Giving Us All a New Channel for Reaching Remote Workers - Introducing SLGO from Float

Giving Us All a New Channel for Reaching Remote Workers - Introducing SLGO from Float

What a wild few weeks we are experiencing worldwide. I had trips planned, conferences to attend and speak at and actually a vacation planned in there, too. (Hopefully, we’ll see you soon, South Padre). All cancelled. Fast forward to today and I’m looking at a few weeks more of working mostly from home, and depending on the severity of the situation we are facing, it could be entirely from home and completely working remotely for quite a while longer. That’s a big adjustment for me. I’ve been traveling to the same office, via a short car trip through rural Illinois for the larger part of two decades. Now, I’m here in my home office, conducting conference calls, online meetings, and consuming learning content in various eLearning formats. With kids at home from school and two very needy dogs (they like attention) – it’s challenging to say the least.

I’m hearing from friends and family that many of us are lucky enough to have jobs that allow this new reality, that they are facing the same things. A common challenge? Organizations that had historically been face to face (F2F) driven are being forced to rethink how they connect, how they communicate and how they educate their employees.

Online learning, eLearning, WBT, CBT, distributed learning – the name may vary, but the medium is basically the same, and the overarching goals are similar. Many companies have been doing this as standard delivery for years now, but often as an adjunct in a “blended learning environment”. What is the new blend when we move from a world where having in-person training is the usual, to a world where it simply might not be possible?

Float has been a leader in the move to mobile since our foundation in 2010. We’ve developed dozens of apps and tools to aid in remote learning and leverage the power of mobile to improve performance.

We’re taking steps to advance that even further today. Starting immediately, we’ve made a version of our advanced SparkLearn platform available for organizations for no charge. Dubbed SLGO, this streamlined version offers organizations an easy channel to get content out to employees in a nearly immediate timeframe. 

We can deliver office files, videos, PDFs, and of course responsive content to learners globally. All of it is online, powered by highly scalable cloud servers and backed by XAPI.

SLGO features a mobile app for iOS and Android as well as a responsive web interface. The easy to use CMS allows you to create content directly, but also load your existing media, too.

We’ve partnered with our friends at TorranceLearning to get some great content on virtual workforce/teleworking tips as well as some course materials on COVID-19 to help you in this new reality. Additionally, we’ve also partnered with the folks at Veracity Learning to secure you access to their groundbreaking LRS so you can get access to learning analytics immediately.

We’ve got a signup page at If your organization needs a channel to reach your audience and you simply don’t have the time to waste, go there and sign up today. We’re accepting a limited number of participants, so be sure to get set up right away.

We’re all in this together. Stay safe. Stay healthy.

– Chad

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