What is Google Scholar? and What is?

Google Scholar

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What is Google Scholar?

Google Scholar O Google Académico (In Castilian) is the Google search engine specialized in academic papers. It was established in 2004 and is the you should use if you are college or are working on academic content. This search engine appear only articles published in refereed journals, theses, books, patents and documents relating to meetings with scientific and academic validity. It is therefore most suitable source of information to be included as references in any document whose sources should be academically valid.

What is it for?

If you're in college and you must submit papers, theses, articles or works EOG / Master, it is necessary that all statements that do have a sound scientific basis and of course, you must cite the source in which you have based for reaching these conclusions. You find this source Google ScholarNot at Google.

The results appear in the pages of Google Scholar They are already designed so you can capture with reference manager you are using (the most popular are Zotero, RefWorks or Mendeley) so that citations will be created automatically and the literature you will also be created automatically with all references you used in your work.

Another advantage of Google Scholar is that it gives you full access to the document in question (if it is found) or to the part of the content that interests you, so it saves many visits to the library and allows access to content that we would hardly find otherwise. If the document is part of a private library, from Google Scholar You can enter it if you are connected from a university campus and your university has agreements with that library.

If I am an author, how can I publish to Google Scholar?

If you are the author of academic material, you are especially interested that the content you have created appears indexed in Google Scholar. To do this you must create an author profile and register your items from the ad itself. If the articles are published in journals indexed, Google will find them and you must assign them to your tab. From the tab you can track appointments that you receive and have an inventory of all your published works, generating statistics and graphs.

The algorithm that sorts the results of Google Scholar is very similar to that of Google, but also includes the relevance of the document, ie, the times I have cited.


Google Scholar's slogan is "standing on the shoulder of giants”… “shoulders of giants"A quote from Issac Newtown"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giantsNovember 15, 2021

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