Werner Heisenberg - Physicist, Fluid Dynamicist, and a Thoughtful Bridge Between Science and Spirituality

Werner Heisenberg - Physicist, Fluid Dynamicist, and a Thoughtful Bridge Between Science and Spirituality

When I meet God, I’m going to ask him two questions: why relativity? And why turbulence? I really believe he’ll have an answer for the first.” [1]

This is a quote by Dr. Werner Heisenberg, a figure whose journey in quantum physics continues to captivate and inspire many. Renowned for his groundbreaking work on the uncertainty principle, which earned him a Nobel Prize, his research journey started with conventional fluid mechanics. In fact, he was among the pioneers who unearthed that the Tollmien-Schlichting waves are responsible for the transition to shear turbulence in 1924 [2,3].

A brief, sad history of his doctoral defense: theory vs experiments [4]

Returning to Munich in 1923, Heisenberg completed his doctoral thesis under the guidance of Arnold Sommerfeld. Despite grappling with an experimental physics lab course, he submitted a thesis delving into the stability and turbulence of liquid currents within the domain of hydrodynamics. His oral exam was marked by challenges, leading to passing grades amid a spirited debate between Sommerfeld and Willy Wien over the significance of theory versus experimentation. Though his experimental struggles were evident, Heisenberg's theoretical acumen shone through, eventually paving the way for his contributions to uncertainty principles and his profound impact on the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics.

Thoughts on religion and/vs science

Heisenberg's intriguing blend of deep religiosity and rigorous scientific pursuit is thought-provoking. His affinity for Eastern philosophies lends an interesting perspective to the discourse on reconciling faith and scientific inquiry. It can lead to one asking, is it always science vs religion? How to perceive religious ideas that have been shown to violate science vs ideas that are still not contradicted yet? In Heisenberg's words:

The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.” [5]


[1] Mysteries of Turbulence Unraveled, Scientific American: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/mysteries-of-turbulence-unraveled/

[2] HEISENBERG, W. 1924 Ann. Physic. 74, p. 577; trans as MACA T.M. 1291 (1951)

[3] Shear Turbulence: Onset and Structure, GFD Lecture notes, U Wisconsin-Madison:


[4] The Sad Story of Heisenberg's Doctoral Oral Exam, APS News: https://www.aps.org/publications/apsnews/199801/heisenberg.cfm

[5] Heisenberg, Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werner_Heisenberg

Mark Alan Bartholomew

Applied physics.(....the work presented here is entirely new)


This is a game changer.   One Principle defines nature; Robust Entanglement.     Nothing truly collides.    Understanding nature in this way allows us to realize energy in four new ways; to experience atomic interactions, chemistries, mathematics, physics in a new way; to educate our children and adults better, as we come to understand the human condition and nature better; and finally, to understand the physical connection of me to you, you to me.    Now would you to please join me and 182 distinguished faculty, academicians and theologians, and industry professionals, some of which are listed in the links provided below. There are five discussions you may join: physics & mathematics; and four discussions "downstream," including theology, diet & disease, aging & evolution, education and cognition, in light of this one principle. But the fun part: ...when we describe nature in one principle, it becomes a religious matter.   Most would call this "one principle" to define nature, love.    Faith, becomes the sophistication of science, replacing scientific observation. Of course this may be a faith that most do not recognize. And, is a most exquisite understanding.   MARK applied physics

Saranya R. Chandran

Research Assistant at NATMO


It’s interesting!

Sulaiman Akram Aldeen

Aerospace-Mechanical Engineer I Researcher @KAUST I Projects management expert I VP of Public Relations


Thanks for sharing Mohammad Afzal Shadab ‘ Dr. Werner is one the best people in science

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