Jeff Helmus’ Post

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Artificial Intelligence | Sales & Marketing | Intelligent Process Automation

Exciting News From OpenAI! OpenAI has rolled out a substantial update to its large language model API offerings, including GPT-4 and GPT-3.5-turbo. Here’s why it matters: 1️⃣ Extended Context Window: The new gpt-3.5-turbo-16k version comes with a 16,000-token context window, 4x larger than the standard 4,000-token version! This allows processing around 20 pages of text in one go, opening up a whole new realm of possibilities for processing and generating extensive content! 2️⃣ Function Calling Capability: Devs, rejoice! 🎉 The Chat Completions API now supports function calling, allowing chatbots to execute tasks such as making API calls, sending emails, and database queries more efficiently. 3️⃣ Enhanced Steerability: OpenAI introduces improved steerability via the system message, ensuring that the model behaves according to specified instructions. Imagine chatting with a model in character as your favorite book character! 4️⃣ Significant Cost Reductions: The update includes a 25% price reduction for GPT-3.5-turbo input tokens and a whopping 75% cut for the "ada" embeddings model! This makes it more accessible and cost-effective for developers to build and scale AI applications. 💰 #OpenAI #GPT4 #LLM

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