Polysemy 276, Etymology 157, Portuguese: “zurzir, zunzum” different meanings, etymology, observations

Polysemy 276, Etymology 157, Portuguese: “zurzir, zunzum” different meanings, etymology, observations

Polysemy 276, Etymology 157, Portuguese: “zurzir, zunzum” different meanings, etymology, observations


1) zurzir


zur.zir zurˈzir


verbo transitivo

1. açoitar; vergastar

2. espancar

3. castigar

4. figurado repreender com severidade; criticar asperamente


From Latin sarcīre, «remendar» [repair or restore], through Spanish zurcir, «idem»

English translation

1) to flog, to lash, to switch

2) to beat, to batter, to devastate, to trash

3) to punish, to hurt

4) to scold severely, to criticize severely


Observation: As you can see, one of the main meanings of “zurzir” is to verbally attack severely, be it through scolding or criticism. The other option is to physical beat or flog or lash or switch or to trash someone.

The third meaning, to hurt or punish someone combines the verbal or physical attack or refers to one of the other.



2) zunzum


zun.zum zũˈzũ

nome masculino

1. zumbido; zunido

2. figurado ruído indistinto

3. figurado notícia vaga; rumor

4. figurado; boato; mexerico



English translation

1)  buzz, buzzing, hum, humming

2) whir, whirr, drone

3) unverified news, rumor

4) rumor, gossip


Observation: the translation depends on whether we are talking about a distinct  sound, a vague ound, unverified news or rumors, or rumors that are gossip.




Oxford Portuguese Dictionary


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