What is Adhesion and Cohesion?

What is Adhesion and Cohesion?

We are exploring plasma technology with Quantum Plasma Academy!

In this article, we will re-examine the effects of surface tension and re-emphasise why plasma should be involved in all areas of production.

Surface tension is briefly called the effect that makes the surface layer in liquids behave like a flexible membrane.

Therefore, liquids shrink by acting flexibly or, in simpler terms, take the shape of a drop.

The reason for the surface tension is that the electrical forces between the surface molecules and the molecules in the interior differ and the electrical force acting on the molecules on the surface is not balanced.

We can understand this effect better if we know the concepts of adhesion and cohesion.

So, what are adhesion and cohesion?

Adhesion; attraction of different types of molecules to each other Cohesion is the attraction of molecules of the same type.

In order for a liquid to wet a surface, the adhesion force must be higher than the cohesion force.

This also means adhesion. If the molecules of the substance on the surface attract each other more strongly than the molecules of the liquid attract each other, the liquid wets the surface.

A meniscus is the curved line that forms at the upper surface of a liquid in a container. The shape of the meniscus depends on the difference between the adhesion between the liquid and the container surface and the cohesion between the liquid molecules.

  • A concave meniscus forms when the liquid is more attracted to its container than it is to itself. In other words, adhesion is greater than cohesion. Water in a glass tube has a concave meniscus, even though it has high cohesion.
  • A convex meniscus forms when the liquid is more attracted to itself than to its container. Cohesion is greater than adhesion. Mercury in a glass container has a convex meniscus.
  • A flat meniscus occurs when adhesion and cohesion are in balance. Water in a plastic container has a nearly flat meniscus.

Note, the curve of the meniscus also depends on how narrow the walls of the container are. The curve is more pronounced in thin tubes.

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Embedded Software Engineer


Adhesion is written stronger than cohesion in both cases!


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