plaeedup i theel Iar tyJ Thiul pUl1t reinth el 1q ie wiU betth f. 8 tl ft eIfU te l. a. rth. i crocks Qnf bel.

er I ced tll itheiedIa bottiliUn i ieud' nttjth ith1' Y1 F- tnif eJ t4h1 tldt- fUl aVygniattoa ta- ib t.pe2gpld6ll ran i PfctJt1 ed lS nc tsil ilutJat fee Iltl partlr ar ti Ill m. niancljea1. tlh tJ thO tJJ1I JCh theJIOUen uld'-have1n fj le ffgrtZ if ft li-erW lt1 1 f9 1 TU' eattQo fl" If. 41. J.

Htlihe. Ttunt i.a4ti01i 1bJ i rt-i tM tfiM M1tt.1 1ti U1lltff lilf tr2r ii i i i fj jl lia 1IIJ le 2 j1 pi tiJ l1 tfgiSVP Ji i tga ib aacheap 1l Jj E9wiDg1 i ten g1veuwvanUI JJlodeJ1 er ow. ver the larged Qrfr eg i thse kepL overJroJ1utnntetwiUnoJ.ake el t. oDi bly e4n pde lt. i busl1jepf ke plng elr Cr r.J- rtll1i wi teIJtrqfitabl Uwj a 1 eWer anbetter airor4 ta.

i fQlJ5 ntl tbuilieUhanfG oy i for 1 To acreu notll erageyi d. ouldgin50 Fit enbtiheta iBan ag dJ JlDatreorWhent potatQero I We Jab tb.eJa\eim 1 chineryth 9 ot Julti va Ag CJWl9lTS. Weareaulhorlze4 tii nnounce VOL acandidatef mar r. uq5flxet Wemalcrmbei dti A. QIl thiifi 1J1Q lme.AAn.- dlWn Co.

oul1ced llteforal aD atlarge pro- sided tha sl aU' MS nnlIct in- th nU TYLER OIfR ann n.c thenutaber Th frlenda ol OI o1incI1for th1rdwudElec. We4neJidayn R. HAY is nced or nominatioIt. We ar aut1 orlz to atnisunee W. F.

to. nomin tion We toJ1n UnceMASTP1 WELL as a. E1 UoJl We anl101inc ElecUon1iIst ANY VO BI e1li democratic 0 J. COOKi oIh1s fo Subj nom1n Uon for in A. edu Fultoneount thO v0iei3 UJ1tJa th Er nent El tion nON.

Gigk iLL1ER. tk em G. yerCouncilmen-1sstWard Wrd uooWi Ward DABEATTIE Z. A. TRICK.

Ct iI- anthat 8 withyqur I I WJLt RECEIVETHISWE THElRSE O. Fl xu te Goods shoWllbere Imlllense.stock. ffi i c1 ILA Hq1 ch en LXS to. oatNlIllJnfs be tQ EI g. PJ1.

YS fl 1f MglWFr. Et eepJ1cog ewY rk otaQf othermarbt aca1L su 1ERut J9HN ACTURiRO" 66 De OUVitdo I A 1QJ QFCOAL f. I. Ro fingatt atcd fJ Tned fir1ft P-criat' 1. 7 a ERtD RQQI NQ' tF Ii :2 l1Y- bfi i i.

iVARNiSHfE rA m' jri tIoRO 0' a' 9I tf i.1 i Ill i i Jij SO UTH ER N- INt tIGEtlQg' 0- i c. tlamlE f' o' fC' 1. 1' DD1 AMonfCar llY en lgJ 1 Yo Citcul tion TIOC UJiW1 ONEOFTHE A r-ll FFC 1l nt Al UI high Ht dtleralarge lllncks lL4' SA dealof1Tbl 1mpletlas endmny iP Go rthetPtIC lrIapplrto Wm. nA ROB TS oKEEI 3 W. TILL SELLcBEF lMlinti otrthe- Tnt8dlythe.iUtlaofOctober lolmarkedcNo.

onthep14 ftheRo propel1JbJohDlHall Poi4ded311l p1I. 6100 At9 norU1eastcomer flan tN Js jmalUne oflal d4 mUeS ee1trw l1r. tUkhltfnt clear tr goodTerms Go 1a11dan tii 1 T8Co. 25i2Sselt430d. n.

