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11 Toronto Jobs You Can Get With Zero Experience Right Now That Pay $17/Hour

Time to get your resumes ready.

If your wallet is a little short on cash, it might be time to start preparing your resume. No matter your skillsets are, there are tons of jobs around the 6ix that are hiring right now and will pay you $17 an hour. So get ready to start applying to these Toronto jobs with no experience needed. 

Whether you're looking for a summer job or are trying to find an entry-level position, it doesn't mean you need to be only making minimum wage. 

Thankfully, there are plenty of starter jobs in the 6ix that will help you pay the rent without lying on your resume.

All you need for these jobs is a can-do attitude and willingness to work.

From working at your favourite coffee house, to be a kitchen assistant, there are plenty of opportunities for you to earn some cash

If working indoors isn't you're thing, there are also a variety of jobs that allow you to work outside and soak up some of that summer sun. 

So get your resume ready, because we've compiled a list of jobs that can potentially pay you $17 or more an hour. 

Full-Time General Labour

Salary: $17.25 /hr 

Company: Metro

Why You Should Apply: If you're the kind of person who doesn't like to deal with people and prefer to work with their hands, this job will be perfect for you.

Apply Here

Warehouse Help

Salary: $15 - $18/hr

Company: Handfuel

Why You Should Apply: If you enjoy working in solitude and are a self-proclaimed weekend warrior, this job's set up will work out nicely for you.

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Full-Time Warehouse Attendant

Salary: $17 - $19/hr

Company: 100km Foods Inc

Why You Should Apply: If you like good food, good people, and being a part of a team, you'll fit in great at this joint.

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Grocery Associate

Salary: $14 - $17/hr

Company: Summerhill Market Rosedale

Why You Should Apply: If you're a people person and would like to work at one Toronto's hippest grocery store, you're really going to dig this gig.

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Salary: $14 - $18/hr

Company: Toronto Lawn Tennis Club

Why You Should Apply: If you're looking for summer bonuses and free meals, this is probably the gig for you. 

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Salary: $12 - $17/hr

Company: The Burger Priest 

Why You Should Apply: If you're interested in a career in food, what better place to start than serving some of the best burgers in town.

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Kitchen Assistant

Salary: $22 - $30/hr

Company: Alaroz 

Why You Should Apply: A great opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of kitchen work without needing any previous experience! Also, the pay is great!

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Bubble Tea Barista

Salary: $14 - $19/hr

Company: Boba Boy

Why You Should Apply: If you're a bubble tea fiend and also love being in front of the camera, this is the job for you. Boba Boy is looking for baristas while filming their first season of a reality TV show. 

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Counter Help

Salary: $13 - $17/hr

Company: Sud Forno

Why You Should Apply: If you have a passion for coffee and baked goods, you should definitely check out this position.

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Sales Associate

Salary: $16 - $18 an hour

Company: Fresh City Farms

Why You Should Apply: A starter job ideally suited for someone who is passionate about local foods and cooking.

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General Labourer

Salary: $15 - $20/hr

Company: Rent-a-Son Moving and Storage 

Why You Should Apply: If you're the guy all your friends always call when they are moving, this is your chance to actually get paid for a change.

Apply Here

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