C' c. GEOROU FLTO O. 1Y niAnY' omceOctOOer6l lfIItbYRoia 1rl ft Willfm upo tbesilme 4UOOd. o'clock- LW Octo 1 S418 ffi uu UALlQUNrdinsrrL ca' CERTreate4liei i IIIdeure4wUbOGUA8 kD1feBookODpea mnheDtPJoeet tJIDi Pd UMORI nhDod Restortd IW Tl ra 5' fl lT' 1YiYm lRO TJtCfp wn' CUmtt tJDnwnI by 1be wlU Stimson YIld let Cfuaud1. wjnrltlO htzbt dMrf ttfU itQtd mateg on lJ 1U Us.

th. JifJ 0. les 14. vfaisston 1JJltlJnaJe41U4hua11b Insar rt i. 7 1ql ttAD iI il NJ 1ttt OJ t7stJtQ tf If' I' 1 It 11 YfANDt ii1i rill dit diQra MoifIR" otl ub c' Stat OOOI2 5pera :0 4.

ERTISINGMEDr MS 0 2l- UNTJRY ilf IV he C5 h18i 1 8I1eans gols. Bairosr I sfr EMf RB1 SJ1 railroad work. imSiiiWt4i. IUNNL AI. CQici rodef3and East AlbamsJreI EOltRENTO Rn XS iiiii ff ns uti n.

ll i 4 St TS 0RSINQI RO MS f1 INlfWGTIUGU6HT1m i A9IIf. lK ELEGANT OTlSr 1N6ER nEYtOB V.J. HEMPHIt J1 ell CJ1 SqtJ1TIQ ffiBi.fput Of twkrtui rmSi fLf daydh rMJ FItlier parj. ywW Count d. tree.

jp t. JrOt1t5. tiC1J. t1tC countS and an llUeaoUhe 1irntj. bi i i fiI1bJto.

i VlCmW.Sod 1. i i I tb i cId 1 I t-rI IB. WAmXT E. OR. IAItmI lidS t11I ltD1trrt i1iamse w-jzritge OfJl1Yd4Uthter JuJ1ai I 5 r.

4jtif WE1 Bond iSt ck' Bt i :1 OUt1nr eks 0 fUlmt and esUoln Bullhead stock ros4JtOCk. nelcenibOndLu' ea bttd cent bonds eorcfa 6 boDc1J. 1 olAlbam 11 VesteYU I ebenturel. roR Tf OLR1L boudl. GeO raclAc lIUortgge bonds.

l' State of Gat a per i bonds Atlanta City to. ltJCIAUPtbondl 1dES" NJ op lf. qG UmIANt nstnel f4e a inatoekJ bondlon 1diODrACJCOU11Wof ld All solicited. I Wfiton cdnoal. tIai the1Leofpet at I roneetloDJin t1lecltymad free91eh IUT8inmedp11atentiOJdo Jendlnlmone lIte4fr FIt4 on4 StO.

Ks ar c1Mo 1 oNmTunOlf A Octo1 el11 mllmf 4tiplai ee I' 1J. 02 InAtlmta 7iS9U Sa. Gl1lfflOl 16SAtlan ta LoD. 100 SL1 tH i ol1 Iuannshrl 6L 14AtII1Ita ua 116 l. J1UiiTIJl STOCK.

JJ Aumta' li80200. t8fatep GL100 4Jtc WIO1 GlteC1tl NtUoa I 8L GI1mii. 101. LD1I tilij c. 1D1oJ011MWB.

Of 1sUM i IgDL jlnllXl it. LC :7II.1I.c ti CentraUebent 83 At. nMAug d3aTl1f outltweIerti1l9 83 10. tlthC1I11L. 20.

21. d. 0. 1entra1 tlf iStock tJcha t1meS ara rajr tt' b1acttrttr euDeali if d6trJbutedan IJ' ere thelJghe Il I puLA' th 4 an e. fX0tU ar ai1dHudson a dA ui 1lleindia OrlDg tut sI nPi ffent.

la Qt1rtfacW JadAc ndlacf 4u brlskfl nlI adn lUIe t1CC ded bJJ Ct10DOf att a t1l fieshbuj 1i iiil. An1. UPtO ili fx ofjhfd rln eallDn iQm P1 reIJ rre t1 lly uU1 JJ iI1jh Il JtrligUss ur d9WJt t9tl sirrp hof 1 Il arl Wi' pttrth 1il tkfO' out tt comJ a djrJtl1latEt i osing were per centJiltherexetp1fot4 aJ rcn lo er Jfone1JI 1incel I129mtXXIeumn 1189JGOC Ternmentl adi- 1 1OO3ib 10 Ohlo Cliii 6LIS N. m. OrlhCro 129- Norfo1kWnpr 18 diJ rftlii rret aee6lt Read1IIr--- t31JR1ch.

All Is as VheIa keOhlo Cfrete iI JeD" Rio orande 1 do. preferred. Xr1e 1' ITeua lactSc rreTo I Lo. N. do to mPh.

iI. CbU .3 IW estera U. Di tEx41T1detl.4 CO 2 YorltIhelC toJ1mark oPen' gt oerfilitre a eB ette tu iledan 0. ed' cl Jrid a4j Ii i sit11r J1ncb lIg dtl IdIUlJ WaCf. Net1e Jort 04a1l 7 bale 7 4 1iJJeXPo 5 403 tit o1fe 1Teth ing ncic fu 1fyQrktoa1 toiierO ier.

hn1a1J o.2Oi rtWf February I 1 lr LI' Jnt11rea c1' Or OOO rhic2tJ eie AJ 1ef1 AJDmcu2W 1 ttIJifteaatt quota i od mlddl1nf9Jiet mtdd1il11 9 Jo1f m1ddl1ncJYc W1letffk1r i JlSa1t1" offu re at redl1i o11JICl cOn" 1 wer lJ Jq1Iiua n4 tthe IhgwUlW mbir andian it lHOOI 811Cnthe lOOOnl1 Ckt9berJ. 1113 lt atea4rpc ob Iut timlatJ ltlpapb IvnPooLotobe dent f1DandmlddllDl11Pla dJ 54 aalell2OObaleI 1UDnand ptl 3000f er1CD 6000 upln dlUleucwberde11ntyi 4641. del1nf1 t5. Decem her. delivery dJanUJ1 deli delis etrua an JlIrchdcllmJ rr pril4eUyeiy6 Ut rli ft1 edp9ul mrilOorL oe oiJft 2rop rio American tO f11P1andilow ml tuUlllitRIM etmbndeUTeql 64U4i zt7 6.

a 6. 611. el1erl' A P. 11. 1.

Ud I. 14. el. 11tlltll Octobir iddlingclan ber Oct betiDd H2 delivery Hi" JU1Dbetl14 64 11I11I11dJebmarJ lellfet1UU4aell. farcln1e1trery sellers del1J UI-U.

prU a 1JaJ1I11dd1tnI u-lsnds 1I11d lessl1 receipt 1O1I13COlllOl1d. ip GreatBrita1D 21Wtl el1l GltVSTOI berJ 4 ton. net reeeipti 1951 :1. 1 iiOOtlOHH fJPOnaJO lI ri Pltmt fc 1rt t' Jlf klCklli I DAY CTOIIEIfr 718 p' THE WOMAtSKINGDOM th Taik Woinenand ITsa You again. hignpouyourecho1 ut ct iI Iooktng mit utfurthenL" me 1 I bsbitofsceing in idofway thimm I7 wearsigh r- au 1 1barent.

useful mf pentin o' tieir t-'i'- and themsee 4- i themto aol unuuin1ul te les- r9u good wtmuaus cull ser- t- mueh nts lnl read k. i 4 yarmn weary I sotice al- rerhaiss 0U liar bs amued mil I aay write fl7 A tO 5 hansleatsi ofthc i ver theyilnd house childra. notaflrd yars paint lie A. carpet oul insx I. room is a put to ln te bordr s-- bave-awainocoting ofth pic coull 4'- jare efemrse ummer.

thcni 5 lsatcd this tiveboxta tba pa-lied en 1c witb arsmnd ai r- bc the1ox r1ug inhuele cut underneath. is ftsrajh. otthe the selftLst readers 5Q net i children and give thn or th biietstd. 1ltd' Cav SZt5.2mil rug 1 t- mTerattOBaeflAh1assbs. 5i mamaa feaceteeb C11510a1 ejs gtv 01 sorties cjp eiephs if I ls1aIe to trim lInen tasvmi lreaseeajth in tbrcadterthwse and iiases5 ftn3 tbu wQrklag Uke TttYhuIakentbcilsey1 tir as t3rned ned hte.

i else rs ttpisC1taatetate wieg-w. 1kndsoeater1al Js psLleras snl are at. r1t to snt s4 elawce elsapehiA beu4egTttL4efotd peusmtle4 ta beTWthLSesLlnhiclmergoadIoms Tretr ao14 Vatash4bkeIt I ero bui ofe4oIgolLaaidbIaeonagoId I rreu curtails' an fum1tueace lie anuy i frIngehantng zodofbisoaorwO work1e UJ vor lsenar1cbereffecttsdesIgned. Ifawtl4 atsseweI owet carefullyanil afew petaIsfinishi geaeh atlisykootlsaily matgrbaion monthabow girls. 10 I live inthe col- fo fd nd v.

G. ou mooed rlli an its heedless hidiu breuthing Ailswoidswlll motif tong Sotiredof situp tado runaing Crnaltjoys SCC5tERNONI stir bug very thro and ISCI0N very thlu co radlb tq- Ict as sacs heligsint poumsdgbite welkthen th yinegatenoogh cover' beelsteak1twilbkeepweiland oxrntklnglnto nseiTswTbeobIong beughtfor2OcenIseadaathe fgultatereseajbe 1hC iisg canbensadeof fltlseais. Makcairtate a it. sntput in a colored th is Cflast.rLiSa-.j. pty shade Jog a I a edge Is lugeat oL the TbeloweredgeLgtgd with antique lace sboutthrecbg1a witith flfliahewja i of the of the rib- tootled wIth ofi three CbSshodhebj 110 ecreespond alilt of another og I- sAviYckveryswa in I l53 InoI goods.

urcha two ebeete linpremlon paper cpa black anti th other whtta. I ItU155 bQttvcnty UtL' Uae the btatt for- ligLi rlorni gou RiMe p' t1oipspereis aaM oAa I lty iawtsb to taaiis po veltel or aejthtck the pap table wlthyourpalterItalWftTs imsodeof Me and goodstsson. select Iceveg pcrfeehleav add to cact pint. ar is leaves. 5 tb leaf on A i eaChPImL peUeetIyVwhtt decperwhetl rnan amn ement llOWVthOO Night mightlurnish eudeseds so llubard lV ii says.

th highehuinihfigrowing high Is is ewe. Thellunap tr CBSCCVOf fire or tt1 timeduring it into soil eo Abavealithings iospt keep-celery flied nd 1aek of rlsuts sante is moss. Keepthe oellardark atas Io poseille ts liaressive thbuttvr tsnsoure1 to thetrue1avorofarensa. i1h mnd the Byfrequ ntly gruwVon alo snethodalso WIVIICJIVUtVIOSVI iuuros isasturea alsowill boweak pattlyusiug. whieh th takenup and lealeS wiIichVpre aabeti frzntbeartitude fattenand fiiltpihesar VI8BICI55bI.

or f. toe butehes iseeidqmst a good ofbutter be kept mnomths ehoeld never placed uPon the eel- larbotem. 1 peratere in the crk. which will be at the ci- a lit ofthe4 The will theircontents betteritnlaeed sitleasta iotfrocn bottcgsiiimnabeueh 5OoLLUttCk5Vjjee1o thrown cve it Ldelatlon Utioli Of beaks VtL from of a calledVthsa Prc-duccd devendistinet Pbs beans f-ar surposenapart fremcthervarietiea says iuetts. to preduetsi.

wheattooeurly Thgdy Iy its in lbaycungwlosstlodtsino Lisa snathss vOssi6Vl571M45Qwng Wh tbo- nssieswMrilaeweati liable Vtainjnfys VaOwI sbeeITheLblitIy om1and thenetorean euzlycopof weat ii late thateggs never be inereasea attention given various furfrestt summer the of l. is ofwieat. will to- pr red uL Iorinyur We are authorlze4 nnou ce jjfiVfo5 flfmQUamet4si dersonCo floral- stetlrptsa fl' EOOFER Thefriends otJABE thth1rd are authorized tesapnouneeVMASTThl MaNIc yorgme forthe democratlenomlnatton thepastts aguaxauteeforhls inthenture. uIton edesacandidate unty WT thevoterz Oorg- Oetober2fth. KIOdIOflVVFiflt FogHMayor ForAlderm n.

VW V. ThlrdWard EFMAY TilthWrd LAEICE printprompty andsmall Fa- I WEEK ito Ic gVI FLtNl tiE- than Lnown. le ttt1 PILKfiJILCUUSE MERVELEALX All qualitIes Vrk an. Olseusactall. tCQ Q.

07 VitroI Us AL5O. ARi. of Rooflagand R9ofing and Fc1ts ZLETWtIOBB42sD 07 5 COATINGSVFiRNISII5 9rsyth Sttlssiita 4gOV Wbo1eleftnti. Retail. 4 V- es a Sausage Afathfa1 Wrc 4 r- i ta THE- TRllEIE 1.

IL A More Carefully 17 ngFeV oflt A Sr ill hiht morfuriherpartieulara Wmi. Mianige 1loBhr i coAUCrIONEEIId BEFOItE ioOrin slay byJhnTilaJI4m o. datedlrdjulytStI cree No. ISA Title is 4- fec macaisles it Foekn til sale. ii 21i28 aet itOct 1 JoCiro 5 1 tI.

NergOx liowlamt bai aplfetfor eiewption ci personally out Of the preperty of Samuel J. Rowland deeeiael and I will as upon the sense at 10 s. the dayct ND I GraErnc Abm 04 West VewIhI IUUlI CiDdUMUSV Manhood Tietlneeofyonthfnluspidincecimzaisg1erTouDn Dccc ill disorders brscilie hjisdiscretioasrexessawmll Jesrasfa ensp1ervse4 sddossiagJ 1:1. JLElVkBI5e3 VbaihaadS I aJ 1Te For Sit GreeniIle. TY OPTJI POWER ugonuse.

ihebmatwittnf ceesseed 1 wIll re to Ite itt usl rcsni a grivata sale. 3lonstay JLanryiit IIaa Iathc gtiyoVCreenyille thto4tte hOtCI fbe Rouse. fhgltteft sxqnsledaMbuail se necessary convefitcntuS 1 V. PONEItT I Hp9 AND I a Constitift1 4IAV VEE1thL. a More We not Iub1ish din per annun IN 1884 ofltaflroadthitsWsgnsme IrEI- chlsesewrkofuux tel TerUIs ina14 J1JNN 14 AI1u CO street4Ctsnh1 ti LEA.

OUICEB ANt kotlIta I Tli SUITSVOR IFllT F1SK OO3X AVEISAT OflS EAssEE1t nnnbsg Oflct4flti7. Diants of the buIlding can ThO cce. PargIes spplYIflZ new DISSOLIJT1OL5 IUIEFIFU OFBEATIE 45 TII1 1. day party will aat CQCeii oOIsIC any liabilties oI the Wi11 set. tied as hereto fore.

D. AilATt rJV1 11 1gacrt. nO T1fl sSVUE ccgcstMOUTflW I I I II lk aadV1IINTlT1lt5 left ii I iii It V5 lible cure Ir U1OPtVS II IIIIILIIV 00521. 5. tATLJItV 5' Month end- JcetL Glatel theTeclis td keer tbe ltthy Cures-Bed or.

Veast- ireetis. solsty-byDm. I. FWlt ifOLMP' aeo 7raalS slljipliggista and Dretmss 4- WARNING BEST iGE. jgtssintt lvthg5 of tU tea I thrrcrM5wtberwrtt1t1w a i'2 JV c' a pATTERSON Ck Brok rRYosITREzr.

WANTZD. Ctititral BUt0J' d9Yest POint 6005gm stoCk EasnD2 pecn bonds. luw-bUV co" ESIdt per cent bonds. EII1O' 1 AIIbSIfl bonds VT vaaULbon Geot let city of AW bonds. EN I 0inCM wion Aocou1m' ci IdUII VV 0' depositaatthereta0l4Ptrent C0l1tul0 to th cIty wide free ci ca I have inrued my attention to lendVing mont stead OIIIICCUtaIioI in stOckII0IIN U.

lAM FINANCEAND nds StocIsand Mon I 1 cc pare 5l5O Iii prstJum. ISATI LiD OflT zoani. tV t- Atlinti7ii9lOs Atint61LDltlO i ls7ugoldlO9 ItS 1 tIlSll7 is. 84 CV 4 AtigustaSslitI Uta lI2LlC6 id VV IIWX AtiantaNaLlSO 2 Bk State p1 01 lOS 2fl1OAD IOtD1- B. lull 89 51.

Aug. led. 9 cfsB6slsIoIot WBofAlalatlGi 5- 2s1107 25 105 dIsPac. 4 consoldb It jfl75 flOCKS. debent 4 12 br.

AW P. tjentrsli3 lS Stica i Ueportedli 5 Ziebaige. IIZW TORI I1e per Ce fount pe fhLwai th in. and ninny 5f 4 ss we closing. V- 3S323 cent except for It at1ft which was 5 421 Sub-In U26O steady 325Z5 bid.

bcssdeduli. Mebile 0blo. is. I Ga. t9 N.

0. Ga. JC2 Jeutrst. Wn pr 118 O. ticon pacOgioMIl t3JReadleg.

I 131 4 All NW ViEtR5Ck Island. iii. Paul. Pen Ictat Ten" U. B.

4Unlon tactile. Iake 75 Wab. St. L. 1' tJ' empbte Churn.

p4VWostara fEb51 I 0 ATUgTA Octo VIISsWYOTk-Tbl SnoTttingat lower Sgstres c5sewhestabetter feillugprevallel an fJi thaufiatird cet 6l21 laetyesr bales VJj5 ow wegiyethecpettr-gsnd closing he to-day CctoberlOt4l1. foyemberlOejd November. liecamber. tk Iabzuary lRlk4V lQ410f 3-- lotcd quill end attmJ iaIi tJii Clotild lands id ael 8 8010 bkh wereAw-ciO1 5 OSfTfcin 9XL LW TOtober TkS inresed eon at 13111011 7. L12V audthe ill TelegTaPb.

L1VrBpoOLOctoberCOtt0n dwand intddulng plifldI 5' mid 53k alaal2OCti Ls speculation atiI retlpts 8011 American dUng I. her and4Joiember l. 4 4144 nn 6l Januaryand ebntsry fr1061 65 aOSVI TICO October 2OO S7t0bIc. upliflilS tow It 444. Oct Ysasberdellvery NOT V' 5w- 4 Jl15 jaiyeri Febru' 49 and 8314 sellers 1ns May de.

LIVZBYOOL 500 octoberdeilseny OcOobeeandNovemWrdellt7It 4. 41 cw-bervd JanuarydelITeiT 542 flV 5Jarth delivery 4844. eellemAprUa yItg4V5ysiue fntneO4 lrgy YORK October 6 bile 011ddlIng 10VVwd 1 1c less recef p5 3 receipti4Lt 5- Britain 25737 VOctober. dling9li-1O roseipte6911 ulz1Il9Ostd5ekI0hleXPOrtCt0t fl II0BJOLXOctober ctw 5- Vj' i 63l export. CosItWthS l12I.

1LMmeToN Oet Co a lit aetTP4 In JL1 none sleek 12.

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